UNIVERSITY OF C LFORN A SAN DIEGO 3 182201941 1214 f H;SS~ v JOLLA, CAL/FORNIA DIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SAN Oil 3 182201941 1214 I 1 AM NOT EXACTLY A GUEST, HE STAMMERED." Page 4 IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS By ROBERT BARR Author of "Tekla," "A Woman Intervenes," "The Mutable Many," "The Face and the Mask," "The Strong Arm, "etc. Frontispiece by Harrison Fisher GROSSET & DUNLAP PUBLISHERS : NEW YORK Copyright, 1894, 1900, by FREDERICK A. STOKES COMPANY ******************* * * * * * :: ft v~ v- ~> :: ^:- * V v * To E. B. i- 1-1. Mil H. -M H--I-4- 4- * ft ft ft **********#******** IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS CHAPTER I. IN the marble-floored vestibule of the Metropoli- tan Grand Hotel in Buffalo, Professor Stillson Renmark stood and looked about him with the anxious manner of a person unused to the gaudy splendour of the modern American house of enter- tainment. The professor had paused halfway be- tween the door and the marble counter, because he began to fear that he had arrived at an inopportune time, when something unusual was going on. The hurry and bustle bewildered him. An omnibus, partly filled with passengers, was standing at the door, its steps backed over the curb- stone, and beside it was a broad, flat van, on which stalwart porters were heaving great square, iron- bound trunks belonging to commercial travellers, and the more fragile, but not less bulky, Saratogas, doubtless the property of the ladies who sat pa- tiently in the omnibus. Another vehicle which had just arrived was backing up to the curb, and the irate driver used language suitable to the occasion ; I 2 IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS for the two restive horses were not behaving exactly in the way he liked. A man with a stentorian, but monotonous and mournful, voice was filling the air with the informa- tion that a train was about to depart for Albany, Saratoga, Troy, Boston, New York, and the East. When he came to the words " the East," his voice dropped to a sad minor key, as if the man despaired of the fate of those who took their departure in that direction. Every now and then a brazen gong sounded sharply ; and one of the negroes who sat in a row on a bench along the marble-panelled wall sprang forward to the counter, took somebody's handbag, and disappeared in the direction of the elevator with the newly arrived guest following him. Groups of men stood here and there conversing, heedless of the rush of arrival and departure around them. Before the broad and lofty plate-glass windows sat a row of men, some talking, some reading, and some gazing outside, but all with their feet on the brass rail which had been apparently put there for that purpose. Nearly everybody was smoking a cigar. A lady of dignified mien came down the hall to the front of the counter, and spoke quietly to the clerk, who bent his well-groomed head deferentially on one side as he listened to what she had to say. The men instantly made way for her. She passed along among them as composedly as if she were in her own drawing-room, inclining her head slightly to one or other of her acquaintances, which saluta- IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS 3 tion was gravely acknowledged by the raising of the hat and the temporary removal of the cigar from the lips. All this was very strange to the professor, and he felt himself in a new world, with whose customs he was not familiar. Nobody paid the slightest atten- tion to him as he stood there among it all with his satchel in his hand. As he timidly edged up to the counter, and tried to accumulate courage enough to address the clerk, a young man came forward, flung his handbag on the polished top of the counter, metaphorically brushed the professor aside, pulled the bulky register toward him, and inscribed his name on the page with a rapidity equalled only by the illegibility of the result. " Hello, Sam ! " he said to the clerk. " How's things ? Get my telegram ? " "Yes," answered the clerk; "but I can't give you 27. It's been taken for a week. I reserved 85 for you, and had to hold on with my teeth to do that." The reply of the young man was merely a brief mention of the place of torment. " It is hot," said the clerk blandly. " In from Cleveland ? " "Yes. Any letters for me?" " Couple of telegrams. You'll find them up in 8 5 ." " Oh, you were cocksure I'd take that room ? " " I was cocksure you'd have to. It is either that or the fifth floor. We're full. Couldn't give a bet- ter room to the President if he came." 4 IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS " Oh, well, what's good enough for the President I can put up with for a couple of days." The hand of the clerk descended on the bell. The negro sprang forward and took the " grip." "Eighty-five," said the clerk; and the drummer and the negro disappeared. " Is there any place where I could leave my bag for a while ? " the professor at last said timidly to the clerk. "Your bag?" The professor held it up in view. " Oh, your grip. Certainly. Have a room, sir?" And the clerk's hand hovered over the bell. " No. At least, not just yet. You see, I'm " All right. The baggage man there to the left will check it for you." " Any letters for Bond ? " said a man, pushing himself in front of the professor. The clerk pulled out a fat bunch of letters from the compartment marked " B," and handed the whole lot to the in- quirer, who went rapidly over them, selected two that appeared to be addressed to him, and gave the letters a shove toward the clerk, who placed them where they were before. The professor paused a moment, then, realising that the clerk had forgotten him, sought the bag- gage man, whom he found in a room filled with trunks and valises. The room communicated with the great hall by means of a square opening whose lower ledge was breast high. The professor stood before it, and handed the valise to the man behind IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS 5 this opening, who rapidly attached one brass check to the handle with a leather thong, and flung the other piece of brass to the professor. The latter was not sure but there was something to pay, still he quite correctly assumed that if there had been the somewhat brusque man would have had no hesita- tion in mentioning the fact ; in which surmise his natural common sense proved a sure guide among strange surroundings. There was no false delicacy about the baggage man. Although the professor was to a certain extent bewildered by the condition of things, there was still in his nature a certain dogged persistence that had before now stood him in good stead, and which had enabled him to distance, in the long run, much more brilliant men. He was not at all satis- fied with his brief interview with the clerk. He re- solved to approach that busy individual again, if he could arrest his attention. It was some time before he caught the speaker's eye, as it were, but when he did so, he said : " I was about to say to you that I am waiting for a friend from New York who may not yet have ar- rived. His name is Mr. Richard Yates of the " " Oh, Dick Yates ! Certainly. He's here." Turning to the negro, he said : " Go down to the billiard room and see if Mr. Yates is there. If he is not, look for him at the bar." The clerk evidently knew Mr. Dick Yates. Ap- parently not noticing the look of amazement that had stolen over the professor's face, the clerk said ; 6 IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS " If you wait in the reading-room, I'll send Yates to you when he comes. The boy will find him if he's in the house ; but he may be up town." The professor, disliking to trouble the obliging clerk further, did not ask him where the reading- room was. He inquired, instead, of a hurrying por- ter, and received the curt but comprehensive answer : " Dining-room next floor. Reading, smoking, and writing-rooms up the hall. Billiard room, bar, and lavatory down-stairs." The professor, after getting into the barber shop and the cigar store, finally found his way into the reading-room. Numerous daily papers were scat- tered around on the table, each attached to a long, clumsy cleft-holder made of wood ; while other jour- nals, similarly encumbered, hung from racks against the wall. The professor sat down in one of the easy leather-covered chairs, but, instead of taking up a paper, drew a thin book from his pocket, in which he was soon so absorbed that he became entirely unconscious of his strange surroundings. A light touch on the shoulder brought him up from his book into the world again, and he saw, looking down on him, the stern face of a heavily mustached stranger. " I beg your pardon, sir, but may I ask if you are a guest of this house ? " A shade of apprehension crossed the professor's face as he slipped the book into his pocket. He had felt vaguely that he was trespassing when he first entered the hotel, and now his doubts were confirmed. " I I am not exactly a guest," he stammered. " What do you mean by not exactly a guest ? " continued the other, regarding the professor with a cold and scrutinising gaze. " A man is either a guest or he is not, I take it. Which is it in your case ? " " I presume, technically speaking, I am not." " Technically speaking ! More evasions. Let me ask you, sir, as an ostensibly honest man, if you imagine that all this luxury this this elegance is maintained for nothing ? Do you think, sir, that it is provided for any man who has cheek enough to step out of the street and enjoy it? Is it kept up, I ask, for people who are, technically speaking, not guests?" The expression of conscious guilt deepened on the face of the unfortunate professor. He had nothing to say. He realised that his conduct was too fla- grant to admit of defence, so he attempted none. Suddenly the countenance of his questioner lit up with a smile, and he smote the professor on the shoulder. " Well, old stick-in-the-mud, you haven't changed a particle in fifteen years ! You don't mean to pre- tend you don't know me ? " " You can't you can't be Richard Yates?" " I not only can, but I can't be anybody else. I know, because I have often tried. Well, well, well, well ! Stilly we used to call you ; don't you re- member? I'll never forget that time we sang ' Oft in the stilly night ' in front of your window when 8 IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS you were studying for the exams. You always were a quiet fellow, Stilly. I've been waiting for you nearly a whole day. I was up just now with a party of friends when the boy brought me your card a little philanthropic gathering sort of mutual benefit arrangement, you know: each of us contributed what we could spare to a general fund, which was given to some deserving person in the crowd." " Yes," said the professor drily. " I heard the clerk telling the boy where he would be most likely to find you." "Oh, you did, eh?" cried Yates, with a laugh. " Yes, Sam generally knows where to send for me ; but he needn't have been so darned public about it. Being a newspaper man, I know what ought to be in print and what should have the blue pencil run through it. Sam is very discreet, as a general thing; but then he knew, of course, the moment he set eyes on you, that you were an old pal of mine." Again Yates laughed, a very bright and cheery laugh for so evidently wicked a man. " Come along," he said, taking the professor by the arm. " We must get you located." They passed out into the hall, and drew up at the clerk's counter. " I say, Sam," cried Yates, " can't you do some- thing better for us than the fifth floor? I didn't come to Buffalo to engage in ballooning. No sky parlours for me, if I can help it." " I'm sorry, Dick," said the clerk ; " but I expect IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS 9 the fifth floor will be gone when the Chicago express gets in." " Well, what can you do for us, anyhow?" "I can let you have 518. That's the next room to yours. Really, they're the most comfortable rooms in the house this weather. Fine lookout over the lake. I wouldn't mind having a sight of the lake myself, if I could leave the desk." "All right. But I didn't come to look at the lake, nor yet at the railroad tracks this side, nor at Buffalo Creek either, beautiful and romantic as it is, nor to listen to the clanging of the ten thousand locomotives that pass within hearing distance for the delight of your guests. The fact is that, always excepting Chicago, Buffalo is more like for the professor's sake I'll say Hades, than any other place in America." " Oh, Buffalo's all right," said the clerk, with that feeling of local loyalty which all Americans possess. " Say, are you here on this Fenian snap ? " " What Fenian snap ? " asked the newspaper man. "Oh! don't you know about it? I thought, the moment I saw you, that you were here for this affair. Well, don't say I told you, but I can put you on to one of the big guns if you want the par- ticulars. They say they're going to take Canada. I told 'em that I wouldn't have Canada as a gift, let alone fight for it. I've been there." Yates' newspaper instinct thrilled him as he thought of the possible sensation. Then the light slowly died out of his eyes when he looked at the 10 IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS professor, who had flushed somewhat and com- pressed his lips as he listened to the slighting remarks on his country. " Well, Sam," said the newspaper man at last, " it isn't more than once in a lifetime that you'll find me give the go-by to a piece of news, but the fact is I'm on my vacation just now. About the first I've had for fifteen years ; so, you see, I must take care of it. No, let the Argus get scooped, if it wants to. They'll value my services all the more when I get back. No. 518, I think you said?" The clerk handed over the key, and the professor gave the boy the check for his valise at Yates* suggestion. " Now, get a move on you," said Yates to the elevator boy. " We're going right through with you." And so the two friends were shot up together to the fifth floor. CHAPTER II. THE sky parlour, as Yates had termed it, certainly commanded a very extensive view. Immediately underneath was a wilderness of roofs. Farther along were the railway tracks that Yates objected to; and a line of masts and propeller funnels marked the windings of Buffalo Creek, along whose banks arose numerous huge elevators, each marked by some tremendous letter of the alphabet, done in white paint against the sombre brown of the big building. Still farther to the west was a more grateful and comforting sight for a hot day. The blue lake, dot- ted with white sails and an occasional trail of smoke, lay shimmering under the broiling sun. Over the water, through the distant summer haze, there could be seen the dim line of the Canadian shore. " Sit you down," cried Yates, putting both hands on the other's shoulders, and pushing his friend into a chair near the window. Then, placing his finger on the electric button, he added : " What will you drink?" " I'll take a glass of water, if it can be had with- out trouble," said Renmark. Yates' hand dropped from the electric button hope- 12 IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS lessly to his side, and he looked reproachfully at the professor. " Great Heavens ! " he cried, " have something mild. Don't go rashly in for Buffalo water before you realize what it is made of. Work up to it gradually. Try a sherry cobbler or a milk shake as a starter." " Thank you, no. A glass of water will do very well for me. Order what you like for yourself." " Thanks, I can be depended on for doing that." He pushed the button, and, when the boy appeared, said : " Bring up an iced cobbler, and charge it to Professor Renmark, No. 518. Bring also a pitcher of ice water for Yates, No. 520. There," he con- tinued gleefully, " I'm going to have all the drinks, except the ice water, charged to you. I'll pay the bill, but I'll keep the account to hold over your head in the future. Professor Stillson Renmark, debtor to Metropolitan Grand one sherry cobbler, one gin sling, one whisky cocktail, and so on. Now, then, Stilly, let's talk business. You're not married, I take it, or you wouldn't have responded to my invitation so promptly." The professor shook his head. " Neither am I. You never had the courage to propose to a girl; and I never had the time." " Lack of self-conceit was not your failing in the old days, Richard," said Renmark quietly. Yates laughed. " Well, it didn't hold me back any, to my knowledge. Now I'll tell you how I've got along since we attended old Scragmore's acad- emy together, fifteen years ago. How time does fly! When I left, I tried teaching for one short IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS 13 month. I had some theories on the education of our youth which did not seem to chime in with the prejudices the school trustees had already formed on the subject." The professor was at once all attention. Touch a man on his business, and he generally responds by being interested. " And what were your theories? " he asked. " Well, I thought a teacher should look after the physical as well as the mental welfare of his pupils. It did not seem to me that his duty to those under his charge ended with mere book learning." " I quite agree with you," said the professor cordially. "Thanks. Well, the trustees didn't. I joined the boys at their games, hoping my example would have an influence on their conduct on the play- ground as well as in the schoolroom. We got up a rattling good cricket club. You may not remember that I stood rather better at cricket at the academy than I did in mathematics or grammar. By handi- capping me with several poor players, and having the best batsmen among the boys in opposition, we made a pretty evenly matched team at school sec- tion No. 12. One day, at noon, we began a game. The grounds were in excellent condition, and the opposition boys were at their best. My side was getting the worst of it. I was very much interested ; and, when one o'clock came, I thought it a pity to call school and spoil so good and interesting a con- test. The boys were unanimously of the same I 4 IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS opinion. The girls were happy, picnicking under the trees. So we played cricket all the afternoon." " I think that was carrying your theory a little too far," said the professor dubiously. "Just what the trustees thought when they came to hear of it. So they dismissed me ; and I think my leaving was the only case on record where the pupils genuinely mourned a teacher's departure. I shook the dust of Canada from my feet, and have never regretted it. I tramped to Buffalo, continu- ing to shake the dust off at every step. (Hello ! here's your drinks at last, Stilly. I had forgotten about them an unusual thing with me. That's all right, boy; charge it to room 518. Ah! that hits the spot on a hot day.) Well, where was I ? Oh, yes, at Buffalo. I got a place on a paper here, at just enough to keep life in me; but I liked the work. Then I drifted to Rochester at a bigger salary, afterward to Albany at a still bigger salary, and of course Albany is only a few hours from New York, and that is where all newspaper men ultimately land, if they are worth their salt. I saw a small section of the war as special correspondent, got hurt, and rounded up in the hospital. Since then, although only a reporter, I am about the top of the tree in that line, and make enough money to pay my poker debts and purchase iced drinks to soothe the asperi- ties of the game. When there is anything big going on anywhere in the country, I am there, with other fellows, to do the drudgery ; I writing the picturesque descriptions and interviewing the big men. My stuff IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS 15 goes red-hot over the telegraph wire, and the humble postage stamp knows my envelopes no more. I am acquainted with every hotel clerk that amounts to anything from New York to San Francisco. If I could save money, I should be rich, for I make plenty ; but the hole at the top of my trousers pocket has lost me a lot of cash, and I don't seem to be able to get it mended. Now, you've listened with your customary patience in order to give my self-esteem, as you called it, full sway. I am grateful. I will reciprocate. How about yourself ?" The professor spoke slowly. " I have had no such adventurous career," he began. " I have not shaken Canadian dust from my feet, and have not made any great success. I have simply plodded ; and am in no danger of becoming rich, although I suppose I spend as little as any man. After you were expel after you left the aca " " Don't mutilate the good old English language, Stilly. You were right in the first place. I am not thin-skinned. You were saying after I was expelled. Go on." " I thought perhaps it might be a sore subject. You remember, you were very indignant at the time, and " Of course I was and am still, for that matter. It was an outrage ! " " I thought it was proved that you helped to put the pony in the principal's room." "Oh, certainly. That. Of course. But what I detested was the way the principal worked the thing. 16 IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS He allowed that villain Spink to turn evidence against us, and Spink stated I originated the affair, whereas I could claim no such honour. It was Spink's own project, which I fell in with, as I did with every disreputable thing proposed. Of course the prin- cipal believed at once that I was the chief criminal. Do you happen to know if Spink has been hanged yet?" " I believe he is a very reputable business man in Montreal, and much respected." " I might have suspected that. Well, you keep your eye on the respected Spink. If he doesn't fail some day, and make a lot of money, I'm a Dutch- man. But go on. This is digression. By the way, just push that electric button. You're nearest, and it is too hot to move. Thanks. After I was ex- pelled " After your departure I took a diploma, and for a year or two taught a class in the academy. Then, as I studied during my spare time, I got a chance as master of a grammar school near Toronto, chiefly, as I think, through the recommendation of Prin- cipal Scragmore. I had my degree by this time. Then- There was a gentle tap at the door. "Come in!" shouted Yates. "Oh, it's you. Just bring up another cooling cobbler, will you? and charge it, as before, to Professor Renmark, room 518. Yes; and then " And then there came the opening in University College, Toronto. I had the good fortune to be IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS 17 appointed. There I am still, and there I suppose I shall stay. I know very few people, and am better acquainted with books than with men. Those whom I have the privilege of knowing are mostly studious persons, who have made, or will make, their mark in the world of learning. I have not had your advan- tage of meeting statesmen who guide the destinies of a great empire." " No ; you always were lucky, Stilly. My expe- rience is that the chaps who do the guiding are more anxious about their own pockets, or their own polit- ical advancement, than they are of the destinies. Still, the empire seems to take its course westward just the same. So old Scragmore's been your friend, has he?" " He has, indeed." " Well, he insulted me only the other day." "You astonish me. I cannot imagine so gentle- manly and scholarly a man as Principal Scragmore insulting anybody." " Oh, you don't know him as I do. It was like this : I wanted to find out where you were, for rea- sons that I shall state hereafter. I cudgelled my brains, and then thought of old Scrag. I wrote him, and inclosed a stamped and addressed envelope, as all unsought contributors should do. He an- swered But I have his reply somewhere. You shall read it for yourself." Yates pulled from his inside pocket a bundle of letters, which he hurriedly fingered over, commenting in a low voice as he did so : "I thought I answered 2 i8 IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS that. Still, no matter. Jingo ! haven't I paid that bill yet? This pass is run out. Must get another." Then he smiled and sighed as he looked at a letter in dainty handwriting ; but apparently he could not find the document he sought. " Oh, well, it doesn't matter. I have it somewhere. He returned me the prepaid envelope, and reminded me that United States stamps were of no use in Canada, which of course I should have remembered. But he didn't pay the postage on his own letter, so that I had to fork out double. Still, I don't mind that, only as an indication of his meanness. He went on to say that, of all the members of our class, you you ! were the only one who had reflected credit on it. That was the insult. The idea of his making such a statement, when I had told him I was on the New York Argus ! Credit to the class, in- deed ! I wonder if he ever heard of Brown after he was expelled. You know, of course. No ? Well, Brown, by his own exertions, became president of the Alum Bank in New York, wrecked it, and got off to Canada with a clear half-million. Yes, sir. I saw him in Quebec not six months ago. Keeps the finest span and carriage in the city, and lives in a palace. Could buy out old Scragmore a thousand times, and never feel it. Most liberal contributor to the cause of education that there is in Canada. He says education made him, and he's not a man to go back on education. And yet Scragmore has the cheek to say that you were the only man in the class who reflects credit on it ! " IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS 19 The professor smiled quietly as the excited jour- nalist took a cooling sip of the cobbler. "You see, Yates, people's opinions differ. A man like Brown may not be Principal Scragmore's ideal. The principal may be local in his estimate of a suc- cessful man, or of one who reflects credit on his teaching." " Local ? You bet he's local. Too darned local for me. It would do that man good to live in New York for a year. But I'm going to get even with him. I'm going to write him up. I'll give him a column and a half ; see if I don't. I'll get his pho- tograph, and publish a newspaper portrait of him. If that doesn't make him quake, he's a cast-iron man. Say, you haven't a photograph of old Scrag that you can lend me, have you ? " " I have ; but I won't lend it for such a purpose. However, never mind the principal. Tell me your plans. I am at your disposal for a couple of weeks, or longer if necessary." " Good boy ! Well, I'll tell you how it is. I want rest and quiet, and the woods, for a week or two. This is how it happened : I have been steadily at the grindstone, except for a while in the hospital ; and that, you will admit, is not much of a vacation. The work interests me, and I am always in the thick of it. Now, it's like this in the newspaper business: Your chief is never the person to suggest that you take a vacation. He is usually short of men and long on things to do, so if you don't worry him into letting you off, he won't lose any sleep over it. He's 20 IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS content to let well enough alone every time. Then there is always somebody who wants to get away on pressing business, grandmother's funeral, and that sort of thing, so if a fellow is content to work right along, his chief is quite content to let him. That's the way affairs have gone for years with me. The other week I went over to Washington to interview a senator on the political prospects. I tell you what it is, Stilly, without bragging, there are some big men in the States whom no one but me can inter- view. And yet old Scrag says I'm no credit to his class ! Why, last year my political predictions were telegraphed all over this country, and have since appeared in the European press. No credit ! By Jove, I would like to have old Scrag in a twenty- four-foot ring, with thin gloves on, for about ten minutes ! " " I doubt if he would shine under those circum- stances. But never mind him. He spoke, for once, without due reflection, and with perhaps an exag- gerated remembrance of your school-day offenses. What happened when you went to Washington?" " A strange thing happened. When I was admit- ted to the senator's library, I saw another fellow, whom I thought I knew, sitting there. I said to the senator : ' I will come when you are alone.' The senator looked up in surprise, and said : ' I am alone.' I didn't say anything, but went on with my interview ; and the other fellow took notes all the time. I didn't like this, but said nothing, for the senator is not a man to offend, and it is by not IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS 21 offending these fellows that I can get the informa- tion I do. Well, the other fellow came out with me, and as I looked at him I saw that he was my- self. This did not strike me as strange at the time, but I argued with him all the way to New York, and tried to show him that he wasn't treating me fairly. I wrote up the interview, with the other fellow in- terfering all the while, so I compromised, and half the time put in what he suggested, and half the time what I wanted in myself. When the political editor went over the stuff he looked alarmed. I told him frankly just how I had been interfered with, and he looked none the less alarmed when I had finished. He sent at once for a doctor. The doctor meta- phorically took me to pieces, and then said to my chief : ' This man is simply worked to death. He must have a vacation, and a real one, with absolutely nothing to think of, or he is going to collapse, and that with a suddenness which will surprise everybody.' The chief, to my astonishment, consented without a murmur, and even upbraided me for not going away sooner. Then the doctor said to me : ' You get some companion some man with no brains, if pos- sible, who will not discuss politics, who has no opin- ion on anything that any sane man would care to talk about, and who couldn't say a bright thing if he tried for a year. Get such a man to go off to the woods somewhere. Up in Maine or in Canada. As far away from post offices and telegraph offices as possible. And, by the way, don't leave your address at the Argus office.' Thus it happened, Stilly, when 22 IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS he described this man so graphically, I at once thought of you." " I am deeply gratified, I am sure," said the pro- fessor, with the ghost of a smile, " to be so promptly remembered in such a connection, and if I can be of service to you, I shall be very glad. I take it, then, that you have no intention of stopping in Buffalo ? '' " You bet I haven't. I'm in for the forest prime- val, the murmuring pines and the hemlock, bearded with moss and green in the something or other I forget the rest. I want to quit lying on paper, and lie on my back instead, on the sward or in the ham- mock. I'm going to avoid all boarding houses or delightful summer resorts, and go in for the quiet of the forest." " There ought to be some nice places along the lake shore." " No, sir. No lake shore for me. It would re- mind me of the Lake Shore Railroad when it was calm, and of Long Branch when it was rough. No, sir. The woods, the woods, and the woods. I have hired a tent and a lot of cooking things. I'm going to take that tent over to Canada to-morrow ; and then I propose we engage a man with a team to cart it somewhere into the woods, fifteen or twenty miles away. We shall have to be near a farmhouse, so that we can get fresh butter, milk, and eggs. This, of course, is a disadvantage ; but I shall try to get near some one who has never even heard of New York." " You may find that somewhat difficult." IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS 23 " Oh, I don't know. I have great hopes of the lack of intelligence in the Canadians." ' Often the narrowest," said the professor slowly, " are those who think themselves the most cosmo- politan." " Right you are," cried Yates, skimming lightly over the remark, and seeing nothing applicable to his case in it. " Well, I've laid in about half a ton, more or less, of tobacco, and have bought an empty jug." " An empty one ? " " Yes. Among the few things worth having that the Canadians possess, is good whisky. Besides, the empty jar will save trouble at the custom-house. I don't suppose Canadian rye is as good as the Ken- tucky article, but you and I will have to scrub along on it for a while. And, talking of whisky, just press the button once again." The professor did so, saying : " The doctor made no remark, I suppose, about drinking less or smoking less, did he ? " " In my case? Well, come to think of it, there was some conversation in that direction. Don't remember at the moment just what it amounted to ; but all physicians have their little fads, you know. It doesn't do to humour them too much. Ah, boy, there you are again. Well the professor wants another drink. Make it a gin fizz this time, and put plenty of ice in it ; but don't neglect the gin on that account. Certainly ; charge it to room 518." CHAPTER III. "WHAT'S all this tackle?" asked the burly and somewhat red-faced customs officer at Fort Erie. " This," said Yates, " is a tent, with the poles and pegs appertaining thereto. These are a number of packages of tobacco, on which I shall doubtless have to pay something into the exchequer of her Majesty. This is a jug used for the holding of liquids. I beg to call your attention to the fact that it is at present empty, which unfortunately prevents me making a libation to the rites of good- fellowship. What my friend has in that valise I don't know, but I suspect a gambling outfit, and would advise you to search him." " My valise contains books principally, with some articles of wearing apparel," said the professor, opening his grip. The customs officer looked with suspicion on the whole outfit, and evidently did not like the tone of the American. He seemed to be treating the cus- toms department in a light and airy manner, and the officer was too much impressed by the dignity of his position not to resent flippancy. Besides, there were rumours of Fenian invasion in the air, and the 24 IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS 25 officer resolved that no Fenian should get into the country without paying duty. " Where are you going with this tent ? " " I am sure I don't know. Perhaps you can tell us. I don't know the country about here. Say, Stilly, I'm off up-town to attend to the emptiness in this stone utensil. I've been empty too often my- self not to sympathise with its condition. You wrestle this matter out about the tent. You know the ways of the country, whereas I don't." It was perhaps as well that Yates left negotiations in the hands of his friend. He was quick enough to see that he made no headway with the officer, but rather the opposite. He slung the jar ostentatiously over his shoulder, to the evident discomfort of the professor, and marched up the hill to the nearest tavern, whistling one of the lately popular war tunes. " Now," he said to the barkeeper, placing the jar tenderly on the bar, " fill that up to the nozzle with the best rye you have. Fill it with the old familiar juice, as the late poet Omar saith." The bartender did as he was requested. " Can you disguise a little of that fluid in any way, so that it may be taken internally without a man suspecting what he is swallowing ? " The barkeeper smiled. " How would a cocktail fill the vacancy?" " I can suggest nothing better," replied Yates. " If you are sure you know how to make it." The man did not resent this imputation of igno- 26 IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS ranee. He merely said, with the air of one who gives an incontrovertible answer : " I am a Kentucky man myself." " Shake ! " cried Yates briefly, as he reached his hand across the bar. " How is it you happen to be here?" " Well, I got into a little trouble in Louisville, and here I am, where I can at least look at God's country." " Hold on," protested Yates. " You're making only one cocktail." " Didn't you say one ? " asked the man, pausing in the compounding. " Bless you, I never saw one cocktail made in my life. You are with me on this." " Just as you say," replied the other, as he pre- pared enough for two. " Now I'll tell you my fix," said Yates confiden- tially. " I've got a tent and some camp things down below at the custom-house shanty, and I want to get them taken into the woods, where I can camp out with a friend. I want a place where we can have absolute rest and quiet. Do you know the country round here? Perhaps you could recom- mend a spot." " Well, for all the time I've been here, I know precious little about the back country. I've been down the road to Niagara Falls, but never out into the woods. I suppose you want some place by the lake or the river ? " "No, I don't. I want to get clear back into the forest if there is a forest." IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS 27 " Well, there's a man in to-day from somewhere near Ridgeway, I think. He's got a hay-rack with him, and that would be just the thing to take your tent and poles. Wouldn't be very comfortable travelling for you, but it would be all right for the tent, if it's a big one." " That will suit us exactly. We don't care a cent about the comfort. Roughing it is what we came for. Where will I find him ? " " Oh, he'll be along here soon. That's his team tied there on the side street. If he happens to be in good humour, he'll take your things, and as like as not give you a place to camp in his woods. Hiranj Bartlett's his name. And, talking of the old Nick himself, here he is. I say, Mr. Bartlett, this gentle- man was wondering if you couldn't tote out some of his belongings. He's going out your way." Bartlett was a somewhat uncouth and wiry speci- men of the Canadian farmer who evidently paid little attention to the subject of dress. He said nothing, but looked in a lowering way at Yates, with something of contempt and suspicion in his glance. Yates had one receipt for making the acquaintance of all mankind. "Come in, Mr. Bartlett," he said cheerily, "and try one of my friend's excellent cocktails." " I take mine straight," growled Bartlett gruffly, although he stepped inside the open door. " I don't want no Yankee mixtures in mine. Plain whisky's good enough for any man, if he is a man. I 28 IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS don't take no water, neither. I've got trouble enough." The bartender winked at Yates as he shoved the decanter over to the newcomer. " Right you are," assented Yates cordially. The farmer did not thaw out in the least because of this prompt agreement with him, but sipped his whisky gloomily, as if it were a most disagreeable medicine. " What did you want me to take out ? " he said at last. " A friend and a tent, a jug of whisky and a lot of jolly good tobacco." " How much are you willing to pay ? " " Oh, I don't know. I'm always willing to do what's right. How would five dollars strike you ? " The farmer scowled and shook his head. "Too much," he said, as Yates was about to offer more. " 'Tain't worth it. Two and a half would be about the right figure. Don'no but that's too much. I'll think on it going home, and charge you what it's worth. I'll be ready to leave in about an hour, if that suits you. That's my team on the other side of the road. If it's gone when you come back, I'm gone, an* you'll have to get somebody else." With this Bartlett drew his coat-sleeve across his mouth and departed. " That's him exactly," said the barkeeper. " He's the most cantankerous crank in the township. And say, let me give you a pointer. If the subject of 1812 comes up, the war, you know, you'd bettei IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS 29 admit that we got thrashed out of our boots ; that is, if you want to get along with Hiram. He hates Yankees like poison." " And did we get thrashed in 1812 ?" asked Yates, who was more familiar with current topics than with the history of the past. " Blessed if I know. Hiram says we did. I told him once that we got what we wanted from old England, and he nearly hauled me over the bar. So I give you the warning, if you want to get along with him." "Thank you. I'll remember it. So long." This friendly hint from the man in the tavern offers a key to the solution of the problem of Yates' success on the New York press. He could get news when no other man could. Flippant and shallow as he undoubtedly was, he somehow got into the inner confidences of all sorts of men in a way that made them give him an inkling of anything that was going on for the mere love of him ; and thus Yates often received valuable assistance from his acquaintances which other reporters could not get for money. The New Yorker found the professor sitting on a bench by the custom-house, chatting with the officer, and gazing at the rapidly flowing broad blue river in front of them. " I have got a man," said Yates, " who will take us out into the wilderness in about an hour's time. Suppose we explore the town. I expect nobody will run away with the tent till we come back." " I'll look after that," said the officer; and, thank- 30 IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS ing him, the two friends strolled up the street. They were a trifle late in getting back, and when they reached the tavern, they found Bartlett just on the point of driving home. He gruffly consented to take them, if they did not keep him more than five minutes loading up. The tent and its belongings were speedily placed on the hay-rack, and then Bart- lett drove up to the tavern and waited, saying noth- ing, although he had been in such a hurry a few mo- ments before. Yates did not like to ask the cause of the delay ; so the three sat there silently. After a while Yates said as mildly as he could : " Are you waiting for anyone, Mr. Bartlett ? " "Yes," answered the driver in a surly tone, " I'm waiting for you to go in fur that jug. I don't sup- pose you rilled it to leave it on the counter." " By Jove ! " cried Yates, springing off, " I had forgotten all about it, which shows the extraordinary effect this country has on me already." The pro- fessor frowned, but Yates came out merrily, with the jar in his hand, and Bartlett started his team. They drove out of the village and up a slight hill, going for a mile or two along a straight and some- what sandy road. Then they turned into the Ridge Road, as Bartlett called it, in answer to a question by the professor, and there was no need to ask why it was so termed. It was a good highway, but rather stony, the road being, in places, on the bare rock. It paid not the slightest attention to Euclid's defini- tion of a straight line, and in this respect was rather a welcome change from the average American road. IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS 31 Sometimes they passed along avenues of overbranch- ing trees, which were evidently relics of the forest that once covered all the district. The road followed the ridge, and on each side were frequently to be seen wide vistas of lower lying country. All along the road were comfortable farmhouses ; and it was evident that a prosperous community flourished along the ridge. Bartlett spoke only once, and then to the pro- fessor, who sat next to him. " You a Canadian ? " " Yes." " Where's he from ? " " My friend is from New York," answered the in- nocent professor. " Humph ! " grunted Bartlett, scowling deeper than ever, after which he became silent again. The team was not going very fast, although neither the load nor the road was heavy. Bartlett was mutter- ing a good deal to himself, and now and then brought down his whip savagely on one or the other of the horses; but the moment the unfortunate animals quickened their pace he hauled them in roughly. Nevertheless, they were going quickly enough to be overtaking a young woman who was walking on alone. Although she must have heard them com- ing over the rocky road she did not turn her head, but walked along with the free and springy step of one who is not only accustomed to walking, but who likes it. Bartlett paid no attention to the girl ; the professor was endeavouring to read his thin book as 32 IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS well as a man might who is being jolted frequently; but Yates, as soon as he recognised that the pedes- trian was young, pulled up his collar, adjusted his necktie with care, and placed his hat in a somewhat more jaunty and fetching position. " Are you going to offer that girl a ride ? " he said to Bartlett. "No, I'm not." " I think that is rather uncivil," he added, forget- ting the warning he had had. " You do, eh ? Well, you offer her a ride. You hired the team." " By Jove ! I will," said Yates, placing his hand on the outside of the rack, and springing lightly to the ground. " Likely thing," growled Bartlett to the professor, " that she's going to ride with the like of him." The professor looked for a moment at Yates, po- litely taking off his hat to the apparently astonished young woman, but he said nothing. " Fur two cents," continued Bartlett, gathering up the reins, " I'd whip up the horses, and let him walk the rest of the way." " From what I know of my friend," answered the professor sic v.'y, " I think he would not object in the slightest." Bartlett muttered something to himself, and seemed to change his mind about galloping his horses. Meanwhile, Yates, as has been said, took off his hat with great politeness to the fair pedestrian, and IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS 33 as he did so he noticed, with a thrill of admiration, that she was very handsome. Yates always had an eye for the beautiful. " Our conveyance," he began, " is not as comfort- able as it might be, yet I shall be very happy if you will accept its hospitalities." The young woman flashed a brief glance at him from her dark eyes, and for a moment Yates feared that his language had been rather too choice for her rural understanding, but before he could amend his phrase she answered briefly : " Thank you. I prefer to walk." "Well, I don't know that I blame you. May I ask if you have come all the way from the village ? " " Yes." " That is a long distance, and you must be very tired." There was no reply; so Yates continued. " At least, I thought it a long distance ; but per- haps that was because I was riding on Bartlett's hay- rack. There is no ' downy bed of ease ' about his vehicle." As he spoke of the waggon he looked at it, and, striding forward to its side, said in a husky whisper to the professor : " Say, Stilly, cover up that jug with a flap of the tent." " Cover it up yourself," briefly replied the other ; "it isn't mine." Yates reached across and, in a sort of accidental way, threw the flap of the tent over the too con- 3 34 IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS spicuous jar. As an excuse for his action he took up his walking-cane and turned toward his new ac- quaintance. He was flattered to see that she was loitering some distance behind the waggon, and he speedily rejoined her. The girl, looking straight ahead, now quickened her pace, and rapidly short- ened the distance between herself and the vehicle. Yates, with the quickness characteristic of him, made up his mind that this was a case of country diffidence, which was best to be met by the bring- ing down of his conversation to the level of his hearer's intelligence. " Have you been marketing? " he asked. " Yes." " Butter and eggs, and that sort of thing?" " We are farmers," she answered, " and we sell butter and eggs " a pause " and that sort of thing." Yates laughed in his light and cheery way. As he twirled his cane he looked at his pretty com- panion. She was gazing anxiously ahead toward a turn in the road. Her comely face was slightly flushed, doubtless with the exercise of walking. " Now, in my country," continued the New-Yorker, " we idolise our women. Pretty girls don't tramp miles to market with butter and eggs." " Aren't the girls pretty in your country.? " Yates made a mental note that there was not as much rurality about this girl as he had thought at first. There was a piquancy about the conversation which he liked. That she shared his enjoyment IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS 35 was doubtful, for a slight line of resentment was noticeable on her smooth brow. " You bet they're pretty ! I think all American girls are pretty. It seems their birthright. When I say American, I mean the whole continent, of course. I'm from the States myself from New York." He gave an extra twirl to his cane as he said this, and bore himself with that air of conscious superiority which naturally pertains to a citizen of the metropolis. " But over in the States we think the men should do all the work and that the women should well, spend the money. I must do our ladies the justice to say that they attend strictly to their share of the arrangement." " It should be a delightful country to live in for the women." " They all say so. We used to have an adage to the effect that America was paradise for women, purgatory for men, and well, an entirely different sort of place for oxen." There was no doubt that Yates had a way of get- ting along with people. As he looked at his com- panion he was gratified to note just the faintest sus- picion of a smile hovering about her lips. Before she could answer, if she had intended to do so, there was a quick clatter of hoofs on the hard road ahead, and the next instant an elegant buggy, whose slen- der jet-black polished spokes flashed and twinkled in the sunlight, came dashing past the waggon. On seeing the two walking together, the driver hauled up his team with a suddenness that was 36 IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS evidently not relished by the spirited dappled span he drove. " Hello, Margaret ! " he cried ; " am I late ? Have you walked in all the way ? " " You are just in good time," answered the girl, without looking toward Yates, who stood aimlessly twirling his cane. The young woman put her foot on the buggy step, and sprang lightly in beside the driver. It needed no second glance to see that he was her brother, not only on account of the family ressemblance between them, but also because he al- lowed her to get into the buggy without offering the slightest assistance, which, indeed, was not needed, and graciously permitted her to place the duster that covered his knees over her own lap as well. The restive team trotted rapidly down the road for a few rods, until they came to a wide place in the highway, and then whirled round seemingly within an ace of upsetting the buggy ; but the young man evidently knew his business, and held them in with a firm hand. The waggon was jogging along where the road was very narrow, and Bartlett kept his team stolidly in the centre of the way. " Hello, there, Bartlett ! " shouted the young man in the buggy ; " half the road, you know half the road." " Take it," cried Bartlett over his shoulder. " Come, come, Bartlett, get out of the way, or I'll run you down." " You just try it. " Bartlett either had no sense of humour or his re- IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS 37 scntment against his young neighbour smothered it, since otherwise he would have recognised that a heavy waggon was in no danger of being run into by a light and expensive buggy. The young man kept his temper admirably,but he knew just where to touch the elder on the raw. His sister's hand was placed appeal- ingly on his arm. He smiled, and took no notice of her. " Come, now, you move out, or I'll have the law on you." " The law ! " roared Bartlett ; " you just try it on." " Should think you'd had enough of it by this time." " Oh, don't, don't, Henry ! " protested the girl in distress. " There ain't no law," yelled Bartlett, " that kin make a man with a load move out fur anything." " You haven't any load, unless it's in that jug." Yates saw with consternation that the jar had been jolted out from under its covering, but the happy consolation came to him that the two in the buggy would believe it belonged to Bartlett. He thought, however, that this dog-in-the-manger policy had gone far enough. He stepped briskly forward, and said to Bartlett : " Better drive aside a little, and let them pass." " You 'tend to your own business," cried the thoroughly enraged farmer. " I will," said Yates shortly, striding to the horses' heads. He took them by the bits and, in spite of Bartlett's maledictions and pulling at the lines, he drew them to one side, so that the buggy got by. 38 IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS " Thank you," cried the young man. The light and glittering carriage rapidly disappeared up the Ridge Road. Bartlett sat there for one moment the picture of baffled rage. Then he threw the reins down on the backs of his patient horses, and descended. " You take my horses by the head, do you, you good-fur-nothin' Yank? You do, eh ? I like your cheek. Touch my horses an' me a-holdin' the lines! Now, you hear me ? Your traps comes right off here on the road. You hear me ? " " Oh, anybody within a mile can hear you." " Kin they ? Well, off comes your pesky tent." " No, it doesn't." "Don't it, eh? Well, then, you'll lick me fust; and that's something no Yank ever did nor kin do." " I'll do it with pleasure." ' Come, come," cried the professor, getting down on the road, " this has gone far enough. Keep quiet, Yates. Now, Mr. Bartlett, don't mind it ; he meant no disrespect." " Don't you interfere. You're all right, an* I ain't got nothin' ag'in you. But I'm goin' to thrash this Yank within an inch of his life ; see if I don't. We met 'em in 1812, an' we fit 'em an' we licked 'em, an' we can do it ag'in. I'll learn ye to take my horses by the head." " Teach," suggested Yates tantalisingly. Before he could properly defend himself, Bartlett sprang at him and grasped him round the waist. Yates was something of a wrestler himself, but hw IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS 39 skill was of no avail on this occasion. Bartlett's right leg became twisted around his with a steel-like grip that speedily convinced the younger man he would have to give way or a bone would break. He gave way accordingly, and the next thing he knew he came down on his back with a thud that seemed to shake the universe. " There, darn ye ! " cried the triumphant farmer ; " that's 1812 and Queenstown Heights for ye. How do you like 'em ?" Yates rose to his feet with some deliberation, and slowly took off his coat. " Now, now, Yates," said the professor soothingly, "let it go at this. You're not hurt, are you? " he asked anxiously, as he noticed how white the young man was around the lips. " Look here, Renmark ; you're a sensible man. There is a time to interfere and a time not to. This is the time not to. A certain international element seems to have crept into this dispute. Now, you stand aside, like a good fellow, for I don't want to have to thrash both of you." The professor stood aside, for he realised that, when Yates called him by his last name, matters were serious. " Now, old chucklehead, perhaps you would like to try that again." " I kin do it a dozen times, if ye ain't satisfied. There ain't no Yank ever raised on pumpkin pie that can stand ag'in that grapevine twist." " Try the grapevine once more." 40 IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS Bartlett proceeded more cautiously this time, for there was a look in the young man's face he did not quite like. He took a catch-as-catch-can attitude, and moved stealthily in a semicircle around Yates, who shifted his position constantly, so as to keep facing his foe. At last Bartlett sprang forward, and the next instant found himself sitting on a piece of the rock of the country, with a thousand humming-birds buzzing in his head, while stars and the landscape around joined in a dance together. The blow was sudden, well placed, and from the shoulder. " That," said Yates, standing over him, " is 1776 the Revolution when, to use your own phrase, we met ye, fit ye, and licked ye. How do you like it ? Now, if my advice is of any use to you, take a broad- er view of history than you have done. Don't con- fine yourself too much to one period. Study up the War of the Revolution a bit." Bartlett made no reply. After sitting there for a while, until the surrounding landscape assumed its normal condition, he arose leisurely, without saying a word. He picked the reins from the backs of the horses and patted the nearest animal gently. Then he mounted to his place and drove off. The pro- fessor had taken his seat beside the driver, but Yates, putting on his coat and picking up his cane, strode along in front, switching off the heads of Canada thistles with his walking-stick as he proceeded. CHAPTER IV BARTLETT was silent for a long time, but there was evidently something on his mind, for he com- muned with himself, his mutterings growing louder and louder, until they broke the stillness ; then he struck the horses, pulled them in, and began his soliloquy over again. At last he said abruptly to the professor : " What's this Revolution he talked about ? " " It was the War of Independence, beginning in 1776." " Never heard of it. Did the Yanks fight us?" " The colonies fought with England." " What colonies ?" " The country now called the United States." " They fit with England, eh ? Which licked ? " " The colonies won their independence." " That means they licked us. I don't believe a word of it. Tears to me I'd V heard of it ; fur I've lived in these parts a long time." " It was a little before your day." " So was 1812; but my father fit in it, an' I never heard him tell of this Revolution. He'd 'a' known, I sh'd think. There's a nigger in the fence some- wheres." 41 42 IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS " Well, England was rather busy at the time with the French." "Ah, that was it, was it? I'll bet England never knew the Revolution was a-goin' on till it was over. Old Napoleon couldn't thrash 'em, and it don't stand to reason that the Yanks could. I thought there was some skullduggery. Why, it took the Yanks four years to lick themselves. I got a book at home all about Napoleon. He was a tough cuss." The professor did not feel called upon to defend the character of Napoleon, and so silence once more descended upon them. Bartlett seemed a good deal disturbed by the news he had just heard of the Revolution, and he growled to himself, while the horses suffered more than usual from the whip and the hauling back that invariably followed the stroke. Yates was some distance ahead, and swinging along at a great rate, when the horses, apparently of their own accord, turned in at an open gateway and pro- ceeded, in their usual leisurely fashion, toward a large barn, past a comfortable frame house with a wide veranda in front. " This is my place," said Bartlett shortly. " I wish you had told me a few minutes ago," re- plied the professor, springing off, " so that I might have called to my friend." " I'm not frettin' about him," said Bartlett, throw- ing the reins to a young man who came out of the house. Renmark ran to the road and shouted loudly to the distant Yates. Yates apparently did not hear IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS 43 him, but something about the next house attracted the pedestrian's attention, and after standing for a moment and gazing toward the west he looked around and saw the professor beckoning to him. When the two men met, Yates said : " So we have arrived, have we ? I say, Stilly, she lives in the next house. I saw the buggy in the yard." "She! Who?" " Why, that good-looking girl we passed on the road. I'm going to buy our supplies at that house, Stilly, if you have no objections. By the way, how is my old friend 1812 ? " " He doesn't seem to harbour any harsh feelings. In fact, he was more troubled about the Revolution than about the blow you gave him." " News to him, eh ? Well, I'm glad I knocked something into his head." "You certainly did it most unscientifically." " How do you mean unscientifically?" " In the delivery of the blow. I never saw a more awkwardly delivered undercut." Yates looked at his friend in astonishment. How should this calm, learned man know anything about undercuts or science in blows? " Well, you must admit I got there just the same." "Yes, by brute force. A sledge-hammer would have done as well. But you had such an opportunity to do it neatly and deftly, without any display of surplus energy, that I regretted to see such an open- ing thrown away." 44 IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS " Heavens and earth, Stilly, this is the professor in a new light ! What do you teach in Toronto University, anyhow? The noble art of self-de- fense ? " " Not exactly ; but if you intend to go through Canada in this belligerent manner, I think it would be worth your while to take a few hints from me." "With striking examples, I suppose. By Jove ! I will, Stilly." As the two came to the house they found Bartlett sitting in a wooden rocking-chair on the veranda, looking grimly down the road. " What an old tyrant that man must be in his home ! " said Yates. There was no time for the pro- fessor to reply before they came within ear-shot. " The old woman's setting out supper," said the farmer, gruffly, that piece of information being ap- parently as near as he could get toward inviting them to share his hospitality. Yates didn't know whether it was meant for an invitation or not, but he answered shortly : " Thanks, we won't stay." " Speak for yourself, please," snarled Bartlett. " Of course I go with my friend," said Renmark ; " but we are obliged for the invitation." " Please yourselves." " What's that ? " cried a cheery voice from the in- side of the house, as a stout, rosy, and very good- natured-looking woman appeared at the front door. "Won't stay? Who won't stay? I'd like to see anybody leave my house hungry when there's a meal IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS 45 on the table ! And, young men, if you can get a better meal anywhere on the Ridge than what I'll give you, why, you're welcome to go there next time, but this meal you'll have here, inside of ten minutes. Hiram, that's your fault. You always in- vite a person to dinner as if you wanted to wrastle with him ! " Hiram gave a guilty start, and looked with some- thing of mute appeal at the two men, but said nothing. " Never mind him," continued Mrs. Bartlett. " You're at my house ; and, whatever my neighbours may say ag'in me, I never heard anybody complain of the lack of good victuals while I was able to do the cooking. Come right in and wash yourselves, for the road between here and the Fort is dusty enough, even if Hiram never was taken up for fast driving. Besides, a wash is refreshing after a hot day." There was no denying the cordiality of this invk tation, and Yates, whose natural gallantry was at once aroused, responded with the readiness of a courtier. Mrs. Bartlett led the way into the house ; but as Yates passed the farmer the latter cleared his throat with an effort, and, throwing his thumb over his shoulder in the direction his wife had taken, said in a husky whisper : " No call to to mention the Revolution, you know." " Certainly not," answered Yates, with a wink that took in the situation. " Shall we sample the jug before or after supper ? " 46 IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS " After, if it's all the same to you ; " adding, " out in the barn." Yates nodded, and followed his friend into the house. The young men were shown into a bedroom of more than ordinary size, on the upper floor. Every- thing about the house was of the most dainty and scrupulous cleanliness, and an air of cheerful comfort pervaded the place. Mrs. Bartlett was evidently a housekeeper to be proud of. Two large pitchers of cool, soft water awaited them, and the wash, as had been predicted, was most refreshing. " I say," cried Yates, "it's rather cheeky to accept a man's hospitality after knocking him down." " It would be for most people, but I think you underestimate your cheek, as you call it." " Bravo, Stilly ! You're blossoming out. That's rapartee, that is. With the accent on the rap, too. Never you mind ; I think old 1812 and I will get on all right after this. It doesn't seem to bother him any, so I don't see why it should worry me. Nice motherly old lady, isn't she ? " "Who? 1812?" " No; Mrs. 1812. I'm sorry I complimented you on your repartee. You'll get conceited. Remember that what in the newspaper man is clever, in a grave professor is rank flippancy. Let's go down." The table was covered with a cloth as white and spotless as good linen can well be. The bread was genuine home-made, a term so often misused in the cities. It was brown as to crust, and flaky and light IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS 47 as to interior. The butter, cool from the rock cellar, was of a refreshing yellow hue. The sight of the well-loaded table was most welcome to the eyes of hungry travellers. There was, as Yates afterward remarked, " abundance, and plenty of it." " Come, father ! " cried Mrs. Bartlett, as the young men appeared ; they heard the rocking-chair creak on the veranda in prompt answer to the sum- mons. " This is my son, gentlemen," said Mrs. Bartlett, indicating the young man who stood in a non-com- mittal attitude near a corner of the room. The pro- fessor recognised him as the person who had taken charge of the horses when his father came home. There was evidently something of his father's demeanour about the young man, who awkwardly and silently responded to the recognition of the strangers. " And this is my daughter," continued the good woman. " Now, what might your names be ?" " My name is Yates, and this is my friend Profes- sor Renmark of T'ronto," pronouncing the name of the fair city in two syllables, as is, alas ! too often done. The professor bowed, and Yates cordially ex- tended his hand to the young woman. " How do you do, Miss Bartlett?" he said, "I am happy to meet you." The girl smiled very prettily, and said she hoped they had a pleasant trip out from Fort Erie. " Oh, we had," said Yates, looking for a moment at his host, whose eyes were fixed on the table-cloth, 48 IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS and who appeared to be quite content to let his wife run the show. " The road's a little rocky in places, but it's very pleasant." " Now, you sit down here, and you here," said Mrs. Bartlett ; " and I do hope you have brought good appetites with you." The strangers took their places, and Yates had a chance to look at the younger member of the fam- ily, which opportunity he did not let slip. It was hard to believe that she was the daughter of so crusty a man as Hiram Bartlett. Her cheeks were rosy, with dimples in them that constantly came and went in her incessant efforts to keep from laughing. Her hair, which hung about her plump shoulders, was a lovely golden brown. Although her dress was of the cheapest material, it was neatly cut and fitted ; and her dainty white apron added that touch of wholesome cleanliness which was so noticeable everywhere in the house. A bit of blue ribbon at her white throat, and a pretty spring flower just be- low it, completed a charming picture, which a more critical and less susceptible man than Yates might have contemplated with pleasure. Miss Bartlett sat smilingly at one end of the table, and her father grimly at the other. The mother sat at the side, apparently looking on that position as one of vantage for commanding the whole field, and keep- ing her husband and her daughter both under her eye. The teapot and cups were set before the young woman. She did not pour out the tea at once, but seemed to be waiting instructions from her mother. IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS 49 That good lady was gazing with some sternness at her husband, he vainly endeavouring to look at the ceiling or anywhere but at her. He drew his open hand nervously down his face, which was of unusual gravity even for him. Finally he cast an appealing glance at his wife, who sat with her hands folded on her lap, but her eyes were unrelenting. After a moment's hopeless irresolution Bartlett bent his head over his plate and murmured : " For what we are about to receive, oh, make us truly thankful. Amen." Mrs. Bartlett echoed the last word, having also bowed her head when she saw surrender in the troubled eyes of her husband. Now, it happened that Yates, who had seen noth- ing of this silent struggle of the eyes, being exceed- ingly hungry, was making every preparation for the energetic beginning of the meal. He had spent most of his life in hotels and New York boarding- houses, so that if he ever knew the adage, " Grace before meat," he had forgotten it. In the midst of his preparations came the devout words, and they came upon him as a stupefying surprise. Although naturally a resourceful man, he was not quick enough this time to cover his confusion. Miss Bartlett's golden head was bowed, but out of the corner of her eye she saw Yates' look of amazed bewilderment, and his sudden halt of surprise. When all heads were raised, the young girl's still remained where it was, while her plump shoulders quivered. Then she covered her face with her apron, and the silvery 4 50 IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS ripple of a laugh came like a smothered musical chime trickling through her fingers. "Why, Kitty!" cried her mother in astonish- ment, " whatever is the matter with you ? " The girl could no longer restrain her mirth. " You'll have to pour out the tea, mother! " she ex- claimed, as she fled from the room. " For the land's sake ! " cried the astonished mother, rising to take her frivolous daughter's place, " what ails the child ? I don't see what there is to laugh at." Hiram scowled down the table, and was evidently also of the opinion that there was no occasion for mirth. The professor was equally in the dark. " I am afraid, Mrs. Bartlett," said Yates, " that I am the innocent cause of Miss Kitty's mirth. You see, madam it's a pathetic thing to say, but really I have had no home life. Although I attend church regularly, of course," he added with jaunty men- dacity, " I must confess that I haven't heard grace at meals for years and years, and well, I wasn't just prepared for it. I have no doubt I made an exhi- bition of myself, which your daughter was quick to see." " It wasn't very polite," said Mrs. Bartlett with some asperity. " I know that," pleaded Yates, with contrition, " but I assure you it was unintentional on my part." " Bless the man ! " cried his hostess. " I don't mean you. I mean Kitty. But that girl never IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS 51 could keep her face straight. She always favoured me more than her father." This statement was not difficult to believe, for Hiram at that moment looked as if he had never smiled in his life. He sat silent throughout the meal, but Mrs. Bartlett talked quite enough foi two. " Well, for my part," she said, " I don't know what farming is coming to! Henry Howard and Margaret drove past here this afternoon as proud as Punch in their new covered buggy. Things is very different from what they was when I was a girl. Then a farmer's daughter had to work. Now Mar- garet's took her diploma at the ladies' college, and Arthur he's begun at the university, and Henry's sporting round in a new buggy. They have a piano there, with the organ moved out into the back room." " The whole Howard lot's a stuck-up set," mut- tered the farmer. But Mrs. Bartlett wouldn't have that. Any de- traction that was necessary she felt competent to supply, without help from the nominal head of the house. " No, I don't go so far as to say that. Neither would you, Hiram, if you hadn't lost your lawsuit about the line fence ; and served you right, too, for it wouldn't have been begun if I had been at home at the time. Not but what Margaret's a good house- keeper, for she wouldn't be her mother's daughter if she wasn't that ; but it does seem to me a queer 52 IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS way to raise farmers' children, and I only hope they can keep it up. There were no pianos nor French and German in my young days." " You ought to hear her play ! My lands ! " cried young Bartlett, who spoke for the first time. His admiration for her accomplishment evidently went beyond his powers of expression. Bartlett himself did not relish the turn the con- versation had taken, and he looked somewhat un- easily at the two strangers. The professor's coun- tenance was open and frank, and he was listening with respectful interest to Mrs. Bartlett's talk. Yates bent over his plate with flushed face, and con- fined himself strictly to the business in hand. " I am glad," said the professor innocently to Yates, " that you made the young lady's acquaint- ance. I must ask you for an introduction." For once in his life Yates had nothing to say, but he looked at his friend with an expression that was not kindly. The latter, in answer to Mrs. Bartlett's inquiries, told how they had passed Miss Howard on the road, and how Yates, with his usual kindness of heart, had offered the young woman the hospital- ities of the hay-rack. Two persons at the table were much relieved when the talk turned to the tent. It was young Hiram who brought about this boon. He was interested in the tent, and he wanted to know. Two things seemed to bother the boy : First, he was anxious to learn what diabolical cause had been at work to induce two apparently sane men to give up the comforts of home and live in IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS 53 this exposed manner, if they were not compelled to do so. Second, he desired to find out why people who had the privilege of living in large cities came of their own accord into the uninteresting country, anyhow. Even when explanations were offered, the problem seemed still beyond him. After the meal they all adjourned to the veranda, where the air was cool and the view extensive. Mrs. Bartlett would not hear of the young men pitching the tent that night. " Goodness knows, you will have enough of it, with the rain and the mosquitoes. We have plenty of room here, and you will have one comfortable night on the Ridge, at any rate. Then in the morning you can find a place in the woods to suit you, and my boy will take an axe and cut stakes for you, and help to put up your precious tent. Only remember that when it rains you are to come to the house, or you will catch your deaths with cold and rheumatism. It will be very nice till the novelty wears off ; then you are quite welcome to the front rooms upstairs, and Hiram can take the tent back to Erie the first time he goes to town." Mrs. Bartlett had a way of taking things for granted. It never seemed to occur to her that any of her rulings might be questioned. H iram sat gazing silently at the road, as if all this was no affair of his. Yates had refused a chair, and sat on the edge of the veranda, with his back against one of the pillars, in such a position that he might, without turning his head, look through the open doorway into the 54 IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS room where Miss Bartlett was busily but silently clearing away the tea-things. The young man caught fleeting glimpses of her as she moved airily about her work. He drew a cigar from his case, cut off the end with his knife, and lit a match on the sole of his boot, doing this with an easy auto- matic familiarity that required no attention on his part ; all of which aroused the respectful envy of young Hiram, who sat on a wooden chair, leaning forward, eagerly watching the man from New York. " Have a cigar? " said Yates, offering the case to young Hiram. " No, no ; thank you," gasped the boy, aghast at the reckless audacity of the proposal. "What's that?" cried Mrs. Bartlett. Although she was talking volubly to the professor, her maternal vigilance never even nodded, much less slept. "A cigar? Not likely! I'll say this for my husband and my boy : that, whatever else they may have done, they have never smoked nor touched a drop of liquor since I've known them, and, please God, they never will." " Oh, I guess it wouldn't hurt them," said Yates, with a lack of tact that was not habitual. He fell several degrees in the estimation of his hostess. "Hurt 'em?" cried Mrs. Bartlett indignantly. " I guess it won't get a chance to." She turned to the professor, who was a good listener respectful and deferential, with little to say for himself. She rocked gently to and fro as she talked. Her husband sat unbendingly silent, in a sphinx- IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS 55 like attitude that gave no outward indication of his mental uneasiness. He was thinking gloomily that it would be just his luck to meet Mrs. Bartlett un- expectedly in the streets of Fort Erie on one of those rare occasions when he was enjoying the pleasures of sin for a season. He had the most pes- simistic forebodings of what the future might have in store for him. Sometimes, when neighbours or customers " treated " him in the village, and he felt he had taken all the whisky that cloves would con- ceal, he took a five-cent cigar instead of a drink. He did not particularly like the smoking of it, but there was a certain devil-may-care recklessness in going down the street with a lighted cigar in his teeth, which had all the more fascination for him because of its manifest danger. He felt at these times that he was going the pace, and that it is well our women do not know of all the wickedness there is in this world. He did not fear that any neighbour might tell his wife, for there were depths to which no person could convince Mrs. Bartlett he would descend. But he thought with horror of some com- bination of circumstances that might bring his wife to town unknown to him on a day when he indulged. He pictured, with a shudder, meeting her unexpect- edly on the uncertain plank sidewalk of Fort Erie, he smoking a cigar. When this nightmare presented itself to him, he resolved never to touch a cigar again ; but he well knew that the best resolutions fade away if a man is excited with two or three glasses of liquor. $6 IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS When Mrs. Bartlett resumed conversation with the professor, Yates looked up at young Hiram and winked. The boy flushed with pleasure under the comprehensiveness of that wink. It included him in the attractive halo of crime that enveloped the fascinating personality of the man from New York. It seemed to say : " That's all right, but we are men of the world. We know." Young Hiram's devotion to the Goddess Nicotine had never reached the altitude of a cigar. He had surreptitiously smoked a pipe in a secluded corner behind the barn in days when his father was away. He feared both his father and his mother, and so was in an even more embarrassing situation than old Hiram himself. He had worked gradually up to tobacco by smoking cigarettes of cane made from abandoned hoop-skirts. Crinoline was fashionable, even in the country, in those days, and ribs of cane were used before the metallic distenders of dresses came in. One hoop-skirt, whose usefulness as an article of adornment was gone, would furnish de- light and smoking material for a company of boys for a month. The cane smoke made the tongue rather raw, but the wickedness was undeniable. Yates' wink seemed to recognise young Hiram as a comrade worthy to offer incense at the shrine, and the boy was a firm friend of Yates from the moment the eyelid of the latter drooped. The tea-things having been cleared away, Yates got no more glimpses of the girl through the open IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS 57 door. He rose from his lowly seat and strolled toward the gate, with his hands in his pockets. He remembered that he had forgotten something, and cudgelled his brains trying to make out what it was. He gazed down the road at the house of the How- ards, which naturally brought to his recollection his meeting with the young girl on the road. There was a pang of discomfiture in this thought when he remembered the accomplishments attributed to her by Mrs. Bartlett. He recalled his condescend- ing tone to her, and recollected his anxiety about the jar. The jar ! That was what he had forgotten. He flashed a glance at old Hiram, and noted that the farmer was looking at him with something like reproach in his eyes. Yates moved his head almost imperceptibly toward the barn, and the farmer's eyes dropped to the floor of the veranda. The young man nonchalantly strolled past the end of the house. " I guess I'll go to look after the horses," said the farmer, rising. "The horses are all right, father. I saw to them," put in his son, but the old man frowned him down, and slouched around the corner of the house. Mrs. Bartlett was too busy talking to the professor to notice. So good a listener did not fall to her lot every day. " Here's looking at you," said Yates, strolling into the barn, taking a telescopic metal cup from his pocket, and clinking it into receptive shape by a jerk of the hand. He offered the now elongated cup to 58 IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS Hiram, who declined any such modern improve, ment. " Help yourself in that thing. The jug's good enough for me." " Three fingers " of the liquid gurgled out into the patented vessel, and the farmer took the jar, after a furtive look over his shoulder. " Well, here's luck." The newspaper man tossed off the potion with the facility of long experience, shutting up the dish with his thumb and finger, as if it were a metallic opera hat. The farmer drank silently from the jar itself. Then he smote in the cork with his open palm. " Better bury it in the wheat bin," he said mo- rosely. " The boy might find it if you put it among the oats feedin' the horses, ye know." " Mighty good place," assented Yates, as the golden grain flowed in a wave over the submerged jar. " I say, old man, you know the spot ; you've been here before." Bartlett's lowering countenance indicated resent- ment at the imputation, but he neither affirmed nor denied. Yates strolled out of the barn, while the farmer went through a small doorway that led to the stable. A moment later he heard Hiram Calling loudly to his son to bring the pails and water the horses. " Evidently preparing an alibi" said Yates, srnil ing to himself, as he sauntered toward the gate. CHAPTER V "WHAT'S up? what's up?" cried Yates drowsily next morning, as a prolonged hammering at his door awakened him. " Well, you re not, anyhow." He recognised the voice of young Hiram. " I say, breakfast's ready. The professor has been up an hour." "All right; I'll be down shortly," said Yates, yawning, adding to himself : " Hang the professor ! " The sun was streaming in through the east window, but Yates never before remembered seeing it such a short distance above the horizon in the morning. He pulled his watch from the pocket of his vest, hanging on the bedpost. It was not yet seven o'clock. He placed it to his ear, thinking it had stopped, but found himself mistaken. " What an unearthly hour," he said, unable to check the yawns. Yates' years on a morning news- paper had made seven o'clock something like mid- night to him. He had been unable to sleep until after two o'clock, his usual time of turning in, and now this rude awakening seemed thoughtless cruelty. However, he dressed, and yawned himself down- stairs. 59 60 IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS They were all seated at breakfast when Yates en- tered the apartment, which was at once dining-room and parlour. "Waiting for you," said young Hiram humor- ously, that being one of a set of jokes which suited various occasions. Yates took his place near Miss Kitty, who looked as fresh and radiant as a spirit of the morning. " I hope I haven't kept you waiting long," he said. " No fear," cried Mrs. Bartlett. " If breakfast's a minute later than seven o'clock, we soon hear of it from the men-folks. They get precious hungry by that time." " By that time ? " echoed Yates. " Then do they get up before seven ? " " Laws ! what a farmer you would make, Mr. Yates ! " exclaimed Mrs. Bartlett, laughing. " Why, everything's done about the house and barn ; horses fed, cows milked everything. There never was a better motto made than the one you learned when you were a boy, and like as not have forgotten all about : " ' Early to bed and early to rise Makes a man healthy, wealthy and -wise.' I'm sorry you don't believe in it, Mr. Yates." " Oh, that's all right," said Yates with some lofti- ness; "but I'd like to see a man get out a morning paper on such a basis. I'm healthy enough, quite as wealthy as the professor here, and everyone will IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS 61 admit that I'm wiser than he is ; yet I never go to bed until after two o'clock, and rarely wake before noon." Kitty laughed at this, and young Hiram looked admiringly at the New Yorker, wishing he was as clever. " For the land's sake ! " cried Mrs. Bartlett, with true feminine profanity. " What do you do up so late as that ? " * " Writing, writing," said Yates airily ; " articles that make dynasties tremble next morning, and which call forth apologies or libel suits afterward, as the case may be." Young Hiram had no patience with one's profes- sion as a topic of conversation. The tent and its future position was the burning question with him. He mumbled something about Yates having slept late in order to avoid the hearing of the words of thankfulness at the beginning of the meal. What his parents caught of this remark should have shown them how evil communications corrupt good man- ners ; for, big as he was, the boy had never before ventured even to hint at ridicule on such a subject. He was darkly frowned upon by his silent father, and sharply reprimanded by his voluble mother. Kitty apparently thought it rather funny, and would like to have laughed. As it was, she con- tented herself with a sly glance at Yates, who, in- credible as it may seem, actually blushed at young Hiram's allusion to the confusing incident of the day before. 62 IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS The professor, who was a kind-hearted man, drew a herring across the scent. " Mr. Bartlett has been good enough," said he, changing the subject, " to say we may camp in the woods at the back of the farm. I have been out there this morning, and it certainly is a lovely spot." "We're awfully obliged, Mr. Bartlett," saidYates. " Of course Renmark went out there merely to show the difference between the ant and the butterfly. You'll find out what a humbug he is by and by, Mrs. Bartlett. He looks honest ; but you wait." " I know just the spot for the tent," cried young Hiram " down in the hollow by the creek. Then you won't need to haul water." " Yes, and catch their deaths of fever and ague," said Mrs. Bartlett. Malaria had not then been in- vented. " Take my advice, and put your tent if you will put it up at all on the highest ground you can find. Hauling water won't hurt you." " I agree with you, Mrs. Bartlett. It shall be so. My friend uses no water you ought to have seen his bill at the Buffalo hotel. I have it somewhere, and am going to pin it up on the outside of the tent as a warning to the youth of this neighborhood and what water I need I can easily carry up from the creek." The professor did not defend himself, and Mrs. Bartlett evidently took a large discount from all that Yates said. She was a shrewd woman. After breakfast the men went out to the barn. The IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS 63 horses were hitched to the waggon, which still con- tained the tent and fittings. Young Hiram threw an axe and a spade among the canvas folds, mounted to his place, and drove up the lane leading to the forest, followed by Yates and Renmark on foot, leav- ing the farmer in his barnyard with a cheery good- by, which he did not see fit to return. First, a field of wheat ; next, an expanse of waving hay that soon would be ready for the scythe ; then, a pasture field, in which some young horses galloped to the fence, gazing for a moment at the harnessed horses, whinnying sympathetically, off the next with flying heels wildly flung in the air, rejoicing in their own contrast of liberty, standing at the farther cor- ner and snorting defiance to all the world ; last, the cool shade of the woods into which the lane ran, losing its identity as a waggon road in diverging cow- paths. Young Hiram knew the locality well, and drove direct to an ideal place for camping. Yates was enchanted. He included all that section of the country in a sweeping wave of his hand, and burst forth : " 'This is the spot, the centre of the grove : There stands the oak, the monarch of the wood. In such a place as this, at such an hour, Well raise a tent to ward off sun and shower.' Shakespeare improved." " I think you are mistaken," said Renmark. " Not a bit of it. Couldn't be a better camping ground." 64 IN 'THE MIDST OF ALARMS " Yes ; I know that. I selected it two hours ago. But you were wrong in your quotation. It is not by Shakespeare and yourself, as you seem to think." " Isn't it ? Some other fellow, eh ? Well, if Shake, is satisfied, I am. Do you know, Renny, I calculate that, line for line, I've written about ten times as much as Shakespeare. Do the literati recognise that fact ? Not a bit of it. This is an ungrateful world, Stilly." " It is, Dick. Now, what are you going to do toward putting up the tent ? " " Everything, my boy, everything. I know more about putting up tents than you do about science, or whatever you teach. Now, Hiram, my boy, you cut me some stakes about two feet long stout ones. Here, professor, throw off that coat and n/gligJ man- ner, and grasp this spade. I want some trenches dug." Yates certainly made good his words. He under- stood the putting up of tents, his experience in the army being not yet remote. Young Hiram gazed with growing admiration at Yates' deftness and evi- dent knowledge of what he was about, while his contempt for the professor's futile struggle with a spade entangled in tree roots was difficult to repress. " Better give me that spade," he said at length ; but there was an element of stubbornness in Ren- mark's character. He struggled on. At last the work was completed, stakes driven, ropes tightened, trenches dug, IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS 65 Yates danced, and gave the war whoop of the country. " Thus the canvas tent has risen, All the slanting stakes are driven, Stakes of oak and stakes of beechwood : Mops his brow, the tired professor ; Grins with satisfaction, Hiram ; Dances wildly, the reporter Calls aloud for gin and water. Longfellow, old man, Longfellow. Bet you a dollar on it ! " And the frivolous Yates poked the profes- sor in the ribs. " Richard," said the latter, " I can stand only a certain amount of this sort of thing. I don't wish to call any man a fool, but you act remarkably like one." " Don't be mealy-mouthed, Renny ; call a spade a spade. By George! young Hiram has gone off and forgotten his And the axe, too ! Perhaps they're left for us. He's a good fellow, is young Hiram. A fool? Of course I'm a fool. That's what I came for, and that's what I'm going to be for the next two weeks. * A fool a fool, I met a fool i' the forest ' just the spot for him. Who could be wise here after years of brick and mortar ? " Where are your eyes, Renny," he cried, " that you don't grow wild when you look around you ? See the dappled sunlight filtering through the leaves ; listen to the murmur of the wind in the branches ; hear the trickle of the brook down there ; notice the smooth bark of the beech and the rugged covering of the oak ; smell the wholesome woodland scents. 66 IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS Renmark, you have no soul, or you could not be so unmoved. It is like paradise. It is Say, Renny, by Jove, I've forgotten that jug at the barn ! " " It will be left there." " Will it ? Oh, well, if you say so." " I do say so. I looked around for it this morn- ing to smash it, but couldn't find it." " Why didn't you ask old Bartlett ? " " I did ; but he didn't know where it was." Yates threw himself down on the moss and laughed, flinging his arms and legs about with the joy of living. " Say, Culture, have you got any old disreputable clothes with you ? Well, then, go into the tent and put them on ; then come out and lie on your back and look up at the leaves. You're a good fellow, Renny, but decent clothes spoil you. You won't know yourself when you get ancient duds on your back. Old clothes mean freedom, liberty, all that our ancestors fought for. When you come out, we'll settle who's to cook and who to wash dishes. I've settled it already in my own mind, but I am not so selfish as to refuse to discuss the matter with you." When the professor came out of the tent, Yates roared. Renmark himself smiled ; he knew the effect would appeal to Yates. " By Jove ! old man, I ought to have included a mirror in the outfit. The look of learned respecta- bility, set off with the garments of a disreputable tramp, makes a combination that is simply killing. 67 Well, you can't spoil that suit, anyhow. Now sprawl." " I'm very comfortable standing up, thank you." " Get down on your back. You hear me?" " Put me there." " You mean it ? " asked Yates, sitting up. " Certainly." " Say, Renny, beware. I don't want to hurt you." " I'll forgive you for once." " On your head be it." " On my back, you mean." " That's not bad, Renny," cried Yates, springing to his feet. " Now, it will hurt. You have fair warning. I have spoken." The young men took sparring attitudes. Yates tried to do it gently at first, but, finding he could not touch his opponent, struck out more earnestly, again giving a friendly warning. This went on in- effectually for some time, when the professor, with a quick movement, swung around his foot with the airy grace of a dancing master, and caught Yates just behind the knee, at the same time giving him a slight tap on the breast. Yates was instantly on his back. " Oh, I say, Renny, that wasn't fair. That was a kick." " No, it wasn't. It is merely a little French touch. I learned it in Paris. They do kick there, you know; and it is good to know how to use your feet as well as your fists if you are set on by three, as I was one night in the Latin Quarter." 68 IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS Yates sat up. " Look here, Renmark; when were you in Paris?" " Several times." Yates gazed at him for a few moments, then said : " Renny, you improve on acquaintance. I never saw a Bool-var in my life. You must teach me that little kick." "With pleasure," said Renmark, sitting down, while the other sprawled at full length. " Teaching is my business, and I shall be glad to exercise any talents I may have in that line. In endeavouring to instruct a New York man the first step is to convince him that he doesn't know everything. That is the difficult point. Afterward everything is easy." " Mr. Stillson Renmark, you are pleased to be severe. Know that you are forgiven. This de- licious sylvan retreat does not lend itself to acri- monious dispute, or, in plain English, quarrelling. Let dogs delight, if they want to ; I refuse to be goaded by your querulous nature into giving any- thing but the soft answer. Now to business. Noth- ing is so conducive to friendship, when two people are camping out, as a definition of the duties of each at the beginning. Do you follow me?" " Perfectly. What do you propose ? " " I propose that you do the cooking and I wash the dishes. We will forage for food alternate days." " Very well. I agree to that." Richard Yates sat suddenly upright, looking at his friend with reproach in his eyes. " See here, Ren- mark ; are you resolved to force on an international IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS 69 complication the very first day ? That's no fair show to give a man." "What isn't?" " Why, agreeing with him. There are depths of meanness in your character, Renny, that I never suspected. You know that people who camp out always object to the part assigned them by their fellow-campers. I counted on that. I'll do any- thing but wash dishes." "Then why didn't you say so?" " Because any sane man would have said ' no ' when I suggested cooking, merely because I suggested it. There is no diplomacy about you, Renmark. A man doesn't know where to find you when you act like that. When you refused to do the cooking, I would have said: 'Very well, then, I'll do it,' and every- thing would have been lovely ; but now " Yates lay down again in disgust. There are mo- ments in life when language fails a man. " Then it's settled that you do the cooking and I wash the dishes ? " said the professor. " Settled ? Oh, yes, if you say so ; but all the pleasure of getting one's own way by the use of one's brains is gone. I hate to be agreed with in that objectionably civil manner." " Well, that point being arranged, who begins the foraging you or I ? " " Both, Herr Professor, both. I propose to go to the house of the Howards, and I need an excuse for the first visit ; therefore I shall forage to a limited extent. I go ostensibly for bread. As I may not ;o IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS get any, you perhaps should bring some from what- ever farmhouse you choose as the scene of your operations. Bread is always handy in the camp, fresh or stale. When in doubt, buy more bread. You can never go wrong, and the bread won't." " What else should I get ? Milk, I suppose ? " " Certainly ; eggs, butter anything. Mrs. Bart- lett will give you hints on what to get that will be more valuable than mine." " Have you all the cooking utensils you need? " " I think so. The villain from whom I hired the outfit said it was complete. Doubtless he lied ; but we'll manage, I think." "Very well. If you wait until I change my clothes, I'll go with you as far as the road." " My dear fellow, be advised, and don't change. You'll get everything twenty per cent, cheaper in that rig-out. Besides, you are so much more pic- turesque. Your costume may save us from starva- tion if we run short of cash. You can get enough for both of us as a professional tramp. Oh, well, if you insist, I'll wait. Good advice is thrown away on a man like you." CHAPTER VI MARGARET HOWARD stood at the kitchen table kneading dough. The room was called the kitchen, which it was not, except in winter. The stove was moved out in spring to a lean-to, easily reached through the open door leading to the kitchen veranda. When the stove went out or came in, it marked the approach or the departure of summer. It was the heavy pendulum whose swing this way or that indi- cated the two great changes of the year. No job about the farm was so much disliked by the farmer and his boys as the semi-annual removal of the stove. Soot came down, stovepipes gratingly grudged to go together again ; the stove was heavy and cumber- some, and many a pain in a rural back dated from the journey of the stove from outhouse to kitchen. The kitchen itself was a one-storey building, which projected back from the two-storey farmhouse, giving the whole a T-shape. There was a veranda on each side of the kitchen, as well as one along the front of the house itself. Margaret's sleeves were turned back nearly to her elbows, showing a pair of white and shapely arms. 72 IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS Now and then she deftly dusted the kneading board with flour to prevent the dough sticking, and as she pressed her open palms into the smooth, white, spongy mass, the table groaned protestingly. She cut the roll with a knife into lumps that were patted into shape, and placed side by side, like hillocks of snow, in the sheet-iron pan. At this moment there was a rap at the open kitchen door, and Margaret turned round, startled, for visitors were rare at that hour of the day ; be- sides, neighbours seldom made such a concession to formality as to knock. The young girl flushed as she recognised the man who had spoken to her the day before. He stood smiling in the doorway with his hat in his hand. She uttered no word of greet- ing or welcome, but stood looking at him, with her hand on the floury table. " Good-morning, Miss Howard," said Yates blithely ; " may I come in ? I have been knocking for some time fruitlessly at the front door, so I took the liberty of coming round." " I did not hear you knock," answered Margaret. She neglected to invite him in, but he took the per- mission for granted and entered, seating himself as one who had come to stay. " You must excuse me for going on with my work," she added ; " bread at this stage will not wait." " Certainly, certainly. Please do not let me inter- rupt you. I have made my own bread for years, but not in that way. I am glad that you are making bread, for I have come to see if I can buy some." IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS 73 " Really ? Perhaps I can sell you some butter and eggs as well." Yates laughed in that joyous, free-hearted manner of his, which had much to do with his getting on in the world. It was difficult to remain long angry with so buoyant a nature. " Ah, Miss Howard, I see you haven't forgiven me for that remark. You surely could not have thought I meant it. I really intended it for a joke, but I am willing to admit, now that I look back on it, that the joke was rather poor; but, then, most of my jokes are somewhat shop- worn." " I am afraid I lack a sense of humour," " All women do," said Yates with easy confidence. "At least all I've ever met." Yates was sitting in a wooden chair, which he now placed at the end of the table, tilting it back until his shoulders rested against the wall. His feet were upon the rung, and he waved his hat back and forth, fanning himself, for it was warm. In this position he could look up at the face of the pretty girl before him, whose smooth brow was touched with just the slightest indication of a faint frown. She did not even glance at the self-confident young man, but kept her eyes fixed resolutely on her work. In the silence the table creaked as Margaret kneaded the dough. Yates felt an unaccustomed sensation of embarrassment creeping over him, and realised that he would have to re-erect the conversation on a new basis. It was manifestly absurd that a resource- 74 IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS ful New Yorker, who had conversed unabashed with presidents, senators, generals, and other great people of a great nation, should be put out of countenance by the unaccountable coldness of a country girl in the wilds of Canada. " I have not had an opportunity of properly intro- ducing myself," he said at last, when the creaking of the table, slight as it was, became insupportable. " My name is Richard Yates, and I come from New York. I am camping out in this neighborhood to relieve, as it were, a mental strain the result of years of literary work." Yates knew from long experience that the quick- est and surest road to a woman's confidence was through her sympathy. " Mental strain " struck him as a good phrase, indicating midnight oil and the hollow eye of the devoted student. "Is your work mental, then?" asked Margaret incredulously, flashing, for the first time, a dark-eyed look at him. "Yes," Yates laughed uneasily. He had mani- festly missed fire. " I notice by your tone that you evidently think my equipment meagre. You should not judge by appearances, Miss Howard. Most of us are better than we seem, pessimists to the contrary notwithstanding. Well, as I was say- ing, the camping company consists of two partners. We are so different in every respect that we are the best of friends. My partner is Mr. Stillson Ren- mark, professor of something or other in University College, Toronto." IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS 75 For the first time Margaret exhibited some inter- est in the conversation. " Professor Renmark ? I have heard of him." " Dear me ! I had no idea the fame of the pro- fessor had penetrated beyond the precincts of the university if a university has precincts. He told me it had all the modern improvements, but I suspected at the time that was merely Renny's brag." The frown on the girl's brow deepened, and Yates was quick to see that he had lost ground again, if indeed he had ever gained any, which he began to doubt. She evidently did not relish his glib talk about the university. He was just about to say something deferential about that institution, for he was not a man who would speak disrespectfully of the equator if he thought he might curry favour with his auditor by doing otherwise, when it occurred to him that Miss Howard's interest was centred in the man, and not in the university. " In this world, Miss Howard," he continued, " true merit rarely finds its reward ; at least, the reward shows some reluctance in making itself visible in time for a man to enjoy it. Professor Renmark is a man so worthy that I was rather astonished to learn that you knew of him. I am glad for his sake that it is so, for no man more thoroughly deserves fame than he." " I know nothing of him," said Margaret, "except what my brother has written. My brother is a student at the university." 76 IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS " Is he really? And what is he going in for?" " A good education." Yates laughed. " Well, that is an all-round handy thing for a per- son to have about him. I often wish I had had a university training. Still, it is not valued in an American newspaper office as much as might be. Yet," he added in a tone that showed he did not desire to be unfair even to a man of education, " I have known some university men who became pass- ably good reporters in time." The girl made no answer, but attended strictly to the work in hand. She had the rare gift of silence, and these intervals of quiet abashed Yates, whose most frequent boast was that he could outtalk any man on earth. Opposition, or even abuse, merely served as a spur to his volubility, but taciturnity disconcerted him. " Well," he cried at length, with something like desperation, " let us abandon this animated discus- sion on the subject of education, and take up the more practical topic of bread. Would you believe, Miss Howard, that I am an expert in bread- making?" " I think you said already that you made your bread." " Ah, yes, but I meant then that I made it by the sweat of my good lead pencil. Still, I have made bread in my time, and I believe that some of those who subsisted upon it are alive to-day. The en- durance of the human frame is something marvel IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS 77 lous, when you come to think of it. I did the baking in a lumber camp one winter. Used to dump the contents of a sack of flour into a trough made out of a log, pour in a pail or two of melted snow, and mix with a hoe after the manner of a bricklayer's assistant making mortar. There was nothing small or mean about my bread-making. I was in the wholesale trade." " I pity the unfortunate lumbermen." " Your sympathy is entirely misplaced, Miss Howard. You ought to pity me for having to pander to such appetites as those men brought in from the woods with them. They never complained of the quality of the bread, although there was oc- casionally some grumbling about the quantity. I have fed sheaves to a threshing machine and logs to a sawmill, but their voracity was nothing to that of a big lumberman just in from felling trees. Enough, and plenty of it, is what he wants. No 'tabbledote' for him. He wants it all at once, and he wants it right away. If there is any washing necessary, he is content to do it after the meal. I know nothing, except a morning paper, that has such an appetite for miscellaneous stuff as the man of the woods." The girl made no remark, but Yates could see that she was interested in his talk in spite of her- self. The bread was now in the pans, and she had drawn out the table to the middle of the floor; the baking-board had disappeared, and the surface of the table was cleaned. With a light, deft motion of her two hands she had whisked over its surface the 78 IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS spotlessly white cloth, which flowed in waves over the table and finally settled calmly in its place like the placid face of a pond in the moonlight. Yates realised that the way to success lay in keeping the conversation in his own hands and not depending on any response. In this way a man may best dis- play the store of knowledge he possesses, to the ad- miration and bewilderment of his audience, even though his store consists merely of samples like the outfit of a commercial traveller; yet a commercial traveller who knows his business can so arrange his samples on the table of his room in a hotel that they give the onlooker an idea of the vastness and wealth of the warehouses from which they are drawn. " Bread," said Yates with the serious air of a very learned man, " is a most interesting subject. It is a historical subject it is a biblical subject. As an article of food it is mentioned oftener in the Bible than any other. It is used in parable and to point a moral. ' Ye must not live on bread alone.' " From the suspicion of a twinkle in the eye of his listener he feared he had not quoted correctly. He knew he was not now among that portion of his samples with which he was most familiar, so he hastened back to the historical aspect of his subject. Few people could skate over thinner ice than Rich- ard Yates, but his natural shrewdness always caused him to return to more solid footing. " Now, in this country bread has gone through three distinct stages, and although I am a strong believer in progress, yet, in the case of our most im- IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS 79 portant article of food, I hold that the bread of to- day is inferior to the bread our mothers used to make, or perhaps, I should say, our grandmothers. This is, unfortunately, rapidly becoming the age of machinery and machinery, while it may be quicker, is certainly not so thorough as old-fashioned hand work. There is a new writer in England named Ruskin who is very bitter against machinery. He would like to see it abolished at least, so he says. I will send for one of his books, and show it to you, if you will let me." "You, in New York, surely do not call the author of 'Modern Painters' and 'The Seven Lamps of Architecture ' a new man. My father has one of his books which must be nearly twenty years old." This was the longest speech Margaret had made to him, and, as he said afterward to the professor in describing its effects, it took him right off his feet. He admitted to the professor, but not to the girl, that he had never read a word of Ruskin in his life. The allusion he had made to him he had heard someone else use, and he had worked it into an article before now with telling effect. "As Mr. Ruskin says " looked well in a newspaper column, giving an air of erudition and research to it. Mr. Yates, however, was not at the present moment pre- pared to enter into a discussion on either the age or the merits of the English writer. " Ah, well," he said, " technically speaking, of course, Ruskin is not a new man. What I meant was that he is looked on ah in New York as 8o IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS that is you know as comparatively new com- paratively new. But, as I was saying about bread, the old log-house era of bread, as I might call it, produced the most delicious loaf ever made in this country. It was the salt-rising kind, and was baked in a round, flat-bottomed iron kettle. Did you ever see the baking kettle of other days?" " I think Mrs. Bartlett has one, although she never uses it now. It was placed on the hot embers, was it not?" " Exactly," said Yates, noting with pleasure that the girl was thawing, as he expressed it to himself. " The hot coals were drawn out and the kettle placed upon them. When the lid was in position, hot coals were put on the top of it. The bread was firm and white and sweet inside, with the most delicious golden brown crust all around. Ah, that was bread ! but perhaps I appreciated it because I was always hungry in those days. Then came the al- leged improvement of the tin Dutch oven. That was the second stage in the evolution of bread in this country. It also belonged to the log-house and open-fireplace era. Bread baked by direct heat from the fire and reflected heat from the polished tin. I think our present cast-iron stove arrangement is preferable to that, although not up to the old-time kettle." If Margaret had been a reader of the New York Argus, she would have noticed that the facts set forth by her visitor had already appeared in that paper, much elaborated, in an article entitled " Our 8i Daily Bread." In the pause that ensued after Yates had finished his dissertation on the staff of life the stillness was broken by a long wailing cry. It began with one continued, sustained note, and ended with a wail half a tone below the first. The girl paid no attention to it, but Yates started to his feet. " In the name of What's that ? " Margaret smiled, but before she could answer the stillness was again broken by what appeared to be the more distant notes of a bugle. " The first," she said, " was Kitty Bartlett's voice calling the men home from the field for dinner. Mrs. Bartlett is a very good housekeeper, and is usually a few minutes ahead of the neighbours with the meals. The second was the sound of a horn farther up the road. It is what you would deplore as the age of tin applied to the dinner call, just as your tin oven supplanted the better bread maker. I like Kitty's call much better than the sound of the tin horn. It seems to me more musical, although it appeared to startle you." " Oh, you can talk ! " cried Yates with audacious admiration, at which the girl coloured slightly and seemed to retire within herself again. " And you can make fun of people's historical lore, too. Which do you use the tin horn or the natural voice?" " Neither. If you will look outside, you will see a flag at the top of a pole. That is our signal." It flashed across the mind of Yates that this was intended as an intimation that he might see many things outside to interest him. He felt that his visit 82 IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS had not been at all the brilliant success he had antici- pated. Of course the quest for bread had been merely an excuse. He had expected to be able to efface the unfavourable impression he knew he had made by his jaunty conversation on the Ridge Road the day before, and he realised that his position was still the same. A good deal of Yates' success in life came from the fact that he never knew when he was beaten. He did not admit defeat now, but he saw he had, for some reason, not gained any advantage in a preliminary skirmish. He concluded it would be well to retire in good order, and renew the con- test at some future time. He was so unused to any- thing like a rebuff that all his fighting qualities were up in arms, and he resolved to show this unim- pressionable girl that he was not a man to be lightly valued. As he rose, the door from the main portion of the house opened, and there entered a woman hardly yet past middle age, who had once been undoubt- edly handsome, but on whose worn and faded face was the look of patient weariness which so often is the result of a youth spent in helping a husband to overcome the stumpy stubbornness of an American bush farm. When the farm is conquered, the victor is usually vanquished. It needed no second glance to see that she was the mother from whom the daughter had inherited her good looks. Mrs. How- ard did not appear surprised to see a stranger stand- ing there ; in fact, the faculty of being surprised at anything seemed to have left her. Margaret in- 83 troduced them quietly, and went about her prepara- tion for the meal. Yates greeted Mrs. Howard with effusion. He had come, he said, on a bread mission. He thought he knew something about bread, but he now learned he came too early in the day. He hoped he might have the privilege of repeating his visit. " But you are not going now ? " said Mrs. Howard with hospitable anxiety. " I fear I have already stayed too long," answered Yates lingeringly. " My partner, Professor Ren- mark, is also on a foraging expedition at your neigh- bours', the Bartletts. He is doubtless back in camp long ago, and will be expecting me." " No fear of that. Mrs. Bartlett would never let anyone go when there is a meal on the way." " I am afraid I shall be giving extra trouble by staying. I imagine there is quite enough to do in every farmhouse without entertaining any chance tramp who happens along. Don't you agree with me for once, Miss Howard ? " Yates was reluctant to go, and yet he did not wish to stay unless Margaret added her invitation to her mother's. He felt vaguely that his reluctance did him credit, and that he was improving. He could not remember a time when he had not taken without question whatever the gods sent, and this unaccus- tomed qualm of modesty caused him to suspect that there were depths in his nature hitherto unexplored. It always flatters a man to realise that he is deeper than he thought. 84 IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS Mrs. Howard laughed in a subdued manner be- cause Yates likened himself to a tramp, and Margaret said coldly : " Mother's motto is that one more or less never makes any difference." "And what is your motto, Miss Howard ?" " I don't think Margaret has any," said Mrs. Howard, answering for her daughter. " She is like her father. She reads a great deal and doesn't talk much. He would read all the time, if he did not have to work. I see Margaret has already invited you, for she has put an extra plate on the table." "Ah, then," said Yates, " I shall have much pleas- ure in accepting both the verbal and the crockery invitation. I am sorry for the professor at his lonely meal by the tent ; for he is a martyr to duty, and I feel sure Mrs. Bartlett will not be able to keep him." Before Mrs. Howard could reply there floated in to them from the outside, where Margaret was, a cheery voice which Yates had no difficulty in recog- nising as belonging to Miss Kitty Bartlett. " Hello, Margaret ! " she said. " Is he here ? " The reply was inaudible. " Oh, you know whom I mean. That conceited city fellow." There was evidently an admonition and a warn- ing. " Well, I don't care if he does. I'll tell him so to his face. It might do him good." Next moment there appeared a pretty vision in the doorway. On the fair curls, which were flying IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS 85 about her shoulders, had been carelessly placed her brother's straw hat, with a broad and torn brim. Her face was flushed with running ; and of the fact that she was a very lovely girl there was not the slightest doubt. "How de do?" she said to Mrs. Howard, and, nodding to Yates, cried : " I knew you were here, but J came over to make sure. There is going to be war in our house. Mother's made a prisoner of the professor already, but he doesn't know it. He thinks he's going back to the tent, and she's packing up the things he wanted, and doing it aw- fully slow, till I get back. He said you would be sure to be waiting for him out in the woods. We both told him there was no fear of that. You wouldn't leave a place where there was good cook- ing for all the professors in the world." "You are a wonderful judge of character, Miss Bartlett," said Yates, somewhat piqued by her frankness, " Of course I am. The professor knows ever so much more than you, but he doesn't know when he's well off, just the same. You do. He's a quiet, stubborn man." " And which do you admire the most, Miss Bartlett a quiet, stubborn man, or one who is con- ceited ? " Miss Kitty laughed heartily, without the slightest trace of embarrassment. " Detest, you mean. I'm sure I don't know. Margaret, which is the most objectionable ? " 86 IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS Margaret looked reproachfully at her neighbour on being thus suddenly questioned, but said noth- ing. Kitty, laughing again, sprang toward her friend, dabbed a little kiss, like the peck of a bird, on each cheek, cried : " Well, I must be off, or mother will have to tie up the professor to keep him," and was off accordingly with the speed and lightness of a young fawn. " Extraordinary girl," remarked Yates, as the flutter of curls and calico dress disappeared. " She is a good girl," cried Margaret emphat- ically. " Bless me, I said nothing to the contrary. But don't you think she is somewhat free with her opinions about other people ? " asked Yates. " She did not know that you were within hearing when she first spoke, and after that she brazened it out. That's her way. But she's a kind girl and good-hearted, otherwise she would not have taken the trouble to come over here merely because your friend happened to be surly." " Oh, Renny is. anything but surly," said Yates, as quick to defend his friend as she was to stand up for hers. " As I was saying a moment ago, he is a martyr to duty, and if he thought I was at the camp, nothing would keep him. Now he will have a good dinner in peace when he knows I am not waiting for him, and a good dinner is more than he will get when I take to the cooking." By this time the silent signal on the flagpole had IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS 87 done its work, and Margaret's father and brother arrived from the field. They put their broad straw hats on the roof of the kitchen veranda, and, taking water in a tin basin from the rain barrel, placed it on a bench outside and proceeded to wash vigorously, Mr. Howard was much more interested in his guest than his daughter apparently had been. Yates talked glibly, as he could always do if he had a sympathetic audience, and he showed an easy famil- iarity with the great people of this earth that was fascinating to a man who had read much of them, but who was, in a measure, locked out of the bustling world. Yates knew many of the generals in the late war, and all of the politicians. Of the latter there was not an honest man among them, according to the reporter ; of the former there were few who had not made the most ghastly mistakes. He looked on the world as a vast hoard of common- place people, wherein the men of real genius were buried out of sight, if there were any men of genius, which he seemed to doubt, and those on the top were there either through their own intrigues or because they had been forced up by circum- stances. His opinions sometimes caused a look of pain to cross the face of the older man, who was enthusiastic in his quiet way, and had his heroes. He would have been a strong Republican if he had lived in the States ; and he had watched the four- years' struggle through the papers, with keen and absorbed interest. The North had been fighting, in his opinion, for the great and undying principle of 88 IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS human liberty, and had deservedly won. Yates had no such delusion. It was a politician's war, he said. Principle wasn't in it. The North would have been quite willing to let slavery stand if the situation had not been forced by the firing on Fort Sumter. Then the conduct of the war did not at all meet the approval of Mr. Yates. " Oh, yes," he said, " I suppose Grant will go down into history as a great general. The truth is that he simply knew how to subtract. That is all there is in it. He had the additional boon of an utter lack of imagination. We had many generals who were greater than Grant, but they were troubled with imaginations. Imagination will ruin the best general in the world. Now, take yourself, for example, If you were to kill a man uninten- tionally, your conscience would trouble you all the rest of your life. Think how you would feel, then, if you were to cause the death of ten thousand men all in a lump. It would break you down. The mistake an ordinary man makes may result in the loss of a few dollars, which can be replaced ; but if a general makes a mistake, the loss can never be made up, for his mistakes are estimated by the lives of men. He say ' Go ' when he should have said ' Come.' He says ' Attack ' when he should have said ' Retreat.' What is the result ? Five, ten, or fifteen thousand men, many of them better men than he is, left dead on the field. Grant had noth- ing of this feeling. He simply knew how to sub- tract, as I said before. It is like this : You have IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS 89 fifty thousand men and I have twenty-five thousand. When I kill twenty-five thousand of your men and you kill twenty-five thousand of my men, you have twenty-five thousand left and I have none. You are the victor, and the thoughtless crowd howls about you, but that does not make you out the greatest general by a long shot. If Lee had had Grant's number, and Grant had Lee's, the result would have been reversed. Grant set himself to do this little sum in subtraction, and he did it did it probably as quickly as any other man would have done it, and he knew that when it was done the war would have to stop. That's all there was to it." The older man shook his head. " I doubt," he said, " if history will take your view either of the motives of those in power or of the way the war was carried on. It was a great and noble struggle, heroically fought by those deluded people who were in the wrong, and stubbornly contested at immense self-sacrifice by those who were in the right." " What a pity it was," said young Howard to the newspaper man, with a rudeness that drew a frown from his father, " that you didn't get to show 'em how to carry on the war." " Well," said Yates, with a humorous twinkle in his eye, " I flatter myself that I would have given them some valuable pointers. Still, it is too late to bemoan their neglect now." " Oh, you may have a chance yet," continued the unabashed young man. " They say the Fenians are coming over here this time sure. You ought to vol- 90 IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS unteer either on our side or on theirs, and show how a war ought to be carried on." " Oh, there's nothing in the Fenian scare ! They won't venture over. They fight with their mouths. It's the safest way." " I believe you," said the youth significantly. Perhaps it was because the boy had been so incon- siderate as to make these remarks that Yates received a cordial invitation from both Mr. and Mrs. Howard to visit the farm as often as he cared to do so. Of this privilege Yates resolved to avail himself, but he would have prized it more if Miss Margaret had added her word which she did not, perhaps because she was so busy looking after the bread. Yates knew, however, that with a woman apparent progress is rarely synonymous with real progress. This knowl- edge soothed his disappointment. As he walked back to the camp he reviewed his own feelings with something like astonisMment. The march of events was rapid even for him, who was not slow in anything he undertook. " It is the result of leisure," he said to himself. " It is the first breathing time I have had for fifteen years. Not two days of my vacation gone, and here I am hopelessly in love ! " CHAPTER VII YATES had intended to call at the Bartletts' and escort Renmark back to the woods ; but when he got outside he forgot the existence of the professor, and wandered somewhat aimlessly up the side road, switching at the weeds that always grow in great profusion along the ditches of a Canadian country thoroughfare. The day was sunny and warm, and as Yates wandered on in the direction of the forest he thought of many things. He had feared that he would find life deadly dull so far from New York, without even the consolation of a morning paper, the feverish reading of which had become a sort of vice with him, like smoking. He had imagined that he could not exist without his morning paper, but he now realised that it was not nearly so important a factor in life as he had supposed ; yet he sighed when he thought of it, and wished he had one with him of current date. He could now, for the first time in many years, read a paper without that vague fear which always possessed him when he took up an opposition sheet, still damp from the press. Be- fore he could enjoy it his habit was to scan it over rapidly to see if it contained any item of news which 9 1 92 IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS he himself had missed the previous day. The im- pending " scoop " hangs over the head of the news- paper man like the sword so often quoted. Great as the joy of beating the opposition press is, it never takes the poignancy of the sting away from a beat- ing received. If a terrible disaster took place, and another paper gave fuller particulars than the Argus Yates found himself almost wishing the accident had not occurred, although he recognised such a wish as decidedly unprofessional. Richard's idea of the correct spirit in a reporter was exemplified by an old broken-down, out-of-work morning newspaper man, who had not long before committed suicide at an hour in the day too late for the evening papers to get the sensational item. He had sent in to the paper for which he formerly worked a full account of the fatality, accurately headed and sub-headed ; and, in his note to the city editor, he told why he had chosen the hour of 7 P.M. as the time for his departure from an unappreciative world. " Ah, well," said Yates under his breath, and sud- denly pulling himself together, " I mustn't think of New York if I intend to stay here for a couple of weeks. I'll be city-sick the first thing I know, and then I'll make a break for the metropolis. This will never do. The air here is enchanting, it fills a man with new life. This is the spot for me, and I'll stick to it till I'm right again. Hang New York ! But I mustn't think of Broadway or I'm done for." He came to the spot in the road where he could IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS 93 see the white side of the tent under the dark trees, and climbed up on the rail fence, sitting there for a few moments. The occasional call of a quail from a neighbouring field was the only sound that broke the intense stillness. The warm smell of spring was in the air. The buds had but recently broken, and the woods, intensely green, had a look of newness and freshness that was comforting to the eye and grateful to the other senses. The world seemed to be but lately made. The young man breathed deeply of the vivifying air, and said : " No, there's nothing the matter with this place, Dick. New York's a fool to it." Then, with a sigh, he added : " If I can stand it for two weeks. I wonder how the boys are getting on without me." In spite of himself his thoughts kept drifting back to the great city, although he told himself that it wouldn't do. He gazed at the peaceful, spreading landscape, but his eyes were vacant and he saw noth- ing. The roar of the streets was in his ears. Sud- denly his reverie was broken by a voice from the forest. " I say, Yates, where's the bread ? " Yates looked quickly round, somewhat startled, and saw the professor coming toward him. " The bread ? I forgot all about it. No ; I didn't either. They were baking that was it. I am to go for it later in the day. What loot did you rake in, professor?" " Vegetables mostly." " That's all right. Have a good dinner ? " 94 IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS " Excellent/' " So did I. Renny, when you interrupted me, I was just counting the farmhouses in sight. What do you say to boarding round among them ? You are a schoolmaster, and ought to know all about it. Isn't education in this country encouraged by pay- ing the teacher as little as possible, and letting him take it out in eating his way from one house to an- other ? Ever board round, Renny ? " " Never. If the custom once existed in Canada, it is out of date now." " That's a pity. I hate to face my own cooking, Renmark. We become less brave as we grow older. By the way, how is old man Bartlett ? As well as could be expected?" " He seemed much as usual. Mrs. Bartlett has sent out two chairs to the tent ; she fears we will get rheumatism if we sit on the ground." " She is a kind woman. Renny, and a thought- ful. And that reminds me: I have a hammock somewhere among my belongings. I will swing it up. Chairs are comfortable, but a hammock is luxury." Yates slid down from the fence top, and together the two men walked to the tent. The hammock was unfurled and slung between two trees. Yates tested it cautiously, and finally trusted himself to its rest- ful folds of network. He was swaying indolently several feet from the ground when he said to Ren- mark : " I call this paradise paradise regained ; but it IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS 95 be paradise lost next month. Now, professor, I am ready to do the cooking, but I have a fancy for doing it by proxy. The general directs, and the useful prosaic man executes. Where are your vegetables, Renny ? Potatoes and carrots, eh ? Very good. Now, you may wash them, Renny ; but first you must bring some water from the spring." The professor was a patient man, and he obeyed. Yates continued to swing in the hammock, alternat- ing directions with rhapsodies on the beauties of the day and the stillness of the woods. Renmark said but little, and attended strictly to the business in hand. The vegetables finished, he took a book from his valise, tilted a chair back against a tree, and began to read. " I'm depending upon you for the bread," he said to the drowsy man in the hammock. " Right you are, Renny. Your confidence is not misplaced. I shall presently journey down into the realms of civilisation, and fill the long-felt want. I shall go to the Howards by way of the Bartlett homestead, but I warn you that if there is a meal on, at either place, you will not have me here to test your first efforts at cooking. So you may have to wait until breakfast for my opinion." Yates extricated himself slowly and reluctantly from the hammock, and looked regretfully at it when he stood once more on the ground. " This mad struggle for bread, professor, is the curse of life here below. It is what we are all after. 96 IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS If it were not for the necessity of bread and clothing, what a good time a fellow might have ! Well, my blessing, Renny. Good-bye." Yates strolled slowly through the woods, until he came to the beginning of a lane which led to the Bartlett homestead. He saw the farmer and his son at work in the back fields. From between the dis- tant house and barn there arose, straight up into the still air, a blue column of smoke, which, reaching a certain height, spread out like a thin, hazy cloud above the dwelling. At first Yates thought that some of the outhouses were on fire, and he quickened his pace to a run ; but a moment's reflection showed him that the column was plainly visible to the work- ers in the fields, and that if anything were wrong they would not continue placidly at their labour. When he had walked the long length of the lane, and had safely rounded the corner of the barn, he saw, in the open space between that building and the house, a huge camp-fire blazing. From a pole, up- held by two crotched supports, hung a big iron ket- tle over the flames. The cauldron was full nearly to the brim, and the steam was already beginning to rise from its surface, although the fire had evidently been but recently kindled. The smoke was not now so voluminous, but Kitty Bartlett stood there with a big-brimmed straw hat in her hands, fanning it away from her face, while the hat at the same time protected her rosy countenance from the heat. She plainly was not prepared to receive visitors, and she started when the young man addressed her, flushing IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS 97 still more deeply, apparently annoyed at his unwel- come appearance. " Good-afternoon," he said cordially. " Preparing for washing ? I thought Monday was washing-day." " It is." " Then I have not been misinformed. And you are not preparing for washing ? " " We are." Yates laughed so heartily that Kitty, in spite of herself, had to permit a smile to brighten her own features. She always found it difficult to remain solemn for any length of time. " This is obviously a conundrum," said Yates, ticking off the items on his four ringers. " First, Monday is washing-day. Second, this is not Mon- day. Third, neither is to-morrow. Fourth, we are preparing for washing. I give it up, Miss Bartlett. Please tell me the answer." " The answer is that I am making soap ; soft soap, if you know what that is." " Practically, I don't know what it is ; but I have heard the term used in a political connection. In the States we say that if a man is very diplomatic he uses soft soap, so I suppose it has lubricating qualities Sam Slick used the term ' soft sawder ' in the same way ; but what sawder is, soft or hard, I haven't the slightest idea." " I thought you knew everything, Mr. Yates." " Me ? Bless you, no. I'm an humble gleaner in the field of knowledge. That's why I brought a Toronto professor with me. I want to learn 7 98 IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS something. Won't you teach me how to make soap?" " I'm very busy just now. When I said that we were preparing for washing, I should perhaps have told you there was something else we are not pre- pared for to-day." " What is that ? " " A visitor." " Oh, I say, Miss Bartlett, you are a little hard on me. I'm not a visitor. I'm a friend of the family. I want to help. You will find me a most diligent student. Won't you give me a chance ? " " All the hard work's done. But perhaps you knew that before you came." Yates looked at her reproachfully, and sighed deeply. " That's what it is to be a misunderstood man. So you think, among other bad qualities, I have the habit of shirking work ? Let me tell you, Miss Bart- lett, that the reason I am here is because I have worked too hard. Now, confess that you are sorry for what you said trampling on an already down- trodden man." Kitty laughed merrily at this, and Yates laughed also, for his sense of comradeship was strong. " You don't look as if you had ever worked in your life ; I don't believe you know what work is." " But there are different kinds of labour. Don't you call writing work ? " " No." " That's just where you're mistaken. It is, and IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS 99 hard work, too. I'll tell you about the newspaper business if you'll tell me about soap-making. Fair exchange. I wish }ou would take me as a pupil, Miss Bartlett ; you would find me quick at picking up things." " Well, then, pick up that pail and draw a pailful of water." "I'll do it," cried Yates sternly; "I'll do it, though it blast me." Yates selected a wooden pail, painted blue on the outside, with a red stripe near the top for orna- ment, and cream-coloured inside. It was called a " patent-pail " in those days, as it was a comparatively recent innovation, being cheaper, lighter, and stronger than the tin pail which it was rapidly re- placing. At the well was a stout pole, pinned through the centre to an upright support on which it swung, like the walking-beam of an engine. The thick end, which rested on the ground, was loaded with heavy stones ; while from the thin end, high in the air, there dangled over the mouth of the well a slim pole with a hook. This hook was ingeniously furnished with a spring of hickory, which snapped when the handle of the pail was placed on the hook, and prevented the " patent " utensil from slipping off when it was lowered to the surface of the water. Yates speedily recognised the usefulness of this con- trivance, for he found that the filling of a wooden pail in a deep well was not the simple affair it looked. The bucket bobbed about on the surface of the water. Once he forgot the necessity of keep- ioo IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS ing a stout grip on the pole, and the next instant the pail came up to the sunlight with a suddenness that was terrifying. Only an equally sudden back- ward jump on Yates' part saved his head. Miss Bartlett was pleased to look upon this incident as funny. Yates was so startled by the unexpected revolt of the pail that his native courtesy did not get a chance to prevent Kitty from drawing up the water herself. She lowered the vessel, pulling down the pole in a hand-over-hand manner that the young man thought decidedly fetching, and then she gave an almost imperceptible twist to the arrangement that resulted in instant success. The next thing Yates knew the full pail was resting on the well curb, and the hickory spring had given the click that released the handle. " There," said Kitty, suppressing her merriment, " that's how it's done." " I see the result, Miss Bartlett ; but I'm not sure I can do the trick. These things are not so simple as they seem. What is the next step ? " " Pour the water into the leach." " Into the what ? " " Into the leach, I said. Where else ? " " Oh, I'm up a tree again. I see I don't even know the A B C of this business. In the old days the leech was a physician. You don't mean I'm to drown a doctor ? " " This is the leach," said Kitty, pointing to a large, yellowish, upright wooden cylinder, which rested on some slanting boards, down the surface of IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS 101 which ran a brownish liquid that dripped into a trough. As Yates stood on a bench with the pail in his hand he saw that the cylinder was filled nearly to the top with sodden wood ashes. He poured in the water, and it sank quickly out of sight. " So this is part of the soap-making equipment ? " he said, stepping down ; " I thought the iron kettle over the fire was the whole factory. Tell me about the leach." "That is where the hard work of soap-making comes in," said Kitty, stirring the contents of the iron kettle with a long stick. " Keeping the leach supplied with water at first is no fun, for then the ashes are dry. If you put in five more pails of water, I will tell you about it." " Right ! " cried Yates, pleased to see that the girl's first objection to his presence was fast disap- pearing. " Now you'll understand how energetic I am. I'm a handy man about a place." When he had completed his task, she was still stirring the thickening liquid in the caldron, guard- ing her face from the flames with her big straw hat. Her clustering, tangled fair hair was down about her shoulders ; and Yates, as he put the pail in its place, when it had been emptied the fifth time, thought she formed a very pretty picture standing there by the fire, even if she were making soft soap. "The wicked genii has finished the task set him by the fairy princess. Now for the reward. I want all the particulars about the leach. In the first 102 IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS place, where do you get this huge wooden cylinder that I have, without apparent effect, been pouring water into? Is it manufactured or natural ? " " Both. It is a section of the buttonwood tree." " Buttonwood ? I don't think I ever heard of that. I know the beech and the maple, and some kinds of oak, but there my wood lore ends. Why the buttonwood ? " " The buttonwood happens to be exactly suited to the purpose. It is a tree that is very fine to look at. It seems all right, but it generally isn't. It is hollow or rotten within, and, even when sound, the timber made from it is of little value, as it doesn't last. Yet you can't tell until you begin to chop whether it is of any use or not." Kitty shot a quick glance at the young man, who was sitting on a log watching her. " Go on, Miss Bartlett ; I see what you mean. There are men like the buttonwood tree. The woods are full of them. I've met lots of that kind, fair to look upon, but hollow. Of course you don't mean anything personal ; for you must have seen my worth by the way I stuck to the water hauling. But go on." " Dear me, I never thought of such a thing ; but a guilty conscience, they say " said Kitty, with a giggle. " Of course they say ; but it's wrong, like most other things they say. It's the man with the guilty conscience who looks you straight in the eye. Now that the buttonwood is chopped down, what's the next thing to be done ? " IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS 103 " It is sawn off at the proper length, square at one end and slanting at the other." " Why slanting ? " " Don't you see, the foundation of plank on which it rests is inclined, so the end of the leach that is down must be slantingly cut, otherwise it would not stand perpendicularly. It would topple over in the first windstorm." " I see, I see. Then they haul it in and set it up ? " " Oh, dear no ; not yet. They build a fire in it when it gets dry enough." " Really ? I think I understand the comprehen- sive scheme, but I slip up on the details, as when I tried to submerge that wooden pail. What's the fire for?" " To burn out what remains of the soft inside wood, so as to leave only the hard outside shell. Then the charring of the inner surface is supposed to make the leach better more water-tight, perhaps." " Quite so. Then it is hauled in and set up ? " " Yes ; and gradually filled with ashes. When it is full, we pour the water in it, and catch the lye as it drips out. This is put in the caldron with grease, pigskins, and that sort of thing, and when it boils long enough, the result is soft soap." " And if you boil it too long, what is the result ?" " Hard soap, I suppose. I never boil it too long." The conversation was here interrupted by a hiss- ing in the fire, caused by the tumultuous boiling over of the soap. Kitty hurriedly threw in a basin of cold lye, and stirred the mixture vigorously. 104 IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS " You see," she said reproachfully, " the result of keeping me talking nonsense to you. Now you will have to make up for it by bringing in some wood and putting more water into the leach." " With the utmost pleasure," cried Yates, spring, ing to his feet. " It is a delight to atone for a fault by obeying your commands." The girl laughed. "Buttonwood," she said. Before Yates could think of anything to say in reply Mrs. Bartlett appeared at the back door. " How is the soap getting on, Kitty?" she asked. " Why, Mr. Yates, are you here ? " " Am I here ? I should say I was. Very much here. I'm the hired man. I'm the hewer of wood and the hauler of water, or, to speak more cor- rectly, I'm the hauler of both. And besides, I've been learning how to make soap, Mrs. Bartlett." " Well, it won't hurt you to know how." " You bet it won't. When I get back to New York, the first thing I shall do will be to chop down a buttonwood tree in the park, if I can find one, and set up a leach for myself. Lye comes useful in running a paper." Mrs. Bartlett's eyes twinkled, for, although she did not quite understand his nonsense, she knew it was nonsense, and she had a liking for frivolous persons, her own husband being so sombre-minded. " Tea is ready," she said. " Of course you will stay, Mr. Yates." " Really, Mrs. Bartlett, I cannot conscientiously do so. I haven't earned a meal since the last one. IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS 105 No ; my conscience won't let me accept, but thank you all the same." " Nonsense ; my conscience won't let you go away hungry. If nobody were to eat but those who earn their victuals, there would be more starving people in the world than there are. Of course you'll stay." " Now, that's what I like, Mrs. Bartlett. I like to have a chance of refusing an invitation I yearn for, and then be forced to accept. That's true hos- pitality." Then in a whisper he added to Kitty : "If you dare to say ' buttonwood,' Miss Bartlett, you and I will quarrel." But Kitty said nothing, now that her mother had appeared on the scene, but industriously stirred the contents of the iron kettle. " Kitty," said the mother, " you call the men to supper." " I can't leave this," said Kitty, flushing ; " it will boil over. You call, mother." So Mrs. Bartlett held her open palms on each side of her mouth, and gave the long wailing cry, which was faintly answered from the fields, and Yates, who knew a thing or two, noted with secret satis- faction that Kitty had refused doubtless because he was there. CHAPTER VIII " I TELL you what it is, Renny," said Yates, a few days after the soap episode, as he swung in his hammock at the camp, " I'm learning something new every day." " Not really ? " asked the professor in surprise. "Yes, really. I knew it would astonish you. My chief pleasure in life, professor, is the surprising of you. I sometimes wonder why it delights me ; it is so easily done." " Never mind about that. What have you been learning?" " Wisdom, my boy ; wisdom in solid chunks. In the first place, I am learning to admire the resource- fulness of these people around us. Practically, they make everything they need. They are the most self-helping people that I was ever thrown among. I look upon theirs as the ideal life." " I think you said something like that when we first came here." " I said that, you ass, about camping out. I am talking now about farm life. Farmers eliminate the middleman pretty effectually, and that in itself is going a long way toward complete happiness. 1 06 IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS 107 Take the making of soap, that I told you about ; there you have it, cheap and good. When you've made it, you know what is in it, and I'll be hanged if you do when you pay a big price for it in New York. Here they make pretty nearly everything they need except the waggon and the crockery ; and I'm not sure but they made them a few years back. Now, when a man with a good sharp axe and a jack- knife can do anything from building his house to whittling out a chair, he's the most independent man on earth. Nobody lives better than these people do. Everything is fresh, sweet, and good. Perhaps the country air helps ; but it seems to me I never tasted such meals as Mrs. Bartlett, for in- stance, gets up. They buy nothing at the stores except the tea, and I confess I prefer milk myself. My tastes were always simple." " And what is the deduction ? " " Why, that this is the proper way to live. Old Hiram has an anvil and an amateur forge. He can tinker up almost anything, and that eliminates the blacksmith. Howard has a bench, saws, hammers, and other tools, and that eliminates the carpenter. The women eliminate the baker, the soap-boiler, and a lot of other parasites. Now, when you have eliminated all the middlemen, then comes independ- ence, and consequently complete happiness. You can't keep happiness away with a shotgun then." " But what is to become of the blacksmith, the carpenter, and all the rest ? " " Let them take up land and be happy too ; there's io8 IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS plenty of land. The land is waiting for them. Then look how the master is eliminated, '.'hat's the most beautiful riddance of all. Even the car- penter and blacksmith usually have to work under a boss ; and if not, they have to depend on the men who employ them. The farmer has to please no- body but himself. That adds to his independence. That's why old Hiram is ready to fight the first comer on the slightest provocation. He doesn't care whom he offends, so long as it isn't his wife. These people know how to make what they want, and what they can't make they do without. That's the way to form a great nation. You raise, in this manner, a self-sustaining, resolute, unconquerable people. The reason the North conquered the South was because we drew our armies mostly from the self-reliant farming class, while we had to fight a people accustomed for generations to having things done for them." " Why don't you buy a farm, Yates? " " Several reasons. I am spoiled for the life here. I am like the drunkard who admires a temperate life, yet can't pass a ginshop. The city virus is in my blood. And then, perhaps, after all, I am not quite satisfied with the tendency of farm life ; it is unfortu- nately in a transition state. It is at the frame-house stage, and will soon blossom into the red-brick stage. The log-house era is what I yearn for. Then every, thing a person needed was made on the farm. When the brick-house era sets in, the middleman will be rampant. I saw the other day at the Howards' a set IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS 109 of ancient stones that interested me as much as an Assyrian marble would interest you. They were old, home-made millstones, and they have not been used since the frame-house was built. The grist mill at the village put them out of date. And just here, notice the subtlety of the crafty middleman. The farmer takes his grist to the mill, and the miller does not charge him cash for grinding it. He takes toll out of the bags, and the farmer has a vague idea that he gets his grinding for almost nothing. The old way was the best, Renny, my boy. The farmer's son won't be as happy in the brick-house which the mason will build for him as his grandfather was in the log-house he built for himself. And fools call this change the advance of civilisation." " There is something to be said for the old order of things," admitted Renmark. " If a person could unite the advantages of what we call civilisation with the advantages of a pastoral life, he would inaugurate a condition of things that would be truly idyllic." " That's so, Renmark, that's so ! " cried Yates enthusiastically. " A brownstone mansion on Fifth Avenue, and a log hut on the shores of Lake Su- perior ! That would suit me down to the ground. Spend half the year in each place." "Yes," said the professor meditatively ; "a log hut on the rocks and under the trees, with the lake in front, would be very nice if the hut had a good library attached." " And a daily paper. Don't forget the press." " No. I draw the line there. The daily paper I io IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS would mean the daily steamer or the daily train. The one would frighten away the fish, and the other would disturb the stillness with its whistle." Yates sighed. " I forgot about the drawbacks," he said. " That's the trouble with civilisation. You can't have the things you want without bringing in their trail so many things you don't want. I shall have to give up the daily paper." "Then there is another objection, worse than either steamer or train." " What's that ? " " The daily paper itself." Yates sat up indignantly. " Renmark ! " he cried, " that's blasphemy. For Heaven's sake, man, hold something sacred. If you don't respect the press, what do you respect ? Not my most cherished feelings, at any rate, or you wouldn't talk in that flippant manner. If you speak kindly of my daily paper, I'll tolerate your library." "And that reminds me: Have you brought any books with you, Yates ? I have gone through most of mine already, although many of them will bear going over again ; still, I have so much time on my hands that I think I may indulge in a little general reading. When you wrote asking me to meet you in Buffalo, I thought you perhaps intended to tramp through the country, so I did not bring as many books with me as I should have done if I had known you were going to camp out." Yates sprang from the hammock. "Books? Well, I should say so ! Perhaps you IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS in thrnk I don't read anything but the daily papers. I'd have you know that I am something of a reader myself. You mustn't imagine you monopolise all the culture in the township, professor." The young man went into the tent, and shortly returned with an armful of yellow-covered, paper- bound small volumes, which he flung in profusion at the feet of the man from Toronto. They were mostly Beadle's Dime Novels, which had a great sale at the time. " There," he said, " you have quantity, quality, and variety, as I have before remarked. ' The Mur- derous Sioux of Kalamazoo ; ' that's a good one. A hair-raising Indian story in every sense of the world. The one you are looking at is a pirate story, judging by the burning ship on the cover. But for first-class highwaymen yarns, this other edition is the best. That's the ' Sixteen String Jack set.' They're im- mense if they do cost a quarter each. You must begin at the right volume, or you'll be sorry. You see, they never really end, although every volume is supposed to be complete in itself. They leave off at the most exciting point, and are continued in the next volume. I call that a pretty good idea, but it's rather exasperating if you begin at the last book. You'll enjoy this lot. I'm glad I brought them along." " It is a blessing," said Renmark, with the ghost of a smile about his lips. " I can truthfully say that they are entirely new to me." "That's all right, my boy," cried Yates loftily, H2 IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS with a wave of his hand. " Use them as if they were your own." Renmark arose leisurely and picked up a quantity of the books. " These will do excellently for lighting our morn- ing camp-fire," he said. " And if you will allow me to treat them as if they were my own, that is the use to which I will put them. You surely do not mean to say that you read such trash as this, Yates ? " " Trash ? " exclaimed Yates indignantly. " It serves me right. That's what a man gets for being decent to you, Renny. Well, you're not compelled to read them ; but if you put one of them in the fire, your stupid treatises will follow, if they are not too solid to burn. You don't know good literature when you see it." The professor, buoyed up, perhaps, by the conceit which comes to a man through the possession of a real sheepskin diploma, granted by a university of good standing, did not think it necessary to defend his literary taste. He busied himself in pruning a stick he had cut in the forest, and finally he got it into the semblance of a walking cane. He was an athletic man, and the indolence of camp life did not suit him as it did Yates. He tested the stick in various ways when he had trimmed it to his satis- faction. "Are you ready for a ten-mile walk? "he asked of the man in the hammock. " Good gracious, no. Man wants but little walking here below, and he doesn't want it ten miles in IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS 113 length either. I'm easily satisfied. You're off, are you ? Well, so long. And I say, Renny, bring back some bread when you return to camp. It's the one safe thing to do ' 8 CHAPTER IX RENMARK walked through the woods and then across the fields, until he came to the road. He avoided the habitations of man as much as he could, for he was neither so sociably inclined nor so fre- quently hungry as was his companion. He strode along the road, not caring much where it led him. Everyone he met gave him " Good-day," after the friendly custom of the country. Those with waggons or lighter vehicles going in his direction usually offered him a ride, and went on, wondering that a man should choose to walk when it was not com- pulsory. The professor, like most silent men, found himself good company, and did not feel the need of companionship in his walks. He had been relieved rather than disappointed when Yates refused to ac- company him. And Yates, swinging drowsily in his hammock, was no less gratified. Even where men are firm and intimate friends, the first few days of camping out is a severe strain on their regard for each other. If Damon and Pythias had occupied a tent together for a week, the worst enemy of either, or both, might at the end of that time have ventured into the camp in safety, and would have been wel- come. 114 IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS 115 Renmark thought of these things as he walked along. His few days' intimacy with Yates had shown him how far apart they had managed to get by following paths that diverged more and more widely the longer they were trodden. The friend- ship of their youth had turned out to be merely ephemeral. Neither would now choose the other as an intimate associate. Another illusion had gone. " I have surely enough self-control," said Renmark to himself, as he walked on, " to stand his shallow flippancy for another week, and not let him see what I think of him." Yates at the same time was thoroughly enjoying the peaceful silence of the camp. " That man is an exaggerated schoolmaster, with all the faults of the species abnormally developed. If I once open out on him, he will learn more truth about himself in ten minutes than he ever heard in his life before. What an unbearable prig he has grown to be." Thus ran Yates' thoughts as he swung in his ham- mock, looking up at the ceiling of green leaves. Nevertheless, the case was not so bad as either of them thought. If it had been, then were marriage not only a failure, but a practical impossibility. If two men can get over the first few days in camp without a quarrel, life becomes easier, and the ten- sion relaxes. Renmark, as he polished off his ten miles, paid little heed to those he met ; but one driver drew up his horse and accosted him. ii6 IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS " Good-day," he said. " How are you getting on in the tent ? " The professor was surprised at the question. Had their tenting-out eccentricity gone all over the coun- try? He was not a quick man at recognising people, belonging, as he did, to the " I-remember-your-face- but-can't-recall-your-name " fraternity. It had been said of him that he never, at any one time, knew the names of more than half a dozen students in his class ; but this was an undergraduate libel on him. The young man who had accosted him was driving a single horse, attached to what he termed a " dem- ocrat " a four-wheeled light waggon, not so slim and elegant as a buggy, nor so heavy and clumsy as a waggon. Renmark looked up at the driver with confused unrecognition, troubled because he was vaguely aware that he had met him somewhere be- fore. But his surprise at being addressed speedily changed into amazement as he looked from the driver to the load. The " democrat " was heaped with books. The larger volumes were stuck along the sides with some regularity, and in this way kept the miscellaneous pile from being shaken out on the road. His eye glittered with a new interest as it rested on the many-coloured bindings ; and he recog- nised in the pile the peculiar brown covers of the " Bohn " edition of classic translations, that were scattered like so many turnips over the top of this ridge of literature. He rubbed his eyes to make sure he was not dreaming. How came a farmer's boy to be driving a waggon-load of books in the IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS 117 wilds of the country as nonchalantly as if they were so many bushels of potatoes ? The young driver, who had stopped his horse, for the load was heavy and the sand was deep, saw that the stranger not only did not recognise him, but that from the moment he saw the books he had forgotten everything else. It was evidently necessary to speak again. "If you are coming back, will you have a ride?" he asked. " I I think I will," said the professor, descend- ing to earth again and climbing up beside the boy. " I see you don't remember me," said the latter, starting his horse again. " My name is Howard. I passed you in my buggy when you were coming in with your tent that day on the Ridge. Your partner what's his name Yates, isn't it ? had dinner at our house the other day." " Ah, yes. I recollect you now. I thought I had seen you before ; but it was only for a moment, you know. I have a very poor memory so far as people are concerned. It has always been a failing of mine. Are these your books ? And how do you happen to have such a quantity ? " " Oh, this is the library," said young Howard. " The library ? " " Yes, the township library, you know." " Oh ! The township has a library, then ? I didn't know." " Well, it's part of it. This is a fifth part. You i rS IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS know about township libraries, don't you ? Your partner said you were a college man." Renmark blushed at his own ignorance, but he was never reluctant to admit it. " I ought to be ashamed to confess it, but I know nothing of township libraries. Please tell me about them." Young Howard was eager to give information to a professor, especially on the subject of books, which he regarded as belonging to the province of college- bred men. He was pleased also to discover that city people did not know everything. He had long had the idea that they did, and this belief had been annoyingly corroborated by the cocksureness of Yates. The professor evidently was a decent fellow who did not pretend to universal knowledge. This was encouraging. He liked Renmark better than Yates, and was glad he had offered him a ride, al- though, of course, that was the custom ; still, a per- son with one horse and a heavy load is exempt on a sandy road. " Well, you see," he said in explanation, " it's like this : The township votes a sum of money, say a hundred dollars, or two hundred, as the case may be. They give notice to the Government of the amount voted, and the Government adds the same amount to the township money, It's like the old game : you think of a number, and they double it. The Gov- ernment has a depository of books, in Toronto, I think, and they sell them cheaper than the book- stores do. At any rate, the four hundred dollars' IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS 119 worth are bought, or whatever the amount is, and the books are the property of the township. Five persons are picked out in the township as librarians, and they have to give security. My father is libra- rian for this section. The library is divided into five parts, and each librarian gets a share. Once a year I go to the next section and get all their books. They go to the next section, again, and get all the books at that place. A man comes to our house to- day and takes all we have. So we get a complete change every year, and in five years we get back the first batch, which by that time we have forgotten all about. To-day is changing day all around." " And the books are lent to any person in each sec- tion who wishes to read them ? " asked the professor. " Yes. Margaret keeps a record, and a person can have a book out for two weeks; after that time there is a fine, but Margaret never fines anyone." " And do people have to pay to take out the books?" " Not likely ! " said Howard with fine contempt. " You wouldn't expect people to pay for reading books ; would you, now ? " " No, I suppose not. And who selected the vol- umes ? " " Well, the township can select the books if it likes, or it can send a committee to select them ; but they didn't think it worth the trouble and expense. People grumbled enough at wasting money on books as it was, even if they did buy them at half price. Still, others said it was a pity not to get the money 120 IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS out of the Government when they had the chance. I don't believe any of them cared very much about the books, except father and a few others. So the Government chose the books. They'll do that if you leave it to them. And a queer lot of trash they sent, if you take my word for it. I believe they shoved off on us all the things no one else would buy. Even when they did pick out novels, they were just as tough as the history books. ' Adam Bede ' is one. They say that's a novel. I tried it, but I would rather read the history of Josephus any day. There's some fighting in that, if it is a history. Then there's any amount of biography books. They're no good. There's a ' History of Napoleon.' Old Bartlett's got that, and he won't give it up. He says he was taxed for the library against his will. He dares them to go to law about it, and it ain't worth while for one book. The other sections are all asking for that book ; not that they want it, but the whole country knows that old Bartlett's a-hold- ing on to it, so they'd like to see some fun. Bart- lett's read that book fourteen times, and it's all he knows. I tell Margaret she ought to fine him, and keep on fining, but she won't do it. I guess Bart- lett thinks the book belongs to him by this time. Margaret likes Kitty and Mrs. Bartlett, so does everybody, but old Bartlett's a seed. There he sits now on his veranda, and it's a wonder he's not reading the ' History of Napoleon.' " They were passing the Bartlett house, and young Howard raised his voice and called out: IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS 121 " I say, Mr. Bartlett, we want that Napoleon book. This is changing day, you know. Shall I come up for it, or will you bring it down? If you fetch it to the gate, I'll cart it home now." The old man paid no heed to what was said to him ; but Mrs. Bartlett, attracted by the outcry, came to the door. " You go along with your books, you young rascal ! " she cried, coming down to the gate when she saw the professor. " That's a nice way to carry bound books, as if they were a lot of bricks. I'll warrant you have lost a dozen between Mallory's and here. But easy come, easy go. It's plain to be seen they didn't cost you anything. I don't know what the world's a-coming to when the township spends its money in books, as if taxes weren't heavy enough already. Won't you come in, Mr. Renmark ? Tea's on the table." " Mr. Renmark's coming with me this trip, Mrs. Bartlett," young Howard said before the professor had time to reply; " but I'll come over and take tea if you'll invite me, as soon as I have put the horse up." " You go along with your nonsense," she said ; " I know you." Then in a lower voice she asked : " How is your mother, Henry and Margaret?" " They're pretty well, thanks." " Tell them I'm going to run over to see them some day soon, but that need not keep them from coming to see me. The old man's going to town to-morrow," and with this hint, after again inviting 122 IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS the professor to a meal, she departed up the path to the house. " I think I'll get down here," said Renmark, half- way between the two houses. " I am very much obliged to you for the ride, and also for what you told me about the books. It was very interesting." " Nonsense ! " cried young Howard ; " I'm not going to let you do anything of the sort. You're coming home with me. You want to seethe books, don't you ? Very well, then, come along. Mar- garet is always impatient on changing day, she's so anxious to see the books, and father generally comes in early from the fields for the same reason." As they approached the Howard homestead they noticed Margaret waiting for them at the gate ; but when the girl saw that a stranger was in the waggon, she turned and walked into the house. Renmark, seeing this retreat, regretted he had not accepted Mrs. Bartlett's invitation. He was a sensitive man, and did not realise that others were sometimes as shy as himself. He felt he was intruding, and that at a sacred moment the moment of the arrival of the library. He was such a lover of books, and valued so highly the privilege of being alone with them, that he fancied he saw in the abrupt depart- ure of Margaret the same feeling of resentment he would himself have experienced if a visitor had encroached upon him in his favourite nook in the fine room that held the library of the university. When the waggon stopped in the lane, Renmark said hesitatingly : IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS 123 "I think I'll not stay, if you don't mind. My friend is waiting for me at the camp, and will be wondering what has become of me." "Who? Yates? Let him wonder. I guess he never bothers about anybody else as long as he is comfortable himself. That's how I sized him up, at any rate. Besides, you're never going back on carrying in the books, are you? I counted on your help. I don't want to do it, and it don't seem the square thing to let Margaret do it all alone ; does it, now? " " Oh, if I can be of any assistance, I shall " " Of course you can. Besides, I know my father wants to see you, anyhow. Don't you, father? " The old man was coming round from the back of the house to meet them. " Don't I what? " he asked. " You said you wanted to see Professor Renmark when Margaret told you what Yates had said to her about him." Renmark reddened slightly at finding so many people had made him the subject of conversation, rather suspecting at the same time that the boy was making fun of him. Mr. Howard cordially held out his hand. " So this is Professor Renmark, is it? I am very pleased to see you. Yes, as Henry was saying, I have been wanting to see you ever since my daugh- ter spoke of you. I suppose Henry told you that his brother is a pupil of yours? " "Oh! is Arthur Howard your son? " cried Ren- 124 IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS mark, warming up at once. " I did not know it. There are many young men at the college, and I have but the vaguest idea from what parts of the country they all come. A teacher should have no favourites, but I must confess to a strong liking for your son. He is a good boy, which cannot be said about every member of my class." " Arthur was always studious, so we thought we would give him a chance. I am glad to hear he be- haves himself in the city. Farming is hard work, and I hope my boys will have an easier time than I had. But come in, come in. The missus and Mar. garet will be glad to see you, and hear how the boy is coming on with his studies." So they went in together. CHAPTER X " HELLO ! Hello, there ! Wake up ! Break- fa-a-a-st ! I thought that would fetch you. Gosh ! I wish I had your job at a dollar a day ! " Yates rubbed his eyes, and sat up in the ham- mock. At first he thought the forest was tumbling down about his ears, but as he collected his wits he saw that it was only young Bartlett who had come crashing through the woods on the back of one horse, while he led another by a strap attached to a halter. The echo of his hearty yell still re- sounded in the depths of the woods, and rang in Yates' ears as he pulled himself together. " Did you ah make any remarks ? " asked Yates quietly. The boy admired Ijis gift of never showing surprise. " I say, don't you know that it's not healthy to go to sleep in the middle of the day ? " " Is it the middle of the day ? I thought it was later. I guess I can stand it, if the middle of the day can. I've a strong constitution. Now, what do you mean by dashing up on two horses into a man's bedroom in that reckless fashion ? " 125 126 IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS The boy laughed. " I thought perhaps you would like a ride. I knew you were alone, for I saw the professor go mooning up the road a little while ago." " Oh ! Where was he going ? " " Hanged if I know, and he didn't look as if he knew himself. He's a queer fish, ain't he?" " He is. Everybody can't be as sensible and handsome as we are, you know. Where are you going with those horses, young man ? " " To get them shod. Won't you come along ? You can ride the horse I'm on. It's got a bridle. I'll ride the one with the halter." " How far away is the blacksmith's shop ? " " Oh, a couple of miles or so ; down at the Cross Roads." " Well," said Yates, there's merit in the idea. I take it your generous offer is made in good faith, and not necessarily for publication." " I don't understand. What do you mean ? " "There is no concealed joke, is there? No get- ting me on the back of one of those brutes to make a public exhibition of me ? Do they bite or kick or buck, or playfully roll over a person?" " No," cried young Bartlett indignantly. " This is no circus. Why, a baby could ride one of these horses." " Well, that's about the style of horse I prefer. You see, I'm a trifle out of practice. I never rode anything more spirited than a street car, and 1 haven't been on one of them for a week." IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS 127 " Oh, you can ride all right. I guess you could do most things you set your mind to." Yates was flattered by this palpably sincere tribute to his capacity, so he got out of the hammock. The boy, who had been sitting on the horse with both feet on one side, now straightened his back and slipped to the ground. " Wait till I throw down the fence," he said. Yates mounted with some difficulty, and the two went trotting along the road. He managed to hold his place with some little uncertainty, but the jog- gling up and down worried him. He never seemed to alight in quite the same place on the horse's back, and this gave an element of chance to his position which embarrassed him. He expected to come down some time and find the horse wasn't there. The boy laughed at his riding, but Yates was too much engaged in keeping his position to mind that very much. " D-d-dirt is s-s-said to b-b-be matter out of place, and that's what's the m-m-mat-matter w-w-with me." His conversation seemed to be shaken out of him by the trotting of the horse. " I say, Bartlett, I can't stand this any longer. I'd rather walk." " You're all right," said the boy ; " we'll make him canter." He struck the horse over the flank with the loose end of the halter rein. " Here ! " shouted Yates, letting go the bridle and grasping the mane. " Don't make him go faster, 128 IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS you young fiend. I'll murder you when I get off and that will be soon." " You're all right," repeated young Bartlett, and, much to his astonishment, Yates found it to be so. When the horse broke into a canter, Yates thought the motion as easy as swinging in a hammock, and as soothing as a rocking-chair. " This is an improvement. But we've got to keep it up, for if this brute suddenly changes to a trot, I'm done for." " We'll keep it up until we come in sight of the Corners, then we'll slow down to a walk. There's sure to be a lot of fellows at the blacksmith's shop, so we'll come in on them easy like." "You're a good fellow, Bartlett," said Yates. " I suspected you of tricks at first. I'm afraid, if I had got another chap in such a fix, I wouldn't have let him off as easily as you have me. The temptation would have been too great." When they reached the blacksmith's shop at the Corners, they found four horses in the building ahead of them. Bartlett tied his team outside, and then, with his comrade, entered the wide doorway of the smithy. The shop was built of rough boards, and the inside was blackened with soot. It was not well lighted, the two windows being obscured with much smoke, so that they were useless as far as their original purpose was concerned ; but the doorway, as wide as that of a barn, allowed all the light to come in that the smith needed for his work. At the far end and darkest corner of the place stood the IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS 129 forge, with the large bellows behind it, concealed, for the most part, by the chimney. The forge was perhaps six feet square and three or four feet high, built of plank and filled in with earth. The top was covered with cinders and coal, while in the centre glowed the red core of the fire, with blue flames hovering over it. The man who worked the bellows chewed tobacco, and now and then projected the juice with deadly accuracy right into the centre of the fire, where it made a momentary hiss and dark spot. All the frequenters of the smithy admired Sandy's skill in expectoration, and many tried in vain to emulate it. The envious said it was due to the peculiar formation of his front teeth, the upper row being prominent, and the two middle teeth set far apart, as if one were missing. But this was jeal- ousy ; Sandy's perfection in the art was due to no favouritism of nature, but to constant and long-con- tinued practice. Occasionally with his callous right hand, never removing his left from the lever, Sandy pulled an iron bar out of the fire and examined it critically. The incandescent end of the bar radiated a blinding white light when it was gently withdrawn, and illuminated the man's head, making his beardless face look, against its dark background, like the smudged countenance of some cynical demon glow- ing with a fire from within. The end of the bar which he held must have been very hot to an ordi- nary mortal, as everyone in the shop knew, all of them, at their initiation to the country club, having been handed a black piece of iron from Sandy's hand, 9 130 IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS which he held unflinchingly, but which the innocent receiver usually dropped with a yell. This was Sandy's favourite joke, and made life worth living for him. It was perhaps not so good as the blacksmith's own bit of humour, but public opinion was divided on that point. Every great man has his own particular set of admirers ; and there were some who said, under their breaths, of course, that Sandy could turn a horseshoe as well as Macdonald himself. Experts, however, while admitting Sandy's general genius, did not go so far as this. About half a dozen members of the club were present, and most of them stood leaning against something with hands deep in their trousers pockets ; one was sitting on the blacksmith's bench, with his legs dangling down. On the bench tools were scat- tered round so thickly that he had had to clear a place before he could sit down ; the taking of this liberty proved the man to be an old and privileged member. He sat there whittling a stick, aimlessly bringing it to a fine point, examining it frequently with a critical air, as if he were engaged in some delicate operation which required great discrimina- tion. The blacksmith himself stooped with his back to one of the horses, the hind hoof of the animal, be- tween his knees, resting on his leathern apron. The horse was restive, looking over its shoulder at him, not liking what was going on. Macdonald swore at it fluently, and requested it to stand still, holding the foot as firmly as if it were in his own iron vise, IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS 131 which was fixed to the table near the whittler. With his right hand he held a hot horseshoe, attached to an iron punch that had been driven into one of the nail holes, and this he pressed against the upraised hoof, as though sealing a document with a gigantic seal. Smoke and flame arose from the contact of the hot iron with the hoof, and the air was filled with the not unpleasant odour of burning horn. The smith's tool-box, with hammer, pinchers, and nails, lay on the earthen floor within easy reach. The sweat poured from his grimy brow ; for it was a hot job, and Macdonald was in the habit of making the most of his work. He was called the hardest work- ing man in that part of the country, and he was proud of the designation. He was a standing re- proach to the loafers who frequented his shop, and that fact gave him pleasure in their company. Be- sides, a man must have an audience when he is an expert in swearing. Macdonald's profanity was largely automatic, a natural gift, as it were, and he meant nothing wrong by it. In fact, when you got him fighting angry, he always forgot to swear ; but in his calm moments oaths rolled easily and picturesquely from his lips, and gave fluency to his conversation. Macdonald enjoyed the reputation round about of being a wicked man, which he was not; his language was against him, that was all. This reputation had a misty halo thrown around it by Macdonald's unknown doings ' down East,' from which mystical region he had come. No one knew just what Macdonald had done, but it was admitted 132 IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS on all sides that he must have had some terrible ex- periences, although he was still a young man and unmarried. He used to say : " When you have come through what I have, you won't be so ready to pick a quarrel with a man." This must have meant something significant, but the blacksmith never took anyone into his con- fidence ; and " down East " is a vague place, a sort of indefinite, unlocalised, no-man's-land, situated anywhere between Toronto and Quebec. Almost anything might have happened in such a space of country. Macdonald's favourite way of crushing an opponent was to say : " When you've had some of my experiences, young man, you'll know better'n to talk like that." All this gave a certain fascination to friendship with the blacksmith ; and the farmers' boys felt that they were playing with fire when in his company, getting, as it were, a glimpse of the dangerous side of life. As for work, the blacksmith revelled in it, and made it practically his only vice. He did everything with full steam on, and was, as has been said, a constant reproach to loafers all over the country. When there was no work to do, he made work. When there was work to do, he did it with a rush, sweeping the sweat from his grimy brow with his hooked fore-finger, and flecking it to the floor with a flirt of the right hand, loose on the wrist, in a way that made his thumb and fore-finger snap together like the crack of a whip. This action was always accompanied with a long-drawn breath, almost a sigh, that seemed to say: " I wish I had the easy IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS 133 times you fellows have." In fact, since he came to the neighbourhood the current phrase, " He works like a steer," had given way to, " He works like Mac- donald," except with the older people, who find it hard to change phrases. Yet everyone liked the blacksmith, and took no special offence at his untir- ing industry, looking at it rather as an example to others. He did not glance up as the two newcomers en- tered, but industriously pared down the hoof with a curiously formed knife turned like a hook at the point, burned in the shoe to its place, nailed it on, and rasped the hoof into shape with a long, broad file. Not till he let the foot drop on the earthen floor, and slapped the impatient horse on the flank, did he deign to answer young Bartlett's inquiry. " No," he said, wringing the perspiration from his forehead, " all these horses ain't ahead of you, and you won't need to come next week. That's the last hoof of the last horse. No man needs to come to my shop and go away again, while the breath of life is left in me. And I don't do it, either, by sitting on a bench and whittling a stick." " That's so. That's so," said Sandy, chuckling, in the admiring tone of one who intimated that, when the boss spoke, wisdom was uttered. " That's one on you, Sam." " I guess I can stand it, if he can," said the whittler from the bench ; which was considered fair repartee. " Sit it, you mean," said young Bartlett, laughing with the others at his own joke. 134 IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS " But," said the blacksmith severely, " we*re out of shoes, and you'll have to wait till we turn some, that is, if you don't want the old ones reset. Are they good enough ? " " I guess so, if you can find 'em ; but they're out in the fields. Didn't think I'd bring the horses in while they held on, did you ? " Then, suddenly re- membering his duties, he said by way of general introduction : " Gentlemen, this is my friend, Mr. Yates, from New York." The name seemed to fall like a wet blanket on the high spirits of the crowd. They had imagined from the cut of his clothes that he was a storekeeper from some village around, or an auctioneer from a distance, these two occupations being the highest social posi- tion to which a man might attain. They were pre- pared to hear that he was from Welland, or perhaps St. Catherine's ; but New York ! that was a crusher. Macdonald, however, was not a man to be put down in his own shop and before his own admirers. He was not going to let his prestige slip from him merely because a man from New York had happened along. He could not pretend to know that city, for the stranger would quickly detect the imposture, and probably expose him ; but the slightly superior air which Yates wore irritated him, while it abashed the others. Even Sandy was silent. " I've met some people from New York down East," he said in an off-hand manner, as if, after all, a man might meet a New-Yorker and still not sink into the ground. IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS 135 " Really ? " said Yates. " I hope you liked them." " Oh, so-so," replied the blacksmith airily. " There's good and bad among them, like the rest of us." " Ah, you noticed that," said Yates. " Well, I've often thought the same myself. It's a safe remark to make ; there is generally no disputing it." The condescending air of the New-Yorker was maddening, and Macdonald realised that he was los- ing ground. The quiet insolence of Yates' tone was so exasperating to the blacksmith that he saw any language at his disposal was inadequate to cope withit. The time for the practical joke had arrived. The conceit of this man must be taken down. He would try Sandy's method, and, if that failed, it would at least draw attention from himself to his helper. " Being as you're from New York, maybe you can decide a little bet Sandy here wants to have with somebody." Sandy, quick to take the hint, picked up the bar that always lay near enough to the fire to be uncom- fortably warm. " How much do you reckon that weighs ? " he said, with critical nicety estimating its ounces in his swaying hand. Sandy had never done it better. There was a look of perfect innocence on his bland, unsophisticated countenance, and the crowd looked on in breathless suspense. Bartlett was about to step forward and save his friend, but a wicked glare from Macdonald restrained 136 IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS him ; besides, his sympathies were with his neigh- bours, and not with the stranger he had brought among them. He thought resentfully that Yates might have been less high and mighty. In fact, when he asked him to come he had imagined his brilliancy would be instantly popular, and would reflect glory on himself. Now he fancied he was included in the general scorn Yates took such little pains to conceal. Yates glanced at the piece of iron, and, without taking his hands from his pockets, said carelessly : " Oh, I should imagine it weighed a couple of pounds." " Heft it," said Sandy beseechingly, holding it out to him. " No, thank you," replied Yates with a smile. " Do you think I have never picked up a hot horse- shoe before ? If you are anxious to know its weight, why don't you take it over to the grocery store and have it weighed?" " 'Tain't hot," said Sandy, as he feebly smiled and flung the iron back on the forge. " If it was, I couldn't have held it s'long." " Oh, no," returned Yates, with a grin, " of course not. I don't know what a blacksmith's hands are, do I ? Try something fresh." Macdonald saw there was no triumph over him among his crowd, for they all considered themselves as much involved in the failure of Sandy's trick as he did himself ; but he was sure that in future some man, hard pushed in argument, would fling the New- IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS 137 Yorker at him. In the crisis he showed the instinct of a Napoleon. " Well, boys," he cried, " fun's fun, but I've got to work. I have to earn my living, anyhow." Yates enjoyed his victory ; they wouldn't try " getting at " him again, he said to himself. Macdonald strode to the forge and took out the bar of white-hot iron. He gave a scarcely percept- ible nod to Sandy, who, ever ready with tobacco juice, spat with great directness on the top of the anvil. Macdonald placed the hot iron on the spot, and quickly smote it a stalwart blow with the heavy hammer. The result was appalling. An instanta- neous spreading fan of apparently molten iron lit up the place as if a flash of lightning had cleft the sombre, smoky ceiling. There was a crash like the bursting of a cannon. The shop was filled for a moment with a shower of brilliant sparks, that flew like meteors to every corner of the place. Everyone was prepared for the explosion except Yates. He sprang back with a cry, tripped, and, without having time to get the use of his hands from his pockets to ease his fall, tumbled and rolled to the horses' heels. The animals, frightened by the report, stamped round ; and Yates had to hustle on hands and knees to safer quarters, exhibiting more celerity than dignity. The blacksmith never smiled, but every- one else roared. The reputation of the country was safe. Sandy doubled himself up in his boisterous mirth. " There's no one like the old man ! " he shouted. 138 IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS " Oh, lordy ! lordy ! He's all wool, and a yard wide." Yates picked himself up and dusted himself off, laughing with the rest of them. " If I ever knew that trick before, I had forgotten it. That's one on me, as this youth in spasms said a moment ago. Blacksmith, shake! I'll treat the crowd, if there's a place handy." CHAPTER XI PEOPLE who have but a superficial knowledge of the life and times here set down may possibly assert that the grocery store, and not the blacksmith's shop, used to be the real country club the place where the politics of the country were discussed ; where the doings of great men were commended or condemned, and the government criticised. It is true that the grocery store was the club of the village, when a place like the Corners grew to be a village ; but the blacksmith's shop was usually the first build- ing erected on the spot where a village was ulti- mately to stand. It was the nucleus. As a place grew, and enervating luxury set in, the grocery store slowly supplanted the blacksmith's shop, be- cause people found a nail keg, or a box of crackers, more comfortable to sit on than the limited seats at their disposal in a smithy ; moreover, in winter the store, with its red-hot box-stove, was a place of warmth and joy, but the revelling in such an at- mosphere of enjoyment meant that the members of the club had to live close at hand, for no man would brave the storms of a Canadian winter night, and journey a mile or two through the snow, to enjoy 139 140 IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS even the pleasures of the store. So the grocery was essentially a village club, and not a rural club. Of course, as civilisation advanced, the blacksmith found it impossible to compete with the grocer. He could not offer the same inducements. The grocery approached more nearly than the smithy the grateful epicurism of the Athenaeum, the Reform, or the Carlton. It catered to the appetite of man, besides supplying him with the intellectual stimulus of debate. A box of soda crackers was generally open, and, although such biscuits were always dry, they were good to munch, if consumed slowly. The barrel of hazel-nuts never had a lid on. The raisins, in their square box, with blue-tinted paper, setting forth the word " Malaga " under the coloured pic- ture of joyous Spanish grape-pickers, stood on the shelves behind the counter, at an angle suited to display the contents to all comers, requiring an ex- ceptionally long reach, and more than an ordinary amount of cheek, before they were got at ; but the barrel of Muscavado brown sugar was where any- one could dip his hand in ; while the man on the keg of tenpenny nails might extend his arm over into the display window, where the highly coloured candies exhibited themselves, although the person who meddled often with them was frowned upon, for it was etiquette in the club not to purloin things which were expensive. The grocer himself drew the line at the candies, and a second helping usually brought forth the mild reproof : IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS 141 " Shall I charge that, Sam ; or would you rather pay for it now ? " All these delicacies were taken in a somewhat surreptitious way, and the takers generally wore an absent-minded look, as if the purloining was not quite intentional on their part. But they were all good customers of the grocer, and the abstractions were doubtless looked on by him as being in the way of trade ; just as the giving of a present with a pound of tea, or a watch with a suit of clothes, be- came in later days. Be that as it may, he never said anything unless his generosity was taken ad- vantage of, which was rarely the case. Very often on winter nights there was a hilarious feast, that helped to lighten the shelves and burden the till. This ordinarily took the form of a splurge in cove oysters. Cove oysters, of course, came from Baltimore in round tins ; they were introduced into Canada long before the square tin boxes that now come in winter from the same bivalvular city. Cove oysters were partly cooked before being tinned, so that they would, as the advertisements say, keep in any climate. They did not require ice around them, as do the square tins which now contain the raw oysters. Someone present would say : " What's the matter with having a feed of cove oysters? " He then collected a subscription of ten cents or so from each member, and the whole was expended in several cans of oysters and a few pounds of crackers. The cooking was done in a tin basin on the top I 4 2 IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS of the hot stove. The contents of the cans were emptied into this handy dish, milk was added, and broken crackers, to give thickness and consistency to the result. There were always plenty of plates, for the store supplied the crockery of the neighbourhood. There were also plenty of spoons, for everything was to be had at the grocery. What more could the most exacting man need ? On a particularly reckless night the feast ended with several tins of peaches, which needed no cooking, but only a sprinkling of sugar. The grocer was always an expert at cooking cove oysters and at opening tins of peaches. There was a general feeling among the members that, by indulging in these banquets, they were going the pace rather ; and some of the older heads feebly protested against the indulgence of the times, but it was noticed that they never refrained from doing their share when it came to spoon work. " A man has but one life to live," the younger and more reckless would say, as if that excused the extravagance ; for a member rarely got away with- out being fifteen cents out of pocket, especially when they had peaches as well as oysters. The grocery at the Corners had been but recently established and as yet the blacksmith's shop had not looked upon it as a rival. Macdonald was monarch of all he surveyed, and his shop was the favourite gathering place for miles around. The smithy was also the patriotic centre of the district, as a black- smith's shop must be as long as anvils can take the place of cannon for saluting purposes. On the 24th IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS 143 of May, the Queen's birthday, celebrated locally as the only day in the year, except Sundays, when Macdonald's face was clean and when he did no work, the firing of the anvils aroused the echoes of the locality. On that great day the grocer supplied the powder, which was worth three York shillings a pound a York shilling being twelve and a half cents. It took two men to carry an anvil, with a good deal of grunting ; but Macdonald, if the crowd were big enough, made nothing of picking it up, hoisting it on his shoulder, and flinging it down on the green in front of his shop. In the iron mass there is a square hole, and when the anvil was placed upside down, the hole was uppermost. It was filled with powder, and a wooden plug, with a notch cut in it, was pounded in with a sledge hammer. Powder was sprinkled from the notch over the surface of the anvil, and then the crowd stood back and held its breath. It was a most exciting moment. Macdonald would come running out of the shop bareheaded, holding a long iron bar, the wavering, red-hot end of which descended on the anvil, while the black- smith shouted in a terrifying voice: "Look out, there!" The loose powder hissed and spat for a moment, then bang went the cannon, and a great cloud of smoke rolled upward, while the rousing cheers came echoing back from the surrounding forests. The helper, with the powder horn, would spring to the anvil and pour the black explosive into the hole, while another stood ready with plug and hammer. The delicious scent of burned gunpowder 144 IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS filled the air, and was inhaled by all the youngsters with satisfaction, for now they realised what actual war was. Thus the salutes were fired, and thus the royal birthday was fittingly celebrated. Where two anvils were to be had, the cannonade was much brisker, as then a plug was not needed. The hole in the lower anvil was filled with powder, and the other anvil was placed over it. This was much quicker than pounding in a plug, and had quite as striking and detonating an effect. The upper anvil gave a heave, like Mark Twain's shot-laden frog, and fell over on its side. The smoke rolled up as usual, and the report was equally gratifying. Yates learned all these things as he sat in the blacksmith's shop, for they were still in the month of May, and the smoke of the echoing anvils had hardly yet cleared away. All present were eager to tell him of the glory of the day. One or two were good enough to express regret that he had not been there to see. After the disaster which had over- turned Yates things had gone on very smoothly, and he had become one of the crowd, as it were. The fact that he was originally a Canadian told in his favour, although he had been contaminated by long residence in the States. Macdonald worked hard at the turning of horse- shoes from long rods of iron. Usually an extended line of unfinished shoes bestrode a blackened scant- ling, like bodiless horsemen, the scantling crossing the shop overhead, just under the roof. These were the work of Macdonald's comparatively leisure days, 145 and they were ready to be fitted to the hoofs of any horse that came to be shod, but on this occasion there had been such a run on his stock that it was exhausted, a depletion the smith seemed to regard as a reproach on himself, for he told Yates several times that he often had as many as three dozen shoes up aloft for a rainy day. When the sledge-hammer work was to be done, one of those present stepped forward and swung the heavy sledge, keeping stroke for stroke with Mac- donald's one-handed hammer, all of which required a nice ear for time. This assistance was supposed to be rendered by Sandy ; but, as he remarked, he was no hog, and anyone who wished to show his skill was at liberty to do so. Sandy seemed to spend most of his time at the bellows, and when he was not echoing the sentiments of the boss, as he called him, he was commending the expertness of the/r0 tern, amateur, the wielder of the sledge. It was fun to the amateur, and it was an old thing with Sandy, so he never protested against this interference with his duty, believing in giving everyone a chance, especially when it came to swinging a heavy ham- mer. The whole scene brought back to Yates the days of his youth, especially when Macdonald, put- ting the finishing strokes to his shoe, let his hammer periodically tinkle with musical clangour on the anvil, ringing forth a tintinnabulation that chimed melodi- ously on the ear a sort of anvil-chorus accompani- ment to his mechanical skill. He was a real sleight- of-hand man, and the anvil was his orchestra. 10 146 IN THE- MIDST OF ALARMS Yates soon began to enjoy his visit to the rural club. As the members thawed out he found them all first-rate fellows, and, what was more, they were appreciative listeners. His stories were all evidently new to them, and nothing puts a man into a genial frame of mind so quickly as an attentive, sympa- thetic audience. Few men could tell a story better than Yates, but he needed the responsive touch of in- terested hearers. He hated to have to explain the points of his anecdotes, as, indeed, what story-teller does not ? A cold and critical man like the professor froze the spring of narration at its source. Besides, Renmark had an objectionable habit of tracing the recital to its origin ; it annoyed Yates to tell a modern yarn, and then discover that Aristophanes, or some other prehistoric poacher on the good things men were to say, had forestalled him by a thousand years or so. If a man is quick to see the point of your stories, and laughs heartily at them, you are apt to form a high opinion of his good sense, and to value his companionship. When the horses were shod, and young Bartlett, who was delighted at the impression Yates had made, was preparing to go, the whole company protested against the New-Yorker's departure. This was real flattery. " What's your hurry, Bartlett ? " asked the whit- tier. " You can't do anything this afternoon, if you do go home. It's a poor time this to mend a bad day's work. If you stay, he'll stay ; won't you, Mr. Yates ? Macdonald is going to set tires, and he IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS 147 needs us all to look on and see that he does it right ; don't you, Mac ? " " Yes ; I get a lot of help from you while there's a stick to whittle," replied the smith. " Then there's the protracted meeting to-night at the schoolhouse," put in another, anxious that all the attractions of the place should be brought forward. "That's so," said the whittler; "I had forgotten about that. It's the first night, so we must all be there to encourage old Benderson. You'll be on hand to-night, won't you, Macdonald ? " The blacksmith made no answer, but turned to Sandy and asked him savagely what in and nation he was standing gawking there for. Why didn't he go outside and get things ready for the tire setting? What in thunder was he paying him for, anyhow? Wasn't there enough loafers round, without him joining the ranks ? Sandy took this rating with equanimity, and, when the smith's back was turned, he shrugged his shoul- ders, took afresh bite of tobacco from the plug which he drew from his hip pocket, winking at the others as he did so. He leisurely followed Macdonald out of the shop, saying in a whisper as he passed the whittler : " I wouldn't rile the old man, if I were you." The club then adjourned to the outside, all except those who sat on the bench. Yates asked : " What's the matter with Macdonald ? Doesn't he like protracted meetings? And, by the way, what are protracted meetings ? " 148 IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS " They're revival meetings religious meetings, you know, for converting sinners." " Really ? " said Yates. " But why protracted ? Are they kept on for a week or two ? " " Yes ; I suppose that's why, although, to tell the truth, I never knew the reason for the name. Pro- tracted meetings always stood for just the same thing ever since I was a boy, and we took it as mean- ing that one thing, without thinking why." " And doesn't Macdonald like them ? " " Well, you see, it's like this : He never wants to go to a protracted meeting, yet he can't keep away. He's like a drunkard and the corner tavern. He can't pass it, and he knows if he goes in he will fall. Macdonald's always the first one to go up to the penitent bench. They rake him in every time. He has religion real bad for a couple of weeks, and then he backslides. He doesn't seem able to stand either the converting or the backsliding. I suppose some time they will gather him in finally, and he will stick and become a class leader, but he hasn't stuck up to date." " Then he doesn't like to hear the subject spoken of?" " You bet he don't. It isn't safe to twit him about it either. To tell the truth, I was pleased when I heard him swear at Sandy ; then I knew it was all right, and Sandy can stand it. Macdonald is a bad man to tackle when he's mad. There's nobody in this district can handle him. I'd sooner get a blow from a sledge-hammer than meet Mac's fist when his IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS 149 dander is up. But so long as he swears it's all right. Say, you'll stay down for the meeting, won't you ? " " I think I will. I'll see what young Bartlett in- tends to do. It isn't very far to walk, in any case." " There will be lots of nice girls going your way to-night after the meeting. I don't know but I'll jog along in that direction myself when it's over. That's the principal use I have for the meetings, anyhow." The whittler and Yates got down from the bench, and joined the crowd outside. Young Bartlett sat on one of the horses, loath to leave while the tire setting was going on. " Are you coming, Yates ? " he shouted, as his comrade appeared. " I think I'll stay for the meeting," said Yates, approaching him and patting the horse. He had no desire to mount and ride away in the presence of that critical assemblage. " All right," said young Bartlett. " I guess I'll be down at the meeting, too ; then I can show you the way home." " Thanks," said Yates ; " I'll be on the lookout for you." Young Bartlett galloped away, and was soon lost to sight in a cloud of dust. The others had also de- parted with their shod horses ; but there were several new arrivals, and the company was augmented rather than diminished. They sat round on the fence, or on the logs dumped down by the wayside. Few smoked, but many chewed tobacco. It was a convenient way of using the weed, and required no matches, besides being safer for men who had to fre- quent inflammable barns. A circular fire burnt in front of the shop, oak bark being the main fuel used. Iron waggon tires lay hidden in this burning circle. Macdonald and Sandy bustled about making preparations, their faces, more hideous in the bright sunlight than in the compara- tive obscurity of the shop, giving them the appear- ance of two evil spirits about to attend some incan- tation scene of which the circular fire was the visible indication. Crosstrees, of four pieces of squared timber, lay near the fire, with a tireless wheel placed flat upon them, the hub in the square hole at the centre. Shiftless farmers always resisted having tires set until they would no longer stay on the wheel. The inevitable day was postponed, time and again, by a soaking of the wheels overnight in some convenient puddle of water ; but as the warmer and dryer weather approached, this device, supplemented by wooden wedges, no longer sufficed, and the tires had to be set for summer work. Frequently the tire rolled off on the sandy highway, and the farmer was reluctantly compelled to borrow a rail from the near- est fence, and place it so as to support the axle ; he then put the denuded wheel and its tire on the waggon, and drove slowly to the nearest blacksmith's shop, his vehicle " trailing like a wounded duck," the rail leaving a snake's track behind it on the dusty road. The blacksmith had previously cut and welded the tire, reducing its circumference, and when it was IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS 151 hot enough, he and Sandy, each with a pair of tongs, lifted it from the red-hot circle of fire. It was pressed and hammered down on the blazing rim of the wheel, and instantly Sandy and Macdonald, with two pails of water that stood handy, poured the cold liquid around the red-hot zone, enveloping themselves in clouds of steam, the quick contraction clamping the iron on the wood until the joints cracked together. There could be no loitering; quick work was necessary, or a spoiled wheel was the result. Macdonald, alternately spluttering through fire and steam, was in his element. Even Sandy had to be on the keen jump, without a moment to call his plug of tobacco his own. Macdonald fussed and fussed, but got through an immense amount of work in an incredibly short space of time, cursing Sandy pretty much all the while ; yet that useful man never replied in kind, contenting himself with a wink at the crowd when he got the chance, and saying under his breath ; "The old man's in great fettle to-day." Thus everybody enjoyed himself : Macdonald, be- cause he was the centre figure in a saturnalia of work ; Sandy, because no matter how hard a man has to work he can chew tobacco all the time ; the crowd, because the spectacle of fire, water, and steam was fine, and they didn't have to do anything but sit round and look on. The sun got lower and lower as, one by one, the spectators departed to do their chores, and prepare for the evening meeting. Yates at the invitation of the whittler went home with him, and thoroughly relished his evening meal. CHAPTER XII MARGARET had never met any man but her father who was so fond of books as Professor Ren- mark. The young fellows of her acquaintance read scarcely anything but the weekly papers ; they went with some care through the yellow almanac that was given away free, with the grocer's name printed on the back. The marvellous cures the almanac recorded were of little interest, and were chiefly read by the older folk, but the young men revelled in the jokes to be found at the bottom of every page, their only drawback being that one could never tell the stories at a paring-bee or other social gathering, because every one in the company had read them. A few of the young men came sheepishly round to get a book out of the library, but it was evident that their interest was not so much in the volume, as in the librarian, and when that fact became apparent to the girl, she resented it. Margaret was thought to be cold and proud by the youth of the neighbour- hood, or " stuck-up," as they expressed it. To such a girl a man like Renmark was a revela- tion. He could talk of other things than the weather, live stock, and the prospects for the crops. The conversation at first did not include Margaret, 152 IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS 153 but she listened to every word of it with interest. Her father and mother were anxious to hear about their boy; and from that engrossing subject the talk soon drifted to university life, and the differences between city and country. At last the farmer, with a sigh, arose to go. There is little time for pleasant talk on a farm while daylight lasts. Margaret remembering her duties as librarian, began to take in the books from the waggon to the front room. Renmark, slow in most things, was quick enough to offer his assistance on this occasion ; but he reddened somewhat as he did so, for he was unused to being a squire of dames. " I wish you would let me do the porterage, he said. " I would like to earn the right to look at these books sometimes, even though I may not have the privilege of borrowing, not being a taxable resident of the township." " The librarian," answered Margaret with a smile, seems to be at liberty to use her own discretion in the matter of lending. No one has authority to look-over her accounts, or to censure her if she lends recklessly. So, if you wish to borrow books, all you have to do is to ask for them." " You may be sure I shall avail myself of the per- mission. But my conscience would be easier if I am allowed to carry them in." " You will be permitted to help. I like carrying them. There is no more delicious armful than books." As Renmark looked at the lovely girl, her face 154 IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS radiant with enthusiasm, the disconcerting thought came suddenly that perhaps her statement might not be accurate. No such thought had ever sug- gested itself to him before, and it now filled him with guilty confusion. He met the clear, honest gaze of her eyes for a moment, then he stammered lamely : " I I too am very fond of books." Together they carried in the several hundred volumes, and then began to arrange them. " Have you no catalogue ? " he asked. " No. We never seem to need one. People come and look over the library, and take out whatever books they fancy." " Yes, but still every library ought to be cata- logued. Cataloguing is an art in itself. I have paid a good deal of attention to it, and will show you how it is done, if you care to know." " Oh, I wish you would." " How do you keep a record of the volumes that are out ? " " I just write the name of the person, the title, and the date in this blank book. When the volume is returned, I score out the record." " I see," said Renmark dubiously. " That isn't right, is it ? Is there a better way ? " " Well, for a small library, that ought to do ; but if you were handling many books, I think confusion might result." " Do tell me the right way. I should like to know, even if it is a small library." IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS 155 " There are several methods, but I am by no means sure your way is not the simplest, and therefore the best in this instance." " I'm not going to be put off like that," said Mar- garet, laughing. " A collection of books is a collec- tion of books, whether large or small, and deserves respect and the best of treatment. Now, what method is used in large libraries? " " Well, I should suggest a system of cards, though slips of paper would do. When any person wants to take out a book, let him make out a card, giving the date and the name or number of the book ; he then must sign the card, and there you are. He cannot deny having had the book, for you have his own signature to prove it. The slips are arranged in a box according to dates, and when a book is returned, you tear up the recording paper." " I think that is a very good way, and I will adopt it." " Then let me send to Toronto and get you a few hundred cards. We'll have them here in a day or two." " Oh, I don't want to put you to that trouble." " It is no trouble at all. Now, that is settled, let us attack the catalogue. Have you a blank book anywhere about ? We will first make an alphabeti- cal list ; then we will arrange them under the heads of history, biography, fiction, and so on." Simple as it appeared, the making of a catalogue took a long time. Both were absorbed in their occupation. Cataloguing in itself is a straight and 156 IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS narrow path, but in this instance there were so many delightful side excursions that rapid progress could not be expected. To a reader the mere mention of a book brings up recollections. Margaret was read- ing out the names ; Renmark, on slips of paper, each with a letter on it, was writing them down. " Oh, have you that book ? " he would say, look- ing up as a title was mentioned. " Have you ever read it?" " No ; for, you see, this part of the library is all new to me. Why, here is one of which the leaves are not even cut. No one has read it. Is it good ? " " One of the best," Renmark would say, taking the volume. " Yes, I know this edition. Let me read you one passage." And Margaret would sit in the rocking-chair, while he cut the leaves and found the place. One extract was sure to suggest another, and time passed before the title of the book found its way to the proper slip of paper. These excursions into literature were most interesting to both excursionists, but they in- terfered with cataloguing. Renmark read and read, ever and anon stopping to explain some point, or quote what some one else had said on the same subject, marking the place in the book, as he paused, with inserted fore-finger. Margaret swayed back and forth in the comfortable rocking-chair, and listened intently, her large dark eyes fixed upon him so earn- estly that now and then, when he met them, he seemed disconcerted for a moment. But the girl did not notice this. At the end of one of his disserta- IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS 157 tions she leaned her elbow on the arm of the chair, with her cheek resting against her hand, and said : " How very clear you make everything, Mr. Ren- mark." " Do you think so?" he said with a smile. " It's my business, you know." " I think it's a shame that girls are not allowed to go to the university ; don't you ? " " Really, I never gave any thought to the subject, and I am not quite prepared to say." " Well, I think it most unfair. The university is supported by the Government, is it not ? Then why should half of the population be shut out from its advantages ? " " I'm afraid it wouldn't do, you know." " Why ? " " There are many reasons," he replied evasively. "What are they? Do you think girls could not learn, or are not as capable of hard study as well > " It isn't that," he interrupted ; " there are plenty of girls' schools in the country, you know. Some very good ones in Toronto itself, for that matter." " Yes ; but why shouldn't I go to the university with my brother ? There are plenty of boys' schools, too, but the university is the university. I suppose my father helps to support it. Why, then, should one child be allowed to attend and the other not ? It isn't at all just." " It wouldn't do," said the professor more firmly, the more he thought about it. 158 IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS " Would you take that as a satisfying reason from one of your students? "What?" " The phrase, ' It wouldn't do.' " Renmark laughed. " I'm afraid not," he said ; " but, then, I'm very exacting in class. Now, if you want to know, why do you not ask your father? " " Father and I have discussed the question often, and he quite agrees with me in thinking it unfair." " Oh, does he ? " said Renmark, taken aback ; although, when he reflected, he realised that the father doubtless knew as little about the dangers of the city as the daughter did. "And what does your mother say?" " Oh, mother thinks if a girl is a good housekeeper it is all that is required. So you will have to give me a good reason, if there is one, for nobody else in this house argues on your side of the question." " Well," said Renmark in an embarrassed manner, " if you don't know by the time you are twenty-five, I'll promise to discuss the whole subject with you." Margaret sighed as she leaned back in her chair. " Twenty-five ?" she cried, adding with the uncon- scious veracity of youth : " That will be seven years to wait. Thank you, but I think I'll find out before that time." " I think you will," Renmark answered. They were interrupted by the sudden and unan- nounced entrance of her brother. " Hello, you two ! " he shouted with the rude IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS 159 familiarity of a boy. " It seems the library takes a longer time to arrange than usual." Margaret rose with dignity. " We are cataloguing," she said severely. " Oh, that's what you call it, is it ? Can I be of any assistance, or is two company when they're cataloguing? Have you any idea what time it is? " " I'm afraid I must be off," said the professor, rising. " My companion in camp won't know what has become of me." " Oh, he's all right ! " said Henry. " He's down at the Corners, and is going to stay there for the meeting to-night. Young Bartlett passed a while ago ; he was getting the horses shod, and your friend went with him. I guess Yates can take care of him- self, Mr. Renmark. Say, sis, will you go to the meet- ing ? I'm going. Young Bartlett's going, and so is Kitty. Won't you come, too, Mr. Renmark? It's great fun." " Don't talk like that about a religious gathering, Henry," said his sister, frowning. " Well, that's what it is, anyhow." "Is it a prayer meeting ?" asked the professor, looking at the girl. " You bet it is ! " cried Henry enthusiastically, giving no one a chance to speak but himself. "It's a prayer meeting, and every other kind of meeting rolled into one. It's a revival meeting ; a protracted meeting, that's what it is. You had better come with us, Mr. Renmark, and then you can see what it is like. You can walk home with Yates," 160 IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS This attractive denouement did not seem to appeal so strongly to the professor as the boy expected, for he made no answer. " You will come, sis ; won't you ? " urged the boy. "Are you sure Kitty is going? " " Of course she is. You don't think she'd miss it, do you ? They'll soon be here, too ; better go and get ready." " I'll see what mother says," replied Margaret as she left the room. She shortly returned, dressed ready for the meeting, and the professor concluded he would go also. CHAPTER XIIi ANYONE passing the Corners that evening would have seen at once that something important was on. Vehicles of all kinds lined the roadway, drawn in toward the fence, to the rails of which the horses were tied. Some had evidently come from afar, for the fame of the revivalist was widespread. The women, when they arrived, entered the schoolhouse, which was brilliantly lighted with oil lamps. The men stood round ontside in groups, while many sat in rows on the fences, all conversing about every conceivable topic except religion. They apparently acted on the theory that there would be enough religion to satisfy the most exacting when they went inside. Yates sat on the top rail of the fence with the whittler, whose guest he had been. It was get- ting too dark for satisfactory whittling, so the man with the jack-knife improved the time by cutting notches in the rail on which he sat. Even when this failed, there was always a satisfaction in opening and shutting a knife that had a powerful spring at the back of it, added to which was the pleasurable danger of cutting his fingers. They were discussing the Fenian question, which at that time was occupy- ing the minds of Canadians to some extent. Yates II 161 162 IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS was telling them what he knew of the brotherhood in New York, and the strength of it, which his auditors seemed inclined to underestimate. Nobody believed that the Fenians would be so foolhardy as to attempt an invasion of Canada ; but Yates held that if they did, they would give the Canadians more trouble than was expected. " Oh, we'll turn old Bartlett on them, if they come over here. They'll be glad enough to get back if he tackles them." "With his tongue," added another, " By the way," said the whittler, " did young Bartiett say he was coming to-night ? I hope he'll bring his sister if he does. Didn't any of you fellows ask him to bring her ? He'd never think of it if he wasn't told. He has no consideration for the rest of us." " Why didn't you ask him ? I hear you have taken to going in that direction yourself." " Who ? Me ? " asked the whittler, quite uncon- cerned. " I have no chance in that quarter, espe- cially when the old man's around." There was a sound of singing from the school- house. The double doors were wide open, and as the light streamed out the people began to stream in." " Where's Macdonald ? " asked Yates. 11 Oh, I guess he's taken to the woods. He washes his face, and then he hides. He has the sense to wash his face first, for he knows he will have to come. You'll see him back before they start the second hymn." IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS 163 " Well boys ! " said one, getting down from the fence and stretching his arms above his head with a yawn. " I guess, if we're going in, it's about time." One after another they got down from the fence, the whittler shutting his knife with a reluctant snap, and putting it in his pocket with evident regret. The schoolhouse, large as it was, was filled to its utmost capacity women on one side of the room, and men on the other ; although near the door there was no such division, all the occupants of the back benches being men and boys. The congregation was standing, singing a hymn, when Yates and his comrades entered, so their quiet incoming was not noticed. The teacher's desk had been moved from the platform on which it usually stood, and now occupied a corner on the men's side of the house. It was used as a seat by two or three, who wished to be near the front, and at the same time keep an eye on the rest of the assemblage. The local preacher stood on the edge of the platform, beating time gently with his hymn book, but not singing, as he had neither voice nor ear for music, and happily recognised the fact. The singing was led by a man in the middle of the room. At the back of the platform, near the wall, were two chairs, on one of which sat the Rev. Mr. Bender- son, who was to conduct the revival. He was a stout, powerful-looking man, but Yates could not see his face, for it was buried in his hands, his head being bowed in silent prayer. It was generally understood that he had spent a youth of fearful 164 IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS wickedness, and he always referred to himself as a brand snatched from the burning. It was even hinted that at one time he had been a card-player, but no one know this for a fact. Many of the local preachers had not the power of exhortation, there- fore a man like the Rev. Mr. Benderson, who had that gift abnormally developed, was too valuable to be localised ; so he spent the year going from place to place, sweeping, driving, coaxing, or frightening into the fold those stray sheep that hovered on the outskirts ; once they were within the religious ring- fence the local minister was supposed to keep them there. The latter, who had given out the hymn, was a man of very different calibre. He was tall, pale, and thin, and his long black coat hung on him as if it were on a post. When the hymn was finished, and everyone sat down, Yates, and those with him, found seats as best they could at the end near the door. This was the portion of the hall where the scoffers assembled, but it was also the portion which yielded most fruit, if the revival happened to be a successful one. Yates, seeing the place so full, and noticing two empty benches up at the front, asked the whittler why they were not occupied. " They'll be occupied pretty soon." " For whom are they being kept ? " " Perhaps for you, perhaps me, perhaps both of us. You never can tell. That's the penitents' bench." The local preacher knelt on the platform and offered up a prayer. He asked the Lord to bless the efforts of the brother who was with them there that IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS 165 night, and to crown his labours with success ; through his instrumentality to call many wandering sinners home. There were cries of " Amen " and " Bless the Lord " from different parts of the hall as the prayer was being made. On rising, another hymn was given out : " Joy to the world, the Lord is come, Let earth receive her King." The leader of the singing started it too low. The tune began high and ran down to the bottom of the scale by the time it reached the end of the first line. When the congregation had got two-thirds of the way down, they found they could go no farther, not even those who sang bass. The leader, in some confusion, had to pitch the tune higher, and his mis- calculation was looked upon as exceedingly funny by the reckless spirits at the back of the hall. The door opened quietly, and they all turned expecting to see Macdonald, but it was only Sandy. He had washed his face with but indifferent success, and the bulge in his cheek, like a wen, showed that he had not abandoned tobacco on entering the schoolhouse. He tiptoed to a place beside his friends. " The old man's outside," he whispered to the youth, who sat nearest him, holding his hand to the side of his mouth, so that the sound would not travel. Catching sight of Yates, he winked at him in a friendly sort of way. The hymn gathered volume and spirit as it went on, gradually recovering from the misadventure at 166 IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS starting. When it was finished, the preacher sat down beside the revivalist. His part of the work was done, as there was no formal introduction of speaker to audience to be gone through. The other remained as he was, with bowed head, for what ap- peared to be a long time. A deep silence fell on all present. Even the whis- perings among the scoffers ceased. At last Mr. Benderson slowly raised his head, arose, and came to the front of the platform. He had a strong, masterful, clean-shaven face, with the heavy jaw of a stubborn man a man not easily beaten. " Open the door," he said in a quiet voice. In the last few meetings he had held he had found this an effective beginning. It was new to his pres- ent audience. Usually a knot of people stood out- side, and if they were there, he made an appeal to them, through the open door, to enter. If no one was there, he had a lesson to impart, based on the silence and the darkness. In this instance it was hard to say which was the more surprised, the revi- valist or the congregation. Sandy, being on his feet, stepped to the door, and threw it open. He was so astonished at what he saw that he slid behind the open door out of sight. Macdonald stood there, against the darkness beyond, in a crouching atti- tude, as if about to spring. He had evidently been trying to see what was going on through the key- hole ; and being taken unawares by the sudden open- ing of the door, had not had time to recover himself. No retreat was now possible. He stood up with IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS 167 haggard face, like a man who has been on a spree, and, without a word, walked in. Those on the bench in front of Yates moved together a little closer, and the blacksmith sat down on the vacant space left at the outside. In his confusion he drew his hand across his brow, and snapped his fingers loudly in the silence. A few faces at the back wore a grin, and would have laughed had not Sandy, clos- ing the door quietly, given them one menacing look which quelled their merriment. He was not going to have the " old man " made fun of in his extrem- ity ; and they all had respect enough for Sandy's fist not to run the risk of encountering it after the meeting was over. Macdonald himself was more to be dreaded in a fight ; but the chances were that for the next two or three weeks, if the revival were a success, there would be no danger from that quarter. Sandy, however, was permanently among the uncon- verted, and therefore to be feared, as being always ready to stand up for his employer, either with voice or blow. The unexpected incident Mr. Benderson had witnessed suggested no remarks at the time, so, being a wise man, he said nothing. The congrega- tion wondered how he had known Macdonald was at the door, and none more than Macdonald himself. It seemed to many that the revivalist had a gift of divination denied to themselves, and this belief left them in a frame of mind more than ever ready to profit by the discourse they were about to hear. Mr. Benderson began in a low monotone, that nevertheless penetrated to every part of the room. 168 IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS He had a voice of peculiar quality as sweet as the tones of a tenor, and as pleasant to hear as music ; now and then there was a manly ring in it which thrilled his listeners. " A week ago to-night," he said, " at this very hour, I stood by the deathbed of one who is now among the blessed. It is four years since he found salvation, by the mercy of God, through the humble instrumentality of the least of his servants. It was my blessed privilege to see that young man that boy almost pledge his soul to Jesus. He was less than twenty when he gave himself to Christ, and his hopes of a long life were as strong as the hopes of the youngest here to- night. Yet he was struck down in the early flush of manhood struck down almost without warning. When I heard of his brief illness, although knowing nothing of its seriousness, something urged me to go to him, and at once. When I reached the house, they told me that he had asked to see me, and that they had just sent a messenger to the telegraph office with a dispatch for me. I said : ' God tele- graphed to me.' They took me to the bedside of my young friend, whom I had last seen as hearty and strong as anyone here." Mr. Benderson then, in a voice quivering with emotion, told the story of the deathbed scene. His language was simple and touching, and it was evi- dent to the most callous auditor that he spoke from the heart, describing in pathetic words the event he had witnessed. His unadorned eloquence went straight home to every listener, and many an eye IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS 169 dimmed as he put before them a graphic picture of the serenity attending the end of a well-spent life. " As I came through among you to-night," he continued, " when you stood together in groups out- side this building, I caught a chance expression that one of you uttered. A man was speaking of some neighbour who, at this busy season of the year, had been unable to get help. I think the one to whom this man was speaking had asked if the busy man were here, and the answer was : ' No ; he has not a minute to call hir, own.' The phrase has haunted me since I heard it, less than an hour ago. ' Not a minute to call his own ! ' I thought of it as I sat before you. I thought of it as I rose to address you. I think of it now. Who has a minute to call his own ? " The soft tones of the preacher's voice had given place to a ringing cry that echoed from the roof down on their heads. " Have you ? Have I ? Has any king, any prince, any president, any ruler over men, a minute or a moment he can call his own ? Not one. Not one of all the teeming millions on this earth. The minutes that are past are yours. What use have you made of them ? All your efforts, all your prayers, will not change the deeds done in any one of those minutes that are past, and those only are yours. The chiselled stone is not more fixed than are the deeds of the minutes that are past. Their record is for you or against you. But where now are those minutes of the future those minutes that, from this time onward, you will be able to call your own when they are i;o IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS spent? They are in the hand of God in His hand to give or to withhold. And who can count them in the hand of God? Not you, not I, not the wisest man upon the earth. Man may number the miles from here to the farthest visible star ; but he cannot tell you, you ; I don't mean your neighbour, I mean you, he cannot tell YOU whether your minutes are to be one or a thousand. They are doled out to you and you are responsible for them. But there will come a moment, it may be to-night, it may be a year hence when the hand of God will close and you will have your sum. Then time will end for you, and eternity begin. Are you prepared for that awful moment that moment when the last is given you, and the next withheld ? What if it came now ? Are you prepared for it ? Are you ready to welcome it, as did our brother who died at this hour one short week ago? His was not the only deathbed I have attended. Some scenes have been so seared into my brain that I can never forget them. A year ago I was called to the bedside of a dying man, old in years and old in sin. Often had he been called, but he put Christ away from him, saying: ' At a more convenient season.' He knew the path, but he walked not therein. And when at last God's patience ended, and this man was stricken down, he, foolish to the last, called for me, the ser- vant, instead of to God, the Master. When I reached his side, the stamp of death was on his face. The biting finger of agony had drawn lines upon his haggard brow, A great fear was upon him, and IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS 171 he gripped my hand with the cold grasp of death itself. In that darkened room it seemed to me I saw the angel of peace standing by the bed, but it stood aloof, as one often offended. It seemed to me at the head of the bed the demon of eternal darkness bent over, whispering to him : ' It is too late ! it is too late ! ' The dying man looked at me oh, such a look ! May you never be called upon to witness its like. He gasped : ' I have lived I have lived a sinful life. Is it too late ? ' ' No,' I said, trembling. 'Say you believe.' His lips moved, but no sound came. He died as he had lived. The one necessary minute was withheld. Do you hear? It was withheld! He had not the minute to call his own. Not that minute in which to turn from everlasting damnation. He went down into hell, dying as he had lived." The preacher's voice rose until it sounded like a trumpet blast. His eyes shone, and his face flushed with the fervour of his theme. Then followed as rapidly as words could utter, a lurid, awful picture of hell and the day of judgment. Sobs and groans were heard in every part of the room. " Come now now / " he cried. " Now is the appointed time, now is the day of salvation. Come now ; and as you rise pray God that in his mercy he may spare you strength and life to reach the penitent bench." Suddenly the preacher ceased talking. Stretching out his hands, he broke forth, with his splendid tenor voice, into the rousing hymn, with its spirited marching time : 1/2 IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS 'sin nersj read - y poor' stands and' need*: .save, yoiu S (Weak, 'and \ wound -ed. tick and sore? \FuU of 'pit - y, love. and power? The whole congregation joined him. Everyone knew the words and the tune. It seemed a relief to the pent-up feelings to sing at the top of the voice. The chorus rose like a triumphal march: Torn to the Lord, and seek', tsal- - 'va - lion. ^Eg Sound the praise 'of \HisT ''dear Name; do - ry. hon - our, and sal .- va.-7tion, J. J /JJU J J I Christ .v. the Lord has come to reiepi As the congregation sang the preacher in stentor- ian tones urged sinners to seek the Lord while he was yet to be found. Yates felt the electric thrill in the air, and he tugged at his collar, as if he were choking. He could not understand the strange exaltation that had come over him. It seemed as if he must cry aloud. All those round him were much moved. There were now no scoffers at the back of the room. Most of IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS 173 them seemed frightened, and sat looking one at the other. It only needed a beginning, and the penitent bench would be crowded. Many eyes were turned on Macdonald. His face was livid, and great beads of perspiration stood on his brow. His strong hand clutched the back of the seat before him, and the muscles stood out on the portion of his arm that was bare. He stared like a hypnotised man at the preacher. His teeth were set, and he breathed hard, as would a man engaged in a struggle. At last the hand of the preacher seemed to be pointed directly at him. He rose tremblingly to his feet and stag- gered down the aisle, flinging himself on his knees, with his head on his arms, beside the penitent bench, groaning aloud. " Bless the Lord ! " cried the preacher. It was the starting of the avalanche. Up the aisle, with pale faces, many with tears streaming from their eyes, walked the young men and the old. Mothers, with joy in their hearts and a prayer on their lips, saw their sons fall prostrate before the penitent bench. Soon the contrite had to kneel wherever they could. The ringing salvation march filled the air, mingled with cries of joy and devout ejaculations. " God ! " cried Yates, tearing off his collar, " what is the matter with me ? I never felt like this before. I must get into the open air." He made for the door and escaped unnoticed in the excitement of the moment. He stood for a time by the fence outside breathing deeply of the 174 IN THE MIDST OF ALARMS cool, sweet air. The sound of the hymn came faintly to him. He clutched the fence, fearing he was about to faint. Partially recovering himself at last, he ran with all his might up the road, while there rang in his ears the marching words : \tj* > ^*i Turn to the, Lord, and seek .sal. va (ion. m .Sound ihe praise c His dear Name. ' ouii