HA! GIFT OF THE GUIDING HAND OR ial ^Direction ILLUSTRATED BY AUTHENTIC INSTANCES anfc CTolIecteU BY H. L. HASTINGS ij EDITOR OF "THE CHRISTIAN" BOSTON H. L. HASTINGS, 47 CORNHILL LONDON MARSHALL BROTHERS, So- PATERNOSTER ROW, E. C. Printed in America 1893 COPYRIGHT, 1881, H. L. HASTINGS, BOSTON, MASS. G.H.6 M-5,1893. RBPOSITOEY PRESS, 49 CORNHILL. PREFACE. One fact is worth two arguments ; and the incidents recorded in this volume are offered as facts. It is true that some of them are given anonymously, having been gathered up during years of desultory reading, from sources so varied that it has been sometimes impossible to authenticate or ascertain the authorship of a particular account ; but a very considerable portion of the instances here recorded have occurred within the experience and observation of the writer, or that of his qwn personal friends and acquaintances. Others are given upon the most trustworthy authority, hence, many of these accounts are known to be true, and all are believed to be worthy of credence. Called, in the providence of God, to the establishment and direc- tion of a religious periodical, the writer determined, while rigidly excluding the pious fictions and lying wonders that defile the denom- inational literature of the age, to make the recital of authentic instances of God's gracious dealings with his children, a leading point of interest in its columns. Accordingly from January, 1866, each number of THE CHRISTIAN issued, has carried to the tens of thousands of its readers, accounts of answers to prayer, instances of providential direction, and tokens of the constant and gracious leading of God's Guiding Hand. Many of these accounts, thus given to the public, have been copied into other journals, reprinted in tracts and widely scattered, and inserted in books by various compilers. They are now collected and arranged for publication in a series of volumes entitled, " The Guiding Hand," " Tales of Trust," " Ebenezers, or Records of Prevailing Prayer," etc. ; the labor of classifying and arranging them having been kindly undertaken by my fellow- worker, Wolcott F. Smith, without whose aid their issue must have been deferred till a more convenient season. The first of these books is here presented, with the confident assurance that it will minister strength to trusting hearts, and prove a help and comfort to tossed and troubled souls. (3) 4 PBEFACE. We do not offer these incidents because we think it a new, or strange, or wonderful thing that God should manifest his care for his people, or guide the footsteps of his little flock ; but we simply follow the example of one who said, " Come and hear, all ye that fear God, and I will declare what he hath done for my soul." Psalm Ixvi. 16. If there are those who regard these accounts as too marvelous for belief, they are referred to the Holy Scriptures for other instances, many of which are far more astonishing than those here narrated. If, on the other hand, they doubt those wonders wrought of God in the far off ages, as recorded in his word, we lay before them these accounts, as instances of events continually occurring, through the wonder-working power of the ever living and ever loving God. The literature of ancient Israel was full of the records of the mighty deeds of Him who wrought wonders in the land of Egypt, who divided the sea by his strength, and who went before his chosen ones, giving them manna from on high, and water from the' smitten rock, defending and delivering them, and providing for all their wants. " For he established a testimony in Jacob, and appointed a law in Israel, which he commanded our fathers, that they should make them known to their children ; that the generation to come might know them, even the children which should be born, who should arise and declare them to their children ; that they might set their hope in God, and not forget the works of God, but keep his commandments." Ps. Ixxviii. 5-7. In. like manner, it is meet that we make mention of the mercies of the Lord to us, that our children may learn to trust him, and in an age of doubt and unbelief, submit themselves to the guidance of the Shepherd and Bishop of our souls. That this and the other volumes of the " FAITH SERIES" may be blessed to the profit of the sons of men, and lead them to " set their hope in God, and not forget his works," is the prayer of THE AUTHOR. SCRIPTURAL TRACT REPOSITORY, Office of THE CHRISTIAN, Boston, Mass., U. S. A., August, 1881. CONTENTS. Page. INTRODUCTION 7 PART I. RELIEF AND DELIVERANCE 15 PART II. DREAMS AND IMPRESSIONS 139 PART III. CONVERSIONS 285 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. PAGE. A Blessed Mistake*.. 344 A Blessed Psalm* 60 Account of Mr. Studly 121 A Child's Text 361 A College and its President* 332 A Fearful Ride* 202 A Hymn in a Tavern* 305 A Life Saved Through a Tract 94 A Memory of Wyoming 163 Ann Young's Text 34 A Pastor's Story* 41 A Poor Cottager 271 A Providential Visit 70 A Rabbit Chase 345 Are Tracts Wasted? 137 A Sleep and What Came of it*. . .320 A Star in the Crown : . .381 A Starving Widow Fed 129 A Strange Opening 339 A Stray Bible 348 A Stream in the Desert 293 ASuieide Prevented 306 A Timely Alarm* 115 A Timely Visit 53 A Word in Season 376 BeggingBread* 198 Brands Plucked from the Fire 328 Bread upon the Waters 352 Captain Britwell's Dream 195 Captain Farming's Deliverance 280 Captain Harris 245 Collins and the Funeral 341 Conversion of Count Gasparin 346 Crossing the Lake 92 Captain Yonnt's Dream 209 Deliverances* 17 Deliverance from Despair 214 Deliverance of James Meikle 87 Divine Retribution 185 Dr. Bond's Vision 165 Elizabeth Walker and the Judge. . 99 Father Harding's Convert*. 372 Fleming's Prophetic Warning* 177 Gobat and the Hyenas 113 " Go to Rotterdam " 247 " Go to the Post-Office "* 244 Guidance in Giving* 266 Help in Distress* 277 Howe and the Magistrate 336 Juxta Crucem 382 Liberty for a Captive 366 Money from a Miser 86 Prayer for a Candle 174 Praying and Dueling 109 Pray over them 313 Presentiments 187 Preserved by a Raven 106 Providences in Bible Translation*. 118 Providence Above Law 241 Providence and Law 134 Providential Illness 33 Provision for Caleb 219 Richard Boardman's Deliverance. .185 Saved from a Robber by Rain 80 The articles designated by a star (*) were PAGE. Senator Linn's Rescue 154 Song in the Night 283 Take Care of Him 207 Tennent's Deliverance 141 The Awakened Student* 264 The Bill and the Butterfly 69 The Bullet in the Bible 98 The Burning Parsonage 237 The Captive's Release 130 The Circle of Fire 171 The Czar and the Psalm* 287 The Drowning Lady 257 The Dyke-man's Deliverance 158 The Engineer's Premonition .229 The Explosion* 259 The Falling Chimney 52 The First Awakened 324 The First load of Wood 82 The Flying Engine* 272 The Frightened Robbers 351 The Gold-digging Rat Ill The Heaven-built Wall 132 The Imperiled Child 251 The Inlidel and the Pirates 369 The Lady and the Robber* , . . 26 The Light-colored Coat* 298 The Little Anchor* 47 The Lock of Hair 104 The Lord's Leading 138 The Lost Book and Saved Sinner. .364 The Lost Deeds 136 The Mastodon's Bones* 81 The Minister and the Sick Girl*... .360 The Mohammedan Book-binder. . 349 The Mysterious Unkindness 356 The Old Flint-lock 84 The Packed Trunk 278 The Pertinent Text 314 The Prisoner of Glatz 66 The Railway Interview 303 The Reprieve 231 The Rescue 107 The Saved Railway Train* 239 The Scattered Tracts 308 The Shipwrecked Crew 213 The Skeptic and the Bird's Nest. . .326 The Speechless Ones* .224 The Suicide and her Bible 378 The Suicide Saved 120 The Timely Ebb tide 117 The Torn Hymn 362 The Tract and the Oyster 377 The Wayside Bethel* 315 The Wedding Robe 152 The Wet Grist* 71 The Widow's Prayer Answered*. . .235 The Widow's Wood* 248 The Young Deliverer 74 Thomas Hownham 191 Thomas Williams' Escape 56 Treasures Hid in the Sand* 90 Wesley and his Persecutors 161 What a Fly Did 379 Who Rung that Bell? 96 written expressly for TUB CHRISTIAN. INTBODUCTION. There are no arguments like facts; and God's providences are facts. Ten thousand voices from the past proclaim them to the world, and ten thou- sand voices from the living present echo and indorse the proclamation. And this evidence is cumulative. If every trace and record of God's providences up to this day were instantly blotted out and forgotten, new facts would be developed to-morrow, and living men and women would at once arise and testify to fresh experiences of the gracious guidance of the unseen hand of God. There are persons who see nothing of the kind, so there are men who hunt, and fish, and starve, for generations, seeing nothing but poverty and want around them, until some stranger comes and finds gold and silver and iron and gems beneath their feet ; drops seeds into the earth, and makes the desert smile ; and skirts the arrowy water-course with shops and mills, where streams that have been idle for ages, are taught to do the work of tens of thousands of men. Shall the red savage, who has hunted over the '4 vvVl * 'A ' ****>'" ^ *** >\ : & J !X *' INTRODUCTION. region for years, and seen nothing, and found noth- ing, but minks and muskrats, set up his ignorance and blindness against the higher wisdom of the stranger, who, with a single glance, saw mines and mills, fields and fruits, as with an anointed eye, and knew that they were all sure to come ? Then let the worldling, buried in his vain pursuits, set his igno- rance against the experience of those who have tasted that the Lord is gracious, and proved that his prom- ises are true. But the men who utterly deny God's providences are very few. Let the subject come up in a spirit of inquiry in almost any company, and instantly some one or more will have their story to tell, of some wonderful fact which they have witnessed, experi- enced, or received from unquestionable authority, illustrating the general subject of supernatural direc- tion, and providential care. And he who will note and gather up such scattered incidents, whether related by those around him, or recorded in the writings of the candid and devout in all ages, will find a mine of precious facts which he can neither exhaust nor explore. And he who will seek in patience and in prayer to know and do the will of God, will most likely soon find for himself facts in his own experience which will set his own mind forever at rest. It is objected by some that the accounts given of providential interposition are too marvelous to be believed ; that they must be mere fiction, the product of imaginative minds and the beguilement of idle INTRODUCTION. 9 hours. But if we reject modern accounts of God's providences, what shall we do with the more ancient records ? No book is so crowded with such matter as the book of God. Shall we reject the accounts of more recent experiences because they faintly resem- ble in their character the records which inspiration has preserved ? It is true that the Scriptures warn us against the deceptions of Satanic craft, and the "lying wonders" wrought by his aid and direction. But does not this warning imply that there are true wonders, and that we are to distinguish between them? If, when the canon of Scripture was closed, it had been ordained that all instances of miraculous or supernatural interposition should from that hour forever cease, how easy would it have been to have said, "This book contains a record of the wonders which God has wrought from the creation of the world ; it must be believed and received ; but any person who shall hereafter testify that God still hears prayer, works wonders, or directs the steps of his people, is to be regarded as an enthusiast or an impostor, and any account which relates events and facts resembling those recorded here, is to be rejected as unworthy of belief." Such a caution as this would have for ever relieved Christians from all fear or danger of deception or mistake. But no such caution was given ; on the contrary, as if He who had worked wonders hitherto would still work them on the behalf of his word and his church, men were warned against the false, implying that there was also something true to be expected and received. 10 INTRODUCTION. The current thought that miracles and wonders belong exclusively to a by-gone age, seems hardly worthy of a reply. Where is the proof of such an assertion? Has the Almighty changed? Does not " every good gift and every perfect gift" still come down from the Father of lights, with whom, how- ever man and earthly things may change , ' ' there is no parallax nor shadow of turning "? "The same yesterday, to-day, and forever," is His arm short- ened, or has His promise failed? Do not all His words read as they did of old ? And is not man the same ? Was -not Elias * a man subject to like passions as we are " ? And did not his prayer shut heaven above rebellious Israel, by the space of three years and six months, until "he prayed again, and the heavens gave rain, and the earth brought forth her fruit"? No, with the same God, and the same Saviour, and the same Holy Spirit, and the same gospel, and the same promises, and the same sinful humanity, where is the change ? Of old there was failure, and a single demon defeated the doubting disciples and held his victim till Christ came down from the mountain and delivered him. And now, as then, the working of the Holy One is limited by the faithlessness of the sons of men, so that over many a lifeless church and city it may be said to-day, "And he could there do no mighty work, save that he laid his hands upon a few sick folk, and healed them. And he marveled because of their unbelief." Mark vi. 5,. 6. "And he did not many mighty works there, because of their unbelief." Matt. xiii. 58. INTRODUCTION. 11 A doubting, caviling generation shuts itself away from the fullness of divine blessing. For them the sun shines, but they have blinded their eyes. For them the rain descends, but their vessels are closed against it, the blessing is ready, but they refuse to receive it, and frustrate the grace of God. A word of solemn caution is due to those who seek the aid and guidance of the Holy Spirit. " Be- loved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God : because many false proph- ets are gone out into the world." The office of the Holy Spirit does not seem to be to create or impart new powers of mind or body, but rather to remedy defects, and repair the ruin wrought by sin. Man is a wreck, disordered and diseased; the Holy Spirit " helpeth our infirmities." Memory, though a natural gift, becomes impaired ; the Holy Spirit brings all things to remembrance. Conscience is a natural gift, but it becomes Beared or perverted ; the Holy Spirit purges and quickens it, and convinces of sin, of righteousness, and of judg- ment. Speech is a natural gift, but the Holy Spirit loosens the stammering tongue, and even bestows ability so that men speak with new tongues as the Spirit gives them utterance. The healthful human body may, by contact with the sick, sometimes impart strength, or vital force, and thus alleviate pain, the giver being weakened, as the receiver is strengthened, by the process ; but when the Holy Spirit fills a man with gifts of power and healing, then divine energies work such wonders and cures 12 INTRODUCTION. as mere human power can never approach or imitate. So, also, there are persons who are naturally sensi- tive to unseen influences, and able to discern distant trouble, and foreknow coming danger, being gifted with a sort of prophetic instinct, which may be debased by vice or blunted by neglect, but which may be improved by culture, and specially quick- ened and exalted by the presence of the Holy Ghost. Thus divine manifestations are possible. They are made through the channels of human thought and feeling, for man himself with all his powers is God's creature, and should in every faculty of his being respond to the moving of the Holy Ghost, as harp-strings thrill beneath the harper's hand. Well knowing the importance of these manifesta- tions, Satan seeks by his fascinations, spiritual mani- festations, and psychological juggleries , to jumble and confound all things, human and divine, sacred and profane, decent and devilish, in one indistinguishable mass. And as all these manifestations have points of likeness, since man is the subject of the whole, with devilish art the precious and the vile are commin- gled till all are received or all are rejected together. The most terrible and disgraceful fanaticisms have thus sprung up among honest but incautious souls, who, while professing to be lead by the Holy Spirit, have been swayed by the influence of erring men, or have found a lower depth of demoniac thrall and been " led captive by Satan at his will," till they have dis- honored the Lord, and brought reproach on his cause, leading others to deny all divine guidance, reject INTRODUCTION. 13 the Holy Spirit, and sink into formalism and death. The only safety from these wiles of the devil is found in the most strict and conscientious adherence to the teachings of ,the Holy Scriptures. The Holy Spirit is not given to supersede revelation or encour- age laziness. To ask direction of the Holy Ghost in matters expressly commanded or forbidden by the Holy Scriptures, savors more of impertinence than of piety. But while the directions of the Scriptures are unalterably correct as a guide, and infallibly true as a touch-stone and criterion by which to examine and decide the true character of our mental and spir- itual exercises, of course a book of general precepts and principles can never give specific directions to meet the special and personal duties of each individ- ual Christian. Hence the necessity for additional direction ; and here we find room for the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The Acts of the apostles abound with instances of this direction. "The Spirit said unto Philip, Go near and join thyself to this chariot ; and Philip ran thither to him ;" and by that act he sent the gospel unchallenged into the heart of Ethiopia, and into the very palace of the Queen. Acts viii. 29, 30. The Spirit said to Peter, "Behold, three men seek thee ; ... go with them, doubting nothing, for I have sent them ;" and the gospel was thus carried to the house of Cornelius of Caesarea. Acts x. 19, 20. "The Holy Ghost said, Separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work whereunto I have called them; .... so they, being sent forth by the 14 INTKODUCTION. Holy Ghost, departed unto Seleucia." Acts xiii. 2-4. Now in all these cases, and in others like them, of course it could not be expected that written directions would be given in the Bible for the guid- ance of the servants of the Lord. The general precept was, "Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature ;" but we read that when Paul and Silas at one time ' were forbidden of the Holy Ghost to preach the word in Asia," 4 * they assayed to go into Bithynia, but the Spirit suffered them not ;" while on the other hand, to the cry, "Come over into Macedonia, and help us, "they were enabled to render an immediate response. Acts xvi. 6,7,9. And when thus called and directed by the Holy Ghost, all things conspired to favor their progress, and instead of tacking and beating, "loosing from Troas," they "came with a straight course to Samothracia, and the next day to Neapolis." Thus times and places and opportunities for Chris- tian service are often pointed out to the child of God. And while those who ask for the teaching of o the Holy Ghost as an excuse for disregarding the written Word, or to pry into secrets concealed by the Lord, deserve and may expect disappointment and deception, those who cling closely to that Word as the man of their counsel, and ask of God the wis- dom which they lack, will find to their joy that he will guide the meek in judgment and teach the meek his way, and can say with the Psalmist, "Thou shalt guide me with thy counsel, and afterward receive me to glory." THE GUIDING HAND, RELIEF AND DELIVERANCE. "THE LORD PRESERVETH THE STRANGERS; HE RELIEVETH THE FATHERLESS AND WIDOW." Ps. Cxlvi. 9. ' ' BEHOLD* THE EYE OP THE LORD is UPON THEM THAT FEAR HIM, UPON THEM THAT HOPE IN HIS MERCY ; TO DELIVER THEIR SOUL FROM DEATH, AND TO KEEP THEM ALIVE IN FAMINE." Ps. xxxiii. 18, 19. "Tnou ART MY HIDING-PLACE; THOU SHALT PRESERVE ME FROM TROUBLE; THOU SHALT COMPASS ME ABOUT WITH SONGS OF DELIVERANCE." Ps. XXXii. 7. THE GUIDING HAND. EELIEF AND DELIVEKANCE. BELIVEEANCES. In the spring of 1848, a young lady of eighteen years bade good-bye to father, mother, brothers and sisters, and turned her face from her quiet home, in the southern part of Vermont, taking the stage across the Green Mountains for Troy, thence jour- neying by rail to Buffalo, and there taking the steamboat on Lake Erie, intending to visit her friends in the West. Filled with youthful hopes, buoyant with activity, and health, and bloom, and beauty, nothing in all her previous mountain life had ever seemed so productive of joy and happiness, as the incidents of this first journey from home. The boat from Buffalo did not stop at the place of her destination, and accordingly she landed at the nearest lake-port, Barcelona, ten miles distant from R. , where her friends resided whom she had thought to visit first on her western trip. A mere circumstance, however, had nearly pre- vented her leaving the steamer at Barcelona. She (17) 18 THE GUIDING HAND. had intended to visit other kindred further west, in Michigan, and a youthful company of associates on board the steamer, who had with her spent the time in singing and gay conversation, pressed her earnestly to go on with them. But an inward impression, that could not easily be resisted, urged her to leave the boat at Barcelona. She decided to listen to the constraining voice, and bidding her gay companions adieu, she disembarked and visited her friends. A warm and joyful welcome awaited the young traveler at R., where, during a pleasant tarry of one year, and while engaged in teaching a school, she, when the community was enjoying a season of revival, became a disciple of Him who once pressed a sailor's pillow, but showed a Saviour's love, and manifested a Creator's power. But alas for her fellow-voyagers ! How uncertain is human life ! This ill-fated steamer was laden with travelers who were destined, most of them, never to see the places toward which they were journeying. Only five hours after Miss S. was set ashore in safety at Barcelona, the boat, while proceeding on up the lake, took fire, and in spite of the almost super- human efforts made to save her, was burned to the water's edge, nearly all on board, with the excep- tion of three or four persons, perishing either in the flames or by drowning in the lake. Many a home was desolate from that sad night when the lake was lit up with the flames of the burning steamer, and many a weeping eye looked out long but vainly for the faces of dear ones who never came again. THE GUIDING HAND. 19 But Miss S. escaped. She obeyed the leadings of the Guiding Hand, and thus was saved ; saved by a single moment's decision, only five hours from a terrible death ; saved to find Christ, the sinner's best Friend, and go back to her father's home glad in the Eedeemer's love. Such was the providence of God in her deliverance ; and though many years have passed away, she to this day retains a vivid recollec- tion of that narrow escape from death on board the doomed Griffith, and thankfully herein records, by our hand, the story of her deliverance. About the time the above events occurred near lake Erie, a young man, who had early given his heart to God and consecrated himself to the work of the ministry, in company with three Christian breth- ren, was crossing a portion of lake Champlain, lying between two islands, where the waves ran high and threatening, and the winds blew fiercely. The boat, which carried them safely over, seemed held together by a miracle, for it was qld and leaky, requiring to be bailed every minute ; and it was so rotten, that it went to pieces on the shore within two days after- wards, splitting in twain as it lay idle. He was out on one of his first missions to lost men, and God beheld the danger, and shielded the boat's crew from peril on the angry and turbulent waters. Thus the lives of two persons, at that period utterly unknown to each other, were spared from untimely destructions, afterwards to meet and become " one flesh " at the altar, and share together the joys and sorrows incident to all who are on life's voyage 20 THE GUIDING HAND. in the same boat, bound for the haven of endless rest beyond these mortal shores. Happy will they be if this voyage ends well. Some few years after these events, in the year 185-, while this clergyman and his wife were on their way from the city of Boston to Vermont, whither they had been summoned to attend at the bedside of a sick parent, they had together a very narrow escape from violent and instant death . Reach- ing by railroad the village of B., at which place they arrived at nightfall, intending to take the stage to W , some twenty-five miles, they had already alighted from the cars, handed their checks to the stage-driver, and passing round to the opposite -side of the depot, sprang into the stage, congratulating themselves and each other on having secured the hinder seat, as being the most comfortable for the endurance of the long night ride among the moun- tains. But scarcely were they seated in fancied security, and while waiting for the appearance of the driver, when the four horses attached to the cum- brous vehicle, becoming frightened by the appear- ance of the locomotive, with one leap broke the tie-strap with which they were fastened to the post in the platform, and commenced running away. With no one at hand to arrest them, the two sole occupants of the stage were scarcely aware for a few moments that, locked in behind the heavy leathern bar, and with the stage doors closed, they were en- tirely at the mercy of the frightened steeds. Plung- ing forward, the brutes turned their heads toward THE GUIDING HAND. 21 the river, making a sharp curve to enable them to head toward the north, and so pass up over the bridge into the village. No guard or fence pro- tected the river bank, and with increasing speed the fugitives dragged their helpless victims after them with no power to resist, while the chance of clearing the danger and making the curve between the depot and the Connecticut appeared very small, and the danger very great. Escape for a few mo- ments seemed hopeless. Who shall describe the feelings of those thus exposed to such imminent peril ? To leap from the flying stage was fraught with jeop- ardy ; to remain in it, was to court death. And then, would the horses escape the steep bank of the river? The bank at this place was twenty feet high, and the water twenty feet deep. Only a few nights previously, as they were afterwards told, a man had driven his team over the bank, and was drowned. A space of but ten rods of ground was all that inter- vened. Two rods or less from the precipitous bank, and running parallel with it, lay a section of the old railway, with the iron rails still fastened to the decayed ties. While passing the bend of the curve, and under full speed, the wheels struck the iron rails, and the coach was instantly upset. Clasping each other in their arms, the affrighted pair were dashed to the earth with great violence, amongst broken glass from the window and the debris of the shattered coach body. But during the anxious moments of their peril, they had bethought them of that God whose watchful eye was over all his chosen, and who 22 THE GUIDING HAND. had power to save, and a quick prayer for deliver- ance had ascended to his ear, and was answered as quickly. A crowd of inquiring spectators rushed to the rescue and offered friendly aid to the unfortunate. Broken spectacles and torn, soiled garments ; a terrible jar and crash to the earth within twenty feet of the precipitous river bank ; wounds and contusions that required the physician's care for ten days ; a newspaper notice of an accident, and a free ride for the rest of the journey, were among the results of the adventure. The body of the coach had, in up- setting, become detached from the wheels, and the horses ran away with the latter, leaving the former on the ground. At midnight, after a tedious, painful ride, the preacher and his companion bowed at the bedside of the sick father, and poured out their souls in suppli- cations and thanksgivings to that holy Being who preserves our lives from destructions. Never before had they been so near a violent death ; never did deliverance seem to be vouchsafed so speedily. The newspapers of B. the next morning recorded it as an 11 accident." So it was, perhaps. But there are two who to this day put down on the pages of memory this thrilling episode in their checkered lives, as a providential deliverance from a seen dan- ger, where there was but a step between them and death. Several years later, in the fall of 1861, this same servant of Christ, with his companion, having come to the city of R. , had, on a bright October morning, THE GUIDING HAND. 23 taken seats in the car for a ride of two hundred and twenty-five miles, to A. Scarcely had they passed the third station on the route, ere the train, which had already acquired a speed of ten miles an hour, was suddenly checked, throwing the startled passen- gers against the seats in front of them, and causing a general exclamation of fear and surprise, and a rush toward the car door. Looking out, the splen- did engine was seen off the track, plowed into a bank of earth, and nearly turned on its side, dragging several of the forward cars after it, and crushing and damaging the baggage. Every one involuntarily exclaimed, " What if the train had been under full speed?" and," What if this had occurred on a high bank?" Five minutes later and so it would have been. Again were these two, who had till now borne a charmed life, perhaps but a few minutes from destruction. The train was detained an hour, until a new one could be made up, before it proceeded on its swift way as if nothing had happened. There Were two of those passengers, if no more, who per- formed the rest of that journey with mingled fear and thanksgiving, fearing that controlling Power that seems to hold the destinies of human souls in his awful hand, thanking the good Father who ruleth over all, for still preserving their persons from danger, and enabling them to safely arrive at the place of their destination. At a time still later, in the winter of 1866, this clergyman took the train at K., for the village of P., 24 THE GUIDING HAND. intending the next day, which was Sunday, to meet an appointment for preaching at M. A ride of three hours brought us to M., at which place, after the usual tarry and changes, the train started on. Sev- eral miles beyond M., having just emerged from a long curve in a deep cut, where high lands hid all objects on either side, as well as obstructing the view in front to the open flat land beyond, and while running at the rate of thirty miles an hour the train being behind time suddenly the engineer gave the signal to put on all the brakes, and stop the train. Nothing is more alarming to a railway traveler, than this quick, hoarse note of alarm, especially if a glance at the window exhibits no evidence of proximity to a station. Quick as the signal the brakes were put on heavily, the great speed of the train checked, and the passengers sprang to their feet, and the men out at the door. The excited conductor, a man of eight years' experience in conducting trains, came through the car, and a voice said, " Look ahead on the track." All did so, and were startled to discover a heavy freight train on our track, scarcely one minute's ride in the distance, heading towards us, whose engineer, with our own, had seen the approaching train in time, and checked the speed of his engine. Only one minute between us and a frightful collision that would have dashed both locomotives and cars in pieces, and doubtless injured or killed every soul on board. The conductor had mistaken his orders, and thereby lost his place. The superintendent of the road, when made aware of the imminence of the peril THE GUIDING HAND. 25 to passengers and train, passed an almost sleepless night, and the involuntary exclamation of all was, " What if we had met in the curve in the deep cut?" What destinies hung on that single moment that separated this freight of panting men and women from ruin of life and limb ! Is it right to say ours was "good fortune" only, and that no Almighty Guiding Hand shielded the trusting and thankful ones from the dangerous catastrophe ? There was one at least on board that train whose work for God was not ended, whose earthly trials and sufferings in the service of the Master had not yet accomplished his perfection, and whose life was yet to be spared for further service in the great Redeemer's cause. Why God spares one, as if by special act, and suffers another to be taken, is a mystery which the light of eternity will more fully unfold. Let Him do as he will. But somehow, in view of the many deliverances recorded of the servants of the Lord, and our own experience in such matters, we have come to have an abiding faith that all men, until their work is done, are endowed with a sort of contingent immortality, and cannot, if faithful, be effectually harmed. And it affords great joy to rest in this faith, and learn to nestle close into the great hand of Deity. Men in God's service, while on Jife's tumult- uous sea, are as corks on the waters but not a hair of their heads will perish while in the line of their duty, until God is through with them on earth. For a period of a quarter of a century we have watched 26 THE GUIDING HAND. the course of human life in this dangerous world, with seven or eight hundred ministers in this country who are set to herald the speedy appearing of our blessed Lord from heaven in his eternal kingdom, and with gratitude and wonder declare the fact that we know not a single instance where a minister of God among them, while in the line of his professional duty, has been cut off by an accidental or violent death. Yet no class of clergymen travel more, or are more exposed to casualties, perils, and natural dangers, braving toil and risking life and limb every- where in proclaiming their heaven-born message. Many have died in their beds, and a few who turned from duty and took the sword to fight have perished, while the faithful are yet unharmed. Let them glorify God. And let each keep at his work, and fear not, leaving life and all in the hands of the dear good Master. He is mighty to save. In his king- dom, there will be no peril or danger, immortality will be proof against all evil, and the reward of fidelity is certain and sure. THE LADY AND THE BOBBER. In a large, lonely house, situated in the south of England, there lived many years ago a lady whose only companions were two maid-servants. Though far away from all human habitations, they dwelt in peace and safety, for they trusted in God, and feared no evil under his protecting care. THE GUIDING HAND. 27 It was the lady's custom to pass around the house with her maid-servants every night, and see that all the doors and windows were properly secured, and then to lie down and sleep in peace under the shadow of the Almighty, who was her trust and her shield. One night she had accompanied her maids about the house as usual, and having ascertained that all was safe, they left her in the passage close to her room, and then went to their own apartment, which was quite distant, at the other side of the house. As the lady, thus left alone, opened the door into her room, she distinctly saw the feet of a man under her bed. Her feelings may be imagined. Her ser- vants were far away, and could not hear her if she called for help ; she might be murdered before they could arrive , even if they did hear her ; and if they were there , three weak and defenceless women would have been no match for an armed and desperate burglar. Danger was all around her; flight was impracticable ; earthly refuge seemed to fail. What then could she do ? She did what it is always safe to do she trusted in the Lord. She knew that she had a God to go to, who never leaves nor forsakes his confiding saints ; and so she possessed her soul in patience and in peace. Making no outcry, and giving no intimation that she observed anything wrong, she quietly closed the door, locked it on the inside, as she was in the habit of doing, leisurely brushed her hair, seeking the while, no doubt, the help and guidance of the Lord whom she served, and putting on her dressing-gown, she took her Bible 28 THE GUIDING HAND. and calmly sat down to read the word of God, that word which is quick and powerful, and sharper than a two-edged sword, piercing to the dividing asunder of the soul and spirit, and discerning the thoughts and intents of the heart. Guided of the Lord, she selected a portion of Scripture, perhaps the ninety-first Psalm, or if not this, some passage which recites the watchful care of God over his people by night and by day. She read aloud. Never was a chapter so read before. In that lonely house, with a desperate robber hidden in the room, that helpless woman read out the mighty promises of Him whose word can never fail, and stayed her soul upon those assurances of divine pro- tection which cannot disappoint the hopes of the trusting children of the Most High. Her heart gained strength as she read the words of truth, and closing the book she kneeled and prayed to God, and prayed as she had never prayed before. She told the Lord her helplessness and need ; she com- mended herself and her servants in their defenceless- ness and loneliness to the care of a protecting God ; she dwelt upon their utter lack of all human defence, and clung to the sacred promises which were given for comfort in the hours of trouble and distress. She lingered long in supplication, for it was her hour of need, and she came boldly to the throne of grace, for every other refuge was in vain. At last she rose from her knees, put out her candle and laid down upon her bed, but not to sleep. And how felt the wretched man this while ? He THE GUIDING HAND. 29 was bold, he was bad, he had companions near, and in his desperation was prepared for any struggle or for any crime ; but how must he have felt to hear the promises of the Almighty God read forth, and to listen to the pleading voice of that helpless woman, as she poured out her prayer to the God of her life ! Soon after the woman had laid down, she became conscious that the man was standing by her bedside. He spoke to her in a voice very different, we may be sure, from his usual tone ; begged her not to be alarmed, and said, " I came here to rob the house, and if necessary to kill you ; and I have companions out in the garden ready to obey my call for help. But after hearing the words you have read and the prayers you have uttered, no power on earth could induce me to hurt you or to touch a thing in your house. If you had given the slightest alarm or token of resistance, I had fully determined to murder you, and it was God's good guidance that led you to pursue the course you took. You must still remain perfectly quiet, and not attempt to interfere with me. I shall now give a signal to my companions which they will understand, and then we will go away and you may sleep in peace, for I give you my solemn word, no one shall harm you, and not the smallest thing belonging to you shall be disturbed." He then went to the window and opened it, and whistled softly, as a signal to his comrades to disperse to a distance, and returning to the bedside of the lady, who had neither spoken nor moved throughout the whole, he said, " Now I am going. Your prayer 30 THE GUIDING HAND. has been heard, and no disaster will befall you. But I never heard such words before ; I must have the book you read out of;" and taking her Bible, willingly enough given, you may be sure, he bade her good- night and disappeared through the open window. Directly all was quiet, and the lady composed herself to sleep, upheld by that faith and grace which had so signally sustained her in her hour of trial ; and awoke in the morning to give thanks to Him who had covered her with his feathers, and pre- served her from " the terror by night," and been to her a rock of refuge and a fortress of deliverance in her hour of need. But how fared the robber? He came for treasure, and he got it. He sought gold and silver, and gained the law of God that is better than thousands of silver and gold. He carried that away with him which outweighs all treasures, and shall outlast the world the word of God that liveth and abideth forever. No doubt this praying woman remembered him before the throne, but neither she nor any one else could trace him in all his course of sin or sorrow through the world. But God followed him; the Holy Spirit pursued him, and the message of God's mercy was in his hands, and for the result we must wait and hope. In the month of April, 1867, an aged lady, Mrs. Hannah P , fell asleep in Christ, in the city of Boston. It was not our privilege to know her personally, though acquainted with a member of her family ; and at his request we endeavored once to THE GUIDING HAND. 31 call upon her, but failed to find the place of her residence. She was a native of England, and the daughter of one of the godly Methodist women of olden time. In her old age her memory lingered lovingly about the scenes of her youth, and fre- quently she would relate to the younger members of her family the tales of her early English life. One time, she said, when she was but a little girl, she went with her mother to attend a meeting of the Bible Society, or some religious society in Yorkshire, England. After several noted clergymen and others had addressed the meeting, a man arose, who stated that he was employed as one of the book-hawkers of the society, and told the story of that midnight scene, as a testimony to the living, saving energy of the word of God, declaring that, through the influence of that Bible and the prayers of that Christian woman, the robber was led to Christ for mercy and salvation. He paused in his narration, and as the assembly, thrilled by his story, waited breathless for the con- clusion, he said, " / was that man." Instantly an elderly lady rose from her seat in the midst of the congregation, and quietly said, " It is all quite true ; I was that lady," and sat down again. Many years had elapsed since the lady and the robber parted, and she had never heard of him before that day. But the Lord had watched and guided, led and saved that sinful man, and he stood forth a monument of the wonderful providence and saving grace of God. We had met this story some time since in a 32 THE GUIDING HAND. published volume. A year ago or more, a Christian brother, having read the articles in THE CHRISTIAN on " The Guiding Hand," sent us the account in manuscript. More recently we find the story credited to the London Packet, in the October number of which the first part of it appeared, while in a subse- quent number the editor stated that he had received a letter fully corroborating the previous account of the lady and the robber, and narrating the additional facts of their subsequent meeting at the anniversary of the society, of which the editor had not heard when the first part of the story was published in the Packet. The gentleman who furnished the manuscript account of these circumstances having lately called at the Eepository, we showed him the article copied from the London publication. He had never met with the story in print before ; but stated that he had frequently heard his mother-in-law, Mrs. H P , relate the account of the anniversary which she attended with her mother when she was a little girl, and of the story told by the converted robber, and confirmed by the testimony of the lady who was present to hear him. From these independent sources we compile this account, and we present it as an illustration of the protecting care of the Almighty God, as a proof of the safety of trusting in him, as an example of the power of his living Word, and of the mysterious ways by which he seeks and saves the lost ; and as a fresh encouragement to every child of God to accept THE GUIDING HAND. 33 with patient trust each trial which may come, relying upon that gracious providence of Him, who, having fitted us to be used of the Lord as vessels of mercy and messengers of grace to men, shall show us, either here or else hereafter, that all things work together for our good, and that He who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will, shall glorify him- self alike in our willing service and in our patient trust. - PROVIDENTIAL ILLNESS. An English gentleman, doing an extensive business in a distant part of the country, left his house some years ago, with an intention of going to Bristol ; but, when he had proceeded about half way, he was taken ill, and detained several days. As the fair by this time was in a considerable degree over, he returned home. Some years after, the same gentleman, hap- pening to be at the place where the assizes for the county were held, was induced to be present at the execution of a criminal. While he was mixed with the crowd, the criminal perceived him, and expressed a desire to speak with him. On the gentleman's approaching him, he asked, " Do you recollect at such a time intending to be at Bristol fair?" "Yes, perfectly well." "It is well that you did not go, for I and several others, who knew that you had a considerable sum of money about you, had resolved to waylay and rob, and then mur- der you, to prevent detection." 2 34 THE GUIDING HAND. ANN YOUNG'S TEXT. Above a century ago, in a sequestered part of Scotland, a hard- working couple were struggling through life, and frequently found it difficult to gain a bare subsistence, and provide even necessaries for their young family. But though their lot was cast among the poor of this earth, they were honest. They lived in a thinly-peopled neighborhood, remote from town or village, and indeed at a considerable distance from any habitation whatever. The poor man could generally contrive to earn a scanty sub- sistence, barely sufficient to maintain his wife and four children. At times, indeed, his means of sup- port were cut oif; for, though industrious when he could procure work, his employment at best was precarious. In that secluded district, where there were few resident gentry, his resources in this respect were limited and uncertain ; and sometimes this worthy couple were reduced to great necessity for want of food, when they experienced unexpected interpositions of Providence , by which help was sent to them in the most unlocked for manner. Thus God often reveals himself to his chosen ones, and in time of their need proves that he is * * a very present help in trouble." At some miles' distance from this humble cottage, was the residence of an excellent Christian lady whose piety and active benevolence had gained her the love and esteem of all the neighborhood. Lady Kilmarnock devoted her time and fortune to doing THE GUIDING HAND. 35 good, and was indeed a blessing to those around her. These worthy cottagers had been frequent objects of her bounty, and through her aid they had often obtained most seasonable relief. But, though Ann Young for that was the former name of the cot- tager's wife, by which she was still known in the neighborhood had formerly been a servant in her family, yet such was her repugnance to appear bur- densome to her benefactress, that it was seldom indeed that when in want her distress was made known by herself. It came to pass on one occasion that these poor people were reduced to the greatest extremity of want; all their resources had failed. Their little store of provisions gradually diminished, till they were exhausted. Her children had received the last morsel she could furnish, yet she was not cast down, for Ann Young was indeed a Christian. She knew in whom she had believed ; she had learned to trust in the loving-kindness of her God, when apparently cut off from human aid ; and having found by expe- rience that man's extremity is God's opportunity, she did not despond. The day, however, passed slowly over, and no prospect of succor appeared. Night came at last, and still no relief was vouchsafed to them. The children were crying for their supper, and because there was none to give them, their mother undressed them and put them to bed, where they soon cried themselves to sleep. Their father was much dejected, and likewise went to bed, leaving Ann in solitary 36 THE GUIDING HAND. possession of the room. And yet she felt not alone ; many sweet hours had she spent in that little cottage apart from the world, with her Bible and her God. Precious had these opportunities ever been to her, of pouring out her soul to God of spreading her sorrows, her trials, all before him, and giving vent to a full, and now, alas ! a heavy heart. Having seen her children safely at rest, she made up the peat fire on the hearth, that she might not afterwards be disturbed for the night. She then trimmed and lighted the little cruisy a small iron vessel which served as a lamp and hung it upon its accustomed place on the wall, and moved the clean oaken table near it, and having taken a large family Bible from among the six or eight well-read, well- worn volumes on the book-shelf, deposited it upon it. She paused, however, before opening the sacred volume, to implore a blessing on its contents, when the following text involuntarily came into her mind : * < For every beast of the forest is mine , and the cattle upon a thousand hills." The text, thought Ann, is not very applicable to my present condition and opening her Bible she proceeded to look out for some of her favorite pas- sages of Scripture. Yet, " For every beast of the forest is mine, and the cattle upon a thousand hills," was uppermost in her thoughts. She knelt down and committed her case to the Hearer and Answerer of prayer ; and then tried to recall former experience to bring to remembrance the promises of God, and those portions of Scripture which used to come home THE GUIDING SAND. 37 with power to her heart ; but without now feeling that lively pleasure and satisfaction she had ever found in the word of God. The text, " For every beast of the forest is mine, and the cattle upon a thousand hills," seemed fastened to her memory, and, despite of every effort, she could not banish it from her mind. Yet, thought Ann, it is God's own word ; and she read the fiftieth Psalm, in which the text is contained. It was, she thought, a beautiful psalm, but many verses in it appeared to her more suited to her condition than the one already quoted. Again she prayed, hoping that, while presenting her supplication before the throne of grace, she might forget it; but with no better success. Still she endeavored to encourage her drooping heart with the belief, nay, God's blessed assurance of the efficacy of earnest, persevering prayer, and continued her occu- pation, alternately supplicating in prayer and reading her Bible, until midnight. Indeed, early dawn found her engaged at this same employment. At length daylight appeared through the little casement, when a loud, impatient rap was heard at the door. " Who's there ? " said Ann. A voice from without answered " A friend." " But who is a friend?" she replied. " What are you?" " I'm a drover; and quick, mistress, and open the door, and come out and help me. And if there's a man in the house, tell him also to come out with all speed, for one of my cattle has fallen down a preci- pice and broken its leg, and is lying at your door." 38 THE GUIDING HAND. On opening the door, what was the first object that met the astonished gaze of Ann ? A large drove of cattle, from the Highlands of Scotland. As far as eye could reach in either direction, the road was black with the moving mass, which the man was driving on to the market in the south. And there lay the disabled beast, its leg broken the poor drover standing by, looking ruefully over it his faithful colley dog by his side, gazing up as if in sympathy with his master, and as if he understood his dilemma, and knew also that his services could now be of no avail. The worthy couple were concerned for the poor drover, and evinced every willingness to assist him in his misfortune, had it been in their power. He, in his turn, felt at loss to know how he should dispose of the animal, and paused to consider what course he ought to pursue. But the more he thought over the catastrophe, the more his perplexity in- creased. To drive on the maimed beast was obviously impossible. To sell it there, seemed equally so. At a distance from a market, it would not be easy to find a purchaser ; and by remaining in that place long enough to do so, he must likewise detain the whole herd of cattle, which would incur more expense than the animal was worth. What was to be done? The drover drew his Highland plaid tighter round him. He shifted and replaced his bonnet from one side of his head to the other. "I never," he at length exclaimed, "was THE GUIDING HAND. 39 more completely brought to my wit's end in my life ;" and then turning to Ann, he added, " Deed, mistress, I must just make you a present of it, for in truth I don't know what else I can do with it ; so kill it, and take care of it, for it is a principal beast. I'll answer for it, a mart like that has never come within your door." And, without waiting for thanks, he whistled on his dog and joined the herd, which was soon moving slowly on its weary journey. The poor cottagers were lost in wonder at this unexpected deliverance from famine, by so signal an interposition of Providence. And after they had in some measure recovered from the surprise such an incident was calculated to excite, the father assembled his little family around him to unite in prayer, and to give thanks to the Giver of all good for this new proof of his condescending kindness toward them ! Thus their prayer was now turned into praise. He then proceeded to follow the advice of the drover, and found his gift, as he told them, to be a "principal beast." All was then rejoicing, preparation and gladness, with the inmates of the cottage. They had meat sufficient to serve them for many months to come, and in their first joy they totally forgot that they had no bread. But He who "commanded the ravens " to bring to the prophet " bread and flesh," did not forget it. God does not work by halves. About six o'clock in the morning, another knock was heard at the door, which this time flew quickly open, when who should present hkoself but the "grieve," or bailiflf of Lady 40 THE GUIDING HAND. Kilmarnook, with a load on his back. He then proceeded to relate how that Lady Kiiraarnock sent for him the previous morning, to inquire ''if anything had happened to Ann Young." To which he replied, that he was not aware that she had met with any calamity, and that when he last heard of her family, they were all well. " Then," said her ladyship, " she must be in want; for these few days she has been incessantly in my thoughts ; / cannot get her out of my head; and I am sure she is in distress. So take a sack of meal to her a large one, too, and take it directly. You had better convey it yourself, that it may be safely delivered to her, and bring me word how she is ; for I know she would almost starve before she applied for relief." "I fully intended," added the bailiff, "to have brought it yesterday, as Lady Kilmarnock desired ; but being more than usually busy throughout that day, I could not find leisure to come, but determined that my first employment this morning would be to fetch it to you." Thus were these pious cottagers, by a wonderful interference of Providence, amply provided for, and Ann Young found out why that passage of Scripture had been so impressed upon her mind, and learned to understand more fully than she did before, the meaning of that old, and yet new, and true, and faithful word of God, " Every beast of the forest is mine, and the cattle upon a thousand hills." THE GUIDING HAND. 41 A PASTOK'S STOKY. It was December. My quarter's salary, the last for the year, had been paid me with the usual prompt- ness. I don't wish to blame my people in the least in many things they are very kind to their minis- ter and family. But the plain fact is, that during no year of the five I have been with them, has my salary met necessary home expenses. We have tried to economize in every way ; but as yet are unable to make the two ends of the year meet on the salary. We were particularly tried during the month men- tioned. The weather without was not more gloomy than the state of things within doors. My three eldest children were down with the whooping-cough ; a little babe of only a few weeks was daily threat- ened ; my wife lay prostrate on a bed of sickness ; I myself was struggling with the severest cough that had yet overtaken me ; our hired help had left and we could obtain no one to take her place ; and one of the worst features of the case was that I Was entirely out of pocket, not two months of my quarter having passed before every cent of my salary was spent a most unusual circumstance, for ordinarily it would last me till within a couple of weeks of the close of the quarter. Six weeks were before me, during which I would receive no remuneration by which to meet the expenses that would not stop. I saw no way of relief. I could calculate on no outside income of my own ; I had none. My credit at the stores was good ; but to avail myself of it 42 THE GUIDING HAND. would inevitably plunge me in debt, for which my next quarter's salary would not be sufficient. I dared not draw from the little I had laid aside for the rainy days of the future ; for when or how should I be able to replace it? The prospect before me was dark. Thoughts of it soon began to affect the peace of my mind. I could no longer apply myself calmly to sermon labor and pastoral duty. I even looked around for some employment other than my regular one, wherewith to turn an honest penny, but every door was closed. I could endure the tension of thought the daily worry no longer. I resolved to lay the whole case before the Lord in prayer. With this end in view, I first carefully estimated how much I needed to carry me through the remain- ing weeks of the quarter, and clear me from all debt. It would take, I thought, about one hundred dollars. I next wrote out my prayer, that I might afterwards know just what I had asked for, what promises I had plead, and with what sort of a spirit I had prayed. This written prayer I took to my closet and laid before the Lord. I asked for these three things : that I might not get into debt ; that I might not be compelled to draw from the little I had laid aside for the future ; and that I might have one hundred dollars or such sum as the Lord knew I needed to carry me through the quarter. After prayer, I somehow became very calm. Things did not look quite so dark. I felt that in some way the Guiding Hand would appear. Now, note the result. It was that same evening I believe, at a THE GUIDING HAND. 43 very late hour, when my door bell was suddenly rung. In some surprise I responded to the summons. A stranger stood before me. He came, he said, to have me attend the wedding ceremony of his daugh- ter. I inquired into the circumstances, and found that the parties were to have been married in Boston, but on account of the mother's health, had unex- pectedly changed their plans, and were to be married at home. Of course I consented to go. As he left me I said to myself, My first five toward the one hundred dollars. The Lord means that I shall work it out. Most willing am I, if he will only give me something to do." A few days after this came our Sunday-school Christmas festival. It was a season of much inno- cent merriment to the children. The Christmas tree was heavily laden, and Santa Claus was profuse with his gifts. Perhaps, thought I, the Lord will remem- ber me to-night ; but not a penny was announced for the pastor. Nothing disturbed in my faith, I was turning to leave, when a gentleman accosted me, one who held a bill of a barrel of flour against me. It was one of the things that had given me trouble. He held in his hand the bill, and with a good-natured smile, said he wished to make me a little Christmas present. He then handed me the bill receipted. It amounted to ten dollars and sixty cents. Saying a few words of thanks and remarking on the timeliness of the gift, I returned home with a lighter heart. A few days after this, a neighboring pastor called 44 THE GUIDING HAND. and asked me to exchange with him the next Sunday. Being in no mood for pulpit preparation, on account of domestic care, I consented and went. It was a dismal day. The rain fell in torrents incessantly. Only a scattering few were present. All my efforts that day seemed to me the veriest commonplace. At the close of the afternoon service, and before I could leave the pulpit, a gentleman hastily came up and took his seat by my side. I had been introduced to him that day. He kindly inquired how I was to return, etc., and then, on leaving me, put into my hand a bill. He pressed the gift upon me so deli- cately, that I consented to take it. On going home I looked at the bill and found it was five dollars. I have been a minister for twelve years, but this was the first time that I had received a gift in the 'pulpit and on the Lord's day. I now felt more certain than ever that God was answering my prayer. In a few days, I had received from most unexpected quarters, twenty dollars toward the one hundred I had asked for. After this, twenty-two days elapsed ; and one Monday evening, as I was sitting with my wife, talking about the matters of the day, but all the while inwardly wondering whether the Lord would suffer me to begin my new quarter, which was only six days off, in debt, we were startled by a nervous ring of the door bell. On opening the door the friend who had remembered me so pleasantly on Christmas eve, entered. He had been a frequent visitor before, and his presence now raised no expectations. After an THE GUIDING HAND. 45 hour's chatty conversation he arose to leave. I accompanied him to the door with the light. As I extended my hand to shake good-night, he left a roll of bills in it. Before I had time to express my astonishment, he had gone. Not having given me the slightest intimation of what was coming, this almost midnight gift seemed like something dropped from the skies. We opened the roll and counted seventy-five dollars . * ' Within five dollars of my hundred!" I exclaimed. "This will suffice. My prayer is substantially answered." What gratitude swelled in my heart that night. And the next day how laughingly I went to the stores, and left word at each to make out their respective bills ! And with what joy I speedily cashed them all ! Once more I was out of debt and what to me was very strange, I had some money left. But why forget the five loaves and twelve baskets of fragments ? Previous to this event, while in one of our church gatherings, I had been invited to visit a lady who had formerly been constant at our service. In the press of my ministerial duties, I had almost forgotten this follower of the Lord. I was glad to be told that a visit from me would be welcomed. A few days after the Monday I have just spoken of, while sitting in my room, I became strongly impressed to go at once and see this lady. I did so. The day was mild and sunny. After spending considerable time in profitable religious conversation, I rose to leave. " Stop a moment," she said, and then left the room. I wondered; but imagined she had gone to get a 46 THE GUIDING HAND. book to read, or to prepare something to have me take home to my wife. She quickly returned ; and then extended to me her hand with a bill in it, asking me to accept it, I could not do so at first, telling her I had no need of it ; but she had so many reasons why I should take it that I reluctantly consented. On my way home I looked at the gift. It was five dollars. This made up the hundred. In two days more my quarter would end. In just thirty-six days from the time I offered my prayer, the whole answer came. One circumstance I afterwards learned with respect to the seventy-five dollars. It came from three individuals only. Each of them agreed to give as much as the other would. One started with twenty- five dollars; so the three gave twenty-five apiece. The friend who brought me the gift was overheard saying some time after, that he was sorry he had not doubled his gift. Instead of seventy-five, then, I would have received one hundred and fifty dollars. Was it because I had asked for the one hundred only, that my friend did not yield to his first impulse ? I gather the above facts from my journal, where I wrote them at the time, and I hope that some strug- gling disciples will be encouraged by this recital to be anxious about nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving to let their requests be made known unto God. Give to the winds thy fears, Hope, and be undismayed : God hears thy sighs and counts thy tears : God shall lift up thy head. THE GUIDING HAND. 47 THE LITTLE ANCHOB. About fifty years ago there lived in Marblehead, Mass., a God-fearing sea-captain named Richard Girdler, who sought to make his vessel a place of prayer, and who trusted in God amid the perils of the mighty deep. One night he was called upon to take charge of the brig Farns worth, in which he had sailed to Antwerp the preceding April, and which was now laden and lying in the stream, all ready for another voyage. Having arranged matters with the owners, Captain Girdler went on board the brig next morning, and found everything ready, with one exception. In his opinion, before starting on so long a voyage, the ves- sel needed another hawser and a kedge, which, as our sea- faring readers know, is a small anchor, not in- tended for security from storms, but used in calm weather, to steady the vessel, or by carrying it off to a distance in a boat, to "warp" or move a ship to another position when wind and tide do not serve. He laid the matter before the owners, and received orders to procure a kedge, and go back to Marblehead and obtain a suitable hawser for it. The kedge was easily found, but he could not get such a hawser as fre wanted in all Marblehead, and there was no rope-walk there long enough to "lay," or twist one, and the weather was too rainy to do it out of doors. But he would not go without his haw- ser, and was finally obliged to have it laid in two glats, or pieces, of sixty fathoms each, which, when 48 THE GUIDING HAND. joined together, made a strong hawser of one hun- dred and twenty fathoms, or seven hundred and twenty feet in length. Thus provided, the Far ns worth cleared from the port of Boston for Liberia, October 3, 1826, and sailed on her destined voyage. During the passage the service of God was not forgotten ; family worship was regularly maintained when the weather would permit ; and all who could be spared from duty were invited to attend, though two of the crew, who were Roman Catholics, would not accept the invitation. About the first of December, 1826, the Farnsworth reached the bay of Gibraltar, and came to anchor, and remained there some days, with hundreds of other vessels that were moored in the bay. On the sixth of the month the weather looked threatening, and a gale seemed approaching. They made such preparations as they could for the fearful encounter, all the anchors were over, the small bower, and the best bower ; and the little kedge, with the whole new hawser of a hundred and twenty fathoms, was carried out, and everything was made trim and snug for the coming storm. They had not long to wait. The wind freshened ; at nine o'clock in the evening the gale burst upon them with tremendous power, and at eleven o'clock it blew a perfect hurricane. Not less than three hundred vessels of all classes and descriptions had found anchorage there, and the effect of such a gale among them may be imagined. Cables parted, an- chors dragged, rigging was torn, and rent, and swept THE GUIDING HAND. 49 away, vessels drifted hither and thither, like corks upon the water, dashing against each other and upon the shore, and consternation and dismay were on every countenance. At a quarter past eleven o'clock the Farnsworth parted her small bower, and began to drift with the hurricane ; soon her best bower followed, and away went the brig before the wind. Up to this time most of the vessels had gone on to "the neutral ground ;" some of them little injured, some bilged, some dis- abled, some crushed by the collisions caused by the roll of larger vessels, and all in imminent peril, with death and destruction stalking wildly through the storm. Just at this time the danger seemed to increase , for the wind had shifted, a.nd the Farns worth was drift- ing directly towards the massive mole against whose rocky side it seemed that it must crash beyond hope of escape. A little astern of her, a ship from New York had already been dashed in pieces upon the rocks ; and distinctly visible through the surrounding gloom, lashed by the fury of the winds, roared the white breakers, which seemed to every one on board to be weaving for them a sailor's winding-sheet. What now could be done ? No skill could avail, no human arm could save them, and He who hushed the brute waves of Gennesaret with his word, walked not upon the dark waters to quiet their tumultuous rage. Eefuge failed them, and they could only pre- pare to meet their impending fate. Shrinking from their awful doom, they raised their 50 THE GUIDING HAND. cries to God, and besought the captain to pray with them. On the very verge of destruction they all kneeled upon the deck, while above the voice of deep calling unto deep, arose the captain's cry to Him who was mighty to save. And he was heard. He who once slept in the hinder part of the vessel, and awoke to save his disciples from the yawning waves, had a care for this ship where his word was trusted and his name adored ; and when they arose from their knees they found, to their amazement, that their ship, which had been driven from her moorings when held by three anchors, was now heading towards the wind, and riding securely, held only by her little kedge the smallest of the whole ! At midnight the gale abated, but the morning light disclosed a fearful scene. The ' ' neutral ground " was packed with ill-fated vessels, piled one upon another in terrible confusion. Some had gone directly upon the rocks , and had been dashed in pieces there ; and of three hundred vessels that were riding quietly at anchor the day before, not more than fifty remained unharmed. The rest were either wrecked, or more or less injured ; and the shore of Gibraltar was strewn with the fragments of wrecked vessels and the bodies of the dead. But how did the Farnsworth escape? She was drifting rapidly on to the rocks, and her two strong- est cables and heaviest anchors were gone. How was the vessel saved from impending ruin ? The captain sent out a boat and got up his anchors ; but when he came to heave up his little kedge, he THE GUIDING HAND. 51 found it almost impossible to raise it. Slowly and wearily they toiled to heave it up, and when it came under the vessel's bow, they saw with wonder that the fluke of the little kedge was hooked into the ring of a huge old Spanish anchor, that weighed more than three thousand pounds I Forty-four years before, in September, 1782, a Spanish flotilla attacked Gibraltar, and Governor Elliot, who was then in command there, poured a storm of red-hot shot upon them, burning, sinking, and destroying their fleet. This may have been one of their anchors ; it may not ; no one but God knows who put it there, and none but He knew where it lay. He knew all about it, and he "knoweth how to de- liver the godly" out of danger and temptation. He would not sufler Captain Girdler to go to sea without his kedge. A large anchor would not answer, it must be a little kedge, just large enough to steady a vessel while lying in the stream, and small enough so that the fluke of it would enter the ring of that old Spanish anchor ; and it must be fastened to a new cable strong enough to hold the brig amid the fury of the gale. God knew all about it, and he knew just when to shift the wind to bring the kedge where the old anchor was, and so deliver them from death by the very means that seemed to portend a more swift destruction. Truly, God heareth prayer ; and those sailors thought so ; for the two who had refused to join in worship at the family altar now refused no more, being convinced that God had heard and answered Captain Girdler's prayers. 52 THE GUIDING HAND. The facts above stated are believed to be authentic , some of them were published in The Youth's Com- panion (Boston), for April, 1848, and the names, dates of clearance, etc., were furnished for THE CHRISTIAN from the records of the Boston Custom House, and may be relied on as correct. THE FALLING CHIMNEY. Some persons believe in a general, but deny a special providence, forgetting that as the greater includes the less, so a general providence is made up of special providences. Zion's Herald asks and answers the question, "Is there not a special provi- dence?" in the statement of this recent and striking fact: " During the gale on Tuesday, December 5th, 1871, Rev. Dr. Samuel Harris, of New Haven, who delivered the course of lectures before the Boston Theological Seminary last week, was sitting in his own room, number 99, Maryborough Hotel, Boston, writing. Being at a loss for a word, he clasped his hands over the top of his head, and tilted back his chair to meditate. Scarcely had he done so, when a chimney was thrown over, and a mass of brick and mortar came through the roof and the ceiling, crush- ing the table on which he had been writing. But for the position he was in, he would have been instantly killed. The hole made in the roof was at least ten by fourteen feet. If this is not a special providence, what is?" THE GUIDING HAND. 53 A TIMELY VISIT. The following interesting statement, contained in a volume entitled "Remarkable Providences," is from the pen of a minister who says, "The facts I received but a few evenings ago from an amiable lady of my congregation, and may be fully depended upon, though I am not at liberty to mention names. I will give the account as nearly as possible in her own words :" "One afternoon, in the winter of about the year 1808, I had occasion to go from F to S , a distance of about two miles, and was unexpectedly detained till late in the evening, when I set out to return home alone. The night was very frosty and cold, and the ground was covered with a deep snow. When I had proceeded some short distance on the road, I was stopped by two men, who were, I believe, employed in the military works in the neighborhood. They asked me if I was going to F ; I gave them an evasive answer and proceeded, not a little sensible of the dangerous circumstances in which I was placed. I went on a little distance, when they again accosted me, and once more I found means to give them an evasive reply. They passed on before me, and hid themselves in the hedge, and as I came near them, I heard them engaged in a conversation that roused all my fears ; I paused a moment, and then resolved to return to S with all possible speed. I set off to run, with one of these men almost immediately behind me. Once I fell on the ice almost exhausted, 54 THE GUIDING HAND. but remembering that my very life was at stake, I arose, and with aid communicated from on high, I pursued my journey till I reached the Turnpike House, into which I ran, and fell in a state of exhaustion into one of the chairs. At some times during the pursuit the man was not more than three yards behind me. ' 'In about two hours I was in some degree recovered from my fright ; and that I might not alarm my friends at S with my return, I resolved to spend the night with a pious old lady, a member of your church, who at that time was keeping the house of a baronet in S , who was then, with all his family, absent from home. "Late at night, probably at ten o'clock, I arrived at the house, and still terrified with what I had passed through, I knocked at the different doors with all my might, but it was long before I received an answer. At length the old lady, who was quite alone, came to a small back door situated among the stables, to inquire who was there. I mentioned my name, and she opened the door for my admission ; I related the circumstances in which I was placed, and she begged me to stay over night, to which I cheer- fully assented, and accompanied her into the house. "As we passed through the different parts of the house, I could not help remarking the circumstance that every door, even those we had to enter, and from which I supposed the old lady had just passed, were all carefully made secure ; nor was I a little surprised to find that she had no refreshment to offer THE GUIDING HAND. 55 me, except a little bread. But as my heart over- flowed with gratitude for the deliverance I had experienced, I felt but little concern on that account. We retired to rest, and I left my friend with feelings of thankfulness to the great Preserver of my life, for the escape I had on the past night, which I can never forget. "From this period I could not but be struck with the attention and kindness which the good old lady manifested towards me. She seemed almost to feel for me an idolatrous regard, and I sometimes felt grieved at the trouble she gave herself to promote my comfort whenever I paid her a visit. "Mark the sequel of these events : About the year 1818, as her husband was dead, it was judged desirable that she should leave S to go to reside with her son in London. She came, therefore, to take her leave of me ; and, after some general conversation, she said : ' Miss , I have some- what particular to say to you. Do you remember coining to Sir 's house to me ten years ago?' * Certainly I do,' I replied; 'nor can I ever forget the deliverance I then experienced.' 'Do you remember that you found all the doors bolted and barred, that I came to you at a door among the stables, and that I had nothing to offer you for your supper but a morsel of bread ?' ' Yes, I remem- ber it all.' Here she burst into tears, and as soon as she could, she told me that at that time she had long labored under very heavy depression of spirits ; that she had been tempted to destroy herself; and 56 THE GUIDING HAND. that when I went to the house, she had fastened all the doors, and was passing down the yard with a determination to drown herself in the sea ; but that my coming in the way I did, had clearly shown her that the interposing hand of God had removed the temptation, and scattered the gloomy feelings of her mind. She added, that she had ever since endured much grief on account of the painful event ; that as she was not likely to live very long, and in all proba- bility should never see me again, she had come to the determination, however painful the task, to dis- close the whole affair, begging me never to relate the circumstances as long as she lived. I acceded to her request, nor was the affair known even to her own family, till her death had taken place." A few months after this conversation, she suddenly passed away from a world of sorrow and distress, comforted with the hope of seeing Jesus, and sharing the joys of immortality and eternal blessedness in his presence. THOMAS WILLIAMS' ESCAPE. "Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings, and not one of them is forgotten before God? " About 1785, Thomas Williams, by trade a miner, and at that time about nineteen years of age, was working in a lead mine near Llanarmon, Denbigh- shire, North Wales. The mine was under a very high mountain, and while Thomas Williams and his partner were working at the farther part of the mine. THE GUIDING HAND. 57 a vast quantity of rubbish fell down , stopped up their way, and kept them closely confined forty-eight hours. At the expiration of this time they were dug out by their partners ; neither of them having sustained the least damage, except what they suffered through cold. About fourteen years ago, the same Thomas Wil- liams was employed in working in a slate quarry at Cormistone in the North of Lancashire. He was one day raised a considerable height from the bottom of the quarry in order to loosen some stone near the top, when a large quantity of earth, and huge pieces of rock gave way, and fell with all their force upon him, and undoubtedly would have crushed him to death, had it not been for two of the large stones, which, as though designed for the purpose, met together, and formed a kind of arch over him. Hence, although he was much bruised, in a few weeks he recovered. This day, June 5th, 1805, the same man, who is now a private in the Second Regiment of Royal Lancashire militia, Captain Ridgeway's company, being employed with one of his comrades in sinking a well in this town, Colchester, went down into the well, which was some forty feet deep, about three o'clock this morning. He had scarce been an hour in the well when he heard a crack. He immediately looked up, and observed the corb a piece of wood in a circular form, for the purpose of supporting the bricks had given way. Instantly he endeavored to run up the rope, hoping by this means to prevent some, if he could not prevent the whole, of the destructive 58 THE GUIDING HAND. materials from falling upon him. But the windlass not being fast, he was prevented escaping by this method ; and was immediately covered with a vast quantity of 1500 bricks, beside the earth which fell in with them. The earth and sand enclosed him as high as the middle of his thighs. The bricks, mingled with the earth, enclosed him upwards, and pressed with such violence against his breast and back, as scarcely to suffer him to breathe. He says he could not breathe at all for some time. Around his head the bricks were so laid as just to give him room to move his head. And the quantity of earth that covered him above was fifteen feet deep. He says he was perfectly sensible the whole time ; and that he first turned his thoughts to his wife and child, who now reside in the county of Westmore- land. Expecting never to see them on earth again, he earnestly commended their bodies and souls to the mercy and care of heaven. Supposing he should soon be deprived of his reason, he endeavored to throw himself on the merits of Immanuel's blood, trusting therein for life and salvation. In a little time he found himself able to breathe more freely, and he began to sing that reviving hymn, " My God, the spring of all my joys." This he was enabled to sing through ; and the words, he says, being the sentiments and experience of his mind, when he came to that verse, "Fearless of hell and ghastly death, I'd break through every foe ; The wings of love, and arms of faith, Would bear me conqueror through 1 " THE GUIDING HAND. 59 his soul was unspeakably happy, and his prospect of eternity peculiarly delightful. His colonel and captain hearing of the accident, hastened to the place, and to the credit of humanity, appeared to be both deeply affected, and, as I am informed, they both wept. They determined he should be got out, if possible, dead or alive. Imme- diately fifteen men were employed to remove the materials beneath which he lay. The picket guard was sent for to keep off the crowd, while the colonel and captain stood by, ready to give every possible assistance. About ten o'clock they heard him shout, and by eleven, the colonel and one of the men caught hold of his hand, and brought him out ; not having received any other injury than that of being a little crushed with the pressure of the heavy materials. He had been confined to the dark cell seven hours. He informs me that he reflected with pleasure on the omnipresence and omniscience of that God who heard the cry of Jonah from the belly of the fish Jonah ii. 2. This night he was at our chapel to request the congregation to unite with him in thanks- giving to Almighty God for his gracious deliverance. Now what must we say to these things ? Must we ascribe such deliverances to that unmeaning term "Chance," or ascribe them to the guardian care of the Infinite goodness, "Who maketh his angels spirits; and his ministers a flame of fire," giving them charge concerning his saints to keep them in all their ways ? Should not every pious heart be swift 60 THE GUIDING HAND. to recognize the goodness of the Lord, and the effi- cience of his kind providence, by which he manifests himself a present help in every time of need, and redeems from destruction the lives of those who trust in him? A BLESSED PSALM. In this perplexed and vexing world the guidance of the divine counsel is our comfort and our joy. And it is a precious thought, when trials and sorrows roll in upon our fainting hearts, that the Saviour, who was tempted in all points like as we are, yet without sin, will not suffer us to be tempted above that we are able, but will with the temptation pro- vide a way of escape, that we may be able to bear it. Little does a godless world know of the secret grief that wrings so many a quivering heart ; and less does it know of the wondrous wisdom of divine providence by which ' ' the Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptation," and assuage the sorrows that threaten to destroy their souls. But Jesus knows it all the sorrow and the joy, the trial and the consolation, the snare that Satan weaves, and the power that breaks its meshes and sets the captive free. And he who, in the spirit of Christ's love, sympathizes with the disconsolate, and seeks to heal the wounds of the broken-hearted, will listen to many a bitter tale of hidden sorrow and despair, and to many a glad thanksgiving for delivering grace in times of special need, manifested in strange and THE GUIDING HAND. 61 wonderful ways, and proving itself sufficient for every hour of conflict and distress. And in such trials and such deliverances, how often the words of divine Inspiration, brought to view, illuminated, and emphasized by the Holy Ghost, are made the instruments of the discomfiture of Satan, and the rescue of those whose feet had well- nigh slipped upon the dark and dangerous mountains of sorrow and despair. The experience of a personal and valued friend of the writer, who, having been preserved through years of the bitterest grief that falls to the lot of mortals, yet lives to honor God, and serve and bless his church, so fitly illustrates the goodness of our heavenly Father, that we lay it before our readers substantially in the very words in which it was related to us : ' ' At one time during my years of suffering, I had prayed, groaned, and begged to have matters differ- ent, till I thought O God, forgive me for having such thoughts ! that I could not live any longer ; and I determined to go down to the wharf and step off into the water, and let no one know anything about it. From day to day this temptation grew stronger and stronger, until it seemed to be* the best thing that I could do to escape the sorrows which the wickedness of others had brought upon me. "After some time, one Saturday night, having finished my work in the mill where I was compelled to labor, I thought, ' Now I will go and step off from the wharf and end the whole.' I prepared myself to THE GUIDING HAND. perform the dreadful purpose, but just upon starting I bethought me of an aged Christian pair whose friendship and affection I had prized for several years, and whose sympathy had been deep and ready in all my sorrows ; and I thought I could not bear to die without seeing them, and I felt that I must go and take one more look at their dear old loving faces before I resigned myself to my bitter fate. " Accordingly I entered their humble cottage, and the good sister said, ' Glad to see you ; we have been speaking of you; sit down.' " 'No,' said I, for I feared they would begin to speak to me ; ' I am in a great hurry, but I thought I would stop a moment.' " I was going out without sitting down, but they both said, ' You must stop long enough to hear this chapter read,' and the old man began to read from the Bible which lay open before him ; and as I was unwilling to be rude, out of respect I tarried and sat down. Slowly and reverently the good old man read from the thirty-seventh psalm the precious words : Fret not thyself because of evil doers, Neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity. For they shall soon be cut down like the grass, And wither as the green herb. Trust in the Lord, and do good ; So shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed. Delight thyself also in the Lord ; And he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. Commit thy way unto the Lord ; Trust also in him ; and he shall bring it to pass. And he shall bring forth thy righteousness as the light, THE GUIDING HAND. 63 And thy judgment as the noonday. Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for him : Fret not thyself because of him who prospereth in his way, Because of the man who bringeth wicked devices to pass. Cease from anger, and forsake wrath : Fret not thyself in any wise to do evil. For evil doers shall be cut off : But those that wait upon the Lord, they shall inherit the earth. For yet a little while and the wicked shall not be : Yea, thou shalt diligently consider his place ; and it shall not be. But the meek shall inherit the earth ; And shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace. The wicked plotteth against the just, And gnasheth upon him with his teeth. The Lord shall laugh at him : For he seeth that his day is coming. The wicked have drawn out the sword, and have bent their bow, To cast down the poor and needy, And to slay such as be of upright conversation. Their sword shall enter into their own heart, And their bows shall be broken. A little that a righteous man hath Is better than the riches of many wicked. For the arms of the wicked shall be broken : But the Lord upholdeth the righteous. The Lord knoweth the days of the upright : And their inheritance shall be forever. They shall not be ashamed in the evil time : And in the days of famine they shall be satisfied. But the wicked shall perish, And the enemies of the Lord shall be as the fat of lambs : They shall consume : into smoke shall they consume away. The wicked borroweth and payeth not again : But the righteous showeth mercy, and giveth. For such as be blest of him shall inherit the earth ; And they that be cursed of him shall be cut off. The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord; And he delighteth in his way. 64 THE GUIDING HAND. Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down: For the Lord upholdeth him with his hand. I have been young, and now am old ; Yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, Nor his seed begging bread. He is ever merciful, and lendeth ; And his seed is blessed. Depart from evil, and do good ; And dwell for evermore. For the Lord loveth judgment, And f orsaketh not his saints ; They are preserved forever: But the seed of the wicked shall be cut off. The righteous shall inherit the land, And dwell therein forever. The mouth of the righteous speaketh wisdom, And his tongue talketh of judgment. The law of his God is in his heart ; None of his steps shall slide. The wicked watcheth the righteous, And seeketh to slay him. The Lord will not leave him in his hand, Nor condemn him when he is judged. Wait on the Lord, and keep his way, And he shall exalt thee to inherit the land : When the wicked are cut off thou shalt see it. I have seen the wicked in great power, And spreading himself like a green bay tree. Yet he passed away and, lo, he was not ! Yea, I sought him but he could not be found ! Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright : For the end of that man is peace ! But the transgressors shall be destroyed together : The end of the wicked shall be cut off. But the salvation of the righteous is of the Lord : He is their strength in the time of trouble. And the Lord shall help them, and deliver them: He shall deliver them from the wicked, And save them because they trust in him. THE GUIDING HAND. 65 " I cannot describe the emotions of that hour, as I listened to the calm, tender, comforting voice of that godly man, and to those more precious and consoling words in which the Holy Spirit spoke to me that night. In the whole compass of the sacred volume there was not another passage so specially appro- priate to my state and feelings as that. And it came to me as a new revelation, something which I did not know that I had ever seen before. And when he had finished the psalm, and said, ' Let us get down and thank the Lord,' I hesitated ; could 1 pray? could I live any longer? 'Yes, blessed Jesus,' I said, ' I will suffer on,' and falling on my knees with them around their humble altar, I felt my heart melt, my purpose change, and the dark temptation to take my life, which had haunted me so long, vanished from my mind. My hurry was over ; =1 could stay as well as not, to hear the words of consolation and trust that distilled from their lips upon my stricken heart, and I went forth strength- ened to ' run with patience the race that was set before me, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith.' ' ' Years have passed away since then ; God has been gracious unto me, and delivered my soul from death, mine eyes from tears, and my feet from falling. My aged Christian friends still live, and pray, and cheer the desolate and sad, and their home has been an ark of rest, and a bethel of blessing to many a tossed and troubled child of tears. But they have never yet learned how much their faithful love was 66 THE GUIDING HAND. blessed to one poor soul, upon that sad Saturday evening, when my feet had well-nigh slipped in the path of darkness, sorrow and despair." Such was the story, the scenes and circumstances of which, together with all the persons concerned in it, are well known to the writer, who has placed it upon record in the hope that it may comfort some other soul in the extremity of grief, and also encour- age the children of God to ever speak a word of consolation to the weak and weary ones, trusting in God to give the increase and bless the efforts made to glorify his name. THE PKISONEK OF GLATZ. Dr. W. F. Besser, pastor of Waldenburg, in Upper Silesia, in his practical commentaries, relates the fol- lowing incident which occurred not far from the place where he resides. In a cleft of a mountain range in Upper Silesia, through Avhich the wild and raging Neisse forces its o o o passage down to the Oder, stands the impregnable Prussian fortress of Glatz, a natural fastness, almost unequalled in the world, begirt by mountain-peaks like walls, and fortified yet more by human skill. The valley itself is shut out from the rest of the world ; and one who is enclosed by the massive walls and gratings of the castle is an exile from the world, as if buried alive. Woe to the man imprisoned in Glatz! Everything calls out to him, "No hope remains for thee ! no hope !" THE GUIDING HAND. 67 Here, in the second decade of this century, lay the Count of M , hitherto petted and thronged, now hopelessly immured behind bolts and bars. By trea- son against the realm, and especially by personal violence offered to Frederic William III. of Prussia, he had drawn down the rage of that monarch on his head, and was condemned to solitary imprisonment for life. For a whole year he lay in his frightful, lonely cell, without one star of hope in either his outer or inner sky, for he was a skeptic. They had left him only one book, a Bible ; and this for a long time he would not read, or if forced to take it up to kill time and relieve his consuming weariness, it was only read with anger and gnashing of teeth against the God it reveals. But sore affliction, that dreadful and yet blessed agent of God, that has brought back to the Good Shepherd many a wandering sheep, was effectual with the Count of M . The more he read his Bible, the more he felt the pressure of the gentle hand of God on his forlorn and hopeless heart. On a rough and stormy November night, when the mountain gales howled round the fortress, the rain fell in torrents, and the swollen and foaming Neisse rushed roaring down the valley, the Count lay sleep- less on his cot. The tempest in his breast was as fearful as that without. His whole past life rose before him ; he was convicted of his manifold short- comings and sins ; he felt that the source of all his misery lay in his forsaking God. For the first time in his life his heart was soft, and his eyes wet with 68 THE GUIDING HAND. tears of genuine repentance. He rises from his cot, opens his Bible, and his eye falls on Psalm 1. 15 : "Call upon Me in the day of trouble ; I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify me." This word of God reaches the depths of his soul ; he falls on his knees for the first time since he was a child, and cries to God for mercy, and that gracious and compassionate God, who turns not away from the first movement of faith towards him, heard the cry of this sufferer in the storm-beaten dungeon of Glatz, and gave him not only spiritual but temporal deliverance. The same night, in his ,castle at Berlin, King Fred- eric William III. lay sleepless in bed. Severe bodily pains tormented him, and in his utter exhaustion he begged of God to grant him a single hour of refresh- ing sleep. The favor was granted ; and when he woke again he said to his wife, the gracious Louise, "God has looked upon me very graciously, and I may well be thankful to him. Who in my kingdom has wronged me most ? I will forgive him." "The Count ofM ," replied Louise, "who is imprisoned in Glatz." "You are right," said the sick king; "let him be pardoned." Day had not dawned over Berlin ere a courier was despatched to Silesia, bearing to the prisoner in Glatz pardon and release. The prayer of penitential faith had been heard, and deliverance was granted by the providence of God. And the God of our fathers still lives ; he hears the cry of his children, and many times he answers even THE GUIDING HAND. 69 before we rightly call upon him. Now, as in ages past, the Lord looks down from heaven to behold the sighing of the prisoner, and to loose his bonds ; and still, as of old, the king's heart is in the hands of the Lord, and he turneth it as the conduits of water are turned. Let us make him our refuge, and con- fide in his power with an abiding and unshaken trust. THE BILL AND THE BUTTEKFLY. A poor Christian woman in Buckinghamshire I belie ve Berkhampstead was bereaved of her husband after a long illness, and left unprovided for, the only thing of value being a large chest of tools. The hus- band had only just been buried, when a neighbor, bearing no good character, called on the widow, and presented a bill for work done, altogether beyond the widow's power to pay. The work had been done in the husband's lifetime, was paid for by him, and the bill receipted, of which the widow had a distinct recollection. It availed not for her to assert the fact. The payment of the bill was pressed again, and long- ing eyes cast at the chest of tools. In great distress, the widow retired up stairs to pray, for all effort to find the receipted bill was vain. While engaged in prayer, a butterfly flew in at the open window down stairs. The widow's little child chased it until it flew behind the chest of tools. Just then the mother came in, and the child begged her to remove the box that he might get the butterfly. The neighbor offered at once to do so ; and while he was 70 THE GUIDING HAND. removing it from the wall, a piece of paper fell down behind, which the widow taking up, found to be the lost bill receipted as she had said. She was overcome with praise and gratitude to God, who had answered her prayer by metfus of the butterfly, and caused even her enemy himself to discover the missing bill. A PEOVIDENTIAL VISIT. Two ladies in Xew York, active members of a temperance society in that city, heard of a poor woman who w T as intemperate, but who was, notwithstanding, possessed of many highly estimable traits of character. They resolved immediately to call upon her, and, if possible, get her signature to the temperance pledge. They set out in the afternoon on their errand of mercy. With considerable difficulty they succeeded in finding the dwelling where she resided. Many poor families dwelt under the same roof. But at length they entered the room occupied by the family, the mother of which they sought. A woman, in mid- dle life, was seated in a chair in the centre of the floor, with two trunks before her, apparently engaged in arranging the clothes. The ladies introduced themselves to the woman, and told her plainly, but kindly, of the object of their visit. For a moment the woman appeared perfectly amazed, her lips trembled, tears stood in her eyes, her cheeks turned pale, and then, clasping her hands with fervor, she looked upward and exclaimed, "My God, is it possible ?" THE GUIDING HAND. 71 The ladies were uncertain what might be the cause of the manifestation of this deep emotion, when the woman put her hand into her bosom, and, drawing out a shilling, showed it to the ladies, saying, "This money I had placed in my bosom, intending this afternoon to purchase poison with it, that to-night I might put an end to my wretched existence. And I was just now engaged in sorting out the clothes of my poor children to relieve my husband, as much as possible, from embarrassment after my death." Encouraged by the interest which these benevolent ladies manifested in her behalf, this poor woman resolved to make a new effort. She said that she had endeavored again and again to escape'from the thrall- dom of this terrible vice, but had been unable to do so. But cheered and strengthened by the sympathy of those who had come to lend her a helping hand, she signed the pledge. Many months have now passed away, and she is a temperate woman, and her home is the abode of frugality and peace. THE WET GKIST. "I have a story for your Guiding Hand," said a minister one day. "Let us have it, then," was our reply. "I suppose," said he, "I owe my life to the providence of God ; and I will write out the story for you." He did so, and it was as follows : "My father was a man of prayer, and in our home the family altar was never permitted to fall down, nor its fire expire or grow dim. Around that altar our 72 THE GUIDING HAND. dependence on God was constantly acknowledged, and the divine blessing continually invoked. Nor was that blessing sought in vain, but mercies new and fresh from day to day were granted in answer to a father's prayers. "One bright morning in the spring of 1850, after commending us to the Divine protection, my father put two bushels of rye into his wagon and started for the grist-mill at Rockland, R. I., a few miles distant from our home. When more than half way there he had to cross a bridge called "The Wharf," along the sides of which there were no railings, but only some logs laid upon the end of the planks. "When on the middle of this bridge the horse stopped and began to back. My father leaped from the wagon, and the horse continued backing till the hind wheels went over the logs and oif the edge of the bridge, and the wagon-seat and grain-bag tum- bled out and fell into the stream. At this moment the horse stopped, the forward wheels caught on the log, and the hinder part of the wagon hung over the edge of the bridge, being held by the horse and by the forward wheels. "Four or five men soon came to the rescue ; the wagon was lifted back, the grist fished up from the water, and in half an hour my father was on his way back home to dry his grist and get it ready for grind- ing again. "There was mystery about this whole transaction. We could not imagine what had made the horse back when upon the bridge. He showed no signs of fright, THE GUIDING HAND. 73 and had never acted so before. My father was troubled. He had earnestly prayed that morning, that the angel of the Lord might encamp round about us that day, and now to be subjected to such an accident and so much inconvenience, was something of a trial to his faith, though it did not shake his con- fidence in God. 4 'He returned home, and we went to work to dry our grain and prepare it for grinding ; but when we spread out the rye upon a cloth in the sun to dry, we noticed, scattered all through it, fragments of a fine, glittering substance, which on examination proved to be glass! Thousands on thousands of little fragments and splinters of broken glass were mingled with those two bushels of rye, enough to have caused the death of all our family and a hundred others if the grain had been ground and baked and eaten. "We were amazed at this revelation ; and with what grateful hearts we knelt around the family altar and thanked God for his wonderful providence which had so strangely preserved otir lives. "But how came the glass thus mingled with the grain? It was all explained very soon. The rye had been kept in an open barrel, and over this barrel our neighbors had smoothed axe-handles, using pieces of glass to scrape and polish them. These pieces of glass were thus broken and splintered, and the frag- ments dropped unnoticed into the grain, and were measured up and placed in the bag to be carried to the mill. No one suspected the danger, and if that grist had been ground no human power could have 74 THE GUIDING HAND. averted the calamity, or saved our family from the terrible influence of a poison so deadly as powdered glass. God in his providence interposed and pre- served our lives ; truly it is but right that they should be consecrated to his service." THE YOUNG DELIVEEEK. The late Mr. Timothy Bradbury happened to dine one day at the house of Mrs. Tooley, a lady in Lon- don, who was famous in her day for the love she bore to Christ, and to all his servants and people. Her house and table were open to them all, she being like Lydia in that respect. Mr. Timothy Rogers, who wrote the book on religious melancholy, and was himself many years under that distemper, happened to dine there the same day with Mr. Bradbury ; and, after dinner, he entertained Mrs. Tooley and him with some stories concerning his father, who was one of the ejected ministers in the year 1662. Mr. Rogers particularly related that he had often heard his father, with a good deal of pleasure, tell himself and others, of a deliverance which he had from being sent to prison, after his mittimus was written out for that purpose. He lived near the house of one Sir Richard Craddock, a justice of the peace, who was a violent persecutor of the dissenters. He bore a par- ticular hatred to Mr. Rogers, and wanted above all things to have him in his power. A fair opportunity offered. He heard that Mr. Rogers was to preach at a place some miles distant ; and he hired two men to THE GUIDING HAND. 75 go as spies, who were to take the names of all the hearers, and to witness against Mr. Rogers and them. The thing succeeded to his wish ; they brought the names of several persons ; and Sir Richard sent and warned them and Mr. Rogers to appear before him. Accordingly, they all came with trembling hearts, for they knew the violence of the man. While they were in his great hall, expecting to be called upon, there happened to come into it a little girl, a grandchild of Sir Richard's, six or seven years of age. She looked at Mr. Rogers, and was much taken with his venerable appearance ; and he, being fond of children, got her on his knee, and made a great deal of her. At last Sir Richard sent one of his servants to inform the company that one of the wit- nesses was fallen sick ; therefore he warned them to come on another day, which he named to them. Accordingly they came ; and the crime was then proved. He ordered their mittimus to be written to send them to gaol. Mr. Rogers, before he came, expecting to see the little girl again, had brought some sweetmeats to give her and he was not disappointed ; for she came running to him, and was fonder of him than she was the day before. She was a particular favorite of her grandfather's, and had got such an ascendency over him that he could deny her nothing. She was, withal, a child of violent spirit, and could bear no contradiction. Once, it seems, when she was contradicted in something, she ran a pen-knife into her arm, which nearly cost her her life. After this, Sir Richard would not suffer her to be contradicted 'ht which benefited and interested me. The O subject was God's Providence, and his goodness in answering prayers. After considerable talk upon the subject, and several fervent prayers, Dr. C. illus- trated the matter by the following appropriate story : "A traveler came to the shore of a northern lake late one March evening, expecting to cross on the ice and then go on to his distant home. Asking for a conveyance, he found that no one was willing to carry him over. The ice was unsafe. His business was urgent, and he was willing to attempt the passage, but not for a thousand dollars would any driver run the risk. At last a fellow traveler was persuaded by him to attempt the perilous journey on foot. Together they went along for a while cheerily and safely, but aware that the ice was growing thin and porous, so that in some places they could easily thrust their canes down through to the water. Then did the traveler realize his danger, and offer constant, fervent prayer to God that he would save his own life THE GUIDING HAND. 93 and that of the impenitent friend he had urged to accompany him. 4 ' Silently they picked their way around the danger- ous places, hardly knowing how they went, but guided on in some mysterious manner. The shore was in sight, and breathing more freely, they thought the danger passed. Soon they saw stretched between them and the land a belt of open water shining in the clear moonlight. They were too weak and weary to call for assistance with any hope of an answer, and at that late hour it seemed unlikely that one would see them. Again a silent prayer "was offered, and instantly from a house not far distant a person came forth with a plank in his hand which he placed over the water and called out, * ' ' Come over quickly.' They went and were saved. Then the Christian asked his companion, " 'How did you feel when on the ice?' " 'I felt that I was going to perdition,' he replied, 'and resolved if my life was spared to serve God.' ' * Reaching his home the pious traveler found that his wife, not knowing his danger, or that he was on the lake, spent the whole night in praying for his safe return. Is not this a wonderful instance of God's overruling Providence and his willingness to answer prayer ?" It is wonderful, I thought, and as I returned to my home, the night seemed no longer so cold or dark, for I thought of the starlight beyond the clouds, and the good Lord who ruleth over all, who sent his Spirit to shine into my heart. 94 THE GUIDING HAND. A LIFE SAVED THEOUGH A TEACT. A minister from Exeter stated that not far from where he lived, >nd quite in the country, there were two young ladies residing, and both were pious. It so happened that a poor American sailor, having taken up the employment of a pedlar, passed that way, called at the house of these young ladies, and taking his box of small wares from his shoulders, requested one of them to purchase some tracts. She replied, that there was a certain tract which she was anxious to find, and that she would look over his par- cel, and if it contained the one referred to, she would take it. She did so, and finding the tract she wanted, paid the man, and ordered the servants to provide him some refreshments, and went in haste to the door to receive a friend who had come from a distance to visit her. The poor man, mean time, gathered up his scattered wares, proceeded a considerable distance on his way, and having reached a retired spot, sat down by the side of the road, and taking his jack-knife from his pocket, began to appease his hunger with the food so kindly provided for him. It so happened that in the course of the day a most horrible murder and robbery had been committed near this spot, and officers had been dispatched to seek out the criminal and bring him back to justice. A party of them approached this poor sailor, and finding him employed with a jack-knife, the very instrument with which the murder was supposed to THE GUIDING HAND. 95 have been perpetrated, they seized him at once and put him in prison, where he remained three months awaiting his trial. During the whole period of his confinement he was employed in reading the Bible and religious books to his fellow-prisoners, and was so exemplary in his whole conduct as to attract the attention of the jailor, who kindly interested himself for him, listened to his tale of woe, and believed him innocent. When the trial came on, the case was of such an inter- esting nature that it drew together a vast concourse of people ; and after the examination had passed, and the judge had called for the verdict of guilty or not guilty, a voice was heard to issue from the crowd, "Not guilty T Every eye was directed to the spot whence the sound proceeded ; and immediately a young lady advanced, with a paper in her hand, and appeared before the judge. Her feelings at once overcame her, and she fainted ; but recovering herself, and being encouraged to proceed, if she had anything to say in defence of the prisoner at the bar, she stated to the judge the circumstances of having the tract of the poor man, presenting it at the same time, bearing the date of the day and hour when it was purchased. She stated further, that just as the man was about leaving her, a sister whom she had not seen for many years arrived from a distance, and as she was anxious, for a particular reason, to remember the day and hour of her arrival, she made a memorandum of it on this tract, which she had happened to have in her hand. 96 THE GUIDING HAND. While she was making this statement to the judge, the poor prisoner bent forward with earnestness to discover what gentle voice was pleading in his behalf; for he had thought himself friendless and alone in the world, and was comforted that any one should take a part in his sorrows, even though it should not avail to the saving of his life. But it did avail ; for the hour of the murder having been ascertained, and being the same as that recorded upon the tract, it was evident the' prisoner must have been in a different place at the time it was committed. He was accordingly dis- charged ; and in a moment was upon his knees, pour- ing forth the grateful feelings of his heart to his kind benefactress. And this, said the reverend gentleman, holding up a tract, is the very tract which saved that man's life. WHO RUM THAT BELL? That there is a sleepless Providence watching over all the affairs of men, and often, by special agencies, bringing to light, as in the flash of a moment, the crimes which they commit, finds additional confirma- tion in an event which occurred in Enfield, Conn., in 1866, and which merits a more permanent record than a mere passing thought. A young man, belong- ing to one of our most respectable families, but who, from his irregular habits, had been strongly suspected of being guilty of criminal offences, and had been once under arrest for passing counterfeit currency, and escaped by forfeiting his bonds, on Sunday night, THE GUIDING HAND. 97 a few weeks since, broke into a store at Hazardville, and loaded a wagon, which he had previously stolen and drawn to the door, with various kinds of mer- chandise. He then entered a stable, and attempted to lead out a valuable horse owned by the man from whom he had stolen the goods, intending to harness it to the wagon, and make off with his booty in the stillness of the night, when he thought no eye could see him and no ear hear him. Just at that moment, however, the bell from the village church tower sounded out an alarm loud and clear upon the night air, startling the inhabitants from their slumbers, who, supposing it to be a fire alarm, rushed into the street, and caught the thief with his plunder, before he had time to escape from the village. The ringing of that bell, however, was a mystery. But upon inquiry, it was ascertained that the sexton, in ringing the bell for the church service the day pre- vious had, by a seeming accident, so turned it up and set it, that he could not pull it down with the rope, and not having a key to the belfry door, he was obliged to let the bell remain in that position. Just in time to detect that youthful criminal, it came down without human help, and sounded that midnight alarm. After his arrest, goods were found in his possession, which Avere taken from a store in Thomp- sonville a short time previously ; and he confessed that, with the aid of an accomplice, he had broken into it and stolen several hundred dollars' worth of mer- chandise. The owner of these goods had formerly employed him as a clerk in his store. Thus the 98 THE GUIDING HAND. ringing of that bell without human hands, brought several criminal offences to light, and arrested the offender in his dishonest career. The writer has since conversed with the young man, and has reason to believe that the ringing of that bell was blessed to his temporal and eternal well-being. THE BULLET IN THE BIBLE. Old Dr. John Evans, the eminent Welsh preacher, in his " Sermons for Young Persons," published in 1725, said: "Shall I be allowed to preface this dis- course with relating a passage concerning an acquaint- ance of mine, who has been many years dead, but which I remember to have received, when young from himself? When he was an apprentice, the civil war began : his inclination led him into the army, where he had a captain's commission. It was fashionable for all the men of the army to carry a Bible with them: this, therefore, he and many others did, who yet made little use of it, and hardly had any sense of religion. At length he was commanded with his company to storm a fort, wherein they were for a short time ex- posed to the thickest of the enemy's fire. When over, he found that a musket-ball had lodged in his Bible, which was in his pocket upon such a part of his body that the shot must necessarily have proved mortal, had it not been for this seasonable and well- placed piece of armor. Upon a nearer observation, he found that the ball had made its way so far in his THE GUIDING HAND. 99 Bible, as to rest directly upon that part of the first unbroken leaf, where the words of my text are found. It was Eccles. xi. 9 : 'Rejoice, young man, in thy youth; and let thy heart cheer thee in the days of thy youth, and walk in the ways of thine heart; and in the sight of thine eyes; but know thou, that for all these things God will bring thee into judgment. 9 As the surprising deliverance, you may apprehend, much affected him, so a passage, which his conscience told him was very apposite to his case, and which Providence in so remarkable a way pointed to his observation, made the deepest and best impression on his mind; and, by the grace of God, he from that time attended to religion in earnest, and continued in the practice of it to a good old age, frequently making the remark with pleasure , that the Bible had been the salvation of both his body and his soul." ELIZABETH WALKER AND THE JUDGE. The varied means by which God interposes to rescue his people from persecution and hinder their enemies from blood-guiltiness, have often been marked in the history of the world ; and the members of the Society of Friends, in their quiet trustfulness and passive endurance of affliction for the gospel's sake, have often proved the Lord to be a helper and a shield in times of trouble and distress. The following account of an experience of Eliza- beth A. Walker, was communicated by her to the aged Samuel Grummere, a minister among the 100 THE GUIDING HAND. Friends, and his record of it was published in the "Friend's Beview" for October 23d, 1869, as an instance of the over-ruling direction of the Most High, even when human reasoning had induced a child of God to shrink from duty and neglect the teachings of the Lord. Elizabeth was once journeying Avith some Friends. "Coming to Lake Ontario to cross, in order to per- form a religious visit in Upper Canada, when about to go on board the sloop, the captain taking one of the carriage horses by the reins and leading him in, the other horse followed on board of his own accord, at which the captain seeming to marvel, was answered, the horse was used to crossing waters. After having performed the visit in prospect in that country, and being about to return, on approaching Kingston, Elizabeth felt an intimation of duty to have a meeting with the people there ; but it being the time of the Supreme Court, and the chief judge and a number of the great men of that country being in town, she gave way to reasoning, concluding that if once on board and set off, the concern might pass away from her mind. Accordingly in the morning, coming to the water- side to embark, the same captain with whom she and her companions had crossed before, being about to take them on board, found one of the horses refused to be led. After using considerable endeavors him- self and with the assistance of other men to force the horse on, and all without effect, he queried if it were not the same horse which had been so remarkablv GUIDlftGk *bjl>. ' Wl THE tractable before. It proved to be the same, and in relating the circumstance, Elizabeth said she stood in amazement ; she saw the cause, and said, to use her own expression, THE LOST DEEDS. Dr. Bedell relates that, while Bishop Chase, of Ohio, was at the house of a Mr. Beck, in Philadelphia, he received a package from Dr. Ward, the Bishop of Sodor and Man, making inquiries relating to certain property in America, of which some old person in his diocese was the heir. The letter had gone to Ohio, followed him to Washington, then to Philadelphia, and found him at Mr. Beck's. When he read it to Mr. B., the latter was in amazement, and said, ''Bishop Chase, I am the only man in the world who can give you this information. I have the deeds in my possession, and have had them forty-three years, not knowing what to do with them, or where any heirs were to be found." How wonderful that the application should have THE GUIDING HAND. 137 been made to Bishop Chase, and he not in Ohio, but a guest in the house of the only man who possessed any information on the subject ! AEE TKACTS WASTED? Some people think that the day of the usefulness of tracts has gone by, and that the tract distributor's task is as idle as the throwing of sand to the four winds of heaven. But though a printed word may be wasted, just as a spoken word may be addressed to careless ears, no one knows upon what ground the seed will fall. Recently it was reported in the news columns of a New York daily paper, a man stepped into a horse-car in New York, and, before taking his seat, gave to each passenger a little card bearing the inscription, " Look to Jesus when tempted, when troubled, when dying." One of the passengers care- fully read the card and put it into his pocket. As he left the car he said to the giver : " Sir, when you gave me this card, I was on my way to the ferry, intending to jump from the boat and drown myself. The death of my wife and son had robbed me of all desire to live. But this ticket has persuaded me to begin life anew. Good-day, and God bless you ! " All this is no imaginary story, taken from a religious novel. It happened to be on a Fulton Ferry car, on a day in March, 1878, and the man who distributed the cards was Mr. James Huggins, the proprietor of the Pearl Street printing establishment. 138 THE GUIDING HAND. THE LORD'S LEADING. Thus far the Lord hath led us, in darkness and in day, Through all the various stages of the narrow, homeward way ; Long since, he toak that journey he trod that path alone, Its trials and its dangers full well himself hath known. Thus far the Lord hath led us ; the promise has not failed ; The enemy encountered oft has never quite prevailed ; The shield of faith has turned aside, or quenched each fiery dart, The Spirit's sword in weakest hands has forced him to depart. Thus far the Lord hath led us ; the waters have been high, But yet in passing through them, we felt that he was nigh. A very present helper in trouble we have found ; His comforts most abounded when our sorrows did abound. Thus far the Lord hath led us ; our need hath been supplied, And mercy hath encompassed us about on every side ; Still falls the daily manna ; the pure rock-fountains now ; And many flowers of love and hope along the wayside grow. Thus far the Lord hath led us ; and will he now forsake The feeble ones whom for his own it pleases him to take ? Oh, never, never ! earthly friends may cold and faithless prove, But his is changeless pity and everlasting love. Calmly we look behind us, our joys and sorrows past, We know that all is mercy now, and shall be well at last ; Calmly we look before us, we fear no future ill, Enough for safety and for peace, if thou art with us still. Yes ; they that know thy name, Lord, shall put their trust in thee, While nothing in themselves but sin and helplessness they see. The race thou hast appointed us, with patience we can run, Thou wilt perform unto the end the work thou hast begun. THE GUIDING HAND. DREAMS AND IMPRESSIONS, ' ' FOR GOD SPEAKETH ONCE, YEA TWICE, YET MAN PERCEIV- ETH IT NOT. IN A DREAM, IN A VISION OP THE NIGHT, WHEN DEEP SLEEP FALLETH UPON MEN, IN SLUMBERINGS UPON THE BED; THEN HE OPENETH THE EARS OF MEN, AND SEALETII THEIR INSTRUCTION, THAT HE MAY WITHDRAW MAN FROM HIS PURPOSE, AND HIDE PRIDE FROM MAN. HE KEEPETH BACK HIS SOUL FROM THE PIT, AND HIS LIFE FROM PERISHING BY THE SWORD." Job xxxiii. 14-18. THE GUIDING HAND. DEEAIS AND IMPKESSIONS. TEMENT'S DELIVERANCE. About the year 1744, when William Tennent, of New Jersey, a man eminent for his zeal and piety, was laboring in the great revivals of that time, he had associated with him a Mr. David Rowland who was very successful as a preacher of the gospel of Christ among all classes of people. An estimable and eloquent man, and deeply devoted to the service of his Heavenly Master, his celebrity and success gave great uneasiness to many careless worldlings, who sought happiness in the enjoyment of temporal things, and considered and represented Mr. Rowland and his brethren as hypocrites and fanatics. Many of the great men of New Jersey held this view of the case, among whom may be mentioned the Chief Justice, who was well known for his disbelief in divine revelation. There was at this time, prowling through the country, a noted man by the name of Tom Bell, whose 142 THE GUIDING HAND. knowledge and understanding were very considerable, and who greatly excelled in low art and cunning. His mind was totally debased, and his whole conduct betrayed a soul capable of descending to every species of iniquity. In all arts of theft, robbery, fraud, deception, and defamation, he was so deeply skilled, and thoroughly practiced, that it is believed he never had his equal in this country. He had been indicted in ajmost every one of the middle colonies ; but his ingenuity and cunning always enabled him to escape punishment. This man, unhappily, resemble^ Mr. Rowland in his external appearance, so as hardly to be known from him without the most careful examination. It so happened, that Tom Bell arrived one evening at a tavern in Princeton, dressed in a dark, parson's- gray frock. On his entering the tavern, about dusk, the late John Stockton, Esq., of that town, a pious and respectable man, to whom Mr. Rowland was well known, went up to Bell, and addressed him as Mr. Rowland, and invited him to go home with him. Bell assured him of his mistake. It was with some difficulty that Mr. Stockton acknowledged his error, and then informed Bell that it had arisen from his great resemblance to Mr. Rowland. This hint was sufficient for the prolific genius of that notorious impostor. The next day Bell went into the county of Hunter- don, and stopped in a neighborhood where Mr. Row- land had formerly preached once or twice , but where he was not intimately known. Here he met with a THE GUIDING HAND. 143 member of the congregation, to whom he introduced himself as the Rev. Mr. Rowland, who had preached to them some time before. This gentleman invited him to his house, to spend the week; and begged him, as the people were without a minister, to preach for them on the next Sunday; to which Bell agreed, and notice was accordingly given in the neighborhood. The impostor was treated with every mark of atten- tion and respect ; and a private room was assigned to him, as a study, to prepare for the coming Sunday. The sacred day arrived, and he was invited to ride to church with the ladies in the family wagon, while the master of the house accompanied them on an elegant horse . When they had arrived near the church , Bell, on a sudden, discovered that he had left his notes in his study, and proposed to ride back for them on the fine horse, by which means he should be able to return in time for the service. This proposal was instantly agreed to, and Bell mounted the horse, returned to the house, rifled the desk of his host, and made off with the horse. Wherever he stopped he called himself the Rev. David Rowland. At the time this event took place, Messrs. Tennent and Rowland had gone into Pennsylvania or Mary land, with Mr. Joshua Anderson and Mr. Benjamin Stevens both members of a church contiguous to that where Bell had practiced his fraud on business of a relig- ious nature. Soon after their return, Mr. Rowland was charged with the above robbery ; he gave bonds to appear at the court at Trenton, and the affair made a great noise throughout the colony. At the court 144 THE GUIDING HAND. of oyer and terminer, the judge charged the grand jury on the subject with great severity. After long consideration, the jury returned into the court without finding a bill. The judge reproved them, in an angry manner, and ordered them out again. They returned without finding a bill, and were again sent out with threatenings of severe punishment if they persisted in their refusal. At last they brought in a bill for the alleged crime. On the trial, Messrs. Tennent, Anderson, and. Stevens appeared as witnesses, and fully proved an alibi in favor of Mr. Rowland, by swearing, that on the very day the robbery was committed, they were with Mr. Rowland, and heard him preach in Pennsylvania or Maryland. The jury accordingly acquitted him without hesitation, to the great joy of the well-disposed, but to the discom- fiture of the prosecutors, who, indignant at the failure of their plans, soon contrived another scheme to bring reproach upon these servants of the Lord. The testimony of the person who had been robbed was positive that Mr. Rowland was the robber ; and this testimony was corroborated by that of a number of individuals who had seen Tom Bell personating Mr. Rowland, using his name, and in the possession of the horse. These sons of Belial had been able, after great industry used for the purpose, to collect a mass of evidence of this kind, which they consid- ered as establishing the fact ; but Mr. Rowland was now out of their power by the verdict of not guilty. Their vengeance, therefore, was directed against the witnesses by whose testimony he had been cleared ; THE GUIDING HAND. 145 and they were accordingly arraigned for perjury, before a court of quarter sessions in the county ; and the grand jury received a strict charge, the- plain import of which was that these good men ought to be indicted. After an examination of the testimony on one side only, as is the custom in such cases, the grand jury did accordingly find bills of indictment against Messrs. Tenucnt, Anderson, and Stevens, for willful and corrupt perjury. Their enemies, and the enemies of the gospel, now began to triumph. They gloried in the belief that an indelible stain would be fixed on the professors of religion, and of consequence, on religion itself; and that this new light, by which they denominated all appearance of piety, would soon be extinguished forever. These indictments were removed to the supreme court; and poor Anderson, living in the country, and conscious of his entire innocence, could not brook the idea of lying under the odium of the hateful crime of perjury, and demanded a trial at the first court of oyer and terminer. This proved most seriously injurious to him ; for he was pronounced guilty , and most cruelly and unjustly condemned to stand one hour on the court-house steps, with a paper on his breast, whereon was written, in large letters, "This is for willful and corrupt perjury ;" which sentence was performed upon him. Messrs. Tennent and Stevens were summoned to appear at the court, and attended accordingly ; de- pending on the aid of Mr. John Coxe, an eminent lawyer who had previously been employed to conduct 146 THE GUIDING HAND. their defense. As Mr. Tennent was wholly unac- quainted with the nature of forensic litigation, and did not know of any person living who cculd prove his innocence, all the persons who were with him being indicted, his only resource and consolation was to com- mit himself to the Divine will, and if he must suffer, to take it as from the hand of God, who he well knew could make even the wrath of man to praise him. And considering it as probable that he might suffer, he had prepared a sermon to be preached from the pillory if that should be his fate. His affectionate conorega- o o tion felt deeply interested in his critical situation, and kept a day of fasting and prayer on the occasion. On his arrival at Trenton, he found the famous Mr. Smith, of New York, father of the late Chief Justice of Canada, one of the ablest lawyers in America, and of a religious character, who had voluntarily attended to aid in his defense ; also his brother Gilbert, who was settled in the pastoral charge of the second Presby- terian church in Philadelphia, and who had brought Mr. John Kinsey, one of the first counselors of that city, for the same purpose. Messrs. Tennent and Stevens met these gentlemen at Mr. Coxe's the morn- ing before the trial was to come on. Mr. Coxe request- ed that they would bring in their witnesses, that they might examine them previously to their going into court. Mr. Tennent answered that he did not know of any witnesses but God and his own conscience. Mr. Coxe replied, "If you have no witnesses, sir, the trial must be put off: otherwise you will most certainly be convicted. You well know the strong THE GUIDING HAND. 147 testimony that will be brought against you, and the exertions being made to accomplish your ruin." Mr. Tennent replied, " I am sensible of all this, yet it never shall be said that I have delayed the trial, or been afraid to meet the justice of my country. I know my own conscience, and that God, whose I am and whom I serve, will never suffer me to fall by these snares of the devil, or by the wicked machin- ations of his agents or servants ; therefore, gentlemen, go on to the trial." Messrs. Smith and Kinsey, who were both religious men, told him that his confidence and trust in God as a Christian minister of the gospel, was well founded, and before a heavenly tribunal would be all-important to him ; but assured him it would not avail in an earthly court, and urged his consent to put off the trial. Mr. Tennent continued inflexible in his re- fusal ; on which Mr. Coxe told him, that since he was determined to go to trial, he had the satisfaction of informing him that they had discovered a flaw in the indictment, that might prove favorable to him on a demurrer. He asked for an explanation, and on finding that it was to admit the fact on a legal point of view, and rest on the law arising from it, Mr. Tennent broke out with great vehemence, saying that this was another snare of the devil, and before he would consent to it he would suffer death. He assured his counsel that his confidence in God was so strong, and his assurance that He would bring about his deliverance some way or other Avas so great, that he did not wish them to delay the trial for a moment. 148 THE GUIDING HAND. Mr. Stevens, whose faith was not of this descrip- tion, and who was bowed down to the ground under the most gloomy apprehensions of suffering as his neighbor Mr. Anderson had done, eagerly seized the opportunity of 'escape that was offered, and was afterwards discharged on the exception. Mr. Coxe still urged putting off the trial, charging Mr. Tennent with acting the part rather of a wild enthusiast, than of a meek and prudent Christian ; but he insisted that they should proceed, and left them in astonishment, not knowing how to act, when the bell summoned them to court. Mr. Tennent had not walked far in the street, before he met a man and his wife, who stopped him, and asked if his name was not Tennent. He answered in the affirmative, and begged to know if they had any business with him. The man replied, " You best know." He told his name, and said he was from a certain place (which he mentioned) in Pennsylvania or Maryland ; that Messrs. Rowland, Tennent, Anderson and Stevens had lodged either at his house, or in a house wherein he and his wife had been ser- vants, (it is not certain which,) at a particular time, which he named ; that on the following day they had heard Messrs. Tennent and Rowland preach; that some nights before they left home, he and his wife waked out of a sound sleep, and each told the other a dream which had just occurred, and which proved to be the same in substance to wit, that he, Mr. Tennent, was at Trenton, in the greatest possible distress, and that it was in their power, and theirs THE GUIDING HAND. 149 only, to relieve him. Considering it as a remarkable dream only, they again went to sleep, and it was twice repeated in exactly the same manner to both of them. This made so deep an impression on their minds that they set off, and here they were, and wanted to know what they were to do. Mr. Tennent immediately went with them to the court-house, and his counsel, on examining the man and his wife, and finding their testimony full to the purpose, were, as they well might be, in perfect astonishment. Before the trial began, another person, of a low character, called on Mr. Tennent, and told him that he was so harrassed in conscience, for the part he had been acting in this prosecution, that he could get no rest till he had determined to come and make a full confession. He sent this man to his counsel also. Soon after, Mr. Stockton, from Prince- ton, appeared and added his testimony. In short, they went to trial, and notwithstanding the utmost exertions of the ablest counsel, who had been employ- ed to aid the attorney-general against Mr. Tennent, the advocates on his side so traced every movement of the defendant on the Saturday, Sunday and Mon- day in cuiestion, and satisfied the jury so perfectly on the subject, that they did not hesitate honorably to acquit Mr. Tennent, by their unanimous verdict of not guilty, to the great confusion and mortification of his numerous opposers. Mr. Tennent assured the writer of this that during the whole of this business, his spirits never failed him, and that he contemplated the possibility of his 150 THE GUIDING HAND. suffering so infamous a punishment as standing in the pillory without dismay, and had made prepara- tion, and was fully determined to deliver a sermon to the people while in that situation, if he should be placed in it. He went from Trenton to Philadelphia with his brother, and on his return, as he was rising the hill at the entrance of Trenton, without reflecting on what had happened, he accidentally cast his eyes on the pillory, which suddenly so filled him with horror, as completely to unman him, and it was with great diffi- culty that he kept himself from falling from his horse. He reached the tavern door in considerable danger was obliged to be assisted to dismount, and it was some time before he could so get the better of his fears and confusion as to proceed on his journey. Such is the constitution of the human mind ! It will often resist with unshaken firmness the severest external pressure and violence ; and sometimes it yields without reason when it has nothing to fear. Or, should we not rather say, such is the support which God sometimes affords to his people in the time of their necessity, and such the manner in which he leaves them to feel their own weakness when that necessity is past, that all the praise and glory of this work, as well as their salvation, may be given to him to whom it is due ? The writer sincerely rejoices, that though a number of the extraordinary incidents in the life of Mr. Ten- nent cannot be vouched by public testimony and au- thentic documents, yet the singular manner in which THE GUIDING HAND. 151 a gracious God did appear for this, his faithful servant, in the time of that distress which has just been noticed, is a matter of public notoriety, and capable of being verified by the most unquestionable testi- mony and records. This special instance of the interference of the righteous Judge of all the earth, ought to yield conso- lation to pious people in seasons of great difficulty and distress, where there are none that seem able to deliver them. Yet it ought to afford no encourage- ment to the enthusiast who refuses to use the means of preservation and deliverance which God puts in his power. True confidence in God is always accom- panied with the use of all lawful means, and with the rejection of all that are unlawful. It consists in an unshaken belief, that while right means are used, God will give that issue which shall be most for his glory, and his people's good. The extraordinary occurrence here recorded may also serve as a solemn warning to the enemies of God's people, and to the advocates of infidelity, not to strive by wicked and deep-laid machinations, to oppose the success of the gospel, nor to attempt to injure the persons and character of those faithful servants of the Most High, whom sooner or later he will vindicate, to the un- speakable confusion of all who have persecuted and traduced them. The foregoing account, taken from the memoir of William Tennent, most clearly illustrates the wisdom exhibited in God's gracious providence, and the deliv- ering power manifested in the workings of his guiding 152 THE GUIDING HAND. hand. The same God yet lives ; let us trust in him in every trying hour, knowing that he is still, as he has been in ages past, a refuge in the day of trouble, a covert from the storm, a present help in every time of need. THE WEDDING EOBE. Near Elberfeldt, in Germany, there lived two pious men, very intimate, one of whom had a worldly wife. The husband was taken ill, and on his death-bed drew a promise from his friend that he would visit his wife, pray for her, and lose no opportunity of recommending to her the grace of God as revealed in the person and work of Jesus Christ. This the friend readily engaged to do ; and, upon the husband's death, which happened shortly after, he visited the widow, and as long as her grief lasted, his visits and the truth he advanced were well received. Time passed on, but as the wound began to heal, his visits became more and more irksome to the lady, until at last she told him that unless he would speak of some- thing more pleasant, he might as well stay away altogether. Hurt, but not offended, he discontinued his visits, but not his prayers. After a while, how- ever, he forgot her entirely. Two years had rolled by, when awaking suddenly in the night, he felt unhappy and depressed ; and among other things, he thought of his friend, and then of the wife, and with much sorrow of heart he prayed the Lord that his sin of negligence in forgetting to pray for her, and THE GUIDING HAND. 153 allowing himself to be hindered from carrying out his promise, might not be the cause of a precious soul being lost. He rose early in the morning, and though he had eight miles to walk, by six o'clock he was at the chateau where the widow resided. He rang the bell. " Can I see madam ?" The servant looked strangely at him and went away. In a few moments she returned. ' ' You can see madam ; she has been longing to o o see you ; she is dying ! " He went up, and to his surprise and happiness found her full of joy and peace in believing. She stretched out her hand to him and said : "Ah, sir! I have found a Saviour just such as I need." He begged her to repeat, if she were able, the circumstances of her conversion. She said she felt able. The night before, when she fell asleep, she was much disturbed, and had the following dream : A carriage, she thought, drove up to the house ; the footman jumped down, threw open the door, and told her that she was invited to the wedding of the king's son ; but she must be very quick in dressing, as he could not wait. She ran to her wardrobe to find her best dress, but when she put it over her head, it fell around her in dust and ashes. A second, and a third met the same fate. The footman cried out: "Make haste or we must go." Her servant jumped into the carriage, the door slammed, and as she heard the wheels roll away, she sank on her bed 154 THE GUIDING HAND. in an agony of mortified shame. How long she lay she knew not, but she was roused by a voice whis- pering in her ear : "There is no robe that will cover you but the robe of the righteousness of Jesus Christ." She awoke and found it a dream ; but though the vision was gone, the reality of her solemn position as having to do with the living God, was fully before her. She cried to him, and before the day dawned had found salvation through the blood of a crucified Saviour. This was her story. A few hours after she fell asleep in Christ. SENATOK LINN'S KESCUE. Those who were familiar with the political history of our country years ago, remember well Dr. Linn, of Missouri. Distinguished for talents and profes- sional ability, but yet more for the excellence of his heart, he received, by a distinction as rare as it was honorable, the unanimous vote of the legislature for the office of senator of the United States. In discharge of his congressional duties, he was residing with his family in Washington, during the spring and summer of 1840, the last year of Mr. Van Buren's administration. One day during the month of May of that year, Dr. and Mrs. Linn received an invitation to a large and formal dinner-party, given by a public function- ary, and to which the most prominent members of the administration party, including the President THE GUIDING HAND. 155 himself and Mr. Buchanan, were invited guests. Dr. Linn was very anxious to be present ; but when the day came, finding himself suffering from an attack of indigestion, he begged his wife to bear his apology in person, and make one of the dinner-party, leaving him at home . To this she somewhat reluctantly con- sented. She was accompanied to the door of their host by a friend, General Jones, who promised to return and remain with Dr. Linn during the evening. At table Mrs. Linn sat next to General Macomb, who had conducted her to dinner ; and immediately opposite to her sat Silas Wright, senator from New York, the most intimate friend of her husband, and a man by whose death, shortly after, the country sustained an irreparable loss. Even during the early part of dinner, Mrs. Linn felt very uneasy about her husband. She tried to reason herself out of this, as she knew that his indis- position was not at all serious ; but in vain. She mentioned her uneasiness to General Macomb ; but he reminded her of what she herself had previously told him, that General Jones had promised to re- main with Dr. Linn, and that, in the very unlikely contingency of any sudden illness, he would be sure to apprize her of it. Notwithstanding these repre- sentations, as dinner drew toward a close this unac- countable uneasiness increased to such an uncon- trollable impulse to return home, that, as she ex- pressed it to me, she felt that she could not sit there a moment longer. Her sudden pallor was noticed by Senator Wright, and excited his alarm. "I am 156 THE GUIDING HAND. sure you are ill, Mrs. Linn," he said ; "what is the matter?" She replied that she was quite well, but that she must return to her husband. Mr. Wright sought, as General Macomb had done, to calm her fears ; but she' replied to him, "If you wish to do me a favor for which I shall be grateful while I live, make some excuse to our host, so that we can leave the table." Seeing her so greatly excited, he complied with her request, and he and Mrs Wright accompanied Mrs. Linn home. As they were taking leave of her at the door of her lodgings, Senator Wright said, "I shall call to-morrow morning, and have a good laugh with the doctor and yourself over your panic apprehensions." As Mrs. Linn passed hastily up stairs, she met the landlady. " How is Dr. Linn ?" she anxiously asked. "Very well, I believe," was the reply; "he took a bath more than an hour ago, and I dare say is sound asleep by this time. General Jones said he was doing extremely well." "The General is with him, is he not?" "I believe not. I think I saw him pass out about half an hour ago." In a measure reassured, Mrs. Linn hastened to her husband's bed-chamber, the door of which was closed. As she opened it a dense smoke burst upon her, in such stifling quantity that she staggered and fell on the threshold. Recovering herself after a few seconds, she rushed into the room. The bolster was on fire, and the feathers burned with a bright glow and a suffocating odor. She threw herself upon the bed ; THE GUIDING HAND. 157 but the fire, half smothered till that moment, was fanned by the draught from the opened door, and, kindling into sudden flame, caught her dress, which was in a blaze on the instant. At the same moment her eye fell on the large bath-tub that had been used by her husband. She sprang into it, extinguishing her burning dress ; then, returning to the bed, she caught up the pillow and a sheet that was on fire, scorching her arms in so doing, and plunged both into the water. Finally, exerting her utmost strength, she drew from the bed her insensible husband. It was then only that she called to the people of the house for aid. Dr. Sewell was instantly summoned ; but it was full half an hour before the sufferer gave any signs whatever of returning animation. He did not leave his bed for nearly a week ; and it was three months before he entirely recovered from the effects of the accident. "How fortunate it was," said Dr. Sewell to Mrs. Linn, "that you arrived at the very moment you did ! Five minutes more nay, three minutes and, in all human probability, you would never have seen your husband alive again." Mr. Wright called, as he promised, the next morning. "Well, Mrs. Linn," said he, smiling, 4 ' you have found out by this time how foolish that strange presentiment of yours was." " Come up stairs," she replied. And she led him to his friend, scarcely yet able to speak ; and then she showed the remains of the half-consumed bolster 158 THE GUIDING HAND. and partially-burned bed-linen. Whether the sight changed his opinion on the subject of pesentiments, I cannot tell; but he turned pale as a corpse, and did not utter a word. I had all of 4he above particulars from Mrs. Linn herself, in Washington, on the 4th of July, 1859, together with the permission to publish them in illustration of the providence of God, attested by date and names. . THE DYKE-MAN'S DELIVERANCE. Iii the Monthly Reporter of the British and For- eign Bible Society, for January 1, 1867, is an account of a tour in Germany, by the Society's Frankfort Agent, Kev. G. P. Davies, and of a pleasant after- noon he spent with colporteurs Bocke, Vosburg, and Miiller, faithful laborers in the Bible cause : We were in the large room of an East Frisian village Inn, where we had dined together. We were seated round the turf fire, which was burning briskly on the flat, slated floor, under the wide, open chim- ney. All in-doors was in cheerful contrast with the gray clouds and the cold, drizzling rain which was falling outside. The conversation turned now on this topic, now on that ; now on themes related to Bible work the old themes the hatred of the un- godly, the indifference of the thoughtless, the joy of believers, the various forms of encouragement and discouragement. Then we talked of the dangers connected with the work in its bearing on the inner THE GUIDING HAND. 159 life, such as the danger of confounding being occu- pied about the Bible, with the diligent, personal use of the Bible ; or, again, the temptation to which the very best colporteurs are exposed, of sacrificing time which ought to be spent in house-to-house visitation, and the diligent prosecution of their work, in inter- course, otherwise profitable, with friends in whom they find Christian brethren. "Yet," said one, { Scrip- ture alone is not sufficient for us ; it must be read with prayer. We must clothe ourselves in this double armor if we are to work as we ought." This allusion to prayer provoked a lively discus- sion of the question, How far the believer may make temporal good the subject of prayer ? May we take everything, our very household cares and wants, to the throne of grace ? " Let us look at this matter," said one of our num- ber, "in the light of facts. I will relate a case that came within the circle of my personal knowledge. 4 * Here, in East Friesland, our country, like Holland, lies lower than the sea. We therefore defend our- selves against the water by high dykes along the coast, and on the banks of the tidal rivers. Each holder of land is responsible for the condition of a certain amount of dyke, and has to keep a dyke-man. These men live an isolated life in small cottages close to the dyke, and because their time is not wholly occupied with this labor, they have always some other home occupation, generally weaving. "My mother had such a dyke-man. He lived some miles distant from our house, and we rarely saw him. 160 THE GUIDING HAND. He was a married man, and had grown-up children, one of whom was employed in my mother's service. " One day my mother was seized with an unaccount- able sort of uneasiness. She began, she knew not why, to put meat, bread, and other provisions into a small bag, and when she had done this she returned to her ordinary duties. "Into the dyke-man's house sorrow had entered. He had been ill. His earnings were spent, and they had come to their last loaf. On that very day, to add to their distress, his married daughter, with her infant child, came from a long distance to see them. The dyke-man and his wife went to bed fasting, reserving the bread for the mother and her child. "The next morning the dyke-man's wife rose in a wonderfully cheerful frame of mind. She said, 'God will provide for us this very day. I do not know how, but I am sure he will.' Her faith was conta- gious. Husband and daughter shook off their gloom, and waited for what should come. But the morning O passed, and noon came and brought no sign of help and relief. The afternoon and night set in. The famished husband lost all hope, and spoke hard things of her and of God. * * When his day's work was done the dyke-man's son, my mother's servant, came to her, and said that he had a very strong desire to go home and see his parents. If his mistress would allow it, by leaving his father's cottage before daybreak, he could be back in time for his work next morning. * In that case,' said my mother, : 328 THE GUIDING HAND. God sends men to the ant to learn industry, to the ravens and the lilies for lessons of trust ; and here in the protection of a defenseless bird's nest from a cruel foe, shines out the same kind providence which watches the falling sparrow and numbers the hairs of our heads. No wonder that the infidel was convinced of his error ; for surely, none but the fool can say in his heart, ''There is no God." BKANDS PLUCKED FEOM THE FIEE. In the Spring of 1847 I was traveling with a brother clergyman, on our way to an ecclesiastical meeting in P , Va. Having to pass through the county of A , we proposed going by the village at the court-house, and to call on friends there, but being engaged in conversation, we passed a cross road lead- ing to the court-house, and did not discover our mis- take until we had gone several miles, when it was too late to return. While we reproached ourselves for our inattention, the Lord was guiding us in a way we knew not, and for a purpose we could not per- ceive. We had not proceeded far when we perceived a house on fire about half a mile distant. The younger of the two put his horse into a gallop, and soon came up to the fire. It was a log house, and the roof was in a blaze in three places. On entering the house he was met at the threshold by the piteous cry of an old man, who was lying on a trundle-bed in one corner, entirely crippled with rheumatism, and as helpless THE GUIDING HAND. 329 as an infant. "O, sir," cried he, "for mercy's sake take me out, or I shall be burned up alive !" He became a little more calm when assured that he was not in immediate danger, and that he would be taken care of in time. In the loft above was found his aged and terror-stricken wife, who had been trying in vain to extinguish the fire with a little tin bucket half full of watei-, and a small gourd. As soon as the young minister found an axe, he went heartily to work ; and after knocking off a large portion of the roof, suc- ceeded in extinguishing the fire, and had the pleasure of assuring the old couple that the danger was over and all was safe. They expressed their gratitude with flowing tears and many thanks. The minister told them to give thanks to God, wnose providence alone had saved them, that they intended to have taken another road, but had been led this way. "Wonderful mercy !" said the old man ; and trem- bling and turning pale at the thought, he added, "Oh, had you gone by the court-house, we had by this time been burned to ashes. What a mercy, what a mercy !" he continued to repeat, and said, "Oh, how wicked I have been ! I have never believed" in a providence. I laughed at it, and hated the thought that God took any notice of us ; but now I feel there is a providence. Yes, there is a providence that sent you here to save us from the fire." He then inquired who we were, and where from; and when told that we were ministers of the gospel, and that one of us lived twenty-five miles and the other one huadred miles distant, he was deeply 330 THE GUIDING HAND. affected, and said, "How strange it is ! I have always hated ministers, and would not permit them to cross my door-sill, and now God has sent two of them to save such an old, vile, crippled creature as I am from death !" He began then to confess the sins of his past life, and particularly expressed regret that he had so long opposed his wife, who, he said, always wanted to be a Christian. He had been a soldier in Wayne's army, and there, he said, he had learned to drink liquor, to scoff at religion, and to make Tom Paine's book his bible ; "and now," said he, "I begin to feel the guilt of it all. It comes upon me like a moun- tain's load." They were told that their sins had kindled the more dreadful fire of perdition, from which no earthly arm could save ; and they were both urged to flee from the wrath to come , and lay hold on the hand that was nailed to the cross. A tract entitled, "The Conversion of John Price," was read to them. It contains a brief notice of the downward course of an habitual drinker and gamester, and of his wonderful reformation and conversion to God. One of the most touching passages in the tract is that in which he asks his little daughter to read the Bible to him. She read the fifty-first psalm and the one hundred and third. The father was much affected, and wept and said, "Surely, God made her choose those two psalms." The old couple, both in tears, listened to the read- ing, and when it was completed, he said, "Surely, THE GUIDING HAND. 331 God made you choose that for us, every word of it comes home to my heart ; and now will you be kind enough to read to us the same chapters of the Bible that the little girl read to her father?" The request was granted, and the fifty-first psalm was read. "Have mercy upon me, O God," etc. It was distinctly read. There he lay upon his bed, a man of large frame, with a finely developed head, a high and full forehead, a large blue eye, and expanded chest, but with his arms and legs so contracted by rheumatism that for sixteen years he had been unable to move himself without aid. As the reading proceeded, his broad chest began to heave with emotion, and the tears ran down his cheeks. On hearing the fourth verse, " Against thee, thee only have I sinned," he cried out, "Yes, that is the worst of it; it is all against God, all against God. Have mercy on me, O God." He became more composed, and when the reading was finished, he said, "That is God's word, and seems made on purpose for me." His aged wife, who was filled with wonder and delight at what she had both seen and heard, asked that the other psalm might be read. The hundred and third psalm was accordingly read, "Bless the Lord, O my soul," etc. The old lady was greatly agitated ; she walked up and down the room, ex- claiming, "Bless the Lord, O my soul! bless the Lord, he has saved us this day from fire, and he will save us from our sins ; he forgiveth all our iniquities. Bless the Lord, that I have lived to see this day. My old man will now let me read and sing and pray ; 33$ THE GUIDING HAND. he wil\ let ministers come to our house, and we will both seek and serve the Lord together." After much such talk, we kneeled and prayed, the first prayer, as the old man said, that was ever made in that house. We bade them farewell, not expecting to meet them again until the judgment day. The old couple lived about three years after this event, and we are credibly informed that they lived in a manner to illustrate and magnify the won- drous grace of God to the chief of sinners, and then died, both in the same year, fully fourscore years of age, in the faith and lively hope of the gospel of Christ. A COLLEGE AND ITS PKESIDENT. On the twenty-sixth day of December, 1831, died Stephen Girard, of Philadelphia, at the age of eighty- one years. Born near Bordeaux, in France, May 21st, 1750, the son of a seaman, and bred to his father's calling, he rose in time, to be master of a vessel, and accumulated sufficient property to estab- lish himself as a small trader in Philadelphia in 1769. After his settlement there, various shrewd ventures and favorable circumstances contributed to increase his possessions. Some fifty thousand dollars' worth of property, placed for safe-keeping on board of two of his vessels in one of the ports of Saint Domingo, fell into his hands in consequence of the slaughter of the owners and their families during the insurrection there. His diligent hand made him rich ; he exacted THE GUIDING HAND. 333 his dues to the uttermost farthing ; and by labor, fore- sight, and economy, he amassed a fortune of some nine millions of dollars, most of which, by his will, was devoted to purposes of benevolence and public util- ity. So unsocial, frugal, grasping, and parsimonious was he that it is said, "he never had a friend ;" yet he was generous in his benefactions, and especially mindful of the necessities of those who were sick ; and during the prevalence of the yellow fever in Phil- adelphia, in 1793, 1797, and 1798, he gave not only his money, but his personal labors, for the relief of the suffering ; performing the most menial services, acting as both physician and nurse, and for some two months taking charge of one of the yellow fever hos- pitals . Shrewd, but uneducated ; inheriting French ideas and traditions; in religion a "free thinker," and a disciple of Voltaire and Rousseau ; his early training and experience left him with little faith in priests or ecclesiastics, and when, at his death, he bequeathed more than two millions of dollars, together with a plot of ground in Philadelphia, for the erection and sup- port of a college for orphans , he expressly declared in his will, that, while the officers of the institution were to instruct the pupils in the purest principles of morality, no ecclesiastic, missionary, or minister of any sect whatever, was to hold any connection with the college, or be admitted to the premises even as a visitor,' so that students might be left free from sec- tarian influences, and allowed to form their own religious opinions upon their entrance into active life. 334 THE GUIDING HAND. Work on the college was commenced in July, 1833, and more than $1,930,000 was expended in building and preparing. The college was opened for use January 1st, 1848. The main edifice is a splen- did marble structure, 169 feet long, 111 feet wide, and 97 feet high ; which, with other appropriate build- ings, stands in the midst of forty-one acres of play- grounds and gardens. Since its opening, this place has been the home of hundreds of orphan boys, who have there been educated, trained, and fitted for active life ; though no minister of the gospel has been allowed to visit or address them. The importance of religious teaching in early years can hardly be overestimated ; but it is a matter of gratitude that men need not be dependent on minis- ters or ecclesiastics for the knowledge of God, or for instruction in righteousness ; and hence , while cler- gymen of all sects are excluded from Girard college, men of devout and earnest faith have not been want- ing to teach the pupils there the way of life and peace. Dr. Geo. E. Adams tells, in the Boston Recorder, how one president was prepared for Girard college : "On the 25th of September, 1829, a new class entered Bowdoin college, among them, William Henry Allen. The first recitation of the class, in Latin, was to Prof. T. C. Upham. At a very early date, the professor, who never seemed to see any- body, but always saw everybody, marked Allen, in his own mind, as one who w r as bound to be a power in the world ; and resolved to do whatever he could THE GUIDING HAND. 335 to make him a power for Christ ; and following his rule to say some word in regard to personal religion to some one, every day, soon and repeatedly approached this young man, and endeavored to per- suade him to consecrate his life to the Saviour. Allen, however, was rather worldly and ambitious, indisposed to make of religion a very pressing sub- ject of attention just then, and though the professor, strong in faith and prayer, and in the power of God's truth, was not wont to be defeated in any Christian enterprise to which his heart was given, it was not till the young man had been away from the college for some time, that he confessed to Prof. Upham that the seed he had sown had sprung up, and begun to bear fruit. " 'Now, then,' said the professor to himself, * Allen must be induced to enter the ministry.* On this point, the professor failed. 'And I never could understand it,' said Prof. Upham to me, one day, 'till I learned that he had been made president of a college, within whose walls he never could have entered, had he become a minister, and, within those walls, was delivering two excellent Christian dis- courses every Sunday.' " The care, education, and support of a college con- taining five or six hundred orphans, between the ages of six and eighteen including provision for food, raiment, and an apprenticeship to honest occupa- tions is a matter which might well deserve the attention of Him who is "a Father of the fatherless ;" and so, while he was leading the mind of a worldly 336 THE GUIDING HAND. skeptic to devote his hoarded millions to so good an end, he knew how to train the man he needed to administer such a weighty trust, keeping him free from ecclesiastical titles or sectarian bonds, that he might serve his generation by the will of God, on a broader basis than a denominational platform, and in a ministry beyond the reach of professional ecclesiastics. And the fact that William H. Allen, LL.D., President of Girard college, was elected and for years served as President of the Amer- ican Bible Society, leads us to infer that, after all, Girard college, with its magnificent marble build- ings, and its grand endowment, is not an entirely godless concern, but that He who watches over all the interests of his creatures, has wrought out its destinies according to the counsel of his own will. HOWE AND THE MAGISTRATE. The eminent John Howe, who died in England in 1705, had many remarkable experiences, of which he kept some records. But in his last illness he called his son, and sending him to his private desk for a number of small manuscript volumes, he, for reasons which he did not explain, made him solemnly promise that he would immediately destroy them all. But though he left no memorials of his history, yet the savor of his piety and zeal remains, and a biographer writes of him : "We know of no individual of that age who stands before us with a character so fair and perfect as John Howe ; who maintained so signally, THE GUIDING HAND. 337 throughout many a checkered scene, a walk and con- versation becoming the gospel." The following incident in his life, illustrates the guidance of the Lord ; both in the deliverance of his faithful servant from danger, and in making him an instrument of the salvation of a cruel persecutor : When the melancholy state of the times compelled this excellent man to quit the public charge of his beloved congregation at Torrington, in Devonshire, impressed with a sense of duty, he embraced every opportunity of preaching the word of life. He and Mr. Flavel used frequently to conduct their secret ministration at midnight, in different houses in the north of Devonshire. One of the principal of these was Hudscott, an ancient mansion belonging to the family of Eolle, between Torrington and Southmol- ton. Yet, even there, the observant eye of malevo- lence was upon them. Mr. Howe had been officiating there, one dark and stormy wintry night, when an alarm was made that information had been given, and a warrant granted to apprehend him. It was judged prudent for him to quit the house ; but in riding over a large common, he and his servant missed their way. After several fruitless efforts to recover it, the attend- ant went forward to seek for a habitation, where they might find directions or a lodging. He soon discovered a mansion, and received a cheerful invita- tion to rest there for the night. But how great was Mr. Howe's surprise to find, on his arrival, that the house belonged to his most inveterate enemy, a country magistrate who had often breathed the most implacable 338 THE GUIDING HAND. vengeance against him, and, as he had reason to believe, was well acquainted with the occasion of his traveling at such an hour. However, he put the best face he could upon it, and even mentioned his name and residence to the gentleman, trusting to Providence for the result. His host ordered supper to be pro- vided, and entered into a lengthened conversation with his gues*t ; and was so delighted with his com- pany, that it was a very late hour before he could permit him to retire. In the morning, Mr. Howe expected to be accosted with a commitment, and sent to Exeter jail; but, on the contrary, he was received by the family at breakfast with a very hospitable welcome. After mutual civilities, he departed to his own abode, greatly wondering to himself at the kind- ness of a man from whom he had before dreaded so much. Not long after, the gentleman sent for Mr. Howe, who found him confined to bed by sickness, and still more deeply wounded with a sense of sin. He acknowledged that, when Mr. Howe came first to his door, he inwardly rejoiced that he had an opportunity of exercising his malice upon him, but that his con- versation and his manner insensibly awed him into respect. He had seriously meditated on the observa- tions which had fallen from the lips of the man of God, and had become penitent, earnestly anxious for the blessings of eternal life. From that sickness he recovered, became an eminent Christian, a friend to the conscientious, and an intimate companion of the man whom he had threatened with his vengeance in his sinful days. THE GUIDING HAND. 339 A STKANGE OPENING. Among the many remarkable ways in which God opens the door for his truth to reach the hearts of men, the following instance was narrated by an English town missionary, not long ago : There was a lodging house in his district, which he had long desired to enter, but was deterred from so doing by his friends, who feared that his life would be thereby endangered. He became at length so uneasy from his convictions of duty, that he deter- mined to risk all consequences and try to gain admis- sion. So one day he gave a somewhat timid knock at the door, in response to which a coarse voice roared out, < < Who's there ?" and at the same moment a vicious looking woman opened the door and ordered the man of God away. "Let him come in, and see who he is and what he wants," growled out the same voice. The missionary walked in, and bowing politely to the rough-looking man whom he had just heard speak, said : "I have been visiting most of the houses in this neighborhood to read with and talk to the people about good things. I have passed your door as long as I feel I ought, for I wish also to talk with you and your lodgers." "Are you what is called a town missionary?" "I am, sir," was the reply. * * Well , then ," said the fierce-looking man , " sit down and hear what I am going to say. I will ask you a question out of the Bible. If you answer me right 340 THE GUIDING HAND. you may call at this house, and read and pray with us and our lodgers as much as you like ; if you do not answer me right, we will tear the clothes off your back, and tumble you neck and heels into the street. Now what do you say for I am a man of my word ?" The missionary was perplexed, but at length qui- etly said, "I will take you." "Well, then," said the man, "here goes. Is the word girl in any part of the Bible ? If so, where is it to be found, and how often? That is my question." "Well, sir, the word girl is in the Bible, but only once, and may be found in the words of the prophet Joel, iii. 3. The words are, 'And sold a girl for wine that they might drink. " : "Well," replied the man, "I am dead beat ; I durst have bet live pounds you could not have told." "And I could not have told yesterday," said the visitor. "For several days I have been praying that the Lord would open me a way into this house, and this very morning, when reading the Scriptures in my family, I was surprised to find the word girl, and got the Concordance to see if it occurred again, and found it did not. And now, sir, I believe that God did know, and does know what will come to pass, and surely his hand is in this for my protection and your good." The whole of the inmates were greatly surprised at this manifest token of providential direction, and were thus led to serious reflection, and this remark- able incident has been overruled to the hopefui con- version of the man, his wife, and two of the lodgers. THE GUIDING HAND. 341 COLLINS AND THE FUNERAL. Among the mighty men of God who labored to spread the gospel of Christ in the newly-settled por- tions of America, was John Collins, who was born in New Jersey, in 1769, and died in Maysville, Ken- tucky, August 21st, 1842. Earnest, logical, devout, and eloquent, many souls were given him as seals of his ministry, among whom was John McLean, after- wards Chief Justice of the United States Supreme court, to whose pen we are indebted for a sketch of Collins' life, and various incidents connected with his ministry. Unlike many at the present day, Collins could not harmonize in his own mind the practice of war with the gospel of peace, and hence, when he would follow Christ, he forsook the world. When he was con- verted, he held the office of major of the militia ; this he laid down when he received a commission in ImmanueFs army. The one who succeeded him came to purchase his uniform and arms, and Mr. Collins said to him, in his own peculiar style, " My friend, when you put these on think of the reason why I put them off." The remark made an indelible impression upon his mind, sunk deep into his soul, and led to important results. It led him to reflect, and his reflections led him to act. He, also, renounced his commission, and became a man of prayer ; he yielded to the most illustrious of conquerors, enlisted in the army of the redeemed, and fought under the great "Captain of our salvation." THIS GUIDING HAND. In the experience of Collins, there were frequent instances which illustrate the direction of the Guiding o Hand. The following interesting instance is an example : When the country was new and but thinly settled, Mr. Collins was riding upon the banks of the Ohio river, some thirty or forty miles above Cincinnati, in company with a friend, when they came to the forks of the road ; the left-hand road led more directly to their place of destination, the right was more cir- cuitous ; but Mr. Collins, against remonstrance, pre- ferred the latter, from an impression which he did not particularly define. It led to the mouth of Red Oak, where the town of Ripley is now situated. As they approached this point they saw a funeral procession, which they immediately joined, and fol- lowed it to the grave. It was the first funeral in that place. The corpse was the wife of Mr. Bernard Jackson, an avowed infidel. The scarcity of minis- ters in a newly-settled country often prevents the holding of religious exercises in connection with the burial of the dead, and the skepticism of Mr. Jackson may have tended to the same result. But whether he desired it or not, God had purposed that to those people who had gathered to open the first grave in their forest settlement, the gospel of Him who brought life and immortality to light should be pro- claimed for the salvation of those whose probation was yet extended. The hour had come, and the messenger of God was ready with his tidings. After the grave was covered, Mr. Collins stepped forward THE GUIDING HAND. 343 and made known to the people that he was a preacher of the gospel, and would then preach a sermon to all that remained. No one went away. Solemnly and seriously they stood around the new-made grave, where one of their number had just been laid, and listened while he read for his text, " I am the resur- rection and the life : he that belie veth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live ; " and preached to them the word of everlasting life. The word was quick and powerful, and sharper than a two-edged sword. The circumstances of the o occasion, and the manifestation of the hand of God in guiding his servant to that mourning group, added to the solemnity of the hour ; and while death and judgment, and life and immortality, were set before the people, all hearts were moved by the power of the truth. There were many tears and sobs in the congregation. The infidel husband was overcome ; and from that day and hour he renounced infidelity, shortly after became a member of the church, lived to adorn the Christian religion, and died in peace. He had one son, who was afterwards a traveling preacher in the state of Indiana. Mr. Collins believed in a special providence. The inclination to take the right-hand road, he believed was prompted by it, of which he could entertain no doubt when he saw the funeral procession and preached to the mourning crowd. 44 And is this," says Judge McLean, who relates this incident, "too small a matter for Deity? Peter was called to preach to Cornelius ; and his objections 344 THE GUIDING HAND. were overcome in an extraordinary manner. Philip, being prompted by the Spirit, joined himself to the chariot of the eunuch, and 'preached unto him Jesus.' And who that believes the Bible does not believe that the same Spirit operates more or less upon Chris- tians at the present day ? " Would that this inward guiding was more devoutly sought and teachably accepted; then, where we now see sinners scoffing at a monay-seeking ministry, we should see them filled with solemn awe at the provi- dence which guides the servants of the Lord, and the might that clothes and seals his quick and power- ful Word. A BLESSED MISTAKE. One day as Felix Neff, the Swiss Evangelist, was walking in a street in Lausanne, a city in Switzerland, he saw in the distance, as he supposed, a person with whom he was acquainted. He ran up behind him, and overtaking him, tapped him on the shoulder and said, "What is the state of your soul, my friend?" The person turned quickly about at the abrupt query, and proved to be an entire stranger. Neff saw his error, apologized, left him, and went his way. Some three or four years afterward, a person came to Neff and accosted him, saying that he was indebted to him for his inestimable kindness. Neff did not recognize him, and desired him to explain his mean- ing. The stranger answered, "Have you forgotten an unknown person, whose shoulder you touched in THE GUIDING HAND. 345 a street of Lausanne, and whom you asked, 'How do you find your soul ?' It was I ; your question led me to serious reflections, and now I find it is well with my soul." By such strange and inexplicable means does God bring about the accomplishment of his purposes of mercy and grace. Time, place, and circumstances are all subservient to his will. And the anointed sons of God are often led by a way they know not, and upon errands unperceived, for the glory of God and the benefit and salvation of mankind. "Thou shalt guide me with thy counsel," said David. Blessed are they who are guided by such a gracious hand. A BABBIT CHASE. More than sixty years ago, in a retired New England parish, three youths met by agreement every Sunday morning, and walked together to church. One, who was apprenticed to a cabinet-maker, was an earnest Christian ; another was a skeptic ; and between these two, during the walk, the subject of religion was warmly discussed. Each, however, remained firm in his own convictions. It chanced one day that the apprentice was in the hay-field, looking at the men as they were mowing. Suddenly a rabbit started up among the mowers, who threw down their scythes and gave chase. The lad, too, joined in the pursuit, and, carried away by the excitement, he unwarily set his bare heel on one of the sharp scythes. Help was immediately called, 346 THE GUIDING HAND. but such was the loss of blood from the several arteries, that the surgeon gave no hope of recovery. The young skeptic called on his companion. In the apparently dying lad he saw the power of that religion he had so often attacked. Where argument had failed, the calm confidence, the lively hope, and the dying joy of his companion, reached success. He went from that presence a converted soul. The lad, however, recovered, but was a cripple for life. Giving up the thought of learning a trade, he pursued a course of study, entered the ministry, and became the well-known and much loved missionary to the Choctaws, Cyrus Kingsbury, D. D. The con- verted companion became the no less distinguished Dr. Joel Hawes, for so many years a preacher in Hartford, Conn. Two glorious lives dating from the chance running of a rabbit ! The truth of this story is vouched for by a son of one of the three friends, Rev. H. D. Walker, of Bridge water, Mass. CONVERSION OP COUNT GASPAEIN. Adolph Monod, one of the most gifted and faith- ful evangelical ministers of the present century, preached Christ crucified and his free grace, to his c-hurch in Lyons, France. One Lord's day, preach- ing from the text, "God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should -not perish, but have everlasting life," he spoke of the person of Christ as the true God-man. THE GUIDING HAND. 347 He announced, at the same time, that the next Sabbath he should show how men could be saved through faith in this God-man. But the authorities of this church were full of Catholic and other errors, and opposed to a doctrine so truly evangelical. Hence, they informed Monod that if he did not omit the ser- mon he had announced, they would have him arrested and brought before the prefect, and dismissed from his office. Monod, notwithstanding, preached his sermon, and the authorities made their complaint. The prefect demanded the two sermons of the accused, and Monod sent them to him. The prefect was a Catholic count Count de Gasparin. He came home at evening to his wife, and found the sermons. He never liked sermons, especially evangelical sermons. But he was a man who discharged faithfully the duties of his office. It was necessary that the sermons should be read. He came to his wife with the manu- scripts in his hand, complaining that he would have to give up the whole evening to this irksome and pro- tracted labor. She offered, as her husband's worthy helpmeet, to read the sermons with him, so that the task might seem to him less tedious. They began. They read the first. With every page they grew more interested. They forgot that it was evening and night. That which was at first an official duty, became a service of the heart. They finished the first, and eagerly grasped the second. And what was the result ? As a magistrate as a prefect Gasparin was forced to deprive Monod of his place, because all the authorities demanded it. But he and 348 THE GUTDING HAND. his wife became evangelical Christians; yes, living, joyful, and happy believers in Christ. They found that night the pearl of great price, and it has remained in the family. Their son, Count Agenor de Gaspa- rin, has long been the head and pillar of the evan- gelical party in France. A STEAY BIBLE. A missionary in India was descending in a boat the river Gunduck, when he saw near a village a group of Hindoos seated on the ground. One of the num- ber was reading; the rest were deeply attentive. Curious to witness this scene, he landed and ap- proached them, when, to his surprise, he found that the book around which the circle was gathered was the Holy Scriptures. When he made himself known, the reader manifested the greatest joy. He immediately asked many explanations, and while the missionary remained in the vicinity, he often sought for him and had many serious interviews with him . His faith was weak, and he had not sufficient strength to make a public profession of faith in Christ. But subse- quently he visited the missionary many times at his station, traveling for this purpose a considerable distance. The result was his entire and sincere con- version. Some time afterwards the Hindoo was baptized, and his example was blessed as the means of bringing into the church his brother, and two or three of his friends. But whence came this copy of the Holy Scriptures ? THE GUIDING HAND. 349 Some time before, another missionary, passing down the same river, had landed and distributed a few vol- umes containing the four Gospels and the Acts. This man, of a naturally thoughtful disposition, and already disgusted with the idolatry in which he had been brought up, found in the sacred volume a foundation for a better faith. And, as Andrew communicated to his brother the knowledge of the Saviour whom he had found, so did this Hindoo to his friends ; and the vol- ume, apparently cast upon the wind, was made the means to several souls of a happy acquaintance with the way of salvation. What an encouragement thus to toil on, and sow with tears the precious seed in faith and hope ! THE MOHAMMEDAN BOOK-BINDER. When Henry Martyn, during one period of his Indian career, was located at Cawnpore, in northern India, he resolved to extend his labors beyond the soldiers and English residents to whom the regulations of the East India Company would have confined his efforts, and to be in reality a missionary as well as a chaplain. In his "compound" or garden, was a chabootra, a slightly elevated platform of masonry, such as natives always have in their gardens, for the purpose of sitting, in the summer evening, where they may catch every breath of air. On this he used to gather together on Sunday afternoons all the faqueers, or Hindu devotees, of the neighborhood men deformed, filthy, and sometimes depraved, whose 350 THE GUIDING HAND. self-inflicted deformities and voluntary filth were accepted as marks of superior holiness. These he would address in terms of most earnest exhortation on the holiness and purity of the gospel. Overlooking this garden, and within hearing dis- tance of the chabootra, stood a small kiosk, or summer-house, in which several young Mohammedans of the city were accustomed to assemble to smoke and interchange city gossip. They were always leer- ing and scoffing at the young Ferringhee Parde, or English clergyman, and his most unattractive and unpromising group of listeners. Among these young Mohammedans was one who distinguised himself by the coarseness and scurrility of his remarks. Being somewhat in advance of his companions in intelligence, he aspired to take the lead in abusing and insulting the unoffending chaplain. However, one Sunday afternoon, some remark of Martyn's appeared to produce an unusual effect on the young scoffer. His whole manner underwent a change. He seemed to be listening with interest and attention, and almost with reverence, so much that he drew down upon himself the jeers and taunts of his licentious companions. From that day it was noticed that his customary seat in the kiosk was empty. He was never seen there again. What had become of him? He was by occupation a book-binder ; and about this time he was required to bind a book for one of the English residents. The book was written in Hindoostanee. As the sheets were passing through THE GUIDING HAND. 351 his hands he glanced at the contents, and was struck with their marked similarity in language and thought to the addresses he had heard from the chaplain. He read it carefully through before returning it to the owner. It was a copy of the Hindoostanee translation of the New Testament which Henry Martyn had recently completed. And the result, under the divine blessing, of that "arrow shot at a venture," and the earnest perusal of that book, led the young scoffing Mohammedan book-binder of Cawnpore to become, after long and prayerful preparation, an ordained missionary in the church of Christ, and a very faithful and able preacher of that faith he once despised. THE FKIGHTENED KOBBEKS. It is related that after John Wesley had been preaching one winter's morning, at five o'clock, at the Foundry chapel in London, a pious young woman, who was dressed in white, in returning home, midway across the fields, saw two men advancing towards her with no good intention, as she judged from their very profane language. She dropped immediately on her knees, with the lantern in her hand, and said, "O, Lord God, thou hast promised to be a very present help in time of need ; help thine handmaid in this time of danger ! " The two men immediately fled, and she went on her way, thankful to God for her deliverance from unreasonable and wicked men. 352 THE GUIDING HAND. Some time after this, as she was going over the field again, to the chapel, she saw a man sitting on the fence, looking very ill and emaciated. She spoke to him about his soul. He confessed his wickedness, and said that once he came over that field with a com- panion, with a design to rob, as they supposed, a young woman. On approaching her, the object, which was dressed in white, sunk into the earth, when they instantly fled, supposing that they had seen an apparition. He said that his companion was thrown into a fever, and died raving mad, and that he had been wretchedly lingering to that time, filled with apprehension and remorse. The surprise of the man on learning that he was now speaking to the same person, as well as her interest in one so providen- tially brought under her influence, must be imagined. It seemed as if the hand of God had brought them together, and that for purposes of mercy ; and the opportunity was duly improved in the fear and in the love of the Master whom she served. She exhorted him to go to the chapel, where he would hear of Jesus. He did so, and became a Christian. BREAD UPON THE WATERS. I was standing by the side of my mother under the spacious porch of Dr. B 's church, Glasgow, awaiting the hour for afternoon service, when I observed two young men turn a corner and walk toward the church. They were dressed in their working-clothes, unshaven and dirty, and slightly THE GUIDING HAND. 353 intoxicated. As they passed the church door, they assumed a swaggering, irreverent gait, laughed, and finally commenced singing a profane song. My mother turned to me and said, "Follow those two men, and invite them to a seat in our pew." I soon overtook them, and delivered my mother's message. One laughed scornfully, and began to swear ; the other paused and pondered ; he was evi- dently struck with the nature of the invitation. His companion again swore, and was about to drag him away. But he still paused. I repeated the invita- tion, and in a few seconds he looked in my face and said, "When I was a boy like you, I went to church every Sunday. I have not been inside of a church for three years. I don't feel right. I believe I will go with you." I seized his hand, and led him back to the house of God, in spite of the remonstrances and oaths of his companion. A most excellent ser- mon was preached from Ecclesiastes xi. 1. The young man was attentive, but seemed abashed and downcast. At the conclusion of the service my mother kindly said to him, "Have you a Bible, young man?" "No, ma'am; but I can get one," was his reply. "You can read, of course?" said she. "Yes, ma'am." "Well, take my son's Bible till you pro- cure one of your own, and come to church again next Lord's day. I shall always be happy to accom- modate you with a seat." He put the Bible in his pocket and hurried away. At family worship that evening my mother prayed 12 354 THE GUTDING HAND. fervently for the conversion of tnat young man. Next Sunday came, and the next, but the stranger did not appear. My mother frequently spoke of him, and appeared grieved at his absence. He nad doubtless been the subject of her closet devotions. On the third Sabbath morning, while the congrega- tion were singing the first psalm, the young man again entered our pew. He was now dressed gen- teelly, and appeared thin and pale, as if from recent sickness. Immediately after the benediction, the stranger laid my Bible on the desk, and left the church without giving my mother the opportunity she much desired of conversing with him. On one of the blank leaves of the Bible we found some writ- ing in pencil, signed, "W. C." He asked to be remembered in my mother's prayers. Years rolled on ; my praying mother passed to her rest ; I grew up to manhood, and the stranger was forgotten . In the autumn of 18 , the ship St. George, of which I was the medical officer, anchored in Table Bay. Next day, Sabbath, at the conclusion of public worship, a gentleman seated behind me asked to look at my Bible. In a few minutes he returned it, and I walked into the street. I had arranged to dine at " The George ; " and was mounting the steps in front of that hotel, when the gentleman who had examined my Bible laid his hand on my shoulder and begged to have a few minutes' conversation. We were shown into a private apartment. As soon THE GUIDING HAND. 355 as we were seated, he examined my countenance with great attention, and then began to sob ; tears rolled down his cheeks ; he was evidently laboring under some intense emotion. He asked me several questions my name, age, occupation, birth-place, etc. He then inquired if I had not, when a boy, many years ago, invited a drunken Sabbath-breaker to a seat in Dr. B 's church. I was astonished the subject of my mother's anxiety and prayers was before me. Mutual explanations and congratu- lations followed ; after which Mr. C gave me a short history of his life. . He was born in the town of Leeds, of highly respectable and religious parents, who gave him a good education, and trained him up in the way of righteousness. When about fifteen years of age his father died, and his mother's straitened circum- stances obliged her to take him from school, and put him to learn a trade. In his new situation he imbibed all manner of evil, became incorrigibly vicious, and broke his mother's heart. Freed now from all parental restraint, he left his employers, and traveled to Scotland. In the city of Glasgow he had lived and sinned for two years, when he was arrested in his career through my mother's instrumentality. On the first Sabbath of our strange interview, he confessed that after he left church he was seized with pangs of unutterable remorse. The sight of a mother and a son worshiping God together recalled the happy days of his own boyhood, when he went to church and Sunday-school, and when he, 356 THE GUIDING HAND. also, had a mother, a mother whose latter days he had embittered, and whose gray hairs he had brought with sorrow to the grave. His mental suffering threw him on a bed of sickness , from which he arose a changed man. He returned to England, cast himself at the feet of his maternal uncle, and asked and obtained forgiveness. With his uncle's consent he studied for the ministry ; and on being ordained, he entered the missionary field, and had been labor- ing for several years in Southern Africa. "The moment I saw your Bible this morning," he said, "I recognized it. And now, do you know who was my companion on the memorable Sabbath you invited me to church? He was the notorious Jack Hill, who was hanged a year afterwards for highway robbery. I was dragged from the very brink of infamy and destruction, and saved as a brand from the burning. You remember Dr. B 's text on the day of my salvation, 'Cast thy bread upon the waters : for thou shalt find it after many days.' " THE MYSTEKIOUS UMINMESS. The late ingenious Rev. Robert Robinson, of Cambridge, was once engaged to deliver "the charge" at the ordination of a minister. He exhorted him notwithstanding every possible discourage- ment to persevere in the work to which he was called, assuring him, that in the end, God would succeed his labors. With a view to encourage him, he should relate an anecdote which had been lately THE GUIDING HAND. 357 told him, and though the names of the parties had been carefully concealed, he had no doubt of its authenticity. He then stated that a certain minister, being about to travel in the country, was particularly requested by a friend, to call at the house of a farmer, an intimate associate of his early years, and a man whom he often yet visited, and to take up his abode there for the night. The minister pleaded that he was a perfect stranger, that he might be con- sidered a sort of interloper, and several other things, all of which were overruled by his friend, who assured him of the piety, and unbounded liberality of the farmer, and promised him a letter of intro- duction ; he farther stated that he had often con- versed with the farmer respecting him, and, in a word, the good farmer would feel his mind much hurt, if he passed that way and did not spend a night under his roof. Under these circumstances the minister consented, and one summer's evening rode up to the farmer's gate. He found the good man standing near ; but instead of meeting him with the smile of politeness, he demanded in a surly tone who he was. The min- ister gave him his name, handed him his letter of introduction, and assigned his reasons for paying him a visit. The farmer eyed him with suspicion, half insinuated that he was an impostor, but at length told him he might put his horse into the stable, and walk into the house. At first the minis- ter hesitated ; he almost determined to ride to the 358 THE GUIDING HAND. village ; but on second thoughts he resolved to stay. He unsaddled his horse, and walked into the house ; and not being asked to walk into the parlor, he took his seat with the servants in the kitchen. Supper time came. The servants whispered among themselves, "It is a wonder master doesn't ask the gentleman into the parlor." At his request, he was supplied with a basin of milk. After supper, the family was collected to engage in the devotions of the evening; the minister followed at the heels of the servants, and took his seat near the door, not a little surprised at the treatment he received. The farmer read a portion of the Scriptures ; a pause ensued ; there was evidently a violent agitation in the farmer's breast ; at length he asked the minister to pray. They knelt down, and the worthy preacher forgot his trials ; and, elevated to a high state of holy feeling, his prayer was eminent for spirituality and power. When he concluded and rose from his knees, the farmer, with tears streaming from his eyes, stepped up to him, and before the whole fam- ily, solicited pardon for the treatment he had given him ; assuring him that he had never before so treated a minister ; and from all that he had ever heard of him, he had for him in particular a high personal respect; and finally, that in reference to his conduct that evening, it was to himself the most mysterious event of his life. He concluded by beg- ging him to stay with him a few days, that his kind- ness might make up for his past unkindness. The minister begged he would forget what had passed, THE GUIDING HAND. S59 assured him that what degree of shyness he had wit- nessed should on his part be forgotten, and that his engagements would not allow him to stay longer. Nothing, however, would satisfy the farmer but that the minister would stay one day longer, and preach in his house in the evening; to this he at length consented, and went off in the morning, attended with the best prayers and wishes of the man who had received him with so much coldness. "And what, my brother," asked Robinson, "do you suppose was the result? No less than three branches of the farmer's family were brought to a knowledge of themselves and of the Saviour, under the sermon delivered in consequence of this myste- rious unkindness." The whole congregation were deeply impressed with so interesting a detail, made in Robinson's best manner ; but the effect on the mind of the newly ordained minister was overpowering: he blushed, then turned pale, fainted, and was carried out into the air; the usual remedies were administered, and he gradually recovered. The scene was then unfolded ; he was the very minister who formed the hero of the story ; he had followed Robinson through- out till he came to the effects produced by the ser- mon ; this he had never heard till then ; and his feel- ings were overpowered with joy and gratitude. " Deep in unfathomable mines Of never-failing skill, He treasures up his bright designs, And works his sovereign will," 360 THE GUIDING HAND. THE MINISTER AND THE SICK GIEL. The following authentic instance of divine direction is furnished by the son of the minister referred to ; who often heard his father relate the circumstance : Mr. R , a faithful minister of the gospel as well as a merchant, some few years before railroads were known, left his native village for the city of P , to make his usual purchases of goods. The distance of about one hundred miles, was then accomplished in two days' travel by stage coaches. When near the end of the second day, some twelve or fifteen miles from the city, he became impressed with the thought that he would not reach his destination that day. He tried to dismiss the idea, and could only think that an accident would prevent it. However, the stage stopped at the last exchange hotel, and almost invol- untarily, he said, "I took my carpet bag and walked into the hotel, asking for entertainment," concluding to follow the bent of his mind ; not knowing why or wherefore. Supper was announced ; he was the only guest ; and was waited on by a middle-aged lady. At an early hour he retired, or purposed to do so, but was interrupted by a rap at the door communicating with the room next the one he was to occupy. He answered the call, when the lady of the dining room requested permission to get something in the room. After having asked to be excused for the interruption, she had scarcely commenced the search, when turn- ing around she asked: "Are you not a minister of THE GUIDING HAND. 361 the gospel?" The answer was, " Yes, madam ; and why do you ask ? " She replied that her daughter was lying very ill, and very anxious about her salvation. "To-day," said she, "I prayed God to send some one to pray and talk with her, and the moment you put your foot in the dining room something seemed to say, 'he is the man, ask him.'" Mr. R complied with her request, found the daughter very sick in body and mind, prayed and talked till near daylight, when she was able to trust in the Great Physician of souls, and was made to rejoice in his pardoning love. Then it was clear to his mind why he was not to end his journey the previous day. Such are the ways of Providence ofttimes, ruling and overruling when we fail to recognize the Divine hand. A CHILD'S TEXT. Rev. Dr. Milnor was brought up a Quaker, became a distinguished lawyer in Philadelphia, and was a member of Congress for three successive terms. Returning to his home on a visit during his last Con- gressional term, his little daughter rushed upon him exclaiming, "Papa ! papa ! do you know I can read?" "No," he said, "let me hear you!" She opened her little Bible and read, "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart." It was an arrow in her father's heart. It came to him as a solemn admonition . "Out of the mouth of babes" had proceeded God's 362 THE GUIDING HAND. word, and His Spirit moved within him. He was driven to his closet, and a friend calling upon him found he had been weeping over the Dairyman's Daughter. Although forty years of age, he aban- doned politics and law for the ministry of the gospel. For thirty years he was the beloved rector of St. George's church, in Philadelphia, the predecessor of the venerated Dr. Tyng. THE TOKN HYMN. A few years ago a Jewish lady knocked at the door of a servant of the gospel, who dwelt in a German town. The object of her coming was one of benev- olence. The minister was busy, and his wife received the Jewess. In the course of a short conversation she discovered her hostile sentiments towards the true faith, as well as her ignorance of its doctrines. Presently the minister entered, and began solemnly and faithfully to speak of the gospel of Christ. The Jewish lady boldly confessed her hatred to the doc- trine of the despised Nazarine, and contemptuously rejected all other except the Jewish faith. As she was about to go away, the faithful servant of the Lord gave her a Bible, with the earnest request that she would read it. She accepted the Bible, but the request was disregarded. The Bible was laid aside, and considered as quite a useless article ; the dust of days, months, and years collected on its sacred, unopened leaves. But the eye of the God of Abraham watched over the Jewish lady, and he thought of her in love. Six THE GUIDING HAND. 363 years after our friend's visit to the minister, she went out one morning to make a purchase in a neighboring shop. When she came home, and was looking at the articles she had bought, her eyes fell upon the lines of an old hymn in which the things were wrapped up. She read, and felt interested in it. The poetry w r as about a young lady, a portion of whose history was related; it told of a sin into which she had fallen, and of the misery which ensued. "I will try to get the rest of this poetry," thought the Jewess, "so that I may learn the end of this poor young lady." She went back to the shop, and among the torn paper, the remainder which she wanted was found, and given to her for a trifle. She hastened home, eager to learn the end of the story. But how little had she expected such an end : she not only read of the misery of the young lady, but also of the way by which she was led to Christ, and how in his atoning love she found peace and forgiveness. Finally, her happy end was described, and how simple faith in a crucified Redeemer had illumined her hour of death. "Christ ! " said the Jewish lady to herself; "have I not once before spoken of this Christ ? " Suddenly she recollected her visit to the servant of God, his earnest request resounded in her ears, she remem- bered his present so long neglected. "I will fetch the book which will tell me more about this Christ who gave peace and joy to the dying lady." She opened its pages, read, and continued to read for hours. The book, for six years forgotten, was read with all earnestness ; light dawned in her soul ; the 364 THE GUIDING HAND. despised Nazarine stood before her as a rejected Saviour. "I will go to the man again who gave me the book," thought she, "and learn from him its meaning." No sooner said than done. She sought out the man of 'God, who still worked at his post. The Lord opened her heart, as he did Lydia's, and in a short time she received Christ with joy ; and now she counted every thing but loss in comparison with the unsearchable riches of Christ. With boldness she confessed her faith, endured trials and opposition, the loss of possessions and friends. She was bap- tized, and became a happy member of the church of Christ. "Is not my word like as a fire 9 saith the Lord; and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces ? " THE LOST BOOK AND THE SAVED SINNER. Some years ago a little boy had a present from his grandmamma of a little book with verses of Scripture. It was bound in red leather and had his name written on it. One day, when he went to visit, the lions at Lynn Mart, his little book fell out of his pocket. He was a very little boy, and much troubled at the loss of the book, for his name was written on it by his grandmother herself. The matter was almost forgotten, when a year afterward the clergyman of a parish about eight miles from Lynn, gave the following history of the lost book : He said he had been sent for to see the wife of a man living on a wild common on the outskirts of his THE GUIDING HAND. 365 parish, a notoriously bad character. The message was brought to him by the medical man who attended her, and who, after describing her as being most strangely altered, added, "You will find the lion become a lamb ; " and so it proved. She who had been wild and rough, whose language had been violent and her conduct untamed, lay on a bed of exceeding suffering, patient and resigned. On arriving at the house, the clergyman heard the following story from the woman herself, explaining the cause of the marvelous change : Her child had picked up the book and carried it home as lawful spoil. Curiosity or, rather, some feeling put into her heart by Him without whose leave a sparrow falleth not to the ground had induced her to read it. The Word had been blessed to her, and the under- standing opened to receive the gospel truth. Sin in her sight had become hateful ; blasphemy was no longer heard from her lips. She drew from under her pillow her " precious book," as she called it, which had taken away the fear of death. She died soon afterward, filled with joy and hope in believing, having in those portions of Scripture found a Saviour to bear the burden of guilt and thus present her, clad in his own spotless righteousness, before the throne of God. God's providence had brought to her that little book to lead her to Christ. Who can tell the value of a little book or the scattering of a handful of gospel tracts ? The seed may seem lost, forgotten ; but what glad surprises will the harvest bring ! * 'Blessed are ye that sow ! " 366 THE GUIDING HAND. LIBERTY FOE A CAPTIVE. A most striking instance of the faithfulness of God in fulfilling his promises, and in answering the prayers of his saints, is narrated in the New York Observer, by J. G. Bass, a city missionary. In his labors in the King's County penitentiary, he found a young man, the son of an English clergy- man, educated and cultivated, a child of many prayers, whose mother, a woman of deep religious experience, had labored to lead her children to the blessed Saviour, and even down through her last sickness and dying hour, had commended them to God in prayer, especially imploring the blessing of the Lord upon this, her eldest boy. In the year 1871, he came to America, full of hope ; spent a month in travel, and through letters of recommendation, joined with his intelligence and prepossessing appearance, obtained a respectable place in a mercantile house in New York. There, away from home, among strangers, he forgot the counsels of his father and the prayers of his mother, listened to the seductions of pleasure, formed sinful associations, contracted evil habits, and in less than four months from the time he left his father's house, became a convicted inmate of the penitentiary, with blasted reputation, and ruined hopes. But while thus far from home and friends, the eye of God was upon the desolate prodigal, and this is the story he tells : ' I was taken to the prison in company with several THE GUIDING HAND. 367 other men, and put in a cell, to await my turn to have my hair cut and change my clothes for the prison garb. Alone in the cell, I felt my utterly helpless, hopeless, characterless condition ; I was ready to fall ; my eye measured the cheerless place, the like of wilich should be my home for months to come. In the corner of the cell, I saw a piece of paper, and I instinctively stooped and picked it up ; I needed some human voice or some printed word then to call me back from despair. The paper was the first half of Good Cheer, No. 1, having on the first page an engraving of < The Kind-hearted Policeman.' The first thing that struck my eye was an article from the pen of my own mother. It brought to my mind the image of my dear deceased mother, her smile, her counsels, her prayers ; it was like a voice from the unseen world. As I raised my eyes from reading the article, blinded almost as I was with tears, I read at the head of the column, over my mother's article, these words : The last opportunity.' Conviction for sin, deep, pungent, seized upon me ; I cried unto God in my anguish, and on the Sunday following, in the prison chapel, while singing the hymn, ' Just as I am, without one plea, But that thy blood was shed for me, And that thou bidst me come to thee ; O Lamb of God, I come ! ' I was enabled to cast my guilty soul on the world's Redeemer and mine, and find peace and pardon through his atonement. God suffered me to go to 368 THE GUIDING HAND. prison, that my mother's prayers might be answered. 9 '' J.W was still a prisoner, but his soul was free. He served out his sentence, and is now at liberty, rejoicing in Christ. The following hymn, which he wrote and gave to the chaplain, to read to his fellow- prisoners, will tell the story of his humble trust in Christ. THE HYMN. Just as them art, with naught to plead, But that I suffered for thy need ; And for thy vilest sin did bleed ; Come then, O sinner, come ! Just as thou art, no longer stay, Hoping thy guilt to wipe away ; My care with all thy fears allay ; Come then, O sinner, come ! Just as thou art, though struggling still, With unbelief and evil will ; My grace can conquer every ill ; Come then, O sinner, come ! Just as thou art, thy aching breast, Shall find in me relief and rest, I welcome all with sin oppressed ; Come then, O sinner, come ! Just as thou art, with all thy need ; Thy Father waits to clothe and feed, And yearns thy wandering heart to lead ; Come then, O sinner, come ! Just as thou art, do not delay ; Yield thyself wholly from this day, And thou shalt ne'er be cast away ; Come then, O sinner, come ! THE GUIDING HAND. 369 THE INFIDEL AND THE PIEATES. A native of Sweden, residing in the south of France, had occasion to go from one port to another in the Baltic Sea. When he came to the place whence he expected to sail, the vessel was gone. On inquir- ing, he found a fishing-boat going the same way, in which he embarked. After being for some time out at sea, the, men, observing that he had several trunks and chests on board, concluded he must be very rich, and therefore agreed among themselves to throw him overboard. This purpose he heard them express, and it gave him great uneasiness. So he took occasion to open one of his trunks, which contained some books. Observing this, they remarked among them- selves that it was not worth while to throw him into the sea, as they did not want any books, which they supposed all the trunks contained. They asked him if he was a priest. Hardly knowing what reply to make, he told them he was ; at which they seemed much pleased, and said they would have a sermon on the next day, as it was the Sabbath. This increased the anxiety and distress of his mind, for he knew himself to be as incapable of such an undertaking as it was possible for any one to be, as he knew very little of the Scriptures ; neither did he believe in the inspiration of the Bible. At length they came to a small rocky island, per- haps a quarter of a mile in circumference, where was a company of pirates, who had chosen this little sequestered spot to deposit their treasures. He was 370 THE GUIDING HAND. taken to a cave, and introduced to an old woman, to whom they remarked that they Avere to have a sermon preached the next day. She said she was very glad of it, for she had not heard the word of God for a great while. His was a trying case, for preach he must ; still he knew nothing about preaching. If he refused, or undertook to preach and did not please, he expected it would l>e his death. With these thoughts he passed a sleepless night. In the morning his mind was not settled upon anything. To call upon God, whom he believed to be inaccessible, was altogether vain. He could devise no way whereby he might be saved. He walked to and fro, still shut up in dark- ness, striving to collect something to say to them, but could not think of even a single sentence. When the appointed time for the meeting arrived, he entered the cave, where he found the men assem- bled. There was a seat prepared for him, and a Bible on it. They sat for the space of half an hour in pro- found silence ; and even then, the anguish of his soul was as great as human nature was capable of endur- ing. At length these words came to his mind : "Verily, there is a reward for the righteous : verily, he is a God that judgeth in the earth." He arose and delivered them ; then other words presented themselves ; and so on till his understanding became opened and his heart enlarged in a manner astonish- ing to himself. He spoke upon subjects suited to their condition, the rewards of the righteous ; the judgments of the wicked ; the necessity of repent- ance, and the importance of a change of life. The THE GUIDING HAND. 371 matchless love of God to the children of men, had such a powerful effect upon the mind of those wretched beings, that they were melted into tears. Nor was he less astonished at the unbounded good- ness of Almighty God, in thus interposing to save his spiritual as well as his natural life , and well might he exclaim, "This is the Lord's doing, and it is mar- velous in our eyes." Under a deep sense of God's goodness, his heart became filled with such thankful- ness, that it was out of his power to express it. What a marvelous change was suddenly brought about by Divine interposition ! He who a little before disbelieved in God, was now humbled before him ; and they who were meditating his death were moved to affection. The next morning they put him in one of their vessels and conveyed him where he desired. From that time he was a changed man. From an infidel he became a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ. The ultimate effect of this strange sermon upon those ungodly men, can only be disclosed in the judg- ment ; but if in the coming glory of the eternal day, it should appear that others who heard him then were sharers of the blessing, it would only add another to the many instances where the leadings of divine Providence have prepared the way for the manifesta- tions of divine grace in the salvation of lost sinners. The word of grace, proclaimed by a sinner to sin- ners, had proved a savor of life unto life to him who spoke it, and had melted the hearts of those who had long been strangers to the message of salvation. 372 THE GUIDING HAND. FATHEK HAEDING'S CONVERT. The eccentric Father Harding, though peculiar in many of his modes of action, speech, and thought, was yet in a remarkable degree a man of humble faith and prayer, and was often strangely used and honored of the Lord as an instrument for the conver- sion of sinners. Bold for the truth, firm in his con- victions, patient in persecutions, and strong in the faith, giving glory to God, he was an ever ready wit- ness for the Lord, and his testimony was with power. The following anecdote was related by Albion Ross, an esteemed minister of Christ, who was some- times his companion in labor. He received the story from the lips of Father Harding himself: Father Harding once attended a meeting in B , a town on the banks of the Penobscot river, and while there, was moved to rebuke the prevailing worldliness and pride which were creeping into the church, and eating out the power of godliness like a canker. On this occasion, if we mistake not, the burden of his testimony had reference to the too prevalent practice of religious congregations relinquishing that exercise of praise which is so comely in the upright, and allow- ing this important portion of Christian worship to pass into the hands of wicked, worldly, and profane persons, who mock the Lord with falsehoods while professing to honor him with praise ; and if they sing, "I'm not ashamed to own my Lord," sing a lie, for they are ashamed both of Christ and THE GUIDING HAND. 373 his words; and whose hypocritical praises, blended with dulcet strains of worldly melody, though in an artistic point of view they may be excellent, yet con- sidered as worship addressed to the Almighty and ever-living God, are more impertinent than the antics of a monkey in the presence-chamber of a king. The earnestness with which he rebuked the profan- ation of God's worship by those who uttered solemn words with thoughtless tongues, and the pointed tes- timony he bore against prevailing evils, enraged some of the people, and he was forcibly and summarily ejected from the house ; and two rude men, confiding more, perhaps, in man's wrath than in God's right- eousness, grasped him by his arms, and dragged him down the hill, he quietly remarking as he went, 6 'Christ was crucified bet ween two thieves," hurried him to the river's brink, and pushed him down head- long amid the dirt and sand and stones. Recovering himself from his fall, he meekly climbed the bank, where the two persecutors met him and pushed him back once more among the stones. Just at this moment a man, who, while employed in an adjacent field, had observed their brutal conduct, came running to the place, ready to fight, and willing to defend any one who was treated with such indig- nity and abuse. He reached the place eager to do battle, but as he was beginning to interfere, and pre- paring for a struggle, he was stopped by Father Harding, who exclaimed, "Don't you touch them!" and falling on his knees, he began to pray for those who so despitefully used him and persecuted him, 374 THE GUIDING HAND. with a fervor and unction known only to those whose acquaintance with God is intimate, and whose faith overcome th the world. The prayer was ended ; the old man was victorious through divine power ; and, as of old on that occasion when an enraged multitude, filled with wrath at the teachings of the Messiah, had thrust him forth to hurl him headlong unto death, "He, passing through the midst of them, went his way," teaching and preaching as before so the old man went on in peace, rejoicing in his deliverance from his enemies, and preaching salvation far and near. But this was not the end. God, who sends his ser- vants forth to sow the seed, watches and waters it himself when the sower's hand is busy in far off fields, and it was in his divine purpose to make a blessing abound even through such a scene of persecution as that. There was a "need be" for that trial, and so there is for all the Christian's tribulations, and oh, what blessings God will bestow amid them all if we will simply hold fast our integrity in obedience and faith, and endure all things as he has commanded us to do ! Then he can work with us and make our defeats victories, and our sorrows joys. So it was with Father Harding. Years passed away ; the scene at the river bank was only remem- bered as one of many instances where he had been counted worthy to suffer shame for the name of Christ, and had been called to endure violence for his Master's sake ; nor did he dream of any special blessing on that hour. But one day as he was THE GUIDING HAND. 375 traveling in a distant locality, he was hailed by a stranger who greeted him with all the warmth of Christian love and friendship. "I do not know you," said Father Harding. "Don't you remember when those two men were pushing you down the river bank at B , a man came running to your defense ?" "Yes." "I was that man; and when you forbade me to touch them, and knelt and prayed for God to bless those who despiteful ly used you and persecuted you, I thought in my mind, 'There, I must have just the kind of religion which that old man has.' And from that time, again and again, these words would ring in my ears, 'You must have the same kind of religion which that old man had,' until at last I sought and found the Lord, and now I greet you as a fellow-pil- grim bound for the land of rest." Such was the substance of their conversation, and the reader can easily imagine what a blessed Eben- ezer to the weary pilgrim was this memorial of God's guiding goodness,' and his gracious care. Often in after years did Father Harding relate the story, show- ing how God could make the wrath of man to praise him, and feeling, like the apostle, that the things that had happened unto him had fallen out for the further- ance of the gospel, and that thus, in this strange and mysterious way, God was pleased to bring home a lost sinner who might not have been reached by any of the ordinary instrumentalities which could have been employed. 376 THE GUIDING HAND. A WORD IN SEASON. Mr. Thomas Champness says : "One snowy day I was preaching in Yorkshire on the top of a great hill, and there was a family that used to worship in that chapel that lived a long way from it. I had not a chance to say anything to them about spiritual things. There were two young women in the family for whom I was very much drawn to pray. I was anx- ious to get a word into their hearts about the Saviour. This snowy day prevented their return to their farm- house after the afternoon service as their custom was. They had to stay until the evening service, and the gentleman they were invited to stay with was the same that entertained me. When I went into the drawing-room who should be there but the girl about whom I had been praying, and praying that I might have an opportunity of saying a word to. I felt that now was the time, and said just a sentence or two, and then somebody came in, so that no more was said. During the week she wrote me a letter in which she said : 'Nobody ever spoke to me about my soul, and I had been praying to God that you would do so some day ; ' and the result was that she gave herself to the Lord Jesus Christ." Thousands of unsaved souls are to-day waiting, as you, reader, perhaps once waited, that some one may say to them a word to guide them in the way of peace. Their hearts yearn as your heart yearned in the days when you knew not God. They shrink as you shrunk from a public avowal of their thoughts and feelings, THE GUIDING HAND. 377 but they are hungering and thirsting for righteousness and for rest. Will you not speak to them some word, as God shall give you a word to speak, and trust that he will make the message effectual to their present and eternal salvation ? THE TRACT AND THE OYSTER. A professional diver said he had in his house what would probably strike a visitor as a very strange chimney ornament the shells of an oyster holding fast a piece of printed paper. The possessor of this ornament was diving on the coast, when he observed at the bottom of the sea this oyster on a rock, with a piece of paper in its mouth, which he detached, and commenced to read through the goggles of his head- dress. It was a gospel tract, and, coming to him thus strangely, and unexpectedly, so impressed his un- converted heart that he said, "I can hold out against God's mercy in Christ no longer, since it pursues me thus." He became, while in the ocean's depths, a repentant, converted, and (as he was assured) sin-forgiven man, "saved at the bottom of the sea." Are you doing anything to publish and scatter gospel tracts? A tract which costs a penny may save a soul. And tracts can be multiplied by millions if means are furnished to pay their trifling cost. Some can write tracts ; others can publish them eco- nomically ; others can pay for them ; others, still, can distribute them judiciously ; and so all can be helpers in the work, and sharers in the blessing. 378 THE GUIDING HAND. THE SUICIDE AND HER BIBLE. " When I am weak, then am I strong." The late Rev. T. Wills, in the course of one of his journeys, preaching at Lady Huntington's chapel, in Bristol, from, "My grace is sufficient for thee," took occasion to relate the circumstance of a young woman who knew and loved the Lord ; but was laboring under a strong temptation to put a period to her life by drowning herself. The enemy so far succeeded as to prevail on her to go to the river, in order to put the dreadful plan in execution ; but as she was adjusting her clothes, to prevent her from floating, she felt something in her pocket ; it was her Bible. She thought she would take it out and look in it again for the last time. She did so ; and the above-mentioned text immediately caught her eye. The Lord applied it with its own energy to her soul ; the snare was instantly broken, the temptation was taken away, and she returned, blessing him who had given her the victory. The relation of this circumstance was blessed to the conversion of a man and his wife then present ; and to completing a similar deliverance. These per- sons, it appeared, previous to this time, had lived in an almost continual state of enmity ; their habitation exhibited a scene of discord and confusion ; and often their quarrels would end in a total silence. Some considerable time would elapse before a single word would be exchanged by them. In one of these unhappy seasons, the wife came to the dreadful EHE GUIDING HAND. 379 determination of drowning herself. She accordingly left her house for the purpose, and came near the river ; but it being too light, she feared, on that account, she should be detected. She therefore knew not where to go till it grew darker. She at length espied a place of worship open. She thought she would go in, and when it was over it would be sufficiently dark. She went in. Mr. Wills was preaching ; and, as already observed, related the before-mentioned cir- cumstance. She heard with attention ; the Lord blessed what she heard to her conversion ; and the devil lost his ends. She returned another person ; and when she came home her husband looked at her with surprise. Her countenance, which before was the index of a malevolent disposition, now indicated the temper of a lamb. Struck with her appearance, her husband asked her where she had been. She told him. He immediately interrogates her, "And did you see me there?" She replied, "No." He added, " But I was; and, blessed be God, I found his grace sufficient for me also ! " WHAT A FLY DID. Near by a church lived a very wicked man, a rum-seller, by the way, who seemed not to fear God or regard man. He despised all good things, and loved to do wrong rather than right. It happened that the church near him was remodeled, and an organ 380 THE GUIDING HAND. was put in, and there was to be some good playing on it, and excellent music by the choir on the "re- opening" of the church. This man wanted to hear the music, but he did not want to hear the sermon. He was puzzled for the time, but finally hit upon this plan : he would go into the church, take a seat in an obscure corner and listen to the music, but stop his ears with his fingers when there was any praying, preaching, or talking. So he went in and enjoyed the singing and the sound of the organ, but when the minister prayed he stopped his ears as tightly as possible. When prayer was over, and singing commenced, he took his fingers from his ears, but stopped them again as soon as the minister began reading a chapter in the Bible. While he sat thus, self-made deaf, a fly lit on his nose and began to run round, and occasionally it stopped and thrust down its bill as if to take a bite from the skin. The man bore it as long as he could, and then involuntarily brushed the fly off with his hand, leaving one ear unstopped while he did so. Just at that instant the minister read the verse, "He that hath ears to hear, let him hear." The words struck him with peculiar force ; he thought a moment, unstopped his- other ear, and listened to the rest of the chapter and to the sermon following. He went from the church with a changed purpose, became a good man, and lived many years, trying all the time to do all the good he could to others, and to repair the mischief done by his former conduct. The improvement in the church, the organ, the attractive exercises, were all instru- THE GUIDING HAND. 381 mental in drawing this man in where a good seed might be dropped into the soil of his mind, but that little fly was also necessary to unstop his ears. A STAR IN THE CROWN. A young lady was preparing for the dance hall, and standing before a large mirror, placed a light crown ornamented with silver stars, upon her head. While thus standing, a little fair-headed sister climbed in a chair and put up her tiny fingers to examine this beautiful head-dress, and was accosted thus, " Sis- ter, what are you doing? You should not touch that crown ! " Said the little one, "I was looking at that, and thinking of something else." "Pray, tell me what you are thinking about yow, a little child." "I was remembering that my Sabbath-school teacher said, that if we save sinners by our influence we shall win stars to our crown in heaven ; and when I saw those stars in your crown I wished I could save some soul." The elder sister went to the dance, but in solemn meditation ; the words of the innocent child found a lodgment in her heart, and she could not enjoy the association of her friends At a season- able hour she left the hall and returned to her home ; and going to her chamber, where her dear little sis- ter was sleeping, imprinted a kiss upon her soft cheek, and said: "Precious sister, you have one star for your crown ; " and kneeling at the bedside, offered a fervent prayer to God for mercy. 382 THE GUIDING HAND. JUXTA CRUCEM. From the cross the blood is falling, And to us a voice is calling Like a trumpet, silver- clear 'Tis the voice announcing pardon, IT is FINISHED, is its burden, Pardon to the far and near. Peace that precious blood is sealing, All our wounds forever healing, And removing every load ; Words of peace that voiee has spoken, Peace that shall no more be broken, Peace between the soul and God. Love, its fullness there unfolding, Stand we here in joy beholding, To the exiled sons of men ; Love, the gladness past all naming, Of an open heaven proclaiming, Love that bids us enter in. GOD is LOVE ; we read the writing, Traced so deeply in the smiting Of the glorious Surety there. GOD is LIGHT ; we see it beaming, Like a heavenly dayspring gleaming, So divinely sweet and fair. Cross of shame, yet tree of glory, Round thee winds the one great story Of this ever- changing earth ; Centre of the true and holy, Grave of human sin and folly, W6mb of nature's second birth. HORATIU8 BONAK ? BOOKS FOR STUDENTS, THE CROWNING SIN OF THE AGE: The Perversion of Mar- riage, By Brevard D. Sinclair, Member of the American Academy of Political and Social Science ; Late member of the Bar of the Supreme Courts of Ohio, North Carolina and the United States of America. Unique paper covers, 50 cents. Fine edition, $1,00, "If I had a voice that could drown the thunder of Niagara, I would endorse all that you say in reference to the sin that is crying to heaven. You deserve the lasting gratitude of all lovers of their kind. The free pub- lic school, the Christian Sabbath, all the other institutions that we hold dear, and the perpetuity of the Republic itself, are in danger from the de- struction of the American people by the causes pointed out by you." ELIJAH A. MOUSE, Member of Congress, Canton, Mass. MURDOCK'S MOSHEIM'S CHURCH HISTORY, Institutes of Ecclesiastical History from the birth of our Saviour to the Eighteenth Century. By John Lawrence Mosheim, D. D., Chancellor of the University of Gottingen ; translated with a preface and copious notes by James Murdoch, D. D., Professor of Ecclesiastical History. A new edition with portrait of the translator and biographical sketch by H. L. HASTINGS. Three volumes in one, large 8vo., pp. 1500, half leather, $4,00. MURDOOK'S SYRIAO NEW TESTAMENT, With a portrait and biographical sketch of the translator by H. L. HASTINGS. One volume, half leather, 8vo., pp. 525, $2.50. THE REIGN OP CHRIST ON EARTH : The Voice of the Church in all Ages Concerning the Coming and Kingdom of the Redeemer. By Daniel T. Taylor. Revised and edited with a preface, by H. L. HASTINGS. Crown, 8vo., pp. 601, cloth, $1,00 ( HUDSON'S GREEK AND ENGLISH CONCORDANCE of the New Testament. Prepared by Charles F. Hudson, B. A.- under the direction of H. L. HASTINGS, Editor of THE CHRIS- TIAN. Revised and completed by EZRA ABBOT, D. D., LL.D., Pro- fessor of New Testament Criticism and Interpretation in the Divinity School of Harvard University. Eighth edition ; to which is added T. S. GREEN'S Greek-English Lexicon to the New Testament. Crown 8vo. 744 pp. Price, cloth, $2,00 1 half leather, $2,50, English edition, clotk, (S. Bagster & Sons, Limited), without Lexicon, 7s. 6d. H.L. HASTINGS' SCRIPTURAL TRACT REPOSITORY. BOSTON, MASS.: 47 CORNHILL, I LONDON: 5a PATERNOSTER Row, H.L.HASTINGS. I MARSHALL BROS., AGENTS. HUDSON'S GREEK-ENGLISH CONCOKMNCE. A CRITICAL GREEK AND EXGLISH CONCORDANCE OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. Prepared by CHARLES F. HUDSON, B. A., under the direction of H. L. HASTINGS, Editor of THE CHRISTIAN. Revised and completed by EZRA ABBOT, D. D., LL.D., Professor of New Testament Criticism and Interpretation in the Divinity School of Harvard University. Eighth edition ; to which is added T. S. GREEN'S Greek-English Lexicon to the New Testament. Crown 8vo. 744 pp. Price, cloth, $2.00 ; half leather, $2.50. English edition, cloth, without Lexicon, 7s. 6d. This book is designed and prepared for Bible students who do not know a word or a letter of Greek, as well as for the most careful and critical scholars. The index meets the need of any intelligent student of the Eng- lish Bible. It leads the ordinary English reader to the Greek original, classifies all the passages where each Greek word occurs, reveals at a glance the number of ways in which it is translated in the New Testament, shows in what senses it is most frequently or more rarely used, and exhibits in their order first the primary, and afterwards the several more remote senses of the different terms. It presents all the im- portant various readings of Jie most famous ancient manuscripts of the New Testament. It supplies a Greek concordance of the New Testament, presents late results of sound textual investigation, and affords the most critical student valuable information which he can nowhere else so easily obtain; yet all is so simply stated that the mere English reader can use it in his every-day studies. It is so cheap that the multitude may purchase it, and so compact and portable that it may be made the constant companion of the traveler, the student and the evangelist. Its adaptation to the use of less scholarly ministers and Bible students may be inferred from the fact that over a thousand copies have been ordered by the Deans of the Chautauqua School of Theology, which extensive educational agency is used very largely by students unacquainted with the Greek language. It has the high endorsement of such eminent scholars as Canon Westcott, Bishop Lightfoot, Dr. Joseph Angus, Prof. H. B. Hackett, D. D., Prof. Timothy Dwight, D. D., Prof. J. Henry Thayer, D. D., Dr. M. B. Riddle, Bishop Ellicott, President of the Westminster Com- pany of New Testament Revisers, Dr. Philip Schaff, President of the American Company, Prof. J. W. Lindsey, Prof. D. S. Talcott, Presi- dent E. 0. Haven, President Thos. Chase, Prof. E. H. Thwing, Prof. C. S. Harrington, Edward C. Mitchell, D. D., George Hale, D. D., Prof. Alvah Hovey, Prof. L. T. Townsend, D. D., and others of equal repu- tation. There in nothing in the literary world to take its place. H. L. HASTINGS, 47 CORNHILL, BOSTON, MASS. Samuel Bagster & Sons, Ld., London, 15 Paternoster Row, E. C. THE CKOWNIM SIN OF THE AGE. BY BREVARD D. SINCLAIR. THE CKOWNING SIN OP THE AGE The Perversion of Mar- riage, By Brevard D. Sinclair, Member of the American Academy of Political and Social Science ; Late member of the Bar of the Supreme Courts of Ohio, North Carolina and of the United States of America. Unique paper covers, 50 cents. Fine edition, $1,00, "If I had a voice that could drown the thunder of Niagara, I would endorse all that you say in reference to the sin that is crying to heaven. You deserve the lasting gratitude of all lovers of their kind. The free pub- lic school, the Christian Sabbath, all the other institutions that we hold dear, and the perpetuity of the Republic itself are in danger from the de- struction of the American people by the causes pointed out by you. Once more I thank you for your bold and fearless utterances upon this subject. I trust the same may have a wide circulation." ELIJAH A. MOUSE, Mem- ber of Congress, Canton, Mass. "Mr. Sinclair told some most solemn truths; truths that were as searching as the curse of God. We wish that some of the Boston preachers in doing such good work in calling the attention to the necessity of reform in the poverty stricken portions of Boston, would follow in the footsteps of the New. buryport clergyman. " BKITISH AMERICAN CITIZEN. "Please permit me to thank you for your sermon on a heinous sin that is not confined to New England. As a physician I can testify to the enormity of the evil." HENRY ROOT, M. D. f Surgeon, 5th and 5Sth JV. Y. 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MARSHALL BROS., AGENTS. i<<3=-_4.- THE FAITH SERIES. WRITTEN AND EDITED BY H. L. HASTINGS. Each volume independent of the others, though of uniform size. These volumes probably contain a larger collection of authen* ticated records of providential interposition and answers to believing prayer than can be elsewhere found in the English language. A large majority of the accounts embodied in these books have been written expressly for the pages of THE CHRISTIAN, & large monthly religious periodical, edited and published since 1886 by H. L. Hastings, in Boston, Mass., U.S.A., and give facts ivhich have occurred under the observation of the writer, or, in the experience of those with whom he is personally acquainted. All such accounts, for the correctness of which he is personally prepared to vouch, are distinguished in the Index by a star. 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