LEGENDA LODGE OF PERFECTION SOUTHERN JURISDICTION, U. S. A. CHARLESTON. 1888. LEGEND A, I. Jicnipa of firam. 2067090 LEGEND A. I. THE ^ENIGMA OF HIRAM. THE Divine Symbols and hieroglyphs that constitute what has in all time been called the KOSMOS, the WORLD, the UNI- VERSE, or the CREATION, which is represented by the Lodge, have in all ages been misinterpreted. They are the manifesta- tion of the Deity, the formulated expression and utterance of His THOUGHT, the unfolding and succession of the manifold in being from the Divine unity of Idea. It is of necessity that the Symbol should always be capable of being misunderstood, and, therefore, Omnipotence intended that they should be so ; and these misinterpretations are the philosophies and the re- ligions that have succeeded each other like shadows upon the water. The Universe is an enigma, of which the Sphynx is the symbol. The whole Egyptian land was a great Book, and the teachings of this Book were repeated, translated in pictures, sculptures, architecture, in all the cities and in all the temples. The Desert itself had its eternal teachings, and its Word of Stone sat squarely upon the base of the Pyramids, before which the colossal Sphynx has meditated during so many ages, slowly burying itself in the sand. Its head, mutilated by Time, is still visible above its tomb, as if to disappear it only waited for a human voice to come and explain to the New World the problem of the Pyramids. Superstitions, it has been said, are religious forms that sur- vive lost ideas. All once had, as their reason of being, a truth no longer known, or a truth transfigured. Their very name, 6 LEGENDA, I. from the Latin superstes, signifies that which sunives. They are the material relics of Ancient Knowledge or Opinions. Once the meaning of the Sphynx, of the Assyrian human-headed bulls and lions, of the cherubim, of the oxen under the brazen laver, of the mystic-winged and many-eyed creatures of Ezekiel, was known, at least to the Sages. Who now possesses the key to that meaning ? Nor is it only the Symbols of that first revelation which we term Creation, that are misinterpreted. The Oracles, also, have always spoken in enigmas, and whoso has not divined their meaning has, in attempting it, died. The sacred Books of the Hebrews are also Oracles a succession of symbols and allegories which those who read them literally the least understand. Who can interpret the Prophecies and the Apocalypse ? MASONKY also has its ancient Symbols, inherited from the Mysteries uud the Kabaluh, and intended to veil and conceal the truth from all except the Adepts. Like the religions, also, Masonry gives false interpretations of its Symbols, to mislead those who would not value the highest philosophical truth, and the Profane to whom these interpretations may be divulged. The Statue of Truth is always veiled. Nature reluctantly yields up to us her secrets, so that as yet we know them only in part, and imperfectly. Science is a progressive revelation, and the revelation by the written word is continuous ; its true meaning, which is the revealing, being slowly evolved during the march of the centuries. Unfortunately, the Sages die, leaving no successors, and the true interpretation of the Symbols that they used dies with them ; but the false interpretations to which they re- sorted survive. The Symbol itself is taken for the thing or the truth symbolized. The symbolic ceremony is deemed to possess the energy of salvation ; and to neglect a sacrifice LEGENDA, I. 7 or a Rite, or for an)* except the Priest to dare to use it, is re- garded and punished as sacrilege: while dull mediocrity invents tame and common interpretations, that make the ceremony which once was solemn to be trivial, and the Symbol itself to be worthless. But when an interpretation is in part true, and in part intentionally false or obscure, symbolism performs its own accustomed office, requiring the Initiate to separate the True from the Untrue by his own study and reflection, or to re- main among the mass of those to whom the highest Truth is of the least value. Such an interpretation is that which follows. It is given by an Adept, and, therefore, propounds the truth enigmatic- ally, that which it plainly expresses being of less value than that which it conceals or only hints at. "Anarchy alone natters the prejudices of the multitude. Absolute truths are not needed for the masses ; for otherwise progress would be arrested, and life would cease in humanity The ebb and flow of contrary ideas, the shock of opinions, the passions that rule the intellect, determined always by the dreams of the moment, are necessary to the intellectual growth of the peoples." " Few men, in any age," to use the energetic language of the Oracle, "have heard the Light speak." The Light, indeed, in the visible world, alternates with the Shadow ; they mingle with each other, also, and the line between them is not to be defined. So also it is with Truth and Error ; for Error is the shadow of the Light. Errors, also, in science and philosophy, often lead to the discovery of the truth ; and the intellect is more profitably exercised in detecting them, and so for itself extracting the gold from the ore, than in digesting the truths which those who so discovered them teach. Let the Initiate, then, winnow the Error from the Truth in the following interpretation of a Masonic legend. 8 LEGENDA, I. "The Grand Kabalistic Association, known in Ei.rope under the name of MASONRY, appeared all at once in the world at the period when the Protest against the Church came to break the Christian unity. The historians of the Order do not know how to explain the origin of it. Some ascribe it to a free association of Masons, formed at the time of the building of the cathedral of Strasburg: others give it Cromwell for founder, without troubling themselves to inquire whether the rites of the English Masonry of the time of Cromwell were not organized against that chief of the Puritan anarchy ; and others are ignorant enough to attribute to the Jesuits, if not the foundation, at least the continuation and direction of this society, long secret and always mys- terious. Rejecting this last opinion, which refutes itself, we may reconcile the others, by saying that the Brethren-masons (freres-mapons) borrowed from the builders of the Cathedral of Strasburg their name and the emblems of their art ; and that they were publicly organized for the first time in Eng- land, under favor of its radical institutions, and in despite of the despotism of Cromwell. " We may add, that they have had the Templars for models, the Roses-croix for fathers, and the Johannites for ancestors. Their dogma is that of Zoroaster and Hermes ; their rule is progressive initiation ; their principle, equality, regulated by the hierarchy and universal fraternity : they are the continuers of the school of Alexandria, heirs of all the ancient initiations ; they are the depositaries of the secrets of the Apocalypse and the Sohar ; the object of their worship is Truth, repre- sented by the Light ; they tolerate all creeds, and profess but one and the same philosophy ; they search for Truth alone, teach only Eeality, and desire to lead all intelligences pro- gressively to Reason. " The allegorical object of Masonry is the rebuilding of the Temple of Solomon : its real object is the reconstitution of LEGENDA, L 9 social unity, by the alliance of Keason and Faith; and the re- establishment of the Hierachy, in accordance with knowledge and virtue; with initiation and tests by means of degrees. "Nothing is finer, we see, nothing grander than these ideas; but unfortunately the doctrines of unity and of sub- mission to the hierarchy have not been preserved in the uni- versal Masonry. There soon sprung up a dissident Ma- sonry, opposed to the orthodox, and the greatest calamities of the French Revolution were the consequences of this schism. "The Freemasons have their sacred legend ; that of HIRAM completed by that of CYRUS and ZOROBABEL. "This is the legend of Hiram : "When Solomon caused the Temple to be builded, he in- trusted his plans to an architect named HIRAM or HARAM. "This Architect, to establish order in the work, divided the laborers according to their skill and experience ; and as their number was very great, in order to be able io recognize them, whether to employ them according to their capacity, or to remunerate them according to their work, he gave to each class, to the Apprentices, Fellows, and Masters, particular pass- words and signs. " Three Fellow-crafts who desired to usurp the rank of Mas- ter, without being entitled to it by their deserts, lay in wait at the three principal gates of t'.ie Temple, and when Hiram was about to go forth, one of them demanded of him the Masters' word, menacing him with his Rule. " Hiram replied to him : ' 2 did not so receive the word that you demand of me." " The enraged Fellow-craft struck Hiram with his Rule of iron, and inflicted on him the first wound. " Hiram fled to another gate, and there found the second Fellow-craft : the same demand was made and the same reply given, and this time Hiram was struck with a square, or, as others say, with a lever. 10 LEGENDA, I. "At the third gate was the third assassin, who finished the Master with a blow of a mallet. " The three Fellow-crafts afterward hid the body under a pile of rubbish, and planted on this improvised grave a branch of Acacia, and then fled, like Cain after the murder of Abel. " Meanwhile Solomon, his Architect not returning, sent nine Masters to seek him. The branch of acacia led them to find the body; they drew it from the rubbish, and as it had remained there for some days, they cried, upon raising it, Macli-benacli ! which means, ( the flesh parts from the bones.' "The last duties were performed to Hiram, and twenty- seven Masters were then sent by Solomon to search for the murderers. "The first was surprised in a cave ; a lamp burned near him, a rivulet ran at his feet, and a poniard was near him for his defence. The Master who entered the cavern recognized the assassin, seized the poniard, and stabbed him, saying * NEKUM ! ' a word that means ' Vengeance? His head was carried to Solomon, who was angered on seeing it, and said to him who had killed the assassin : ' Wretch! did you not know that I had reserved to myself the right to punish 9 Then all the Masters prostrated themselves, and begged for pardon for him. whom his zeal had carried too far. " The second murderer was betrayed by a man who had given him refuge. He was hidden in a grotto among the rocks, near a burning bush, over which glowed a rainbow, and a dog watched near him. The Masters eluded the vigi- lance of the dog, seized the criminal, bound him, and led him to Jerusalem, where he was put to death. "The third assassin was killed by a lion, which it was necessary to conquer in order to gain possession of the body. But other versions say that the assassin defended himself against the Masters with an axe, until they succeeded in dis- arming him, when they took him to Solomon, who ordered him executed, to expiate his crime. LEGENDA, L 11 " Such is the first legend. See now the explanation of it. " SOLOMON is the personification of Knowledge and the Supreme Wisdom. "The Temple is the realization and figure of the Holy Em- pire, the reign of Truth and Reason on the earth. "Hiram is Man attaining Empire by means of Knowledge and Sagacity. " He governs by Justice and Order, rewarding every one according to his works. " Every degree of the Order has a Word which expresses its meaning. "There is for Hiram only one Word, but this is pronounced in three different manners. "In one manner for the Apprentices, pronounced by whom it signifies Nature, and is explained by Toil. " In another manner for the Fellow-crafts; and with them it means Thought, explaining itself by Study. "In another manner for the Masters; and in their mouth it signifies Truth, a word that is explained bv Wisdom. " This Word is that used to designate God, whose true name is ineffable and incommunicable. " So there are three degrees in the Hierarchy, as there are three gates to the Temple. " There are three principal rays in the Light ; "There are three Forces in nature. "These Forces are figured by the RULE, which unites ; the LEVER, that raises; and the MALLET, that consolidates. "The rebellion of the brutal instincts against the Hie- rarchical aristocracy of wisdom, arms itself in succes- sion with these three forces, which it turns aside from the harmony. " There are three typical rebels : " The rebel against Nature ; " The rebel against Knowledge ; "The rebel against Truth. 12 LEGENDA, L " These were figured in the Hell of the ancients, by the three heads of Cerberus. " They are figured in the Bible by Korah, Dathan, and Abiron. " In the Masonic legend they are designated by names that vary according to the Rites. " The first is called YUBELA and ROMVEL. He strikes the Grand Master with the Rule. " It is the history of the first man put to death, in the name of the Law, by human passions. "The second is called YUBELO or HOBHEN. He strikes Hiram with the Lever or the Square. " So the popular Lever or the Square of a senseless Equal- ity becomes the instrument of Tyranny in the hands of the multitude, and wounds yet more severely than the Rule the Royalty of Wisdom and Virtue. "The third is called YUBELUM, Abairam, AJchirop, Gibs, or Gravelot. He slays Hiram with the Mallet. "As the brutal instincts do, when they attempt to create Order in the name of Violence, and Fear by crushing Intel- ligence." " The branch of ACACIA ou the grave of Hiram is like the Cross upon our altars. " It is the Sign of knowledge surviving knowledge, the green branch that announces another spring.*' [The acacia, or, as it is to be read, akdkia, in the Greek anaKia, from am}, a point, is that genus of trees to which belong that which yields the gum arabic, the mezquite, and the locust. It is the satah or satam wood of the Hebrew writings, HC2^ DE2&* satah, satam, used in the construction of the Tabernacle and the Temple, and there- fore a Symbol of Holiness and Divine Truth. In the Greek, ocHctHoS and anemia mean freedom from evil, ^""jp, Holy, Holiness, the TEMPLE, or HOLY HOUSE. It is, therefore, not the Symbol of Immortality alone, but of that life of innocence LEGENDA, I. 13 and purity for which the Faithful hope when they shall have been raised up to a new and spiritual existence.] ''When men have so troubled the order of nature, as the slayers of Hiram did, Providence intervenes to re-establish it ; as Solomon, symbol of the Infinite and Creative Wisdom, did to avenge the death of Hiram. " He who assassinated with the Kule dies by the poniard. "He who struck with the Lever or the Square will die under the axe of the law. This is the eternal sentence of the Regicides. "He who completed the murder with the Mallet, falls a victim to the Force which he abused, and is strangled by the Lion. " The Assassin by the Rule is denounced by the very Lump that gave him light, and the Spring at which he drinks. " That is to say, he is subjected to the lex talionis. "The Assassin by the Square will be surprised when his vigilance is at fault, like a dog asleep, and he will be be- trayed by his accomplices ; for Anarchy is the Mother of Treason. " The Lion that devours the Assassin by the Mallet, is one of the forms of the Sphinx of (Edipus. "And whosoever shall have conquered the Lion, will de- serve to succeed to the dignity of Hiram. " The body of Hiram, putrefied, shows that forms change, but the spirit remains. " The stream which flowed near the first murderer, refers to the deluge which punished unnatural crimes. "The Burning Bush and Rainbow, which cause the second Assassin to be discovered, represent Light and Life de- nouncing violences against Thought. "In fine, the Lion vanquished represents the triumph of Spirit over Matter, and the definitive submission of Force to Reason. " Since the beginning of the toil of the Spirit to build the 14 LEGENDA, I. Temple of Unity, Hiram has been killed many times, and always raised again to life. "He is ADONIS killed by the wild boar, OSIRIS assassinated by Tuphon. "He is PYTHAGORAS proscribed, ORPHEUS torn by the Bac- chantes, HERMES, HORUS, MITHRAS, GAMA, ATYS, BALDER, MOSES abandoned in the caves of Mount Nebo, JESUS put to death by Judas, Caiaphas and Pilate. " The true Masons, then, are those who persist in striving to build the Temple according to the plan of Hiram. "Such is the grand and principal legend of Masonry. The rest are not less fine nor less profound, but we do not think it right that we should divulge their mysteries ; though we have received initiation of God and our labors alone, we regard the secrets of High Masonry as our own. Having by our efforts attained a scientific degree which imposes silence on us, we hold ourselves more firmly bound by our convictions than by our oath. Science is a Nobility which obliges ; and we will not be unworthy of the princely crown of the Eose Crosses. We, too, believe in the resurrection of Hiram. "The Eites of Masonry are devoted to transmitting the remembrance of the legends of initiation, and preserving it among the Brethren. "We shall, perhaps, be asked how, if Masonry is so sublime and so holy, it could have been proscribed and so often con- demned by the Church ? "We have replied to this question in speaking of the schisms and profanations of Masonry. " Masonry is the Gnosis ; and the false Gnostics have caused the true to be condemned. "What compels them to secrecy, is not fear of the Light : light is what they wish, seek for, and adore. " They fear the profaners that is to say, the false interpre- ters, the calumniators, the skeptics with their stupid laugh, the enemies of every creed and all morality. LEGENDA, I. 15 "In our time, moreover, a great number of men who believe themselves Free Masons, are ignorant of the meaning of their Kites, and have lost the key of their Mysteries. "They do not even any longer comprehend their symbolic pictures, and as little understand the hieroglyph ical signs with which the hangings of their Lodges are decorated. " These pictures and signs are the pages of the book of the absolute and universal knowledge. "They can be read by the aid of the Kabalistic clues, and hide nothing from the Initiate who possesses the keys of inter- pretation of Solomon. "Masonry has not only been profaned, but it has even served as a veil and pretext for the plottings of anarchy, by the secret influence of the avengers of Jacques de Molai, and the continucrs of the schismatic work of the Temple. "Instead of avenging the death of Hiram, his Assassins have been avenged. "The Anarchists have retaken the Rule, the Square, and the Mallet, and written on them, ' LIBERTY, EQUALITY, FRA- TERNITY.' " That is to say, Liberty for the covetous to plunder, Equality for the basest, and Fraternity to destroy. "These are the men whom the Church has always con- demned, and always will condemn." These interpretations are ingenious, but not correct. In the Hebrew, Q*)n> Khrm, meant 'devoted, consecrated,' devoted to the sacrifice as a victim. *~}]ft means 'white, an aperture, a window.' The name of the Artificer is, in Kings, Khirra; and in Chronicles, Khurm. Whether the second syl- lable is am, iim or dm, is uncertain. Also, if], khi, means 'life, living, alive;' fcOrP^rp^ Aloha-Khia, 'the Living God.' And QfcO ram, meant 'was, or shall, be raised, elevated.' The English Masonry was Christian (which means Trinita- rian) from the beginning, and in it Hiram was the representa- 16 LEGENDA, I. live of Christ. In the Scottish Masonry he represented Jacques do Molui, and Charles I. of England. But in it he became afterwards the representative of civil and religious lib- erty. Khur or kur, in Persian, means 'the Sun, Light :' and Hiram or Huram (Kliurom, um or dm), personifies moral, political and religious Truth. He is the Apostle of Truth, the Tribune of the People, the Reformer, the Defender of Free Thought. Christ, preaching the equality of men before God, and making of those who followed him a Brotherhood, denouncing oppressors and hypocrites, scourging the money-changers out of the Temple, selecting his disciples among the poor of the Earth, became the type, in Free Masonry, of the Man of the People, endeavouring to enfranchise and elevate them. To know whom his assassins personify, ask by what agen- cies such men have always disappeared from the earth. ROYALTY fears the PATRIOT, and, as fear is always cruel, sends him 1o the scaffold. The PRIESTHOOD convicts the dar- ing INQUIRER and philosophical THINKER, of Heresy or Con- tumacy, and professing to abhor the shedding of blood, deliv- ers him to the secular arm to be murdered. The PEOPLE, slave of both the Crown and the Tiara, as a mob, or embodied as soldiery, executes with brutal violence the savage will of both. At the Station of the Junior Warden, Hiram is stricken with the RULE, or twenty-four inch GAUGE, on the throat. At the Station of the Senior Warden, with the angle of the SQUARE, over the heart : and at the Station of the Master, with the SET- TING-MAUL, on the. forehead. In the THROAT are the organs of speech : the HEART was for ages spoken of as the seat of the affections, and is so yet; and the FOREHEAD is the Seat of the Intellect. What is meant by the three implements? Evidently they are symbolical. Men intending to extort a Secret, or take life if refused, would not arm themselves with rules and small squares. Webb and Cross, and the babblers of their school, LEGENDA, I. 17 who have never rightly interpreted a single Symbol, have not attempted to interpret these. Their business has been to more completely obscure the meaning of all the Symbols, by leading thinkers and thoughtless alike away from the truth, by trivial and worthless interpretations, whereby the Symbols have lost all value. The clue to the meaning of the first of the three Symbols, the RULE, is, that in the Greek, a RULE, whether an implement, or a rule of conduct, or law, is HUVGOV, canon; and the Law of the Church of Rome, derived from various sources, has always been called "The Canon Law." The RULE, therefore, canon, is an apt Symbol of the Church ; and, in connection with the putting to death of Jesus of Xaza- reth, of the Jewish Church, represented by Annas and Caia- phas, the High Priests, Avho most urgently demanded and urged the People to demand the crucifixion of Christ, before Pilate and Herod, even inciting them, when Pilate desired to release him, to demand the release instead, of the thit-f, Barabbas. The Jewish Priesthood at Jerusalem desired to silence Christ, being exasperated by his denunciations of their hypocrisy and vices : and therefore the Junior Warden, with the RULE, Symbol of the Pontifical and Sacerdotal Power, smote Hiram on the throat, where the organs of speech are. Augustus Caesar became the absolute Tyrant of Rome, not by usurping power, but by uniting in his own person all the great offices of the State, and so investing himself with all the powers of Government. Possessed of all Civil and Judicial Power, he also became possessor of all Religious Power, by be- coming Poutifex Maxirnus ; and all this accumulation of pow- ers his Successors inherited. The rigid, unbending Square of Steel, its two arms uniting to form the unyielding unity of the right angle, is an apt Sym- bol of the Imperial Power of Rome, union of all Civil and all Religious Power, a hard, harsh, unrelenting, merciless Des- 2 18 LEGENDA, I. pofism, its laws the edicts of an arbitrary will, and, whether just or unjust, executed without ruth or pity. Wherefore, and because every Despotism, jealous, suspicious, and cruel, because suspicion and jealousy are cowardly, and always cruel, crushes without mercy or remorse the affections of the heart, upon mere suspicion sends the husband or father to Siberia, or to hard labour in mines, or to a dungeon for life, consigns to exile, imprisonment, or death, even the nearest blood-relations of the Tyrant, lest they should have partizans, and the disaffected should gather around them, and imperil the Tyrant's tenure of the throne, the Senior Warden smites Hiram with the Angle of the Square over the heart, the Seat of the Affections. The Maul or Mallet, like the Club, a brutal weapon which crushes and defaces the image of God in Humanity, is a fit Symbol of the mob, blind and unreasoning, beating down and crushing with brute force whatever resists its mad rage, or has excited its insane suspicions. Utterly without reasoning, and hating cultivation and enlightenment, it looks upon the men of thought, the Statesmen and Scholars, and Thinkers, as its enemies, and like Jack Cade, considers knowledge a crime. Wherefore, at the Station of the Master, Hiram is stricken with the Setting-Maul upon the forehead, Seat of the Intellect, and falls stunned and crushed at the feet of the third Assassin. Reason and Intellect have, in all ages, been found powerless, as they still are, to oppose a Military Despotism or organized Anarchy, in which alike the base and the brutal govern, and tho good and the wise serve. The Revolutionary Tribunal, the Star Chamber, the Military Commission, Tribunals that sit sworn to condemn, and girded with bayonets, are the embodi- ments of this brute Force, and strike with its Club of Steel at the brain of Constitutional Freedom. It is the people that clamors for the blood of the Patriot; and the Soldiery is but the mob, organized and directed by a single will an instru- ment, wielded like the Mace, blind and unreasoning as fate. In LEGENDA, I. 19 the hand of Cyril it smites Hypatia, the Virgin enamored of the old philosophy : in that of Marat it tears asunder the white limbs of the Princess Lamballe, and offers the last indignities to her palpitating flesh. It howls after Rienzi as he treads the road that leads to the scaffold: it digs up the bones of Crom- well at the will of an English Monarch, who becomes a pen- sioner of the Throne of France. It followed Christ with exe- crations as he staggered under the crushing Aveight of the Cross: it lauded Jeffries when he murdered under the forms of English justice: it slaughtered the Grand Pensionary De Witt: it yelled for the blood of Vergniaud, and would, if he had been unsuccessful, have hounded Washington to the scaffold as a Traitor. It betrays and abandons its chiefs, and does not, like Iscariot, repent, but obtains absolution for its own sins by as- senting to the sacrifice of those whom it forced into rebellion against the Throne, or the voluntary union of States. There is always a scape-goat devoted to Azaze), a sacrifice to expiate the sins of the multitude ; and God permits the people to be base, in order to demonstrate the legitimacy of the despotisms of the Caesars, the Cromwells, and the Xapoleons. The Crown itself is but a symbol, and Royalty is but the most common type of tyranny. The Kings of the mob are des- pots also, and free States, like Athens or Sparta, subjugating other free States, and animated by a vindictive revenge, strike with the Rule at the throat, their anger and hatred taking the form of law, and prohibiting the discussion of human or con- stitutional rights. When, among Republics, Force decides erroneously, as it always does, it becomes a crime, sometimes called Treason, to be the advocate and defender of the Truth, or even to re-state the facts of History. The Mitre and Tiara also are but symbols, and the Pontifi- cate but the most usual mode in which spiritual despotism manifests itself. Everywhere, and in every age, the Priest covets temporal power ; and in Republics, the pulpit becomes the Tribune, and the dogmas and cruel angers of the Mountain 20 LEGENDA, I. of Jacobinism become a part of the religion of Christ. The Sanctuary goes back to the days of Moses and Joshua for its precedents, and the Creed persecuted yesterday becomes the persecutor of to-day. In all ages, the Priesthood, hater equally of what it styles Heresy, and of true Liberty, makes Thought and Opinions crimes. That murderously cruel Agency, the Inquisition, was sanctified by being called " The Holy Office; '* as wars of religious persecution have been baptized by the Church as " Holy Wars." " He who assassinated by the Rule, dies by the poniard. . . . He who struck with the Lever or the Square will die under the axe of the Law. This is the eternal Sentence of the Regicides." Caesar falls, pierced by the dagger of Brutus. The Tyrant is deemed the enemy of the human race, and the Neros, Caligu- las, Domitians, and Robespierres, like the Tarquins and the Appii, are wild beasts whom it seems lawful to slay by any means whatsoever. The victims of the Autocrat of the Tatars and Cossacks in Poland, and the countless Exiles sent to die in Siberia, are at last avenged by the Nihilist bomb that slays an Emperor of Russia. But the truer Regicides than those who so assassinate, or those who try and condemn the false and faithless, or feeble King, the Charles or the Louis, are those who assassinate the Kings of Thought, the Royalty of the In- tellect. Justice is slow, but it at length overtakes the persecut- ing Church, arraigns it before the great Tribunal of the Na- tions, and smites it with the axe of Justice, wherever it may have been enthroned, and under whatsoever name it may have usurped the prerogative of God. The blood of the Huguenot, the Covenanter, and the Quaker, the Sicilian Vespers, and the Eve of St. Bartholomew are always avenged at last by the jus- tice of Omnipotence. Tyranny is dethroned by the Intellect of which it consti- tutes itself the patron, and by the burghers and the commons to whom it grants privileges, that they may be bribed to sus- LEGENDA, L 21 tain it with moneys, and aid it in crushing the Nobles that en- danger the power of the Crown : and the enemies of the Church its Luthers and Wesleys always spring from its own loins. Its own children turn upon it and rend it. It was the Monk ofEinsliehen that wounded the Romish Church unto death; and the Church of England has been, like Protestantism in Germany and Xew England, the nursing-mother of her dead- liest foes. But what if there should be other and profounder meanings than these, dangerous if known to the multitude, and only darkly hinted at by the Adepts ? What if KnuR-Chr, Symbol of the LIGHT and representative of the Sex, and himself typified at his summer and winter solstices by Saint John the Baptist and Saint John the Evan- gelist, were also the Symbol of that Divine and Perfect TRUTH that dazzles the eyes of all except the Eagles and the Hawks, which in ancient Egypt were sacred to ATUM, AMUX-RA, and MEXDES, the great Gods ! This Divine and perfect TRUTH, known only to the Iliero- phants and the Sages, and of which Herodotus, Hermes, and Plutarch speak in enigmas and by obscure hints, has often died and risen again from the dead. Wounded unto death by that literal interpretation of the holy writings that has been so fruitful of narrow and short-sighted creeds, it lived again and became immortal for the Initiates, when the Christ raised it, as he did Lazarus, its personification, from the tomb. The Rulejmdi the Square are apt symbols of the rectangularity and stiff precision of that interpretation which makes a figurative Oriental book to have been written, as it were, in Geneva, or by an unimaginative Puritan or Presbyterian. " The Letter killetli ; hit the Spirit vivifies." The Rule and Square of a stunted and pedantic verbal interpretation wounded this Divine Truth unto the death ; and at last Or- thodoxy always resorts to the Mace or Mallet of Force, with which the Priests slaughtered the sacrificial victim at the 22 LEGENDA, I. bloody altar which Israel borrowed from the worshippers of Baal and of Moloch, and whose horns dripping witli gore re- vealed its origin. Thus read, the sacred oracles of all nations, intelligible to the Sages, are fruitful of idolatries among the vulgar. All the mythologies are but allegories accepted as the recitals of facts ; the Truth hidden under the veil cf the Sym- bol remaining invisible within the Holy of Holies, where the Visible Presence dwells for the true Initiate between the cherubim. LEGEXDA. II. 31 enigma of (be Sphpx THE ENIGMA OF THE SPHYNX. IT is in its antique Symbols and their occult meaning that the true secrets of Freemasonry consist. These must reveal its real nature and true purposes ; and in these, also, consists its superiority over all other Associations. ISTot all its Symbols are ancient. Some were adopted from the English and Scottish Craft of Stone-Masonry, when those who created the order, somewhat before the beginning of the eighteenth century, assumed the name of Free-Masons, by which, in the old English statutes, those who worked in free stone, as contradistinguished from those who worked in rough stone, were known.* And some of the Symbols now * The Statute of Labourer? [25 EDW. III.. Slat. 1] had this provision : Item qe carpen- ters, masons, teglers, et auters coverours (or overours) des mesons, ne preignent le jour pur lour otereygne forsqe en manere come Us soloient ; cest assaver mestre carpenter Hi d. et an/re ii d. mestre mason de franche piere iv. d. et aittre mason Hi d. et leur serraniz i d. ob. ; teguler Hi d. et son garceon i d. ob., d-c. ; the translation whereof in the Statutes at Large i?, " Also that Carpenter?, Masons, Tilers, and other workmen of Houses, shall not take by the day for their work, but in manner as they were wont ; that is to say, a Master Carpenter three-pence, and another two-pence ; a Master Freemason four-pence, and other Masons three-pence, and their servants one penny half-penny ; Tylers three- pence, and their knaves one penny half-penny, &c. The Statute 34 Ei>w. III., Chap, ix , entitled "The Statute of Labourers confirmed, altered and enforced," provided that " the Carpenters and Masons take from henceforth wages by the day, and not by the week nor in other manner ; and that the Chief Masters of Carpenters and Masons [les chiefs mestres des Carpenters et Maceons] take four-pence by the day ; and that all alliances and covines of Masons and Carpenters, and congre- gations, chapters, ordinances, and oaths betwixt them made or to be made, shall be from henceforth void and wholly annulled ; go that every Mason and Carpenter, of what condition soever he be, shall be compelled by his master to whom he serveth, to do every work that to him pertaineth to do, either of free