THE BRITISH SCIENCE GUILD FOUNDED IN 1905 BY THE LATE SIR NORMAN LOCKYER , K .c .B . , F .R .s . President: The Rt . Hon . LORD MONTAGU OF BEAULIEU , K .c .1 .E . , c .s .1 . , v .D . , D .L . Past Presidents: The Rt . Hon . VISCOUNT HALDANE , K .T . , o .M . , p .c . , F .R .s . , 1905-1913 . The Rt. Hon. SIR WILLIAM MATHER, P.C., LL.D., 1913-1917. The Rt . Hon . LORD SYDENHAM , G .c .s .1 . , G .c .M .G . , G .c .1 .E . , G B .E . , F.R .s . , 1917-20 . Trustees : The Rt . Hon . LORD AVEBURY . The Rt . Hon . LORD BLYTH . SIR CHARLES MACARA , BART . MR . ROBERT MOND . Vice -Chairmen of Committees: SIR HUGH BELL , BART . , c .B . The Hon . SIR JOHN COCKBURN , K .c .M .G . SIR RICHARD GREGORY . Hon . Treasurer : The Rt . Hon . LORD AVEBURY . Hon. Assistant Treasurer: LADY LOCKYER. Hon . Legal Advisers : Messrs . ASHURST , MORRIS , CRISP & Co . Hon . Secretary : Lt . Col . W . A . J . O 'MEARA , c .M .G . , late R .E . ( Vice- President) . Secretary : Miss A . D . L . LACEY . Executive Committee. THE PRESIDENT . THE VICE-CHAIRMEN OF COMMITTEES . THE HON . TREASURER . THE HON . ASSISTANT TREASURER . THE HON . SECRETARY . THE RT. HON. LORD BLEDISLOE, K .B .E . (Vice -President) . SIR WILLIAM H . BRAGG , K .B .E . ,F .R .s . SIR ROBERT WALEY COHEN , K .B .E . SIR ROBERT HADFIELD , BART . , F .R .s . SIR LYNDEN MACASSEY , K .B .E . , K .c . SIR PHILIP MAGNUS , BART . , M .P . MR . ROBERT MOND . SIR ARTHUR W . MAYO-ROBSON , K .B .E . c .B . , c .v .o . , D .sc . PROFESSOR C. S. MYERS, F.R.S. SIR ARTHUR NEWSHOLME , K .c .B . THE RT. HON. SIR GILBERT PARKER, BART., p.c. (Vice- President) . MR . J . J . ROBINSON (Managing Editor of the Journal of the Guild) . COL. SIR RONALD Ross, K.C.B., K.C.M.G., F.R.S. LADY SHAW. DR . D . SOMMERVILLE . MR . CARMICHAEL THOMAS . DR . ETHEL N . THOMAS . DR . R . M . WALMSLEY . MRS. CARRINGTON WILDE. COL . SIR JOHN S . YOUNG , c .v .o . Offices : 6 , JOHN ST . , ADELPHT , LONDON , W .C .2 . TELEPHONE: REGENT 5089. Aims and Objects of the Guild. THE BRITISH SCIENCE GUILD is not a scientific society, an institute of industry, or an educational association, but a national organisation in which the interests of science, industry and education are represented, and their activities co-ordinated for the common good. No technical qualifications are required for membership ; and the rate of subscription cannot prevent anyone from joining the Guild, and thus giving practical support to its work. Though the Guild has been in existence since 1905, the objects for which it was founded have only recently been recog- nis >d as essential points of a national programme . As stated in 1905, they are as follows : (1) To bring together as members of the Guild all those throughout the Empire interested in science and scientific method, in order, by joint action, to convince the people, by means of publications and meetings, of the necessity of applying the methods of science to all branches of human endeavour, and thus to further the progress and increase the welfare of the Empire. (2) To bring before the Government the scientific aspects of all matters affecting the national welfare . (3) To promote and extend the application of scientific principles to industrial and general purposes. (4s) To promote scientific 4 education by encouraging the support of universities and other institutions where the bounds of science are extended, or whsre new applications of science are devised. The attention lately given to science and industry in relation to the State shows that these objects are at last being accepted , and that widespread sympathy exists with the aims of the Guild. In order to take advantage of this new attitude, in the interests of national welfare, the Guild should be represented in all parts of the Empire by members who will bring its aims before the public by individual efforts, or through local com- mittees combining the activities of science, industry and education. Outline of Activities. The Guild, soon after its formation, constituted Committees to enquire into various matters which were at that date (1905) held to be of importance; it has since then, from time to time, constituted additional Committees to deal with new subjects and questions as these have come into prominence . These Committees, on which many distinguished representa- tives of industry as well as of science and education have served , have investigated, inter alia, the following matters: Awards for Medical Discovery. Agricultural Research in the United Kingdom . The British Chemical Industries. The British Dye Industry. The Conservation of Natural Sources of Energy. The Co-ordination of Charitable Effort. The Design and Manufacture of Microscopes . Explosives . Fisheries Development. The Introduction of the Metric System . Medical Research, and many other Medical Questions. The Patent Law (Proposed Amendments). The Prevention of the Pollution of Rivers . The Provision of Glass and other Laboratory Ware. Technical Optics, and the Manufacture of Optical Instru- ments . The Synchronisation of Clocks. Veterinary Research. The Utilisation of Science in Public Departments. Many very valuable reports have been prepared by these Committees and placed in the hands of Ministers in charge of the Government Departments particularly concerned with the matters and questions dealt with in them . Recommendations contained in the Reports of the Commit- tees of the Guild have also been widely acted upon outside Government Departments , and there is evidence that the value of the work which the Guild has done, and is doing, is becoming more widely appreciated as time proceeds. However, in order that the Guild shall carry, in connection with the work it has taken up , full weight in responsible quarters ,and that its activities may be rendered more effective , an increase in its membership is essential . In 1918 and 1919 the Guild organised highly successful Exhibitions of British Scientific Products, which were of much assistance in promoting the interests of British science and industry at a critical period. Applications for Membership should be made to the Secre- tary , British Science Guild , 6 , John St . ,Adelphi ,London , W .C .2 . The rates of subscription are : s. d. Life Fellowship 10 10 Life Membership 5 Annual Fellowship 1 1 Annual Membership 10 Annual Membership for Firms .... 5 5 A CATALOGUE OF BRITISH SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL BOOKS A CATALOGUE OF BRITISH SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL BOOKS Covering every Branch of Science and Technology carefully Classified and Indexed PREPARED BY A COMMITTEE OF THE BRITISH SCIENCE GUILD. BRITISH SCIENCE GUILD 6, JOHN STREET, ADELPHI, LONDON, W.C. 2 1921. THE COMMITTEE responsible for the preparation of the Catalogue of British Scientific and Technical Books consists of the following members of the British Science Guild : SIR RICHARD GREGORY (Chairman). SIR EDWARD BRABROOK, C.B. MR. C. L. BRYANT. DR. J. W. EVANS, F.R.S. MR. L. W. FULCHER. MR. J. S. HlGHFIELD. MR. E. WYNDHAM HULME. LADY LOCKYER. DR. H. FORSTER MORLEY. MR. P. PASSENGER. MR. J. J. ROBINSON. MR. ALAN A. CAMPBELL SWINTON, F.R.S. MR. CARMICHAEL THOMAS. MRS. WILSON. COL. SIR JOHN S. YOUNG, C.V.O. LT.-COL. W. A. J. O'MEARA, C.M.G. (Hon. Secretary of the British Science Guild). 466602 PREFACE. WHEN the first British Scientific Products Exhibi- tion was organised by the British Science Guild, in the year 1918, one of the stalls was devoted to a display of scientific and technical books. So much interest was taken in this exhibit that it was repeated in the following year, and a selected list of such books was published in the Catalogue of this Exhibition. Similar lists have been issued by the Science Masters' Association and the Association of Science Teachers, but the Guild's list was intended to be of service to industry rather than to education. It provided a handy guide to the chief existing British books on science and technology and proved of decided value to manufacturers seeking suit- able works upon the particular subjects with which they were concerned. The list was reprinted and widely circulated by the well-known scientific ,and technical booksellers, Messrs. A. and F. Denny, and the many inquiries for it, or for a more complete Catalogue of British books on science and technology, led the British Science Guild to undertake the preparation and publication of such a Catalogue. The work was entrusted to a special committee which had at the outset to decide whether an attempt should be made to establish a standard of merit by which to determine inclusion or exclusion of books in the Catalogue, or whether all titles within the scope of the Catalogue should be admitted. The conclusion reached was that it would be more satisfactory to make the Catalogue a complete record of scientific and technical books other than those intended for primary schools, and elementary volumes of like nature, in the current lists of publishers in the United Kingdom, and obtainable through booksellers in the usual way. The Committee was fortunate in having among its members Mr. P. Passenger, who not only possesses wide Vll. Preface. knowledge and long experience in the handling of books on science and technology, but is also keenly interested in the cataloguing of them. Mr. Passenger undertook the task of making on a uniform plan a card catalogue of the full details of such books in the lists of British publishers ; and the Committee is much indebted to him for the care and attention he devoted to this work. In order to secure uniformity in the bibliographic particulars, it was necessary to invite the assistance of publishers, and the Committee is glad to acknowledge that this aid was readily given. It has thus been possible to state, for each volume in the Catalogue, the author's name, title of book, size of page, number of pages, date of last edition, name of publisher, and price at the time (April, 1921) when the Catalogue was sent to the printers. The volume contains more than six thousand titles, and their satisfactory classification required careful con- sideration. About fifty main groups were eventually decided upon and these were divided into nearly five hundred sub-classes. Even when a scheme of classification had been formed it was frequently difficult to determine under which head to place a book, but the Committee was fortunately able to secure additional assistance in accomplishing this task and desires to express grateful thanks for it. Prof. J. H. Ashworth, F.R.S., classified the titles of biological books, Miss M. S. Aslin those on agriculture, Prof. H. Wildon Carr dealt with books on philosophy and Miss M. Punnett and Prof. T. P. Nunn with those on mathematics. Other titles were classified by members of the Committee. The classification adopted is such that, so far as prac- ticable, related subjects are placed near one another ; and under each head or sub-head the titles are arranged alphabetically according to author's names. It is thus possible to see at a glance the volumes available in any branch of science and technology. Following this natural order, there is an aphabetical list of authors' names, and a subject index, which should be of service in viii. Preface. furnishing an easy guide to a book or group of books upon a particular subject. For the preparation of this subject index, the Committee gladly expresses its obligations to Mr. G. S. Sweeting. As to what are the best books available is often a matter of individual preference, and the Committee has made no attempt to exercise selective functions in this matter. With the present complete Catalogue, however, to show at a glance the actual works now obtainable, it is much easier to ask an authority upon a specific subject to indicate what he considers the most suitable books for particular needs or purposes whether educational or industrial than it would be in the absence of this list, and the Guild would no doubt furnish such information to any of its members who may desire guidance of this kind. The British Science Guild believes that in producing this Catalogue it is promoting the use of knowledge and thereby furthering the development of education, science and industry. The books themselves represent worthy British scientific products and the Catalogue should be a means of extending their use not only at home but also in parts of the Empire overseas and in countries not yet familiar with what we have to offer in scientific and tech- nical literature. If support to this enterprise is sufficiently encouraging, the Guild hopes to issue a revised edition of the Catalogue annually and thus keep up-to-date a publication which should prove of value to workers in many fields. R. A. GREGORY. CLASSIFIED LIST OF CONTENTS. SCIENCE IN GENERAL. i. General and Popular Science 1 ii. Biographies of Men of Science , etc 2 iii. History of Science, Kdu- cation, Learning, Com- merce 4 PHILOSOPHY. i . General and Historical . . 6 ii . Metaphysics 8 iii. Ethics 11 iv. Aesthetics 12 v. Logic 13 PSYCHOLOGY. i. General and Historical .. 15 ii. Experimental and Physi- ological Psychology . . 17 iii. Mental Development and Child Study 18 iv. The Animal Mind .. .. 19 v . The Abnormal and Psycho- Analysis 19 vi . Social Psychology . . . . 20 MATHEMATICS. i. Collected Papers .. .. 21 ii. History 21 iii. Philosophy and Pedagogy of Mathematics . . . . 22 iv . Examination Papers . . 22 v. Popular .. .... .. 22 vi . General Pure Mathematics 22 vii . Functions 23 viii . Vectors and Quaternions 23 ix. Applied Mathematics Dynamics , Physics , etc . 24 x. Practical Applied Mathe- matics (Elementary) . . 24 xi. Algebra: a. Elementary 25 b. Higher Algebra, Theory of Equations and Quant ics . . . . 26 c. Determinants, The- ory of Graphs , etc ... 27 xii. Calculus: a. Elementary 27 b. Differential and In- tegral 28 c. Differential Equa- tions , etc 29 xiii. Higher Geometry, Pure and Analytical, and Differential Geometry 29 xiv. Pure Geometry: a. Ele- mentary 30 b . Conic Sections . . 31 c . Solid Geometry . . 32 d. Project ive Geometry 32 Analytical Geometry . . 32 Practical Geometry and Graphics 33 Mensuration 33 Euclid 34 Non-Euclidean Geometry 34 Trigonometry : a . Elemen- tary 34 b. Plane and Spherical 35 Arithmetic 36 Logarithms and Slide Rule 37 Mathematical and Physi- cal Tables 37 Statistics 38 xv xvi xvii xviii xix xx xxi xxii xxiii xxiv . MECHANICS. i. General ........ 39 ii. Statics and Dynamics .. 40 iii. Hydrostatics and Hydro- dynamics ...... 42 iv. Applied Mechanics .. .. 42 v . Mechanism ...... 43 vi . Strength and Elasticity of Materials . . * . . 43 vii. Mathematical Theory of Elasticity ...... 44 viii. Theory and Design of Structures ...... 44 ix . Gyrostat ics ...... 45 x . Measurements , Weights and Calculations . . . . 45 MACHINE DRAWING, DESIGN, DRAUGHTSMANSHIP . i . General ........ 47 ii . Geometrical Drawing and Designing, Hand-Let- tering ........ 48 Contents. CIVIL ENGINEERING. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. i. General 72 i. ii. General Estimates , Formulas , etc . 49 50 ii. Power Transmission , Gear- inrr pyo iii. Surveying : Land and Kn iii. ing Compressed Air Power to iiia. Tables and Calculations . . ou 52 iv. Transmission Lubrication 74 74 iv. v. Roadmaking Railways and Tramways : Permanent Way and 52 v. vi. vii. Lifting and Conveying . . Foundry Work . Machine Tools 74 74 75 vi. Working Hydraulics . Hydraulic Engineering. Harbours. River and Canal En- 52 viii. ix. X. xi. Wood Working Machinery Welding, etc Sheet Metal Work . . Metals : 77 77 77 vii. viii. gineering Irrigation Shore Protection. Land Reclamation 53 55 55 a . Forging b . Coating c. Gold and Silversmith's Work 77 78 78 ix. X. xi. xii. xiii. xiv. XV. xvi. Hydraulic Motors Pumps Water Supply Water Purification Municipal Engineering : Sanitary Science and Plumbing Illumination Heating and Ventilating Buildings Refuse Disposal 56 56 56 57 57 59 60 60 xii. xiii. xiv. XV. xvi. xvii. xviii . xix. Horology Motor Car Engineering . . Motor Cycles Heat Engines and Steam Engines: Design, Con- struction, Testing, etc. Refrigeration Stationary and Portable Steam Engines Locomotive Engineering Valves and Valve Gearing 78 79 80 81 82 82 83 83 XX. Steam Boilers : Construc- BUILDING CONSTRUCTION. tion and Management. . 84 XXI. Marine Engines 85 i. General 61 xxii. Internal Combustion En- ii. Estimates , Quantities , gines 87 Supervision , Repairs . . 62 xxiii. Turbines : Steam and Gas 89 iii. Building Law. Arbitra- tion 63 xxiv. Engineering Reference Books & Miscellaneous 89 iv. v. Building Materials Carpentry , Woodwork and 64 AERONAUTICS. Allied Trades . . 64 i. Historical and General . . 91 vi. Cob and Pis Work . . 65 ii. Theory and Practice of vii. Bricks and Tiles, Artifi- Flight 92 cial and Masonry Stone 65 iii. Design and Construction 93 viii. Cement . Concrete 66 iv. Airscrews and Aerofoils . . 93 ix. X. Re-inforced Concrete Iron and Steel Construc- 66 v. vi. Aero Engines Aerial Navigation 94 94 tion 67 vii. Reference Books for Avi- xi. Miscellaneous 68 ators 94 xii. Town Planning 68 viii. Balloons, Dirigibles, etc 95 xiii. House Decoration, Paints "DWVG rc^s etc 68 irrlio i. Collected Works and His- NAVAL ARCHITECTURE AND SHIPBUILDING. ii. torical General Works. . a. Heat .. .. 96 96 99 i. General .. 70 b. Thermodynamics 99 ii. Miscellaneous 71 c. High Temperatures 99 Xll, Contents. d . Gases e. Light f. Physiological Optics and Optical Instruments 101 g . Colour : Spectra . . . . 102 h. Sound 102 i. Properties of Matter .. 103 j . Molecular Physics . . . 103 iii. Relativity 104 iv . Current in Gases . . . . 104 v. X-Rays and Radio-Ac- tivity 104 vi . Magnetism and Electric- ity 106 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING . i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii. xiii, xiv. xv. xvi. xvii. xviii , xix, XX, General Treatises Electric Generation : Power Plant Switchboards and Acces- 100 b. Physical Chemistry 127 100 c . Colloids 128 d. Catalysis 128 e. Ferments . . . . 128 f. Electrolysis .. .. 128 vi. Inorganic Chemistry .. 129 vii . Laboratory Work and Arts 130 viii . Organic Chemistry . . . . 130 ix. Analytical Chemistry: a . General 132 b. Qualitative Analysis 133 c. Quantitative Analy- sis 133 d. Volumetric Analysis 134 x. Biological and Physiolog- ical Chemistry . . . . 134 xi. Plant Constituents ., . 135 109 111 111 sories Electric Generators and Motors : General . . . . Ill Continuous Current, and Machinery 112 Alternating Current, and Machinery 112 Transformers 113 Transmission 114 Testing 114 Electrical Measurements and Instruments . . . . 115 Induction Coils and Bat- teries 115 Electric Wiring and Fit- ting 116 Electric Light and Illum- ination 116 Electric Bells 117 Electric Traction .. ..117 Electrical Application to the Motor Car .. ..118 Electro-Plating . . . . 118 Electric Welding .. ..119 Telephony and Telegraphy 119 Wireless Telegraphy and Telephony 120 CHEMISTRY. i. History 122 ii . General 122 iii. Organic and Inorganic, for Medical Students 124 iv. Calculations and Refer- ence Books 125 v . Theoretical and Physical : a. Theoretical . 126 APPLIED AND INDUSTRIAL CHEMISTRY. i. General, including Chem- ical Engineering . . . . 136 ii. Water 137 iii. Fermentation . Brewing. Alcohol 137 iv. Sugar and its Manufacture 138 v . Cocoa and Chocolate . . 139 vi . Foods . Flour , and Bread making , etc . . . . . 139 vii . Glues , Agglutinants , Case- in, etc 139 Drugs and Disinfectants. . 139 Oils, Fats, Waxes, Soap Manufacture . Margarine 139 Pigments, Paints, Varn- ishes , Resins , etc . viii, ix. x. xi, xiv. xv. xvi. xvii. xviii, xix, xx, xxi, xxii, xxiii, xxiv. 141 Rubber , Gutta Percha , etc 142 Fuels. Smoke Prevent ion, etc 142 Liquid Fuels and their Use 143 Producer Gas. Acetylene 143 Petroleum and Mineral Oils 143 Coal . Briquetting , etc . 144 Gas Manufacture : Coal Tar and its Products 145 Chemistry and Analysis of Gas 146 Distribution of Gas 146 Peat 146 Dyestuffs and Dyeing 146 Ink Manufacture . . 148 Paper Making . . 148 Leather Manufacture and Tanning 148 Contents. xxv. Glass, Pottery and Cera- mics 149 xxv i . Exp los ives and the ir Man - ufacture 150 xxvii . Acids , Alkalies , Salt , etc . 150 xxviii . Utilisation of Waste Pro- ducts ; Wood Products 15] xxix. Miscellaneous Chemical Manufactures . . . . 151 METALLURGY. i. General and Miscellaneous 153 ii . Iron and Steel 153 iii. Non-Ferrous Metals and Alloys 154 iv. Electro-Metallurgy .. 155 V. Analysis and Assaying . . 156 vi . Metallography 156 vii. Heat Treatment of Metals 155 viii. Foundry Work .. ..157 MILITARY SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING. .. 158 ASTRONOMY. i. Historical and Biograph- ical 159 ii. General and Comprehen- sive Treatises .. ..159 iii. The Moon 160 iv. Solar and Stellar .. .. 160 v . Astronomical Atlases . . 161 METEOROLOGY 162 MINERALOGY. i . General 164 ii. Crystallography .. .. 164 iii. Economic Mineralogy .. 164 GEOLOGY. i. General 166 ii. History 167 iii. Seismology and Endo- genetic Structures . . 167 iv . Land Forms and Exogene- tic Structures . . . . 167 v. Petrology 168 vi. Stratigraphy 168 vii. Geological Maps .. .. 168 viii. Topographical Geology .. 169 ix. Economic Geology .. .. 169 PALAEONTOLOGY. i. General ii . Palaeobotany .. 170 .. 170 MINING. i . General 171 ii. Coal Mining 172 iii. Blasting, Ventilation, and Compressed Air . . 172 iv. Electricitv applied to Mining' 173 v . Mining for Gold , Diamonds , etc 173 vi . Ore Dressing 174 GEOGRAPHY. i . Teaching of Geography . . 175 ii . Historical Geography' . . 175 iii . Physiography 175 iv . Physical Geography 176 v . Map Work 176 vi. Commercial and Econo- mic 176 vii . General : The World . . 177 viii. ,, British Empire 178 ix . Descriptive Regional . . 178 x. Miscellaneous 179 NAVIGATION AND SEAMAN - SHIP. i. Navigation and Nautical Astronomy 180 ii. Examination Guides to Navigation and Seaman- ship 181 iii. Compass Work . . . . 181 iv. Nautical Tables and Terms 181 v. Seamanship 182 vi. Marine Signalling .. .. 182 vii. Charts, Tides, Oceano- graphy 182 BIOLOGY. i . General 184 ii . Nature Study 184 iii. Natural History .. ..185 iv. Zoology and Morphology 185 v . Insects , Spiders , Ticks ' . . 187 vi. Other Invertebrates .. 190 vii. Vertebrates: a. General 191 b . Fishes 191 c . Batrachians and Rep- tiles 192 d. Birds 192 e . Mammals . . . . 193 viii. Geographical Distribu- tion 193 xiv. Contents. ix. Evolution, Variation, Heredity, Genetics Sex, .. 193 196 196 197 Origin of Life x . Cytology . . . . xi . Microscopy xii . Anthropology . . BOTANY. i. General 198 ii. Morphology, Physiology, etc 201 iii. Geographic Distribution 203 iv . Algse 203 V . Fungi 204 vi . Ferns and Mosses . . . . 204 vii. Flora 205 FORESTRY 208 AGRICULTURE. i. General 211 ii . Botany , including Poison - ous Plants, Plant Dis- eases and Pests .. .. 212 iii. Chemistry 213 iv. Geology 214 v. Zoology 214 vi . Bacteriology 214 vii . Economics 214 viii. Engineering 215 ix. History .. 215 x . Animal Husbandry : a . Dairying " . . . . 215 b. Livestock .. ..216 c. Nutrition .. .. 217 xi. Field Crops 218 xii . Soils and Fertilisers . . 220 ANATOMY. i . General : Practical , Surgi- cal 221 ii. Embryology 222 iii. Histology 223 iv. Osteology; Neurology; Glands 223 v . Surface Anatomy . . . . 224 vi . Artistic Anatomy . . . . 224 vii . Comparative Anatomy . . 224 PHYSIOLOGY. i . General and Practical . . 225 ii . Chemical Physiology . . 227 iii. Nerves; Brain; Special Senses 227 iv . Secretions ; Muscles ; Elec- tro Physiology . . . . 227 v. Sexual Physiology, etc. 228 BACTERIOLOGY 229- MEDICINE. A. Historical, Biographical, etc 231 B. Hygiene, Public Health, Medical Jurisprudence . Toxicology . i. Hygiene 232 ii. Public Health 234 iii . Water Analysis . . . . 234 iv. Food Analysis and In- spection 235 v. Epidemics, Medical Geo- graphy, and Climato- logy 236- vi . Tropical Hygiene . . . . 236 vii . Sanitary Law 237 viii . Medical Jurisprudence . . 237 ix. Toxicology 238 c . Pathology . i . Pathological Anatomy , Histology, Laboratory Methods 239 ii. Examination of the Urine 239 iii. Post Mortem Examina- tion 239 iv . General Pathology . . 239 v . Special Pathology . . 240' vi. Hsematology 241 D . Practice ot Medicine . i . General Treatises . . . . 241 ii. Clinical Medicine and Diagnosis 243 iii . Infectious Diseases : a . General Fevers . . 244 b. General Infectious Diseases 245 c . Beri-beri . . . . 245 d. Cerebro-Spinal Fever 245 e . Cholera 245 f . Diphtheria . . . . 245 g. Dysentery, Malarial Diseases 245 h. Plague 246 i. Small-Pox .. .. 246 j . Tetanus 246 k. Typhoid Fever .. 246 1. Venereal Diseases; Syphilis ; Gonorrhea 246 m . Yellow Fever . . 248 iv . Diseases due to Parasites 248 v. Constitutional Diseases : a . Cancer 248 b. Rheumatism ; Gout 249^ xv. Contents. vi. Tuberculosis 249 vii. Diseases of the Nervous System : xii . a . General , including Alcoholism . . . . 251 b. Diseases of the Brain and Spinal Cord . . 252 c. Neurasthenia and xiii other Special Dis- xiv, orders of the Nervous System 252 d. Nervous Disorders caused by war . . . . 252 e. Mental Disorders, Insanity, Psychiatry 253 viii. Diseases of the Blood, Lymphatics , and Glands 254 ix. Diseases of the Heart and Circulatory System . . 254 x. Diseases of the Respira- tory System . . . . 255 xi. Diseases of the Digestive System and of the Stomach 256 xii. Diseases of the Liver and Gall Bladder . . . . 256 xiii. Diseases of the Intestines 257 xiv. Diseases of the Rectum and Peritoneum . . . . 257 xv. Diseases of the Genito- Urinary System . . . . 257 xvi. D iseases of the Kidneys .. 257 xvii. Diseases of the Bladder .. 258 xviii . Diseases of the Abdomen 258 xix. Tropical Medicine .. .. 258 xx. Occupational Diseases .. 259 e. Gen ito -Urinary Or- gans . . 266 Surgical Diseases : a. Hernia 266 b . Tumours . . . . 267 c. Diseases of the Loco- motive System . . 267 Orthopaedic Surgery . . 267 Deformities and their Surgical Treatment . . 268 OPHTHALMOLOGY . i. ii. iii. iv, v. vi, vii. viii, ix, x, xi General Treatises and Operative Ophthal- mology 269 Examination of the Eye: Ophthalmoscopy . . 270 Diseases of the Conjunc- tiva 270 Diseases of the Lens: Cataract Diseases of the Optic Nerve Paralysis of the Eye Wounds and Injuries Glaucoma Colour Blindness . . Refraction and Optical Defects 270 270 271 271 271 271 271 Tnerapeutics , Spectacles, etc. .. ..271 SURGERY. i. General Treatises .. .. 260 ii . Operative Surgery . . . . 261 iii. Diagnosis (including X- Ray Diagnosis) . . . . 262 iv. Surgical Therapeutics and Pathology 262 v. Anaesthetics 262 vi. Asepsis and Antisepsis .. 263 vii . Nursing , 263 viii. Fractures 263 ix. Minor Surgery; Bandag- ing ; Emergencies . . 263 x. War Surgery: Gunshot Wounds 264 xi. Regional Surgery: a. Nead and Neck . . 265 b . Lungs and Heart . . 265 c . Abdomen . . . . 265 d . Amputations . . . . 266 OTOLOGY, RHINOLOGY, LARYNGOLOGY. i . General Treatises . . . . 273 ii. Diseases of the Ear. . . . 273 iii. Diseases of the Nose .. 274 iv . Diseases of the Throat . . 274 GYNAECOLOGY , OBSTETRICS , etc. i. Diseases of Women. . .. 275 ii . Gynaecology : a . Pathologv . . . . 275 b. General * 275 c. Diagnosis, Opera- tions , Therapeutics . . 276 d. Disorders, Diseases 276 e. Cancer of the Breast 276 iii . Obstetrics : a. General: Labour .. 276 b. Midwifery .. .. 277 c. Popular 278 xvi. Contents. DISEASES AND HYGIENE OF CHILDREN. i. General: Nutrition, etc. 279 ii . Diagnosis ; Diseases ; Treatment 280 DENTISTRY. i . General 282 ii. Anatomy and Physiology 282 iii. Medicine and Diseases .. 282 iv. Operative Dentistry .. 282 y . Mechanical and Metallurgy 283 vi. Materia Medica and The- rapeutics 283 DERMATOLOGY (SKIN DISEASES) 284 THERAPEUTICS. i. General Treatises .. .. 285 ii . Prescribing 286 iii. Dietetics 286 iv . Mineral Waters . . . . 287 v. Massage and Movement Cures 287 vi. Serum Therapy and Im- munisation 287 vii . Vaccination : Salvarsan . . 288 viii . Tuberculin . . . . . . 288 ix. Climatotherapy, etc. .. 289 x. X-Rays, Radium, Ther- motherapy 289 xi. Electro -Therapy .. .. 289 xii . Psycho -Therapeutics : Hypnotism 290 PHARMACY AND MATERIA MEDICA. i . General 291 ii. Pharmacopoeias .. .. 291 iii. Materia Medica .. .. 292 iv . Pharmacology 292 NURSING. General and Medical . . 294 VETERINARY. i. Physiology and Anatomy 295 ii . Medicine and Surgery . . 295 iii . Therapeutics , Toxicology , etc 296 iv . General . . . . , . . . 296 TEXTILES . i. Historical and Economic 297 ii. Raw Materials .. .. 297 iii. Spinning and Doubling: a . Cotton 297 b. Woollen and Worsted 298 c. Jute, Flax, Silk .. 298 iv . Weaving and Sizing . . 298 v . Dyeing and Printing . . 299 vi. Bleaching and Finishing 299 vii. Designing, Testing, Re- search 300 viii. General Manufacture .. 300 ix. Textile Machinery .. .. 301 x . Calculations , Reference Books , etc 301 xi . Lace , Embroidery , etc . . . 302 xii. Boot and Shoe Manufac- ture 302 xiii . Leather Work 302 GRAPHIC ARTS. i. Printing and its Allied Branches 304 ii. The Book and Bookbind- ing 305 iii. Paper and Stationery .. 305 iv . Miscellaneous 305 PHOTOGRAPHY. i . Photography 307 ii . Photo-Micrography . . 308 iii . Cinematography . . . . 309 SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT, etc. i. Scientific and Works Management . . . . 310 ii. Industrial Organisation. . 310 iii. Estimating and Costing. . 311 DICTIONARIES OF TECH- NICAL TERMS IN ENGLISH AND OTHER LANGUAGES 312 LIST OF PUBLISHERS . , 315 INDEX OF AUTHORS, COL- LABORATORS , AND TRANS- LATORS 319 INDEX OF SUBJECTS .. 365 xvii. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL DETAILS. Books that are out of print are not given , but where a new edition is in course of preparation , it is so mentioned . Where no edition is mentioned, the title refers to the first, as the only edition. A further edition generally means that the text of the book has been revised and brought up to the date given . An 4 'impression" is a reprint of the original, or last edition, without alteration . Difficulty arises in some instances as to the date given. Certain publishers give the date of the reprint of a book and not that of the original publication ; but all the dates given in this Catalogue are those of books obtainable when the Catalogue went to Press . Where two dates are given , that in parenthesis is the date of the last edition, the following date being the year the same edition was reprinted . Some important books appear to be old, but in various cases essentials do not alter . The sizes of books are designated in the usual way, and a list is given below of the equivalent measurement in inches . With very few exceptions , all books are bound in cloth covers . The number of pages given to each book generally includes the prefatory matter. SIZES OF BOOKS. The following are the approximate sizes in inches : Pott.Svo. .. 6J X 4 Pott.4to. .. 7} X 6J Fcap.Svo. .. 6f X 4J Fcap.4to. .. 8J x 6f Gl.Svo 7 X 4f Cr.Svo 7| X 5 Cr.4to 10 X 7J PostSvo 8x5 Post4to 10 X 8 DemySvo. .. 8|- x 5 Demy4to. . . llj x 8f (also known as 8vo . ' ') Med.Svo. .. 9J X 6 Med.4to. .. 12 x 9 Roy.Svo. .. 10 x 6J Roy.4to. . . 12J X 10 Super. Roy. 8vo. 10 J X7 Super Roy . 4to . 13f x 10J Imp.Svo. .. 11 X 7 Imp.4to. .. 15 X 11 SCIENCE IN GENERAL. I. GENERAL AND POPULAR SCIENCE. Aliotta,A. The Idealistic Reaction Against Science. Translated by A. McCaskill. 8vo. Pp. 496. 1914. Macmillan. 15s. Allbutt , Sir T . C . Science and Medie- val Thought. Harveian Oration. 1900. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 116. 1901. Cambridge University Press . 3s . Gd. Amos , S . Science of Law . 9th edn . Cr. 8vo. Pp. 437. 1909. Kegan Paul. 7s. Gd. Armstrong , H . E . The Teaching of Scientific Method and other Papers on Education . 2nd edn . Cr . 8vo . Pp.531. 1910. Macmillan. 6s. Gd IBriggs, W. (edited by). General Elementary Science . 3rd edn . 10th imp. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 412. 1920. 5s. Key, 2s. 3d. University Tu- torial Press. Clough , W . T . and Dunstan , A . E . Elementary Science for Pupil Teach- ers. Physics and Chemistry. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 191. 1907. Methuen. 3s. Gd. Elementary Experimental Sci- ence. Physics and Chemistry. 18th edn. Cr.Svo. Pp.266. 1919. Methuen . 4s . Co-ordination of Scientific Pub- lication , The . Faraday Society Re- port. 1918. Demy 8vo. Pp. 30. 1918. Faraday Society. 3s. Darwin , Sir G . H . Scientific Papers . 5 vols. Roy. 8vo. Cambridge University Press. Vol. 1. Oceanic Tides and Lunar Disturbance of Gravity . Pp . 477 . 1907. 20s. Vol.2. Tidal Fric- tion and Cosmogony. Pp. 532. 1908. 20s. Vol. 3. Figures of Equilibrium of Rotating Liquid .and Geophysical Investigations. Pp. 542. 1910. 20s. Vol. 4. Periodic Orbits and Miscellan- eous Papers. Pp.609. 1911. 20s. Vol. 5. Memoirs by Sir F. Darwin and E. W. Brown, Lec- tures on Mill's Lunar Theory, etc. Pp.137. 1916. 10s. Dearie , N . B . Industrial Training : with special reference to the Con- ditions prevailing in London. Demy 8vo. Pp. 609. 1914. King. 10s. Gd. Donnan, F. G. (Translated by). International Language and Science . Considerations on the Introduction of an International Language into Science. Demy 8vo. Pp. 95. 1910. Constable . 2s . Dunn, J. T., and Mundella, V. A. General Elementary Science. An Introductory Course for Students in Schools and Technical Colleges. 2nd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 333. 1905. Methuen. 5s. Fairweather, W. C. Foreign and Colonial Patent Laws. Demy 8vo. Pp.291. 1910. Constable. 10s. Gd. Gibson, C. R. Scientific Ideas of To-Day. Cr.Svo. Pp.342. 1920. Seeley. 7s. Gd. Glazebrook , Sir R . T . [Science and Industry. Rede Lecture 1917. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 51. 1917. Cam- bridge University Press. j Is. Gd. Gregory, Sir R. A. Discovery; or, The Spirit and Service of Science. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 347. 1918. Mac- millan. 7s. Gd. Griffiths , E . D . Housecraft Science . Cr.Svo. Pp.192. 1917. Methuen. 3s. Gd. Hodson , F . (edited by) . Broad Lines in Science Teaching. 2nd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 267. 1911. Christophers. 6s. c n |4jt r> t '\ ;: J Science in General Huxley, T. H. Science and Educa- tion. Gl. 8vo. Pp. 451. Mac- millan. Qs. t Science and Hebrew Tradition. Gl. 8vo. Pp. 372. Macmillan. 6*. Science and Christian Tradition. Gl. 8vo. Pp. 419. Macmillan. 6s. Method and Results. Gl. 8vo. Pp. 430. Macmillan. 6s. Illingworth, S. R. The Co-opera- tion of Science and Industry. Pocket size. Pp.91. 1914. Griffin. Is. Gd. Joly, N. Man before Metals. 6th edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 372. 1904. Regan Paul. 7s. Gd. Lodge , Sir O . J . Life and Matter . 2nd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp.200. 1912. Williams and Norgate. 2s. Gd. Mivart, St. G. The Groundwork of Science. A Study of Epistemol- ogy. Large Cr. 8vo. Pp. 331. 1898. Murray. 7s. 6d. Moulton, Lord. Science and War. Rede Lecture 1919. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 60. 1919. Cambridge University Press. 2s. Gd. Peddle, R. A. Engineering and Metallurgical Books 19071911. British and American. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 216. 1912. Grafton. 7s. Gd. Poincare, H. Science and Method. Translated by F.Maitland. Large Cr . 8vo . Pp . 288 . N .D . Nelson . 6s. Rignano, E. Essays in Scientific Synthesis. Trans lated> by W. J. Greenstreet . Demy 8vo . Pp . 254 . 1918. Allen and Unwin. 8s. Gd. Seward , A . C . (edited by) . Science and the Nation. Essays by Cam- bridge Graduates . Cr . 8vo . Pp . 350. 1917. Cambridge University Press . 5s . Soddy.F. Science and Life . Aber- deen Addresses. Demy 8vo. Pp. 241. 1920. Murray. 10s. Gd. Strong, T. B. (edited by). Lec- tures on the Method of Science, delivered in Oxford, 1905, at the request of the Delegates for the Extension of University Teaching. 8vo. Pp. 250. 1906. Oxford: Clarendon Press . 7s . 6d . Swan, K. R. The Law and Com- mercial Usage of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks. Ex. Cr. Svo. Pp . 402 . 1908. Constab le . 7s . Gd . Thomson, J. A. The Introduction to Science. Fcap. Svo. Pp. 256. 1911 . Williams and Norgate. 2,9. Gd. The System of Animate Nature. The Gifford Lectures 1915-1916. 2vols. Demy Svo. Pp.699. 1920. Williams and Norgate. 30s. Turnbull, A. (edited by). The Life of Matter: An Inquiry and Adven- ture. Demy Svo. Pp.324. 1919. Williams & Norgate. 7s. Gd. Westaway, F. W. Science and Theology. Their Common Aims and Methods . Roy . Svo . Pp . 359 . 1920. Blackie. 15s. Scientific Method : its Philosophy and its Practice. New edn. Super Cr.Svo. Pp.426. 1919. Blackie. 10s. Gd. Whitehead, A. N. The Organisa- tion of Thought, Educational and 1 Scientific. New imp. in prepara- tion. Williams & Norgate. Year Book of the Scientific and Learned Societies of Great Brit- ain and Ireland . A Record of the Work done in Science, Literature and Art during the Session 1919 1920, by numerous Societies and Government Institutions, compiled from Official Sources. 37th Annual Issue. Demy Svo. Pp. 362. Jan., 1921. Griffin, 15s. li. BIOGRAPHIES OF MEN OF SCIENCE, etc. Bower , F . O . Joseph Dalton Hooker (Pioneers of Progress). Cr. Svo. Pp. 64. 1919. S.P.C.K. 2s. Bridges, J. H. The Life and Work of Roger Bacon . Cr . Svo . Pp . 174 . 1914. Williams & Norgate. 3s. Bryant, W. W. Galileo. (Pioneers of Progress). Cr. Svo. Pp. 64. 1918. S.P.C.K. 2s. Crowther, J. A. Michael Faraday. (Pioneers of Progress). Cr. 8vo.. Pp. 64. 1918. S.P.C.K. 2s. Science in General Darwin, Sir F. (edited by). Charles Darwin : His Life told in an Auto- biographical Chapter, and in a selected Series of his Published Letters. 2nd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 348. 1908. Murray. 7s. Qd. Davis, A. Thomas H. Huxley. Small Cr. 8vo. Pp. 288. Dent. 3s. Qd. Duncan, D. The Life and Letters of Herbert Spencer. Demy 8vo. Pp. 621. 1911. Williams & Nor- gate . 6s . Forbes, G. Memories of Sir David Gill, Man and Astronomer. Demy 8vo. Pp. 418. 1916. Murray. 12s. Fox,R.H. William Hunter : Anat- omist, Physician, Obstetrician (1718 1783). 8vo. Pp.83. 1901. Lewis. 4s. Gd. Godlee , Sir R . J . A Review of the Life and Work of John Hunter. DemySvo. Pp.48. 1913. Bale & Danielsson. 2s. Qd. Gray, A. Lord Kelvin. Small Cr. 8vo. Pp.317. Dent. 3s. Qd. Heath, Sir T. L. Archimedes. (Pioneers of Progress). Cr. 8vo. Pp. 64. 1920. S.P.C.K. 2s. Hogben, L. T. Alfred Russel Wallace. The Story of a Great Discoverer. (Pioneers of Progress). Cr.Svo. Pp.64. 1918. S.P.C.K. 2s. Hooker, Sir J . D . A Sketch of the Life and Labour of Sir William Hooker. Roy.8vo. Pp.90. 1903. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Paper Cover. 3s. Qd. Huxley, L. The Life and Letters of Sir Joseph Hooker. 2vols. Demy 8vo. Pp. 546., 569. 1918. Murray . 36s . Life and Letters of T. H. Huxley. 3 vols. Gl. 8vo. Macmillan. 18s. Jackson, B. D. George Bentham. Small Cr. 8vo. Pp. 292. Dent. 3s. Qd. Koenigsberger, L. Hermann von Helmholtz. Translated by F. A. Welby. 8vo. Pp. 458. 1906. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 16s. Leupp , F . E . George Westinghouse : His Life and Achievements. Demy 8vo. Pp. 315. 1919. Murray. 155. Little, A. G. (edited by). Roger Bacon. Essays on the occasion of the commemoration of the Seventh Centenary of his birth. 8vo. Pp. 434. 1914. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 16s. Lodge, Sir O.J. Pioneers of Science . Cr. 8vo. Pp. 404. 1893. Mac- millan. 6s. Lyddeker, R. Sir William H. Flower. Small Cr. 8vo. Pp. 189. Dent. 3s. Gd. Macpherson, H. Herschel. (Pion- eers of Progress) . Cr . 8vo . Pp . 80 . 1919. S.P.C.K. 2s. Miall , L . C . The Early Naturalists : Their Lives and Work (15301789). 8vo. Pp.408. 1912. Macmillan. 10s. Millington, J. P. John Dalton. Small Cr. 8vo. Pp. 224. Dent. 3s. Gd. Mottelay , P . F ; The Life and Work of Sir'Hiram S. Maxim. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 258. 1920. Lane. 7s. Gd. Peacock, D. H. Joseph Priestley. (Pioneers of Progress). Cr. 8vo. Pp. 64. 1919. S.P.C.K. 2s. Pearson, K. The Life, Letters, and Labours of Francis Galton . Vol . I . 18221853. Cr. 4to. Pp. 258. 1914. Cambridge University Press . 30s. Ramsay , Sir W . Life and Letters of Joseph Black, M.D. Demy 8vo. Pp. 160. 1918. Constable. 6s. Gd. Schuster, Sir A., and Shipley, Sir A . E . Britain 's Heritage of Science . 2nd edn. Pp.349. 1920. Constable. 14s. Smiles , S . Lives of the Engineers ; from the Earliest Period to the Death of the Stephensons . 5 vols . Cr.Svo. 1904. Brindley, Vermuyden, Myddleton, Perry Early Engineers . Pp . 380. Science in General Smsaton and Rennie Harbours, Lighthouses, and Bridges. Pp. 459. Metcalfe and Telford History of Roads. Pp. 412. Boulton and Watt The Steam Engine. Pp.481. George and Robert Stephenson The Locomotive. Pp. 466. Murray . 5s . each . Men of Invention and Industry. 7th imp. Cr.Svo. Pp.370. 1901. Murray . 5s . Industrial Biography: Iron- workers and Tool-makers. Cr. 8vo. Pp.353. 1901. Murray. 5s. Tatlow, J. Fifty Years of Railway Life. Demy 8vo. Pp.223. 1920. Transport, Ltd. 10s. Thompson, J. S. and H. G. Silvanus Phillips Thompson. His Life and Letters . Demy 8vo . Pp . 372. 1920. Fisher Unwin. 21s. Thomson, J. A. Herbert Spencer. Small Cr. 8vo. Pp. 284. Dent. 3s. Qd. Thorpe , Sir T . E . Joseph Priestley . Small Cr. 8vo. Pp. 228. Dent. 8s. Qd. Turner, A. L. Sir William Turner. Professor of Anatomy, and Princi- pal and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Edinburgh. A Chap- ter in Medical History . Demy 8vo . Pp.531. 1919. Blackwood. 18s. Ty ndall , J . Faraday as a D iscoverer . 5th edn. Cr.Svo. Pp.208. 1894. Longmans . 4s . Vallery-Radot, R. The Life of Pasteur. Demy 8vo. Pp. 505. 1919. Constable. 10s. Qd. iii. HISTORY OF SCIENCE- EDUCATION LEARNING , COMMERCE, etc. Adamson, J. W. A Short History of Education. Demy 8vo. Pp. 370. 1919. Cambridge University Press. 12s. 6d. Pioneers of Modern Education in the Seventeenth Century. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 307. 1905. Cambridge University Press . 6s . Albee, E. A History of English Utilitarianism. Med.Svo. Pp.427. 1902. Allen and Unwin. 12s. Qd. Avebury, Lord. A Short History of Coins and Currency. Fcap. 8vo. Pp.138. 1903. Murray. 2s. 6d. Barnard, F. P. The Casting- Counter and the Counting-Board. A Chapter in the History of Numis- matics and Earlv Arithmetic. Demy 4to. Pp. 358. 1917. Ox- ford : Clarendon Press . 63s . Benn , , A . W . The History of English Rationalism in the Nineteenth Cen- tury . 2 Vols . 8vo . Pp . 478 . , 546 . 1 906 . Longmans . 22s . Qd . Compayre", G. The History of Pedagogy. Translated , with Intro- duction, Notes, and Index by W.H.Payne. 9th edn. Cr.Svo. Pp.598. 1918. Allen and Unwin. 7s. Qd. Cressy, E. Discoveries and Inven- tions of the Twentieth Century. 8vo. Pp. 416. 1915. Rout ledge. 10*. 64. Critchell, J. T., and Raymond, J. History of the Frozen Meat Trade . DemySvo. Pp.460. 1912. Con- stable. 12s. Qd. De Montmorency , J . E . G . State Intervention in English Education. A Short History from the Earliest Times to 1833. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 398. 1902 . Cambridge University Press . 7s. Qd. Draper, J. W. History of the Con- flict between Religion" and Science. 25th edn. Cr.Svo. Pp.395.. 1910. Kegan Paul . 7s . Qd . A History of the Intellectual Development of Europe. 2 Vols. Small Post 8vo. Pp. 438. 1914. Bell. 12s. Fletcher, Sir B. F. A History of Architecture on the Comparative Method . 5th edn . Demy 8vo . Pp . 788. 1920. Batsford . " 25s . Gardner, P. A History of Ancient Coinage. 700 300 B.C. Svo. Pp. 480. 1918. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 18s. Science in General Kerr, J. Scottish Education, School and University, from Early Times to 1908. With an Addendum, 19081913. DemySvo. Pp.458. 1913 . Cambridge University Press . 4s. Qd. Kirkup, T. A History of Socialism. 5th edn , revised and edited by E . R . Pease. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 490. 1913. Black. 7s. Qd. Laurie, S . S . Studies in the History of Educational Opinion from the Renaissance. New Imp. Cr. 8vo. Pp.267. 1905. Cambridge Univer- sity Press. 7s. Qd. Leach, A. F. Educational Charters and Documents, 598 to 1099. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 582. 1909. Cambridge University Press . 12s. Qd. Leonard, E. M. The Early History of English Poor Relief. Demy 8vo . Pp. 418. 1900. Cambridge Uni- versity Press . 1 Os . Lewes, G. H. A Biographical History of Philosophy from Thales to Cornte. 8vo. Pp. 656. 1911. Rout ledge. 6s. Libby, W. An Introduction to the History of Science . Cr . 8vo . Pp . 288. 1918. Harrap. 6s. Mark, H. T. An Outline of the History of Educational Theories in England . 2nd edn . Cr . 8vo . Pp . 139. 1906. Allen and Unwin. 3s. Merz, J. T. A History of European Thought in the Nineteenth Century. 4 Vols. Post 8vo. Vol. 1. 3rd imp. Pp. 472. 1907. 10s. Qd. Vol.2. 2nd imp. Pp.820. 1912. 15s. Vol.3. Pp.639. 1912. 15s. Vol. 4. Pp. 847. 1914. 20s. Black wood. Page, W. (edited by). Commerce and Industry. 2 Vols. Imp.Svo. 1919. Vol.1. A Historical Review of the Economic Conditions of the British Empire from the Peace of Paris in 1815 to the Declaration of War in 1914, based on Parliamen- tary Debates. Pp. 508. 32s. Vol . 2 . Tables of Statistics for the British Empire from 1815. Pp. 259 . 24s . Constable . Simpson, P.M. A History of Archi- tectural Development. 3 Vols. 8vo . Vol . 1 . New imp . in prepara- tion. 16s. Vol.2 Pp. 420. 1913. 12s. Qd. Vol.3. Pp.376. 1913. 12s. Qd. Longmans. Thomson , J . A . Progress of Science in the Century . Cr . 8vo . Pp . 536 . 1908. Chambers. 5s. Webb, S. and B. The History of Trade Unionism . Revised Edition , extended to 1920. 8vo. Pp. 802. 1920. Longmans. 21s. Wood , Sir H . T . A History of the Royal Society of Arts . Med . 8vo . Pp. 558. 1913. Murray. 15s. Woodward, W. H. Studies in Edu- cation during the Age of the Rena issance . 1 400 - 1 600 . Cr . 8 vo . Pp.356. 1906. Cambridge Univer- sitv Press. 6s. PHILOSOPHY. i. GENERAL AND HISTORICAL. Adam , J . The Vitality of Platonism and other Essays . Demy 8vo . Pp . 250. 1911. Cambridge University Press . 9s . Adam, Mrs. J. Plato: Moral and Political Ideals. Roy. 16mo. Pp. 164. 1913. Cambridge University 2s. Qd. Adamson, R. The Development of Greek Philosophy, edited by W. R. Sorley and R. P. Hardie. Demy 8vo. Pp.337. 1911. Blackwood. 10s. Qd. Arnold, E. V. Roman Stoicism. DemySvo. Pp.480. 1911. Cam- bridge University Press. 12s. Gd. Beare, J. I. Greek Theories of Elementary Cognition from Alc- maeon to Aristotle. 8vo. Pp. 362. 1906. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 12s. Qd. Benn , A . W . The Greek Philosophers . 2nd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 619. 1914. Murray. 21s. History of Ancient Philosophy. Cr.Svo. Pp.160. Watts. 3s. Qd. History of Modern Philosophy. Cr.Svo. Pp.160. Watts. 3s. Qd. Bevan, J. O. Handbook of the History and Development of Phil- osophy. Cr.Svo. Pp.241. 1916. Chapman and Hall. 5s. Bonar, J. Philosophy and Political Economy in some of Their Historical Relations. 2nd edn. Med. 8vo. Pp.410. 1909. Allen and Unwin. 12s. Qd. Boutroux, E. Historical Studies in Philosophy. Translated by F. Rothwell. 8vo. Pp. 346. 1912. Macmillan. 10s. Qd. Burnet, J. Greek Philosophy . Part 1. Thales to Plato. 2nd imp. 8vo. Pp. 370. 1920. Macmillan. 12s. Gd. Early Greek Philosophy. 3rd edn. Square Demy 8vo. Pp. 384. 1920. Black. 30s. Burns, C. D. The Growth of Modern Philosophy. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 270. N.D. Sampson, Low. 6s. Crozier, J. B. History of Intellec- tual Development on the lines of Modern Evolution. 8vo. Vol. 1. Pp.564. 1912. 14s. Vol.3. Pp. 360. 1901. 10s. Qd. Longmans. Dewey, J. Reconstruction in Phil- osophy. Cr.Svo. Pp.230. 1921. Un ivers ity of London Press . 7s . Qd . De Wulf, M. History of Mediaeval Philosophy. 8vo. Pp. 500. 1909. Longmans . 11s. Douglas , A . H . The Philosophy and Psychology of Pietro Pomponazzi. DemySvo. Pp.328. 1910. Cam- bridge University Press. 7s. Qd. Douglas, G. The Ethics of John Stuart Mill. Post 8vo. Pp. 360. 1897. Blackwood. 6s. John Stuart Mill : A Study of His Philosophy. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 289. 1895. Blackwood. 4s. Gd. Erdmann, J. E. The History of Philosophy . Translated and Edited by W. S. Hough. 3 Vols. Med. 8vo . Vol . 1 . Ancient and Medieval Philosophy. 4th edn. Pp. 719. 1915. Vol.2. Modem Philosophy. 6th edn. Pp.719. 1915. Vol.3. Modern Philosophy since Hegel. 5th edn. Pp. 356. 1913. Allen and Unwin. 15s. each Vol. Figgis, J. N. Studies of Political Thought from Gerson to Grotius. 1414-1625. 2nd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 266. 1916. Cambridge Uni- versity Press. 6s. Flint, R. Philosophy as Scientia Scientiarum. A History of Classi- fications of the Sciences . Pp . 350 . 1904. Blackwood. 10s. Gd. Historical Philosophy in France and French Belgium and Switzer- land. 8vo. Pp. 734. 1893. Blackwood. 21s. Philosophy Fraser, A. C. Biographia Philoso- phica. Demy 8vo. Pp. 349. 1904. Blackwood. 6s. Gomperz, T. Greek Thinkers: a History of Ancient Philosophy. Demy 8vo . 4 Vols . Vol . 1 . The Beginnings. From Metaphysics to Positive Science. The Age of En- lightenment. Translated by L. Magnus. Pp.610. 1906. Vol.2. Socrates and the Socratics. Plato. Translated by G. G. Berry. Vol. 3. Plato. Translated by G. G. Berry. Vol.4. Aristotle and His Successors. Translated by G. G. Berry. Murray. 18s. each. Hobhouse, L. T. Development and Purpose. An Essay towards A Philosophy of Evolution. 8vo. Pp.405. 1913. Macmillan. 12s .Qd. Hoffding , H . A History of Modern Philosophy. A Sketch of the History of Philosophy from the close of the Renaissance to our own day. Translated by B. E. Meyer. 2 Vols. 8vo. Pp. 550., 610. 1915. Macmillan. 18s. each. A Brief History of Modern Phil- osophy. Translated by C. F. Sanders. Cr.Svo. Pp.336. 1919. Macmillan. 12s. The Problems of Philosophy. Translated by G. M. Fisher and a Preface by W. James. Gl. 8vo. Pp. 220. 1913. Macmillan. 7s. The Philosophy of Religion. Translated by B . E . Meyer . 8vo . Pp.408. 1914. Macmillan. 15s. Modern Philosophers: Lectures; and Lectures on Bergson. Trans- lated by A. C. Mason. Cr. 8vo. Pp.332. 1915. Macmillan. 6s .6d. Janet, P. and Se* allies, G. A History of the Problems of Philoso- phy. "Translated by A. Monahan. Edited by H. Jones. 2 Vols. DemySvo. 1902. Vol . 1 . Psycho- logy. Pp.420. Vol.2. Physics, Metaphysics , Theodicy . Pp . 390 . Macmillan. 10s. each Vol. Keary , G . F . The Pursuit of Reason . Demy 8vo. Pp. 464. 1910. Cambridge University Press. 10s. Kelvin, Lord, and Tait, P. G. Elements of Natural Philosophy. 2nd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 299. 1912 . Cambridge University Press . 12s. A Treatise on Natural Philoso- phy. Demy 8vo. Part 1. Pp. 515. 1912. 20s. Part 2. Pp.552. 1905. 20s. Cambridge University Press . Kiilpe, O. The Philosophy of the Present in Germany. Translated by M. Lyall and G. T. W. Patrick. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 256. 1913. Allen and Unwin. 5s. Introduction to Philosophy: A Handbook for Students of Psycho- logy, Logic, Ethics, Aesthetics, and General Philosophy. Trans- lated by W . B . Pillsbury and E . B . Titchener. 4th edn. Demy 8vo. Pp . 256 . 1915 . Allen and Unwin . 6s. Lindsay , J . A Philosophical System of Theistic Idealism. Demy 8vo. Pp. 543. 1917. Blackwood. 15s. Studies in European Philosophy. Demy 8vo. Pp. 391. 1909. Blackwood. 10s. Qd. Lloyd, A. H. The Will to Doubt: An Essay in Philosophy for the General Thinker . Cr. 8vo. Pp. 285. 1907. Allen and Unwin. 5s. Mayor, J. B. A Sketch of Ancient Philosophy from Thales to Cicero. 5th imp. Fcap. 8vo. Pp. 269. 1912 . Cambridge University Press . 4s. Qd. Mercier, Cardinal. Manual of Modern Scholastic Philosophy. Translated by T. L. and S. A. Parker. 2nd edn. 2 Vols. 8vo. Pp. 600., 567. 1919. Kegan Paul. 12s. Qd per Vol. Merz, J. T. A Fragment on the Human Mind. Demy 8vo. Pp. 324. 1919. Blackwood. 12s. Qd. Pringle-Pattison, A. S. Scottish Philosophy. A Comparison of the Scottish and German Answers to Hume. 4th edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 238. 1907. Blackwood. 5s. Radhakrishnan , S. The Reign of Religion in Contemporary Philo- sophy. DemySvo. Pp.475. 1920. Macmillan. 12s. Philosophy Rappoport, S . Primer of Philosophy . Fcap. 8vo. Pp. 118. 1916. Murray. Is. Qd. Ritchie, D. G. Natural Rights: A Criticism of Some Political and Ethical Conceptions. 3rd edn. Med. 8vo. Pp. 304. 1916. Allen and Unwin. 12s. Qd. Studies in Political and Social Ethics . Cr . 8vo . Pp . 238 . 1908 . Allen and Unwin. 5s. Robertson, J. M. A Short History of Freethought . 2 Vols . Demy 8 vo . Pp . 1 ,043 . Watts . 15s. A Short History of Morals . Demy 8vo. Pp.460. 1920. Watts. 18s. Ruggiero, G. De. Modern Philoso- phy. Translated from the Italian by A. H. Hannay and R. G. Collingwood . Demy 8vo . Pp . 402 . 1921. Allen and Unwin. 16s. Salter,W.M. First Steps in Philoso- phy Physical and Ethical. 2nd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 143. Allen and Unwin 3s. Qd. Seth, J. English Philosophers and School of Philosophy. Large Cr. 8vo . Pp . 372 . Dent . 7s . Qd . Sidgwick , H . Philosophy : Its Scope and Relations. 8vo. Pp. 270. 1902. Macmillan. 8s. Sorley , W . R . A History of English Philosophy. Demy 8vo. Pp.396. 1920 . Cambridge University Press . 20s. Stace, W.T. A Critical History of Greek Philosophy. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 400. 1920. Macmillan. 7s. Qd. Stephen, D. J. Studies in Early Indian Thought. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 183. 1918. Cambridge University Press . 6s . Stephen, Sir L. A History of Eng- lish Thought in the Eighteenth Century. 2 Vols. DemySvo. Pp. 466., 469. 1902. Murray. 28s. Stewart , H . L . Questions of the Day in Philosophy and Psychology. Demy 8vo. Pp. 296. 1912. Arnold. 10s. Qd. Stockl , A . Handbook of the History of Philosophy. 8vo. Pp. 452. 1911. Longmans. 10s. Qd. Thomson, J. A. K. The Greek Tradition: Essays in the Recon- struction of Ancient Thought. Cr.. 8vo. Pp. 224. 1915. Allen and Unwin . 6s . Walker, L. J. Theories of Know- ledge, Absolutism, Pragmatism, Realism. 2nd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 746. 1919. Longmans. 11s. Webb , G . C . J . History of Philoso- phy. Fcap. 8vo. Pp. 256. 1919. Williams and Norgate. 2s. Qd. Weber, A. History of Philosophy. Translated by F.Thilly. 8vo. Pp. 642. 1919. Longmans. 16s. Whitehead, A. N. An Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Natural Knowledge. DemySvo. Pp.212. 1919 . Cambridge University Press . 14s. The Concept of Nature: Tamer Lectures delivered in Trinity Col- lege, November, 1919. Demy 8vo. Pp.212. 1920. Cambridge Univer- sity Press. 14s. Whittaker, T. The Neo-Platonists. 2nd edn . , with Supplement on the Commentaries of Proclus. Demy 8vo. Pp. 334. 1914. Cambridge University Press. 14s. Zeller , E . Outlines of the History of Greek Philosophy. Translated by S. F. A lleyne and E. Abbott. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 380. 1914. Longmans. 12s. ii. METAPHYSICS. Alexander, S. Space, Time and Deity (Gifford Lectures, 1916-1918). 2 Vols . 8vo . Pp . 362 . , 450 . 1920 . Macmillan. 36s. Arnold, R. B. Scientific Fact and Metaphysical Reality. 8vo. Pp. 384. 1904. Macmillan. 10s. Aveling , F . On the Consciousness of the Universal and the Individual. A Contribution to the Phenomen- ology of the Thought Processes. Cr.Svo. Pp. 265. 1912. Macmillan. Philosophy Baldwin, J. M. Thought and Things: A Study of the Develop- ment and Meaning of Thought, or Genetic Logic . 3 Vols. Med. 8vo. Vol.1. Functional Logic, or Genet- ic Theory of Knowledge . Pp . 273 . 1906. Vol.2. Experimental Logic , or Genetic Theory of Thought. Pp. 436. 1908. Vol.3. Interest and Art, being Real Logic. Pp. 284. 1911. Allen and Unwin . 12s. 6d. Middleton, R. E. Water Supply : A Practical Treatise on the Selection of Sources and the Distribution of W 7 ater. 2nd edn. in preparation. Griffin . Rideal, S., and E. K. Water Sup- plies: Their Purification, Filtra- tion, and Sterilisation. DemySvo. Pp.250. 1914. Crosby Lockwood . 8s. 6d. Sharp, J. Some Considerations Re- garding Cast Iron and Steel Pipes. Roy.Svo. Pp.150. 1914. Long- mans. 8s. 6d. Taylor, F. N. Small Water Sup- plies. A Practical Treatise on the Methods of Collecting, Storing, and Conveying Water for Domestic use in Country Mansions, Estates, and Small Villages and Farms . Cr . 8vo . Pp.180. 1912. Batsford. 7s. Gd. Tudsbery, J. H. T., and Bright - more, A. W. The Principles of Waterworks Engineering. 3rd edn . 8vo. Pp.447. 1905. Spon. 24s. xii. WATER PURIFICATION. Booth, W. H. Water Softening and Treatment: Condensing Plant, Feed Pumps and Heaters for Steam Users and Manufacturers . 2nd edn . Demy Svo. Pp. 324. 1920. Constable. 9s. 6d. Collet , H . Water Softening and Puri- fication. 2nd edn. Cr. Svo. Pp. 170. 1908. Spon. 6s. 6d. Don, J., and Chisholm, J. Modern Methods of Water Purification . 2nd edn. Demy Svo. Pp. 416. 1913. Arnold. 16s. xiii. MUNICIPAL ENGINEER- ING. SANITARY SCIENCE AND PLUMBING. Adams , H . C . The Sewerage of Sea Coast Towns . Demy Svo . Pp . 132 . 1911. Crosby Lockwood . 6s. Allan, F. J., and Farrar, R. A. Aids to Sanitary Science. 2nd edn. Fcap. Svo. Pp. 282. 1903. Bailliere. 4s. Qd. Allsop , R . O . Engineering Work in Public Buildings. Power, Lighting, Heating, Ventilation, Water Sup- ply. 4to. Pp. 168. 1912. Spon. 12s. 6d. Barwise, S. Purification of Sewage. The Scientific Principles of Sewage Purification and their Practical Application. 2nd edn. DemySvo. Pp.234. 1904. Crosby Lockv/ood . 12s. Qd. Bennett , S . B . A Manual of Techni- cal Plumbing and Sanitary Science. 3rd edn. Roy.Svo. Pp. 300. 1919. Batsford . 6s . Blake, E. H. Drainage and Sanita- tion . A Practical Exposition of the Conditions vital to Healthy Build- ings, their Surroundings and Con- struction, their Ventilation, Heat- ing, Lighting, Water and Waste Services . For the use of Architects , Surveyors , Engineers , eto . 2nd edn . Demy Svo. Pp. 531. 1920. Batsford. 15s. 57 Civil Engineering. Boulnois, H. P. Municipal En- gineering : surveying the scope of Municipal Engineering and the Statutory position, the appoint- ment, training and duties of a Municipal Engineer. Fcap. 8vo. Pp. 110. 1921. Pitman. 2s. Gd. Clarke, J. W. Modern Plumbing Practice. Vol. 1. Practical Lead Working and Plumbers' Materials, with Chapters on Siphons and their Action, etc. Edited by W. Scott. Large 8 vo . Pp.300. 1914. Bats - ford. 12s. Practical Science for Plumbers and Engineering Students Treat- 'ing of Physics, Metals, Hydraulics, Heat , Temperature , etc . 8 vo . Pp . 226. 1903. Batsford. 6s. Clemesha, W. W. Sewage Disposal in the Tropics. Demy 8vo. Pp. 241. 1910. Thacker. 15s. Coleman, T. E. Stable Sanitation and Construction. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 226. 1897. Spon. 3s. Gd. Crimp, W. S., and Bruges, C. E. Sewers and Water Mains. Tables and Diagrams for use in Designing Sewers and Water Mains. Oblong 4to. Pp. 107. 1897. Batsford. 10s. Davies, P. J. Standard Practical Plumbing, being a complete En- cyclopaedia for Practical Plumbers. Architects, Builders, Gas-Fitters, Hot -water Fitters, etc. 3 Vols. Vol.1. 4th edn. Pp.355. 1905. 7s. Gd. Vol.2. 2nd edn. Pp.805. 1905. 10s. Gd. Vol. 3. Pp. 204. 1905. 5s. Spon. The 3 Vols. 21s. Davis , G . B . , and Dye , F . A Com- plete and Practical Treatise on Plumbing and Sanitation. 4to. Pp.818. 1899. Spon. 42s. Dunbar . A Manual of The Principles of Sewage Treatment. English edition by H . T . Calvert . 2nd edn . in preparation . Griffin . Easdale, W. C. Sewage Disposal Works, their -Design and Con- struction. 8vo. Pp. 264. 1910. Spon. 10s. Gd. 58 The Empire Municipal Directory of Local Authorities and Officials and Year Book of "Municipal Engineering and the Sanitary Record" for 1920-21. 38th year of publication. 4to. Pp. 268 and Diary. 1921. Sanitary Publishing Co. 7s. Gd. Fletcher, Sir B. F., and H. P. Architectural Hygiene : or Sanitary Science as Applied to Buildings. 4th edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp.284. 191 1. Pitman. 10s. Gd. Hart, J. W. Sanitary Plumbing and Draiflage. Demy 8vo. Pp. 250. 1904. Scott, Greenwood. 8s. 6d. External Plumbing Work. A Treatise on Lead Work for Roofs . 2nd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 272. 1902. Scott, Greenwood. 8s. Gd. Hints to Plumbers on Joint Wiping, Pipe Bending and Lead Burning. 3rd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp.313. 1901. Scott , Greenwood . 8s. Gd. Hasluck , P . N . (edited by) . Pract i - cal Plumbers ' Work . Cr . 8vo . Pp . 168. 1919. Cassell. 3s. Hellyer,S.S. Plumbing. 7th edn. Small post 8vo. Pp. 294. 1905. Bell. 5s. Herring -Shaw , A . Elementary Science Applied to Sanitation and Plumbers' Work . 2nd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp.280. 1910. Gurney and Jackson . 6s . Domestic Sanitation and Plumb- ing. 2 Vols. Demy 8vo. Vol.1. Materials; Soil, Waste and Vent Pipes ; Sanitary Fittings ; House Drainage ; Cesspools ; Disposal of House Sewage. Pp. 336. 1909. 6s. Gd. Vol. 2. Water Supply; Domestic Plot Water ; Warming and Ventilation. Pp. 374. 1911. 7s. Gd. Gurney and Jackson. and Newsome , H . F . V . Modern Sanitary Engineering and Plumbers r Work ; Progressive Scale Drawings of Current Practice. 2 Vols. Large Fcap. Folio. 1913. Vol. 1. Examples of the Jointing and Fixing of Pipes, etc. Pp. 40. 3s. Vol. 2. Examples of the Drainage of Buildings, etc. Pp. 48. 3s. Gd. Longmans. Civil Engineering. Kershaw, G. B. Sewage Purifica- tion and Disposal . Demy 8vo . Pp . 350. 1915. Cambridge University Press. 14.9. Modern Methods of Sewage Puri- fication . A Guide for the Designing and Maintenance of Sewage Purifica- tion Works. Med. 8vo. Pp. 369. 1911. Griffin. 25s. Maguire , W . R . Domestic Sanitary Drainage and Plumbing. 4th edn. 8vo. Pp. 506. 1903. Kegan Paul. 12s. Maxwell , W . H . (edited by) . The Encyclopaedia of Municipal and Sanitary Engineering. 4to. Pp. 561. 1910. Constable. 42.9. British Progress in Municipal Engineering. Super Roy. 8vo. Pp. 182. 1904. Constable. 6s. . Middleton, G. A. T. The Drainage of Town and Country Houses. A Practical Account of Modern Sani- tary Arrangements and Fittings. 8v6. Pp. 176. 1908. Batsford. 5s. 6d. Raikes, H. P. Sewage Disposal Works : Design , Construction , and Maintenance. A Practical Guide to Modern Methods of Sewage Purifica- tion. Demy 8vo. Pp.429. 1913. Constable. 16s. Raynes, F. W. Domestic Sanitary Engineering and Plumbing. Deal- ing with Domestic Water Supplies, Pump and Hydraulic Ram Work, Hydraulics, Sanitary Work, Heat- ing by Low Pressure, Hot Water, and External Plumbing Work. 2nd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 488. 1920. Longmans. 21s. Reid , G . Practical Sanitation : a Handbook for Sanitary Inspectors and others interested in Sanitation . 19th edn. Cr.Svo. Pp.379. 1919. Griffin. 7s. 6d. Shone , I . Sewage Drainage Systems : The Shone System and the Gravita- tion Sewage-Drainage Systems of the Nineteenth Century, etc. 8vo. Pp. 460. 1914. Spon. 25s. Drainage and Drainage Ventila- tion Methods at the Houses of Parliament, etc. 8vo. Pp. 36 and 7 Plates. 1913. Spon. 6s. Taylor, F. N. The Main Drainage of Towns. Med. 8vo. Pp. 324. 1912. Griffin. 15s. Thomson, G. Modern Sanitary Engineering. Demy 8vo. Part 1.. House Drainage . 2nd edn . Pp . 280, 1920. 16s. Part 2. Sewerage. Pp. 221. 1921. 18s. Constable. Vernon-Har court, L. F. Sani- tary Engineering with respect to W 7 ater Supply and Sewage Disposal . Med. Svo. Pp.442. 1907. Long- mans. 17s. 6d. Watson, H. S. Sewerage Systems, Their Design and Construction. Roy. Svo. Pp.329. 1911. Crosby Lockwood. 12s. 6d. Wood , F . Sanitary Engineering : A Practical Manual of Town Drainage and Sewage and Refuse Disposal . 3rd edn. Cr.Svo. Pp.321. 1914. Griffin. 10s. Qd. xiv. ILLUMINATION. Bloch, L. The Science of Illumina- tion . An Outline of the Principles of Artificial Lighting. Translated by W. C. Clinton. Demy 8vo. Pp. 180. 1912. Murray. *6s. Blok, A. Elementary Principles of Illumination and Artificial Light- ing. Cr. Svo. Pp. 240. 1914. Scott, Greenwood. 4s. 6d. Dye, F. Lighting by Acetylene. Cr. Svo. Pp. 188. 1902. Spon. 6s. Eck , J . Practical Illumination . Svo . Pp.85. 1914. Rentell. Is. The Application of Arc Lamps to Practical Purposes . Svo . Pp . 101 . 1910. Rentell. 2s. 6d. Gaster, L., and Dow, J. S. Modern Illuminants and Illuminating Engi- neering. 2nd edn. Demy Svo. Pp.501. 1919. Pitman. 25s. O'Connor, H. Petrol Air Gas . The Installation and Working of Air Gas Lighting Systems for Country Houses. 2nd edn. Cr. Svo. Pp. 100. 1912. Crosby Lockwood. 2s. 6d. 59 Civil Engineering. Ogley , D . H . Works Lighting . Cf . Svo. Pp. 134. 1918. Ilifie. 7s. Qd. Trotter, A. P. Illumination: Its Distribution and Measurement . Svo . Pp.310. 1911. Macmillan.10s.6rf. xv. HEATING AND VENTILAT- ING BUILDINGS. Birks, F. The Mathematics of Ventilation, Pumping; and Haul- age. Cr. Svo. Pp. 222. 1918. Pitman. 5s. Dye, F. W. Warming Buildings by Hot Water. 2nd edn. Svo/ Pp. 322. 1917. Spon. 12s. Hot Water Supply. A Practical Treatise upon the Fitting of Hot Water Apparatus for domestic and general purposes. 6th edn. Cr. Svo. Pp. 237. 1919. Spon. 8s. 6d . A Practical Treatise upon Steam Heating. Svo. Pp. 251. 1901. Spon. 12s. Grierson , R . Some Modern Methods of Ventilation, with Special Refer- ence to Public Buildings : Standards of Ventilation, Design of Ducts, Selection of Fans, Washers and Heaters, etc. Demy Svo. Pp. 202. 1916. Constable. 8s. 6d. Hart, J. W. The Principles of Hot Water Suppl/. Demy Svo. Pp. 177. 1900 . Scott, Greenwood. Innes, G. H. Centrifugal and Axial Fans. 2nd edn. Cr.Svo. Pp.302. 1916 . Technical Pub . Co . 10s . Qd. Raynes , F . W . Heating Systems : Design of Hot Water, and Steam Heating Apparatus . 2nd edn. Svo. Pp.344. 1921. Longmans. 21s. White, W. L., and G. M. Heating Engineers ' Quantities . Small folio . Pp. 33 and Plates. 1910. Spon. 10s. Qd. xvi. REFUSE DISPOSAL. Goodrich , W . F . Modern Destructor Practice. Med. Svo. Pp. 294. 1912. Griffin. 18s. Refuse Disposal and Power Pro- duction. Demy Svo. Pp. 398. 1904. Constable. 16s. Small Dust Destructors for Institutional and Trade Refuse. Demy Svo. Pp.127. 1904. Con- stable. 4s. Matthews, E. R. Refuse Disposal. 2nd edn. in preparation. Griffin. 60 BUILDING CONSTRUCTION, i. GENERAL. Adams, H. The Mechanics of Building Construction. 8vo. Pp. 252. 1912. Longmans. 7s.Gd. Advanced Building Construction . By the Author of 'Rivington's Notes.' Cr. 8vo. Pp.254. 1915. Longmans. 6s. Allen, J. P. A Practical Handbook of Building Construction . 5th edn . Med . 8 vo . Pp . 596 . 1 909 . Crosby Lock wood . 5s . Gd . Burns, G. J. Glossary of Technical Terms used in Architecture and the Building Trades. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 136. Spon. 4s. Burrell, E. J. Building Construc- tion. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 260. 1919. Longmans . 4s . Clarke, J.W. Pocket-book of Tables and Memoranda for Plumbers, Builders, Sanitary and Electrical Engineers, etc. 5th edn. Pocket size. Pp. 300. 1909. Batsford. 2s. Gd. Cunningham. B. Building Con- struction : First Stage . 2nd edn . 5th imp . Cr . 8vo . Pp . 336 . 1915 . University Tutorial Press. 3s. Gd. Dean, A. Building Construction. 2 Pts. 8vo. Pp. 128., 189. 1913-14. Routledge. 5s. Gd. Eaton, R. B. Building Construction Drawing. A Class Book for the Elementary Student and Artisan. Imp. 8vo. Pp. 463, + 157 Plates. 1921. 16s. Part 1. Pp. 59, + 26 Plates. 1914. 2s. Part 2. Pp. 64, + 26 Plates. 1914. 2s. Part 3. Pp. 80, + 25 Plates. 1917. 3s. Gd. Part 4. Pp. 88, + 24 Plates. 1919. 5s. Part 5. Pp. 96, + 26 Plates. 1919. 5s. Spon. Fowler's Architects' and Builders" Handbook, 1920. Pocket size. Pp. 500. January. Scientific Pub. Co. 2s. Gd. Fullerton, W. Architectural Ex- amples in Brick, Stone, Wood and Iron. 3rd edn. 4to. Pp. 254, 245 Plates. 1914. Spon. 21s. Harrison, P. T. Bungalow Resi- dences. 2nd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 94 and 24 Plates. 1920. Crosby Loekwood. 7s. Gd. Hurst , J . T . Handbook of Formulae , Tables, and Memoranda, for Archi- tectural Surveyors, and others en- gaged in Building. 15th edn. Oblong 32mo. Pp. 512. 1920. Spon. 7s. Gd. Innocent , C . F . The Development of English Building Construction . Roy.Svo. Pp.310. 1916. Cam- bridge University Press. 12s. Jaggard, W. R. Architectural and Building Construction Plates. Part 1. 30 Drawings (Elementary). 30 Plates in Portfolio. 1913. 10s. Gd. Part 2. 30 Drawings (Advanced) . 30 Plates in Portfolio . 1914. 10s. Gd. Cambridge Uni- versity Press. and Drury, F. E. Architec- tural Building Construction . Demy 8vo. Vol. 1. Pp. 328. 191 6*. Cambridge University Press. 7s. Gd.. Manson , G . L . Experimental Build- ing Science. Demy 8vo. Vol. 1. Pp.218. 1917. Cambridge Univer- sity Press. 7s. Mitchell, C. F., and G. A. Build- ing Construction and Drawing. A Text-book on the Principles and Details of Modern Construction. 9th edn. Cr. 8vo. Parti. Pp. 470. 1919. 6s. Gd. Part 2. Ad- vanced Course. Pp. 985. 1919. 10s. Gd. Batsford. 61 Building Construction. Molesworth, H. B. Obstruction to Light. A graphic method for the easy determination of questions affecting Ancient Lights. 4to. 1902. Spon. 6s.. Passmore, A. G. Handbook of Technical Terms used in Archi- tecture and Building, and their Allied Trades and Subjects. Demy 8vo. Pp. 880. 1904. Scott, Greenwood. 8s. 6d. Pearson, J. H. Suburban Houses. A Series of Practical Plans, with Notes on Design and Principles of Construction. 4to. Pp. 12, and 46 Plates. 1905. Spon. 7s. Qd. Pite, B., and others. Building Construction. 2 Vols. Med . 8vo. 1920. Vol. 1. Pp. 460. Vol. 2. Pp.370. Longmans. 16s. each vol. Reid, J. A. Building Construction and Architectural Drawing. 18 Plates with text. 1911. Blackie. 4s. 6d. Riley , J . W . Building Construction for Beginners . New Imp. Gl.Svo. Pp. 314. 1920. Macmillan. 5s. Riyington's Notes on Building Construction. A Book of Refer- ence for Architects and Builders and a Text-Book for Students. New edn . of First Two Parts edited by W . N . Twelvetrees . Demy 8vo . Parti. Pp.316. 1915. 9s. Part 2. Pp. 342. 1915. 9s. Part 3. Materials. 7th edn. Pp. 546. (1910) 1919. 22s. 6d. Part 4. Calculations for Building Struc- tures. 8th edn. Pp.398. (1912) 1920. 15s. Longmans. Sage, A. R., and Fretwell, W. E. A Text-book of Elementary Build- ing Construction. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 302. 1914. Methuen. 5s. Samson , G . G . Every Man His Own Builder . 3rd edn . 8vo . Pp . 362 . 1920. Crosby Lockwood. 15s. Houses, Villas, Cottages and Bungalows . 2nd edn . Demy 8vo . Pp. 150. 1920. Crosby Lockwood . 7s. 6d. How to Plan a House . For those about to Build. 2nd edn. Cr.Svo. Pp . 150 . 1914 . Crosby Lockwood . 5s. Stock, G. H., and Farrow, F. R. Treatise on Shoring and Under- pinning. 3rd edn. 8vo. Pp. 84. 1902. Batsford. 5s. 6d. ii. ESTIMATES: QUANTITIES: SUPERVISION: REPAIRS. Bales, T. The Builders' Clerk, a Guide to the Management of a Builder's Business. 2ndedn.Fcap. 8vo. 1904. Spon. 2s. Ballard, W. E. Builders' Quanti- ties. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 131. 1913. Longmans. 3s. 6d. Blagrove, G. H. Dangerous Struc- tures and How to Deal With Them. A Handbook for Practical Men. 2nd edn. Cr.Svo. Pp.168. 1906. Batsford. 5s. 6d. Blake, E. G. Building Repairs. A Practical Guide to their Execu- tion. DemySvo. Pp.216. 1921. Batsford. 8s. Qd. Ghatterton, F. (edited by). Specifi- cation, with which is incorporated the Municipal Engineer's Specifica- tion. No. 23. 1921. Folio. Pp.552. Feb., 1921. '^Technical Journal." 10s. 6d. Goleman, T. E. Approximate Esti- mates, a Pocket book for Estimat- ing, compiled for the use of Archi- tects, Engineers, Estate Agents, Contractors, etc. 5th edn. 16mo. Pp.451. 1920. Spon. 10s. 6rf. New Standard Building Prices. For the use of Architects, Civil Engineers, Builders, Contractors, etc. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 44. 1919. Spon . 4s . Fletcher, Sir B. F., and H. P. Dilapidations, containing all recent Legal Decisions and a chapter on Fixtures . 7th edn . Cr . 8vo . Pp . 200. 1914. Batsford. 7s.6rf. Quantities. A Text-book in Tabulated Form for the use of Architects , Surveyors , and Builders . Revised by H. P. Fletcher. 8th edn. Cr.Svo. Pp. 460. 1910. Batsford. 10s. Grey, G. W. Building Supervision. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 158. 1913. Spon. 3s. 6d. 62 Building Construction. Orubb , H . G . Builders ' Quantities . 2ndedn. Cr.Svo. Pp.244. 1913. Methuen. 6s. Gd. Hoskins, G. G., and H. P. The Clerk of Works . A Vade Mecurn for all engaged in the superintendence of Building Operations. 8th edn. Fcap. 8vo. Pp. 64. 1914. Spon. 2s. Gd. Hurst, J. T. A Handbook of Formulae, Tables and Memoranda for Architectural Surveyors and Draughtsmen. 16th edn. Oblong 32mo. Pp. 712. 1921. Spon. 10s. Laxton's Builders' Price Book for 1921. Containing about 73,000 Prices, originally compiled by W. Laxton. 104the*dn. Cr.Svo. Pp. 645. Feb., 1921. Kelly. 7s. Gd. Leaning , J . Quantity Surveying , for the use of Surveyors, Architects, Engineers and Builders. 5th edn. 8vo. Pp.936. 1912. Spon. 25s. Lewis , H . M . Builders' Quantities . Cr. 8vo. Pp. 54. 1911. Spon. 2s. 6d. Lockwood 's Builders ' , Architects ' , Contractors', and Engineers' Price Book for 1921. Edited by R. S. Ayling. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 860. Jan., 1921. Crosby Lockwood. 7s. Gd. The Master Builders' Handbook and Diary, 1921. The Official Year Book of the London Master Builders' and Allied Industries Association. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 127 and Diary. 1921. "The Builder, "Ltd. 2s. Gd. Metson , G . The Clerk of Works . A Handbook on the Supervision of Building Operations. Cr. 8vo. Pp.190. 1913. Crosby Lockwood. 3s. Gd. Oultram, J. F. The Builders' Foreman . A Practical Guide to his Training. Cr.Svo. Pp. 208. 1916. Batsford. 7s. Gd. Purchase, W.R. Elementary Man- ual of Building Inspection. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 136. 1910. Crosby Lockwood. 3s. Gd. Rea , J . T . How to Estimate . Being a Complete and thoroughly up-to- date Analysis of Builders ; Prices. 4th edn. 8vo. Pp. 530. 1919. Batsford. 10s. Gd. Stephenson, G. Estimating. A Method of Pricing Builders' Quanti- ties for Competitive Work, without the use of a Price Book. 6th edn. Cr.Svo. Pp.178. 1913. Bgtsford. 5s. Gd. The Quantity Students' Assistant. A Handbook of Practical Notes and Memoranda for those learning to take-off Quantities. Cr.Svo. Pp. 124. 1907. Batsford. 4s. Pricing of Quantities. Ex. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 217. 1910. Constable. 5s. Repairs. How to Measure and Value Them . A Handbook for the use of Builders, Decorators, etc. 4th edn. Cr.Svo. Pp.108. 1913. Batsford . 4s . Young , G . ( ed ited by) . Spon ' s Prac - tical Builders' Pocket-book. A Reference book of Memoranda, Tables and Official Rules and Regulations for Architects and Builders. 3rd edn. Fcap. Svo. Pp.532. 1921. Spon. 10s. Gd. Spon's Architects' and Builders' Pocket Price Book , 1921 . 47th edn . Fcap. Svo. Pp.298. 1921. Spon. 6s. iii. BUILDING LAW: ARBITRATION. Gubitt, H. Building in London. A Treatise on the Law and Practice affecting the Erection and Mainten- ance of Buildings in the Metropolis. Super. Roy. Svo. Pp.811. 1911. Constable. 31s. Gd. Fletcher , Sir B . F . , and H . P . Light and Air, with Methods of Esti- mating Injuries, Reports of recent Cases , etc . 5th edn . Cr . Svo . Pp . 160 and Plates. 1904. Batsford. 7s. Gd. Valuations and Compensations . A comprehensive Treatise on Valu- ing Land and Houses. 4th edn. Cr. Svo. Pp. 470. 1913. Bats- ford. 10s. 63 Building Construction. Fletcher, Sir B. F., and H. P. London Building Acts, 1894-1909. 5th edn . Cr . 8vo . Pp . 700 . 1914 . Batsford. 10s. Arbitrations. A Text Book with the Chief Cases and Forms, Rules, etc. 3rd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 175. 1904. Batsford. 6s. Rimmer, E. J. The Arbitration Clause in Engineering and Building Contracts. Cr.Svo. Pp.24. 1912. Constable. 2s. iv. BUILDING MATERIALS. Middleton, G. A. T. Building Materials : Their Nature , Properties , and Manufacture . 2nd edn . Large Cr.Svo. Pp.450. 1916. Batsford. 10s . 6d . Munby, A. E. Introduction to the Chemistry and Physics of Building Materials. Ex. Cr. 8vo. Pp.365. 1909. Constable. 7s. Qd. v. CARPENTRY: WOODWORK AND ALLIED TRADES . Arkwright, J. P. (edited by). Carpentry and Cabinet Making for Amateurs. 2nd edn. Cr.Svo. Pp. 224. 1919. "Exchange and Mart." 4s. Ashcroft, H. J. Boat Building Simplified. 3rd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 74. 1919. Reiach. 5s. Barter, S. Manual Instruction: Woodwork. 4th edn. Fcap. 4to. Pp. 364. 1905. Pitman. 7s. Qd. Manual Instruction: Drawing. Showing the application of Geomet- rical Drawing to Manual Instruc- tion in Wood and Metal. Fcap. 4to. Pp.80. 1896. Pitman. 4s. Binstead, H. E. Furniture. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 142. 1918. Pitman. 3s. Boulton, B. C. The Manufacture and Use of Plywood and Glue. Demy Svo. Pp. 98. 1920. Pit- man. 7s. Qd. Bowers , R . S . , and others . Furni- ture Making . Demy Svo . Pp .416. 1919. Cassell. 8s. Qd. Denning, D. The Art and Craft of Cabinet-making. Cr. Svo. Pp, 320. 1891. Pitman. 6s. Ellis, G. Modern Practical Joinery. A Treatise on the Practice of Joiner's Work by Hand and Ma- chine. 4th edn. Cr.4to. Pp.565. 1921. 45s. Also in 3 parts. Part 1. Drawing, Tools, Workshop Practice, Woodworking Machinery. Pp.231. 15s. Part 2. Construc- tional Joinery in House, Shop, and Public Buildings. Pp. 271. 18s. Part 3 . Advanced Joinery , Setting- Out, Timber, etc. Pp. 187. 12s. Qd. Batsford. Modern Practical Carpentry. For the use of Workmen, Builders, Architects, and Engineers. Erect- ing Roofs, Floors, Partitions, Scaf- folding, Shoring, Foundations, Bridges, Gates, Houses, etc. Cr. 4to. Pp. 450. 1915. Batsford. 30s. Fletcher, Sir B. F., and H. P. Car- pentry and Joinery . A Text-book for Architects, Engineers, Surveyors,. Craftsmen , and Students . 4th edn . Cr.Svo. Pitman. 10s. Gd. Hasluck, P. N. (edited by). Wood Carving: Comprising Practical In- structions and Examples. Roy. Svo. Pp. 568. Cassell. 9s. Greenhouse and Conservatory Construction and Heating . Cr . Svo . Pp. 168. 1907. Cassell. 3s. Hurst, J. T. Principles of Carpen- try. Based upon the original work of Thomas Tredgold. 12th edn. Cr.Svo. 1919. Spon. IQs.Qd. Jack, G. Woodcarving Design and Workmanship. 2nd edn. Cr. Svo. Pp. 320. 1913. Pitman. 7s. Qd. Jackson , F . G . Wood Carving as an? Aid to the Study of Elementary Art . 2nd edn . Demy Svo . Pp . 65 . 1913. Chapman and Hall . 4s.6rf. Jones , B . E . (edited by) . The Com- plete Woodworker. Demy Svo. Pp. 416. 1919. Cassell. 8s. Qd. Leland,C.G. Wood -Carving. 5th edn. Fcap. 4to. Pp. 162. Pit- man . 5s . 64 Building Construction. Philipson, J. The Art and Craft of Coach Building. Small post 8vo. Pp. 191. 1897. Bell. 6s. Ricks, G. Manual Training: Wood- work. A Handbook for Teachers. Cr. 4to. Pp. 196. 1907. Mac- millan. 8s. 6d. Riley, J. W. Manual of Carpentry and Joinery. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 518. 1919. Macmillan. 6s. Rowe, E. Practical Wood-Carving. 2nd edn. 8vo. Pp. 97. 1918. Batsford . 4s . Rudd, J. H. Practical Cabinet Making and Draughting. Pp. 172. 1912. BennBros. 5s. 6d. Scott, W. A. Handrailing for Geo- metrical Staircases. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 58. 1915. Pitman. 2s. 6d. Sturch, F. Manual Training Draw- ing (Woodwork) . Its Principles and Applications. Fcap. Pp. 78. 1906. Methuen. 7s. 6d. Terry, C . W . Practical Motor Body Building. A Practical Treatise on the various branches of Motor Body Construction, for Coachbuilders, Draughtsmen, Designers, Students, and others. Demy 8vo. Pp. 348. 1921. Spon. 15s. Wake, R. The New Education: Woodwork. A Text Book of Manual Instruction, with descrip- tive lessons on Wood, Tools, and Benchwork. DemySvo. 1910.11s. Also in 3 Parts. 4s. each. Chap- man and Hall. Webber, F. C. Carpentry and Join- ery . 7th edn . Cr . 8vo . Pp . 336 . 1919. Methuen. 6s. Wells, P. A., and Hooper, J. Modern Cabinet Work, Furniture and Fitments . An Account of the Theory and Production with over 1 ,000 Workshop Drawings , etc . 2nd edn . in preparation . Cr . 4to . Pp. 400. Batsford. 30s. vi. COB AND PISE WORK. Williams -Ellis, C. Cottage Build- ings in Cob, Pise", Chalk and Clay. Demy 8vo. Pp. 125. 1919. * 'Country Life" Office. 6s. vii. BRICKS AND TILES: ARTIFICIAL AND MASONRY STONE. Ackworth, A. T. The Manufacture of Roofing Tiles. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 136. N.D. Maclaren. 3s. 6d. Bourry, E. A Treatise on Ceramic Industries. A Complete Manual for Pottery, Tile, and Brick Manu- facturers. Translated, with some Critical Notes, by A. B. Searle. 3rd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 488. 1919. Scott, Greenwood. 14s. Qd. Kloes, J. A. VanDer. A Manual for Masons, Bricklayers, Concrete Workers and Plasterers. Revised and Adapted by A . B . Searle . Demy 8vo. Pp. 247. 1914. Churchill. 8s. 6d. Lefevre, L. Architectural Pottery. Bricks, Tiles, Pipes, Enamelled Terra-cottas , Ordinary and In- crusted Quarries , Stoneware Mosaics, Faiences and Architectural Stoneware. Roy. 8vo. Pp. 500. 1900. Scott, Greenwood. 17s. Mitchell, C. F., and G. A. Brick- work and Masonry. A Practical Text-book for Students and those engaged in the Design and Execu- tion of Structures in Brick and , Stone. New edn. in preparation. Batsford . Passmore, A. C. Sand and Clay: Their Analysis and Physical Prop- erties. Cr." 8vo. Pp. 48. 1907. Technical Pub. Co. 2s. Qd. Renwick , W . G . Marble and Marble Working. Med. 8vo. Pp. 250. 1909. Crosby Lock wood. 16s. Searle , A . B . Modern Brickmaking . 2nd edn. Roy. 8vo. Pp. 510. 1920. Scott, Greenwood. 17s. 6d. An Introduction to British Clays, Shales, and Sands. 2nd edn. in preparation . Griffin . The Natural History of Clay. Roy. 16mo. Pp. 183. 1912. Cambridge Un i vers ity Press 2s . 6 d . Clays and Clay Products. 2nd edn. Cr. 8vo. 'Pp. 172. 1915. Pitman . 3s . Building Construction. Searle, A . B . Bricks and Artificial Stones of Non-Plastic Materials : Their Manufacture and Uses . 4to . Pp.160. 1915. Churchill. 8s. Qd. Watson, J. British and Foreign Building Stones. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 492. 1911. Cambridge University Press. Qs.Gd. British and Foreign Marbles and other Ornamental Stones . Cr . 8vo . Pp. 496. 1916. Cambridge Uni- versity Press. 5s. viii. CEMENT: CONCRETE. Ballard, F. Concrete for House, Farm and Estate. 2nd edn. 8vo. Pp. 65. 1920. Crosby Lockwood. 3s. 6d. Blount, B. Cement: Manufacture; Power ; Testing ; Methods of Analy- sis ; Chemistry; Uses and By- Products. Assisted by W. H. Woodcock & H. J. Gillett. Demy 8vo. Pp.296. 1920. Longmans. 18s. Butler, D . B . Portland Cement : Its Manufacture, Testing, and Use. 3rd edn. 8vo. Pp. 458. 1913. Spon. 21s. Calcare. The Cement Users' and Buyers' Guide. 32mo. Pp. 115. 1901. Spon. 2s. Dancaster, E. A. Limes and Cem- ents: their Nature, Manufacture, and Use . 2nd edn . Cr . 8vo . Pp . 232. 1920. Crosby Lockwood. 7s. Qd. Desch, C. H. The Chemistry and Testing of Cement. Demy 8vo. Pp. 276. 1911. E.Arnold. 12s. Gatehouse , F . B . A Handbook for Cement Works ' Chemists . 2nd edn . Med.Svo. Pp.172. 1917. Griffin. 6s. Lakem^n,A. (edited by). Concrete Cottages, Small Garages and Farm Buildings. 8vo. Pp. 182. 1918. Concrete Publications, Ltd. 5s. Potter , T . Concrete : Its Use in Building. 3rd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 350. 1908. Batsford. Ss.Gd. Poulsen, A. Cement in Sea-Water- 8vo. Pp.59. 1909. Spon. 3s. Redgrave, G. R., and Spackman, C. Calcareous Cements: Their Nature, Preparation and Uses . With some Remarks upon Cement Testing . 2nd edn. Med. 8vo. Pp. 328. 1905. Griffin. 18s. Searle, A. B. The Chemistry of Cement, Concrete and Bricks. Demy 8vo. Pp.423. 1913. Constable. 10s. 6d. Setting of Cements and Plasters, The. Faraday Society Report. 1918. Demy 8vo. Pp.71. 1918. Faraday Society . 5s. (yd. Sutclif fe , G . L . Concrete : Its Nature and Uses ; for Architects, Builders, etc. 2nd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 396. 1905. Crosby Lockwood. 10s. (yd. Wheatley, O. Ornamental Cement Work/ Demy 8vo. Pp. 128. 1912. Scott , Greenwood . 6s . ix. RE-INFORCED CONCRETE. Adams, H., and Matthews, E. R. Reinforced Concrete Construction in Theory and Practice. 2nd edn. 8vo. Pp. 330. 1916. Longmans. 15s. Andrews, E. S. Elementary Princi- ples of Re-Inforced Concrete Con- struction . 2nd edn . Cr . 8vo . Pp . 260 . 1 918 . Scott , Greenwood . 5s . Regulations of the L.C.C. Relat- ing to Reinforced Concrete. 1916. The official Text, Notes, Explana- tions, etc. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 78. 1916. Batsford. 3s. Ball , J . D . W . Reinforced Concrete Railway Structures. Demy 8vo. Pp. 227. 1913. Constable. 9s. Cantell , M . T . Reinforced Concrete Construction . Part 1 . 2nd edn . Cr. 8vo. Pp.168. 1918. 8s. 6d. Part 2. 8vo. Pp.256. 1912. 15s. Spon. Coleman, T. E. Estimating for Re- inforced Concrete Work. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 154. 1912. Batsford. 5s. Davenport, J. A. Graphical Rein- forced Concrete Design . A series of Diagrams on Sheets. 1911 . Spon. 6s. 66 Building Construction. Etchells, E. F. Mnemonic Nota- tions for Engineering Formulae. Report of the Science Committee of the Concrete institute with Explan- atory Notes by E . F . Etchells . Demy Svol i'p. 110. 1910. Spon. 6s. Faber, O., and Bowie, P. G. Rein- forced Concrete Design. Demy 8vo. Vol. I. Theory. Pp.352. 1919. 14s. Vol. 2. Practice. By O. Faber. Pp. 258. 1920. Arnold. 18s. Gammon, J. G. Reinforced Con- crete Design Simplified : Diagrams , Tables, and other Data. 2nd edn. Demy4to. Pp.124. 1913. Crosby Lock wood . 1 5s . Geen, B. Continuous Beams in Re- inforced Concrete. Imp.4to. 1912. Chapman & Hall . 10s . Marsh , G . F . A Concise Treatise on Reinforced Concrete . 3rd imp . Demy 8vo. Pp.233. 1920. Con- stable. 12s. 6d. Reinforced Concrete Compression Member Diagram. Roy 8vo.l914. In cloth covers, mounted on linen. 5s . Unmounted . 3s . 6d . Constable . and Dunn, W. Manual of Re- inforced Concrete . 3rd edn . Fcap . 8vo. Pp. 491. 1910. Constable. 14s. Martin , N . Properties and Design of Reinforced Concrete. Fcap. 4to. Pp.131. 1912. Constable. 8s. Rins, F. Reinforced Concrete Bridges. Imp. 8vo. Pp. 193. 1913. Constable. 21s. Scott, A. A. H. Reinforced Con- crete in Practice. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 190. 1915. Scott, Greenwood. 5s. Twelvetrees, W. N. Reinforced Concrete . A Treatise on the Theory and Practice of Reinforced Concrete Construction . Demy 8vo . Pp . 275. 1920. Pitman ." 21s. Practical Design of Reinforced Concrete Beams and Columns. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 167. 1911. Pitman. 7s. Gd. Concrete-Steel Buildings. Cr. 8vo. Pp.408. 1907. Pitman. 12s. Williamson, J. Calculating Dia- grams for Design of Reinforced Con- crete Sections . Imp . Svo . Pp . 44 . 1920. Constable. 12s. x. IRON AND STEEL CONSTRUCTION. Andrews , E . S . , and Cocking ,W . C . Tables of Safe Loads on Steel Pillars with Practical Notes on Design and Construction. Vol. 1. Plated Single K Beams. Demy 8vo. 1918. Pitman. 6s. Beck, E. G. Structural Steelwork: Relating principally to the Con- struction of Steel Framed Buildings . Svo. Pp. 462. 1920. Longmans. 21s. Cocking , W . C . The Calculations for Steel-Frame Structures. Cr. 8vo. Pp . 312 . 1917. Scott , Greenwood . 6s. Farnsworth, A. W. Constructional Steelwork. 2nd edn. in prepara- tion. Griffin. Fidler,H. Notes on Construction in Mild Steel. Med. Svo. Pp. 462. 1907. Longmans. 18s. Gd. Hasluck, P. N. (edited by), iron, Steel, and Fireproof Construction. Cr.Svo. Pp.168. 1906. Cassell. 3s. Schindler, K. Iron and Steel Con- structional Work. Translated and Revised from the German, and adapted to British practice . Cr . Svo . Pp . 140 . 1912. Scott , Greenwood . 4s. Qd. Sexton, A. H. The Corrosion and Protection of Metals, with special reference to the Preservation of Engineering Structures. Cr. Svo. Pp. 148. 190(5. Scientific ub.Co. ft*. Skelton, R. A. and Co. (compiled by). Structural Steel . Consisting of Tables and Notes for Engineers, Architects, Contractors and Iron Merchants . Fcap . 4to . Pp . 320 . 1915. Pitman. 10s. Spencer, A. S. Practical Design of Steel-Framed Sheds. Rov. Svo. Pp. 177. 1915. Constable. 12s. Twelvetrees , W . N . Structural Iron and Steel. Cr. Svo. Pp. 163. 1900. Pitman. 7s. 6d. 67 Building Construction. xi. MISCELLANEOUS Holt, H. G. Fire Protection in Buildings : a Practical Treatise for Engineers, Architects, etc. Demv 8vo. Pp. 280. 1913. Crosby Lockwood . 9s . Keim, A. W. The Prevention of Dampness in Buildings: with Re marks on the Causes. Nature and Effects of Saline, Efflorescences and Dry-rot. Translated from the Ger- man. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 115. 1902. Scott, Greenwood. 6s. Montel, A. Building Structures in Earthquake Countries. From the Italian, with additions by the Author. Cr.4to. Pp.138. 1912. Griffin. 10s. 6d. xii TOWN PLANNING. Aldridge , H . A . The Case for Town Planning. A Practical Manual. Roy. 8vo. Pp.679. 1915. Not. Housing and Town Planning Coun- cil. 15s. Cadbury, G. Town Planning, with special Reference to the Birming- ham Schemes . 2nd imp . 8vo . Pp . 218. 1915. Longmans. 8s. Julian, J. An Introduction to Town Planning : the Principles of the Subject, and a consideration of the Problems Involved , Powers of Local Authorities, etc. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 156. 1914. Griffin. 6s. Lanchester , H . V . Town Planning in Madras. 4to. Pp. 123. 1918. Constable. 12s. Gd. Nettlefold, J. S. Practical Town Planning: A Land and Housing Policy. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 493. 1914. St. Catherine Press. 2s. Gd. Triggs , H . I . Town Planning : Past , Present and Possible. 2nd edn. Roy. 8vo. Pp. 336. Methuen. 16.5. Unwin, R. Town Planning in Prac- tice . An introduction to the Art of Designing Cities and Suburbs. 6th imp. Cr. 4to. Pp. 448. 1919. Fisher Unwin. 31s. Gd. Webb, W. Garden First in Land Development . 2nd edn . 8vo . Pp . 142. 1920. Longmans. 5s. xiii. HOUSE DECORATION : PAINTS, ETC. Bates , A . Motor and" Carriage Paint- ing . A Practical Manua 1 . Cr . 8vo . Pp.164. 1915. Trade Paper Pub . Co . 4s . Brown, W. N. House Decorating and Painting. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 150. 1900. Scott, Greenwood. 4s. Gd . Workshop Wrinkles for Decora- tors, Painters, Paperhangers , and Others. 2nd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 128. 1907. Scott, Greenwood. 2s. Gd. Coach Painters' Handbook and Guide, The. Cr. 8vo. Pp.133. Trade Paper Pub . Co . 2s . Gd . Desaint, A. Three Hundred Shades and How to Mix Them. For Arch- itects, Painters and Decorators. Folio. 100 Plates. 1907. Scott, Greenwood . 23s . Duthie, A. L. Stencils and Stencil- ling; for all Artistic and Decorative purposes. Cr.Svo. Pp.163. 1914. Trade Paper Pub . Co . 4s . Ermen , W . F . A . Materials Used in Si/ing. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 126. 1912. Constable. 6s. Fleury , P . The Preparation and Uses of White Zinc Paints. Translated from the French. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 280. 1912. Scott, Greenwood. 7s. Galloway , J . H . Staining , Varnish- ing and Enamelling. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 122. 3910. Trade Paper Pub . Co . 4s . Hasluck, P. N. (edited by). House Decoration . Roy . 8vo . Pp . 568 . 1913. Cassell. 9s. Practical Graining and Marbling. Cr.Svo. Pp.168. 1911. Cassell. 3s. Hurst, G. H, Colour: A Handbook of the Theory of Colour . 2nd edn . DemySvo. Pp.168. 1916. Scott, Greenwood. 8s. 6d. Painters ' Colours , Oils , and Var- nishes . 6th edn . Revised by N . Heaton in preparation. Griffin. The Painter's Laboratory Guide. A Student's Handbook of Paints, Colours, and Varnishes. 2nd edn. in preparation. Griffin. 68 Building Construction. Jennings , A . S . Commercial Paints and Painting. A Handbook for Architects. Engineers, Property Owners, Painters and Decorators. Ex.Cr.8vo. Pp.236. 1914. Con- stable. 7s. Gd. Paint and Colour Mixing : A Practical Handbook. 5th edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 250. 1921. Spon. 12s. 6d. Paints and Varnishes , with special reference to their Properties and Uses. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 116. 1920. Pitman. 3s. and Harrison , C . The Painters ' Pocket Rook. 4th edn. Pott 8vo. Pp. 258. 1920. Trade Paper Pub. Co. 4s. Gd. Jones , M . W . The Testing and Val- uation of Raw Materials used in Paint and Colour Manufacture . For the Laboratories of Colour Works. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 88. 1900. Scott , Greenwood . 6s . Millar, A. Scumbling and Colour Glazing. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 86. 1909. Trade Paper Pub . Co . 4s . Oliver , C . E . The Painters ' Business Book. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 213. 1914. Trade Paper Pub. Co. 4s. Pearce , W . J . Painting and Decor- ating : A complete Practical Manual for House Painters and Decorators. 4th edn. Cr. 8vo. 1913. Griffin. 12s. 6d. Rothery, G. G. Decorators' Sym- bols, Emblems, and Devices. Cr. 8vo. Pp.130. 1907. Trade Paper Pub. Co. 3s. Gd. Scott -Mitchell, F. Practical Gild- ing , Bronzing . Lacquering and Glass Embossing. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 184. 1907. Trade Paper Pub. Co. 3s. Gd. Smith, J. G. Paint and Painting Defects , their Detection . Cause and Cure. Cr.Svo. 1912. Trade Paper Pub . Co . 4s . and Laurie , A . P . Zinc Oxide and its Uses. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 108. 1909. Trade Paper Pub . Co . 2s. Gd. Wright, A. C. Simple Methods for Testing Painters' Materials. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 160. 1903. Scott, Greenwood. 6s. 69 NAVAL ARCHITECTURE, SHIP- BUILDING. i. GENERAL. Atherton , W . H . , and Mellanby , A . L . Resistance and Power of Steam- ships. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 208. 1903. Technical Pub . Co . 6s . 9d . Attvvood , E . L . War Ships : A Text- book on the Construction, Protec- tion , Stability , etc . , of War Vessels . 6th edn . Med . 8vo . Pp . 346 . 1917 . Longmans. 14s. Text -book of Theoretical Naval Architecture . 7th edn . 4th imp . Cr.Svo. Pp.506. (1916). 1919. Longmans. 10s. Qd. The Modern Warship. Roy. 16mo. Pp. 153. 1911. Cam- bridge University Press . 2s. Gd. and Cooper , I . G . G . A Text- Book on Laying-ofT, or the Geo- metry of Ship-building. 2nd edn. new* "imp. 8vo. Pp. 132. 1918 (1919). Longmans. 7s. Gd. Ayre, A. L. The Theory and Design of British Shipbuilding^. Illustrated by 85 Diagrams. 8vo. Pp. 167. 1920. T.Reed. Gs.Gd. Baker , G . S . Ship Form , Resistance , and Screw Propulsion. Treated from the practical point of view for the use of Naval Architects, Engin- eers, and Draughtsmen. 2nd edn. Demy 8vo. "Pp. 270. 1921. Constable. 16s. Barnaby, S. W. Marine Propellers. 6th edn. 8vo. Pp. 230. 1920. Spon . 24s . Biles, Sir J. H. The Design and Construction of Ships. Vol. 1. Calculations and Strength . 2nd edn. Large. 8vo. Pp. 448. 1919. 34s. Vol. 2. 2nd edn. in preparation. Griffin. Blocksidge, E. W. Ships' Boats. Their Qualities, Construction, Equipment, and Launching Appli- ances. 8vo. Pp. 500. 1920. Longmans . 25s .. Brassey's Naval and Shipping Annual. 1920-21. Edited by A. Richardson and A. Hurd. Roy. 8vo. Pp. 383. Jan. 1921. Clowes. 25s. Cook, G. W. Steel Shipbuilders' Handbook. An Encyclopaedia of the names of parts, tools, opera- tions, etc., used in the building of steel ships. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 127. 1919. Longmans. 6s. 6d. Holms, A. C. Practical Shipbuild- ing : a Treatise on the Structural Design and Building of Modern Steel Vessels. 2 vols. 3rd edn. 1916. (4th imp. 1918). Vol. 1. Text . Med . 8vo . Pp . 652 . Vol . 2 . Diagrams and Illustrations. Oblong 4to . Pp.172. Longmans . 67s . Gd . Hovgaard, W. General Design of Warships. Super Roy. 8vo. Pp. 315. 1920. Spon. 32s. Jane's Fighting Ships: 1920. An Encyclopaedia of the Navies of the World. Edited by M. Prendergast and O . Parkes . 23rd year of Issue . Oblong 4to. Pp. 580~ Jan. 1921. Sampson ; Low. 42s. Jordan , G . H . Tabulated Weigh ts of Iron and Steel. Tabulated Weights of Angle , Tee , Bulb , Round , Square and Flat Iron and Steel. For the use of Naval Architects, Shipbuild- ers, etc. 7th edn. Oblong 32mo. Pp.742. 1918. Spon. 21s. Lovett, W. J. A Complete Class- Book of Naval Architecture : Practi- cal, Laying-off, Theoretical. 2nd imp. 8vo. Pp.294. 1918. Long- mans. 10s. Go L 70 Naval Architecture, Shipbuilding. Lovett , W . J . Applied Naval Archi- tecture. Demy 8vo. Pp. 666. 1920 . Longmans . 36s . McDermaid, N. J. Shipyard Prac- tice as applied to Warship Con- struction. 2nd edn. new imp. Med.Svo. Pp.336. (1917). 1918. Longmans. 17s. 6d. Mackrow, C., and Woollard, L. Naval Architect's and Shipbuilder's Pocket-Book of Formulae, Rules, and Tables. 12th edn. Fcap. 8vo. Pp . 700 . 1918. Crosby Lock wood . 16s. Mitchell , J . Naval Architect 's Data . Edited by E . L . Attwood . 8vo . Pp . 230 . 1919. Longmans . 8s . Qd. Murray, A. J. Strength of Ships. 8vo. Pp. 408. 1916. Longmans. 17s. Qd. Nicol, G. Ship Construction and Calculations. 8vo. Pp. 518. 1920. J . Brown . 23s . Steele, J. E. Naval Architecture: Parti. DemySvo. Pp. 150. 1918. Cambridge University Press. 6s. Qd. Thearle , S . J . P . The Modern Prac- tice of Shipbuilding in Iron and Steel . Vol . 1 . Text . Demy 8vo . Pp.268. 1910. 5s. Vol.2. Plates. 4to. 10s. Collins. Thomas , J . B . The Strength of Ships. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 295. 1918. Scott . Greenwood . 6s. Torr,C. Ancient Ships. DemySvo. Pp. 152. 1895. Cambridge Uni- versity Press. 10s. 6rf. Walton, T. Present Day Shipbuild- ing. For Ship-yard Students, Ships Officers and Engineers . 2nd edn . in preparation . Griffin . Know Your Own Ship. Revised by J.King. 18th edn. Large Cr. 8vo. Pp. 414. 1920. Griffin. 9s. Steel Ships: Their Construction and Maintenance. A Manual for Ship Builders, Students, Marine Engineers , etc . 6th edn . Roy . 8vo . Pp.348. 1920. Griffin. 25s. Watson, T. H. Naval Architecture: A Manual of Laying-off Iron, Steel and Composite Vessels. 3rd edn. Roy. 8vo. Pp. 183. 1917. Longmans . 30s . ii. MISCELLANEOUS. Boycott , G . W . M . Compressed Air Work and Diving. Med. 8vo. Pp. 128. 1909. Crosby Lockwood. 10s. Qd. Davis, R. H. A Diving Manual and Handbook of Submarine Appliances , embodying the Deep Sea Practice adopted by the British Admiralty , and including chapters on the Phys- ics and Physiology of Diving, Salv- age Operations , etc . 8vo . Pp . 271 . 1919. Pitman. 7s. Qd. Dommett , W . E . Submarine Vessels including Mines, Torpedoes, Guns, Steering, Propelling, and Navigat- ing Apparatus . 5th edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 106. 1918. Pitman. 5s. Domville-Fife, C. W. Submarine Engineering of To-Day. Cr. 8vo. Pp.324. 1914. Seeley. 7s. Qd. Maginnis, A. G. The Atlantic Ferry : Its Sh ips , Men , and Work ing . 3rd. edn. Cr.Svo. Pp. 288. 1900. Pitman. 3s. Talbot , F . A . Lightships and Light- houses. DemySvo. Pp.356. 1913. Heinemann . 6s . Submarines. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 284. 1918. Heinemann. 5s. White, H.J. Oil Tank Steamers: Their Working and Pumping Arrangements Thoroughly Ex- plained. 2nd edn. DemySvo. Pp. 150. 1919. James Brown. 7s. Qd. Wryde , J . S . British Light-houses : their History and Romance. Demy 8vo. Pp. 383. 1913. Fisher Unwin. 10s. Qd. 71 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. i. GENERAL. Adams, H. Engineers' Handbook. Comprising Facts and Formulae, Principles and Practice, in all branches of Engineering . Roy . 8 vo . Pp.582. Cassell. 9s. Foundations for Machinery. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 71. 1919. Technical Pub. Co. 3s. Qd. Allen, G. G. Engineering Workshop Practice. 4th edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 260. 1917. Methuen. 5s. Andrews , E . S . A Primer of Engin- eering Science. An Introductory Text-Book. Cr.Svo. Pp. 76. 1918. Pitman. 4s. Gd. Barber, T. W. The Engineer's Sketch-Book of Mechanical Move- ments, Devices, Appliances, Con- trivances, and Details employed in the Design and Construction of Machinery for every purpose. 6th edn. 8vo. Pp.355. 1918. Spon. 15.s. Bentley , W. Sketches of Engine and Machine Details. 8th edn. Large Cr. 8vo. Pp. 140. 1920. Chap- man & Hall. 3s. Gd. Bjorling,P.R.(editedby). Mechan- ical Engineers' Pocket Book. 2nd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 387. 1919. Pitman . 6s . Browne, G. L. The Fitting and Erecting of Engines. 2nd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 173. 1918. Emmott . 5s . Camp in, F. Mechanical Engineer- ing. Comprising Metallurgy , Mould- ing, Casting, Forging, etc. 3rd edn. Cr. 8vo. 1918. Crosby Lockwood . 3s . Gharnock , G . F . Mechanical Tech- nology : Materials and Preparatory Processes of the Mechanical Indus*- tries. DemySvo. Pp.645. 1919. Constable. 12s. Qd. Clark,D.K.,andPowles,H.H.P. Mechanical Engineer's Pocket- Book, llth edn. Small Cr. 8vo. Pp.700. 1919. Crosby Lockwood. 7s. Qd. Gorbin, T. W. Mechanical Inven- tions of To-Day. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 324. 1918. Seeley. 7s. Qd. Davies, F. H. Foundations and Machinery Fixing. New imp. Fcap. 8vo. Pp. 152. 1919. Constable. 2s. Qd. Dommett , W . E . (edited by) . Mech- anics and Draughtsmen's Pocket- Book. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 135. 1919. Pitman. 29. Qd. Greenly, H. Model Engineering. A Guide to Model Workshop Practice. DamySvo. Pp.416. 1919. Cassell. 8s. Qd. Haler, P. J., and Stuart, A. H. A First Course in Engineering Science. 2nd imp. Cr.Svo. Pp. 200. 1918. University Tutorial Press. 3s. Qd. Horner, J. G. (edited by). Lock- wood's Dictionary of Terms used in the Practice of Mechanical Engin- eering. 5th edn. with Appendix. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 470. 1918. Crosby Lockwood. 8s. Qd. Horton, G. M. Opportunities in Engineering . Cr . 8vo . Pp . 96 . 1921 . University of London Press . 3s . Qd. Hutton, W. S. Practical Engineer's Handbook. A Treatise on Engines and Boilers, Marine, Locomotive and Stationary. 7th edn. Med. 8vo. Pp. 576. 1911. Crosby Lockwood. 21s. Jervis - Smith , F. J., and Boys, G . V . Dynamometers . Demy 8vo . Pp. 283. 1915. Constable. 14s. Kennedy, Sir A. B. W. The Mechanics of Machinery. Cr. 8vo. Pp.668. 1907. Macmillan. 8. Gd. 72 Mechanical Engineering. Manchester , F . W . Industrial Engin- eering. Its Present position and Post- war outlook. Cr.Svo. Pp.61. 1917. Constable. Is. Qd. Lineham, W. J. A Text-book of Mechanical Engineering. Part 1., Workshop Practice ; Part 2 . , Theory and Examples, llth edn. 8vo. Pp. 1244. 1920. Chapman & Hall. 21s. Liversedge, A. J. Commercial Engineering. Demy Svo. Pp.369. 1912. Emrnott. 8s. Qd. Low, D. A. A Pocket -Book for Mechanical Engineers. 8th imp. Fcap. Svo. Pp.748. 1919. Long- mans . 9s . JVlcLaren, R. S. Mechanical Engin- eering for Beginners . 4th edn . Cr . 8vo. Pp. 316. 1920. Griffin. 6s. Marks , E . G . R . Mechanical Engin- eering Materials. 2nd edn. Cr.Svo. Pp . 98 . 1 906 . Technical Pub . Co . 3s. 6d. Pullen, W. W. F. Engineering Tables and Data for the use of Stu- dents in Laboratories, &c. 2nd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 96. 1913. Scientific Pub . Co . Is . Qd. Rankine, W. J. M. A Manual of Machinery and Mill Work . Revised by W.J.Millar. 7th edn. Cr.Svo. Pp.617. 1893. Griffin. 12s. Qd. Robson, A. G. Engineering Work- shop Principles and Practice. 2nd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 259. 1919. Emmott . 6s . Sexton, A. H. Chemistry of Materi- als of Engineering . 3rd edn . Cr . Svo. Pp. 337. 1909. Technical Pub. Co. 6s. Qd. Spikes, W.H. Foundations of Engin- eering. Cr. Svo. Pp. 272. 1919. Hodder & Stoughton. 4s. Qd. Stanley, H. Practical Science for Engineeering Students. Cr. Svo. Pp. 174. 1913. Methuen. 5s. Taylor , H . G . Laboratory Engineer- ing. Cr. Svo. Pp. 392. 1913. University of London Press. 7s. Qd. ii . POWER TRANSMISSION : GEARING. Bale, M. P. Modern Shafting and Gearing, and the Economical Trans- mission of Power. Cr. Svo. Pp. 124. 1893. Wm. Rider. 2s. Qd. Butler, E. Transmission Gears: Mechanical, Electric, and Hydrau- lic , for Land and Marine Purposes . Med.Svo. Pp.176. 1917. Griffin. 8s. Qd. Dunkley, W. G. Belts for Power Transmission. Pott Svo. Pp.116. 1921. Pitman. 2s. Qd. Hill, G. W. The Design of Toothed Gears. Med. Svo. Pp. 64. 1918. Griffin. 3s. Qd. Horner,J.G. Toothed Gearing. A Practical Hand-Jbook for Offices and Workshops. 2nd edn. Cr. Svo. Pp.224. 1904. Crosby Lockwood . 7s. Qd. Ingham , A . E . Gearing : A Practical Treatise. Demy 8vo. Pp. 193. 1914. Methuen. 7s.Qd. Puppe> J. Experimental Investiga- tions on the Power Required to Drive Rolling Mills. Translated from the German. 2nd edn. in preparation . Griffin . Shaw , T . R . The Driving of Mach- ine Tools. Cr.Svo. Pp.225. 1917. Scott , Greenwood . 5s . Smith, T. A. Power and its Trans- mission . A Practical Handbook for the Factory and Works Manager. Fcap. Svo. Pp.76. 1910. Spon. 2s. Qd. Snell, Sir J. F. C. Power House Design 2nd edn. Svo. 1921. Longmans . 42s , White , G . T . Toothed Gearing . Cr . Svo. Pp. 220. 1912. Scott, Greenwood. 4s ; Qd. Wildgoose, A., and Orr, A. J. (compiled by). Wheel Gearing. Tables of Pitch-line Diameters of W T heels, Proportions and Strengths of Teeth, etc. Fcap. 16mo. Pp. 184. 1921. Spon. 3s. Woollaston, T. R. Power Plant. Demy Svo. Pp. 117. 1919. Sherratt and Hughes. 5s. 73 Mechanical Engineering. iii. COMPRESSED AIR POWER TRANSMISSION. Daw , A . W . , and Z . W . Compressed Air Power . A Treatise on the Devel- opment and Transmission of Power by Compressed Air. Demy 8vo. Pp. 399. 1920. Pitman. 21s. Popplewell , W . G . Compressed Air . A Treatise on the Theory and Prac- tice of Pneumatic Power Trans- mission. 2nd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 295. 1921. Scientific Pub. Co. 10s. iv. LUBRICATION. Archbutt, L., and Deeley, R. M. Lubrication and Lubricants. A Treatise on the Theory and Practice of Lubrication , and on the Nature, Propertiesand Testingof Lubricants . 4th (reprint of 3rd) edn. Large. 8vo. Pp. 635. (1920). 1921. Griffin. 30s. Battle , J . R . A Practical Handbook of Industrial Oil Engineering, in- cluding the Lubricating Engineer's Handbook . 2 vols . Vol. 1 . Lub- rication and Industrial Oil . Large Cr. 8vo. Pp. 1,142. 1921. 42s. Vol . 2 . Oil Fuels in preparation . Griffin. Cree , A . All About Oil for Engineers : a Practical Handbook. 2nd edn. 12mo. Pp.277. 1919. Spon. 9s. Pamely , C . The Mine Wagon and itt Lubrication. Med. 8vo. Pp. 144. 1914. .Crosby Lockwood. 7s. 6d. v. LIFTING AND CONVEYING. Broughton, H. H. The Electrical Handling of Materials: a Manual on the Design, Construction, and Application of Cranes, Conveyors, Hoists, and Elevators. 4 Vols. Deniy 4to. Vol. 1. Electrical Equipment. 2nd edn. Pp. 216. 1920. 25s. Vols. 2. Structural; 3 , Machinery ; 4 , Methods ; in preparation. Benn Bros. Hill , C . W . Electric Crane Construc- tion. Med. 8vo. Pp. 333. 1911. Griffin . 30s . Horner,J.G. An Elementary Treat- ise on Hoisting Machinery. Cranes, their construction and various types . Cr. 8vo. Pp. 264. 1903. Crosby Lockwood. 8s. Qd. McCulloch, C., and Futers, T. C. Winding Engines and Winding Appliances : their Design and Econ- omical Working. Demy 8vo. Pp. 460. 1912. Arnold. 21s. Marks , E . C . R . Practical Notes on the Construction of Cranes and Lifting Machinery. 3rd edn. Cr. Svo. Pp. 260. 1904. Technical Pub. Co. 4*.9rf. Wallis-Tayler, A. J. Aerial or Wire-Rope Ways. Their Construc- tion and Management. 2nd edn. Demy Svo. Pp.254. 1920. Crosby Lockwood . 1 2s . Qd . Weisbach, J., and Herrmann, G. Mechanics of Hoisting Machin- ery: including Accumulators, Ex- cavators, and Pile Drivers. Svo. Pp. 312. 1907. Macmillan.12s.6rf. Wilda,H. Cranes and Hoists : Their Construction and Calculation. Cr. Svo. Pp. 168. 1913. Scott, Greenwood. 4s. 6d. Zimmer, G. F. The Mechanical Handling and Storing of Material. A Treatise on the handling and stor- ing of Material such as Coal, Grain, Timber, etc., by Automatic or Semi -Automatic Machinery. Roy. Svo. Pp. 766. 1916 / Crosby Lockwood . 50s . Mechanical Handling of Material, and its National Importance During and After the War. Roy. Svo. Pp.135. 1917. Crosby Lockwood . 10s. 6rf. vi . FOUNDRY WORK . Aughtie, H. Practical Pattern Mak- ing . A Treatise for Pattern Makers , Foundrymen, Apprentices, etc. 2nd edn. Demy Svo. Pp.176. 1901. Scientific Pub. Co. 4s. Horner, J. G. The Principles of Pattern Making for Apprentices and Students in Technical Colleges ., 5th edn. Cr. Svo. Pp.180. 1892. Pitman. 4s. 74 Mechanical Engineering. Horner, J. G. Practical Pattern Making . 4th edn . Large C!r . 8vo . Pp . 420 . 1912 . Crosby Lock wood . 8s. Gd. Primrose, H. S., and J.S.G. Gun- Metal and Brass Founding (under Scientific Control). Cr. 8vo. Pp. 287. 1921. Louis Cassier. 10s. Shaw, B., and Edgar, J. Pattern- making: aPractical Treatise describ- ing Pattern-making Methods and Appliances. Fcap. 8vo. Pp.120. 1921. Pitman. 2s. Gd. Treiber, T. Foundry Machinery. Translated from the German, re- vised and adapted to British prac- tice. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 148. 1913. Scott, Greenwood. 4s. fid. vii. MACHINE TOOLS . Barrett, E.G. Screw Cutting in the Lathe. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 44. 1912. Technical Pul>. Co. 2s. Bentley, W, Machine Shop Com- panion : Comprising Practical Notes , Rules and Tables for every-day Workshop Use . 8th edn . Fcap . 8vo. Pp.130. 1920. Chapman & Hall. Is.Gd. Burley, G. W. Lathes: Their Con- struction and Operation. Cr. 8vo. Pp . 244 . 191 5 . Scott , Greenwood . 4s. Gd. Machine and Fitting Shop Prac- tice. Cr.Svo. Vol.1., Measure- ments and Gauging, Setting-out, Vice-Work, Chipping and Filing. Pp.221. 1918. Vol. 2., Planing, Drilling, Lathe Work and Grind- ing. 1919. Scott, Greenwood. 5s. each. - The Testing of Machine Tools. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 240. 1915. Scott, Greenwood . 5s . Camm, F. J., and Others. Screw Cutting. Demy 8vo. Pp. 270. 1920. Cassell. 6s. Darbyshire, H. Precision Grinding. A Practical Book on the Use of Grinding Machinery for Machine Men . Demy 8vo . Pp . 1 70 . 1907 . Constable. ' 6s. Gd. De Vries, D. Milling Machines and Milling Practice. 8vo. Pp. 464. 1916. Spon. 10s. Gd. The Calculation of Change- Wheels for Screw-Cutting on Lathes . 8vo. Pp.83. 1914. Spon. 5s. Fremont, G. Files and Filing. Translated under the supervision of G. Taylor, from the French. Quarto. Pp. 160. 1920. Pitman. 21s. Gates , P . Tool and Machine Setting for Milling, Drilling, Tapping, Bor- ing, Grinding and Press Work. Fcap. 8vo. Pp. 103. 1921. Pitman. 2s. Gd. Griffiths , E . A . Engineering Instru- ments and Meters. Roy. 8vo. Pp.384. 1920. Routledge. 31s. Gd. Grimshaw, R. Modern Workshop Hints. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 443. 1902. Sampson Low . 1 Os . Gd . Guest, J. J. Grinding Machinerv. Demy 8vo. Pp. 444. 1915. E. Arnold. 16s. Haddow.A.N. The Design of Drill Jigs. A Practical Manual. Demy 8vo. Pp. 96. 1917. Emmott. 2s. Gd. Haenig, A. Emery and the Emery Industry. Translated from the German. Cr.Svo. Pp.104. 1912. Scott , Greenwood . 6s . Hasluck,P.N. Lathe Work. APrac- tical Treatise on the Tools, Appli- ances, and Processes employed in the Art of Turning. 8th edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 224. 1918. Crosby Lockwood . 6s . Screw Threads, and Methods of Producing Them . 9th edn . Pocket si/e. Pp. 112. 1918. Crosby Lockwood . 2s . Hodgson, R. B. Emery Grinding Machinery : A Text -book of Work- shop Practice in General Tool- Grinding, and the Design, Con- struction , and Application of the Machines Employed. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 192. 1903. Griffin. 6s. 75 Mechanical Engineering. Horner, J. G. Practical Metal Turning: a Handbook for Engin- eers, Technical Students and Ama- teurs. 3rd edn. Large Cr. 8vo. Pp . 432 . 1919. Crosby Lock wood . 12s. Qd. Metal Turning. A Practical Handbook. 3rd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp.168. 1918. Pitman. 4s. Modern Milling Machines : their Design , Construction , and Working . Med.Svo. Pp.304. 1906. Crosby Lockwood. 14s. Tools for Engineers and Wood- workers, including Modern Instru- ments of Measurement . Demy 8vo . Pp . 352 . 1905 . Crosby Lockwood . 10s. Qd. Turret Lathe Practice. Demy 8vo. Pp. 284. 1921. Emmott. 12s. Qd. The Principles of Fitting. 4th edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp.425. 1909. Pitman. 7s. Qd. How to Lay -Out Turret Lathe Tools . A Handbook for those who Design Tools for Use on Turret and Capstan Lathes and Automatic Turning Machines . 2nd edn . Demy 8vo. Pp. 175. 1919. (Alfred Herbert). Pitman. 6s. Jackson, A. Home Mechanic's W T ork- shop Companion. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 222 . 1920 . Frowde & Hodder . 6s . Lindsay , Lord . Tables for Engineers and Machinists, giving the values of the different trains of wheels re- quired to produce Screws of any Pitch. Calculated for pinion wheel of 1 5 teeth . 2nd edn . Oblong 8vo . Pp.20. 1920. Spon. Is. Qd. Martin , W . A . Screw Cutting Tables for the use of Mechanical Engineers . 7th edn. Obl.Roy.8vo. Pp.16. Spon. Is. Qd. Parr, A. Machine Tools and Work- shop Practice for Engineering Stu- dents and Apprentices. 8vo. Pp. 168. 1917. Longmans. 16s. Principles of Setthig-out : Secur- ing and Tooling Operations. 8vo. Pp. 300. 1913. Longmans. 9s. Price, W. Turner's Handbook on Screw Cutting, Coning, etc., with Tables, Examples, Gauges, and Formulae. New imp. Fcap. 8vo. Pp.56. Spon. Is. Pull, E. Modern Milling. A Prac- tical Manual on Milling Machines, Milling Accessories, and Milling Operations. Demy 8vo. Pp. 207. 1917. Pitman. 9s. - Screw Cutting for Engineers. 2nd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp.91. 1918. Crosby^ Lockwood . 2s . Qd . Modern Workshop Practice for Engineers, Apprentices, and Students. 5th edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 389 . 1918 . Crosby Lockwood . 9s . Engineer's Measuring Tools : their Construction and Use. Cr. 8vo. Pp.150. 1918. Crosby Lockwood . 4s. Qd. The Engineering Workshop Hand- book. Roy.l6mo. Pp. 162. 1919. Crosby Lockwood . 3s . Engineering Workshop Exercises. 2nd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp.88. 1914. Pitman. 3s. Robinson , H . G . A.n Introduction to Eccentric Spiral Turning, or New Uses for Old Chucks . 8vo . Pp . 48 . 1 906 . Spon . 5s . Robson , A . G . Engineering Machine Tools and Processes . 8vo . Pp . 31 7 . 1919. Longmans. 12s. Qd. Shaw, T. R. Precision Grinding Machines. Demy 8vo. Pp. 212. 1917. Scott, Greenwood. 12s. Qd. Lathes, Screw Machines, Boring and Turning Mills and their Acces- sories . New edition in preparation . Scientific Pub. Co. Machine Tools for Planing, Shaping, Slotting, Drilling, Boring, Milling, Wheel Cutting, etc. Demy 8vo. Pp. 692. 1903. Scientific Pub. Co. 15s. Shelley , G . P . B . Workshop Appli- ances . 1 1th edn . Cr . 8vo . Pp . 390 . 1919. Longmans. 6s. Qd. Thompson, H. Modern Engineering Workshop Practice. A Text-book for the use of Engineering Students , Apprentices, and Practical Engin- eers. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 328. 1919. Griffin. 9s. 76 Mechanical Engineering. viii. WOOD WORKING MACHINERY . Bale, M. P. Saw Mills. Their Arrangement and Management. 5th edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 395. 1919. Crosby Loekwood. 10s. Qd. Woodworking Machinery. 4th edn. Large Cr. 8vo. Pp. 440. 1919. Crosby Loekwood. 10s. Qd. Blackmur, W. J. Saw Mill Work and Practice. 2nd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. .167. N.D. Win. Rider. 3s. Qd. Durham , H .W . Saws : their Care and Treatment. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 272. N.D. Wm. Rider. 6s. Groom, T. R. Joiners' Machines and How to Work Them . Cr. 8vo. Pp. 106. N.D. Wm. Rider. 2s. ix. WELDING, ETC. Amedeo, M. R. Oxy-Acetylene Welding of Copper, Brasses, and Bronzes. Translated with Addi- tions by D . Richardson . 8vo . Pp . 80. 1918. Raggett. 3s. Qd. Granjon, R., and Rosemberg, P. A Practical Manual of Autogenous Welding (Oxy-Acetylene). With a Chapter on the Cutting of Metals with the Blow Pipe. Translated by D. Richardson 9th edn. Demv 8vo. Pp.274. 1920. Griffin. 6s". Groth,L.A. Welding and Cutting of Metals by the Aid of Compressed Gases and Electricity. Ex. Cr. 8vo. Pp . 297 . 1913 . Constable . 8s . Qd. Thatcher, E. Simple Soldering, both Hard and Soft. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 76. 1914. Spon. 2s. Qd. Yates, R. F. Home Soldering and Brazing. Cr.Svo. Pp.122. 1920. Frowde and Hodder. 4s. Qd. x. SHEET METAL WORK. Atkins, E. A. Practical Sheet and Plate Metal Work. 2nd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 534. 1912. Pitman. 10s. Barrett, E.G. Principles and Pro- cesses of Metal Plate Work. Cr. Svo. Pp. 132. 1914. Crosby Loekwood. 3s. Georgi, F., and Schubert, A. Sheet-Metal Working. Translated from the German . Demy 8vo . Pp . 151. 1914. Scott, Greenwood. 8s. Qd. Hodgson, R. B . Machine and Tools employed in the Working of Sheet Metals. Cr.Svo. Pp. 311. 1903. Technical Pub. Co. 6s. Miller , J . S . Metal Work : Teachers ' Handbook of Manual Training . 2nd imp. Demy 8vo. Pp.147. 1903. Pitman . 4s . Millis, C. T. Metal Plate Work, its Patterns and their Geometry ; also- Notes on Metals and Rules in Mensuration for the use of Tin, Iron, and Zinc-Plate Workers, Coppersmiths, Boiler Makers, etc. 4th edn. Cr.Svo. Pp.456. 1919. Spon. 12s. Qd. Newton, T. Pattern Drawing for Sheet-Metal Workers. Demy 8vo. Pp.270. 1920. Cassell. 6s. Pearson, J. C. An Introduction to- Metal Working. Fcap. 8vo. Pp. 110. 1904. Murray. 2s. Qd. Warn, R. H., and Horner, J. G. The Sheet-Metal Worker's Instruc- tor. 4th edn. Cr. Svo. Pp. 272. 1916. Crosby Loekwood . 8s. Qd. xi. METALS. a. Forging. Cathcart, W. H. The Value of Science in the Smithy and Forge. Edited by J. E. Stead. 4th edn. Cr. Svo. Pp. 177. 1920. Griffin. 6s. Horner, J. G. Smithing and Forg- ing. Demy Svo. Pp.230. 1921. Emmott. *8s. Qd. Moore, T. The Practical Handbook of Smithing and Forging, En- gineers' and General Smiths' Work. New imp. Cr. Svo. Pp. 248. (1919) 1921. Spon. 7s. Qd. 77 Mechanical Engineering. Saunders, B. Forging, Stamping and General Smithing. Svo. Pp. 437. 1912. Spon. 28s. Watson, J. Tables for the Use of Blacksmiths and Forgers. 16mo. Pp.96. 1919. Longmans. 4s. b. Coating. Brown, W. N. The Principles and Practice of Dipping, Burnishing, Lacquering and Bronzing Brass Ware. Revised edn. Cr. Svo. Pp. 42. 1912. Scott, Greenwood. 4s. The Art of Enamelling on Metal . 2nd edn. Cr.Svo. Pp.55. 1914. Scott , Greenwood . 4s. 6rf. A Handbook on Japanning. For Ironware. Tinware, Wood, etc. 2nd edn. Cr.Svo. Pp.70. 1913. Scott , Greenwood . 4s. Gd. Grunwald, J. The Theory and Practice of Enamelling on Iron and Steel. With Historical Notes on the Use of Enamel . Translated by H. H. Hodgson. Med. Svo. Pp. 178. Reprint, 1919. Griffin. 7s. Gd. The Raw Materials of the Enamel Industry and their Chemical Tech- nology/ Translated by H. H. Hodgson. Med. Svo. Pp. 236. 1914. Griffin. 10s. Gd. The Technology of Iron Enamel- ling and Tinning. Translated by H . H . Hodgson . Med . Svo . Pp . 148. 1912. Griffin. 7s. Gd. Hiorns, A. H. Metal Colouring and Bronzing. Gl. Svo. Pp. 358. 1911. Macmillari. 6s. c. Gold and Silversmiths' Work. Davidson, P. W. Educational Metal- craft. A Practical Treatise on Repousse", Fine Chasing, Silver- smithing, Jewellery, and Enamel- ling. Post 4to. Pp. 248. 1913. Longmans . 6s . Horth, A. C. Repousse" Metalwork. A Scheme of Sheet Metalwork for Schools and Amateurs. Cr. 8vo. Pp.115. 1905. Methuen. 3s. Qd. Jackson, F. G. Metal Work: Chasing and Repousse for Home Art Workers. Demy Svo. Pp. 64. 1903. Chapman and Hall. 4s. 6rf*. Leland, C. G. Metal Work. In- cluding Repousse, Bent Iron, or Stripwork ; Flat and Moulded Sheet Metal Work; Nail or Knob, Wire, Easy Silver Ornament and Chasing Work . 2nd edn . Fcap . 4to . Pp 111. Pitman. 5s. Maryon, H. Metal Work and Enamelling. A Practical Treatise on Gold and Silversmiths' Work and their Allied Crafts . Demy Svo . Pp. 344. 1912. Chapman and Hall. 9s. Qd. Randau , P . Enamels and Enamelling. For Enamel Makers, Workers in Gold and Silver, and Manufac- turers of Objects of Art. 2nd edn. Demy Svo. Pp.200. 1912. Scott , Greenwood . 1 2s . 6d . Wigley , T . B . , and Stansbie , J . H . The Art of the Goldsmith and Jeweller. A Manual on the Mani- pulation of Gold, and the Manu- facture of Personal Ornaments. 2nd edn. Demy Svo. Pp *>76 1911. Griffin. 9s. Wilson , H . Silverwork and Jewellery . 2nd edn. Cr.Svo. Pp.500. 1912. Pitman. 8s. 6rf. xii. HOROLOGY. Britten, F. J. The Watch and Clock Makers' Handbook. Dic- tionary and Guide. 12th edn. Demy Svo. Pp.346. 1920. Spon. 12s. 6rf. Cunynghame, H. H. Time and Clocks. A description of Ancient and Modern Methods of Measuring Time. Cr. Svo. Pp. 200. 1906. Constable. 3s. Qd. Garrard , F . J . Clock Repairing and Making. The Tools, Materials and Methods used in Cleaning and Repairing all kinds of Timepieces. Cr.Svo. Pp.176. 1918. Crosby Lockwood . 6s . A Practical Handbook on Watch Repairing, Cleaning, and Adjust- ing . 4th edn . Cr . Svo . Pp . *>24. 1919. Crosby Lockwood. 6s. 78 Mechanical Engineering. xiii. MOTOR CAR ENGINEER- ING. Adams, W. P. Motor Car Mechanism and Management. Cr. 8vo. Part 1. The Petrol Car. 3rd edn. Pp. 266. 1912. Part 2. Electri- cal and Petrol Electrical Motor Cars. Pp. 212. 1908. Griffin. 6s. each. Autocar Handbook, The. A Guide to the Motor Car . 10th edn . Demy 8vo. Pp. 283. 1920. Iliffe. 3s. (yd. Automobile Engineer Year Book, 1920. Roy. 8vo. Pp. 217. May, 1920. Iliffe. 6s. Berriman, A. E. Motoring. An Introduction to the Car and the Art of Driving It. Demy 8vo. Pp. 332. 1914. Methuen.' 12s. Gd. Bickford, J. S. V. Faults and How to Find Them (Motor Car Troubles) . 5th edn. Cr.Svo. Pp.176. 1919. Iliffe. 3s. Gd. Bramley- Moore, S. Motors in a Nutshell. Cr.Svo. Pp.160. 1919. Spon . 2s. Brewer, R. W. A. Motor Car Con- struction. A Practical Manual, with notes on Wind resistance and Body design . Demy Svo . Pp . 253 . 1919. Crosby Lockwood . 9s . Carburation in Theory and Prac- tice for Automobile Engineers. 2nd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 278. 1918. Crosby Lockwood . 12s. 6d. Butler, E. The Vaporizing of Paraffin for High-Speed Motors (Electric Ignition Type). Cr. 8vo. Pp. 128. 1916. Griffin. Is. Butler, H. J. Motor Bodies and Chassis : a Textbook dealing with the complete car, for the use of Owners, Students, and others. Demy 8vo. Pp. 352. 1912. Harper. 7s. Gd. "Candidus." Small Car Hand- book: all About Economic Motor- ing . 2nd edn . Cr . 8vo . Pp . 225 . 1919. Iliffe. 2s. Gd. Clarke, A. G. Text-Book of Motor Car Engineering . 2nd edn . 2 Vols . Demy 8vo. 1919. Vol.1. Con- struction. Pp.456. Vol.2. Design. Pp.405. Constable. 10s. Gd. each. Complete Hints and Tips for Automobilists . 7th edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 456. 1919. Iliffe. 5s. Davies , B . H . Motor Driving Made Easy. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 168. 1919. Iliffe. 3s. Dommett, W. E. Motor Car Mech- anism. Cr.Svo. Pp.200. 1913. Scott, Greenwood. 4s. Gd. Gunn, J. The Practical Design of Motor Cars. Demy 8vo. Pp. 264. 1910. Arnold. 12s. Gd. Havilland, G. de. The Woman's Motor Manual. Motor Driving and Management of Motor Vehicles for Women drivers. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 181. 1919. Temple Press. 3s. Holden- Stone, G. de. The Auto- mobile Industry. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 241. 1904. Methuen. 5s. Jones, L. M. M. Steam Road Vehicles. 2nd. edn. Svo. Pp. 242. 1921. Iliffe. 5s. Knight, J. H. A Catechism of the Motor Car . 6th edn . Cr . Svo . Pp . 111. 1919. Crosby Lockwood. 3s. Gd. McMillan, D. The Motor Car. New edn. Cr. Svo. Pp. 166. 1920. Longmans. 4s. Gd. Mantell, L. A Manual of Motor Mechanics and High Efficiency Tuning. 4th edn. Cr. Svo. Pp. 233. 1919. Temple Press. 3s. Gd. More, C. G., and Higgs, G. G. The Motorist's Handbook, em- bracing 250 Practical Points on Motoring, being a Series of Test Questions and Answers on Motoring Matters. 7th edn. Pocket size. Pp.92. 1920. Larby. Is. 9rf. The Motor Manual , compiled by the Staff of "The Motor." 23rd edn. Demy Svo. Pp.238. 1920. Temple Press. 3s. Gd. 79 Mechanical Engineering. Motor Repair Work for the Amateur Mechanic and Owner Driver . 3rd edn . Or . 8vo . Pp . 130 . 1919. Temple Press. Is. 9d. Nicholson , R . T . The Book of the Ford. How to Get the Best out of a Ford Car. 5th edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 255. 1920. Temple Press. 3s. The Book of the Ford Van. Cr. 8vo. Pp.119. 1920. Temple Press . 3.9 . Northcliffe, Viscount, and others. Motors and Motor Driving. 4th edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 548. 1906. Longmans. 10s. Qd. Phillimore, J. Motor Road Trans- port for Commercial Purposes (Liquid Fuel, Steam, Electricity). Demy 8vo. Pp. 226. 1920. Pitman. 12s. Qd. Sherrin , G . G . The Montagu Motor Book. Edited by Lord Montagu. DemySvo. Pp.292. 1920. E.J. Burrow. 12s. Qd. Spooner, H. J. Motors and Motor- ing. 13th edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp.331. 1919. Jack. 3s. Qd. Steam Wagon Manual , The . Main- tenance, Overhaul, Garage and Running Repairs. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 104. 1918. Temple Press. 2s. Strickland, F. A Manual of Petrol Motors and Motor Cars. The Design, Construction and Working. 2nd edn. Large 8vo. Pp. 388. 1914. Griffin. 21s. Walford, E. W. The Maintenance and Running Repairs of Motor Cars . 3rd edn . Cr . 8vo . Pp . 282 . 1920. Iliffe. 5s. Watson, G. W., and Rogers, F. H. "The Motor Mechanic's Handbook: "A Manual for Motor Vehicle Owners and Mechanics . New edn . Cr . 8vo . Pp.278. 1920. Cassell. 3s. Qd. White, T. H. Petrol Motors and Motor Cars. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 212. 1919. Longmans. 6s. Qd. Whittaker, W. E. de B., and Barren , P . A . (edited by) . Auto- mobiles of the World, 1921. An Illustrated Encyclopaedia of the Motor Industry. Large 4to. Pp. 500. 1921. "Aeroplane" and General Pub. Co. 42s. Wimperis, H. E. The Principles of the Application of Power to Road Transport. Cr. 8vo. 'Pp. 144. 1913. Constable. 5s. Wyatt, H. The Motor Industry: its Growth, its Methods, its Pros- pects and its Products . Cr . 8vo . Pp.140. 1917. Pitman. 3s. Young, F., and Aston, W. G. The Complete Motorist . 8th edn . Demy 8vo. Pp. 233. 1915. Methuen. 10s. Qd. xiv. MOTOR CYCLES. Henry, P. Cycle Building and Repairing, including Enamelling v Repair of Tyres and Wheel Build- ing. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 96. 1913. Spon. 2s. Qd. Hints and Tips for Motor Cyclists . 7th edn. Pott 8vo. 1920. Iliffe. 2s. Motor Cycles and How to Manage Them. 20th edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 104. 1920. Iliffe. 2s. Qd. Motor Cycling Manual. 5th edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 287. 1920. Temple Press. 2s. Qd. Shepherd, E. C. M. Motor Cycle Overhauling. A Complete Guide to Overhauling. Repairing and Ad- justing a Motor Cycle. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 96. 1920. Crosby Lockwood. 2s. Qd. Tracing Motor Cycle Troubles. 4th edn. Cr. 8vo. 1919. Iliffe. 2s. Two-Stroke Motor Cycles. By the Staff of the "Motor Cycle." Cr. 8vo. Pp. 191. 1921. Iliffe. 3s. Wyatt, H. (edited by). The Motor Cyclist's A.B.C. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 164. 1920. Newnes. 2s. 80 Mechanical Engineering. xv. HEAT ENGINES AND STEAM ENGINES: DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION, TESTING, etc. Anderson, Sir W. On the Conver- sion of Heat into Work. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 265. 1901. Pitman. 6s. Boulvin, M. J. The Entropy Dia- gram and Its Applications. Trans- lated from the French by B. Donkin. 8vo. Pp. 82. 1914. Spon. 5s. Callendar, H. L. The Callendar Steam Tables. Including the Call- endar Steam Diagram. Demy 8vo. Pp. 40. 1915. Arnold. 3s. Qd. Case, J. A Synopsis of the Elemen- tary Theory of Heat and Heat Engines. Demy 8vo. Pp. 66. 1913. Heffer. ^3s. Qd. Crawford, W. J. Calculations on the Entropy -Temperature Chart. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 82. 1912. Griffin. 3s. Dalby, W. E. The Balancing of Engines. Demy 8vo. 3rd edn. Pp.283. 1920. Arnold. 12s. 6d. Steam Power. 2nd edn. 8vo. Pp. 776. 1920. Arnold. 35s. Duncan, J. Steam and Other En- gines. G1. 8vo. Pp. 482. 1920. Mac-mil Ian. 6s. Ewing , Sir J . A . The Steam Engine and Other Heat-Engines. 3rd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 604. 1914. Cambridge University Press. 27s. 6rf/ Garratt, H. A. Heat Engines. Cr.Svo. Pp.344. 1912. Arnold. 7s. Qd. Haeder, H. A Handbook on the Steam Engine, with Special Refer- ence to Small and Medium-si/ed Engines. 4th edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 552. 1914. Crosby Lock wood. 10s. Qd. Hall, H. R. Governors and Govern- ing Mechanism. 2nd end. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 177. 1907. Technical Pub. Co. os.Qd.- Hayward, J. W. Heat Engines: First Stage. 5th imp. Cr. 8vo. Pp . 280 . 1918 . ^University Tutorial Press. 3s. Qd. Hobbs , L . M . The Thermo-Dynamic Principles of Engine Design . Large Cr.Svo. Pp.151. 190/. Griffin. 5s. Hurst, C. Hints on Steam Engine Design and Construction . 2nd edn. 8vo. Pp.68. 1915. Griffin. 2s. Inchley, W. The Theory of Heat Engines. 2nd edn. Revised by A. Morley. 8vo. Pp. 504. 1920. Longmans . 1 2s . Qd. Jamieson, A. Elementary Manual of Heat Engines : Steam , Gas , and Oil. 17th edn. Revised by E. S. Andrews. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 390. 1920. Griffin. 5s. A Text -Book of Heat and Heat Engines. (18th edn. of Text-Rook on Steam and Steam Engines). Vol . 1 . Revised by E . S . Andrew s . Cr. 8vo. Pp. 567. 1919. 8s. Qd. Vol. 2. in preparation. Griffin King, H. E. Steam Engine Design. Cr.Svo. Pp.356. 1913. Techni- cal Pub. Co. 8s. Langmaid, J., and Gaisford, H. Elementary Lessons in Steam Machinery and the Marine Steam Engine. 8vo. Pp. 308. 1901. Macmillan. 7s. 6rf. Low, D. A. Heat Engines, embrac- ing the Theory, Construction, and Performance of Steam Boilers, Reciprocating Steam Engines, Steam Turbines, and Internal Com- bustion Engines. A Text -book for Engineering Students . Demy Svo . Pp. 600. 1920. Longmans. 17s. Qd. Marks, L. S., and Davis, H. N. Tables and Diagrams of the Thermal Properties of Saturated and Super- heated Steam. 9th imp. Roy. Svo. Pp. 108. 1920. Longmans. 9s. Peel , T . Examples in Heat and Heat Engines. Demy Svo. Pp. 108. 1919. Cambridge University Press. 5s. 81 Mechanical Engineering. Perry, J. The Steam Engine, and Gas and Oil Engines. 8th imp. 8vo. Pp. 680. 1920. Macmillan. 10s. Porter, C. T. A Treatise on the Richards Steam Engine Indicator, and the Development and Applica- tion of Force in the Steam Engine . 6th edn. 8vo. Pp. 285. 1902. Spon . 9s . Pratt , H . K . A Manual of the High- Speed Steam Engine. Demy 8vo. Pp.270. 1914. Constable. 6s. Pullen, W. W. F. Steam and Intern- al Combustion Engineering. 7th edn. Cr.Svo. Pp.190. Scientific Pub. Co. 4s. Testing of Engines and Boilers. A Treatise on the Construction and Use of the Instruments and Methods employed in the Testing of Prime Movers in the Laboratory and Workshop. 2nd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 746. 1911. Scientific Pub. Co. 15s. Indicator Diagrams. A Treatise on the use of the Indicator and its application to the Steam Engine. Demy 8vo. Pp. 242. 1901. Scientific Pub. Co. 6s. Rankine , W . J . M . A Manual of the Steam Engine and other Prime Movers. Revised by W. J. Millar. With a Section on Gas, Oil, and Air Engines by B. Donkin. 17th edn. Cr. 8vo. 1908. Griffin. 12s. 6d. Richardson, J. The Modern Steam Engine. Theory, Design, Con- struction, Use. Demy 8vo. Pp. 396 . 1908 . Constable . 7s . 6d. Ripper, W. Steam Engine Theory and Practice . 7th edn . Demy 8vo . Pp.514. 1914. Longmans. 12s. 6d. Heat Engines. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 362. 1919. Longmans. 5s. Royds, R. The Testing of Motive Power Engines ; including Steam Engines and Turbines , Locomotives , Boilers, Condensers, Internal Com- bustion Engines, Gas Producers, Refrigerators , Air Compressors , Fans , Pumps , etc . 2nd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 404. 1920. Longmans. 215. Sankey, H. R. The Energy Chart. Practical Applications to Recipro- cating Steam Engines. 8vo. Pp 170. 1907. Spon. 7s. 6d. Smith, C. A. M., and Warren, A. G. The New Steam Tables. Cal- culated from H. L. Calendar's Researches. Demy 8vo. Pp. 114. 1912. Constable. 4s. 6d. Smith, R. H. The Economic and Commercial Theory of Heat Power - Plants. Roy.Svo. Pp.315. 1905. Constable. 24s. Swinburne , J . Entropy : or Thermo- dynamics from an Engineer's Stand- point, and the Reversibility of Thermodynamics. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 147. 1904. Constable. 5s. Trinks, W. Governors and the Governing of Prime Movers. 8vo. Pp.247. 1920. Constable. 22s. 6d. xvi. REFRIGERATION. Ewing, Sir J. A. The Mechanical Production of Cold. 2nd edn. DemySvo. Pp.214. 1921. Cam- bridge University Press. 25s. Springett . B . H . Cold Storage and Ice Making. An Elementary Hand- book. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 132 .* 1921. Pitman . 3s . Wallis-Tayler, A. J. The Pocket Book of Refrigeration and Ice- making. 7th edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 223. 1919. Crosby Lockwood. 5s. Refrigeration, Cold Storage, and Ice-making. Containing the 3rd edn. of "Refrigerating and Ice- making Machinery." 6th edn. Med. 8vo. Pp. 650. 1920. Crosby Lockwood . 15s. xvii. STATIONARY AND PORTABLE STEAM ENGINES. Fowler, W. H. Stationary Steam Engines. Illustrated with numer- ous examples from actual practice. Cr.4to. Pp.306. 1908. Scientific Pub. Co. 12s. 6d. 82 Mechanical Engineering. Wansbrough , W . D . Portable Steam Engine : its Construction and Man- agement. Demy 8vo. Pp. 179. 1912. Crosby Lockwood . 6s. xviii. LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEER- ING. Ahrons, E. L. The Steam Railway Locomotive : Explaining the Com- ponent Parts and Method of Work- ing of Modern Steam Railway Locomotives. Fcap. 8vo. Pp. 124. 1920. Pitman. 2s. Qd. Steam Locomotive Construction and Maintenance. Fcap. 8vo. Pp. 144. 1921. Pitman. 2s. Qd. The Development of British Lo- comotive Design. Cr. 4to. Pp. 229. 1915. Locomotive Pub. Co. 66-. Allen, G. E. The Modern Locomo- tive. Roy.lGmo. Pp.149. 1911. Cambridge University Press . 2s . 6d. A Loco Clerk. Locomotive Office Work. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 60. 1913. Locomotive Pub. Co. 3s. Qd. Anon. Locomotive Shop Notes. Cr. 8vo. Pp.92. 1914. Locomo- tive Pub . Co . 3s . Qd. A. R. B. (edited by). The Locomo- tive Handbook of Useful Memo- randa and Data . Cr . 8vo . Pp . 99 . 1913. Locomotive Pub. Co. Is.Qd. Locomotive Engineers' Pocket Book. Pocket size. Pp. 290. 1920 . Locomotive Pub . Co . 3s . Qd . The Locomotive of To-Day . Demy 8vo . Pp . 200 . 1 920 . Locomotive Pub. Co. 3s. Qd. Booth, W. H. Superheat, Super- heating, and Their Control. Demy 8vo. Pp. 166. 1907. Constable. 6s. Qd. Gairns, J. F. Locomotive Com- pounding and Superheating . Large 8vo. Pp. 210. 1907. Griffin. 10s. Qd. Superheating on Locomotives . 2ndedn. Cr.Svo. Pp.120. 1917. Locomotive Pub. Co. 3s. Qd. Garbe, R. The Application of Highly Superheated Steam to Loco- motives. Translated from the German. Med.Svo. Pp.70. 1908. Crosbv Lockwood. 8s. Qd. H. D. F. Locomotive Running Shed Notes. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 98. 1916. Locomotive Pub. Co. 2s. Qd. Hodgson, J. T.,and Williams, J. Locomotive Management from Cleaning to Driving. 4th edn. 8vo. Pp. 454. 1920. Transport, Ltd. 7s. Qd. Inspector , The . Locomotive In- jectors. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 58. 1915. Locomotive Pub. Co. 3s. Qd. Pendred, V. The Railway Locomo- tive: What it is, and Why It is What it is. Ex. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 310. 1908. Constable. 7s. Qd. Petti grew, W. F. A Manual of Locomotive Engineering. 4th edn. in preparation. Griffin. Sauvage, E. Superheating on Con- tinental Locomotives. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 68. 1911. University of London Press. 5s. Stretton, C. E. The Locomotive Engine and its Development. 6th edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 270. 1903. Crosby Lockwood . 5s . S . Y . K . Notes on the Vacuum Brake . Cr. 8vo. Pp. 93. 1914. Loco- motive Publishing Co. Is. Qd. Taylor, A. T. Modern British Locomotives. 2nd edn. Oblong 8vo. Pp. 130. 1914. Spon. 6s. Wolff, G. E. Locomotive Practice. A Treatise on the Design of Steam Locomotives. Demy 8vo. Pp. 280. 1903. Scientific Pub. Co. 10s. Qd. xix. VALVES AND VALVE GEARING. Dalby, W. E. Valves and Valve Gear Mechanisms . 2nd imp. Roy. 8vo. Pp. 366. 1919. E. Arnold. 24s. Hurst, C. Valves and Valve-Gear- ing : A Practical Text-book for the use of Engineers, Draughtsmen, and Students . 8th edn . Large 8vo . Pp.359. 1919. Griffin. 12s. 6d. S3 Mechanical Engineering. Thorn, W. H. Guide to the Use of the Slide Valve. Cr. 8vo. 1913. T. Reed and Co. 4s. Slide Valve for Engineers. 2nd edn. Demy Svo. Pp.150. 1921. James Brown. 7s. Qd. Wansbrough, W. D. Proportions and Movement of Slide Valves. Cr.Svo. Pp.160. 1903. Techni- cal Pub. Co. 6s. Youngson, P. Slide Valves and Valve Gearing. 3rd ed. Cr. 4to. Pp.208. 1919. Jas.Munro. 15s. xx. STEAM BOILERS: CON- STRUCTION AND MANAGE- MENT. Bale , M . P . A Handbook for Steam Users. Being Rules for Engine Drivers and Boiler Attendants. New edn. Feap. 8vo. Pp. 144. 1918. Longmans. 4s. Qd. Batey, J. Steam Boilers and Com- bustion. Cr.Svo. Pp.220. 1915. Scott, Greenwood. 5s. Bowden- Smith, E. C. Oil Firing for Kitchen Ranges and Steam Boilers. Demy 8vo. Pp. 112. 1920. Constable. 9s. Connor, W. J. The Stoker's Cate- chism. 16mo. Pp. 63. 1914. Spon. Is. Qd. Dahl strom, K. P. The Fireman's Guide, a Hand-book on the Care of Boilers, llth edn. Cr.Svo. Pp. 34. 1906. Spon. 2s. Qd. Foden, J. The Boiler-Makers' and Iron Ship-builders' Companion. 5th edn. Fcap. Svo. Pp. 222. 1900. Spon. 6s. Fowler, W. H. Steam Boilers and Supplementary Appliances . A practical Treatise on their Construc- tion, Equipment and Working. New edition in preparation. Scien- tific Pub. Co. Gray, J. Practical Design of Marine Single- and Double-Ended Boilers. 2nd edn. Demy Svo. Pp. 136. 1921. Constable'. 12s. Qd. Killer , E . G . Steam Boiler Construc- tion. 2nd edn. Demy Svo. Pp. 203. 1920. Technical Pub. Co. 3s. Qd. Hodgson, J. T. Modern Boiler Room Practice and Smoke Abate- ment. Cr.Svo. Pp.321. 1920. Transport, Ltd. 3s. Qd. Horner, J. G. Boiler Making and Plating. 2nd edn. Large Cr. Svo. 1908. Crosby Lockwood. 12s. Hughes, V. A. B. Steam Injector. Cr.Svo. Pp. 128. 1912. Techni- cal Pub. Co. 4s. Hutton, W. S. Steam Boiler Con- struction. 5th edn. Med. Svo. Pp . 680 . 1916 . Crosby Lockwood . 21s. Inchley, W. Steam Boilers and Boiler Accessories. Cr. Svo. Pp. 423. 1912. Arnold. 8s. Qd. Inspector, The. Specification for a Lancashire Boiler. 2nd edn. DemySvo. Pp.123. 1907. Tech- nical* Pub. Co. 3s. Qd. Jackson, P. G. Boiler Feed Water. A Concise Handbook of Water for Boiler Feeding Purposes ; its Effects t Treatment and Analysis. Cr. Svo. Pp. 111. 1919. Griffin. 4s. Qd. Moss ,H . Heat Drop Tables : Absolute Pressures from the Formulae and Steam Tables of H. L. Callen- dar. Demy Svo. Pp. 64. 1917. Arnold . 5s . Heat Drop Tables: H.P. Gauge Pressures : L .P . Absolute Pressures , from H. L. Callendar's Formulae and Steam Tables. Demy Svo. Pp. 64. 1917. Arnold. 5s. Munro, R. D. Steam Boilers: their Defects, Management, anc! Construction. 5th edn. in prepara- tion. Griffin. Parsons, H. de B. Steam Boilers: their Theory and Design. 5th edn. Svo. Pp. 395. 1917. Long- mans. 12s. Qd. Peattie, J. Steam Boilers, their management and working on land and sea. 5th edn. Cr. Svo. Pp. 230. 1919. Spon. 6s. 84 Mechanical Engineering. Powles, H. H. P. Steam Boilers: Their History and Development. Imperial 8vo. Pp. 351. 1905. Constable. 25s. Pratt, H. K. Boiler Draught. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 145. 1911. Constable. 4s. Qd. Pull, E. Modern Steam Boilers: Their Construction, Management and Use. Demy 8vo. Pp. 290. 1918. Scott , Greenwood . 12s. Qd. Pullen,W.W.F. Injectors. 3rd edn. Cr.Svo. Pp.208. 1906. Techni- cal Pub. Co. 4s. 9d. Rimmer, E. J. Boiler Explosions, Collapses and Mishaps . Demy 8vo . Pp.150. 1912. Constable. 4s. 6d. Robertson, L. S. Marine Boilers. Their Construction and Working, dealing more especially with Tu- bulous Boilers. 2nd edn*. DemySvo. Pp. 658. 1906. Murray. 24s. Water-Tube Boilers. 8vo. Pp. 213. 1901. Murray. 10s. Qd. Sexton, M. J. Pocket Book of Boiler Making, Ship Building, and the Steel and Iron Trades in general. 6th edn. Roy. 32mo. Pp.318. 1918. Spon. 7s. Qd. Stewart, G. Modern Steam Traps. Cr.Svo. Pp.104. 1907. Techni- cal Pub . Co. 4s . Stromeyer, C. E. Marine Boiler Management and Construction : be- ing a Treatise on Boiler Troubles and Repairs, Corrosion . Fuels and Heat, on the Properties of Iron and Steel , on Boiler Mechanics, W 7 orkshop Practice and Boiler Design. 5th edn. 8vo. Pp. 458. 1919. Longmans. 21s. Traill, T. W. Boilers, Marine and Land : their Construction and Strength. 5th edn. 18mo. Pp. 600. 1920. Griffin. 12s. Qd. Wade, C. F. Efficient Boiler Man- agement: with Notes on the Opera- tion of Re-heating Furnaces. 8vo. Pp . 580 . 1919 . Longmans . 12s . Qd. The Fireman's Handbook and Guide to Fuel Economy. A simple Manual for the use of Stokers, Furnacemen, and others operating and controlling Boiler and Furnace Plant. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 90. 1920. Longmans. 2s. Gd. Walker, S. F. Steam Boilers, Engines and Turbines . DemySvo. Pp. 428. 1908. Harper. 10s. 6d. Wansbrough , W . D . Modern Steam Boilers. (The Lancashire Boiler). Demy 8vo. Pp. 156. 1913. Crosby Lockwood. 5s. Qd. xxi. MARINE ENGINES. Anon. Marine Engineers' Construc- tion and Dimensions Reference Book. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 24. Jas. Munro. 2s. Qd. Barnaby , S . W . Marine Propellers . 6th edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 230. 1920. Spon. 24s. Bauer, G. Marine Engines and Boilers: their Design and Con- struction. Translated from the German by E . M . and S . B . Donkin . Med. 8vo. Pp.802. 1919. Crosby Lockwood . 25s . ^ Bruce, G. R. Marine Engineering Estimates and Costs. Cr. 8vo. Pp.126. 1919. Jas . Munro . 6s . Butterworth, F. Engineer Afloat: Training, W^ork and Pay. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 92. 1914. Technical Pub. Co. 2s. Collings, E. R. Hand-book to the Examination of Engine Room Arti- ficers. 2nd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 356. 1915. T. Reed and Co. 5s. Gonstantine , E . Marine Engineers : Their Qua! ificat ions and Duties. 2nd edn. Cr.Svo. Pp.332. 1906. Technica I Pub . Co . 6s . Qd . Goudie , W . J . The Geometry of the Screw Propeller. Fcap. 4to. Pp. 48. N.D. Blackie. 2s. Jackson, D. H. Detail Design of Marine Screw Propellers . Demy 8vo. Pp. 104. 1920. Pitman. 6s. Jane, F. T. Warship Engineering. Fcap.Svo. Pp.32. 1914. Samp- son Low. 2s. Qd. 85 Mechanical Engineering. Liversidge, J. G. Engine Room Practice : A Handbook for Engineers and Officers in the Royal Navy and Mercantile Marine. 10th edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 412. 1919. Griffin. 7s. Qd. McGibbon . W . C . Marine Engineer's Drawings for Second Class Candi- dates . 4th edn . Demy 4to Oblong . Pp. 53, etc. 1921. Jas. Munro. 6s. Qd. Drawing Book for Marine En- gineers for First Class certificate. 10th edn. Roy. 4to Oblong. Pp. 34, etc. 1920. Jas. Munro. 8s. Qd. Board of Trade and Marine Engineering Knowledge . Steam and Oil. 8vo. Pp. 552. 1921. Jas. Munro. 36s. Indicator Diagrams for Marine Engineers . 5th edn . Cr . 4to . Pp . 240. 1919. Jas. Munro. 15s. Marine Engineer's Pocket Book. 2nd edn. Fcap. 8vo. Pp. 529. 1919* Jas. Munro. 15s. and Tod. Questions with An- swers. For Marine Engineers' Board of Trade Eaxminations , containing the new questions on Oil Motors and Ash Ejectors, etc. 8th edn. Demy 8vo. Pp.412. 1918. Jas. Munro. 8s. McMillan, R. A. Guide to the B.O.T. Examination for Extra First Class Engineers. Demy 8vo. Pp . 460 and Plates . 1920. Griffin. 25s. Calculations for Marine Engineers . Including all the Arithmetic for 1st and 2nd Class Engineers' Certifi- cate. DemySvo. Pp.356. 1912. Griffin. 10s. Qd. Elementaries . Verbals and Draw- ings. The Use and Working of Slide Valves, Indicators, Marine Steam Turbine , Ship Electric Light- ing, etc. Demy 8vo. Pp. 331. 1913. Griffin. 10s. Qd. Martin and Stoddart. Sketch and Record Book for Marine Engineers . Demy 8vo. Pp. 111. 1919. James Brown. 3s. 6df. Martin, W. D. Hints to Engineers for Board of Trade Exams! 3rd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 148. Jas. Munro . 4s . Verbal Questions and Answers as given to Engineers of Trawlers and Drifters for their Certificate. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 132. Jas. Munro. 3s. Qd. Munro 's Marine Engineers' An- nual. Pocket Log and Diary. Published Annually in September. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 288. Jas. Munro. 2s. Qd. Reed 's Engineer 's Handbook . 21st edn. Part 1. Practical Mathe- matics. Demy 8vo. Pp. 493. 1920. 27s. Qd. Key to ditto. Demy 8vo. Pp. 183. 1920. 8s. Qd. Thos. Reed. Roberts , G . W . Practical Advice for Marine Engineers. 2nd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 204. 1907. Pitman. 5s. Sea ton, A. E. A Manual of Marine Engineering, comprising the De- sign, Construction, and Working of Marine Machinery. 19th edn. 8vo. Pp. 1,012. 1921. Griffin. 36s. The Screw Propeller: and other Competing Instruments for Marine Propulsion. Large 8vo. Pp. 268. 1909. Griffin. 15s. and Rounthrwaite, H. M. A Pocket Book of Marine Engineering Rules and Tables ; for the Use of Marine Engineers, Naval Archi- tects, Designers , Draughtsmen , etc. 14th edn. Pocket size. Pp. 763. 1920. Griffin. 15s. Sennett, R., and Oram, Sir H. J. The Marine Steam Engine. 8vo. Pp. 512. 1918. Longmans. 26s. Somerscales, A. N. A.B.C. of Engineering Knowledge . Written specially for Marine Engineers pre- paring for Board of Trade Examina- tions. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 314. 1921. Jas. Munro. 12s. Gd. Lessons in Mechanics for Marine Engineers: Treated Arithmetic- ally. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 277. 1921. Jas. Munro. 7s. Qd. 86 Mechanical Engineering. Somer scales , A . N . Handbook to Board of Trade Examinations for Extra First-Class Engineers. 4th edn. DemySvo. Pp.544. 1907. Jas . Munro . 1 Ss . Formulae , Rules and Questions in Steam, including Turbines. Or. 8vo. Pp.104. 1919. Jas. Munro. 3s. Qd. Sothern , J . W . M . Marine Engine Indicator Cards. Containing an exhaustive course of Indicator Dia- grams specially arranged for Board of Trade Examination candidates, and for the use of Engineer Officers of a 1 1 Grades . 2nd edn . Roy . 8 vo . Pp. 226. 1918. Jas. Munro. 155. "Verbal Notes" and Sketches for Marine Engineers. A Manual of Marine Engineering Practice. 10th edn. 3rd imp. Roy. 8vo. Pp.748. 1920. Jas. Munro. 36s. Oil Fuel Burning in Marine Prac- tice. A Manual of Instruction. Med . 8vo . Pp . 200 . 1920 . Jas . Munro. 30s. Sothern , R . M . Simple Problems in Marine Engineering Design, includ- ing Algebra, for Board of Trade Examinations. 4th edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 228. 1919. Jas. Munro. 7s. Qd. Thorn, W. T. Arithmetical Guide for Marine Engineers. Demy Svo. Vol. 1. Second Class. Pp. 240. 1917. 6s. Vol. 2. First Class. Pp. 327. 1919. 7s. Qd. James Brown . Elementary Questions and An- swers for Marine Engineers.. Demy Svo. Pp. 322. 1916. James Brown. 7s. Qd. Tod's Verbal Questions and An- swers for Marine Engineers. 2 Vols. Cr. Svo. Pp.301., 271. James Brown . 5s . each . Tompkins, A. E. A Text-Book of Marine Engineering . 5th edn . Svo . Pp.900. 1921. Macmillan. 36s. Youngson , P . Board of Trade Exam - ination Calculations for First Class Engineers. 8th edn. Cr. Svo. Pp. 447. Jas. Munro. 10s. Qd. Board of Trade Examination Calculations for Second Class Engin- eers. 8th edn. Cr. Svo. Pp.349. Jas. Munro. 10s. Qd. Useful Hints to Sea-Going Engin- eers : and How to Repair and Avoid Breakdowns. 7th edn. Cr. Svo. Pp. 460. 1921. T. Reed & Co. 7s. Qd. Extra Chief Engineers' and Sur- veyors' Guide to the Examinations of the Board of Trade . Demy Svo . Pp.610. 1921. Jas. Munro. 45s. and Shaw, J. H. Practical Mathematics for Second - Class Engineers. 9th edn. Cr. Svo. Pp.4rvr. 1921. Jas. Munro. 10s. Qd. xxii. INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES. Allen, H. Gas and Oil Engines. A Treatise on the Design, Construc- tion, and Working of Internal-com- bustion Engines, operated by gas from towns' mains, blast furnaces, pressure and suction producers, as well as by oil and petrol. Demy Svo. Pp. 562. 1907. Scientific Pub. Co. 12s. 6rf. How to Design A Gas Engine, with full working drawings for a 7-B.H.P. Gas Engine. Cr. 4to. Pp , 40 . 1907 . Scientific Pub . Co . 2s. Qd. Askling, C. W., and Roesler, E. Internal Combustion Engines and Gas Producers. Large Svo. Pp. 313. 1912. Griffin. 15s. Bale, M. P. Gas and Oil Engine Management. 4th edn. Cr. Svo. Pp.176. 1919. Crosby Lockwood . 3s. Qd. Butler, E. Internal Combustion Engine : Design and Practice . 2nd edn . Demy Svo . Pp . 289 . 1920 . Griffin. 21s. Carburettors, Vaporisers, and Distributing Valves used in Internal Combustion Engines. 2nd edn. DemySvo. Pp.288. 1919. Griffin. 12s. Qd. 87 Mechanical Engineering. Chalkley, A. P. The Diesel Engine for Lind and Marine Work. 4th edn. D3my 8vo. Pp.385. 1919. Constable. 129. 6d. Clerk , D . , and Burls , G . A . The Gas Petrol and Oil Engine. Vol 2. The Gas, Petrol and Oil Engine in Practice. New edn. 8vo. Pp. 848. (1913). 1919. Longmans. 28s. Codd, M. A. Electrical Ignition for Internal Combustion Engines. 2nd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 172. 1918. Spon . 6s . Dommett, W. E. Petrol Engine Construction and Drawing. Demy 4to. Pp. 56. 1912. Arnold. 3. Gd. Donkin, B. A Text-Book on Gas, Oil, and Air Engines. 5th edn. Revised by T . G . Smith ; and new matter by Prof. Burstall. Large 8vo. Pp.662. 1911. Griffin. 30s. Garrard, A. Gas, Oil, and Petrol Engines. Including Suction Gas Plant and Humphrey Pumps. Cr. 8vo. Pp.221. 1916. Pitman. 6s. Haeder , H . A Handbook on the Gas Engine. Translated from the Ger- man and edited by W . M . Huskisson . Sm. 4to. Pp.317. 1911. Crosby Lockwood . 30s . Judge, A. W. Automobile and Air- craft Engines in Theory and Ex- periment; being a revised and en- larged edition of High Speed Intern- al Combustion Engines. Med.Svo. Pp.650. 1921. Pitman. 30s. Kean , F . J . The Petrol Engine . The Principles of Design and Construc- tion. 2nd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 126. 1918. Spon. 6s\ Kershaw , J . W . Elementary Intern- al Combustion Engines and Gas Producers. New imp. Cr.Svo. Pp. '180. 1920. Longmans. 6s. 6d. Kirschke, A. Gas and Oil Engines. Translated and Revised from the German, and adapted to British Practice. Cr.Svo. Pp.160. 1912. Scott , Greenwood . 4s . Lamb, J. The Running and Main- tenance of the Marine Diesel Engine : a reference book for Marine Motor Engineers, giving practical sugges- tions from Sea experience . 2nd edn . Pocket size. Pp. 261. 1921. Griffin. 8s. Qd. Lieckfeld, G. Oil Motors: Their Development, Construction, and Management . Med . 8vo . Pp . 287 . 1908. Griffin. 18s. Marine Oil Engine Handbook. Compiled by the staff of "The Motor Ship and Motor Boat." 5th edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 206. 1919. Temple Press. 2s 6d. Marshall, W. J., and Sankey. H. R. The Gas Engine. Ex. Cr. 8vo. Pp.294. 1920. Constable. 12s. 6d. Martin, W. D. Marine Oil Engines: Specially for Marine Engineers who are unfamiliar with the working of Oil Engines. 2nd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp.223. 1919. ,Tas.Munro.7s.6rf. Okill , J . Gas and Oil Engine Opera- tion . Including Gas Producers and Petrol Engines . Cr . 8vo . Pp . 198 . 1919. Pitman. Gs. Pollock, W. Hot Bulb Oil Engines and Suitable Vessels. Demy 8vo. Pp. 429. 1919. Constable' 42s. Purday, H. F. P. Diesel Engine Design. Demy 8vo. Pp. 317. 1919. Constable. 21s. Rose, E. M. Diesel Engine Design. Demy 8vo. Pp. 203. 1919. Emmott. 7s.Qd. Smith, G. A. Suction Gas Plants. 4th edition in preparation . Griffin . Spooner, H. J. Notes on, and Drawings of a Four-Cylinder Petrol Engine. 4to. Pp. 26. 1908. Longmans. 3s. Qd. Supino,*G. Land and Marine Diesel Engines. Translated by A. G. Bremner and J. Richardson. 4th edn. Large 8vo. Pp. 323. 1920. Griffin. 15s. Wells, G. J., and Wallis-Tayler, A. J. Diesel or Slow Combustion Oil Engine. A Practical Treatise on their Design arid Construction. 4th edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 320. 1919. Crosby Lockwood. 10s. 6d. 88 Mechanical Engineering. Wimperis , H . E . A Primer of the Internal Combustion Engine. A Text -book for First and Second Year Students. 3rd imp. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 154. 1919. Constable. 4s. The Internal Combustion Engine . A Text -Book on Gas , Oil , and Petrol Engines , for the use of Students and Engineers. 3rd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp.335. 1919. Constable. 8s. Qd. xxiii . TURBINES : STEAM AND GAS. Bauer, G., and Lasche, O . Marine Steam Turbines. Translated from the German , and edited by M . G . S. Swallow. Med. 8vo. Pp. 230. 1911. Crosby Lockwood . 12.9. 6d. Davey , N . The Gas Turbine . Demy 8vo. Pp. 264. 1914. Constable". 15s. Foster, F . Steam Turbines and Tur- bo-Compressors . A Treatise on their Design and Construction. Demy 8vo. Pp. 466. 1906. Scientific Pub. Co. 10s. 6d. Goudie, W. J. Steam Turbines : A Text-Rook for Engineering Students . New edition in the Press. Long- mans . Holzwarth , H . A Treatise on the Gas Turbine : Theory , Construction , and Records of the Results Obtained from Two Actual Machines . Trans- lated by A. P. Chalk ley. Med. 8vo. Pp.148. 1912. Griffin. 9*. Jude , A . The Theory of the Steam Turbine. A Treatise on the Prin- ciples of Construction of the Steam Turbine, with Historical Notes on its Development . 2nd edn . Large 8vo. Pp.440. 1910. Griffin. 21s. Morrow , J . Steam Turbine Design , with Especial Reference to the Re- action Type, and including Chap- ters on Condensers and Propeller Design. New edition in prepara- tion. Arnold. Neil son , R . M . The Steam Turbine . 4th edn. Med.Svo. Pp.678. 1912. Longmans. 21s. Reed, S. J. Turbines Applied to Marine Propulsion. 2nd edn. Cr. 4to. Pp. 191. 1917. Constable. 16s. Sothern, J. W. M. The Marine Turbine. A Practical Illustrated Description of the Parsons and Cur- tis Marine Geared -Down Steam Tur- bines, etc. 6th edn. Roy. 8vo. Pp.790. 1919. Jas . Munro . 42s . Suplee, H, H. The Gas Turbine: Progress in the Design and Con- struction of Turbines operated by Gases of Combustion . Large 8vo . Pp.262. 1910. Griffin. 15s. Wilda, H. Steam Turbines: Their Theory and Construction . Cr . 8vo . Pp . 200 . 1912 . Scott , Greenwood . 4s. 6rf. xxiv. ENGINEERING REFER- ENCE BOOKS, AND MISCELLANEOUS . A General Manager. Engin- eering Estimates, Costs, and Ac- counts. A Guide to Commercial Engineering. 3rd edn. 8vo. Pp. 276. 1911. Crosby Lockwood. 8s. Qd. Brooks, G. (edited by) The Mech- anical Engineer's Price Book. 2nd edn. Pocketsi7,e. Pp.182. 1914. Spon . 5s . Fowler's Mechanical Engineer's Pocket Book, 1921. Edited by W. H. Fowler. 18mo. Pp. 620\ Jan . , 1921 . Scientific Pub . Co . 3s . Mechanic's and Machinist's Pocket Book, 1921. Edited by W. H. Fowler. 18mo. Pp. 495. Jan., 1921. Scientific Pub. Co. 2s. Qd. Kempe, H. R., and Smith, W. H. (compiled and edited by). The Engineer's Year-Book of Formulae, Rules , Tables , Data and Memoranda for 1921 . A Compendium of the Modern Practice of Civil, Mechan- ical, Electrical, Marine, Gas, Aero, Mine, and Metallurgical Engineer- ing. With collaboration of Eminent Specialists. 28th year of publica- tion. Large Cr. 8vo. Pp. 2,697. Apl . 1921 . Crosby Lockwood . 30s . 89 Mechanical Engineering. Mechanical World Year Book , 1921 . 18mo. Pp. 328. Jan., 1921. Emmott. 2s. Gd. Practical Engineer Mechanical Pocket Book and Diary, 1921. 23rd year of Issue. Pocket size. Pp. 566. Feb., 1921. Technical Pub. Co. 2s. Rankine,W.J.M. Useful Rules and Tables : for Architects , Builders , Engineers , Mechanics , Shipbuilders , etc., with Appendix for the use of Electrical Engineers by A. Jamie- son. 8th edn. 1907. Griffin. 10s. Gd. Ruff, F. Reference Book for Stati- cal Calculations. Force Diagrams for Frameworks, Tables, Instruc- tions for Statical Calculations , etc . , for all Classes of Building and Engineering. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 140. 1906. Spon. 6s. Sabine , M . H . Miscellaneous Tables for Mechanical Draughtsmen . Folio. Pp . 27 . 1921 . Technical Pub . Co . 8s. Spon's Workshop Receipts for Manufacturers , Mechanics and Scientific Amateurs. New and thoroughly Revised edition. Cr. 8vo. 1919. Vol. 1. Acetylene to Drying. Pp. 532. Vol. 2. Dyeing to Japanning. Pp. 540. Vol. 3. Jointing Pipes to Pumps . Pp . 528 . Vol. 4. Rainwater to Wire Ropes. Pp . 540 . Spon . 7s . Gd . each . 90 AERONAUTICS. i. HISTORICAL AND GENERAL. Bacon, G. All About Flying. Fcap. 8vo. Pp. 134. 1919. Methuen. 2s. Bailey, G. C. The Complete Air- man. DemySvo. Pp.280. 1920. Methuen. 16s. Bairstow, L. Progress of Aviation in the War Period . Some Items of Scientific and Technical Interest. (Wilbur Wright Lecture , 1919) . Pp . 24. 1919. Royal Aeronautical Society. 2s. Qd. Berry, W. H. Aircraft in War and Commerce. 3rd edn. 8vo. Pp. 152. 1919. Burrow. 2s. Qd. Blackburn , G . J . , and Newby , E . J . All About Aircraft . A Simple Text Book. 8vo. Pp. 123. 1919. Burrow. 3s. Qd. Bright, C. Telegraphy, Aeronautics and War. Demy Svo. Pp. 401. 1914. Constable. 16s. Dargon , J . The Future of Aviation . Translated fron the French by P. Nutt. DemySvo. Pp.195. 1919. Nutt. 10s. Qd. Gill, N. J. The Aerial Arm. Its Functions and Development. 8vo. Pp. 168. 1919. Aeroplane Pub- lishing Co. 6s. Qd. Grahame -White , G., and Harper, H. Our First Airways: Their Organization , Equipment , and Finance. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 195. 1919. Lane. 6s. Qd. Air-Power : Naval , Military and Commercial . Demy 8vo . Pp . 270 . 1917. Chapman & Hall. 7s. Qd. Hamel, G., and Turner, C. C. Flying; some Practical Experi- ences. 8vo. Pp. 356. 1914. Longmans . 1 4s . Holt -Thomas, G. Aerial Trans- port. Demy 4to. Pp.278. 1920. Hodder & Stoughton . 30s . Johnson , V . E . Model Aeroplaning : its Principles and Practice. Demy 8vo. Pp. 265. 1920. Spon. 12s. Qd. Kennedy , R . Flying Machines . Demy 8vo. Pp. 158. 1909. Technical Pub. Co. 6s. Qd. Lanchester, F. W. Aircraft in War- fare : the Dawn of the Fourth Arm . Med. 8vo. Pp. 239. 1916. Con- stable. 12s. Qd. Matthews , R . B . , and Others . The British Aircraft Industry: Its In- dustrial and Commercial Poten- tialities. A Reprint from The Times .Supplement, for April, 1918. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 305. 1918. Hodder and Stoughton . 6s . Middleton, E. C. Airfare of To- day and of the Future. Cr. 8vo. Pp\192. 1917. Constable. 3s. Qd. Robson, W. A. Aircraft in War and Peace. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 182. 1916. Macmillan. 3s. Spaight, J. M. Aircraft in Peace and the Law. 8vo. Pp.233. 1919. Macmillan. 8s. Qd. Aircraft in War. 8vo. Pp. 189. 1914. Macmillan. 7s. Qd. Swinton, A. J. (edited by). The Aeroplane Handbook . Demy 8vo . Pp.284. 1920. Aeroplane & Gen- eral Pub. Co. 21s. Turner, G. C. Aircraft of To-Day. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 315. 1918. Seeley. 7s. Qd. The Struggle in the Air 1914 1918. A Personal Narrative . Demy 8vo. Pp. 296. 1919. Arnold. 15s. Aeronautics. Winchester, C. Flying Men and their Machines. Demy 8vo. Pp. 242. 1916. Dent. 7s. 6d. ii. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF FLIGHT. Aston, W. G. Aeronautics Made Easy. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 186. 1919. Ilifie. 4s. 6d. Avion. The Way to Fly : A Prac- tical Introduction to Flight for Beginners. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 156. 1919. Pearson. 3s. 6d. Bairstow, L. Applied Aero-dynam- ics. 8vo. Pp. 578. 1920. Long- mans . 32s . Berriman, A. E. Aviation: an Introduction to the Elements of Flight. 2nd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp.388. 1913. Methuen. 12s. Qd. Bryan , G . H . Stability in Aviation . 8vo. Pp.204. 19lT. Macmillan. 6.9. 6d. Chatley , H . The Problem of Flight . A Text -book of Aerial Engineering. 3rd edn. in preparation. Griffin. dowley . W . L . , and Levy , H . Aero- nautics in Theory and Practice. 2nd edn. Demy'Svo. Pp. 343. 1920. Arnold. *25s. De Villamil, R. Resistance of Air. DemySvo. Pp.192. 1917. Spon. 8s. 6d. The Laws of Avanzini . Laws of Planes moving at an Angle in Air and Water. Super Roy. 8vo. Pp. 23. 1912. Spon. 2s'. Devillers, R. The Dynamics of the Aeroplane. Translated by W. J. Walker. Demy 8vo. Pp. 310. 1920. Spon. 21s. Duchene, E. A. Flight Without Formulae: Simple Discussions on the Mechanics of the Aeroplane. Translated by J . H . Ledeboer . 3rd imp. 8vo. Pp. 220. 1918. Longmans . 9s . The Mechanics of the Aeroplane. A Study of the Principles of Flight. Translated by J. H. Ledeboer and T. O'B. Hubbard. 8vo. Pp.240. 1918. Longmans. 9s. Eiffel, G. The Resistance of the Air and Aviation. Translated by J. C. Hunsaker. 2nd edn. Roy. 4to. Pp.242. Constable. 42s.' Greenhill, Sir A. G. Dynamics of Mechanical Flight. Demy 8vo. Pp.121. 1912. Constable ". 6s. Report on Gyroscopic Theory. 1914. H.M.S.O." 10s. Report on the Theory of a Stream Line past a Plane Barrier, and of the Discontinuity arising at the Edge, with an Application of the Theorv to an Aeroplane. 1911. H.M.S.O. 5s. Appendix to ditto. Theory of a Stream Line past a Curved Wing- 1916. H.M.S.O. 4s. Hankin, E. H. Animal Flight: A Record of Observation . Demy 8vo . Pp.413. 1914. Ilifie. 12s."fd. Hobbs, F. D. How to Fly and In- struct on an * ' Avro . " Cr . 8vo . Pp . 75. 1919. Longmans. 3s. 6rf. Hunsaker, J. C. The Triplane and the Stable Biplane. Demy 8vo. Pp.36. 1918. Pitman. 3s. Lanchester, F. W. Aerial Flight. Demy 8vo . Vol . 1 . Aerodvnamics , 4th edn. Pp.442. 1918." Vol. 2. Aerodonetics . 2nd edn. Pp. 433. 1917. Constable. 21s. each. The Flying Machine from an Engineering Point of View. To- gether with a Discussion concerning the Theory of Sustentation and Expenditure of Power in Flight. DemySvo. Pp.143. 1918. Con- stable. 5s. Laws, B.C. Stability and Equili- brium of Floating Bodies. Demy 8vo. Pp. 261. 1914. Constable. 10s. Gd. Le Maitre, W. Natural Stability, and the Parachute Principle in Aeroplanes. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 48. 1911. v Spon. 2s. Qd. McMinnies , W. G. Practical Fly- ing: Complete Course of Flying Instruction. 2nd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 237. 1918. Temple Press. 92 Aeronautics. Roberts, G. Training the Airmen: How they Fly. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 92. 1919. Murray. 3s. Qd. Shaw, II. A Text-book of Aero- nautics. Med. 8vo. Pp. 260. 1919. Griffin. 10s. Qd. Thomson, G. P. Applied Aerody- namics. 4to. Pp. 312. 1920. Hodder & Stoughton . 42s . Thurston, A. P. Elementary Aero- nautics , or the Science and Practice of Aerial Machines. 2nd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 231. 1920. Pitman. 8s. Qd. Walkden , S . L . Aeroplanes in Gusts , Soaring Flight and the Stability of Aeroplanes. 2nd edn. 8vo. Pp. 280. 1913. Spon. 12s. Qd. iii . DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION . Andrews, S. T. G., and Benson, S. F. The Theory and Practice of Aeroplane Design . Demy 8vo . Pp . 466. 1920. ^Chapman & Hall. 15s. Qd. Gamm, S. Aeroplane Construction. A Handbook on the Various Methods and Details of Construction em- ployed in the Building of Aero- planes. Demy 8vo. Pp. 146. 1919. Crosby Lock wood. 7s. Qd. Camm, F. J. The Design of Model Aeroplanes. Demy 8vo. Pp. 172. 1919. BennBros. 7s. Qd. Fage, A. The Aeroplane: A Concise Scientific Study. 5th edn. Med. 8vo. Pp. 188. 1918. Griffin. 7s. Qd. Hanby, W. Metals in Aircraft Con- struction. Demy 8vo. Pp. 112. 1920. Standard Air Press . 6s. Hill , F . T . Practical Aeroplane Con- struction . A Treatise on Modern Workshop Practice as applied to the Building of Aircraft. Demy 8vo. Pp. 248^. 1920. Spon. 12s. Qd. Jones, T. H., and Frier, J. D. Aeroplane Structural Design. A Book for Designers, Draughtsmen and Students. Demy 8vo. Pp. 279. 1920. Pitman /21s. Judge, A. W. The Design of Aero- planes. 2nd edn. Med.8vo. Pp. 242. 1917. Pitman. 14s. Elementary Principles of Aero- plane Design and Construction. Med. 8vo. Pp. 116. 1939. Pit- man. 7s. Qd. Fuselage Design. Demy 8vo. Pp. 30. 1919. Pitman. 3s. Aircraft and Automobile Mater- ials of Construction . A Treatise for Aircraft, Automobile, and Mechan- ical Engineers, Manufacturers, Con- structors, Designers, Draughtsmen, Students , etc . Demy 8vo. Vol.1. Ferrous Materials . Pp . 755 . 1920 . Vol 2. Non-Ferrous and Organic Materials. Pp. 606. 1921. Pit- man . 25s . each . Kennedy, R. The Principles of Aero- plane Construction , with Calcula- tions, Formulae. 8vo. Pp. 146. 1911. Churchill. 6s. Qd. Morgan , A . P . How to Build a 20-ft. Bi-plane Glider. Cr. 8vo. Pp.60. 1909. Spon. 2s. Qd. Pippard, A. J. S., and Pritchard, J. L. Aeroplane Structures, with an Introduction by L. Bairstow. 8vo. Pp. 374. 1919. Longmans. 21s. iv. AIRSCREWS AND AEROFOILS. Fage, A. Airscrews in Theory and Experiment. Cr. 4to. Pp. 208. 1920. Constable. 34s. Judge, A. W. The Properties of Aerofoils and Resistance of Aero- dynamic Bodies. Med. 8vo. Pp. 298. 1917. Pitman. 18s. Riach, M. A. S. Air-Screws. An Analytical Study in the Application of the Analogy of an Aerofoil having a Rectilinear Motion. Demy 8vo. Pp.144. 1916. Crosby Lockwood . 10s. Qd. Park, W. E. A Treatise on Air- screws. Demy 8vo. Pp. 320. 1920. Chapman & Hall. 21s. Watts, H. C. The Design of Screw Propellers for Aircraft. 8vo. Pp. 354. 1920. Longmans. 25s. Aeronautics. v. AERO ENGINES. Burls, G. A. Aero Engines: with a General Introductory Account to the Theory of the Internal Combus- tion Engine . 1 1th edn . Demy 8 vo . Pp.206. 1918. Griffin. 8s. Gd. Clark , A . G . Aeronautical Engines . Demy 8vo. In preparation. Chap- man & Hall. Devillers, R. Automobile and Aero Engines. A Handbook for Stu- dents . Draughtsmen and Designers . Translated by W . J . Walker . Demy 8vo. Pp. 416. 1919. Spon. 16s. Kean, F. J. Aeronautical Engines. A critical survey of current practice with special reference to the balanc- ing of inertia forces. 2nd edn. DemySvo. Pp.102. 1918. Spon. 7s. Gd. Klemin, A. A Text-book of Aero- nautical Engineering. Demy 8vo. Pp. 317. 1919. Pitman. 15s. Sylvester, G. Design and Construc- tion of Aero Engines. Demy 8vo. Pp. 147. 1919. Aeroplane Pub. Co. 6s. Wallace, J. Design of Aeroplane Engines. Demy 8vo. Pp. 246. 1920. Benn Bros. 15s. vi. AERIAL NAVIGATION. Card, S. F. Air Navigation Notes and Examples. Demy 8vo. Pp. 148. 1919. Arnold. 10s. Gd. Creagh-Osborne,F. The Magnetic Compass in Aircraft. 5th edn. SmallCr. 8vo. Pp.48. 1918. Arnold. Is. Gd. Dixie, A. E. Air Navigation for Flight Officers. Demy 8vo. Pp. 234. 1917. John Hogg. 10s. Gd. Dumbleton, J. E. Principles and Practice of Aerial Navigation. DemySvo. Pp. 180. 1920. Crosby Lock wood. 12s. Gd. Wimperis , H . E . A Primer of Air Navigation. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 142. 1920. Constable. 8s. Gd. vii. REFERENCE BOOKS FOR AVIATORS . Aerial Year Book and Who's Who in the Air, 1920. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 328. 1920. Cross Atlantic News- paper Service. Paper, 2s. Gd. Cloth, 4s. Blake, W. J. The Aviation Cate- chism. Roy. 16mo. Pp.64. 1919. Nisbet. Is.Gd. Dander, M. M. Airman's Inter- national Dictionary; including the most important Technical Terms of Aircraft Construction. English French Italian German, with a "one alphabet" index for these four languages. Pocket size. Pp. 228. 1920. Griffin. 6s. Dommett, W. E. A Dictionary of Aircraft. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 52. 1918. Pitman. 2s. Aeroplanes and Airships. Cr. 8vo. Pp.76. 1919. Pitman. Paper, Is. 9rf. Cloth, 3s. Henslowe, L. Aero Dictionary. English-French: French-English. Fcap. 8vo. Pp. 86. 1920. Benn Bros . 5s . Jane, F. T. All the World's Air- craft, 1920. Edited and compiled by C . G . Grey . Oblong 8vo . Pp . 364. Dec., 1920. Sampson Low. 42s. Jane's Pocket Aeronautical Dic- tionary. Edited by C. G. Grey. Pocket Si/.e. Pp.64. 1919. Samp- son Low. Is. Gd. Lycett, J. Aviation Technical Dic- tionary. Demy 8vo. Pp. 185. 1919. Nutt. 7s. Gd. Matthews, R. B. The Aviation Pocket-Book for 1919-20. A Com- pendium of Modern Practice and a Collection of Useful Notes, Formu- lae, Rules, Tables, and Data relat- ing to Aeronautics. 7th edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 536. 1920. Crosby Lockwood. 12s. Gd. and Clarkson , G . T . The Air- craft Identification Book. Cr.Svo. Pp. 118. 1919. Crosby Lockwood. 3s. Gd. 94 Aeronautics. Wade,W.L. (edited by). The Fly- ing Book : The Aviation World Who's Who and Industrial Direc- tory. 8vo. Pp. 290. 1918. Longmans . 5s . viii. BALLOONS, DIRIGIBLES, etc. Hoernes, H. A Compendium of Aviation and Aerostatics , Balloons , Dirigibles, and Flying Machines. Pocket size. Pp. 191. 1911. Griffin . 3s . Pratt, H. B. Commercial Airships. 8vo. Pp.250. 1920. Nelson. 15. Summer, P. H. The Design and Stability of Stream Line Kite Bal- loons; with useful Tables, Aero- nautical and Mechanical Formulae. 8vo. Pp. 146. 1920. Crosby Lockwood . Ws.Gd. Talbot , F . A . Aeroplanes and Dirig- ibles of War. Cr.Svo. Pp.296. 1915. Heinemann. 3s. 6d. Whale, G. British Airships : Past, Present and Future . Cr . 8vo . Pp . 244. 1919. Lane. 7s. Qd. 9fi PHYSICS. i. COLLECTED WORKS AND HISTORICAL. Buchanan, J. Y. Scientific Papers. Vol.1. DemySvo. Pp.326. 1913. Cambridge University Press . 5s . Comptes Rendus of Observation and Reasoning. Demy 8vo. Pp. 492. 1917. Cambridge University Press . 7s . Qd . Accounts rendered of Work Done and Things Seen . (Scientific Papers) . DemySvo. Pp.494. 1919. Cam- bridge University Press. 21s. Poynting , J . H . Collected Scientific Papers. Edited by G. A. Shakes- pear and G . Barlow . Rov . 8vo . Pp. 800. 1920. Cambridge Uni- versity Press . 37s . Qd . Rayleigh, Lord. Scientific Papers. 6 Vols. Roy. 8vo. Vol. 1. Pp. 577. 1899. 17s. Gd. Vol. 2. Pp. 612. 1900. 17s. Qd. Vol.3. Pp. 608. 1902. 17s. 6rf. Vol.4. Pp. 618. 1903. 18s. 6d. Vol.5. Pp. 636. 1912. 17s. Qd. Vol.6. Pp. 718. 1920. 50s. Cambridge Uni- versity Press. Schuster, Sir A. The Progress of Physics during 33 years (1875 1908). DemySvo. Pp.174. 1911. Cambridge University Press . 5s . 6d. Stokes, Sir G.G. Mathematical and Physical Papers. 5 vols. Demy 8vo. Vol.1. Pp.338. 1880. 21s. Vol.2. Pp.374. 1883. 17s. Qd. Vol.3. 17s. Qd. Vol.4. Pp.386. 1904. 17s. Qd. Vol. 5. Pp. 395. 1905. 21s. Cambridge University Press . Memoirs presented to the Cam- bridge Philosophical Society on the occasion of his Jubilee . Demy 4to . Pp. 475. 1900. Cambridge Uni- versity Press. 21s. Thomson, J. Collected Papers irt Physics and Engineering. Selected and arranged by Sir J. Larmor and J . Thomson . Demy 8vo . Pp . 592 . 1912. Cambridge University Press * 18s. Whetham, W. C. D. The Recent Development of Physical Science. Large Cr. 8vo. Pp. 338. 1909. Murray. 7s. Qd. ii. GENERAL WORKS . Aldous, J. C. P. An Elementary Course of Physics. Ex. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 902. 1910. Macmillan. 7s. Qd. Allen, H. S., and Moore, H. A Text-book of Practical Physics. Ex. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 638. 1920. Macmillan. 10s. Qd. Bower, W. R., and Satterly, J. Practical Physics. (Being Vol. 6 of The Tutorial Physics. 6th imp. Cr.Svo. Pp.402. 1918. Univer- sity Tutorial Press. 6s. Qd. Brown ,S.E. Experimental Science. Cr. 8vo. 1918. 2 Parts. Part 1. Physics . Pp . 280 . 6s . Qd. Part 2 . Chemistry. Pp.148. 4s. Qd. The two parts in one volume. 10s. Qd* Cambridge University Press. Campbell , N . R . Physics : The Ele- ments . Large Roy . 8vo . Pp . 576 . 1920. Cambridge University Press. 40s. Candy, H. C. H. A Manual of Physics, Theoretical and Practical, for Medical Students. 2nd edn. Fcap.Svo. Pp.451. 191S.Cassell. 7s. Qd. Catechism Series. Physics. 2nd edn. 2 Parts. Revised by G. C. Knott. Livingstone . ls.9e?. each* 96 Physics. Christiansen , G . Elements of Theo- retical Physics . Translated by W. F. Magie. 8vo. Pp. 352. 1897. Macmillan. 16s. Corbin , H . E . , and Stewart , A . M . A Handbook of Physics and Chem- istry . 5th edn . Cr . 8vo . Pp . 504 . 1920. Churchill. 15s. Crowther , J . A . A Manual of Phys- ics for Medical Students. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 564. 1919. Frowde and Hodder. 16s. Darling, C. R. Liquid Drops and Globules, their Formation and Movements. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 94. 1914. Spon. 3s. 6d. Duncan, J., and Starling, S. G. A Text-book of Physics for the Use of Students of .Science and Engin- eering. 2nd edn. Ex. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 1,118. 1920. 18s. also in Parts ; Dynamics , 6s . ; Heat , Light and Sound, 7s. 6d. ; Magnetism and Electricity, 5s.; Heat, 4s. 6rf.; Light and Sound, 4s. 6d. Mac- millan. Edser, E. General Physics for Stu- dents . A Text -book on the Funda- mental Properties of Matter. Gl. 8vo. Pp.644. 1913. Macmillan. 8s. 6d. Glazebrook, Sir R. T., and Shaw, Sir W . N . Practical Physics . Cr . 8vo. Pp. 660. 1918. Longmans. 11s. Gray, A. Treatise on Physics . Vol. 1 . Dynamics and Propertias of Matter. 8vo. Pp. 712. 1901. Churchill. 18s. p Gregory , Sir R . A . , and Hadley , H . E . A Class Book of Physics . New imp. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 516. 1920. Macmillan. 6s. 6d. and Simmons , A . T . Experi- mental Science . An Elementary Course of Physics and Chemistry. Gl. 8vo. Pp". 346. 1919. Mac- millan. 3s. Exercises in Practical Physics for Schools of Science. 2 Parts. New imp. Gl.Svo. Pp. 208. ,182. 1915. Macmillan. 2s. 6d. each part . Hadley , H . E . Manual of Practical Physics. Gl.Svo. Pp.274. 1916. Macmillan. 4s. Houstoun, R. A. The Elements of Physics. 8vo. Pp. 230. 1919. Longmans. 7s. 6d. An Introduction to Mathematical Physics. 8vo. Pp. 210. 1912. Longmans . 9s . Hurst, H . E . , and Lattey , R . T . A Text-book of Physics . Demy 8vo . Pp.271. 1916. " 12s. 6d. Also in 3 parts . Part 1 . Dynamics and Heat. 4s. Part 2." Light and Sound . 4s . Part 3 . Magnetism and Electricity. 5s. Constable. Jackson , C . E . Examples in Physics . 5th edn. Cr.Svo. Pp.188. 1920. Methuen . 5s . First Year Physics. 4th edn. Cr.Svo. Pp.120. 1919. Methuen. 3s. Jones, D. E. Elementary Lessons in Heat, Light and Sound. New imp. Gl.Svo. Pp.292. 1920. Macmillan. 3s. Jones, L. M. Practical Physics. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 338. 1909. Long- mans . 4s . Jude, R. H., and Gossin, H. Physics : Experimental and Theoret- ical. Vol. 1., with Examples and exercises. Demy 8vo. Pp. 927. 1896. 16s. 6d. Also in 2 Parts. Part 1. Mechanics, Hydrostatics, and Pneumatics . 5s . Part 2 . Heat . 9s . 6d . Chapman & Hall . Kelsey, W. R. Physical Determina- tions. Laboratory Instructions for the Determination of Physical Quan- tities connected with General Phys- ics , Heat , Light , etc . 3rd edn. Cr. Svo. Pp.341. 1907. Arnold. 7s. Knott, C. G. Physics: an Elemen- tary Text-Book for University Classes. 3rd edn. thoroughly Revised and Amplified, and con- taining an entirely new Chapter on the Electron Theory and Radio- Activity. Cr. Svo. Pp. 370. 1913. Chambers. 8s. 6rf. Lommel, Prof. von. Experimental Physics. Translated by G. W. Myers. Svo. Pp. 685. 1899. Kegan Paul. 15s. McDowall , S . A . A Laboratory Note Book of Physics. 2 vols. Pott 4to. Pp. 166., 126. Dent. 4*. each. 97 M Physics. McLean, A. Practical Physics. A Text-book for Technical Schools and Colleges. DemySvo. Pp.402. 1912. Black. 7s. Qd. Poynting , J . H . , and Thomson , Sir J. J. A Text-Book of Physics. Large 8vo. Vol. 1. Properties of Matter . 8th edn . Pp . 235 . 1920 . 10s . Qd . Vol . 2 . Sound . 7th edn . Pp. 164. 1920. 8s. Qd. Vol. 3. Heat. 6th edn. Pp. 354. 1920. 15s. Vol. 4. Electricity and Mag- netism. Parts 1 and 2. 2nd edn. Pp . 359 . 1920 . 10s . Qd . Part 3 in preparation. Vol. 5. Light, in preparation . Griffin . Rintoul, D. An Introduction to Practical Physics . New imp. Gl. 8vo. Pp.186. 1917. Macmillan. 3s. Schuster , Sir A . , and Lees , G . H . An Intermediate Course of Practical Physics. Cr. 8vo. p. 272. 1918. Macmillan. 6s. Exercises in Practical Physics. 4th edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 379. 1915 . Cambridge University Press . 9s. Siddons, A. W., and Vassall, A. Practical Measurements . Fcap . 4to . Pp. 74. 1912. Cambridge Uni- versity Press. 2s. Qd. Southerns, L. An Outline of Phys- ics. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 217. 1920. Methuen. 6s. Qd. Stallo , J . B . Concepts and Theories of Modern Physics. 4th edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp.368. 1900. KeganPaul. 7s. Qd, Stanley , H . Practical Applied Phys- ics. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 234. 19i4. Methuen . 5s . Preliminary Practical Science. Some Fundamental Principles of Physical Science, with their prac- tical applications. 2nd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 136. 1920. Methuen. 2s. Qd. Stewart , B . Conservation of Energy . 10th edn. Cr.Svo. Pp.195. 1909. Kegan Paul. 7s. Qd. Stewart, B., and Gee, W. W. H. Lessons in Elementary Practical Physics . Vol . 1 . Cr . 8vo . General Physical Processes . Pp.314. 1912. Macmillan. 7s. Stewart, R. W. An Elementary Text -book of Physics. 4vols. Cr. 8vo. Vol. 1. General Physics. Pp. 421. 1910. 5s. Vol. 2. Sound. Pp.148. 1909. 3s. Vol. 3. Light. Pp. 226. 1909. 4s. Vol. 4. Heat. Pp. 247. 1910. 4s . Griffin . and Don, J. Matriculation Physics : Heat , Light and Sound . 13th imp. Cr.Svo. Pp. 420. 1918. University Tutorial Press. 6s. Qd. Watson , W . A Te,xt-Book of Physics including a collection of Examples and Questions. 7th edn. Revised by H. Moss. Large Cr. 8vo. Pp. 1,002. 1921. Longmans. 21s. Intermediate Physics. 8vo. Pp. 564. 1918. Longmans. 15s. - A Text-Book of Practical Phys- ics. A Book of Reference for the Student working in a Physical Laboratory. Cr. 8vo. Pp.~ 646. 1919. Longmans. 10s. Gd. Elementary Practical Physics : a Laboratory Manual. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 268. 1919. Longmans. 4s. White , W . H . A Handbook of Phys- ics. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 683. 1912. Methuen. 8s. Qd. Willows, R. S. A Text-book of Physics. 2nd edn. 4th imp. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 520. 1920. Arnold. 9s. Wilson, H. A. Experimental Phys- ics. A Text-book of Mechanics, Heat, Sound and Light. 2nd imp. DemySvo. Pp.413. (1915)1920. Cambridge University Press. 14s. Wright, M. R. Sound, Light and Heat. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 288. 1912. Longmans . 5s . Yorke , J . P . Elementary Physics for Engineers. Cr. Svo. Pp. 174. 1916 . Cambridge University Press . 4s. Qd. 98 Physics. a. Heat. , Eccles, J. R. Advanced Lecture Notes on Heat. Cr. 4to. Pp. 186. 1921 . Cambridge University Press. 10s. Qd. Edser, E. Heat for Advanced Stu- dents. Gl. 8vo. Pp. 500. 1920. Macmillan. 5s. Qd. Fourier, J. The Analytical Theory of Heat. Translated, with notes*, by A. Freeman. Demy 8vo. Pp. 489. 1878. Cambridge University Press. 12s. Olazebrook, Sir R. T. Heat and Light. An Elementary Text-book. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 449. 1919. 10*. Also separately. Heat. 5s. Light. 6s. Cambridge University Press. Griffiths, E. H. The Thermal Measurement of Energy. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 143. 1901. Cambridge Uni- versity Press. 3s. 3d. Hart , J . B . A Students ' Heat . Cr . 8vo. Pp.376. Dent. 5s. Qd. Maxwell, J. C. Theory of Heat. 10th edn., revised by *Lord Ray- leigh. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 362. 1916. Longmans. 6s. Qd. Preston, T. The Theory of Heat. 3rd edn., edited by J. R. Cotter. 8vo. Pp. 860. 1919. Macmillan. 25s. Scarlett, R. H. A School Course of Heat. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 316. 1910. Longmans. 4s. Qd. Smith, J. H. The Study of Heat. 9th edn. Cr.Svo. Pp.144. 1890. Longmans . 3s . Qd . Stewart , R . W . The New Matricula- tion Heat. 2nd edn. 8th imp. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 245. 1920. Uni- versity Tutorial Press . 4s . Higher Text-Book of Heat (being Vol. 2. of the Tutorial Physics). 2nd edn. 5th imp. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 407. 1917. University Tutorial Press. 9*. Qd. and Satterly , J . Text-Book of Heat : Theoretical and Practical . 3rd imp. Cr.Svo. Pp.488. 1917. University Tutorial Press. 6s. Qd. Wright , M . R . Advanced Heat . Cr . 8vo. Pp.362. 1919. Longmans. 6s. Qd. b . Thermodynamics . Callendar, H. L. Properties of Steam and Thermodynamic Theory of Turbines . Demy 8vo . Pp . 543*. 1920. Arnold. 40s. Draper, G. H. Heat and the Prin- ciples of Thermodynamics. Demy 8vo. Pp.428. 1917. Blackie. 6s. Ewing, Sir J. A. Thermodynamics for Engineers. Demy 8vo. Pp. 396. 1920. Cambridge University Press . 30s . Macaulay, W. H. The Laws of Thermodynamics. Demy 8vo. Pp. 80. 1913. Cambridge University Press . 3s . Naylor, G. H. Correction Tables for Thermodynamic Efficiency. Demy 8vo. Pp.60. 1917. Arnold. 5s. Parker, J. A Treatise on Element- ary Thermodynamics. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 416. 1891. Cambridge Uni- versity Press. 9s. Partington, J. R. A Text-Book of Thermodynamics : with special ref- erence to Chemistry. Demy 8vo. Pp. 562. 1913. Constable. 14s. Planck, M. Treatise on Thermo- dynamics. Translated by A. Ogg. 8vo. Pp. 284. 1917. Longmans. 10s. c . High Temperatures . Darling, C. R. Pyrometry. A Practical Treatise on the Measure- ment of High Temperatures. 2nd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 236. 1920. Spon. 10s. Qd. Griffiths, E. Methods of Measuring Temperature . Large 8vo . Pp.187. 1918. Griffin. 8s. Qd. Methods and Appliances for the Attainment of High Tempera- tures in the Laboratory . Faraday Society Report, 1917. Demy 8vo. Pp. 12. 1917. Faraday Society. 2s. Qd. Pyrometers and Pyrometry. A General Discussion . Faraday Soci- ety Report, 1918. Demy 8vo. Pp. 170. 1918. Faraday Society. 12s. Qd. 99 Physics. d. Gases. Burbury, S. H. A Treatise on the Kinetic Theory of Gases. Demy 8vo. Pp. 16.5. 1899. Cambridge University Press. 9s. Burstall, F. W. The Energy -Dia- gram for Gas : with Descriptive Text. Roy. 8vo. Pp. 20. 1912. Constable. 5s. Clowes , F . The Detection and Meas- urement of Inflammable Gas and Vapour in the Air . Cr . 8vo . Pp . 218. 1896. CrosbyLockwood.6s. Eason, A. B. The Flow and Meas- urement of Air and Gases. Med. 8vo. Pp.264. 1919. Griffin. 25s. Haldane, J. S. Methods of Air Analysis. Suitable for work in Physiology, Hygiene, Investiga- tions of Mine Air, Flue Gases, Exhaust Gases from Engines, etc. 3rd edn. Cr.Svo. Pp.147. 1920. Griffin . 6s . Jeans , J . H . The Dynamical Theory of Gases . 3rd edn . 4to . Pp . 450 . 1921 . Cambridge University Press . 30s. Kimball , A. L. The Physical Prop- erties of Gases . Cr . 8vo . Pp . 246 . 1890. Heinemann. 5s. Occlusion of Gases by Metals, The . A General Discussion . Fara- day Society Report, 1919. Demy 8vo. Pp. 93. 1919. Faraday Society. 8s. 6d. Ramsay, Sir W. The Gases of the Atmosphere : the History of their Discovery. 4th edn. Ex. Cr. 8vo. Pp.320. 1915. Macmillan. 7s. 6d. Shaw , Sir W . N . Air Currents and the Laws of Ventilation. Demy 8vo. Pp. 106. 1907. Cambridge University Press . 4s . Watson, H. W. A Treatise on the Kinetic Theory of Gases . 2nd edn . Cr.Svo. Pp.102. 1893. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 4s. Qd. e. Light. Aldis, W. S. An Elementary Treat- ise on Geometrical Optics. 8th edn. Pp. 195. 1910. Bell. 4s. Qd. Bateman, H. The Mathematical Analysis of Electrical and Optical Wave Motion. Demy 8vo. Pp.. 168. 1915. Cambridge University Press. Ss. Gd. Boys, G. V. Soap Bubbles, their Colours and the Forces which Mould them. New edn. Post 8vo. Pp. 200. 1920. S.P.C.K. 5s. Clay, R. S. Treatise on Practical Light. Ex. Cr.Svo. Pp.536. 1911. Macmillan. 12s. Qd. Practical Exercises in Light ; a Laboratory Course for Schools of Science and Colleges. New imp. Gl.Svo. Pp. 200. 1914. Mac- millan. 3s. Cross, W. E. Elementary Physical Optics. Cr.Svo. Pp.312. 1913. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 4s. Curry , C . E . Electromagnetic Theory of Light. Svo. Parti. Pp.416. 1905. Macmillan. 12s. Eccles , J . R . Lecture Notes on Light . Cr.4to. Pp.217. 1917. 7s. Key, with 85 pages of diagrams . I2s. Qd. Cambridge University Press . Advanced Lecture Notes on Light. Cr. 4to. Pp.141. 1919. 7s. Qd. Cambridge University Press . Edser, E. Light for Students. Gl. Svo. Pp. 588. 1919. Macmillan. 7s. Emtage, W.T. A, Light. Cr.Svo. Pp.360. 1903. Longmans. 7s. Qd. Glazebrook > Sir R. T. Physical Optics. Cr.Svo. Pp.474. 1914. Longmans. 7s. Qd. Heath, R. S. Elementary Treatise on Geometrical Optics . 3rd edn . Cr. Svo. Pp. 247. 1907. Cam- bridge University Press. 6s. Herman, R. A. A Treatise on Geometrical Optics. Demy Svo. Pp. 350. 1900. Cambridge Uni- versity Press. 10s. Hogner , P . Light , Radiation and Illumination . ' Translated from the German by J. Eck. Demy Svo. Pp.100. N.D. BennBros. 7s. Qd. Houstoun, R. A. A Treatise on Light . New imp . Demy Svo . Pp . 492. 1920. Longmans. 12s. 6d. 100 Physics. Huygens, G. Treatise on Light. Translated by S. P. Thompson. Fcap. 4to. Pp.142. 1912. Mac- millan. 10s. Kelvin, Lord. Baltimore Lectures on Molecular Dynamics and the Wave Theory of Light . Demy Svo . Pp. 715. 1904. 'Cambridge Uni- versity Press. 20s. Lommel , E . Nature of Light : with A General Account of Physical Optics. 7th edn. Cr. 8vo." Pp. 369. 1904. Kegan Paul. 7s. Qd. Maclaurin, R. C. The Theory of Light. DemySvo. Pp.334. 1908. Cambridge University Press. 12s. Qd. Mallik, D. N. Optical Theories. Demy Svo. Pp. 181. 1917. Cambridge University Press. 7s. Qd. Parker , G . W . E lements of Optics . Cr. Svo. Pp. 130. 1915. Long- mans. 4s. Qd. Parkinson , S . A Treatise on Optics . 4th edn. Cr. Svp. Pp.378. 1884. Macmillan. 10s. Qd. Percival, A. S. Optics: A Manual for Students. Cr. Svo. Pp. 416. 1899. Macmillan. 12s. Qd. Geometrical Optics. Svo. Pp. 140. 1913. Longmans. 7s. Qd. Preston. T. The Theory of Light . 4th edn. edited by W/E. Thrift. Svo. Pp.642. 1912. Macmillan. 15s. Ramsey, A. S. A Text-Book of Geometrical Optics. Demy Svo. Pp.173. 1914. Bell. 8s. Qd. Schuster, Sir A. An Introduction to the Theorv of Optics. 2nd edn. Demy Svo ^ Pp. 352.1909. Arnold. 16*. Silberstein, L. Elements of the Electromagnetic Theory of Light. Cr.Svo. Pp.56. 1918. Longmans. 4s. Qd. Simplified Method of Tracing Rays through any Optical System of Lenses, Prisms, and Mirrors. Svo. Pp.48. 1918. Longmans. 5s. Qd. Stewart , R . W . Text-Book of tight . (being Vol. 3. of The Tutorial Physics.) 4th edn. 10th imp. Cr. Svo. Pp. 354. 1919. University Tutorial Press . 6s . Qd . The New Matriculation Light. 9th imp. Cr.Svo. Pp.290. 1920. University Tutorial Press. 4s. Stokes , Sir G . G . On Light . The Burnett Lectures. Cr. Svo. Pp. 364. 1892. Macmillan. 7s. Qd. Thompson, S. P. Light: Visible and Invisible. 2nd edn. Cr. Svo. Pp.396. 1919. Macmillan. 8s. Qd. Tolkowsky, M. Diamond Design. A Study of the Reflection and Re- fraction of Light in a Diamond . Cr . Svo. Pp. 104. 1920. Spon. 6s. Qd. Walker , J . The Analytical Theory of Light . Roy . 8 vo . Pp . 432 . 1 904 . Cambridge University Press. 18s. Qd. f. Physiological Optics and Optical Instruments . Burch , G . J . Practical Exercises in Physiological Optics. Cr. Svo. Pp.164. 1912. Oxford : Clarendon Press . 4s . Dictionary of British Scientific Instruments . Issued by the British Optical Instrument Manufacturer's Association . Demy Svo . Pp . 348 . 1921. Constable. 21s. Emsley, H. H., and Swaine,W. The Theory of Modern Optical Instruments ; from the German of A. Gleichen : with an Appendix on Rangefinders. Svo. Pp.375. 1918. H. M. Stationery Office. 12s. Qd. Fray, J. The Repairing Optician. A Beginner's Guide to the Optical Workshop. Fcap. Svo. Pp. 191. 1920. Frowde and Hodder. 8s. Qd. Hyatt -Woolf, C. The Optical Dic- tionary. \n Optical and Ophthal- mological Glossary of English Terms &c., Relating to Physical. Phy- siological and Pathological Optics, etc/ Demy Svo. Pp. 87. 1904. Hatton Press. 4s. 101 Physics, Laurance, L. Simple Calculations for Students of Visual Optics. De y 8vo . Pp . 72 . N .D . Hatton Press. 4s. Qd. General and Practical Optics. 3rd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 370. 1920. Hatton Press. 21s. Visual Optics and Sight Testing. 2nd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 432. 1920. Hatton Press. 21s. Orford, H. Modern Optical Instru- ments. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 100. 1919. Pitman . 4s . Rohr, M. Von. (edited by). Geo- metrical Investigation of the Forma- tion of Images in Optical Instru- ments: embodying the results of scientific researches conducted in German Optical Workshops (Form- ing Vol. I. of "The Theory of Optical Instruments.") Trans- lated by R. Kanthack. 8vo. Pp. 636. 1920. H.M.S.O. 45s. Steinheil , A . , and Voit , E . Applied Optics : The Computation of Optical Systems. Translated from the German by J . W . French . 2 Vols . Fcap. 4to. Vol. 1. Pp. 161. 1918. Vol. 2. Pp. 207. 1919. Blackie. 15s. per vol. Whittaker, E. T. The Theory of Optical Instruments. 2nd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 80. 1915. Cambridge University Press. 3s. Qd, Wright, L. Optical Projection. A Treatise on the use of the Lantern in Exhibition and Scientific; Demon- tration. 5th edn. Revised by R. S. Wright. 2 parts. Part 1. The Projection of Lantern Slides. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 95. 1920.| Long- mans. 4s. Qd. g . Colour : Spectra . Abney , Sir W . de W . Researches in Colour Vision and the Trichromatic Theory. 8vo. Pp. 432. 1913. Longmans . 25s . Liveing, G. D., and Dewar, Sir J. Collected Papers on Spectroscopy . Roy. 8vo. Pp.582. 1915. Cam- bridge University Press. 30s. 102 Lockyer, Sir J. N. Studies in Spectrum Analysis. 6th edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 270. 1904. Kegan Paul. 8s. Qd. Lovibond, J. W. Light and Colour Theories, and their Relation ta Light and Colour Standardization. 8vo. Pp.90. 1915. Spon. 7s. Qd. An Introduction to the Study of Colour Phenomena, explaining a New Theory of Colour based entirely on experimental facts, with applica- tions to scientific and industrial investigations. 8vo. Pp. 48, 1O Plates. 1905. Spon. 7s. Qd. Lyrnan , T . The Spectroscopy of the Extreme Ultra-Violet . 8vo. Pp. 142. 1914. Longmans. 6s. Qd. Mees , C . E . K . An Atlas of Absorp- tion Spectra. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 85. 1909. Longmans. 6s. Qd. Parsons, J- H. An Introduction to the Study of Colour Vision. Roy. 8vo. Pp. 316. 1915. Cambridge University Press % 12s. Qd. Rood, O. N. Colour: a Text-Book of Modern Chromatics, with Appli- cations to Art and Industry. 5tb edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 338. 1910. Kegan Paul. 7s. Qd. Roscoe, Sir H. E., and Schuster,. Sir A. Spectrum Analysis. 4th edn. 8vo. Pp.468. 1885. Mac- millan. 25s. Silberstein, L. Report on the Quantum Theory of Spectra . Demy 8vo. Pp.46. 1920. AdamHilger. 5s. Watts, W. M. An Introduction to the Study of Spectrum Analysis. 8vo. Pp.336. 1904. Longmans. 12s. Zeeman,P. Researches in Magneto - Optics. 8vo. Pp. 236. 1913. Macrnillan. 7s. Qd. b. Sound. Barton, E. H. A Text Book on Sound. 2nd edn. Ex.Cr.8vo. Pp. 701. 1919. Macmillan. 12s. 6d. Physics. Bragg, Sir W. H. The World of Sound. Six Lectures delivered before a Juvenile Auditory at the Royal Institution, Christmas, 1919. Cr.* Svo. Pp.204. 1920. Bell. 6s. Buck , P . C . Acoustics for Musicians . Demy 8vo. Pp. 152. 1918. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 7s. Qd. Capstick, J. W. Sound. An Ele- mentary Text-book . Cr . Svo . Pp . 404. 1913. Cambridge University Press . 6s . Catchpool , E . Text-Book of Sound . (Being Vol . ] . of The Tutorial Physics). 5th edn. 10th imp. Cr ." Svo . Pp . 388 . 1919. Univer- sity Tutorial Press. 6s. Qd. Dunk, J. L. Hyperacoustics. Divi- sion 1: Simultaneous Tonality. Large Demy Svo. Pp. 311 . Dent. 9s. Qd. Gurney, E. The Power of Sound. Roy. Svo. Pp.559. 1880. Murray. 28s. Helmholtz , H . L . F . On the Sensa- tions of Tone as a Physiological Basis for the Theorv of Music. 4th edn. Roy. 8vo". Pp. 596. 1912. Longmans. 30s. Lamb , H . The Dynamical Theory of Sound . Demy Svo . Pp . 303 . 1910. Arnold! 15s. Rayleigh, Lord. The Theory of Sound . Vol . II . 2nd edn . Svo . Pp. 520. 1896. Macmillan. 15s. Stewart, R. W. The New Matricu- lation Sound. 7th imp. Cr. Svo. Pp.220. 1920. University Tutor- ial Press. 4s. Taylor, S. Sound and Music. 3rd edn . Ex . Cr . Svo . Pp . 236 . 1896. Macmillan. 10s. Watt, H. J. The Foundations of Music. Roy. Svo. Pp.256. 1919. Cambridge University Press. 18s. Wood, A. The Physical Basis of Music. Roy. 16mo. Pp. 163. 1913 . Cambridge University Press . 2s. Qd. i. Properties of Matter. De Villamil , R . Motions of Liquids . Svo. Pp. 224. 1914. Spon. 8s. 6rf. Fleming, J. A. Waves and Ripples in Water, Air. and ^Ether. 3rd edn. Cr. Svo. Pp. 299. 1919. S.P.C.K. 7s. Qd. Maxwell , J . C . Matter and Motion , with Notes and Appendices by Sir J. Larmor. Cr. Svo. Pp. 178. 1 920 . S .P .C .K . 5s . Le Bon, G. The Evolution of Matter. Translated by F. Legge. Cr . Svo . Scott Pub . Co . 6s . Searle, G. F. C. Experimental Harmonic Motion. A Manual for the Laboratory, Demy Svo. Pp. 102. 1915. Cambridge University Press . 6s . Soddy, F. Matter and Energy. Fcap. Svo. Pp. 256. 1912. Williams and Norgate. 2s. Qd. Wagstaff, C. J. L. Properties of Matter (being Yol . 5 of The Tutorial Physics). 3rd edn. 7th imp. Cr. Svo. Pp. 287. 1920. University Tutorial Press. 5s. j . Molecular Physics . Cox, J. Beyond the Atom. Roy. 16mo. Pp. 151. 1913. Cam- bridge University Press. 2s. Qd. Crowther , J . A . Molecular Physics . 2nd edn. Cr.Svo. Pp.198. 1919. Churchill. 6s. Ions. Electrons and Ionizing Radiations. Demy Svo. Pp. 288. 1919. Arnold. 12s. Qd. Lodge, Sir O. J. Electrons: The Nature and Properties of Negative Electricity. 5th edn. Demy Svo. Pp. 230. 1919. Bell. 8s. Qd. Mercer , J . E . Some Wonders of Matter. A Popular Introduction to the Study of the Atom, Electrons, Radium, etc. Large Cr. Svo. Pp. 192. 1919. S.P.C.K. 5s. Perrin, J. Atoms. Translated from the French by D . L . Hammick . 2nd imp. Demy Svo. Pp. 226. 1920. Constable. 9s. 103 Physics. Richardson, O. W. The Electron Theory of Matter . 2nd edn . Demy 8vo. Pp. 631. 1916. Cambridge University Press. 21s. Thomson , Sir J . J . The Corpuscular Theory of Matter . 2nd imp . Demy 8vo. >p. 178. 1907. Constable. 75. 6rf. Electricity and Matter . Cr . Svo . Pp.170. 1912. Constable. 9s. iii. RELATIVITY. Carr, H. W. The General Principle of Relativity in its Philosophical and Historial Aspect. Cr. Svo. Pp.175. 1920. Maemillan.7s.6d. Conway , A . W . Relativity . Demy Svo. Pp.43. 191o. Bell. 2s. Cunningham, E. Relativity, the Electron Theory and Gravitation. 2nd edition. Demy Svo. Pp. 154. 1921. Longmans. 10s. Qd. The Principle of Relativity. Demy Svo. Pp. 235. 1914. Cambridge University Press. 12s. Eddington , A . S . Space , Time , and Gravitation. An Outline of the General Relativity Theory. 2nd imp. Demy Svo. Pp.226. (1920) 19-1 . Cambridge University Press. 15s. Report on the Relativity Theory of Gravitation. 2nd edn. Demy Svo. 1920. Paper covers, 6s. Cloth, 8s. Physical Society of London (Fleetway Press). Einstein , A . Relativity : The Special and the General Theory . A Popular Exposition. Translated by R. W. Lawson. Cr.Svo. Pp. 151. 1920. Methuen. 5s. Freundlich, E. The Foundations of Einstein's Theory of Gravitation. Authorised English Translation by H. L. Brose. Preface by A. Einstein. Introduction by H. H. Turner. Pp. 77. 1920. Cam- bridge University Press. 5s. Harrow , B . From Newton to Einstein . Changing Conceptions of the Universe. 18mo. Pp. 95. sewed. 1920. Constable. 2s. 6d. Robb, A. A. A Theory of Time and Space. Roy. Svo. Pp.380. 1914. Cambridge University Press. 15s. The Absolute Relations of Time and Space. Demy Svo. Pp. 90. 1921 . Cambridge University Press . 5s. Schlick, M. Space and Time in Contemporary Physics . An Intro- duction to the Theory of Relativity and Gravitation. Rendered into English by H. L. Brose. Svo. Pp. 99. 1920. Oxford: Claren- don Press. 6s. Qd. Silberstein, L. The Theory of Relativity. Svo. Pp.304. 1914. Macmillan. 12s. 6d. Slosson, E. E. Easy Lessons in Einstein . A Discussion of the more intelligible features of the Theory of Relativity. Cr.Svo. Pp, 136. 1920. Rout ledge. 5s. iv. CURRENT IN GASES. Thomson, Sir J. J. Conduction of Electricity through Gases. Pp. 686. 2nd edn. Demy Svo. (at present reprinting). Cambridge University Press. 16s. Townsend, J. S. Electricity in Gases. Svo. Pp. 512. 1914. Oxford : Clarendon Press . 16s. The Theory of lonization of Gases by Collision^. Cr. Svo. Pp. 100. 1910. Constable. 4s. 6d. Wilson, H. A. The Electrical Property of Flames and of Incandes- cent Solids. Cr. Svo. Pp. 120. 1912. University of London Press. 6s. v. X-RAYS AND RADIO- ACTIVITY . Addyman, F. T. Practical X-Ray Work. Demy Svo. Pp.207. 1901. Scott, Greenwood. 12s. 6d. Arthur, D., and Muir, J. A Manual of Practical X-Ray Work. Demy Svo. Pp. 351. 1919. Heinemann. 12s. 6d. Baker, T. T. Radiographic Tech- nique. Demy Svo. Pp. 208. 1921. Constable. 15s. 104 Physic*. Bragg, Sir W.H. Studies in Radio- activity. 8vo. Pp. 208. 1912. Macmillan. 6s. fid. Bruce, W. I. A System of Radio- graphy : with an Atlas of the Normal. Folio. Pp. 122. 1907. Lewis. 15s. Bythell, W. J. S., and Barclay, A. E. X-Ray Diagnosis and Treat- ment. Demy 8vo. Pp. 159. 1912. Frowde and Hodder. 17s. Colwell, H. A., and Russ, S. Radium, X-Rays, and the Living Cell. With Physical Introduction. New imp. Large 8vo. Pp. 324. 1914. Bell. 15s. The Examination of Materials by X-Rays. A General Discussion. Faraday Society and Rontgen Society Report. 1919. Demy 8vo. Pp. 152. 1919. Faraday Society. 13s. Gd. The Present Position of the Theory of lonisation. Faraday Society Report, 1919. Demy 8vo. Pp. 178. 1919. Faraday Society. 12s. Gd. Hyndman, H. H. F. Radiation: An Elementary Treatise on Electro- magnetic Radiation and on Rontgen and Cathode Rays. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 307. 1898. Allen and Unwin . 6s. Joly, J. Radio-Activity and Geo- logy. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 303. 1909. Constable. 10s. Kaye , G . W . C . X-Rays : An Intro- duction to the Study of Rontgen Rays. 3rd edn. 8vo. Pp. 308. 1918. Longmans. 9s. Gd. Knox, A. V. General Practice and X-Rays. A Handbook for the General Practitioner and Student, with Chapters on the Production of X-Rays and Instrumentation by R. Knox. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 228. 1921. Black. 15s. Knox, R. Radiography and Radio- Therapeutics . 3rd edn. Super Roy. 8vo. 1919. Vol.1. Radio- graphy. Pp. 384. 35.9. Vol. II. Radio -Therapeutics. Pp. 222. 18s. Black . Makower, W. The Radio-active Substances: their Properties and Behaviour. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 313. 1908. KeganPaul. 7s. Gd. - and Geiger, H. Practical Measurements in Radioactivity . Cr. 8vo. Pp. 161. 1912. Long- mans. 6s. Gd. Morton , E . R . Text -Book of Radio- logy (X-Rays). 2nd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 280. 1918. Kimpton. 10s. Gd. Mowat, H. X-Rays. How to Pro- duce and Interpret Them. Demy 8vo. Pp.216. 1915. Frowde and Hodder. 9s. Gd. Pilon, H. The Coolidge Tube: its Scientific Applications, Medical and Industrial. Authorised Transla- tion. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 98. 1920. Bailliere. 7s. Gd. Raffety, C. W. An Introduction to the Science of Radio-Activity. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 220. 1909. Long- mans . 6s . Rayleigh , Lord . The Becquerel Rays and the Properties of Radium. 2nd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 221. 1906. Arnold. 10s. Richardson, O. W. The Emission of Electricity from Hot Bodies. New Edition in the press. Long- mans. Rutherford, Sir E. Radio-active Substances and their Radiations. Demy 8vo. Pp. 699. 1913. Cambridge University Press . 17s. Gd. Soddy, F. The Interpretation of Radium and the Structure of the Atom. 4th edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 276. 1920. Murray. 15s. Radio Activity. Demy 8vo. Pp.224. 1904. Benn Bros. 5s. Turner, D. Radium, its Physics and Therapeutics. 2nd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 184. 1914. Bailliere. 5s. 105 Physics. vi . MAGNETISM AND ELECTRI- CITY. Allanach, W. Elementary Experi- mental Magnetism and Electricity. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 284. 1920. Long- mans . 5s . Barlow, C. W. C. Mathematical Physics. Magnetism and Electri- city. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 320. 1913. University Tutorial Press. 6s. Qd. Brooks, E. E., and Poyser, A. W. Magnetism and Electricity: A Manual for Students in Advanced Classes. 2ndedn. Cr. 8vo. New imp. Pp. 656. (1914). 1918. Longmans. 12s. Qd. Campbell, N. R. Modern Electrical Theory . 2nd edn . Demy 8vo . Pp . 412. 1913. Cambridge University Press. 16s. Cavendish , H . Electrical Researches : Written 1771-81. Edited by J. Clerk Maxwell. Demy 8vo. Pp. 479. 1879. Cambridge University Press. 18s. dimming, L. An Introduction to the Theory of Electricity. 4th edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp.362. 1894. Mac- millan. 8s. Qd. Curry, C. E. Theory of Electricity and Magnetism. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 458. 1897. Macmillan. 8s. Qd. Emtage, W. T. A. The Mathe- matical Theory of Electricity and Magnetism. 2nd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp . 236 . 1894 . Oxford : Clarendon Press. 7s. Qd. Ewing, Sir J. A. Magnetic Induc- tion in Iron and Other Metals. 3rd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 411. 1900. Benn Bros. 12s. Qd. Finn, M. Experimental Electricity and Magnetism. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 436. 1915. Bell. 5s. Fitzgerald, G. F. The Scientific Writings of the late George Francis Fitzgerald. Collected and Edited with an Historical Introduction by Sir J. Larmor. 8vo. Pp. 640. 1902. Longmans. 15s. Qd. Fleming, J. A. Magnets and Elec- tric Currents. 3rd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 417. 1914. Spon. 6s. Foster, G. C., and Porter, A. W. Elementary Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism. Founded on .Tou- bert's "Traite e"Ie"mentaire d'Elec- triciteV' 3rd edn. 8vo. Pp. 653. 1913. Longmans. 12s. Fournier d 'Albe , E . E . The Elect- ron Theory : a Popular Introduction, to the New Theory of Electricity and Magnetism . 3rd edn . Cr . 8vo . Pp.346. 1918. Longmans. 7s. 6d. Glazebrook, Sir R.T. Electricity and Magnetism. An Elementary Text-book. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 448. 1904 . Cambridge University Press . 10s. Gray, A. A Treatise on Magnetism and Electricity. 8vo. Pp.498. 1898. Macmillan. 14s. Hadley, H. E. Magnetism and Electricity for Students. Gl. 8vo. Pp. 596. 1920. Macmillan. 7s. Magnetism aud Electricity for Beginners. New imp. Gl. 8vo. Pp. 376. 1920. Macmillan. 3.v. Qd. Hansel, C. W. Introductory Elec- tricity and Magnetism. Cr. 8vo. Pp . 390 . 1919 . Heinemann . 4s . Qd. Heaviside , O . Electromagnetic Theory. 3 Vols. Demy 8vo. 1893. Vol. 1. Pp. 488'. 15s. Vol. 2. Pp. 563. 15s. Vol. a Pp. 519. 26s. Benn Bros. Hedges , K . Modern Lightning Con- ductors . 2nd edn . Med . 8vo . Pp . 125. 1910. Crosby Lockwood. 7.s. Qd. Hertz, H. Miscellaneous Papers. Translated by D. E. Jones and G. A. Schott. 8vo. Pp. 366. Mac- millan. 12s. Qd. Electric Waves. Translated by D.E.. Tones. 8vo. Pp. 298. 1900. Macmillan. 12s. Qd. Hutchinson , R . W . Advanced Text- book of Magnetism and Electricity. 2 Vols. 2nd edn. Cr.Svo. 1920. Vol. 1. Magnetism and Electricity. Pp. 394. Vol. 2. Electro- dynamics. Pp. 530. University Tutorial Press . 1 2s . Qd . the 2 vols . 100 Physics. Hutchinson, R. W. Intermediate Text Book of Magnetism and Electricity. Cr. 8vo. Pp.628. 1920. University Tutorial Press. 9s. Gd. Jamieson, A. A Practical Elemen- tary Manual of Magnetism and Electricity, specially arranged for the use of Science and Engineering Students. Revised by E. S. Andrews . 1 1th edn . Cr . 8vo . Pp . 386. 1920. Griffin. 5s. Jeans, J. H. The Mathematical Theory of Electricity and Magnet- ism. 3rd edn. Roy. 8vo. Pp. 588. 1915. Cambridge University Press . 24s . Jude, R. H. The School Magnet- ism and Electricity : based on Potential and Potential Gradient. 4th imp. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 408. 1914. University Tutorial Press. 5s. and Satterly, J. Matriculation Magnetism and Electricity. 6th imp. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 423. 1920. University Tutorial Press. 6s. Gd. Lamb , C . G . Notes on Magnetism for the Use of Students of Electrical Engineering. DemySvo. Pp.104. 1919 . Cambridge University Press . 5s. Livens, G. H. The Theory of Elec- tricity. Roy. 8vo. Pp. 726. 1918 . Cambridge University Press . 31s. Gd. Lodge, Sir O. J. Lightning Con- ductors and Lightning Guards. Cr.Svo. Pp.543. 1892. Pitman. 15s. Macdonald, H. M. Electric Waves. DemySvo. Pp.209. 1902. Cam- bridge University Press, lls. Maxwell , J . C . Treatise on Electri- city and Magnetism, revised by Sir J/J. Thomson. 2 Vols. 3rd edn. 8vo. 1904. Vol. 1 . Electro- statics : Electrokinematics . Pp . 538. Vol. 2. Magnetism; Electro- magnetism . Pp . 524 . Oxford : Clarendon Press. 28s. Elementary Treatise on Electri- city. Edited by W. Garnett. 8vo. Pp. 224. '1881. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 7s. Gd. Maycock, W. P. First Book of Electricity and Magnetism. 4th edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 351. 1913. Pitman . 6s . Palmer, A. R. Magnetic Measure- ments and Experiments. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 132. 1918. Murby. 2s. Ogley, D. H. An Elementary Course on Practical Applied Elec- tricity and Magnetism. Cr. 8vo. Pp.146. 1911. Longmans. 3s. Gd. Penrose , H . E . Magnetism and Electricity for Home Study. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 515. 1918. Wireless Press . 6s . Pidduck , F . B . A Treatise on Elec- tricity. DemySvo. Pp.646. 1916. Cambridge University Press. 16s. Poyser, A. W. Magnetism and Electricity : Stage 1 . Cr . 8vo . Pp . 286. 1920. Longmans. 4s. Advanced Magnetism and Electri- city. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 474. 1919. Longmans. 7s. Gd. Richardson, S. S. Magnetism and Electricity, and the Principles of Electrical Measurement. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 598. 1914. Black ie. 6s. Sanderson, F. W. Electricity and Magnetism for beginners . New imp . Gl.'Svo. Pp.254. 1914. Mac- millan. 3s. Schott, G. A. Electromagnetic Radiation and the Mechanical Re- actions arising from it. Roy. 8vo. Pp. 352. 1912. Cambridge Uni- versity Press . 21s. Slingo, Sir W., and Brooker, A. Problems and Solutions in Elemen- tary Electricity and Magnetism. 5th imp. Cr.Svo. Pp.170. 1914. Longmans. 2s. Gd. Starling, S. G. Electricity and Magnetism for Advanced Students. 4th edn. Cr.Svo. Pp.598. 1920. Longmans. 12s. Gd. Stewart, R. W. Higher Text-Book of Magnetism and Electricity. (Being Vol. 4 of The Tutorial Physics). 2nd edn. 6th imp. Cr.Svo. Pp.758. 1914. Univer- sity Tutorial Press. 9s. Gd. 107 Physics. Thompson, S. P. Elementary Les- sons in Electricity and Magnetism. Fcap. 8vo. Pp.760. 1919. Mac- millan. 5s. Qd. Thomson, Sir J.J. Elements of the Mathematical Theory of Electri- city and Magnetism. 5th edn. Roy . 8vo . Pp . 420 . 1921 . Cam- bridge University Press. 25s. Tunzelmann , G . W . de . Electrical Theory and the Problem of the Universe. Large Cr.Svo. Pp.686. 1910. Griffin. 18s. Whetham , W . G . D . The Theory of Experimental Electricity . 2nd edn . Demy 8vo. Pp. 346. 1912. Cambridge University Press. 10s. 6d. Walker, G. T. Outlines of the Theory of Electromagnetism. Demy 8vo. Pp. 60. 1910. Cambridge University Press. 5s. Aberration and some other Pro- blems connected with the Electro- magnetic Field. Demy 8vo. Pp. 112. 1900. Cambridge University Press . 7s . 108 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. i. GENERAL TREATISES. Alexander , J . H . Elementary Elec- trical Engineering in Theory and Practice. 4th edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 220. 1919. Crosby Lockwood. 5s. Ayrton, W. E., and Mather, T. Practical Electricity. A Labora- tory and Lecture Course for First Year Students. 4th edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 539. 1919. Cassell. 12s. Baillie, T. G. Electrical Engineer- ing. Demy 8vo. Vol. 1. Intro- ductory. Pp. 244. 1915. Cam- bridge University Press. 5s. Qd. Blythe, E. Machine Drawing for Electrical Engineers . Oblong folio . Pp.88. 1920. Cambridge Univer- sity Press. 20s. Brown's Marine Electrician for Sea -going Engineers: With An- swers to Board of Trade Questions in Electricity. 3rd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 260. 1920. James Brown. 6s. Cooper , W . R . (edited by) . The Electrician Primers. Vol. 1. Theory. 3rd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 298. 1917. 7s. Qd. Vol. 2. Electric Traction, Lighting and Power. New edn. in preparation. Vol. 3. Telegraphy, Telephony, Electro-Chemistry, etc. New edn. in preparation. Benn Bros. Davidge, H. T., and Hutchinson, R . W . Technical Electricity . 3rd edn . 8th imp . Cr . Svo . Pp . 602 . 1919. University Tutorial Press. 8s. Qd. Institution of Electrical Engineers . Regulations for the Electrical Equipment of Ships. 16mo. Pp. 86. 1919. Spon. 3s. Qd. Fowler's Electrical Engineers* Pocket Book, 1921. Edited by W. H. Fowler. 18mo. Pp. 550. January , 1921 . Scientific Pub . Co 3s. Garcke, E. (edited by). Manual of Electrical Undertakings and Direc- tory of Officials, 1919-20. Vol. 23. 8vo. Pp. 1,551. Apl., 1920. Electrical Press. 27s. Qd. Gibson, G. R. Electricity of To- Day. Cr. Svo. Pp. 347. 1915. Seeley. 7s. Qd. Gill, J. F., and Teago, F. J. Ex- amples in Electrical Engineering. Cr.Svo. Pp.173. 1919. Arnold. 7s. Qd. Haslam, A. P. Electricity in Fac- tories and Workshops . Its Cost and Convenience. Large Cr. Svo. Pp. 328. 1909. Crosby Lockwood. 8s. Qd. Ibbetson , W . S . Practical Electrical Engineering for Elementary Stu- dents in Trade and Technical Schools. Cr.Svo. Pp.155. 1914. Spon . 5s . Kapp , G . The Principles of Electri- cal Engineering and their Applica- tion . Demy Svo . Vol . I . , Prin- ciples. Pp.368. 1916. Vol.11., Application. Pp. 396. 1919. Arnold. 18s. each vol. Electricity. Fcap. Svo. Pp. 256. 1912. Williams and Norgate. 2s. Gd. Kemp, P. Rudiments of Electrical Engineering. Cr. Svo. Pp. 263. 1920. Macmillan. 6s. 109 Electrical Engineering. Kennelly, A. E. The Application of Hyperbolic Functions to Electrical Engineering Problems. 2nd edn. Cr.Svo. Pp.312. 1917. University of London Press. 7s. Qd. Kinzbrunner, G, The Diseases of Electrical Machinery: Their Symp- toms, Causes and Remedy. 5th imp. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 76. 1920. Harper. Is. 9d. Construction of Electric Ma- chines and Apparatus . Part 1 . (Consisting of 10 plates). 1906. Harper. 2s. Qd. Larkman, A. E., and A. H. Marine Electrician for Sea-Going Engineers. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 260. 1920. J. Brown. 6s. Maclean, M. Electricity and Its Practical Applications . Demy 8vo . Pp.492. 1918. Blackie. 12s. Qd. Meares, J. W., and Neale, R. E. Electrical Engineering Practice. A Practical Treatise for Civil, Me- chanical, and Electrical Engineers. 3rd edn. 8vo. Pp. 663. 1917. Spon . 25s . Mechanical World Electrical Pocket Book, 1921. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 377. Jan., 1921. Emmott. 2s. Molesworth , W . H . Spon's Electri- cal Pocket Book . A Reference Book of General Electrical Information, Formulae, and Tables for Practical Engineers. Fcap. 8vo. Pp. 490. 1920. Spon. 8s. Qd. Munro, J., and Jamieson, A. A Pocket-book of Electrical Rules and Tables for the use of Electricians and Engineers. 21st edn. Pocket size. Pp. 840 1920. Griffin. 7s. Qd. Murdoch , W . H . F . The Ventilation of Electrical Machinery. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 80. 1911. Pitman. 3s. 6d. Neale, R. E. Electricity: Its Pro- duction and Applications . Cr . 8vo . Pp. 144. 1920. Pitman. 3s. Palmer, A. R. Electrical Experi- ments. Cr.Svo. Pp.125. 1918. Murby . 2s . Parr , G . D . A . Electrical Engineer- ing in Theory and Practice. 8vo. Pp. 456. 1906. Macmillan. 15s. Practical Electrician's Pocket Book, The, 1921. Pocket Size. Pp.594. Mch.,1921. Rentell. 3s. Practical Engineer Electrical Pocket Book, 1921. 18mo. Pp. 720. 1921. Technical Publishing Co. 2s. Reports of the Committee on Elec- trical Standards appointed by the British Association for the Advancement of Science. Demy 8vo. Pp.812. 1913. Cambridge University Press. 12s. Qd. Roberts, J. Laboratory Work in Electrical Engineering (Preliminary Grade). Demy 8vo. Pp. 228. 1906. Harper. 6s. Rosenberg, E. Electrical Engineer- ing: An Elementary Text -Book. Translated by W. W. Haldane Gee, and C. Kinzbrunner. 7th edn. (reprinted). Demy 8vo. Pp. 336. 1918. Harper. 7s. Qd. Sewell , T . The Elements of Electri- cal Engineering . A First Course for Students . 7th edn . Large Cr . 8vo . Pp . 465 . 1920 . Crosby Lockwood . 8s. 6d. Starling , S . G . An Introduction to Technical Electricity. Cr. 8vo. Pp.193. 1921. Macmillan. 3s. Qd. Still, A. Polyphase Currents. A Practical Treatise on Polyphase Working for Electrical Engineers. 2nd edn. Cr.Svo. Pp.300. 1914. Pitman. 7s. Qd. Thomalen, A. A Text Book of Electrical Engineering. Trans- lated from the German by G . W . O . Howe. 5th edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 492. 1920. Arnold. 28s. Thompson , S . P . Electrical Tables and Memoranda. 2nd edn. 64mo. Pp. 144. 1920. Spon. 2s. Thompson, T. The Engineering Enquiry: Electrical and Mechani- cal. A' Pocket Book for Engineers . Small Cr. 8vo. Pp. 367. 1920. Arrowsmith. 7s. Qd. 110 Electrical Engineering. Turner, H. W., and Hobart, H. M. Insulation of Electrical Machines. Med. 8vo. Pp. 297. 1918. Pit- man. 21s. Walmsley, R. M. Electricity in the Ssrvice of Mj,n. A Popular and Practical Treatise on the Applica- tions of Electricity to Modern Life. Roy. 8vo. Vol/1. The History and Principles of Electrical Science. Pp.840. 1911. Vol.2. Parti. The Technology of Electricity . Pp . 692. 1913. Vol.2. Part 2. The Technology of Electricity. Pp. 724. 1919. Casseli. 15s. each. Whittaker's Electrical Engineers' Pocket Book. Edited by R. E. Neale. 4th edn. Pocket size. Pp.682. 1920. Pitman. 10s. Qd. Young, A. P. The Elements of Electro-Technics. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 356. 1920. Pitman. 7s. Qd. ii. ELECTRIC GENERATION : POWER PLANT. Gay, A., and Yearnan, C. H. Cen- tral Station Electricity Supply. 2nd edn . Cr . 8vo . Pp . 497 . 1906 . Pitman. 12s. Qd. Klingenberg, G. Large Electric Power Stations: Their Design and Construction. Translated from the German. Cr.4to. Pp. 276. 1919. Crosby Lockwood. 28s. Wordingham, C. H. Central Elec- trical Stations: Their Design , Organ- isation , and Management . 2nd edn . Large 8vo. Pp.512. Griffin. 30s. iii. SWITCHBOARDS AND ACCESSORIES. Collis, A. G. High and Low Ten- sion Switchgear Design. DemySvo. Pp. 232. 1913. Constable. 12s. Switchgear and the Control of Electric Light and Power Circuits. Fcap. 8vo. Pp. 85. 1913. Con- stable. Is. Qd. Connan , J . C . Switchboard Measur- ing Instruments for Continuous and Polyphase Systems. 8vo. Pp. 158. 1914. Spon. 5s. Garrard, G. Electric Switch and Controlling Gear. 2nd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp.663. 1920. Benn Bros. 25s. Poole H. E. High Tension Switch- gear. Describing the Design, Con- struction, and Functions of the leading types of Switchgear used in the control of High -Tension Elec- trical Plant. Fcap.Svo. Pp.126. 1921. Pitman. 2s. Qd. iv. ELECTRIC GENERATORS AND MOTORS: GENERAL. Bottone,A.E. How to Manage the Dynamo. 6th edn. Pocket size. 1912. Pitman. 2s. S . R . The Dynamo : How Made and How Used. 13th edn. Cr.Svo. Pp. 167. 1904. Allen & Unwin. 2s. Qd. Electro-Motors : How Made and How Used . 7th edn . revised by C. Sylvester. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 176. 1919. Pitman. 4s. Qd. Bowker, W. R. Dynamo, Motor, and Switchboard Circuits for Elec- trical Engineers. 2nd edn. Med. 8vo. Pp. 180. 1908. Crosby Lockwood. 8s. Qd. Broadbent, F. Dynamo and Motor Attendants and Their Machines. 10th edn. Cr.Svo. Pp.227. 1921. Rente 11. 4s. Qd. Broadfoot , S . K . Motors , Secondary Batteries, Measuring Instruments and Switchgear. Fcap. 8vo. Pp. 96. 1919. Constable. 2s. Hawkins, C. C., and Wallis, F. The Dynamo: Its Theory, Design and Manufacture . 5th edn . 2 vols . Med. 8vo. Pp. 542., 590. 1909. Pitman . 1 2s . Qd . each . Hobart, H. M. Electric-Motors, Continuous, Polyphase, and Single- Phase Motors : Their Theory and Construction. 3rd edn. in "prep- aration . Pitman . and Ellis, A. G. Armature Construction. A Practical Treatise for Electrical Engineers . Med . 8vo . Pp.348. 1918. Pitman. 25s. Ill Electrical Engineering. Ibbetson , W . S . Motor and Dynamo Control: Theory and Practice. DemySvo. Pp.496. 1920. Spon. 21s. Livingstone, R. The Mechanical Design and Construction of Gener- ators. DemySvo. Pp.436. 1914. Benn Bros. 11*. The Mechanical Design and Con- struction of Commutators. Demy 8vo. Pp. 97. 1907. Benn Bros. 7s. Qd. Lummis-Paterson, G. W. The Management of Dynamos . 6th imp . Pp . 300 . 1908 . Crosby Lockwood . 6s. Maycock, W. P. A Small Book on Electric Motors for Continuous and Alternating Currents. Cr. 8vo. Pp.192. 1918. Pitman, Qs. Sewell, T. Alternating and Direct- Current Dynamos and their Con- struction. New imp. Large Cr. 8vo. Pp. 328. 1920. Crosby Lockwood. 8s. Qd. Sylvester, C. Armature Winding. A Practical Handbook for Students, Armature Winders, and Engineers in Charge. Cr.Svo. Pp.183. 1920. Rentell. 7s. Qd. Wood,L.E. A Practical Treatise on Three-Phase Induction Motors. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 134. 1921. "The Electrical Review " Office. 6s. 6d. Thompson , S . P . Dynamo -Electric Machinery. A Manual for Students of Electro -technics. 7th edn. 8vo. Vol. 1 . Continuous -Current Mach- ines. New edn., by M. Walker, in preparation. Vol.2. Alternating- Current Machinery . Pp.900. 1905. 35s . Spon . Design of Dynamos (Continuous Current Generators). 8vo. Pp. 243. 1903. Spon. 12s. Qd. Walker , M . Specification and Design of Dynamo -Electric Machinery . 3rd imp . Roy . 8vo . Pp . 668 . 1920 . Longmans . 36s . v. CONTINUOUS CURRENT, AND MACHINERY. Ashford, C. E., and Kempson, E. W. E. Elementary Theory of Direct Current Dynamo Electric Machinery. 2nd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 128. 1914. Cambridge Uni- versity Press. 4s. 3d. Barr, J. R. Principles of Direct- Current Electrical Engineering. Med. 8vo. Pp. 559. 1908. Pit- man. 15s. Bate, A. H. Principles of Electric Power (Continuous Current) for Mechanical Engineers. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 204. 1914. Spon. 6s. Case, J. The Theory of Direct-Cur- rent Dynamos and Motors. Demy 8vo. Pp.210. 1912. Heffer. 15s. Cramp, W. Continuous Current Mach ine Design . Demy 8vo . Pp . 260. 1910. "Harper. >s. Denton, F. M. Elementary Princi- ples of Continuous-Current Arma- ture Winding . Fcap . 8vo . Pp . 112. 1921. Pitman. 2s. Qd. Hay, A. An Introductory Course of Continuous Current Engineering . 2nd edn. Demv 8vo. Pp. 372. 1919. Constable". 9s. Gd. Hobart, H. M. Elementary Prin- ciples of Continuous-Current Dyn- namo Design. Med. 8vo. Pp. 220. 1907. Pitman. 10s. 6d. Kelsey, W. R. Continuous Current Dynamos and Motors, and their Control. 2nd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 346. 1919. Technical Pub. Co. 10s. MacCall , W . T . Continuous-Current Electrical Engineering. 2nd edn. Demy 8vo . Pp . 474 . University Tutorial Press. 13s. Qd. Maycock , W . P . Continuous-Current Motors and Control Apparatus . Cr. 8vo. Pp. 331. 1917. Pitman. 7s. Qd. Smith , S . P . Notes on Theory and Design of Continuous -Current Mach- ines . 2nd edn . Demy 8vo . Pp . 67 . 1920. Benn Bros. 5s. vi. ALTERNATING CURRENT, AND MACHINERY. Barr, J. R., and Archibald, R. D. The Design of Alternating-Current 112 Electrical Engineering. Machinery. Med. 8vo. Pp. 496. 1913. Pitman. 30s. Biedermann , E . A . The Estimation of the Dispersion Co-efficient of Three-Phase Induction Motors and its Application to their Design. Demy 8vo. Pp. 58. 1916. Benn Bros. 2s. Qd. Cramp, W., amd Smith, G. F. Vectors and Vector Diagrams, ap- plied to the Alternating Current Circuit. 8vo. Pp. 268. 1909. Longmans . 9s . Crapper, E. H. Arithmetic of Alternating Currents for Engineers and Students. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 208. 1915. Pitman. 4s. Qd. Greedy, F. Electric Mechanism. Part 1 . Single -Phase Commutator Motors. DemySvo. Pp. 123. 1913. Constable. 7s. Qd. Drysdale , C . V . The Foundations of Alternate Current Theory. Demy 8vo. Pp. 312. 1910. Arnold. 10s. Qd. Ellis, A. G. Elementary Principles of Alternating-Current Dynamo De- sign. DemySvo. Pp.304. 1910. Blackie. 10s. Frith , J . Alternating Current Mach- ine Design. Demy 8vo. Pp. 131. 1912. Harper. 6s. Hawkins , C . C . , Smith , S . P . , and Neville, S. Papers on the Design of Alternating-Current Machinery. Demy 8vo. Pp. 407. 1919. Pit- man. 21.9. Hay , A . Alternating Currents : Their Theory s Generation and Trans- formation. 4th edn. (reprinted) Demy 8vo. Pp. 393. 1919. Harper. 7s. Qd. James, W. H. N. Alternating Cur- rents in Theory and Practice . Demy 8vo. Pp. 354. 1916. Cambridge University Press. 16s. Johnson , V . E . Modern High Speed Influence Machines : their Principles, Construction , and Applications to Radiography, Radiotelegraphy, Spark Photography , Electro-Thera- peutics, etc. DemySvo. Pp.290. 1921. Spon. 14s. Kemp , P . Alternating-Current Elec- trical Engineering . 8vo . Pp . 505 . 1918. Macmillan. 17s. Kempe, H. R. Alternating Currents: Their Elements Explained. Cr. 8vo. Pp.92. 1916. Crosby Lock- wood. 3s. Qd. Larner, E. T. The Principles of Alternating Currents. Cr. 8vo. Pp . 144 . 1908 . Crosby Lock wood . 4s. 6d. Maycock, W.P. Alternating-Current Work. An Introductory Book for Engineers and Students. 2nd edn. Cr.Svo. Pp.428. 1917. Pitman. 10s. Qd. Rhodes, W.G. A Primer on Alter- nating Currents . Cr.Svo. Pp.154. 1912. Longmans. 3s. Qd. An Elementary Treatise on Alternating Currents. 8vo. Pp. 224. 1902. Longmans. 9s. Russell , A . A Treatise on the Theory of Alternating Currents. 2 Vols. 2nd edn. DemySvo. Vol.1. Pp. 548. 1914. Vol.2. Pp. 579. 1916. Cambridge University Press. 18s. each. Smith, C. F. Practical Alternating Currents and Alternating-Current Testing. 8th edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 476. 1919. Scientific Pub. Co. 8s. vii. TRANSFORMERS. A very, A. H. Auto -Transformer Design. A Practical Hand-book for manufacturers, contractors, and wiremen. 8vo. Pp. 60. 1909. Spon . 5s . Bohle, H., and Robertson, D. Transformers : A Treatise on the Theory, Construction, Design, and Uses of Transformers , Auto- Trans- formers, and Choking Coils. Large Svo. Pp.370. 1911. Griffin. 25s. Denton , F . M . Notes on Commerical Transformer Design. Demy Svo. Pp . 57 . 1917 . Benn Bros . *2s . Gd. 113 Electrical Engineering. Fleming , J . A . The Alternate-Cur- rent Transformer in Theory and Practice . 2 Vols . 3rd edn . Demy 8vo . 1900 . Vol . 1 . The Induction of Electric Currents. Pp.628. Vol. 2. The Utilisation of Induced Currents. Pp. 606. Benn Bros. 15s. each. Kapp, G. Transformers for Single- and Mu It i- phase Currents . A Treat- ise on their Theory, Construction and Use. 2nd edn. Med. 8vo. Pp.363. 1908. Pitman. 12s. Qd. Painton, E. T. Small Single-Phase Transformers . Pott 8vo . Pp . 105 . 1921. Pitman. 2s. Qd. Sylvester, G. Rotary Converters. Cr. 8vo. Pp.59. 1920. Rentell. 2s. Qd. viii. TRANSMISSION. Brew, W. Three-Phase Transmission. 2nd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 190. 1914. Crosby Lockwood. 9s. Carter, T. Balancers for Three- wire Continuous-current Systems. Demy 8vo. Pp. 98. 1917. Benn Bros . 4s . Coyle , D . , and Howe , F . J . O . Elec- tric Cables : Their Construction and Cost. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 474. 1919. Spon. 18s. Dick , J . R . , and Fernie , F . E lectr ic Mains and Distributing Systems. 2nd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 476. 1919. Benn Bros. 18s. Fleming, A. P. M., and Johnson, R. Insulation and Design of Elec- trical Windings. Med. 8vo. Pp. 232. 1913. Longmans. 9s. Kapper, F. Overhead Transmission Lines and Distributing Circuits: Their Design and Construction. Cr. 4to. Pp. 300. 1915. Con- stable. 16s. La Gour , J . L . , and Bragstad , O . S . Theory and Calculation of Electric Currents. Translated by S. P. Smith. Med. 8vo. Pp. 494. 1913. Longmans. 18s. Maycock, W. P. Electric Circuit Theory and Calculations. 2nd edn. Cr.Svo. Pp.355. 1918. Pitman. 10s. Qd. Raymond -Barker, E. Handbook in Cable-break Localisation. Gra- phic methods . Cr . 8vo . Pp . 68 . 1904. "Electrical Review " Office, 2s. Qd. Cable Fault Localisation Graphs in Practice. Cr. SVT. Pp. 68. 1909. ;i Electrical Review" Office, 2s. Qd. Russell, A. The Theory of Electric Cables and Networks. 2nd edn. DemySvo. Pp.360. 1920. Con- stable. 24s. ix. TESTING. Allen, R. G. Principles and Prac- tice of Electrical Testing : as applied to Apparatus, Circuits, and Mach- ines. 8vo. Pp.372. 1919. Long- mans. 18s. Fisher, H. K. G., and Darby, J. G. H. Students' Guide to Submarine Cable Testing . 5th edn . 3rd imp . DemySvo. Pp.252. 1920. Benn Bros. 9s. Qd. Fleming, J. A. Handbook for the Electrical Laboratory and Testing Room. 2 Vols. Demy 8vo. Vol. 1. Pp.545. 15s. Qd. Vol.2. Pp. 630. 16s. Qd. Benn Bros. Kempe, H. R. Handbook of Elec- trical Testing. 7th edn. 8vo. Pp. 714. 1908. Spon. 25s. Kinzbrunner, G. The Testing of Alternating Current Machines in Laboratories and Test -Rooms . Vol . 1. Demy 8vo. Pp. 163. 1907. Harper . 5s . The Testing of Continuous Cur- rent Machines in Laboratories and Test-Rooms. DemySvo. Pp.336. 1904. Harper. 7s. Qd. Oulton, L., and Wilson, N. J. Practical Testing of Electrical Mach- ines. 2nd edn. Fcap. 8vo. Pp. 254. 1921. Pitman. 6s. Parr, G. D. A. Practical Electrical Testing in Physics and Electrical Engineering. 2nd edn. 8vo. Pp. 400. 1917. Longmans. 9s. Qd. 114 Electrical Engineering. Parr , G . D . A . Electrical Engineer- ing Testing. A Practical Work for Second and Third Year Stu- dents, Engineers, and others. 3rd edn. 8vo. Pp.550. 1907. Chapman & Hall. 11s. Qd. Raphael, F. G. Localisation of Faults in Electric Light and Power Mains, with chapters on Insulation Testing. 3rd edn. Demy 8vo. revised (1916). 1920. Pp.218. BennBros. 12s.6d. Smith , G . F . The Practical Testing of Dynamos and Motors. A Treat- ise on the Methods and Instruments used in the Testing of Dynamos and Motors . 7th edn . Demy 8vo . Pp . 322. 1919. Scientific ^Publishing Co. 6s. Qd. Wright, J. Testing and Localising Faults. Fcap.Svo. Pp.88. 1920. Constable. 2s. Young, J. E. Electrical Testing for Telegraph Engineers. 2nd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 322. Benn Bros. 125. dd. x. ELECTRICAL MEASURE- MENTS AND INSTRUMENTS. Bottone r S . R . Electrical Instrument Making for Amateurs. A Practical Handbook. 8th edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp . 280 . 1920 . Pitman . 6s . Drysdale, C. V., and Jolley, A. C. Electrical Measuring Instruments : their Design. Construction and Application. In Preparation . Benn Bros. Edgcumbe, K. Industrial Electri- cal Measuring Instruments. 2nd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 430. 1918. Constable. 16s. Gerhardi, C. H. W. Electricity Meters: Their Construction and Management. 2nd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 514. 1917. BennBros. 18s. Hobbs' Arithmetic of Electrical Meas- urements. 16th edn. revised by A. R. Palmer. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 128. 1919. Murby. 2s. James, W. H. N., and Sands, D. L. Elementary Electrical Calcula- tions. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 224. 1919. Longmans . 5s . Moreton , H . W . Electrical Measur- ing Instruments and Supply Meters. Cr.Svo. Pp.83. 1913. Technical Pub. Co. 2s. 9d. Murdoch , W . H . F . , and Oschwald , U. A. Electrical Instruments in Theory and Practice. Cr. 8vo. Pp.366. 1915. Pitman. 12s. 6d. Parr, G. D. A. Electrical Engin- eering Measuring Instruments for Commercial and Laboratory Pur- poses. DemySvo. Pp.328/ 1903. Blackie. 10s. Price, W. A. The Measurement of Electrical Resistance. 8vo. Pp. 216. 1894. Oxford: Clarendon Press . 6s . Solomon, H. G. Electricity Meters. Large 8vo. Pp. 343. 1906. Griffin. 18s. Taylor, W. T. Calculation of Elec- tric Conductors : with Chart. Imp. 8vo. Pp. 34. 1919. Constable. 10s. Gd. Whittaker's Arithmetic of Electrical Engineering. 3rd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp.212. 1916. Pitman. 3s. Qd. xi. INDUCTION COILS AND BATTERIES. Allsop , F. C. Induction Coils and Coil Making. A Treatise on the Construction and Working of Shock, Medical , and Spark Coils . 2nd edn . Cr. 8vo. Pp. 184. 1914. Spon. 3s. Gd. Bonney, G. E. Induction Coils. A Practical Manual for Amateur Coil Makers. 6th edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 238. 1919. Pitman. 6s. Codd,M.A. Induction Coil Design. Demy 8vo . Pp . 243 . ] 920 . Spon . 21s. Cooper , W . R . Primary Batteries : Their Theory, Construction, and Use. 2nd imp. Demy 8vo. Pp. 467. 1920. BennBros. 15s. 115 Electrical Engineering. Dunton, W. F. The Grouping of Electric Cells. 16mo. Pp. 50. 1914. Spon. 2s. Hare, A. T. The Construction of Large Induction Coils . A Workshop Handbook. Demy 8vo. Pp. 164. 1900 . Methuen . 6s . McKinnon, E. G. The A.B.C. of Storage Battery Management . Demy 8vo. Pp. 101. 1920. Electrical Press. 3s. Qd. Rankin, R. Storage Battery Prac- tice. A Practical Handbook on the Manufacture and Properties of Elec- tric Accumulators, and their In- stallation and Operation. Demy 8vo. Pp. 170. 1919. Pitman. 7s. Gd. Salomons, Sir D. Management of Accumulators . New edn . Cr . 8vo . Pp.174. 1921. Pitman. 7.9. Gd. xii. ELECTRIC WIRING AND FITTING. Bursill , A . The Principles and Prac- tice of Electric Wiring. New imp. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 232. 1919. Long- mans . 5s . Clinton , W . C . Electric Wiring . A Primer for the Use of Wiremen and Students. Fcap. 8vo. Pp. 200. 1919. Murray. 3s. Gd. Devey , R . G . Mill and Factory Wir- ing. New imp. Fcap. 8vo. Pp. 197. 1919. Constable. 2.9. Gd. Dover, A. T. Power Wiring Dia- grams. Fcap. 8vo. Pp. 208. 1917. Pitman. 7s. Gd. Havelock , J . H . Electrical Installa- tion Work (including "Electric Wiremen's Work"). A Practical Handbook for Students and all en- gaged in Electrical Installation Work. DemySvo. Pp.374. 1921. Crosby Lockwood . 15s. Ibbetson, W. S. Electric Wiring: Theory and Practice . 2nd edn . Cr . 8vo. Pp.470. 1920. Spon. 18s. Johnson, T. M. Shipwiring and Fitting. Fcap. 8vo. Pp. 92. 1911. Constable. 2s. Leaf, H. M. Internal Wiring of Buildings . 3rd edn . Cr . 8vo . Pp . 280. 1907. Constable. 3s. Gd. Maycock, W. P. Electric Wiring Tables. A collection of original and carefully verified Tables for the use of Electrical Engineers. 4th edn. Pocket size. Pp.185. 1920. Pitman . 5s . Electric Wiring, Fittings, Switches, and Lamps. 5th edn. Cr.Svo. Pp.629. 1917. Pitman. 10s. Gd. Electric Wiring Diagrams : A Collection, with brief explanations, of most of the Diagrams given in the sume author's work "Electric Wir- ing , Fittings , Switches and Lamps . ' * Cr.Svo. Pp.146. 1918. Pitman. 5s. Metcalfe, C. C. Practical Electric Wiring for Lighting Installations. 2nd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 203. 1919. Harper. 6s. Paterson, G. W. L. Wiring Calcu- lations for Electric Light and Power Installations. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 96. 1912. Scott, Greenwood. 6s. Urquhart, J. W. Electric Light Fitting. 4th edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 363. 1904. Crosby Lockwood . 6s. Electric Ship Lighting. A Hand- book on Fitting and Running Ship's Electrical Plant. 4th edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 367. 1911. Crosby Lockwood. 8s. Gd. Walker, S. F. Electric Wiring and Fitting. Cr.Svo. Pp.160. 1908. Scott, Greenwood. 6s. xiii. ELECTRIC LIGHT AND ILLUMINATION . Allsop, F. C. Practical Electric Light Fitting. A Treatise on the Wiring and Fitting up cf Buildings from Central Station Mains, and the Laying down of Private Installa- tions . * 6th edn . Cr . Svo . Pp . 290 . 1914. Pitman. 6s. Barham, G. B. The Development of the Incandescent Electric Lamp. DemySvo. Pp.200. 1912. Scott, Greenwood . 6s . 116 Electrical Engineering. Batstone, S. G. Electric-Light Fitting. Cr.Svo. Pp.334. 1914. Pitman . 6s . Bohle, H. Electrical Photometry and Illumination. Large Svo. Pp. 233. 1912. Griffin. 12s. Qd. Brooks, E. E., and James, W. H. N. Electric Light and Power. 5th edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 431. 1919. Methuen. 6s. Qd. J.F.L. Train Lighting by Electri- city. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 92. 1915. Locomotive Pub . Co . 3s. Qd. Jehl , F . Manufacture of Carbons for Electric Lighting and other Pur- poses. DemySvo. Pp. 242. 1899. Benn Bros. ' 12s. Qd. Johnson, J. H. Arc Lamps and Accessory Apparatus. Fcap. 8vo. Pp.132. 1911. Constable. 2s. Lancaster, M. Electric Cooking, Heating, Cleaning, etc. A Manual of Electricity in the Service of the Home. Demy 8vo. Pp. 348. 1914. Constable. 4s. Maycock, W. P. Electric Lighting and Power Distribution. 8th edn. 2Vols. Cr.Svo. 1918. Vol. 1. Pp.590. Vol.2. Pp.680. Pit- man. 10s. Qd. each. Oley, D. H. Incandescent Electric Lamps and their Application. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 120. 1914. Longmans. 3s. Qd. Percival , G . A . The Electric Lamp Industry . Cr . 8vo . Pp . 133 . 1920 . Pitman. 3s. Solomon, M. Electric Lamps. Ex. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 330. 1909. Con- stable. 7s. Qd. Urquhart, J. W. Electric Light, its Production and Use. 7th edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 444. 1902. Crosby Lock wood . 7s. Qd. Walker, S. F. Pocket Book of Electric Lighting and Heating. Fcap.Svo. Pp.466. 1907. Cros- by Lockwood. 5s. Zeidler, J., and Lustgarten, J. Electric Arc Lamps: Their Prin- ciples, Construction and Working. DemySvo. Pp.204. 1908. Harper. 6s. xiv. ELECTRIC BELLS. Allsop , F . C . Practical Electric Bell Fitting, llth edn. Cr.Svo. 1918. Pp. 186. Spon. 5s. Electric Bell Construction. A Treatise on the Construction of Electric Bells, Indicators, and simi- lar apparatus . New imp . Cr . 8vo . Pp. 143. 1914. Spon. 3s. Qd. Bottone, S. R. Electric Bells and All About Them. 8th edn. Revised by C.Sylvester. Cr.Svo. Pp.187. 1919. Pitman. 3s. Qd. Redfern , J . B . , and Savin , J . Bells , Indicators , Telephones , Alarms , etc. Fcap. 8vo. Pp. 123. 1913. Constable . 2s . White , H . G . Electric Bells , Alarms , and Signalling Systems. 2nd edn. Cr.Svo. Pp.ll2\ 1921. Rentell. 3s. Qd. xv. ELECTRIC TRACTION. Agnew.W.A. The Electric Tram Car Handbook for Motormen, In- spectors , etc . 8th edn . Cr . Svo . Pp. 140. 1920. " Electrical Re- view." 3s. Qd. Austin, E. Single-Phase Electric Railways. Demy 4to. Pp. 317. 1915. Constable. 21s. Bowker, W. R. The Practical Con- struction of Electric Tramways. Svo. Pp. 119. 1914. Spon. 7s. Qd. Calisch, L. Electric Traction. Cr. Svo. Pp.116. 1915. Locomotive Pub. Co. rts. Qd. Davies, F. H. Electric Power and Traction. Ex. Cr. Svo. Pp. 299. 1907. Constable. 7s. Qd. Dawson, P. Electric Traction on Railways. Roy. Svo. Pp. 892. 1909. Benn Bros. 32s. Dover, A. T. Electric Traction . A Treatise on the Application of Electric Power to Electric Traction on Railways and Tramways. 2nd edn. Med. Svo. Pp. 685. 1919. Pitman. 25s. 117 Electrical Engineering. Dover, A. T. Electric Motors and Control Systems. A Treatise on Electric Traction Motors and their Control. Med.Svo. Pp.388. 1918. Pitman. 18s. Gant, L. W. Elements of Electric Traction for Motormen and others. Demy 8vo. Pp. 227. 1907. Harper . 6s . Hobart, H. M. Electric Trains. Demy 8vo. Pp. 219. 1910. Harper. 7s. Qd. Electric Propulsion of Ships. DemySvo. Pp.179. 1911. Harper. 6s. Ibbetson, W. S. Tramway Motor- man's Handbook. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 216. 1920. Spon. 6s. Qd. Kapp, G. The Electrification of Railways. 4to. Pp. 45. 1908. Rentell. Is. Rider, J. H. Electric Traction. A Practical Handbook on the Applica- tion of Electricity as a Locomotive Power. Cr. 8vo. Pp.450. 1903. Pitman. 12s. Qd. Sayers, H. M. Brakes for Electric Tramway Cars. Demy 8vo. Pp. 82. 1907. BennBros. 4s. Trewman, H. F. Electrification of Railways. Pott 8vo. Pp. 88. 1920. Pitman. 2s. Qd. Wilson, E ., and Lydall , F . Electri- cal Traction. 2 vols. Demy 8vo. 1907. Vol. 1., Direct Current. Pp. 475. Vol. II., Alternating Current. Pp.328. Arnold. 15s. each. xvi. ELECTRICAL APPLICA- TION TO THE MOTOR CAR. Beaumont, W. W. Industrial Elec- tric Vehicles and Trucks. Demy 8vo. Pp. 195. 1920. Griffin. 15s. Bottone, S. R. Magnetos for Auto- mobilists. How Made and How Used. 3rd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 118. 1918. Crosby Lock wood. 2s. Qd. Cross, H. H. U. Automobile Batteries. A Practical Handbook on the Construction, Charging, Repair, and Maintenance of Igni- tion, Starting, Lighting, and Elec- tric Vehicle Batteries; Dry, Lead, and Alkaline Types . Cr . 8vo . Pp . 101. 1919. Spon. 4s. Electric Lighting for Cycles and Motor Cycles. Cr. 8vo. Pp, 132. 1920. Spon. 3s. Qd. Electric Lighting and Starting for Motor Cars. 2nd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 281. 1916. Crosby Lock- wood. 5s. Hibbert, W. Magneto and Electric Ignition. 3rd edn. Pp.186. 1919. Pitman. 3s. Qd. Hutton, F. H. Electricity and the Motor Car: Lighting, Engine Start- ing and Ignition. 4th edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 256. 1920. Iliffe. 5s. Qd. Morgan , J . D . Principles of Electric Spark Ignition in Internal Com- bustion Engines. Med. 8vo. Pp. 88. 1919. Crosby Lockwood. 8s. Qd. Sylvester, C. Coil Ignition for Motor Cars. A Manual for the Motor Mechanic, Owner-Driver, and all interested in Coil Ignition Systems. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 239. 1921. Pitman. 10s. Qd. Young, A. P. Magnetos. The Theory and Practice of Magnetos, Ignition for all Forms of Internal Combustion Engines. 2nd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 240. 1920. Iliffe. 4s. Qd. xvii. ELECTRO PLATING. Barclay, W. R., and Hains worth, C. H. Electroplating: A Treatise on the Electro-deposition of Metals. With a Chapter on Metal-Colouring and Bronzing. New edition in preparation. E. Arnold. Bonney , G . E . The Electro -Platers ' Handbook. A Practical Manual in Electro-Metallurgy. 5th edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 221. 1909. Pitman. 5s. 118 Electrical Engineering. Denny, C. W. The Electro -Deposi- tion of Copper and its Industrial Applications. Fcap. 8vo. Pp. 120. 1921. Pitman. 2s. 6d. Field, S. The Principles of Electro - Deposition : A Laboratory Guide to Electro-Plating. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 400. 1911. Longmans. 7s. 6d. Sprague , J . T . Elements of Electro- Plating. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 72. 1914. Spon. 25. 6d. Watt, A. The Electro -plat ing and Electro-refining of Metals. Being a new edition of "Electro-Deposi- tion," revised, &c., by A, Philip. 2nd edn . Large Cr . 8vo . Pp . 704 . 1911. Crosby Lockwood. 14s. Electro Plating, based on "Elec- tro Metallurgy Practically Treat- ed." Cr. 8vo. Pp. 192. 1920. Crosby Lockwood . 5s . xviii . ELECTRIC WELDING . Carpmael , H . Electric Welding and Welding Appliances. Imp. 8vo. Pp. 140. 1920. Constable. 18s. Marquand , H . S . Electric Welding . Its Theory, Practice, Application and Economics. Demy 8vo. Pp. 204. 1920. BennBros. 12s. Gd. Swift, H. B. Practical Electric Welding. Demy 8vo. Pp. 104. 1920. Spon. 7s. fid. xix. TELEPHONY AND TELE- GRAPHY. Allsop, F. C. Telephones, their Construction and Fitting. 8th edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 222. 1914. Spon. 5s. Atkins, W. Principles of Auto- matic Telephony. 2nd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp.124. 1915. BennBros. 3s. Common Battery Telephony Sim- plified. 2nd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 190. 1913. BennBros. 3s. Gd. Baker, T. T. The Telegraphic Transmission of Photographs. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 158. 1910. Constable. 2s. Gd. Bell, J., and Wilson, S. The Telegraphist's Guide to the Depart- mental and City and Guilds Exam- inations in Telegraphy. 8th edn. Cr.Svo. Pp.273. 1920. Rentell. 5s. Crotch, A. The Elements of Tele- phony. 2nd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 114. 1918. Spon. 2s. Gd. The Hughes and Baudot Tele- graphs. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 83. 1908. Rentell. 2s. Telegraphy : an Elementary Text- book on the Principles of Electri- city as applied to Telegraph Sys- tems. Cr.Svo. Pp.165. 1919. Spon. 4s. Gd. Telegraphic Systems, and other Notes. A Handbook of the Princi- ples on which Telegraphic Practice is Based . Large Cr . 8vo . Pp . 284 . 1908. Griffin. 6s. Elementary Telegraphy and Tele- phony. New imp. 8vo. Pp. 223. 1912.' Spon. 6s. Fleming, J. A. The Propagation of Electric Currents in Telephone and Telegraph Conductors. 3rd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 384. 1919. Constable. 21s. Herbert, T. E. Telegraphy: A detailed Exposition of the Telegraph System of the British Post Office. 4th edn . Cr . 8vo . Pp . 1 ,039 . 1920 . Pitman. 18s. and Wardt, R. G. de. The Arithmetic of Telegraphy and Tele- phony. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 196. 1921. Pitman . 5s . Hill, J. G. Telephonic Transmis- mission: Theoretical and Applied. 8vo. Pp. 398. 1920. Longmans. 21s. Jones, W. H. Telegraphy for Beginners. The Standard Method. 2nd edn. Cr.Svo. Pp.58. 1913. Spon. 2s. Gd. Kingsbury , J . E . The Telephone and Telephone Exchanges : Their Inven- tion and Development. 8vo. Pp. 568. 1915. Longmans. 15s. Lee, J. Telegraph Practice: A Study of Comparative Method. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 112. 1917. Long- mans . 3s . 119 Electrical Engineering. Malcolm , H . W . The Theory of the Submarine Telegraph and Telephone Cable. Demy 8vo. Pp. 576. 1917. Benn Bros. 22s. M or din, R. The Strowger Auto- matic Telephone Exchange. Demy 8vo. Pp.186. 1919. Spon. 21s. Pendry, H. W. Elementary Tele- graphy. A Manual for Students. 2nd edn. Cr.Svo. Pp.247. 1921. Pitman. 7s. Gd. The Baudot Printing Telegraph System. 2nd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 191. 1920. Pitman. 6s. Poole, J. The Practical Telephone Handbook and Guide to the Tele- phonic Exchange. 6th edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 725. 1919. Pitman. 15s. Telegraphy, Telephony and Wire- less. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 128. 1921. Pitman . 3s . Preece , Sir W . H . , and Sivewright , Sir J. Telegraphy. Revised and Partly rewritten by W. L. Preece. 8vo. Pp. 432. 1919. Longmans. 12s. Gd. Stevens , E . J . Field Telephones and Telegraphs for Army Use . 7th edn . Cr. 8vo. Pp. 160. 1918. Crosby Lockwood . 3s . White, H. G. Telephone Erection and Maintenance. 2nd edn. 8vo. Pp.129. 1917. Rentell. 2s. Gd. xx. WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY AND TELEPHONY. Bangay, R. D. The Elementary Principles of Wireless Telegraphy. Cr.Svo. 1918. Parti. Pp.212. 4s. Part II. Pp. 241. 4s. Or in 1 vol. 7s. Gd. Wireless Press. The Oscillation Valve : The Ele- mentary Principles of its Applica- tion to Wireless Telegraphy. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 215. 1919. Wireless Press . 6s . Blake, E. Selected Studies in Elementary Physics: A Handbook for the Wireless Student and Amateur. Cr.Svo. Pp.176. 1920. Wireless Press . 5s. Bottone, S. R. Wireless Telegraphy and Hertzian Waves. Revised by C.Sylvester. 5th edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp.136. 1919. Pitman. 3s. Gd. Brown, S. W. Simple Fault Trac- ing : for Wireless Students and Operators . Fcap . 8vo . Pp . 30 . 1919. Jas.Munro. Is. Gd. Coursey, P. R. Telephony Without Wires. Demy 8vo. Pp. 414. 1919. Wireless Press. 15s. Gross, F. Wireless Explained. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 72. 1918. James Brown. 3s. Gd. Dowsett, H. M. Wireless Tele- graphy and Telephony : First Prin- ciples. Present Practice, and Test- ing. Demy 8vo. Pp. 362. 1920. Wireless Press. 9s. Eccles, W. H. Continuous Wave Wireless Telegraphy . Part 1 . Demy 8vo. Pp. 415. 1921. Wireless Press. 25s. Eichhorn, G. Wireless Telegraphy. LargeSvo. Pp.126. 1906. Griffin. 10s. Gd. Erskine- Murray, J. Handbook of Wireless Telegraphy : Its Theory and Practice . 6th edn . Demy 8vo . Pp.458. 1918. Crosby Lockwood. 12s. Gd. Fleming, J. A. Principles of Elec- tric Wave Telegraphy and Tele- phony . 4th edn . 8vo . Pp . 724 . 1919. Longmans. 42s. An Elementary Manual of Radio- Telegraphy and Radio-Telephony for Students and Operators 3rd edn. 8vo. Pp. 374. (1916) 1919. Longmans. 10s. Gd. The Wonders of Wireless Tele- graphy. 2nd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 280. 1919. S.P.C.K. 7s. Gd. The Wireless Telegraphist's Poc- ket Book of Notes, Formulae, and Calculations. Pocket size. Pp. 352. 1915. Wireless Press. 9s. -The Thermionic Valve and its Development in Radio-Telegraphy and Telephony. Demy 8vo. Pp. 279. 1919. Wireless Press. 15s. Fortescue, G. L. Wireless Tele- graphy. Roy. 16mo. Pp. 149. 1913 . Cambridge University Press . 2s. Gd. 120 Electrical Engineering, Harris. P. W. The Maintenance of Wireless Telegraph Apparatus . Cr . 8vo. Pp. 127. 1918. Wireless Press. 2s. 6d. Hawkhead, J. C., and Dowsett, H. M. The Handbook of Technical Instruction for Wireless Telegraph- ists . 2nd edn . Demy 8vo . Pp . 310. 1919. Wireless Press. 7s. 6rf. Henstock , J . Final Digest for Wire- less Students. 3rd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp.90. 1918. Jas.Munro. 4s. 6d. Hoyle, B. Standard Tables and Equations in Radio-Telegraphy. Demy 8vo. Pp. 159. 1919. Wireless Press. 9s. Leggett, B. Wireless Telegraphy: with Special reference to the Quenched-Spark System . Demy 8vo. Pp. 502. 1921. Chapman and Hall. 30s. Marchant, W. H. Wireless Tele- graphy. A Practical Handbook for the Use of Operators and Students . 2nd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp.240. 1919. Pitman. 7s. 6rf. The Radio-Telegraphist's Guide and Log-Book. Fcap. 8vo. Pp. 142. 1912. Pitman. 5s. Qd. Martin, M. J. The Wireless Trans- mission of Photographs . 2nd edn . 8vo. Pp. 143. 1919. Wireless Press . 5s . Monckton, C. C. F. Radio-Tele- graphy. Ex. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 289. 1908. Constable. 7s. 6d. Nottage, W. H. Calculation and Measurement of Inductance and Capacity. Demy 8vo. Pp. 144. 1916. Wireless Press . 3s. 6rf. Owen, W . D . Guide to the Study of the Ionic Valve. Its Development and Application to Wireless Tele- graphy and Telephony . Fcap . 8vo . Pp.60. 1919. Pitman. 2s. Qd. Penrose, H. E. The W T ireless Tele- graphy Student's Library . 5 Parts . Cr. Svo. Paper covers. 1919. Book 1. Direct Current. Pp. 64. Book 2. Alternating Current. Pp. 48. Book 3. High-Frequency Cur- rent and Wave Production . Pp . 64 . Book 4. The 1^-k.w. Ship Set. Pp. 74. Book 5. The Oscillation Valve. Pp. 50. Wireless Press. Is. 4rf. each . Rolfe -Martin , A . B . Wireless Tele- graphy. A Handbook on the Fundamental Principles and Modern Practice of Radio-Telegraphy for the use of Students of Electrical Engineering. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 256. 1914. Black. 3s. 6d. Ruhmcr, E. Wireless Telephony in Theory and Practice. Translated by J. Erskine-Miirray . Demy 8vo. Pp.237. 1908. Crosby Lockwood. 10s. 6rf. Shaw , W . J . Practical and Experi- mental Wireless Telegraphy. A Handbook for Operators. Students and Amateurs. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 102. 1914. Spon. 5s. Shore , A . Alternating Current Work for Wireless Operators. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 163. 1919. Wireless Press. 3s. 6rf. Sleeper, M. B. Wireless Design and Practice. Part.l. Transmit- ters and Receivers. Part. 2. Practical Circuits . Pp . 246 . 1920 . Frowde and Hodder. 7s. Qd. Stanley, R. Text-Book on Wireless Telegraphy. New edn. 2 vols. 8vo. 1919\ Vol.1. General Theory and Practice. Pp. 486. Vol. 2. Valves, Continuous Waves and Radio -Telephony. Pp. 368. Long- mans. 15s. each. Turner, L. B. Wireless Telegraphy and Telephony. An Outline for Electrical Engineers and others. DemySvo. Pp.207. 1921. Cam- bridge University Press. 20s. Ward, H. Dictionary of Technical Terms used in Wireless Telegraphy. 2nd edn. Pocket size. Pp. 253. 1919. Wireless Press. 2s. Qd. Willis, S. J. A Short Course in Elementary Mathematics and their Application to Wireless Telegraphy. DemySvo. Pp.182. 1917. Wire- less Press. 3s. fid. Year Book of Wireless Telegraphy and Telephony . 1921. DemySvo. Pp . 1 ,355 . March , 1921 . Wireless Press. 21s. 121 CHEMISTRY. i. HISTORY. Armitage, F. P. A History of Chemistry. 2nd imp. Cr. 8vo. Pp.286. 1912. Longmans. 7s. 6d. Bauer , H . A History of Chemistry . Translated by R." V. Stanford. Cr.Svo. 1907. Arnold. 4s. 6d. Brown, J. C. A History of Chemis- try from the Earliest Times to the Present Day . 2nd edn . Demy 8vo . Pp. 571. 1920. Churchill. 21s. Hilditch , T . P . A Concise History of Chemistry. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 274. 1911. Methuen. 5s. Lowry, T. M. Historical Introduc- tion to Chemistry. Cr. 8vo. Pp. y 599. 1915. Macmillan. 10s. fid. Martin, G. Modern Chemistry and its Wonders. A Popular Account of some of the more remarkable Recent advances in Chemical Science for General Readers. Large Cr.Svo. Pp.367. 1917. Sampson Low. 10s. 6rf. Triumphs and Wonders of Modern Chemistry. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 375. N.D. Sampson. Low. 10s. 6rf. Slosson, E. E. Creative Chemistry: Descriptive of Recent Achieve- ments in the Chemical Industries. Demy 8vo. Pp. 311. 1921. University of London Press . 12s. 6d . Thorpe, Sir T. E. Essays in Historical Chemistry. 3rd edn. 8vo. Pp.614. 1911. Macmillan. 15s. History of Chemistry. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 320. Watts. 5s. Tilden, Sir W. A. The Progress of Scientific Chemistry in Our Own Times: with Biographical Notices. 2nd edn. Cr.Svo. Pp.378. 1913. Longmans . 8s . Tilden, SirW. A. Chemical Dis- covery and Invention in the Twen- tieth Century . 3rd edn . Svo . Pp . 503. 1919. Routledge. 12s. 6cL Famous Chemists : the Men and their Work . Demy Svo . Pp . 312 . 1921. Routledge. 12s. 6d. ii. GENERAL. Abegg , R . , and Herz , W . Practical Chemistry. Translated by H. T. Calvert. Cr.Svo. Pp.132. 1901. Maemillan. 6s. Bailey, G. H. Elementary Chemis- try. Edited by W. Briggs. 4th edn . 8th imp . Cr . Svo . Pp . 536 . 1914. University Tutorial Press. 6s. 6d. and Bausor, H. W. Chemistry for Matriculation. 7th imp. Cr. Svo. Pp. 556. 1919. University Tutorial Press. 8s. 6d. -Senior Chemistry. 2nd edn . 5th imp . Cr . Svo . Pp . 526 . 1919. University Tutorial Press. 6s. 6rf. and Briggs, W. The Tutorial Chemistry. Part 1. Non-Metals. 4th edn. 9th imp. Cr. Svo. Pp. 492. 1918. 5s. Part 2. Metals and Physical Chemistry. 3rd edn. 10th imp. Cr. Svo. Pp. 468. 1918. 6s. Qd. University Tutorial Press . Bassett, H. LI. The Elements of Chemistry. Cr. Svo. Pp. 360. 1914. Crosby Lockwood . 7s. Qd. Bausor, H. W. Senior Practical Chemistry. Cr. Svo. Pp. 225. 1919. University Tutorial Press. 4s. Bloxam, A. G., and Lewis, S. J. Chemistry, Inorganic and Organic. 10th edn. Svo. Pp. 878. 1913. Churchill. 24s. 122 Chemistry Bruce, J., and Harper, H. Practical Chemistry. 2nd edn. New Imp. Gl. 8vo. Pp. 284. 1919. Macmillan. Zs. Bryant, V. S. Laboratory Text- book of Chemistry . Part 1 . Roy . 4to. Pp. 252. 1919. Churchill. 4s. Cain, J. C. (edited by). Annual Reports of the Progress of Chemis- try for 1919. Issued by the Chemi- cal Society. Vol. 16. Demy 8vo. Pp. 243. 1920. Gurney and Jackson. 4s. Qd. Catechism Series . Chemistry . 2nd and 3rd Edns. 2 Parts. Revised by L . Dobbin . Part 1 . Inorganic . Part 2. Inorganic and Organic. Livingstone. Is. Qd. each. Church, A. H., and Kinch, E. Laboratory Guide. A Manual of Practical Chemistry for Colleges and Schools , arranged for Agricul- tural Students . % 9th edn . Post 8vo. 1912. Gurney and Jackson. 6s. Qd. Clowes, F., and Coleman, J. B. Elementary Practical Chemistry and Qualitative Analysis. Part 1. General Chemistry . 7th edn . Post 8vo,. Pp. 241. 1919. 7s. 6d. Part 2 . Analytical Chemistry . 9th edn. Post 8vo. Pp. 272. 1921. 7s. Qd. Churchill. Donington, G. C. A Class Book of Chemistry. Gl. 8vo. Pp. 546. 1916. Macmillan. 6s. Qd. Dreaper , W . P . Notes on Chemical Research: An Account of Certain Conditions which Apply to Original Investigation. 2nd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 210. 1920. Churchill. 7s. Qd. Dunnicliff , H . B . Practical Chemis- try for Intermediate Classes. Cr. 8vo. Pp.290. 1918. Macmillan. 5s. Dunstan , A . E . Elementary Experi- mental Chemistry. 7th edn. Cr. Svo. Pp. 208. 1918. Methuen. 3s. and Thole , F . B . A Text Book of Practical Chemistry for Technical Institutes. Cr. Svo. Pp. 358. 1919. Methuen. 7s. Qd. Dunstan , A . E . and Thole , F . B . A Senior Experimental Chemistry. Cr.Svo. Pp.536. 1919. Methuen. 7s. Qd. Fenton, H. J. H. Outlines of Chemistry. Part 1. 2nd edn. Demy Svo. Pp. 424. 1918. Cambridge University Press. 12s. Fournier d'Albe, E. E. Contem- porary Chemistry. Cr. Svo. Pp. 196. 1911. Constable. 4s. Freund, I. The Experimental Basis of Chemistry. Suggestions for a Series of Experiments Illustra- tive of the Fundamental Principles of Chemistry. Edited by A. Hutch inson and M. B. Thomas. Demy Svo. Pp. 424. 1920. Cambridge University Press. 30s. Gemmell, G. H. Chemical Notes and Equations, Inorganic and Or- ganic. 2nd edn. Pp. 280. 1909. Bailliere. 5s. Hale, A. J. Practical Chemistry for Engineering Students, new edn. Cr. Svo. Pp. 212. 1920. Long- mans. 6s. Qd. Hendrick, E. Everyman's Chemis- try: The Chemist's Point of View and his Recent Work told for the Layman. 2nd imp. Demy Svo. Pp. 329. 1919. University of London Press . 8s . Qd . Hood , G . F . , and Carpenter , J . A . A Text-Book of Practical Chemis- try. Svo. Pp.539. 1921; Churchill. 21s. Hughes , A . M . A Method of Teach- ing Chemistry in Schools . Cr.Svo. Pp. 132. 1906. Cambridge Uni- versity Press. 4s. 3d. Kingzett, C. T. Popular Chemical Dictionary. Demy Svo. Pp. 374. 1920. Bailliere. 15s. Lewes, V.B., andBrame, J. S. S. Service Chemistry: being A Short Manual of Chemistry and Metal- lurgy and their Application in the Naval and Military Services. 5th edn. Demy Svo. 'Pp. 576. 1920. Arnold. 21s. 123 Chemistry Ludlam, E. B., and Preston, H. Outlines of Experimental Chemis- try. 2nd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 100. 1917. E.Arnold. 2s. Qd. Martin , G . Chemical Lecture Charts . A Series of 36 Sheets, 40 by 30 inches, 60s.; backed with linen, 80s . ; backed with linen , varnished and mounted on rollers, 126s. Sampson, Low. Meldola , R . Chemistry . Fcap . 8vo . Pp. 255. 1913. Williams and Norgate. 2s. Qd. Muir, M.M. P. The Elements of Chemistry. 8vo. Pp.56S. 1904. Churchill. 10s. 6d. and Carnegie, D. Practical Chemistry . A Course of Laboratory Work . Cr . 8vo . Pp . 230 . 1 887 . Cambridge University Press . 4s . Qd. Newth, G. S. Chemical Lecture Experiments. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 356. 1918. Longmans. 9s. Elementary Practical Chemistry. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 300. 1919. Long- mans . 4s . Normandy, F. Sea Water Distilla- tion. Large Cr. 8vo. Pp. 272. 1909. Griffin. 7s. 6d. Oldham, F. M. The Complete School Chemistry. 14th edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 470. 1919. Methuen. 7s. Qd. O'Shea, L. T. Elementary Chemis- try for Coal-Mining Students . New imp. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 332. 1920. Longmans . 9s . Partridge, W. Aids to Chemistry. Fcap. 8vo. Pp. 288. 1921. Bailliere. 6s. n Perkin, F. M., and Jaggers, E. M. Text -Book of Elementary Chemis- try. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 390. 1916. Constable. 4s. Perkin, W. H, and Lean, B. An Introduction to Chemistry and Physics. New Imp. Gl. 8vo. Pp. 238. 1917. Macmillan. 5s. Pilcher, R. B. The Profession of Chemistry. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 213. 1919. Constable. 6s. Qd. Remsen, I. College Text Book of Chemistry. 2nd edn. 8vo. Pp. 726. 1912. Macmillan. 12s. Qd. Robinson , W . Everyday Chemistry . Cr.Svo. Pp.144. 1920. Methuen. 3s. 6d. Roscoe, Sir H. E. Lessons in Elementary Chemistry, Inorganic and Organic . Fcap . 8vo . Pp . 536 . 1918. Macmillan. 6s. and Schorlemmer, C. A Com- plete Treatise on Inorganic and Organic Chemistry. 8vo. Vol.1. The Non-Metallic Elements. 5th edn . Revised by J . C . Cain . Pp . 984. 1920. 30s. Vol. 2. The Metals. 5th edn. Pp. 1,470. 1913. 40s. Vol.3. The Chemistry of the Hydro-Carbons and their Derivatives , or Organic Chemistry . Part 2. 2nd edn. Pp. 755. 1890. 21s. Part 3. 2nd edn. Pp. 433. 1891. 18s. Part 6. Pp. 582. 1892. 21s. Macmillan. Stewart, A. W. Chemistry and its Borderland. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 326. 1914. Longmans. 6s. Qd. Tilden, Sir W. A. A Primer of Chemistry. Fcap. 8vo. Pp. 108. Dent. 2s. Tyler, E. A. A Junior Chemistry, llth edn. Cr.Svo. Pp.245. 1919. Methuen . 4s . Valentin, W. G. Practical Chemis- try. Revised by W. R. Hodgkin- son. 10th edn. 8vo. Pp. 496. 1908. Churchill. 12s. Qd. iii. ORGANIC AND INORGANIC FOR MEDICAL STUDENTS. Cohen, J. B. A Class Book of Organic Chemistry. Gl. 8vo. Vol. 1. For First Year Medical Students. Pp. 352. 1919. Vol. 2 . For Second Year Medical Stu- dents. Pp. 156. 1919. Mac- millan. 4s. Qd. each Vol. dimming , A . G . Practical Chemis- try for Medical Students . 3rd edn . Demy 8vo. Pp. 173. 1920. Gurney and Jackson. 8s. 124 Chemistry Haas, P. Laboratory Notes on Organic Chemistry for Medical Students. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 136. 1910. Macmillan. 3s. Kellas, A. M. An Introduction to Practical Chemistry for Medical Students. 8vo. Pp. 270. 1909. Frowde and Hodder. 5s. A Manual of Practical Inorganic Chemistry for Medical Students. 8vo. Pp". 355. 1910. Frowde and Hodder. 6s. An Introduction to Practical Organic Chemistry for Medical (Students. 8vo. Pp. 212. 1920. Frowde and Hodder. 5s. Luff, A. P., and Candy, H. C. H. A Manual of Chemistry, Theoretical and Practical, Inorganic and Organ- ic, adapted to the requirements of Students of Medicine. 6th edn. Fcap. 8vo. Pp. 744. 1918. Cassell. 12.5. Gd. Macbeth, A. K. Organic Chemistry for Medical, Intermediate Science and Pharmaceutical Students. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 246. 1920. Longmans. 6s. 6d. Myers, J. E., and Firth, J. B. Elementary Practical Chemistry for Medical and other Students. 2nd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 194. 1920. Griffin. 4s. Gd. Sargeant , F . P . Elementary Organic Chemistry, adapted for the use of Pharmaceutical and Medical Stu- dents. 2nd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 107. 1919. Lewis. 4s. Walker, J. Organic Chemistry for Students of Medicine. 2nd edn. Med.Svo. Pp.344. 1919. Gurney and Jackson. 10s. Gd. Witthaus, R. A. Text -Book of Chemistry, Inorganic and Organic, with Toxicology. For Students of Medicine, Pharmacy, Dentistry and Biology. Revised by R. J. E. Scott." 7th edn. Roy. 8vo. Pp. 490. 1919. Bale and Danielsson. 20s. iv. CALCULATIONS AND REFERENCE BOOKS. Annual Tables of Constants and Numerical Data , Chemical , Phy - sical and Technological. Com- piled and published under the patronage of the International Asso- ciation of Academies . With a com- lete Table of Contents in the Eng- lish, French, German and Italian Languages. Vol.1. 4to. Pp. 766. (1910) 1912. 28s. Gd. Vol.2. 4to. Pp. 780. (1911) 1913. 28s. Gd. Vol.3. 4to. Pp.648. (1912) 1914. 28s. Gd. Churchill. Atack, F. W., and Whinyates, L. (edited by). The Chemists' Year Book, 1921. 2Vols. 18mo. Pp. 1,150. Sherratt and Hughes . 21s. Bausor, H. W. Chemical Calcula- tions. 2nd edn. 3rd imp. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 144. 1920. 3s. Ad- vanced Course. Pp. 56. 1914. Is. 9d. University Tutorial Press. Bayley, T. Pocket Book for Chem- ists, Chemical Manufacturers, Metallurgists, Dyers, Distillers, Brewers , etc . Edited by R . Ensoll . 8th edn . Fcap . 8vo . Pp . 441 . 1919. Spon. 10s. Gd. Castell -Evans , J . Physico- Chemical Tables for the Use of Analysts, Physicists , Chemical Manufacturers , and Scientific Chemists. 2 Vols. Large 8vo. 1920. Vol.1. Chem- ical Engineering, Physical Chem- istry. Pp. 580. 36s. Vol. 2. Chemical Physics, Pure and Analy- tical Chemistry. Pp. 700. 45s. Griffin. Coward , H . F . , and Perkins , W . H . Exercises in Chemical Calculation. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 160. 1919. E. Arnold. 3s. Gd. Ensoll, R. Technical Chemists* Pocket Book. Fcap.Svo. Pp.204. 1920. Spon. 8s. Gd. Everett , J . D . The C . G . S . System of Units, with Tables of Physical Constants. 5th edn. Globe 8vo. Pp. 308. 1902. Macmillan. 6s. 125 Chemistry Kaye, G. W. C., and Laby, T. H. Tables of Physical and Chemical Constants, and Some Mathematical Functions. 4th edn. Roy. 8vo. Pp.170. 1921. Longmans. 14s. Knox, J. Elementary Chemical Theory and Calculations . 2nd edn . Cr. 8vo. Pp. 109. 1920. Gurney and Jackson . 4s . Physico-Chemical Calculations . 3rd edn. Cr.Svo. Pp.196. 1919. Methuen. 4s. Qd. Lupton, S. Elementary Chemical Arithmetic, with 1,200 Problems. Fcap. 8vo. Pp.184. 1920. Mac- millan. 5s. Thorpe, Sir T. E. Alcoholometric Tables. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 106. 1915. Longmans. 4s. Gd. Watts , H . Dictionary of Chemistry . Revised by M . M . Pattison Muir and H. Forster Morley. 4 Vols. 8vo. 18881894 . Pp . 752 . , 760 . , 853 . , 922. Longmans. 6 16s. 6rf. Whiteley, R. L. Chemical Calcula- tions: with Explanatory Notes, Problems, and Answers. *Cr. 8vo. Pp. 132. 1919. Longmans. 3s. Wilson, F. J., and Heilbron, I. M. Chemical Theory and Calculations. 2nd edn. Cr.Svo. Pp.144. 1920. Constable. 4s. 6d. v. THEORETICAL AND PHYSICAL. a. Theoretical. Caven, R. M. The Foundations of Chemical Theory . An Introductory Text-book. Demy 8vo Pp. 274. 1920. Blackie. 12s. 6rf. Cooke, J. B. The New Chemistry, llth edn. Cr.8vo. Pp.417. 1903. Kegan Paul. 7s. 6rf. Garrett, A. E. The Periodic Law. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 300. 1909. Kegan Paul. 7s. 6d. Xetts, E. A. Some Fundamental Problems of Chemistry, Old and New. DemySvo. Pp.236. 1914. Constable. 8s. Martin, G. Researches on the Affinities of the Elements and on the Causes of the Chemical Simi- larity or Dissimilarity of Elements and Compounds. 8vo. Pp. 300. 1905. Churchill. 16s. Muir, M. M. P. A Treatise on the Principles of Chemistry . 2nd edn . DemySvo. Pp.517. 1889. Cam- bridge University Press. 18s. Qd. Nernst, W. Theoretical Chemistry. Revised in accordance with the latest German edition by L. Codd. In the Press. Macmillan. Ostwald, W. The Fundamental Principles of Chemistry. An Intro- duction to all Text-Books of Chem- istry . Translated by II . W . Morse . 8vo. Pp. 362. 1917. Longmans. 10s. Qd. Outlines of General Chemistry. Translated by W. W.Taylor. 3rd edn. 8vo. Pp.596. 1912. Mac- millan. 21s. Ramsay , Sir W . Modern Chemistry . Systematic. 5th edn. Pott Svo. Pp.211. 1912. Dent. Is. 9d. Modern Chemistry. Theoretical. 6th edn. Pott Svo. Pp. 133. 1917. Dent. Is. 9d. Experimental Proofs of Chemical Theory for Beginners. Pott. Svo. Pp. 158. 1908. Macmillan. 3s. Roscoe, Sir H. E., and Harden, A. A New View of the Origin of Dalton's Atomic Theory. Svo. Pp. 202. 1896. Macmillan. 7s.6rf. Scott, A. An Introduction to Chem- ical Theory. 2nd edn. DemySvo. Pp.272. 1911. Black. 5s. Tilden , Sir W . A . Introduction to the Study of Chemical Philosophy. The Principles of Theoretical and Systematic Chemistry, llth edn. Cr. Svo. Pp.374/ 1912. Long- mans. 7s. Gd. Van 'tHoff, J. H. Lectures on Theoretical and Physical Chemistry. Translated by R .A . Lehfeldt . 3 vols . Demy Svo. 1900. Vol. 1. Chem- ical 'Dynamics. Pp. 254. 12s. Vol. 2. Chemical Statics. Pp. 156. 8s. Gd. Vol. 3. Relations between Properties and Composi- tion. Pp. 143. 8s. Gd. Arnold. 126 Chemistry Van 'tHoff, J. H. Chemistry in Space . Trans lated by J . E . Marsh . Cr . 8 vo . Pp . 1 36 . 1891 . Oxford : Clarendon Press. 4s. Gd. Wadmore , J . M . Elementary Chem- ical Theory. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 287. 1911. Methuen. 5s. Watson, E. R. 1 Colour in Relation to Chemical Constitution. 8vo. Pp. 210. 1918. Longmans. 12s. Gd. b. Physical Chemistry. Baty, E. G. G. Spectroscopy . Cr. 8vo. Pp. 702. 1918. Longmans. 14.9. Glibbens, D. A. The Principles of the Phase Theory. Heterogeneous Equilibria between Salts and their Aqueous Solutions . 8vo. Pp.403. 1920. Macmillan. 25s. Dunstan, A. E., and Thole, F. B. The Viscosity of Liquids. 8vo. Pp. 100. 1914. Longmans. 5s. Fenton , H . J . H . Physical Chemistry for Schools. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 224. 1916 . Cambridge University Press . 5s. Gd. Findlay , A . Practical Physical Chem- istry. 3rd edn. Cr.Svo. Pp.343. 1920. Longmans. 6s. 6d. - The Phase Rule and its Applica- tions . 4th edn . Cr . 8vo . Pp . 382 . 1918. Longmans . 9s . Osmotic Pressure. 2nd edn. 8vo. Pp. 128. 1919. Longmans. 7s. Firth, J. B. Practical Physical Chemistry. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 190. 1915. Methuen. 4s. Gd. Friend , J . N . The Theory of Valency . 2nd edn. Cr.Svo. Pp.206. 1915. Longmans. 6s. Gd. Gray, F. W. A Manual of Practical Physical Chemistry. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 228. 1914. Macmillan. 4s. Gd. Hilditch, T. P. A First Year Phys- ical Chemistry . Cr.Svo. Pp.196. 1912. Methuen. 3s. Gd. Jaques, A. Complex Ions in Aque- ous Solutions. 8vo. Pp. 158. 1914. Longmans. 6s. Le Bas , G . The Molecular Volumes of Liquid Chemical Compounds, from the Point of View of Kopp. 8vo. Pp. 288. 1915. Longmans. 9s. Gd. Lehfeldt, R. A. A Text -book of Physical Chemistry. 2nd imp. Cr.Svo. Pp.320. Arnold. 8s. Gd. Lewis, W. C.McG. A System of Physical Chemistry. 3rd edn. 3 vols . 8vo . Vol . 1 . Kinetic Theory . Pp. 494. 1920. 15s. Vol. 2. Thermo-dynamics . Pp . 462 . 1920 . 15s. Vol. 3. Quantum Theory. Pp.218. 1919. 7s. Gd. Longmans. Loring, F. H. Studies in Valency. DemySvo. Pp.56. 1913. Simp- kin, Marshall. 3s. Optical Rotatory Power . A General Discussion. Faraday Society Re- port, 1914. Demy 8vo. Pp. 96. 1914. Faraday Society . 7s. Gd. Philip, J. G. Physical Chemistry: its Bearing on Biology and Medi- cine . 2nd edn . Cr . 8vo . Pp . 334 . 1913. Arnold. 8s. Gd. Prideaux, E. B. R. Problems in Physical Chemistry with Practical Applications. 2nd edn. DemySvo. Pp.306. 1920. Constable. 18s. Redgrove , H . S . On the Calculation of Thermo-Chemical Constants. DemySvo. Pp.106. 1909. Arnold. 6s. Sackur , O . A Text-book of Thermo- chemistry and Thermodynamics. Translated and revised by G. E. Gibson. 8vo. Pp. 456'. 1917. Macmillan. 12s. Senter, G. Outlines of Physical Chemistry . 8th edn . Cr . 8vo . Pp . 432. 1920. Methuen. 7s. Gd. Sheppard, S. E. Photo-Chemistry. New edition in preparation. Long- mans. Spencer , J . F . An Experimental Course of Physical Chemistry. 2 Vols. Cr. 8vo. 1911. Vol. 1. Statical Experiments. Pp. 228. Vol . 2 . Dynamical Experiments . Pp.256. Bell. 4s. Gd. each. 127 Chemistry Stewart , A . W . Recent Advances in Physical and Inorganic Chemistry. 4th edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 302. 1920. Longmans. 18s. Stereochemistry. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 294. 1919. Longmans. 12s. 6d. Thomsen, J. Thermochemistry. Translated by K. A. Burke. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 512. 1908. Longmans. 12s. Qd. Thomson, Sir J. J. Application of Dynamics to Physics and Chem- istry. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 320. 1888. Macmillan. 8s. 6d. Turner, W. E. S. Molecular Asso- ciation. 8vo. Pp. 178. 1915. Longmans. 7s. Walker, J. Introduction to Physical Chemistry. 8th edn. 8vo." Pp. 433. Macmillan. 16s. Whetham , W . G . D . A Treatise on the Theory of Solution, including the Phenomena of Electrolysis. Demy 8vo . new edition in prepara- tion. Cambridge University Press. Willows, R. S., and Hatschek, E. Surface Tension and Surface Energy , and their Influence on Chemical Phenomena. 2nd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp.123. 191.9. Churchill. 5s. Wurtz, Prof. The Atomic Theory. Translated by E. Cleminshaw. 8th edn. Cr.sVo. Pp.354. 1910. Kegan Paul. 7s. Qd. Young, S. Stoichiometry. 2nd edn. 8vo. Pp. 376. 1918. Longmans. 12s. Qd. c. Colloids. Burton, E. F. The Physical Pro- perties of Colloidal Solutions . New edition in preparation. Longmans. Hatschek , E . An Introduction to the Physics and Chemistry of Colloids . 3rd edn. Cr.Svo. Pp.126. 1919. Churchill. 5s. Laboratory Manual of Elemen- tary Colloid" Chemistry. Cr. 8vo. Pp.135, 1920. Churchill. 6s. Qd. Poschl, V. The Chemistry of the Colloids. Translated by H. H. Hodgson . 2nd edn . Cr . Svo . Pp . 120. 1917. Griffin. 4s. Rohland, P. The Colloidal and Crystalloidal State of Matter. Translated from the German by H. E. Potts and W. J. Breitland. Cr.Svo. Pp.54. 1911. Constable. 4s. Qd. Searle , A . B . The Use of Colloids in Health and Disease. Demy 8vo. Pj>. 127. 1920. Constable /8s. Svedberg, T. The Formation of Colloids. Cr.Svo. Pp. 127. 1921. Churchill. 7s. Gd. Taylor, W. W. The Chemistry of Colloids and Some Technical Appli- cations. 2nd imp. Cr. 8vo. Pp.328. 1918. Arnold. 8s. Qd. d. Catalysis. Henderson, G. G. Catalysis in Industrial Chemistry. 8vo. Pp. 212. 1919. Longmans. 10s. Jobling, E. Catalysis and Its Industrial Applications. 2nd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp.152. 1920. Church- ill. 7s. Qd. Maxted, E. B. Catalytic Hydro- genation and Reduction. Cr. Svo. Pp. 104. 1919. Churchill. 5s. Rideal, E. K., and Taylor, H. S. Catalysis in Theory and Practice. Svo. Pp. 502. 1919. Macmillan. 17s. e . Ferments . Oppenheimer, C. Ferments and their Actions . A Text-book on the Chemistry and Physics of Fermen- tative Changes. Translated by C. A . Mitchell . 2nd edn . in prepara- tion . Griffin . Schutzenberger, Prof. Fermenta- tion. 5th edn. Cr. Svo. Pp. 339. 1903. Kegan Paul. 7s. Gd. f. Electrolysis. Allmand. A. J. The Principles of Applied Electro-Chemistry . 2nd imp. Demy Svo. Pp. 547. 1920. Arnold . 25s . 128 Chemistry Elbs, K. Electrolytic Preparations. Exercises for Use in the Laboratory by Chemists and Electro-Chemists. Translated by R . S . Hutton . Demy 8vo . Pp . 1 10 . 1 903 . Arnold . 6s . Hale, A. J. The Applications of Electrolysis in Chemical Industry. 8vo. Pp. 158. 1918. Longmans. 8s. The Manufacture of Chemicals by Electrolysis . Demy 8vo . Pp . 92 . 1919. Constable. 65. Lehfeldt , R . A . , and Moore , T . S . Electro-Chemistry. Part 1. Gen- eral Theory. New imp. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 278. 1920. Longmans. 7s. Gd. Rideal, E. K. Ozone. (Electro- chemistry). Demy 8vo. Pp. 207. 1920. Constable. 12s. vi. INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Caven, R. M., and Lander, G. D. Systematic Inorganic Chemistry from the Standpoint of the Periodic Law. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 383. 1919. Blackie. 7s. 6d. Claude, G. Liquid Air, Oxygen. Nitrogen. Translated by H. E. P. Cottrell. New edition in preparation . Churchill . Dupre, A., and Hake, W. A Short Manual of Inorganic Chemistry. 3rd edn. Large Cr. 8vo. 1903. Griffin. 7s. 6d. Friend, J. N. (edited by) A Text- book of Inorganic Chemistry. 10 vols. Med. 8vo. Vol. 1. Introduction to Modern Inor- ganic Chemistry , by J . N . Friend , H. F. V. Little, W. E. S. Turner. The Inert Gases, by H. V. A. Briscoe. 3rd edn. Pp. 400. 1919. 12s. 6d. Vol. 2. The Alkali Metals, in preparation. Vol. 3. The Alkaline Earth Metals, in preparation. Vol. 4. Aluminium and its Congen- ers, including the Rare Earth Metals, by H. F. V. Little. Pp. 495. 1917*. 16s. Vol.5. Carbon and its Allies, bv R. M. Caven. Pp. 489. 1917/ 15s. Vol. 6. Nitrogen and its Congeners, in prep- aration . Vol . 7 . Sulphur and its Congeners, in preparation. Vol. 8. The Halogens and their Allies, by G . Martin , and E . A . Daneaster . 2nd edn. Pp.355. 1919. 12s. 6d. Vol. 9. Part 1. Cobalt, Nickel and the Elements of the Platinum Group , by J . N . Friend . Pp . 385 . 1920. 18s. Vol.9. Part 2. Iron and Its Compounds, by J. N. Friend. Pp. 290. 1921. 18*. Vol. 10. The Metal Ammines, in preparation . Griffin . Hart - Smith , J . Recent Discoveries in Inorganic Chemistry . Demy 8vo . Pp. 102. 1919. Cambridge Uni- versity Press. 4s. 6rf. Hooton , W . M . Inorganic Chemistry . 7th imp. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 416. E. Arnold. 5s. Jago, W. Inorganic Chemistry, Theoretical and Practical. Fcap. 8vo. Pp. 466. 1918. Longmans. 4s. 6rf. - Inorganic Chemistry, Theoret- ical and Practical. A Manual for Students in Advanced Classes . 1 2th imp. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 490. 1911. Longmans . 6s . Jeffery , F . H . Notes on Elementary Inorganic Chemistry. Demy 8vo. Pp. 5. 1914. Cambridge Uni- versity Press . 3s . Jones , C . Practical Inorganic Chem- istry. Gl. 8vo. Pp. 250. 1911. Macmillan. 3s. Kipping, F. S., and Perkin, W. H. Inorganic Chemistry. Cr. 8vo. Pp.751. Chambers. 8s. 6rf. Levy, S.I. The Rare Earths : Their Occurrence, Chemistry, and Tech- nology. New edn . in preparat ion . Arnold . Lewis, E. I. Inorganic Chemistry. 3rd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 458. 1921 . Cambridge University Press . 9s. Lowson , W . Preparations and Exer- cises in Inorganic Chemistry. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 136. 1914. Methuen. 3s. 6d. Ludlam , E . B . Outlines of Inorganic Chemistry, with special reference to its Historical Development . 2nd imp. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 384. 1917. E . Arnold . 5s . 129 Chemistry Mellor, J. W. An Introduction to Modern Inorganic Chemistry. Cr. Svo. Pp. 700. 1919. Longmans. 7s. 6d. Modern Inorganic Chemistry. New edn. Svo. Pp. 930. 1921. Longmans. 12s. 6d. Newth, G. S. A Text-book of Inorganic Chemistry . Cr . Svo . Pp . 738. 1920. Longmans. 9s. Oscroft , P . W . Inorganic Chemistry for Upper Forms . 2nd edn . Cr . Svo . Pp. 504. 1919. Bell. 6s. Ostwald, W. The Principles of Inorganic Chemistry. Translated by A . Findlay . 4th edn . Svo . Pp . 836. 1914. Macmillan. 21s. Partington, J. R. A Text-book of Inorganic Chemistry for University Students . Demy Svo . Pp . 1 ,076 . 1921. Macmillan. 25s. Perkin,F.M. Practical Methods of Inorganic Chemistry. Cr.Svo. Pp. 163. 1906. Constable. 3s. 6d. Price, T. S. Per-acids and their Salts. Svo. Pp. 130. 1912. Longmans . 5s . Remsen , I . An Introduction to the Study of Chemistry : Inorganic Chemistry. Cr. Svo. Pp. 604. 1910. Macmillan. 8s. 6d. A Text -book of Inorganic Chem- istry. Svo. Pp.876. 1907. Mac- millan. 18s. Roscoe, Sir H. E., and Harden, A. Inorganic Chemistry for Advanced Students. 2nd edn. Gl.Svo. Pp. 486. 1915. Macmillan. 5s. and Lunt,J. Inorganic Chem- istry for Beginners. New imp. Gl.Svo. Pp.266. 1920. Mac- millan. 3s. 6d. Senter,G. A Text -book of Inorgan- ic Chemistry. 6th edn. Cr. Svo. Pp.631. 1919. Methuen. 8s. Qd. Shenstone, W. A. Elements of Inorganic Chemistry. Revised by R . G . Durrant . 6th edn . Cr . Svo . Pp.538. 1919. E.Arnold. 6s. 6d. Spencer, J. F. The Metals of the RareP;arths. Svo. Pp.289. 1919. Longmans . 1 3s . Teed, P. L. The Chemistry and Manufacture of Hydrogen . Demy Svo. Pp.159. 1919. Arnold. 10s. 6d. Walker, J. Inorganic Chemistry. 12th edn. Cr.Svo. Pp.327. 1919. Bell. 5s. Whiteley, R. L. An Elementary Text-book of Inorsanic Chemistry. 2nd edn. Cr. 8~vo. Pp. 254. 1911. Methuen. 5s. vii. LABORATORY WORK AND ARTS. Dimnicliff , H . B . Laboratory Glass- ware Economy : a Practical Manual on the Renovation of Broken Glass Apparatus. Gl. Svo. Pp. 104. 1919. Macmillan. 4s. Munby , A . E . Laboratories : their Planning and Fittings. Roy. Svo. Pp.239. 1921. Bell. 25s. Shenstone, W. A. The Methods of Glass-Blowing and of Working Silica in the Oxy-gas Flame for the use of Chemical and Phvsical Stu- dents. 10th imp. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 104. 1918. Longmans. 3s. 6d. Woollatt, G. H. Laboratory Arts: A Teacher's Handbook dealing with Materials and Tools used in the Construction, Adjustment, and Re- pair of Scientific Instruments . 2nd imp. Cr. Svo. Pp. 204. 1918. Longmans. 4s. 6d. Yates, R. F. The Home Chemical Laboratory. Cr. Svo. Pp. 127. 1920 . Frowde & Hodder . 4s . Qd . viii. ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Adie, R. H. Introduction to the Carbon Compounds . 4th imp . Cr . Svo. Pp. 98. 1912. University Tutorial Press. 4s. Armstrong , E . F . The Simple Car- bo-hydrates and the Glucosides. 3rd edn. Svo. Pp. 250. 1919. Longmans . 1 8s . Barnett, E. de B. The Preparation of Organic Compounds. 2nd edn. Demy Svo. Pp. 290. 1920. Churchill. 10s. 6d. 130 Chemistry Barnett, E. de B. A Text -book of Organic Chemistry. Demy 8vo. Pp.392. 1920. Churchill. 15s. Bernthsen, A. A Text-book of Organic Chemistry . Translated from the German. ^Edited by J. J. Sudborough. New edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp.735. 1920. Blackie. 10s. 6d. dohen, J. B. Organic Chemistry for Advanced Students . 3rd edn . 3 vols. Demy 8vo. 1920. Vol. 1. Reactions. " Pp. 374. Vol. 2. Structure. Pp. 442. Vol. 3. Synthesis. Pp.385. Arnold. 18s. each. Practical Organic Chemistry . Gl . 8vo. Pp.372. 1920. Macmillan. 4s. Theoretical Organic Chemistry. Gl. 8vo. Pp. 620. 1920. Mac- millan. 7s. Clarke , H . T . An Introduction to the Study of Organic Chemistry. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 492. 1914. Longmans. 12s. fid. Dunstan , A . E . A First Year Course of Organic Chemistry : The Ali- phatic Compounds . Cr . 8vo . Pp . 1G8. 1919. Methuen. 4s. Fischer, E. Introduction to the Preparation of Organic Compounds. Translated by R . V . Stanford . Cr . 8vo. Pp. 175. 1909. Williams & Norgate. 5s. Hale, A. J. The Synthetic Use of Metals in Organic Chemistry. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 169. 1914. Churchill. 6s. Hilditch, T. P. A Third Year Course of Organic Chemistry . The Heterocyclic Compounds, " Carbo- hydrates, and Terpenes. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 424. 1914. Methuen. 7s. 6rf. Keane , G . A . Modern Organic Chem- istry. Cr. 8vo. Scott Pub. Co. 7s. 6d. Lewis , E.I. The Elements of Organ- ic Chemistry. 4th imp. Cr. 8vo. Pp.232. 1919. University Tutor- ial Press. 4s. Maclean, H. Lecithin and Allied Substances. The Lipins. Roy. 8vo. Pp.214. 1918. Longmans. 8s. Qd. Meldola , R . The Chemical Synthesis of Vital Products and the Inter-rela- tions between Organic Compounds. Super Roy. 8vo. Pp.338. 1904. Arnold. 21s. Morgan , G . T . Organic Compounds of Arsenic and Antimony. 8vo. Pp . 396 . 1918 . Longmans . 17s . 6d . Neave, G. B., and Heilbron, I. M. The Identification of Organic Com- pounds. 2nd edn. Cr.~8vo. Pp. 96. 1920. Constable. 4s. Qd. Perkin, W. H., and Kipping, F. S. Organic Chemistry. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 684. 1914. Chambers. 8s. fid. Pope, F. G. Modern Research in Organic Chemistry. 2nd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 336. 1919. Methuen. 7s. M. Price, T. S., and Twiss, D. F. A Course of Practical Organic Chem- istry. 8vo. Pp. 254. 1919. Longmans. 6s. Qd. Richter, V. Organic Chemistry, or Chemistry of the Carbon Compounds . Vol . 1 . Chemistry of the Aliphatic Series. Newly translated by P. E. Spielmann. 2nd edn. Large Svo. Pp.735. 1919. Kegan Paul. 25s. Stewart , A . W . Recent Advances in Organic Chemistry . 4th edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 375. 1920. Longmans. 21s. Sudborough, J. J., and James, T . G . Practical Organic Chemistry . Cr.Svo. Pp. 380. ^1920. Blackie. 7s. Gd. Thole, F. B. A Second Year Course of Organic Chemistry. The Carbo- Cyclic Compounds. Cr. Svo. Pp. 194. 1912. Methuen. 4s. 6d. Titherley, A. W. A Laboratory Course of Organic Chemistry: in- cluding Qualitative Organic Anal- ysis. 2nd edn. Svo. Pp. 244. 1920. Geo. Philip. 6s. 6d. Wade, J . Introduction to the Study of Organic Chemistry. A Theoret- ical and Practical Text-book for Students in the Universities and Technical Schools. New edn. Cr. Svo. Pp. 646. 1920. Allen & Unwin. 8s. 6rf. 131 Chemistry Williams, H. E. The Chemistry of Cyanogen Compounds and their Manufacture and Estimation . 8vo . Pp. 432. 1915. Churchill. 12s. 6d. Wren,H. The Organometallic Com- pounds of Zinc and Magnesium. Cr. 8vo. Pp.100. 1913. Gurney & Jackson. 2*. 6d. ix. ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, a . General . Allen's Commercial Organic Anal - ysis . A Treatise on the Properties , Proximate Analytical Examina- tions , and Modes of Assaying the various Organic Chemicals and Pro- ducts employed in the Arts, Manu- factures, Medicines, etc. With Concise Methods for the Detection and Determination of their Impur- ities, Adulteration, and Products of Decomposition . By various Special- ists. Edited by W. A. Davis, H. Leffmann, and S. S. Sadtler. 4th edn, 9 Vols. 8vo. Vol. 1. Pp. 586. 1909. 28?. Vol.2. Pp.530. 1910. 28.9. Vol.3. Pp. 645. 1910. 28s. Vol.4. Pp.474. 1910. 28s. Vol.5. Pp.713. 1911. 28s. Vol. 6. Pp.736. 1912. 28s. Vol.7. Pp. 574. 1913. 28s. Vol. 8. Pp. 696. 1914. 28s. Vol. 9. Bringing up-to-date the articles in the 8 volumes, and with index for the complete 9 volumes. Pp. 854. 1917. 33s. Churchill. Amp, P. S. Industrial Organic Analysis for the use of Technical and Analytical Chemists and Stu- dents . 2nd edn . Cr . 8vo . Pp . 484 . 1920. Churchill. 12s. 6d. Baker, T. T. The Spectroscope : Its Uses in General Analvtical Chem- istry. Cr. 8vo. Pp/ 138. 1907. Bail Here. 5s. Barger, G. The Simpler Natural Bases. New edition in prepara- tion . Longmans . Candy, H. C.H. Introduction to Chemical Analysis. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 126. 1905. Churchill. 3s. 6d. Clarke, H. T. A Handbook of Or- ganic Analysis : Qualitative and Quantitative. 3rd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 272. 1920. Arnold. 6s. 6d. Forster , E . L . B . Analytical Chem- istry as a Profession for Women. Pocket size. Pp. 135. 1920. Griffin. 3s. 6df. Gardiner, G. G. Chemical Analy- sis, Qualitative and Quantitative. A Text-book for Technical Schools and Colleges . Post 8vo . Pp . 491 . 1914. Black. 7s. 6d. Henderson , G . G . , and Parker , M . A. An Introduction to Analytical Chemistry. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 228. 1919. Blackie. 5s. Johnson , A . E . The Analyst 's Lab - oratory Companion: A Collection of Tables and Data for Chemists and Students . 5th edn . Cr . 8vo . Pp . 185. 1921. Churchill. 10s. 6rf. Krauch, C. Testing of Chemical Reagents for Purity. Their Uses, Methods of Testing for Purity and Commercial Varieties. Translated from the German . 2nd edn . Demy 8vo. Pp. 368. 1919. Scott, Greenwood. 17s. 6d. Landauer, J. Blowpipe Analysis. English Edition by J . Taylor . 3rd edn. Gl. 8vo. "Pp. 190. 1901. Macmillan . 4s. 6d. Lunge, G. (edited by). Tech- nical Methods of Chemical Analysis . English translation edited by C. Keane. 6 vols. Roy. 8vo. New edition in preparation . Gurney & Jackson . Muter, J. Short Manual of Analyti- cal Chemistry. Qualitative and Quantitative, Inorganic and Organ- ic. Edited by J. Thomas. 10th edn. Roy. 8vo. Pp. 237. 1915. Bailliere. 8s. 6d. New th , G . S . A Manual of Chemical Analysis. Qualitative and Quanti- tative. 12th imp. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 488. 1919. Longmans. 9s. Gd. Smaller Chemical Analysis. Cr. 8vo. Pp. Infi . 1919. Lonsmans. 3s. 6rf, Ostwald, W. Scientific Foundations of Analytical Chemistry. Trans- lated by G. McGowan/ 3rd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp.272. 1908. Mar- mil Ian. 7s. 6d. 132 Chemistry Prost, E. Manual of Chemical Anal- ysis, as applied to the Assay of Fuels, Ores, Metals, Alloys, Salts and other Mineral Products . Trans- lated from the German . Roy . 8vo . Pp. 300. 1904. Scott, Green- wood. 14s. Qd. Tognoli , E . Reagents and Reactions . Translated from the Italian by C. A . Mitchel I . Fcap . 8 vo . Pp . 236 . 1918. Churchill. 6s. b. Qualitative Analysis. Briggs, W., and Stewart, R. W. Qualitative Analysis. 3rd imp. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 172. 1920. Uni- versity Tutorial Press . 4s . Qd. Brown, J. G., and Bengough, G. D . Practical Chemistry , Qualitative Exercises and AnaJvtical Tables for Students. 6th edn" 8vo. Pp. 80. 1913. Churchill. 2s. Qd. Caven, R. M. Systematic Qualita- tive Analysis for Students of Inor- ganic Chemistry. Large Cr. 8vo. Pp.252. 1919. Blackie. 5s. Clowes , F . Qualitative Analysis and Practical Chemistry. 9th edn . Demy 8vo. Pp. 400. 1920. Churchill. 12s. Qd. Fenton, H. J. H. Notes on Qualita- tive Analysis, new edn. Cr. 4to . Pp. 101. 1920. Cambridge Uni- versity Press. 8s. Fresenius. T. W. Introduction to Qualitative Chemical Analysis . 17th edn . of the original work , translated by C.A.Mitchell. DemySvo. Pp. 974. 1921. Churchill. 36s. Highton, H. P. An Introduction to Qualitative Analysis. 3rd imp. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 182. 1908. Riv- ington . 4s . Hooton, W. M. Qualitative and Volumetric Analysis. Demy 8vo. Pp.90. 1915. E.Arnold. 3s. (yd. Perkin, F . M . Qualitative Chemical Analysis. Organic and Inorganic. 4th edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 350. 1920. Longmans. 9s. Robertson, P. W., and Burleigh , D. H. Qualitative Analysis in Theory and Practice. 8vo. Pp. 63. 1920. Arnold. 4s. Qd. Sexton, A. H. Outlines of Qualita- tive Analysis : for the Use of Stu- dents . 4th edn . Cr . 8vo . Pp . 1 91 . 1903. Griffin. 3s. Qd. Shepherd , J . W . Qualitative Deter- mination of Organic Compounds. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 364. 1913. Uni- versity Tutorial Press. 9s. Qd. Stieglitz, J. Elements of Qualita- tive Chemical Analysis. 2 vols. DemySvo. 1919. Vol.1. Funda- mental Principles and their Applica- tion. Pp. 312. Vol. 2. Labora- tory Manual. Pp. 153. Bell. 8s. Qd. each. Thole, F. B. Qualitative Organic Analysis. Cr.Svo. Pp.78. 1912. Methuen. 2s. Qd. Thorpe , Sir T . E . , and Muir , M .M . P . Qualitative Chemical Analysis and Laboratory Practice. 12th imp. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 262. 1909. Longmans. 5s. Qd. Weston, F. E. A Scheme for the Detection of the More Common Classes of Carbon Compounds . 8vo . Pp. 116. 1919. Longmans. 4s. Qd. c . Quantitative Analysis . Auld , S . J . M . An Introduction to Quantitative Analysis. Cr. 8vo. Pp.215. 1912. Methuen. 6s. Bailey, G. H. Elements of Quanti - tative Analysis. Gl. 8vo. Pp. 256. 1905. Macmil Ian. 5s. Briggs, W., and Bausor, H. W. Elementary Quantitative Analysis . 2nd imp. Cr.Svo. Pp.130. 1919. University Tutorial Press. 3s. Clowes, F., and Coleman, J. B. Quantitative Chemical Analysis. Adapted for Use in the Laboratories of Colleges and Technical Institutes . llth edn. 8vo. Pp. 604. 1918. Churchill. 18v. Crookes, Sir W. Select Methods in Chemical Analysis (chiefly Inor- ganic). 4th edii. 8vo. Pp. 762. 1905. Longmans. 22s. Qd. 133 Chemistry Gumming , A . G . , and Kay , S . A . A Text-hook of Quantitative Chem- ical Analysis . 3rd edn . Med . 8vo . Pp. 1,432. 1919. Gurney& Jack- son. 15s. , Highton , H . P . An Introduction to Practical Quantitative Analysis. 2nd edn. Cr.Svo. Pp.223. 1906. Rivington . 4s . Kingscott, P. G. R., and Knight , R . S . G Methods of Quantitative Organic Analysis. 8vo. Pp. 300. 1914. Longmans. 7s. Qd. Mellor , J . W . A Treatise on Quanti- tative Inorganic Analysis : with special Reference to the Analysis of Clays, Silicates, etc. 2nd edn. in preparation . Griffin . Schoeller , W . R . , and Powell , A . R . The Analysis of Minerals and Ores of the Rarer Elements, for Analytical Chemists, Metallurgists and Ad- vanced Students . Med . 8vo . Pp . 249. 1919. Griffin. 16s. Sexton , A . H . Outlines of Quantita- tive Analysis : for the Use of Stu- dents. 5th edn. Cr. Svo. Pp. 148. 1907. Griffin. 3s. d . Volumetric Analysis . Berry, A. J. Volumetric Analysis. Demy Svo. Pp.146. 1915. Cam- bridge University Press. 8s. Qd. Briggs, W., and Bausor, H. W. Senior Volumetric Analysis. Cr. Svo. Pp. 68. 1913. University Tutorial Press . 2s. 3d. Coppock , J . B . Volumetric Analysis , adapted to the Requirements of Students entering for the Internal and External Examinations of Schools, Institutes, Colleges, and Universities. 2nd edn. Cr. Svo. Pp.100. 1920. Pitman. 3s. Qd. Hampshire , G . H . Volumetric Anal- ysis for Students of Pharmaceutical and General Chemistry. 3rd edn. Cr.Svo. Pp.124. 1921. Church- ill. 7s. Qd. Knecht, R., and Hibbert, E. New Reduction Methods in Volumetric Analysis . 2nd edn . Cr . Svo . Pp . 144. 1918. Longmans. 5s. Prideaux , E . B . R . The Theory and Use of Indicators . An Account of the Chemical Equilibria of Acids, Alkaloids , and Indicators in Aque- ous Solution, with Applications. Demy Svo. Pp.390. 1917. Con- stable. 12s. Qd. Richards , P . A . E . Practical Chem- istry, including Simple Volumetric Analysis and Toxicology. 3rd edn. Cr.Svo. Pp.157. 1920. Bailliere. 5s. Sutton , F . A Systematic Handbook of Volumetric Analysis, llth edi- tion in preparation. Churchill. Thornton, A., and Pearson, M. Notes on Volumetric Analysis . Med . Svo. Pp. 88. 1918. Longmans. 3s. Qd. x . BIOLOGICAL AND PHYSIO - LOGICAL CHEMISTRY. Arrhenius , S . Quantitative Laws in Biological Chemistry. Demy 8vo. Pp.164. 1915. Bell. 7s. Qd. Bertrand, G., and Thomas, P. Practical Biological Chemistry. Translated from the 3rd French edition by H. A. Colwell. Demy Svo. Pp. 379. 1920. Bell. 10s. Qd. Cathcart, E. P, The Physiology of Protein Metabolism. 2nd edn. Demy Svo. Pp.184. 1921. Long- mans. 12s. Qd. Cole, S. W. Practical Physiological Chemistry. Introduction by F. G. Hopkins. 6th edn. Demy Svo. Pp.426. 1920. Heffer. 16s. Cramer, W. Directions for a Prac- tical Course in Chemical Physiology .. 4th edn. Cr.Svo. Pp.145. 1920. Longmans . 4s . Qd . Griffiths, A. B. Respiration Pro- teids. Researches in Biological Chemistry. Svo. Pp. 126. 1897. Love 11 , Reeve . 6s. Jones, W. Nucleic Acids. Their Chemical Properties and Physio- logical Conduct. 2nd edn. Demy Svo. Pp. 158. 1920. Longmans. 134 Chemistry Moore, B. Biochemistry. A Study of the Origin , Reactions and Equi- libria of Living Matter. Demy 8vo. Pp. 348. 1921. Arnold. 21*. Milroy , J . A . and T . H . Practical Physiological Chemistry. 3rd edn. in preparation. W. Green. Plimmer, R. H. A. The Chemical Changes and Products Resulting from Fermentation . 8vo . Pp . 190 . 1903. Longmans. 7s. 6d. Practical Organic and Bio- Chemistry. Roy. 8vo. Pp. 648. 1918. Longmans. 21s. The Chemical Constitution of the Proteins. Two Parts. Parti. Analysis. 3rd edn. Roy.8vo.Pp. 186.' 1917. 7s. Parts. New edn . in preparation . Longmans . Schry ver , S . B . An Introduction to the Study of Biological Chemistry. Cr.Svo. Pp.340. 1919. Jack. 6s. xi. PLANT CONSTITUENTS. Cross, C. F., and Bevan, E. J. Cellulose : An Outline of the Chem- istry of the Structural Elements of Plants. With reference to their natural history and industrial uses. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 368. 1918. Long- mans. 14s. 6rf. Cross, C. F., and Bevan, E. J. Researches on Cellulose, 1900- 1905. 2nd edn. Cr.Svo. Pp.196. 1913. Longmans. 9s. Researches on Cellulose, 1905- 1910. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 184. 1912. Longmans . 9s . Haas, P., and Hill, T. G. An Introduction to the Chemistry of Plant Products. Vol. 1. On the Nature and Significance of the Commoner Organic Compounds of Plants . 3rd edn . Demy 8vo . Pp . 428. 1921. Longmans. 16s. Henry , T . A . The Plant Alkaloids . 8vo*. Pp. 474. 1913. Churchill. 21s. Onslow, M. W. Practical Plant Biochemistry . Roy . 8vo . Pp . 182 . 1920. Cambridge University Press . 15s. Osborne, T. B. The Vegetable Proteins. Roy. 8vo. Pp. 140. 1919. Longmans. 6s. 6d. Sohn, C. E. Dictionary of the Active Principles of Plants, Alka- loids, Bitter Principles, Glucosides ; their Sources , Nature and Chemical Characteristics, etc. Oblong 4to. Pp.201. 1894. Bailliere. 5s. 135 APPLIED AND INDUSTRIAL CHEMISTRY. i. GENERAL INCLUDING CHEMICAL ENGINEERING. Allen, A. F. An Introduction to Chemical Engineering. An Ele- mentary Text-book for the use of Students and users of Chemical Machinery . Demy 8 vo . Pp . 288 . 1920. Pitman. 10s. Gd. Blount , B . , and Bloxam , A . G . Chemistry for Engineers and Manu- facturers . 2 vols . 2nd edn . Large 8vo. Vol.1. Chemistry of Engin- eering, Building, and Metallurgy. Pp. 405. 1918. 14s. Vol. 2. Chemistry of Manufacturing Pro- cesses. Pp. 528. 1913. 16s. Griffin . Buhler, F. A. Filters and Filter Presses for the Separation of Liquids and Solids . With additional matter relating to the Theory of Filtration in Sugar Factories and Refineries. By J . J . Eastick . Super Roy . 8vo . Pp. 184. 1914. Norman Rodger. 15s. Chemical Manufacturers ' Direc - tory of England , Wales and Scot - land for 1921. 8vo. Pp. 250. (April) 1921. Simpkin. 4s. 6d. Chemical Trade Year Book and Buyers' Guide, 1920. In- corporating l^he Chemical Trade Directory. Demy 8vo. Pp. 220. 1920. Bandon & Morris. 10s. Dyson, S. S., and Clarkson, S. S. Chemical Works: Their Design, Erection, and Equipment. Roy. 8 vo. Pp.207. 1912. Scott, Green- wood . 23s . Findlay, A. Chemistry in the Ser- vice of Man . 2nd edn . 8vo . Pp . 288. 1919. Longmans. 10s. 6d. Grossmann, J. The Elements of Chemical Engineering. 2nd edn. Cr.Svo. Pp.162. 1913. Griffin. 4s. Hausbrand, E. Drying by Means of Air and Steam. Translated by A. C. Wright. 2nd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 76. 1912. Scott, Greenwood. 6s. Evaporating, Condensing, and Cooling Apparatus: Explanations, Formulae and Tables for Use in Practice. Translated by A. C. Wright. 2nd edn. Derny8vo. Pp. 428. 1919. Scott, Greenwood. 14s. Qd. Hinchley , J . W . Chemical Engineer- ing. Notes on Grinding, Sifting, Separating and Transporting Solids. Cr.Svo. Pp. 112. 1914. Churchill. 2s. 6d. Lunge, G. The Technical Chemists' Handbook. Tables and Methods of Analysis for Manufacturers of Inor- ganic Chemical Products . 2nd edn . Cr. 8vo. Pp. 280. 1916. Gurney & Jackson. 10s. Qd. Marlow, T. G. Drying Machinery and Practice. The Theory and ^ Practice of Drying and Desiccating with description of Machinery and Apparatus. 2nd edn. in prepara- tion . Crosby Lockwood . Martin, G., assisted by various Specialists. Industrial and Man- ufacturing Chemistry. Roy. 8vo. Vol.1. Organic . 5th edn . Pp.750. 1920. 36s. Vols. 2 & 3. 3rd imp. Inorganic. Pp. 515., 498. 1920. 28s. each Vol. Crosby Lockwood. 136 Applied and Industrial Chemistry Molinari, E. Treatise on General and Industrial Inorganic Chemistry . Translated from the Italian by T. H. Pope. 2nd edn. Roy. 8vo. Pp.896. 1920. Churchill* 42s. Treatise on General and Indus- trial Organic Chemistry. Trans- lated from the 3rd Italian edition by T. H. Pope. Part 1. Roy. 8vo. Pp.471. 1921. Churchill. 30s. Pilcher, R. B., and Butler -Jones, F. What Industry Owes to Chem- ical Science. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 166. 1918. Constable. 4s. Thorne, P. G. L. Chemistry from the Industrial Standpoint . Cr . 8vo . Pp. 260. 1919. Hodder and Stoughton. 4s. 6rf. Thorpe , Sir T . E . , assisted by em - inent Contributors . A Dictionary of Applied Chemistry . Revised and enlarged edn . in 6 or 7 vols . 8vo . Vol. 1. A to Calcium. Pp. 762. 1921 . Vol . 2 . Calculi to Explosion . Pp.725. 1921. Longmans. 60s. each vol. Tinkler, C. K., and Master, H. Applied Chemistry : A Practical Handbook for Students of House- hold Science and Public Health. Vol. 1. Water, Detergents. Tex- tiles, Fuels, etc. Med: 8vo. Pp. 292. 1920. Crosby Lockwood. 12s. 6d. Training and Work of the Chem- ical Engineer, The. Faraday Society Report, 1917. Demy 8vo. Pp. 60. 1917. Faraday Society. 2s. 6d. Villavecchia, V. (edited by), assist- ed by Nine Specialists . Treatise on Applied Analytical Chemistry. Translated by T. H. Pope. 8vo. 1918. Vol. 1. Pp. 492. 21s. Vol. 2. Pp. 552. 25s. Churchill. Wagner, R. Manual of Chemical Technology . Translated and Edited by Sir W. Crookes from the 13th German edition as remodelled by F. Fischer. 2nd edn. Roy. 8vo*. Pp . 992 . Reprinted 1904 . Churchill . ,36s. ii. WATER. Coux, H. de la. The Industrial Uses of Water, Composition , Effects , Troubles, Remedies, Residuary Waters, Purification, Analysis. Translated. Roy. 8vo. Pp. 304. 1903. Scott, Greenwood. 12s. 6d. Mitchell , C . A . Mineral and Aerated Waters . and the Machinery for their Manufacture. Demy 8vo. Pp.241. 1913. Constable. 9s. Paul, J. H. Boiler Chemistry and Feed Water Supplies. 8vo. Pp. 252. 1919. Longmans. 14s. Wilson , H . M . , and Calvert , H . T . A Text-Book on Trade Waste Waters. Their Nature and Dis- posal. Med.Svo. Pp.352. 1913. Griffin. 21s. iii FERMENTATION : BREW- ING: ALCOHOL. Baker , J . L . The Brewing Industry . Cr . 8vo . Pp . 191 . 1905 . Methuen . 5s. Bater,C.H. Brewing Calculations, Gauging and Tabulation , Formulae , Tables, and General Information for Brewers, etc. 64mo. Pp. 340. 1914. Spon. 2s. Brown, A. J. Laboratory Studies for Brewing Students , a Systematic Course of Practical Work in the Scientific Principles underlying the Processes of Malting and Brewing . 8vo. Pp. 212. 1904. Longmans. Chapman , A . C . Brewing . Roy . 16mo. Pp. 139. 1912. Cam- bridge University Press. 2s. 6d. Harden, A. Alcoholic Fermenta- tion . New Edition in preparation . Longmans . Jorgensen , A . Micro-Organisms and Fermentation . Translated by S . H . Davies . 5th edn . Demy 8vo . Pp . 500. 1911. Griffin. 18s. 137 Applied and Industrial Chemistry. La far, F. Technical Mycology: The Utilisation of Micro -organisms in the Arts and Manufactures . Trans- lated by C. T. C. Salter. 2 vols. Large 8vo. Vol. 1., Schizomy- cetic Fermentation. Pp. 328. 1910. 18s. Vol. 2., Eumycetic Fermentation. Pp. 568. 1911. 30s. Griffin. Mclntosh , J . G . Industrial Alcohol . A Practical Manual on the Produc- tion and Use of Alcohol for Indus- trial Purposes and for Use as a Heating Agent, as an Illuminant and as a Source of Motive Power. Demy 8vo. Pp. 250. 1907. Scott. Greenwood. 8s. 6d. Matthews, G. G. Manual of Alco- holic Fermentation and the Allied Industries. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 311. 1901. Arnold. 8s. Qd. and Lott , F . E . The Microscope in the Brewery and Malthouse. 2nd edn. Roy. 8vo. Pp. 252. 1899. Allen and Unwin. 21s. Mitchell , G . A . Vinegar : Its Manu- facture and Examination. Large Cr.8vo. Pp.217. 1916. Griffin. 10s. 6d. Rideal , S . , and others . The Carbo- hydrates and Alcohol. Demy 8vo. Pp.234. 1920. Bailliere.12s.6d. Simmonds, C. Alcohol. Its Pro- duction, Properties, Chemistry, and Industrial Applications, with Chap- ters on Methyl Alcohol, Fusel Oil, and Spirituous Beverages. 8vo. Pp. 594. 1919. Macmillan. 21s. Sykes, W. J. Principles and Prac- tice of Brewing. For the Use of Students and Practical Men. Re- vised by A . R . Ling . 3rd edn . Pp . 606. 1907. Griffin. 25s. Wright, H. E. A Handy Book for Brewers . A Practical Guide to the Art of Brewing and Malting. 3rd edn. Large Cr. 8vo. Pp. 578. 1907. Crosby Lockwood. 14s. iv. SUGAR AND ITS MANU- FACTURE. Geerligs, H. C. P. Methods of Chemical Control in Cane Sugar Factories, new edn. Roy. 8vo. 1917. Norman Rodger . 10s. Geerligs , H . G . P . Practical White Sugar Manufacture directly from the Cane. Roy, 8vo. Pp. 177. 1915. Norman Rodger. 12s. Cane Sugar and Its Manufacture. Super Roy. 8vo. Pp. 352. 1909. Norman Rodger. 12s. The World's Cane Sugar Indus- try. Past and Present. Super Roy. 8vo. Pp.400. 1912. Nor- man Rodger. 12s. Harloff,W.H.T. and Schmidt, H. Plantation White Sugar Manu- facture . Translated from the Dutch by.T.P.Ogilvie. Cr.Svo. Pp.140. 1913. Norman Rodger. 7s. 6d. Heriot, T. H. P. The Manufacture of Sugar from the Cane and Beet. Demy 8vo. Pp. 436. 1920. Longmans . 24s . Science in Sugar Production : An Introduction to the Methods of Chemical Control . Roy . 8vo . Pp . 104. 1917. Norman Rodger. 6s. Koppeschaar, E. Evaporation in the Cane and the Beet Sugar Factory . A Theoretical and Practi- cal Treatise . Roy . 8 vo . Pp . 1 16 . 1914. Norman Rodger . 7s. Qd. Mclntosh, J. G. The Technology of Sugar : Practical Treatise on the Modern Methods of Manufacture of Sugar from the Sugar Cane and Sugar Beet. 3rd edn. DemySvo. Pp . 540 . 1916 . Scott , Greenwood . 14s. Qd. Mackenzie, J. E. The Sugars and their Simple Derivatives . Med . 8vo . Pp. 250. 1913. Gurney and Jackson. 7s. 6d. Martineau, G. Sugar: Cane and Beet. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 164. 1909. Pitman . 3s . Maxwell, F. Sulphitation in White Sugar Manufacture. Demy 8vo. 1916. Norman Rodger. 7s. Qd. Newlands, J. A. R., and B. E. R. Sugar: A Handbook for Planters and Refiners, being a comprehen- sive Treatise on the Culture of Sugar -yielding Plants, and on the Manufacture, Refining, and Analy- sis of Cane, Palm, Maple, Melon, Beet, etc. 8vo. Pp. 876. 1909. Spon. 30s. 138 Applied and Industrial Chemistry. v. COCOA AND CHOCOLATE. Knapp , A . W . Cocoa and Chocolate . Their History from Plantation to Consumer. Demy 8vo. Pp. 213. 1920. Chapman and Hall. 12s. Gd. Whymper , R . Cocoa and Chocolate : Their Chemistry and Manufacture. 2nd edn. 8vo. Pp. 590. 1921. Churchill . 42s . vi. FOODS ; FLOUR AND BREAD MAKING, etc. Amos, P. A. Processes of Flour Manufacture. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 292. 1919. Longmans. 6s. Gd. Bolton,E.R.,andRevis,C. Fatty Foods: Their Practical Examina- tion. 8vo. Pp. 384. 1912. Churchill. 10s. Gd. Grant, J. The Chemistry of Bread Making. 2nd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 232. 1917. Arnold. Gs. Hausner, A. The Manufacture of Preserved Foods and Sweetmeats. Translated from the German. 2nd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 225. 1912. Scott, Greenwood. 8s. Gd. Kozmin, P. A. Flour Milling. Translated from the Russian. 2nd edn. Roy. 8vo. Pp. 594. Rout- ledge . 25s . Rew, Sir R. H. Food Supplies in Peace and War . Cr . 8vo . Pp . 192 . 1920. Longmans. Gs. Gd. Tibbies, W. Foods: their Origin, Composition , and Manufacture . Demy 8vo. Pp. 958. 1912. Bailliere. 20s. Wood , T . B . The Story of A Loaf of Bread. Roy. 16mo. Pp. 147. 1913 . Cambridge University Press . 2s. Gd. vii. GLUES, AGGLUTINANTS, CASEIN, etc. B runner, R. The Manufacture of Lubricants, Shoe Polishes, and Leather Dressings . Translated from the German. 2nd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp . 188 . 1916 . Scott , Greenwood . 8s. Gd. Lambert, T. Glue, Gelatine, and their Allied Products. 2nd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 165. 1920. Griffin. 6s. Bone Products and Manures. 2nd edn . Demy 8vo . Pp . 172 . 1913. Scott, Greenwood. 8s. Gd. Rideal, S. Glue and Glue Testing. 2nd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 196. 1914. Scott, Greenwood. 12s. Gd. Scherer , R . Casein : Its Preparation and Technical Utilisation . 2nd edn . DemySvo. Pp.182. 1911. Scott , Greenwood. 8s. Gd. Standage, H. C. Agglutinants and Adhesives of all kinds for all Pur- poses. DemySvo. Pp.273. 1907. Constable. 7s. Gd. Sealing-Waxes , Wafers and Other Adhesives for the Household , Office , Workshop and Factory. Cr. 8vo. Pp.96. 1902. Scott, Greenwood. 6s. viii. DRUGS AND DISINFEC- TANTS . Christian, M. Disinfection and Disinfectants. Translated from the German. Cr.Svo. Pp.112. 1913. Scott, Greenwood. 6s. May , P . The Chemistry of Synthetic Drugs. 3rd edn. 8vo. Pp. 264. 1921. Longmans. 12s. Gd. ix . OILS , FATS , WAXES , SOAP MANUFACTURE, MARGARINE, etc. Andes , L . E . Animal Fats and Oils . 3rd edn . Revised by H . B . Stocks . Svo. Pp. 323. 1920. Scott, Greenwood . 15s. Drying Oils, Boiled Oil, and Solid' and Liquid Dryers. 2nd edn. DemySvo. Pp.352. 1917. Scott, Greenwood. 14s. Gd. Oil Colours and Printers' Inks. Translated from the German. 2nd end. Demy Svo. Pp. 230. 1918. Scott, Greenwood. 10s. Gd. Vegetable Fats and Oils. Their Practical Preparation, Purification and Employment for Various Pur- poses, their Properties, Adultera- tion and Examination . Translated 130 Applied and Industrial Chemistry. by Charles Salter. 3rd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp.340. 1917. Scott, Green- wood. 14s. 6d. Anon. Manual of Toilet Soap Mak- ing : comprising Toilet Soaps, Medi- cated Soaps, and other Specialities. 2nd edn. Roy. 8vo. Pp. 356. Scott, Greenwood. 21s. Carpenter, W. L. A Treatise on the Manufacture of Soap and Candles, Lubricants and Glycerine. New edn . in preparation . Spoil . Chalmers, T. W. The Production and Treatment of Vegetable Oils, including the Refining and Hydro- gen at ion of Oils, Generation of Hydrogen, Soap Making, Recovery and Refining of Glycerine, and the Splitting of Oils/ 2nd edn. Cr. 4to. Pp. 164. 1919. Constable. 21s. Clayton, W. Margarine: Manu- facture, Analysis, etc. Demy 8vo. Pp. 198. 1920. Longmans ." 14s. Cowell, W. B . Pure Air, Ozone and Water . A Practical Treatise of their Utilisation and Value in Oil , Grease , Soap. Paint, Glue and other Indus- tries. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 85. 1900. Scott, Greenwood. 6s. * 'Expert Oil Refiner." The Prac- tical Compounding of Oils, Tallow and Grease for Lubrication, etc. 2nd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 100. 1907. Scott, Greenwood. '8s. 6d. Friend, J. N. The Chemistry of Linseed Oil. Cr. 8vo. Pp. "104. 1917 . Gurney and Jackson . 2s . 6rf . Fryer, P. J., and Weston, F. E. Technical Handbook of Oils, Fats, and Waxes . Demy 8vo . Vol . 1 . , Chemical and General. 3rd edn. Pp. 290. 1920. 15s. Vol. 2., Practical and Analytical . Pp . 314. 1918. 15s. Cambridge University Press . Hurst, G. H. Soaps: A Practical Mantia 1 of the Manufacture of Dom- estic, Toilet, and other Soaps. 2nd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 390. 1 907 . Scott , G reenwood . 1 is . 6rf . Textile Soaps and Oils. 3rd edn. Revised by W. H. Simmons. 8vo. Pp. 208. 1921. Scott, Greenwood. 10s. 6rf. Koppe, S. W. Glycerine: Its Pro- duction, Uses, and Examination. For chemists, perfumers, soap- makers, pharmacists, and explo- sives technologists. Translated by W. H. Simmons. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 260. 1915. Scott, Greenwood. 8s. 6rf. Lewkowitsch, J. Chemical Tech- nology and Analysis of Oils, Fats, and Waxes. Edited by G. H. Warburton. 6th edn. 3 vols. Med. 8vo. Vol. 1. Pp. 700. 1921. 36s . Vols . 2 and 3 in the Press . Macmillan . Laboratory Companion to Fats and Oils Industries . 8vo . Pp . 160 . 1901. Macmillan. 7s. 6d. Martin, G. Animal and Vegetable Oils, Fats, and Waxes. Their Manufacture, Refining, and Analy- sis, including the Manufacture of Candles. Margarine and Butter. Roy.Svo. Pp.228. 1920. Crosby Lock wood. 12s. 6rf. Mitchell, C. A. Edible Oils and Fats. 8vo. Pp. 172. 1918. Longmans. 7s. 6of. Oils: Animal, Vegetable, Essen- tial, and Mineral. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 146. 1909. Pitman. 3s. Parry, E. J. The Chemistry of Essential Oils and Artificial Per- fumes. 2 Vols. 3rd edn. Roy. 8vo . Vol . 1 . Monographs on Essen- tial Oils. Pp.525. 1918. 25s. Vol. 2. Constituents of Essential Oils. Synthetic Perfumes and Iso- lated Aromatics. The Analysis of Essential Oils. Pp. 351. * 1919. 17s. Qd. Scott, Greenwood. The Raw Materials of Perfumery ; their Nature. Occurrence and Em- ployment. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 122. 192*1 . Pitman. 3s. Pickering, G. F. Aids in the Com- mercial Analysis of Oils, Fats, and their Manufactured Products . A Laboratory Handbook. Med. 8vo. Pp.141. 1917. Griffin. 7s. 6d. Sherriff, F. F. The Oil Merchants' Manual and Oil Trade Ready Reckoner. 2nd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 214. 1904. Scott, Green- wood. 8s. 6d. 140 Applied and Industrial Chemistry. Simmons, W. H. Soap. Its Com- position, Manufacture , and Pro- perties. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 133. 1917. Pitman. 3s. and Appleton, H. A. The Handbook of Soap Manufacture. DemySvo. Pp.160. 1908. Scott, Greenwood . 9s . 6rf . and Mitchell, C. A. Edible Fats and Oils: Their Composition, Manufacture , and Analysis . Demy 8vo. Pp. 150. 1911. Scott, Greenwood. 8s. Gd. Southcombe, J. E. Chemistry of the Oil Industries . DemySvo. Pp. 213. 1913. Constable. 9s. Watt, A. Soap Making. The Manu- facture of Hard and Soft Soaps, Toilet Soaps, etc. 7th edn. Cr. 8vo. 1920. Crosby Lockwood. 8s. Gd. Wright, C. R. A. Animal and Vegetable Fixed Oils , Fats , Butters , and Waxes : their Preparation and Properties, and the Manufacture therefrom of Candles, Soaps, and other Products . 3rd edn . Revised and Enlarged ly C. A. Mitchell. Large 8vo. Pp.953. 1921. Griffin. 56s. x. PIGMENTS, PAINTS, VAR- NISHES, RESINS, etc. "An Analytical Chemist" (com- piled by) . Recipes for the Colour , Paint, Varnish, Oil, Soap and Drysaltery Trades . 2nd edn . Demy 8vo. Pp. 330. 1912. Scott, Greenwood. 12s. Gd. Ande"s, L. E. Iron -Corrosion, Anti- Fouling and Anti-Corrosive Paints. Translated. 2nd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp . 300 . 1918 . Scott . Greenwood . 15s. Bersch , J . Manufacture of Mineral and Lake Pigments . Translated by A. C. Wright. Demy Svo. Pp. 476. 1901. Scott, Greenwood. 14s. Gd. Church. A. H. The Chemistry of Paints and Painting. 3rd edn. Cr.Svo. Pp.388. Seeley. 7s. 6rf. Dieterich, K. The Analysis of Resins, Balsams and Gum Resins.. Translated from the German . 2nd edn. revised by H. B. Stocks Svo. Pp. 447. 1920. Scott, Greenwood. 17s. Gd. Friend , J . N . An Introduction to the Chemistry of Paints . Cr . Svo . Pp . 214. 1910. Longmans. 5s. Hurst, G. H. Dictionary of Chemi- cals and Raw Products used in the Manufacture of Paints, Colours, Varnishes and Allied Preparations.. 2nd edn. Demy Svo. Pp. 378. 1917. Scott, Greenwood. 12s. 6d. Ingle, H., and Sutcliffe, J. A. L. A Manual of Oils, Resins, and Paints : for Students and Practical Men. Analysis and Valuation. Cr. Svo. Pp. 138. 1915. Griffin. 4s. Jennison, H. The Manufacture of Lake Pigments from Artificial Colours. 2nd edn. Demy Svo. Pp. 180. 1920. Scott, 'Green- wood. 15s. Laurie, A. P. Facts about Pro- cesses, Pigments, and Vehicles.. A Manual for Art Students. Cr. Svo. Pp. 142. 1895. Macmillan. 4s. Mclntosh, J. G. The Manufacture of Varnishes and Kindred Indus- tries. Based on and including the "Drying Oils and Varnishes," by A. Livache. 3 Vols. Demy Svo. Vol. 1 . The Crushing, Refining and Boiling of Linseed Oil and other Varnish Oils. 3rd edn. Pp. 500. 1919. 17s. Gd. Vol. 2. Varnish Materials and Oil Varnish Making. 2nd edn. Pp.220. 1908. 12s. Gd. Vol. 3. Spirit Varnishes and Spirit Varnish Materials. 2nd edn. Pp. 482. 1911. 14s. Gd. Scott, Greenwood . Morrell, R. S., and Waele, A. de. Rubber, Resins, Paints and Var- nishes. Demy Svo. Pp. 248. 1921. Bailliere. 12s. Gd. Parry, E. J. Gums and Resins. Their Occurrence , Properties, and Uses. Cr, Svo. Pp. 112. 1918. Pitman. 3s. 141 Applied and Industrial Chemistry. Parry, E. J.,andCoste, J.H. The Chemistry of Pigments . Demy 8vo . Pp.280. 1902. Scott, Greenwood. 12s. 6d. Petit, G. The Manufacture and Comparative Merits of White Lead and Zinc Paints . Translated from the French. Cr. 8vo. Pp.100. 1907. Scott, Greenwood. 5s. Schweizer, V. The Distillation of Resins. The Preparation of Resin Products, Lamp Black, Printing Inks, etc. Translated from the German. 2nd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp . 220 . 1917 . Scott , Greenwood . 12s. 6d. Smith, J. C. The Manufacture of Paint. A Practical Handbook for Paint Manufacturers , Merchants and Painters. 2nd edn. DemySvo. Pp . 300 . 1915 . Scott , Greenwood . 12s. Qd. Zerr, G., and Rubencamp, R. A Treatise on Colour Manufacture. A Guide to the Preparation, Exam- ination, and Application of all the Pigment Colours in Practical Use. Translated by C. Mayer. Large 8vo. Pp. 621. 1908. Griffin. 36s. xi. RUBBER, GUTTA PERGHA, etc. Akers , C . E . The Rubber Industry in Brazil and the Orient. Cr. 8vo. Pp.335. 1914. Methuen. 7s. Qd. Beadle, C., and Stevens, H. P. Rubber. Production and Utilisa- tion of the Raw Product . 2nd edn . Cr.Svo. Pp.150. 1915. Pitman. 3s. Caspar! , W. A. India Rubber Laboratory Practice. Cr. 8vo. Pp.204. 1914. Macmillan.6s.6d. Christy, C. The African Rubber. Industry. Demy 8vo. Pp. 268. 1911. Bale & Danielsson . 12s. 6d. Clouth, F. Rubber, Gutta Percha, and Balata. Roy. 8vo. Pp. 252. 1903. Maclaren. 12s. Qd. Dubosc, A., and Luttringer, A. Rubber : Its Production , Chemistry , and Synthesis in the Light of Recent Research. A Practical Handbook for the use of Rubber Cultivators, Chemists, and others. English edition by E. W.Lewis. Med.Svo. Pp.393. 1918. Griffin. 21s. Heil. A., and Esch, W. The Manu- facture of Rubber Goods. Trans- lated by E. W. Lewis. 2nd edn. 8vo. Pp. 236 1919. Griffin. 12s. Qd. Mclntosh , J . G . India Rubber and Gutta Percha . Based on the French Work of T. Seeligmann, G. L. Torrilhon and H. Faleonnet. 2nd edn. Roy. 8vo. Pp. 400. 1910. Scott, Greenwood. 14s. 6d. Porritt, B. D. The Chemistry of Rubber. Cr. 8vo. New edition in preparation . Gurney and Jackson . Potts , H . E . The Chemistry of the Rubber Industry . Demy 8vo . Pp . 163. 1915. Constable. 7s. Qd. Schidrowitz, P. Rubber. 2nd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 319. 1916. Methuen. 15s. Terry, H. L. India Rubber and Its Manufacture: with Chapters on Gutta Percha and Balata. 3rd imp. Ex. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 302. 1919. Constable. 8s. fid. Torrey, J., and Manders, A. S. (edited by) . The Rubber Industry . Demy 8vo. Pp.470. 1911. Pit- man. 15s. Qd* Weber, C. O. The Chemistry of India-rubber. Including the Out- lines of A Theory on Vulcanisation . 5th edn. Large 8vo. Pp. 324. 1919. Griffin. 18s. Whitby, G. S. Plantation Rubber and the Testing of Rubber. Demy 8vo. Pp. 575. 1920. Longmans*. 28s. xii. FUELS, SMOKE PREVEN- TION, etc. Barker, A. H. Domestic Fuel Con- sumption. Demy 8vo. Pp. 169. 1920. Constable". 14s. Booth, W. H., and Kershaw, J. B. C. Smoke Prevention and Fuel Economy. Demy 8vo. Pp. 194. 1904. Constable. 10s. Qd. 142 Applied and Industrial Chemistry. Brame, J. S. S. Fuel: Solid, Liquid, and Gaseous. 2nd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 372. 1917. Arnold. 15s. Brislee , F . J . An Introduction to the Study of Fuel. A Text-book for those entering the Engineering, Chemical and Technical Industries . 2nd imp. Demy 8vo. Pp. 291. 1920. Constable. 9s. Qd. Cohen, J. B., and Ruston, A. G. Smoke: A Study of Town Air. Demy 8vo. Pp. 96. 1912. E. Arnold. 5s. Coste , J . H . , and Andrews , E . R . The Examination and Thermal Value of Fuel: Gaseous, Liquid, and Solid. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 224. 1914. Griffin. 7s. Qd. Kershaw, J. B. G. Fuel, Water s and Gas Analysis for Steam Users. 2nd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 212. 1919. Constable. 12s. Qd. The Use of Low- Grade and Waste Fuels for Power Generation . Demy 8vo. Pp. 212. 1920. Constable. 17s. Lewes, V. B. Liquid and Gaseous Fuels and the Part they Play in Modern Power Production . Edited by J. B. C. Kershaw. 2nd edn. Ex. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 348. 1920. Constable. 12s. Qd. Nicholson, W. Smoke Abatement, A Manual for the use of Manu- facturers , Inspectors , Medical Officers of Health, Engineers, etc. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 169. 1905. Griffin. 7s. Qd. Popplewell , W . G . The Prevention of Smoke, Combined with the Economical Combustion of Fuel. Demy 8vo. Pp. 190. 1901. Scott, Greenwood. 8s. Qd. Taylor t H . S . Fuel Production and Utilization. Med. 8vo. Pp. 313. 1920. Bailliere. 10s. Qd. xiii. LIQUID FUELS AND THEIR PRACTICAL USE. Booth, W. H. Liquid Fuel and its Apparatus . Theory , Principles , and Practice: Tables and Data. 2nd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 308. 1914. Constable". 9s. Liquid Fuel and its Combustion. Imperial 8vo. Pp. 431. 1903. Constable . 24s . Butler, E. Oil Fuel: Its Supply, Composition, and Application. 4th edn. Cr! 8vo. Pp.326. 1921. Griffin. 12s. Qd. Hodgett, E. A. B. (compiled by). Liquid Fuel for Mechanical and Industrial Purposes. 8vo. Pp, 142. 1890. Spon. 5s. Moore , H . Liquid Fuels for Internal Combustion Engines. A Practical Treatise for Engineers and Chemists . 2nd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 221. 1920. Crosby Lock wood. 15s. Sothern, J.W.M. Oil Fuel Burning in Marine Practice. A Manual of Practical Instruction in Oil Fuel Burning. Roy. 8vo. Pp. 198. 1920. Jas. Munro. 30s. xiv. PRODUCER GAS: ACETY- LENE. Dowson, J. E., and Larter, A. T. Producer Gas. 4th edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 379. 1920. Longmans. 21s. Leeds, F. H., and Butterfield, W. J. A. Acetylene: The Principles of its Generation and Use. 3rd edn, in preparation. Griffin. Sexton, A. H. Producer Gas. A Sketch of the Properties, Manu- facture, and Uses of Gaseous Fuel. Demy 8vo. New edn. in prepara- tion .~ Scientific Pub. Co. 10s. xv. PETROLEUM AND MINERAL OILS. Campbell, A. Petroleum Refining. 2nd edition in preparation . Griffin . Evans, E. A. Lubricating and Allied Oils. A Handbook for Chemists, Engineers and Students . Demy 8vo. Pp. 144. 1921. Chapman & Hall. 9s. Qd. Greene, J. A. (edited by). A Treatise on British Mineral Oil. Geological , by E . H . C . Craig ; 143 Applied and Industrial Chemistry. Retorting, by W. R. Ormandy and F. M. Perkin. Refining, by A. Campbell. Chemical, by A. E. Dunstan. Power, by A. H. Sea- brook. Large 8vo. Pp. 244. 1919. Griffin. 21s. Gregorius, R. Mineral Waxes: Their Preparation and Uses . Trans- lated from the German. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 250. 1908. Scott, Green- wood . 7s . Gooday, W. E. Petrol and Pe- troleum Spirits. A Description of their Sources. Preparation, Ex- amination and Uses. Demy 8vo. Pp.147. 1918. Arnold. 10s. 6d. Hicks , J . A . The Laboratory Book of Mineral Oil Testing. 3rd edn. Revised by A. G. V. Berry. Cr. 8vo. Pp'. 93. 1918. Griffin. 3s. 6d. Hurst, G. H. Lubricating Oils, Fats , and Greases : Their Origin , Preparation, Properties, Uses, and Analyses. 3rd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp . 384 . 1911. Scott . Greenwood . 12s. 6d. Key , A . C . A Primer on the Storage of Petroleum Spirit and Carbide of Calcium, for the use of Local Inspectors and Motorists. 2nd edn. Cr . 8vo . Pp . 143 . 1921 . Griffin . 5s. Lid^ett, A. Petroleum. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 175. 1919. Pitman. 3s. Redwood, Sir B., and Others. A Treatise on Petroleum. 4 vols. Fourth edition in prepara- tion . Griffin . andEastlake,A. The Petroleum Technologist's Pocket Book. Poc- ket si/e / Pp . 475 . 1915. Griffin . 10s. 6d. Redwood ,1.1. A Practical Treatise on Mineral Oils and their By-Pro- ducts, including the Scotch Shale Oil Industry, etc. 8vo. Pp. 336. 1914. Spon. 15s. Lubricants, Oils, and Greases: Treated theoretically, and giving practical information regarding their Composition, Uses, and Manu- facture. 8vo. 1918. Spon. 7s. 6d. Scheithauer, W. Shale Oils and Tars and their Products. Trans- lated from the German. Demy 8vo. Pp. 183. 1913. Scott, Greenwood. 9s. Qd. Talbot, F. A. The Oil Conquest of the World . Demy 8vo . Pp . 320 . 1914. Heinemann. 6s. Thomson , J . H . , and Redwood , Sir B. The Petroleum Lamp. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 111. 1902. Griffin. ls.6rf. A Handbook on Petroleum, for Inspectors under the Petroleum Acts. &c 3rd edn. Large 8vo. Pp.359. 1913. Griffin. 10s. 6rf. Tinkler .O.K., and Challenger , F . The Chemistry of Petroleum and its Substitutes. A Practical Hand- book . Med . 8 vo . Pp . 368 . 1919. Crosbv Lockwood. 15s. xvi. COAL: BRIQUETTING, ETC. Bone, W. A. Coal and its Scientific Uses. 2nd imp. 8vo. Pp. 506. 1919. Longmans. 22s. 6d. Hornby, J. The Gas Engineers' Laboratory Handbook. 3rd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 328, 1911. Spon. 7s. Gd. Lunge, G. Technical Gas Analysis. Med.Svo. Pp.424. 1916. Gurney & Jackson. 15s. Martin, G,, Dickson, J. M., J obi ing, E., and others. Indus- trial Gases. Including the Lique- faction of Gases, etc. 2nd imp. Roy. 8vo. Pp.158. 1918. Crosby Lockwood. 9s. Royle , H . M . The Chemistry of Gas Manufacture. DemySvo. Pp.340. 1907. Crosby Lockwood. 15s. xix. DISTRIBUTION OF GAS. Briggs , F . W . , and Henwood , J . H . A Manual on Gas-fitting and Appliances. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 191. 1920. Crosby Lo-.rkwood. 6s. Hole , W . Distribution of Gas . 4th edition in preparation . Benn Bros . * 'Mentor . ' ' Self-Instruction for Stu- dents in Gas Supply. Parti. Ele- mentary (Ordinary Grade). 3rd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 226. 1920. 6s. Part 2. Advanced (Honours Grade). 2nd edn. DemySvo. Pp. 252. 1914. 6s. Benn Bros. Webber, W. H. Y. Gas Supply in Principle and Practice. Cr. 8vo. Pp.208. 1914. Pitman. 4s. Town Gas and its Uses for the Production of Light, Heat, and Motive Power. Ex. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 275. 1907. Constable. 7s. Gd. On the Flow of Gas through Ori- fices and Small Pipes. New edn. Demy Svo. Pp. 35. Paper covers. Benn Bros. Is. Gd. Woodall, H., and Parkinson, B. R. Distribution by Steel (Gas and Water). 2nd edn. Demy8vo. Pp. 250. 1920. Benn Bros. 15s. xx . PEAT . Bjorling , P . R . , and Gissing , F . T . Peat: Its Uses and Manufacture. Cr. 8vo. Pp.185. 1907. Griffin. 7s. Gd. Gissing , F . T , Peat Industry Refer- ence Book. Pocket size. Pp. 316. 1920. Griffin. 7s. Gd. Commercial Peat : Its Uses and its Possibilities. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 210. 1919. Griffin. 7s. Gd. xxi. DYESTUFFS AND DYEING . Barnett, E. de B. Coal Tar Dyes and Intermediates. Demy 8vo. Pp.230. 1919. Bailliere. 10s. Gd. B er sch , J . Th e Manufacture of E arth Colours. Translated from the 3rd German edn. by C. Salter. Cr. Svo. Pp. 216. 1921. Scott, Greenwood. 7s. Gd. Gain , J . G . The Chemistry and Tech- nology of the Diazo Compounds . 2nd edn. DemySvo. Pp.199. 1920. Arnold. 12s. Gd. The Manufacture of Intermediate Products for Dyes . 2nd edn . Svo . Pp. 284. 1919. Macmillan. 105. 146 Applied and Industrial Chemistry. Cain, J. C, and Thorpe, J. F The Synthetic Dyestuffs, and the Inter- mediate Products from which they are derived. Theoretical, Practical and Analytical. 5th edn. Large 8vo. Pp.440. 1920. Griffin. 21s. Dreaper , W . P . The Chemistry and Physics of Dyeing . 8vo . Pp . 328 . 1906. Churchill.' 10s. Qd. Farrell F . J . Dyeing and Cleaning . 4th edn. Cr.Svo. Pp.263. 1917. Griffin. 6s. Fierz -David , H . E . The Fundamen- tal Processes of Dye Chemistry. Translated by F. A. Mason. 8vo. Pp.254. 1921. Churchill. 21*. Fort, M., and Lloyd, L. L. The Chemistry ol Dyestuffs. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 311. 1919. Cambridge Uni- versity Press. 10s. 6rf. Georgievics, G., and Grandmon- gin , E . A Text-Book of Dye Chem- istry (The Chemistry of Dye-Stuffs) . Translated by F. A. Mason. 8vo. Pp . 576 . 1920 . Scott Greenwood . 30s. Green, A. G. A Systematic Survey of the Organic Colouring Matters. Founded on the German of G. Sehultz and P. Julius. 3rd imp. Imp. 8vo. Pp.292. 1908. Mac- millan. 25s. The Analysis of Dyestuffs and their Identiiication in Dyed and Coloured Materials, Lake Pigments , Foodstuffs, etc. 3rd edn. Large Svo. Pp.154. 1920. Griffin. 10s. Qd. Hasluck, P. N. (edited by). Mor- dants. Methods and Machinery Used in Dyeing. Cr. Svo. Pp. 168. 1906. *Cassell. 3s. Heerman, P. Dyers' Materials: An Introduction to the Examination, Valuation and Application of the most important Substances used in Dyeing, Printing, Bleaching and Finishing. Translated bv A. C. Wright. 2nd edn. Cr. Svo. Pp. 160. 1919. Scott, Greenwood. 7s. 6d. Higgins, S. H. The Dyeing Indust- try : being a Third Edition of ' 'Dye- ing in Germany and America." Svo. Pp. 198. 1919. Longmans. 8s. Qd. Hubner , J . The Chemistry of Dyeing and Bleaching of Vegetable Fibrous Materials. 2nd edn. Demv Svo. Pp. 457. 1919. Constable*. 20s. Knecht, E., Rawson, C., and Loewenthal, R. A Manual of Dyeing. 2 vols. 6th edn. Pp. 383., 531. 1920. Griffin. 42s. Martin, G., Beacall, T., Challen- ger, F., and Sand, H. J. S. Dyestuffs and Coal-Tar Products. Their Chemistry, Manufacture, and Application. Roy. Svo. Pp.162. 19H'. Crosby Lockwood. 9s. Nietzki, R. Chemistry of Organic Dye-^tui!s. Translated with addi- tions by A. Collin and W. Rh-haid- son. 8vo. Pp.329. 1892. Gurney & Jackson. 15s. Perkin , A . G . , and Everest , A . E . The Natural Organic Colouring Matters. Svo. Pp. 678. 1918. Longmans. 30s. Ramsay , A . R . J . , and Weston , H . C . Artificial Dyestuffs : their Na . ture, Manufacture, and Use. 8vo- Pp.218. 1917. Rout ledge. 3s. 6d. Rawson , C . , Gardner , W . M . , and Laycock, W. F. A Dictionary of Dyes, Mordants and other Com- pounds used in Dyeing and Calico Printing. Reprint of First edn. Large Svo. Pp.372. 1918. Griffin. 18s. Soxhlet , D . H . The Art of Dyeing and Staining Marble, Artificial Stone ,Bone ,Horn , Ivory and Wood , and of Imitating all Sorts of Wood . A Practical Hand-book for the Use of Joiners, Turners, Manufacturers of Fancy Goods , Sticks , Umbrellas , Combs, etc. Translated from the German . Cr . Svo . Pp . 168 . 1902 . Scott , Greenwood . 6s . Wahl , A . The Manufacture of Organ - ic Dyestuffs . Translated with addi- tions from the French by F. W. Atack. 3rd imp. Cr. Svo. Pp. 352. 1919. Bell. 6s. 147 Applied and Industrial Chemistry. Whittaker, G. M. The Application of the Coal Tar Dye Stuffs, Prin- ciples Involved and Methods Em- ployed. Demy Svo. Pp. 226. 1918. Bailliere. 10s. 6d. Wood , J . K . The Chemistry of Dye- ing . Cr . 8vo . Pp . 88 . Gurney & Jackson. 2s. Qd. Zerr, G. Tests for Coal-Tar Colours in Aniline Lakes. Translated by C. Mayer. Med. 8vo. Pp. 242~. 1910. Griffin. 12s. 6d. xxii. INK MANUFACTURE. Lehner, S. Ink Manufacture: In- cluding Writing, Copying, Litho- Eraphic, Marking, Stamping, and aundry Inks. Translated from the German. 2nd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp . 180 . 1914 . Scott , Greenwood . 6s. Mitchell, C. A., and Hepworth, T. C. The Manufacture of Ink. A Handbook of the Production and Properties of Printing, Writing, and Copying Inks . 2nd edn . Large 8vo . Pp.272. 1916. Griffin. 9s. Seymour , A . Modern Print ing Inks . A Practical Handbook for Printing Manufacturers and Printers. Demy 8vo. Pp.90. 1910. Scott, Green- wood . 6s . xxiii. PAPER MAKING. Andes , L . E . The Treatment of Paper for Special Purposes. Translated. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 250. 1907. Scott, Greenwood. 7s. Beadle, G. Chapters on Paper Mak- ing. 5 Vols. Vol. 1. Pp. 151. 1908. Vol. 2. Pp. 182. 1919. Vol. 3. Pp. 142. 1907. Vol. 4. Pp. 164. 1907. Vol.5. Pp. 190. 1908 . Crosby Lockwood . 6s . each vol. Bromley , H . A . Paper and Its Con- stituents. A Manual of Technical Methods, Chemistry and Analysis of Raw materials; Paper-Making Fibres; Bleaching, Sizing, and Loading Agents and Dyestuffs ; Mi- croscopy ; and Physical and Chem- ical Properties of Paper. Demy Svo. Pp.239. 1920. Spon. 15*. Chalmers, T. W. Paper Making and Its Machinery . Including Chap- ters on the Tub Sizing of Paper, the Coating and Finishing of Art Paper and the Coating of Photo- graphic Paper. Imp. Svo. Pp. 190. 1920. Constable. 26s. Clapperton, G. Paper Making. A Practical Manual for Paper Makers and Owners of Paper Mills; with Tables and Calculations. 2nd edn. Cr . Svo . 1917 . Crosby Lockwood . 7s. 6d. Cross , C . F . , and Bevan , E . J . A Text-book of Paper Making. 5th edn. Demy Svo. Pp. 450. 1920. Spon . 30s . Beadle , C . , and Sindall , R . W . C. B. S. Standard Units and Standard Paper Tests. 4to. Pp. 25. 1903. Spon. 2s. 6d. and Sindall, R.W. Wood Pulp. 2nd edn. Ex. Cr. Svo. Pp.275. 1918. Constable. 8s. 6d. Maddox , H . A . Paper . Its History , Sources, and Production. Cr. Svo. Pp. 167. 1917. Pitman. 3s. Sindall , R . W . The Manufacture of Paper. 2nd imp. Ex. Cr. Svo. Pp.285. 1919. Constable. 8s. 6 Greenwood. 8s. Qd. Whall,C.W. Stained Glass Work. New Imp. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 381. 1920. Pitman. 10s. Qd. xxvi. EXPLOSIVES AND THEIR MANUFACTURE. Barnett , E . de B . Explosives . Demy 8vo. Pp. 256. 1919. Bailliere. 12s.6d. Berthelot, M. Explosives and their Powers. Translated and condensed from the French by C . Napier Hake and W. MacNab. 8vo. Pp. 563. 1 892 . Murray . 28s . Bichel, G. E. New Methods of Testing Explosives . Translated and edited by A. Larsen. Med. 8vo. Pp. 67.* 1905. Griffin. 7s. Qd. Colver, E. de W. S. High Explo- sives : A Practical Treatise on their History, Manufacture, Properties, and Use. Roy.Svo. Pp. 830. 1918. Crosby Lockwood. 63s. Guttmann, O. Twenty Years' Pro- gress in the Manufacture of Explo- sives. Med. 8vo. Pp. 84. 1909. Pitman. 3s. Qd. -- The Manufacture of Explosives. A Theoretical and Practical Treatise on the History and Manufacture of Explosives . 2 vols . Med . 8vo . Pp . 348 . , 448 . 1895 . Pitman . 50s . Levy , S . I . Modern Explosives . Cr . 8vo. Pp.119. 1920. Pitman. 3s. MacDonald . G . W . Historical Papers on Modern Explosives. Med. 8vo. Pp.192. 1912. Pitman. 9s. Marshall, A. Explosives. History and Manufacture : Properties anrt Tests. 2 vols. Cr. 4to. Pp. 822. 1917. Churchill. 63s. - A Short Account of Explosives . Cr.4to. Pp.104. 1917. ChurchilK - Dictionary of Explosives. Svo. Pp.159. 1920. Churchill. 15s. Martin, G., and Barbour, W. In- dustrial Nitrogen Compounds and Explosives: their Manufacture ,. Properties and Industrial Uses' 2nd edn . Roy . 8vo . Pp . 1 33 . 1917 . Crosby Lockwood . 9s . Rise and Progress of the British Explosives Industry, The. By the Explosives Section of the Seventh International Congress of Applied Chemistry. Cr. 4to. Pp. 420. 1909. Pitman. 18s. Sanford, P. G. Nitro-Explosives. Tlieir Properties, Manufacture and Analysis. 2nd edn. Demv 8vo. Pp.312. 1906. Crosby Lockwood . ]2s. xxvii. ACIDS, ALKALIES, SALTS, etc. Adlam, G. H. J. Acids, Alkalies and Salts. Cr.Svo. Pp. 121. 1920. Pitman . 3s . Bottler, M. Modern Bleaching Agents and Detergents . Translated from the German. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 160. 1910. Scott , Greenwood . 6s. 150 Applied and Industrial Chemistry. Calvert, A. F. Salt and the Salt Industry. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 158. 1919. Pitman . 3* . Salt in Cheshire. Demy Svo. Pp. 1206. 1915. Spon. 30s. Calvert.G.T. Manufacture of Sul- phate of Ammonia and Crude Ammonia. 2nd edn. Demy Rvo. Pp.161. 1917. BennBros. 9s. Dobbin, L., and Marshall, H. Salts and their Reactions. A Class Book of Practical Chemistry. 4th edn. Svo. Pp. 203. 1920. J. Thin. 6s. (yd. Grossman, J. Ammonia and its Compounds. Pott. Svo. Pp. 161. 1906. Harper. 3s. Lunge, G. The Manufacture of Sul- phuric Acid and Alkali. New edn. in preparation . Gurney & Jackson . Martin, G., and Foucar, J. L. Sulphuric Acid and Sulphur Pro- ducts . 2nd edn . Roy . Svo . Pp . 85. 1920. Crosby Lockwood. 9s. Maxted , E . B . Ammonia and the Nitrides ; with special reference to their Synthesis. Cr. Svo. Pp. 124. 1921. 'Churchill. 7s. Qd. Martin, G., and Clough, G. W. Chlorine and Chlorine Products. Including the Manufacture of Bleaching Powder, Hypochlorites, Chlorates, Bromine, Iodine, etc. 2nd imp. Roy. Svo. Pp. 108. 1918. Crosby Lockwood . 9s. Smith, S., and Milsom, F. The Salt and Alkali Industry. The Manufacture of Hydrochloric Acid, Sodium Sulphate, &c. 2nd edn. Roy. Svo. Pp. 108. 1920. Crosby Lookwood . 9s . Partingtcn , J . R . The Alkali Indus- try. Demy Svo. Pp. 304. 1918. Bailliere. 10s. 6d. Vincent, C. Ammonia and Its Com- pounds : Their Manufacture and Uses. Translated. Roy. Svo. Pp . 1 14 . 1901 . Scott . Greenwood . 6s. xxviii. UTILISATION OF WASTE PRODUCTS; WOOD PRODUCTS . Dumesny, P., and Noyer, J. Wood Products: Distillates and Extracts. Translated from the French by D. Grant. Roy. Svo. Pp . 320 . 1 908 . Scott , Greenwood . 12s. fid. Hubbard, E. The Utilisation of Wood Waste . Translated from the German . 3rd edn . Revised by H. B. Stocks. Cr. Svo. Pp. 248. 1920. Scott, Greenwood. 10s. 6eL Roller T . The Utilisation of Waste Products. Translated from the German . 3rd edn . Demy Svo . Pp . 338 . 1918 Scott , Greenwood . 12s. 6d. Nay lor, W. Trades' Waste: its Treatment and Utilisation. Med . Svo. Pp. 283. 1902. Griffin. 25s. Spooncr , H . J . Wealth from Waste . Elimination of Waste a World Problem. Svo. Pp. 332. 1918. Rout ledge. 7s. Gd. xxix. MISCELLANEOUS CHEMICAL MANUFACTURES . Allen, A. W. The Recovery of Nitrate from Chilean Caliche : con- taining a vocabulary of Terms, an account of the Shanks system, with a criticism of its fundamental features, and a description of a new process. Cr. Svo. Pp. 66. 1921 . Griffin . 6s . Barrowcliff, M., and Carr, F. H. Organic Medicinal Chemicals (Syn- thetic and Natural). Demy Svo. Pp.345. 1921. Bailliere. 15s. Berkeley, H. R., and Walker, W. M. Practical Receipts for the Manufacturer, the Mechanic, and for Home Use. New imp. Svo. Pp. 250. 1912. Spon. 7s. fid. Bockmann, F. Celluloid: Its Raw Material, Manufacture, Properties, and Uses. Translated from the German. Cr.Svo. Pp.120. 1907. Scott, Greenwood. 6s. 151 Applied and Industrial Chemistry, Bourcart, E. Insecticides, Fungi- Johnstone, S. J., and Russell. A. cides. and Weed Killers. Trans- The Rare Earth Industry. Their lated from the French . Demy Svo . Industrial Application and Ex- Pp.4 f >0. 1913. Scott, Greenwood. ploitation. Roy. Svo. Pp. 140. 14.9.64. 1918. Crosby Lockwood . 9s. Hodgson, H. H, Celluloid: its Knox, J. The Fixation of Atmos- Manut'acture , Applications, and pheric Nitrogen. New edition in Substitutes . Translated from the preparation . Gurney and Jackson . French of Masse Ion, Roberts, and Cillard . 2nd edn . in preparation . Griffin. 152 METALLURGY. i. GENERAL AND MISCELLANEOUS . Gower, A. R. An Elementary Text- book of Practical 'Metallurgy. 2nd edn. Cr. Svo. Pp. 164.' 1913. Chapman and Hall. 4s. Hiorns, A. H. Principles of Metal- lurgy. 2nd edn. Gl. Svo. Pp. 404.' 1914. Macmillan. 7s. A Text -Book of Elementary Metallurgy. 2nd edn. Globe Svo. Pp.242. 1913. Macmillan. 3s. (id. Practical Metallurgy and Assay- ing. 2nd edn. Gl. Svo. Pp.514. 1914. Maemillan. 7s. Huntington, A. K., and McMillan, W. G, Metals: Their Properties and Treatment . 3rd edn . Cr . Svo . Pp.570. 1914. Longmans. 8s. 6d. MacFarlane , W . Laboratory Notes on Practical Metallurgy. Cr. Svo. Pp.152. 1905. Longmans. 3s. Passivity of Metals, The. Faraday Society Report, 1914. Demy 8vo'. Pp. 88. 1914. Faraday Society. 7s. M. Rhead, E. L. Metallurgy. Fcap. Svo. Pp. 296. 1919. Longmans. 5s. Roberts -Austen , Sir W . C . Intro- duction to Metallurgy. 7th edition in preparation. Griffin. Addresses and Scientific Papers, together with a Record of the Work of Sir W. C. Roberts -Austen. Compiled and Edited by S. W. Smith. Med.Svo. Pp.393. 1914. Griffin. 25s. Schnabel, C. Handbook of Metal- lurgy. Translated and revised by H. Louis. 2 vols. Svo. Vol. 1. Copper, Lead, Silver. Gold. 3rd edn. Pp. 1,195. 1921. 10s. Vol. 2. Zinc, Mercury, Bismuth, Tin, Antimony, Arsenic, Nickel, Cobalt, Platinum , Aluminium . 2nd edn . Pp. 884. 1907. 25s. Macmillan. Sexton, A. H. A Text-Book of Elementary Metallurgy: including the Author's Practical Laboratory Course. 6th edn. in preparation. Griffin. Stansbie , J . H . Elementary Practi- cal Metallurgy . Cr . Svo . Pp . 160 . 1915. Churchill. 3s. 6d. Stobbs, T. Weights of Steel Bars, Sections and Plate Tables. Cr. Svo. Pp.92. 1920. Spon. 6s. 6d. Turner, T. Practical Metallurgy. An Introductory Course for General Students. 2nd edn. Cr. Svo. Pp. 116. 1919. Griffin. 3s. 6rf. ii. IRON AND STEEL. Allen, H. Metallurgical Manual of Iron and Steel. Cr. Svo. Pp.400. 1911. Technical Pub. Co. 8s. Carnegie, D., and Gladwyn, S. C. Liquid Steel : Its Manufacture and Cost. 2nd edn. Svo. Pp. 552. 1918. Longmans. 32s. Davies, J. Galvanized Iron. Its Manufacture and Uses. Svo. Pp. 139. 1914. Spon. 6s. Ede, G. The Management of Steel. 7th edn. Cr.Svo. Pp.216. 1909. Spon . 6s . Edwards, C. A. The Physico- Chemical Properties of Steel.' 2nd edn. Svo. Pp.293. 1920. Griffin. 21s. Transformations of Pure Iron, The. Faraday Society Report. 1916. Demy 8Vo. Pp.' 34. 1916. Faraday Society. 2s. Qd. Friend , J . N . The Corrosion of Iron and Steel. Cr. Svo. Pp. 314. 1911 . Longmans. 7s. Gd. Greenwood, W. H., and Sexton, A . H . Iron : Its Sources , Proper- ties, and Manufacture. Cr. Svo. Pp. 256. 1918. Cassell. 4s. 6rf. 153 Metallurgy. Greenwood, W. H., and Sexton, A. H. Steel: Its Varieties, Prop- erties , and Manufacture . Cr . 8vo . Pp. 264. 1920. Cassell. 4s. 6d. Harbord, F. W., and Hall, J. W. The Metallurgy of Steel. 2 vols. Large 8vo. Vol. 1. Metallurgy. Vol. 2. Mechanical Treatment. 7th edn . in preparation . Griffin : Hatfield, W. H. Cast Iron in the Light of Recent Research. 2nd edn. Med. 8vo. Pp. 310. 1918. Griffin. 12s. 6d. Hear son , H . R . The Manufacture of Iron and Steel. A Handbook for Engineering Students, Merchants, and Users of Iron and Steel. 8vo. Pp. 103. 1912. Spon. 5s. Hiorns, A. H. Steel and Iron for Advanced Students . G 1 . Svo . Pp . 550. 1911. Macmillan. 12s. 6d. Hood, C. Iron and Steel. Their Production and Manufacture. Cr. Svo. Pp. 160. 1911. Pitman. 3s. Hudson, O. F., and Bengou^h, G. D. Iron and Steel: An Introduc- tory Text-Book for Engineers and Metallurgists. With a section on Corrosion. 2nd imp. Demy Svo. Pp.183. 1921. Constable. 1 2s. 6d. Jeans, J. S. The Iron Trade of Great Britain. Cr. Svo. Pp. 243. 1906 . Methuen . 5s . Jones, J. H. The Tin Plate Indus- try . A Study in Economic Organ - ization, with special reference to its relations with the Iron and Steel Industries. Demy Svo. Pp. 302. 1914. King. 7s. 6d. Jiiptner, H. F. v. Siderology: The Science of Iron. (The Constitution of Iron Alloys and Slags). Trans- lated from the German . Demy Svo . Pp . 350 . 1 902 . Scott , Greenwood . 12s. 6d. Macfarlane , W . The Principles and Practice of Iron and Steel Manufac- ture . 5 th edn . Cr . Svo . Pp . 290 . 1917. Longmans . 6s . Parsons , S . J . Malleable Cast Iron . 2nd edn. Demy Svo. Pp. 187. 1919. Constable*. 14s. Richards, W. A. The Forging of Iron and Steel. 2nd edn. Demy Svo. Pp. 227. 1918. Constable. 7s. 6d. Sexton, A. H., and Primrose, J. S . G . The Metallurgy of Iron and Steel . 2nd edn . Demy Svo . Pp . 600. 1919. Scientific Pub. Co. 15s. Turner, T. The Metallurgy of Iron. 6th edn. Demy Svo. Pp. 502. 1920. Griffin. 18s. iii. NON-FERROUS METALS AND ALLOYS . Allen, A. W. Mill and Cyanide Handbook, comprising Tables , Formulae, Flow Sheets and Report Forms, compiled and arranged for the Use of Metallurgists. Mill Men and Cyanide Operators. Fcap. Svo . Pp . 137 . 1918 . Griffin . 6s . Buchanan, J. F. Brass Founder's Alloys. Cr. Svo. Pp. 129. 1909. Spon. 6s. Collins, H. F. The Metallurgy of Silver. 2nd edn. in preparation. Griffin . The Metallurgy of Lead. 2nd edn. Svo. Pp.558. 1910. Griffin. 25s. Downie, J. R. Chemists' Manual of Non-Ferrous Alloys. Demy Svo. Pp. 168. 1920. Spon. 10s. Eissler.. M, The Metallurgy of Argentiferous Lead. Cr. Svo. Pp. 396. 1891. Crosby Lockwood. 15s. The Hydro-Metallurgy of Copper. Svo. Pp. 228. 1902. Crosby Lockwood. 12s. Gd. The Metallurgy of Gold. 5th edn. Svo. Pp. 638. 1900. Cros- by Lockwood. 25s. The Metallurgy of Silver. 5th edn. Cr. Svo/' Pp. 381. 1901. Crosby Lockwood. 12s. 6d. Gee, G. E T Recovering Precious Metals from Waste Liquid Resi- dues . A Comp lete Workshop Treat- ise, containing Practical Directions for the Recovery of Gold, Silver, and Platinum from every Descrip- tion of Waste Liquids in the 154 Metallurgy. Jewellery, Photographic, Electro- plating Trades. Demy 8vo. Pp. 388. 1920. Spon. 16s. Gowland, W. Metallurgy of the Non-Ferrous Metals. 2nd edn. 8vo. Pp. 619. 1918. Griffin. 25s. Gulliver, G. H. A Handbook of Metallic Alloys: Their Structure and Constitution. 4th edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 467. 1921. Griffin. 15s. Hiorns, A. H. Mixed Metals or Metallic Alloys. 3rd edn. Gl. 8vo. Pp.490. 1912. Marmillan. 7s. Lambert, T. Lead and Its Com- pounds. Demy 8vo. Pp. 226. 1902. Scott, Greenwood. 8s. Gd. Law, E. F. Alloys and their Indus- trial Applications. 4th edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 352. 1919. Griffin. 15s. Lones, T. E. Zinc and Its Alloys. Cr.Svo. Pp.136. 1919. Pitman. 3s, Mortimer, G. Aluminium. Its Manufacture, Manipulation and Marketing. Cr. Svo. Pp. 160. 1920. Pitman. 3s. Park, J. The Cyanide Process of Gold Extraction.' A Text -Book for the use of Metallurgists and Stu- dents. 5th edn. Large Cr. Svo. Pp.347. 1913. Griffin. 10s. 6d. Pattison, .T. T. The Manufacture of Aluminium. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 112. 1919. Spon. 7s. Gd. Pi card, H. K. Copper. From the Ore to the Metal. Cr. Svo. Pp. 139. 1916. Pitman. 3s. Rose, Sir T. K. The Metallurgy of Gold. 6th edn. Large Svo. Pp. 620. 1915. Griffin. 25s. The Precious Metals : comprising Gold, Silver, and Platinum. Cr. Svo. Pp. 311. 1909. Constable. 7s. Gd. Sexton , A . H . Alloys : Non -Ferrous . Demy Svo. Pp. 298. 1908. Scientific Pub. Co. 7s. Gd. and Primrose, J. S. G. The Common Metals: Non-ferrous. The Metallurgy of Copper, Tin, Zinc, Lead, Antimony. Aluminium and Nickel. Demy Svo. Pp. 500. 1909. Scientific Pub. Co. 10s. Smith, E. A. The Zinc Industry. Svo. Pp. 232. 1918. Longmans. 10s. Gd. Smythe , J . A . Lead , Including Lead Pigments and the Desilverisation of Lead. Cr. Svo. Pp. 128. 1920. Pitman . 3s . Stokes, R., White, H. A., Calde- cott, W, A., and other contri- butors. Rand Metallurgical Prac- tice. Svo. Vol. 1. Pp. 468. 1913. 25s. Vol.2. 2nd edn. Pp. 462. 1919. 25s. Griffin. Wang, G. Y. Antimony: Its His- tory, Chemistry, Mineralogy, Geo- logy, Metallurgy, Uses, Prepara- tion, Analysis, Production and Valuation, with complete Biblio- graphy. 2nd edn. Large Svo. Pp. 227. 1919. Griffin. 15s. White, B. Silver: its Intimate Association with the Daily Life of Man. Cr. Svo. Pp. 155. 1920. Pitman. 3s. Gold , its Place in the Economy of Mankind. Cr. Svo. Pp. 142\. 1920. Pitman. 3s. iv. ELECTRO -METALLURGY. Electric Furnaces . Faraday Society Report, 1918. Demy Svo. Pp. 37 and Plates. 1918. Faraday Society. 3s. Gd. Kershaw, J. B. G. Electro-Metal- lurgy. Ex. Cr. Svo. Pp. 318. 1908. Constable. 7s. Gd. Electro-Thermal Methods of Iron and Steel Production. Demy Svo. Pp.252. 1913. Constable. * 9s. McMillan, W. G., and Cooper, W. R. A Treatise on Electro-Metal- lurgy. 4th edn. in preparation. Griffin. Rideal, E. K. Industrial Electro- metallurgy, including Electrolytic and Electrothermal Processes. Demy Svo. Pp. 260. 1918. Bailliere. 10s. Gd. 155 Metallurgy. v. ANALYSIS AND ASSAYING. Arnold, J. O., and Ibbotson. F. Steel Works Analysis. A Practical .Handbook for Engineers and Metal- lurgists. 4th edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 468. 1919. Pitman. 12,v. 6d. Beringer, J. J., and G. A Text- Book of Assaying : for the use of Students, Mine Managers, Assayers, etc . 1 5 th edn . Cr . 8 vo . Pp . 4*7 . 1921. Griffin. 12s. 6d. Brown, W. L. Manual of Assaying Gold, Silver, Copper, and Lead Ores. New edition. Revised and enlarged with a Chapter on the Assaying of Fuels by A . B . Griffiths . Cr. 8vo Pp. 352.' 1904. Heine- mann. 7s. Qd. Ibbotson, F. The Chemical Analy- sis of Steel-Works' Materials. Demy 8vo. Pp. 304. 1920. Longmans. 21s. and Aitchison, L. The Analy- sis of Non -Ferrous Alloys. New edition in preparation . Longmans . Macfarlane, W. A Practical Guide to Iron and Steel Works Analyses, with Supplement, being selections from "Laboratory Notes on Iron and Steel Analyses." 2nd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp.350/ 1920. Longmans. 9s. MacLeod, W. A., and Walker, C. Metallurgical Analysis and Assay- ing: A Three Years' Course for Students of Schools of Mines. Large 8vo . Pp . 330 . 1903 . Gri Inn . 15s. Morgan. J. J. Aids to the Analysis and Assay of Ores, Metals, Fuels, etc . 2nd edn . Fcap . 8vo . Pp . 140 . 1915. Bailliere. 3s. Quantitative Metallurgical Analy- sis . Tables for Laboratory Use ; on the Principle of "Group" Separations. 2nd edn. in prepara- tion. Griffin. Park. J. Practical Assaying. For the Use of Mining Schools, Miners, and Metallurgists. 5th edn. Large Cr. 8vo. Pp.354. 1918. Griffin. Phillips, H. J. Gold Assaying. A Practical Handbook for the accurate Assay of Auriferous Ores and Bulli- on , and the Chemical Tests required in the Processes of Extraction . Cr. 8vo. Pp.150. 1904. Crosby Lock - wood. 8s. 6rf. Pickard , J . A . Modern Steel Analy- sis. A Selection of Practical Methods for the Chemical Analysis of Steel. Cr.Svo. Pp.136. 1914. Churchill. 5s. Smith, E. A. The Sampling and Assay of the Precious Metals : Com- prising Gold. Silver and Platinum, in Ores . Bullion and Products . Med . 8vo. Pp.475. 1913. Griffin. 18s. Wraight, E. A. Assaying in Theory and Pract ice . Demy 8 vo . Pp . 324 . 1914. Arnold. 10s. 6rf. vi. METALLOGRAPHY. Desch, G. H. Metallography. New impression in the Press . Longmans . Intermetallic Compounds. 8vo. Pp. 122. 1914. Longmans. 5s. Giua, M., and Giua-Lollini, C. Chemical Combination among Metals. Translated by G. W. Robinson. 8vo. Pp, 356. 1918. Churchill. 21s. Goerens,P. Introduction to Metal- lography . Translated by F . Ibbot- son. 8vo. Pp.224. 1908. Long- mans . 9s . Hiorns, A. H. Metallography. Gl. 8vo. Pp. 172. 1902. Macmillan. 7s. Mellor, J. W. The Crystallisation of Iron and Steel : an Introduction to the Study of Meta 1 lography . New imp. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 124. 1918. Longmans. 8s. 6d. Osmond, F., and Stead, J. E. The Microscopic Analysis of Metals. 2nd edn . Revised and Corrected by by L. P. Sidney. Large Cr. 8vo. Pp. 330. 1913. Griffin. 10s. 6d. Rosenhain, W. An Introduction to the Study of Physical Metallurgy. 2nd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 390. 1919. Constable. 12s. Orf. 156 Metallurgy. Savoia , H . Metallography Applied to Siderurgic Products . Translated by R. C. Corbet. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 180. 1910. Spon. 6s. vii. HEAT TREATMENT OF METALS . B rear ley , H . The Heat Treatment of Tool Steel. A Description of the Physical Changes and Properties in- duced in Tool Steel by Heating and Cooling Operations . New imp . 8vo . Pp.240. 1918. Longmans. 1 2s. 6d. The Case-Hardening of Steel. An Illustrated Exposition of the Changes in Structure and Properties induced in Steels by Cementation and Allied Processes. 2nd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 218. 1921. Longmans. 16s. Reiser , F . The Hardening and Tem- pering of Steel in Theory and Prac- tice. Translated from the German . 2nd edn. Cr.8vo. Pp.120. 1918. Scott , Greenwood . 6s . viii . FOUNDRY WORK . Bower, C.O. Practical Shell Forg- ing and the Plastic Deformation of Steel and its Heat Treatment . Roy. 8vo. Pp. 301. 1919. Library Press . 30s . Brearley, A. W.,andH. Ingots and Ingot Moulds. 8vo. Pp.234. 1918. Longmans . 1 6s . Buchanan , J . F . The Moulder's Dic- tionary (Foundry Nomenclature). Cr.Svo. Pp. 233." 1912. Spon. 6s. Dichmann, G. The Basic Open- Hearth Steel Process. Translated by A. Reynolds. 2nd imp. Demy 8vo. Pp. 346. 1920. Constable. 12s. 6d. Horner, J. Brassfounding. Demy 8vo. Pp.182. 1918. Emmott. 5*. Practical Ironfounding . 4th edn . Cr.Svo. Pp.409. 191 4. Pitman. 10s. McWilliam, A., and Longmuir, P. General Foundry Practice : A Prac- tical Handbook for Iron, Steel and Brass Founders, Metallurgists, and Students of Metallurgy. 3rd edn. 8vo. Pp.391. 1920. Griffin. 18s. Morgan 5 J. J. Notes on Foundry Practice . 2nd edn . Cr . 8vo . Pp . 138. 1920. Griffin. 4s. 6d. - Blast Furnace Practice. 2nd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 54. 1916. Griffin. 2s. 6d. Purves , A . The Brass Moulder Illus- trated. A Practical Guide. Cr 8vo. Pp. 165. 1915. Spon. 5s. Rhead, E. L. The Principles and Practice of Ironfounding. Demy 8vo. Pp. 512. 1910. Scientific Pub. Co. 7s.6rf. Roxburgh, W. General Foundry Practice. A Treatise on General Iron Founding, Job Loam Practice, Moulding and Casting of Finer Metals, 'etc. 2nd edn. Ex. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 307. 1919. Constable. 8s. M. Sexton, A. H. Principles of Iron Founding and Foundry Metallo- graphy. Cr.Svo. Pp.330. 1911. Teehnk-al Pub. Co. 8s. Sharp , J . Modern Foundry Practice . Dealing with the Green-Sand , Dry- Sand and Loam Moulding Processes, the materials used, also detailed descriptions of the machinery and other appliances employed. 2nd edn . New imp . 8vo . " Pp . 760 . 1918. Spon. 24s. Turner, T. Lectures on Iron Found- ing . 2nd edn . Extra Cr . Svo . Pp . 146. 1911. Griffin. 4*. 157 MILITARY SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING. Hicks, J. W. The Theory of the Rifle and Rifle Shooting, An Ele- mentary Treatise on the Scientific Principles of the Small-Arm and its Functions. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 148. 1919. Griffin. 5s. Noble, Sir A. Artillery and Explo- sives . Essays and Lectures written and Delivered at various times. Med.Svo. Pp.548. 1906. Murray. 255. Pollard, H. Automatic Pistols. DemySvo. Pp.110. 1920. Pitman. 6s. Rausenberger, F. The Theory of the Recoil of Guns with Recoil Cylinders. Translated by A. Slater. Demy 8vo . Pp . 154 . 1909 . Crosby Lockwood. 12s. Qd. Sydenham , Lord . Fortification : its past Achievements, Recent Devel- opments, and Future Progress. 2nd edn. Med. 8vo. Pp. 312. 1907. Murray . 24s . Thomsen , G . F The Field Artillery Officers' Handbook. Oblong Fcap. 8vo. Pp.48. 1)18. Spon. 5*. 158 ASTRONOMY. i. HISTORICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL. Ball, Sir R. S. Great Astronomers. Demy 8vo. Pp. 371. Pitman. 7s. Qd. Berry , A . A Short History of Astron- omy. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 440. 1898. Murray. 7s. Qd. Dreyer, J. L. E. History of the Planetary Systems from Thales to Kepler. Demy 8vo. Pp. 432. 1906 . Cambridge University Press . 12s. Qd. Forbes, G. History of Astronomy. New edn. Cr.Svo. Pp.163. 1921. Watts. 3s. Qd. Heath , Sir T . Aristarchus of Samos , the Ancient Copernicus . A History of Greek Astronomy to Aristarchus , together with his Treatise on the sixes and distances of the Sun and Moon : a new Greek Text with Trans- lation and Notes. Med. 8vo. Pp. 434. 1913. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 18s. Schiaparelli , G. Astronomy in the Old Testament. Authorized Trans- lation, with many corrections and additions. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 186. 1905. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 4s. ii. GENERAL AND COMPRE- HENSIVE TREATISES. Ball, Sir R. S. Elements of Astron- omy. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 484. 1917. Longmans. 8s. A Treatise on Spherical Astron- omy. DemySvo. Pp.518. 1908. Cambridge University Press. 14s. A Primer of Astronomy. Re- issue. Fcap.Svo. Pp. 236. 1918. Cambridge University Press . 3s . The Story of the Heavens . Med . 8vo. Pp.568. Cassell. 15s. Ball, Sir R. S. A Popular Guide to the Heavens . 3rd edn . Small 4to . Pp. 96 and 82 Plates. 1910. Geo. Philip. 15s. In the High Heavens . A popular account of recent interesting Astron- omical events and phenomena. Demy 8vo. Pp. 381. Pitman. 7s. 6d. Barlow, C. W. C., and Bryan, G. H. Elementary Mathematical As- tronomy . 2nd "edn . 4th imp . Cr . 8vo. Pp. 456. 1919. University Tutorial Press. 9s. Qd. Chambers , G . F . Astronomy . Fcap . 8vo. Pp. 360. N.D. Hutchinson. 7s. Qd. Astronomy : for general readers . Cr . 8 vo . Pp . 268 . 1918. Pitman . 4s. and Smyth, W. H. A Cycle of Celestial Objects. Observed, re- duced and discussed. 8vo. Pp. 720. 1881. Oxford: Clarendon Press . 6s . Chapman, R. W. The Elements of Astronomy for Surveyors . Cr . 8vo . Pp.257. 1919. Griffin. 5s. Dolmage , G . G . Astronomy of To- Day. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 363. 1919. See ley. 7s. Qd. Dyson , Sir F . W . Astronomy . Large Fcap. 8vo. Pp.247. Dent. 3s. Qd. A Primer of Astronomy . Fcap . 8vo. Pp.118. Dent. 2s. Godfray, H. A Treatise on Astron- omy. 4th edn. 8vo. Pp. 336. 4th edn. 1906 . Macmillan . 12s. Qd. Hinks, A. R. Astronomy. Fcap. 8vo. Pp. 256. 1919. Williams & Norgate. 2s. Qd. Lockyer , Sir N . Elementary Lessons in Astronomy. Fcap. 8vo. Pp. 416. 1919. Macmillan. 6s. Qd. Inorganic Evolution as studied by Spectrum Analysis. 8vo. Pp. 208. 1900. Macmillan. 5s. 159 Astronomy. Lockyer, Sir N. Stonehenge and other British Stone Monuments Astronomically considered. 2nd edn. Med. 8vo. Pp. 516. 1909. Macmillan. 14s. The Meteoritic Hypothesis of the Origin of Cosmical Systems. 8vo. Pp. 576. 1890. Macmillan. 17s. Maunder , E . W . Astronomy without a Telescope . 3rd imp . Demy 8vo . Pp. 288. 1904. Thacker. 7s. Newcomb , S . Astronomy for Every- body . Demy 8vo . Pp . 341 . Pitman. 7s. Qd. Parker , G . W . Elements of Astron- omy. 5th edn. 8vo. Pp. 264. 1916 . Longmans . 8s . Plummer, H. C. An Introductory Treatise on Dynamical Astronomy. Roy. 8vo. Pp. 364. 1918. Cam- bridge University Press. 18s. Proctor, R. A. Light Science for Leisure Hours : Familiar Essays on Scientific Subjects, Natural Phen- omena, etc. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 324. 1919. Longmans. 6s. 6rf. - Our Place Among Infinities . Essays contrasting our Little Abode in Space and Time with the Infin- ities around us . Cr . 8vo . Pp . 296 . 1908. Longmans. 6s. Stirling , W . New Theories in Astron- omy. DemySvo. Pp.336. 1906. Spon. 8s. Qd. Tancock, E. O. The Elements of Descriptive Astronomy. 2nd edn. Cr.Svo. Pp. 158. 1920. Oxford: Clarendon Press . 3s . Turner, H. H. Astronomical Dis- covery. DemySvo. Pp.237. 1904. Arnold. 10s. Qd. Webb, T. W. Celestial Objects for Common Telescopes. 6th edn. revised by T. E. Espin. 2 vols. Cr. 8vo. 1917. Vol.1. Pp.273. Vol. 2. Pp. 328. Longmans. 8s. each Vol. iii. THE MOON. Brown, E. W. An Introductory Treatise on the Lunar Theory . Roy . 8vo. Pp. 300. 1896. Cambridge University Press . 15s . Brown, E. W. The Inequalities in the Motion of the Moon due to the direct Action of the Planets. Roy. 8vo. Pp.106. 1908. Cambridge University Press . 6s. Godfray , H . An Elementary Treatise on the Lunar Theory . Cr . 8vo . Pp . 136. 1885. Macmillan. 5s. Qd. Pickering, W. H. The Moon. A Summary of the Existing Knowledge of our Satellite, with a complete Photographic Atlas. Large Rov. 4to . Pp . 103 and 88 Plates . 1 904 . Murray. 52s. Qd. Proctor , R . A . The Moon : Her Mo- tions, Aspect, Scenery and Phys- ical Condition. 8th imp. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 326. 1916. Longmans. 6s. iv. SOLAR AND STELLAR. Ball, Sir R. S. In Starry Realms: The Wonders of the Heavens . Demy 8vo. Pp.371. Pitman. 10s. Qd. Chambers , G . F . The Story of the Comets . 2r/d edn . 8vo . Pp . 288 . 1910 . Oxford : Clarendon Press . 6s . Clark , L . , and Sadler , H . The Star Guide. Royal 8vo. Pp. 64.1886. Macmillan. 5s. Darwin, Sir G. H. The Tides and Kindred Phenomena of the Solar System. 3rd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 437. 1911. Murray. 9s. Eddington, A. S. Stellar Move- ments and the Structure of the Uni- verse. 8vo. Pp.278. 1914. Mac- millan . 7s. Qd. Grew , E . S . The Growth of a Planet . Cr.Svo. Pp.364. 1911. Methuen. 7s. Qd. Jeans , J . H . Problems of Cosmogony and Stellar Dynamics. Roy. 8vo. Pp. 302. 1919. Cambridge Uni- versity Press. 21s. Lockyer , Sir N . Recent and Coming Eclipses. Svo. Pp. 252. 1900. Macmillan. 6s. The Sun 's Place in Nature . Svo . Pp. 376. 1897. Macmillan. 12s. Sampson, R. A. The Sun. Roy. 16mo. Pp. 141. 1914. Cambridge University Press . 2s. Qd. 160 Astronomy. Young, C. A, The Sun. 4th edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 387. 1910. Kegan Paul. 7s. 6d. v. ASTRONOMICAL ATLASES . Cottam , A . Charts of the Constella- tions . Imp . 4to . Pp . 327 . Stan - ford . 7s . Heath , Sir T . The Twentieth Century Atlas of Popular Astronomy. 2nd edn. Imperial 8vo. Pp.130, and 21 coloured Plates. 1908. John- ston. 10s. Miremont, Comte de. Popular Star Maps. A Rapid and Easy Method of Finding the Principal Stars. Portfolio. Large 4to. Geo. Philip. 20s. Orr, M. A. Stars of the Southern Skies. Cr.8vo. Pp. 104. 1915. Longmans. 3s. 6rf. Proctor, R. A. Large Star Atlas for Observers and Students. In 12 Circular Maps. 7th edn. Folio. Pp.60. 1914. Longmans. 17s. 6rf. New Star Atlas for the Library , the School and the Observatory , In Twelve Circular Maps. 23rd imp. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 104. 3915. Long- mans. 6s. 6d. Half Hours with the Stars: a Plain and Easy Guide to the Know- ledge of the Constellations . Show- ing in 12 Maps the position of the principal Star Groups in the North- ern Hemisphere night after night throughout each year . 4to . Long- mans . 5s . Turner , H . H . The Great Star Map . Being a Brief General Account of the International Project known as the Astrographic Chart . Cr. 8vo. Pp. 159. 1911. Murray. 3s. 6d. Weather head, R. The Star Pocket- book, or How to Find Your Way at Night by the Stars . 16mo . Pp . 92. 1917. Longmans. 2s. 6rf. 161 METEOROLOGY. Abercromby , R . Weather : a Popu- lar Exposition of the Nature of Weather Changes from Day to Day . 6th edn. Cr.Svo. Pp. 491. 1907. Kegan Paul . 7s . 6rf . Allingham , W . Marine Meteorology . for officers of the Merchant Navy. 2nd edn. Cr.Svo. Pp. 198.1917. Griffin . 9s . Beattie , J . G . Report of a Magnetic Survey of South Africa . Med . 4to . Pp. 245. 1909. Cambridge Uni- versity Press. 20s. Berry, A., J. The Atmosphere . Roy. 16mo. Pp. 147. 1913. Cam- bridge University Press . 2s. Of/. Blanford, H. F. A Practical Guide to the Climates and Weather of . India , Ceylon , and Burmah , and the Storms of Indian Seas . 8vo . Pp . 384. 1889. Macmillan. 15s. Bonacina, L. C. W. Climatic Con- trol. 2nd edn. Sm.Cr.8vo. Pp. 167. 1915. Black. 3s. Qd. Brown, C. Meteorology for Masters and Mates. 5th edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 96. 1920. James Brown. 3s.6rf. Cave , C . J . P . The Structure of the Atmosphere in Clear Weather. A Study of Soundings with Pilot Balloons. Demy 4to. Pp. 156. 1913 . Cambridge University Press . 12s. Qd. Chapman, E. H. The Study of the Weather. Cr.Svo. Pp. 144.1919. Cambridge University Press . 4s . Chatley , H . The Force of the Wind . 2nd edn. Cr.Svo. Pp. 91. 1919. Griffin. 3s. Qd. Chree, C. Studies in Terrestrial Magnetism. 8vo. Pp. 214. 1912. Macmillan. 6s. Qd. Clarke, G. A. Clouds. A Descrip- tive Illustrated Guide-Book to the Observation and Classification of Clouds. Demy 8vo. Pp. 152 and 40 Plates. 1920. Constable. 21s. Dickson, H. N. Climate and Weather. Fcap. 8vo. Pp. 256. 1911. Williams & Norgate . 2s . 6d . Elgie, J. H. Elgie's Weather Book for the General Reader. Cr. 8vo. Pp.263. 1920. Wireless Press . 5s . Geddes, A. E. M. Meteorology. An Introductory Treatise. Demy 8vo. Pp. 410. 1921. Blackie. 21s. Hep worth , M . W . C . Notes on Mari- time Meteorology . Demy 8vo . Pp . 90. 1907. Geo. Philip. 2s. Gd. Horner , D . W . Meteorology for All : being some Weather Problems ex- plained. Cr.Svo. Pp.200. 1919. Witherby . 6s . Knox , A . The Cl imate of the Contin- ent of Africa . Roy . Svo . Pp . 563 . 1911 . Cambridge University Press . 26s. Lempfert, R. G. K. Meteorology. Cr.Svo. Pp. 196. 1920. Methuen. 7s. Qd. Moore, Sir J. W. Meteorology: Practical and Applied. 2nd edn. Demy Svo. Pp. 450. 1910. Heinemann. 10s. Qd. Rambaut , A . A . Results of Meteoro- logical Observations made at the Radcliffe Observatory, Oxford, in the years 1911 to 1915. Roy. Svo. Pp. 232. 1916. Oxford Univer- sity Press. 15s. Scott , R . H . Elementary Meteorolo- gy. 9th edn. Cr.Svo. Pp.424. 1918. Kegan Paul. 7s. Qd. 162 Meteorology. Shaw , Sir W . N . Manual of Meteor- Taylor , G . Australian Meteorology : ology. Part IV. The Relation of A Text-book, including sections on the Wind to the Distribution of Aviation and Climatology. 8vo. Barometric Pressure. Roy. 8vo. Pp. 324. 1920. Oxford: Claren- Pp. 176. 1919. Cambridge Uni- don Press. 12s. Qd. versity Press . 12s . Gd . Forecasting Weather. DemySvo. Waldo, F. Modern Meteorology. 2nd edn. in preparation. Con- Cr - 8vo. Scott Pub. Co. 5s. stable . Stacey, W. F. Practical Exercises on the Weather and Climate of the British Isles and North -West Eu- rope. Large Cr.Svo. Pp. 64. 1919. Cambridge University Press. 2s. 9d. 163 MINERALOGY. i. GENERAL. Cole , G . A . J . Outlines of Mineral- ogy for Geological Students. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 348. 1913. Long- mans . 6s . Evans, J. W. The Determination of Minerals under the Microscope by Means of their Optical Characters. Demy 8vo. Pp. 34 and Plates. 1915. Murby. 2s. Qd. Hatch , F . H . Mineralogy . 5th edn . Cr.Svo. Pp. 250. 1916. Pitman. 6s. McGrigor , G . D . Field Analysis of Minerals : for the Prospector, Mining Engineer, etc. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 86. 1915. Technical Bookshop. 3s. Qd. Miers, Sir H. A. Mineralogy: An Introduction to the Scientific Study of Minerals. New edn. in the Press. Macmillan. Rutley, F. Elements of Mineralogy. Revised by H . H . Read . New edn . Cr.Svo. Pp. 416. 1918. Murby. 6s. Smith, H. G. Minerals and the Microscope. An Introduction to the Study of Petrology . 2nd edn . Cr.Svo. Pp. 128. 1919. Murby. 5s. Spencer, L. J. The World's Miner- als. A description of the more common minerals, and a few other important species ; with 163 coloured figures. Demy 8vo. Pp. 340. 1920. Chambers. 20s. ii. CRYSTALLOGRAPHY. Beale, Sir W. P. An Amateur's Introduction to Crystallography from Morphological Observations. 8vo. Pp. 228. 1915. Longmans. 4s. 6d. Bragg, Sir W. H., and W. L. X- Rays and Crystal Structure. 5th edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 229. 1918 Bell. 10s. Qd. Fock , A . Introduction to Chemical Crystallography. Translated and edited by Sir W. J. Pope. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 206. 1895. Oxford: Claren- don Press. 5s. Groth , P . An Introduction to Chem- ical Crystallography. Translated by H.Marshall. Cr.Svo. Pp.136. 1906 . Gurney & Jackson . 4s . Hilton, H. Mathematical Crystallo- graphy, and the Theory of "Groups and Movements; with'an Account of the Geometrical Theory of Crystal Structure. 8vo. Pp. 274. 1903. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 14s. Lewis , W . J . A Treatise on Crystal lo - graphy. Demy 8vo. Pp. 624. 1 899 . Cambridge University Press . 16s. Story -Maskelyne, N. Crystallo- graphy . A Treatise . Cr . Svo . Pp . 534. 1893. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 12s. Qd. Tutton,A. E. H. Crystallography and Practical Crystal Measurement . Svo. Pp. 946. 1911. Macmillan. 40s. Crystals. Cr. Svo. Pp. 311. 1911. Kegan Paul . 7s . Qd . iii. ECONOMIC MINERALOGY. Anderson , J . W . Prospector's Hand- book . A Guide for the Prospector in search of metal -bearing or other valuable minerals. 13th edn. Cr. Svo. Pp. 207. 1919. Crosby Lockwood . 5s . 164 Mineralogy. Beyschlag, F., Vogt, J. H. L., and Krusch, P. The Deposits of the Useful Minerals and Rocks; their Origin, Form and Content. Trans- lated by S . J . Truscott . In 3 Vols . 8vo. Vol.1. Pp. 542. 1914.21s. Vol. 2. Pp. 760. 1916. 255. Vol . 3 . in preparation . Macmillan . Cahen, E., and Wootton, W. O. The Mineralogy of the Rarer Metals . A Handbook for Prospectors. 2nd edn. Pocket Size. Pp. 246.1920. Griffin. 10s. Qd. Calvert , A . F . Mineral Resources of Minas Geraes (Brazil). 8vo. Pp. 100 and 127 Plates. 1915. Spon. 9s. Collins, J. H. Observations on the West of England Mining Region. An Account of the Mineral Deposits and Economic Geology of Cornwall. Fcap.4to. Pp.683. 1912. Tech- nical Bookshop. 21s. Corder, G. A. The Miner's Geology and Prospector's Guide, for Stu- dents , Miners , Prospectors , and Ex- plorers. Cr.Svo. Pp.224. 1914. Spon. 6s. Cox , S . H . Prospecting for Minerals . A Practical Handbook for Prospect- ors, Explorers, Settlers, and all interested in the Opening up and Development of New Lands. 7th edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 271. 1918. Griffin . 5s . Crook, T. Economic Mineralogy. A Practical Guide to the Study of Use- ful Minerals . Demy 8vo . Pp . 504 . 1921. Longmans. 25s. Curtis, A. H. Manganese Ores. (Imperial Institute Monographs on Mineral Resources). Demy 8vo. Pp. 128. 1919. Murray. 3s. Qd. Davies, G. M. Tin Ores. (Imper- ial Institute Monographs on Min- eral Resources). Demv 8vo. Pp. 121. 1919. Murray. "3s. Qd. Duly, S. J. The Natural Wealth of Britain: Its Origin and Exploita- tion. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 320. 1919. Hodder & Stoughton. 6s. Fairie , J . Notes on Lead Ores : Their Distribution and Properties. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 64. 1901. Scott, Greenwood. Is. Ghambashidze, D. Mineral Re- sources of Georgia and Caucasia. Manganese Industry of Georgia. 8vo. Pp. 182. 1919. Allen & Unwin. 8s. Qd. Goodchild, W. Precious Stones. With a Chapter on Artificial Stones . Ex. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 319. 1908. Constable. 7s. Qd. Hall,T.C.F. Lead Ores. (Imper- ial Institute Monographs on Min- eral Resources) . Demy 8vo. Pp. 137. 1921. Murray. 6s. Lumb , A . D . The Platinum Metals : (Monographs on Mineral Resources with Special reference to the British Empire). Demy 8vo. Pp. 73. 1920. Murray . 3s . Qd . Mastin, J. The Chemistry, Proper- ties, and Tests of Precious Stones. Fcap. 16mo. Pp. 114. 1911. Spon. 5s. Merritt, W. H. A Practical Manual of Field Testing for Gold and Silver . 2nd edn. Fcap. 8vo. Pp. 154. 1911. Crosby Lockwood . 6s . Rankin , D . J . Prospecting for Gold . Fcap. 8vo. Pp. 192. 1901. Crosby Lockwood . 7s. Qd. Rastall , R . H . , and Wilcockson , W . H . Tungsten Ores . (Monographs on Mineral Resources with special Reference to the British Empire). DemySvo. Pp. 90. 1920. Murray. 3s. Qd. Ronaldson , J . H . Coal . (Monographs on Mineral Resources with special reference to the British Empire). 8vo. Pp. 175. 1920. Murray. Smith, G. F. H. Gem-Stones, and their distinctive characters. 2nd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 326. 1919. Methuen. 7s.Qd. Stokes , R . S . G . Mines and Minerals of the British Empire. Demy 8vo. Pp. 423. 1908. Arnold. 15s. Summers, A. I... Asbestos and the Asbestos Industry. The World's Most Wonderful Mineral ; and other Fire -proof Materials. Cr.Svo. Pp. 116. 1919. Pitman. 3s. 165 GEOLOGY. i. GENERAL. Bird, C. Elementary Geology. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 260. 1913. Longmans. 5s. Advanced Geology. A Manual for Students in Advanced Classes and for General Readers. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 438. 1911. Longmans. 7s. 6d. Chamberlin, T. C., and Salisbury, R. D. Geology. 3 Vols. Demy 8vo . Vol . 1 . Processes and their Results . Vol . 2 . Earth History Genesis Palaeozoic. Pp. 692. 1919. Vol . 3 . Earth History Mesozoic Cenozoic. Pp.624. 1909. Murray. 25s. each. Geology. Shorter Course . Demy 8vo . Murray . 25s . eole,G.A.J. Aids in Practical Geo- logy. With a Section on Palaeon- tology. 7th edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 447/1919. Griffin. 10s. 6d. Open-Air Studies in Geology : An Introduction to Geology Out-of- doors. 2nd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 334. 1902. Griffin. 8s. Qd. Common Stones ; Unconventional Essays in Geology. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 259. 1921. Melrose. 6s. Gardiner , C . J . An Introduction to Geology. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 186. 1914. Bell. 3s. 6d. Geikie , Sir A . Text-Book of Geology , 4th edn . 2 Vols . Med . 8vo . Pp . 724., 778. 1903. Macmillan. 30s. Class Book of Geology . 5th edn . Cr. 8vo. Pp. 480. 1919. Mac- millan. 7s. Qd. Outlines of Field Geology. 5th edn. Gl. 8vo. Pp. 276. 1912. Macmillan. 3s. 6d. Geikie, J. Structural and Field Geo- logy. For Students of Pure and Applied Science. 4th edn. 8vo. Pp. 478. 1920. Oliver & Boyd. 24s. Geikie . J . Outlines of Geology : for Junior Students and General Readers. 4th edn. Large Post 8vo. Pp. 424. Stanford. 12s. Green, A. H. First Lessons in Mod- ern Geology. Edited by J.F.Blake. Cr.Svo. Pp. 220. 1898. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 4s. Gregory , J . W . Geology of To-Day . Cr.Svo. Pp. 328. 1919. Seeley. 7s. Gd. A Primer of Geology. Fcap. 8vo. Pp. 140. Dent. 2s. Judd, J. W. (edited by). The Stu- dent's Lyell. The Principles and Methods of Geology, as applied to the Investigation of the Past History of the Earth and its Inhabitants. 2nd edn . Large Cr . 8vo . Pp . 645 . 1911. Murray. 12s. Lake, P., and Rastall, R. H. A Text Book of Geology. 3rd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. *522. 1920. Arnold. 21s. Lapworth, G. Intermediate Text- book of Geology. 12th edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 431. Blackwood.7s.6df. Marr, J. E. An Introduction to Geo- logy. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 238. 1905. Cambridge University Press. 4s. 6d. Park, J. A Text-book of Geology. 2nd edn. in preparation. Griffin. Reed, F. R. C. The Geology of the British Empire. 8vo. Pp. 488. 1921. Arnold. 40s. Roberts, R. D. An Introduction to Modern Geology. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 270. 1906. Murray. 6s. Sorsbie, R. F. Geology for Engin- eers. Cr.Svo. Pp. 450. 1911. Griffin. 12s. 6d. 166 Geology. Wallace, A. R. Island Life, or the Phenomena and Causes of Insluar Faunas and Floras. Including a revision and attempted solution of the problem of geological climates. Extra Cr. 8vo. Pp. 584. 1911. Macmillan. 8s. 6d. Watts , W . W . Geology for Beginners . 3rd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 370. 1920. Maomillan. 3s. 6d. ii. HISTORY. Geikie, Sir A. Charles Darwin as Geologist . Cr . 8vo . Pp . 91 . 1 909 . Cambridge University Press . 2s . - The Founders of Geology. 2nd edn. 8vo. Pp. 486. 1905. Mac- millan. 10s. Woodward, H. B. History of Geo- logy. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 160. 1911. Watts. 3s. Ctd. Zittel . K . A . von . History of Geology and Palaeontology. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 562.1901. Scott Pub. Co. 7s. 6d. iii. SEISMOLOGY AND ENDOGENETIG STRUCTURES . Anderson, T. Volcanic Studies in Many Lands. 1st Series (out of print). 2nd Series. The Text by Prof. T. G. Bonney. Cr. 4to. Murray. 15s. Bonney. T. G. Volcanoes: their Structure and Significance. Large Cr.Svo. Pp. 379. 1912. Murray. 9s. Davison. C. The Origin of Earth- quakes. Roy. 16mo. Pp. 144. 1912 . Cambridge L^niversity Press . 2s. 6d. A Manual of Seismology . Demy 8vo. Pp. 268. 1921. Cambridge University Press . 21s . A Study of Recent Earthquakes . Cr . 8vo . Scott Pub . Co . 7s . 6d . Fisher, O. Physics of the Earth's Crust. 2nd edn. 8vo. Pp. 472. 1889. Macmillan. 12s. Geikie ,Sir A . The Ancient Volcanoes of Great Britain . 2 vols . Super Roy. 8vo. Pp. 502., 508. 1897. Macmillan. 36s. Gregory, J. W r . The Nature and Origin of Fiords . Demy 8vo . Pp . 542. 1913. Murray. 2U. The Making of the Earth . I- cap . 8vo. Pp. 256. 1912. Williams & Norgate. 2s. Gd. Hull , E . Volcanoes , Past and Present . Cr.Svo. Scott Pub. Co. 5s. Judd, J. W. Volcanoes: what they are and what they teach . 7th edn . Cr. 8vo. Pp. 389. 1907. Kegan Paul. 7s. Gd. Knott , C . G . Physics of Earthquake Phenomena. 8vo. Pp.296. 1908. Oxford : Clarendon Press . 14s . Love, A. E. H. Some Problems of Geodynamics. Roy. 8vo. Pp. 189. " 1911 . Cambridge University Press. 16s. Milne, J, Earthquakes and other Earth Movements. 6th edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp.404. 1913. Kegan Paul. 7s. 6rf. Seismology. 2nd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 345. 1908. Kegan Paul. 7s. Gd. Schwarz , E . H . L . Causal Geology . Demy 8vo. Pp. 248. 1910. Blackie. 7s. Gd. Suess, E. The Face of the Earth. Translated by H. Sollas. 4 vols. Roy.Svo. Vol.1. Pp.616. 1904. 25s. Vol. 2. Pp. 562. 1906. 25s. Vol.3. Pp. 406. 1908. 18s. Vol. 4. Pp. 682. 1909. 25s. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Swaine. A. T. The Earth, Its Genesis and Evolution. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 296. 1913. Griffin. 9s. Walker , G . W . Modern Seismology . 8vo. Pp. 100. 1913. Longmans. 6s. 6d. iv. LAND FORMS AND EXO- GENETIC STRUCTURES. Avebury , Lord . The Scenery of Switzerland, and the Causes to which it is Due . 5th edn . Cr . 8vo . Pp.538. 1913. Macmillan. 7s. Ball , Sir R . S . The Cause of an Ice Age . 3rd edn . Cr . 8vo . Pp . 186 . 1906. Kegan Paul. 3s. Gd. 167 Geology. Bonney, S. G. Ice Work, Present and Past . 2nd edn . Cr . 8vo . Pp . 309. 1903. Kegan Paul. 7s. Qd. Bonney, T. G. The Work of Rain and Rivers . Roy . 16mo . Pp . 144 . 1912 . Cambridge University Press . 2s. Qd. Cole, G. A. J. The Growth of Europe. Fcap. 8vo. Pp. 256. 1914. Williams&Norgate. 2s. Qd. Geikie , Sir A . Earth Sculpture ; or the Origin of Land Forms. 2nd edn. Large Cr. 8vo. Pp. 321. 1909. Murray. 7s. Qd. Marr,J.E. The Scientific Study of Scenery. 5th edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 378. 1918. Methuen. 7s. Qd. Reid , C . Submerged Forests . Roy . 16mo. Pp. 129. 1913. Cam- bridge University Press. 2s. Qd. Tyndall, J. Forms of Water: in Clouds and Rivers , Ice and Glaciers . 13th edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 224. 1909. Kegan Paul. 7s. Qd. Wright , G . F . Man and the Glacial Period . Cr . 8vo . Pp . 400 . 1 893 . Kegan Paul. 7s. Qd. Wright , W . B , The Quaternary Ice Age. 8vo. Pp. 488. 1914. Mac- millan. 21s. v. PETROLOGY. Marker, A. Petrology for Students. An Introduction to the Study of Rocks under the Microscope. * 5th edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 308. 1919. Cambridge University Press. 8s. Qd. The Natural History of Igneous Rocks. Demy 8vo. " Pp. 400. 1909. Methuen. 15s. Hatch , F . H . Petrographical Tables : an Aid to the Microscopical Deter- mination of Rock Forming Miner- als. From the German of Prof. Rosenbusch. Cr. 4to. Pp. 36. Allen & Unwin. 3s. Qd. and Rastall , R . H . Text Book of Petrology. Cr. 8vo. Vol. 1. Igneous Rocks . 6th . edn . Pp . 484. 1914. Vol.2. The Sedimen- tary Rocks. Pp. 440. 1913. Allen & Unwin. 7s. Qd. each. Holmes, A. The Nomenclature of Petrology : with References to sel- ected Literature. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 284. 1920. Murby. 12s. Qd. Petrographic Methods and Calcu- lations, with some Examples of Results Achieved. 8vo. Pp. 536. 1921. Murby. 31s. Qd. Mennell , F . P . A Manual of Petrol- ogy. DemySvo. Pp. 260. 1910. Chapman & Hall. 8s. Qd. Milner, H. B., and Part, G. M. Methods in Practical Petrology. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 73. 1916. Heffer. 3s. Qd. Rhodes, J. E. W. Micropetrology for Beginners: an Introduction to .the Use of the Microscope in the Examination of Thin Sections of Igneous Rocks . Cr . 8vo . Pp . 131 . 1912. Longmans. 3s. Qd. Rutley, F. The Study of Rocks: an Elementary Text-book of Petrology . lOthimp/Cr.Svo. Pp.336. 1909. Longmans. 6s. Qd. vi. STRATIGRAPHY. Jukes -Browne, A. J. The Stu- dent's Handbook of Stratigraphical Geology . 2nd edn . Large Cr . 8vo . Pp, 668. 1912. Stanford. 12*. Kayser, E. Text-Book of Compara- tive Geology. Translated by P. Lake. 2nd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 426. 1895. Allen & Unwin. 10s. Qd. Marr , J . E . The Principles of Strati - graphical Geology. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 312. 1905. Cambridge University Press. 8s. Qd. vii. GEOLOGICAL MAPS. Dwerryhouse , A . R . Geological and Topographical Maps : their Inter- pretation and Use. A Handbook for the Geologist and Civil Engineer. 2nd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 141. 1919. Arnold. '6s. Harker, A. Notes on Geological Map Reading. 8vo. Pp. 64. 1920. Heffer. 3s. Qd. Woodward, H. B. (edited by). Stanford's Geological Atlas of Great Britain and Ireland : with Plates of Characteristic Fossils. 3rd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 200 and 36 Maps. Stanford . 1 5s . 168 Geology. viii. TOPOGRAPHICAL GEOLOGY. Ashton , W . The Evolution of a Coast Line . Barrow to Aberystwyth and the Isle of Man. With Notes on Lost Towns, Submarine Discover- ies, etc. Demy 8vo. Pp. 316. 1920. Stanford! 10s, JDavies, G. MacD. Geological Ex- cursions Round London. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 164. 1914. Murby. 4s. Dron, R. W. The Coal Fields of Scotland. A Topographical and Geological description of the min- ing areas of Scotland, with details of the various seams, and many maps of the coal-fields . Demy 8vo . Pp.368. N.D. Blackie. 15.9. Falconer, J. D. Geology and Geo- graphv of Northern Nigeria . 8vo . Pp. 312. 1911. Macmillan. 10s. Hatch, F. H., and Corstorphine, G. S. Geology of South Africa. 2nd edn. 8vo. Pp. 410. 1909. Macmillan. 25s. -Jukes -Browne, A. J. The Build ing of the British Isles. A History of the Construction and Geographi- cal Evolution of the British Region. 3rd edn . Large Post 8vo . Pp . 461 . 1911. Stanford. 12s. Marr , J . E . The Geology of the Lake District. Demy Svo/ Pp. 232. 1916 . Cambridge University Press . 14s. Ramsay, Sir A. G. Physical Geo- logy and Geography of Great Brit- ain. 6th edn. Edited by H. B. Woodward. Post 8vo. Pp. 421. Stanford. 10s. 6rf . Reed, F. R. G. A Handbook to the Geology of Cambridgeshire. Cr. 8vo. ~ Pp. 286. 1879. Cam- bridge University Press. 10s. Ritchie , A . E . The Kent Coal Field : its Evolution and Development. Cr. 8vo. 1920. "Iron and Coal Trades Review." 7s. 6. 1917. Black. 6*. Piggott, H., and Finch, R. J. W T orld Studies : An Introduction to General Geography. Demy 8vo. Pp.390. Dent. 4s. Qd. Simmons , A . T . , and Richardson , H. Introduction to Practical Geo- graphy. Gl.Svo. Pp.392. 1916. Macmillan. 4s. Unstead, J. F., and Taylor, E.G. R. General and Regional Geo- graphy for Students. 6th edn. Large 8 vo. Pp.520. 1920. Geo. Philip. 7s. Qd. Wallis , B . C . Essentials of Practical Geography. Gl. 8vo. Pp. 232. 1918. Macmillan. 4s. Qd . A Geography of the World. Gl. 8vo. Pp. 388*. 1919. Macmillan. 4s. Qd. Practical Exercises in Geography. A Two Years ' Course . New imp. Cr.Svo. Pp.208. 1920. 8s. Key. 4s. Qd. Macmillan. 177 Geography. Wilmore, A. The Groundwork of Modern Geography. An Introduc- tion to the Science of Modern Geography. O. 8vo. Pp. 412. 1920. Bell. Qs. viii. GENERAL: BRITISH EMPIRE . Bunting, W. L., and Collen, H. L. A Geography of the British Empire. 2ndedn. Cr.4to. Pp.168. 1916. Cambridge University Press. 6s. Herbertson, A. J., and Howarth, O . J . R . (edited by) . The Oxford Survey of the British Empire. Being a description of the Empire and its constitutent territories in their geographical, economic, ad- ministrative and social aspects at the present time. 6 Vols. 8vo. 1914. Vol. 1. British Isles, &c. Pp. 608. Vol. 2. Asia. Pp. 515. Vol. .3. Africa. Pp. 564. Vol. 4. America. Pp. 521. Vol. 5. Aus- tralasia . Pp . 596 . Vol . 6 . General Survey . Pp . 394 . Oxford : C laren - don Press. 15s. each; the 6 Vols. 70s. and Thompson, R. L. Geo- graphv of the British Empire. 3rd edn. "Cr. 8vo. Pp. 256. 1918. Oxford : Clarendon Press . 3s . Longmans' Geographical Series. Book 4. The British Empire. New imp. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 349. 1918. Longmans. 5s. Newbigin, M. I. The British Em- pire Beyond the Seas. 3rd edn. Cr. 8vo~. Pp. 250. 1917. Bell. 4s. Qd. ix. DESCRIPTIVE REGIONAL. Brooks, L. New Regional Geo- graphies. Cr. 8vo. Book 1. The Americas. Pp. 256. 1919. 4s. Book 2. Asia and Australasia. Pp. 300. 1919. 4s. Book 3. Africa and Europe. Pp.480. 1919. 6s. Qd. Part 1. Africa. Pp. 140. 1920. 2s. Qd. Part 2. The British Isles. Pp. 140. 1920. 2s. 6d. Part 3. Europe, including the British Isles . Pp . 340 . 1920 . 5s . Book 4 . The World . In preparation . University of London Press . Hogarth, D. G. Nearer East (Bal- kans, Asia Minor, N.E.Africa, Egypt , Arabia , Persia, etc.). (Re- gions of the World). 8vo. Pp. 312. 1905. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 10s. Qd . Holdich,Sir T. India. (Regions of the World). 8vo. Pp.388. 1904. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 10*. Qd. Little, A. The Far East (China, Japan, Turkestan, Eastern Asia, etc.). (Regions of the World). 8vo. Pp. 342. 1905. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 10s. Qd. Lyde, L. W. The Continent of Europe. 8vo. Pp.462. 1917. Macmillan. 8s. Qd. Mackinder, H. J. Britain and the British Seas. (Regions of the World). 2nd edn. 8vo. Pp.388. 1907. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 10s. Qd. Martin, J. A Geography of Asia. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 306. 1919. Mac- millan. 5s. Partsch,J. Central Europe (A 'pine Countries, Germany, Austria, Netherlands , etc .) . Translated from the German. (Regions of the World). 8vo. Pp. 372. 1904. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 10s. Qd. Russell, I. North America (Canada, United States , Mexico , etc .) . (Re- gions of the World) . 8vo . Pp . 444 . 1904. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 10s. Qd. Stanford's Compendium of Geo- graphy and Travel. 13 Vols. Large Cr. 8vo. Europe. Vol. 1. The Countries of the Mainland (excluding the North-West). By B.C. Wallis . New edn . in prepara- tion. Europe. Vol. 2. British Isles, Scandinavia, Denmark, and the Low Countries. By B. C. Wallis. New edn. in preparation. North America . Vol . 1 . Canada and Newfound land . Bv H . M . Ami. Pp. 1,069. 1915. North America. Vol. 2. The United States . New edn . in preparation . Australasia. Vol. 1. Australia and New Zealand. By J. W. Gregory. 2nd edn. Pp.657. 1907. 178 Geography. Australasia. Vol. 2. Malaysia and the Pacific Archipelagoes. By F. H . H . Guillemard . 2nd edn . revised by A . H . Keane . Pp . 590 . 1908 . Africa. Vol. 1 . North Africa. By A . H . Keane . 2nd edn . Pp . 640 . 1907. Africa. Vol. 2. South Africa. By A. H. Keane. 2nd edn. 19081 Asia. Vol. 1. Nor- thern and Eastern Asia, Caucasia, Russian Turkestan , Siberia , Chinese Empire, Korea and Japan. By A. H. Keane. 2nd edn. Pp. 554. 1906. Asia. Vol. 2. Southern and Western Asia, Afghanistan, India, Indo-China, Malay Penin- sula, Turkey in Asia, Arabia and Persia. By A. H. Keane. 2nd edn. Pp. 527. 1909. Central and South America. Vol. 1. South America. By A. H. Keane. 2nd edn. Pp. -638 . 1911. Central and South America . Vol . 2 . Central America and West Indies. By A. H. Keane. Pp. 500. 1901 . Glossary of Geo- graphical and Topographical Terms, and of words of frequent occurrence in the composition of such terms and of place names. By A. Knox. Pp. 432. Stanford. 17*. 6d. each Vol. Taylor, G. Australia, in its Physio- graphic and Economic Aspects. 3rd edn . Cr . 8vo . Pp . 266 . 1920 . Oxford: Clarendon Press. 4s. x. MISCELLANEOUS. ' Fawcett, C. B. Frontiers, a Study in Political Geography. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 108. 1918. Oxford: Claren- don Press. 3s. 6d. Provinces of England . A Study of some Geographical Aspects of Devolution. 'Cr. 8vo. Pp. 296. 1919. Williams and Norgate. 6s. Qd. Fleure, H. J. Human Geography in Western Europe. Cr. 8vo. *Pp. 263. 1919. Williams and Norgate. 6*. Keltic, Sir J. S. Applied Geo- graphy . 2nd edn . Cr . 8vo . Pp . 175. 1908. Geo. Philip. 3s. Qd. Maguire, T. M. Outlines of Mili- tary Geography. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 367. 1900. Cambridge University Press. 12s. Qd. Mill, H. R. New Lands: their Resources and Prospective Advan- tages . Cr . 8vo . Pp . 292 . 1 900 . Griffin . 5s . Vinall , J . W . T . , and Snaith , G . L . Open -Air Geography and Topo- graphical Modelling. 8vo. Pp. 224. 1920. Blackie. 5s. 179 NAVIGATION AND SEAMANSHIP. i . NAVIGATION AND NAUTICAL ASTRONOMY. Anon . Ru-Ro , the Rule of the Road at Sea. Fully illustrated by Dia- grams in colour. Demy 8vo. Pp. 32. Jas. Munro. 2s. Qd. Arnold, H. T. Steamship Naviga- tion. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 104. N.D. Blackie. 2s. 6d. Card, S. F. Navigation Notes and Examples. 3rd edn. DemySvo. Pp. 262. 1920. Arnold. 12s. Qd. Cross, F. New Navigation. 3rd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 39. 1919. James Brown. 2s. Qd. Dunraven, Earl of. Self Instruc- tion in the Practice and Theory of Navigation. New edn. 3 Vols. 8vo . ' 1908 . Vols . 1 and 2 . Pp . 300. ,348. 17s. Vol.3. Pp.350. 8s. Qd. Macmillan. Gill, J. Text-Book on Navigation and Nautical Astronomy. Revised and Enlarged by W. V! Merrifield. New edn. Med. 8vo. Pp. 446. 1918. Longmans. 21s. Grant, H. C. J. Pocket Book of Practical Navigation. Revised by E . R . G . R . Evans and B.C. Porter . 18mo. Pp. 207. 1920. Gieves. 10s. Qd. Groves -Showell, P. Definitions in Navigation and Nautical As- tronomy. Cr.Svo. Pp.115. 1908. Griffin. 3s. Hall, W. Modern Navigation (Navi- gation and Nautical Astronomy). 2nd edn . 6th imp . Cr . 8vo . Pp . 337. 1919. University Tutorial Press. 9s. Qd. | Hughes, A. J. The Book of the Sextant. Demy 8vo. Pp. 63. 191 5 . James Brown . 3s . Qd . Jutsum,J.N. Brown's Rule of the Road Manual . New edn . Cr . 8vo . Pp. 97. 1921 . J. Brown. 2s. Qd. Lecky, S. T. S. The Danger Angle and Off-Shore Distance. 12th edn. Sq. 8vo. Pp. 138. 1919. Geo. Philip. 6s. Wrinkles in Practical Naviga- tion. 12th edn. Roy. 8vo. Pp. 814. 1920. Geo. Philip. 30s. MacHattie, A. The Navigator's Practical Star Book. For Learners and Experienced Navigators. Con- taining 40 charts . Roy . 4to Oblong . Jas. Munro. 7s. Qd. Millar, W. J. Latitude and Longi- tude : How to Find them . 3rd edn . Cr. 8vo. Pp. 60. 1914. Griffin. 2s. Miremont, Comte de. Practical Methods in Modern Navigation. DemySvo. Pp.107. 1905. Geo. Philip. 5s. Owens, E. W. How to Learn on Shore the Rule of the Road at Sea. Demy 8vo. Pp. 40. 1906. Geo. Philip. 5s. Rugg, W. G. Stellar Indicator. Showing meridian passage, hour angle, and meridian altitude of the principal stars in both hemi- spheres at a glance. Jas. Munro. 2s. Qd. A Treatise on the Projection of the Sphere, showing how to construct and compute all the Astronomical problems, etc. Cr. 4to. Jas. Munro. 3s. Qd. Rule of the Road, Collison Indicator. Post 4to. Jas. Munro. 2s. Qd. Smith , D . W . The Law Relating to the Rule of the Road at Sea. 2nd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 333. 1910. James Brown. 10s. Qd. 180 Navigation and Seamanship. Stebbing, F. C. Navigation and Nautical Astronomy. 2nd edn. 8vo. Pp.352. 1903. Macmillan. 8s. Qd. Swainston,C.M. New Guide Book. 16th edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 594. 1920. T. Reed & Co. 12s. GJ. Whall, W. B. Handy Book of the Stars used in Navigation. 8th edn. Oblong 4to. 1920. Geo. Philip. 8s. Qd. Williamson, A. P. W. Text -Book of Navigation and Nautical As- tronomy. New edn. 8vo. Pp. 413. 1920. John Hogg. 10s. Qd. Wilson -Barker , Sir D . , and Ailing - ham, W. Navigation: Practical and Theoretical . 3rd edn . Cr . 8vo . Pp. 168. 1913. Griffin. 3s. Qd. ii. EXAMINATION GUIDES ON NAVIGATION AND SEAMAN- SHIP. Cogle and Tait's Extra Master's Guide. Explanations of all ques- tions in Navigation, Nautical As- tronomy, and Compass Syllabus. 3rd edn . Cr . 4to . Pp . 238 . 1 904 . James Brown. 10s. Qd. Don, J., and Caird. W. J. Cham- bers's Navigation: A Guide to the Examinations of Second Hands, Skippers, and Extra Skippers ot Fishing Vessels and Trawlers. Cr. Svo. Pp.312. Chambers. 3s. Qd. Hansen, L. F. Trigonometry and Navigation. A Complete Guide to the B .O .T . Examination for Extra Masters only. Roy. Svo. 1920. J. Brown . 15s. Morris , G . Extra Master's , Master's , and Mate's Handbook. A Guide to the Board of Trade Examinations. 3rd edn. Demy Svo. Pp. 564. 1913. James Brown. 10s. Qd. INicholls , A . E . , Concise Guide for Board of Trade Examinations. Revised by Capt. Maxwell. 18th edn. Demy Svo. Pp.732. 1920. .James Brown. 15s. Qd. Tait, Capt. Memory Work, re- quired for the Board of Trade Examinations of Second Mates, Mates, and Masters. 3rd edn. Cr. Svo. Pp. 94. Jas. Munro. 2s. Tait, J. Tait's Trawler's and Fisher- man's Guide. 7th edn. Cr. Svo. Pp. 216. 1919. James Brown. 3s. Qd. Tait's Guide to the Board of Trade Examinations for Second Mates, Mates, and Masters. Jas. Munro. 8s. William son , A . P . W . Home Trade . New Guide to home trade Masters' and Mates' Examinations. 2nd edn. Cr. Svo. Pp. 146. Jas. Munro. 2s. Qd. Hi. COMPASS WORK. Brown, C. H. Deviation and the Deviascope, including the Practice and Theory of Compass Adjust- ment. Demy Svo. Pp.133. 1918. James Brown. 5s. Qd. Martin., W . R . Lectures on Compass Adjustment. Demy Svo. Pp. 98. 1906. Geo. Philip. 5s. Merrifield, J. Magnetism and De- viation of the Compass. ISmo. Pp.168. 1919. Longmans. 3s. Qd. Rugg, W. G. Pocket Deviascope. For Illustrating Compass adjust- ment. 16mo. , Jas. Munro. ls.6rf. Tait, Capt. New Compass Syllabus, with over 100 Questions and An- swers, with diagrams. 2nd edn. Cr . Svo . Pp . 44 . Jas . Munro . 2* . Tait, J. Home Trade Guide. Full explanations of True and Magnetic Chart, Compass Deviations, Lati- tude by Meridian Altitude , Signals , Rule of the Road, etc. 10th edn. Cr. Svo. Pp. 321. 1919. James Brown . 5s . iv. NAUTICAL TABLES AND TERMS. Ansted , A . Dictionary of Sea Terms . Cr. Svo. Pp. 320. ' 1919. James Brown . 5s . 181 Navigation and Seamanship. Brent, C., Walter, A. F., and Williams, G. Ex-Meridian Alti- tude Tables. 9th edn. Roy. 8vo. Pp. 91. 1020. Geo. Philip. 7s. Gd. Brown, .1. R. (edited by). Brown's Nautical Almanac ; Harbour and Dock Guide and Daily Tide Tables for 1921. 8vo. Pp. 681. Dec. 1920. J. Brown. 3.9. Gd. Delbos, L. Nautical Terms in Eng- lish and French and French and English . New edn . Cr . 8vo . Pp . 461. 1914. Williams and Nor- gate . 5s . Jefferson's Nautical Almanac and Tide Tables, Harbour and Light- house Guide. Published annually in September. Cr. 8vo. Jas. Munro. 2s. Gd. Norie, J. W. A Complete Set of Nautical Tables, with Explanations of their Use. Cr. 4to. Pp. 738. 1920. Imray, Laurie. 21s. Pearson's Nautical Almanac and Tide Tables for 1921. 8vo. Pp. 440. Nov., 1920. Imray , Laurie . 3s. fid. v. SEAMANSHIP. Ginsburg, B . W. The Legal Duties of Shipmasters . 3rd edn . Cr . 8vo . Pp.283. 1911. Griffin. 5s. MacNab, J. Catechism of the Laws of Storms , for the Use of Sea Officers . 6th edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp.73. 1913. Geo. Philip. 4s. Gd. Nicholls, Capt. Seamanship. 10th edn. DemySvo. Pp.472. 1919. James Brown. 8s. Gd. Owen, H. Ship Economics, or Practical Aids for Shipmasters. 2nd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 137. 1918. Geo. Philip. 5s. Gd. Swainston, C. M. Seamanship, Meteorology , and Shipbuilding . 22nd edn. Cr. 8vo. 1918. T. Reed & Co. 6s. Tait, J. Seamanship. 12th edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 164. 1920. James Brown . 2s . New Seamanship. 10th edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 443. 1920. James Brown. 7s. Gd. Toda, J.,andWhallW.B. Practi- cal Seamanship. For use in the Merchant Service. 7th edn. Roy. 8vo. Pp.442. 1919. Geo. Philip. 30s. Wilkes , W . H . Notes ~n the Practi- cal Duties of Shipmasters. Cr. 8vo. Pp.127. 1911. Griffin. 3s. Williamson, A. P. W. Ship's Business and Practical Items in Modern Seamanship. 2nd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 45. Jas. Munro. Is. Gd. Wilson -Barker, Sir D. A Manual of Elementary Seamanship. 8th edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 287. 1919. Griffin. 7s. Gd. Things A Sailor Needs to Know. Med.Svo. Pp.351. 1919. Griffin. 21s. vi. MARINE SIGNALLING. Bernard, D. H. Signalling Made Easy . New edn . Cr . 8vo . Pp .. 85. 1918. James P.rown. 2s. Gd. Brown's Signalling. 22nd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 134. 1920. James Brown. 4s. Gd. Rugg,W.G. Signal Manual : for the Use of the Mercantile Marine. 2nd edn . Demy 8vo . Jas . Munro . Is. vii. CHARTS, TIDES, OCEANOGRAPHY. Abbott, T. K. Elementary Theory of the Tides: the Fundamental Theorems Demonstrated without Mathematics and the Influence of the Length of the Day Discussed. 2nd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp.40. 1901. Longmans . 2s . Carpenter, A., and Wilson-Barker, Sir D . Nature Notes for Ocean Voy- agers : Observations of Fishes , Birds , and Beasts ; with Popular Chapters on Weather, Waves, and Legendary Lore. Med. 8vo. Pp. 197. 1915. Griffin. 6s. Fowler, G. H. (edited by). Science of the Sea. An Elementary Hand- book of Practical Oceanography for Travellers , Sailors and Yachtsmen . Large Cr. 8vo. Pp. 452. 1912. Murray. 10s. Gd. 182 Navigation and Seamanship. Jenkins, J. T. A Textbook of Oceanography. Demy 8vo. Pp. 216. 1921. ~ Constable. 15s. Maxwell , F . W . Book on Chartwork and Plans. 4th edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 67. 1918. James Brown. 2s. 6d. Messum, S. Hydrographic Survey- ing. For the use of Beginners and Port and Harbour Masters. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 519. 1910. Griffin. 15s. Murray, Sir J. The Ocean. Fcap. 8vo. Pp. 256. 1919. Williams and Norgate. 2s. 6d. and Hjort, J. The Depths of the Ocean. A General Account of the Modern Science of Oceano- graphy . Sup Roy . 8vo . Pp . 842 . 1912. Macmillan. 28s. Robinson , J . L . Elements of Marine Surveying, with Numerous Exer- cises . 8rd edn . Cr . 8vo . Pp . 274 . 1904. Macmillan. 7s. 6d. Struben, A. M. A. Tidal Power: Tides and their Measurement; the Estimation of Potential Tidal Power ; Comparisons between Sys- tems of Development ; the Finan- cial aspect of the Problem, etc. Fcap. 8vo. Pp. 127. 1921. Pit- man. 2s. Gd. Whall, W. B. Handy Book of the Tides. 10th edn. Demy 4to. Pp. 37. Geo. Philip. 5s. * Wharton, Sir W. J. L. Hydro- graphical Surveying. A descrip- tion of the means and methods em- ployed in constructing Marine Charts . 3rd edn . revised and brought up to date by Sir M. Field. Demy 8vo. Pp. 582. 1920. Murray. 30s. 188 BIOLOGY. i. GENERAL, Bidgood, J. A Course of Practical Elementary Biology. Cr. 8vo. Pp . 362 . 1914 . Longmans . 5s . Gd . Campbell, H. J. Text Book of Elementary Biology. 3rd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 306. 1905. Allen and Unwin. 6s. Gibson, H. A Primer of Biology. Fcap.Svo. Pp.120. 1908. Dent. 2s. Henderson, J. F., and W. D. A Dictionary of Scientific Terms: Pronunciation , Derivation , and Definition of Terms in Biology, Botany, Zoology, Anatomy, Cy- tology, Embryology, Physiology. Demy 8vo. Pp. 362. 1920. Oliver and Boyd. 18s. Huxley, T. H. Discourses, Biologi- cal and Geological. New imp. Gl. 8vo. Pp.388. 1908. Macmillan. 6s. and Martin, H. N. A Course of Practical Instruction in Ele- mentary Biology. 3rd edn. Re- vised and extended by G. B. Howes and D . H . Scott . Cr . 8vo . Pp. 528. 1907.; Macmillan. 12s. Gd. Kirkaldy, J. W., and Drummond, I. M. An Introduction to the Study of Biology. Unicellular Organisms ; Simple Multicellular Organisms : Higher Plants and Animals. Cr.Svo. Pp.266. 1909. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 6s. Qd. Lloyd, F. E., and Bigelow, M.A. The Teaching of Biology in the Secondary School. New edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 500. 1919. Longmans. 8s. Lloyd, R. E. An Introduction to Biology: for Students in India. 8vo. Pp. 316. 1910. Longmans. 9s. MacFadyen, A. The Cell as the Unit of Life : An Introduction to Biology . Edited by R . T . Hewlett . 8vo. Pp. 400. 1908. Churchill. 7s. Qd. Miall, L. G. History of Biology. Cr.Svo. Pp.150. 1011. Watts. 3s. Qd. Mitchell, P. G., and Mudge, G. P. Outlines of Biology. 4th edn. Cr.Svo. Pp.364. 1911. Methuen. 7s. Qd. Parker , T . J . Lessons in Elementary Biology. 2nd edn. Cr.Svo. Pp. 528. 1920. Macmillan. 12s. Qd. Thesing, G. Lectures on Biology. Translated by W. R. Boelter. Med. 8vo. Pp. 342. 1911. Bale and Danielsson. 10s. Qd. Thomson, J. A. The Science of Life. An Outline of the History of Biology and its Recent Advances. Cr.Svo. Pp.246. N.D. Blackie. 3s. The Biology of the Seasons. 4th edn. Med. Svo. Pp. 393. 1915. Melrose. 15s. Thornton, J. Elementary Biology; Descriptive and Experimental . Revised edn. Cr. Svo. Pp. 288. 1907. Longmans. 4s. Gd. ii. NATURE STUDY. Glaxton, W. J. Methodical Nature Study. Demy Svo. Pp. 190. 1911. Blackie. 7s. Qd. Furneaux, W. S. The Outdoor World; or the Young Collector's Handbook. Cr. Svo. Pp. 439. 1912. Longmans. 6s. Gd. A Nature Study Guide . Cr.Svo. , Pp . 308 . 1918 . Longmans . 6s . 6d. Life in Ponds and Streams. Cr. Svo. Pp. 426. 1919. Longmans. 6s. Qd. 184 Biology. Rennie, J. The Aims and Methods of Nature Study. A Guide for Teachers. 3rd imp. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 368. 1917. University Tutorial Press . 5s . Thomson, J. A. The Wonder ol Life . 4th imp . Demy 8vo . Pp . 680. 1920. Melrose. 15s. iii. NATURAL HISTORY. Abbey, G. The Balance of Nature and Modern Conditions of Cultiva- tion : A Practical Manual of Animal Foes and Friends. Large 8vo. Pp.300. 1909. Rout ledge. 1 Os. Qd. Darwin, G . Journal of a Naturalist during a Voyage Round the World in H.M.S. tl Beagle." 5th imp. Cr.Svo. Pp.521. 1912. Murray. 7s. Qd. Deperet, G. Transformations of the Animal World . Cr . 8vo . Pp . 376 . 1909. Kegan Paul. 7s. Qd. Gamble , F . W . The Animal World . Fcap. 8vo. Pp. 265. 1911. Williams and Norgate. 2s. Qd. Harmer , Sir S . F . , and Shipley , Sir A . E . (edited by) . The Cambridge Natural History. By Various Writers. lOVols. Med. Svo.Vol. 1. Pp. 694. 1909. Vol. 2. Pp. 572. 1910. Vol. 3. Pp. 550. 1913. Vol. 4. Pp. 566. 1920. Vol. 5. Pp.596. 1910. Vol.6. Pp.638. 1918. Vol. 7. Pp. 788. 1910. Vol. 8. Pp. 668. 1920. Vol. 9. Pp. 652. 1909. Vol. 10. New imp. in the Press. Macmillan. 21s. each Vol. Huxley , J . S . The Individual in the Animal Kingdom. Roy. 16mo. Pp. 167. 1912. Cambridge Uni- versity Press . 2s . Qd . Lankester, Sir E. R. Science from an Easy Chair. First Series. 8th edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 439. Methuen. 7s. Qd. Science from an Easy Chair. Second Series. 2nd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 426. Methuen. 7s. Qd. Diversions of a Naturalist. 2nd edn . Cr . 8vo . Pp . 440 . Methuen . 7s. Qd. Lankester, Sir E.R. Secrets of Earth and Sea . Cr . 8vo . Pp . 262 . 1920. Methuen. 8s. Qd. Latter, O. H. The Natural History of Some Common Animals. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 349. 1913. Cambridge University Press. 6s. Lloyd , R . E . The Growth of Groups in the Animal Kingdom. 8vo. Pp. 194. 1912. Longmans. 6s. Lydekker, R. The Royal Natural History. 6 Vols. New imp. in preparation . Warne . Wild Life of the World. A Descriptive Survey of the Geo- graphical Distribution of Animals. 3 Vols. Small Demy 4to. Pp. 486., 452., 460. Warne. 84s. Animal Portraiture. Imp. 4to. Pp. 105 and 50 Plates. Warne. 75s. Protheroe, E. Natural History of the World. 8vo. Pp.584. Rout- ledge. 10s. Qd. Scharff, R. F. The History of the European Fauna. Cr. 8vo. Scott Pub. Co. 7s. Qd. Sherborn, G. D. (compiled by). Index Animalium . Part 1 (1758- 1800). Roy. 8vo. Pp. 1,264. 1 902 . Cambridge University Press . 25s. Smith, G. W, A Naturalist in Tasmania. 8vo. Pp. 152. 1909. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 7s. Qd. Smith ;G. Primitive Animals. Roy. 16mo. Pp. 166. 1911. Cam- bridge University Press. 2s. Qd. Ward , F . Animal Life under Water . Large Cr. 8vo. Pp. 188. 1919. Cassell. 9s. Westell , W . P . The Young Natural- ist. A Guide to British Animal Life. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 492. 1919. Methuen. 7s. Qd. iv. ZOOLOGY AND MORPHOLOGY. Beddard, F. E. Elementary Practi- cal Zoology. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 362 1915. Longmans. 4s. Qd. 185 Biology. Borradaile, L. A. Manual of Ele- mentary Zoology. 3rd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp.630. *1920. Frowde and Hodder. 18s. Catechism Series . Zoology . By R . A . Staig . 2nd edn . 3 Parts . Cr. 8vo. Is. 9d. each, also in one volume. Pp. 291. 1921. Livingstone. 5s. Qd. Dakin, W. J. The Elements of Animal Biology. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 320. 1918. ^Macmillan. 6s. Gardiner, J. S., and Borradaile, L. A. The Cambridge Notebook for Practical Biology (Zoology). 6th edn. 8vo. Pp~. 84. 1919. Frowde and Hodder. 5s. Howes , G . B . An Atlas of Practical Elementary Zootomy. Preface by T. H. Huxley. Med. 4to. Pp. 36 and 24 Plates. 1902. Macmillan. 12s. Qd. Imms,A.D. A Laboratory Sketch - Book of Zoology, for Indian Stu- dents. 4to. Pp.228. 1911. Long- mans. 10s. Qd. Kerr, G. A Primer of Zoology. Fcap. 8vo. Pp. 99. Dent. 2s. Lankester, Sir E. R. (edited by). A Treatise on Zoology . Demy 8vo . Part 1 . Introduction and Proto/.oa (First Fascicle). Pp. 296. 1909. Part 1 . Introduction and Protozoa (Second Fascicle). Pp.451. 1903. Part 2 . The Porifera and Coelentera . Pp. 368. 1900. Part 3. The Echinoderrna . Pp. 344. 1900. Part 4. The Platyhelmia, The Mesozoa, and the Nemertini. Pp. 204. 1901. Part 5. Mollusca. Pp.355. 1906. Part 7. Crustacea (Third Fascicle). Pp. 346. 1909. Part 9. Vertebrata Craniata (First Fascicle). Pp. 518. 1909. Paper covers, 15s. each. Cloth covers, 20s. each. Black. Lulham, R. An Introduction to Zoology. (Invertebrates). Cr.Svo. Pp.474. 1913. Macmillan. 8s. Qd. MacLeod, J. The Quantitative Method in Biology . 8vo . Pp . 240 . 1919. Longmans. 16s. Marshall , A . M . , and Hurst , C . H . A Junior Course of Practical Zoology. 9th edn. Revised by F . W . Gamble . Cr . 8vo . Pp . 543 . 1920. Murray. 12s. Masterman, A. T. Elementary Text-Book of Zoology. 2nd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 652. Livingstone. 6s. Morgan, C.L. Animal Biology : an Elementary Text-Book. 4th i edn. Cr.Svo. Pp.426. 1911. Long- mans . 9s . Qd . O'Donoghue, C. H. An Introduc- tion to Zoology for Medical Students. Demy 8 vo. Pp.511. 1920. Bell. 16s. Parker, T. J., and W. N. Elemen- tary Course of Practical Zoology. 5th edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 650. 1920. Macmillan. 15s. and Has well, W. A. A Text- Book of Zoology. 2 Vols. 2nd edn . Med . 8vo . Pp . 880 . , 748 . 1910. Macmillan. 36s. and Haswell, W. A. A Manual of Zoology. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 566. 1918. Macmillan. 10s. Qd. Russell , E . S . Form and Function . A Contribution to the History of Animal Morphology. Demy 8vo. Pp. 383. 1916. Murray. 15s. Sedgwick, A. Student's Text Book of Zoology. 3 Vols. Demy 8vo. Vol . 1 . Protozoa to Chactognatha . Pp. 619. 1898. Vol. 2. Chordata to Mammalia. Pp. 705. 1905. Vol . 3 . The Introduction to Arthro- poda , the Crustacea , and Xiphosura , by J. J. Lister; the Insecta and Arachnida, by Sir A.E. Shipley. Pp.918. 1909. Allen & Un win. 15s. each. (edited by) . Proceedings of the Fourth International Congress of Zoology . (Cambridge , 1898) . Demy 8vo. 1898. Cambridge University Press. 15s. Shipley , Sir A . E . . and MacBride , E. W. Zoology. An Elementary Text -Book. 4th edn. Demy 8vo. Pp.772. 1920. Cambridge Univer- sity Press. 20s. 186 Biology. Thompson, D'A. W. On Growth and Form. Demy 8vo. Pp. 830. 1917 . Cambridge University Press . 24s. Thomson, .1. A. The Study of Animal Life. 4th edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 477. 1917. Murray. 6s. Secrets of Animal Life. Demy 8vo. Pp. 332. 1919. Melrose. 7.9. 6d. Outlines of Zoology. 7th edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp.890. 1921. Frowde and Hodder. 18s. Wells, H. G., and Davies, A.M. Text-Book of Zoology. Revised by .T.T.Cunningham. 6th edn. 10th imp. Cr. Svo. Pp. 495. 1917. University Tutorial Press. 9s. 6d. v. INSECTS: SPIDERS, TICKS. Adler , H . Alternating Generat ions . A Riological Study of Oak Galls and Gall Flies. Translated and edited by C. R. Straton. Cr. Svo. Pp. 242. 1894. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 10s. 6d. Avebury, Lord. On the Senses, Instincts, and Intelligence of Ani- mals, with special Reference to Insects. 6th edn. Cr. Svo. Pp. 164. Kegan Paul. 7s. Qd. Ants, Bees, and Wasps : a Record of Observations on the Habits of the Social Hymenoptera. 17th edn. 3rd imp. 'Cr.Svo. Pp.453. 1915. Kegan Paul. 7s. 6rf. Bal four -Browne, F. Keys to the Orders of Insects. Demy Svo. Pp.66. 1920. Cambridge Univer- sity Press. 7s. Qd . Barrett, C. G. The Lepidoptera of the British Islands. A Descriptive account, of their Families , Genera , Species, Preparatory States and Localities. 11 Vols. Demy Svo. 1893-1907. Vol.1. Rhopalocera. Vols. 2 11, Heterocera. 12s. each. Large Paper Edition with 504 Coloured Plates. Roy. Svo. 18931907. (Vol. 1. Separately, 63?. 33 15s. Labelling List of Species. Is. Qd. Lovell Reeve. Bastin, H. British Insects and How to know them. Fcap. Svo. Pu. 142. 1917. Methuen. 2s. Bath, W. H. Handbook of Ants, Bees, Dragon Flies, Earwigs, Crickets, and Flies. 5th edn. Cr. Svo. Pp.108. 1912. Allen and Unwin. Is. Qd. Buckton, G. B. Monograph of the British Cicadse or Tettigidse . With 82 Coloured Plates, illustrating about 250 Species. 2 Vols. Med. Svo. Pp. 211. .206. 3891. Lovell Reeve . 63s . Monograph of the Membracidae. With 2 structural and 60 Plates, illustrating about 400 species . Imp . Svo. Pp~ 296. 1903. Lovell Reeve. Coloured, 5 5s. Un- co loured, 2 15s. Butler, E. A. Pond Life: Insects. 6th edn. Cr.Svo. Pp.127. 1909. Allen and Unwin. Is. Qd. Carpenter, G. H. Insects: their Structure and Life. A Primer of Entomology. Cr. Svo. Pp. 104. Dent . 6s / The Life Story of Insects. Roy. 16mo. Pp.134. 1913. Cambridge University Press. 2s. Qd. Coleman , W . S . British Butterflies . New edn. Cr.Svo. Pp.160. 1910. Rout ledge. 5s. Crabtree , J . H . Wonders of Insect Life: Details of the Habits and Structure of Insects. Illustrated by the Camera and the Microscope. Cr. Svo. Pp. 219. 1920. Rout- ledge . 6s . Ealand , C : . A . Insect Life . With 5O Coloured Plates and 24 Photographs . Demy Svo . Pp . 352 . 1921 . Black . 30s. Edwards , J . The Hemiptera Homo- ptera of the British Islands . With 2 structural Plates. Demy Svo. Pp. 271. 1896. 21s. Large Paper Edition, with 28 Plates, illustrating about 300 Species. Super Roy. Svo. Pp. 283. 1896. Coloured, 50s; uneoloured, 25*. Lovell Reeve. 1ST Biology. Eltringham, H. African Mimetic Butterflies, being descriptions and illustrations of the principal known instances of Mimetic Resemblance in the Rhopalocera of the Ethiopian Region, together with an explana- tion of the Mullerian and Batesian Theories of Mimicry, and some of the account of the evidences on which these theories are based. Roy. 4to. Pp. 136 and Plates. 191 . Oxford : Clarendon Press . 50* . Fabre, J. H. The Mason Wasps. Translated by A. T. de Mattos. Large Cr. 8vo. Pp. 324. N.D. Hodder and Stoughton. 8s. 6d. The Mason Bees. Translated by A. T. de Mattos. Large Cr. 8vd. Pp. 324. N.D. Hodder and Stoughton. 8s. Gd. The Life of the Caterpillar. Translated by A. T. de Mattos. Large Cr. 8vo. Pp. 390. 1917. Hodder and Stoughton. 8s. Gd. Bramble Bees and Others . Trans- lated by A. T. de Mattos. Large Cr. 8vo". Pp.484. 1917. Hodder and Stoughton . 8s. Gd. The Hunting Wasps . Translated by A . T . de Mattos . Large Cr . 8vo . Pp. 435. 1919. Hodder and Stoughton. 8s. Gd. The Life of the Fly, with which are interspersed some Chapters of Autobiography. Translated by A. T . de Mattos . Large Cr . 8vo . Pp . 477. 1919. Hodder and Stoughton . 8s. Gd. The Glow Worm, and other Beetles. Translated by A. T. de Mattos. Large Cr. 8vo. Pp. 496. 1919. Hodder and Stoughton. 8s. Gd. The Life of the Grasshopper. Translated by A. T. de Mattos. Large Cr. 8vo. Pp. 318. 1917. Hodder and Stoughton. 8s. Gd. The Sacred Beetle and Others. Translated by A. T. de Mattos. Large Cr. 8vo. Pp. 317. 1918. Hodder and Stoughton. 8s. Gd. The Life of the Spider. Trans- lated by A. T. de Mattos. Large Cr. 8vo. Pp.418. 1918. Hodder and Stoughton . 8s. 6 D. H. Evolution of Plants. Fcap. 8vo. Pp. 256. 1919. Williams and Norgate. 2s. Qd. An Introduction to Structural Botany . 2 Vols . Cr . 8vo . Part 1 . Flowering Plants. 9th edn. Pp. 298. 1917. Part 2. Flowerless Plants . 8th edn . Pp . 298 . 1920 . Black. 6s. each. Solereder , H . Systematic Anatomy of the Dicotyledons. A handbook^for Laboratories of Pure and Applied Botany. Translated by L. A. Boodle and F . E . Fritsch . Revised by D.H.Scott. 2 Vols. Roy.Svo. Pp. 1202. 1908. Vol. 1. Intro- duction , Polypetalae , Gamopetalae . Vol .2 . Monochlamydeae , Addenda , etc. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 24s. each. Timiriazeff, C. A. The Life of the Plant. Translated from the Russian by A . Cheremeteff . 8vo . Pp . 371 . 1912. Longmans. 8s. iii. GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBU- TION. Boulger, P. S. Plant Geography. Pott. 8vo. Pp. 136. Dent. Is. Qd. Hardy, M. E. The Geography of Plants. Cr. 8vo. Pp.339. 1920. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 7s. 6rf. An Introduction to Plant Geo- graphy. Cr.Svo. Pp.192. 1913. Oxford : Clarendon Press. 4s. Moss, G. E. The Vegetation of the Peak District. Demy 8vo. Pp. 246. 1913. Cambridge University Press. 14s. Schimper, A.F. W. Geography of Plants . Translated by W . R . Fisher , revised by P. Groom and I. B. Balfour. Part 1. The Factors. Part 2. Formations and Guilds. Part 3 . Zones and Regions Trop- ical Climate and Vegetation, Tem- perate Zones, Arctic Zone. Roy. 8vo. Pp. 870. 1903. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 63s. Warming, E. Oecology of Plants. An Introduction to the Study of Plant Communities. English edn. by P. Groom and I. B. Balfour. Roy. 8vo. Pp. 434. 1909. Ox- ford: Clarendon Press. 15s. iv. ALGJE. Gooke , M . G . Introduction to Fresh- Water Algae : with an Enumeration of all the British Species . Cr . 8vo . Pp. 345. 1902. Kegan Paul. 7s. Qd. Fryer, A., Evans, A. H., and Bennett, A. The Potamogetons (Pondweeds) of the British Isles. Descriptions of all the Species, Varieties, and Hybrids. With 60 Plates. Med.4to. Pp.94. 1915. Coloured, 5 5s. Uncoloured, 3 15s . Lovell Reeve . Gray, S. O. British Seaweeds. An introduction to the study of the Marine Algae of Great Britain, Ireland and the Channel Islands. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 335. 1867. Lovell Reeve. 10s. Qd. 203 Botany. * Harvey, W. H. Phycologia Aus- tralica. A History of Australian Seaweeds. 5 Vols. Roy. 8vo. 300 Plates . 1 863 . Coloured, 6 10s . Unco loured, 3 3s. Sets of the un- co loured Plates and letterpress, unbound 2 5s. Lovell Reeve. Phycologia Britannica. A His- tory of British Seaweeds. 4 Vols. Roy. 8vo. 360 Plates. 1871. Coloured, 6 6s. Unco loured, 3 3s. Sets of the unco loured Plates and letterpress, unbound, 2 5s. Lovell Reeve. Nave, J. Collector's Handy-book of Algae, Desmids, Fungi, Lichens, Mosses, etc. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 210. 1904. Routledge. 4s. 6d. West,G.S. Algae. Vol.1. Myxo- phyceae, Peridinieae, Chlorophy- ceae, together with a brief sum- mary of the Occurrence and Distri- bution of Freshwater Algae. Roy. 8vo. Pp. 486. 1919. Cambridge University Press. 30s. v. FUNGI. Badham, M. D. The Esculent Funguses of England . An Account of their Classical History, Uses, Characters, Development, Struc- ture, Nutritions, Properties, Modes of Cooking and Preserving, etc. 2nd edn. 8vo. Pp. 160. 1863. Lovell Reeve. 12s. Berkeley , M . J . Outlines of British Fungology. Containing a descrip- tion of the larger British Fungi, together with a list of the more minute species. With 24 Plates, illustrating over 170 species. 8vo. Pp. 459. 1860. Coloured, 18s. Uneoloured, 12s. Supplement by W. G. Smith. 6s. Lovell Reeve*. Buller, A. H. R. Researches on Fungi : An Account of the Produc- tion, Liberation and Dispersion of the Spores of Hymenomycetes treated Botanically and Physically. Roy.Svo. Pp.300. 1909. Long- mans. 12s. 6rf. Gooke , M . C . Edible and Poisonous Mushrooms: What to Eat and What to Avoid . Cr . 8vo . Pp . 126 . 1902. S.P.C.K. 4s. Fungi: their Nature, Influences, Uses , etc . 6th edn . Cr . 8vo . Pp . 311. 1906. Kegan Paul. 7s. 6d. Comparative Morphology and Bio- logy of Fungi, Mycetoz-oa and Bacteria. Translated by H. E. F. Garnsey. Revised by I. B. Bal- four. Roy. 8vo. Pp. 546. 1887. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 30s. Grove, W. B. British Rust Fungi (Uredinales). DemySvo. Pp.424. 1913 . Cambridge University Press . 17s. Massee, G. British Fungi, Phy- comycetes and Ustilagineae . With 8 Plates. Cr. 8vo. Pp.247. 1891. Lovell Reeve. 7s. Gd. British Fungi . With 40 Coloured Plates. 8vo. Pp. 351. Rout- ledge. 10s.6d. European Fungus, Flora Agari- caceae. Cr. 8vo. Pp.280. 1902. Duckworth . 6s . Phillips , W . Manual of British Dis- comycetes : with Descriptions of all the Species of Fungi hitherto found in Britain included in the Family, and Illustrations of the Genera. 2nd edn. Cr.Svo. Pp.474. 1893. Kegan Paul. 7s. 6d. Swanton, E. W. Fungi and How to Know Them. An Introduction to Mycology. Cr.Svo. Pp. 222. 1909. Methuen. 10s. Qd. vi. FERNS AND MOSSES. Bagnall , J . E . Hand-book of Mosses , with an Account of their Structure, Classification, Geographical Distri- bution and Habits. 6th edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 98. 1910. Allen & Unwin. Is. 6d. Bastin , H . British Ferns and How to Know Them . Fcap . 8vo . Pp . 144 . 1917. Methuen. 2s. 204 Botany. Berkeley, M. J. Handbook of British Mosses. Containing a des- cription of genera and species, with their geographical distribution ; collection and systematic arrange- ment. With 24 plates, illustrating over 150 species. 2nd edn. Svo. Pp. 324. 1895. Coloured, 18s. Uncoloured, 12s. Lovell Reeve. Druery, C. T. British Ferns and their Varieties . 40 coloured Plates . Svo. Pp. 467. N.D. Routledge. 10s. 6d. Hobkirk, G. P. Synopsis of British Mosses. Containing Descriptions of the Genera and Species, with localities of the rarer ones. 2nd edn. Cr. Svo. Pp.240. 1884. Lovell Reeve. 7s. 6rf. Hooker, Sir W. J. The British Ferns. Figures and Descriptions, with Analysis of the Fructification and Venation. 66 plates. Roy. Svo. 1861. Coloured, 1 16s. Uncoloured, 15s. Lovell Reeve. Garden Ferns. Figures and Des- criptions of Exotic Ferns adapted for Cultivation. Roy. Svo. 64 Plates. 1862. Coloured, 1 16s. Uncoloured, 15s. Lovell Reeve. Plues, M. British Ferns, including Lycopods, and Equiseta. With 16 coloured Plates and Woodcuts. Cr. Svo. Pp. 281. Lovell Reeve. 10s. 6d. Russell, T. H. Mosses and Liver- worts. An Introduction to their study, with hints as to their collec- tion and preservation. Cr. Svo. Pp. 213. 1908. Sampson Low. 4s. Qd. Sim, T. R. The Ferns of South Africa . 2nd edn . Demy Svo . Pp . 394. 1916. Cambridge University Press . 25s . Step, E. Wayside and Woodland Ferns. A Pocket Guide to the British Ferns, Horsetails, and Club Mosses. Pocket size. Pp. 143. 1908. Warne. 8s. Gd. vii. FLORA. Arber, E. A. N. Devonian Floras: A Study of the Origin of Cormo- phyta . Demy Svo . Pp . 1 14 . 1 921 . Cambridge University Press . 17s. Qd. Baker , J . G . Flora of Mauritius and the Seychelles. Svo. Pp. 605. 1877. Lovell Reeve. 42s. Baker, R. T., and Smith, H. G. A Research on the Pines of Australia. Roy.4to. Pp.472. 1910. Rout- ledge. 30s. Bentham, G., and Hooker, Sir J. D . Handbook of the British Flora . A Description of the Flowering Plants and Ferns indigenous to or naturalised in the British Isles. 6th edn . Cr . Svo . Pp . 664 . 191 S . Love 11 Reeve. 12s. Illustrations of the British Flora, forming an Illustrated Companion to Bentham 's "Handbook," and other British Floras. 1,315 Wood engravings by W. H. Fitch and W.G. Smith/ 4th edn. Cr.Svo. Pp.354. 1919. Lovell Reeve. 12s. and Mueller, F. Flora Aus- traliensis. A Description of the Plants of the Australian Territory. 7 vols. Svo. 1863-1878. Lovell Reeve . 42s . per . vol . Carter, H. G. Genera of British Plants. Cr.Svo. Pp.140. 1913. Cambridge University Press. 6s. Druce,G.C. The Flora of Berkshire. Cr . Svo . Pp . 754 . 1 897 . Oxford : Clarendon Press. 16s. List of British Plants, found either as natives or growing in a wild state in the British Isles. Cr* Svo. Pp. 120. 1908. Oxford: Clarendon Press . 3s . Gregory, E. S. British Violets. Demy Svo. Pp.131. 1912. HerTer. 6s. Grove , W . B . A Pocket Synopsis of the Families of British Flowering Plants (based upon the System of Engler). Fcap. Svo. Pp. 56. 1915. Longmans. Is. 3d. Harvey, W. H., Sender, O. W., and Thiselton-Dyer, Sir W. T. Flora Capensis. A Systematic Description of the Plants of Cape Colony, Caffraria and Port Natal. 9 Vols. Svo. 1894- 1900. 42s., each, except Vol. IV. Section 1. 60s. 3 Additional Parts now ready. 15s., 15s.^ 11s. 3d. Lovell Reeve. 205 Botany. Hayward, W. R. The Botanist's Pocket Book : containing the chief characteristics of British Plants; with botanical name , common name , soil and situation, Colour, Growth, and time of flowering of every Plant , arranged under its own order. 15th edn . Revised by G . C . Druce . Fcap. 8vo. Pp. 335. 1917. Bell. 5s. Hooker , Sir J . D . Flora of British India. 7 Vols. 8vo. 1872-1897. Lovell Reeve. 42s. per vol. Handbook of the New Zealand Flora . A systematic description of the Native "Plants of New Zealand and the Chatham, Kermadec, Auck- land, Campbell and Macquarie Islands. 8vo. Pp. 866. 1864-1867. Lovell Reeve . 42s . The Student's Flora of the British Isles. 3rd edn. Globe 8vo. Pp. 588. 1884. Macmillan. 10s. Qd. Jackson , B . D . Index Kewensis ; an enumeration of the Genera and Species of Flowering Plants from the time of Linnaeus to the year 1885, together with their authors' names , the works in which they were first published , their native countries and their synonyms . 2 Vols . Roy . 4to. 1895. Vol. 1. Pp. 1268. Vol . 2 . Pp . 1300 . With 4 Supple- ments 1886-1910. Oxford: Claren- don Press. 16 16s. Johns, C. A. Flowers of the Field. Edited by C. Elliott. 8th edn. With Chapters on Grasses, also Glossary and English and Latin Indexes . 8th imp . 8vo . Pp . 398 and 96 Plates. Rout ledge. 12s. Qd. Flowers of the Field. 33rd edn. Revised by G. S. Boulger. Large Cr. 8vo. Pp. 612 and 64 Plates. 1011. S.P.C.K. 7s. Qd. Moss, G. E., and others. The Cambridge British Flora. Illus- trated from Drawings by E. W. Himnybun. To be completed in about' 10 Vols . Imp . 4to . Vol . 2 . in 2 Parts. Pt. 1. Text. Pp. 228. Pt. 2. 206 Plates. 3, or in 1 Volume, 2 10s. Vol. 3 in 2 Parts. Pt. 1. Text. Pp. 216. Pt. 2. 191 Plates . 6 15s ., or in 1 Volume (plates interspersed with text), 7 7s. Cambridge University Press . Oliver, D ., Thiselton-Dyer, Sir W. T., and Prain, Sir D. Flora of Tropical Africa (Upper Guinea, North Central including the Sahara , Nile Land, Lower Guinea, South Central, and Mozambique). 10 Vols. ready. 8vo. 1868-1920. 42s. each. Vol. VI. Section I. 60s . 3 Additional Parts now ready . 15s. each. Lovell Reeve. Plues , M . British Grasses . With 16 Coloured Plates and 100 Woodcuts. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 307. Lovell Reeve. 10s. Qd. Pratt, A. The Flowering Plants, Grasses , Sedges , and Ferns of Great Britain. 4 Vols. Med. 8vo. Pp. 266., 279., 258.,. 215 and 80 Plates in each Vol. Warne. 10s. Qd. each Vol . Ridley, H. N. Materials for a Flora of the Malayan Peninsula . 3 Parts . 8vo. 1907. Lovell Reeve. 30s. Rogers, W. M. A Handbook of British Rubi . Demy 8vo . Pp . 129 . 1 900 . Duckworth . 5s . Step, E. Favourite Flowers of Garden and Greenhouse. 4 Vols. Med.Svo. 1896. Warne. 60s. Wayside and Woodland Blossoms . A Pocket Guide to British Wild Flowers. 2 Vols. Pocket size. Pp.189., 187. Warne. 8s. Qd. each Vol. Wild Flowers Month by Month In their Natural Haunts . 2 Vols . Med.Svo. Pp. 206., 206. 1905. Warne. 15s. Strachfty , Sir , R . , and Duthie , J . F . Catalogue of the Plants of Kumaon and the adjacent portions of Garhwal and Tibet. 8vo. Pp. 276. 1906. Lovell Reeve. 5s. Thompson , H . S . Flowering Plants of the Riviera. A Descriptive Account of 1 ,800 of the more inter- esting Species. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 280. 1914. Longmans. 12s. 206 Botany. Townsend, F. Flora of Hampshire, White, J. W. The Flora of Bristol, including the Isle of Wight, with An Account of all the Flowering localities of the less common species . Plants , Ferns , and their Allies that 2nd edn. 8vo. Pp. 696. 1904. have at any time been found in Lovell Reeve . 18s . the neighbourhood of Bristol . Demy Ward , H . M . Grasses : a Handbook f . - Pp 700 1912 . John for use in the Field and Laboratory. Wright. 12s. Gd. r - 8v ; . P P'. 198 - 1908 ' Cam - Willis, J. C. A Dictionary of the bridge University Press. 7s. Flowering Plants and Ferns. 4th Watts, W.M. A School Flora. For edn. Cr. Svo. Pp. 780. 1919. the use of Elementary Botanical Cambridge University Press. 22s, Classes. Cr. Svo. Pp.216. 1919. Longmans. 4s. Gd. 207 FORESTRY. 'Acorn." English Timber and Its Economical Conversion. A Hand- book for Home Timber Merchants, Manufacturers and Growers. 2nd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 208. Rider. 3s. Qd. Baterden, J. R. Timber. Ex. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 356. 1908. Constable. 7s. Qd. Bean , W . J . Trees and Shrubs Hardy in the British Isles . 2 Vols . Med . 8vo. Pp.688., 736. 1919. Murray. 48s. Beddoes , W . F . The Management of English Woodlands. Demy 8vo. Pp^. 191. 1919. Simpkin, Mar- shall. 7s. Qd. Bousfield , G . The Timber Merchant and Builders' Vade Mecum. Cr. 8vo. Pp.120. N.D. Wm. Rider. 5s. Boyd, J. Afforestation. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 40. 1918. Chambers. Is. Brandis, Sir D. Indian Trees: An Account of Trees, Shrubs, Woody Climbers, Bamboos, and Palms, Indigenous or Commonly Cultivated in the British Indian Empire. 2nd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 303. 1920. Constable. 40s. Broun, A. F. Sylviculture in the Tropics. 8vo. Pp. 328. 1912. Macmillan. 10s. Qd. Bullock, W. Timber. From the Forest to its Use in Commerce. Cr.Svo. Pp.158. 1915. Pitman. 3s. Charpentier, P. Timber. A Com- prehensive Study of Wood in all its Aspects , Commercial and Botanical . Translated from the French. Roy.Svo. Pp.437. 1902. Scott, Greenwood. 14s. Qd. Coltman -Rogers , C. Conifers and their Characteristics. Demy 8vo. Pp. 333. 1920. Murray. 21s. Curtis, C. E. Practical Forestry: and its Bearing on the Improve- ment of Estates. 4th edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 156. 1908. Crosby Lockwood . 5s . Forbes, A. G. The Development of British Forestry. Demy 8vo. Pp. 286. 1910. Arnold. 10s. Qd . English Estate Forestry. 2nd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp.342. 1906. Arnold. 12s. Qd. Handbook of Forestry. Pocket size. Pp. 216. 1920. Wm. Rider. 4s. 6d. Hanson, G. O. Forestry for Wood- men. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 222. 1911. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 5s. Henry, A. Forests, Woods, and Trees in Relation to Hygiene. DemySvo. Pp.326. 1919. Con- stable. 18s. Howard, A. L. A Manual of the Timbers of the World. Their Characteristics and Uses. With an Account of the Artificial Seasoning of Timber, by S. Fitzgerald. 8vo. Pp.462. 1920. Macmillan. 30s. Jackson, H. A Short Manual of Forest Management. Demy 8vo. Pp.80. 1921. Cambridge Univer- sity Press. 7s. Johns, C. A. British Trees and Shrubs. Revised, edited and anno- tated by E. T. Cook. 8vo. Pp. 301. Routledge. 10s. Qd. The Forest Trees of Britain. 10th edn. revised by G. S. Boulger. Post 8vo. Pp. 448. 1920. S.P.C.K. 7s. Qd. 208 Forestry. Keen, G. R. Aeroplane Timbers: Their Structure, Formation, and Mechanical and Commercial Pro- perties. DemySvo. Pp.88. 1919. Wm . Rider . 6s . Maw, P. T. Forestry: complete Yield Tables for British Woodlands and the Finance of British Forestry . Roy . Oblong 8vo . Pp.120. 1912. Crosby Lockwood. 7s. Gd. The Practice of Forestry: con- cerning also the Financial Aspect of Afforestation. Demy 8vo. Pp. 501. 1912. Fisher Unwin. 21s. Newsham, J. C. The Propagation and Pruning of Hardy Trees. Shrubs, and Miscellaneous Plants; with notes on Manuring and Plant- ing. DemySvo. Pp.238. 1913. Crosby Lockwood. 7s. Gd. Nisbet, J. The Forester. A Practi- cal Treatise on British Forestry and Arboriculture , for Landowners , Land Agents, and Foresters. 2 Vol. Roy. 8vo. Pp.526., 657. 1905. Blackwood. 42s. The Elements of British Forestry. A Handbook for Students of Fores- try. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 357. 1911. Blackwood. 6s. Gd. British Forest Trees and their Sylvicultural Characteristics and Treatment. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 368. 1893. Macmillan. 6s. Shaw , N , Chinese Forest Trees and Timber Supply. Demy 8vo. Pp. 349. 1914. Fisher Unwin. 10s. Gd. Shipping Marks on Timber, em- bracing Sawn and Planed Wood, Joinery and other Hard and Soft Woods, exported from Sweden, Norway, Finland, Russia, Canada, the United States, etc. 4to. Pp. 148. 1920. Wm. Rider. 15s. Stebbing, E. P. Commercial Fores- try in Britain: its Decline and Revival. Cr.Svo. Pp.186. 1919. Murray . 6s . British Forestry. Its Present Position and Outlook after the War. Cr.Svo. Pp.257. 1919. Murray. 6s. Step, E. Wayside and Woodland Trees. A Pocket Guide to the British Sylva . Pocket size . Pp . 182. Warne. 8s. Gd. Stevenson, W. The Trees of Com- merce. A Practical Manual. DemySvo. Pp.274. 1920. Wm. Rider . 5s . Stone , H . A Guide to the Identifica- tion of our more useful Timbers. A Manual for the use of Students of Forestry. Demy 8vo. Pp. 60. 1920 . Cambridge University Press . 7s. Gd. The Timbers of Commerce and Their Identification. A Complete Guide to the Identification of 345 distinct varieties of Timber . Demy Svo. Pp.349. 1918. Wm. Rider. 8s. Gd. Tiffany, F. The Timber Merchants' Handbook . A Practical Guide to the Measurements and Uses of Wood. Cr. Svo. Pp. 176. N.D. Wm. Rider. 5s. Unwin , A . H . West African Forests and Forestry. Super Roy. Svo. Pp. 528. 1920. Fisher *Unwin. 63s. Wallis - Tay 1 er , A . J . The Preserva - tionofWood. DemySvo. Pp.340. N.D. Wm. Rider. 10s. Gd. Ward , H . M . Trees : a Handbook of Forest Botany for the Woodlands and the Laboratory. 5 Vols. Cr. Svo. Vol. 1. Buds and Twigs. Pp.282. 1910. 5s. Gd. Vols.2to 5 . (out of print) . Cambridge Univer- sity Press . Timber and some of its Diseases . Cr. Svo. Pp. 304. 1909. Mac- millan. 7s. Webster, A. D. Practical Forestry. A Handbook on the Rearing and Growth of Trees for Profit and Ornament. DemySvo. Pp. 318. 1917. Wm. Rider. 7. Gd. Town Planting, and the Trees, Shrubs, etc., best adapted for resisting Smoke. Cr. Svo. Pp. 211. 1910. Routledge. 4s. 6d. Forestry. Webster, A. D. Coniferous Trees. Webster, A. D. Firewoods. Their A Concise Description of each Production and Fuel Values. Cr. Species and Variety, with the 4to. Pp. 95. 1919. Fisher most recently approved Nomen> Unwin. 12s. Qd. clature, list of Synonyms, and Hardy Ornamental Flowering best Methods of Cultivation. Trees, and Shrubs. Small Demy Demy 8vo. Pp. 318. 1918. 8vo. Pp. 233. 1908. Murray. Constable. 21s. 5s. Tree Wounds and Diseases: Whellens, W. H. Forestry Work. their Prevention and Treatment. 2nd imp. Demy 8vo. Pp. 236. Demy 8vo. Pp. 215. 1916. 1919. Fisher Unwin. 8s. Qd. Williams and Norgate. 7s. Gd. Winn, W. Timbers and Their Uses. National Afforestation. Large 8vo. Pp. 335. 1919. Routledge. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 160. 1919. Fisher 10s. Qd. Unwin. 8s. Qd. Seaside Planting: For Shelter, Ornament and Profit. Cr. 4to. Pp. 156. 1918. Fisher Unwin. 18s. 210 AGRICULTURE. i. GENERAL. Andrew, R. C. A Farmer's Hand- book. A Manual for Students and Beginners. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 142. 1920. Bell. 6s. Bosworth, G. F. Agriculture and the Land. Cr.Svo. Pp. 104. 1917. Cambridge University Press . 2s . Dudgeon, G. G. The Agricultural and Forest Products of British West Africa. DemySvo. Pp. 170. 1911. Murray . 6s . Encyclopaedia of the Farm, by Eminent Agricultural Authorities. 2 Vols. Roy. 8vo. Pp. 845., 827. N.D. W. Green. 30s. Farmer and Stockbreeder's Year Book, 1921. Roy. 8vo. Pp. 368. Macdonald. 3s. 6d. Fream , W . E lements of Agriculture . A Text -book prepared under the authority of the Royal Agricultural Society 'of England. 12th edn. Edited by J. R. Ainsworth -Davis. Cr.Svo. Pp.700. 1920. Murray. 7s. Qd. Grasby, W. G. Principles of Aus- tralian Agriculture. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 312. 1912. Macmillan. 5s. Green, F.E. First Advice to Would- be Farmers. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 190. 1919. Country Life. 5s. Haggard , Sir R . A Farmer's Year : being his Commonplace Book for 1898. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 512. 1909. Longmans. 6s. 6d. Rural Denmark and Its Lessons. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 350. 1917. Long- mans . 6s . Hall , Sir A . D . Agriculture After the War. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 137. 1917. Murray . 5s . A Pilgrimage of British Farming, 1910-1912. Large Cr. 8vo. Pp. 452. 1914. Murray. 7s. 6d. Lloyd , E . W . Hints to Farm Pupils . Cr.Svo. Pp.112. 1919. Murray. 2s. 6d. McConnell, P. A Note-Book of Agricultural Facts and Figures for Farmers and Farm Students. 9th edn. Fcap. 8vo. Pp. 550. 1919. Crosby Lockwood. 15s. Mukerji, N. G. Handbook of Indian Agriculture . 3rd edn . Demy Svo. Pp. 634. 1915. Thacker. 15s. Newsham, J. C. Farming Made Easy. Cr. Svo. Pp. 190. 1918. Pearson. 3s. Qd. Nicholls , H . A . A . A Text-Book of Tropical Agriculture. Cr. Svo. Pp. 334. 1919. Macmillan. 7s. Orr, J. Agriculture in Berkshire. A Survey. Demy Svo. Pp. 218. 1918. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 8s. 6d. Agriculture in Oxfordshire. A Survey, with a chapter on Soils by C. G.T.Morison. DemySvo. Pp. 252. 1916. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 8s. 6d. Pawson, H. C. The Study of Agri- culture, or Hints for Agricultural Students. Cr.Svo. Pp.124. Pp. 124. 1921. Vinton. 5s. Somerville, W. Agriculture. Fcap. Svo. Pp. 256. 1911. Williams and Norgate. 2s. Qd. Stephens, H. The Book of the Farm. 5th edn. Revised and largely rewritten by J. Mac- donald. a Vols. Roy. Svo. 1908. Vol. I. Land and Its Equipment. Pp. 569. Vol. II. Farm Crops. Pp. 573. Vol. III. Farm Live Stock . Pp . 569 . Blackwood . 21* . each. 211 Agriculture. Tanner, H. Elementary Lessons in the Science of Agricultural Practice. Fcap.Svo. Pp.316. 1893. Mac- millan. 3s. 6d. Watts, F., and Freeman, W. G. Nature Teaching. Based upon the General Principles of Agriculture. Large Cr. 8vo. Pp. 190. 1913. Murray . 4s . Webb,H.J. Agriculture. A Manual for Advanced Science Students. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 680. 1914. Long- mans . 9s . Elementary Agriculture . Cr . 8vo . Pp.204. 1919. Longmans. 4s. Weigall, A. G., and Wrey, C. A Large State Farm . A Business and Educational Undertaking . Cr . 8vo . Pp.82. 1919. Murray. 2s. 6d. Wibberley , T . Farming on Factory Lines : or Continuous Cropping for the Large Farmer. 2nd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 267. 1919. Pearson. 6s. Williams, M. M. Farm Work throughout the Year. Cr. 8vo. Pp.128. 1921. Routledge. 3s. 6d. Willis, J. G. Agriculture in the Tropics. 2nd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp.237. 1914. Cambridge Univer- sity Press. 11. Wolff, H. W. The Future of our Agriculture. Demy 8vo. Pp.510. 1918. King. 12s. 6d. Wrightson, J., and Newsham, J. C . Agriculture : Theoretical and Practical. 3rd edn. Med. 8vo. Pp . 66S . 1921 . Crosby Lockwood . lit. 64. ii. BOTANY: INCLUDING POISONOUS PLANTS, PLANT DISEASES AND PESTS. Bruck , W . F . Plant Diseases . Trans- lated from the German, and edited by J. R. Ainsworth-Davi . Fcap. 8vo. Pp. 142. 1912. Blackie. 2s. 6d. Butler. E. J. Fungi and Disease in Plants. An Introduction to the Diseases of Field and Plantation. Crops , especially those of India and the East. Roy. 3vo. 1918. Thacker . 25s . Cook , M . T . The Diseases of Tropi- cal Plants. 8vo. Pp.332. 1913. Macmillan. 10s. 6rf. Duncan, F. M. Insect Pests and Plant Diseases in the Vegetable and Fruit Garden. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 95. 1919. Constable. 3s. 6df. Eriksson, J. Fungoid Diseases of Agricultural Plants. Demy 8vo. Pp.230. 1912. Bailliere. 8s. 6d. Fryer , P . J . Insect Pests and Fungus Diseases of Fruit and Hops. "A Complete Manual for Growers. Med. 8vo. Pp.528. 1920. Cam- bridge University Press . 45s . Gunther,R.T. Report on Agricul- tural Damage by Vermin and Bird* in the Counties of Norfolk and Oxfordshire in 1916. Demy 8vo. Pp. 92. 1917. Oxford University Press. 2s. 6d. Henslow, G. Poisonous Plants in* Field and Garden. PostSvo. Pp. 189. 1901. S.P.C.K. 2s.6rf. Long, H. C. Plants Poisonous to- Live Stock. Roy. 8vo. Pp. 128. 1917. Cambridge University Press. 6s. Gd. and Percival , J . Common- Weeds of the Farm and Garden. Large Post 8vo. Pp.451. 1910. Murrav . 6s . Armstrong, S. F. British Grasses Massee, G. Diseases of Cultivated and their Employment in Agrif-ul- Plants and Trees. 2nd edn. Cr. ture. DemySvo. Pp.208. 1917. 8vo. Pp. 614. 1915. Duck- Cambridge University Press . 7s. worth. 7s. Qd. Brenchley, W. E. Weeds of Farm Milburn, T. Fungoid Diseases of Land. DemySvo. Pp.249. 1920. Farm and Garden Crops. Cr. 8vo. Longmans. 12s. Qd. Pp.130. 1915. Longmans. 2s. 6cL 212 Agriculture. Percival . J . Agricultural Botany : Theoretical and Practical. 6th edn. Large Cr. Svo. Pp. 853. 1921. Duckworth. 18s. Petherbridge , F. R. Fungoid and Insect Pests of the Farm . Cr . Svo . Pp . 182 . 191 6 . Cambridge Univer- sity Press. 5s. Qd. Potter , M . G . An Elementary Text- book of Agricultural Botany. 5th edn. Cr. Svo. Pp. .312. 1919. Methuen . fis . Tubeuf, C. von. Diseases of Plants induced by Cryptogam ic Parasites. Translated from the German by W. J. Smith. Roy. Svo. Pp. 614. 1897. Longmans. 21s. Ward, H. M. Disease in Plants. Cr. Svo. Pp. 326. 1901. Mac- millan. 8s. Qd. Watson, J. (edited by). Farm Vermin. Helpful and Hurtful. Cr. Svo. Pp. 80. N.D. Wm. Rider. 2s. Qd. Weiss, F. E., Imms, A. D., and Robinson, W. Plants in Health and Disease. Cr. Svo. Pp. 151. 1916. Longmans. Is. Qd. lii. CHEMISTRY. Addyman , F .T . Agricultural Analy- sis . A Manual of Quantitative Analysis for Students of Agricul- ture. Cr. Svo. Pp. 230. 1916. Longmans . 6s . Adie,R.H.,andWood, J.B. Agri- cultural Chemistry. 2 Vols. Cr. Svo . Pp . 289 . , 237 . Kegan Paul . 5s. each Vol. Auld, S. J. M., and Edwardes- Ker , D . R . Practical Agricultural Chemistry. Cr. Svo. Pp. 243. 1913. Murray. 10s. Qd. Coleman, J. B., and Addyman, F. T. Practical Agricultural Chemis- try. Cr. 8vo/ Pp. 100. 1919. Longmans. 3s. Qd. Dodgson , J . W . , and Murray, J . A . A Foundation Course in Chemistry for Students of Agriculture and Technology. 2nd edn. Cr. Svo. Pp. 253. 1920. Hodder and Stoughton. 6s. Qd. Dymond, T. S. An Experimental Course of Chemistry for Agricul- tural Students. 6th imp. Cr. Svo. Pp. 192. 1916. Arnold. 3s. Hall, Sir A. D., and Russell, E. J. The Book of the Rothamsted Experiments. Issued with the Authority of the Lawes Agricul- tural Trust Committee. 2nd edn. Med. Svo. Pp. 332. 1919. Murray. 12s. Ingle, H. Elementary Agricultural Chemistry. For Junior Agricul- tural Students and Farmers. 3rd edn. Large Cr. Svo. Pp. 259. 1920. Griffin. 5s. A Manual of Agricultural Chem- istry. 4th edn. Demy Svo. Pp. 440. 1920. Scott, Greenwood. 15s. Johnston , J . F . W . Elements of Agricultural Chemistry. 21st edn. revised by C . A . Cameron and C . M . Aikman. Cr.Svo. Pp.512. 1912. Black wood. 6s. Qd. Mercier , G . A Manual of the Electro Chemical Treatment of Seeds . Cr . Svo. Pp. 142. 1919. University of London Press. 3s. Qd. Newman , L . F . , and Neville , H . A . D . A Course of Practical Chemistry for Agricultural Students. 2 Vols. Demy Svo. Vol. 1. Pp. 235. 1920. 10s. Qd. Vol. 2. Pt. 1. Pp. 122. 1919. 5s. Cambridge University Press. Robertson, F. D. S. Practical Agricultural Chemistry. A Manual of Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis f >r Agricultural Students and 'Analysts. Large Cr. Svo. Pp.220. 1907. Bailliere. 8s. Qd. Wood , T . B . The Chemistry of Crop Production. Cr. Svo. Pp. 193. 1920. University Tutorial Press. 5s. Qd. Woodhead, S. A. Elementary Chemistry of Agriculture. Gl. Svo. Pp. 196. 1919. Macmillan. 3s. Qd. 213 Agriculture. iv. GEOLOGY. Marr, J. E. Agricultural Geology. Cr . 8vo . Pp . 330 . 1903 . Methuen . 7s. 6d. Rastall , R . H . Agricultural Geology . DemySvo. Pp.342. 1916. Cam- bridge University Press. 12s. v. ZOOLOGY. Bos, J. R. Agricultural Zoology. Translated by J. R. Ainsworth- Davis. 3rd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 332. 1904. Methuen. 5s. Theobald, F. V. A Text-book of Agricultural Zoology. 3rd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 571. 1919. Black- wood. 10s. Qd. vi. BACTERIOLOGY. Lohnis, F. Laboratory Methods in Agricultural Bacteriology. Trans- lated by W. Stevenson and J. H. Smith. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 147. 1913. Griffin. 5s. Percival, J. Agricultural Bacteri- ology: Theoretical and Practical. 2nd edn . Large Cr . 8vo . Pp . 41 8 . 1920. Duckworth. 12s. 6d. vii. ECONOMICS. Agriculturist's Calculator, The. A series of 46 Tables for Land Measuring, Draining, Manuring, Planting, Weight of Hay and . Cattle by Measurement , Building, etc. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 591. N.D. Blackie. 9s. Ashby, A. W. Allotments and Small Holdings in Oxfordshire. A Survey. Demy 8vo. Pp. 198. 1917. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 5s. Bright, T. Agricultural Valuer's Assistant. A Practical Handbook. 5th edn. Cr.Svo. Pp.320. 1910. Crosby Lockwood. 7s. Qd. Agricultural Surveyor and Estate Agent's Handbook of Practical Rules, Formulae, Tables and Data. 2nd edn. Fcap. 8vo. Pp . 464 . 191 1 . Crosby Lockwood . 7s. 6d. British Agriculture: The Nation's Opportunity . Being the Minority Report of the Departmental Com- mittee of the Employment of Sailors and Soldiers on the Land, by E. G. Strutt, L. Scott, G. H. Roberts, and others. Cr. 8 vo. Pp. 168. 1917. Murray. 3s. 6d. Cully er, J. Tables for Measuring and Manuring Land , and Thatcher's Work. 19th imp. 18mo. Pp. 150. Pitman. 3s. Curtis, C. E., and Gordon, R. A. A Practical Handbook of Agricul- tural Tenancies. Demy 8vo. Pp, 340. 1910. Crosby Lockwood. 10s. 6d. Faber, H. Co-operation in Danish Agriculture. 8vo. Pp. 198. 1918. Longmans . 9s . Gordon, L. S. Co-operation for Farmers . Cr . 8vo . Pp . 247 . 1918 . Williams and Norgate. 6s. Henderson, R. The Young Estate Manager's Guide. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 292. 1898. Blackwood. 7s. 6d. The Estate Manager. 8vo. Pp. 563. 1910. W. Green. 15s. Inwood's Tables for Purchasing Estates and for the Valuation of Properties. 30th edn. Revised by W. Schooling. Demy 8vo. Pp . 366 . 1920 . Crosby Lockwood . 8s. 6d. Long, J. The Small Farm and Its Management. 2nd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 346. 1920. Murray. 7s. 6d. Newsham, .1 . C., and Philpott, T. V. Agricultural Arithmetic: For Estate Agents, Farmers, etc. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 264. 1913. Crosby Lockwood. 4s. Qd. Orwin , C . S . Farm Accounts . New edn. in preparation. Cam- bridge University Press. Rogers , A . G . L . The Business Side of Agriculture . Cr . 8 vo . Pp . 1 63 .. 1904. Methuen. 5s. 214 Agriculture. Ruston, A. G. Rural Arithmetic. Including Agricultural Measure- ments and Calculations and Business Transactions of the Farm . Cr . 8vo . Pp.451. 1916. University Tutor- ial Press. 5s. Slater , A . Estate Economics . Demy 8vo. Pp. 278. 1917. Constable. 10s. Tomkinson, G. W. State Help lor Agriculture. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 189. 1917. Fisher Unwin. 3s. Gd. Wolff, H. W. Co-operation in Agriculture. 2nd imp. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 378. 1914. King. 7s. Gd. viii. ENGINEERING. Brown, E. T. Farm Tractors. A Practical Handbook on the Selection and Management of a Tractor . Cr . 8vo. Pp. 160. 1920. Pearson. 3s. Gd. Glayron, C. H. J. Land Drainage: from Field to Sea. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 201. 1939. Country Lift. Cs. Cleghorne, W. S. H. Farm Build- ings and Building Construction in South Africa. 8vo. Pp. 348. 1916. Longmans. 22s. Farming by Motor . A Guide to all types of Farm Tractors and Motor Ploughing. Cr.Svo. 191 8. Temple Press. Is.Gd. Graham, P. A, Reclaiming the Waste, Britain's Most Urgent Problem Land Reclamation. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 188. 1916. Country Life. 3s. Gd. Lawrence, C. P. Economic Farm Buildings: Systematic Planning, Improvement, Construction. Med. 8vo. Pp. 202. 1919. Library Press. 10s. Gd. Sherwood, G. The Farm Tractor Handbook. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 176. 1918. Iliffe. 5s. Vernon , A . Estate Fences : their Choice, Construction, and Cost, with a Chapter on Boundaries and Fences in their Legal Aspect, by T. W. Marshall. Re-issue. 8vo\ Pp.420. 1909. Spon. 10s. Gd. ix. HISTORY. Curtler , W . H > R . History of Eng- lish Agriculture. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 380. '1909. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 7s. Gd. Green , F . E . A History of the Eng- lish Agricultural Labourer. His Social Surroundings and Economic Condition from 1894 to the Present Time. DemySvo. Pp.366. 1920. King. 16s. " Haggard, Sir R. Rural England: being an account of Agricultural and Social Researches. New edn. 2 Vols. Cr.Svo. Pp. 630^, 632. 1906. Longmans. 15s. Hasbach , W . A History of the Eng- lish Agricultural Labourer. Trans- lated from the German. 2nd edn. DemySvo. Pp.486. 1920. King. 10s. Gd. Macdonald, W. Makers of Modern Agriculture. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 94. 1913. Macmillan. 2s. Gd. Matthews , A . H . H . Fifty Years of Agricultural Politics: being the History of the Central Chamber of Agriculture , 1865-191 5 . Demy 8vo . Pp.446. 1915. 10s. Gd. Edition- de-luxe (limited to 250 copies). 31s. Gd. Author: 28, Westminster Palace Gardens, S.W.I. Prothero, R. E. (Lord Ernie). English Farming , Past and Present . 2nd edn. VO. Pp. 520. 1919. Longmans. 10s. Gd. x. ANIMAL HUSBANDRY, a. Dairying. Barthel, C. Methods Used in the Examination of Milk and Dairy Products . Translated by W . Good- win. 8vo. Pp.272. 1910. Mac- millan. 7s. Gd. Freudenreich , E. von. Dairy Bac- teriology. A Short Manual for Students in Dairy Schools, Cheese Makers, and Farmers. Translated by J. R. Ainsworth Davis . 2nd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 178. 1900. Methuen. 3s. Gd. 15 Agriculture. Matthews, E. Economies in Dairy Farming. Demy 8vo. Pp. 7&. 1903. Country Life. 9s. Qd. Mayall, G. Cows, Cowhouses, and Milk. 2ndedn. Cr.Svo. Pp.144. 1918. Bailliere. 4s. 6d. Newsham, J. G. Dairy Farming. Cr . 8 vo . Pp . 1 74 . 1 920 . Pearson . 3s. Qd. O'Callaghan, M. A. Dairying in Australasia, Farm and Factory. Roy. 8vo. Pp. 700. 1912. Oxford University Press (Angus and Robertson). 20s. Penlington, W. A. G. Science of Dairying. Cr.Svo. Pp. 2G8. 1919. Macmillan. 3s. Richmond , H . D . Dairy Chemistry . A Practical Handbook for Dairy Chemists and others having Control of Dairies. 3rd edn. Demv Svo. Pp. 502. 1920. Griffin. ~25s. The Laboratory Book of Dairy Analysis. 2nd edn. Cr.Svo. Pp. 108/1912. Griffin. 3s. Sadler, W. Bacteria as Friends and Foes of the Dairv Farmer . Cr . Svo . Pp. 128. 1912. Methuen. 2s. Saker, D. G. Practical Dairying . Cr.Svo. Pp. 131. 1921. Methnen. 6s. Thomson, G. S. Milk and Cream Testing and Grading Dairy Pro- ducts. Cr. Svo. Pp. 224. 1911. Crosby Lockwood . 5s . The Dairying Industry. Part 1 . The Milk and Cream Supply City, Farm and Factory. Demy Svo. Pp. 260. 1907. Crosby Lockwood. lOv. 6d. Dairying (British and Colonial). The Science and Practice. Demy Svo. Pp. 476. 1913. Crosby Lockwood. 9s. Walker -Tisdale, C. W. Milk Testing. A simple practical Hand- book for Dairv Farmers, Milk Dis- tributors, etc. Cr. Svo. Pp. 90. 1920. Swarthmore Press. 3s. 6d. Rutherford's Planters' Note Book of useful Memoranda for every - one connected with the Planting Industries of the Middle East. 7th edn. Demy Svo. Pp. 500. 1918. "Times of Ceylon." 20s. Rutter, W. P. Wheat Growing in Canada , the United States , and the Argentine. Large Cr. Svo. Pp.. 315. 1911. Black. 3s. Orf. Smith, H. H. Soil and Plant Sani- tation on Cacao and Rubber Estates ; with Sections on Ceara Rubber Culti- vation, Castilloa Rubber Cultiva- tion, Funtumia Rubber Cultivation and Rubber Tapping. Cr. Svo. Pp. 684. 1911. Bale & Daniels- son . 10s . Coco -Nuts : the Consols of the East. 2nd edn. Cr.Svo. Pp.612. 1913. Bale and Danielsson. 12s. 6d. The Fermentation of Cacao . Cr .. Svo. Pp. 318. 1913. Bale & Danielsson. 10s. Tanner, A. E. Tobacco: From Grower to Smoker. Cr. Svo. Pp. 128. 1912. Pitman. 3s. Teetgen, A. B. Profitable Herb Growing and Collecting. 2nd edn. Cr. Svo. Pp. 206. 1919. Country Life. 5s. Thomson, W. A Practical Treatise on the Cultivation of the Grape Vine. 10th edn. Svo. Pp. 113. 190?.. Blackwood. 5s. Todd, J. A. The World's Cotton Crops. New edn. in preparation. Black. Ugarte, J. P. Coffee: its Cultiva- tion and Preparation for the Market . 2nd edn . Large Cr . Svo . Pp . 101 . 1920. Crosby Lockwood. 7s. Qd. Van Hall, G.J.J. Cocoa. Svo. Pp. 532. 1914. Macmillan. 17s. Watt, Sir G. Wild and Cultivated Cotton-Plants of the World: a Revision of the Genus Gossypium, framed primarily with the object of aiding Planters and Investiga- tors who may contemplate the Sys- tematic Improvement of the Cotton Staple . Roy . Svo . Pp . 420 . 1907 ... Longmans . 35s . 219 Agriculture. Wickham, H. A. Para Indian Rubber : Plantation , Cultivation , and Curing. 8vo. Pp.178. 1908. KeganPaul. 3s. Qd.] Woodroffe , J . F . , and Smith , H . H . The Rubber Industry of the Amazon , and How Its Supremacy can be Maintained . Demy 8vo . " Pp . 483 . 1915. Bale & Danielsson. 21s. xii. SOILS AND FERTILISERS. Collins, S. H. Plant Products and Chemical Fertilisers. Demy 8vo. Pp. 252. 1919. Bailliere. 10s. Qd. Chemical Fertilizers and Parasi- ticides : Sources , Manufacture , Uses , and their Future . Demy 8vo . Pp . 285. 1920. Bailliere. 10s. Qd. ITritsch, J. The Manufacture of Chemical Manures . Translated from the French. 2nd edn. Re- vised by H. B. Stocks. Svo. Pp. 395. 1920. Scott, Greenwood. 15s. Griffiths , A . B . A Treatise on Man- ures : or the Philosophy of Manur- ing. 3rd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 450. 1892. Pitman. 7s. Qd. Hall , Sir A . D . Fertilisers and Man- ures Large Cr . Svo . Pp . 384 1919. Murray. 8s. The Soil. An Introduction to the Scientific Study of the Growth of Crops . 3rd edn . Large Cr . Svo . Pp.352. 1920. Murray. 8s. Knox , G . D . The Spirit of the Soil . Cr. Svo. Pp. 255. 1915. Con- stable. 2s. Qd. Murray, J. A. Soils and Manures. 2nd imp. Ex. Cr. Svo. Pp. 367. 1919. Constable. 8s. Qd. Russell, E. J. The Fertility of the Soil. Roy.l6mo. Pp.128. 1913. Cambridge University Press. 2s. Qd. Lessons on Soil. Cr. Svo. Pp. 148 . 1912 . Cambridge University Press . 3s . A Student's Book on Soils and Manures . 2nd edn . Cr . Svo . Pp . 240. 1919. Cambridge University Press . 8s . Manuring for Higher Crop Production. 2nd edn. Demy Svo. Pp.78. 1916. Cambridge University Press. 4s. Qd. Soil Conditions and Plant Growth . New edn . in preparation . Longmans . Sornay, P. de. Green Manures and Manuring in the Tropics. Trans- lated from the French by F. W. Flattely. Roy. Svo. Pp. 460. 1916. Bale & Danielsson . 16s. Vendelmans , H . The Manual of Manures. Cr.Svo. Pp.190. 1916. Country Life. 5s. Ville, G. Artificial Manures: Their Chemical Selection and Scientific Application to Agriculture. Re- vised by Sir William Crookes and J. Percival. Svo. Pp. 386. 1909. Longmans. 11s. Qd. Warington , R . The Physical Prop- erties of Soil . Svo . Pp . 232 . 1900 . Oxford: Clarendon Press. 7s. Qd. Warrell , C . The Science of the Soi 1 : for Farmers and Land Workers . Cr . Svo. Pp. 168. 1920. Pitman. 3. Qd. 220 ANATOMY. i. GENERAL: PRACTICAL, SURGICAL. Beesly, L., and Johnston, T. B. Surgical Anatomy for Students and Practitioners. 2nd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 537. 1916. Frowde & Hodder . 16s. Berry, R. J. A. An Atlas of Sec- tional and Topographical Anatomy. 4to. Pp. 17 and 60 Plates. 1911. W. Green. 42s. Box, C.R., and Eccles, W.McA. Clinical Applied Anatomy. Roy. 8vo. Pp. 479. 1900. Churchill. 12s. Qd. Braune , W . An Atlas of Topograph- ical Anatomy, after Plane Sections of Frozen Bodies. Translated by E. Bellamy. Large Imp, 8vo. Pp.200. 1877. Churchill. 40s. Brodie, C. G. Dissections. A Graphic Handbook for Surgeons and Students of Human Anatomy , 2nd edn. Imp. Svo. Pp. 142 and 73 Plates. 1904. Pitman. 25s. Buchanan, A.M. Manual of Anat- omy: Systematic and Practical, including Embryology. 5th' edn. edited by a Committee of Anatom- ists in London . Demy Svo . Pp . 1,755. 1919. Bailliere*. 30s. Catechism Series. Anatomy. 3rd edn. 6 Parts. Revised by J. R. Whitaker and C. R. Whittaker. Part 1 . Upper Extremity . Part 2 . Lower Extremity. Parts. Head and Neck. Part 4. The Abdomen. Part 5. The Thorax. Part 6. The Bones. Livingstone. Is. 9d. each. Surgical Anatomy. 2nd edn. 3 Parts. Written by C.R. Whittaker. Is. Qd. each. Also in one volume, Pp. 177. 1920. Cloth, 5s. Qd. Livingstone . Clark, H. E. An Elementary Text- Book of Anatomy. Cr. Svo. Pp. 283. N.D. Blackie. 6s. Cooke, T. Tablets of Anatomy. Being a Synopsis of Demonstrations given in the Westminster Hospital Medical School. 3 Parts. Post4to. 1898. Part 1. The Bones. Pp. 188. 7s. Qd. Part 2. Limbs, Abdomen, Pelvis. Pp. 378. 10s. Qd. Part 3. Head and Neck, Thorax, Brain. Pp. 412. 10s. Qd. Longmans . Cunningham, D. J. Manual of Practical Anatomy. Revised and Edited by A. Robinson. 7th edn. 3 vols. Cr. Svo. Vol. 1. Superior Extremity : Inferior Extremity . Pp . 481. 1919. Vol. 2. Thorax and Abdomen. Pp. 554. 1920. Vol.3. Head and Neck. Pp. 600. 1920. Frowde & Hodder. 12s. Qd. each. Text-Book of Anatomy. Edited by A. Robinson. 4th edn. 3rd imp. Roy. Svo. Pp.1631. 1917. Frowde & Hodder. 42s. Ellis 's Demonstrations of Anat- omy : being a Guide to the Know- ledge of the Human Body by Dissec- tion. 12th edn. Edited by C. Addison. Small Svo. Pp.* 851. 1905. Murray. l2s.Qd. Ewart, E. D. A Guide to Anatomy, for Students of Medical Gymnastics, Massage, and Medical Electricity. Demy^Svo. Pp.313. 1921. Lewis. 10s. Fagge , C . H . The Pocket Anatomy . 8th edn. Fcap. Svo. Pp. 312. 1920. Bailliere. !?. Gray, H . Anatomy : Descriptive and Applied. 21st edn. Edited by R. Howden, with Notes on Applied Anatomy, revised by A. J. Jex- Blake and J. Clay. " Roy. 8vo. Pp.1382. 1920. Longmans. 42s. 221 Anatomy. Heath, G., and Lane, J. E. Prac- tical Anatomy : a Manual of Dissec- tions. 9th ed'n. Cr.Svo. Pp.714. 1902. Churchill. 15s. Hughes, A. W., and Keith, Sir A. A Manual ol' Practical Anatomy. 3 Parts. Small Roy. Svo. 1901-2. Part 1 . Upper and Lower Extrem- ities. Pp. 296. 12s. 6d. Part 2. Abdomen and Thorax. Pp. 324. 10s . C>d . Part 3 . Head , Neck , and Central Nervous System. Pp. 408. 12s. Qd. Churchill. Jamieson, E. B. A Companion to Manuals ol Practical Anatomy . 3rd imp. Fcap. 8vo. Pp.543. 1918. Frowdc & Hodder. 8s. Qd. The Basle Nomenclature (B .N .A .) being an Alphabetical List of Terms showing the old Terminology, the B.N.A. Terminology, and the sug- gested English Equivalent. Roy. 8vo. Pp. 99. 1910. W. Green. 6s. Johnston, T. B. Medical Applied Anatomy . Cr . 8vo . Pp . 436 . 1915 . Black. *12s. Qd. MacEwen, J. A. C. Surgical Anat- omy. 2nd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 551. 1916. Bailliere/12s. Morris, Sir H. Treatise on Human Anatomy . 5th edn . edited by C . M Jackson . Roy . 8 vo . Pp . 1554. 1915. Churchill. 36s. Morton, W. C. Principles of Anat- omy : The Abdomen Proper . Demy 8vd. Pp. 174, and 28 large Cof- oured Plates. 1911. Heinemann. 21s. Orrin , H . G . An X-Ray Atlas of the Systematic Arteries of the Body. 4to. 1920. Bailliere. 12s. Qd. Parsons, F. G., and Wright, W. Practical Anatomy. 2vols. Large Cr. Svo. 1912. *Vol. 1. Pp. 467. Vol.2. Pp.382. Arnold. 17s. Paterson, A. M. The Anatomist's Note Book. Demy Svo. Pp. 350. 1914. Frowde & Hodder . 6s. Qd. Potter, S. O. L. A Compend of Human Anatomy. 8th edn. Cr. Svo. Pp. 446. 1917. Frowde & Hodder. 6s. Qd. Quain's Elements of Anatomy. Edited by Sir E. A. S. Schafer, J. Symington, and T . H . Brycc . Roy . Svo. Vol.1. Embryology, by T. H. Bryce. llth edn. Pp. 284. 1908. * 12s. Vol. 2. Part 2. Splanchnology, by J. Symington. Pp. 402. 1914. 14s. Vol. 3. Neurology , by Sir E . A . S . Schafer & J. Symington. 2 Parts, llth edn. Pp. 431., 392. 1909. 14s. each part. Vol. 4. Part 1. Osteology and Arthrology, by T. H. Bryce. Pp. 338. 1915. IT.s. Longmans. Taylor, E. H. Applied Anatomy: A Treatise for Students, House Surgeons, and for Operating Sur- geons. Roy. Svo. Pp.766. 1904. Griffin. 36s. Treves, Sir F., Keith, Sir A., and Mackenzie ,W.G. Surgical Applied Anatomy. 7th edn. Fcap. Svo. Pp. 712*. 1918. Cassell. 12s. Walmsley , T . A Manual of Practical Anatomy. A Guide to the Dissec- tion of the Human Body. Part 1. The Upper and Lower Limbs . Svo . Pp. 184. 1920. Longmans. 9s. Whittaker, G. R. A Manual of Surgical Anatomv. 3rd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp.440. 1921. Livingstone. 15s. ii. EMBRYOLOGY. Assheton, R. Growth in Length: Embryologieal Essays . Demy Svo. Pp. 116. 1916. Cambridge Uni- versity Press . 2s . Qd. Balfour , F . M . A Treatise on Com- parative Embryology . 2 vols . Med . Svo. 1885. Vol.1? Pp.28. 18s. Vol.2. Pp.828. 21s. Macmillan. Ballantyne , J . W . Manual of Ante- natal Pathologv and Hygiene. 2 Vols. Roy. 'Svo. Vol. 1. The Foetus. Pp. 544. 1920. Vol. 2. The Embryo . Pp . 71 8 . 1 904 . W . Green. 21s. each vol. Feldman, W. M. The Principles of Ante-Natal and Post -Natal Child Physiology: Pure and Applied. Svo. Pp. 721. 1920. Longmans. 30s. 222 Anatomy. Hertwig, O. Tevt-Book of the Embryo louy of Man and Mammals. Translated by P:. L. Mark. 5th edn. Demy Svo. Pp. 670. 1012. Allen & Unwin. 21s. Jonkinson , J . W . Three Lectures on Experimental Embryology; with a Memoir by R. K. Marett. Svo. Pp . 128 . ioi 7 . Oxford : Clarendon Press. 7s. 6rf. Vertebrate Embryology, com- prising the Early History of the Embryo and its Foetal Membranes, with chapters on Growth, Germ Cells, the Development of the Embryo, and a Discussion of the Embryonic Organs. Demy Svo. Pp.368. 1013. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 12s. Od. Experimental Embryology, with Chapters on Cell Division and Growth, External and Internal Factors, and Drieseh's Theories of Development. Demy Svo. Pp. 350. 1009. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 12s.6rf. Keith, Sir A. Human Embryology and Morphology. 4th edn. Demy 8v>. Pp.500. 1021. Arnold. 30s. MacBride , E . W . , Kerr , J . G . , and others . Text Book o f Embryology . 3 vols. Med. Svo. Vol. 1. In- vertebrata, by E. W. MacBride. Pp. 724. 1014. 31s. 8rf. Vol. 2. Vertebrata (with the excep- tion of Mammalia), by J. G. Kerr. Pp. 601. 1910. 31s. 6rf. Vol. 3. Mammalia, by R. Assheton, F. H. A. Marshall, and J. T. Saunders. In preparation. Macmillan. Paterson, A. M. A Manual of Embryology. A Manual for Stu- dents. Crl Svo. Pp. 407. 1015. Frowde & Hodder. 12s. Od. Przibram, H. Experimental Zoo- logy . Part 1 . Embryogeny . Rov . Svo. Pp.164.. 1008. Cambridge University Press . 12s . iii. HISTOLOGY. Catechism Series. Histology. Livingstone. Is. Qd. Goodall^A. Aids to Histology. 2nd edn. Fcap. Svo. Pp.143. 1919. Bailliere. 3s. Langley , J . N . Practical Histology . 3rd edn. Cr. Svo. Pp.328. 1920. Heifer. 10s. 6,i. Lee, A. B. The Microtomist's Vade Mecum : a Handbook of the Methods of Microscopic Anatomy. 8th edn. Edited by J . B . Gatenby . Demy Svo. Pp.604. 1921. Churchill. 28s. Mann, G. Methods and Theory of Physiological Histology. Svo. Pp. 504. 1902. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 15s. Radasch, H. E. Elements of His- tology. 3rd edn. Cr. Svo. Pp. 363. 1913. Frowde & Hodder. 6s. Schafer , Sir E . A . S . The Essentials of Histology : Descriptive and Prac- tical. For the Use of Students, llth edn. Demy Svo. Pp. 589. 1920. Longmans. 14s. Squire, Sir P. W. Methods and Formulae used in the Preparation of Animal and Vegetable Tissues for Microscopical Examination , includ- ing the Staining of Bacteria. Cr. Svo. Pp. 93. 1892. Churchill. 3s. Gd. iv . OSTEOLOGY ; NEUROLOGY ; GLANDS. Dixon, A. F. Manual of Human Osteology for Students. Cr. Svo. Pp.316.' 1912. Frowde & Hodder. 12s. fid. Frazer , J . E . The Anatomy of the Human Skeleton. 2nd edn. Cr. 4to. Pp. 282. 1920. Churchill. 36s. Leaf, C. H. The Surgical Anatomy of the Lymphatic Glands. Demv Svo. Pp. 72. 1898. Constable". 10s. Qd. Lickley , J . D . The Nervous System . An Elementary Handbook of the Anatomy and Physiology of the Nervous System . Fcap . 4to . Pp . 142. 1919. Longmans. 9s. Obersteiner, Prof. The Anatomy of the Central Nervous Organs in Health and Disease. Translated by A. Hill. 2nd edn. Large Svo. Pp.566. 1900. Griffin. 80s. 223 Anatomy. Paterson 3 A. M. Anatomy of the Peripheral Nerves. Demv 8vo. Pp . 1 76 . 1919 . Frowde & Hodder . 12s. Gd. The Human Sternum. Cr. 4to. Pp.112. 1904. Constable. 10s. 6d. Turner , P . Aids to Osteology . 2nd edn. Fcap. 8vo. Pp. 195.' 1920. Bailliere. 4s. Gd. Whitaker, J. R. Anatomy of the: Brain and Spina! Cord. 5th edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp.278. 1921. Living- stone. 12s. 6rf. v . SURFACE ANATOMY . Bjorkegren, M. E. Handbook of Anatomy for Students of Massage. 2nd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 248. 1918. Bailiiere! 6s. Jex- Blake. A. J. Physical Signs in the Chest and Abdomen. Demy 8vo. Pp.124. 1921. Churchill. 9s. Gd. Moorhead , T . G . Surface Anatomy . Cr.Svo. Pp.158. 1905. Bailliere. 4s. Gd. Rawling, L. B. Landmarks and Surface Markings of the Human Body. 5th edn.' Demy 8vo. Pp. 104. 1920. Lewis. 7s. Gd. Whittaker, C. R. Essentials of Surface Anatomy . 3rd edn . Cr . 8vo. Pp. 88. '1920. Churchill. 7s. Gd. Windle, Sir B. C. A. A Handbook of Surface Anatomy and Land- marks. 3rd edn. Post Svo. Pp. 154. 1902. Lewis. 4s. vi. ARTISTIC ANATOMY. Armstead, H. W. The Artistic Anatomy of the Horse. Text and 20 original Plates . Roy. 4 to. 1900. Bailliere. 12s. Gd. Cuyer, E. The Artistic Anatomy of Animals. Authorised Translation. Edited by G . Hay wood . Demy Svo . Pp. 334.. 1905. Bailliere. 10s. Gd. Thomson. A. A Handbook of Anatomy for Art Students. 4th edn. 8vo. Pp. 481. 1915. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 25s. vii . COMPARATIVE ANATOMY . Bourne, G. C. An Introduction to the Study of the Comparative Anat- omy of Animals. 2 vols. Cr. 8vo. Vol. 1. Animal Organisation.. The Protozoa and Ccelenterata. 6th edn. Pp.315. 1919. Vol.2. The Ccelomate Metazoa. 9th edn. Pp. 336. 1909. Bell. 7s. Gd. per vol. Lang , A . Text Book of Comparative Anatomy. Translated by H. M. and M. Bernard. With Preface to the English Translation by E. Haeckel . 2 Vols . Svo . Pp . 580 . , 032. 1891, 1896. Macmillan. 17s . each . Rolleston, G. Forms of Animal Life, a Manual of Comparative Anatomy, with descriptions of se- lected Types. 2nd edn. Revised and enlarged by W. H. Jackson. Roy. 8vo. *Pp. 970. 1888.. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 30s. PHYSIOLOGY. i. GENERAL AND PRACTICAL. Alcock,N.H., and Ellison, F.O'B. A Text book of Experimental Phys- iology. Sm. Roy. 8vo. Pp.139. 1909. Churchill. 7s. fid. Ashby, H. Notes on Physiology. Revised by H . T . Ashby . 8th edn . Cr. 8vo. Pp. 368. 1917. Long- mans. 7s. Gd. Bainbridge, F. A., and Menzies. J. A. Essentials of Physiology. 3rd edn. 8vo. Pp. 492. 1919. Longmans . 1 4s . Barclay , H . C . Lectures on Element- ary Anatomy and Physiology . Demy 8vo. Pp. 298. 1915. Bailliere. 6s. Bayliss > W. M. An Introduction to General Physiology. 8vo. Pp. 254. 1919. * Longmans. ^s. Qd. Principles of General Physiology . 3rd edn. Roy. 8vo. Pp. 888. 1 920 . Longmans . 28s . Brown, W. L. Physiological Prin- ciples in Treatment. 3rd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 416. 1914. Bailliere. 8s. Gd. Brubaker, A. P. A Compend of Human Physiology. 13th edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 256.' 1912. Frowde & Hodder. 6s. Buckmaster,G. A., andKickman, H. R. B. A Course of Practical Physiology. Introductory to Phy- siology and Medicine . Cr.Svp. Pp. 144. 1920. J. Wright. 5s. Catechism Series. Physiology. 3rd edn. 4 Parts. Revised by A. Goodall . Part 1 . Muscles and Nerves, Circulation, Heart, Blood Vessels, Vaso-Motor Mechanism, Blood, Lymphatics. Respiration. Part 2 . Voice and Speech , Nutri- tion, Digestion, Heat Production, General Metabolism, Internal Se- cretions , etc . Part 3. Excretion, Kidneys, Skin, Senses. Part 4. Nervous System , Reproduction . Livingstone. Is. 9d. each. Flack, M., and Hill, L. A Text- book of Physiology. Med. 8vo. Pp.800. 1919. Arnold. 25s. Foster, Sir M. A Text-book of Physiology. 8vo. Part 1. Book 1. Blood: the Tissues of Movement, the Vascular Mechanism. 6th edn. Pp . 408 . 1893 . 1 2s . Qd . Part 2 . Book 2. The Tissues ol Chemical Action, with their respective Mech- anisms : Nutrition. 6th edn. Pp. 560. 1899. 12s. Gd. Part 4. Book 3. The Senses. 6th edn. Pp.342. 1900. 12s. Qd. Parts. Appendix by A. S. Lea. Pp. 298. 1892. 8s. Qd. Macmillan. Lectures on the History of Physi- ology during the Sixteenth, Seven- teenth, and Eighteenth Centuries. Demy Svo. Pp.310. 1901. Cam- bridge University Press. 12s. Qd. and Langley , J . N . A Course of Elementary Practical Physiology and Histology. 7th edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp.414. 1902. Macmillan. 8s. Gd. and Shore , L . E . Physiology for Beginners. New imp. Gl. Svo. Pp.271. 1919. Macmillan. 3s. Furneaux, W. S. Human Physiol- ogy . 21st imp . Cr . 8vo . Pp . 264 . 1920. Longmans. 4s. Haldane , J . S . The New Physiology , and other Addresses. Demy 8vo. Pp. 167. 1919. Griffin. 8s. Gd. Halliburton, W. D. A Primer of Physiology. 3rd edn. Fcap. Svo. Pp. 176.' 1920. Dent. 2s. Handbook of Physiology. 15th edn. Being the 26th of Kirkes'. Square Demy Svo. Pp. 93C. 1920. Murray . 25s . (edited by) . Physiology and the National Needs. By Various Writers. Demy Svo/ Pp. 169. 1919. Constable. 8s. Qd. Harris . D . F . The Functional Inertia of Living Matter : a Contribution to the Physiological Theory of Life. Svo. Pp. 148. 1908. 'Churchill. 5s. 225 Physiology. Hertwig, O, The Cell: Outlines of General Anatomy and Physiology. Translated by M. and H. J. Camp- bell. 2nd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 368 . 1909 . Allen & Unwin . 8s . 6d. Hill, A. The Body at Work . Demy 8vo. Pp. 460. 1908. Arnold. 16s. Hill , L . A Manual of Human Physi- ology. 3rd edn. Cr. Svo. Pp. 496V 1919. Arnold. 7s. 6rf. -- Moore, B., Flack, M., and others . Further Advances in Phy- siology. Demy Svo. Pp. 448. 1909. Arnold. 16s. Hutchison, R. Applied Physio logy. Cr.Svo. P. 310. 1908. Arnold. 7s. Huxley, T. H. Lessons in Element- ary Physiology. New edn Re- vised by J. Barcroft. Feap. Svo. Pp.628. 1917. Maemillan. 6s. Keith, Sir A. The Engines of the Human Body. Demy Svo. Pp. 284. 1919. Williams & Norjrate. 12s. 6d. -- The Human Body. Fcap. Svo. Pp. 256. 1912. Williams & Nor- gate. 2s. 6d. Lack, L. A. H. An Introduction to Physiology. Svo. Pp.226. 1905. W. Green. 8s. Landois , L, A Text-book of Human Physiology. Including Histology and Microscopical Anatomy, with Special Reference to the Require- ments of Practical Medicine . Trans- lated and Edited by A . P . Brubaker and A . A . Eshner . " 5th edn . Large Svo. Pp. 1,027. 1904. Griffin. 36s. Luciani, L. Human Physiology. Translated by F . A . Welby , with a Preface by J. N. Langley. In 5 Vols. 8vo. Vol. 1. Circulation and Respiration. Pp.606. 1911. 21s. Vol. 2. Internal Secretion Digestion Excretion The Skin . Pp. 566. 1913. 21s. Vol. 3. Muscular and Nervous Systems. Pp.678. 1915. 21s. Vol.4. The Sense Organs. Pp.530. 1917. 21s. Vol. 5. Metabolism Tempera- tureReproduction . etc . Pp . 430 . 1921. 30s. Maemillan. Lyle . H . W . Manual of Physiology . 2nd edn. in preparation. Frowde and Hodder. McKendrick. J. G. Principles of Physiology. Fcap. Svo. Pp.255. 1912. Williams &Norgate. 2s. Qd. MacLeod, J. J. R. Physiology and Biochemistry in Modern Medicine. 2nd edn. Roy. Svo. Pp. 935. 1919. Kimpton. 42s. Paton, D. N. Essentials of Hitman Physiology. 5th edn. Demy Svo. Pp. 700. 1920. W. Green. 25s. Pembrey , M . S . , Beddard , A , P . , and others . Practical Physiology . 3rd edn. Demy Svo. Pp. 498. 1910. Arnold. *16s. Roberts . F . Synopsis of Physiology . Cr. Svo. Pp.389. 1920. Church- ill. 15s. Roget, F. F. Altitude and Health. Three Lectures delivered in London for the Chadwick Trust . Demy Svo . Pp.198. 1919. Constable. 12s. Qd. Rutherford , A . H . The Ileo -Caeoal Valve. Demy Svo. Pp.69. 1914. Lewis. 6s. Schafer, Sir E. A. S. (edited by). A Text-Book of Physiology. By British Phvsiologists . 2 vols. Roy. Svo." Vol. 1. Pp. 1056. 1898. 31s. (>d. Vol. 2. Pp. 1389. 1900. 42s. Frowde & Hodder. Experimental Physiolosy. New edn. Svo. Pp.136. 1918*. Long- mans. 6s. Sherrington , C. S. Mammalian Physiology. A Course of Practical Exercises* Med. 4to. Pp. 168. 1919. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 12s. C)d. Short, A. R. The New Physiology in Surgical and General Practice. 4th edn. Cr.Svo. Pp.302. 1920. John Wright. 9s. Gd. Starling , E . H . Principles of Human Physiology. The Chapter on the Sense Organs Revised and Largely Rewritten by H. Hartridge. 3rd edn. Roy. Svo. Pp. 1329. 1920. Churchill. 25s. Primer of Physiology. Fcap. Svo. Pp. 128, 1904. Murray. Is. 6d. 226 Physiology. Stewart , G . N . A Manual of Physio- logy, with Practical Exercises. 8th edii. Demy Svo. Pp.1270. 1918. Bailliere. * 21s. Tait, J., and Krause, R. A. Aids to Physiology. Fcap. 8vo. Pp. 250. 1919. Bailliere. 4s. Thornton, J. Human Physiology. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 472. 1920. Long- mans. 10s. 6d. Elementarv Practical Physiology. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 332. 1919*. Long- mans . 6s . Waller, A. D. Physiology: the Servant of Medicine . Chloroform in the Laboratory and in the Hospital. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 150. 1910. Uni- versity of London Press. 5s. H. CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY. Bayliss, W. M. The Physiology of Food and Economy in Diet. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 116. 1917. Longmans. 2s. Od. The Nature of Enzyme Action . 4th edn. Roy. 8vo. Pp. 198. 1919. Longmans. 8s. Beatty, J. The Method of Enzyme Action. 8vo. Pp. 152. 1917. Churchill. 5s. Halliburton, W. D. The Essentials of Chemical Physiology for the Use of Students. 10th edn. 8vo. Pp. 335. 1919. Longmans. 8s. Chemical Side of Nervous Activ- ity. Demy 8vo. Pp. 100. 1901. Bale & Danielsson. 5s. Mann , G . Chemistry of the Proteids . 8vo. Pp.624. 1906. Macmillan. 18s. Starling, E. H. The Feeding of Nations. A Study in Applied Physiology. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 156. 1919. Longmans. 5s. iii. NERVES, BRAIN, SPECIAL SENSES. Gaskell, W. H. The Involuntary Nervous System. New edn. 8vo. Pp. 188. *1920. Longmans. 12s. Crreenwood, M. Physiology of the Special Senses. A Manual for Students. Demy 8vo. Pp. 248. 1910. Arnold. 10s. 6d. Leduc, S. The Mechanism of Life. Translated by W. D. Butcher. Demy 8vo. Pp. 172. 1911. Heinemann . 6s . Lucas, K. The Conduction of the Nervous Impulse. Svo. Pp. 114. 1917. Longmans. 6s. Luys, J. The Brain and Its Func- tions. 5th edn. Cr. Svo. Pp. 345. 1907. Kegan Paul. 7s. Gd. Whitaker, C. R. Nerves of the Human Body. Demy Svo. Pp. 76. 1918. Livingstone. 4s. 6d. iv. SECRETIONS, MUSCLES, ELECTRO -PHYSIOLOGY. Bainbridge, F. A. The Physiology of Muscular Exercise. Svo. Pp*. 226. 1919. Longmans. 10s. 6rf. Baines, A. E. Studies in Electro- Physiology (Animal and Vegetable). 8 vo . Pp .* 320 . 1918. Routledge . 12s. 6d. Biedermann, W. Electro Physiol- ogy. Translated by F. A. Welby. Svo. Vol.1, Pp.584. 1896. Vol. 2. Pp. 508. 189S. Macmillan. 17s. each. Bose, Sir J. C . Comparative Electro- Physiology: a Physico-Physiolog- ical Study. Svo. Pp.804. 1907. Longmans . 1 6s . Cushny , A . R . The Secretion of the Urine. Svo, Pp. 254. 1917. Longmans . 1 Os . Krogh., A. The Respiratory Ex- change of Animals and Man . Roy . Svo . Pp . 1S2 . 1916 . Longmans , 9s. Mackenzie, W. C. The Action of Muscles : Including Muscle Rest and Muscle Re-Education. Edited by C Mackay. Demy Svo. Pp. 283. 1919. Lewis. 12*. 6rf. Starling , E . H . Fluids of the Body . Demy Svo. Pp. 194. 1909. Con- stable. 6s. Vincent, S. Internal Secretion and the Ductless Glands. 2nd edn. in preparation . Arnold . 227 Physiology. V. SEXUAL PHYSIOLOGY. ETC. Bell, W. B. The Sex Complex. A Study of the Relationships of the Internal Secretions to the Female Characteristics and Functions in Health and Disease. 2ndedn. Roy. 8vo. Pp. 268. 1920. Bailliere. 21s. BJochj I. The Sexual Life of our Time in its Relations to Modern Civilisation. Translated from the German by M . E . Paul . Med . 8vo . Pp. 800. Heinemann. 21s. (Sale limited to Members of the Medical , Legal and Scholastic Professions). Bower, F. O., Kerr, J. G., and Agar , W * E . Lectures on Sex and Heredity. Cr. 8vo . Pp . 126 . 1919 . Macmillan . 5s . Dawson, E. R. The Causation of Sex in Man % A New Theory of Sex based on Clinical Materials, to- gether with Chapters on Forecasting or Predicting the Sex of the Unborn Child , and on the Determination or Production of either Sex at Will. 2nd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 240. 1917. Lewis. 9s. The Declining Birth -Rate: Its Causes and Effects . Prepared by the Council of Public Morals. 2nd edn. Demy Svo. Pp. 464. 1917. Chapman & Hall. 10s. Qd. Ellis , H . Man and Woman : A Study of Human Secondary Sexual Charac- ters. 4th edn. Cr. Svo. Scott Pub. Co. 7s. fid. Heape, W. Sex Antagonism . Demy Svo. Pp. 225. 191.3. Constable. 7s. fid. Herbert, S. An Introduction to the Physiology and Psychology of Sex. 2nd edn. Cr.8vo. Pp.136. 1919. Black. 7s. Qd. Sex Lore. A Primer on Court- ship, Marriage and Parenthood . Cr. Svo. Pp. 148. 1918. Black. 7s. fid. Loewenfeld , L . On Conjugal Happi- ness. Experiences , Reflections and Advice of a Medical Man . Trans- lated by R. E. S. Krohn. Demy Svo. Pp. 303. 1913. Bale & Danielsson. 7s. Qd. March, N. H. Towards Racial Health . 4th edn . Cr . Svo . Pp . 338. 1920. Routledge. 5s. Marshall , F . H . A . The Physiology of Reproduction. With Contribu- tions by W. Cramer and J. Loch- head. New edn. in preparation. Longmans . Menzies, K. Autoerotic Phenomena in Adolescence. An Analytical) Study of the Psychology and Psy- chopathology of Onanism . Cr . Svo . Pp. 96. 1919. Lewis. 5s. Problems of Population and Parenthood. Being the Second Report of and the Chief Evidence taken by the National Birth-rate Commission, 1918 -1920. Demy Svo. Pp. 590. 1920. Chapman & Hall. 25s. Young, J. t Reproduction in the Human Female. Roy. Svo. Pp.. 234. 1911. W. Green. 21s. 228 BACTERIOLOGY. Abderhalden, E. Defensive Fer- ments of the Animal Organism against Substances Out of Harmony with the Body, the Blood-plasma and the Cells : their Demonstration, and their Diagnostic Significance for Testing the Functions of Differ- ent Organs. Translated by J. O. Gavronsky and W. F. Lanchester. 3rd edn. Cr.Svo. Pp.262. 1914. Bale & Danielsson. 7s. 6rf. Abel, R Laboratory Hand-book of Bacteriology. Translated by M. H. Gordon. 2nd edn. Fcap. 8vo. Pp. 261. 1913. Frowde & Hodder . 6s . Andrewes , Sir F . W . Lessons in Dis- infection and Sterilization : an Ele- mentary Course of Bacteriology. 2nd edn. Cr.Svo. Pp.222. 1907. Churchill. 3s. M. Browning, C. H. (edited by). Applied Bacteriology. Studies and Reviews of some Present-day Prob- lems, for the Laboratory Worker, the Clinician, and the Administra- tor. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 808. 1918. Frowde & Hodder. 7s. 6d. Burnet, E. The Campaign Against Microbes. Translated from the French by E. E. Austen. Demy 8vo. Pp. 200. 1909. Bale & Danielsson. 5s. Catechism Series. Bacteriology. Revised by J . T . Grant . 2nd edn . 2 Parts. Livingstone. Is. Qd. each. Clemsha, W. W. Bacteriology of Surface Water in the Tropics . Roy . 8vo. Pp. 169. 1912. Thacker. 10s. Gd. Coles, A. C. Clinical Diagnostic Bacteriology , including Serum Diag- nosis and Cytodiagnosis . 8vo . Pp . 245. 1904." Churchill. 8s. Dudgeon, L. S . The Bacteriology of Peritonitis. Demy 8vo. Pp. 256. 1905. Constable. 7s. Gd. Ellis , D . Iron Bacteria . Demy 8vo . Pp.200. 1919. Methuen, 10s. 6d. Emery, W. D'E. Clinical Bacteri- ology and Haematology for Practi- tioners. 6th edn. DemySvo. Pp. 324. 1921. Lewis. 15s. Fowler, G. J. An Introduction to Bacteriological and Enzyme Chem- istry . Cr . 8vo . Pp . 336 . Arnold . 8s. Gd. Gurney - Dixon , S . The Transmuta- tion of Bacteria. DemySvo. Pp. 198. 1919. Cambridge LTniversity Press. 10s. Gd. Hewlett , R . T . A Manual of Bacteri- ology. Clinical and Applied. 7th edn. Post 8vo. Pp. 789. 1921. Churchill. 21s. Minett , E . P . Diagnosis of Bacteria and Blood Parasites. 3rd edn. Cr.Svo. Pp.102. 1920. Bailliere. 4s. Gd. Moor, C. G., and Hewlett, R. T. Applied Bacteriology : an Elemen- tary Handbook for the use of Stu- dents of Hygiene, Medical Officers of Health, and Analvsts. 3rd edn. 8vo. Pp.502. 1906. Bailliere. 15s. and Partridge W. Aids to Bac- teriology. 3rd edn. Fcap. 8vo. Pp. 286. 1919. Bailliere. 4s. Muir, R., and Ritchie, J. A Man- ual of Bacteriology . 7th edn. Cr. Svo. Pp. 688. 1919. Frowde 1899. Griffin. 10s.6d. 1909. Constable! 16s. 230 MEDICINE. A. HISTORICAL; BIOGRAPHICAL, Etc. Allbutt, Sir T. C. The Historical Relations of Medicine and Surgery to the end of the 1 6th Century . Cr . 8vo. Pp. 142. 1905. Macmillan . Barrett, Sir J. W. The War Work of the Y .M .C .A . in Egypt . Demy 8vo. Pp. 232. 1919. Lewis. 10s. Gd. --- A Vision of the Possible : What the R.A.M.C. might become. An Account of some of the Medical Work in Egypt ; together with a Constructive Criticism of the R.A.M.C. Demy 8vo. Pp. 195. 1919. Lewis. 9s. - and Deane , P . E . The Austra- lian Army Medical Corps in Egypt . An Illustrated and detailed account of the early organisation and work of the Australian Medical Units in Egypt, 1914-15. Demy 8vo. Pp. 274. 1918. Lewis. 12s. Gd. Bennett, A. H. English Medical Women. Glimpses of their Work in Peace and War. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 159. Pitman. 3s. Gd. Broadbent, W. (edited by). The Writings of the late Sir* William Broadbent. Demy 8vo. Pp. 439. 1908. Frowde & Hodder. 15s. Budge, Sir E. A. Wallis. Syrian Anatomy, Pathology and Thera- peutics, or the Book of Medicines. The Syriac Text, edited with Translation , etc . 2 vols . 8vo . Pp . 882 . , 830 . 191 3 . Oxford University Press . 42s . Cholmeley , H . P . John of Gaddesden and the Rosa Medicine . 8vo . Pp . 184. 1912. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 8s. Gd. Crawfurd, R. The King's Evil, with an Appendix of Proclamations and Bibliography . Med.Svo. Pp. 188. 1911. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 8s. Gd. Plague and Pestilence in Litera- ture and Art. Med. 8v.o. Pp. 230. 1914. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 14s. Douglas, G.G. The Laws of Health. Cr.Svo. Pp.272. 1915. Blackie. 5s. Edwardes , E . J . A Concise History of Small-Pox and Vaccination in Europe . Cr . 8vo . Pp . 1 50 . 1902 . Lewis. 2.9. (irf, Elliott, J. S . Outlines of Greek and Roman Medicine. DemySvo. Pp. 177. 1914. Bale & Danielsson. 7s. Gd. Forster , E . L . B . How to Become A Woman Doctor. Pocket size. Pp. 146. 1918. Griffin. 3s. Lister, Lord. Six Papers. (Early Stages of Inflammation ; Anaesthet- ics ; a New Method of Treating Com- pound Fractures; Antiseptic Sur- gery; Nature of Fermentation; Present Position of Antiseptic Sur- gery.) With a Short Biography and Explanatory Notes by Sir R . J . Godlee. Cr.Svo. Pp.202. 1921. Bale & Danielsson. 10s. Maccabe, F. F. War with Disease. 5th edn. Cr.Svo. Pp.145. 1909. Bailliere. 2s. Gd. McKay, W. J. S. The History of Ancient Gynaecology. 8vo. Pp. 322. 1901. Baillifere. 7s. Gd. Mackenzie, Sir J. The Future of Medicine. Demy 8vo. Pp. 238. 1919. Frowde & Hodder. 8s. Gd. 231 Medicine. Mackenzie, W. L. Health and Dis- ease. Fcap. 8vo. Pp. 254. 1919. Williams & Norgate. 2s. Qd. Medical Directory, The. 1921. Roy. 8vo. Pp. 2,036. Dec. 1920. Churchill. 36s. Medical Register, The. 1921. Roy 8vo. Pp. 1..336. Apl. 1921. Constable. 21s. Miles, A. The Edinburgh School of Surgery before Lister. Cr. 8vo. Pp.' 220. 1918. Black. 6s. Milne , J . S . Surgical Instruments in Greek and Roman Times. 8vo. Pp.200. 1907. Oxford : Clarendon Press. 14s. Mitchell , P . (edited by) . Memoran- da on Army General Hospital Ad- ministration . By Various Authors . Demy 8vo. Pp. 115. 1917. Bailliere. 5s. Moore, N. The Study of Medicine in the British Isles. A History. 8vo. Pp. 210. 1908. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 15s. Neuburger , M . The History of Med- icine. Translated by E. Playfair. Vol . 1 . Medicine from Remote Antiquity to the Middle Ages. Cr. 4to. Pp. 404. 1910. Frowde & Hodder . 25s . Paget , S . Pasteur and after Pasteur . Cr. 8vo. Pp. 152. 1914. Black. 6s. Parker, G. The Early History of Surgery in Great Britain : its Organ- isation and Development . Cr . 8vo . Pp.214. 1920. Black. 7s. Qd. Payne, J. F. English Medicine in Anglo-Saxon Times. 8vo. Pp. 170. 1904. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 8s. Qd. Poland, J. A Retrospect of Surgery during the Past Century. 8vo. Pp. 97. 1901. Murray. 6s. Sprigge , S . S . Some Considerations of Medical Education. Cr. 8vo. Pp.112. 1910. Bailliere. 2s. Qd. Sutton, J. B. Evolution and Dis- ease. Cr.Svo. Scott Pub. Co. 5s. Tibbetts , T . M . The Panel Doctor : His Duties and Perplexities. 2nd edn. Cr.Svo. Pp.68. 1916. Bale & Danielsson. 2s. Qd. Walsh, J. J. Medieval Medicine. Cr.Svo. Pp.221. 1920. Black. 7s. Qd. Warden, A. A. An English Hand- book to the Paris Medical School. 2nd edn. 16mo. Pp. 56. 1910. Churchill. 2s. B. HYGIENE, PUBLIC HEALTH, MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE, AND TOXICOLOGY. i. HYGIENE. Allan , F . J . Aids to Sanitary Science . 2nd edn , Revised by R . A . Farrar . 18mo. Pp. 280. 1920. Bailliere. 4s. Qd. Avery, M. A Text -book of Hygiene for Training Colleges. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 340. 1919. Methuen. 7s. Qd. Beveridge , W . W . O . , and Wanhill , C . F . The Sanitary Officers ' Hand- book of Practical Hygiene . 2nd edn . Cr. 8vo. Pp. 244. 1912. E. Arnold . 6s . Brooke, G.E, Marine Hygiene and Sanitation: a Manual for Ships* Surgeons and Port Health Officers. Demy 8vo. Pp. 418. 1920. Bailliere. 15s. Cavanagh.F. The Care of the Body. 2nd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 308. 1908. Methuen. 10s. 6rf. Clouston, Sir T. S. The Hygiene of Mind. A Treatise on Mental Health. 7th edn. DemySvo. Pp. 308. 1918. Methuen. 10s. Qd. Medicine. Curwen , K . M . Simple Experiment- al Hygiene, Physiology and Infant Management, for the Use of School Teachers. Cr.Svo. Pp.359. 1918. Griffin. 6.5. Darling, H. G. R. Elementary Hygiene for Nurses, and others. Svo. Pp. 160. 1017. Churchill. 3s. Davies, A.M., and Melville , C . H . A Handbook of Hygiene , 4th erln . Pocket sue. Pp. 731. 1913. Griffin. 12s. Qd. Drummond, W. B. An Introduc- tion to School Hygiene. Cr. Svo. Pp. 217. 1915. Arnold. 3s.6ef. ElHs , H . The Task of Social Hygiene . 3rd edn. Demy Svo. Pp. 430. 1920. Constable. 8s. 6d. Ferguson, R. B. Aids to Mathe- matics of Hygiene. 5th edn. Fcap. Svo. Pp. 198. 1919. Bailliere. 3s. Qd. Firth , R . H . The Theory and Prac- tice of Hygiene. 3rd edn. Pp. 1010. 1908. Churchill. 24s. Glaister, J. .Manual of Hygiene. For Students and Nurses. 3rd edn. Cr.Svo. Pp.435. 1921. Living- stone. 7s. Qd. Hale,G.W. Domestic Science. Cr. Svo. Part 1. Pp. 340. 1915. 4s. Part 2. Pp. 310. 1916. 5s. Qd. Cambridge University Press . Hamer , W . H . Manual of Hygiene . Svo. Pp. 634. 1902. Churchill. 12s. Qd. Hope, E. W., Browne, E. A., and Sherrington, C. S. A Manual of School Hygiene . New edn . With six additional chapters on Physiol- ogy. Cr. Svo. Pp. 323. 1913. Cambridge Uai versity Press . 6s . Hutt, G. W. Crowley's Hygiene of School Life. 2nd edn. *Cr. Svo. Pp. 444. 1916. Methuen. 6s. Jameson, W. W., and Marchant, F. T. Synopsis of Hygiene. Cr. Svo. Pp. 404. 1920. Churchill. 18s. Kerr, J. Newsholme's * 'School Hygiene": The Laws of Health in Relation to School Life. 15th edn. Large Cr. Svo. Pp. 352. 1918. Allen & Unwin. 4s. Qd. Knox , E . B . Military Sanitation and Hygiene. Fcap. Svo. Pp. 358. 1911. Bailliere. 5s. Lelean, P. S. Sanitation in War. 3rd edn. Fcap. Svo. Pp. 376. 1919. Churchill. 7s. 6d. Lyster,R.A. School Hygiene . 2nd edn . 8th imp . Cr . Svo . Pp . 396 . 1920. University Tutorial Press. 5s. Text -book of Hygiene for Teach- ers. 5th imp. Cr. Svo. Pp. 504. 1919. University Tutorial Press. 6s. Qd. Macdonald , R . St . J . Field Sanita- tion. Cr. Svo. Pp. 202. 1918. Frowde & Hodder. 6s. Macleod, H. W. G. Methods and Calculations in Hygiene and Vital Statistics. Cr. Svo. Pp. 158. 1904. Griffin. 6s. Melville, G. H. Military Hygiene and Sanitation. Demy Svo. Pp. 423. 1912. E. Arnold. 1 6s. Melville -Davison, W. Some New and Interesting points in Ships' Hygiene. Demy Svo. Pp. 87. 1911. John Wright . 4s . Moor, G. G., and Cooper, E. A. Field Sanitation . Demy Svo. Pp. 228. 1918. Bailliere. 2s. Qd. Notter, J. L., and Firth, R. H. Hygiene. 9th edn. Cr. Svo. Pp. 552. 1921. Longmans. 10s. Qd. Practical Domestic Hygiene. 6th edn. Cr.Svo. Pp.328. 1919. Longmans . 5s . Pakes, W. C. C., and Nankivell, A . T . The Science of Hygiene : A Text -book of Laboratory Practice for Public Health Students. 2nd edn. Cr. Svo. Pp. 176. 1912. Methuen. 6s. Parkes , L . C . , and Kenwood , H . R Hygiene and Public Health. 6th edn. Demy Svo. Pp. 797. (1917) 1920. Lewis. 22s. Qd. 233 Medicine. Porter, C. School Hygiene and the Laws of Health: A Text-book for Teachers and Students. 5th edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 382. 1920. Long- mans . 6s . - Elements of Hygiene and Public Health. Cr. 8vo. Pp.426. 1917. Frowde & Hodder. 1917. 12s. 6rf. Ravenhill, A. Practical Hygiene. 2nd edn. Cr.Svo. Pp.744. 1908. E . J . Arnold . 5s . Reynolds, E. S. Hygiene for Beginners. New imp. Gl. 8vo. Pp.249. 1919. Macmillan. 3s. Smith, F. J. Domestic Hygiene for Nurses, with some Physics and Chemistry. 2nd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp.180. 1915. Churchill. 2s. Gd. Stevenson, Sir T., and Murphy, Sir S . F . A Treatise on Hygiene and Public Health. 3 Vols. Roy. Svo. Vol.1. 2nd edn. Pp.1013. 1896. 28s. Vol.2. Pp. 847. 1893. 32s. Vol.,". Pp.460. 1894. 20s. Churchill. Sturrork, W. D. First Principles of Hygiene. Cr. Svo. P;>. 252. 1913! . Oxford: Claiendon Press. 3s. Whitelegge, Sir A., and Newman, Sir G . Hygiene and Public Health . 13th edn/ F-ap. Svo. Pp. 796. 1917. Casscll. 10s. Gd. Willoughby ; E. F. Hygiene for Students . G I . Svo . Pp . 584 . 1909. Macmillan. 5s. ii. PUBLIC HEALTH. Ayling, R. S. Public Abattoirs, their Planning, Design, and Equip- ment . 4to . Pp . 100 and 33 Plates . 190S. Spon. 12s. Gd. Catechism Series. Public Health. 2nd edn . Revised by W . Robertson . ."Parts. Part 1.' Water. Part 2. Air and Ventilation, Warming, Lighting, Climate. Part 3. Sew- age and its Treatment. Part 4. Vital Statistics, Dwellings, Meteor- ology. Part 5. Epidemiology, Food . Disinfectants , Hospitals . Is . 9d. each. Also in one Volume, cloth. 9s. Livingstone. Frederick, R. C., and Forster, A. Public Health Chemical Analysis. DemySvo. Pp.313. 1920. Con- stable. 21s. Glaister. J. A Text -Book of Public Health. 2nd edn. DemySvo. Pp. 642. 1910. Livingstone. 15s. Hope . E . W . A Text-Book of Public Health . 8th edn . Demy Svo . Py> . 2fi7. (1915). 1920. Livingstone. 8s. Gd. Kenwood, H. R. Public Health Laboratory Work. (Chemistry )> 7th edn. Demy Svo. Pp. 420. 1920. Lewis. 15s. McKail , D . Public Health Chemistry and Bacteriology. A Practical Manual. Cr.Svo'. Pp.409. 1912. John Wright. 6s. Qd. Parsons , H . F . Isolation Hospitals . DemySvo. Pp.289. 1914. Cam- bridge University Press. 15s. Robertson, W. G. A. Manual of Public Health. 4th edn. Cr.Svo. Pp.272. 1921. Black. 8s. Gd. Sommerville, D. Practical Sani- tary Science. A Handbook for the Public Health Laboratory. 2nd edn . Demy Svo . Pp . 324 . 1914. Bailliere. "l2s. Gd. Aids to Public Health. Fcap. Svo. Pp. 152. 1913. Bailliere. 3s. Stewart. A. W. A Manual of Prac- tical Chemistry for Public Health Students. Cr.Svo. Pp. 88. 1913. Bale & Danielsson. 3s. Gd. Taylor, A . The Sanitary Inspector's Handbook. 5th edn. Cr.Svo. Pp. 624. 1914. Lewis. 7s. Gd. iii. WATER ANALYSIS. Purvis, J. E., and Hodgson, T. R. The Chemical Examination of Water, Sewage, Foods, and other Substances. DemySvo. Pp.236. 1914 . Cambridge University Press . 10s. Gd. Stocks. H. B. Water Analysis, for Sanitary and Technical Purposes. Cr.Svo'. Pp.144. 1912. Griffin. 5s. 234 Medicine. Thresh, J. C. The Examination of Waters and Water Supplies. 2nd edn. Roy. 8vo. 1913. Church- ill. 21*. A Simple Method of Water Ana ly- sis : for the use of Medical Officers of Health. 9th edn. Fcap Svo. Pp. 72. 1913. Churchill. 3s. iv. FOOD ANALYSIS AND INSPECTION. Blyth, A. W., and M. W. Foods: their Composition and Analysis. 6th edn. Large Svo. Pp. 644. 1909. Griffin. 21s. Burrell, B. A. An Elementary Course on Food -Testing. Cr. Svo. Pp.100. 1910. Bailliere. 25. fid. Clayton, E. G. A Compendium of Food Microscopy : with Sections on Drugs , Water , and Tobacco . Demy 8vo.~ Pp. 472. 1909. Bailliere. 12s. Greenish, H. G. The Microscopical Examination of Foods and Drugs. In the Entire, Crushed, and Pow- dered States. 2nd edn. Roy. Svo. Pp.406. 1910. Churchill. 12s. Od. and Collin, E. An Anatomical Atlas of Vegetable Powders: an Indispensable Aid to the Micro- scooic Analysis of Powdered Foods and Drugs / 4to . Pp . 288 . 1904 . Churchill. 12s. 6rf. Howarth, W. J. Meat Inspection Problems, with special reference to the Developments of Recent years. Demy Svo. Pp. 152. 1918. Bailliere. 7s. 6d. Lane-Claypon. J. E. Milk and Its Hygienic Relations. 8vo. Pp. 356. 1918. Longmans. 9s. Litteljohn, A. R. Meat and Its Inspection. A Practical Guide for Meat Inspectors, Students, and Medical Officers of Health . Demy 8x/o. Pp. 412. 1911. Bailliere*. 12s. Mitchell, C. A. Flesh Foods: with Methods for their Chemical , Micro- scopical, and Bacteriological Ex- amination: for Medical Men, Analysts , and Inspectors . Cr . Svo . Pp.351. 1900. Griffin. 10*. 6d. Moor, C. G., and Partridge, W. Aids to the Analysis of Food and Drugs. 4th edn. Fcap. Svo. Pp. 280. 1918. Bailliere. 4s. 6d. Ostertag, R. Handbook of Meat Inspection. Translated by E. V. Wile-ox. 4th edn. Roy. Svo. Pp. 942. 1913. Bailliere. 45s. Parry, E. J. Food nd Drugs. 2 Vols. Roy. Svo. 1911. Vol. 1. The Analysis of Food and Drugs Chemical and Microscopical. Pp. 724. 23s. Vol. 2. The Sale of Food and Drugs Acts , 18751907 . Pp. 184. 8s^ 6d. Scott, Green- wood. Pearmain, T. H., and Moor, C.G. The Analysis of Food and Drugs. Fcap. Svo. Part 1. Milk and Milk Products. Pp. 140. 1897. Part 2. The Chemical and Biolog- ical Examination of Water. Pp. 178. 1899. Bailliere. 6s. each. Robertson, W. Meat and Food Inspection . A Handbook for Med- ical Officers of Health and Sani- tary Inspectors. 2nd edn. Svo. Pp'. 306. 1920. Bailliere. 18s. Savage, W. G. Milk and the Public Health. Svo. Pp. 478. 1912. Macmillan. 12s. 6rf. Food Poisoning and Food Infec- tions. Demy Svo. Pp.258. 1919. Cambridge University Press. 15s. The Bacteriological Examination of Food and Water . 2nd edn . Demy Svo. Pp. 200. 1916. Cambridge L T niversity Press. 10.?. Thresh, J. C., and Porter, A. E. Preservatives in Food, and Food Examination. Roy. Svo. Pp. 499. 1906. Churchill. 16s. Wagner , E . Recipes for the Preserv- ing of Fruit, Vegetables and Meat. Translated from the German. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 125. 1908. Scott, Greenwood. 6s. Walker , A . H . The Food Inspector ' Encyclopaedia. Demy Svo. Pp. 310. 1912. Bailliere. 8s. 6d. The Inspection of Fish, Poultry, Game, Fruit, Nuts, and Vegetables. Demy Svo. Pp. 192. 1911. Bailliere . 6s . 235 Medicine. Walley's Meat Inspection. 5th edn. Revised and enlarged by S. Stock- man. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 308. 1909. W. Green. 10s v . EPIDEMICS , MEDICAL GEO - GRAPH Y AND CLIMATOLOGY. Anderson, D. E. The Epidemics of Mauritius. Demy 8vo. Pp. 828. 1918. Lewis. 10s. Bahr , P . H . A Report on Researches on Sprue in Ceylon, 19121914. Roy. 8vo. Pp.163. 1915. Cam- bridge Un i vers i ty Press . 9s . Begg, C. Sprue: its Diagnosis and Treatment. Demy 8vo. Pp. 128. 1912. John Wright. 6s. Clcmow, F. G. The Geography of Disease. Cr.Svo. Pp. 624. 1903. Cambridge University Press. 15*. Giles , G . M . The Outlines of Trop- ical Climatology. Med. 8vo. Pp. 113. 1904. Bale and Danielsson. 5s. Climate and Health in Hot Coun- tries, and the Outlines of Tropical Climatology. Med. 8vo. Pp.130. 1904. Bale & Danielsson. 7s. 6d. Gordon, W. The Place of Climat- ology ia Medicine . Demy 8 vo . Pp . 67. * 191 3. Lewis. 3s. 6d. The Influence of Strong Preva- lent Rain -bearing Winds on the Prevalence of Phthisis. Med. 8vo. Pp. 122. 1910. Lewis. 7s. 6d. Hutchmson, J. On Leprosy and Fish Eating. Demy 8vo. * Pp. 441. 1906. Constable. 12s. 6d. Jefterys, W. H., and Maxwell, J. L. The Diseases of China, includ- ing Formosa and Korea . 8vo . Pp . 736. 1911. Bale and Danielsson. 25s. Johnston -Lavis, H. J. On the Effects of Volcanic Action in the Production of Epidemic Diseases in the Animal and the Vegetable Creation, and in the Production of Hurricanes and Abnormal Atmos- pherical Vicissitudes. Cr. 8vo. Pp.81. 1914. Bale & Danielsson. 3s. vi . TROPICAL HYGIENE . Blackham, R. J. Aids to Tropical Hygiene. New edition in prepara- tion . Bailliere . Boyce, Sir R. W. Health Progress and Administration of the West Indies. 2nd edn. Med. 8vo. Pp. 350. 1910. Murray. 10s. Qd. Field, A. "Verb. Sap:" on going to West Africa, Northern and Southern Nigeria and the Coasts. 3rd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp.251. 1906. Bale and Danielsson. 2s. 6df. Garry, T.G. Some Factors Influ- encing Health in Tropical and Sub- Tropical Countries. Cr. Svo. Pp. 96. 1911. .Bale & Danielsson. 2s. 6d. Harston , G . M . The Care and Treat- ment of European Children in the Tropics. Cr.Svo. Pp. 219. 1912. Bailliere. 8s. 6d. Lukis , Sir P . , and Blarkham , R . J . Tropical Hygiene for Residents in Tropical and Sub-Tropical Climates . 3rd edn. Cr.Svo. Pp.295. 1915. Thacker. 5s. Moore, Sir W. Manual of Family Medicine and Hygiene for India. 9th edn. Rewritten by C. A. Sprawson. Demy Svo. Pp. 686. 1921. Churchill'. 10s. 6rf. Muirhead, W. A. Practical Tropical Sanitation. Demy Svo. Pp. 285. 1914. Murray. 15s. Nelian, A. R. Hints lor Residents and Travellers in Persia. Cr. Svo. Pp.202. 1914. Bale and Daniels- son . 5s . Ryan,J.C. Health Preservation in 'West Africa. Cr. Svo. Pp. 108. 19 14 . Bale and Danielsson . 5s . Simpson, W. J. Tropical and Sub- tropical Climates, and the Prin- ciples of Personal Hygiene in them, as applied to Europeans. Demy Svo. Pp. 400. 1908. Bale and Danielsson. 15s. Maintenance of Health in the Tropics. 2nd edn. Cr. Svo. Pp. 186. 1916. Bale and Danielsson. 3s. Od. Medicine. Strachan , H . Lessons in Elementary Tropical Hygiene. 2nd edn. Small Cr. 8vo. Pp. 128. 1918. Constable. 2s. QJi. vii. SANITARY LAW. Critchley, H. Aids to the Study of Sanitary Law. Feap. 8vo. Pp. 88. 1904. Bailliere. 3s. Ham, B. B. A Handbook of Sani- tary Law, for the use of Candidates for Public Health Qualifications. 8th edn. Fcap. 8vo. Pp. 240 1920. Lewis. 5s. Hime, T. W. Practical Guide to the Public Health Acts: for Officers of Health and Inspectors of Nuisances . 2nd edn. Pp. 1,096. 1901. Bailliere. 15s. Porter , C . Sanitary Law in Question and Answer for the use of Students of Public Health. 2nd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 180. 1920. Longmans. 6s. Gd. Robertson, W., and McKendrick, A. Public Health Laws. A Synopsis of the Acts of Parliament bearing on Public Health in the United Kingdom. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 397. 1912. Livingstone. 5s. and Porter, G. Sanitary Law and Practice. A Handbook for Students of Public Health and Others. 4th edn. 8vo. Pp. 774. 1917. Sanitary Publishing Co. 15s. viii. MEDICAL JURISPRU- DENCE. Atkinson , S . B . The Law in General Medical Practice, or Clinical Juris- prudence. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 139. 1908 . Frowde and Hodder . 5s . Barnett, H. N. Legal Responsi- bility of the Drunkard. Cr. 8vo. Pp . 76 . 1908 . Bailliere . 2s . Gd . Brend, W. A. A Handbook of Medical Jurisprudence and Toxi- cology, for the Use of Students and Practitioners. 3rd edn. Pocket size. Pp. 324. 1919. Griffin. 10s. Gd. An Enquiry into the Statistics of Deaths from Violence and Un- natural Causes in the United Kingdom. Demy 8vo. Pp. 84. 1915. Griffin. 4s. Brockbank , E . M . Life Insurance in General Practice. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 302. 1908. Frowde and Hodder. 7s. Gd. Brouardcl, P., and Benham, F. L. Death and Sudden Death. 2nd edn. 8vo. Pp. 350. 1902. Bailliere. 10s. Gd. Buchanan, R. J. M. Text-Book of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology. 8th edn. 8vo. Pp. 428. 1920. L i v ingstone . 10s. Bucknill, J. C. The Care of the Insane and their Legal Control. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 144. 1880. Mac- mi llan. 3s. Gd. Catechism Series. Forensic Medi- cine. 2nd edn. Revised by A. Allison. Livingstone. Is. 9d. Collie, Sir J. Malingering. 2nd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 680. 1917. Arnold. 18s. Medico-Legal Examinations and the Workmen 's Compensation Act . , 1906. Demy 8vo. Pp.132. 191 Bailliere . 5s . Glaister, J. A Text-Book of Medi- cal Jurisprudence and Toxicology. 4th edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 917. 1921 . Livingstone . 30s . Hawthorne, C. O. Forensic Medi- cine. 3rd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 352. 1912. Arnold. 7s. Gd. Jones, A. B., and Llewellyn, J. L. Malingering, or the Simulation of Disease . With a chapter by W . M . Beaumont on Malingering in Re- lation to the Eye. Roy. 8vo. Pp . 708 . 1917 . Hcinemann . 25s . Knocker, D. (edited by). Accidents in their Medico-Legal Aspect. A Practical Guide, for the expert witness, solicitor, and barrister, consisting of a series of articles by leading medical and surgical author- ities as to the effects of injuries to the various parts of the human body, with special reference to the Workmen's Compensation Act, etc. Roy.Svo. Pp. 1,294. 1910. Also Thin paper edition. 1912. Bailliere. 30s. each. 237 Medicine. McKendrick, A. Malingering and its Detection under the Workmen's Compensation and other Acts. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 96. 1912. Livingstone. Is. Qd. Back Injuries and their Signifi- cance under the Workmen's Com- pensation and other Acts. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 182. 1916. Livingstone. 2s. Qd. Mann , J . D . Forensic Medicine and Toxicology. Revised and Edited by W. A. Brend. 5th edn. 8vo. Pp. 750. 1914. Griffin. 21s. Murrell, W., and Robertson, W. G. A. Aids to Forensic Medi- cine and Toxicology. 8th edn. Fcap. 8vo. Pp. 164. 1914. Bailliere. 3s. Robertson, W. G. A. Manual of Medical Jurisprudence and Toxi- cology. 4th edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 426. 1921. Black. 12s. Qd. Smith, F. J. Lectures on Medical Jurisprudence and Toxicology. 2nd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 480. 1908. Churchill. 8s. Qd. Law for Medical Men . A book for Practitioners, containing Abstracts from Acts of Parliament interesting to Medical Men. 8vo. Pp. 414. 1913. Churchill. 10s. Qd. Sutherland, W. D. Blood Stains: their Detection and the Determina- tion of their Source . A Manual for the Medical and Legal Professions. 8vo. Pp. 192. 1907. Bailliere. 10s. Qd. Taylor, A. S. The Principles and Practice of Medical Jurisprudence. Edited by F. J. Smith. With a Section on Indian Medical Juris- prudence by W. J. Buchanan. 7th edn . 2 Vols . Roy . 8vo . Pp . 1860. 1920. Churchill. 63s. Wellington, R. H. The King's Coroner. Vol. 1. A Complete Col- lection of the Statutes relating to the Office, with a short history of the same. Pp. 300. 1905. 8s. Qd. Vol . 2 . The Procedure and Practice in his Judicial and Ministerial Capacities. Pp.164. 1906. 7s.6rf. Bailliere. ix. TOXICOLOGY. Blyth, A. W., and M. W. Poisons: their Effects and Detection. 5th edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 780. 1920. Griffin. 36*. Catechism Series. Toxicology. 2nd edn. Revised by A. Allison. Livingstone. Is. 9d. Gadd, H. The Poisons and Phar- macy Act, 1908. With Notes. Cr.Svo. Pp.56. 1909. Bailliere. Is. Glaister, J. Poisoning by Arseni- uretted Hydrogen or Hydrogen Arsenide. Its Properties, Sources, Relations to Scientific and Indus- trial Operations, Symptoms, Post- mortem Appearances , Treatment , and Prevention . Cr . 8vo . Pp . 290 . 1908. Livingstone. 5s. And Logan, D. D. Gas Poison- ing in Mining and other Industries. Demy 8vo. Pp. 550. 1914. Livingstone. 12s. Legge, T. M., and Goadby, K. W. Lead Poisoning and Lead Absorp- tion. Demy 8vo. Pp. 308. 1912. E.Arnold. 12s. Qd. Murrell , W . What to Do In Cases of Poisoning, llth edn. Roy. 32mo. Pp.283. 1916. Lewis. 3s. Qd. Oliver , Sir T . Lead Poisoning , from the Industrial, Medical and Social Points of View . Cr . 8vo . Pp . 304 . 1914. Lewis. 3s. Oppenheimer, C. Toxines and Anti-Toxines . Translated by C . A . Mitchell. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 282. 1906. Griffin. 9s. Rambousek, J, Industrial Poison- ing. Translated by T. M. Legge. Demy 8vo. Pp. 376. 1913. E.. Arnold. 14s. 238 Medicine. C. PATHOLOGY. i. PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY, HISTOLOGY, LABORATORY METHODS. Cammidge, P. J. The Faeces of Children and Adults: their Exam- ination and Diagnostic Significance, with Indications for Treatment. Demy 8vo. Pp.516. 1916. John Wright. I7s.6d. dampbell, A. W. Histological Studies on the Localisation of Cerebral Function. Med. 4to. Pp . 380 . 1905 . Cambridge Univer- sity Press. 22s. Fl etcher , G . , and McLean , H . The Link between the Practitioner and the Laboratory. A Guide to the Practitioner in his Relations with the Pathological Laboratory. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 91. 1920. * Lewis. 4s. Qd. Hall, J. W., and Herxheimer, G. Methods of Morbid Histology and Clinical Pathology. 8vo. Pp.306. 1905. W. Green. 9s. Jaksch,V. Clinical Diagnosis. The Chemical, Microscopical, and Bac- teriological Evidence of Disease. Translated by Sir A. E. Garrod. 5th edn. Large 8vo. Pp. 628. 1905. Griffin. 30s. Lazarus -Barlow, W. S. The Ele- ments of Pathological Anatomy and Histology for Students. Roy.* 8vo. Pp. 718. 1903. Churchill/ 24s. Leyton, A. S. F. The Essentials of Morbid Histology. For the use of Students. 8vo. Pp. 236. 1912. Longmans . 9s . ii. EXAMINATION OF THE URINE. Bedford , G . H . A Clinical Handbook of Urine Analysis. 2nd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 181. 1904. W. Green. 6s. Qd. Carruthers, T. Urine Examination Made Easy. A Plan of Examina- tion, with Common Tests fully described. 4th edn. Cr. 8vo~. Pp.48. 1921. Churchill. 2s. Hewat, A. F. The Examination of the Urine and other Clinical Side- room Methods. 6th edn. 1917. Livingstone. 2s. Qd. Mann, J. D. The Physiology and Pathology of the Urine. 2nd edn. 8vo. Pp. 338. 1913. Griffin. 7s. Qd. iii. POST-MORTEM EXAMINA- TION. Beattie, J. M. Post -Mortem Methods. Demy 8vo. Pp. 242. 1915. Cambridge Un ivers it v Press . 12s. Box, C. R. Post-Mortem Manual. A Handbook of Morbid Anatomy and Post-Mortem Technique. 2nd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 370. 1919. Churchill. 10s. Qd. Gibson. A. G. A Handbook for the Post-Mortem Room. 16mo. Pp. 148. 1911. Frowde and Hodder. 4s. 6d. Kelynack, T. W. The Pathologist 's .Handbook: A Manual for the Post- Mortem Room. Fcap. 8vo. Pp. 200. 1899. Churchill. 4s. Qd. Miller, J. Post-Mortem Technique and Practical Pathology. A Text- book for Students and Practitioners . Cr. 8vo. Pp. 444. 1914. Black. 12s. Qd. Rolleston, Sir H. D., and Kan- thack, A. A. Manual of Practical Morbid Anatomy. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 259. 1894. Cambridge University Press . 7s . Shennan, T. Post-Mortems and Morbid Anatomy. Roy. 8vo. Pp. 512. 1912. Constable. 18s. Thursfield, M., and Branson, W. P. S. Medical Morbid Anatomy and Pathology. Cr. 8vo. Pp.270. 1909. Lewis. 6s. iv. GENERAL PATHOLOGY. Adami, J. G., and McCrae, J. A. Text-book of Pathology. 2nd edn. 8vo. Pp. 870. 1914. Macmillan. 31s. Qd. 239 Medicine. McKendrick, A. Malingering and its Detection under the Workmen's Compensation and other Acts. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 96. 1912. Livingstone. Is. Qd. Back Injuries and their Signifi- cance under the Workmen's Com- pensation and other Acts . Cr . 8vo . Pp. 182. 1916. Livingstone. 2s. Qd. Mann, J. D. Forensic Medicine and Toxicology. Revised and Edited by W. A. Brend. 5th edn. 8vo. Pp. 750. 1914. Griffin. 21s. Murrell, W., and Robertson, W. G. A. Aids to Forensic Medi- cine and Toxicology. 8th edn. Fcap. 8vo. Pp. 164. 3914. Bailliere. 3s. Robertson, W. G. A. Manual of Medical Jurisprudence and Toxi- cology. 4th edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 426. 1921. Black. 12s. Qd. Smith, F. J. Lectures on Medical Jurisprudence and Toxicology. 2nd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 480. 1908. Churchill. 8s. Qd. Law for Medical Men . A book for Practitioners, containing Abstracts from Acts of Parliament interesting to Medical Men. 8vo. Pp. 414. 1913. Churchill. 10s. Qd. Sutherland, W. D. Blood Stains: their Detection and the Determina- tion of their Source . A Manual for the Medical and Legal Professions. 8vo. Pp. 192. 1907. Bailliere. 10s. Qd. Taylor, A. S. The Principles and Practice of Medical Jurisprudence. Edited by F. J. Smith. With a Section on Indian Medical Juris- prudence by W. J. Buchanan. 7th edn . 2 Vols . Roy . 8vo . Pp . 1860. 1920. Churchill. 63s. Wellington, R. H. The King's Coroner . Vol . 1 . A Complete Col- lection of the Statutes relating to the Office, with a short history of the same. Pp. 300. 1905. 8s. Qd. Vol . 2 . The Procedure and Practice in his Judicial and Ministerial Capacities. Pp.164. 1906. 7s. Qd. Bailliere. ix. TOXICOLOGY. Blyth, A. W., and M. W. Poisons: their Effects and Detection. 5th edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 780. 1920. Griffin . 36* . Catechism Series. Toxicology. 2nd edn. Revised by A. Allison. Livingstone. Is. 9d. Gadd, H. The Poisons and Phar- macy Act, 1908. With Notes. Cr.Svo. Pp.56. 1909. Bailliere. Is. Glaister, J. Poisoning by Arseni- uretted Hydrogen or Hydrogen Arsenide. Its Properties, Sources, Relations to Scientific and Indus- trial Operations, Symptoms, Post- mortem Appearances, Treatment, and Prevention . Cr . 8vo . Pp . 290 . 1908. Livingstone. 5s. And Logan, D. D. Gas Poison- ing in Mining and other Industries. Demy 8vo. Pp. 550. 1914. Livingstone . 1 2s . Legge, T. M., and Goadby, K. W. Lead Poisoning and Lead Absorp- tion. DemySvo. Pp.308. 1912. E.Arnold. 12s. Qd. Murrell , W . What to Do In Cases of Poisoning, llth edn. Roy. 32mo. Pp.283. 1916. Lewis. 3s. Qd. Oliver , Sir T . Lead Poisoning , from the Industrial, Medical and Social Points of View . Cr . 8vo . Pp . 304 . 1914. Lewis. 3s. Oppenheimer, C. Toxines and Anti-Toxines . Translated by C . A . Mitchell. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 282. 1906. Griffin. 9s. Rambousek, J. Industrial Poison- ing. Translated by T. M. Legge. Demy 8vo. Pp. 376. 1913. E., Arnold. 14s. 238 Medicine. C. PATHOLOGY. i. PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY, HISTOLOGY, LABORATORY METHODS. Cammidge, P. J. The Faeces of Children and Adults: their Exam- ination and Diagnostic Significance, with Indications for Treatment. Demy 8vo. Pp.516. 1916. John Wright. 17s. Qd. Campbell, A. W. Histological Studies on the Localisation of Cerebral Function. Med. 4to. Pp . 380 . 1905 . Cambridge Univer- sity Press. 22s. Fl etcher , G . , and McLean , H . The Link between the Practitioner and the Laboratory. A Guide to the Practitioner in his Relations with the Pathological Laboratory. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 91. 1920. " Lewis. 4s. Qd. Hall, J. W., and Herxheimer, G. Methods of Morbid Histology and Clinical Pathology . 8vo . Pp . 306 . 1905. W. Green. 9s. Jaksch,V. Clinical Diagnosis. The Chemical, Microscopical, and Bac- teriological Evidence of Disease. Translated by Sir A. E. Garrod. 5th edn. Large 8vo. Pp. 628. 1905. Griffin. 30s. Lazarus -Barlow, W. S. The Ele- ments of Pathological Anatomy and Histology for Students. Roy.* 8vo. Pp. 718. 1903. Churchill.' 24s. Leyton, A. S. F. The Essentials of Morbid Histology. For the use of Students. 8vo. Pp. 236. 1912. Longmans . 9s . ii. EXAMINATION OF THE URINE. Bedford, G.H. A Clinical Handbook of Urine Analysis. 2nd edn. Cr, 8vo. Pp. 181. 1904. W. Green. 6s. Qd. Garruthers, T. Urine Examination Made Easy. A Plan of Examina- tion, with Common Tests fully described. 4th edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp . 48 . 1921 . Churchill . 2s . Hewat, A. F. The Examination of the Urine and other Clinical Side- room Methods. 6th edn. 1917. Livingstone. 2s. Qd. Mann, J. D. The Physiology and Pathology of the Urine. 2nd edn. 8vo. Pp. 338. 1913. Griffin. 7s. Qd. iii. POST-MORTEM EXAMINA- TION. Beattie, J. M. Post-Mortem Methods. Demy 8vo. Pp. 242. 1915. Cambridge University Press . 12s. Box, C. R. Post-Mortem Manual. A Handbook of Morbid Anatomy and Post-Mortem Technique. 2nd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 370. 1919. Churchill. 10s. Qd. Gibson, A. G. A Handbook for the Post-Mortem Room. 16mo. Pp. 148. 1911. Frowde and Hodder. 4s. 6d. Kelynack, T. W. The Pathologist 's .Handbook: A Manual for the Post- Mortem Room. Fcap. 8vo. Pp. 200. 1899. Churchill. 4s. Qd. Miller, J. Post-Mortem Technique and Practical Pathology. A Text- book for Students and Practitioners . Cr. 8vo. Pp. 444. 1914. Black. 12s. Gd. Rolleston, Sir H. D., and Kan- thack, A. A. Manual of Practical Morbid Anatomy. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 259. 1894. Cambridge University Press . 7s . Shennan, T. Post-Mortems and Morbid Anatomy. Roy. 8vo. Pp. 512. 1912. Constable. 18s. Thursfield, M., and Branson, W. P. S. Medical Morbid Anatomy and Pathology. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 270. 1909. Lewis. 6s. iv. GENERAL PATHOLOGY. Adami, J. G., and McCrae, J. A. Text-book of Pathology. 2nd edn. 8vo. Pp. 870. 1914. Macmillan. 31s. Qd. 239 Medicine. Beattie J. M., and Dickson, W. E. C. A Text-book of General Path- ology for the use of Students and Practitioners. 2nd edn. 8vo. Pp. 541. 1921. Heinemann. 31s. Qd. Burnford , J . M . Applied Pathology . A Guide to the Application of Modern Pathological Methods to Diagnosis and Treatment. Demv 8v. Pp. 396. 1913. University", of London Press. 10s. Qd. Campbell, H. Aids to Pathology. 4th edn. Fcap. 8vo. Pp. 256. 1921. Bailliere. 4s. Qd. Catechism Series. Pathology. 2nd edn. 5 Parts. Revised by J. Miller . Part 1 . Animal Parasites , Degenerations and Infiltrations , Hy- peraemia Oedema, Haemorrhage, Necrosis , Gangrene , Thrombosis . Part 2. Embolism, Tumours. Part 3. Diseases of Vessels, of Ductless Glands, Heart, Blood. Part 4. Inflammation , Phagocytosis , In- fection, Fever, Immunity, Diseases of the Lungs. Parts. Diseases of Pleura, Abdomen, Brain and Nerves. Is. 9d. each, also in one volume, cloth, 9s. Livingstone. French, H. Medical Laboratory Methods and Tests. 3rd edn. Fcap. 8vo. Pp. 210. 1913. Bailliere. 6s. Green, T. H. A Manual of Pathology and Morbid Anatomy. 12th edn. Revised by W. C. Bosanquet and W. W. Top ley. Demy 8vo. Pp. 613. (1918). 1920. Bailliere. 22s. Qd. Herschell, G. ? and Weiss, R. Ele- mentary Clinical Pathology for Nurses. 2nd edn. 1913. Churchill. Is. Hewlett, R. T. Pathology: General and Special, for Students of Medi- cine. 4th edn. Post 8vo. Pp. 640. 1917. Churchill. 12s. Qd. Horder, Sir T. J. Clinical Pathol- ogy* with a Full Account of Vaccine Therapy. Demy 8vo. Pp. 224. 1910. Frowde and Hodder. 8s. Qd. Lazarus -Barlow, W. S. A Manual of General or Experimental Pathol- ogy for Students and Practitioners. 2nd edn. Roy. 8vo. Pp. 736. 1904. Churchill. 21s. Panton, P. N. Clinical Pathology. 8vo. Pp. 456. 1913. Churchill. 14s. Pembrey, M. S., and Ritchie, J. (edited by). A Text-book of General Pathology. Demy 8vo. Pp.785. 1913. Arnold. 21s. Woodhead, Sir G. S. Practical Pathology . A Manual for Students and Practitioners. 4th edn. 8vo. Pp. 820. 1910. Frowde and Hodder. 17s. v. SPECIAL PATHOLOGY. Adami, J. G. Inflammation. An Introduction to the Study of Pathology. 4th edn. Ex. Cr. 8vo. Pp . 272 . 1909 . Macmillan . 6s . Qd. Beattie, J. M., and Dickson, W. E. C. Text-Book of Special Pathology. New edition in preparation . Heine- mann. Garrod , Sir A . E . In-born Errors of Metabolism. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 174. 1 909 . Frowde and Hodder . 3s . Qd . Haig , A . Uric Acid as a Factor in the Causation of Disease. 7th edn. 8vo. Pp. 952. 1908. Churchill. 14s. Uric Acid in the Clinic. 8vo. Pp.312. 1910. Churchill. 5s. Uric Acid : an Epitome of the Sub] ect . 2nd edn . 8vo . Pp . 170 . 1906. Churchill. 2s. Qd. Macgregor, J. M. A Contribution to the Pathology of the Endome- trium. 8vo. Pp. 56. 1905. W. Green. 10s. Qd. Paton, D. N. The Nervous and Chemical Regulations of Meta- bolism. 8vo. Pp. 228. 1913. Macmillan. 6s. Robertson, A. W. Studies in Electro-Pathology. 8vo. Pp.312. 1918. Routledge. 12s. Qd. The Treatment of Inflammation and Sepsis by Lipoid-Paraffin Dress- ings. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 83. 1919. Routledge. 3s. Qd. 240 Medicine. Walker, E. W. A. The General Pathology of Inflammation, Infec- tion , and Fever . Cr . 8vo . Pp . 271 . 1904. Lewis. 4s. Gd. vi. H^EMATOLOGY. Barcroft, J. The Respiratory Func- tion of the Blood. Roy. 8vo. Pp. 330. 1914. Cambridge University Press. 21s. Buckmaster, G. A. The Mor- phology of Normal and Pathological Blood. Demy 8vo. Pp. 244. 1906. Murray. 10s. Gd. Burnham, F. W. E. Haemocytes and Haemic Infections. A Hand- book for Students and Practitioners . Roy.Svo. Pp.462. 1913. Lewis. 1 5* . Gruner, O. G. The Biology of the Blood-Cells : with a Glossary of Hsemato logical Terms. For the use of Practitioners of Medicine. Large 8vo. Pp. 392. 1913. John Wright. 21s. Jones, G. P. Blood Pictures: An Introduction to Clinical Haema- tology . 2nd edn . Demy 8vo . Pp . 91. 1921. John Wright. 6s. Qd. Oliver, G. A Contribution to the Study of the Blood and Blood Pressure. Demy 8vo. Pp. 288. 1901. Lewis. 7s. Qd. Studies in Blood Pressure, Phy- siological and Clinical. 3rd edn Edited by W. D. Halliburton Demy 8vo . Pp . 263 . 1916 . Lewis 9s. Pappenheim, A. Clinical Examina- tion of the Blood and its Technique, A Manual for Students and Practi- tioners. Translated from the Ger- man by R. Donaldson. Cr. 8vo Pp. 87. 1914. John Wright 3s. Qd. D. PRACTICE OF MEDICINE. i. GENERAL TREATISES. Ailchison, R. S. A Medical Hand- Book for the use of Practitioners and Students. 5th edn. Pocket size. Pp. 390. 1920. Griffin. 10s. Qd. Allbutt, Sir T. C., and Rolleston, Sir H . D . (edited by) , A System of Medicine. By Many Writers. 2nd edn. 9 Vols. 8vo. Vol. 1. Prolegomena and Infectious Dis- eases. Pp. 1,228. 1911. 31s. Qd. Vol . 2 . Part 1 . Infectious Diseases (contd .) , Intoxications . Pp . 1 ,098 . 1912. 31s. Qd. Vol. 2. Part 2. Tropical Diseases and Animal Para- sites. Pp. 1,074. 1914. 31s. Qd. Vol. 3. Certain General Diseases, Diseases of the Stomach. Pp. 1,054. 1913. 31s. Qd. Vol. 4. Part 1. Diseases of the Liver, Pancreas, and Ductless Glands. Pp. 778. 1914. 31s. Qd. Vol. 4. Part 2. Diseases of the Nose, Pharynx , Larynx , Trachea and Ear . Pp. 584. 1909. 31s. Qd. Vol. 5. Diseases of the Respiratory System , Disorders of the Blood. Pp. 984. 1912. 31s. Qd. Vol. 6. Diseases of the Heart and Blood Vessels. Pp. 878. 1910. 31s. Gd. Vol. 7. Diseases of the Muscles, the Tro- phoneuroses , Diseases of the Nerves , Vertebral Column , and Spinal Cord . Pp. 916. 1911. 31s. Gd. Vol. 8. Diseases of the Brain and Mental Diseases. Pp. 1,084. 1911. 31s. Gd. Vol. 9. Diseases of the Skin. General Index. Pp. 887. 1920. 31s. Qd. Macmillan. Ballantyne, J. W. (edited by). En- cyclopaedia Medica. 2nd edn. 15 Vols. Roy. 8vo. Vol. 1. Pp. 759. 1915*. Vol. 2. Pp. 685. 1915. Vol. 3. Pp. 680. 1916. Vol. 4. Pp. 693. 1916. Vol. 5. Pp.774. 1917. Vol.6. Pp.666. 1919. Vol. 7. Pp. 618. 1921. Vols. 8 to 15 in preparation. W. Green. 30s. per Vol. Bristowe, J. S. A Treatise on the Theory and Practice of Medicine. 7th edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 1,285. 1890. Murray. 21s. 241 Medicine. Carter , A . H . Elements of Practical Medicine, llth edn. Revised by A. G. Gibson. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 713. 1920. Lewis. 16s. Catechism Series. Medicine. 2nd edn. 5 parts. Revised by W. R. .Tack and .1 . Henderson. Part 1. Infectious Diseases. Part 2. Dis- orders of Nutrition , Kidneys , Blood , Ductless Glands, etc. Part 3. Diseases of the Alimentary Tract. Part 4. Diseases of the Respiratory and Circulatory Systems. Part 5. Diseases of the Nervous System. Is. 9d. each, also in one volume, cloth, 9s. Livingstone. Charteris, M. and F. J. The Practice of Medicine. 9th edn. Cr.Svo. Pp. 700. 1909. Churchill. 9s. Gd. Comrie, J.D. (edited by). Black *s Medical Dictionary. 6th edn. Demy 8vo. Pp.' 858. 1916. Black. 15s. Craig, M. Psychological Medicine. 3rd edn. 8vo. Pp. 496. 1917. Churchill. 15s. Dieulatoy, G. A Text -Book of Medicine. 2nd English Transla- tion from the 16th French edition by V. K. Collins, and J.Alexander. 2 Vols. Roy. 8vo. Pp. 2,180. 1912. Bailliere. 30s. Drummond, W, B. (edited by). Dent's Medical Dictionary. Med. 8vo. Pp.696. Dent. 10s. Gd. Dutton , T . Kimpton 's Pocket Medi- cal Dictionary, for Practitioners, Students, and Nurses. 2nd edn. Kcap. 8vo. Pp. 220. 1915. Kimpton. 3s. 6d. Evans, W. Medical Science of To-Day. Ex. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 324. 1912. Seeley. 7s. Gd. Fagge, C. H., and Pye-Smith, P. H. A Text-book of Medicine. 2 Vols. 4th edn. Roy. 6vo. Pp. 2,200. 1901-2. Churchill. 42*. Fleming, R. A. A Short Practice of Medicine. 3rd edn. 8vo. Pp.694. 1919. Churchill. 21s. Gibson, G. A. (edited by). A Text Book of Medicine. Bv British Teachers. 2 Vols. Roy. 8vo. 1901. Vol. 1. Pp. 848. *Vol. 2. Pp. 920. Frowde and Hodder. 1 5s . each . Grimshaw,.J. The People's Medical Guide. 8vo. Pp. 860. 1912. Churchill. Ws.Qd. Hoblyn , R . D . Dictionary of Terms used in Medicine and the Collateral Sciences. Revise.d hy J. A. P. Price. 15th edn. Small Post 8vo. Pp. 878. Bell. 10s. Gd. Horder , Sir T . J . Medical Notes . Pott8vo. Pp.124. 1921. Frowde and Hodder. 6s. Hudson, B. Aids to Medicine. 2nd edn. Fcap.Svo. Pp.332. (1916). 1921. Bailliere. 4s. Hurst , A . F . Medical Diseases of the War. 2nd edn. Demy Svo. Pp. 326. 1918. Arnold. 12s. Gd. Jack,W.R. (LateWrieeler). Hand- book of Medicine. 6th edn. Cr. Svo. Pp.508. 1920. Livingstone. 125. 6d. Medical Annual, The, 1921. A Year Book of Treatment and Prac- titioner's Index. Being a Review of the World's Progress in Medicine and Surgery. Arranged in Alpha- betical order for Easy Consultation. 39th year. Associate Editors: Medicine, C. F. Coombs; Surgery, A. R. Short. Issued Annually. Svo . Pp . 724 . May . John Wright * 20s. Monro , T . K . Manual of Medicine . 4th edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 1,069. (1917). 1921. Bailliere. 21*. Murphy, J. K. (edited by). The Practitioner's Encyclopdaeia of Medicine and Surgery . In all their Branches . 2nd edn . Cr . 4to . Pp . 1 ,463 . 191 3 . Frowde and Hodder . 35s. 242 Medicine. Osier, Sir W. Aequanimitas . With other Addresses to Medical Students , Nurses, and Practitioners of Medi- cine. 2nd edn. 4th imp. Post 8vo. Pp.485. 1920. Lewis. 10s. and McCrae, T. (edited by). A System of Medicine. 5 Vols. 2nd edn. Roy. 8vo. 1915. Vol. 1. Bacterial Diseases; Infectious Diseases, Non -Bacterial Fungus Infections; The Mycoses. Pp. 1,093. Vol. 2. Protozoal Infec- tions; Meta/oan Infections; In- toxicants ; Diseases of Metabolism ; Diseases of the Respiratory System, etc. Pp. 1,144. Vol. 3. Dis- eases of the Digestive System; Diseases of the Urinary System. Pp . 1 ,090 . Vol . 4 . Diseases of the Circulatory System ; of the Blood ; of the Lymphatic System; of the Ductless Glands; etc. Pp. 1,076. Vol. 5. Diseases of the Nervous System ; of the Locomotor System . Pp . 1 ,092 . Frowde and Hodder . 7 15s. the set. or 35s. each Vol. Ouain, Sir R. Dictionary of Medi- cine. By Various Writers . Edited by H. M. Murray. Assisted by J. Harold and W. C. Bosanquet. 3rd edn. 8vo. Pp. 1,910. 1910. Longmans . 25s . Roberts, F. T. The Theory and Practice of Medicine. 10th edn. Large 8vo. Pp, 1 5 449. 1909. Lewis. 12s. Qd. Scott , T . B . Modern Medicine and Some Modern Remedies. 2nd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 213. 1919. Lewis. 6s. Qd. Squire, J.E. Medical Hints. Fcap. 8vo. Pp.128. 1915. Frowde and Hodder. 3s. Qd. Stedman , T . L . A Practical Medical Dictionary of words used in Medi- cine with their derivation and pro- nunciation, including Dental, Veterinary , Chemical , Botanical , Electrical, Life Insurance, and other special terms ; Anatom ical Titles, Pharmaceutical Prepara- tions, Synonyms. 4th edn. Med. 8vo. Pp. 1,113. 1917. Frowde and Hodder. 25s. Taylor, Sir F. The Practice of Medicine, llth edn. 8vo. Pp. 1,108. 1918. Churchill. 24s. Thomson, S., and Steele, J. C. A Dictionary of Domestic Medicine and Household Surgery. Revised by A. Westland. 39th edn. Roy. 8vo. Pp. 790. 1911. Griffin. 9s. Tidy , H . L . A Synopsis of Medicine : for Practitioners and Students. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 967. 1920. John Wright. 21s. Whitla, Sir W. A Manual of the Practice and Theory of Medicine. 2 Vols. Cr.Svo. Pp. 1,900. 1908. Bailliere. 25s. Williams, L. Minor Maladies and their Treatment. 4th edn. Pp. 412. (1918). 1920. Bailliere. 8s. Qd. Woodwark, A. S. Manual of Medicine. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 420- 1912. Frowde and Hodder. 12s. Qd- ii. CLINICAL MEDICINE AND DIAGNOSIS. Brand, A. T., and Keith, J. R. Clinical Memoranda for General Practitioners. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 218. 1909 . Bailliere . 3s . Qd . Burnet, J. The Pocket Clinical Guide. 2nd edn. Fcap. 16mo. Pp.147. 1915. Black. 3s. Qd. Bury, J. Clinical Medicine: A Practical Handbook for Practi- tioners and Students. 3rd edn, Revised by the Author. Assisted by A. Ramsbottom. Large 8vo. Pp.552. 1912. Griffin. 21s. Grookshank, F. G. Essays and Clinical Studies. Demy 8vo. Pp. 252. 1911. Lewis. 7s. Qd. French, H. (edited by). An Index of Differential Diagnosis of Main Symptoms. By Various Contri- butors. 3rd edn. Large 8vo. Pp. 931. (1917). 1920. John Wright. 42s. Gee, S. J. Medical Lectures and Clinical Aphorisms. With Recol- lections by J. W. Legg. 4th edn. Cr.Svo. 'Pp. 416. 1915. Frowde and Hodder. 6s. Qd. 243 Medicine. Phillips, L. P. Amoebiasis and the Dysenteries. Demy 8vo. Pp.158. 1915. Lewis. 9s. Rat , J . N . Framboesia (Yaws) . Pp . 60. 1904. Bale and Danielsson. 2s. Qd. Rogers, Sir L. Dysenteries, their Differentiation and Treatment. Demy 8vo. Pp. 333. 1913. Frowde and Hodder. 12s. Qd. Ross, Sir R. The Prevention of Malaria, with Contributions by Leading Experts. Med. 8vo. Pp. 711. 1911. Murray. 24s. Vincent , H . , and Muratet , L . Dy- senteries. Cholera, and Exanthe- matic Typhus. Edited by G. C. Low. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 236. 1917. University of London Press . 7s . Qd . Willoughby, W. G., and Cassidy, L. Anti-Malarial Work in Mace- donia among British Troops. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 78. 1918. Lewis. 3s. Qd. Wright, H. The Malarial Fevers of British Malaya. Roy. 8vo. Pp. 100. 1902. Churchill. 3s. h. Plague. Simpson, W. J. A Treatise on Plague. Roy. 8vo. Pp. 490. 1905 . Cambridge University Press . 21s. Tuck, G. L. (Wu Lien -Teh). North Manchurian Plague Prevention Ser- vice Reports (1911-1913). Roy. 8vo. Pp. 193. 1914. Cambridge University Press . 10s . Qd . i. Small -Pox. Collie, A. Small-Pox and its Diffu- sion. Demy 8vo. Pp. 58. 1912. John Wright. 2s. Hanna, W. Studies in Small-Pox and Vaccination . Cr . 4to . Pp . 52 . 1913. John Wright. 7s. Qd. McVail, J. G. Half-a-Century of Smallpox and Vaccination. Demy 8vo. Pp. 94. 1919. Livingstone. 5s. Qd. Ricketts, T. F. The Diagnosis of Smallpox. Med. 8vo. Pp. 170. 1908. Cassell. 16s. Wanklyn, W. How to Diagnose Small-Pox. Demy 8vo. Pp. 104. 1913. Murray. 5s. j. Tetanus. Courtois-Suffit, and Giroux, R. Abnormal Forms of Tetanus . Edited by Sir D. Bruce and F. Golla. Cr. 8vo. Pp.249. 1918. Univer- sity of London Press . 7s . Qd . k. Typhoid Fever. Vincent, H., and Muratet, L. Typhoid Fevers and Paratyphoid Fevers : Symptomatology, Etiology, Prophylaxis . Translated and Edited by J. D. Rolleston. 2nd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 315. 1917. University of London Press . 7s. Qd. Webb -Johnson, A. E. Surgical Aspects of Typhoid and Para- Typhoid Fevers. Demy 8vo. Pp. 190. 1919. Frowde and Hodder. 10s. Qd. Wright, Sir A. E. A Short Treatise on Anti-Typhoid . Demy 8vo . Pp . 86. 1904. Constable. 3s. Qd. 1. Venereal Diseases: Syphilis: Gonorrhea. Bayly, H. W. Venereal Disease: Its? Prevention, Symptoms, and Treat- ment. 8vo. Pp. 170. 1919. Churchill. 10s. Qd. The Clinical Pathology of Syphi- lis and Para-Syphilis. Fcap. 8vo. Pp.208. 1912. Bailliere. 5s. Browning , C . H . , and McKenzie , J Recent Methods in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Syphilis. 3rd impression in preparation. Con- stable. and Watson, D, Venereal Dis- eases. A Practical Handbook for Students. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 352. 1919. Frowde and Hodder. 16s. Burke, E . T . The Venereal Problem . A Description of the Venereal Diseases , their History , Prevalence , their effect upon the National Life their Propagation and Spread, and Methods for their Control and Eradication. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 224. 1919. Kimpton. 7s. Qd. 246 Medicine. Carpenter, G. Syphilis of Children in Every-dav Practice. Cr. 8vo. Pp.112. 1901. Bailliere. 3s. Qd. Findlay, L. Syphilis in Childhood. Cr. 8vo. Pp.' 166. 1919. Frowde and Hodder. 8s. Qd. Fox, W. S. Syphilis and its Treat- ment, with especial reference to Syphilis of the Skin. Roy. 8vo. Pp. 203. 1920. Lewis. 36s. Harrison, L. W. The Treatment of Syphilis: a Critical Review. Imp. 8vo. Pp. 74. 1917. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 2s. Qd. Diagnosis and Treatment of Venereal Diseases in General Prac- tice. 2nd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 490. 1919. Frowde and Hodder. 25s. A Manual of Venereal Diseases for Students. Cr.Svo. Pp.375. 1920. Frowde and Hodder. 16s. Hayes , R . The Intensive Treatment of Syphilis and Locomotor Ataxia by Aachen Methods . 3rd edn . Cr . 8vo. Pp. 100. 1919. Bailliere. 4s. Qd. Jones , L . V . Gonorrhoeal Arthritis : its Pathology, Symptoms, and Treatment. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 52. 1901. Lewis. 2s. 6d. Lambkin, F. J. Syphilis, its Diag- nosis and Treatment. Demy 8vo. Pp. 204. 1910. Bailliere. 5s. Lumb, N. P. L. Gonococcal Infec- tion in the Male: for Students and Practitioners. 8vo. Pp.339. 1920 Bale and Danielsson. 25s. The Systematic Treatment of Gonorrhoea. 2nd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 131. 1920. Lewis. 5s. Luys, G. A Text-book on Gonor- rhoea and its Complications . Tran- slated and Edited by A. Foerster. 3rd edn . in preparation . Bailliere . McDonagh, J. E. R. Venereal Diseases : Their Clinical Aspect and Treatment. Roy. 8vo. Pp. 419. 1920 . Heinemann . 63s . Mclntosh, J., and Fildes, P. Syphilis. Demy 8vo. Pp. 227. 1911. Arnold. 10s. Qd. Magian , A . C . A Modern Handbook of Venereal Diseases. Being an Outline of these Affections and of their History and Treatment. 2nd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 224. 1919. Heinemann. 10s. Qd. Marshall, C. F., and French, E.G. Syphilis and Veneral Disease. 4th edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 446. 1921. Bailliere. 25s. May, O. Prevention of Venereal Diseases. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 257. 1918 . Frowde and Hodder . 7s. 6rf. Pollock, G. E., and Harrison, L. W. Gonococcal Infections. Cr. 8vo. Pp.243. 1912. Frowde and Hodder. 6s. Power, Sir D'A., and Murphy, J. K. (edited by). A System of Syphilis. 5 Vols. 2nd edn. Roy. 8vo. 1914. Vol. 1. Pp. 443. 8s. Qd. Vol. 2. Pp. 396. 8s. Qd. Vol.3. Pp.342. 10s. Qd. Vol.4 (out of print). Vol. 5. Pp. 364. 10s. Qd. Frowde and Hodder. Prevention of Venereal Disease, The. Being the Report of and the Evidence taken by the Special Committee on Venereal Disease. Demy 8vo. Pp. 272. 1921 . Williams and Norgate. 21s. Reid, Sir G. A. Prevention of Ven- ereal Disease. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 463. 1920. Heinemann . 1 5s . Russ, C. A New Treatment of Gonorrhoea. Demy 8vo. Pp. 45. 1914. Lewis. 3s. Thibierge, G. Syphilis and the Army. Edited by C. F. Marshall. Cr.Svo. Pp.232* 1918. Univer- sity of London Press. 7s. Qd. Watson, D. Gonorrhoea and its Complications in the Male and Female. Roy. 8vo. Pp. 395. 1914 . Kimpton . 1 5s . Watson, J. K. The Venereal Dis- eases Problem : A book more espec- ially for Nurses and Midwives. Cr.Svo. Pp.76. 1917. Bailliere. 3s. Qd. 247 Medicine. m. Yellow Fever. Boyce, Sir R. W. Yellow Fever and Its Prevention. A Manual for Medical Students and Practitioners . Med.Svo. Pp.380. 1911. Murray. 10s, Qd. iv. DISEASES DUE TO PARA- SITES. Alcock, A. Entomology for Medical Officers. 2nd edn. 8vo. Pp. 396. 1920. Gurney and Jackson . 18s. Boyce, Sir R.W. Mosquito or Man? The Conquest of the Tropical World . 3rd edn. Med.Svo. Pp. 280. 1910. Murray. 10s. Qd. Braun, M., and Luhe, M. A Handbook of Practical Parasitol- ogy. Translated by L. Forster. Roy. 8vo. Pp. 216. 1910. Bale and Danielsson. 10s. Qd. Clarke, J. J, Protozoa and Disease. Part 1. Unicellular Organisms and the Cell; the Four Classes of Pro- tozoa : the Parasites of Malaria : the Foundations of Parasitic Protozool- ogy. Pp. 198. 1903. Part 2. Causation of Smallpox and Syph- ilis. Pp. 150. 1908. Part 3. The Cause of Cancer. Pp. 124. 1912. Part 4. Rhizopod Pro- tozoa, the Cause of Cancer and other Diseases. Pp. 202. 1915. Bailliere. 7s. Qd. each. Da Costa, B. F. B. Sleeping Sick- ness. A Record of Four Years' War against it in Principe, Portu- guese West Africa. Translated by J. A. Wyllie. Large Roy. 8vo. Pp.274. 1916. Bailliere. 7s. Qd. Fantham, H. B., Stephens, J. W. W., and Theobald, F. V. The Animal Parasites of Man. Roy. 8vo. Pp. 964. 1916. Bale and Danielsson. 45s. Graham, J. Hydatid Disease in its Clinical Aspects . Demy 8vo. Pp. 216. 1891. Frowde and Hodder. 16s. Laveran, A., and Mesnil, F. Try- panosomes and Trypanosomiases. Translated and Edited by D. Nabarro. Roy. 8vo. Pp. 538- 1907. Bailliere. 21s. Lloyd, LI. Lice and their Menace to Man. DemySvo. Pp.152. 1919. Frowde and Hodder. 7s. Qd. v. CONSTITUTIONAL DISEASES. a. Cancer. Bell, R. Health at Its Best v. Cancer and other Diseases. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 320. 1908. Fisher Unwin . 5s . Greighton, C. Some Conclusions on Cancer. .Roy. 8vo. Pp.381. 1920. Williams and Norgate. 42s. Gould, Sir A. P. The Bradshaw Lecture on Cancer. Demy 8vo. Pp. 77. 1910. Bale and Daniels- son. Zs.Qd. Green, C. E. The Cancer Problem: \ Statistical Study . 4th edn . Roy . 8vo. Pp. 149. 1917. W. Green. 21s. Gruner, O. C. The exact Diagnosis of Latent Cancer. Roy. 8vo. Pp.86. 1919. Lewis. 7s. Qd. Morris, Sir H. On the Treatment of Inoperable Cancer. Demy 8vo. Pp. 38. 1902. Bale and Daniels- son. 3s. Qd. Moullin, C. W. M. Treatment of Sarcoma and Carcinoma by Injec- tions of Mixed Toxins . Demy 8vo . Pp . 60 . 1 898 . Bale and Danielsson . 3s. Qd. Robson, Sir A. W. M. Cancer and Its Treatment. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 70. 1905. Bailliere. 3s. Qd. Ross, F. W. F. Cancer: The Prob- lem of Its Genesis and Treatment. Demy 8vo. Pp. 270. 1912. Methuen. 7s. Qd. Russell, R. Notes on the Causation of Cancer. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 126. 1916. Longmans. 3s. Qd. Saleeby, C. W. The Conquest of Cancer: A Plan of Campaign. Being an account of the Principles and Practice hitherto of the Treat- ment of Malignant Growths by Specific on Cancrotoxic Ferment. Demy 8vo. Pp. 420. ]907. Chapman and Hall. 7s. Qd. 248 Medicine. Shaw-MacKenzie, J. A. The Nature and Treatment of Cancer. 4thedn. Pp.118. 1906. Bailliere. 2s. fid. b. Rheumatism, Gout. Bannatyne, G. A. Rheumatoid Arthritis . 4th edn . 8 vo . Pp . 101 . 1906. John Wright. 7s. Gd. Daniel , P . L . Arthritis : A Study of the Inflammatory Diseases of the Joints. Large Cr. 8vo. Pp. 523. 1911 . Bale and Danielsson . 12s . Od. Lindsay , J. Gout. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 224. 1913. Frovvde and Hodder. 6s. Llewellyn, L. J. Gout, with a sec- tion on Ocular Disease in the Gouty, by W. M. Beaumont. Svo. 1920. Heinemann . 30s . and Basset, A. Fibrositis (Gouty, Infective, Traumatic), so- called Chronic Rheumatism. Roy. Svo. Pp.694. 1915. Heinemann. 30s. Poynton, F. J., and Paine, A. Researches on Rheumatism. Roy. Svo. Pp. 480. 1913. Churchill. 15s. Stockman, R. Rheumatism and Arthritis. Roy. 8vo. Pp. 138. 1920. VV. Green. 15s. vi. TUBERCULOSIS. Bandelier, B., and Roepke, Dr. A Clinical System of Tuberculosis. Describing^ all forms of the Disease. Translated by G. B. Hunt. Roy. Svo. Pp. 538. 1913. Bale and Danielsson. 21s. Bardswell, N. D. Advice to Con- sumptives: Home Treatment, After Care, and Prevention. 2nd edn. Cr. Svo. Pp. 169. 1920. Black. 3s.6rf. The Expectation of Life of the Consumptive after Sanatorium Treatment. Demy Svo. Pp. 130. 1910. Frowde and Hodder . 4s . and Chapman, J. E. Diets in Tuberculosis. Cr. Svo. Pp. 191. 190S . Frowde and Hodder . 6s . 6d . Bruce, O. Lectures on Tuberculosis to Nurses. Cr. Svo. Pp. 142. 1913. Lewis. 3s. Burton -Fanning , F . W . The Open- Air Treatment of Pulmonary Tuber- culosis. 2nd edn. Cr. Svo. Pp. 184. 1916. Cassell. 5s. Cheyne, Sir W. W. Tuberculous Disease of the Bones and Joints. Their Pathology, Symptoms and Treatment. 2nd edn. Demy Svo. Pp. 415. 1911. Frowde and Hodder. 18s. Clarke, H. Studies in Tuberculosis. Cr.4to. Pp.78. 1909. Constable. 5s. Cobbett, L. The Causes of Tuber- culosis. Demy Svo. Pp. 724. 1917. Cambridge University Press. 23s. Cornet, G. Tuberculosis in Chil- dren (Scrofulosis). Translated by J. E. Bullock. Roy. Svo. Pp 539. 1914. Bale and Danielsson 15s. Acute General Military Tuber- culosis. Translated by F. S. Tinker. Demy Svo. Pp. 121. 1914. Bale and Danielsson . 6s. Crei^hton, C. Contributions to the Physiological Theory of Tuber- culosis. Roy. Svo. Pp. 242. 1908. Williams and Norgate. 12s. C>d. Crofton, W. M. Pulmonary Tuber- culosis : its Diagnosis , Prevention and Treatment . Cr . 8 vo . Pp . 128 . 1917. Churchill. 6s. Day, J. R. Sea -water Treatment. Demy Svo. Pp. 97. 1914. Bale and Danielsson. 4s. Diver, E. W. Consumption: its Prevention and Treatment. 2nd edn. Cr. Svo. Pp. 149. 1911. Bale and Danielsson. 2s. 6d. Ely, L. W. Joint Tuberculosis. Large Svo Pp.243. 1911. John Wright. 12s. 6rf. Fr.iser , J . Tuberculosis of the Bones and Joints in Children. Roy. Svo. Pp . 352 . 1914-. Black . 20s . 249 Medicine. Ghon. A. The Primary Lung Focus of Tuberculosis in Children. Trans- lated by D. B. King. Roy. 8vo. Pp.200. 1915. Churchill. 10s-6d. Griffiths , F . G . Studies in Pulmon- ary Tuberculosis : its Dissemina- tion, Specific Diagnosis and Treat- ment, and some Points in its Pathology. Cr. 4to. Pp. 122. 1911. Bailliere. 5s. Hericourt, J. The Social Diseases: Tuberculosis , Syphilis , Alcohol- ism, Sterility. Translated, with a final chapter , by B . Miall . Cr . 8vo . Pp . 256 . 1920 . Routledge . 6s . Hort, E. C. Rational Immunisa- tion in the Treatment of Pulmonary Tuberculosis. Imp. 8vo. Pp. 91. 1909 . Bale and Danielsson . 3s . Qd. Kelynack, T. N. (edited by). Tuberculosis in Infancy and Child- hood: Its Pathology, Prevention, and Treatment. By Various Authors. Roy. 8vo. Pp. 390. 1908. Bailliere. 12s. Qd. King , D . B . Scheme for Dealing with Tuberculous Persons in the County of London : its application to other Cities, with some observations on the National Organisation of the Campaign against Tuberculosis . Cr . 4to . Pp . 54 and 8 diagrams . 1915 . Bale and Danielsson. 5s. Laird , J . Notes on the Treatment of Tuberculosis. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 84. 1912. John Wright. 2s. Qd. Lees , D . B . The Diagnosis and Treatment of Incipient Pulmonary Tuberculosis. DemySvo. Pp.116. 1913. Lewis. 5s. Maylard, A. E. Abdominal Tuber- culosis. 8vo. Pp. 376. 190S. Churchill. 12s. Qd. Minchin, W. C. The Treatment, Prevention, and Cure of Tuberculo- sis and Lupus with Oleum Allii. 2nd edn. Cr.Svo. Pp.126. 1915. Bailliere. 5s. Newsholme , Sir A . The Prevention of Tuberculosis . 2nd edn . Demy 8vo. Pp. 441. 1910. Methuen. 125. Qd. Otabe, S. The Science and Art of deep Breathing as a Prophylactic and Therapeutic Agent in' Con- sumption. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 124 1919. Bale and Danielsson. 5?. Overend, W. The Radiography of the Chest. Vol. 1. Pulmonary Tuberculosis. Demy 8vo. Pp*. 130. 1920. Heinemann. 17s. 6d. Pearson, S . V. The State Provision of Sanatoriums. Demy 8vo. Pp. 88. 1913. Cambridge University Press . 3s . Rivers, W. G. Three Clinical Studies in Tuberculous Predisposi- tion. Demy8vo. Pp.272. 1917. Allen and Unwin. 12s. (id. Riviere, G. The Early Diagnosis of Tubercle . 3rd edn . Cr . 8vo . Pp . 318. 1921. Frowde and Hodder. 15s. The Pneumothorax Treatment of Pulmonary Tuberculosis. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 202. 1917. Frowde and Hodder . 6s . Sutherland, H. G. Pulmonary Tuberculosis in General Practice. Demy 8vo. Pp. 290. 1916. Cassell. 10s. Qd. (edited by). The Control and Eradication of Tuberculosis : A Series of International Studies bv many Authors. Roy. 8vo. Pp*. 467 . 1911. W . Green . ] 5s . Thomson, H. H. Consumption : Its Prevention and Home Treatment. 2nd edn. Cr.Svo. Pp.108. 1921. Frowde and Hodder. 4s. Consumption in General Prac- tice. Demy 8vo. Pp. 350. 1912. Frowde and Hodder . 14s. Tuberculosis and Public Health. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 116. 1920. Long- mans . 5s . Walsham, H. The Channels of Infection in Tuberculosis . Roy . 8vo. Pp. 150. 1904. Bale and Dan- ielsson. 12s. Qd. Walters, F. R. The Open -Air or Sanatorium Treatment of Pulmon- ary Tuberculosis. Svo. Pp. 339. 1909. Bailliere. 6s. 250 Medicine. Walters , F . R . Sanatoria for the Tuberculous , including a Descrip- tion of many existing Institutions and of Sanatorium Treatment in Pulmonary Tuberculosis. 4th edn. DemySvo. Pp.445. 1913. Allen and Unwin. 12s. Gd. Wolff-Eisner, A. The Ophthalmic- and Cutaneous Diagnosis of Tuber- culosis. Translated by B. I. Robert. Roy. 8vo. Pp. 200. 1 908 . Bale and Danielsson . 7s . Gd . viii. DISEASES OF THE NER- VOUS SYSTEM. a . General (including Alcoholism) . Ash, E. The Problem of Nervous Breakdown . Demy 8vo . Pp . 311 . 1919. Mills and Boon. 10s. Qd. Ballance, Sir C. A., and Stewart, Sir J . P . The Healin 2 of Nerves . 4to. Pp. 124. 1901. Macmillan. 12s. Gd. Bristowe , J . S . Lectures and Essays on Diseases of the Nervous System. 8vo. Pp. 403. 1888. Murray. 12s. Qd. Brown, W. L. The Sympathetic Nervous System in Disease. 8vo. Pp. 178.' 1920. Frowde and Hodder. 10s. Qd. Dana, C. L. Text-hook of Nervous Diseases . 9th edn . Roy . 8vo . Pp . 665 . 1921 . J . Wright . 35s . Harris, D. F. Nerves. Fcap. 8vo. Pp. 254. 1913. Williams and Norgate. 2s.6df. Harris, W. Nerve Injuries and Shock. Fcap. 8vo. Pp. 127. 1915. Frowde and Hodder . 3s. Qd. Hollander, B. Nervous Disorders of Men . 2nd edn . Cr . 8vo . Pp . 260. 1916. KeganPaul. 4s. Nervous Disorders of Women. 2nd edn. Cr.Svo. Pp.238. 1916. Kegan Paul. 4s. Jones , E . Treatment of the Neuroses . Demy 8vo. Pp. 241. 1920. Bailliere. 10s. Qd. Loosmore , G . Nerves and the Man : A Popular Psychological and Con- structive Study of Nervous Break- down. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 235. 1920. Murrav . Gs . Mark, L. P. Acromegaly: A Per- sonal Experience. Demy 8vo. Pp.168. 1912. Bailliere. *7..6d. Schofield, A. T. Functional Nerve Diseases. Demy 8vo. Pp. 324.. 1908. Methuen.* 10*. Qd. Souttar , H . S . , and Twining , E . W. Injuries of the Peripheral Nerves. Folio. Pp.163. 1920. J.Wright. 18s. Gd. Stewart , Sir J . P . The Diagnosis of Nervous Diseases . 5th edn . Demy 8vo. Pp. 584. 1920. Arnold. 30s. and Evans, A. Nerve Injuries and their Treatment. 2nd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 262. 1919. Frowde and Hodder. 12s. Qd. Thomson, H. G. Diseases of the Nervous System . 2nd edn . Cr . 8vo . Pp.568. 1915. Cassell. 12s. Tinel , J . Nerve Wounds : Symptom- ology of Peripheral Nerve Lesions caused by War Wounds. Author- ised Translation by F. Rothwell. Revised and Edited by C. A. Joll. Roy. 8vo. Pp. 329. 1918. Bailliere. 17s. Gd. Cooper, J. W. A. Pathological Inebriety : its Causation and Treat- ment. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 168. 1913. Bailliere. 3s. Gd. Hare, F. On Alcoholism: it* Clinical Aspects and Treatment. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 282. 1912. Churchill. 5s. Horsley, Sir V., and Sturge,M.D. Alcohol and the Human Body. An Introduction to the Study of the Subject, and a Contribution to National Health. 6th edn. Gl. 8vo. Pp.378. 1920. Macmillan. 3s. Kelynack, T. N. (edited by). The Drink Problem of To-Day in its Medico-Sociological Aspects . 2nd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 330. 1916. Methuen. 10s. Gd. Rivers , W . H . R . The Influence of Alcohol and other Drugs on Fatigue . Roy.Svo. Pp.144. 1908, Arnold. 7s. Gd. 251 Medicine. Wingfield , H . The Forms of Alcohol- ism and their Treatment . Cr . 8vo . Pp . 84 . 1919 . Frowde and Hodder . 55. b. Diseases of the Brain and Spinal Cord. Bolton, J. S. The Brain in Health and Disease . Demy 8vo . Pp . 481 . 1914. Arnold. 18s. Williamson, R. T. Diseases of the Spinal Cord. Roy. 8vo. Pp.443. 1908. Frowde and Hodder. 15s. Wyllie , J . Meningitis , Sinus Throm- bosis and Abscess of the Brain. With Appendices on Lumbar Punc- ture and its Uses ; and Diseases of the Nasal Accessory Sinuses. Post 8vo. Pp. 267. 1911. Lewis. Qs.Qd. c. Neurasthenia and other special Disorders of the Nervous System . Appelt, A. The Real Cause of Stammering and its Permanent Cure. A Treatise on Psycho- Analytical Lines. 2nd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 246. 1920. Methuen. 7s. Auerbach, S. Headache. Its Varieties, their Nature, Recogni- tion and Treatment . Translated by E. Playfair. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 208. 1913. Frowde and Hodder. 6s. Babinski, J., and Froment, J. Hysteria or Pithiatism, and Reflex Nervous Disorders. Edited by E. F. Buzzard. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 332. 1918 . University of London Press . 7s. Qd. Ballet, G. Neurasthenia. Trans- lated from the French by P. C. Smith . 3rd edn . Demy 8vo . Pp . 438. 1911. Kimpton. 7s. Qd. Barnett, H. N. Sea Sickness, its True Cause and Cure. Cr. 8vo. Pp.40. 1907. Bailliere. ls.6d. Bruce, W. Sciatica. A Fresh Study, with notes of nearly 700 cases. Cr.Svo. Pp.188. 1913. Bailliere. 5s. Gobb, I. G. A Manual of Neuras- thenia . Nervous Exhaustion . Demy 8vo. Pp. 382. 1920. Bailliere. 15s. Gowers , Sir W . R . The Borderland of Epilepsy : Faints, Vagal Attacks, Vertigo, Migraine, Sleep Symp- toms, and their Treatment. 8vo. Pp.127. 1907. Churchill. 4s. Qd. Epilepsy and other Chronic Con- vulsive Diseases: their Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment. 2nd edn. 8vo. Pp. 330. 1901. Churchill. 10s. Qd. Hartenburg, P. Treatment of Neurasthenia. Translated by E. Playfair. Cr.Svo. Pp.291. 1914. Frowde and Hodder. 6s. Hurst, A. F. Croonian Lectures on the Psychology of the Special Senses, and their Functional Dis- orders. 8vo. Pp.131. 1920. Frowde and Hodder. 12s. Qd. Hurry, J. B . The Vicious Circles of Neurasthenia and their Treatment. 8vo. Pp. 106. 1915. Churchill. 3s. Qd. Hutchinson , J . On Facial Neuralgia and its Treatment with especial reference to the -Surgery of the Fifth nerve and the Gasserian Ganglion. 2nd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp.230. 1919. Bale and Daniels- son. 15s. Rixon , G . H . L . , and Matthew , D . Anxiety Hysteria. Modern Views on Sane Neurosis. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 124. 1920. Lewis. 4s. Qd. Vittoz, R. Treatment of Neuras- thenia by Means of Brain Control. Translated from the French by H. B. Brooke. 2nd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 132. 1913. Longmans. 4s. d. Nervous Disorders Caused by War, including Shell Shock. Crile , G . W . A Physical Interpreta- tion of Shock, Exhaustion, and Restoration. An Extension of the Kinetic Theory . Edited by A . F.Rowland. 4to. Pp.248. 1921. Frowde and Hodder . 25s . 252 Medicine. Culpin, M. Psychoneuroses of War and Peace. Demy 8vo. Pp. 130. 1920 . Cambridge University Press . 10.9 . Eder, M. D. War Shock. The Psychoneuroses in War ; Psy- chology and Treatment . Cr . 8vo . Pp. 154. 1917. Heinemann. 5s. Lepine , J . Mental Disorders of War . Edited by C . A . Mercier . Cr . 8vo . Pp. 244. 1919. University of London Press. 7s. Qd. MacCurdy, J. T. War Neuroses. Preface by W. H. R. Rivers. Demy 8vo. Pp. 144. 1918. Cambridge University Press. 7s. Qd. Marr , H . C . Psychoses of the War . Including Neurasthenia and Shell Shock. Demy 8vo. Pp. 836. 1919. Frowde and Hodder. 16s. Miller . H . C . (edited by) . Functional Nerve Disease. An Epitome of War Experience for the Practi- tioner. Demy 8vo. Pp. 219. 1920. Frowde and Hodder. 8s. 6d. Mott , Sir F . W . War Neuroses and Shell Shock . Demy 8vo . Pp . 368 . 1919. Frowde and Hodder. 16s. Read , C . S . Military Psychiatry in Peace and War. Roy. 8vo. Pp. 176. 1920. Lewis. 10s. Qd. Smith, G. E., and Pear, T. H. Shell Shock and its Lessons. 2nd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 152. 1919. Longmans. 2s. Qd. Yealland. L. R. Hysterical Dis- orders of Warfare . 8vo . Pp . 264 . 1918. Macmillan. 7s. Qd. e . Mental Disorders ; Insanity ; Psychiatry . Ballard, E. F. An Epitome of Mental Disorders. Post 8vo. Pp. 244. 1917. Churchill. 7s. Gd. Bianchi , L . Text -book of Psychiatry for Physicians and Students. Trans- lated by J. H. MacDonald. Roy. 8vo. Pp. 920. 1906. Bailliere. 21s. Clouston , Sir T . S . Unsoundness of Mind. DemySvo. Pp. 392. 1911. Methuen. 10s. 6d. Clouston, Sir T. S. Clinical Lec- tures on Mental Diseases. 6th edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 750. 1804. Churchill. 16s. Cole, R. H. Mental Diseases: A Text-book of Psychiatry for Medical Students and Practitioners. 2nd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 358. 3918. University of London Press. 15s. Handbook for Attendants on the Insane . Published by the Authority of the Medico-Psycholcgical Asso- ciation. 6th edn. Pp.406. 1920. Bailliere. fs. Hart , B . The Psychology of Insanity . 3rd imp. Roy. 16mo. Pp. 116. 1919 . Cambridge University Press . 3s. Kraepelin , E . Manic-Depressh e In- sanity and Paranoia. Translated from the German by R . M . Barclay . Edited by G . M . Robertson . 8vo . Pp.280. 1921. Livingstone. 21s. Lectures on Clinical Psychiatry. Authorised Translation, revised and edited by T. Johnstone. 3rd edn. Pp. 386. 1916. Bailliere. 12s. Maudsley, H. Responsibility in Mental Disease . 6th edn . Cr . 8vo . Pp. 340. 1906. Kegan Paul. 7s. Qd. Mercier , C . A . Sanity and Insanity . Cr. 8vo. Scott Pub. Co. 5s. A Text-book of Insanity and Other Mental Diseases. 2nd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 348. 1914. Allen & Unwin. 7s. Qd. Crime and Insanity . Fcap . 8vo . Pp. 255. 1911. Williams & Norgate. 2s. Qd. Overbeck- Wright, A. W. Lunacy in India. 8vo. Pp. 416. 1921. Bailliere. 21s. Savage, Sir G. The Increase of Insanity. Demy 8vo. Pp. 80. 1907. Cassell. 2s. Qd. Schofield, A. T. The Management of a Nerve Patient . Cr . 8vo . Pp . 280. 1905. Churchill. 5s. Sherlock, E.B. TheFeeble-Minded. A Guide to Study and Practice . 8vo . Pp. 348. 1911. 'Macmillan. 10s. Qd. 253 Medicine. Stoddart, W. H. B. Mind and Its Disorders. A Text-book for Stu- dents and Practitioners. 3rd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 600. 1919. Lewis . 20s . Tanzi, E. A Text-book of Mental Diseases. Translated from the Italian by W. F. Robertson and T. C. Mackenzie. Roy. 8vo. Pp. 820. 1909. Heinemann. 24s. Tredgold , A . F . Mental Deficiency (Amentia). 3rd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp.551. 1920. Bailliere. 25s. Younger , E . G . Insanity in Every day Practice. 4th edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 144. 1917. Bailliere. 6s. viii. DISEASES OF THE BLOOD, LYMPHATICS AND GLANDS. Coles, A. C. The Blood: How to Examine and Diagnose its Diseases. 3rd edn. 8vo. Pp. 350. 1905. Churchill. 10s. Qd. Edmunds, A. Glandular Enlarge- ments and other Diseases of the Lymphatic System. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 230. 1908. Frowde & Hodder. 6s. Gulland, G. L., and Goodall, A. The Blood : A Guide to its Examin- ation and to the Diagnosis and Treatment of its Diseases. 2nd edn. Roy. 8vo. Pp.400. 1914. W. Green. 21s. Hunter, W. Pernicious Anaemia: its Pathology, Infective Nature, Symp- toms, Diagnosis and Treatment, including Investigations on the Physiology of Haemolysis. Large 8vo. Pp.480. 1901. Griffin. 30s. M cCarrison . R . The Thyroid Gland in Health and Disease. Roy. 8vo. Pp. 304. 1918. Bailliere. 16s. The Etiology of Endemic Goitre . Demy 8vo. Pp.222. 1913. Bale & Danielsson . 10s . Qd . Murray , G . R . Diseases of the Thy- roid Gland. Part 1. Myxcedema and Cretinism. Demy 8vo. Pp. 120. 1900. Lewis. 7s. Qd. ix. DISEASES OF THE HEART AND CIRCULATORY SYSTEM. Allbutt, Sir T. C. Diseases of the Arteries , including Angina Pectoris . 2 Vols. 8vo. Pp. 550., 566. 1915. Macmillan. 30s. Bishop, L. F. Arteriosclerosis. A Consideration of the Prolongation of Life and Efficiencv after Forty . 2nd edn. Demy 8vo.~ Pp.389. 1915. Frowde & Hodder . 12s . 6d . Blackball -Morison, A. The Sensory and Motor Disorders of the Heart : Their Nature and Treatment . Demy 8vo. Pp. -268. 1914. Bailliere'. 7s. Qd. Broadbent,Sir W. H., and Sir J. F . H . Heart Disease and Aneurysm of the Aorta, with special Refer- ence to Prognosis and Treatment. 4th edn. Pp.496. 1906. Bailliere. 12s. Qd. Brockbank, E. M. The Diagnosis and Treatment of Heart Disease. Practical Points for Students and Practitioners. 4th edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 166. 1919. Lewis. 5s. Brunton , Sir T . L . Collected Papers on Circulation and Respiration . First Series. 8vo. Pp.710. 1906. Macmillan. 7s. Qd. Therapeutics of the Circulation. Fcap. 8vo. Pp. 536. 1916. Murray . 6s . Caton , R . The Prevention of Valvu- lar Disease of the Heart. Demy 8vo. Pp. 102. 1904. Cambridge University Press. 5s. Cowan, J. Diseases of the Heart, with Chapters by W . T . Ritchie and A . J . Ballantyne . Demy 8vo . Pp . 447. 1914. Arnold. 15s. Dampier -Bennett, A. G. Physical Methods in the Treatment of Heart Disease. Cr. 8vo. Pp.111. 1907. John Wright. 3s. Qd. Goulston , A . Cane Sugar and Heart Disease. Demy 8vo. Pp. 116. 1914. Bailliere. 5s. Haward, W. Phlebitis and Throm- bosis : Hunterian Lectures . Cr . 8vo . Pp.96. 1906. Bailliere. 7s. Qd. 254 Medicine. Hay, J. Graphic Methods in Heart Disease. 2ndedn. DemySvo. Pp. 202. 1921. Frowde & Hodder. 12s. Gd. Lea. E. Heart: Past and Present. Cr.Svo. Pp.308. 1919. Bailliere. 7s. Gd. Mackenzie , Sir J . Diseases of the Heart. 3rd edn. Cr. 4to. Pp. 525. 1918. Frowde & Hodder. 31s. Qd. Principles of Diagnosis and Treat- ment in Heart Affection . Demy 8vo . Pp . 272 . 1916 . Frowde & Hodder . 8s. Gd. Poynton, F. J. Heart Disease. In- cluding Thoracic Aneurysm. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 320. 1907. Frowde & Hodder. 6s. Price , F . W . Diseases of the Heart . Their Diagnosis, Prognosis, and Treatment by Modern Methods, with a Chapter on the Electro - Cardiograph . Demy 8vo . Pp . 468 . 1918. Frowde & Hodder. 21s. Ritchie, W. T. Auricular Flutter. 8vo. Pp. 156. 1914. W. Green. 10s. Gd. Russell , W . The Sphygmometer : its Value in Practical Medicine . Demy 8vo. Pp. 157. 1921. Bailliere. 7s. Gd. Sutherland, G. A. The Heart in Early Life. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 227. 1914. Frowde & Hodder . 6s. Gd. Thorne , L . T . The 'Nauheim ' Treat - ment, in England, of Diseases of the Heart and Circulation. 5th edn. Cr.Svo. Pp.168. 1918. Bailliere. 5s. Thorne, W.B. The Schott Methods of the Treatment of Chronic Dis- eases of the Heart : with an Account of the Nauheim Baths, and of the Therapeutic Exercises. 5th edn. 8vo. Pp. 140. 1906. Churchill. 5s. Trotter, L. B. C. Embolism and Thrombosis of theMesentericVessels . DemySvo. Pp.156. 1913. Cam- bridge University Press. 8s. Verdon , W . Angina Pectoris . Demy 8vo. Pp. 430. 3920. Bailliere'. 18s. Gd. Wilson, R. McN. The Hearts of Man. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 202. 1918. Frowde & Hodder . 6s . and Carroll , J . A . The Nervous Heart : its Nature , Causation , Prog- nosis, and Treatment. Cr. 8vo. Pp.144. 1919. Frowde & Hodder. 6s. Wilson, T. S. The Early Diagnosis of Heart Failure, and other Essays on the Heart and Circulation . Svo . Pp. 617. 1915. Murray. 15s. x. DISEASES OF THE RESPIRA- TORY SYSTEM. Adam, J. Asthma and its Radical Treatment. Cr. Svo. Pp. 192. 1913. Kimpton. 6s. Allen , R . W . The Bacterial Diseases of Respiration, and Vaccines in their Treatment. Roy. Svo. Pp. 246. 1913. Lewis. 9s. Anderson, H. G. The Medical and Surgical Aspects of Aviation , with Chapters on Applied Physiology of Aviation , by M . Flack , and the Aero -Neuroses of War Pi lots, by O. H. Gotch. DemySvo. Pp.271. 1919. Frowde & Hodder . 12s. Gd. Berkart,J.B. "Nervous Asthma ." The Pathology and Treatment . Svo . Pp. 54. 1916. Oxford University Press. 3s. Gd. Brockbank, E. M., and Rams- bottom, A. The Clinical Exam- ination of Diseases of the Lungs. Cr. Svo. Pp. 96. 1921. Lewis. 4s. Gd. Gruchet , R . , and Moulinier , T . Air Sickness : its Nature and Treatment . Translated by J. R. Earp. Fcap. Svo. Pp. 110. 1920. Bale & Danielsson. 5s. Hamilton, D. J. On the Pathology of Bronchitis , Catarrhal Pneumonia , Tubercle, and Allied Lesions of the Human Lung. Svo. Pp. 260. 1883. Macmillan. 8s.6rf. 255 Medicine. Hood,D.W.G. Some of the Clinical Aspects of Pneumonia . Demy 8vo . Pp.125. 1907. Bale&Danielsson. 5s. Knuthsen, L. F. B. Obstinate Hiccough: the Physiology, Pathol- ogy, and Treatment. Roy. 8vo. Pp. 180. 1902. Churchill. 6s. Lindsay , J . A . Lectures on Diseases of the Lungs. 2nd edn. 8vo. Pp. 520. 1906. Bailliere. 10s. Qd. Mann, Dr. Atlas of Killian's Tracheo-Bronchoscopy. 15 col- oured Plates representing Patho- logical Preparations from cases examined during life by means of Tracheo-Bronchoscopy. Translated by T. Guthrie. Demy Folio. 1911. Bale & Danielsson. 22s. West, S. Diseases of the Organs of Respiration. An Epitome of the Etiology, Pathology. Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment of Dis- eases of the Lungs and Air Passages. 2nd edn. 2Vols. Large 8vo. Pp. 934. 1909. Griffin. 42s. White, R. P. Catarrhal Fevers, commonly called Colds: their Causes, Consequences, Control and Cure. DemySvo. Pp.119. 1902. Lewis . 4s . xi. DISEASES OF THE DIGES- TIVE SYSTEM AND OF THE STOMACH. Abrahams, A. Indigestion. The 4th edn. of Herschell's Text -book. DemySvo. Pp.228. 1920. Arnold. 10s. Qd. Bolton, C. Ulcer of the Stomach. Demy 8vo. Pp. 412. 1913. Arnold. 15s. Bosanquet, W. C. The Stomach, Pancreas, and Intestines. Large Cr. 8vo. Pp. 674. 1910. Bale & Danielsson. 12s. Qd. Brunton, Sir T. L. Disorders of Digestion: Their Consequences and Treatment. 8vo. Pp. 406. 1910. Macmillan. 10s. Qd. On Disorders of Assimilation, Digestion, etc. 8vo. Pp. 516. 1904. Macmillan. 10s. 6d. Cobb, I. G. The Organs of Internal Secretion, their Diseases and Thera- peutic Application. A Book for General Practitioners. 2nd edn. Cr . 8vo . Pp . 288 . 1918. Bailliere . 8s. Qd. Dutton, T. Indigestion clearly Ex- plained, Treated, and Dieted. 7th edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 220. 1911. Kimpton. 3s. Qd. Fenwick, W. S. Ulcer of the Stom- ach and Duodenum , and its Conse- quences. Roy. 8vo. Pp. 400. 1900. Churchill. 10s. Qd. Hunter, G. Oral Sepsis as a Cause of Septic Gastritis, Toxic Neuritis, and other Septic Conditions; with 1 1 lustrat i ve Cases . Demy 8 vo . Pp . 30. 1901. Cassell. 3s.*0rf. Langenhagen , M . de . Muco-Mem- branous Entero-Colitis : Symptoms, Complications. Etiology and Treat- ment. Fcap. 8vo. Pp. 121. 1903. Churchill. 3s. Qd. Peters, O. H. Observations upon the Natural Histology of Epidemic Diarrhoea. Roy. 8vo. Pp. 178. 1911. Cambridge University Press. 7s. Pickerill, H. D. Stomatology in General Practice; a Text-book of Diseases of the Teeth and Mouth for Practitioners. Demy 8vo. Pp. 280. 1912. Frowde & Hodder. 17s. Saundby , R . The Treatment of Dis- eases of the Digestive System . 2nd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 191. 1914. Griffin. 4s. Qd. Smith , J . S . K . The Cure of Obesity and Obese Heart. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 102. 1916. Churchill. 3s. Qd. xii. DISEASES OF THE LIVER AND GALL BLADDER. Robson, Sir A. W. M. Diseases of the Gall-Bladder and Bile-Ducts. 3rd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 501. 1904. Bailliere. 15s. Rolleston , Sir H . D . Diseases of the Liver, Gall Bladder, and Bile- Ducts. 2nd edn. 8vo. Pp. 828. 1912. Macmillan. 31s. Qd. 256 Medicine. xiii. DISEASES OF THE INTESTINES. Bigg. G. S. Indigestion, Constipa- tion , and Liver Disorder . Cr . 8vo . Pp. 176. 1913. Bailliere. 3s. Gd. Bryce, A. Intestinal Toxoemia, or Auto-Intoxication in the causation of Disease. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 192. 1921. Melrose. 6s. Harley , , V . , and Goodbody , F . The Chemical Investigation of Gastric and Intestinal Diseases by the Aid of Test Meals. Demy 8vo. Pp. 269. 1906. Arnold. 8s. Gd. Hurst, A. F. The Sensibility of the Alimentary Canal. Demy 8vo. Pp . 83 . 1 9 1 1 . Fr owde & Hodder . 6s. Constipation and Allied Intestin- al Disorders . 2nd edn . Demy 8vo . Pp . 460 . 1919 . Frowde & Hodder . 16s. White , W . H . , Andrewes , Sir F .W . , Harley, V., Saundby, R., Lane, Sir W. A., and Colyer, J. F. Alimentary Toxcemia : its Sources, Consequences , and Treatment . Roy . 8vo. Pp. 384. 1913. Longmans. 4s. Gd. xiv. DISEASES OF THE RECTUM AND PERITONEUM. Ball, Sir C. B. The Rectum: Its Diseases and Developmental De- fects. Cr. 4to. Pp. 332. 1910. Frowde & Hodder. 20s. Cripps, H. On Diseases of the Rectum and Anus. 4th edn. 8vo. Pp.602. 1913. Churchill. 10s. Gd. Edwards, F. S. Diseases of the Rectum, Anus and Sigmoid Colon. Being the 3rd edn. of Cooper and Edwards' Diseases of the Rectum and Anus. 8vo. Pp. 456. 1908. Churchill. 10s. 6d. Hawkins, H. P. Diseases of the Vermiform Appendix: with a Con- sideration of the Symptoms and Treatment of the Resulting Forms of Peritonitis. 8vo. Pp. 148. 1895. Macmillan. 7s. Mummery , J . P . L . The Sigmoido- scope . A Clinical Handbook on the Examination of the Rectum and Pelvic Colon . Cr . 8vo . Pp . 90 . 1906. Bailliere. 3s. Gd. Diseases of the Rectum and Anus . Demy 8vo. Pp. 358. 1914. Bailliere. 10s. xv. DISEASES OF THE GENITO - URINARY SYSTEM. Cammidge , P . J . Glycosuria and Allied Conditions. Demy 8vo, Pp. 475. 1913. Arnold. 'l8s. Cooper, A. The Sexual Disabilities of Man and their Treatment and Prevention. 4th edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 274. 1920. Lewis. 7s. Gd. Corbett - Smith , A . The Problem of Sex Diseases. A Study in the Causes, Symptoms, and Effects of Sexual Disease, and the Education of the Individual therein . 2nd edn . Roy . 8vo. Pp. 123. 1920. Bale & Danielsson. 2s. Gd. Corner, E. M. Male Diseases in General Practice. An Introduction to Andrology. Demy 8vo. Pp. 478. 1910. Frowde & Hodder. 17s. Dalton, G. A Practical Manual of Venereal and Generative Diseases : Spermatorrhoea, Sterility and Im- potence in both sexes . Cr . 8vo . Pp . 164. 1913. Kimpton. 5s. Eccles, W. McA. The Imperfectly Descended Test is: its Anatomy, Physiology, and Pathology. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 152. 1903. Bailliere. 7s. Gd. Fenwick , E . H . Obscure Diseases of the Urethra. 8vo. Pp. 160. 1902. Churchill. 6s. Gd. Kidd, F. Common Diseases of the Male Urethra. 2nd edn. 8vo. Pp. 144. 1919. Longmans. 6s. xvi. DISEASES OF THE KIDNEYS . Billington , W . Movable Kidney : its Etiology, Pathology, Diagnosis, Symptoms, and Treatment. Demy 8vo. Pp. 168. 1910. Cas-ell. 7s. Gd. 257 Medicine. Blum, V. Renal Diagnosis in Medi- cine and Surgery. Translated by W. B. Christopherson . Demy 8vo. Pp. 152. 1914. Bale & Danielsson. 7s. Qd. Herringham, Sir W. P., and Williamson , H . Kidney Diseases . Demy 8vo. Pp. 394. 1912. Frowde & Hodder. 17s. Kidd , F . Common Infections of the Kidneys. Demy 8vo. Pp. 331. 1920. Frowde & Hodder. 18s. Macleod, J. J. R. Diabetes: Its Pathological Physiology. Demy 8vo. Pp. 224. 1913. Arnold. 10s. Qd. Pavy , F . W . On Carbohydrate Meta- bolism, with an Appendix on the Assimilation of Carbohydrate into Proteid and Fat, followed by the Fundamental Principles and the Treatment of Diabetes Dialectically Discussed. DemySvo. Pp. 150. 1906. Churchill. 6s. Wilson, H. W., and Howell, C. M. H. Movable Kidney: Its Pathol- ogy, Symptoms and Treatment. DemySvo. Pp. 112. 1908. Arnold. 4s. Qd. xvii. DISEASES OF THE BLADDER. Fenwick, E. H. Operative and In- operative Tumours of the Urinary Bladder : A Clinical and Operative Study based on 500 Cases. 8vo. Pp. 120. 1901. Churchill. 5s. Ulceration of the Bladder: Simple, Tuberculous and Malig- nant : a Clinical Study . 8vo . Pp . 85. 1900. Churchill. .5s. xviii. DISEASES OF THE ABDOMEN. Adams, J. E., and Cassidy, M. A. Acute Abdominal Diseases, includ- ing Abdominal Injuries and the Complications of External Hernia. Demy 8vo. Pp. 582. 1913. Bailliere. 12s. Qd. Battle , W . H . The Acute Abdomen . 2nd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 306. 1914. Constable. 10s. 6d. Bishop, E. S. Essentials of Pelvic Diagnosis: with Illustrative Cases. And an Appendix on the Examin- ation of the Blood by C. H. Melland. DemySvo. Pp. 297. 1903. John Wright. 9s. 6d. Ghubbe. G. P. B. The Diagnosis and Treatment of Intussusception. 2nd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 101. 1921. Frowde & Hodder. 7s. Qd. Corner, E. M. Clinical and Patho- logical Observations on Acute Ab- dominal Diseases, Due to Condi- tions of the Alimentary Tract and the Uniformity of their Origin. Demy 8vo. Pp. 98. 1904. Con- stable. 3s. 6rf. Lennander, K. G. Observations on the Sensibility of the Abdominal Cavity. Translated by A. E. Barker. Demy 8vo. Pp. 76. 1903. Bale and Danielsson . 3s. Sawyer, J. E. H. Physical Signs of Diseases of the Thorax and Abdo- men. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 200. 1908. Bailliere. 5s. xix. TROPICAL MEDICINE. Balfour, A. War Against Tropical Disease. Cr. 4to. Pp.219. 1920. (Wellcome Bureau of Scientific Re- search). Bailliere. 12s. Qd. Brooke, G. E. Aids to Tropical Medicine. 2nd edn. Fcap. 8vo. Pp.238. 1917. Bailliere. 3s. Qd. Medico Tropical Practice. 2nd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 522. 1920. Griffin. 18s. Brown, W.C. Sprue and its Treat- ment . Fcap . 4to . Pp . 270 . 1 908 . Bale & Danielsson. 6s. Gastellani , A . , and Chalmers , A . J . Manual of Tropical Medicine. 3rd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 2,448. 1919. Bailliere. 45s. Crispin, E. S. The Prevention and Treatment of Diseases in the Tropics. Pocket size. Pp.96. 1912. Griffin. Is. Qd. 258 Medicine. Daniels, G. W. Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 3 Parts. 2nd edn. Demy 8vo . Part 1 . Diseases due to Protozoa. 1913. Part 2. Diseases due to Metazoa, and an Article on Venomous Snakes, by A. Alcock. 1914. Part 3. Diseases due to Bacteria and other Vegetable Para- sites, etc. 1917. Bale & Daniels- son. 8s. Gd. each. and Newham, H. B. G. Laboratory Studies in Tropical Medicine. 4th edn. Demy 8vo. 1918. Bale & Danielsson . 21s. Fothergill, G. F. Blood Examina- tion and its Value in Tropical Dis- ease. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 42. 1907. Kimpton. 2s. 6d. Giles, G. M'. A Handbook of the Gnats or Mosquitoes, including a Revision of the Anophelinae. For the use of Students of Tropical Medi- cine, giving the Anatomy and Life- History of the Culicidae . 2nd edn . Roy. 8vo. Pp. 542. 1902. Bale & Danielsson. 23s. Qd. A Revision of the Anophelinae . A First Supplement to the above. Roy. 8vo. Pp.47. 1904. Bale & Danielsson . 2s . Gd . Graham -Smith, G. S. Flies in Relation to Disease: Non-blood- sucking Flies . 2nd edn . Demy 8vo . Pp. 405. 1914. Cambridge Uni- versity Press. 15s. Hindle, E. Flies in Relation to Dis- ease : Bloodsucking Flies . Demy 8vo. Pp. 414. 1914. Cambridge University Press . 15s . Lambart , H . G . A Practical Hand- book of the Tropical Diseases of Asia and Africa. Large Cr. 8vo. Pp. 339. 1914. Griffin. 10s. Qd. Manson , Sir P . Tropical Diseases : A Manual of the Diseases of warm Climates. Edited by P. H. Manson - Bahr. 7th edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 976. 1921. Cassell. 31s. Qd. Lectures on Tropical Diseases. Demy 8vo. Pp. 238. 1905. Constable. 7s. Qd. Masters, W. E. Essentials of Trop- ical Medicine. Large 8vo. Pp. 609. 1920. Bale & Danielsson. 42s. Wenyon, G. M., and O'Connor, F . W . Human Intestinal Protozoa in the Near East. Cr. 4to. Pp. 220. 1918. Bale & Danielsson. 10s. Qd. xx. OCCUPATIONAL DISEASES. Gollis, E. L., and Greenwood, M. The Health of the Industrial Work- er . With a Chapter on Reclamation of the Disabled, by A. J. Collis. Roy. 8vo. Pp. 470. 1921. Churchill. 30s. Hill, L. Caisson Sickness. Demy 8vo. Pp. 266. 1912. Arnold. 10s. Qd. Mosso, A. Fatigue. Translated by M . and W . B . Drummond . 3rd edn . Cr. 8vo. Pp. 334. 1915. Allen & Unwin. 3s. Qd. Oliver, Sir T. Diseases of Occupa- tion : from the Legislative , Social , and Medical Points of View. 3rd edn. DemySvo, Pp. 496. 1916. Methuen. 15s. Occupations from the Social, Hygienic and Medical Points of View. DemySvo. Pp.120. 1916. Cambridge University Press. 8s. Gd. Parry , L . A . The Risks and Dangers to Health of Various Occupations and their Prevention. Demv 8vo. Pp. 196. 1900. Scott, Green- wood. 8s. Gd. Saundby, R. Old Age : Its Care and Treatment . Demy 8 vo . Pp . 312. 1913. Arnold. 8s. Qd. Weber, Sir H. On Longevity and Means for the Prolongation of Life . 5th edn. 8vo. Pp. 314. 1919. Macmillan. 12s. 259 SURGERY. i. GENERAL TREATISES. Back, I., and Edwards, A. T. Synopsis of Surgery . Cr . 8vo . Pp . 480. 1920. Churchill. 15s. Barnett, H. N. (edited by). The Student's Text -book of Surgery. By various contributors. Roy. 8vo. Pp. 796. 1916. Heine- mann. 21s. Bland - Sutton , Sir J . Selected Lec- tures and Essays, including Liga- ments and Morphology. 4th edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 330. 1920. Heinemann. 15s. Gaird, F. M., and Cathcart, C. W. A Surgical Handbook, for Practi- tioners, Students, House-Surgeons, and Dressers. 19th edn. Pocket size. Pp. 379. 1921. Griffin. 8s. 6d. Catechism Series. Surgery. 3rd edn. 5 parts. Written by C. R. Whittaker. Is. 9d. each, also in one volume , cloth 9s . Livingstone . Cheyne , Sir W . W . , and Burghard , F . F . A Manual of Surgical Treat- ment. Revised and Re-Written with the assistance of T. P. Legg and A. Edmunds. 5 Vols. Roy. 8vo. Vol. 1. Pp. 576. 1914. 27s. 6d. Vol.2. Pp.598. 1912. 27s. 6d. Vol.3. Pp.604. 1916. 27s. 6d. Vol. 4. Pp.650. 1913. 30s. Vol. 5. Pp. 648. 1917. 30s . Longmans . Choyce, G. C., and Beattie, J. M. (edited by) . A System of Surgery . By various Contributors. 3 Vols. Med. 8vo. Vol.1. Surgical Path- ology, Tumours, General Surgery, etc. Pp. 958. 1912. Vol. 2. Surgical Diseases of the Breast, Tongue and Mouth, Gastro-Intest- tinal and Genito-Urinary Tracts, etc. Pp. 1106. 1912. Vol. 3. Surgical Diseases of the Caroid- Vascular, Lymphatic, Respiratory and Nervous Systems , Nose , Throat and Ear , Muscles , Tendons , Joints Bones, etc. Pp. 902. 1914. Cassell. 30s. per vol. Gooke, A. Groundwork of Surgery. Cr.Svo. Pp. 191. 1919. Heffer. 7s. 6d. Gunning, J. Aids to Surgery. 4th edn. Fcap. 8vo. Pp. 428. 1920. Bailliere. 4s. 6d. Elder, A. V. The Ship -Surgeon's Handbook. 2nd edn. Cr.Svo. Pp. 400. 1911. Bailliere. 6s. Cask, G. E., and Wilson, H. W. (edited by). Surgery. A Text-book by Various Authors. Roy. 8vo. Pp. 1250. 1920. Churchill. 42s. Groves, E. W. H. Synoj sis of Surgery: For Students and Practi- tioners. 5th edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 628. 1920. John Wright. 17s. 6d. Howard, R. The Practice of Surgery . 2nd edn . 2nd imp . Roy . 8vo. Pp. 1251. 1920. Arnold. 35s. Lister , Lord . The Col lected Papers _ 2 vols. Demy 4to. Pp. 1,015. 1909 . Vol . 1 . Introductory Essay ; Physiology ; Pathology and Bac- teriology. Vol. 2. Antiseptic Surgery ; Surgery ; Addresses . Oxford : Clarendon Press . 42s . Morison, R. An Introduction to Surgery. Large 8vo. Pp. 162. 1920. John Wright. 8s. Gd. - Surgical Contributions from 1881 1916. 2 Vols. Large 8vo. 1916. Vol. 1. General Surgery. Pp. 427. 15s. Vol. 2. Abdom- inal Surgery. Pp. 953. 30s.. John Wright. The 2 vols, 42s. Surgery. Power , Sir D 'A . The Practitioner 's Surgery . 3 Vols . Roy . 8vo . Pp . 672., 527., 587. 1919. Frowde & Hodder. 4 14s. Qd. Rose , W . , and Carless , A . A Man- ual of Surgery for Students and Practitioners. " 10th edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 1558. 1920. Bailliere. 33s. Thomson, A., and Miles, A. A Manual of Surgery. 3 vols. Cr. 8vo. Vol. 1. General Surgery. 5th edn. Pp, 828. 1919. 12s. Qd. Vol. 2. Regional Surgery. 5th edn. Pp. 939. 1915. 12s. Qd. Vol. 3. Operative Surgery. 3rd edn. Pp. 637. 1920. 16s. Frowde & Hodder. Warren , R . A Text-book of Surgery . 2 vols. Roy. 8vo. Pp. 1500. 1915. Churchill. 27s. ii . OPERATIVE SURGERY . Allingham , H . W . Operative Surg- ery. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 382. 1903. Bailliere. 7s. Qd. Burghard, F. F. (edited by). A System of Operative Surgery. By British Surgeons . 5 vols . 2nd edn . Roy. 8vo.' 1914. Vol. 1. Pp. 736. 21s. Vol.2. Pp.717. 21s. Vol. 3. Pp. 755. 21s. Vol. 4. Pp. 521. 24s. Vol. 5. Pp. 275. 18s. Frowde & Hodder. The set, 84s. Catechism Series . Operative Surg- ery. 2nd edn. 3 Parts. Written by C. R. Whittaker . Part 1. Arteries , Nerves, Excisions, Thorax, Head and Neck . Part 2 . Amputations . Part 3. Abdomen. Is. 9d. each, also in one volume, cloth. 5s. Qd. Livingstone . Corner, E. M., and Pinches, H. J. Operations of General Practice . 3rd edn. DemySvo. Pp. 354. 1910. Frowde & Hodder. 17s. Fitzwilliams , D . C . L . A Manual of Operative Surgery, with Surgical Anatomy and Surface Markings. Demy 8vo. Pp. 458. 1913. Bailliere. 10s. Qd. Guthrie , C . C . Blood -Vessel Surgery and its Application. Demy 8vo. Pp. 376. 1912. Arnold. 15s. Jacobson , W . H . A . The Operations of Surgery. 6th edn. Revised by R. P. Rowlands and P. Turner. 2 vols. Roy. 8vo. Pp. 1,040., 940. 1915. Churchill. 50s. Lockwood C.B. Clinical Surgery. 2nd edn. Cr.Svo. Pp. 397. 1911. Frowde & Hodder . 6s . MacLennan, A. Surgical Materials and their Uses . Cr.Svo. Pp. 260. 1915. Arnold. 4s. Qd. Orrin, H. C. Aids to Operative Surgery. Fcap. 8vo. Pp. 244. 1921. Bailliere. 6s. Pearson, C. Y. Modern Surgical Technique in its Relation to Opera- tions and Wound-Treatment. 2nd edn. DemySvo. Pp. 504. 1911. Bale & Danielsson. 10s. Qd. Schmieden, V., and Turnbull, A. The Course of Operative Surgery. A Handbook for Practitioners and Students. 2nd edn. Roy. 8vo. Pp. 369. 1920. Bailliere. 25s. Short , A . R . When to Advise Opera- tion in General Practice . Cr.Svo. Pp. 279. 1916. John Wright. 7s. Qd. Smith , E . A . Suture of Arteries . An Experimental Research . Demy Svo . Pp . 70 . 1909 . Frowde & Hodder . 2s. Qd. Spencer, W. G. Animal Experi- ments and Surgery. Cr. Svo. Pp. 187. 1920. University of London Press . 6s . Taylor, E. H. Operative Surgery: The Head and Neck, the Thorax, the Abdomen . Cr . 4to . Pp . 536 . 1914. Churchill. 32s. Treves , Sir F . , and Hutchinson , J . The Student's Handbook of Surgical Operations. 3rd edn. Cr. Svo. Pp. 512. 1911. Cassell. 9s. Tubby, A. H., and Jones, R. Mod- ern Methods in the Surgery of Paralyses . Ex . Cr . Svo . Pp . 326 . 1903. Macmillan. 10s. 261 Surgery. Waring , H . J . Manual of Operative . Surgery . 4th edn . Cr . 8vo . Pp . 778. 1912. Frowde & Hodder. 14*. Wheeler, Sir W.I. deC. Handbook of Operative Surgery. 3rd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 372. 1918. Bailliere. 12s. iii. DIAGNOSIS (INCLUDING X-RAY DIAGNOSIS). Carson, H. W. Aids to Surgical Diagnosis. Fcap. 8vo. Pp. 148. 1900. Bailliere. 3s. 6d. Davidson, Sir J. M. Localization by X-Rays and Stereoscopy . Roy . 8vo. Pp. 83. 1916. Lewis. 9s. Gage, H. C. X-Ray Observations for Foreign Bodies and their Local- isation. Demy 8vo. Pp. 96. 1920. Heinemann. 6s. Gould, Sir A. P. and E. P. Ele- ments of Surgical Diagnosis. 5th edn. Fcap. 8vo. Pp. 722. 1919. Cassell. 12s. 6d. Rea, R. L. Chest Radiography at a Casualty Clearing Station. Cr. 4to. Pp. 24 and Atlas. 1919. Lewis. 15s. iv. SURGICAL THERAPEUTICS AND PATHOLOGY. Bowlby, Sir A. A., and Andrewes, SirF. W. Surgical Pathology and Morbid Anatomy. 7th edn. Med. 8vo. Pp. 660. 1920. Churchill. 80s. Doyen, E., and Spencer -Browne, H. Surgical Therapeutics and Operative Technique. Svols.Large Roy. 8vo. Vol. 1. General Tech- nique, Treatment of Cancer, Opera- tions on the Bloodvessels, Nerves, Surgery of the Head. Pp. 756. 1917. Vol. 2. Surgery of the Head (contd.), of the Thorax, Upper and Lower Extremities. Pp. 688. 1920. Vol. 3. Operations on the Abdomen, Pelvis, and Genito- Urinary Organs. Pp. 822. 1920. Bailliere. 3 vols., 5. Elmslie , R . C . The After Treatment of Wounds and Injuries . 8vo . Pp . 332. 1919. Churchill. 15s. Mummery, J. P. L. After -Treat- ment of Operations . 4th edn . Cr 8vo. Pp. 286. 1916. Bailliere. 6s. Todd,A.H. A Practical Handbook of Surgical After -Treatment. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 268. 1915. Arnold. 5s. Turner, W., and Carling, E. R. Treatment after Operation: with a chapter on the Eye, by L. V. Cargill. Demy 8vo. Pp. 248. 1912. University of London Press. 10s. 6d. v. ANESTHETICS. Barton, G. A. H. A Guide to the Administration of Ethyl -Chloride. 2nd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 54. 1907. Lewis. 2s. Blomfield, J. Anaesthetics. A Practical Handbook. 4th edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 151. 1918. Bailliere. 6s. Boyle, H. E.G. Practical Anaesthet- ics. 2nd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 219. 1911. Frowde & Hodder. 6s. Buxton, D. W. Anaesthetics: their Uses and Administration . 6th edn . Demy 8vo. Pp. 562. 1920. Lewis. 21s. Collum, R. W., and Gray, Sir H. W.M. The Practice of Anaesthet- ics and General Surgical Technique. Large Cr. 8vo. Pp. 398. 1909. Bale & Danielsson. 10s. Gardner, H.B. Surgical Anaesthesia. 2nd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 232. 1916. Bailliere. 8s. 6d. Hirschel, G. Text-book of Local Anaesthesia, for Students and Prac- titioners. Translated by R. E. S. Krohn. Roy. 8vo. Pp. 193. 1915. Bale & Danielsson. 8s. 6d. Hobday, F. T. G. Anaesthesia and Narcosis of Animals and Birds. DemySvo. Pp.98. 1915. Baillidre.. 5s. Surgery. Lawrie, E. Chloroform: A Manual for Students and Practitioners . Cr . 4to. Pp. 120. 1901. Churchill. 5s. Luke, T. D. Guide to Anaesthetics for the Student and Practitioner. 4th edn. 8vo. Pp. 165. 1908. W. Green. 5s. Mortimer, J. D. Anaesthesia and Analgesia. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 384. 1911 7 University of London Press . 6s. Probyn- Williams, R. J. A Prac- tical Guide to the Administration of Anaesthetics. 2nd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 236. 1909. Longmans. 5s. Qd. Ross, J. S. A Handbook of Anaes- thetics. With Chapters upon Local and Spinal Anaesthesia, by W. Q. Wood, and upon Intratracheal Anaesthesia, by H. T. Thomson. Cr. 8vo. Pp.226. 1919. Living- stone. 7s. Qd. Silk , J . F . W . Modern Anaesthetics . 2nd edn. Cr.Svo. Pp. 206. 1920. Arnold. 7s.6d. vi. ASEPSIS AND ANTISEPSIS. Lockwood, G. B. Aseptic Surgery. 3rd edn . Cr . 8vo . Pp . 287 . 1909 . Frowde & Hodder. 6s. Upcott, H. Antiseptic Methods for Surgical Nurses and Dressers. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 60. 1907. Bailliere. 2s. Qd. Vallack , A . S . Principles and Prac- tice of Asepsis. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 106. 1905. Bailliere. 2s. Qd. vii. NURSING. Bishop, E. S. Lectures on Surgical Nursing. Fcap. 8vo. Pp. 143. 1909. John W T right. 2s. Qd. Childe, C. P. Surgical Nursing and Technique: A Book for Nurses, Dressers , House Surgeons , etc . 3rd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 248. 1920. Bailliere. 6s. Darling , H . C . R . Surgical Nursing and After-treatment. Cr. 8vo. Pp.500. 1917. Churchill. 8s. Qd. Howard, R. Surgical Nursing and the Principles of Surgery for Nurses . 4th edn. Cr.Svo. Pp. 336. 1920. ' Arnold. 7s. Qd. Miles, A. Surgical Ward Work and Nursing. A Handbook for Nurses and others. 4th edn. Demv 8vo. Pp. 426. 1921. Scientific "Press . 10s. Qd. viii. FRACTURES. Groves , E . W . H . Modern Methods of Treating Fractures . Demy 8vo . Pp. 286. 1916. John Wright. 7s. Qd. Imbert , L . , and Re" al , P . Fracture of the Lower Jaw . Edited by Sir . J. F. Colyer. Cr.Svo. Pp.188. 1918 . University of London Press . 7s. Qd. Ler iche , R . The Treatment of Frac - tures . Edited by F . F . Burghard . 2 vols. Cr. Svo. 1918. Vol. 1. Fractures involving Joints. Pp. 240. Vol2. Fractures of the Shaft. Pp. 330. University of London Press. 7s. Qd. each vol. Mennell, J. B. The Treatment of Fractures by Mobilisation and Mas- sage. Svo. Pp. 474. 1911. Macmillan. 12s. Pearson , M . G . , and Drummond , J. Fractured Femurs . Their Treat- ment by Calliper Extension. Svo. Pp. 104. 1919. Frowde & Hodder. 10s. Qd. Pringle, J. H. Fractures and Their Treatment. Roy. Svo. Pp. 396. 1910. Frowde & Hodder. 17s. Romer, F. Modern Bonesetting for the Medical Profession . Demy Svo . Pp . 88 . 1915 . Heinemann . 5s . Walton, A. J. Fractures and Separ- ated Epiphyses. Demy Svo. Pp. 296. 1910. Arnold. 10s. Qd. ix . MINOR SURGERY ; BANDAG- ING ; EMERGENCIES , ETC . Bidwell, L. A. Minor Surgery. 2nd edn. Demy Svo. Pp. 300. 1912 . University of London Press . 10s. Qd. Surgery. Cope,V.Z. Pye's Elementary Band- aging and Surgical Dressing. 14th edn. Pocket size. Pp.232. 1919. John Wright. 3s. Qd. Fitz Williams , D.G.L. A Practical Manual of Bandaging. Demy 8vo. Pp. 100. 1915. Bailliere. 4s. MacLeod , J . M . H . Burns and their Treatment. Including Dermatitis from High Explosives . Fcap . 8vo . Pp. 179. 1918. Frowde & Hodder. 6s. Pye's Surgical Handicraft. A Man- ual of Surgical Manipulations, Minor Surgery, and other Matters connected with the work of House Surgeons, Surgical Dressers, etc. Edited and re-written by W. H. Clayton -Greene. 8th edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 639. 1919. John Wright. 21s. Ran kin , W . Elements of Bandaging and the Treatment of Fractures and Dislocations. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 126. 1913. Frowde & Hodder. 6s. Sargent, P. Surgical Emergencies. Cr.Svo. Pp. 256. 1907. Frowde & Hodder. 6s. Williams. G. Minor Surgery and Bandaging : For the use ol House- Surgeons, Dressers, and Junior Practitioners. 17th edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp.460. 1919. Churchill. 10s. 6d. x. WAR SURGERY AND GUN- SHOT WOUNDS. D up uy , G . M . The Stretcher Bearer . Oblong Fcap . 8vo . Pp . 160 . 1915 . Frowde & Hodder. 2s. Duval , P . War Wounds of the Lung : Notes on their Surgical Treatment. Authorised English Translation . Large 8vo. Pp. 99. 1918. John Wright. 8s. Qd. Gray, Sir H. W. M. Early Treat- ment of War Wounds . Demy 8vo . Pp . 315 . 1919 . Frowde & Hodder . 10s. Gre"goire, R., and Courcoax, Dr. Wounds of the Pleura and Lung. Edited by C. H. Fagge. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 234. 1919. University of London Press. 7s. Qd. Groves, E. W. H. Gunshot Injuries of Bones. Fcap. 8vo. Pp. 128. 1915. Frowde & Hodder. 3s. 6d. Hughes, B., and Banks, H. S. War Surgery from Firing Line to Base. With special chapters by L. F . Smith and Miss C . Bilton . Roy . 8vo. Pp. 634. 1918. Bailliere. 30s. Hull , A . J . , and other contributors . Surgery in War. 2nd edn. 8vo. Pp.640. 1918. Churchill. 25s. Makins , Sir G . H . Gunshot Injuries of the Arteries. Demy 8vo. Pp. 64. 1914. Frowde & Hodder. 2s. Qd. Gunshot Injuries to the Blood- Vessels. Founded on Experience gained in France during the Great War, 1914-1918. Large 8vo. Pp. 251. 1919. John Wright. 21s. Morison, J. R. Bipp Treatment of War Wounds. Fcap.Svo. Pp.71. 1918. Frowde & Hodder. 2s. Qd. Murphy , J . K . Wounds of the Thor- ax in War. Fcap. 8vo. Pp. 156. 1915. Frowde & Hodder . 3s . Qd . Ombredanne, Prof., and Ledoux- Lebard, M. Localisation and Extraction of Projectiles. Edited by A. D. Reid. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 411. 1918. University of London Press. 12s. Qd. Page,G.M. The Field Service Pock - et-Book. Fcap. 8vo. Pp. 174. 1917. Frowde & Hodder. 6s. Penhallow , D . P . Military Surgery. 2nd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 575. 1918. Frowde & Hodder. 21s. Sencert, L. Wounds of the Blood - Vessels . Edited by F . F . Burghard . Cr.Svo. Pp. 288. 1918. Univer- sity of London Press . 7s . Qd . Smith, F. Modern Bullet Wounds and Modern Treatment, with Special Regard to Long Bones and Joints, Field Appliances and First Aid. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 96. 1903. Churchill. 3s. Spencer, G. G. Gunshot Wounds. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 299. 1908. Frowde & Hodder. 6s. 264 Surgery. Wallace, G. War Surgery of the Abdomen. 8vo. Pp. 152. 1918. Churchill. 10s. 6d. and Fraser, J. Surgery at a Casualty Clearing Station . Cr . 8vo. Pp. 320. 1918. Black. 10s. Qd. xi. REGIONAL SURGERY . a. Head and Neck. Ballance , Sir C . A . Some Points in the Surgery of the Brain and its Membranes. 2nd edn. 8vo. Pp. 468. 1908. Macmillan. 15s. Essays on the Surgery of the Temporal Bone. 2 Vols*. Demy 4to. Pp. 278., 372. 1919. Mac- millan. 105s. Bell,W.B. The Pituitary. A Study of the Morphology, Physiology, Pathology, and Surgical Treatment of the Pituitary, together with an Account of the Therapeutic Uses of the Extracts made from this Organ . Roy. 8vo. Pp. 368. 1919. Bailliere. 30s. Bourget, J. Mis-shapen Noses and their Surgical Correction without Cicatrix. Roy. 8vo. Pp. 72. 1920. Bailliere. 3s. Chatelin, G., and De Martel, T. Wounds of the Skull and the Brain : Clinical Forms and Medico-Surgical Treatment. Edited by F. F. Burg- hard. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 336. 1918. University of London Press . 8s . Qd . Martinier, P., and Lemerle, G. Injuries of the Face and Jaw and their Repair and the Treatment of Fractured Jaws. Translated by H . L . Whale . Small Cr . 8vo . Pp . 361. 1917. Bailliere. 5s. Murray, R. W. Hare Lip and Cleft Palate. Demy 8vo. Pp.29. 1902. Churchill. 3s. Owen , E . Cleft-Palate and Hare Lip : the Earlier Operation on the Palate . Cr. 8vo. Pp. 112. 1904. Bailliere. 2s. Qd. Rawling , L . B . The Surgery of the Skull and Brain . Cr . 4to . Pp . 351 . 1912. Frowde & Hodder. 25s. Surgery of the Head . Fcap . 8 vo . Pp.150. 1915. Frowde & Hodder . 3s. Qd. West, C. E., and Scott, S. R. The Operations of Aural Surgery, to- gether with those for the Relief of the Intracranial complications of Suppurative Otitis Media. Demy 8vo. Pp. 213. 1909. Lewis. 7s. Qd. Whale, H. L. Injuries to the Head and Neck. Demy 8vo. Pp. 342. 1919. Bailliere. 15s. b. Lungs and Heart. Ballance, Sir C. A. The Bradshaw Lecture on the Surgery of the Heart . Delivered before the Royal College ofSurgeons, Dec. 11, 1919. Demy 8vo. Pp. 154. 1920. Macmillan. 10s. Qd. Garre , G . , and Ouincke f H . Surgery of the Lung. Translated from the German by D. M. Barcroft. 2nd edn. Roy. 8vo. Pp. 279. 1913. Bale & Danielsson . 12s . Qd . c . Abdomen . Abadie , G . Wounds of the Abdomen . Edited by Sir W . 4 . Lane . Cr . 8vo . Pp. 316. 1918. University of London Press. 8s. Qd. Barnard, H. L. Contributions to Abdominal Surgery. Demy 8vo. Pp. 411. 1910. Arnold. 16s. Battle, W. H., and Corner, E. M. The Surgery of the Diseases of the Appendix Vermiformis and their Complications. 2nd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 308. 1911. Constable. 10s. Qd. Bidwell, A. L. A Handbook of In- testinal Surgery . 2nd edn . Demy 8vo. Pp. 230. 1910. Bailliere. 6s. Cripps, H. Cancer of the Rectum, especially considered with regard to its Surgical Treatment. 6th edn. 8vo. Pp. 266. 1913. Churchill. 5s. Hill, W. On Gastroscopy. Demy 8vo. Pp. 54. 1912. Bale & Danielsson . 3s . Qd . Hood, D. W. G. The Early Treat- ment of Appendicitis . Demy 8vo . Pp. 42. 1900. Bale & Danielsson . 2s. Qd. 265 Surgery. Lane, Sir W. A. Operative Treat- ment of Chronic Intestinal Stasis. 4th edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 340. 1918. Frowde & Hodder. 20s. Lockwood , C . B . Appendicitis : its Pathology and Surgery. 2nd edn. 8vo. Pp.356. 1906. Macmillan. 10s. Maylard, A. E. Practice and Prob- lem in Abdominal Surgery. Med. 8vo. Pp. 402. 1913. Churchill. 8s. Qd Morison, J. R., and Richardson, W.G. Abdominal Injuries. Fcap. 8vo. Pp. 116. 1915. Frowde & Hodder. 3s. Qd. Mummery , J . P . L . Diseases of the Colon and their Surgical Treatment. Demy 8vo. Pp. 328. 1910. Bailliere. 10s. Owen, E. Appendicitis: A Plea for Immediate Operation. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 214. 1914. John Wright. 8s. Qd. Robson, Sir A. W. M., and Cam - midge, P. J. Gall-Stones: Their Complications and Treatment. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 326. 1909.. Frowde & Hodder. 6*.. and Moynihan, Sir B. G. A. Diseases of the Stomach and their Surgical Treatment. 2nd edn. DemySvo. Pp.524. 1904. Bail- liere. 15s. Wallis, Sir F. C. Surgery of the Rectum for Practitioners. Demy 8vo. Pp. 370. 1912. Frowde & Hodder. 17s. T Surgery of the Rectum. 8vo. Pp. 174. 1907. Bailliere. 6s. d . Amputations . Broca, A. Ligations and Amputa- tions for Students and Practitioners. Translated by E. Ward. DemySvo. Pp. 285. 1917. John Wright. 8s. Qd. Huggins , G . M . Amputation Stumps Their Care and After Treatment. Fcap. 8vo. Pp. 240. 1918. Frowde & Hodder. 7s. Qd. e. Genito- Urinary Organs. Clarke, W. B. Handbook of the Surgery of the Kidneys . Demy 8vo . Pp . 209 . 191 1 . Frowde & Hodder . 12s. Qd. Deanesly, E. Modern Methods of Diagnosis in Urinary Surgery. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 104. 1907. Lewis. 8s. Freyer, Sir P . J . Clinical Lecture* on Enlargement of the Prostate, with a description of the Author's Operation of Total Enucleation of the Organ. 5th edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 182. 1920. Bailliere. 10s. Qd. Clinical Lectures on the Surgical Diseases of the Urinary Organs . 2nd edn. in preparation . Bailliere Herring, H. T. The Sterilisation of Urethral Instruments, and their Use in some Urinary Complaints. Demy 8vo . Pp . 1 92 . 1 903 . Lewis . 5s. Kidd , F . Urinary Surgery : A Review . 8vo. Pp. 446*. 1910. Longmans. 7s. Qd. Lumb , N . P . L . The Urethroscope in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Urethritis . Demy 8vo . Pp . 64 and 13 Plates. 1919.' Bale & Daniels- son. 10s. Qd. Walker , J . W . T . Surgical Disease* and Injuries of the Genito-Urinary Organs. 2nd edition in prepara- tion. Cassell. Estimation of the Renal Func- tion in Urinary Surgery . Demy 8vo . Pp. 274. 1908. Cassell. 7s. Gd. Wallace, Sir C. S. Prostatic En- largement. Demy 8vo. Pp. 222. 1907. Frowde & Hodder. 14s. xii. SURGICAL DISEASES. a. Hernia. Eccles , W . McA . Hernia : Its Etiol- ogy j Symptoms , and Treatment . 3rd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 254. 1908. Bailliere. 7s. Qd. Moullin, C. W. M. The Surgica) Treatment of Ulcer of the Stomach .. Demy 8vo. Pp. 53. 1902. Bale & Daniclsson. 2s. Qd. 266 Surgery. Murray, R. W. Hernia: Its Cause and Treatment. 2nd edn. 8vo. Pp. 192. 1910. Churchill. 6s. Turner, P. Inguinal Hernia: The Imperfectly Descended Testicle and Varicocete. 8vo. Pp. 110. 1919. Churchill. 10s. Qd. b. Tumours. Bland -Sutton, Sir J. Tumours, Innocent and Malignant. 6th edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 780. 1917. Cassell. 21s. Cathcart. G. W. The Essential Similarity of Innocent and Malig- nant Tumours . A Study of Tumour Growth. Imp. 8vo. Pp.79. 1907. John Wright . 3s . Emery, W. D'E. Tumours: their Nature and Causation. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 166. 1918. Lewis. 6s. Fenwick, W. S. Cancer and other Tumours of the Stomach. Roy. 8vo. Pp. 380. 1902. Churchill. 10s. 6d. Kettle, E. H. The Pathology of Tumours. Demy 8vo. Pp. 232. 1916. Lewis. 12s. Qd. Lockyer, G. Fibroids and Allied Tumours (Myoma and Adenomy- oma): their Pathology, Clinical Features, and Surgical Treatment. Super Roy . 8vo . Pp.624. 1919. Macmillan. 63s. Moullin, G. M. The Biology of Tumours. Demy 8vo. Pp. 55. 1916. Lewis. 2s. Qd. White, G. P. Tumours: Pathology of Growth. Demy 8vo. Pp. 247. 1913. Constable. 10s. Qd. Wyllie, J. Tumours of the Cerebel- lum. Post 8vo. Pp. 119. 1908. Lewis . 4s . c. Diseases of the Locomotive System . Bristow, W. R. Treatment of the Joint and Muscle Injuries. Demy 8vo. Pp. 160. 1917. Frowde & Hodder. 6s. Broca , A . Disabilities of the Loco- motor Apparatus : the Result of War Wounds. Translated by J. R. White, edited by Sir R. Jones. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 268. 1918. University of London Press . 7s.Qd. Jones, Sir R. Injuries to Joints . 2nd edn. Fcap. 8vo. Pp. 196. 1920 . Frowde & Hodder . 6s . Shenton, E. W. H. Disease in Bone and its Detection by the X-Rays. 8vo. Pp. 84. 1911. Macmillan. 4s. Qd. White, J. R. Chronic Traumatic Osteomyelitis : Its Pathology and 'Treatment. Demy 8vo. Pp. 159. 1919. Lewis. 12s. Gd. Whitelocke, R. H. A. Sprains and Allied Injuries of Joints. 2nd edn. DemySvo. Pp.299. 1910. Frowde & Hodder. 8s. Qd. xiii. ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY. Broca , A . , and Ducroquet , D . Arti - ficial Limbs. Translated and edited by R. C. Elmslie. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 172. 1918. University of London Press. 7s. Gd. Galot , F . Indispensable Orthopaedics . Translated from the French by A. H. Robinson. 2nd edn. in prep- aration. Bailliere. Dampier -Bennett, A. G. Re-edu- cation of Co-ordination by Move- ments : with special Reference to Locomotor Ataxy. 8vo. 1907. John Wright. 10s. Qd. Daw, S. W. Orthopaedic Effects of Gunshot Wounds and their Treat- ment. Fcap.Svo. Pp.242. 1919. Frowde & Hodder. 7s. Qd. Falconer, W. W. Arthrometry, or the Measurement of the Movements of Joints . Notes of a New and Sim- ple System for showing the Mobility of injured limbs by means of an Instrument called an Arthrometer. DemySvo. Pp. 27. 1918. Bale & Danielsson. 2s. Gd. Jansen , M . On Bone Formation , its Relation to Tension and Pressure. 8vo. Pp. 124. 1921. Longmans 20s. 267 Surgery. Jones, Sir R ., (edited by). Ortho- paedic Surgery of Injuries. By Vari- ous Authors. 2 Vols. Roy. 8vo. Pp. 540., 692. 1921. Frowde & Hodder. 70s. Notes on Military Orthopaedics. Demy 8vo. Pp. 143. 1918. Cassell. 3s. Qd. Lorenz, A., and Saxl, A. Ortho- paedics in Medical Practice. Trans- lated by L. C. P. Ritchie. Demy 8vo. Pp. 300. 1913. Bale & Danielsson. 7s. Qd. Roth . P . B . Notes on Military Ortho- paedics. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 56. 1916. Kimpton . 1 s . Qd . Orthopaedics for Practitioners. An Introduction to the Practical Treatment of the Commoner De- formities. 8vo. Pp. 207. 1920. Arnold. 10s. Qd. xiv. DEFORMITIES AND THEIR SURGICAL TREATMENT. Barwell, R. Lateral Curvature of the Spine and Pelvic Deviations. 6th edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 115. 1905. Bailliere. 8s. Bennie , P . B . and A . B . Rational and Effective Treatment of Hip Disease. Demy 8vo. Pp. 120. 1907. Bailliere. 5s. Bigg , R . H . Caries of the Spine , be- ing an advanced chapter of the Spine, its Deformities, Debilities, and Deficiencies. 8vo. Pp. 82. 1902. Churchill. 2s. Qd. An Essay on the General Priu- ciples of the Treatment of Spinal Curvatures . 8 vo . Pp . 248 . 1 906 . Churchill. 5s. Chance, E. J. On the Nature, Causes, and Treatment of Bodily Deformities . Edited by J . Poland . Cr. 8vo. Vol.1. Pp.335. 1905. 7s. Gd. Vol. 2. Pp. 338. 1919. 18s. Murray. Clarke, J. J. Congenital Disloca- tion of the Hip. DemySvo. Pp. 100. 1910. Bailliere. 3s. Qd. Jansen, M. Achondroplasia : its Nature and its Cause. A Study of the Stunting of Growth in the Different Stages of Development of the Skeleton . Demy 4to . Pp . 106 . 1912. Bailliere. 6s. Smith , J . S . K . Lateral Curvature of the Spine and Flat Foot : Their Treatment by Exercises. Demy 8vo. Pp. 137. 1911. John Wright. 6s. Qd. Tubby, A. H. Deformities, includ- ing Diseases of the Bones and Joints . 2nd edn. 2 Vols. 8vo. Pp.916., 890. 1912. Macmillan. 45s. 268 OPHTHALMOLOGY. i. GENERAL TREATISES AND OPERATIVE OPHTHALMOLOGY . Adams , P . E . H . Pathology of the Eye. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 204. 1912. Frowde & Hodder . 6s . Axenfeld, T. Bacteriology of the Eye. Translated by A. MacNab. Roy. 8vo. Pp. 418. 1908. Bailliere. 10s. Qd. Ballantyne , A . J . A Pocket Book of Ophthalmology. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 119. 1920. Livingstone. 5s. 6d. Berry, G. A. Manual of Practical Ophthalmology. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 590. 1904. 'Frowde & Hodder. 12s. Qd. Catechism Series. Diseases of the Eye. Written by W. G. Sym. Livingstone. Is. 9d. Elliot, R. H. Tropical Ophthalmol- ogy. Demy 8vo. Pp. 550. 1920. Frowde & Hodder. 31s. Qd. Forrest, J. Eye, Nose, Throat, and Ear. A Manual for Practitioners and Students. Demy 8vo. Pp. 412. 1914. Kimpton. 10s. Qd. Grimsdale, H. B ., and Brewerton, E. W. Ophthalmic Operations. Demy 8vo. Pp. 436. 1920. Bailliere. 21s. Harman,N.B. Aids to Ophthal- mology . 6th edn . Fcap . 8vo . Pp . 234. 1919. Bailliere. 3s. Qd. Higgens, C. A Manual of Ophthal- mic Practice. 2nd edn. Revised by A. W. Ormond. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 383. 1903. Lewis. 7s. Qd. Hinshelwood , J . Congenital Word - Blindness. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 121. 1917. Lewis. 4s. Letter, Word, and Mind-Blind- ness. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 88. 1900. Lewis. 3s. Jessop, W. H. H. Manual of Ophthalmic Surgerv and Medicine.. 2nd edn. Cr. 8vo.~ Pp. 550. 1908. Churchill. 10s. Qd. Juler , H . E . A Handbook of Ophth- almic Science and Practice. 3rd edn . Demy 8vo . Pp . 733 . 1904 . Murray. 21s. Marshall, G. D. Diseases of the Eyes. 8vo. Pp.320. 1912. Uni- versity of London Press. 10s. Qd. May, G. H. Manual of the Diseases of the Eye : for Students and Practi- tioners . 4th edn . Demy 8vo , Pp . 452. 1920. Bailliere." 18s. Maynard, F. P. Manual of Oph- thalmic Operations. 2nd edn. Roy.Svo. Pp.267. 1921. Living- stone . 21s . Mayou , M . S . Diseases of the Eye^ 3rd edn . Cr . 8vo . Pp . 342 . 1920 . Frowde & Hodder. 10s. Qd. Parsons , J . H . The Ocular Circula- tion. Demy 8vo. Pp. 84. 1903. Bale & Danielsson. 3s. Diseases of the Eye. 3rd edn. 8vo. Pp. 676. 1918. Churchill. 18s. The Pathology of the Eye. 4 Vols. Roy. 8vo. Vols. 2 and 3. ( Vols . 1 and 4 out of print) . Frowde and Hodder. 15s. each. Ramsay , A . M . Clinical Ophthal- mology for the General Practition- er. Cr. 4to. Pp. 520. 1920. Frowde & Hodder. 42s. Diathesis and Ocular Diseases. Cr.Svo. Pp. 192. 1909. Bailliere. 5s. Grant, J. D., Whale, H. L. and West. G. E. Injuries of the Eyes, Throat, Nose and Ears. Fcap. 8vo. Pp. 160. 1915.. Frowde & Hodder. 3s. Qd. 269 Ophthalmology. Swanzy,H.R. Handbook of the Diseases of the Eye and their Treat- ment. Revised and edited by L. Werner. 12th edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 689. 1919. Lewis. 22s. Qd. Sym , W . G . Diseases and Injuries of the Eye . A Text -"book for Students and Practitioners. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 493. 1913. Black. 12s. Qd. Yarr, Sir M. Manual of Military Ophthalmology for the Use of Medic- al Officers of the Home, Indian, and Colonial Services. 2nd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp.228. 1909. Cassell. 6s. ii. EXAMINATION OF THE EYE; OPHTHALMOSCOPY. Al 1 butt , Sir T . C . On the Use of the Ophthalmoscope. 8vo. Pp. 422. 1871. Macmillan. 15s. Fisher, .1. H. Ophthalmo logical Anatomy, with some Illustrative Cases. Roy. 8vo. Pp.196. 1904. Frowde & Hodder. 8s. Qd. Frost, W. A. The Fundus Oculi. An Ophthalmoscopic Atlas, Illus- trating its Physiological and Patho- logical Conditions. 4to. 47 Plates. 1901. Frowde & Hodder. 63s. Cowers , Sir W . R . . and Gunn , M . A Manual and Atlas of Medical Ophthalmoscopy . 4th edn. 8vo. Pp.330. 1904. Churchill. 14s. Gray, K. J. The Human Eye. 24 fully-covered diagrams, describing and illustrating its Structures, Functions, Diseases and Attach- ments, with special reference to it as an Optical Instrument. Ob- long 4to. Sampson, Low. 21s. Hardwicke, W. W. Sight Testing Made Easy. 4th edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp.88. 1920. Churchill. 5s. Hartridge G. The Ophthalmoscope . A Manual for Students. 6th edn. Cr.Svo. Pp.160. 1939. Churchill. 6s. 6d. Landolt, E. and M. Defective Ocular Movements and their Diag- nosis. 8vo. Pp. 97. 1913. Frowde & Hodder. 6s. Qd. Maddox, E. E. Ophthalmological Prisms and the Decentring of Lenses . A Practical Guide to the Uses and Construction of Prisms and Prismat- ic Combinations, and the Centring of Spectacle Lenses . 5th edn . Pp . 205. 1907. John Wright. 6s. Qd. Thompson, S. P. Optical Tables and Data, for the use of Opticians. 2nd edn. Oblong 8vo. Pp. 130. 1907. Spon. 7s. Qd. Thomson , A . The Anatomy of the Human Eye. 67 Stereoscopic photographs in box, with letter- press and Key plates. Roy. 8vo. Pp.62. 1912. Oxford : Clarendon Press . 63s . iii. DISEASES OF THE CONJUNCTIVA . Boldt,J. Trachoma. Translated by J. H. Parsons and T. Snowball. Roy. 8vo. Pp. 284. 1904. Frowde & Hoddrr. 8s. Qd. MacCaUan, A. F. Trachoma and its Complications in Egypt. Demy 8vo. Pp. 80. 1913. Cambridge University Press . 7s . Qd. Mayou, M. S. The Changes Pro- duced by Inflammation in the Conjunctiva. DemySvo. Pp.179. 1905. Bale & Danielsson. 10s. Qd. iv. DISEASES OF THE LENS: CATARACT. Elliot, R. H. The Indian Opera- tion of Couching for Cataract . Rov . 8vo. Pp. 106. 191 . Lewis. 7s. Qd. Herbert, H. Cataract Extraction. Srdedn. Pp.399. 1908. Bailliere. 12s. Qd. v. DISEASES OF THE OPTIC NERVE. Onodi,A. The Optic Nerve and the Accessory Sinuses of the Nose. A Contribution to the Study of Canal- icular Neuritis and Atrophy of the Optic Nerve of Nasal Origin. Translated by L. Luckhoff. Small 4to. Pp. 110. 1910. Bailliere. 10*. Qd. 270 Ophthalmology. Parsons, J. H. The Neurology of Vision. Two Lectures : The Affer- ent Visual Paths ; The Innervation of the Pupil. Demy 8vo. Pp. 70. 1904. Frowde & Hodder. 2s. Qd. vi. PARALYSIS OF THE EYE. Hughes, E. L. Squint, and Ocular Paralysis : with a short account of the Disturbances of Muscle Balance . DemySvo. Pp.216. 1907. Lewis. 7s. Qd. Worth, G. A. Squint, its Causes, Pathology and Treatment. 5th edn . Demy '8vo . Pp . 260 . 1921 . Bailliere. 12s. Qd. vii. WOUNDS AND INJURIES. Beaumont, W. M. Injuries of the Eyes of the Employed, and the Workmen's Compensation Act: Problems in Prognosis. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 168. 1907. Lewis. 5s. Lagrange , F . Fractures of the Orbit and Injuries of the Eye in War. Translated by H. Child and edited by J. H. Parsons. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 260. 1918. University of London Press. 7s. Qd. viii. GLAUCOMA. Elliot, R. H. Glaucoma: A Text- book for the Students of Ophthal- mology. Demy 8vo. Pp. 562. 1918. Lewis. 25s. Glaucoma. A Handbook for the General Practitioner. Demy 8vo. Pp.71. 1917. Lewis. 4s. Henderson, T. Glaucoma. An Inquiry into the Physiology and Pathology of the Intra-Ocular Pres- sure . Demy 8vo . Pp . 238 . 1910 . Arnold. 10s. Qd. ix. COLOUR BLINDNESS. Edridge-Green, F. W. The Physi- ology of Vision : with special refer- ence to Colour Blindness. 8vo. Pp.292. 1920. Bell. 12s. The Hunterian Lectures on Col- our-Vision and Colour-Blindness . 8vo. Pp.76. 1911. KeganPaul. 5s. x. REFRACTION AND OPTICAL DEFECTS. 44 An Ophthalmic Surgeon." The Optician's Handbook. An Intro- duction to the Study of the Refrac- tion of the Eye, its "Anomalies, and their Estimation and Correction by means of Glasses . Cr . 8vo . Pp . 73 . N.D. Hatton Press. 4s. Blair, C. Errors of Refraction , and their Treatment . A Clinical Pocket book for Practitioners and Students . 2nd edn. Pp. 106. 1910. John Wright. 2s. Qd. Clarke , E . Problems in the Accom- modation and Refraction of the Eye : a brief Review of the Work of Donders and the Progress made during the last fifty years. Roy. 8vo. Pp. 120. 1914. Bailliere. 2s. Qd. Errors of Accommodation, and Refraction of the Eye : a Handbook for Students. 4th edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp.252. 1918. Bailliere. 7s. 6d. Hartridge , G . The Refraction of the Eye. . A Manual for Students. 16th edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 294. 1919. Churchill. 7s. Qd. Lohmann, W. Disturbances of the Visual Functions. Translated by A. MacNab. Roy. 8vo. Pp. 185. 1913. Bale and Danielsson. 15s. Morton, A. S. Refraction of the Eye : its Diagnosis and the Correc- tion of its Errors. 7th edn. Small 8vo. Pp.104. 1906. Lewis. 5s. Muirhead, I. B. Extra-Ocular Pressure and Myopia. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 104. 1916. Bale and Dan- ielsson. 3s. Qd. Parsons, J.H. Elementary Ophth- almic Optics, including 'Ophthal- moscopy and Retinoscopy. 8vo. Pp.170. 1901. Churchill. 6s. 6d. xi. THERAPEUTICS; SPECTACLES, etc. Adam, C. Handbook of Treatment for Diseases of the Eye (Ophthalmic Therapeutics). Translated from the German by W. G. Sym and E. M. Lithgow. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 264. 1911. Heinemann. 10s. 271 Ophthalmology . Burnham, G. H. The Combined Percival , A . S . The Prescribing of Treatment in Diseases of the Eye. Spectacles. 2nd edn. Cr. 8vo. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 100. 1906. Lewis. Pp. 168. 1912. John Wright. 3*. 5s. 6d. Fergus, F. Elementary Ophthalmic Optics. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 106. 1903. Blackie. 3s. 6d. Raxwortby, H. C. Prescription Pitfalls, and How to Avoid them,, for Opticians . Demy 8vo . Pp . 38 . 1918. Hatton Press. Is. 6d. 272 OTOLOGY ; RHINOLOGY ; LARYNGOLOGY. i. GENERAL TREATISES. Biggs, G. N. Diseases of the Ear, Nose, and Throat. Demy 8vo. Pp. 486. 1914. University of London Press . Ws.Gd. Friel , A . R . Obiter Scripta : Throat , Nose, and Ear. For the General Practitioner. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 40. 1914. John Wright. 2s, Qd. Kelson, W. H. Diseases of the Throat , Nose and Ear . Demy 8vo . Pp. 285. 1915. Frowde and Hodder. 10s. 6rf. Lamb, W. Practical Guide to the Diseases of the Throat, Nose and Ear : for Senior Students and Practitioners. 4th edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp.384. 1917. Bailliere. 10s. 6d. Laurens, G. Oto-Rhino-Laryngo- logy : for the Student and Practi- tioner . Translated from the French by H. C. Fox. Demy 8vo. Pp. 339. 1919. John Wright. 17s.6d. McBride , P . Diseases of the Throat , Nose and Ear. A Clinical Manual for Students and Practitioners. 3rd edn . Roy . 8vo . Pp . 762 . 1900. Frowde and Hodder. 25s. McKenzie, D. Diseases of the Throat, Nose and Ear. Roy. 8vo. Pp.661. 1920. Heinemann. 42s. Diagnosis of Diseases in Throat , Nose, and Ear. 2nd edition in preparation . Heinemann . ,- Parker, G. A., and Colledge, L. Diseases of the Nose and Throat, and their Treatment. 2nd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 624. 1921. Arnold . 25s . Porter, W. G. Diseases of the Throat, Nose, and Ear. For Practitioners and Students . Revised by A . L . Turner . 3rd edn . Demy 8vo. Pp. 300. 1919. John Wright. 12s. 6d. Stuart -Low, W. The Care of the Nose and Throat. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 79. 1919. Bailliere. 3s. Qd. Syme , W . S . , and S . G . A Hand- book of Diseases of the Ear, Nose, and Throat. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 337. 1920. Livingstone. 9s. Thomson , Sir St . C . Diseases of the Nose and Throat, comprising Affec- tions of the Trachea and (Esopha- gus. A Text-book for Practi- tioners and Students. 2nd edn. Med.Svo. Pp.858. 1916. Cassell. 30s. Tilley , H . Diseases of the Nose and Throat. 4th edn. DemySvo. Pp. 864. 1919. Lewis. 28s. Yonge. E. S. Handbook of the Diseases of the Nose and Throat. 8vo. Pp. 416. 1909. W. Green. 9s. ii. DISEASES OF THE EAR. Bourgeois, H., and Sourdille, Dr. War Otitis and War Deafness: Diagnosis, Treatment, Medical Re- ports . Edited by J . Dundas Grant . Cr. 8vo. Pp.249. 1918. Univer- sity of London Press . 7s . 6d . Gray , A . A . Otosclerosis (Idiopathic Degenerative Deafness) . Demy 8vo . Pp.211. 1917. Lewis. 15s. Diseases of the Ear , with Stereo- scope and Stereoscopic Plates. Demy 8vo. Pp. 400. 1910. Bailliere. 15s. The Labyrinth of Animals, in- cluding Mammals, Birds, Reptiles and Amphibians . 1908. 4to. Vol. 1. With 31 Stereoscopic Plates. Pp.210. 21s. Vol.2. Pp.265. 25s. Churchill. 273 Otology; Rhinology; Laryngology. Heath, G. J. Diagnosis and Treat- ment in Otitis Media (Mastoid Disease). Demy 8vo. Pp. 58. 1919. Hail lie-re. 2s. Qd. Hovell , T . M . A Treatise on Diseases of the Ear, including the Anatomy and Physiology of the Organ . 2nd edn. 8vo. Pp. 850. 1901. Churchill. 21*. Lake, R. Handbook of Diseases of the Ear for the Use of Students and Practitioners. 4th edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 302. 1912. Bailliere. 7s. Qd. Love, J. K. Diseases of the Ear in School Children. An Essay on the Prevention of Deafness. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 94. 1919. John Wright. 5s. Qd. The Deaf Child. A Manual for Teachers and School Doctors. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 192. 1911. John Wright. 5*. Qd. Milligan, Sir W., and Wingrave, W. A Practical Handbook of the Diseases of the Ear. 8vo. Pp. 624. 1911. Macmillan. 18s. Politzer, A. A Text-book of the Diseases of the Ear: for Students and Practitioners . Translated and edited by M . J . Ballin . 5th edn . 8vo. Pp. 906. 1909. Bailliere. 25s. Tod, F. H. Diseases of the Ear. New edition in preparation . Frowde and Hodder. Wrightson, Sir T. An Enquiry into the Analytical Mechanism of the Internal Ear. With an Appendix on the Anatomy of the Parts con- cerned , by Sir A . Keith . 8vo . Pp . 268. 1918. Macmillan. 12s. Qd. Yearsley, M. Text-book of Diseases of the Ear. 8vo. Pp.463. 1908. Kegan Paul. 18s. ill. DISEASES OF THE NOSE. Dighton, C. A. A Manual of Dis- eases of the Naso-Pharynx , with special reference to the part played by them in Disease of the Ear and the Treatment of these conditions . Roy. 8vo. Pp. 182. 1912. Bailliere. 10s. Qd. Keegan, D. F. Rhinoplastic Opera- tions : with a description of Recent Improvements in the Indian Method. Roy. 8vo. 1900. Bailliere. 5s. * Onodi, A. Relations of .he Lachry- mal Organs to the Nose and Nasal Accessory Sinuses. Translated by D. Mackenzie. Imp. 8vo. Pp. 252. 1913. Bale and Danielsson. 10s. The Anatomy and Topography of the Accessory Air Sinuses of the Nose in Childhood. Translated by C. Prausnitz. Imp. 8vo. Pp.429. 1911. Bale and Danielsson. 21s. Turner, A. L. Accessory Sinuses of the Nose: their Surgical Anatomy and the Diagnosis and Treatment of their Inflammatory Affections. Roy. 8vo. Pp. 225. 1901. W. Green. 12s. and Porter, W. G. The Skia- graphy of the Accessory Nasal Sinuses. 4to. Pp. 57 and Plates. 1912. W. Green. 16s. Waggett , E . B . Diseases of the Nose . 3rd imp. Cr.Svo. Pp.294. 1912. Frowde and Hodder. 6s. Williams, P. W. Rhinology: A Text Book of Diseases of the Nose and the Nasal Accessory Sinuses. 8vo. Pp. 290. 1910. Longmans. 12s. Qd. Yonge, E. S. Hay Fever and Paroxysmal Sneezing. 8vo. Pp. 158. 1910. W. Green. 6s. iv. DISEASES OF THE THROAT. Bar well , H . Diseases of the Larynx . 2nd edn. Cr.Svo. Pp.300. 1910. Frowde and Hodder . 6s . Brunings , W . Direct Laryngoscopy , Bronchoscopy , and (Esophagoscopy . Translated and edited by W. G. Howarth. Demy 8vo. Pp. 384. 1912. Bailliere. 15s. Mann , M . S . Text Book of Tracheo- Bronchoscopy , Technical and Prac- tical . Translated by A . R . Moodie . Roy. 8vo. Pp. 292. 1920. Bale and Danielsson . 31s. Qd. 274 GYNAECOLOGY AND OBSTETRICS. i. DISEASES OF WOMEN. Berkeley, C. (edited by). Diseases of Women. By Ten Teachers. Med.Svo. Pp.662. 3 91 9. Arnold. 30s. Bland -Sutton, Sir J., and Giles, A. E. The Diseases of Women. A Handbook for Students and Practitioners of Medicine . 7th edn . Demy 8vo. Pp. 571. 1916. Heinemann. 15s. Fothergill, W. E. Manual of Diseases of Women. Cr. 8vo. Pp.452. 1910. W. Green. 9s. Paramore , R . H . The Statics of the Female Pelvic Viscera . Vol . 1 . Demy 8vo. Pp. 401. 1918. Lewis. 18s. Phillips, Sir J. Outlines of the Diseases of Women. A Concise Handbook for Students. 4th edn. Cr.Svo. Pp.296. 1906. Griffin. 7s. Qd. Stevens , T . G . Diseases of Women . New edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 460. 1919 . University of London Press . 20s. ii. GYNAECOLOGY, a. Pathology. Orthmann, E. G. A Handbook of Gynaecological Pathology. Trans- lated from the German by C. H. Roberts . Demy 8vo . 1904 . Bale and Danielsson. 5s. Hoberts, G. H. Outlines of Gynae- cological Pathology and Morbid Anatomy. Small Roy. 8vo. Pp. 360. 1901. Churchill. 21s. b. General. Aarons , S . J . Aids to Gynaecology . 5th edn. Fcap. 8vo. Pp. 132. 1916. Bailliere. 3s. Ballantyne, J. W. Essentials of Gynaecology. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 279. 1905. W. Green. 5s. Bell, W. B. The Principles of Gynaecology. A Manual for Stu- dents and Practitioners. 3rd edn. Roy. 8vo. Pp. 688. 1919. Bailliere. 38s. Berkeley, G., and Bonney, V. A Guide to Gynaecology in General Practice. 2nd edn. Cr. 4to. Pp. 491. 1919. Frowde and Hodder. 31s. Qd. Cameron, S. J. A Manual of Gynaecology for Students and Prac- titioners. 2nd edn. Med. 8vo. Pp. 575. 1919. Arnold. 25s. Catechism Series. Gynaecology. 4th Reprint. Written by B. P. Watson. Livingstone. Is. 9d. Eden, T. W., and Lockyer, C. Gynaecology: General, Regional, and Operative, for Students and Practitioners . 2nd edn . Roy . 8vo . Pp.944. 1920. Churchill. 42s. (edited by). The New System of Gynaecology. By many Writers. 3 Vols. Cr.4to. Pp. 788., 884., 880. 1917. Macmillan. 6 6s. Herman, G. E., and Maxwell, R. D. The Student's Handbook of Gynaecology. 2nd edn. Fcap. 8vo. Pp. 588. 1913. Cassell. 10s. Jellett, H. A Practice of Gynae- cology, being the 4th edn. of ' 'A Short Practice of Gynaecology." Roy . 8vo . Pp . 632 . 1916 . Churchill . 21s. A Short Practice of Gynaecology, being a shortened edition of the above. Roy.Svo. Pp.436. 1917. Churchill. 15s. Solomons, B. A Handbook of Gynaecology. For the Student and General Practitioner. Demy 8vo. Pp.248. 1919. Bailliere. 12s. 275 Gynaecology and Obstetrics. c. Diagnosis; Operations; Therapeutics . Aarons , S . J . Gynaecological Thera- peutics. Cr.Svo. Pp.192. 1910. Bailliere. Qs. Harbour, A. H. F., and Watson, B. P. Gynaecological Diagnosis and Pathology. New imp. in preparation . W . Green . Berkeley, C., and Bonney, V. A Text-book of Gynaecological Sur- gery. 2nd edn. Med. 8vo. Pp. 842. 1920. Cassell. 42s. Giles , A . E . Gynaecological Diagno- sis. A Manual for Students and Practitioners . Demy 8vo . Pp . 222 . 1906. Bailliere. 7*. Qd. Gynaecological Nursing . Cr . 8vo . Pp.202. 1912. Bailliere. 4s. Qd. McKay, W. J. S. Operations upon the Uterus, Perineum, and Round Ligaments. 2nd edn. Demy 4to. Pp. 472. 1911. Bailliere. 10s. Qd. Sloan , S . Electro -Therapy in Gynae- cology. DemySvo. Pp. 298. 1917. Heinemann. 12s. Qd. d. Disorders; Diseases. Birnbaum , R . A Clinical Manual of the Malformations and Congenital Disease of the Fretus. Translated and annotated by G. Blacker. Roy. 8vo. Pp. 394. 1912. Churchill. 15*. Fenwick, B. Uterine Fibroids and other Pelvic Tumours. 2nd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 166. 1913. Bale and Danielsson. 3s. Qd. Giles, A. E. Sterility in Women. Demy 8vo. Pp. 243. 1919. Frowde and Hodder. 10s. Lewers, A. H. N. Cancer of the Uterus. A Clinical Monograph on its Diagnosis and Treatment. 8vo. Pp. 341. 1902. Lewis. 10s. Qd. McCann, F. J. Cancer of the Womb. Its Symptoms, Diagnosis, Prognosis and Treatment. Roy. 8vo. Pp.172. 1907. Frowde and Hodder . 20s . Wertheim , E . , and Micholitsch , T . The Technique of Vagino-Peritcneal Operations . Translated by C . Lock- yer. 8vo. Pp. 336. 1907. Mac- in il Ian. 25s. e. Cancer of the Breast. C reign ton, C. Cancer and other Tumours of the Breast .1 Roy . 8 vo . Pp. 296. 1902. Williams and Norgate. 12s. Qd. Leaf, C. H. Cancer of the Breast: Clinically Considered. Demy 8vo. Pp.164. 1912. Constable. 10s. Qd. The Clinical Causes of Cancer of the Breast. Demy 8vo. Pp. 64. 1904. Constable. 2s. Lockwood, C. B. Cancer of the Breast. Demy 8vo. Pp. 237. 1913 . Frowde and Hodder . 12s . Qd. ill. OBSTETRICS, a. General: Labour. Ballantyne, J. W. Essentials of Obstetrics. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 251. 1904. W. Green. 5s. Berkeley, C., and Bonney, V. The Difficulties and Emergencies of Obstetric Practice . 3rd edn. 8vo. Pp.809. 1920. Churchill. 426. Edgar, J. C. The Practice of Obstetrics. 4th edn. Super Roy. 8vo. Pp. 1,062. 1913. Frowde and Hodder. 30s. Greenwood, W. O. Scopolamine- Morphine : Semi-Narcosis during Labour. Cr.Svo. Pp.129. 1018. Frowde and Hodder. 6s. Jardine, R. Clinical Obstetrics. 3rd edn. Roy. 8vo. Pp. 744. 1910. Kimpton. 21s. Lea , A . W . W . Puerperal Infection . Cr. 4to. Pp. 400. 1910. Frowde and Hodder. 25s. Moses , O . St . J . Manual of Obstet- rics. For the use of Students and Junior Practitioners. 8vo. Pp. 536. 1920. Churchill. 21s. Nail, S. Aids to Obstetrics. 8th edn. Revised by C. J. N. Long- ridge. Fcap.Svo. Pp.224. 1921. Bailliere. 3s. 276 Gynaecology and Obstetrics. Oldfield, G. Herman's Difficult Labour: A Guide for Students and Practitioners. 6th edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 574. 1920. Cassell. 16s. Robinson , G . D . An Atlas of Normal Labour, with an Appendix showing Sylvester's and Schultze's Methods of Artificial Respiration. Cr. 4to. Pp . 104 and Plates . 1921. Heine- mann . 25s . Swayne , J . G . and W . G . Obstet- ric Aphorisms. For the use of Students commencing Midwifery Practice, llth edn. Fcap. 8vo. Pp.232. 1913. Churchill. 3s. Qd. Tweedy , E . H . , and Wrench , G . T . Practical Obstetrics. 4th edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 540. 1919. Frowde and Hodder. 21s. b. Midwifery. Andrews, H. R. Midwifery for Nurses. 5th edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 310. 1920. Arnold. 6s. Barbour, A. H. F., and Watson, B . P . Midwifery Primer . Cr . 8vo . Pp.173. 1911. W. Green. ls.6d. Berkeley, G. A Handbook of Mid- wifery : for Midwives , Maternity Nurses, and Obstetric Dressers. 5th edn. Fcap. 8vo. Pp. 550. 1920. Cassell. 7s. Qd. Andrews ,H . R . , and Fairbairn , J . S . (edited by) . Midwifery. By Ten Teachers . 2nd edn . 8vo . Pp . 784. 1920. Arnold. 30s. Bourne, A. W. Synopsis of Mid- wifery. Cr. 8vo. "Pp. 212. 1913. John "Wright . 7s . Qd . Calder, A. B. Lectures on Mid- wifery for Junior Students and Midwives. 2nd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 266. 1912. Bailliere. 6s. Questions and Answers on Mid- wifery for Midwives . 4th edn . Pp . 184/1919. Bailliere. 2s. Catechism Series. Midwifery. 2nd edn. 2 Parts. Revised by R. M. Barclay. Livingstone. Is. 9d. each. d . Wallis, C. E. An Atlas of Dental Extractions, with Notes on the Causes and Relief of Dental Pain. 2nd edn. Roy.Svo. Pp. 26 and 11 Plates. 1919. Churchill. 6s. ( Witkowski . The Tightening of Loose Teeth, some Technical Innovations. Translated from the German by E. Neumann and W. M. Gabriel. Cr. 8vo. Pp.86. 1912. Bailliere. 5s. iv. OPERATIVE DENTISTRY. Alderson, W. E. Dental Anaesthe- tics : A Text -book for Students and Practitioners, with a Contribution on Analgesia by J. Bolam. 2nd edn. Fcap. 8vo. Pp. 100. 1912. John Wright. 3s. 282 Dentistry. Bennett, N. G. (edited by). The Science and Practice of Dental Surgery. Cr.4to. Pp.797. 1914. Frowde and Hodder. 42s. Coleman, F. Extraction of Teeth. 2nd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 185. 1914. Lewis. 5s. and Hilliard, H. Anaesthetics in Dental Surgery. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 308. 1912. Lewis. 7s. Qd. Colyer , Sir J . F . Dental Surgery and Pathology. 4th edn. 8vo. Pp. 913. 1919. Longmans. 32s. and S. Dental Disease in its Relation to General Medicine. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 198. 1911. Longmans. 6s. Gibbs, J. H. The Extraction of Teeth. Demy 8vo. Pp. 16. 1912. Livingstone. 8s. Qd. Luke, T, D., and Ross, J. S. Anaesthesia in Dental Surgery. 4th edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp.264. 1919. Heinemann. 8s. Qd. Mills , G . P . , and Humphreys , H . Surgery for Dental Students . 2nd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp.352. 1919. Arnold . 14s . Sewill, H. Dental Surgery, includ- ing Special Anatomy and Patho- logy. A Manual for Students and Practitioners . 4th edn . Edited by W. J. England and J. S. Sewill. Large Cr. 8vo. Pp. 634. 1901. Bailliere. 12s. Tomes , Sir J . A System of Dental Surgery. Revised and Enlarged by C. S. Tomes and W. S. Nowell. Post 8vo . Pp . 790 . 1906 . Churchill . 15s. Underwood, A. S., and B. A Handbook on Surgery; intended for Dental and Junior Medical Students. Cr.Svo. Pp.252. 1912. Bale and Danielsson. 3s. Qd. Underwood , A . S . , and Gabell , D . Aids to Dental Surgery. 3rd edn. in the Press. Bailliere. v. MECHANICAL AND METALLURGY. Buxton. J. L. D. Handbook of Mechanical Dentistry. Demy 8vo. Pp. 269. 1920. Churchill. 16s. Fenchel, A. Metallurgy, with Special consideration of Dental Metallurgy. Translated by H. J. Morris. Demy 8vo. Pp. 299. 1911. Bale and Danielsson . 7s . Qd . Griffiths, A. B. Dental Metal- lurgy : a Manual for Students and Dentists. Demy 8vo. Pp. 200. 1908. Scott, Greenwood.* 8s. 6d. Hepburn, W. B. Notes on Dental Metallurgy . For the Use of Dental Students and Practitioners. 2nd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 262. 1915. Bailliere. 7s. 6d. Hunter, G. Mechanical Dentistry. A Practical Treatise on the Con- struction of the various kinds of Artificial Dentures. 7th edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 280. 1920. Crosby Lockwood . 5s . Mamlock , H . J . Porcelain Filling of Teeth (Inlays). Translated from the German by W. M. Gabriel. Demy 8vo. Pp. 88. 1913. Bailliere. 5s. Smith, E. A. A Manual of Dental Metallurgy. 4th edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp.301. 1920. Churchill. 12s. Qd. vi. MATERIA MEDICA AND THERAPEUTICS. Barritt, W., and A. The Simplex Handbook of Dental Materia Medica and Therapeutics . Oblong 8vo. Pp. 352. 1914. Kimpton. 7s. Qd. Glassington , C . W . Dental Materia Medica, Pharmacology and Thera- peutics. 2nd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 300. 1911. Churchill. 7s. Qd. Widdowson , T . W . Notes on Dental Sturridge, E. Dental Electro- Surgery and Pathology. Demy Therapeutics. 2nd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 357. 1915. Bale and 8vo. Pp. 320. 1918. Kimpton. Danielsson. 10s. Qd. 16s. 283 DERMATOLOGY (SKIN DISEASES). Adamson, H. G. Modern Views upon the Significance of Skin Erup- tion. DemySvo. Pp.103. 1912. Bale & Danielsson. 3.9. Gd. Davis, H. Skin Diseases in General Practice. Their Recognition and Treatment. 2nd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 352. 1921. Frowde & Hodder . 25s . Evans , W . The Diseases of the Skin . 8vo. Pp. 392. 1912. University of London Press. 10s. Qd. s . Wilson , R . M . The Care of Machinery. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 250. 1 921 . Frowde and Hodder . 1 Os . fid . ii. INDUSTRIAL ORGANISA- TION. Amar, J. The Physiology of Indus- trial Organisation and the Re-em- plovment of the Disabled. Edited with Notes and Introduction by A. F. S. Kent. Super Roy. 8vo\ Pp. 396. 1918. Library* Press. 30s . Cowee, G. A. Practical Safety Methods and Devices. Roy. 8vo\ Pp.443. 1910. Rout ledge.] 2s. 6d v Fisher, B. Industrial Loyalty: its Value, Creation, Preservation. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 79. 1918. Routledge. 2s. 6rf. Fleming. A. P. M., and Pearce, J. G. The Principles of Apprentice Training, with special reference to the Engineering Industry . Cr.Svo. Pp.216. 1916~ Longmans. 4s.6rf.. Freeman , A . Boy Life and Labour : The Manufacture of Inefficiency. DemySvo. Pp.268. 1914. King. 4s. Hamilton, C. Technical School Organisation and Teaching. 8vo. Pp. 190. 1913. Routledge. 3s. Hazell. W. H. Office Organisation for Printers. DemySvo. Pp.109. 1919. Raithby, Lawrence. 6s. Herford, R. O., Hildage, H. T., and Jenkins, H. G. Outlines of Industrial Administration based on a Course of Lectures given at Sheffield University. Demy 8vo^ Pp. 132. 1920. Pitman. 6s. 310 Scientific Management, Estimating and Costing. loteyko, J. The Science of Labour and its Organisation . Cr . 8vo . Pp . 207. 1919. Rout ledge. 3s. Gd. Jackman , W . T . The Development of Transportation in Modern Eng- land . 2Vols. Roy.Svo. Pp. 476., 368. 1916. Cambridge University Press . 24s . Lawson, F. M. Industrial Control. The Application to Industry of Direction. Control and Light. Demy 8vo. Pp. 144. 1920. Pitman. 8s. Gd. Lee, J. Management. A Study of Industrial Organisation. Demy 8vo . Pp . 135 . 1921 . Pitman . 5s . Proud, E. D. Welfare Work: Employers' Experiments for Im- proving Working Conditions in Factories. 3rd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp.388. 1918. Bell. 10s. Souster, E. G. W. The Design of Factory and Industrial Buildings. With Chapters on Welfare Work and Industrial Research Departments. DemySvo. Pp.166. 1919. Scott, Greenwood . 1 Os . Gd . Spencer , H . The Commercial Organi- sation of Engineering Factories. 8vo. Pp. 221. 1914. Spon. 12s. Gd. Williamson, J. G. Counting House and Factory Organisation. A Prac- tical Manual of Modern Methods Applied to the Counting House and Factory. Demy 8vo. Pp. 180. N.D. Pitman. 6*. Wright, H. T. Organisation as applied to Industrial Problems. 8vo. Pp. 287. 1920. Griffin. 21.9. iii. ESTIMATING AND COSTING. Burton, F. G. Engineering Esti- mating and Cost Accounts. 2nd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 134. 1900. Technical Pub . Co . 4s . Elbourne , E . T . The Costing Prob- lem. Cr. 8vo. Pp.145. 1919. Library Press. 4s. Gd. The Federation Printers' Cost- Finding System and Accountancy Systems. Demy 8vo. 1919. Raithby, Lawrence. 10s. Lunt , H . J . Manual of Cost Accounts . Demy 8vo. Pp. 152. 1920. Pit- man . 6s . Matheson, E. The Depreciation of Factories, Mining, Municipal and Industrial Undertakings, and their Valuation. 4th edn. 8vo. Pp. 230. 1910. Spon. 12s. Gd. Newman, E. W. Theory and Prac- tice of Costing. Demy 8vo. Pp. 202. 1921. Pitman. 10s. Gd. Pearn, S., and F. Workshop Costs. 2nd edn. Folio. Pp. 34 and 42 Forms. 1905. Technical Pub. Co. 15s. Ridgway, A. G. Cost Accounts in Principle and Practice. DemySvo. Pp. 120. N.D. Pitman. 5s. Smith , D . , and Pickworth , P . G . N . Engineers' Costs and Economical Workshop Production. 2nd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. 248. 1919. Emmott. 7s. Gd. Smith, T. S. Concise Costing for Housing. Folio. Pp. 54. 1920. Technical Journals , Ltd . 5s . 311 DICTIONARIES OF TECHNICAL TERMS IN ENGLISH AND OTHER LANGUAGES. Fletcher , J . J . A Pocket Glossary of English-French, French-English Technical Terms . 4th edn. Pocket size. Pp. 200. 1917. Crosby Lockwood . 2s . Garcia, A. Dictionary of Railway Terms: Spanish-English, English- Spanish. Demy 8vo. Pp. 356. 1912. Constable. 12s. Qd. Halse, E. A Dictionary of Spanish, Spanish-American, Portuguese, and Portuguese -American Mining, Metallurgical, and Allied Terms, with English-Spanish-Portuguese Supplement. 2nd edn. Cr. 8vo. Pp.454. 1914. Griffin. 12s. 6d. Hewlett, G. English-Spanish and Spanish-English Sea Terms and Phrases. Pocket size. Pp. 368. 1907. Griffin. 4s. Hodgson, E. S. Tri-Lingual Artil- lery Dictionary. 3 Vols. Pocket size. 1918. Vol. 1. English - French-Italian. Pp. 100. Vol. 2. French-Italian-English. Pp. 115. Vol. 3. Italian-French-English. Griffin. 5s. each. Horner, J. G., and Holtzmann, O. A Pocket Glossary of English- German, German-English Technical Terms. Pocket size. Pp. 300. 1913. Crosby Lockwood . 3s. 6d. Huelin, D. C. Technological Dic- tionary in the English, Spanish, German and French Languages, containing Technical Terms and Locutions employed in Arts /Trades, and Industry in General, Military, and Naval Terms . 4 Vols. Cr.Svo. Vol. 1. Eiiglish-Spanish-German- French. Pp. 609. 1906. Vol. 2. German-English-French- Spanish. Pp.720. 1908. Vol. 3. French - German - Spanish- English. In preparation. Vol. 4. Spanish -French- English- German. Pp.750. 1910. Spon. 15s. each. Jackson, W. Dictionary of English and Spanish Technical and Commer- cial Terms used principally in the Iron, Steel, Hardware ami Engineer- ing Trades. Kiiglish-Spanish, Spanish -English. 16mo. Pp. 1<>4. 1911. Spon. 3s. Lucas, F. English-French and French-English Dictionary of the Motor Car, Cycle, and Boat. Cr. 8vo. Pp.171*. 1915. Spon. 3s. Meycliar, L. English -Russian and Russian -English Engineering Dic- tionary . Embracing Terms relating to Mechanical and Marine Engineer- ing and Naval Architecture . 1 6mo . Pp. 100. 1909. Spon. 3.s. Monteverde, R. D. A Pocket Glossary of English-Spanish, Span- ish-English Technical Terms. 2nd edn. Pocket size. Pp.309. 1917. Crosby Lockwood . 3s. Qd. Purington , G . W . , and Toderovich , G. Russian-English, English-Rus- sian Mining Terms and Relative Technical Words. Pocket Size. Pp.128. 1920. Griffin. 7s. 6d. Serraillier, L. A Railway Technical Vocabulary. French, English, and American Technical Expressions relating to Railway Management. Cr.Svo. Pp.220. *1897. Pitman. 7s. Qd. 312 Dictionaries of Technical Terms. Slater, J. A. Dictionary of the Topham, J. French Technical World's Commercial Products: with Words and Phrases. An English- French, German, and Spanish equi- French and French-English Dic- valents for the Names of the Pro- tionary* 3rd edn. Pocket size, ducts. 2nd edn. Demy 8vo. Pp. Pp.320. 1919. Marlborough. 5s. 165. N.D. Pitman. 3s. 6d. Webber, E. International Technical Steenbeck, W. H. Engineers' and Dictionary in Four Languages. Erectors' Pocket Dictionary. Eng- English - Italian - French -German. lish-German -Dutch. Pitman. 2s. (yd. Fcap. 16mo. Pp. 921. 1917. Pitman. 15s. 313 LIST OF PUBLISHERS. *The Publishers denoted by the asterisk have kindly contributed, or under- taken to contribute, towards the cost of this Catalogue on the basis of payment according to the number of Titles of their books included. Aeroplane and General Publishing Co . , 61 , Carey Street , W .C .2 . Allen and Unwin, Ltd., 40, Museum Street, W.C.I. *Allman and Son, 17, Creechurch Lane, E.C.3. *Arnold (Edward) , 41 and 43 , Maddox Street, W.I. * Arrowsmith ( J .W .) , Ltd . , 1 1 , Quay Street, Bristol. Bailliere, Tindall and Cox, 8, Henri- etta Street, Covent Garden , W.C.2. Bale and Danielsson, Ltd., 83-91, Great Titchfield Street, W.I. *Batsford (B. T.), Ltd., 94, High Holborn, W.C.I. *Bell (Geo .) and Sons , Ltd . , 6 , Portu- gal Street, W.C.2. Benn Brothers, Ltd., 8, Bouverie Street, E.C.4. *Black (A. and C.), Ltd., 4-6, Soho Square , W J .' Blackie and Son, Ltd., 50, Old Bailey, E.C .4. *Blackwood (Wm.), and Sons, 36, Paternoster Row , E .C .4 . British Bee Journal, 23, Bedford Street, W.C.2. *Brown (James) and Son, 52-58, Darnley Street, Pollokshields, Glasgow . *Bryce (W.), 54, Lothian Street, Edinburgh . Burrow (E. J.), and Co., Ltd., 89, Kingsway , W .C .2 . *Cambridge University Press, St. Dunstan's House, 133-137, Fetter Lane , E .C .4 . Cassell and Co., Ltd., La Belle Sauvage , Ludgate Hill , E .C .4 . *Cassier (Louis) Co., Ltd., Bedford Street, W.C.2. *Chambers (W. and R.), Ltd., 38, Soho Square, W.I. *Chapman and Hall, Ltd., 11, Henri- etta Street, Covent Garden, W.C .2. *Christophers , 22 , Berners Street W .1 *Churchill (J. and A.), 7, Great Marlborough Street, WJ . *Clowes (W.) and Sons, Ltd, 94, Jermyn Street, S.W.I. *Constable and* Co., Ltd., 10-12, Orange Street, Leicester Square, W.C.2. * ' 'Country Life ' ' Office , 17-21 , Tavis- tock Street , Covent Garden , W .C .2 . *Crosby Lockwood , 7 , Stationer's Hall Court , Ludgate Hill , E .C .4 . Denny (A. and F.), 147, Strand, W.C. 2. *Dent (J. M.), and Sons , Ltd ., 10-13 , Bedford Street, W.C .2. *Duekworth and Co., 3, Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, W.C .2. *Emmott and Co . , Ltd . , 20 , Bedford Street, W.C .2. Faraday Society, 10, Essex Street, Strand, W.C .2. Fisher, Unwin, Ltd., 1, Adelphi Terrace, W.C .2. *Frowde and Hodder, The "Lancet ' r Building, 1 and 2, Bedford Street, W.C.2. *Gieves Publishing Co., Ltd., 13, Paternoster Row , E .C .4 . Grafton and Co., 8, Coptic Street, Bloomsbury, W.C.I. Green (W.) and Son., Ltd., 2 and 4, St . Giles Street , Edinburgh . Griffin (Charles) and Co., Ltd., 12, Exeter Street, Strand, W.C .2. 315 List of Publishers. *Gurney and Jackson , 33 , Paternoster Row, E.C .4. Harper Brothers , 45 , Albemarle Street , W.I. *Harrap (G.) and Co., Ltd., 2 and 3, Portsmouth Street. Kingswav, W.C.2. *Hatton Press, 123, Fleet Street, E.C.4. "Heffer ( W .) and Sons . , Ltd . , 4 , Petty Cury, Cambridge. *Heinemann (VV), 20 and 21 , Bedford Street, W.C.2. *Hey wood (John) , Ltd ., 20 and 22, St. Bride Street, E.C.4. His Majesty's Stationery Office, Im- perial House , 19 , Kingswav , W .C .2 . Hodder and Stoughton, St. Paul's House, Warwick Square, E.C.4. Hogg (John), 13, Paternoster Row, E.C.4. *Ilifle and Sons., fctd., 20, Tudor Street, E.C.4. Imray, Laurie, Ltd., 156, Minories, E.I. "Mack (T. C. and E. C.), Ltd., 35, Paternoster Row, E.C.4. *Jarrolds, Ltd., 10 and 11, Warwick Lane, E.C.4. * Johnston (W . and A . K .) Ltd . , Eclina Works , Edinburgh . *Kegan, Paul and Co., Ltd., 68-74, Carter Lane , E .C .4 . *Kidd (Wm.) and Sons, 7, Whitehall Street, Dundee. Kimpton (Henry), 263, High Holborn, W.C.I. *King (F.) and Sons, Halifax. King (P. S.) and Son, Ltd., 2 and 4, Great Smith Street, Westminster, S.W.I. *Lane (John), Vigo Street, W.I. *Lewis (H. K.) and Co., Ltd., 136, Gower Street, W.C.I. "Library Press, Ltd., 26, Portugal Street, W.C .2. *Livingstone (E. and S.), 17,Teviot Place, Edinburgh. *Locomotive Publishing Co . , Ltd . , 3, Amen Corner, E.C.4. *Longmans, Green and Co., 38-41, Paternoster RoV , E .C .4 . Lovell, Reeve and Co., Ltd., 6, Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, W.C .2. *Macdonald and Evans, 20. Essex Street, W.C .2. *Macdonald and Martin, 6, Essex Street, W.C .2. *Macmillan and Co., Ltd.. 10-15 , St. Martin's Street, Leicester Square, W.C .2. *Marlborough (E.) and Co., 51, Old Bailey, E.C .4. Marsden, 10-11, Fetter Lane, E.C .4. *M'Caw, Stevenson and Orr, Ltd., Belfast. *Melrose (A.), Ltd., 3, York Street, Covent Garden, W.C .2. *Methuen and Co., Ltd., 36, Essex Street, Strand, W.C .2. *Munro (Jas.) and Co., Ltd., 60, Brown Street, Glasgow. *Murby (Thomas) and Co., 1 , Fleet Lane, E.C .4. *Murray (John), 5()a, Albemarle Street, W.I. *Nelson (T.) and Sons, Ltd., 35, Paternoster Row , E .C .4 . *Newnes (G.), Ltd., 8-11, Southamp- ton Street, Strand, W.C .2. *Nisbet (J.) and Co., Ltd., 22, Berners Street, W.I *Oliver and Boyd, Twceddale Court, High Street, Edinburgh. *Oxford University Press (including Clarendon Press), Amen Corner, E.C .4. Pearson (C. A.), Ltd., 16-18, Henri- etta Street , Covent Garden , W .C .2 . *Philip (Geo.) and Son., Ltd., 32, Fleet Street, E.C .4. *Pitman (Sir Isaac) and Sons, Ltd., 39 and 41 , Parker Street , W .C .2 . *Raggett and Co., 30, Red Lion Square, W.C.I. *Raithby, Lawrence and Co., Ltd., 231 and 232, Strand, W.C .2. *Reed (Thomas), and Co., Ltd., 184, High Street West, Sunderland. 316 List of Publishers. *Rentell (S) and Co., Ltd., 36-39, Maiden Lane, W.C.2. *Rider (Wm.) and Son, Ltd., 8-11, Paternoster Row , E .C .4 . Rivingtons, 34, King Street, Covent Garden, W.C.2. *Rodger (Norman), 2, St. Dunstan's Hill,E.C.3. *Routledge (G .) and Sons , Ltd . , 68-74 , Carter Lane, E.C.4. *St . Catherine Press , Stamford Street , S.E.I. *Sampson , Low and Co . , Ltd . , 100 , Southwark Street , S .E .1 . *Sanitary Publishing Co., Ltd., 8, Breams Buildings, Chancery Lane, E.C.4. *Scientific Press, Ltd., 28 and 29, Southampton Street, W.C.2. *Scientific Publishing Co., 53, New Bailey Street, Salford, Manchester. *Scott, Greenwood and Son, 8, Broad- way , Ludgatc Hill , E .C .4 . *Scott Publishing Co . , Ltd . , 1 , Pater- noster Buildings , Paternoster Square , E .C .4 . Seeley, Service and Co., Ltd., 38, Great Russell Street, W.C.I . Sherratt and Hughes, 27, St. Ann Street, Manchester. Simpkin, Marshall and Co., Ltd., 4, Stationers' Hall Court, E.C.4. *S.P.C.K., 6, W.C.2. St. Martin's Place, *Spon (E. and F. N.), Ltd., 57, Haymarket, S.W.I. Stanford (E.), Ltd., 12-14, Long Acre, W.C.2. Swarthmore Press, 40, Museum Street ^ W.C.I. Technical Bookshop, 723, Salisbury House, E.C.2. Technical Publishing Co., Ltd., 1> Gough Square, E.C.4. *Temple Press, Ltd., 7-15, Rosebery Avenue, E.C.I. *Thacker ( W .) and Co . , 2 , Creed Lane , Ludgate Hill, E.C.4. *Thin (James), 54-56, South Bridge,. Edinburgh . *Trade Papers Publishing Co., Ltd. 329 , High Holborn , W .C .1 . *Transport. Ltd., Queen Anne's Chambers, Westminster, S.W.I . * University Tutorial Press, Ltd., 25, High Street, New Oxford Street , W.C.2. University of London Press , Ltd . , St . Paul's House, Warwick Square ^ E.C.4. *Vinton and Co., Ltd., 8, Breams Buildings, Chancery Lane, E.C.4. Warne (F.) and Co., 1-4, Bedford Court, Bedford Street, W.C.2. * Watts and Co., 17, Johnson's Court Fleet Street, E.C.4. * Williams andNorgate, 14, Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, W.C.2. * Wireless Press, Ltd., 12 and 13, Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, W.C.2. *Witherby and Co., 326, High Holborn , W .C .1 . * Wright (John) and Sons, Ltd., Stonebridge, Bristol. 317 INDEX OF AUTHORS, COLLABORATORS AND TRANSLATORS. Aarons, S. J. 275, 276 Abadie, G. 265 Abady, J. 146 Abbey, G. 185 Abbott, E. 8 P. 34,36, 37 T. K. 182 Abderhalden, E. 229 Abegg, R. 122 Abel, R. 229 Abercromby, R. 162 Abney, Sir W. de W. 102, 307 Abrahams, A. 256 Abrami, P. 245 Ackworth, A. T. 65 Acorn. 208 Acton, E. H. 202 Adam, C. 271 J. 6,255 Mrs. J. 6 P. 305 Adami, J. G. 193,239,240 Adams, H. 34, 48, 49, 50, 61, 66, 72 H. C. 57 J. E. 258 P. E. H. 269 W. P. 79 Adamson, H. G. 284 J. W. 4 R. 6, 13 Adcock, K. J. 148 Addis, A. W. C. 52 Addison, C. 221 Addymari, F. T. 104 , 213* Adiassewich, A. 45 Adie, R. H. 130, 213 Adlam, G. H. J. 150 Adler, H. 187 Agar, W. E. 196, 228 Agnew, W. A. 117 Ahrons, E. L. 83 Aikman, C. M. 213 Ainslie, D. 9, 11, 12, 13 Ainsworth -Davis , J . R . 211 , 21 2 , 214 , 215 Aitchison, L. 156 R. S. 241 Aitken, T. 52 Akers, C. E. 142 Albee, E. 4 Alcmaeon. 6 Alcock, A. 248, 259 N. H. 225 R. A. 198 Alderson, W. E. 282 Aldis, H. G. 305 W. S. 100 Aldous. J. C. P. 96 Aldridge, H. A. 68 Alexander, F. M. 193, 197 J. 45, 242 j. H. 109 S. 8 T. 42 W. 49 Altbrd, C. J. 171 Aliotta, A. 1 Allan, A. P. 290 F. J. 57, 232 Allanach, W. 106 Allbutt, Sir T. C. 1, 231, 241, 254, 270 Allen, 132 A. F. 136 A. W. 151, 154, 174 C. C. 72 C. E. 83 C. J. 52 G. T. 52 H. 87, 153 H. S. 96 J. P. 61 R. G. 114 R. W. 255, 288 Alleyne, S. F. 8 Allingham, H. W. 261 W. 162, 181 Allison, A. 237, 238 Allman, G. J. 21 Allmand, A. J. 128 Allsop, F. C. 115, 116, 117, 119 R. O. 57 Alport, A. C. 245 Amar, J. 310 319 Name Index. Amedeo, M. R. 77 Ami, H. M. 178 Amos. P. A. 139 S. 1 Anderson, D. E. 230 H. G. 255 Sir J. 43 T. W. 164 T. 167 - Sir W. 81 And^s, L. E. 139, 141, 148 Andrew, R. C. 211 Andrewes, Sir F. W. 229, 257, 262 Andrews, E. R. 143 E. S. 27, 40, 42, 43, 44, 50, 60, 67, 72, 81, 107 - H- R. 277 - S. T. G. 93 T. 21 Angles, J. W. 33 Anglin, S. 49 Ansted, A. 181 Appelt, A. 252 Appleton, H. A. 141 A . R . B . 52 , 83 Arber, A. 198 - E. A. N. 170, 205 Archbutt, L. 74 Archer, R. L. 175 Archibald, R. C. 34 - R, D. 112 Archimedes. 3, 22 Aristotle. 6 Ark wright, J. A. 245 - J. P. 64 Annand-Delille, P. 24:" Armitage, F. P 122 Armstead, H. W. 224 Armstrong, E. F. 130 - H. E. 1. H. G. 245 S. F. 212 - W. E. M. 288 Arnall. 52 Arnold, E. V. 6 - H. T. 180 J. O. 156 R. B,. 8 Arrhenius, S. 134 Arrol, Sir W. and Co. 49 Arthur, D. 104 Arup, P. S. 132 Arvedson, J. 287 Asch, D. 149 W. 149 Ash, E. 251 Ashby, A. W. 214 Ashby, H. 225 *H. T. 279 Ashcroft, H. J. 64 Ashdown, A. M. 294 Ashenhurst. T. R. 300 Ashford, C. E. 112 Ashton, W. 169 Askling, C. W. 87 Ask with, E. H. 30, 32 Assheton, R. 222, 223 Aston, W. G. 80, 92 Atack, F. W. 125, 147 Atcherley, L. W. 49 Athorton, W. H. 44, 70 Atkins, E. A. 77 W. 119 - W. R. G. 201 Atkinson, E. H. De V. 23 - G. F. 198 - J. C. 192 - S. B. 237 Attwood, E. L. 70, 71 Audley, J. A. 149 Auerbach, S. 252 Aught ie, H. 42, 74 Auld, S. J. M. 183, 213 Austen, E. E. 229, 287 - Sir W. C. R. 153 Austin, E. 117 Avan K in i. 92 A vebury . Lord , 4 , 1 67 , 1 87 , 1 97 , 1 iS 201 Aveling, F. 8 Avery, A. H. 113 - M. 232 44 Avion." 92 Axenfeld, T. 209 Ay ling, R. S. 63, 234 Ayre, A. L. 70 Ayrton, W. E. 109 Babbage, C. 37 Babinski, J. 252 Back, I. 260 Bacon, G. 91 - R. 2, 3 Badger, F. E. G. 53 Badham, M. D. 204 Bagnall, J. E. 204 Bahr, P. H. 230 Bailey, G. C. 91 - G. H. 122, 133 Baillie. J. B. 10 T. C. 109 Bain, A. 13, 15 Bainbridge, F. A. 225, ii7 Baines, A. E. 17, 201, 227 Bairstow, L. 91, 92 320 Name Index. Baker, G. S. 70 H. F. 21, 23 j. G. 205 - J. L. 137 R. T. 205 T. 50 T. T. 101, 119, 132 W. M. 25, 28, 30, 32, 36, 40 Bald, C. 218 Baldrey, F. S. H. 296 Baldwin, J. M. 9, 15 Bale, M. P. 56, 73, 77, 84, 87 Bales, T. 62 Balfour, A. 258 F.M. 222 T.B. 170, 199, 201, 202, 203, 204 Baifour-Browne, F. 187 Ball, Sir C. B. 257 J . D . W . 66 Sir R. S. 39, 40, 56, 159, 160, 167 W. P. 193 W. V. 50 W. W.R. 21, 22 Ballance, Sir C. A. 251, 265 Ballantyne , A . J . 254 , 269 J . W . 222 , 241 , 275 , 276 Ballard,E. F. 253 F. 66 P.B. 15, 17 W.E. 62 Ballet, G. 252 Ballin,M. J. 274 Balls, W.L. 218, 297 Balsillie, D. 9 Baly,E. C. C. 127 Bamford , H . 44 Bandelier , B . 249 , 288 Bangay, R. D. 120 Bariham , G . A . 296 Banister, J. B. 277 Banks, H. S. 264 Bannatyne , G . A . 249 Barber , T . W . 49 , 72 Barbour , A . H . F . 276 , 277 -W. 150 Barclay , A . E . 105 H. C. 225 R . M . 253 , 277 W.R. 118 Barcroft , D . M . 265 J. 226, 241 Bardswell , N . D . 249 , 288 Barker, G. 132 Barbara, G. B. 116 Barker, A. 218 Barker, A. E. 258 A . F . 297 , 300 , 301 A. H. 28, 47, 142 Sir D. W. 181, 182 E. R. 114 Barlow, 37 C.W.C. 106,159 G. 96 - W . S . L . 239 , 240 Barnaby, S. W. 70, 85 Barnard, F. P. 4 H. C. 176 H. L. 265 J. E. 196 R . J . A . 40 S . 25 , 30 Barnes, A. A. 53 Barnett , E . de B . 130,131,145,146, 150 H.N. 237, 252, 260 Barr, J. R. 112 W. 289 Barrett, C. G. 187 E.G. 75 , 77 Sir J. W. 231 Barritt , A . 283 W. 283 Barren , P . A . 80 Barrow , 1 . 21 Barrowcliff, M. 151 Barter, S. 64 Barthel, C. 215 Bartlett, F. C. 13 Barton , E . H . 40 , 42 , 102 F. T. 216, 296 G. A. H. 262 Barwell, H. 274 R. 268 Barwise, S. 57 Basset , A . 249 A . B . 29 Bassett, H. LI. 122 Bastin, H. 187, 204 Bate, A. H. 112 Bateman , H . 29 , 100 Bater, C. H. 137 Baterden , J . R . 208 Bates, A. 68 E . L . 24 , 33 , 42 Bateson , W . 193 Batey, J. 84, 310 Bath, W. H. 187 Batstone, S. C. 117 Batten , F . E . 280 Battle, J. R. 74 W. H. 258,265 Bauer, G. 85, 89 321 Name Index. Bauer, H. 122 Bausor, H. W. 122, 125, 133, 134 Baxandall, G. A. 33 Bay ley, R.C. 307 T. 125 Bayliss, W. M. 195, 225, 227, 287 Bayly, H. W. 246 Beacall,T. 147 Beadle, C. 142, 148 Beale.SirW.P. 164 Bean, W..T. 208 Bear, W.E. 217 Beare, J. I. 6 T. H. 40 Beard more, N. 58 Beattie, J. C. 162 J.M. 239,240,260 Beatty, J. 227 Beaumont , R . 299 , 300 W.M. 271 W. W. 118 Beavan , R . 191 Beazeley, A. 52, 55 Bea/ley C. R. 175 Bet-k,E. G. 67 Beddard, A. P. 226 F.E. 185, 190, 198 Beddoes,T.P. 291 W.F. 208 Bedford. C.H. 239 E. J. 807 Beech, F. 299 Beesly, L. 221 Beano, F.T. 307 Bega, C. 236 Bell, G. J. 44 J. 119, 196 R. 248 R..T.T. 30,82 T.F. 298 W. B. 228, 265, 275 Bellamy, E. 221 Bellasis,E. S. 53, 55 Bellot,H. H. L. 172 Bellow, H.R. 149 Beneden, P. J. 190 Benett, W. 11 Bengough , G . D . 133 , 154 Benham, F. L. 237 Benn, A. W. 4, 6 Bennett, A. 203 A.G.D. 254,267 A. H. 231 H. G. 149 H. W. 307 N. G. 283 R. R. 291 Bennett, S. B. 57 W. 193 Bennie, A. B. 268 P.B. 268 Benson, S. F. 93 Bentham, G. 3, 198,205 Bentley, VV. 72, 75 Bergson , H . 9,10 Berinser. C. 156 J. J. 156 Berkart , J . B . 255 Berkeley. 10 C ." 275 , 276 H. 22 H.R. 151 M. J. 204,205 Bernard, D. H. 182 H.M. 224 Bernstein, 15 Bernthsen, A. 131 Berrimnn, A. E. 79, 92 Berry, A. 159 *A. G. V. 144 A. J. 134, 162 G. A. 269 G.G. 7 R. J. A. 221 W.H. 91 Bersch, J. 141, 146 Berthelot , M . 150 Bertrand, G. 134 Besant, W. II. 29,40,42 Bevan, E. J. 135, 148 J.O. 6 Beveridge , W . W . . 232 Bevis, A. W. 47 J.F. 198 Beyer, O. W. 18 Beyschlag, F. 165 Bianchi, L. 253 Bichel,C.E. 150 Bickford, J. S. V. 79 Biddulph -Smith, T. 145 Bidgood, J. 184 Bidwetl, A.L. 265 L. A. 263 Biedermann, E. A. 113 W. 227 Bigelow,M.A. 184 Bigg,G. S. 257 R. H. 268 Biggs, G. N. 273 Bigwood, G. 297 Biles, Sir J. H. 70 Billington, W. 257 Binet, A. 15, 19, 280 Binnie, Sir A. R. 56 322 Name Index. Binnie, F. G. 288 Binns, C. F. 149 Binstead, H. E. 64 Bird, C. 166 H. 49 Birks, F. 60 Birnbaum , R . 276 Bishop, E. S. 258, 263 L. F. 254 Bjorkegren , M . E . 224 Bjorling, P. R. 56, 72, 146 Black, J. 3 Blackburn, C. J. 91 Blacker, G. 276 Blackhall-Morison, A. 254 Blackham, R. J. 236 Blackmur, W. J. 77 Blackwood, W. 299 Blagrove , G . H . 62 Blaine, R. G. 28, 37, 56 Blair, C. 271 Blake, A. J. J. 221, 224 E. 120 E. G. 62 E.H. 57 W. J. 94 Blanc , L . 289 Blanco, A. E. 301 Bland, N. 300 Bland-Sutton. Sir J. 260, 267, 275 Blpnford, H. F. 162 Bligh, S.M. 15 W. G. 49 Bloch, I. 228 L . 59 Blocksidge, E. W. 70 Blok, A. 59 Blomfield, J. 262 Blount,B. 66, 136 Bloxam, A. G. 122, 136 Blum, V. 258 Blyth, A. W. 235, 238 M. W. 235,238 Blythe,E. 109 Bocher , M . 23 Bockmann, F. 151 Bodmer , G . R . 56 Boelter,W.R. 184 Bohle, F. 113, 117 Bo lam, J. 282 Boldt, J. 270 Bolton , E . R . 139 J. S. 252, 256 Bon,G.Le. 20, 103 Bonacina, L. C. W. 162 Bonar, J. 6 Bone , W . A . 144 Bonhote, J. L. 192 Bonner, J. 308 Bonney, G.E. 115, 118 S. G. 168 T. G. 167, 168 V. 275, 276 Bonnier, G. 198 Boodle, L. A. 203 Booth, N. 301 W. H. 57, 83, 142, 143 Boraston, J. M. 192 Borchardt, W. G. 25, 34, 36, 40 Borradaile, L. A. 186 Bos, J.R. 214 Bosanquet, B. 9, 11, 12, 13 W. C. 240, 243, 256, 287 Bose, Sir J. C. 199, 201, 227 Bosvvell, P. G. H. 169 Bosworth , G . F . 21 1 Bottler, M. 150 Bottomley, J. T. 37 Bottone, A. E. Ill S. R. Ill, 115, 117, 118, 120 Boulenger, G. A. 191, 192 Boulger , G . S . 1 98 , 206 , 208 P . S . 203 Boumois, H. P. 52, 58 Boulton, 4 B.C. 64 Boulvin > M . J . 81 Bourcart . E . 152 Bourgeois , H . 273 Bourget , J . 265 Bourne, A. A. 25, 30, 36 A. W. 277 G. C. 224 Bourry , E . 65 Bousfleld. E. C. 308 G. 208 P. 19 Boutroux , E . 6 Bowden -Smith, E.G. 56, 84 Bower, C. O. 157 F. O. 2, 189, 202, 228 W.R. 96 Bowers, R. S. 47, 64 Bowie, P.G. 67 Bowker, W.R. Ill , 117 Bowlby, Sir A. A. 262 Bowley, A. L. 22, 38 Bowling , G . S . 39 Bowman , F . H . 297 Box, C.R. 221,239 T . 43 , 53 Boyce, Sir R. W. 236, 248 Boycott, G. W.M. 71 Boyd, J. 208 323 Name Index. Boyle, H.E. G. 262 Boys,C. V. 72, 100 Brace, T. S. 308 Brackenbury, L. 15 Bradbury, F. 218, 301 Bradby, M. K. 18, 19 BradleV, F. A. 56 F. H. 9 O. C. 192, 295 Bragg, Sir W. H. 103, 105, 164 - W.L. 164 Bragstad, O. S. 114 Braham, F. 218 Braithwaite, A. 308 Brame, J. S. S. 123, 143 Bram ley-Moore, S. 79 Brand /A. 302 - A.T. 243 Brand is, SirD. 208 Branford , B . 22 Branson, W. P. S. 239 Brassey, 70 Braun, J. 289 -M. 248 Braune, W. 221 Brearley, A. W. 157 H. 157 - J. H. 145 Breitland, W. J. 128 Bremner, A. G. 88 Brenchley, W. E. 202, 212 Brend, W. A. 237,238 Brent, C. 182 Bresslau, E. 193 Brett, G. S. 15 Brew, W. 114 Brewer, R. W. A. 79 Brewerfon, E. W. 209 Brickdale, J. M. F. 245, 292, 293, 294 Bridge, R.S. 176 Bridger, A.E. 15 Bridges, J. H. 2 Briggs, F. W. 146 H. 50 > W. 1,25,26,32,33,34,39,40, 42,122, 133, 134 Brigham , A . A . 21 6 Bright, C. 91 T. 214 Brightmore, A. W. 49, 57 Brill, A. A. 19 Brindley. 3 Brinton , R.S. 302 Briscoe, H. V. A. 129 Brislee, F. J. 143 Bristow, W.R. 267 Bristowe, J. S. 241, 251 Britten, F. J. 78 Broad , C . D . 9 Broadbent, F. Ill Sir J.F.H. 254 W. 231 - Sir W. H. 231, 254 Broadfoot, S. K. Ill Broca, A. 266, 267 Brockbank, E. M. 237, 254, 255. 279 Brodetsky, S. 24 Brodie,C.G. 221 Bromley, H. A. 148, 305 Brook , J . 45 Brooke , G . E . 232 , 258 H.B. 252 T. 145 Brooker, A. 107 Brooks, E.E. 106, 117 G. 89 L. 178 Brooksmith, J. 36 Brose, H. L. 104 Broun rdel, P. 237 Brough, B. H. 50 J. W. 172 Broughton, H. H. 74 Broun, A. F. 208 Brown, 182 A. 298 A.J. 137 C. 162 -C.H. 181 E. 218 E. T. 215 E. W. 1, 160 -G.E. 307 - Sir H . 55 -H. 218, 290 J. C. 122, 133 J.D. 305 - J.R. 182 L.C. 219 -R.N.R. 176 S. E. 96 -S.W. 120 W. 17 - W.C. 245, 258 W. L. 156, 225, 251 , 285 W.N. 68,78 Browne, A. J. J. 168, 169 C. L. 72 E . A . 233 F. B. 187 H. S. 262 T.G. 295 Browning, C. H. 229, 246 324 Name Index. Brownlie , T . A . 55 Brubaker , A . P . 225 , 226 Bruce , B . J . 1 23 SirD. 246 G.R. 85 J.M. 285 . 249 W. 252 W. I. 105 Bruck, W.F. 212 Bruges , C . E . 58 Brunings, W. 274 Brunner, R. 139 Brunt , D . 15 Brunton, Sir T. L. 254, 256 Bryan, G. H. 25, 26, 31 , 32, 34, 39, 40 , 42 , 92 M.T. 294 Bryant, V. S. 123, 176 W. W. 2 Bryce . A . 257 T. H. 222 Bryson , T . 50 Buchanan, A.M. 221 E.E. 37 J. F. 154, 157 J.Y. 96 R. J. M. 237 Buck , P . C . 103 R . C . 26 , 34 Buckley , R . B . 55 Buckmaster, G. A. 225, 241 Bucknill, J. C. 237 Buckton, G. B. 187 Budden , E . 30 Budge, SirE. A. W. 231 Buhler,F. A. 136 Bull, J. 278 Buller, A.H.R.204 Bullork, A.B. 11 .I.E. 249 W. 208 Bulman, H. F. 172 Bunting, W. L. 178 Burbury, S. H. 100 Burch/G. J. 101 Burchett , R . 30 Burdett, M. I. 291 Burghard, F. F. 260, 261, 263, 264, 265 Burke, E. T. 246 Burleigh, D. H. 133 Bur ley, G. W. 75 Burls, G. A. 88, 94 Burnet . E . 229 J. 6, 243, 280, 284, 286 Sir R . W . 286 Burnford,.T.M. 240 Burnham, F. W. E. 241 G . H . 272 M. H. 171 Burns , C . D . 6 D. 172, 173 G..J.61 Burnside , W . 27 , 49 W. S. 26 Burrell , B . A . 235 E.J. 61 Bursill, A. 116 Burstall , F . W . 88 , 100 Burton, E. F. 128 F. G. 310, 311 W. K. 56 Burton-Fanning, F. W. 249 Bury, J. 243 J.B. 9 Busquet , R . 53 Butcher ,W.D. 227 Butler,D.B. 66 E. 54, 73, 79, 87, 143 E. A. 187 E. J. 212 H..T. 79 But ler- Jones, F. 137 Buttel-Reepen, H. 197 Butterfield , W . J . A . 143 Butterworth , F . 85 Buxton , D . W . 262 J. L.D. 283 Buzzard , E . F . 252 , 285 Byam , W . 244 Byles , C . B . 52 Byrom,T.H. 145,171 Bythell, W..T. S. 105 Cadbury , G . 68 Cadiot ," P . J . 295 Cahen,E. 165 Cain,J.C. 123,124,146,147 Caird,F.M. 260 W. J. 181 Calcare . 66 Caldecott , W . A . 155 Calder,A.R. 277 Caldwell,W. 9 Calisch,L. 117 Callan,T. 146 Callendar , H . L . 81 , 84 , 99 Calmette,A. 287 Calot,F. 267 Calthrop, E.R. 55 Calvert , A . F . 151 , 165 , 169 G. T. 151 H.T. 58, 122, 137 Calwell,W. 285 325 Name Index. - 'Cambridge Graduates . " 2 Cameron, C. A. 213 H. C. 279, 280 S. J. 275 Camm.F.J. 75,93 S. 93 Cammidge , P . J . 239 , 257 , 266 , 286 Campbell , Miss A . 279 A. 143, 144 A.W. 239 H. 240 H.J. 184,226 H. Y. 278 .I.E. 27 M. 226 N. R. 96, 106 Campin,F. 72 Camus, J. 287 "Candidus." 79 Candolle, 202 Candy, H. C. H. 96,125,132 Cannons , H . G . T . 805 Cantell,M.T. 66 Cantrill,T.C. 172 Capito, C. A. A. 39 Cap*tick,.T. W. 103 Card,S.F. 94,180 Carey, A.E. 52, 55 F. S. 28 Cargill,L. V. 262 Carless, A. 261 Carling,E.R. 262 Carnegie, D. 124,153 Carpenter, A. 182 G. 247 G.H. 187 J. A. 123 W.B. 196 W.L. 140 Carpmael,H. 119 Carr,F.H. 151 H. W. 9, 104 Carrel, A. 285 Carroll, J. A. 255 J.H. 244 Carruthers, T. 239 Carslaw,H.S. 28,34,35 Carson, H.W. 262 Carter, A. H. 242 E.E. 302 H.G. 205 H.R. 297,298,299,300,307 T. 114 Case,J. 81,112 Caspari,W.A. 142 Cassidy, L. 246 M . E . 258 Castel 1 -Evans, J. 125 Castellani, A. 258 Castle, F. 24, 36, 37, 47 W. F. 287 Catchpool.E. 103 Cathcart , C . W . 77 , 260 , 267 E.P. 134 Caton , R . 254 Caunt,G.W. 28,52 Cavanagh , F . 232 Cave,C. J.P. 162 Caven , R . M . 126 , 129 , 133 Cavendish, H. 106 Cavers, F. 198,202 Cayley,A. 21 Chad wick, O. 51 Chalkley, A. P. 88, 89 Challenger, F. 144, 147 Chalmers, A. J. 258 J. A. 173 J.B. 44 T. W. 45, 140, 148 Chamberlain, A. 198 J. 800 Chamberlin,T.C. 166 Chambers, G. F. 159, 160 -G.M. 50 Chance, E.J. 268 Chandley,C. 146 Channer,C.C. 302 Chaplin, A. 244,286 Chapman, A. C. 187 A.E. E.H. 175 162 .I.E. 249 R.W. 159 S. J. 297 Chappell, 87 Charlesworth , F . 24 , 83 , 42 , Charleton, A. G. 173 Charnock , G . F . 72 Charpentier, P. 208 Charteris, F. J. 242 M. 242 Chatley , H . 45 , 49 , 53 , 56, 92 , 162 Chatterton, F. 62 Chavasse, P.H. 278 Chcremeteff, A. 203 Cheshire, F. R. 216 Cheyne , S ir W . W . 249 , 260 Child, H. 271,285 J.M. 25, 30,35 Childe,C.P. 263 Chisholm, G.C. 176,177 J. 57 Chivers , G . T . -34 Cholmeley,H. P. 231 326 Name Index. Chope , R . H . 37 Choyee,C.C. 260 Chree,C. 162 Christ ian,M. 139 Christiansen, C. 97 Christie, A. H. 302 Christopher, .I.E. 145 Christopherson , W . B . 258 , 288 , 289 Christy, C. 142 Chrystal,G. 26 Chubbe, C.P.B. 258 Church , A . H . 123 , 141 , 198 Churchill, J.H. 244 Churchward , A . 197 Clapham,C.B. 36,43,45 J. H. 297 Claparede,E. 18 Clapperton , G . 148 Clark , A . G . 94 D. K. 52, 72 H. 289 H . E . 221 J . B . 37 L. 45, 160, 307 Clarke.A.G. 79 E. 271 G. A. 162 H. 249 H.T. 131, 132 J . J . 248 , 268 J. W. 56, 58, 61 R. F. 18 W.B. 266 Clarkson, G.T. 94 S. S. 136 Claude, G. 129 Claxton, W.J. 184 Clay, A. S. 51 F. 12 J. 221 R . S . 100 Claypon, J.E.L. 235 Clayton, C.H.. I. 215 E.G. 235 S . C . 53 W. 140 Clayton- Greene , W . H . 264 Cleghorne, W. S.H. 215 Cleland.E.D. 173 Clemow,F.G. 236 C lemesha , W . W . 58,229 Clerk , D . 88 Clibbens,D. A. 127 Clifford, W.K. 21 Clinton, W. C. 59, 116 Clodd,E. 194 Clough,G.W. 151 dough , W . T . 1 Clouston , Sir T . S . 232 , 253 Clouth,F. 142 Clowes, F. 100,123,133 Cobb , I . G . 252 , 256 Cobbett , L . 249 Cochrane , A . W . R . 289 Cockerell,D. 305 Cockin,T.H. 172 Cocking, W.C. 67 Cocks , O . IT . 24 Cockshott . A . 31 Codd,L. 126 - M. A. 88, 115 Coffey,P. 18 Coghlan,H.L. 218 jle. 181 ien,J.B. 124,131,143 Colbeck,E.H. 286 Cole, G. A. .T. 164,166,168 M.J. 196 R.H. 253 R. S. 307 S. W. 134 W.H. 53 Coleman,F. 283 J.B. 123,133,213 P. 32 T.E. 54,58,62,66 W.S. 187 Coles, A. C. 196,229,254 Colledge,L. 273 Collen,H.L. 178 Collet, H. 57 Collie, A. 246 A.E. 292 Sir J. 19, 237 Collin , A . 147 E. 235 Collings,E.R. 85 Collingwood , R . G . 8 Collins, H.F. 154 J.H. 165 S. H. 220 V. E. 242 Collis,A.G. Ill A . J . 259 F. L. 259 Collum,R.W. 262 Coltman-Rogers , C . 208 Colver. E. de W. S. 150 Colwell, H.A. 105,134 Co Iyer, F. 56 SirJ.F. 257,263,283 S. 283 Compayre" , G . 4 Comrie', J.D. 242 327 Name Index. Comrie,P. 36 Connan.J.C. Ill Connor, W. J. 84 Const a nt ine , E . 85 Con way, A. W. 104 Sir M . 20 Cook , 301 C.W. 70 E.T. 208 J . B . 294 M.T. 212 SirT. A. 12 Cooke , A . 260 B. W. 53 -J.B. 126 M.C. 198,203,204 T. 221 Coolidge, J. L. 29,34 Coombs , C . F . 242 257 201 233 Cooper, A. C.S. E. A. E.S. 145 I.C.G. 70 J.W.A. 251 - W.R. 109, 115, 155 Cope.Z. 245,264 Cope land, E. B. 218 Copeman , S . M . 288 Copestake,B. M. G. 287 Coppock , J . B . 1 34 , 171 Corbett-Smith, A. 257 Corbin,H.E. 97 T.W. 49,72 Corder,G.A. 165 Corner , E . M . 257 , 258 , 261 , 265 Cornet, G. 249 Corstorph i ne , G . S . 1 69 Costa, B. F. B. Da. 248 Coste,.T.F. 142,143,146 Cotar, C. 287 Cottam.A. 161 Cotter, J.R. 99 Cotterill, J.H. 42 Cottrell, H.E.P. 129 Coulthurst, S.L. 308 Coup land, W. C. 10 Cour, J. L. La. 114 Courcoax , Dr . 264 Coursey,P.R. 120 Courtenay,E. 295 Courtois-Suffit. 246 Coutts,H.T. 305 Coux,H.dela. 137 Cow,D.V. 292 Cowan , J . 254 T.W. 216,217 Coward, H. F. 125 T. A. 192 Cowee,G.A. 310 Cowell,W.B. 140 Cowie.G.A. 218 Cowley,W.L. 92 Cox,J. 39,103 -L.E. 202 S. H. 165, 171 Coyle , D . 114 Crabtree.H. 45 - J. H. 187, 307 Cracknell , A . G . 24 , 26 , 31 , 37 Craig, E. H. C. 143. 169 - J. 295 M. 242 - W. 291 Cramer, W. 134,228 Cramp, W. 112, 113 Crane, W. 305 Crapper,E.H. 118 Crawford , W . J . 40 , 81 Crawfurd,R. 231,285 Creagh-Osborne, F. 94 Cree.A. 74 Creedy,F. 118 Creighton , C . 248 , 249 , 276 .I.E. 17 Cremona, L. 32, 40 Cressy,E. 4 Crile.G.W. 252 Crimp, W.S. 58 Cripps,H. 257,265 Crisp, F. 196 Crispin, E.S. 258 Critchell, J. T. 4 Critchley, H. 237 Croce, B. 9, 11, 12, 13 Crocker, H. R. 284 Crockett , T. 175 Crofton. W.M. 249,287 Crook, H.K. 289 - T. 165 Crookes , Sir W . 1 33 , 1 37 , 2 1 8 , 220 Crookshank , F . G . 243 Cross, C. F. 135, 148 F. 120. 180 H.E. 296 -H.H.U. 118 M. I. 196 W.E. 100 Crossley-Holland , W . 291 Crotch, A. 119 Crow , D . A . 282 Crow ley. 233 Crowther, J. A. 2.97,103 Crozier,J.B. 6 328 Name Index. Cruchet,R. 255 Cryer,T. 42,47 Cubitt, H. 63 Cutf,H.E. 294 Cullingworth, C. J. 277 Cullis . C . E . 27 Cullyer,J. 214 Culpin , M . 253 Cumberbatch , K , P . 244 , 290 dimming, A. C. 124, 134 D. 304 L. 106 Cunning,J. 260,279 Cunningham , B . 54,61 D.J. 22 E. 104 J. T. 187, 191 Cunnington , C . W . 278 S. 21 Cunynghame , H . H . 78 Curgenven , J . S . 286 Curr, A.L. 177 Curry, C. E. 100, 106 W.T. 56 Curtis, A. H. 165 C.E. 208, 214 Curtler, W. H. R. 215 Curwen , K . M . 233 Cushny , A . R . 227 , 292 Cutler,H.A. 52 Cuyer,E. 224 Da' Costa , B . F . B . 248 Dahlstrom, K. P. 84 Dakin, W. J. 186, 190 Dalby,W.E. 81,83 Dale,,T.B. 37,47 Dales , J . H . 47 Dallinger, W. H. 196 Dalton, G. 257 J. 3 Dampier-Bennet , A . G . 254 , 267 Dana,C.L. 251 Danby, A. 169 Dancaster , E . A . 66 , 1 29 Dander, M.M. 94 Daniel, P. L. 249 Daniels, C.W. 259 G. W. 297 Darby, J.C.H. 114 Darbyshire, H. 75 D'Arcy,C.F. 11 Dargon, J. 91 Darling, C. R. 97,99 H . C . R . 233 , 263 Darwin, C. 3, 185, 190, 194, 197, 198,202 SirF. 1,3,194,199,202 Darw in, Sir G . H . 1 , 160 Davenport, C. 305 J . A . 66 Davey,H. 56 N. 89 David, H.E.F. 147 Davidge , H . T . 109 Davidson , Sir J . M . 262 P. W. 78 Davies , A . M . 170 , 187 , 233 B . H . 79 D. 51 F. H. 72, 117 G. M. 165 G. MacD. 169 J. 153 P.J. 58 S. H. 137 Davis, A. 3 C. F. L. 307 F. 279 G . B . 58 H. 284 H.N. 81 J.R.A. 199, 202, 211, 212, 214, 215 R. F. 32 R. H. 71 W. 300 W. A. W.B. Davison, C. 233 Daw, A. W. S. W. Z. W. ]32 193 26,28,30,32, 35, 167, 74, 172 267 74, 172 Dawe,E.A. 305 Dawson , E . R . 228 P. 117 Day,J.R. 249 Deakin , R . 26 , 34 Dean, A. 61 Deane,H.E. 287 P.E. 231 Deanesly,E. 266 Deare , B . H . 292 Dearie, N.B. 1 DeBary,A. 199,202 Deeley,R.M. 74 Deerr,N. 218 Dehelly, G. 285 Delbos, L. 45, 182 Delille,P.A. 245 Dell,. T. A. 18 DeMartel,T. 265 De Montmorencv , J . E . Dendy,A. 194 G. 4 329 Name Index. Denby,M. 280 Deniker, .1. 197 Denning , D . 64 Dennis, H..T. 48 Denny, A. 189 C. W. 119 G . A . 173 Denton,F.M. 112/113 Depe>et,C. 185 Des.iint,A. 68 Descartes . 10 Desch.C.H. 66,156 Despard, L. L. 287 Detmer.W. 202 Deussen, P. 9 Devey,R.G. 116 De Villamil, R. 42, 93, 103 Devi Hers, R. 92,94 DeVries.D. 75 H. 194 Dewar,SirJ. 102 Dewey.J. 6 De Wulf , M . 6 Dexter, S. G. F. 18 D ' He 1 iecourt , R . 307 Dichmann, C. 157 Dick,J.R. 114 Dickson, A. A. C. 173 H.N. 162 J.M. 146 L.E. 26 W.E. 240 Dieterich, K. 141 Dieulafoy,G. 242 Digby.K.H. 288 Digges,.T.G. 217 Dighton,C.A. 274 Dilling, W..T. 285 Dimond. L. 244 Diophantus. 22 Diver, E. W. 219 Dixie, A. E. 94 Dixon , A . C . 23 A.F. 223 C. 192 F.E. 50 H.H. 202 S. G. 229 W.E. 293 Dobbie,M.L. 287 Dobbin, L. 123,151 Dobbs,H.J. 30* W.J. 24,39,40 Dobell.C. 190 Doberick.W. 37 Dobson,B. 297,298.301 Dodd, S. 278 Dodgson, J. W. 213 Dollar, J. A. W. 217,295 Dolmage, C. G. 159 Dominici,M. 289 Dommett,W.E. 37, 45, 71, 72*79, 88, 94 Domville, E. J. 294 Fife,C.W. 71 Don,J. 57,98,181 Donald, A. 277 Donaldson,L. 309 R. 241 Doncaster, L. 194, 195, 196 Donington, G. C. 123 Donkin,B. 88 E.M. 85 S.B. 85 Donnan, F. G. 1 . . Dore,S.E. 289 Dorey , A . 46 Douulas,A.H. 6 C. 6 C.C. 231 Dover. A. T. 116 117, 118 Dow.J.S. 59 Downie,J.R. 154 Dowse, T.S. 287 Dowsett, H. M. 120, 121 Dowson , J . E . 143 Doyen , E . 262 Doyle, K.D. 55 Draper, C. H. 99 J. W. 4 Dreaper,W.P. 123,147 Drever,J. 15 Drew.W.H. 81 Dreyer, J.L.E. 159 Driesch, II. 9 Driffield, V.C. 307 Drinkwater, H. 194 Dron,R.W. 169 Drought, C.W. 245 Druce,G.C. 199,201 205,206 Druery.C.T. 205 Drummond , I . M . 184 J. 263 M. 18,202,259 W.B. 18,233,242,259,280 Drury,F.E. 61 Drysdale, C. V. 113,115 Dubosc,A. 142 Duchene , E . A . 92 Ducroquet , D . 267 Duddington , N . A . 10 Dudgeon , G . C . 211 L.S. 229 Duerr, G. 299 330 Name Index. Duff, C.M. 9 Duly,S.J. 165 Dumbleton , G . R . 94 Dumesny, P. 151 Bumville, B. 18 J. 300 Dunbar . 58 Duncan , D . 3 F.M. 212, 308 J. 39, 42, 81, 97 W. G. 173 Dundas Grant , J . 273 Dunk,.T.L. 103 Dunkerley,S. 43,54 Dunkley , W . G . 35 . 47 , 73 Dunlop , H . C . 37 Dunn.J.T. 1 W. 67 Dunnicliff , H . B . 123 , 130 Dunraven , Earl of . 3 80 Dunstan , A . K . 1 , 123 , 127 , 131 , 144 Dunstan, W. R. 218 Dunton,W.F. 116 Buprat.L. 11 Bupr,A. 129 Dupuy, G.M. 264 Durell, C.V. 30,31 Durham , H . W . 77 Durrant,J.H. 190 R. G. 130 Duthie, A. L. 68, 149 J . F . 206 Button, T. 242,256 Duval , P . 264 Dwerryhouse , A . R . 168 Dye,F. 58,59 F. W. 60 Dyer, Sir W. T. T. 205,206 Dykes, W.R. 199 Dymes,T.A. 199 Dymond,T.S. 213 Dyson, Sir F. W. 159 S . S . 1 36 Eagles , T . H . 31 Ealand, C. A. 187, 196 Earp , J . R . 255 Easdale,W.C. 58 Eason , A . B . 100 Eastlake , A . 144 Eastman, C. R. 170 Eastwood , G . S . 26 Eaton, R.B. 61 Eccles , A . S . 287 J . R . 99 , 100 W. H. 120 W . McA . 221 , 257 ,' 266 Eck , J . 59 , 100 Ecker,A. 192 Eddington , A . S . 104 , 160 Ede, G. 153 Fden,T.W. 275,277 Eder,M.D. 19,253 Edgar,.!. 75 J.C. 276 Edgcumbe,K. 115 Edge,F.J. 52 Edmonds, H. 199 Edmondson , T . W . 31 , 33 Edmunds , A . 254 , 260 Edridge-Green, F. W. 271 Edser,E, 97,99,100 Edwardes, E. J. 231 Ker,D.R. 213 Edwards, A. T. 260 C. A. 153 F . S . 257 J. 28, 187 Egmont , E . 289 Eichhorn,G. 120 Eiffel, G. 92 Einstein, A. 104 Eisner, A. W. 251,288 Eissler.M. 154,174 Ekin,T.C. 54 . Elbourne , E . T . 310 , 311 Elbs,K. 129 Elder, A. V. 260 - G . 280 Elderton,E.M. 38,44 W.P. 38 Elgie,J.H. 162 Eliot. M.E.Y. 51 Eliott, A. W.M. 45 Elliot, G. F. S. 197, 199 H.S. 194 R. H. 269, 270, 271 Elliott, C. 206 E.B. 27 J.S. 231 Ellis. 221 -A.G. 111,113, B . E . 303 C. W. 65 D. 199, 229 E. T. 199 G . 47 , 64 G. S.M. 199 H. 228, 233 Ellison, F. O'B. 225 M . A . 287 Ellmore,W.P. 218 Elmslie,R.C. 262,267 Elsden.J.V. 171 331 Name Index. Eltringham , H . 1 88 Ely.L.W. 249 Emery , W . D 'E . 229 , 267 , r 288 Emsley.H.H. 101 Emtage, W.T. A. 100,106 England, W. J. 283 English, Sir T. C. 285 Ensoll,R. 125 Erdmann , J . E . 6 Eriksson, J. 212 Ermen,W.F.A. 68 Ernie, Lord. 215 Erskine-Murray, J. 120 Esch,W. 142 Eshner,A.A. 226 Espin,T.E. 160 Etchells E.F. 67 Etheridge,R. 170 Eucken, R. 9, 11 Evans , A . 251 A. H. 192, 203 E. 199 E. A. 143 E.R. G. R. 180 J.C. 125 J.W. 164 T.J. 33 W. 242, 284 Everest, A. E. 147 Everett, A. 149 J.D. 125, 149 Everitt, P.P. 308 Ewart , A . J . 199 , 202 , 203 E. D. 221 Ewing, Sir J . A . 39 , 43 , 81 , 82 , 99 , 106 Eyre,J.W.H. 287 Faber,H. 214,218 O. 67 Fabre,J.H. 188 Fage,A. 93 Fagge , C . H . 221 , 242 , 264 Fairbairn, J. S. 277 Fairgrieve, J. 175, 177 Fairie,.!. 165 Fairweather, W. C. 1 Falconer, J. D. 169 W.W. 267 Falconnet, H. 142 Fanning, F. W.B. 249 Fantham , H . B . 1 91 , 248 Faraday , M . 2,4 Farmer, J.B. 199 Farnsworth , A . W . 67 Fanjuharson , R . 285 Farrar,R.A. 57,232 Farrell, F..T. 147 Farrow, F.R. 62 Fawcett,C.B. 179 Fawdry,R.C. 22,40 Feldman , W . M . 222 , 279 Felkin R.W. 290 Fenchel,A. 283 Fenton , H . J . H . 123 , 127 , 133 Fenwick , B . 276 -E.H. 257,258 -W.S. 256,267,280 Fer6 . C . 19 Fergus, F. 272 Ferguson , R . B . 233 T. 51 -W.B. 307 Fergusson, F. F. 54 Fernie,F. 114 W. T. 292 Ferrers , N . M . 30 Fidler, H. 67 - T. C. 49, 54 Field, A. 236 E.R. 171 Sir M. 183 S. 119 Fielden.J.R. 26 Fierz -David, H.E. 147 Fife,C.W.D. 71 Figgis, J.N. 6 Fildes, P. 247 Filon, L.N. G. 32 Finch, R.J. 177 Findlay, A. 127, 130, 136, 145 - L. 247 Finn,M. 106 Finzi,N.S. 289 Firth, J.B. 125,127 - R. H. 233 Fischer, E. 181, 199 F. 137 Fisher, B. 310 G.M. 7 H.K.C. 114 -J.H. 270 O. 167 - W.R. 203 Fitzgerald , G . F . 106 - S. 208 Fitzsimons, F. W. 191 Fitzwilliams , D . C . L . 261 , 264 , 294 Flack , M . 225 , 226 , 255 Finitely, F. W. 220 Fleming, A. P. M. 114,310 G. 295,296 J.A. 103.106,114,119.120 R. A. 242 332 Name Index. Fletcher , Sir B . F . 4 , 58 , 62 , 63 , 64 C. 239 F . M . 304 H. P. 58, 62, 63, 64 J. J. 312 Fleure, H. .1. 179 Fleury,P. 68 Flint, R. 6 Flower, Sir W. H. 3 Fock,A. 164 Foden , J . 84 Foerster, A. 247 Foltzer,.!. 300 Forbes, A. C. 208 G. 3, 159 N. H. 289 Fordham , Sir H . G . 175 Fordyce,A.D. 279,280 Forei, A. 188 Forrest , J . 269 S . N . 24 , 171 Forster, A. 234 E . L . 13 . 132 , 231 . 291 G. 171 L. 248 Morley,H. 126 Forsyth, A. R. 23, 29, 30 'D. 279, 294 Fort , M . 147 Fortescue, C. L. 120 Fortescue-Brickdale , J . M . 245 , 292 , 293 , 294 Foster, Sir C.LeN. 171 F. 89 G.C. 106 Sir M . 225 M. 245 R . B . 309 Fothergill, C. F. 259 J.B. 299 J.M. 285, 286 W.E. 275,277 Foucar, L. J. 151 Fourier, J. 99 Fournier D 'Albe , E . E . 106 , 1 23 Fowler. 61 G.H. 182 G. J. 229 J . S . 279 , 280 R. H. 30 W. H. 82, 84, 89, 109 W. W. 188, 189, 190 Fox, H.C. 273 R.F. 287, 289 R.H. 3 W. S. 247 Francis , F . 293 Franke , G . 144 Frank land, W. B. 22 Franzen , H . 146 Fraser. A. C. 7 J . 249 , 265 Fray, J. 101 Frazer, J. E. 223 Fream, W. 211, 217 Frederick , R . C . 234 Freeman, A. 99, 310 E. A. 175 N . H . 37 W. G. 212 Fremont t C . 75 French , C . H . 26 E. G. 247 H. 240, 243 J. W. 102 Frenkel, H. S. 287 Fresenius, T. W. 133 Fretwell, W. E. 62 Freud, S. 19 Freudempcher, P. W. 173 Freudenreich , E. von. 215 Freund, I. 123 Freundlich, E. 104 Freyberger, L. 280, 287, 293 Freyer, Sir P. J. 266 Frier, J.D. 93 Friel, A. R. 273, 290 Friend, J. N. 127, 129, 140, 141, 153 Frith, J. 113 Fritsch , F . E . 199 , 203 J. 220 Froment , J . 252 Frost, P. 24, 30 W . A . 270 Fry, G. C. 177 Fryer, A. 203 P. J. 140, 212 Fuller. Sir B. 15 B. A. G. 9 Fullerton, W. 61 Furneaux, W. S. 184, 188, 191, 199, 225 Filters, T.C. 74 Gabell, D. 282, 283 Gabriel, W.M. 282,283 Gadd,H. 238 H. W. 291,293 Gadow, H. 193 Gage, H. C. 262 Gairns, J. F. 83 Gaisford, H. 81 Galileo. 2 Galloway, J. H. 68 Galton, Sir F. 3, 194, 197 333 Name Index. Galvayne, S. 296 Gamble, F. W. 185, 192 W. 307 Gammon, J. C. 67 Ganswindt, A. 299 Gant, L. W. 118 Garbe , R . 83 Garcia, A. 312 Garcke,E. 109 Gardiner, C. J. 166 F. 284 G. G. 132 J.S. 186 Gardner, H.B. 262 P. 4 W.M. 145, 147 Garlick, A. 18 Garnett,W. 107 Garnsey, H. E. F. 170, 199, 201, 204 Garrard , A . 88 C. Ill F. J. 78 Garratt, H. A. 81 Garre, C. 265. Garrett , A . E . 126 , 307 A. ff. 54 Garrod, Sir A. E. 239, 240, 280 Garry, T.G. 236 Carton, W. 290 Cask, G.E. 260 Gaskell,.T.F. 245 - W . H . 227 Caster, L. 59 Gatehouse, F. B. 66 Gates , P . 75 R.R. 194 S.B. 24 Gavronsky, J. O. 229 Gay, A. ill Geary, H. 217 Geddes, A.E.M. 162 P. 194, 195, 199 Gee, G.E. 154 S . J . 243 W. W. H. 38, 98, 110 Geen , B . 67 Geerligs, H.C.P. 138 Geiger, H. 105 Geikie, Sir A. 166, 167, 168, 176 J. 166 Gemmell, G. H. 123 Geoghegan , H . 230 George, H. B. 175 Georgi, F. 77 Georgievics, G. 147, 297 Gerhardi,C.H.W. 115 Gerrans, H.T. 41 Ghambashidze , D . 165 Ghon , A . 250 Ghosh , B . N . 292 R . 292 Gibb, D. 24 Gibbs , G . H . 283 Gibson, A. G. 239. 242 A. H. 49, 54, 56 C.R. 1, 109 G.A. 26,28,33,242,244 H. 184 J. 9 R. J. H. 200, 202 W. 169 - W.R.B. 9, 10, 13 Gilbreth, F. 310 Giffen, SirR. 88 Giles, A.E. 275,276 G.M. 236,259 Gill, Sir D. 8 J. 180 J. F. 109 N. J. 91 Gilhnders, A.T. 188 Gillespie, A.L. 286 Gillett, H. J. 66 Ginsburg.B. W. 182 Giroux.R. 246 Gissing, F. T. 146 Giua, M. 156 Giua Lollini, C. 156 Gladwyn, S. C. 153 Giaisher,,T. W. L. 21 Glaister, J. 233, 234, 237, 238 Glassington, C. W. 283 Ghzebrook, SirR.T. 1, 39, 97, 99, 100, 106 Gleichen, A. 101 Glover, E. P. 24 J. 53 W. 15 Goadby,K.W. 238 Godfray, H. 159, 160 Godfrey, C. 26, 31, 32, 36, 37 Godlee, Sir R. J. 3, 231 Goebel, K. E. 202 Goerens , P . 1 56 Golding, A. A. 177 H. A. 25,45 Goldsbrough, G.F. 285 Golla, F. 246 Gomt.er7, T. 7 Goodall, A. 223, 225, 254 E.W.245 Gooday,W.E. 144 Goodbody, F. 257 Goodchild. W. 165 334 Name Index. Goodeve , T . M . 43 Goodfellow, J. 286 Goodhart, Sir J. F. 280 Goodman, J. 43 Goodrich, W.F. 60 Goodwill, S. G. 39 Goodwin, H. B. 35 Gordon, L. S. 214 M . H . 229 R.A. 214 W. 236 Gorst, Sir J. E. 279 Gosse, P. H. 196 Gossin, H. 97 Gotch, O. H. 255 Goudie, W. J. 85, 89 Gould, Sir A. P. 248. 262 E . P . 262 Goulding, E. 218 Goulston , A . 254 Gower, A. R. 153 H.D. 307 Gowers, Sir W. R. 17, 252, 270 Gowland.W. 155 Grace. 53 J . H . 27 , 33 Graham , J . 28 , 43 , 248 P. A. 215 V. 305 Graham-Smith, G. S. 229, 245, 259 Grahame- White, C. 91 Grandmongin , E . 147 Granger , F . S . 15 Granjon, R. 77 Grant, D. 151 F. L. 36 H.C. J. 180 J. 139 J. C. 304 J . D . 269 , 273 J . T . 229 Grasby, W. C. 211 Gray /A. 3, 23, 40, 45, 97, 106 A. A. 273 F. W. 127 H. 221 Sir H. W. M. 262, 264 J. 84 J.G. 40 K. J. 270 S.O. 203 Greaves , J . 42 Green , A . A . R . 289 A. G. 147 A.H. 166 C . E . 248 F. E. 211, 215 Green , F . W . E . 271 J.A. 15 J . R . 199 , 201 , 202 T . H . 240 Greene , J . A . 143 W.H.C. 264 Greenhill, Sir A. G. 23, 42, 92 Greenish , H . G . 235 , 292 Greenly, H. 72 Greenstreet, W. J. 2, 11 Greenwell, A. 56, 171 Greenwood, H.C. 146 M. 227, 259 W.H. 153, 154 W . . 276 Gre"goire , R . 264 Gregorius , R . 144 Gregory, E. S. 205 -J.W. 166,167,176,178 Sir R.A. 1,39,97,175,176 Grew. E. S. 160 Grey, C. G. 94 G. W. 62 Gribble , T . G . 51 Grierson , R . 60 Griffiths, A. B. 156, 191, 220, 283 A. P. 134 E. A. 75 E.D. 1 E.H\ 99 F. G. 250 H.D. 173 W. H. 286 Grimsdale , H . B . 269 Grimshaw, J. 242 R. 75 Gronvold, H. 193 Groom, P. 199, 203 T.R. 77 Gross, E. 219 Grossmann,J. 136,151 Groth , L . A . 77 P. 164 Grove, W.B. 204,205 Groves, E. W.H. 260,263,264, 294 Groves-Showell,P. 180 Grubb,H. C. 63 Gruner , A . 298 O .C . 241 , 248 Grunwald, J. 78 Guest, J. J. 75 Guillemard,F.H.H. 179 Gullan , M . A . 294 Gulland, G. L. 254 Gulliver, G. H. 155 J.H. 12 Gunn, J. 79 335 Name Index. Gunn , J . A . 10 - M . 270 Gunther, R. T. 212 Guppy, H.B. 199 Gurden , R . L . 52 Gurney, E. 103 Gurney-Dixon, S. 229 Guth? ie , C . C . 261 L. G. 280 T. 256 Guttentag, W.E. 144 Guttmann , . 1 50 , 172 Gwynne-Vaughan,D.T. 198 H.D.F. 83 Haas, P. 125, 135 Haberlandt, G. 202 Hack wood, R. W. 52 Haddon, A.C. 197 Haddow, A.N. 75 Hadley, IT. E. 39, 97, 106 Haeckel,E. 224 Haeder, H. 81, 88 Haenig, A. 75 Haig,H. A. 202 Haggard, Sir R. 211,215 Haglund, P. 287 Hail?, A. 240 Hainbach , R . 149 Hainsworth,C. H. 118 Hake,C.N. 150 W. 129 Haldane,E. S. 10 J. S. 100, 194,225 Halden,G. M. 53 Hale, A. J. 123, 129, 131 C. W. 233 Hale- White, Sir W. 291 Haler, P.J. 24, 72 Hall, Sir A. D. 211, 218, 217, 220 C. A. 196, 200 C. J. J. Van. 219 H.R. 81 H. S. 26, 31, 34, 35, 36 J. W. 154,239 T. C.F. 165 W. 37, 180 Hallett,G.W.T. 48 Halliburton, W. D. 225, 227, 241 Hainan, E.T. 218 Halse, E. 312 Ham , B . B . 237 Hamel, G. 91 Hamer,W. H. 233 Hamilton, C. 310 D . J . 255 Sir W.R. 23 Hammick . D . L . 103 Hammond , A . R . 189 Hampshire, C. H. 134 Hanby , W . 93 Handy, C. E. 47 Hankin , E . H . 92 Hanna , W . 246 Hannay, A. H. 8 Hansel', C. W. 106 Hansen, I.. F. 181 Hanson . C . . 208 - S. (;. 217 Harbord, F..W. 154 Harby, W. 49 Harcourt, I,. F. V. 50, 55, 59 Harden, A. 126, 130, 137 Hardie, R. P. Hard in?,. T. S. 302 -M.E. 245 Hardman, A. H. :)1 Hardwicke, W. W. 270 Hardy, E. 40 -G. H. 23,28, 188 - M . K . 203 Hare, A.T. 11 - F. _>.-! Hnrker, A. 168 HarlofT.W.H.T. 138 Harley, V. 257 Barman, N. B. 269 Harmer, Sir S. F. 185 Harold, J. 243 Harper, C.G. 48 - H. 91, 123 Harra,., C. 304 Harris, D. F. 225, 251 G.T. 307 .T.D. 290 -P.W. 121 W. 251, 290 Harrison, A. 310 A. B. 57 C. 69 F . 282 J . 33 L. W. 247 P.T. 61 Harrow , B . 104 Harston , G . M . 236 Hart,B. 253 D . B . 277 H . 304 J . B . 99 J.H. 219 J. W. 58, 80 Hart-Smith,. T. 129 Hartenburg, P. 252 Hartmann ; E . 10 336 Name Index. Hartmann,R. 193 Hartog, M. 194 Hartridge, G. 270,271 H . 226 Harvey, A. 149 -F. W. 24 W.H. 204, 205 Harvey -Gibson , R . J . 200 Hasbach, W. 215 Haskett, T. TI. 217 Haslam, A. P. 109 G. 192 Hasluck , P . N . 43 , 47 , 58 , 64 , 67 , 68 , 75, 147, 302 Hassard, A.R. 294 E . M . 294 Haswell, W. A. 186 Hatch, F. H. 164, 168, 169, 171, 173 Hatfield, W.H. 154 Hatschek, E. 128 Hatton, J. L. S. 30, 32 Haiisbrand ; E. 136 Hausner, A. 139 Havelock, J. H. 116 T. H. 24 Havilland, G. de. 79 Haward , W . 254 Hawkhead, J. C. 121 Hawkins, C. C. Ill, 113 H.L. 170 H.P. 257 Hawthorne , C . O . 237 Hay, A. 112, 113 J. 255 Hayes , R . 247 Hayward, F. H. 15 J.W. 81 R.B. 23 W . R . 206 Haywood , G . 224 Ha/ell, W.H. 310 Heape , W . 228 Hearn , G . R . 51 Hearson, H.R. 154 Heath, C. 222 C. J. 274 F . G . 200 , 202 R. S. 32, 41, 100 SirT.L. 3,22,34,159,161 Heaton , E . W . 177 Heaviside,O. 106 Heawood, E. 175 Hedges , K . 106 Heerman , P . 147 Hegel. G. W.F. 10 Heil,A. 142 Heilbron,I.M. 126. 131 Hellier, J.B. 279 Hellins,H.H. 57 Hellyer , S . S . 58 Helmholtz , H . L . F . 103 H . von . 3 Hempsall, W. H. 217 Henderson , A . 30 G. G. 128, 132 J . 242 , 294 J . F . 184 R . 214 T. 271 W.D. 184 Hendrick,E. 123 HennelL T. 54 Henrici, O. 23 Henry. A. 208 P. 80 T. A. 135 Henslow, G. 200, 202, 212 Henslowe, L. 94 Henstock , J . 121 Kenwood , J . H . 146 Hepburn, W.B. 283 Hepworth, M. W. C. 162 -T.C: 148 Herbert, A. 76 H. 270 S. 194,228 T.E. 119 Herbertson, A. J. 175, 177, 178 F . D . 177 Herford, R. O. 310 Hericourt , J . 250 Heriot, T.H.P. 138 Herman , G . E . 275 , 277 R.A. 100 Hernaman - Johnson, F. 287 Herrick, T. P. 304 Herring, H. T. 266 Herring-Shaw, A. 58 Herringham , Sir W . P . 258 Herrmann , G . 56 , 74 Herrod-Hempsall, W. 217 Herschel. 3 Herschell, G. 240 Hertwig,O. 223,226 Hertz, H. 39, 106 Herxheimer , G . 239 Herz,W. 122 Herzfeld, J. 300 Hewat, A. F. 239 Hewitt, C. 188, 307 Hewlett, G. 312 R. T. 184, 229, 240, 285, 288 Heylin,H.B. 298,301 Heywood, H. 27 337 BB Name Index. Hibbert,E. 134 L..T. 307 W. 118 Hicks, J. A. 144 J. W. 158 W.M. 41 Hickson, S..T. 191 Higgens , C . 269 Higgins. A. L. 51 -S.H. 147 Higgs, G. G. 79 H. 38 Highton, H.P. 133, 134 Hildage,H.T. 310 Hilditch, T. P. 122, 127, 131 Hilger, W. 290 Hill, A. 223, 226 A.M. 36 C. W. 73, 74 F.T. 93 J.G. 119 L. 225,226. 250 M..I.M. 34 T. G. 135 W. 265 Killer, E. G. 84 Hillhouse, W. 201 H. 283 Hilton. H. 27,33, 164 Hime.H. W.L. 30 T.W. 237 Hinchley, J. W. 136,218 Hind,H.L. 309 Hindle,E. 259 Hinks, A. R. 159, 176 Hinshelwood, J. 269 Hiorns, A. H. 153, 154, 155, 156 Hird,D. 194 H.C. 37 Hirsch, W. 19 Hirschel, G. 262 Hjort, J. 183 Hoare,C. 37 E . W . 295 , 296 Hobart,H.M. 111,112,118 Hobbs. 115 F.D. 92 L.M. 81 Hobday, F. T. G. 262, 295 Hobhouse.L.T. 7, 10 Hobkirk,C.P. 205 Hoblyn, R. D. 242 Hobson, E. W. 22, 23, 35 Hodgett, E. A. B. 143 Hodgins, J. E. 217 Hodgkinson, W.R. 124 Hodgson, E. S. 312 Hodgson, H. H. 152 J.E. 173 J.T. 83,84 R.B. 75,77 T. R. 234 Hodson, F. 1 Hoernes, H. 95 Hoffding, H. 7, 15 Hofmann, E. 188 Hogarth, C. W. 286 D.G. 178 Hogben.L.T. 3 Hogner.P. 100 Holden-Stone , G . de . 79 Holdich, SirT. 178 Hole, W. 146 Holland, W. C. 291 Hoi lander, B. 251, 280 Holman, H. 13, 18 Holmes, A. 168 Holms, A.C. 70 Holt,E.B. 10 -H.G 68 R.B. 53 Holt-Buttermi, H. 47 Holt-Thomas , G . 91 Holtzmann , . 312 Holzwarth , H . 89 Hood,C. 154 -D. W.C. 256, 265 G.F. 123 W.P. 287 Hooker, Sir J.D. 2,3, 198,205, 206 Sir W. J. 3, 205 Hooper, J. 65 L . 299 , 301 Hooton, W.M. 129, 133 Hoover, T. J. 174 Hope, E. W. 233, 234 SirW.H.St.J. 305 Hopewell-Smith, A. 282 Hopkinson, B. 21, 39 J. 21 Horder, Sir T. J. 240, 242, 245 Hornby, J. 145, 146 Home, H. P. 305 Horner,D.W. 163 J. 157, 297 J.G. 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 84, 312 Horsley, Sir V. 251 Hort,E.C.250 Horth, A.C. 78 Horton, C.M. 72 Horwood , A . R . 200 C. B. 173 Hoskins, G. G. 63 338 Name Index. Hoskins,H.P. 63 Hoskold,H.D. 50 Hough, W. S. 6 Houston, Sir A. C. 57 Houstoun , R . A . 97 , 100 Hovell,T.M. 274 Hovenden, F. 25 Hovestadt, H. 149 Hovgaard , W . 70 Howard , A . L . 208 R . 260 , 263 Howarth, O. J. R. 175, 177, 178 W. G. 274 W. J. 235 Howden . R . 221 Howe, F. J. O. 114 J. A. 169, 171 Howell, C. M. H. 258 Howes, G. B. 184, 186 Howorth , J . 149 Hoyle,B. 121 Hubbaid, R. 151 T. O'B. 92 Hubner , J . 147 Hudson , B . 242 H.P. 25 O. F. 154 R.W.H.T. 30 W.H. 192 W.Ii.H. 36 Huelin , D . C . 312 Huggins , G . M . 266 Hushes, A. J. 180 A.L. 307 A.M. 123 A. W. 222 B. 264 E . L . 271 H.W. 172 T . H . 1 76 V. A.B. 84 W. 176, 177 Hull, A. J. 264 E. 167 Humber, W. 44 Hume. 10 Humphreys , H . 283 Humphr is , F . H . 290 Humphry, L. 294 Humph rys , N . H . 145 Hunnybun , E . W . 206 Hunsaker , J . C . 92 Hunter , A . 49 C . 283 G. 256 Hunt, G. B. 249 Hunter, H. H. 218 Hunter, J. 3 J. A. 301 W . 3 , 254 W. T. 176 Huntington, A. K. 153 Hurd, A. 70 Hurry, J. B. 252 Hurst, A. F. 242, 252, 257 C . 81 , 83 C. H. 186 G. H. 68, 140, 141, 144, 299 H.E. 97 J.T. 50, 61, 63, 64 J.W. 217 Hurter, F. 307 Husband , J . 33 , 49 Huskisson , W . M . 88 Hut chins, B. L. 310 Hutchinson , H . N . 170 J. 236, 252, 261 R . 226 , 244 , 280 , 285 , 286 R. W. 106, 107, 109 Hutt,C. W. 233 Hutton,F. H. 118 J . E . 310 R. S. 129 W. S. 50, 72, 84 Huxlev, J. S. 185 L. 3 T.H. 2, 3, 10, 175, 184, 180, 191, 194, 226 Huygens, C. 101 Hyatt -Woolf, C. 101 Hyndman, H. H. F. 105 Ibbetson , A . 219 W.J. 24 W. S. 100, 112, 116, 118, 309 Ibbotson, F. 156 Illingvvorth, S.R. 2 Imbert , L . 263 Imms, A.D. 186, 213 Ince , J . 291 Inchley, W. 43, 81, 84 Ingham , A . E . 73 Ingle, H. 141, 213 Ingram , G . L . 296 Innes , C . 60 C. H. 47, 56 Innocent, C. F. 61 Inwood , 214 loteyko, J. 311 Ireland, W.W. 280 Irvine, M. C. W. 13 Isler,C. 57 J.F.L. 117 Jack , G . 64 W.R. 242 339 Name Index. Jackman, W.T. Jackson, A. 76 B.D. C.E. C.M. c.s. D.H. F.G. 311 3 , 200 , 206 97 222 37,40 85 48, 64,78 H. 208 J. W. 197 P. G. 84 W. 312 W.H. 224 Jacobi,C.T. 304 Jacobson, W. H. A. 261 Jaeger, F.M. 22 Jaggard, W.R. 61 Jagger,J.E. 47 Jaggers, E. M. 124 Jago,W. 129 Jaksch,V. 239 James, T.C. 131 W.H.N. 113,115,117 Jameson, W.W. 233 Jamieson , A . 43 , 81 , 90 , 1 07 110 E . B . 222 W. A. 284 Jane,F.T. 70,85,94 Janet, P. 7 Jansen , M . 267 , 268 , 280 Jaqnes,A. 127 Jardine,R. 276,277 Jarvis,W.H. 53 Jast, L.S. 307 Jeans, J. H. 100, 107, 160 J . S . 154 Jefferys, W.H. 236 Jefferson, 182 Jeffery,F.H. 129 H. J. 198 Jehl,F. 117 Jellett.H. 275,277 Jenkins, H. G. 310 J.T. 183, 191 Jenkinson . 53 J. W. 223 Jennings , A . S . 69 Jennison , H . 141 Jessop,C.M. 30,35 Jervis -Smith, F.J. 72 Jessop,W.H.H. 269 Jevons,F.B. 10,194 H.A. 13 W. S. 13 Jex-Blake , A . J . 221 , 224 Jobling , E . 128 , 146 Johns , C . A . 192 , 206 , 208 Johnson , A . E . 132 A.E .W. 246 A. F.M. 200 G.L. 308 J.C.F. 173 J. H. 117 R. 114, 308 T.M. 116 V.E. 45,91, 113 W.E. 35 W.H. 219 Johnston , E . 305 , 306 G. A. 11 J.B. 191 J. F. W. 213 K. 177 T.B. 221,222 Lavis,H.J. 236 Johnstone,J. 191,194 S. J. 152 T. 253 Joll,C.A. 251 Jolley,A.C. 115 Joly,C.J. 23 J. 105 N. 2 Jones, A. B. 237 A.C. 33, 199 A.J. 15 B.E. 47, 64, 309 C . 129 , 808 C.P. 241 D.C. 38 D.E. 39,97,106 D.W.C. 288 E. 19, 251 E.E. C. 11, 13 F.B. 137 F. W. 191, 197 H. 7 H.F. H.L. 200 290 H . Maunaughten . 17 H. S. 86 J. 216 J. H. 154 J.T. S. 295 L. 289 L. A. 172 L.M.M. 79 L. V. 247 M. W. 69 SirR. 267, 268 R. 261 T. 47 T.G. 47 T.H. 93 340 Name Index. Jones, T. W. 53 W. 134 W.H. 119 W.N. 200 Jordan, C. H. 70 H.G. 42,47 Jorgensen , A . 1 37 Josf , L. 202 Jowett,W. 296 Joyner, G. 304 Judd , J . W . 166 , 167 , 194 Jude , A . 98 R.H. 97,107 Judge, A. W. 88,93 Jukes -Browne, A. J. 168, 169 Juler,H.E. 269 Julian, H.F. 174 J. 68 Julius,?. 147 Jung,C.G. 19 Juptner, H. F. v. 154 Jutsum,J.M. 180 Kanthack , A . A . 239 R. 102 Kapp,G. 109,114,118 Kapper,F. 114 Kassner,T. 173 Kay, S.A. 134 Kaye,G.W.C. 105,126 Kayser,E. 168 Keable,B.B. 219 Kean,F.J. 88,94 Keane , A . H . 177 , 179 , 197 C. 132 C.A. 131 Keary,C.F. 7 Keatinge , M . W . 18 Keeble,F.W. 202 Keegan , D . F . 274 Keen,G.R. 209 Keim.A.W. 68 Keith , Sir A . 197 , 222 , 223 , 226 , 274 , 285 J.R. 243 R.D. 244 Kelland,P. 23 Kellas,A.M. 125 Kellner,O.J. 218 Kelsey,W.R. 97,112 Kelson, W.H. 273 Keltic, Sir J. S. 175,179 Kelvin , Lord . 3 , 7 , 21 , 101 Kelynack , T . N . 250 , 251 , 280 T. W. 239 Kemp, P. 109,113 Kempe , H . R . 89 , 113 , 114 Kempson , E . W . E . 112 Kennedy , A . 52 Sir A.B. W. 72 A.M. 245 N. 51 R. 91, 93 Kennelly, A. E. 110 Kenwood , H . R . 233 , 234 Ker,C.B. 245 D.R. E. 213 Kerr, G. 186 G . L . 172 J. 5, 233 J. G. 223, 228 J.M. 277 Kershaw , G . B . 59 J.B.C. 142,143,155 J. W. 88 S. 300 Kettle, E.H. 267 Kew,H.W. 191 Key,A.C. 144 Keynes , J . N . 13 Kickman , H . R . B . 225 Kidd,F. 257,258,266 W. 194 Kilgour,P. 297 Kimball, A. L. 100 Kimmins, C. W. 18 Kinch , E . 123 King,D.B. 250 F.T. 278 H.E. 81 J. 71 Kingsbury, J. E. 119 Kingscott , P . C . R . 134 Kingsley, J. S. 191 Kinzer,H. 299 Kingzett , C . T . 123 Kinzbrunner, C. 110,114 Kipping, F.S. 129,131 Kirby,W.E. 188,189 Kirkaldy, J. W. 184 Kirkbride.J. 304 Kirkpatrick , T . S . G . 173 Kirkup , T . 5 Kirmisson,E. 280 Kirschke,A. 88 Kitchin,D.B. 10 Kleen,E.A.G. 287 Klein, A. 13 F. 27 Klemin,A. 94 Klingenberg, G. Ill Kloes , J . A . Van Der . 65 Knapp,A.W. 139 Knecht, E. 134, 147, 299 Knight ,J.H. 79 341 Name Index. Knight, R. S. G. 134 S.R. 26, 35 W. 12 Knoblauch, E. 201 Knocker, D. 237 Knott,C.G. 21,22,25,96,167 Knox,A. 162,179 A. V. 105 E.B. 233 G.D. 220 J. 126, 152 R. 105 Knuth,P. 202 Knuthsen,L.F.B. 256 Koczorowski , I A . 45 Koenigsberger , L. 3 Koller,T. 151 Koppcschaar, E. 188 Kozmin,P.A. 139 Kraepelin,E. 253 Krauch,C. 132 Krause,R.A. 227 Kretschmar, C. 299 Krogh,A. 227 Krohn,R.E.S. 228,262 Krusch,P. 165 Kulpe.O. 7,17 L.H. 53 Laby.T.H. 126 Lachlan.R. 31 Lack,L. A. H. 226 LaCour,J.L. 114 Lafar.F. 138 Lagrange,F. 271 Laird, J. 250 Lake, P. 166,168,176 - R. 274 Lakeman.A. 66 Lamarck, J.B. 194 Lamb . 53 C.G. 107 H. 28,39,41,42,103 J. 88 J.B. 216 W. 273 Lambart,H.C. 259 Lambert, F.C. 308 S. 45 T. 139,155 Lambkin, F.J. 247 Lamprecht,R. 171 Lancaster, M. 117 Lanchester , F . W . 73 , 91 , 92 H.V. 68 W.F. 229 Land,H.C. 189 Landauer,J. 132 Lander, C.H. 301 G.D. 129, 296 Landois , L . 226 Landolt,E. 270 M. 270 Landon,J.W. 41 Landseer, SirE. 193 Lane.J.E. 222 Sir W . A . 257 , 265 , 26fi Claypon , J . E . 235 Lang, A. 224 W.H. 201 Lange.K.R. 145 Langenhagen , M . de . 256 Langley , J . N . 223 , 225 , 226 Langmaid. J. 81 Lankester , Sir E . R . 170 , 1 85 , 186 Lantsberry.F.C. A.H. 144 Lapage , C . P . 280 Lap worth, C. 166 Larard , C . E . 25 Larkman.A.E. 28,110 A.H. 110 Larmor , Sir J . 89 , 96 , 103 L*rner,E.T. 113 Larsen,A. 150 Larter.A.T. 143 Lascelles.T. W. 306 Lasche,O. 89 Latham, A. 244,285 E. 55 Latter, O.K. 185,189 Lattey,R.T. 97 Laurance,L. 102 Laurens , G . 273 Laurie, A. P. 69,141 C.L. 200 S. S. 5 Laveran , A . 248 Lavis,H.J.J. 236 Law,E.F. 155 H. 52 Lawn,J.G. 171 Lawrence, C. P. 215 Lawrie,E. 263 Laws, B.C. 92 Lawson,A.W. 104 F.M. 311 G. 31 Laxton , 63 Laycock,W.F. 147 Lazarus-Barlow , W . S . 239 , 24a Lea,A.S. 225 A. W. W. 276 E. 255 F.C. 54 Leach, A. F. 5 342 Name Index. Leaf, C.H. 223,276 H.M. 116 Lean, B. 124 Leaning, J. 63 Leathern, J. G. 24,28,35 LeBas,G. 127 LeBon,G. 20,103 Lecky,S.T.S. 180 Ledeboer, J. H. 92 Ledingham , J . C . G . 245 Ledoux-Lebard , M . 264 Leduc, S. 227 Lee,A.B. 223 J. 119,311 V. 13 Leeds, F. H. 143 Lees , C . H . 98 - D . B . 250 Leese,A.S. 296 Lelevre , L . 65 Leffmann, H. 132 Leftwich , R . W . 244 , 285 Legg,J.W. 243 T.P. 260 Legge , F . 103 T.M. 238 Leggatt, W. 298,299 Leggett,B. 121 Legros , L . A . 304 Lehfeldt , R . A . 126 , 127 , 1 29 Lehner,S. 148 Leibniz. 10 Leighton, G. R. 192 Leland,C.G. 64,78,303 Lelean,P.S. 233 Lemaire , H . 245 LeMaitre, W. 92 Lemerle, G. 265 Lempfert,R. G. K. 162 Lennander , K . G . 258 Lenzmann . 244 Leonard , E . M . 5 Lepine,J. 253 Leri,A. 19 Leriche,R. 263 Lesion , G . L . 51 Letts , E . A . 126 Leudesdorf, C. 32 Leupp , F . E . 3 Levett,R. 35 Levy,D.M. 174 H. 92 S. I. 129, 150 Lewers, A.H.N. 276 Lewes, G. H. 5 V.B. 123,143,145 Lewis, E.I. 129,131 Lewis, E. W. 142 H.M. 63 L.P. 53 S. J. 122 W. C.McC. 127 W. J. 164, 175 Leyton, A. S. F. 239 Libby,W. 5 Lickley, J.D. 223 Lidgett , A . 144 Lieckfeld, G. 88 Lilly, W.E. 49 Lindsay, C.T. 48 J. 7, 249 J. A. 256 Lord. 76 Lineham , W . J . 48 , 73 Ling, A. R. 138 Lintern , W . 52 Linton , R . G . 296 Lister, J.J. 186 Lord. 231, 260 T . D . 278 Lithgow , E . M . 271 Littlejohn , A . R . 235 Little , A . 178 A. G. 3 H.F. V. 129 Liveing , G . D . 102 Livens, G.H. 107 Liversedge , A . J . 73 Liversidge, J. G. 86 Livingstone , R . 112 Llewellyn , J . L . 237 , 249 Lloyd, A. H. 7 E. W. 211 F.E. 184 LI. 244,248 L.L. 147 R.E. 184, 185 Lluria,E. 195 Lochhead, J. 228 Lock,G.W. 174 J.B. 35, 36,41 R. H. 195,219 Lockwood, 63 C. B. 261, 263, 266, 276 Lockyer,C. 267,275 SirJ.N. 102,159,160 Lodge, A. 28 G. A. 171 G. E. 193 SirO.J. 2,3,36,39,103 R.C. 11 Logan, D.D. 238 Loewenfeld,L. 228 Loewenthal, R. 147 343 Name Index. 33,34, 35,36,39,41, 19 212 276, 277 Logan,F.W.A. 45 Lohmann,W. 271 Lohnis.F. 214 Lommel , E . 101 von . 97 Lomax,J.W. 298 Lones,T.E. 155 Loney, S.L. 42 Long,C.E. H.C. J. 214,217 Longmuir, P. 157 Longridge, C. J. N Loosmore , C . 251 Lord,R.T. 301 Lorenz,A. 268 Loring,F.H. 127 Lossky,N.O. 10 Lott.F.E. 138 Louch M . 18 Louis, H. 52,153,169,174 Love,A.E.H. 29,39,44,167 J. K. 274 Loveday.T. 15,17 Lovell,M.S. 191 Lovett,W.J. 70.71 Lovibond, J. W. 102 Low.B. 19 D.A. 31,33,43,47,73,81 G. C. 246 R.C. 284 W.S. 278 Lowndes,M.E. 15 Lowry,T.M. 122 Lowson , J . M . 200 W. 129 Lucas, E.W. 286,291,292 F. 312 K. 227 Luciani,L. 226 Luckes, E.C.E. 294 Luckhoff, L. 270 Ludlam,E.B. 124,129 Luff, A. P. 125 Luhe.M. 248 Luke,T.D. 263,283,289 Lukis,SirC.P. 236,292 Lulham,R. 186 Lumb,A.D. 165 N. P.L. 247,266 Lummer,O. 308 Lummis-Paterson , G . W . 112 Lunge, G. 132,136,145,146,151 Lunt,H.J. 311 J. 130 Lupton,A. 173 Lupton, S. 126 Lustgarten , J . 117 Luttringer, A. 142 Luys,G. 247 J. 227 Lyall.M. 7 Lycett , J . 94 Lydall,F. 118 Lyde,L.W. 177,178 Lydekker , R . 3 , 170 , 185 , 191 , 193 Lycll,SirC. 166 Lyle,H.W. 226 Lyman , T . 102 Lyster,R.A. 233 Lyth,E.R. 289 M.R.C.V.S. 217 MacAlister,D.A. 169 McAulay,A. 23,38 Macaulay , F . S . 27 , 81 W.H. 99 Macbeth, A. K. 125 MacBride , E . W . 186 , 223 McBride.P. 273 Maccabe.F.F. 231,295 MacCall,W.T. 112 MacCallan, A. F. 270 McCann,F.J. 276 McCarrison , R . 254 M'Carthy,F.L. 34 McCartney, H. P. 46 McCaskill.A. 1 McCaw.J. 279,280 McCay,D. 286 M'Clelland,W. J. 35 McConnell,P. 211 McCrae,J.A. 239 T. 243 McCulloch,C. 74 MacCurdy, J.T. 253 McDermaid,N. J. 71 McDonagh , J . E . R . 247 , 288 Macdonald , D . M . , 280 , 286 G. 18 G. W. 150 H.M. 107 J. 211 J.H. 253 R.St.J. 233 W. 215 McDougall , W . 15 , 16 , 17 , 20 McDowall, S. A. 97 MacEwan , P . 291 MacEwen, J. A. C. 222 MacFadyen , A . 184 McFarlane.J. 177 Macfarlane , W . 1 53 , 154 , 156 Macfie,R.C. 195,289 344 Name Index. McGibbon, W. C. 86 McGowan,G. 132 Macgregor , J . G . 41 J. M. 240 McGrigor, G.D. 164 MacHattie,A. 180 McIntosh,J. 247 J. G. 138,141,142 W. C. 192 McKail,D. 234 McKay, R. F. 43 Mackay, J. S. 25,31 McKay, W.J.S. 231,276 McKendrick , A . 237 , 238 J. G. 226 Mackenna , R . W . 288 McKenzie,D. 273,274 J. 246 Mackenzie , Sir J . 231 , 255 J. A. S. 249 J.E. 138 J. S. 10, 11 K. J. J. 217 N.T. 55 R.T. 287 T. 43 T.C. 254 . W. C. 222, 227 W . L . 232 , 279 Mackie , A . 307 J. 302 McKillop, A.D. 310 M. 286, 310 MacKinder,H. J. 178 McKinnon,E.C. 116 McKisack , H . L . 244 Mackrow , C . 71 M'Lachlan,N. W. 25 McLaren, R. S. 73 Maclaiirin ; R.C. 101. McLean, A. 98 Maclean, H. 131,239 M. 110 MacLennan , A . 261 Macleod,H. W. G. 233 J. 186 J. J. R. 226, 258 J.M.H. 264,284 W.A. 156 MacMahon, P. A. 27 McMillan . 86 D. 79 MacMillan, J. C. 279 W.G. 153,155 McMinnies, W. G. 92 MacMunn , N . E . 175 NacNab,A. 269,271 MacNab, J. 182 W. 150 MacNamara , N . C . 16 , 1 95 Macnaught en- Jones , H. 17 McNeile,A.M. 28 J . D . 28 Macpherson, H. 3 McPherson, J. A. 57 McQueen, E.N. 16 MacQueen , J . 296 Macrobert , T . M . 23 McTaggart , J . McT . E . 10 McVail,J.C. 246 McWilliam, A. 157 Maddox,E.E. 270 H. A. 148,305 Madill,D.G. 277 Magian,A.C. 247 Magie , W . F . 97 Magill,E.M. 290 Maginnis, A. G. 71 Magnus, L. 7 Sir P. 39 Maguire,T.M. 179 W.R. 59 Maher,M. 16 Maitland,F. 2 Maitre,W.le. 92 Makins, Sir G. H. 264 Makower,W. 105 Malatesta, G. 145 Malcolm,H.W. 120 Mallik,D.N. 101 Mamlock,H. J. 283 Manacorda, H. 16 Manders , A . S . 142 , 219 Mann, Dr. 256 G. 223, 227 H.L. 25 J. D. 238, 239 M.S. 274 Manson , G . L . 61 Sir P. 259 Bahr, P. H. 259 March, H. 244 N.H. 228 Marchant, F.T. 233 W.H. 121 Marett , R . R . 16 , 197 , 223 Mark,E.L. 223 H.T. 5 L. P. 251 Marks, E.C.R. 73,74 Sir G. C. 56,278 L. S. 81 Marlow,T.G. 136 Marquand, H. S. 119 345 Name Index. Marr,H.C. 253 j. E. 166, 168, 169, 214 Marriase.E. 308 Marsh, C.F. 67 J.E. 127 Marsden , R . 299 Marshall, A. 150 A.M. 186, 192 C. 286,292 C . D . 269 F.H.A. 217,223,228 H. 151, 164 H.R. 16 T. W. 215 W. J. 88 Marson , P . 149 Martel,T. de. 265 Martin . 86 A.B.R. 121 G. 122,124,126,129,186,146, 147, 150, 151 H.N. 184 J. 178 M. J. 121 N. 67 W. A. 76 W.D. 86, 88 W.R. 181 Martindale , W . H . 288 , 292 , 293 Martineau,G. 188 Martinier.P. 265 Maryon , H . 78 Maskelyne,N.S. 164 Maslen,A..T. 200 Mason, A. C. 7 F.A. 147 Massee , G . 200 , 204 , 212 Masselin. E.J. 280 Master, H. 137 Masterman , A . T . 186 , 192 Masters, W.E. 259 Mastin,J. 165 Mather, T. 109 Matheson,D. 217 E. 311 Mathews,G.B. 23,27,32 Matson,R.W. 288 Matthew, D. 252 Matthews, A. H.H. 215 C. G. 138 E. 216 E.R. 54,55,60 G.F. 37 R.B. 91,94 Mattos, 188 Maudsley,H. 16,253 Maunder, E.W. 160 99, 103, 106, 107 236 275 59 269 107, 112, 113, 114, 269 28 Maurice, W. 172,173 Maw,P.T. 209 Mawson , E . . 55 F. 171 Maxim , Sir H . S . 3 Maxted , E . B . 128 , 151 Maxwell, Capt. 181 F. 138 F. W. 35, 183 J.C. J.L. R.D. W.H. May,C.H. O. 247 P. 139 Mayall,G. 216,217 J. 196 May cock, W. P, 116, 117 Mayer, C. 142,148 Maylard , A . E . 250 , 266 Maynard , F . P . Mayo,C.H.P. Mayor, J.B. 7 Mayou , M . S . 269 , 270 Meade,A. 145 Meares, J. W. 54,110 Meek, A. 192 Mees , C . E . K . 102 Meldola , R . 124 , 131 , 308 Mel lanby , A . L . 48 , 70 Melland.C.H. 258 Mellone.S.H. 13,16 Mellor, J. W. 25, 130, 134, 149 15fi Melville, C.H. 233 D*vison,W. 233 Mennell.F.P. 168 - J. B. 263, 287 * 'Mentor.'* 145, 146 Menzies , J . A . 225 K. 228 Mercer, J.E. 103 J. W. 28, 35 Mercier.C. 17,213,253 Cardinal. 7 Meredith, C. M. 18 M6ric, 289 Merrifield,J. 181 Merrington , E . M . 16 Merritt,W.H. 165 Merz,J.T. 5,7 Mesnil,F. 248 Messum,S. 183 Metcalfe . 4 C.C. 116 Metchnikoff, E. 288 346 Name Index. Metson , G . 63 Meycliar,L. 312 Meyer, B.E. 7,14 Meysey -Thompson , R . F . 193 Miall,B. 188,250 L.C. 3, 184, 189 Mtehaelis>D.M.L. 41 Michell,S. 56 Micholitsch,T. 276 Middleton , E . C . 91 G.A.T. 49,51,59,64 R,E. 51,57 Midgley,E. 300 Miers, Sir H. A. 164 Milburn,T. 212 Miles, A. 232,261,263 Mill, II. R. 175,179 J. S. 6, 13 Millais,J. G. 192,193 Millar, A. 69,219 J.B. 31 W.J. 73, 82, 180 Millard,C.K. 288 Miller, II. C. 253 J. 239, 240 J.S. 77 R. 280 Milligan, F. M. 219 Sir W. 274 Millington, J. P. 3 Millis,C.T. 25,77 G.P. 283 Milne,.!. 33,167 J.J. 32 .1. S. 232 R. 300 . R.M. 22,41 T. 299 W.P. 27, 28 Milner,H.B. 168 Milroy,.T.A. 135 M.E.W. 302 T. H. 135 Milson,F. 151 Minchin,G.M. 41,42,47 W. C. 250 Minett,E.P. 229 Minikin, R. C.R. 54 Minto , W . 18 Miremont , C . de . 161 , 1 80 Mitchell, A. 9 C. A. 128, 133, 137, 138, 141, 148, 235, 238,297 C. F. 61 65 F. S. 69 G. A. 61, 65 j. 71 Mitchell, P. 232 P. C. 184, 195 W. 16 Mivart, St. G. 2 Moggridge , J . T . 189 Molesworth , Sir G . L . 46 , 50 H . B . 62 W.H. 110 Molinari,E. 137 Moll, A. 279,290 Monahan, A. 7 A..T. 14 Monckton, C. C.F. 121 Monro,T.K. 242 Montagu , Lord . 80 Montel,A. 68 Monteverde , R . D . 312 Moodie,A.R. 274 Moor , C . G . 229 , 233 , 235 S. A. 202 Moore, A. S. 301 B. 135, 195,226 E. C. S. 54 F. 189 G.E. 11 H. 96, 143 Sir J. W. 162 N. 232 S.B. 79 T. 77 T. S. 129 SirW. 236 Moorhead , T . G - 224 Mordin,R. 120 More,C.G. 79 Moreton.H.W. 115 Morgan, A. P. 93 C. Lloyd. 16, 19, 187, 195- G. T. * 131 J. D. 118 J. J. 156, 157 Morison . A . B . 254 C. G.T. 211 J.R. 264, 266 R. 260 Morley , A . 39 , 43 , 44 ,"81 H. F. 126 Morrell,R.S. 141 Morrice,G.C. 27 Morris , C . 181 F.O. Sir H H. J. I.H. SirM T.N. 189 222,248 283 33, 48 284 218 347 Name Index. Morrow , J . 89 Morse, H. W. 126 Morten, H. 294 Mortimer, F. J. 308 G. 155 J.D. 263 Morton , A . S . 271 E.R. 105 W. C. 222 Moses, O. St.. T. 276 Moss,C.E. 203,206 H. 84 Mosso,A. 259 Mott,SirF.W. 18,253 Mottelay, P, F. 8 Moulinier, T. 255 Moullin , C . W . M . 248 , 266 , 267 Moulton, Lord. 2 Moussu,G. 217 Mowat,H. 105 Moynihan , Sir B . G . A . 266 Mudge.G.P. 184,200 Mueller, F. 205 Muir,J. 104 M.M.P. 124,126,133 R. 229,288 SirT. 27 Muirhead, I.E. 271 J.H. 11 W.A. 236 Mulhall,M.G. 38 Mukerji,N.G. 211 Mumford.E.E.R. 18 Mummery , J . H . 282 J. P. L. 257, 262, 266 Munby,A.E. 64,130 Mundella, V. A. 1 Munro.J. 86,110 R.D. 84 R.W. 219 Muratet,L. 246 Murdoch, W.H.F. 110,115 Murphy, J. K. 242, 247, 264, 280, 285 SirS.F. 234 Murray, A. J. 71 D.A. 28.29, G.R. 254 H.M. 243 Sir J. 183 J.A. 213,218,220 J.E. 120 R.W. 265,267 Murrell,W. 238,285 Muscio,B. 17 Muter, J. 132 Myddleton . 3 Myers, C. S. 17,19 J.E. 125 Nabarro , D . 248 Naegeli , C . 196 Nall,S. 276 Nankivell, A. T. 233, 285 Nash, J.T. C. 195 Nasmith , J . 298 , 301 Nave , J . 204 Nayler, W. A. 33,41 Naylor,C.H. 99 -T.E. 304 W. 151 Neale,R.E. 110, 111 Neave, G. B. 131 Neilson , R . M . 89 Neligan, A.R. 236 Nernst, W. 126 Nettlefold, J. S. 68 Neuburger , M . 232 Neumann , E . 282 Neville, H. A. D. 213 -S. 113 Newbijjin, M.I. 175, 176, 178 M.T. 193 Newby , E . J . 91 Newcombe, S. 160 Newell, A. G. 245 Newham, H.B. G. 259 Newland,C.B. 19 H.O. 219 Newlands,B.E.R. 138 J. A. R. 138 Newman, E. W. 311 Sir G. 234, 279 L.F. 213 Newsham, J. C. 209, 211, 212, 214, 216 Newsholme, Sir A. 233, 245, 250 Newsome,H.F. V. 58 Newth, G. S. 124, 130, 132 Newton, Sir I. 24 T. 77 Nicholls , Capt . 182 A. E. 181 H. A. A. 211 Nicholson, H. A. 170 R.T. 80 W. 143 Nicol,G. 71 Nicoll, M. 19 Nielson , T . 49 Nietzki , R . 147 Nisbet,D.T. 300 H. 299, 300 J. 209 Nixon, R.C.J. :M 848 Name Index. Noble, Sir A. 158 Norie, J. W. 182 Normandy, F. 124 North, N. 300 Norton , F . 278 Northcliffe , Viscount . 80 Norton , G . 308 Norwell , A . 41 Nottage, W.H. 121 Notter, J.L. 233 Nowell, W. S. 283 Noyer, J. 151 Nunn , A . W . 292 J . A . 296 T . P . 22 , 26 Nutt, P. 91 Nuttall, G. H. F. 189, 229/245 Obersleiner, Prof. 223 O'Callaghan, M. A. 216 O 'Connor , F . W . 259 H . 59 , 145 O'Dea, J..T. 26, 36. 37 O 'Donahue , T . A . 51 , 171 O'Donoghue, C. H. 186 Ogden , C . K . 9 Ogg, A. 99 Ogley,D.H. 60, 107, 117 Okey, T. 302 Okill, J. 88 01dfield,C. 277 Oldham, F. 124 Oliver, C. E. 69 D . 200 , 206 F. W. 55, 195, 200 G. 241 Sir T. 238, 259 Ombre" danne , Prof. 264 Onodi , A . 270 , 274 Onslow, M. W. 135, 203 Oppenheimer , C . 128 , 238 Oram , Sir H . J . 86 Orford , H . 102 , 308 Ormandy, W. R. 144 Ormerod, F. 297 Ormsby,M.T. M. 51 Orr, A. J. 73 J. 211 J. B. 295 M. A. 161 Orrin , H . C . 222 , 261 Orton, G.H. 289 Orthmann,E. G. 275 Orwin, C. S. 214 Osborn, G. 26 Osborne, F. C. 94 T. B. 135 Oschwald, U. A. 115 Oscroft.P. W. 130 0'Shea,L.T. 124 Osier, Sir W. 243 Osmond, F. 156 Ostertag , R . 235 Ostwald, W. 126, 130, 132 Otabe, S. 250 O'Toole,!. 46 Oulton, L. 114 Outram , J . F . 63 Overbeck- Wright, A. W. 253 Overend, W. 250 Owen,E. 265, 266 H. 182 W.D. 121 Owens, E. W. 180 Page , C . M . 264 J.M. 29 W. 5 Paget , S . 232 Paine , A . 249 Painton, E.T. 114 Paisseau , G . 245 Pakes, W.C.C. 233 Pallin, W. A. 230 Palmer, A. R. 107, 110, 115 J. H. 35 M.D. 287 T. F. 302 - W.S. 9 Pamely, C. 74 Panton , A . 26 P. N. 240 Pappenheim, A. 241 Paramore, R. H. 275 Park, J. 51 , 54, 155, 156, 166, 169 W.E. 93 Parker, C. A. 273 G. 232 G. W. 42, 101, 160 J. 99, 172 M. A. 132 P. A.M. 54 T. J. 7, 184, 186 W.N. 186 Parkes , F . 289 L. C. 233 O. 70 Parkinson, B. R. 146 S. 40, 101 T. W. F. 175 Parr, A. 76 G. D. A. 110, 114, 115, 173 Parry, E. J. 141, 142, 235 L. A. 259 Parson, J. 53 Parsons , F . G . 222 349 Name Index. Parsons , H . de B . 84 H . F . 234 J. H. 16, 102, 269, 270, 271 J. J. 290 S.J. 154 Part, G. M. 168 Partington, J. R. 25, 99, 130, 151 Partridge. W. 124, 229, 235 Partsch, J. 178 Passmpre, A. C. 62, 65 Pasteur, 4 Patchell, W.H. 173 Paterson, A.M. 222, 223, 224 D . 299 G. W. L. 112, 116, 173 W. E. 38 Paton , D . M . 288 D. N. 226, 240, 295 H . 304 Patrick, G. T. W. 7 Pattison, J.T. 155 Paul. C. N. 284 .T.H. 137 M . E . 228 , 279 N.M. 9, 10 Pavlov, T. P. 286 Pavy, F. W. 258 Pawson, H. C. 211 Payne, J. F. 232 W.H. 4 Paynter, J. E. 33 Peacey, E. 296 Peacock, D. H. 3 Peake, A. H. 53 R. J. 801 Pear, T. H. 253 Pearce, E. K. 189 J. G. 310 W. J. 69 Pearmain, T. H. 235 Pearn, F. 311 S. 311 Pearse, A. W. 217 Pearson, 182 C. Y. 261 J.C. 77 J. H. 62 K. 3, 43, 44, 45, 49, 54, 195 M. 134 M . G . 263 N. 10, 16 S. V. 250 Peattie, J. 84 Peddic, A. 46 R . A . 2 , 304 Pedley, R. D. 282 Peel , R . 172 Peel,T. 81 Pelly, S. A. 170 Pembrey , M . S . 226 , 240 , 293 Pendlebury, C. 36 Pendred, V. 83 Pendry, H. W. 120 PenhaHow,D.P. 261 Pen lake, R. 308 Penlington, W. A. G. 216 Penman , D . 178 Pennington, A. S. 191 Penrose, H. E. 107, 121 Penzer.N. M. 219 Percival, A. S. 25, 101, 272 G. A. 117 - J. 212,213, 214, 220 Perk in, A. G. 147 F. M. 46, 124, 130, 133, 144 H. 173 -W.H. 41, 124, 125, 129, 131 Perol, P. 244 Perrin , J . 103 Perrott , A . D . 34 S.W. 53 Perry, 8 J . 25 , 28 , 45 , 82 Peters, O. H. 256 Petherbridge,F.R. 213 Petit, G. 142 Pettigrew , W . F . 83 Pfeffer, W. 203 Philip, A. 119 A. J. 304,305 J.C. 127 Philipson, J. 65 Phillimore, J. 80 Phillips, C.D.F. 293 -H. J. 156 Sir J. 275 T. A. 169 L. P. 246 W. 204 Philpott.T. V. 211 Piaggio, H.T. H. 29 Picard,H. K. 155 Pick*rd,J. A. 156 Pickering, W. H. 160 Pickerill, H. D. 256 H.P. 282 Pickford, A. G. 32 Pickworth, C. N. 37 P.C.N. 311 Pidduck,F. B. 107 Pigg, J. J. 308 Piggot , H . E . 35 Piggott , H . 177 Pilcher,R.B. 124, 137 350 Name Indec. Pilkington, W. 51 Pillsbury, W.B. 7, 16 Pilon, H. 105 Pinches, H. J. 261 Pinkerton , P . 33 R . H . 31 , 41 , 42 Pintner, R. 17 Piper, C. W. 308 Pippard, A. J. S. 93 Pirie , G . 41 Pite, B. 62 Pitfield, R.L. 230 Planck , M . 99 Play fair, E. 232, 252 Plimmer,R. H. A. 135 Plomer,H.R. 305 Plotinus. 9 Plucknett, F. 302 Plues , M . 205 , 206 Plummer, H. C. 160 Pogson , F . L . 9 Poincare", H. 2 Poland, J. 232, 268 Politzer, A. 274 Pollard. A. F. C. 54 A . W . 305 H. 158 Polleyn, F. 299 Pollock, C.E. 247 W. 88 Pomponazzi, P. 6 Poole, B. W. 302 H.E. Ill J. 120 W. H. 286 Pope, F. G. 131 T . H . 1 37 Sir W. J. 164 Popplewell, W. C. 44, 51, 74, Porritt , B . D . 142 Porter, A. 191 A. E. 235 A. W. 40, 106 B. C. 180 C . 234 , 237 C . T . 82 J . 217 W . G . 273 , 274 Poschl, V. 128 Possnett , V . 304 Potter, M. C. 201, 213 S. O.L. 222 T. 66 Potts, H.E. 128, 142 W. A. 280 Poulsen, A. 66 Poulton, E. B. 189, 195, 196 Powell, A. R. 134 Power, F.D. 171 Sir D'A. 247, 261 Powles, H. H. P. 72, 85 Poynting, J. H. 96, 98, 176 Poynton, F. J. 249, 255 Poyser, A. W. 106, 107 Praeger, R.L. 200 Prain , Sir D . 206 Prasad , G . 29 Pratt, A. 206 H.B. 95 H. K. 82, 85 Prausnitz, C. 274 Preece, Sir W. H. 120 W.L. 120 Prendergast , M . 70 Prentice , H . R . 280 Prescott, J. 40 Preston , H . 124 T. 35, 99, 101 Price . E . A . 36 F. W. 255 J . A . P . 242 T. S. 130, 131 W. 76 W. A. 115 Prichard, A. H. 286 Prideaux, E. B. R. 127 , 134 R . M . 297 Priestley, E. 297 J/3, 4 Priestman, H. 297, 298 Primrose , H . S . 75 J . S . G . 75 , 154 , 1 55 Pringle, A. 309 J. H. 263 Pringle-Pattison, A. S. 7 Pritchard , E . 279 J . L . 93 Probyn-Williams, R. J. 263 Procter, H. R. 149 R. A. 160, 161 Prost, E. 133 Prothero, R.E. 215 Protheroe, E. 185 Proud, E. D. 311 Pryde , J . 38 Przibraro , H . 223 Pull, E. 76, 85 Pullen, W. W. F. 33, 43, 45, 73, 82 85 Punnett , M . 36 R. C. 189, 195 Puppe , J . 73 Purchase, W.R. 63 Purdav, H.F.P. 88 351 Name Index. Purington, C. W. 312 Purves, A. 157 Purvis, J.E. 234 Putsch, A. 144 Py craft, W. P. 192 Pye. 264 Pye-Smith, P. H. 242 Quain , Sir R . 222 , 243 Quatrefages, A. de. 197 Quig*in , A . H . 197 Quilter, J. H. 300 Quincke, H. 265 Radasch, H. E. 223 Radcliffe,.!. W. 801 Radcliffe-Crocker, H. 284 Radford , E . M . 22 W. 294 Radhakrishnan , S . 7 Raffety,C. W. 105 Raikes, H. P. 59 Rainy, H. 244 Rambaut, A. A. 162 Rambousek , J . 238 Ramsay, Sir A. C. 169 A.M. 269 A.R. J. 147 Sir W. 3, 100, 126 Ramsbottom , A . 243 , 255 Ramsey, A. S. 40, 42, 101 Rand,B. 13 Randau, P. 78 Randies, W. N. 309 Rankin,D..T. 165 R. 116 W. 264 Raukine, W. J. M. 43, 49, 73, 82, 90 Raphael, F. C. 115 Rappoport, S. 8 Rastall, R. H. 165, 166, 168, 214 Rat, J.N. 246 Rausenberger , F. 158 Ravenhill, A. 234 Rawling,L.B. 224, 265 Rawlley,T. C. 297 Rawson, C. 147 Raxworthy, H. C. 272 Rayleigh, Lord. 96, 99, 103, 105 Raymond, J. 4 Raymond-Barker, E. 114 Rayner, H. 298 M.C. 200 Raynes, F. W. 59, 60 Rea, J.T. 63 R . L . 262 Read, C. 13, 197 C. S. 253 H.H. 164 , P . 263 Reaney, M. J. 19 Redding, J.M. 290 Redfern, J.B. 117 Redgrave , G . R . 66 Redgrave, H. S. 127 Redmayne , Sir R . A . S . 171 , 172 Redwood, SirB. 144 I. I. 144 Reed, F.R.C. 166, 169 H.L. 35 S. J. 89 T. 86 Reeks, H. C. 295 Reepen, H. B. 197 Regan, C. T. 192 Rehling,M.M. 201 Reid. Sir A. 247 C. 168 G. 59 Sir G. A. 195 J. A. 62 Reiser, F. 157 N . 801 , 302 Remsen, I. 124, 130 Rendle, A. B. 200 Rennie. 4 J. 185,200 Renwick, W. G. 65 Revis, C. 139 Rew,SirR.H. 139,218 Reynolds,E.S. 234 O. 21 S.H. 191 W.D. 45 Rhead,E. L. 153, 157 Rhodes, H. J. 304 J.E. W. 168 W.G. 113 Riach,M. A. S. 93 Ribot.T. 16,20 Richards, C. H. 30 P. A.E. 134 W.A. 154 Richardson, A. 70 C. A. 10 H. 177 J. 82, 88 L.F. 54 O. W. 104, 105 S. S. 107 W. 147 W.G. 266 Richmond, H.D. 216 Richter, V. 131 Rickaby, J. 10, 11 Ricketts, T. F. 246 352 Name Index. Ricks, G. 65 Rideal, E. K. 57, 128, 129, 155 S. 57, 138, 139 Rider, J. H. 118 Ridgeway , Sir W . 193 Ridgway, A. C. 311 Ridley ,*H.N. 206, 219 Riemer, J. 172 Riesz, M. 23 Rignano , E . 2 Riley,.!. W. 65 *W. J. 62 Rimmer, E. J. 64, 85 Rings , F . 67 Rintoul, W. R. 98 Rip ley, W. Z. 197 Ripper, W. 82 Ritchie, A.E. 169 D.G. 8 E.G. 49 J. 195, 229, 240 L . C . P . 268 W.T. 254, 255 Rivers, W. C. 250 W. H.R. 20, 251, 253 Riviere, C. 250, 289 Rivington, 62 Rixon, C. H. L. 252 Robb, A. A. 104 Robert , B . 1 . 251 Roberts , C . 93 C. H. 275 C. W. 86 F . 226 F . T . 243 G . II . 214 J. 110 M. E. 302 R.D. 166 T. 301 W.M. 41 Roberts -Austen, Sir W. C. 153 Robertson , A . W . 240 D. 113 F.D.S. 213 G.M. 253 J. 46 J.B. 144 J.M. 8 L.S. 85 N. 289 P. W. 133 W. 234, 235, 237 W.F. 254 W. G. A. 234, 238 Robin, A. 289 Robinson , A . 221 Robinson, A. H. 267 F.E. 36 G.D. 277 G. R. 216 H. 56 H.C. 76 H.P. 308 J.L. 41, 183 W. 124, 213 Robson, A. G. 73, 76 Sir A. W. M. 248, 256, 266 .J.H. 47 W. A. 91 Roepke,Dr. 249, 288 Roesler,E. 87 Rogers , A . G . L . 214 C . C . 208 F.H. 80 Sir L. 245, 246 R. A. P. 11, 33 W.M. 206 Roget,F.F. 226 Rohland , P . 128 Rohr , M . von . 102 Rolfe-Martin , A . B . 121 Rolleston, G. 224 Sir H. D. 239, 241, 256 J.D. 246 Romanes , G . J . 19 , 195 Romer, F. 263 Romer, P. H. 280 Ronaldson, J.H. 165 Rood , O . N . 102 Roper, A. G. 195 Roscoe, Sir H. E. 102, 124, 126, 130 Rose , E . M . 88 SirT.K. 155 W. 261 W.N. 25 Rosemberg , P . 77 Rosenberg, E. 110 F. 33 Rosenhain. W. 149, 156 Ross, E.H. 189 F. W.F. 248 G.R.T. 10 J. S. 263, 283 P . 26 Sir R. 245,246 Rossetti, G. A. 46 Roth, P. B. 268 Rothery , G . C . 69 Rothwell, C.F. S. 299 F. 251 Rounthwaite , H . M . 86 Routh , E . J . 40 , 41 Rowarth , E . 47 353 cc Name Index. Rowe , E . 65 Rowland , A . F . 252 Rowlands, R. P. 261 Rownson, 46 Roxburgh, W. 157 Royds , R . 82 Royle,H.M. 146 Rubencamp, R. 142 Rudd , .1 . H . 65 W.A. 48 Ruff, F. 90 Ruge, A. 14 Rugg, W. G. 180, 181, 182 Ruggiero, G. de. 8 Ruhe, A. 10 Ruhmer, E. 121 Russ,C. 247 S. 105 Russell, A. 118, 114 A.E. 244 B. 10, 14, 22 E. J. 213, 220 E.S. 186 H. 189 I. 178 J. C. 176 J.W. 31 L. J. 14 R. 248 T . H . 205 W. 255 Ruston, A. G. 143, 215 Rutherford, 219 -A. H. 226 SirE. 105 Rutley, F. 164, 168 Rutter, W.P. 219 Ryan, J. C. 236 Rye.E.C. 189 Ryland, F. 12, 16 S.Y.K. 83 Saberton, C. 290 Sabine,M.H. 90 Sachs, J. von. 199, 201 Sackur, O. 127 Sadler, H. 160 W. 216 Sadtler, S. S. 132 Sage , A . R . 62 Sahli, H. 289 Sahni,B. 200 Sainsbury, H. 293 Saker, D. G. 216 Saleeby, C. W. 248 Salisbury, E. J. 199 R. D. 166, 176 Salmon, G. 33 Salmon, P. R. 308 V.G. 51 Salomons, Sir D. 116 Salter, C. 140, 144, 146, 299 C.T.C. 138 W.M. 8 Salvadori, G. 16 Sampson, R. A. 160 Samson , C . G . 62 Samuel, A.M. 192 Sand, H. J. S. 147 Sandeman , E . A . 150 Sanders, C. F. 7 Sanderson, F. W. 42, 107 Sandiford,P. 19 Sandon , F . 25 Sands, D.L. 115 Sanford,P.G. 150 Sankey, H.R. 82, 88 Sargeant,E. W. 56 -F.P. 125 Sargent, A. J. 177 P. 244,264 Satterly.J. 96, 99, 107 Saundby, R. 244, 256, 257, 259 Saunders, B. 78 E. 189 J.T. 223 Sauvage, E. 83 Savage, SirG. 253 W.G. 235 Savill,T.D. 244 Savin,.!. 117 Savoia, H. 157 Sawyer, J.E.H. 258 Saxelby, F.M. 25 Saxl. A. 268 Sayers, H.M. 118 Scales, T. S. 196 Scarlett, R. H. 99 Schafer, Sir E. A. S. 222, 223, 226 Scharff,R.F. 185, 193 Schaub,E.L. 20 Scheithauer,W. 144 Schenck,H. 201 Schcrer, R. 139 Schiaparelli, G. 159 Schidrowitz, P. 142 Schiller, F. C. S. 14 Schimper,A.F.W. 203 Schindler,K. 67 SchlJck,M. 104 Schmidt, H. 138 O. 193, 195 Schmieden , V . 261 Schnabel,C. 153 Schoeller, W.R. 134 Name Index. Schofield , A . T . 251 , 253 , 290 Schonland, S. 196 Schooling, W. 214 Schopenhauer , A . 12 Schorlemmer , C. 124 Schott,G.A. 106,107 Schottelius , M . 230 Schryver, S. B. 135 Schubert, A. 77 Schultz , F . 284 G. 147 Schulze, F. 17 Schuster, Sir A. 3, 96, 98, 101, 102 E. 194 Schutzenberger, Prof. 128 Schwartz, Dr. von. 171 Schwarz , R . H . L . 167 , 169 Schweizer, V. 142 Schwendener, S. 196 Scorer, A. G. 190 Scott, A. 126 A. A.H. 67 C. A. 33 D. G. 201 170, 184, 202,203 244 145 L. 214 R.F. 27 R.H. 162 S.R. 265 T . B . 243 W. 58, 296 W. A. 65 Mitchell, F. 69 Scripture, E.W. 17 Seabrook, A. H. 144 Se"ailles, G. A. 7 Searle . A . B . 65 , 66 , 128 , 145 , 149 150 G. F. C. 44, 103 Seaton,A.E. 86 E.C. 245 Sedgwick,A. 186 Seeligmann, T. 142 Sencert,L. 264 Sennett . R . 86 Senter, G. 127, 130 Sequeira, J.H. 284 Seth,J. 8,12 Sessions, H. 217 Seward , A . C . 2 , 170 , 195 Sewell, T. 110 } 112 Sewill,H. 283 J. S. 283 Sexton , A . H . 67 , 73 , 133 , 134 , 143 153, 154, 155, 157 Sexton, M.J. 85 I,; Seymour, A. 148 Shakespear , G . A . 96 Shanahan, E. W. 218 Shand,A.F. 16 Share- Jones , J . T . 295 . i . " t Sharp , D . 190 J. 57, 157 P. 298 Sharpe,E.M.B. 190 Shaw, A.H. 58 B. 75 C. W. 294 H. 93 J.H. 87 N. 209 S. 150 T.R. 73, 76 W.J. 121 SirW.N. 97,100,163 Mackenzie , J . A . 249 Shelley, C. P. B. 76 Shennan,T. 239 Shenstone , W . A . 1 30 Shenton,E. W.H. 267 Shepherd, E.C.M. 80 J. W. 133 Sheppard, S. E. 127 Shera , A . G . 288 Sherborn , C . D . 185 Sherlock , E . B . 253 Sherren , J . 285 Sherrin , G . C . 80 Sherrington , C . S . 226 , 233 Sherwood, G. 215 Shield, W. 54 Shipley, Sir A. E. 3,185,186,190, 191, 196 Shone, I. 59 Shonk,A. 302 Shore. A. 121 L. F. 225 Short , A . R . 226 , 242 , 244 , 261 Showell,P.G. 180 Shuckard, W.E. 190 Shuttleworth , G . E . 280 Sibley>W.K. 284 Siddons,A.W. 26,31,32,37,98 Sidgwick , A . 14 H. 8, 12 Silberstein , L . 23 , 24 , 101 , 102 , 104 Silk, A. E. 54 J.F.W. 263 Sillem,C. 191 Sim,J. 172 T,R. 205 Simmonds , C . 138 355 Name Index. Simmons, A. T. 97, 176, 177 W.H. 141 Simms,F.W. 51 Simon , T . 280 Simpson, F.M. 5 W.J. 236,246 Sindall.R.W. 148 Sivewright, Sir J. 120 Skelton , R . A . and Co . 67 Skinner, M.L. 278 W.R. 172 Slack, J.E. 46 Slade,J.H. 42 Slater, A. 158,215 J. A. 318 Slaughter,.!. W. 19 Sleeper, M.B. 121 Slesaor,H.H. 10 Slingo,SirW. 107 Sloan, S. 276 Slosson.E.E. 104,122 Smart, E. 174 E.H. 82 Smeaton . 4 Smiles, S. 3 Smith, A. C. 257 A.H. 282 B. 36, 176 C. 26,32, 33 C. A. 44,82,88 C.F. 118,115 D. 311 D. W. 180 E. 280 E.A. 155,156,261,283 E.C.B. 56, 84 E.M. 19 SirF. 295 F. 264 F. J. 234,238,244 F. J. J. 72 G. 185 G.E. 197,253 G.F.H. 165 G.S.G. 229,245,259 G. W. 185 H.G. 164,205 H.H. 219,220 H..T.S. 21 J . C . 69 , 142 J.H. 26,32,35,36,99,129, 214 J.S.K. 256,268 L.F. 264 P.C. 252 P.H.P. 242 R.E.B. 308 Smith, R.H. 28,33, 46,82 S. 151 S.P. 112, 113 S.W. 153 T. A. 73 T.B. 145 T. G. 88 T. S. 311 W. 302 W.G. 197 W.H. 48,89 W.J. 213, 244 Smyth, W.H. 159 Smythe,J.A. 155 R.H. 295,296 Snaith.G.L. 179 Snell, Sir J.F.C. 73 Snowball, T. 270 Snowman , J . 244 Soddy.F. 2,103,105 Sohn,C.E. 135,286 Solereder,H. 203 Sollas.H. 167 So 1ms - La u bach, G. 170 Solomon, H.G. 115 - M. 117 Solomons,B. 275 Somerscales , A . N . 86 , 87 Somerville, W. 211 Sommerville, D. 234 D.M.Y. 34 Sender, O.W. 205 Sorapure, V.E. 244 Sorley,W.R. 6,8,12,13 Sornay, 220 Sorsbie,R.F. 166 Sothern, J. W.M. 87,39,14$ R.M. 87 Sourdille, Dr. 273 Souster.E.G.W. 311 South, R. 190 Southall,W. 292 Southcombe , J . E . 141 Southerns, L. 98 Southward , J . 305 Souttar, H. S. Soxhlet,D. H. 251 147 Spackman , C . 66 Spaight, J.M. 91 Spanton,J.H. 48 Sparrow , F . W . 308 Spencer, A. S. 67 H. 3,4,11,12,16,20,311 J.F. 127, 130 L. J. 164 C . G . 264 W. G. 261 356 Name Index. Spencer , Browne , H . 262 Spielmann , P . E . 1 31 Spiers , F . S . 196 Spikes, W.H. 73 Spitta,E.J. 196,309 Spon . 90 Spooner,H.J. 48,80,88,151 Sprague , E . H . 25 , 41 , 44, 49 , 50 , 55 J.T. 119 Sprawson , C . A . 236 , 289 Sprigge, S. S. 232 Springett , B . H . 82 Squire , J . E . 243 Sir P. W. 223, 292 Staee,W.T. 8 Stacey,W.F. 163 Staig,R.A. 186 Stainton, H.T. 190 Stallo,.T.B. 98 Standage , H . C . 139 , 149 Stanford , R . V . 131 Stanley, H. 73,98 R. 121 Stansbie, J. H. 78,153 Stanton,W.F. 45 Stark, A. C. 291 Starling , E . H . 226 , 227 , 286 S. G. 97, 107, 110 Startin,J. 284 Stave ley, E. F. 190 Stead, J.P:. 156 Stebbing , E . P . 209 F. C. 181 L.S. 11 T.R.R. 191 Stedman , T . L . 243 Steel, J.H. 296 Steele,.J.C. 243 .I.E. 71 W..T. 41 Steenbeck, W.H. 313 Steinheil,A. 102 Stelfox,S.H. 40 Stenhouse, E. 176 Step , K . 191 , 205 , 206 , 209 Stephen , D . J . 8 -1 G. A. 305 Sir L . 8 Stephens, H. 211 J.W.W. 248 Stephenson, C. 300 G. 63 Stephensons . 3 Stern , H . A . 25 Sternberg , G . M . 288 Steven , E . M . 279 Stevens, F. H. 31,34,36,120 H.B. 291,292 H. P. 142, 148 T . G . 275 W.M. 244 Stevenson , Sir T . 234 W. 209,214 Stewart, A. M. 97 A.W. 124,128,131,234 B. 51,98 D. 286 G. 85 G.N. H.L. 227 8 I. 294 J. 305 J. M'K. 11 Sir J.P. 251 R.W. 98,99,101,103,107, 133 Stieglitz.J. 133 Still, A. 110 G. F. 280 Stirling, W. 160 Stobbs,T. 46,153 Stock, C.H. 62 Stockbridge, F. P. 18 Stockl,A. 8 Stockman,R. 249 Stocks , H . B . 139 , 141 , 1 51 , 234 Stoddart . 86 W.H.B. 254 Stokes, Sir G. G. 96,101 R. 155 R. S. G. 165 Stone, G. 171 - G. deH. 79 H. 209 Stoneman , B . 201 Stoney.J. 29 Stopes , M . C . 144 , 1 70 , 201 Stopford -Taylor, G. 288 Storey, F. W. 201 Storring,C. 18 Story-Masketyne , N . 164 Stout, G. F.' 16, 38 Strachan , H . 237 Strachey, SirR. 206 Strange, W. L. 55 Strangeway . 295 Strangewnys , T . S . P . 229 Strasburger, E. 201 Stratford , E . Wingfield- . 17 Straton,C.R. 187 Stratton , G . M . 18 Stretton , C . E . 83 Strickland , F . 80 357 Name Index. Stromeyer , C . E . 85 Strong, C. A. 16 T.B. 2 Struben, A.M. A. 183 Strutt,E.G. 214 Stuart, A. H. 24,72 Low, W. 273 Sturch,F. 65 Sturge,M.D. 251 Sturridge , E . 282 , 283 Sturrock, W.D. 234 Sturt, H. 14 Sudborough , J . J . 131 Suddards , F . 300 Suess,E. 167 Suffit,C. 246 SutMing, E.R. 150 Suggate , A . 50 Sully, J. 16,19,20 Summer, P. H. 95 Summers , A . L . 145 , 165 Supino, G. 88 Suplee.H.H. 89 Sutcliffe, G.L. 66 J. A. L. 141 Sutherland , G . A . 255 , 281 , 286 W.D. 238 W. G. 291 Sutton,F. 134 Sir J . B . 282 , 260, 267 , 275 Svedberg.T. 128 Swaine,A.T. 167 W. 101 Swainston , C . M . 181 , 182 Swallow, M. G. S. 89 Swan.K.R. 1 Swanton , E . W . 190 , 204 Swanwick, F.T. 85 Swanzy . 270 Swayne.J.G. 277 W.C. 277 Sweet, H. 18 Swietochowski , G . De . 285 Swift, H.B. 119 Swinburne, J. 82 Swinhoe.C. 189,190 SwintOii, A. J. 91 Svik'nham, Lord. 158 Sykes.W.J. 138 Sylvester, C. 94,112,114,118 -1 J.J. 21 Sym,W.G. 269,270,271 Syme,S.G. 273 W.S. 273 Symington, J. 222 Symmers , W . St . C . 230 Symonds , M . 302 Taggart , W . S . 298 , 301 , 302 Tailfer,L. 300 Tait,J. 181,182,227 P.G. 7,21,22,28,41 Talbot , F . A . 71 , 95 , 144 ,309 Tancock , E . . 160 Tanner, A. E. 219 H. 212 Tansley.A.G. 18 Tanzi,E. 254 Tarleton,F. A. 24,42 Tat low, J. 4 Tayler, A. J. W. 52, 74, "82, 88, 209 Taylor, A. 234 A. E. 11, 12 A. S. 238 A.T. 83 E.G.R. 177 E.H. 222,261 SirF. 243 F.G. 29 F.N. 50, 57, 59 G. 75, 163, 179 G. G. S. 289 G.S. 288 H.G. 73 H.S. 128, 143 J. 132, 281 .I.E. 40 J.T. 299, 308 S. 103 T. 46 W. 308 W.T. 115 W. W. 126, 128 Teago,F.J. 109 Teed, P. L. 130 Teetgen,A.B. 219 Telford . 4 Terry, C.W. 65 H. L. 142 Thatcher, E. 77 Thearle, S..T.P. 71 Theobald , F . V . 190 , 214 , 248 Thesing,C. 184 Thibierge,G. 247 Thilly,F. 8 Thiselton-Dyer , Sir W . T . 205 , 206 Thoday,D. 201 Thoinot,L.H. 230 Thole, F.B. 123,127,131,133 Thomalen,A. 110 Thomas, E.M. 201 G.H. 91 H.H. 169 J. 132 J.B. 71 358 Name Index. Thomas, P. 134 W.N. 51 Thompson , A . B . 169 A. W.H. 30 C.J. S. 292 D'A.W. 187 H. 76, 295 H. G. 4 H . S . 206 J. S. 4 R.F.M. 193 R.L. 178 S.P. 4,28.101,108,110, 112, 270, 308 T. 110 Sir W.H. 286 158 Thomsen , C . F . J. 128 Thomson , A . 224 , 261 , 270 A.L. 192 G. 59 G.H. 17 93 216 251 250 263 J. 96, 281, J.A. 2,4,5,184,185,187, 191, 194, 195, 196 J.A. K. 8 J . B . 22 J. H. 144 SirJ.J. 98,104,108,128 M. 196 S. 243 Sir St. C. 273 W. 219 Thorburn, A. 192, 193 Thorn, W.H. 84 W.T. 87 Thorne,L.T. 255 P.C.L. 137 W.B. 255 Thornley.T. 298,301 Thornton , A . 40 , 134 J. 176, 184, 227 Thorp , E . L . 300 J. 305 Thorpe, J. F. 147 SirT.E. 4,122,126,133,137 W.H. 50 Threlfall.H. 51 Thresh, J. C. 235 Thrift, W.E. 101 Thurston , A . P . 93 C.B. 177 Thursfield, J. H. 280 M. 239 Tibbetts,T.M. 232 Tibbies , W . 139 , 286 Tidy,H.L. 243 Tiffany, F. 209 Tilden , Sir W . A . 122 , 124 , 126 Tilley,H. 273 Tillyard,R. J. 190 Timberg,R. 287 Timiriazeff , C . A . 203 Tims,H.W.M. 282 Tinel,J. 251 Tinker, F. S. 249 T inkier, C. K. 137,144 Tinney,W.H. 173 Tirard,N. I.C. 285 Tisdale,C. W.W. 216 Titchener, E. B. 7, 12, 17, 18 Titherley , A . W . 131 Tod. 86, 87 F . H . 274 Todd,A.H. 262,281 J. 182, 219 T.W. 244 Toderovich , G . 312 Tod hunter , 1 . 29 , 34 , 36 , 44 Tognoli,E. 133 Tolkowsky , M . 101 Tomes, C. S. 282,283 Sir J. 283 Tomkinson , C . W . 215 Tompkins , A . E . 87 Tonge,J. 145,172 Toovey,T.W. 217 Topham,J. 313 W.H. 25 Top ley , W . W . 240 , 307 Torr,C. 71 Torrens , J . 244 Torrey, J. 142 Torrilhon , G . L . 142 Townsend, C. F. 308 F. 207 J.S. 104 Tozer,H.F. 175 Traill, T.W. 85 Traube , M . R . 18 Travis . 53 Tredgold, A. F. 254 Treiber,T. 75 Treves,SirF. 222,261 Trewman , H . F . 118 Triggs,H.I. 68 Trimble, C.J. A. 25 Trinks,W. 82 Trotman , S . R . 149 , 300 359 Name Index. Trotter, A. P. 60 L.B.C. 255 W. 20 Trouessa rt , E . L . 230 Truscott, S. J. 165,174 Tubby, A. H. 261,268 Tubeuf, C. von. 213 Tuck , G . L . 246 Tucker, R. 21 T.G. 13 Tuckey , C . L . 290 C.O. 33,41 Tudsbery, J.H.T. 57 Tunzelmann , G . W . de . 108 Turck.H. 13 Turnbull,A. 2,261 W. 299 Turner, A. L. 4,273,274 C.C. 91 D. 105,290 G.C. 23,25 H. 298 H.H. 104, 160, 161 H.W. Ill L.B. 121 P. 224,261,267 T. 163, 154, 157 SirW. 4 W. 262 W.E.S. 128, 129 Tutt,J.W. 190 Tutton, A.E. H. 164 Tweedy, E. H. 277 Twelvetrees , W . N . 62 , 67 Twining, E.W. 251 Twiss,D.F. 131 Twort,F.W. 296 Tyler, E. A. 124 Tyndall,J. 1,168 Ugarte.J.P. 219 Upcott , H . 263 Underwood , A . B . G . 282 A.S. 282,283 Unstead,J.F. 175,177 Unwin,A.H. 209 P.W. 32 R. 68 W.C. 38,48, 55 Urquhart, J. W. 116,117 Urwick,E.J. 12 Usborne, P. O. G. 50 Usherwood , T . S . 25 Usill,G.W. 51 Valentin. W. G. 124 Valentine, C.W. 18 E. J. 171 Vallack, A.S. 263 Vallery-Radot, R. 4 Van Hall, C. J. J. 219 Van Liew, C. C. 18 Van 't Hoff, J. H. 126, 127 Varisco,B. 11 P. 16 Vassall,A. 98 Vaughan , D . T . G . 198 Vendelmans, H. 220 Venn.J. 14 Verdon,W. 255 Vermuyden . 8 Vernon,A. 215 H.M. 195 - Harcourt, L. F. 50,55,59 Vickerman,C. 298 Villa, G. 17 Villamil, R. De. 42, 92, 103 Villavecchia, V. 137 Ville,G. 220 Vinall, J. W.T. 179 Vincent, C. 151 - H. 246 R. 279 - S. 227 Vines, S. H. 199,201 Vittoz,R. 252 Vogel.E. 308 H. 807 Vo*t,J.H.L. 165 Voit,E. 102 Vries,D.De. 75 - H.D. 194 Vulpius.O. 281 Wabner,R. 173 Waddington, V. 287 Wade,C.F. 85 J. 131 W. L. 95 Wadia,D.N. 169 Wadmore, J. M. 127 Waele, 141 Waggett.E.B. 274 Wagner, E. 235 P. A. 174 - R. 137 Wagstaff, C. J. L. 103 Wahl,A. 147 Wakefield, S. 298 Wake , R . 65 Waldo, F. 163 Walford,E.W. 80 Walkden,S.L. 93 Walker, A. H. 235 C. 156 C.E. 17 E. W. A. 241 360 Name Index. Walker, G.T. 108 - G. W. 167 J. 101, 125, 128, 130 J. W.T. 266 L. 302 L. J. 8 M. 112 N. 284 S.F. 85,116,117,173 W . J . 92 , 94 W.M. 151 Tisdale, C. W. 216 Wall,E.J. 308 Wallace, A. R. 3,167,193,196 C. 265 Sir C. S. 266 J. 52, 94 J . S . 279 , 281 , 282 , 286 W. M. 55 Wallas, G. 20 Waller, A. D. 227 H. E. 289 Walley, J.T. 39,236 Wallis,B.C. 175,177,178 C . E . 282 F. Ill Sir F. C. 266 Budge , Sir E . A . 231 Tayler,A.J. 52,74,82,88, 209 Walmsley, R.M. Ill T. 222 Walsh, D. 284,289 J . J . 232 Walshan , H . 250 , 289 Walsingham, Lord. 190 Walston, Sir C. 12 Walter, A. F. 182 K . 299 Walters , F . B . 31 F . R . 250 , 251 Walton, A. J. 263 - T. 71 Wang, C. Y. 155, 169 Wanhill, C.F. 232 Wanklyn , W . 246 Wansbrough , W . D . 29 , 83 , 84 , 85 Warburton,C. 190 Ward , E . 266 F. 185 H. 121 H. M. 207,209, 213 J. 10, 17, 196 S. 12 Warden, A. A. 232, 289 Wardt, R. G. de. 119 Waring, E. J. 292 W T aring, H. J. 262 Warington , R . 220 Warming , E . 201 , 203 Warn,R.H. 77 Warnes,A.R. 145 Warrell,C. 220 Warren, A. G. 82 E . J . 308 R. 261 W.H. 50 Warwick, F. J. 291 Washbourn, J. W. 245 Wash burn, M.F. 12 Wasmann , E . 196 Watkins,A. 308 Watson , B . P . 275 , 276 , 277 D. 246, 247 B.C. 244 E.R. 127 G.N. 23 80 59 100 J. 1,8, 66, 78, 213 J. K. 247, 278,294 T. H. 71 W. 98, 217, 300 Watt. 4 A. 119, 141, 148, 149 Sir.G. 219 II. J. 17, 103 Watts. 126 F. 20, 212 H.C. 93 W. M. 102,207 G.W. H.S. H. W W.W. 167 Weatherburn , C . E . 24 Weatherhead , R . 161 Webb, A. D. 38 C.C.J. 8 E. 17 II . J. 212 J . C . 290 T. W. 160 W. 68 W. M. 191 Johnson , A . E . 246 Webber, E. 313 F. C. W. H Weber, A. C.O. 146 SirH. Webster, A. D. Weeks -Shaw, C. Weigall,A.G. 212 65 Y. 8 142 259,289 209, 210 294 361 Name Index. Weininger,O. 18 Weisbach,.!. 56,74 Weismann, A. 196 Weiss, F.E. 213 R. 240 Welhy,F.A. 3,226,227 . Wellington,R.H. 238 Wells, G.C. 51 G. J. 88 H. G. 187 P. A. 65 S.H. 40,48 Welton,.T. 14 Wenyon,C.M. 259 Werner, L. 270 Wertheim,E. 276 West.C.E. 265,269^ F.W. 58 G. 309 G. S. 204 M. 19 S. 256 Westaway, F. W. 2 Westcott, G. J. B. 28 W.W. 288,292 Westell, W. P. 185,192,193,201 Westermarck , E. 11 Westinghouse , G . 8 Westland . A . 278 Weston.F.E. 133,140 H.C. 147 Whale, G. 95 H. L. 265, 269 Whall,C.W. 150 W.B. 181, 182, 183 Wharton , Sir W . J . L . 183 Wheat ley, O. 66 Wheeler. 242 O. 308 R.V. 144 Sir W.I. deC. 262 Wheen,C.W. 54 Whellens, W.H. 210 Whetham, W. C. D. 96, 108, 128 Whewell, W. 21 Whinyates , L . 125 Whipham,T.R.C. 281 Whitaker , J . R . 221 , 224 Whitbv,G.S. 142 155 267 91 60 73 155 117, 120 71 White, J. R. 267 J. W. 207 256,281 SO Sir W. H. 291,293 W. H. 98, 257 W.L. 60 Whitehead , A . N . 2,8,22,27,30, 82 S. E. 146 Whitelaw,J. 51 Whitelegge, Sir A. 234 Whiteley,R. L. 126,130 Whitelocke,R.H.A. 267 Whitiield,A. 284 Whiting, A. J. 244 Whitla,.T.A. 292 Sir W. 248,285, 291 Whitney ,W.D. 18 Whittaker,C. M. 148 C.R. 198,221,222,224,227, 260, 261 E.T. 23,41, 102 T. 8,12 W.E.deB. 80 Whitwam,J.H. 802 Whymper, R. 139 Wibberley,T. 212 Wiekham,H.A. 220 L. 289 Widdowson , T . W . 282 , 283 Widgery.A.G. 11 Wight, J.T. 42 Wigley,T.B. 78 Wilcockson, W.H. 165 Wilcox.E.V. 235 Wilcla.H. 74,89 Wildgoose,A. 73 Wilkes,W.H. 182 Wilkinson, M. E. 302 W.T. 805 Willcocks, Sir W. 55 Williams, A. 307 G. 182,264 H.E. 132 H. W. 805 J. 83 L. 243 M. M. 212 M.V. 11 P. W. 274 R. J.P. 263 W. 296 Ellis, C. 65 Williamson, A. P. W. 181,182 B . 29 , 42 H. 52,258 362 Name Index. Williamson, "J. 51,67 J . G . 311 R . T . 252 Willis ,J.C. 207,212 M. 200 S..T. 121 Willoughby , E . F . 216 , 234 W. G. 246 Willows, R.S. 98,128 Wilmore,A. 178 Wilson, E. 118 F. IT. 172 F . J . 126 H. 78 H. A. 98, 104 H.M. 137 H . R . 53 IT. W. 258, 260 J. 190, 217 J.C. 31 N.J. 114 O. Q . 190 R . M . 244 , 310 R . McN . 255 S. 119 T. S. 255 Barker , Sir D . 181 , 182 Wimperis, H. E. 80, 89, 94, Winchester, C. 92 Windelband , W . 14 Windle, Sir B.C. A. 224 Wingfield,H. 252 H . E . 290 Stratford, E. 17 Wingrave,W. 274 Winn,W. 210 Winterbottom , J . 302 Witkowsld. 282 Witthaus , R . A . 125 Wodehouse,E. 1.1 Wohlgemuth, A. 17 Wolf, A. 14 Wolff, C.E. 83 II. W. 212, 215 Eisner , A . 251 , 288 Wollaston , T . V . 191 Wolstenholme , J . 22 , 37 Wood, A. 103 C.A. 176 F . 52 , 59 Sir H.T. 5 J. 213 J. K. 148 J- T. 149 L.E. 112 30 P. W T.B. 139,213 217,21g Wood, W. Q. 263 Wood-Jones, F. 191 Woodall,H. 146 Woodburn, W. 36 Woodcock, W.H. 66 Woodhead, Sir G. S. 230, 240 S. A. 213 T. W. 201 Woodhouse, T. 297, 299, 300, 302 Woodnutt , W . E . 216 Woodroffe, J. F. 220 Woodruff, H. A. 218 Woods, IT. 170 R. J. 44,45 Woodward, B. B. 191 C..T. 38 H. B. 167, 168, 169 W.H. 5 Woodwark , A . S . 243 , 294 Woolf, C.H. 101 Woollard, L. 71 Woolaston, T. R. 73 Woollatt, G.H. 130 Wootton, A. C. 291 W.O. 165 Wordingham, C.H. Ill Workman, W. P. 31 , 36, 37, 38 Worster-Drought, C. 245 Worth , C . A . 271 Worthington , A . M . 42 Wraight, E. A. 156 Wrapson , J . P . 38 Wren, H. 132 Wrench, G. T. 277, 278 Wrey, C. 212 Wright, A. C. 69, 136, 141, 147 Sir A. E. 197, 230, 246, 288 A. W.O. 253 C. O. 48 C.R. A. 141 G.F. 168, 197 H. 245, 246 H.E. 138 H. T. 311 J. 115 J.E. 27 K.M. 201 I,. 102, 197 M.R. 98, 99 R. S. 102 W. 222 W.B. 168 Wrightson, J. 212, SirT. 274 Wryde,.T. S. 71 Wu Lien -Teh . 246 Wundt, W. M. 12, 17, 18, 20 363 Name Index. Wurtz, Prof. 128 Wyatt, H. 80 Wylie, A.M. 172 J. G. 252, 267 J. A. 248 Xydis, C. 51 Yarr, SirM. 270 Yates, R. F. 77, 130 Yealland, L.R. 253 Yeaman, C. H. Ill Years ley, M. 188, 274 Yeo, I. B. 285,287 Yonge,E. S. 273,274 Yorke , J . P . 98 Youatt, W. 217 Young, A. 27 A. P. Ill, 118 A. W. 44 C. 63 C. A. 161 E. 177 E. W. 50 F. 80 Young, G. C. 23 H. 279 J. 228 J.E. 115 J. W. A. 22 M . 281 R.B. 174 S. 128 W.H. 23,26, -W. J. 296. Younger, E. G. 254 ' Youngson, P. 84, 87 Yule,G. U. 38. Zaehnsdorf, J. W. 305 Zander, E. 287 Zeeman, P. 102 Zeidler, J. 117 Zeller, E. 8 Zerr, G. 142, 148 Ziehen, T. 18 '/ ii unit TII , A. 244 Zimmer,G. F. 74 Zittel , K . A . von . 167 , 170 364 SUBJECT INDEX. Abdomen, Diseases of the, 258 Surgery of the , 265 Accumulators, Electric, 116 Acetylene, 59, 143 Acids, 150 Acoustics for Musicians, 103 Adhesives, 139 Aerated Waters , 137 Aerial Navigation, 94 Aero Engines, 94 Aerofoils, 93 Aeronautics, 91 et seq. Aeroplanes, 91 et seq. Design and Construction , 93 Aesthetics, 12 Afforestation , 208 et seq . Agglutinants , 139 Agriculture, 211 et seq. Aircraft , 91 et seq . Air Gas, 59 Airscrews, 93 Airships, 95 Air Sickness, 255 Alcohol, 137 Alcoholometric Tables , 126 Algae, 203 Algebra, 25, 26, 27 Alkalies, 150 Alloys, Non-Ferrous, 154 Alternating Current (Electrical En- gineering), 112, 113, 114 Aluminium, 155 Ammonia, 145, 151 Amputations, 266 Anaesthetics, 262, 282, 283 Analysis : Air, 100 Chemical , 132 et seq . , 213 Food, 235 Gas, 146 Metallurgical, 156 Spectrum, 102 Water, 234 Analytical Chemistry, 132 Anatomy , 221 et seq . Dental, 282 Veterinary, 295 Ancient Lights , Questions affecting , 62 Animal Biology, 186 Geography, 193 Husbandry, 215 Life, 187 Mind, 19 Portraiture, 185 World, 185 Animals, Anatomy of, 224 Animate Nature, The system of, 2 Anthracite, 144 Anthropology, 197 Antimony, 131, 155 Antisepsis, 263 Ants, 187, 189 Appendicitis, 265, 266 Arbitration (Building) , 63 Arc Lamps, 59, 117 Arches , 49 , 50 Archimedes , Method and Works of, 22 Architecture, 4 , 48, 58, 61, 62, 70, 71 Arithmetic, 21, 36 Armature Construction, 111 Arsenic , Organic Compounds of, 131 Arthritis , 249 Artificial Lighting, 59 Artillery, 158 Art Needlework, 302 Asbestos and the Asbestos Industry. 165 Asepsis and Antisepsis , 263 Asphalt, 145, 169 Assaying, 156 Astronomy, 159 et seq. Nautical, 180 Atlases, Astronomical, 161 Geological , 168 Atmosphere, The, 162 Gases of, 100 Atolls, 191 Atomic Theory, 126, 128 Atoms, 103 Aviation , 91 et seq . Aviators, Reference Books for, 94 Axial Fans , 60 Bacteriology, 214, 229, 230 Balloons. 95 Bandaging and Dressing (Surgical) ,263 264 365 Subject Index. Banket, The, 174 Basket Making, 302 Batrachians, 102 Batteries, Electric, 115, 116, 118 Bees and Bee-Keeping, 187 et seq., 216, 217 Beeswax, 217 Beetles, 188 Bells, Electric, 117 Benzol , 146 Bequerel Rays, The, 105 Beri-beri,245 Biographies of Men of Science, 2 Biological Chemistry, 184 Biology, 10, 184 et seq. Birds, 'l 92 Bitumen, 145, 169 Bladder, Diseases of the, 258 Blast Furnace Practice, 157 Blasting, 172 Bleaching, 299, 300 Blood and Blood Pressure , 241 Diseases of, 254 Blowpipe Analysis, 132 Boat Building,* 64 Boiler Chemistry, 137 Boilers, 72, 84/85 Books and Book-Binding, 305 Boot and Shoe Manufacture, 802 Boring , 57 , 172 Botany, 198 et seq., 212 Brain,* The, 227, 252, 265 Brakes, for Electric Tramway Cars, 118 Brassfounding, 157 Bread Making, 139 Brewing, 137 Bricks and Brickmaking, 65 Bridges, 49, 50 Briquetting, 144 Bronzing, Gilding, etc., 69 Builders, Mechanics for, 42 Builders' Quantities, 62, 63 Building Construction, 61 et seq. Law , 63 Materials , 64 Stones, 169 Butter and Cheese Making, 216 Butterflies , 187 et seq . Cabinet-making, 64, 65 Cables, Electric, 114 Cacao, Cultivation and Curing of, 219 Caisson Sickness , 259 Calcareous Cements, 66 Calculus, 27, 28, 29 Camels, notes on for Veterinary Sur- geons , 296 Canal Engineering, 53 Cancer, 248, 267, 276 Candles, Manufacture of, 140 Cane Sugar, 218 Carbon Compounds, 130 Carbons, for Electric Lighting, Manu- facture of, 117 Carpentry, 64 Carpets , 302 Carving, Wood, 64, 65 Casein, 139 Cast Iron, 154 Catalysis, 128 Cataract Extraction , 270 Caterpillar, Life of the, 188 Cattle and Cattle Breeding, 216, 217 Celluloid, 151, 152 Cellulose, 135 Cement, 66 Centrifugal Fans, 60 Pumps , 56 Ceramics and Ceramic Industries, 65, 149 Cerebro-Spinal Fever, 245 Channels, Design of for Irrigation, 55 Charts (Navigation), 182 Chemical Calculations, 125 Crystallography, 164 Engineering, 136 - Fertilisers, 220 - Physiology, 227 Chemicals, Manufacture of, by Elec- trolysis, 129 Chemistry, 122 et seq., 213 Chemists, Famous, 122 Child Study, 18 Children, Diseases and Hygiene, 279 et seq . China Grass , 297 Chlorine and Chlorine Products, 151 Chloroform, 263 Chocolate, 139 Cholera, 245 Cinematography, 309 Civil Engineering, 49 et seq . Clays and Clay Industries, 65, 149 Climate, 162 Climatology, 236 Climatotherapy, 289 Clinical Medicine, 243 Clock Repairing, 78 Clouds, 162 Coach Building, 65 Coal and Coal Mining, 144, 165, 169, 170, 172 Coal Fields (Kent; Scotland), 169 Tar, 145 Coast Erosion and Protection , 55 366 Subject Index. Cob and Pise Work, 65 Cocoa, 139, 219 Coconut Cultivation and Planting, 218, 219 Coffee, Cultivation of, 219 Coils, Induction, 115, 116 Coins, History of, 4 Cold Storage, 82 Colliery and Field Surveying, 51 Working and Management, 172 Colloids, 128 Colour, in Relation to Chemical Con- stitution, 127 Blindness, 271 Spectra, 102 Columns and Struts, 49 Comets, 160 Commerce, History of, 4 Commercial Engineering, 73 Geography , 177 Compass (Magnetic) in Aircraft, 94 Compass Work. 181 Compressed Air (Mining), 172 Air Power Transmission, 74 Concrete, 66 Roads and their Construction , 52 Conifers , 208 , 210 Conjunctiva, Diseases of the, 270 Constipation , 257 Constitutional Diseases, 248 Consumption , 249 , 250 , 251 Continuous Current Electrical En- gineering, 112, 114 Copper, 154, 155 Coral and Atolls, 191 Cordage Fibres , 297 Corrosion and Protection of Metals, 67 of Iron and Steel, The, 153 Cosmogomy, Problems of, 160 Costing, 311 Cotton, 218, 219, 297 Doubling, 298 Manufacture, 301 Spinning, 298, 301, 302 Waste, 298 Weaving , 298 , 299 Cranes, their construction, 74 Crayfish, The, 191 Creation, Story of, 194 Creative Chemistry, 122 Evolution , 9 Crops, Field, 218 Crystallography, 164 Currency, History of, 4 Current: (Electrical Engineering), 112 113 Cyanide Process for Extraction of Gold, 174 Cyanogen Compounds, Chemistry of, 132 Cycles. Motor. 80 Electric Lighting for, 118 Cytology, 196 Dairying, 215 Dams, Construction of, 54 Decoration, House, 68 Decorative Design , 48 Deformities and their Surgical treat- ment, 268 Dentistry, 282, 283 Dermatology (Skin Diseases), 284 Design, Machine, 47 et seq. Textile, 300 of Structures , 44 Diamonds , 101 , 173 Diathermy, in Medicine and Surgery, 290 Dictionaries of Technical Terms in English and other Languages, 312, 31 3 (See also ' 'Terms . ") Dietetics , 286 Digestive System, Diseases of the, 256 Diphtheria ,'245 Dirigibles, 95 Discoveries : Astronomical, 160 Chemical, 122, 129 Geographical, 175 Twentieth Century, 4 Diseases (various), 244 et seq. Disinfectants, 139 Diving, 71 Dock Engineering, 54 Domestic Sanitation , 58 , 59 Doubling, 297, 298 Drainage, 56 et seq. Draughtsmanship, 47 et seq. Dreams, 19 Drilling, 75, 76 Drugs, 139, 235, 293 Drying Machinery, etc., 136 Dust Destructors , 60 Dyestuffs and Dyeing, 146, 299 Dynamics, 40, 128 Dynamo, 111, 112 Dynamometers, 72 Dysentery, 245 Ear, Diseases of, 273, 274 Earth, The, 167, 176 Earthenware, 150 Earthquakes, 167 Earthworms and their allies , 190 Eclipses, 160 367 Subject Index. Economic Geography , 177 Geology, 169 Mineralogy, 164 Education, History of, 4 Egyptian Irrigation, 55 Elasticity of Materials, 43 Mathematical Theory of, 41 , 44 Electric Furnaces, 155 Electrical Engineering, 109 et seq. Electricity, 104 et seq. Medical, 290 Applied to Mining, 173 Electro-Chemistry, 128 Electrolysis, 12rf Electromagnet ism, 106 108 Electro-Metallurgy, 155 Electrons, 103 Electro Plating, 118, 119 Electro-Physiology, 227 Electrotherapy, 283, 289 Electrotyping, 304 Elementary Science, 1 Embossing, 304 Embroidery, 302 Embryo logy, 222 Emery, 75 Enamelling on Metal, 78 Endogenetic Structures, 167 Energy, Conservation of, 98 Thermal Measurement of, 99 Engine Design, Graphic Methods of, 47 Engines : Aero ,94 Diesel, 88 Internal Combustion , 87 89 Marine, 85, 86 Steam , 81 , 82 Engineering : Agricultural, 215 Chemical, 136 Civil, 49 et seq. Electrical, 109 et seq. Gas, 145 Mechanical, 72 et seq. Engineers, Geology for, 166 English Poor Relief, Early History of, 5 Engraving, 304, 306 Entomology , 1 87 et seq . Epidemics ,'236 Epilepsy, 252 Estimating, 50, 62, 63, 89, 311 Ethics, 11 Euclid, 34 Eugenics, 195 Evolution, 9, 10, 103, 193 Examination Guides on Navigation, 181 Examination Papers (Mathematics) > 22 Exogenetic Structures, 167 Experimental Chemistry, 123, 124 Psychology, 17 Explosives and their Manufacture, 15O Eye, Diseases and Injuries of, 269 271 Fans, Centrifugal and Axial, 60 Farming, 211, 212 Farm Tractors, 215 Fats, 139 Feeding of Animals and Crops, 217, 218 Fermentation, 137 Ferments, 128 Ferns, 204 Fertilisers, 220 Fevers , 244 et seq . Fibres, Textile, 297 Field Crops , 218 Field and Colliery Surveying, 51 Files and Filing,' 75 Filters and Filter Presses, 136 Finishing of Textile Fabrics, 299, 300 Fiords, 167 Fire Protection in Buildings, 68 Fishes and Fisheries, 191 Fitting, Electric, 116 Flax, 218,297 Spinning, 298 Flight, Theory and Practice of, 91 , 92 Flora, 205 Flour and Bread Making, 139 Fluids, Mechanics of, 42 Fly, The, 188, 189 in relation to Disease, 259 Foods, 139,286 - Analysis and Inspection, 235 Forensic Medicine , 237 , 238 Foreshores, Maintenance of, 55 Forestry , 208 et seq . Forging, 77, 78, 154 Formulae (Engineering), 50 Fortification, 158 Fossils, 170 Foundations for Machinery, 72, 73 Foundry Work, 74, 157 Fractures and their Treatment, 263 Frog, The, 192 Frozen Meat Trade, History of, 4 Fuels ,142 Fungi, 204 Fungoid Diseases of Plants, etc., 212 368 Subject Index. Furnaces, Electric, 155 Furniture Making, 64 Gall Bladder, Diseases of the, 256 Galvanized Iron, 153 Gas, 100, 104, 143, 146 Engineering , 145 Manufacture, 145 Gauges , 46 Gearing, 73, 83 Gelatine, 139 Gem-Stones, 165 General Science, 1 Generators, Electric, 111, 112 Genetics, 193 Genito-Urinary System, Diseases of the , 257 Geodesy, 50, 51 Geodynamics, 167 Geographical Distribution of Animals, 193 -Plants, 203 Geography, 175 et seq. Geology, 105, 166 et seq., 214 Geometrical Drawing, 48 Geometry, 29 et seq. Geophysical Investigations, 1 Gilding, Bronzing, etc., 69 Girders , 44 , 49 , 50 Glands : Anatomy of, 223 Diseases of, 254 Glass and Glass Manufacture, 149 Blowing, Methods of, 130 Glaucoma, 271 Glazing, Colour, 69 Gloves and the Glove Trade, 303 Glow Worm, The, 188 Glues , 64 , 1 39 Glycerine, 140 Gold and Gold Mining, 154, 155, 165, 173 Goldsmiths' Work, 78 Gonorrhea, 246 Gout, 249 Graining and Marbling, 68 Grape Vine, Cultivation of, 219 Graphic Arts, 304 Graphics, 33 Grasses, 206. 207, 212 Grasshopper, Life of the, 188 Gravitation, 104 Grinding Machinery, 76 Gums, 141 Gun-Shot Wounds, 264 Guns, Theory of the Recoil of, 158 Gutta Percha, 142 Gynaecology, 231 , 275 et seq. Gyroscope , 45 Gyrostat ics , 45 Haematology, 241 Hand -Letter ing, 48 Harbour Engineering , 53 , 54 Hat Manufacturing, Chemistry of, 302 Head, Surgery of, 265 Headache, 252 Heart, Diseases of the, 254 Surgery of, 265 Heat, 39, 99 Engines, 8183 Treatment of Metals, 157 Heating of Buildings, 60 Hemp, Fabrics, Manufacture of, 300 Spinning, 298 Herbals, 198 et seq., 219 Heredity, 193, 228 Hernia , 266 High Explosives , 150 Temperatures , 99 Histology, 223, 239 History, Natural, 185 of Science, Education, Learning, Commerce, etc., 4 Hoisting Machinery, 74 Hops, 219 Horology, 78 Horse, The, 193 Anatomv, Diseases, etc., of, 295, 296 Horse-Shoeing, 296 Hospitals, Isolation, 234 Housecraft Science, 1 House Decoration, 68 Human Geography, 179 Hydraulic Motors , 56 Hydraulics, 43, 53 Hydrodynamics, 42 Hydrogen, Chemistry and Manufac- ture of, 130 Hydrographic Surveying, 183 Hydrology, Medical^ 289 Hydrostatics , 39 , 41 , 42 Hygiene, 58, 232, 236 of Children, 279 - Veterinary, 296 Hypnotism , 290 Ice Age, 167, 168 Ice-making, 82 Ideas (Scientific) of To-day, 1 Igneous Rocks, 168 Illumination, 59, 116, 117 Immunisation, Therapeutic, 287, 288 369 DD Subject Index. Incandescent Electric Lamps, 116, 117 India Rubber, 142 Indicators (Chemical), Theory and Use of, 134 Induction Coils, 115, 116 Industrial Chemistry, 136 et seq. Engineering, 73 Organisation, 310, 311 Training, 1 Industry, History of, 5 and Science ,1,2 Infant Feeding and Hygiene, 279 Infectious Diseases , 244 et seq . Inflammation, Pathology of, 240, 241 Ingots and Ingot Moulds, 157 Injectors, Steam, 84, 85 Ink Manufacture, 148 Inorganic Chemistry, 124, 129 Insanity, 253 Insecticides, 152 Insectivorous Plants, 198 Insects, 187 Installation. Electrical, 116 Instruments : Electrical, 115 Engineering, 49, 51, 75 Optical, 101, 102 Insulation of Electrical Machines, 111 , 114 Internal Combustion Engines , 87 International Language and Science, 1 Intestines, Diseases of the,, 257 Introduction to Science , 2 Inventions, 4, 72, 122 lonization, 104, 105 Iron and Steel, 153 Construction , 67 Ironfounding, 157 Ironwork, Strains in, 49 Irrigation , 55 Island Life, 167 Isolation Hospitals, 234 Japanning, Metal, 78 Jena Glass , 149 Joinery, 64, 65 Jute: its manufacture, 297, 300 Spinning, 298 Weaving, 299 Kidneys, Diseases of the, 257 Kinetic Theory of Gases , 100 Laboratories, Chemical, 130 Laboratory Work and Arts, 130 Lace and Lace Making, 302 Lacquering and Bronzing Brass Ware , 78 Land Forms, 167 Reclamation , 55 Surveying, 50 et seq . Language (International) and Science, 1 History of, 12, 13 Lantern, Use of in Scientific Demon- strations, 102 Slide Making, 308 Laryngology, 273, 274 Lathes and Lathe Work , 75 , 76 Law, Mining, 171 Sanitary, 237 , Science of, 1 Laying-off, 70, 71 Lead, 154, 155, 165 Lead (Sheet), Weights and Measure- ments of, 45 Leather Manufacture, 148 Work, 302 Lecithin and Allied Substances, 181 Levelling, 51 Life, Origin of, 193 and Science , 2 , 184 Lifting and Conveying, 74 Light, 100, 101 Lighthouses and Lightships, 71 Lighting, Artificial, 59, 60, 116, 117, 118 Lightning Conductors, 106, 107 Limes, 66 Linen Manufacture, 300 Weaving, 299 Liquid Fuels, 143 -Steel, 153 Liquids, Motions of, 103 Viscosity of, 127 Lithography, 304 Liver, Diseases of the, 256 Locomotive Engineering, 83 System, Diseases of, 267 Logarithms, 36, 37 Logic, 13 Lubricants and Lubrication, 74, 139, 140, 144 Lunar Theory, Treatise on, 160 Lungs, Diseases of, 255, 256 Surgery of, 265 Lymphatic System, Diseases of, 254 Machine Drawing, Design, &c., 47 et seq., 109 Machines, Theory of, 43 Magnesium, Organometallic, 132 Magnetic Compass in Aircraft, 94 Magnetism, 106 108, 162, 181 370 Subject Index. Magnetos, 118 Malarial Diseases, 245 Mammals, 193 Man, 2, 197 Management, Scientific and Works, 310, 311 Manganese Ores, 165 Manures, 220 Map Work, 176 Maps, Astronomical, 161 Geological, 168 Marble and Marble Working, 65, 66 Margarine, 139 Marine Engines , 85 87 Meteorology, 162 Signalling,* 182 Surveying, 183 Masonry) 49, 50, 65 Massage and Movement Cures, 287 Materia Medica, 291 et seq. Mathematics, 21 et seq. (Mining), 171 Matter , Properties of, 103 Measurements : Electrical, 115 Mechanics, 45 Meat Inspection , 235 , 236 Mechanical Dentistry, 283 Engineering , 72 et seq . Mechanics , 39 et seq . Medical Geography, 236 Jurisprudence, '232, 237 Students, Chemistry for, 125 Medicine, 231 et seq. Veterinary , 295 , 296 Mediaeval Thought and Science, 1 Mendelism, 195, 196 Mensuration, 33 Mental Development, 18 Disorders , 253 Tests , 17 Mesopotamia, Irrigation of, 55 Metallography, 156 Metallurgy, 153 et seq. Metallurgical Dentistry , 283 Metal Work (Turning /Welding, etc.), 76 et seq . Metals, 153 ' in Aircraft Construction, 93 Corrosion of, 67 Heat Treatment of, 157 Metaphysics, 8 Meteorology, 162 et seq. Meters, Electricity, 115 Method and Science , 2 Metric System , 45 , 46 Mica Mining, 173 Microscopy, 196, 197 Dental , 282 Midwifery, 277, 278 Military Engineering, 158 Geography, 179 Ophthalmology , 270 Sanitation , 233 Surgery, 264 Milk and Milk Testing, 215, 216, 235 Milling Machines and Practice, 75, 76 Mind, The, 15, 16, 17 Animal, 19 Mine Drainage , 56 Surveying , 50 et seq . Mineral Oils, 143 Waters , 137 , 287 Waxes, 144 Mineralogy, 164, 165 Mining, 171 et seq. Geology, 169 Model Drawing, 48 Molecular Association, 128 Physics, 103, 104 Mollusca, Life of the, 191 Moon. The, 160 Morphology : Animal, 185 Plant, 201 Mosses, 204 Moths, British, 188, 189, 190 Motor Car, Electrical Application to, 118 Engineering , 79 . 80 Cycles, 80, 118 Motors, 56, 88, 111, 112 Mould, Vegetable, 190 Municipal Engineering, 57, 58 Muscles, Action of, 227 Mycology, Technical, 138 Nation, The, and Science, 2 Natural History, 185 Nature Study, 184 Nautical Astronomy, 180 Tables and Terms , 181 Naval Architecture, 70, 71 Navigation, 180 et seq. Aerial, 94 Neck, Surgery of, 265 Needlework, Art, 302 Nerves and Nervous System, 227 Disorders of, 252 Neurasthenia , 252 Neurology, 223 Nickel, 155 Nitro-Explosives, 150 Non-Ferrous Metals and Alloys, 154 371 Subject Index. Nose , Diseases of, 273 , 274 Nucleic Acids , 134 Nursing, 263, 276, 294 Obstetrics, 275 et seq. Veterinary , 295 Occupational Diseases, 259 Oceanography, 182 Oil and Oil Fields, 139, 169 Engineering, 74 Motors , 88 Tank Steamers , 71 Operative Surgery, 261 Ophthalmology, 269 et seq. Ophthalmoscopy, 270 Optic Nerve, Diseases of, 270 Optics, 100, 101 Ordnance Survey Maps , 176 Ore Deposits, 169 Dressing, 174 Organic Chemistry, 124, 130 Organism, The, Science and Philoso- phy of, 9 Origin of Life, 193 Species, 194 Ornamental Stones, 66 Orthopaedic Surgery, 267 Osmotic Pressure, 127 Osteology, 223 Otology, 273, 274 Oxy-Acetylene Welding, 77 Ozone, 129 Paint and Painting, 68, 141 Palaeobotany , 170 Palaeontology, 170 Paper and Paper Making, 148, 305 Paralysis, Ocular, 271 Parasites , Diseases due to , 248 Patent Laws ,1,2 Pathology, 239 et seq. Surgical, 262 Pattern Making, 74, 75 Pearls, 190, 191 Peat, 146 Pedagogy, History of, 4 Per-acids and their Salts, 130 Peritoneum, Diseases of the, 257 Permanent Way, Railways and Tram- ways, 52 Petrol Air Gas , 59 Petroleum, 143 Petrology, 168 Pharmacology, 292, 293 Pharmacopeias , 291 , 292 Pharmacy, 291 et seq. Philosophy, 6 et seq. Photo-Chemistry, 127 -Electricity, 307 Photographs, Telegraphic Transmis- sion of , 119,121 Photography, 307 Photomicrography. 196, 308, 309 Physical Chemistry, 127 Geography, 176 Physics , 96 et seq . Physiography, 175 Physiological Chemistry, 134 Psychology, 17 Physiology, 225, et seq. Dental , 282 Plant, 201 -Veterinary, 295 Pigments, 141 Pistols, Automatic, 158 Pitch, Manufacture of, 145 Plant Constituents , 135 Disease and Pests, 212 Plants and Plant Life, 198 et seq. Poisonous, 212 Plague, 231, 246 Plating, Electro, 118, 119 Platinum Metals, 165 Plumbing, 57, 58 Plywood, Manufacture and use of, 64 Pneumatics , 39 , 40 , 42 Poisonous Plants, 212 Poisons and Poisoning, 238 Polyphase Currents, 110 Pond Life, 187 Poor Relief, Early History of, 5 Popular Science, 1 Portable Steam Engines, 82 Portland Cement, 66 Post -Mortem Examination, 239 Pottery, 65, 149 Poultry Farming, 216, 217 Power Plant, Electric, 111 Transmission, 73, 74 Precious Metals, The, 155 Stones, 165 Prescribing , 286 Preserved Foods, Manufacture of, 139- Printing, 304, 305, Inks , 148 Telegraph System, The Baudot, 120 Textile, 299 Producer Gas, 143 Progress, Origin and Growth of, 9 Projection , Optical , 102 Propellers for Aircraft, 93 -Marine, 70, 85, 86 Proteids, Chemistry of, 227 372 Subject Index. Proteins, Chemical Constitution of, 135 The Vegetable, 135 Psychiatry, 253 Psycho-Analysis, 19 Therapeutics , 290 Psychological Medicine, 242 Psychology, 15, et seq. Public Health, 232, 234, 237 Pumps and Pumping , 56 Punjab Rivers and Works, 55 Pyrometry, 99 Qualitative Chemical Analysis, 133 Quantitative Chemical Analysis , 133 Quantities , Builders , 62 , 63 Quarrying, 171 Quaternions , 23 Radiation, 105 Radio-Activity, 104, 105 Telegraphy, 120, 121 Radium, 105 Therapeutics, 289 Railways : Electric, 117, 118 Permanent Way, 52 Signalling, 52, 53 Surveying, 51 Tube, 53 Rain, Work of, 168 Rams, Hydraulic, 56 Rare Earth Industry, 152 Earths, 129, 130 Rationalism, History of English, 4 Reagents, Chemical, 132, 133 Rectum, Diseases of, 257 Surgery of, 265, 266 Refraction of the Eye, 271 Refractory Materials, 150, 169 Refrigeration, 82 Refuse Disposal, 60 Re-inforced Concrete, 66, 67 Relativity, 104 Repairs, Building, 62, 63 Reptiles, 192 Resins, 141 Respiratory System, Diseases of the, 255 Rheumatism, 249 Rhino logy, 273, 274 Rifle and'Rifle Shooting, 158 River Development, 176 Engineering, 53 Rivers, 176 as Sources of Water Supply, 57 Work of , 168 Road Making, 52 Rock Asphalts, 169 Rocks, 168 Rontgen Rays, 105 in Medical Work, 289 Roofing Tiles , 65 Royal Society of Arts, History of, Rubber and Rubber Planting, 142, 218 220 Salt, 150 Salvarsan, 288 Sands, 65 Refractory, 169 Sanitation, 57, 232 et seq. Saw Mills, 77 Scenery, Scientific Study of, 169 Sciatica , 252 Screw-cutting , 75 , 76 Scumbling, 69 Seamanship, 180 et seq. SeaSickness, 252 Seasons, Biology of the, 184 Sea Water Distillation, 124 Seaweeds, 203, 204 Secretions, Internal, 227 Seismology, 167 Serum Therapy, 287, 288 Sewerage , 57 et seq . Sex, 193, 228 Sextent, The, 180 Sexual Physiology, 228 Shaft-Sinking, 172 Shale Oils, 144 Shales, 65 Sheet Lead, Weights and Measure ments of, 45 Metal Work, 77 Shell Shock, 252 Shells, 191 Ships and Shipbuilding, 70, 71 Shore Protection, 55 Signalling, Marine, 182 Railway, 52, 53 Silica and the Silicates, 149 Silk Dyeing, 299 Industry, 297 Manufacture ,300 , 301 Spinning, 298 Silver, Metallurgy of, 154, 15 Silversmiths ' Work , 78 Sizing, Materials used in, 68 Yarn and Warp , 299 Skin Diseases , 284 Slide Rule , 36 Small-Pox, 231, 246 Smithing, 77, 78 373 Subject Index. Smoke Prevention , 142 Soap and Soap Manufacture, 139 141 Soap Bubbles , 100 Social Psychology, 20 Socialism*, History of, 5 Sociology, 20 Soils, 169, 220 Solar System, 160 Soldering, 77 Sound, 102, 103 Space and Time, Theory of, 104 Species, Origin of, 194 Spectacles , Prescribing of, 272 Spectroscope, The, 132 Spectroscopy, 102, 127 Spices, 219 Spiders, 187, et seq. Spinal Cord, Diseases of, 252 Spinning , 297 , 298 Machine, 301 Sprue , and its treatment , 236 , 258 Stable Sanitation, 58 Staffordshire Potteries. History of, 150 Stained Glass Work, 150 Staining, 68 Stars, 160, 161, 181 Statics, 40 Stationary Steam Engines, 82 Stationery, 305 Statistics (Mathematics), 38 Steam Boilers , Construction and Management, 84, 85 Steam Engines, 43, 81, 82, 83 Heating, 60 Steamships , 70 Steel , 153 and Iron Construction, 67 Ships, 71 Stencils and Stencilling, 68 Stereochemistry, 128 Stereotyping, 304 Stoichiometry, 128 Stomach, Diseases of the, 256 Stone, Artificial and Masonry, 65 Mining and Quarrying, 171 Stratigraphy, 168 Straw and String Work , 302 Strength of Materials , 43 Stresses and Thrusts , 49 Structures, Theory and Design of, 44, 49 Struts and Columns , 49 Submarine Telegraph, 120 Submarines, 71 Submerged Forests, 168 Sugar; its manufacture, etc., 138, 218 Sulphate of Ammonia, 151 Sun, The, 160, 161 Superheating on Locomotives , 83 Surface Tension and Surface Energy , 128 Surgery, 260 et seq. Dental, 282 Veterinary, 295 Surgical Anatomy, 221 Surveying : Hydrographic. 183 Land and Mine, 50 et seq. Marine, 183 Sweetmeats, Manufacture of, 139 Switchboards, (Electric), 111 Synthesis, Essays in Scientific, 2 Syphilis, 246, 247 Tacheometer Surveying, 51 Tanning, 148 Tapestry Weaving, 302 Tars, 144, 145 Tea, Cultivation of, 218, 219 Teaching of Scientific Method, 1 Technical Electricity, 109, 110 Technical Terms , see * 'Terms . ' ' Teeth, Anatomy, etc., of, 282, 283 Telegraphy, 119 121 Telephony, 119121 Telephotography, 307, 308 Temperatures, High, 99 Terms : Aeronautics , 94 Architecture , 61 , 62 Biology, 184 Botany, 200 Building Trades, 61, 62 Mechanical Engineering, 72 Medical, 242, 243 Nautical, 181 Optics, 101 Textile, 302 Wireless Telegraphy, 121 and Dictionaries of, in English and other Languages, 312, 313 Terrestrial Magnetism, 162 Testing, Electrical Engineering, 114, 115 of Chemical Reagents, 132 Tetanus , 246 Textile Machinery, 301 Textiles, 297 et seq. Theodolite Surveying, 51 Theology and Science, 2 Therapeutics, 285 et seq. Dental, 283 Gynaecological, 276 374 Subject Index. Therapeutics, Ophthalmic, 271 Surgical , 262 Veterinary, 296 Thermo-Chemistry, 127, 128 Thermodynamics, 99, 127 Thermo -Therapy, 289 Throat, Diseases of, 273, 274 Thrusts and Stresses , 49 Thyroid Therapy, 289 Ticks, 187 Tidal Lands, 55 Tides, 160, 176, 182 Tiles, 65 Timber , 208 et seq . Time and Space, Theory of, 104 Tin, Metallurgy of, 155 Ores, 165, 169 Plate Industry, The, 154 Tobacco, 219 Tools , Machine , 76 , 75 Topographical Geology, 169 Tow Spinning, 298 Town Planning, 68 Toxicology , 232 , 237 , 238 Veterinary . 296 Traction, Electric, 117 Tractors, Farm, 215 Trade Unionism, History of, 5 Tramways, Electric, 117, 118 Permanent Way, 52 Transformers, 113* Transmission, Electrical Engineering, 114 Trees , 208 et seq . Trigonometry, 34, 35 Tropical Hygiene , 236 Medicine, 258 Tube Railways, Setting out of, 53 Wells, 55 Tuberculin, 288, 289 Tuberculosis , 249 , 288 , 289 Tumours , 267 Tungsten Ores, 165 Turbines, 56, 89 Turning, Metal, 76 Typhoid Fever , 246 Typography, 304 Urinary Surgery, 266 Urine, 'Examination of, 239 Utilitarianism, History of English, 4. Vaccination , 231 , 246 , 288 Valency, Theory and Studies in, 127 Valuation, Mine, 171 Valves and Valve Gearing, 83 Varnishes and Varnishing, 68, 69, 141 Vectors, 23, 113 Vegetable Mould, 190 Venereal Diseases , 246 , 247 Ventilation , 60 , 172 of Electrical Machinery, 110 Veterinary , 295 , 296 Vinegar, Manufacture and Examina- tion of , 138 Viscosity of Liquids , 127 Vitalism , History and Theory of, 9 Volcanoes, 167 Volumetric Analysis, 133, 134 War, Nervous Disorders Caused by, 252 War and Science, 2 War Ships, 70 War Surgery, 264 Warp Sizing, 299 Wasps, 187, 189 Waste Products, Utilisation of, 151 Watch Repairing, 78 Water, 137, 168" Analysis , 234 Hammer in Hydraulic Pipe Lines, 54 Power, 54, 56 Purification , 57 Supply , 53 et seq . Waterworks, 56, 57 "Waxes, 139, 144 Weather, 162 Weaving, 298, 299, 302 Weights and Calculations (Mechanics) 45 Welding, etc., 77, 119 Well Sinking, 57 Wells, Tube, 55 Whales, 193 Wheat, 218, 219 Wireless Telegraphy and Telephony, 120, 121 Wire -rope Ways, 74 Wiring, Electric, 116 Women, Diseases of, 275 Wood Products, 151 Pulp, 148 Woodwork and Allied Trades , 64 Wood Working Machinery, 77 Woollen Industry, 297 Manufacture , "301 Spinning , 298 Worsted Industry, 297 Manufacture, '300, 301 Spinning, 298 X-Rays, 104, 105, 164 375 Subject Index. X-Rays Diagnosis (Surgical), 262 Yellow Fever, 248 Therapy, 289 Zinc, and its Alloys, 155 Treatment of Skin Diseases, 284 Industry, 155 Organometallic compounds of, Yarns, Sizing of, 299 132 Technical Testing of, 300 Oxide, 69 Woollen and Worsted, Manufac- Zoology, 185, 214 ture of, 300, 301 Zoophytes, British, 191 376 THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO 5O CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.OO ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. JOL-30 4947 LD 21-100m-12,'43(879Gs) British so 466602 ienoe guild. Catalogu|e and. ~CG chin of British c&l scientific Q SR3 t L 466602 D7 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY