eF^. 745.591 per ct. It is here assumed that these heat units are similar to the heat units used by the author quoted, when, in another paragraph of the work referred to, he estimates the fuel value of an average sample of natural gas. The first four samples were taken from the same well on the day that the gas was analyzed; the last two are from different wells in the East Liberty District. Referring to various authorities, it is found that the foregoing figures fairly represent the average composition of the Eastern natural gas, and it is evident tliat the greatest factor in influ- encing the fuel value is the amount of nitrogen present. In the before-mentioned work on fuels, Mr. Ford is quoted as saying: " I have found that gas from the same well continually varies in com- position. Thus, samples of gas from the same well, but taken at differ- ent days, varied in nitrogen from 23 per cent to nil; in carbonic acid, from 2 per cent to nil; in oxygen, from 4 per cent to 0.4 per cent, and so on with all the component gases." 6m — 82 ~ In the same work it is stated that an average sample of Eastern natu- ral gas has approximately the following composition: Carbonic di-oxide (CO.,) 0.60 per cent. Carbonous oxide (CO)..- --- - -- 0.60 per cent. Oxygen (Oo) --- ---- 0.80 per cent. OleHant gas(C.,IT4) - - l.OQ percent. Ethylic hydride (C.Hs) --- -- 5.00 per cent. Marsh gas (CH4).;. - - , 67.00 per cent. Hydrogen (H,) 22.00 percent. Nitrogen (No)" - ---- 3.00 per cent. The same author goes on to show that 100 liters of this gas contain 789,694 heat units, and he states that 64.8585 grammes of carbon have a calorific value equal to 524,046 of these units, and that 1,000 cubic feet of the average sample of natural gas have a fuel value equal to that of 62.97 pounds of coke carrying 10 per cent of ash. Carrying the calculation a little further, and allowing for the latent heat of steam, which it is necessary to do in order to compare the relative fuel values of the Eastern and of the Stockton gases under the conditions attending the combustion of the gas in the experiments at Stockton, and which usually attends the combustion of gas in practical use, we find that in round figures 1,000 cubic feet of the average sample of Eastern gas has a fuel value equal to that of 58 pounds of coke carry- ing 10 per cent of ash. Taking the average sample of Stockton gas as having a fuel value of 1 ,000 feet equal to that of 50 pounds of coke, such as that to which Mr. Ford compared the Eastern gas, we find that the fuel value of the Stock- ton gas is about 16 per cent less than that of the sample of Eastern gas above estimated. We also find by referring to the analyses of the Stock- ton gas, made by Price & Son, that this difference in fuel value is princi- pally occasioned by the amount of nitrogen present. If we compare the heat units as given for 100 liters of the average sample of Eastern natural gas with the heat units given for 100 liters of sample No. 5 of Eastern gas analyzed by Mr. Ford, we find that sample No. 5 has a fuel value practically equal to that of 47 pounds of coke for every 1 ,000 cubic feet of the gas. Research shows that gases containing a high per cent of nitrogen are by no means uncommon in the Eastern States, and that large industries have been developed on account of natural gas, which from existing data may be inferred to have an average fuel value not much in excess of that of the Stockton natural gas. It is to be borne in mind that large volumes of water flow from the gas wells at Stockton ; and it is probable that the nitrogen is largely derived from the air which is drawn down with the water when it sinks into the ground at the head of the artesian system. This air is most likely deoxygenized by ferrous iron or other bases as it accompanies the water in its journey to a lower level; the result being, that a large amount of nitrogen is liberated with the water from the artesian wells. We may conclude from these con- siderations that if the water were shut off, and the gas obtained from lower strata, not only would the flow of gas be enormously increased, but its quality improved. It is also probable that were the wells tightly cased so as to shut ofl' both gas and water for the first 1,500 feet, much of the nitrogen would be excluded. It is interesting to note the comparison between the Stockton natural gas and other gases which are used as fuel. The analyses of five sam- ples of the Siemen's producer gas, as given in the " Transactions of the — 83 — American Institute of Mining Engineers," and quoted in " Chemical Technology," by Grove and Thorp, vol. 1, is as follows: Carbonic di-oxide (CO,) 6.1 per ct. ' 8.6 per ct. 3.9 per ct. | 9.3 per ct. | 1.5 per ct. Carbonous oxide (CO)'. 27.3 per ct. 16.5 per ct. i 23.6 per ct. 22.3 per ct. i 20.0 per ct. Hydrogen (H,) ■ 8.6 per ct. j 6.0 per ct. 28.7 per ct. j 8.7 per ct. Marsh gas (C 114) 1.4 per ct. 2.7 per ct. j 3.0 per ct. 1.0 per ct. 1 1.2 per ct. Nitrogen (No) 67.4 per ct. 62.9 per ct. 65.9 per ct. ' 41.9 per ct. 61.4 per ct. Assuming that these percentage compositions are volumetric, and eliminating the smaller fractions, we obtain by the methods of calcula- tion heretofore employed in this article, the following equivalents of fuel value: 1,000 cubic feet of sample a = 8.0 lbs. of coke carrying 10 per cent of ash, 1,000 cubic feet of sample h = 8.2 lbs. of coke carrying 10 per cent of ash 1,000 cubic feet of sample c ^ 9.6 lbs. of coke carry ' 1,000 cubic feet of sample d = 13.0 lbs. of coke carry ing 10 per cent of ash', ng 10 per cent of ash. 1,000 cubic feet of sample e ■■= S.O lbs. of coke carrying 10 per cent of ash The average fuel value, therefore, of these samples of producer gas is 1,000 cubic feet, equal to, practically, 9.3 pounds of coke carrying 10 per cent of ash. A description of by far the best producer gas of which the writer can find any record is to be found in " Grove and Thorp's Chemical Tech- nology," vol. 1, pp. 261-285. It is there stated as follows: " The best quality of (producer) gas obtained in practice seems to have been that produced by the Strong water gas apparatus. The following is an analysis of the dry gas, after having been washed, made by Dr. G. E. Moore, of Jersey City, for the American Gas, Fuel, and Light Com- pany, New York, who own the patent for the Lowe and Strong apparatus: "Strong^' Gas Composition by Volume. Oxygen (0,) -- 0.77 per cent. Carbonic di-oxide (CO,) - -- 2.05 per cent. Nitrogen (N,) - - 4.43 per cent. Carbonous oxide (CO).- 35.88 per cent. Hydrogen (H,) 52.76 per cent. Marsh gas (Cfl4) ^ 4.11 per cent. 100.00 per cent. From this formula we find by calculation that 1,000 cubic feet of this gas have a fuel value practically equal to that of 23.9 pounds of coke carrying 10 per cent of ash. In this estimation it is assumed that the oxygen in the "dry gas" was free; if it were combined with hydrogen, about half a pound of coke would have to be deducted from the coke equivalents given. In the "Transactions of the American Institute of Mining Engineers," vol. 19, we find the following remarks on producer and petroleum water gas. Referring to the producer gas, two average samples are quoted which were the products of the following processes: Method A. — Open grates; no steam in blasts. Loss of carbon in ash, 20 per cent weight of coal. Carbon gasified 62 per cent weight of coal. Loss of potential heat in ash per kilo of coal, 1,616 kilo calories. Method B. — Open grates; steam jet in blast. Loss of ciirbon in ash. — 84 6 per cent weight of coal. Loss of potential heat in ash per kilo of coal, 4,848 kilo calories. Analysis of Producer Gas. (Calculated as one cubic foot.) CO2 O2 C2H4 CO H2 CH4 N2 Sample A . . . 4.84 5.30 0.40 0.54 0.34 0.36 22.10 22.74 6.80 8.37 3.74 2.56 61.73 Sample B . 60.13 We find that 1,000 cubic feet of sample A has a fuel value practically equivalent to 10.2 pounds of coke carrying 10 per cent of ash, and that the fuel value of 1,000 feet of sample B equals 9.7 pounds of similar coke. Referring to petroleum water gas, the same records state that "the following are analyses of various gases taken from furnace using oil fuel": Sample of Gas taken after passing through Checkers. CO, C2H4 (>2 CO H2 CH4 N2 No. 1 --- -- 4.6 5.6 4.4 6.6 4.0 4.0 4.4 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.0 7.6 7.6 3.6 1.8 2.0 4.0 0.6 2.0 2.0 2.4 9.6 11.2 6.4 10.0 5.4 5.4 6.0 51.6 51.8 42.2 37.3 44.1 46.5 44.4 0.4 7.2 7.0 7.6 22.1 23.1 19.0 24.0 No. 2 -- 21.8 No. 3 - 36.0 No. 4 37.9 No. 5 -- - 17.0 No. 6 --. 11.4 No. 7 - --- 20.2 TT J /I + „™ ( Sample 1 240 grammes per C. M. Undecomposed steam. 1 gam pie 2 . 122 frammes per C. M. The oil gas referred to in these analyses was made by vaporizing crude petroleum by a jet of superheated steam and heating the mixture to 300° or 400° C. If such a mixture of vapors is put into the hot chamber of a regenerative furnace, the reaction caused by the high tem- perature, thorough mixing, and impact, creates permanent gases with decomposition of carbon. The steam brings with it some oxygen and nitrogen, which are dissolved in the water in the boilers, and this oxy- gen, together with that of the steam, tends to pick up the deposit of carbon with liberation of hydrogen. It will be noticed that the foregoing analyses of petroleum water gas show a wide variation of composition. The first four samples were taken after the gas had traversed about 5 feet of open hearth checker- work at a temperature of 1,200° C. The last three samples were taken after it had passed through 3 feet of heating furnace in checker-work at a much lower temperature, and represent the oil vapors in various stages of decomposition. The presence of so much free oxygen, the high per cent of carbonic di-oxide, and the large amount of steam when considered in connection with carbonaceous components, illustrate plainly the fact that a long time and high temperature are necessary for the completion of the reactions incident to the gasification of oil fuel. The average composition of the samples of the petroleum water gas mentioned is therefore as follows: — 85 — CO2 iC2H4 From the first four samples of fixed gas 5.30 0.10 From the last three samples 4.13 1 5.73 0, CO H, 2.10 9.30 45.72 1.93 I 5.60 145.00 CHJ N, 7.55 29.92 21.40 , 16.20 By calculation it is found that 1,000 cubic feet of gas representing the average of the first four samples of petroleum water gas have a fuel value of practically 17.4 pounds of coke carrying 10 per cent of ash. In like manner, it is seen that an average sample representing the last three samples of petroleum water gas have a fuel value practically equal to that of 33 pounds of coke carrying 10 per cent of ash. Having reviewed to some extent the composition and fuel value of California and Eastern natural gas and producer and petroleum water gas, it is interesting to compare them with a gas made by the destructive distillation of coal before the introduction of producer and petroleum water gases. Let us take the analysis made by Bunsen of gas prepared from Can- nel coal in Manchester, England, calculated as one cubic foot. (See Bunsen's Gasometry, p. 113.) Hydrogen (H,) - --- 45.48 percent. Marsh gas(Cll4) - - 34.90 per cent. Carbonous oxide (CO) - -.- 6.64 per cent. ElayUC^H.) .- - 4.08 per cent. Ditetrvl (CgHg) 2.38 percent. Sulphuretted hydrogen (H,S) -.- .29 per cent. Nitrogen (N2) -- 2.46 per cent. Carbonic di-oxide (CO,) - -■ 3.67 percent. 100.00 per cent. By calculation it is found that 1,000 cubic feet of this gas have, in round numbers, a fuel value of 51 pounds of coke carrying 10 per cent of ash. Disregarding fractions, the gases thus far considered represent the fol- lowing fuel values, as compared with coke carrying 10 per cent of ash. Eastern natural gas (considered by Mr. Ford to be of average composition) Fuel value ^ 58 lbs. of coke. Sample of Manchester coal gas - Fuel value = 51 lbs. of coke. Average of Stockton gas.. Fuel value =; 50 lbs. of coke. Sample of natural gas No. 5, from East Liberty, Pa Fuel value =^ 47 lbs. of coke. Petroleum water gas before becoming a fixed gas, described in the "Transactions of the American Institute of Mining Engineers," vol. 19 .- Fuel value = 33 lbs. of coke. Petroleum water gas as a fixed gas (from same authority) ..Fuel value = 17 lbs. of coke. Water gas from analysis made for the owners of the I^owe it Strong patents - - Fuel value = 24 lbs. of coke. Siemens producer gas, from average of analyses Fuel value =: 9 lbs. of coke. Sample A, producer gas, referred to in the 'Transactions of the American Institute of Mining Engineers," vol. 19 Fuel value = 10 lbs. of coke. Sample B (from same authority) Fuel value = 9 lbs. of coke. In the calculations on which the above figures are based, the writer estimated the gases as possessing a temperature of 0° C, and as being subjected to a pressure of one atmosphere. He disregarded the fact that in his physical experiments with natural gas at Stockton the gas was measured under a pressure of six-tenths of an inch of water; for the increase in the fuel value of the gas resulting from so slight a pressure would be less than a quarter of one per cent. — 86 — The coke to which the gases mentioned in this article are compared is supposed to have a composition of carbon 90 per cent and ash 10 per cent. RELATIVE FUEL VALUE OF STOCKTON NATURAL GAS AND PACIFIC COAST SOLID FUELS. The reader will doubtless be curious to learn how the Stockton natural gas compares in fuel value with the solid fuels obtainable on the Pacific Coast. Unfortunately the writer has been unable to find any ultimate analyses of California coals, although numerous proximate analyses have been made. In the Census Reports on Mining, however, there are both the ultimate and proximate analyses of several samples of coals and lignites from the State of Washington. With this data at command there is submitted for comparison the proximate analyses of coals to be found in the market of California, and the average composition of coal and lignites from Washington, which the writer has calculated from the proximate and ultimate analyses given in the Census Report on Mining. Moreover, by means of the ultimate analyses of the coal- and lignites from Washington, the caloric value of these solid fuels can be compared with the Stockton natural gas. Analyses of some Coals and Lignites used in California. f Water Volatile [ water. Matter. Fixed Carbon. Ash. Sulphur. •1 Sample of coal from California Mine, Fresno County. (Analyzed by Dr. W. D. Johnston, Chemist to the California State Mining Bureau) ... 11.25 lone coal, from Mine No. 3 of lone Coal and Iron Co. (Analyzed by Dr. W. D.Johnston) 13.25 Mount Diablo coal. Black Diamond vein. (As given in State Geological Survey Report, Geology of Califor- nia, vol. 1, p. 30) - -.- 14.68 Seattle coal, average of two samples. (Analyzed by Mr. H. G. Hanks; see Vllth Report of California State Mining Bureau) 9.18 Wellington coal. (Analyzed by Messrs. Price & Son) .-.. 0.99 48.50 49.00 33.89 36.90 29.09 31.40 27.25 46.84 46.99 64.97 8.85 10.50 5.52 6.46 3.51 1.44 Referring to the Tenth Census Report, Vol. XV, and the proximate analyses of coals and lignites as given therein, we find that samples 11, 12, 19, 20, 21, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 64, and 65 are coking coals, although in three instances the coke does not appear to have any value. We also find that samples 68, 69, 71, 80, 47, 23, 25, and 26 are non-coking coals, or coals of which the coke is worthless. By calculation from the data given in the census report, we obtain the following average compositions: From Proximate Analyses of Coals and Lignites from Washington. Coking coal Non-coking coal Water. 1.70 3.23 Volatile Matter. Fixed Carbon. Ash. Sulphur. 31.28 32.32 54.11 52.15 12.90 12.36 0.65 0.53 — 87 — From Ultimate Analyses of the Combustible Matter Contained in Same Samples. Carbon. Hydrogen. Oxygen and Nitrogen. Coking coal Non-coking coal. 83.31 82.52 5.26 4.81 11.43 12.66 Regarding the water, ash, and sulphur in these average samples as inert, for the calorific e^ect of the sulphur is offset by the heat required to convert the hygroscopic water into steam, it is found by calculation that the relative fuel value of these samples of coal is practically as fol- lows: Sample of non-coking coal =6,977 kilo calories per kilogramme. Sample of coking coal, =; 7,122 kilo calories per kilogramme. Referring to "Chemical Technology," by Groves & Thorp, vol. 1, p. 57, the analyses of the ten samples of anthracite were given. As in the case of the Washington coals, the writer, for the purpose of esti- mating the fuel value, calculated the average composition of the ten samples, and found it to be practically as follows: Carbon - 89.88 per cent. Hydrogen.. 2.J-0 per cent. Oxygen, nitrogen, and sulphur.. 4.01 per cent. Ash 3.63 per cent. Simply regarding the carbon and hydrogen as the calorific constitu- ents of this average sample of anthracite, it is found by calculation that it possesses a fuel value of practically 8,092 kilo calories per kilogramme. Referring to the previous calculations with regard to the Stockton natural gas, it can readily be seen that 1,000 feet of that gas at a tem- perature of 16.18° C. have a fuel value of practically 155,900 kilo calo- ries. Thus it is found that the relative fuel value of the Stockton natural gas and the coals, estimated, is as follows: ] ton of anthracite. =47,000 cu. ft. of Stockton natural gas. 1 ton of average sample of cok- ing coal from Washington =41,360 cu. ft. of Stockton natural gas. 1 ton of average sample of non- coking coal from Washington. =: 40,700 cu. ft. of Stockton natural gas. In our Vllth Annual Report a short table was published showing the relative fuel value of twelve different kinds of coal which are still in great demand in the California market. The relative fuel values, as shown in the table, are approximate, and were derived from practical experiments by the Spring Valley Water Company, Messrs. Garratt, and others. As the demand for the Vllth Annual Report has long ago exhausted the edition, it will be in order to reproduce the table, and to add thereto a colunm giving in round figures the number of feet of Stockton gas required to do the same amount of work as could be done by a ton of each variety of coal named. Assuming anthracite to have a fuel value as calculated, and applying its equivalent in Stockton natural gas to the table mentioned, we obtain, in round figures, the following schedule: 88 — Relative Fuel Value of Different Coals as Compared with Each Other, and as Compared to Stockton Natural Gas. Kind of Coal. Relative Fuel Value. Remarks. Cubic Feet of Gas Equal to 1 Ton of 2,000 lbs. of Coal. Mt. Diablo Seattle Sydney Welsh Bellingham Bay Nanaimo Anthracite Wellington Nanaimo Wellington Seattle Seattle 1,000 1,170 1,502 1,472 1,148 1,277 1,546 1,407 1,335 1,295 1,177 1,330 Experiments at Spring Valley Water Works [ Exp'ts at Garratt's foundry - Experiments on ferry-boat Probable results of test on C. P. R. R. 80,400 35,570 45,660 44,750 34,900 38,800 47,000 42,710 40,580 39,370 35,780 40,430 As might be expected, the variable quality of different consignments of coal and the different conditions attending the last four experiments, occasioned a difference in results; but no doubt the series of tests made by the Spring Valley AVater Company afford the most accurate means of comparison, for their experiments appear to have been conducted under approximately similar conditions. Having compared the relative calorific value of 1,000 feet of Stockton natural gas with that of one ton of an average sample of bituminous coal from Washington, it is found that the gas at 30 cents a thousand cubic feet is as cheap a fuel as the coal would be at $12 30 a ton of 2,000 pounds. If we take the last six samples of bituminous coal used in the practical experiments made at the Spring Valley Waterworks and com- pare them with their fuel equivalent in gas, about the same figures are obtained as those arrived at by calculation from the analysis of the coal from Washington. Hitherto we have only considered the value of the natural gas as demonstrated by comparing its calorific value with that of the other fuels. The advantages that manufacturers have experienced by using gas instead of solid fuel should also be considered briefly. It is shown in an able article on natural gas, by Mr. J. D. Weeks, which is published in " Mineral Resources of the United States, 1885," that in the manufac- ture of flint glass a saving of 46 per cent was effected by using natural gas instead of coal, to which might be added the saving in wear and tear of furnace and in labor; moreover, a better quality of glass was produced than when solid fuel was used. The records of the steel and iron industry are replete with evidence of the saving occasioned by the use of gaseous fuel, especially in the matter of labor. A great reduction in the amount of " waste iron " has also been noted, and the item of repairs, which is a large one in this industrj^, is reduced to the minimum. A saving of $3 to the ton of bar iron is regarded as a very conservative estimate where gas is used, as against the production of one ton of bar iron by any other fuel. In this connection much that is said about the advantages to be derived from using producer and petroleum gases will doubly apply in the use of natural gas; and we have already seen how the actual calorific values of these gases compare with one another. We learn in the " Transactions of the American Institute of Mining Engineers," vol. 19, p. 1005, in speaking of the producer gas, that, even — 89 — where coal was only $3 a ton, many large firms eflected a direct gain of from 33^ to 50 per cent in labor, and over 40 per cent in fuel, by the substitution of producer gas for coal. This economy resulted from the gas requiring less labor and the furnace less repairs than was the case when coal was used, and from the fact that the combustion of the gas left no solid residue, nor did it produce deleterious vapors. Other reasons were that the quality of the gas was uniform, and its combus- tion complete; that the gas was self-transporting, and that it could be ignited under any desired conditions, producing a quick, sharp-heating flame of high temperature. In the Eastern States it has been estimated that in practical use 20,000 feet of producer gas often accomplished better results than a ton of coal directly fired, although it will be seen by a glance at what has been previously said, that the actual calorific value of 20,000 feet of producer gas is very much less than that of one ton of coal. The before-mentioned records also state that practical working has shown that in melting 2,000 pounds of brass in 100-pound crucibles, 12,000 feet of water gas were consumed. That in using the same size of crucibles in works melting from 5 to 10 tons of metal a day with coal, it takes 2,000 pounds of coal for 2,000 pounds of brass. This is a strik- ing comparison, since the units of heat in the coal was seven and one half times more than in the gas. It is stated that one ton of coal will make 40,000 feet of water gas, which will accomplish as much as three and a half tons of coal. It is obvious that the economy experienced by the use of gas in metallurgical industries extends to every manufacture and domestic requirement where heat is needed. RECORD OF DISTILLATION TESTS OF SAMPLES OF OIL MENTIONED IN THIS BULLETIN. I5ample from Oil Springs on Rathhurn Oil Claim, Colusa County. Specific Gravity. Crude oil -. 0.982, about 13° B. Distillate below 250° Centigrade 1.00 per cent. Distillate between 250° and 325° Centigrade - 60.00 per cent. 0.950, about 18° B. Nearly all of the distillate came over at 300° Centigrade. Sample from Well No. 3, Group 2, Sec. 28, Sunset Oil District, Kern Count;/. Specific Gravity. Crude oil - 0.956, about 17° B. Distillate below 250° C 1.00 percent. Distillate below 320° C 48.33 per cent. 0.876, about 30° B. Sample from Well No. 2, Group 2, Sunset Oil District. Specific Gravity. Crude oil 0.971, about 14° B. Distillate below 250° C, about. .- 1.00 per cent. Distillate below 325° C... 13.00 per cent. 0.893, about 27° B. This sample of oil smelled strongly of sulphuretted hydrogen. Sample from Oil Wells, Group 1, Stmset Oil District. Specific Gravity. Crude oil (maltha) 1.01, about 10° B. Distillate below 250° G 0.60 percent. Distillate below 320° C 40.00 per cent. 0.881, about 29° B. This sample was obtained from a tank which was said to be filled with a mixture of oils from Oil Wells, Group 1. — 90 — Samj)le from Well near Flowinq Well, Sunset Oil District. Specific Gravity. Crudeoil _ .966, about 15° B Distillate below 200° C 0.60 per cent. .840,about 37° B. Distillate below 250° C 5.00 per cent. .845, about 36° B. Distillate below 300° C ,- 8.60 per cent. .870, about 31° B. Distillate below 320° 0. 5.20 per cent. .875, about 30° B. Sample from Oil Well penetrating Dark-Colored Shale Formation Nine Miles North of Coalinga. Specific Gravity. Crudeoil .-. .852, about 34° B. Distillate below 110° C 0.60 per cent. Distillate below 150° C -. 32.00 per cent. .799, about 45° B. Distillate below 200° C . .- -.. 27.60 per cent. .833, about 38° B. Distillate below 250° C - 16.60 per cent. .875, about 30° B. Distillate below 320° C - 12.00 per cent. .911, about 24° B. The well from which this sample of oil was taken penetrates Cretaceous formations. Sample of Oil {Maltha) from Spring in Oil District South of Coalinga. Specific Gravity. Crudeoil- _. -.. ..-. .974, about 14° B Distillate below 250° C. (came over with water) 1.00 per cent. Distillate below 320° C 2.30 per cent. .820, about 41° B. Sample from Oil Spring in Light-Colored Shales, Nine Miles North of Coalinga. Specific Gravity. Crudeoil . .988, about 12° B. Below a temperature of 200° C. a small amount of oil came over with water. Distillate below 250° C 2.30 per cent. Distillate below 320° C... - 6.20 per cent. .961, about 16° B. Sample from Well in Vallecitos. Specific Gravity. Crude oil .-. ---- .975, about 14° B. Distillate below 250° C 1.43 percent. Distillate below 320° C...- 9.00 per cent. .886, about 32° B. PARTIAL ANALYSES OF SAMPLES OF WATER REFERRED TO IN THIS BULLETIN. In order to determine whether or not the water from the wells men- tioned in the foregoing pages is of any value as brine, the following partial analyses were made. In these determinations the residues were subjected to sufl&cient heat to get rid of any hydrocarbons present, without decomposing the carbonate of lime: . Water from Well No. 3, Oil Wells Group 3, Sunset Oil District. Amount of sample required to neutralize one gramme of sulphuric acid, 2,766 cc. Grammes to Gallon. Total residue - - 138.840 Amount of residue soluble in water - 137.050 Partial analysis of soluble residue : Sodium chloride - - 118.095 Calcium chloride - - 16.375 Magnesium chloride --. 2.480 Iodine -- 0.075 The portion of the residue which was insoluble in water effervesced, and nearly dis- solved when treated with cold dilute hydrochloric acid. The portion soluble in water showed the presence of sulphates and carbonates in very small quantities. — 91 — Water from Well A'^o. 2, Oil Wells Group 2, Sunset Oil District. Amount of sample required to neutralize one gramme of sulphuric acid, 818 cc. ; Grammes to Gallon. Total residue - --- - 40.77 Amount of residue soluble in water 38.800 Partial analysis of soluble portion : Sodium chloride. 33.521 Magnesium chloride — 1.880 Magnesium sulphate -. 1.668 Calcium sulphate _.- -- - - 1.431 This sample smelled strongly of sulphuretted hydrogen. The portion of the residue which was insoluble in water effervesced and nearly dissolved when treated with cold dilute hydrochloric acid. The portion soluble in water also showed the presence of alkaline carbonates. 50 cc. of this sample, when concentrated to 10 cc, gave a strong reaction for iodine. Water from Well in Section 13, T. 11 K, E. 24 W., S. B. M., Sunset Oil District, Kern County. Amount of sample required to neutralize one gramme of sulphuric acid. 127 cc. Grammes to Gallon. Total residue ..- - -- 73.332 Amount of residue soluble in water 71.712 The portion of the residue which was soluble in water contained 54.81 grammes of sodium chloride to the gallon calculated from the amount of chlorine present. Only very small quantities of calcium and magnesium were found in this portion of the residue, which also showed traces of sulphates and large amounts of alkaline carbonates with- out concentration ; this sample gave a slight reaction for iodine. Sample from Spring near Flag 6, Sunset Oil District. (See sketch-map.; Amount of sample required to neutralize one gramme of sulphuric acid, 446 cc. Grammes to Gallon. Total residue 28.365 Amount of residue soluble in water .-- .- 22.270 The soluble portion of the residue contained 10.58 grammes of sodium chloride to the gallon, calculated from the amount of chlorine present. Only very small quantities of calcium and magnesium were found in this portion of the residue, which also contained sulphates and alkaline carbonates. This sample smelled strongly of sulphuretted hydrogen. Sample from Well at Salt Marsh, Sunset Oil District. Amount of sample required to neutralize one gramme of sulphuric acid, 305 cc. Grammes to Gallon. Total amount of residue - -- 46.645 Amount of residue soluble in water 43.300 The soluble portion of this residue contained .37.44 grammes of sodium chloride to the gallon. Only very small amounts of calcium and magnesium were found in this portion of the residue, wliich also showed the presence of sulphates in small quantities, and alkaline carbonates. 100 cc. of this water, when boiled down to 10 cc, gave a strong re- action for iodine. Sample smelled of sulphuretted hydrogen. Sample from the Flowing Well in the Oil District Ai7ie Miles North of Coalinga. Amount of water required to neutralize one gramme of sulphuric acid, 932 cc. Grammes to Gallon. Total residue 66.64 Amount of residue soluble in water 64.00 Partial analysis of soluble portion of residue : Sodium chloride 58.030 Calcium 1.135 Magnesium - 4.648 When 50 cc. of this sample were concentrated to 10 cc, a strong reaction for iodine was obtained ; traces of sulphates and small quantities of the alkaline carbonates were also, present in the water. A sample of water which was subsequently obtained from this well was found to contain 0.016 grammes of iodine to the gallon. 92 — Sam2ile from Petersen Ranch, near Sites, Colusa County, A sample of mother liquor, which was forwarded to the Mining Bureau from the salt works on the Petersen ranch, near Sites, in Colusa County, was found to contain 2.239 grammes of iodine to the gallon. In each of the foregoing water analyses that portion of the residue which was soluble in water .gave a slight precipitate after the addition of ammonium chloride and ammonium hydrate. In the following table the amount of solid matter, common salt, and iodine contained in one gallon of sea water is compared with the amount held in solution by the brines mentioned in this bulletin (small fractions are eliminated): Solid Matter. Salt in 1 Gallon. Grammes. Grammes. Iodine. Sea water maximum. (See Manual of Min- eralogy, by J. D. Dana.) Sea water minimum. (See Manual of Min- eralogy, by J. D. Dana.) Water from spring on Petersen ranch, near Sites, Colusa County. (Analysis made by Dr. W. D. Johnston ; see Tenth Report of State Mineralogist, p. 164) Well No. 3, Oil Wells Group 2, Sunset Oil District Well No. 2, Oil Wells Group 2, Sunset Oil District Spring near Flag 6, Sunset Oil District . Well at Salt Marsh, Sunset Oil District Flowing well in Sec. 13, Sunset Oil District.. Flowing well, oil district 9 miles north of Coalinga Mother liquor from salt works on Petersen ranch, near Sites, Colusa County... 139.9 121.0 204.7 138.8 40.8 28.3 46.6 73.3 66.6 j Max. 93.3 [ ] Min. 69.9 ( J Max. 80.7 ) ( Min. 60.5 j About 102.3 118.1 33.5 10.6 37.4 54.8 58.0 0.129 0.075 j Determined j qualitatively. J Determined j qualitatively. j Determined (qualitatively. 0.016 2.239 EXPEKIMENTS ON EVAPORATION. In order to get some idea as to the rate at which brine would evapo- rate if it were exposed to the sun and air in the Sunset Oil District, the writer conducted two experiments. The apparatus used in these experi- ments consisted of a thick earthenware dish eleven inches in diameter at the top, eight inches in diameter at the bottom, and two and a half inches deep. During each experiment the vessel was kept as nearly as possible about two-thirds full of brine. The record of these experiments is as follows: Sample Marked. Date at which Experiment Commenced. Duration of Experiment. Amount of Brine Taken. Amount of Brine at End of Ex- periment. Amount of Water Evapo- rated. (a) Brine from flowing well in Sec. 15, T. 11 N., R. 24 W (b) Brine from Salt Marsh June 4, 2 p.m.. June24, 10p.m.. 89 hours. 92 hours. 3,000 cc. 3,600 cc. 102 cc. 470 cc. 2,898 cc. 3,130 cc. — 93 — On the day the first experiments on evaporation commenced, the fol- lowing thermometric observations were made with glass Centigrade thermometers, which hung freely in the air: Time of Observation : 12h 5ni P.M. Ih p. M. 2'' 30" P.M. 3h 15m P.M. 4h25inp.M, gh 40m P.M. I I I I I I Thermometer exposed to i sun and north wind 37.50° C. 38.50° C. 39.75° C. 40.00° C. 39.00° C. 38.75° C. Thermometer exposed to I 1 sun but screened from north wind 42.75 42.75 45.00 44.75 40.00 39.00 Thermometer in shade ex- posed to north wind 36.00 37.50 37.50 37.75 37.50 37.25 The day on which these experiments were' made was considered by the inhabitants of the Sunset District to be a warm, summer day. During the second experiment on evaporation the weather was some- what cooler than during the first experiment. During the before-men- tioned experiments on evaporation, the vessel containing the brine was exposed to the sun and north wind. In this connection it is interesting to note that the maximum tempera- ture registered by the Southern Pacific Railroad in the shade at Bakers- field on June 4, 1893, was 102° Fahr., equal to 38.5° C. An idea of the temperature prevailing in this portion of the San Joaquin Valley may be gathered from the following records of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company, of thermometric observations made in the shade at Bakersfield, during the year 1893: Month. Maximum. I Minimum. Mean. 1893- -Januarv-- - I 69.0° F. i 32.0° F. ! 45.7° February j 71.0 32.0 I 52.2 March 83.0 I 40.0 i 55.8 April 83.0 46.0 62.7 May 96.0 59.0 I 75.0 June --. 102.0 65.0 ' 79.4 July 108.0 70.0 [ 87.9 August 108.0 72.0 i 85.1 September.-- 100.0 59.0 I 72.2 October 79.0 50.0 i 63.3 November 79.0 , 35.0 ! 55.7 December 70.0 38.0 51.9 IMPROVEMENTS IN MACHINERY USED FOR DRILLING DEEP WELLS. The following improvements have been devised and used by Mr. "W. E. Youle, Superintendent of the Sunset Oil Works and of the works belonging to the Standard Oil and Asphaltum Company at Asphalto. The band-wheel and frame used in drilling deep well.'^ is commonly held in place by jack-posts, which are keyed into heavy sills and secured by subsills and mudsills. Mr. Youle now uses a truss-frame anchored by two one-inch bolts, which extend into a sill 8 feet long and 12 inches in thickness. This sill is covered with boards and buried to the depth of about 4 feet, with earth tamped upon it. The ends of the bolts at the bottom of the sill are secured by drift keys instead of nuts. A truss- frame thus secured is found to be very stable for deep drilling, and saves - 94 — about 4,000 feet of square timber. The writer saw such a truss-frame employed at the Sunset Oil District, when Well No. 3, of Oil Wells Group 2, was being drilled. The set of tools then in use weighed more than one ton, and the well was 1 ,300 feet in depth, but no trembling was observed in the truss-frame. The friction pulley of the sand-reel, which is used to elevate and lower the sand-pump, is usually attached to a lever which has a friction bearing on the band-wheel. It was found that this gearing had a tendency to roughen the band- wheel and injure the belt. To remedy this, Mr. Youle now sets his sand-reel at such a distance from the band-wheel that it can be run by a belt from a supple- mentary wheel, which is lagged on to the side of the band-wheel. This supplementary wheel is supplied with flanges to prevent the belt which drives the sand-reel from running ofl". This belt is put on so loosely that it can rest on carriers when the sand-reel is not in use. The carriers are placed between the pulleys, and although the belt does not sag, it is sufficiently slack to avoid, as much as possible, any friction on the sand-reel belt during the process of drilling. When the sand-pump is required, the sand-reel belt is brought into position by a tightener, which is operated by a lever. This lever is connected by a rod to an arm in the derrick, on the same principle as are the connections used when frictional gearing is employed. A back-brake is attached to the sand-reel, and it can be brought into play during the process of lowering the sand-pump by throwing it on back motion. The brake is operated by the same arm as that governing the tightener. A sand-reel was oper- ated in this manner for three months at the Sunset Wells, without the reel and belting exhibiting any signs of being the worse for wear. A great improvement has also been made in the bull-wheels. Those of ordinary construction consist of a wooden shaft 13 feet long and 18 inches square, with a four-winged, cast-iron gudgeon mortised on each end, around which wrought-iron Ijands are shrunk. Near each end of the shaft are wooden arms "put on octagon." Around the outer diame-. ter of these arms segments or cants of planks are fastened to form the periphery of the wheel. In the wheel built by Mr. Youle, the wooden shaft is replaced by 10-inch wrought-iron drive-pipe. Two cast-iron flanges are fastened to each end of this pipe, their centers being counter- bored to admit the passage of the pipe, and each end flange terminates in a gudgeon. The flanges are pressed on by hydraulic pressure, and a very rigid connection is made. The wooden wheels, which are bolted between the flanges, are simply nailed together so as to give the proper diameter to the wheels. To increase the diameter of the bull-wheel shaft an old cable is reeled upon it until it has attained the required dimensions. These wheels can be readily "knocked down" for ship- ment. A pair of these wheels were in constant use for five months at the Sunset Oil Wells, and showed no signs of -deterioration. In driving long strings of casing from the top, difficulty frequently arises from the pipe buckling. To obviate this Mr. Youle devised the following method for driving strings of casing from the bottom: While enough pressure is simultaneously brought to bear on the top of the casing to make it follow and to prevent the joints from pull- ing apart, a heavy steel coupling is screwed or riveted within the last joint of the main string of casing. The diameter of this coupling, measured between the threads, is an eighth of an inch less than the in- side diameter of the casing. The constriction thus formed furnishes a — 95 — shoulder for a plug, which is lowered at the end of the tools, to rest on. When the plug is in place, driving is commenced. One of the principal advantages of driving casing from the bottom is that it jars and loosens the surrounding earth or rock at the point where there is the greatest resistance to the downward passage of the pipe. INDEX. A Page. Air Currents, underground - 8 Analysis of Calif orfiia coals. .. .-. - - 88 of coal gas - --- - 85 of natural gas - — - - 81,82 of producer gas — 84 of Pacific Coast coals 86, 88 of water from oil wells-.. ...90,91,92 Asphalt, cost of working crude .. 52 California and foreign, analysis of 52 volatile and fixed carbon in 53 Asphaltum, beds at Asphalto 44,45 cost of producing refined at Sunset "Works 27 in Sunset District . 26 refinery at Asphalto 45, 50, 51.52 refinery at Sunset Oil Wells -.. 26,27,28 veins in Buena Vista District ... 46, 47, 48, 49, 50 veins in Buena Vista District, renaarks on... 49, 50 Asylum Gas Wells at Stockton 18 6 Bakersfield Oil Claims, Sunset District 26 Bakersfield, temperature at 93 Bear Creek, Colusa County, oil at.. 6 Bituminous Formation in Fresno County 55, 56 in Kings County 53. 54, 55 Blair Mine, Placer County, gas at 10 Buckeye Mill, Yuba County, gas at 8 Buena Vista Oil District..".... 41 topography of 42 rocky formations of 42, 43 Buena Vista Oil Company 41, 44. 45 Bull Wheels 94 Burner for natural gas 73 Butte County, gas in... 8 Byron Springs Gas Wells, Contra Costa County 19 C Central Valley of California 5 Central Gas Well, Stockton. 19 Citizens Gas Well, Stockton 19 Clayey Strata in Central Vallej' of California 69 Coal, California, analj'ses of.. 86, 88 Coal Mine, California 57 Fresno County 56, 57, 58, 59 San .Toaquin County 57 Coals, Pacific Coast, analyses of 88 Coal Gas, analyses of 85 Comparison of" Stockton and Eastern natural gas 81, 82, 83, 84 Cutler Salmon Ranch, gas well on 19 D Davis Ranch, Sutter County, gas on... 9 Diatoms in piiales ". 71, 72 Distillation Tests, record of 89,90 Drilling Machinery, improvements in 93,94 E Evaporation, experiments in 92. 93 F Formation at Blair Mine, Placer County 10 at Bear Creek, Colusa County 6 in Central Valley of California 67.68 of Fresno County coal mines 57 of Marvsville Buttes 9,10 north o'f Coalinga 65,66 7m — 98 — Page. Formation at Rio Bravo Ranch, Kern County ._ 21, 39 in San Joaquin Vallej' . 71, 72 in Sacramento gas wells - 15, 16, 17 in Stockton gas wells .-. -..15, 16, 17,69,70 at Stovall Ranch, Colusa County 5 near Sites, Colusa County 7 of Sunset Oil District... ...23,24,25,26,28,29,30,31,36,37 at Wick's Ranch, Butte County 8 at Yuba City 9 Fossils, Buena Yista District... 42 Colusa County 6, 7 at Coalinga, Fresno County .56,57,58,59,60,62,63,64,65 at Coalinga Gypsum ISIine... 63,64 Fresno County 55,56 Kings County 54, 55 Marysville Buttes 10 north of Coalinga 65 Rio Bravo Ranch, Kern County 39, 40 San Emidio Grant 38 Sutter County .- 10 Tulare County 20 Freshwater Creek, Colusa County, gas at 5. 6 Fresno County, gas in 24 oil claims in 56 bituminous formations 55, 56 Fuel Value of different gases 85 Fuel Value of Natural Gas, experiments with 72. 73, 74, 77, 80 estimating 72, 73, 74, 77 Kern County 78,79 Sacramento wells 78, 79 Stockton wells 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 81,82,83,84 G Gas in Butte County... 8 in Colusa County 5 conditions of occurrence 14 in Fresno County 20 fuel value of -...72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80 fuel value of, Kern County 78, 79 fuel value of, Sacramento 76, 79 in Glenn Countv -. 7 in Kern County 20,21,39,41,78,79 in Merced County 20 in Placer County --. 10 pressure of 1 - 14 physical experiments with - 77, 78 on Rio Bravo Ranch 39 in Sacramento Valley 5, 14, 15 in Sacramento Countv 10, 11, 12, 13 in San Joaquin County .15,16,17,18,19,20 in Solano County 5 in Sutter County --- 8 in Stanislaus County 19 in storage in Central Valley of California 68 in Stockton, analysis of --- ^ 75 in Stockton, value of - 77, 78 in Stockton, compared with Eastern 81, 82, 83, 84 in Tulare County 20,70 in Tehama County 7, 8 wells near Stockton 19 in Yuba County 8,9 Gas-Yielding Strata at Stockton --- 19 Geology of Central Valley of California --- 67 of coal mines at Coalinga , ._ 59 of district north of Coalinga 65 of oil claims at Coalinga -- 59 (See Formation.) Geological Investigations for gas 14 Geological Features in San Joaquin Valley... --- "1 Goodyear Station, gas at -- 5 Grant-Street Gas Well, Stockton 19 Gypsum at Coalinga... 63,64 in Sunset District - 35,36 — 99 — H Page. Haas Well, Stockton . - "0 Haggin Ranch, Sacramento County, gas at -- 10 J Jacobs Ranch, Tulare County, gas at 20, 70 Jackson Well No. 1, Stockton - 17 Jackson Well No. 2, Stockton - - ^;;-a--aa iZ' Ix Jewett & Blodgett Oil Wells -- - -- 26,27,28,29,30 K Kern County, gas and oil in - "^ k? Kettles for retining asphalt 51 Kettleman Plains, Kings County .. 54 Kettleman Hills, Tertiary strata in - --- 67 Kings County, bituminous formations 53, 54, 55 Kreyenhagen Ranch, Fresno County, geology of 53 L Lathrop Junction, gas well at - 19 Lamhertson Ranch, Tulare County, gas at -0 Lignite Analysis. (See Coal.) Little Peak, Fresno County, fossils ••-- 59 M Marysville Buttes, formation of SjlO Merced County, natural gas in.. 20 N Norrls Grant, Sacramento County, gas at 10 Oil. (See Petroleum.) Oil Queen Claim, Sunset District -- - -6 Organic Remains in Central Valley of California 68 Quid's Ranch, Merced County, gas at 20 P Petersen Ranch, Colusa County, gas at 6, 7 Petroleum, Bear Creek, Colusa County ♦j Buena Vista District . --- 41, 42,43 claims east of Sunset District '. 33 distillation tests... - --- - ^9. 90 Fresno County 56, 57 Kern County 20-33 near Mountain House, Colusa County 6 at McMichael Ranch, Colusa Countj' 6 north of Coalinga, Fresno County 60, 61, 62, 65,66 seepages in Sunset District ^h^^ at Sunset District, specific gravity of — --- 27, 31 at Sunset District .-- 26,36 at Sunset District, record of wells ...28, 29, 30, 31 wells of Jewett ct Blodgett - ....27,28,29,30 yielding formations of Central Valley of California 67 Placer County, natural gas in --- 10 Pope Salmon Ranch, gas wells on 19 Potrero Wells, gas at 5 Producer Gas - 83,84 Pumping Plant for petroleum ■■- - 27 Pumping several wells simultaneously. .. - - 27,28 R Ravenna Claim, Sunset District 26 Refining Asphalt at Sunset District 27,28 at Asphalto 45,46,50,51,52 Refining Petroleum at Sunset District 28,29 Rideout Ranch, clenn Countj', gas at --- 7 Rio Bravo Ranch, Kern County, gas at... 39 Roberts Island, San Joaquin County, gas well on 19 S Sacramento City, natural gas wells in 10, 11, 12, 13 Sacramento County, natural gas wells in 10, 11, 12, 13 Sacramento Valley 5 remarks on natural gas in.. 13, 14 Salt Creek, Colusa County, gas at •. '^ Salt Marsh, Sunset District 32 — 100 — Page. Sandstone, blue, thickness of 68 Fresno County 57, 58 San Emidlo Grant .!! _ 38 San Joaquin Valley gas wells 15, 16, 17. 18, i9, 20,68,69 Shale, light-colored siliceous 23,24,25,61,62,66, 71 light-colored, thickness of 67 Siliceous Rocks, Buena Vista District ._. 42,43,44 Sites Station, Colusa County, gas and oil at 6 Solano County, natural gas in 5 Springs in Solano ("ounty 5 Standard Asphalt Company... 41,44,45 Stanislaus County, natural gas in 19 Stockton Gas Wells 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 69, 70 gas-yielding strata in 69, 70 compared with Eastern 81,82,83,84 Stockton Gas, Light, and Heat Company's Wells 18 Stockton Natural Gas Company's Wells 18 St. Agnes Gas Well, Stockton 18, 70 Strata overlying gas formation 14 Stovall Ranch, Colusa County, gas at 5,6 Sulphur Creek, Colusa County, gas and oil at 6 Sulphur Deposits, genesis of. 35 in Sunset District 33, 34, 35 Sunset Claim, Sunset District : 26 Sunset Oil District, geology of 22,37 topograplij^ of --- .- 21, 22 minerals, oils, and bituminous deposits of . 26 remarks on 36, 37, 38 Sutter County, natural gas in 8 T Tar Canyon, Fresno County, geology of 56 Tehama County, natural gas in '. 7,8 Texas Claim, Sunset District 33 Temperature at Bakersfield 93 Tertiary Strata in Kettleman Hills , 67 Thurman Ranch, Tehama County, gas at 8 Tulare County, natural gas in 20 Tulare Lake, Tulare County, gas at 20 Tuscan Springs, Tehama Coi;nty, gas at 8 V Vacaville, Solano County, gas at 5 Valley Lands of Kern County 21 Veins of Asphaltum. (See Asplialtiim Veins.) W Water Analysis, Eio Bravo Well 39 of various wells 90,91,92 Wells, Petroleum. (See Petroleum.) drilling machinery for 93, 94 White's Bridge, Fresno County, gas at 20 Wick's Ranch, Butte County, gas at.. 8 Y Yuba City wells, gas in 8,9 Yutoa County, gas in 8 THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO 50 CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.00 ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. MAY 2 3 1965 m. JUN ms FEB 26 1986 HtCEIVED FEB 2 'l9aB PHYS SCI LIBRARY MAR 2^ ml AYS SCI f-iBRfiJ-' I Book Slip-30m-8,'54(6210s4)458 PHYSICAL ^ ^ SCIENCES A 3 LIBRARY ->r^ . 3 fSlBRAKT 'W^^";.v,s 124931 OF CAUJOWItt 3>T^-J|l|f