and E X C H E QJJ E R, viz.
Declarations, Pleas in Abatement and in Bar, Replications, Rejoinders, c^r."
Demurrers, Iflues, Verdifts, Judgments, Forms of making up Records
of A'z/ prius, and Entering of Judgments, i^c. in moll Aftions. Many of
them drawn or perufed by Mr. Broderick, Carthew, Comyns, Dar-
ke l. Holt, Lrvinz. Lutv/iche, North ey, Parker, Pembert on,
PEj:cr.LLY, PoLLEXFEN, Raymond, Salkeld, Saunders, Thom-
son, Trevor, Wearge, and other learned Counfel.
A S A L S O,
..pecial Aflignments of ERRORS, and Writs and Pfocecdirgs thereupon
both in the faid Courts and in Parliament.
The Method of fuing to and reverfing. O UT L A W R I ES by WRIT
of E R R O R or otherwife.
TO wnicn IS AODEn,
A Colleaion of W RI TS in moft Cafes now in Praaice.
With Two TABLES, one of the NAMES of the CASES, and
the other cf the PLEADINGS and WRITS.
V o r>. L
[ y J
< ^"l^HE greateft part of the following
' J. colledion of Precedents, as alfo the
' Writs, were intended by Mr. Lilly,
' late Principal of Clifford's Inn, in his iife-
' time, to have been publilhed ihe being
* concerned in moft of the caufes, whereof
' the Entries and Precedents are here col-
' ieded.) The addition fince his time is
* done by a careful and judicius hand-, they
' are truly modern, being drawn and ufed
' in the reign cf king William and queen
' Mary, queen Ann, and many of them in
* his prefent majefty's reign, and drawn by
' the moft eminent men in ihofe reigns:,
' many of whom are now living.
' In tliis colledion particular care hap
' been taken to examine them with ♦'^^^^
' originals, and to give an acount y'^'^ '''*
' T T *
' the confequence of the pleadiKi'^' ^ ^^^
'■ arc added proper reference? -<^ books, that
^ ^ ^ ' treat
'A Tahk of the Names of the Cafes',
Carter ard Mogg, Page 9
Child ^jg«.'«/? Hou*e, 132
Chinnel and Sparjces, 495
Chitv.-ell againjl\^'\z\\\cy^ i^
Cliilwell <7^(7;wy? Browne. 103
ClanricarJ (LorJ.) and Fitzgerald, 2^7
Clarke ^[i^ain/I Atton, 165
C'ark, one, Es^r. and Chauncry, 74
Ciarke /?;7^ iVinftcrs and others, 517
Clarke and the mqyor of Guildford, 1 09
Clay a! the fiat. o/'Bonhani, lOj
Clitheroa/;.-/ Franklyn, 92,523
Colepepyr, bart, /^'g<7l njt Tooki, 17
Collet, knt. againj} Lloyd, 32S
Collins rq.ihi/i Ford, ■ 66
Compton, knt. ogainjl the earl of Kl-
riare, 514
Cooper, bart, «•:,/ St. John, ei'q; 64
Coote and Lynch. 225, 27 1
Couhhurft (It the ft'.! t of Wootori, 498
Courfey, erq;(7«(^/ Compton, knt, 2i, 226
Coventry (mayor of) ogiinfl Palmer, 48
Crawley rtH^ Holloway, 144
Crefwick nWTruebody, 367
Crcmp (tnd ■ 9
Cro(re<7^//nf/?B!iron, 351
CrofTe and Croffe, 461
CrofTe and Lewis, 4S4
Croxhall,yf. ngalnfl the inhabitants of
the hundred of Hemlingford, 295 ,514
Curfon againjl Faunr, 168
Cuttinz and Williams, 227
Dade rtf /''?f/n7o/Bickford, 7
Dalby ai the fuit c/Lady Holies, 1 1 5
Daniel fl^rt/w/? Crogall, He. 359
Darrell «,/ Wither, 437
Davey ag'ii^Ji Arnold, 237
Davy rtn,/Hellingtorr, 67
D-acon, £ffc. and Fe II, 26
Delves <-i«^ Conner, 467
D'^by (Lord) flrf/R^rford, 357
Djbfon cgainfl Shore, 9
Drake «Av/ Bateinan. 100
Draiy and Daley aga'mfl Monger, 165
Dakc of Newcaftle againfl Jermyn, 22
Dummer /?^i7i/7/? Fitch, 79,50b
Dunftar agair.jl I'lcrie, 55
Earl of" Kildarc againjl Shaen, knt. 233,
Eafl: rtn^ South,
EaftrtW Wert,
Eaftman ««.-/ Butler,
Edwards and Fox,
Etiwards and Luurel),
Eeles and Sriies,
Ehnes ^wJHt ath,
Eldridge and BurfciM,
Elfe a>td Cotton,
Etterick at t/ie fuil of F^Wow,
Farmer cgainil the bail of Ryves,
Farmer againfl Ros'ers,
Farnaby againfl Reeves and others,
Farrington and Lenthall,
Fawcett againfl Chiipnian,
Fellow again ji Harpur, ^c.
Fuller againjl VVigsr, l^c.
Ford againfl Taylor, i^c.
Fofier, fiff . «V«/r/? Kair,
Fovergne againfl Hampfon',
Fowler at the fuit o/'Tappenden,
Fox againjl King, i^c.
Frampton and Nourfe,
Freake, i^c. againjl Htfkst,
Frith a«^ Henley,
Frith and Herd, 1
Frith and Kemp and other*,
Frogat flWK/Marryot,
Fuller <7/ the fuit of Dovce^
Page- 34
Gage, efq; figainjl Aflon, widow, Ifa
. . . . ^^3
Gardner and his wife awJ Pickering,
Garlick and GanrleT,
Gawler and Elliot,
Gibfon and Onfnam,
Goddard againjl Fowie,
Graham and Harrod,
Gratton, i^c. and Leeds,
Green and Alchorne,
Green, i^c. againfl Waller,
Grice /vn-y Leigh,
Grindall againjl LeightOD,
Hackett /?j^^/'_y? Tilly 160
Hackett at the fuit 0/ Glover, 38
Hal! and Stanley ig
Haifey agair.jl Hope, 303
Hammer and his wi'.e <7n Morgan and another, 14
Palgrave, barr. and Windham efq; 46
Palmer rt?;.'/ Trevor, 441
Parker er, t>oge 172,504
Renault and Grahnm,
Reynohis againft Seymour,
Rofewell '•gainfi I'rior,
Sandes and Lloyd,
Sounders againft Hanfl.ipc,
Saunders ^<«^/Uwen,
Saunders, Gk\i againft iht fiieriffof Mid-
Sayle/7Wi3' Frank,
Scawen rt^j^V Garret,
Scot againft Burirefs,
Scras ond Harris,
Shearman ff^/7rr// \Vrighfj
Sheeres againft Pouieroy,
Shifii and Keech,
Short, yr. rtr7,/Beetham,
Sib!on againfl Aikinfon,
Silverlock «w^/ Thompfon,
Slate an i Freeman,
Smith agair/l Crawford, efq;
Smith againft Kngland, l^c.
Smith againft Farmer,
Smith and Harmer,
Smith againft Povev,
Sparrow agninft Dunch, Isic,
Spiller /7'7(-/ Antlrew,
Startup ant Dotideridge,
Stationers Conipany and Hunt,
Stationers Company and Tooke,
Stationers Company agninft iVIarlow, 63
Stephens, \£c. aigairjt Wickham, ^c. 65
Stone and Gu\{[onf a6i
Strode <7?t^ Palmer, ^48
Suell ^g^zn/} the tcrtenantsof the earl of
Tallant and Jermyn,
Tanner at the fuit o/B!ifle,
Tawdin and L.avie,
Taylor, ^r. and Ford,
Tebutt (it the fuit of Powhy
Terrev /?"<-/ Duvall,
Terry, y^. rtVv/Pa'je, &'r.
Thornby ogainft Fleet v/ood,
Thruftout and PvCyner,
Tindall and Wood,
Tirrell againft Sedgwick,
. ^^
A fabU of the Names of the Cafes]
Tirrey nnd Duvall,
Titus, efq; aga'injt Parkins, knt.
Tcmkins againft Robartes,
Tcoler ngninft Archer,
Tone, widow, (7^,^ Theobald,
Town fend and Laurence,
Turner andTurntr,
Twitty /7r//Houlder,
Twitty arvi Bell againjt Morley,
Unaeriiill againft Durham,
Vymer ugainft Holborowe,
Vynal /jrz^Harman,
Walker againft Towerfey, ^c.
Wall againft Town,
Wallbankrtwrf'nucknall, ^c.
Wallcot /i«i/ Dillon,
Wanley againft Lord, ^c.
Wzmer again fi Riddall,
Warton, knt. r7'7<^ Combes, y g~
land, and to his fame enemy adhering, and came into the king-
dom of Er^/^w^ witho\:t the fafe condi:ft of the 'aid Lord the
IC^ The paping 'if this edition i« m«'1c to coruTpond with tliat 'fthe for-
mer edition', by pointing out the cnmmrncemct.t i f each pag in the mirf^in.
The pacing is illo continued 2t thj corner for the purpofc of more convenieat
Vol. I. B King:
King: Anil this lie is ready to verify: Wherefore he prays
judgment if the faid Ediuard to his bill aforefaiJ ought to be
mil Hall,
Piaa. Ret^. !
Salk. 7. 8.
6 Mud. 133.
I 2 ]
•Travel fe.
Mlfnorne/ of
addition of
the degree,
4 Mod. 47.
Brackley and Stanton.
AN D the faid Sarah in her proper perfon comes and prays
judgment of the bill of the faid /^/ ////?;« a fore faid, becaufe
ilie fays, that \\\z the fame Sarah&i the time of the exhibition of
the bill oi the hid M'^iili am agamft the faid Snra/i was covert
with one J'/in U^t/t then and yet her hufbind, and living, to wit,
at Ijlington aforefaid in the county aforeCiid : And this the fame
Sarah is ready to verify : Wherefore becaufe the fair! 'John IVeJl
is not named in the bill aforefaid, the fame Sarah prays judgment
of the bill aforefaid, and that that bill may be quafhed.
And the faid plaintiff fays, that by yny thing by the faid Sarah
above by pleadin^^ alledged, the faid bill of him the faid IVilUam
now filed ou^ht not to be quafhed, becaufe he favs that the faid
Sarah at the faid rime of the exhibiiion of the bill aforef:iid, to
wit, 23d day of Ocloler in the tenth year of the reign of the faid
now Lord the King, to wit, at Ijlington aforefaid in the county
aforefaid, wasfole \ without that, that the faid Sarah, at the faid
lime of the exhibition of the bill aforefaid of the plaintiff aforefaid
or ever after, was covert of the faid J. W. her hufband, in man-
ner and form as the fame Sarah above by pleading hath alledged.
And this he is ready to verify : Wherefore he prays judgment
and his debt aforefaid, together with his damages by reafon of
the detention of that debt to be adjudged to him,yf.
And the faid Sarah as before fays, that flie the fame Sarah
at the time of the exhibition of the faid bill was covert, of the
faid J. W. her hufband, in manner and form as the fame Samk
above by pleading hath alledged: And of this fhe puts herfelf
on the country. And the faid plaintilTlikewife, ISc. Therefore
let a jury thereof come, ^c.
Levett and The College of Phyjicians, London.
AND the faid Ilerry Le'vett, by R. S. his attorney, comes
and prays judgment of the bill aforefaid, becaufe he fays,
that he the faid /tenry, lon^ before the exhibition of the bill afore-
faid, as alfo'.he fame day of the exhibition thereof, was and yet
is a Doftor of phyfuk in due manner made bv the univerfity of
Oxhrd, to wit, at London aforefaid, in the pariili and ward afore-
"fatd : Wherefore for that the fame Henry is not named Do£tor of
phyficjc in the bill aforefaid, he prays judgment of the faid bill,
ijiod that that bill may be quailied, ^c.
Abatement. 2
AND tlie faid T. C. by Joh^ Lilly his attorney, comes and Abatement,
defends the force and iniurv, ^c. and prays oyer of the Thatdetendant
,,. r r -J 1 •. • 1 . 1 • • ►!, r j r<:aled the bond
vruing obiigatorv atorelaid, and it is read to nun ;n thele words, x^^^^^y with
to wit, Know all men by thefe prefents, ^"r. which being read £ F.^ndG.H,
and heard, the fame T. C pravs judgment of the declaration who are not
aforefaid, becaufe he fays that at the faid time of the fealing and ^^^'^'
cieiiverv of the writing obligatory aforefaid, whereon the faid
plaintiff againft him the defendant cornplains, to wit, on the faid
third day of Mayin the eleventh year of the reign, U'c. in the
declaration aforefaid abovementioned, at Leixjes aforefaid in the
courlty aforefaid, the faid E. F. and G. H. in the writing obligato-
ry aforefaid named did likewiie feal and deliver the writing obli-
gatory aforefaid as the aft and deed ot thtm the faid E. F. and
G. H. to the faid plaintiff, and became firmly bound to the faid
plaintiff jointly with the faid defendant by the fame writing obli-
gatory in the faid loo/. which faid E. F. and G. H. are yet fur-
viving and living, to wit, at Leives aforefud in the county afore-
faid : And this he is ready to verify : Wherefore for that the faid
E. F. and G. H. are not named defendants together with the faid
defendant in the declaration aforefaid mentionetl, the fame defen-
dant pravs judgment of the declaration aforefaid, and that that
declaration may be quaihed, l^c.
MoJler and Ified.
AND the faid 'Thomas^ in liis proper perfon, comes and de- Another aftioa
fends the force and injury, ^c. and prays judgment of the pending in the
bill aforefaid, becaufe he fays, that he the fame John in the court '""|^ '^""'■'•
of the faid Lady the Queen now here otherwife, to wit, in Eajler Pf^a. Reg. T,'
term lail paft brought his writ againfl: the faid T/^pOT^y in theplea 5C0. 6i.
aforefaid ; and thereupon the fame Joy??/ declarinfr againft him the £alk.. S.
faid J h-itnas by the nixn'i qII h:>mai ljUd\^\z ofi ^ ondon, Gent,
then and there appearing at the fuit of the I'aid John in the faid
plea complained. That whereas the faid John Mollerx\\^ firft day
of April in the year of our Lord 1701, at Londjn, in the pariHi of
St. M(iry-le-l'(rw in the ward o'iCheape, was poff^-ffed Oi divers
poods and chattels, to wit, of tv.-o butts of fpirits of v.-ine called
brandy, to the value of 1 ^o/. as of his proper goods and chattels,
and fo thereof being pofllffed ihe goods and chattels aforefiid out
of his hands and poflLffion cafually Uft, which faid goods and
chattels afterwards, to wit, the fame firfl: day of April in the year
of our Lord 1701 aforelaid, at Lmdm aforefaid, in the parilh and
ward aforefaid, to the hands and poff-ffion of the faid Thomas by
finding came ; neverthelcfs the faid Thomas knowing the goods
an I chattels aforefaid to be the proper goods and chattels ot the
faid John :Vhller, and to him the faid John MoHer of right to be-
long and appertain, but contriving and tradulenily intending him
the faid John Moller of thofe gc.ods and chattels craftily and
fubtiily to deceive and defrautl> day
oi No-vemher in the fixth year of the reign of the King an(i Qiiten
abdvelaid, s' IVejiminlhr aforefaid in the faici county ot Mi/!dlr'fi:K!,
to the faid J hn Hull chief jultice aforclaid in due form of law was
delivered in form of law to be executed ; which faid Jo/in Holt
chief juftice aforefaid, the faid writ to correal error aforefaid into
the faid chamber of Exchequer as yet hath not returned, and no-
T A 1 thing; therein done : Ard this he is ready to verify : Wherefore
he prays judgment if he the faid Charles ought to be compelled to
anfwer to the faid writ nH fiire facias of the faid Charles tiourfe^
- pending the faid writ of error undetermined, Ifc.
Hoare and Clarke,
Mldd' to v;lt. '^OSf^.PH Clarke complains of JJin Hoare in the
fc/ cudo'yof Rjbert Davers, Bart, high fteward
ofthe liberty of Si- EdmunJs Burji irj the county aforefaid, in a
plea that he render to him too/, (fo declares in debt upon a
judgment) : And therefore he pro luces .h'- fuit, ^c.
_ .^ ._ And the faid John, by Jjhn AlLn his attorney, comes and de-
Co"of™e^''' fends the force and injury, and fays that the liberty of 5t. Ed-
county. mui ds Bury is, and from time immemorial was, in the county of
Sujfolky and not in the county oi Middle/ex, as by the bill of the
faid lofeph Clarke above is fuppofed : And this he is ready to ve-
rify : Wherefore he prays judgment if the faid Jjhn Hoare ought
to anfwer to the bill ofthe faid Jofeph Clarke, Iffc.
Affidavit ac- L- S. Gefit. ?naket'i oalh, that the ///^t-r/y o/St. Fdmonds Bury
coiHine to as this deponent is credibly inarmed and verily helieves, is in
4 -dnn, ^f^g county of -uffolk, and not in the county of Middlefex, as
the plaintiff by the declaratim hereunto annexed haih al-
ledged. L- S.
G'irdner and his wife and Pickering,
Plea that the A ^ ^ ^^^ ^^'^ Michael and Elizabeth, by A. F. their attor-
marriago was £^ ney, come and defend the force and injury, and pray jung-
not folcmnizcd ,p^p( ofthe faid writ ofthe faid Margaret, becaufe they fay that
according to ^^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^ impetration of the faid writ original of the faid
theChaTcK^ M'fparet, to wit, 23 j^wwrt-:?' in the io:h year of the reign of
of EiiRhnJ. the now Lady the Queen, the marriage between the faid Michael
Silk. 8. and Elizibeth was not folemniy.ed according to the ecclefiaftical
law of this kingdom of Great Britain : And this they are rtady to
verify : Wherefore they pray judgment of that v/rit, and that
that writ may be quaflied, ore.
7. Pevgelly.
Abatement. ^
The Company of Stationers and Tooke,
ND thefaid Benjamin by N. H. his attorney comes, and f;J^-"^°™'^'/;j^
j^ j^ the fame Benjamin defends the force and injury, &c. and ^„r,,„ration.
prays judgment of the bill aforefaid, becaufe he fays that the faid galk- 8.
plaintirfs are named and calleii The mafter and keepers or wardens P. aft, Reg,
and commonalty of the inyfteiy or art of Stationers of the city of '^9t
London, and by the fame name and title were always named and
called ; without that, that they are named and called The maf-
ter and keepers, or wardens and commonalty of the myflery and
art of ftationers of the city of U>uIon, as by the bill above is
fuppofe i : And. this he is ready to verify. Wherefore he prays
judgment of the bill aforefaid, and that that bill may be qualhed,
And the faid mafter and keepers, or wardens and commonalty Demurrer. ^
of the myftery (a) or art of ftationers of the city oi London fay, (<:■) [r^'^"*-,
that by any thing by thefaid B^;i/,/»2;>z above by pleading alledged, S'^a '^ IJtvex
the bill of the faij mafter and kerpers, or wardens and commo-
nalty of the myftery (ti) or art of ftationers of the city cf Lon-
don, ought not to be quaflied, becaufe thty fay, that the plea
aforefaid by the faid Benjamin in manner and form aforefaid above
pleaded, and the matter in the fame contained, are not fufficient
in law to quafK the bill of the faid mafter and keepers, or wardens
and commonalty of the myftery or art of ftationers of the city of
London, to which faid plea they the fame mafter and keepers, or
wardens and commonalty of the myftery (a) or art of ftationers
of the city of London, have no neceflity, nor are by the law of the
land bound any way to anfwer: And this they are ready to verify:
Wherefore for want of a fufficient anfwer in this behalf, they the
fame mafter and keepers, or wardens and commonalty of the myf-
tery (a) or ar:t?of- ftationers of the city of London, pray judg-
ment, and that the bill aforefaid of the faid tnafter and keepers,
or wardens and commonalty ot the myftery (a) or art of ftation-
ers of the city of London, may be a'.'.judged as good, and that
the faid Benjamin to that bill may anfwer, l^c.
And the laid Benjamin fays that the plea aforefaid by the faid Joinder;
Benjamin in manner and form aforefaid above pleaded, and the
matter in the faaie contained, are good and fufficient in law to
quafti the faid bill of the faid mafter and keepers, or wardens and
commonalty of the myftery or art of ftationers of the city of I on-
don : Which faid plea, and the matter therein contained, he the
faid Benjamin is ready to verity and prove, as the couit.^r. And
becaufe the faid mafter and keepers, or wardens and commonahy
of the myftery or art of ftationers of the city of London to the plea
aforefaid do not anfwer, nor the fame hitherto any way deny, he
the faid 5fn/V/OT/«, as before, prays judgment ot the bill aforefaid, r ,. i
and that that bill may be quailicd : But becaufe the court of the <-. ,. •'
^ .,.,,.. -^ ', 1 •/- 1 • 1 • Continuance*
laid Lady the Queen now here are not yet anviied to give their g^n^ -g-
judgment of and upon the prcmifTcs, day is given to the faid par- j^^,
lies before the Lady ihe Qiieen at IF'eJimin/ler until Saturday
next after the Odaveoi the purification of the blefttd virgin Mary
B 4 10
R r*,' J ^o hear tlieir jui^gmcnt of and upon the premifils aforefaid, te"
eujter" '"' cau'e thccourt ot the faid Lady ilie Queen now here thereof no^
Ptaa.' Reg. I. vet, ^c. Ai which day bctore the Lady the Queen at JVeJ}min-
V7ercompa.s well the faid inafter and keepers or wardens and
comnionaltv of the niyft'.ry or art of ftationers of the ciiv o\ Lon-
don aforefaid, as the faid Bt-njamin bv rbeir attornies aforefaid :
Whereupon all and finguhr the preniifTes being feen, and by the
court of the faid Lady the Queen now here more tuHy underllood,
and mature deliberation being thereon had, becaufe it feenis to
the cour; of the faid Lady the Queen now here, that the faid pica
bv the faid Btnjanun in manner an I for(n aforefaid above pleaded,
and the matter in the fame contained, are not fufT.cient in law ro
quaHi the bill of the faid mailer and keepers or wardens and coni-
monaltv of the myftery or art of ft;«tioners of the city of London
aforefaid : Therelorc it is confidered that the faid Benjnmin di
farther anfwer to the fame bill, l^c. And upon this the faid Ben-
jamin by his attorney afore 'aid comes and defends the torce and
injury, when, i^r. And prays oyer of the writing aforefaid, and
to him it i> read, ^c. And pleads in bar.
Broiizhton Bart.
Abatement ; AND the faid John Brou^hton by J. L. his attorney comes
for that the J^ ^^^^ defends the force and injury, tifc and prays judgment
Baro"nctrnot* '^'^ t'^^ writ aforefaid, becaufe he fays,' that the faid_ Ju/.n, at the
Knight and time of the impetrvition of the original writ aforefaid, and from
Baronet. thence continually afterwards hitherto was and yet is a Bart, only,
Praa.Reg.2.3. and not a Knt. and Bart, without thar, that the faid John Broug^h-
Salk. 50. 6. ^^^ ^^^. j^^^^ ^j jl^g ^^y QJTjj^g impetraiion of the original writ afore-
faid was a Knt. and Bart, as by the faid writ above is fuppofed :
And this the faid 7t/7« is ready to verify: Wherefore he prays
judgment of the writ afoj-cfaid, and that that writ may be
qualhed, b'r.
Frith and Herd.
Plei, that the
defendants are
AND the faid Rihett by J. L. his attorney comes and dc-
fcn Is the force an 1 injury, l^c. and fays, that the faid John
'n'd'not °" °' ^'■'^> th<^ ^'^'^ '^'^y of Dicemf'er in the year of our Lord 1694., at
tor,.""' "''^**" Lonj'on atorcfaid in the pariili and ward aforefaid, died intcltatc,
Salk. iq6. 3, aftv-'r whofe death adminilVation of all and finc;ularjhe goods and
Praft. Rig. 7. chattels, rights and credits which were the faid J;/.n !i<:rd\ at
the time of his death, by Chr,Us Ht^.'gcs Knt. dndnr^of lav.-s,
of the reverend father in Chrifl: Henry by divine permiinon Lord
biihop of London in the parts of Effex and Hertford commilTary
and fcqueftrator genera! lawfully coniVituted, towhom the coni-
in"fiion of the adminiilration aforefVid did of right belong, the
eighth dayof the month of Fel>>■ua>y\r^ the year cf our Lord 4694,
at London aforefaid in the pariili and ward aforefaid, to the laiii.2
R:bsrt Hztd'ia. due fonxj of Uv/ was coaiiiaLted i in which cafe
Abatement, 1 $
the laid EJivan! &ni Margaret ought to name the laid Roler
Berd adminiftrator of the goods and chattels of the faid John
Herd, and not executor of the (eftamentof the faid John Herd:
And this he is ready to veiify : Wherefore he prays judgcncnl of
the bill aforefaid, and that that bill may be quallisd, <^c.
Ncxi'come and Bamhridge.
AND the faid Richard by 7. H. his attorney conies and de- gy fajfe £«.
x\. tends the force and injury, n jahnnrii ant Salk. 46l«
Juocerto attorn executor^ 'Vel adminifiralor fuis ad quani quidtin jo~
lutionem bene K^ Ji deli t' facie nd' obligo me heredes executor ^ admi-
ni/frator' mcoi firtnit^ per prefentes ftgillo mecjigillat^ dat' decims die
Deccnib' anno regni Domini noliri ]\i\ fecundi Dei gra' Anglis;
Scot' Franc' l^ Hibern' R^gisfidei defenf, aforefaid admi'ted, to have and to
hold to him as his freehold for the term of his life, according to the
cuftom of the faid court of the faid late King and Queen at all
times then part ufed and approved, and inftantly the faid James
Woodhoufe as well the oath of his fealty to the faid late King and
Queen according to the form of the ftatute in that cafe made and
provided, as the corporal oath from thenceforth well and faithfully
to bear and behave himfelf in the fame office, by him firft taken
as was accuftomed, into the corporal poflefTion of the fame office,
put and inftituted, to hold, occupy and have the fame in form
aforefaid, with the fees, wages and profits to the fame office
belonging and anciently due and accuftomed, ^c. as by the re-
cord ot die faid grant and admiffion in the court of the now Lord
the King before the King himfelf now remaining manifellily ap-
pears ; by virtue of which grant and admilllon he the faid Jiwits
was filazer of the faid court of the faid King and Queen before the
King and Queen themfelves, and at the day of the in;petration of
the original writ aforefaid was and yer is filaztr of the faid court
of the faid Lord the King before the King himfelf, as is afore-
faid. And the faid James farther fays, that from time immemo-
rial fuch filacers of the fame court of the faid Lord the King here
according to the cullomof the fame court from the whoie time
aforefaid hitherto ufed and approved in the fame court only, have
been accuftomed and ought to be impleaded in all pleas perfonai at
the fuir of any fubjeft of the faid Lord the King and his prede-
celfors Kings and Queens of this realm, by bill in the court of
the faid now Lord the King before the king himfelf exhibited
againll fuch filazers prefent to the fame court in proper perfon j
And this he is ready to verify : Wherefore he prays judgment if
the court of the Lord the King here will or ought to take farther
cognizance of the faid plea againft him the faid JameSf Uc.
Edzv, IVhi takers
r 7 1
Brown and Deelk.
AN D now at this day, to wit, Wednejday next after i 5 days
of Enfter this fame term, to which day the faid Hierom,
faving to himfelf all and all manner of exceptions as to the bill
aforefaid of the faid Edivardy had licence to imparl to the faid bill
and then to anfwer, l^c. before which day the Lady Queen
Miiry died, before the faid Lord the King at VVefiminflcr comes
as wcli the faid Ed'wnrd, by his attorney aforefaid, as the faid
Hierom by R. S. his attorney ; and the faid Hierom defends the
force and injury, Cffr. and fays, that he the faid Hierom ought
not to be compelled to anfwer to the bill atorefaid, becaufe he
fays, that the faid £Ai;^r^otherwife, to wit, in Trinity term laft
part, in the court of the now Lord the King and of the late Lady
Queen Mary of the Bench impleaded the fame Hierovi in a certain
plea of trcfpafs on the cafe, and for the fame caufc in the declara-
tion aforefaid abovementioned, as by the record thereof in the
f-me court remaining appears; and that the parties aforefaid to
and in the plea in the faid court of Bench, and the faid Ednxiard
Broiun now plaintiff, and he the faid Hierom Dceble^ are the
fame perfons and not other nor divers, and that the plea afore-
faid in the faid court of Bench yet remains undetermined : And
this he is ready to verify ; Wherefore he prays judgment if he
ought to be ccmpolled to anfv/er ta the faid bill, l£<:.
Special fmpar*
Demi re of Q.
Plea, Another
adlion pending
in theCommoa
Salk. 715:
n Abatement.
Tj 1 K r I, A»^' ^"^ ^^"^ EJivarti fnys, that by any thing by the faid Hie-
fecfrd. rom above in pleiulipg allcdged, he the faid Hierom to the decla-
ration ot the faid Eihvni,! aforefaid ought to be compelled to an-
fwer, becaufe he fays there is not any iuch record of the implea-
liinvT of ihQ fnid Hierom at the fuit of the faid Ed'vuarJ in the faid
court of the Lord the King of the Bench remaining, as the ianie
Hietom above in pleading hath alledged : And this he is ready to
verify: Wherefore he prays judgment, and that the faid Hterom
to the bill of the faid Edixard aforefaid may anfwer, l^c,
Dade at the fuit of Bickford,
laledTe^'eed A N D ih ^ faid Tliomns Dade, by John Lilly his attorney, comes
I Li!y ^^itll the X\ ^"'^ defen.'s the force and injury, l^c. and prays judgment
dtltudant. ot" the bill aforefaid, becaufe he fays, that one Feler Albtrt ihz
fame 26 day oi Augujl in the year cf cur Lord 1699 at London
aforefaid in the parlHi and ward aforefaid fabfciibsd, lealed, and
as his deed delivered to the faid John Bickerford the faid charter-
party indented of affreightment in ihe bill aforefaid abovemen-
tioned, and that the fatr.e Peter Jllberl, and the faid Thomas by that
fame charter-party indented of affreightment jointly covenanted,
granted and agreed, to and with the laid John Biclford, his exe-
cutors, sdminitlrators and affigns, in manner and form as in the
bill aforefaid of the faid jTo/^/z above is recited : Wherefore for that
the faid Peter Albert is not named in the bill aforefaid, the fame
Thomas Dade prays judgment of jhe bill aforgfaid, and that that
bill may be quaftied, bV.
^^"* Another aclion depending fcr the fame catife in the fame
Rfpl Grlffn AND the faid Edtiard Dominee fays, that by any thing by
*MDomiHce. jM^ the faid Oiuer, Griffin above in pleading alledged, the bill
^n'the'^lam"''^'^ aforcfiid of the faid Edtoard nov/ filed ought not to be quartied,
^jjmj^ becaufe he fays, that there is not any fuch record of the bill afore-
faid in the plea aforefaid fpecified in the fame court of the faid now
Lady the Queen before the Queen herfelf filed, or of record re-
ptaininj, as the faid O-iiew above in pleading hath alledged ; And
this bci is ready to verify: Wherefore he prays judgment, and
that the bill aforefaiii of the faid Edivard nov? filed may be ad-
'udged 2;ood, and the faid Qiven may anfwer thereto, or in de-
THuIt thereof his damages, by reafon of the premiffes to be ad-
ju/iged to him, l^c.
( 8 ] And the faid Oite/j fays, that there is a record of the bill
Rejoinder, aforefaid in the plea aforefaid ot the faid Oijuen above fpecihed in
that there is ^^^^ j-^; j PO^,j.t of the faid Lady the Qi^ieen before the Qiieen her-
fuch record. ^^,-^ ^^ ^.;^^ ^^ IVeJl w i >: /I er aforefaid, of record filed, as he the
fame O^^ien above in pleading hath alledged, as appears upon the
file of bills of the faid Hih-^' term lall pad in the plea aforefaid
Abatement, ^
laft mentioned of record fi'ed : And iWis he is ready to verify by
that record, and prays that the term and hie of bills by the court
of thefaid Lady the Queen now here may be feen and infp:Oecl :
But becaufe the court of the laid Lady the Queen nov/ here to
give their judgmeni of and upon the premifles are not yet ad-
vifed, dav therefore is given to the parties aforeiaid, before the Continuance.
Lady the Queen at IVeJinnnJlery until — next after to
hear their judgment of and upon that ifToe, becaufe the court of
the faid Lacy the Queen now here thereof not yet, l^c.
And the faid Oijuen fays, that the plea aforefaid by the faid Ed- Demurrer.
'u;/7rJ' above in replying pleaded, and the matter in the fame con- ^a.k. ai ,
tained, are not fufficient in lavk' to compel the faid O'wen to an- ' '
fwer to the aforefaid bill of thefaid Edvuarti, to which the faid
Ozven hath no neceflity, nor is by the law of the land bound in
any manner to anfwtr: And this he is ready to verify : Where-
fore for default of a fufficient replication of the faid EJivard in
this behalf, the fame Oiien as before prays judgment of the bill
aforefaid, and that that bill may be quallied, iffc.
And the faid Ediuard fays, that the pita aforefaid by the faid JoIoJer*
Edivnrd in. manner and f rm aforefaid above in replying pleaded,
and the matter in the fame contained, are good and fufficient in
law to compel the faid O-zve.-. to anfwer to the bill of the faid Ed'
•voardy which faid plea, and the matter therein contained, the
f:ime Ediuard is ready to verify and prove, as the court, l^c.
And becaufe the laid O'vjen to that plea doth not anfwer, nor
hitherto any way deny it, the fame fjxi'^r^ prays judgment, and
that the faid bill of the faid /:^Juji'/)v/ aforefaid may be adjudged
good, i^c. and the faid Oiviti may thereto farther anfwsr, Ifc.
or in default thereof his damages by reafon of the premilTes to be
adjudged to him, ISc. But becaufe the court of the faid Lady the
Queen now here to give their judgment of and upon the ptem:irf;s
are not yet advifed, day therefore is given to the parries aforefaid
before the Lady the Queen at Wtjiminfier next after—to
hear thsir judgment ot and upon thofe premifTes, becaufe the
court of the faid Lady the Queen now here thereof not yet.
Frith and others at the fuit of Kemp and others.
FOrce and injury, Ifc. and pray judgment of the declaration Demurrer in
aforefaid, becaufe they fay, that the declaraion aforefaid, abatement to »
and the matter therein contained, are not fufficient in law to ^c^'^ration.
maintain the aftion of the faid John, James, and Mary thereof p*^^ ^^„ a.
againft the faid Richard zxitl Cadogan had, to which faid decla-
ration the fame Richard^ud Cadogan have no neceffity, nor are by
the law of the land obliged in any manner to anfwer: And this
hey arc ready to verify : Wherefore for want of a fufficient decla-
ration in fhis behalf, the fame Richnrd and Cadogan pray judg-
ment of the declaratioa aforefaid, and that that declaration may
be qualhed, i^c.
Juc?gment for
the plaintiffs.
£ 9 I
And the faid John, James and Mary fay, that the declaration
aforciaid, and the matter in the fame contained, are good and
fufficient in law for the faid John, James and Mary to maintain
their aftion aforefaid thereof againft the faid y?/V/4ar^ and Cad gan
had; which faid declaration, and the matter in the fame con-
tained, the fame Ju/w, James and Mary, are ready to verify and
prove, as the court, Ifc. Wherefore for that the fame Rlchurd
and Cadogan the matter aforefaid in the declaration atorefaid do
not deny, nor thereto any way anfwer, the fame John, James
and Mary pray judgment, and their damages by reafon of the
premifTes to be adjudged to them, Cfff. But bccaufe the court of
the faid Lord the King now here to give their judgment of and
upon the premifTes are not yet advifed, day therefore is given to
the parties aforefaid, before the Lord the King at Wejhninjler,
until IVednefday next after five weeks of Eolier, to hear their
judgment of and upon the premilTes, becaufc the court of the
Lord the Kirg now here thereof not yet, ^c. At which day before
the Lord the King at Weftminjler come the parties aforefaid, by
their attornies aforefaid; whereupon all and fingular the prennfTcS
being feen, and by the court of the faid Lord the King now here
more fully underftood and confidcred, and mature deliberation
being thereon had, it feems to the court of the Lord the King
nowhere, that the declaration aforefaid, and the matter in the
fame contained, are' good and fufficient in law for the faid John,
James and Mary to maintain their aftion aforefaid thereof againft
l\\Q{2in\Q Richard znA Cadogan h^i\: Wherefore the fame John
Kemp, James Goodijuin and Mary Perkins ought to recover their
damages againft the faid Richard Smith and Cadogan Thomas by
reafon of their premifles aforefaid. But becaufe it is unknown to
the court of the faid Lord the King now here what damages they
the fame Joh>u James and Mary have fuftaincd by reafon of the
premifliS ; Therefore the fheriffof Ai/^^/^/>Jc is commanded, that
he, by the oath of twelve good and lawful men oi his bailiwick,
diligently inquire what dania?es they the fame Jjhn, James and
Mary, as well by reafon of the premifTes aforefaid, as for their
cofts and charges by them about their fuit in this behalf expended
have fuftaincd, and fend the inquifuion which, i^c. to the Lord
the King at Wejimin^er, on Friday next after the morrow of the
holy Trinity, under the feal, ^c. and the feals, Iffc. together
with the writ of the faid Lord the King to him therefore ciireit-
ed. The fame day is given to the faid John, James and Mary
ihere, l^c.
Scire fac* quare
txecutlonem n',n
on error.
There arc not
fifteen days be-
tween the lejie
«ad rccura>
Carter and Mogg.
AND the faid ^/jM^KrV/, being on the former day folemnly
called, by Thomas Callorue his attorney likewife comes and
prays judgment of the writ of J'cire facias aforefaid, becaufe
he fays, that there are not fifteen days between the te/ie and re-
turn of the faid writ of /nVtf /rta«f aforefaid ; And this he is
ready to verify : Wherefore he prays judgment of that writ, and
that che writ aforefaid may be quarhed, y. according
to the law of this kingdom of En^l^mrl and the liberties and privi-
leges of the Time court of the bench aicrefaid, from time imme-
morial ufed and approved, to anfwer before any juftices or mini-
ftcrs of the Lord ilig Kinj; or other judges whaifoever in any court,
That the i'.e-
fcndant is an
attorney of
Note ; It muft
not be pleaded
with ivhen, &c,
for that admits
the juriidi6lioi»
of the coll It -
hold and felony, and appeals, only except) againlt their wills
ought not to be drawn or compelled, nor at any times pall have
been accuftomed, according to the liberties and privil.-^es of the
laid court of the Bench aforelaid, from the whole time aforefaid
ufed and apprpved : and this he is ready to verify : Wherefore
he prays judgment if he ought to be compelled to anfwer to the
laid Dorothj to the faid plea here in court, i^c.
Tho. Curthsiu,
Dohffjn againft Shore.
Replication "TTTHereupon the faid Jjhn Dohfon, faving to himfelf al?
vpon a fpecial Yy r^^^ ^\\ manner of advantages, exceptions and allegations
continued ^° ^^^ plea aforefaid of the beforemention-.d John Shore, Samuel
Afire, 'Thomas Barret, Richard Brotvn, J thn Lipps, and Richard
Humphrey, prays leave to imparl before the Lord and Lady the
King and Queen at W'^(?/?OT/;7/?(?r until IVednefday next after i 5
daysof St. /////. and he hath it, ^f. The fame day is given the
parties aforefaid there, C^c. At which day before the faid Lord
and Lady the King and Queen at JVeftmir/ier come as well the
£ 10 J faid John Dobfon as the faid John Shore, ^c. by their attorniej
aforefaid ; whereupon the faid J. D. faving to himfelf as is afore-
faid, farther prays leave to imparl thereunto, ^c. before the faid
Lord and Lady the King and Queen at I'Te/lmin/ier until 'Tuefday
next after the OiHaze of the purification of the blcfTed Mary,- 5j.rtd
he harh it, ^c. The fame day is given to the parties aforefaid, bfc.
At which day before the faid Lord and Lady the King and Queen
at IVeJlminjier comes as well the faid J. D. as the faid J. S. iSc,
by their attornies aforefaid, and the faid J. D. fays, that after
the laft continuance of the plea aforefaid, to wit, after the faid
M'^ednefday next after i 5 days of St. Hillary, from which day the
faid plea was continued until this day, to wit, Tuefday next after
the OSa've of the purification of the blcfled virgin Mary, to wit,
the tenth day 0^ February in the year of our Lord 1689, the fdl 4
J. D. from the fentence of excommunication aforefaid was and
yet is abfolved and releafed, and to the communion of Chrift's
faithful and the facraments of the church reftored. And the fame
Letters of J. D. produces here in court the letters patent of G. O. Doftor
^bfolution: ^f La^s, of the court oi Canterbury of the Arches London official
principal lawfully conftituted, teftifying the faid abfolutioa,
which letters patent follow in thefe words, to wit, G. O Dodtor
of laws of the court of Canterbury of the Arches London official
principal lawfully conftituted, to all and lingular reftors, VJcars,
chaplains, curates, clerks and learned men whomfoever in and
throughout the whole province of Cinterhury wherefoever ap-
pointed, greeting. Whereas it i<; fliewn to us by appeal, on the
part of our beloved in Ghrijl J. D. of Hamfey in the county of
ii'ij[<;x and Arch-deaconry of Leivss ^nd diocefe of Chichefier,
Abatement. lo
that altho' t. B. do£lor of laws, commifTary or official principal
of the reverend father in God Simon by divine perniifllon bidiop of
Chiche/lery in and throughout the whole archdeaconry of Le^jues
in the diocefe oiChichelhr^ or his lurrogate, had feme time fince
excommunicated thefaid J. D, f.r his contumacy in not appear-
ing before the faid dodor Briggs, or his furrogate, at a certain
day, hour and place in that behalf before appointed, to anfwer
J. S clerk, rcdtor of the reftory of Hamfey aforefaid, in a certain
caufe of fubllraftion of tithes and other ecciefjaltical rights, and
from the fame excommunication, at the petition of the faid J. D.
perfonally appearing, and promifing to obey the law and com-
manosof the church in all things lawful and honeft, had abfolved,
and to the communion of C/iri/i's faithful had reftored ; and that
y. E. clerk, furrogate of the laid Dr. B jindT. B deputy regifter
of thefaid Dr. B. the letters of absolution in that behalt wrote after-
wards refpeftively fubfcribed and fentout ; neverthelefs J. L of
Leiuei'xn the county o'i Sufjex, keeper of the feal of the faid Dr E,
the judgefrom whom in this behalf it is appealed, alth p'ot";en law-
fully requefted, has refuied and denied to put and affix the faid
fe^l lo the faid letters of abfolution, to the great liamage and pre-
judice of the faid J. Z). Wherefore the faid 7. Z). thinking hinifelf
unlawfully hurt and aggrieved by the not putting and affixing the
faid leal to thefaid letters of abfolunon, and from t\^ry thino-fub-
fequent thereto, and fearing he may be greatly prejudiced here-
after from them to the court of C«w/fr^H»_>' of the arches Lon~
don, and U5 the official thereof hath appealed, and of the nullity
and pravity of the premiffcs hath complained : We therefore pro-
ceeding in this appeal ex fuperahundanti, the faid J. D. pro-
mife being firft made by JJ;n Hutigerford notary public, his
proftor for his obeying the law and commands of the church in
all things lawful and honeft, from the faid fentence of excommuni-
cation until the firft fcffion of next Eafler term have abfolved, and
to the communion of ChrifVs faithful have reftored : We com-
mand you jointly and fevc rally, that you by our authority forbid
the faid T . B. doftor of laws, the judge from whom it is as
aforefaid appealed, and his regifter, the faid J. S and J. L. in
pariicular, and all others whon> the law require in this behalf to
be forbidden in general, that ihey, or any of them, do not in any
wife attempt, or caufe or procure any thing to be attempted, to the
prejudice of the party appealing pending the faid appeal before us
or our furrogate, or other competent judge in that behalf what-
foever undetermined, whertby the faid appellant may not have
free libtrty of profecuting his (aid appeal, as fhall be juft on pain
of the law. Cite, therefore or caui. o be cited pen. mptorily, the
faid J'jfinLipps, that he appear ^'''ore u;? or our furrogate. or
other competent judge in that behalf whatfoever, in the hall of
the common inn r,f the lords of the arches in the parifh ot St.
hene-liLf near LonJon-brirlge notorioufly fituafed, and in ihe ju-
i:;cial place there, on the fourth day next after fuch citation to
hini in that behalf made, if it fliall be a law- day, otherwife the
Vol. I. C law-
lot Abatement.
law-Jay then nexl following, at the ufual hour of hearing caufes
there, to anfwer the faiJ 'John Dohfon in fuch his appeal, and far-
ther to do and receive what fliall be jull in this behalf; com-
I- 4 1 I iiianJing befide you the laid redlors, vicars, chaplains, curates and
clerks whoinfoever, in and throughout the whole province of
Canterbury wherever appointed, rhat you jointly and feverally
the faid John D ibjon from the faid lenience of excommunication
againll him as above given and promulged until the firft
ot Eojler term next by us abfolved, and to the cpmnmnion of
ChrJit's faithful reftored.
Fuller at the fuit oiDovet.
A writ of error * >J ^ the faid James Fuller, by 7. S. his attorney, comes and
pending :n /A t r i i r j • • /^ i • j c
the Exchequer X\ def* nils the rorce and injury, CfTr. and prays judgment of
chamber, the faid bill of the faid Robert Dovee, becaufe he fays, that after
plcadi-d ill 1- the reiiiiition of the judgment aforefaid in the declaration aforefaid
an ISr' o? ^P*^' '^"''•' ^^'^ 'Q'^^otq the exhibition of the fuid bill of the faid Ro-
j , J ° hirt Dij'vee, to wit, 2gth day oi Odober in the yrh year of the
reign of the now lord the king, the faid James Fuller, for the
reverfing of the judgment aforefaid, profecuted out of the court of
chancery of the faid lord the king, the fame court then being at
Wejtminfle", a certain writ of the faid lord the king, to correct
error in the record and procefs, as alfo in the rendition of that
judgment, dire(!^.'d to the trufty and beloved of the faid lord the
king John Holt, knt. then and yet chief juRice of the faid lord
the king, afligned to hold pleas before the kinghimfelf; by
which faid writ the faid lord the king commanded the faid lord
chief juftice, that if judgment thereon was then given, then he
Hjould caufeto come the record and procefs of the faid plea, with
all things touching the fame, before the juftices of the common
bench and the barons of the exchequer of the degree of the coif
in the chamber cf the cxchequc- of the faid lord the king at
IVtJliiiiifler, on IVednefJay the 27th day of November then next
following, that the faid jultices of the common bench and barons
of the exchequer, the record and procefs being feen and examined
might farther in that behalf caufe to be done what of right, and
according to the form cf the llatute in fuch cafe made and pro-
vided, ibould be to be done ; by virtue of which faid writ of error
the faid chief juftice afterwards, to wit, the faid 27th day of A'o-
K-ember, the record and procefs of the plea and judgment aforefaid,
together with all things touching the fame, before the judlces of
the faid lord the king of the common bench and his barons of
the exchequer of the degree of the coif into the chamber of the
Exchequer aforefaid, at Wejlminfter aforefaid tranfmitted, and the
record and procefs of the judgment aforefaid there yet remain, and
the faid writ to correiJl error in the faid court of the chamber of
exchequer aforefaid at W^fimi'-Jler aforefaid yet depends undeter-
niined ; and the judgment aforefaid is as yet neither affirmed nor
re verfed, as by the record thereof in the fame court of the chamber
of exchequer aforefaid at Wcfiminjier aforefaid, before the faid
juftices of the faid Lord the King of the common Bench and ba-
rons aforefaid remaining, more tuily is manifelland appears: and
this the faid James Fuller is ready to verify by the judg-
ment and procefs aforefaid : Wherefore he pravs judgment of
the bill aforefaid, and that that bill may be quafhed, ffV.
Edvo. Northey.
St. John Broderick,
[ ^2 ]
AnJrenvs againft Thornton,
London^ "hJAthaniel Andreivs and Thomas l.ucns, wardens of
to wit. the parilh church of St O/iherine Coleman-Jireet,
London, complain of Thomas H hornton late warden of the
parifh-church aforefaid, in cullody of the marflial, l^c in a plea
that he renders to them his reafonable account from the time
that he was warden ot the parifli-church alorcraid, and receiver
of the monies of the parifh-church aforefaid, for this, to wit,
that whereas the faid '7. 'f. from the loth day of ///rz7 in the year
of our Lord 1675, until the firft day of April i6';6, at London.
aforefaid, to wit, in the parifh, l^c. aforefaid in the ward of X
London^ was warden of the church aforefaid and receiver of the
monies of the parfh-church aforefaid for the time aforefaid, and
the car,; and adminiibaiion of the goods and money of the parifh-
church aforefaid for the time aforefaid had, and for the fame time
at ion 'on aforefaid in the pari/li and ward aforefaid, as warden of
the faiJ church, received by the proper hands of the faid T.T. \ool.
of lawful money of England of the money of the church aforefaid,
to expend and lay out to the ufe of the parifh-church aforefaid,
and to render his reafonable account of the fame to the faid N. A.
and T. L. wardens of the church afcrelaid when he fliouM be
thereto required ; neverrhelcfs the faid 7.7. although often re-
quired, C5ff. that reafonable account to the faid A'. A. and T, L. or
either of th^m hath not rendered, but that to the fame A^. A. and
T. L. hitherto to render altogether has denied, and yet doth deny,
to the damage of the faid A''. A. and T. L. ico/. And therefore
they produce the fuit, ^c.
And the faid T. T. by A. B. his attorney comes and defends
the force and injury when, i^c. and prays judgment of the bill
aforefaid, b -caufe he fays that one T. S. tog< th» r with the faid T.
T. lo'h day 0^ April 1^75, in the bill aforefaid mentioned, was
wariJeii and receiver of the monies, and had thecareand ailminiflra-
tion of the goods and chattels of the church aforefaid for the time
C a aforefaid ;
Account by the
churc -wardens
agairft the late
Cro. Jae. 234,
Praa. Reg.
267, 680. 30,
Another was
warden with
the defendant.
T he cjnfet.
27 El. c. 5.
4 Anae, c.
aforefaiJ ; and that the faiJ T. S. is yet livin?, to wft, at londta
aforefaid in the parifb and ward aforefaid ; without that, that the
faid T. T. was warden and receiver of the monies, and had the
care and adininiftration of the goods and chattels of the church
aforefaid for that time by ■fiimlelf, as the faid M and T, in the
bill aforefaid above have declared: And this he is readv to verify;
Whorvfore for that the faid T. S. is not named in the bill afore-
faid, the fame T. T. pravs judgment of the bill aforefaid, and
that that bill may bequafheci, &c.
And the faid N. and T. fay, that by any thing by the faid T.
7. above by pleading alledged, the faid bill of the faid N.
and T. ought not to be quafli.'d, becaufe they lay, that the plea
aforefaid by the faid T T. for qualliing of the bill aforefaid above
pleaded, and the matter in the iamc contained, are not fufficient
in law toquafli the laid bill of ihe faid A'^. and T. or to preclude
the faid N. and T. from their action aforefaid againft the faid
T. T. had : And this they are ready to verity : Wherefore for
want of a fufficient plea in this behalf the fame A', and T. pray
judgment, and that their bill aforefaid may be adjudged good, and
that the faid T . T. to the bill aforefaid may anfwer, iufc. And
for caufes of demurrer in law to that plea, according to the form
of the flatute in fuch cafe thereof lately made and provided, they
do fet down and to the court here exprefs thefe caufes following,
to wit, for that the faid plea is in certain, and contains in it a ne-
gative pregnant, and becaufe the faid T. T. by that plea hath
made a full defence, and traverf:s matter not traverfable, and
wants form, ^c.
W. Ihompfon.
I »3 J
Turner and Turner.
A bailifTaud
I Ventr
Salk. p.
Pafch. 13W. 3. Dethy, f^ Harks Turner, g^nf' complains of John Turnery
to wicV^ gent in cuftody of the marfhal, l^c, in a plea
that he render to him his reafonable account from the time
Account againft that he was guardian of the faid Chnrles, as alio from the
time that he was a bailiff of the faid Charles at Sanduiicke ia
the parifii of Alfreton in the county aforefaid, for this, to wit,
that whereas by the common council of the kingdom ot the lord
the King of England it is provided, that the guardians of the lands
and tenements which are held in focage of the heirs of thofe
lands and tenements, when they fiiall come to their full age,
/hall render their reafonable. account of the ilfues from thofe
lands and tenements arifing from the time that they had the
cuftodv thereof bv reafon of the minority of the faid heirs, the laid
'Jnes the
C 3 teftator.,
Account b" an
executor of a
againft his fac-
tor as bailill •
Bailiff" anH re-
ceiver to the
He had tht c.
miniftration ..
the goods of t,;
Ths value.
Receipt of the
[ M ]
Adion on the cafe.
teftator, when he iTiouKi be thereunro required, to render, and
receiver of ihe monies of ihe faid Ja.-'us the eider, for
the whole time afortfaid, ..nd for the fame time did receive
oi the monies of the laid James 'Jaiudin the teftator at IVeJl-
■nii'ijiir atorcfaid, by the hands of f'eter Pont'jift 113/. 5^,
and there by the hands of Petei Ch hot 9/. and there by the pro-
per liands of the faid Henr^ Lu'vie 960/. uf lawful money ot tng'
Itindy torfnder a reafonable account thereof to the fa'.' James the
teftator, when he fliould be thereunto required ; Ncverihelefs
ihsi^id Heri'y iMviCy aithouTh often required, t5f. that reafon-
able accoui'' to tlie faid fa-;tes TaiuJin the elder in his litnwf/other4 /. of like lawlul money oi England, and there-
of the laid Thomas afterwards, to wit, the fame day, year and
place abovefaid, 10 the fame George and Samuel gave notice : And
whereas alfo the faid Geo'ge and .Srt»/«f/ afterwards, to wit» the
fame day and year abovefaid, at the city of Eri/Iol aforefaid in the
county of the fame ci'y, were indebted to the fame Thomas in
others/, of like lawful money of England, for work and labour
by him the faid Thomas for the fame George and Samuel and at
their fpecial inflance and requeft before there done and performed;
and the faid G^" g^ ^nd Samuel then and there in confideration
ihereol alTumed upon themfclves, and to the faid Thomas then and
there faithfully proinifed, that they the hme George and Samuel
the faid 4/. bit inemioned to the fame Thomas, when thereunto
afterwards they fliouKi be rtquefled, well and faithfully would pay
and content : And whereas alfo the faid George and Samuel after-
wards, to wit. the fame day and year abovefaid, at the city of
7?r?/?(j/ aforefaid in the county of the fame city, in confideration
that the faid Thomas at the Ike fpecial inftance and reqvitfl of the
faidGforrf and Samuel, had done and performed certain other work
and labour for the faid George and Samuel, they the fame George
and Samuel aflumed upon fhenift;lves, and to the fame Thomas
then and there faithfully promifed, that they the fame George ^nd
Samuel us much money, as he the faid Thomas for the work and
labour aforefaid lall mentioned fhould reafonably deferve to have
to the fame Thomas, when thereunto afterwards they ihould be
required, would well and taithfullypay and content: And the fame
Thomas in faft fays that he the fame Thomas, for the work and la-
bour aforefaid lall mentioned reafonably deferved to have of the
fame George and Samuel other 4 /.of like lawful money of England^
whereof the fame George and Samuel then and there had notice :
And whereas alfo (the other count was for money laid out and
expended by the plaintiff for the defendants): Neverthelefs the
faid Gto'ge and Samuel their feveral promifes and aflTumpiions not
A€tIon on the cafe.
regarJIng,but contriving and fraudulently intending tlie faid Thc'
mas of the laid leveral fums of money in this behalt craftily and
fubtilly to deceive and defraud, the fdid feveral fuiDs of money
or any penny thereof to the faid TZ/owax, altho' often required, ^c.
have not yet paid, nor has either of them paid, but the fame to
him hitherto to pay altogether have refufed, and yet do refufe,
to the damage of the faid Thomas zol. And therefore he produ-
ces the fuit, tfff-
Chifwell againft Baguley. Eajler ^ih of the ^leen.
London, "Diehard Chifnuell the younger, of Lovdir mer-
fo wit. chant, complains of 14'^illiam Bn^idey in the
cuftodv of the marfhal, l^c. for this, to wit, that whereas the
fame Richard ^^^ iith day o^ Febnmry hereafter mentioned,
as alfo long before, was a merchant at London aforefaid, refiding
and ufing and having commerce with merchants and other per-
fons in ^ ivers things and merchandizes amounting to great fums
of money, to wit, at Lo^d^n aforefaid in the parifh of St. Michael
Baiyhaiv in the ward of Raji/^aiv, and thereby the fame Richard
great gnin an.1 profit acquired and gained : Neverthelefs the faid
IVilliam of the premilTes not ignorant, but wickedly and malici-
Oufly intend! -ig, contriving and propofing the faid Richard^ un-
der th'. colour and pretence of procefs ot law, unduly and unjuftly
to vex, aggrieve, opprefs and impoveriili, and the faid Richard
without any juft or reafonable caufe to be imprifoncr', and in pri-
fon to caule to be detained, and the frienos and neighbours of the
faid Richard irom becoming bail for the fame Richard to deter
and divtrt, to the intent that the faid Richard i^o\i\A be detained
in prifon for want of bail, and fo of his lb rty might wrongfully
and without any caufe be fpoilcd and deprived, and the faid Ri-
chard\n tranfp.fting his lawful bufinefs and affairs to hinder, and
in his crei'it and eltate unjuflly to leiTt-n, damnify and deflioy,
the faid IVilliam B ^ulfy, loth day of Fehruary in the fifth year
of the reign of the lady ylnn now queen, ^c. at London afore-
faid in the parifii of St Michael BaJ/i/haiv aforefaid in the ward of
BnJJ/J/aiv atorefaid, maliciouflv anit without any probable caufe
of adlion, at the court of the faid lady the queen before Robert
Bcdirgjield knr. mayor of the city of London afore'"aid in the cham-
ber ot ih^ Cuild-hall o( ihe faid city, fiiuate in the pariOi and
ward aforefaid, then and there held according to thecuftomof
the city atorefaid in the fame city rime out of niin \ ufed, affirmed
in the fame court his bill orginal againft the fame Richard Chi/-
tvell at the fuit of the faid IVillium Bagidey, in a plea of trefpafs
on the cafe, to the pretended damage of the faid ff'ilJiam Baguley
looo/. And thereupon it was in fuch manner proceeded in the
fame court, that afterwards, to wit, i ith day oi Feht utiary afore-
laiiin the year aforefaid, at London aforefaid, to vs»t, at tlie pa-
Cafe for fulajj
the plaintiff ia
the court of
the mayor of
Ltmdon, to the
pretended da-
mage of lOOo/.
having no caulie
of aiUon.
SaTfe. 15, «,
456, 717.
Praa. Reg.
£ i6 ]
1 6 A6lion on the cafe.
rifli and ward aforefai I, the faid IVilliam Baguley, by virtue of «
prcceptot the faiJ mayor and aldermen in that behaU accorvling to
the cultomof the city atorefaid to one of theferjeants and mini-
fter oi the court aforefaid made, the faid Richard to be taken, ar-
reted and imprifoned, unjullly and malicioufly caufed and procu-
red for the faid pretended caufe in the faid original bill of the faid
IVitl'iain fp-cified, and him the faid Richard Chlfvoell in prifoa
then and there for a long time, to wit, for the fpace of fix hours,
malicioufly and unjuilly c;-ufed to be detained, until the faid 7?!-
(hu-d ChijiJutU lor his lielivery and difcharge from the prifon
atorefaid was compelled to find and put in good and fuffi.ient bail,
to anfwer (O the fuid Wiili^im B.iguley in the pica of his bill origi-
nal aforelaid, and alfo the fame Richard grea.: fums of money tor
his delivery and difcharge aforefaid to lay out and expend was obli-
ged, by reafon of the unjult and malicious arreft and impriion-
inent aforefaid, when in truth and in fa6t the faid Richard Chif-
•welly at the faid time of the affirmation of the original bill afore-
faid, or at the time of the taking of him the faid Richard^ was
DO ways indebted to the faid WilUom nor had the faid William
Bagidey, at the fame before mentioned times or either of them,
any jurt or reafonable caufe of aftion againfl: the faid Richard
Chifnvell zs in the bill original aforefaid was pretended and ex-
prefied : and the faid WiUiam Baguley at any lime after hitherto
in the faid plea of his bill original aforefaid againft the faid Ri-
chard Chijvoell hath never declared, nor the plea of his bill origi-
nal aforefaid farther in any wife profecuted ; whereby the fame
Richard Chi fivell fays that he is prejudiced, and has damage to
the value of looo/. And therefore he produces the fait, ^c.
Pack againft Eajlerfield.
Kent, ^Ohn Pack complains of Rohert F.afterfield in the
to wit. J cultodv of the marfhal, l^c. for this, to wit, that
whereas on the 23d day of Oclober in the year of our Lord
edhquivtn. 1699 at Eaji Mailing in the county aforefaid, a certain difcourfe
M'as moved and had between the fame John Pack and the faid Ro-
bert F.ajierjitld of and concerning the buying and felling ot hops ;
and upon that difcourfe then and there it was agreed between
them, that the fame R:hert fliould pay to the fame Johr: a guinea
o\]dw{u\ money o( England, and that the fame John thereupoa
Jffumpfit on fliould appoint at what price he the faid Robert fliould buy of the
fcr. agiccmcnt fgj.^ jrjhn Or fiiouM fell to him, at the ele(5\ion of the faid Roherty
10 buy 01 Icll g cart-load of good hops, and that the fame John fliould appoint
^^'" the condition of thofe hops and the place and time of the delivery
of the fame hops, and that upon that appointment the fame Robert
p^ ^ _ iliould buy of the fame John or fell to him, at the eleftion of the
^^' faid Robert, the faid cart-load of good hops : And the fame Ro-
hert afterwards, to wir, the fame day and year at Enji Mailing
aforefaid, according to that agreement, paid tothe fame Johniho.
faid guinea, and thereupon the fame John afiumed upon himfelf,
Adlon on the cafe. Ji6
and to the fame Robert then and there faithfully promifed to prr-
form that agreement in all things on his part to be performed, and
in confideration thereof the faid Robert aflumed upon himfelf, and
to the faid John then and there faithfully promifed, that lie the
fame Robert would perform and fulfil fhat agreement in ail things
on his part to be performed and fulfilled i And the fame Jo/ir. in
faft favs, that he the fame John afterwards, to wit, the fame day
and year abovefaid, at Eaji Mall-ng aforefaid, in the prefence and
hearing of ihe faid Robert, did appoint the condition aforelaid of a
cart-load of good hops, to be hops well picked and well dried,
and the price of the laid cart-load of good hops tobe 5/. lof. a hun-
dred for every hundred weight thereof, and that the faid cart-load
of good hops fhould be delivered between the 23d day of Oclobtr
in the year aforefaid and the 25'h day oi Match then next follow-
ing, at the key of one John Rice in Nezviihe in the parifh oi Ea/i
Mulling aforefaid in the county aforefaid, or at Milhule in the pa-
rilli of Ayksford in the county aforefaid j and thereupon the faid
Robert, to wit, the fame day and year abnvefaid, zt EaJi Maliing
afor-iaid in the countv aforefaid, made his election to buy of the
fam^ John a cart-load of good hops aforefaid, well picked and
well (.iried, at that rate an> price, and 5^. in part of payment for the
cart-Ir,ad of good hops aforefaid then and therein hand to the fame
J:hn paid ; A'..' the fanu' John afterwards, and before the faid
25th day of March in the year abovc-faid, to wit, the fifth day of
Marih ill the y m of our Lord 1699 abovefaid, at the faid key of f 171
th^ faid J:hn Rice in Neivithe aforefaid in the parirti oi Enft Mai- »■''■*
hrg a-.orcl'ai'', delivered to the ufe of the faid Robert a cart-load
cf goo.', hops well picked and well dried, whereby the faid Robert
five poun s and ten fhiilings for every hundred wei^a^ht of the faid hundred weight, the faid five fliillings in hand paid beinu-
deducted, in the whole amounting to one hundred and nine pounds
and fifteen (liillings, to the faid John, according to the agree-
ment aforcfai^, oi;g!u to have paid: And whereas alfo the faij
John afterwards, ro wit, the faid twenty third day of OtHoher
in the year aforefaid, at Eajl Mailing aforefaid in the county
aforeiaid, at the fpecial inftance and requefl: of the faid Robert
had fold and delivered to the ufe of the faid Robert one
other cart load of hops well picked and dried, the faid Robert in
confueration thereof aftervards, to wit, the fame day and year
laft abovefaid, at Etijl Mailing aforefaid in the county aforefaid,
affumed upon himfelt, and to the faid John then and there faith-
fully promifed, that he the faid Robert\\\ fuch fnms of njoncy, as
the faid cart-load of hops laft mentioned at the time of the fale
and delivery thereof was reafonably worth, to the fame John
would well and faithfully pay and content : And the fame John in
faft fays, that the faid cart-load of hops laft mentioned, at the
faid lime of the fale and delivery of the fame, was riafonably wonh
otiL: hundre-^' and ten pounds of like lawful money cf England, to
wit, at El/} Mailing aforefaid, in the county aforefaid, whereof
the faid Robert afterwanls, to wit, the fame day, i5fc. abovefaid,
there had notice ; And whereas alfo the faid Robert afterwards,
17 Adion on the cafe.
tc wit, the faid twenty third day of Odtoher in the year aforefald,
at Ea/i Moiling afort-iTaici in the county aforefaid, was indebted to
the faid Jo/^n in other hundred and ten poundsoflike lawful
money of EnplanJ, for another cart-load of hops to the fanie Ro~
herthy the faid John before that time fold and to the ufe of the faid
Robert delivered ; and fo therein being indebted the faid Robert
afterwards, to wit, the fame day and year abovefaid, at Eajl
Mailing aforefaid in the county aforefaid in confideration thereof
aflumed upon himfelf, and to the fame Jo/in then and there
faithfully proniifed, that he the fam^ Robert the faid hundred
and ten pounds lad mentioned fo the fame "Jo/in when he
fliould be thereunto required, well and faithfully would pay
and content: Neverthelefs the faij Robert his feveral promifes
and aflumptions aforefaid not regarding, but contriving and frau-
dulently intending the fame Jo/in in this behalf craftily and fubtilly
to deceive anddtfraud.the faid feveral fumsof money or any pen-
ny thereof to the fame Jolm hath not paid, altho' to pay him them
the fame Robert by the faid John was afterwards, to wit, the firft
the laid clofe did not
carry away, but the faid twei ty five cocks of hay upon the clofe
aforefaid for a long time, to wit, from the faid zgch day oi Jum
until the 26th day of Auguft then nex' following, permitted to
ftand and remain, whereby the fame Roheri the profit of the fame
clofe for the fame time totnliy lol^, to the damage of the faid
Eul?ert <^L And therefore he produces the fuit, CTc.
IVinter and Wiberz.
Lo'>-ido^-,\0'>K\x..r^Atharbw Wiherg late 0^ Lonchn fpinfler, exe- Ajfurpfit
^ cutrix of the teilament of T/?^'Wrtj mberg de- ag^i"^""^ ex»
cenfed, was attached to anfwer unto George IVinter in a plea of poon'^Vld'the
trefpafs on the cafe, ^f. And whereupon th^ fame George by tcftator after
/?/VArtr^ //. his attorney complains, that v/hereas the faid T/10- outlawry of the
Piatin his lifc-tiuie, to wit, the firft day of April\n the year of the '^" ^^^"
l/3rd 1 71 7, at London aforefaid, to wit, in the parifh of St li^^^^'Rc"
Mnry-U-hvo in the ward of Cheapo was indebted to the fame i^g iio.
George in 20/. of lawful money of Great Britain for divers
goods, wares and meTchandizes of the faid George, by him the
laid George to the fame Thomm at the fpetial inftance and requell
of the faid Thomas before that time fold and delivered j and fo
therein being indebted the laid Thomas in his life time, in confi-»
deration thereof afterwards, to wit, the day and year abovcfaid
at London aforefaid in the parifli and ward atorefaid, affumed
upon himfef, and to the fnmi' Geo ge (htn and there faithfully
promifed, that he the faid Thomas in his life-time the faid 20/. to
the fame George^ when thereto afterwards he fliould be required,
v/ell and faithfully v/ould pay anc! content : Ni Vertnelefs the faid
Thomas in his iift-liiiie his proiiiifc and iilTumption aforefaid, fo
as aforefaid to the fame George made, not regarding, the faiii fiim
of money, or any penny thereof, to the f;ime George haih not paid;
and the faid Catherine and Ijabella IViberg, anti Charles H'iberg
co> xecutors with the faid Calhanne of ihe will aforefaid of the faid
Thomasy which f?.id Ijabella and Charles, by proccfs in the court
of tne Lord the King here by writ original by the faid George
againft the faid Ifubella and Charles th^ caufe aforefai: lately ob-
tained, are outlawed and waived, after the death of thu faid Tho~
masy and before the outhiwry and waiving aforefaid againft them
promult^ed, a'tho' the fai '■ Ci.therine and the faid ffuhelta and
<'/7rtr/<'j (v/ho as oforefiid are ( utlawed and waived) to wit, oa
the fi'ft day of Marih in the year of the Lord 1718, and often
afterwards, m / ondon aforefaid in the pariih and war! aforefaid,
by the fait! George were required, the faid fum of money have not
p;iid, nor haih either of them paid, but the fame to him hitherto
Vol. I. J> to
fioj Adion on the cafe.
to pay have altogether refufed, and the faid Catherine doth yet
retufc, to the damage of the faid George 20 I. And therefore he
produces the fuit, i5c.
t 2^ ] MicltTfloWn. /jLmerick de Courfey late of Ijleivorth in the
A_^umpftthy -^J- county aforefaid efq; born of Kitijale in the
original m^ ^ kingdom cf Ireland, was attached to anfwer unto Francis Cowpton
yeccof^cl^nJ knt. in a plea of trtfpafs On the cafe, ^c. And whereas the faid
for money lent, Francis hy J. B. his attorney complains, that whereas the faid
Ahneriik, on the firft day of May in the year of the Lord 1700,
at IJlitigton in the county aforefaid, in confideration that the fame
Francis, at the fpccial inftance and requeft of the faid Almerickt
had before that time lent to the (zmc Aimer ick 392/. \os. of
lawful money of V.ngUwd, affumed upon himfelf, and to the faid
Francis I hen and there faithfully promifed that he the fame Atme-
rick the faid 392 /. ids. to the faid Francis, when he ihould there-
unto afterwards be required, well and faithfully would pay and
content : Neverthelefs the faid Almerick, ^c. (to) And there-
fore he produces the fuitj^c.
Oiherwifc \t Midd\ to wit. ^Ohn Harris complains of Frederick Williams
K- S. J efq ; Earl Lifford in the kingdom of Ireland in
cuftody of the marlhal,^^.
Otherulfc M':dd\ to wit.'T^HE right honourable Thomas earl of Seaford
againft a peer _|^ was attached to anfwer unto John Dandi,
of ScctlanJ y^^ /^5 •,„ others).
fince the Union. ^
Otherwife*^' ^^' /T^HE right honourable Thomas lord OJhome was attached to
againft the fon |_ anfwer unto John Thomas in a plea of trefpafs on the cafe,
of a peer of y^_ ^^d whereon, ^as in others.)
England called
IfiTdtbr' Note; A peer cannot he fued in B. R. h hill, hy reafm he
■wiit, is therein ahedged to be in the cujlody oj the mar/hul.
Matthew againft Hodge,
Cafeaeainft a S,^(fex to wit cf-"omas Milthciv the elder complains of William
headborongh ■i' ' I //» '^f in the cuftod v of the marflial, ^c. for
fdd?er!:^on^he this, to wit. that whereas the faid IVdlam, .6th day of Non;em-
phintifF with- ber in :he fourth year of the reign of the lord and lady kl^tlltam
cut confcnt. and Ma y now king and queen of England, i^c. at the panui of
St, Thomas in Cll'va juxta Letves in the county aforefaid, (he the
faid -Ihomas then b'-Zmg a civil officer, to wir, a headborough for the
half hundred of Loxfield Dorfet in the county of S.'px alorelaid,)
iinjuaiv. unlawfully and inalicioufly biiletrcd Chnjiopher Norman
znd Rich.'ird I aper, tv/o dragoons of the faid lord and lady the
king and queen, upon himthefaid Thomas Matthews, (he the faid
Thomas then being a fubjcd of the lord and lady the king and
queen of Erghnd, and an inhabitant in the parifh, county and
bflf hundred aforefaid,) without the confent of the faid Thomas
Adion on the cafe. ii
in that behalf Iiad, which faiJ dragoons, from the faid. twenty
fixth day of N(rjemher until the twentieth day of Mr-y then next
following, againft the will ami without the confent of the (aid
Thomas, by reafon of the billeting aforefaid by him the faid
IVt/Iiam upon the faid Thomas iuipofed were quartered againft the
form of the ftatute in that cafe made and provided ; by pretence
of which faid billeting and quartering the fame Thomns was hin-
dered in the quiet ufe and occupation of his houfe aforefaid for
the whole time aforefaid, and was compelled to expend divers
fums of money for the fupport and malntainance of the dragoons
aforefaid for the whole time aforefaid ; whereby the laid Thomas
fays that he is prejudiced, and has damage to the value of 40/.
And therefore he produces the fuit, ^c.
Man/ell and Stamforth and others.
York, to wit. 'P'Du:ard Manfell, vicar of the church of Ecclcf- Cafe by the
•^ f.dd in the county aforefaid, complains of Jo^« JJ^'^JJ^^'"!^ of
Stamforth gent. Ed'ward Career clerk and Hejler Berkley widow, ^j^^^i^^^ ^j^'^p
executors of the teftament and laft will oi Th:7nas IVrig/it clerk, for aiUpidai-j
late vicar of the faid church of EccLsfieU aforcf-iid, in the cijftody ons.
of the marlhal, S^r, for this, to wit, that whereas, according to
the law and cuftom of this kingdom of Erglund hitherto obtained
and approved, all and fingular prebendaries, r>.(5tors and vicars of
the fame kingdom for the time being, are bound to repair and
fupport all and Angular the houfes and buildings of their pre-
bends, rttlories and vicarages, and to leave the fame to their
fuccelTors repaired and fupported : And if fuch prebendaries,
reftors, and vicars, the houfes and buildings aforefaid to (uch their [ 22 J
fucceflbrs as aforefaid have not left repaired and fupported, but ^"'^.'^™ °^
have permitted them to be unrepaired and dilapidated, the exe u- "^°" ^ ~
r 1 r ■ , 1 1- '^ .-^r i-ji forth. frai,t.
tors ot the faid prebendaries, rettori and vicars, alter their deaths, j^^^^ ^(,-,_
out of the goods and chattels of the fame tcftators are bound to ciJ^rgyman's
fatisfy to fuch fuccclTors fo much money as is fufficient tor the Law 31a.
ivparation and neceffary rebuilding of thofe houfes and buildings:
And ahho' the fail Thomas IFright, late vicar of the church of
EcclesfTii aforefaid, the houfes and buildinc_s of the faid vicarage poftea.
at the time of his death left unrepaired and dilapidated, lo that
200/. are not fufEcient to repair the faid houfes and buildings:
And although the fame John, Edward Career and Hejler, after
the death of the faid Thomas, to wit, the firft day oi July in the
fifih year of the reign of the lord and lady IVtlUam and Mary
now king and queen of England, iffc. at Ecclesf.eld aforefaid,
were requ'red to pay to the fame Ediuard Manfell fo much mo-
ney as was fufficient for the rf paraiion of the houf's and buildings
aforefaid: Ncvc-rthek-fs the lame John, Ed^ixiar d Carver and He
ft.r, in any wife to fdtisfy the fame Ed-ward Matijell for the ir-
reparations and dilapidations aforefaid have altogether refufed,
and yet dorefufe, to the damage of the faid Ed'ward Manfell
20©/. And therefore he produces the fuit, l^c.
^•^ Adion on the cafe.
The Duke of Ncwcajlk againll: Jermin.
Afampft on a Kolt' 10 wit. '"T^ H E mod noble John duke of Nei.vcnJ\le corr;-
ipecial agree- J|^ plains of Jchn Jcrmyn gent, in the cuftodjr
roenc for wood. „r.i - n i ;v- i.- .l- ■ l l i r ,•< ^ ^
01 the marihai, C5f. for this, to wit, that whereas on the firlt day
oi May in x.\\e year of the Lord 1692, at Mans/jtWin the county
atorefaid, a certain difcourfe was had and moved between the (ame
t'.ulce and the fa id 'Jo//n Jeimyj of and conceri>in-r the f;rle of a
great quantity of wood by the faid duke to the laid Jo/tn Jsrmyn^
and upon that ditlo'jrfe it was then and there agre^-d between them
that the fame duke Hiould fell and deliver to the faid Jijhrtjer"
T)iyn I ^00 cords of wood at the rate and price of 5^. dd. for every
cord of the faid wood : And the fame Johnjermyn, in confulerati-
on that the faid I'uke then and there at the fpecial indance and
requell of the fud John Jermyn did fell to the faid J,hn Jtrmyn
t\\e faid I 500 cords nf wood at the faid ratp and price of 5 «, 6J. lor
every cord of the faid wood, and did afTimie upon himftlfandto
ihs fame Joim Jcrmyn then and there faithfully promife, to deliver
to the fame John Jerrnyn the fame 1 500 cords of v/ood, he the fame
John Jermyn afiuiited upon himfelf, and to the faid duke then and
(here faithfully promifed, that he the faid John Jermyn 5^. td. tor
c\Qry cordof the faid wood, which according to that rate amoant-
Avfment of ^^ '" ''''^ whole to 4.12/. lo^. to the fame duke would well and
ttic delivery of faithfully pay and content r'And the fame duke in faQ favs, that
the wood. he, giving credit to the promiie and afTumption of the faid John
Jermyn'xn form aforefaid made, afterwards, to wit, the firlt day of
Odoher in the year of the Lord 1652 abovefaid, at Mansfield
aforefaid \n the county aforefaid, and lieliver to the faid John
Jir:nyn the faid i 500 cords of wood : And whereas alfo the. faid
yf ^j " °'' T-"^" Je-myn afterwards, to wit, the faid firft dav of Ocloher in the
year of the Lord 1692 abovefaid, ^r MnnsfieLl aforefaid in the
county aforefaid, was indebted to the faid duke in 500/. for a
certain other parcel of wood by the faid duke to xht faid John
Jermyn and at his inflance and requeft before that time fold and
delivered ; d.n(l \o therein being indebted the faid John Jtrmyn
afrerward*;, to wit, the firft flay o'i O^oher in the year of the Lord
1692 abovefaid, at MansfieLl aforelaid in the county aforefaid,
in confiderarion thereof aflumed upon himfelf, and to the fame
S^uani' Mif'' duke then and there faithfully promifed, that he the faid John
Jertnyn the faid 500/. to t.he fame duke, when he {l)Ould be
thEri:unfo required, well and faithfully would pay and content: And
whereas alfo the faid John Jermyr. afterwards, to wit, the fame
frPc dav of Odoher Jn the year of the Lord 1692 abovefaid at
Mansfield aforefaid in the county aforefaid, in confideratlon
that the faid duke at the like fpecial inilance and rtqueft of
the faid J d.n Jermyn had then and there fold and delivered tQ
the faid John Jermyn ano'her parcel of wood, to wit, another
1 5oe cords of wood, afuimed upon h'mfclf, and to the fame
duke then and there faithfully promifed, that he i^e faid
Jjhn Jirmjn io much money, as the wood lad mentioned at the
A6lion on the cafe.
[ 23 3
time of the fale and -delivery thereof was reafonably worth, to the
fame duke, when he rtiould be thereto llkewife required, would
well and faithfully pay and content ; And ihe fame duke in fafl ^s'"™^''' .
fays, that the faid wood lall mentioned, at the time ot the fale
and delivery of the fame, was reafonably v/orth other 500/.
whereof the'faid ']ofin Jeitnyn atterwards, to wit, the faid firftday
oi Ocloher in the year of the Lord 1692 abovefaid, at Mar.sfiell
aforefaidin the county afortfaid, had notice : And whereas alfo Count for
the faid 'lohn J ir my n zilQrwzrds,, to wit, the fame firft day of 412/. 10/,
October in the year of the Lord 1692 abovefaid, at Mansfeh! afore- »oi" "'her
faid in the county aforefaid, was indebted to the fame duke in
other 412/. 1 oy. for other wood, to wir, for oiher 1 500 cords cf
wood bv the faid duke to the faid John Jennyriy and at his in-
ftance and requefl, at the rate and price of <^s. 6ei. for every cord
of the faid wood lafl nient'oned before that time foid and delivered;
and bcincr fo therein indebted the faid John Jerniyn afterwards,
to wit, the fame firft day of 0^?a/fr in the year cf the Lord 1692
abovefaid, at Man-Jldd aforefaid in the county aforefaid, in con-
fideration thereof ..fliimed upon himftlf, and to the fame duke
then and there faithfully promifcd, that he the faid John Jermyn ■
the faid 412/. \os. laft mentioned to the fame duke, when he
fiioiild be thereunto at'terwards likewife required, would well and
faithfully pay and content: And whereas alfo the faid Johnjer- j„/;„u! ccm
Ktyn afterwards, to wit, the fame firft day o^Odohcr in the year of putajet.
the Lord 1692 abovefaid at MansJiclJ aforefaid in the county afore- Praa. Reg.
faid, accounted with the faid duke for fcveral other I'lims of mo- *'"•
ney by;the faid John Jermyn to the faitl duke before that time due,
and to the fame duke then being in arrear, and unpaid j and upon
that account the faid John Jermyn was found in arrear to the faid
duke in other 41 2/. los. and fo being therein found in arrear, the
faid John Jermyn afterwards, to wit, the faid firft day oi October in
the year of the Lord 1692 abovefaid at M^w^/ffW aforefaid in the
county aforefaid, in confideraticn thereof afTumed upon hinifelf,
and to the fame duke then and there faithfully promifed, that
he the faid John Jermyn the laid 412/. 105. laft mentioned to
the fame duke, when he fliould be thereto afterwards likewife
required, well and faithfully would pay and content : Neverthelefs
the faid John Jermyn his feveral promifes and affumptions afore-
faid in form atoretaid made not regarding, but contriving and
frau iulentlv intenv'.ing the fame dukf in this behalf craftily and
fubtilly to deceive and licfraud, the faid feveral lums of moncv,
or any penny thereof, to the fame duke according to his feveral
promifes and aftumpiions aforefaid, hath not yet paid, nor him
for the fame hath hi'herto in any wife contented, althc' to do it
the faid John Jerwyn was afterwards, to wit, the fame hr^^ day of
Odober in the year of the Lord 169: abovefaid at Munsp.eld 'iSvixt-
faid in the county afort-faid, by the faid duke required, but to pay
him them, or him fnr the fame hitherto in any wi(c to content,
hath altogether xt{vi'i^'\., and yet doth rcfufe, to the damage of
the faid duke 550 /. And therefore he produces the fuit, ^c.
D 3 R'iher .
23 A^ftion on the caffe.
^fumpf.t by a Mid.i\ to wit. TTfOhert S. gent, one of the clerks of Samuel
clerk o: the -^»- AJlry, lent, the coroner and attorney of the
Crown ofTue now lord the king, compliini- of /7f';?ry ^. pent, another clerk of
aeainll .mother , .- • , o i *5/» i i ? r l r -j
cltik ofthat the laid &>/;««/ ///7ry, knt. the coroner and attorney ot the laid
office fni money now lord the king prefent here in court in his proper perfon
dtpoficid in his for this, to wit, that whereas the faid Henry the firlt day oi Junu-
hands on a wa- ^ty'in the year of the Lord 1699, ^x Wejlmitijler in the county
^^'^' aforcfaid was indebted to the faid Robert in two guineas of the va-
lue of 43 J. of lawtiil money of England, for fo much money of
the money of him the faid Robert by the faid Henry to the ufe of
him the laid Robert before there had and received ; and fo being
therein indebted he the faid Henry in confidiration thereof after-
wards, to wit, the fame day and year, a{ IVejhninJJer aforeGiid in
Count for two the county aforefaid, aflumed upon hiinlelt, and to 'he fame Ro-
guineas rcceiv- 1^,.^ [[,£^1 and there faith+ully promifed, that he the f. id Heiiyihc
ed I'V defendant f^;^, ^^^,^ ^uineas to the fame Robert, when he fhould therao after-
to puinLllt S , , » . , ,, 1 r - 1 r 11 i i i
y|-J^ wards oe required, well and taithtully would pay and content :
And whereas alfo the faid Henty afterwards, to wit, the fame day,
year and place, v.'as indebted to the faid Robert in 5/. of lawful
nioney oi EnglanJ, for fo much money of him the faid Robert by
him the iaid Meury to the i>fe of him the faid Robert before there
had and received ; and b"ing fo therein indebted the faid Herry
then and therein confideration thereof aflumed upon himfelf,
and to the faid Robert then and there faithfully promifed,
that he the faid Herry the faid 5/. to the fame Robert, when he
iliould be thereto afterwards required, would well and faithfully
pay and content : Neverthelefs the faid Henry his promifes and
alllimptions aforefaid not regarding, but contriving and fraudu-
lently intending the fame Robert in this behalf craftily and fubtilly
to deceive and defraud, the faid two guineas, and the faid 5 /. or
anv part thereof, to the faid Robe> t hath not yet paid, altho' to do
it the faid Henry afterwards, to wit, the 10th day ot January in
the year of the Lord abovefaid, and often afterwards, at IVe/Jmin-
fier in the county aforefaid by tl;e fame Robert was required, but
the fame Henry to pav him them, or him for the fame hitherto in
any wife to content, hath altogether refufed.and yet doth reiufe,
to the damage of the faid Robert zqI. and therefore he produces
the fuit, i^c.
Gib/os. and Oufnam.
Cafe for arrefT- ^^'^f' '° ^''^- ]?J<^^'^^^ Gihfon complains of John Oufnam^
ing t'oc plaintiff being in the cuftody of the niarflial of the
in the mayor of Ma^/h:d[ea of the lady the queen, before the queen herfelf, for
Maiiflone-% jj,;^^ jq y,j,^ j^^t whcrcas the faid i?7f/7/7r// being a perfon of a good
*^aure of aaU)n name, tflate, credit and reputation, among his neighbours and
Sa'k. 1^4 15 * others whomfoever with whom he had dealing, the faid Jo/2« 8th
727. * ' day of March in 'h" grh vear of the reign of the lord William the
third, late king of Englandy I3c. at the parifli of Maid/lone in
Adion on the cafe. I^S
the county o( Kent aforefaid, contriving and intending him the faid
Richard by colour of law to opprefs and in prifonto keep and de- [ 24 J
tain, at the parirti of MaiJjione aforefaid falfly, fraudulently, un-
duly and malicioufly, in the name of the faid John, a certain plaint
againft him the faiu Richard in a plea of trefpafs on the cafe, to the
damage of the faid Rtchurd \ zl. at the iuit of the faid Jchti'm the
court°of record held betore Ge'crg^ f/frre, gent, then mayor of
the town and parifh aforefaid, according to the cuftom in the fame
toivn iifed time out of mind within the jurifdiftion of the court
aforefaid, without any juft caufe levied and affirmed ; and the
fame Richard, by virtue of the faid plaint, within the jurlfdi<5tion Avcrmeot.
ot the fame court, tobe arretted and impr'foned, and in prifon
aforefaid to be detained for the fpace of three Ohett Frith apothecary complains of //'i//iV/;;j
i°d'mTnirt^r"d\ • ^^'"^'^ '" '^^ cuilody of the marihal, l^c for
him'to a^third^ *'^'*' '° ^''^» ''^' whereas the firll day of May in the year of the
pcrlbn. Lortl 169^, at PFeJlminfterin the county aforcfaiii, the fame /?a-
^;7 at the fpecial inftance and requT^i of the f-id I'ViUi-tmhzii
a irrmiftered, delivertd and appli>?d to one Robtrt Emerton, the
apprentice ot the fai.i IVtllium, oivers mei'icaments, medicines and
medicinal petions, he the faid tVillium in confideration thereof
afterwards, to wit, the fame day and year abovefaid at i-VeJimi/iT
jler aforefaid in the county aforcfaid, aimnied upon himfeh, and
to the fame Robert Frith then and there faithfully proiuifed, that
he the faid IVilliam \o much money for the \:\'u\ medicaments,
medicines and medicin-dl potions, fo as aforeiaid adminifltred, deli~*
vereji *ad applied 'o the faid Robert F.merton the aforefaid appren-
tice of the (ame IViUiam. as he the faid Rohert Frith therefore rea-
fbnably deferved to have, to the fame Robert, when he lliould be
thereto afterwards required, would well am.! faiihlu'ly pay
and content : And the fame Robrt Frith in faft fays, that he
the faid Robert reafor.ablv deferved to have for the faid me ica-
ments, medicines and medicinal potions, by him the faid Robert
Frith to the faid Robert Emerton the apprentice fo as aforefai4
adminifteied, delivered and applied 3/. lo^f of lawful money of
England to wit, at IVeftmir.Jltr aforefaid in th.e county aforefaid,
whereof he the fame IVilluim wit, the fame day and
year abovefaid, there had notice: And whereas alfo the faid IVil-
liavi ihe fame day and year abovefaid at W^p/?;.7;«y,Vr aforefaid in
the county aforefaid was indebted to the laid Rofert Frith in
other 3/. \os. of lawful money of Enghmd., for money by the
faid Robert Frith to the life of the (aid li'iHtam and at his
fpetial inftance before then expended and laid out ; and bein?
fo therein indebted the fame IVilliam in confidcraiion thereof
afterwards, to wit, the day and year abovefaid, at WLftvtirifier
aforefaid in the county aforeiaid, afluiited upon himtelf, and to
the fiij R'jb?rt Friih then and there faiihfuHy proniifed, that he
r 2e ] the fime /F;7//rtOT the 3/. 105. laft mentioned to the fame Robert
F>iih, when he fliould be thereto afterwards required, would
well and faithfully pay and contept : Neverchelcfs the faid
IVilliam his feveral proiniles and affumpticr;s aforclc-id not re-
garding, but contriving and fraudulently intending the fame
Robert Frith in this behalf craudy and fublilly to deceive and de-
fraud, the faid fcviral fums of money, or any penny thereof, to
the fam? Robert Frith Caliho' to do it he was by the faid Rjbert
Frith afterwards, to wit, the firft day of "Jutu in the year of the
Lord 1699 abovefaid, and often afterwards, at IVeftminflcr'&.io'ct-
faid in the county atorv.faid required) hath not yet paid, or an^
ways for the fame contented, but the faid William hitherto to pay
him them, or for the fame any ways to content, hath altogether
refuled, and yet doth refufe, to the damage of the 'faid Robert
zol. And therefore he produces ihc fuit, Sc, .
A(^Ion on the cafe. 25
Brown and Gary.
MlcIJ',tov;\t, yOfeph Bro'wn doaor of phyfic complains of jj^'J^^l^^
J Martha Caiy, otherwife King/hn, in the cui- ^j^^
toJy of the niarlhal, £ifr. for ihis, to wit, that whereas the faid
Ala: tha on the fixth day of 'June in the year of the Lord i 706, at
W' in the county of Middlejex aforefaid, was indebted
to I he lame Jofe^h in i?/. of good and lav.iul money ofErglir.J,
for his work and labour by the hiia J'Jeph at the fp^ciai intlance
and rcautd of the faid Ma: tha before that tin^e in an.i about the
viuiing, curing and healing the faid Martha of certain difoafes and
paics wherewub the fame Martha vjzs fick and lan^uiflied, ap-
plied and bellowed} ana bein^j To therein indebted the lame Mar-
tha in confideraiion thereof afterwards to wit, the lame day an i
year aforelaiJ, at W>j}rn'wjler aforefaid in the county aforcfaid,
afTuraed upon herlelf, and to the fame Jofefh .hen and there taith-
fully promiled, that flie the fame Marthaihc faid 12/. to the fame
'jo/efh, whtn he fhould thereto aiierwards be rtquired, wel) and
faithfully would pay apd content ; And whereas alio the faid Mar^ ^antum r-t^
tha afterwards, to wit, the fame day and year abovefaid .at IVsjl' ruit.
piinjler aforefaid in the county atorelaid, in confideration that he
the faid Jofefh, al the hke fpecial inftance and requeft of her the
fai'-l Martha b.^fore the time laft mentioned, other his v/ork and
labour had b^ftowed and applied in and about the vifiting, curing
and healing the faid Martha oi certain other difeafes and pains
wherewith the faid Martha had been fick and languifhing, aflum-
ed upon herfelf, and to th " fame Jofeph then and there faithfully
promifed, that flie the fame Martha fo nmch money, as he tha
fv>iu Jofeph therefore reafonably deferved to have, to the fame
Jufephy when flie fhoul-'. be thereto afterwards required, well ani!
faithfully would content an,i pay : Neverthelefs the faid Martha
her fevcril promifes and afllimptions aforefaid in form aforefaid
insde not regarding, but contrivii^g and fraudulently intending the
faid Jojep^h in this behalt craftily and fubtilly to deceive and de-
fraud the laid feveral fums of money, or any penny thereof, to
the lame Jofe; h hath not yet paid, or him for the lame hath hi-
therto any ways contented, (altho' to do it the faiJ Martha af-
terwards, to v/it, 7th day oi January If the year of the Lord 1706
abovefaid and often afterv.ards, at IVeJlminjUr aforefaid in the
county aforefaid bv the faid Jofeph was required,) bur the fame
to the faid Jofeph hitherto 10 pay, or for the fame any way to
content, harh altogether rei'ufed, and yet doth refuft j whereby
the fiime Jfeph favs that he is prejudiced, and has damage to
the value Cif 30/. And iherefcfc he produces the fui:, Cff.
Wright and Marline.
London f\o^\x, ID^.marJ iVright complains of George Marline in Affumpft by «
the cuftoily of the marfhal, l^c. for this, to wit, phyrKnin for
thai whereas :hc faid GVsrre'oa ihc fourth day of June in the year '["""S '^^.|<^"-
• J J J dani'd wiic of a
Ok lunacy.
[ ::6 ]
JnMitat'' for
■work and la-
bour and mo-
uej expended.
A<^Ion on the cafe.
of the Lord 1696 at London aforefaid, to wit, in the parifli of St.
Mary-le bozv'm the ward o^ Cheap, in confidcration that the fame
Bernard being then and there (kilful in the art of phyfick would
then and there, at the fpctial inftance and requcft of the faid
George, life and employ his heft endeavours to heal and cure "Jone
Marline, wite of the laid Geoige Marline, of a certain infirmity of
mind or lunacy with which the faid Jane was then and ihere
greatly *)iil:urbed in her mind, and grievoufly languiflied, and the
faid Jane reftore to fanify of mind, afTiimed upon hiinfelf, and to
the fame Bernard then and there faithfully promifed, that he the
fume George the fuzn of 10 /. of lawful money of England to the
fame ^e-r/T/Wfor his pains and induftry in and about the healing
and curing of the faid June of the laid infirmity, when that cure
ihould be performed, and the faid Jane (liould be rertored to fanity
of mind, well and faithfully would pay and content: And the
fame Bernard in faft fays, that he giving credit to the promife
and afliimpiion of the faid George in form aforefaid made, after-
Wards, to wit, the fame day and year abovefaid, and at all neceflk-
TV times then after, until and upon the 21ft day ot Seplember in the
year of the Lord aforefaid, at LoWarj aforefaid in the parifli and
ward aforefaid, his pains, labour and endeavour did ufe and em-
ploy to heal and cure the faid J^n^ of her infirmity of mind and lu-
nacy aforefaid, and afterwards, to wit, the faid 21^^ day oi Sep-
tember in the year of the Lord abovefaid, at London aforefaid in the
pariili and ward aforefaid, the faid cure there did perform, and
the faid Jane to fanity of mind did reftore, and thereof the faid
Gm-^e then and there had notice: And whereas alfo the faid
Gfor^e afterwards, to wit, the faid 21ft day of ^f^/fwi'^r in the
year of the Lord abovefaid, at Z-oWow aforefaid in the parifh and
ward aforefaid, was indebted to the fame Bernard in other 10/. of
lifce lawful money oi England, as well for other work and labour
cf the faid Bernard, by him the faid Bernard {ct the faid George^
and at the fpecial inftarce and requeft of the faid Gtcrge, before
that time done and performed, as ior divers fiims of money of the
faid Bernard, bv him the faid Bernard 2i the like fpecial inftance
and rtqueftcf the faid George for the fame George before that time
laid out and expended: and being fo therein indebted the laid
Gfo»^f in confidcration thereof afterwards, to wit, the fame day
and yearlaft abovefaid, at Z,ow,/5« aforefaid in the parijli and ward
aforelaid, affumed upon himfelf, and to the i&mc Bernard ihtn
apd rhere faithfully promifed, that he the fame George the faid 10/.
laft mentioned to the fame Bernard, v.-hen he fliould be thereto
afterwards required, well and faithfully would pay and content :
Keverthelcfs the faid George\\\& feveral promifes and affumprions
aforsfsid in form aforefaid made not regarding, but contriving
and fraudulently intending the fame 5e;77/7r// in this behalf craftily
and fubtt'.iy to deceive and defraud, the faid feveral fums of money
or any penny thereof, to the fame Bernard hath not paid, nor him
for the fanie, or any part thereof, hath any wa/ contented, (altho'
A6Hon on the cafe."
to do it the fame George afterwards, to wit, the fame day and year
laft abovefaid, at London aforefaid in the parifh and w ard at'orefaid,
was by the faid ^frnar^ required,) but to pay him them, or for
the fame any way to content, hath hitherto altogether refufed, and
yet doth refufe j whereby the fame Bernard fays that he is pre-
judiced, and hath damage to the value of 40 A and therefore he
produces the fuit, iJc.
Deacon and ami her and Fell.
London, to wit. TJ/'lUiam Deacon and Richard Sinpleft exe-
outers of the laft will and tcftament cf
M^illiam Goffe deceafed, complains of John Fell in the cuftody of
the marilial, l^c. for this, to wit, that whereas the faid IVjlHatn
Goffe in his life time, to wit, the 10th day oi December in the year
of the Lord i70(, loaded in and upon a certain lliip called the
Thomas and Elizabeth, whereof the faid John was then mafter,
then riding in the nv^r ^Sherboro in Guinea'm Africa in parts beyond
the feas, the goods and merchandises following, to wit, two tons
and 300 pounds weight of red v/ood, 104 large elephants teeth
weighing 2500 pounds three quarters of a hundred pounds and fe-
venteen pounds, 59 fmall elephants teeth, weighing one hundred
pounds three quarters of a hundred pounds and eleven pouuds, to
the value of 500/- of lawful money of England, in good order and
well conditioned, from thence to be tranfported, and by him the
faid John Fell to the faid fVilliam Goffe at the port of London afore-
faid to be delivered, the danger of the feas and the reflraint of
princes excepted, at the rate of 6 /. by the ton, by the faid IVilliam
Goffe to the faid John therefore to be paid : The faid John in con-
fideration of the premiffes afterwards, to wit, tbe fame day and
year abovefaid, at London aforefaid, to wit, at the parifli of St.
Mary-U-boiv in the ward o{ Cheap, aflumed upon himfelf, and ta
the fail IVilliam in his life-time then and there faithfully pro-
mifed, that he the fame John the goods and merchandizes afore-
faid from thence would tranfport, and to the faid IVilliam Gcffe at
the port o\ London well and faithfully would deliver in the like
good order and well conditioned, the danger of the feas and re-
ftraint of princes excepted : And altho' the fhip aforefaid, with
the goods and merchandizes aforefaid thereon loaded, afterwards,
to wit, the 2d day of 'V/rtrf,^ in the year of the Lord abovefaid, at
the port o{ London aforefaid, to wit, at the parifh and ward afore-
faid, f;ifcly arrived, and altho* the danger of the feas, or the re-
frraint of princes did not hinder, and altho' the faid M'^illiam Goffe
in his life-time, and the faid William. Dfwow and Richard z]v;ay$
after his death and hitherto were ready to pay to the faid John ac-
cording to the rate of 6/. by the ton, for the tranfportation of the
goods and merchandizes aforefaid : Neverthelefs the faid John
con:r;ving and intending the h\d William Goffe m his life-time,
and the faid William Deacon and Richard, after the death of the
faid William Goffe, oi ihc goods and mercbandiacs aforefaid craf-
Cafe by exe-
cutors againft
the maflcr of
a fhip for
goods tranf-
porttd by hiia
fiom Guinea
to Louden for
Adion on the cafe.
tily and fubt'i!])' to deceive and defraud, the goods and merc'ian-
tlizes aforcTaid to the laid M'illtam Goffe in his life-time, or to
the fame Ifillinm Deacon and Richard^ ox either of them, afier
the death <;f the faid IFillimn Goffe, hath not delivered, altho'
the faid Jchn to deliver them to the faid H'illiam G"§e afterwards,
to wir, the faid fecond vay of Marc/i in the year of the Lord
abovel'aid, at London fiforcfaid in the parilh and ward aforefaid,
vas required ; and ah ho' the faid Jy/i?: after the death of the
faid l'/ii! Go/ft:, to wit, the fecond day oi April in the year
oftheLord 1702, at LonJon aforefaid, in the parifh and ward
gloiefaii!, 10 deliver them to the faid William Dencon and Richard
was required, but the fame to deliver u:uo them hath hitheito
altogether refufcd, and yet doih refufe ; whereby the fame IVil-
r 27 1 liam DeacM ami Richard fay they are prejudiced, and have
dama^^e to the value of 500'. and therefore they produce thtj
fuit, Ifi. And the fame IVilliam Deacon and Richard produce
hi-re in court the letters teflamentary, of the faid li'illiarn Gojffey
whereby it fuiiiciently appears to the court here, that the faid
fi'il/ia-n Deacon and Richard are executors of the will of the
faid William Goffe aforefijiid, and thereof have the aduiiuiilra-'
tion, Cff.
Jjumpjit by an jl^Z/J^'^ {q ^Jt. (jihirks lord C. exccutor of the will »f Dorothy
aiKjrney aga^n^^ ccuniefs dowager of ^rran deceafed, was at-
tor forhisfces tached to anfwer y^. //. of theattorniesof the court of the
«&V. in law and lord the king of the bencii in a plea of trefpafs on the cafc.^f. And
equity, as attor- whereon the faid y^«//^owj in his proper perfon complains, that
myandlolicitor ^j-n-^gas the faid dowager in her life-time, to wit, the 1 x\\\ day of
December \n the year or the Lord 1716 zxU elimitijiery\n conlider-
ation that the fame Anthony (being then and long before and
aiierwards an attorney of the court of the faid lord the king of
the bench here, to wit, at IVeftminJler aforefaid) at the fpecial
inilance and requell ct the faid countefs, ieveral fuits.caufes and
actions in law and ec;u;!y, and divers difficult and important
aftrtivs for the faid countefs, and according to her order and ap-
poincmf tit, well, faithfully and induftrioufly, had defended and
^pccia: .Cva.n- lo i^ired, and had managed, carried on, done and performed, and
by tl:at means great funis of money had laid out, depofited and
paid, afiun'.ed upon herfelf, and tothefaid Anthonylhen and there
faithlully pay to the fame Anthony all fuch funis of mo-
dlv a.s the faid Anthony (o as aforefaid had laid out, depofited and
paid, and what he for his fees, induftry, care and labour in and
^ji'.r.r mer"- about the preniiiTes, reafohably deferved to have: And the fame
Anthory in faQ fays, th;it he, before the faid time of the proinife and
alTumpiion aforefaid made, had by that means as is atorefaid laid
our, dcpofittd and paid, and for his fees, induftry, care and labour
in and about the premiffes, reafonably deferved to have of the
faid coun(ef> divers fums of money, amounting in the whole to
46/. 1 95. 9.'/. whereof the faid countefs atterwards, to wit, the
fame day and ysar, at IVeftmir.fiir aforefuid, had notice : And
A£llon on the cafe.
wl-.ereas alfb the faid countefs afterwards, to wit, the i^tli Jay of
Decetnber in the year abovcfaiiJ, at IVejiminJler afordiiil, was
indebted to the faij Anth.vy, (being then and long before and
afterwards an attorney of the court of ihe lard lord the k'ng of
the bench aforefaid here), in other 46/. 19 y. 9 r/. for ni< ney hy
the faid Anthony for the laid countefs and at her requeft in and
about feveral actions, caufes and fuiis in law and equity, and
the bufinefs of the faid countefs before that time depofited, laid
out and paid, and for his lees, induftry, care and labour in and
about the defence, folicitation, carrying on and management of
theaflions, caufes, fuits and bufinels aforefaid, by him on the
behalf of the faid countefs and at her requeft, before that time
done and performed : And being fo therein indebted the faid
countefs the fame day and year abovefaid at IVsjhninjicr afore-
fdid, in confideraiion thereof, alTumed upon herfelf, and to the
fame Anthony then and there faithfully proinifed, that fhe the faid
countefs the fame fum of money lafl: mentioned to the fame
Anthony would well and faithfully pay and content : Neverthelefs
the faid countefs in her life-time, and the faid lord after the
death of the iaid countefs, the feveral promifes and aflumptions
of the faid countefs not regarding, but contriving and intending
the faxne Anthony in this behalf craftily and fubtilly to deceive
and defraud, the faid feveral fums of money, or any penny
thereof, although often requir^-d, to the fame Anthony have not
paid or any way contented, but to pay him them have refufed,
and the faid lord to pay them to the fame Anthony doth yet re-
fufe, to the damage, i^c.
Breach of pro-
This judgraent
was reverfed,
the writ of in-
quiry being ex*
tcuted on z.
Salt. 6l6.
]Midd\ to wit. n^Homas B. late of London, gent, and Hannnk InJehhaf
his wife, were attached to anfwer to George F. againft a t1iirr oi t. e ^ atrachcti to snl'wcr lo (he governor ;inv.l compa-
i[jni/it luch flieep, as in and upon
their (aid kveral clofes refpeftivcl v were bought, fjId or exp'f-
ed fo fale : And whereas the fume JohnTeny now is, and
for divers years nov/ laft pall was, poflefT-'d ot the faid clofe of
the f-ii.i dean and chapter, and of ihc-ir part of the fair
alorefaid, as their farmer and under tenant thereof for a term of
year? v/hich is rot vet paflld : And whereas thy faid J^hn Sitnp-
Vol. I. ' E Jtn
30 A(^ion on the cafe.
fon now is, and for divers years now laft elapfcd was, alfo lawful-
Jy poltL-ni'J oftlic faid other dole of ihelald Stephen Terry, and
ot his part of the faid fair, with the appurtenances likewifc, as
his larmer and undertenant thereof: And therefore they the (aid
^ohn Terry and Jo//« Simf'fjn the whole profit of that fair between
tJieni refpeftivcly, fo as aforcfaid, for all the faid time Hiould and
ought to have and receive : Neverthelefs the laid John Page^
h'uihanicl, i^c. the preniiircs well and fufficiently knowing, but
contriving and fraudulently intending the laid Johii Terry and Johrt
Simpfon unjuftly to opprels, and o\ and in the toll and profits of
the laid fair greatly to deprive and hinder, lately, and a very fhort
time before their faid fair in and upon their faid clofes ought to be
held, a certain new fair for flieep, without any lawful warrant or
authority whatever, at the parilli of Herri^rcixn tlie county afore-
faid, near the faid clofes where the faid fair of them the faid John
Terry and John Simp/on had been and was to be held as aforefaid,
levied and creded to be held yearly, and that new fair at the fame
parilli unlawfully and injurioully held and kept; in which faid new
fair, by the fame John Pugc, Natrinniel, l^c. fo erefted, levied
and kept, very many llieep were bought, fold, and expofed to
fale, and the faid John Pfge, and Nathaniel, iffc. great funis of
money for toll thereof there took and had, to the prejudice, de-
trim -nt and great hurt of the old fair of them the faid John Terry
and John ■Simpfon ; and the laid J. T. and J. S. thereby the toll,
(lallage, flieep-pens, profits, commodities and emoluments,
which of and in their faid fair they might have received and had,
did lofe, to the damage of the faid J. T. and J. S. to/. And
therefore they produce the fuit, b^c.
John/on and God/on.
AJJumpJit for tgndony to wit. ^imesjohnfon complainsof 5a/«Mf/G(j^«in cnf-
teer and ale. J tody of the ^^n{ox\ iA Ludgate in the cityof Z,o«-
din, for this, to wit, that whereas the faid Samuel the firft day of Of
toher in the ninth year of the reign of the lord IVilHam the third,
now king of Englnml, l^c. at London aforefaid, to wit, in the parifh
of St. Mary-le-hoiM in the ward of Cheap, was Indebted to the faid
James in i;o/. of lawful money of England, for beer and ale by
the fuid James to the fame Samuel and at his inflance before that
lime fold and delivered; and fo being therein indebted the fame Sa-
muel in confideration thereof afterwards, to wit, the fame day and
year abovefaid, at London alorefaidin the parilli and ward aforefaid,
afl'umcd upon hiiiifelf, and to the fame James then and there faith-
fully promifed, to pay him that fum : And wtisreas alfo the faid
I S' J Srimuel afterwards to wit, the fixth day of Ocfober in the ninth year
i^flff.' .' ir. abovefaid, at £.o;;^(j;i aforefaid in the parifli and ward aforefaid, in
confideration that the faid James, at the fpecial inftance and re-
queft of the faid Samuel, before that time had fold and delivered to
the faid Samuel other beer and ale, affumed upon himfelf and to
the faid James then and there promifed, to pay him fo much
A6Hon on the cafe/ 31
money as he therefore reafonably deferved to have : And the faid
'James in fafl fays, that he therefore reafonably deferved to have
other 50/. of like money, to wit, at London aforefaid in the parifli
and ward aforefaid ; whereof the faid Samuel the day and year
laft abovefaid there had notice : Neverthelefs the faid, lf!c.
James and Englefidd^ Bart.
MiiU\ to wit. TJ/'llliam James, efq; complains of Charles ^Jfui^pftt
^^ EnghfieU, bart. in the cuftody of the mar- ^gainfl the huf-
ihal, ^c. for this, to wit, that whereas the faid Charles, on the id and lodgi^Tof
day of June in the fifth year of the reign of the lady the now queen, his wife! and
at the parirti of 5t. James's lVeftmiriJier\n the county of Middle fex rnoni s lent her
aforefaid, was indebted to the fame H'i/liam in lOo/. of lawful and laid out to
d for
money of this kingdom for meat, drink, wafliing and lodging, ^f "'^^ *°5
U L /- - 1 trrli. c-r ^ r i • r r, 5 ° Clothcsand
by the laid William James before that tniie tor one Sufanna money expend-
Englefield the wife of the faid Charles, at the infiance of the ed in her func-
faid wife while fhe was the wife of the faid Charles, found and •■*'•
provided, and for money, by the faid IVilliam James to the fame ^^^^' *2'*
^:ifanna, the wife of the faid Charles, lent in and about her ne-
celfary bufmefs to be expended and by her fo expended : And
being fo therein indebted the fame Charles in confideratioa
thereof afterwards, to wit, the fame day and year, at theparifh
aforefaid in the county aforefaid, afiunied upon himfelf, and to
the fame IVilliam James then and there faithfully promifed, to
pay him the fame fum of money: And whereas alfo the faid ^uant* mer*^
Charles afterwards, to wit, the fame day and year, at the pariili
aforefaid in the county aforefaid, in confideration that the faid
William James at the inftance of the faid wife and in the ab-
fence of (he faid Charles, before that time had found and pro-
vided for the fame wife of the faid Charles other meat, drink,
wafhing and lodging, and divers other neceflaries for her necel-
fary apparel, aflumed upon himfelf, and to the fame IVilliam
James then and there faithiully promifed, to pay him fo much
money as he therefore reafonably deferved to have ; And the
fame IVilliam James in faft fays, that he therefore reafonably
def';rved to have ot the faid C/^.^r.Vx another fum of loo/. of
like lawful money, to wit, at the parifli aforefaid in the county
aforefaid, whereof the faid Charles afterwards, to wit, the fame
ut the luneral of the laid Hufantia Lite wife ofihe faij Charlts,
had paid and laid out the (um of too/, at the pari/li aforefaid in
the county atorefaid, whereof the faid Ch.irles afterwards, to
wit, the fame day and year lafl mentioned, there had notice :
For money li id And wheroas alfo the faid Charles afterwards, to wit, the firft
out to the rie- day of December in the year laft abovefaid, at the parilh afore-
tcndint!. ule- f dd in the county aforefaid, was indebted to the fiid lVillia?n
James'xu another i oo / of like lawful money by the faid IVilliu'rit
to the ufe of the faid Charles, and at his inftance, b.fure that
time laid out and paid: And being fo therein indebted tlia f^ime
Charles in confuieration thereof afterwards, to wit, the fame
day and year, at the parifli aforefaid in the county afori faid,
alFumed upon himfelf, and to i\\^ diwi I'Villiam then and there
• jr 1 .u. f.iithfully promifed, to pay him the fame fum of money ; And
And for clolhf 5 \r \ r- \ ii/ir -t • i it • r i /- • .
boui;lit the wife whereas alio the Uui yVilliam jomesy in the lire-time ot the laid
for cwo years Sufunna ihe w\ie of (he laid C/'rtr/^j and while fhe was fo his
wife, had found and provided for the fame Sufanna other meat,
drink, wailiing, lodging and clothes, for the fpace of two years,
and had paid and laid out for the faid iSufanfui divers other funis
of money for divers other things whereof llie had need, amount-
ing in the whole to the fum of 50/. of lawful money of this
Who dred in king.lom, and a!fo had lent to the faid Sufanna in her life-time
' Jor her neceliary iupport divers other lums 01 money amount-
ing in the whole to the fum of other 50/. of like lawful money
of this kingdom : And whereas the faid Sufanna afterwards,
and before the faid IVilUam James was paid or fatisfied for the
faid meat, drink, wafliing, lodging and clothes, or any part
thereof, to wit, the f.rfl; day of /?;<_j^?? in the year of the Lord
1706, in the manfion-houfe of the faid William James 6\Qd, to
wit, at the parifli aforefaid in the county aforefaid, the faid fe-
veral funis of 50/. and 50/- laft mentioned being to the fame
JViliiam James then likewife due and unpaid : And the dead
bo y ofihe fiid Sufanna io in the maniion-houfe cf the faid
Will. am Jumcs lying, the laid Charles afterwards and before the
faiJ body was buried, to wit, the ftme day and year lafl: mentt-
oneti, at the parifh aforefiid in the county rd'orcfaid, in corfider-
[ 32 ] ation that he the faid William, at the fpecial inftance and requell
Wh«;eupon in of the fiid Charles, would p rmit the fdid Charles and his friends
conCdftation to come into the maiifion-houfe of the faid IVilUam James ^nd
^Izl'^^'liM^l'^ bury the body of her the faid Sufanna from the faid manfion-
dant and his" ^^01'^^' of the faid William James, aflumed upon himfelf, and to
friends to come ^^^ fame William James then and there faithfully promifed, that
to bufy her he the fame Charles fo much money, as thefame William for the
f om his hMifc, meat, ilrink, waihing, lodging and clothes latl mentioned, by
»Uunicd, Of. t},p j-^j(j jp'illi^ff, James ^or the fame Sufanna as aforefaid found
and provided, reafonabiy, dtfcrved to have, and a'fo the feveral
laft mentioned fums of 50/ and 50/. to the fame JVuliam Jamet
wcl! and faithfully would pay and content : And the\PFilliam
Adion on the cafe. 3^
James in (a6\ (avs, thar he, giving credit to the faithful promife
and afTumpiion'of the faid Charles lall mentioned in form afore-
faid made, afterwards, to wit, the fame day and year laft men-
tioned, at the parifh aforefaid in the county aforefaid, did permit
the fciid Charles and his friends to bury the dead body of the
faid Sufanna from, the faid mar.fion-hcufe of the faid Williajn
James, and that he the faid William James for the faid meat,
tlrink, wafli'ng, lodging and clothes laft mentioned, hj the faid
IVilUam James for the fame Sufanna as aforefaid found and pro-
vided, reafonably dekrved to have of the faid Chat les oi\\Qr too/,
of like lawful money of the kingdom of Evgland, to wit, at
the parifli aforcGiid in the county aforefnid ; and therefore the faid
Charles afterwards, to wit, the fame day and year laft mentioned
there had notice : And whereas alfo (ihe other count was on an
ir.ftmul or'tutofjer.t): Neverihekfs the laid, ^iff.
When,^f. And fays that the faid ?f7////7w/ his aflion aforefaid Plea,
thereof againft him ought not to have or maintain, becaufe he •'^tatut^e of hmi-
fays, that the faid bill was exhibited the 24th day of 7«^f in the "show. 2744
8th year of ihe reign of the faid lady the now queen, and not
before, and that the ^^\A Charles, at any time within fix years
rext preceding the exhibition of the bill aforefaid, did not
alTume upon himfelfin manner and form as the faid William
above againft him complains: and this he is ready to verify:
Wherefore he pravs judgment if the faid William his adion
aforefaid thereof againft him the faid Charles oii^ht to have or
maintain, ^c.
Ro. Raymond.
And the faid /f^///ffOT fays that he, by any thing by the faid Repllcattoo.
Charles above by pleading alledged, from "his ailion aforefaid ^ Latitat ^ut^
thereof agaii'ft him had ought not to be precluded ; becaufe he "^'^^ '°°'''
favs that he the fame IViliiam, after the making the feveral pro-
iiiifes and afilimptiors aforefaid in the declaration aforefaid men-
tioned, and before the day of the exhibition of the bill of the
faid /f/Y/'/V/OT aforefaid, to wit, in Mf/7//e/w. knt. at that day
returned, that the faid Charles Evglefield was not found in their
bailiwick, as by the records in the court of the faid ladv the
queen now before the queen herfelf here, to vnt, at IVeJlmir.fler
alorefaid, rcuiaining more fully is manifefl and appears : Which
faid precept and the fevf ral aforefaid writs againft the faid Charles
EngltfitlJ, at the fuit of the faid IVilliam as aforefaid profecuted,
were profecuted with this iuient that the faid Charles might be
taken, and to the cuftody of the marfhal of the Mar/halfea of
the court of the faid lady the queen, before the queen herfelf,
cominitted, and that the laid IVilliam might thereupon exhibit his
bin againft the faid Charles, and him implead, for the recovery
and obtaining of damages by rcafon of the non-perforraance of
the feveral promiles and afi'umptions aforefaid in the declaration
of the faid IVilliam zioTQ(:iid abovementioned, according to the
Adion on the cafe. 33'
ufe and courfe of the faid court and cuftom aforefald : And the
laid William accor.ling to his intention aforefaid afterwards, to
vit, in the faid Ttinity term in the 8th year of the reign of the
faid lady the now queen, by liis bill aforefaid againrt the laid
Charles Encltfield in form aforefaid hath declared, for the reco-
very and obtaining of the damages aforefaid in his bill aforefaid
contained : And the fame Wiilium farther fay;, that the faiii
Charles, within fix years next preceding the profecution and
ifTuingof the faid writ of Latitat of the faid lady the now queen,
aflumed upon himfelf in manner and form as the faid IVilliam
above againft him complains : And this he is ready to verify :
Wherefore he prays judgment and his damages by reafon of the
non-ptrformance of the feveral promifes and afiumptions afore-
faid to him to be adjudged, tffr. With this, that the fame IVil- Averment that
lia7n will verify, that the feveral caufes of aftion in his bill afore- 'l'^ ""'^ Jn'
^.. . •'. J iir 1- c ^ r tion in the bill
laid abovementioned, and the ieveral writs out oi the lame court ^^j ^rits are
here againft the faid Charles, at the fuit of the faid William pro- the fame.
fecuted, were and are one and the fame caufe of aftion, and not
orhernor divers, and that the faid William now plaintiff in the
declaration aforefaid abovenamed, and the faid William in the
faid feveral writs above likewife named, are one and the fame
perfon, and not other nor divers, and that the faid Charles in
the declaration aforefaid above named defendant, and the faid
Charles Ertglefield in the faid feveral writs above likewife named
defendant, are one and the fame perfon, and not other nor
And the faid Charles favs, that he the fame Charles, within ^f^oinfer, did
r > J- 1 r ■ J -/r • r \ /- • 1 not ailume
lix years next preceding the profecution and illuing of the faid ;„ fj, ycara be-
vrit of Latitat of the faid lady the now queen in the replica- fore the iffuing
tion of the faid William abovementioned, did not affume upon of the writ,
himfelf in manner and form as the faid Willitim above againft
him complains : And of this he puts himfelf on the country ;
And the faid Wiilium thereof likewife, 'dc. Therefore let a
jury thereon come betore the lady the queen at Wefrmirjler on
day next after And who neither, (^c. to recognife, ISc. be-
caufe as well, If^c. The fame day is given to the parties afore-
faid there, i^c.
Winter and Wilfon.
London, to wit. J\J Winter complains of B. Wilfon in the ciiftody ^If<"»pf'' f^>"
^'^^ of the marfnal, dc. for this, to wit, that ^^'^'Shtand
whereas the faid B. on the ift day of December in the 6th *^'-"^'^'
year of the reign of the lady Anne now queen of Crfat-Britain^
^■Jc. at London aforefaid, to v.if, in the p;irilli of St. Mary le-hoi^j
in the ward of CZ/fr//., in confi.lcration that he the fame ;V. at the
fppciaiinllanceand rcciueft ofthe faid B. had tranrported for the
laid B. divers gooiis and merchandizes in and upon a certain fliip
called The Kmfr William galley (of which faid iliip the faid N.
Winter was mafter) from parts beyond the fcas to the port of
£ 4 London
33 1 Adion on the cafe.
♦ itii': agrees J^nJon aforcfaiJ, * the faiDC B. in confidcration thcicof after-
v'lth the otiti- vvanls, to wit, I he fame day and year abovtlaid, at 1 ar.t/jn afore.-
''*'• fiid in the parifli and ward aforefaid "*, aiiumed upon himfclf, and
to the fanit A', then and there taiihtuily promifeJ, that he the
fiiiic B. all fv;ch fums of money lor the Ireiglit of the gooi's and
merchandizes aforcfaid, as he the fame A', therefore rtafonably
deferved to havr, together with primage and average therefore
accuftomed, to the fame A', when he lliould bethereto afterwar s
required, well and fa.thfully wouM pay and content; And the
fame A', in fact fays that he the ftiiic M. for the freight of the
goofcls aad inert haniiizes aforcfaid, together v^iih primage and
average therefore accuftomed, reafonably dtf^rved lo have
7^/.!^ ge^. of lawful money of Irit^lafiJ, to, at J.ofJofi
aforcfiid in the parifli and ward aforcfaid, whereof the faid B.
then and there had notice : And v\hereas alfo afterwards, to wit,
the fai! f.rll day of Detet;.l?er in the fixth vear abovefaid, at lon-
tlou aforciaid ir the pariili and ward aforefiid, the faid B. was ia-
tiebied to the fame A^. in other 73/. \s. 9,/. of like lawful money
cf £/7^ /« 'or freight, primage and average, of other goods and
merchandizes of the faid B. by him the faid A', for the faid B.
and at his requeft, upon another fliip called 'The King IVilliam
galhy (whereof the faid A', then and there was mai?er,i from parts
beyond the feasunto the port of Lonjon aforcfiid tranlported, and
the faid B. being fo therein indebted, he the fame B. in confider-
ation thereof afterwards, to wit, the fame day and year laft
abovefaid, at LorJon aforefaid in the parilli and ward aforefaid,
alfumed upon himfclf, and to the fame A^ then and there faith-
ful! v pre mifed, that he the fame 5 the faid 7 j/. i^. giL lalt
nientiohed to the fame A', when he fhould be thereto required,
v.'tii and faithfully would content and pay : And whereas alfo af-
terwards, to wit, the fame day and year laft abovefaid, at London
aforcfaid in the pariHi and ward aforefaid, he the fame B. was
indebted to the fiid A', in other 73/. \s. gJ. of like lawful money
of EnfJ.irici, for (o much money of the faid A'^. by him the
faid N. for the faid B. and ar the fpecial inftance and rcqucft of
him the faid. B. bet'ore that tirne paid, laid cut and exp&nded ;
and being fo therein indebted, he the fame B, in conlideraiion
thereof afcrwards, to wit, the fame day and ypar laft abovefaid,
at Loprl'jp aforefaiii in the pariili and ward aforefaid, aflumed upon
himf.-lf and to the faid A', then and there faithfully proniiled, that
he the fame B. the faid 73/. laft mentioned to the fani(;
N. when he ffiould be thereto required, would well and taithfully
pay and content : Neverthcl'els the faid, ^'c.
[ 34 ] Eajl and South.
AJfumpfit hy a. MiJiP, to wit. JDl chard Enjl complains of Robert South in
'irraccordfn'Vo '^^ cuftody of the marlhal, l3c. for this,
fc&o w %■ lue- '° ^''' '^'''^ whe-i eas the faid Booert, on the firft day of April in
gcfiingthtdiath the third yeai of the reign cf ths lord George now king of GV^^?;
of the other. Britain^
Pradl.Rcg 395.
A(^ion on the cafe. 34^
Britain, tffc. at rFfjlr:in/fer in the county aforefaid, was Irv?
debted to the R/r/^/ij-^ and ons John North now deceafed
(whom he the faid Richard had furvived) in 20/. of lav/ful money
oi Great Britain for dit'ers goods., wares and merchandizes, by
him the faid Richer J and th>; before mentioned John in \vs life-
time, and at the fpscial inftance and requeft of the faid Rcieit,
btforethat time there fold and delivered; and the faid Robert
being fo therein indebted, he the tame Robert then and there in
cunfuieration thereof ifTumed upon hiiiifelf, and to the fame Rich-
ard and the before mentioned John in his life-time then and
there iaiihfullv prcmjied, that he the fame /?0i^f;7 the laid 20/.
to ihe f ime Richard and the before mef tioned John in his bte-
time, when he fliould be thereto afiervvpn.'s required, well and
faithfully v/oul^l pay an., conten' : And whereas alfo (the other
eou't as the ca/e isj: Neverthelefs the faid Robert his promifes
aHvi afflimptions aforeiaid in form aforefaid made not regarding,
but contriving and fraudulently intending the fame Richard ami
the before nam^d J>j,':n in the lite-time of the faiJ John, and the
fiid Richard -iiier the death of the faid John, in this behalf craftily
and fubtilly to deceive and defraud, the faid feveral fums of mo-
ney, or any penny thereof, to the fame Richatd and John in the
life-time of the bs:fore named John, or to either of them, or to
the fai 1 Richa.d ^fler the death of the before named John, hatk
not paid or any way for the fami- contented, (although to do it
the faid /?&/^er/ by the faid Rich.ird znA Johnxn the life- time of
the faiii John, and the faid Robert after the death of the faid John,
was often required,) but the faid Robert to pay them to the faid
Richard and John in the life-time of the faid John, or to the
fame y^/V/^/^;!.-/ after the death of the faid John, hath altogether
rcfufed, and the faid Robert them to the faid Richard yet to pay
doth ret ufe, to the damage of the faid Richard Eaji t^oI. And
therefore he produces ttie fuit, l^c. ' ,
Eaji and PFeJi,
MidcP, to wit. TT/'Uliam EaJi complains of Thomas WeJ} in Affumpft
the cuftody of the marfhal, l^c. for this, agaimu fur-
to wit, that whereas the faid Thomas and one Francis Doe now ^'^'"S ^*[^'
deceafed, (whom he the faid Thomas furvived) on the zd day of g & 9 w. 3.
T'^n^- in the year of the Lord 1708, at IVeJIminJier \n the courty Praa.Reg.39S.
•aforefaid, were indebted to the fame IVilliam in 30/. of lawful
money of Great Britain, for divers goods, wares and merchan-
dizes, by hiiii iht: fz\d IViI/i am to the (ams Thomas and Framis
in the life-time of the faid Francis, 'and at the fpecial inftance
and requefl: of th?m the faid Thomas and Francis, before that
lime fold and delivered ; and being fo therein indebted they the
fame Thomas and Francis, in the life-time of the faid Francis
then and there in confideration thereof, aflumed upon themfelv s,
and to the fame lyUliam thc-n and there faithfully promifed, that
\hcy the faid Thmas and Francis in the life-lime of the faid
A (51 ion on the cafe.
Francis the faid 30/. to the fame William, when they flioultl be
thereto alicrwanls re(|iiired. well and raitht'ully would pay and
content : And whereas alio, i^c. (other counts as the cafe re-
tjuiits): N evert helcfs the faid Thomas and Francis in the life-
liirip nt ihc faid Francis, and the (aid Fliomas after the death of
the laid Fmmis, their levcral proinifes and afTuinption"; atorefaid
in for;n atorelaid made not regarding, nor either of them any
wav rci^arding, but contriving and iraudulently intending the
fame IVillium'm lliis boh. ill craftily and i'ublilly todcctive and de-
iVaud, the laid fcvcral funis of money, or any penny thereof, to
the fame Ifillia/.i have not paid, nor hath either of them paid,
shho* to do it the fame Thomas and Francis in the lite-time of
the faid Francis, afterwards, to wit, the day of in the
vcar at H^c/lmirjler aforelaid in the county aforefaid, and the
laid Thomas after the deceafe of the before named Francis, to
wit, the day of in the year abovefaid, at H^eflminjicr
aforefaid, by the faid li'illiam v/ere required, but the faid T/?owr/j .
and Francis in the life-lime of the faid Francis, and the faid
Thomas after the death of the faid Francis, them to the faid
Jniliam to pay, or any way for the fame to content, have alto-
r ,- "j gether refufed, and the faid Thomas them to the fame William
hitherto to pay doth altogether refufe, to the damage of him the
faid IVilliam 40/. And therefore he produces thefuit, ^c.
Brook and Tayler,
Cafe far mallei- London, to wit. TJCmy Brsok the younger complains oi John
ouffy arrciVing ■* Tayler in the cuftody of the marflial, l^c.
plainti;] in the f-Q^ j.|^;j^ ^^ ^jj^ jj^^j whereas the faid John contriving and mali-
%« here the Mufe cloiifly intending the Came Henry unjuftly to injure and opprefs,
vriTcmovedby and to caufe him to be kept and detained in prifon for want of
JJ^hcas Corpus: bail, on the 23d day of November in the 12th year of the reign
iiuo the King's ^f d^g J^jiy ^;j„ late queen o'i Great Britain, l^c. at London
aforelaid in the parifh of St. Mary-le-hovj in the ward of Cheap,
and within the jurifdiftion of the court of the faid lady the late
queen, held before J. Sharpe, efq; one of the flieriffs of the city
of London, did caufe and procure him the faid Henry to be ar-
rofled and imprifoned by pretence and colour of a certain plaint
in the faid court of the (aid late lady the queen held before the
faid flieriff at London aforefaid in the pariib and ward aforefaid,
the fame day and year, at the fuit of him the faid John in a plea
cftrefpafson the cafe, to the damage of the faid John 500/.
againR him the faid Llenry entered and levied, when in truth and
in fatl the (aid John, at the faid time of the arreft and imprifon-
nient aforelaid, had no probable caufe of aftion againft him
the faid Henry, and the faid llenry, under that arreft in
prilon at ioWon aforelaid in the parifh and ward atorelaid, al-
ways from the time of the arreft of the faid Henry aforefaid until
andupcn the lOth day o{ December in the I2ih year of the reign
of the faid late queen abovefaid, did caufe to be detained for v."an£
Adion on the cafe. 3$-
of (ufficient bail and fecurity to anfwerthe fakl John in the plea
aforelaid for the faid great pretended damages ; on which faid Hahai Ccrf>»t
loth day of Deamber in the 1 2th year abovefaid, the fame Henr>y, lued o«c.
by virtue of a certain writ of the faid late queen to have the
body with the caufe, to the mayor, aldermen and ilierif!» of
L9' don direded by the beforenamed J. Sharpe, and one Francis
Forbes, efq ; then being fherifis of Z-sw^on atorcfaid, was brought
in cuftody before Robert Eyre, knt. then one of the jaftices of
the faid late lady the queen, alfigned to hold pleas in the court
of the faia lady the queen before the queen herfelf, at his cham-
ber fuuate in Sergeants Inn in Chmce>y-lane in the pariHi of St.
DunjUn in the // tji in the ward ot FarnngJon without, and then
and there, for want of bail and fecurity to anfwer the faid
John in the plea aforefaid, was by the fame juflice committed to
the cuftojy of .the marftial, li'c. at the fuit of the faid John in
the plea afor-faid, as by the writ to have the body of the faid
Henry and the return thereof, and the commiriiient of the faid ^,
Henry in the court of the lord the king, now before the king
hinifelf at Wejlminjier remaining on record filed, is more fully
manifeft and appears ; by virtue of which faid commitment M. C.
efqj then marflial of the Marjhnlfea of the faid court of the faid
late queen belore the queen herfelf afterwards, to wit, the faid
loth day of December in the i2th year of the reign of the faid
late lady the queen abovefaid, him the faid Henry into his cuftody
received and had, and him the faid Henry into his cuftody in the
faid prifon of the faid late lady the queen always from thence af-
lerwar s until the 14th day of OSt.ber then next following, for
want ot bail to anfwer the faid John in the plea aforefaid, did de-
tain without any bill or declaration againft him the faid Henry'in
the caufe aforefaid exhibited, delivered or filed in the faid court pialntifFnot dc«
of the faid late lady the queen before the queen herlelf, and daring was
without any profecution whatever in that caufe or adion ; There- non-fuued-
fore it was confulered by the faid court of the faid queen before
the queen herfelf, that the faid John fbould take nothing by his
plaint aforefaid, but that he and his pledges, to wit, John Doe
and Richard Roe, fhould be thertfore in mercy, and that the
faid Henry might go thence without day : And on that account
the fame Hemy afterwards, to wit, the fame day and year lafl
mentioned, by virtue of a certain writ of the faid late Iaiii) the faid John at the fpccial inftance and requed of the faid
J.f'l/Ilani in and about the curing of one E/Iixjard Hen(h, the fon
of the faid IVi/liam, of divers infirmities and pains wherewith
ihe faid Eu'ivari^/ h^:(ore that time laboured and languilTied, found,
provided, applied and adniinillered, as for the work and labour of
the laid J'oh'i in and about the application and adminiftration of
the medicaments, plaifters, ointments, fomenta'ions and other
receflaries ro thp faid Eihvard by him the faid John done and
performed ; and being fo therein indebted the fame IVillinm in
confideraiion thereof aflumed upon himfelf, and to the fame John
ihen and there faithfully promifed, that he the fame William the
faid 30/. to the fame Jc/(4w, when he/hould be thereto afterwards
|-equired, v/ouhl vvelland faithfully pay and content: And whereas
flho the faid //;//;'«//; afterwards, to wit, the fame day and year
abov.faid, at Loidjn aforefaid in theparilh and ward aforefaid, in
confideran-'n that the faid Jthn at the like inRance and rcqueft of
ihe faid V/fliicim had at the proper ccfts and charges of the faid
John Inund, provided, applied and adminiftered divers other me-
dicaments, plaiilers, olntnienis, fomentations and other necef-
Aries in and about the cure of the faid Etiijcard oi divers other
rtirmities and pains wherewith the faid Edixard, the fon of the
/aid IVilliaw, laboured and languiHned, afTumedupon himfelf, and
i;>the fame John then and there faithfully promifed, that he the
ifimz H'iUium noi only fo inuch money, as the medicaments,
Adlon on the cafe. 36
plaifters, ointments and fomentations, and other things neccf-
I'ary aforefaid laft mentioned, fo as aforefaid applied and adiii;-
niltered, were reafonably worth, but alfo fo much money, as ihe
fane To/^;; for the finding, provicing, adininillering ana applying
thereof rejfcnably defcrvcd, to the fame JoA«, wlien he Ihyuld
be thereto after\A'aids required, would well and faithfully pay and
content : And the fame J Jin Elmes in fa6l fays, that the medi-
eaments, plaifters, ointm<.nts, foiiientations and other necefTaries
laft mentioned, by him^ the faid "John /o as aforefaid found and
provided, applied and adminiftereJ, were reafonably worth other
30/. of like lawful money of Ei gland ; and that he the fame
John for the finding and providing, applying and admin flering the
medicaments, plaifters, ointments and other necefTaries at'orefaid
laft mentioned, reafonably deferved to have other 30/. of like
lawful money of England, at London atorefaiu in the pariiji and
ward aforefaid : And thereof the (aid IVilliatn aiterwarjs, to wit,
the fame day and year laft mentioned, at London aforefaid in the
parifh and ward aforefaid had notice ; And whertasalfo the faid
John, at the fpecial inftance and requeft of the faid Williamy at
London aforefaid in the parifh and ward aiorefaid, had found and
provided for the faid Ediuard Heath, the fon of the faid IViUiamf
Sufficient meat, drink, wailiing and lodging for the fpaceof four
months and a half, the faid IVilliam \\\ conlideration thereof af-
terwards, to wit, the faid loth day oijune'm the third year of the
reign of the faid lord the now king aforefaid, at London afore-
faid in the parifh and ward aforefaid, affumed upon himfelf, and
to the fame John then and there faithfully promifed, that he the
fame IVilliam \o much money, as the fame John therefore rea-
fonably deferved to have, to the fame ^o/^« viell and faithfully
would pay and content: And the fame John Elmes in fact fays,
that he the fame John therefore reafonably deferved to have other
30/. of like lawtul money of England, to wit, at London ni'ort-^
laid in the parilh and ward aforefaid, and thereof the fuid IVilliam
then and there had notice : And whereas alfo, fe'r . (the oiher CQuni
fjr goods jold): Nevertheitfs the faid Will.amy ^c.
Saunders, Efq-, agalnft The Sheriff cf Middlefex. ^ ^^ ^
Mi dd\ to Vf It, 'Y'^^n Saunders, cfq; complains of S. G. bart.
*/ an'^ R. B. knt. late flieritf of the county of
Middle/ex aforefaid [* in the ruftody of the marfhal, t3*r.] f(>r • 'pj,^,f^ ^g^ilc
ih's, to wit, that whereas the faid John on the 19 h day of Odo- are not in tlic
her iij the year of the Lord 1702, in the pariTti of St. C/e-w^w/ original.
Danes in the faid county cf Middlefex, was pofleffcd of a bed, C»ic a<4ainft the
a bedftead, a bolfter, a pillow, fix curtains, fix vallance, fix pair ^fff ^'f'
c v n 1 11 I M /- ^ *^ ' dielex ior not
o\ iineen Iheets, three blankets, onz quilt, a fcruiore, a fnuiT- taking fu/TKitoe
box, a fet of gold buttons, two looking glafTes, a tabK-, two b«ll on « :c-
ftands, a driffing-box, two large brullies, a trunk, a large cover, P'^^'"-
fcven open chairs, iix cloth fuus, a riding coar, iv/Q Uo7-en of ^ffffcd'of'^
Inirts, goods in Mijt
37 A^lion on the cafe.
fliirts, twenty-four neckcloths, a faddle, two piftols, three pair
of boots, twelve pair ot fhoes, fix pair of ftockings, a marble
chiiiiiiey-piece, fix fireftones, forty yards of wainfcot, three fa fh-
windows, thiriy deal boards, a ftove, a firefhovel, a pair of tongs,
a pitchfork, a pair of bellows, a clock cafe, a filver watch, a
filver falver, fix filver dirties, a filver tankard, two filver porren-
gcrs with a filver cover, two filver candlellicks, two filver
fnuJfers, three fwords, four hats, three periwigs, a cane, a fteel
fcal, a cafe of the fame feal, two night-gowns, and fixry books,
to the value of 200/. as of his own proper goods and chattels ;
The Hffenditits -And whereas alfo the faid Samuel and Robert on the fame day
flieriffof the and year, and long before and after, were fherifFs of the fame
county- county of MidJlefex, and the faid John fo of the goods and chat-
tels aforefaid in form aforefaid pofTcfled, and the faid Samuel znd
Robert fo as aforefaid being rtieriff of the fame county of MitI'
dlejexy the duty of their faid office not confidering, but contriv-
ing and fraudulently intending the faid John of his goods and
chattels aforefaid to deceive and defraud, on the fame day and
year abovefaid, at the faid parifh of St. Clement Danes in the faid
county of MidMefex, by colour of their office aforefaid, the
goods and chattels aforefaid at the parifli of St. Clement Danes
Who on a pre- aforefaid being found, at the plaint ot one IVi Hi am Prefgravet
tended plaint pretending the fame goods and chattels were the proper goods
rle'vyine by" a ^"^ chattels of the faid IVilliam Prefgrai, was indebted to the fame Jonas
in 300/ tor the ufe and occupation of a dock of the faid Jonas,
fiiuate and being in Rotherhith in the county of Surry, by the
fame IVilliam, with a certain ftiip called the Jofeph, by the per-
niiflion of the faid Jonas, at the inftance cf the faid IVilliam^
38 Adion on the cafe.
for a long time then lately elapfcd ufed and occupied ; and beinj
fo therein indebted the fame PVilliam in confideration thereof
alierwnrL.s, to wit, the fame day and year, at London aftrcfaid
in the parifli und ward aforefaid, aflumed upon himfclf, and to
the fame Jon/^/j then and there faithfully proniifed, to pay him
the fame fum of money : And whereas alfo the faid William af-
terwards, to wit, the third day o'i May in the year abovefaid,
at Z-dwJon at'orcfiid in the parilli and ward aforefaid, in confider-
ation tl-.nt the faid Jowrtx, ar the like inftance of the f^id Willi-
wHy had permitted the fame W7/AV/OT for a longtime then lately
' clapfeJ to have the ufe and occupation of the faid dock, with
another fliip called t\\t Jojeph, affumed upon himfclf. -and to the
fame "Jonas then and there faithlully promifed, to pay him fo
much money as he for the faid ufc and occupation thereof rea-
forably dcfrved to have : And the fame Jonas in faft fays, that
for the ufe and occupation aforefaid he the fame Jonm reafon-
ably defervcd to have of the faid //T/Z/ZaOT another fum of 500/.
10 wit, at London aforefaid in the parifh and ward aforefaid,
whereof the faid ^r;7/i/7w the day and year lafk abovefaid there
had notice : And whereas alfo the faid IFilUam afterwards, to
V it, the fixth day of May in the year abovefaid, at Lo'hlon afore-
faid in the parifli and ward aforefaid, vvas indebted to the fame
Jonas in other 300 /. for work and labour by the faid Jnnnt
by himfclf and his fervants at the like inftance of the faid IVil-
liam before then done and bellowed on and about another Hilp
called the Jofephy and for materials and things neccflary in and
about that work, at the requefl of the faid JVilHam by the faid
Jonas found and provided ; and being fo therein indebted, the
fame W'lliam in confideration thereof afterwards, to wit, the
fame day and year, at London aforefaid in the parifli and ward
aforefaid. affumed upon himfelf, and to the fame Jonas then and
there faithfully proinifed, to pay him the fame fum of money ;
9 uanium meruit ^^^^ whereas alio the fame IVilliam afterwards, to wir, the 8th
for work, !al)our day of May \n the year abovefaid, at London aforefaid in the
and materialf. parifli and \a ard aforefaid, in confideration that the faid Jonas^
Salk. 710. aj (he \\]^q inftance of the faid fi'l/liam, by himfelf and his fervants
had before that time done and bellowed other work and labour
on and about another fliip called the Jofeph, and other materials
and things neceffary in and about that work had found and pro-
vided, affumed upon himfelf, and to ihe fame Jonas then and
there faithfully promifed, to pav him fo much money as he there-
r "Q 1 ^^^^ reafopably deferved to have : And the fame Jonas in fadl
*• "^ fiivs, that he therefore ipyfonably deferved to have of the faid
iVdliam another fum of 300/. to wit, at London aforelaid in the
parifli and ward aforefaid, whereof the hi6 M^llliatn the day avd
yar lafl abovefaid there had notice : And whereas alfo the fuid
IVillinm afterwards, to wit, 20th dav of May in the year above-
faid, at Zor^/ow aforefaid in the parilli and ward aforefaid, was-
indebted to the fame Jonas in other 300/ for divers wares and
jjierch^ndizes by the fame to the faid IVilUam before then
AcTtion on the cafe.'
fold and deliveretl ; and being fo therein indebted tTie fame
M'^iUiam in confideration thereot afterwarc's, to wit, the fame Azy
and year at Zo^r^/o^ aforefaid in the parifh and ward aforetaid,
aflLmed upon himlVlt, and to the fame Jonas then and there faith-
fully promifed, to piy him the fame fum of money : And whereas ^antum mruit
alfo the f.^me IVJlimn, 25th liay of M^jj^ in the year abovefaii], tor goods Told,
at Lorihn at'orelaid in the parifh and ward atorefaid, in confide-
ration that the faid Jotws, at the inftance of the faid IVdliam,
divers other wares and merchandizes to him then before had fold
and dcliver'd, afTumed on himfelf and to the fame "Jonas then
and there faithfully promifed, to pay him fo much money as he
therefore reafonably deferved to have : And the fame Jonas in
faft favs, that he therefore reafonablv deferved to have of the
faid IViHiam another fum of 300/. to wit at LonJon aforefa d in
the pariili and ward aforefaid, whereof the faid William the
day and year l-i(l abt5vefaid there had notice: NcvertheK fs the
faid IVilliam his feveral promifes and affumpt:ons atorefaid not
regarding, but contiiving and fraudulently intending the fame
Jonas in this behalf craftily and fubtiily to deceive and defraud,
the faid feveral fums of money, or any penny thereof, to the fame
Jonas (although to do it by the fame Jonns afterwards, to wit,
on the firft day o^ June in the year abovefaid, at London afore-
faid in the parilli and ward aforefaid, he was required) hath not
yetpaid.but them to him hitherto to pay hath altogether denied,
and yet doth deny, to the damage of the faid Jonas <;^3/. By
which the lefs, £fff. And therefore he produces the fuit, (ffc. (
Blackley and Cox.
LeiceJIer, to Vi'it, "hj^^^y ^Inchly, widow, complains of Joseph ^funpft ^ar
-^•^ Cx in the cuftody of the marHia^'effr. ']^^l' ^^^l""^'
for this, to wit, that whereas the faid Jojeph, on the flrll day of ^^j n°cfn!fries-
January in the fixth year ot the reign of the lady the now qucen, provide(i for '
at Lutterixorth in the county aforefaid, was indebted to the fame defendant's fou.
May in 30/. of laviful money of this kingdom for meat, drinJc, •
"Wafhing, lodging and neccfTiry appart-1, by ihe fame Mary for
one Thomas Cox the fon of the faid J-jfeph, at the inftance of
the faid Jofeph, before that time found and provided, and for
money bv the faid Mary to the ufe of the faid Joft.
Adion on the cafe.
faid warrant the fame bailiff of the liberty aforefaid afterward?,
and before the rtturn of that warrant, to wit, on the 20th day
of Aufuf} in the firft year abovefaid, at the pariHi aforefaid within
his Iibcriv aforefaid, levied fevcral goods and chattels of the faid
// 7//; /.'/;/ to the value of the debt and damages aforefaid: Never-
thelefs the faid Jo/z« being bailiff of the liberty aforefaid after-
wards, at the return of the faid writ, to wit, on the faid Frirlny
next after three weeks of St. Michael, before the faid queen at
Wejlmjnjler aforefaid in the county of M/V/^/f/fjr aforefaid, falfly
and deceitfully, and in deceit of the faid court of the lady the
\t def'-aud QJecn before the queen herfelf, and to defraud the faid Robert
thc'pliiniilFre- of his debt and damages aforefaid, returned to the faid flieriff on
turned no and upon the warrant aforefaid, that the faid JFiUiam had no
goods. goods or chattels in his bailiwick whereof he could caufe the debt
to be made the debt and damages aforefaid, or any part thereof,
as he by the warrant aforefaid was commanded, when in truth
and in faft the fame John Muggins as bailiff of the liberty afore-
faid within {he fime bailiwick, to wit, at the parifli aforefaid in
the county aforefaid, by virtue of the warrant aforefaid fo as
aforefaid made, and to the fame Jo/m Muggins as bailiff of the
liberty aforefaid dire(5led and delivered, had levied feveral goods
find chattels of the faid IVilliam StratJ-jrd to the value of the debt
[ 4^ ] and damages aforefaid, whereby the faid Robert favs that he is
prejudiced, and hath damages to the value of 60/. And there-
fore he produces the fuit, l^c.
Eajlman and Butler.
jifumtfit by lonJon, to wit. cj'He^baU Butkr late of Lon.lon merchant,
affigticc; of'two "^ was attached to anfwer to Neheminh Eaji-
banknipts on ^^^^ and /?fV/;ar^ M^r?:;' affignees of the debts, goods and cbat-
promidary no^tes ^^\^ ^1^ ^^^^1^1 ^i^ycon and Anrlreiv Solirel barkrupts, according
fe'ndini's^fer-" to the form of tlie ftaturcs of bankrupts lately made and pro-
vant tor dcfen- vided, in a plea of trefpafs on the cafe, i^c. And whereon the
djnt, payable fa^g ^ehemiah and Richard bv John Page their attorney com-
tothe bank- pjajn, that v/hereas the faid Dariel ■xn, iSc,
^a;N"t in the
U'T lliipwrighi's
(h) Thcnrigi-
oal it 28 hete.
Table to the
^[furrpfit by ati
aflignec ag:iinft
the m^iftcrr on a
promiffory note
drawn by and
in th» name of
the I'c vant tor
value received
for his m'.ftcr.
The note beore
payment ind )rl-
«dto the plain-
ff'''o'feIy and Fowler.
/\ N D whereas alfo the faid John afterwards, to wir, the fame
jl\ day and year abovefaid at Lon^Jon aforefaid [ (n) in the pa-
rifli and ward aforefaid] in confideration that the faid George at
the like inllance and requeft of the faid John had done and per-
formed for the faid Jo/^« divers other fliipw right's work, and at
the like fpecial inflince and requeft of the {-dKS John had found
and provided for the fame John divers other materials and things
receflary ufed in and about the work laft mentioned, (b) [he the
faidjo/^win confideranon thereof afterwards to wit, the fame
day and year abovefaid, ar London atorelaic], (n) aflunied upon
himfclf. and to the fame George then and there taithfully pro-
niifed, that he the faid John all fuch funis of money, as he the
fame George tor the work, materials and things neccffarv afore-
faid laft mentioned reafonably deferved to have, to the faiue
Geo'gey when he fliould be thereto afterwards required, would
well and taithfully pay and content : And the fame George infaft
lavs, that he the fame George reafonably delerved to have of the
faid John other 650/. of like lawful money, for the work,
materials and things neceflary aforefaid laft mentioned, whereof
the fame John afterwards, to wit, the day and year abovefaid at
lon//(?n aforefaid faj had notice: Neverthelefs the faid, l^c.
Eeles and Stiks.
lonJori, to wit, gliomas Eeles complains 0^ Thomas Sliles in the
cuftody of the marflial, ^c. for this, to
wit, that whereas after the firft day of M^y in the year of the
Lrrd 1705, to wir, on the 17th day of March in the year of the
i.ord 1703, and long before, at London atorefaid in the parifh
of St. Mory le-hoiv \n the ward t)f Cheap, one Rundul Robert-
/o;; was fervant of the faid Thomas iSli/es, and by the laid Thomas
Stilis then and long before ufually intrufted to fign promifTory
notes for the faid Thomas Stiles his mafter, to wit, at the parifh
and ward aforefaid ; and the faid Randal fo as aforefaid being in-
trufted, the faid Randal the fame 17th day of March in the year
of the Lord 1708, at I ondon aforefaid in the parifh and ward
aforefaid, for the faid Thomas Stiks made a certain note in writ-
Adion on the cafe. T 43
mg called a promlffory note, bearing date the fame day and yea
latl mentioned, with the proper hand and name of the faid Ran"
dal to the fame note fub'.cribed, and by the fame note^ the faid
r 45 T
For goods Told.
Breach of pro-
45 Adion on the cafe.
faid John y^Jums were required) have not, nor hath cither of
them yti paid, neither have they, nor either of them, anyway
coiuciucJ him tor ihc fame, but the faid 140/. 8 s. S J. to the
faid Jo/m J.iams hitherto to pay, or »or the fame to content,
have aito^^eihcr refufcd, and the faid Juhn Fur^eon to pay him
the fame doih yet refufe, to the damage of the fiid Jo/in Ailtims
140/. And therefore he produces the fuit, ^c. Flainnff recover-
tJ ill this tiLiion.
lycinky agalnft L'^rd^ widow^ and others.
JlJJuv!f>/it \iy; r:- jV^VAy, to wit. /^ Forge IFanley and George Cradock complain
m.fiv""Iotr*" oi RochelLord, widow, Thomas Lord y gent,
"ainiu'ietu- T«/^/"^ Ludloto and Mary F homas, widow, executors ot the
fvp. laft will and teftameiit of Robert Lod deceafed, in the cuftody
riov/. i8o, of l!ie marfhal, bfc. for this, to wit, that whereas the faid
•'>■>' Robert in his liic-time after the fjilt day of May in the year of the
Lord 171";, to wit, the 28:h day of Mny in the year of the
Lord 1718, at Weflminfier in the county of Middlefex, made
his certain note in writing called a promiflbry note, with his pro-
per hand fubfcribed, bearing date the fame day and year, and by
the fame note promifcd to pay to one Mr. Edward Min/hul, or
order, 500 /. fix months after the date of the fame note for value
received: And that fum of money being now paid to the iaid
F.dixiard, the fame Eanvard afterwards, to wit, the 30th day of
yi/«f in the year of the Lord 1718 abovefaid, at IVeJiminJier
aforefaid, indorfed that note with his own proper hand thereto
fubfcribed, and by that indorfement the fame itJ-T'-.^r^/ appointed
tiie fame funi of money to be paid to the faid George IVanley
and Giorge Cradock, whereof the faid F-obert in his life- lime
had notice ; and by reafon thereof, and by force of the ftatute
in fuch cafe lately made and provided, the fame Robert in his
life-time became liable to pay to the fame George IVatdey and
George Crad-^ck the fame funi of money, according to the tenor
of the fame ijote ; and in c(»nfideration of the premilfes the
fame Robert in his life-time alfunied upon himfelf, and to the
lame George IVanley and George Cradock then and there faith-
fully proinifed, to. pay lh?in that funi of monev ; Neverthelefs
ihefaid, cfr.
3 3c 4 Annp,
IF kite againll Howell and his wife.
Declaration ind London, to w'lt. Z^Obett JVhite complains of Richard Fc
p!<; in a
teipntd iffue di
rtftcd out of
chancery con-
cerning pait-
and Grace his wife admipiflratrix ot the goods
and chattels, rights and credits oi JVilliam Z<«w;rp/;f«' deceafed,
who died intelTate, in the cuftody of the marfhal, l^fc. for
this, to wit, that whereas on the iith day of "June in the
12th year of the reign of the lord the now king of England,
l^c. at London, to wit, in the parirti of St. Mary-'e-boio m the
Wdrd of Cheap, a certain difcourfe was had and moved between
A; funi,
that from the (a\d William Lavsrence at the time of his death to
the faid Robert was due by reafon of fuch firft partner/hip, to
the faid Robert, when they lliould be thereto after required,
would well and faithfully pay and content : And the faid Robert
in faft faith, that the fum of 21 1 /. 18 s. or fome other fum of
money, from the faid IVilliam Loivrer.ce at the time of his death
to the faid Robert was due and unpaid, to wit, at London afore-,
faid in the parifh and ward afor'efaid : NevertheUfs the faid
Richard and Grace their feveral promifes and affuuiptions afore-
faid in form aiorefaid refpeftively made not regarding, but con-
triving and fraudulently intending the faid Robert in this behalf
craftily and fubtillyto deceive and defraud, the faid feveral funis;
©f money, or any penny thereof, to the fame Robert have not.
Ai to the firft,
the pljiiuifF
jiaid not more
monry in the
than he receiv-
As to the fe-
conH, that the
inteftate was
not indebted to
plaintiff on the
partnerfhip ac-
Pra£t. Reg.
Vemre awarded
to try both if-
Adion on the cafe.
nor Iiath either of them paid, altho' to do it the faid Richard
and Grace afterwards, to wit, the loth day of Oiloher in the
1 2th vear abovefaid, and often after, at London afortTaid in the
parifli and ward aforefaid were required, but to pay him the
fame have hitherto refufed, and yet do refufe, to the damage of
the faid Robert 40 I- And therefore he produces the fuit, l^c.
And the faid Richard and Grace, by S. P. attorney,
come and defend the force and injury, when, ^c. and fay, that
the faivt Robert ought not to have or maintain his aftion afore-
faid thereof againft them, becaufe they fay, that right and true
it is that they did aflame upon themfelves in manner and form
as the faid Robert above againft them hath declared, but the faid
Richard and Grace, as to the firft promife and afTumption in the
declaration aforefaid above fpecified, for plea, fay, that the faid
Robert hath not paid larger and more fums of money by reafon
of the fjid former partnerfliip, than he on that account had be-
fore received : And of this they put themfelves on the country:
And the faid Robert likewife, l^c. And as to the fccond pro-
mife and afTumption in the declaration aforefaid above fpecified,
they for plea fay, that the faid JVilliam at the time of his death
was not indebted to the fame Robert in any fum of money what-
ever by reafon of the faid firft partnerlJiip : And of this they
put themfelves on the country : And the faid Robert thereof
likewife, l^c. Therefore to try as well that iffue as the faid
other iffue between the parties aforefaid above joined, let a jury
thereon come before the lord the king at Weftminjler on Tuef-
/iny next after five weeks of £"rt/?er ; and who neither, ^c. to
recognize, ^f. Becaufe as well, ^c. The fame day is given
to the parties aforefaid there, &c.
Palgrave^ Bart, and Windham. Efq\
'nn. 4.
Cafe on the
Stat. 8 Ann. c.
17. for the bet-
ter tecurity of
rents and pre-
venting frauds
by tenants.
[ 47 ]
The aa fet
No goods to be
taken in execu-
tion uokfs the
jplaiatiff beto c
NorfolkytO wit. TpRancis Windham late of Cromor In the county
aforefaid, efq j was attached to anf'.ver to Ri-
chard Palgra've, bart. admiiiiftrator of the goods and chattels
which bdonged to the lady -"Inne Pal^rra^je his late mother de-
ccafed, who died inteftate, iffc. in a plea of trefpafs on the cafe,
^"V. And whereon the fame Richard by Thomas Hare his at-
torney complains, that whereas in a ftatute made in the parlia-
ment of the lady /!ntie late queen of Great Britain, ^c. held at
Ifejlminfter in the county of Middlefex on the Sth day of "July in
the Sth year of the reign of the faid late queen, it was among
other things enacted bv theauthoriry of the fame parliament, that
from and after the firft day of A-'^/j. v/hich fhould be in the year
of our Lord 1710, ro goods or chattels whatfoever lying or being
in or upon any meffuage, lands or tenements, which were or
fhould be leafed for life or lives, term of years, at will or other-
wife, Ihould be liable to be taken by virtue of any execution on
A<5lion on the cafe. 47
ar-y pretence whatfoever, unlefs the pnrty, at whojefait the fani lie remove fuch
execution was fucd out, iliould betore the removal ot (uch goods coods pay the
from off the faid preniifTcs by virtue of fuch execution or extent, Jandhrda
pay to the landlord of the faid premises, or his bailifF, all fuch ^^^ ' *^" '
fum or fmns of money as were or ihouKi be due for rent for the
faid premilTes at the time of the taking fuch goods or chattels by
virtue of fuch execution provided the faid arrears of rent did not
smount to more than one year's rent : And in cafe the faid arrears
fiiould exceed one year's rent, then the faid party, at whofe
fuit fuch execution was fued out, paying the faid landlord or his
bailiff one year's rent, might proceed to execute his judgment as
Jie might have done before the making of that a£l ; and the ilie-
ritf or other officer was thereby impowered and required to levy
and pay to the plaintiff, as well the money fo paid for rent as the
execution money, as by the ftatute in that cafe made and pro-
vided among other things more fully is nianifeft and appears : Leare ar wIH,
And whereas the faid lady /Inne Palgrave after the making the
faid a(St, to wit, on the i6rh day of y««f 1712, had demifedan^l
to farm let out unto one David Cook two mefTuages and 120
acres of land, with the appurtenances, fituate, lying and being ia
Norivood Diirninghtjm 'Fonvn, Barmifigham and Bodhamf in the
faid county oi Norfolk ; to hold and occupy to the fame David
and his alTigns, from the feaft of St. Michael the Arch-angel
then lafl pall until the end and term of one whole year from
thence next following, and fully to be compleat and ended, and
fo from year to year, as long as both parties Hiall pleafe 5 yield-
ing therefore yearly, as long as the faid Dwvid the faid two 50/, Reat."
mefTuages and 120 acres of land with the appurtenances fliould
occupy, to the faid lady Jnne Palgrat'e, her heirs and r-ffigns, the
rent or fum of 70/. of lawful money of Great Britain^ at the
feaft of the annunciation of the blefTed virgin Mary and St.
Michael the Arch-angcl by equal poriions to be paid : By virtue ^ ■rcir''s rent
of v/hich demife the faid Daiii.i into the faid two mefTuages and k.
cf the jioods and chattels o the faid Dai'id, at the fuit of one Eraf- '^ !'"*"L*-
Tius Buck, fued ( ut of the court of the f,iid late lady the queen of picmiier to the
the bench (the fame court at IVcfiminJler in the county of Mid- value o[ tool,
dhfex then bemg, againft the fuid David Cooke upon a judgment
againft him in the faid court of the bench aforcfaid then before
had and obtained, and to the then iljcrifF of the ccjunty of A^or-
47 1
Kotice of the
rent arrcar.
Breach tif the
[.4S .1
granted to the
Prafl. Reg. 37.
A6lion on the cafe.
/u/)f direfted, and by virtue of a warrant of the fame flieriffi/a
•writing under his fcal f.*aled, to the faid Francis IVin^Umm di-
reOed, he the laid Francis afterwards, to wit, the faid 6th day
of OtT'o^^r in the year abovefaid, at Norivood Parningham afore-
faid and wiihinthe liberty aforefaid (the fame Francis then being
bailifFj took the goods and chattels of the faid Da^ji.l Cooke in
and upon the mefluages and lands, aforefaid, with the appurte-
nances, being to the value of 200/. Ancl the fame Richard {^tr^
ther fays, that after the taking, and before the removal of the
faid goods and chattels by pretence of the warrant aforefaid, to
wit, the fame day, year anil place laft abovefaid, at NorivooJ
Barningham aforefaid, llie the faid lady Anne Pulgrave in her
life-time, gave the fame Francis notice of the rent aforefaid fo
as aforefaid to her due ; and then and there the fame lady Anne
n aforefaid in the paridi and
ward aforefaid, according to the ufe of merchants, made their
certain note in writing bearing da'e the fame day and year, and
thereby promifed to pay to the fnid Samuel IVhyte anoth'^r 200/.
one month cftcr the date of the fame note for value received of
Mr. Da^. id IVhyte ; by reafon whereof, and bv force of the fla-
tute in fuch cafe matie and provided, the faid Thomas and Robert
became chargeable to pav to the faid Sarr.uel IVhyie the faid 200/.
]ill mentionf-d ; and being fo chargeable the faid Thomas and
Robert, the faid, Jamus hath psi.l and !ai(i out,
and by that means is greatly prejudiced, to the damage ot the faid
John tool. And therefore he produces the fuil, tffc
Boo^c asaind Edwards.
ZWo^, to wit. OUfanr.n F.ckvards late ol Lon.ion, widow, exe- ^fumpfth^iA
^ cutrix of the lad will and teftament of 7«/;« exccuu.x
, „ , 1 /• 1 1 J r an txe- her late hulbind t'eceafcd, was attached to anlwer to cutrix for work
Deborah Booge widow, executrix of the lafl: will and teftament done,
of John Booge her late hulband deceafed, in a plea of trefpafs
on the cafe, is'c. And whereon the faid Deborn'i by E. G. her
attorney contplains, that whereas the faid John Bcoge in his life-
time, to wit, on the 20th day ci J.muory \r\ the year of the
Lord 1715 at London afortfaid, to wit, in the parilli cf St.
Maryle-hixj in the ward of Cheap, at the fpecial infiance and
rcqueft of the faid John EdvcarJs in his life-time, the work
and labour of the faid John Booge had given and beflowcd in and
about divers affairs of the faid John Edmunds, he the faid John
Ednvards in his life-time in confideration thereof afterwards
in the life-time of the faid John Booge, to wit, the fame day and
year a'orefaid in the pcri/li and ward afortfiid, aflumed upon
himfclf, and to the faid John Z?&ci_g^then and there faithfully pro-
mifed, that he the faid John Edivards all fuch fums of money, as
the laid 7;/?n J^co^^for his work and labour in and about the af-
fairs aforefaid, fo as aforefaid given and bellowed, reafonably Ac-
ferved to have, to the fame John L'o-jge, when he ihould be
thereto after required, well and truly would pay and content :
And the fame Deborah in fad fays, that the faid Jchn Byoge in
his life-time, to wit, the fame day and year aforefaid, at London
aforefaid in the parifli and ward aforefaid, reafonably deferved to
have 200/. of lawful money o^ Great Britain, for the work and
labour aforefaid of him the faid John Booge fo as aforefaid given
and beftowed, whereof the faid John Edivards afterwards in his
life-time, to wit, the fame day and year afortfaid, at LokJ-jti'
aforefaid in the pariih and ward aforeftid, had notice : Never-
thelefs the faid JJin Ediiards in his life-tune, anm>.p{\n that be-half as was right, commanded the faid
John WeJl as he had before commanded him, by firndy in joining,
that immediately after the receipt of the faid writ all and fin-
gular the charters, books, reccrue, mun)mcr.ts and enfigns of
magiflracy to the faid borough belonging, and being in his
cuftody, to the faid Sa/riuei IVtfi for the ufe and benefit of the t'ame
borough he fViould deliver or caufe to be delivered, or caufe to \ \n the ward q^ Cheap, in
confidcrntion that the fame Robert in his life-time, at the fpecial
inllati'-e and reqiicfl of the laid Fiiu/i, vould permit the faiJ
Ilumf'ity, then bc;ng the apprentice of the faid Robert in his
lifc-timj as aforefaid, to ti:r\i: the laid Finch in the fliip afore-
faid in the art or myllery aforefaid during his faid voyage as
aforc(ai(1 to be made and performed, aflumed upon himfelf, and
to the laid Robert then and there faithfully prcniifed, that he the
fame Finch, when he lliouU be thereto required after that voy-
age made and performed, would pny to the faid Robert, for the
fervice of the faid Humphry I'o as aforefaid to be performed, ac-
cording to the rate of 55j-. of lawful money of F.n\iland for
every month that he the (aid //ww//7zrv fliould ferv3 as aforefaid ;
and altho' the fame R-/bert in hi"; life-time, giving credit to the
faithful performance ofthepromife and afTumption of the faid
Finch aforefaid, did permit the faid Humphry to ferve the faid
Finch \n the faid fhip during the voyage aforefaid in form afore-
laid to be made and perfonnef". ; and altho' alfo the Hiip afore-
faid, afcer the prouiife and alfumption aforefaid in form afore-
faid made, from the port of London aforefaid to the Eajl Inciies
That he per- aforefaid did fail, and there afterwards on the firft day oi April
1704 was loaded, and after the loading thereof from the Eaft
Indies aforefaid to the port of Lomlon arrived, and there after-
wards, to wit, on the firft day of December 1705 the voyage
aforefaid performed and finiflaed ; and altho' alfo the faid Humphry
during the fame voyage, to wit, for the fpace of 23 months and 9
days ferved the faid Finch in the faid fliip in form aforefaid, to
wit, at London aforefaid in the parifh and ward aforefaid, and
65/. \s. Sd. of lawful money of England io the fame Robert in
his life-time for the fervice of the faid Humphry, according to the
rate aforefaid, during the faid term that the faid Humphry fo as
aforefaid ferved the faid Finch in the voyage aforefaid, ac-
cording to the faid promife and aluimption of the faid Finch
were due and payable : Neverthelefs the faid Finch (altho' he
nlfer the voyage aforefaid made and performed, to wit, on the
2d day of December in the year of the Lord 1705 abovefaid, at
London aforefaid in the parifii and ward aforefaid, by the faid
Robert in his life-time was required) the faid 65/, is. Sd. or
"Dv penny thereof, to the fame Robert in his life-time, or to the
f;id ^Krjc after the death of the faid Robert, hath not paid : And
whereas alfo the faid Finch the faid 2d day oi^ December in the
year of the Lord 1705 abovefaid, at London aforefaid io.the parifli
and ward aforefaid, was indebted to the fame Robert in his
life-time in other 65/. is. Sd. of like money for work, labour
snd fervice by the faid Humphry, as fervant nf the faid Robert in
his life-time for the faid Finch, and at his fpecial inftance and
rcquefl. before that time done and performed ; and being fo there-
in indebted the faid Frnr-^^ afterwards, to wit, the faid 2d day of
December in the year of the Lord 1705 abovefaid, at London
Adion on the cafe. J 53
aforefaid in the parifh and wsrd afortfdid, in cor.fideration thereof
afiiimed upon hinifelf, and to the fame Robert in his life-time
then and ihere faithfully promifed, thv he '.he faid Finch the laid
6'jl. \s. Srt'. to the fame Robert, whe- i.c fliould be thceto
after required, would well and faithfully pay and content: And
whereas alfo the faid Finch the faid zd day o^ Der ember in the
year of the ]^ot^' 1705 abovefaid, at / o;,//ow aforefaid in the pa-
r'.{[\ and ward aforefaid. in conficeration that the faid humphry,
as fervant of the iaid Robnt'iri his life time, had worked and la-
boured for and ferved tht faid Finch in the art or inyfttry of a
mariner abovefaid, afTumed upon himfelf, and to the fame Robert
in his life-time faitlifuliy promifed, that he the faid Finch i'o
niuch money as the faid Humphry for the work, labour and
fervice aforefaid reafonably deferved to have, to the fame Robert,
when he fhould be thereto after requireil, would v.-eil and faith- f ca 1
tully pay and content : And the fame Anr.e in faft fays, that the
laid Humphry, as fervant of the faid Robert \n his life-time, ior
rhc work, labour and fervice laft mentioned, deferved to have of
the (d\(\ Finch other 65/. is.^d. of like money: Nevertheleis
the faid Finch his leveral prcmifes and afTumptions aforefaid in
iorm aforefaid made not regarding, but contriving and fraudu-
lently intending the fame Robert in his life-time, and the faid
Anne Tihtr the death of the faid Robert, \n this refpeft craftily and
fubtilly to deceive and defraud, the faid fcveral fun:s of money.
Or any penny thereof, to the fame Robert in his life-time, or to
the faid Jnne after the death of the faid Robert, or to either of
them, hath not paid, or for the fame any v/ay contented, (altho'
to do it the faid Finch by the faid Robert in his life-time, and by
the faid j^nne after the death of the faid Robert, at London afore-
laid in the parifh and ward aforefaid, v;as required,) but to pay
them the fame, or for the fame any way to content, hath alto-
gether refufed, and yet doth reftife, to the damaj^e of the faid
jinr.e 100/. And therefore fiie produces the fuit, i^c. And
the fame Anne produces herein court the letters tefiamentaTy of
the faid Robert, whereby it fufficienily appears to the court here,
that the faid Anne is executrix of the will of the faid Robert,
and thereof hath the adminiflration, ctV.
Kirhnan and Rohh-fon.
London, to wit. J?Alf.}i Robinfon ]2i[e o^ [ondon, merchant, was yf/TumpJ^t Irv *
attached to anfwcr Si/ron Peter Kirhnn?i)n a maner of a vef*
plea of trefpafs on the cafe, cfff. And whereon the faid 6'//.';3;j ft 1 tor freight,
Peter by T, M"^. his attorney coiT)plains, that v.'hereas the faid
Ral(>h on the Hrflday ot January in the fecond year of the reign
cf the lord George row king of Crent Britain, ifc. at London
aforefaid in the parifli of AV, Klary-le-bmv in the ward o{ Cheapo
in confideration liiat the faid S^ir>,on Peter, at the fpecial inflance
and requeftofthc faid Ralph, had carried and iranlportcd for the
Adion on the cafe.
fAK\ Kclph divers goo-is, wares and mcrc'iandlzes, in a certain
/iiip or vclll'l called the 'joUn and Cudiarine from Archnvgel \\\
parts beyond tlie feas to Lonr/on aforefaid, afiuuied upon hinifelf,
anit to the fai i Simon Pe.'er then and there faithfully proiiiifed,
that he the faid Rulf>/i all fiirh funis of money, as he the fame
6' v/(7-7 Peter therefore reafonably deferved to have, to the fame
^i/non Peter, when he lliould be thereto after required, would well
and faillifully pay and content : And tiie fame Simon Peter in
fad favs, that he therefor^^ rcafunably defervcd to have of the
lame Ralph I'^o/. of lawlul money ot Great Britain, to wif, at
J.ond:n afortf.dd in the psrilli and ward aforefaid, whereof the
fail Ritlf'h then and there by the faid Siihon Pater had notice :
Neverthcltfs the faid Ralphs ^c.
/.Jfumpf.t on a
promiffory nore
lu< u-^ht apainft
the iudorfcr.
JTotice to the
ri.av.xr, v/liu
jefufed pav-
nicnt. Pract.
Ktg- 155-
[.55 ]
JJotjce to the
Shearman againft IVright.
London, to wit. TJ/'lUinm IVright late of London, farrier, was
attached to anfwer Thomas S. in a plea of
trefpafson the cafe, isc. And whereon the faid Thomas by A^^. B.
his attorney complains, that whereas after the firft day of May
in the year of the Lord 1705, to wit, 23d day of May 1715, at
London\n the pariih of 6/. Mary-le-boiv\n the ward oi Cheap,
one E. S made his certain note in writing, called a promiflbry
rote, with the proper hand of the faid P.. S. fubfcribed, bearing
date the fame day and year laft abovcfiiid, and the fame note
to the faid lFillia>n Wright delivered, by which faid note the f:iid
E.S. promifed to pay to the faid William Wright, or order, the
fum of 20/. three months after date, for value received ; and af-
terwards, and within the faid three months, to wir, 23d day of
Yff/yinthe year abovefaid, at io^^o>7 aforefaid in the parifli and
ward aforefaid, the faid WilliamWright, by his indorfement with
his own proper hand fubfcribed and made upon the fame note, al-
figncd that note to the faid Thomas S. and by the faid indorfement
ordered the faid E. S. to pay the contents of the fame note to tha
faid Thgmas S. according to the tenor of the fame note : And
the faid T ho mas in faft fays, that after the aiTignment and appoint-
ricnt aforefaid as aforefaid made, and after the expiration of the
faid three months in the fame note mentioned, to wir, 23d day
o\ Ajiiujl \n the year laft abovefaid, at London aforefaid in the
pariili and ward aforefaid, he the faid Thomas iliewed tlie bill
aforefaid, and the indorfement aforefaid on the faid bill, to the
faid E.S. and then and there required the fame Ed-txard to pay
the contents of the faid bill, to wit, the faid fum of2o/. inthe
fame fpecified. according to the tenor of the faid bill, and the
indorfement aforefaid, to the faid ThwiasS. but the fame E, S,
the fame fum of money to the faid Thomas did not pay, nor hath
yet paid, but to pay the fame fum of money to the faid Thomas
the faid £/yat;rt;-<^ then and there to wit, the fame day and year
lad abovefaid, and ever after, hitherto hath refufed, whereof the
LiJ Thomas afierwards, to vrir, 24th day of Augujl in the year
Adion on the cafe. 55
laft abovcfakl, at London aforefaid in the parifii and ward afore-
I'aid, gave notice to the faicl IVilliam IVnght : And by reafon of 3 ^c 4 Anne,
the preniifes, and alio by lorce of the ftatute in fuch cafe made '^* ^'
and provided, the faid M'^illienn IV. became and was liable and is
liable to pay to the fame Thomas the faid Aim of 20/. in the fame
note mentioned j and fo being liable the faid JViltiam IVrig/u in
confideration thereof afterwards, to wit, the fame 24th clay of
Avguji in the year laft abovefaid, at London alorefaid in the parilh
and ward afortfaid, alfunied upon liimfelf, and to the faid Thomas
then and there faithfully promifed, that he the faid WiUicnn the
faid fum of 20/. to the fame Thomas, when he ihould be thereto
after required, would well and faithfully pay and content : And Count fur 20/.-
whereas alfo the faid William IV. afterwards, to wit, the fame received by de-
24:h day ol Augujl in the year laft abovefiiid, was indebted to the fendant to
fame Thomas in other 20/. of like money, for money by the faid plamufF's ufe.
IV. IV. to the ufe of the fnid Thomas before that lime had and
received ; and being fo therein indebted the fame IVilliam in
confideration thereof afterwards, to wit, the fame day and year
laft abovefaid, at London aforefaid in the parifli and ward alore-
faid, afllimed upon himfelf, and to the fame Thomas then and
there laithfully promifed, that he the fame IVilliam IV. the fame
laft mentioned 20/. to the faid Thomas when he fhould be
thereio afterwards required, would well and faithfully pay and
content : Neverthelefs the faid JViUiam, ^c
South' ton to wit. J\/r L. complains of J. S. in the cuftody For diverting
of the marfiial, Iffc. for this, to wit, an ancient wa«
that whereas the fame M. was on the firft day of January in the tercourle fo
26th year of the rei^n of Charles the fecond, now kin? of Eng- ".''', '^ J^'T*
, , r , I '^ I J i.-/->r:, 7 • L , 5 j- f> tiff loft thc bc-
iand, i-Sc. unto the 20th day ol Odlober m the 27th year 01 the nefit ofhismill.
reign of the faid lord the king, feifed in his demelne as of fee of
certain water-mills, commonly called S. Mills otherwife K. Mills,
and ofa parcel of moor cr meadow, containing by eftimation
three acres or thereabouts, near adjoining to the faid mills, with
the appurtenances, in A. in the county aforefaid j and the fame
M. L. and all they whofe eftate the fame M. hath in the mills
and parcel of moor or meadow aforefaid have had and ought to
have, and from time immemorial have been accuftomedand ought
to have, the benefit of a certain water or water-courfe
which comes from a fpring near, and increafcs a certain water-
courfe or river whicli runs to other mills in A. aforefaid, and
from thence to the mills aforefaid, called 6'. ;V//7/j, otherwife K.Mills,
and the faid J. S. well knowing the premiftirs, but malicioufl/ con-
triving and fraudulently intending him the faid M. of the profit
and commodity of his mills aforefaid and parcel of moor or meadowr
aforefaid altogether to deprive, on the i ith day oi September in the
26th year of the reign of the lord the now king, at A. afore-
faid, the bank or the inclofure of the water or water-courfe afore-
faid, which comes from the fpring aforefaid, and increafes the
water-courf« or river which runs from thofc mills in A, afotefaid
55 1
Not guilty.
Caff on a fo-
reign bill ot
again (I the
Diawn on t!ic
Gambta compa-
I 56 ]
who refuftfd to
accept it.
Adion on the cafe.
to the faiJ mills, called S. Mills, otherwile K. Mills, Co much
broke and threw down, or caufc to be broke and thrown dov/n,
and the water at'orcfaid fo much diverted or caufed to be diverted,
that by means of the faid breaking, throwing down or diverfion,
tlie faid mills, called S. Mills, otherwife K. Mills, for want of
fuffiv-ient water running in the ancient courfe, could not grind or
work fo well or commodioufly, and the laid parcel of moor or
njeadow aforefaid was greatly drowned and overflowed, whereby
die faid 71/. loll great part of the profits of the faid mills and
parcel of moor or meadow aforefaid tor a long time, to wit, di-
vers days and times between the faid nth day oi Sei>t ember xnlh.^
27th year abovefaid, and the faiJ 20th day ot Od^her abovefaid,
■whereby he fays that he is prejudiced, and hath damag^e to the
value of 100/. And therefore he produces the fuit, Iffc.
And the faid J. S. by J. L. his attorney comes and defends
the force and injury when, cfr. and fays that he is not guilty
thereof; And of this he puts hinifelf upon the country : And the
faid M. thereof likewife, ciff. Therefore let a jury thereon
come before the lord the king at JVefiminJhr on FriJuy next after
the morrow of the purification of the blefTed Mary; and who
neither, l^c. to recognife, l^c. becaule as well, ^c. The fame
day is given to the parties aforefaid there, i^c.
Dunjlar againft Peirce.
London, to wit. TJ/'Illiam Dunjlar complains of Edward
Peirce, being in the cuftody of the mar-
fhal of the Mar/kalfea of the lord the king before the king him-
felf, for this to wit, that whereas the faid Ed-voard Peirce and
one John Tre'verfe now deceafed, on the 9th day of May in the
year of the Lord 1673, ^^'"g merchants at ■St-fe/t'o/z in parts be-
yond the feas, to wir, at London aforefaid in the pariHi of Sr.
Mary-le-hotv in the ward of Cheap, by their bill of exchange
then and there with their own proper hands fubfcribed, and vli-
refted to the committee of the Gamboa coinpanv. required and ap-
pointed the faid committee to pay to the faid IVilliaviyOx his orJer,
on fijlit of that bill, his fecond or third bill of the fame time and
dare with the bill aforefaid not being paid, the fum of 65/. 4^. being
for the like value there received : And whereas alfo afterwards,
10 wit, on the firft day of September in the year lafr abovefaid, at
London aforefaid in the parifli and ward aforefaid, the faid bill
of exchange was fliewed to the faid committee of the Gamboa
company, and the fame committee were then and there required
to accept the faid bill according to the ufe of merchants, and
to make payment of the faid 65/. \s. to him the faid IVilliam,
according to the form and effeft of that bil
And where-
as alf'j the committee aforefaid then and there rcfufed to zC-
cept of the faid bill and to pay the faid 65/. 4.S. the fecond and
third bill, or either of them, being then and yet unaccepted and
unpaid i by reafon of which faid premifTes, according to the cuf-
A6lion on the cafe.
torn amoncr merchants from time immemorial ufed and approved,
to wit, at London aforelaid in the parilli and ward atorelaid, the
laid Ediuard and John ought to have paid the faid 65/. 4^. to
him the laid IVilliami and the faid Ed-wm-d and John in confi-
deration of the premises then and there aflunied upon them-
ielves, and to the { Willitim then and there faithfully proinifed,
to pay him the faid William the faid 65/. ^^s. when they fhould
be thereto after required : Neverthelefs the faid Edi.iard and
John in the life-time of the faid John, and the faid Edzv/ird after
the death of the faid John, have not paid the faid 65/. 4^. to
the fame IVilUainy although often required, l^c. but the faid
Edivnrd and John in the life-time of the faid John, and the faid
Ed-vjard after the death of the faid John, have altogether refufed
to pay them to the {z\d IVilliam, and the faid Edzvard doth yet
refufe to pay him them : And whereas the faid Edivard and John General kdeii;
Trez'erfe in the life-time of the faid John, to wir, the faid 9th talus.
day of M/iv in the year 1673 abovefaid, at London aforefaid in
the parifli and ward aforefaid, were indebted to the faid JVilliam
m other 65/. 4^. of lawlul money oi England, for fo much money
by them the laid Ed-zvard and John in the life-time of the faid
John, to the ufe of the faid V/illiafn before that time had and re-
ceived ; and the faid Edivard and John in confideration thereof
then and there alfumed upon themfelves, and to the faid IViUiafn
then and there faithfully promifed, that they the fame Edivard and
Jjhn the fame 65/. i^s. to the faid William, when they fhould bs
thereto afterwards required, would well and faithfully pay and.
content ; Neverthelefs the faid Edivard and John in the life-time
of the faid John not regarding their leveral promifes and aflumpti-
ons aforefaid in form aforefaid made, but contriving and fraudu-
lently intending him the faid Willinm in this rcfpeft craftily
and fubtilly to deceive and defraud, the laid Edivard and John, or
either of them, in the life-time of the faid John, or the faid Edzvard
after the death of the faid John, although often reouired,fjff.
have ncSi, nor hath either of them, paid the faid f^ fums of
money, or any penny thereof, but the h'xd EiliJoarJ and John^
and either of them, in the life-time of the faid John, and the faid
Ediv'^rd a{icT the death of the faid John, and either of them,
have hitherto altogether rduC^di to pay him them, and the (aiA
Edivard doih yet altogether refufe to pay him thcni,tothe damage
of the faid William 200/. And therefore he produces the fuit, £iff.
With this, that the laid William Dunjlar will verify, that at the.
faid time of making the bill aforefaid, and long before and after,
there was at London aforefaid, to wit, in the parifli and ward
aforefaid, a certain company of merchants, called and known by
the name of the comnfittce of the G/7ot^o/7 company, to which
faid company by that name bills of exchange for all that time
were ufed to be direfted and charged according to the ufe and
praft'ce among merchants, IfJc.
And now at this day, to wit, Wednefday next after fifteen days Demurrer to
oilia/ier this fame term, until v.'hich day the faid Edward Pcirce ^'^^ Crft couat-
j6J Aclion on the cafe.
liau leave to imparl to the faid bill, anJ then to anf\/.'cr, ^V. he-
iore the lor.l the king at IVejlminJler comes ns well the faiii IVil-
lia:n Dunjhir by his attorney atorefaiii, as the laid Edward Peirce
by Diitton Siatnan his attorney : And the fiiine Ednxjard defends
ilie force and injury when, l^c. And as to the firit proiitife and
alliiiiipiion in the declaration of the laid Wdliitni afortfaid abovc-
iiieniioncd, he the fame Ednxard prays judgment of the declara-
tion atorelaid, bccaufe he fays, that the dtclararion aforefaid and
the matter in the fame coniained are not fufiicient in law to
Miainiain the aflion of hiui the faid IVillintn thereof againfl: him
the laid Edziard liad, to which faid declaration, as to the faid
firfl: promife and allamption in the declaration of the f^-id lyUUaiti
aboveuK-ntioned, the fame Edward iiaih no necefiity nor is by thei
law ot the land obliged any way to anfwer : And tliis he is ready
lo verify : Wherefore for want of a fufficient iletlaration in this
rtTptCl, as to the faid firll promife and aflumption in the declara-
tion of him the faid /^0//zV/;;i abovemenii'^ned, he the fame Ed-
tuW prays judgment, and that the faid IVillium may be precluded
irom having his action thereof againll him the faid EJ%vard zs to
Utrt Ajfumpjit thcfiiil; pruiiiife and aHuinpiioii in the declaration of him the
to ih= itcoDil. f'd\d 1^1/1: (im abovenienticPL'd ; And as to the fccond pro:nife in
the declaration of him the faitf y/tLiam above likcv-'ife meniionedj
L 57 J the fame Edivurd fnys, that he did not airumc upon himfclfin
the manner and form as the faid llliliam hath above againft
him declared ; And of this he puts himfelf upon the country i
And the faid //^;7//.?>« thereof likcwife, ^c.
And the faid IVilUam lays, thnt he by an? thing by the faid Ed-
Joinder in de- nvardm pleading alledtred, as to the firft promife and aflumption in
the ceciaraijon aloretaid abovemeniioned, ougiit not to be pre-
cluded from having his faid adtion thereof againll him, becaufe
be fays that the declaration aforefaid, and the matter in the fame
contained, as to the faid fiill promife and aflumption, are good
and fuflicient in law to maintain ihe aflion cf him the faid IVUliam
thereof agair.ll; the faid Ed'wiirdhA(\ ;which faid declaration, and
the matter therein contained, he the faid II' iliinm is ready to verity
and prove, as the court, tV. And b^'cauie the faid Edi:a: d coxh
not aiilwer to that declaration, nor hitherto any way deny if, he the
fame W^iiliain as before prays juilgment and his damazes by reafoa
of thole prc-miflls to be adjudged to him, ^c. But bicaufethe
court ot the faid lord the kinii now here are not vet ailvifctl to -jivc
tneir judgnientof and upon the premiflcs, whereof the paities aforc-
Yiid have put themfelves on the judgment of the court, day there-
fore is given to the parties atorefaid, before the lord the king at
IViftr.Aufter until F>idiy next after the morrow of the Holy Trinifv,
to hear their judgment ot and upon ihofe prt-r.i'fFes becaufe the
Ffrjre \.o try C^^urt of the faid lord the king now here thtreofnoi yet, tiff. And
ffc ifTarand to TV as well the ilfue aforefaid between ihe parties aforelaid above
.luiic ofd4- joined bv the country to be tried, as to inquire what damages the
'' ""'' faid IViliuim hath fuftaincd by reafon of the premilfes aforefaid,
whereof the parties aforefaid have put themlcdves en the judg-
jiicnt cf the court, if it hapDCiis that iudnnsnc thereon be tdven
Adion on the cafe. '57
Tor the faid William againft the faid Edivard PeircCt let a jurjr
thereon come before the lord the king at IFrfimitifler on the faid
day ; and who neither, i^c. to recognize, i^c. becaufe as well,tffr.
The fame day is given to the parties aforefaid there, ^r. At which
day before the lord the king at JVel^mir./ier coihts as v^ell the
faid IVilliatmiS the faid Erli'jurd by their attornies aforefaid ; and
the faid fVil'inm acknowledges here in court that he will not far- ^iTJ/, Frsfequi
ther profecute again ft: him the faid Edf.-irrd as to the fecond pro- as to part,
ihife and affumption in his bill aforefaid above mentioned ; and as ' Plow. 4, ao.
to the faid firft promife and aflumpnon in the declaration aforefaid ^'^'^' ^^'^'
above mentioned, whereof the parties aforelaid have put them- '
felves on the judgment of the court, becaufe the court of the faid
lord the king here is not yet advifed 10 give their judgment of
and upon the premiflcs, day therefore is given to the parties
aforefaid, before the lord the king at JVeJlmir.Jlcr, until Thurfday
next after three weeks of St. Michael, to hear their judgment
thereof, becaufe the court of the faid lord the king now here there- Tudrment Tot
of not yet, i5c. On which da v before the lord the king at IVejI- the plaiutifFi,
niirjier come the parties aforefaid by their attornies aforefaid, on
which the premiflcs aforefaid, as to the firft promife and alfump-
tion aforefaid in the declaration aforefaid above mentioned, where-
of the parties aforefaid have put themfelveson the judgment of the
court, being feen, and by the court of the faid lord the king now
here more fully underftood, becaufe it {q^xvxs to the court of the
faid lord the now king here that the declaration aforefaid, and the
matter in the fame contained, as to that promife and aflumption,
are good and fufficient in law to maintain the aftion of him the faid
IVilliam thereof againft the faid f^Tc^n/ had, it is confidered that
the faid IVilliam ought to recover his damages againft the faid
Edward: But becaufe the court of the faid lord the now king here
doth not know what damages the faid IViUi.wi hath fuftained, by Writ awarded
leafon of the premifles aforefaid, the flierifFs are therefore com- to the fhe riffs of
manded that they diligently inquire by the oath of 12 good and ^'>"'^^" '" '° _
lawful men of their bailiwick, whit damage.«; the faid IVilliam hath ^'L^v the
fuftained, as well by reafon of the non performance of the firft pro- j-lnintifffuftain-
mife and afl'umption aforefaid, as for his cofts and charges by him ed by breach of
about his fuit m this refpeft laid out, and fend the inquifition which ^'^'r ^''^ P*"**'
l^c. to the lord the king at Wejlniiyijler on Friday next after the oc- ™' ^'
tave of St. Hillary under the feals.'^c. and the feals.^r. together
v/i'h the v.'rit cf the faid lord the king to them therefore direfled.
The fame day is given to the faid IVilliam there, Cs'^r. On which day
before the lord the king at IVe ft mi njier corner Willium Durjlar,
bv his attorney aforefaid, and the flierifFs of London, 10 wit, Jotia- The return.
t/ian RfiyfHond, efq; and Simon Letuii, efq; by virtue of the v^rit
of the laid lord the king to them therefore dircdled, return a cer-
tain inquifuion taken before them at (he Guihl-hall of the city of
London, fitu^te in the parilli of St. Laurence in the Old-Jenvry in
the ward cf Chtap of the lame city, on ihe 22d day cf 'January
in the aift year of the reign of the lord Charhs the fecOnd, nov/
k'og of F.nphwd, fr. bv the Oath of 12 good Ciff. wherebv it
is found that the fain(l j^^ n ^^^^^ before the lord the king at irtfiwinfier by Carei»
lier on a limnle ,, ,r . 1 • , , , • , ' r 1 1 1 1
contrdO: by the 'wford his attorney, and produced in the court ot the lont the
inicftacc. king then there his certain bill againft the faid /U/?rga/f^ admi-
nillratrix of all and fingular the gooils and chattels, rights and
credits, which belonged to the faid John Cole her late hufband
deceaf..d, bemg in cuftody of the marfhal of the A/rtr/%rt//>a of
the lord the king before the king himfclf, in a plea of debt, and
there were pledges to profecute, to wit. John D',e and Richard
Roe i by which faid bill the faid Timothy complained of the faid
Margaret in a plea that ilie jliculd rendtr to the fame Timothy
Adion on the cafe. 58
; lol. of lawful money oi England which ilie owed him and un-
^llly detained, for tliis, to wit, that whereas the faid Timothy
and ''^ohn'w, the life-time of the faid 'John, to u'it, on the firft day
of April in the fcvenih year of the reign of the faid lord the now
king at London, to wit, in the pariih of St. Mary-le-boixi in the
ward of Cheap, did account together between thenifelves con-
cerning divers funis ot money to the fame T^imothy from the faid
'Juhn then due and unpaid, and upon that account the fame John
was found in arrear to the laid Timothy in the iaiJ. i lo/. to be paid
to the laid Tim-jthy when he fliould be thereto required, whereby
an action accrued to the fame Timothy to demand anu have of the
faid John in his life-time ihe faid i lo/. NevertheJefs the fdd John
in his life-time, or the fame Margaret after the death of the faid
John, the laid iio/. had not, ror had either of them yet paid to
the faid Timothy, but the faid John in his life-time, and the iaid
Murgatet after his death, had altogether denied to pay him them,
and that the faid Margaret did then deny to pay, and unjuftly
detained them, to the damage of the faid Timothy 20/. as he laid : .
And therefore he produced the fuit, l^c. And the faid Margaret^
by Walter Eloper her attorney, then came and defended the force
and injurv, when, \i c. And then faid, that flie could not deny
the aftion of the faid Timothy, nor but that Hie did detain fiom the
f.dd Timothy the faid iio/. in the manner and form as the faid
Timothy above againft her complained : Therefore it was then and
there confidered, that, the faiii Timothy fliould recover again the
faid Margaret his debt aforcfaid, as alfo 48^. \d. for his dama-
ges which he had fuftained, as well by realon of the detention of
that debt, as for his cofts and charges by him about his fuit in that
behalf laid out, to the fame Timothy by the fame court of the faid
lord the now king before the king himfelf bv his aflent adjudged
of the goods and chattels which belonged to the faid John Cole at
the time of his death in the hands of the faid Margaret to be ad-
nrnirtered, if fhe had fo iimch in her hands ; and if (lie had not
fo much in her hands, then the damages aforefaid of the proper
poods and chattels of the faid Margaret to be levied ; and that the faiJ Margaret fiiould be in mercy, ifc. as by the record which Is a juft
and procefs thereof remaining in the faid court of the faid lord the debt.
king here more fully appears : And the lame Margaret farther
fays, that the faid debr, by the faid limothy againft the faid Mar-
/'"»■«•' in form aforefaid recovered, at the time of the death of the
laid J'lhn Cole was a true and juft debt, and at the time of the death
of the faid John Cole and alfo at the time of the giving that faid [ 59 ]
judgment againft the faid Margaret was unpaid, and that the ■^"'^ ''^^' '^"^
judgment aforefaid yet remains in its full force and efft(5t not re- ^''''^ ""' ailctt-
verfed, annulled or fatisfird : And the fame Margaret farther favs Note -, liy the
that {he has full v adminiltered all the goods and chattels which be- *^"'*" ""'^ '^'""'''
longed to the faid John at the time of his death and that flie hath f^^lJ^S,ll^^,
I ot, nor on the day of the exhibi'.ionof the aforefaid bill of the faid piytncut plead-
.Michntl, or ever after, had any goods or chattels which belonged cd is not tra-
to the faid John Cole at the time of his death in her hands to be veifable, but
H 2 adminiftcrcd, 'he naud is the
' only thing to
be ttaverlcJ*
Repl'. As to
one bond that it
is moft part
And that he
would accept
lo/. in fatiBfac-
The fame repli-
cation to the
The fame tp-
plicatior. to the
A6lion on the cafe.
adminiftcrcd, except goods and chattels to the value of 40J'."
which are not fufficient to falisfy the faid Brian and Geo; ge
the ftveral debts aforefaid upon the feveral writings obligatory
aforcfaiu fo as aforefaid due, nor to f^iiisfy the i2i\otcfting thafc
, ,., ° * n- 1 . no part was
v/as not paid ; and hkewile prorelting, that a great or any part .^^
of the debt by the faid other writing obligatory due to the fame p-ow. 176. Co.
George Chapman was not paid to the faid George Chapman ; pro- Lit. 124, i^S*
tefling alfo, that the faid George Chapman was not ready to ac- "^^- Lutw.
cept of the fame Margaret any fum of money not exceeding the
fum of 20/. in full fatisfadion of that debt by the faid writing
obligatory due to the fame George Chapman, and upon the pay-
ment thereof to deliver up that writing to the fame Margaret to
be cancelled ; and protelting alfo, that a great or any part of the
f .id money by the faid Timothy Trevers as aforefaid recovered
was not paid to the fame Timothy, nor that the faid Timothy was f 60 ]
ready 10 accept of the faid Margaret any fum of money in full
fatisfaftion an'd difcharge of that judgment, and on payment
thereof to acknowledge fatisfaclion on the record ot the laid
jijdgment in iiianner and form as the laid Mirhael -dhove in reply-
ing thereto hath alledged, for plea the faid- iV/othy, for the recovery of
the faid 200/. to the faid Dorothy by the faid John in tnrm afore-
faid be:ng due and unpaid, afterwards, to wit, i.n Hillnry term
in the 16th year of the reign of the lord the now king, at
Who fued out IVeJimirJler m the county of MiiJtilefex, profecuted a certain
a wilt of ^//a; writ of the faid lord the king of cafias to the flirrifF of
(api^^t the county of ., ?.//';;/.( aforcfaid directed out of the court of the
faidi lord the king before the ki"g himfelf, the fame court then
being at //"^f///v.'w/?fr in the county of Middlefex aforefaid ; by
which f«id writ of ^/if/s caf'ins the fiid lord the king commanded
the Ibcriff of the county of Su^ofk aforcfaid (?is the faiDC then
ilieriif"of the counrv of Suffolk aforefaid had been before com-
manded} that he fliould take the faid J.ihn IVilvia, if he
fliould be found in his bailiwick, and fliould fafely keep hinj
fo that he mi^ht hnve hi<= body before thr: faid lord the king
atJVefniinJler on IFedfiefday next after filteen days of Eafter
then next following, to aniwerio thelrdd Dorothy \\\ ?i plea of
Ircfpafr, and alfo to the bill of her the faid Dorothy agaipft hirn
the faid J'^hn Wilm'A for 200/. on promife, according to the
cuilomofthe court of the fai''^'^|^"''''^
of .'///■fli nfJuU Bamfdale, in fo ample and
beneficial a manner as he before and was ufed to have, and
cf right ought to have : whereby the fani';: J'^hn fays that he is
pr jiidiced, and has damage to the value ot 50/. And therefore
he proJuci.s the fuit, C5V.
Ballard and Tayler.
Pfditation \a Pul'ice Court, to wit. CT'Homas Ballard by Henry JFright li;s
t!ic marihars attorney coMipIains againft Prilliam
court for indifi- Tayhr '\r\ z plea of frefpafs on the cafe, for this, to wit, that
jng the plaintiff y^^ereas the faid plaintiff now and always v/as and is a peaceable
wr.ich"ird"a- 2nd quiet man, and not a rioter, router or breaker of the peace
inen'Avasfour.d ofthe laid lord and lady the king and queen : Nevertheltfs^ the
ignoramus. defendant not being ignorant of the premilles, but contriving
nnd malicioiiflv intfnuing tofcandatize and difquiet the faid plain-
lift", him the Kiid plaintiff, for that the fait plaintiff with other
1,'ialefattors and dillurbers of the peace of the fiid king and
cueen to the number of ten perfops, at the pariili of St. Mmy
Matjellon, otherwife M'hltechnpel.jn the county cf Middlejex,
and within tlie jurifditiion of this court, on the i6ih day of
S-ptem(>er'\n the fecond year of the reign of the lord and lady
IViUiam and Miry, now' king and queen of Er.gUnd, lie. as
rioters, routers and dil^urbers of the peace of the lord and lady
X'(\t now k'ng and queen, to difturb the peace of the fnid lord
ind lady the qoeen, with force and arms, tiff, at the pnrifli afore- in the county i.forefaid, unlawfully, riotoufl/ and routoufly
tll^ni'oled themfelves and met together, and being fo 'then and
there affenibied and met together, him (the defendant) in the
peace of God and of the faid lord and lady the king and queen
then and there unlawfully, riotoufly and routoufly beat, wound-
ed and ill treated, fo that his life was defpaired of, and other
enormities to the faid defendant then and there unlawfully, riot-
OLily and routouflv offered, to the great damage of him the de-
fendant, and agairft the peace ot the faid lord and lady the
• now king and qaet.i, their crov.'n and dignity, tfr. without any
Adion on the cafe. t ^2
j'jftor probsule caufe, before the juftices of the faiJ now king
i nd queen aJllgned lo preferve the peace in and for the county ot
Mtddlifex afortfaii', at a feffion cf the peace held at Uickis Hall
in the county oi MiJdltfex for the county o^ Middle fc^ aforefaid,
on the firft day of October in the fecond year abovefaid, caufed \ f. -\
and procured lo be indicted, and the fame plaintiff on that ac- I 3 j
ccunt profecuted until he the faid plaintiff was thereot duly ac-
quitted, 1.0 the damage of the faid plaintiff 99^. And therefore
he pro-^uces the fuit, if^c
Stephens ar.d amlher againft IVickham and others.
Chucejler, to wit, Cfl'.omas Stephens, efq; and Rjhert Parker, Cafe for li;a 1 1 r 1 1 1 I,- 1 1 • r u and had toll,
there to be Lought and fold, and cllo among other things of the ^,_
liberty and franchife pf having and keeping publick beams, bal-
lances and weighis, and of the fame there pubhckly Uiing ; by
reafon cf w-hicli faiii niaiket and franchife the faid Tko7nas and
Ruhirt for all the time aforefaid were lav^'fully entitled to have and
receive fundry tells, llallages, piccages, weighages, pitching-
perce and ether profits of feveral perfonslo the faid market co!!i-
ing and tliere buying and felling, 10 the market aforeliid belong-
ing: Ntvcrtjiekfs the faid Jqlw Hichhcm, Sa7i:uel Burcomb and _,, ,.„ ,
Jjhn Burc:.Kib, not ignorant of the premiilts, but maiicioufly anre by the dc*
contriving and intending to aggrieve them the faid Thomas &te- fcndants.
fhens ar.6 Robert Parker in the premifl'cs, and to excluicand
•'eprive them of tie franchife and profits of their market afore-
faid, and particularly of the profiis of taking and receiving the
faid pitching pence, and the other profits of the public b.illances
and weights afcrefaid in the m;irket aforelaid, they the laid J-hn, Samuel Burcomb and J"hn Burcomb, on the fdid 29th
day of Oc/c/i^^r in the3ifl year of ihe reign of the faid lord the
i!0w king abovefaid, and at divers other days and times in the
till e of the faid market between the 29th day of Odoher in the
.3ifl year of the reign cf the faid lord ihe now king abovefaid,
and che lime of the exhibition of this bill at Chipping Sodbiiry,
otherwife ScJbury Burroi/gh »ffire(d\i.\, of their own wrong, witii-
out any lav.ful 01 legal authority, malicioufly and unjuflly came
in'o t,he laid market, and there unjuftly collc«^ed and received,
or caufed to Lc colkded and rvceivcd, and to their own propci
Oi Adion on the cafe.
ufe convcrtci^, the faiil pitching pence, and the profits of the
public ballances and weights atorefaid, wiiereby they the faid
Thomas Stephens and R>hert P.irker loll the fdid pitching- pence,
and the profirs of the faid publick ballances and weights for all
the time aforcfiid, to the daniage of them the faid 'Thomas Ste-
phens and Robert Parker zool- and therefore they produce the
fuit, l^c. Note ; this cnuje ivns trleJ at the bar before Saunders
chief jujVue, atui thv plaintiffs recovered.
The Coinpany of Stationers againft Marlowe.
Enfler 2,^ Car. 2. Roll2\^.
Cafe for prlnN A^J'/J", to wit. *yOA« Marhvoe late of London, printer, was at-
inp almanacks J tached to arfwer the niafter and keepers, or
without tlie wardens and commonalty of the tnyflery or art of flationers of
confcrt otthc ji^p ^.j,y ^f i-im/ow in a plea of trefpafs on the cafe, fs'r. And
patentee. uhereon the fame mafter and keepers, or wardens and com-
monalty of the myftery or art of (lationcrs of the city of Lor.don
by Jerk^nfe Gill their attorney complain, that whereas the lord
James late king of England, grandfather of the lord the now
king, by his letters patent fealed with the great feal of England^
heaungd-dic at IVe/lminfler 8th day of M/ircA in the thirteenth
year ot his reign, of his fpecial grace, certain knowledge and
ineer motion for himfelf, his heirs and fucceflbrs, gave and
granted to the faid mafter and keepers, or wardens and com-
monalty of the myftery or art cf ftationers of the city of London^
and their fuccelfors for ever, full power, privilege and authority
to print all almanacks in the Emdifh tongue within this kingdom
ci England : And the fame lord the king by his faid letters patent
ftrftly forbid, prohibited and commanded all and lingular
other printers bookfellers, and all other ofRcers, minifters and
fubj' 6ts whomfoever of the faid lord the king, his heirs and
fucceirors. that they, or any cf them, at any time or limes then
[ 6.}. ] after iliculd not print, or caufe to be printed or brought from parts
beyond the fea, nor fbould buy, utter or fell, or caufe to be
bought, uttered or fold, any almanack in the EtigU/h tongue,
other than luch as fiiouM be printed by the faid mafter and
keepers, or wardens and commonalty of the myftery or art of
flaiioners of the city of London, and their fucccifurs, as by the
letteis patent af)rtfaid, an exemplification whereof under the
great feal of the faid lord the now king, bearing date at IVeJl-
r7/n/??/- the fixth day of Z)erm^fr in the 27th year cf his reign,
the fame mafter and keepers, or wardens and commonalty of the
myftery or art of ftationers of the city of London produce here in
court, is more fully manifeft and doth appear : by virriie of
which faid letters patent of the faid lord Jajnes late king of
Ergland, Ifc. they the faid mafters and keepers, or wardens and
commonalty cf the myftery or art of ftationers of the ciry of lon-
dm have had and ou^hi to have the power, authority and privi-
A<5tion on the cafe. 64
lege folely to print all almanacks In the EngUJIi tongue : Never- The breach
thelefsth'e faid Jo/^n notignorajit otthe pr^iiiiffes, but contriving affigned.
and intending to deceive and defraud them the faid mailer and
keepers, or wardens and commonalty of the myftery or art of
ftationers of the city of London, of the bentfit of the privilege
aforefaid, on the fourth day of November in the 31ft year of the
reign of the faid lord the now king at IVefiminjier in the county
o'i MiJdlefiX aforefaid, without the licence or confent of the faid
nufters and keepers, or wardens and commonalty of the m)ftery
or art of ftationers of the city of Z.c«/^o« m that behalt ha:i, fold
5000 almanacks printed by divers perfons unknown, "without ths
licence and confent of the fuid mafter and keepers, or luarde'^s and
comtnonahy of the myflery or art of fiationei s of the city of London
in the Englifli tongue, contrary to the form and ctfett of the
letters patent aforefaid, in contempt of the faid lord the nov/
king, and contrary to the privilege to the fame mafter and
keepers, or wardens and commonaliy of the myfttry or art of
ftationers of the city of London granted ; whereby the fame maf-
ter and keepers, or wardens and commonalty of the myftery or
art of ftationers of the city of London fay, that they are preju-
diced, and have damage to the value of ioq/. And theretore
they produce the fuit, ^c.
Cooper^ Bart, and St. John, Efq;
WiltSy to wit. j^Nthony A /hhy Cooper, h^iri. complains of A7- Cafe for breaW
cholas St. John, efq; in the cuftody of the mar- ing down the
Ihal, ^c. for this to wit, that whereas the faid J. on the third plaintiff's in-
day of Jugufim the i8th year of the reign of the lord Charles the ^^"[f/^^Snf
fecond now king of England, ^c. was fcifed and yet is feifed of {jiye'rs peribns '
and in a clofe of pafture containing 124 acres, and of another efcaned into the
clofe of pafture containing 80 acres, lying within the clofe afore- plaintiff's
faid, known by the names of the Purlewes, otherwife RuJJ.l/s ^Icie.
IVood, lying in Liddiard Milicent in the county aforefaid, in his
demefne as of fee ; which faid feveral clofes on the faid third day
of yfttgw/? in the 18th year abovefaid, and for divers yeais now
laft paft, for the prefervation of the grafs in the fame clofes re-
fpeQively growing, by the fame Anthony A/hley Cooper were well
and fufficiently fenced and hedged round: And whereas the faid
clofe of pafture containing 124 acres now is and from time im-
memorial was next adjoining to a certain other common field
called Purton Common on the north eafl: and north weft, and to a
certain other common field known by the name of IVelbs Purleiue
on thefouth weft, and which faid fields lie together not f paratcd
or divided by any hedges or fences : And whereas the grafs in the
tv/o clofes aforefaid yearly for the fpace of fix years now laft pafl:
refpedlivcly growing was well v/orth 60/. of awful money of
England : 'Th'.' faid iV. not ijjnorant of the prcmifles, but con-
triving and malicioufly intendmg totally to deprive the faid //of
the whole pro&t and adY^inta^e of the clofes aforefaid, un the faid
i 65 ]
IiTue olrecled
out of chance-
ry t'j ft tele a
difFcrence be-
tween an exe-
cutor and do-
nee concerning
A 61 ion on the cafe.
fSiro (lay o( Auguji in the i8th year abovefaiil, at Li/Idtard Mili-
cent afortfaid in the county af rcfaul, the hedge, to wit, 10 perch
o'i hedge of the faid clofe containing, as aforcfaici, 80 acres of
the faid /I. broke ant! threw down, and the hedge fo broke and
rhrown down from the faid third day ot Augujl \n the 18th jeir
abovcfaid until the 2jd day of OiVo^f;- in the 23d year continued
and kept, whereby lundry cattle, to wit, hor'.'es, oxen, cows,
iheep, heifers and calves of feveral perfons going and depafturing
in the faid coiiniion fields during that time, on the faid third day
vi Jugujl in the 18th year abovefaid, and on divers other days
and limes between the fame third day of Au^uli and the faiJ 23d
day ofOdoier in the 23d year abovcfaid, iroin that time unto
and upon the faid clofe of pafture containing as afortfaid 124.
acres cf the faid J. thro' the breach in the hedges of that clofe,
by the breaking and throwing clown of thofe hedges as aforefaid
made, entered, and from that clofe unto and upon the faid other
clofe of pafture containing as aforefaid 80 acres of the faid A.
thro' the like breach in the hedges of that clofe by the faid break-
ing and throwing down of thofe hedges fo as aforefaid made went
and efcaped, and the grafs of the faid Anthony to the value of
300/. in thofe clofes during the time aforefaid refpeftively as
aforefaid growing, at divers days and times during that time eat
up, trod down and confumed, whereby the fame A. the whole
profit and advantage of thofe clofes for the whole time afortfaid
Joft, to the damage of the faid A. 500/. And therefore he pro-
duces the fuit, cff.
Bliuk zgmn?i -JVright^ one, ^c
Londotit to wit. TJ/'lll'tam Black, gent, executor of the laft
will and tertament of William Bluck, e(q;
deceaftd, complains of Henty Wright, gent, one of the clerks
o'i Roivland Holt, ciq; and Robert Coleman, gtnt. chief clerk of
the lady the queen, alfigned to inrol pleas in the court of the
faid lady the queen before the queen herfelf, according to the
liberty and privilege for fuch chief clerk and his clerks for time
out of mind ufed and approved in the fame court, prefent here
in court in his proper pcrlbn, for this, to wit, that whereas the
faid William Bluck now deceafed, in his life-time, to wit, at
London aforefaid in the pariili of St. Mary-le-hoiv in the ward of
Cheapy was pofTefTed of feven tallies and feven orders in writ-
ing, made at the exchequer of the faid lady the now queen, to
the fame tallies belonging and appertaining, as of his rwn pro-
per tallies and orders, two of thofe orders being refpei^ivcly
number'd with the numbers 155 and i 56, an.i made at the ex-
chequer aforefaid, in purfuance of a certain a6t of parliament,
jntitled, an a^t for granting an aid to her majefly by continuing the
duties on malt, cyder and ferry for one year, and both of tliem
bearing date 26'h day oi Jmuary in the year of the Lord 1703 ;
and the five orders the refidu;; thereof being numbered with the
AdioQ on the cafe. d^
numbers follov/ing, to wit, 1006, 1007, 1008, loog, ioi0)
and made at the exchequer atorefaid, in pursuance of a certain
iict of parliuinent, intitied, an ad for granlivg to her majejly a
lunJ-t.ix to l>e raijeu in the ytar 1704, each of the laid five or-
ders lafl: mentioned bearing date 23d day ot December in the
^-ear of the Lord i7c>3 abovtfaid, and by rtafon ol thole tallies
and the fdid orders in writing, there was due and payable (o the
faid teftator the fum of 3100/. principal money; whiih laid
tallies and orders, at London aforeiaid in the pardli and ward
aforefaid, came to the hands of the laid Henry : And whereas
after the de^th of the faid tellator, to wit, on the Erft day of
Odober in the fifth year of the reign of the lady Anne r.o\?/
queen of England, ^c. at London aforefaid in the piuifli and ward
aforefaid, a certain difcourfe was had and moved between the
faid IVilliam the executor and the faid Henry of and concern-
ing thofs tallies and orders, and the pcfleflion of the faid Henry
thereof; and upon that difcourfe the fame Henry then and
there affirmed, that the talli;;s and orders aforefaid were de-
livered, and each of them was delivered by the faid IViUiam
the teftator to the fame Henry, by way ot gift of the principal
inoney due on thofe tallies and orders, to the proper ufe
and benefit of the faid He fry ; the intereft nevorthelefs for that
principal money to be paid to the fame IVilliam the teftator
during his life, which faid affirmation the faid PFilliam the
executor then and there denied ; and thereupon the faid IVil-
liam the executor, at the inftance of the faid Henry, paid to
him 2Q s. and in confideration thereof the fime Henry aflum-
ed upon himfelf, and then and there faithfully promifcdthe faid
William the executor to pay him 40 s. if the tallies and orders
aforefaid were not delivered, and every of them was not deli-
vered, by the faid IVilliam the teftator to the fame Henry by way
of gift of the principal money line on thofe tallies and orders,
to the proper ufe and benefit of the faid Henry, as aforefaid :
And the fame IVilliam the execuror in fadt fays, that the talli-.-s
and orders aforefaid were not delivered, nor was any of them
delivered, by the faid IVilliam the teftaror to the fame Hiny by
way of gift of the principal money due on the tallies and or-
ders aforefaid, to the proper ufe and benefit of the faid Henry,
as the faid Henry had above alledged : Neverthelefs the faid
Henry his proniife and affumption aforefaid not regarding, but
contriving and fraudulently intending the fame IVilliam the exe-
cutor in this behalf craftily and fubtilly to deceive and det>aud,
the faid 40 s. or any penny thereof, to the faid William the exi'-
cutor (altho' to do it by the fame IVilliam afterwards, to wir,
the fifth day of Odober in the fifth year abovefaid, at London
aforefaid in the pari fh and ward aforefaid, he was required) hatli
rot paid, but h;ith hitherto altogether refufed, and yet doth re-
fufe to pay him the fame, to the damage of the faid IVilliam the
executor to /. And therefore he produces the fuit, li^c.
And the faid Henry in his proper perfon comes and defends X f,ft \
the force and injury when, ^f. and fays, that the faid William pj^^^
An iffiie ont of
chancery con-
cerning a part-
The difcottrfe.
The point la
Adlloti on the cafe.
tlie executor ought not to have or maintain hisfaid aftion againft
him, bccaufo he lays, that well and true it is that he the lame
Nnjiy was pcflcfled of the tallies and orders atbrefaid, and
aflumediipon himfelf in manner and form, as the (a.a\t William
the executor by his declaration aforefaid hath above fuppofed :
Eut the faid Henry farther fays, that the tallies and orders afore-
faid were delivered, and each of them was delivered, by the faid
William the teftator to the fame Henry, by way of gift of the
faid principal money due on the tallies and orders aforefaid, to
the proper ufe and benefit of the faid Henry, the intereft ne-
verthclefs for that principal money to be paid to the faid /F/7-
liam the teftator during his life, as the fame Henry above affirm-
ed, to wit, at London aforefaid in the parifli and v.-ard aforefaid:
And of this he puts himfelf on the country : And the laid Wil-
liam the executor thereof likewife, Is'c. Therefore let a jury
thereon come before the lady the queen at Wejlminfter on Wed-
nefday next after three weeks of the Holy Trinity; and who nei-
ther, l£c. to recognize, l£c. becaufe as well, ^c. The fame
day is given to the parties aforefaid there, l^c.
Collins againft Ford.
Lordon, to w'\t. cr Horn as Collins complains of Jo/in Fird bein^
in the cullody of the marflial of the Mar-
/halfea of the lord the king before the king himfelf, for this, to
wit, that whereas on the firft day of May in the 34U1 year of
the reign of the lord Charles the fecond, now king of England^
l£c. at London aforefaid, to wit, in the parifn of St. Mary-le-
hoiv in the ward of Cheap, a certain difcourfe was had and
moved between the faid Thomas and the faid John of and
concerning a partnerfhip or joint trade in the biifinels of a
bookfelier between him the faid Thomas and the faid John be-
fore that time had and managed, and of and concerning certain
exceptions taken in a certain fuit or plaint between him the faid
Thmas znd the faid John in the court of chancery then before
levied and profecuted, and of and concerning divers funis of
money, in the whole amounting to 128/. 10 s. of lawful money
o( England, in the third exception of thofe exceptions mention-
ed ; upon which faid difcourfe fo as aforefaid had and moved,
a queilion then and there arofe between him ihe faid Thomas
and the faid Ja/^w, whether the faid fum of 128/. 10/. or any
part thereof, was taken by the faiil John, to the proper ufe of
him the faid J'/hn, out of the faid partnerfliip or not : And
thereupon the faid John afterwards, to wit, the fame day and
year, at London aforefaid in the parilh and ward aforefaid, in
confideration that the faid Thomas, at the fpecial inftance and re-
Queft of the faid John, had then and there paid to the faid
J;hn 5 J. of lawful money of England, afTumed upon himfelf,
and to the (a}d Thomas then and there faithfully promifed, that
he the faid John would pay to ths faid Thmas 40 s. of lawful
Adtion on the cafe. J 66
jTtioney of Erg^Lnd, if the faid fum of 12S/. lOJ. or any part
thereof, was taken and had by ilie laid John, to tlie proper ule
of the fiid John, out of the laid partnerfhip : And rhc faid T'homas
in faft fays, that the faij fum of 128/. 10 s. was had and taken
by the faid '"fohn, to the p-oper uie of the faid Johti, cut of the
faid partnerfhip: Neveriheleis the faid John his promile and af-
fumption aforcfaid in tonn aforefaid iTsade not regarding, but
contriving and Iraudulenily intending the fame Thomas in this
behalf craftily and lubtilly to deceive and dei'rai'd, the faid 40 j.
to ihe laid Thomas hath not paid, nor the faid Thomas 2iT\y way
for the fame hitherto contented, altho' 10 do it the (aid John af-
terwards, to wit, the lecond day of Mny in the 34th year above-
faid, at Zo/;i-/an atorelaid in the par'fh and ward aiorcfaid, by the
fame T;^c/«rtJ Was required, but the laid Jt^hn the laid 40^.10 ihe
laid Thomas to pay, or the lai.i Thomas for the fume any way to
content hath altogether refufed, and yet doth refufc j whereby
the f.iid Thomas iays that he is prejudiced, and hath damage to
the value ot 5 /. And therefore he produces the fuit, l^c.
And the laid John by John tills his attorney coines and de- Plea,
fends the force and injury; when, Cf'f. and fays, that well and
true it is that he the faid John alTunied upon himfelf in manner
and form as the faid Thomas above thereof a2;ainlt him hath de-
dared i but the fame John farther fays, that t"he fai i 1 homos his
action aforefaid thereof againft him ought not to have or main-
tain, becaufe he fays, that the faid fum of 128/. ids. or any
parcel thereof, was not taken and had by the fame John Ford^
10 the proper ufe of the faid John, out of the faid pr.rtnerfhip, as
by the declaration aforefuid is above fuppofed ; And of this he
piits himfelf on the country: And the faid T/7c»>rti- thereof like-
wife, l5c. Therefore let a jury thereon come before the lord the
ling at WeflminjUr on day next after and who neither,
ISc. to recognize, ^c. becaufe a> weii, f r. The fame day is
given to the parties aforefaid there, Ifc.
Fonder agalnfi Braddill. r g. -j
ion.icn, to wit. ^ Athnniel Ponder complains of Th(,mos BraJ- Declaration for
^/7/ in the cullodv of the marfnal, ^r for P' ''•'"' "P^^*^
this, to wit, that whereas the laid Nothnmd, on the firft davof P',"""'^'f^"Py
Muy in me 30th year of the reiyn of the lord Charles the fecond, Uave."'
now kmg ot England, Izc. and continually afterwards hitherto,
at London aforctaid, to wit, in the pnrifli of St Mary-le-hoiv in
the ward of Ch.ap, was and yet is the true proprietor of the cony '^^^ plaimiff
of a certain book, intitled 7^p frkrim's p,ofirefs from ihis 'world fil^^c "!' "*
to that -which IS 10 CQme, dtHi-ered unJer the fimilitude of a dreom,
•xvhere n i, difco'vered the manner of his fett'irg out, his dangerous
journey and f ufe arfi/ totally loft the whole profit and benefit of
the copy of his book aforefaid, intitled The pilg^rinis progrefs from
this lunld to that luhich is to come, deli'vered under the fimilitude
of a d:eai!t, nvherein is di [covered the manner of his fetting out, his
tiangero'.is journey and fafe arrival at the deftred country, by John
B^innvan ; whereby the faid Nathaniel \\y?. that he is prejudiced,
and hath damages to the value of 200/. And tbeiref ore he pro-
duces the fuit, Qc.
Day and HelUngton.
Cafe for dilapi. Glouc\ to wit. "Diehard Day, clerk, reftor of the reaory of
daiions brought Lo<^g Marjlon, otherwife Marflon Sicca in
againft an exc- (j^g county aforcfai.l, complains o{ George HelUngton, gent, exe-
cutor on the ^^j^j. ^f -[^g i^j^ ^.j]] jjr,j teftament oilfilliam Heilington, clerk,
w'^Def^T latereftor of therefiory aforefaid, deceafed. in the cuftody of
Parf.n's C^un- the marflril, ^c. for this, to wit, that whereas by the laws of
fcllor 91. the land of this kingdom of England, all and fmgular prebendaries.
Clergyman's reftors and vicars of this kingdom of Enghvul, are bound and
P*^ ^K - ought to repair and fuuain all and fingular ihe houfes aid build-
.gj. ' ^' ings of their prebends, rectories and vicarages, and to leave them
well and fufficicntly repr-ircd and fuftained to their foccelTors, and
that if fuch prebendaries, reftors and vicars, do not leave fuch
houfes and buildings to their fuccelTors fo as aforefaid well and
fufficiently repaired and fuflained, but iliall permit them to be
unrepaired and livlapidated, then the executors or adminiflrators
cf the goods and chattels of fuch pr2bendaries, reflors and vicars,
having fufficiently of fuch goods and chattels, are bound and
ou ^ht to fatisfy fuch a fum ot money as is fufficient to be expended
and paid for the neceffary reparation and building of fuch houfes
That the tefli- and edifices : And whereas the faid JVilliam Hellington in his
tor.waslfgil life-time, to wif,^ the day of in the year of the Lord
rt^^^i at ill the county of G/./zr^/??*-, was lawful reftor of the
reftory of Long Marf.on, otherwife Marfan Sicca aforefaid,
Adion en the cafe.
thereto lawfully inftituted and indufted, and was feifed in the
right of the rec^.orj aforefaid of and in one houfe, one barn and
one garden thereto belonginj, fijuate, lying and being in long
M'lrjhriy otherwife Marjion Sicca aforefaid in the county afore-
(aid, and afterwarJ.s, to wit, day of in the year at
LoTjtf Marfton, othcrwife Marfion Sicca aforefaid in the county
aforefaid, died thereof feifed, after whofe ('each, to wit, the and died fclaril.
day of in the year he the hid Rirhar J D/)y m Lo>g M.^r-
Jion, otherwife Mar/Ion Scca aforefaid, in the county alorefaid,
to the reftory aforefaid with the appurtenances was lawfully pre- ^j^^ plaintiff
fented, inftituted and indufted, and yet is lawful reftor ot the preiented, fiCc.
fai«e : and in f?.6l the laid Richard (zys, that at the lime ot the thereto, and is
death of him the faid /r/7/z«w, to wir, the faid- day of in ""^J*"^^"^
the year the faid hoiife of the rectory of Lo^g M^r/hn, other-
wife Marfzon Sicca aforefaid, in the county alorefuid, was very
ruinous and in decay for want of repairs, and that great part of [ 68 ?
the barn thereto belonging, to wit, one half thereof in the life- The buiWiog*
time of the faid JVillium, to wit, the day of in the year in decay.
at l^ong Marjion otherwife Mar/Ion Sicca aforefaid, in the
coun'y aforefaid, fell down and was not by him rebuilt, and the
reft of the faij barn was very ruinous and in decay for want of
repair at the faid time of the death of him the faid JVilliam, and
that the fence of the garden aforefaid then and there v»ras very
ruinous and in decay for v/ant of repair: And the faid Richard The partica-J
farther fays, that the money to be expended in the repairs ot the
faid houfe, the fence of the garden, and fo much of the barn
Handing at the faid time of the death of the {'d\d IVi'liam, as alio
to rebuild lb much of the barn as was fallen at the faid tiine of
the death of the faid IVilliam, would amount to the fuin of 200/.
and therefore the faid Richard afterwards, to vi'w, the day of
in the year at Lcng Marjion, otherwife Marfton Sicca
aforefaid, in the county aforefaid, to the fame George gave no-
tice, and then and there demanded of him the fa\d George for Dam3o.f.s dc-<
that purpofe the fum of 2Co/. Neverthelcfs the faid George con- mandcd.
contriving and fraudulently intending the fame Richard in this be-
half chattily and fubtilly to deceive and detVaud, aUhough he Rtfuful,
had fufficient of the goods and chattels of the laid M^illiam in his
hands to be adminiftercd, the faid 200/ or any parcel thereof, or
any fum of money for and towards the repairs aforefaid, to the
fame /?;V//rtr<^ hath not yet paid, but to pay him the fame hath
hitherto altogether denied, and yet doth deny, to the damage of
the faid Richard 300/. And therefore he produces the fult, dfc.
Moore a gain ft Plumky.
CheJIer, to v/it. JLTEnry Mone, clerk, doflor of laws, rcflor ^^f^ j-^p dHap}.
of the moiety of the parochial church of Nations by the
M'dfas in the county of Chefler aforefaid, complains of John reftor againll
f'lumley executor of the lafl will and teftamcnt of Th'jTnns Sandys the cxccu"'i of
clerk, late rettor of the faid njoicty of the parochial church afore- ^'* P'«l«" "^*
1 a ' faid,
^^ Adion on the cafe.
faid, bcin;5in the cuftoJy of the marnial of the Mar/h.ilfea of the
lady (he queen before the queen herfelf, for this to wit, that
vhereas according to the law and cuftoni of EngltinJ hitherto
obtiiined, ufed and approved, all and fingular prebeniiaries, rec
tors and vicars, within England at'orefaid, for the time b-ing ar
obliged and ought to repair and fuftain all and. fingular the ht>uft;s
and edifices of their prebends, reflories and vicarages, and to
leave them to their fucceifors repaired and fultained : And if
fuch prebendaries, reflors and vicars, fliould not leave fuch
houfes and edifices to their fuccefTors fo as aforefaid repaired and
fuftained, but fliould leave them unrepaired and dilapidated, the
executors of the laid prebendaries, reftors and vicars, af?er ilveir
deceafe are obliged and ought of the goods and chattels cf the
fame tertators to fitisfy to thofe fuccefTors, prebendaries, reflors
and vicars refpeflively, fuch fums of money as will be fufficient
to be ey.pended and paid for the necetTary reparation ami re-
building of fuch houfes and edifices : And whereas the fa id T/^o-
mas SiKifjys, late rector of the faid moiety of the church aforefaid,
in right of that rtftory was feifed of and in a manfion-houfe,
v.ith the appurtenances, in Ma'p^u aforef^^/id in the county of
Che/hr aforefaid, and of and in the north fide of the chancel of
the church aforefaid ; and the fai(i Thotnas HanJys being reftor of
the faid moiety of the faid church in form aforefaid, and fo as
aforefaid being feifed, on the 12th day o( Jugu/i in the 12th year
of the reign of our lady Jnne by the grace of God queen of Great
Britain, tf^c. at MuJpas aforefaid liied ; And the faid Henry
Moore afterwards, to wit, on the 15th day of December then next
follov.-ing, to the faid moiety of the parochial church aforefaid.
Vacant by the death of the faid Thomas SaniJys, was prefented and
admitted, inftituied and indu6ted into the fame, and became and
yet is the proper reflor of the fame : And the faid He>ry in faft
lays, that at the time of the death of the faid Thomas Samlys the
laid manfion-houfc, with the appurtenances, and the faid north
fide of tiie church aforefaid, were unrepaired and dilapidated,
anil that fuch fum of money, as at the time ot the death of the
laid 1 him as Sandys was fiifficient to be expended for the nccefTary
repairs of the premiires aforefaid, amounts, and at the fame time
of the death of the faid Thomas Santlys zmounted to the fum of
69/. "] s. of lawful money of Gr?/7/ Britain: Neverthelefs the
laid John Flumly after the death of the faid Thomas, although
often required, hath not fati-fied to the fame Henry a fufficient
fum of money for the necelTary reparation of the premiffes fo as
aforefaid unrepnired and dilapidated, but hath altogether refufed
and yet doth refufe in any manner to fatisfy him the fame there-
fore, to the damage of the faid Henry 100/. And therefore he
produces the fuit, i^c.
Adion on the cafe. 60
IVallbanck and Bncknall and others.
MiJii', to Vi'lt. T> Ahh Buckn/iU ]^te of LondjU, cfq; Jo.^n Buck- Cafe on the
■^ m/1 late of Lof7Jo:u efcu and ff'illinm Hall cuftomofEng-
lite of London, gent, were atrached to aniwer unto John n all- negligent keep-
barck, went, in a plea of trvTpafs on the cafe, fifr. And where- ing ot 6rc,
on the faid John l-Vallbarick by John Lilly his attorney com-
plains, that whereas, according to the lav.' and cuftom of the
kinjuom of the lord the king of F.nglar.d hiiherto ufed and ap-
proved, every perlon of the fame kingdom is bound- to keep his
tire fate and lecure by day and by nighc, io that no damage may The cade of
any way happen to his neighbours, tor want of good care of avlioa.
his fire, the faid Ralph (the other tuo pv,nld be named here, or
their names firuck out above J on the io(h day of Augujl'm the
-6th year of the reign of the lord Charles the fecond, now
king oi En^lind, ^c at St. Martin in the Fields in the county
of MiJdIefex nforefaid, fo negligently and inconfiderately kept
his fire, that for want of good care ot that fire a manfion-houfe
of the faid John IVallbanck m the parilli and county aforeiaid,
being in the pofl'cifion of the faid John IVallbanck there, and of '^''^ ^'*'°f'"
which the faid 7o/2« /r«///w;c;^ was then and there pcfieired for P ^ r-"^*
-' r y i-ir*i i flOUlC lOr a
the refidue of a term ct eleven years, which taid term began term of years.
from the feall of St. iVi;V/^/7f/ the archangel in the 31ft year of
the reign of the faid lord the now king, was by th^t fire burnt
down, and fundry goods and chattels of the faid John IVallbanck,
to wit, a ftudy, of books, one hundred and ten pictures, tzn Aliftofhouf-
tables, four Ti/r/fy-work carpets, forty-three chairs, four hoW goods,
couches, eight brafs fconccs, eight gilt fconces, eight brafs locks
with their keys, one bird cage, twenty alabafter images, ten
China bafons, thirty-three brafs puts, three brafs kettles, fixty
g!afs bottles, two hundred gallons of claret, three preffes tor
books, twenty yards offillc filLes for windows, tour guns, four
piilols, fix feather-beds, fix bedfteads, ten trunks, thirty cur-
tains, thirty blatikets, ten coverlets, one hundred yards of lace,
thirty pair of Hieeis, thirty table cloths, fixtv napkin*, one
hundred yards of mohair cloth, fix looking-glafles, fix pair of
tongs, fix iron grates, fix pokers, a jack, two clocks, fix boxes,
fijt Uools, ten cheil;?, fix hogf.isais of beer, ten hogflieads
of ale, forty filver fpoons, four pair of bellows, ten fplts,
three fire-fliove!s, three iron pots, four brt'lers, fix pair of
andirons, twenty candiefticks, twenty pillows, thirty pilIo\\bers,
thirty towels, fix hats, tv;elve fliirts, twelve caps, twelve cra-
vats, four p.iir of boors, lour belts, four fwords, tour cloaks,
ten coats, ten pair of breeches, four periwigs, three gowns, fix
pair of gloves, twenty pair of {lui.kings, ten pfir of flioes, fix
womens filk gowns, ten petticoats, ten flomav hr-rs, twelve lh:f;s,
twelve coifs, five hundred yards ol woollen cloth, five hundred
yards of lirfey woolfey, and five hundred ounces of filver plate,
to the value of 1500 /. of the faid John IVutlbanik in the fame
I 3 houf^
69 J Ad ion on the cafe.
fcoufe then and there were burnt, to the great daaiage of the
laid John IVallbavck ; whereby the faid Jo/nt JVallbunck fays
that he is prejudiced, and has damage to the value of 150a/.
And iherciori; he produces the fuit, 15 c.
Hod^'fji and Kay.
Cafe for not re- Tork, tO wit. JLJO,ace Kuy late of Barnibus on Dun in the
c«i"wVer!hy"' county aforefaid, gent, was attached to anfwer
the'plair.fiff's to7homns Hocigfon, knt. in a pica of trefpafs on the cafe, ifjc.
cattlf elcapecJ And whereon the latne Thomas by "John Arthur his attorney
thro' the land complains, that whereas the faid Thomas on the firft day oi Sep-
^^r'^a'^'unl ^""^'"' '" ^^''^ ^-l-'^ y^^'' °^ '^^ '■^'S" °^^^^ '^''^^ Churles the fe-
veic 1 ipo 0- pQj^j^ ^^^ j,j^g oi Eii/^lanU, tffc. was feifed and yet is feifed of
Salk. 768. ^'I'l in a clofe called /'K/7/oju Bridge, fuuate. lying and being m
Bamibus on Dun in the county aforefaiJ, in his denicfne as of
fee J which faid clcfe now is and frotvi time inimemorial was
next and contiguous adjoining to the clofe of the faid Horace,
at Ji. on D. nforcfiid in the county aforefaid, on
the part thereof; which faid clofe of the faid Horace
on the part thereof, for all the time aforefaid was and
yet is next and contiguous adjoining to a certain common field
called common, fuuate m B. on D. aforefaid in the
[ "O J county aforefaid : And wliercas the faid Horace and all they
pfcfciiptiouio vhofe eftate the faid /Vo;v/f? r.ow has of and in the fuid clofe
rtp.iir I c called were uft:d and accufloined to repair Hnd amend
the hedges and fences bctv.'een the faid clofe of the faid Thomas
caiL\:/f^. and the 'laid clofe of the faid H. called with
The caufc cf all neccifary reparaiions, a$ ofteji as occafi'^n required : Never-
*i^io". thelefs the faid H, contriving and malicioufly intending totally
to hinder and deprive the faid T. cf all the profit and advantage
of his faid clofe, afterwards, to v;it, the firft day of Sep^
timber in the year of the reign ot the faid lord the now
king, permitted the hedges and fences aforefaid feparating and
dividing the faid clofe of the faid 7*. called JVilhivhiidi^e, from
the faid clofe of the faid H. called to be broke down, prof-
trated and in great decay, for want of reparation, and the hedges
and fences of his clofe a'oreiaid feparating and dividinir his clofe
aforefaid from the ccnmion held aforefaid, called to be
broke down and proO.rated, and in great decay, whereby a cow
of the faid T. of the price of 5 / on the faid firft day of Sep-
tember in the 34th year abovcfaid, in the clofe of him the faid
'/. called IV. depalluring, thro' the fradure and breach of the
liedges aforefaid, from the clofe of the faid T. called IF. into
the clofe of the faid //. called and from thence for want
of reparations aforefaid of him the faid //.into the faid com-
mon held, called efcaped, whereby the faid H. after-
vards, to wit, the faid firft day of September in the 34th year
abovcfaid, the faid cow of the faid T. fo in the common field
aforefaid, called being found, took and then at B.
Adion on the cafe. 76
aforefaiJ impounded ; which faid cow fo being in pound afore-
fai-1, on the faid firti; day of i^epttmber in the 34th year above-
faid was there killed : VVherefore, l£c.
IVickham againft Sperring.
LmJon, to v.'lt.ZJ/'IlIiafn IVickham and Frances his wife ad- Trover for a
miniftratrix of all and iingular the goods '^°'"'g»gc and
and chattels, riorhts and credits of James JeofJi-ey the youneer ^„^\^T-n ^
oecealed, ion and adni'.nittrdtor or ^ames Jeoffrey the elder hlce- tor Jebonis mn.
Wife deceafed, by the f-tid James Jeefrcy the younj^er not ad- I think the bet.
iiiiniftered, complain oi fViliiain Spenirif^ in the cufto*, a t
the parifh of Sr. Clement Danes aforcfiid in the county aforc-
faid, were pofT. iTfd of divers other goo>'s and chattels, to v/ff,
Doth not fay to ^^ 20 chairs, a filver tankard, a clock, tv/o filver bowls, two
the value. filver lairs, a cau^^lc cup, 12 fi'ver fpoons, two gold rings, 100
pieces of gold, five feather beds and five carj)e;s, as of the
goods and chattels of the faid !Villiam and Frances us adrr.i-
niftratrix to the faid James Jeof/ej the elder j and being fo
thereof polT. fled the fiid IVilliam and Frances cafually loil the
faid goods and chattels out of their hands and poflllTion, which
faid goods and chattels fo loft afterwards, to wit, the day of
in the year abovefaid, at the parifli of St. C/fWfw? Danes
aforefaid in the county aforefud, camt- by finding to ll>e hands
and pofTcfilon of the faid IVilliam St>erring .• Ncvcrthclel's the
faid IVtlliam Sperri^sr knowing the feveral deeds aforefaid to be
the deeds of the fai3 IVilliam Wick/ir/m and Frances, and to the
faiil William and Frances as adminiftrarrix to the faid Jnmes
Jeoffrey the elder, and knowing the goods and chattels aforefaid
to be the goods and chattels of the faid IVilliam IVichham^
and Frances as adminifLratrrix ro the faid James JeoJ^rey the el-
der, and to the faid IVilliam V/iclham and Frances as adminif-
tratrix to the faid James Je')ffrey x\\e elder of ri^ht to belong and
appertain, and contriving and fraudulently intending the laid
William ^'''ichltrim and Frances of the fiid f:veral deeds, and of
the recovery of the money with the iniertft thereof Ly thofe
deeds fccured to be paid, and &f the goods and chattels afore-
ThepE word^ f^]^\ craOily and fu'niUy to Jeccjz'e and defraud, the faid fei'-^rnl
or^ohal '"bnt^ //^ej'j anii the goods and clntleh aforefaid to the faid iVillior.i
feem"Qtccfi"iiry. Wichham and Frances, although often required, lie. have not
yet delivered, but thofe feveral ci.t'iijs and the goods and chattels
aforefaid afterwards, to vvit, the day of in the year
abovefaid at the parifli of St. Clement Danes aforela:d
in the county aforefaid, to his own proper ufe converted and
"■ c^ifpofeci.
Action on the cafe. 71
eit'pofed, to the damage of the faiJ IVilHam W'iclham ajid
Frances 350/. And therefore they produce the luit, l^c. '
Mitehall and Puniett.
FJfi X, 10 W\i. jSaac Mitehall \a.r.t of Colchefler in the county Ca^V on t!;eft»-
aforefaid, yepman, was attached to anfu'er to tuteofaj//^.
I'fiomas Purnett in a plea of trcfpafs on the cafe, iffc. And againft
whereon the faid T:homas by John P; ichard\\\s, attorney complains, ^Jf '"J^^^l^r"
that whereas by a certain aft made ii) the parliament of the b"n"on°anV«
lord Henry the fixth, late k'ng of England, l^c. held at Wefi- reft.
w/Z/yZtT in the county of Mirfrt'/^y(?jc, on the 5th day of February
in the 23d year of the reign, it was amongother things enafted
by the authority of the fame parliament, that all fiicr:ffs, under-
ilierilTs, ilier ffs clerks, (lewards or bailiiFs of franchifes, (tr-
vants of bailiff? or coroners, fhouH let out ot prifun all manner
of perfons bv ihem or any of them arretted, or being in their
cullod\' bv force of any writ, bill or warrant in any adion per-
fonal, 'or by caufe of in :iftment by trefp :ri, upon rcafonable
fureties of fufficient perfons, having fifficicnt v.'ithin the coun-
ties v.'here fuch perfjns be fo let to bail cr mainprize, to keep
their days in fuch place as the faid writs, bills or warrants fliould
require, as by the ftatute aforefaid more fully is manifeft and
doth appear: After the publication of which fajd aft, to wir,
on the 27ih day of June in Trinity term in the 35ih year of the
reign of the lord Charles the fecond, late king of England, Uc.
or.e Thomis Hayes the elder profecuted out of the court of the
faid late king of the bench here, to v. it, at IVeJlminJler, a cerr
rain writ of the faid late king of Capias to anfwer againft the
fiiJ 'Thomas and other perfons in the faid writ namcii, direfteti
to tiie then fiieriff ot the county of Efjex, by which faid writ
tiie fame lord the king commanded the faid /lieriif that he
fliould take the faid Thomas and the other perfons, if they fiiould
be found in his bailiwick, and them U^q\y fliould keep, fo that
he m'ght haye their bodies before the juftices of the faid late
kine of the bench at IFe^tnin/hr aforefaid, in ihe oftave of St.
Mat-tin then next foUowifig, to flnfwer to the faid Thomas
Hayes in 3 plea why with force and arms, ff. theovfters, to
wit. So bulhrls of oillers of the faid Thomas to the value of
20/. at the parilli 0^ iVtJlminJler and Lagenh^e there lately found
they took and carried away, and d:d h!m other injuries, to the
preat damige of the faid Thomas, and againft the peace of the
faid late king ; anJ that the fame fluritf iliculd have then
• here that writ : Which faid writ the faid Thomas .ifterwards,
and before the return of the fame, to wir, the i6ih day of ^i/-
f'lft in the 3t;th year of the reign of the faid late k'ng, at Hcy-
i/iiJge delivered to one IVilliam Pert, efq; then flicriff ofthe (]ti;vfrf<1 to
rounty aforefaid. In form ot law to be executed ; which faid the fneriiT,
Ihcrifffor the execution of that writ aft( rv/ards, 10 wit, the fame
jGihday of Aiig'ijl in the 35th year ofthe reign of the faid late
Capias fusd OHt
of C.B.
72 Allien on the cafe.
Warrant made Ung, fit fhyhrid^e aforefail, marie his certain warrant in writ-
t'Ji'iillF'lf''" inglealeJ wiih the leal of his oifice of Hierilf of the county
itic hu'i'dit'j atcrctaid, dirvfted to the then bailiffs of the hundreds o( Lexon,
Teri/irtn, h'/n/h-fe and T/utrJi.i!lt ; by which faid warrant the fame
ihcri/Fcoiiimantled the bailiffs of the hundreils afortfaid, that they
/liould take the fame Thomas and the other p.'rfons atorefaid, if,
l^c. and thcni, iSc- (o that they might have their bodies
before the faid juilices of the faid late king of the bench afnre-
faid, at IV.Jlmi'iJ} r aforefaid, to anfwer in form aforefiid ;
X'Vhichfaid warrant afterwards, and before the return of the
fame, to wif, the lad day o^ Aigvft in the 35th year abovcfaid,
at //fjy/rrV^if aforefaid, to the faid //i-i^/f then ?tnd at the time of
the making the faid warrant, and continually from thence until
the return cf the faid writ, being bailiff of the faid hundred of
Winflrce aforefaij, was delivered in forui of law to be executed,
by virtue of which faid warrant the faid IfaaCy being bailiff of
the faid hundred of Winftree as is aforcfaid, afterwards, and
The rliinilfF before the return of the laid writ, to wit, the firft day pf Sep-
^"''^'•'l- temler in the 35th year of the reign of the faid late king above-
faid, at Heybrtdge aforefaid, took and arrefled the faid Thomas :
Bail tendered, p^^^ jj^^ C^j^j Thomas in fadl favs, that immediately after the tak-
ing and arreffing of the faid ThomaSy he the faid Thomas offer-
ed to the faid Ifaac reafonable furetics of fufficient perfons, to
wit, 'John Doe of, l5c. in the county aforefaid, gent, and Rich"
ard Jones of, l^c. in the county aforefaid, gent, then and there
being fifficient perfons, and having and each of them then hav-
ifig fufiicient within the county aforefaid, for his appearance, ac-
cording to the command of the faid writ, according to the form
of the flatute aforefaid: Neverthelefs the faid Ifoac not con-
fileriiig the laid /latute, but contriving and malicioufly intending
The bail re- xinjutf'y to z'g'gntvQ and opprefs the faid Thomas in this behalf,
luicd tiirm, abfulutcly rtfufeJ to accept his faid fureties, and immediately
and earned him (,„rricd him the faid ■7'/z5m/-/j to the common gaol of the faid late
^ ' king for the county aioref^id at Chelmsford, and there iletained
him in the faid gaol a prifoner under the cuflody of the faid
t'Viliiam Pert then fheriffof the fame county, until he paid to
the fame Ifaac a fine of 40^. againft the form of the llatute
aforefaid ; whereby he fays that he is prejudiced, and has damage
to the value of 40 /. And therefore he produces the fuit, l^c.
r^^^ Tor en(?c. ^^. j^^ complains of T. G. in cudody of the marflial, ^c.
ififj away his 7» r , ■ • 1 1 in 1 c A i
fcivaai. ^ for 'bis, to Wit, that .whereas onu A. B. on the hrlt iiay,
^c. at, l^c. was rightfully and lawfully retained and placed in
the fervice of the faid. plaintiff to tranfaft certain affairs of the
faid plaintiff, unto the end of one year then next following and
fully to be compleat and ended ; and the faine A. B. had Icrved
for the fpace of fix months next after the firft ('-.y of May in the
year, ISc abovefaid in the fervice of the faid plaintiff, whereby
the fame plaintiff obtained and acquired divers great profirs and
advantages from the labour and fervice of the faid A. B. his fer-
A£lion on the cafe.
\'ant : Neverthekfs the defendant not ignorant of the premifTes,
but contriving craftily and fubiilly to deceive and defraud the
faid plainnffof his fervant afortfaid, and retained in his fervice
as a hired fervant, and of all the profits, benefits and advantages,
which the faid plaintiff by reafon of his fervant aforefaid iiji^hc
have and gain, procured the faid A. B. to depart from and
leave the fervice cf the faid plaintiff againft the will of the faid
piainiiif, whereby the faid plaintiff intirely loft the fervice of the
laid J. B. his fervant for a long time, to wit, for the fpace of
to the damage of the (aid plaintiff 50/. And ihert-fore he
produces the fuit, i^c.
Andrews and another and Lee,
Noith'tor, to wit. ^Ohn Andretxis the elder late of Ltivmne in
J the cotinty aforefaid, yeoman, and 'John
Andrews the younger late of Liivarne aforefaid, ytGman, were
attached to anfwer to JVilUam Lee., gent, in a pica of trefpafs
on the cafe, l^c. And whereon the faid Willi'im by "John Un-
derivoad \\\% attorney complains, that vvhereas the {i- ftop.
ping a wny to
the plaintiff's
The plaintiff
feifed iu fee.
Had and ougfit
to have away in
good in a pof-
ftfTorv s£lion.
So alfo in cafe
the defendant is
a ftranger, and
[ 73 J
(lops up my
clofe ; hut if
tlie defendant
flops up my
■way ill his owa
clofe, then I
muft prcftribe
for the Way. So
note -4 divcrlity
wheie the de-
fendant a ftran-
ger, and where
owner of the
pron nd.
I Vcntr. 174.
a Ventr. 115,
J 86, 187-
7S Adion on the cafe.
Mm md amlhcr agninft Oxides.
Cifr bv an In- Lj«./;,v, to wit, ^f'jhn OaJt-s Inte of I on,Io}i, ro'nry, was af-r
rloifcc agiiiifl ^/ taclied to aiifwer to Rohett Mun and /r//-
'••o:i!Xr'"'* ''""" ^^''■^''" ^ ^''^^ of rrcfprifs on the cafe, ^c. And whereon
notr "'"^'^ the fame Rchen Man and V/il'iam Doy by C /?. their attorney
coiiipKiin, that whereas the faid James after the ill day of
/I'/^y in the year of our Lord 1705, to wit, the iith day
oi Juni> in the year of the Lord 1708, at londm aforefaid in the
parilli of St. M.7ry-h--/>'nv in the ward of Cheap, made his cer-
tain noie in writing with his ov/n proper hand thereto fubfcrib-
ed, railed a proinilibry note, bearing date the fanne day and year
lall ahovefaid, and thereby proniifcd to pay to one Mr. Ru'i-
ani Foivke or order 100/. on the lO: day of Ocicher then next
following tor like value received, and the faid iog/. being un-
paid, he the faid /?;V/^rtr^/ afterwards, to wit, the fame day and
year Inil abovelaid, zx. London aforefaid in the parlfh and ward
atorefaid, indorfed that note with his own proper hand thereto
fiibfcribeii, and thereby appointed the contents of the fame note
10 be paid to one William Biivc^ck or his order, value receiv-
ed, and the faid 100/. not being paid, he the faid IVilUam
Buivcock alterwarils, to wit, the fame day and year laft ab.Tve-
' f^'*-!, at London aforefaid in the parilli and ward aforefaid, in-
cloried the faid note with his own proper han(J thereto fub-
fcribed, and thereby appointed the contents of the fame note to
be paid to the {■xi^ Robert Man 7i.nA William Day or [\\e\r or^er,
for value received, whereof the faid Janes Oudes afterwards, to
V It, the fame day and vear, at London aforefaiti in the pnrifii and
ward aforefaid, had notice: And by reafon of the premifles, and
by force of the ftatute in fuch cafe lately made and provided, the
J ' 4 . . c 5. f^,„g James was and became liable to pay to the faid Robert
Man and William D.iy the fame fuin of money according to the
tenor of the note aforefaid-; and fo being thereto liable the faid
N'.t in i!ie ori- J'""es afterwards, to wit, the fame day and year abovefaid, at
B'O'l- London ajorejoid in the pari/Ji and ivard aforefaid, in confidera-
t!on thereof affiimed upon himfelf, and to the fame Ruhert IWaa
and M'iUiam Day then and there faithfully prom'fi-d, to pay therii
the fnmefim^ of money according to the tenor of the note aforefaid:
NeveriheU'fs tlie faid James his pronfife and affumption aforefaid
* ?"•"''« 'o nor regarding, but coniriving and fraudulently intending the faid
^\/ /. Fcwke ^^^^^' -'-■•''^ ^"'■' II ill' "m Day in this behalf craftily and fubtilly
or order loo/. to deceive and defraud, the faid 100/. or any penny thereof to the
Tipon the ifl fame R>hptt Man and Willani Day, or either of them, hath not
^^'^ °' ^-''^' yet paid, (ilthough to do it he was required by the faid Robert
«-•'.„' r ^„ /I/// 'J and William Day afterwards, to wit, the ift day of OSober
)ij„,i in the 7tn year ©!■ the reign or the ladv the now queen, and oiien
jf\<-.vx OaJis. after, at Lond>n afjrefiid in the parifli and ward aforefaid), but
Hdotfci ibu;, Ij^^j^ Ijltheilo altogether denied and yet doth d.'ny to pay them
Kt. Fcioh. & J the
tV I
U. B^
Adion on the cafe. J7S
the fame, to the damage of them the faid i?c^f»-/ Murnni li tl-
liam Day 130/. And therefore they proouce the fuit, oV.
Bolfworth againit F{!kir,non.
Surrey,Xov.-\i. I
The defendants-
aiTauked ami
impiiloned him
til! he found
bail to appear
at the next
Adion on the cafe. X 74
rot ignorant of the premifTes, the fame ftatute not regarding,
but contriving to difinherit the faid Nicholas of the Ilbertits and
free cultoms aforefaid. againfl the form of the flatutc afore-
faid, with force and arms at London aforefaid in the parilli cf
Str Mary, ISc. made an ajHiuir upon the faid Nichoiasy and
beat, wounded, took, imprifoned and abufed him, and him the
faid NicfiotiJs fo in prifo!! detained, without any reafonable caufe,
contrary ta the law and cuiloni of this reahn of England, againft
the will of the faid Nicholas, until the faid Nicholas found
manucaptors that he fiiould appear at the next aflizes and general
gaol-delivery to be held for the county of Hertford, and in the
mean time fhould be of good behaviour, and offer'd him other
injuries, to the great damage of the faid Nicholas, and again ft
the peace of the lord the now king, ^r. And whereupon the The ownt os
faid Nicholas in his proper perfon complains, that whereas by the thewdt.
ftatute of Mngna Charta among other things it is contained, (hat
i!0 freeman fliall be taken or imprifoned, or be difTeifcd of his
freehold or liberties, or free cufloms, or outlawed or exiled, or
any otherwife ueflroyed, nor wewiil not pafs upon him nor con-
demn him but by lawful judgment of his peers, or by the law of
the land, as by the fame llatute more fully appears : And where-
as the fame Nicholas is and from the time of his birth hitherto was
a freeman of this kingdom of England, and ought according to the
law and free cuftom of £r_g/fl«t/ to have and enjoy the liberties
and free cuftoms of this kingdom of England ; they the fame
Henry Chauncy, IV. S. fife, not ignorant of the premiiTes, the
fame ftatute not regarding, but contriving to difinherit the faid
Nicholas of ihe liberties and free cuftoms aforefaid, againft the
form of the ftatute aforefaid, on the 29th day of September in the
31ft year of the reign of the lord Charles ihe. fecond, t5V. with
force and arms, to wit, fwords, ftafFs and knives, at London
aforefaid, &ff. made an afl\ult upon him the faid Nicholas, and
beat, wounded, took, imprifoned and abufed him, and him the
faid Nicholas io in prifon dera:ncd, without any reafonable caufe,
contrary to the law and cuftom of this kingdom of England,
againft the will of the faid Nicholas for a long time, to wit, for
the fpace of tv/o hours until he the faid Nicholas found certain
manucaptors that he fliould appear at the next aflizes and general
gaol-delivery to b? held for the county of Hertford, and in the
mean time fliould be of good b.-haviour, againft the p'aceof the
lord the king and the cuftoms of this king.iom of England, and
other injuries, ^c. to the great damage, (5'c. By reafon whereof
the faid Nicholas is greatly difquieted and difturbed, and of the
liberties and free cuftoms aforefaid was difmherited, againft the
form of the ftatute aforefaid, and is very much hindered in his
bufinels as an attorney ; whereby lie fays that he is prejudiced,
and has damage to the value of 500/. And therefore he pro-
duces the fuit, l^c.
Plead Not guilty t and give in evidence the fait ivas done in
Herifordfliire. Edm. Saunders.
A£lion on the cafe.
Decl' on a & 3
li. 6. c. 13. tor
not fetling forth
• itiies of cop-
pice wood un-
der the {growth
of z\ year?.
Pilch. 33 Car.
Ti.< reC.ul of
tnc ilatucc.
The fbrficitore.
The plaintifF
firmer of the
tithes in part
of ihe parift.
I 76 ]
Medlicott againft Maurfon.
Hertford, tO wit. 'Y M. Jate of" Broxborne in the county afo/e»
J* f.iiu, knight of the Bat/i and bait, was
fiimmoncd to anfwer to Thomas Medlicott in a plea that he render
i:r,:o him 144/. which he owes hiui and unjullly detains, l^c.
And whereon the faid 7liomiis MeHicctt by Charles NichoUs his
attorney fays, that whereas by a Certain a6l made in the parlia-
ment of the lord Edzv^r^ the fixth, held at Ifejlminfer in the
county of Middlefe^t the fourth day of No-vember in the feconj
year of his reign, Jt was among other things enacted by the
atthoriry of the fame parliamenr, that every ot the king's fubjf^.s
ii>ould Irom thenceforth truly and juftly withont fraud or guile
divide, (et out, yield and pay all manner of their predial tidies in
their proper kind, as they rife and happen, in fuch manriCrand
tonn as had been of right yieh'ed and paid v.'ithin forty years
next btlore the making of that a(fi, or of right or cuftoni ought
to have been paid j and that no perfon Hioul 1 Irom tliencefoiih
lake or carry away any fuch or like tithes which had been yielded
or paid within the faid 40 years, or of right ought to have been
paid, in the place or places tithable of the fame, before he had
juftly divided or f^rc forth for the tithe thereof the loih part of the
fame, or otherwife agreed for the fame tithes with the parfon,
vicar, or other owner, proprietary or fnrmer of the fame tithes,
under the pain of forfeiture of treble value of the tithes fo taken
or carried away, as by the fame aft, among other things, mors
fully appears : And whereas alfo the faid Thomas after the mak-
ing of the faid aft, to wi", on the firft day of January in the iStli
year cf the reign of the lord the now king, and long before, and
from thence ever after hitherto was and yet is farmer of all and
lingular the tithes of grain, wood and hay yearly growing or
renewing in and upon any of the lands, meadows and woods be-
longing to the reftory oi Che/hunt in the county of Hertford, ly-
ing and being within the ward, commonly called or known by
the name of M'^altham Crofs iFard, and to part of the ward,
commonly called or known by the name of W'lOilJtde li'ard in the
parirti c'iChefftunt, v/hich part of the ward aforefaid extends from
Bro'jkftdeio Che/hur.t Church-gate, and by the highway to a place
Cd.Uex\ Flam/lead End, and lo from Flamjlead End from thence
by Che /hunt Park-lane to a place called Hoi lozv Crofs, v/h\c\\ faid
part of the ward laft mentioned lies towards the weft on the
fevcral ways, lands and p!a:es laft mentioned : And whereas
alfo the faid y>jhn Maunfon a fubji ft of the lord the now
king and a freeman of Eng'i.nd on the firft day of Jpi i! in the
20th year of the reign of the faid lord the now king, was and
ever fmce has been and yet is occupier of 2000 acres of wood-
land, commonly called ChcPiunt Common, with the appunenarces,
belonging to the reftory of Cht/hunt, and lying within the fiiid
ward of IValtham Crofs, and the faid pari of the ward of IVoodfule
Ward in the parilh of Chejhuv.t aforefaid \ of which faid 2000
Adion on the cafe.
acres of wood-land, the tithes of the wood and underwood, lops
and tops of the faid woods, being coppice-wood under the growth
of 20 years in and upon the fame 2000 acres of wood-land, with
the appurtenances, refpeftively growing, coming, renewing,
happening and arifing within 40 years next before the uiaking
of the aft atorefaid, of right ought and were accuftomed to be
paid in their proper kinds and fpecies by the occupTt7^-aj occu-
piers of the fame for the time being ro the redor of Cheflrunt
aiorefaid, or to his farmer or deputy, or other proprietor of that
reftory or of the tithes thereof for the time-being ; And the faid The caufe of
"J'jhn being fo as aforefaid occupier of the faid 2000 acres of
wood-lane, and the fuid Thomas being fo as aforefaid farmer of
the tithes aforefaid in form aforefaid, the faid "John afterwards, to
wit, on the third day of ''January in the zgrh year of the reign
oi the faid lord the now kmg abovefaid, cut down, lopt and topt
the wood and underwood then growing in and upon 200 acres of
land, parcel of the faid 2000 acres of wood-land, being copoice-
wood and under the growth of 20 years, the tithes of which faid
wood and underwood, lops and tops aforefaid, in and upon the
laid 200 acres, parcel ot the faid 20f^o acres of wood-lanJ, in the
fame year refpeclively as aforefaid growing, renewing and com-
ing, did belong and of right ought to be yielded and paid to the
fame T^owzrty, being as aforefaid farmer of the fail tithe: Never-
thelefs the faid 'John all the wood and underwood aforefiid, and
the lops and tops of the wood aforefaid, in and upon the faid 200
acres, parcel of the faid 2000 acres of wood-land, in the fame
year growing, renewing and convng, being as aforefaid coppice-
wood, and under the growth of 200 years, after the faid cutting
down, lopping and topping of the faid wood and underwood
aforelaid, to wit, on the faid third day of 'January in the 29rh
year of the reign of the faid lord the now king abovefaid, w itliout
any divifion, throwing out or fitting forth for the tithe thereof
the tenth part of the fame wood, underw ood, lops and tops afore-
faid, and without any agreement made for the fame tithes by the
laid John with the fiid Thomas, at Chejhunt aforefaid took and
carried away: And wht-reas alfo the faid John afterwards, to Second count, '
wit, on the firlt day of Ai^ril in the 30th year of the reign of the
faid lord the now king, the fame John being then, as is aforefaid,
the occupier of the faid 2000 acres of wood-land, commonly
called Che/hunt Common, wi:h the appurtenances, belonging to
the r.ctory of Chejkunt, and lying within the faid ward of Wal-
thfim Ctofs,zv^erwood aforefaid, and the Icps and tops of the
wood aforefaid in and upon the laid other 200 acres, parcel of
the faid 2000 acres of wood-land, in the fame year growing, re-
newing and coming, being as aforefaid coppice-wood, and under
Did not pay the growth of twenty-years, after the faid cutting down, lop-
*' '"■ ping ami topping of the wood and underwood aforefaid, to wit,
on the faid third day of January in the thirtieth year of the reiga
L 77 J of the f.iid lord the now king abovefaid, without any divifion,
throwing out or fetting forth tor the tithes thereof the tenth part
of the fame wood, underwood, lops and tops aforefaid, and with-
out any agreement made for the fame tithe by the faid John with
Third count. ,j^g ^^^^ Thomcis, at Chc/ aforefaid took and carried away : And
whereas alfo the faid John afterwards, to wit, on the ift day of
j^pril in the 31 ft year of the reign of the faid lord the now king,
the fame John then being as aforefaid occupier of the laid 2000
acres of wood-land, commonly called Che/^iunt Common, with the
appurtenances belonging ro the reftnry of Chijhunl, and lying
within the Ai^d ward of IValthnm Ctofs, and the laid pnn of the
ward of //'oo./////f /-/''.^/Y.' in the parifii of ChiJIiunt aforefaid., the
tithes of which faid wood and underwood, lops anam!iel not ignorant ct the preniilfes, but raaliciouily intend-
ing anc contriving to deprive the faid Nuihaniel of the ule and be-
nrfii of the faid fi^veral windows, afterv/ards, to wit, on the
fame fecond day o^i Ocloher in the ninth year of thereigo of the
laid lord the now king abovefaid, and from the ftime fccond day
p^ October in that year until the 20^h day oi Offiiher in the loih
year of the reign of the faid lord the now king, at the parilK of
!$.t. Martin in the F/f/./f in the co^unty aforefaid, a ceitaiii evince
by him the faid Samuel before, to wit on the firft day ot June
inthec)fh year abovefaid, 10 the nufance of the faid meffuage
then and vet of him the faid Nathaniel, near the faid window of
him the faid Na.'haniel th^re built and ertfted continued, and
thereby the faid windows from the fame 2d day of Octoher in the
igrh year abovefaid until the 20th day o\ 03(>her\n the io:h year
abovefaid were flopped up and darkened, whereby the fame Na-
tfianiel wzi deprived of and the ufe and benefit of the faij
windows from the faid fecond day of Oaober in the cth year
abovefaid until the faid 20th day of Odober in the 10th year
abovefaid : And whereas alio the faid Nathaniel, on the laid le-
rond day of O.:!oher in the 9th year of the reign of the faid lord
the now'king abovefaid, and coniinually from thence hitherto was
poflefled a!!d ytt is polklTcd of an ancient ' houfe, fituate and
bc4ng in the paiifli of St- Martin in the Fields in the county
aforolaid, for a term of divers years then and yet to come and
unexpired, and of twenty-one antient windows in and upon part
of the fcuth fide, and eight antient windows in anil upon part of
the eafl fi.le of the faid antient meduage, in and through which
faid windows light into the faid antient mtfluage aiorclaid, be-
fore the cr< ^lion and at the time of the ereftion of the other
edifice herein afcer mentioned, was of ri^ht let, and yet oi right
Cafe for the
continuance of
the (lopping up
of ijizhx-t.
To this count
there was a de-
murrer, it not
being faid that
the lights were
ancient fights.
To this count
the defendant
pleaded Not
guilty ; upon
wnich iffuc the
caute wts tried
in MiJJkfex.
whcicupon this
I ule was midi-j
and the plain,
tiff had judg-
ment; a wiie
of eiror was
after bromjhe
in the exche-
quer chamber,
and judgment
Si]. Adion on the cafe.
ought to be let, for the eniightening of his faid antlent mefluage
lalt mentionci ; N'- verrhclels the faid S:ir»uel not ignorant of the
preiDiifes, but malicioufly intending and contriving to deprive
thf fiid Ndthaviel oi the ufe and benefit of the faid kveral win-
dows lalV mentioned, afierwarls, to wit, on the fame 2d day of
Otiober in the ^rh year of the reign of the faid lord the now king
abovefdid, and from the faid fecond day of Ot/o^fr in that year
until the tweniieth day g^ Otiober in the lorh year of the reign
of the laid lord the now king abovefaiii, at the faid parifii of St.
Martin in the Fields in the county aforefaid, a certain other edi-
fice by the faid Samuel before, to wit, on the firft day of June
in the 9th year abovefaid, to the nufance of the faid ancient me!-
fuage then i\n<^ yet of him the faid NuthanieL near the faid feveral
lall mentioned ancient widows of him the faid Nathaniel, there
built and ertfted did continue, and thereby the windows laft afore-
faid, from the fame fecond day of OBober in the ninth year above-
iaid until the twentieth day of Oduber in the 1 oth year abovefaid,
•were ftopped up and darkened, whereby the fame Nathaniel was
deprived of and loft the ufe and benefit of the faid windows,
from the faid fecond day o( Oclober in the ninth year abovefaid
until the twentieth day of Oclober in the tenth year abovefaid :
•whereby the fame Nathaniel lays that he is prejudiced, and hath
damage to the value of 40 A And therefore he produces the
iuit, (fc.
t S3 ] Rofewell and Pryor.
Midd'y to wit. At the fittings held at Weftminfter in the great hall
of pleas ;n //4f foww/y c/" Middlefex, on Thurfday
the z^th day of June in the i \th year of the reign
of the Lord William the third., miv king nf En-
gland, &c. before John Holt. knt. cliief jufiice
of the faid lord the king afftgned to hold }>le as before
the king himfelf.
IT is order'd by the aflent of the parties, their counfel and
attornics, that xhe pojlea {hall remain in the hands of the faid
ciiiefjuftice until the fame chief juftice fliall otherwife order;
and that it be referred to the fame chief juftice to have his opinion,
•whether the aflion upon the ifi'ue joined between the faid parties
be maintainable in law againft the defendant (the fame defendant,
during the whole time of the continuance of the ereftion of the
edifice in the faid adtion mentioned, not being occupier of that
edifice) or not ; And it is farther order'd by the affent aforefaid,
that this order be made a rule of the fame court of the faid lord
the king before the king himfelf, if the fame court ihall think fit.
By the court.
Adion on the cafe. 83
Heath agalnft Heath.
London, to wit. flUhert Henlh, executor with one G/Z/^^f/ lieath Ajf-^^'pf'^ ^v a.
^ now deceafed ofthe !aft will and teiUinent of ''7J//,-"d''b'
Jo/hua Heath his father deceafed, coniphiins of Richard Heath in ^^^^ tclUio£»
the cuftody of the marHial, i^c for this, to wit, that v/hereasthe
faid Richard Heath on the hrft day o^ January in the firft year of
the reign of the lord George now king of Great Britain, i^c. at
London, to wit, in the parifli of St. Mary-le-boiu in the ward of
Cheap, was indebted to the faid Jo/kua Heath in his life-time in
20/. of lawful money oi Great Britain, ior divers goods, wares,
and merchandizes by the faid Jo/hua Heath in his life-time to the
fame Richard Heath and at his fpecial inftance and requeft be-
fore that time there fold and delivered ; and the faid Richard
Heath being fo therein indebted to the fame Richard Heath then
and there in confideration thereof aflumed upon himfelf, and to
the faid Jo/hua Heath in his life-time then and there faithful!/
promifed, that he the fame Richard Heath the faid 20/. to the
{a^\dJo/?iua Heath, when he iliou'd be thereto after required,
would well and faithfully pay and content : And whereas alfo
the faid Jo/kua Heath in his life-time afterwards, to wit, the
fame day and year abovefaid, at London aforefaid in the parilli
and ward aforefaid, at the like fpecial inftance and requeft of the
{dA^ Richard Heath had fold and delivered to the faid Richard
Heath divers other goods, wares, and merchandizes ; the fame
Richard Heath then and there faithfully promifed, thai he the faid
Richard Heath all fuch fuin« of money, as the faid Jo/kua Heath
for the goods, wares, and merchandizes lafl mentioned, reafona-
bly deferved to have, to the fame Jojhua Heath in his life-time,
when he fliould be thereto after required, would well and faith-
fully pay and content: And the fame Gilbert in fadt fays, that
the fa:d Jojhua Heath in his life-time, for the goods, wares and
nierchanjizes aforefaid laft mentioned, reafonably deferved to
have of the faid Richard Heath other 20/. of like money afore-
faid, and thereof he the faid Richard Heath then and there had
notice : Neverthelefs the faid Richard Heath his feveral promifes
and afluniptions aforefaid in form aforefaid made not regarding,
but contriving and fraudulently intending the faid Jo/huaHeatk
in his life-time, and the faid Gilbert after the death ofthe faid
Jo/hua, in this behalf craftily and fubtilly to deceive and defraud,
the faid feveral fnms of money, or any penny thereof, to the fame
Jo/lata Heath in his life-time, or to the faid Gilbert after the
death of the faid Jo/hua Heath, hath not paid, or in any uife
contented for the f?me, altho' to do it the faid Richard Heath bv
the faid Jo/}tua Heath in his life-time was required, but the faid
Richard Hearh hath hitherto altogether refufed to pay them to
the faid Jojhua Heath in his life-time, or to the faid Gilbert Heath
after the death of the faid Jojhua Heath and doth yet altogether
$3+ Adion on the cafe.
Tzh\(: to pay tlicm to the fame Gilhtrt, in delay of tne faiihfij]
execution of the will aforefaid, and to tlie damage of the laid
aibett 30/. And ther^'fore he produces the fuit, i^c. And the
fame Gilbert produces here in court the letters teP.amentary of
the faid Jo/fno Heeitfi aforefaid, whereby it fufficiently appears
to the court of the faid lord the now king here, that the faid
Gilbert is executor of the will aforefaid, and thereof hath the
adminiilration, ^c.
[ 84 ] Nurton againft Pdris.
Cafehyapar- Miild\\0 wit. /7 'Nne Nut ton complains of Hutrit'hiy Path
I'carrie?for^ '" ^^^ cuRody of the mariT^al, l~c. for this,
dam^ec? in ^0 ^''f» 'h^* whereas the faid Humphry on the firll day of July
overturning his inthefirftyear of the reign of the lord Ge rge, now king of
waggon, where- Great Brirain, isc- and for (livers years then Ult pift and ever
by her colli r fmce hitherto was and yet is a common wat^eoncr, to wit, be-
twecn the city of London and town or Ail jbury m the county
oi Bucks : And whereas the faid Humphry on tlie faid firll day
o^ July in the year abovefald, and long before and after hitherto
was ufcd and accuftomed to convey and carry by himlelf and his
fervants in a certain waggon of the faid Humphry divers lubjtfts
of the faid lord the king, for a reafonable falary to him in that
behalf to be paid from and between the city ol Lonlnn aforefaid,
8nd the faid town of Ailejhury : And whereas alfo flie the fame
y/«nf the day and year abovefaid, at London in the pariHiofSf.
Ecpulchre'm the ward of Farringdon wwhonl, at the fpecial in-
stance and requell of the faid Humphry enter'd into the waggon
aforefaid, to be conveyed and carried fafely and fecurely from
the city of Lordon aforefaid to the town of Ailejhury aforefaid
for a reafonable falary by him the faid Humphry of the fame Anne
therefore to be had: and that the faid Humphry the day and year
abovefaid, at London aforefaid, the faid Anne to convey and carry
Jrou) the city of London aforefaid to the town of Ailejhury afore-
laid in the waggon aforefaid had and received : Nevcrthi lefs the
faid Humphry contriving and intending to deceive and defraud
the faid Anne, did not convey or carry the faid Ame from 'he
city oi London aforefaid to the town of Ailejhury aforefaid, bu,t the
faid waggon the day and year abovefaid did fo negligently and
carelefly difpofe, manage and drive, that the waggon aforefaid
was overfet and overturned, whereby the left collar bone of her
the faid Anne was broke, and the left HioulJer bone of the faid.
jinnevi-is put out of joint, and the left arm of the faid Anne was
bruifed, bent and maimed ; v/hereby flic fays that flie is preju-
diced, and has damage to the value of too /. And therefore iTie
produces the fuit, l5c.
Adion on the cafe. •S^
Hurjl and Hi
London, to wit' yJ Nre Hur/f, widow, execufr'x of t'ne lafl will Cafe by an exf-
and teftniiient of //«<-aid, ff.r divers wares and merchandizes of the fa'd Ifaac in his
ife-time by him the faid Jfaac to the faid IVilliam in his life- r g^ ]
time, and at hi*; inftance and requeft, then before fold and deli-
VL-red, as concerning divers other fuujs of money to the faid
IJaac at the lime of his death due from the fuid John Hurft in
Sj A(^Ion on the cafe,
Iiij life-time, and yet unpaid, for divers other wares and mer-
chandizes of the faid Ifaac in his life-time, by the fame Ifaac
To the faiJ John \n his life-time, and at his inftance and requeft,
then before fold and delivered ; and upon that account the faid
Dorothy then and there was found in arrear to the faid y^nne in
13/. 6 s. -J J. of lawful money oi England ; the faid Dorothy \n
confideration thereof then and there, to wit, on the faid 12th
day of J«n?in the year of the Lord 1702 abovefaid, at Lonrlon
aforefaid in the parifh and ward aforefaid, aflumed upon herfelf,
and to the fame Anm then and there faithfully promifed, to pay
to the fame Anne i\\e. faid 13 /. 6 s. "j d. when rtie fliould be
thereto after required: And whereas alfo the faid Dorothy after-
wards, to wit, the fame 12th day of June in the year of the
Lord 1702 abovefaid, at London aforefaid in the parifli and ward
aforefaid, accounted with the faid Anne^ as well concerning
divers other fums of money to the fame Ifaac from the faid IVil-
liam in his life due, and yet unpaid, for divers other wares and
merchandizes of the faid Ifuac in his life-time, by the faid Ifaac
in his life-time to the fame William in his life-time, and at his
inftance and requeft, then before fold and delivered, as concern-
ing divers other fums of money to the faid Ifaac at the time
of his death due from the fz\A John Hurji in his life-time, and
yet unpaid, for divers other wares and merchandizes of the
faid Ifaac in his life-time, by the faid Ifaac to the fame John
in his life-time, and at his inftance and requeft, then before fold
and delivered ; and upon that account the faid Dorothy then
and there was found in arrear to the faid Anne in i\.l. of law-
ful money of England ; the faid Dorothy in confideration there-
of then and there, to wit, the fame 12th day of June laft men-
tioned, at London aforefaid in the parifh and ward aforefaid,
affumed upon herfelf, and to the fame Anne then and there faith-
fully promiL'd, to pay to the fame Anne the faid 14 /. when fhe
ihou Id be thereto after required : Neverthelefs the faid Dorothy
her pronjifes and afllimptions aforefaid in form aforefaid made
not regarding, but contriving and fraudulently intending the
fame Anne of the faid feveral fums of money craftily and fubtilly
to deceive and defraud, the fai whereby it fufficiently ap-
pears to the court of the faid lady the now queen here, that the
fame Anne is executrix of the will of the faid ffaar, and hath
«he adminiftraiion thereof, ^c,
Adion on the cafe. J 85
London, to wit. 'Y S- late of Lo«,/;;?, merchant, and Zi. /?. late Caje on a fpe-
' / , . , cul contract to
^ ot the lame, merchanr, were attscned to (j^-jiver coo/
anfwer R. D. in a plea of trefpafs on the cafe» ifc. And third fubfcrip-
whereon the fame Richard by ^. 5. his attorney complains, that tion to the
whereas he the faid /?/V/^rt>^ on the Ath day of A/, in the year South-Sea
at London aforelaid in the paiifii of St. Peter le Poor w'hcfe part of
in the ward of Brondjireet, London, had paid 500/. by him b?- the contraft
fore then fubfcribed in the third fubfcription to the governor and money was
company of merchants of Great Britain trading to the South- P'"' aiter-
Seus and other pans of America, and for the pronioing of the ^*''''*'
filliery, £fff. called x\\q South-Sea company: And whereas alfo
afterwards, to wit, the fame day and year, at Lo^'don aforcfaid
in the parilli and ward atorefaid, it was agreed between thr f^id
y. and E. and the faid R. that the faid R. upon payment of
1550/. with intereft afierthe rate of 5 /. for the hundred by the
year for the fame from the day of that agreement, fhould deli-
ver to the faid J. and E. the f.iid 500/. third fubfcription to the
governor and conipany aforefaid, and that the faid J. and E.
Ihould pay to the faid R. upon the delivery of the faid 500/.
third fubfcription, that fum of 1550/. of lawful money of G?vfl/
Britain, with intereft for the fame after the rate of 5 /. for the
hundred by the year from the day of the faid agreement, and
that the faid J. and E. fhould allow and pay all future calls upon
the faid 500/. fubfcription : And thereupon the fame J. and E.
afterwards, to wit, the 5th day o^ July in the year abovefaid, at
London aforefaid in the parifh and ward aforefaid, in confiJera-*
tion that the faid R. then and there at the fpecial inftance and
requeftof the faid J. and E, had aflumed upon himieif, and to
the fame J. and £. then and there faithfully promifed, to*perforrn
every thing in the faid agreement contained on the part of the
faid R. to be performed, aflumed upon themfelves, and to the
faid R. then and there faithfullv promif..'d, that they the fame
J. and £. the agreement aforefaid, in all things on their parts
to be performed, would well and faithfully perform : And the [ 86 j
faid R. in faft fays, that afterwards, to wit, on the loth day of
Jf-ril in the year of the Lord 1721, at London aforefaid in the
parfh and ward aforefaid, he the faid R. delivered to the faid
J. and E. the faid 500/. third fubfcription aforefaid : Neverthe- Breach,
lefs the faid J. and E. not regarding their promife and afTump-
tion aforefaid, but contriving and fraudulently intending craftily
and fubtilly to deceive and deiraud the faid R. in this behalf,
have not paid or caufed to be paid, nor hath either of them paid
or caufed to be paid, the faid lum of 1550/. with fuch intereft 1550/.
for the fame as is aforefaid, nor any penny thereof, according to
tKe form and effeft of the agreement aforefaid, alfho' to doit
they the faid J. and E. were afterwards, to wit, the fame day and
year, at London aforefaid in the parifh and ward aforefaid, and
often after, by the faid R. required, but have altogether refuf-
cd and yet do refufe to pay him, or caufc him to be paid the
Vol.1. L fame ;
86 Adion on the cafe.
Liid another ^^'"^ = ^"^ whereas alfo afterwards, to wir, the fifth day o'ijtdy
way. in the year lad abovefaid, at /.<;«(/!?« atorefaid in the pnrilK and
v/:ird aforefaid, the faid R. at the like inltance and r-^queft of
the faid J. and E. had bargained and fold to the faid J. and E.
other 500/. third fubfcription. to the comp'tny aforefaid for
1500/. ot like lawful mosiey, with inttrefl tor the f;iine from
the day of the bargain and iaie thereof, payable after the rate of
5 /. for the hundred bv the year; in confiieralion whereof, and
in confideration that the faid /?;<:Art>Y/ had taken upon hinifelfand
faithfully proniifed the faid J. and E. to deliver to them the faid
J. and E. the fiid 500 /-third fubfcription to the faid company,
they the fame J. and E. afterwards, to wit, the fame day and
year lalt abovcfaid, at Lond.n aforefaid in the parifli and ward
aforefaid, alTumed upon themfelves, and then and there faith-
fully promifed the faid R. that they the fame "j. and E. would
pay to the faid /?/c//«ri the faid other fum of 1500/ with in-
lereft for the fame from the faid day of the bargain and fale
thereof, upon hi- delivering to them the faid other 500/. third
fubfcriplion to the faid company: And the faid RicharJ\n faft
fays, that afterwards, to wit, on the 26th day of M. in the year
cf the Lord 1721 abovefaid, at Loidon aforefaid in the parifli
and ward aforefaid, he the faid R. delivered to the faivl J. and
E. the faid lall mentioned 500/. third fubfcription to the faid
Breach, conipiuu' : Neverthelefs the faid J. and E. have not paid or
caiifed to be paid, nor hath either of them paid or caufed to be
paid, the faid fum of i 500/. with fuch interefl for the fame as is
aforefaid, nor any penny thereof, altho' to do it they the faid J.
and E. were afterwards, to wit, the iame day and year laft above-
faid, at Lor.don aforefaid in the parilli and ward aforefaid, and
often after, by the faid R. required, but have altogether refufed,
snd yet do refufe to pay him, or caufe him to be paid the
Laid another fame: And whereas alfo the faid J. and £. afterwards, to wit,
*'*y* on the fifth day of July in the year of the Lord 1721, at Low
tion aforefaid in the parifli and ward aforefaid, in confideration
that the faid R. at their like fpecial inftance and requefl: had
fold to them the faid J. and E. other 500/. by him the faid R.
fubfcribed in the third fubfcription to the faid company, and in
coi.fideration that the faid R. had affumed upon himfelf, and
faithfully promifed the faid J. and E. to deliver to them the faid
J. and E. the faid lai\ mentioned 500/. fubfcription, aflumed upon
themfelves, and then and there faithfully promifed the faid R.
that they the faid J. and E. would well and faithfully content
and pay the faid i^. another fum of i 500 /. of like lawful mo-
Tiev, with interert for the fame from the day of the fale, upon
Averment ^'s delivery of the 500 /. fubfcription laft mentioned : And the
faid R. in fadt faith, that at a general court of the faid com-
pany held on the 18th day of M. in the 7th year of the reign
of the lord the now king, it was ordered, that ftock of the go-
vernor and company aforefaid fliould be immediately given for
payment on the third fubfcription aforefaid after the rate of 400/.
Adion on tlie cafe. J S6
t)y the hundred for everv lOo/. thereof, with the MiJ/ummer di-
vidend ofio/. by the hundred for every loo/. thereof in the
flock of the fame company, whereof the faid J. and E. after-
wards, to wit^ the fame day and year, at LonJon aforefaid in the
parilli and ward aforefaid had notice : And the fai." R. farther
inf^ft faith, that afterwards, to wir. on the 27th day o{ A in
the 7th year of the reign of the now king abovefaid, at Lon-
lion aforefaid in the panlh and ward atore!a;d, at the South-Sea
houfe being in the panili and ward aforefaid, trom 10 o'clock
till « 2 o'clock of the fame day (the fame y. and E. having no-
lice by the faid R. then before given, that they iliould be pre-
fcnt at the place and time aforefaiil to claim and receive the
flock for the faid laft meniioned 500/. third fubfcription to the
governor and company afortfaid allowe.i) he the laid R. conti-
nually there remained, and tor all the laid time v/as there ready
and otLred to deliver to them the faid J. and E. the faid iaft
mentioned 500/. by him the faid R. fubfcribed in the third
fubfcription aforefaid, and to transfer to the fame T and E. all
luch flock and other benefit ashy the governor and comyanv
aforefaid was or fhould be given or allowed for the faid iaft
ijientioned 500 /. in the third lubfcription by him the faid R. fub-
fcribed asatorcfaid, and they the faid J. and E. then and there
might claim and have the faid lail mentioned 500/. fubfcription : BreacJi.
Neverfhelefs the faid J. and E. then and there did notVoniej f 8- 7
nor did either of them, or any other perfon for them or either •■ •' J
of them, then and there come to receive or claim the faid lafl
mentioned 500/. third fubfcription, or to accept the flock or
other benefit which was or fliould be given or allowed by the
governor and company aforefaid for the faid 1500/. the money
paid by the faid /?. in the jd fubfcription aforefaid, but the faid
J. and E. have altogether refufed to accept the faid laft men-
I'oned 500/. in the third fubfcr'ption aforefaid, or fuch (lock
and other benefif as fhould be given or allowed for the fame bv
the governor and company aforefa'd ; yet the faid J and E or
either of them, at that time or any other time hitherto hive
not paid or caufed to be paid, nor hath either of them paid or
raufed to be paid, the f.iid ic;oo/. laft mentioned, or any penny
thereof, although they the faid J. and £:. afterwards,' to v^it,
the fame dav and year, at London aforefaid in the pariHi and
ward aforefaid, and often after were requefted to do it by him
fhe faid R. but they the laid J. and £. have altogether denied,
and yet^ do deny to pay him or caule him to be paid the fame[
to the damage of the faid Richard i6co/. And therefore he
products the fuit, ^c.
87 Adion on the cafe.
Ma/on and Slipper,
Cjff agairift t!ie NorfoU;, tO wit. "Diehard hfafon late of Neflon in the COUniy
flieiifftorin cf- aforcfaid, efq; was attached to anfwer to
tape on an Samuel Sli/fer, clerk, in a plea of trefpafs on the cafe, ^c.
' . And whereon the faid Samuel by M'lUuim Belts his attorney
complains that whereas George OxenJen, doftor of laws, of the
court of Canterbury of the archts London official principal law-*
fully conflituted, in a certain caufe of appeal and complaint,
which lietore him in judgment between the faid Slifff tht lady Anne, rwiu queen 0/ Great
Britain, l^c.
Midd\ to wit. "R E it remember'd that JViUiam Cozvper, baron ►pjie »//? prius
oi M'lnghat/!, lord chancellor of Great Brilniiiy jecoid.
on Monday next after the odave of St. Hillaty this fame term be-
fore the lady the queen at IVeJJminJler, by his own proper hands
delivered her* into court a certain record had before the faid lady
the nov/ queen in her chancery at Wejlminjhr in the county of
Middle/ex, in thefc v;ords ; Pleas before the lady the now queen
in her chancery at Wejiminller in the county of Middlejex in
Michaelmas term in the 8th year of the rsign of the lady Anne, by
the grace of God of Great Britain, France and Ireland queen,
defender of the faith, ^c. London, to v;ii, Richard Tirrel by
JVilliain Smith, eiqj his attorney complains againft James Sedge-
ivick, efq; one of the curfitors of the faid lady the now queen,
prefent here in court in his proper perfon for this, to wit. Ami
Jo recite the ijjv.ein the peltybng office ; and who are neither of
affiniry to the faid Richiird nor to the faid James, to recognize
en their oaths more fully the truth of and concerning the premiiies^
At which day before the lady the queen at IVeftmirJier comes
as well (he f^i'.i Richard Tirrcll by Shaiv his attorney, as the
faid Jatnes tl-dgeixjiik in his proper perfon: And the flieriffs of
ioW'/on aforcfaid, to wit, Richard Iloare, knt. and 7homas Dunk,
efq; return the writ of the lady tne queen oi 'venire facias to them
in form aforefaid direJled in all things ferved and executed, to-
gether with a panel of the names of the jurors to the fame writ
annexed, of whom none, Iffc. Therefore the flieriffs of londm
nforefaid are commanded, that they diftrain the jurors aforefaid
by all their lands, l^c. And that ©f the iffues, Eifr, fo that they
may have their bodies before the lady the queen at IVi'flvii^/lcr
on Monday next after the o£l,ave of the purification of the blcffcd
Mary, or before John Roivell, knt. one of the jnfticcs of the
lady the queen alfi^ncd to hold pleas in the court of the faid lady
the queen before the queen hcrlblf, if he Hiall before coii>e, on.
Saturday next after fhe puri3cation of the blelfcd Mary, at Cuild-
hnll, London, by the form of the llatutc, Is^c. for want of jurors,
l^c. Therefore let the ilierilE have their bodies, ^c. The fame \l l' '' ^■^°'
J- 4- oay J4E. 3. c. i6
The podea.
V*crdii!t for the
r 90 ]
The iiinir:.
Adion on the cafe.
clay is given to the parties aforefaid there, l^c. Afterwards the
day anu year within containeti, before John Poiiell, knt. one ot
the juftices of the lady the queen, v/ithin wr\nen, John luce, gent,
being afibciaied to him by the form of the ftatuie, life, comes the
vithiii named RicharJ Tirrell by his attorney within contained,
and the within written James SeJgeixtck, ah ho' at the fame day
folenmiy called, comes not, but makes default ; therefore the
jury wiihin mentioned is taken againfl: him by default ; where-
upon the jurors of that jury beint^ called, fome of them, to wit,
Thomas tialler, Thomas IVaifon, T. IV. A. B. and J. C. come,
and on thnt jury are fworn ; And becaufe the refidue of the
jurors of that jury do not appear, therefore others from the by-
Itanders, by the iheriffs afortfaid to this elefted, at the requeft of
the faij RicharJ, and by the command of the juftice alorefaid,
are added anew, whofe names to the panel w'thin written are
affixed according to the form of the ftatute in fuch cafe made and
provided : And the jurors fo added anew, to wit, T. S. G. F.
J. B. R. R. IF. B. J. L. and G. C. being called likewife come,
who to fay the truth of the within contained, together with the
other jurors aforefaid before impanelled and fworn, being elect-
ed, tried and fworn, fay upon their oaths, that the within
named James ^ed^eivick did afTume upon himfelf in manner an*i
form as the faii Richard Tirreli within complains againil him ;
and they alVefs the damages of the faid Richard Tirrell by reafon
of the premifles within written, befides his colh and charges by
him about his fuit in this behalf laid out, to 34 /. 10 J. 1 1 d. and
for thofe cofts and charges to 53 s. ^d. Therefore, fife.
18 Feb. 1709. For cofis of increafe 11/ ^ s. ()J.
Damages in the whole 48/. 10 s.
A,me by the grace of God o^ Great Btitain, France ^nd Ireland
queen, defender of the faith, £5V. To the ihcritfs of Utidjn,
greeting: We command vou that vou caufe to come before us
in our court on Monday next after the oftave of St. Hillary next
coming, wherever we lliall then be \n England, twelve free and
lawful men of the city of Isn^ow aforefaid, each of whom has
10/. of lands, tenements or rent, by the year at leaft, by whom
the truth of the U&. may be the better known, and who are nei-
ther of affinity to R- chard Tirrell nor io James Sedgeivici, efq;
one of the curfitors of our court of chancery, to make a certain
jury of the country between the parties aiorefaid in a plea of
trefpafs on the cafe, becaufe as well the faid James as the faid
Richard, between whom therein is a difpute, have put themfelves
on that jury : And have there the names of the jurors and this
writ. IVitnefs ourfelf at IFeJImirJer 29th day of November in
the 8th year of our reign.
Trever Baulirtg.
Action on the cafe. 9o
The execution of this writ appears in the panel annexed. The return.
f Richard Hoate, knt "^
The anfwer of ^ and V fheriffs.
(_ 'Tkomas Dunk, efq; 3
Jurors between Ric^arJTirrell and James SeJgezvick, efq; one
of the curfuors of the court of chancery, of. in a plea ot'
Irefpals on the cafe.
A B. of. cffc.
C. D. of, yc. and fo the reft of the panel to
And John M/'atJon.
Each of the jurors aforefaid by hiir/elf is fummoned.
< an
I Rich.
John DQe
By •^ and
Ar.nehyihc grace of Gq^ of Great Britain^ France and Irt' The //?n»g«$,
larj queen, defender of the faith, ^c. To the iberifFs of London,
greeting: V/e command you that you diilrain T. S. J. IV. ^c.
the jurors fummoned brtween Richard 'fir re II plaintiff and James
Seclgevuicky efq; one of the curfitors ot our court of chancery,
bv all their lands and chattels in your bailiwick, fo that neither
they nor any for thcin lay hands on them until you iliall have
therein other command from us, and that you aniwer to us for
the ilTues of the fame, fo that you may have their bodies before
us at IP'eJiminJier on Monday next after the odave of the purifi-
cation of the blefled Mary., or before our triifty and well beloved
John Pnvell, ki. one of our jullic<»s afFigned to hold pleas before
us^ if firft he fhall before come on Saturday next after the oftave
of the purification pf the blefTed Fvlary, at Guil i-halt, London,
by the form of the ftatuie in fuch cafe thereof made and pro-
v'ded, to make a certain jury between the parties aforefaid in a
plea of trefpafs on the cafe, and to hear their judgment therein
for their former default : And have there then the names of the
jurors and this writ. IVitnefs J. h'olt, at Wejlminjler 23d day of
January in the 8(h year of uur reign.
IVarton, knt. and Careiron and another.
An original
Midd*, to wit. /J AW, l^c. To the flieriffs of London greeting : writ out of
^ If Michael IVarton, kt. fliall give you fe- chancoy in aa
r ,- r ■ 1 1 L I J r i.- 1 J aQion on the
curity to profecute his fuit, then put by bail and late pledges caic by an af-
Danjiu Careiron late of London, merchant, and D. M. late of fiance agiinft
London, merchant, that they may be before us from the day of the acceptor of
St. Michael in one month, wherefoevcr we fliall then be in Eng- »•} outl'JDJ bill
land, 10 ihew thai whereas one Alexander Crommeline, being a pay\\j'ic\"^wo
jTisrchant uianccs and a
A6tion on the cafe.
niercliant and a perfon ufing trade, on the iSlh day of July irj
ihe new iVile, being the 7th day of the fame month oijuly in the
1-vgli/h flile in the year of the Lord 1702, at Himhurgh in
pans beyond the L^as. to wit, at London aforclaid in the pariih of
br. Mury-le-hoiv in the ward of Cheap, made according to the
lite and cuftom of merchants a ceriain bill of exchange lublcribed
with his own hand, and dire6led it to the before nieniioned David
and Da-ji J At /.ow^/o« aforefaid ; by which faid bill of exchange
the fame AUxaruUr required the fame D/;-'iil and Da'viJ, at two
ufances and an lialf, 10 pay upon that his firft exchange to the
order of one Le^vii Mangin the fiim of 100/. rterling, value
received of t|je {'aid Lewis, and to place it to account according
to advice; which faid bill of exchange afterwards, and before
the end of two ufances and an half, to wit, on the 18th day of
July in the En^lij?i ftile in the firft year of our reign, at London
aforcfaid in the p.ariili and ward aforefaid, was fliewn to the fame
/).7i»V/ and T^.-Ji^/J for acceptance thereof, and the fame Dai'id
L 9' J and DaKjid that bill of exchange then and there according to the
lite and cufiom of merchants a;.cepted ; and afterwards, to wit,
Indoifed. tiie itjth day of July in the year bit mentioned, at the pariHi and
ward aforefaid, the faid Leixis Margin, by indorfemenc on that
bill of exchange made according to the ufe and cuftom of mer-
chants, ordered the faid fum of 100/. to be paid to one Philip
d'olfe^TiTn't"' l'^'^-^i"f°", the elder, of Hull, or order; and, to
irnlaiiuift". ^''''^» ^he fame day and year laft mentioned, at the paiifli and
ward aforefaid, the fame Fbillp, by another indorfeiiKnt upon
the lame bill of exchange made according to the ufe and cuftom
of merchant!, ordered the faid Uur. of 100/. to be paid to the or-
der of tne faid Michael, value r5ceived of Mr. Robert doh; of
v.hich faid indorfements the fzi^i David and Da^'id afterwards,
Jlotice. to wir, the day, year and place lall mentioned, had notice,
wliereby, according to the ufe and cuftom of merchants, the laid
Da'uid and David became chargeable and bound to pay the faid
lum of 100/. to the laid Michael, according to the tenor of the
bill of exchange afor-^fiid ; and fo being chargeable and bound,
the fame David and David'in confideration of the premifies after-
warils, to wit, the fame day and year laft mentioned, at the
P'4rirn and ward aforelaid, aflumed upon themfelves, and to the
finie Michael then and there faiihfuHy promifed, that the faid
David and David would content and pny the fame Michael the
Averment of f^i^j fm„ according to the tenor of the faid bill of exchange : And
uianc;s he- j]^^ ^^j^i Michael in faft fays, that according to the ufe of mer-
<'-.ant« at chants, an ulance in a bilJ of exchange among merchants troin
Unmhurgh and llamhiniygh and London aforefaid contains in it a month frofii the
^onisn. date of Ivich bill and no more, and that a half ufance contains in
it fifteen davs and no more, to wit, at the parifh and ward aforc-
faiher,\)y the name oi Chrijlopher
Clnheroe, plaintiff, and the bctore named Brian and Margaret
tiien his wite, delorceants of the tenements aforefaid, with the
appurtenances, bv the name of one mcjruage, four cottages, five
barns, four gardens, four orchartis, thirty- tour acres ot land,
ten acres ot meadow, thirty acres of palture and fix acres of
wood, with the appurtenances in Pyr.rir, whereof a plea of co-
venant was fummoned between them in the fame court, to wit,
that the fi'd Brian and Margaret acknowledged the faid tene-
ments, with the appurtenances, to be the right of the faid
Chrijhpher, as that which he had of the gift of the faid Brian and
Margare: ; and that they releafed and quitted claim from them
ih- faid Brian and Margaret and their heirs to the faid Chrif-
toi>her and his heirs ft)r ever : And farther the lame 5r/i7« and
Margaret granted tor themfelves and the heirs of the faid Brian,
that they would warrant to the faid Chrijlopher and hi< heirs the
Wfcsofthe fine, fliid tenemenis, with the appurtenances, agamil the faid Brian
and M/r^^/rtf/ and the heirs of the faid Br/rtn for ever: Which
fai i fine fo had and levied was had and levied to the ufe of the
faid Chrtftoph r and Mary his then wife for the term of their
lives and the life of the longer liver of them ; and from and
after their tieceafe, to the ufe of the heirs male ot the body of
the faid Chrijiopher, o'l the body of the faid Mary begotten or
to be begotten ; and for want of fuch itliic, then to tlie ufe of
the right heirs of the faid Chrijiopher .- By virtue of whi.h fine,
^^"■'^'lic"' ^"<^ ^°V force of the ibtute for transferring ufes into poflcfTion,
iiciuuio.' ic. ^^^^ ^^-.j Chrijhpher and Mary were feifed of the tenements
aforefaid, with the appurtenances, for the term of their lives and
the life of the longer liver of them, the remainder thereof as is
r ,1 at^orefaid : And afterwards, to wit, on the i8th day of No'vemher
Deat'iPo^f onl of '" the 17th year of the reign of the lord Charlesih^ firtt. late king
the*t'cn"aiiufor of Eng/and,\t Hartovj on the Hill aforefaid the faid Chrijiopher
lilc. of fuch his eftate died feifed, and the faid Mary him furvived
and kept herfelfin: And afterwards, to wit, on the 7th day of
The other tc March \n the year of the Lord 1648. the fame Mary at h'ar-
nant for lite ro^ on the Hill aforefaid of fuch her eftate died feifed; after
«iics. whole death the tenements aforefaid, with the appurtenances.
Remainder tie- ^jecended to One Chrijiopher Ciitheroe as fon and heir male of
sJii'n'ia tail. ^^^ ^^'^ Chriflipher the grandfather by him on the body of the
faid Mary beg;otten, which faid Chriftother the fon into the te-
nements aforefaid with the appurtenances entered, and was
thereof feifed in his demefne as of fee-tail by virtue of the gift
aforefaid ;
aforefaid ; and afterwards, to, wit, on the 20th day o£ Jptil in
the year of the Lord 1655, the faid C/ni/lop/ier the Ion, at //«>•-
roiv oti the H:ll aforefai'.i, of fu* h his eilate thereof died feifed ;
and from the faid Ch-ifiopher defcenJed the fame tenements, with
the appurtenances, to one 'Thomas Clitheroe as fon and heir of
the faid Chriftopher the fon, which faid Thomas Clilheroe into the
tenements afortfaid with the appurtenances entered, and was
thereof feifed in his demefne as of fee-tai!, by virtue of the gift
aforefaid j and afterwards, to wir, on 2d day oi No^j ember in the
year of our Lord 1681, at Harro'w on the Hill aforefaid, the
fame Thomas of fuch his eftate therein died feifed wiihout heir
male from his body ifTuing ; and from the faid Thjfuas dcfcended
the tenements aforefaid, v/ith the appurtenances, to one Chrif-
topher Clithe'oe as brother and heir of the faid Thomas^ which
faid Chrijiopher the brother into the tenements aforefaid with
the appurtenances entered, and was thereof feifed in his demefne
as of fee-tail, by virtue of the gift aforefaid : and afterwards, to
wit, on the 22d day of O^r/o^^-r in the year of our Lord 1686,
at H.irroiu on the Hill aforefaid the fame Chrijiopher the brother
of fuch his eftate thereof died feifed without heir male from his
body ifTuing ; and from the faid Chriftopher defcended the fame
tenements aforefaid, with the appurtenances, to one James Cli-
lheroe, as coufin and heir male of the faid Chrijiopher the grand-
father upon the body of the faid Mtiry begotten, to wit, fon and
heir of the faid James Clitheroe^ who was fon of Chrijiopher the
grandfather, by the fame Chrijiopher the grandfather on the bo-
dy of the faid Mary begotten, which faid James the fon into the.
tenements aforefaid with the appurtenances entered, and v/as
feifed thereof in his demefne as of a tee-tail by virtue of the gift
aforefaid ; and the faid James fo thereof being feifed aferwards,
and before the ifTuing of the aforefaid writ, to wit, on the firfl
day of January \x\x\\^ year of the Lord 16S6, at Harroixi on the
///'//aforefaid demifed the tenements aforefaid, v/tth the appur-
tenances, to the faid Thomas Frar.klyn and Mary Isis wife, as
Jone as it fhould pleafe the faid James and Thomas Tranklyn and
Mriry his wife ; by virtue of which faid demife the fame Thomas
and Mary afterwards, and before the ifTuing of the faid writ, to
wit, the fame day and year, into the tenements aforefaid with
the appurtenances entered, and were thereof pofT iTcd : And they
farther lay, that they are not tenants of the fame tenements as
of freehold, nor were on the day of the ifliiing of the originsl
U'rit of the faid Henry, or ever alter : And this they are ready
to verify : Wherefore they pray judgment of the writ aforefaid.
And the faid Henry Clitheroe fays that his writ aforefaid by
anything before allcdgcd ou^ht not to bcquaflicd, becaufe by
protefiing that the faid Chriftopher Clitheroe the griindfather did
not die feifed of the tenements aforefaid, with the appurtenances,
in his demefne as of fee-tail, as the (i\u\1 homas Francklyn an.^ Mary
his v;ife above by pleading have alicdged, for pica the fame
Death of tenant
in tail.
Entry of him In
Dies witliout
Defcent to the
Entry and fci'
fm ia tail.
Leafc at!.
Not tenants of
the ficciiold
I'Laclt-d in
Tlie di-mani^-
aut protejlan^t
replica iicy
w.rc tenants
or the ticehulJ,
Demurrer la
I 94 ]
Jadgmciit to
anf'.vcr over.
Plea in chief-
Seifin in fee.
Fine levied.
Henry fays, that the faid Thomas Francklyn and A'Liry his wiff, ort
the fame day of the ilfuing of the original writ of the faiJ Henry
Clitheroe, to wit, on the 22d day of April in the y\ year of the
reign of the lord "James the fecond, the lare king, were tenants
as of the freehold of the tenements aforefaid v/itb the appurte-
nance.";, as the fame Henry Clitheroe by his writ aforcfnid above
fuppofds: And this he prays may be inquired of by the coun-
try, ^f.
And the faid Thomas and Mary fay, that the p'ea of flie faij
Henry above in replving pleaded, and the matter in the fame
contained, are not fufficient in law for the faid Henry to main-
tain his laid asflion againll them the fai^l Thomas and Mary had,
iind that they to that plea in manner and form atorefaid have no
necefTity nor are by the law of the land bound to ai:fwer ; And
this they are ready to verify : Wherefore for want of a fufficient
replication in this behalf the fame Thomas and Mny prnv jtidg-
. inenr, and that the faid Henry may be precluded from his aftion
aforcfaid had, ^r.
And the faid Wfwrj, for that he hath in replying above alledged
fuffijient matter in law to maintain his writ aforefaid, which he
is ready to verify, which faid matter the faid Thomas and Mury
do not deny, nor thereto any v/ay anfwer, but the averment
aforefaid altogether refufe to admit, prays judgment, and that his
vrit aforefaid may be adjudged good, and feifin of the tenements
aforefaid, with the appurtenances, may be adjudged to him, ^r.
And becaufe rhe jultices h'ere will advife themfelves of and
upon the preniiifes before they give judgment thereon, a dav
is given the parties aforefaid here until on the morrow of the
Holy Trinity to hear their judgment thereon, becaufe the fame
iulHces thereof not yet, fife At which day here come as well
the faid Hemy as the fard Thomas and Mary by their artornies
aforefaid ; and upon this the prcmiffes being feen, and by the
juflices here more fully underflood, it feems to the fame juiHces
here, that the faid Henry hath above in replying alledged fuffi-
cient matter in law to maintain his writ aforefaid : Wherefore \i
is faid by the court here to the faid 1 homas and Ma'y, that they
farther anfwer the faid Hemy to his writ and count aforefaid, l^a
And upon this the faid Thomas and Mary defend his right when,
f r. and fay, that the faiii Henry ought not to have his af^ion
fiforefaid againft them, becaufe they fay, that long before
the faid Chrijlopher had any thine to do in the tenements afore-
faid with the appurtenances, one Bryan Edlyn was feifed cf and
in ihe tencnicr,ts aforefaid, with the appurtenances, hisdemefne
as of fee, and he being fo thereof feifed a certain fine was levied
in the court of the lord James the firft, late king of England, at
pr^flminjlery to wit, in the oftave of the purification of the blcfl-
c6Mary\n the year of the reign of the faid V'.ug James ih^
fir'd of England, France and Ireland, 7th, and of Scotland 45d,
before E. Coke, T. Walmjly, P. IVarhurton, IV. Daniel and T.
fojler, jullices and others the faithfiil fubjcdts of him the late
Aid. 94-
Jfing ihen there prefent, between the faiJ Chr'^pphcr, bj- the
name of Clirifl/fiur Clitheroey plaintiff. an.A rhe t"nid Bryan sivi
Margaret then his wife, deicrcf .mis of the renemcnts alc-efaid
v/ith the appurtenances, bv the name of one melluage, foiuco;-
tages, five barns, four gardens, four orchards, 34 acres of land
and fiK acres of wood, with the appurtenances in Pynnor, where-
of a piea of covenant was fummoned betu-cen them in ihe lanie
court, to wit, that the faid Brian and M^rrgmet acknowledged
The faid tenetnents, with the appurtenances, to be the right of the
laid ChrijJopker, as that which the faivl Chi/^o/'h^rh^d of the giic
of the faid Bryan and Margaret ; and that they releafed and quit-
ted claim iVoin them the faid Bria^ and Margaret and their heirs
to the faid Chr>Jioiher and his heirs for ever : And farther the
fame Brian and Margaret granted for themfelves and the heirs of
the faid Briar, that they wouhi warrant to the faid Chrijiopher
and his heirs the faid tenements with the appurtenances, againft
the faid Brian &\\^ Margaret ^x^A th.e heirs of the laid i'r/.^w for
ever : Which faid fine fo had and levied v/as had and levied to The ufcs.
the ufe of the faid Chrijlopher and M.iry then his wife for the
term of their lives and the life of the longer liver of them, and
from and after their deceafe. to the ufe of the heirs male of the
body of the faid Chrijhpher on the body of the faid Mary begot-
ten or to be begotten J and for want of fuch heirs male, then to
the ufe of the heirs of (he body of the faid Chrijhpher begotten
or to be begotten ; and for want of fuch ifTue, then to the ufe
of the right heirs of the faid Chrijlopher : By virtue of which Selfinby vlrtne
fine, and by force of the ftature for transferring ufes into polfef- ot the (latutc
lion, to v.'it, at Harroiv on the ///// afore faid in the county afore- of ulcs.
laid, the faid Chrijlopher and Mary were feifed of and in the te-
nements aforefaid with the appurtenances, for the term of their
Jives and the life ot the longer liver of them, the remainder
thereof to the heirs male of the body of the faid Chrijlopher, on
the body of the faid Mary begotten, the remaindtr thereof
as aforefaid : And afterwards, to wit, on the i8th day of AW^ot- Tenant for lite
her in the 17th year ot the reign of the lord Charles the ftrfl:, late '^ '^''^
king oi BnglanJ, at Harrow on the Hill aforefaid the faid Chrij-
t'jpher of fuch his eftate died fsifed, and the faid /V/r,;-^ furvived
him and kept herfelf in ; and afterwards, to wit, the 7th day of
A/rtrc-6 in the year of the Lord 1648, the fame Mi?f^ at ILirroit} .^n ^^ ;» tjjj.
ew /A? //;// aforefaid died thereof ot fuch her eftate feifed; after
v^hofe death the tenements aforefaid, with the appurtenance<;,
defcended to one Chrijhpher Clitheroe as fon and heir male of the
body of the faid Chrijlopher the grandfather, by him on the body
of the faid Mary begotten, which faid Chrijlopher the f,->n into
the tenements aforefiiid v/ith the appurtenances entered, and was
thereof Icifcd in his dtmefne as of lec-tail by vinue of the gift
aforefaid; and afterwards, to wit, on the 20th da^ of April in
the year of the Lord 1655. the fame Chrijlopher at Harroijuon the
/////aforefaid of fuch his eftate therein died feifed, and from that
Chrtjlopher defcendcd the fame tenements, v/Ith tlie appurferi-
anccs, to one Thomas Clitr.eroe as fon and heir of the the faid
i./irifiopher the fon, which faid Thomas into the tcneincnls afore-
faid with tl»e appurtenances entered, and was thereof fcifcd ia
his demsfne as of fee-tail by virtue of the gift aforefaid : and
afterwards, to wit, on the zd tlay of No'vemher in the year of
the Lord 1681, the faid Thomas at Harroiv on the //rZ/alorcfaid
of fuch his eftate therein died feifed without heir male from his
body ifluing, and from the faid Thotitas defcended the fame te-
nements, with the appurtenances, to one Chriftopher Clitheroe as
brother and heir of the faid Thoma^y which faid Chrifiopher the
brother into the tenements aforefaid with the appurtenances en-
tered, and was thereof feifed in his demefne as of fee-tail by vir-
tue of the gitt aforefaid ; and afterwards, to wit, on the 22d day
o'i Odoher'xn the year of the Lord 1686, at Hnrroiv on the Hill
aforefaid the fame Chiijiopher the brother of fuch ertate therein
died iVifed without heir male from his body ifluing, and from
that Chrtjlopher defcended the tenements aforefaid, with theap'-
purtenances, to one '^ames Clitheroe, as coufm and heir male of
the body oi Chri/lopher the grandfather on the body of the faid
Mary begotten, to wit, fon and heir of James Clitheroe who was
fon of the faid Chrijlop'ier the grandfather, by the fame Chrif-
topher the grandfather on the body of the faid Mary begotten,
which faid James the fon into the tenements aforefaid with the
appurtenances entered,and was thereof feifed in his demefne as of
Another fine fee-tail by virtue of the gift aforefaid j and the fame James be-
levicd, ing fo thereof feifed, afterwards, and before the ifluing of the
writ aforefaid, a certain fine was levied in the court of the lord
James the fecond, late king of England, at Weftminjler, to wit,
from the day of St. Martin in fifteen days, in the fecond year of
the reign of James the fecond, by the grace of God of EfjglanJ,
Scotland, France, and /)-e//7«<^ king, defender of the faith, i^fc. be-
fore Henry Beildin^fieLl, T. Street, E. Lutiuyche and J. Poix:ellf
jufliices and other faithful fubjefts of the faid late king then there
prefent, between the faid Thomas Franklyn and Mary h'.s v/ife,
[ 95 J plaintiffs, and the ( James Clitheroe the fon, deforciant of the
tenements aforefaid, by name ot two meiluage.';, forty acres of
land, fifty acres of meadow, forty acres of pafture and ten acres
of wood, with the appurtenances, in Harroijj on the Hill, where-
of a plea of covenant was fununoned between them in the fame
court, to wit, that the fame James acknowledged the faid tene-
ments, with the appurtenances, to be the right of^ the faid
Thomas, as thofe which the faid 't homas, and Mary\\' J} year of the reign of the lot J
and lady William and Mary nozv king and queen of England,
The f»rata. Midd\ to wit. 'T^ H E jury between Henry Clitheroe, efq; de-
X mnndanr, and Thomas Ftanklyn, efq; and
Mary\n$ wife, in a plea of land is put in refpite here until from
the day of the Holy Tr/m'j' in i 5 oays, unlefs Henry Pollexfen,
knt. chief juflice of the lord and lady the king and queen of the
bench here affi ^ned by form of the ftature, il^c. on Fri !tiy the
I4tli day of February at IFeflnnnf^er in the hall there, com-
monly called WeHminfler-liall in ihe county aforefaid, /liall firft
come tor want ot jurors, becaufe none come, therefore let the
flierifF have the bodies, l£c. And be it known, that the juftices
herein court this fame term have delivered the writ thereof to
John Cooke, efq; the deputy fherifF of the county aforefaid, in
form ol law to be executed, i^c.
i 9^ J Arbitrement.
Haw to plead an award -^ iDith much ufeful learning on
that Juhje^l. Prad. Reg. 165. 171. i Salk. 69,
72, 67.
Athttralion loni.
KNOW all men by thefe prefents. That 7. fofeph B. of l^c-
am held and firmly bound to John W. o^,^3c. in 100/ Wf. /"
and in the year of the Lo.-d 1720. The condition of this obliga-
tion is fuch, That if the above bounden fofeph B. his heirs, exe-
cutors and adminiftrators, and every of them, do and fhall for
hisan.i their part and behalf well and truly in all things ftand to,
obey, abide, perform, fulfil and keep the award, order, arbitre-
mert, end and final determination c;f Daniel D. of Hackney
aforefaid, efq; J. C. of the fame efq ; and C. IV. of the fame,
efq; or any two of them, arbitrators im'ifferently elected and
named, as well on the part and behalt ot the above-bounden y. B.
as of the above-named J. W. to arbitrate, award, order, judge
and determine of ami concerning all and all manner of aflicn ami
aftions, caule and caufes of aftion, fuits, quarrels, controveifies,
irefpafTes, damages and demands whatfoever, at any time here-
tofore had, moved, brought, commenced, fued, profecuted, done,
Arbitrement- 9^
fufferec?, cbmir.ittci^ or depending, by and betv.'ecn the faid par-
ties, or either of them, fo as the faij award be made by the faid
arbitrators or any two of them, and ready to be delivered lo the
parties in ditF(;rence, ot fuch oftlieni as Hiail defire the fame on
or before the !4ih day of February next, (hen this obligation to
be void, tlfe to remain in full force and virtue. And it is alfo
agreed by and between the faid J. B. and J. W. that this fub-
nulfion to the faiii aw ird To to be made as aforefaid fliall be mace 9 & 10 W. 3.
a rule of his majeiU's court of king's bench at jfeflmiiijler, pur- c. 15.
fuant to the late atl of parliament tor that purpcfe.
Afficlaiit 'jf tlie execution of t/ie arbitration bond.
*y T. of LonJon, gent, maketh oath, That on or about the
J' 'zS\h d?iy o\ Jcvniary lafl: pall, he this deponent did fee J.
B. fign, leal, and as his aft and Aee>.\ deliver unto the faid J. IF.
one bond or obligation, bearing liate the faid aS^h day of January^
with a condition thereto for the performance of an awaril to be
made by D. D. of, l^c. and C IV. of, If^c and J. C. of, L^r.
or any two of thorn, of all aftions and dem-inds whatfoever be-
tween them the faid y. ^^. and y. B. And it was alfo thereby
agreed by the faid J. R. that the faid fubmillion to the award of
the faitl prbitrators fiiould be made a rule of his maj;fty's courj
of king's bench at IVejini purfuant to the aft of parliament for
that purpofe. And this deponent farther faith, tha' the name of L 97 i
him th s deponent fubfcribed as a witnefs thereto is the proper
hand-writing of him this deponent.
Monday next after the morronju of the purification of the hlefjed
Mary in the "fthyear of king George.
The rule of court thereupon.
ON reading the oath of J. 7*. gent, and the bond and condi-
tion of the fame, bearing date 26th day of January in the
year of the Lord 1720, duly executed between the parties, i?
appears to the court here, th;.t all an all manner of adtion and
aftion*, caufe and caufes cf aftion, fuits, qu^.rrels, controverfies,
trefpalTes, damages and deman'.s what!oever at any time before
the date o the faid bond had, mover' commenced, done, fuf-
fered, committed or!ing by and between the faid parties,
or either of them, fhouid be referred to the award and final de-
termination of D. D. oi hackney, elq; J-C of the fanir, efq;
an * C. H^. of the fame, efqj fo as they publifh their awarn in
Vtriting under their hands and fcalson or before the 14th dav of
February rcxt following the date of the faid bond. Anc. it far-
ther appears to the court here, that the faid parties have lub-
iTiitted and agreed that the faid fubmilTion be nia^ie a rule of this
court : It is therefore order'd that the faid fubmiffion in manner
and form aforefaid made, according to the term and eff(.is prox' po/l '{'•inJen^ pnchie anno
prima Georgii Regis, Brook verfus Taylor 01 dinaC ejl q„od orda
fafi' (fo infert the rule •verbatim) to per Cur'. Who ferved the
faid rule or paper writing upon you, or delivered ir, or copy
thereof, to you ? Did the perfon who ferved the faid rule or
paper writing upon you then acquaint you with the contents
thereof, and deliver you a copy thereof? What was the tenor,
purport or meaning ot the faid rule or paper writing fo fliewn or
d( livercd unto you, as you then underftood, or have bten fioce
informed? By v.honi, and about what tim?, when, and by
M 3 whom
[ 99 ]
vhnm, were you firft acquainted with the contents of the faici
rule or pap.-r writin^j, and did you kiuiw lherL•o^ ? What did you
then, or at any tiuic betor^.' or fince, lay whether you would or
would not pay the money mentioned in the award mentioned in
that rule of court ? Have you not declared you would never pay
the faid money, or pertorin the laid awani, and what have you at
anvtime, and , when, faid, either before or alter the fervice of
the faid rule, as to your refuting or not paying the faid money,
or not performing the laid awad ? Declare ihc truth of all and
every the ma ters inquTed of you by this interrogatory.
Itew, D) you know of anv, and what award, at a^y time,
and when made, by any, an>l what pcrfon or pcrfons, in piirfu-
ance of the faid rule inquired of by the preceding interrogatory ?
Were thu' names of the perfons or arbitrators that male fiicii
award Jeremiah Mar/ozv, "Jofeph Braiulm, and Samuel Gtiforit
or what other name or names w>.re they known or called bv, and
what was the tenor ol fuoh awarci ? Vv as it to the tenor follow-
ing ? that is to fay, Whereas at a fating of nift priuf (fo infert
the awTrd "jerbatim ) When were you firft, or at any other
time, acquainted with fuch award ? By any, and what pcrfon
or perfons was you at any time, and when, ferved with, or had
delivered to you a copy of the faid award inquired cf by any, and
what ptrfon or perfons, and was you at any time, and when,
requ're.t or dtfired by any, and what perfon or perfuns, to pay
the lum of 9^/. in the faid award mentioned, or any other, and
what fum, to tlenry Brook in the faid award mentioned, or to per-
form the faid award ? And did you at any time or times, and
when, and how often, refufe or negleft to pay the faid q^l. to
the faid Henry Bnok ? Were you on the i6th day bi May laft
at B.iifj'is Coffee-huufe, Lor.don, in the faid award mentioned,
between the hours of ten and twelve of the clock with the laid
94/ ready to pay the fume to the faid Hemj Brojk; and if fo,
how long did you continuf' there with the fa;d 94. /. to pay the
fame to the faid Heny Bro'A, or have you at any tune, and
when, and vvh''rc, and in whcfe prafence, paid the faid 9^./. to
the faid Henry Brook P Declare the truth of all and every the
matters inquired of you by this intc/rogatory.
Item, Were vou not ferved with a rule of court, the tenor
wherer f is as followeth. That is to fay, (iw,l fo infert the rule for
the attnchmer.t ■■,) And when did you fee, or receive, or had the
copy thereof? And was the faid 94./. at anytime, and when,
f^enianded of you, and by whom, and why did you not pay the
faid 94./. Declare the truth of all and ^^try the matters in-
7(/, ^f. at Wajhninfler by T. M.
his attorney, and produced in the fame court of the faid lady the
Cjueen then there his certain bill againft the faid Sarah Drake,
by the name of Aar^A Drake, witlow, executrix of the will of
Robert Drake the younger, executor of Robert Drake the elder,
in the cuflody of the marlTial, i^c. in a plea of breach of cove-
nant, and there \A.ere then pledges to profecute, to, 'Jchti
Doe and Richard Roe ; by which faid bill the faid Thomas Morris
coiiiplained againft the faid Sarah Drake, widow, as executrix
of the will of Robert Drake the younger, executor of Rober:
Drake the elder, being in the cuftody of the marfhal of the
Murjholjea of the faid lady the queen before the queen herfelf,
for this, that whereas by certain articles of agreement in writing
indented made the 17th day of May'xn. the fourth year of the
reign of the !ord and lady William and Mary late king and queea
of Ergland, at London, to wit, in t!ie parifli of St. Mnry-le-loio
in the ward oiCherp, between him the faid Thomas and the faid
Sarah, by the names of Thomas Morris of the city c/He the younger on the body
of the faid Sarah to be begotten, and to the heirs male of
the body of fuch firft fen, wirh the like remainders to the fe-
cond, third and every other Ion ; ami for want of fons, then to
the daughter and daughters of the body of the faid Robert Drake
the younger on the body of the faid Sarah to be begoiten,
equally lobe flivided between them, and to take as tenanis in
common and not as jointenar fs, and to the ft.veral and refpec-
tive heirs of their bouies lawfully to be begotten i the remain-
der to the right heirs of the faid Robert Drake the younger, as
by the faid articles more fully appears: And the faid Thomas
Morris then in faft faid, that nficr the making the faid articles,
to wit, on the firft day of July in the 4th year of the reign of
the faid late king and queen abovefaiii, at London aforefaid in
the parifli and ward aforefaid, the marriage between the faid
Robert Drabe the younger and the before named Sarah the
daughter of the fai.! '] hom.'/s was duly and lawfully had and
folemnized ; and that afterwards, to wit, on the ift day of /i:i-
g"ft'\r\ the 4ih year abovefaivl, the faid marriage portion of the
laid .Vah by rcafon of the premlflls : And
bcLaufe ir was unknown to the court of the laid lady the
cueen then there, what damages the faid 1 homas had fultained
Av.-ar.iofa by rcafon of the premiircs aforefaid, the fii.r'h''s of London were
w lit of inquiry. Commanded, that by the oaths of good and lawful men of their
bailiwick thev fhould diligently iriquire what damages the faid
Thomas bad fultained, as well by reafon of the premises, as
for his cous and charges by him about his fuit in that behalf
expended ; and lliould fend the inquifition which they fhould
tike thereon, together with the writ cf the queen to them di-
r^ded, to the faid lady the -queen at IVefiminfier on Monday
next aiter the morrow of the afcenfion of the Lord, under
the fea!, l^c. and the feals, l£c. The fame day was given to
the frcrt.
AN D the f.iid J"'''*' C/rt^ by J^hn I illy liis attorney comes and
rtTciiLls ihe force and injury, Is^c. And prays oyer of the
wriiinj, obli?ls, and before the return of the fame, to wit on
the 22d day of June in the 8th year ol the faid la'c king above-
faid, at Londo'i aforefaid in the pariHi and ward aforefaid, to Oit-en
Btickirghanty Unt. ard Edivard Willi:, knt. then iTieriffof the
county of Middlefex aforrfaid, 'vas delivered in form of law to be
executed ; on which faid Wtdriefdny next after three vvetk? of
the Holy 'Trinity, before the faid late king at IVtJlm', came
the faid Richard Chifwell in his proper perfon, and cfferVl himfelf
agaipft the faid Charles Brojvne'xn the plea aforefaid ; ard the faid
fheriffof the county of Middle fex returned, that the faid CharUs
is not found in his bailiwick ; and the fame Charles did not come;
whereupon the faid Richard afterwards, to wir, in the fame
Tfinity term in the 8th year abovefaid, profecuted out of the
fame court of the faid late king before the faid late king himfelf,
the fame court then likewif ■ being at IVeJlmioJlir aforefaid in the
county of Middle/ex aforefaid, a certain other precept at the fuit
of the faid Richard zgz'wW the faid Charles direfted to the then
fheriffof the county of Middlesex aforefaid, whereby the faid
fherifF was as before commanded, that he fliould take the faid
Charles if, l^c. and him fafcly, l^c. fo that he might have his
body belore the faid late king at JVe fl mi rjler on Friday next after
three weeks of St. Michael, to anfwer to the faid Richard C/jif-
nteH in a plea of trefpafs, and alfo to the bill of the faid Richard
againft the faid Charles for 8i /. 6s. 3 d. on promife, according
to the cuftom of the court of the faid late king, before the late
Jcing hiiTifclf to be exhibited, and that he fliouKl have there then
that precept : The fame day was given to the faid Richard there,
i^c Which faid precept the fame ^/MrW profecuted to the faine
intent above recited, and which faid precept the fame Richard
rifterwards, and before the return thereof, to wit, on the lorh
day of Oil oh er in the 8th year abovefaid, at Lotidon aforefaid in
the parifh and ward aforefaid, to John IVoolfe, knt. and Samuel
Ble-vuit, knt. then fherifF of the county of Middlefex aforefaid,
delivered in due form of law to be executed -. On which Wednef-
day next after three weeks of St. Michael, be'bre the faid late
king at Weflminjler, came the faid Richard Chif'iuell in his proper
perfon, and cfFtred hin.feif againO: the f2iv\ Charles in the plea
aforefaid, and the faid ilicriff of the county of Middlefex did not
return that lafl: mentioned precept, nor did any thing therein :
Therefore, as before, the faid fiieriffof the cov nt y of Middle f ex
aforefaid was commanded that he fhould take the faid Charles, if
^c. and him fafely, Iffc fo that he might have his body before
!he faid late king at IVeJlminJler on Saturday next after the ciflave
Bar. I to4
cf St. Hillary, to arfwer to the faid Richard Chifnxell In a plea
of trtfppfs, and to the bill aforefaid : The fame dar v.-i; given to'
thef ia Richiirtlihtre, i5c. before which day the iVtil late king
tVilliamih^ third departed this life: And on the fame da; the Demlfe of the
procefs on the precept aforelaid, and the pica of the procefs laft king.
mentioned, was aijourned by writ of the lady /hme, now queen
o^ England, ^r. of common adjournment before the fame lady
the queen at Welimihjhr, until trom the dny of Eajler in three
»A'eeks from thence ne'xt following ; On which day from Eajier
in three weeks before the faid lady Anr.e, now qaecn of England^
l5\. :i\. JVejlminfter CAintths ia\C\ Rich'ird ''n his prnperperfor,
and ofFereu himfelf againft the f-.aion and difcharge of the feveral promifes and afTumptions
afortfaitl, aud of all the money therein mentioned j which faid
ten hogflieads of tobacco the faid Jo/in in full fatisfadion and
difchar'ge of the feveral promifes and alTumplions aforefaid, and
of all the money in the fame mentioned, from the faid Jofeph then
and there had and received : And this he is ready to verify :
Wherefore he prays judgment if the faid John ought to have or
maintain his adtion aforefaid thereon againft him, &c.
W. Brainthiva:'/.
RepT. tfiitfe And the faid John fays, that he ought not to be precluded
did pot deliver, from his aftion aforefaid by any thing by the faid Jofefh in plead-
and iffue there- ing alledged, becaufe he favs that the faid Jo/f/'/z did not give
•"• and deliver to the lame John 100 hogflieads of tobacco, in full
fatisfaftion and difcharge of the feveral promifes and afTiimpiions
aforefaid, and of all the money in the fame mentioned, in manner
and form as the faid Jofeph hath alledged : And this he prays
may be inquired of by the country : And the faid Jofeph likewrife,
Peniurrcr to And the faid John hys, that the plea aforefai 1 by the faid
the pica. James in manner and form above pleaded, and the matter in the
Tame contained, are not fuflicient in law to preclude him the faid
John from his adion aforefaid againft him the faid Jofeph had,
and that he the faid John haih no necefTity, nor is bound by the
law of the land, in any way to anfwer to that plea in manner and
form aforefaid pleaded : And this he is ready to verify ; Where-
fore for want of a fbfiicient plea in this behalf, the fame Jf^Z/w
prays judgment and his damages by reafon of the premiffes afore-
faid to be adjudged to him, &c. And for caufes of demurrer in
5 7 L\- c 5. law in this behalf, according to the form of the flatute in fuch
4^A. c. 16, cafe made, he fets down and to the court here exprefles thefe
Bar. 1 1 OS
caufes following : Pecaufe the fiLii Jnmcs in his plea aforefaid
bath alledged. that he gave rr-'l dtJivercd to the faid Joh?^ oo _
hogflieads cf tobacco in fun fatisfsaion and riifchurge of the L ^ J
feveral promifcs and afTumptions afortlaid, and of all the money
in the fdme mentioned j and afterwards hath allocged the accep-
tance in the words foilowin-, Which faid ten hogflieads of to-
bacco 'he; faid John, in full fi-iisL-ftion and difcharge of the fe-
veral promifes and afTumptir^r-.s afnrefai.l, ana of all the money in
the fame mention'^d, fr'^iii the faid Jofeph then and there.- had and
received : And the faid Js/;^' farther iays, that the plea aforefaid
jsinconfident, incertain, not iduable, and wants form.
G. l/earg.
The defendants demur in law, becaule the fame Margaret Cafe? of (!e-
liath brought and profecuted her aflion aforefaid againll the fame murrcr affigned
Ethvord Thomtis, C?V. in thr county of the city of London, where after a gencial
by the law of the land the af^ion atorrfaid, for the rent aforefaid c'e^^rf^''-
by the fame Marparet \n manner and form aforefaid protecuted, ,g ' ^
ought to be brought and laid in the counties of Effex and Mid/He-
fex, or one of them ; and alfo becaufe the demife bv the inden-
ture in the declaration fpecif.ed is not alledged precifely and
affirmatively, but by way of relation and recital.
C. Wearg.
AN D the faid Jofeph fays, that the plea aforefaid by him the joinder Tn de-J
faid 'Jofeph in manner and fonn aforefaid above pleaded, and murrer to a
the matter in the fame contained, are good and fiifficient in kw to P^^* ^^ ^*'"'
precluile him the faid John from his aftion aforefaid thereof
againft him the faid Jofeph had ; which faid plea, and the mat-
ter in the fame contained, the fame Jofeph is ready to venf"y and
prove, as the court, ^c. And b.rtufethe faid John Moubr/iy
doth not anfwer that plea, nor anv wav hi'herto deny it, the faid
Jofeph prays judgment, and that the faid JJin Mof.bmy mav be
precluded from bis aftion aforefaid thereof againll him the faid
Jofeph had, l^'c. But becaufe the court of the" faid lord the kin?
now here are not yet advifed to give their judgment of and upon
the preuiiiu's, day therefore is given to the parties aforefaid be-
fore the lord the king at IVejiminJier until next after
to hear their judgment of and upon thofe premifles, becaufe the
court of the faid lord the king now here not yet, l^c.
"^^HEN, Ifc. And prays judgment of the declnration afore- Prmnrrfr in
faid, becaufe he fays, that the declaration aforefaid, and abatrmmt to a
the matter in the fime contained, are not fufficient in law to f,'^'','^j"'°° "*
maintain the action of him the laid Thomas againll iiim the faid ^"^ ^*
Ldrvord had, to which the fame Edtvard hath nonecefiiiy, nor
is obliged by the law of the land, to anfwer : And this he is ready
to verify : Wherefore for want of a fufficient declaration in this
behaU, the faid Ed-wnrd prays judgment of that declaration, and
that the fame declaration may be (.juafbcd, ^c. And for caufes
Vol.. I. N of Caufes;
io6 Bar.
of (demurrer in law upon ihe ileclaration aforefaid, the fame
*'/■• ^- ^- EJ'n.aiJ, accorLiing to the form ot the ll.iiuie in luch cafe latelr
nude anJ p'ovideil, fets down and to the court here fxprefles
thefe caiifes loHowing, to wir, that no town, p;ir'fli or place is
nllfdged in the lame declaration where the laii Itiivutd the
cloft atorefaid broke or cnter'd, and for that the fnnie d.erlara-
tion is in itlelf repugnant, contraditljry, and wants form, l^c.
'Iho. Booth.
JFhite and Combes mid others.
Iinparlance for A N D now at this day, to wit, Iffc. next after, ll'c in tins
!^an",twopLad -O^ I'unet.nn, uitjl which day the iA<\ John Combes, John
A'«« ajfampfit. i^ofter and Charles M'ilkirpjn, had leave to imparl to the faid
bill, and tlien to anfwer, &/-. before the lord the kin/ at Ifef?-
rair/hr come as well the laid htiznbeth by her attorney atore-
faid, as the faid John C. J. F. and Chmles IVilkirfon by G. IV.
their attorney : And the fame John Comhes, 'Thomas Fojltr and
ChayUs IV. defend the force and injury when, Ifc. And the
l\»d J. C. and J. F fay, that thev did rot aliume upon ihem-
felves in manner and form as the fiid Elizabeth ab;)ve againft
ihem complains : A'ld of this they put theinfclves on the coun-
try ; And the faid FAizoLeih thereof likewife, Iffc.
The -idNenaf- ^"^ '^'^ ^"^'^ CJu.rles fays, that the fnid hlizaketh ought not
fumpfit; to have or maintain Jier aftion atorefaid thereof againft hiai,
»no by lc>aTe of becnu'e be fped, or on iiny pj,rt thereof, ac-
cording to the form and cfllftcf the condition aforefaid ;apd thac
the faid EdzvarJin his I:fc-tin.e before the faid lOih day ofOdo-
ter'xn that year, to wit, on the fi'ft day o^ SeMemhfr in the faiJ 36th
year of the reign of the faid lord Ch'irles the fecond, at Bition
aforefaid in the county aforefaid, furrendcred the faid feveral
parcels cf land in the faid condition above mentioned, and every
part and pircel thereof, and h's whole ferm and eftaie in the
fame, to Rich/irii Joves, cfq; an-l his heirs, which faid RiiharU then and there accepted of the furrcnder aforcfaid ; And
^ ' this
Bar. t»«>9
gl;nJ unto fuch p^rfons as his faid late niajcfty iliould ap-
point tor the executing the powets and authoruies there. n after
expreffeJ, and that ali and every the perfons to be named com- [ IiO }
uiiitloncrs in the faid comniifuons rcfptQ'vely, fiiould by virtue
of that aft be conuirfiiuners rciptft've'y tor and within the feve-
ral cit}es, corporatioiis, bovoughs and cinque ports and their
niotubtrs, and other port-towns within the kingdom of Evgland,
dominion of ^/^w/fs- and town cf ^cnt/V^ uf'on T'vjeed, for which
they fliould be refpcftively nominated and appointed ; And it
is farther enafted by the fame aft by the authority aforefaid,
that all peribns who upon the four and twentieth day of Decem-
ber 1661 fiiould be mayors, aldermen, recorders, bailiffs, town-
cUrks, common council men, and other perfons then bearing any
office or offices of niagiftracy, or places or trufls, or other em-
ployment relating to or concerning the government of the faid
refpeftive c'ties, corporations and borougl)s and cinque ports, and
ilijir n)einbers, and other port-towns, fliould at any time before
the tweniy-fifth day oi' Marr/j 1663, v.'hen thfy fliouM be there-
unto required by the faid refpeftive cnmm'llioners, cr any three
or more of them, take the oaths of allegiance and fuprcmacy,
and rhe 02ih in the fame aftfpecified, and alfo at the iaid time
fliould putiicLly fiibfcribe before the faid commlfTioners, or any
three ot them, the dcciaraiion in the fame aft fpecified : And
it is fartlier by the fame aft enafted by the authority aforefaid,
that the laid refpeftive commiiTioners, or any three of them ref-
peftively, fliould have power, durin_g ihe continuance of their
reipjftive rommdTions, to adminifter the oaths aforefaid, and
teiid'.r the faid declaration to the faid perfons thereby required to
take and fubfcribe the fame, and from and af^ter the expiration of
the f;*id rfpeft've coinmiiriuns, the laid three oaths and declara-
tion Hiould be from liineto time adminitlcr'd and tender'd to fuch
ppifon and perfons who, by the true meaning of that aft, or any
claule therein conrn:ned, were to take the fame by fuch pcrfori
or perfons ret'peftlvcly, who by the charters or ufages of the faid
refpeftive cities, corporaiioiis and boroughs, and cinoue ports
N 4 * and
Jir>. Bar.
inJ their members, and other port-towns, ough to aJminifter
the oath for uue executini^ the lai.i pbces or offices rtfpt-ftively,
anJ in default offuch, by two jufiices of the peace ol (he faid
cities, corporacions an».i boroug' N.itiiil cinque pons ani.1 their mem-
bers, and other port-iowns for the time being, if any lu. h there be,
cr others ife by two jufliees of tlie peace for the time being of the
refpedive counties where the fa-d cuics, corporations or boroughs,
or cinque porrs, or their m'.-inbers, or other 'port-lowns: And
it is further enaded by ihc fame aft by the auihoriry afcrcfaid,
that froin .m ■. after the expiration of the lali. coininillions no
per on or perfors fiioulo for i vtr th.rei'Jer be placed, elected or
chofen, in or ;o any o the cfiices or pla;t:s aforefnia, iha^ ibould
not have within onj next beicre luch election or choice
taken the facranicnt of the Lorel's lupper, aecoroirg to the rites
of the charcM of Englun.l ; and thtii everv fuch perfon and per-
foo fo phceu, elcfte'l or rhofen, iliould l;kew;f? take the dfori.-
faid three oaths, and lubkribe ;he faid declaration at the fsniive
time when the oarh fdr tlie cue execution oi the laid plates and
offices refpet^lively fhould'b^- adniiniiier'd i and in .'.ciaull there-
of every fuch placing, eledion and choice, is thereby enafted
and declared to be voi'< : And it is thereby enaded by the au-
i thority aforefaid, that the pov^'trs granted to the coitim.fTioners
"by virtue of '.hat ad fliould continue and be in force until the
five and twentieth oi March 1663, and no longer, as by the
fame a;V«^ afterwards in
the life-'ime of the faid John Freelandy in the fame Eafier term
in the year abovefaid, by the judgment of that court recovered
againll tne faid John Fredand zoqI. for the debt, and 56 s. A^d.
his cia.nages which \it had luHained, as well by realon of the
detention of that debt, as for his cofts and charges by him about
his fuit in that behalf expended, as by the record and proceed-
ings thtreof in the fame court of the faid lord the king before
the king himlelf at Wejlminjler aforefaid remaining more fully
appears ; V\ hich faid judgment was and yet is in its full force,
flren^th and efFeft, not reverfed, annulled or fatisfied : And the
faid John Fiiend farther fays, that the faid John Freelandm his
]ickznl'.e \n the life-time of the
fiid Jjhn FredanJy to wit, oti the 28'h ilay of September in the
3|rh year ot the rc'gii of th. lord Cfutrles the fccon(t, late king
ot EnflanJ, Cff. at Fuijlgrivijlciid in the county aforcfaid, ha.l
dcmifed to the faid John treeland the aioiery of a mefluagc,
barn and certain lands, coniaiiiing bv etYunation 120 acres more
or Ufs, with the appurienanci s in the com:iion fi'.lds of Bf'ghi-
hcl/n/ione ; to have and to hold to the fifid Jo^m Free'a^d Irom
ihence until the end of one year from thence next following,
and fo from year to year as long as both parties lliould pleale ;
yielding therefore yearly and every year, as long as the faid John
fre^lund {liOu\.\ have and lioKi the tenements aforcfaid by virtue
of that demif-', 45 A of lawful money of Finland to the faid
Sicii'iile: \iy virtue of which ciemjfe the fc?d to the faid John Free-
Lmd at the time of his death, beirg in the hands of the laid J.
Friend to be adminiilered, if he hid fo njuch thereof in his
hands to be adminiftered ; and it he had not fo much in his
hands, then the damages aforefaid to be levied of the proper
goods and chattels of the fiid J-Jin Frierd : And tho fame
Jc/in Frier.d'xn mercy, ^r. Which faid judgment vas and yet
1? in us full force and effect, not reverfed, annulled or faii^fied ;
And the fame John Friend farther fays, that he hath fully ad- Fully adrrnni'.-
ir.inifiered all the goods and chattels which belonged to the laid ^p^^ ^^„^
John Freela-d at the time of his death ; and that he hath not, nor ^^^^ j^ry."
at the time of the exhibition of the bdl ot the faid 7'/7o/wr/x /r&o/a^r
aforefaid or ever after bad, any goods or chattels which belong-
ed to the faid John Freelard at the time of his death -.n his hands
to be adminiftered, rxcept goods and chattels to the value of 5/. Except 5*.
and not more, which are liable to the payment of the faid le-
veral fums of money by the faid feveral judgments recovered :
And this he is ready to verify : Wherefore he prays judgment if
the faid 'Thiiuas ivjiger ought to have his adion aforeluid thereof
againfthim ; with this, that the fnid John Frierd will verfy, ^^^"^^'^^"^
that the fail T^An f--iVw,-y in the feveral judgments named, and *^ '•'
the faid John Friend in the declaration afortfaid abovcnaiiied,
are one and the fai^e perfon, and not other nor divers, ISc.
WHcn, ^r. And fays that he cannot deny the a£lion of the Nothing by
* faidCor^f aforefaid, nor but that the writiog aforefaid ^'[""^.^^n^^
)s the deed of the faid John his brother, nor but that he is the
brother and heir of the laid John, rcr but he owes to ihe
(M^Geoige the faid 100/. in rhe form in which the laid G".
above againlt hinj hath declared ; but the faid Samuel lays, that
long before the making of the writing aforelaid, to wit, on the
iftdav of ylfril in the year of the Lord 1655, one Samuel
Friddon, the grandfather of the faid Samuel now defendant, was
f: I ft- d of three meffuagts, one cottage and 100 acres ot land,
Iving and being in Toul^-ratje in the -county aforefaid, in his
diuiifneasof fee, and (b b-^ing thereof feifed the fame 5. B.
the grandfather, before the making of the writing afon fiid, to
wit, the fame clay anJ year at }'ouIgr/jve aforefaid, by his deed
fealcd enfeoffed one Roi^itt Bateman of the mefluages and tene-
ments atorefaid with the appurtenances, to have and to hold to
the I lid Robert Bateman and his heirs, to the ufe of the faid
S. H. the grandfather for the term cf his hfe, without iinpeach-
nient ot any walle ; and after his deceafc, then as to the ufe of
a moiety thereof to the ufe of one Anne Bateman for \ht term
of hr life ; and after the feveral deaths of the faid S. B. the
graniifather and Anne the faid feveral eftates being deierminedj
then to the ufe of the heirs male of the body of the /aid 5. B.
the granc!fath?r on the body of the faid Anne lawfully to be
begotten ; and for want of fuch iffue, to the ufe of the heirs
female cf the bodv of the faid S. B. the grandfather on the
body of the faid Anne lavvt'uily to be begotten ; and for want of
fuch iflue, then to the ufe of the right heirs of the faid S. B.
1- i7- 8. c. 10, the grandfather for ever: By virtue of which faid feofFmenr,
and bv force of a certain aft made and provided in a parliament
of the lord Henry xhs eighth, late king oi Ergland, held at IFe/i-
minfler in the county of MiJJleftx on the fourth tiay oi February
in the 27th year of his reign for transferring ufes into poflelfion,
the fame .9. B. the grandfather was fifed of the faid meffuages
and tenements with the appurtenances in his demefne as of free-
hold for the term of his life, the remainder thereof over expec-
tant, as above inform aforefaid is limited j and fo being thereof
feifed the faid 5. B. the grandfather, afterwards, and before the
making of the faid writing, to wit, on the ifl day of M/iy m the
year of the Lord 1656, at Tculgnrje aforefaid, had ifTue male of
his body, on the body of the faid Anne lawfully begotten, the
faid Jobn his elder fon and him the faid Samuel his younger fon,
and afterwards, to wit, on the ift day of June in the year of the
Lord 1675. f''^ ^'''^' '^- ^- ^^^ grandfather and the faiil Anne at
7'oy.lgratye aforefaid in the county aforefaid died of fuch their
eftattsfo therein feifed, after whofe death the faid John into the
faiil melFuages and tenements aforefaid with the appurtenances
entered, and was thereof feifed in his demefne as of fee-tail, to
r ^^3 } ^v'^ 'o him and the heirs of his boJy lawfully begotten, the re-
mainder thereof over as above is limited inform aforefaid ex-
pectant, the reverfion thereof to the fame John and his heirs ex-
pectant ; and fo being thereof feifed the fame Jahn afterwards,
to wit, on the firft day of May in the year of the Lord 1685, at
loulgrave aforefaid in the county aforefaid, of fuch his eftate
died thereof feifed without LlTue of his body begotten ; after
whofe death the faid Samuel, the now defendant, into the mef-
fuages and tenements aforefaid with the appurtenances entered,
and was and yet is feifed thereof in his demefne as of fee-tail, to
wit, to him and the heirs of bis body lawfully to be begotten, the
remainder thereof over as above in form aforefaid is limited ex-
pectant: And the faid 5. the now defendant, farther fays, that
he the faid &»iM J, the now defendant, hath not any lands or
Bar. ii^
fenements by hereditary dcfcent from t];e faid Jihn his
brother in fee-fiiiiple, nor had on the day of the iifu-
ing of the original writ in this behalf, nor ever after, ex-
cept the faid reverfion in fee fimple on the faid eilate-iail,
whereof the faid Samuel BridJon the grandfather infeoiTcd the faid
Robert Bateman in form atorcfaid, which faid reverfion defcended
to the faid Samuel as brother and heir of the faid Jo/tn by heredi-
tary right in fee-fimple, and except one cottage, one garden,
and one acre of land, with the appurtenances, in 7ou/£raz>e afoTe"
faid in the county aforefaid : Ano this he is ready to verify :
Wherefore he prays judgment if he the faid Samuel, the now
defendant, as brother and heir of the faid Jolin his brother, with
the debt aforefaid, c xcept from the faid reverfion of the melfuages
and tenements aforefaid, whereof the faid Samutl BridJon the
grandfather infeoffed the faid Robert Bateman in form aforefaid,
and in the faid one cottage, one garden, and one acre of land,
with the appurtenances, in Toulgyave aforefaid, by virtue of the
writing aforefaid ought to be charged, l^c.
AND the faid Mary and Dorothy by A B. their attorney come Bar by flat, ri
and defend the force and injury when, ^c. And fay, that Car. 2. c. 13,
they the faid Mary and Dorothy o\ and upon the promifes afore- of afury.
faid ought not to be charged, becaufe they fay, that by a certain c-i^'' cil^
aft made and provided in a parliament of the lord Charles the *
fecond, late king of England, ifc. begun and held at IVeftmin-
Jler the 25th day oi April in the i2ih year of his reign, among
other things it is enafted by the authority of the fame parliament,
that no perfon or perfons whatfoever from and after the 29th day
c^ September in the year of our Lord 1660, upon any contraft
fhall from and after the faid 29th day of September take direftly or
indirectly for loan of any monies, wares, merchandize or other
commodities whatfoever, above the value of 6/. for the for-
bearance of 100/. for a year, and fo after that rate for a greater
or leffer fum, or for a longer or fliorter time : And that all bonds,
contrafts and affurances whatfoever made after the time aforefaid
for payment of any principal, or money to be lent or covenanted
to be performed, upon or fer any ufur" '"hereupon or whereby
there fhould be referved or taken aL^.e the rate of 6/. in the
hundred, as aforefaid, fiiould be utterly void, as in the fame aft,
among other things, more fully is contained : And the fame
Mary and Dorothy fay farther, that after the making of the faid
aft, and after the faid 29th day of September in the year of the
Lord 1660, to wit, on the 23d day of May in the year of the
Lord 1695 at IVeJlminJIer in the county aforefaid, it was coi-
ruptly agreed between the faid Ward and the faid Mary and
Dorothy, that the faid IFard fliould accommodate and lend th«
faid Mary and Dorothy the fum of 18 /. and /hould give day for
the payment thereof until the firft day of Odober next following ;
and that the faid Mary and Dorothy, for the loan of the fame 18 /.
and for giving day of payment thereof for the time aforefaid,
fiiould give and pay to the faid IVard the fum of 30 s. of lawful
1 1 3 1 Bar.
rn'>ncy or" Erfltincl on tlie fai^l firll Jay of Osi^ber than next fol-
lowing for the gain and intertll thereof, and fur giving day of
piviiient ct the laid 1^/. whereupon the laid //'rt;v/ in perfor-
mance of tiiat corrupt agreement afterwards, to wit, on the faid
22d day Oi Mtiy in the year and plaee in the declaration aforefaid
ruary in the
56ih year of C'wtles the fecond abovefaid, at London aforefaid in
ilieparilh and war^ aforefaid, he the faid J^^w Fo/l er haih and
r^^ccived of the moppv of the faid Henry the fum of 40 /. by him
the faid JJm, as ferving ot him the faid Henry^ to be paid ; and
that the faid John Fi///?r the I'amc 40/. then and there cloined,
walled, and from the faid F-ienry unjuftly detained, and to the
life of him the faid John then and there converted and difpofed ;
v.'iiereof he the isi^ Henrj afterwards, to wit, on the firft day of
Far, 114
A//7>' in the firft yesr of the rei^n cf the iori and iady the novr
kiUj; and queen, at Lotiilon aloreliiia in ihe parifl) anJ ward aiore-
laki, gave notice to the lame C/^//r«Vr, snii tlicn arul there re-
uuired hini the iuid Cnnrles fo pay liiiu the laid henry the lame
40.'. and that the laivl Churla then abfolucely deiiieii, and ytt
ijoch oeny, to pay tiie laid thmy the fame 40/. Aim llii* lie is
ready to verify : Wherefore he prays ju..gnient and his debt
aiorer.iUi, together wi;h his daira^es by rcalon ot thu detention
of that debt, to be auju iged 10 hiu), i^c.
And ihe laid Chui its iiys, that the faid John Fojler did not Rcjo'ndfr, thrtr
eloin, wade, detain, nor to his own prcptr ule convert and dii- he did not
pofe the laid 40/. of the money ot han the faid Hctuj, or any '^^^^■t ^od iiTue
penny thereof, in ir.anntr and lorui as the faid Htnry above ''^^''""•
ihertof in replying hath alledged: And of this he puts himfelf
upon the country, and the lata /i^;7ry likewife, Isc- Thiretore
let a jury thereon come before the lord and lady t^c\Q king and
tjueen at ^'V///w»Vy?fr on next alier and v/ho nc];hcr,
IS'c. to recognize, l3c. becaufe as well, b'f. The fame day is
given to the parties aforefaid there, iSc.
"YY HEN, Ifc. And prays oyfr of the writing obligatory afore- That he 3^-
faid ; and to him it is read ; and he likewifc prays oyer of peared at th«
the condition of the lame vtriting obligatory ; and to him it is read ^^y '" ^- ^'
in thel'e words; The condition of this obligation is fuch, that if
the above-bound y^mos BodUy do sppear before the faid lord and
lady the king and queen at IVeJlininjier on IVednefday next after
three weeks of the Holy Trinity, to anfwer to Jo n DJAe, efq;
in a plea of trefpafs, and aifo to the bill of the laid John againtt
»he fdid Amos lor 60/ for a debt, according to the cutloin of the
court of the laid lord and lady the king and queen bv.fcre the
king and queen the mfelves to be cxhib'ted, then this prefenc
obligation to be void an. of no eftea, otiierwife to remain in iis
full torce, ftrength and t-ffcft : VViiich beingread and heard, the
fame An.os f^ys that the laid Hugh ought not to have or maintain
his aftion aforefaid thercot againu him, betaufe he fays, that
the making of the writing obligatory aforefaid, and before
the day ot the exhibition ot tne bill aforefaid, to wU, on the iaij
IVeJnelday next after three weeks of the Holy Trin'ty, in the
condition aforefiid above mentioned, he the fame /^/;j(/i- appeared
belorethe faid lord and ladv the king and queen at JVejin.jyhr,
toanfwcT to the faid Jo/^« Z/Oit'/<' in the plea and bill aforelaid,
according to the foriii and of the condition aforefaid ; And he is reai'.y to verity by the rt-cord thereof in the court of the
laid lord and lady the king and queen belore the lorJ and ladjr
the king and queen themklves at IViltwin/icr aforefaid remain-
ing : V^iierefore he prays jit ;gment if the faid Ilu/fh ought lo
have or maintain his adion aforefHid thereof againll hi.n, bv.
And the faid Iluyji fays, tiat he by any thin^ by the faid Amos
above in pleading alit: :g'ed ought not to be precluded from his ^^P'- .'^"'^
action afoiefaid ihereot a^ainll him ihc Uiu Aaos had, brtaufe he fuchVccordi
Rrjolnder that
^rre is luch
£ us J
performed t5>
I Hi Bar.
fays, that there is not any fuch record of tppearartceby the fai'J
j4//ks made before the faid lord and lady the king and queen at
tVeJlminJler aforefaid on record remaining, as the fame yimos
above by pleading hath alledged: And this he is ready to verify :
Wherefore he prays juilgment if he the faid Hugh ought to bof
precluded from his aftion aforefaid thereof againll the faid uimos
had, ijfc.
And the faid Amos as before fays, that there is fuch record
cf the appearance of him the f«id Amos before the faid lord and
lady the king and queen at iVeftmlnJier on record remaining, as
the fame Amot above^m pleading hath alledged : And this he is
ready to verify by that record : And the fame Amos is order'd tc»
have that record before the faid lord and lady the king and queen
at IVefiminJler on next after at his peril : The fame
day is given to the faiU Hugh there, Cffr.
Ty H E^N, l£c. And fays that he vpell and trnly hath kept
and performed all and every the covenants, grants, arti-
cles, claufes, provifoes, payments, conditions and agreements
in the fame articles contained, which on the part of him the faid
Dalby fhomas vi^ere to be kept and performed according to the
form and effeft of the bargain aad fale aforefaid : And this he is
ready to verify: Wherefore he prays judgment if the faid lady
Eleanor ought to have or maintain her adion aforefaid thereof
againft him, Ifjc.
And the faid lady Eleanor fays, that fhe by any thing by the
faid Dat6y TAomas zhove in pleading alledged ought not to be
precluded from her aOion aforefaid thereof againft him had,
becaufe Hie fays, that the faid Dalby Thomas did not pay to the
faid laJy Eleanor Holies the faid 34/. \o s. in manner and form
as the faid Dalby above by pleading hath alledged : and this fhe
prays may be inquired of by the country.
And the faid Dalby Thomas (zys^ that the plea aforefaid \fy th«
faid lady Eleanor Holies above by replying pleaded, and the
matter in the fame contained, are not fufficient in law for the
faid lady Eleanor to maintain her af.tion aforefaid thereof acrainft
him had, to which the fame Dalby hath no neceility, rsor is by
the law of the land obliged, in any wife to anfwer : And this he is
ready to verify : Wherefore for want of a fumcient replication in
this behalf, the fame Dally as before prays judgment, and that
the faid lady Eleanor may be precluded from her aftion afore-
faid thereof againft him the faid Dalby had,^r.
ln\!er; And the faid lady Eleanor Holies fays, that the plea aforefaid
by her the faid Isdy Eleanor in manner and form abovefaid in re-
plying pleaded, and the matter in the fame contained are good
and ftfticient in law to maintain the aftion of her the faid lady
Eleanor aforefaid thereof againft the faid Dall^y hud ; which faid
plea, and the matter therein contained, flie the faid lady Elea^
ncr is ready to verify and prove, as the court, ^c. And becaufe
the faid Dalby to that replication doth not anfwer, nor hitherto
Brrscli in non-
payment of
34'/. 10 r.
Bar. tiiS
any way deny the fame.'flie the faid lady Eleanor prays judgment
and her debt aforefa^d, together with her damages by reafon
of the detention of that debt, to be adjudged to her: But be-
caufe the court of the fnd lord and lady the king and queen now
here are not vet advifcd to give their judgment of and upon the Contin'.
premiflls, day is given to the parties atorelaid before the lord and
lady the king and queen, until day next after to
hear their judgment of and upon thofe premilTes, becaufe the
court of the faid lord and lady the king and queen now here
thereof not yet, fffr.
Payne at the fult of Payne.
■^lyHEN, l^c. And prays oyer of the writing obligatory Conditions per-
afar. faid j and to him it is read ; he likewife prays oyer of ['"^"Jffaa^K'ec'
tht condition of the fame writing ; and to hiin it is read in thefe ^^'^
words, to wit, The condition of this obligation is fuch, that if
the abovebounden Robert Puyr.e, his executors and adm'nillra-
tors ilidl and do well and truly obferve, perform, fulfil, ac-
con)plilli, pav and keep all and lingular the covenants, grants,
articles, claufes. proviioes, payments, conditions and agree-
ments whaifofver, which on the part and behalf of the faid /?&-
hert Pcyne his executors and adminiftrators, are or ought to be
obfcrvcd, performed, fulfilled, accompliflied, paid and kept,
comp'ized or ment'-.iis t in one pair of indentures, bearing even
date wi*^h thefc prefenrs, mi -!e and exprefTed to be made between
the fai ' Robert Fayne of ih? one part, and the faid dame Alice
P^/y^zf of the other pirr, in all things according to the true in-
tent and meaning of the fame pair of indentures, then this pre-
fent obligation to be void and of none efFc6t, or elfe to be and re-
main in full force and virtue: Which being read and heard, the
{'nmeR''l'ert fays, that the faid J'ice oughl not to have or maintain
her aftion a^'orefaid thereof in the condition aforefaid there
againft hiin, becnufe he favs, that the iniJentures aforefaid in the
condition aforefaid above fpecified were made at the parifh of St.
Martin in the FieLIs aforefaid in the county o'i Middle ft x afore-
faid, on the faid i ^th day of April \r\ the 33d year of the reign
of the lord Charles the fecoiid, late king of England, i^c:
abovffiid, between the fame Robert Poyne, by the name of
Robert Pnyne o^ the Inner Temple, London, efq; of the one part,
and the laid Alice Fayne, bv ihe name of dame Alice Puynet
relifl of ^oZ/n Payne \-i\e o^ Stratford in the county of Herejoyd^
knt. dtctrafed, of the other part ; v/hich other part fcaled with
thefealoflhe W\<\ Ali(e P/yne the fairie i^oZ-^r/ here in court
P'oduces, the date whereof is the fame day and year ; in which
faid indenture rrciting, thnt whereas the faid 'John Pnyie, knt.
the father of the fame Robert Payne, by his indenture bearing
date the tleventh day of Nni'ember in the year of thi Lord 1664,
and in the 16th year of the reign of the lord king Charles the
fi,conn/i^r\n the fame county of Hereford, and alfo aU
and fingular his meifuages, lands, tenements and hereditaiiien>s, by
or of what names, natures, qualities, or number of aires foever
ihe fame or any of them were called or contained, fitua;e, lying
and bt;ing widiin the feveral pariHies, towns, hamlets or piccirfts •
of Lemjlei- aforefaid, and of &tohe Docklo've and Kimbohon in
the fame county of lUiefortl, or in any or either of them, and alf
and fmgvilar other the mefTuages, lands, tenements and heredita-
ments of him the faid John Payne, knt. fituate, lying and being
in I he fame county o^ Hereford ; and all houfes, eo.ifices, erec-
tions, buildings, barns, itabies, dove- houfes, rr.iils, orchards,
gardens, court-yards, curtilages, yards, backfidcs, meadows,
paftures, leafowes, fields^ commons, commons of pafture,
tftoveis, conmion of eftovers, wades, wafle lands, woods, under-
woods, coppices, timber-trees, and all other trees, aqucdtfls, wa-
ter-courfes, pools, fiflieries, ways, paths, eafements, profits, coni-
niodiiics, privileges, benefits, emoluments, and appurtenances
whatfotverto thefame clofes, Iands,tenements,and hereditaments.
Or any or either of them, or to any part or parcel of them incident,
appendant, or in any wife belonging or appertaining, or ever be-
fore demifed, held, or ufually or commonly enjoyed with the fame,
or accepted, adjudged, reputed or taken as part, parcel or mem-
ber thereof, or with the fame enjoyed ; with their and every of
their appurtenances, and the reverfion and reverfions, remainder
and remainders, rents and fervices of all and fingular the premif-
fes ; To have and to hold the faid clofes, uiefluages, lands, tene-
ments and hereditaments with their and every of their appurtenan-
ces to the faid Robert Payre, his executors, adminiftrators and af-
figns, from the 29th day o'i September then laft part unto the full end
and term of one year fully to be compleat and ended, at and under
the yearly rent of \d. (it the fame iliould be lawfully demanded);
And reciting alfo, (hat whereas the faid John Payne, knt. by his
indenture bearing date the 12th day of September in the year of
the Lord 1664 aforefaid, for the confideration therein mentioned
had granted, relcafed, aliened and confirmed to the faid Robert
Payne all an(i fingular the clofes, mefTuages, lands, tenements
and hereditaments, and other the premllfes aforefaid in and by the
faid recited indenture granted, bargained and fold, with their and
tverv of their appurtenances, and all his efiate, right, title, inte-
reft, ufe, trull pofT-lfion, property, claim and demand whatfo-
ever of him the fiid John Payne, knt. in and to the fame, or any
part, parcel or memb r (hereof: To have and to hold the laid
clofes, mefluages, lands, tenements and hereditaments, and all
and fingular other the premifTts in and by the fame indenture
meant, mentioned or intended to be granted, bargained or foM«
releafed, aliened and confirmed to the faid Robsri Voyne and his
Bar. t i 1^
iieifs, to the ufe, intent and purpofe, in the fame indenture li-
mired and declared, that is to lay, to the ul'e of :he {&K\Jo/in
Payne, knt, and his alhgns for the term of his natural life, without:
impeachment of wallc, and after his deceafe, to the ufe ur the
faia Robert Payne his heirs and idTi^ns fur ever : And by th^rfaij
indenture it is witneiTed, that Ri'her: Fnyv.c, for and ia confidera-
tion of 5^. in hand paid, the recipt whereof he acknowledged
and thi^refore acquitted the faid. dame Alice, and alio in confider-
ation of the rel^afe of her right, being adminiftratrix of her late
hufb.ind the faid Jc-/i« Payne\\.nX. and in full r^-compence, fitis-
fattion and ciifcharge of all her right and tit'e of dower of, in anJ
to the meffuages, lan^ts, tenements and h. r>:-'!itaments of the laid
'John Payne, knt. and fur other good c;t Payne, his heirs, execu- L I '7 i
tors or tfligns, flioul.^ yearly and every year, during the life of the
faid dame /ilo-e Payne, well and truly pay or caufe to be paid to
the faid dame Al.ce Paye at or in the common dining-hall of the
Lner Temple, London, the yearly fum of 100/. of l.wfully money
of EnglanJ by two equal payments in the year, at the feafl: of
the birth of our Lord God and the nativity of St. Jv/in the
baptift ; the f.rft pavment thereof to be at the lealt of the birth
of our Lord GoJ rext following the date of the faid indentur*',
without any dedudtion, defalcation or abatement of or from the
fame, or any part or parcel thereof, for or in rcfpeft of any taxes
or impofiiions ordinary or extraordinary, or ar^y other matter,
caufe or thing whailoever, th^-n the faid df mife and all the ell^te,
title and intcrell of the faid dame Alice Payne in an,' to ihr faid
rnefT.iages,, tenements and hereditaments, fliould be null
?.rid void to all intents and ptirpoles : And the faid Robert Payne
O z by
by the faiJ indenture for himfclf, his heirs and executors, did
covenant, promife and agree to and with the laid dan)e Al ce
Payne, tliat he thi" f-:crn^ "" '
the judgment aforef';id : And this the fame Richard \s ready to
verily: V\ herefore he prays judgment if the faid T/'/ow/vy oii^^iit
to have or maintain his action atorefaid thereof againll him, ^c.
with this, that the fame Richard w\\\ verify that thefaid Willia/n
Byfhe in the judgment aforelaivl above mentioned defendant, and
the faid WiiUum ByJJie \u the bill of the faid T/ow-vi- above named
icftator, are one and the lame pcrfon, and not other nor diverfe.
Tho. P^r'gelly.
O 3 Ailiims
tithes of rcc
113 Bar.
Ailuns at the fuit of Reily arJ another.
ConHitionF p»r- "VU" Hen, £f r. And prays (yr^r of the writing obligatory afore-
formed pleaded faicj ; anJ lo liim it is rtaii, is^c. he likcwife prays oyer of
fpccially lo a jjjp condition of ilie fan)e writing ; and to him it is read in thefe
f'>rmanc/ot"co- ^'C^^s, to x\it, Whersns the above mentioned George AJums
venantsina hath by his deed ofdeniife, i'^r then the above w riiten obligati-
lafc of ihs on iliall be voi'1, or elfe it fliall ftand in tull torce and virtue in
glebe land and Jaw: W hich being read and htard, the fame Gf or pp f;iv<;, that
tirti.c rtl' rrr-- , . . ,- nil I I • • 1 '
the (aiil jiime! and o./i-e/Zfr ought not to liave or maintain tht;;r
aition aforefaid aL;ainft him, becanft: lie fivs, that the inden-
ture af'jrehiid in the con-'dtion above fpecifcd was made the day
and year abovcfuid, at Lon,hn atorelaid in ilie p.itina and ward, between the faid George, by the njme ot CfW^-^ /Ii{,itH<,
clerk, and r ftjrof Killjl^tr \n ihc county of Meuih, of the onj
part, and the faid ^>tmes and S I'veiitr, by the nanus of Juvies
Ret /y of in the county of /fe/Z-.l/^tf.',^, efq; and Sihjejftr
Reily of Milloivne in the county ot Meolh, gent, ol liie oihcr part ;
which other part fealed with the feals of the faid 'James an.l
Sili>ejhr the faid Gtorpe produces here in court, the date where-
of is the f-ime dav and vear : By which faid indenture ihe faid
Geo>g?y for and in confideralion of the yearly rent and covenants
after in the fnine indenture relerved and contairied, and for di-
vers orhL-r good and valuable confiderations the faid Gior^e thereto
moving, had demifed, granted, fet and to f.rm let, and bv the
fame indenture did demife, grant, fwt and lo farm let, to t(ie faid
fames and Silve/Jer all and fingular the glebe lands to the rec-
tory of the faid pariili church belonging, and aUb all ihofe tithes
of grain, hay, lambs and vool, ard ail other tithes wha'fo-
evtr, as well great as fmall, due and accruing, and whic'a
ihould be due and accrue from the laid reftorv, and froin every
part and parcel thereof ; to have and to hold all and fingular ihe
faid glebe lands and the f^id tithes, as we!i great as fmall, with
their and every of their appursenanccs, to the faid Jumes and
isih.'ejler, their executor"^, admiuiilrators and alTigns, from the
firll day of May then laA paft for and during the full term and
time of 5 I years from thence next enfiing and fully to be ccm-
pleat and ended, if the faid George fliould fo long live ; the faid
James and Silvejler yicldng and paying therefore and tht-reout
yearly and every year during the faid tern unto the faid Geige,
his exec u'^ors, adminiftrarors or alTigns, the yearly rent of 12/.
10 s. fleriing for the firll five years (,f ihe faid lerni, and the year-
ly rem of 60/. fterling for tbe remaining part of ihe faid term.
On the feall of AH Saints and of St. h'Lilip and "Jacib yearly by
equal portions ; the firfl; payment thereof to be made on the fealt
of AH Saints next enfuing the date of the faid indenture: And
the (aid "James ^in^ «S//^'e//f»■ for themfelves, their executors, ad-
miniflralors and afligns, did covenant, grant and agree, to and
Bar. 1 1 xS
with tlie faid George, feis heirs, executors, adminiflrators and
afligns, that they the faid 'James and Silveftery their executors,
adminiflrators and affigns, {hould and would from time to time
pay the faid referved yearly rent of 12/. \os. fterh'ng for the
laid firfl five years of the faid term, and the yearly rent of 60 /.
fterling during the remaining part of the faid term, at the feafts
■aforefaid yearly and every year by equal portions : And the faid
George for himfelf, his heirs, exeturors, admiaiikators and af-
figns, did by the faid indenture covenant, grant and agree, to
and with the faid James and Sil'vejler, their executors, admi-
niftrators and alfigns, that it might anti iliould be lawful to
and for the faid James and Siliefter, their executors, adini-
riftraiors and affigrs, to have, '.old, pofTcfs and enjoy from r .jq -1
time to time curing the faid term, and to their own proper
life and behoof to take, all and fingular the glebe lands and
tithes, as we!! great as fmall which ihould accrue or be due
from or out of any pnrt thereof 5 and the faid George did by
the faid inden*ure bind himfelf, his heirs, executors, admir.if-
tr.itors and afligns, in the penalty of 500/- that they the fai J
Jiimes and Sit-vejler, their executors, adminiflrators and afligns,
jhould have, hold and quietly enjoy the glebe lands and tithes
aforefaid, as well great as fmall, of the reQory, church and pa-
rifli aforefaid during thefdid term : And the faid GVw^e- did by Warranty
the indenture aforefaid warrant and defend the fame to the faid
James and Silz/e/ierf their executors, adminiflrators and afligns,
for and during the faid term, as bv the faid indenture more fully
appears ; which are a!) and Angular the covenants, provlfoes and
agreements in the laid indenture mentioned and contained ; and
the faid Geo*je fays, that he from the time of making of the inde«f
ture aforefaid hitherto haJi well and faithfully obferved.perform-
e^l.falfiHsd and kept all and fingular the covenants, payments. Covenants
provifoes and agreem.ents in the indenture aforel'aid above i'peci- reifo't^s^-
fied, on hi? part to be obferved, performed, fulhJled and kept,
according io tiie form and effc(ft of the indenture aforei'aid : And
ths he is ready to verify: Wherefore he prays judgment if the
faid Geoyge a-id S-lnj^jler ought to have cr maintain their adtion
•aforefaid againfl him, l^c.
And i^e fdd J,i,:U5 and ^ilvejler fav, that they by any thing Rpp). Proteft-
by I he faid George above in pleading aliedged ought not to ba ing that he
precluded from their aftion aforcfaiU thereof againfl him had ; hath not per-
Lecaufe by proteflin^ that the faid Cfff;jfj hath not performed, forrne', lay
.- icn I '^ 1 '^ r 1 * ^ r 'hat ht refign-
tulhliedor kept any or the covenants, piyments, provitocs or ed hi*, rcdlory
agreements aforefaid, on the part of the faid George to be ob- into the hando
ferved, performed, fulfilled ana kcpr, according to the form and of the bifliop,
efFe£l of the indenture aforefaid, as the faid Geo^s.e above by ^'■'
pleading hath alKd!/erv of Kdlfher aforefaid into the hands of the
reverend father in Chrifl EJivarJ, then lord bifliop of Meuih in
the kingdom of Ireland, of the rtctory and church afore'aid
O 4 ordinary.
ori.linary, at Lorulon rfforcfaid in the parifli and ward aforefaid
ipontaneoufly rcfigneJ, and by the fame rtfi^nation that church
Do not <*y_^^g became vacant : "And the (aid Jtime^ and Sike/ier lay, that ihey
°°' ' could prit quietly enjoy, have and poflcfs the j;,k-bc lands and
tithes atorelaid, according to the toim and tlftd ot the inden-
ture alorefaid ; And this they are reai'y lo verily: Whtrciore
they pray judgment and their drbt aforelaid, together with their
dama-^es by real'on of the dtlcntion o! that debt, lo be adjuiigcd
to them, Ijc.
Rejoinder, that And the fiid Cfor^e fays, that he hath not refigned into the
be hath not rt- hands of the faid bilKop of A'/frt//i the faid church and r^ft-ry
Jfigacd. aforefaid in manner and form as the faid Junus and Si'vejier
above in replying thereto have alledgeii ; And of this he puts
himfclf iiDon the country: And the laid James and Silnjejler
thereof likcwife, l5c. Therefore let a jury thereon come bctore
the laf!y the queen at WejUninjitr day next atter and
who neither, Is^c lo recognize, Ifc. becaufe as well ifc. The
fame day is given to the parties aforefaici there. 12c.
LV Vpn the iri^l cf this ijjue the plaintijs ix.ere r.or'fuiteJ.
Bar, that his N D the faid thoinas by jV. D. his attorney comes and de-
teflaior was in- /\ . ^ . . . - . i r j , • ,- i i r • «
debudhy bocd ±\ ^ends the lorce and injury, when,t5r. And lays that the laid
to A. B. T"'^" ought not to have or m.i.ntain his a<^lion aforefaid. thereof
againrt him, becaufe he faith that the laid l^tcholasjackett in his
life-time, to wit, on the 17th day oi February in the i2th year
of the reign of the lord /f7//7V/w the third late king of Et^glund^
Ifc at /A in the county aforefaid, by h-is certain v/riting obli-
gatory bearing cate the fan)e tlay and year, acknowledged hini-
felf to be held and firmly bound to one ^1 nomas Beard \n izol.
to be paid to the faid Thumas Beurd when he iliould be thereto
required, which faid 120/, at the time of the death of the faid
Nicholas Jacheit. was a juftand trwe debt of the faid Nicholas,
and to the fai I T/zi/w^/j Beurd due and unpaid; wheretore the
hme Thomas Beard, for the recovery of the lame 12c/. after
the death of the faid NichJas, to wit, on the la'h day oi ^Ipril
in the 3d year of the reign of the l?,dv /liwe, now queen of
England^ i^c. profecuted out of the court of chancery of the laid
lady the queen (the fame court of chancery being then at H'^ejl-
r r ^ . inixificr in the tounty of MiddLfexj a certain writ original of
vno luea out ,■',-•111 1 • /i l • 1 r ■ \ ctl " "V ,/
auoriniml the laid lady the queen agaudt him the laid Ihomas jack-
agaiiift ihc dc- ett as executor of the will of the faid i\icholasy by the name
(ciidaflt. of T. Jtickeit, late of H. Jn the countv, malfter,
executor of the will of the faid Nicholas "Jackett. lately other-
wife called, tfr. in a plea of debt, on a demand of the faid 120/.
to the then flieriff of Sujjex dire«?.ed, by which faid writ ihe^
fame lady the now queen commanded the lame then fherifF
of Su(J'ex, that he fliould command the fame Thomas Jackett,
that he fhould juflly? and without delay render to the faid Thomas
Z.V^r^ the faid 120/. which he then unjullly detained, as he faid;
and unlefs he did, and the faid Tho. Beard made him the faid then
£ »20 ] fheriff fecure 10 profecute his fuit, thea the fame ilieriff Ihould
Bar. 120
fummons by good fummoners him the faiJ Tho. jMkett, that he
iliouLl be before tne julliccs of the laid lady the: cjuten at IVtfi- Returnable ia
minjicr from the day of Eajier in 15 days then nex'. couuniiig, to ^' ^'
iliew why he had not done it, ano ihat he Aiould have then there
the names of the fumuioners, and that writ : On which duy, to
wit, at the f id 15 oavs of Eajicr, tictcre T. •Trevor, knt. and his
companions, then juilices of the fai.: lady the queen ot the bench
at JP'eJiminJter, came as -well the faio T- BenrtJ ijy T. O. then liis
attorney, as the fa d T Jockett by J. IV. his attorney ; and tha
then ilieriff of the county of Suffex, to wit, S. Blur.:, elq; to the
fame julVices then and there returned, and the faid T. Bt.arj had
found the fame fiicriii' pledges to prafecute his writ slorelaid,
to wir, jo/in Doe anu Richard Roe, and that the fame T. 'jackett
had nothing in his bailiwick by which he could be iummcned,
15l whertupoi the faid 7*. Benra Dy declaring againft the faid
T. Jackett upon his writ aforefaid by his attorney atcrcfaid, that Declaratba
v/Ltreas the faid Nicholas in his lite-time, to wit, on the faid 17th tUucoa.
diy of Ftiruary in the 12th year of the rtign of the faid lord
/^'ii'ii/OTthe third, late king of ErglunJ, Is^c. abovefaid at H.
aforefaid, by his wriiing obligatory acknowledged himfelf to be
bounil 10 the laid Tho. Bear a in the faid 120 I. to be paid to the
faid 'Tho. Beanh when he fliould be thereto requefted : Nv-ver-
thcl^-fs the faid NichJas in his lif^-time, or the laid Thn. Jackett
alter the death of the laid Nicholas, akho' often requefted, the
faid 120/ to the laid Tho. Beard hz^ not rcnder'd, but had de-
nied to render him them, and the faid Tho. Jackett did then deny
to render them to the fame "^ho. Beard, and unjultly detained
them, whereby he then faid, that he was prejudiced, and had
d?mi.^etothe value of 10/. And therefore he produced the
fuit, ^Jc. And he pro.luced th;;n there in court the wiitiiig afore-
faid. which proved the debt afortfaid in form aforefaid, the date
whereof was the day and year abovefaid, l^c. And the fame
Iho. Jacket bv his attorney afortf.iid then defended the i'orce and
Injury, when, iffc. and the fame attorney faid, that he was not
informe.; by the fame Tho. Jackett, his miller, to give any anfwer juJ.^menf by
for the faid T/23. Jivc^f/ to the faid T ho Beard in the 7'ea afore- Nut'inwiracJ.
fai.^,'and faid nothing elfe thereto whereby the faid Iho- Beard
reinaintd againft the faid Tho. Jackett therein undefended ;
Therefore it was then confidered by the fame court, that the faij
7h',. Beard fliould recover againft iht iixl^Tho. Jackett W\s dcht
aforefaid and h's damages by rc' '5-
proudlTijry note aforefaid under the hand of the faid John Hale
ior the payment of the 30 /. aforefaid to the faid John Cofe cr
his order, and by the faid Jo/iu Cope indorfed, and the fame 30/.
by him appointed 10 be pai.l 10 the faiii Zachary ; which faid
prom (fory note was by the fame JohnCope delivired to the faid
Zi.chnry., and by him accepted in full fatisfadtion and difchargc
ofthef^iil fi. vera I fecond apd third promifes and aflumpliuns
in the declaration aforefaid abovemeitioned : And this he i«
ready to verify: Wherefore he prays judgment if the faid
121 t Ban
Ziichnry ought to have his atflion aforefaid againft the fa'ul "John
Co_ e, is c.
I^epl. a« to the y\n^^ t..-,^ f^j j Zacluiry fays, that he by any thing by the fai^i lohn
uid aui p»v i-o/^ above in p.'t-a -ing allcge^i ouglit net to be preclu-ied iron:
his .'idticn aforefaid tiicreof againll him had, becaufe as to the
■ fird prouiife luui airiuv.ption in the declaration of the faiJ Za-
cliary .aforefaid aboveinen(ionei.1 the lame Zachary fays, that the
laid '"^^hn Hale within the fix months in the proiir.llbry note afore-
faid iiieniioned did not pay to the fame Zachary the faid 30/- in
the fame proiuiflbry note menaoned, i:) manner and forrti as the
laid "Jahn Cops .ibove by pleading haih alleJgeJ, not at any time
IlTue. atfer: Ami th's lie prays may be inquired of by the country:
As K) the refi- An.^ the faid 'JnhnCpe likewife, ^c. And as to the fecond and
due that he did third promil'es r,n ' i.fllimpnons in the declaration aforeifaid above
not accept. mentioned, the fine Z,ach ny {\^%^ that he did not receive nor
accept the promilfory note aforefaid in full fatisfaclion and dif-
charge of the faid fecond and iliird promifes and airiimptions in
the declaration aforefaid mentioned, in manner and form as the
laid 'Jijhn Co[>e above in pleading thereto hath alle.iged : And this
he prays may be inquired of by the country : And the faid J'hn
lITiie. C(j/^ likewife, ifc. .Therefore to try as well that ilFue as the faid
/'t»/>.' awarded other iifue between the parties aforefaid above joined, let a jurjr
to try both come ihereon before the lord the king at IVe/imiu/ler day next
' "^^' atier an"! who neither, iffc. to reco^nife, ^c. becaufe as well,
is'c. The fartis day is given to the parties aforefaid there, i^c.
I 122 J Ctife on ti protiife ; the defendant fleade^i he did not promt fe "voithin
fix years j and the plaintiff replied asfol/oivs :
N D the faid John favs, that he by any thing by the faid
__ Cecrge above in pleading alledged ought not to be precluded
from his a6l''on afoi^fa;d ihrreof againft him the faid G. had, be-
" cauie he fays, that within fix years after the caufe of aftion afore-
faid in the declaration aforefaid above mentioned accrued, and
ifz/u/ fued out. before the exhibition of the bill ai'orefaid, to wir, mTrini'.y term
in the 30th year of tiie reign of the lord Charles the feccnd,
late king of Er-^rlaid, ^r. the faid J. for the recovery of his
damages by reafm of the no;v performance of the promiles and
airumpiions aforefaid in the declaration aforefaid abovenientioned,
profecuted the faid &'. oiit of the court of the faid lord
the now king before the king hinifrlf (the fame court then being
£t IVeilmitiJlerln the county of Middtefex) a ce^rain writ of the
faid late lord the king called a. latitat, direfted ro the tiien iTieriflF
of the county of Tor k, whereby the fame flierifFwas commanded
jhat he lliould take the faid G. if he iliould be found in his baili-
wick, and fliould fafeiy keep him, fo that he might have his
body before the faitl late lord the king at We/lminjler on
day next after to anhver to the faid J. in a plea gf trefpafs ;
and that he fliould have there then that writ : The fame day
was given to the faid J. there, i^c. On which day before the
faid late lord the kin^ at IVejlminJier came the faid J. in his
proper perfon ; and the fheritf did not return thereof the writ,
nor did any thing theein : Therefore as before the flieriff was
commanded that he lliould take the faid G. if he fliould be found
in his bailiwick, and Ihould fafely keep him, fo that he might
have his body before the faid late lord the king at tVeftmir.Jhr
on day next after to anfwer to the faid John in the
plea afore faid: The fa;ne day was given to the f^id J. there,
^c. On which cay before the faid late lord the king at IVeJi-
minfter lame the fame J. in his proper perfon ; and the flierift
did not return thereof the writ nor did any thing therein: There-
fore as before the flieriff was commanded that hefnould take the
faid G. if he fhould be founvl in hi? bailiwick, and him fliould
fately keep, fo that he might have his body before the faid late
lord the king at Wejhninlhr on day next after to
anfwer to the faid % in the plea aforefaid : The fame day was
given to the fail' J. there, l£c. On which dny before the faid late
lord the king at VVeilmixJhi came the fiid J. in his proper per-
fon ; and the fherifi liid not return thereof the writ, ncr did any
thing therein : Therefore as before the flierilf was comman'.ed
that he fliould take tlie fai.i G. if he fliould be found in his bail>
wick, and him fliculd fafely keep, fo that he might have his
body before the faid late lord the king at M^ejiminjler on
day next alter to anfwer to the faid 7. in the plea afore-
faid : The fame day wr.s given to the faid J. there, l^c. On
which day before the faid late lord the king at IVeftininfier came
the faid J. in his proper perfon; and the flieriffdid not return
thereof the writ, nor did any thing therein : Therefore as be-
fore the flieriff was commanded that he fliould take the bo 'y of
the faid G. if he fliould be found in his bailiwick, and him fliould
fafely keep, fo that he might have his body be'bre the faid late
lord the king at Wefiminjler on day next after to
anfwer to the faid J. in the plea aforefud : The fame dav was
given to the faid J. there, l^c On which day bef re the faid late
lord the king at IVeJlminJler came the faid J. in his proper prr-
foi ; and the flieriffdid not return thereof the writ, nor > id any
thing therein : Therefore as btfore the flieriff was conmianded
that he fliould take the fnid G. if he fliould be found in his baili-
wick, and him flioul ' fsfely keep, fo that he might have his body
before the faid la'e lord the king at Wejlminjiey on day next
after to anfwer ro the faid "J. In the plea aforefaid • T he fame
day was given to the faid J. there, l^c. before which day the faid
lord CAflr/i"! the fecond, late king of £rj^'rtnr/ departed this life ;
On which day bifore the lord James the fecond, now king of
Englnntit ^llVeftminft.r came the (^^^^ J. in his proper perfon ;
and the flieriffdid not return thereof the wril. nor did any thing
therein: Therefore as before the flieriff was c manded that he
fliould take th'.' faid G. if he fliould be found in his bailiwick, and
hiin fliould fafely keep, fo that he might have his body before
the faid lord the king at IVeflminJler on day next after
lo anfwer to the fnid J. io the pica aforefaid ; The fame day was
An Alias cH'
A Plurie's ca'>
Demife oft
Defendant ap-
Plaintiff de-
i '2} ]
Not gn'.lt}'.
The plaintiff"
created a Duke.
6. c. 7. f.
given ta the faiil J. t^ere, &c. On which day before the fati5
loid uic k;.-!^ at iVei'lmtriJier came as well the faiu "J. IValden by
Jo-^n Z.jV/)' his attorney, as the faid G. by 7". M. his attorney,
and tlie fa'nc G. put in bail thereto, and in the fime court her;
appeared at the fuir. of the faid J. according to the command of
the faid writ : And thereupon the faid J. agairdl the faid G. for
the faid caule of action in the declaration aforefaid abovenien-
tioned in the lame court of the faid lord the Iting b;fore ihe king
himfelf, to wit, at IVejlminfler aforcfain in the county of MiJJlt-
/ex atorcfaid, in the faid Tiinity term in the firft year of the rci^n
of the lord y^'/w^'j the fecond abovefaiJ, by his bill aforefaid de-
clared in manner and form aforefaid: And the faid J. farther fays,
that the caufe of aftion aforefaid, on which the faid J. againll
the faid G. above hath decl.vred, accrued within fix years next
before the profecution of the faid writ of laiitrtt firft mentioned,
to wit, at Dmcajier a'orefaid in the county aforefaid ; And this
he is ready to verif : Wherefore he prays judgment, and li .5
damages by reafon of the non-performance ol the promiles anii
aHiimpiions aforefaid, to be adjudged to him, ^c,
AN D now on this day, to wit, WedncfJoy next after 1 5 days
of Enjier in this fame term, until which day the faid IV. //,
had leave to imparl to the bill aforefaid and then toanfwcr, ^f.
before the lord the king at We Jlm'mjler corner as well the faii
James earl of Brecknock' by his attorney aforefaid, as the faid
iVilli'im by Jeffery IFoodivard his attorney : And the fame //'.
defends the torce and injury when, i^c. and fays that he is not
thereof guilty ; And of this he puts himfelf upon the coantry :
And the faivt James earl of Brecknock thereof, i^e. Therefore
Jet a jury thereon come before the lord the king at IVejlminfter
on next after and who neither, ^c. to recognife,
i^c. becaufe as well, <^c. The fame day is given to the parties
aforefaid there, ^c. On which day before the lord the king at
Wejlmirjler come the parties aforefaid by their attornics aforciaid ;
and the flierifFdid not return thereof the writ : Therefore as be-
fore let a jury thereon come before the lord the king at iFeJhuin-
Jier on next after and who neither, lie. to recog-
nife, l£c. becaufe as well, Ifc. The fame day is given to the
parties aforefaid there, lie. Before which day, to wit, after the
faij next after and before the faid next after
to wit, on the 9th day of No-cemher in the 3.1th year of
the reign of the faid lord the now king, the fame lord the now
king by his letters patent fealed under the great feal of England,
bearing date at /rf//«/w/?er aforefaid the faid 9th day of Njltadtcovf rture
in the plainliff*
Bar. 123
d'Ae o( OrmonJ, who as well, t?f. as the faki F/. U.hy tlrerr
attornies aforelaid ; and ihe fhenffdid not return thereof the
wfit: Therefore as before let a jury thereon come beiore the
lord the king at fVe/iminJisr on next afctr and who
neither, f c. to recognife, ts'c. becaufe as well, ^c. T he lame
day is given as well to the laid James duke of Ortuvt: ' . who as
well, l^c. as to the faid IVilliam ileihtritigton there, ^c.
This caufe ixas tried at bar and lOOOo/. danuiges given,
AN D now on this day, to wir, lVe,!neJdcy next after the oc-
tave of St. //:///7rj m this fame term, uniil wlich day the
faid M. ail and ail manner of exceptions being favcd to him as to
the bill aforiTaid, had leave to imparl to the faid hill and then to
anfwcr, betore which day the faid lady queen Mary departed this
life, betore the faid lord the king at IVeJlminfier comes as well
the faid Yrances by her attorney atorefaid, as the faid M. by A. B.
his attorney: And the fame M. defends the force and injury
•when, life, and prays oyer of the writing atorefaid j and to him it
is read, Iffc. he prays lilcewife oyer of the condition of the fame
writing; and to him it is read in ihefe words, to wit, The con-
dition, ifc. Which being read and heard the fame M. prays,
judgment of the bill aforefaid, becaufe he fays that flic the faid
Frances, at thefaici time ©f the exhibition of the bill of her the
fdid /"»v7«ffj aforefiiid, waslawfullv and according to the laws of
the church oi England married to one C. D. her huihand in the
faid bill not named ; Wherefore the faid M prays judgment of
the bill aforefaid, and that the faid bill may be quafhed.
And the laid F. fays thatby any thing by the fai'd M, abore in
pleading alledged the bill of her the faid F. ought not to be quafh-
ed, becaufe flie fays, that Hie th- faid F. at the time of the ex-
hibition of the bill of her the faid F. aforefaid, to wit, on the 23d
day oiOffober in the 6th year of the reign of the faid lord the
king and of the late lady Mary qyeen ot England, iffc. flie w»s
fole ; without that, that the fiid F. at the faid time of the ex-
hibition of the bill aforefaid was married to the faid C. D. as the
faid M. above in pleading hath alledged : And this fhe is ready to
verify ; Wherefore flie prays judgment, and that the bill c,f the
faid F. may be adjudged as good, and for want of a I'uth.ient
aiifwer her debt afcrelaid, together with her damages by reafon
of the detention of that debt, 10 be adjudged to her, t5V.
And the faid M, as before fays, that the faid F. at the time of [ 124 |
the exhibitirn ol the bill atorefaid was married to the faid C. D. Iffuc tlicicoa
in manner and form as the faid M above in pleading hath al-
ledged ; And of this he puts himfelf upon the country ; And the
faid F. thereof hkewifc ; Therefore, t^c.
N D the faid Henry by J. R. his attorney comes and defends R^r to dcht up-
^ ^ the forte and injury, when, fsfc. and prays oyer of the °" *, '^'V,''
writing aforefaid ; and to him it is read, tsfc. he prays alfo oyer ^j (^ profecucc
vt ihe cgiidiiiuttof the fame writing ; and to him it is read in thefe an aaion ia
\yords, icflcvioi
PlaintiflT replica
and traverlts
the covertmci
124- Bar.
and to inikp a worcls, fo Wit, The conilltion of this obligation is fucli, That
return,/, &c. \{John IVoJlorne do nppearat the next count v-court robe holvlera
at \hrtha?nptoTi, and then and there do prole, ute his aftion
effefl ag;iinl1: "Johnstone and John Cooper, tor wrongfully tak ng
and detaining his cattle, z^. R. during the life of the faid E. G. in cafe the faid intend-
ed marriiige fliould take effcft, he the faid E. G. did grant to
the fail % G. a'n annuity or yearly rent of 800 /. of lawful mo-
ney of Ergland, to be iiTuing out of the manor of Bifigley afore-
faid, whereof the faid place in which is parcel, and all and An-
gular the lands, manors and hereditaments v'haifoever of the
laid E. G. fituare, lying and b"ing in the faid psntU Oi JUngley
aforefaid in the laid county of Naythanif'ton ; to have, hold, re-
ceive and yearly perceive, take and enjoy the faid annuity or
yearly rcn^t of 800/. 'o the faid J. G. and his alFigns, for and
during the term of 9Q years, coinmeiccing immediately from
and after the I'olcmr.raation of the faid intended marriage, and
fully to be compleat and ended, if the faid E. G. and f. G.
fliould fo long joinilv live,' anil to be payable yearly at the four
luoll; ul'ual fcafls or times in the year, that is to fay, the an-
nunciation of the blefTed virgin Mary, the feaft of St. John the
bapiiil, the feaft of St. Michael i\\e ixchzngn] and of the birth
of our bkfTed Lord and Saviour Jefus Chiijl, by even and
equal portions; the fiiti payment thereof to begin and be made
on I he ("aid feafl of the annunciation next following the folem-
rization of the faid intended marriage : And the faid £. G. by
the faid indenture farther gratiieu and a;^reed, that if it fltould
[ 126 ]
jbappen tliat tke faid annuicy or yearly rent ofSoo/. or any
part thereof, iliouM be behind or unpaid at any the davs or
times on which the fame ought to be paid, that then it fhould
be lawful to and for the faid J. G. in and upon the faid manor,
whereof the faid place, in which, tffc. is parcel, and the nief-
faages, lands, hereditaments and premiflls, out of which the
faid yearly rent \V;is granted or mentioned to be granted, ifTuing
or mcntioncvl to be iifuing as aforefaid, and into every or any
part and parcel thereof, at his and their liberty to enter and
diftrain for the faid yearly rent of 800'. and the arrears thereof,
and the diftrefs and diftrcflcs then and there fo foumi to t ke,
lead, drive, carry away, impound, and impounded d'="tain and
keep until the faid yearly rent of Soo/. and all the arrears
thereof, for which fuch i:iilrefs or dilfrefics fii;iuld be made as
aforefaid, fliould be fu'ly faii^fic^d, contented an 1 paid to the faid
y. G. and his afii^ns, as by the fame indenture among other
things more fullv appears: And the fame y. S. and J, C. far-
ther faid, that he the faid J. G. afterwards, to wit, on the 21 ft
ided, to be adjudged to them ; with this that the fame y. S.
and J. C did aver that the faid E G. and,^. G. were then
lurviving and in full life, to wit, at Bingley aforefaid, in the
coun'y aforefaid : And i he faid y. IV then faid, that the faid Replication;
y. S. and y. C the taking of the cattle aforefaid as bailiffs
r;f the faid y. G. in the faid place, in which, ^Sfc. for the reafou
L.fore alledged ought not to acknowledge juft, becaufe he laid
that the faid y. S. and y. C. on the dav and year abovefaid in
the declaration aforefaid mentiontd, did of their own wrong
irikethf faid twenty-two buUocks in the manner as the faid y.
IV. by his writ and declaration alorrfaid above had liipp' fed ;
■without that that the faid E. G. in the cognifance aforefaid above Traverft,
mentioned, prai^ted to the faid y. G. the fai i annuity or yearly
- ■' ■ - and 7. C.
De injuria fu*
lent of 800/. in juanner and form as the faid 7- ^
P 2.
126 Bar.
by tlieir cognirancc aforefai'l above find alledged : And that he
wa>; ready to verify : Wherefore h. prayed judgment, if the faiii
J. S. and J. C. ought ro mainta'n thtir cognifance aforefaid
Rejoinder. againfl him, fffc. And rhefaid J. S. and J. C faid that the faid
E, G in the cogT Tai^ce aforefaid abovememioncd, did grant to
the faid f. G. ihe fail annuity or yearly rent of 800/. in man-
ner and form as the faid J. S. and J. C. by their cognifance
aforefaid above had alli'dged : And of that they put ihtnifelves
Iffac. on t!ie counrrv . And the faid J. U^. thereof likewife, l^c.
Therefore the iliorifFu-as commanded that he fhould caufe to
come in the rft^iv- of the purification of the blcfTed Mnry i^,
ll^c. by whom, ^c and vi'ho neither, ^c- to reccgnife, fjfr. be-
caufe asw^ell, i^c. Afterwanis the procefs thereof betvi'een the
parties aforefaid in the plea aforefaid by the jury thereon between
them being refpited bvfore the juftices of the lord the king at
IVeflm'vller in 1 5 days, uiilefs the juflices of the lord the
king afiigned to take aflifes in the county aforefiiid by form of
13^( the llarute, ^f. on Tuefday the 15th day of Match z\. North-
izEi. ^■ c- 4. amplon in the county aforefaid, iTiould firft come for want of
i4Ed. 3.C. 16. jurors, ^sV. On which day before the juftices of the lord the
king at Wejlminfler aforefaid, came the faid J. 5. and "J. C. hy
their attorney aforefaid : And the faid juftices of the lord the
king of affife, before whom, tifc. fent here their record before
them had in thefe words, to wit, Afterwards the day and place
within contained, before John Povcel, knt. one of the juftices
of the lord the king of the bench and George DoJfon, efq; to
the dmtjohn Poivell, knt- and A^. L. one of the barons of the
exchequer of the faid lord the king, juftices of the faid lord
the king aftigned to take affizes for the countv 0^ Northampton,
by the form of the ftatute, ^r. for this time aftociate, the pre-
fence of the faid A'. L. not being expcftcd, by virtue of the
writ .of the faid lord the king of Si non omnes, iffc. came as
well the within named y. JV. as the within written f. S. and
J. C. by their atiornies within contained : And the jurors of
the jury, whereof mention is wiihin made, being called likewife
came, who to fay the truth of the within contained were eleft-
ed, tried and fworn, ^c. and were agreed and returned back to
the bar here to give that verdict ; whereupon the faid y. IF,
Nonriiited aad altho' fo'emnly called did not come, nor did farther profecute
*^» ^'» his writ aforefaid againft the faid J. S. and J. C. as by the re-
cord thereof in the court, of the bench here at PVeJlmirper
aforefaid remaining more fully appears ; and fo the faid W. C.
fays that the faid y. lV.d\d not profecute his plea aforefaid with
cffe (ft according to the form and effeft of the condition of the
writing obligatory aforefaid : And this the fame IV. C. is ready
to verify bv that record : Wherefore he prays judgment and his
debt aforefaid, together with his damages by reafon of the de-
ttntion of that debt, to be adjudged to him, l^c.
Bar. 1 1 26
\X7HEN, ^c. And prays over of the writing obligatory afore- Statute of 23
faid ; and to him it is read, l^c- he prays alio oyer of H. 6. c. 10.
the condition of the fame writing obligatory ; and to him it is ^J^.j^^nd^ *
read in thefe words, to wit. The con^'.iiion of this obligation is
fuch, that if the above bounden Ed^wmd Kitchener do appear
before the (aid lady the queen zt IFeJhiir./lir on 'TueJ',ioj next
aher ihc morrow ot Jll Soi^li, to ^nlvjtr R-c^tar J Broivning in a
plea of irelpals and alio to a bill of debt lor 60/. according ^'V.
then this obligation to be void, or eife to remain in full force,
ilrength and viriue : Which being read and heard, the faid Benja-r
tnin fays, ihat he ought not to be charged by virtue of the writing
obligatory aforefaia, becaulc he fays, that before the making of
the writing obligatory aforefaid, to wit, by a certain aft made in
a parliament of the lord Henry the fixth, held at M'''ejhnin/?er in
the county of VJlJJIeiex on the 2$t'i day of Ftbruary in ijie
23d year of his reign, it was among other things enafted by the
authority of the fame parliament, that no fticriff, under-fheriff, [ I27 ]
i"herift's cleric, lleward or bailiff of franchile, fervant of bailiff
or coroner, ihould take any thing by colour of his office, by
hirn nor by any other perfon to his isfe, of any perfon for ihe
making of any return or panel, and tor the copy of any panel,
but ^ii. And that the faid ihi riffs, and all other officers and
minifters aforefaid, (hould let out of prifon all manner of per-
fjns by them or any of them arrefled or being in their cullo-
dy by force of any writ, bill or warrant in an aftion perfonal,
or bv reafon of indictment by trefpafs, upon realonable fureties
cf fufiiicient perfons having fufficient within the counties where
fuch perfons be fo let to bail or mainpnfe, to keep their days i-ri
fuch place as the faid writs, bills or warrants fliould require
(fuch perfon or perfons which were or fliould be in their ward
hy condenmation, execution, capias utUgaium or excommitnicatutHy
furetyof the peace, and all fuch perfons which were or fliouUl
be committed to ward by fpecial commandment of any jufliccs,
and vagabonds refufing to leive according to the form of the
ftatute of labourers, only excepted): And that no fhcriff, nor
any of the officers or minifters aforefaid, fliould take or caufe
to be taken, or make any obligation for any caufe aforefaid, or
by colour of their office, but only to thenifelves, of any perfon,
nor by any perfon which fhould be in their ward by the courfs
of the law, but by the name of their oflice, and upon condi-
tion written that the faid pr foners fhould appear at the day
contained in the faid vvrir, bill or warrant, and in fuch places as
the faid writs, bills or warrants fhould require ; and if any of
the fail flietiffs, or other officers or minifrers abovefaid, take
any obligation in other form by colour of their offices, that it
fliould be void, as by the fame a£t, among other things, more
fully appears: And the fame Benjamin fays, that after the iijak-
ing of the faiti aft, to wit, at the faid time of iht making of
thu writing obligatory aforefaid, the faid Ethvanl Kitchener was
P 3 arrcfled
127 ^^^*
nrreftei! by the fakl flieriffof the county aforefaid by a precfpf
ot'the faid l.idy (lie queen, called a bill of MidJlejex, to the fame
jTieriff of MidJeJex direded, ifluing out of rhe court of the
iald lady the queen before the quetn herfelf here, to wit, at
Weftminjlir atorefaid, returnable bttore the queen herfelf at
//■^ty/W^y^i;- atorefaid on Wenueuiuyw^iw after the morrow of /?//
iiouls then next following, to aniwer to the faid Robert Brotun-
»>jg in a plea oftrelpufs, and alfo to the bill of the faid Robert
againft the faid Edixiard for 60/. on debt, and th-jt the laid
heiijamin Greene and C/uirles Peers being then ilierift" of the
county of Middlejex afortlaid, of and upon that arreft took bail,
the writing obligatory atorefaid with the condition aforefaid, for
«afe and tavour to the fame Edivard Kitchentr of his iinpri-
foninent by the faid Benjatnin Greene and Charles Peers ibewn,
and to have and obtain his deliverance theretrou) ; which faid
^'riting obligatory the fiiid Benjamin Greene and Charles Peers
took by colour of his office againli the form of the ftatute
aforefaid ; and fo the fame Berj.tmiv. fays, that the writing obli-
gatory aforefaid here in court produced in form aforefaid, and
for the caufe aforefaid, as before mentioned, taken and made
by force of the ftaiute aforelaid, is void in law : and this the
fame B. S. is ready to verify : Wherefore he prays judgment if
he the faiiie B. S. ought to be charged with the debt aiorefaid
by virtue of the writing obligatory aforelaid, ^r.
Detnarrer to a And the faid i?o/'?r/ Brozvnir'g fays, that he by any thing by
plea in debt on the faid Benjamin Suran above in pleatiing alledged ought not to
band. be precluded from his adion aforefaid thereof againft him the
faid Benjiimin had, becaufe he fays, that the plea aforefaid by the
fiid Berjamin in manner and form aforefaid above pleaded, and
the mattei^ in the fame contained, are not fufiicient in law to
preclude him the faid Robert from his aftion aforefaid thereof
againft hii7i the faid Benjc.min had ; to which faid plea in ntac-
ner and fornj aforefaid above pleaded, lie the fame Robert hath
no neceflity, nor h by the lav/ of the land obliged, in any man-
ner to anfwer : Arid this he is ready fo verify; Wherefore for
want of a fLfficient plea in this behalf, the fame Robert prays
judgment and his debt aforefaid. together with his damages by
reafon of the detention of that debt, to be adjudged to
hitii, ifc.
Tolnder in de- -^"^ ^^^ ''^''^ ^cT)::iniin\zys, tha: the plea aforefaid by him the
nauirer. fa'd Benjamin in manner and form aforefaid above pleaded, and
the matter In the fame contained, are good and fnfficient invJaw
to preclude him the faid Robert from his adion aforefaid there-
of againft him the faid Benjamin h'd<.\ ; which faid plea, and
the matter therein contained, the lame Bcjantin is ready to veri-
fy and prove, as the court Ifc. And becaufe the faid Rober!
doth not anfwer to that plea, nor the fame hitherto deny, the
fame B^rjamin as before prays judgment, and tliat the faid /?o-
^^r/ may be precluded from his aftion aforefaid (hereof againft
him the Uid £enjami;ihzi, i^c. But becaufe the court of the
Payment before
the day pleade4
to dcbc oa
Cro. Jao. 435.
5 Co, lij-
Bar. 1 1 27
aid iady tlie now queen here are not yet advifed to give their
judgment of and upon the preiiiifTes, day thtrefore is given to
the parties aforefaid before the lady the queen at IVeJhninJler
until day next after lo hear their judgment of and upon ,
thofe premilTes, becaufe the court of the laid lady the now queeo
here thereof not yet, l£c.
Peytoe againft Hyde. [ 128 ]
Hill. 8th of queen Anne.
Declaration on a bond for 200/. dated 28th Mny 1709, con-
ditioned for the payment of lOoA with intereft 314/. per
cent, per ann. on the 31ft day ot ^uly then next following
the date. The defendant pleads as follows ;
A N D the faid Nathaniel in his proper perfon comes and de-
jl\ fends the force and injury, when, cffr . and prays oyer of the
writing obligatory aforefaid ; and to him it is read, l^c. he alfo
prays oyer of the condition of the fame writing ; and to him it is
read in thefe words; The condition of this obligation is fuch, that
if the above-bounden JcA« Rice and Nathaniel Hyde, or either of
them, their, or either of their heirs, executors or adminiftra-
tors, ^o v/ell and truly pay, orcaufe to be paid, unto the above-
named John Peytoe, his executors, adminiftrators or affigns, the
full fum of 100 /. with intereft at 4 /. fer cent, per ann. of good
and lawful money of Great Britain, on the laft day of Ju/y
next enfuing the day hereof, at one whole and entire payment
without fraud or delay j then this obligation to be void, or elfe
to remain in full force ; Which being read and heard, the fame
Nathaniel fays, that the faid John Ptytoe ought not to have or
maintain his attion aforefaid thereof againfl. him, becaufe he fays,
that the faid John Rice in the comUtion aforefaid above mentioned
paid to the faid John Peytoe the faid 100 /. with intereft for the
fame according to the rate of 4 /. per cent, per ann. on the 20tk
day of July next following the date of the writing obligatory
aforefaid, to wit, at IVeJlminfter aforefaid in the county atorefaid :
And this he is ready to verify : Wherefore he prays judgment if
the faid John Peytoe ought to have or maintain his action aforefaid
thereof againft him the faid Nathaniel, Iffc,
And the faid John Peytoe fays, that he by any thing by the faid Demurrer.
Nathaniel ihovG in pleading alledged ought not to be precluded
from his aftion aforefaid thereof againft him the faid Nathaniel
had, becaufe he fays, that the plea aforefaid by him the faid Na-
thaniel in manner and form aforefaid above pleaded, and the mat-
ter in the fame contained, are not futficient in law to preclude
Tiim the faid Jo^^n from his aflion aforefaid thereof againft the
faid Nathaniel had ; to which plea he the fame John hath no
neceffity, nor is by the law of the land bound in any manner to
anfwer: And this he is ready to verify ; Wherefore for want of a
fufiicient anfwer in this behalf, he the faid Jo/in prays judgment
P ^ and
4 Ann. c- i5.
3 Lev. 293.
Cro. Jac. 435
Velv. 196.
Bcui. 151.
Caureasin^ncd. ^nd his debt aforefaid, together with his damages by reafon of
7 tl c. 5 thedeteniion of that debt, to be adjurlged to hun, &c. And for
caulcs ot" demurrer in law in this behalt the fame JijAn, accoruintr
to the form of the ftaiutein luchcafe lately made and provided,
fets down and to the court her^; exprelils thefe caufes tullowing,
to wit, For that if fuch payment was mauc by the faid Jo/inR.ce
of the faid 100/. and the interctl then due, as the faid Nathaniel
above hath pli;aded,the fame Nut/ianiei ought to plead tliat pay-
ment was made on the day in the faid condition of the writing
aforefaid mentioned, and that the matter atorefaid fo pleadea is
only matter of evidence to prove that ilfue ; and the faid Natha-
niel aw ^\. to plead fuch payment in fuch manner that ilfue might
be thereon joined ; and tor that the plea atorefaid doth not con-
tain in itfelf any muter on wluch iflue can be joined ; and the
plea is certain, double, and wants term, k^ c.
Edix. IVhitaker.
JoinJer in de«
r 129 ]
Plea to an ac-
tion of afTault
by l)ull)aQii and
wife that on the
arreft of the
huitird the
wife aiTaulted
them, (Sc
Pari. Rep. 203.
And the faid Nathanul fays, that the plea aforefaid by him the
faid Kathaniel'm manner and form afortlaid above pleaded, and
the matter in the fame cor.tained, arc good and I'ufficien: in law
to preclude hiai the faid John from his a(ftion aforefaid thereof
againlt him the fiid Nathaniel had ; which fait! plea, and the
matter in the fame contained, he the laid Nathaniel is reary to
verity and prove, as the court, fi^r. And becaufe the faid yo/z/i
doth not anfwer to that plea, nor hitherto any way deny the fame,
he the fame Nathaniel as before prays judgment, and that the
faid John may be precluded from his aftion aforefaiil thereof
againft him had, is'c. But becaufe the court of the faid lady the
now queen here are not yet advifed to give their judgment of and
upon the premiffes, day therefore is given to the parlies aforefaid
before the lady the queen at IVeJlminfter until day next
after to hear their judgment of and upon ihofe premif-
{t%, becaufe the court of the faid lady the queen nov/ here there-
of not yet, cr'f.
AN D the faid Jonathan D.rhy and Henry Mills by J. A. their
attorney come and defend the force and Injury, when, Jifr.
And as to the coining with force and arms, or any thing that is
againfl the peace of the lord the now. king, the fame J and H.
fdf, that they are not thereof guilty : And of this they put
themfelves on the country ; and the faid J ifeph and A^ thereof
likewife, l£c. And as to the refidue of the trefpafs and afTault
aforefaid above fuppofcd to be committed, tlie lame J. and //.
fay, that the faid Jofeph and M^iry ought not to have or main-
tain their adion thereof againfl: them, becaufe they fay, that
the town of Gw/Ay/o/d' in the county aforefaid is and from time
immemorial was an ancient town ; and that before the time when
the trefpafs and alTault aforefaid isfuppofed to becommrrted, to
V'ii, on the day of in the fixch year of the reign of
the nov/ king, one Henry JFjait, efq; came in the court of the
Bar. 229
faid lord the now king of his town of Guildford aforefaid, then
held before one T. P. the then mayor, and the good men of the
town of Guildford atorefaid within the fame town, according to
the cuftom, liberty and privilege of the town aforefaid, from time
out of mind ufed and approved in the fame, in hij proper perfon,
and then and there the fame H. IV. levied a certain plaint againft
the faid Jofeph Cooper in a plea of trefpafs on the cafe, to the
damage ot him the faid //. /?''. 5 /. and then and there found
pledges to profecute his plaint aforefaid, to wit J. Doe and R,
Roe, and then and there prayed procefs to be made for him
againft the faid Jofeph in the p'ea aforefaid according to the
cuftom of the town aforefaid, which then and there was granted
to him ; whereupon at the fame courc then and there, according-
to the cullom of the town aforefaid, at the petition of the faid
iV. H. it was in fuch manner proceeded, that the faid court then
and there, according to the cullom of the town aforefaid, com-
manded the ferjeant? at mace and miniftcrs of the court aforefaid
that they fhould take, or one of them fKould take, the faid
Jofeph Cooper, if he fliouKl be found within the liberty of the
town aiortrfaid, and him fliould ffife'y keep, fo that they might
have his body at the then next court of tne faid lord the kin- of
record of the town aforefaid before the faid mayor and good men
of the tov/n aforefaid, to be held to anfwer to the faid T. IV.
in the plea of his plaint aforefaid, according to the cuftom of the
lown aforefaid ; By virtue of which faid precept the faid H.
Mills, then being ferjeant at mace of the town aforefaid, and
minifter of the court aforefaid, afterwaids and before the then
next court of the town of Gui/dfordahrefd'ni, to wit, the faid
day of in the fixth year abovcfaid at Guildford/ aforefaid
within the jurifdidion of the fame court, took and arrefted the
faid Jofeph, and would have and endeavour'd to carry him the
faid Jofeph to the prifon of the faid lord the king of the town
aforefaid at Guildford aforefaid within the jurifdi<5tion of the
courc aforefaid, for want of bail ; And the fame H. Mills farther
fays, that the faid Jofeph being under the cullody of the faid
Henry for the caufe aforefaid, as is before mentioned, he the faid
Jofeph afterwards, and before the faid next court of the town
aforefaid, after the arrelt aforefai 1, to wit, on the faid day, ^r.
in the fixth year abovefaid, with force and arms out of the cufto-
dy of the faid ller.ry, againft the will of the faid Henry, then and
there refcued liimfelf and efcaped, and went to places to the
fame Henry unknown ; whereupon the (ame Henry called the
faid Joniithan, another ferjeant at mace of the town aforefaid, to
his afTiftance to riitake the faid Jofeph .- And the fame Henry and
Jonathan at Guildford aforefaid within the jurifditlion of the
court aforefaid the faid Jfiph, after the faid tfcape as aforefaid
made, recently purfued, and made and continued that purfuit
from thence from place to place within the liberty of the town
aforefaid and jurifdiiilion of the court aforefaid, until afterwards,
ro wit, at '.heiimein which, l^c. the/ did retake and arreft the
129 t ^^^*
faid Jofeph in that pvirfait, at GuiUford aforefaid within ihe jip-
rifdiclion ot the court aforelaid, as they lawfully slight ; And
the fauie Hcniy and "Jmathan Mills farther fay, that the faid
Mary upoa that retaking and arrcft then and there with force
and arms made an aflault on them the faid Jonnthan and Henrys
and would and did endeavour to have refcued and efcaped the
laid Jofeph out of the cultody ot the faid Jonathan and Ilenry^
and alio would have then and there beaten, wounded and abufed
them the faid "Jonnthan and //t-nry 71//7/i-, unlefs the fame Jonnthan
and H^nry Mills had then and thtre defended themfelves againfl
the faid Mary : And lo the fame Jomuhan and Henry Mills dv,
that if any damage or ill then and there happened to the faid
Mary^ it was from the proper aflault of the faid Mary, and in the
defence ot them the faid Jonathan and Henry Mills, which is the
fame refidue of the trclpafs and aflault aforefaid whereof the faid
Jofeph and Mary above now complain : And this they are ready
to verity • Wherefore they pray judgment if the faid Jofeph and
Mary ought to have or maintain their adlion aforefaid thereof
againft them, l^(.
R. Acherlj.
£ »3o 1
Covenant by a
furviving leflor!
agiinfl [cnauc
tor vrar'--.
Piaa. Reg.
345, 351.
B agnail againft Billing ay.
Midd\ to vi\i. TJEMRY Billingny late of IJIington^ in the
county cf Middlejex aforelaid, inholder,
was funiir.oned to anfwer to Gibbons BagnuH, gent, in a plea that
he keep to him the covenant between the faid Gibbous zviA one
Rebel t Z)w//£/- deceafed, whom the laid Gibbons furvived \n the
life-time of the faid Rohit m^d^ according to the force, form
and effed of a certain indenture thereof between them ma''e :
And whereon the faid Gibbons by R. C. his attorney fays, that
whereas by a certain indenture made at Ijlingioji aforefaid in the jnjentQj.gpf
county aforefaid, on the 28(h day of April in the year of our jgafe,
J-ord 1710, between the faJd Gibbons ^n<^ Robert in the hte-
time of the faid Robert, by the names of Gibbons Bognell of London^
gent, and Robert Builer oi Chelftam the county'of Middle/ex,
gent, of the one part, and the faid Hsnty Billinguy, by the nanie
ot Idtnry Billingny of IJlirgtor. in the county of Middle/ex, innhol-
der, ofthe other part, which other part fsaled v/iih the feal of
the faid Henry rhe faid Gibbms here in court produces, the date
whereof is the fame day and year abovefaid, the faid Gibbons ^nd
Robert \n the life-time of the faid Robert, for the confuieration in
the fame indenture mentioned, had deinifed and to farm let, and
each of them had demifed and to farm let, and then by the fame
indenture did demife and to farm let and each of them did de-
niife and to farm let, to the fame Henry Billingay all that mef- Premiffes.
fuage or inn confining of a certain four-fquare building, which
faiti mefluage or inn was then called or known by the name or
fign of the /Inget, fituate and being in or near IJimgton aforefaid
in the parilh of St. Jmnes Clerktnwell and I/Iingion aforefaid, or
one cf them, in the county of Mid'Hi-ftx aforefaid, and then was
in the tenure or occupation of the faid Henry Bil/in^rjy, and all
that little clofe or parcel of land lying behind the faid nieiFuage,
containing by ellimation two acres or thereabouts, and ail thofe
fheep-houfes, with all flieep-pens (landing and being under the
faid (lieep-houfes, and all and fingular out-hou(cs, edifices,
buildings, barn";, ftablcs, chambers, rooms, cellars, folars, yards,
gardens, back-fides, ways, waters, water-courfes, ealeinents,
profits, commodities and appurtenances whatfoever to the faid
J I JO Covenant.
mefTuage, tenement or inn, clofe ot land anJ flieep-houfes be-
lon'^ing or any w lys appertaining : and alfo (o much of the clefs
called Conluit Fields as ihen was fenced, containing by efliina-
tion 26 acres and two roods, be it more or lels, one clote or par-
cel ot land, commonly culled or known by the name ot the Great
StonyfiJJ, containing by ellimaiion 13 acres and 21 perches,
iiiorL' or jefs, aod one other dole or parcel of land calic-c.yr.
(reciting ft vera! other parcels) all which faid clofes or parcels of
land are parcel of the manor of Earnejhury, otherwik Uurvad-
Jvu'y, lying in or near to Ijjing'on atorelaia in the pririilies ot St.
James Clerketiivell and IJlingion aforefaiJ, or one ot them, in the
frfivl county of MiJilUfex, and then were in tl i tenure and occu-
pation of the fiid Hemy Biilingnyy together with tree liberty of
ingrf Ts and regrefs to and ior the faia Henry Billingay, his exe-
cutors, adminiftrators and ailigns, with his and their horfes, carts
and all other kind of cattle, into, out of and from the faid pre-
ni'lles by the indenture aforcfaid demifed, during the continu-
ance ot the leafe aforefaid, with all advantages and privileges
P T thereunto belonging, to which or with which the faid Gibbons
^ *3' J Biignml 2in^ Rijbert Butler, or either of them, could any way in-
title an ! accommodate him the faid Hemy Billitig^y concerning
the premiffes afortfaid by the faid indenture dcmifjd ; faying
Exception. and excepting to all and every petfon and perfons fuch right of
any way or ways, pallagc or palfages, in, thro' and from the faid
preuiiflbs, or any part thereof, which to them then belonged and
^^h:ndam. j^j \^qqx\ by them enjoyed j To have and to hold the fuid mefTuage,
tenement or inn, the little clofe or parcel of land lying behind the
faid mcflaage, and all and fingular the aforefaid other clofes or par-
cels of land, and other the premifles, by the faid indenture before
demifed or mentioned fo to be, with their and every of their appur-
tenances (except before excepted) unto the faid Henry Billingny,
his executors, adminilhators and afiigns, froni the feaft-day ot St.
Mkhael the archangel then next following the date of the faid in-
denture unto the full end and term of five years Irom thence next enfuing and fully to be coinpleat and ended ; yielding and paying
therefore yearly and everv year during the faid term unto the faid
GiObons Biigr.dlt and Robtrt Z^wz/fr, their heirs and afligns, the
rent or fum of 500 /. of lawful money of Great Britain at the four
mort ufual feall-days or terms of the year, that is to fay, the
feall-day of the birth of our Lord JefusChrift, the feaft-day of
the annunciation of the blefled virgin Mary, the feaft-day of
Sr. John the baptift, and the feaft-day of St. Michael the arch-
Covrnant to angel, by even and equal portions: And the faid Henry Billingay
piy tht nut, for himfelf, his heirs, executors, adminiftrators and afligns, and
for everv of them, did covenant, promife and grant to and with
the faid Gibbons Bagnall ^nd Robert Butler, their heirs and afligns,
by the faid indenture, that he the faid Henry Billingay, his exe-
cutors, adminiftrators and aifigns, during the faid term by the
faid indenture demifed, would well and truly pay, or caufe to be
paid, to the fai 1 G-/^^9n/ 5fl^«'/// ^nd Robert Butler, their heirs
and afii^ns, the faid yearly rent and fum of 500 /. of lavyful money
of Great Bn't^tft, and every part thereof, in fuch manner and
payments as in the faid indenture were before-mentioned and
exprefl'ec, as by the fame indenture, among other things, is more
fully manifeft and (ioth appear: By virtue of v.' hie n fail' de-
mifc the faid Henry Biliirgay afterwards, to wit, on the ruorrow
of the faid feaft of St. Michael (he archangel next after the tiate
of the indenture aforefaid, into the faid ineiTuage cr inn, and all
and fmgular other ihedeiviifed premifTesaforefaid with the appur-
tenances entered, and was thereof poff-iK-d always from thence
after until and after the feaft-day of St. Michael (he archangel
in the year of the Lord 171 \ -. -\nd the fame G-.bhons in taft
fays, that after the making of the indenture of deinifr afortfaid,
lo wit, on the loih day o\ March in the 12th year of the reign
of the lady Anne, now queen of Great Britain, Is'c- the (aid
Robert Butler at IJJington aforefaid in the county aforefai.1 died ;
and the faid Gibbons Bngvall him the faid Rolert Butler iurvived,
and wr.s feifed of the revi.rfion of the mcJluage and tenements
aforefaid with the appurtenances above demifed in his denufne as
of fee, by right of iurvivcrfhip : And alfho' he the faid G/i{^o/;j
and the faid Robert Butler in the life-time of the laid Robert, and
he the faid Gibbms after the death of the faid Robert., alwiys
from the faid time of the making of the indenture ofdemife afore-
faid hitherto have well and truly performed and fulfilled all and
lingular the covenants, grants and agreements in the indenture
of demife aforefaid contained, on the part of the faid Gibbons
Bagncsll &nd Robert ^M.'/tr, their heirs and afTign?, to be perform-
ed and fulfilled, by protefting, that the faid Henry Billivgay hath
not performed or fulfilled any covenants or grants in tlje fame
indenture contained on the part of the faid Henry Billincoy, or
his afligns, to be performed and fulfilled, in faft the fame Gihbtns
fays, that at the feaft-day of the nativity of St. John the baptift
now laft paft 125 /. of the yearly rent aforefaid, for one quarter
of a year then ended at the fame feafl, to the fame Gibbons after
the death of the faid Robert were in arrear and unpaid, and that
the faid Henry did not pay the fame Gibbons the fame 125 /. ar
the feafl-day ; and that at the feafl day of St. Michael the arch-
angel now lafl paft other 125 /- of the yearly rent aforefaid, for
another quarter of a year then ended at the fame feaft, to the
fame Gibbons Bngnall after the death of the faid Robert Butler
became in arrear and were unpaid, and that the faid flenry did
not pay to the fame Gibbons the fame 125 /. at that feaft-day ;
which faid feveral funis of money the faid Henry BilUr.gny ought
to have pai'i to the fatne Gibbons Bngnall at thofe feveral feaft-
days, according to the form and etfcft of the indenture aforefaid,
but thofe feveral fums of money are yet unpaid : And fothe (akX
Gibbons Bognall fays, that the faid Henry Billingciy, ahho' o(tcn
required, his covenant with the fame Gibbons and the faid Robert
Butler in his life-time as aforefaid made lothe fame Gibbons Bng~
ncU after the death of the faid Robert hath not kept, but hath un-
juftl/ broke it, and hath hitherto altogether denied, and yet
Erflry of the
Arermpnt of
the death of
one of the
Averment of
perfo mance,
Gff. oil the
plaintiff's pait>
Breach In ron-
piymmt nftv/o
quiiters iccc.
131 t Covenant
doth deny to keep it with him, to the damage of him the faivj
Gibbons Bagnalt 500/. And therefore he produces the fuit, i^c.
[ i^z J Child againft Ho-we.
Covenant MiiU\ to Wit. ^0/in C/ii/J, cfq; complains of Lucy Howep
•.i's.nil an ad. J ^j.Jqw, adminiltratrix of all and rine;ular the
niiniUratrix. , , , , - , , ,- 1 • 1 u 1 i 7 itl
goods and chattels, rights an. I credits, which belonged to l nomas
HoiKBy efq ; her late hiifband dece^fed, otherwife lately called,
\tc. in the cuftody of the marHial, ^c. in a plea o*" breach of co-
venant for this, to \Tit, that whereas by a certain indenture made at
Wejlminjler \n the faid county of MiJjIefex on the 24th day of
j^/ril in the year of the Lord 1700, between the faid Thomas
f^o-Lve in his life-time, by the name oi 'Thomas Hoive of the Inner
Temt'h, London, cfq; of the one part, and him the faid y«/?«
Child, by the name of John Child of the Middle Temfle, London,
efq; of the other part ; one part of which faid indenture, fealcd
with the feal of the faid Thomas Hctve in his life-time, the fame
John Child htre in court product's, the date whereof is the lame
day and year, rcciring, among other things, that whereas the faid
Thomas Hoixie was indebted to the faid Jjlm Child by a certairt
note under his hand in the fum of 39 / for which fum he had
agreed to pay intereil, he the fame Thomas Honxe (among other
things) did covenant with the faid Jnhn Child to p^y him the faid
39/. with intercll accordingly, as by the fame indenture, among
other thing*, more fully appears ; And the faid John Child h^
protefting that the faid Thomas Hnve in his life-time, or the
faid Lucy after the death of the faid Tfiomas, have not performed
any covenants or grants in the indenture aforefaid container on
his part to be performed, it) fad fays, that the faid Thomas Hoixje
before the making of the faid indenture, to wit, on the '6rh da^r
of October in the 1 irh vear of the reign of the lord the nov/ kin^
at li''fjhninfter aforefaid, by his note a'orefaid, becan)e and was to
Breaeb. jf,g fame Jo/^wCA//^ indebted in the fum aforefaid ; and that he
the faid Thomas Hoive in his life-time, or the fiid Lucy after the
death of him the faid Thomas Hoive, altho' often required, the
faid 39/. with intercft, or any part thereof, to the fame John
have not paid, nor hath either of them paid, but have refufed to
pay him the fame, and the faid Z-wrydoth yet refufe to pay him
them ; to which faid Lvcii, after the death of the faid Thomas,
adminiftration of all and fingular the goods and chattels, rights
and credits, which belonged to the faid Thomas at the time ot hn
death, was duly committed, to wit, at IVeftminJrer aforefaid i
And fo the faid John Child \zys, that the faid Thomas in his life-
time, and the faid Lucy after the death of him the faid Thomas„
altho' often required, the covenant of the fai<1 Thomas aforefaid in
ihis behalf with the faid John as aforefaid made to the fame
John have not performed, but have wholly broke if, and have
(Jenied to perform it to him, and the faid Lucy doth yet altogether
Covenant. ^31
deny to perform it to him, to the damage of the faid John Child
50/. And iherefore he produces the luit, l^c-
&uth''lon, to wit. /J L. widow complains of y. E. knt. T. U. Covenant by a
erq;and M. F. affignees of T. //. efq; Heviiee againfk
deceafed, being in the cuitody of the marHial of the Min/Iialjea the affigatc of
of the lord the king betore the king hinifelf, in a plea of breach
of covenant for this, to wit, that whereas one A. M widow, on
the 8th day oi June in the year of the Lord 1652, was feifed Seifm in fc«i
in her demefne as of fee of and in one inefri;age or tenement and
farm, with the appurtenances, called Abbotts Barlon, otherwife
fi, B. fiiuate and being in the parifii of St. B. near the city IF.
in the ccuntv of 5. aforefaid ; and being fo thereof fcifed the fame
A- M. by her indenture made the 8th day oi JutTe in the year
abovefaid, at the parifli of St. B. in the county of*?, abovefaid, Leafe made,
between her the faid A. M, by the name of A. M. of JV. in the
parifli of E. in the county of S. widow, of the one part, and the
faid T. H. in his life-time, by the name of T. H. of H. P. in the
county of 5. efq: of the other part, which other part fealed with
the feal of the faid T. H. in his life-time the fame A. L. here ia
court produces, bearing date the fame day and year, did demife
grant and to farm let, to the faid T. //. in his lite-time, all that
jnefTuage or tenement and farm, with the appurtenances, called
er known by the name of A. B. otherwife //. B. iituate and be-
ing in the parifli of St. B. near the city IV. in the faid county of
iS. and all and lingular houfes, edifices, buildings, barns, ftables,
yards, orchards, gardens, backfides, lands and tenements, mea-
dows, pallures, feedings, commons, common of pafiure, wavs,
vaters, watercourfes, eafements, profits, advantages, emolu-
ments and hereditaments whatfoever to the faid melfuage, tene-
ment or farm, belonging or in any wife appertaining, or to or
with the fame demifed, ufed, occupied or enjoyed, or accepted,
reputed, taken or known as part, parcel or member of the faid
incffuage or farm, or thereunto belonging, with their and every
of their appurtenances, (except and always referved out of the
faid demife to the faid A. M. her executors and alligns, all limber
and timber-trees, and trees of all kind whatfoever then {landing,
growing or being in or upon the premifTes, or any part thereof, r •»
with free ingrefs and regrcfs with her or their carts and carriages 33 I
©r fervants, to fell, cut down and carry away the fame at her and
their will and pleafure during the term by the faid indenture grant-
ed; To have and to hold the meffuage, farms, lands, tenemenrs, HahenJum^
meadows, paftures, feedings, and all and fmgular the prcmifles
by the faid indenture before mentioned and demifed, and every
part and parcel thereof, with their and every of their appurte-
nanres, (except before excepted) 10 the faid T. //. his executors,
admir.iftrators, and ifTigns, from the feaft of St. Michael the
archangel next enfuing the date of the faid indenture unto the
full end and tcriu of 21 years from thence next enfuitig and fully
to be compleai and ended i yielding and paying thtrgfoie yearly ^eJJenJitm.
1 2^ Covenant.
^nd every year during the faid term to the faid A. M. her eiecu*
tors, or afligns, at or in the common dining-hall o( Lincoln's Inn \n
the county oi Middle/ex, the rent or funi of 200 /.of lawful money
of England at the two ufual feafts and terms in the year, that is 10
fay, on the feaft of the annunciation of the blefled virgin Mary
CoTtnanttorc- j^j^^j gj Michael iht archangel by even and equal portions: And
P*"' the faid T. //. in his life time for himfclf, his ex cutors and ad-
miniftratOTS, did covenant and grant to and with the faid A. M.
her executors, adminiftrators and afiigns, by the faid indenture,
that he the faid T, H. his executors, adminiftrators and afiigns
or fome of them, from time, 10 time, and at all times then after
during the faid term, at his and their own proper cofts and char-
ges would well and fufiiciently repair and keep the houfe, mcf-
luage or tenement, barns, ftables, out-houfes, and oiher the edi-
£ces and buildings then (landing in and upon the premifies, or
any part thereof, in, by and with all and all manner of needful
and necefiary reparations and materials whatfoever, and alfoall the
hedges, diiches, gates, ftiles, fences and watercourfes of and
belonging to the faid premifies, with hedges, ditches, gates, ftiles,
fences and cleanfing, when, where, and as otten as need iliould
require, would likewlfe repair, fcour, cleanfe, maintain, and keep,
and the faid melTuagc or Tenement, barns, ftables, edifices and
other the premifies, lo well and fufficiently repaired, maintained,
hedged, ditched, fenced and kept, at the end and expiration, or
other fooner determination of the faid term, would peaceably and
quietly into the hands and pofllflion of the faid//. M. her execu-
tors or afligns, leave and deliver, as by the fame indenture, among^
Ertrycfthe other things, is more fully manifeft and appears: By virtue of
Icffcc. -which faid deraife the fame T. H. in his lite-time into the tene-
ments aforefaid with the appurtenances entered, and was thereof
The executors pofl"efi"ed, the reverfion of the tenements aforefaid to the faid A.
of the Icffec M. and her heirs belonging : And the faid T. H. of the tene-
cnter. ments aforefaid with the appurtenances being fo as aforefaid
pofl^eficd, and the faid A. M. being of the reverfion of the tene-
ments aforefaid feifed in herdemefne as of fee, the faid T. H. af-
terwards, to wit, on the 20th of February, in the year of the Lord,
l^c. at the parifh of St. B. in the county of 5. aforefaid, made
his laft will and teftament in writing, and then and there confti-
tutej deceafed,
wa"''an'equita- oihcrwife lately called, ^c in the cuftody of the marfbal, tsV.
ble light. in a plea of breach of covenant for this, to wit, that whereas
Rich rd Taylir of ^-^Rg^ Grange in the county of Mon-
mcuih, e;ent. and the faid John Morgan, purchafed to them and
their heirs of and from the faid Roger Brai/iron feveral meffua-
ges, lands, tenements and hereditaments fituate, lying and bting
in Cardiffe and Whitchurch in the couiuy of Ghnnn gnn ; And
whereas afterwards by a certain writing made at the city oH Brif-
td aforcfaid in the county of the faid city on the 30th day ot 'July
in the year of the Lord 1678, reciting the purchafe aforefaid ;
and farther reciting, that whereas one //fW'j7'rr7ffj, elq; clain-
ed and pretended to have a certain annuity of 20/. a year iffuing
{ payable to him by the grant of EJivard Thomas, efq; out of
the faid prtmifTes, (among other lands of the faid EdzvardThnnai)
and that he the faid Rogtr JUaihron on the fale thereof had agreed
with the faid Richard Taylor and John M'jn^an at the time of
their purchafe to indemnify them the (aid Richard Taylor and John
M'lrgon from and againft the faid annuity, he the faid Roger
Brathron, in ptrfovmance of the agreement aforefaid, by the
iame writing for himfclf, his heirs, executors and aftigns, did
covenant and grant to and with the faid Richard Taylor and 7o'.«
Morgan, their heirs, executors and afiigns, that he the faid
Covenant. I i34-
Mogfr Brnthror, \\\s heirs, executors and adm:niftrators. from
time to time, and at tW times from thenceforth for ever, wotild
well and fufficientiv fave harmlefs and keep indemnified the faid jjjy^^^ai'mkfs,
Richurd Taylor and JfJm Mo'<:;n, their heirs, executors and
adn.inifirators, and their refpcdive tenants, and the feveral
meffjagcs, lands, tenements auA hereditammts hy them pur-
chafed iis aforefaid of the f;;id Roger Brdt/itoi of and from the
faid annuity, ani alfo of and from all aftions and fuus in law and
equity, colls, charges, Icifes, txp^-nces and damages whatloever
which fliould be profecutecl or happen againft or to theiu, or ei-
ther of them, bv the faid fiV'Tj Tracey, or any claiming und'er
him, for or in rtfpeft of the annuiry aforefaid, or in any wife J e-.
Uting thereto, as by the fame writing here in court produced
feakd with the feal of the faid R.o'^er Brathion, bearing date the
day and year laft abovefaid, more fully appears : And whereas [ 1^5 J
afterwards, to wit, on the lOih day oi Jiwua-iyin the 31ft vear of Death of the
the reign of the faid lord the now king, at the city of Bri^^J dfore- j^'""- purchafcr,
faid in the county of the fame city, the faid Richard Tuyl'jr died,
and the faid "John Morgan furvived him : And whereas alto af-
terwar.^s, 10 wit, on the fai.i loih day of faruary in the 3 lit
year cfthe reign of the faid lerd the now kirg abcvefiid, theiaid
Roger Brathron, at the cirv o^ Rri/lol aforefaid in the county of
the fame ci:y, made his laft will and teftament in writing, and
by the fame then and there conftituted and ordained the iaiii Suta/i
his wife executrix of the faid will, and afterwards there died;
and the faid S.irah afterwards there proved the faid will in due pg^^}, of tfie
form of law ; and afterwards, to wit, the 10th day of Felruary vendor, wliofe
in the 32d year of the reign of the faid lord the now king, at the evccvmix prov-
ci y oi Brijiol aforefaid in the county of the fame city made her fd his will and
lali will and teftament in writing, and by the fame then and there ^"; ' '^T'"^
,,■ , , , - 1 1 /- • 1 o n ri r-i 11 firlr rn.'de her
conltituted and ordauied the laid .S. K. executor 01 her laid uill, ^m j^ri^ the
and afterwards, to wit, on the fame lO'h day oi February in the dcfendaotex-
year laft abovefaid, at the citv of iR;//'!?/ aforefaid in the county tcutor,
of the fame citv, died : And the faid J'Jin in taft fiys, that at
the time of the purchafe of the lane's aforefaid the faid lands were
and yet are cha'-gcable with the faid annuity during the life of
the faid Henry Trui ey in equity ; and ihat the faid H. T. after the
death of ih;; faid Sara/i, and b-foreihe exh'bition of this bill, to
wit, on the ift day of Noz'etn/er in the ^^d year of the reign of
the fnid lord the now king, at ih» citv of Brifiul in the county of
the fame citv, profccuted a certain fiilt'in the court of chancery
cf the faid lord the kin;T againft him the faid John for the recovery ,^.;"''' *''''* ^
of the arnijtv aforcfaiii and the arrears of the fame, of which ^^ ,-|^.,|
faid fait he the faid S. R. af'erwards, to wit, on the loth day of againft him,
J:nuary 'n the 3 ■;d year, fi^-r. ai the city of Brijlol in the county and defendant
of the fame ci:v (pentling the fuit aforefaii) had notice, anil had not mdcm-
then and tht-re was required to take upon himicif the defence of " -*
the fu't aforefaid, and to fupply the txpcnces thereof, which (he
fiid S then and rhere rcfufcd to (^o, and fo the fame John favs
that the faid 6". although often required, hath not favcd harmltrls
Q_ 2 and
Covefunt by
the afTignce of
the reveifion.
^35 Covenant.
and kept indenimfied the {ixijohn and his tenants of and from
the fu!t aforefaid, by the faid H. Tmcey fo as al'orefaid againft
him commenced and profecuted for and concerning the annuity
aforefaid, and the covenant of the faid Roger to the faid 'John
halh nor perlormed, but bruke, and hath hitherto denied, and
yet doth deny to perform it to him, whereby the fame John fays
that he is prejudiced, and hath damage to the value of 500/.
^nd therefore he produces the fuic, l^c.
London, to wit. JLTF.nry Afliurjl and Benjamin Strnn^e complain
o^ Roger Mingar znA IVilliam Ferra^id, be-
ing in the cuftody of the marnial of the Marfhalfen ofthe lord the
king before the king himftrlf in a ptea of breach of covenant, for
this, to wit, that where'is one Thomas Glo'ver 0^ London, mer-
chant, was feifed of a miiluage with the appurtenances, fituate in
Gracechutch--^tieet, London, in his demefne as of fee, and fo be-
ing thereot feiled the fame Thomas Glover on the 1 ft day of Fe-
Bniury in the zzd year of the reign of the lord Charles the fecond,
■now ]f^\v.'gof Enirtand, l^c. by his certain indenture then made
The Icafe at io/j/ZoV; aforefiid, to wit, in the parifli of St. M-ay-le-boivm
the ward of Cheap, between the laid Thomas Glover, by the
naaic ot T honius Glover of Lonlvn, !Ter, the fame
hen'y /Ijhu- ft and Benjamin Sn arge proeuce here in (Oiirt, ihe
date whcreul is the I'.av and year !alt meniioned, tor and in con-
fideru(ion of the fum ot 3000/ of lawful money of England to
ihe fnid J /ijmas in hand p dd, did relcafe (among other things)
the reverfion of the na-fibage aforjfaid v/ith the appurienantes
to the faid Henry Afhurll, i'.enjamin S.'ia'^ge and Gilts Raiu/ins,
then heing in polklion ot the reverfion of themelluage aforefaid
with the appunenances as is aforel'ai.) ; To have anil to hola the
reverfion otthe meflu ge atorel'aid with the appurtenances of the
faia Her.ry A /JiUrJ}, Benjamin Strange and Giles Rwulins, their
heirs and affi^ns, to the only ufe and behoof of the faid Henry
Afhurj}, Benjamin Hirange and Giles Ruiulins, their heirs and
afii ns forever, as by the indenture tripartite aforefaid among
other things is more fully nianifeft and appears : By vinue of
which faid releafe the faid Hemy A/Jiurjl, Benjamin Strange and
Giles /?r/xi'//;.'j,'of the reverfion of the meiruage aforetaid with the
appurtenances were fcifed in their deiuefne as of lec ; and after-
wards, to wit, on the 10th day of M./y in the 30th year of the
reign of the laid lord thj now king, the faid Giles Ruulins at
London aforefaid in the parilli and ward aforefaid died, and the
faid Henry AfJiurft and Benjamin Strange him the (aid Giles fur-
vived, and were felled of th« reverfion atorcfaid in their deiiicfne
as of fee by right of furvivorHiip, l^c. And the fame Henry and
Benjamin in fa6t fay, that althouj^h the faid Thomas GLver from
the time of the inaking of the indent me of deuiife aforefaid untJ
the faid 21ft day of March in the 2vth year abovefaid, and the
faid Henry zni Benjamin ^rom the faid 2til:dav ot March in the
29th year abovefaid, hit'ierto have well and faithfully obferved
and performed all and fingular the covenants and grants in the in-
denture of dcmife aforefaid contained, on the part of the faid
Thomas Gljz-er and hisafiagns to be perforuicd and fulfilled ; pro-
tefting alfo, that the fa>ci Roger Mingar and IVttliam Ferrand
have not performed orfulfiHiJd any of the covenants or grants in
the fame indenture contained, on ihe^art of the (aid Roger Min-
gar and William Ferrand, or their afligns, to be performed and
fulfilled, in fad the fame Henry ^mS Benjamin fa v, that 175/. of
the faid yearly rent of 70/. as aforefaid, referved for two whole
years and half a year ended in and upon the fead-day of Sr. Mt-
f/^.??/ the archangel in the 31 ft year of the reign of the faid lord
the now king, were and yet are in arrear and unpaid to the faid
Ilenrjf AjAurJl 3ind Benjamin Stiarge ; v/nich fa'ul 175/. the faid
Roger MIrrgar and JVilUam Ferrair^J have not, nor hatli either o'
them yet paid to the fame Htrirv and Be;:jamin,at e\x.\\.tr of them»
accorwing to the form and eff ft of the indenture aforefaid : And
\o the laid rienry and Benjamin dy, that the faid Roger Mingar
and William Ferraml, altho' oficn rct^uired, the covenant be-
tween the faid Thomas Glouer and them the faid Roger Mingar
£nd IVilUavi FernjnJ in that behalf as aforefaid maoe have nor,
nor hath either ot them, performed to the fame Henry^nd Ben"
j'trnin, but have hitherto altogether denied, and yet do deny to
periorin it to them, to the da.nige of the faid Hanry and Benja-
min 3©o/. And therefore they produce the fuit, ^r.
And now or. this day, to wit, iVedr.efiiay next after the oftave
of Sr. Hillary in this fame term, until which day the faid R ger
had leave to imparl to the bill -aforefaid, and then to anfwer, l^c.
before the lord the king at lFc:jh?isnJ}try come ns well the faid
IL'my and Btv.ja/r:in by their attorney aforefaid, as the faid Roger
h'.' Jo/in Lilly his attorney: And the faid IVrliam Ferrand, al-
tho' folemniy called, comes not, nor I'ays any thing in bar or
preclufion of the aftion of the faid Henry and Benjamin^ whereby
the tame Hemy and Benjamin remain againft the faid IFillinm
therei:i undefended, £5"V, wherefore the fame Henry and Benja-
min ought to recover their damages by reafon of the premiiles
againll the faid lViliia,ii ; but becaufe it is conveiiient that there
ihould b; but one taxation of damages in this behalf, Therefore
let the taxation of damages againil the faid IVilliam ftay until the
plea between the faid Henry and Benjamin and the faid Rcbert is
deternfmed :And the famer^o^^r fays, that the faid Henryand Ben-
jamin ought not to have or maintain their a(!^Jon aforefaid thereof
againtl him, becaufe he fays, that well and true it is that the faid
'Thomas Chfcr v:2.s feifed of the mefTuage aforefaid with the ap-
purtenances in h's demefne as of fee , and being fo thereof feiled
demifed the meduage aforefaid with the appurtenances to the faid
Roger Mingar and William Ferrand for the (erm aforefaid, and
that they the faid Roger and IVillium by virtue thereof were
jointly pofielfed in manner and form as the faid Henry and Ben-
jamin above hive declared ; but the faid Rcgsr farther fays, that
long before the feaftof St. Michael the archangel in the 3 1 ft year
abovefaid, they the faid Roger and IVilliam Fernnd fo bein*
jontly prfl'rfTed, and l\\^(a.\d Th'.mas GL^jer fo being feifed of
the revtrfion aforefaid, the faid Roger, with the afTcnt and con-
f:ntof the faid Thvnas Glo-jer., on the 20th day of Filnuary in year of the reign of the faid lord the now king, at Lon-
don aforclai.i in the parifli and ward aforefai(), by his certain in-
denture then an J there made between him the faid R ger, by the
r.ame of Ro:^er Mingar, ciilz n and loni/on, of the one
part, and the faid William Ftrrand, by the name of IVilliam
FerranJ,cn:-A'n, alfo and J.ordon, of the other part, «,i)e
part wiurcof fealcd with the feal of the faid Feiranl the
fame Router produces here in court, the date whereof is the fame
day and year laft abjvtfaid, reciting, that whereas Thomas
Ct.4 Chz-er
One defendant
makes default.
One taxation of
Confeflion of
the Scilin and
One of the lef-
fces with the
conlint of the
lefTor rtlcafts
Lis m"itty to
the other,
Glrz'n- of I.ori'.'o^, merchant, by indenture of demife under lu's
huiid ami fcvil, bearing date the firll o-ay ot Febiunry in the 22d
yc-.r of the rci^n of the faid lord tlic now king, for'ihe confi .or-
ation in the i.x\i:\ indenture inentinned, had deuiifed, granted and
to farm let to the faid Roger M "gar and IVilliam Feri and i-aW
that niciiuiige or tenement Aith the appurienances, fituatt, iyJng
anvl being in G ace-c'mrch Jireel^ on tiie well fide ot the laid
llrett in the pcrifli of St. Leonard '^Mji cheap t\cx\. adjoining to a
m. Ullage or tenement in the occupation of David Uny, tl'c
. To iiave and to hold the faid nudTuage or teneint-nt, and all and
fingular other the before d<. mdcd prcmiir.'S, with the appurienan-
ces, to the laid R'jger Mir'gar and IVilliam FtrrotiJ, their exe-
cu(Ors, adir.inirtrators and ; ifi^ns, from the feaft-vlay of the na-
tivity of our Lord then laft pall, before the date of the fnid re-
cited indenture of demife, unto the tull end and term of 3 i years
from thence next enfuing an I fully to be compleat and .nded ;
. and aUo reciting, tlial the faid. R''; and that he to that declaration hath no
rcccllity, nor is by the law of the land obliged to attwer : And
this he is ready to verify : Wherefore for wd^i of a ftfli itnt de-
claration in this behalf the faid /Indieiu prays judgment, an.', that
the faid yo///7^ may bo prcclu led fjoip his action afor.fiid had,
L''V. AnC tor caufcs of demurrer in law upon that JeLlaration
the fame Andisvo according to the form of the ftarute in luch
cife made and provided, d('th fet down and to the court here
._ exprefs thefe caufts following to v/it, Decaufe by the declaration
an I'.l. c. V. fiforefnid no place or county is alledged, from the neighbourhooJ
4 Aiiuc, c 16. whereof cr from whence a j'lry fuould come, to try v/hat the
goods or any of them in the faid fchedule contained were, or
whether the property of the goods and chattels in the fame de-
claration fpecifed at the time of the making the writing aforelaid,
in the faid declaration mentioned, was to the faid Adreiv or to
the faid Juhn Hall : And becaufe it don't appear by what name
the faid Arrdrezu is called, or what addition he has in the writing
afortfaid, as it ought, fo that it might manifeftly appear that hs
is the fame who is named in the faid writing, and that becaut3
the declaration aforefaid is in iifclf infenfible and contradtftory ;
allec'ging firft that at the time of the making of the faid writing
the iame JnJieiv by the writing aforefaid fold and delivered the
laid goods and chattels in the fame declaration m'.'ntioned, and
pfrcrwar s that the faid y^w^/rcTr at the fame time of the making
of ihe writing had no pofT ifion or property of or in the fame
goo Gff.
Covenant. 139
■county o^ M'ddlefex, gent, in the curtony of thMnarflial, Cffr. in
a plea ot a breach ol covtnant, for this, to wit, that whereas
the faid John h'. in his lite-time, to wt, on the 21ft day of ^k-
£uji,\n the year or the Lord 1720, at Lofia-.n aiorcfaid, in the
pari/li of St, i'.'ury-le-hozu, in the ward gH Cheap, by his cer-
tain writing, (ea'ed with the fcal o\ the faid John hi. in his life-
time ami here in court produced, bearing date the lame day anJ
year, 'or hii;;fcit. his heirs, executors and admin'ftrators, did
covenant, promik and agree 10 and with the faid Edv:arii B. by T^g covens
the name ot Eavjard Drgan, cifzen and Barber Surgeon of ut forth.
Loudon, and the faid o. K. by the name of 5. K. of the parilh of
St. Durjiun, London., g-nt. their executors, adminiiVators or
alliens, jo:n'ly anu feveraliy, that betore or on the firft day that
the irHM.r.r books of the governor and company of mercharts of
Great Grituin tra ling to the Sout'i Sea^.nii oJier p'^rts oi Ame"
rita, and for the promoting of the fiiliery, l^fc. fl^.cuid b; open
for publ'ckly transferring ihares, credit or intereft, in the capi-
tal ftock et ihe faid company, after the birih of our Lord then
next enfuing, he the faid John H. his executors, adminiilrators
or alFigr.s, would accep; and receive, or caule to be acccprcd and
received ol f.nd irom the fame E. B. and S. K. their executors,
adiuiniftrators or afii^^ns, 200 /. iiiare, credit or inrertfxin the faid
capita! tlock. of the governor and company aforefaid, to be tranf-
ferred bv the faid E. B. and i'. K. iheir executors, adminiilrators
or afiiJns, or any of them, with ad dividends, profi;s and emo-
luments. Cms and payabL- for the fame at and to Midfummer then
lad paft, an! whicli then after were or fjiould be voted, ordered
and become payable for the fame, until the birth of our Lord then
next en'uing: And that baibre or at the time of the transf.;/
thereof, or upon the fame firfl. day that the transfer-books of the j. ^
faid company iliould, be open after the birth of our Lord then L '4 i
next enfuing, or upon fuc'i day as'ihey by the faid John H. his
executors, admini(irarori or afilgns, by noiice in writing given or
leit for the f^ine Ediiard li. and S. K. their executor^, admi-
niitrators or afligns or any of them, at London aforefaid, at the
manfion-houfe '.f the faid Ediuard B. in Cannan-S^heet, Lon-
don, lliould be rt-quired fooner to transfer, he the faid J'jhn H. his
executors, adminifiraiors or i'ffigns, would well and truly pay,
orcaufe to be pail for the fame, to the faid Edivard B. and S. K.
iheir executors adminifirators or affigns, ihe fum of 2100/. of
lawful money oi Great Btitain, being after the rate ©f 1050/.
lor every 100/, ftock, togeiher with all monicj which in the
mean time fliouid be called in by the faid company oroihcrwifc
by the faid Edvjard B. an • S. K. their executors, admiiiiftra'ors
or ailigns, or any of them paid by reafon thereof, and intereft
lur fuch moiMcs from tiie lime of the p^ynunt thereof, as by the
writing alor.faid ani^ng other things, niore fully appears : And
the lame Ediuard and 6'. in faft lays, that after the 31 ft day of
Aitguj] in the year of the Lord 1720 abovefaid, to wit, on the
19"! day of S^-ptemfyer in the year of the Lord 1720 at I on Ion
alorcfaid in the parira and ward afurcf^iid, the faid John 11. in h;s
The teftitor
«icicncianl pruV'
*U his wilL
The plaintiff
atti-niled to
Tiut mne came
«»n the pii ot
the ilrtcncant
lo receive it.
No notice pi-
Trn the plain-
lj''c-rnne made his laft will anil tcftatnent in writing, bearing date
the fai)ie day and year lall abovc^'aid, and thereby conlliiuted and
appointed the faid Thomas Vir.ctnt executor thereof ; aiivi after-
wan.s 10 wii, the 20'h day of the fjuie month of Sipteu.ber in
the year of the Lord lalt abovefaid, at LonJon afortfaid in the pa-
rifh and vard aforefaid t'.icd ; after v.hofi; death, lo wit, the fame
•'ay and yt-arlalt abovcfaid, at London aforefaid in the parifh and
■ ward alorefaid, he the f;*id Thomas \\\ due form of law proved the
Jalt will and teftanient aforcfaid, and took upon him the burden
of the execution thereof: And that the i It day of May in the year
of the Lord 1721 was the firll day that the transier-books of the
governor and company aforcfaid were open for publickly tranf-
fcr/ing iliares, credit or interert in the capital liock of the faid
conjpany, after the birth of our Lord next enfuing the date of
the writing nforefaid : And the fame £. and .S farther fay that
th''y the fame E. and S. on the fame 1 ft day of May in the year lafl
abvvefaid, wt re from nine of the clock in the morning until, to,
and after one of the clock in the afierPiOon of the fame day at the
South-fea Houfe, (ituated in Broad-jiieet, in the city of Ljndan
atorefaid, and citered to transfer to tlie Aid 7". V. executor of the
faid J. H. the faid 200/. fliare, credit or interell in the faid ca-
pital ftock, together with 20 /. credit capital ftock, that being the
profit, diviJend and emolument, due and payable for the faid
2oo /. fliare, creditor intereft in the fame capital ftock, at and
to Midfummer then laft paft, and to the fame ift day of My- in
the year laft abovefaid, were ready anil offered to pay to the lame
7*. V. executor of the faid J. H. as aforefaid the lum of 11/. of
lawful money of Great Britain, being the whole dividend, pro-
fit and emolument, due and payable for the faid 220/ credit in
the capital ftock aforefaiJ, until the birth of our Lord next en-
fuing rfie date of the writing aforefaid, according to the form
and effeft of that writing : And that the faid T. y. or any other
on the behalf of the faid T. ^. did not come, nor was there to
accept or receive, or caufe to be accepted or received, ot and
from the faid Eduuard and 5. the faid 220/. credit in the ftock
aforefaid, and the faid fum of i i /. nor paid to the fame E. andS.
the faid fum of 2100/. nor any part thereof ar any time hitherto,
as he ought to have paid ; but the faid 'T. ^. then and there
wholly rtfufed and yet doth.ret'iife ro accept it, or to pay the
faid 2 too /. to the fame E. and 5. for it ; And that he the faid J.
H in his life-time, or the faid T. A', as his executor after the
death of the faid J. H. or either of them, or any other perfon for
them, or either of them, at'any time after the faid 31ft day
of Jugu/l in the year of the Lord 1720 abovefaid, and before the
faid firft day of May in the year of the Lord 172 1, did not
give or leave any notice in writing for the faid E. and S. at the
faid manfion-houfe of the faid E. B. fituate in Canroi-Jirret
London alorcfaii^, to transfer the faid 200 A credit or ftock in the
company aforrfaid : And farther the fame E. and S. in faclfay,
that the South- fea Houfe in Broad- flreet aforefaid, on the faid ift
day of May in the year of the Lord 17:21 abovefaid, and long
Covenant,' t H^
before, was and yet is the place of transferring tlie ftock afore-
faid : and that the transfer-books of the faid coirpany are, and for
all the lime aforefaid were, kept in the fame houfe ; and that the
hours beiween nine of the clock in the morning and one of the
clock in the atlernoon are, and on the faid fiii^ day of MJhalfea of the lord and lady the king and queen before '^'' \ff^'
the king and queen themfelves, in a plea of breach of covenant, '
for this, to wit, that whereas by a certain indenture made at
London, to wit, at the parifli of St. Andre'w, Holborn, in the
•ward oi Farringdon IVithout, on the 20th day of January in the
year of the Lord 16S6, between him the faid Anthony Tow fend,
by the name oi Anthony Townffnd of the city of Coventry, efq; of
the one part, and the faid T/.omas, by the name of Thomas
Laiurence of the faid city of Coventry, ironmonger, of the other
part, the other part of which faid indenture, fealed with the feal of
the faid Thomas, the fame Anthony produces here in court, the date
whereof is the fame day and year, he the faid Anthony Toixnfend,
for and in confideration of the rents and covenants in the faid The demifc.
i-ndenture after referved and mentioned on the lefFee's part to be
paid, and performed, had demifed, granted and to farm let, and
by the faid indenture did demife, grant and to farm let, to the faid
Thomas Laivrence all that clofe or parcel of land with the appur-
tenances, commonly called or known by the feveral names of
the Oat-cljfe and the ^mick-fhirte, containing by ellimation
twenty-three acres or therea bouts, beine part of a great meadow at
or near Coventry (the common highway leading from Co'ventry to
Stitchall lying on the weft fide thereof, another part of the faid
meadow in the occupation of /^>v7;7r/y Uarfm, efq; on the eafl:
fide thereof, another pnrt of the faid meadow in the occupation
of J-jhn Snell on the fouth fide thereof, and another pr;rt of the
faid meadow railed the ip,tnds in the occupation of the \\\uf John
Snell on the north fide thereof.) and alfo a drift and bridle-way,
and a way for carts, wains, and carriages through a gate called
Childfmore-gate, and fo by the faid part of ihe faid meadow in the
occupation of the faid Francis Hanfjn, elq; at all times, toge-
ther with all hedges, gates, ditches, fences, mounds, ways,
waters, pafi'ages, cafemenis and coiiiiii'.diiics whalfuevcr 10 ih«
faid demifed prcinifles belonging or with the fame ulcd or enjoyed,
i^.i Covenant.
r tlont (cxcf pt and always rcferved to Edivnrd Rogers of the faic^ c'wj^
ravlor, anJ all other who tlien alter lliouKi beconic occupiers of part of the laiil intattow then in the ocrupaiion of tne faid
E./iv.irJ Rjgers, a brii'le arn.1 drift-way to ihe fame through the
premiflts by the iaiJ indenture above dein. fed, and aHo a bridle
and drift-way to and for the faiJ. Jo'in Snell, and all others who
then aher iliould become occupiers of that pnrt ofihe faid mea-
dow then in the occupation of the faid "J'/'H S/iell, at all times,
«nd a way for cans, cairia jes and wains, through the fanie at all
linits (except fuch time as there fliould be mowing grafs or (land-
ing corn upon the fani:) aifo except and always rcferved to the
faid /Anthony Torvnfendy his execufors, adminillrators, and aifigns,
free p'.fTige in, by and through all foot-ways, as alfo for coaches,
carts, hork's, and wains in, by and through all highways then
left or ufed in the f,iid pieces of land by thefii i indenture demif-
ed, except alfo to the faid'.ny ToiunfeKJ. :ill game and liberty
to hawk, hunt, fifh and courfe in any part of the prein'fl'.s at ufual
Hui^nJunf 2^j proper times, ami alfo except to the faid Anthory Toivtiftnd
all trees and the lops, tops and fhreds of trees, with libtriy to
cut, fell, cart, or otherwife carry away the fame) To have and
to hold the faid deiniled clofes or pircels of land with their and
every of their appurtenances (except as before excepted) to the
iiK\Thomns Lwzvrer.cejh'is executors, adminillrators and affigns,
from the feail-day of the annunciation of the bleff. d virgin Mary
then ne7:t enfuing the date of the faid indenture, for and during
and unto the full end and term of 21 years from thence next
RcddcniaiK. coming and following fully to be complete and ended ; Yielding
and paying therefore yearly and every year during tlie faid term of
21 years to the faid A' t.'.oriy Tozviifer.j, his executors, adminillra-
tors, and affigns, the yearly rent or fum of 20/. of lawful morvey
o^ r.rg'iinH, at the two ulual feaQs or terms in the year, that is
to fay, the feaft of St. M/f/w*-/ the arch-angel and the anininci-
;ition of the blefTed virgin Mory, bv even and equal portions : —
C-vfiiant to And the faid T/.oKias LiVJ-revce for himfelf, his executors, ad-
ray the rent, miniflritors and Jtffigns, did covenant, promife and grant to
and with the faid Anthory Tozvnfend, his executors, adminiftra-
rors and alliens, by the faid indenture in manner and form !ol-
Jowirg, that is to fay, that he the faid Thomas Laitrence, his
r I4Z ] executors, adminidrators and affigns, yearly and every year
during :he faid term, would well and truly pay or caufe to bf paid
to the faid Ar^t/ury Tovj?ifstid, his executors, adininiflrators and
afilgns, the faid yearly rent of 20/. in manner and form aforefald,
and at the days and times above limrted for the payment thereof,
as by the fame indenture among other things is more fully mani-
feft and appears ; By virtue of which faid dcmife the faid Thomns,
on the morrow of the faid feaft of the annunciation of the
blcficd virgin Mary next after the date of the indenture aforefaid,
_, . „r into the premilTes aforefaid with the appurtenancfs to him as
Tne entry ot ^..,f, ,.., , ,•" i-i r
the defendant. aforci.iid above demited entered, and was and yet is tliereot
pofT-dTcd: And the fame Anthory'\n fafl fays, that ahhough he hath
well and faithfully, according to the form and efit£lof the faid
Covenant. 142
indenture, performed and kepr all and fingu;ar the ccveranrs and
agreements in the indenture ai'orefakl above fpec-fied on the part
ot the laid Anthony to be obftrved, pt-rfonrjed or kept, the laid Breach.
Ihomns hath not paid or caulVd to be paid to the laid Atilhony the
fuinof 10/. 10 the {\mt Ar.thjr.y by ms lai.l "Z/^cwrtJ due of thu
rent atoreraid for the laid deniiicd preniifies for half a year ended
at the teaft of the arnunciaiion of the bleflld virgin Mary i6Sg ;
and that the faid Thomas hath not paid or caufed to be paid lo the
fame Anthony the like fum of lo /. to him by the fuid 'Thomas due
of thj rent aturefaid for the demifed preniilL. saforefaid for another
half year ended at the feaft ot St. Michiiel the arch-angel 1689
abovefaid, which faivi leveral lunis of money the (z^d 'Thcmus
cu'jht to have paid or caufed to have bi;en p dd to the fame
yfnthovy at the fame feaft-da' s refpeclively, accoiding to the form
and efftd of the indenture asorefaid ; and lb the fame Anthony
TozL'nfen J C^ys, that the faid Thomas Laivrence, although often
required, ^c hath not perfornK-d his covenant aforefaid v\ith
the fame Amhonyin this refpedl as aforefaid made, but hath
broke it, and hath hitherto altogether denied and yet doth deny to
perform it to him ; whereby the fame Anthony fays that he is
prejudiced, and hath dam.age to the value of 40 /. And there-
fore he produces the fuit, ^c.
When, ^f. And fays that the faid Anthony ought not to have TVist t!ie may«p
or maintain his adtion aforefaid thereof againft him, becauf.^ he ^colCevsntry
fays, that the tenements aforefaid above fuppofed to be demifed f^e till^diffeifed
lie in the city o^ Coventry in the county of the city of Coi-entry by the phintiSf
aforefaid, and that long before the faid Anthony had any thing r- ho made the
in the tenements aforefaid, and before the deniife aforefaid '^*'^"
above fuppofed to be made, the mayor, bailifis, and com.-
monalty of the city of Coventry aforefaid were feifed of ihe
tenements aforefaiii in their riemefne as of fee, until the faid
Anthony the faid mayor, bailiffs and commonalty thereof urjjiliy
and without judgment y\'u\ diflcife, whr-rebv the fame Anthory
was feifed of ihe tenements aforefaid in his demefne ns of fee by
dilTtifin ; and the f^me Anthony fo thereof by that diflVifin beinj
feifed demifed the tenemenis aforefaid to the faid Thoiuxs ; T o
have and to hold the tenements aforefaid to the fame Thomas from
the faid feaft-Cay of the annunciation of the blefTed virgin Mary
next enfuing the date of the indenture aforefaid, for and during
and unio the full end and term of 21 years aforefaid from thence
Ti'.xt followir? fully to be complete and ended ; Yieldmg and
paying theretore yearly and every year during the faid term of
21 years, to the fame Anthony Toivnfend the laid yearly rent or
fum of 20 /. at the faid two iifual feafts or terms in the year in the
declaraton aforefaid fpecified, by even and equal p'riions. as
by the faid declaration aforefaid is fuppofed : By virtue of wluclx The dfu-njaot
deniife the fame 7'A5»;at into the ten'^ments aforefaid did enter, cntertd and tl,e
and was thereof pof?Vfil-d, as the fai i Anthony above againft him "»ayo^ ^f-
hath declared, UDon which the laid Thomas /./nrr^^ncf 's pofilflion '■<^<'"'«'"''', '°
thereof the fai.. mayor, bailitis, and commonalty of the city or
Coventry aforefaid, before the faid feaft of tbc annunciation of the
RfpT. that K.
James ihc fe-
cond was Icif-
ed, &■<:. anJ
dcniiled to him
fci years, Gfc.
That he enfe"--
rd and demilcd
to the defen-
£ HZ ]
Triverfe oFthe
kidi '.f the
Iffue on the
Susrseflio" tliat
both the fhe-
rifr« and coro-
ner are paitie?,
wherefore the
•venire is award
ed to clifoK.
blefied virgin M^r_y 1689, into the fame tenements re-cntcreJ,
and him the laid Thomas from his poflcfTion thereof did put out,
and from thence hitlierto have kept out and yet do keep out:
And this he is ready. to verify, l^c. [Q^^FAet/ier a corporation
car: enter unhfs by attorney.) Ediuard Nor they.
And the faid Jnthony fays, that he by any thing by the faid
Thomas above in pleading alledged ought not to be precluded from
his aftion aforefaid thereof againft him had ; becaufe he fays,
that before the making of the deniife aforefaid in the declaration
aforefaid abovementioned, the lord James the fecond, late king
o^ England, was feifed of and in the tenements aforefaid by the
indenture aforefaid fo as aforefaid demifed in his deniefne as of
fee in the right of his duchy of Cornivall ; and fo being thereof
feifed the fame lord the late king James the fecond afterwards,
and before the making of the indenture aforefaid, to wit, on the
17th day of May in the fecond year of his reign, by his letteis
patent fealed with the feal of his exchequer here in court pro-
duced, bearing date at Wejlminfier the fame day and year, de-
mifed to farm to the faid Anthony Tonvn/end the tenements afore-
faid (among other things ;) To have and to hold the tenements
aforefaid (among other things) to the faid Anthony and his afligns
from the feaft of the annunciation of the bleflld virgin Mary then
lad paft for the term of 31 years irom thence next enfuing fully to
be compleat and ended ; By virtue of which faid letters patent
the fam2 y^/j/z^-jwy into the tenements aforefaid entered, and was
thereof pofTcfTed ; and fo being thereof pofTcffed he the fame
A-itho-ry on the faid 20th day of January 1686 aboyefaid in the
declaration aforefaid mentioned, at London aforefaid in the parifli
and ward aforefaid, demifed the tenements aforefaid to the faid
Thomas in the manner and form as the faid Anthony above in his
declaration hath declared ; without that, that the faid mayor,
bailiffs and commonalty of the city of Co'ventry aforefaid were
feifed of the tenements aforefaid in their demefne as of fee, in
manner and form as the faid Thomas above in pleatling hath al-
ledged : And this he is ready to verity: Wherefore he prays
judgment, and his damages by reafon of the breach of the cove-
nant aforefaid, to be adjudged to him, l^fc.
J. Girdler.
And the faid Thcmat as before fays, that the faid mayor, bai-
liffs and commonalty of the city of Coventry aforefaid were feifed
of the tenements aforefaid in their demefne as of fee, in manner
and form as the faid Thomas above by pleading hath alledged :
And of this he puts himfelf on the country : And the faid Antho-y
likewife, Ifjc. And hereupon the faid Anthony fays, that Satnuel
Collins and Mllliam Gihfon^ now flieriffs of the ci^y of Coventry
and county of the fame city, are bailiffs of the city ox Ccvenlry
aforefaid, and therefore parties to the matter aforefaid above
between him the faid Amhovy and the fiiid TTiomas p^Ma ifTue ;
and til at Simon Burton, now coroner of the city of Coventry',
anJ county of the fame city, is one of the faid commonalty of
the city oi Convent ry aforefaid, and therefore likewife a party to
the faid matter above between the faii Anthony and the faid
Thomas as aforefaid put in ilTue : and the lame Anthony pravs a
v/rit of the lord and lady the king and queen to be direfted to
two dilcreet and indifferent perfons within the faid county of the
city of C'jventry aforefaid refuling, by the court here to be tleft-
ed, to caufe to come twelve free and lawful men of the neioh-
bourhood o{ V/icken'm the faid county of the city of Coventry
aforefaid, to try the iflue aforefaid between the parties aforefaid
above as aforefaid joined : And becaufe the faid Thomas Laturence
doth not deny the allegation aforefaid, therefore E. H. and A L.
(wiih the aflent of the parlies aforefaid by the court here elefted
and named) are commanded that tb-y caufe to come before the
lord and lady the king and queen at IFefiminJier on day next
after _ twelve, l^c. by whom, Iffc. and who neither, l^c. to
recognife, If^c. becaufe as well, l^c. The fame day is given to
the parties aforefaid there, i^c.
Note ; This caufe ivas ordered to be tried at the haft hut it ivas
nftsrzLards eom^romifej.
^Ot. I. R £)eljt;
E 144 ]
Declaration on ^ > (^ ^|j^ r-fi-^HE moft illuftrious prince the duke of Tori
a bond enter'd I , . ^ r . t u .
into tome who „ . A. complains of /iF. gent, otherwife called,
was attainted ^c in the cuftoJy of the marlhal, iffc. in a plea that he render
of tteafon, and to him 200/. of lawful mr-iey of £'«jd^/«hJ' which he owes to him
his goods ajj urjuftly detains, for this, to wit, that whereas the faid .'^,
fhe'kin? t^o th- °" ^^^ ^^^^ '^'^y "^ ^/nV in the year of the Lord, ^c. at London^
fiuke ol 7'otk' fo wit, in the pariili of St, Mary-le bo-vo in the ward of Chenpy
Praa. Reg. by his certain wri.'ing obligatory fealed with the feal of the faid E.
397} 407- and to the court of the faid lord the now king here fhewn, the
date whereof is the day and year abovefaii Charles late
earl of Marclcijiel.t, lately otherwite called the moft honourable
Charles earl ot Macclesptld, the fame Charlotte being one of the
fillers of the fiiid late earl, the faid Elizubeth being daughter
and lK;r ot Elizabeth late lady Gerrard oi Bromley, late another
©f the lifters of the (u'.d carl and the fame J irt
the ve?r of the Lord 1701 at London aforefaid, to wit, in the
parith of St. M«ry7e-^i3Tu in the ward of Cheap, by his certaia
vriiing obligatory fealed with the feal of the faid Richard-, and to
the court of the faid lady the now queen here fhcwn, the date
whereof is the day and year aforefaid, acknowledged himfelftobe
held and firmly bound lo the nioft fcKne lord IVilliain the thinl,
Debt J I4S
3tic Ving cf Englatiff ncivf deceafed, in Ms life-time in the fald
jooo/. to be paid to the fame lord the late king, or his fucceflors,
wlien he fliould be thereto after required : Neverthelefs thefaiil
Richard, altho' otten required, Wr. ihe faid zoool- to the lame [ 146 |
late lorj king JVillium in his life-tinie, or to the fiid lady Anne,
now queen ot England, after ihe death of the f.aJ late, lord the
king, hath not paid, but the fame to the laid late lord the kifgin
his iife-tinie, or to the faid lady the now queen after the death of
him the faid hue king, hath altogether denied to pay, and the
fame to the faiJ lady the now queen doth yet deny to pay, to
the damage of her the faid lady the now queen 100/. And
tiieretore the faid attorney general of the lady the now queen,
for the laid lady the now queen, produces the fuit, iSc.
Bar ring ton againft Archr.
Effex, to wit. (^Uarles Barrir.gton, bart. lord of the manor of Debt ly a lord
^ Kings Hatfield, otherwife Hatfield Broadiake, of a manor _^
in the county aforefaid, complains of John Archer, efq; in the \^j^"^ ^^^ ^n tViz
cuftody of the marllial, ^c. in a plea that he render to him 20/. jgath of his
which he owes to him and unjuflly detains, for this, to wit, that auceftor.
whereas the faid C^^^f/fx day of in the third year Piad. Reg.iiS,
of the reign of the lady Anne, now queen of England, i^c and
for years and more now laft pail continually hitherto, was
feifed and yet is feifed in his demefne as of fee of and in the ma-
nor of King's Hatfield, otherwife Hatfiel.l Bnjadoake aforefaid in
the county aforefaid, which manor is of the ancient demefne of
the crown royal of Ei-gland, in which faid manor there is and
from time immemorial hath been a cuflom ufed and approved, The cullom,
that every perfon not being born within the manor aforefaid, nor
being tenant of lands or tenements held of the manor aforefaid,
becoming feifed by hereditary defcent or otherwife of any lands
or tenements held of the manor aforefaid, was ufed and accuf-
tomed to pay a rcafonable fine to the lord of the manor aforefaid
for the time being, at the court baron of the lord of the manor
aforefaid on fuch perfon to be fet for the liberty of the pianor
aforefaid : And the fame Charles farther fays, that one Mary
Archer, widow, mother of the faivl John, whofe heir the fasiie Thcdefcn.
John is, in her life-time and at the time of her death was tenant dantv inother
ot and in v/:th the appurtenances in the manor o{ Kind's I'eiltdia tec
Hitfield, o'herwife Hutfield Broadoake aforefaid in the county
atorrlaid, and held of the manor aforefaid, to wit, at Kings Hai-
Jield,ox\\crw\(Q Hatfield Broadoahe ^iorc(dK\ in the county afore-
faid, nnd on the day of in the year at Kiig's
Hatfii-ld, otherwife Jfatfii-ld f'roa.loake aforelaid in the county
aforefaid died thereof feifed in her demefne as of fee, whereby ihe
tenements aforefaid with the appurtenances defcended to the laid Tledef-'nt
Jyhn Arc/ier as fon and heir of tiicfaid Ma^y ; and the lame 'Jjh/t
Into the tenements aforefaid with the appurtenances entered,
and became thereof feifed in his demefne as of fee by hereditary
R 3 defcent,
dcfcent, which fiiJ 'John was not born within the manor afore-
faid, nor was at the time of the death of the faid Mary tenant of
The fine fct. any lands or tenements hcKi of the msnor aforcfa'd ; And after-
wards, to wir, ar a court baron of him the faiil Chtnles, lord
of the manor aforefaid,,heId for the manor aforelaid at Kirgs
HaifielJ, otherwife Hatfield Broodinke aforefaid in the countv
aforefaid, and within the manor aforefaid day of in
the year abovefaii', a fine of 7.0I being a reafonalile fine
by the faid John to the fame C.harle, to be pa'o for the liberty of
the manor aforefaid was (et, and by reafon thereof, according to
the cuftom of the manor aforefaid to the fame Charles becfime
due and pavabh^ to wit, at the pan/li of Kings HaifieU, othcr-
• wife Hatfield Broa,lake aforefaid in the county aforefaid, of
7*nt?ce thereof, which faid fine the fame Charles then and there gave notice to the
Pru£l. Reg. ^^jj John : And the fame Charles afierwards, to wit, day
'^" '^■" of in the year lart abovefnid, at King's Hatfield^
otherwife Hatjield aforefaid in the county aforifaid,
demanded of the faid John Archer the faid 20/. and the faid John
Aftioa accrued, ri-fufed. to pay him them, whereby an c£l:on accrued to the fame
Chatlrs to demand and have of the faid John Archer the faid 20/.
N:;vcrthelefs the fai! John Archer, altho' ofren required, ^V.
hath not yet paid the faid 20I. totiie faid Charles, but hath al-
together refufed, and yet doth refufe to pay him the fame, to the
damage of the faid Charles 30/. And therefore he produces the
fuit, Sfr.
[ '34 ]
^ennell and Diddlesfdd.
Debt by an ex- ■Swrrj, to wit. nlmon ^tennell, executor of the lafi: will and
ecutor againft O teftament of Peter ^utn.ell (iecealed, cora-
aa heir. ^y^^^^^ ^j- ;^/-^///^„, DiddlesfoU, heir of John DidJlesfoU deccafcd,
10 wit, brother and heir of Richayd DiJdlesfold, fon and heir of
IViUiam Diddlesfold, brother and heir of the faid John Diddles-
fold\ztz o'i Hafco7nhe in the county of .Vwrrj, veonjan deceafed,
otherwifa called John DiddUsfoli of Hafcamhe in the county
aforefaid, yeoman, being in the cuftody of the marfhal of the
Marjftalfea of the lord the king, before the king himfelf in a plea
that he render to him i 2o/- of lawful money of England, which
he unjuftlv detains from him, for this, to wit, that whereas the
faid John (whofe heir the fame U'tiham Diddlesfold the now de-
fendant now is) in his hfe-time, to wit, on the 2jd day of Oclober
in the 29th year of the reign of the lord Charles the fecond, now
king of Englan.l, Iffc. at Hafcombe in the county afortfaid, by his
certain writing obh'gatory ftaled with the f^-al ot the f-iid jjhn,
and to the court of the faid Icrd the now king here fliewn, the
date whereof is the fame day and year, acknowledged himfelfto
be held and firmly bound to th« faid Peter in his life-time in the
faid 120/. to be paid to the fame Peter, his executors or admini-
ftrators, when he fliould be thereto after required, and well and
truly to make the fame payment the faid J(jhn in his life-time
Debt. 147
bound himfelf and liis heirs by the fame writing: Nevennelefs the
faicl John in his life-time, nor the faiJ TVilliam the brofher ot the
faid John after the death of the faid John, nor the faid RUhard
after the death of the I'aiJ Williafn\.\\i brother of the faid John^
nor the faid Willinm Biddle'fdJ the now defendans: aft.r the
death of the faid Richard, altho' often required, ISc. Iiave not yet
paid nor hath any of them paid, the fai.' 120/. to the faid Pder,
in his life-time, nor to the faid Sinio": afrtr the death of the faid
Peter, but to pay the fame to tht (aid Peter in his life-time, arKi
to the faid ^iv-on after the death of the f^id P^tcr, have altogether
refufed, and the faid Willium DiddlesfJd the- now defendant doth
yet refufe to pav the fame to the faid Simon, and unjuftiy detains
them from him in delay ol the fairhful execution of the will af(>re-
laid, and to the damage of the fai i Simon 50/. And therefore he
produces the fuit, ^r. And the faid Si/non produces here in court
the letters teftaiiientary of the fa;d /"i-Zfr aforefaid ; by which it
fuf&cientiv appears to the ccuvt of the faid lord the now king
here, that the faid Simon is executor of the v.i!l of the faid Peler
afor.=faid, and therefore hath the ar.miniflraiicn, i^c.
And now cm this day, to wit, Tuefday next after the oftave of St. Nothinj; by dc-
Hiilaiy in the fame term, until which day the faid TVilliam Diddles- fccac pleaded,
foldihe now defendant had leave to imparl to the faid bill, and then
to anfwer, ife. before the lord the king at IVeJlminfier conjes as
well the faid Simon by his attorney aforcfaid, as the faid M^illiam
Di/idlesfold the now defendant by Chrijlopher Smith his attorney ;
and the fame Wiliiam Diddlesford the now defendant comes and
defends the force and injury, when, l^c. and fays that he ought
not to be charged v/ith the debt aforefaid as heir of the faid John
Diddlesfold by virtue of the writing obligatory aforefaid: becaufe
by proterting that the faid writing is not the deed of the faid John
Diddlesfold, for plea the fame William DiddUsfold i\\e now defen-
dant fays, that he hath not any lands or tenements by hereditary
defcent from the faid John Diddlesfoi d m fee-fimple, nor had on
the faid day of the exhibition of the bill aforefaid, nor ever after: 3' 4 W & M.
And this he is ready to verify: Wherefore he prays judgment, if ^' ''*' '' ^'
he as heir of the faid John Did desJJd ought to be charged with
the debt aforefaid by virtue of the writing aforefaid, iffc.
And the faid Simon {a.ys, that by any thing by the faid IFil- Repl. thathe
Ham Diddles/old the nov/ defendant above in pleading alledged he ^"h affets.
the fame William Diddlesfold the now defendant, as heir of the
faid John Diddlesfold, ouglu to be charged with the debt afore-
faid by virtue of the writing obligatory aforefaid, becaufe he favs
that on Monday next after three v.'ecks of St. Michael in the 34th
year of the reign of the lord Charles ihe fecond, now king of
F.nglund, Ifc. on v.'hich day the liill aforefaid in court here as
aforefaid was exhibited, the faid IVilliam Diddlesfold the now de-
fendant had divers lands and tenements by hercd.itary del'ceiit from
the {ah\ John Diddlesfold \n fee fimple, wherewith he ni'ght
have faiisfied the faid Simon the faid debt, to wit, at Hafcomhe
aforefaid in the county aforefaid ; And this he prays lur.y be in-
R 4 quired
[ 148 ]
Dfbt on a 8e 3
E. 6. c I 3. tor
tiot letting out
The c^eiendant
And fowed and
qulreJ of by the country : And the faid William DiJdlesfoU the
row defendant thcrtof likewifc, ^r. Therefore let a jury thereon
come before the lord the king at irejbnir./Ier on Thurfihiy next
after the morrow of the purifi.ation of the blefled virgin Mar-y ;
and who neither, CSV. to recognife, i^c. becaule as well,^*:. The
fame day is given to the parties aforefaid there, ^c.
Fymer againft Holborowe.
Gloucejler, to wit. ^Olin Vymer^ farmer of the reflory of Mar/h-
J field in the county aforefaid, complains of
Sntnuel Jlulloroijoe in the cuftody ot the marflial, l^c. in a pita
that he render to him 61. of lawful money of Ergla>^d which he
owes him ana unjuftly detains, for this, to wit, that whereas the
faid 'John on the 25th day of March in the 2d year of the reiga
of the lord "janies the fecopd, now king of Er.glar.A, Is c and
from thence continually hitherto was and yet is fanner of the
reftory of Mar/Jif.tll with the appiirtenancc-s in the county afore-
faid, and of all and lingular the tithes to that reftory any way
belonging or appertaining, within tjie parilh g{ Mar J}i field afore-
faid in the county aforefaid and the bounds, limits and tithablc
places of that parifli yearly arifing, growing, renewing and hap-
pening; and the faid ^mnuel on the faid 25:11 d'^y ot Mwch in the
fecond year above fnid, and from thence continually after until the
exhibition of this bill, was and now is occupi'^-rand poflliTor of a
tlofe of meadow called Fcxiu'ell's JVocd, containin^j by eflimation
13 acres, and two acres of plough land in the Nuri/fidd c>\ Mm/li*
f.eld aforefaid, and within the parifli o^Maifiifieldt aforefaid in the
county aforefaid and the bounds, limits and rithable places of tha*:
pariHi : The tithes of the grain and hay of and from which faid
clcfc cf meadow and two acres of laml yearly growing, arifing and
renewirg, for 40 yenrs next before the making of a certain act
of parliiunent niade in the parliament of the lord Edixicird the
fixth, late king of England, held at Wefitiiinjler in the county
of Middlefex in the fecond year of his reign, for the true payment
of tithes in their proper kind and fpecie made and provided, of
right were due and payable to the rtflor of the rectorv aforefaid,
or his farmer or deputy of that reflorv for the time being ; and
the faid Samuel (o as aforefaid for all the time aforefaid being oor
cupier and pofTefTor of the faid clofe of meadow and the two
ceres of land, r.nd the faid Jjlm being fo as aforefaid farmer of the
reftory aforefaid, the faid S/;muel afterwards, to wit, on the faid
twenty-fifth day o{ Mwrch in the fecond year abovefaid plowed
faid two acres of land and fowed them with v.'heat ; and after-
wards, to wit, on tlie fixih day of Sefite);d er \r\ the fecond year
of the reign of the faid lord the now king abovefaid, all the
grafs in and upon the faid clofe of meadow then growine mowed
and made into hav, and a!' the wheat in and upon the laid two
acres of land then growing did cut ('own, the tithes of which faid
bay and wheat of and from the faid clofe of meadow and the laid
two acres of land as aforefaid growing and arifing did of right
Debt. 148
telong to the fame John as farmer of the reftory aforefak?, and
to him of right ought to have been paid and render'd : Ncver-
thelefs ihe faid Samuel being a lubjeft of the laid lord the now
Jcing of this realm o{ England not regarding the ftatute, nor in D-,d not fet out
any wife fearing the penalties therein contained, did not divide, tj,e tithes,
fet out, yield and pay the tenth part of the wheat and hayaiore-
faid, or any parcel thereof, for the tithes of the fame, nor did any
way compoiind or agree with the fame "Johtu being lo as atoreluiJ
tarmer oi the reftory aforefaid, for the tithes of the fame, cr any
parcel thereof ; but the faid Samuel afterwards, to wit, on the
ipth day of O^o^^r in the fecond year abovefaid, all the grain
and hay in the fame year fo as afortfaid upon the clofe of mea-
dow aforelaid and the faid two acres of land growing, arifmg and
mowed, without any letting out of the tentli part ofihe lame,
and without any compofuion or agreement tor the liihesotthe
fame with the faid John had or made, from the faid places where
the faid hay and wheat did grow, the tithes whereof were then
worth 40J. of lawfulmoney of England, did then take and carry
away ; whereby an aftion accrued 10 the u/^, knt. larely deceafed, beinjj tutor "^
in ihe cudody of the marilial ofthe Mar/jfi ilPa of i\)Q lord and la-
dy IVillinm and Mary now king and queen o^ England, t5'c. before
tJie king and queen themfelves, in a plea thst he render to hini
• 23/. I 5X. which he unjuilly detains from him, for this, fo wit,
tliat whereas by a certain indenture made the thirteenth day of
March in the year of the Lord 168S at London aforefaid, to wit,
in tlie pariiji of St. A/^vry-Z.'-^^w in the ward of Cheap, between
rh,' fame 'I homas Geddard, by the name ofl'homas Goddard oi
London merchant, ofthe one part, and the faid Thornns Foit'lr,
by the name oi 'Thomas Fovile of Lnndoi, knt. of the other part,
which othrr part feiled wi^h the fea! ofthe faid Thomas Foivlc
in hi? life-time, and as his deed delivered, the faid 'Thumtis [ j^g 1
Goddard produces here in court, the date whereof is the
I'lireday and year, reciting that whereas by a ceriain indenture
hf.ring date the lOth i.\-dy oi January in the year of onr I ,ord Recital.
if,7t, and in the 23d year of the reign of the lord Charles
the fecond, late king of Enp^tand, made or nieniioned to be
nnde between the faul T h^rna^ (roddard finA F.lis-.aheih his wife,
Frai CIS Shijltrofs o\ Digghf-vcell in the county ot Hertford, rfq;
and Hir.ry iiful^rofs, citizc-n and merchant taylor of London,
149 Debt.
of the one part, and tlie faid 'J homns Tonule by tlie name of
Thomus Foivte of I.or.d:,n. goklfiiiith, of the other parr, it was
Agrcftnent to agri.*ed ihat the faid 'i hvmas Goihleirti t^nd Elizabeth his wife,
levy a f. ?. Frutrcis S/io!/rofs 9rn\ Henry Sholtrofs, before the end of Hillary
term then next et;fuing the date ot the lai^t indenture, flioulJ levy
and acknowledge before the juAices of the common pleas of the
fail late king at Wejlimnjie<\ to the faid Thomas I'oivle and his
heirs, ^ Jine fur co^mizfifice /ic droit come ceo, ^c. with procla-
niaiions, of all that nirffunge or tenement fmiate in fleet-Jlreetht-
twcen ihe Inner-^ emfle Gate and the MiJdle-J enip]e Gaie in the
parilli ot St. Dunjlan in the iVc/i in the city of London, then in
the occupation of y?/f//rtr.'/ C/<7;-/fe or his ailigns or untler-tenants,
and of all that mcfluage or tenement fituate in Fleet/lre"f afortfaid
in the city of LonJun, next aci joining to the faid iiRlTuagr, and
then or late in the tenure or occupation of John Groz'e or his af-
fignce oralhgnees, together with all and fingular their appurte-
nances to the fame belonging or in any wife appertaining, and of
all other mefiuages and tenements of the faiii Thunus and Elizi-
heth Goddarly or eithtr of them, fituate and being in the pari/K
of St. Dunjlnn in the city oi London, by fuch name or names, ad-
dition or defctiption, to afccrtain the fame, asfliould be thought
fit ; and it was by the faid indenture declared that the faid fine, fo
or in any other manner to be had or levied, ilioulJ be and enure to
the ufe of the faid Thomas Go Idard for his life, and after his de-
The uftt. ceafe to the ufe of the faid Elizabeth, the wife of the faid Thomas
Goddard^QT her life, and after the death of the faid Thomas God-
dard and Elizaheih his wite, then to feveral other ufes in the faid
indenture mentioned and declared, under and with the provifo fol-
lowing : Provided always, and it was agreed by and between the
Provifo to parties to the faid indenture, and bv them declared and agreed to
finakc Uafes. be their intent and meaning, that it fhould be lawful to and for the
faid 1 homas Goddard at any time or times durin^ his natural life,
and for the fiid Elizaleth after the dectaTe of the faid Thotnas God-
dard, to make or grant any leafe or leafes of the premiflcs or any
parcel thereof by indenture, tor any term or terms of years, either
in potlcja on or in rt-verfion, To that there fhould be thereon referv-
cd and payable tor fuch of the faid mefTuages as fliould be fo de-
mifed, during fuch whole terms refpedtively as fhould be fo granted
or made, fo much yearly rent refpectively as fuch refpeftive mef-
fuage or tenement had been demifed or let for bv the greater
part of ten years then laft part, and fo that the term of years in
any new leafe of the premiffes, and of the years then to come of
all or any term cr terms of years of the fame, before fuch new
leafe in being, fliould not exceed in the whole 21 years, as by the
faid recited indenture, and fine which was accordingly levied of
the faid mefiuages and premilTes, relation being thereunto had,
more at large appears : And whereas alfo the faid Thomas Fozvle
then had a leafe of the faid firll mentioned mefTuage at the yearly
rent of 40/. v.'hich faid leafe would be expired on the 2d day of May
ft is v/itneficd whicli would be in the year of our Lord God 1691, it ivas ivit~
:) debt it biii. nejfed
Debt. 1 149'
nejjed that for and in confuleration of the furrender of the faid in- *
denture, and in purfuance and by virtue of the faid recited provifo
and the power and authority thereby to the faid Thomas Goddard
referved, and in confideration of the funi of 500/. of lawful mor
ney of Evglar.d \o the faid Thomas Goddard in hand paid at or
before the lealing of the faid indenture by the faid Thomas Fo-u'le^
for and in the name of a fine or income, the receipt whereof he
the faid Thomas Goddnrd by the faid indenture did acknowledge,
and thereof did acquit and difchare:e him the faid Thowns Fo^te,
his executors, adminiflrators and affigns by the faid indenture,! 50/.
part of which faid 500/. the faid Th-mas Goddard had laid out in
buikiing and repairing ot the faid firft meffuage, then in the tenure
or occupation of the faid Thomas Foixle, and for the advance and
ir.creafe of the rent thereof, and in confideration of the rent, cove-
nants, provifoes and agreements in the faid indenture after referv-
ed and mentioned on the part and behaif of the laid Thomas
Foide^ his executors, adminiilrators and afligns to be paiJ, done
a id performed, the faid Thomas Goddard had demifed-, granted,
and to farm let, and by the faid indenture ilid demife, grant, and
to farm let, to the faid Thomas FotjoU, his executors, adminiftra-
tors and afiigns, all that meffaage or tenement with the fliops,
cellars, follars, yards, chambeis, rooms and garrets thereunto be- [ ^$0 J
longing, and in the tenure pr occupation of the faid Thomas Foivle,
or his under tenants or alTigns, fuuate and being in Fleeiflreet
a\ore(a.\d between the I <:ner-TeTrif.le gale and the Middle-Temple
gate in the faid parifli of St. Dunftan in the WeJ} in the city of
/,o«r/ow aforefaid, and all lights, eafements, profits, watercourfes,
conmiodities and appurtenances u'hatfoever to the f;;id demifed
meffuage and prcnflfes then belonging, except and always re-
ferved, and by the faid indenture it was declared and agreed, that
all drains, gutters, pipf's, currents, v/ater-coiirfcs and paffiges of
and for water, and privileges, eaves-droppings, and all ealements,
lights, windows, and other privileges and accommodations on, by
and through the fiiJ mefiuygc by the faid indenture (iemifcd, or
any part thereof, which then were made, ufed, accuUomed or
belonging to the raefiiiage or teneinent belonging to the faid
Thomas Goddard, late in the occupation of the faid John Grove,
and then in the occupation of William OJlorne, to the faid de-
mifed premiflTes adjoining, fhould remain, continue, and be held
and enjoyed therewith during the term by the indenture within
granted in fuch fort as the f^nie were then ufed, held and enjoyed;
To h^ve and to hold the faid demifed mcfiliage or tenement and rr .;,,_;.
preniiiies with the appurtenances , and every part and parcel
tliereof (except as before exec pled) to the faid Thomas Foivlf, his
executors, adminiilrators and alfigns, from the fecond day of No-
•vemler then laft part before the date of the faid indenture for and
('uring and to the full end and term of 20 years and a half of a
year thence next following fully to be complcat and ended ;
Yielding and paying therefore to the faid Thomas Goddard -xnA his PcJJinJ' to
afligns yearly and every year, and from lime to lime during the Inm and u>
icrni '""»^^l» I'citoii',
term nf zo vrnrs snr^ a h ilf of a year by the faid indenture grant-
ed, if the faid Thomas GodJurd iTiould fo lorg live, and after his
(leceale lo Inch pt-rfon or perfons to whom the ntxt ule or eftate
of and in the faid niclTuagc or tenement and prcmiffes, accordinj^
lo the liniiraiion of the refp:ftivc iiles and cilates in and by the
faid recited indenture liniired <1ionld belong, the yearly rent or
fumof 55 /. of lawful monev ot Kvghvtd at four feveral days ot
payment in the vcar, that is to fay, the fecond day o^Februnry,
the fecond dav of May, the fecond liay of AugujU and the fe-
rn''v of the rond Oav of Noz^emb:r, by even and equal portions, as by the faid
ichcc. indeniure here in court produced, relation being thereunto had,
(among other things) is more fully maniteft and appears : By vir-
tue of which faid demife the laid Thomas Fozde in his li;e-time
jntothcniciraage aforefaid with the appurtenances entered and was
Itiereof polfciled, and the melFuage aforefaid with the appurten-
ances from the faid zd day ot Noi-ember in the year ot the Lord
i6S8 until the tecond day o'i November 1692, and after, held and
Rent due in occupied; and the faid Thomas Fozvle, knt. on the nth day of
the tcliat.oi'8 November lalt abovcfaid died, to wit, at LofiJon aforefaid in the
*"^"=* parifh and ward aforefaid, and i 10 /. of the reiU aforefaid, parcel
of the fnid 12^/. 1 5 J. for two years ended on the faid lecond day
of No^>emher\n the year of the Lord 1692 v/ere then in arrear
and unfatistied, and yet remain unpaid to the did Thomas God-
^ard i whereby an aftion accrued to the faid Thomas Goddard
to demand and have of the faid Thomas Foiule in his life-time,
and of the faid Robert after the death of the laid Thomas Fonvle^
Rpntdue In the faid no/, parcel of the faid 123 /• 15 J. as alfo 13 /. i 5 t.
the cxeeutoi's refidue of the faid 123 / 15 s. of the rent aforefaid, which after
Cime. the leath of the faia Thomas Foivle, lent, for a quarter of a year
ended on the fecond day of February in the year of the Lord
1692 aforefaid were in arrear and not fatisfied to the faid Thomas
Goddard, and yet roiTiain unpaid, whereby an action accrued to
the fame Thomas Goddard lo demand and have ol the faid R'jbert
Fowle the faid i 3 A ',55. (refi iue of the faid 123/. ijs .J Ne-
verthelefs the faid Thomas Foivle in his life-time, and the laid
Robert aft^r the death of the faid Thomas Fozvie, alfho' often re-
quired, Iffc. the faid no/, parcel of the faid 123/- ! 5 ^. or part
thereof, have not paid, nor hath either of them paid 10 the fame
Thoptat Goddard, nor hath the faid Robert paid to the faid Thomas
Goddard the faid 13/. 1 5 *. or any part thereof, but the faid
Robert hath denied to pay to the C'lmeThomas Goddard the faid
123/. I 5 J. and doth yet deny to pay him, and unjuftly detains
the fame, to the damage of the faid Thomas Goddard 60 1. And
tjjcrsfore he prgduces the fuir, isfc.
Debt. 151
'Fa'wceU againft Chapnun.
T? Ii/urJ Fa^vcett, who as well, i^c. complains of William Debt on the 31
Chnpman in the cuftoJy of the niarllial, ^2^dj- being in execution for the damages aforefaid under the
cuftody of the faid WdHam Briggs in the prifon of the lord and
lady the king and queen, fituate in the parifti of St. George
S'julhnjcark in the county oi !Surry, he the faid Francis the pri-
fon aforefaid with force and arms, l^c. broke, and out of pri-
fon againft the will of him the faid IVilliam then and there ef-
caped, and ran to places to the faid IVilliam unknown •• And That he took
the faid IVilliam farther fays in faft, that he the faid William him on frcfh
expediiioufly, diligently and recently after the faid efcape as Tuit and yet has
aforefaid made, at S'juth'wark aforefiud in the county aforefaid, ^''^'
purfued to retake the faid Francis, and the purfuit aforefaid
from thence from place to place and from county to county
made and continued until the faid William afterwards, and be-
fore the exhibition of this bill, to wit, on the 21ft day of &/-
tember in the 6th year abovefaid the faid Francis in the purfuit
aforefaid, at /'Fe/?wir/?£'r aforefaid in the county aforefaid, took
and in prifon put in execution for the damages aforefaid at the
fuit of the faid lady the queen dowager of England, ^c. and
vet there detains him ; And the faid Francis in the prifon afore-
faid being, under the cuftody of the faid Willian in execution
for the damaees aforefaid, from thence hitherto hath to remained
and yet doth (o remain ; which faid efcape of the faid Francis
out of the prifon aforefaid (as is aforefaid) is the fame efcape
of which the faid lady the queen dowager above againft him
complains: And this he is ready to verify : Wherefore he prays
judgment if the laid lady the queen dowager of England ought
lo have or maintain her aflion thereof aforefaid againft him, t^c.
Edivard Northey.
And the faid lady Catharine queen, dowager of England fays, Repl. that the
that flie by any thing by the faid William Briggs above in bar <'=^«^"'l*'" vo-
by pleading alle.lged ought not to be precluded from her aflion '""tcd'hirn'ta
aforefaid thereof againll him the faid William had, becaufe rtie cjcapc.
fays, that after the commitment aforefaid of the faid Francis
llynJe to the cultodyofthe faid IFilliam Briggs in execution
for the damages aforefaid, the faid Williain Briggs of his own
wrong againft the will of the faid la,dy Catharim queen dowager
15^ t
Demurrer to
\nc rcplicition.
I '53 T
Joinder in de-
©cbtaga'ind i
gaoler tor rtful-
jng a copy ot
his commit-
Pradl. Reg. 4.
erf Engl.tnJ, (thS fame lady Cath.vine queen dowager nor being;
fatisftjd tor the damages afor.faijj permitted the fall Francis
i'lynJe to go and efcape at large as the faiu lady Catharine o^^<:i\
ilowager of Englund ^'ooyt hath declnrcd ; without that, that
the faid Francis i'.ynde broke the prifon afor.'ftid, and efcap-^d
out of the prifon ator^^faid, againft the will o: the fdid //^;7/;«w,
as the faid IVilUam above in pL-a lin^ hath alledged : And this
fhe is ready to verify ; Wherefore ihe prays judgiii.^nt and her
debt afore faid, together with her damages by reafon of the de-
tention of that debt, to be adjudged to her, tffr.
Crefivell I e'vinz.
And the faid IFilliam fitys, that the piea aforeOld by the faij
lady Catharine queen dowager of EnglanJ \n niann.-r a,.a form
above in replying pleaded, and the matter in the fame contained,
are not fufficient in law to maintain her ac\'"on aforefaid thereof
againft him the faid PViUiam had ; and that he to the plea
aforefaid in mann'r and form aforf-fiid pleaded halh no ne-
ctifity nor is by the law of the Ian obliged in any manner to
anfwer: And this he is ready to verity: Wherefore for want
of a fufficient replication in this behalf, the fame inHiam as
before prays judgment, and that the faid lady Catharine queen
dowager of Engl ar. ci m^iy ht precluded from .her aflion aforefaid
thereof againft him had, C^V.
Edivard Nort/iey.
And the faid lady Catharine queen dowager of England Czys^
that the plea aforefaid by her the faid lady Catharine queen
dowager of Etigland in manner and form aforefaid above by
replying pleaded, and the matter in the fame contained, are
good and fufficient in law to maintain the adion of her the
faid lady Catharine queen dowager of £rg/a«^ aforefaid thereof
againfl the faid IFilliam had : Which faid plea, and the matter
in the fame contained, flie the fame lady Catharine queen d-> ■♦■
mvftrryor art of ftntioners of the city aforefaiJ, and tlir.r they^
fKoiiKl have a perpetual (ucceffion ; And farther the fame lord
and lady the king and queen of their fpecial grace, certain
knowljd'^e and mere motion, by their fniue letterc patent or-
dered, created, erefled, made and conftituted the hmc T/iomas
Maaerippoint- Dockrr.y matter of ihe fame myftcry or art of_ ftationers of the
'•^ city sforefaid during one year then next enfuing, and the faid
Tliimns Cirjoioii and Uenry Cook keepers or wardens of the fame
myllery or art of ftationers of the city aforefuid for one year
then next following, and the fame IVitllnm Bonham and Rich-
ard IVay, \ic. the commonalty of the fame myftery or art of
'dationersof the city aforefaid, by the letters patent aforefaid
r '54 ] made, created and conftituted : And farther the fame lord and
hdy the king and queen ordered, created, ercded, made and
conftituted by their fame letters patent the faid mnft.r, keepers
and commonalty, in faft anci in name a perpetual body of itfelf
and a perpetual company, incorporated of a maftcr and two keep-
ers or wardens and commonalty of the fame myftery or art of
ftationers of the city of London aforefaid, and the faid matter,
keepers or wardens and commonalty incorporated and a body
corporate by ihc name of matter and keepers or wardens and
commonalty of the myftery or art of ftationers of the city of
London for' ever to e-^dure, really and fuily v/iHed, granted,
created, erected, ordained, made, declared and conft;tutcd by
the faid letters parent : And that the faid mafter and keepers or
wardens and commonalty from thenceforth fliould have a perpe-
tual fuccefPion J and that the faid mrdter and kcppers or wardens
and commonalty and their fuccefTors fhould for ever be named
and called by the name of the mafter and keepers or wardetis
and cominonalty of the myftery or art of ftationers of the city
o( London, and by that name ihould and might plead and be im-
p!ea 'ed, anfwer and be anfwered in all and fingular matters,
fuits and plaints, ndlions, demands and caufes, before any judges
and juftices whaifoever, and in any courts and places whatever,
and lliould have a common fea! to ferve and be made ufe of in
Jheir afif^iirs and b'lfinefs, and for fealing all and fingular their
deeds and writing in any manner touching or concerning their af-
fairs and bufmefs ; and that the faid mailer and keepers cr war-
dens and commonalty anci their fucccffors might from time to time
J^or/er to make make, ordain andeftiblilli, for the good and wholefome regimen
tv-laws. jjpjj tTovernment of ihe freemen of the faid art or myftery and
the commonalty aforelaid, orders, prov'fions and ftatuies as of-
ten ns they fhould thipk fit and convenient, fo as thofe orders,
provifi )ns and ftatutes fliould not be in any wife repugnant or
CO ''lary to the laws or ftarutes of this their realm, or to the
prHu'iice of the republic of their fame realm ; and that they and
iheir fucceffors for ever fliould and might make lawful and ho-
neft attembruts of ihemfLlves to make fuch ftatutes and orders,
and tranfaft other affairs for the benefit of the faid myftery or
art of ilationers and commonalty of the fame, and for other law-
Debt 154
ful caufes in form aforefaid, as often as tliey fiiould tliink proper,
lawfully and without any moleftarion or diAurbance of the laid
lord and lady the king and queen, cr of the heirs or fucceiTors
ofthefaid lady the queen or of any other, as by the letters pa-
tent aforefaid inrolled of record in the court of chancery of the
lord and lady the now king and queen at JVefiminJier, the ex-
emplification of which faid inrolnient under the great Teal of the
lord Cliarles the fecond, late king of f rr^/^n//, Ifc. bearing date
at Weftminfter 2yi day ofOdolier in the 36th year of his reign^
the fame rnalierand keepers or wardens and commonalty of the
myftery or art of ftationers of the aty of LorJon herein court
produce, tnore fully is manifcft and appears : And the fame maf-
terand keepers or wardens and commonalty ot the myflery or
art of ftationers of the city oi London in faft fay, that after the
makin-r of the letters patent aforefaid, and before the exhibition
of this bill, to wit, on the 14th day of May 1694, at London
aforefaid in the parifh ofSr. Martin Ludgats in the ward of
Farrivgdon IFiihin, they xht {'-AX'S mailer and keepers or wardens
and commonalty of the myftery or art of ftationers of the city
cf Loudon, being then and there aflcmbled for the good go-
vernment of the faid freemen of the art or mvftery aforefaid,
andof thccommonalry aforefaid and their fuccclTors, did (among The hy-law
, • , 1 X • • ■ !• . made en -whica
Other th:n-s) make and orcain a certain ordinance not repugnant ^^.^^ ^^^-^^^ -^
or contrary to the lav/s of this V\^^(^i\on\ oi England, nor in any brought,
wav tending to the prejudice of the republick of England, to
wit, that the maftcr, wardens and afiiftants ofthefaid company
or the major part cf them, in a court ©f afiiftants to be held
according to the u!age of the fame company when and as often
as it ftiou'd feem to them expedient, mould elefl and admit
fuch member and members of the faid company into the li-
Very or cloathing of the faid company as they fliould think fir,
and that the perfon fo eU£led, upon his admiflion into the livery
or cloathing, fliould pay to the faid mafter and keepers or war-
dens and commonalty of the myftery or art of ftationers of the
citv of London the ufual fiiin of zoK for fiich his or their ad-
m ftion thereto ; and if any fuch perfon fo eltd^ed into the livery
or cloathing as aforefaid, on notice thereof, fliould not accept
thereof, having no reafmable caufe to refufe it, then he fliould
pay fo ihe mafter and keepers or wardens and commonalty of
the myfticry or art of ftationers of the city of London for fuch
his refufal the fum of 40/. of lawful money oi England ; which The confirma-
faid or.'er fo as aforefaid made afterwards, to v/u, on the 31ft tion of it,
day n( May 1694, at London aforefaid in the parifli and uard
aforefaid, at the requeft of the faid mafter and keepers or war-
dens and commonalty of the myftery or art of ftationers of the
c'wy o'i I ondcn, and according to the tenor of a certain iCt of
parliament in fuch cafe made ard provided, by the right ho- '9 H. 7. c. 7.
nourable 7'^« Sotnmers, knt. lord keeper of the great feal of
England, Jo/m Hoit, knt. lord chief iuftice of the faid lord the
king and the then lady the queen, rftigncd to hold pleas in the
S 2 court
r Ki 1 court of the fail'. lorH the king and the then lady the queen b«-
*• ->->■' jore the lord the king and rlie li^en lady the queen theni-
fvlvcs, and Crego'y Trtby, knt. lord r hiet" ji.llice ot ;hc fnid lortl
tht king and tlicn lady the queen of the bench at IVejImiijjler,
was icLii, read and examined, and by iheiii ;ipproved ana con-
T'le defendant firi'icd : And the fame ni.dler and keepers or wardens and com-
airccman. iiionalty of the myft'vTy or art of llationcrs of the city o^ London
in fact lay, that the laid Jj/'m atttr the making of the order
aforefaid, and bctore the exhibition of this bill, to vvi', on
the firll day oi Moy in the year Oi the Lord i6'^5, was and
Ironi thence continually afterwards hitherto hath been and yet is
a freeman and a member ol the f.;id company of aiafter and
keepers or wardens and commonalty of the myftery or art of
llationers of the city of London, to wit, at Lond,n aforefaid in
the parilli and ward aforetaidi and that after tiie firl^ day of
A/rtj; in the year of ih'T Lord lafl. abovcfaid, and before the ex-
hibition of this bill, to wit, at a court of ::fiiilants of them the
faid mailer and keepers or wardens and commonalty of the myf-
tery or art of ftaiiorers of the city of London, held according
to the uia2,e of the faid conipany at Stationers-hail \n the pariili
and ward aforefaid, on M mioy ihe fifth day of Augujl in the
year of the Lord 1695, by J'jhn then mafter, IVilUam
Raitltns and Sair.uet Lotvndes then wardens, and Roger Norton^
Eiiijcard Brvefhr, (Sc. then afiiftants of the faid company, be-
ing then prefcnr and afl'embled, and being then the major part of
the mafter, wardens and aiiiilanis of the company aforefaid, he
Elefted into the faid 'fo/in Hunt, then being a freeman and a member of the
the livery. company aforefaid, by the fiid mafter, wardens and aflilliants fo
as alorcfaid in the court of ailiflants aforefaid afferrbled, thea
and there was elected into the iivcry of the company of thent,
the faid mafters and keepers or warilens and commonalty of the
Huftcrv or art of llationers of the city of London; and altho'
he the faid John at'terwards, to wit, on the 5th day of Oclober
in the year of the lord lall abovefaid, at London aforefaid in
the pariOi and ward aforefaid, had notice as well of the order
aforefaid E it remember'd that on the 23d day of Ja- Bill agalnfl the
J3 ntinry in this fame term comes here into warden of the
court Cjtnelius i'eUiiie by Jia"iages aforefaid, afierwarus, lo wit, on the faid 71 h
xr, \hr Flttt on 6.3.voiJu!y in the fitth year » f the reign of (he faid lord the kii g
allaitjjcsr/iut. and tlie \~\c.y the late queen, heihe fame <''./. being fo as aforelaid
in execution for the dcWt and damages aforefaid, by virtue era
writ of the faid loril the king and tne lady ilie late queen of //«-
ie^s corpus cu/'i cauff], QUI of iht coun of i\\ii faid lord the king and
the ladv the late queen of the bench here dulv ili'uing, and to the
faid niarflial of the :\'Uir/fi,ilfe(i of the faid Ibr.i the king and tha
lady the I iie queen before the lord the king and the lady the Ia!2
queen thenifelves diri.(5l^d, was brought and had, charged in ex-
ecution with the caufe aforefaid belore John f'o-ue/', being then
one o. the jufticts ot the faio lord the king and lady the laie queen
ofihe bench here, wi.hthe caufe aforelaid, at the parifh ot iir.
C/ement Oarie^ in the count v of Midjleftx aforefaid by the mar-
shal of the Mfi> /hali'ea 3,ioTx:{^\^ ; and therei.pon the faid M. by
tlie faid 'John PozveL', then one (f the jnllices of the faid lord the
Icing and the lady the late quten of the bench here as aforefaid,
then and there, to wit, on the faid yth day o^ July in the finh
year abovefaid at the faid pariili of S:. CUmetil Danes afcrefaid
was duly coiuiiiitted to the cullody of the faid 'Thomas Fox, then
and yet warden of the Drifon of the Fleei afcatfaid, charged in
execution for the debt and damages aforefaid, as by the record
a;id proceedings thereof in the fame court of the faid lord the king
of the bench here remaining more fully appears: By virtue of
which faid commitment the faid Thomas tox, then being warden
of the prifon of the f/fi/ aforefaid, the faid M. in bis cuftody
in execution for the debt and damages aforefaid then and there
had and detained^ and the faid Thomas, Fox, warden of the prifon
of the F/ret then and yet being afterwards, to wit, on the 23d day
of A'o^eml'tr in the fixth year of the reign of the faid lord the king
and the lady the late queen, at the pariih of St. Clttj^ent Duties
Suffered tlie aforefaid, the premifks well knowing, not regarding the duty of
pariy tocfcape. his office, but contriving and frdudulf;nily intending to caufe the
faid Cornelius totally to lofe the debt and damages aforefaid, the
faid M. out of the cullody of him the faid Tho. Fox, being then
and yet warden of the faid pnfon cfthe Fleet aforelaid, and cut
of the execution aforefaid, againfi; the will and without the li-
cence or knowledge (f the faid C^r«f//«f, the fame Cornelius o£
the debt and damages aforefaid, or of any part thereof, being
rot faiisfied, at large where he would then and there p^ermitted 10
go and efcape ; whereby an adion accrued to the fame Cornelius
lo demand and to have of the faid Thomas Fox the faid 151/. ^f,
Neverthelefs the faid Th-jnias Fox ihc faiii i 5 1/. 3^. to the faid
Cornelius hath not yet paid, but hath hitherto altogether denied
to pay him the fame : whereby he lays that he is f rejudiced, and
hath damage to the value cf 20/. And therefore he prays remedy
Iffc. Fledges to profecute /. D. and R. R.
r^ . And the faid Thomas Fox \n his proper perfon comes and ce-
Demnrrer to ^ , , r 1 • • 1 ci a . ,- . 1 i i
the bill fends the force and injury when, iSc. And iays tnat the decla-
SaJk. 753. radon
Debt, J 157
7tion aforefaid, and the matter in the fame contained, are not
Sufficient in law for the faid Corr.elius to maintain his aftion afore-
said agarnft the faid Thomas had, and that he the faid 1 homa''
Fox to that declaration in inanner and form aforcfaid made hatli
no nectflltv, nor is by the law of the lanJ obliged in any manner
to anfwer : And this he is ready to verify : Whertfure for want
of a fufiicient declaration the fame TZ/ow/jj prays judgment, and
that the faid Cornelius may be precluded from his aftion alorefaid
againft the faid Thomas had, 'iSc. r ,^8 1
And the f^id Cornelius, for that he hath above declared fuffi- joinJcrin dt-
cient matter in law in his declaration aforefaid to maintain his ac- murrer.
tion againft the f^id Thomas had, whicli he is ready to verify, Salk. 753.
■which faid matter the faid Thomas doth not deny, nor any way
anfwer to it, but doth wholly refufe to admit that averment, as be-
fore, pravs judgment and his debt aforefaid, together with his da-
nnges bv rtafon of the detention of that debf, to be adjudged to
him, Ifc. And becaufe the juftices here wiil advife ihenifelves of
and upon the premifTes bctore they give judgment thereon, day
js given to the parties aforefaid here until ll'ednefJay next after
fifteen days of Eajler to hear their judgment thereon, becaufe
the fame juft'ces here thereof not yer, Ifc. On wdiich day here
comts as wpll the faid Comeliushy his attorney aforefaid, as the
faid Thomas in his proper perfon ; and hereupon the premiflos
being feen, and by the jufliccs here more fully underload, ic
feems to the fame juftices here, thi^t the declaration and the mat-
ter in the fame contained are fifficient in law for the fitid Cot—
velius to maintain his aflion aforefaid againft the faid Thomas had,
as the faid Cornelius hath above alledged : 1 herefore it is con- .
fuleri-i, that the faid CorneAwj recover againft the faid Thomas jj^'g plaintiff,
his deb: aforefaid, ^nd his damages by reafon of the detention
of I hat debt to 1005. to the fame Cornelius with his aflent by the
tourt here a 'judged: And the faid Thomas in mercy, i^c.
AJhton and Sherman.
Hill. 8 V/, 3. Roll. 698.
London, to wit. "Kllcholns A/}iion complains of Tis/z/r Shernian, ,. . .»• ^
JLv 1 ni 1 ■ • • ■ -n • r Utciaration
gent, and M.try his wile, adininiitratrix of againft huftind
all and fingular the goods and chattels, rights and credits which and wife admi-
belongtd to IVtliinm f/VA/ lately (leceafed, who as it is faid died niftratiix on a
inteftate, otherv.ife lately called IViHiam FieLl avzen and mtr- |. P^^"*' P^y*
chant-tavlor of London, being in the cuftody of the marftial of jimcs.
th^ Mm/hiilfea of the lord the king before the king himfelf, in
a plea that they render to him 30/. of lawful money of F.nglanr/
which they unjuftly detain from him, for this, to wit, that
whf-reas the lai i IVilliam Field in his life-time, to wit, on the
2Q'h day of September in the year of the Lord 1694, at Lon-
don aforjfaid, to wit, in the parifh of St. Mary-le-hoix) in the
ward of Cheiipf by his certain bill obligatory fealed vyiih il«e
feal of the fald WiUiam in his liie-time, and to the court of the
faid lord the iiov/ king Iieic fliown, the date whereof is the lame
day ar><1 year, acknowledged liiniltlt to be indebted to the fame
Ni'chola. in the fiim of i 5 /. 10 ^ 6//. of lawful money of Eng'
lunciy to be paid to the fame Nicholus, his executors, adminif-
tra ;or» or afli/ns in manner fullowing, to wii, the fum of 5/.
pa t liiereof on the 26th day ot Oeljher t'leu next following the
dale of the bill obiigitory aibrt-faid, and tht: funi of 5 /. other
pare thereof on the 29 h day of No-jtrnber then next enfuing,
and li.e ium of 5 / io s. 6 J- the rcfidue in full thereof on the
24tli i\,iV oi December then next toUovving the date of the bill
obligatory aforcfaid ; and for the true payment thereof the faid
fVilliain Field bound hiiiifflf, his heirs, executors and aduiinif-
irators, in the faid fum of 30 /. firmly by the faid bill : And the
faid Nicholi-4s\n Ut\ fays, thut the faid V/itliam Field in his life-
time, or the faid Jjkn and M.ny after the death of the faid
IVilliinn, did not pay, nor did cither of them pay, to the faid
l^icliolas on the faid 29th day of Odoher in the bill aforefaid
above fpecified, the faid fum of 5 /. which they ought to have
paiii to him on the fame day, according to the form ?nd effeft
of the bill obligatory aforefaid j whereby an aflion accrued to
the faid Nicholas to demand and have of the faid WiUiam in his
liFe-tiine, and of the faid John and Mary after the death of the
faiJ IVilliam, the faid 30/. Neverthelefs the faid IVilliuni, al-
though often required, l^c- have not yet paid, nor hath either
of them paid the faid 30 /. to the hn\Q i^icholas, but the faid
John and iMary do yet refufe to pay the faid hlichdas, and un-
juftly detain the fame, to th» damage of the faid Nicholas 20/.
And therefore he producer the fuit, ^c.
The dtfen- And the fiid John and Mary, ^c. and fay that the faid AV-
dants pkad a cholas ought not to have or maintain his aftion aforefaid thereof
ju.fgmenc againfl; them, bccaufe they fay, that the faid IV. F. in his life-
un.t 'laT ^'■"^' f" ^'f' «" ^^^ "^^^ ''^y ^'^ 7"'-'' '" ^^^ ^''''' y^""" °^ ^^^
^Mutliu!^ in reign of the lord the now king and of the Isdy Mary the late queen
C; B. at London to wit, in the pariili and v^ard aforefaid. borrowed of
one Robert H'nring, gent. 100/. to be paid to the faid Robert
when he lliould be thereto required ; wherefore the faid Robert
for the recovery of his debt aforefaid, to wit, in Michaelmas
term in the fifth year of the reign of the faid lord the king and
of the lady the late queen abovefaid, in the court of the faid
lord the king and of the lady the late queen of the bench, at
IVijhnin/ler in the conwiy oi Middlej\x,\n\'^\&3iL\Qd the;faicl li^. F.
in his life-time in a plea of debt for the faid 100/. in which faid
plea it was in fuch manner proceeded in the fame court of the
faid lord the now king and of the lady the late queen of the
bench, that the faid Robert in the faid Michaelmas term in the
l' ^59 ] 5'h year abovefaid by the judgment of the fame court re-
covered againft the faid IV. F. in his life-time as well the faid
debt of too/, as 10s. for his damages v/hich he had by reafon
•I the detention of that dvbr, to the lame Robert with his afient by
the faid court of the lord the now king and the faid late lady the
queen of ihe bench adjudged, as by the record and proceedings
thereof remaining in the court of the lord the now king at I'VeJt-
mirjier aforefaid more fully is manifeft an.l appears : And the
faid John and Mary farther jfiy, that the laid U^. F, in his life-
tirlie, to v.'it, on the 20th day of March in the 4th year of the
reign of the faid lord the now kin^ and of the lady Mury the late
^ueen of EnglaruJ, at Lon.'on aforefaid in the pari/h and v/ard
atorefaid, by his certain writing obligatory acknowledged hiir.fcif
to be bound to one Gilbert Eaji in lool. to be paid lu the f.iuo
Gilhsit when he ihould be thereunto required, and thai afterthe
death of the faid !V. F. the faid debt of : 00/. not being paid or
fatisfied, the faid G for the recovery cf hi-^^ clebt aforefaid sfter the
death of the faid /F. F. to v/it, in Michaehnns term in the 6th
year of the reign of ih*; faid lord the i;ow king and of the ladj'
Ah.ry the iatc queen, in the faid court of the faid lord the now
kir.g and of the iady the late queen of the bench at ll'ejhninJUr
aforefaid, impleaded them the faid J. and M. as adminillratrix of
the goo.'s and chattels of the faid V/. F in a pi. a of debt for ihi
faid too/- of and upon the writing obligatory aforefaid, in which
lai>1 plea it was in fuch manner proceeded, that the faia G. in the
lame Michathias term in the 6th year atx-vefaii^, by the judg-
ment of the f.iid court of the faid lord the now king and of the
lady Ma^y the late queen, did recover againli the faid J. and M,
the faid debt of lop/ and his damages by reafon of the detention
of that debt to 40.? to the fameG. with his afitnt by the faid court
a.:ju 'ged, to be levied en the goods and chattels which were of
the laid V/. F. at the time of iris death in the hands of the faid "J,
and M. to be adminiftered, if they had fo much thereof in their
hands to be adminillered ; and if they had not fo much in their
hands to be adminiflered, then the damages aibrtfaid to be levied
on the proper goods and cliatitls of them the faid J. and M. as by
the record and proceedings in the faid court of the lord the now
king of the bench at [Vejhn in /ier re mn.\n\ng more fully is manifeft
and appc^.rs; And the iaid J. and M. farther fay, that they have
fully adminiftered all the go(Hls and chattels which belonged to
the faid IV. F. at the time of his death in their hands to be ad-
niinillercd, and that they have not, nor had on the day of the exhi-
bition of the bill of the faid A', or ever after, any goods or chattels
which belonged to the faid IV. F. at the time of his death in their
hands to be adminiftert'd, except goods and chattels to the value
of 10/. which are not fuflicient to fatisfy the fevcral judgments in
form aforelaid given, and which to the execution and fatisfaftion
thereof are bound and charged ; with this, that the faid 7- .and
fd. will verity, that the faid ieveral debts in the faid feveral judg-
ments as aforelaid recovered were and yet are true and jufl. debts
iuul not paid, and that the feveral judgments aforefaid are in
their full lorce and ftrength, not revcrfed, annulled or fatisfied; and
that the faid IV. F. and the faine J. and M. in their fevcral judg-
liients aforefaid refpctlivcly named, apd the faid tV. F. and the
Judgment »-
gainft tucm om.
a bone given
by the intcl-
tercd except
159 I ^^^^-, that 2"*^' ^^- his wife above in pleading alledged ought not to be pre-
thc.-c was but ciuded fiom his ;.(Stion atbrcfaid niereof againft tl-iem had, becaufe
30/. Jucwiiich as to ihe faid judgment the faid 7- and M- by the faid G.
'*^7^*!^ ''h"'* /' atorcfaid obtained, in the piea Jforefaid mentioned, the
\■^^,~■^^, r.n fime A', fsvs that 10.'. only and no more of the money aforefaiJ
««oi b» fraud. ^^y the faid G". E. agaiuft the faid J. and .W. in form afortfaid- re-
covered v/ere juflly and really due, and that after the rendering
of tiie f.^id judgment, to wit, on the ift day of March in the ytn
yerir of the reign of the faid lord the now king, at the parliTi and
ward aforelai*. , the faid J. M. puid to the fame G. E. the faid
30/ in full fatisfact'.on and difcharge of that judgment ; and the:
fame G. the fame 30/. of the faid J. and M. in full fatisfadtioa
and difcharge of that judgment and of the whole money thereby
recovered then and there received and accepted: Neverthelefs
the faid J. and M. have hitherto permitted the judgment by the
laid G. fo as aforcfaid obtained againfl. them to be and remain in
its full force and ilrcngth frauduL^ntly and deceitfully, and with
an intent to defraud and deceive him the faid A'', of his debt afore-
faid, to wit, at the parifli and ward aforefaid : And this he is
ready to verify : Wherefore he prays judgment and his debt
aforefaid, together with his damages by reafon 0* the detention of
Thf like repli- that debt, to be adjudged to him, ^r. And as to the judgment
oiion to the afjrcfiid by the faid RJfert ffming againft the faid IV. F. ^s
•thtijudgmcnt. r^((^JgC^\^\ obtained, in the plea aforefaid above mentioned, the
fame A', fays, that 2^/ only and no more of the money aforefaid
by the faid R. IV. againft the faid IV. F. in form aforefaid recover-
ed were juftiy and really due to the fame R. at the time of the
rendoipg ofthai judgment, and that from the time of the ren-
dering of thai judgment hitherto the faid R. IV. was ?.l ways ready
and yet is ready to receive and accept of the fame J. and M. the
fuid 28/. in full fntisfaftion and difcharge of the judgment laft
mentioned and of the whole money thereby recovered, to wit,
f ]6o 1 at the p^rifii and ward aforefaid : Neverthelefs the faid y. and M.
the payment of the faid 2SI. to the fame R. IV. hiiherto deceit-
fully have deferred, and hsve fuffered the judgment laft men-
tioned to be and remain in is fidl force and ftrength, with an
intent to defraud and deceive the faid A', of his debt aforela'.d,
to wit at the piirilli and ward aforefaid : And this he is ready to
verify : Wherefore he prays judgment and his debt atorelaid,
together with his damages by reafon of the detention of that debt
, ^ to b • adjudge;' to liiin, l^c. And the fuid Nicholas farther fays,
I Jle^fTrtt fuf. that the faid J. and M. on the day of the exhibition of the bill
i^cM, &e' of
Debf. 1 60
of the faid A^. had divers goods and chattels which belonged to
the laid iV. F. at the time of his death in their hands to be ad-
miniftereJ to the value of the debt of the faid N. above demand-
ed, befidcs goods and chnttels ftfiKient to fatisfy the faid G. E,
his debt and damages aforefaid agiinft the f.iid "j. S. and M. his
wife, as aforefaid recovered, and aifo the 2.8 /, to the faid R. H^.
as aforefaid due, ^'herewith they might f ;tisfy the fame ;V. his
debt aforefaid, to wit, at the parifh and ward aforefaid : And this
he prays may be inquired of by the country, l^c.
And the faid J. and M. fay, that the plea nforefaid by the faid Dcmarrrcr.
N. in manner ar\d form aforefaid above in replying pleaded, and
the matter in the fame contained, are not fuflicient in law ior the
faid /V. to maintain his aclion aforefaid thereof againft the faid J.
and A/, had, and that they to that plea in manner and form
aforefaid pleaded have no neccflity, nor are by the law of the
land obliged in any manner to anfwer : And this they are ready
to verify ; wherefore tor want of a fufficient replication of the faid
jV. in this behalf the fame J. and M. pray judgment, and that
the faid N. may be piecluded from his aftion aforefaid thereof
againft them the laid J. and M. had, i^c. And for caufei of de- The ciufes.
murrer in law, according to the form of the ftatute in fuch cafe 27 El>c. 5.
made and provided, the fame J. and M. do fet down and to 4 ^' <=• 16.
the court here exprefs the caules following, to wit, Becaufe the
replication aforefaid is double, and becaufe there are feveral con-
clufions, and the faid M pravs judgment twice where he ought
only to have prayed judgment once, and becaufe the faid A', hath
concluded ill to the country, where he ought not.
Ed'w. Nor they.
Nic. Hooper.
And the faid A^. fays, that the plea aforefaid by the faid A^. in joinder,
banner and form aforefaid above in replying pleaded, and the
matter in the fame contained, ^re good and fufhcient in law for
the faid N. to maintain his r.flion aforefaid thereof againil the
faid J. and M. had ; which faid plea, and the matter in the fame
contained, he the lame N. is ready to verify an i prove, as the
court, Iffc. And becaufe the fa'.l J. and M. do not anfwer to that
plea, nor hitherto in any v/ife deny it, he the faid N. as before
prays judgment and his debt a!brefaid, together with his damages
by reafon of the detention of that debt, to be adjudged to him,
l^c. But b?caufe the court of the f.ord the now king here are
not yet advifed to give their judgment of and upon the premifics,
a day is therefore given to the parties aforefaid before the
lord the king at IVeJlmirtJier unti(J day next after
to hear their judgment of and upon thofe premifics, becaufe the
tourt of the lord the king now here thereof not yet, l^c
On ricovriy
a^ainrt the
Tvaulrn of the
r.Wf in »!cbt
lor an ricape,
■which was
?ffirmed on
a wii: cf error.
I l6l ]
The bill exhi-
biteri againft
tlie warden.
The recovery
againfl: the pri-
fofier in the
kind's bench.
Hackett againft filly.
AND tiiefaKl Andreiv Harketthj^, that he by r.ny tiling trjr
the faiJ Jo'">n above in p'eailing allclged ought not to be
pre; luded from his aftion aforefaid thereof ngainfl; him the- (aid
Jo'm had, becaufe he fays, that ihf ("aid Thomas Fox in his life-
time, to wit, at the time of the making of the writing obligatory
afort'faid, as alfo on the firft day of April'in the yth year of the
reign of the lord IFilliam the third, late king ot England, ^c.
and before, was war^len of the prifon of the faid late king of the
Flee!, to wU, at Lotidon afortfaid in the parifli of St. Mary-le-hoiu
in the ward oi Cheap .- And the faid JohnTilly for all the time
abovefaid, to wit, on and before the I'iid firlt day of Jf>ril, as
alfo at the time of the making of the writing obligatory aforcfaid,
•was a fervant haring and excrcifing the care anu cuftody of the
faid prifon, and of the prifoners thereto committed under the faid
Thomas Fox, to wit, at the parifli and ward aforefaid ; and that
while the (aid Thomas was lb warden of the faid pri(bn, and the
faid John had and exercifed the care and cuftody of the faid
prifon and of the prifoners thereto committed as aforcfaid, and
lately before the making of the faid writing obligatory, to wit,
the fame firft day of /^/r// before mentioned, at the pariili and
ward aforefaid, one Francis Hynde, gent, was a prifoncr in the
faid prifon of the Fleet in e::ecution at the fuit of one Andrenjii
Hachlty knt. for a certain debt of looo/. and 465. for damages,
and out of the faid prifon, without the licence and againft ihe
will of the faid Thomas Fox, and with the licence and permiflion
of the faid John Tilly, did go and make an efcane, the fame
Andretv being then not faiisfied his debt and damages aforefaid,
whereof the faid John at and before the time of the making of
the fame writing had notice, to wit, at LonJon aforefaid in the
pariHi and ward aforefaid ; an i the faid Thomas being fo as afore-
laid warden of the fiid prifon, the fame Andreiv Hackett, knt.
before the making of the writing obligatory aforefaid, to wit, on
the I 2th day oi April in Eajler term in the 7th year of the rt-ign
of the faid late king, came into the court of the fame late king
hdoTQ GeorgeTrehy, knt. and his companions, juflices of the faid
late king of the bench at Wejlminjlcr, by HemyCUft then his at-
torney, and then exhibited to the fame juflices his certain bill
againft the faid Thomas Fox, warden of the prifon of the faid late
king of the Fleet, then preR'nt in the fame court in his proper a plea of debt, by which faid bill the fame Andrcvj then
complained, that the faid 7'/i'ow<2J' unjuftly detained and did rot
render to the fame Andreiv 1002 /• 6 s. which he owed him, for
this, to wit, that whereas the fame Andreiv olherwife, to wit, in
Eapr term in the 5th year of the reign of the faid late king and
the lady Mary the late queen, in the court of the faid late king
and queen before the late king and queen themfelves, the fame
court then being at Wefimirjier in the county of Middle/ex, by
Debt. l6t
bill, without the writ of the fan:e late king and queen, and hj
the judgment of the Uoie court had recovered againft the faid
Frar.cis Hinde, gent, as well a certnin oebt of looo/. as 46 j.
which were adjudged to the fame Ant'retJb in the faiu co'jrt for
his damages which he had fuftained as well by reafon of the de-
tention of that debt as for hi-; colls and charges by hiin about his
fuit in that behalf expended, whert-of the faid Fronds was con-
■vi(5led ; and the fame Francis Hynde afterwards, to Vv it, on Monday
next after the morrow of the a!cenfion of the Lord in the 6ih year
of the reign of the faid late king and queen, being then
prefenc in his proper perfon in the fame court of the faid late king
and queen before the faid late king and queen thenifelves, at
Wejiminjler\n the county of Middlejex aforefaid, at the petition The c^rftmit-
of the laid Annreixi was by the fame court of the faid late king "^«"' to the
and queen before the late king and queen them^'cilves there com- ^*J ^ '° "'^'*
Biitted to the cuftody of the marflial of the May/halfca of the faid
late king and queen before the late king and queen themfelves
in execution for the debt and damages aforefaid, at the fuit of the
faid JndreiVy there to remain until, ^c. as by the record and
proceedings as well of the judgment aforefaid, as of the faid com-
mitment in execution in the faid court of the faid late king be-
fore the faid late king himfelf at Wejlminiler aforefaid remain-
ing, more fully did appear : By virtue of which faid commirment
the faid marfhalof the Marjhalfea aforefaid the fame Francis into
his cuftody then and there had received and him in execution for
the debt and damages aforefaid had and detained ; and the faid
Francis fo being in the cuRody of the marjlial of the Mnr/hdfea
aforeffiid in execution for the debt and damages aforefaid in form
aforefai.l, afterwards, to wit, on the 24th day of May in the 6th
year abovefaid, the faid Francis came in his proper perfon under
the cuftody of the faid marfhal of the M,ir/hcdfen aforefaid, be-
fore John Puzvell, knt. then one of the juftices of the faid late kin?
and queen of the bench, at his chambers fr.uate in Chancery-lane ,
ilo;7(/on, being brought by virtue c{ & vjy'w. Oi Habeas corpus: iflu- Halcts carpus.
ing out of the court of the faii' late king and queen of the bench
at IVejiminJler directed to the faid marfhal ; and the fame marflial,
to wit, William Bri^^gs, then returned to the fame juftice (among
other things) that the faid Francis Hynde was charged in execu-
tion at the fuit of the faid Andrciv for the faid 1000/. debt and
461. for damages fo as aforefaid recovered, the body of which
faid Francis he then and there had ready before the faid juftice
according to the tenor of the writ aforefaid, upon which the faid
Francis Hynde was then and there committed by the fame juftice
to the faid prifon of the faid late king and queen of the Fleet in Turned over to
execution for the debt and damages aforefaid (among other the wardea ot
things,) there to remain until, Ifjc. wiiich laid - ■ mmitment the ^hc Fltct,
fame jiiftice afterwards, to wit, on the Sth day o^Junt in Trinity
term in the 6th year abovefaid, delivered with his own proper
kands into the fame court of the bench to be inrolled on record,
i6i I Debt,
and the fame commitment is in the faiJ court inrolIeJ on record,
as bv the record ot th»; laid writ and the return thereof, and the
coiiHuitiiient in execution lall meniioned in the lame court of the
b'.nch aior-.faid at M''e/imi'i/fer atorefaid remaining, did more fully
and manifetlly then appear : By virtue of which Tiid commit-
ment the faid Thomas Fox warden of ihe fai^l pr!:o!i of the
Fleet aforefaid, on the z\\\\ day of M,iy in the 6th year abovefaid,
the fai I Friincts Hinde into his cuftody tlten and tiiere, lo wit,
before the faid juflice at his chambers aforefaid fitiiate in S-rjeanli
/'m atorefaid, hud taken, and the faid Ftancis tlinJe immr-diate-
ly unto and into the faid prifon of the Fleft then bting at London,
10 wit, in the parih of St. Bridget, otherwil'e Brides, in the ward
ci Furringdjti IFithout, had carried and put, and the t'nme Fran-
cis in that prifon inex'-cution for the debt and dania'-es aforefaivl
then and there had had and detained ; and tlie fail! Fmricis being
lo detained in thecultody of the faid Fho7>uis as aforefaid in exe-
cution tor the debt and damages aforefaid i > form aforefaid, the
faid '7/7a/W/7j aftervarJ;;, to wit, on the firft <^ny of y^/r// in the
who perrnitted yth year of the rei^n of the faid late lord king WiUiam the third,
him to eicape; beina then as aforefaid warden of the faid prifon of the faid lord
the king of the Fleet, freely and voluntarily permiiied the
_ ^ , laid Francis Hinde oil cf that prifon and out of his cuftody to
•• ■' efcape and go at large where he wouKl, to wit, at London afore-
faid in the pariili and ward aforefaid, the fame Ar.drew being
then not fatisfied the debt and damages aforefaid or any parcel
^'^-rue7 °" thereof; wher.-by any aftion had accrued to the fame .^« Vf-iw
to demand and have of the faid Tfi;mas the faid looz /. 6 s.
Neverthelefs the i"aid 'Thomas, although he had been often
quired, h-id not then before rendered the faid icozLGs. to the
laid Andreiv, but had then alt-gcther denied, and did then deny
to render him the fame, whereby the fame Andrerv then faid that
Remedy pray- he hid been prejudiced, and haci damage to the value of 500/.
ed. And therefore he then prayed remedy, b^c. v/ith this, that the
fame An Irexv would then verify, that the judgment aforefaid did
then remain in its full force and vigour, not revoked, reverfed,
nnnuile i, vacated or fatisfied, l^c. and did then find pledges to
Pledges. profecute, to wit, John Doe and Richard Roe .- Upon which faid
bill firft mentioned in the fame court of the faid late king before the:
faid jutiices of the faid late king of the bench at I^Fellminfitr, it
was m fuch manner proceeded, that afterwards, to wit, in the
fame Eafier term in the 7th year of the reign of the fnid late king
Tudement for abovefaid, the fiid And,erv //iifAv// did by t/.e confideraiion of
the plaintiff. the fame court recover againft tht faid Thomas Fox the faid debt
of 1002/. 6 s. and his damages by rcafon of the detention of
that debt to 80 j. by the lame court of the faid late king to the
fame Andreiu adjudged ; And that the faid Thomas fliould be in
mercy, i^c. And the fame Jndre^v farther fays, that after the
judgment aforefaid in fortu aforefaid given, and after the makinj
of the wriiing obligatory aforefaid, to wit, on the i^ih day 0^ May
In the jih yfar of the reign of the fnid late Icirg, the faid Thomas
Fox by the advice and at the requeft of the faid John Tilly, ior
thereverlal of the judgment aforcfHid, profecuted out of the coTIrt
of chancery of the faid late king; the fams court being then here
at Weftminjier in the cQianty of MidJlefex, a certain wr.t of the
faid late king to correct error in the record and proceeGing*: and in
the rendering of that judgment, dirtfted to Gco>ge Irehy, knt.
then chief jullice of the (aid late king of the bench, by wh;ch
faid writ ihe faid kite king commanded his faid chief juftice, that
jfjudgment uas thereon given then he flT^uld ditlinftly and open-
ly fend the record and proceedings of the plea aforeiaid witli all
things touching the fame to the faid late king under his feal, and
that writ, (n that the faid late king might have them from the^
day of the Wo\y Trir.ity'xn three weeks then next following where-
ever he lliould then be in ErghinJ, that thereccrd and proceed-
ings aforefaid being infpe{led, he might farther caufe to be done
therein to correfl that error what of right and according to the
law and cuftcm of this kingdom o'i Knghind was- to be done : By
virtue of which faid writ of error afiervi'ard?, to wit, on the day
of the return of the writ aforefaid, the record and proceedings of
the plea aforefaid with all things touchiiig the fame, into the
court of the faid late king before the late king himfelf, the fame
court thtn being at Wefiminfler in the county of MlJdlejex afore-
faid, were duly fent and removed : Wheteupon it was in fnch
manner proceeded upon the faid writ of error in the faid court of
the faid late king before the faid late king himfelf, that after-
wards, to hnJJer term in the 8ih year of the reign of the faid
late king, it was confidered by the fame court of the faid late king
before the faid late king himfelf, that the judgment aforefaid
fhould fland in its full force and eff;6l, and that the judgment
atorefaid fliould be in all things affirmed, as by the record and
proceedings of the judgment aforefaid in the court of the faid lady
the now queen before the queen hcrfelf at IFeJlmiTiJler aforefaid
remaining more fully appear"; ; which faid judgments do yet re-
main in their full force and tlT^d, not reverfcd, annulled or fatif-
fied: Anil the fame Ar.dieiu farther fays, that the faid 'Thomas iij
his ]ifc-t:me, to v/ir, within the fpace of (wo years next after the
date of the writing obligaicry aforefaid, and a little while after
the making of the fame, to wit, on the i\^ day of Mvy in the
year of the Lord 1695 abovcfaid, at london aforefaid in the pa-
ri/h of Sf. Mnry-le-hovo in the wa?d (S Cht-np aforeiaid, gave notice
to the fame John T/Z/y ofthe faid adlion fo as aforefaid profecutid
by the faid /Ird/eiv Hackett againft the fa\i Thomas, and required
»he fame yu-^w to keep the laid T/'^/w.-j indenmifi;;d therefrom:
Nevcrrhelefs the faid John Idly, within the fpace of two years
rext enfuingfhe date of the laid v/riting obligatory, or ar any
time afi^r in the life-time of the faid Thomns^ hath not faved
liOrmlefs nor kept indemnified him the faid 1 hcmns Fox from the
faid aftion fo as aforefaid profecuted agninf^ the faid Thomas by
tie faid Andrtiv Iltukcil, Lnt. And lie is ready to verify :
T '1 here-
A writ of error
Judgment af-
Hath rot In-
deranifxcki, QSo
i6zl Debt.
Wherefore he prays juilgment ami his debt afcefaid, together
with his damages by realbn of the detention of that debt, to be
adjudged lo him, tifc.
L. Agar,
7ho. Fengelly.
J- j5 , 1 Pr'tfe and his ivife againft James.
D.-bt by an ex- Mi./d\ to wit. n^/hmas Arden Prifc, bart. and Elizabeth his
eciitrix for rent -^ wife, exccutrix of the laft will and tellament
^'^.1!'"?/^"" of lohnDenham, knicrht of the /-W?. her late father deceafed,
death ot tella- J . . ^ --r , -r ^ i i •/- i i n . «• / c*
tor. ccnipla'.n or ^onn Juniesy knt. otherwiie lately called John James
of Scotland- yard in the countv of Middle/ex, efq; in the cutliody
of the marlhrl, fjfc. in a plea that he render to them 30/. of
lawful money of England which he unjuftly detains from them,
for this, to wit, that whereas the faid John Detiham'm his life-
Lcafc. time, to wit, on the lath day of Noi.emher in the 19th year of
the reign of the lord Charles the fecond, now king oi England,
&'c. at the pariili of St. Martin in the fields in the county of
Middlefex aforefaid, by his certain indtnture made between him
the faid John Denhat?i, by the name of the honourable John Den-
ham, knight of the ^<7//^ of the one part, and the (axA John
James aforefaid, by the name o{' John James of Scofland-yaid In
the county of Middlefex, efq: of the other part, which other part
fealed with the feal of the faid John James the fame Thomas and
Elizabeth here in court produce, the date w'hcreof is the fame
Prcmlffcs. day and year abovefaid, had demifed, granted and to farm-let
unto the faid John James all thofc chambers, cellars, clofets,
kitchen, coal-houfe, coach-houfe, acre or piece ot land, and
other rooms of the faid Jjhn Denham then in the occupation of
the faid John James and fituate and being in Scotland-yard s.fore~
faid near IVhitehall in the pariHi of St. Martin in the fields afore-
faid in the county of Middlefex aforefaid, with all ways, pnflages,
lights, eafements and appurtenances to the faid premiiTcs belong-
HaietfJum. '"g ' To have and to hold the faid demifed premifT-S with the
appurtenances to the fai.i John James, his executors, adminiftra-
tors and aflij^ns, from ihetealt-day of St. Michael the archangel
then lafi pal} unto the full end and term of 30 years from thence
next enfuing and fully to be compleat and ended ; Yielding and
paying therefore during the two firft years and three quarters of
a year of the fait! term of thirty vears to the faid John Denham, his
execu'ors, adminiftraiors and affi^^ns, the yearly rent of a pep-
per-corn, at the fea't of Sr. Michael xht archangel, if the fame
Reddendum. fhouKi be legally demanded ; And alfo yielding and pnving to the
faid John Denham, his executors, adminiftrators or afTigns, dur-
ing all the refidue of the (aid term of 30 year?, the yearly rent of
60/. of lawful money of Evglnnd on the feaft of St. Michail the
archangel, the birth of <'Ur Lord God, the annunciation of the
bitfled virgin Mary, and the nativity of St. John the bapiift, as
bv the fn-idirn^cntiire among other things more fully appears ;By The defendant
viriue of which laid ilemife the fame Ja/m J^wf^ afterwards, to entered.
•vt'it, on the firfl; day of JatiUD^y in the icth year abovefaid into
the premifTes aforeiaid with the appurtenances entered, and was
and yet is thereof poirefTe- '. ; and the faid Jo'm Dtnhnm afterwards,
to wit, on the i nh day of March in the year of the Lord 1668, The leflor
> --I r n r ■ • I r i i ,• f • \ ■ 1 c made his will
3n the panlh of br. Martin tn the pelds atoretaid in the county ot ^^^^^ piiintitF
MiddleJ'X afort-faid, made his lall will and teftament in wriiing, EUzobeth t^it"
and by the fame conrtiiuted and ordained the faid Elizabeth lole cutrix.
executrix thereof, and afterwards, to wit, on the firll: day of
May in the year of the Lord 1670, at the parilli of St. Martin in
ihe^e/ds ^(ort(-\\d in the countv of MiddLfex aforefaid died, after
the death of v;hich faid John Denham fiie the faid Eli-zahetk
took upon herfe''' the burden of the execution of the faid will,
and afterwards, li ^it, on the 9th day of May in the year of
the Lord laft abovefaid. at the parilli of Sr. Martin in the fields
aforefaid in the county of Middlefex aforefaid, the fame will in
due form of law proved ; and, to wit, on the firll day The marriage
of Afrtjr in the 29th year of the reign of the faid lord the now of the exccu-
king, at the pariili of St. Martin in the fields aforefaid in the "■'^•
county of Middlefex aforefaid, took to hufomd the faid Thomas,
and 30/. for the rent of the premiflls aforefaid for half a year
ended at the feaft of the nativity of St. John tlie baprift laft part,
to the fame Thomas and Elizabeth after the death of the faid
John Dtnham, and after the efpoufals between the lame Thomas,,
and Elizabeth celebrated, were in arrcar, and yet are in arrear
and unpaid : whereby an adlion accrued to the fame Thomas
and Elizabeth to demand and have of the faid John James the
faid 30 /. Neverthelefs the fiid J'jhn James, altho often required,
Cfff. the faid 30/. to the fame Thomas and Elizabeth, or either Brea-«h.^
of them, hath not vet paid, but hath altogether denied, and yet
doth deny to pay them, and unjuiHv detains the fame, to the
damage of the faid Thomas ant:'. F/izaleih Sol. And therefore
they produce the fuit, ^jfc. And the fame Thomas Arden Prife
and Elizabeth produce here in courr the letters tellamentary of
the faid J-)hn Denharn, whercbv it fufSciently appears to the
court here that Hie the faid Elizabeth is executrix of the will
aforefaid, He.
Smiih a gain ft Povey. [ 164 ]
AND l!te f.iiil Jufas by G(d>nel Leach ]v% attorney command Plea,
defends the force and injury when, ijfc. And fays t'nat the
laid J'jhn ought iwt to have or maintain his aftion aforeiaid
jliereof againd him, btcaufe as to the faid \-i,l. in the declara-
tion aforefaid firft mentioned, part of ih5 faid 26/. and as to To parf, not
f^l.i^t.i)d. of the faid I 3 /. in the (aid declaration fecond men- indebted-
tioned, the rcinaining parr of the faid 26/. tht C:ime Jofit as (ivs '^ ' '^*
that he dorh not owe to the faid John Smith ih- fame 1 3 /. or t'ie
fame 8 /. 15 J- 'i '/• or any penny thereof : And of this the lame
T i J^fi"*^.
364 Debt.
fofias puts himfelf on the country : And the fald John thereof
likewife : And as to \l. \s. 3^ refidue ot" the faid 13/. in the
decl.trarion aforefa'd fecond mentioned (the fame 1 3 /. laft fpe-
cifieJ being the tai 1 remaining part of the faid 26/. and Wing the
faid rent for the faid lemifed premifles in that declaration fecond
fpecifiid) the fame Joftas fays, that wfell and true it is that the
faid 4 /. 4 '. 3 ^ of the rent aforcfaid, upon the dcmife aforefaid
in tl'.e declaration afnrefaid fecond mentioneil, at the feaft of the
birth of our Lord Chrift in the year of the Lord 1701 abovefaid
To the refiJaf, v/erc in arrr>ar, and yet arc in arrear : But the fame Jofios farther
t<:'^<^<^r. p^y^^ jI^j^j i^g y}^^ (-gi^^g Joftas on the faid feaft of the birth of our
S C3. ii4- j^^j. I Q\^j\^ jn ,he yearof the Lord 1701 abovefaid, {or the fpace
of halt' an hour next before and until the fetting of the fun of the
fame '"eatt ai the faid other houfe in the declaration aforefaid men-
tions ! vas ready, and then and there offered to pay to the fnid
Jihf^ M>^' faid 4/. 4 J. 3 (A which he ought to have paid to the
faid 7;/;n 0(i that fcaft, according to the form and eff<.(5l of the
covenant afr>refuid In that behalf in the declaration aforefaid
nventi'n.-d ; f.-^u that the faid John, nor any other on that b?half
ofthefi'd Js.^w lawfully authorized, was not then and there
rea.iy to receive of the fame Jofias the faid 4 /. 4 j. 3 ^. And that
the fame Joiuis on the fame feaft-day, and a'vvays after the faid
fea!^ of the birr.h cf our L'^rd Chrift in the year 1701 abovefaid
hither'o was rea<, by his certain wriiing obligatory foaled
with the feal of ihe faid Anthony, and to the court of the now
lord the kin'^ here ihewn, the date whereof is the fame day and
year, acknowledged himfelf to be held and firmly bound to
the faid Dorothy m her life-time in the faid 1400/. to be paid
to the fame Dorothy when he fhould be thereto after required :
Debt. I iH
Tievertheiefs the faid Anthony tae fame 14.00 /. altho' often re-
quired, l^c. to the faid Dorothy in her life-iiine, or to the faid
John after the death of the faid Dorothy, or to either of them,
hath net yet paid, hut the faid Anthony the fame 1400/. to the
fame Dorothy iti her life-time, and to the faid John after the
death of the faid Dorothy, hath hitherto a'togelher denied to pay,
and the fame to the faid John doth yet deny ro pny, to the da-
mage of the faid John 20 /. And therefore he produces the fuir,
^c. And the fame J^^in produces here in court the letters cefta-
nientary of the faid Dorothy, whereby it fnfficiently appears to
the court here that the faid John is executor of the wiil of the
laid Dorothy aforefaid, and thereof hath the adminiflration, l^c,
Moore againit Rome,
London, to wit. J^ Ohert Moore, ^fq; adminiftrator of the goods '^^^^ °" ^"^^
^^ and chattels, rights and credits, which be- l'f°%'l?' ''y ^'^
longed to Anne Bro'wne, otherwile Dleivton decealed, at the time
of her death, who died inteftaie, complains of /^«/»^j;7y Roive o^
the parifh of St. Martin in the fields, otherwife called, \^c. in the
cuftody of the marilial, lie. fn a plea that he render to him
1000/. oflawtul money of England which he unjuftly detains
from him, for this, to wit, that v/hereas the faid Anthony on the
27th day of Nauember in the 34rh year of the reign of the lord
Charles the fecond, late king of E' gland, Ifc. at London aforefaid,
to wit, in the parifh of St. Sefulchre in the ward of Farringdon
irzV^OH/, by his certain writing obligatory fealed with the feal of [ 165 J
the faid Anthony, and to the court of the lord the now king here
fliewn, the date whereof is the day and year abovefaid, acknow-
ledged himfelf to be held and firmly bound to the faid Anne, by
the name of Anne Neivton of London, widov;, in the faid 1000/.
to be paid to the faid Anne when he fliould be thereto after re-
quired : neverthelcfs the faid Anih:.ny,^\\.\io often required, Uc,
the faid 1000 /. to the faid Anne in her life-time, or to the fame
Robert after the death of the faid Anne, (to which faid Robert ad-
niiniilraiion of the goods and chattels, rights and credits, which
belonged to the fame Anne at the time of her death, after the
death of the faid Anne, to wit, on the lall day of January in the
year of the Lord 1695, by 1. nomas by divine providence archbi-
f)7op of Canterbury, primate and metropolitan of all England, to
whom the commiifion of that adminiflration did of right belong,
was tiuly committed,^) or either of them, hath not yet paid, but
til e faid //«Mo;?y the fame looo/. to the faid Anne in her life-
time, and to the fame Robert after the death of the faid Anne^
hath hitherto altogether denied to pay, and the faid Anthony doth
yet deny to pay them to the fame Robert, to the damage of the
laid Robert lOo /. And therefore he produces the fuir, ^c. And
the fame Robert produces here in court the letters of adminiflra-
tion aforefaid, which the commiflion of the adiuir.iftraiion afore ♦
faid in form aforefaid tcfiify, i^c.
T 3 Clar
Debt on bond
againft an exe-
cutor I'y the
lurviving obli-
Debt on bend
by an executor
ot an executor
agsinft an ail-
Claike againft Alton.
MiJd\ to wit. ^JOhn Clarke complains of PVilliam Alton a fer-
«/ vant to William Hrig^s, ed); being in the
cuftody of the marHial uf the- Mu: ffuilfea ot the court of the lord
the king before the king liiiiifelt, executor of the lall will an*! tef-
tamen; oi li'illiijm /luanh'is late father deceafed, otherwife called
JVilliam Alton of the town of Buckingham in the county oi Bucks ^
draper, in a plea that he render to him 600/. of lawful money
of /:.w^/rt;;hn IVilfon
when he fliould be thereto after required : NevertheK fs the laid
Wiiruim Alton the tellator in his Ht'e-lime, and the laid IVilHam
Allen the now detendant, after the death of the laid IVilliam
.i^//OH the teftator, altho' often required, l^c. the faid 600/. to
the fame John Claike and John IVilfon or either of them, in
the Ife-time of the faid John IVilfon, or to the fame John
Clarke after the death di the faid John IVilfon have not paid, nor
hath either of ih.m paid but have retufed to pay them the (?me,
and the laid William Alton ibe executor doth yet refufe to pay
the fame to the faid John Clarke, to the damage of the fiiid John
Clarke 40/. And therefore he produces the luii, i^c.
Drury and Dayley againft Monger.
London, to wit. ^Ohn Drury and Timothy Daylcy, executors
»/ of the laft will and teflainent of Elizuheth
Hickey deceafed, whp was execu'rix of the laft will and teftamer.t
of Mattheiv Hickey alfo dt-ceafed, complain of Richard Monger,
adminiftrator of all and fingular the good and chattels, rights
and credits, which belonged to Peter PAonger lately deceafed,
otherwife called Ptier Monger .of the parifh of St, Bullolph with-
out Aldgate in the county of Middlefex, brewer, in ^the cuftody
of (he marfhal, l^c. in a plea that he render to them 200 /. of
lawful money of Great Britain which he unjullly detains from
them, lf!c. for this, to wit, that whereas the laid Peter Monger
in his life-time, to wit, on the azd day of Januaiy in the year,
l^c. at l^c. by his certain writing obligatory fealed with the
teal of the faid Peter in his life-time, and to the court of the faid
Debt 1x6$
iord tlie now king here {hewn, the date wliereof is the fame
day and year, acknowledged himfelf to be held and firnnly bound
to the faid Mattheiv Hickey'xn his life-time in the ("aid 200 1. to be
paid to the faid Mutthe-vu, his executors or afligns, when he
ihould be thereto after required ; Neverthek-fs the faid Peier
Monger in his lite-time, or the faid Richard after the death of
the faid Peter, altho' often requirci!, ^f. the faid 200/. to the
faid Muithe-Tjo in his lite-time, or to the faid Eliztibeih in her
life-time after the death of the faid Mutiheiv, or to the fame
Jo/in and Timothy, or either of them, after the death cf the faid
Elizabeth, have not paid, but have denied to pay the fame to
them, or either of them, and the faid Richard doth yet deny
to pay to, and upjuftly detains the fame from, the faid "Jijlm and
'litnothy ; whereby they fay they are proju'iiced, and have da-
mage to the value of 20/. And therefore they produce the fuir,
l^c. And the fame John and Timothy produce here in court as
well the letters teftamentary of the laid Mattheiv aforefaid,
whereby it fufficiently appears to the court her that the faid [ 10° J
FJizabeth vjz^ executrix of the will of the iaid Mrt/Mf
Plea, N<»t ifie
deed of the tef-
Debt hj an aJ-
minidratnr ^e
btnit n»i on h
bond made by
a. fcHTic folc tt>
the Cedator.
Cafts in Pari.
15 where in
this cafe more
cofts were giv-
en than the
penalty was.
granted by the
archbifh'ip ot
"When, ^c. and fays, that flic ought not to be cliarged with
the debt afortfaid by virtue of the wriiing afor^f.iid, b caufe flie
r-iys, ihar the writing aforefaid is not the dtcd of the faid John
StapUy, knt. and bart. And of this flie puts htrfclf upon the
country, and the faid George hkewHe : T heretore let a jury
thereon coine before th-e lady the queen at IVeJlminfler on
thy next after and who neither, is'f. to recognize,
^c. The fame day is given to the parties aforelaid there, l^c.
Tcrrcy and Duvall.
Loudon, to wit. JJ/'llUam Terrey, adminiftrator of the goods and
cnatti^ls which belonged to P'/iiliam Kir"
ivoo.'I by Anne Terrey, otherv.'ile Kirivoo I deceafed, late executrix
of the will of IViliinm Kirtvood unat'ininillcrcd, complains of
Johi Duvall and E'.Tzaheth his wife, othcrwife lately called the
iiioft noble Elizabeth vifcountels Fur beck Deffring in the county
of Norfolk, widow, in the cuftody of the marihal, l^c. in a
plea that they render to him 140/. v;hich they unjullly detain from
hinj, for this, to wit, that whereri-; the faid Elizabeth while rtie
was fole, to wit, on the 20th day o'i October in the 27th year of
the reign of the lord Charles xh^ fecond, late Icing of Ef^gland,
bfc. at Lou, /on, to wit, in the parilh of St. Mary-le-bo'^u in the
ward of Cheap, by her certain wriiing obligatory fcakd with
the feal of the faid Elizabeth, and to the court of the lord and
lady the now king and queen here iliewn, the date whereof is
the fame day and year, acknowlec'ged herfelf to be held and
firmly bound to the fame IVilliam Kirivood in his life-time in the
faid t40 /. to be pai 1 to the fame JViUiam Kirqjuood, his executors,
adniinitlrators and afugns, when fiic Ibould be thereto required:
Neverthelefs the faid Elizabeth while ilie was fole. altho' oftea
required, l^c. the faid 140 /. to the fame William Kiriiv^d m his
Jife-linie, or to the fame yfniie after the death of ihe faid U'illiatn
Kirivood, while f!ie was fole, did not pay ; and the faid '^ohu
antl Elizabeth, after the efpoufals between them celebrated, to
the fame Anne v/hile line was fole, or to the fame Anne and
William Terrey after the efpoufals between them wfre celebrated,
or to the fame JVil'iam 1 errty after the death of the faid Anne
(to which (aid Will. Kerrey adniiniftration of all and fin'jular the
goods and chattels, which belonged to the faid Will. Kiw.ood ^i
the time of his death unadminiftered by the faid, by John
by divine providence archbifliop'of Canterbury, primate and me-
tropolitan of all England, on the 2d day of the month of De-
cember in the year of the Lord 1692, at Z-ow^/jn aforefaid in the
parirti and ward aforefaid was duly committed) have not paid,
but the faid Elizabeth v;hilc flie was fole them to the fame Will.
KirivooJ \r\ his life-time, or to the fame Amie after the death of
the faid PFill. Kiriiood whWa flie was fole, and the faid John and
Elizabeth after the efpoufals between them as atorefaid were ce-
Debt. J i66
iebfated, theai to the fame Anne while flie was fole, or to the
fame Will Terrey and Anne afcer the efpouials between theru
likewife as atorclaid were celebrated, have refufed to pay, and
them to the fame //'7//. Terrey z'ix.&x the death of the faid Anne^
and after the commitment of the adminiftration aforefaid in
form aforefaid, do yet refufc to pay, and unjuftly detain, in de-
lay of the faithful adminiilrarion atorefaid, and to the damage of
the faid IVilUam 'Terrey 20/. And therefore he produces the r c^ -»
fuit, cifr. And he produces here in court the letters cfadminifira- *• '
lion of the faid archbifhop, which the commitment of the admi-
niftration aforefaid inform aforefaid teftify, ^c.
PVilkirtfon and IVeale.
Midd\ to wit. Tpiiza^-eth IVilkinfoi, widow, adminlftratrix Debt on feve-
of all and lingular the goods and chattels, ral bonds by aa
rights and credits which belonged to Chriflcpher IVilkinJon her admjoiftratrix*
late hufband daceafed, complains oi Samuel IVeale, gent, other-
wife called Sumuel Weale of Lnvdreth in the county ot Cornvjully
gent, otherwife called .VrtOTiff/ Weale o'i ^u Dunjhm in the Wefiy
London^ g^"t' otherwile called Samuel IVeale ot the pariHi of
St. Diir.jian in the JVeJl, London, gent, in the cuftody of the
mar{hal,t5'^. in a plea that he render to her 90/. of lawful money '
of England, v/hich he unjuflly detains froui her, for this, to
wjf, that whereas the faid Samuel cnlhc 16th day of December
1690, at ire/iminjler in the county aforefaid, by his certain
writing obligatory fealed with the feal of the faid 5. and to the
court of the lord the now king here fhewn, the date whereof
is the fame day and year, acknowledged himfelf to be held and
firmly bound to the faid C W. in his life-time in 20/. parcel of
the faid 90/. to be paid to the faid C. when he fliould be thereto
af'er required : And whereas alfo the faid S. afterwards, to wit,
on the 29th day of Septemher 1690 sbovefaid, at Wejlminjler
aforefaid in the county aforefaid, by his certain other writing ob-
ligatory feaied alfo with the feal of the faid S. and to the court of
the laid lord the now king here Ukewife fiiewn, the date whereof
is the fame day and year, acknowledged himfelf to be held and
firmly bound to the fail C. W. in his life-time in other 20/.
other part of the faid 90/. to be paid likewife to the faid C. when
he fhould be thereto after required ; And whereas alfo the faid S.
afterwards, to wit, on the faid 29th day o^ September in the year
lall abovefaid, r.t IVejlminlier aforefaid in the county aforefaid,
by his certain other writing obligatory feaied alfo with the feal of
the frtid S. and to the court of the fiid lord the now king here like-
wife iliewn, the date whereof is the fame day and year, acknow-
ledged himfelf to be held and firmly bound to the faid C. W. in
his life-time in other 20/. of the faid 90/. other parcel, to be like-
v;:fe paid 10 ihe faid C. when he fhould be thereto ajtcr required j
And whereas alfo the fame S. afterwards, to wir, the fame day
and year laft abovefiid, at Wejlminf^tr aforefaid in the county
lb"! Debt.
aforcfni.!, by his certain other writing obligatory, fcaled likewVe
v.'iih tiie iVal of the faid A", anM to the court of the faid lord the
now king here alfo fliewn, the date whercofis the fame day and
year.-hckiiowlcdged liinileif to be held and firmly bound to the
laid C. in h's iife-tiine in other 20/. of the faid 90/. other par-
cel, to be p'lid likewife to the lame C. when he fliould be thereto
after required : And whereas alfothe fame S. afterv.- arc's, to wit,
the fame day, year and place Inti abovefaid, by his certain
other writing obligatory, fealed alio with the feal of the faid S.
and to the court ot the fai 1 lord the now kinj here alfo fliewn,
^he date whereof is the liinie day and year, acknowled<»ed himfelf
to be held and tiriniy bound to the luid C. in his life-time in 10/.
yefidue of the faid 90/. to be paid r!it on hon.l MidiCt to wit. 'h/f'^^y Pettyivard, widow, complains of John-
ji!,'ainfl two ex- Kent, e!q; and Nicholas Etnn, gent, execu-
(ftuto.i. tors of the laft will unci tefkainent of i^/V/^rt/-^ Kent, efqj other-
wife called Richard Kent of London, efq: in the cuftody of the
mar l:al, ia^c. in a plea that they render to her 200/. of lawful
monty o^ England, which they unjullly detain from her, for this
to Wit, that whereas rhe faid Richard'in his iite-time, to wu, on
the twelfth day of Odoher in the year of the Lord 1686, at
lVtJi:ninj}er in the county of Midilefex aforefaid, by his certain
writing obligatory, fealed with the feal of the i"iid Richard in his
Jife-time, and to the court of the faid lord the now king here
iliewn, the date whereof is the fame day and year, acknowledged
hlmfclf to be held and firmly bound to the faid Mary in the laid
; *^^ J 200/. to be paid to the fame A/^;r_y when he fliould be thereto
after required : Neverthelefs the faid Richard in his life-time,
snd the faid John and Nicholfis, or either of them after the deatk
ef the faid Richard, altho' often required, ^c. the laid 200/. to
Debt. 1 68
the fame Aifjry have not yet pa'ui, nor hath either of them paid,
but chefaid Rickurd in his hf.-tiinc them to the faid Mary altoge- .
ther refuted to pay, and the faid John and Nicholas afrer the
death of the faiil Richard them to the fame Mury do yet refufe to
pay and unjultly detain, to the damage of the faid Maiy 2oL
And therclore £he produces the fuit, ^c.
Ncnvell ai^ainR Batchslhr,
Debt on the
a lute for pre-
Midd^ to wit, TT/Tiliom bi-mel! co.inpkins oil'homas Batchelhr D
i'i the cultody ot the iiiarihal, ISc. in a plea ^
that he remier to him 16/. otlawtu! money of Greut Britain ^"^ q ' *'
which he owes him and unjuftiy i^ctains, for this, to wit, that
whereas the faid Thomas BatchsUor on the 29 h day of May
in the jzth year of the reign of our lady Anne, now queen of
Great Briiain, l£c. &llVeJhiiinJler in the county aforefaid, was
indebted to fhe fame William in the faid 16/. for fo much money
by the fa a1 Thomas Batchelhr to the ufc of the faid William Noiv-
ell after tne firft day of May in the year of the Lord 1711 had and
rcct:',V-J ; whrreby an aftion accrued to the faid William No'uell
to demr.nd and have of the faid Thomas Butchelhr the faid 16/.
accor>;:ng to the form of the ilatutc made and provided in a parli-
ament of the faid lady the now queen, held at Weftminjler in the
coupiy of MiddlefiX on the 25th day of Novembtr in the year of
the Lord 1710, intii'eil, An a£l for the better preventirg of ex-
C'rjive and deceitful gaming .• Neverthelefs the faid Thomas, ajtho'
ou^'n required, the fame 16/. to the fame Will am Nozie/l halli
not yet pa:d,but them to him hitherto hath denied, and yet doth
deny to p-sy ; whereby he fays that he is prejudiced, and hath
damage to the value of ^oA And therefore he produces the fuit,
Not indthted pleaded, ar.d the plainli^ recovered a verdlfl, and
the money vms faid him thereon.
Curfon againft Fatmt.
Leicejler, to wit. J\JAthaniel Curfort, bart. complains of ^////rtw Debt for rcaj
Fuunt, efq; being in the cuftody of the oa a Icafc.
marfhal of the Marjhaljea of the lord and lady the kincrand queen
before the king and queen themfelves, in a plea'that he render to
him 2O0/. of lawful money oi England which he owes Iiiin and
anjuilly detains, for this, to v.-it, that whereas the faid Natbamel
on the 24th day of A// following, to wit, the Wejl meadow at the mill-
rail, the Mills Clofe, otherwife Mdes Chfe, the Hall C.loj}, the
f.ed f-'igld, the Lilly Clofe, the QaU Clofe, the Warren, the
i6SI Debt.
Furzy Ckfe, the MiAJh Clofe, and the Highrxay Clofe, lying and
i;-t.>A,.- bcinj in F\iijn aforelaid inihc county aforefaid ; To have and to
hold me fc'vcTal clofts and parcels of land atorelaid with the, ap-
purtenances !o the iaid IViliium^nA his aiii;^ns, rroni the faid 24th
day of A/flrf// in the 4th year abovcfaid unto the end and term
RcJdciJum. of one whole year from thence next enfuing and fully to be coui-
pleat and en^VJ ; Yielding and paving tiiereiore to the faid Na^
t/ianie/ uniS his iiffigns the rent or fcin of 2S0/. of lawful money
tntry. Ci\ EiiplnnJ : By virtue of which faid demife the i'ame Il^iiliam.
inio tiK- tenenients aforefaid v/ith the appurtenances entered, and
was thereof pofilfled, add the fan:.e tenements with the appur-
EicacL tenances had held and occupied ; and the faid 28c/. for the year
aforefaid, ended at the featt of the annunciation oftheblefTed
virgin Mfnj in the firft vear of the reign of the lord and lady
ff'i/liam and Mary, now kifrg and queen of Er.g/ani/, ^c. were
in arrear and are yet unpaid ; whereby an aflion accrued to the
fame Nathaniel to demand and have of the laid M'iiliam the faid
280/- "Yet the faid I4'''illiam, altho' often required, of. the faid
280/. to the faid Nathaniel h&x\\ not yet paid, but hath hitherto
altogether denied and yet doth deny to pay him the fame, to
the damage of the faid Nathaniel 100/. And therefore he produces
the fuit, ySc.
,. . When, y^. and fays, that the faid Nathaniel at the time of
ITad nofning in ^j^^ demife aforefaid in the dechiration aforefaid mentioned had
the t nenitnts- .., r.-iL c i. u 11.
c Lev. 193.146. nothing m tne tenements atorelaid v/hereor he could make the
Town.Tai>.i49 demife aforefaid : And this the fame IVilliam is ready to veri^ ;
? V-n. 291. Wherefore he prays judgment if the faid Nathaniel ovghi to have
Praa.Rcg.214. or maintain his a^l^ion aforefaid againft him, ^c.
J. , , And the faid Nathaniel fays, that he by any thing by the faid
I '^9 J in Hi am ahoy em pleading alledged ought not to be precluded
plaintWsfatlier ''"'^■" I^'^ sftion aforcfaid thereof againrt him had, becaufe he fays
ircovered judg- that otherwife, to wit, in Michaelmas term in the jzd year of
r_ient againft the rcjgn of the lord Charles l\\s fecond, late k'wig 0^ EnglanJy
9-^'"' ^°°°^- ^c. one J(.hn Cur/on, lent, and bart. deceafed, in his life-time,
in the court of the common bench at M^/hnin/Jer before Frarcis
North, knt. and his companions, then juftices of the faid late
king of the bench aforefaid, at ll^ejif/iinjler in the county of MiJ-
Jkfex, bv the cofifideration of the fame court recovered againfl:
George Faunt, efu; by the name of George Faunt 0^ Fell on in
fhe county of Z,f;Vf/?c'r, efqjaswell a certain debt of 2000/. as
40s. w hich to the fame J. C. in the fame court of the common
bench were then adjudged for his damages which he had as well
by reafon of the detention of that debt as for his coils and charges
by him about his fuit in that behalf expended, whereof the fame
CVor^i' is convi^fd, as by the recofd and proceedings thereof in
the lame court of the conr.mon bench at IFeflminJler aforefaid
remaining of record is more fully manifeft and appears ; which
faid judgment had and obtained was for a true and juit debt to the
er in the lame term, came into the court of the
common bench aforefaid at {■rejhnin/rer aforefaid, by Jo/in
Dowries his atiorney, and by the ititute in fuch cafe made and 13 E. i. c. i5.
provided chofe to be deliered to him all the goods and chattels
of the faid G. except his oxen and beafcs of his plough, and like-
wife the one-half of his land and tenements, to detain to himfcif
the goods and chattels aforefaid as his own propc r goods and chat-
tels, and alfo to hold the faid half as his freehold to himfeifand
his affigns, according to the form of the ftatute afoiefaid, until
the djebt and dainaijes aforefaid fliould be thereof levied ; And r; •, r. 4 i.
1 .1 • t t \ 1 /^i 1 \ r II •• ,- ^ifK'^ '^^° out,
he prayed the writ or the lord L,':ar!es the lecond, late kmg of
Er.glanJ, ^c to be direded to the fherifF of the county of
Leicefler j and it was granted him, returnable in the fame court
of the common bench at IVelbnirft.r in the oftave of St.
Biliary, ^c. On which day the faid' J. C. came into the fame
court by his attorney aforefaid : And the fberiff did nothing
therein, nor returned the writ ; Therefore, as before, another
writ was made to him thereof in form aforefaid, returnable in the
fame court on the morrow of the Holy Trinity, ^c. On which
day the faid J. C. caine into the fame court by his attorney afore- inquiCtion tt*
faid ; And the fberiff", to wit, Jeremiah Do've, efq; then returned turned,
there a certain inquifition, taken before him at Billefdon in the
county of Leicejiir aforefaid on the 30th of May then laft pafr,
by the oath of 12, ^r. by which it was found, that the faid G. ^ -, ^.^ ,.
on the day of the caption of the inquifition aforefaid was feifed in fg^ 0*' Gf/ "*
}iis demefne as of fee of and "n one clofe of paflure with the
appurtenanees in Fe/lon in the county of Leice/ier aforefaid,
called Mills clofe, containing by eftimation eight acres or there-
abouts, then or late in the tenure or occupation of the faiil G. F.
or his alTigns, of the clear yearly value in all ilTues beyond re-
prifes of 60s. And of and in one other clofe of paflure with
the appurtenances in F^-Zrow aforefaid in the county of Z.^/V^/?tr
aforelaid, called Hull Cbfe, containing by eilimation eiThteen
acres or thereabouts, then or late in the tenure or ocmpatir.n of
the faid G. F. or his affigns, of the clear yearly value in all iffiics
beyond reprifcs of 10/. And of and in one other clofe (;f pallure
V'iih the appurtenances in Fefton aforefaid, in the counrv afore-
faid, called ReJ/itld, containing bv eftimation 140 acres, or
thereabouts, then or late in the pofFeiTion of the faid G. F. or
his affigns, of the clear yearly value in all ilTues beyond reprifes
of 40/. Andof and in one other clofe of pai'iure with the ap-
purtenances in Fefion aforefaid in the county aforefaid called
Kd'^yChfe, containing by eftimation 60 acres of land or there-
abouts, then or late in the tenure or occupation of tlic faid G. F.
or his aifigns, of the clcnr yearly value in all Iflues bevond reprifes
otjo/. (Jo on reciting all the frveral f%:
»no tlic fame
as in the decla-
[ 170 ]
Tenant by
JLhgit mad«
pUin;iff" execu-
tor aad died)
who entere8.
Tliat the debt
is not paid, ami
To, Cff.
Tli-joimler, that
before the
jud£;mePt re-
rovei-^fi IV-
and B. reco-
vered 2 judg-'
ment in the
apainfl defend-
nnt'K ancrftor
for f.oool. and
Aied out aa
iVld, the faiJ clofe calleu /A///. CVoyi Ai/^)', :he faiJ c!of • called the G,?/e-
Clofe, the laid dole tnlle;'. the I'Far.en, ih:- fail clofe called the
Furzy Chj'e, the fnid clofe called Ajidi.h C/.v, the faid clofe
called High'tuay Cloje, the faid clofe calico y/.j! Mea !otv at the
mill-tail, bting all in the occupation of the lai.l G. F. or his
afligns. and lying and being in Fefton aforefaid in the county of
Z-fuf/tT aforefa'.ii, are one j nil and equal haU of the nieffaagcs,
lands and tenements atDrcfaid ; which faid halt the faid flierifF
on the day of the caption of the inquifition atorefaid, by virtue
of the writ afori.faid lo as afortfaid to him dirr-tled, caufed to
be delivered to the faid J. C. bart. u- hold to hi.n and his :illigri
rs his freehold until his debt and da^.-igv-s aforefaid ihoiiid be
fully levied, as he v/as by that wrii comma'v'ed : And the iame
A', farther fays, that the fevera! cloies atid parcels o. land lad
mentioned, to wit, the Mills C/j/f, the H'lf CI />, the Re-lfi'ldy
KdhyChje, the Gate Chje, the Warren^ t-^ Fwz.yChfe, Middle
ChlCy Highixay Cljje, the IVef.Cljfe, High'-xayChft, the fVeJI
Ch/e at the mill- tail, are the fame clofes in the declaration afore-
faid above-mentioned to b? deniifed to the fame I fill am, into
tvhich faid clofes with the appurtenances the faid John Ci;rfon\\\
his life-time by virtue of the delivery aforefaid entered, and was
thereof feifed as of his freehold until, tfff. and being fo thereof
feifed the fame J. C. i.tttiwards, to wit, on the ift day oi De-
cember !6S6, at Le!C fier in the county of Leicejlir aforefaid,
made his laft will and teftament in writing, and by the fame con-
ftiruted and ordained him the faid Nat/ianiel Curfon executor o(
his will aforefaid, and afterwards there died fo as afor.faid feifed 5
after whofe death the fame N. the will of the faid J. aforefaid in
due form of law proved, and took upon himfelf the burden of
the execution thereof ; and th^ fame A', into the clofes aforefaid
laft mentioned with the appurtenances ^^ntered, and was feifed
thereof as of hisfreehoM until, ifc. and that he had not levied
the debt and damages aforefaid nor any part thereof at the time
of the dem'fe in the declaration afor- faid above-mentioned, nor
ever after hath levied : And fo the Time A', fays that he, at the
time of the demife in the declaration aforelaid above-mentioned*
had a good and fat^cient edare in the tenements aforefaid with
the appurtenances, whereof he might make the demife afore-
■ faid of the tenements aforefaid with the appurtenances aforefaii.k|
^^o t
tailuvlclr, to (detain to hinifelf the goods and chattels aforcfaid
as his own proper goods and chattels, and alfo to hold the one
half aforefaid as his freehold to him and his afllgns, according to
the form of the ftatute aforefaid, until they rtiould thereout levy
the debt and damages aforefaid : Whereupon afterwards, to wit,
on the 29th day o'CKo'vemhcr in Michaelmas tenu in the 27th year
of the reii'H of the faid lord Charles the fecond, late king of Eng-
tajuiy l^c. by writ of the faid late lord the king cf Elegit of and
upon the faid judgment profecutcd, direfled to the fame then
ihcfiff of the county of Leicejler, the faid then fheriff of the coun-
ty of Leicfjlerwz^ commanded that all the goods and chattels of
the faid G. except his oxen and the beads of his plough, and like-
wife the one hnlf of the land and tenements in his bailiwick, of
r 171 ] which the fame Gevrj^e on the morrow of the Holy Trinity in the
26th year of the reign of the faid late king of Evgland, ifc. on
whicli dav the judgnumt atorcfaid was given, or ever after was
fcifcd, he fhculd without delay caufe to be delivered to the faid
IVitliam Boothhy and Walter Ruding by a reafonable price and
extent, to detain to themielves the goods and chattels aforefaid
as their own proper goods and chattels, and alfo to hold the one
half aforefaid as their freehold to them and their affigns, accord-
ing to the form of the ftatute aforefaid, until they fliould thereout
levy the debt and damages aforefaid ; and in what manner the
faid wri,- was executed, the fame fheriff was commanded to
return to the barons cf the exchequer aforefaid at Wejlminjler
in the oftave of the purification of the bleffed virgin Mary then
next following, under his feal and the feals of them by whofe
oath that e:aent and appraifement fliould be made, together
with the name': of thofe by whofe oaths the faid extent and ap-
praifment fliould be made, and the faid writ : On which day
the faid William Boothby and Walter Ruding came into the fame
court in their proper perfons, and the fheriff, to wit, Wi'lliam
Cole, cfq; then llieriff of the county of Leicefier aforefaid re-
turned, thai the faid Gevrge Faur.t had no goods or chattels in
his bailiwick whereby he could levy the debt aforefaid, or any
The Inquifitlon penny thereof; and farther returned on the writ afortfaid a
rcturn'd. certain incuifition taken before him at the borough of Leicejier
in the county of Leicejier aforefaid on the third day of February
in the 28th year of the reign of the faid lord the late king Charles
the fecond, by the o-aths of Edivard BriddUy Thomas Madden,
ISc. (reciting all the jury) good and lawful men of bis county,
who being h\'orn and charged upon their oaths aforefaid faid,
that the faid George Faunt, efq; in the writ aforefaid named, at
the time of giving the judgment aforefaid in the faid v/rit Ipe-
TVie (defendant cified, to wit, on the morrow of the Holy Trirriiy in the 26th
feifej in fee of, yga^ of Charles the fecond, late king of England, ^c. was fejfed,
^'* and then was feifed in his demefnc as of fee of and in a capital
luefTuage with the appurtenances, fituate, lying and being in
Fepn in the county aforefaid, then in the tenure or occupatioa
of the faid George Faunt, or his affigns, of the clear yeaily va-
Debt. 17^
lue in all illues beyond reprifes of lof. and ofr.nd in a do(e o'
pafture with the appurtenances in Fencn aforefaid in the county
fiforefaid, called Mills Clofe, containing by cftiniation, Iffc. (Jo
en recitirg pnrlicuLjrs of all the lands in t^e Jume marner) ; Which
faid capital nuiTuage with the appurtenancfs, the faid cloft called
Parne-yard, the (aid clofe called Mills Clofe, the faid dole called
Hr.lls Clofe, the laid clofe called ReJfieU, the faid clofe called
Kilhy Cl;fe, the faid clofe called Gate 'Cloft, the faid dofe called
the Wairerx, the faid clofe called ?urz.y Clofe, (with fome others
recited) with all and fingular their appurt.^nanc(.s, are one equal
half of all and lingular the mefiuages, lanes an.' tenements fttore- ; which faid moiety he the faid flierifFon the day of the Delivery of»
caption of the inquifition aforefaid, by virtue of the writ aforefu'', moi.ty to the
had caufed to be delivered to the faid IVilUam Buoihby an>^ M'al- plaintiff*.
ter RuiHtg in the faid writ mentioned, to hold to them and their
alTigns as their freehold until the debt and damages in the faid
writ named fliould be thereout fully levied, as he was command-
ed bv the faid ^'rit : And the fnme V/iUiam farther fays, that
the faid iherifF farther returned, that the jury aforefaid on their
oaths afnrcfaid farther faid, that the faid George Fount in the writ
aforcTai ! mentioned had not, nor on the day of the capiion of
the inquifiiion aforefaid, and giving of the judgment aforefaid, or
ever afier, had any other or more iiK-lfuages, lands or tenements,
or any goods or chattels in his bailiwick, to the knowledge of
the jury aforefaid, or by any evidence to them fliewn, as by the
writ aforefaid, and the return of the inquifition aforefaid, in the
faid court of the fiiid lord king Charles y\\t fecond c f exchequer of
record fled, is more f^ully nianifeft and appears: And the faid
William Faunt farther fays, that the feveral clofes and parcels of
land, to wit, the Mills Clofe, the Hull Clofe, the RedfieU, the
Kilhy Chfe, the Gate Clofe, the IFwren, the Furzy Clofe, the
Highiuay Clfe, the Wejl Mead vj at the bridge, the Wefi Mea-
floiv at the end of the Middle Clfe, parcel of the clofes and te-
nements in the inqnifirion aforefaid m.ntioned, and by the faid
ihf riff of the coun(v of Leicefltr to the faid IVilliam b'.ithhy and
Walter Rudi'g by the fame inquifition dfliver> d, to hold to them
and their alTigns until they fliall fully levy the debt and d-.(iTiages
aforefaid to them due, and the clofes in the dt claratio> mentioned
to be demifed by the faiy^joood\n his life-
time in the faid 400/. to be paid to the fan-e "fohn when he
fhould be thereto required, and well and f:;ithfully to make the
fame payment he bound himfelf and his heirs by the fame writ-
ing : Ncverthelefs the faid IVilliatn in his life-rime, and the faid
Sarah who was heir and devifee of the faid Williavi after his
death, andtlie faid Gco'gs, fon and heir of the faid Sarah, after
the death of the faid Sarah, altho' often required, l^c. the faid
400/. to the faid John in his life-fime, or to the fame Ifaac and
Elizabeth after the death of the faid John, or to either of them,
have not yet pa'd, nor hath any of them paid, but have altogether
denied to pay the fame to them, or any of them, and the faid
Georg" doth yet deny to pay the fame to the faiJ Ifaac and Eliza-
beth, and unj^flly detains, to the dan)age of the faid Ifaac and
FJiz-ibeth 10/. And therefore they produce the fuit, ^c. And
the lame Ifaac and FA zabflh produce here in court the letters
tcftamenrary of the faid Tt"^", wherebv it fuffioiently appears (O r j-, 1
the court here, that the faid lUziheih is executrix of the laft
will and teftanient of the faid Jjhn, and thereof hath the admi-
niflration, ifc.
When, Ifc. And pravs oyer of the writing obligatory afore- oyc '"f 'he
fnid ; and to him it is tead, ^c. he prays likewife oyer of the condiiion.
conddtion of the fame wiiting j and to him it is read in ihcfe
v/ords, to wir, The contlinon of this obligaiion is fuch, that if the
abovc-bounden iViUiavi IP'^iluitifon and Prifctlla Ihr.ywiod, or
either of them, their or eiihcr ofihc'r heirs, executors or admi-
niftrators, do well and truly pay or caufc to be paid unto the
U 2 abovc"
above-named John Lemoti Honyixood, his e.recutors, adniinifira-
tcis or aflign^, the full fumof 212/- of good and lawtul nione/
of Lngluntl, on the nrft day of Maych which fliall be in the year
ofourLcrd 1682, then this obligation to be voi.l, (r elfc to remain
Paymenf after ^ ^"^' '^orre : Which being read and heard the faid George fays,
the d.iy prt- that the f.'.id Ijaoc and Elizabeth ought not to have or niaintaiti
tended. the'r action aforefaid thereof againft hini, becaufe he fays, that
t'le laid IVtlUam IVilkirfon in his life-time, after the faid ift day
Thi<: i> n!ni£;hf, ^^ March in the condition aforefaid mentioned, and before the ex-
dewn t"h' tvi- hrbition of the bill aforefaid, to wit, on ttie 27th day of February
dcnceto'.hai in the year of the Lord 1692, paid to the faid John l.emott Hgny-
day, ivjo-i 200/. being the principal fum torhe fame John Lev:ott Hony-
1159 / by the condiiinn of the writing aforefaid due, together with
the whole intereft for the laid 200/. then cue, to wit, at the pa-
rifn o( Si. Clement Danes :iiore{z\d in the county of Mcldlefe:i
aforefaid : And this he is ready to verify ; Wherefore! he prays
judgment if the faid IJanc and Elir.aieth ought to have or maintain
their aftion nforetaid thereof againll him, l^c.
Rtpl- that he ^^^ ''''^ ^"^''^ Ifdac and Elizabeth fay, that they b" any thing
flitl not pay, btfore alledged ought not to be precluded from their aftion afore-
faid againft the faid George had, becaufe they fay, that the faid
JVillidm IVilkirifon in his life-time, after tiie faid ift day of March
in the condition aforefaid mentioned, and before the exhibition of
the bill aforefaid, did not pay to the faid Joh}! Lemuft Honyivood
the faid 200/. and the intereft for the fame due, as the faid George
above by pleading hath alledged : And this they pray may be
inquired of by the country : And the faid George thereof like-
v'ife : Therefore let a jury thereon come before the lord the king
at IVeJiminJler on day next after and v.'ho neither, i^r,
to recognife, tffr. becaufe as well, ^c. The fame day is given to
the parties aforefaid there, t!ff.
T//f plaintiff recorjered a Ferdid Mich. 5 Geo,
tVrench and Jaques.
Hebt on a bail- ^^'•^'^> ^0 wit. ^Ihn U^remh, afiij^nec of R. B. knt. and R, K.
{j(jn(j, J knr. rt> r^ffof the county oi Middh/ex aforefaid,
according to the form of the ftatute in fuch cafe thereof lately
made and proviied, complains of John Jagues, otherwif.s Cfr. in
the curtody of the marfh:'.! ?i'njier on Mondiy
ntxt after f'le morrow of ihc Alceiifion ot the Lorvl, to anfsver to
thefaid 7-./^'/ IVri/nr/i in a plea of trcfpafs, and alfo to the bill of
thefaid Jj/iu If^rench againft the faid P. Brittnive for 20/- debt,
accoro!:.g to the cuftoni of the court of rhe faid lord the kmg be- ^^f^^ ddiverei
fore the king hinif-U' to be exhibited : Which faid precept after- to ti-e flierifF.
wards, anii before the return of the fame, to wit, on the faid 20th
day of M.TV 1715 abovelaitJ, at the parilli ot S'. Clement Danes \n
the county of Middlejex aforelaid, to the faid /?► B knt. and R.
A", knt. being then llu riff of the county of yWiV/^/f/,;c afortfai 1,
v/as delivered in due form of law to b*; executed : By virtue of ^^•'^ defen-
which laid precept to the fkeriff of Mid''^'^''» at the rcqucft an J cofts of the {A\iJo/in Wrenc/i, be-
plaiatiff; '"g ^ common pcrfon as r.torefaid, the (aid R. B. lent, and R. K.
Jcnf. fhcrifl-' ot the county oi MiA.ilclcx afonifuid, by the name of
A'. B. k:;r. and R. K. knt. nicriff ot' tlie county aforeiaid, afiigned
to the i.uJ John IVrenih the writing obligatory alorefaiu lo tor the
appearance o\ the faid B. Brittanw as atorefaid made, by in-
dorfing the allignnK-nt tof ihefaia llverirT of the writing obligatory
aforeiaid on that writing obligatory, and by then and there at-
tefting the fame alTignnicnt the hand and feal of the (aid
;nierlffin the prefence cf two crec'iblc witnefTes, according to the
4 A. c. i5. form of the ft^tute in fuch cafe thereof lately piade and provided •,
§. ^o. which faid anignnunt (rhedate whereof is the fame i ili day of
Jnr.e in the year of the Lord 1715 abovefaid) is alio to the faid
court of the faid lord the king now here iliewn ; by reafon of
whereby an which faid premifTes, according to the form of the ftatute in that
aclion accrutd. behalf ma.,e rr(l provided, an f.ftion accrued to the fame John
IVre-uh, as aflignee of the fiid R. B. knt. and R. K. knt. Ili^riff
of the faid county of Mid-JIeffx as aforeffiid, to demand and' have
of the f.;i.-l Jjhn Jaques ciie faid 40/. Nev. rtheltfs the fiid John
Jaquess altho' often requi.-ec, l^c. the faid 40 /• to the fame Jahn
IVrench or to the fame R.'B. and R. K. or to any of them, hath
jiot yet paid, but liu- uime to the faid John Ifrench or the laid
R. B. and R. K. or any of them, hath hitherto altogether denied
to pay, and dotl» yet deny to pay the fame to the faid Jo/in
pFrerch, to the damage cf the faid John fVrench 10/, And there-
fore he produces the I'uit, life
Bokcniiam and his luife againft Mauley,
Pelt apalnft an London, to wi
t. TJ/'llliRm Bokenhntn, efq; and Frances his
Wife, late called Fronces MtmUy, fpinflcr,
liy Uie"inu'ftlte comyp^i'.n 0^ Margaret Murtey, widow, adminillrntjix of all and
to the plain- fingular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, which be-
tlflT's wit> ]on?ed to Thomas Marly, g^"t- her late hufbmd decenfed,
while fole. othcrwife lately called Thomas Mar.ley of the pariHi of St Mai-
ga^et near the citv o^ Rochejl^r in the county of Ke^it, gent.
in the cuftody of the m:irfiial, ^f. in a plea that (lie render to
them 120/. of lawful money o^ En^J^^iJ, which flie unjuflly de-
tains from them, for this, to wit, that whereas the fiid Thomas
in his life-time, to wit, on the 22d day of Septeihher in the 3d
year of the reign of the lord IVilliiim now king and the lady Mtjry
iate queen of Englandy ISc. at Loti^inn aforefaid, to wit, in the
pariOi of St. M.ny-le bo-JO in the ward ci Cheap, bv his certain
•writin-r obligatory fealed with the feal of the faid Thomas in his
life-time, and to the court of the lord king VViUin»' the third now
here fiiewn, the date whereof is the fame day and year, ac-
Icnowled£;ed himfelf to beheld and firmly b^nnd to the faid
Frances while fli2 was fole, by the name of Frances Manhy pi
the parifli of St. Margaret aforefaid in the county aforefaid,
fpinfter, in the faid 120 A to be paid to the fame Frances wher^
Debt l^li
Itc fiioi?ld be tHereto required ; NJeverfhelefs the faiid Thomas in
his lite-time, or the faid Margaret after tr,e dcnii of the faid
Thomas, (to which faia Margatet aJminiltration of all and fin-
guiar the goods and chattels, rights and credits which belonged
to the faid Ihofnus at the time of his death, who died intefiate,
If^c. after the death of the fidd Thomas, v/as coinniitte.),) fdtho'
often req-cired, L c. the lai'^ T2o/. ro the faid Frances while flie
was ro!e> or to the fame iVillum snd i^r/v;;c« atrer the efpctsfris
between them celebrate;', have rot vet paid, nor hath eithtr of Saiir_ ^5 to 4««
them paid, but the lame to th^e faid Frances Idle ili3 was fole,
and to the faid William an.i Frances after the efpoufals between
them ctiebra:ed, have altogether denied to pay, and the faid
Margaret doth yet deny to pay them t(} the faid VVtlUam and
Frances, and urijuftly detains the fame, to the damage of the
faid William -asi^ Frances \ol. And therefore they produce th^2
jfuit, ^r.
AjIrieivliQ as well ^^c. di^^m^i FiJJenden. [ 175 ]
Sujfex, to wit. OAmuzl Afirie, gent, who fue^ as well for the lord Debt by an in-
the king as for himfclf in this behalf, complains former on the
of Thomas FlJfenUen the elder, being in the cuftody of ihe marllial ^^^'^^^ Car. z.
of the Mar/Judjea of the lord the ting before the king himfelf, in a [o'chu'rcr'"^^
plea that he render to the faid lord rlie king and to the fame Sa- i Bro. 91.
tnueU v^ho as well, l^c. zoo I. of lawful money oi Euglmd which Salk. 30, jyj*
he owes thein and unjuftly detains, for this, that the faid Tho.
FiffenJen on the 20th day of May in the 34th year of the reign of
the lord Charles the fecond, now king of England, Iffc. bein?
above the age of 16 years, and then and from thence continually
after for the fpace of ten months then next following an inhabi-
tant and comniorant within this kingdom of England, to wir,
at the parifli of All Saint-s in Leives in the county aforefaid, did
not repair, nor endeavour to repair himfelf to his parochial
church of All Saints in Z-fivfj afore faid, nor to any other churc'i,
chapcd, or ufual place of common prayer and preaching, or of
other divine fervice there ufed and adminiftered, according to the
form of the ftatute in fuch cafe made and provided, but himfelf
for all the time aforefaid voluntarily and obftinately without any
lawful or reafonable caufe, or any rcafonable excufe, did forbear
from the fame, againft the form of the feature in fuch cafe made
and provided ; whereby an adion accrued as well to the lord
the king as to the faid Samuel, who as well, Qfr. to demand and
have oi the faid Thomas the faid 200 /. to wir, for every month of
the faid ten months in which the fame Thomas from church, cha-
pel, or place of prayer and preaching, or other divine fervice there
J.S aforefwid ufed and adminiftered, did forbear himfelf againft the
f'jrm of the ftatuta aforefaid, 20 /. Neverthclefs the faid Thomas,
allho' often required, t5V. the- faid 200/. to the faid lord the king
and the faid Samuel,who as wellj^c. hath not paid, but the fame to
them hath altogether refufcd, and yet dothrcfufc to pay, to thed.i-
U 4 mage
t75 Debt.
mag'? of the Caul Samuel ^o I. Ami therefore a$ wdi for the
faid lord the king as for hinift-If he produces the fuit, iSc.
Plea, When, t^c. and lays, that he doth not owe to the faid lord
nothing. the king and the fa-.d Sii,nutl, who «s well, tiff, the laid 200/.
nor any penny thereof, in manner and form as the faid Sumuelf
who as well, flfr. againft hiiu complains: And of tiiis he puts
himfelf upon the country : And the faid Sitmuel, who as well,
i^c. thcroot likewife, iSc. 1 hertfore let ^ jury tlit;rcOn cdiiiC
betore the lord the king at M^ejlminjler on Weduef.lcy nex after
three weeks of the Holy Trviiiy j ann who neither, fife, to recog-
nize, i^c. becaufj as well, isc. The fame day is given to the
parties afortfaid there, l5c.
Powk and another againft Bar'weH.
Debt againft North'ton, to wit. Tf^ Mery Ponju/p, widow, and J-/;n Tucker^
the bill on a ^-' ajfignees cf Francis Sf. Jo/in now bart^
p!!c't Re? late Frrtwm S/. Jo^m, t'.'q: late flierlfF of the county aforefaid,
^!,^/ according to the form of the ftatute in fuch cafe thereof lately
mtdeand provided, complain of John Rarive/l, otherwife called,
l!fc in the cuttody of the marOial, if^c. in a plea that be render
to thiiij io6o/, of lawtul money of Great Britftirt which he
owes them an-, unjuftlv detains, for this, to wir, that whereas
one Robert Tebutt the youngi-r, ..fier the firft day of Trinity
term in the year of the Lord 1706, to wit, on the 22'i <^'Y/«f/j St. J^hn, being then as
''tn. aforefaid fheriff of the county of North^ion aforefaid, of and
upon that arrelt tock bail for the faid Robert Tthutt the younifer,
to wit, the faid Robert Tebutt the younger, and the faid JJm
Barivell and one Robtrt Tebutt, which faid Robeit Tebutt the
younger, John BariJuell and R'lhtrt Tebutt, on the faid 22'1 day
of July in the year of the Lord abovefard, at Oundle aforefaid,
in the county aforefaid, by a certain writing obligatory, which
' the fame Emery and John, as wtll with the feal of the faid
John Barixell as with the feals of the faid R/b. Tebutt the
younger and Rob. Tebutt fealed, hce in court produce, the
date whereof is the fame day and year lafi abovefaid, by
which faid writing the faid John 5^rTt;r// acknowledged hirnfelf
to be held and firmly bound to ihe faid F. St. Johr^ b^ing
t ns
Thz coaiiition.
The bond a&
.t!ien as aforcfald ilierifF of the faid counfy, by tlie name of F,
5/. Jo/in,
the faid infants formerly granted, being by reafon of the death ^''' ^^*
of the faid Darnel determined and exp'red, by Thomas by divine
providence archbifhop of Cante'hury, primate and metrooolitan
of all Erglanj, after ihe dt-ath of the faid Daniel, to wit, on tlie
l^thday of November 1700, zl London aforefaid in the parifTi
and ward aforefaid, was duly committed,) or to any of ihem
have not paid, nor hath either of them paid, but the fame to the
faid Dixy in his life-lime, and to the faid Daniel ^n his life-time,
and to the faid Thomas after the death of the faid Dixy and
Daniel, have altogether denied to pay, and the fame to the faid
Thomas the faid Elizabeth doth yet deny to pay, and urjuftlv'
detains, to the damage of the faid Thomas 20 I. And therefore Profert of the
he produces the fuit, tffc. And the fame Thomas produces here >'^f"''^'*^-''at'('»
in court the letters of adminiftraticn aforefaid of the archb'fhop °
aforefaid, which the commifTion of the adminiftration aforefaid
to the fame Thomas after the death of the faid Daniel in forni
aforefaid ttftify, iyc.
Frith and his ivife againd Heard,
London, to wit. I7 Duard Frith and Margaret his wife, execu- Debt by
■^ trix of the laft will and teftament of Samuel ^^^'^^^'i'S-^
Ma/ion late deceafed, complain of R. Heard adminillrator of \^^ ^^ bond,
all and fingular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, which
belonged to J. Heard late of IVare in the county of HettforJ,
yeoman deceafed, oiherwif? called, l^c. in the cuftodv of the
niarflial, tfff. in a plea tha( he render to them 40/. of lawful
money of England, which he unjuftly detains from them, for
this, to wii, that whereas the faid John in his lite-time, to wit,
on the 31ft day of March 1688, at l.vndcti nf refaid, to wit,
in the parifh of Sr Dunjhin in the Weft in the ward of Fairing-
dm Wiih'.ut, bv his certain writing obligatory fcaled v. ith the
fcal of the faid John in his life-time, and to the court of the faid
lord the king nov/ here fhewn, the date v.hereofis thef'ime ilay
and year, acknowledged himfclf to bi- held and firmly bound 10
Xl§'l Debt.
ftic faid 5. in h's life-time in the faid 40 /. to be paid to the faid ^s
when he fhould be thereto after required : Neverthclefs the faid
y. in his life-time, or the faid R. after his death, altho' often
required, ^c. to the fame S. in his life-lime, or to the faid
ili. after his death while fhe was ^oie, or to the faid L. and M.
after the efpoufals between iliem celebrated, rhe faid 40/. have
not, nor hath either of them, yet paid, but the faiij J. in his
life-time di:i altogfther refufe, and the faid R. after his death
doth yet refufe to pay, and unjuftly detains the fame, to the
damage of the faid E. and M. 10/. And therefore they produce
the fuit, &c. And the fame E. and M. produce here in court the
letters teftamentary of the lall will and teflament of the faid .SU
whereby it fufSciently appears to the court here, that Hie the
faid M. is executrix of the will aforefaid, and thereof hath th*
adminiftration, ifc.
Jcyner and Horwood.
Debt by an Miiid\ to mt, 7\/f ^rgery jfqyner, widow, executrix of tbe laff^
executrix J.y ^jij ^^^ tetbment of R, complains
toijiey onbon'd. o^ Jonathan Horivood oi the ^"^nAx of St. Mmg.iret M''ei]minjler
in the county oi Middefex, gent, one of the attornies of the
court of the lord the king before the king hiinfelf, being prefent
here in court in his proper perfon, othcrwife called, &f. in a
plea that he rcuvier to her 100/. of lawful money 0^ England,
which he unjuftly detains from her, for this, to wit, that whereas
the faid J. on the 7th day of Afay in the 36th year of the reign
of the lord Charles the fecond late king of England, ^c. at
IVe/lmir.Jier iti the county of Mid lief ex, aforefaid, by his certain
writing obligatory fcaled with the feal of the faid y. and to the
court of the faid lord the king now here fiiewn, the date whereof
is the fame day and vear, acknowledged himfelf to be held and
firmly bound to the faid R. in his life-time in the faid 100/. to
be paid to the fame R. when he flioulu be thereto after required:
Neverthclefs the faid, l^c.
[ ^79 ] Offley ^gsiin^ Or?ne and anolher.
of\ reaory' M'ulJlefcX, tOVi'xt. J^Rances Offiiy, widow, complains of Tna-
and tithes by mas Ormty efq; and Hugh Humphries f
indenture of clerk, in the cuftody of the -marflial, ^c. in a plea that they
tieasife. render to her 84/ of lawful money of f/f^/^^n./, which they owe
her and upjuftly detain, for this, to wit, that whereas by a cer-
tain indenture made at the parifh of S". Clement Dares in the
county of Middlefcx aforefaid, on the 26ih day of February in
the year of the Lord i632, between the faid Frances Cffiey, wi-
dow and reliiflof Gies, altho* often nquir-
cd, l£c, the faid 84/. to the fame Frances have not yet paid nor
hath either of them paid, but have hitherto altogether denied,
and yet do deny to pav her the fame, to the damage of the faid
Frances lool. And therefore flie products thr fui', (fc.
Plea tVat plain- VVhcn, cfr. and fay, that the faid Frances Offley the now
tiff entered into . plaint'tF Ought not to have or maintain her sftion atortlaid thereof
part of the pre- againft iheiii, beeaufe they fay, that after the faid demife of the
inifles before fal,) premilT^s in the declaration aforefaid above fpecifi^d, and
any rtnt due. before any rent by that demife becanie due or payable to the faid
Frar.ces Oj^ey the now plaintiff, to v/ir, on the 20th day cX
Match 1682 abovefaid, ine the faid Frances OM.y the nov/
plaintiff with force and arms, l^c. into the jjreat parlour, parcej
of the parfonage houfe, parcel of the premifTes aforefaid with the
appurtenances, to the faid T. Orme and //. IJuinpririfs above in
form aforefaid demifed and not excepted, in and upon the pof-
fcflion of them the faid T. Orme and H. Hutnf,hries thereof en-
tered, to wit, at Lungilon afortfaid in the county of SiajforJ
aforefaid, and them the faid T. Orme and // Humphries trom
their pofl'cffioi thereofejetted, expelled ar?'. amoved, and them
the faid T Orme ai'd ■/ f-himphric'., fo from thence expelled and
amoved from the'r pofti-fTion thereof, from thence until to and af-
ter the faivi feaft of the annunciation of the blcflVd virgin Mund himTelf and his heirs by the
fame writing : Neverthele's the faid IVol'ei in his life-time, and Pfact. Reg. 10.
the laii^ Thomas after the death of the faid Ifollei, altho'ofien re-
tiuired, c'c. the faid 300/- to the faid Denham have not yet paid,
nor hath either of rhem paid, but them to him hitherto to pay the
faid //''o/Zejin his I'.fe-time, and the faid T/w/«/7j after the death
cf the faid //V/^-/, have altogether denied, and the faid '1 homos
doth yet «'«^;iw; a'lOrefaid, nor ever after, except four inciTiiawes and 17
acres and two rods of land wih the appurtenances in Thorpe and
PiitUnhnm in the county oi S,urry of the yearly value of 100/. and
one meiTuage with the appurtenances in Eafl^xnckJium in the
county of Kent of the yearly value of 40J. and except the rever-
fjon of the manor oi Hall- place viith the appurtenanceis, and of
five mefRiages, fix cottages, two dove-houfes, three gardens,
three orchards, 650 acres of land, 200 acres of meadow, 500
r tSi 1 acres of pafture, lOO acres of wood, 300 acres of heath and
furze, 200 acres of moor and 50^. of rent, with the appurtenances
in Thorpe, Chertfi'y, and Egham in the faid county of ^urry^
and ot the rcftory o^Tho'pe with the appurtenances^ and of one
mefiuage, one dove-houie, 100 acres ot lind, 40 acres of mea-
dow, 100 acres of pafture, 20 acres of wood, and 50 acres of
heath and turze with the appurtenances, in Puitenhum, El/led^
Sea/eand Tonghnm in the faid county oi Surry ; which laid manor,
reflory, tenements and premilTes with the appurtenances, John
Loivther, bart. and Elizabeth his wife, who was the wife of the
faid IFollei, hold for the term of the life of the laid Elizabeth ia
the right of the faid Elizabeth, and are of no value during the
life of the faid Elizabeth, and after the death of the faid Elizabeth
of the yearly value of 500/. and except the reverfion of the
manor of Staines with the appurtenances, and of one cottage,
one parcel of land containing 28 feet in breadth and 83 feet
in length, and another parcel containing in breadth 24 feet, with
the appurtenances in in the county (A MidelUfiXy and of
one mefluage and 16 acres of land with the appurtenances in
Adclirigton in the fsid county of Surry, and of the yearly rent of
I 1 1. ilTuing out of one mill, one mefluage and two acres of mea-
dow in Staines atorefaid in the faid county of Middlefex, and of
ihe tairs and market in St.vnes aforefaid to beheld, and of a fum
or penfion of iJ' ifluinp- out of the vicarage of Staines aforefaid,
after the expiration of 99 years, commencing from the 17th day
of Miiy'm the year ot Vnc Lord 16^6, thcri-'of granted to one
IVilliatn Drake, efq; by the faid M^ollei in his life-time, under
the yearly rent of a pepper-corn, by a certain indenture made at
Staines aforefaid on the 17th day of May in the year of the
Lord i6j6 abovefald, between the faid V/ollei on the one part,
and the faid IVilliam Drake on the other part, bearing dare the
fame day and year: And this he is ready to verify : Wherefore
he prays judgment if he, as fon and heir of the faid IFollei, ought
to be charged with the debt aforefaid, except in the faid four
mef]"uages and 17 acres and two rods of land with the appurte-
nances in T/70);>i? and Pw/re-w^^aw aforefaid, and the melTuage and
appurtenances in Eajltvickham aforefaid, and except in the faid
feveral reveifions when they fliall happen, by virtue of the
writing aforefaid, CT'c. with this, that the faid Thomas Leigh will
Debt. i8r
Verify, that the faid El'iTnheth is ftill furviving and in full life, to
wit, at London afor-faiJ in ihe pariili and ward aforefaid , l^c.
And the faid Dzn^^jm, for that the faid Thomas doth not deny Plaintiff prays
the faid aftion of the faid Denham, nor but that the writing judi;mcnt
aforefaid is the deed of the laid Woilei, nor but that the faid "^''"."^ ^ J.^"
T/2ow,7^ doth detain from the faid Dtnlmm the laid 500/. in the happen.
form in which the faid Denham above thereof againd him hath
declared, pray.? judgment and his debt aforefaid, together with
his damages by reafon of the detention of that debt, to be ad-
judged to him, to be levied on the f lid four meiuiages, l^c. and Judgment,
on the faid feveral rcvfrfions with the appurtenances when they
fhrtll happen, ISc. Therefore it is confidcred, that the faid
Dnthnm recover againil the f-id 'Thomas his debt aforefaid, as
alfo his damages by reafon of the detention of that debt to 50 s.
to the faid Denham with his aflent adjudged, to be levied on she
faid four mefTuages and 17 acres and two rods ot land with the
appurtenances in Tharpe and Puttenhavi aforefaii;*, and the faid
nielTua^e with the appurtenances in Eaji^joicl^ham aforefaid, and
on the faid feveral reverfions with the appurtenances whenlhcy
Ihall happen : And the faid Thmun in mercy, 15 c.
Lynch againfl Coote^ cfq ;
Midd\ to v/'n. 0:10 hn Lynch, gent, compi airs of /?/<:/? iS /. 16^. fteriing, which to the
fame ')(ihn wtro adjudged for his cods and damages which he had
fullained by reafon ot the delay ot the execution of the judg-
ineni aforel.iid, bv the pretence of profccuiing a certain writ of
the faid lord the king to correal error in the judgment arcrefaiJ^
and that the (amp ^olm fiiouK' have thereof execution, ^V. as by
the rt-cor.i and prrKeedings of the fame judgment lait mention-
ed in the court 01 the faid lord the now king before the kirrg
himfelf here, to wit, at IVeJlmin/ter aforelaid in the county ot MiJ-
(ilefex afor- faid, now rcuiainirg, which the fan. c lord the king
for certain reafons caufed to be iranfmitied into the fame c< urt of
the faid lord the king before the king himfelf here at IVejhn'm-
(ler in the county of MiJ^iefex, is more fully manifeJl and ap-
pears ; which fhid laft meniioned judgment, to wit, in the fame
court of the faid now lord the king before the king himfelf at
IVeftmiulhr aforefaid in the county of MidcUcfex, in its
full force and efrcft likev/ife remains, not fatisficd or difcharged ;
and the fame John hath not yet fued out his execution for the
faid 18/. 16^. for the damages and corts aforefaid lafl mention-
ed ; whereby an cftion hkcv.'ife accrued to the fame John to
demand and have of the faid Richard the fame 18 /. 16 s. of the
faid 96 /. 45 3 <-/. other parcel: And whereas alfo the fame
Jjhn lately in the fiid court of the faid now lord ilie king before
the king himfelf, to wit, in liilLny term in the 9th year of the
reign of the laid now lord the king, the fame court being then
and yet ?i\lVejimir.f.e'- in the county of MidJlefex aforelaid, by
the confideraiion of the fanje court did recover againtt the faid
liichard Co"(e i\^ I. wh ch to tlie fame J'jhn lynch by the court
of the faid now lord the king before the king himfelf then and
there, to v/it, at Weflmirjler in the county of Mi^dleftx aforcfaid,
according to the fc.m of the ftatute in fuch cafe made and pro-
vided, were adjudged for his cofts, charges and damages, which
3 H. 7. 19. he had fullained by reafon of ihe delay of execution 01 the judg-
5p H. 7. 20. inent aforcfaid, by the pretence of profecuting a certain other
writ of the faid lord the Ling to corrcft error ; and that the fame
John Lynch fliould have thereof execution, as by the r^-cord and
proceerlin^s thereof in the faid court of the faid now lord the king
before the king himfelf here, to wit, at li'tJJminJIer in the county
c{ Middlefex aforefaid, remaining, more fully is n)anifefl and ap-
pears ; which laid laft mentioned judgment in the fame court of
the faid lord the king here before the king himfelf at H'ljiminjlcr
in the county ot Middlefex in its full force and effect remains, not
latisfied or difcharged ; and the fame Juhn hath not yet fued out
his execution for the faid 44/. for his ccHs, charges and da-
mages laft mentioned ; whereby an adion accrued 10 the fame
Debt. ^ I 182,
'John to demand and have of the faid R'climd ilie fame 44/.
refidvie of the iaid 96/. 4^. 3./. Neverthelefs the faid R.churd,
altho' often require. 1, lf!c. the faid feveral fums of 33/. 'is. ^d.
18/. i6j. and 44./. in the whole amounting to 96/. 4>. 3 /. h^ih
not yet paid to the fame John, but harh hitherto aliogtiher re-
f'ufed and yet doth refufe to pay him the fame, to ^he damage of
the faid 'Johniol- And therefore he produces the fair, ifc
VVhen, i^c. And as to the faid 33/. 8j. 3^'. in the declaration pica to psrt n»
aforefai 1 firft mentioned, parcel of ihe faid 96/. 4y. 3^. the fuch record,
fame Richard fays that the faid John ought not to have or main-
tain his aftion atortfaid thereof againfl him, becaufe he fays that
there is not any futh record of the recovery of the laid ^^t.
8;. 3c/. againft; him the laid Richard, as by his declaraiion atore-
-faid is above fuppofed : And this he is ready to verify : And as
to the faid 18/. 16^. in the declaration atorcfaid fccond, memioned, The like to
other parcel of the faid 96/. 4 s. yi. the fame Richard lays, that °''^*'' P*""'"
the faid John ou^ht not to hi-ivc or maintain his s£tion aforefaid
thereof againft him, becaufe he fays that (here is not any fuch re-
cord of the recovery of the faid 18/. 165. againll him the laid
Richard, as by the declaration aforefaid is farther iikev/ife fup-
pofed : And this he is alfo ready to verify : And as to the faid 44./. Demurrer to
in the declaration aforefuid mentioned, refidue of the faid 96/. '^'^'^ refidue.
41. 3/ the fame Richard fays, that the declaration aforcfaid as to
the faid 44/. and the matter in the fame contained are not fuffici-
ent in law for the faid John to have or maintain his aflion aforc-
faid thereof againfl hi.n for the fame, to which faid declaration as
to the faid 44/. he the faid Richard hath no neceflity, nor is by
the iaw of the land obliged, in any manner to anfwer: And this
he is ready to verify: Wherefore, for want of a fufricient declara-
tion in that behalf, the fame Ric'ard przys judgment, and that
the faid Jihn may be precluded from his aftion aforefaid there-
of a'^aifift him therefore had ; and for caufes of demurrer in law in "^^^ caufcs.
that behalf to that declaration as to the faid 44/. the fame
Richard according to the form of the ftatute in fuch cafe lately
niade and provided doth fet down and to the court here exorefs »7 ^'" ^' S«
th:fe caufes following, to wit, That the faid 44/. to the fame ^ ^' *^'J ' ,
y^/^/2 by the court of the faid lord the king before the king him- L ' 3 J
felf at IVeJl.ninlier, for his cods, charges and damages, by reafon
of the delay ofexecu ion of tiie judgment aforcfaid by pretence of
profecuring ilie writ of error aforcfaid, adjudged, are not reco-
verable by the lav/ of the land of this kingdom of Ergland, in the
fai.l court of the faid lord the king before the king himfclfat
Wsflminjler, and that the declaration aforefaid as to the faid 44/.
i.« infenfible, uncerigin and wants form : And this the fame
R. chard is ready to vi.rify : Wherefore he prays juJ.^ment of the
declaration aforcfaid, and that the faid declaratioi: as to the faid
44/. umy be qjafiied. '3c-
And the faid John fays, that lie by any thing by the fui.l Repl. feverally
/J/^A^r^ above in pleading allcdg.-d ought not to be precluded il'»t there i»
fram his aftion aforefaid thereof agVinil the faid Richard had, be- '"'^ "*'^'**-
X 3 caufc
x83 ^ ^^^^•
caufe as to the fa'ul plea by the faid Ric/iarJ as to tl)e faid 33/.
8s. 'iV. in the declaration afortfaid above firft meniioned, parcel
©f'li'i f;dd 96/. 4^. 3^/. above in bar pleaded, the fame Jo/^rt
favs, ;hat there is t'urh record of the recovery ot the f-iid 33/. 8f.
3A aga'.nft the faid Robert in the faid court of" the faid now lord
the k'ng here before the king himfelf, to v/w, at VV ejlminjier in
the county of Middlelex alorelaid, remaining as the fame "John
above thereof hath declared ; And this he is ready to verify by
that record, as the court of the laid now lord the king here Ihall'icr, Ifc. And thereupon the i2.\\\t')ohn is ordered to have
the record thereof before the fdid lord the king at H^ejlminjleron
dav next after at his ptri! : "^1 he lame day ib g.ven to
the faid' i?/'V/rrt there, iSc. And as to the faid plea by the faid
^oJnderinee- Ric/hira' as to the faid 18/. 16. in the declaration aforefaid fe-
inurrer. cond mentioned, othtr parcel of the faid 96/. 4?. 3^/. above in hit
pleaded, the fame J. hkewife lavs, that there is fucii record of
the recovery of the faid \ 8/. its. againft the laid Richdiui in the
faid court of the faid lord the king before the king hnnfelt here,
to wit, at Wejiininller in the county of Mi.iulejcx afortfaid,, re-
maining, as the fame JoAvz above thereof hath declared: And
this likewife he is ready to verify by that record, as the court of
the faid lord the king now here fliall confider l^c. And thcrc-
'cjpon the faid John\s likevvifc ordered to have the record thereof
before the lord the king at Wtjlimnfier on day next alter
at his peril ; The fame day is given to the faid Richard
there, ISc And as to the faid matter in abatement of the decla-
ration of the faid '^ahn aforefaid, as to the faid ^4/. in the fame
declaration laft mentioned, refiJue of the faid 96/. 4^. T^d. by the
faid Richard 9hov<=: aliedged, the fame J. fays, that by any thing
before aliedged the declaration of the faid J. aforefaid as to the
faid 44/. ought net to be quaflied, becaule he fays that the de-
claration aforefaid as to the fame 44/. and the matter in the fame
contained are good and fufiicitnt in law for the faid J. to main-
tain his aaion aforefaid thereof againft the faid R. therefore had,
which faid declaration as to the faid 44 / and the matter in the
fame contained the fame J. is ready to verify and prove, as the
court, o"*:. And bccauie the faid R. doth not anfv^-er to that de-
claration as to the fame 44 /. nor hilicrro any way deny the lame,
the fame J. prays judgment and his debt aforefaid as to the fame
44 /. together with his damages by reafon of the detention of that
debt, to be adjudged to him, £5V. But becaufe the court of the
faid lord the king now here are not yet advifed to give their judg-
ment of and upon the prem-.Has : day therefore is given to the
parties aforefaid before the lord the king at Ifef.minner until
day next after to hear their judgment of and upon the
premiffes aforefaid, becaufe the court of the faid lord the king
now here thereof not yel,C5'c.
Debt J 183
Jones at the fuit o^ Hayes ^ widow,
N D the faid Margaret by John Allen her attorney comes Tj^^ ftatute of
j^_ _^and dffends the force and injury when, l^c. and prays oyer " "*■/ H •=* '^ •
of the wriiincr obligatory aforefaid j and it is read to her j ihe
likewife pravs oyer of the condition of the fame writing ; and it
is read to her in thefe words, to wit, the condition of this obliga-
tion is fuch, That if the above bounden C. Dunjier^ D. IVright
and M. Jof!es,oT any of them, their or any of their heirs, execu-
tors or adminiftrators, do well and truly pay, or caufe to be paid,
unto the abovenamed Elizabeth Hayes, her executors, adminif-
trators or afligns, the full fumofioo /.with lawful interefl: of
cTQod and lawful money of Great Byitairiy on the fitth day of De-
cember now next enfuing ; then ihis obligation to be void, or elfe
to r.main in full force and effe<5t : Which being read and heard,
the fame Marg. fays that flie ought not to be charged with the
debt aforcfaid by virtue of the writing obligatory aforelaid, becaufe
ilie fays that after the zgth day of September in the year of the
Lord 1714, to wit, on the faid fifth day oijuly in the year of the
Lord I 71 8, at the pnrifu of St. Martin in the fields aforefaid it
was corruptly agreed between the faid Eliz. and the faid Marg.
and C. D. and D. IV. that the faid Eliz. ihould accommodate
and lend to the faid Margaret C. and D. the fum of 100/. and
iliould give day for the payment thereof until the fifth day of
December next enfuing ; and that the faid Margaret, C. and D.
for the loan of the fame 100 /. and for giving day for the payment
thereof for the time aforcfaid, fhouid give and pay to the faid
Elizabeth the fum of 5/. ^s. upon the faid fifth day o^ December
then rext following, for the intereft and gain thereof, and for giv- [ 184. ]
ing day for the payment of the fame 100/. which faid 5 /. 55. ex-
ceed the rate of 5/. for the intereft of 100/, for oee whole year, , a £. i^
againft the form of the ftatute in fuch cafe made and provided :
And afterv.'ards, on the faid fifth day of July in the year and place
in the declaration abovementioned, the faid Elizabeth in profe-
cu'ion of the corrupt agreement aforefaid did accommodate and
lend the faid Margaret C and D. the faid 100/. and the writing
aforefaid, in the declaration aforefaid above fpecified, by the faid
Margaret C. and D. v/as fealed, and as their deed delivered to
the fame Elizabeth ; and the fame Margaret C. and D. then and
there to wit, on the faitl fifth day of July in the year and place
in the declaration aforcfaid above mentioned, did pay to the
{:i\i Elizabeth the faid fum oi 5/. 5', for ihe gain and intereft
of the fai.i 100/. and for givingday for the payment thereof on the
faid fifrh day of Decen.'ber next enfuing, in performance and coiii-
pKtion and according to the lorni and cftc6tof the corrupt agree-
ment aforefaid ; whereby the v/riting aforefaid in the declar.aion
aforefaid abovcmentio'icd, by force of the ftatute aforefaid in fuch
cafe made and provid'.nj, is void in law : And this i\\e is ready tn
verify; Wherefore ftie prays judgment if Hie ought to be charg-
ed with the debt aforefaid by virtue of the writing aforcfaid, iffc.
Ed. IV hi laker.
X 4 A-nd
Rtp!. for a
llTue on the (
184 r^ebt
juft And the faid EUzaheth fays, that fl>e by any thing by the falJ
A//i»-^rtrf/ above in pleading alleJged ought not to be precluded
from her afl:on aforefai.l iherecf againft the laid Mmgaret had,
becuf. flic fays, that the faid Margaret the writing obligatory
aforefaid, in the declaration aforLfaid mentioned, to the fame Eli-
K.uheth did make, fcal, and as her deed deliver for a true and
jul^ debt to the fame l'.iiz..:he:h from the faid Mmgarei due : with-
out ti'st, that it wascorrupdy agreed between the laid tii.z.iheih
anil the faid Margaret, anu C. Dunjier and D. IVrig'ii, in manner
anii form as the luiJ Ma-gaiet a^omc bv pleading hath alledged :
And this fhe is rendy to Verify : Wlierefore ilie prays judgment
and her debt aforefaid, together with her damages by reafon of
the lietention of that debt, to be adjudged to her, l^c.
And the faid Margaret as before lays, tfiat it was corruptly
agreed between the faiii KUzubtth and the faid Margaret and C.
D. and D. IF. in manner and form as Ihe the fame Margaret
above by pleading hath aliedged ; And of this Ihe puts hcrleif
upon the country : And the faid h.Lznheth thereof liicewifc :
Therefore let a jury thereon come betore the lord the king at
Wefiminjhr on day next after and who neither, y.:.
to lecognize, ^c. becaufe as well, t5'r. The fame day is given to
the pardts aforefaid there, <£z.
Miilf, to wit, TpRarces O. widow, by Rol'ert B. her attorney
complains of Robert P. one of the attornies
of the court of the lady the queen of the bench here, olhcrwife
called Robert P. of the city of L. in the county of the fame city»
gent, prefent here in court in hi: proper perfon, for this, that
he hath not rendered to the fame Frances 120/. which he owes
her and iinjuftly detains, fiff. ' ior' this, to wit, that the faid
Rjbert on the 15th day of 7«/v in the third year of the reign of
the lady Jni:e, now quecn^of England, at PFtJ^mnJler'm ihz
county of Midllefex aforefaid, by his certain writing obligatory
acknowledged himfelf to be bound to the f.'.me Frances in the faid
120/. to be paid to the fame Frar.ces when he lliould be thereto
required. Neverthelefs the faid /Jj-^^t/, altho' often required, ?jff.
the faid 120/. to the fame Frames haih not yet paid, but hath
hitherto denied and yet doth deny to pay her the fame j whereby
the fame Frances fays that flie is prejudiced, and hath damage to
the value of 20/. And therefore Hie prays remedy, ^f. And fli2
produces here in court the writing aforefaid, which the debt
aforefaid in form aforefaid tePdfies, the date whereof is the day
and year abovefaid, Is'c.
The rule there- Un'^f^ '^^ defendant /hall atpsar on Saturday next af:er the
or. morroivnf the afcexfiQK of the Lord, let him he forejudged the
Uy the court.
A bill fled
againft an at.
torney oi tlic
C, £. on bond.
Debt. 185
Fltas befire the lor J the ^/«^ a/ Weftinlnfter of Trinity term in
the wth year of I he reign of the lord 'V\\\\\&u.\ the third, mxo
king 0/ England, &c.
Midd\ to wit. "OE it reiuember'd that othervife, to wir, in T!ie manij-r of
JD i^'iper term lalt pail, before the lord llieking miking up the
0ilVe/lminfer CAiixQ Sumta I D. gent, by J. L. Iiis attorney, ami "^'j^^fy'^jja^fia
proi'uced in the court ot the laid lord the kii^g then there his j^ ^
cerraiii bill againft John A tfq ; othcrwifc called John A. ot the
l.mer 'Temple, London^ efq; in the cuftody of the inarfhui, l^c. in a
plea of debt j and there are pledges to profecure, to wit, John
D.e'dnd Richard Roe, which faid Liil foiJow- in thefe words, to
wit, MiddlefeXy to wit, Sumuel Davis, gent, complains of y^/in w^. Pcbt on bend,
clq; otherwife called John A. of 'he Teviple, London^ cfcj;
being in the cuflody of the marfli^l of the Marjhulfea of ihe lord
t!ie king beiore the king h infelf, in a p'e.a t!iar he /ender to him
ijoA Oi lawful money of EngL.jid which he owes to him and
unjuRly detains, for this, to wit, that whereas ihe fniJ John on
the 17th day of April in the year of the Lord 1695, at IVefxtnin-
jitr in the county aforela;d, by hio certain writing obligatory
foaled with the feal of the faid John, and to the court of the faid
lord the king nov/ here fliewn, the date whereof is the fame day
r^nd year, acknowledged himfelf to be held and firmly bound to
the faid Samuel in the faid 130'/. to be paid to the fame Samuel
when he Hiould be thereto after required : Neverthelefi the
faid John, aUho' often required, Iffc. the faid 130/. to the faid
Samuel hath not yet paiJ, but hath hitherto altogether denietl,
t.nd yet doth deny to pay him the fame, to the damage of the
iis6 Sair.'uel 20/. And therefore he produces the fuit, i^c.
And now on this day, to wit, Friday nsxt after the morrow imr\xxUazt:
of the Holy Tr/n//^' in this fame term, until which day the faid
John had leave to imparl to the faid bill, and then to anfwer,
L='f. before the lord the king at IVeflminlUr comes as well the
r^id Samuel by his attorney atorefiid, as the faid John by J. 1^4-
Lis attorney : And the fame John defends the force and injury
when, tfr. and fays, that he ought not to be charged with
the debt aforelaid by virtue of the writing aforefaid, becaufe he
fnys, that that writing is not his deed : And of this he puts Not bis <1«J'.
himft-lf on the country; And the faid Samuel thereof likewife,
or. Therefore let a jury thereon coine before the lord the Icing
at Wefmitjjler on Wednefdoy next after the oftave of the Holr
Trinity ; and who neither, i^fc. to recogniz?, ^r. becaufe as
well, ISc. The fame clav is viven to the nartics aforefaid there.
Pleas lefcn the hrd the ^;«^ /?/ Weftminfter of Trm'.iy term in
the \\rh year of the reign of the /ar^ William the thirds now
/ling &/ England, &c.
Tne Jurcta la MidA', to wit. '"T^ HE jury between Samuel Dnzn!, gent, hj
,4rb:. Xi. '"" ■'*itorney, pKiintifF, and John A. e!'q;
O'.lierwife called J-)hn A. of the Intur 'femfle, London, eft]; defen-
Funncr againft Refers.
Debt on a ieafc Koftnion, to wit. T? I char A Rogers the elder, late of the pari/Ti
at will. of Da'ventrie in the couniy aforefaid, hul-
bandiiian, was fummoned to anfwer Edivard Farmery gent, in a
pica that he render to him lOo /. which he owes him and unjuftly
detains ; and whereon the fame EdtJcard by IV. L. his attorney
fays, that whereas the faid Edivard on the 29th day of September
in the year of the Lord 1698, at the parifli oi Daventtie afore-
iaid, did demife and to farm let unto the faid Richard n mefluage
and four rods of land lying and being in the parifli of Dazjentrie
aforefaid, and alfo one other rod of land lying and being, Ifc.
with the appurtenances, except out of the faid demife to the faid
Ediuard F. all that lirtle clofe of pafture called the Goads Clofe,
l5c. To hold to the fiid Richard (cxccp: before excepted) from
thenceforth -as long as both the parties aforefaid fhould pleafe ;
I 1S6 ] YieKling and paying therefore to the faid E. as long as the faid
R-chard the demifed premifTes aforefaid (except before except-
ea) fliould have and enjoy, after the rate of 50/. of lawful mo-
ney of England by the year, to be paid at the two moft ufual
fenfts, to wit, at the feaft of the annunciation of the blefled virgin
Mary and of St. Michael the archangel, by even and equal por-
tions ; by virtue of which faid demife the faid Richard\n the de-
mifed premilTts aforefaid (except before excepted) entered, and
Breach. ^^^ tliereof poffjTed, and for one whole year from thence npxt
enfuing continued thereof pcfitfied, and 50 /. of the rent aforefaid,
parcel of the faid 100/. for the faitl one year ended at the feaftof
St. Michael the archangel lad pait, to the fame E. v.ere in arrear
and yet are in arrear and unpaid; whereby an aft'on accrued to
the fame E. to demand and have of thefaij R. the faid 50/. parcel
cf the faid 100 I. Neverthelefs the faid R. a1:ho' often required,
Uc.ihG faid 50/. parcel 01 the faid 100/. hath not yet paid to
the faid E. bi- '-".th aUogeiher denied and yet doth deny to pay
hiiu the fame : Anu whvreas alfo the faid t". F. on the laid 29th
day o't Sefitemher in the year ot the Lord 1698 abovefaid, at D.
aforefaU, ci . demife and to farm let to the faid i?. one other Laid overajjain,
mclTuaje, ISc with their appurtenances ; To h?ive and to hold
the lali mentioned tenemen's aiorefaid v;ilh the appurtenances to
ihe fame R. from thenceforth as long as both the parties afore-
faid iliould plenfe ; Yiekiing and paying therefore to the f-iid E.
as Icn^ as the faid R. the laft mentioned demlfed premifL^s afore-
faid fliould hold and erjoy, alter the rate of 50/. of lawful mo-
ney of Englund by tbt ear at the two moll uiual feafts, to wit,
the feaft ot the annunciation of the blefl'ed virgin Mory and St.
Michael ilie archangel, by even and equal portions : By virtue of
which faid demife the fame R. afterwards, to wit, on the firft
day oi 0-iober in the year of the Lord 1698 abovefaid iaft men-
tioned, inio the demifed premiffes aforelaid with the appurten-
ances enicred, and was thereof pofTcffed, and for one whole year
from thence next enfuing con'inued thereof pofTcfled, and 50/.
of the rer.t afo?-efuid, reh'lue of the faid too/, for the faid one
year ended at the feaft of St. Michael the archangel laft paft, to Breach,
the fime E. were in arrear and yet are in arrear and unpaid ;
whtrc-by an sciion accrued to the fame E, to demand and have
of taefai.' R. ttit faid 50/. refidue of the faid 100/. Neverthe-
lefs the iai-d R.. altho' of:en required, Cffc. the faid 50/. refidue of
the fai^ 100/. hath not yet paid to the faid E. but hath alto-
gether denied and yet coth deny to pay him the fame, to the da-
mage of the laid E. 50 /. And therefore he produces the fuit,
Michell at the fuit of Rolfe.
WHUN, ^* J"^'" A'(///tf fays, that he by any thing by the faid
John MichtU above in pleading aileiigeJ ought not to be pre-
cluded from his ;ict!on atorefaid thtreof agamtl the faid John
MichJl had, b.caufe he fays, that the plea aforefaiii by the faid
John A'l-chtli in manner and form aforefaid above pleaded, and
the matter in tiie fam? contained, are not fufln/ient in Utw to
preclude hiin the faid John Rolfe from his aftion aforefaid thereof
againll the faid J:^hn Michdl had, to which faid plea he the
faTie Jah;: R.Jfe hath no neccllity, nor is by the Jaw of the land
obliged, in any manner to anfwer : And this he is ready to verify:
.- e_ -j VVhtrefore for want of a fufficient anfwer in this behalf, he the
fame John Rolfe prays judgment and his debt aforefaid , together
with his damages by reafon of the detention of that debt, to be
The caufcs. ai'judged to him, i^c. And for caufes of demurrer in law in this
^7 El. 5. behalf the hmajohn Rolfe, according to the form of the flatute
^ • '• ' * in fuch cafe lately made and provided, doth (a down and to the
court hereexprefs. That the laid John Michell doih not conclude
his plea aforefaid to the country as he ought, and that the fajd
plea is not ifluable, and wants form, ^c.
Si. John Bro'lrick.
,. . • ," And the faid John Michell fays, that the plea aforefaid br
Joinder in de- , . , r • t c^ r r ,■ < ,, ■ 1 r c - • 1 l
him the faid JJm Micnell m manner ana term aroreiaid above
pi aded, and the matter in the fame contained, are good and
fuffioient in law to preclude the faid Jo^^ /?o//V tro ri his adtioi^
aforefaid thereof againft him the faid John Michell had ; which
faid plea, and the matter in the fame contained, he the fame
John Michell is ready to verify and prove, as the court, Cfff.
And betaufe ihe (dk] John Rolje doth not anfwer to that plea,
nor hitherto any way deny the fame, he the lame John Michel?
as before prays judgment, and that the faid Jo^n Rolfe may be
precluded from his ai^ion aforefaid thereof againft him the faid
John MichJl had, ^c. But b'caufc the court of the faid lady
the queen now here are not yet advifed to give their judgment
of and upon the premifles, day therelore is given to the parties
aforefaid before the lady the queen at I4^''e/iminjhr until
^;:y v.i:YA afrcr to hear their judgment of und upon thofe
Debt, 1S7
premifTes, becaufe the court of thefaiJ laJy the quefn now here
thtrcof nutyet, l^c.
Bond and Butler.
]iIii/J\ to wit. ZP Lizaheth Boni, widow, at'niiniftrafrix of all Debt by an ad-
and the gooos an.i chattels, tights miniflrttrix dr
and credits, which belonged to Jumcs Goo.hviii, gent, deceaicd, ^<""i "'"1 ^^'\n\l\cTed by ynmes Bond aifo deccnfed, laie adniiniitratcr
of the faid James Gcodtvin, couiplains of 'James Butler, efqj
otherwile called James Butler of the pari/li cf St. James within
the liberty of IViJlminJler in the coun"y of Middlej'ex, efq; in
the cuftoc'y of the niarlha!, Ifc. in a plea that he render to her
300/. of lawful money of England, which he unjuftly detains
Irom her, for this, to wit, that whereas the faiJ James Butler
on the 5th day of May in the year of the Lord 171 5, at iFijimiK-
Jier in the county atorefaid, by his certain writing obligatory
fealed with the feal of him the faid James Butlsr, an i to the
court of the faid lady the queen now hire fliewn, the date where-
of is the fame day ami year, acknowledged himfelf to be held
and firmly bound to the fame James Goodvoin in his life- time in
the fnid 300/. fo be paid to the fame James Goolivin when he
flnuld be thereto required : Nevcrthelefs the faid James Butler^
altho' often required, tfV. the faid 300/. to the faid James Good-
ivin'xn his life-time, or to the faid James Bond in his life-time after
the death of the faid James Goodwin, or to the fame LUzaheth
after the death of the i'aid James Bond, (to which faid EUziheth^
after the feveral deaths of the faid James GwJtvin and James
Bond, adminiftration of all and fingular the goods and chattels,
rights and credits, which belonged to the faid 7/?^^^ GW^rm at
the time of his death by Jomes 5'/«^/ unadininiiierad, by IViWant
by divine providence archbiibop of Cmierbuyy, primate and me-
tropolitan oT 'A\ England, in due form of law was committed,) or-
to any cf them, hath not paid, but the fanie to the faid Jamej
G.odivin in his life-time, or to the faid James Bond in his life-time,
or to the faid Elizabeth after the death of the faid James Bovd,
hath altogether denied to pay, and the fame to tliefaid lUizalet'i
Bjnd doth yet deny to pay, and unjuftly detains to the damage of
the faid Elizabeth Bond 20 I. And therefore /lie produces the
fuit, [s^c. And the fan)e EAizuketh Bond produces here in court
the letters cf adminiftration aforefuid, which the comniiflion of
the adminifiration aforefaid in form aforefaiJ teflify, the dats
whefcof is the day and year abovefaid, iS'c.
Sfniih againfl Crawford^ efq-.
MidiT, to wit
;it. '^ Ames Smith complains of Da-jid Ciaivford, '?'"''* «Rf'"ft^
I r nirL n/i n i- riii the maillul of
^ elq; marfhal of the Mni/hal)ca of the lord the king's
the king before the king hiinfclf, being prcfent here in court bench for an
xa his proper perfon, in a plea that he render to him 31; /. of elcipc out of
Uwful "ccmioH,
r iss ]
The recovery
H*i' Ccr\
thereon in exe-
lawful money of Grent Britain, which he owes hiin and un-
jullly c'.ctains, for this, to wit, thai whereas ihs faid James, by
the name of 7. 5. othcrwife, to wit, in Trinity term In the 5th
year ot the reign of the lord George now king of Great Britain^
i^c. in the court of the faid lord the king of the benrh, before
F. King, knr. any leave to imparl thereto here until from the
day of St. MichaA in three Vv'ecks ; and they have, i^c. The
fame day is given to the faid Sarah\\erc,{^r. On which day hers'
come the f_y farther pray leave 10 imparl
thereto here until in the oQave of S:. //////;>_)'; and they have, b^r.
The fame dav is ^ivcn to the faid Sarah here, l£c. On which day
here come the faid Brent Reynell 5/'///t'i" and Majy by their attorney
aforeiaid, an^* the faid Siirah by her guardian aforefaid : And be-
caufe fhe faid Brent Reynell Spiller and Mary do not deny the plea
Judgment to aforefaid of the faio Sarah, therefore it is confidereil, that the
recover fcifia. f^id B,nit Reynell Spiller and Mary recover their feidn againf^ the
faid Sarah of the thirci part aforefaid with the appurtenances,
and nothing of amercement of the faid Sarah, becauie flie came
Andno amerce- the firfi day by fummons, i^c. And upon this the fame Brern
mrnt, 1.^- ' Reyrell Spilhr and Mary fay, that the faiti Solomon, late hiifband,
cau c, c. ^^ ^j^ J fcifed of the tenements aforefaid with the appurter.anccs
whereof, ifc. in his demefne as of fee, and prays the writ of the
lord the king as well to caufe them to have full feifin of the 3-{
part aforefaid with the appurtenances, as to inquire of damages,
lye. And becaufe by the confeffiun of the faid Sarah zhovs made
it appears to the court here, that the fame Sarah always from the
death of the faid S. until the day of the iffuing of the original
vrit of them the faid Brert Reynell Spilhr and M- fo wit, the
30th day of May in the ift year of the reign of the nov/ lord the
icing, was ready to render to the faid M. her dower ot the tene-
■or any value men;' aforefaid wiih the appurtenances; wherefore the fame Brtr.t
»or damages. Reynell Spiller and M. ought not to recover any value of ihe 3(1
part of thofe tenements, nor their damages by reafon of the de-
tention of her dower aforefaid, from the death of the faid 6'. late
hUiband of the faid M. until the day of the iffuing of the original
Bowef. *9'>
^rit 6f them tb3 faid Brsr.t Rcynell Sf>U!er and M. againft tlie
l.aiJ S-irti/t : And it feems to the laid jullices here, that the faid
jirent Reyrell Sf'iller and Vl. ought to recover againfl: the faid
iStirnh as well the value of the 3d part of the tenements atorelaid
•with the appurtenances, as their damages by realon of the de-
tention of lur dower aforefaid from the faid day of the ifTuing of
the original writ atorefaid, if, £5freni Reynell SpiUer :in6 M. by their attorney aforefaid: And
the fhcriff, to wit, Nicholas Cary, efq; now returns the writ
aforefaid, together with a certain (chedule, and a certain inqui-
f:tion before liim by the oaths of twelve, ifr. taken, 'o the fame
v/rit annexed, in thefe worrs, to wii, Dorfet, to wit, An inqui- The inqu;fition
fu'on indented, taken at Lyme Regis in the countv aforefaid on the
fifth day oi ^,eptemher in the third year of the reign of our Lord
Ceorge nnv: king of Greaf Rriutin, ^f, and in the year of the
Lord 1716, bciore me Niihoiis C^iry, efq: flicriff of the county
aforefaid, by virtue of the writ of the faid lord the kinsj to me di-
refted, and to this inquifition annexed, by the oaths of 5 Court'
Tiey, J. Gur.Jry, ^Sc. good and lawful men of my coumy, who
fay upon their oaths, tiiat the within named Solomon Anrlreiv (iied That the huf-
fcifed in his dtmcfne as of fee of and in one meifuagc called the !?'/"j''.""'
Ceor^e Inn, one ftable and -"ne clofe of meadow called, i!fc.
(naming ffjeral particular s) fi'uate, lyirtg and being in Cathe^ on
l.evfon in the {^arifli o'i iVfrt church in the county aforefaid, and
tt and in ^l. igr, 4,/. iffuing from and out of the following
jntfiuages in LymeRe^is aforefaid, to wit, of \Os. rent ifluing
from and out of a mi fluagc in the tenure, of A. R. of lof.
rent ifluing from and (uir ct a mcfluage in the tenure of y. T of
JO f. rem fluirg from and out of a mcfTuage in the tenure of F. ^.
Vol. I. Y ^
of km; rent ilTuing from and out of a mcfluage in the tenure
of J. H. of 105. rent ifluing from and out of a mefTuage in the
tenure of /^. 5. ot los. rent iffuing from and out of a mefluage
in the tenure of IV. P. of lO^. rent ifluing from and out of
a mefluage 'n the tenure of G. R. of 8j. rent ifl^jing from and out
of a mefluage in the tenure of J. P. of Gs. \(i. rent ifluing
from and out of a mefluage in the tenure of R. D. of 8s. rent
ifluing from and out of a mefluage in the tenure of R. C. of i /.
rent ifluing from and out of a mefluagesin the tenure of S. O.
and of and in the rcverflon of the fame meflTiages aticr the ex-
piration or fooner determination of certain terms of years thereof
refpeO;lve!y granted ; and that the faid 5. did not die feifcd of any-
other mefliiag-^s, ianr'sor tenements, to the knowledge of the
fame jurors: And the jurors aforefaid on their oaths farther fay,
that the tenements and preni'flVs above named with the appiirte-
The ralue. nances are of the clear yearly value, in a'l iflli-.s bevond reprifes,
of6o/. 1 IS. 3 J. and that the faid Brrnt Reynell ^pitler, efq; and
The damages /I*, hjs wife, in the writ aforefaid named, have fuilained damages
from the Ining jj^, reafon of the detention of the dower within fp.cified from the
out th€ oiigi- ^^jj j^y of the ifiliing of the writ original witliin mentioneti be-
yond the value aforefaid to lo /. <^s. i \d and for their cofts and
chars-es by them about their fuit in that brhalf expended to \Ot.
In wiinefs whereof as well I the faid flier'df as the jurors aforefaid
r jQ. I have to this inquifition interchangeably fet our feals, the day,
year and place abovefaid : And I ''o farther humbly certify to the
julV.ces of the lord the king at lVeJ}mi"Pet\ that by virtue of the
writ aforefaid 1 did on the 12th day o\Odoher in the 3d year of
the reian of the faid now lord the king, ^c. caufe the faid Brent
and Mary to have full feifin of the third part of the tenements and
rents aforefaid wiih the appur'enances, to wit, oft he faid meflTuage
with the appurtenances called the Gejrge-Inn in the tenure
of ^. B. the fail mcffjage wi'h the appurtenances, l^c. of the
faid I OJ. rent iffuing from and out ot the faid inefTuage in the
tenure of y^. /?. of the faid 105. rent iffuing from ami out of the
faid mefl"uage in the tenure of 7- 7. of the faid los- rent iffuin^j^
From and out of the faid nr^fTuage in the tenure of F. S. of
qj. o.V. 5 rent oarccl of the faid io<- rent iffuing from and out
of the faid mefluage in the tenure of J. H. and aFfo of the rever-
fion of thefour mefluages laft mentioned, after the expiration or
fooner determination of the faid term of years thereof refp-dlve-
]y granted with the appurtenances, to hold to the fame BreiU and
M»ry\n feveralty by metes and' bounds as the dower of the faid
Mnry, of the en<'owment of the faid SAonmi Aiuireixi her late
hufband, as by the writ aforefaid 1 am commanded.
Nicholns Cary, efq; fherifF.
And becaufe the jufliices here will advife themfelves of and
upon the premifles before they give judgment thereoii, day is
oiven to the faid Brent Reynell Stiller and Mary here until in the
* oftavc
Dower. 191
©iJlave of St. Hillitry to hear their judgment thereon, becaufe judgment to
the fame julHces here thereof not yet, ^c. On which day here iccovcr the va-
coiDC the fai'.i Btent Reynell Sfdlkr nui^ Mary by their attorney '"« ot i he land
aforelaid ; And upon this the premises being feen and by the *'*" *^° '*
juftices here more fully unoerilood, it is confidered, that the faid
Brent Reynell Spiller and Mary recover againll the faid Sarah as
well the value ot the third part aforefaid from the faid day of
the ilTiiing of the orvginal writ aforetaid, which amounts to 31 /.
135. 4^. as their damages aforefaid to 10/. i^s, 11 d by the
inquifition aforefaid in form aforefaid found, as alfo 12 /. \os. cj d.
to the fame brent Reynell Spilier and Mary at their rcqueft for
their cods and charges atorefaid by them about their fuit in this
behalf expended, and by the court here of increafe adjudged,
which faid value and damages in the whole amount 10 55 /. t^e.
Y a Eje dementi
C 192 J
Eje6lment.>rtment for
a mrfTiiage,
cottage, land,
mi-adow and
paflure, moiety
of a manor,
fair and mar-
ket, toll, (^c.
thereto belong-
Smith againft Farmer.
Le'icefier, to wit. Tj/'Illiam Farmer ];.re of Ghojlon in tlie
county aforefl\id, yeoman, was attached
to anfwer to Gccr^e Smith \n a plea, why with force and arms into
five nielfu^ges, 20 cottages, 4C0 acres of land, 200 acres of mea-
dow ani 400 acres of pafture, with the appurtenances in li^l-
Iwm Slaiijlon, Hurhoro-ne and Boivden Mngn/iy and the moiety
of the nnror of Harbayoive aforefaid with the appurtenances,
and alfo the moiety of the fairs and markets ol Harhoronve afore-
faid, of all rolls, llallages, piccages, pontages and other pcrqui-
fites, profirs, cuftoms and privileges to the fame manor, fairs and
markets belonging and appertaining, which Jo/'u Doziley demif-
ed to the fame George for a term which is not yetpaft, he enter-
ed, and f?om his farm aforefaid ejedted him, and committed other
outrages upon him, to the great damage of the faid George, and
againrt the peace of the lord and lady the now king and queen,
^c. And whereas the fame George by IF. P his attorney com-
plains, that whereas the faid Jo/in on the 10th day of Oifoher
in the third vcar of the reign of the lord and lady the now king
and queen, ^c. at IVelhtivt did dcmife to the fame George the
tenements, premifies and moiety aforefaid with the appurtenan-
ces ; To have and to hold to the famf George and his affigns
from the 29'h day oi September then laft paft unto the end and
termof feven years from thence next enfuing and fully to be com-
pleat and ended: by virtue of which faid demife the fime George
into the tenements, premiffes and moiety aforefaid with the ap-
purtenances entered, and was thereof pofTefletl, and he the faid
George being fo thereof poffelfL^d, the faid Farmer zhcr-
wards, to wit, on the faid loth day of Odobtr\n the third year of
the reign of the faid now lord and lady the king and queen, ffff.
abovefaid, with force and arms into the tenements, premiff.s and
moiety aforefaid with the appurtenances, which the faid John to
the fame George in form aforefaid demifed for the term aforefaid,
which is not yet pall, entered, and him from his farm aforefaid
cjedled and other outra ges, l^c. to the great damage, ^f ._ and
againft the peace, ^c. whereby he fays that he is prejudiced,
and hath damage to the value of 40/. And therefore he produces
the fuit, fc5c.
Underhill againft Durham.
Iforcejler, to wit. ^Ohn Durham late of IVillerfey in the coun- Declaration of
J ty o( Glouce/ier, yeoman, was attached to the mefn<- pro-
anfwer Jo'm UndethiU'm a plea, why with force and arms three '^'" '" *? ^}^^'
^ J j-ij ri J ment tried at
nielTuaj^es, 500 acres iA land, 200 acres ot meadow, and 200 j,^^^ j^_ jj
acres of pafture with the appurtenances in Treddivgton in the w. 3.
county of iVorcejler aforefaid, he broke and entered, and him Pra£l. Reg.
the faid John Under/ii U (rom the pofTeffion and occupatinn of ths 459-
fame tenements fo expelled and amoved for a long time kept out,
and alfo all the ifllies and profits of the fame tenements of the
yearly value of 200/. for all the time aforefaid, to the pr'^per
ufe of him the h\d John Dur/iatn received and had, and com-
mitted other outrages upQn him, to the great damage otthe faid
Jo/in Underhill, and againft the peace of the now lord the king,
i2c. And whereon the fame John Underhill by J. S. his attorney
complains, thai the faid John Durham on the firft day of June in
the tenth year of the reign of the now lord the king, with force
and arms three melTuageS, five acres of land, 200 acres ofmea- [ ^93 J
dow, and 200 acres of pafture with the appurtenances in Tred-
diagton in the county of H'^orcefter, broke and entered, and hini
t;ie faid John Under hill {rom the polTcfilon and occupation of the
fame tenements expelled and amoved, and the fame John Under-
hill from the poftcflion and occupation of the faid tenements fo
expelled and amoved for a long time, to wit, from the faid firft
day of June in the loth year abovefaid until the day of the iftu-
iiig of the original writ of him th« faid John Underhill, kept our,
and alfo all the ifTues and profits of the fame tenements of the
yearly value, iffc. for all the time aforefaid, to the proper ufe of
bim the faid John Durham leceived and had, and other outrages,
fcff. 10 the great damage, l^c. and againft the peace, l^c
whereby he (a.vs that he is prejudiced, and hath damage to the
value of 40/. And therefore he produces the fuit, i!fc.
And the faid 'John Durham by J. UUy his attorney comes Abatetneti{,
and defends the force and injury when, ll^c. and prays oy^r of the
writ aforefaid ; and it is read to him in thefe words, to w't, IVil-
liam, i^c. To the llieriff of M'orcefier greeting : If John Under-
bill fhaii give you fecuri'y to profecute his fuit, then put by
furety and fafe pledges John Durhatn late of JVillerfry in the
county of Ghucefler, yeoman, that he be before ust'rom the day
of Edjifr in one month wherever v/e fhall be in Evglnnd, to ihew
why with force and arms three meff.iages, 500 acres of land,
200 acres ot meadov, and 200 acres >>f pafture witii ilie appur-
tenanc'-s in Tre/'d' nijtnn in your county, he broke and entered,
and him the faid J',hn Undei hill from th,- with lorce and arms the faid John Durhmn f^vs thit he is not
not name tne . ^ ^ , . . - \ • r \r
<.l,,r^,. gudty thereof: Anil -of i-vs he pu:s himfeif upon Me country:
a C\ 18. b. And the faid JohnUr.derhiil 1 hereof lihewik', ^c. And as to the
Praa. Reg. refidue of the trefpafs aforefai' abov" fuppole.^ to be committed,
96, 6oz. ,{,g jgj^g j^/^^ Durham fays, that the faid JohnUnderhill ought
not to have or maintain his aftion aforefaid thereof againft him,
because he fays, that the meifuage aforefaid, as alfo the places
aforefaid, in which the trefpafs aforefaid is above fuppofed to be
committed, are and at the time when the faid trefp'^ls is fuppofed
to be committed, were one me! uage called 14'hite-houfe, one
other mefiuagc called Black-hotije, one o^her meifuage called
Red-houfe, and 500 acres of land called Black-lands, 200 acres
of meadow called White-lands, and 200 acres ot pafture called
Red-la.ids, with the appurtenances in Treddinglon aforefaid in
the county aforefaid ; which faid tenements w:th the appurte-
rances are and at the faid tiirie when, l^c. and alfo for all the time
aforefaid in the decUrafion aforefaid mentioned, were the proper
grounds and freehold of him the faid John Durham .- Wherefore
the faid John Durhatn at the time when, l£c. and alfo for all the
time aforefaid in the declaration aforefaid mentioned, the faid
feveral meffuagic."! and parcels of land, meadow and pafture, as
the proper mefluages, lands, ineadovr and pfifture of him the faid
John Durham, being in the poiTcffion of the faid J'^hn Durham^
broke and entered, and the pofLfnon and occupation of the fame
for all the time rforefaid in (he dfclara:iin afortfaid inentioned
kept, and the iffiies and prr.fits of the fime meffnages and tene-
ments for all the time aforefaid in the declaration alorefaid men-
tioned received and had, as he lawfully mii/ht. And this the
fame John Durham is ready to verify : Wherefore he prays
judgment if the faid John Urderhill o\i-s\\\. to have or maintain his
action aforefaid thereof againll him, ^c.
Edw. Nor they.
Ejedment. i^^
Lucas and Lexeme.
N D the faid John by B. H. his attorney comes and defends NJIJidt in e-
^^ the force anfl injury when, i^c. and fays nothing in bar or jeament.
.preclufion of the action aforefaid of him the faid Laurence,
whereby the fame L//T .1^ » • 1 . »""•'«- of /f;. StrcMr»
attached 10 anlwcr James lorke, gent, in a plea, why they with /•///
force and arms one mefliiage, two barns, and 55 acres of frc/Ii
■larfhwith the appurtenances in LyJJ, which Richard Stronphilt P*"^'- ^^
YA 108, 1 4«
4 . gent. ' *
I94t Ejedment.
gent, demlfcd to the fame 'James for a term which is not yet part,
entered, and him from his farm atorcfaid ejected, and commuted
oiher outrages upon him, to the great damages ot the faid JuineSf
and againlt (he peace ot the now lord the king, l3 c. And where-
on the fame James by N . M. his attorney complains, that tiie faid
Richard on the yih of Ociuber in the 9th year ot the reign of the
row lord the king, at iVL.iJJiom- in the countv aforcfaid, demiled
to the fame ytwiesihc tenements atorelaid, with the appurtenan-
ces ; '«' o have ana to hold the tenements aforefaid, wuh the ap-
purtenances, to the fame James and liis alhgns from the 29'h day
o\ ^epiemhtr then laft pall unto the end and term ot five yeais
from thence n^xrenluini^ and fully to be compleat and ended:
Bv virtue of which demile the lame James into the tenements
alorefaid with the appurtenances entered, and was thereof pof-
fefTed ; and he the lai' James being fo thereof pofFelTed ihe faid
"John Jordan, John Mil'ell ami Ihouias, atterwan s, to wit, the
lame -ith day oiO^ioher in the 9th year abovelaid v;ith torce an 1
arms, k5c. into the tenements with the appurtenances,
which the faid Richurd to the fame James dcmifed in torm afore-
faid for the term aforefaid, which is not yet paft, entered, and
him the faid Jan:es from his farm aforefaid ejettc^, and other
outrages, f c. to the great dan-.age, iSc. and againft the peace,
Is'c. v\ hereby he favs t'hat he is prejudiced, and hath damage to
ihe value of 20/. And therefore he produces the luit, tfff.
Kotgulltf, And the faid JJ^n Jordan, John Mutell and Thomas, by J.
M'^. their attorney come anddetend the force and injury when,
iSc. and fay, that they are not guilty ot the trcfpafs and ejeft-
nient aforefaid, as the faid James above againlt them com-
plains : And of this they put theinfelves on the country : And
the faid 7«.*ff likewife ; Therefore the flierift is commanned to
caufe to come here in the octave of the purification of the blelTed
f IQ"? 1 ^^'y fwelve, i^c. by whom, Ifjc. and who neither, ci^f. to
ecognize, ^c. becaufe as well, cff- On which day the jury
between the parties aforefaid was put thereof between them ia
refpiie here until this day. to wit, from the day of Eafter in
fifteen davs, unlefs the juflices of the lord the king, alTigned
totake alhlesin the county aforefaid by the form of the ftaiute,
13 E 1 c. 30 ^c.on Tuefday xhe 2\^<^^yo\ March laft paft at Maidjloneui
jaEia.'c. 4. ' the county aforefaid , had firft came: At.d now here on this
14 E. 3.C, 16. day come as well the faid James as the faid J-jhn Jordan, John
Mittell and Ihomas by their ar'orpies aforel'aid : And the faid
jufticcs of atr.ze before whom.. f5'<: have fent here their record
"in thefe words : Afterwards, the day and year within coniuned,
befnie J. Holt, knt. chief juftice of the lor'^ the king, alTigred
"IhtFcJlea- to hold pleas before the king ]\\mic\i, E hired Lancelot Lef
this lime afiocia(cd to the lame John fio/t, and Edivnr>l
Me-uill, knt. one of the juftices of the faid lord the kincr
of tl^e bench, and Nich'jias iechmere, knt. one of the
barons of the cxcheouer of the faid loid the king, juftices of
Ejedtment t9^
the faid lord the king alfigned to take aflifes in the county of
Kenl by the form of the tlatute, Iffc. the prefence of the laid
E(/-vmrJ Netill and Nicholas Lechnere being not expcfted, by
virtue of the writ of the laid lord the king of 5/ r.m omnss, 55 f.
come as well the within named James Jorke as the within written
J^.hn Jordan, John Miltel I 'AvA 7 h. mas Hammond by their attor- Thie jury fin tl,
nies within contained : And the jurors of the jury, whereof men- *^|i»* ""=; jo^"
tion is within made, beinar called likcwile come, who being ^tronghiii \^i.&
I ^ ■ • . , - ''-I 1 /• 1 • !_• • ? leilcd in tee ot
ele<5led, tried, and iworn to lay the truth or the within conrame-faid\beinp[ feifed, and before he had any iffue of his body
Stronrhill tor i ,• ■ , . '^ ■ i j . c /-> V, 7 • i ^
her liVe arrl iawtully begotten, to wit, on the 2jd day or vjaober m the year
afcer ti the of the l.ord 1676, by a certain indenture made between him
vr^ of Henry the faid Henry Strorrg/iill oi the one part, and Thomas Short and
'" ^*=^- William Norris of London, g? nt. of the other part, bearing date
the fame dav and year, in confideration of 5 s. in the intlenture
r /- -J aforefaid mentioned to be by the faid T. Short and William
* -^ -■ Norris to hiiK the faid Henry Stronghill paid, he the fail Henry
Stronghill (Xxd. demife to the faid Thomas Short and William Nor-
ris the tenements aforefaid in the declaration aforefaid menti-
oned with the appurtenances ; To have and to hold to the fame
Thomas Short and JVilUnni Norris from the day next before the day
of the date of the laid indenture for one whole year from thence
next enfuing, as by the indenture aforefaid to the jurors afore-
faid in evidence fliewn more fully appears; By virtue where-
of thev the faid Thomas Short and William Norris into the
tenements aforefaid with the appurtenances in the declaration
aforefaid mentioned entered, and were thereof polfc-ffed for
^he term aforefaid ; and being fo thereof pofTeffed afterwards, to
•wit, en the day of the fame month oiOdoher in the year
©f the Lord laft abovefaid, by a certain indenture quadripar-
tite made b<^tween him the faid Henry Stronghill of the firft
part, the faid Thomas Shgrt and Wiiliafn Norrts of the fecond
part, one William Lo^ve oi Chifwicke'm the county of Middle-
sex, gent, of the third part, and Judith Stronghill of Lond^n^
widow, relict of the faid John Stronghill and niother of the faid
Jienry Stronghill, of the fourth part, bearing date the fame day
and year, he the faid Henry Stronghill granted, remifed, releaf-
cd, quit-claimed and confirmed to the faid Thomas Short and
M^illiam Norris and their heirs, then being in their^ aftual pof-
fefiior. ^among other thing?) the tenements aforefaid with the
And for tf-e
cutting uff ail
Short and Nor-
r:! I^alj permit;
Lczve to bring-
FriFcipe agaiatj;
Eje£lment 19&
a^jpurtenances in the declaration aforefaid mentioned ; To Iiave
an to hold to the faid Thomas Short and IVtlliam Norris, their
heirs and afllgns, to the u(e of the laid Judith Strcnghill and
her afli'Ds, for and during the term of her natural life ; and
after the deceafe of the fai. Judith, to the ufe ot the faiu Hemy
Slroi^hiil, his heirs and afiigns for ever: And the fame jurors
.on thciv oath aforefaid farther fay, that in the faid indenture laft
mentioned is contained this claufe follov/ing, to wit, And for
the better corroboration of thefc prefents, and for the barring,
cutting off, and v/holiy extinguifliing of all and all manner of
eftaies-tail, ando'.her eilates and remainders limited, made, done
or executed, of, in or concerning the premiiT^^s, or any part
thereof, by the faid John St)-ong'-,iU deceafed, or by any oiher
perfonor perfons, it is covenanted, concluded and fully agreed
by and between all the faid parties to thefe prefents, that the
("aid 'Thomas Short and William Korris, and their heirs, flnll
and will permit and fiiffer the faid iVi'liam Loz.oe to bring and
purfue ag^ainrt them the faid '1 homas Short and IVilliam A'orriF
one or more v^rit or writs cfenrry on Dijfrijin in le pijl, re-,
turnable before his nnjefty's jufliccs of the court of common
pleas at W^efiinlnfter beiore the end of this prefent Michmlmas
term, bv which be the faid IVilUam Lotjoe fliaii demand againft
them the faid Thomas Short and William Kett,n, as his nglit and inheritance ; and
in whicli the fame 'Thirnas Short and pFillium horris had not had
entry but after the dilFeifin which Hugh Hunt thereof unjuftly and
without judgment had made on the faid l^Vdliam t.oive wiihin 30
years, isc. And whtreon he (aid, that he hirafelf was feifed of
xlie lenemencs aforcfaid with the appurtenances iu his demcfne as
of fee and rijiit in the time of peace in the time of the faid late
lord the king, by taking thereof the efplees to the value, ijc. and
in v.'hich, iffc. And therefore he produces the fuir, iyc. And the
laid Tftomus Short and IV. Sorris Cime and defended his riglit
v^hen, ISc. And called thereof to warranty the iaid Henry Strong-
hilly who v/as then prtftnt in court in his proper perfyn, and free-
ly warranted to them the tenements aforefaid with the appur-
tenances, ^c. And upon that the faid l'/. lovue demanded againfl;
the faid Henry tenaut by his warranty the tenements aforefaid
with the appurtenances in form aforefaid : And whereon he faid
that he himfeif was feifed of the tenements aforefaid witii the ap-
purtenances in his demefne as of tee and right in the time of peace>
in the time of the late lord the king, by taking thereof the ef-
plees to the, value, 6ffc. and in which, tjV. Ana then. fore he pro-
duced the fu;t, iffc. And the faid Henry tenant by his warran'f
defended his riffht when, i^c. and farther called thereof to war-
ranty J.lVheeler, who likcwife was then prefent in court in his
proper ptrfon, and freely yarranted to him the tenements
aforcfaid with the appurtenances, l^c. And thereupon the faid
V/. Lo'we demanded againlt the faid J. iVheeler tenant by his
warranty the tenements aforefaid with the appurtenances ia
form aforefaid, 15 c. And whtreon he faid, that he himfeif was
feited of the tenements aforefaid with the appurtenances in his
l^emefne as of tee and right in time of peace in the time of the
faid Ure lord the king, bv taking thereof the efplccs to the
value, yc. and in which, ci'f. And therefore he produced the
fuit, Ciff And the faid 'f. IVheeUr tenant by his warranty de-
fended his ri^ht when 'i^c. And faid, that the faid Hu^h did not
diffeife the faid IV. Loive of the tenements afo'efait^ w'nh tl-.e
appurtenances, as the laid WillidTn by liis writ and count atore-
faii^ above fuppofed : And upon this he put himlclf on the
country, l^c. And the l'a;d // '. Lotve prayed leave to imparl
thereto, and nad, i^c. And attcrwarns the faiii IF. Loive came
back into court in ihe lame term in his proper perfon ; and the
faid y. H'heeler, altho' Iblenmly called, did not come back, but
departea in contempt of the court and made default : Therefore
Jt was conf.dered that the laid IV. Loive iliould rtcoverhis leifirs
againlt the fatd 1 homas and IV. Aorris of the tenemenrs aforelaid
v.'ith the appurtenances, and that the fame 'Thomas and IV.
Norris flioiilo h-ive of the land o'. the laid Henry to the value, ^f-
Ano that the lame Henry fhould have over of the land of the
fall) J. Wheeler to the value, ^Sc and that the faid J. Wheeler
ihould then be in mercy, ^c. And therefore the faid W Loive
prayed the writ of the laid late lord the king to the flieriifof the
county aforefaid to be direftee"", to caufe him to have full fcifin
©f the tenements atorefaid with the appurtenances ; and it was
granted him returnable then without delay, l^c. Afterwards, to
wit, on the 28th ('ay of hJoDember in that lame term, came then
inro court the faid W. Loive in his proper perfon ; and the ll;e-
rilf, to wit, J. Cutler, knt. and bart. then returned, that he, bv
virtue of that writ to him direfted, on the 23d day of Nni>et>iher
then laft paft, had caufed the faid IV. Loive to have full feif.n of
ihc tenements aforefaid with the appurtenances, as by thtit writ
he was commanded ; And the fame jurors farther on their oath
aforefnid fay, that afterwards, to wit, on the ift day of Mny
1678, and not before, the faid Henry Stro'^ghitl had ifTue of his
body lawfully begotten the within named Richard Slronghi!h''ne
lelfjr of the plaintiff his firft begotten and only fon : -And the
fainejwrors on their oath aiorefaid farther fav, that the laid Jn-
dith afterwards, to wir, on the firll day oi May 167Q died To as
aforefaid feifed ; after whofe death the faid Henry into die tene-
ments atorcfaid with the appurtenances whereof, ^c. entered,
and was thereof feifed as the law r^'quires : And afterwards, to
wit, on the lo'h day oi Augufi 1681, the faid Henry being fo as
aforefaid feifed, by a certain indenture m^de between him the faid
Henry Stron^hill of the one part, and John Sympfon of the Inner
'J emple London, knt. of the other part, for and in confideraiion of
5 s. of lawful money of En^ir/nd'in the indenture aforefaid menti-
oned to be by the faid John ^Symf'fon to him the faid Henry Stio"y~
hill pa'] \, he the laid Henry Si r on f hill dn] demife, bargain and fell
to the laid John Sympfon the tenements aforefaid with the appur-
tenancirs in the declaration aforefaid mentioned (among other
ibiri'^s ;) To have and to hold (o the fiid Juhn Sytnf>fon from
the ieaa of St John the baptilt lalt part bel .r the date of the
indenture aforefiid for the term of fix months from thence next
enfuing, as by the indenture aforefaid to the jurors aforelaid \r\
evidence fhewn mor^ full/ appears ; hy virtue whewof he the
V/rit of feiCn
awarded ;
Tlien Henry
harf iiFuc ttic
1( (Tor of the
Henry enicrrrl,
3nd conveyed
tr^ SytTpfon by
Icaic and je<-
^ 97 I fejedmenf.
faid John %ymffon Into the tenements aforefaiu with the appur-
tenances in I lie declaration atorefaid mentioned entered, and was
thereof pofTc fled for the fame term ; ani being fo thereof poffciP
cd afterwards, to wit, on the iith day of the fame month of
Auguji in the year of the Lord laft abovefaid, by a certain in-
denture made between him the faid Hemy Sttotig/iill o^ the one
part, and the fuid John Symfifon of the other part, bearing date the
fame day and year, in confideration of the fum of 900/, of law-
ful money of England by the faid Jo/m Sympfon to him the laid
Hemy Stronghill paid, he the faid Henry Sironghill did grant, bar-
[ ^9^ ] g^'". ^'^I') releafe and confirm to the faid John Sympfon and his
heirs (then being in his adlual poifeirion, among others,) the te-
nements aforefaid with the appurtenances in the declaration
aforefaid mentioned ; To have and to hold to the faid John
Sywpjon, his heirs and afligns, to the only proper ufe and behoof
A covensnt to of the faid John Sympfon his heirs and aihgns for ever ; And the
fufFtr recovery jurors aforefaid on their oath aforefaid farther fay, that in the
thereupon. f^j^j indenture laft mentioned are contained the claufcs following,
so wit. And the faid Henry Sironghill for himfelf, his heirs, exe-
cutors and adminirtrators, and for every of them, doth farther
covenant, promife and grant to and with the faid Sir John Sytnp-
fon, his heirs and afligns, for the farther and better granting and
afl'uring the faid feveral pieces and parcels of freflimarfh- grounds,
lands, wood-grounds, tenements and hereditaments, and all
other the premifles, and every part and parcel thereof, with
their and tVQry of their appurtenances, unto the faid Sir J. Symp
foiifh'is heirs and afligns, for the intent aforefaid, that he the faid
H. Stronghill fhall and will before the end of Michaelmas term
next enfuing the date of thefe prefents, upon the requefl: of the
faid Sir John Sympfon, and at the cofl:s and charges of him the faid
Henry Stronghill, fuffer or caufe to be fufFered one or more good
and perfeft common recovery or recoveries before the judges of
his majefty's court of common pleas at JVeflmir.Jler, according to
the ufual and common order and form of common recoveries for
aflurances of lands in fuch cafes ufed ; and alfo that he the faid
Henry Sironghill ihM and will from time to time, and at all limes
hereafter within the fpace of one year next CHfuing; the date of
ihefe prefents, and upon the requeft of the faid Sir John Sympfon,
and at the cofts and charges in the law of him the faid Henry
Stronghill, his heirs and alhgns, make, do, at knowledge, levy,
fufter and execute, or caufe to be made, done, acknowledged,
levied, executed and fufFered,' all and every fuch farther and
other lawful and reafonable aft and afls, deed and deeds, con-
veyances and aflurances in the law whatfoevcr, for the farther
and better granting, conveying and afl'uring the faid feveral
pieces or parcels of frefh marfh-grounds, lands, wood-grounds,
tenements and hereditaments, and all other the premifles, and
every part and parcel thereof, with their and every of their ap-
purt€nances> »nto the faid §ir Jsh/t Sjmpjon, his heirs and
The u(e3;
Recovery Cuei
attain ft Jokx
r.fiigns for ever, be it by one or more fine or fines, common re-
covery or recoveries, with fingle or double voucher or vouchers,
feofiuieiit, releafe with warranty, or by any other lawful ways or
means whaifoever, as by the laid Sir Jo/iti Sy»ipfon, his heirs or
affigns, or by his or their counfel learned in the law, iliall ba
reafonab'y devifed, advifed or required, fo that the parry
or parlies, that by the force of this covenant fliall be to make
fuch farther alTurances, be not for the doing thereof compelled
or compellable to travel or go farther than the cities of London or
Weliminlltv for doing of the fame j which faid fine or fines, re-
covery or recoveries, conveyances and alTurances of the premif-
fes Heretofore made, or hereafter to be made of the premifles,
with the appurtenances, ftiall be and enure, and fliail be ad-
judged, deemed, conftrued and taken to be and enure, to the
only ufe anr, behoof of the faid Sir John Sympfon, his heirs and
alu'Jns for iVcr, and to and for no other ufe, intent or purpofe
whatfoever, as by tlie indenture aforefaid to the jurors atorefaid
in evidence fhown more fully appears : And the jurors aforefaid
on their oath afo-efaid farther fay, that one Fiancis TivyfJen,
efq; out of the court of chancery of the lord Charles the fecond,
]ate king of England, profecuted againtl him the faid John Symp-
fon a certain writ of the faid lord the king of entry on Diffeiftn in
le pojl, returnable before the juftices of the faid lord the king of
the bench at WeJIminfter in the county of Middlefex from the
day of St. Michael in three weeks then next following, by which
faid writ the faid Francis 7vjyfden demanded againfl: the faid
John Sympfon the tenements aforefaid with the appurtenances in
the declaration aforefaid mentioned (among others) by the name
of one meffuage, one garden, i 20 acres of land, 30 acres ot wood,
J 20 acres offrefh marfli with the appurtenances in the parilla of
Ne-uc Churchy LuJdanA Riverton, as his right and inheritanre, and
into which the faid Jihn had rot entry but after the difK-ifin,
which Hugh Hunt thereof unjuftly and without judgment made
on the faid Francis within thirty years, l^c. 'And whereon he
faid, that he himfelf was feifed of the tenements aforefaid with
the appurtenances in his demefne as of fee and right in the time
of peace in the time of the faid then lord the king, bv taking
thereof the efplecs to the value, l^c. And in which, l^c And
therefore he produced the fuit, i^c. And the faid John in
Ills proper perfon came and defended his right, when, ©r. and
called thereof to warranty the faid Henry Stronghill, gent,
who was then prefent in court in his proper perfon, and
freely the tenements aforefaid v.'i'.h the appurtenances to the r ,qq ]
faid John warranted ; and thereupon the faid Francis demanded
agiinft 'lini the fa'd /vVwfy tenant by his warranty the tenements
alorefaid v;ith the appurtenances in form aforefaid ; and
whereon he (aid, that he himfelf was feifed of the tenements
aforefaid with the appurtenanci:s in his demefne as of tee and
ri^hi in the lime of peace in the time of the faid then lord the
Who vouched
Henry Sltom-
Wno vouched
(he common
Wilt offclCn,
The retnri?.
f'ympl'in enter-
ed and oied
Themes ^ymp^^n
his Ion and heir
liog, by taking tlie efplees thereof to the valjif, ^c. And Vi»
viiith, ^V. And ilieretore lie produced the fuir, i^jc. And rhe
laid Henry, tenant by his warranty, dcfsndcv' his right when, ^r,
and I an her called thercot to warranty /. IVheeler., who was then
likewile prclent in court in his proper perf )n, and freely the te-
nements rtforcfaid with the appurtenances to the faid Henry war-
ranted, iSc. And thereupon the faiJ Francis demanded againil
the faiii J- IVheeler tenant by his warrant v the tenements afore-
laid wiih the appurtenances in form aforelaid, ^c. And whereon
be laid, that he himftlf was leilcd of the tenements aforefuid with
the appurienai>ces in his demefne as of fee and right in the time
of peace in the time ot the faid then lord the king, by taking the
cfpKes thereof 10 the value, i5c And in which, iSc. And there-
fore he thtn produced the fuit. i^c. And the faid ^. IVheeler
tenant bv his v.ananiy deftnce< his rig_ht when,yc. and faid that
the faid Hiigh ciid not difftfife the faid Francis of the tenemenrs
afor.faid with the appurtenances, as the fame Francis by his writ
and count aiorefaia above fuppofed : And of this he put himfelf
upon ti)e country: And thereupon the faid Fruv.cis prayed leave
to imparl, and had, If^c. And afterwards the faid trnncis came
back then into court in that ffrne term in his proper perfon : and
the faid J. IVheeler, altho' folemnly called, did not return, but
in conteiDpt ot the coun departed and made default: Therefore
it is confulered, that the faid Francij fliould recover his feifin
flgr.inft the faid J Sympfon of the tentmenis aforefaid with the ap-
purtenances, and that tht fnme J Rympfon fiiould have of the
land of the faid Henry to the value, (5c. and that the fame Henry
fliould farther hive of the land of the faid J. Wheeler to the
value, fifr. And tht' fame J. IVhieler in mercy, l^c And there-
upon the faid Fmr.cis prayed the writ of the faid late lord the
king-, to the flieriftof the county aforefaid to be direfted, to
caufe him to have full feifin of the tenements aforefaid with the
appurtenances; and it was granted him, returnable on the morrow
ot St. A-/(2»7/«then next : On which rav before the faid judices
of the (aid late lord the king at PFtJlmipJler came the faid Francis
in his proper perfon ; and the flier If, to wit,G. Atkins, efqj thea
returned, that he by virtue of the faid writ to him directed, ha^'i
on the 31ft dav of d"c'/'fr then laft paft caufed the faid Francis
to have full feifin of tl-.e tenements aforefaid with the appurtenan-
ces, as he was by that writ commanded : By virtue whereot the
fame J. Sympfon into the tenements aforefaid with the appurtenan-
ces (whereof the tenements aforefaid with the appurtenances in
the declaration aforefaid meniioned are parcel) entered, and w&s
thereof feited, as the law^ requires ; and being fo thereof leifed
afterwards, to wit, on the firft day o^ May 1683 died lo there-
of fe' ft fl» after whofe death the tenements aforefaid with the ap-
purtenances whereof, k'r. defcended to T. Syinpjhn, the only fof»
and heir of him the faid J. Sywpfon; by viriu^^ whereof the fameT-
Sympfnn the fon into the tenements aforefaid v^ith the appur-
tenances whereof, ^f. entered, and was thereof feifed as the law
Ejcament. J i99
requires : And afterwards, to wit, on the i6th day of V.oi-err.hcr
1683, the laid T. iVyw^yow being lo as aforelaid fcifed, by a cer-
tain indenture tripartite, made between them the faid hi. Strorg-
hiltun^T. Fympfon o^ the firlt part, //. Oxenden, elq; by the
name of //. Oxemien of Deane in the parifli of IVingham in the
county of Kent, efi.^; of the fecond part, and G. Oxentl^n, bv'
the name of G.Oxenrien oi Do.'^ors i.'omrwvs, lonihn, <^.o&:ot ot
laws, and R. Oxeru/en o'l Gmys Inn in the coi!nrv of Mid'lefcx,
efq ; of the third part, bearing date the fame day and year, tor
and in confideration of the fum of 5^. of lawful inonej of fng-
land \n the indenuire aforefaid mtniioned, to be to them the faid
JH. Sirorg/iil/ ind T. Syvi/fon paici, they the faid H. SjronghiH and
*T . Symffon bargained and fold to the faid G. Oxemien and /?► And ^«• and
Oxenden the tenements aforefaid with the appurtenances in the f^^f*^ Strong--
declaration aforefaid mentioned (among otht-r) ; to have and to j-^i^ and'rdclfc
hold to the fame G. and R. from the day next before the day of conv. y to G,
the date of the indenture aforelaid for the term of one year from and AT. Oxtn-
thence next ei.fuing, to the intent that by virtue of the indenture ^^ l^ ^^'
aforefaid, and by force of the ftaiute for transferring ufes into pof- 1 ' - > •
ftflion, the faid G. and R, might be in the f.ftual pclTirfTion ct the
premifTes v.hereof,£5r.and enabkd to make a grant and releafe of
the reverfion and inheritance thereof to them the faid G. and R.
and their heirs, to the ufes, intents and purpofes, to be limited,
expreflcd and declared, as bv the indenture aforefaid to the jurors
aforefaid in evidence fliewn more fully appears : By virtue wnere-
of they the faid G. Oxenden and R. OxenJen into the tenements
aforefaid with the appurtenances in the declaration 'aioielaiii
mentioned entered, and v^ere thereof polTcfrvd for the term afore-
faid ; and being fo thereof poffcfied afterwards, to wit, on the
I 7th dav of Kouember in the year laft abovtfaid, by a certain in-
denture tripartite made between them the faid //. 6'. and T. i\ of
the firfi part, the faid //. O. of the fecond part, and G. O. and
R.O. of the th'rd parf, bearing date the fame day and year, in
confideration of 995/. 5'- '^f lawful monev of hrglnr.d by the
faid H. O. to hin)"rhe faid T. S. and of 844/. > ^s. of like lawful
money oi Enpltindhy the faid //. O. to him the faid Hemy Stiorg- r ^qq J
/lili paid, they the faid T/jomas Symfifon and Henry ^irorghiU
granted, bargained, fold, alii-md, relcafed and confirmed to
the fa'd George Oxenden and Richard Oxenden, then in their
aflual poniflinn (imong others) the tenements aforefaid with the
appurtenarccs in the ileclararion aforefaid mentioned ; 'I'o have
and to hold to the faid Gfor^^ Oxenden and Richord Oxcntfen,
their heirs and afTigns for ever: And the fame jurors on tlicir ,
oath aforefaid farther fay, that in the indenture aforefaid lalt
mentioned is contained this claufe following, to wit, And the covenant Tor
faid Henry Siron^f.ill and 1 homas Symffon for (heirifelves feverally, faiilitr afTu-
iind for their ftvcral heirs and afligns, do covenant and grant to ra"c<--
and with the faid Gec/rge Oxenden nm\ Fh/.fird Oxenden, and their
lieirs and affigns, and every of thein, by ihcfe prefents, that they
the faid Henry S/ror'^/iHl and Thomas Fyhif-fon, ^nd tlicir heirs.
Vol. I. Z and
200 Ejedment.
and alfo all and every other pcrfon and perlons lawfully having or
claiming, or which fliall or may at any time hereafter have or
lawfully claim any ellate, title or infert.ll, of, in or to the pre-
n)!ire3 hereby granted, or of, in or to any part or parcel thereof,
by, from or under them, or the faid Sir John Sympfon, or any or
either of thciii, fliill and will from time to time and at all times
".'hereafter, for and during the fpaceof leven years next nfier the
date of thefe prcfcnts, at and upon the reafonable requeib, cofts
and charges in the law of the faid d^orge Oxetulen and Richard
Oxenden, their heirs and afligns, or fome of them, do, n)ake,
levy, execute and acknov.-ledge, and fuffer or caule to be made,
done, acknowledged, levied, executed and fuffered, all and every
fuch farther and other lawful aft and afts, thing and things, de-
vice and devices, affurance anii allurances, conveyance and con-
veyances in the law wharfoever, for the better and mere perfefl:
afi'urance, furety, fure-making and conveying, fettling, eftabliiTi-
ing and an.1 confirmation of the faid feveral pieces or parcels of
fre/li marfli-grounels, land, tenements, woo. -grounds, heredita-
ments and piemiffcs, hcrr-by bargained and fold, or mentioned to
be hereby bargained and fold, or any of them, and ol every part
and parcel thereof, with all and fingular their and every of their
appurtenances, unto the laid George Oxenden, -AT^d, Richard Ox-
endtn, their heirs and affigns, according to the true intent and
meaning ot ihefe prefents, be it by fine or fines, feoffment or
feoffments, deed or deeds inrolled or rot inrolled, the inro'ment
of thcfe prefents, or otherwife howfoever, as by the faid George
Oxenden and Richard Oxender, their heirs and afligns, or any
oftKem, or by their or any of their counfel learned in the law,
fliall be reafonably advifed, devifed or required, fo as fuch farther
atts, things, devifes, affurances and conveyances contain no
farther covenant or warranty than in thefe prefents is contained j
and fo as the perfon or perfon? who iTiali be required to do,
make, levy, execute, acknowledge and fuffer the fame, be not
TI:e arcs there- C0":pelleu to travel farther than the cities of fo'idon and Weftmin-
of. Jler for the doing thereof: And it is declared, concluded and
agreed bv and between all the (aid parties to thefe prefents, and
the faid Henry Stror.ghill for hindelf, his heirs, executors and ad-
miniftratcrs, coth covenant, promife, declare and agree to and
with the faid Henry Qxender, his heirs, executors, adminiflrators
and afligns, that a'l and every fine and fines, recovery and reco-
veries levied or fuffered by him the faid Hemy Stronghill, or Fran~
ces the now wife of the faid Ilenty Stronghill, feoffment and feoiT-
ments, conveyance and afTurance in the law whatibever, hereto-
fore had and executed, or hereafter to be had, levied and execu-
ted bv and between the faid parties to thcfe prefents, or any of
them, or by and between them, or any other pcrfon or perfons of
the premiflirs, or any part or parcel thereof, ihall be and enure,
and ihall be adjudged, deemed and taken to be and enure, to the
only ufe and behoof of the faid George Oxenden and Richard Oxen-
den, their heirs and afligns for ever, as by the indenture aforefaid to
Eje£lrnent. 1 2CO
die jurors afore ri'J. in eviJer.c.; l>..wn more fully appears: By G. and/?,
virtue whereof they the I'aic George OxenJen an.) Richard Oxen- ^^"^'.'^^l^^^l
^fr. into the teriemcnts nforcfaid with the oppurienances in the ^^^ Jv/r.^m
declaration aforelaid mentioned (amorg others') entered, v.nd HenryStrcnihill
were thereof feifeJ as the law requires ; am' being fo thereof ami nis. v^itc
ieiled, aherwsrrts, to wit, \n Mcha^lmas Uttw ii. the year laft Itvy a fine,
abovefaiii, a certain fine was leviec" in the court of 'he fai.l late
lord C/^/./^j the feconc^, belore Thomas Jones, Hugh IVyndhamt
Job Chuiltcn^.nACef'votU Z.^'i^n.z, jufticcs of the faid late lord
ihe king of the, between the faid Henry Oxetiden, plain-
tiff, anu the faid Henry Stror.ghill and the faid Frarces his wife,
deforceants, of the tenements aforefaid with the sppurts nances
in the declaration aforefaid mentioned (among others) by the
r.ame of one barn, 30 acres of wood, and 30 acres of frefh
marfli, with the appurtenances in LudJ, and in the parifhes of
Neiv Churchy Rumney Murjh, IVo-id Church, Rfvei ion, and
Kunertun, orherwife Kenorthir.gtm ; by which faid fine the faid
Henry Stronghill f^nJ Frances acknowledged the tenements afore- ^ -
jfaid with the appurtenances, whereof, ij^c. (among orhers) to be L ^ ^ ■»
ihe right of him the faid Henry Oxenden, as tkofe which the fame
He>:ry Gxenden had by the gift of the faid Hen'-y Strorghill &nd
Frances, and them they releafed and quitted claim from theni
the fain Henry Stronghill and Frances and their heirs fO the faid
henry OxenJen and his heirs for ever : And moreover the lame
Henry Sirongh:/! and Frances granred for tbemfelves and the h-irs
of the faid Henry S.-tonghi/I, that they would warrant to the fcid
Henry Oxenden and his heirs the faid tenements with the appur-
tenances whereof, i^c. agair.ft the faid Hemy Strorghill and
Frances and the heirs of the faid Henry Strorghill for ev^-r; And
the jurors aforefaid on their oath aforefaid farther fay. t!iat the fine-
aforelaid fo as aforefaid le\i3d, was levied to the ufe ol the faid
George Oxenden and Richard Oxenden their heirs and aiTigns,
whereby they the faid GcurgeOxenden an ' RichardOxenden were
feifed ot the tenements aforefaid with the appurtenances (wherecf
the tenements afore faid with the appurtenances in thj declara-
tion aforefaid mentioned are parcel) as the law requires : Anl here until on the morrow of the Holy Trinity to hear
their judgment thereon, becaufe the fame juftices here thereof
not yer, cfc On which day here come as well the faid James
as the faid J. Jordan, J. Mittell and Thomas by their attornies
aforefai.1 : And becaufe the juftices here will farther advife them-
felves of and upon the premilTes before they give judgment there-
on, day is farther given to the parties aforefaid here until the
day of St. Michael in three weeks to hear their judgment thereon,
becaufe the fame juftices here thereof not yet, ISc. On which
day here come as well the faid James as the faid J. Jordan, J.
Mittell TinA Thomas by their attornies aforefaid : And becaufe the
juftices here will farther advife themfelves of and upon the pre-
jniU'cs before they give judgment thereon, day is farther given to
the parties aforefaid here until in the oflave of St. Hillary to hear
their judgment thereon, becaufe the fame juftices here thereof
not yet, (^c.
Andrews and Lilly,
THis indenture made the 23d day of May in the 24th year of Leafc in cjcdl-
ihe reign of our fovereign lord Charles l\\Q fecond, by the '!^"^"'' "^^^'^
gTHCC of Goi\ ex England, Scotimt, France and Irelard k\ng, de- arc iloT'in'ha-
tcnderof the faith, in the year of the Lord 1680, b-vtwecn Jihn ijitcd, in order
y!n frtivt ni the SiranJ, vifluallcr, of the one part, and John to iccovcr ihe
lil/y, g.jnt.of the other. witnelVeth. That he the faid Joh'i An- poffcflion.
dreixs, for divers gooil caufes and confidcrations him hereunto
moving, hath deiififcd, granted and to (arm letten, and doth by
ihefe prcfcnts, demife, grant and to farm let unto the faid John
Lilly all that his mcffuage, commonly called or known by ilie
aauie of ihc Tullow Chandlers Head, filuate, lying and bcins;
Z 3 '"
'^02 Ejedmcnt.
in Eloomjhtiry Mnrket-flace in the parifli of St. Cihs in the Fichlt
in the couniy ot Middhjcx^ and in the polTeffion of one Hinry
Duv.fciml? ; To have and to hold the preiiiilles -iforefaid with the
Praa Rctr appurtenances from the date of ihefe prefents for and during and
45p, ' ' unto the full end and term ot two years froin thence next tnfu-
irg and tally to be complete and ended ; Provided always, and
upun condition that if the faid John Andreivs his executors or
adniinillrators, fl'ial! at any time alter the 30th of this prelent
Mfiy tender to the laid John Lilly his executors or adniiniltrators,
\s. then this prefent indenture, and every thing herein contain-
ed, fliall be void and of none effedl (any thing herein contained
to the contrary in any wife notwiihrtanding :) In witnefs where-
of the parlies 'abovefaid have hereto interchangeably fet their
hands, Cffc.
Legaiz-e and Phtner.
Rule in ejca- TT qp |g ordered by the confent of the parlies, that Henry Plumer
mtnt to make 1 , . , r 1 • i 1 r . . , 1
the icnant dc- jS. be made a cletenilant in the place 01 the now detenciant i-f-
tendani, on g'li'Je, and fliall appear without delay at the fuit of the plaintiff,
which cofts and tliall receive a declaration in a plea of trelpafs and ejeftincnt "
were taxed f, j. ^\^^ tenements in queftion, gnd fliall without delay plead there-
rl ?u'^^'l"r " to Not CTuiltv ; and on the tiial of the iflue afi refaid fliall con-
fingtbc kale, r r y.^ \ ' r j rv 1 • n c u
^^^ fels the leale, entry and actual ejectment tor the tenements
in queition, and fliall infifr on the title only, otherwil'e judgment
to be entered for the plaintiff againfl the now detendanc Leguzve
by default : And ifon the trial of the iffue aforefaid the fame
Hetiry fliall not confefs the leafe, entry and cjedlinent, whereby
the plaintirF fliall not be able to prolecute his writ againft the
faid Htr.ty, then no co'ds or charges fliall upon fuch nonp'ofs be
adjudged, but that the faid //f«rj iliall pay to the faid plaintiff
the colb and charges therton to be taxed : And it is farther or-
dered, that ifon the trial of the iffue a vercift fiiali be given for
the defendant Henry, or if it fhall happen that the plaintiff ffiall
rot farther profecute his writ aforelaiJ ag?.intl the faid HcKiy for
any other caufe than for not confeffinr^ the leale, entry and attual
ejtflment at'orefaid, that then the leffor of the plainiilf aforefaid
fhall pay to the faid Henry the cofls and charges by the court
here to be taxed.
Jo/in Po-^vell H. for the plaintiff.
lcrcoftsi2/. ' Z,. for the defendant.
{20-1 Leake againft Legaive.
Declarathn in
cjeftment by
Midd\ to wit. T A-ivrenre Legaive, late of LordsK, gen% was
attached to anfwer Thotnns Lea/:e, gent, in a
oneina to be 4 plea ^v]iv with force and arms he into three meffuaaeF, jo acres
OClivcted ti> ' . , , ■ -- , 1 r n • I I
the tenant to ot land, 20 acres of meadow, and 10 acres ot palture with the
compel him to Eppurtcnarces in Hadley, which the honourable P'^ere Bootky
appfar. fpinfte/,
Saik. 434,
Ejedment. ^03
fpinfter, to the fame Thomas demifed for a term wliith is not yet
psffed, entered, and him from his fariji aforefaid ejcdted, and
committed other outrages on him, to tlie great damage of the
faid Thomas, and againft the peace of the now lady the queen,
Ijjc. And whercon the faid Thomas Leake by 'John Lilly his attor-
ney con)plains, that whereas the faid Vere Booth on the 20th day
ot November in the firil year of the reign ot the lady Anne, now
queen of England, Isfc. demife.l to the fame Thomas the tene-
ments aforefaid with the appurtenances ; To have and to hold the
tenements aforefaid with the appurtenances to the fame Thomas
and his ailigns from the 17th day of the fame month of November
then lail patl unto the end and term ot five years from thence
next enfuing and fuliy to be compleat and ended ; by virtue of
which faid demife the fame 1 hcmas into the tenements aforefaid
with the appurtenances, entered, and was there of poffefTed ; and
he the taid Thomas being fo thereof pofleifed, the laid l.axtjrencg
at'terwards, to wit, on the fame 20th dav of No~jembcr in the firfl;
vear abovefaid, with force and arms, i^c. info the tenements
aforefaid with the appurtenances, which the faid Fere Bojth to
the fame Thomas in form aforefaid demifed for the term aforefaid,
which is not yet pail, entered, and him the faid Thomas from his
farm aforefaid ejefted, and other outrages, Iffc. to the great
damage, ^c. and againti the peace, i^c. whereby he fays that
he is prejudiced, and hath damage to the value of 40/. And
therefore he produces the fuit, l^c.
To Sir William Buck, bart.
I am informed that you are in pofTeflion, or claim title to the
premifles in this declaration of ejectment mentioned, or to fome
part thereof ; and being fned in this ailion as a cafual ejcdor,
and having no claim or title to the fame, do advife you to iippear
the firftday of the next Hillay term in his mnjefty's court of
queen's bench at IVefuninfler by fome attorney of that court,
and then and there by rule of the fame court to caufe yourfelf
to be uiade defendant in my flead j otherwife I iliall fuffer a
judgment to be f ntered againft me, and you will be turned out
of poflcfllon.
Your loving friend,
Luvore7:ce I^egaive.
Unlefs the tenant in poffejjfivt /hnll appear and pteni to ijfue Rule on motion
rvithin one -week next after the end uf this term, let judgment •" ^^^ court
he entered fur the pLiinliff apainll tfie nviv defendant i.e^awe. , ^T '^l^'-'^l-Jr
On the motion oj Mr- Krodri'.k. appear aud
By the court. r'=»'J-
Z 4 Cetwect\
AfFidavit of the
dclivey of the
declaration to
the tenant in
Pria. Reg,
44i 4^-
And to the
tenant's wife,
{ 20| J
And to the fer-
vant of the te-
N. B. ThiV i^
not goori,unIefs
it appears to
have been re-
ce-y-^ by the
r Thomas IFoo^fjelJ, plaintiff, T
ween < and i In cj
(^ IVilliam E^ans, defendant, j
//; t/i
le queen s
T. T. clerk to John i'tlly, gf nt. one of the attornies of this
court, niakefh oath, that he tiid upon Salurtlay the jyth day of
this inflant January, deliver a copy of the declaration hereunto
annexed unto Mmthn Fothi/ier, tenant in pofTvffion of part of
the preniiifes in ihe faid declaration nuntioned ; anil alio on the
fame day did deliver one othi'r copy of the faid declaration unto
Margaret the wife oi Daniel Cune, one other tenant in pofTclTion
of other part of the premiirrs in the faid de«laratioii meniioned ;
and alfo on the finic day did deliver one oiher conv of ihe fail
declaration unto the wife of Mr. Amos, one orher tenant in pof-
leifion of other part of the premi/lls in the f;iid declaration men-
tioned : And this deponent farther fairh, that he did upon Mou-
day the iqth dayot the fame month of y^^/w^/^j deliver one other
copy of the faid declaraiion unto Mrs. Hotufen, one other tenant
in pOikirion of other part of the premifTes in the faid declaration
mentioned ; and then did alfo deliver one other copy of the faid
I'.claratioii unto ///£> maid let i- ant «/ Ma-. Wheallers, her mafter,
one other tenant in pofRilinn of other part of the prtmifles \n the
faid declaration alfo meniioned, being at fea, and the millrefs
his wife being fick in bed, as the faid fervant told this deponent :
And this deponent farther faith, that he told them all fevcrally,
that it was a declaration in ejeftiiient, and unlefs they did ap-
pear by foiiie attorney of the court of queen's bench this prefent
Hillary term, there would be judgment thereupon againtl: the
defendant by default, and they would be turned out of poiftirion,
or words to that ji, Richard Higby, 'I ho. Higby, Tho. Dreiu and Dorothy his
five pills to be vvite, on ihe firft day of January in thc 9th year of the reign of
S Vk VoT ^^'^ '^''■' ^^'"^^''"" f'i<^ third, now king of England, ^c. at the
Pracr. Rc<'. parifli ot yJ. in the countv aforefaid, by their certain iniienturc
454, 560. then and there made between ihem the (aid J. litghy, R. U. Iffc.
The di-inife of on the one part, and the laid IVilli/nn Fijher of the other part,
three fitih Q,^g pjjj.j Q^ which faid indenture fealed with the feals of them
^^' " ' the laid y. H. R. H. l^c. the fame IVilliam Fi/her here in court
produces, bearing date the fame day and year, did demife,
grant, and to farni let, to the fame M''. Fi/her three parts, in five
parts to be divided, of one iiifiTaagc, 50 acres of Iznd, 50 acres of
niea>iow, and 50 acres of pafture with the appurtenances in the
pariili of B. aforefaid in the county aforefaid i To have and to
hold the fame three parts of the tenements aforefaid, in five parts
to be divided, to the fame IV. Fi/her and his affigns from the
fealt of the Birth of our Lord then laft paft unto the full end and
term of leven years from thence next enluing and fully to be com-
pleat and ended : Yielding and pjying therefore to the fame
J. H.R. H. i^c. during the term aforefaid the yearly rent of lof.
as by the fame indenture, among other things, is more fully ma-
The litmirr of iiifell and appears : And that by a certain other indenture made
one firth pait. at the" parifli aforefaid in the county aforefaid, on the faid firft day
of y^ffMrt'^ in the grh year abovefaid, between J. F. and E. his
wife, A. S. and C. S. of the one part, and the faid fV. Fijher of
the other part, which other part of the faid other indenture feal-
ed with the feal of them the faid J. F. and K. his wife, y/. S. and
C S. the fam.e IV. Fi/her here in court produces, bearing date the
fame day and year, the fame J. F. and E. his wife A. S. and C.
S. did demife, grant and to farm let, to the faid (V. Fi/Iier one
other fifth part, in five parts to be divided, of the tenements
rforelaid with the appurtenances ; To have and to hold the fame
fifth p^rt of the faid tenements with the appurtenances to the
fame IV. Fi/hier and his aifigns from the faid feaft of the Birth of #
our Lord then laft paft unto the full end and term of feven years
from thence next enfuing and fully to be compleat and ended ;
Yielding and paying therefore to the faid J. F. and E. his wife,
>#. and C. duringthe term aforel'aid, the yearly rent of 55. as by
tlie fame indenture is alio more fully manifeft and appears ; By
virtue of which faid leveral demifts the faine 14''. Fi//ier into the
tenements aforefaid with the appurtenances entered, and was
Utereof poff<.ffcd until tiie faid James IVigg and John J^icholls
Ejectment. 1 205
afterwards, to wit, on the faid firft day cf January in tlie 9th
year abovefaid, with force and arms, l£c. into the tenements
Jiforefaid with the appurtenances in and upon the pofleffion of
hiiii the faid IV. Fi/her thereof entered, and him the faid JV.
Fijhir from his feveral farms aforefaid, his terms afcrefaid there-
in not ended, ejedted, compelled and amoved, and him the laid
IF. F'/Jnr fo thereout ej.fted, compelled and amoved from his
pofllfTion aforefaid thereof kept out, and yet do keep out, and
other outrages on him then and there committed, againft the
peace of the faid now lord the king, and to the damage of the
laid /'f. FiJJier 10/. And therefore he produces the fuit, isc.
And the faid James fVigg by R. G. his attorney, and the faid As to tlie force,
J. Nichollshy iha faid i?.Cj'. his guardian, by the court of the £?<.•• Not guil-
faid now lord the king fpecially admitted, come and defend the '>'«
force and injury when, &c. And as to the force and arms, or
whatever that is againft the pieace of the faid now lord the king,
fay that they are not thereof guilty : And of this they put them-
feives on the country : And the faid IF. /V/vt"/- thereof likewife,
l^c. And as to the rtfidue of the trefpafs and ejcftnient aforefaid As to the rt^'
above fuppofed to be committed, the fame James and Jo/in fay, ^^^ that the
that the laid M . tijher ought not to have or maintam his attion copyhold lifcld
afcrefaid thereof againft them, becaufe they fay, that the tene- oftbc manor
ments afcrefaid with the appurtenances in which, ^c-. are, and f>f -S. whereof
'«t the time when, l£c. z% alfo from time out of mind were parcel "^^"^^ Caf'el %nA
of the manor of 5. in the county of //i?r//orrf' aforefaid, and copy- -^^(1^ ^^^
hold tenements of the fame manor, and alfodemifed and demifa-
ble by copy of court-roll of the faid manor, by the lord of the faid ,
manor for the time being, to any perfon or pcrfons whomfoever
willing to t&ke the fame in fee-(imple, or otherwifc, at the will
of the lord according to the cuftom of the manor aforefaid; of
Avhich fa;d manor w'.th the appurtenances whererf, l^c. the
right honourable dame Eliznheth Capel, widow, and R B- gent,
before the lime when, l^c were feifed in rheir demtfne as of
fee ; and being thereof fo feifed, afterwards, and before the fuid
t'me when, Cffc to wit, at a court of them the faid dame Eliza-
hethCfipel, and R. B. of their manor aforefaitl, held at the ma-
nor aforefaid on the 15th day of October 1660, the fame dame [ 206 ]
Eliznbeth Capel and R. B. by copy of court-roll of the fame
manor did grant the tenements with the appurtenances in which. Grant by copjr
la^c. to one /i. H. the elder, his heirs am! ailigns for ever, at the V*/^' ^J' ."* ,
w l!s of the lords of the manor aforefaid according to the cufloin uyjefour Tons
of the faid manor : Dy virtue of which faid grant the fnid A. 11. and two
the elder into the fame tenements entered, and was feifed in his de- tiaughtcrs.
mefne as of fee, at the will of the lords of the manor aforefaid
according to the cuftf m of the fame manor, of and in the te-
nements aforefaid u'ith the appurtenances in which, ^c. an>l
had ifi'ue ^r. //. hiselicft fon, and three other fons, to wit, A. An.irnrrenderf i
i?. and J. and two daughters, to wit, G. and J. and that he to hi' witc- fn-
ihe fame //. H. the father beinj/ fo thereof feifed, afterwards, and 'i''-..a"<| «""
<- r I • I c_> 1 /- . 11 to III* thrcf
beJore the time when, tTr. at that fame court then and tliero
2o6 Ejedment.
younger fons held furrendercd the fame tenements into the hands of the lord
and two daugli- an.l laJy of ihe manor aforeUid, to the ufe and behoof of G.
ursinir.ei his th'.^n wife, for and during the term ot" her natural life, and
^H.iicd. " ^ alter hc:r di-ccafe to the ufe of ihefaid /^. //. the younger, R. H,
and J. H. his three fjns, and G. II.nnA A. H. his two daughters,
equally to be divicled, and to their refpcdive heirs and afTigns
for ever J and that afterwards, to wit, the fame day, year and
place, at the fame court the faid lord and lady of the manor
jtforefuid, bv copv of court-roll of the fame manor, granted the
teneniciiis aforefaid to the faid G. the wife of the faid A. H the
elder, fcr aiid during the term of her natural life, the r^-niainder
thereof after her deccafe to the faid A. II. the younger R. H. J. H.
G. H. and //. H. the fons and daughters of the faid A. H. the elder
and G. his wife, equally to be divided, and to their relpi.(5tive
heirs and alhgns for ever, at the v.ill of the lords of the manor
aforefaid accor.iing to the ouflom of the fame manor, according to
Who V ere td- the form and tfl'tft of the furrender aforefaid ; and the laid G.
raitted. the wife of the faid A. H. the elder, and the faid A. H. the
youngor, R. H. J. II. G. II. and A. II. v.ere then and there admit-
ted tciiati;s thereof in torm aforefaid: By virtue ct which faid
grant the faid G. the wife of the faid //. //. the elder, was feifed
of the tenements aforefaid in which, ^c. in herdemefne for term
of life, the remainder thereof to the fame A. H. the younger,
R. II. J. H. G. H. and A. H. equally to be divided, and to their
refpeftive heirs belonging, at the will of the lord of the manor
And all of aforefaid accordtngto the cuitomof the faid nianor; And the faid
them except^. G. thewifeofthe faid A. //. the elder, fo being thereof feifed, af-
^'^d. terwards, an(i before the time v/hen, ^c- to wit, on the firft day
oi Mny 1661, at B. aforefaid in the county aforefaid, Hie the faid
G. the wife of the faid A. //.the elder, and the faid A. //. the
elder, A. H. the younger, R. H. J. H. and G. //. all disd, and
the faid A did them furvive, and keep herf-^lf in the tencmeiits
Who bcini; aforefai(' in which, i'^c. and was thereof fole feifed by right of
fn!c itiitd by furvivorflvp in her demefne as of fee, at the will of the lord 'of
took'to'hui^- '''•'^ manor aforefaid according to the cuftom of the faid manor ;
Lind J. //.and a"d being fo thereof feifed xht faid A. H'gly afterwards, and
bad iiruc one] before the faid time when, If^c to wit, on the firll day of Mav
oi :bc dcfea- 1680. at /?. aforefaid took to huihand one J.N. which faid J.
and 4. had iilue between them J. Nicfi',Us \\\tu firll begotten
fon, now one of the defendants ; and atter-.vards to wit, on the
fird day of May 1690, at B. aforefaid the laid J, N. the elder
died, and the faid A. N. then there likewife of fuch her eftate di-
ed thereof feifed, after whofe death the tenements atorcfaid with
Ziiii or'his fi- ti»e appurtenances defccnded to the fanie J. N. now one_ of the
tncr and m>.- defendants, as fon and heir of the faid A. whereby the faid J. N.
t;-.-^r entertd and ]„jq fj^g tenements aforefaid with the appurtenances entered, and
whomTh'^' ""^ ^'^^ thereof feifed in his demefne as of fee, at the will of the lord
blJutifF enter- of tl'^ manor according to the cuftom of the faid iiwnor ; andbe-
cd, and he and ing fu thereof fcifcd the faid J. H. and R. H. the leiTors, T. H.
t!ie nit-;cr di- T. D,
Jcndaut ae his \
ftrvjnt, re-
«at;red a*, (sfc.
"Who on t'le
Ejedment. 1 106
T. D. and his wife, and alfo the QiJ J. F. and E. his v/ife, /f.
S. and G. S. on th.Q { firil day oi' Junuayy in the 9th year
abovefaid, at B. aforefaid refpeftively made the faid indentures
of the faid three fifth parts, and the faid one fifth part of the
tenements aforefaid with the appurtenances in which, Ifc. to the
faid l^l^. Fi/rier^ as by the declaration aforefaid is fuppofed ; by-
colour of which faid indentures the faid IV. F. into the faid tour
pans of the tenements aforefaid wiih the appurtenances in which,
^c. before the faid time when, ^r. entered, and was thereof
pnfTclTed ; on the poffcfrion of which fiid IF. Fi/'ie?- thereof the
fame James and John Nicholls afterward, to wit, the f.ime time
when, i^c. into the faid four parts of the tenements aforefaid
with the appurtenances, to, the faid J. McAoIls claiming his
eftate aforelaid, and the faid James, as his fervant and by hii
command thereto entered, and the faid IV. Fi/her from his
farm aforefaid thereof ejected, as they lawtuHy might ; And
this they are ready to verify: Wherefore they pray judg-
ment if the faid W. F, ought to have or maintain his adion
aforefaid thereof againft them, l^c.
And the faid IV. Fi/lier, as to the faid three fifth parts of the \R«'P'- as to
tenements aforefaid with the appurtenances in the firfl: demife three filth parts,
aforefaid above mentioned, fays, that he by any thinji by the '""^V^i'j
r -J rr J «■ / u • 1 J- II 1 1 1 '^ • 1 ^re copyhold,
laid James and John above in pleading alledged ought not to be
precluded from his aftion aforefaid thereof againtl them had,
becaufe he fays, that right and true it is that the tenements afore-
faid with the appurtenances are, and for all the time abovefaid
were parcel of the manor aforcfai^l, and demifed and demifable,
as by the plea aforefaid is above fuppofed : But the faid PV. Fi/her
farther fays, that the faid //. H. and the faid Q. liad iffue between
them lawfully begotten one W. H. their eldeft fon and heir, and
alfo the faid A. H. the younger, R. H. and J. H. his three fons,
and alfo G. I!, and j4. H. his daughter, and furrendcred the te- [ 207 )
nements aforefaid with the appurtenances into the hands of the An<1 Tunendcf
lord and lady of the manor aforefaid, to the ufe and behoof of *"'' "'^**
the (aid G. his wife for the term of her natural life, and afrer
her deceafe, to the ufe of the faid A. //. the younger, R. H.
J. H. G. H. and A. H. his fons and daughters, equally to be
divided, and their refpeftive heirs and affigns for ever : And af-
terwards the faid A. H. the father there died ; and thereupon
the fatne dame Qipel and R. B. granted the faid tenements with
the appurtenances to the faid G. the wife of the faid A H. the
elder, for and during the term of her natural life ; and after her
deceafe, to the faid A. H. R. H. J. H. G. II. and A. II. fons
and daughters of the faid A. H. the elder and G. his wife, equal-
ly to be divided, and to their refpcftive heirs and afligns for ever;
to hold at the will of the lords of the manor aforefaid according
to the cuffom of the faid manor, as in the plea atbrcfaid is al-
ledged : And that the faid G. the wife, by virtue of the furren-
Jcr and grant aforefaid, was feifcd of the tenements aforelaid with
•aoy Eje^lmcnt.
the appurtenances in her vieniefne for the term of her life, elie re-I
uiainitir tliereo: to the fame Tons and daughters at the will oi'
the f.iiii lords iiccording to the cufloiii of the manor aforcfaid in
form afor.fuid belonging : And that the faid G. the wife of the
faid J. H. the elder, and the faid A. H. the younger, R. II. J. II.
and G. //. tiie daughter, died, and the faid J. then furvived,
and afitrwaids to k to her huiband the faid John Nic/ioL's, and
(hey had ifaur between them the faid "J. N. now one of the defen-
dants ; and afterwards the faid J. N. the elder and J. died, as
hy the plea nforefaid is above fuppofed : But the fame /K
Ti/her fays, that the fai<; G. (he v/u'c of the faid A. II. the el-
der, died in the life-iimt- »if the faid AH. the younger, R.H.
j. H. and G II. the fons and dauglucrs of the faid A. H.
the elder and G. his wife, whereby fhr flime A. R. and J. the
fons, and the faid G. and v^. the daug*uers, into the tenements
aforefaid with the appurtenances entered, and were thereof fcil-
ed in conmion in their dcmefne as cf fee at the will of the lotd
according to the cuftom of the manor aforefaid ; and being
fo thcre> f feifed the faid A. the fon of fiich his eftate of and
jn the tenements aforcfaid at B. aforefaid died thereof feifed
Tenants incom- without heir ifTuing from his body; after whofe death his pur-
mon;three died party, 10 wit, the fifth part ot the teneni-.nts aforefaid with the
and tlicii parts appurtenances defcfr:ded to 'he faid IV. 11. as elder brother
(leTcrr^led (o ^ j^^;^ j ^^^ ^^.^^ ^ ^|^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^|j ^^ ^j^^ ^^^ of fucH
W' H. as elder ,.„ -.-, r r ■ \ • t ^
brother and ''''' eftate ot and m the tenements aforefaid with the appurten-
luir. arces there likewife diei' fiifed without heir from his body ifTu-
ing ; after whofe death his purparty, to wit, another fifth part
of the tenements aforefaid with the appurtenances, defcended
to the faid /f^. H. as ehier brother and heir of the fame R.
the fon ; and the faid J. the fon of fuch his efiate of and in
the tenements aforefaid with the appurtenances there likewife
died feifi'd without heir from his body iflijing ; after wliofe
death his purparty, to wit, another fifth part of the tenements
aforefaid with the appurtenance?, defcended to the laid 14'''.
II. as elder brother and heir of the faid J. and by reafon of
the premillls the fame IV. H. was feifed of three parts of the
tenements afortfaid with the appurterances, in five parts to be
divided, in his demefne as of fee a? the will of the lord accord-
Cnfiom to fu--* ing to the culTiOm of the manor aforefaid: And the fame //'.
render out of p^ farther favs, that within the manor aforefaid there is and
'^''"'"'* from time immemorial hath been a certain antient and laudable
cuflom u!cd and approved, to w-it, that every cuftomary tenant
of the faid manor, being feifed of anv cuftomary lands or tene-
incnts of the fame manor in his demtfne as of fee at the will of
the lord according to the cufiom of the fame manor and with-
in the manor aforefaid, did furrender, and was ufed and ac-
cuftomed to furrender at his pleafure, all fuch his cullomary
lands an(i tenement", or any part thereof, out of the court of
the manor aforefaid, into the hand of the lord or lords of the
tiiacor aforefaid for the time bein^, by the hands of two cuf-
Ejeamenlv Ijaoy
tomarv tenants, to any ufe or ufes whaifoever as to hun iliouid
feeiii fit ; and if any luch lurrender out or' the court of ihti
manor atorefaid into che haniis of the lord or lores ofthenia-
rior atorefaid tor the time being, by the bancs of two cufto-
mary tenants, was in form atoruiaid had and made, thiit then
fuch furrendcr during all the tiine abcvefaid was prefented, and
was ufeu (o be prcfei.ced, at the couris ot the fame manor n.xt
foUovving fuch furrendcr at the did mnnor to be hehi : And tiiat
the faivi I^V. H. laft named of the faid three parts ot the tenemeDts
aforcfai^' with the rippuricnances, in five parts to be divided, in
form being fcileii, the fame IV. H. afterwards, and be- W. H. furren-
fore the fai. time when, ^c. to wit, on the firft day of Au^uftm docd 'J\jj^e^"^'e
the 9th year of the reign ot the faid now lord the king abovcfaid, ^her^by dc'vhcd
at the p'ariili of B. aforefaid in the county aforefrdd and within thgfg t^^ree
the manor aforefaid, furrendered the fame three fifth parts of the part' to the
tenements aforefaid wiih the appurtenances into the hands of the pl-i'nMff's ItlTor,
lord of the manor aforefaid, by the hands of N. C. and J. J. then
iwocuftomary tenants of the manor aforefiid, accorumg to the
cuftoin of the faid manor, to fuch uks, intents and purpofes, as
he the fame IV,. H. by his lalt will and teRament fliould limit and
appoint ; and afterwards, to wit, the fame day and year made
his lad will and leftament in writing, and by his faid lall will gave
and devifed his fame three fifth parts of the tenements aforefaid
with the appurtenances to the faid J. //. R. H.T. H. and D. in
the declaration aforefaid above named, being the fons and daugh-
ter of the fait //''. ///i^y the father, and their heirs for ever;
and afterwards, to wir, on the 10th day of December in the
ninth year abovefaid, the faid ^V. Highy the father at the parilli [ 208 ]
aforefaid in the county aforefaid died feifed of fuch his eftareof
and in the faid three parts of the tenements atorefaid with the'
appurtenances ; and afterwards, to wit, at the next court of the The prefent-
nianor aforefaid held after the faid furrender, to wit, at the me"fofthe
court of the faid manor held withm the manor atord .id on the ^p^,.^ .i^aih of
18th day of December in the 9'h year abovefaid, and the faid ^y^ //.
furrender according to the cuftom of the manor aforefaid, and
the faid, death of him the faid IV. H the father, by the homage
of the faid court was prefented ; and thereupon R. P. and A', The sdmiffion
P. then lords of the manor aforefaid, by their then fteward of ^^ ^'{^''^'^j'^j,''^'^'/'
the court of that manor, by copy ot court-roll of the laid g'^^^j..''
manor in execution of the will aforefaid granted the fame three
fifth parts of the tenements aforefaid with the appurtenances to
the faid J. II. R. II. T. H. and D. the fons and daughter of
the fail W. II. the father ; To have and to hold to them and
their htirs at the will of the lord according to the cullom of
the manor aforefaid ; and afterwards, to wir, the fame dnv,
year and place hft abovefaid, T. D. took to his wife the faid D.
II. and by reafon of the premifles the fame J. H. R. II. and
T. //. the fons in their own proper right, and the faid T. IX
and B. in the rigju of the fuid D. into the faid three fifth
cioS Eje6lment.
parts of ttie fcnemcnts afortTaid with the appurtenances enrcr-
fd, and v/ere, to wit, the fame J. 11. R. H. and 7*. //. the fons
in their own proper right, and the faid 7", D. and D. in the
right of the faid D. thereof feifed in their demefne as of fee at
the will of the lor.i of the manor aforcfaid according to the cuftom
■wl»o drmifed of the faid manor ; and being fo thereof feifed the fame 7. H. R.
them to the H. and T. //. the fons, and ihe faid T. D. and D. on the faid firft
pluntiff. jjgy of Jtinunry in the 9th year abovefaid at B. aforefaid, into the
tenements aforefaid with the appurtenances entered, and by the
indenture aforelaid in the declaration aforefaid above fuft men-
tioned demifed the fame three fifth pans of the tenements afore-
faid with the appurtenances to the fame IV. F. To have and to
hold to the fame IV. F. and his afiigns from the faid feaft of the
B'rrth of our Lord then laft pad unto the full cn.i and term afore-
faid of (even years from thence next enfuing and fully to be com«*
pleat and ended : By virtue of which faid deinife the fune IV. F.
into the fame three fifth parts of the tenements aforefai.1 with the
appurtenances entered, and was thereof poffefied, until the faid
James nnd J, Nicholls afterwards, to wit, the fame ift dav of
January in the 9th year abovefaid, into the fame three fifth
parts of the tenements aforefaid with the appurtenances, in and
upon the poflclfion of him the faid JV. F. entered, and him the
faid M^. F. from his farm aforefaid, his term aforefaid therein not
ended, ejefted, expelled and amoved, in manner and form as the
fame //''. F. above thereof againft the faid James zn6 J. N. com-
plains: And this he is ready to verify: Wherefore he prays
judgment, and his damages by reafon of the faid trefpafs arid
Tlie like ple» ^jeftment, to be adjudged to him, ^c. And as to the faid fifth
to the other ' P^rt of the tenements aforefaid with the appurtenances in the
fii'th part. declaration aforefaid abovementioned to be demifed fo the fame
H^. F. by the fame J. T. and E. his wife, and J. S. and G. S.
fpinfters, the fame iV. F. fays, that he by any thing by the faid
James and 'Jo/in above in pleading alledged ought not to be
precluded from his aftlon aforefaid thereof againft them had,
hecaufe as before he fays, that right and true it is, that the tc-
ncmenis aforefaid with the appurtenances arc and for all th«
time abovefaid were parcel of the manor aforefaid, and demifed
and demifable, as by the plea aforefaid is above alledged ; but
the faid IV. F. farther fays, that the faid A. H. the eKier and
the faid G. had iflue between them lawfully begotten one IV.
H. their eldefl: fon and heir, and alfo the faid A. the younger,
R. and J. H. three fons, and alfo the faid G. H. and A. H.
his daughters, and furrcndered the ten'^menis aforefaid w'th
the appurtenances into the hands of the faid lord and lady of the
manor alorefaid, to the ufe and behoof of the faid G. his wife
for the term of her natural life, and after her dcceafe to the
ufe and behoof of the faid A. H. the younger, R. H. J. H. G.
H. and A. H. his fons and daughters equally to be divided, and
to their refpcftive heirs and ulTigns for ever j and afterwards th6
, faid
Ejedment. 1 208
faid y^. tlie father died ; and thereupon the fald dame C. and R.
B lords cf the manor aforeiaid, grafted the tenements afore-
faid w th the appurtet\ances to the faid G. the wife of the la:d
A. H. the elder, tor and duiing the term of. her natural life;
and after her deceafe, to- the faid A. H. R. H. J. H. G H. and
A. H. the fons and dsughfers of the faid A. H. the eidfr and G.
his wife, equally to be oivided, ard to their r fpcdtive heirs and
aiTigns for ever'; and that the faid G. the wife by \irtuf of the
furrender and grsnt aforefaid was feifed of the tenements atore-
faid v.'ith the appurtenances in her demefne for the term of her
life, the remainder thereof to the fame fons and daughters at the
will of the lords of the manor aforefaid according to the cuftom of
the faid m^.nor belonging ; and that the faid G. the wife of the
faid A. H. the elder A. H. the younger, R H. J. H. and G. H.
the daughter, dieH, and the faid //. furvived them ; and after-
wards took to her hulbind the faid J. M and they had i/Tue be-
tween them the faid Jo/m Nich'Als now one ot the defendants,
and afterwards the faici A. died, as by the plea a'"oref;iid above is
fuppofed : But the fame IV. F. as before, farther fays, that G.
the wife of the faid A. II. the elder di.d in the life-ti.r.e o: the
faid A. H. the younger, R. H. J. H. G. H. and A. H. xhi fons
and daughters of the faid A. H. the elder ard G. his wife ;
whereby the fame A R. and J. the fons. and the faid G. and A.
the daughters, into the tenements aforefaid with the appurten-
ances entered, and were thereof ftifed in common, to wit, the
fame G. rhe daughter of a fifth part of the teneme.-.ts afrefaid
with the appurtenances in her demefne as of fee at the will or
the lord according to the cuflom of the manor anirefaid ; and be-
ing fo thereof feifed the fame C. the daughter, afterwards, and
before the faid time when, ^c. at the parifh aforefaid 'ook lo
her hufbatKi one J. S. and the fame J. S and G. his wif^'' aHer- [ 209 ]
wards, and before the faid time whtn, t5fc. there had ifFue be-
tween them lawfully begotten rhe faid E. now the wife ot ihe
fald J. F. the faid A. and G. .V. and afterwards, and befor- the
faid time v/hen, bV the faid J '^\ and afterwards the faid C. his
wife died of fuch their tftate of and in the fame fifth part of the
tenements aforefaid with the appurtenances feifed, at'er the
death of which faid G. S. the fame fifth part of the tenements
aforefaid with the appurtenances dcfccnded to the laid F. now
the wife of the faid J F and to the faid A and G. 5. as daugh-
ters and coheirs of the faid G- S. late the wife of the fald J. S.
whereby the fame J. f. and E. his wife, A. and G. 5 in the lame
fifth part of the tenements aforefaid with the appurtenances en-
tered, and were, to wit, the fame J. F. and E. his wife, feifed in
the right of the fame E. and the faid A ami G. 5. feifed in their
own proper rights in their tkmcfne as of tee. at the will of the
loril accor.!ing lo ihecuftoni <^i the manor aforefaid ; and being
fo thereof feiled the fame J. /'. and E. his wife, A. andG S.on
the faid firft day of January in the ninth year abovefaid, at B.
Vol. I. A a aforefaid,
^09 Ejedmcnt.
aforefaid, by the indentnre aforofaid in the clecKirstion aforefaid
above lecond mentioned, deniitevl ihe fame fifth parr of the tcne-
iiicnts aforeOfid wiih the sppurttnances to ilie fame iVtllintn
Fifhtir; Tf) hav"? atij to holj to the (aid IViHiam Vi/htr and his
airignsfroiii ihe f.iid ii.aft ot the LJirth of our Lord then laft pail
unto ihefull end an(i term atorclaid ot feven years iroin thence
rex' enluing and fuiiy to be compicat an^l ended ; By virtue of
whiih faid dcnale tlie fame Willutm F^JJier into the !ame fifili
part of the tenements alorefaid wiih the yppurtenances entered,
r.nd was thtreof pofl" Ifcd unlii the faid Juwes and Jjhri Nicho'ls
iifterwards, to v;it, on the fame firft day ef January in the 91 ^i
year abovrfaid, into the famt fifth part ot the tenements afor^laid
wiih the appurtenances in and upon the pofllfTion of him the
faid iyilu;tn F:/ha\, entered, and hiiii the faid IV F. from his
lann atorefaid thereof, his term aforefaid therein not yet expired,
tje^led, *-xpcIIed and amoved, in manner and form as the fame
ir'tlliam Fijfier above thereof againft the laid James and John
Nicfiolh complains: And this be is ready to verify : Wherefore
he prays judgment, and his damages by reafon of the faid tref-
p.ifc and ejcdment, to be adjudged to him, b°r.
Judgment ixas gi in this faid term the faid Samuel
TraCt. Reg. comcs here intO coi;rt by his attorney aforefaid, and by the fla-
5*7> S'®' tute, ifc fltfts to be defivtred to hiln all the goods and chattels
' of the faid E/'iu^^r^, except his oxen and the beailsof his plough,
and likewite one half of all the lands and tenements in the county
13 E. I. c. 18. ef North'ton, to hold to himfclf the goods and chattels aforefaid as
Anc>>>i-rx,:vnr\- j^j^ ^^.^ prop- r jxoods and chattels, and alfo to hold the one haif
a ttret ic . gj-Qj.g{-j^5 I as his trechold to him and his nfil jns, according to the
form ct the ftatute aforefaid until the debt and damages afcrtfald
fj-iai! be thereouf lfvie//^'/(»; in the county ot A'orMVtw iforcf-id on the I'UjuiCiion rc-
2 ift (. ay of AV-Lifw/^^r la!^ pail Oy the oath of twelve, c5r. where- tum'd.
by it is founvi, that the faid Eiivartl from the da v of Ea/ier in fif-
teen days in the year of the r?p,n of the faid lor 1 j.-)m?s the I^eferdant feif-
fccond late king of ErghmJ, l^c. was feifi^d in his demefne as '"
ot fee, of and in one melfuage, and of and in one clofo of p-llure
with the appurtenances called the Parke, to t.'^e faid mcfFuaae
adjoining, containing by eftimanon 25 acres fi uare, lyui •■ and
being in Dirglty in the c(.>unry .nforeiaiil, now or late in the te-
nure or occupation of J.nues Gttfin, efc; or his affi;;,ns, oftlie [211 3
clear yearly value, in ail ifliics beyond reprifis, of 1 o/. and of
and in one other clofc f.f panure with rh • appurtenances called
the Ntiher-CrounJs, containing by eftim.^tion 250 acres, iy'ng
and being in Dirifihy a!Or.d'aid in the county sforcf.iid, now or
]ate in the tenure or occupation of Thomas Durrani or hi» afPi ^ns,
ot the clear yearly value, m all ilTues beyond reprills. of 100/. ~.. • *
and of and in, ^r. And it is farther foun I by the (aid inqa^fiiion, jct fo[^h '• ^
that the faj,1 mcfTuage called the Cojile in Drabrooke af-irefaid, anti
the fail! five fevtral clofcs ci.lkd the Purtce, the Grange, the Neiu
Cl'jfe, the Butt Cl'jfe and the Bu/h Clofe, with the appurtenan-
ces \n the tenure or occup.irion of the faid Jo/m Store or his af-
Cgns, the faid clofcs of piiriiire called the Cottiers Clife and Ar^
nitage Clofe vaih the appurtenances in the tenure or occupaiiofi
A a z of
of t'le faid Jo'^n Stone or his afilgns, the faid clofo of paflure cM~
ed :Ue Far'/ie;f CVo/> vith ihe app-.-rienarxcs in the tenure or
occuoation of r le iz\& Hi chard Maunioji or his aflj^^ns, the faid
mefiuig;e, for.*/ icres of arable lan.i, fifteen avr s ot nieaviow and
thirn acres of paliure in the tenure or occupation of the f.;id John
f/w^Vrit'O'Y/ or his afli^ns, wliich faui feveral niefiuages. c!6fe» of
land and ten- ments .U"oref.ii Ifft menlioneil, fi'inte, lying and
being in Brahtooke sforcfaid in the counrv ai'orefaid, are an equal
Delivered to full and juft iwycty of the pr^nvfes atorcfaid by the inquifition
the plaintiiT, to aforefaid in fonri afrrefaid found ; which faid moiety laft inenfi-
hoKi, r her fas that Take great care
the faid c.ipital mefTuag-: or farm, with th'^^ faio feveral pieces to make both
of land arable, meadow an.* pafture to the fame mefTuagc be- mo'eties ujual.
longing and with the fame enjoyed, containing by eftimation
50 acres of the clear yearly value, in all ifTues beyond reprifes,
42/, in the tenure or occupation of the faid Geotge Britl'indor
h;s affigns, and the faid water corn-mill with the appurtenances
of the clear yearly value, in all iflues beyond rt-prifes, 20.'. in
the tenure or occupation of the faid George Brilland^ are a true
and equal moiety of all and fmgular the lan^s,^ tenements and
hereditaments whatfoever in the courry of Chefler of the faid
George BrUland in the faid writ named ; which faid moiety J the
faid fherif have on the day ot the caprion of this inquifitio'n cauf-
ed to be delivered to the faid Grace Butler y wi low, in the faid
writ named, to hold to her and her affigns as htr freehold, ac-
cording to the form of the ftatute thereof made and provided,
until the refidue of tha debt and damages in the writ aforefaid
fpecified fliaM be thereout fully levied, as the writ aforefaid com-
mands and requires ; And the jurors aforefaid on their oath afore-
faid farther fay, that the fiid George Britland in the fai.) writ
named, at the time of the rendition of the judgment aforefaid ia
the faid writ fpecified, had not, nor on the day of the captionjOf
this inquifition has, any other or more lands or tenements, or
any good or chattels in the county aforefaid, to the knowledge of
the jurors aforefaid : ]n witnefs whereof as well I the faid fhe-
rifFas the jurors aforefaid to this inquifition have fet our feals, the
aay, year and place abovefaid.
[ 212 3
The moiety fet
out to the
plaintiff to
hold, (Sftf.
Ibis mttjl he in the exchequer,
the moietyy it is •void. Salk.
If the JheriJ^ deli'ver more than
A a 5
Error la tfcetx- ' | ** H E l^'v of the queen Tnt f-o our trufty and well belovcrj
chequer cham- jj^ "John Holt, knt. our rliit't juflice airigntci to IioKl pleas be-
ber on a juHg- fgp^ ys, licr writ (^lofe in thefe woris, to wit, j^nre bv (he grace
iS?hVkin'''s °* ^''^ °^ '^^^"^ /?'/^««, Fr^'ve and I-tlunJ queci), defender of
bench. fli^ faitl!, y^;-. to our trufty ani wtll beloved Jo^/j Holi, knt,
Salic. 315. our chieK juftice afllgned to held pleas before us, gr< e?ing i
prnfl. Rep. Whereas in a ftatuie made in the pirliament of the lady F/zi-
S' ♦ Si°t S93» pet/2, late queen of Ergl.ird., held at li'^e/lmin/ier the 23d day of
No'vemher in the 27th year of her reign, it was among o'her
things enabled by the authority of the fjine parliament, thxt
where any judgment fliould at any time t/n-n after be givtn in
the court of the king's bench in any fiiit or action of I'ebt, detinue,
covenant, account, aclion up'm the ciic, ejeilione fi>m(p or
trefpafs. firft commenced or firli to be ccmmenced there (o'her
thin fuch only where wefhould be party,) the paitv plainiilfor
tltfendant, againll: whom any fuch jiidginent riiould be given,
might at his election fue torth out of the court of chancery a
fpccial writ of error to be devifcd in the faid coiir of chancery,
dirf7 El. c. S. rontaioed : Anii becnule in the record and proceed.ings, as alfo
in the rendition of the judgtner.t of a plea which was in 'ur court
before us by bill between He'Uy G.'ge, e(q; and Elizabeth Adnn,
■widow, adminirtratrix of all and fingular the goods and chattels
wliich belonged to Jo/ir, /tlon, gent, who died inteftate (as it is
faid }
Error. 1 2^3
faicl) latelj' called John Adon oi Ripe, otherwife F.rkin^lon in tlie
county aforefaiil, gent, for this, that the faid Elizabeth (Imuld
n-nder to the faid Henry 60 / there is (as it is fai.:) a maniteft er-
ror to the great damage ot the faid Hefiiy, as by his complaint we
hear ; VV hi h faid error in no manner concerns us or the jurildic-
fion of our faid court of our king's bench, or any want ot torm in
any writ, return, plaint, bill, declaration or other pleading, pro-
cefs, verdict or proceeding vhatfoever, as we are informed :
We therefore willing the erior (if any fliall be) Hiould accord-
ing to the form of the ftatute aforefaid be correfted, and full
and fp;edy julfice done to the parties aforefaid in this behalf,
command you, that if judgment thereon be given, then the
record and proceediiigs aforefaid, wiih all things coPcerni''!g the .
fnme before the faid juft'ces of the common bench and the barons
of our exchequer aforefaid, into our exchequer chamber aforefaid [ 214 j
on Saturilay, to wit, the 25th day oi' Odoher next enfuing, you
caufe to be bfought, that the faid juflices and barons, the re-
cord and pro«eeiling9 aforefaid being feen and examined, may
farther caufe to be done therein what of right and according to
the form of the ftatute aforefti' deniifed to the faid John Aclon z\\ xho\Q feveral pieces or
parcels of land called the /).-<■/«? j, containing bv eltiniation 22
acres, with the appurienanct s in Ha-JJIunn aforefaii in the county
aforefaid, an * alfn alfo all thole icur pieces of marfii-land called
homfltdl M.-n /h, containing by eTduiation 32 acres, wirh the ap-
purtenances in Ha'Ajnam aforefaid ; To liolii to the fain 'John
A3on, his extcuiors nnd adminiflrators from the feaft of the birth
[21? 1 of our Lord then lai^ paft for ii years, at and under the yearly
rent ot 30/. to be pMd half-vtarly durirg the faid Xirm, to wit,
on the fcatbof St. Jjhn \.\\t baptift and the Birth of our LorJ by
equal portions, or within 2r 4avs-ai tr thofe feafts, as by the laid
arti.Ks more fully is nianiteft and appears . By virtue of which
fa'" dem:fe the f^ine Achnwvo the -dtinifed prcmilTes with
the appurtenances entered , and was thereof pofFelied until to and
uron rhe fe-^ft of the Birth of our Lord in tlieyesr of the Lord
1^96, av^ 'or 21 days then next following, and 60/. of the rent
aforefaid for two ytars ended at the faid fead cf the Birth of our
Error. ' 5:15
Lord in the year of the Lord 1696, and for the fpace of 21 days
then next following, in the lue-tune of che fa-.d John were in ana yet are unpaid ; wiiereby an ndtion accrued to the
fame Henry lo demand and have oi the faid "John A3on in his life-
time, and of che faid Elizabeth af(er the death of him the faid
John (to which faid EUzabtth auminiftration of all an i Angular
the goods and chattels, ri-^hts and crediis, which belonged to
the fai 1 John at the time of his death, after his death at Hnilfliam.
aforefaiv'i in the county aforcfaid was committed) the faid 60 /.
Nevenhelefs the faid John in his life-time, and the faid Elizabeth
atter his death, altho' aften required, If^c. the faid 60/ to the
fame Henry have not yet paid, but have hitherto altogether re-
fufed to pay him the fame, and the faid ELzubeth doth yet refufe,
to the damage of the faid Henry zol- And therefore he produces
the f in the county atorefaid, fp'.nflcr, in 2 coo/, of lawtul mo-
ney of Ergltmd, to be paid to the finie Elizabeth when he ihould
be thereto afttr required, with acondition to the faid writing ob-
Ji;,'afory fubfrribed, reciting, that whereas a marriage was by tlie
bit iHrg of God in a fiiorf ti'ne to be folciimi/ed between the faid
Johr. Acl'.f and her the faiil Elizabeth, fo that if the faid Elizabeth
fhoiild furvive him fhe faid J Jin, and that the faid JJin (houKI
die btfore the faid Elizabeth, then if the faid John Mdon flioulj
leave, or if his heirs, executors or aifijis, fliould well and truly
pay, or caufc to be paid, to the f^id EUzateth, her executor?,
iJm'.r.ifcratars or sClgns, the full and whole fum of joooA of
lawful mon-ry of Erglan.i v/ithin one month after the death of
the faid John A8nn, without framl or deceit, that then the obli-
gation afurefaid llii>uli1 be void, oiherwife to tland 7iX\A remain
in luii torce and viriu:, a? by the writiDg obligatory afori-faid,
and the londiiion ofihe fame writing obligatory here in court
produced, more fully appears : hx\A the fame I'jiznl ttfi farther
lays, that rd'ttrwr.rds, to uit, on the firft day oi Mnrch 1686
abovffaid, at Hmlfhum at'crefaid, ilie the- fani Elizabeth took for
her hufuind the f;:ia John Ai'lon, and a-fttrwards, and before the
exhibition ol l!ie ftid bill of the faid llemy, to wit, on the firft.
But ciiJ not '^^v ^t Mtiich 1696, he the ftiil Jjhn Adon at Hail/ham aforefaid
Jcavc her in the count v afortfaid. died. iiUeilate, and did not leave to the faid
laoo /. Eiizal'eth the lum of lOQol- nor any penny thereof, and that at
any time alter rhe death of the faid Jo'in ASfon, luthcrro the futn
ot 1 000/. or anv put thereof, h iih not b?tn paid by the heirs or
A ir^;=;A,,.„-„„ aiiitps of the fai..l John Addn, or any of them: And the lame
j;raMt(-.1. c/ s.//'e/A tarthcr lays, that aiier tlie death ot the faid yi/?^;, to
Pr^a Rr^ vit, on the i3rh day of March in the year of the Lord 1696, at
37> 43- liail/hiim ziiTt{i\il in the county afoftf.iid, >iduiiniiiration of all
and lingular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, which be-
longed to the iz\AJohn Aflon at the time of his death, to the
fru;ie Elizaheth by T/iomns i/tig^s^ doctor of laws, couimiflary or
ofiitial principal of the reverend father in Chriil Jj^n by divine
pcrmlhon lord bifhop of ChcJler,^a and through the whole arch-
dcancry of /.^^t'fj in the ciiocefe of CheJIer lawfully conftituted,
to whom the comm'lTion of the admmillration atorefaid of right
r 216 ] Ijelonged, in due form ot law was committed: After the com-
ijo/- ciine to niiihon of which faid adminiilration divers goods and chattels
her imrnis after which belonged to the faid John at the tiiiie of his death to the
•(iminift'ation, value of 230/. and not more, by virtue of the adminiftratioa
^r.!I,c * aforcfaid came to the hands of her the faid Elizabeth, to wit, at
H/i'tl/fiam atorefaid in the eounty aforefaid ; which faid goods and
chattels the (ame Elizabeth retains in her hands in part offatis-
faflion o\ the writing obligatory aforefaid : And the fame Eliza-
hith fanher fays, that on the day of the exhibition of the bill
g'lorda d of him the (aid (Ittiry. or bi^^fore or ever after, no other
cr more goo>^s and chattels which belonged to the faid John at the
time of h:s death came to her hands, except the faid goods and
thatic's to the value of the faid 230/. and no more, an I which
sre rut (ifllicient to fatisfy the fame Ellzuheih the faid futn of
) 000/. in lite condiiion of the-writing obligatory aforelaid men-
fioned : And this (lie is ready to verify ; Wherefore llie prays
iudgnipnt if the f^id //^rry ought to have or maintain his aflioil
aforftaii thereof a ;a in A her, lie. with this, that the (^me Eliza-
iith will verify that th" writiag obligatory aforefaid yet remains
jn :t<; 'uli force and cfFeft not annullcii or fatisfied, and that the
faid John ^'iim in the wriringobligatury aforelaid mentioned, and
y>hr) A'1 n \» the declaration and plea aforefaid mentioned, are
i^ne and the fame pcrfon, ar.d not other nor divers.
Edijo. 'Ncrlhey,
Error.' 21.^
And the faid Henry Gage fays, that hy any thing by the iVid Cxmurrti.
fJiziiheth above in pleaoing alledged oup^ht not lo be precluded
from his aftion aforefaid thereof againft ihe laid Elizabeth bad*
becaule he fajs, that the plea aforefaid by the faid Llizuleth in
manner and torni alorefaid above pleaded, and the matter in the
fame contained, are not fufficient in law to preclude him the laid
ihnry from his a<5lion aforefaid thereof again!^ the fsid hli'cabeth
had , to which iVid plea he ih-; fjiiie Henry hath no neceffity, nor
is by the law of the land obliged, in any manner to aofwer : And
this he is ready to verity : Wherefore tor want of a (ufficient an-
/■A/er in this behalf the fame Henry prays judgment and his debt
aforefaid, together with his damages by reafon of the detention of
the faid debt, to be adjudged to him, ^c.
And the l«id Eh'zabeth fivs, that the plea aforefaid by her the Jomdv,
faid El:zabe!h\n manner and foras aforefaid above pleaded, and
the matter in the fame contained, are good and ful.icient in law
to preJude the faid henry from his aftion afortfaid thereof
aaaintl the faid Eli^-nbeih had : which faid plea, anci the matter
inthe fame contained, ihe the faid Elizubtih is ready to vent/
and prove, as the court, bV And becaufe the faid Heny doili
rot anfwer the fdid plea, no' hitherto any way deny the lame. fh«
the faid £//2;ai5^//i as before pravs judgment, and that the laid
Henry may be precluded from his attion aforefaid theveof againii
her had ; but becaufe the court of the faid Jord the king now ContinoAnoc
here are not yet advifedto give their judgment of and upon the
premifTes, day therefore is given to the parties afort faid before the
Jord the king at M'ejimin/ier until V/eJnefd-
pen after ihcoQave of St. Hillwy to hear their judgment ihireon,
1 bv'.-aufc
becaufe the court of the faiJ li^r 1 the king now here thereof not
yet, y*:. On which day before the lord the k ng at IVe/lmln'
Jier come the p.iriies atorcfaid by iheir aiiornies aforcfaia ; but
b.caulc the court ot the laid lord the kui^ now h,re are not yet
aov'ffd to give their judgment of and upjn tne prtiirlf s, 'iay
tbe;"lore is giv. r, to the parties atorcfaid before the lord the
lajlcr. ki. .. -,( iVeJitmnfter until IVeiinefuuy next after 15 'i upoa
. . the premilTes, day tlicrtl"vre is given to the panics aforelaid be-
'"'"■{>'• fore the lord the kin* at IVeilminJier until FriJuy next after the
morrow of the Holy trinity 10 hear their judgment thereon, be-
caufe t!ie court ol the faid lord the king now here thereof not yet,
ffff. On which day before the lord the king at IVeflminJier come
the pnrties aforefaid by their atiornies atbrefai-i, but becaufe the
court of the faid lord the king now here are not yet advifed to
Michaelmas. give their judi^nient of and upon the premifles, day therefore is
given to the p-irties aforefaiil before the lord the king at IP'eJi-
viinfter until Monday next after three weeks of St, Michael to
hear their judgment thcreoH, becaufe the court ot the faid lord
the king now here thereof not yet, ^c. On which day before
the lord the king at U'^tjlminjler come the parlies aforefaid by
their atlornies aforefaid j but becaufe the court of the faid lord
the king now here are not yet advifed to give their judgment of
and upon the premises, day therefore is given to the parties
aforefaid before the lord the king at Wejiminjler until Saturday
Hillary. IH fifteen davs of St. Hillary to hear their judgmeHt thereon.
Pre". t.> Lilly becaufe the court of the faid lord the king now here thereof not
'f -^Jtze. ygf^ y^ On which day before the lord the king ^t IVeJimirtfier
come the parties aforefaid bv their attornies aforelaid ; whereupon
all and fingular the premifles being feen, and by the court of
the faid lord the king now here more fully underftood, and
mature deliberation being thereon had, it feems to the court of
the laid loril the king now here, that the plea aforefaid by the
faid Elizabeth in manner and form above pleaded, and the mat-
. ter in the fame contained, are good and fufiicient in law to pre-
judgment for elude the faid -Henry from his aftion aforefaid thereof againtl the
the dcfcmlant faid Eliz-abtth \i^i\ : It is therefore confidered, that the faid
f):;ntd ji l-\b. Htm-f Ga^e fake nothing bv his bill aforcfaid, but for his falfe
^^^^' plaint be th'reof in mercy : And the faid Elizabeth ^don may go
thence without day, ^c. And it is farther confidered, that the
faid Elizabet*! .^Ston recover againft th«i faid Htnry G./ge 14/. los.
for her cot^s and charges by her about her defence in this behalf
fullained, to the fame ELizahth by the court of the faid lord the
king now here with btr ailent, according to the form of the
ftatut-e in fuch cafe made and provided, af^judged : And the j, h. 8. c. 15.
faid Elizabeth Aclon may have thereof execution, ^c.
Adjudged in this cnje that the dzbt tvas on'y fufptnded y vol ex~
tir.gui/hed. See Salic. 327.
Jwitty and Bell againft Morky.
.-ND it is to be known, that after the judgment aforefaid Sugcefl^ the
j\ was gived, and before this day, to wir, the 29th .lay of [1^'^';^"/^","^,^,''
M,:>- in the fourth year ct the reign of the now lorl the king, ^^j ju/n"p["ads
t\iQ ir. , Gejrge Trxitty (^ncd, to wir, at London a-orefaid in the no ^-rror.
parilli and ward aforeraiu ; And the faid John Bell on the faid s-e 18 Car. z.
oftave of the Holy Trinity by Strelhill Hurrifon his attorney Praft. Rc^j.
com-'s here m'o court and immediately fays, that rhpre is no
error in the record and proceedings atorefaid, nor in the rendi-
tion of the judgment aforefaid, an.i prays th;it the court ot the
fail! lord the king now here may proceed to the examination as
well of the record and proceedings aforefaid, as the matters ,
aforefaid above for error {.fligned, and thai the judgment atore-
faid may in all things be affirmed, ^c
^^on and Sumner.
Cheflery to wit. T)E it remembered, that otherwife, to wir, in Errorlnan
XJ Trinity KcrmUii paft before the lady .^nne *"'^'''" ^"j'^f
late queen of Greut Britain, Cfff . came John Sumner by J. iVhi/laiv ^J^^'^ trclnafslin
his attorney, and produced herein the court of the faid lady the ti,^ county «i
queen then there his certain bill againft Richard Aclon, Rolf'h Ckefier.
Maddock and Robert l^Vilcoxf on, in the cuftody of the marfnaU
l^c. in a pieaof trefpafs : an(j there are pledges to protecute, to
wn,John Doe and Richard Roe .- Which faid bill follows in thefe
wor'iS, '0 wit, Chej}er,\o wit, Jo// « •S''/wwtT complains ot RichaiJ
Adon, Ralph Maddnck and R^hett IVilcoxfon, being in the lu'^ody
of rhe marfinl of the M^^r/?;rt//>a of the lady the queen betore
th(^ queen h^rfc'f, for this, that they the faio Richard, Ralph ^r)d
Robert, zgrh day ot March in the year of the Lord 1714, with
force and arms the houTe and ftabl',s of him the faid John at
lFhitfga!e]ntU>i county of CAty/^> afor.faid broke and entered,
and the gelding of him the faid J ;6« of the price of 10/. at the
parifliof li'hitegate aforefaid then tounci took and carried away,
and otb< r outrages on the f«id John then and there committed,
againtl the peace ot the fair* lr>.dy the now queen, and to the da-
mage of him the faid JJwzol. And therefore he produces the
fuit, ISc. - -.. o -\
Arid now on this day, to wit, /kf/"<^///y next af'cr the C(ftave of L 2' J
Sr. ///7/rtry in tliis fame term, un'd vdi'ch day the fail /\/t/;^/rrt', Impirlance.
R'dph and Robert had leave to inipail to 'he bill aforefaid, and
then to anfwer, *~3c. bctore which ..ay the faid lady the q-ieen
departed ibis life, before the lord Gerrge now king ot Great
1 1 8 Error.
Britain, l^c. nt U'ejl-ninjier comes as well tlie fakl y^^n by hi*
attorney aforcriij, as :hc laid Richard, Ralph and R.bcrt, by
Nathamel Hickmanl):ic\T iinoTniy '. And \\\t W\\ Richard, Ralph
and Rohtrt defcii i the force and iiijiiiy when, IsC and as to th«^
coming with force andnrinr, anc. wherever is againft the peace of
the lady the late queen, fa , that rhey are in no wife guilty
thereof: And of this 'hey put the-nfelvfj on the country : And
the laid John thereoi hk wife : And as lo the refi.'.ue of the tref-
pafs above fuppofed to be committed, the *nme Rich.irJ, Ralph
and Robert fay th;it the i'Jd '^J'-^hn oua.ii not to have or maintain
his adlion afor.faid therepf againft ih iii, becaufe thev fay, that
at thfctiuie when the lUt of the rtfpafs aforifai>! is fuppofed
Juftlfication of to be cojii.iiiticd, the {a<\\z Richard an ' RnU'i were oveffeer"; of
ihc taklnu for the poor of the town of Over in the countv "f C/uffir atoref^id,
« puoi'siate. and the faid Robert was one of the conftables o: the fa ne town
lawfully appointed J and that they the fame Richard zn^'. Ri/fh^is
overfeers ot the town r.forefaid, and the fiid Robert at the requeft
and in aid of the faid Richard and Ralph, by the authority and
according to the tenure, purport and effLf^t of a certain a6t made
5^ ' ' ' ' and provided in a parliament of the ladv Eli-z.(/htih \i{rc queen of
England, held at IVeJiminJhr in the county of MiJdlei'cx in the
43d year of her rei^n, at the faid time when, Ifc. the houfe and
Itables of the faid Jihrt, wi{hin the town atorefai.i in the faid pa-
rifh oi IVhites^ote in the county of Chefter aforefai.i broke and en-
tered, and the faid gelding ot him the laid JJm at the parifii of
JVhite^^ate aforefaid then and there found took and carried away :
And this they are ready to verify : Wherefore they pray judg-
ment rf the fiiid Jo/^n ought to have or maintain his aft'on afore*
faid thereof againll them, ^r. ,
Rcpl. De injtt- And the faid John, as to the faid plea of the faid Richard^
Tia j'lta propria. Ralph and Rohert above laft pleaded, fays, that he by any thing in
that behalf pleaded ought not to be precluded from his aft:cn
aforefiiid thereof againll them had, becaufe he fays, that the faid
Richard^ Ralph and Rjbert committed the faid rcfu'ue of the
trefpafs aforefaid in the fame ph a mentioned, in the form a5
the fame John above thereof againft them complains, of their own
\vron? without fuch caufe by them in that behalf pleaded ; And
this he prays n>ay be inquired of by the country : And the faiif
Richard, Ralph and Rohert likewife, 6if f . And becaufe the feveral
ifTues aforefaid between the parties aforefaid above joined ought
to be tried by the men of the county palatine o\ Che/fer, where
the writ of the lord the king iloth not run, and not tlfewhere :
Therefore let the record of the plea aforefaid be fent to the juf^
tices of the fai.l lord the kin,; of the faid countv of Chefter, To that
the fame juftices, bv the writ of the faid lord the king of that
counry duly to be made, may caufe the fneriff of the fame county
to be commanJed that he c*aufe to come before the fame juftices
of the faid lord the king of the county of Chefter aforefaid, at the
next fvfiions for that county after that record llaall be delivered
Error. 1 218
to tliern, twelve free and lawful men of the oody of the conaty
palatine of Chejier aforelaid, by whom, i^c. and who neither,
Isfc. to recognile, ISc. bccaufc as well, ifjc. And when that
avcnneat and thofe ilTuts fli^ll oc made out an.i iiied, and thea
the faid jud'ces the record of the plea aforefaid, with all that
which iliall be therein done in the court ot the laid lord the king
there before them, may lend to the lord the king at l-FcJimih/ler,
at a certain day which the lame juftices of the county palatine
aforefaid to the parlies aforelaid in the fane court there Iliall
before appoint, to hear thereof their judgment, ^c. And it is
faid to the laid Jo/m that he profecutc with eff.ft, at his peril,
i^c, Afterv/ard-, to wir, from the day of £rty?^r in one month
then next following, which laid day the fai-l John, and the faid
Richard, Ralph and Robert had by the appointment of Jojeph
Jekyil, knt. ferj^ant of the faia lord the king at law, juftice of
the faid lord the king of Ckejhr, and Edward Je^cties, c(qi
another juttice of the laid lord the kin^^ of the county aforefaid,
to hear thereof their judgment here, to wit, at IVefliiiinfieryComts
the faid John by his at;orney a^^orefaid : Anu the fsia juflices at
Chewier fend here the record aforefaid with all that was done
before them at CheJUr in thele worJs, to w'.t. And afterwards, , > .
to wit, at the feifions of Cheller, \\t\il 2il Chejier in the county ^rv^*
diChejler in the common hail of pleas of the county aforefaid on
Monday, to wit, I ith day of April in the ill year of the reign of
the lord George by the grace of God of Great Britain, l^c. before
Jo.Jekyll, knt. f^rjeant of ihe laid lord the king at law, jullics
of the laid lord the king of Chejier, a'^d E. Jtjf'eries, eiq ; ano-
ther juflice of the faid lorJ the king of the county aforefai.;, be-
ing tf-ie next fiffions tor the county aforefaid after the wiihiri
written record was delivered to the faid jullices, here come a-j
well the faid John Sumnet by L. G. his attorney, as the within
named Richatd, Ralph and Robert, by J. B. their attcrney ; and
the faid John pray? a writ of the lord the king to caufe to come
12, t5ff. by whom, ^c, and who neither, ^r. to recognife, Is^f.
becaufe as well, tfV. to be dirtfted to the fiieriffof the county
©f Chejitr aforefaid to try the ili'ue within written ; and it is
granted to hicn, reiurnable here on Tuejday next coming in this
fame fefliors: 1 he f^rae day is given to the parties aforefaid here,
ISc. On which Tuefday betcre the laid jullices here comes as
well the faidi John Sumner, as the faid Richard Acloi, Ralph Mad- r 1
duk and Ribert IVilcoxfon, by their attcrnies aforefaid ; and L ^ " •»
Richard IVulthall, efq; the llieritf of the county aforefaid, now
returns here the writ of Venire Facias aforefiid to him in form Venire faciat,
aforefaid directed, together with a panel of the names of the
jury to that writ annexed, in all things executed ; and the jurors
thereof iirpanclled being callerl, none of them come ; thcrefoie
that jury is refpited here until IFednefday n:xl coming in thij
fame ftfhons fur want of jurors, ^r. And the ilierifFof the coun-
ty aforefaid is commanded, that he then have here the bodies o£
tbe jurcrs aforefaid, and tbat he add ts them a decern tales
2 1 6 Errof.
againft the fame day. ^c. The fame day is given to the parries
aforefaid here, ^c. On which IVedKefday before the faid juftrces
here conies as well the faid John Sumner, as the faid Richard
yltlon, Ralf'h Mi'ddock and Robert IVilcoxfon, by their attornieS'
aforefaid ; and the faid flierifFof the county aforefaid now ri turns
here the writ oi Habeas corpora aforcfaiil to him in form aforefaid
diret^ted, together with a panel, as well of the names of the
jurors aforefaid firft impanelled, as of the names o< the decern toles
added anew to the faid writ annexed, in all things ferved and
executed; and the jurors thereof impanelled being called, to
wit, John Stuhbs of Blackenhall, gent, Iffc. (reciting all the fwelve)
come who to fay the truth of the premises being elcfted, tried
and fworn, fay on their oath, that the faid Richard J3on, Ralph
and Robert committed the refidue of the trefpafs within fpecified
in the fame plea mentioned in manner and form as the faid John.
Sumner within thereof againft them complains, of their own
wrong, without fuch caiife by them in that behalf within plead-
ed, and they affefs the damage of him the fai^^ John Sumner by
reafon of the premijTes aforefaid, befide his coft and chargts by
him about his fuit in this behalf expended, to 30 -f. \o^d. and
for thofe cofts and charges to6 j. And upon this the faid juftices
appoint the parties aforefaid to be before the lord the king at
Wejimir.jler from the day of f^after in one month next to come
Comlaaancs. to hear thereof their judgment j but becaufe the court of the faid
lord the king now here are not yet advifed to give their judg-
ment of and upon the premifTes, day therefore is given to the faid
John before the lord the king at Weflminjler until Friday next
after the morrow of 'he Holy Trinity to hear their judgment of
and upon thofe premifTes, becaufe the court of the faid lord the
king here thereof not yet, Cs'r. On which day before the lord
the^king at We/lminfter comes the faid John by his attorney afore-
faid ; and becaufe the court of the faid lord the king now here
are not yet advifed to give their judgment of and upon the pre-
miffes, day therefore is farther given to the faid John before
the lord the king at WeJ\minJ^er until Monday next after three
weeks of St. Michael to hear their judgment of and upon thpfe
premiiTes, becaufe the court of the faid lord the king here there-
of not yet. ^c On which dav before the faid lord the king at
Weftminfier comes the faid Johr by his attorney aforefaid ; and
becaufe the court of the faid lord the king now here are not yet
advifed to give their judgment of and upon the prcmifles. day
therefore is farther given rothg faid John before the lord rhe king
at tVeftmirJier until Monday next after the o£tave of St. Hillary to
hear their judgment of and upon thofe premifTes, becaufe the
court of the faid lord the kinc; here thereof not yet, iffc On
which day before the lord the king at IFeflminJler comes the faid
John bv his attorney aforefaid ; and becaufe the court of the
faid lord the king now here are not yet advifed to give their judg-
ment of and uoon the premifles, day therefor« is farther given to
ErrcjT. +219
^lie faid John btfore the lord the king at tViftminJier until, t^el
btcaufe the court of the faid lord the king now hert- rb'-reof not
jet, i£c. On which day before the lord ihe kii'.g iit IVejlminfer
comes '.he faid Johnhy his atttorney alorefaid ji'pon which all and
fin jular the preniiires being feen, and by the court of the faid lord
the king here more fully underftoo.'., it is confiJered that the faid
John recover againtl the faid Richard Acton, Ralph Mad lock and Judgment for
Robert JVilcoxion, his damages aforefaid, by tht jury aforefaid in Jl^ '^'^''^'^
form aforefaid afT^ffed, as alfo 28/ y. i%d. for his cofts and i',"^. * ""^^
ch;irges aforefaid, fo the fame John with his affcnt by the court of
the faid lord the king now here of increafc adjudged, which faid
damages in the whole amount to 30/. l^c.
Except, if this aftion be fo local as that it mufl be brought in
the county palatitie of Chejler, and not by Latitat out of the
king's bench at Weftmivjler. Bv all the judges and barons ad- iz C'o. r'i*i-
judged, that the action was well commenced by Latitat, and Dv. 263,
need not be fued in the court of the county palatine.
But agreed that this might have been pleaded in abatement.
Pra5t. Reg. 25.
Howard and Taylor, { 2io ]
AFtcrwards, to wit, on the 9th day of June, in the fecond '^■^°J,u,^" "'"
year of the reign of the lord George now king of Great "
Britain., l£c before the fame lord the king at WellmiiHer come
one George Sedgemore and the faid ^■^ (who by the name of
jinne Taylor, otherwife Seymour as alorefaid, was impleaded) his
wife in their proper perfon.T, and produce here into the court of
the faifl now ford the king a certain writ of the faid lorJ the king
to correft error of and upon the jiidigment aforefaid above fpeci-
fied ; which faid record and proceedings aforefaid in the court of
the faid lord the king before the king himfelf now remiin, and
pray that the faid writ miy be allowed ; and by ihe fame court
here it is allov/ed to them, ISc, which faid writ follows in thefe
words, to wit, George, l^c. To oiir jufiices affigned to hold pleas The writ cfer^
before ourfelves, greeting ; Becaufe in the record and proceedings, ^'^^-
and alio in the rendition of the judgment of a plea which was in
cur court before us by bill between Anne Hoivnrrl and AnneTay
ior, ofherwife Seymour, in a certain irefpafs on the cafe to the
fame Am.e Ilo^wanl bv the faid Anne Tuy'^r, o'herwife Seymour,
committed, as it is fsid, a ma?v.i-ell error has happened, 10 the
great damage of Gi"'*-^? oeJgemore and the faid Ai:ne his wife,
lately called Anne Tayl't, otherwife Seymour, as by their com-
plaint we undcrlUnd : We willing the error, if -any haih been,
fhould be du'y corrected, and full and fpeedy jutlicc done to the
parties aforefaiii in this behalf, command you. that if judg--
iiicnt therein be given, then the record and procefs aforefaid,
which before you now remain, as it is (aid, being infp 6ted, you
farther caufe to be done therein to correct that error what of right
and accordiiig to the law and ruftoin of £ngUmJ fhall be to bo
Vol. I. Bb done.
Coverture in
the plaiutlff.
CovfVfnre In
the dcfc'idant.
done, Pf'''i:ne/s ourfelTat IFejlminfler 8th day o^Juus in t?ie fecOnd
year of our reKn, Hat l Whc-rtupon the f.iid G. Sedgemore and
Anre his wite fay, that in ihe record ami proreedings ^foreiaici,
I'.nu alio in the ren'.'irson oi the fu(1c;nient aforelai.l, there is a ma-
nifeft ^rror in this, to wit, that btforethe •':'y of exhibition ot'thc
bill 01 fhe faid /InntHo-vnfJ ag'ji'\\n\ 'he faiii /Inne Sedgeviore by the
name of Jtit;e 'Tnylor, otherwifo Srymour, ami before the reniiiiion
of th^ jui.!j.^'i\cnt ftfortlaid to wit, i Sth day of July 1712, £>««
djti aforefaid to put by furety and fafe pledges them the faid //.
and M. by the name of //. Chapman late 6\ the pariili of St.
Gilei Cripphgate in the county of Mihilr'fix, corii-wainer, an.l
M. Smith hie of the pariih of St. C^ttharrne in the county of
Mi.liHefex, yeoaian, that they might be before the juftices of
the fame late queen at Wefiminft^f on the morrow of the Holy
Trinity aforefaid, to jliaw why with force and arms they had
broke the clofeof the faid A^. and 5. and committed other out-
rages on them, to the great damage of the faid /V, and 6'. and
againft the ptace of the faid late queen, but not for the caufrs
in the declaration afonfaid fpccified, as by the original writ
af^orcfaid remaining nf record in ifie cuftody of the faid CuJlos
Bifvium of tke now lord the king of the bench aforefaid is more
B b^a full/
Avermr nt that
the judgment
vas oNained
on that origin-
al whi *.h dots
nrt warrant
Cbe judgment.
A Certkrari
The Cfrtiarcri.
Ths return of
the Cujlos Bre-
The orlglnif
fully manir«(l and a^ppear? : AnJ the fame H. and M. in fa^'
fay, that the plea atorefaid, and the judgment atorefaid above
had and obtained, was had and obtained on that original writ
and no other ; wherefore for that the writ aforefaid doth not
maintain the declaration and the proceedings thereon founded,
the fame H and M. (ay, that the original writ atorelaid is not
fuflkient in law, and that the declaration aforefaid and the mat-
ter in the {ame contained is I kewife infufficient in law, and
likewife not warranted by that original writ ; and therefore in
that the judgment aforefaid is iiianifeftly erroneous ; And the
fame H. and M. pray a writ of the faid lord the king to be
dircflcd to the faid CuJ}os Bre'vium, to certify the faid lord the
king more fully of the truth thereof; and it is granted to theni,
t^c. Whi^h faid writ of Certiorari fo prayed and granted fol-
lows in thefe words ; to wit, Gtor^e by the gracd of God of
Great Britain, France AnA Ireland, V'\ng, defender of the fai
, knt. 5
Which faid writ of Certiorari, together with the return of
the fame, among the records without day of this Michaelmas
term is filed ; And upon this the faid Henry and Matthew pray
a writ of the lord the king, to warn the faid Nathaniel and
Samuel to be before the lord the king to hear the record ani pro-
ceedings afore faid ; and it is granted them: And hereupon the
faid Nathaniel and Samuel by John SaunJer their attorney freely
here in court immediately come ; and (protefting that the origi-
nal writ (on which the declaration and proceeding aforefaid in
the record aforefaid here above certified is founded) was a certain
original writ between the parties aforefaid in a certain plea of
treipafs on the cafe, according to the tenor and efFeft of the de-
claration aforefaid) for piea the fame Nathaniel and Samuel fay,
that there is no error either in the record and proceedings afore-
faid, or in the rendition of the judgment aforefaid ; and pray
that the court of the lord the king now here may proceed to exr-
amine as well the record and proceedings aforefaid, as the matters
aforefaid above for error alTigned, and that the judgment aforet
faid may be in all things afiirmed, &c. But bec-aufe, ^c.
This caufe produced the a£l 5 Geo. for amending ivrlls of error.
Scire facias
Defendants ap«
pear and (by
plead there is
no error.
Bradfhawe and Gower^
'"I ^ H E lord the king fent to his trufry an,d Hrror in debt
England, to wit. ^
v/ell beloved F. King, knt. his chief juf- quit'"*
ticeof the bench, his writ clofe in thefe words, to wit, Geo>ge,
iffc. To our trufty and well beloved Peter King, knt. our chief
jufticeof the bench, greeting; liecaufe in the record and pro-
ceedings, as alfo in the rendition of the judgment of a plea wliich
was in our court before you and your companions our jufticcs of
the bench by our writ, between John Brad/hniue who profccutcs
as well for us c:s for himfelf, and lletny (jlo-ver Inte of Londmy
clerk, for this, that the fame Henry ?i^^n\V\ render to us and the
faid John 400 /• as it is faid, a mHnifeft error has happened to the
B b 3 ^;rca\
22a t Error,
great damage of \he fion accrued to
the faid now lord the king and the faid J. Brad/^mive, who as
weil.yf. to deniat>d and have of the faid Hemy 100/. parcel of
the faid 400/. And the faid Jolm, who as well, ifc. farther fays,
that within one year next befofe the day of the obtaining the ori-
ginal writ aforefaid, to wit, on the i2ih day oi January atorefaid
in the third year abovcfa'd, at UnJon aforefaid in the pariiTi and
ward aforefaid, the faid Henry being a perfon ift holy orders did
marrv a certain other man, bv the name of PF. H. to a certain
ether woman by the name of M. S. without anv publication of
the banns of matrimony between the faid IT. //. and M. 6'. ac-
cording to law, and without any licence firit bad and obtained
for the marriage aforefaid iait mentioned from any proper ordi-
j)ary whatfoever, againft the form of the ftatute aforefaid ia
(uch c4i thereof lately made and provided ; whereby an adion
Error. 223
uccrued to the faid now lord the king ard the faid J. J^rri'/^iirue,
who as ucl!, Iffc, to demand and have of the faid Heity other
100/ other parcel of the faid 400A And the faid J.Bmd^
/haive, who as veil, ^c. farther fays, that within one year
next before the day of obtaining the original writ atorelai*;, to
vit, on the 10th day 'A Fcl» luny in the third year abovclaid, at
London aforefaid in the parilli and ward aforelaivl, the faid
//ifAT^)' being a perfon in holy orders did marry a certain other
man, by the name of J. IF. ton certain other woman by the
name of A'. F. without any publication of the banrs of matri-
mony between the faid J. IV. and K. F. according to lay/,
and witl'.out any licence firil had and obtained for the marriage
aforefaid laft mentioned from any proper orilinary whatever,
againft the form of the ftatcte aforefaid in fuch cafe thereof
lately raade and provided ; whereby an aflion accrued to the
faid now lord the king and to the faid John, who as well, i^c,
to demand and have of the faid Hctuy other 100/ other parcel of.
the ftiid 400/. And the faid J. Bradfliazve. who as well,
l£c. farther fays, that within one year next before the day of
obtaining the original writ aforefaid, to wit, on the 21ft day of
February in the third year abovefaid, at Londm aforefaid in the
parifli and ward aforefaid, the faid Henry being a perfon in holy
orders did marry a certain other man, by the name of A. L. to a
cejtain other v/oman by the name of E. S. without any publica-r
ticn of the banns of matrimony between the faid A. L. and £. 5.
according to law, and without any licence firft had and obtained
for the marriage aforefaid laft mentioned trom any proper or-
dinary whatever, againfl the form of the (latute aforeiaid in
fuch cafe thereoflately made and provided ; whereby an action
accrued to ilie faid now lord the king and to the faid John, who
as well, l^c. ro demand and have of the faid Ihnry 100/. refir
due of the fiid 400/. Neverthelefs the laid Henry, altho' ofien
required, isSc. the faid 400/. or any penny thereof, to the faid
row lord the king, or to the faid J. BraJj/iaive, who as well,
vS'c or to either of them, hath not yet rendered, but the fame
to the laid now lord the king, or to the laid John, vvho as well,
ifjc. hitherto to render haih altogether denied, and yet doth
deny, to the damage of the laid J- Brnd/7taive, who as well,
i^c. lot. And therefore as well for the faid now lord the king
as for himf'.lf he produces the fuit, iifc.
And the faid Henry by J. B. his attorney comes and defends piea, not iov
the force and injury when Ifc. and fays, that he ilie fame dcbicd.
Hewy doth not owe to the faid lord the king and the faid J.
Bruii/h.^'VQe,'w\\o as well, Is^c. the faid 400/. or any penny there-
of, in manner and form as the laid J'Jin, who as v/ell, ijfc.
above thereof againft him has declared : and of this he puts him-
felfupon the country : And the faid John, who as well, ^ ..y^j^,rt'?!;
tfc. likewife ; Therefore the flacriffs are commanded that they '"'"
caufe to come here in the morrow of the afcenfion ofth: Lord
J2, ^c. by whom, tj/t . and who neither, tsfg. to rccognifj i^c.
B b 4 bt-eauio
13 F. i^ c- ■50.
I'i E. 1. c. 4.
14 E. 3. c 16.
The podea.
35 H. 8. c 5.
[ 224 ]
Verdia far the
plaintiff for
For tJie defen-
dant loi the
Moiety to the
Moiety to the
Ibefaufe as well, Isfc. At which day the jury liefween the par-
ties aforefaiil in the plea aforefaid was refpiieil berween them here
until this day, to wit, in the n;orrow of the hioly Tr»«//ji then
next following, unlefs P. Kiriir, knt. chi^f jufticeofthe court
of the lord the kin,r of the bench, here afilgnetl by form of the
Ibtute, l^c. on IVednefdoy iha fifth day oi June lail paft at
GuilJhall, London, fliotild firft come: And now hfre at this
day coiDes the laiii "Jihn, who as well, tffc. by his attorney
aforefaid : And the faid chief juftice before, i^c. hath fent here
his record in ihefe words : Afterwards at the day and place within
mentioned P. King, knt. the chief jullice witliin written,
Jofeph Houljlon, gent, being aflbeiated to him by the form of
the flaiute, ^c. comes as well the faid J. Brad/hatve, who as
well for the lord the now king as for himfelf in this b'-half profe-
cutes, as the within written H^nry Goxver by their attornies
\vithin contained J and the jurors of the jury, whereof mention
is within ma^'e, being calleil, foine of them, to wit, J. E. D. W.
and .i', 5. come, and on that jury are fworn ; And becaufe the
reft of the jurors of the fame jury do not appear, therefore others
from the by-ftanders by the flieritfs of London hereto chofen
at the requelt of the faid J. Brnd//iaivk\ who as v/ell, l^c. and
by the command of the chief juflice aforefaid are added anew,
whofe names are filed in the panel within written, according
to the form of rhe ftatute in fiich cafe made and provided ;
which faid jurors lb added anew, to wit, R. B. J. S. &c.
being likewile called come, whg to fay the truth of the within
contained, together with the other jurors aforefaid firft impa-
nelled, being ele(5led, tried and fworn, fay upon their oath,
thnt the faid Henry Goiver owes to the faid lord the king and to
the faid Jjhtiy who as well, ^c. 300/ parcel of the debt of
400/. within written, in manner and torn) as the faid John,
who as well, l^c. hath within declared againfl: him ; and they
affefs tbs damages of the faid John by realbn of the detention of
the faid debt ot 300/. parcel of the debt of 400/. within written,
btfiJe his colls and charges by him about his iuit in this behalf
expended, to 2 d. and for thofe cofts and charges to "^3 s. ^d.
And the jurors aforefaid farther fay on their oath, as to the
t'lird declaration within written, that fhe faid Henry Goner doth
not owe to the faid lord the king and the faid John Brad/haive,
who as well, cfc. the within written 100/. r^fidue of the faid
400/ in manner and form as the faid Johi HradJIiavje, who as
well, y<-. hath within Rgaiii-ll hiiii declared ; 1 hercfore it is
conlidcred, that the faid now lord the king and the faid John,
who as well, ^r. recover againll the faid Henry Giiver the faid
debt of 300/. which by th^ jury aforefaid is found the faid
//fwrv Go7x;fr by force of the Hatute aforefaid hath forfeited and
ov.'es to the faid now lord the king and the faid John Brad/haiue
whereof the faid now lord the king may have 150/. for hs
moiety, and the faid John Bran/hnvje^ who as well, Cffr. may
have the other 150/. for bis luoicty, according to the form (jf
' . the
Error. 224.
Go-joer his kiamages aforefaid to 53 j. 6 ^/ by the jurors aforefaid forcoft's.
in form aforelaic afleffetl, as alfo 17 /. 6s.6 d. to the fame John
BraJ/haivey who as well, fjfc. at his requeft for his coHs and
charges afor faiJ. by the court htre of increafe adjudged, which
faid oamagts amount in the whole to 20/. And the faid Henry
Conxer in mercy, '(^c. And lilcewife the faid John Brnii/haxve^
who as wel^'^r. in mercy for his falfe fuit againil the faid Henry
G'jiver for th .• rtfidue of the debt aforefaid, whereof the faid
henry Goiver by the jurors aforefaid is above acquitted : An4
the laid Henry Goyoer may go thence without day, l^c.
Orchard and Shepheard.
AFrerwartls, to wit, on Tuefday next after three weeks of ^^„ a,
Eajler in this fame term, before the lord the king at Well- ain-au
mtnjier comes the faid G. Orchard by J. L. his attorney, and
prays that the faid Samuel Shepheard may alFign errors in the
record and proceedings aforefaid on record i whereupon day is
given by the court pt the faid lord the king now here until
next after to alTign errors in the record and pro-
ceedings aforefaid : On which day before the lord the king at
Wejlminjier comes the faid George by his attorney aforefaid, and
the faid Samuel doth not coine nor allign any error or record in
the record and proceedings aforefaid, nor farther profccute his
writ of error aforefaid, .but makes default : Therefore it is con-
fidered, that the faid Samuel take nothing by his writ aforefaid,
and that the faid Georg^^ may go thence without day : (t is alfcj
confidered, that the faid George recover againft the faid Samuel
9/. to the lime George by the court of the faid lord the king
row here againft the faid Samuel adjudged, according to the
form of the ftatute in fuch cafe lately made and provided, be-
rajjfe the faid Samuel doth not profecute his writ of error afore-
fiid : And the faid George may have thereof execution.
rot tar
3 H. 7. c, to.
Oufnam and Milt ell
AFterwardfi, to wit, on Wl ,nclay next after the ortave of the ,„ . e
r ■ r L Li n- 1 • • « t i • r Writ of error
purJication or the bitilecl virgm Mary in this iame term, quaOicdbccaufc
before the lady the queen at IVefhninJIer comes the faid Samuel brouglit»>i wdl
Mittell in his proper perfon, and the faid John Oufnam in his on the rendiii-
proper perfon likewife comes, and freely here in court thereupon °" °* '''*^ i'lflK*
the fame John Oujnam fays, that the faid writ of error by the t'hc",„fnci'n"al a«
\z\<\ Samuel Mi Itell in form aforefaid profccuted did wrongfully oiithe«waid
and improvidently iflue ; becaufe by the writ aforefaid it appears ofcxecuiiou
that the fime writ of error was profecutcd by the fame Samuel a% anaiDftihc b»il.
\in\ for the faid George GiLfun in the plea aibrcfajd, as well on the
t2J.l Error.^
renuiiion of tVie jHi1gment on the pica aforcfaid between the fanjff
'Jo/in and the laid Ricnuiv/, as on the iuljudicniion ot cxtcution
on the writ of •Scire Facios ilTuing out ot the king's court of' the
town and pHr'ili of Muull}one rigainll the faid Huuiuel Mittell z.'i
bail for ihc h^Li Richartl iij thermie pica, when by the law of the
land of this kingdom of Erglund no fuch writ of error in the
iianie and at the Uiit of the faid .Srtwr/^/ ought to have iflued, and
tor that rcafon the fanie "^ohn Oujnavi prays, that the writ of
error by the faid Samuel in form atorcfaid profccutcd may hi
cjuiilied, vacated and held for void : Whereupon all and fingu-
lar the premiifes being feen, ami by the court of the faid lady the
tjueen new here more fully underllcod, and mature ddiLeratiotj
being thereon had, it is confidered, that the faid writ of error by
I he I'^.id S.i/i>uel Vliittll, in form aforefaid profscurcd b^ quaihcd,
vacated and held intircly tor void, iSc.
1^-5] Burr and Alivood,
l^i"i"n'<:d o^^'* A Frerwards, to wit, on 'Tuejday next after three weeks of
judt-fnent xx E.n'ier in that fame term, before the lord the king at I-Vcji'
ajjamft the bill w«>//t'r comcs the {i^\A "James Burr by y. L. his attorney and
in ^ Scire fay*, that in the record and proceedings aforefaid, as alfo in the
f^^'\ adjudication of execution aforelaid, there is manifeft error, io
this, to wit, that by the record atorefaid it appears that the
judgment of adjudication of execution on the writ of Scire faciei
aforefaid given was given for the laid Jo/in y^ttiood ag-d^niX the
faid 'Jamef Burr, when by the law of the land of this kingdom of
EnglunJ that jaigment ought to have been given for the faid
Jtuues Burr, againll the faM "John AtivooJ ; and therefore in that
it is manitellly erroneous ; And he prays, that the faid judi^ment,
for that error and others in the record and proceedings aforefaid
being, may be revoked, annulled and held inty-elv void ; and
that the faid James may be reilored to all things which he hath
loft bv rcaton of the judgment aforefaid ; and tliat the faid John
•/*:-ii:ojJ to thofe errors may rejoin, ifc.
Coote and Lynch.
Strors affig'ned /• pterwards, to wit, on the 4th day of March in the Qth yea?
on a judgment f\ ^^ ^y^^ ^^-^^^ ^p^^^ ]^^j IVilUum (he third, now king of £«p--
Q(\\n Ireland l'i".d^ co")e» t he faid /^/f/;.;;/acit/z \n the laid record and proceedings
between the words [at the grand felf;ons] and the words [county
aforefaid] thefe words [of the lord the king] were falfely certified;
becaufe by the record aforefaid it appears, that between the
vords at [the granil fi ffions] and the words [county aforefaid] are
thele words [of the lady the queen :] fi^nd alfo in the declaration ,
in thefe words and proceedings aforefaid, brtween the word
[unio] and the words [the queen's high way] this word [faid] was
omitted to be certified ; becaufe by the declaration aforelaid
in the record and proceedings aforefaid it appears, that between
the word [unto] and the words [the queen's highway] this word
nVidJ ii infcrted.
Almerick de Cmirfey, Eari of Kif^ale, againft
Comptotty knt.
AFterwards, 60 wit, on IVednefdny next after a month of
Enjier in the 5th year of the reign of the faitl flow lady the
queen, before the fame lady the queen si H^ejlminjier comx:s the
faid /Ih.erick de Courfey by James Cicfe his attorney and fdys,
that in ihe record and proreedings aforefaid, as alfo in the ren-
dition of the judgment aforefaid, there is maniieft error, in this,
to \vi[, thit the declaration aforefaid, and the matter in the fame
contained, are not ftfficient in law to maintain the aflion of the
faid Francis Cvnpton, knt. thereof againft him the faid Almerick
had J thereiore m that there is manifeft error: There is error
alfo in this, to wir, that by the record aforefaid it appears, that
the judgment in form aforefaid given vas given for the laici
Fii.ncii Coinpion^ knt. againft the faid Almerick, when by the
law of the land ov this king om of Ei:g!and the faid judgment
ought io have been given tor the faid Altnerick againtt htm the
faid Franch Cbmpton, knt. therefore in that it is manifeftly like-
wi'e f rroneou5 : Th re is error alfo in this, to v/it, that by the
record aforefaid ir appears, thSt the iflu^' aforefaid between the
parties aforefaid in the plea aforefaid joineo was joined in Trinily
term in rhe 4h year of th.- reign of the nyv/ lady the queen ;
Ncverthclefi the wrir o'l vemre jacias bstween the parties afore-
faid, in the plea aforefaid 'o try thai iflue, bore tejle and illaed
long before the faid ifflje w.s joirsed, to wit, on the i 5th day of
M:iy in the 4'h vear of the rc;gn Oi the now hdv the queen, and
alfo was returnable and return?.: b fore the ifTue aforefaid was
joined, to wir, on the inorrow of the Holy Trinity rhen next
following, as by the writ o^^ venire f.7cias aforefaid in the cuftody
of the Cvjlts Bievium of the lourt aiorefaio of record remnining
filed more fully 'ippears ; there tore in that it is like wfe manifcftly
erroneous; and the faid Almerick farther fays, that the record
aforefaid to the lady the queen franfmitted is diminifhed in not
ccr ifying here the faid writ ot A^fwir^yacZ/zf; whereupon the fame
Almerick prays the writ of the i^dy the queen of Certiorari to be
direfled to iht Cujios btenjium of the faid lady the queen of the
bench, to certify here the writ aforefaid i and it is granted him,
Ro. Raymond.
In this (fife nn imparlance roll -was entered and certified^ lohere*
upon judgment was affirmed in K. B.
firrer altit^neff,
tint the decla-
ration i» iarufTi''
That the tefle
of thp •etnire
was before ifTue
Cro. Car. ^5-
31 H. 8. c
2 Lev. ^^.
I Lev. 6g.
Lutw. J 638.
[ 227 1
227 Error.
Tmttey and Houldcrl
Certierari toihe TTTHercforC Thomas Tre'vor, knt. chief jufcice of the con>
cnietjuttlcr, W nion bench is conimanJeti, that fearching the rolls and
want o| wsr- other memorandums ot the warrants of attorney of the county
ritv"bc°ine aT °^ H^orce/Jer of Eajier term in the 1 3th year of the reign oi'lVi/r
fi-ntd For error, /'«w the third, late king of Eng/urrJ, &'c. bting In his cuftody of
who rcturn'd record, he forthwith certifies 10 the faid lady the queen whercfo-
ihere •mere ever, imider and TVoods ami others.
Pkas hfore !/2e laJy the qi/een afWedimo^ct 0/ Trinity ferm in
the riith yecrof ihe reign nf the LtJy Anne, now queen oj Great
Britain, &c. Roll 54.
England, to wit. 'T^ H E bdy the queen fent ft? iier trmly and
_!_ well beloved 1 homns Tre^jor, knr. her
chief juft'ce of the bench, her vvrit clofe in theft word-s, to wir,
Anne by the grace of God of Great Byitain, France ami Ireland
queen, defender of the faith, tfr. To her trufty and well beloved
T/iomas Trevor, lent, her chief jnftice of the bench, greeting ;
Eccaufe in the record and proceedings, as a!fo in the rendition
of the judgment of a plea which was in our court before you and
vour companions, our juftices of the bench, by our writ betweert
John Alexander Rni\ John JVuoils, UxQ oi London, merchant, John
Ofgood, late of iondo'i, merchant, and l^aihaniel Roufe, late of
Lordm, merchant, of a certain trefpafs on the cafe to the fame
John Alex ander,l^c. [to the end of the tranfcript] And the faid
Jihn IVoids, J(thn Ojgoods and'in mercy, '(Sc
AFterwarcs, to wit, on Wednefdny'vicrd after i $ days 0^ E after
in that fatne term, before t-he Wy the queen at Weflmivjler
come the faid John Ojgood and iV- Roufe in their proper perfons,
and fay, that in the record and proceedings aforelaid, as alfo in
the rendition of the judgment afor^faid, there is manifeft error,
in this to wit, that by the record aforefaid it appears that the
judgment aforefaid is given as well againft the (aid John Woods
as the faid John Of good ^r\A Nathaniel Roufe, when in triifh the
faid John Woods in the plea aforefaid mentioned, before the trial
of the iffue in the record aforefaid between the parties aforefiid
joined, and before the rendition of the judgment aforefaid, to
wit, on the 20th of July in thf 8th year of the reign of the faid
now lady the queen at Horjham aforefaid in the county of S,v.jjcx
aforefaid, died, and fo the judgment aforefaid is erroneous and
void in law: And the faid J. Ofgiod a.n^ Nathaniel pray, that
the judgmeat aforefaid, for the error aforefaid and other* being
in the recor.i and proceedings aforefaid, may be revoked, annul-
led and held intirely as void ; and that they the foid John OfgosJ
and Natharul Roufe m^y he reftored to ail things which they
have loll by reafon of the judgment aforefaid : And they pray a
•writ ot the lady '.he queen to warn the faid Jo/in Alexander to be
b'.fore the lady the queen to hear the record and proceedings
aforefaid ; anil it is granted them ; whereby the f!i riff of the
county of Si/fex is commanded that by good, k^r. he cauli; the 1 Mil
John Alexander to know that he be b.-lore the lady the queen on
the morrow ot the Holy Tr/n.'/y vvhcr-.-foever, Ifc. to hear the
jccord and proceedings aiorefaid, if, >'Sc. aod iarther, isfc. The
The manner wf
makin;; up a
record of Niji
print on ifTuc
joiued in etror.
[ 22S 7
Dirath ot one of
the plaintifT."!
in eiror before
trial affigaed
tor error.
9 Rep, 30. b.'
Note; 'trin.
7 Geo. thele
cnors on affi«
divit the partv
was ulive VJCis
let aliJc.
^ a re facias
The defendant
appears and
plcadf; that J.
JV is living,
and travel fes
his drsth bc-
fort the trial of
tht ifTue.
Repl. anJ ifl'ue
oa thetravcrfc.
Venire awarded
of the body of
the codnty.
The jytjlr'tngat
fcr the «ffifc6.
13 E. r. c- 3®'
iz £■ z. c. 4«
14 E. 3. c; \6-
fame day is given (0 the faid ''john Ofgood and Nathaniel Roufet
iffc On which day before the laly the queen ar IVeJlminJler
come the laid John Ofgood ax\<.\ 'Nathaniel in their proper perfons,
and the fherifFhuth nor returne.i thereof the writ : And the (aid
John Alexamhr, on the fourth day of pleis b^ing^ folemnly called
by J'h'i Allen his attorney, likewife comes and fays, that by any
thing before alledged the ^judgment aforefaid ought not to be re-
vcrfed, becaufe he fays, that the faiJ. John Woods \r\ the plea
aforefaid mentioned is yet furviving and living, without that, that
the fame John Woods died before the trial of the ilTue aforefaid in
the record aiorcfaid between the parties aforefaiJ- joined, in man-
ner and form as the faid John Ofgood and Nathaniel above have
alledged : And this he is rea !y to verify : Wherefore he prays
that the jui'.gment aforefaid may be in al) things affirmed, Sc.
And the faid John Oj'goo rl Tind Nathaniel Rou/e as before Tay,'
thai the faid John Woods died before the trial of the ilTue aforefaid
in the record aforefaid between the parties aforefaid joined, in
manner and form as the fai 1 John O/g^wd and Nathaniel R'lufe
have above alledged ; An< thi? they pr ly may be enquired of by
the country ; And the faid John Alexander thereof likewife, '^C.
Therefore the flierifF of the faid touniy o{ Sufex is commanded
that he caufe to come before the lady the queen from the day of
the Holy Trinity in three weeks whefefoevtr, l^c. twelve, l^c.
of the body of the county, Iffc by whom, l^c. and who neither,
l^c. to recognize on their oath, whether the faid John Woods
died before the trial of the iflue aforefaid in the record aforefaid
between the parties aforefaid joined, as the faid Johr Ofgood znd.
Nathaniel Rou/e have alledged, or not, becaufe as well, tiff.
The fame day is given to the parties aforefaid, iffc. At which
term before the lady the queen at M^eftminjier come as Vk^ell the
h\d John Ofgood and Nathaniel Roufe'm their proper perfons, as'
the faid John Alexander by his attorney aforefaid ; and the flu-nff
of the county of Sufex, to wit, William Kent, efq; returns the
faid writ of Fenire facias to him in form aforefaid direfted iti
all things ferved and executed, together with a panel of the names
of the jurors, of whom none, l^c. Therefore the fhcrifF is com-
manded that hedillrain the jurors aforefaid by all their lands, ^r.
fo that he may have their bodies before the lady the queen from'
the day of St. Mic/^^/e/ in three weeks wherefoever, ^r. or be-
fore the jufticesof the faia lady the queen, alTigned to take aflifes
in the county aforefaid, if they fhall before ccmc on Monday
17th day oi July at Eafigrimjlead\n the county aforefaid, by the
form of the ftatute, yc." for want of jurors, ^c. Therefore let
the flieriff have the bodies, cff. The fame day is given to the
parties aforefaid, ll!c. And be it known that the writ of the faid
lady the queen thereof zSrh day of June in this fame term was
delivered of record to the under- flierrfF of the county aforefaid^
iirafted in form of lavir, to be executed at his peril, t^c.
'Jones agalnft Stephens.
AFterwards, to wit, on rfa-y next after in this
fame term, before the lord the kin^ at Weftminfler comes
as well the faid R. Stephens as the faid R. Jo»es in their proper
perfons ; whereupon as well the writ of error afor' faid, as the
record and proceedings aforefaid, bv pretence of the writ of error
atorefaid tranfmitteci and certified to the faid court of the faiJ
lord the king now here being feen, and by the court of the lord
the king here more fully underftood and examined, becaufe it
feems to the court of the faid lord the king now here, that Ed^
ivard N. knt. one of the juftices of the bench, was by the writ
aforefaid commanded that he lliould certify the record and pro-
ceedings of a plea which was before the faid E. N, and his com-
panions, juftices of the bench in the court aforefaid, between the
parties aforefaid : Nevenhelefs the faid E. N. hath tranfmitted to
the court here the record and proceedings of a certain plea which
was before G. T. knt. and his comparions, juftices of the lord
the king of the bench aforefaid, and fo the writ aforefaid hath
rot warranted the fending the record and proceedings aforefaid to
the faid court of the faid lord the king now here fent and cer-
tified : Therefore it is confidered that the writ of error aforefaid
bequafhed, i^c.
Mathews againft Ludlowe.
AND the faid William Mathetjos by J. L. his attorney comes
and fays, that the faid Henry Ludlowe ought BOt farther to
profecute or maintain his writ of error aforefaid againft him the
faid IViltiani Mathevjs, becaufe he fays, that after the judgment
aforefaid in form aforefaid recovered, and before the day of the
obtaining of the writ of error aforefaid, to wir, 17th day ofy///y
In the 31ft year of the reign of the lord Charles the fecond, now
king of England, ifc. he the faid Henry LuJloiue, by the name
c( Henry Ludloive of Brandey in the county of Surry, efq; at
JVeJiminJler in the county ot Middlefex, bv his certain writing
of releafe fealed with the feal of the faid Henry, and to the court
of the faid lord the king nowhere lliewn, the date whereof is
the fame day and vear, remifed, releafed and for ever quitted
claim to the faid IVilUam Matheivs, by the name onVilliam
Mnthevjs, his executors and adminiftrators, all and all manner
of error and errors, writ and wriis of error, and erroneous pro-
ccfs wharfocver, and all benefits and advantages of the fame, and
all mifprifion of error and errors, defers and impcrfcftions what-
foever had, made, committed, omitted, done or permitted, in,
about, touching or concerning the faid judgincnt in ejrftment
aforefaid, obtained againft him the faid Henty bv the faid IVilliatn
in the faid Trinity term then laft paft, in the faid court of the faid
lord the king of common bench at Wef.minjler, for ihc faid one
Vol. I. Cc aicfluagVi
The entry of
tlie quafliing %
writ of error,
becaufe the
wjit did noC
warrant the
tranfcript of
the recurd.
A releafe of er«
rors pleaded*
229 t Error.
nioffiag?, ^o acr?s of land, 10 acres of meadov,', and 20 acres
of paflure with the appurtenances in Bramhy and Sfmlforcl'm the
r^id county o^ Sunj, deiiiifed to the faiJ IVilliam by the faid M.
iitynt, v.'idow, for 5 years from the firll day ot Match then lalt
paft, or in, about, touching or concerning any warrant, procefs,
original declaration, pica, entry or other proceedings whatlbever
of or any way concerning the fame judgment : And this the fame
IVilliom is ready to verify : Wherefore he prays judgment if th*
faid Henry ought farther to prr.ffcute or maintain his writ of enor
aforefaid againft him the faid IVtlUafn, iffc.
Eiim. Saundtrs.
Elfe and Cotton,
Rjpf Not his AND the faid Timot>iyi:xys, that he ought not to be precluded
jl\ from his v rit ot error aforefaid a Jaintl him the faid tVi/li/zm
Elfe on the judgment aforefaid had, becaufe he fays, that the
writing of releafe aforefaid, by him the faid IVilliam in manner
and form aforefaid above pleaded in bar of the errors aforefaid by
the faid Timothy Onim afligned, is not the deed of him the faid
Tiwo'hy : And this he prays may be irquired of by the country ;
^M/V/awarded. And the faid IVilliam hkewife, ^'c. Therefore the' ftieriff is com-
manded that he Ciufe to coine before ihe lord and lady the king
and queen from the day of Eafler in one month wherfocve, l^c,
twelve free and lawful men of the neighbourhood oi M'ejlminjler
aforefaid in the county aforefaid, each ot whom hath lol. ot land,
tenements or rent yearly at the leafl, by whom the truth of the
f"(5t may be better known, and who are no way related either to
the faid IVilliam or the faid Timothy, to recognize on their oarh,
whether the writing of releafe aforefaid be the deed of the faid
Timothy or not: The fame day is given to the parties aforefaid,
isSc. On which day before the faid lord and lady the king and
I ^3* J queen at IVifftninfter ccme the parties aforefaid by their attornies
aforefaid, and th." fniriff r turns the writ aforefaid in all things
ferved and executed, together with a panel of the names of the
jurors to the fame writ annexed, of whom none, ^Tf. There-
Difiri»iai. jore the (lieriff is commanded that, he diftrain them by all thtir
Icinds, l^c. and that of the ifTues, l^c fo that he iray have their
bodies before the lord and lady the king and queen on the mor-
row of the Afcenfion'cf the. Lord wherefoever, l^c. to recogn'7.e
in form aforefaid, unlefs the tiufty and well beloved of the lord
and lady tjhc king and queen JihnHlt, knt. chief juflice of the
fame lord and lady the king ant! queen, afllgned to hold pleas in
m/i priu; at the court of ihe fame lord and lady the king and queen before
IVtjlminjler. jj^g j^,^ ^^j j^^j^ jj^g king and queen themfelves, ihall firft come
on ThurfJay 20th day of July at li^e/lninjler in the great hall of
13 E. I. c. 3D. pleas there, bv the form of the (latute, tjfc. for want of jurors,
U E. ?'o 6 ^~^' ^ ^^'■^^o''^ let the flurifFhave the bodies, ^c. The fame day
.is given to the parlies aforefaid, i^c.
Error. 230
Gawler and Elliot.
AN 6 the fiid John Gnivlerhy J. y1. his aftorney comes and Plea Rcleafii
fays, that the laid IVil'iiam ought not farther to proferiire or "' errors,
tnainiain his writ of error afortfaiJ agairft him the faici yohrt,
becaufe he fays, that after the judgnient in form aforelaid re-
covered, to wir, 17th day o^ May in the year of the Lord 1716,
he the faid William, by the name of William Elliott of the pariiTi
ofSr. Pjitl Cozen t (ten \n MiJuleleXy woolln draper, at the
parilli of St. Clement Dares in the county of MiilcHef^x atorefaid,
by his certain writing of releafe fealed with the feal of him the
laid IFilliak, and to the court of the lord the king now here
iliewn, the date whereof is the fame dav and year, did remife,
releafe, and for ever quit claim to the faid John, by the name of
John Gait.ler, gent, his heirs, executors and admin'ftrators, all
and all manner of error and errors, writ and wri's of error, and
all benefits and advantages of the fame, and all mifprifions of er-
ror and errors, defefts and imperfeftions whatfoever, had, made,
committed, done or fuffered in, about, touching or concerning the
faid judgment obtained againlt hi'.n the faid IVn'l.'^n by the faid
John in the (aid Eafter term in the faid court of (he faid lord the
king of common bench at IFtJlvin/ler, for 355/. debt, befide coCis
of fuit, or in, about, touching or concerning any warrant, procefs,
declaration, plea, entry or other proceeding whatfoever, of or
in any manner concerning the fime jiidgment : And this the fan-e
John is ready to verify : Wherefore he prays judgment if the faid
i'Fjlliam ©ught farther to profecute his writ of error aforefaid
againft him the faid Johny Isc .
C. JVearg,
Sheer es againft Pomercy.
AFterwards, to wit, o'^ Thurfrlay next aftor j< Sa\"i of Er/ler J t^ *'^*."' '
in this lame term beiorc- the lady ihe queen at Ire/tinih/ter
comcsti.e faid y. Sheereshy J. A. h's ait'-rney and fiys, that
in the record and pmcec.lings aforefaid, and alio in the rendition
of the judgment aforefaid, th'.re is manift-ft error, in this, to
wit, that the declaration atdefaid in the record aforefaid u en-
liotied, and upon which ihr jud;jmen( aforelaid in form af-^re'aid
is given, and the maucr in Che fame contained, are no- iiftii.ief t
in law to have or maintain that judgment in form aforefaid thereon
given, and fo the judgiucnt aforelaid in form af refaid givui is
irroneous and void in law ; therefore in that there is manitcll
error; There is error alfu in this, to wit, that by ihe record Detihefeneof
aforefaid it appears that ihe judgnK-nt aforefaid ii the pK a afort- |''^ pUmtift*^
faid given is given as well ff)r the faid IVillinm P merrj as for the j^.^, ^^ j^^^iif
faid H^illium I'lomer, when in truth the (aiil Willinm Ptomtr in of iuquii)',
the declaration aforelaid memioned, before the return ot the
writ of inquiry of damag"* alorefaid, and before the rvntiiiion of
t c 2 the
230 1
I 23» 3
Defendant ap-
pears and (pro-
tefting thtte is
n« cnor) de>
3H.7. c. 10.
4 A. €. |6.
the judgment aforcfaid, to wit, 18th day of November in the 8th
year ol the reign of the lady Anne, now queen, i^c. at London
aforefaid in the parifh and ward aforefaid died, and fo the judg-
ijient aforcfaid is erroneous and void in law : And the faid
Jonathan prays that the judgment aforefaid, for the errors afore-
faid and others being in the record and proceedings aforefaid,
may be revtrled, annulled and intirely held as void ; and that he
the faid Jonathan may be reftored to all things which he hath
loft by reafon of the judgment aforefaid ; And he prays a writ of
the lady the queen, to warn the faid IVilliam Pomeroy to be be-
fore the lai^'y the queen to hear the record and proceedings afore-
faid, if. fiff. and it is granted him, i^c. Whereby the fl^erifFs of
London arc commanv ed that by good, ^r. they give notice to
the faid V/illiam P meroy \o be betore the lady the queen on the
morrow of the Holy 'Trinity wherefoever, kTc. to hear the record
and proccedinji^s atorefaid, if, tffr. and farther, life. The fame
day is given to the fiid Jonathan, i^c. On which day before the
lady the queen at IVeJimi'Jfer coines the faid Jonathan by his
attorney aforefaid ; and the faid William Pomeroy being folcmnly
called, by Edzvard Hnljiead his attorney likewifc comes : Where-
upon the faid Jonathan as before fays, that in the record and
proceedings aforefaid, as alfo in the rendition of the judgment
aforefaid, there is manifeft error, alledging the errors aforefaid
by him in form aforefaid alledged : And prays, thai the judgment
aforcfaid, for thofe errors and others being in the record and
proceedings aforefaid, may be reverfed, annulled and intirely
held as void, and that he may be reftored to all things which he
hath loft by reaf-.n of the judgment aforefaid : And that the faid
ti^iUiam Pomeroy to thofe errors may rejoin, IfSc. Whereupon the
faid V/illiam Pomeroy fays, that by any thing by the faid Jonathan
above for error ailigned the judgment aforefaid ought not to be
reverfed or annulled j becaufe by protefting there is no error
either in the record and proceedings aforefaid, or in the rendition
of the judgment aforefaid, neverthelefs lor plea the fame William
fays, that the matters aforefaid above by the faid Jonathan in
manner and form aforefaid for error affigned are not lufficient in
law to y^str^t or annul the faid judgment, or to compel him the
faid Williom Pomeroy to rejoin to thole errrors, and that he the faid
William Pomiroy hath no necefiiiy, nor is obliged by the law of
the land, in any manner to anfwer to thofe errors m manner and
form aforefaid {ifligned : And this he is ready to verify; Where-
fore he prays judgment, and-that the judgment aforefaid maybe
in all things -.ftirmed and ftand and remain in its full ftrength,
force and iff fl ; and he alfo prays his damages, coil;s and charges,
by reafon of the (felay of execution of the judgment aforefaid, ac-
cording to the form o the ftatuie in fuch cafe lately rnade and
provided, to be adjudged to him, Cs'c. And for caufes of demur-
rer in law in this behalf, according to the form of the ftatute in
fuch cafe lately made and provided, the fame William Pomeroy
doih fet down and to the court here exprefs thefe caufes foilovring,
Error. 331'
to wit, Becaufe tlie errors above afligned are various and of dif-
ferent forts, and contain feveral an
fald Jonathan in manner and form aforefaid above afTigned, and
the matter in the fame contained, arc good an^i lufficient in law
to reverfe and annul the faid judgment, and to lompcl the faid
IVtlliam Pomeroy to rejoin to thofe trr'Ts : Which faiii matter the
fame Jonathan is ready to avtr and pri)ve, as the court, ^'f. And
becaufe the faid IP'^illiam doth not rejoin to thofe errors, nor hi-
therto any way deny them, the fame Jonathan as bt.fore prays,
that the judgment aforefaid may bereverfed, annulled, and held
as intirely void, and that he may be refiored to all things which
be hath loft by reafon of the judgment aforefaid : Bur becaufe the
court of the faid lady the queen now here are not y?t advifed to
give their judgment of and upon the premifies, day therefore is
given to the pirties aforefaid before the lady the queen until
wherefoever, i^c. to hear their judgment of and upon thofe
premifles, becaufe the court of the faid lady the now queea
thereof not yet, i^c.
Reynolds againft Seymrjur,
AFterwards, to wit, on Tuef^ay next after the morrow of St, a writ of error
Martin, before the lord the king at IVtJiminfter czmt ihe ciram ntbii refi-
faid Elizabeth ReymUs by IV. B her guar^iian. by the court of <•«•'
the faid lord the king hereto fpecially adiuitted, and produced
here into the court of the faid lord the king then there a certa-n
writ of the faiil lord the king of error profecuted of and upon the
premifTes, and praved that the writ aforefaid might be allowed ;
and it is allowed, (^c. Which faid writ follows in thefe words, to
wit, fVilliam the third, Isfc. Toour juftices affigned to hold pleas
before us greeting: Becaufe in the record and proceedings of a
certain plea which was in our court and of the lady Mary late
queen ot EnglanJ before us and the faid late queen, bv bill be-
tween PFilli am Seymour and Elizabeth Reynolds, of a certain tref-
pafs on the cafe to the fame IVilliam by the faid Elizabeth com-
mitted, and in the rendition of the judgment of the fame plea in
our court before us, as it is faid, (which faid record and proceed-
ings before us now remain, as it is laivl,) a manifell error has hap-
pened, to the great dama^/e of the faid Elizabeth, as bv her com-
plaint we have underflood : We willing the error (it any hath
been) flinuld be duly corrtfled, and full and fpeedy juftice done
to the parties in this behalf, command you, that infpedling the
record and proceedings aforefaid you farther caufe lo be done
therein to coircft that error what of right, and according to the
law and cuftoHi of our kingdom of England, fhall be lo be -'""'^ '•'.,,. °, . r , n ■ i \. r
being abated Vy ladv the queen untd from the day of hojler m 15 days wherefo-
the death oi the ever.fiff. to hear their judgment thereon, becaufe the court of
pliintifF. (I^g laij [gdy the queen here there* f not yet, t5^f. On v-hich day
before the lady the queen at Wefimirfier coaie the faid Thomnt
and IVilliam in their proper perfons and fay, that after the ialt
continuance of the faid writ of error, 10, after the faid oftave
of St. Hillary and before this day, to wit, the faid i 5'h day troiii
Enjler, to wit, the ift day of April laft paft, the faid Henry Fox at
M''oolley aforefai.i in the countyof//K;?a'rg./o'7 aforefaiddied inteftate,
after whofe death admin'ftration of all and fingular the goods and
chattels, rights and credits, which belonged to the faid Henry
Fcx the elder at the time of his death, to one Henry Fcx the
younger in due form of law was committed : And,lhis they are
ready'^to verify: Wherefore they pray judgment of the writ of
Error. 233J
error aforefald, and that the faid writ mny he quafhed, vacated
and held as void, i^c. VVherctore it is corfiJered bv the court
of the lady the queen here, that the writ of error be quallied,
vacated and held as void : And thereupon afterwards, to wir, on ^ newwrit of
IVeJnerday next after one month of Enjiery coines here into court cnor prayed,
the faid Henry Fox the younger in his proper perfon, and prays
leave to purchafe another writ of the (did lady the queen of
error upon the record and proceedings afortfai^i in the court of
ihc faid lady the queen before the queen herklf remaininjj ; and
it is granted hun, l^c. Whereupon ihe faid Herry Fox the ad-
miniltrator fiherwards, to wit, on the 30M1 day of /ff»ii in the
5th year of the reign of thefaid now lady the queen at IVeJtminJhr,
coiiifs into the lame court of the faid la.iy the queen in his prcp?r
perfon, and produces here in the court of the faid ladv the queen
a certain oiherwrit ot the fait! lady the queen, dirtfled to the
juitices of the fame lady the queen alllgned to hold pleas before
the faid lady the queen; which faid writ tollows in thefe word?,
to wit, y^nm, ifj'c. To our ju dices afligned to hold pleas before The writ fet
us: Becaiife in the record and proceedings, as alio in the ren- forth j.-j *^c
dition of the judgment of a plea which was in our court before *''''***
Thomas Trtfor. lent, and his companions, our julliccs of thf
bench, by our writ between Henry Fox the elder and Thomos
King late of, i^c. U^iilia^u Blunt /ham late of, Ifjc. of a certain
trtlpafs on the fame Henry Fox by the faid tliomas and IPllliam
committed, as it is faid, (which laid record and proceedings by
reafon of error happening we have caufed to be brought before us,
and they now before us remain, and the laid Henry Fox is dead,
as it is faid,) a manifell error hath happened, to the great damage
o{ Hemy Fox the admuiiftratr.r of the goods and chattels which
belonged to the faid Hcury Fox the elder, who died inteftate,
asii is laid, as by his complaint we have underftood : We willing
the error, if any haih been, fiioulu he duly corrtfled. and full
andfpeedy jufuce done ro the parties afortfaid in this behaif,
command you, that infpefling the record and proceedirgs afore-
faid you farther caufe to be done therein to correct that error
what of right and according to the law and cuflcni of our king-
dom 01 E"glunii ihdW be to be done. Witnefs ourfelf at fp'e/}-
tninjltr, 30th day of y^/r/V in the 5th year of our reign. And the Prays the jodg-
faid Henry Fox prays, that the judgment aforcfaid lor the errors mcrt tobc re*
above afligncd may be reverfed, annulled and intirely held as ^y'""
void J and that the court of the faid lady the queen now here '• ^*
may proceed (o the exanjinaiion as well of the record and pro-
ceedings aforefaid, as of the matters aforefaid above as aforefaid
alllgned for trror ; but becaufe (he court of the laid lady the
queen now here are not yet advifed to give ilieir judgment of
and upon the prcmiiles, day is given to the parties aforcfaid in
tlie faid writ of error lafl rienfioncd before the lady the queen
until on the morrow of the Holy Trinity whcrtfotvcr, ^c. to
hear their judgment thereof, becaufe the court of the faid lady
the queen lurt thereof not yet, Iffc.
Cc 4 LL,4
Error afligneJ
la parliiimcnt.
Genrri! r the faid James fi-^aUer againft the faid A^j-
(/loliis and IVilliatn, when by the law of the land of the kingdom
of /rf/rtK^ that judgment ought to have been given for the faid
NichAns and William againft the faid James ; theretore in that it is
manifellly erroneous : And this the lame Nicholas and li'it/i am
are ready to verify : Wherefore they pray that the judgment
aforefaid, and the affirmance of the fame, for that error and
others being in the record and proceedings alorefaid, may be re-
verfed, annulled and held as intirely void ; and that the fame
Nicholas and IVilUam may be reftored to all things which they
have loft bv reafon of the judgment and affirmance aforefaid, l^c.
and thac the faid James to thofe errors may rejoin, f r.
Whereupon day is given by the court of the faid lord the king
now here to the faid James until from the day of in 15
days then next following to rejoin to the faid errors : The fame
day is given to the faid Nicholas and WilViam there, iSc- And be-
taufe before the faid 15 days from F.ajler the faid lord the late
king IVil/iam the third departed this life, and before the fame
day the plea aforefaid was adjourned by writ of the lady /inrje,
now queen of England, ifc of common adjournment before the
fame lady the queen at M'^ejlminfier until to and upon this day, (o
wit, from the day oi E a fhr in three weeks, and alfo before the
faid three weeks from the day of Eajler, unto which day the plea
aforefaid was adjourned, to wit, on the 9th day of Augufl 1700,
ihefaid James IValler at IFeJlminJJer aforefaid made his laft will
and teftament in writing, and by the fame conftiluted Dorothy liis
wife his fole executrix thereof; and afterwards, to wir, on the
13th day of April 1702, he the faid James Waller at WeJlminJJer
in the county of Mid Me/ex aforefaid died, and the faid Dor')tliy his
executrix took upon herfelf the burden of the execution of the will
aforefaid, and that will in due form of law proved, to wir, at
IVeJiminjler aforefaid in the county aforefaid ; And this the faiJ
Nicholas and William do not deny : Whe-rcupon at the faid 15
days from Ea/ler btfore the faid lady the queen at H'ejlminfter
come as well the faid iVilliam zadNichaht by their aitorncy
afore fs^id,
Error afn^ncd
on a juJtrment,
and t'le affir-
mance thcrcaf
JQ Ir^lastd,
I 234 I
Day IS given t«
joia in error.
Demifc •fth«
ot the tciiu.
The pIiintifFia
error ilicJ, and
hin exccuki'ix
• ppcircd »nti rijT er com^s the faid HovotWJohn Huiueilhy C. C. his attorney,
nil snd Cdphu ard lays, that in the recor^l and proceedings aforefaid, as a!fo ia
Kiucdbefo't ttic the renviiiion of the judgment atorcfaid, there is manifcll error,
o.uie d actioa becaufe the fiid Kin-^yn and Elizabeth his wife on the Ath day of
(JJlober in the c)th vear ot tne reign or the laiJ lord the now king
fued out their original writ out of the court of chancery of the
faid lord the king, i;i the piea aforefaid againft the faid HoiveLl,
dire(!rted 10 the then flieriffof AiO/)/;.o«//4, which faid writ was re-
turnable before the judices of the faid lord the king of the bench
at IVeJlminjUr from the day of St. Michuel in three weeks then next
following : and that the faid Kini'yn and EUzaheth afterwards, to
wit, on the 23d day of Ociober'in the c^ih year of the reign of the
fai(i lord the now king, profecuted out of the court of the faid
lord the king of the bench a certain writ of the faid lord the king
pf capias ad refpondendvin on the original writ aforefaid againlt the
faid HovL^ell, to the iherifFof the county of Mmmmlh aforelaid di-
rcifted, which faid writ was reiurnnble before the jullices of the
faid lord the king of the bench at IVeftmitifler from the day of St.
Alcirtin in I 5 days ; upon v^hich laid writ of capias ad reff-onden-
duvi the faid Hotvcll'john Ho'weliws.s taken and appeared in the
plea aforelaid : and becaufe it appears by the record aforefaid, that
the afTnidf, battery, and all the trefpafs aforefaid was committed
by the faid Hoiue I J on the firft day of Decfviber in the yth year of
the rtign of the faitl lord the now king after the iffuing of the ori-
ginal writ aforefaid, and ot ih'e faid writ ol capias adrejforuhndumi
tliere*dre 'he judgment aforefaid is erroneous and void in law ;
which faid writs remain filed in the cuffody of the cujiis hreuium
of the faid lord the king of the bench of Vlichaelmas term in the
Qth year abovefaid ; and the faid Hoiiell prays a writ of the faid
Cerfinrar! tn ford the king 0^ certiorari to be diridfed to the faid cuftos hrez'tut/jf
th« Cujits Brt' to certify as well the faid original writ as the faid writ oH capias ad
**-^'"' refpondetidum, and thcfeveral returns of the fame writs ; and it is
granted him, ^c. Wherefore by writ of the faid lord the king
[ 235 J
The return of
the cujlts br*-
ilow here, IV.T/iwJl'y, efq; cujhs i-rez'ium 0? thz faij lorJ tfifi
king ot the bench is commancied, that fe-arching the original writs
and the writs of cnpins actre pivderditm of the county ot Monmouth
of Michatlmai term in the Qth year of the reign of tlie faid lord
the king, bc-ing in his cuflody o{ record, and what of the fame
writs he iliall find, together with th- returns of the fame, as fully
and intirely as they remain before him, to the faid lord the king
without delay, wherelbever he Onli then be in England, he cer-
tify, too^ether wiih the writ to him therefore direfted ; which faiJ
William 'Thuifiy the cuftos brei-ium aforefaid hath thereon return-
ed and certified to the faid lord the king, that the wriis original
and writs of capias ad refpondendum of the faid lord the king of
his county oi Monmouth of term in thegth year ot his
reign aforefaid, being in his cuftody of record, being fearched,
there is a certain writ original and a writ oi capias ad refpondendum
in the plea aforefaid between the parties aforefaid in his cuHody
filed of the fame term, the tenor of which faid writs together
^with the returns of the fame, as fully and intirely as they ren)aia
in his cuftody filed of record, he hath certified to the faid lord the
king, as appears in a certain fchedule to the fame writ annexed,
as by the writ afcref-iid he was commanded ; which faid writ
follows in thefe words, to wit, Williamy ^c. ( fo recite the original The tenor c^
to) And have there the names of the pledges, and this writ, the ougm»U
Witnefs Thomas archbifliop of C^:ntsrbury und th^ refl of the
juftices and keepers of the kingdom at IVeJlminJier 4th day of
Odober in the 9th year of our reign.
Pledges to prof€C-ute John Dof and Richard Roe; the wiihin Th« fterifTs
named Horvell John hath nothing in my bailiwick whereby he "-ftur"-
can be attached.
theophilus Reynolds y efq; /herifF.
William, &c. (reciting the capias to) Witnefs G. frehy at The tapiat.
IVeftminJler 24th day o{ Odober in the 9th year of our reign.
FJv virtue of this writ to me dirtfled 1 have taken the body of The(herifF>
the wiihin named Ho'w ell John Honxjeil, whole faid body I have reiuia.
ready at the day and. place within contained.
fheophilus ReyroUs, efq; flierl/F.
And the faid Ho-uell pravs, that the judgment aforefaid, for
the error aforefaid and others being in the record and proceeding?, may be reverfed, annulled and hrld as intirely void,
ijnd that he may be reftorcd to all things which he hath loft by
reafon of the judgment aforefaid : And he likewife prays, that the
court of the faid lord the king here may proceed to the examina-
tion as well of the record and proceedings aforefaid, as ot the
The defendant
appear* and
joias ia error.
matters aforefaic! above for error afligned ; and that the faid
Kinvvn Huttj and Elizabeth :o the er or aforefaid may rejoin,
Whereupon the faid Kin'vyn Ilatry and Elizabeth his wife
fredy here in court by J. E. their attorney come, and having
heard the error aforelaiJ immediately fay, that there is no error
either in the record and proceedings aforelaid, or in the rendition
of the judgment aforefiid, and pray hkewife, that the court of
the faid lord the king now here may proceed to the examination
as well of the record and proceedings aforefaid, as ot the mat-
ters aforefaid above for error afligned, and that the judgment
aforefaid may be in ail things afiinned : but becaufc the court of
the faiJ lord the king now here are not yet advifed to give their
judgment of and upon the premilfes, day therefore is given to the
parties aforefaid b-rfore the lord the king until wherefoever,
ijfc. to hear their judgment of and upon thofe premifles, becaufe
the court of the laid lord the king now here thereof not yet,^^.
On which day before the faid lord the king at M'^eflminjier come
the parties aforefaid by their attornies aforefaid : And becaufe it
feems neceffiry and expedient to the court of the faid lord the
king now here, before they proceed farther in this behalf, that
the faid lord the king fliould be certified, whether there is an/
writ original againft the faid Hozvell, at the fuit of the faid
Kinvyn Harry and Elizabeth his wife in the plea alorefaid, in the
faid court of the faid lord the king of the Ijench at Wfjlmivfter
filed of record of Hillary term in the gfh year of the reign of the
faid lord the now king, or not ; William Thurfby, efq; the cufios
^rfT.'/MOT of the faid lord the king of the bench is commanded,
that fearching the original writs of the county of Munmouih afore-
faid of the faid Hillary term in the 9th year abovefaid, being in
his cuftody filed of record, he certify what he lliall find of that
writ together with the return thereof, as fully and intirely as it
remains with him, without delay to the faid lord the king,
wherefoever be fliall then be in Ergland, together with the writ
of the faid lord the king to him therefore dirtfled : Which faid
IV. T. efq; the cujlos brevium bath thereon returned and certified
to the faid lord the king, that having fearched the original
writs of the faid lord the king of his county of Monmouth
of Hillary term in the 9th year of the reign of the faid lord
the now king, being in his cuftody of record, there is a certain
writ original between the parties aforefaid in the plea aforefaid in
his cuftody filed of record ; the tenor of which faid wrt, together
with the return of the fame, as fully and intirely as it remains in
his cuftody filed of record he hath certified to the faid lord the
king, as it appears in a certain fchedule to the fame writ annex-
ed as by the writ aforefa'd he was commanded ; which faid
[ 236 ] wrh M\ovfs\nlhs( of /^///-/f:>' term in the 9th year
of the reign of the faid lady the queen, being in his cuftody of
record, and what of the faid writ between the parties aforefaid
he /Kail find, he without delay certify to the faid lady the queen
wherefoever, ^c. together with the writ of the faid lady the No original cer*
queen to him therefore directed : Which faid cujios bicjium tifkd.
hath thereupon returned and certified to the faid lady the queen ^^^^' 7''»
that by virtue of the writ aforefaid to him direfted, having
fearched the writs original of the faid lady the queen of the coun-
ty of MiJJlefex of Htllaiy term in the 9th year of her reign
abovefaid, in his cuftody filed of record, there is no original writ
between the parties aforelaid in the plea aforefaid in his cuftody
filed of the faid term which he can certify to the faid lady the
queen, whxh faid writ oi certioruri, together with the return of
the fame, is filc^d among the records without day of this term :
And as to the return of the faid writ of certiorari above prayed, f^^^^ tTifwit
to certify whether awrit of inquiry of damages or any fuch inqui- or inquiry ntx
fition of the faid oftave of the purification of the bleffed Mary mijit breve.
between the parties aforefaid is filed of record or not, the fame
cujlos breziium of the faid lady the queen hath not returned the Scirt fatits
faid writ, nor done any thing (herein : And thereupon the faid awarded.
J^hn Graham prays a writ of the laid lady the queen, to warn
the faid John Renault to be before the lady the queen to hear the
record and proceei ings aforefaid, ^c. and it is granted him, IfSc.
whereby the iheuff of MiJdle/ex is commanded that by good,
fs'c he give notice to the faid John Renault, that he be before
the faid lady the queen from the day of the Holy 'Trinity \n
1 5 days wherefoever, ^f. to hear the record and proceedings
aforcfaid, if, ISc The fame day is given to the faid John Graham^
i^Gl Error.
tjfe. On which day before the lady the qu?en at Wejimlnjler
comes the faid ^ohn Graham by his attorney laft above named ;
r)-fei»(1i«t IB- and the flierifF hath not returned the writ : And the faid Jolm
{.ears ind il- Rfnault \xtt\'v Qomt% herein court by 'John Alle-i his attorney,
Irdjes in origi- y^ And thereupon the faiil "John (.iraham as before fays, that
*•'• rn the record and proceedings at'ortfsid, as alfo in the rendilioni
of the judgment aforefaid, there is nianifell error, aliedging the
errors aforefaid by him in form aforefaid allcJgfd : And he prays,
that the judgment aforefird, for the errors aforefaid and otiiers
being in the record and proceedings aforefaid, may be rcverfei?,
annulled, and held as entirely void, and that the {.i\^JohnRe-
rault to ihofe errors may rejoin : Whereupon the (:iid John Re-
nault lays, ihit there is a certain writ original between the parties
aforefaid in the plea aforefaid of Hillary term in the 9th year of
therei^fnof the faid lady the now queen in the faid court of the
^ . , ^ , faid lady the queen of the bench filed of record : And he prays
etjtTtTrtvlulii » writ of the faid lady the queen to the faid cujhs brcv^um of the
faid lady the now queen of the bench aforefaid to be dire(5ljd ; to
certify the faid lady the now queen more fully of the truth there-
of ; and it is granted him, fifr. Whereby the faid cu/los breuium
of the faid lady the queen of the bench aforefaid is commanded,
that fearching the files of the writs original of the county of M.^
dleftx aforefaid of Hillary term in the 9th year of the reign of the
faid lady the now queen abovefaid, b. ing in his cuflody ot record,
and what of the original writ aforefaid between the parlies ator^:-
faid hefball thereon find together with the return of the fame, as
fully andintirely as it remains wiih him, he without delay certify
10 the laid lady the quetn wherefoever. t^c. together v.'irh the
writ of the faid lady the queen to him therefore direfted : The
wVio certifies as fame day is given to the parties aforefaid, l^c. And the faid cvjlos
onjinal ot the ^rei'ium of the faid lady the queen hath thereon returned and cer-
rifctit terra. ^.j-^^^ ^j^^^ having fearched the fil-s of original writs of the
la.fy the queen of the county of Mu-ldlefex oUhe faid hr'/.ry term
in the tjth year of the reign of the faid lady ihe queon, in his cuf-
lody filed of record, there is a certain writ original beJween the
. , parties aforefaid in the plea aforefaid in his cuftody filed of the
^ •^'^ ■' faid M///7»j^ term, the tcncr of which faid writ, together with the
return of the fame, as fully and intirely as it remains in his cuflo-
dy filed, of record, he hath certified to the laid lady the queen, as
appears in a certain fchedule to this writ annexed, as by the writ
aforefaid he was commanded ; which faid writ follows in thcfe
words, to wit, J>it>e by .he 'grace of God, Effc Cfo recite the ivrit
to) to the dam »ge of the laid 'John Renault 1 30/. as he fays ; and
have there the names of the pledges and this writ. Wiinefsour-
felf at Weiiminjler the fecond day oi January in the 9th year of
our reign.
° liaines.
By the lord keeper of tbs great fcal of Great Britain, at the
paiuongfiheplainiiir. fX^^gti.
Error. .237
Pledgps to profecute John Doe and R-charJ Koe ; the wi;hin
named Juhn Craham ha:h nothing in my bailiwick whereby he
can be acuched.
F. knf.
The anfwer of -^ and ^flicrifF.
< anc
If. E.
And upon this the faid J. Reyr-^uh by. his attorney aforcfaid ^••'^^''^^* '■'^'^
comes and immediately fays, that there is no error either in the re- ** *
cord and proceedings aforefaid, or in the rendition of the judg-
ment aforcfaid ; and prays likewife that the court of the faid lady
the queen now here may proceed to the examination as well of
the record and proceedings aforefaid, as of the matter afortfaid
above Tor error affigned ; but becaufe the court of the faid lady
the queen now here are not vet advifed to give their judgment of
and upon the premiffes, day therefore is given to the parlies afore-
faid by the court of the fai'J lady the queen here until where-
foever, l^c. to hear their judgment thereof, becaufe the court of
the faid lady the now queen thereof not yet, ^c.
Davey againft /irnoid.
AFterwards, to v/it, on IFednefdny next after three weeks of ^»'>P>'*> '* «''"
the Holy Trinity m that fame term, before ihe lady the queen "•; *f'«^'^**
at Irepmirijter comes the laid Lieorge Uetrge, iffc. O'l which day
before the lady the queen at IVellmirJler comes the faid G. in his
proper perfon, and the fheriff of 6":vrry aforefaid, to wit, IV. H,
efq; returns that the faid £. Arn:ld hath nothing in his bailiwick
whereby he can give notice to her, neither is ilie found in the
fame, and the faid F.. doth not come : Therefore the flieriff of
Surry is as before commanded, that by good, l^c. he give notice
ro the faid R. that fhe be b-^fore the lady the queen on (he odtave
of St. Murtir\ wherefocvcr, ^r. to fiiew in form aforefaid, if, ^r.
»fld farther, f^c.Thc fame day is given to ihe faid G. ^cOn whicU
237 1 Error.
Aaj before the lady the queen ai Weftmlnjier comes the faid G. I«
his proper pcrfon, an.l the iherifFof ^Surrj' aforefaid, to wit, the faid
W. B. efq; likewife returns tliat the faid E. hath nothing in his
bailiwick whereby he can give her notice, neither is fhe found in.
the fame ; and the faid E. altho' the 4th day of plea folt^mnly
called, doth not come, but haih made default : And upon this
the faid G. fays, that the faid E. hath not yet afiigned error or
errors in the record or proceedings aforefaid : Therefore day is
given to the parties aforefaid before the lady the queen at Ji^ejl".
minfter until IVednefday next after 15 days of St. Martin where-
foever, tiff . to wit, to the faid E. to aflign error or errors in the
record and proceedings atorefaid, l5c. On which day before the
lady the queen at /'/'^(f/?w;«y?<'r comes the faid G. in his proper
perfon, and the faid E. on the fame day folemnly called comes
not, but hath likewife made default, nor doth farther profecute
the writ of error aforefaid againft the faid G. Therefore it is con-
fidered, that the faid E. be in mercy, and that the faid G. have
thereof execution againft the faid E. as well of the pofieffion of
his term aforefaid yet to come of and in the tenements aforefaid
-with the appurtenances, as of his damages, cofts and charges
aforefaid, according to the force, form and eftlft of the recovery
aforefaid, l^c. And farther it is confidered, that the faid G. re-
cover againft the faid E. ^ I. 10 s. to the fame G. by the court of
*H. ''•c. 10, the faid lady the queen nowhere, according to the form of the
flatute thereof made and provided, for his damages, cofts and
£ 23S ] charges which he hath fuftained by reafon of the delay of the ex-
ecution of the judgment aforefaid on pretence of profecuting the
faid writ of error ; and that the faid George have thereof likewife
execution, cff.
fVallcot and Dillon.
Error in the JnlatiJ, to wit. HT^ H E lord the king fent to his trufty and well
l^'"^'*. r I beloved courSeWor Ric/inrJ Pynf, knt. his
bench la ire- , . ^ . „, ^•■■, .,,1 •.• ^ c .i-
lg„j^ chief jutiice, afiigned to hold pleas m his court betore the king
himfelf in his kingdom oi Ireland, his writ clofe in thefe words,
to wit, Williitm the third, by the grace of God of EnglnnJ^
ScotlunJy France ind Ireland king, defender of the faith, ^c. To
our trufty and well beloved counfellor /?. Pjine knt. our chief
juftice, aftigned to hold pleas in our court before us in our king-
Error by the dom of Ireland, greeting ; Becaufe in the record and proceedings,
heir to reverfe as alfo in the rendition of the judgment in our court before us ia
ajudiiment of jj^g kingdom o{ Ireland, on the tenor of the record and proceed-
rever a ui t c j^^^ ^j: ^ certain judgment on a certain indiflment againft T. IV,
riven on an late of Z.. gent, dcceafcd, for certain high treafons touching the
indiftmcnt of perfon of the lord Charles the fecond, late king of Englar.d, and
high trta^n x.\vQ record and proceedings of reverfal of that judgment by reafon
at tae Old of error happening, and alfo the record and proceedings of affirm-
Bsilev, where- r 1 /- ° • j r r 1 l • ° ■ \ r
on the anceftor ance of the fame judgment 01 reverlal by us in our writ dole to
■Wis Uund gu'i- you lately fent, a manifefl: error has happened, to the great
ty and execii- dama?ft
ted. ^
Error. 238
damage of J. D. widow, counttfs of R. in our kingdom of
Ireland, affignee ot IV. D. efq; late earl ot R. aforefaid; to which
faid IVilliam the faid lord Charles the fecor.d, late king of Eng-'
iand, by his letters patent under his great feal ofEng/ati/l gave and
granted all the lands and tenements which belonged to the faid
7*. /f^ in our kingdom of Lelund, which were forfeited to the
fame late king by the faid attainder of him the faid 'JhomaSy to
hold to the fame IVillicm^ his heirs and affigns for ever, as we by
the complaint of the faid Ifahi^l have underllood ; We willingthe
error, if any hath been, fliouIJ be duly corredFted, and full and
fpeedy juftice done to the fame 'J. in this behalf, command you,
that if judgment be given on the tenor of the record and pro-
ceedings aforefaid, fp as aforefaid trai)fiiii:ted, then the record
and proceedings of that judgment, with all things touching the
lame, you diftinftly and openly tranfmit to us under your feal, and
this writ, fothat we may have them from the day of the Holy
7r-j«z7j in three weeks, wherefoever we fhall then be in England^
that the record and proceeJinj;s being infpefted, we may farther
caufe to be done therein what of right fliali be to be done, and
caufe notice to be given to one 'J. IV. fon and heir of the faid T.
W. deceafed, that he be then there to hear the record and pro-
ceedings aforefaid, and farther to do and receive what our court
before us in England fhall confider in the premifles. Wiinels
ourfelves at Wejlminjler 13th day of May in the 1 ith year of cur
The record and proceedings whereof mention is within made, Psp ^''P' '^7
with all things touching them, I tranfmit before the lord the king ^o^'J?- '^^ 'o
wherefoever, tffr. at the day and place within contained, in a l^A' j* * ^**
certain record to this writ annexed ; and I have caufed notice to . ^^ '
be given to the within named "John W, that he be then there to
proceed in the motion atorefaid, as 1 am within commanded.
The anfwer of /?. Pyw.
Pleas of the crown before the lord the king at the kind's court
€tf Michaelmas term in the c^ih year of the reign of our lord
M^illiam the third, by the grace of God of England, Scotlandy
France and Ireland king, defender of the faith, l^c. \\ itncfs
Richatd Pyne, km. Savage.
Thelord the king fent to his truf.y and well beloved counfelJor
R. P. knt, his chief juftice, afllgned to hold pleas in his court
before the king himfelf in his kingi'om of Ireland, his writ clofe
in thefe words, to wit, JfViHiam the third, by the grace of God
o\ Englnnd, Scotland, France zn'\ Ireland king, defender of the
faith, ISc. To our truftv and well beloved counf^llor R Pyne
knt. our chief jurtirc aiTigned to hold pleas in our court before
ourfelf in our kingdom of //f/rt«'/.- The tenor of the record and
proceedings, as well of the rendition of the judgment on a cer-
tain indif\ment agai-ift 7". IF. late of L. gent, deceafed, for certain
high trcafofis touching the perlon of the lord Churln :he fccond.
Vol.. I. Dd l^ifl.
52.8 4
late V.hg of Ei^!anJ, whereof he wa* Incl^Aed, and tbcrco*
fonviffled by a certain jury of the county thtreoii between the (Vi.l
lonl the late king and the faid Tho:na:, taken before the jiifbces
ot the lord the king, afllgned to dtiiver the gaol of Newgate tor
the city of L. of thr priloners bein^^ in llie fame, and judgment
v/as thereon giren tor the faid late king againll the laid i himas
IV. which faid record and proceedings thereof, by rcafon ot error
r 1 happening we have caufed to be brought into our court bcfor^;
*• *^^ ■' us \n England, to the great dannagc of him the faid J. VV. fon and
heir of the faid T. W. and we in our fame court before us, for
divers errors in the record and proceedings aforefaid found, the
JL'dginent aforefaid have revcrfed ; which faid record and pro-
ci'coings afterwards we have caufed to be brought before us in
our parliament in, by reafon of error happening, as he
hath alledgcd; and ait rwards in the fame court of parliament
it was conVi.lered, that the judgment of reverfal of the judgment
aforefaid Jliould be in all things iifiirmed ; and which faid recorri
and prcce^-dings before us in our fame court betore us in Englar.d
now remaining, as it is faid, bv John HJt, knt. our chief jul-
tice afliJned to hold pleas before us in EnglnnJ, by virtue ot our
writ cf ftr/Zofc/// 10 us in our chancery in England ccn.Hed, and
on the file of our fame chancery of record remaining, together
with the tenor and return of the fame, we have frnt to you in-
clofed in ihefe prefents, commanding you, that infpeding the
■ tenors aforefaid you farther caufe to be done therein what ot right
fhal! be to be done. Whnti's T/iomas archbifliop of Canterbury
and the other keepers and juftices of the kingdom at IFeJiminJiir
5th day of July in the 9th jear of our reign.
Allowed R.'Pyr.e,
Ctru-trar! on ■ V/illiam the Third, ^c. To our trufly and well beloved J.
the indiaraent. p^jf^ q^^ chief juftice affigned to hold pleas before us, greeting :
Beir.5 willing for certain reafons to be certified on the tenor of
the record and proceedings as well of the rendition ot the judg-
ment on a certain inoiJiment againtl T. IV. late of L. g-^nt. de-
ceafed, for certain high treafoi.s touching the perf?n oi the lord
Charles (hefecond, hue king of ErgJand, whereof he was in-
dicted, and thereupon by a certain jury of the county thereon
bitween the faid late lord the king and the faid Thomas, taken
b..fore the jutlicts oi the faid late lord the king afiigncd to deH-
v^-r the gaul of iVev-gat:: for the city of Eondun ot the prifon-'rs
beip<^ in the fame, was conv:(nei1, and judgment was thereupon
g vi-n for the faid late king againft the faid T. Z/''. which fiid re-
cord and proceedings thueof by reafon of error happening vire
have CrtUied to be brought into our court before us, and we in
our laid court before us have reverted the judgment aforefaid for
divers errors in tlie judgment and proceedings aforefaid founv*. ;
which faid record and proceedings aiterwards we have caufed to
be bfO'J^ht before us in our parliament by reafon of error hap-
Error. 230
pening, as it is alledged y and afierwarJs in the fame eoyrt of
parliament it was confi.iered, that the judgment of rcverfal of the
judgment atorefaid fliould be in all things affirmed ; and which
laij record and proceedings before us in our fame court before us
now remaining, as it is faid, We command you, that the tenor
ot the record and proceeding nforjlaid with all things touching
the fame, you diftini^tly and openly fend to us in our chancer/
without delay, wherefoever we fiiall then be in ErgLmJ, under
your fcal, and this writ. Wiinefs Thomas archbifiiop of Can-
terbury and the other keepers and juftices of the kingdom at
yi^ejiminfler 2ift day of 'julj in the 9 h year of our reign.
The anfiver of ]. Holt, hnt. the chief j-ifiice ixjiihin ivritten :
The tenor of the record and proceedings within written, with
all things touching the fame, 1 certifv to the lord the king in
li:s chancery in a certain fehcdule 10 this writ annexed, as 1 anj
Vtiihin commanded.
J. Iloh.
pleas before the lord the king at iVeJlmlrfler of Eajler term in
the 7th year of the reign of the lord William the third, now
ting of Er.glaTiii, ^Sc. among the ple^s of the crown, Roll 3.
LonJon, to wir. The lord the king fent to his iuTiices by his loi-
ters patent rtiade under the great fta! of Erpjand, to inquire by
ihe oath of good and lawful men of the city of London, and other
way^, me'hodsand means, whereby they could or might b;;tter
know of all treafons, niifprifions of treafons, in'Urreftions, re-
bellions and other Rufdemcanors, offences and injuries v^hatevei*,
and aTo to his juflices afligneti to deliver his gaol of //. for the
city of Lr,nd'jn of the prilorers being in the fame, and to evcrj^
of them, his writ clef* in thefe words, to wit, William, ^c. To
cur juflices by r^nr 'ert' rs nqrenr made under the great feal of
England, to enoiiire by tli^ oath cf good and lawful men of the
ci'y of /. and other v/sys, mt;ihods and meai.s, whereby they
could or ni'phi b-tter knew of all rreafons, mifprifior.s of trea-
fon, inlurrcClions, rtbelii-ins and oihtr mildemeanors, offences
and injuries whatever, and alfo to our jullices afiigritd to (^""liver
our gaol of Ne"j.f^a-e for the city of L. of ihe prifoners being In
the lame, and to evtry of them, greeting; Becaufe in the re- r „ -1
cord and proceedings, and alfo in the rendition of the judgment L -^4 J
of a certain indif^iTient againft T /^. late of L. gent, deceafcd, ■v\'rit of error
for certdin high treafons icuching the ptrfon of the lord Chmla to remove the
the fecond, late kin^ of Englaruty whereof he is indidted, and inrliftmcm into
thereupon bv a certaih jurv ot the county thereon between the chancery,
faid lord the late kip({ and the faid T. taken before the juflices of
the faid lord Chnvles the fecond, late king of England, l^c af-
fi.^ned to deliver the gaol a'ore'aid, is conviflcd, and judgment
is ihereon given, as it is f^i.I, luanili ll error hah happtnt-d, to
the grtHt damage cf J. !*/. fon and heir of the faid T. as by his
D d a complaint
pt|o Error.
complaint w? have underftood ; We being willing the error, if
any hath been, fKouId- be duly corrected, and full and fpeedy
jiillice done to the laid John in this behalf, command you, if
judgment be given, then the record and proceedings aforefaid,
with all things touching the fame, to us under your or one of
your feals you dilTinftlv and openly fend, and this writ, fo that
we nny have 'hem from the day of Enfter in three weeks, where-
foever we /lial! th:n be in F.rglarcl, that the record and proceed-
ings aforefaid b-ing infpefted, we may farther caufe to be done
therein to corrcft that error what of right and according to the
law and cjftnm of our k'ngdom of England fliall be to be done.
Witnefs our- .- r at IVe/iminffer i6th d^y of March in the 7th
year of oui reign. T'te execution of this writ appears in a
fchedule and record to this writ annexed. The anfwerof Tho-
fn/fs Lane, knt. mayor of the ciiv oi Lon.lon and one of the juf-
tices wiiliin wri'ten. The record and proceedings, whereof ra
the writ abovefaid mention is ma je, follows in thefe words, to
•The comm'fll- wit, Be it remembered, that by a certain inquifi'ion taken for
on Of oyer and the moft fcrene lord the king at Jujiice-Hall in the Old Baily
London^ in the parifh of St. Sef>ulchre, in the ward of F. With-
out, London, aforefaid, on 'Jhurfdoy, to wit, the lath day of
July in the 35fh \ear of the reign of our lord Chnrles the fecond,
by the grace of God of Evglnnd, ^c. before IV. F. knt. mayor
of the ciry of Lo'idon, F. P. knt. chief jufiice of the faid lord
the king of the b"r>cli, bfc. juflices of the faid lord the king af-
Cgned 13 ncld pitas before the king himfelf, ^f. Henry Tulfcy
Jcnt. James Smiih, knt, Cffr. al j^rtiien of the faid city, and their
companions, jufticts of the faid lord the king, by the letters pa-
tent of the faid lord ihe king to the fame juftices before named
and any tour or more of them under the great feal of the laid lord
the king of England m^Ae, to enquire by ihe oath of good and
lawful men of the city rj London, and other ways, methods and
means, whereby they could or might better know as well within
liberties as wiihour, by whom the truth of the hCt they might
the better know, and enquire of all freafons, m'.lprifions of tren-
fon, infurreft'ons, rebellions, counterfrilings, clippings, wafli-
ings, falfe coinings, and other fallities of the monies of this
iingdom of En^h/nd or other kingdoms or dominions whatever,
and of all murlers, felonies, homicides, killings, burglaries,
rapes, un'awful cor^gregations and conventicles, fpeaking of
words, conibinaiirns, mifpriiions, confederacies, falfe allegiances,
trefpafl'cs. riots, routs, retentions, efcapes, contempts, falfitics,
Jiegligerces, concealments, maintenances, opprcflions, champar-
ties, deceipts and other mifdemeanors, offences and injuries what-
ever, and alfo the acceffaries of the fame, within the ciry afore-
faid, as well within liberties as without, by whomfoever and how-
foever had, done, perpetrated or committed, by whom, or to
whom, when, how and in what manner, and of other articles and
circumftances the premifTes and every of them hov.foever con-
•erning, laore fully the truth and the fame treafor.s andotherthe
Error. J S,i%
premises to hear and determine according' to the law and cuftom
of the kingdom of the faid king of Engl ir.d afligned, by the oath
of/?. A. Elq; R- P- ^c. good and lawful men of the city of L.
aforefaid, it is prefented. That T. IV. late of L. as a falfe traitor
againft the moft illuftrious and moft excellent prince our lord
Charles the fecond, IIjc. his king and natural lord, not having
the fear of God in his heart, nor conGdering the duty of his alle-
giance, but being moved and fec'uced by ihe inftigation of the
devil, the love and true, due and natural obedience, which a true
and faithful fubjeft of the faid lord the king towards the fxid lord
the king fliouKl bear and of right is bound to bear, wholly wiih-
drav>fing, and with all his miglit intending the peace and common
tranquility of this kingdom of ZTr^/^w^ to dilturb, and war and
rebellion againft the lord the king to raife and move, and the
government of the faid lord the king in this king ioui of England
to fubvert, and the faid lord the king from the title, honour, and
rayal name of the imperial crown ot this kingdom ci Englun i to
depofe and deprive, and the faid lord the king to death and final
dertrudion to bring and put. on the fecond day of March in the
35th year of the reign of the lord Charles the fecond, now king of
England, ^c. and at divers days and times as well before as alter,
at the pariili cf St. Michael B. in the v/ard of B. London, ma-
licioufly and traitoroufly, with divers other traitors to the jurors
aforefaid unknown, did confpire, compafs, imagine and intend
the faid lord the king his fupreme lord, rot only of the regal
ftate, title, power and government of this kingdom of England to
deprive and put out, but alio the fame lord the king to kill and to
death bring and pur, and the ancient government of his kingdom
oi England to change, alter and entirely fubvert, and miferable
(laughter among the fubjefts of the faid lord the king throughout I 241 1
his whole kingdom of England to caufe and procure, and infurrec-
tion and rebellion againft the faid lord the king to move and ex-
cite within this kmgdom of /i«»/'/«^ : and to perfeft and accom-
pli(5i the fame his moft wicked trcafons and rraiterous compafllngs,
imaginations and intentions, the laaie 7 ho. If^alcoU as a falfe trai-
tor then and there and at divers other days and times, as well be-
fore as after, maliciouHy, traiteroufly and advifedly aftembled
himfelf, met and confulted with the laid other traitors to the jurors
aforefaid unknown, and with the fame treated of and for the exe-
cuting and accomplilhing the fame his treafons and traiterous
compaiTmgs, imaginations and intentions, and that the faid 7h7.
IValcott as a falfe traitor malicioufly, traiteroufly and advifedly
then and there and at divers other days and times, as well before
as after, aflumed upon himfelf and to the faid other traitors pro-
mifcd he would be aiding and alTifting in the execution of his Irea-
fon and traiterous compaifings, imagiiiations and intentions afore-
faid, and in the provifion of arms and armed men to perfed and
accomplidi the fame his treafons and traiterous compaHlngs, ima-
gvnations and intentions aforefaid ; and to perfect and accomplili
D d 3 the
j^t Error.
the fame his mofl wicked trcafons and fraitcrous compamogs,
imaginations an.! intentions atorelaid, ifie lame T. /F. as a falle
traitor lualicioi.ny. traiterouflv and advifedly tlien and there arms,
to wit. blunderbufT^s, i^c procured am.! prepared, a^ainft the du-
tv of his allegiance, againfl the peace o^ the faid lord the now
13 a. a.c. I. ting, his crown and dignity, trV. and alfo againfl ih«- form of the
ft-uute in fuch cafe made and provided, Iffc. V/hertf.»rf ilie fli''-
rjff« of the citv aforefaid were commanded, that they fliould not
oiiiit, ilfc. but fhould take the faid T. IV. if, ^c. toaufwer, ts!c.
And now, to wit, at the; gaol-dehverv of the fail lord the king of
N. held lor the ti'y oi' /.. ar Jullice-Hall aforefaid in the faid parifli
of St. S ill the ward of F. iVichout, I on Jon, aforefai 1, the faid
Ihurf.Ioy x\\Q I zlh i^zy 0^ J in the 35ih year abivefaid, before
the laid /-r. P. knt. mnyor of the city 'of Z.. T. P. k'>r. chit-f
j'lilice, C^V anotiK-r inilice of the fu'^h^rd the king afTigneil to
hold pl?as b.'fore tlie" king himftlf, IV. T. knt. J. E. knt. W/-.
aUli-'rmen of the fiid ci:y, and others ihcir companions and ji;f-
ticcs of the faid lord the king afllgned 10 deliver his gaol of N.
of the prifoners being in the faiK, to the faid ju'd'ces of the faid
lorti t!ie king before named, by their own proper hands delivered
W^a/«f iadia- the indi(5tment aforefaid hrre in court of record in form of law to
^''' be determined, ^c. Whereupon at this lame gaol-delivery of
the faid lonl the king of ,V. heid for the city aforrfni 1 at Jujiice-
//// aforefaid, the (diS 7 hur/:' ay t 2th day of J/v/y in the 35th
year abovefiid, before the fiid jnfticcs bft mcnriorcd comes
the faid T. IV. under the cuftody of N. D. knt. and P. R. knt.
ilierifls of the city aforefaid. into whofe cuftody for the caule
aforefaid he was before coii:mitted, to the bar here brought ia
hs proper perlon, who fs commiited to the faid fli ritfs of Z,.
fcff. and immediately of the premifTcs aforefaid in the indiQment
aforefaid fpi'cified on him above charged is aficed how he would
thereof acquit himfelf; the fame T. IF. fays that he is net there-
PletdsNofc of guii'y, and thereof of good and ill he puts himfelf on the coun-
e^^'^'yi try : Therefore iniinediatelv let a jury thert-on come, tfc. before
the faid jullices iaft named here, C?V. And the jurors of tliat jiiry
by the laid flier'ffs hereto inipannelleil, to wit, N. C. Izc being
ciileil come, who to Uy the truth of the prcraiffes b;ing elefted,
tnd U found "■'^'■' ^"'' iworn, fay On their oath, that the faid 7. IV. is guilty of
guilty. the high treafon aforefaid in the indiflment aforefaid fpecified up-
on him above charg. d, in manner and form as by the indictment
aforefaid above againll him is fuppofed, and thai the lame T. JV.
had no goods or chattels or tcncmenis to thtir knowledge ; and
hereupon the faid T. V/.h imx^iediatcly ajked if he has or knov.s
anything to fay for himfelf vhy the court of the faid lord the king
here fhould not proceed to judgment and execution thereof upoa
the verdi(5l aforefaid ; who nothing farther lays th^n as before ha
had laid ; Whereupon all and fingular the premifles being feen,
and bv the court here fuUy -indtrllood, it is confidered by the
The judgment, ^^.j^j here, that the faid T. IV. be carried to the gaol of the faid
lo^d the king of N. from whcncv he came, and there to be put
Inhis Jtfht fl«i
helie'vin omic-
ted, and thcrc«
fore revelled.
Tlie heir aj»=
pears and ai-
igaj error.
Error. t Ht":
an a hurdle, ,nnd from tlience lo the gallows cfTyhm c'ravn,
anci there by the neck be hung and cut down alive to the ground,
and that his privy members be cut cfF, and his intrails be taken out
ot" his belly and put into the fire and be there burnt, and that his
head be cut otF, and that his body be divided into tour parts, and
that the head and thoie quarters be put where the lord the king
will appoint them, b^c. Wherefore the flieriffs are commanded
that they take him if, i^c. to fatisfy, ^r. And now, to wir,
Thurf.lay next after a niomh di EnjUr in this fame term, before the
lord the now king at Weflm. conies one "J. VV. ihe I'on and heir of
the faid T. /r. Qcceafed, of the high treafon aforefaid convift-
ed and attaii.ed, bv A. B. his attorney, and having the record
a*orcfaid on which the faid T. in form aforcfaid is conv)<^}.ed and
attainted fays, that in the record and proceedings aforefaid., and
alfo in the rendition of the judgment aforefaid, there is manifeft
error, in this, lo wit, that it appears by the record aforefaid, that
the judgment aforefaid is given for the faid lord the late king,
when by the laws of this kingdom o^ England the judgment afore-
fa'id ought to have been given for the faid T. I^V^. and in that it is
manifeiily erroneous: There is error alio in this, to wir, that the
crimes in and by the indiftment afortfaid againll the faid T. fV,
charged, are by the laws of this kingdom ot £/7^/rtw^ uncertainly,
doubtfully and too generally alledged, and that the faid indiftment
fuppofes and on the fame T. charges and impoles crimes in a dif-
ferent manner and intirely in themfeives dilagreeing, and that
the judgment thereon given is contrary to the laws of England, and
i.ot to be pronounced or fet for or upon fuch crimes as in the
indiflment aforefaid are fuppcfcd ; and that it is manifeiily
erroneous ; wherefore he prays the judgment of the court here in
the premifl'es, and that the judgment and attainder aforefaid, for
the errors aforefaid and others in the record and proceeding's
aforelaid found and being, may be reverfed, annulled and held
as intirely void ; and that he the faid J. IV. the fon and heir of
the faid T, inav be reftored to ail things which he the fame J. by
rcafon of the judgment and attainder alorcfaid haih loft ; and
that the court here may proceed to the examination as v;ejl of
the record and proceedings aforefaid, as ot the matters above for
errors afiigned, Ifc. And becaufe tlie court of the lord the king Condnuince.
here are not yet advifed to give their judgment of and upon the
preniiflcs, day therefore is given to the faid J. IV. in the ftate as
now, t5r. until on the morrow of the Holy Tr/n/'/j before the
I'ird the king wherefoever, ^r. to hear their judgment thereon,
iSjc. Oo which faid morrow of the Uolv 7'rintlv before the lord
the king at iVc/iminjhr comes the taid J. IP^ by his aiioruey
a*^orefaid, and as before prays judgii'^nt, anil that the judgment
add attainder aforefaid againft the faid T. IV. given, for the errors
aforefaid and others in the reconl and proceedings aforefiid frujml
and b'-tng, may be reverfed, annulle<1 nnd held as intirely void ;
and that he the faid J. IV. the fon r.nd heir of the faid T. msy be
r»llorcC lo all things which he the fiid J. by icafon of the judg-
Dd 4. iiieiJt
[ 242 ]
The fenience
not purfuant to
the laws ef ifie
aA?^ Error.
ment nnd attainder aforefai.l haih loft, and that tlie cPurt her*
may proceed to the examination as well of the record and pro-
ceedings at'orefaid, as ot the matters aforefaid above for errors af-
figned, i^c. And becaufe the court of the lord the king here are
not yet advifed to give their judgment of and upon the premiflej,
farther day therefore is given to the faid J. IV. uniil b'.fore
the faid lord the king whcrcfoever, ISc. to hear their judgment
thereon, ^c. 0:i v/hich dav before the lord the king at iVej'l'
jninjltr comes the faid J. IF. by hisattorney aforefaid, and as be-
fore prays judgment, and that the judgment and attainder afore-
faid, for the errors atorelaid and others in the record and proceed-
ings aforefaid found and being, may be reverfed, annulled, aud
held as intirelv void ; and that he the faid J. W. the fen and heir
of the faid T. IV. may be reitored to all things which he the faid
J. IF. bv reafon of the judgment and attainder aforefaid hath loft;
and that the court ol the lord the king here may proceed to the
examination as well of the record and proceedings aforefaid, as of
the matters above for errors afllgned, &r. Whereupon all and lin-
gular the premilTes being feen, and by the court here underftood,
and the recor^i an^' proceedings aforefaid, and the errors atorefaid
by the faid J. VF. above r.ftigned, and others in the record and
proceedings afon. did found and being, being diligentlv examined,
and mature deliberation being thereon fird had, it is confidered,
that the judgment aforefaid, for the trrors aforefaid and others in
the record and proceedings aforefaid found and being, be reverf-
ed, annulled and hel i as intirtly void : and that the faid J. IV.
Ju(1gmentre- the fon and heir of the faid T. IF. be reftored to all things which
vtclcd. he the faid J. IF. by reafon of the judgment and attainder afore-
faid hath loft ; and that the faid J. IV. may go thereof without
day, ^f. Afterwards, tow-it, the fixth day o^ July in the 8th
year of the reign of the lord IFilliavi the third king of EnglanJ,
feV. the lord the king fent to J. Holt, knt. chief juftice of the
faid lord the king aiTigned to hold pleas before the king himfelf,
Tl'l'^y.'^I^^L ^I's writ clofe in thefe words, to wit, FFillium the third, l^c.
To our trufty and well beloved J. Holt, knt. orr chief jufiice
afligned to hold pleas before us : Becaufe in the record and pro-
ceedings, asalfo in the rendition of the judgment of ircertain
inditflment againft T. IF. late of Lor.douy gent, now deceafed,
for certain high ireafons touching the perfon of the lord Charles
the fecond late king di lin gland., whereof he was indifted, and
thereupon by a certain jury of the country thereon between
the faid late king and the laid T. IF. taken before the juftices
of the faid late kinc; affi^nod to deliver the gaol, beinor convift-
ed, and judgment thereupon v/as given for the faid late kmg
ngainft the faid T. IF. as it is faid, which faid record and proceed-
ings aforefaid, by reafon cf error happening, we have caufed to be
brought into cur court before us, and the judgment thereof in our
fame court before us is reverfed ; And becaufe m the reverfa! of the
judgmeiit aforefaid before us on the writ of error aforefaid a inaniteft
error hath happened, to the great cama^c oioii€Jjai'£lDjlt6>:,w\dow,
in parliamect.
Error. J 243
^M'jntef? of R\ in our kingdom of Ireland, as by her complaint
•we have underftood ; We willing the error, if any hath been,
fhould be duly corrected, and full and fpeedy jufticedone to t!ie
fame I/al^el in this behalf, command you, that if the judgment oa
the writ of error aforefaid be reverfed, then you fend the record
and proceeding aforefaid, with all things touching them, to us
in our parliament at the next feffions, 28th day of this inilant
month of July to be held, and this writ, that the record and pro-
ceedirgs aforefaid being infpefted, we may farther caufe to be
done therein, with the aflent of the lords fpiritual and temporal
being in the fame parliament, what of right and according to the
law and cuftom of our kingdom of England Hiall be to be done.
Witnefs Tfiomns srchbifhop of Canterbury and the reft of the
keepers and juflices of the kingdom at IVeflm. 6th day of juIy in
the 8th year of our reign. By virtue of which faid writ the laid K.etHrn of the
chief jullice the recorid and proceedings aforefaid, with all things C. J. of the
touchmg them, to the faiti lord the king in the prefent parliament fccord with his
with his own proper hands produced, according to the command "^" '^'^"'^^ '^'"^
of the faid v/rit : And hereupon T. Tre'vor, knt, the attorney
general of the lord the now king, who for the fame lord the king in
this behalf profecutes, before the lord the king and the peers of this r ^xx 7
kingdom of ErylatiJ in this prefent parliament at JVefliiii?iJ],;r in .j-j^^ attorner^
the county of Middle/ex aflcmbled, in his proper perfon comes general a8;gn»
and fays, that in the record and proceedings, and alfo in theren- errors,
cition of the judgment upon the laid former writ ot the faid lord
the king to correct error, by the faid J. W. profecuted for
reverfing and annulling of the judgment aforefaid againft the faid
T. W. on the indictment aforefaid, for the high treafon aforefiid
given, there is manifell error, in this, to wit, that whereas by the
record aforefaid it is fuppofed that the faid J. W. did put in his
place one A, B. his attorney to profecute the faid former writ of Diminution. K«
error in and upon the indi6tmei!t for the high treafon aforefaid, warrant of at-
nevertheiefs the faid A- B. had no v/arrant of attorney for the *'"'°*y-
f^me J. W. filed of record \. therefore in that there is manifeil
error : There is error alfa in this, to wit, that by the record
aforefaid it appears that the judgment aforefaid for the reverfing
and annulling of the judgment aforefaid againfl. the faid 1 . W.
in form aforefaid given, was given for the faid "JAV. againft the
faid lord the king, when by the law of the land of this kingdom of
Er.gland that judgment ought to have been given for the faid lord
the king againft the fame y. IV. therefore in that there is like-
wife manifeft error : And this he is ready to verify : Wherefore
)ie prays judgment, and that that judgment, for the errors afore-
laid and others being in the record and proceedings aforefaid, may
be reverfed, annulled and held as entirely void ; and that the laid
lord the king to all things, which he by reafon of the reverfing
■asd annulling of the judgment aforefaid hath loft, may be rcftor-
ed, l^(. And the faid 7. 7re^'or^ knt. the attorney general of
the lord the now king.who lor the fame lord the king in this behalf
prgfccutes, prays a writ of the fuid lord ihc king to the faid J,
C. J. ..f Ch«
kiu^''« bcuclu
Who *«rtifiei
there is oo
v-airant of at-
Jndgmen* to
sffirm thejuifg-
frent ol rcTcr-
/£//, lent, to rrrtify the fame lord the kin^ here in the rame court
of pariiaiiitnt in th? preinitres more fully the iiuih thereof; and
it is grsnted him ; wiicrcby the fame J. Hdt, lent, the chief juf-
tice atorcfuil, is commanded, that fearching the files of rhe fame
court of (hj lord the king before the kincr |iini{>.ir, whether any
warrant ot aitorney be f.leti of record in ilie court of the lord the
ling before the king himfclf for one A. B. to profecute a writ of
error for the revcrlal of the judgment of a certain indi<5lment
againft T. IV. row deceaftil, lor certain iiigh treafons whereof
he is indided, and thereupon is convicted, to the faid lord the
king here in the prefent pajliament of this kingdom, he without
ias aJ Jalisfiiciend' laft mentioned, in this, to wit,
that it doth not appear in what bailiwick nor in what place the faid
J. M. was not found : There is error alfo in this, that by the re-
cord aforefaiil it appears, that on the feveral days given by the
court of grand fefiions aforefaid for the return of the feveral writs
of capias ad jatisfac in the record sforefaid mentioned, one "John
without any furname in the record sfcrefaid, came and appeared
by his attorney in the fame grand fifilons ; therefore by the re-
cord aforcf.ud it doth not appear that the faid J. W. came upon
the fame day in the fame grand f^^iTions, nor that the faid J. W.
came and appeared by his attorney in the fame grand feltions ;
therefore in that there is manifeft error : there is error alfo in the
entry of the return of the writ of fjr/^^M/, in this, to wit, that it
coth not appear that the flieriff of the county of D. returned the
writ o\' exigent aforefaid, nor in what place or time the faid J. I\f.
was firfl, fccondly, thirdly and fourthly proclaimed, and alfo
that in the f.iid record ot the entry of the return of the writ of
exi'"^nt aforefaid this word county is fuperfiuous and inlcnfible :
There is e»-ror alfo in this, that the faid J. M. was outlawed by
the judgment of one of the coroners of the lord the king of the
county aforefaid, when by the law of the land the fame J. M.
ought to have been outlawed bv the judgment of the coroners ;
therefore in the proclaniaiion of the outlawry aforefaid there is
inaniftll error : And he prays the writ of the lord the king to
warn the faid J. IP", and M. to be before the lord the king
to heir the record and proceedings aforefaid ; and it is granted
Mm, ^c,* Whereupon the flierifrof the county of D. is com-
maoJed that by good, ^c. he caufe notice to be given to the
faid 7. Pr. and M- his wife, that they be before the lord
t?ie king on the oftave of the Holy Trinity wherefoever, ilfc.
€0 tea° the record and proceedings aforefaid, if, ^c. and
Error. 245
farther, cifc The fame day is given to the faid J. M. l^c. On
which day before the lord the king ai l'Fe/imw/!sr comes the
faid y. M. by his attorney aforefaid, and the fhcriff of D. to
wit, £. D. bart. returns that he by \irlueofthe writ afortfaid
to him therefore dirtded by R. E. and R. S. good and lawtul •^">'/*^*-^
men of his bailiwick, had caufed notice to be given to the
jf- W. and M. his wite, to be 'bei'cre the lord the king at the bt-
tore mentioned tenir, to do and receive as the fame writ in itfcif
commanded and required ; which faid J. IV. and M. aliho' fo
forewarned, on the fourth day of plea being fo!cn:inly called do
not coma, nor fay any thing in bar or preclufion of the feveral Default.
iTiatters r.forefaid above for errors refpefliveiy affigned, i^c.
Whereupon the faid J. M. as before favs, that in the record and
proceedings aforefaid, and alfo in the proclamation of the out-
lawry aforefaid againft him the faid J. M. there is uianifeft error,
alledging the errors aforefaid by hint the faid J. A'L in form
aforefaid above refpcftively alledged : And the fame J. M,
prays that the judgment aforefaid, and alfo the outlawry afore-
faid thereon founded, for the errors aforefaid and others as '
well in the record and proceedings aforefaid as in the pro-
clamation of the outlawry aforefaid rcfpeflively appearing may
be reverfed, annulled and held as void: and that he the fame J. M.
as well to the common law, as to all things which he by rea-
fon of the judgment and outlawry aforefaid hath loft, may be re-
ftored i and alfo that the court of the lord the king now here may
proceed to the examination as well of the record and proceed-
ings aforefaid, as of the fcveral matters aforefaid above for error
rcfpeft^vely afligned, i5c. And becaufe the court of the lord the
king here are not yet advifed to give their judgment of and upon
the premifTes, day therefore is given to the faid J. M. before the
lord the king from the day of St. Michael'xn three weeks whcre-
foever, i^t. to hear their judgment thereon, becaufe the court of
the lord the king thereof not yet, ^c. On which day before the
lord the king at Wefiminjhr comes the faid J. M. by his attorney
aforefaid ; whereupon all and fingular the premillcs being feen,
and by the court of the faid lord the king now here more fully j , . .l *
1-11 . r 1 1 1 1 T-i \ ■ lui.gmeBt, that
underitooJ and confidered, and mature deiioeration, bjing the outlawry
thereon had, it is confidered, that the outlawry aforefaid, for be rcverfcd-
the errors aforefaid being in the record and proceedings aforefaid,
be reverfed, annulled and held asintirely void ; and that he the
fame J. M. as well to the common law, as to all things which
he by reafon of the outlawry aforefaid hath loft, be reftored ;
whereupon the faid J, IV. and M. by J. M. their attorney come ^j^j dcfent Error.
I'iioiri :o t>.nft errors, ^r. On which (lay before the lon'! tlie kin^
tt IVellmirflercomt as well the (aid '/. ///. as the Tail J. W. amt
M. by tlieir atrornies aforefaiJ ; whereupon the faiJ J. M. as
before favs.that in the recorJ anil proceedings aforefai-i, and alfo
in fhc rendition of the judgment atorefaiti, there is manifcft error,
aliedging the errors atoreiaul by him in form aforefuJJ above al-
JedgecJ, ami prays that the juiignient atorefaiJ, for thofe errors
and others, being in the record an>l lings af)rcfiid, may b?
rcverfed, annulled and hei i as intirely void; and that he to all
things, which he by reafon of the judgment aforefaid hath loO,
nay be reftored j and that the faii1 J. IV. zn<\ M. to thofe error*
may rejoin : Whereupon the faid J. IV. and M. fay, that the re-
An^aTIc'Tg'e cord and proceedings aforefaid to the faid lord the king in form
that the record aforefaid fent, and before the lord the king now remaining, i*
lyalicly ccrtifi- {^](^\y certified, to wi', In the declaration in the record aforefaid,
between the words, Whereon thefime J. and M. and the v/ords,
Say that whe;tas the faid J. M. are falfcly certified, th^fe words
(by the fiid J. IV. one of the atiornies ot this court in his proper
perfon) when in iherecord aforefaid, before the juftices of th^^ faid
Jord the king of his grand ftlfions ot his county of D. remaining,
are thefe word (in their proper perfons) and alfo in the certifica-e
cf the judgment by nihil ^tcit to the <'eciaraiion aforefaid in the
record aforefaid fo as aforefaid certified, between the words.
Come as well the faid J. and M. and the words, As the faid J.
iW. thefe words (in their proper peifons) are omitted out of the
certificate alorefaid, but they are in the record of the judgment
aforefaid before the faid juftices of the faid lord the king of his
grand fefTions of the county of D. aforefaid reiDaining j antl alfo
between the words, John M. by, and the word aforefaid, are
iaifely cert'fied, thefe vvords (their attornics) when in the record
of the judj^nient aforefaid before the faid juftices of the faid lord
the king of his grand f^rions of the countv of D aforefaid remain-
ing, are thefe words (his attorney :) Whereupon the faid 7. IV.
and M. pray 3 writ of the lord the king to be directed to the juf-
lices of the grand fefTion"; of his county of D. aforefaid, to certify
the lor i the king more fully the truth thereof; and it is granted
them, Ifc. whereby the juftices of the grand felfions of D. are
€crthrarl to commanded, that fearching the rolls of the entries of ihe deda-
tie juftices of rajjo^^s and judgments thereon in the grand feffior.s of the lord
^negran c.ii- j^^^^ the fecond, late king of ErgluncU of the county of Z>.
aforefaid, held at IV. in the county aforefaid on Monday \.\\QX';'^\i.
day oi Setienthcr in the fcconxl year of the reign of the fa:d lord
James the fecond, late king of England, Ifc. betore J. C. knt.
ferjeant at law, and J. IV. efq : the juflices of the faid lord
the king of his grand feffions of the county of D- aforefaid, and
v;hat ot the falfc certificates and cmilTions aforefaid ihev fbill fifd,
10 the faid lord the king from the day of F.njler in five we^. ks,
whcrefoever he Tiiall thrn be in EngLmJ, they certify, together
f 24.6 ] with the writ of the lord the king to them therefore direfled : Oa
which day before the lord the king at Wef^mirjler J. J. knf.
■ Error. 24^
jyfiice of the lord the king of his grand fciTions of the counry
of i). aforefaiJ, and 5. L. knt. the king's I'erjcant at law ario re-
corder of the city of [on.:on, another juftice ot the fai.1 lord the kincr
of his grand fcliions of the county ot D. afortfaid, jufticcs of the
faid lord the king of his grand flffions of the county ot D. F.fore-
I'aid, have to the faid lora the king returned and certified, that bv The retrim •f
virtue of the writ of the laid lorJ king to the:n cirected, they the f(rr.'i#r»r»,
have fearchcd the roll of the entries of the declarations znd t!ie
judgments thereon in the grand fehlons of liie lord y/?me( fhs
lecond, late king of Zs?;^/^;, J of the county of /), aforelail, held
at IV. in the county aforefaid on Mofiday the 27th day of Sep^
temher in the fecond year of the reign of the faid lord James the
fecond, late king of EnglunJ, l^c. before the faid J. C. and y.
tV. then juflices of the laid late lord the king of his grand
feflions of the county of D. aforefaid, being in their cullo-iyot'
record, and have found among the rolls of the fame grand
feflions of the entries of the declaritions and the judgnienii
thereon of record between the pariies aforefaid in the plea afore-
faid, that in the declaration aforelaid in the record aforefaid before
them remaining, between the words, Whereon the fame y. ani
A/, and the words, Say that whereas the faid J. M. are not the
words (by the faid J. IV. one of the attornies of this court in his
proper perfon) but are thefe words (in their proper perfons j)
and alfo they have farther certified, that in the judgment by
nihil elicit upon the declaration aforefaid of record aforelaid before
them remaining, between the words, Come as well the faid J.
and il/ and the words, As the fame y. M. are contained thefe
words (in their proper perfons ;) and they have alfo farther cer-
tified, that in the fame judgment aforefaid, between the words,
y. M. by, and the words aforefaid, are not contained thefe words
(their at'ornies) but are contained thefe words (his attorney ;)
which faid writ, together with the return thereof, is filed amon jr
the records of this term of record: And hereupon the fame T. r rr « — ^
and M. lay, that m the record and proceedings aforelaid, and ratum.
alfo in therencition of the judgment atorefiid, there is no error ;
And Iikewife pray that the court of the faid lord the king here
may proceed to the examination as v/ell of the record and pro-
ceedings aforefaid, as of the matters aforefaid above for error
afllgned ; and that the judgment aforefaid may be in all chine's
affirmed: And becaufe the court of the lord the king now here
are not yet advifed to give their judgment of and upon the pre-
niilfes, day therefore is given to the parties aforefaid before the
lord the king until on the morrow of the Holy Trinity wherefo-
cver, l^c. 10 hear their judgment thereon, becaufe the court of
she /ord the king here thereof not yet, '^c.
•2^(yt Errof.
Butkr and JVilmot.
5rror iflTgnfd, A Fterward», to wit, on Wednefday next after 15 days of
tint the defen- £^ Eajier in this fame term, before the lord the king at Weji-
Jor any affida- fore the lord chief juftice, or before any other of the juftices cf
vit made t^g coiimion pleas by any pcrfon whomfoever, as according to the
fcrm and effcfl of the aft aforefaid is required; nor any appear-
ance by any attorney of the fame court of common pleas afore-
fai \ was enter'd for him the faid Thomas, at the fuit of the faid
Ruth, in the plea aforefaid ; therefore the faid Thomas fays, that
in that there is manifeft error, and prays that the judgment afore-
faid for ihofe errors may be reverfed, annulled and held as in-
tirely void j and that the faid Ruth to thofe errors may rejoin, ^r,
[ 247 ] yoAw ^^// plaintiff; 7o/i« yozsjw defendant ;
To the Right Honourable the Mafterof the Rolls ;
The humble petition 0/ Mary Wall, ivido'W, a'dminiftratrix of the
goods and chattels 0/ John Wall, her late hujband decedfed.
PUiiion W C< He-zveth, that your petitioner's late hufband having a debt
leave to file an O ^^ ^^^ hundred pounds upon bond due to him from the de-
<»rigma , fendant, and a warrant of attorney to confefs judgment thereupon
in the court of common pleas in Hillary term in the 8ih year of
her late majefty queen Anne, employed Mr. James Harrington
late of Nevj-Inn in the county of Middle/ex, decetfed, who was
Error. 2247
Jin attorney of the faid court, to enter up -.i juogment purfnsnt
to the faiil warrant of attorney ; which judgment the fiid Mr.
Harrirgton entered accordingly.
That the faid defendant be^ng evfr fince the entrv of tVie Hiid
judgment in n-.ean cirt.iimflances, and not in any capacity to pav
(he fa'd debt, no procufs was ever fued out, nor any \L{.br, and be v/ithout remedy for any futisfadion
lor the lame.
yi'id for liiat there is no v/rit of error brought on the faij '
judgment, your petitioner mofl humbly prays your honour's or-
der to the curfitor of liereforJ/}dre for the making out of an cri-
minal on the inflruflions hereunto annexed.
And your fethloKer /had ever pray, &c.
Inytor and another and Ford.
AFrerwards, to wit, on ire'/refjtiy neT.t after in the rd e.ntry of the writ ofyVrV^ A/rr^j in the
rec^rl aforefaid above fpccified ; therefore in that likev/ifc there
i» manifeft error ; It is erroneous alfo in this, to wit, that by
the record af^orefaid ir is iiu-niioned, that the faid "J. F in the
record aforefaid nnmetl appeared by IV. G. his attorney, never-
ihelefs the {zms fK C bad no warr^pt of attorney of record in
the court of the lord the k;.^g of the bench filed to warrant the
Vol. i. E« appcaraii««
247 1
appearance of him the faid IV. G. for the faid J. F. againft the
faid IV. T. and J. B. in the plea abovcfaid ; therefore in that it
is manifcftly erroneous; Ami the rime I'F. T. and J. B. pray
fcveral writs of the lord the king, to wit, one of them to the
chief juitice of the lord the king of the bench, and the other
of them to the cujlos bre^uhan of the bench aforefaid, to be direc-
ted, to certify the faid lord the king more fully of the truth
thereof j and they are granted them, ^c.
[ 248 J Strode and Palmer.
Terror in Par- /^ ^^orge^ If^c. To our trufty and well beloved Thomas
^ Parker, baron of MaccleifieU, our chief juftice aflignc
^ lord
ifamcTit otia ^^ Parker, baron of MacckifieU, our chief juftice afligned to
jud-rment r>n a hold picas before us, greeting : Becaufe in the record and pro-
writ of 7Ifa«- ceedings, and alfo in the remlition of the judgment of a plea
damus. which was in our court before us by our writ of Mundawus in the
nature of an stElion on the cafe, according to the form of the fta-
tute in this cafe made and provided, between George Strode and
John Paliiur, as it is faid, a manifeft error hath happened, to the
great damage of the faid John as by his complaint we have un-
derftood : We willing the error, if any hath been, fliould be
duly correft^d, and full and fpeedy juftice done to the parties in
this behalf, command you, that if judgment be therein given,
then the record and proceedings aforefaid with all things touch-
in* them to us in our prefent parliament under your feal diftinft-
ly and openly without delay you fend, and this writ ; that the
record and proceedings aforefaid being infpefted, we may farther
caufe to be done therein, with the aftcnt of the lords fpiritual and
temporal in the lam-: Parliatnent being, to correft that error what
of light and according to the law ami cuftom of England fhall be
to be done. Witnefs ourfelf at IVeJlminJler 4th day of June ia
the 3d year of our reign.
By the lord the king, ParneU-
The anfiver 0/ Thomas lord Parker^ baron o/" Macclesfield, the
chief juftice ivithin named :
The record and proceedings of the plea whereof mention is
within made, with all things touching them, to the lord the king
in the prefent parliament with my proper hands I have produced
in a certain record to this writ annexed, as I am within com-
manded. •
Erfof. J 248
Pleas hefore the lord the king at Wedmirider of Hillary term in
the firft year of the reign of the lord George noiv king 0/ Great
Britain, ^f. Roll 20%. nmovg the pleas of the croion.
Somerfet, to wit. /^Therwife, to wit, on the 20th day of AV
\^_/ 'vemher in the firft year ot the reign of the
lorJ George now king -t" Great Britain, t^c. before the ("aid l,ord
the king at V/efiminfter, the fame lord the Vw.g fent to John
P<^/»/er, bailiff of his borough of Ivelchelhr in the county of 00-
tnerfety his writ clofe in thefe words : Geo-ge, fffc. To John
Palrfier, bailiff of our borough oi l; admitted and fworn ; and whereas the fame
George Strode, after fuch his election aforefaid, the oath in that
cafe ufual before you was ready and offered Iiiinfelf to take, and
by you into the place and office aforefaid to be a'iuiittcd and fworn
demanded : Neverthtlefs vou the bailiff of the borough aforefaid
not ignorant of the premiffes ; but your duty in this behalf little
regarding, the oath in that cafe ufual to the faid George Strode
to adininifter, and the fame George into the place and office
aforefaid to admit and fwear, have altogether refufed, and yet do
rcfufe, in contempt of us, and to the 'great damage of the faid
George, and the manifeft prejudice of his eflate as by his com-
plaint we have undcrftood ; We therefore willing that due and
fpeedy juftice be done in this behali' as is right, command and
firmly injoin you, that immediately after the receipt of this writ,
the oath in that cafe ufual to the faid Geo-' ge you adminifter, and
the fame George into the place and office aforefaid you admit, and
to the things, together with all liberties, privileges and fran-
chifes to the place and office aforefaid belonging and appertain-
ing, or caufe to us to the contrary thereof fignify, left in your
default complaint fhould come to us repeated ; and how this
cur writ you fliall have executed make known to us at IVeJl-
Tiinjler on Monday nexi after the 0(5tave of Syt. Hillary, this our
V rit to us then remitting : And th's in no wife omit at your pe-
ril. Witnefs T. Parker, knt. at PVeflminller 20th day of No-
lember in the firft year of our reign. On which Monday rest
after theoflave of St. Hillary before the lord the king at IVe/l-
minfter the faid fohn Palmer returns the writ aforefaid as fol-
The finfiver o/"John Palmer bailiff of the borough of Ivelchcfter
'jxilhin 7nentioned.
I John Palmer, bailiff of lie borcugh of Ivelchefler v.ithin [ 249 J
mentioned, to the moft frrene lord the king moft humbly certify,
that the within named George Strode was not elcfted and ap-
pointed into the plate and office of one of the capital burgcfTL-s
£e 2 of
£49 ^
of til e borough aforefaiJ, as by that writ within is fuppsfed ; an-i
therefore the oath in that cafe ufiial to the Tame Jo/in Stroile I
cannot adniinifler, nor the fame John Strode into the place and
office aforefaiJ oiigiit to admit and fwtar, as by that writ I am
within commanded. Jo'^" Pa/mer.
And Dpon this on the fame Monday next after the odavc of
St. Uillity before the faid lord the king at JVelhnitiJter coifles as
well the f.iid G. S. in the writ and return aiorefaid named, by
R. B. his attorney, as the laid J. P. in tlie fame writ and return
likewife named, by//. M. his attorney ; and the faid G.S. fays,
that he the fame G. S. into the place and r,ffice of one of the
capital burgeHls of the borough aforelai.l was elected and ap-
pointed, as by the writ aforefaid is fuppofed : And this the fame
G. S. prays may be inquired of bv the country ; And the faid
Venire nwarJ- J. A thereof likewife, ^r. Therefore to try the ifTue afor:faid
ed returnable in form afortfaid joined, at the petition of the faid G. S. the ilie-
Cdai'' f>ur^' riffof the counrv of S?ttierfet aforefaid is commanded, that he
doth not omit, &'c. but caufe to come before the faid lord the
king at M^ellminflfr on Satu-day next after theodave of the pu-
rification of the bleffed virgin Mary twelve, l^c. by whom, bjg,
and who neither, ISc. to recognize, i^c. bccaufe as well, l^c.
The fame day is given as well to the faid G. S. as to the faid
J. P. On which faid Saturday next after the oflave of the pu-
rification of the blefled virgin Mary before the faid lord the king
p., ct IVeJlriiinJler conies as well the faid G. S. by his attorney afore-
faid, as the faid y. P. by his attorney aforefaid : and the fheriff
bath not returned thereof the writ ; therefore as before, to try
the ifl'ue aforefaid i;i form aforefaid joined, at the petition of the
faid G. S. the fberiffof the county of K^omerfet aforefaid is com-
manded, that be doth not omit, £r'c. but caufe to come before
the fliid lord the king ?xV/eJlminfler on Wednefday next after i ij
E»Jler, days of f/jy^fr I2, ETc by whom, i^c. and who neither, ffff. to
recognize, If^c. bccaufe as well, ^c. The fame day is given as
well to the faid G. S. as to the faid J. P. Ifc. On which faid
IVednef.'ay next after i 5 days of EaJIer bclore the faid lord the
king at iVfJlminfler cnmts as well the faid G. S. bv his attor-
ney aforcfaiil, as the faid J. P. by his attorney aforefaid ; and the
flierifF h ith not returned thereof the writ ; therefore as often-
times, to try the ifRie aforefaid in form aforefaid joined, at the
petition of tfie faid G.S. the /beriffof the county of Somerfet
■f'jrcfaid is commanded, that he doth not omit, i^fc. but caufe to
CJine before the faid lord the king at IVeJlmirfler on Friday next
Trimtj- after the morrow of the holy Trinrfy i 2, tfc. by whom, ^c
and who neither, isfc. to recognize, ^c. becaufe as well, ^c. The
fame day is given as well to the faid G. S. a? to the jf. P. l^c.
On which faid Friday next after the morrow of the holy Trinity
before the faid lord the king at IVejlminJlcr comes as well the faid
Return »f the G. S. his attorney aforefaid, as the faid J. /*. bv his attorney
y^nd of the juftices aforefaid, are added anew, whofe names
are annexed to the panel within written, according to the form of
the ftatute in fuch cafe made and provided ; and the jurors fo ad- 35 H. 8. 6.
(\cA anew, to wit, J. R. J. IV. f. P. R. G. IV. B. J. E. PV. E.
iV. IV. H. A. R. B. and V/. H^. being called likewife come, who
to fay the truth of the within contained, together with the other
jurors aforefaid firft hereto impanelled and IwOrn, being elc6led,
tried and fwcrn, fay on thiir oath, that the faid G. S. inio the [ 250 J
place and office of one of the capital burgcffes of the borough of
l-jelchejler within mentioned was elefted and appointed, as bv the
writ within fpecified is within fuppofed : Whereupon all and fin-
gular the premifTes being feen, and by the court here undeiftooil,
it is confidereil by the court here, that the faid G. S. recover
a2;ainft th.e faid J. P. the fuin of 35/. for hi'; cofts and charges
nuout his fuit in this behalf expended, according to the form of
the ftaiuie in fuch cafe made and provided.
Afterwards, to wit, the 8ih day of Marcli in the fourth year Errois jiT^gneA
of the reign of the lord Ci?o/7J^, ^'O^'' '^'"g f^f Grent Brit/jin, Cffr.
before the faid lord rhe king and the peers of this realm in ihcpre-
Icnt parliament at IVejlminJler in the county of MiJiUeJtx i;llem-
E e 3 Lied
2^0 Error.
bled comes the faiJ J. P. in his proper perfon and fays, that in
the record and proceedings alorelaid, and alio in the rendition of
the judgmenl aiorefaid, there is iiianifeft error, in this, to wit, that
by the record atorefaid it appears, that the judiJiutnt aforefaid in
form afortfaid given, was given for the laid G. S. againd the
faid T. P. when by the law of England that judgment ought to
have been given for the faid "Jofin again him the faid Georgf ;
Eillofcx cpti- iherefore in that it is maniteltly erroneous: And the faid J. P.
pns. '^'^ ' farther fays, that at the affixes held at Churd in the county of So-
Parl. Rep, 231. mcrfet, to wit, thefecond day of in the fccond year of the reign
of the faid lord the now Icing abovefaid, in the record aiorefaid
above-mentioned, belore the laid John Fra/t,kx. and yumes Mon~
tague, kt, then juftices of the faid lord the king afligned to take
ailizes in the county oi Sometfet aforefaid, ^f. on the trial of the
ifiue aforefaid, in the record aforefaid nbove joined, certain excep-
tions on the behalf of the laid J. P. by the counfcl learned in the
law of the faid John were taken and made to the opinion of the
i'Ah\Jtimes Montt.pue, kt. then one of the juflices, ^c. by hini
then and there declared ; by which the fame J. Montague, kt.
then one of the jufliccs, IS'c. declared, that a certain matter on
the behalf of the faid J. P. in the plea aforefaid, by the faid
counfel learned in the law of the faid John, to the jurors afore-
faid then and there offered to be given in evidence (m oppofition
and contradi(5tion of certain other matter then and there on the
behalf of the faid G. S. in the fame plea given in evidence) then
and thereon the trial of theifTue aforefaid ought rot to be given
or admitted : And the fame J. Moritfgue, kt, then one of the
jufliccs, iSfc. the matter offered then and there to thofe jurors
in evidence to be given altogether refufed to admit or permit ;
vdiich faid exceptions in a certain bill then and there were wrote;
and the faid J. Mor.togue, kt. then one of the jufliccs, l^c. then
and there fet his feal to ihebill of exceptions aforefaid, accord-
13. E I. c 31. ing to the form of the ftatute in fuch cafe thereof made and pro-
vided : And the fame J. P. products in the court of the loid
the king before the lord the king in his parliament here the bill
ofexceptions aforefaid, with the feal of the faid J. Montague^
kt. then one of ihe juftices, l^c- put to the fame bid : .And the
fame J P. prays the writ of the lord the king to be dirnfled to the
fame J. Moniague, kt. to command the fame J. Montnguey
fet. to be before the lord the king in the court of his parliament
£t Weftihivjier to confefs or deny his feal, lie. and to him it is
granted, lie.
Recital of the Somerfct, to wit. T> E it remembered that otherwife, to wit,
record and jT/ 20th day of A'avcmber in the firfl year of
judgmtnt. (Pjg reign of the lord George, now king of Gtcut I'riiain, Ifc.
before the faid lord the king at U^ejimivjier the fame lord the
king fcnt to J. P. bailiff of his borough of Ujelchejler in his
county of iow/fr/f/, his writ dole in thelc words, to wit, George
by the srace of God of Great Bfilain, France and Ireland king,
" defender
Error. 256
defender of the faith, ^f. To J. P. bailiff of our borough of
I^jelcliefter in our county of Somerfet, greeting ; Whereas G. S,
into the place anJ office of one of the capital burgcffes of the
borough alorefaid was duly elected and appointed, is'c. (reciting
the nxrit and returh of the ijjiie an.l aivard of the venire, and
conlinue nxsord for iiotd over a^nin to) On which faid Fri.iay next
after the morrow of the Holy Trinity before the faid loril the king
at Weflmir.fler come-; as well the faid G. 5. by his attorney afore-
faid, as the faid f. P. by his attorney aforefaid ; and the llierifF
of the county of Somerfet aforefaid rtairn'd the names of 12
jurors whereof none, ^c. Therefore the fheriff of the county
o\ Somerfet wzs commanded, that he fliould not omit, i^c. but
diftrain them by all their lands, y^. and that of the ifllies, ^c.
fo that he might have their bodies before the faid lord tlie king at
IVefi mir. J} er on day next after three weeks of St. M/r^/jf/,
or before the juftices of the faid lord the king affigned to take
affifes in the county of Somerfet aforefaid, if they fliould firll
come on day the fecond day of at Chard in the
county aforefaid, by the form of the ftatute, i^c. for want of
jurors, cff. Therefore let the fheriff have the bodies, Cifr. to
recognize, l^c. in iorm aforefaid. Iffc. 1 he fame day was given
as well to the faid G. S. l^c. as to the faid J. P. &'c. which faid
iifue in form aforefaid joined between the parties aiorefaid after-
wards, to wit, at the aflifes held here at this day, to wit, at
Chard in the county aforefaid, on Mo«(/«y, to wit, the 2d day of [ jr-i 1
in the fecond year of the reign of the faid lord the now king,
before John Pratt, knt. one of the juftices of the faid lord the
king afligned to hold picas before the king himfelf, and James
Mountague, knt. one of the barons of the exchequer of the faid
lord the king at IVeJlminfler, juftices of the faid lord the king
affigned to take affifes aforefaid in and for the faid county of So-
merfet by the form of the ftatute, i!^c. came to trial. On which
day here came as Vv-ell the faid George Strode as the faid John Pal-
mer by their attornies aforefaid : And the jurors of the jury afore-
faid impanelled to try the iifue aforefaid being called likewife
came : And on the trial of the ilfue aforefaid fo as aforefaid joined,
the fa.\d George Strode by his counfel learned in the law to maintain
and prove the iffue aforelaiu on his behalf then and there gave
in evidence and proved, that the right of elcfting capital burgt ffes The exceptions,
of the borough aiorefaid is in the major part of the capital bur-
ge(T;sof that borough then living, before the bailiff of the fame
borough for the time being, and that he the fame C-V^r^rinto the
fame place andcfhce of one of the capital burgefFes of the borough
aforefaid was elefted by //. /.. T. L. J. L G. R. T. B. and
M^.C. then being the major part of the capital burgefll-s of that
borough duly afiemblcl ; whereupon the counft-l learned in tl)e
law on, the behalf of the f^id John Palmtr, for and on this behrdf
of the hmz John, in oppofition and contradiction of that evi-
dence fo as afortfaid given to the fame jury, then and there offer-
ed 10 give and prove in evidence, that the liuie when the election
E e 4 of
45 T Error.
of the faid George h fiippolcv.! lo be maHr, the fai.-i //. t.. wt$
not a capiial burj^els of the borough aforcfaid, and theretore had
no right, auilionty or power, of elefting a capiial burgefs «t the
borough alorefaiil, and by reafoti thereof the vore of the faid
I-lutupnrey Lochy^r ought not to be reckoned in tliat elciflion to
caute the fui i George ^.fj '.e to be elt(!!^cd one of the capital
burgelles of the boiough aforefaid, and infifted, that the voie of
thelviid H. LocLyer in that elcClion ought not to Iiave been given
or adu.iitcd; and the fame counfcl on that behalf of the fajd J^hn
Palmer the-n forther alic.'ged anil infifled, that they ought to be
admittcii to give that matter in eviilence, becaufe the faid John
Palmer had long before the faid ajTifes, to wit, on the 24th day
oi March \n the year of the Lord 1715, given notice in writing
to the faid George S:)OiJe, that he the fame Jo/in Palmer on the
trial of that ilfue would infill on the faid myttcr fo as aforefaij
oiftred to be given in evi(!cnce on this behalf in thefe words fol-
The aotice lowing. S'.rode againft P.iUrfrr. Take notice, that at the trial
what [ilainiifF oj this caufi at thz next ajfifis for the county of ^oincr^tt the ^e-
would infill ou. fenJar.t ilUl ir.fiji, //?«/ \A/"illiam CLve'.- •vote and G^org^ Hil-
borne'i- 'uo'.e /fldl nut be aU'jiie.l as good Totes oh the plai'ti^^s
f/^rf;or, William Cleve hating httn neier ivtll eleifed a capital
iiirgefs, and Mr. Hil borne not being capable to be eleded, and be-
ing an inhabitant "juhen eleded. And haxirg fince been both turned
out, ha've brought their Mandamus's to be rejiore,/, tx-hich are yet
depending; and that Humphrey Lockyer's 'volc fh-dlnot be alloiu-
ed, he not having been eleSed capital burgefjts by a majo'ity of
the burgeffes ; and a rule for an informaticn nili being rovj adualty
againjl mm in the king's bench; and that the originij corporation
book miv in the hands of Mr. John Lockycr, the pretended bailiff'^
ijuhirein the eleSlion 0/^ Wiiham Cleve is entere t, and by the faid
Mr. John Loc\iy<:r produced i4 the federal trials of the faid Wil-
liam Qltst and Mr. Hilbome, may be produced at the trial of this
caufe at ihe next njffes, but thefe notwithllanding, the counfel
learned in the law on the behalf of the faid Gcorge Strode thereto
objcflcci ami infilled on this, that the right, authority or power,
of the faid Humphrey Loclyer, to give his vote as a capital bur?efs
of the b' rough aforcfaid in the faid election, at the time cf that
eleflion was not excepted againfl in the fiid cleflion by anv per-
fon then prcf.nt, bur the vote of the faid HuMphrry was accepted
as a good vote by T^honuis Smith the then bailiff of the borough
atoreliid in the laid election, ihe faivl matter, on tfie behalf of (he
faid Jjhn Palmer fo as afjrelaijJ offered to be given in evidence
at the trinl of that ifPae, ought not to be given or adniitted :
Nsvcrthelefs the counfJ on the behalf of the ftid John Palmer
dii then at the trial of that ijTue infifl before the faii jurtice, that
they ought to be admitted to give in evi'lence the faid matter on
the behalf of the faid John lb as aforefaid offered, in oppofirion
and contradiilion of the faid evidence for and on the behalf of
the fdivl George S'rode in form aforeiaid given, and prayed the
faid juliice that ihey m'^ht be admitsd t^. ^ive ihc faid matte?
Error; t^i
in evidence for and on the bebalf of the faid fohn Palmer ; which
cKe laid juftice then abfolutely refufed to penirt or admit, and
declared his opinion, that the faid matter, on the behaltofthe
laid JiJiri Palmer fo as aforefaia offered to be given in evidence
then at the trial of the ilTue aforefaid, ought not to be given or
admitted ; and thereupon the jurois f-f )iefai>'. gave their verd;^
for the faid George S'.rode againtl the faid John Palmer ; where-
upon the faid counfel for ano on the behalf of the faid John Pil-
trier, becaufe the matter aforefdid in the exception offered doth
iiot appear by the record ot the v rcifl alorefai.', did alledge their
exception aforefaid to the opinion of the faid juftice, and require, [ 253 J
that the faid juftice would pur his fea! to the bill of exception,
containing in itfelf the matter atorefaid on the behalf of the faid
"jolm Piili.'ter fo as aforefaid offered, accorcing to the term of the
flatute in fuch cafe made and provided : and thereupon the fame
juftice at the requeft of the counfel of the faid John Pulmer d'u\
put his feal th^retoaccording to the form of that ftatute, at Chard
fitting the court, the f^id 2d day of jn the a J year of the reign
cfths lord the now king.
Hawky and Alonger.
AFterwards, to wir, ox\7uefdoy next after the oftave of the Infancy il
purification of the blelTeJ Mary then next following, before *'"' «"'o'"»
the lady the queen at IVeJImitiJier came the faid John Haiuley be-
ing yet under the age o. 21 yea.'S, to wit, of the age of 20 years,
and no more, by 5. P. his guardian duly admitted, and produced
here in the court ot the faid lady the queen then there a certain
writ of the faid lady the queen to corredt error profecuted of and
upon the premiffes ; ami prayed, that the writ of error aforefaid
by the court of the faid lady the queen before the queen hctf^^lf
nowhere might be allowed ; which faid writ follows in thefe
words to wit, Anne by the grace of God of Great Bniain, France * ^'' ** k'^.
... , 1 r 1,1 <- • I f-5 rr^ . T - loi coram 'sii.i.
and ij f/^/«j queen, deiender or the lauh, CTc. i o our juuices sf-
figned to hold pleas in cur court before us, greeting s f'c-caufc in the
record and proceedings, and alio in the rendition of the judg'iient
ot a plea which was in our court betore us by bill, between John
Mof?fier and Jj^'in Hwuiey, of a certain trefpafson the cafe to the
faid Jo'in Monger by the faid John Hazilt'y done, as it is faid, a
manlfcft error hath happened, to the great damage of the faid
John Hmjuhy, as by his comp'aint v.e have undcrftood : We
willing the error, if any hath been, fliouKl be duly corrtifced, and
full and fpecdy juftice done to the parties in this behalf, comm-ind
you, that the retord and proceedings alorelaid being infpcQcd.
you farihc) caufc to be done therein to corri il:^ that error v.hatof
right and according to the law and cuftom ot Erglund {\va\\ be to
be done. VVitnefs out(c\{ 3.1 lye^min/ler jlh day ot feint ^ry in
the nth year of our reign, Ft/Zi.
Jll'tived ioth.Fchr\xs.iy in the \\th year of queen Anne by iht
The err»r.
Silre facias
[ 2^3 ]
F.rrror afligneel
attsr a v«irii6t.
No o-^icinaljind
a ceitiirari
prayed, and m
«jiigin*l certifi-
iR F,I. c. 14.
VViiu of orip-i-
wal or warrant
•f attorney af-
ter non ajfurr.pfit
tot eiror.
AFterwards, to wlr, on Wednefday next after fifteen days of
Lujltr then next f )llowing, before the faid laiiy the queen
2t ii'cjliir.nlhi' comes the faid John Huivley by the faiu 6'. P his
guaroian, and fays, (hat in the record and proceedings aforefaid,
and alio in the rendition of the judgment atorefaid, there is ma-
rjifuR error, in this, to wit, that he the faid 'John Ilaivley-M the
liiiii; of his appearance, and of the rendition ot the judgiiu^nt afore-
faid, was under the age of 21 years, to wit, ot the age of 20
years, four months and five days, and no more, to wit, at hVeji^
wjw//f/ aforefaid in the county aforefaid, in which cafe the fame
John iJuicley ought to be adntitttd 10 appear in the court atore-
faid to (iefend the fiiit afort-faid by his guardian, and not by attor-
ney, nor in his proper perfon ; therefore becaufe he the faid John
Hazcley did not appear in the fuit aforefaid by his guardian, in
that there is nianifcft error : And this he is reany to verify :
Whirefore the faid John IJaivley prays.ihat the judgment aforefaid
for the error aforefaid may be reverfed, annulled and held as en-
tirely void ; and that he to all things, which he by reafon of the
judgment aforefaid hath loft, may be reitored : And he prays a
writ of the lady the queen, to warn the faid John Monger to be be-
fore the faid lady the queen to hear the record and proceedings
aforefaid ; and to him it is gran'ed, iSjc. whereby the flicriff of the
county d Middle fex aforefaid is cominanded, thrtt by good and
lawful men of his bailiwick he notify to the faid John Monger that
he be before the faid lady the queen on wherefoever, l^c.
to hear the record and proceedings aforefaid, if, lie. and farther
10 do, lie. The fame day is given to the faid John Hanuleyy Hc%
Moore and Johnjon,
AND therefore in that there is manifeft error: And the
j_\ fame Edivord John Jon prays feveral writs of the faid lord the
kin J, one of them to be direfted to Peter King, kt. chief juftice
of the lord the king of the bench aforefaid, and the other of
them to be directed to Geo'ge Henry Earl of Life/ificld, keeper of
the writs and rolls of the court of the faid lord the king of the
fame bench, to certify the faid lord the king more fully the truth
thereof; and they are granted him, l5c. Whereupon George
Her.ry Earl of Litchfield, the keeper of the writs and rolls of the
court of the faid lord the king of the bench aforefaid is command-
ed, that fearchinp- the original writs of London alorefiiid ot Trini-
ty lerir. o( the fifth year of the reign of the faid lord the_ king,
being in his cullody of record, and what of the writ aforefaid be-
fween the parties afcreiaid he ihal! find, to the faid lord the now
kin^ without delay, wherefoever, £?" 6. he certify, together with
the°writ of the faid lord the king to him therefore direded ; which
faid keeper of the writs hath tirercon returned and certified to the
faid lord the king, that by virtue of the writ to him direfled ha-
ving fearched the original writs of the faid lord the king of the ci-
ty of LotiJen of Trinity term in the fifth year of his reign above"
fa'.d in his cuflody filed of record, there is no original wrir be-
tween the parties aforefaid in the plea aforelaid in his cuftoJy filed
of the faid term, which he can certify to the faid lord (lie king ;
which faid writ oi certiorari, together v.ith the return of the fame
is filed among the records without day of that term ; and as to
the return of the fdid writ oi^ certiorari above prayed to the faid
Peter Kirg, knt. chief jufcice of the faid lora the king of the
bench aforef;4id, to certify v/hether any warrant of attorney be-
tween the parties aforefaid in the plea aforefaid be filed of record
or not, the fame chief jultice of the faid K.rd the king ha:h not
returned thereof the writ, nor done any thing therein ; and there-
upon the faid Samuel freely here in court comes and immediately
fays, there is no error either in the record and proceedings afore-
faid, or in the rendition of the judgment aforefaid, and prays that
the couit of the faid lord the king now here may proceed to the
examination as well of the record and proceedings, aiorefsid, as of
the matters aforefaid above for error riffigned, and that the
judgment aforefaid may be in all th'ngs affirmed : But becaufe the -^(,55 nij'» court
Iiands ofih^? faid IV. Fowler to be ac^niiniflered ; nnd if he had
rot, then ihol.; colts anii charges to be levied of ilie proper goods
and chattels ot the laid IV. fozu/er ; therefore in that there is
inanilclt error : And the fame //''. lVilii,ims pr.iys that for thofe
trrors and other errors in the record and proceedings aforcfaid
appearing, the judgment aforolaid may be rcverfed, annulled and
held as void ; ano that he the faid IV. IVilU.ims to all things
which by reafon of that judgment he hath loft may be refloreJ ;
and that fiich judgment may be -dven in this court for the faid
ly. Williams as by the lawot the land of this kingdoui ought to
have been given tor thi fame IV. IVitlitmis againfl the faid /-/''.
Fotuler in the faid court of the faid lord the king of the bench j
and that the faid IV. I'WJer to thofe errors may rejoin, ^c.
J^i/w. WhilakeK
G ration and another 1
and > Error in cj eminent »
Leeds. 3
AFtervvards, to wit, Mond.iy next after three weeks of St,
Michael in that fame term, before the lord the king at IVe/l^
mir.jhr in the county of Middlefex the faid Richard P^ixer antl
Richard Gratton by John Allen iheir attorney come and fuy, that
in the record and proceedings aforelaid, as alio in the rendition of
the judgment aforclaid in the recorj aforefaid mentioned, there is
manifcft error, in this, to wit, that the declaration aforefaid, and
the matter in the fame contained, are not fufacient in law for him
the faid Theodore Leeds to maintnin his action aforefaid thereof
againit them the fai 1 R. Povuer and R. Gr/dton had ; and there-
fore in that there is manifeil error : There is error alfo in this,
that by the record aforefaid it appears, that the judgment aforefaid
by the faid court of the faid lord the king of the common bench
in the kingdom o( Ireland \n form aforefaid given, was given for
the faid againfl them the faid R. Fouer and A'. Gmtlon,
when by the law of the land of the kingdom of Ireland that
jiidgment ought to have been given for the laid R. Po~ver and R.
'Gratton againll the faid Theodore ; therefore in that there is ma-
nit'efl; error : There is error alfo in this, that by the record and
proceedinps aforefaid in the rendition of the faid judgment of nffir-
Hiarce of the faid judgment a-bove firfl by the faid court of com-
«)on bench in Cas kingdom of f^zLmd given, it appears that the
judgment by the faid court of the faid lord the king before the
king himft If in I) eland was aflirnied, when that judgment by the
fame court ought to have been reverfed, and fo there ismanifeft
«rrcr in the rendition of the faid judgnrjent of affirmance of the
faid judgment in the faid court of cr.i-nmon bench fo as aforefaid
Srfl: given; therefore in that there is manit'cft error; And they pray
shat «3 well the fit J judgment of sflinnance aforefaid, as the faid
Error. ^5^
juilgmentby the fai^ court of common bench as afortfaid given,
for the erroV aforefaid and others being in the record and proceed-
intrs aforcfaid, maybe reverfed, annulled and held as intirelr
votd ; and that they may be rellored to all things which thej
bave loft by reafon of the laid feveral judgmenis.
C. If'earg.
Phelipps and Smith.
GEorrf by the grace of God of Great Britain, France, and Writ of frrw
Ireland kin?, defender of the faith, ^c. To our truftv and returnable i.
well beloved John Pratt, knt. our chief juftice afligned to hold reverfe the af-
pleas in our court before us, greeting: Whereas m the record firmancc of a
and proceedings, as alfo in the rendition of the judgment of a judgment in
plea which wasin our court before us by bill between EJ^x-nrd the excHeqatr
Phelipps, efq; and Thomas Smith, genr, for a certain debt which «"*f^i''"'
the laid E/^/ivar// demanded of the faid Thomas, M'hich faid re-
cord and proceedings, by reafon of error happening, we cauied
to be brought before the juflices of the common bench and ihe
barons of our exchequer into our exchequer chamber aforefaid,
and thejudgment thereof is affirmed, as it is faid, manifeft error
hath happened, to the great damage of the faid 1 homasy as by
his complaint we have underrtood : We willing the error, if any
hath been, fhould be duly correfled, and full and fpeedy juf-
tice done to the parties aforefaid in this behalf, command you,
that if judgment thereof be given and affirmed, then the record,
and proceedings, with all things touching them, to us in our
prefent Parliament under your feal you didinftly .and openly
without delay fend, and this writ, that the record and proceed-
ings aforefaid being infpe£>?d, we may farther caufe to be done
therein, with the affent of the Lords Spiritual and Tempera' be-
ing in the fame Parliamenc, to corre6l that error, what of right
and according to the law and cuftom of England fhal! be to be
done. Witnefs ourfelf zt Ife/imin/ler izth day o'i December \*.
the fifth year of our reign.
By the lord the king. ParneL
The anfvjer 0/ John Pratt, knt. the chief jujlicc njclthin named :
The record and proceedings of the plea whereof mention is Tke retort,
within made, with all things touching them, to the lord the
king in the prefent Parliament with my proper hands I have
proiJuced in a certain record to this writ annexed, as 1 am within
John Pi-atU
2^? Error.
Plens hefcre the lard the kir.g at Wcftniinfler o/Trinlf/ term in the
Jecond yenr of the reign of the lord George now king o/" Great
Britain, fiff. Roll 460.
tTrn'r hr^tlie'" '^''"'^''/^^ ^° wit.^ Divard PheVpps, efq ; put^ in liis place h'ev.-
plj-jntilf^ ry his attorney againll Thomas Smith
bailiff of the borough of Ivelchejier, in a plea of debt.
The like for Somerfety to wit. ^ Homas Smith puts in his place James Long
**^^"-'^"'' his attorney at the fuit oi Ediuard Phelipps,
efq; in a plea of debt.
Phelipps, efq-^ and Smilh.
Error in the Somerfet, to wit. TJ E it remembered, othervvife, to wit, in Kajltr"
execution on a Jq ^^^^ \^ thg , <^ year of the reign of the lord
^^M f "In"! '?rf R t'ie now king, before the lord the king at IFefiminfler cams
debt on 7 Ur j -a- 1 r l rr /■ / '^i • -^ 1
W. 3. f. 2;. § i''d^vard rnelipps, eiqj by tlenr y (j andy his attorney, and pro-
6. ai;.iinft the duced here in the court of the faid lord the king then there his
retaining offi- certain bill againft Thomas Smith, bailiff of the borough o\ hjelchcf-
cer for lefufing fer in the county aforefaid, in the cuftody of the marH-ial, l^c.
a cony of the • 1 tjiaii ii ^ r •
p(iH' 11 a plea or debt : And there are pledges to profecute, to wit,
John Doe and Richard Roe .- Which faid bill follows in thefe
words, to wit, Somerfet, to wit, E,hvard Phelipps, efq; complains
of Thjmas Smithy bailiff of the borough of Ivelchefter in the coun-
ty aforefaid, being in the cuftody of the marfhal of the Mar/hal~
fea of the lord the king before the king himfelf, in a plea that
he render to hun 500/. which he owes him and unjufily detains^
for this, to wit, that whereas the town 0^ Ivelchefler aforefaid in
the county aforefaid is an antient borough, and that two bur-
gefT-s of the fame borough to come to every parliament of the
iord the king and his predeccflbrs kings and queens of England
from time immemorial have been elefted, and have been ac-
curtomed to be ekdted by the burgefles and inhabitants of the
Time borough in that behalf having votes : And whereas a cer-
tain writ of the lord the now king out of his chancery at IVefl-
minfter in the county of Middlefex 17th day of January in the
iff year of his reign, bearing date the fame day and year, did
iffue, directed to the ilierift'of Somrrfct aforefaid ; by which fnid
writ, reciting, becaufe the fame lord the king with the advice
and affent of his council for certain great and urgent affairs con-
cerning the king himfelf, the eftate and defence of his kingdom of
Great Britain and of the church, had ordained his certain par-
li.inient to be held at his city of We/lmin/ler on the lylh day of
March then next following, and there to confult and treat witli
the prelates, nobles and peers of his faid kingdom, the fame
lord the king commanded and firmly injoined the then flic-riff
of Somerfety that proclamation being made in his next couniy-
court to be held alter the receipt of that writ of the day and place
Error. J 255
aforefaid, twotntght? girded with fwords the more fit and difcreet
of the count)- aforefaid, and of every ci'y of that county two
citizens, and of every borough tv;o burgclTes of the more dif- .
creet and fufHcient, by thofe who fiiould be at fuch proclamation,
according to the form of the flatute thereof niade and provided,
to be elected, and the names of the fame knights, citizens antl
burgefTcs fo to be eiefted, in certain indentures between the faid
flierifF and thofe who fliould be at fuch elc(^lion thereof to be.
made, ahho' fuch elefted fliould be prefent or abfent, to be in-
f.rted, and them at the day and place aforefaid to come fliould
caule, fo [hat the fame knights full and fufHcient power for them-
felvcs and the commonalty of that county, and the faid citizens
and burgeffjs for themfelves and the commonalty of the cities
and boroughs aforefaid, fcverally from them might have to do
and confent to thofe things which then and there by the commoa
council of his faid kingdom with the favour of God fliould hap-
pen to be Ordained on the affairs aforefaid, left bv reafon of a haf-
ty eh-iftion of the knights, citizens or burgeffes aforefaid, the
faid fiffairs fliould in any wife remain undone ; but the faid lord
the king commanded, that he the faid flurifFor any other flierifF
of his faid kingdom fliould not in any wife be elefted ,• and that
the faid election made in his full county he fliould dillindly and
openly, under his feal and the feal of thofe who fliould be at
that eledion. without delay certify to the faid lord the king in
his chancery at the faid day and place, fending to the fame lord
the king the other part of the indenture aforefaid fewed to that
writ, as by the fame writ now remaining in the court of chan-
cery of the faid lord the king at Weflminlier aforefaid more fully
appears: Which faid writ affcrv/ards, to wit, the 26th day of
'January in the ift year of the reign of the faid lord the now king
abovefaid, at J-jelcheJier aforefaid in the faid county of Somerfet,
was delivered to one Jo/i« 7V£i^////rt;7, efq; being then flierifF of [ 256 ]
the fame county of Somer/et, to be executed in form of law ; by Ddiverefl to
virtue of which faid writ the fame flierifF afterwards, to wit, the theflienff,
faid 26th day of "Yanuary in the ift year abovefaid, there made '^''"'^*
1- - -' . -^ . . r 1 1 • 1 1 /• 1 r 1 • rr- prccrpt to the
h:s certain precept in writing, fealed with the feal of his cfhce baillfl'for the
of flierifF, directed to the baililF of the faid borough of I've/- tl'^ttius bur-
chejler\n the county aforefaid, of and for the election within that ge'fca.
borough of two burgefFes of the fame borough according to the
form and efFcft of the writ aforefaid ; which faid precept after-
wards, to wit, on the faid 26ih day of January in the ift vear
abovefaid at /^uf/c^f/^^r aforefaid, was delivered to the faid Tho-
mas Smith, being then bailiff of the borough of hjelchejltr
aforefaid, (to which faid bailiff the execution of the faid pre-
cept belonged) in form of law to be executed j by virtue of
which faid precept afterwards, to wit, the 2d day of February
in the ift year of the reign of the lord the now king, they pro-
ceeded to the eleflion of two burgefFes for the fame borough of
Ivelchi'Jler to come to the finic parliament, according to the
torin and gficct of the writ aforefaid; And thereupon the fame
£5 6 Etrof.
Tljeesndidales. ^''toiirJ Pheilppt and James Bateman. knf. TVUltfltn Seiijfiy,
efq ; and J'j/in Hopkins, t{q-, were and ftool candidates at that
*lt^ion, that out ofihciu two niiglit be i hofen to the burgelTes
cf parliament for the laid boroUjjh. and very m;inv burgeiT^s of
that borOugh were prefent at that election, anA haviniT vores in
that be halt, their votes for the fime L'.Jivar^ Phelifps to be one
of the laid two burgeflcs for the fiid borough, and divers bur-
gefTes of the faid borough at th^t elcfliori bein^ likcwife pvefcnr,
their votes for the faij Jumes Bateman xo be another of the faid
two biirgefTes of parliament tor that borough, and divers other
burgcfl'.s of that borough beinv likewife prefent, their votes for
the laid IVillitim BelL/my an.. Jo'ni Hopkins to be two of the
burgefTsof parliament tor that borough, then and there gave
and voted j fo ihit for tiie manif (tation of that election a poll
of thole votes of fuch eleftion being by foine of ;hem required
and demanded, was then ind there in writin-j had and taken be-
fore the faid Thomas Smiih, then being as aforefaid bailiff of
that borough ; and he the faid '1 homus Smith the fattie poll then
and there received and had ; and after the poll of the votes of,
in and for that eKftion taken, had and ended, to wit, on the
lorh of February, in the ift year abovefaid, at Ivelchefier afore-
faid, the fame EJtva'd Phel pt>s >Vfired the fame Th/mas Smithy
then as aforefaid b-^ng baiiifi of the borough aforefaitl, to delivei*
to the lame EHivard Phelipps a copy of the poll of the votes at
the fame eleflion takrn ; and then and there was ready and of-
fered to pay to the faia Thoma> Smith any reafonable fum of mo-
ney for the writing thereof that he therefore (liould require :
Neverthelefs the faid Th'jmas, being as aforefaid bailiff of the
borough aforefaid, ('o which faid bailiff the execution of the
precept aforelaid for the eleflion of the burgeffrs aforefaid did
then belong) the duty of his office of bailiff of the fame borough
in this behalf, and the ftatutein fuch cafe made and provided, not
confiderii'g, nor the penalty in that llatutc contained in any wife
fearing, did not then or afterwards delivtr to the fame EJivard
PhelipfS a copy of the poll of the voters of the eletftion afore-
faid for the borough aforefaid, but to deliver him the lame then
and afterwards voluntarily abfolutely refufed, againil the form of
the flatute in fucii cafe made and provided; whereby an aftion
accrued to the fame Ed'ward Phelipps fo demand and have of
the faid Thomas Smith the laid 500 /. Neverthelefs the faid Tho-
mas Smith, ■Axho' often required, the faid 500/. to the lame
EJivarJ Phehtps hath not yet paid, but hath hitherto denied,
and yet doth deny to pav him the fame ; whereby he favs that
he is prejudiced, and hath damage to the value of 40 /. And
therefore he produces the fuir, l^c.
iHiparlance. And now on this day, to wit, Friday next after the morrow
of the Holy Trinity, until which day thefiiid ^ homns had leave
to imparl to the bill aforefaid and then to anfwer, Ifc- before the
lord the king at JVeJlmivJlet comes as well th» faid Et/ivarJhy
his attorney aforefaid, as the faid Thomrts by Jum:s Long h:s
atioiney :
A poll demanc!.
ctl and taken by
the bailiff*
A cpy of the
poll demanded,
ini refufed*
Error. 1 256
attorney : And the fame T.Lowas tlefends the force and injury
when, Cff. and fays that he doth not owe to the faid EdivarJ l^U dcht.
the faid 500/. or any penny thereof, in manner and term as the
faid C^/i^'rtr./ hath above air^iinft him declared : And of this he
pms himkifon the country: And the faid E^wflr,? fikewife,
iS'c. Thersfore let a jury thereon come before the lord the kin^ at /Wrfawafdcd^
I'/eflimnJhr on IVeanefdoy next after three weeks of the Holy
'Iriniiy i and who neither, &ff. to reco^nife, tfff. becuufe as
\kg\\,^^c. The fame day is given to the panics aforefaid there,
b>. On which dny before the lorvl the king at IVeHrn'mfter come^
the p.irties uforifjid by their attornies aforcfaid ; and the ilierift
liatli not returned thereof the writ; Therefore as before let a Not refuned.
jury thcrton ccme belore the lord the king at IVefiviitifier on
V/VJ/?f/'>.-r/v next aOer 15 days of St. Martin: and who neither, Anotheraward*
l^c. to recognifc, i^c. cecaufe as well, IS'C The fame day is e^.
given to the parties aforefaid there, fc'f. On which day beicre
the lord the \i\r.gz\. iVeJiminJIer con\mitlt, by their attornies wiihin conuincd;
And the jurors of the jury wher-of mention is wiihin made being
called, fomeofihtm, to wit, Richard Choffey ix\(S. Richard'nu
\ the
Vol.. 1. F f A.nutc
5' II 8 c ^, f^a'"tc in fuch cafe made and prov"uled ; and the jurors Co added
a- new, to wit, James ps hath within againfc him declared ; and they
ad'efs the damage of the faid Edivtird Phelipps by reafon of the
detention of the debt within written, bciides his cofls and charges
by him about his fuit in this behalf expendei!, to 2d. and for thofe
Judgment. lolb and charges to 401. Therefore it is confidered, that the
faid Ediveird Phelipps ri.cover againfl: the faid 7 h omen Smith his
debt aforefaid, and the damages aforefaid by the jury aforefaid in
form aiorefaid alfefied, asaifo 18/ for his colls ami charges afore-
faid to the fame Ednvnrd PheUppshy the court of the faio lord the
king now here with his alfenr of increafe adjudged, which faid
damages in the whole amount to 20/. and 2d. And the faid
7'homas Smith in uicrcy, IS'c.
Phelipps and Sfm'ih.
Error aij. , .„
Xawg tor the detendaiu. (. ) Kichai u lloe.
Hill. I'l of kinq Geo.
/^ Eorge, ifc. To the flieriff cf S.omeifet, greeting : We com- /^nd the I'in'.n.
iiiand you that jou caufc to come belore us at IVeJlminfter
on Tiiefilay next after the oftnve of the purification of the bltiTed
virgin HJtiry, twelve free and lawful riiL-n of the neijhbourhoo 1
of Ivelchejlery each ot ten pounds of land, (and fo or. to] becaufe
betT.'cen whom the difpute is, have put themfelves on that
jury, and have there the names of the jurors, and this writ Wit-
iiefs Thomas lor.; P.irfcer, baron of Macdesjleld, at IFcJlminjhr
23d day Q^'junuary in the third year of our reign.
Ilvlt. Ventris.
The execution of this writ appears in a certain panel to this ^*'''
writ annexed,
Jofeph SroTuwf, efq; flierirT.
Sijmsrfit, to '' |' '"^ H E names of the jurors between Edxvnrd
J[ Phflipps, efqj plaintiff, and Thomas Smith
defendant, in a plea of debt.
Thomas Ode oi Kiri;rJ}'jnet IVillir.m Knight of the fame, Jajnes And pane!,
Hine of Bi/hop/IiuU, (and jo on to the end of the panel to) of the
jurors aforef^iid by himfelf fcvcrilly is attached by pledges, John
Doc and Richard R^e,
Jofcf'h Broivne, cix]; flierifF.
Hill, 7d of liin^Gzo.
^ r.oije,lSc. Somerft, grteting : We command you that you hni dijiring^t,
diltrain Thomas Cole of Kin^^ftone, IVilliam Knig/it of the
fame, (andfo on to) come to make that jury between the par-
ties alorefaid in the plea aforeCtid, and to hear thereof their jii It-
nieni for the former default, and have there then this writ. Wit-
riefs Thomas lord Piir/er, baron of Mirc/e.'fftlt, at JVefimi'flcr 1 zih
day of Fel/ru(jry\n the third year cl our reign.
lUt. rcnlris.
V f X The
259 1 Error.
j^gj. The execution of this writ appears in a certain panel to this
writ annexe J, ,
"Joji'ph EioTune, efq; fli-'riff.
[ 260 J Sjmerfet, to wit. ' fi "^ H F, names of the jumis between E.kvard
A"*^ panel. J[ Phelpps, tlq; plaintiff, and 'Ihjmas Smithy
defendant, in a plea of debt.
T hornets Cole ol Ki> gfloiie.
Willi, ,m Knight ot the fame, (.mdfoon to) each of th? jurors
aforefaid by hiinfclf feverally is attached by pledges, "John Doe
and Richard Rtje.
Jofcph Broxvne, efq; flieriff".
The names of the jurors added anew.
ynmes SL^/>e, I aivrertce Dare,
IViliuim Eyloti, Hugh Pi try,
John Stone, NichJas hiartnell,
James Cheijfey, Richard Locke, Iworn.
Trin. zd cf king Geo.
And warrant of '^<"«<''/^'> to wit. J^Diuard Phelipps, efq; puts in his placa
attorney- Pley.7-y Candy his attiorncy againft Thomas
Smith, bailiff of the borough o\ I-celcheJler, in a plea of debt.
Phelipps and Smith.
Rule granted by ]\/f Onday in the morrow of //// 5oi/A is farther given to aflign
the K. B. to error to fliow caufe why the record and proceedings herein
amend the re- f^Q^xrl betwt'en the parlies may not be amended, in this, to wit.
CO : in what r n. \ ■ r • 11 / \ • i \ 1 / • .
had bcfn af- "''"' "7 mi^rting the letter (r) m the word bunngh m tne warrant
Cgncd for error, of attorney of the faid plaintiff, and the word huongh for hrough ;
fecondly, by inferting the wor.. (fliLriff) before the word Somerfet
inlret'e dijitingas ; thirdly, by changing the telle of the writ of
njenire facias, lo that the tejle be made 28rh day of No'vetuher for
23d day ol January, or that a continuance ot the writ o^ 'venire
facias maybe entered on the record from Wedncfday next after 15
days of St. Martin to IVednefday next after the odave of Sr. Hil-
laiy • 'ourthly, bv entering feveral continuances on the bill of the
laid i^\'\\ni'.'ii Phelipps in this caule from Kajler term in the firfl: year
of the reign of the lord the now king, of which fiiid term that
bill was filed, until Friday next after the morrow of the Holy
Trinity in the fecond year of the r-ign of the lord the now king,
and that the record of the judgnnnt aforefaid be amended by
ihe entry on the bill- On the motion of Mr.ferjeant Corny ns.
By the court.
Error. ^^o
t^Eorge, Iffc. To our trnfty and weil beloved Jy/tn P.n'i, Afttr thefc
knt. our chi.'f juftice aOlgned to hold pleas in our court be- amendments
fore us, greeting : As in the record and proceedings," and alio in ^g'ftn^jlt i^n d-
ihe rendition of the judgment of imparlance which was in cur ror lued out
court before us by bill between Echvard Phelipps, efq; and iht csttiorari
Thomas Umiih, baiiift'ofthe borough of I'vekhefier in the county '-^ ^^'''fy ''^«=
of Somerfel, for a certain debt which the faid Edivard demanded {"J^^'.d"
of the faid T/^(?OTc.'y, a nianifed error hath happened, to the great vvasnot errone-
lofs of the faid Thmns.^ as by his complaint we have underftood ; ous.
the record and proceedings of which laid judgment we have cauf- 17 i^'- c. 8.
ed 10 be brought before our jufiices of the common bench and our
barons of the exchequfr who are of the degree of the coif, 10
cojrefl the errors in the fame, according to the form of the
ftatute of the z-j\\\ year of the reign of the lady Elizabeth, late
queen of Cw^Avwi/, thereof made and provided, into the court of
our fiid exchequer chamber ; and the faid Thomas in our fame
court of exchequer chamber appearing hath alledged, that by the
record ator-faid before the fame juftices and brirons fent it ap-
pears, that the faid Edivard condituted one Henry Qar.dy his
attor.ney agaiiiftthe faid Thomas in Eajler term in the firft year
ofourreign ; yet the faid Henry Gr.nJy had no warrant of attor-
ney filed of record to appear for the fame Edward in the plea
aforefai i ; and where by the record aforefaid fo as aforcfaid feut
it appears, that the faid Edzvard'in the fame Eajler term in the
firft year of our reign abov.faid exhibited into our faid court his
bill againft the faid ?7z3w/7y in the plea aforefaid, yet there is not
any fuch bill filed of record with continuances thereon to war-
rant the declaration and ju igmcnt aforefaid ; and the faid Tho-
mas hath farther alledged, that no fuch writ o'i 'venire facias
twelve, '^ c. between the parties aforefaid in the plea aforefaid in
our faid court before us is filed of record, as by that record is fup- j- -
pofed : and alfo that no fuch writ oi diftrivgas juratores between '•
the pirtics aforefaid in the plea aforefaid in cur Inid court before
us is filed of record, as by that record above is fuppofed : We
vdliing to be certified of the premiflcs aforefaid command you,
that the rolls ar.d other memorandums of the warrants of attorney
of the county of Somerfel of the faid Eafler term in the firft year
of our reign abovcfaid, and of Trinity term in the fccoml year of
our reign, remairiing in your cuftody of record, being fearchcd,
and alio the files of bills, of the fame Enji,r term in the firft year
abovefaid, remaining likewife in your cullody of recorvi, bein^
fearched, and alfo our wrirs of venire facias 12, iffc. to the flicriff
of the county of 'S'owifr/i'/ dircftc-r', in our fame court of Trinity
term in the fecond year of our n ign, anil of Michaelnas term and
Hid:i>y term in the third year of our reign, bcinjr in your cuftod.y
of record, being Icarchci', and alio our writs o\ di/iringas fur' to
the flieriffof the county of Corner fet, dircrted, in the fame court of
/f/i/Z^r term ill the third ycarof our reign abovefaid, bring like-
wife in your cuftody of record, being fearchcd, what cl the v;ar-
Vf^ 'an
^^ i Error.
rant of attorney afcrefaid, arcl of the bill and continuance* there-
on inilorfed, am] alfo what of the T.iid feveral writs between the
parties nforcfsid in the plea afcrefaid you ihnW tind, as tuiiy and
iniirely as tiicy remain in yourcuftody, to cur faid juflices of- the
connnon bench and the barons of our exchequer without delay
inio oi!r court of exchequer ciiainber afortlaiJ you certify, t0"^c-
thcr v.ich this writ. VViincfi, Ijl.
Thi nrfivtr c/ John Pratt, //;/. the chief ivilhin ivn'l/en.
The return. The rolls and other ipemorandums of the warrants of attorney
of the county of 6'owt'r/(7 of Enjier term in the firft year of the
Tcign ot the lord the king wiihin written, and of Trinify term in
the fccond year of the reign of the faid lord the king, iu my cuf-
tody filed of record, being fearched, 1 fiiid no warrant of aitor-
ney ot the fame term in the firft year abovefaid for the within
written /^^Aiv/j/t/ in the plea within mentioned filed of record;
but J find a certain warrant of attorney for the faine Eilnjoartl of
Trinity term in the fecond year abovefaid in the pica within mcn-
lioncd in my cuflody filed of record : the files alfo of the bills of
the lame Eafter term in the firft year abovefaid in my cuftody fi-
led of record being fearched, I there find a certain bill between
the parties within mentioned in the plea aforefaid of the fame term, with a continuance thereon from the faid Eafler
term to the faid Trinity term in the fccond year of the reign of
the faid lord the now king, the v;r\\.%z\(oo'i ^uenire fudas 12, fr.
ofTrini/j term in the fecond year of the king abovefaid, and of
MichiiLliuas term and Hillary term in the third year abovefaid, in
my cuftody filed of record, being fearched, I find no writs of tiiriJter coiue the parties aforefaid by their attor-
iiies within comained, and the faid dcfendarit prays a farther day
ofimparlance tliertio ; anJ ir is granted h'i"> ^c. And hereupon
a farther flay thereof is given to the parties aforefaid before the
)ord the king at IVeftimnjier until ManJay next after three weeks
of St. Michatl, to wit,- to the faid defendant to imparl to the bill
aforefaid, and then to anfwer, i^c. Un which day before the
lord the king at IFeJltnitijier come the parties aforefaid by the:r
attornies within contained ; and ihefaid defendant prays a farther
\ profecuting the laid
writ cf error thereon in the faici court of exchequer chamber by
the faid Thomas profecuted, when by the law of Efgland the
judgment in the faid court of cxc'-equer chamber ought lo have
been given for the fai»' Th-jmas, tor the revcrfal cf the faid jutlg-
nient in the faiti court of the faid lorti the king belore the king
hiiiif 1Mb as afcrefiiid given i therefore in that it is nianifelUy
Phi. Tork.
And the (au\ Ediuard Plitlipf)!, c(a^; in his proprr perfon be- r ii n
fore the faid lor ! the king and the peers in the preKnt parliament ;.!,"1 ' '*'
9i Great Britain at iVefiminJUr in the county of MidMefcx aflein-
26:>+ Error.
bled i'lcewifc comes «nJ fays, tliat there is no error cither in the
rccorii and procceiiings atorciaui or in the renuiiion of the judg-
ment aiortlji.!, and pr.ivs, that toe faid lord the king ami the
peers in the prelent p^,rliaiiient of Great Britain at U'eftminjler
in the county o'i MiAdltfex aloreriid aff;nibled novv here may
pioceeii ro the examinai;on as well of the record and praceeoings
aforcfaid, as of the matters aforefaid above for error ailigned.and
that the judgment aforefaid ni;iy be in all things affirmed : And
bccaufe the court of the faid lord the king here before the king
hinifclf \\\ his parliament are not yet a.ivijcd to give their judg-
ijientof and upon the premiifes, day therefore is given ro the
parties aforelaid before the faid lord the king in his parliament
until Fridoy\ to v.".t, the 2 ?,d day o Jntiutfry next enfuing, at
U'tfl-nirifler in the county of MiJtilefex aforefaid, to hear their
judiiiiient of and upon iht- premifTiS, becaufe the court of the faid
JoriTlhe king here in his parliament thereof not yet, i^c.
y. Comytis.
7/10. Per.geUy.
Note ; III this cafe the ntrit of error ivas in the rendition of the
iuJgvient of a plea^hc. /•f/'iufew Edward Hhelipps, efq; and
Thomas Smith, ^en/, of a certain .ihl^ &c. And 'he record
cirttfid luas betivten Edward PhLdipps, efq; /? '^Thomas
Smith, bailiff of the borough c/^Ivelcheftcr in the coumy of
Jl'hich ;mbled, that the pUiniiiT in error [ 265 ]
a€^ Errof.
be fcrved with a copy of the faid petition and this order ; 2nd
that this houle will hear counfel thereupon on Thuifday ihe fittU
day of February next at eleven o'clock.
The cafe of the defendant in error.
Cireofdffen- "nTinxard Fhelipps, the now defendant in the writ of error,
Jant in error. brought an aftion ot debt in the court of king's bench againfl
the now plaintiff 7/^o^»;^j Smith, bailiff of the borovigh of hvelchef
tery for refufing to deliver to the fa'.d Ed'VJnrd P/ielip{>s a copy ot
the poll taken at an ekdion tor members of parliament for the
faid borough, at which election the faid Edixurd Pheliips was a
candidate j and the faid adlion was founded on tlic R 'tiite of the
7th and 8th of king William III. cap. 25. fee. 6. by which ftatuic
it is enaft.d, that every bailiff and other officer, to whom the
execution of any writ or precept fliall belong tor electing of mem-
bers to ferve in parliament, fliall forthwith celiver to fuch perfon
or peilons, as ihall defire the fame, a copy of the poll taken at
fuch eleftion, paying only a reafonable charge for writing the
fame ; And that every bailiff and other officer, to whom the
execution of any writ or precept for elefling of members to ferve
in parliament doth belong, for every wilful offence contrary to
the aft Hiall forfeit to every party fo aggrieved the fum of
500/- to be recovered by him or them, his or their executors or
adminiffrators, together with full cofts of fuit.
The declaration fets forth, that th; town of I'velcfiefterh^n
antient borough ; and that the burgeffes and inhabitants of the
faid borough, time out of mind, have chofcn two burgeffes to
ferve in parliament for the faid borough : That the 17th of Ja-
nuary I ofkingGfo. a v/rit iffed out of chancery, directed to
the flieriff of Somerfet, commanding him to caufe to be chofen
t\ knights for the faid county, and two burgeffes for QMcry
borough within the fame county, to ferve in the parliament to be
holden a^ JVejlmtifter on the 17th day of March then next fol-
lowing ; which writ 26th of January following was delivered
to John I're^jillian, eft,} ; then fheriif "for the fame county, who
the fame day made his precept to the faid Thomas Smith, then
bailiff of the faid borough of I'velchefler (to whnm the execu-
tion of the faid precept of right did belong) for the election of
two burgtiK-s to ferve in parliament for the faid borough accord-
ing to the laid writ : That byvirtue thereof on the fecond day
of February following it was proceeded to election for the faid
borough, when fir James Bateman, iVilliam Bellamy, John Hop-
kins, and the faid Edivard Phelipps, elquires, ftood candidates,
and feveral elcftors voted for fir James Bale?nan and the (aid
Edivard Phelipps, efq; and feveral others for the other two can-
didates, and a poll being then demanded was had and taken in
writing by the faid bailiff : That on the lOth day of Fehruory
following the candidate Mr. Phtli[ps required the faid bailiff" to
Error." 1 26$
deliver him a copy cf the faid poll, and was ready and offered
to pay him any rcafonabie fum of money for the Vvriiing thereof
as he lliould rcquiie: But the laid bailifFdid not deliver the fame,
but contrary to his duty, and the faid act of pariiamenr, volun-
tarily and utterly refufea to deliver him a copy of fuch poll,
whereby the plaintiff in the laid attion was intitied to demand
and recovtr the laid penalty of 500/.
Upon the general ilTue pleaued, this action was tried at the •
Lent afiizes liolden for the county oi' ^Somerfet 2 of kincr Ge?. be-
fore Mr. Jutlice Ej/ie, by a fubltantial jury, and after a very
Icr.g trial upon full evidence, a verdift was given for Mr. PAe-
lipps to the latisfaftion of the judge who tried the cauie ; and it
appeared that the faid Thomas Smiih (who is a praftifing attor-
ney) behaved himfelf very arbitrarily, and that his whole pro-
ceedings as bailiff, and particularly this for which the aflion was
brought, was in open defiance and contempt of the law. Upon
this verdid the court of kings bench gave judgment for Edxuurd
P/ielipps, the plaintiff in the atSlion, and the defendant Thomas
i>Mii/i, brought a writ of error in the exchequer chamber, where
the faid judgment was affirmed unanimoufly by all the judges of
the common pleas and barons of the exchequer.
That this a(5tion being founded on a law made to remedy
many great abufes committed by officers concerned in eleftions
for members to ferve in parliament, which had been long com-
plained of, and by which, if a remedy had not been timely ap-
plied, the very conftitution of parliaments might in a general uiea- F 266 7
fure have been fubverted ; and the faft being verified by ver-
dift, and the ground and nature of the a£tion, as well as the
form and manner of the proceeding, having been approved of
by the judgment of all the judges of England,
This defendant in the 'writ of error humbly prays.,
that the faid judgment in the exchequer chamber
may be affirmed by the judgment of this honoura-
ble houfe, %Kith cofis.
Tho. Lutwyche,
J. Comyns.
pj/' Her eas hy \\T\Mt 0': h\% maj.-fty's writ of error returnable Order for the
into the houfe of peers in parliament aflembled; a record a'Tirmancc of
of the court of king's bench was brought into this houfe on the 'f^' J'i''s"L«"f.
fixth day of January lail pad, with the trarfcript thereof, wherein J, thcTcS.
judgment is entered for Ldvoard Phelipps, efq; againff Thomas
^mith bailiff ot the borough oi Ivdchejier in the county o'i Somer-
fet ; upon which errors were afll^ned, and iiliic joined, and this
day counfel heard at the bar to argue the errors thereupon : It is
ordered by tlie lords fpiritual ana temporal in parliament aflem-
b!ed. That the faid judgment given for the faid Ednard Phelipps
againft the faid Jhomin H/niih be and is hereby affirmed ; and that
The entry of
Ihc alfi mancc
in pa: liaintnt,
■wlucli coms!. in
after ilic ccnii-
nuance of the
Jn rulh ejl
trrat'' y and is
figneii by the
ck'^k of the
f r.c I'aiJ Eiiivnrd Phelipps flo recover 5 /. for his ccfls occanonc.l
by the delay ct' execution of the faid judgment by pretence of the
laid writ of error, according to the tlatute in that c;ife. made
and provided ; ami th?t the tranfcript o. the faid record, where-
in juiignieiit is entered as alorefaid, be renitited.
O T yet, l£c. On which day before the hsmc conrt of par-
liamtnt at li'ejtminfter comes as well the faid '1 homus Snii:h
as the laid EJ-zuurJ Phelipt>s in their proper pcrfons ; but becaufj
the court of parliament atercfaid now here are not yet advifcd 10
give their judgment of and upon the premilfes, day therefore is
given as well to the faid 1 homas !Smith as to the laid KJvuard
F/ielipps, before ihe fame court of parliament, until Sa'.urdoy
the 17th day oS. March next enfuing, whcrefo'-vcr, ^Jc. to hear
their judgment thereon, becaufe the court of parliament afore-
faid here thereof not yer, ynas Smith above for error afligned in
any wife notv/ithftanding ; And it is farther confiJereil by rhe
fame court of parlioment afore'aid now here, that tiie faid Ed-
ivnrd Phelipps do recover againrt the faid T/tomas Smith 5 /. to
the fame Edituard viith his ajfent' by the fame court of parliament
aforefaid, according to the form of the tlatute thereof made and
provided, adjudged for his damages, cofts and charges, which
he hath had by reafon of tlie delay of the execution of the judg-
inent aforefaid by pretence of profecuting of the faid writ of
error; and thereupon the record aforefaid, as alfo the proceed-
ings aforefaid in the fame court of parliament in the premifTcs
Lad, by the fame court of parliament to the court of the fai>l lorvl
the king before the king himfelf wherefoever, k£c. are remitted,
l^c. Williaj7i Coivper, Cl' Pari'.
[ 267 ]
The rntry of
the affirmance
ill parliament
«n die roll of
_\r!main, l^c.
Aftcrvvsrds, to wit, on the 12'h day of Dccemler in the 5th
year of the reign of the lord ihe now king, the fame lord the
king fent to his trufty and well beloved John Pratt, knr. the
t)ilef juftice of (lie fame lord the king affigned to hold pleas the judgment
t'efor'e the king himfeif, his writ clole in thefe words, to wit, in the K. B. to
GVar^j)^, er afortfaid, when by the law ot Erglatid the judgment
in the faid Court of exchef]uer chaiiiber aforefaid ought to have
;>r'en given for the faid T. for the revrrfal of the Od ' jiidjtnient ia
the faid court of the faid lord the king b.fore the king himfcif fo
ks aforefaid fivcn ; ihcrtfore in that iherj is manitcft error.
Vci. I. *" G g Aad
5^7 t
An;', the faid E. Pheli^{>s, efq; in his proper pcrfon before the
fail! lord fhe king and the peers in the prdent parliament of
Great Britain at IVeflminfler in the county o[' Mi J Jh/ex a/Teniblod
likewife conies and fays, that there is no error either io the record
and proceedings aforcfaid, or in the rendition of the judixinent
aforclaid, and prays, that the lord the king and ihe peers in the
prefent parliament of G'rc.7/ Hritciin at IFefltnityler in the county
ci MiJdlefex aforefaid nfTenibled now htre may proceed to the
examination as well of the record and proceeding's aforefaid, as
of the matter aforefaid above for error airigned,and that theju(!g-
nient aforefaid may be in all things affirmed : And becaule the
court cf the faid lord the king before the king !iiinfelf in his par-
liament are not yet advifed to give their judgment of and upon
the preir.ifles, day therefore is given to the parties aforefaid before
the laid lord the kirg in his parliament until Wednefday^ to wit,
28th day of Jiinuaty next cnfuing, wherefoever, ^c. to hear
their iuJgincnt of and upon the premifTcs, becaufe the court of
the faid lonl the king lierein his parliament thereof not yet, ^c.
On which day before the fame court of parliament at I'Vejiminfter
aforefaid comes as well the faid T. Smith as the faid E. Phelipiis in ,
their proper perfons : but becaufe the court of parliament afore-
faiei now here are not yet advifed to give their judgment of and
upon the premilTes, day therefore is given as well to the faid T.
Smith as to the faid E. Phelipps before the fame court of parlia-
x\vix\\.\Lnv\'7hurJday, to wit, the 5th day of Ffj5/K^7r)' next enfu-
Jng, wherefoever, K^c. to hear tht:ir judgment thereon, becaufe
the court of parliament aforefaid here thereof not yet, ^c. On
which day before the fame court of parliament aforefaid atlVeJi-
triinpev aforefaid comes as well the faid "T. Smith as the faid
E. Phelipps in their proper perfons: Whereupon all and lingular
the premiffes being fecn, and by the court of parliament aforefaid
now here more fully underflood, and as well the record and pro-
ceedings aforefaid and the judgtncnt on the fame given, as the
faid caufes and matters by the laid Thomas Smith above for error
ifilgtiet', being diligently examined and infpe(5ted, and mature de-
liberation being thereon had, it feems to the court of parliament
aforefaid now here, that there is no error either in the record and
proceedings aforefaid, or in the rendition of the judgment afore-
r 268 ] faid, or in the affirmance of the faid judgment, and that the faid
record is in no wife vicious or defective ; Therefore it is confi-
dcrcd by the fame court of .parliament aforefaid, that the judg-
ment aforefaid, and alio the affirmance of the fame judgment be in
ail things affirmed and remain in their full force and effect, the faid
caufes and matters by the faid Thomas Smith above for error af-
figm d in any wife notwithftanding ; And it is farther confidered b^
the fame court of parliament aforefaid novk' here, that the faid Ed-
Error. 26S
nii/tr^ PheUpps do recover a^ainft the faiJ Thomas Smith 5 /. to
tlic fame Edvoard by his aficnt by the tame court of parliament
aforefaid, according to the form of the ftatute thereof m:ide and
provided, adjudged for his damages, cofls and charges, which he
hath had by reafon of the delay of execution of the judgment
a^Virefaid by pretence of profecuting the faid writ of error ; and
thereupon the record aforefaid, and alfo the proceedings afore-
fj'.id in rhe fame court of parliament in the premises had, by the
fume court of parliament to the court of the fatne lord the king
before the king hinifelf, v/herefoever, b*c, are remitted, ^c.
Ofgood and Alexander.
AFterwards, to wit, on IFer/n^fd.-Jv next after i c days of Eft/Ier ^^^^} ^f <">= of
, ,, L .- 1 I J I I • IT/ ,1 • n the dcrendants
m that tanie term, bv.'tore the ior.i the king at iVeftminJier ^^^^^^ ^j^^ ,
come the (^lid 'John O gooii and N/dhuniel Ro"fe in their proper iu bauk aflign-
peifons and fay, that in the record and proceedings aforefaid, as cd for error,
alfo in the rendition of the judgment aforefaid, there is manifeft Salk.8.
error, in this, to wit, that by the record aforefaid it appears,
thit the judgment aforefriid is given as well againft the faid John
irooJs as againft the faid John Ofguod an(i Nathnniel Roufe, when
in truth the faid 7o/?w Woods in the plea aforefiid mentioned, be-
fore the trial of the iflue in the record aforefaid between the par-
ties aforefaid jained, and before the rendition of the judgment
aforefaid, to wit, on the 20th day of Julyln the 8ih year of the
reign of the faid lady the now queen, at Hor/ham afortfaid in the
county of Su/J'ex aforefaid died, and fo the judgment aforefaid is
erroneous and void in law : And the faid John Ofgood and Natha^
viel Roufe pray, that the judgment aforefaid, for the error afore-
faid and others being in the record and proceedings aforefaid,
may be revoked, annulled and held as void ; and that they the
iaid John Ofg od and Nathnnid Roufe may be reflored t® all thif^'S
which they have loft by reafon of the judgment aforefaid : And ^^J'-'A' P^J-
tf.ey pray a writ of the lady the queen, to warn the faid John
Alexander to be before the lad.y the queen at IVeJiminJier to hear
the record and proceedings aforefaid ; and to them it is granted.
And the faid J'jhn Alexander by J'jhn Allen his attorney cnnies
and fays, that by any thing b'-fore alltrdged the judgment afore-
faid ought not to be reverfcd, becaufe he fays, that the faid John
Woods m the pKa aforefaid mentioned is yet furviving and in full ^^P'; '•^"^ *>*
life; witlu.ut that, that the fame J Jin Woods, he\ore the triil "■ * '^«*
ct the iiTtie aforefaid in i.he record a'orefaid between the panics
aforefaid joined, died, in manner and form as the faid John Of-
gooJ zn<.\ Nathaniel R uje above have allcdged ; And this he Is
ready to verify: Wherefore he prays, that the judgment afore-
faid may be in all ihing"; ^fhuiied, ?5V.
And the faid John Ofgood and Naihanitl Roufe n^ before fay, Rrjoindcr th;it
tliat the faid JohntVoods died before the trial of the ifTue afore- hcdicJ,
faid, in manmr and form as rhe fame John Ofgood and Nnihaniel
above have allcdgcd : And this they pi ay may be incjuirtd of by
G g a ' ihc
-268 1 Error.
the country: Anc3 the Jofin /llcxnnda.y q{ ^pril in the
8th year of our reign.
The anfvjer ofGccrge Treby, knt. the chief jujtice ivithin named .•
The return. The record and proceedings of the plea whereof mention Js
Salt. 754, 779. wi;hin made, with all things touching ihem, before the lord the
kirg, wherefoever, £9'f. at'ihe day within contained, I fend in
a certain record to this writ annexed, as I am within command-
G. Trehj.
Error. 2^69
Pieas inroUetl at We&m\ Z-f/or^ George Treby, knt. and his
companions y jujlices oj the lord the kirg of the bench cfTnnny
term in the "jth year of the reign of the hi d William the third,
hy the grace of God of Engl^n^, Sic. Roll 1227,
Stn^ord, to wic, VUfanna Jodrell, wiJov.', who was the wife of-' Declaration.
John Jodreli, yeoman, by fonas Slaney her at-
torney deir.nnds againft W^tdter "Jennings., clerk, the third part
of one mefTaage, 1 o acres of meadow, and 30 acres of pafture
with the appurtenances in Earr.JjcLL orherwile Yearnfitld, as tha
dower of the faid Sufmna of the endowment of the faid John her
late hulband, l^fc.
And the faid IVaher by John Biiclmore his attorney comes piea.
and 'fays, that the faid Suf.tnna ought not to have dower of the Never fei fed
tenements aforci^aid with the appurtenances of the endowment of of that dowcr.
the faid Ji>/i/; her lare hufoind, bccaufe he fays, that the fame
John, late hufoand, ^c. neither on the day he married the faiJ
Sufanra, nor ever after, was fcifed of the tenements aforefaid
with the appurtenances whereof, i^c. of tuch his eftate, fo that
he could endow the faid Sufanna l\\tTQo'i : And of this he puis
hinifelf upon the country, and the faid S.ufunna like wife, i^c.
Therefore the fiieriff is commanded, that he caufe to come here r; awarded,
fiomthe day of the WoXy Trinity in three wteks 12, fr. by
whom, l3c. and who neither, fjc. to recognize, l^c On which
day the jury between the parties aforefaid in the plea aforefaid was
put thereof between them in refpite here until this day, to wit,
Irom the day of St. Michael in three weeks then next following,
unlefsthc juftices of the faid lord the king afligned to take afllz;s
in the cou'ity aforefaid, by the form of the ftatute, l^c. on Thurf- 13 E. i. c 30.
day the firll day of Augvfl next pad: at ^taff'ord in the county 12 E. 2. c. 4.
aforefaid fird cosue : And now on this day comes as well the faid '''■ ^" 3- *^- •*'• as the faid IValur by their aitornies aforefaid, and the faid
jullicesof afTiz,e b>;fore, ^r. have f.nt here their record in thefe
words; Afterwards the day and place within contained, before Tlie r°^^*'
George Trehy. knt. chitf ji'dice of the faid lord the king of the
bench, and Thcmnf Rokthy, knt. one of the juftices of the faid
lord the k'xng of the bench, juftices of the faid lord the king
iiiri.^ned to take alfizjs in the cou-uy of Stafford, by the form of
the (latufe, Lr'c. com'^s ns well the within named Sufann.i J-jdrell
as the v.. thin wriiten I'/alier Jennings by their attornics wiihn
contained; and the jurors of the jury whereof men'ion is within
made being called, tome of then), to wit, Rich.ird Cotton, Rich-
ard Pott, John I'/oton and Th-mas N :'val coiue, and on that
jury are fworn ; and brcauf; the- reft of the jurors 0! the fame ju-
ry not apj^ared, th-rf-fore others from the by-flandcrs by
the flicrifFof tiie county aforefaid hereto elefled, at the rf-(iuefl
of the frtid Sufunn.i Jodrjl, and by the command of the jiilliccs
aforcfa:d are added anew, whof- names arc annexed to the panel
G g 3 withit^
-269 1 Error.
-}<. H S c 6. within written, according to the form of tlie ftalute in fuch cafe
made and provided ; and the jurors fo added anew, to wit, J.
Palmer, J. Reyholls, L. Dickenfin, R. Stone, R. Greefehrobk,
J. Palmer, A. IVarA ^rxA J. FhiiippSy bein^ called likewife come,
who (o fay the truth of the within contained, together with the
other jurors aforefaid (\rfl impanelled and fv.'Orn, b^ing eltfted
Verola for the ^ied and fworn, fay on their oath that the within named Jo/jw,
dcmaailaut. the late hufbind of the faid Sufann/t, on the day that he married
the within named Sufanr.a was ftifed of the tenements within
written with the appurtenances whereof, ^c- of fuch his eftate,
fo that he could enoow the faid Sujanna thereof, as by the decla-
ration within written is fuppofed ; And the fame jurors en their
oath fanher fjy,thal the laid John, of fuch hs cftaie in the lene-
iTients aforefaid with the appurtenances being as aforefaid fcifed,
died fo thereof feifed on the 25th day of March in the year of the
Lord 1677, and that the tenemtnts aforefaid with the appurtenan-
ces are worth by the year one pepper-corn, and they rlicls the da-
mage of the faid Siifanna bv reafon of the detention of her dower
aforefaid, befities her cofts and chargss by her about her fuit
in this behalf expended, to \tl. and for thofe cofls and charges to
4oy. And becanle the juftices here will advife of and upon the
premilFes b.-fore they give judgment thereon, day is given to the
parties afoiefaid here until in the oftave of St. Hillary to hear
their judgment ther.'on, becaufe the fame j'liliccs here thereof
r ,- 1 not yet, i^c. On which day here comes as well the faid
'X ^'ivi. A as the faid IValter by their attornics aforefaid, snd hereupon the
J he vei diet let • r^ ,- /• • 1 1 ■ 1 11 1 • r 1
afHe, and a -vt- record and ver.ift aforefaid bemg read and heard, it leems to the
wre Jc no'vo jullices here that the jurors aforefaid have nr.fbehaved themfelves
awarded, \y, giving the verdidt aforefaid, fo that that verdict is idle and void
in law : Therefore it is confidered, that the yerdift aforefaid be
held as idle and void, and had for nothing ; and the procefs againfl
the jnrors firft impanelled being omitted, and that panel intirely
withdrawn, the fVier'fi is commanded, that he caufe to come
anew here in the odave of the puriticntion of the blefTed Mary 12,
b°f. by ^'hom, l^c. and who neither, ^r to recognifc, l^c.
becaufe as well, f r. And now here on this day comes the faid
Sufannahy her attorney aforefaid, and the faid jullices of afTize,
before whom, l^c. have fent here their record in thcfe words:
The poilea. Afterwards the day and year within contained, befcre S. Eyre,
knt one of the julHces of the lord the Icinj; afli^ned to hold pleas
before the king himfelf, and T. Breton, tfq: to the faid S. Fyre
^n^ 7. Rokehy, knt. another Juflice of the faid lord the king af~
(ii;ned to foM pleas before the k-ng himfelf, jjftices of the faid
lord the king -ililgned to t;ike rifTizes in the county o\' Stafford, by
the form of the flatute, tifc. being this time afHiciated, the prefence
of the fai.i 7. Roleby being not expcftcd, by viri w of the writ of
the Inr' the kingofy7«o« (mines, iffc. come as well the within
name.' SufnH/j JoJrell ^s the within written IValter "Jennings by
their attorn:es within contained : and the jurors of the jury, where-
ef mention is within made, being called, fomc of them, ro wit,
T. Majm
»a E.
. c.
14 E.
12"7\ and at the laid
time of the faid appearance of hnn the faid IP'nlter in the faid
court of bench before the faid julliccs of the fame court by the
faid 'Jofin Lluckmore then his attorney aforcfaid, and alfc at the
faid time of the rcndirion of the judgment aforefaid in form atore-
Nonige. faid, was under the age of 21 years, to wit, at EanfielJ^ cihtr-
•w\{t y ear r. field aforefaid in ihs county of Stafford aforefaid ;
in wiiich cafe the faiiie IV/il'er ought to have appeared and p'rad"
ed bv his guardian, and not bv his attorney, in manner and form
aforcfaid ; and the fame Walter iays, that in that there is manlfeft
error : And this he is ready to verify: And the fame IVultet prays
a writ of the lord the king, to warn the faid Sufaiwa to be b-^tore
the lord the king to hear the record and proceedings aforcfaid i
and to him itis granted, IfJc.
Repl. Full age. y^^j \hc (3\d Sufntina hy John I illy her attorney freely here
in court comes and immediately favs, that the faid IVrJter ought
not to have or maintain his writ of error atorelaid agrtinft her, be-
caufe file fays, that the laid V/alter on the faid morrow of the
Holv Tiiiiity in the lame Tfin'-ty ttrm, and at the faid time that
he by his attorney aforefaid appeared at the fuit of the faid Su-
fanna, and on the day of the rendijon of the judginent atorelaid,
was of the full age of 21 years : And of ttds Hie puts herf-lf
/V»/V;awird- upon the country: AhvI the faid lf(d:er thereof likewife, ^c.
"^ * Iherefore the iherifF of the county of ^.'^j^'''''^ ^^^^'''^d'aid is coni-
nianded, that he caufe to poiue b'.fore the lorvi the king on the
o61ave of the purification of the bh ffed A/f/rv, wherefoever, l^c,
iZylSc, by whon>, i^c. and who neither, i^c. to recognife, fs'r.
upon their oath, whether he the faid IValter on the faid morrow
of the Holy 'I'timty in the fame Trinity term, and at the faid
time that he by his attorney aforcfaid appeared at the fuit of the
faid Sufann/7, and on tlie day of the rendition of the judgment
aforefaid, v/as of the full age of zi years, or not, becaufe as
well, iSc. The fame day is given to the parties aforefaid, ^c.
Error. S71
On wliich day before the lork, li.e king at IVeJiminjier come the
parties aforefaid by their attornics aforefaid : And the iherifFof
the«county of Staffoni, to wit, IViHiam Muirell, efq; returns
the faici writ of lenire facias to him in form aforefaid directed,
and the names or the jurors in all things ferved and executed,
none of whrun come ; '1 hcretore the fluriff is commanded, that
lie ciftrain the jurors aforefaid by all their lands and chattels Dijlringts
in his bailiwick, fo that he may have their booies before the lord aW'i'''i="^.
the king from the day oi Ealter'xn 15 days wliereloever, l^c.
uniels the jullices of the faid lorJ the king aflig^ned to take at""-
fifes in the counry of St.]%
Fleas a! the hing's court before Richard Pyne, ht. and his com'
famous, jujiicesof the lord andla.y William ^w^Mary, by the
grace 0/ Go^^ 0/ England, Scotland, France «// Ireland kir^g
and queen. Defenders of the faith, &c. of their bench of their
kingdom of Ireland of Hillary term in the ^ih year of thdr reign.
Midd\ to wit. "Diehard Coole,t{c^; was attached to anfwer John
Lynch, gent, in a plea why with force and
arms, l^c into the caftle, manor and tov;n of Gorman/'/oivne,
and 200 mefluages, 200 cottages, 200 gardens, 100 orchards,
three wind-miils, three fulling-mills, 1000 acres ot land, 1000
acres of meat'ov/, lOco acres cf pai^ur.;, 1000 acres of heath
and furze with the appurtenances, in the town and land of Gor-, Carroivfoxvne, Richard ftoivm. Bolt ray, Loogdeory,
B dl:y, Stamidlin and part of Cadde/Jioivne, all and firigular which
premifles lie in the barony of Dulee'e and county aforcl'aid, which
Jenico PteJJot, gent, commonly called Jenico vifcount of Gor-
mayjh-'xre, demifed to the faid fohn Lynch for a term which is
not yet pafled, entered, and him the faid fohn Lynch from his
farm aforefaiJ, his term aforcfaid therein not yet ended, ej. (fled,
and other outrages connnitted on him, to the great (iamage, ISc.
ETd againftthe peace, ^r.And whereon the fame fohn Lynch by
Michael Hail his attorney complains, that whereas the faid
fenico Pref.on on the ift day cf May in the year of the Lord
"1693, at Gormanfloiunez^ort^2.\6 in the county aforefaid, had de-
mifed and to farm let to the fame John Lynch the caftle, manor
and town cf Gormanfoivne, and 200 mcffuages, 200 cottages^
200 gar-ens, lOo orchards, three wind-mills, three fulling-mills,
icoo acres of land, 1000 acres of meadow, icoo acres of pafture,
and looorcrcsof heath and furze v.-!:h the appurtenances, in
the town and land o\ Gorman jiozvr.e, Carroixfloixne, i^c. all and
lingular which premifTcs are lying and being in the barony of
Duleeke in the county of Middleftx alonfaid ; To have and to
hold all anJ. fmgular the demifed premifles aforefaid to the fame
John Ly ch, his executors, adminiftrators and jifligns, from the
term of 21 years then next enfuing: By virtue cf which faid
demife the lame John Lynch, on the fecond day of the month of
May\n the year of the Lord 1693 abovcfail, into the demifed
premifl=s aforefaid with the appurtenances entered, and was
thereof poflcfled ; and being fo thereof poflcfled the faid R. C.
the third day of 'V/ay aforefaid, in the year abovefaid. with force
and arms into the demifed premifi'cs aforefaid in and upon the
p'^flVfllon of him the faid John thereof entered, and him the
f^id Jo4;.'from his farm aforefaid, his term aforefaid therein not
yet ended, with force and arms t jefted, expelled and amoved,
and him the faiil JJm fo expelled from his farm thereof hath
kept out, and yet doth keep out, and other outrages on the
lame John then and there committed, againft the peace of the I 373 3
■^ lord
IotJ an>l la^ly the now king and queen, IS'c. to the great damsg*
of the Tiid John ; whereby he fays that he is prt judiced, and
bjth damage lo ilie value of 4000/ fterling : And therefore he
produces the fuit, cifc. And the faiJ Richard hy R. P. his attor-
ney comes and deftrnds the force and injury when, iffc. and fays
Ifot g'-ilty. ji^jj 1^^ ;^ yQj guilty of the premifTcs alorefaid above charged on
him in mar-.ner and form as the f;iid Juhn hath above againll him
ileclared : And nf this he puts himfelf on the country ; And the
{"aid J5,^« likewifc, o<-. Therefore the flicrifi* is commanded thut
he caufe to ccmc here from the day of Ea/'hr in 1 5 ilays 1 2, i^c.
by vi'hom, kJc. an'i wiio neither, If^c. to recognize, ts" c. becaule
as well, \Sc. The fame day is given to the parties afo''efaid here,
CsV. Afterwards the proceedings thereof between the parties
aforelaid in the plea atorefaid bt;ing continued by the jury thereof
beiwten them b^in'J refpited here until this day, to wit, froii) the
day of Sr. Hil/.nj \n 15 days then ne,xt enfuing, before v.-hich
I>Mn'if of the d:\ythe faid lady .W..':j late queen of Er^'/^.T*/ departed this life,
«!•■•-'-"• after whofe death, to wir, at the faid 15th day of S\. Hillary,
comes as well the faid J. i. gent, as the faid R. C. efq; by their
atromies aforefaid ; and the ji:rors thereof impanelled being
called likev>;ife come, who to fay the truth of the prem'fles, bjin^
VtutitV at bir elected, tried and fworn, fay on .their oath, that tlie faid R. C.
to- tiic pliia- is guiltv of the trcfpafs and ejrCimi nt aforefaid in manner and
?'^- form as' the faid J. L. above againft him complains j and they
allVfs the damages of the faid j./7« by reafon of the' trefpafs and
ejectment aforefaid, befides his cofts and charges by him about
liis fuit in this behalf expended, to \z d. and fur thofe cofts and
charges to 6 <-A Therefore it is corfidered, that the faid J. L.
gent, do recover againft the faid R. C. his term afcref:iid yet to
come of and in the tenements aforefaid with the appurtenances,
and his i!ama2;es aforefaid to 18 y in that fame term, before the lord the king at
ifiH awardnl. ,],^ king's court cor.ies the faid 'i . L. by C. R. his attorney ; and
the lauie Jihr] prays a writ of the lord the king, to warn the faid
A'. C. tob; betore the faid lord the king, to fliew if he has or
knows any thing to fay for himfelf, why the faid J. /-. ought
not to h-.ive his execution againft him of and upon the judgment
aforefaid ; and to him it is granted. i£c. W hereby the llierifF
cf the county of Mid^lUfcx is commanded, that by good, ^r. he
rive notice 10 the faid R. C that he be before the lord the king
©n TueG/ry next after three weeks of the lloly irinily, wherelo-
«v r, t^c. to ihev/ in form aforefaid, if, ^c. and lariher, ^c
'^f h? fanie diy is g'ven to the faid jo/w, ISc. On which Any
Error. j2>73
before the lord the king at the king's court comrs tlie faid
y. L. by his attorney atorel'jij, and ciFtr>;.1 hiiiilcif the lounii
200 gardens, too orchards, three wind-mills, three iulling-mil.'s,
1000 acres of land, 1000 acres of meacow, 1000 acres of pal-
ture, and 1000 acres of heath and furze with the appurtenances
in Qormnvjloivne, He. all and fingular which premiiles lie and be
in the barony of Duheke in the county aforefaid ; *"! o have and
to hold all and lingular the dcmiled preiiiifli^s aforefaid to the John Lynch, his executors, adminillritors and alligns, for the f 274. ^
term of 21 years then next enfuing ; and that by virtue of thi*
fame demife the fanie John Lyrch on the fecond day of the month
i.f May afrefid in the year of the L.ord 1693 abovefaid in tiie
demifed premilTes aforefaid with the appurtenances entered, tmd
was thereof poir.fll-d J arid that being lb thereof poffelfed the faid
R. C. on the third day of Mr.y in the year abovefaid into the de-
mifed premiifes aforefaid in and upon the poll", flijn of hinj the laid
Jolin (hereof entered, and him the laid Jo/m from his fantj afore-
faid, his term aforefaid therein not yt endod, with the like torca
snd arms ej'-ftfd, expelled and amoved, ami kim the faid Jv/iit
!• thereout exp:lL'd -rom hii farm aforcfaid hath kept out, and
C- 2.
274. Error.
yet doth keep our, and other outrages on him then and there
commit tCii, to the damage of the faid John 4000/. flerling ,- to
which laid declaration the faid R. C. by R. P. his attorney came
into the fame court before the faid jullices and defended the force
and injury when, CV. and faid, that he the faid Richard \\&s
rot guiity of the trcfpafs and cjcftmenc aforefaid in the declara-
tion aforefaid mentioned ; And of this he puts hinitllf on the
The evidence country : And the faid J. L. likewife : And nov; here at the trial
'or the pUin- ot the ilfue aforefaid bttween the parties aforefaid by R. R. efq;
'liw ot counl'el with the faid plaintilF, to maintain the iffue aforefaid on
the part of the faid plaintiff, and to prove the title of the faid
y. Ptejlon, the lelFor of the faid plaintiff, to the demifed prenfif-
Ic-s aforefaid at the time of the demife aforefaid made, he gave in
evidence to ihe jurors aforefaid a certain aft of parliament of the
lord Charles the fecond,Iate king oi England^^c. begun in Dublin
in this kingdom oi Ireland on the 8th day of May'xw ihc i3ih year
cf the reign of the lord Charles the fecond the late king, and there
continued by feveral prorogations until the 26th day ot Odober in
the 17th year of the reign of the faine late king Chatles the fecond,
Ir:Jh a£l, 15 intitled, An ad jor the better explaining of fume doubts arifing upan
^' " an act intitled. An ad for the better execution of his mojejiys gra-
cious declaration for the fettlement of this kingdom of \c.'r'd into the h;;nds and to the ufc of Charles the firft late
king of £w^/rt«r/, after the 23d day oi Oaaher \^\\y l^c. And
tartlier the faid N. Dor.elLin, on the part of the faid defendant,
fhev.-ed and gave in evidence to the jurors aforefaid, that farther -
by the faid aft of explanation it is provided, that the laid comniii-
fionersto put the aft aforefaid in execution, l^c. and farther the
the faid A'. D. to the fame jurors in evidence offered, and would
have proved, that the lands, tenements and premiiTes aforefaid
in il.e declaration aforefaid mentioned were in the Icifin of the
faid R. C. at the time of the making of the aft aforefaid, as aflig-
nee of the fuid Charles, late earl oi Montrath, being the fon of the
fa;d earl, and the lands aforefaid being to him duly tiligned Vj
the fame late carl, and to him and his heirs duly appointed in
limitation, according to the true intent of the faid afts ; arid that
the lands in the declaration were the lands of the faid vilcount
Gormanfto^i:ne, and to him by the late claufe or provifion, after
reprifals to the fame Richard lo be made, to be rellored j and
that the fame lands and tenements contain in themfelves, and aE
the time of making the faid aft of explanation did contain in
themfelves 1400 acres of arable land, and that no other forleited
lands were afiigned to the fame i?:Vy^ar// as affignee of the faid
Tifcount, or toany other perfon, the heir or aiTignee of the faid
vifcount, in fatisfaftion, except lands containing 1100 acres and
no more : and that no fatisfaftion was made for the rents, ad-
vantages or profits of the faid lands received by the fame lord L 275 J
vifcount Gormanjloivve in the faid aft named, or by the agent
after the entry upon the premifTes aforefaid by him made ;
and for thefe reafons, and until the full number of 1400 acres
fhould be cfTigned to the fame Richard in fatisfaftion ot the faid
1400 acres in the faid declaration mentioned, and until latisfac-
tion fhould be to him made for the rents and profits of the pre-
niHTes aforefaid, according to the true intent of the f^me aft,
neither the faid vifcount, nor his afligns ought 10 be reflored 10
the tenements aforefaid, in the declaration aforefaid mentioned :
And the faid N. D. farther gave and fliewed in evidence to the
fame jurors on the behalf of the faid R. Coote, that the faid
Jenicoy late lord vifcount Gormarjlo'vjne, who by the fame aft
was reflored to the fame tenements, was attainted of high treafoa
committed againfl the lord the now king and the late lady the
queen, to wit, on the lothday of /Ifril in the 3d year of the
reign of the faid lord and lady the king and queen, by virtiie
whereof all lands and tenements were forfeited to the faid
lord and lady the king and queen without any ofHcc or inquifi-
lion thereof found or to be found, according lo the form of the
ftatute in fuch cafe made and proviiled, and by rcafon thereof
were ftifed into the hands of the lord and lady the king and (jucen;
whcrciore becaufc the hands of the faid lord the now king, or of
the faid lord the king and of the late lady the queen, were nob
amoved, and the faid Jenico in the dctlarauon afyrtfa'i J mentioned jf„^^,g, „^„i.
♦275 Error,
entr}' no poiTcfHon or feifin could obtain ; therefore for tliat
reaf'jii liie deinife of the premiircs aforela'iLi to the fame "J. Lynch
iJiaue as is fuppofcd, was ir.vali i ami of noctf.ft : And he far-
^t ',-«.;«•'. rlic iliswed in evidence to the fame jurors an.1 f.ii i, that the faij
(T'luniel p.'ivc intiruiiient in writing produced on thi? part ot the plamtiiF iin-
that for cvi- ported an iniolment in the exchequer ot a certain made hj
dci;c<- w! ich It the fame commiflioners for the execution of the faid oft of p^rlia-
not tvn^tncc, nient, to wit, an order btaring date the firil dnv of yununry
1668, by R. Roc/tfo't, efq; of counfel with the plaintiff, in evi-
dence to the jurors aforefaid fhewn, ought not to be given with-
out proof of the fame by the oath ot v.itnelTes, that the order
a;ort!'aid was (igned and fealed by the fame comriiifTioneiS,
becauft it was not of recor.l, nor in iifelf any order which was
Jhe nt^gtf. ie. lecorded ; and he the faii A'. Z>. defired the faid juftices, before
fncd 10 ncclare 1 , • 1 r 1 -rr c c • \ • 1 1 •
thelawtotbe w* "0111 the trial 01 the iljue aiorciaid v/as', to intorm the jurors
iarorf. afoiel'iiJ, and declare to them the law of and upon the preunff s^
and that the Icafc aforefaid to the fame plaintiff made, for the
renfon aforefaid, was invalid, and that the faid Jenico Ptejlot
ought not to be reftored to the premifRs aforefaid by reafjn oi
the impeiliments and for the caults afor.faid, which ought to be
removed, according to the form and etfeft of the faid ftatute.
But they »f- before he could be rcftored ; but the fame juftic s affirmed to
beTaw 'which '^^ J"^^" aforefaid, that the faid matter, by the faid N. D. m
•vizt, noi law • manner and form aforefaid fliewn, was of no efFcft to preclude
the faid Jenico aforefaid, or the faid plaintiff, for having of
maintaining his aflion aforefaid ; wherefore the fame .V. D„
becaufc the matter aforefaid by the fame 7v. fliewn, and to the
•w'.erefcre the jurors aforefaid in evidence produced and given, doth not appear
re'cndani'? nor could in any manner appear by the verdift of the jurors
counicl tender- aforefaid rfquired cf the fame juftices, according to the form of
cd t'.-is bi , jj^^ (latute in fuch cafe made and provided, this prefent bill,
•which tlie Jul- ... r r ■ 1 i_ r
ticcs icaled. which contains in itlelt the matters aroreiaid to the lame jurors
13 E. I. c. 31. by the faid A', in evidence fliewn in manner and form aforefaid,
which faid julliccs aforefaid, at the rcqutft of the faid A', to this
prefent bill, according to the form of the flatute in fach cale,
did put their feal, at the king's court aforefaid 4th day of Filru-
ary \Go\. R. Cox, J. Jeffrefo'-. And the fame R. Coote prays a
Certiorari to writ ot the faid lord the king, to warn the faid A'. Cux, knf. and y.
tbc to jfif,efcn, knl. (he iufticesatorefaid,that they be before the faid loid
own or deny J^ j ^ J , ■ . . ,
the fcal. i"<-" ''-"^S. wherefoever, ci; c and u is granted him, rJc. whereby the
fame jullic^-'s are commanded to be before the faid lord the king on
S.iturday next after the mocrow of St. Mm tin, v.-herefoevcr, t'c.
to conie's or deny their fcals by them to th? bill of excepti(n*
aforefaid, as aforefaid is aiferted to be put, according to the fcrui
and effcft of the ftatute, ^c. On which liav before the faid lord
the king at the king's court come the faid R Ccx and y.
JefTicfin in their proper perfons, and confefsthc feals by them to
Thf judice* jj^^ ^^:,] ^^ exceptions aforefaid, as aforefaid is alPrted to be pur.
•wn tLtr"fcal. were the feals of them the faid R. Cjx and J. Jefre/o.n : And
bereupouthe fame R. C:e:e produces herein the court of the faid
Error. "l '^IS
loril the king before the king himfclf a certain other writ of error Another writ
in the preiniii' R. Reyvell, knr, nn-l b.irt. chief juftice of the oieuor.
i'ai>i lorvl the king here, Iffc. direft-'d, in thefe words, to wit,
William the third, i^c. To our truftv and well beloved counfellor
R. ReynvU, knr. and bart. onr chief juilice ftHigned to hoM pleas
before us in our kingdom of h elnnd, and his companions our
jjftic^s there, greeting: Reraufe in the record and proceedings
ot a piea which was \\\ our court and of the lady Ivuvy the late
queen of the common bench, before our trufly and well beloved
counfellor, and of the lady Maty our late queen, Richard Py^e,
kt!t. and his companions, rur jullices, and ot the lady Mfjry our
I'^te queen of the fame bencli, as al(o in the renc'iiion of the •
judgment of the fame plea which was in our court ot our com-
mon bench between y.j/r« lynch, gent. piainiifF, and Richard
Coote, cfq: (defendant, in a plea of tr.fpafs and ejectment, as it is
faid, a manifcll; error hath happened, to the great damage of the
faid Richardy as bv his compl^iint we have underftood j Wecom-
niand you, that the recor.l and proceedings aforelaid being in-
fpefted, you farther c;5ufc to be done therein to ccrreft that er-
ror what of right and according to the law and cullom of our
kingdom of /rf/^n// fliall be to be done. VVitnefs our truftv and [ 276 ]
well beloved counlellor Henry lord baron C pAl of Teivkefln/ryy
our deputy general governor of our kingdom oi Ir'and, at the
king's court 31ft day cf May in the yth year of our reic.n
Allowed R. Reynell. Curt' and Carr^ bv Cinr.
And hereupon the fame/?. Cojte by his attorney aforefaid Error afilgn
come and fays, that iff the record and proceedings aforefaid, and
alfo in the rendition of [he judgment aforefaid, there is manifeil
error, in this, to wit, that by the record and proceedings afore-
faid it appears, that the judgment aforefaid in the plea aforefaid
given was given for the faui J. lymh agalnft him the faid
R. Coote, when by the law cf the land of t lis kingdom of !re-
///n^j'jdgment in that plea ought to have been given for the faid
Richard againtt the fame J'^hn ; wherefore, and for other errors
in the record and proceedings afor; faii! being, the fame R.'Coote
prays, that the judgment aforelaid may bereverfed, annulled and
held as inrirely void, and that he may be reftored to all things
v.'hich he hath loft by reafon of the faid juclgment.^r . On wliii h The {.Uintiff*
Saturday nQsHTSier \\\G morrow of St. A'/V/r.'/'w comts as well the cfunu upoiuhe
faid Richard as the faid Jjhn by their afiornitv/ as bi-fore fays, that in the record and
proceedings aforefaid, a>. alio in the rendition of the judgment
aforefaid, there is manifeft error, alledging the errors aforefaitl
by him the faid Richa>d'\n form alorefaid above afligned, and
prays that the judgment aforefaid, for the errors aforefaid ami
others being in the record and proceedings, aforefaid, may be rc-
verfed, annulled and held as intircly void, and that he may bu
■ reftored lo all things which he hath loft by rcafoii of the faid,
Vol., I H h judgment.
ju Igmtnf.aRd that the faiJ Jff/'« to the erron aforcfiid.may rejoin;
and that the courc of the (aid lord the king here may proceed to
the exanjinaiioM as well of the record and proceedings afonrfjui,
as of the matter*; above for error afligned ; And iU<: faid y. Lynch
lumnlbefierro' ^-'-y^, that there is no error either in the record and proceedings
foM. aforcfiild, or in the rendition of the judgment aforefaid ; arid
prays likcwife, that the court of the faid lord the king may pro-
ceed to the cxiiDination as well of the record and proceedings
aforefaid, as of the faid matters above tor error aiTi^ned ; and
that the judgment aforefaid may be in a!! things affiimed, ISc.
And becaufe th.e court of the faid lord the king here are not yet
advifed to give their judgment of and up'»!-i the pr^niiiles, day
therefore is given to the panics aforefaid oefore the laid lord the
Icing until on the oO;ave of St. Hidury, wherdoevtr, t5f. to hear
their judgment of and upon the pkemiiTt\s, becaufe the court of
the lord the king here thereof not yet, i^c. On which day before
the faid lord the king at the king's court come the par(ies atore-
f.iid by their attornies aforefxid ; vi^hereupon the premifTes being
feen, and by the court of the faid lord the king here fully under-
ftood, and as v;eli the record and proceeding? and the judgment
jni^mcrx xi- thereon, as the faid caufes for error by the faid /?. Coote above
firojcd. afijgned, being- diligently examined, and niiture deliberation be-
ing thereun had, it feems to the court of the faid lord the king
here, ihat that record is nothing erroneous ; therefore it is confi-
dered, that the judgtnent aforefaid be in all things affirmed, and
ftand in its u'hole force and efFed:, the faid caules and matters
above for error afiir^ned in any wife notwilhftanding : And farther
it is confiJered, that the (aid J. L. do recover againlt the faid
/?. C. 18/. \6s. fterling, for his colls and damages wh'ch he hath
fui'rained by reafon of the delay of ex>'^cufion of the judgment
aforefaid by pretence of profecution of the faid writ of the faid
lord the king of error, and the faid J. L. have thereof execu-
tion, bV.
rr Afterwards, to wit, on Fticlny nex": after the morrow of St.
in England. Martin in that fame term, before the lord the king at yvejimir-
Jltr comes the faid R. C. by John Lilly his attorney, and f^ys,
that in the record and proceedings aforefaid, and a^fo in the ren-
dition of the judgment aiorcfaid, and in the affirmance of the
fame, there is manifcft error, in this, to wit, that by the record
of the judgment aforefaid, and of the atlirmance of the fame, it
appears, that the judgment aforeftid in torm aforefaid was given
and affirmed for the faid J. Lynch againft the faid R. Coote, when
by the law of the land of the faid kingdom a^ Ireland that judg-
ment ought to have been given for the faid Richard againlt the
faid ^jhn ; therefore in that it is manifeftly erroneous : And this
the fame ^'c-^^/ri/ is ready to verify : Wherefore he prays that the
judgment aforefaid, and the affirmance of the fame, tor that er-
ror and others being in the record and proceedings aforefaid, may
be reverfed, annulled and held as intirely void ; and that the
fauie R- C. may be refiOreJ to all things that he hath ioft by rea-
fen of the judgment and affirmance arnrefaid, C?V. and that the
laid 'John to thofe errors mav rej:)in, ^c.
And thefaid 'John by Jonathan Bnl: his attorney freely here into
court comes, and oyer being had of the errors aforefaid, imme-
tiiatcly lays, that there is no error cither in the record and pro-
ceedings aforefaid, or in the rendition of the judgment aforefaid,
or in the affirmance of the fame judgment, and prays, that the
court of the fiid lord the king he»e may proceed to the examina-
tion as well of the record and proceedings aforefaid, as of the
Uiatters above for error slTigned ; and that the judtrment afore-
faid may be in all things affirmed ; and becaule the court, iffc.
IVdliam the third, ISc. To curtrully and well beloved J. Holt,
Jint. our ch. juft. affigned to hold pleas before us greeting: Be-
cauie in the record and proceedings of a certain plea which was
in curcou)t oi \\\q \2.l^ Mary the late queen of the common
bench in our kingconi and of thefaid late queen ol Ireland, be-
fore Ruhard Pyne, kt. and his companions then our julbces and
of the faid late queen, of the fame court, by our writ and of the
faid late queen, and alfj in the rendition of the judgment of the
fame plea which was in our court of common bench aforefaid
between J hn Lynch, gent, and Richard Cjote, efq ; for certain
tre pals and ejeftment on the lame John by the faid Richard com-
niitted, which faid record and proceedings, by reafon of error
bappeaing before us in our faid kingdom of Ireland, we caufed
to be brough', and the judgment there of before us in our king-
dom ot Ire/and was affirHied, and thereupon the faid record and
proceedings, by reafon of error happening, we caufed to be
brought before us in England, and the judgment thereof before
us in Eigland is affinned, as it is faid a maniftft error hath hap-
pened, to the great damage of the faid Richard, as by his com-
plaint we have undirftood : We willing the error, if any hath
been, rtiould be duly corretled, and full and fpeedy juftice done
to the par!:cs aforefaid in this behalf, command you, that if judg-
ment in the common bench in our kingdom of Ireland and in
our court before us in Er.g'and be afTirmed, then the record and
proceedings aforefaid, with all things touching them, to us in
our prefc;ii parliament yr>u diftinftly and openly without delay
fend, and this writ, that the record and proceedings aforefaid
bcirg infpecled, we may farther caufe to be done therein, with
the aifenl of (he lords fpiritual and temporal beini/ in the fame
parliament, to ccrrefl that error, wh*it of ri;;ht an(1 according to the
law and cuftoniof our kingdom of Enyland fliall be to be done.
Witnefs ourfelf at Wtjirnmjier a6th day of January in the <:j\\
year of our reign.
&. Terry.
7 he arfnuer o/John Holt, knt. the chief jiijlice nuithin named :
The record and proceedings of the plea whereof mention is
v/uhin nia«;e, with all things touching ihen», to the lord the king
villiin named in the prefcnt parliamtnt v.ith my proper hands I
H h z havt
I 276
In nuJlo
The writ of
error in parlia«
[ ^71 ]
277 Error.
Iinve pro'liiced in a certain record to this writ annexed, as I am
within commanded.
7. Holt.
Pleas before the lor J the king at Weftminfter of Michaelmas ter7n
in the Sth year of the reign of the /yrr/ Vv illian; :hs tfiird, novo
/'/«^ 0/ England, &c. Roll 347,
N which day before the lord the king at Wijlminfier come
the parties aforefaid by their attornies aforefaid : Where-
upon all and fingular the prcmifTs being Teen, and by the court
of the faid lord the king now here more fully underftood, and as
well the record and proceedings aforeiaid, and the jncigment
upon the fame given, as the faid caufes and matters by the faid
Richard Ccote for error afligned, being diligently examined and
in'pefled, becaufe it feems to the court of the lord the king now
here, that there is no error either in the record and proceedings,
aforefaid, or in the rendition of the judgment aforefaid, and that
JuJgnnent at- the faid record is no wife virions or defeftive : It is confidered,
that the judgment aforefaid be in all things affirmed, and (land
in its full force and eft" ft, the faid caufes and matters for error
afligned in any wife noiwithftiinding : And farther it is confidered
bv the court of the fail lord the king here, that the faid John
3 H. 7. c- 10. lynch do recover againll the faid Ricliard Coote 44/. to the fame
fohn lytic/i by the court of the lord the king now here, accord-
ing to the ftatute in fuch cafe made and provided, adjudged for
hiscofts, charges and damages, which he hath fuftainecl by reafon
of the delay of execution of the judgment aforefaid by pretence
of profecuting the faid writ of error ; and that the faid John
Lynch have thereof execution fe'r.
Afiigomcnt of Afterwards, to wit, the fourth day o^ March in the loth year
triors. of the reign of the lord /-/7//?V/w the third, now king of /i«^/^wrt',
Is^c. comes the faid R. Coote by J. Lilly his attorney and fays,
that in the record and proceedings aforefaid, and alfo in the ren-
dition of judgment in the feveral affirmances of the judgment
aforefaid in the rtcord aforefaid mentioned, there is manifcf!: er-
ror, in this, to wit, that by the record aforefaid it appears that
the judgment aforefaid by the faid court of the faid lord the king
before the king himfelf at the king's court in the kingdom of
Lreland, and alfo by the faid court of the faid lord the king be-
fore the king himfelf in England, is in all things affirmed, when,
no fuch affirmance of the judgment aforefaid therton 'ought to
have been given ; therefore in that there is mamtcft error : And
he prays that the judgment aforefaid for thofe errors and others
being in the record and proceedings aforeiaid may be reverfed,
•annulle(j and held as intirely void -, and tl>at he to all things,
which by reafon of the ju>lgment aforefaid he hath loft, maybe
relidred ; and that the faid John Lynch to the errors aforefaid
may rejoin, l^c.
Edu-ard l^orthey..
J 277
And the faiJ John fays, that there is no error either in the re- joinderin error,
cord and proceedings aforcfaid, or in the rendition of the judg-
ment aforelaid : And prays likev^ife that the court of pariianicnt
now here may proceed to the examination as well of the record
and proccecfirgs aforefaid, as of the matters aforelaid by the faiJ
Richard Coote above for error afligned j and that the judgment
aforefaid may be in all things affirmed.
Saunders and Owen.
March 169S.
[ 278 ]
of a J udgraenr
in C. B,
N D upon this before the lord the king and the peers of this £rror ai^ijned
kingdon of England in parliament at IVeJiminJler in the in parliament
county of Mid.defex z^twMtA comes the faid Philip Given hy omhc reverfal
R. Hardijly his attorney and fays, that in the record and proceed-
ings of jhe reverfal and annulling of the judgment aforelaid on
the firll writ of error there is manifeft error, in this, to wit, that
the judgment aforefaid by the court of ihe faid lord the king be-
fore the king hiaifclf on the firftwrit of error was reverftd and
annulled, when by the law of this king ''om of England that judg-
ment ought to have been in all things affirmed ; and theretore in
that there is manifeft error : And the faid Philip prays that the
reverfal and annulling of the judgment aforefaid, for that error
and others being in the record and proceedings of the reverfal and
annulling of the fame judgment, may be reverfed, annulled and
held as int'rely void ; and that the faid firll judgment maybe in
all thinos affirmed ; and that he may be rellored to all things
which he hath lofl; by rcafon of the reverfal and annulling of the
fame ; and that the faid R. launders to the error aforeftid may
rejoin, l^c.
And the faid R, Saun lers by John Jones his attorney before
the faid lord the king and the peers in the prefent parliament of
England at Wcjlminjler in the county of Middle/ex aifembled
lilU'wife comes and fays, that there is no error in the record and
proceedings of the reverfal and annulling of the judgment afore-
faid on the firft writ of error aforefaid revtrfed and annulled ;
and prays that the lord the king and the peers in the prefent par-
liament of England zt IVellvtinlhr in the county of Middlefex
aforefaid afl'cmbled now here may proceed to the examination as
well of the record and proceedings of the reverfal and annulling
of the judgment aforefaid on the firft writ of error, asof the mat-
ter aforefaid above for error afiigned ; and that the judgment
of reverfal and annulling of the judgment aforcfaid on the firll
writ of error aforelaid may bj in all things affirmed, 1£l.
II h 3
Wilt of error ta
level fc a fine.
SHmmons and
JVinchurJi and others againft Eelwood and others.
Hill. 3^4 Jac. Roll 420.
WRirs were directed as in Cick arnl /)'«//, and tlie lafl writ was
to the cuftoi hreviun-f hat he ihould fend ihe tranfcript of
t'le faid fine, with all things touching it, tt' c and G. IK and J.
his wife by l-K Turhill their attorney cone, atid /?. S. and 'T. S.
folcnjnly called do not come ; and G. //', and J his wife fay,
that in the record and procednngs aforefaid, and alfo in the levy-
ing of the line aforefai.i, there is maniftrt error ; and they pray
a writ of the faid lord the king to fununon the ftid R. S, and
T. S. to be beiore the lord the king ro piofecu'e tiie writ of error
aforefaid, and to aifi^n errors bein^ in the record and proceed-
ings aforefaid, as alio in, the levying ot the fine aforclaid, together
with the faid G. IV. and J. his wife ; and it is granted them ;
whereby the flicriff is cominanded, that he fuminon the (aid R. S^
and T. .S'. that they be before the lord the king on the oO^ave of
the purih;-atioi\ wherefo-'ver, l^c. to profcccte together with
the faid G. and J- the writ of error aforefaid in form aforefaid,
if, Ifjc, and farther, ^c . The falijc day is given to the fyid G. and
7". If^c. On which day before the lord the king at IVeJlmn/ler
come the faid G. and j. by their attorney aforefaid, and the faid
iherlff, to wit, H. B. returns, that by H. B. and O. D. good,
Uc. he had fummoned the faid R. S. and T. S to be before the
lord the king, according to the command of the writ aforefaid,
as he, ^c. which faid R. S. and T. S. being on the tourth day of
plea folemnly called, come in their proper perfons and offer ihem-
felves ready to profecute the writ of error aforefaid, together with
the faid G. and S. and to afilgn errors in the record and proceed-
inofs aforefaid, and alfo in the levying of the fine aforelaidj where-
upon the faid G. and J. R. S. and 7. S. fay f /in J Jo thiy ajftgn
errors) and pray a writ of the lord the king to warn R. B. and
S. B. (the defendants) and alfo all (he tenants of the lands
aforefaid, that they be before the lord the king, i^c. to hear the
record and proceedings aforefaid, and to anfwer to the errors afore-
faid ; and it is granted them ; whereby the flierlft is commanded,
that, l^c. to anfwer to the errors aforefaid : The fame day is
given to the plaintiff: On which day con^e the faid plaintiffs by
their attorney aforefaid, and the faid R. S. and T- S. in thfir pro-
per perfons.and a./ci'fac' returned to the defendants and tenants ;
and the defendants, to wit, R. B. and, 7. M. being foleiTinly call-
ed likewife come, to wif, R. B in his proper perfon, and the faid
T. M, by .4. 8. his attorney ; and upon this the fame T. M by
protefting that he was not fummoned, t'or piea prays judgment of
the writ of error in form je/y, and George
IVinch and 'Jane, is plaintiff in the faid writ of error, he prays a
writ, ifc. to warn the faid George Jack/on to hear the record and
to antwer to the errors aforefaid, ^'c. Stai>ely, IVinch and his
Wife imparl until the morrow of Tr/^/.^, wherefoever, l^c. to
reply : And the fame day is given to them and to Richard Stack.
On which day before, ^<,-. coine the faid 7 homas Sta'vely and
Jane, lar? the wife of Geo' ge IVinch, now Jane IVinch, wi;!ow,
by tV. T. their attorney ; and the faid Richard Stock and R;ger
Btlivood in their proper perfons, as alfo Thomas Mofely by his
attorney aforefaid ; And the faid Thomas Stai'e/y and Jane IVinch
fay, that the faid Geo. IVinch after the lail continuance of the faid
writ of error, to wit, after the faid five weeks of /^.-j/y^r and be-
fore this day, to wit, the faid morrow of the Holy Trinity, until
which day, Ifc. to wit, the 4th day of June, at ISc. died ;
And becaufe t!ie faid Richard Stock, Ko;yer and Thomas Mo/e/y
Co not ileiiy it, bu^ grant it to be true, therefore it is confidercd,
that the writ of error be quailied, ^c. Whereupon the faid
'J homas Sfa'vely an 1 Jane IVinch pray leave to purchafe a new
writ of error of and upon the premilfcs ot record before the lord
the kmg now remaining ; and it is granted thtni ; Afterwards,
to wi', in Ea/ier term in the 2d year of /^////,/w and Mary, the
fame lord the king and quetn fcnt another writ of error of and
upon the preniifll-s, directed to their laid julVites alh^neil to hold
pleas beforct them, feV. which follows in thtfe v.ords, to wit,
kVilluim, Ifr.
Afterwards, to wit, on Friday next after the morrow of the
Holy Trinity then next following, before, c/f. comes the faid
Jane IV. by her attorney aforefaid ; and the faid Thomas Utavely^
H h 4 altho'
279 1 Error.
altho' folemnly caT.c.J, doth not come; whereupon the fame Jan:
fays, that, Iffc. there is maniteft error ; and prays a writ to fum-
mon Stately to be before, ^r. three weeks ot Trinity, &'c. The
fame day is given to the faid jf^ne, iffc. On which day before,
^f. comes the faid J^we' by her attorney afortfaid j and the
fummons returned ; which faid T/ijm,/^ Sta^veiy by C. Tales, his
attorney offered hinifclf ready to prufecuie and afllgn errors ; ani.1
hereupon the faid i hnmas Stu'u ly and June fay, that the faid R.
Slock and Jnne his wifi; fas hefoi e in the bm ) and death, and
aflign errors, as above, may be rtftoreci ; and pray a writ to
warn Belivood and M:>lely, and the tcrttnants, returnable tres
Mich: The laniu liay is given lo Siazxly and Jafie, 'cfc. And
the flicriffharh not returned the writ ; Tlicrcfdre as before in the
0(5lave of St. ////A.'r_y ; And then fummons returned ot Belivood
and Mjfely, and Stock the ttrienants ; and they fo lummoned
come, and pray oyer ot the writ of fcire facias aforefaid, and of
the return thereof; and they are read in ihefe words ; which
beine read, the fame MofuJy profclls that he vy^as not funuiioned,
for plea he pleads and prays juv g'.ncnt ot the writ of erior laft
ifl'ued, becaufe he fays, that ir doth not appear by the fame writ
ot error, who or which ot the faid R. Betuoid., Thomas Mofely
and R. Stork or Jatie his wife, were or was plaintitr ot and in the
fine aforefaid, and who or which of (hem were detorceants of
the tenements in the fame fine fpccified, as by the fame writ
ought to appear ; wherefore he prays judgment of the writ, and
that it may be quaflied.
Belivood pleads a releafe of errors as before. — Stock pleads non-
tenancv, that Jackfon is tenant. — l-'laintil?" imparls to Mnhaelmas
term -.On which day Winch demurs to Mofely's plea. — She after
demurs to Belwooi's plea, may be reftored ; and demurs alfo to
Stock's plea, may be reftored. — S;ai;eh demurs to Moftlys plea,
— and to Belivood^ pleads non eji failum ; — 'and as toStck'^ pica,
to the fcire facias cannot deny but it is good in law ; and farther
confefleth, that well and true it is, that Stock is not, but that
Jack f'jn was tenant; and prays that the writ afortfaid maybe
quafhed ; and fhe may have a writ to lunimon Jack/on — Mofely
joins in demurrer, and fo doth Beiwood. — And flie to the plea of
Jane joins in demurrer.
*• ^ ° J Pemberton : As to the releafe he is a coparcener, and one
cannot releafe to the other; there is no privity ; (juod cur'' con-
ceffit : We have replied fevrrally where it oughr to be jomtly,
and this without leave of the court. 29 y^jj'. 35- Cur'' thought
they might fever, if they agree to nflign error without fummons
and fevf ranee ; and grant the cafe of the 29 -^ff- And that if the
defendant in error had pleaded pleas feveral in their natures, the
plaintifts might welj reply ftverally of courfe. Et per chief juf-
tice : Where one pleads a covinous matter, this may be exa-
mined in court, and if it be found fraud, we may fever.
Error. sio
Ball verfus Cock.
Hill. I y 2 Jc/f. 2. i?#/7 546.
^rglanJ, to wit. 'T^ H E lord the king hath fent to his beloved Error to re-
1 Francis Lane, elq; his chirogr^pher of verl« a Cnc.
the bench, his writ cloft in thefe words, to wit, James the tecond,
by the grace of God, £!ft-. To our beloved Frauds La. e, tfq;
our chirographer of the bench, greeting : Becaufe in the record
and proceedings, as alfo in the Icvyi'^g of a certain fine in our
lourt of the bench at H'^e/lmin/ier from the day of the Holy
'Jrini.y in three weeks in the firfl: year of our reign, b-fore
Thomas Jones, knt. our chief juflice of the bench, and Jab
Charleton, C> efixell Lenjina and Tkomas S'reel his compmions,
then our jiiltices of the bench aforefaid, ami others our faithful
fubje^Jls there then prefent, bv our writ between Jo'\n Cox, gent,
anvl Fhonias Axe, gent, plainiiffs and Nathaniel Cox, gent, and
Sarah his wife deforceants of the 3d part of the reftory of Ma.l'
derne Pavja and Penzmce with the appurtenances, and of all and
all manner of tithes yearly arifing, growing and renev/ing in Mml-
Aertie Par'ua and Penzance in the couniy of Cointx-r,ll ; and by
our other writ between the faid Jfthn Cox, gent, and Thjfnas Axe,
gent, plaintiffs, and the faid NathanitlCox, gent, and Siarah his
wife, of the i^^.^. part of eight mefTuages with the appurtenances in
the parifh of S'. Mary Magdalen. Milkjireet in Inr.don, a mani-
feft --rror hath happene(!, to the great damage of J 'hn Boll. gent,
fon and heir of the faid Sarah, as bv his complaint v/e have un-
derftood ; We willinij the error if any hath b::cn, fliould be
duly correded, and full and fpeedy jullice done to the fai 1 John
Ballxn this behalf, coiumand you, that the tranfcript of the note
of the fine aforefaid and of the writs of covenant, with all things
touching ihem which are in your cuflody, as it is faid, to us
under your feal you dilliniflly and openlv fend, and this writ ; lo
that we may have thrm on the cflnve of St. Hillary, wherefoever
we fhall then b- in En^r/and, that the tranfcript aforefaid being
ir fprfted, we may fanher cauf' to b? dotie therein what o^ right
and according to the cuflom of our kingdom of Englmd ^i^W be
to he done Witnefs ourfelf at /^r/?iw/w/7fr the 4ih day of J-
fiuary in the ift year of our reign.
The anfioer of the ijulthir. name'i Francis Lane. efq\ chirographer
of the lord the king of the bevch, to this ivrit :
The tranfcript of the note and of the writs of covenant of the The retnr«,
fine within fpecificd, with all things touching them which arc in
iiiycuf^oiy, to the lord the king under my feal I diflinftly and
openly ftnd, as I am within conuiianded. The rcfiduc of this
writ appears in a ctruin fchedi^lc to ihis writ annexed.
The writ of C0»
[ 281 ]
The v/rit of c'ft-
J.nres the fecond, by the grace of Go:l of F.rglmJ, ?.a'lnnj^
France anJ Ireland k"u)g, defender of the faith, 'Jc. To the
ilier'ff of Car/i'LvuH, greeting: Command t'iathnmel Cox and
^arah h's wife that ihev jullly and without delay pertorij) to
John Ciix, gent, and Thomas Axe, gent, the covenant between
iheni made ot the third part of the rtftory of Madderne Purva
and Pcfiz/ifire with the appurtenances, and of all and all manner
of tithes yearly arifing, growing and renewing in MadJerne
Parv a znd Penzance; and unlcfs they fliall do it, and the faid
7o/?f7 and Tf'ionas (hall make you I'ccure of profccuting their fuii,
then funinjon by good fummoners ilie f-iid Uaihaniel a?id Saah,
that they be betore our juftices at iFe/iminJler from the day of
the Holy Tririty in three weeks, to Jliew why they have not
done it: And have there the fummons, and this writ. Witnefs
Oio-feif at V/eJim'.nfJer 19111 day of June in the firft year of our
reign. Hungerford tor half mark paid for a fine, by J. Potenge/-
for the fine, becaufe it is affirmed that the within teneinents do
rot exceed 3/. per annum. J. Pjterger. Pledges to profecute
J'l/in Doe aT)(] Rh/iard Roe. Suininoners JoAw Den and Richard
Pen. Fine 6 s. S d. Pete. Berlie, Edivard Cmrthoxp, Trinity
llie ifl of king Jams: the fecond, Roll i^. Richard Edgecombe^ knt.
ilKritf, 3/.
Jitmes the fecond, by the grace of God, ^c. To the /heriffs
of iondony greeting ; Command Naihnriel Cox, gent, and Sara/t
his wiie, that they juftly and without delay perform to John Co.v,
gent. RodPhomas Axe, gent, the covenant between them made of
the 3d part of eight mefTuages with the appurtenances in thi
parifh ot St. Mary Magdalen, Milk-flreet : And unlefs they fliall
V*o it, and the faid John and Phmas fliall make you fecure of pro-
fecuting their fuif, then fummon by good fummoners the faid
Nathaniel 2.nA Surah, that they be before our juftices at Wejh
vtinjler from the day of the Holy Trinity in three weeks, to ihevr
why they have not done it ; and have there the fummoners, and
this writ. Witnefs ourfrlf at IFeJhnir.Jier iQfh day oi June in the
I ft year of our reign. Skelbery for to s. paid for a fiae, by J. Po-
itnger for the fine, becaufe it is affirmed that the within tene-
ments do not exceed the value of 10/. per nnn . J. Potenger.
IMedec-s to profecute John Doe and Richrrd Roe. Summoners
John Den and Richard Fen. Fine ?o s. Pere. Bertie, Edward
Courthorp, Trinity the 1 ft of king James the fecond, R'A! 4. The
arfwer oi M^jUium Goflin,knt. Peier Fandeput, knt. niefore Thomas Jones, knf.
and his com/'anions, J'/ficei of the /ord the king of the benchy cf
Trinity term in the \ft.^year of the reign of the lord James //^^
fec'ind by the grace of God 0/ England, Scotland, France rt«^
Iriiiand ^/wg, defender of the fAith^ he. Roll 155.
Liant:actr.c:r' Cornvoall^ to wit. ^Ohn Cox., gent, gives the lord the king 40 r.
J for leave to agree with NathanielCox, gent,
and Sarah his wife, in a plea of covenant of the 3d part ot the
reftory ot Madderne Par^ja and Penzance wiih tl\e appurtenan-
ces, and of all manner of tithes yearly coming, growing anJ re-
newing in Madderne Par^^a and Penzance in the county of Cor^-
ii^alU and ot the'3.1 part of eight mefTuagts with the appurten-
ances in the parilliof ^t. Mary Magdalen, Milk-ftreet in London ;
and he hath it by the court for picas admitted before Crefvoell
Li'vinz, knt. juftice, in his proper perfon.
Writ of error The lord the king hath fent to Ids beloved IVilUam Thiirfby,
n aforefaid have re-
Jcirefeci. turned, that by virtue of the writ aforefaid to them dirtfted, l>y Bickerjl. iff c ^nA John Doe, good and lawful men of their
bailiwick, they had given notice to the faid Nathaniel Cox., gent,
tenant of th-i mcfluages aforefaitl with the appurtenances, that he
iliould be beforvj the lord the king on the day aiorelaid, wherefo-
ever, l^c. to hear the record, proceedings and tranfcript aforefaid,
and farther to do and receive as the writ aforelaivl in itfelf com-
manded and required ; And they have farther ceriified, that there
are not, nor is any other tenrints or tenant of the meffuagesatore-
fai.i in their bailiwick to whom they could give notice : And they
have farther returned, that the faid Thomas Cox and Thomas Axe
had nothing, nor had either of them any thing, in their bailiwick
wherebv they could give notice to them or either of ihcm, nor
were they found, nor was either of them found in the fame :
And on the fame day Jonathan RaJhUigh, efq; Hieri/F of the
county of CorwitY/Z/hath returned, that by virtue of the writ afore-
faid to him dir.efted by Reginald Haivkey and John Dae, good and
lawful men of his bailiwick, he had given notice to Nathaniel
Cox, gent, tenant of the reiftory and tithes aforefaid, that he
ihould be before the lord the king on the day aforefaid, where-
foevcr, y^-. 10 hear the record, proceedings and tranfcript afore-
faid, and farther to do and receive as the writ aforefaid in itfelf
Commande I and required : And he hath farther ce rdfied to the 1
faid lord the king, that there are not, nor is any others tenants or
tenant of the reftory and tithes aforefaid in his bailiwiek to whom
he could give noiice ; and he hath farther returned, that the faid
John Cjx and 'I homos Axe had nothing, nor had either of them
any thing, in h's bailiwick v.-hereby he could give notice to them
or eirhcr of them, nor were they found, nor v/as either of thert'i
An aJiai feire found in the fame : And the faid John CuxznX Thomas Axe have
facias. not come, nor hath either of them come : Wherefore, as before,
as well the flieriff of Co>«if>pUi;ate IVithin : And this he is ready to verify:
Wherefore he prays judgment, and that the fine aforefaid may be
in all things affirmed and remain in its full force and cffLft. *
And the faid John Ball favs, that the faid Trinity term in Repl. that the
the ift year of the reign of the faid lord the now king abovefaid ^"^^ began the
began on the i :;th day of June and ended the bth day of Juh in ' '^^^ "^ J""'*
the 111 year abovelt;!dj and that arter the tame 15th day ot -fuly, g^^ o\' July
to wit, on thejo'hday of the fame mom h of July in the lit the cw^nizaoce
year abovefaid, the acknowledgment of the fine aforefaid on the taken the 30th,
faid writs of covenant by the faid Nathaniel and Sarah in the fine ^"^'^ ^^^ king'*
aforefaid named b'dore the faid Crefivell f.f-vinz, knt. as aforefaid, .'.e^gth ot jiit-
was made: And the faid John Ball iarihsr fays, that the entry, „„y? after the
inrolment and recording of the filver and money of the faid lord tieathofike
the king for the faid leave to agree, was aclually and really made ^^itc.
on the 2Qth day of Auguji after the laid Trinity term in the ifl
year abovefaid, and not before the fame day ; and that the faid
Sarah before the faid 29th day of y^i-gu/l in the fiift year above- ,
faid, at Lovdon aforefaid in the parifh of St. Mayy Magdalen
Milh-Jlreet in the ward 0^ Cripplegatt- JVithirt, died : And this he
is ready to verify : Wherefore he prays judgment, and that the
fine aforefaid for the error aforefaid may be reverfed, annulled
and held as intireiy void ; and that he the fame John Ball mnv
be reftored to all tilings which he hath lort by reafon of the faid
fine. On which laid morrow of the Holy Trinity before the
lord the king a: U'elhninfter comes the faid John Ball by his a«-"
tornev aforefaid : And the faid fherifTof the county of Corn^wall [ 285 }
as b':fore hath returned, that the faid JohnCox and Thomas /'xe,
had nothing, n'ir hath either of them any thing in his bailiwick, T^e SHerfFol
whereby he could give notice to them or either of them, nor was Ctrnun'l rt-
eiiherof them found in the fame ; and the faid flierifFs of London ^^iimiH^nl-
on the fame day as before have returned, that the faid John Coxy
and Thomas Axe had nothing, nor had either of them any thing
in their baihwick, whereby they could give notice to them or
either of them, nor were they or either of them found in the
And the faid A'^/^^w/V/ fays, that the faid plea of the faid John n^njurrer to
Ball in form aforefaid above in replevying to the faid pica of th« replication,
the faid Nathaniel pleaded, and the matter in the fame con-
tained, are not fufficient in law 10 rtvatie or annul the fine
alorefaid, and that he ihe fame Nathaniel, to that pica in manner
Vol I. 1 i and
Jc'ridcr in cic-
The crgnlzccs
appv-ar and
plead to tht
ciUcr fare fa-
Demtirrcr to
the plea.
Jo'inJer in de-
an^l t'orm aforefaid made hafh noneccflity, nor is by the law of
the Icri! obliged in any manner to ftnfwer : And this he is ready
to verify : \\ hertiore (or want of a fufficient replication in this
b' haU" (he fdine ^athuniel as before prays judg:jient, and that the
fine afortfaii.1 may be in all thi:igs affiriiied and remain in its full
force and eifcdt. ^c
And [he faid ^'^ohn Ball fyy*, fhaf his plea 'dforefaid above in
replying 10 the faid plea of the i'd\A Nick and the other perfon in the indi^tmrnt aforefaid namei',
when bv the law of the land jcdgment on that vprdift ought to
have been given tor the Wi^S loru the king againft the faid E. M.-
11. B J. B. and the other perfons as aforefaid ind!(ne^, that they
of the trelrflffe?, cort(n:pts. riots, rouis, force, entries, and dc-
leiirior.s. bv force fcfonlairi iliould be conviflc-d : And this as wf-ll
the fiid Llizt.heih, who as well, i^c. as A'. 5, kijt. attorney ge-
neral of the lord (he now king, who prolecutes, i^c. are reai'y
to vetify : Wherefore they pray that the; judgment aforefaid, for
that error and others being in tlie record and proi eedings alorc-
liid, and in the r^ndiiion of the judgment aiuretaid, may be re-
vcrfcd, annulieil and held as iniirely voiii ; and that the faid
tlizoleih may be reflored to all ihinps which flie hath lofl by
reafon of the judgment aforefaid ; and that the faid F. M. If^c.
and the other perfons as aforefaid indited cf the trelpalRs,
tonteii.prs, r'ots, rouls, force, entries and detentions by force,
Uiay be conv'flcd, and .that they acccnling to the fummoni
10 them as afjrtfaid given to the errors aforefaid msy v m ^m
anfwer, fr. And the faid E. M. i^c. fo as aiorcfaiJ "J^H^'/^
i i 2 fuiunioncd
27 5 Error.
fummoned by John Lilly their attorney come and fay, (hat there
is no error either in the record nnd proceedings aforelaid, orin the
rendiHofi n.
The record and proceedings of the plea whereof mention \s
v;itldn made, with all things touching them, before the lord the
king, wherefoever, l^c . at the day and place within contained I
fer.i in a certain record to this writ annexed j and I have given
no:itetothe within named IVilliam earl Clanrickard znA Helenh'is
wile, that they be then there to proceed in the plea aforefaid, as
I am wiihin commanded.
The anfwcr of William Davis,
287 t Error.
Pleas before the lord the ling at the king's cnurt of Hillary term
in the 36'// nr'fl ^Jt^ year cf the reign of our lord Charles the
fecor.A, hy the grace 0/ Gort^ 5/ England, Scotland, France and
Ireland king, defenders of the futh, &c. Witnefs William
St:zu'ge and Pjfes.
F.rrnr In K. B. 'TT^ ^ E lord the king hath lent to his trudy and beloved coun-
\a Ireland. J^ \
that in the record and proceedings in the cniirt o^ the faid lord
the late king, called the king's court in the kingdom of hel,iit4
aforefaid, by the writ of error of the frtid late lord the king re-
moved and in the court of the lord James ihs feccnd the now
king, called the king's court in his kirgdom cf Ireland t\ow re-
maining, it appears that the judgment aforefaid inform aforefaid
given, and fo as aforefaid removed by the court of the lord the
now king, called the king's court, is in all things sfHrmed, when
by the law of the land of the kingdom of Ireland aforefaid that
judgment ought to have been reverfed, ifc. and prays that the
court of the faid lord the king here may proceed to the examina-
tion as well of the record and proceedings, as of the errors afore-
faid ; and thnt the judgment aforefaid, for the errors aforefaid
and others being in the record and proceedings aforefaid may be
reverfed, annnll-rd and hcl.i as intirely void j and that the faid
irHliam e&rl Clanrickarri, and the lady He/en his wife, to the
errors aforefaid mav rejoin.
And the f^id IFiHi.'m earl C/.vw;/ /<2rr/ and the lady //c-^/j his. In nullo ejl er-
v.iff. as to the matiers aforefaid above U>t error afligned, fay ''<"■''*
thar there is no error, neither in the record and proceedings
aforefaid, nor in ihs rcndirion, nor in the affirmance of the
ja '. gment ; and pray likewifc, that the court of the lord the king
htT^ may proceed to the examination as well of the record and
proceedings af'r; faid, as for thofe matters for error above alTr^ned,
and that the judgment aforeHiid may be in all th'ngs rifiirmed,
l!^c. And be.caufc the court of the faid lord, tlie king here will ad-
vife b-rfcre they give judg-.nent of and upon the preniiflls, day
therefore is given tothc parlies afor^^fai 1 before the lord the kliijr
vvherefoevcr, isfc. to hear tlicir judgment iher^on, bccaultf,
the court of the faid lord the king here thereof not yet, Cfc.
I i 4 Reath
t aS9 j
Certiorari pray-
td to the C. J.
t'j ctrtity the
Who rerti<;r
there was none.
Read and PValdron.
Hill. 6 JV. 3. /e.// 2^9.
AFtervvards, to wit, on Wednefday n^xt after the oflave of St.
tlilLity\n this fame term, brfore tho lor.t the king at H'^eji'
tnir.Jhr coints iha [^\t.\ Rk/iDrd y/,iLlron hy IV. IV. his atlori)<;y
and fays, that in the rccorJ and proceeoirgs afurcf^ii 1, as alfo in
the rendition of the judgment aiorefaid, there is luanitell error,
in th.. , to wit, that by the record aforcfaid it appears, that the
judgnienr aforefaid in form aforefaid given was gtven tor the faid
Richard Read, otherwife Covey, agamft him the faid Richurd
Waldrov, when by the law of the land of this kingdom oi Eng-
land that judgment ought to have bv^en ^ivcn for the faid
R. WaLiron againft the laid R Read, othervyifc duey; therefore
in that it is iDanifeiliy erroneous : 'I'bereis error alfo in (his, to
wit, tiiat by the record aforefaid it appears, that Richntil
Read, othcrwife Cii'ey, in the faid Jrinity term in the 5th year
of the reign of the lord iVill i iim nov: king and the lady i\:ary late
queen of Etig'and, iffc. abovefaid, by the faid Thnnias Piyar a$
his prochein amy, declared againft the laid Richard WaUmn in the
plea aforcfaid ; neverthelefs the faid Thomas P.yor had not any
admiflion of record to warrant his appearance aforefaid for the faid
Richard Read i And hereupon the faid Richard i'ValdicJ prays z,
vritofthe faid lord the king (o GV^r/^e Tr^Ay, knt. chief juiticc
of the common bench aforefaid to be direfted, to certify the faid
lord the king more fully the truth thereof; and to him it is
granted, fjV. whereby the taid GVorij^^ Tr^/^j), knt. cbiet juftice
of the coniMion bench aforefaid, is commanded, that the roiis and
other memorandums of fuch appearances, being in his (uftody of
record of the faid Tr»«/y terii) in the 5th year abovcfaid, being
fearched, what he fliail find thereof in the fame b-tween the
parties afore'aid in the plea aforefaid he without delay certily
to the lord the king, wherefoever, i^c. together with the
writ to him therefore direifl^d : Which faid Geo'-^e Trehy,
knt. the chief jullice afordaid, by virtue of the writ afore-
faid to him therefore dirc6>ed, hath certified tp the faid lord the
Icing at fi'V/hnin/Ier, that the rolls and other, memoranduais of the
faid Trinity term in the cth year abovefsji.d, being in his cuflody
of record, being fearche.l, he hath not yet found that the faid
Thjmas Pryc hath any admiiTion of rtccrd to warrant his appear-
ance for the faid Richard Read, othcrwife C^rjey, as his prochein
amy agair.ft the faid Richard lVuldron\;f\ th.e faid plea; which
faid v.'fir, together v/ith the return thereof, is fi'-d b<;tpre, the
lord the king a- iVeJlminfter among the records without day c^;
this term ; and he prays that the fudgin'ent aforclaid, for thofe
errors and others being i:i the record and proceedings aforelaid
Diay be revcrfcd, annulled and held as intirely void, and that he
the fald Richard IVaUron may be redored to all things that' he
hath loft by rcafon of the judgment aforefaid ; and that the faid
Richard Read, otherwile Co'-jey, to the errors aforefaid may re-
join, y^C.
And the faid Richard Read, otherwife Co-jey, by John Lilly
his attorney comes and fays, that there is no error either in the
record and proceedings aforefaid, or in the rendition of the
ju(.^gment aforefaid, and prays, that the court of the faid lord the
king now here may proceed to the cxaniination as well of the
record and proceedings aforefaid, as of the niatters aforefaid
above for error affigned, and that the judgmenX aforefaid may
be in all things affirmed ; But becaufe the court.of the faid lord
the king now here are not yet adviled to give their judgment of
and upon the premifles, day therefore is given the parties afore-
faid before the lord the king until from the day of Eajier in 15
days, wherefoever, ^r, to hear iheir judgment of and upon thofe
premiiles, becaufe the court of the faid lord the king now here
thereof not yet, Ifc. On which day before the lord the king at
Wef.minjhr come the parties aforefaid by their attornies afore-
faid : And becaufe it fcems neceffary and expedient to the court
of the lord the king now here, before they proceed farther in tliis
behalf, to be certified, whether there is any record of the admif-
fion of the faid Thomas Prior to warrant his appearance as p-.o-
chein amy (or the faid Richard Read, otherwife Covey, agaiiillthe
faid Richard IVcddr on in the plea aforefaid, in the faid court of
the faid lord the king and of the faid lady the late queen of the
bench at WeJlminJler\r\xo\\^^ of record o\ Trinity term in the 5th
year of the reign of the faid lord the now king and of the faid
late queen, or not, Gco^geTrcby, k,nt. chief juftice of the faid lord
the king ot the bench at We/iminfter afoiefaivi, is conimanded,
that the records of admifllons of infants to profecute in the faid
court of the bench by their /jw/^r/w amy of the faid Trinity term
in the 5th year of the reign of the laid lord the nov/ king and of
the faid late queen being fearched, and what he ilull find of the
entry of that admiifion aforefaid, as fully and incirely as it re-
mains before hiui, he certify to the faid lord the king, wherefo-
evtr, ^c. without delay, together with the writ of the faid lord
lue king to him therefore direded, i^c. Which faid George
'trtly, by virtue of the writ of the faid lord the king to him di-
rtiftL-d, hath certified to the faid lord the king, that the records
ofiheeniries of the admiluon of infants to profecute in the faid
court of the bench of thp faid Trinity term in the 5fh7car of the
reign of the faid lord the now king and of the faid late queen be-
ing fearched, be hath found an eniry of record of a certain ad-
niifflon of the faid T^ horn as Pryor to warrant his appearance a$
procf.cin airy of the faid Ric/^ard Read, otherwife Co'-jey, againft
the faid Richard iValdion\n the plea afoiefaid, which Ibilov.sia
fhefe words, to wit, Pleas inrolled at ife/Imir/ler before George
Trtly, knt. and his companions, ji:fticcs of the lord the king and
•f the Istdy the queen cf the bench, pf Ttir.itj term in the 5th
In nullo ejtl
Another cer-
tiorari awarded
to inform the
Note; this Was
by rule of court,
without which
you cannot
liave a eerlic-
rari after iffnf
The certiirart
rtturiicd v.ith
the rcco'il "f
the adiniMi«B>
2^9 1 Error.
year of the reign of ilie lord IVilliam and the lady Mary, by the
grace of God of En^lunJ, ScotlniJ, France and Ireland kin;^ and
tjaeen, defender of the faith, y<:. Roll 1165.
r \qo 1 AV.'-'('.'o7?, to wit, TT is grnined bv the court of the lord and
J[ lad)' the now kin<^ and queen, that Thomas
The admifEon. ^O"'' g^"^- '"'')' profecute for Richard Read, otherwife Oj^vey^
who is under ihe age of 21 years, as prochein amy of the laid
Richard Read, otherwile C>vey, againft Richard iValdron in a
ple,i of frefpafs, uflault and iniprifonmenr ; And htrcupon the faid
Richaril IVuldten, as before, prays that the judgment atorefaid,
for the errors atorefaid and others bjin.j in the record and pro-
ceedings aforefaid, may be revoked, annulled and held as iniiccly
• oid, and that he may be rctlored to al! things that he hath loll
by reafan of tlie )U'igin<-'nt aforefai 1 : And bccaule the court of
the I'aid lord the king now here are rot yet advifed to give their
judgment of ar^J u!x>ii tiie preiiiid^is, day therefore is given to
the parties aforefaid until vhercfoever, ^r, to hear their
judgment o^ and upon the preniilTes, becauie the court of the
laid lord the king now here thereof not yet, ^r.
Afterivards ihe judgment ives njfirmccf.
Burr and Atwood.
Hill. 9 ^r. 3.
Error brovght /"^ N which day before the lord the king at IFeflminJler comes
ky the bail \^^ as well the laid "James Burr in his proper perfon, as the
nu"'flie'd"as to ^''''^ John At-woorlhy his attorney aforefaid : Whereupon the writ
the piincipal of error aforefaid being feen, a:id by the court here fully under-
jutijru.:ut. ftoo.i, it is confidered, that the faid writ of error, as to the prin-
cipal judgment aforefaid againft tii-^ faid defendant Drezvclt in
the fame prii cipal judgment at the fuit of the faid plaintiff Jt-
ivootl, be only quafh?d : but as to the faid joinder in error be-
tween the faid James Burr and John Afwoody becaufe the court
of the faid lord the king now here arc not yet advifed to give
their judgment of and upon the nremiffes, day therefore is given
to the faid James Burr and J^hn Aituood before the lord the
kin?, if^c.
Edwards and Lutirell.
Error on s
iui-ement in ^^J ^IMES the fecord, bv the grace of God oi Englaml, Scot-
"k- B. in Ire J Icind, France and Ireland king, defender of the faith, Cffr.
hni in the To our irufty and well beloved counfellor William Dav:s, knt.
rcii^ii of 7. 2. our chief juliice alligned to hold pleas in our court before us in
w, a p ca com- j^^j^^j greeting : B-'C3ufe in the record and proceedings of a
»«ign uf C a. fctain plea which was in the court or our moit dear brother
Charles the fecond, late king of England, fife before the late
king biaifglf in Ireland, by b.ll, without the writ of the faid late
Error. 209
Icing, between Nicholas lutlrell, plaintiff, and Richard EJ*
•aariisy efq; defendant, in a certain plea of trefpafs and eject-
ment, and alfo in therendiion of the judgment of the plea atore-
faid, after the death of the fald late Ling in our court before us in
Itelaml, as it is faid, manifeft error hath hnppened, to the great
.damage of tlic faid RichtirJ, as by his complaint we have under-
flood ; We willing the error, if any hath been, fliould be dulj
correfted, and full and fpeedy juftice done to the parties afore-
faid in this behalf, command you, that if judgment bs therein
given, then the record and proceedings aforefaiil, with ail things
touching them, to us under your fc-ai you diftin^lly and openly
fend, and this writ, fo that we may have them on the o<5tave of
the purification of the bleffed Mary, vvherefoever we Hiail then
be in Erghtrni, that the record and proceedings aforelaid being
infpefled, we may farther caufe to b? done therein to correct
that error what of right jTiali be to be done ; and give notice to
the faid Nicholas that he be then there to profecute in the plea
aforefaid, and farther do and receive what our court before us in
EngLmJ fli^ll conllJer in the premifTes. VVitr^efs ourfelf at IVeji-
minjler i 8th day of Decembir in the til year of our reign.
The record and proceedings whereof mention is within made, The return
with all things touching them, before the lord the king, where-
soever, iTc. in a certain record to rhis writ annexed, I mod
humbly fend ; and I have given notice to the within mentioned
Nicholas Lutirell, that he be then ;here to profecucc, i^c. as I
am within commanded.
The anfvver of 11^. Davis.
i 2^1 ]
^he earl of KiJdare and Shaen, hit,
TJ/'IUiam the third, ^c To our tiufiv and well beloved coun-
fcllcr Richard Pyne, lent, our chief jullice j-fTigned to hold
pleas in our court before us in our k ng-'.oni of InlanJ, greeting :
Becaufe in the record and proceedings and alio in the rendition
f'fthe jii''g'tient of a plea which v.'as in the court of the lord
C.hmles the fecond, late king of England, before the late king
himfeif in the kingdom o^ Ireland, by bill between James Shaen,
Vut his fuit in this behalf exp'-ndeil, whereof he is convicted ;
wliich faid Wentiionh, earl of Kildare, and J.imfs Shafn,-dUet-
v/ards died, as by the fus^gefl'on of Jo'in, now earl of A'/7(/,;»v,
{oa and heir of th-j faid IVenrwotih, cail of Kildare, wc have un-
Error bioiigtit
1 1 fi^. 3. by an
heir ag«:nft aa
on a judgment
obtained againft
the ancc!lor br
the intfftafr in
the K. n. in
Ireland it the
rcigQ of 7. i.
i.r i Error.
dcrflood, as it isfaid, maiiifeft error hatli happened, to thf great
damage of him the faid John, now earl of KilJare, the faid fon
and htirof the faid If'entzvort/i, late earl of Kildare, ns by hi^
complaint we have underflood ; W^ willing the error, if any
hath been, fliould be duly correded, and full and fpecdy juflice
done to the p-irtics albrefaid in this behalf, command you, that
if judgment be therein given, then the record and proceedings of
rhe plea aforcfaid with all tilings touching them, to us under
your feal you difl;in<511y and openly fend, and this writ, fo that
v/e may have them from the day of the Holy Trini/y in three
veeks, wherefoever we fhall then be in EnglanJ, that the record
and proceedings aforefaid being infpi iljled, we may farther caufe
to be done therein to correift that error what of right fhall be to
be done therein to correal that error what of right ihall be to be
tlone; and give notice to Arthur Shaen, bart, adminiflrator of
the goods and chattels which belonged to the faid James Shnen
v.'ho died inteftate, as it is faid, that he be then there to proceed
in the plea aforefaid,, and farther to do and receive what our f^id
court fliall coiifider in the prcmilTes. Witncfs ourfelf ai H^ejl"
vi'mjler the Sth day of May in the i jth year of our reign.
Allowed R. Pjne.
The record and proceedings of the plea whereof mention is
within made, with all things touching them, before the lord the
king, wherefoever, i^c. at the day and time within contained,
1 lend in a certain record to this writ annexed $ and I have given
rotice to the within named Arthur Shaen, bart. that he be then
there to proceed in the plea, as I am within commanded.
So I anfwer R. Pyne.
Hanmer and his wife and Jacob.
Rrrorinajadg- cy^;„„, l^c. To our trufty and well beloved counfe-llor
merit iii C, L. / ,,, ... t> • i . • r • n- n-
1^1 Ireland ton- *^ Ivdliam Da'utsy knt. our chief juftice alligned to hold pleas
f'tre C. 1. and in our court before us in Ireland, greeting : Bscaufc fn the record
affirmed i., the and proceedings, as alfo in the rendition of the judgment of a
K. B. '.hete plea which was before John Keating, efq; and his companions,
^*' •'■ ' juiliccs of rhe lord Charles the fecond, late \ oi Ens^land, Iffc.
in the court of the faid late king, between Ed^oarJ Hunmer and
Mary his wife, and Richard Jacob, late oiTullaghmore in Queen's
county, gent, of a certain trefpafs on the cafe to the fame £,/-
K^'d.-lefex h's other writ dole in thelc words, to wir, li'i.lti,m the in withernam.
third by the grace of God of Evgland, Scotland, Frnnce and Ire-
Lnl kiBiT, defender of the faith, ifc. To the flierifFof Mid-
Jlt^jex, greeting: Whereas by our feveral writs we have often
con.nirinded you, lh;'t yo'j Hiould juftly ard without delay caufe
T/ior.os More ro be replevied, wht>tn Benjamin Gc,f.', ^ohn Dy'es
an.i Dftniei M^atts, have taken, and taken detain, un!e!s he fliould
be ;akcn by our fp'^cial command or Of our chief juftice, cr for
the death of a man, or for our foreft, or for any oiher offence
lor which according to the cuRom of England he is notreplegii-
ble ; and whereas by our other writ we have coinirianded and
firmly injoined yon, that you fiiould caufe the faid Tho-rias to be
'replevied according to the tenor of ^ur writs aforefaiJ to you be-
fore for that purpofe directed, or you yourfilf fliouUl be before us
from the Hay of St. Michael in three weeks laft pad, whercfo- [ 204 'J
ever we fliould then be in Erg'and, to iliew why you have con-
temned to execute our commands aforcfaid fo often to you there-
fore direfted, and you at that day have returned to us, that the
faid Thomas Mere, before the coming of that writ, was eloined
by the above named Benjamin G §e, Jahn D^kes and Daniel Salk. 705;
IValts, to places entirely unknown to you, fo that you could not
replevy the faid Thotnas More according to the command of that
writ: Therefore we command you, that you take in '«.'///7^".»;ert Kedirr, fervant of him the laid Jo- known took
/?.^. unknown on the , 5th day of M.y in the , ^rh yenr of the l^,liJ,['^:,,y,
reign of our lord the now king, at the panin of hhujtock in
the county aforefaid in the king's highway there, and within tiie
hundred of lUnV.r.gfjrd nforetaid, with force and arms on him
the faid Robert Keeling did m^ke an r.fTault, and i 5 /. of lawful
vnor\ey Cji Er.glar.d'in monies rumbcred (being the money of him
(he laid Jofiiih CroA-/?// hismafter) did take, rob and carry awav,
ao-airll: the peace of ihe faid lord the now king ; and the fame Ro-
bert KeeUt'g, immediately after the robbery and felony aforefaid [ 296 ]
c^mniiited, al S/.uJiock aforefaid ir ihe county aforefaid, which
faid town is wiihin the hundred ci He mli n^f-jr J zi'on- fan] where ;he
robbery aforefaid fo as aforefaid wi^s committed, iiue and cry of f^"'* *^^ "^'y
the robbery aforefaid did make, and then and there nolice to the t7g^^";J"„ "'^"
inhabitants of S/.uJI'.rk aforefaid of that robbery did give ; and 271:1.0. ij.
after that robbery committed, and wiihin 20 day*, next before the § 11.
day of the ifTu'm of the writ original of him the faid Jojiri/i, tlie Oath nniJe
faid K.beit Keelhig, before Chfirles A.'Jcihy, km. one of the juf- l'"= ''^"'^'J'
(ices of the fdd lord the kin^ affigned 10 prefcrve the peace in the
countv of IVaritick, inhabulng at Umrjhall in the county of
W'flviu/r/t aforcf;>id n'. ar the hund.rid of //fw//;r^/^o?^, anil near
the faid place where that robbery was committed, was exnm''ncJ
on his corporal oath accnnling to the form cf the ftniure at Weji-
viinjler in the county of Mijlilefex in the zjlh year of the reign
Vol. I. Kk of
jc •
g6 ' Hue and Cry.
c^ ihc\z^y E!izn/>ttfi, late qi.'ecn of Englan/J, &c. thereof made
aiii! provided ; and the Oune Robert on his oath alorefaid diiithcn
ff.y, tha( he did not know the p uty that comniitttd (hat robbery,
i, , . , and after that robbery coniiuiued 40 davs are now part : Nev.-r-
Thit the inbi- , 1 ,- , , • , •' 1 1 • ■ 1 • '1 r • 1 t j 1 r '/
bitaauhave thciels the laid iiien,.inhabuants wiihin «hi.'laid hundred ot thm-
i.v:re, and within the hundretl of He7?ilirgfrjrd ^iori:{-dh\, did make
an afiauli, and 15/. of lawful money of i.nglanil\n monies num-
btted, (being the inoncy of him the faid Jnftah Croxfll his maf-
ter,) then and there found, felonioufly from the faid Robtrt look,
robbed and carried away, againft the peace of the faid lord the
now king, ^c. And the fime Robert, immediately aft^-r the felony
»nd robbery aforefaid committed, at Shitjiock aforefaid in the
counrv aforefaid, being v^ithin the faid hundred of Heml'mgfordy
hue and cry of that robbery did luake, and then and there notice
to the inhabitants of the fame tov^in of .S7/My?(j<:,(' of that robbery
did give ; and after that robbery committed, and wiihin twenty
days next before the day of the ilTuing of the writ original of him
the faid J<.fia/'i, the fiid Fohert KeeliJ g h^U^rc Cluules AtLleriey^
kfit. one of the juflices of the faid lord the kingaffigned to pre-
fervethe peace in the county aforefiid inhabiting at Hait./haU m
the county aforefaid near the hundred of Hendivgfote/, and near
the faid p!;:ce wh'-re that robbery was commirted, was cxnnfined
on his corporal oath according to the form of the (latute at IFeJl-
minfler in the county of Midlcfex in the 27th year of the reign
of the lady E/iz/v/'f//?, late queen of Eugland, Ifc. thereof made
and provided, and the fame Robert dn his oath aforefaid then faid,
that he did not know the party that committed that robbery, and
after that robbery committed lorty days are now paft ; Ncverthe-
Icfs the fame men, inhabitants within the faid hundred of f?'i?/n-
hrgf'.rd, amends for the robbery aforefaid conamitted to the faid
Jofz.-.h have not yet made, nor the body of the felon and malefac-
tor aforefaid have taken, nor for his body hitherto have anfwered,
but that felon and malefadtor have pcrmiited to efcape,in contempt
of the laid lord the now king, and to the great damage of him the
faid Jofiuh, and againfl the form of the ftatute aTorefaid ; where-
by the fame Jr-fiah fays that he is prejudiced, and hath daitiage
to the value of %o I. And therefore he produces thefuit, t5c.
Hue and Cry. J 296
And ttie faid men, inhabitants within the hundred of Meviling' |^pt gu' ty-
forJ aforefaid, by H. H. their attorney come and defend thefcrce i. SaunJ. lo
and injury, when, ^c and whaifoever, fiff. and fay, that they are
not guilty of the premifles ab"ve charged on them agiinft the
form of the ftatute aforefai;:!, as the faid 'Jofuih, who as well, cfr.
cbove agaiiift them complains : And of this they put ihcnifelves
on the country ; And the faid Jefiuh, who as we'll, yc. of the neii^hbourhood of the faid hundred of Knighluve
afor-cfaid, by whom, i^c. and who neither, l5c. to recognile, ^f.
becaufe as well, fr.
Pleas before the hrd the king nt Weftminfter of Hillary term in
the yft and -i^zd year of the tei^n of the lord Charles the feconJy
0/" England, (^c,
IVarivick, to wit/ H ^ H E jury between foftah Croxall, who as
J^ well for the fame lord the king as for him-
felf profecutcs, by his attorney, plaintiff, and the men inhabitants [ 297
within the hundred of Hemlln^frd in the 'county aforefaid in a
pleq rf huP and cry, is refpiteit before the lord the king at M'^e/i-
mi'^fler until from the day of Enfer in i 5 days, wherefot ver, tsff.
urricls I he jnfti<.es of the lord the king alfii^ned to take adifes in
the county aforelaid fhal! firfl coine on S/iiurduy the 20ih day of
M.nch -ii IVaiiuiik in the county aforclaid, by the form of the
llarute, l5c. for want of jurors, l^c. Therefore let rhe fli?r:/f
have tiie bodies, i^c. 1 he i'ame day is given to the parties at'ore*
fnid,, i^c. And be it known, that rhe writ of the lord the
king th'e- i" t'^c county aforefaid, yeoman, in a plea why he took the cat-
viii. tie, goods and chattels of h;m the faid Roherty and ihein unjuftly
had detained aqr.inft furety and pledges, i^c. And whereon the
fam.' Robert by Chrijlopher Wtrris his attorney then complained,
that the f?iid Htnry on the 26rh day of Septeniher in the 7th
year of the rei?n of the lord I'Killiam the third, now king of
Englar.d, tyc. at the parifli of Enjitld aforefaid, in a certain
place there called Enfield Hills had taken the cattle, goods and
chattels of him the faid Rcdert, to wit, nine cows, one bull,
5 calves. One great brafs copper, 20 quar'.s of wheat, two
bufiiels of v/heaf threHied,. 60 quarters of oats, 30 load of hay,
foi;r car.'s, one wain, two ploughs and 30 load of oats, and them
unjuflly had cietained againfl furety and pledges until, Cfc. v/here-'
b/ the faid Robert then faid that he was pr.jiuiiced, and had da-
mage to the value of 40/- And therefore he produced the
fuit, CJ'r. And the faid Henry by C. D. hi? attorney then came
Cpn'jfar.cs as a"<^ defended the force and injury when, £sv. and as bailiff of
biiliff. Ra'f>^ earl of Mountague and Elizubeth his wife well acknow-
ledged the taking of the cat;Ie, goods and chattels aforefaid in
Information. 293
the faid place in whicli, bV. and juftly, ^V. Becaufe he then c. Dukeof yf/-
faid that long before the faiJ tiiue of the taking of the cattle, ^c'r/.-.w/f leifcd
goods and chattels aforcfaid, Chrijloj.her \iK^ Avkz ox Aihermfn-le in fee» and dr-
ill his life-time was feifed in his deincfne as of fee of and in one ^-^-^ '"J" •^*
mcfluage and 377 acres of land with the appurtenances in the
faid parilli o^ t.rf.eljy and in the pariih of Ejinonion in the coun-
ty of MiJJlefex, whereof the faid place called EnfieU Hills in
which, ^c. then was, and the fa'd lime when, l^c. and alfo for
time inunemorial had been parcel; and being fo thereof feifed
the faid di;ke before the faid time when, l^fc. to wit. on the ill
day of Ncrember in the year of the Lord 1678, at £n,^<.%'Jaforefaid
had demifed to John Bathurji, efq; the tenenients aforcfaid
with the appurtenances whereof, tff. by the name of all that te-
nement, and the barns and ftabiff£ thereto belonging, and all thofs
209 acres O: land, inore or lefs, fi^uate, lying and being in the
pariHies of /T/'/wor/o'z and £;yzWi, then late in the pofT-fTion of
captain Prtj^.JjelJ ihcn lately deceafed ; andt.H thofe 40 acres of
land, more or lefs, fiiuate, lying and being in the pp.rifli of En- 1
f:eL-I or Ed'nmton, laie in the polUfiion of F-nch V/aters liien
lately dereafed j and alfo all thofe 48 acres ol land, more or K-fs,
fruaie, lying and being in the pirifli oi EJ/zion/'n cr Er^elJ, thtii
late in the poHlffian of Rihert Brovon j all which faid prennlTes
were part and parcel of a park called Evf^e/J p^ixk ; rxcepr and al- £,tc«p'i-n cf
ways r.ferved out of the laid deiuife to the faid Oi ijlophcr duke timber.
o\ A!bermaile, his heirs and nlligns, all timber-trees then land-
ing, growing or being, or which at any tiine then after inoulJ
be ftanding, growing or being in or upon the faid deniifed pre-
iniifes, or in or upon any part or parcel thereof together with
free liberty, fuil pov/er and authority for the (axxxz Chriftcfh,:r
duke of Jlbermrnle, his heirs and aihgns, for ibemkdves and ihe'r
frient's and ftrvants, or witliout, in his or their company from
time to time and at all times during the faid term, with or without
Lorfcs, hawks or hounds, Ht his and their wdl and pleafure, to
hunt and hawk in 1 he faid demifed premilTcs crany part thereof,
at open and feafonsble times, he or they doing as little hurt and
damage to the corn and fences there as they conv.niently could;'
To have and to ho hi the tenements aforjfaii with the appurte-'-
nancts as aforefai 1 deniifed, wher'.of, i^fc 10 the laid Jf'm B.i-
th'it/}, his cxerurors, ar'mipiftr2''ors and alfigns, from the feaft
cf Sf. Michael the archangel then laft pr.ft tor and during the
term of 21 years from iht-nce next cnfuing, and fidly to becom-
pleatand ended ; Yielding and paying therefore yearly and every
year during the faid tcnn to the faid late dbke, his h«-i.s or af-
fign*. at or in the dwclling-hoiifc of ihe faid duke, commonly
CilieJ or known by the name ot /ilberniftrle hiufe, fituate, Ivinij
anil being near a p'ace called St. 'fumtsWcx the county of MiJ-
t'llefcXy or into the hands of the faid dike's receiver for the litne
bi'ing, the yearly rent of i 40^ of lawful money of tv.gUm.l, at
the feall of the Annnnciaiit.n of the bh (I'd virgin Mnty wnd St. y^^^ cnfryof
cognizance aforelaid above nv. ntioned, and that the faid place in
which, Ifc. then wss, and frcn) linie wher^ot, Izc. and alio for
all the time abovefaid, had been thereof pucel ; and that the fame
duke, before the faid time when, i3c. to wit, on the faid ift day
of NiTJember 1678 abovefaid, had deniifed 16 the faid John
Bnthwjl ilie tenements aforelaid above fpecified under the yearly
rent atorefaid in the fail cognizance mentioned, and that by
\i)iueof that den;ife the f^id Jo/^n into the tenements afortfaid
v.'i'h the appurtenances, v/hcreof, ^c. to him as aforefaid de-
niifed, had entered and been thereof pcfTlTed, the reverfion thereof
to the faid duke, his heirs and fcAi^ns belonging, as by that cog- and pleads a
rizance above was fuppofed ; but the fuiie Robeit farther faid, t'>nvcyancc by
that the faid John being fo thereof poflclTrd, the rcverfion thereof ."i"" ^* "' .
in form aforefaid belonging, the fame duke in h's lifertime, and '
bc'ore the faid time when, ^r. to wit, on the 15th day of Jn/y
i6Sf, at EnJjeU aforetaid, by his certain indenture thesi made
between the faid late duke, by the name of the mod honourable
C/niJl ,phcr, duke of Albennmle, earl oi Torrington, baron Monk
ot Pot/ieri^ge, BemnAiif};p and Tens, knight of the mofc honour-
able order of the garter, and one of the lords of the privy council
of the then king, on the one part, and the moit honourable
Htnry duke of Ne-wcnjlle, the n)oil; honouraole John enrl of
i?///, the honourable Bernard (Jren-ji/e, efq; IVal er Chrg.'s,
bart. and Thomas Slrirgcr, knf. ferjeant at law, on the other
part, one part of v.'hich ("aid indenture fealed wiih the feal of t!ie
faid late duke of Albeimarle he then there in court produced, the
da'e whereof was the day and year laft, for and in of 5 5. of lawful money of Englmul by the faid
dukt- of NeTxciiJfte, y-^>i ear! of Bath, Bernunl Grenz'ile" JVal"
ter Clarges znd Th'jmas Stringer, to the fame duke in hand p lid,
had hzxiT.ntd. and fold to the fiid duk • of Ni-'ju-c.-j/Ue, earl of B,n/.,
B rfind Gren^ile, IValler Cin'ges and Thimos Siri'ger, thur
executors and adminidrators, (among other things) the rrvrr-
fion of the tenemeniSi aforefaid, whereof, i^c. 'I o have and to
hold to them from thenceforth umo the full end and term of one
wliole year from thtnce next enfuing, fully to be compleat and
ended, as by the faid i.uleniurc (among other things) wastlun
n>orefu11v n;anifeftand did appear ; by viriue ol whieh laid bar-
gain and fale, and by force of the ftatute for transferring ufs
into pofT ffion, thev the faid tluke of Ne-waiJiU, earl of Hut't,
Berna d (it er.vile, IValter C.larges anil Thonuis Snirger, were -/-*••
pcITeired of the reverfion of the tenem-nis afuniaid with the
tppurtenanccs whereof, L'^f. lor the fuiil l.rmio ih-m as wis
aforefaid bargained and fold ; and being fo thereof poli'>ni;d, and
the faid J'jhn Ba'.hurjl of the tenements aforefaid with the appur-
tenance, v;hereof, e £• in form af)relaid bring pt ladled, the re-
verfion thereof to the f;iuic laie I'likc of Alhei ui.uU and his heirs
K k J. bwloiiging,
209 I Information.
belonging, he the fame duke of y^lberviarle afterwards in his
life-time, to wit, on the 26th day oVJiily i6b"i abovcfai«!, at En-
fitUl afortfaid, by his certain indenture ihen and there made be-
tween him the faid duke ol Albermarle of the one p-irr, and the
faid duke of Ne^vcalUe, John carl of Bulk, Bcrr.aid Gieti'vi/c,
Water a.irges and thomtis Stringer, of the other part, one part
of v.'hicli faid indenture fcaled with the feal of the laid late duke
o'i Jlkcnud) le lh.s i3\..\ Rderi therein court then produced, the
date wherecf was the lame dsy and year hifl: mentioned, for the
natural love and affcfUon which the lame late duke ol AlbermarU
had for the faid Jo^^/i Earl of 5«//7, his kir.fiiian on his father's
fide, had relcafcd to the faid duke of Neivc(jJ!/e, Jo/in earl of
Bath, Bernard Grennjile, IVaher Clarges and Thomas Stringer,
To the fc of and, their heirs, the reverfion of the tenements aforefaid with the
himicrlf in tail appurtcnanccs, whereof, Ifc. To have and to hold the reverfion
the lemaindcr of thofe tenements with the appurtenances whereof, Is'c. to the
rUnf fee^ faid duke of Neivcoflh; John earl of Bath, Bernard Gren'vile,
^j, .'111 ee, i,fr^,/ter Clarges and Thomas Stringer, and their heirs, to the ufc
of the faid duke oi Aibermnrle and the heirs of his body lavv-
fuUy begotten j and for want of fuch iffue to the i:fe of the faid
earl ot Bath and his heirs lor ever, as by the fame indenture
(among other things) was then more fully manifefl and did ap-
pear ; and by rcafon thereof the faid duke of Aihermarle was
f..ifedof and in the reverfion of the tenements aforefaid with the
appurtenances whereof, l^c. in his denicfne as of fee-tail, to wit,
to him and to the heirs of his body lawfully begotten, the remain-
[ 300. ] der thereof to the faid earl of Bath, and his heirs belonging;
and fo being thereof feifcd, the remainder thereof in form afore-
faid belonging, and the faid John Buihurjl of the tenements
cforefaid vvith the appurtenances in form aforefaid being pol-
ftffed, the fame duke of y^/^dTWrtr/^ afterwards, and before the
and died with- faid time when, l^c to wit, on the ill day of May in the firft
^cut iiTuc. yg3r pf the reign of the lord the now king and of the lady
'Mary late queen of England, at E«/?c-/^ afrrefaid died, without
heir of his body begotten, and of fuch his eitate of and in his
rtvcrfion aforefaid with th« appurtenances feifed, whereby the
laid earl had been and then was feifed of the reverfion of the te-
nements nforeiaid with the appurtenances whereof, l$c, in his
denufne as of fee ; Without that, that the (aid ChriJloid,tr,\z\.Q
Abj,jut /.oc,thit ^yj^g jjf Allermaile, died of the reverfion of the tenements afore-
l^ued"inVe"'*^ ^*'-^ ^'''^ ''^^ appurtenances whereof, ^c. feifed in his demefne
gsoffee, in manner and form as the faid Henry by ihe cogni-
fance aforefaid ab^ve had alle'dgcd: And that he was then ready
io\\t\\'f,t^c. Wherefore for that the faid Henry, the taking of
the cattle, goods and chattels aforefaiil in the faid place in which»
&/r', had above arkhowledged, the fame Robert theo prayed
}V:^?iTient and his daiuao_es by reafun of the taking and unjuftly
'lietzinin^of rhe cartels goods and chattels aforefaid, to be ad-
'""' on t.a yr^,tTe^ ,G him,' iS^c. Ar'/t>.e faid Bcnry as b.^fore then faid, that
^■*'"' *"" ili^Taid Chrili'a^heri \^e^\iks,oi Albamurlt, died feifed to him-
felf and liis heirs of the rcverfion of the tenements aforefaid v,'nh
the appurtenances, whereof, £5c. in manner and form as the
fame tlenrv by his cognifance aforefaid above had alledged, to
wit, at the parilTi of Enfeld aforefaid in the county aforefaid ;
And of iliat he then put himfch' on the country : And the faij
Eobert likewife ; On which faid ilTae between the parties afore-
faid, fo as aforefaid joined, it was in fuch manner proceeded, that
afterwards, to wit, on the 17th day of July in the 8ih year of
the reign of the faid lord the now king, at JVtJlminjier aforefaid
in the faid coi-.nty of MiddUfiX, in the faid court of the faid lord
the king before the faid George Treby, knt. and his then Cv^m-
panions, jufticesof the faid lord the king of the bench aforefaid
there the illue aforefaid by a certain jury of the county in that
behalf lawfully impanelled, and returned and fworn, was tried,
£s by the record and proceedings aforefaid in the faid court of
the bench aforefaid at IVeftminJier aforefaid reniaiaing niore^fully
appears j and that on the faid trial by certain witncffes then and
thereon the behalf of the faid Robert Rickards the plaintiff in
the caufe aforeiaid produced, and then and there duly fworn, ic
was then and there givgn in evidence to the jurors of that jurv,
that the faid indentures of bsrgain and fale and releafe, bearing
date the I 5th and i6j:h days of ";''6''" '^^ 7^^'" C'f ^^^Lord 1681,
had been fealcd and delivered by the faid lace duke of Alhermarle
on or about the times of the dates of the fiiid indentures at tiie
then dwelling-houfe of him the faid late duke 0^ Albermarle, coai-
mcnly called or known by the name of Alhermurle hoitfe, which
faid houfe on the faid 16th day of Jidy in that year was fituxte
in the parilli of St. Martin in the Fields in the county of Mid
dlefex aforefaid ; and that one John Copplejlon^ lent, at the times
of the fealing and delivery of thofe indentures was prefent in that
houfe with the faid duke of Albetmarle, and was a witnefs to the
fealing and delivery of the fame : And farther the faid coroner
and attorney of the faid lord the king for the fame lord the king
gives the court here to underftand and be informed, that then
at the trial, to wit, on the faid 17th day oijuly in the 8th year
of the reign of the faid lord the now king abovefaid, at
Jier afortfaid in tlie faid county oi Middle/ex, in the faid court
of the faid lord the king before the fame jullices of ihe f,.iJ lord
the king of the bc-nch aforefaid there one IVitlidm Cjpple/lon, late
of was produced a witnefs on the behalf of the faid /Awy
Ccrnefcrt/i the defendant in the caufe albrcfaiJ, and then and
there v/as fworn on the Holy Evangeiifts to fay the truth, flie
whole iruih, and nothing but the truth, of and in the prcinilils
in the iflue between the panics aforefaid, in manner and form
aforefaid put; and that the fame /F;7//V;m Cjpplejiottf not hav- The aflignmcot
iog God b'fcre his eyes, but being moved and feduced by the oiihe jjcijurf.
inllijraiion ol the tievil, then and there by his own proper &€{ and
ronleni falfcly and malicioufly, voluntarily andcoirupllv on his
oaih aforefaid faid, depof d, fwore, and 10 riic jurors of llie jury
afortfa'd of and concerning the fdid yc-Z/H Cofflejian in evidence
300 +
r 30^ I
And fo be vo-
luatarily com-
rnitted peijury.
gave that lie (meaning him the faid If'illiiwi Copphdot:) was
with John Copf>Ufton, knt. (meaning the faid Jihn Copdeiion,
knt.) at Canntngton (meaning a certain place called Cunnin!;i^ton
in the county oi Sjmetfet) in July 81, (meaning the month of
July in the year of the Lf>rd 168' abovefaiJ,) and that he (a'^nin
nuaning him the faid IVilliam CoplJeJlon) was with John Cop-
fhlon, knt. Tagain meaning the fame John Copphjlon, knr.) at
Cun'iingt')n, (again meaning Cf/;.'f;//7^/n« aforefaid) in July i68t,
(meaning the fame month of July i'l that year,) and that he
(again meaning himfelt the fame William Copplefton) was with
John Copplejhn, knt. (meaning the faid John Copplellon, knt.)
in the month of jw/y in the year of the Lord 1681, when in
truth and in faft the faid John CoppleJlo'Ty knt. was not at Crm-
n:ngton aforefaid in the faid county oi Somerfet in the faid month
oi July in the year of the Lord 1681 abovefaid, and when in
truth and in fa6l the faid fVilli/im Coppleflo s was not wiih the faid
John Cipplejlon, knt. at Cnnr.ington arorefiid in the faid mnnth
of July in the year of the lord 1681 abovefaid, as the fame
JViUia7n Cupphjlon on his oath aforefaid falfely, malicioiifly and
voluntarily, and corruptly faid, dcpofed, fwore, and to the ju-
rors of the jury aforefaid in evidence gave; and when in truth
and in fa£t the faid John Copplejhn, knt. v/as not at Canningim
aforefaid at any time whatever in the fame month of July in that
year; and when in truth and in faft the faid John Copplejlon, knt.
during the whole faid month of July in the year of the Lord 1 681
abovefaid did inhabit at ITeJlminJler aforefaid in the county of
MichiUfex aforefaid ; and fo the fame coroner and attorney of 'he
laid lord the king for the fame lord the king fays, that f lie faid
Will' am Opphjhn on the faid 17th day of Jvly in the 8rh year
of the faid lord the now king abovefaid, at Weftminjler aforefaid
in the faid county of MiddUfex in the faid court of the faid lord
the king of the bench there, before the faid juftices of the fame
lord the king of the bench aforefaid, bv his proper aft and
confent, and from his own wicked intention in manner and form
aforefaid falfely, malicioufiv, voluntarily and corruptly, on his
oath aforefaid voluntarilv and corri:pily committed perjurv, to the
great difpleafure of Almighty God, in contempt of the faid lord
the now king and his Iav,s, to the bad and pernicious example
of all others in fuch cafe offending, and againtt the peace of the
lord the now king, his crown and dignity, ISc. Wherefore the
fame coroner and attorney of the faid lord the king for the fame
lord the king prays the advice of the court herein thr premifTes,
and due p''Ocefs of law againfl; him the faid IVilliam CoppL flon-\n
this behalf to be made, toanfwer to the faid lord the king of and
in the premiiHs, l^c.
After a i'-,lidf',r the king judgment ivas arrejied, bscaufe
Cannington luas not by the defend'ir.t on his oath Jxnsrn to be
Cannington in the county of Somcrlet, but Cannington only, and
Information* $oi
the countj) of Some) Cet ivas brought into the informnllon ivUh <7f/
intiuendo: But ajterxuards in purlimneiit ufon a lurit of error \z
Mnrch 1697 the juJg'iier.t ixias reverfed.
The Attorney general againft Peckham and others.
Kent, to wit. T^ E it reniember'd, tbat Thomas Trevor, knt. at- ^n infcTmatioa
JQ> tor;i>^y general of tlie lord the now king, who forar'iot againft
for the fame lore the king in this behalf profecures, in his proper ihurj} in the
county aforefaid, labourer, Walter PVoodgnte, late of Radleafe
in the county aforefaid, l.ibourer, and Charles Ellis, late of
Penhurji aforefaid in the county aforefaid labourer, on the loth
day of Augujl in C.xc io;h year of the reign of our lord ff^illiam
the third, {f'f. v.ith force and arms, to wit, with pillols and
fwords at Ajlesfrd in the county aforefaid did unlaw'ully meet
together and afftinble themfelvcs to difturb the peace of the faid
lord the king, and being then and there fo met together and af-
fenibled, the park of Joh>! Bunks, bart. there, in which deer ihea
and long before were kept, then and there with the force and
arms aforefaid unlawfully broke and entered, and in and upon
Euivard Bujh, fjhn Cuiill, Richard Hodges and John Fletcher,
then the fervants of the laid John Banks, bart. and in the peace
of God and of the faid lord the king then and there being, then
and there with the force and arms aforefaid made an allault and
an aftray, and them the faid E. B. J. C. R. H. and J. F. then
and there with force and arms, i^c. did unlawfully beat, wound
and abufe, fo that their lives were greatly defpaired of, and the
pales of the park aforefaid, being the fence of the fame park,
then and there with force ami arms did unlawfully break, throw
down and fpoil, and other outrages on the fame J. Banks, bart.
E. B. J. C. R. H. and J. F. then and there with the force
and arms aforefaid did unlawfully commit, to the' great tlamage
of them the fiid J. Bank., bart. E. B. J. C. R. H. and J. F. i.i
conrempt of the laid lord the now king and his laws, to the bad
and pernicious example of all others in fuch cafe offending, and
againft the peace of the faid lord the now king, his crown and
dignity, tTf. Wherefore the fume attorney general of the (aid
lord the now king for the fame lord the king prays the advice of
the court here in the prcm'.fies, and due proccfs of law againll
the faid Tobias /-'. Walter W. Niiholas C. and Charles Fllis in
this behalf to be made, to anfwer to the faid lord the king in the
preiniflcs, l^c.
Banks, hart, againfl Peckham and others.
'■' ^^ Tf/'UIiam ^c. To IVillinm T-wifden, hart. Philip Boreler, hurt
on- i. LeonnrJ, bart, J. IVillitmfony kut. C. Bicherjiaffe, knt.
A Certliraii
remove a cor
vfdion of deer- ^^ Lattihaiut, cfq; j. /^^r/'fr, eiq; JVillium Selhy, efq ; ancTT/zowrtj
(tct^cig ou 3^ £////£., efq; keepers of our peace, anc' our jufciccs afiigned to hear
and determine divers felonies, trcipaffes and other niifdeineanors
in our county oi Kent, and every of them, greeting: Being vi^il-
]ing for certain reafons to be ceriified of the record of convdion
of Reginald Peckham the elder, for certain trefpafTes againft the
form of the flatute made For the more e^edual tlifco'very and
fv.rdfhment of d'er-Jiealersy whereof before you he is convifted,
(p.s It is faid) before us by you to be ftnt ; We command you
and every of you, that the record of the conviflion aforcfai*!,
Avith all things touching it, as lully and intirely as it now re-
mains before you, by whatever name the faid Reginald may be
called in the fame, before us under your or one of your feals,
from the day of St. Michael in three weeks, wherefoever we
fhall then be \n England, you or one of you fend, together with
Praft. Reg. this writ, that we may farther caufe to be done therein what of
3'*« ri^ht and according to the law and cuftomofour kingdom of
T.ngland we fliall fee to be done. Witnefs J. Holt, knt. at
Wejiminfier\\i^ I ft day oijuly in the 8th year cf our reign.
Til c return of Kent, lo ml. "Vy^ it remembered, that othervrife, to wit, on
the conviaioii. J^ the 5th day of September in the yth year of
the reign of our lord IVitliam the third by the grace of God of
Er.glarJ, Scotland, France and Ireland kin:/, defender of the
faith, Iffc. at M tidjlone in the county of Kent, before Humphty
Miller, bart. PhilipBoteler, bart. and T. Bliffe, efq; then and
yet ihejufticesof the faid lord the king alFigned to keep his
peace in the county afcrefaid, as alfo affigned !o hear and deter-
mine divers felonies, trefpafll's and other mifdemeanors coin-
miaed in the fsme county, on the inforn)ation of John Bunks,
eent. and on the oath of Edzvard Bv/h, of the parilli o'i Shore-
"liitch in the county of Middle fex crirpenter, (being a credible
v^irnefs) one Reginald Peckham the younger, of //-''; o/.r//.7 in the
county" of Ker.i aforefaid, gent. George Herbert of Tonhrid^e in
the county aforefaid, genr. Charles Farmer oi Rothai field \n\hz
county of Su[Jcx, gent. Nicholas Copper of Igtham in the coimry
of AV«r aforefaid, yeoman, ^c duly and according to the form
of the ftatute in that cafe made and provided, were convicted,
and each of them was convided by the juft'c:s aforefaid, for this,
that the faid R. Peckham, G. Herhert, C, Farmer, N. Copper^
E. Chambers and E. Garret, on the 14th day of Jugu/l \n (he
yth year abovcfaid, about the ift hour in the night of the fame
day, with force and ar.T.s, iffc. at y^jlesford in the county afore-
Information. J "^ca
faid, in the park of John Banks of Aylesford afcrcfair?, bnrt. there
(iruate, lying and being, (and then being the park and foil in
which failow-ueer then and there before were iiluaiiy kept, and
then were kept,^ four fallow-deer of the faid John BanLs, barr.
with certain grey-hounds unlav;fully and iinjurtly h:id hunted,
chafed, taken, killed and carried away, without the corrcnf of
the faid Jo /i« Barks, birt. (then and yet ov/ner and polT-lTjr of
the park and deer aforefaid,) or any other perfon intrutled with
the cuftody tlurcof, againft the form of the fcaru;e in fuch cafe
made and provided ; and farther then and there it was confidered
and adjudged by the juflices aforefaid, that ihey the faid Reginald
Peckhamy G. Herbert, Charles Farmer, Nicholas Copper, EJzv.rrJ
Chnmbers and Edieani Garret, according to the form of the fla-
tute aforefaid, ibould forfeit and each of them feparitely fliouLl
forfeit the fum of 120 /. for his ofenc; aforefaid, to wit, the funi
of 30 /. for every deer of the faid four deer fo as aforefaid hunted,
chafed, killed and tak?n away, one third pare thereof to be ^iveu
to the informer aforefaid, another t'lird p:irt to the ufe of the
poor of the pariili of Aylesford aforeiaid, in which pariilx the
Oitence aforefaid was committed, and the other third part to the
laid J'^hn Banks, bart. the owner of the deer aforefaid, as by the
conviftion and judgment aforefaid by thcj'jllices sforcfaid ended
ami given, and in the hands of the faid juftices remaining, morj
fully is manifeft and appears : And now, to viit, on Thurjday
the i3rh day 01 Augujl in the 8th year of the reign of the faid
lord the now king, at Tonbridge in the county of Kent ai'bre-
faid, the faid John Banks of A. aforefaid in the county afore-
faid, gent, and the faid Edivard Bv/h in their proper pcr-
fons come before us William Tivifdcn, bart. Philip Boteler,
bart, Cfff. and others our companions, juilices of the faid lord
the king afTigned to preferve his peace in the county afore-
faid, and alfo to hear and determine divers ftlonies, trefpaffes
and other niifdemcanors in the fame county committed; and
the faid Jdtn Banks, gent, gives us the faid jurtices to un- [ I'^'i ]
derftand and be informed, that Reginald Pec kham the elder, of
IVrotham in the county of Kent afoiefaid cfqj on the faid 14th
d^yof J^'gu/f in the 7th year of the reig-nof the faid lord the now
king abovefuivl, at y^/fx/er^' aforefaid in the county of Kent af re-
faid, wiih force and arms, ^r. was aiding and alhlling to (hem
the faid Reginald PeelJiam the younger, lUrbtrt, ilfc. in
the uniav-iul and unjuft hunting, chafing, taking, killing,
'woundin:^ and carrying av.'ay of the fcdd fourdcersfo as aforefaid,
in the faid park of the faid John Bwiks, barf, hunted, chaff.!,
taken, killed, v/oundcd and carried away, againll the form of the
ftatute aforefaid ; and hereupon the faid Edv.nrd Uu/h, (being %
credible witnefs) bc'ore us tbc faid jjlliccs lad men'.ioned, now
here takes his corpf^ril oath on the Holy Gofpel of (Jod tottll
the truth of and upon the prcmifRs to usthc faid irHti.m TwifJent
Philip Boteler, ^sfc. here having power and aiithoriiv to adiui-
niftcr an oath to the fame Edivard Uujh in this behalf, and here
The informa-
303 Information.
being fworn !)C the fuiJ EJzvard Ba/k on bis oath aforcfaid fays,
tiepolcs ani'\ fwcHrs, that the faiil Rt^inahl Peckham the eUler, of
li rot ham atcrctaidin the countyof Kent, efq; on the laid 14th day
ol" A-.'gufi in the 7th year of the rtign of thefaiJ lord the tiow king
abovelaid, at y'/y/^ .v/o» aforefaid in the couniy oi Kent eforeliid,
with force and arins, £5V. was aiding and afhfting to them thefaid
Re^iiuild Pitkhum tlie younger, ISc. in the unlawful and unjuft
htinclng, chafing, tiiking, killing, wounding and carrying away
ol the laiii four deer lo as aforefaid in the faid park, of the faij John
Bar.hsy bart. hunied, chafed, taken, kiliei, woundeci and car-
ried away, againft the form of the ll.iiute aforefaid ; therelore it
is confidtred and ad)u<'gedby us the faid IVilliam TivifJen, Philif>
Bjtelcr, l^c. the jultices aforefaid, on the citation and hearing of
the faid Reginald Peckham the elder, that the faid Reginald Ptck-
ham the elder, on the premiilc's above on him as aforeaid charged
by the tetliniony of ihe faid EJivatd Bu/h (a credible v;iftiefs on
his oarh alorefaiti,) before us the faid juflices, is convi^ed ac-
cording to the form of the ftatute in fuch cafe made and provided
(he the faid Reginald Peckham the elder being duly profecufcd
tor the ofFeuce atorefaid within \z months after the faft com-
miitcd,) and that the faid Reginald Peckham the elder do forfeit
the fum of 1 20 /. for his offence aforefaid, to wit, the fum of ■y^oL
tor every deer of the faid four deers fo as aforefaid hunted, taken,
killed and carried away, one third part of the faid fumof tao/.
to be given iojjhn Banks, gt;nt. the informer aforefaid, one other
third part of the faid fum of 120/. to the ufc of the poor of the
parifli of AyUffard aforefaid, in which parifli the offence aforefaid
was commltied, and one other third part of the faid fu:ii ot 120/.
to the fiiid 'Jnhn Bunks, bart. the owner of the park and iiee^r
aforefaid, according to the form of the ftatute aforefaid. In wit-
nefs whereof we the faid juftices lafk mentioned to this our re-
cord have fet our hands and fcals, at Tonbridgf atorelaid m the
county of Kent aforefaid, the faid i sjrh dav ot Augufi in the 8th
year of the reign of the faid lord the now king abovelaid, and in
* the year of the Lord 1696.
JViiliaiJi Tivifden,
Philip Bottler,
lit p hen Lsonaid,
Halfey againft Hope,
Information for Mic!d\ to wit, ^OHN Halfry, who as well for the lord the
er.c:cifing the J king as for hinifelf in this bshalf profecutes,
trade of a comes here into the court ol the faid lord rhe king at the general
kiewer. quartcr-f. (Tions of the peace of the faid lord the king held for the
ilo^b'^Ti?! <^o""fy ^f" ^^'^^^''^^ =»f '^'^'^•^'^ f^"^^' '" fhe parini of day
in the id vcarof the reign of the lord G.'orge, now king of Great
Britain, ^c. before and others thc-ir. companions, juftices
of the faid lord the king aflTigned to preferve the peace in the
Inquifition. J 303
county aforefaid, and alfo to hear and determine divers felonies,
trefpafl'es and other inifdemeanors conuniucd in the fame county,
and as well tor the fuid lord the king as for hinifelf gives the '
court here to uncerftand and be informed, that Ar.dreiv Hojeoi
the pariili of St. Martin in the Fields in the county ot' MiJdlefex
aforefaidjOn the 2d day of Auguji in the year of the Lord 1714,
at the par.ili aforefaid in the county alorefaid, and for the fpace
of fix months then next following, for his own proper gain vo-
luntarily ufed, exercifed and occupied the art, mylltiy or manual
occupation of a brewer, being an art, rnvflery or manual occupa-
tion ufed in England at the time of the making of the lldtute in
inch cafe made and provided, in which (aid art, myftery or ma-
nual occupation he the fame Andreiu was not brought up as an
apprentice for the fpace of fcvcn years, againft the form of the
ftatutein fuch cafe made and provl,led, whereby the fame Andrevu
forfeited and loft 12/. to wit, 40 i. for every month the fame An-
dreixj Hcpe(oa.s atorefaid ufed, exercifed and occupied the art,
myftery or manual occupation ot a brewer aforefaid : Whereoa
the fame Jy/in Htd/ey, who as well for the faid lord the king as
for himfelf in this behalf profecutes, prays the advice of the court
here in the premilTes, and due procefs of law againft the faid
Andreiv Hope in this behalf to be made, and that the faid An- 5 E'- c- 4' §
dre'w Hope may forfeit and lofe for his oftcnces aforefaid, ^l' ■.
to wit, 40 s. for every month aforefaid ; and that he the fame t 3 4 J
John hlalfey, who as well for the faid lord the king as for him-
lelt in this behalf profecutes, may have a moiety of the forfeitures
aforefaid, according to the form of the flatute aforefaid in fuch Seflk. 39.
cafe made and provided, and alfo that the faid Andreiv Hope may
come here into court to anfv/er of and upon the prcmifles.
The King againft The Lord Griffin.
TJ/'llliam the third, feV. To our trufty and well beloved John A commifllon
IVinll'm, Richard BulLr the eld.r, Edtvn: d Brom.'ge, John a I'ul
men of the city aforefaid, and other ways, methods and ntcans
Vv'hereby they ih.ill or may better know, as well within liberties
as witliout, of all treafoiis, mifprifiorjs of treafon and conceal-
ments of treafon againft us out of this kingdom of Er^/nnJ
wherefoever, by whcmfoevcr and howfoever had, c'one, perpe-
trated or comnsitted, according to the form of the ftatute in the
parlian;ent of the lord Heivy the eighth, bte king of Enghif:,-/, ^c.
-' H. 3. c. %' in the 35th year of his reign held at iVeJlmirJier, made and pro-
vided, and the fame treafoiis and other the premiflcs (for that time)
to hear and determine, according to the law and cuftom of our
kingdom oi' EtiglaneJ, affigned, by the oath of /tl^i/in Beyer, John
Jlf(jore (reciting the 1 eft of ihe ■jufcrs) good and lawful men of
the city of Lorjdon aforefaid, being fworn and charged to inquire
for us for the body of the city aforefaid, it was prefented. That
whereas a war open and notcrioufly publick between us and
Le'ujii the French king long was and yet is, during which time
the faid Leivis the French king, and tis fubjeOs were and yet
are adverfaries and encn)ies to us and our fubjccls, one Charles
carl of MidJkton, late of London, Edivnrd lord Griffin, late of
I '?'^5 3 Eondon, Roger Palmer, ]:'ls oi Eondorr,.;mifies, the holy gofp-'l being by them firft touched^
before you or any three or more of you, on their oailis corporally
to be taken ('.iiigently to examine, and their examinations to
receive, and in writing in parchment to reduce, left this our
p cfcnt eommand fli"'uld remain farther to be executed : We
give moreover to all and fingular m::yors, flieiilfs. bailiff';, con-
It ibles, and all other our cfHcers, minift-rs and fubjefts whom-
foever by the tenor of thffe prefents flriflly 'n command, that
you and every of you in the execution of the premiifes they ob-
l'crve,oboy and attend, as it behoveih. In wiint-fs whereof thcfe
our letters we have caufed to be made patent \^ iinefs curfelf
at IVtJlviir.fler : 5th day of Mareh in the r.infh year of our rei^n.
Trevor Dazviing, by v/arrant of the aticrnev peneral.
The execution of this commifHon appears in a certain irPuTi-
tion to the comm-illon annexed. J(//in CUrJan, Jo'in Radjordf
Charles Pultneyy Jjhn Bradford,
An inquifinon indented, fak:n at the fgn of the Cco-'pe in The in^]iflt.icn■
ii^,•//errKg in thccounty of N;rthampton aforefaid, i2fh day of
A'guft in the ninth year of the reign of our lord IVilluin \\\q.
third, by the grace of God of Evglnri'l, Scotland, Frovie and
htl.ind king, lefcnder of the fai;h, i^c. before MsJohnClendon^
"John Radjord, C/uirJes Piihney, e!q: snd "John liiadford, gent,
comm'ffionerscf the faid lord the k-n^-, by v'r:ue of the commif-
fion (jf the faid lord the king under h'S great fea! of /r;'^/^vw,/feaie<1,
benrng date at Wejlnnnfisr the 15th day of Mr.rch lall: paft. to
fs, or any three or more in tlie fame comiDifTion named, dirt-fled,
an I to this inquifition annexed, to inquire on the behalf of the
faid lord the kinfj of certain thin^^s, ariicKs and circunsftr'nces in
the fame commiiTion fpccifit d, by the oath 0I JoCeph Baker, gent.
li'.Ui/iin Baker, Jo/in Ives, (^c. (recitirg all t.':e jurors) g^'od and
lawful men of the county of h'orthaifipion aforctaid, wlio being
fworn and charged ot and upon the preuiiflls on their oath f.iy,
that Eiliiard lord Giiffin in the conimiiiinn afortfaid named, on
flie day of the committmg the high tri-afon in the fam? commif-
fi'in fpecified, to wit, ihez'jh day of March in the yih year of
the rtign of the fai 1 loril t'le king, and alio on thr day of the out-
lawry ol the fail lord (irijjin in the finie commifllTii iniptioncd,
to wit, Monday nc:;t 2U:r ;hc fjall of the puriHtaiion of the I Z^l J
LI 2 LlelKd
307 Inquifition.
blcfle J virgin M.iry in the yih year abovcfaul, was ftifcd in bis d?-
incfne as ol tVe ot and in the manor ot Bmbrcokcy wich the sppur-
lonances in the parilh of Brahrooke in the county flfor- laid j and
alio of and in one niriTuHge with the appnrrenancv-'s, Jitr.atein the
parilli of Biabtuuke in the county aforefaid, now or lattr in the te-
nure or occupation of JVilliam H inter/on ; and ot and in ten acres
of land, five acres of ineaddw and five acres of pafture, lying
in Biabi cokr aforefui.i, now or late in the tenure or occupation of
the fame IVilliam li'inierton, and ot the clear yearly value in all
illiies btfides reprifes 12 /. more or lefs ; and a!fo of and in, l^c.
(recUlrg the pn- licul ir of all his eftute in t/.e fame warn sr :) And
the jurcrs atcrcfaid on their oath aforefaid farther fay, ti)at 'John.
Stone, late ot Brabtooke aforelaid in the county aforefaid. gent,
from th? fiiii Mj;//7/7v next after the fealt of the purification of
the bltfTod virgin Mary in the 7th year abovefaid, being the faiJ
dav of the outlawry of the faid lor.i Grijin, unto the d^y of the
caption of this inquifi'jon, at Brobroole aforefaid in the county
aforefaid, had received the feveral yearly rents from the faid fe-
veral perfons above particularly named, to and fcr the ufeofthe
faid EdzvarJ \Qr.\ GriJJi'U and that the faid John ^tcne ov^nl to
render an account for the fame to the faid lord the king : And the
jurors aforefaid on their oath aforefaid farther fay, that the faid
Edivard lord Grijpn had no lordlL'ps or manors, or any other
lands, tenements or hereditaments, the faid 2<^'\\ day of Mtirch
in the 7th year abov^faid, nor the faid day of the pronouncing
of the outlawry aforefaid, or any other goods and chattels, debts,
renti, fpecialties or fums of money, the faid Mond/j next after
the fealt of the blefTvt! virgin Mary, or ever after, within the
countv at'orefaid, to the knowledge of the fame jurors. In wit-
nefs whereof to one part of this inquifition indented with us the
faid comn-ifuoners remaining, and by us to the barons of the ex-
chequer ot the faid lord the king to be fent and certified, as well
the jurors aforef^iid have fet their hands and feals, as we the faid
conniiifiioners have fet our hands and feals, but to the other part
of this inquifition, v;ith the foreman of the jurors aforefaid re-
maining, we the faid ccnmifiioners have fet our hands and feals the
day year and place firft abovefaid, ^r. John Cleiuio'u J'^hn{-
jtrdi Cka. Pullney, John Bradford, Jof. Baker, JVilliajn Bukcr^
J-.. hjcs,JohnJJirJon the mark of^(C), B^njfiwin S.yles, Tho.
m^d, S. '/lujlen, Ro. Tebh-t, John Ireih, Tho. Bull the mark
of (n). lVilli.if:i Rmulutt, J. JTooJ, Rifh.ird Uurman^ R. Gar-
rati, Sam. Taylor, Ceo. ■lyndtdl, J. Symonds.
2 ah againft Kirwood, km.
Extent in sid of
^."l'?' '"offi^ n f'or^e, b'c. To the fnerfl^ of Middlefcx, greetir.g : V/here-
Br sTs? ^% Kit hue Yale of the parilli of St. Andre-.v Hotborn W xhz
, Cro! 106. county of Middiifex, efq; and Matheiv Kirivood, knt. citizen
1 Cio. 179. and goldfmith of London, by their writing obligatory fealed with
^^''- ^ iheir Teal bearing date the 25ih day of J^ril in the 4th year of our
4 Cro. 67. o rei?n,
Pr^c*. Reg. ^ *
Inqulfltion. J 2®7
reign, arc jointly and fcparately bound to us in 4.0000/. of lawful
money vi Great Britain, to be pai>.l at a certain day pall, and the
faid 40000 /. to us have not yer paid, nor caufcd to be paid, nor
hath eiilur of them paid or caiifed to be paid as it is faid ; And
we beiPr: willing to be fatisfied the fiii! 40000/. to us now due,
v.'ith all ihe fpeed we can, as is.jull:, coannanJ you, thit you do
not oniir by reafon of any liberty, but you enter into it, and as
well by the oath of good and lawful men of your bAiliwick, as
by the oath and teftiiiiony of any good and lawiul men of vour
r^ine biiliwick, by whom the truth of the matter may be the
better known, and by all other ways, means and methods you
fliall or may better know, diligently inquire what debts, credits,
fpecial'.its and fums of rwoney the faid Mattheiv Kirwcod now
has in your faid bailiwick, and all and (inguiar thofe faid debts,
credits, fpeciahies and fums of money in whofe hands foever >
they now arc, by the oath of good and lawful men diligently ex-
tend, and into our hands caufe to be taken and fcifed, that we
may h."ve them until we are fatisfied the debt aforefaid, according
to thj form of the fiatute for the recovery of fuch our debts
thereof lately made and provided ; and we farther command ani
jmpcwer you by thcfe prefents, to call before you all perfons pro-
per to he examined in the premilll's here, of and in the fame
premiHes diligently to be examined, le'ft this our prefent com-
mand fiiould remaia farther to be execrteii ; And how you fhall
have exec'jted this our prefent command, to the barons of our
excheijui-'r at Ifejlminjier on the j8th day of November next en-
fuing diftiniflly and openly certify, and have there then this wrir.
Witncfs 1 nomas Bury, knt. the 2d dav of Se^leniher in the 5th
year of our reign, by tiie writing obligatory aforefaid, and by
the faid ftaiuie of the 33d year of the reign of the late king
Henry the eighth, and by warrant by the barons.
[ 308 T
/^ E'l-ge bv the grnce of God of Great Britnirt, France and Extent in xu\.
Irtliiml king, defender of the frith, ISc. to tlie Iheriffs of 4 R«P- <'<5,67'
L^itiJon, greering : Whereas IFilliim J. of the town of //. in ^°^' 339-
the counrv off/, cfq; IVilluim D. of ihc fame, efq; E)ari I .V. of \ shovy'?^^*
the pfsriHi of Sr. Martin in tfie PitlJi in the county of Miildlefex, 2 Show. 4S0.
gol.'.fmiih, Jofej'/i N. of the fame, gel 'fmith, and Aired C. of G, PiacSt. R<.^,
in the county of //. aforefaid, gent, by their wrifing obligatory 53'-
frzltd with their fcals, bearing date the fecond day of 'Ju/y \n
the 6'h vear of our reign-, are bound to us jointly and fcvcrally
in 6000/. of lawful money, to be pnid at a cert:t 1''^ fitv of London ia the parifli of St.
L.izurence m x\\\t OUi Je'wry '.n ihe ward ot Chenjy cf the fame
ci'v, the i2th day of Odthsr'xw the fcventh year of the reign of
our lor i Qcorg" by the grace of God of Great Brilnin, Fiav.ce
and he!iin,{ king, d>T<;nder of the faith, i^c. before William
BilLrs, cfq; an.; GcO'ge Cu'-well, kut. flieriffs of the city of
Lji'.clon atcrefaid, by v;r;ue oi a certain wiit of the fai.! lor>l the
king to the fame ibtrft's direcled, and to this inqu {;ti;:)n annexeJ,
lo iiHj.iireof and upon certain aiittc-rs in the fame writ contained
Tbejury, gnd fp rified, by the oath of Robert Walker, Dar.iel Collins,
Geur'^e Stagj^, Robert D^irvys, IV.lUain Foiiler, Th^tnas Mun,
Robot hee'fly, Charles Kent, Walter Prejioti, Jamss St-ifej,
William Me'aclhy and IVAiam Huidty, good au.i lawful men of
the bailiwick of the faid fii-Tiffs who being fworn and charged,
The credits of fay on rh.'ir oath, that one /'. B. of, i^c. on the day of the ifluing
thcdvbiar, of the fame writ, to wit, on the 5th day of Oduber in the 7th
year abovcfaiJ, was indebted to D. N. and J. the faid writ
named in the fum of 104/. of law! id money oi Great Britain^
for the like fum of money by the faid F. B. of the faid D. N. and
J. A'. Defcre then borrowed'and received : And the jurors afore-
Moaey lent. i'^id farther on their oath fay, that one Robert O. of the parii'h of
St. Martin in the FiilJs in the county ai M^ //?/<• .v, jeweller,
on the faid day of the i{lui"g cf th; fame w^rit, to wit, on the
5th day of Oj/o/'i?»-in the 7th year abovefaid, was indebted to the
faid Daniel N. and J'jf>'p^i ^^'■ in the fuui of 14/. of iike money
o':Gre:it Briimn, for the fkefum of money by the faid /?oii^t'r/ O.
of the faid D. N. and J. N. before borrowed and received: And
the jurors -^forsfaid farther on their oath hy, that one Jmlrenv /l
of the p^rifli of in the county of Mi.Ule/ex, gent, on the
faid dav of the ifluing of the fame'wrif, to wit, on the 5th day
of Odober in the 7th year abovefaid, wr.s indebted to the faid
D. N. and J. N in the fum of 3/. of like lawful money, for
the like fum of money by the faid A>ulrexv FiJian of the faid
D. N. and J. A', before then borrowed and received : And the
jurors aforefnid on their oath fav, that one IVil'.iam 7. of
the parii'h of in the county of Midnlefex, coach- miker, on
the laid day of the iffiiing o? the faid writ, to wit, on the faid 5th
day of Qc7oW in the7th year abovefaid, was indebred to the faid
D. A', and J. N. in the fum of 56 /. for the like fum of money by
M-nry r«e1v. the faid IV.F. for the ufe of the faid D. N. and J. N. before then
ed to his ufc. had and received : And the jurors aforefaid farther on their oath
f .y, th^it one G. F. oi, &c. in the county of MtJil-fex, g -nt. on
the' faid dav of the ifluing of the fame wrir, to wit, on the faid
5rh day of Oaobcr in the 7th year abovefaid, was indebted to the
faid D. N. and J. N. ia the fum of lOo/. for ihe iike fum of
Inquifition. .] 308
money by tKc fald G. F. for the ufe of the faid D. N. and J. N.
tefo/e then had and received : And the juiors at'orefaid farther
on their oath fay, that one J. K. of in the county of MiJ-
dlefeic, mercer, on the faid day of the iiTuing of the fame writ, to
■uit, on the faid 5th day of Oiiohr in the yih year abavefiiid, was
indebted to the faid D. N. and J. N. in the fmii of 20/. for the
like fiini of money by the faid John Kirkd for (he ufe of the fiii
D. xV. and J. N. before then had and received : And the jurors
afor^taid f irther on their oath Uy, that one B. of on the
faid day of the iiTuing of the faiiie writ, to wit, on the faid 5 th day
of 0.7(//'fr in the 7th year abovefaid, was indebted to the faid
D. N. and J. N. in the fuin of 40/. for the like fum of money
by the faid B. for the ufe of the faid D. N. and J. N.
before then ^ had and received : And the jurors aforefaid farther
on their oath fay, that one S. B. of, ^c in the county afore-
faid, cfq; on the faid day of the iffiiing of the fame writ, to
wit, on the faid 5th day rf Ocloberin the 7th year abovefaid,
was indebted to the faid D. N. and J. N. in the fum of loo?.
for the like fum of money bv the faid S. B, for the ufe of the [ 3°9 J
faid D. N. and J. N. before then had and received ; And the Book debts.
jurors aforefaid farther on their oath fay, that D. S. on the faid
day of the iiluing of the fame writ, to wit, on the faid 5th day of
Oulohr in the 7th year abovefaid, was indebted to the faid D. N.
and J. N. in the fum of 28/. 11 s. of like lawful money, for
<*ivers goods, wares and merchani.^izes, by the faid D. N. and
7". N. to the faine S. before tlicn foul and delivered : And the
jurors aforefaid farther on their oath fay, that D. S. on the faid
di-.v of the ifl'uing of the fame writ, to wit, on the 5th day of
OSlobei-'w tlie 7th year abovefaiu, was indebted to the faid D. N.
and J. N. in the fum Oi" 80 /. 7 s. of like lawful money of Great
Btitain, for divers goods, wares and merchandises, by the faid
D. N. and J. A', io the faid D S before then fold and delivered;
And the jurors aforefaid on tluir oa;h farihcr fay, that one P. B. ^ debt by fpe-
o\' I imihgion in the county of Sjui/j'ion, efq; and ^4. il/cf the cuhy.
^v.r'.ih. ot S. A Wedminfier in the county of MiiUilfex, v/idow,
bv their wriiing obligatory ferdcd with the foals of them the
faivi P. and A. bearing date the 6th day of February 171S, be-
came held and bound to the faid D. N. and J. A', in 200/ of
lnwiVl money of Great Britain, to be paid to the fame D. N,
and J. N. whtn they flijuld be tiiereto after required ; which
faid writing obligatory alorcfaid, as alfo the money thereon due,
ve the f.iid flierirfs, by virtue of the writ aforefaiii, have cau'.ed
to b-- extended, and into the hands of the faid lord the king to be
taken and feifed : And the jurors aforefaid farther en their oath
fa<-, that H. C. of (he pariih, Ifc. fVtJlmin'/er in the county of
M'rddlefex., gent, was intiebted to tlie laid H. N. and J. N. in ilie
fum of zzol. of like lawful mon.'v of Great Britain, for the
like fum of money by the faid D A', and J. N. to the faid //. C.
accommodated and lent ; and that the (ait! //. (■'. by liis certain
writing duly made, bearing date 27th day oi' Jure 1719. for
IJ 4 llic
509 Inqulfitlon,
(he confi 'cr-aion in tl-.e faniv? mentionei-l, afliGl'tcH, transferrffl
Alfi^nmcnt of , 1 / • 1 7^ ■; 1 • ■ • -n 1
an aimv .KLvn- and )tt over to the laid i^. yv. his executors, ai-iniiiiiUriUors and
tnrc as a iVcu- aiTwr.s, all li.s fuli pay or bfiunty-nioncy ot 200 /. per ami. ^^iven
rity for money or ^r.inied hiu: by tlic faid lor ) the kiii^, piiyable to the faid
^'="'' H. C. by tqu-il quarterly portions, out of the revenue of the
lal I loni the king of the fivil liiJ, or otherviile ; and the faid
f'l. C. by virtue of the fame, auihorlz'id ar.d impowcrcd the faid
D. N. ^'is executors, adininillrators and afTii'ns, from time to
time, and at all times afteiwar.'s, when and as olten as they wen;
payable and paid, to aHi, demand and receive ot and from IV. C.
clq; pay-maltcr oi the faid lord the king's pcnfions or bounty-
money, or of the paymafler thereof, or any other perfon or per-
(bns v;homfo.ver tor the tiii'.e bein^^ authorizcil and appointed to
pay the lame, and that his or their receipt or receipts, acquit-
tance or acquittances, fliould be a full and fufficient dikharge
thereof: and that there was due to thefai.l //. C from the faid
lord the king, by the hands of the faid IV. Chetnvyml, efq; thi
fum of 20©/. of lawful money, for a year ended at the feaft
of St. Michael laft paft : And the jurors atbr.faid farther on their
oarh fay, that the writinfj afor laid was mai^e and ex( cuted by
the faiJ H. C. to the faid D. jV. to fecure and to repay to the
faid D. iV. the fian of 220/. advanced by him the irA D. N.
to the fuid H. C, which yet remains due and unpaid : And the
jurors aforcfaid on their oath aforefaid farther fay, that D. N^.
and 7- N-''^'-'^ the writ of extent afirefaid named, on the liav of
the iiiu'.ng of the fame writ, 10 wit, on the faid 5ih day of 0<-
ioi;r in the 7th year abov.faid, and at the time of the caption
of this i'-qiiiiirion, were pclTcffv-'d and intitled in our bailiwick,
as of t!i-ir own proper goods and chattels of, in and to feveral
goods, chattels, writings and fums of money in the firll fchedule
or inventory to this i^qiifition annex-d particularly mentioned,
of the fcveral values of ;he fums in the faid fchedule or inventory
to the fame refpeft'vtiy put anJ fet, as by the jurors atorefaid
appraifcd; And thejsirors aforefaid on their oath atorefaid farther
fay that the fail D. i^jrco'i inA J. N.rcotl on the day of the
ifluing of the writ of extrnt aforcfaid, to v,'it, on the faid 5th day
of OJo^ef in the 7th year abovcfa'd, and at the time of the cap-
tion of this inquifition, W'.re pofl'fT^tl and intitled in our baili-
wick, as of th-^ir own proper goo Is and chattels, in and to feveral
writin'^s and fums of money in the ficond fchedule or inventory
to this ir.quififion annexed particularly mentioned, and fpveral
perfons in the fecond fchcdule.or inventory in that b?liaH particu-
Lirly naine-l, were at the fame times refp;£t:vely poiFeired of the
fame writings an.i fums of money in trufl: for the fame D. N. and
y. A', all which faid iToois. chattels, debts, writings and fums of
money, we the f'-»id flir riffs on the faid day of the caption of this
inquifition, by virtue of the writ aforei'aid, have cauled to be
cxf ended, and into the hands of the faidj lord the king taken and
feifed : And the jurors aforefaid farther on their oath aforcfaid
fay, thai D. N. and J. N. in the faid writ named, on the ad
y WilliKiii Billers, cr ann, in the name of one
T. N. in iruit and for the ufe of the faid D. and
7' ^''
Twenty pounds capital flock in the South-Seal
company in the name of one John B. in trail ^
and for the ufe of the faid D. A'. j
40 o o
Ten inares in the capital or principal (lock cf the~J
corporation or body politick, called by the name /
ne r,( one >
of the London Jfurance, in the
R. A', in trull and for the ufe cf the
and J. iV.
laid D.
C 150 o
zSzy o o
Byne and Dodckrhi^^e,
Fleas at Weftminfter before E'-lward Nevil, hit. JoI>n Powell,
hit. and John Biencowe, hnt. jujiices of the lord the king of
the bench of Hillary term in the \2th year of the reign oj the
lord William the third of [Log] a.n^, &c. ^tng. Roll 1609.
S'.tJ/cx, to wit. ^OHN DodJeridge, clerk, reclor of the rec- Dsclirationla
J tory of the parochial church of IVhutlingt n prohibition on
in the county aforefaid, was attached to anfwcr as well the lord ^ '"-^"^ ^5" P*J'
the king 2.%Edivard Byne in i plea, why he profecutcd a plea ti^/tfj^c of
againll the fame Edivard in the court chriftian againft the pro- f^jn,
h'.bition of ihs faid lord the king, ^c. And whereon the fame
Edijcard hy Francis Doyly his attorney complains, that whereas
the faid Edward Dyne was feifed in his demefne as cf tee of and
in a certain farm called IVtdtcrs IVi/h with the appurtenances ia
the pari li o'il'Vhatlington aforefdid in the county aforefaid, ot the
yearly value of 20/- and the fame Edi'jurd, and all other occu-
piers and poirc'lljrs of the fame tenement with the appurtenances
for the time being, for time immemorial have ufed and been ac-
cultomed to pay and remier to the reftor of the reftory of the
parochial church oi IVh.itlington aforefaid for the time being, or
ills farmer of ihat reftory, yearly on the feaft of St. Michael the
archargcl, or whenfoevtr after the feafc lie fliould be rcquirei!,
40 f- bring 2 s. for every 20 s. rent of the tenements aforefaid
v.'ith the appurtenances of and for the full and entire contentation,
fatisf^Clicn and difcharge of all and fmi^ubr tithes whatever of,
in and upon the tenements aforefaid with the appurtenance how-
focver growing, arifing, renewing or happening ; which faid 40 i'.
yearly as aforefaid payable and p;iid, all and fingular the redlors
of tii^ reftory of the church aforrfuid for the time being, or their
farin.TS of the redory aforefaid for the whole time aforelaid, of the
proprietors or occupiers of the fame tenements with the appur-
tenances in full fatisfsttion, contentation, payment and difcharge,
and in the name and ftead of ail and fingular tithes whatever of,
in and upon the tenements afortf-id with the appurtf nancts how-
foever growing, ariffg, renewing or happening, have received
and had, and the cullom and manner of tithing aforefaid for the
tithes aforefaid for all the time afor^jfaid have inviolably obfcrved j
Nivcrlhclcfs the faid J:ihn DgJdtrid^e, not ignorant of the prc-
i 5'*
J ^T I Prohibition.
mifTcS, contriving and intending him tlie faid EJ-wartl, againft
the liue tonii of the law ot this kingdom ot" England, and againll
the I'onn and eftld of divers llatutcs, tor tithes, and the manner
ot tithing made and provided, and againft the prefcr'ption, cuf-
tom and manner of tithing aforefaid, un.luly to aggrieve, opprefs
and tatiguf, and alfo the faid lord the nou' king and his royal
crown to difinherit, and the cognifiince of (he pica, which lo
the faid lord the now king and his royal crown, and not to the
ccclcfLifucal court, in this behalf belongs, to another examina-
tion in the court chriftian to draw, the fame £./urt;<^ in the court
chrifliiin before the reverend a;-i(i excellent man 1 homns Briggs.,
dccl'.^r of laws, of the reverend father in Chrilt Jjhn, by divme
permiirion lord bifiiop of Chichefter, in and ihro' the whole arch-
deanry of L.enx:es in the diocefe of Chichejicr commiflary or of-
ficial principal lavv-fully conftiiuted, or hislurfogate or other judge
whatever in that behalf competent, hath drawn in plea ot and
for the fubflradion an-,i non-payment of tithes, in a certain fche-
dute to a certain libel affixed m.entioned, craftily and fubtilly li-
belling againrt the faid EJ-ivard in the fame court chriftian, in
the manner and form following, to v^ir, Iwprimis, to wit, that
the faid Juhn DoJJeridge, clerk, in the months of S^eptemhtrt
ThftUld. 03'jbery No'vemhery December, January, February and Marik
169S, and in the whole year 1699, in every fuch years and months
was and at prefent is rector of the redlory of the parochial church
of IVhatlington aforefaid, and of all and fingular the tithes,
rights and en^oluments ecckfiaftical whatever to the fame rec-
tory belonging and appertaining, and to and in the fame reftory
v/ith ail its rights and appurtenances rightfully and lawfully ad-
mitted, initituted and inducted, and for fuch and as fuch the
fame Juhn Dodderi(!gs was and is commonly called, held, had
and reputed, openly, publickly and notorioufly ; and the party
proponent propounds them jointly and feverally, and of every
itm as well of common right as of and from an ancient, lau-
d-hie ai:d lawfully prelcribed cuftom, and for time immemorial
inviolably obferved, and in contradictory judgment often or once
obtained, the right of receiving and having all and fingular the
tithes, rights, emoluments ecchfnftical whatfoever, and efpe-
eraliy the'tiihes of things tithable in the fchedule to thefe prefmts
annexed mentioned, which fchedule the party proponent defires
znd prays may be taken as here read and inierted, as is proper
for him, aid not otherwife, within the pariili of IVtuillington
aforefaid, and the bounds, limits and places tithable of the fame,
srifmg, growing, renewing and happening to the rcdors and
their farmers of the reftory aforefaid for their times fucctillvely
being, and fo to the faid John Dyddcridge for the whole, and all
the time that he hath been reftor there, hath belonged and apper-
tain-'d, and fodoth belong and appertain, and \o to belong and
appertain hath ought, and ouglit at prefent ; and he propounds
as above. Item, that for thcfe 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 and 80 years latl
paft, 2nd alio for lime out of mind, the rttlors and their farmers
ff Try
oft'ie rcfinry aforcfaid in their times rucceirivc!\% tTie preHcccT-
I'or, and all and every the predcceifors of the faid Jo/m D'/dlei--
i'-g^i th^ prefcnc rector there, were, «s they ought to be, in the
quiet, full and peaceable polTcirion oi the right, or as the right
ol taking, receiving and having ail and fingidar the tithes of
things tirhablc, rights and einoluments eccLliailical, and efpe-
cialiv the tithes o( things tithable within written within the pariJh
ot IVhuilington aforefaid, and the bounds, liiir.ts and places titha-
ble of the fame, arifuig, grov/jng, renewing and happening, and
them by ihemfclvcs or their fanners have received, had, and to
their own proper ufe converted, and every of them j and theiai''n Dod.Ieridgein this behalf expended, and to be
expended, ard to him or his party to be condemned to pay, and
condemned to the due payment of the fame lawfully to be forced
and compelled by you, and your definitive fenrence or your final
decree in this behalf to be made, and farther to be donr, ordered
and decreed in the prem^fics, and every thing concerning them,
v;hat fiiall be the right and reafon of the premifTes propounding
jointly and fcverally, and not obliging himfelf to prove all and
^ ^ finguUr
Prohibition, i3i3
lingular tlie preniiflcs, nor to rhe burJt-n of a fupcrfluoiis proof,
againll vvh'uli lie piotells, but fo far as he Hiall prove in the pre-
niilTcs io f tr he may obtain io his Jtmand, the benefit ot the
law in ail things always faved, your office Sir the judge aiore-
nv\ined luujibiy imploring, the fchedule of which in ihe libel al^re-
faid mentioned is made as (oWov/s. Lnprhni s,'ihM the f^iid Edzvard The libeL
I'yne named in the libel hereunto annexed, in the years and ^
months in the firll article of the faid iibel mentioned, all and
^\cry, fome or one of thetn had, held, occupied, poffeBed and
enjoyed certain hinds, fields and grounds, fiiuate, lying and being
within the pariili of JV/tatUngton, and tiihable places thereof,
and in and upon the fame, and wirliin the faid pariili and tithabic
places thereof had and kept going, feeding, coming, renewing,
intreafing, happening, fallen, cut and mown thele feveral quan-
tiii^^s, parcels and numbers of hay, cattle, and other things fcl-
lowin?, "jiz, Imp.imis, i2 acres of meadow-ground which he
had caufed to be mown, and thereupon had four and twenty wain-
loads or carriages of hay mowed and made in the year i6(^,
libellate each wain-load or carriige thereof w-orih twenty iliil-
lings of lawful money of England. Item, four acres of hop-
ground in the year i699,libellate, each acre worth fifteen pounds
of like lawful, lye. Item, cne piece of ground fowed with hemp-
feed, and thereupon bad hemp and hemp-feed worth twenty
Shillings of like lawful, ^c. Item, one piece of ground fowed wirh
flax-feed, and thereupon had fiax and fiax-feed worth thirty
fliiilings of like lawful, If^c. Item, four milk kine every year
libellate, the milk of each cow worth weekly three Jfhillings of
like lawful, ^c. Item, four calves yearly, each worth at tith-
ing-tinie eight Ihillings of like lawful, ^c. Item, twenty
acres of coppice-ground, and from thence cut and fold yearly
and every year libellate fix cords of wood, each cord worth eight:
fliiliings of like lawful, l^Sc- hem, fix barren, dry, idle fat-
ting cat'le yearly, the departure of each of them wr>r:h weekly
twelve pence of like lawful, l^c. Item, twenty ewe flieep year-
ly, and of them had yearly twenty Jambs, each worth at tithing-
time three fhillings of like lawful, l^c. Item, one hundred weight
of v/ool yearly, Hiorn from fixty fheep yearly, each poiind
v;orth at (licaring-iime twelve pence of like lawful, ^r. htm,
twenty pigs yearly, and every year each worth at tithing-timi
three ftiillings of like lawful, i^c. hem, ten hcr,5, and of them
had five hundred eggs, every four of them worth one penny.
Item, tv/enty gcflings, or young geefe, each of them wonli
twelve pence. Item, twenty young turkies, each of them worth
twelve pence, hem, apples, and other orchard fruit, and g«irden
fruit and herbs of all forts worth yearly twcniy Hiillings, as by
thccnpy of the libel and fchedule sforefaid here in court produced
morctully is manifcft and appears ; and him the faiil /•,„''uwer and T.
PnrfjHs come, and on that jury are fworn j and becaufe the reft
XjIcj, of (he jurors of the fame jury have not appeared, thertfore others
fiom the by-ftandcrs of the llicr'tFof the county aforefaid hereto
elecl?d, at the requeft of the (^'k] Eu'iv/ird Eyne, who as well,
tfc. and by the command of rhe juftices aforefaid, are added
anew, v/hofc names are annexed to the panel within written, ac-
c so.
li E.
c 4-
14 E.
c. 16.
ccrJing to the form by the flatute in fuch cafe maJe anil pro-
N'i.ied ; and tiie jurors fo adi'.ed anew, to wir, Jnfnes Life, IV. 3:;H.8. c(J,
h'icholas, IV. Ofmey, John Napper. Richard Scr^gg, John Elliott , 7 ^ ^ ^- 3.
'f ihn Rogers, Ihnry Barnes and Eduoard Kempe, being called '^' ^^' ^ ^'
likewif' come, vho to fny the truth of t!ie v/iiliin contained, to- ^ " ' ^*
jyf'hcr with the other jurors aroreCtil ^t([ imparelled and fworr,
were c-li.£led, tried anJ fwofn, and from the bar liere to give their
verdi(5l thereon to talk together retired, and having thereon talk-
ed together and agreed to give that veruiftto the bnr here return-
ed ; v.'hereupon the faid Edwnrd Byne, who as wtll, Eifc altho'
foUinnlv called doth not come, nor farther profecute his writ
within fpecified againft the faid John DedJcriJge, ^c.
Morris againri Oldys and a?iother. [ 316 ]
LoK/a-\ to wit. ^^Ancs Morris, who as well for the lord and lady V/arrant of at-
^ the kip.g and queen ns tor iiinilelr in this be- i r-,; „
half profecutes, puts in his plac2 J.Lilly his attorney, agninft
IViliiam Oljys, doCt^r of laws, and Henry St. Geoyge, knt. daren-
ceux king at arms, in a plea ot trefpafs and contempt, for that they
profccut'-d in the court of honour c^ Httiiy duke of NafoV:, lord
car! liiarfhal of England, after the royal prohibition to the contra-
ry to them oiretlid and delivered.
London, to W\\..T%^ it remember'd that on Friday next after Bcclaraticn os
J3 the morrow of tae Holy Irimly m tnat lame ^j,^ ^.^^.j ,f
term before the lord and lady the king and queen at Wejhninjler honour to ft»y
QZ\\\^ James Morris, who as well for the lord and lady the king a fwit there lor
and queen as for himfelf in this behalf profecutes by 7. L. his at- rna.niallinjc a
1 , 11 • 1 > r .1 r ■ 1 1 ) J I J funeral wiihout
torney, and produced here m the court ot the laid lord and lady y^^^^^^ p^rr.
the king and queen then there his certain bill againft IV. Oldy^, ^(-p. ,3.5.
doftor of laws, and Kenry St. George, knt. clnrenceux king at
arms, in the cuftody of the marflial, ^c. in a plea of irefpnis and
contempt, for that they prolecuted in ihe court of honour o^ Henry
duke of Noyjolk, lord earl marihal of England, aitcr the royal prc-
hib'tion to them to the contrary ihtrcof dirc^od and delivered ;
and there are pledges 10 profecute, to wit, Jolin Doe and Richard
Roe ; which faid bill fonov;3 in ihefe words, to wit, James Mcr-
rit, who as well for the lord and lady the king anii queen as for
himfelf in this b;.haU profecutes, complains ot IV. Oldys, dttTlnr
of laws, mid l.'erry St. Geo-ge, knt, darcnceux king at arms, be-
ing in the cutl-idy of the marPnul of the Marjljaljca of ihe lord
and lady the kir.g and queen before the king and queen tlVcmfclvcs,
in a olea of trefpafs and, contempt, fjr that ihty profccutcil in the
coi-.rt of honour of //.'f.'j fiuke o\Njrfill<, lord earl mai fljal of
Ei.gland, after the royal prohibition to them fiilt to ihc contrary
thvVeof directed and delivered, for this, to wir, that whereas by
the ftature of Ma^na Charln of the liberties of Enplanl, made at
a p^irliamcnt hchl'at IVcftminjln in the county of Mi Idlefex m the
9'.h year of the rtign of the lor.l Henry the third., late king of llvg-
lan,t, it is ordained and c{lablin\:d, 7'hat no freeman fliouli be
uk'.n or imprifoi'.td, or be uifTjif-rd of his freehold or libcnii-s, or
Mm z ffCf
free cuHoms, or be outlawed cr exiljcl, or any otherwife c!cf!rov-
ed ; nor the lortl ihe king would not pal's upon him nur condemn
him but by lawful ju'Jgnient of his peers, or by the htw of iho
land; and that the fame late king would fell to no man, would not
tieny or deter to any man either juftice or right, ns in the fuid fti-
tute more fully is contiined ; And whereas silfo the faid 'John
Morris is a freeman of this kingdom, and ought to enjiy the li-
berties and free cuftcir.s of this kingdom of Er.glund, and con-
trary to the fame ought nor in any wife to be difquiete^j or moleft-
ed : Ncverthelcfs the faid //'. 01 lys, doftor of Iav;j in the court of
honour of the faid Henry duke of Norfolk, lord earl marHial of
EnglanJ, advocate of the king and queen, of the premiflcs not
ignorant, but contriving and intending him the faid James Morris
unjurtly and wrongfully to opprefs, and with vsry great experces
to tati2;ue, and from the common law of this kingdom of ErglnnJ
to derogate, in the faid court of honour of the faid flenry duke of
No-f'Jk before him the faid Henry duke of Norfdk, then and yet
being lord earl marflial o'i E^ gLincl, at Lor.don aforefaid, to wir,
in the parifliof St. Miiry le Bozv in the ward of Cheap, exhibited
certain articles againft him the faid James Morrit, by which faid
articles the faid lie ry dlike of 'Norfolk, at the promotion of the
faid IV. GhJyt, objefled and articulated, that for 2, 3, 4 5,6, 7, 8,
9, 10, and mere years elapfed, the faid Henry St. George was and is
one of the kings at arms, to wit, clarenceux king at arms, by royal
authority, by virtue of a commifnon under the great fealof fw;^-
/«»/:/ rightfully and lav/fully conflituted, and for fuch commonly
reputed, and that the cognifance, correQion and difpofition of
arms and er.fig'is, and the ordering, direQion and difpofition of fu-
neral pomps to the kin^s at arms, according to their refpeftive pro-
vinces, and to their officers in that behalf lawfully conflituted, and
fo to the faid Henry iV. George, knt. clarenceux king at arms, with-
in his province, and to the faid clarenceux king at arms for the
time being, from lime to time hath belonged and fo doth belong,
and ought to belong ; and that the premifTes aforefaid were and
»re to the faid James Mynis well known, at Icaft that the faid
James hath heard it fo faid. Item, that the faid Henry St. George^
knt. clarenceux king at arms, was and is king at arms at the fouth,
caft and weft parts of this kingdom of EnglatuI, to wit, from the
river called Trent towards the fouth; and that the faid J. Morris
within the pariili of St. FeJaJl, oihsrw\\t Fofler-lane, London, and
within the province of the faid clarenceux king at arms, for fome
years pad hath dwelt and now doth dwell, and to the jurifdidlion
of the court aforefaid was and is notorioufly fubjcft and liable.
I j'7 J Item, that the faid James Morris never had nor hath any licence
or authority from the faid Hemj St. George, clarenceux king at
arms, fo painf, or caufe and procure to be painted, any arms and
efcutcheons, or fiiields of arms and efcutchcons, or to marllial
the funerals of any perfon or perfons within his faid province dy-
ing a-^d buried, or to be buried. Item, that notwithftanding the
premifTes, but the fame being true, the faid James Morris well
knowing in the nionihs of March, J^ril, Majf June, July, -^u-
Prohibition^ ^17
gujl, Sepiemler, Odoher, I^ovember, Decemher, 'January^ FehrU'
ary and March, in the year of the Lord 169S, or of the fame
months in more than one or foine, without any lawful authority
or faculty in that behalf obtained, and in contempt of the jurif-
diftion ot the faid Henry duke of Norfolk, and the office and law
of arms, and to the manifcft injury of the nobility and gentry of
this kingdom oi England., the funeral pomps of divers deceafed
v^ithin the faid province of the faid clarenceux king at arms
dying and buried took upon hirafelf to order, direct and mnrflial,
and the fame did order, direft and marilial, and the iTiield
of arms for them painted, or caufed to be painted, and the
fame funeral pomps, or very many, in manner and form by
the law of arms in no manner to be approved and permitted,
and in manner and form alfo to the degrees of the faid deceafed ia
no wife proper, permitted, or to be permitted, to order, direft
and marihal, however prefumed and durft; and efpecially in the
month o^July, or thereabouts, in the year of the Lord 1691, he
the faid 'Jimes Morris the funeral pomp of the lady Judith Herne^
widow, of Canbury in or near the parilTi of 8t. Mary Iflirg'.on in
the county of Af/-.i//c/e'x, deceafed, in the manner and term in
the firft fchedule to the articles sforsfaid annexed defcribed, or
in a manner and form very like ; which faid fchedule follows in
thefe words, letters and figures, to wit, the firft fchedule, The
manner of the lady Hemes lying in ftate in Bveiioers-hidl the
13th July 1691. All the hall from the top to the bottom was
hung with black, and the upper end of the faid hall where the
corpfe was placed was likewile ceiled with bays, the corps was
covered v/iih a pall of black velvet lined with white farccnct,
and upon the pall 12 filk efcutcheons pinned thereon j and at
the end of the faid corpfe was a majefly, and between twenty and
thirty fiik and buckram efcutcheons, and upon Ikmlsof each fide
of the corpfe were between thirty and forty great wax tapers, be-
fides thofe tliat were up in fconccs, which iDade in all about the
corpfe between fixty or feventyj all this was within a rail cover-
ed with black bays. William Rt-Jf-lllhe coffin-mnker, and James
Mortis the joiner, marnnlled tiiis funeral on the faid 14th July
1691, They put eight aldermen to fupport the pall, and placed
the mourners, and invited guefts in ortier. And in the month of
^Jji'ember, or thereabouts, in the year of the Lord 1691, the
funeral pomp of 1 ovuers deceafed, in the parifli church of
St. Andrevj Holborne, London, buried, in the manner and form in
the fccond Ichctlule to the articles aforcfaid annexed deftribed,or
in a manner and form very like ; which faid fchedule follows in
thefe words, letters -^nd figures, 10 wif,the locond fchedule, Mrs.
7oiue't N-rvemler 6th i69r, buried at St. Andrezvt llolbornr; the
corpfe was laid in ftare in one of the newhoufes at tlie farther ind
o( (^ray-Inn Lane, the rot. 111 was hung with deep mourning, the
f.oor was covered with binck bays, the room adorned with black
ekutcheons. and great number of wax ligli's in fiUer f.ooccsand
candleftlcks ; tho)- efcutcheons upon the piU were on filk. And
in the inonih of N^njemltr, or thereabouts, m the fame year 1691 ,
Mm 3 t'*«J
tl\c funeral pomp of De Nen deceafed, and In the parilli church
of S:. An.irciv Un''e>/It.ij't, London, burisJ, in the manner and forn|
in the third fchcdule to the articles afor"f:dJ annexed defcribed.
Of in a manner anj foiiii very hice ; which faid fchedulc follows
in ihefe wor Is, letters and fi;Turcs lo wit, M.idaui De Nin, No-
've?ri!'er 6'h 1691, buried at St. /^nhevj's U, JtrJ/uifl ixom c\oth-
Nvorktrs-hall j the corp'.'e was fet in ftate in a kind of alcove ir>
dofe mourning, both the ce:l:n;j and floor being covered with
black bavs at the uppt^r end of the hall, the inncr-fide whereof
was adorned with double rows of elcutcheons, and foine of ihcm
at the head were placed in the nature of a majjily ; about the
bovly weie phiced on^s and fconces a grtcit number of wax
lights ; iaiinediately before the orpfe was a rail covered with
light mourning, and thereon affixed eight plumes of black fea-
thers ; the great hall and paflage leading to it was ranged with
bayes, and a row of efcutcheons and lights, in t:6t, but unduly
and againfi: the law of arms, and in contempt of the jurifdiftion
and authority of the laid Henry i.\uks ot \'orJoU:, and the office and
law of arms to order, direft and marilial, durft and prefumed, and
the perfods attending the fame funerals did put and place, and
the manner of proceeding riire(!:ted ; and that this v.-as and is true,
public and notorious, nianifeft likewife and famous, and of and
[ 31S ] uponthefame was and at prefent is the publick talk and diicourfe,
hem, that within the tin)e in the preceding article mentioned,
the faid Jf^rts Morn's lo defiil from fuch mifdemeanors, and par-
ticularly from the marfl\dhng, ordering aril direding of the fu-
neral prjiiip of any deceafed, often, or at leaft once, on the part
of the faid Henry St. George was adrnonillied; ncverthel-ifs he
hath refufed, and yet doth reiufc to dtfiit, at leaft hath unjuftly
delayed, and doth at prefcnt delay, as by the copy of the arti-
tles and fchedules aforefaid here in court produced more fully
appears ; And the faid IF. OLlys and Hcniy iit. George the fame
J.iinrs M:rris in the faid court cf honov.r of the faid lord earj
mariliil of F.ti^land before the faid Hemy K-luke o^ Ahrf'Jk, then
and yet being earl niiirllial, for the reafon aforcfaid, to appear
and of and upon the premifics to anfwer have unjuftly compel-
led; and the faid James Mo>ri$ by the defi'ii:ive fentence of the
ifiid C'"ii)rt of honour of the lord carl marflial of KngLtnJ oi and
upon the premilT^sio caufc to be condemned v^'iih all their power
endeavour; and alfho' the writ of the faid lord and lady the king
and queen of prohibition to the faid IV. OLlys and Henry St. George
the 28ih day of May in the 4th year of the re'gn of the faid lord
and lady the now king and queen, at London aforelaid in the
parilh and ward aforefaid, to the contrary thereof was dirc<5ted
and delivered; Ncverthelefs the faid ^ri Ol/ys an i Henry St.
Gi-grge the plea aforeiaid in the fnid court of honour of the faid
Henry duke of Norfo'k, lord earl marflial of Er.glard, after the
prohibition aforefaid to them firfl to the contrary thereof direfted
and dflivered, to wit, the 30th day of May in the year lad &bove-
faid, at Loiu.oJi aforcfaid in the p^rilli and ward atcrcfaid, have far-
ther profecutcd, and in that plea proceeded, in contempt of the
Prohibition, 31S
fiid loTvl and la^.y the now king and queen, and to the maniftft
damage, prejudice, grievance and impoverifliment Oi h^m ihe
f^ivi James Morris, and againfl: the form of the ftntute aforefiid ;
whereby the faid James Morris, who as well, l^c. fays that he
is prejudiced, and hath damage to the value of loo/. And
t-iierefore as well for the lord and lady the king and queen as for
hiiiiCirlf he produces the fuit, If^c.
And the faid IV. OUys znA Henry St.Gior^^e'm their proper pg,_
perfons come and fay, that the court of conltahle and marfiial p'rcicrlptioa.
of Engla-.d is an antient court, and from time immemorial was
held, ana hath been accullomed to be held, before the condable
of Erglanl and the earl marflnl of England for the time bcinj,
or before the conftable of England {'or the time b:ing only when
the office of marfhal of £r;^/.';.W was vacant, or before the earl
inarfnal of England for the time b-ing only when the offi.e of
conftable of L'^lj; ///« was vacant, in which faid court the con-
ftable and earl mariiial of ^*7^/a>:i for the time being when the
office of earl mariiial of England was vacant, and the earl m?»r-
ihil oi England or:\y for the time bring v.'hen the olljce of con-
liable of England v:a.s vacant only have had, and fortim; imme-
iiiorial have been accufvouied tu have, the cognifance of all pleas
tnd caufes in any wif"e touching or arms, enilgns,
genealogies and funeral pomps arifmg within liiis kingdom of
England, and no orhtr court in fuch pleas or caufes have ever
intermeJdled, nor jarifdiftion thereof in any v/ife for all the time
aforefaid hath had or claimed; and that the iVid fuit hrfore th6
faid //f^_>i duke oi NorfAk, carl marflird of England, profecut-
ed, whereof tlie faid James M'jrt is above now complains, was
profccated by the faid antient court of cinllahle and inarfhal of
Englanl before the fail Henry duke of A' jr folk, b:ing tiien and
yet earl mdrihil oi England, the office of conftable of Englw d
bting then and yet vacant, of and fi>r meters and caufts touch-
ing and concerning arms, enligns and funeral pomps : And the
(aid IV. Oldys and Henry Si. iiejrge f.irili: r fay, that bv a certain
aft made and provided in a parliauunt of the lord Ric/iard lUe ^^ q j, j. j,
fecond, late king oi England, hcdd at fVe/iminfler '\n ihe county
oi MJdlefex on Monday next after the feall of S:. HH/ary in the
13th year of his reign, it was en'ifl;d by the aufhor.ty o\ the parliament, That if any wouU compMn that any pica
be commenced before the condable ami isurjhal that nr:;'it bo
tried by the common law of the land, the famr p!,iiniiiT lliould
have a privv feal of the king vviihout dlfiiculi v, d;ri-a..d to (lie
fiidconftab.e and marilid to furceafe in that plei until tb; dif-
cufll-d by the king's council, it that iiult^r ought ol right to
pertain to that cou^-t. or othurwife to b- tried by the comm »n I.iW
of the realm oi Englnn I, and alfo that th-'v iliould furccdc in the
mean lime, as by tlie fame aft more fully appe.irs: And ilie f.ime
IV. Oldys and Henry St. Gcorf>e farther fav, that the faid court
of conftable and m.irllial of £"A,;.A/'-r/ Iro.u time iirm>=mo;!r,l was
a court of fo much honour and /.iMiiiv that the fume court ncvtr
was prohibiiedor hindcr'd, nor f,r all ilxt laid time immcmor-al
^ M lu 4 t"'*'!^
[ 3'9
hath been nccuflomed to be prohibited or hinJer'd from holding
any pleas in the lame court of conllable and marllial, otherwifc
or in other manner than according to the form of the ftatute
af .>refaid : And this the fame IV. Oljys and Henry St. George are
ready to verify : Wherefore tiiey du not apprehend that the court
he re will or ought to lake farther cognifance of the plea aforefaid.
And the faid Jar.'!es Mjrris prays leave to imparl to ihe pica
afcrtfaid ; and i[ is granted him, Irh. And upon this, day thereof
is given to the panics aforefaid before the lord and lady the king
and queen at ireiivtinjhr until ll'IonJay next after three vve^ks of
St. Michael, to wit, to the fa d James Morris to imparl to the
plea aforefaid, and then to reply, ^f. On v/hich day before the
lord and lady the king and queen at IFePminlier come as well
the fiid James Morris by his attorney aforefaid, as the faid IFil-
Ham Olilys and Hewy St. George in their proper perfons ; And
the {Amu James Morris farther prays leave to imparl to the plea
aforefaid ; and it is granted him, (ffc. And upon this a day thereof
is farther given to the parties aforefaid before the lord and lady
the king and queen at IVeJiminJler until Monday next after the
cftave ot St. Hillary, to wit, to the faid James Morris to imparl
to the plea aforefaid, and then to reply, ^c. On which day be-
fore the lord and lady the king and queen at IVeJimivJler come as
well the faid J.vOTfj Minis by his attorney aforefr.iJ, as the faid
in.'Iiam Oulys and Henry St. George in their piopcr perfons ;
ar.d the faid James Morris fays, that by any thing by the faid
M'^iUiam OUys and Hemy St. George above in pleading alledged,
the court of the faid lord and lady the king and queen now here
ought to t^ke farther cognifance of the faid plea againilthe faid
IVilliam OlJys and Henry St. George, becaufe by protefting that
there is not any fuch court from time immemorial of cotaliable
and marflial, as the faid PVilliatn 0/r/ys snA Henry Si. George m
their plea aforefaid have above alledged, lor replication ncvcr-
thelefs to that plea the fame James fays, that the pica aforefaid,
snd the matter iM the fame contained, are not fufncient in law to
preclude the court of the lord and lady the king and queen here
from taking farther cognifance of the plea aforefaid againft the
faid IVilliam OiJys and Henry St. George, to which the faid
James 'V'.orris hath no neceffity, nor is by the law of the land
ob!iig!und, and to the mani.eft damage, prejudice and grievance
©f her the f.iid Eliziheth : And this flie is ready to verify ;
Wherefore the fame Mary, the aid of the court of the faid lady
the queen now here mod humbly imploring, prays remedy by
tlie writ of the faid lady the queen of prohibition to the faid judge
fpiritual of the court chrittian, or other competent judge in this
behalf whatever, in form of law to be ilirefted, to prohibit him
from holding the plea aforefaid the premiffc'S afoiefaid any wife
concerning farther before him ; and it is granted her, ^c.
Bettenfon, hart, and Hendunan, efq; and another.
JaJ^ment by AND the faid Humphry and IVilliim by J- T. their attorney
i. fault ia pro- j[7\ come and defend the force and injury when, i^c. and
^jjitiaa. not/dng in bar or preclufion of the faid adtion of the faid Thomas^
who as well, l£c. fay; whereby the faid Thomas, who as well,
iSc remains againfl the faid Humphry and IVilliam therein un-
defended ; therefore the faid 1 himns, who as well, ^c. his
damages, by reafon that they the faid Huiubh'y and IVillin'ti as
aforefaid p/ofecut^d in the faid court chriftian after the proliibi^
tion afcri fain to ihein to the contrary direft.^d and delivered,
aTainft the faid Humfhry and Ullluim ought to recover : But
becaufe it is unknown v/hat damages the laid Thomas, who as
■well, ^c. hath fuftaincd on that account, the fhcrifF is coni-
luande ', that by the oath of good and lawful men of the county
sforefaid he diligenily inquire what damages the faid 'ihomas^
who as well, l!?c. hath lutfained, as well on thit account as for
his co:fs and charges by him about his fuit in this behalf ex-
pended, and the inquifiion which, i^c. he ceitify here from the
iiay of the Holy Tiinily in three weeks, under the feal, i^c. an;i
the feals, l^c. On which day here comes the laid Thomas, who
as well, Uc. by his attorney aforefaid ; and the fhrriff hath not
returned the writ, therefore as before let another writ thereof be
made to hiru in iorm a'^orefai.l, returnable here trom the E it rememberM, that on IVednefdny next Su^eHion for
XJ after 1 5 days of ,£/7/^r in this fami term '^,^'"^^'^^1°''''
before the lord the king at conies here into court
Jo'2?: OL-ihaiH in his proper perfon, and gives the court here 10
underrtand and be informed, iha: wheieas one Robert Pepper
dcftor of laws, of the ronfillory court of the billicp of h'orzvic^
oiHcia' principal, had caufed to be cited him the faid John OLi-
havi to appear before the faid official, or his furrogate or other
judge in that behalf competent whaifocver in the cathedral church
i)i Norivich in the ufual place there on the 710 day of December
laft paft, to anfwer to certain articles, heads or interrogatories,
by the office of the faid clfxial, at the pronjotion oHJohn Ihugli-
ton, efq; and A. N. gent, church-warder.s cf the parochial church
oi bf. George o^ Tomb! u ml \n A'ofu.iih aforefaij, to be obj tied
and adminitkredj and altho' the lame 7c///« OA//rrtw, according
to the citation aforefaid, on the day aforefaid fo as aforelaid al-
figned bctcre the faid official hath appeared, and being by the (aid
cffic'al required to anfwer to the premises, dcfired a copy ct ihe
libel or articles of that to which he fhould anfwer in the prcmif-
fes, according to the form of the tlature made in the 2d year of t H- j. «. ^*
the reign of the lord Henry the fifih laie king ox Ens^lanJ to be dc-
iivereed,_ to praj-ed.
prohibit him that he do not farther-hold plea before him in any
manner touching the premifTes ; And to him it is granted, ifc.
Saunders againft Hanjlape.
H. 34 l^ 35 C. 3.
England, to wit. T> E it remember'd, that, ^r. comes John 55ogjffiion «<•
X) Saunders oi the city of i5. mercer, within \ j^it ,|,,,t ti^
the diocefe of B. by T. E. his attorney, and gives the court here party ha.i
tounderftand and be informed, that he the faid J. 5. from the
time of his birth hitherto was and is a protcftant, openly proftf-
fing the faith and religion of the church of England, and behav- ^i^mji.
jng himfelf conformable to the rites and ceremonies in the
church of Erigland by the laws of this kingdom oi' England c('
tabliHicd : Neverthelefs one Henry Jones, doflor of lavs, offi-
cial principal gf ibc confUlory court of ihc reverend father in
•^ *^ CUrili
reccivcil the
hi' DiiiUi
%1't t Prohibition.
Clirid C, by divine permifllon bifliop of B. alfo his vicnr general
in fpiriruals lawfully conftituted, comrivin^ and incenciing the faid
y. S. iirjufiiy to ag'^rieve and opprefs, hath cited, and caufed to
be cited, the fnid J. 5. to appear in the court chrillian within
the dioceie of B. aforefaid before Iiim the faid //. J. and the
fame J. S. on that account in the faid court c'.iriftian on the firfl:
day of December in the 34th year of the reign cf the lord the
now king appeared before the faid H. J. accoriiin? to the foriii
andeffcftof the citation aforefaid, and then and there the faid
J. S. by the faid H. J. admoniflied to frequent his parochial
cl;urch on Sur.d.iys and teftivals in the tini2 of divine fervice,
there to receive the facrament of the Lor.i's fupperor holy eucha-
riil in his p;irochial church of St. T. Brijlol atorcfaid, according
to the rites of the church of Englan.i, at the feal^ of the birth
of our Lord then next following and now laft paft, and to ap-
pear on Satiirdoy zoth day of J. in the year abovefaid
in ihe court chrilliian aforefaid to certify ol the fame ; wherc-
upan he the faid J. S. divine prayers according to the liturgy
and pracftice of the church, of Ergland on Sundays and fefiivals
continually afterv/ard.s hitherto, in fundry parochial chi^rchis
•where the fame J. S. inhabited, has publicity frequented, cnJ
b:haved hiir.felf reverently, and on the faiJ ifeaft of the birth
That he re- of our Lord now lafl: paft received the facrament of the Lord's
ceived the u- fupper, or the facrament of the eucharift, according to the rites,
Abby church, u'age and cultom oi the cnurch or hngland, in and at the ca-
thedral church in the diocefe of B. aforefaid, to wit, in the church
of the holy and undivided Trinity B. from the hands of one F,
Hanjlape, clerk, who the fame day and place to all there prefent
L 'h'^'i J the facrament of the Lord's fupper, or the facrament of the
eucharift aforefaid, adminiftered and gave ; and afterwards, to
wit, 20th day of January abovefaid and now laft paft, the faid
J. S. in the court chrilVian aforefaid appeared, according to the
monition aforefaid, where then and there the faid F. Hayftape
as furrogate of the faid H. Jones (zt judge in a lawful manner
conflituted, and the faid J. S. then and there alledged, and for
plea oflcred to the faid F. Harjlui^e, that he'the faid J. S. the
days, times and places aforefaid had publicly frequented divine
prayers according to the liturgy and practice of the church of
England, and on the birth of our Lord aforefaid had received the
Lord's fupper, or the facrament of the eucharift, in the cathedral
church aforefaid, from the hands of him the faid F. H. and
prayed then and there that the faid F. H. the plea afcrcVii
would allow, and him the faid J S. from the court aforcfiid
difmifs : N;ver:hekfi he the faid F. H. not ignorant of the
premiflcs, but contriving and intending againft the due form of
jthe law of this kingdom of Er.glund him the faid J. S. to ag-
grieve and opprefs, the allegation and plea fo as aforefaid ofFt^red
would not receive and allow, but to admit it hath refufed, and
yet doth refufe i and the fame F. H. him the faid J. S. by the
tlcfiailivc fcntence cf the faid court chriftian of and upon the
Prohibition. ;^a3
pren.'Iks, to caufe to be condemned v/;th all his might frfdea-
VOLUS an 1 contrives, againll the laws and cutlonis ct this king-
dom of EngLinJy in conteinpc of the fa'd lord the now king, and
to ihe areai damage of him the faid J.S. And this, l^c. VVhtre-
torc the J- -S'- the aid of the court of the faid lor*', the king
nowhere humbly imploring prr.ys remedy, and the writ cf ths
faid lord t(ie king of prohibition to the faid G. by divine per-
m.fTion bilhop of B. H. J. doftor of laws, ^c. F. U/»^Jla['e,
clerk, furrogate of the faid H J. and other judge in this behalf
co:r,petep,t, and every of them, to be circled, to prohibit them
and every of them, that the plea aforefaid the pr.?mi!k's any ways
touching'-, before them, or any of tlv m, they may not farihtr
hold, nor iiiavany of them hold, and if any fentence or fentenccs
cf excommunication againll hiin th^ faid J. S. by rcafon of the
premiffiS only they have pronounced, or any of them hath pro-
nounced, then hiin the faid J. S from thence they wholly may
abfolve without delay, and every of them may abfolve : And to I
him it :s granted, E it remember'd, that on IVednefJtiy next Suggtftion o«
J3 after the cf^ave of St. f/z7/(7'>' in this fame modns to pay
term before the lord the kin^ at Wcjim-njler com-rs John Aaams r^"°y fo"" *
of the pariOi of /^^y^row^t//^ in the county of Slrifforti, yeoman ^ '"' "^ "'• •
in his proper perfon, and gives the court of the faid lord the
king now here to underlland and be informed, that all and fingu-
lar pleas and a.*Tairs of and concerning all prcfcriptions and cuf-
toms whatever within this kingdom, and the cognifance of thofe
pleas to the faid lord the king and his royal crown efpecallv be-
long and appertain, and ought and always hitherto have been
accuftomed to be tried and difculled at the common law in the
courts ot the faid lord the king of record, and not in tbc eccle-^
fiaftical court : And whereas within the parifh of //c/'^At"'''^ 't
the county of Stafford aforefaid, and the bounds, limits and
tiJiable places of the fame pariili, there is and for timeout of
mind hath been a cudom and manner of tithing, to wit, that all
p.nd (ingular the proprietors, or their farmers or occupiers of any
lands, incadow or paflure within the parifli of Ihmjx'.orth afore-
faid have paid, ardhave been ufed and accuflomed to pay yearly
to the rcdtorof the reftory of the parochial church ot H,i>ifioarth
aforefaid for the time being, or his larmcr thereof, for every
niilch-cow within the parifti of //r/n/"'7< ot /A aforefaid dcpaflured,
had and kept, one penny, and for every calf number fcvcn Srom
fuch cows within the par'lh of Ilanfiuort/i aforolaid had and
rear'd, one hnlf penny, in lieu and full faiisiaftion and difcharge
of all tithes of herbage of fuch cows, and of milk, butter, chctle,
and of fuch calves Ironi the cov^'S aforefaid hcv^'tvcr happening,
i^l Prohibition.
gto^7in^, renew'ng or arifing ; w'lich laid feveral fums of inonc^
fo payable and paid, all and lingular the rectors of the ciuirch
Ri'orti:ud for the time being, or their farmers thereof, for all the
time aforefaid yearly of fuch occupiers, in full fai:staftion and
difiharge of all and fingular the tithes afortfaid happening, re-
newing and aiifmg, have accepted, received and had : And
■whereas the fame Jo/in ha?, holds and occupiers, and for five
years now lafl: pafl: hath had, held and occupied certain parcels of
land and meadow, called the Linle Pi.r'i Meaduivs within the
parifh of Hanjnvorth aforefaid, and for that time the faid John
hath kept and depaftured in and upon the fame parcels of land
and meadow wiihin that pariili two miich-cows, from which
faid two cows he hath had and reared yearly within the parilli
aforefaid two calves: Meverthelefs one Thomas Onke"^ being
reftorof the reftory and pariih church of //««/?'. o>//^ afore faiil,
not ignorant of the premises, him the faid J. A iams againft the
3^4- J due form of the kw of this kingdom of EtigLind, and againft the
cuftom aforefaid, to aggrieve and opprefs, and the cognilance of
the plea, which to the court of the faid lord the king now here
belongs, to another proof in the court chriftian to draw, him
the faid Jo/in in the court chriftian before the venerable and ex-
cellent man R. Raines, knr. dodor of laws, official principal
of the cor.fiftory court of the bifhop of LitchfieU, l^c. or his fur-
rogate, hathdrav/nin plea, craftily and fubtilly libelling rgainft
the faid 7o/^« in the fame court chriftian, among other things,
that by an ancient and laudable cuftom within the parifh ot Uanf-
-.y^.'/Tafcrefaid, and the bounds, ^c. ufed, approved and ob-
tamed, every foreigner living out of the parifh of Ucnfxvorth^
forefaid having land, \^c. lying and being within the parifli of
ianyvjorth aforefjid, and depafturing the Yaid land, tifc. vrith
bealls or fliecp to the reftor of the re6\ory of the parochial church
of Htmfivort^ aforefaid for the time being, or his farmer or col-
ledor of*" the tithes, according to the true annual value or rent of
the faid land, tV. lying and being within the parifh of Harf-
ivort/i aforefaid, and by him depaitured, to wit, the fum of 2 j.
of lawful money of England for every 20 s. that the faid land was
yearly worth, for and in confidcraiion of the tithes of the her-
bage, Cifr. of the faid land, ^c. and of the beafts and {hzep
therein, and on the fame depaftured, yearly and every year hath
been accuftom.ed, ought and was bound to pay, and that in the
months of M^rf/^, ^c. intheyear 1692 and 1693, and in the
months of M?;r/?, l^c. in' the year 1694, or of either of them,
tffc. the faid Jo/in Adams was a foreigner, and lived out of the
pmirii of //-7^/itor//z aforefaid, and within the pariih of ;rf/7fow-
ivith aforefaid, and held and occupied land, £fff. lying and being
nvithin the parifli of Hanftuorth aforefaid, and the bounds, l^c.
of the yearly value or rent of 3 /- which the beafts and flieep for
all that time, ora great part of the fame, he depaftured and er,t
vp, i^c. and him the faid John in court chriftian before the
faid judge fpiritual on the account aforefaid to appear, and to
■^ * *^ the
Prohibition^ 3.23
tne faid Thomas O^/fj to anfwer of and upon t!ie premiCs, hnth
v.-ror^fully compelled and obliged, when in truth he the faid
John no beaft or flieep within the pariili of Flmfi-jort/i aforefaid
ct, out or upon the faid parcels of land and meadow, called the
Li:i!e Park 'iVUrJoivs aforefaid, or in any other place, in the
months in the years aforefaid ever depaftured, had or kept, ex-
cept the faid two milch-cows before-m:ntioned, and twu calves
from the faid two cows yearly during the time afoiefaid had and
brought up J and altho' the faid John Adams always at Hanf-
luorth aforefaid was ready and offered to pay to the faid T. Onhes
yearly and in every of the years aforefaid two p^nce for the faid
two cows yearly within the parifli aforefaid depaftured, and one
penny for the two calves aforefaid yearly had and reared, ac-
cordinp- to the cuftom and manner of tithing aforelaid ; and
altho' the fame Jihn all and lingular the premiifcs in this fugg^f-
tion contained in his difcharge in the co irt chriftian aforefaid
liaih pleaded, and by inevitable teftimony hath offered to prove
them : Nevenhelcfs the fame judge fpiritual the plea, allegati^in
and proof aforefaid, to admit or receive hath wholly retufed,
and to caufc him the ^^id John Auams to pay the money afore-
faid in the libel aforefaid fp^^citied with all his might endeavours
and daily contrives, in contempt of the faid lord the now king,
and to the minitcft damage, prejudice and grievance of him the
iaid John, and againft the due form of the law ot this kingdom
of England, and the prefcrlption and cuflom aforefaid ; And
this he is ready to verify : Wherefore the faid Jjhn thQknrnItation
purification of the blefT.-d Miry comes here into court the faid '''''J^'J ^""i, "**'
i:homas Oakes by John Lilly \\h attorney, and prays the writ of f^^'gl.aVn In
the lord the king of ccnfultaiion of and upon the premiiR-s to the f^" monih« ac-
venerable and excellent man Richard Raines, knt. doctor of cofling lo i 5e
laws, ofiicial principalof the confiftory court of the bilhop of 3. *5-*;. i3'
LitchfieU, or his furrogate, or other juJge in this bL-half com-
petent, to be directed, becaufe the faid 70^'" A lams within fix
iiionths next after the granting of the prohibition alorcfiid his
fuggeflion aforefaid with fufficicnt tcftimony, acconlin^ to the
fonuof the flatute thereof made and provided, hath not proved i
whereupon, becaufe it manifefily appears to the court of the f^id
lord the king now here, that fh'.- faid Jihn Adams \\\\\\\n fxK
Vox,. I. "^ Nn iijonilis
^241 I^rohlbition".
rhontlis after the fau^ JVednefJ.-iy next after tliree weeJcs of* ilie
Holy Trinity lall palt his fuggeflion by fuilicic-nt witnefTes, ac-
cordiijig 10 the ftatute atorefaid, hath not proved, the faid fpirltiial
judge IS commanded by writ of ilie faid lord the king of conlul-
tation, that in the caufe aforefaid betwetm the parries aforefaid,
r 525' 1 with all the fpeed he can, according to ihe law ecclLfiaftical, he
may proceed, the fai«l v/rit of the faid lord ilv. king of prohibi-
tion to him in form aforefaid before to the c/ntrary dinfli d in
any v.-ife noiwithftanding ; and farther, according to the forn: of
the ftatute aforefaid, the court of the faid lord the king now
Judgtrifnt for here adjudged to the faid Thomas Oakes for his cofls and charges
double ccfls. which he hath fullaineu by reafon of the profecuting of the faid
writ of the lord the king of prohibition, befides his damages;
515. and for his damages \os. which faid ccl'is, charges and
damages being doubled according to the form of the faid liatute,
amount in the whole to 61. 2 s. and the faid Thomas Oakes may
have thereof execution, l^c.
Fofier and another againft Hall,
Hill. 7 W. 3. Rdl\z'^.
Declaration on Staffer Jy to wit. "O E it remember'd that on Friday next after
a modu? tn pay _L5 I 5 days ot St. Martin in Michaelmas X&rva.
i5d. a year for ]aft paft before the lord the king at IVe/imin/ler came IVilliam
the tkhe of a j-^^^^. ^j^^ younger and li'illiam Hanvhisford, who as well for the
lord the king as for thcmfelves profecute by Nathaniel Hickman
their attorney, and produced here in the court then there their
certain bill againft Thovias Hall, clerk, vicar cf the vicarage of
the parochial church, of Bu/}ihury in the county aforefaid, in the
cuftody of >he marflial, ^c. in a plea, why he profecuted a plea
againfl them the faid W. Fofler and IV. Haivhisfard '\t\ the court
chriftian after the royal prohibition to him firft to the contrary
thereof ciircfted and delivered ; and there are pledges to profe-
cute, to wit, Jofni Doe and Richard Roe ; which faid bill foliows
in thefe word«, 10 wit, S l/ffoyd to vi'n, IVilliam Fofler the youngsr
and IVilltam Hazviisfurd, who as well for the lord the king as
for themfelves profecute, complain of Thomas Hall, clerk, vicar
cf the vicarage of the parochial church of Eu/hhury in the county
afor'^'faid, being in the cuftody of the marllial of the Marjfialfea
of the lord the king b-fore'the king himfelf in a plea, why he
profecuted a plea againft them the faid W. Fojler and IV. Haiv-
kisford in ihf court chrifiian, againft the royal prohibition to
them firft to the contrary thereof directed and delivered, for this,
to v.'it, that whereas all and fingular pleas of and concerning
prefcriptiops and cuftcms within this kingdom of Ergland., and
the cogp'fance of the fnme pleas, to the faid lord the king and
hi? rcyal crown tfpecially belong. and appertain, and at the com-
mon law in the courts of the lord the king of record, and not ia
Prolilbitlon, 325
tlic eccUfiaftical courl-, ought to be tried and diuiified, and a!>
ways hitherto have been accuftomed ; And whereas all and fin-
gu'ar [he occupiers, tenants and farmers of one inefliiage, one
garden, loo acres of land, 40 acres of meadow, and 200 acres
of pafture with the appurtenance.^, cominonly called IVobnfton
Farm in the pr.rilh of Bii/hhj.ry in the laid county of Stafford
for the time being, have from lime immemorial been accurtomed
to pay to the vicar of the vicarage ot the parochial church afore-
faid for th-e time being, or his farmer of that vicarage, yearlf
the annual fum of 15^. of lawful money of Erghjiul, in fall con^
tentation, payment and fatisiadion ot all and fingular the tithes
v.'Jiatfoev>.'r of wool, lambs, pigs, geefe, milk, calves, apples,
pears and p'umbs, of and from ihc fail mc-fl'uage and tenemenrs
v.i[h the appurtenances, called Ifolajlm F.jrm, howfoover hap-
pening, renewing or arifing, as alfo of all Eafhr OiFerings for
the occupiers of the mtfluage aforcftiivl, and for the fame raef-
funge ana g-^rden, ?-nd alfo of all other faiaVl tithes whatfoeverto
the vicar of ihe vicarage aforefaid for the time being of and from
the tenements aforefaid yearly paynble : And v/hereas alfo the
faid IV, Fojhr, on the 26th day of March in the fi.'th year of
the reign of the lord the now king and of the lady M^ny the
late queen of England, was and yet is occupier and farnrtrr of the
faid m.efliiage, garden, 88 acres of land, 40 acres of meadow,
and 200 acres of pafture, with the appurtenances, parcel of the
faid mefluaee and tenements called IVohnflon Farm : And whereas
alfo the faid W. Ha^jjkisford on the fame 26th day oi March in
the fifth year abovefaid was and yet is occupier and farmer ol ii
acres of land, the other parcel of the faid mefTuage and tene-
ments called IVobaftc'i Farm: Neverthelei's the faid Thomas Hal'y
cleric, vicar of the vicarage of the pircchial church aforefaid,
rot ignorant of the premiflcs, but contriving and intending them
the faid IVilliam Fcfter and IVilluim H.iKvLisfird, againll the dae
form of the law of this kingdom of Ergland, and againft the
prefcripiior, and manner of tithing aforefaid, undi)ly to aggrieve
and greaily to opprtis and fatigue, and alfo the fai.l now k:ng anil
his royal crown to cifinherit, and the cognifance ot the plea,
v-'hich to him the faid now king and his royal crown particularly
belongs and appertains, to anoiher proof in the court ch.riftian to
draw, them the faid ^/7//aOT /"'o/?^r and IVilliutn llmiiiffjt^ \n
the court chr.fiian bf fore the venerable and excellent man Sir
Richard Raires, knt. dodlor of laws, r.fficial principal of the
confiftory court of the bilV.op of /.//fZ/f^/ lav.fiilly coiinituicd, f :^:f^ J
hath drawn in plea, rrafdlly and fnbtiiiy libelling at-rinll him the The liUcl
iz\.\ William Fo/!cr, that he the hWJVilUam Fojlcr inihf montlis
of March, t^c. in (he year of the Lord 1693 and 1694. or of
rhcm, tff. had, '^c. 10 buAiels or menfurts of apples, and 10
buHiels or ni'.afurcs of pears, wiihin the parifii of BuPihury
aforefai 1, and the bouncs, Il'c. growing, and 60 ewe ihccp,
end 70 barrc-n lliecp and wrthers one fov.-, and likewifc two
geef?, in the faux par;th of I'ufhluvy af>.r'*'r>'" '" ''^t iiiontht
^26 I'rohlbition.
and years ruorefaiJ, or of them, ^c. and Iiad from the fame ewe
fliee.p, barren ili^ep and weihers 130 pound of wool there yearly
and every of the years aforefaid fliorn, and of and from the lame
60 ewe fliecp 60 lambs there yearly and in every of the faid years
bred, and of and from the fame fow 10 p'gs there yearly and in
evcrv of the years aforefaid piga;ed, and of and from the fame
geefe 20 e;oninus there yearly and in cvcrv of the faid years hatch-
ed, and ths: within the parifli of B't/fihury aforefaid, and the
bounds, l^c. there was a certain laudable and anciein prefcribed
cuftom, that every mafter of a family any i^isnfion-houle and
garden within the fame parifli having, ^f. and a family there
Jcecping and maintaining, and divine fervice in the parochial
church of llu/tihury aforefaid hearing, and the facraments and
facranientals there receiving, or fo to hear and receive being
bound, to the vicar of the vicarage of the parochial church of
Bu/Jihiiry aforefaid, or to his farmer for the lime being, in the
rame of certain rights or ecclcfiaflical emoluments within the
fame par'.fli, commonly called linficr-Offsrings or houfe-duties,
hsrh yearly paid, or ought to pay 3^/. of lawful money of ^^ng-
/rtnr/ for himfclf, \d. for his houfe, commonly called a fmoak-
penny, id. for his garden, commonly called a garden-penny,
\d. for every milch-cow, \d. and \d. for every calf there
brought forth, for and in lieu of the tithes of every fuch cow and
calf yearly at the feafl: of Eajier -, and that the faid PFHliam
Fojier in the months and years aforefaid was a matler of a family
within the parifK of BuPibury aforefaid, and a family there yearly
Jcept and maintained, and had a manfion-houfe, garden, and fix
milch-cows within the fame parifli yearly brought up and with
young : and that he the {^lid WiUlnin Fofierior at! the rime afore-
faid divine fervice in the parochial church of Bufhbury aforefaid
did hear, and the facraments and facramentais did receive, or fo
to hear, ^V. that plea in the faid court chriflian after the royal
ijrohiLiiion to him to the contrary thereof dirtfted and delivered,
to wit, on the 22d day of No-vemher in the 7^1 year abovcfaid at
Lit ch field Clofe in the county aforefaid, hath farther profecuted,
the faid writ of the faid lord the king of prohib'tion to him to the
contrary thereof directed and delivered in any wife notwuhftand-
ing, in contempt of the faid lord the now king, and to the great
Cii-maoe of the faid William Fojier and William Haivkisjord,
and apainft the prohibition aforefaid ; whereby they the faid
IVilliam Foftcr and William Haivl:isford, who as V7ell, l^c. fay
that they are prejudiced, and have damage to the value of 100/.
And therefore as well for the faid lord the king aS for themfelves
thev produce the fuit, &'€.
Itrpaihnce. And now on this day, to wit, T/iurfday nerA after the oflbve
of Sr. Hillury in this fame term, until which day the faid Fho-
mas had leav^ to imparl to the bill aforefaid, and then to anfwer,
i£c. before the lord the king at IVelUnir.Jier, come as well the
faid WiWnm Fojier and WiliiaTn Hav.'kisford by their attorney
aforefaid, as the faid thmas Hall by John Lilly his attorney, and
tlie faiJ Thomas Hall defends the force and injury when, ifSc. ant
ail contempt, ^c. and whatfoever, ^c. and fays, that he hatl
. . . , . th
not profecuted the plea in the faid court chrill:an againft the royal
prohiultioa to him to the contrary thereof before diref^jd and
delivered, as the faid IViUimn F'jjltr and IVilliam Hnivki sfotJ,
who as well, ^c. above by their declaration aforefaid fuppcfe:
And of this he puts himlejf on the country: And the faid IF.
Fijhr and IV. Haixkisford i\\srioi likewife, i^c But to have the
writ of the faid lord the king of ccnfultation in this behalf, the
faid Th-jmus fays, that he the faid Thomm for the time of the y^^^ the vicar
lubtlratlion of the tithes in the declaration aforefaid above fpeci- always recciv-
fied v/as and yet is vicar of the parochial church of Bvjri'ury td die tiihcs la
aforefaid in the county aforefaid ; and ihe fame Thomas fartlier ^^^'^'
fa)S, that all and fingular the vicars or that church for the time
being have had and received, and from time immemorial have been
accullomed to have and receive of all the occupiers, tenants ar.J
farmers of the faid meffuage and tenements, called Wohcjlsn
Farm in the pariiK of Bu/hbury aforefaid in the declaraiion afore-
faid above-mentioned, all the tithes of whatever wool, lambs,
pigs, geefe, milk, calves, flax, apples, pears and plumbs, and alfo
all Ea/ier-Offefings for the occupiers of the meflua^e aforefaid,
and for the lame meifuage and garden aforefaid, and alfo all other
fmall tithes whatfoever happening, renewing or arifmg in their
proper kind yearly, of every occupier, tenant and farmer of the
laid meifuage and renemen;s called y/obafion Farm aforefaid, with
the fame vicar or his farmer thereof for the time being for the
fame tithes yearly have compounded ; and becaufc the faid I'/il- [ 327 ]
.It am Fojier -drwX IVilliaTn Haivhisford, being inhabitants within And bctaufrth*
the pariih of BuMury aforefaid in the county aforefaid, the faid r'^';;''^'^ '\="'
tithes in the months and years m the declaration aiorefaid njcn- .^^^.f h^ fucd
tioned wit.iin the pariili of ^iz/^.l'/ry aforefaid happening, renew- thcm'inihc
ing, growiiig and arifing to the in'.d, Thomas Hall, vicar of the fpiritual court.
church aforefaid, in the right of thst church in the fame years
belonging, had from the faid Thomas Hall fubl1ra<5t^d, the faiJ
Tho'iiits Hall then the faid IVilliam Fo,fler and IVilliam Hazvkis-
yin/ in the court chriiVian, before the faid judge fpiritual, of and
for the fubliradion of thofe tithes in the faid months and years
ill the declaration aforefaid fpecificd, before the prohibition of
the faid lord the king to him to the contrary directed, and dtli-
vercd.did draw in plea, as he lav^fuHy might ; without this, that Traverrcof ti
all and fingular the occupiers, tenants and farmers of the faid niodui.
iTieffuage, garden, 100 acres of land, 40 acres of meado'.v, and
200 acres of pallure vvi;h the appurtenance^, called Ifiba/lon
Futm in the parifliof Bu/}tbu)y afor.fii.l in the county afor;!aiJ,
from time immemorial have paid, and been accudomed to pay,
to the vicar of the parochial church oi Bu/hbury aforefaid for ilie
time being, or his fanner of that vicarage yearly, the annual
funiof 15/. of lawful money oi Enf^lan.l, in full contentaiion,
fatisfaQion and payment of all and fingular the tithes whatever of
wool, lambs, pigs gecfL-, milk and calves, fla;:, pears, apphs and
N n 3 plumb J,
plumbs, of ami from the fa'ul nieflliage and tenements aforefaiJ
with the appurtenances, called IVob.i/ion Farm ai'orefaid, howfo-
eyer happening, renewing or arifsng, as alio of all and (ingulur
Eitfler-Offerivns for the occupiers ot tiie niffl'unge aforefaid, and
the faid lUtfluage and garden aforefaid, and alfoorall other fmall
tithes whatfoever to the vicar of the vicarage aforefaid for the
time being of and from the tenements aforefaid yearly payable,
a? the laid IVilliam Fojier and IVilliam Haixkisford by their de-
claration aforefaid above fuppofe: And iliis he is ready to verify:
Wherefore he pr,iys jjjdgnient, and tiie writ of the faid lord the
king of confukation to him in this behalf to be granted, l^c.
jeueonthetra- ^^"*^ ''^° ^^'^' IVillia^n Fojier and WiUinr?! HawkisfortI, who as
ycrfc. well, i^c. fay, that by any thing by the faid Thomas Hull nhoxQ
in pleading alledged, the writ of the lord the king of confulta-
tion to the faid Thomas ILill ought not to bo granted, becaufe, as
"before they fay, that ?.ll and fingular the occupiers, tenants and
farmers of the faid nieffaage, gsrden, loo acres of land, 40
acres of meadow, and 2.00 acres of pafture with the appurte-
nances, called IVohiijlanFutvi in the p-irifii of Bu/hbwy atorcfaid
in the county aforefaid, Iron) time inunemorial have paid, and
been accuftenied to pay, to the vicar of the parochial church of
Fiiijhhvry aforefaid for the tiine being, or his farmer of that vicar-
age yearly, the annual fum of 15 s> of lawful wonty oi Englar.ii^
in full contentation, fatlsfa(lion and payment of all and finoulHr
tithes whatfoever of wool. Iambs, pigs, geefe, miik, calves, fjax,
apples, pears and plumbs, of and from the faid mciruage and te-
nements aforefaid with the appurtenances, called Wohaftm Farm
aforefaid, howfoever happening, renewing or arifing, and alfo
of all Eafifj-Off'erings for the occupiers of the mefluage afore-
faid, and for the faid meiluage and garden aforefaid, and alio of
all other fmall tithes whatfoever to the vicar of the vicarage
aforefaid for the time being, of and from the tenements aforefaid
yearly payable, in manner and form as the laid IVilliam FoJler and
IVilliam HaiJtikisford by their declaration aforefaid above fuppofe:
And this they pray may be inquired ot by the country : And the
iaid Thomas iiicewife, l^c. Therefore as well to try the ifTue
aforefaid, as the faid other ifiae between theparties aforefaid above
joined, let a jury thereon come bciore the lord the king at IVejl-
i,iinjler on WednefJay next after the oilave of the purification of
the bleired Mary, and who neither, lie. to recognife, iz'c. becaufe
as well, fe'r. The fame day is given to the parties aforefaid
there, He.
The lurata. Stafford, to wit. '~|~^ HE jury betv;een IVilliim Fojier the ycung-
\_ er and Willinm Haivhisfcrd, who as well
for the lord the king as for ihenitclves profecute by their attor-
ney, plaintiffs, and Thomas Hail, clerk, vicar of the vicarage of
the parochial church of Bu/J,bu>y atoreiaid in the county aforefaid,
defendant, in a pU-a, why he profecuted a plea againft them
the faid IVilliam Foflcr and IVilliam Hain.kisford in the court
'■' • ■ ' ' " chriiliaa
I ,S^7
•chnftian after the royal prohibition to him firft to tlie contrary
thereof directed and delivered, is put in reipite until IVuhiefday
next after i 5 days of Enfcr, unlefs the juftices of the faid lord
the king, afligncd to take afliles in the county aforefaid, fliali
firft conie on Tuej'Juy the 24th day of Mi.rch at Sti'ffoi-ii in the
county aforefaid, by the form of the ftatute, for want of j'irors,
tfff . and let the flicrift have the bodies, tff. The fame day is
given to the parties aforefaid there, f f. And be it known, that
the writ of the lord the Jcing thereof on the i2t.h day oi Fibruary
in this fame term before the lord the king at fVe/rmin/ier is deli-
vered of record to the under-Hierinr of the county aforefaid, in
form of law to bexxecuted at his peril, is'c.
Afterwards the day and place wiihin contained before Swuucl -pjjj rcjle$-
£yrf, knt. one of the juftices of the (aid lord the king, aftlgneJ
,to hold pleas before the king himfelf, and 'Thomas Bnitun, cRj;
to the faid Samuel Eyre and Thovias Rshby, knt. another juftice r ,j8 ]
ef the faid lord the king, alTigned to hold pleas before the king
himfelf, juftices of the faid lord the king, affigned to take allifes
in the county of Si.ifforJ, by the form of the ftHtute,^^. this time
alfociated, the prefence of the faid T/ic/mns Roluby being not ex-
pected, by virtue of the writ of the faid lord the kingof 6'»wo7
omnes, ^jfc. come as well the within nauied IP'illiam Vcfter and
Wdiiam Haijjkisford, who as well for the lord the king as for
themfelves profecuts, as the within written Thomas Hull by their
attornies within contained j and the jurors of the jury, whereof
mention is within made, being called, fome of them, to wit,
Richard IVilkes, Thomas FieUhouJe, T. P. and J. F. come and, on
that jury are fworn j and becaufe the reft ot the jurors ot that jury Talcs,
have not appeared, therefore others from the by-ftandcrs by the
flieriff of the county aforefaid hereto el. fled, at the rcqueft of
t4ie faid I'VilUfim Fojier and IVdliam Haixki^ford, and by the coni-
Hiand of the juftices aforefaid, are added anew, whofe names are
put to the panel v/ithin written, according to the form ot the fta-
late in fuch cafe made and provided, wh.'ch fiid jurors fo added
anew, to wit. J. Palmer, J. C T. P. T. C. T. H. L. D. . „ g ^ g
y. /('. and T.C. being ca'kd likewife come, who to fay the 3 g. a- c. 25!
truth of the within contained, together with the other jurors 7 & 8 W- 3. c
aforefaid firft impanelled and fworn, being elected, tried and 3*- § 3-
fworn, fay upon their oath, that all and finj^ular the occupiers,
t^'nants and tarmcis of the within written meifuage, garjcn, 100
seres of land, 40 acres of meadow, *and 200 acres of paflure
with ?he appurtenance, called 14'obajlon Farm in the pftrifli ot
Bu/hbury w.thin written in the county aforefaid, for ti;ne imme-
morial have not paid, or bt-rn accuftomcd to pay, to flic vicar of
the vicarage of the parochial c\\\itchoi Bu /hi uty aforufiiid lor the
time being, or his farmer of that vicarage yearly, the annual luin
of 15 s. of lawful money of Evglnnd, in lull contcntation, falis-
faflion and payment of all and fin-^ular tithes whatcvi r of w.;ol,
lambs, pigs, geell-, milk, calves, flax, apples, pears and plumbs,
of and from iho faid mtftliage and tcncmcnu aforefaid v.iih ihc
Nn 4 1 ai>pur-
3:S Prohibition.
appurtenances, calleJ H'obajlon Farm aforefaij, howfoever liap-
pciiing, renewing or arifmg, and likewife of all Enfler-O^er-
it:^s tor the occupiers of ih^ mefluage aforcf lid and gardtn atore-
faid, an i alio o\ all Iniall i tbes whatever to the vicar of the vi-
carage aforefaid for the time bci.'V^, of and from the teneincnis
afortlaid yearly payable, as the faid 1 /loin^s within for hiirdclfiu
pleading haih alledgcd : Therefore, l^c.
Judgment j or i':e defendant.
Collet J knt. againR Lhyd.
Decliration on Midd'efeXy to w'n. TyF^ it remember'd, that otherwife, to w^ir,
a prohibiiion to j^ ill T//»//j; f« rn: laft pall before the lady
thecouitofho- ^^q queen at IVejlr/iinJier came James Collet of London, knt.
Bour concern- ^j^^ ,^^ ^^]| ^^^ ^j^^ ,^j ^^^ ^.^^^ ^^ r^^ hiir.felt profecutcs bv
ine the allum- o ,1.) r u- a \ , i • i r ■, '
ing a coat of '^•. '■^^^jO'^ his ittcrney, and produced here in the court of the
aim.«. f^id lady the queen then there his certain bill againU A'. Lloyd^
FarcH-'jas. do^or of laws, in the cudody cf the niar/l;!), &r. in a plea,
uhy he profecuted before Henry earl of bindon, of the lord uiar-
i\v.i.] oi England, by the r^yal approbation, deputy cr vicegerent,
after the royal prohibiiion to hiiii firft to the contrary thereof di-
rected and delivered ; and there are pledgts-to profccute, to wir,
Jo/in Doe and Richard Roe ; which laij bill follows in thefe
v-orcs, to wit, MiddL-fex, to wir, James Collet of London, knt.
vho as well for the lady the queen ts fur hinifelf profecutes,
complains of /V, Ll>yl, doftcr of laws, being in the cuftody of
the niarfital of the Marjhjjea of the lady the queen btfore the
queen herfelf in a pica, why he profecuted before Henry earl of
Bindo'}, of the lord marllial d England, by royal approbation, de-
puty or vicegerent, after the royal prohibition to him firft to the
contrary thereof directed and delivered, for this, to wit, that where-
as by the great chatter of the liberties of Z:;_g/.i;,Jinade and prc-
5 a. 3. c. 29. vjjgj jj, [i^g gjt^ year of the reign of the lord Henry the third late
king oi England, predecelfor of the lady the now queen, to wit, in
a parliament held ai IVe/imlnfler m the cowrAy o^ Middlefex, ic
was and is ordained and eftablifh^d, that no freeman fhould be
taken or imprifoned, or dilfcifed of his freehold or liberties, or
free cuftoms, or be ouilawed cr exiled, or any otherwife deftroy-
ed, nor would the king pafs upon him nor c-onder.m him but by
lawful judgment of his peers,. or by law of the land, as in the
fame ftatute more fully is contained : And whereas alfo the faid
JamesCollet is a freeman of England \n the kingdom of Eritair, and
the tree culloms of England ought to enjoy, and againtl the
fame ought not in any wife to be difquisted or molefted : And
whereas in and by a certain other (latiite made in a parliament
8 R. 2. c- S. in t],e Sth year of the reign of the lord Richard the fccond late
Yw^^o^ England, l^c. it was enafted, that all pleas and fuits
touching the common lav/ iliouid not then after be drawn or held
by any means before the conftable and mariha! zi England : And
Prohibit Ion.
whereas alfo in and by another ftatute in a parliament held In
the 13th year of the reign of the fame late king, and by divers 13 K.- 2. c z.
other laws and ftatutes of Euglati./, it is provided, that to the
conftable and inarfli^l it pertaineth to have cbgnifance of con-
irads touching deeds of arms :ind war cut of the reahii, and alfo
of things that touch war within the realm, which cannot be de- f ^20 1
lerir.ined nor dilcuffed by the common law ; And whereas the
court having cognifance of contracts touching deeds of anus and
v/ar, ought only to be held before the conftable and niarilul of
Eri^lanJ, and not before the marllia! only ; AnS whereas alio
the court atorefaid by the law of the land ought to be hehl before
the conftable and marihal of Englun-/, and not before the deputy
or vicegerent of fuch deputy of tliein, or either of them ; and
v^hereas alfo no freeman of Erg/anJ by the laws of En^umd
ought to be attached by his body, or detained in cuftody un^il he
fliall give furety to anfwer cr obey any order or decree in tl:e faid
court of honour, and the cognifance of all pleas and plai:us of
and concerning the painting and ufe of any coats of arms upon
chariots, cr otherwiic, to the prejudice or damage of any fub-
jeft of Erglandy or otherv/ife, to the common law, and not to
any court of honour rightly and juftly belongs : Neverthelefs one
l^iithaniel Lhycly doditor of laws, advocate royal in the court of
honour, contriving and intending the faid Ja>ms acrainfl the
laws of the land unjuftly to opprefs and aggrieve, caufcd him the
faid "James to be cited, to wit, at IVefiminJler in the county of
MiJdUfex aforefaid, that he /]\ouKl appear before Uenry earl of
Blndon, of the lord marilial of England, Iffc. by royal approba-
tion, deputy or vicegerent, or before his deputy or furro^ate,
Cfff. to anfwer :o certain articles or heads within nienticneJ
concerning his contempt of the jurifdiftion or authority of the
court of lionour aforefaid, and the law of arms, and efpecialiy
in bearing, ufurping, Hie wing and making arms and coats of
arms, as the arms and family coats of arms of him the f^iid Jumes,
and farther to do and receive what fliall be ju(l in that behalf,
artd hath alio thereupon procured a certain decreet© attach and
detain him the faid Jamn in cuflody until he /liould put in furety
in 50/. and in cafe he /houM not put in fuch txxrtiy on or before,
felf, or bear aruis, or coats of arms, cr a creft,
tJiiicfi J^e has iheni, or ought to iiave them, by the right of his
cncellors, or by the gift of fome pcrfon having fufficient power
for that purpofe ; ana we object jointly and Severally, and of
^stT'j one.
hem. We objeft and articulate, that you the faid fir 'James
Collet never hau, nor have any arms, coats of arms, or a creft,
to you and your family lawtully belonging, at leaft the arms,
coals of arms and creft within dcfcribcd, to you and your an-
ceftors did never la\vfully belong, nor do belong ^ and we objcft
as above.
Item, We obj'ft and articulate, that notwithftanning th?
preniifTes, but they being true, you the faid {\rjui>ies Collet well
Icnowing the premilles, in the months of December, 'Janumy^,
February and March, in the year of the Lord 170J, and alfo in
the months o^ March, April and May, in the year of the Lord
1707 now current, and of them months every more than one or
fome the arms, coats of arms and creft, of the Icrm in the fhieKl
of arms hereto annexed within defcribed, to wit, fable on a che-
veron between three hinds pafTant argent i'\nnule'i of the
fisid, the creft a hind argent pafTant, as your proper fauiily
arms, coats of arms and creft, in faft on your chariot on both
flJescaufed to be painted, and them for the arms, coats of arms
and creft to you and your fan-.ily proper, and to you and your
family lawfully belonging, on both fides to be borne and ftiewn,
commanded, at leaft permitted: In ail things neverthelefs un-
juftly and without any rig'it and authority, and in contempt of
our jurifdiflion and authority, and the duty and law of arms,
and to rlie intolerable injury of the nobility and gentry of this fa-
jnous kingdom of England ; we obj.-ft neverthelefs of every
other- lime, ^c. and we objeft as above. Item, we objeft and
articulate, thai: you the faid fir y'/we^CoAW was and are of the
city of LonA'in, and to the jurifdiftion of our court of honour
fubjeel ^n^ liable ; and we objedl as above. luiii, we object
and arf!CLilalc, that of and upon all and fingular the premilles it
wss ami is on the behalf of the faid venerable man Nathaniel
\ 330 j Liyi, dodor of laws, in our faid court of honour advocate royal,
to us and our faid court of honour faid, articulated and quere-
lated ; and weobj.ft and articulate as above.
hem. We objcd.and articulate, that all and fingular xV^ pre-
milles were and are true, pubiick, notcricus, manifeft alfo and
fimous, and of and conceiri i^ the lame was snd at prefent is
the piiulic tplk and Gilcourit ; whertof proof being; made cf ricrht
in ih).5 bciiaif rcquiiue, the party proponent pr.ivs right and juftice
to hiuj ;.!ui his party to be oone i.PQ ac'miniitcrtvl with eiilxt ; and
you the iz.'l iir Jur.e.' L-Jlet in the months and years articulated,
or of the lame mocihs one cr 'onie, the coat of arms and creft,
ic the \hw\.\ oi arms in thef. u.iicles painted and dtfcribed,
as your proper fcmiiy coat of arjiis and creft in faft on your cha-
riot on both fuies to be painted, and by you cauled and procur-rd
to be uTurprd, and them tor the arms and -creft to you anJ your
ftrnjly proper, and to you and your faiiiiW belonging on both
fi^'es to be borne and iliewn, to have commanded, at leaft to
have pcrmiited, in contempt of our right, jurifuidion and au-
tboruy, and the cfii:e and ]:.w of arms, and to the intolerable
injury of the nobility and gentry of this famous kingdom, to be
pi-onounced, decreed and declared j and you fir J. Collet, for
fuch your exceeding raflinefs in the premiiFes, according to the
courle ofjuftice and law of arms to be corrctted, and that from
the like an.i from bearing and ufurping the fdid coat cf arms
and creft for the future you may abftain, to be admoniOied,
conftrained and conjpclled, as alfo in the expences of this fuit
and plaint made and (o be nia'^e to the f'.id venerable man Na-
ihiiniel I lojiJ, do<2:or of laws, in our court of honour advocate
royal, to be condemned, and to the eft' flual payment of the
fame to be iorced and compelled, ought to be pronounced and
declared, and further to be done, ?ppv inrc.! and decreed, what
iliall be right and confonant to realon and the law of arms, the
fevtral things moreover propoun.'ing jointly and fcverallv, and
not obliging himfelf to prove all and lingular the premiftes, nor
to the burden of fuperfluous proof, but that fo far as he fliall
prove in the premifies he may obtain in the demanded, the bene-
fit of the law of arms in all things always faved, your office fir
the judge mcft humbly imploring ; and ahho' the faid Jatnes all
and fingular the prem;fles above meniioned before the faid lord
the carl ot Bi/.^onin his defence againftany farther proceedingsora
the articles aforefaid hath pleaded and alledged : Neverthelels
the faid NathunielWnu the faid 'James, by colour of the premifle*
to aggrieve and opprefs, a certain definitive fentence of the 0.ii
K^rd carl ot Bincioti, or his dcpu'y, on the premifles endeavours
to procure, in conien pt of the fiid lady the now queen, and to
tjie manifeft difinhcritancc of her royal crown, and againft the
form and tff-.6\ of the law and ftalutes aforefaid, and lo the da-
iita'^e and prejudice ot the faid James: •And altho' the faid ♦ ^^^ Ip f«r n
James LuUet aiierwanis, to wit, on the cay or June m the conluUitivu.
year of the reign of the faid lady the now queen, at IVtft-
tnin/ler aforc^z'i^], delivered lo the ia\i!i Nat/u/niei UjyJ the writ
of the fdid lady the queer of prohibition lo the contrary thereof:
Neverihelcfs the faid A'al/ianiel halh not ceafed from larther pro-
I'-Cuiing that plea, but that plea before the faid Ifenty carl of
^indo/i, or his deputy, af:cr ihc royal prohibition tu him to the
contrary in form aforcfaiJ direcled and delivered, to wir, the
day and year lalt abovefaid at IVef.mir.Jler aforelaid, hath farther
prolccuted thefaid writ of the faid hidy ijie queen of prohibition
to him to the contrary directed and delivered notwithftunding, in
contempt ot the fail lady the now queen, and to the damage of
thefaid Jatnes, who as well, ^r. loo/. And therefore as well
ior the faid lady the queen as for himfclf he produces the fuir, tTf,
, , ^ Ami now on this day, to wit, H'eJnefilnj next after i c days
Oi i!.ajler in this lame- term, until wnich day the laid Nuinuniel
had leave to imparl to the bill aforefaid, and then to anfwer, l^c.
before the lady the queen at IVeJhn'injlcr comes as well the faid
y'lmes by his attorney aforefaid, as the fiiivl Kat'ifmitl Lloyd by
"John S/iazv his attorney ; and the lame Nulhaniel defends the
lorce and injury when, Iffc. and all contempt and whatfoever,
i^c. and iays, that he hath not profocuted the plea abovefaid be-
fore the faid Henry earl of Bi'idon, of the lord marflial of Eng-
lanjy ^c. by royal approbation, deputy or vicegerent, after the
royal prohibition to him to the contrary thereot direfted and de-
livered, in manner and form as the laid "James CoUet, knf.
above in declaring hath alledged : And of this he puts himfclf on
the country ; And the fame James Co/let, knt. who as well, is'Cf
likewife : And as to the procuring a certain decree to attach and
detain him the faid James\i\ cuftody until he put in furety in
manner and form as by the declaration atoreiaid above is fup-
pofed, the fiime Nathaniel Lloyd fays, that he hath not procured
any decree to attach and detain him the faid Ja>nes in cuftody
un:i! he put in furety in manner and form as by the declaration
sforefaid above is luppofed : And of this he pu's himfelf en the
country: And thefaid James, who as well, l^c. likevvife : But
J-iea for a con- tohave the writ of the lagliin, I znd marllial ot Eng-
Lind, or cither o( ihcm, or before their deputies or vicegcrcnis,
or furrogatcs, or the deputy, vicegerent cr furrogatc, ot cither
of them, or other judge in ihpt behalf compri* ni whatever, in a
certain place judicial, and at a certain day between the hour*
I J Prohibition'^
prefixed then next following, to anfwer to articles, fieans orlr*'
terrogp.torles concerning fnch his or their contcmpr cf the jurif-
ciiaion of the conftibleof England and the niarilinl oi Engla^.d
for the time being-, or either of them, ami of the ofike and law
ofarin<;, in bearing, ufurping, shewing and caufing to be u fed
srms, and -^oats ot arms, as their proper family arms, which to
Tuch perfon or perfons did in no manner belong, and which of
right and by the law of arms fiich perfcn cnuld not nor ought to
bear, and farther to do and receive what flia'l be ritdu in that
behalf, at the promotion of fuch advocate royal, or otlicr perfon
that fuit in the fame court ex Officio promoting, and what they
:naould do in the prcnfwTjs, to the fam^ conftabie of ErgLmd and
marfhal of England for the time bting, or either of them, or to
their deputies or vicegerents, or furrogates, or to the deputy or
■vicegerent, or furrogate, of either of thtm, or to other judge in
that behalf competent, they fbould duly certify, together v;ith
that proccls ; snd by virtue of fuch proccfs fuch offici rs have
Cdufed to be cited fuch defendants in fuch procefs named to ap-
pear at fuch place and tinre in fuch procefs exprelTed, according
10 the commmd of that procefs : And the fame A'. Lhyd further
fays, that C^^rA'j the fecond, late king of f/'^/rtwd', by his letters
patent fealed under the great feal of England, bearing date at
IVefim^r.fter 19th day of Odober in the 24th year of his reign,
gave and granted to Henry then lord Hoivard, baron Hoivard of
Cajlletipng, and afterwards duke of Norfolk, the office of raar-
flial of England, with all dignities, jurifdiftions, rights and ad-
vantages vv^hatfoever to the fame ofnce belonging and appertain-
ing ; To have and to hold the fame office v/ith the appurtenances
i 33^ J to t^iC faid Henry then lord Harvard, baron Hoivard oi Caftie-
riftng, and afterwards duke of Norfolk., and to the heirs male of
his body lawfully begotten, to beextcured by himfelf or his fuf-
ficient deputies ; bv virtue of which faid letters patent the faid
Henry then lord Haivrird, baron H 'v:ard oi Cpfilerifing, and af-
terwards duke of A'ar/u//^, was feifcd of and in the office afore-
faid with the appurtenances, as of fee-tail to him and his heirs
male of his body lawfully begotten ; and fo being fcifed after-
wards, to wit, on the 12th day of January \r\ the year of the
Lord 1683 at PFeflminlhr aforefaid died, whereby the office
aforefaid v/ith the appurtenances then and there defcended to
//fnr)' late duke of Norfolk, as fon and heir male of the fame
Henry lord Hoivard, barori Hoixinrd of Cnfllerifmg, and after-
v/ar^is duke of Norfolk, whereby the fame Henry the fon, duke of
h'orfolk, vjz% feifed of and in the office aforefaid with the appur-
tenances, as of fee-tail; and fo being thereof feifed, afterwards
and after theflature hereafter mentioned made, and likewife after
the firfl: day of Enjler term, which was in the year of the Lord
and above the fpace of 12 months and more the deputa-
tion hereafter mentioned made, to wit, 2d day of Afril\x\ the
year of the Lord 1701, at Wejlminfter aforefaid died without if-
lue of his body lawfully begotten ; after whofc death the office
Prohibit lanJ ^^Z
taiorefaid wiih the appurtenances defcended to 7homas now duke
Cjt Norfnlky as heir male of t'ne hotly ot" the faid HentylorA h'oxv
ardy baron Hoi.vard ci Ca/ilei i/m^, and afterwards duke of A'or-
folk, lawfully begotten, to wit, as fon and heir male of the body
o^ T nomas HoiuarJ, e'o^; deceafed coujiuonly called the honour-
able T homas HoivarJ o\ IFgrkfop, fecond Ton of the faid //t';;r_y lord
Ho-ward, baron Ho'ivard o{ Ca/lleri/hg, afterwards duke ot A^or-
fotk ; by virtue whereof the faid "Thomas now duke of Norfolk was
I'eifed and yet is feifed of the office aforefaid with the appurtenan-
ces in fee-tail : And the fame N. iJoyJ farther fays, that the fame
Hhamas duke of A'or/a//^ being fo feifed of the office aforcfaid, lor
three months next after the time that he the fame Thoinas duke
of Norfolk of the office aforefaid of maiflinl of Engl.ind fo as afore-
faid was feifed, and more, intirely negledted to receive the facra-
nient of the Lord's fupper, according to the ufage of the church of
EnglanI, according to the form of the ftatute made in the parlia-
ment of the lord Charles the fecond late king of EnoJauJ, held
at IVejlmin/ferm the county of Middhfex in the 25th year of his
reign, intitled, An acl for tre^jenting dargers luhich nay happen
from popi/h recufants, and the facrament of the Lord's fupper afore- ij .^' *• '• '•
faid, according to the ufage aforefaid, within three mon^ths next
after the death of the faid Henry duke of Norfolk, the fon.or withi.T
three months next after the time that he the fame '> h^mas now
duke of Norfolk of the office aforefaid of marllial of England fo
as aforefaid was feifed, or at any time hitherto, hath not received;
■whereby the fame Thomas now duke of Norfolk, by virtue of the
ftatute aforefaid, b'.'came incapable to execute that ofn-ce : And
the faid Nathaniel Lloyd, by leave of the court here to him firft 4 A. c it-
granted according to the form of the ftaiute in fuch cafe lately
made and provided, to plead feveral matters farther fays, that by
the ftatute laft mentioned it is enabled and provided, that
neither that adt nor any thing therein contained Jliould ex-
lend, be adjudged or interpreted, to take away or make voi.i the
grant of any office oroffic.s of inheritance, or any tec, falary or
reward for executing hich office or offices, or thereto any wav-
belonging, granted bv the faid late king, or any his predeceffijr';
to, or enjoyed, or which then attfr {hould be enjoyed, bv any
perfon or perfons who /hould refufe or negleft to take the faid
oaths, or either of them, or to receive the (acranient, or to fub-
fcribe the declaration mentioned in that aft in manner therein ex-
prelfed : N'?verthelefs fo as fuch perfon or perfons having or en-
joying any fuch office o' offices of inheritance did or fliouui fub-
llitute and appoint his or their fufficient deputy or deputies
(which fuch officer or officers refpf divcly were thereby iin-
powered from time to time to make or change, anv {oruicr law or
ufage to the conir;iry notwilh(Unding) to exercife the laid office
or offices, until fuch t'lne as the pcrlon or perfons Iiavi:)g Inch ol-
fices fliould voluntarily in the court of chinccry b-torc the lord
chancellor or lord keeper for the lime Wmg, or in the court of
ting's ben cTi, tatc tlic faid oaths, and receive t1ie facrarncnt ac~
coruing to law, and fubfcribe the faid declaration ; and fo as all
find every the deputy and deputies foas aforefaid to be appoinied
take the faid oaths, receive the facrament, and fubfcribe the faid
declaration from time to time, as they iliould hnppen to be fo
appointed, in manner as by that aft fuch cflTirers whofe depiiiies
they be are appointed to do, and fo as fuch deputies be from
time to time approved of by the king's mnjcfty on.'cr his privy
fignet, as by that n6t, among other things, is more fully mnnifeft
2nd appears : And by reafon of the premifll-s, the fau^e Tfwnms
duke of A'o>//.(- afterwards to wit, zylh day of FehrunrySn the
year of the Lord 1705, at JVeJImin/ier aforefaid in the county
iiforcfaid, then as aforefaid being feifcd of the office aforefaid, the
£ i33 J fame office being an oflk-e of iniicritance, by his deed in writing
fealed with his feal, bearing date the fame day and year ac-
cording to the form, and by virtue of the flatute Lift mentioned,
fuftitutcd and appointed the faid Henry ear] oi B'tKchrt, by the
rame of Henry lord IFulden his fufTicient deputy to execute the
faid office of marflial ot ErglanJ, v/ith all jurifdiclions, rights,
privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging and appertaining;
which faid Henry earl of Bindon afterwards, to wit, 10th day of
]S!o~j ember 1706, being 5ifK,-/r7j, al !Ve/im:n/}er &^ore\'2.\(^, accord-
ing to the form of the itatute in that cafe made and provided, re-
ceived the facrament of the Lord's fupper in the parifh church
oi St. Margaret iVeJlniinfleVy being a publick church, immedi-
ately after divine fervice and fcrmon ; and alfo afterwards, to v;ir,
30'.h day of No'vemher 1706 abovefaid, according to the form of
the llatute aforefaid^ and feveral other ftaiutes in fiich cafe made
and provided, in the court of chancery of the lady the queen,
^,efore IV. Coo/>er, efq; then lord keeper of the great feal of Erg-
lanJ, the fame court then being at IVeJlmirJier in the county afore-
faid, took the feveral oaths, commonly called the oaths of alle-
giance and fupremacy, and the oath of abjuration, and likewife
then and there fubfcribed the declaration in that cafe by the fta-
tute required, as by the record thereof in the fame court remain-
ing mere fuHr is manifcft and appears : And the faid A^ IJ y:i
farther fays, that the lady the now queen, after the faid T/iomas
duke of Norfolk had fo as aforefaid appointed the faid l!e»ry, now
earl of Bin,lo'i, his deputy to execute the office aforefaid of mar-
fhal of England, to wit, 24ih day of Augujl i 706, by her letters
under the privy fignet at aforefaid made, nccorJing
to the form of the ftatute aforefiid approved the fame Henry earl
of Bindon to be depu'y of the faid Thmas duke of Norfolk,
to execute the office aforefaid, according to the tenor of the depu-
tation aforefaid by the faid 1 hotnas duke of Norfolk to the fame
Hsnry earl of Bindon as aforefaid made: And the faid A^ IJryd
farther fays, that 26ch day of y^/r// 1707, and long before and
continually afterwards from thence hitherto, the office of confta-
bleof England was vacant, and that the fame fames Col'et, knt.
on the i:i.i\\z i6th day of Jpiil 1707, and long before and con-
Prohibition. 33;^
tinually afterwards bore,caufeJ to be ufetl and ufurped, the arms
and coat ot' arms contained in the articles in the faid declaration
mentioned, as his family arms, which did not belong to hiin, to
wit, at I'VtJlmirjier atorefaid in the county atorefaid ; whereilpon
afterwards, to wit, the fame 26ih day of Afnil, at the promotion
of the faid A'. Lloyd, being then advocate royal in the court aforc-
laid, the fame henry earl of Birdon being as atorefaid, with the
fiiyal approbatron, deputy or vicegerent, or furrogate, of the faid
T h;mas AwVq. of Norfolk, lord marflial of EnglmiA, iSc. at M'^eji-
Tiiinfter afore faid in the court of honour then and there held, fent
procefs in writing, clirtfted to all and fingular juflices of ihe peace»
fheriffs, bailiffs, conftables and ofHcers, and alfo to all his majef-
ty's faithful fubj'dls whomfoever in and throughout the whole
kingdom cf ErgL:nd whcrefotver corft'ttuted, but efpecially to
Thomas, mandatory (-r marflial of the court of the faid
thnry earl ot Bindon, bv the royal ?pprobation, deputy or vice-
gerent, or furrogate ot the faid Thomas duke of Norfolk, lord
marfhal oi tn^lund : by which faid procefs the lame Henry earl
of Birdc,f!,hv the roval approbation, d.epury or vicegerent, or fur-
rogate, cf ihe faid, 7A-77!'?i duke oi Ncrfulk^lord marflial o{ htig-
lind, to all and fingular julV'ces of the peace, fheritfs, bailiffs, con-
flables and cfiicers, and aiio lo all his ntajetly's fai-hful fubjefts
whomfoever in and throughout the whole kingdom of England
•wherefoever conftituteo, but efpecially to Thomtis Houjeman, man-
datory or marfhal of ihe court aforelaid, jointly and fever^lly com-
mitted, and by firmly injoining, commanded that they fhould cite,
or caufe to be cited, peremptorily ihw faid ^\r James C-dUt, knt.
that he fhould appear betore the fame Henry earl of Bin !o d, ffff, and the ofHce and
law of arms, and particularly in benring, ufurping, fheu ing and
cau(in;r to be ufed arms, and a coat of arms, as his proper laniily
arms, and coat of arms which did in uo manner belon,; to him,
and which by the law of arms he could not nor cu^ht in juftice
to bear, and farther to do und receive v;hat fliould be right in
that b^halt ; and that thi y fliould duly certify what they ihould do
in tlie preuii/fes (o (he faid itinry car) of Bindon, by the royal ap-
probarion, deputy of Hem y duke ot Norfolk, lord marflial ot Eng-
land, iS'c. OT his vicegerent, or other judge in that behalf compe-
rent whaifoever ; which faiil proc» fs afterwards, to wit, the fame
day and year, at IVefh/iirJfer ^iorefiud, was delivered to the fame
Thomas Houfcman in form of law to be executed ; by virtue of
which faid j)roctfs ihe laid 1 liovi»s Hvufunan afterwards, lo wit,
on the faid day of the return of that procefs, to wit, on the ♦yih>
«isy of May lyo-j abovefaid in the c.-urt oi honou: afcrcfaid be-
VoL. I. O fcxe
fore tlie faid Henry earl of B'mlon, ot" Thomas duke of Norfolkf
lord inarlhal of Englatul, Iffc. by royal approbation, deputy or
i 334- ] vicegerent, to wit, at IVeJluiitiJhr aforefuid returned the procefs
aforefaid in all things ferved and executed, at which faiil court of
honour duly there held, the faoie Jaines CoUett appeared and the
faid Niit/}iiriiei LloyJ then and yet being advocate royal in the fame
court according to the faid cultoin of the court aforefaid, for all
the faid time ufed and approved, exhibucd and caufed to be exhi-
bited, in the fame court of honour, the articles aforefaid in the
declaration aforefaid abovcnieiitioned, as according to thecuftoni
of the court aforefaid for all the time aforefaid, ufed and approv-
ed he lawfully might and ought ; which faid procefs, citation and
articles for the caufe abovefaid, in manner and form profecuted,
JfTued and promoted, are the fame grievances whereof the faid
Jiitnes Co/let, knt. above in declaring hath alledged : And this the
fame Nathaniel Lloyd is ready to verify : Wherefore he prays
judgment, and the writ of the faid lady the queen of confultali-
on to him jn this behalf to be granted, ^c.
Tho. Parker.
F.O. Raymmd»
And the fime "^nmes Collet, who as well, Sfff. as to the plea of
Diratorrer, ^i^^ ^^^^ Nathaniel to have the writ of the lady the queen of con-
fultation above pleaded, by protefting, that from time immemorial
no fuch court of honour, as in the faid plea of the faid Nathaniel
and in his libel aforefaid is above fpecified, was held nor hath
been accuftomed to be held, nor lawfully could be held, either
before the conftable of England or before the marfhal of England
for the time being feparately, nor before the deputy or vicegerent,
or furrogate, of either of them, as the faid Nathaniel Lloyd above
hath alledged : neither hath any fuch court of honour ever beca
accuftomed to be held, nor ought, nor lawfully could be held,
unlofs before the conftable o( England '-ind the marf-ial of England
for the time being jointly, or the deputy or vicegerent, or furro-
gate of both of them, for plea fays, that the fame plea of the faid
Nathaniel for a confultaiion fo as aforefaid pleaded, and the mat-
ter in the lame contained, are not futficient in law to maintain
him the faid Nathaniel to have fuch writ of confultaiion ; and
that the faid James, who as well, ^c. to that plea in manner and
form aforefaid pleaded hath no neceffiiy, nor is by the law of the
land obliged, in any manner to anfwer : And this he is ready to
verify : Wherefore for want of a fufficient plea of the faid Natha"
niel'xn this behalf, the fame James Collet, who as well, Ha
prays judgment, and that no writ of the lady the queen of con-
faltation in this behalf may be granted, and ccfts, l^c. to him the
fxid 'Ja7tte$ to be adjudged, l^c.
L, Agor,
Prohibition.' 334
Ar.d the faid Nathanltl L/oyJ fzys, that the faid pica by the Tgjjjjjgj,^
faid blathariiel Lloyd to have a confultation as aforefai'i pleaded,
and the matter in the fame contained, are good and fufficient in
law to maintain him the faid h'nthaniel to have fuch writ ofcon-
fultalion ; And this the fame Nathaniel is ready to verify : Which
fnid matter the laid James doth no; deny, nor theretoin any wife
anfwer ; therefore the lame Nithawel Lloy/l prays judgment, and
that to the fame Ntithonielxhe writ of the faid lady the now queen
ofcorfjltaticn in this behalf by the court here may be gr r.ted,
ifjc. But becaufe the court of the '"aid lady the queen new hese
are nor yet adviled to give ihtir judgment of and upon tie pre-
milTjs, day theretore is given to the parties aforvfdid betore the
lady the queen at M'^ejiminjicr until to hear their judgment
thereon, becaufe the court of die faid lady the queen now here
thereof not yet, ^c.
Pope againft Crofs and another. [ 335 J
hi 13 JV. 3. Roll 23. K. B.
BE it rememb?r'd, that on the a^^ih day of Jf/w? in this fame Sug^edion con-
term comes here into court Robert Pope of, l^c by John ^ouiids^of » w
tAlly his attorney, and gives the court here to underitand and rid,,
be informed, that the town and hamL't ol Parfm Dro've is, and
from time out of mii>d haih been, an antient tov/n and hamlet in
the parifli of Lez'ringim in the county aforefaid, within which faij
town and hamlet there is, and for all the time aforefaid, hath been
a certain antient parochial chapel or church, called the chapel of
St. "John the Bnpiift ; which faid church or parochial chapel con-
tains in it not only the body of a church, but alfo a fteeple, bells,
feats, a, font to baptize, a church y.iru, and ail other parochial
enfigns for divine fervice there to be performed, and lacraments
and facramentals there to be celebrated : AnJ v^d^ereas alfo the
inhabitants of the faid town and hamlet of ?a>fon Drove for the
time being, by the provifion of rhefjme tov;n and hamlet, have
for time out of mind, at their proper cofts and charges, fupport-
ed and maintained, and for all the time aforefaid have been ufed
and accuflomed to fupport and maintain a certain minillcr or
chaplain in holy or.lers in the church of Engl'ital, according to
the rites and ordinances of the fame church, lo celebrate divine
fervice, and the f^craments and facrcmentals in the faid paro-
chial chapel or church in the town and hamlet ot Pirfri Drcve
aforefaid to be celebrated, lione and pei formed, and a clerk to
attend and fcrve the faid chaplain or minillcr in the ceLbration
of divine fervice ; which fiid mitiifteror chiplnin of the pjroi hial
chapel or church afor-faid for :dl thf tiiDC af)refai>l divine fer-
vice, facramcnts and facramentals, in the faivl parochial chapel
or church of (he town and hamict of P.nfon Dr ie aforcMJiid lo tliC
inhabitanis of the town of I'arfort Dtove aforefti ', by himkh or
his fufH.ient deputy, haih celchrarcd, nnJ lor all the tinu- afurc-
O 2 fa'J
33^- Prohibitio-33:.
Tald hath been ufed and accuftomed to celebrate : And wherca/
all and fingular the chaplains and minilUrs of the parochial
chapel or church of the tov/n and hamlet of Purfon Drove afore-
fai<] for the time being, and for all the time aforcfaid, have been
uled and accuftomed yearly to go and perainbulaie in and about
the liniirs, metes and bounds of the faid town and hamlet of
Parfjn Drwe, in folemn proctfllon : And whereas alfo the
reiflor of the church of Le-vringion aforefaid and his predecclfors,
ruStors of the fame church refpctliveiy for the time being, and
the inhabitants v/ithin the faid parih of Lt"jtingfon wiihout the
faid town anrd hamlet of Pat/on Ehoie aforefaid, in their
yearly perambulations yearly for all the time aforefaid made and
ufed, never any perambulaiion within the limits and bounds of
the faid town arid hamlet of Parfon Drove aforefard made, but
Out of the fard town and hamlet ot Parfon Drove aforefaid, and
the bounds of the fame, have gone and walked, and the faid town
and haiiiict of Purpn Droi'e, and the limits and bounds of the
faid town and hamlet of Purjon Drove aforefaid, out of their
perambulations aforefaid have excluded, and to omit and ex
dude for all the time aforefaid have been ufed and accuftomed t
And whereas alfo the inhabitants of the faid town and hamlet of
Parfon Drove to the church of Levrbgion aforefaid to perfornj
divine fervice there, or to celebrate the facraments, or any^ facra-
nientals whatever there, or to do or execute any other thing
there, (except burial for the dead) at any time heretofore have
not ufed to come, nor of right ought, but from the faid church
oi Levrington, and the inhabitants of the parifh of Levringion, as
to the premifles, (except burial aforefaid) are altogether fcparated
and divided ; and the faid inhabitants of the faid town and ham-
let of Parfon Drove have no feats or places to fit, nor places to
be in the faid church of Levrington aforelaid, nor ever at any
time paft hitherto, have had : And whereas alfo the faid inhabi-
tants of the town and hamlet of Purfon Drove aforefaid from
time out of mind the faid parochial chapel or church at their own
proper colls and charges have repaired and maintained, and of
right ought to repair and maintain; and for all the time aforefaid
have been ufed, and have at their own proper coft's found and
provided all and fingular the ornaments and neceflaries for the
faid parochial chapel or church, and for ail the time aforefaid
have been ufed and accuftomed to find and provide, without any
coniribution or allowance thereto by any of the inhabitaHts in
the parifh of Levrington aforefaid, or by the reftor of the faid
church of Levri^'gior, made or allowed ; and by reafon of the
premilTes, the faid inhabitants of the faid town and hamlet of
Purfon Drove aforefaid from t)ie reparation of (he faid church of
Ltvrington aforelaid, and from all impofiiions and taxes con-
cerning the church of Ltvrtpgton aforelaid, have been ire^ and
acquitted for all the time aforefaid always hitherto, as of right
[ 33^ ] they ought: And whereas all the inhabitants of the faid tov/a
and hamlet of Par/in Dnvc, every year for all the tim? afore-
Prohibition. 33^
■{a\i two cliurch-wardens of the parochial chapel, Or their churcK
of Par/on Drove, from the inhabitants of the faid town and
.hamlet of Purfon Druririgron
aforefaid have hitherto ufed to be in nothing fubjeft or attendant,
but have always hitherto been clear and free from them, and
•/from all tlieir taxations and prefentnients : And v/hereas alfo the
-Irial and determination of the caufe aforefaid i^ a matter triable
.at the common law, and ought not to be tried or determined in
sny manner by the laws or cenfures ecelefiaftical, nor Irom
4ime out -of mind hath been accullomed to be: Neverthelefs
"'^ohn.C'ofs and M^iUiam Thacker, now or Ute church-wardens
of I.e'vr'r, gton aforefaid. knowing all and fmgular the premiifes
to be iruf, contriving and intending the inhabitants of the faid
.town and hamlet ot Parfon Dro-je to load v.'ith illegal charges,
taxes and impofitions, againft the law of the land of this king-
<5om of England, and to violate and fubvert the laudable cufloujs
aforefaid hitherto inviolably obierved, the faid Roheit Pope, an
inhabitant within the faid town and hanikt of Parfon Droz^e, and
not elfewhere, at the time in the libel hereafter mentioned, or at
any tinje then pafi, or at any time after hitherto, and not having
any lands, tenements or pofTefTions in the parifh of Levringlon
aforefaid, out of the town and hamlet of Pat/on Drove afordaid,
whereby the faid Rbsrl Pope with the payment or contribution
of a certain futti of money to the repairs of the church of /-ei'-
fington lawfully or legally ought or could be charged to p:4y
any rates, portions or iums of money, on hiiri by the faid ''^ahn
Crofs and 14''. 1 . then or late wardens as aforefaid of the faid
church of /.. aforefaid, and the parifHipners ot the faid parifh of
L. then prcfent, and the reftor of the faiJ parifli of L. to the
repairs of the church of /,. aforefaid the faid R. Py/itf have un-
jullly taxed and impofed, and to pay hay^ caufed, or at ieaft
endeavoured j and for the non-payment thereof the fame 'J.
Crofs and li^. T have profecutcd the faid R. Pope in the court
chriflian, before IF. Cooke, doctor of laws, of the reverend ■*>/-
rion, by divine prrmiffion lord bllinp of Ely, vicar general in
fpiriiuals, pnd rffiiil principal lav;fully conftituted, or his fur-
i"i)gate, or other judge jn that b'^rhalf competent, againfl the law
and cufloms aforefaid, cautioufly and (ubriily libelling againft
the faid R. Pope, by the name of R. P pe of Lcurinpton P.nfon
Dro've, conimonly called Parfon Droie, among other things*
that in the months of March A. M. J. J. A. S. O. N. D. J.
F. and M. happening rcfpcdivcly in the years 1697, 1698, and
1699 now current, and of thofe ujonths and years every more
than one or feme, the parocliial church of /- aforefaid was
P 3 broken
a'l6l Prohibition.
broken and ruinous, and had and hath lundry defers and decays,
and did and doth want reparation, rebuilding, and neceflary
provifion to be made ; and by reafon and occafion of the pre-
miflls, the taxation and contribution ot the parifliioiicrs, inha-
bitants and others, lamls, meadows, leneuicnts and other things
taxable v:\l\^An the pa.r\{h ci Le-jrirgtori and I ezjringtjn Parjoii
Dro've relpefllvely having, occupying and pofl".ning, hath been,
was and is neceflary. Item, that the hamlet ot L. fntfon Drcve
was and is within the pariili, limifs and prccinfli of Z-. afortfaid,
and was and is within the parifa ct L. aforefaid j and the church of
L. aforefaid was the mother church of the lame, and liie chapel
commonly called the chapel of St. John the B/iptijl there, and the
faid chapel of St. John the Baptijl aforefaid in Purjon Drove afore-
faid, was and is a chapel of eafe to the articulate mother church
of I. aforel^ai-j ; fo that 20th day of the month oi Af>ril 1699, af-
ter lawful and fufficient notice and intimation to all and fmgulcr
having or preteni-'insj to have inttreft in that behalf, openly and
publickly in and about the parochial church cf £. aforefaid, on
Sunday, to wit, i6th day of yi/r//, acconling to the accuftomed
places, while the greater part of the people were there prcCent,
made and publillied for a parifli meeting at 10 of the clock iTi
the morning of the 20th day of /^/r// aforefaid in the town-hall
\t\ L. aforefaid ; he propounds nevcrthelefs of any other time,
day, hour ard place, in the faid monition, notice or intimation
aforefaid, the parifliioners did meet and conlf itute a rate or tax
towards the reparation of the ruins, defeds and decays of the
faid parochial church cf L. aforefaid, in all neccmries for the
fame by the faid church-wardens, with the confent of the major
and better part of the inhabitants and parifliioners of F. afore-
faid then and there prefent,6u.iii the pound upon lands in P. and
Ltnjrh'gton Par [on Dio^je aforefaid, rightfully and lawfully, and
according to the cuftom of the parifli aforefaid, the bell being
tolled at or about the hours of 9 or 10 of the clock to give the
parifliiontrs, and all concerned, fair and legal notice of the time
and pldce of meeting, hath been and was made and conflituted ;
v^herein you the faid A'. Pope was taxc,^ laid and rated the fum
of 2/. of good and lawful money, for, y^. more or leis relpcftive-
I 337 ] ly by you occupied and polulTed within the hamlet of Levrirg-
ton Paifon Drove aforefaid, within the pariHi, precincts and
rateable places of £,. aforefaid, in the months and years libellate
and articulate, or of them every more than one or loma towards
the faid repairs, as by the declaration or libe! aforefaid in the faid
court chriftian before the faid judge fpiritual, againft the faid R.
Pops as aforefaid exhibited, among other things, more fully ap-
pears ; Ant! although the faid R. P. tS\ and fingular the premilTes
in the faid court chriftian before the faid judge fpiritual hath al-
ledged, and the fame with inevitable truth and teftimony hath
offtred to prove : Nevertbelefs the faid judge fpiritual the faid
plea, allegation and proof, hath abfolutely refufcd to admit or
receive j and the faid Johrt Crojs and 11^. 'T. the fnnie R. Pope
in the faid court chriftian of and upon the premifFes 10 caufe to
Prohibition. 'SS^
fee condemned, and wrongfully to be compelled to pay the feveral
fums of money in the libel aforefaid above fpecified, by the defi-
nitive fentence of the faid court chriltian, with all their might
endeavour and daily contrive, in contempt of the faid lord the
now king, and to; the manifeft damage, prejudice and im-
poverifhment of him the faid R. Pope, againft the law and ciif-
toms aforefaid : And this the fame R. Pope is ready to verify :
Wherefore the faid R. Pope mod humbly imploring the aid and
afhftance of the court of the faid lord the king prays remedy, and
the writ of the lord the now king of prohibition to be directed to
ihe faid judge fpiritual, to prohibit him that he may not farther
hold before him the plea aforefaid in any manner touching the
preniiffes : And it is granted him.
England, towit.T>E it rcmember'd, that en day next ^^^''fJ^^lJ,-,'!/;;'"
JP after (the firft dav of the term) in this foP,-,andalous
fame term before the lady the queen at IVejlmir.Jier comes Eliza- wcrds of a per-
beth Adams by John Allen her attorney, and gives the court of the fen in holy cr-
lady the queen now here to iinderlland and be informed, that ^<^f='
whereas the Engli/h words fcUov/ing arc v/ords of heat and
paffion only, without any malice or intention to defame G.
Sutler, clerk, hereafter mentioned, in his perfon or fundion,
and not fo grievous, dangerous or fcandalous, for the ipeaking
or publifhing whereof any aftion, citation or profecuticn, in any
court chriftian by the law of the land of this kingdom oi England
ought, hath been ufed or accuftomed to be had or maintained :
And v/hercas alfo all and all manner of pleas, or adions of tref-
pafs on the cafe, arifing and happening within this kingdom of
England, to the lady the now queen and hcrioyal crown, and to
the temporal courts of the faid lady the queen, and not to the
court chriftian, according to the law and cuftcm of the kingdom
of England do hdong and appertain: Nevenhelcfs one George
Butler, clerk, reflor of the parochial church of IJchboroiv in the
county and archdeanery of Nortli'ton and diocefe oi Petcrl>oroug/iy
well knowirg the premifles, but contriving her the faid Eliza-
beth vv^rongfuHy to aggrieve and opprefs, the faid Elizabeth be-
ing likewife an inhabitant v/ithin the parlfti aforefaid, to ano-
ther proof in the court chriftian before the venerable man /?.
Reynolds, doflor of lav/s, of the reverend father in Chrift Richardy
by divine permifiion lord bifhop of the borough of St. Ptter,
othcrwife Peterborough, vicar in fpiritnals, official general, or
his furrogate, againft the due form of the law of this kingdoin
of England, and agair)ft the cuftom afortfaid, for a certain caufe
of a fuppofeJ contempt, fcandal and difgrace of ihL* faid Gfo'/if
Butler, hath wrongfully drawn in plea to anfwer to certai/i
articles by the faid George in the fame court chriftian againft
her the faid Elizabeth in the preinifles exhibited and promoted,
and cautioufly and fubtilly there articulating and objcding, that
the faid Elizabeth in the months of September, Ottoher, No'vein-
her, Decanber, January, Eebruary, L"V- laft paft, or in one of
po 4 ihofc
t 338 I
tViofe monflis, within the faid parifh of £jV/i^oroxo aforefaid, and
other publick places to the fame near, contiguous and aiijoining,
the faid deorge ButUr of or with \.\\i within written not defamed
but being in good repniation, did wickedly, fdfly and malicioufly
defame, ani.1 fome infamous, fcandalous, opprobrious and defa-
matory words, founding and tending to the infamy, hurt, black-
ening and diniinu'ion ot the eitate, good name and reputation of
the laid George Butler, and eipeciaily thefe Englijh words, or
others importing the fame fenle and efttft, to wit, fpeaking to
the faid George Biii/er, You are a rogue and arafcal, with many
other defamatory v.ord's, openly, publickly, and out of rage,
hatred or envy, and with an intent to defame him, againfl good
manners an'! the bcnii of charity, often, or at leaft once, and
before credible witncfles fpoke, afferted, pronounced and pub-
liflied ; and the faid George her the faid fJiznheth in the faid
court chriftian before the faid judge fpiritual' of and upon the
premifTcs to appear hath v^rongfully obliged, and the fame Etizd-
beth thereupon there to a-nfwer, and in ifie premiffes to caufe to
be condemned with all his m'ghi endeavours and daily contrives,
in contempt of the faid lady the now queen, and againft the law
and cuftom of this realm ot England, to the maniteft dimage,
prejudice and grievance of her the faid Elizabeth: And this (he
is ready to verify : Wherefore the faid Elizabeth mofl; humbly
imploring the aid of the court of the faid lady the queen now
here prays remedy, and the writ ot the faid lady the queen of
prohibition to the faid judge fpiritual of the faid court chriflian,
or other judge in this behalt competent whatever, in form of law
to be directed, to prohibit him that he may not farther hold be-
fore him the plea aforefaid in any wife touching the premifFcS
aforefaid : And to her it is granted, tV.
Sug^eftion for
a prol ib"ui "f
and beloved George T>eby, knt. his chief juftice of the bench,
greeting: Whereas in the record and proceedings, and alfo in the
rendition of the judginenr of a plea which was in our court before
you and your companions, our juftices of the bench, by our
writ between us and Thumas Priory gent, and Thomas Dandyp
clerk, for that the fame T^h'oui and 'r/^ow/jy -unjuftly hinder'd u$
from prefenting a proper perfon to the church oi Shaivell in the
CQuniy ct Leicejler, which is vacant and belongs to our donation,
as it is kid, a manifeft error hath happened, to the great damage
of them the faid 7//otnas and Thomas, as by their complaint we
have unccrfcood : We wi!iing the error, if any hath been, fliouKi
be duly corrected, and full and fpeedy juftice done to the faid T.
and T. in this behalf, command you, that if judgment therein be
given, then the record and proceedings atorelaid, witli
all things touching them to us unJer your fcal, you
diltindTtly and openly fend, and this writ, fo that we may have
rhtm from the day of whereloever we fhall then be ia
England, that the record and proceedings aforefaid being infpccl-
ed, v.-e may farther caufe to be done therein to correct that error,
what of right and according to the lav/ and cuftom of our king-
dom of England Hiall be to be done. Witnefs Thomas arch-
h:i\\o^ o^ Canterbury, and the Other keepers and.juftices of the
kingdom at IVejlminJier iith day o'l M,iy in the 8th year of our
The anfvcer of George Trcby, hnt. the chief jujlict ivithin
named :
The record and proceedings of the plea, whereof mention i? .j-j^^ letariC
within made, v/ith all things touching them before the lord the
339t Oiiare Impedit.
king wherefocvcr, ^r. at the day within contained, I fenJ in 51
ctr:ain record 10 this writ annexed, as 1 am within coniinanded.
Get Treby.
The tranfcjipt. Tiers irrolle^ tff \NtG.m'\n([€r l/tfore George Treby, /?»;/. and his
eomt-nniois, juftices of the lord the kin^r of the bench of Hillary
term in ihe "^th year of the reign of the lard VJ XWaxw the thirds
iy the grttce of Cod of M'^ii^^'^'i^, Scotland, France /zr; J Ireland
kiigy defe't'da oj the faith, &c._ Roll lyzo."
Cnunt,thatC 4. /"^Thervvife, as jt appears in ////An-ji term in the 6th year of
was iciitd of v.^ ^^^ rcign of the lord the now king. Roll 1732, it is con-
theaivcwfon tauieAlto,£s°f. for the
fame lord the king is ready to verify 'A'here und when, and as the
court here will confider ; and the faid T. D. likewife ; Therefore
lo try as we'l the iflue aforefaid bt tween the fame lord the king
f ^42 1 ^"'^ thefaiii T. D. above joined, as the faid ifiue between the
_ fame lord the king and the laid T. P. above joined, btcauf^; the
The iiTues fent trial and cognifance of thofe ifTues bclrngs to the ecckfiaftical
to thcbifiiopof court, and ought to be tried there, and trom thence certified to
*J^'^^^'^;°'=*'^ '^ '^'^ juftices here ; therefore the reverend father in Chrift Jr/wfr
bifliop of Lincoln, the ordinary of that place, is commanded, that
the parties in this behalf proper ro be called being called before
him, he diligently inquire concerning the truth of the faft on the
premiffes, and what he iliall find thereon caufe to be certified to
che juftices here from the day of Enjier in 1 5 days by his letters
patent and clofe : The fame day is given as well to the faid at-
lorney genera!, who, l^c. as to the faid T. P and T. D. here, i^c.
And now h< re on this dav, to wit, the faid 15th day of Eajler.,
come as well the faid T. T. knt. attorney general of the faid now
lord the king, who, l£c. as the faid T. P. in his proper perfon,
and the faid T. D. by T. P. his attorney aforefaid ; and the faid
The biftop's James hlihop of Lincoln, by his letters patent and clofe hath cer-
«criificatc. tified to thejullices here, that he, by virtue of the writ aforefaid
to him directed, the regifters and other memorandums of him
and his prtdecelFors, late billiops o( Lincoln, b?ing fearched, and
all other matters in the fame writ fpecified belonging to his paf-
toral office in that behalf being rightly and duly cbferved, accord-
ing to the order of the ecclcfiaftical law, and alfo the parties in
that behalf proper to be called, hath made diligent inquiry con-
cerning the t)uih of the h&. of and upon the iflues in the fame
writ mentioned, whereby he ha:h plainly and evidently per-
ceived and found by lawful proof and ether things in this behalf
requifite, and the fame bifhop to the juftices here hath certified,
that the faid J. P. on the 30th dav of Noi'tn^itr 1671, at B. in
the county of H. within the diocefe of Lincoln, by William late
biihop of the fame diocefe, on the prcfentation oi the lord Charles
the ficond, late king of F.nglun^, in the faid church of S. was
admitted and irftiiuted : Therefore it isconfiuered, that the faid
Juflgment. lord the now king "' ^^'f 2'
fecond, by rcafon of his royal prerogative annexed to his crown ^'*^*'^''
vlnr,d, to pre- f" 1 prffruied
fent a prop'.r pcrf n to the vicarage a!orcl-id fo being vacant ; '•'•''• """»'
whrrctore the laid late king C/i'irtti the lUxiiJ, by rculou of hh f^''^'"***
Vol. I. r p ro}^l
342 1 Oiiare Impedlt.
foyal prerogative aforefalci, to the vicnrage aforefaid fo being va--
cant prefi^nteil 1 Inmas'Tsnifov, profefTor of liivinity, his ckrk, wha
r ,, 1 on the fuiie prefentaiion ot the f.iid late king was admitted, inlti-
'• -''^■^ tilted and inciiiho, 1:3c for the fame Icrd and lady the king
* and queen is ready to v rify, y<:.
^^ , , And the faid //fWij b'ilrtp c^ Lcr.don and JV. Lav.cnjterh'f
■'' ' A. B. their attorney come and defend the force and injury, ^r,
and prav ^yr of ttip writ aforefaid,- and to them it h read in thefe
words, 'to wi', fFiUicim and Ma:y by the grace of God 0^ Eng-
Innd, F,(o:l', Fr^irre ^r\d frehnrl king\ queen defenders of
the'faith, ^"c. To (he flieriffs of Louden, greeting: Command
Ikn-y biHiop of London, and TV. Lancnfier profeflbr of divinity,
that they jutllv and without delay permit us toprefcnta proper
pcrfon to the vicarage of the church of St. Martin in the FieldSf
which is vacant and belongs to our donation, and whereof the
faid biiliop and IViUiam have unjuftly hindered us, as it is faid ;
and unlefs they fiialldo it, fummon by good fummoners the faid
b-Hiopand IVillium, that they be before us from the day of St.
Michael In three weeks to (lie w why they have not done it ; and
have there the fummoners, and this writ. Witncfs ourfelves at
ii't/Jminfler 26'h >1ay o^. September iii the fourth year of our reign.
Cerfnr: Which bting read and heard, ihey the faid bifiiop and
/r/ZZ/V/w prav judgnjent of the Writ and declarat'on aforefaid, be-
cause they hy, tliat between th6 writ and count aforefaid there iS
ar,c4 be- ^ ^ niaferi-d variance, in this to wit, that where by the writ at'ore-
faid the faid Inrd and lady the king and queen intitle thetnfelves
to the r.onalion of the faid vicarage of the church of St. M.irtinin
the fi(dds in full right, yet by the count aforefaid the fame lord
and ia'.iy the ki'ig and queen intirle themselves fo the donation of
the fiune vicardgc, bv reafon of their prerogative royal annexed
to their crown of Er^land ; wherefore for the variance aforefaid
between the writ an^t count aforefaid, the fame billiop and IVil-
liam p'ay judgment of the writ and count aforefaid, and that the
faid writ may bt qutiflied, ^c.
Fr. P eivhet ton.
CreJ'uell Lt~inz.
hariliQ. Sh:ii.ier.
twcen the \vr t
and couuc.
Quare Impcdif. 34j
And ihe faid attorney general of the faid lord and l.zdy the T.o-Jr Ujnxarrer
king and queen, v.ho for the fame lord and lady the now king
and queen prolecutes, for the fame lord and lady the king and
queen fays, that the faid plea of the faid Henry bin^op of Lond:n
and Lancafier tor qiialLing the writ afcrcfaid above
pleaded, and the matter in the fame contained, are not fufficient
in law to qurilli the v;rit aforefaid ; and that he the fame attorney-
general, who, l^c. for the fame lord and lady the king and queen
to that plea in manner and form aforefaid pleaded hath no ne-
ceflity, nor is by the law of the land obliged to anfv/er : And this
the fame attorney general, IsSc. for the fame lord and lady ths
king and queen is ready to verify : Wherefore for want of a fuf-
ficient anfwer of them the faid bifliop and William in this behalf,
the fame attorney general, l^c. for the fame lord and lady the
king and queen prays judgment, and that the writ aforefaid may
Ve adjudged good ; And a writ to the billiop, y*:.
Edivard IVardj
* -
And the faid Hen^y bifliop of London and JVilliam Lnnctijltr JoJndcri
fav, that the plea of them the faid Henry billiop of London
and IFilliam Lancafter for quaihing the writ aforefaid above
pleaded, and the matter in the fame contained, are good and fuf-
ficient in law to quafli the writ aforefaid : wherefore becaufe
the faid attorney general of the faid ^ord and bdy the king and
queen to that plea doth not anfwer, nor in any wife deny it, th^
fame Henry biilaop of London and William Lancajler as before
pray judgment of the writ and count aforefaid, and that the
faid writ may be quafhed, trV. But becaufe, l^c.
Ihe King againft ihe Archbijhop of York and [ ^^^ j
Q Harlt! the fecond, by the grace of God of England, Scotland, Wilt of ermr-
Ftance and Ltland king, defender of the faith, l^c. to our P;irl. Rep- -JTSy
juftices alfigned to take affUes in the count v of Tork, greeting? : '=+"
Whereas in the record and proceedings of a certain plea whidi ^ ^'^^' *^*
was in our court before Francis Korth, knt. our chief juuice of
the bench, and his companions our juftices of the bencjj, by our
writ between us and Richard archbi/hop of Toth, and Stephen
So'wicn, citrk, for this, that the fame archbifhop and Stephen
ilio'.itd permit us to prefent a proper perfon to the church of
Foiilton, oiherwKe FoTc/e/lon, in the county of Ttjr/', which was
Vacant and belonged to our donation, as it was faid, and alfo itx
the rendition of the judgmcrt of the fame plea before you at the
tlTifes hehl at the calUe of Tutk in the couniy a .ncfaid, by our
writ of ,\',/i irius, according to the form ff the flatute ihcreof
made and provided, n maritcll error hath happened, to the great
« amage of I hem llie faid archbifhop and Stephen, u% by their coni-
plair.i wc have unde.'ilood ; Wc v.-i^ling tlic error, if atjy hath
544 Qjiarc Tmpcdif.
Been, flioulJ be duly correded, and full and fpeedy juftice done
to the faid archbifliop and Step/ien in this behalt, coiiiinand you,
that if judgment l>rtore you at the afllfes iforefaid be given, then
ihe record and proceedings of the plea aforcfaid, with all things
touching them, to us under your feals you diflinftly and openly
fend, and this writ, fo that he may have ihein from the day of
St. Mic'.ail in three weeks wherefocver we fliall then be in
Englaml, that the record and proceedings aforcfaid being in-
fperted, we may farther caule to be done therein what of right
and according to the laiv and cuilom of our kingdom of En^ilanfl
iliall be to be done. Wimefs ourfelf at Wejlmirijier 25lh day of
"July in the 34th year of our reign.
By Roheft Saioyer, knt. attorney general of the lord the king.
^he anfiver o/Thomas Jones, knt. one of the jufticfs nf thelord the
iiiig, njjtgnefl to hold phns before the king himftlf, <7>ii/ Edward
Atkyns, knt. one of the b.irons of the exchequer of the faid Lrd
the king, jujliies of the f aid lord the king of ^Jftfe nxiithih men^
iioned :
The record and proceedings cf the plea, whereof mention U
within made, with all things touching them, before the lord the
kin;; whercfoever, CJ'c. on the day within contained, we fend in
a certain record to this writ annexed, as we are within com-
manded ^
^Tho. fones,
Ediu, Atkjns.
Pleas fit Weflminfter before Francis North, Int. and his cotnpani-
om, jujlices of the hrd the king of the bench of Trinity term in
th; 'i^'i^d year of the reign of the lord Charles the fecond^ by the
graceofGodof^n^zwdy Scotland, France and Ireland kitig^
defender of the faith, &C. Roll 1842.
^Therwife, as it appears in Hillary term laft pad. Roll 395,
_ it is contained thus, to wit, York, to wit, Richard archbifliop
of 3^or/f, and Stephen Sovcton, clerk, were (ummoned to anfwer 10
the lord the now kmg in a plea, that they may permit the faij
lord the king to prefent a proper perfon to the church of Foulton,
otherwife FjivUflon, which is vacant and belongs to his donation,
3 Lev. 16, ^-^ ,^1^^ whereon C. Le^itiz, knt. attorney general of the faid
lord (he king, who for the fame lord the king in this b.-half pro-
fecutcs, for the fame lord the king fays, ^c. \unto] On which
(\zv here comes as well the faid C. Leviuz attorney general of >h«
fiid lord the king, who, ^c. in his proper perfon, as the faid
Siephe^ bv his attorney aforefaid ; and hereupon the faid plea of
the fiid Stephen above for quafliin? the writ aforeia'd above
pleaded being feen, and by the juilices here more fuUy under-
ftood, itfeemsto the fame juftices here, that the matter by the
Ouare Tmpedit J 344
fame lord tlie king in his writ aforefaid alledged is fufficient In
Jdw to mninuin his writ atorefaid, anyjiiatter by the faiJ Stephen
above aliedged norwithftanding : Therefore it is confidered, that Rifponi'
the laid Siep/ien do anfwer the faid lord uie king to his writ and Oujiir.
count afjrsfaid, ifc.
And hereupon the faid Stephen as before deft;'nds the force and Parfoaimpar^
injurv when, ^f. and fays, that he is pr.rfon ofihe church of f'">'=c»
Toiv^'o'i, Othcrwife r
lerwards at FozlLok, otherwife Foxvlelhn aforefxi,!, bv his wri;ing ^- "^ v'hoil-
aforefaid granted and afhgned to the fai l IV. Swphens ail his right, ip\ bv wlioiti
cftate, title and inrereft a'orefaid, which he then had of and in the ^x^^ .iefendar.t
advowfon aforefaid, by vir'ue whereof the lame IV. Stephens was was prcfcated.
of the advowfon of that church for the fiM firfl and next avoid-
ance of the fame poiT fTed j and that he the faid IV. Sttph'rts be-
ing fo thereof poflcfTed, the ch arch aforefaid became void by the
death of the faid IV. De'iity the lafl incuiTjb?nt in manner and
form as in the declaration aforefiid for the faid lord the now kin?
i* above fuppofcd : But the faid Stephen fanhtr fays, that the fai.i
IV. Stephem of the a-ivowfon aforcl-id in form aforefaid being pof-
feffcd, to the church aforefaid, fo as af)refaid b-'ing vacant,
fpontancoufly, lawfully, fitiiply and abfilutelv pref.nted the (aid
Stephen his clerk, as he well iirght ; who on the prefentation of
Iiiiii the faid IV. Stephens was a(1mi:ted, inllituted and ind.ufled,
into the fauie in the time of pe^ce in the time of the faid ior.l the
now king, and nov/ is pirfon in>par!"onee in the fame church on
that prefentation: v;itliout that, that it was ftmonincilly and Traverfe of tlie
corruptly agreed betweeti the faid Stephen and the faid/^«re Ste- ^°°^*
fhtns in manerand form as by the declaration aforefaid for the
faid lord ihc now king is above fuppo'.cd : And this he is ready
to verify : Wherefore he prays judgment if the faid lord the nosy
king will or ouglit to trouble or iinptach h'ni by reafon of the
prem'fTcS, ^f.
. Q^tl AnJ
IfTue on the
Fw.Vtf awarded
245 Ouare Tmpedit.
And tlie fam': attorney general, &c. for the faid lord the kir^r
as before favs, that ihe church aforcfa'ui being vacant, it was
fimoniacally ani corrup'Iy agreed between the faid Stephen and
the laid A. ^ttpher.s as by the declaration aforefaid for (he faid
lord the king is above fuppofed : Anci this for ihe fame lord rhe
king he p^ays may be inquired of by the ccuniry : And the faid
Stephen likewife : Thcrcio're the flicrlfF is con)manded, that he
csufe to come here from the (lay of the Holy Itir.tty in 3 wttks
12, ^c. by whom Ifc and who neiihtr, l^c. 10 recognize,
l^c. becaufe as well, l^c. On v;hich day the jury between th<;
faid lord the now king and the laid S. Soitton ii) the plea aforefnid
vas re1pi[ed*between them here until this dav, to wit, from the
davof5/. Mtchful'm three weeks then next following, unlefs the
juflices of the lord the king, afligned to tjtke -.ilfif s in the county
aforefaid, by the form of the ilatute, If^c. flxudd ^r\\ come on
IVe.inefluy 13th day oijuly Infl pafl at the caille of I'crk in the
county atoreiyid : And now h. re on this day comes as well the
fail! R. Sawyer, attorney general of the faid lord the king, who,
i^c. in his proper perfon, as the (aid Stephen by his attorney
aforefaid: And the faid jufiices of aflife before, ^c. have fent
The poftea, here their record in thefe words : Afterwards the d:4y and place
within .contained ht^or^ IVi/Hnm DoU en, knr. one of the jyllices
of the lord the king, afligned to hold pleas before the king hiin-
fc\\, and IV. Gregory, knt. one of the b?.ronsofthe lixchtqucr
of the faid lord the king, ji.fticcs of the faid lord the king, afiigned
in r fllfes in the county of 7'o>k; by the form of the ftaiuie,
cff. comes as well the within n-.nitd. /?. SaTxytr, km. attorney
gerieral of the lord the king in his proper perlon, who for the
fame lord the k'ng in this behalf protecutes, as the within written
•J. Soii'ton by his attorney within contained: A^d ■ hereupon
puhlick proclamation being mac^e here in court, l^c. and the
jurors of that jury being called likewite come ; and upon ihis the
faid Srepheti challenges the array of the panel within written, be-
caufe he fays, that the town of Fozi/ion, olherwiic Fo'u.lejhn,
from which neighbourhood the jurors aforerai(i wtre returned,
lies, is, and at the time of arraynient of the panel gfoiefaid was
fifuate and lying within the hundred or wapentnge of Diekivg\n
the county aforefaid ; And farther fays, that no lour of the jurors
of the faiit panel have ary thing within the hundred or wape.niage
of D clir.g aforefaid, nor did at the tune of the arravn)ent of the
panel aforetaid dwell in the fame hundred or wapeniage : And
this he is ready to verify : \A, herefcre he prays judgment, and
ihat the panel aforefaid may be qnafhed. ^r.
Derautrcr. , And the faid ./?. ^/vii^n", who, ^r. fays, that the faid chal-
lenge of the faid Stephen to the array of the panel aforefaid by hini
the faid Stephen above alKdged is not fufiicicnt in law to quafh
the array of that panel, and that he to that challenge in manner
and form alnive alledged ha