A A 4 9 1 9 : 8 5 • 8 ' Catalogue of Books and Pamphlets in English, Yiddish and Hebrew THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES I Zion ist Organ ization of America 55 Fifth Avenue New York City CATALOGUE — OF — Books and Pamphlets IN ENGLISH, YIDDISH AND HEBREW ON ZIONISM AND RELATED SUBJECTS WITH BRIEF ANNOTATIONS All books marked * are published b}' the Zionist Organization of America, and all books herein listed may be ordered through its head- quarters. Remittances must accompany all pur- chases. 1 lie prices quoted include postage. STORAGt COLLECTION m 3u 1919 Ti ZIONIST HISTORY AND ORGANIZATION *Anonymous 2C Zionist Questions and Anszvers (Leaflet) Contains ten questions on Zionist theory, ten on Pales- tine, and ten on the Zionist Organization, with brief answers of four or five Hnes to each question. The last page con- tains a bibliography. Excellent for propaganda purposes. *GiNzBERG, AsHER (Ahad Ha' Am) 15c Pinsker and His Brochure Translated from the Hehreiv by Henrietta Ssold (Pamphlet) Written at the time of Pinsker's death, it gives a sym- pathetic and scholarly interpretation of his ideas and an ap- preciation of his labors. Ahad Ha'Am takes occasion to state his own view rather fully, which he developes from Pinsker's experience in dealing wnth Palestine. Palestine is to be a home "for Judaism first, and for the Jews in days to come, when they shall have left off being only 'Jews'." *GoLDBERG, Israel ioc Theodor Herd (Pamphlet) A brief sketch of his life, interestingly told, in a way to interest young people as well as their elders. It deals also with the early Congresses and with Zionism during Herzl's time. *GoLDBERG, Israel ioc Zionisui : Its Theory, Origins, and Achievements (Pamphlet) A general propaganda pamphlet showing Zionism to be an integral factor in the problem of world reconstruction 8 1178259 after the war and an indispensable means to the solution of the Jewish problem. It traces briefly the ori^s^in and development of political Zionism and gives a succinct ac- count of Jewish achievement in Palestine. Written in a lucid and vivid style and calculated to "make Zionists." GoTTHEiL, Richard $i-5o Zionism A complete history of Zionism before the war and an analysis of Zionist institutions. It deals rather with facts than theories. *Herzl, Theodor Paper 25c The Jezvish State An attempt at a modern solution of the Jezvish question {Revised from the En^^lish translation of Miss Sylvia D'Avigdor, zvith special preface and notes by Jacob de Haas) The book which gave birth to political Zionism. Written b}' Herzl before he organized the movement, it voices his passionate conviction that the only solution of the Jewish problem is Jewish re-nationalization. It describes in detail his dream of what a Jewish state should be. Manv of the ideas, such as that of a Society of Jews and of a Jewish Bank, have since been embodied in the Zionist movement. It is a classic of Zionism which everyone should read. *Herzl Theodor 15c The Congress Addresses of Theodor Her::! Translated by Nellie Straus (Pamphlet) The opening addresses rleHvered bv Theodor Herzl as chairman, at the first six Zionist Congresses. A Zionist classic. They give an intimate sense of Zionist happenings during Herzl's lifetime, and contain many inspiring and even prophetic passages. Landman, S. ioc History of Zionism (Pamphlet) One of the English Zionist pamphlets. It gives the history of the Hibbat-Zion movement, of Herzl's activity, the Congresses, the Uganda affair, and brings Zionism up to the beginning of the war. For so short an account it is full of information and gives a fairly complete picture of Zionist history. Landman, S. ioc Zionism: Its Organisation and Institutions (Pamphlet) One of the English Zionist pamphlets. It sketches the causes that led up to Zionism, deals with the Zionist Con- gress, and tells in detail of Zionist organization throughout the world. It describes the institutions in the Diaspora and in Palestine which carry out Zionist aims, and foreshadows the eventual role of the Zionist Organization as representa- tive of world Jewry. *Levensohn, Lotta ioc The Forerunners of Zionism (Pamphlet) An account of the historic causes leading up to Zionism, of the nationalist ideals expressed through Messianism and the Prophets, and of the personalities which preceded TTerzl and laid the foundation for Zionism. These personalities are Moses Hess, Hirsch Kalisher. Perez Smolenskin, and Leo Pinsker. There is also a brief account of early Palestinian colonization. *LipsKY, Louis ioc Parties in Zionism (Pamphlet) An account of the factions in Zionism which have de- veloped alon?; special lines, the Tloveve Zion. tlic Practic-'' and Political Zionists, the Mizrachi, the Poale Zion, and the Cultural Zionists. Makover, a. B. Paper 50c, Cloth 75c Mordecai M. Noah : His Life and Work Mordecai Noah in the first part of the nineteenth cen- tury had a clear conception of Zionism as the solution of the Jewish problem. A newspaper man of prominence and influence, he planned a Jewish refuge on Grand Island near Buffalo, N. Y. The outcome of this adventure is romantic and interesting. *PiNSKER, Leon 15c Auto-Emancipation Translated by D. S. Blondheim (Pamphlet) A trenchant, intellectual, and yet passionate studv of the Jewish problem from the rationalist point of view. Written in 1882. in Russia, it reflects the tension of that period of pogroms. The solution ofifered for the Jewish problem is the political one later adopted by the Zionist movement. The style is brilliant, full of satire and epigram. It is a Zionist classic. *R0SENBLATT, BERNARD A. IOC The Zionist Organisation (Pamphlet) An account of the instruments through which Zionism expresses itself, the shekel, the congress and its various committees, the Zionist bank, the Jewish National Fund, the Palestine land development companies. Zionist organ- ization in America during: the earlv davs of the war, and the Jewish settlements in Palestine. Sacher, H., Simon, Leon, and Landman, S., Editors Zionist Pamphlets $1.00 Ten pamphlets published by the English Zionist Federa- tion during the war. They cover all phases of Zionist theory and achievement. They are listed elsewhere in this catalogue under various headings. I. Zionism and the Jewish Problem, by Leon Simon d 2. Zionism and Jewish Culture, by Norman Bentwich 3. History of Zionism, by S. Landman 4. A Hebrew University for Jerusalem, by H. Sacher 5. Zionism and the State, by H. Sacher 6. Zionism and the Jewish Religion, by F. S. Spiers 7. Palestine and the Hebrew Revival, by E. Miller 8. Hebrew Education in Palestine, by Leon Simon 9. Jewish Colonization and Enterprise in Palestine by Israel AL Sieff. 10. Zionism: Its Orc^anization and Institutions. b\- S. Landman '^'Sampter, Jessie E., Editor $1.00 A Guide for the Student of Zionism A comprehensive survey of Zionism under the follow- ing heads : (i) Zionist theory and history, (2) Zionist organ- ization and special problems. (3) Palestine. It is arranged so as to be useful for students and study groups. It has a bibliography, a number of appendices, and an index. The chapters are written by authorities on each subject in a style which is readable. The general public as well as students will find it interesting and informative. SoKOLow, Nahum $7.50 The History of Zionism (Part I.) With introductory notes by Balfour and Pichon. Written by one of the foremost leaders of international Zionism, who is also a publicist and a literateur, it combines charm of style with authoritative content and comment. *The Story of Zionism Paper 50c. Cloth 75c Essays by Various Writers A collection of short essays by various writers on phases of the Zionist movement, written in a style to in- terest young people between the ages of 14 and 18, but which should also appeal to their elders. The attractive style makes the book especially valuable for propaganda and reading circle purposes. Weizmann, Chaim, and Gottheil, Richard ioc What Is Zionism F (Pamphlet) Two chapters reprinted from "Zionism and the Jewish Future." Dr. Weizmann's "Zionism and the Jewish Problem" is an unusually clear and telling presentation. "The History of Zionism" by Dr. Gottheil is an abstract of his book. It covers the ground from the earliest pre-Herzlian move- ment until the war. It is authoritative and interesting. JEWISH PALESTINE Anonymous 3c Herd Forest: The Tree Fund (Pamphlet) A description of the Herzl Forest in Palestine at Ben- Shemen and Hulda, and a plea by the National Fund for its support. It is interestingly written, and incidentally gives many facts about Palestine and about the prospects for labor and for agriculture. *Ben Avi, Ittamar ioc No, You Do Not KnoK' the Land Translated from the Hehrezv. WitJi a map (Pamphlet) Ben Avi, born in Jerusalem, son of Eliezer Ben Yehu- dah, the Hebrew lexicographer, has written a poetic and vivid description of Palestine, the land, and of Jewish life in Palestine. Bentwich, Norman $2.50 Palestine of the Jezvs, Past, Present, and Future The history of the Jews in Palestine from earliest times, and the history of the Zionist movement in its relation to Pa- 8 lestine from every angle, and of the prospects for futn re- development, cultural, economic, and political, are followed by a series of vivid sketches of Palestine in war time. Written in camp by a soldier and old-time Zionist leader, intimatel\- acquainted with the land, its charm lies in its truthful portrayal. *Brandeis, Justice Louis D. Free Democracy in Palestine (Leaflet) A popular statement with a great deal of concentrated information about Zionism, and with special emphasis on the democratic nature of the Zionist movement and the democratic tendencies of the Jewish settlements in Palestine. *Dana, Leo I. loc The Work and Problems of the Jewish National Fund (Pamphlet) A detailed account of the activities and aims of the Jew- ish National Fund. It is not too technical for the layman and yet contains enough information to be of value to the student. Feldman, Joshua 5c The Yemenite Jezvs (Pamphlet) A history of the Arabian Jews in Yemen, of their per- secution and sufiferings in recent times, and of their remark- able return to Palestine. In Palestine, the Jewish National Fund has been instrumental in settling them and housing them as workmen in the Jewish colonics. The Jewish Na- tional Fund publishes this interesting pamphlet. *Gluck, Margaret ioc What Our Pioneers Have Created (Pamphlet) Adapted from Henrietta Szold's "Recent Jewish Prog- ress in Palestine." A short account of Palestinian colonizntif^n 9 and the Zionist institutons in Palestine, written in light and interesting style, which will attract young people. Hyamson, Albert M. $2.50 Palestine: The Rebirth of an Ancient Nation A history of Palestine from the time of the Roman conquest to the present day. An intensive study of modern Jewish colonization in Palestine, of the Zionist movement. and of the conditions making for Jewish success in Palestine. The book is full of facts and excellent for reference. It has a good index. Jacobs, Joseph D. 5c The Jezvish National Fund (Pamphlet) An English Zionist publication giving a concise account of the history, constitution, methods of collection, objects achieved, and undertakings promoted by the Jewish National Fund. Kessler, L. IOC History and Development of Jeivish Colonization in Palestine (Pamphlet) A short but unusually complete account of Jewish colonization in Palestine, its history, its conditions, and its prospects. There is a great deal of definite information, of facts and figures. The land is described and the purposes of Zionism are clearly defined. Oettinger, J. Paper 50c Jewish Colonization in Palestine A technical study of past methods of colonization and farming, and of the possibilities for the future. Numerous tables. It takes the point of view of the Jewish National Fund with its basic principle of national land tenure. An excellent book for students of the economic condition of }0 Palestine and indispensable for those contemplating settling in Palestine as farmers. Oppenheimer, Franz 2c Co-operative Colonisation in Palestine (Pamphlet) A discussion of the economic principles underlying co- operative agricultural colonization and the special problems connected with Jewish settlement in Palestine. The ideal of co-operative colonization is based on Biblical land laws and opposed to the Roman system of private land ownership. Oppenheimer, Franz, and Oettinger, J. loc Land Tenure in Palestine (Pamphlet) Two essays dealing with the principles that underlie the National Fund conception of land ownership, that is, national ownership of land and hereditary lease. Dr. Oppen- heimer's study is historical and philosophical. The essay by Oettinger deals with the practical workings of hereditary lease. A very interesting economic study. *Ormsby-Gore, Major William Free Address (Leaflet) Address by the political officer (non-Jewish) in charge of the Zionist Commission in Palestine, at a dinner in his lienor, given b}- the London Zionist ( )rganization, September, 1918. It shows a thorough understanding of and deep sym- pathy with Zionist aspirations, and gives interesting first- hand impressions of Jewish life in Palestine. '^Palestine Packet (Pamplilet) 5c A series of letters and articles written from Palestine or by Palestinians during the first months of the Great War. Intensely interesting. They give first-hand impressions and are full of personal touches. SiEFF, Israel M. toe Jezcish Colonisation aud Enterprise in Palestine (Pamphlet) One of the EngHsh Zionist pamphlets. Up to the period of the war, it gives a full account of Jewish colonization from the earliest ventures. It is divided into epochs, and gives one a sense of the development and growth of Jewish enterprise in Palestine. *Straus, Nellie 5c Economic Possibilities of Palestine (Pamphlet) A brief and graphic account of the geography of Pales- tine, including climate and h3-drography, and a description of the natural resources and the economic conditions, with a view to the future possibilities for agriculture, industry, and commerce. The technical correctness and reliability gain in value through the vividness and readability of the style. SzoLD, Henrietta Paper 25c Recent Jezvish Progress in Palestine An historic account and a graphic picture of Jewish colonization in Palestine from its beginnings in the middle of the nineteenth century up to the outbreak of the Great War. It includes accounts of the rural and urban development, social life in the villages, and the economic and cultural development of the country. It is authoritative, written in a delightful style, and covers a great deal of ground in a small space. ToLKOwsKY, S. 15c The Jezvish Colonization in Palestine: Its History and its Prospects (Pamphlet) This account, authentic and complete, deals more especially with the economic and practical aspects of Jewish colonization in Palestine. Written by an agricultural engineer of Jaffa, it has great value. 12 THE HEBREW REVIVAL IN PALESTINE Bentwich, Xokman IOC Jewish Schools in Palestine (Pamphlet) This pamphlet, published in 1912, gives an interesting account of the development of the Hebrew school system in Palestine before that date. It barely mentions the Hilfs- verein der deutschen Juden, which later obtained undesirable fame. Bentwich, Norman ioc Zionism and Jezvish Culture (Pamphlet) One of the English Zionist Pamphlets. An account of the revival of Hebraism in the Dispersion and of the interrelation of Jewish nationalism with the Hebrew renascence. There is also a brief account of the Hebrew revival in Palestine. Miller, E. ioc Palestine and the Hehrezv Revival (Pamphlet) One of the English Zionist pamphlets. A survey of the place of Hebrew in Jewish life and of its development in Palestine during the last thirty-five years. Too short to be exhaustive, it gives a general account of the revival of Hebrew as a spoken language, of Jewish education in Pales- tine, and of the language struggle. Simon, Leon ioc Hebrew Education in Palestine (Pamphlet) One of the English Zionist pamphlets. It gives not only an account of the development of Jewish education in Palestine up to the war, with the description of the various types of schools, but it also deals with the subject in a thoughtful way, explaining the place of education in Jewish life, and the peculiar importance of Hebrew education to Palestine. 13 ZIONIST THEORY AND OPINION *Brandeis, Louis D. Free The Jewish Problem: Hotv To Solve It (Pamphlet) A popular exposition of the social and economic causes leading to Zionism, with a concentrated account of Zionist achievement in Palestine and the Dispersion. It is very good for propaganda. ^Correspondence on the Advisability of Free Calling a Conference for the Purpose of Combating Zionism (Pamphlet) These letters written by non-Zionists and anti-Zionists, are excellent propaganda for Zionism, since its opponents are convicted out of their own mouths. Eliot, George ioc Zionism: An Exposition (Pamphlet) An extract from Daniel Deronda. A discussion between Mordecai, Daniel Deronda, and a number of others, Jews and Christians. Mordecai states the Zionist position, as held to-day, in a trenchant manner, and with a kind of idealism very like that of some of our modern Zionists. It is perhaps not realized in the Jewish world that George Eliot was one of the early protagonists of Zionism. No doubt her ideas carry weight also at this day. *Mack, Julian W. Free Americanism and Zionism (Pamphlet) A popular exposition of the theory of Jewish Nation- alism and of its complete harmony with Americanism. Also a general survey of the significance of Zionism. Good for propaganda purposes. 14 Melamed, S. M. $i.oo On the Eve of Redemption With a forezcord by Harry Friedenivald A number of editorial leaders from The American Jewish Chronicle (1916-17-18) discussing questions and problems pertaining to Jewish nationalism and Zionism. The point of view is scientific and original. The style is interesting and terse. The essays are very short. Suitable for reading: aloud. 'to NoRDAU, Max, and Gottiieil, Gustav 50c Zionism and Anti-Semitism The essav on Zionism by Nordau was published in 1905. Although written before Herzl's death, the presenta- tion of political Zionism cannot now be improved upon. Its interest is philosophic as well as historical. The essay on anti-Semitism by Dr. Gottheil, written at about the same period, is a defense of the Jew against the anti-Semite. *0/;^ Hundred Selected Editorials (Pamphlet) Free From the Secular Press of America, on the Zionist movement. *PooL. David de Sola ioc TJie Jewish Problem (Pamphlet) A keen analysis of the uncomfortable position of the Jew everywhere, and of the reasons for his discomfort. These reasons can be reduced to one^ his national homeless- ness. Zionism is the only solution for the physical, cultural, and spiritual problems of the Jew. Sacher, H. ioc Jezvish Emancipation: The Contract Myth (Pamphlet) A trenchant and clever refutation of the belief of the assimilationist Jew, that Jewish emancipation was bought 15 at the price of Jewish national idealism. Full of spice and humor. / Sacher, H. IOC Zionism and the State (Pamphlet) One of the English Zionist pamphlets. It deals with the much discussed problem of the compatibility of Zionism with patriotism to the land of birth or adoption. It views the sub- ject from an original and interesting point of view, showing that Zionism is in line with the most advanced ideas of freedom, that since Zionism enriches the individual, it there- fore becomes an asset to the state, and that especially it tends to give the individual greater political vision, which must be of value to his own country. The forces, whether Jewish or non-Jewish, which oppose Zionism for national reasons, are comparable to those forces which have been given the name of Prussianism. That is, they are unfree ; they look upon the individual as for the sake of the state, and not upon the state as a union of free individuals. Simon. Leon ioc Zionism and the Jewish Problem (Pamphlet) One of the English Zionist pamphlets. A straightfor- ward presentation of conditions to-day among the Jews and in Judaism. They constitute the double problem of the Jewish people without a home, and Judaism without a home. Zionism alone can cure the homelessness of both. The Basle platform is explained and there is a general ac- r^oiint of the purposes and achievements of Zionism. 16 ZIONISM AND JUDAISM *AnONYMOUS IOC Palestine and Jewish Nationalism Reprinted from the Round Tabic (Pamphlet) A thoughtful study of the principles of Jewish national- ism and its relation to Jewish religion and to a geographic center in Palestine. It is an essay charming in its style and satisfying to the student of Jewish nationalism from the theoretic and ideal point of view. *Felsenthal, Bernard Free Fundamental Principles of Judaism Reprinted from the Maccabaean (Pamphlet) From the point of view of liberal Judaism, it claims that the Jewish religion is only part of Judaism., which latter includes all phases of Jewish life. Only as a national religion can Judaism in the end reach its universal fulfillment. *Frielaxder, Israel Free Zionism and Religions Judaism (Leaflet) It gives within a few hundred words a very clear exposi- tion of the relation of Zionism to Judaism, the two being bound up together as an expression of the ancient Jewish ideal. It is convincing and has propaganda value. Ginsberg, Asher (Ahad Ha'Am) 15c Moses Reprinted from "Selected Essays" (Pamphlet) One of the most brilliant of Ahad TIa'Ani's essays. It deals with the significance of the personality of Moses throughout Jewish history, and disarms higher criticism by emphasizing the spiritual reality of historic fact. 17 Ginsberg, Asher (Ahad Ha'Am) $i-5o Selected Essays . . With a bibliographical introduction by Leon Simon, the translator Essays on a wide variety of subjects viewed from Ahad Ha'Am's distinctive philosophic point of view. This point of view, which has developed the movement called "Cultural Zionism," has deeply colored all modern Zionist thought. and no one can thoroughly understand the movement to-day without having read Ahad Ha'Am. Ginsberg, Asher (Ahad Ha'Am) 15c Slavery in Freedom Reprinted from "Selected Essays" (Pamphlet) It contrasts the physical freedom and the spiritual slavery of the Western Jew with the physical slavery and spiritual freedom of the Eastern Jew. Ginsberg, Asher (Ahad Ha'Am) 20c The Spiritual Revival Reprinted from "Selected Essays" (Pamphlet) A keen analysis of the spiritual forces underlying Zion- ism and an indictment of the materialistic attitude of those Zionists who see in Zionism only a practical, political move- ment. Written in 1902, it is intensely interesting from an historic as well as from a philosophic view. Ginsberg, Asher (Ahad Ha'Am) 20c The Supremacy of Reason (To the Memory of Maimonides) Translated from the Hebrew by Leon Simon (Pamphlet) A study of the philosophy of Maimonides in the author's usual profound and incisive manner. It concludes with a psy- chological inquiry into Maimonides' attitude toward Jewish national cohesion. 18 Ginsberg, Asher (Ahad Ha'Am) 15c The Transvaluation of Values Reprinted from "Selected Essays" (Pamphlet) An interesting commentary from the Jewish point of view upon Nietzsche's theory of the superman. Hess, Moses _ ^ $i.75 Rome and Jerusalem : A Study in Jezvish Nationalism Translated by Meyer Waxman Written in 1862 by a sociaHst leader who discovered in his Jewishness a fundamental human principle, the prin- ciple of nationality. It is an inspiring book, interesting among othe: things for its prophetic understanding of German imperialism and of the inevitable European struggle. It takes fr granted human perfectibility and an ultimate league of nations. Sampter, Jessie E. $1.00 The Book of the Nations In the diction of the Hebrew Prophets, the book deals with modern world questions, economic, social, and national, from the point of view of Hebrew prophecy. It is an in- dictment of the chauvinistic and imperialist aspects of mod- ern nationalism, and threatens the destruction of nations and their replacement by a colorless cosmopolitanism, unless they will accept that international morality which is the ideal involved in Jewish nationalism. It sees in the Zionist fulfillment a means of salvation for all the nations of the world. *SCHECHTER, SoLOMON 3c Zionism: A Statement (Pamphlet) Dr. Schechter sees in Zionism the only means of stem- ming assimilation. From the point of view both of Jewish nationalism and more especially of Jewish religion, he con- siders Zionism as absolutely essential for future development 19 or even future existence. A keen and sometimes humorous style adds to the cogency of the argument. SCHLOESSINGER, AIax Reform Judaism and Zionism (Pamphlet) An examination of Dr. David Philipson's thesis that they are irreconcilable. Reform Judaism is an historic phen- omenon, and its modern defenders make the mistake of thinking of it as static. If Reform Judaism wishes to con- tinue to function in modern Jewish life, it must adopt Zion- ism, because its former negative purpose of staving off apostasy could not prevent the present trend toward assimi- lation. Reform Jews would find their doubts as to Zionism answered in this pamphlet. SOKOLOW, NaHUM IOC Zionism in the Bible (Pamphlet) That the Bible is the source of Zionist striving is proved by a series of well-chosen quotations. The style of the pamphlet is incisive and clever, and the argument would seem unanswerable by those who oppose Zionism on the ground that it is unreligious. Spiers, F. S. ioc Zionism and the Jewish Religion (Pamphlet) One of the English Zionist pamphlets. Its thesis is the national character of the Jewish religion, which does not lend itself to the definitions of religion current in the western world. It defines the essentially religious and moral character of Jewish nationalism, as proved by Jewish history and Jew- ish literature. Hence, only Zionism can fulfill the religious, historic role of the Jewish people, Zangwill, Israel Paper 50c, Cloth $1.00 Chosen Peoples The Hebraic ideal versus the Teutonic ideal. An analyt- ical and at the same time brilliant exposition of the meaning of "chosen" as applied by all peoples to themselves, and of the peculiar moral signifiance given to it by the Jewish people, who conceived of themselves as chosen to serve God and all mankind. Israel was chosen to accept "statutes and commandments." The study of the evolution of this idea in the Bible is interesting and very fair : "Israel is the villain, not the hero, of his own story." PROBLEMS OF RECONSTRUCTION *Amram, David W. loc A Jeiijish State in Palestine (Pamphlet) A study of Zionism and of the Jews in Palestine, with special reference to the political effects of the war and of the British declaration. A statesmanlike exposition that is in- teresting to the Zionist and should be convincing to the non-Zionist. Berle, a. a. 50c The World Significance of a Jezvish State The spiritual meaning of Zionism for the world is con- sidered by a deeply religious Christian, formerly Professor of Applied Christianity. A Jewish state would fulfill for the world many of its social hopes because of the ancient social ideals of the Jewish people and because of the expectations of prophecy, which would focus the eyes of the world upon Palestine. The book is a cogent, logical and modern presen- tation of an ancient ideal, Friedlaender, Dr. Israel 3c Zionism and the World Peace A rejoinder to Herbert Adams Gibbons' article in the Century Magazine of January, 19 19 (Pamphlet) A brief summary of Mr. Gibbons' article in opposition to Zionism is followed by a brilliant and forceful reply. In- 21 cidentally the reply to Mr. Gibbons' misrepresentations is full of information about Zionism and makes good propa- ganda reading. *Friedman, Elisha M. ioc Zionism and Jewish Reconstruction Reprinted from the Menorah Journal (Pamphlet) A scholarly study of the relation of Zionism to the present decade of Jewish life in the Diaspora, and to the necessity for spiritual reconstruction after the war. Zionism alone can revitalize Judaism. The style should attract es- pecially students and those interested in the social and scien- tific aspects of the Jewish question. *Hard^ William 5c Israel: Zionism. Vieived by an Orthodox Christian (Pamphlet) A spirited and entertaining account of Zionist achieve- ment and especially of the political happenings during the Great War. It is an appreciation on the part of a Christian of leading Zionist personalities and of the ideal of Jewish nationalism. It is invaluable for propaganda purposes and too interesting to be missed by the Zionist. *Kallen, Horace M. ioc Constitutional Foundations of the New Zion Reprinted from the Maccahaean (Pamphlet) A study of the bases of social democracy and their possible application to a Jewish state in Palestine, Practical and suggestive. Various phases of statecraft are discussed in detail. An excellent book for students. Those interested in the future administration of Palestine will find it invalu- able. 22 NoRWALK, M. W. Free The Economic Basis of the New Jezvish State (Pamphlet) A very brief study of the Single Tax and of the moral philosophy underlying it. The purpose is to show that the Single Tax is based on Biblical and therefore Jewish ideals, and that it should thus naturally find its place as part of the law of the new Jewish State. Sacher^ H. IOC A Hebrew University for Jerusalem (Pamphlet) One of the English Zionist pamphlets. An account of the history of the Hebrew University idea and its develop- ment up to the war. Also a keen analysis of the need for a Hebrew University by both the Jews of the Diaspora and of Palestine. The style is interesting and the matter com- plete. Sacher. H. IOC A Jezvish Palestine (Pamphlet) The Jewish case for a British Trusteeship. Taking it for granted that the Jewish State in Palestine is ultimately to be independent, the author urges, for practical reasons. a British Trusteeship answerable to a League of Nations. The analysis of political conditions is very interesting. SiDEBOTHAM, HERBERT $2.25 England and Palestine A Gentile student of statecraft comes to the conclusion that for political as well as ideal reasons England should assume the trusteeship of a Jewish Palestine which is even- tually to become independent. The subject is approached from the British imperial point of view( the military history and strategic importance of Palestine are discussed, and thus the angle of vision and method of treatment are refreshingly unusual. POALE ZION AND MIZRACHI PAMPHLETS Anonymous 25c The Aims of Jewish Labor (Pamphlet) Memorandum to the Socialist and Labor Democracy of the world by the Jewish Socialist Labor Party, Poale Zion, of America. It sets forth the claims of the Jewish people to Palestine from an economic point of view and the socialist ideals for the Jewish state in Palestine ; calls for a Jewish labor army to upbuild the land. It contains an unfair statement of the attitude of the general American Zionists toward social questions, which attitude has been clearly formulated in the Pittsburgh Program. The booklet, intend- ed for the Socialists of the world, is also of great interest to Zionists. FiNEMAN, H. 15c Poale Zionism : an Outline of its Aims and Institutions (Pamphlet) A philosophic statement of the ideals of the Socialist Zionists, and an account of their activities in Palestine and among the Socialists of the world. It has appendices, which include the program of the American party and the platform of the Internationalist Poale Zion. RiFKiND, Lewis 5c Zionism and Socialism (Pamphlet) This brief but well-written statement of the aims of the Jewish Socialist Labor Party, Poale Zion of England, is addressed rather to the Socialists of the world than to the Jews. Its appendix contains the Zionist Socialist demands and also a statement of opinion on Zionism by well-known non- Jewish Socialists the world over. 24 Waxman, Meyer ioc The Mizrachi. Its Aims and Purposes { Fani|)hlet) A philosophical statement of the Mizrachi interpreta- tion of Zionism and a history of the Mizrachi movement. It emphasizes the nationalist and modern attitude of tlK Alizrachi. which is combined with their orthodox point of view. Zar, Isidore toc The Palestine Workers' Fund : Its Aims and Policies (Pamphlet) It is an explanation of the purposes of a fund for Palestinian workers which is being collected by the Socialist Party of the Zionist movement. This fund is not for charity, but for self-help among the organized workers of Palestine. ZIONISM AND THE DIASPORA Cohen, Israel $3.50 Jewish Life in Modern Times A survey of all phases of modern Jewish life in all countries, including internal and external relations, economic, religious, and cultural questions. It ends with an account of Zionism and the acliievement in Palestine. An excellent ref- erence book. Friedlaender, Israel $2.25 Past and Present A collection of twenty-seven essays of intense interest and value to Zionists. Among them are: "The Political Ideal of the Prophets" (a study in Biblical Zionism), "Na- tionalism and Assimilation in I'iblical Times," "Were Our Ancestors Capable of Self-Government?" "The Hebrew Language" (a bird's eye view). "The Problem of Judaism 25 in America," "Jewish Education in America," "The Present Crisis in American Jewry," "Dubnow's Theory of Jewish Nationalism." "Ahad Ha'Am," "Some Ahad Ha'Am Publi- cations," "Race and Religion," "Zionism and Religious Judaism." "The International Zionist Congress," "Palestine and the Diaspora," "Palestine and the World War." *Levin, Dr. Schmarya Free Fate of the J civs in Poland (Pamphlet) An unusually interesting and illuminating account of the conditions in Russia and Poland which led to the bitter hatred of the Poles for the Jews and the consequent per- secutions. Mack, Julian W. 5c Jezvish Hopes at the Peace Table Reprinted from the Menorah Journal A brief exposition of the Jewish demands both for civic and national rights throughout the world and for Palestine as a Jewish homeland. It is a concise and clear statement especially calculated to dispel the fears of those who see some contradiction between Jewish loyality and American loyalty. *PooL, Dr. David de Sola ioc Palestine and the Jezvish Dispersion (Pamphlet) The influence of the Palestinian development has already been tremendous upon Jewish life throughout the world, and promises to become still more significant. Dr. Pool has shown how Jewish art, Jewish music, Jewish literature, Jewish education, and Jewish life have already been stimu- lated by the young settlement in Palestine, and how that settlement has re-created Jewish unity. The account is in- spiring. 20 RuppiN, Dr. Arthur $i-5o The Jews of To-day Translated by Margery Bentwich An exhaustive study of Jewish conditions in the world to-day. It deals with such questions as intermarriage, bap- tism, economic relations, and assimilation, it contains authoritative statistics. The conclusion drawn from the facts is that but for the Zionist solution of the Jewish problem, the Jews and Judaism would be threatened with disappear- ance. The last chapter deals with Zionism. *Sampter, Jessie E. ioc What our History Means (Pamphlet) An interpretation of Jewish history, written in very simple style, and intended for young people. It sketches very briefly the course of Jewish history, ending with Zionism. POETRY Friedlander, Joseph, compiler, $3-5o and KoHUT, George Alexander, Editor The Standard Book of Jewish Verse An anthology of Jewish poetry in English, covering a very wide field. Although the selections are of unequal merit, all the best modern poems and translations of medieval poetry are included. *Foenis for Young Judaeans Paper 35c, Cloth 50c A collection of Jewish and Zionist poems selected for the use of clubs of children and young people. The arrange- ment is according to subjects and to Jewish festivals and holy days. Although arranged for young people, it contains practically all the better known English poems on Zionist and Jewish subjects. 27 Raskin, Philip M. $i.oo Songs of a Wanderer Verse on a great variety of subjects, all of it colored by the sadness of the Ghetto spirit and the hope of the national revival. Roth, Samuel, Editor Paper 35c, Cloth 50c New Songs of Zion A collection of Zionist poetry by the younger American writers and of translations into English of the better-known Zionist poems in Hebrew and Yiddish, including some of those by Yehudah Halevy. Segal, Hyman Paper 50c The Book of Pain-Struggle A series of related poems dealing with the development of a "Golus" Jew into a prophetic nationalist. The last portions are remarkabl\- inspired and stirring. Thev are unique in English Jewish literature. _'S .tvmi: . ."' : DND .nnipsn n^32 in^pnv (: .moy 25 .n^D:D 15 n^non .iiD^jVip .^ .'' ."11 /^r 12 ''p)^ : nxo .-noj; 53 .D^DJD 10 : 'T'nnn .TiDy 144 .D^t^JD 25 : i^non (myoDn iddo) TK'i^D Din: .m : nxo ."•Din on (k .liD^nn D''3 Dnnyn (n .10^13: D^nyvo (t .no^nn^: I'V (n .moy 112 .n^DJD 50 : i^non 29 ppDJ^ioD .B ntnon D ^ -I 1 S D .Tioy 108 .D>DJD 50 : n^non .nioy 68 .d^djd 10 i^non D *• 1 1 s D .^PDJpf'^1 : DND .may 46 .n^tijo 15 : i^nnn n 1 n s r .pj'ns imsi n' ^y iniB'o iinn in^iyn ay .n^np (j .may 46 .d^idjd 15 : i^non S9 ^ n D T D .Cpj''n3 nixi n5 .nn^onn ^x ^?^^^ iMn nsiD ^^i' nnnnm jy^n ^3 ni< .nannn .-i^n3i p^nn '^3X .nnto ^3"jn n^^o nj:Dm .33^01 ijyn .^n r3nn .niDy 76 .0.^12:0 10 ,i^n»n 32 $1.25 n^nnn .-iirDy 23 .D^DJD 15 n^non n s 1 p n n .nti'KI "LCD .moy 694 ,$4.50 n^tj'on nv $4.00 n^non D''«m-in □■'nnNT nnn^D S3 .mey 92 .D^t3JD 50 n-inTsn (m^Dnon) .iiDy 40 .niyn^ maipnii ^snty^ oy ^r nnnnnn niati^n nn^ .nioy 24 n^DJD 5 n^nnn 1 -i n n $1.50 n^HDH ■ ■ r"ynn niij' 'm 'n hj:?* nm^ $4.00 " T"ynn .3 n:^^ .^^wj^n nnn $4.00 " — — — n"y*in .t n^^ .^Jiyn^i^'n nnn $4.00 " ("inN ^3) t3"yin .n .i /Jiynti'n nnn .OJD 35 n^non P^*? ^'"^ "nny nz-^ ""VDa mnn„ : n^ ^y .nnnyn n-K'^n ^t^' nmy '?v onoND rmp 34 "npnt:jx2 nnnjrn m^ncn,, n«:jin ,nn3j;n nmriDnn m^i*^^ idi;::' mnon nx nN"TD mninn .i^'^y 16 .d^d:d 3 : "i^ncn .min''-in : nxo .ni^^y 14 .D't^jD 3 n^nr:n .T.oy 29 .□''tDJD 5 n'non 95 -yj lyrn nyD^n n .nmo y^^j yj^n nx nTt^''' ny^^j oyn toya ^ys .t:''^'5D>^pn'''i"i lyi isa j^in in o'ln nx yiy^^ t:)'o lynnK' -^^n {? 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