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The Library of which this volume forms the Catalogue, has been
collected solely with a view to utility ; yet in those works usually
considered ornamental and curious it possesses specimens of no
common occurrence. In the Natural Sciences, Topography,
Antiquities, and History, it is more particularly rich; and the
Manuscripts, although not numerous, are both interesting and
valuable. The Books individually are in the finest condition,
and not a few of them in the richest and most tasteful bindings.
The " Outlines for the Classification of a Lihrarij, siihnitted
to the consideration of the Trustees of the British Museum hy
the Rev. T. H. Home,'" was chosen as the latest and best model
for the present Catalogue, but has been so modified as to suit
a private collection. This plan differs in many respects from
those preceding it: its most obvious improvements are the in-
troduction of more comprehensive terms for the Classes, with
a more philosophic arrangement of them and their various
divisions. Of these may be cited the substitution of Religion for
Theology, Philosophy for the Sciences, and Literature for the
Belles- Lettres, — the merging of General Ecclesiastical History
in the title of History of Religions, which comprehends every
description, and constitutes the last section of the Class Religion,
— and the separation of the Sciences, or Philosophy as already
noticed, and the Arts, into distinct classes.
The modifications necessarily introduced into this Catalogue
by the compiler relate principally to a reduction of the numerous
branches into which the classes of so extensive a Library as that
of the British Museum naturally ramify, and, in a few cases, to
a deviation from the order laid down in the " Outlines."
The Classic Authors have been kept together, as a separate
division, at the close of the volume, but throughout are men-
tioned under their respective heads, with references to that
division ; and under Greek and Roman History the period cacli
contains is there adjoined. That principle of analysis has
also been adopted, by which the several parts of Polygraphic
Authors, Treatises on separate subjects, &c. are placed under their
proper heads, with references to their collected sources. Under
Separate Biographical Memoirs, references are made to such as
are, throughout the Catalogue, placed elsewhere, and also to those
prefixed to collected works, &c. — a plan still more enlarged in
the Index. The order of arranging the works under the minor
heads, is such as seemed, on consideration, best suited to the
nature or extent of each.
The Index contains the works under their authors' names,
except in the cases of translations, biography, and such as are
anonymous, which appear under their subjects only ; together
with the various classes and divisions ; and the references are
made to where the title is to be found at length.
Four Engravings illustrate the Catalogue, — a View of Eshton
Hall, two of the Interiors of the Libraries, and one of the Land-
scape fronting the House.
Sect. I. — Holy Scriptures.
Original Texts 1
Ancient Versions 2
Modern Versions 4 4
Harmonies and Histories of the Bible 8
Apocryphal Books 9
Sect. II. — Sacred Philology.
Introductions, Treatises on Interpretation and on
Translations of Scripture, and Sacred Literature . 9
Commentators and Expositors 11
On the Prophecies 15
Concordances, Dictionaries, and Common -place
Books 16
Biblical Antiquities, &c 16
Sect. III. — Councils 26
Sect. IV, — Church Discipline and Government 27
Sect. V. — Liturgies and Ecclesiastical Rites 29
Sect. VI. — Catechisms and Confessions of Faith 31
Sect. VII.— Fathers 34
Sect. VIII. — Miscellaneous Divinity.
Collected Works 35
Separate Works 37
Sect. IX. — Sermons 51
Sect. X. — History of Religions.
General History of Religions 60
History of the Modern Jews, and Tahuudical Writings 60
History of the Christian Religion 61
Ecclesiastical History of particular Countries 62
History of the Popes, and Lives of Saints 64
Religious Orders and Inquisition 65
History of Sects and Missions 65
Mahommedan and Pagan Religions 66
Sect. I. — Introductions, and Treatises on Universal
Law 67
Sect. II. — Ancient, Civil, and Feudal Law 69
Sect. III. — Canon Law '^1
Sect. IV. — British Law.
Public and Constitutional Law 71
History and Treatises of the Law of England 72
Statute Law 73
Customary Law and Law of Property 74
Justiciary, Parochial, and Criminal Law 74
Ecclesiastical and Miscellaneous Law 74
Scottish Law 75
Sect. V. — Foreign Law 75
Introductory Treatises, &c 76
Sect. I. — Intellectual Philosophy.
History of Philosophy and Philosophers 76
Metaphysics 76
Occult Philosophy, Physiognomy, &c 78
Logic 79
Ethics 79
Education 80
Political Philosophy.
Politics 81
Political Economy 83
Population, Mendicity, &c 84
Finance and Money 85
Commerce and Colonial Policy 85
Sect. II. — Natural Philosophy.
Physics, or Natural and Experimental Philosophy . . 86
Meteorology 86
Chemical Philosophy 87
Natural History.
Dictionaries, Systems, General Treatises, and of
various Countries 87
Geology 90
Mineralogy 9 i
Botany 92
Zoology 96
Ornithology 97
Reptiles, &c 98
Ichthyology 98
Entomology 98
Conchology 100
Medicine, Anatomy, and Surgery 101
Sect. III. — Mathematical Philosophy.
Histories, Dictionaries, &c. of Mathematics 102
Pure Mathematics 102
Mixed Mathematics 103
Astronomy 104
Optics and Perspective 104
Music 105
Navigation and Naval Architecture 105
Military Science 106
Class IV.— ARTS.
General Treatises 106
Sect. I. — Liberal Arts.
Artificial Memory, Writing, and Printing . . 107
Sect. II. — Fine Arts.
Histories and General Treatises 107
History of Painting 109
Elementary and General Treatises 109
Particular kinds of Painting 110
Collections of Engravings after great and emi-
nent Masters Ill
Drawings 116
Galleries of Paintings 116
Portraits 117
Engraving 119
Costumes 121
Sculpture 122
Architecture 122
Sect. III. — Economic Arts.
Agriculture and Gardening 123
Domestic Economy 126
Manufactures 126
Sect. IV. — Gymnastic and Recreative Arts 127
Class v. — HISTORY.
Sect. I. — Historical Prolegomena.
On the Study and Use of History, and Historical
Atlases 129
Geography 129
Atlases , 130
Voyages and Travels, and Foreign Topography.
Introductory Works 130
Navigation of the Ancients 131
Collections of Voyages .- 131
Voyages round the World 131
Travels in various Quarters of the World 1 32
Travels in various parts 1 34
Northern Countries of Europe 135
Germany 137
Switzerland 137
Italy 137
France 140
The Netherlands 141
Spain and Portugal 141
Turkey 142
Greece 142
Africa 144
Central, North, West, and South Africa ... 144
Egypt, Nubia, and Abyssinia 146
Asia 147
Asiatic Turkey 147
Arabia 148
Persia, &c 148
East Indies 149
China, &c 151
Asiatic Russia 152
America 1 52
North-west Passage 152
North America 153
West Indies 154
South America 154
South Sea, Polynesia, and Australia 157
Chronology 158
Antiquities — Numismatics.
Dictionaries, Treatises, and Collections of Anti -
quities 1 59
Antique Monuments 170
Numismatics 173
Inscriptions 1 76
Sect. II. — Universal History 176
Sect. III. — Ancient History.
Origin of Nations 177
General Ancient History, and particular History of
several Ancient Nations 177
Grecian History 179
Roman History 180
Byzantine History 181
Sect. IV.— History of the Middle Ages 183
Sect. V. — Modern History'.
Europe. — General History 183
English History.
Topography and Antiquities 185
Roman Topography 186
Ecclesiastical and Monastical Topography . . 186
Surveys, Descriptions, Itineraries, and Tours 187
Architectural and Sepulchral Antiquities, and
Graphic Illustrations 190
Miscellaneous Antiquities 193
Topography of the several Counties, in
alphabetical order 195
Introduction 219
Collections of Ancient English Historians . . 220
Particular Histories before the Conquest,
Chronicles, and General Histories 221
Particular Histories since the Conquest, in
chronological order 226
Naval and Military History 243
Political and Parliamentary History 244
Documentary History 246
Ecclesiastical History 251
History of Wales.
Topography 256
Narrative . . . . , 257
Scottish History.
Topography and Antiquities 258
Narrative 261
History of particular periods 262
Documentary History 267
Ecclesiastical History 268
Irish History.
Topography and Antiquities 269
Narrative '^ ' ^
Ecclesiastical History 273
General History of Northern Nations 273
History of Denmark and Norway, including
Greenland and Iceland 274
History of Sweden, including Lapland 275
History of Russia 276
History of Poland 277
History of Germany 277
History of the Low Countries 278
History of France 279
French Ceremonials, Monuments, &c 289
Provincial History 289
History of Switzerland 290
History of Spain 290
History of Portugal 292
History of Italy 292
History of the Ottoman Empire 299
History of the Gipsies 300
Asia. — General History 300
History of the Arabs and Saracens 301
History of Persia and Armenia 302
History of India 302
History of China, Tartary, and Siam 305
History of the Asiatic Isles 306
Africa. — General History 306
History of Egypt and Abyssinia 307
History of Barbary and other parts of Africa . . . 307
America. — General History 308
History of South America 309
History of North America 309
History of the West India Islands 310
Biographical History.
General Biography 311
Ecclesiastical Biography 312
Ancient Biography 312
Modern Biography.
British Biography 312
Foreign Biography 314
Biography of Artists 314
Biographical Anecdotes 314
Portraits, with Biographical Notices 315
Separate Biographical Memoirs 316
Heraldic and Genealogical History.
Heraldry, History of Knighthood, Nobility, &c. 330
Genealogical History 333
Sect. I. — History of Literature and Bibliography.
History of Literature 336
History of Writing and Diplomatics 339
History of Literary and Philosophical Societies,
Literary Journals, &c 339
Bibliography 340
History of Printing 340
General Bibliographers 342
National and Professional Bibliographers ^ 343
Anonymous and Pseudonymous Works 345
On Libraries 345
Cataloarues of Public and Private Libraries 345
Sect. II. — Polite Literature.
Introductions to the Study and Courses of Polite
Literature 347
On the Origin, &c. of Language, and Universal
Grammar 348
Grammars and Dictionaries.
Various Languages 348
Oriental Languages 349
Greek Language 350
Latin Language 351
Anglo-Saxon Language 352
English Language, including Provincial Dia-
lects and Lowland Scotch 352
Celtic, including Cornish, Welsh, Gaelic, and
Irish Languages 354
French Language 354
Italian Language 355
Spanish and Portuguese Languages 356
Dutch Language 356
German Language 356
Northern Languages 356
African and American Languages 357
Criticism 358
Rhetoric and Oratory 359
On the Art of Poetry 359
Greek Poets 360
Latin Poets 360
English Poetry.
History of, and Dissertations on, English
Poetry 362
Collections and Extracts of English Poetry. . 362
English Songs 364
Separate English Poets 365
Scottish Poetry 372
Welsh and Irish Poetry 374
French Poetry 374
Italian Poetry 375
Spanish and Portuguese Poetry 377
German, Dutch, and Northern Poetry 377
Oriental Poetry 378
Romances and Novels.
History of Romance 379
Greek, Latin, and Chivalric Romances 379
English Novels 381
French Novels 385
Italian Novels 387
Spanish Novels 388
German and Northern Novels 388
Oriental Romances 388
Dramatic Poetry.
Treatises on Dramatic Poetry 389
Greek and Latin Drama. 389
English Drama.
History of the English Theatre and Drama. . 389
English Dramatic Works 390
French Drama 394
Italian Drama 395
Spanish Drama 396
German Drama 396
Oriental Drama 396
Polygraphy, in all languages 396
Fables 400
Satirical Works 400
Proverbs, Apothegms, Ana, &c 401
Emblems 402
Epistolary Writings 402
Essayists 405
Miscellanies 406
AucTORES Classici 408
Manuscripts 431
Appendix 438
Index 441
Orighial Texts.
BiBLiA Hebraica : Pentateuchus, Prophetse Priores, Chetavim, et
Prophetae Minores ; cum Punctis et Commentariis D. Kimchi, ex
recog. F. Vatabli, 4 vols. 4to. Parisiis, R. Stephani, 1541—45.
Biblia Hebraica, secundiim ultimam editionem J. Athise, a J. Leusden
recognitam ; recensita, atque ad Masoram et Correctiones Bambergi,
Stephani, Plantini, aliorumque editiones exquisite adornata, variisque
Notis illustrata ab E. Vander Hooght, 8vo. Amstel. 1705.
Biblia Hebraica ; digessit, et graviores Lectionum Varietates adjecit
Jahn, 4 vols. 8vo. Viennce, 1806.
Biblia Hebraica ; Vetus Testamentum Hebraicum sine Punctis, cum
variis Lectionibus ; edidit Benj. Kennicott, 2 vols, folio. Oxonii,
Biblia Hebraica. Varias Lectiones Kennicotti continuavit Jo. Bern. De
Rossi, et adjecit alias ex immensa MSS. editorumq. Codicum con-
gerie haustas, et ad Samar. Textum, ad vetustiss. Versiones, ad
accuratiores S. Criticse Pontes ac Leges examinatse, 4 vols. 4to.
Parma;, 1784-88.
Biblia Hebraica; De Rossi Scholia Critica in V. T., seu Supplementum
ad varias Sacri Textfls Lectiones, 4to. Ibid. 1799.
Novi Testamenti omnia, Grsecfe, cum Versione et Adnotationibus D.
Erasmi, folio. Basilece, ap. J. Bebelium, 1535.
Novi Testamenti omnia, ex Bibliotheca Regia, 16mo. Editio " O miri-
ficam !" LuteticE, ex officind R. Stephani, 1546.
Novi Testamenti omnia, ex Regiis aliisquc optimis Editionibus, cum cura
expressum, 16nio. " Tcxtus receptus." Lugduni Bat. ex offic.
Elzeviriand, 1624.
Novum Testamentum, unk cum Scholiis Grsecis, h Grsecis Scriptoribus
desumptis, opera ac studio Jo. Gregorii, folio, large paper. Oxonii,
Novum Testamentum Graecum, editionis receptee, cum Lectionibus var.
Codicum MSS., Editionum aliarum, Versionum, et Patrum, necnon
Commentario pleniore ex Scriptoribus vet. Hebr. Gr. et Lat., opera
et studio J. J. Wetsteinii, 2 vols, folio. Amstelod. 1751-2.
Novum Testamentum Grsecum, ad fidem Cod. MSS. expressum, adsti-
pulante Jo. Ja. Wetstenio ; juxta Sectiones J. A. Benzelii divisum,
et nova Interpretatione ssepius illustratum, cura J. Bowyer, 4to.
Londini, 1783.
Novum Testamentum Grsec^, ex recensione J.J. Griesbachii, cum selecta
Lectionum Varietate, 4 vols, in 2, folio. Lipsice, typis Goschenis,
Novum Testamentum Graecum, e Cod. MS. Alexandrino descriptum
a C. G. Woide, cum Appendice [cura et opera H. Ford], 2 vols,
large folio. Londini, 1786, et Oxonii, 1799.
Novum Testamentum Grsecum (Evangelia et Acta Apostolorum), ad
exemplar Codicis Th. Bezse, Cantabrigiensis expressa. Quadratis
litteris Grseco-Latinus. Edidit, Codicis Historiam prsefixit, No-
tasque adjecit, Tho. Kipling, 2 vols, large folio. Cayitabr. impensis
Academice, 1793.
Novum Testamentum Grsecum (Acta Apostolorum), Grgeco-Latine, litteris
majusculis: e Codice Laudiano, characteribus uncialibus exarato, et in
Bib. Bodleiano adservato, descripsit, ediditque T. Hearnius, qui et
Symbolum Apostolorum ex eodem Codice subjunxit, royal 8vo.
Oxonii, sumptibus editoris, 1715.
BiBLiA Sacra Polyglotta, complectentia Textus Originales, Hebraicum
cum Pentateucho-Samaritano, Chaldaicum, Grsecum ; Versionumque
Antiquarum, Samaritan8e,Grsecge LXXII. Interp. Chaldaicse, Syriacse,
Arabicae, ^thiopicse, Persicae, Vulg. Latinse, quicquid comparari
poterat ; cum Textuum et Versionum Orientalium Translationibus, et
Apparatu, Annotationibus, Tabulis, variis Lectionibus, &c. Edidit
Brianus Waltonus, 6 vols, folio. Londini, 1657.
Biblia Sacra Polyglotta. Paraphrasis Chaldaica in Librum priorem et
posteriorem Chronicorum, cum Versione Latine a D. Wilkins, 4to.
Cantab. 1715.
Ancient Versions.
Bt/3Xta. Sacrse Scripturae Veteris Novoeque omnia [Graece ex multis
vetustissimis exemplaribus excusa, cura Andraei Ausulani], folio,
editio princeps. Venetiis in cedib. Aldi et And. Soceri, M.D.XVIIL
A remarkably fine and large copy, the margins almost rough.
Vetus Testamentum, ex Versione LXX. secundum exemplar Vaticanum.
un^ cum Scholiis ejusdem editionis, variis Lectionibus, nee non Frag-
mentis Versionum Aquilae, Symmachi, et Theodotionis ; summa cura
edidit L. Bos, 2 vols, in one, 4to. FranequercB, 1709.
Vetus Testamentum, ex Versione LXX. Interpretum, secundi\m exemplar
Vaticanum Romae editum. Accedunt variae Lectiones ii Cod. Alex-
andrino, necnon Introductio J. B. Carpzovii, 6 vols. 8vo. Oxonii,
Vetus Testamentum Graecum, cum variis Lectionibus ; editionem a R.
Holmes inchoatam continuavit Jac. Parsons, 5 vols, folio. Oxonii,
Vetus Testamentum Grgecum, h Codice MSS, Alexandrlnftm qui Londini
in Bib. Mussei Britannici asservatur ; Typis ad similitudinem ipsius
Codicis Scripturse fideliter descriptum [cum Notis et Prolegomenis],
cura et labore H. H. Baber, 4 vols, imperial 4to. Londini, 1816-28.
Hexapla Originis quae supersunt ; edidit Notisque illustravit C. F.
Bahrdt, 2 vols. 8vo. Leips. 1769-70.
S. Evangeliorum Versio Syriaca Philoxeniana, ex Cod. MSS. nunc
primum edita ; cum Interp, et Annotat. Jos. White, 2 vols. 4to,
Oxonii, e Typ. Clar. 1778.
V. Libri Moysis Prophetse, et Nov. Testamentum in Lingua ^gyptia,
vulgo Copticum, ex MSS. Vaticano, Parisiensi, Bodleiano descripsit,
ac Latine vertit D. Wilkins, 2 vols. 4to. Londini, 1731 ; et
Oxonii, 1716.
Fragmenta Novi Testamenti, juxta interp. Dialecti Superioris Egypti,
quse Thebaica vel Sahidica appellatur, e Cod. MSS. Oxoniensis,
cum Diss, de Versione iEgyptiaca. (Appendix ad N. T. Gr.
Alexandr. Woide.)
Biblia Armenicfe, cum variis Lectionibus, &c. cura Zohrab. 4to. Ve-
netiis, 1805.
S. Evang. Versio Gothica, ex Cod. Argenteo, emendata atque suppleta
cum Interp. Latine et Annotat. E. Benzelii. Edidit, Observationes
adjecit, et Grammatica Gothica prsemisit, E. Lye, 4to. Oxonii,
Bibliorum Sacrorum Latinae Versiones Antiquse, sen Vetus Italica, etc.
Accedunt Prsefationes, Observationes, ac Notee ; opera et studio
D. P. Sabatier, 3 vols, folio. RomcB, 1743-49.
Biblia Sacra, V. et N. Testamentum complectentia, Latin^, secundl^m
editionem Vulgatam, ad fidem vetustiss. Cod. MSS. et editionum
antiquarum emendata; studio et opera R. Stephani, folio. Parisiis,
ex off. R. Stephani, 1540.
Biblia Sacra Vulgatoe editionis, ad Concil. Tridentini prsescriptum; emen-
data et 'ti Sixto V. P. M. recognita et approbata, folio. Romce, ex
typ. Apost. Vaticand, \^Aldi FiL] M.D.XC.
Biblia Sacra Vulgatse editionis, Sixti V. Pont, jussu recognita, et edita
[dementis VIII. Pont. Max.], folio. Romce, ex typ. Apost. Vatic.
[Aldi FiL] M.D.XCII.
Biblia Sacra Vulgatae editionis, Sixti V. jussu recognita, et Clement.
VIII. auctoritate edita, 8vo. Colonice Agrippince \^Amsterd. ap.
Elzevirum], 1682.
Heptateuchus, Liber Jobi, et Evang. Nicodemi, Anglo-Saxonicfe ; Historia
Judith, Fragmentum Dano-Saxonic^ : edidit nunc primiim ex MSS.
Cod. E. Thwaites, 8vo. Oxonii, 1699.
Psalterium Davidis Latino-Saxonicum Vetus, a Jo. Spelmanno editum.
6 vet. exemp. MS. 4to. Londini, 1640.
The Gospels of the Power Evangelists, translated in the olde Saxons
tyme out of Latin into the Vulgare Toung of the Saxons, newly
collected out of auncient Monumentes of the seyd Saxons, and now
pul)lishcd for testimonie of the same [witli Preface by John Fox,
the Martyrologist], 4to. London, by John Daye, 1571,
Psalterlum Davidicum h Lat. in Theotiscam Vet. Ling, versum, et Para-
phrasi illustratum Notkero, curavit J. Schilterus. (Schilteri Thes.
VoL L)
Cantica Canticorum, Paiaphrasis Lat. et Vet. Francica Willerami. Ac-
cedunt var. Lect. et Notse var. necnon J. G. Schezii. (Schilteri Thes.
Vol. L)
EvangeHorum Vohimen, Vet. Franc, et Lat. Otfridi Weissenburgensis ;
Observationibus exornatum a J. G. Schezio. (Schilteri Thes. Vol. L)
Modern Versions.
Biblia Sacra ex S. Castalionis postrema recognitione, cum Annota-
tionibus ejusdem et Historico Supplemento ab Esdra ad Machabseos,
inde usque ad Christum, ex Josepho, folio. Basilece, per P. Pernam,
Biblia Sacra : Test. Vet. Latin^ recens ex Hebrseo facti, brevibusque
Scholiis illustrati ab Im. Tremellio et F. Junio ; accesserunt Libri
Apocryphi Latine redditi et Notis quibusdam aucti a F. Junio.
Quibus etiam adjunximus Nov. Test, ex Sermone Syro ab eodem
Tremellio, et ex Grseco a T. Beza in Latinum versos, Notisque
itidem illustrates; secunda cura F. Junii, 4to. Genevce, ap. J. Tor-
ncBsium, 1590.
New Testament, translated from the Latin in the year 1380 by J. WiclifF;
edited by H. H. Baber, 4to. London, 1810.
Biblia: the Bible ; that is, the Holy Scriptures of the Olde and New
Testament, faithfully and truly translated of Douche [German]
and Latyn into Englysche [by Miles Coverdale], blacfe letter, folio.
[Zurich, prynted by Frischover,] and fynished the fourthe day of
October, in the yeare M.D.XXXV.
The first complete English version : an exceedingly fine copy, and deficient
only in the title, address to Henry VIII., the prologue, table of the bookes,
and title to Apocryjiha.
The Bible, which is all the Holy Scripture ; in which are contayned the
Olde and Newe Testament, truly and purely translated into Englysh
by Thomas Matthew [John Rogers], blacfe letter, folio. [Abroad, at
the expense of R. Grafton and E. Whitchurch^, M.D. XXXVII.
The second ; being partly Tindal's and partly Coverdale's, with alterations.
The Byble in English ; that is to saye, the content of all the Holye
Scripture, both of the Olde and Newe Testament, truly translated
after the veryte of the Hebreu and Greke Textes, by the dylygente
studye of dy verse excellent learned men, experte in the foresayde
tonges, lilacfe letter, folio. [London, by R. Grafton and E. Whit-
church], M.D. XXXIX.
The third ; called Cranmer's Bible, on account of the preface and prologue written
by him ; and the Great Bible, on account of its increased size.
The moste Sacred Bible, which is the Holy Scripture ; conteyning the
Old and New Testament, translated into English, and newly recog-
nised with great diligence, after most faythful exemplars, by Rychard
Taverner, blacfe letter, folio. London, by John Byddell, for Tho.
Burt hie t, M.D. XXXIX.
The fourth ; by some said to be an entire new version, and by others a mere
revisal or correction of Mattliew's,
The Byble ; that is to say, all the Holy Scripture contained in the Olde
and Newe Testament, faythfully set forth according to y* copy of
Tho. Matthewe's Translacion ; whereunto are added certain learned
Prologes and Annotacions, for the better understanding of many
hard places throughout the whole Byble ; [by Edmund Becke,] btacfe
letter. London, by Jhon Day, M.D.LI.
The fifth ; a correction of all the editions before it, agreeing principally with
Tavemer's, and the first that contains the third book of Maccabees.
The Holie Bible ; conteyning the Olde Testament and the Newe, folio,
blacfe letter. London, by R. Jugge, M.D.LXVIII.
The sixth English version, made under the direction of Archbishop Parker, and
commonly called the Bishops' Bible.
The Bible and Holy Scriptures, conteyned in the Olde and New Testa-
ment ; translated according to the Ebrue and Greeke, and conferred
with the best translations in divers languages ; with most profitable
Annotations upon all the hard Places, and other things of great
importance, 4to. Geneva, by Rouland Hall, M.D.LX.
Holy Bible, conteyning the Olde Testament and the Newe ; newly
translated out of the originall tongues, and with former translations
diligently compared and revised, by his Majestie's especiall com-
mandement, lilacfe letter, folio. London, by R. Barker, 31. D CXI.
The first edition of the present authorised version.
Holy Bible, 2 vols. 4to, large paper. London, Baskett, 1767.
Holy Bible : [carefully collated and corrected, with the addition of
Marginal References, by R. Blayney.] " The Standard Edition," 4to.
Oxford, 1769.
The Holy Bible and Apocrypha [the latter containing the Third Book
of Maccabees, from Becke's] ; with Notes by Bishop Wilson ; and
various Renderings collected from other Translations, by Clement
Cruttwell. 3 vols. 4to. Bath, 1785.
The Holy Bible [with Tables of the Marginal Readings and Parallel
Passages from the edition of 1611, prefixed], 2 vols. 4to. Oxford,
Clarendon Press, 1807.
The Holy Bible [the latest standard Edition, 4to.] London, Eyre and
Strahan [^Woodfall], 1813.
Holy Bible of the Old and New Testament, with Apocrypha; em-
bellished with Engravings from Pictures and Designs of the most
eminent English Artists. Published by Thomas Macklin, 8 vols,
large folio ; a subscription copy bound in morocco, with joints, by
Staggemeir. London, Bensley, 1800-16.
Newe Testament, both Latine and Englyshe, ech correspondent to the
other, after the Vulgar Texte, communely called St. Jerom's. Fayth-
fidly translated by Johan Hollybushe [Miles Coverdale], 4to, blatfe
letter. Southwarke, by J. Nicolson, M.D. XXXVIII.
The Old Covenant, commonly called the Old Testament, translated from
the Septuagint ; the New Covenant, translated from the Greek. By
Charles Thomson, 4 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1808.
The only English translation of the LXX.
The Old and New Testaments, faithfully translated out of the authen-
ticall Latin ; diligently conferred with the Hebrew, Greeke, and other
editions in divers languages ; with Arguments, Annotations, Tables,
&c. By the English College of Douay, 3 vols. 4to, Douay, by
L. Kellam, 1609-10; Rheims, by John Fogny, 1582.
Book of Job, literally translated from the original Hebrew, and restored
to its natural arrangement ; with Notes critical and illustrative, and
an Introductory Dissertation on its Scene, Scope, Language, Author,
and Object, by John Mason Good, 8vo. London, 1812.
The Book of Job, translated from the Hebrew by Elizabeth Smith ; with
a Preface and Annotations, by F. Randolph, 8vo. London, 1810.
The Book of Psalms, translated from the Hebrew ; with Notes explana-
tory and critical, by Sam. Horsley, 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1816.
The Psalms of David, translated into divers and sundry kindes of Verse ;
begun by Sir Philip Sidney, and finished by the Countess of Pem-
broke, his sister. Printed from the original MS. small 8vo. Lond.
The Book of Proverbs; an attempt towards an improved Translation
from the original Hebrew ; with Notes critical and explanatory, and
a preliminary Dissertation, by Geo. Holden, 8vo. London, 1819.
The Book of Ecclesiastes ; an attempt to illustrate by a Paraphrase, in
which the expressions of the Hebrew Author are interwoven ; with a
Commentary by John Holden, 8vo. London, 1822.
The Song of Songs ; or, Sacred Idyls, translated from the original He-
brew ; with Notes critical and explanatory, by J. M. Good, 8vo.
London, 1803.
Isaiah : a new Translation ; with a preliminary Dissertation, and Notes
critical, philological, and explanatory, by Robt. Lowth, 2 vols. 8vo.
Glasgow, 1822.
Jeremiah and Lamentations : a new Translation ; with Notes critical,
philological, and explanatory, by B. Blayney, 8vo, Edinb. 1810.
Ezekiel : an Attempt towards an improved Version, a Metrical Arrange-
ment, and an Explanation, by Archb. Newcome, 4to. Dublin, 1788.
Daniel : an improved Version attempted ; with Notes, critical, historical,
and explanatory, by Thomas Wintle, 4to. London, 1807.
XII. Minor Prophets: an Attempt towards an improved Version, a Me-
trical Arrangement, and an Explanation, by Archb. Newcome, 8vo.
Pontefract, 1809.
Hosea : translated from the Hebrew ; with Notes explanatory and criti-
cal. (Horsley 's " Bibl. Criticism," Vols III. and IV.)
Zechariah : a new Translation ; with Notes critical, philological, and
explanatory, by B. Blayney, 4to. London, 1797.
Four Gospels, translated from the Greek ; with preliminary Dissertations,
and Notes critical and explanatory, by Geo. Campbell, 4 vols. 8vo.
Aberdeen, 1814.
The Apostolical Epistles, a New Literal Translation from the original
Greek, with a Commentary and Notes; to which is added, a His-
tory of the Life of the Apostle Paul, by John Macknight, 4 vols, 8vo.
London, 1816.
The Apocalypse ; or, Revelation of Saint John, translated, with Notes
critical and explanatory ; to which is prefixed, a Dissertation on the
Divine Origin of the book; by J. C. Woodhouse, 8vo. Lond. 1806.
Bible in Welsh [translated by Bishops Morgan, Davis, &c.], blacfe letter,
folio. London, by C. and R. Barker, 1588.
Bible in Irish, [translated by King and Daniel ; edited by Bishop
W. Bedell, and printed at the expense of the Hon. Robt. Boyle,] 4to.
London, 1681-85.
Bible in Irish, 12mo. London, 1690.
Bible in the Manks Language [translated by Bishops Wilson and
Hildesley], 4to. Whitehaven, 1775.
Bible in Gaelic [translated by Drs. James and John Stewart and Dr.
Smith, and revised by a Committee of the General Assembly], 4to.
Duneidin, 1826.
Biblia Bohemica [from the Originals, by A. Nicolai, J. Capito, and other
Reformers, at the expense of tlie Baron Zerotinus], 4to. [In Cas-
tello Kralitz], 1579-93.
Biblia Belgica [from the Hebrew and Greek, by J. Bogermann,
W. Baudart, G. Bucer, A. Waleseus, &c., by order of the Synod
ofDort], 8vo. Ley den [1638],
La Sainte Bible, revue, et conferee sur les Textes Hebreux et Grecs par
les Pasteurs et Docteurs de I'Eglise de Geneve, 4to. Geneve, 1588.
La meme, avec un Index par Lieux-communs, 8vo, ruled red lines, a
very fine copy in old morocco. Amstelod. 1635.
La Sainte Bible, nouvelle traduction, conforme a la Vulgaire du Sexte V,
[par Jacques Corbin], et approuvee par I'Universite de Poictiers,
8 vols. 16mo, old morocco. Paris, 1643.
*' Coll. per H. Drury e libris Comitis Mac Carthy, venditis apud Parisios,
Pseaumes nouvellement mis en Vers Fran^ais, enrichis de Figures,
gravees par L. Chevron, 8vo.
Le Nouveau Testament, traduit en Franqais sur le Vulgate, avec les
Differences du Grec [par De Sacy, Arnauld, Nicole, &c.], 2 vols.
12mo, in morocco by Pardeloup. Mons [Ley de par Elzev.], 1667.
Biblia Germanica, das ist die gantze heilige Schrift, aufs neu zugericht
D. Mart. Luther, Iilacfe letter, 2 vols, folio. Wittemberg , gedruckt
durch A. Lufft, M.D.XLL
The latest revised edition by the Reformer himself, and tliat on which his greatest
care was bestowed,
Bible, Swiss-German [translated by Leo Juda, and revised, by order of
the Helvetian magistrates, by J. Hottinger, J. Miiller, J. C. Suicer,
J. H. Otius, J. H. Heidegger, &c.], 2 vols. 4to. Zurich, 1665-7.
Biblia Hungarica, [translated from the originals by C. Curoli] 4to.
Wysolyin, 1589.
Biblia tradotta in Lingua Itallana, e commentata da Giov. Diodati, con
I'Aggiunta de' S. Salmi messi en rime per lo medesimo, folio.
Geneva, 1641.
Biblia Polonica, [translated by the Calvinists] Svo. Berlin, 1813.
Biblia Hispanica, que es, los sacros Libros del Vieio y Nuevo Testamento
[transladada por Cassiodoro de Reyna], revista y conferida con los
Textos Hebreos y Griegos, y con diversas Translaciones, por Cyprian
de Valera, folio. En Amsterdam, 1602.
New Testament in Sungskrit, translated from the original Greek by the
Missionaries, 4to. Serampore, 1808.
Four Gospels, and the Acts of the Apostles, translated into the Malayan
Language [by J. Marshall, and edited by T. Hyde], 4to. Oxonii,
New Testament, translated into the Indian Language [by J. Elliot], 4to.
Cambridge [^Nexv Eiigland^, 1661.
Harmonies and Histories of the Bible,
Harmonia Evangelica in Ling. Theotiscam antiquiss. Tatiano Syro [cum
Vers. Lat.] ad duo MSS. et curas J. Schilteri posthumas studiose
recensita, subjectis Notulis. Accedit Fragmentum aliud Theotiscum
quo Christi cum Samaritana Muliere Colloquium rhythmo vet, ex-
hibetur. (Schilteri Thesaurus, Vol. II.)
Harmony and Chronicle of the Old Testament ; by J. Lightfoot. (Works,
Vol. II.)
Harmony, Chronicle, and Order of the New Testament, by J. Lightfoot.
(Works, Vol. III.)
Harmony of the IV. Evangelists among themselves, and with the Old
Testament. (Works, Vols. IV. and V.)
The Old and New Testament, arranged in Historical and Chronological
order ; with copious Notes, by George Townsend, 4 vols. 8vo.
London, 1821-5.
Harmony of the Four Gospels ; with a Paraphrase and Notes by
J. Macknight, 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1809.
Harmony of the IV. Gospels, by Philip Doddridge. (Family Expositor ,k
Vol. 'I.)
Harmony of the Four Gospels in Chinese, by the Jesuit Missionaries x
with forty-ei2,ht large Cuts illustrative of our Saviour's Life, small
folio. See First Report of Bible Society, Butler's Confessions of
Faith, p. 151. [China, printed ]
Reconciler (The) of the Bible enlarged ; wherein above 3000 seeming
Contradictions throughout the Old and New Testament are fully and
plainly reconciled, by J. T. and T [homas] M [an], folio. Lond. 1662.
Fuller's (Thos.) Pisgah Sight of Palestine and the Confines thereof;
with the Historic of the Old and New Testament acted thereon, front.^
plate of arms, &c. London, 1650.
Wesley's (Sam.) History of the Bible, in Verse ; and adorned with 330
Sculptures by J. Sturt, 3 vols, small 8vo, a fine copy, old morocco,
London, 1701-16.
Stackhouse's (Thos.) History of the Holy Bible ; with Answers to Infidel
Objections; Dissertations on the most remarkable Passages, and a
Connexion of the Profane with the Sacred Writings ; with Additions
and Corrections by Bishop Geo. Gleig, 3 vols. 4to. London, 1817.
Watts's (Isaac) View of Scripture History; with a Continuation of the
Jewish Affairs from the Old Testament till the time of Christ, 12mo.
London, 1717.
Apocryphal Books.
Apocrypha (The Books of the), with critical and historical Observations,
and Introductory Discourses, explaining the Distinctions between Ca-
nonical and Apocryphal Writings, and illustrating the intimate Con-
nexion between the Old and New Testament; by C. Wilson, 8vo.
Edinburgh, 1801.
Collection of Authentic Records belonging to the Old and New Testa-
ment, translated into English by W. Whiston, 2 vols, royal 8vo,
large paper. London, 1727-8.
Introductions, Treatises on the Interpretation, on Transla-
tions of the Scripture, and on Sacred Literature.
Home's (T. H.) Introduction to the Critical Study and Knowledge of
the Holy Scriptures, 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1828.
Waltoni (Briani) in Biblia Polyglotta Prolegomena specialia, recognovit
Dathianisque et variorum Notis suas immiscuit Fr. Wrangham, 2 vols.
royal 8vo. Cantabr. 1827.
Presentation copy from the Editor.
Gray's (Robt.) Key to the Holy Bible, giving an Account of the several
Books, their Contents and Authors, including Bishop Percy's Key to
the New Testament, 8vo. London, 1818.
Lightfoot's (John) Rules for a Student of the Holy Scriptures. (Works,
Vol. II.)
TyndaU's (Wm.) Pathway into the Holy Scripture. (Works.)
Tyndall's (Wm.) Prologues to his Translation of the Bible. (Works.)
Ostervald's (J. F.) Arguments of the Books and Chapters of the New
Testament, with Practical Observations ; translated from the original
MS. by J. Chamberlayne, 8vo, thick paper. London, 1718.
Pritii (J. G.) Introductio in Lectionem Novi Testamenti, cura C. G.
Hoffmann, 8vo. Lipsice, 1764.
Michaelis's (John David) Introduction to the New Testament, translated,
and augmented with Notes and a Dissertation on the Origin and
Composition of the Three first Gospels, by Herbert Marsh, 6 vols.
Svo. London, 1819.
Jones's (Jeremiah) New and Full Method of settling the Canonical Au-
thority of the New Testament ; with a Vindication of St. Matthew's
Gospel from Mr. Whiston's charge of Dislocations, 3 vols. Svo. Ox-
ford, Clarendon Press, 1798.
Butler's (Charles) Horse Biblicae : a Series of Notes on the Text and
Literary History of the Bible, 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1807.
Townley's (James) Illustrations of Biblical LittTaturc ; exhibiting the
History and Fate of the Sacred Writings, from the earliest Period to
the present Century ; including biographical Notices of Translators
and other eminent Biblical Scholars, 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1821.
Clarke's (J. B. B.) Concise View of the Succession of Sacred Literature,
in a Chronological Arrang-ement of Authors and their Works, from
the Invention of Alphabetic Characters to A,D. M.CCC, 2 vols. 8vo.
London, 1832.
Ornie's (William) Bibliotheca Biblica : a Select List of Books on Sacred
Literature ; with Notices biographical, critical, and bibliographical,
8vo. Edinburgh, 1824.
Warburton's (Bishop) Directions for the Study of Theology. (Works,
Vol. X.)
Waterland's Advice to a Young Student in Theology. (Works, Vol. VI.)
Bickersteth's (E.) Christian Student ; designed to assist Christians in
general in acquiring Religious Knowledge ; with Lists of Books
adapted to various Classes of Society, 12mo. London, 1829.
Bibliotheca Sacra, post J. Lelong et C. F. Boerneri iteratas curas, ordine
disposita, emendata, suppleta, continuata ab A. G. Masch, 2 vols.
4to. HalcE, 1778-83.
A bibliographical account of the various editions of the original texts, Vulgate and
Oriental versions.
Baber's (H. H.) Historical Account of the Saxon and English Versions
of the Scriptures, previous to the opening of the XVth Century.
(Wiclif's New Testament.)
Lewis's (John) History of the English Translations of the Bible, 8vo.
London, 1739.
Cruttwell's (CI.) Account of English Translations of the Bible, and List
of their various Editions. (Preface to Wilson's Bible.)
Boyle (Hon. Robt.) on the Style of the Holy Scriptures. (Works,
Vol. 11.)
Simpson's (David) Sacred Literature ; shewing the Holy Scriptures to be
superior to the most celebrated Writings of Antiquity, by the Testi-
mony of above 500 Witnesses ; and also by a Comparison of their
several Kinds of Composition, 4 vols. 8vo. Birmingham, 1788.
Jones (W.) on the Figurative Language of Scripture. (Works, Vol. II.)
Keach's (Benj.) Key to open the Scripture Metaphors and Types; to
which are prefixed, Arguments to prove the Divine Authorship of the
Holy Scriptures, folio. London, 1779,
See also Bampton Lectures : Conybeare and Chevallier.
Cappelli (Ludov.) Critica Sacra, sive de variis quae in Sacris Vet. Test.
Libris occurrunt Lectionibus. Recensuit, etc. G. J, L. Vogel ; cum
Appendice var. Scriptorum ad eam se referentium, recens. J. G.
Scharfenberg, 3 vols. 8vo, Halce Magd. 1775-86.
Lowth (Robt.) de Sacra Poesi Hebrseorum, cum Notis et Epimetris J.
D. Michaelis, edidit E. F. C. Rosenmiiller, 8vo, Oxonii, 1821.
Lowth's (Robt.) Sacred Poetry of the Hebrews, translated, with the Notes
of Michaelis and others, by G. Gregory, 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1816.
Jebb's (Bp. John) Sacred Literature ; comprising a Review of the Prin-
ciples of Composition laid down by Bp. Lowth, and an Application of
those Principles to the illustration of the New Testament, 8vo. Lond.
Wilson's (W.) Illustration of the Method of Explaining the New Testa-
ment by the Early Opinions of Jews and Christians concerning Christ
[in refutation of Priestley's Early Opinions], 8vo. Cambridge, 1797.
Middleton's (Bp. T. F.) Doctrine of the Greek Article applied to the
Criticism and Illustration of the New Testament, 8vo. London, 1808.
Commentators and Expositors.
Lutheri (Mart.) Comment, in S. Scripturam ; vid. in Lib. Deut. (Opera,
Vol. III.) ; XXII. Psalmos priores, Psalmos Grad., et in Psalmos
XLV. et LI. (Vols. II., III., et IV.); Ecclesiasten, (Vol. IV.);
Canticum Canticorum, (Vol. IV.) ; Esaiam, (Vol. III.) ; Hoseam et
Joelem, (Vol. IV.); Amoset Abiam, (Vol. III.); Micham, (Vol. IV.);
Mattheam, (Vol. IV.) ; Epist. ad Galatas, (Vols. I., II., et III.)
Melancthonis (Ph.) Commentarii in S. Scripturam. (Opera, Vols. II., III.,
et IV.)
Zuinglii (Huld.) Annotationes in Genesin et Exodum; Enchiridion
Psalmorum ; Complanationes Isaiae et Jeremise Prophetae ; Annota-
tiones in Evangelia et Epistolas Pauli, &c. (Opera, Vol. III.)
Calvini (Joh.) Commentaria, Homilise, et Conciones in S, Script. (Opera,
Vols. I. to VII.)
Critici Sacri ; sive, Annotata doctiss. Virorum in Vetus ac Novum
Testamentum. Quibus accedunt Tractatus varii Theologico-Philo-
logici, 8 vols, in 9, folio. Amstelod. 1698. — Thesaurus Theologico-
Philologicus ; sive, Sylloge Dissertationum ad illustr. Vet. et Nov.
Testamenti loca, 2 vols, folio. Amstelod. 1701. — Thesaurus Novus
Theologico-Philologicus; sive, Sylloge Dissertat. exegeticanmi ad
V. et N. Instrumenti loca. Ex museo T. Hassei et C. Ikenii, 2 vols,
folio. Lugduni Bat. 1732.
Poll (Matthsei) Synopsis Criticorum aliorumque S. Scripturse Inter-
pretum, 4 vols, in 5, folio, lai'ge paper. Londini, 1669-76.
Bloomfield's (S. T.) Recensio Synoptica Annotationis Sacrse ; being a
Critical Digest and Synoptical Arrangement of the most important
Annotations on the New Testament, 8 vols. 8vo. London, 1826-8.
Gill's (John) Exposition of the Old and New Testaments ; in which the
Sense of the Sacred Text is given, difficult Passages explained, seem-
ing Contradictions reconciled, and whatever is material in the various
Readings and the several Oriental Versions is observed, 9 vols. 4to.
London, 1809.
Patrick, Lowth, Arnald, Whitby, and Lowman's Critical Commentary
and Paraphrase on the Old and New Testament and the Apocrypha ;
edited by J. R. Pitman, 6 vols, large 4to. Lond. 1822.
Henry's (Matt.) Exposition of the Old and New Testament, with Prac-
tical Remarks and Observations, 6 vols. 4to. Lond. 1792.
Scott's (Tho.) Holy Bible, with Explanatory Notes, Practical Observa-
tions, and copious Marginal References, 6 vols. 4to. Lond. 1823.
Hall's (Bp. Joseph) Contemplations upon the principal Passages in the
Holy Story. (Works, Vols. I. and II.)
Hall's (Bp. Joseph) Plain and Familiar Explication, by way of Para-
phrase, of all the Hard Texts of the Old and New Testament. (Works,
Vols. HI. and IV.)
Saurin (Jacques), Discours historiques, critiques, theologiques, et moraux,
s\ir los Evenemens les |)lus mcMnornlilos du Vicux et Nouveau Testa-
ment, 11 vols. 8vo. La Ilaye, 1720.
La Sainte Bible [connu sous le nom de Bible de Vence], en Latin et
Francois, avec des Notes litterales, critiques, et historiques, des
Prefaces et des Dissertations, tirees du Commentaire de Calmet,
de I'Abbe de Vence, et des Auteurs le plus celebres, revue, corrigee,
et augmentee de Notes, 25 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1820-24.
Lightfoot (Joh.) AEI'^FANA de Rebus ad LXX. Vers, spectantibus, Ver-
siones Proph. Minorum Graeca et Vulgaris, nee non Targum, cum
Hebrseo fonte collates . (Works, Vol. X.)
Baxter's (Rich.) Paraphrase on the New Testament, Svo. Lond. 1695.
Burkitt's (W.) New Testament, with Observations and Practical Instruc-
tions, abridged by S. Glasse, 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1806.
Doddridge's (Philip) Family Expositor ; or, a Paraphrase and Version of
the New Testament, with Critical Notes and a Practical Improve-
ment ; with Life of the Author by Job Orton, 4 vols. 4to. Lond.
Gilpin's (Wm.) Exposition of the New Testament, pointing out the lead-
ing Sense and Connexion of the Sacred Writers, 2 vols. Svo. Lond.
Le Nouveau Testament, avec des Reflexions Morales sur chaque Verset
[par Pasq. Quesnel], 8 vols. 12mo. Amst. 1736,
Blunt's (J. J.) Veracity of the V. Books of Moses, argued from the un-
designed Coincidences to be found in them, when compared in their
several parts, 12mo. Lond. 1831.
Townsend's (Joseph) Character of Moses established for Veracity, as an
Historian recording Events from the Creation to the Deluge and
subsequently, 2 vols. 4to. Bath, 1813.
Kennedy's (James) Ten Lectures on the Philosophy of the Mosaic
Record of the Creation, delivered in Trinity College, Dublin, 2 vols.
8vo. Lond. 1827.
Shuckford (Sam.) on the Creation and Fall of Man. (Connexion,
Vol. IV.)
Lightfoot's (John) Observations on Genesis ; Gleanings out of Exodus ;
and de Creatione, Itineribus, et Mansione Israelit. ; Expositio
Hosese. (Works, Vol. II.)
Graves' (Richard) Lectures on the Four last Books of the Pentateuch,
designed to shew the Divine Origin of the Jewish Religion from
Internal Evidence, 2 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1807.
Boys' (Tho.) Key to the Book of Psalms, Svo. London, 1825.
Home's (Bp. Geo.) Commentary on the Psalms, 2 vols. Svo. Oxford,
Leighton's (Abp.) Meditations, practical and critical, on Psalms IV.,
XXXII. , and CXXX., translated from the Latin by P. Doddridge.
(Works, Vol. II.)
Hall (Bp. Jos.) Some few of David's Psalms metaphrased. (Works.)
Reynold's (Bp. Edward) Exposition of the CXth Psalm. (Works, Vol. II.)
Reynold's (Bp. Edward) Annotations on the Book of Ecclesiastes.
(Works, Vol. IV.)
Mede's (Jos.) Treatises on Obscure Passages in Daniel. (Works.)
Bliint's (J. J.) Veracity of the Gospels and Acts of the Apostles argued
from their undesigned Coincidences, 12mo. Lond. 1828.
Lardner's (N.) Credibility of the Gospel History; or, the Facts occa-
sionally mentioned in the New Testament confirmed by Passages of
contemporary ancient Authors. (Works, Vol. I.)
Stabback's (Tho.) Four Gospels and Acts of the Apostles, illustrated
with Annotations, critical, explanatory, and practical, selected from
the most able Commentators, and accompanied with Reflections.
2 vols. 8vo. Falmouth, 1809.
Trapp's (Joseph) Explanatory Notes upon the Four Gospels ; with Three
Discourses explaining the illustrious Prophecies of the Old and New
Testament, 8vo. Oxford, 1805.
Lightfoot's (John) Hebrew and Talmudical Exercitations on the Evan-
gelists and part of Romans and I. Corinthians. (Works, Vols. XI.
and XII.)
Townson (Tho.) on the Four Gospels, (Works, Vol. 1.) ; on Evangelical
History. (Vol. II.)
Elsley's (J.) Annotations on the Four Gospels and the Acts of the
Apostles, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1824.
Adams's (Tho.) Exposition of St. Matthew. (Works, Vols. III. and IV.)
Tyndall's (Wm.) Exposition uppon the V., VI., VH. Chapters of
Matheu, whiche three Chapters are the Keye and Dore of the Scrip-
ture, and the restoring agayne of Moses' Lawe, corrupte by the
Scribes and Pharises. And the Exposition is the restoring agayne of
Christe's Lawe, corrupte by the Papistes. (Works.)
Gray's (And.) Delineation of the Parables of our Blessed Saviour ; to
which is prefixed, a Dissertation on Parables and Allegorical Writ-
ings in general, 8vo. Lond. 1814.
Gardiner's (James) Exposition of our Saviour's Sermon on the Mount,
8 vo, large paper. Lond. 1720.
Biscoe's (Rich.) History of the Acts of the Holy Apostles confirmed from
other Authors, and considered as full Evidence of the Truth of Chris-
tianity. (Boyle Lectures.)
Lightfoot's (John) Commentary and Hebrew and Talmudical Exercita-
tions on the Acts of the Apostles. (Works, Vol. VIH.)
Slade's (J.) Annotations on the Epistles, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1824.
Pearson (Jo.) Annales Paulini. (Randolph's Enchirid. Vol. I.)
Locke's (John) Essay on the Understanding of St. Paul's Epistles ; with
Paraphrase and Notes to the Epistles of St. Paul to tho Romans,
Corinthians, Galatians, and Ephesians. (Works, Vol. VIII.)
Adams's (Tho.) Paraphrase on the first XI. Chapters of the Epistle to
the Romans, 8vo. Lond. 1771. (Works, Vol. I.)
Davenant's (Bp. John) Exposition of the Epistle to the Colossians, trans-
lated from the original Latin ; with a Life of the Author, and Notes
illustrative of the Writers and Authorities referred to in the Work, by
Josiah AUport : to which is added, a Translation of de Morte Christi,
by the same Prelate, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1831.
Jewell's (Bp.) Exposition upon the Two Epistles to the Thessalonians.
(Works, Vol. II.)
Owen's (J.) Exposition of the Epistle of St. Paul to the Hebrews, with
PreHminary Exercitations, 4 vols, royal 8vo, large paper. Edin.
Stuart's (Moses) Commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews, [edited by
Eben. Henderson], 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1828.
Leiohton's (Abp. R.) Practical Commentary on the 1st Epistle of Peter.
OVorks, Vol. I.)
Jones (W.) on the Epistle to the Hebrews, shewing the Harmony between
the Mysteries, Doctrines, and Morality of the Old and New Testa-
ment. (Works, Vol. HI.)
Mede's (Joseph) Paraphrase and Exposition of St, Peter, 2d Epist.
chap, iii., on the Day of Christ's Second Coming. (Works.)
Tyndall's (Wm.) Exposition of the First Epistle of St. John, set forth
1531. (Works.)
Mede (Joseph) Clavis et Commentationes Apocalypticse ; Opuscula ad
Rem Apocalypticam spectantia. (Works.)
Daubuz' (Charles) Commentary on the Revelation of St. John, with a
Preliminary Discourse, new^ modelled and abridged by P. Lancaster,
4to. Lond. 1730.
Gauntlett's (Henry) Exposition of the Book of Revelation, 8vo. Lond.
Cunninghame's (W.) Dissertation on the Seals and Trumpets of the Apo-
calypse, and the Prophetical Period of 1260 years, Svo. Lond. 1817.
Horsley's (Bp. S.) Biblical Criticism on the first XIV. Historical Books
of the Old Testament, also on the first IX. Prophetical, 4 vols. 8vo.
Lond. 1820.
Lightfoot's (John) Explanation of difficult Places of Scripture. (Works,
Vol. V.)
AUix's (Peter) Reflections upon the Books of the Holy Scripture, to
establish the Truth of the Christian Religion, 8vo. Oxford, 1822.
(Works, Vol. I.)
King's (Edw.) Morsels of Criticism, tending to illustrate some few Pas-
sages in the Holy Scriptures upon Philosophical Principles, 3 vols. Svo.
Lond. 1800.
Roberts's (W. H.) Corrections on various Passages in the English Version
of the Old Testament, upon the Authority of Ancient MSS. and An-
cient Versions, Svo. Lond. 1794.
Newton's (Bp. T.) Dissertations on some Parts of the Old and New
Testament. (Works, Vols. I. to IV.)
Jones (W.) on the Use and Intent of some remarkable Passages of Scrip-
ture not commonly understood. (Works, Vol. III.)
Callaway's (John) Oriental Observations and Occasional Criticisms, more
or less illustrative of several hundred Passages of Scripture, 12mo.
Lond. 1827.
Barrington's (Hon. Daines) Miscellanea Sacra. (Works.)
Bowyer's (W.) Critical Conjectures and Observations on the New Testa-
ment, collected from various Authors, 4to. Lond. 1782.
Newton's (Sir I.) Historical Account of Two Notable Corruptions of
Scripture, viz. 1 John, v. 7, and Tim. iii. 16. (Works, Vol. V.)
On the Pr^opliecies.
Keith's (A.) Evidences of the Truth of the Christian Religion, derived
from the literal Fulfilment of Prophecy, as illustrated by the History
of the Jev^^s, and by the Discoveries of recent Travellers, 8vo. Edin.
Kett's (Henry) History the Interpreter of Prophecy ; or, a Scriptural
View of tlie Prophecies and their Fulfilment, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1805.
Newton (Bp. Tho.) on the Prophecies which have remarkably been ful-
filled, and at this time are fulfilling, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1817.
Newton's (Sir I.) Observations on the Prophecies of Holy Writ, parti-
cularly those of Daniel and the Apocalypse of St. John. (Works,
Vol. V.)
Robinson (Tho.), Prophecies of the Messiah, from the beginning of
Genesis to the end of the Psalms of -David, considered and improved,
8vo. Lond. 1812.
Zouch's (Tho.) Attempt to illustrate the Prophecies of the Old and New
Testament. (Works, Vol. I.)
Faber's (G. S.) Calendar of Prophecy ; or, a Dissertation on the Pro-
phecies which treat of the Grand Period of Seven Times, 3 vols. 8vo.
Lond. 1828.
Faber's (G. S.) General and Connected View of the Prophecies relative
to the Conversion, Restoration, Union, and future Glory of Israel
and Judah, 2 vols. Lo7id. 1808.
Faber (G. S.) on the Prophecies that have been fulfilled and are now
fulfilling, or will hereafter be fulfilled, relative to the Great Period of
1260 Years, the Papal and Mohammedan Apostacies, Reign of Anti-
christ, and Restoration of the Jews, 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1807-18.
Faber (G. S.) on Daniel's Prophecy of the Seventy Weeks, 8vo. Lond.
Warburtonian Lectures on Prophecy : —
Hurd's (Bp, Richard) Introduction to the Study of the Prophecies
concerning the Christian Church, and particularly concerning the
Church of Papal Rome, 8vo. London, \111.
Hallifax (Bp. Sam.) on the Prophecies of the Christian Church,
and in particular concerning the Church of Papal Rome, 8vo.
Lond. 1776.
Bagot (Bp. Lewis) on the Prophecies concerning the first Establish-
ment and subsequent History of Christianity, 8vo. London, 1780.
Apthorp's (East) Discourses on Prophecy, 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1786.
Nares' (Robt.) Connected and Chronological View of the Prophecies
relating to the Christian Church, 8vo. London, 1805.
Pearson's (Ed.) Lectures on the Subject of the Prophecies relating to
the Christian Church, 8vo. London, 1811.
Allwood (Ph.) on the Prophecies relating to the Christian Church,
and especially to the Apostacy of Papal Rome, 2 vols. 8vo.
Lond. 1815.
Davison (John) on Prophecy, in wliicli are considered its Structure,
Use, and Inspiration, 8vo. London, 1825.
Concordances, Dictionaries, and Commonplace Books.
Buxtorfii (Jo.) Concordantice Bibliorum Hebraicse et Chaldaicse, folio.
Basilece, 1632.
"Williams' (J.) Concordance to the Greek Testament, with the English
Version to each Word, 4to. London, 1767.
Cruden's (Alex.) Complete Concordance to the Holy Scriptures ; or, a
Dictionary and Alphabetical Index to the Bible, 4to. London, 1763.
Cruttwell's (C.) Concordance of Parallels, collected from Bibles and
Commentaries, which have been published in the Hebrew, Latin,
French, Spanish, and other Languages, with the Authorities of each,
4to. London, 1790.
Calmet's Dictionary of the Holy Bible, historical, critical, and geo-
graphical ; with Fragments, or continued Appendix, illustrating the
Manners, Incidents, and Phraseology of the Scriptures, selected from
the most esteemed and authentic Voyages and Travels into the East ;
with Remarks, Observations, and Plates. Revised, corrected, and
enlarged, by C. Taylor, 5 vols. 4to. London, 1823,
Brown's (Jo.) Dictionary of the Bible, edited by his Sons, 2 vols. 8vo.
Edinburgh, 1807.
Robinson's (John) Theological, Biblical, and Ecclesiastical Dictionary,
Svo. London, 1816.
Locke's (John) Commonplace Book to the Holy Bible ; or, the Scrip-
tures' Sufficiency practically demonstrated ; wherein the Substance
of Scripture respecting Doctrine, Worship, and Manners, is reduced
to its proper heads. Revised and improved by W. Dodd, Svo.
London, 1824.
Biblical Antiquities, Connexions of Sacred and Profa7ie
Histonj, 8^c.
Josephi (Flavii) Opera Omnia, Gr. et Lat. cum Notis et Nova Versione
J. Hudsoni, acced. Notes varior. &c. ; omnia collegit, disposuit, et ad
Codices fere omnes recensuit, Notasque suas adjecit S. Havercampus,
2 vols, folio. Amst. 1726.
Josephus's Works ; or, History and Antiquities of the Jews, translated by
W. Whiston, 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1806.
Ugolini (Blasii) Thesaurus Antiquitatum Sacrarum, complectens selec-
tissima clarissimorum Virorum Opuscula, in quibus veterum Hebrae-
orum Mores, Leges, Instituta, Ritus Sacri et Civiles illustrantur,
34 vols, folio. Fene^m, 1744-69.
Vol. 1. R. Cliijae Additamenta ad Codicem de Die Expiationum.
R. Martini in Pii^ionem Fidei Froccmium.
Observationes Jos. De Yoisin ad Proocmium.
J. Rleyeri Tractatus de Temporibus Sacris et Festis Diebus HebraBorum,
cum Animadversionibus in Job. Spenceri libros de Legibus Ritualibus
.T. Triglandius de Origine et Causis Rituum Mosaicorum,
II. Witsii ^gyptiaca, sive de ^Egjptiacorum Saciorum cum Hebraicis
Collectione libri tres.
Vol. 2. Cbr. Wormii de corruptis Antiquitatum Hebrsearum apud Taciturn, &c.
Vestigiis libri 2.
G. Casparis Kirclimajeri Exercitatio ad C. Taciti Histor. lib. 5, de Rebus
Moribusque .Tudaeorum,
H. Relandi Antiquitates Sacra;, amplissimis coramentariis philologicis
Vol. 3. T. Goodwini Moses et Aaron, cum Hottingeri notis.
P, Cunffii Libri 3. de Republ. Hebraeorum, cum Nicolai notis.
J. H. Hottingeri Jus Hebrajorum.
Vol. 4. B. Corn. Bertramus de Rep. Hebraeorum, cum commentario Constantiui
C. Sigonii Libri 7. de Rep. Hebragorum, cum Nicolai notis.
J. Buxtorfii Synagoga Judaica.
A. PfeiflFeri Antiquitates selects, ab Ugolino notis illustrataj.
Vol. 5. Eusebii Onomasticon, cum Latina interpretations S. Hieronymi, cum notis
Bonfrerii, et Job. Clerici Animadversionibus.
J. Bonfrerii Annotationes in promissae Terras Chorograpbicam Tabulam.
J. Rbenferdii Periculum criticum in loca depravata Eusebii Caesariensis et
Hieronymi, de situ et nominibus locorum Hebraicorum.
Ejusdem Exercitatio philologica 2da, ad loca deperdita Eusebii et Hiero-
nymi de situ, &c.
Ejusdem Exercitatio philologica 3tia ad loca vexata Eusebii, &c.
Ejusdem Exercitatio philologica 4ta ad loca depravata et vexata Eusebii et
Hieron}Tni de locis Hebraicis S. Sc.
Ejusdem Nota; Critica,' et Observationes in Eusebii et Hieronymi Ono-
Ejusdem Exercitatio Eusebio-Hieronymianade Angulo Arabiaeet Batanea;.
N. Sansonis Animadversiones in duas Tabulas geographicas, ex Veteri et
Novo Testamento desumptas.
Ejusdem Index Geographicus.
Job. Clerici Nota; in Indicem Geographicum N. Sansonsis.
N. Sansonis Descriptio Juda;a2.
Ejusdem Jesu Christi Vita.
Ejusdem Petri Apostoli Vita.
Ejusdem Pauli Apostoli Vita.
J. Lightfooti Centuria Chorographica in S. Matthaeum.
Ejusdem Decas Chorographica in S. Marcum.
Ejusdem Chorographica pauca in S. Lucam.
Ejusdem Disquisitio Chorographica in S. Johannem.
Vol. 6. H. Relandi Palestina.
Brochardi Monachi Descriptio Terrae Sanctas.
J. Quistorpii Nebo.
J. H. Hottingeri Dissertatio de Geographia Terrae Chanaan.
J. Millii Dissertatio de Nilo et Euphrate.
R. Petachias Itinerarium, cum A'ersione Wagenseilii.
Vol, 7. Ab. Peritsol Itinera Mundi, Ilebraice et Latine, cum Interpretatioue et
Notis Th. Hyda;.
R. S. Sancti Itinerarium, Ilebraice et Latine.
P. Dan. Huetii Commentarium de Navigationibus Salomonis.
M. Lipenii Dissert, de Navigio Salomonis,
Ejusdem Dissert, de Ophir.
J. Chr. Wichmanshausen Dissert, de Navigatione Ojdiiritica.
J. C. Jehringii Dissert, de Regione Tharsis.
J. Hassaei Dissert, de D'lain.
II. Relandi Dissert, de Ophir.
Ejusdem Dissert, de Mari Rubro.
P. Dan. Huetii Tractatus de Situ Paradisi Terrestris.
II. Relandi Dissert, de Situ Paradisi Terrestris.
.T. Hopkinsonii Descriptio Paradisi.
Sara. Bocliarti Epistola de Paradisi Situ. ,
Steph. IMorini Dissert, de I'aradiso Terrestri,
Job. Vorstii Dissert, de Paradiso.
If. Relandi Dissert, de IMonte Garizim.
Ilarkenrotliii Dissert, de Monte Sublimi.
T. Hasasi Observatio de Rlonte Sublimi.
Harembergii Oculus JMo3'sis et Christi, a monte editissimo Pala?stinam
Ilarkenrotliii Periculum Criticum, quo A£/3^'5&/v Ileyschii, aliaque ejus de-
pravata loca explicaiitur.
H. Van Alphcn Dissert, de Terra Chadrach et Damasco ejus (juiete ad
Zach. ix.
Chr. Cellarii Dissert, de Excidio Sodomse.
T. Hasan de Zabulonis pras Sidone prasstantia ad Gen, xlix.
Ejusdem Dissert, de Nephthalitide, Apostolorum patria, ad illustrationem
Oraculi Jacobaei, Gen. xlix.
J. C. Wickmanshausen Dissert, de Thermis Tiberiensibus.
J. Philadelphii Dissert, de ^'alle Josapbat et Excidii.
C. B. Ottonis Dissert, de Flumine Sabbatliico.
]\r. Liebentantii Dissert, de Terra RIorijab, et Monte Visionis Dei.
Gb. Oiitovii Observationes de ]Montibus Sionis et Morijali.
J. £. Harkenrotbii Dissert, de Racbele.
Ejusdem Dissert, de ^Enon prope Salim.
P. Zornii Dissert, de iEiione prope Salim.
Ejusdem Liber singularis de Historia et Antiquitatibus No-Amon.
T. Hasaei Dissert, de Gente -p -p Kau Kaii ad Isaiae xviii.
C. Cellarii Dissert.de Amocnitatibus geograpbicis et bistoricis, ex Itine-
ribus S. Pauli collectis.
Eucberii, Episcopi, Epistola ad Faustum presbyterum.
Antonii Placentini Itiiierarium.
Vol, 8. S. Van-Til Commentarius de Tabernaculo Moysis.
J, Buxtorfii Historia Arcse Foederis.
T. Hasaei Dissert, de Lignis Sittim.
Ejusdem Dissert, de Rubo Moysis.
Ejusdem Dissert, de Lapide Fundamenti.
J. H. A, Dorien, Dissert, de Cherubinis Sancti Sanctorum.
J. Buxtorfii Dissert, de Manna,
Maimonidis Vita, ab J. Buxtorfio descripta, in Praefatione in More Ne-
R. Claveringii Dissert, de Maimonide.
H. Prideaux Praefatio ad Tractatus Maimonidis de Jure Pauperis et
Lud. Compiegne de Veil Praefatio in Opera Maimonidis.
Maimonidis Constitutiones de Templo, Vasis Sanctuarii, et de Ingressu
Sanctuarii, Heb. et Lat. a Ugolino notis illustratae.
E. C. Sturmii Sciagrapbia Templi Hierosolymitani.
Vol. 9. R. Abrabami Ben David Commentarius de Templo, ab Ugolino Latina
Interpr. illustratus, Heb. et Lat.
J. Ligbtfooti Descriptio Templi Hierosolym.
Ejusdem Ministerium Templi.
F. Opitii Commentar, de Templi Custodia nocturna.
H. Relandi Lib. de Spoliis Templi Hierosolym, in Arcu Titiano conspicuis.
T, Dassovii Imagines Hebrsearum rerum.
"\'ol. 10. M. Plesken Dissert, de Columnis aeneis.
J. J. Cramerii Dissert, de Ara exteriori Templi Secundi.
D. Milii Dissert, de Cornibus Altaris exterioris.
.1. Buxtorfii Historia Ignis Sacri.
J. G. Bornbii Dissert, de Igne Gentilium sacro.
D. Milii Dissert, de Altari Mediatore.
B. Ugolini Altare exterius.
C. L. Scblichter Dissert, de Mensa Facierum, ej usque Mysterio.
Ejusdem Dissert, de Pane Facierum.
B. Ugolini Dissert, de Mensa et Panibus Propositiones.
\'ol. 11. B. Ugolini Altare interius,
R. Abrabami Ben David Commentarius de Suffitu, ab Ugolino ex Heb.
Latine redditus et notis illustratus,
J, Mejeri Dissert, de Suffitu,
D. Weymari Dissert, de Suffitu.
P, Alpini Dialogus de Balsamo.
J, G. Micbaelis Dissert, de Tburibulo Adyti.
G. F. Rogal Tliuribulum.
J. Braunii Dissert, de Adolitione Suffitiis.
G, M, Doederlini Exerc, de Candelabris Judaeorum.
B, Ugolini Dissert, de Candelabro,
D, F, Jani Exercit. de Vite aurea Templi Hierosolym.
Vol. li^. J. Sauberti Lib. de Sacerdotibus Hebraeoruin.
J. Krumblioltz Sacerdotium Hebraicum.
E. C. 15oldicb Pontifex M. Hebraeorum,
J. Braunii Dissert, de Sanctitate Pontif. ]Max.
J. Seldeni Lib. 2. de Successione Pontificum Hebraeorum.
B. D. Carpzovii Dissert, de Pontificum Hebraeorum Vestitu sacro.
J. Buxtorfii Historia Urim et Thummim.
N. Polemanni Dissert, de Urim et Thummim.
J. Spenceri Dissert, de Urim et Thummim.
P. Ribouldeakli Dissert, de Urim et Thummim contra Job. Spencerum.
C. L. Schichter Dissert, de Lamina aurea Pout. Max.
H. A. Toepffer Dissert, de Tiara Summi Sacerdotis.
Ejusdem Dissert de Tiaris miuorum Sacerdotum.
B. Scheidii Oleum Unctionis.
D. Weymar Dissert, de Unctione Sacra Hebraeorum, et inaugurali.
J. J. Quaiidt Dissert, de Pontificis Max. Suffraganeo.
T. R. Tatii Dissert, de Sacerdote Castrensi.
B. Ugolini Dissert, de Sacerdote Castreusi.
VoL 13. R. Abrabami Ben David Dissert, de Vestitu Sacerdotum Hebraeorum,
Heb.et Lat.
.T. C. Harembergii Dissert, de Vocibus nybin ,p3"iK ,nb3n ,niii'0 ,tt'ir .^W.
J. C. Biel Dissert, de Purpura Ljdia ad illustrationem loci Act xvi. 14.
B. LTgolino Sacerdotium Hebraicum.
D. Pfeffingeri Dissert, de Nathinaeis.
Vol. 14. Mechiltha, Commentariiis vetustiss. et eruditiss. in Exodum, ab Ugolino
ex Heb. Latine redditus.
Siphre, Commentar. vetustiss. et eruditiss. iu Leviticum, ab Ugolino ex
Heb. Latine redditus.
Vol. 1.5 Siphre, Commentar. antiquiss. et eruditiss. in Numeros, ab Ugolino ex
Heb. Lat. redd.
Siphre, Commentar. &c. in Deuteronomium, ab Ugolino ex Heb. Lat.
Pesiktha Minus, Commentarius vetustus et pbilologicus in Leviticum,
Numeros, et Deuteronomium, ex Heb. &c.
Vol. 16. Residuum Pesikthae complectitur.
Vol. 17. N. ]\Iuleri Judaeorum Annus Lunae Solaris, et Turc-Arabum Annus mere
J. Seldeni Dissert, de Anno Civili Judaeorum.
INIaimonidis Constitutiones de Consecratione Novilunii, Heb. et Lat.
Clir. Languasen Dissert, de Mense Lunari veterum Hebraeorum.
Additamenta ad Codicem de Sabbatho, ab Ugolino ex Heb. Lat. reddita.
Additamenta ad Codicem de Commixtionibus Sabbaticis, ab Ugolino, ex
Heb. Lat. redd.
J. G. Outhovii Dissert, de Sabbatho secundo-primo.
J. J. S3'rbii Dissert, de Sabbatho Gentili.
Additamenta ad Codicem de Pascha, ab Ugolino ex Heb. Latine reddita.
Codex de Pascha, Ghemara Ilierosoljmitana illustratus, ab Ugolino ex
Heb. Lat. redd.
J. R. Gruner Diatribe de Oblatione Primitiarum.
L^golini Dissert, de Ritibus in Cosna Domini, ex Antiquitatibus Pascha-
libus illustratis.
Vol. 18. Additamenta ad Codicem Sekalim de Siclis, ab Ugolino ex Heb. Lat. redd,
Tractatus Sekalim, Ghemara Hierosolvm.
Additamenta ad Tractatum Joma.
Tractatus Joma, Ghemara Hierosolj-m. illustratus.
Additamenta ad Tractatum Succah.
Tractatus Succah, Ghem. Hierosol.
G. Groddekii Dissert, de Ceremoniu Palmarum.
Additamenta ad Tractatum Rosh-Haschana, ab Ugolino ex Heb. Lat. redd.
Tractatus Ros-Haschana, Ghem. Hierosol.
Additamenta ad Tractatum Tahanijoth.
Tractatus Tahanijoth, Ghem. Hierosol.
Additamenta ad Tractatum INIeghilah.
Tractatus Meghilali, Ghem. Hierosol.
Additamenta ad Tractatum Chaghigali.
'I'ractatus Cliaghigali, Ghem. Hierosol.
Additamenta ad Tractatum Betzah.
Tractatus Betzah, Ghem. Hierosolym.
Additamenta ad Tractatum Alohed Katon.
Tractatus Mohed Katon, Ghem. Hierosol.
Vol. 19. Additamenta ad Tractatum de Sacrificiis, ah Ugolino ex Heb. Lat. redd.
Tractatus de Sacrificiis, Ghemara Babylonica illustratus.
Additamenta ad Tractatum de Muneribus.
Tractatus de Muneribus, Ghem. Babylon.
Additamenta ad Tractatus de
Vol. 20. Additamenta ad Tractatus de-
Sacrificiorum Commutatione,
^Rerum Yotarum ^stimatione.
Tractatus Misnicus de Sacrificio Jugi, ab Ugolino notis philologicis
H. G. Clemens de Labro aeneo.
L. C Sturmii Mare seneum.
Re dubia,
Anno Septimo,
J. C. Hottingeri Commentar. de Decimis Hebraeorum.
Additamenta ad Tractatum de Decimis.
Tractatus de Decimis, Ghem. Hier. illustratus.
Additamenta ad Tractatum de Decima Secunda.
Tractatus de Decima Secunda, Ghem. Hier. &c.
J. Spenceri Dissert, de Solutione Primitiarum et Decimarum.
Ejusdem Dissert, de Professione Decimarum.
Additamenta ad Tractatum de Placenta.
Tractatus de Placenta, Ghem. Hier. &c.
Additamenta ad Tractatum de Preeputio Arborum.
Tractatus de Arbore Praeputiata, Ghem. Hier. &c.
Additamenta ad Tractatum de Primitivis.
Tractatus de Primitivis, Ghem. Hier. &c.
Yo\. 21. J. Rhenferdii Dissert. 2. de decern Otiosis Synagogae.
Ejusdem Investigatio Prsefectorum, et Ministrorum Synagogae.
C. Vitringa Liber de Decemviris Otiosis.
C. Bornitii Exercitationes Philologicae tres de Synagogis veterum He-
J. Sauberti Dissert, de Precibus Hebraeorum.
N. Polemanni Dissert, de Ritu precandi veterum Hebraeorum.
F. W. Jahr Dissert, de Precibus Gentilium expiatoriis.
M. Hilleri Dissert, de Vestibus Fimbriatis Hebraeorum.
C. Lubeci Exercitatio de Decisionibus Peniculamenti Hebraeorum.
B, Ugolinus de Phylacteriis Hebraeorum.
T. Dassovii Dissert. Ritibus IMezuzae.
G. Ursini Antiquitates Hebraicae, Scholastico-Academicae.
J. L. Heubneri Dissert, de Academiis Hebraeorum.
.T. J. Serupii Dissert, de Titulo Rabbi.
J. H. Otthonis Historia doctorum Misnicorum, cum notis Relandi,
G. E. Geiger Commentatio de Hillele et Sammai.
Vol. 22. B. Ugolini Trihsresium, sive Dissert, de tribus Sectis Judaeorum, scil.
de Pharisaeis, Sadducaeis, et Essenis.
J. Schmid Dissert, de Secta Pharisaeorum.
H. Optii Exercitatio philologica de Pharisaeis.
L. A. Rechenberg Dissert, de Pharisaeis.
S. Barthel Sched. historicum de Sadducaeis.
J. Drusii Libellus de Hasidaeis.
P. Slevogti Disputatio de Metempsychosi Hebraeorum.
J. Triglandii Diatribe de Secta Karaeorum.
L. Warneri Dissert, de Karaeis.
R. A. Karaei Excerpta in Librum Josuae.
Institutio Karaeorum, ab Ugolino ex Heb. Lat. redd.
H. Relandi Dissert, de Samaritanis.
C. Cellarii Collectanea Ilistoriae Samaritanae.
Epistolae duae Sichemitarum ad Jobum Ludolfum.
J. Rhenferdii Dissert, de fictis Judaeor. Haeresibus.
Ejusdem Dissert, de Sethianis.
Ejusdem Dissert, de Redemptione Marcosiorum et Heracleonitarum.
p. Slevogti Dissert, de Proselytis Judaeorum.
J. G. JNluller Dissert, de Proseljtis.
J. Reiskii Dissert, de Baptismo Judaeorum.
J. A. Danzii Baptismus Proselytorum Judaicus.
J. Spenceri Dissert, de Lustrationibus et Purificationibus Hebraeorum.
J. H. Maii Dissert, de Lustrationibus et Purificationibus Hebraeorum
contra J. Spencerum.
Ejusdem de Purificatione mirabili singulari, et singulariter mirabili.
J. Spenceri Dissert, de Circumcisione.
S. Deylingii Observatio de Origine Circumcisionis Judaicae.
J. J. Quandt Dissert. deCultris Circumcisioriis et Secespitis Hebraeorum.
H. B. Gedaei Dissert, de Instrumento Circumcisionis a Zippora et Josua
G. Groddekii Dissert, de Judaeis Praeputium attrahentibus.
H. Lossii Dissert, de Epispasmo Judaico.
Vol. 23. J. Seldeni Syntag-mata duo de Diis Syriis.
A. Beyeri Additamenta ad Seldeni Syntagmata.
J. C. Wichmanshausen Dissert. 4. de Diyinationibus Babyloniorum.
J. Clodii Dissert, de Magia Sagittarum.
D. INIillii Dissert, de ms et maiN.
Ejusdem Dissert, de D''?2^a^^.
J. C. Wichmanshausen Dissert, de Theraphim.
A. PfeifFeri Exercitatio de Theraphim.
P. E. Jablonski Remphan, Egyptiorum Deus, ab Israelitis in deserto
cultus, nunc ex lingua et antiquitate ^Egyptiaca erutus et illustratus.
J. H. Maii Dissert, de Kijun et Remphan.
J. C. Schwabii Dissert, de Moloch et Remphan.
D. Millii Dissert, de Idolo nnx.
Ejusdem Dissert, de Bahalzebub et Miphlezeth.
Ejusdem Dissert, de Gad et Meni.
J. P. Lakmacheri Dissert, de Gad et Meni.
H. Relandi Dissert, de Diis Cabiris.
Z. B. Pochari Dissert, de Simulacris Solaribus Israelitarum.
J. Spenceri Dissert, de Tyriorum Gammadim et Hammanim.
F. INIayeri Dissert, de Idolo miTN.
G. F, Meinhardi Dissert, philolog. de Selenolatria.
J. Crausii Dissert, de Succoth Benoth.
D. Dietzschii Dissert, de Cultu Molochi.
C. S. Ziegra Dissert. 3. de crudelissima Liberorum Immolatione Molocho
C. G. Meyeri Dissert, de Hominibus Piacularibus.
T. Roser Dissert, de Dagone, Pbilistaeorum Idolo.
S. Deylingii Dissert, de Fletu super Thamuz.
T. Hasaei Diatribe de vera Origine et Signiticatione Vocis Astartes.
Job. a Lent Schediasma histor. philol. de Judieorum pseudo-Messiis.
D. Millii Dissert, de Mohamedismo ante Mohamedem.
Vol. 24. J. Spenceri Dissert, de Theocratia Judaiea.
C. Blechschmidii Dissert, de Theocratia in populo sancto instituta.
Deylingii Exercitatio de Israele, Jehovas Dominio.
T. Goodwini Dissert, de Theocratia Israelitarum.
J. E. Michaelis Dissert, philol. num Deus dicatur DTi'tk, &c.
H. Hulsii Dissert, de Jehova, Deo, Rege, ac Duce Militari in prisco
Ejusdem Dissert, de Sechinah, seu propinqua Dei in Israele Praesentia et
J. C. Danhaueri Politica Biblica.
H. Conringii Exerc. de Politia, sive de Rep. Heb.
C. B. Michaelis Dissert, philol. de Antiquitatibus (Economia; Patri-
\V. Schickardi Jus Regium Hebraeorum, cum notis J. B. Carpzovii.
R. J. Abarbiinelis Dissert, de Statu et Jure regio.
Ejusdem Dissert, de .ludicum et Regum DiflVrentia.
N. Serarii S. J. Herodes.
J. Harduini Prolusio de Nummis Herodiadum.
A. Calovii Dissert, historico-theologica de Statu Judaeorum Ecclesias-
tico et Politico, ab anno primo nativitatis Christi, usque ad excidium
J. Rhenferdii Dissert, de Arabarcha, vel Ethiiarchu Judaeorum.
p. Wesselingii Diatribe de Judaeorum Archoutibus, ad Inscriptionem
Vol. 25. I'ractatus de Synediiis, Ghemara Hierosol. illustratus ab Ugolino ex
Heb. Lat. redd.
Tractatus de Pccnis, Ghem. Hier, &c.
Traetatus de Synedriis Gbem. Babylon. &c.
J. Vorstii Dissert, de Sv'iiedriis Hebrajorum.
S. F. Bucheri Synedrium IMagnum.
H. Witsii Dissert, de Synedriis Hebrseorum.
J. D. Jacobi Dissert, de Foro in Portis.
Vol. 26. D. Henrici Dissert, de Judiciis Hebraeorum.
J. Nicolai Tract, de Synedrio iEgyptiorum.
J. B. Micbaelis Tract, de Judiciis Pcenisque capitalibus in S. Scriptura
F. W. Bierling Dissert, philolog. de veterum Hebraeorum, circa Vitulam
decollandam, Ritibus.
2E. Straucbii Dissert, de flagellandi Ritu apud Hebraeos.
J, J. Seyppelli Dissert, de flagellandi Ritu apud Romanes.
J. G. Bindrin, Dissert, de Gradibus Excommunicationis apud Hebraeos.
J. A. Osiandri Dissert, de Asjdis Hebraeorum.
J. Lydii Dissert, de Juramento.
J. Nicolai Diatribe de Juramentis Hebraeorum, Graecorum, Romanorum,
aliorumque I'opulorum.
J. Seldeni Dissert, de Juramentis.
B. L. Molembecii Dissert, de Juramento per Genium principis.
J. Spenceri Dissert, de Juramento per Anchialum.
J. C. Miegii Constitutiones Servi Hebraei.
J. C. Wagenseilli Dissert, de Sceptro Juda. ad Genes, xlix,
P. Zomii Historia Fisci Judaici, sub Imperio veterum Romanorum.
Ejusdem de Patriarcharum Judaeorum Auro Coronario, sive Canone
D. S. Deylingii Observatio de Sceptro Judae, ad Genes, xlix.
Ejusdem de Judaeorum Jure Gladii, tempore Christi adloc. Job. xviii.
C. Cellarii Dissert, de Cn. Pompeii M. Expeditione Judaica.
Ejusdem Dissert, qua Flavii Joseplu de Herodibus Historia a voS-iia; con-
tra Job. Harduinum justis vindiciis asseritur et nummis antiquis con-
D. S. Deylingii Observatio de Familia et Genealogia Herodiadum.
Vol. 27. H. Relandi Oratio de Galli Cantu Hierosolymis audito.
J. G. Altmanni Observatio philol. de Gallicinio Hierosolymis in yEdi-
bus Pontificis audito.
J. C. Biel Animadversiones ad praecedentem Observationem.
AXiKTo^oipavia.; Evangelicae Significatio genuina defensa.
C. J. Ansaldi Liber de Forensi Judaeorum Buccina.
J. Lydii Syntagma sacrum de Re Militari, cum notis S. Van-Til.
J. A. Danzii Dissert, de Re INlilitari Hebraeorum.
J. C. Ortlob Conjectura de Scutis et Clypeis Hebraeorum.
J. B. Carpzovii Dissert, de Cretbi et Plethi.
H. Opitii Dissert, de Cretbi et Phletbi, Davidis et Salomonis Satellitio.
J. Seldeni de Jure Naturali et Gentium juxta Disciplinam Hebraeorum,
libri septem.
Vol. 28. J. G. Walchii Praefatio ad B. Beverini, &c.
B. Beverini Syntagma de Ponderibus et Mensuris.
J. C. Eisenscbidii Disquisitio de Ponderibus et Mensuris veterum Ro-
manorum, Graecorum, Hebraeorum, nee non de Valore Pecuniae veteris.
S. Epipbanii Liber de Ponderibus et Mensuris, Gr. et Lat.
D. Petavii Animadversiones ad eundum librum de Ponderibus et Mensuris.
O. Sperlingii Dissert, de Nummis non cusis, tarn veterum, quam recen-
H. Conringii Paradoxa de Nummis Hebraeorum.
S. Grsepii Dissert, de Multiplici Siclo et Talento Hebraeorum : item de
IVIensuris Hebraicis, tam aridorum, quam liquidorum.
D. Deylingii Observatio de Re Nummaria veterum Hebraeorum, &c.
A, Beyeri Siclus sacer, et regius appensus.
J. C. Kessler Oratio de Dimidio Siclo argenteo, sancto, lytro animarum
D. Wulferi Dissert, de Siclo.
J. H. Gradonici Dissert, de Siclo argenteo, &c.
J. Buxtorfii Dissert, de Literarum Hebraicarum genuina Antiquitate.
J. Harduiiii Expositio de 2 nummis Samaritanis.
Ejusdem Epis*ola de Nummis Samaritanis.
H. Relandi Dissert, de Nummis Samaritanis, item Epistola de Nummis
J. B, Ottii Epist. de quibusdam Nummis Samaritanis.
J. Gagnierii Epist. de Nummis Samaritanis.
C. D. Koch Dissert, de Nummorum Hebraicorum Inscriptionibus Sama-
H. Hottingeri Dissert, de variis Orientalium Inscriptionibus.
Ejusdem Dissert, de Nummis Orientalium.
J. Rhenferdi Periculum Phcenicium, sive Literaturae Phoeniciae eruendae
J. C. Harembergii Observatio Critica de poan ,p3"n ,p3-nN.
J. B. Carpzovii Disput. de Nummis, Effigiem Moysis cornutam exhi-
S. Schmidt Disput. de Drachmis a Christo solutis.
Vol. 29. Ugolini Comment, de Re Rustica veterum Hebraeorum.
C. Schoetgenii Antiquitates Triturae in S. L. occurrentes.
C. L. Hoheisel Disput. pliilol. de INIolis manualibus veterum.
F. L. Goetzii Dissert, de Molis et Pistriuis veterum.
P. Zornii Dissert, de Hortis Opobalsami.
J. G. Schelhornii Dissert, de D"JT bvbv ad Job. xl.
J. Hasaei Dissert, de D*3i bvVy et D-SDS bvbv.
T. Hasaei Supplement, ad praecedentem Dissertat.
P. Zornii Dissert, de veterum Hebraeorum hibernis et aestivis Domibus.
J. C. Harembergii Observatio de Dome inducta Minio.
C. Schoetgenii Antiquitatis Fulloniae.
M. H. Scharbau Dissert, de Luxu Hebraeorum.
P. Lyseri Dissert. ])hilol. de D-Day, &c.
J. C. Biel Dissert, de Purpura Ljdia, ad Actorum xvi.
G. Altmanni ad dictum locum Act. de Lvdia Th3'atirensi Observationes.
.r. C. Biel Animadversiones ad Altman. de Lj^dia Thyatirensi.
J. Hasaei Dissert, de Inquinatis Sardiensium Vestimentis ad illustra-
tionem loci Apoc. iii.
C. F. Pezoldi Dissert, de promiscua Vestium utriusque Sexus Usurpatione.
J. Schmidii Dissert, historica de Usu Vestium albarum.
E. R. Rot Exercitatio historica de Velamine Capitis virilis.
F. Bucheri Dissert, de Velato Hebraeorum Gynaeceo.
J. D'Outreiiiii Dissert, philologico-theologicade velando Capite Muliebri
propter Angelos, &c.
G. Croesii Cogitationes de eadem re.
J. D'Outreinii in easdem Cogitationes Epicrisis.
A. Bynaei de Calceis Hebraeorum Libri duo.
A. Plathneri Dissert, de Sandaligerulis Hebraeorum.
,1. G. Carpzovii Discalceatio religiosa in loco sacro.
J. C. Wichmanshausen Dissert, de Calceo Hebraeorum in Sacris depo-.
C. Sagittarii Dissert, de Nudipedalibus veterum.
J. Q. Hedeni Scissio A'estium Hebraeisac Gentilibus usitata.
.r. Rliorenseensii de Ritu scindendi Vestes.
Vol. 30. J. Buxtorfii Dissert, de Sponsalibus et Divortiis.
B. Ugolini Uxor Hebraea.
Tractatus Kidduscim, seu de Sponsalibus, Ghemara Hier. illustratus, ah
Ugolino ex Heb. I.at. redd.
Tractatus Sotah, seu de Muliere Adulterii suspecta, Ghem. Hier. iS:c.
Tractatus Chethubotli, seu de Dotibus, Ghem., \c.
T. Dassovii \'iduu Hebraea.
G. Groddeldi Exercitatio de antiquorum Hebraeorum Purgationibiis
G. F. Gudii Exercitatio philol. de Ilobraica Obstetricum Origine.
.T. B. Carpzovii Exercitatio de Cliu]>pa Hebra'orum.
J. Buxtorlii Dissert, de Conviviis veterum lIehr
Unitas Fratrum. (History of Greenland.)
Loskiel's (G. H.) History of the Mission of the United Brethren among
the Indians of North America, translated by C. J. Latrobe. 3 parts
in one vol. 8vo. London, 1794.
Mahommedan and Pagan Religions.
Butler's (Charles) Connected Series of Notes on the Koran, Zend-avesta,
Vedas, Kings, and Edda ; the sacred books of the Mahometans,
Hindus, Parsees, Chinese, and Scandinavians. (Horse Biblicae,
Vol. n.)
The Koran ; or, Alcoran of Mohammed, translated, with Notes and a
Preliminary Discourse on Mohammedism, &c. by Geo. Sale. 2 vols.
8vo. London, 1795.
Mishcat-ul-Masabih ; or, a Collection of the most authentic Traditions
regarding the Actions and Sayings of Muhammed ; exhibiting the
Origin of the Manners and Customs, the civil, religious, and military
Policy of the Musslemans, [and forming a Supplement to the Koran] ;
translated from the Arabic by Captain Matthews. 2 vols. 4to. Cal-
cutta, 1809.
Galland, Recueil des Rits et Ceremonies du Pelerinage de la Mecque,
auquel on a joint divers Ecrits relatifs a la Religion, aux Sciences, et
aux Moeurs des Turcs. 12mo. Amst. 1754.
White's Comparison of Mahometism and Christianity. (Bampton Lec-
Faber's (Geo. Stanley) Origin of Pagan Idolatry, ascertained from his-
torical Testimony and circumstantial Evidence. 3 vols. 4to. Lon-
don, 1816.
Christie's (James) Essay on the earliest Species of Idolatry, the Worship
of the Elements. 4to. Norivich, \S14.
Banier (I'Abbe), la Mythologie et les Fables expliquees par I'Histoire.
3 vols. 4to. Paris, 1738-40.
Bryant's (Jacob) New System or Analysis of Ancient Mythology. 3 vols.
D'Hancarville, Systeme de la Mythologie. (Antiquities.)
Millin, Galerie Mythologique. (Antiquities.)
Faber (Geo. S.) on the Mysteries of the Cabiri ; or, the Great Gods of
Phoenicia, Samothrace, Egypt, and Greece. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford,
Bell's (John) New Pantheon ; or, Historical Dictionary of Gods, Heroes,
&c. of Antiquity. 2 vols, in one, 4to. London, 1790.
Dictionary of Polite Literature ; or. Fabulous History of Heathen Gods
and Heroes. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1804.
Lenoir (Alex.), la Mythologie des Egyptiens et des Grecs. (Explication
des Hieroglyphes.)
Ahmad ben Abubekr's Account of the Egyptian Priests, their Classes,
Initiation, and Sacrifices. (Ancient Alphabets.)
ChampoUion (J, F.), Pantheon Egyptien, Collection des Personnages
Mythologiqucs de I'Ancienne Egypte, d'apres les Monumens ; avec
un lexte explicatif. 4to. Parts I. -XV. Paris, 1825.
Aristoteles de Dlvinftm Sapientia secimdiim ^gyptos. (Opera, Vol. II.)
Hyde (Thomee) Veterum Persarum, et Parthorum, et Medorum Ileligionis
Historia, Zoroastris Vitam et Prsecepta seu Canones complectens,
ejusdem et aliorum Vaticinia de Messiah, primitivas Opiniones de
Deo, orig. Orient. Sibyllse, &c. 4to. Oxonii, 1760.
Zoroastre le Zend-Avesta ; ouvrage contenant les Idees Theologiques,
Physiques, et Morales, de ce Legislateur, les Ceremonies du Culte
Religieux qu'il a ^tabli, et plusieurs Traits importans relatifs a I'An-
cienne Histoire des Perses ; traduit sur I'original Zend avec des
Remarques, et accompagnes de plusieurs Traites propres a eclaircir
les matieres qui en sont I'objet, par Anquetil du Perron. 3 vols.
4to. Paris, 1771.
Selden (Jo.) de Diis Syriis. (Opera, Vol. II.)
Oupnek'-hat (id est, secretum tegendum), opus continens antiquam et
arcanam, seu theologicam et philosophicam Doctrinam e IV. Sacris
Indorum Libris excerptam ; studio et opera Anquetil du Perron,
2 vols. 4to. Argent, 1801-2.
Moor's (Edw.) Hindu Pantheon. 4to. Lo)ido7i, 1810.
Carwithen on the Brahminical Religion. (Bampton Lectures.)
Confucius Sinarum Philosophus ; sive, Scientia Sinensis Latine exposita,
studio et opera P.P. Soc. Jesu. Folio. Parisiis, 1687.
Catechism of the Shamans ; or, the Laws and Regulations of the Priest-
hood of Buddha in China. Translated from the Chinese original,
with Notes and Illustrations by C. F. Newmann. 8vo. London, 1831.
Edda Seemundar Hinns Froda ; Edda Rhythmica seu Antiquior, vulgo
Ssemundina dicta; Odas Mythologicas, a Resenio non editas, e^x
Cod. Perg. Bib. Reg. Hafniensis et aliorum, cum Interpret. Latina,
Lectionibus variis, Notis, Glossario Vocum, et Indice Rerum. Sumpt.
Legati Magnseani et Gydendalii. 4to. Hafnice, 1787.
The Edda ; or. System of Runic Mythology, and other Pieces, from the
ancient Islandic Tongue, from the French of Mallet ; with additional
Notes by the English Translator [Bp. Percy], and Goranson's Latin
version of the Edda. (Mallet's Northern Antiquities, Vol. II.)
Rowland's (Thos.) Account of the Ancient Druids of the Isle of Mona or
Anglesey, to the Dissolution of their Hierarchy. (Mona Antiqua.)
Davies' (Edward) Mythology and Rites of the British Druids, ascertained
by National Documents, and compared with the general Traditions
and Customs of Heathenism ; with an Appendix of ancient British
Poems and Extracts, and some Remarks on ancient British Coins.
Royal 8vo. Loridon, 1809.
Butler's (Charles) Horse Juridical Subsecivae ; a Connected Series of
Notes respecting the Geography, Chronology, and Literary History
of the Grecian, Roman, Feudal, and Canon Law. Large paper,
royal 8vo. London, 1807.
Camus, Lettres sur la Profession d'Avocat, et Biblotb^que choisie des
Livres de Droit. Augmentee par Dupin. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris,
Platonis Minos ; sive, de Legibus. (Opera.)
Cicero de Legibus. (Opera.)
Montesquieu (C. de), de I'Esprit des Loix, et Ten Defense ; avec I'Eloge
de I'Auteur et Analyse de I'Ouvrage, par D'Alembert. 4 vols. 12mo.
Paris, 1805.
Harrington's (James) Art of Lawgiving. (Works.)
Filangieri (Gaet.), la Sienza della Legislatione. 6 vols. 8vo. Milano,
Bentham's (Jeremy) Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Le-
gislation. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1823.
Grotii (Hug.) de Jure Belli ac Pacis Lib. HI. ; cum Annotat. Variorum
et J. F. Gronovii; accesserunt Diss, de Mare Libero, et Libellus sing,
de jEquitate, Indulgentia, et Facilitate. 8vo, large paper. Am-
stelod. ex Off. Wetstenianu, 1712.
Grotius (H.) de Jure Belli ac Pacis ; cum Notis, ex altera recensione Jo,
Barbeyracii. 8vo. Amst. 1735.
Puftendorf (S.) de Officio Hominis et Civis secundilm Legem Natu-
ralem ; cum Obs, et Annot. C. Barbeyracii et variorum. 2 vols, roy,
8vo. large paper. Lugd. Bat. 1769.
Wolfii (Christ.) Institutiones Juris Naturse et Gentium. Svo. Halce,,
Burlamaqui (J. J.), Principes du Droit de la Nature et des Gens, avec la
Suite du Droit de la Nature; le tout augmente par De Felice. 8 vols,
8vo. Yverdon, 1766-68.
Vattel (E. de), le Droit des Gens, ou Principes de la Loi Naturelle
appliquee a la conduite et aux Affaires des Nations et des Souverains^
augmentee, revue, et corrigee. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1820.
Selden (Jo.) de Jure Naturali et Gentium, juxta Disciplinam Hebrse-
orum. (Opera, Vol. I.)
[Mably], le Droit Public de I'Europe, fonde sur les Traites. 3 vols.
12mo. Geneve, 1776.
Koch, Histoire Abrege des Traites de Paix entre les Puissances de
I'Europe depuis la Paix de Westphalie, revue et augmentee par
Schoell jusqu'a 1815. 15 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1817-18.
Rymer (Thomse) Fojdera, Conventiones, Litterse, et cujuscunque generis
Acta Publica inter Reges Anglisc et alios ab anno 1101. (Eng.
Documentary History.)
Montagu's (Edward Wortley) Reflections on the Rise and Fall of the
Ancient Republicks, adapted to the present state of Great Britain.
Svo. Lond. 1769.
Young on the Principles, Policy, and Practice of Republican Govern-
ments. (Hist, of Athens.)
Adams's (.lohn) History of the principal Republics in the World. 3 vols.
Svo. Lo7id. 1794."
Humbert, Manuel du Publiciste et de THomme d'Etat, contenant les
Chartes et les Lois Fondamentelles, &c., et tout ce qui est relatif aux
Constitutions de I'Ancien et du Nouveau Monde. 4 vols. 8vo.
Rouen, 1826.
Temple's (Sir W.) Survey of the Constitutions and Interests of the Em-
pire, Sweden, Denmark, Spain, Holland, France, and Flanders ;
with their Relation to England in 1671. (Works, Vol. II.)
Grotius (H.) de Mare Libero, et P. Merula de Maribus. 24mo. Lugd.
Bat. 1635.
Selden (Jo.) Mare Clausum ; seu, de Dominio Maris, ex Jure Naturae seu
Gentium, &c. (Opera, Vol. II.)
Azuni, Origine et Progres du Droit et de la Legislation Maritime, avec
des Observations sur le Consulat de la Mer, Bvo. Paris, 1810.
*," For Mosaic and Jewish Law — see " Biblical Antiquities."
Leges Atticse, Gr. et Lat. ; collegit et Comment, illustravit S. Petit,
cum Observationibus Wesselingii et variorum. Folio. Lugd. Bat.
The Speeches of Isseus, in causes concerning the Lavi' of Succession to
Property at Athens. (Sir W. Jones's Works, Vol. IV.)
Chapman (T.) on the Roman Senate. 8vo, large paper. Lond. 1750.
Gravinse (Jo. V.) Origines Juris Civilis ; seu, de Ortu et Progressu Juris
Civilis ; cum Notis Mascovii. 4to. LipsicB , \7 37 .
Savigny's History of the Roman Law during the Middle Ages ; trans-
lated from the German by E. Cathcart. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1830.
Waltheri (J. L.) Lexicon Juridicum, Indices utriusque Juris exhibens
locupletissimos. 8vo. Franco/. 1754.
Taylor's (John) Elements of Civil Law. 4to. London, 1756.
Pontes IV. Juris Civilis in unum collectae ; puta. Leges XII. Tab. et Leges
Juliae et Papiae Fragmenta ; cum Notis; Edicti perpetui ut et Sabi-
nianorum librorum ordo seriesque. Edente Jac. Gothofredo. 4to.
Genevas, 1653.
Jurisprudentia Vetus antfe Justinianea, ex recensione et cum Notis Schul-
tingii. Nova coUata cum Codd. MSS. de illustratione Juris Civihs
Antiqui, ex lectione classicorum ; prsefatus est D. G. H. Ayrer. 4to.
Lijjsice, 1737.
Continens — Quae supersunt ex Caii Inst. Lib. IV.
Pauli Sententiarum receptarum lib. V.
Fraprmentuni ex Institut. Lib. 11,
Tituli ex corpore LUpiani XXIX.
Codd. Gregoriani et liermogeniani Fragmenta.
]\Iosaicarum et Romanarum Legum Collatio, cum quibusdam aliis
Consultatio Veteris cujusdam .Turisconsulti.
Papiani Tlesponsorum liber.
Dosithei Magistri Liber UI. Gr. et Lat.
Codex Theodosianus ; cum perpet. Commentariis J. Gothofredi. Editio
emendata et Observationibus aucta a J. D. Rittero. 6 vols, folio,
Lipsicp, 1736-45.
Theodosiani Codicis Fragmenta inedita ; ex Codice palimpsesto Bib.
R. Tauriniensis Athensei in lucem protulit atque illustravit A. Peyron.
4to. August(B Taur. 1824.
Theodosiani Codicis genuina Fragmenta, ex Membranis Bib. Ambro-
siana3 Mediolanensis ; nunc primilm edidit W. F. Classius. 8vo. Tu-
bmgce, 1824.
Theodosiani Codicis libri V. priores.; recognovit, additamentis insignibus
a W. F. Classio, et A. Peyron repertis aUisque auxit ; Notis Subitaneis
turn criticis turn exegeticis, nee non quadruplici Appendice, instruxit
C. F. C. Wenck. 8vo. Lipsi(B, 1825.
Leges Novellaj V., Anecdotse Imper. Theodosii Junioris, et Valentini-
ani III. ; cum cseterarum etiam Novellarum editarum Titulis, &c.,
studio J. C. Amadutii. Folio. RomcB, 1767.
Justinianse Institutiones. Additi sunt Tituli Digestor. de Verborum Sio:ni-
ficatione et Regulis Juris. 32mo, large paper. Lugd. Bat. ap Dan.
a Gaesbeeck, 1678.
Justiniani Imp. Corpus Juris Civilis ; cum Notis D, Gothofredi et vario-
rum, ex editione S. Van Leeuwen. 2 vols, folio. Lugd. Bat. Elzev.
Voet (J. E.) Commentarius ad Pandectas. 2 vols, folio. Hagce-Comit.
Wieling (Abr.) Jurisprudentia Restituta ; sive, Index Chronologicus in
totum Juris Justinianaei Corpus, ad modum J. Labitti, &c. nova tamen
et faciliore methodo collectus. 8vo. Amstelod. Mil .
Accesserunt — J. Labitti Usus Pandectarum, cnm Notis W. ScLmauccii.
H. Hahn de Usu Clironologiac in Jure.
H. Brencmann de Legum Inscriptionibus.
B, H. Reinoldi Oratio de Inscriptionibus Legum Dig. et Cod.
BASIAIKflN Libri LX. ; Car. A. Fabrotus Latine vertit et Grsec^ edidit.
7 vols. foHo. Paris, 1647.
BASIAIKflN Supplementum, continens Libros IV. Basilicorum, 49-.52 ;
Gr. et Lat. vertit et castigavit Ruhnkenius. Folio. Lugd. Bat.
Constitutiones Vetustse Imperatorum, ex MS. a J. B. Schiltero. (Schil-
teri Thes. Vol. II.)
Lindenbrogii (F.) Codex Legum Antiquarum, in quo continentur Leges
Wisigothorum, Edictum Theodorici Regis, Lex Burgundiorum,
Salica, Almannorum, Bajuvariorum ; Decretum Tassilonis Ducis,
Leges Ripuariorum, Saxonum, Anglorum, et Werinorum, Frisorum,
Longobardorum ; Capitularia Caroli Magni, &c. Folio. Franco/.
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scriptus. Recensuit et Editioni paravit Jo. Schilterus. Adjuncta
est accurata subnotatio variationum insignium ex edit. Heraldi et ex
aliis vetustis Cod. Accedit pactus Legis Salicse textus recentior,
Notis Baluzii, Pithoei, Bignonii. (Schilteri Thes. Vol. II.)
Jus Provinciale Alemannicum, ex Cod. MS. Membr. Dni. R. KrafFt.
Lectiones variantes excerpsit et Latinam versionem juxtatextum dona-
vit, Notis illustrat. B. Schilterus. (Schilteri Thes. Vol. II.)
Jenichen (G, A.) Thesaurus Juris Feudalis, continens optima atque
selectissima Opuscula, quibus Jus Feudale explicatur. 3 vols. 4to.
Francnf. 1750.
Beccaria's (Marquis) Essays on Crimes and Punishments, translated,
with the Commentary by Voltaire, 8vo. Lond. 1804,
Montagu (Basil), the Opinions of different Authors upon the Punishment
of Death. 3 vols. 8vo. Zo«rf. 1809-13.
Corpus Juris Canonici ex Edit, et cum Notis P. et F. Pithseorum, cura
Fr. Desmares. 2 vols, folio. Parisiis, 1687.
Selden (Jo.) Uxor Ebraica ; seu, de Nuptiis et Divortiis ex Jure Civili, id
est, Divino et Talmudico, Vet. Ebrseorum. (Opera, Vol. II.)
Milton's (John) Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce restored from the
Bondage of the Canon Law, and other mistakes, to the Meaning of
True Scripture; — the Judgment of Martin Bucer concerning Divorce;
— Tetrachordon ; Expositions upon the four chief places of Scripture
that treat of Marriage ; — Colasterion ; a Reply to a Nameless Answer
against the Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce. (Prose Works, 4to.
Vol. I.; 8vo. Vols. I. and II.)
Public and Constitutional Law.
Smith (Sir Thomas) De Republica Anglorum : the Manner of Govern-
ment or Policie of the Realme of England, iljlatfe UttCC. 4to.
London, by Henrie Middleton, 1583.
The first published Work on the English Government.
Acherley (Roger), The Britannic Constitution ; or, Fundamental Form
of Government in Britain. Folio. London, ll'il .
De Lolme (J. L.), the Constitution of England ; or, an Account of the
English Government. 8vo. London, 1807.
Wentworth (Peter), a Pithie Exhortation to her Majestic for establishing
her successor to the crowne ; whereunto is added, a Discourse con-
taining the Author's opinion of the true and lawful successor to her
Majestie ; [wherein the title is briefly and plainely set down. Dol-
man's objections refuted, and inconveniences removed.] Small Bvo.
Imprinted {abroad) 1598.
The " Exhortation" was presented in 1593 as a supplication to the Queen, and
cost its author an imprisonment in the Tower. Both were now first printed
with a view to favour James's succession.
[Hearne's (Thomas)] Vindication of those who take the Oath of Alle-
giance to his present Majestie, from Perjurie, Injustice, and Dis-
loyaltie, charged upon them by such as are against it. Royal 8vo,
large paper, port, by Vertue. {Oxford], printed 1731.
Harrington's (James) Grounds and Reasons of Monarchy considered ;
Answer to Wren's Monarchy asserted ; and Letters and Answer to
Stubbs and Rogers. (Works.)
Milton (John), the Tenure of Kings and Magistrates ; proving that it is
lawful to call to account a Tyrant or Wicked King. (Prose Works,
4to, Vol. I.; 8vo, Vol. III.)
Milton (J.) Defcnsio pro Populo Anglicano, contra Salmasium ; De-
fcnsio secunda contra X. Morum, pro sc Defensio contra idem liber,
et ad A. Mori Supplemcntum Responsio. (Prose Works, 4to.
Vol. II.; 8vo. Vol. V.)
Philippi (Jo.) Responsio ad Apologiam anonymi cujusdam Teiiebrionis
pro Rege et Populo Ans^licano infantissimam. (Milton's Prose
Works, 4to. Vol II. ; 8vo. Vol. V.)
Cruise (W.) on the Origin and Nature of Dignities and Titles of Honour.
Royal 8vo. London, 1823.
Betham's (Sir W.) Dignities, Feudal and Parliamentary ; the Constitu-
tional Leaislature of the United Kingdom ; the Nature and Functions
of the Aula Regis; the Magna Concilia and the Communia Concilia
of England, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1831.
Selden (Jo.) on the Office of Lord Chancellor of England. (Works,
Vol. III.)
Selden's (J.) Privileges of the Baronage of England. (Works, Vol. III.)
The Antiquity, Power, Order, State, Manner, Persons, and Proceedings
of the High Court of Parliament, by Agarde, Tate, Camden, &c.
(Curious Discourses, Vol. I.)
Ralegh's (Sir W.) Prerogative of Parliaments in England ; proved in a
Dialogue between a Counsellor of State and a Justice of Peace.
(Works, Vol. VIII.)
Prynne's (W.) Soveraigne Power of Parliaments and Kingdomes ; with
an Appendix, wherein the superiority of our owne, and most other
foraine Parliaments, States, &c. (collectively considered) over and
above their lawful Kings, is abundantly evidenced. 4to. Lond. 1643.
Selden (John) of the Judicature in Parliament. (Works, Vol. III.)
Dugdale's (Sir W.) Perfect Copy of all Summons of the Nobility to the
Great Councils and Parliaments of England, from 49th of Henry III.
until these times. Folio. London, 1685.
Palgrave's (Francis) Parliamentary Writs, and Writs of Military Sum-
mons ; together with the Records and Muniments relating to the
Suit and Service due and performed to the King's High Court of
Parliament and the Councils of the Realm, or affording Evidence of
attendance given at Parliaments and Councils. 2vols. fol. Lond. 1827.
Harrington (James), a Word concerning a House of Peers. (Works.)
Stillingfleet (Bp.) on the Bishops' Right to vote in Parliament in Cases
capital. (Works, Vol. III.)
Hatsell's (John) Precedents of Proceedings in the House of Commons,
with Observations. 4 vols. 4to. London, 1796.
History and General Treatises of the Lazv of England.
Herbert's (W.) Concise History of English Law. (Antiquities of Inns
of Court.)
Selden (Jo.) Analectox Anglo-Britannicon ; quibus ea maxime
quae ad Civilem illius, quse jam Anglia dicitur, Mag. Brit, antiquitus,
Administrationem, Statiisque Catastrophas usque ad Normanni ad-
ventum attinet. (Opera, Vol. II.)
Dugdale's (Sir Wm.) Origines Juridicales ; or, Historical Memorials
of the English Laws, Courts of Justice, Forms of Tryall, Punish-
ments in Cases criminal. Law Writers, Law Books, Innes of Court
and Chancery ; also, a Chronology of the Lord Chancellors, Judges,
&c. Folio. First edition. London, 1666.
Seidell's (Jo.) England's Epinomis ; — Notes on Sir John Fortescue de
Laudibus Legum Angliae, and on Sir Ralph de Hengham's Summae.
(Works, Vol. III.)
Wynne's (Edward) Eunomus ; or, Dialogues concerning the Law and
Constitution of England. 2 vols. 8vo. Lo7id. \S09.
Lambardi (Gul.) APXAIONOMIA ; sive, de Priscis Anglorum Legibns
Libri, Saxonic^ et Latin^. 4to. Herbert's copy. Lond.J. Daii,\568.
Selden (Jo.) Janus Anglorum, a primo Henrici II. ad usque abitionem
quod occurrit prophanum Anglo-Britannise Jus resipiens. (Opera,
Vol. II.)
Selden (J.) Dissertatio ad Jus Angl. Vet. Fletam dictum. (Opera,
Vol. II.)
Leges Anglo -Saxonicse Eccl. et Civiles. Accedunt Leges Edwardi,
Guilielmi Conquest., et Henrici I. Subjungitur H. Spelmanni Codex
Legum Vet. Stat. Regni Anglise ad Hen. HI. Praemit. Dissert.
Guil. Nicolsoni de Jure Feudali Vet. Saxonum. Notas, Vers., et
Gloss, adjecit David Wilkins. Folio. Lond.\12\.
Leges Wallicse Eccles. et Civilis Hoel Boni, Wal. et Lat. ; cum Notis
Guil. Wottoni. Folio. London, 1730.
Coke's (Sir Edward) Four Institutes of the Laws of England ; or, a
Commentary upon Littleton's Tenures, &c. ; with Notes by Charles
Butler and Francis Hargrave. 6 vols. roy. 8vo. London, 1817.
Blackstone's (Sir W.) Commentaries on the Laws of England ; with Notes
by J. T. Coleridge. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1825.
Jacob's (Giles) Law Dictionary, improved by T. E. Tomkins. 2 vols.
4to. London, 1820.
Comyn's (Sir John) Digest of the Laws of England ; with Additions by
Ant. Hammond. 8 vols, royal 8vo. London, 1822.
Statute Law.
Magna Charta Regis Johannis, A. D. M.CCXV. Et Conventio inter
Regem Johannem et Barones. Folio. Londini, apud J. Whittaker,
On vellum printed in gold, and one of the. copies sumptuously ornamented
with emblematical and grotesquely ])ainted margins, containing the arms
and banners of tlie barons emblazoned in their proper colours ; with por-
traits of King John, George lY. (to whom, as Prince Regent, the work was
dedicated), ixc, and a representation of John affixing his signature to the
charter ; all richly executed in body colours on the vellum, in the highest
style of miniature paintings. Miss Currer's genealogical escutcheon on
the first leaf. Splendidly and appropriately bound in blue morocco by
Whittaker, and enclosed in a case.
The Boke of Magna Charta, with divers Statutes, translated out of
Latyn and French into Englyshe by George Ferrers. 9CJ(acfe letter,
small 8vo. Lond. by Rob. Redman, 1534.
Johnson's (Samuel) History and Defence of Magna Charta ; with an In-
troductory Account of the Rise and Progress of National Freedom.
Also the Liberties which are confirmed by the Bill of Rights, and an
Essay on Parliaments. 8vo. London, 1772.
The Statutes of the'Realm, printed, by authority, from original Records
and authentic MSS. ; with Indexes alphabetical and chronological.
11 vols, folio. {London^, 1810, &c.
Customanj Law and Laws of Proj)erty.
Somner's (W.) Treatise of Gavel Kind; with sundry emergent Observa-
tions, both pleasant and profitable to be known, of Kentish Men, and
of the Ancient Custume or the Common Law of this Kingdom ; with
Life of the Author by Bp. White Kennet. 4to. Lond. 1726.
Ritson's (J.) Jurisdiction of the Court Leet exemplified. 8vo. Lond. 1809.
Nicolson's (Bp. Wm.) Leges Marchiarum ; or, Border Laws ; containing
several original Articles and Treatises for the better preservation of
Peace upon the Marches, from the reign of Henry III. to the Union
of the Crowns in King James L Svo. London, 1705.
Johnson's (J.) View of the Jurisprudence of the Isle of Man ; with the
History of its Ancient Constitution, Legislative Government, Extra-
ordinary Privileges, &c. Svo. Edinburgh, 1811.
Ralegh (Sir W.), of Tenures which were before the Conquest. (Works,
Vol. VIII.)
Blount's (Thomas) Fragmenta Antiquitatis ; or. Ancient Tenures of Land
and Jocular Customs of Manors; with Additions by J. Beckwith.
4to. Lond. 1815.
Dalrymyle's (Sir John) History of Feudal Property in Great Britain.
12mo. Lond. 1759.
Cruise's (W.) Digest of the Laws of England respecting Real Property.
6 vols, royal 8vo. Londoti, 1824.
Sugden (Sir E.) on the Law of Vendors and Purchasers of Estates.
Royal Svo. London, 1826.
Cootc (R. H.) on the Law of Mortgage ; with an App. of Precedents.
Royal Svo. London, 1827.
Scriven (J.) on Copyholds, Customary Freeholds, Ancient Demesne, &c.
^ vols. Svo. Lond. 1823.
Justiciary, Parochial, and Criminal Law.
Burn's (Richard) Justice of the Peace and Parish-Officer, by Sir G. Chet-
wynd. 5 vols. Svo. London, 1825.
Nolan's (Mich.) Treatise of the Laws for the Relief and Settlement of the
Poor. 3 vols, Svo. London, 1825.
Jones' (Sir W.) Essay on the Law of Bailments. (Works, Vol. VI.)
Tomlins' (H. N.) Digest of the Criminal Statute Laws of England.
2 vols, royal Svo. London, 1819.
Gary's (H.) Law of Jury and Jurors, as amended by 6 Geo. IV, 12mo.
London, 1826,
Smith's (J. G.) Principles of Forensic Medicine applied to British Prac-
tice, Svo, Lo7id. 1824,
Ecclesiastical and Miscellaneous Lara.
Gibson's (Edmund) Codex Juris Ecclesiastici Anglicani : or, the Statutes,
Constitutions, Canons, Rubricks, and Articles of the Church of Eng-
land: with a Commentary historical and juridical, and an Introduction
on the present state of the Power, Discipline, and Laws of the Church
of England, 2 vols, folio. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1761,
Burn's (Richard) Ecclesiastical Law ; with Additions by R. Philip
Tyrwhitt. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1824.
Bearblock (James) on Tythes ; with an Estimate of Titheable Articles,
and the Modes of compounding for them. 8vo. Lond. 1818.
Selden's (John) History of Tythes, and Tracts relative to it. (Works,
Vol. III.)
Selden (J.), of the Original of Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction of Testaments.
(Works, Vol. III.)
Liber Niger Scacarii, e codice Ri. Gravesii nunc primum edidit Tho.
Hearnius. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxonii, 1728.
Madox's (Tho.) History and Antiquities of the Exchequer of the Kings
of England, from the Norman Conquest to the end of the reign of
Edward II., taken from the Records. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1769.
Bacon's (Lord) Judicial Tracts and Charges. (Works, Vols. VI. and
VII.); Law Tracts. (Works, Vol. XIII.)
Scottish Laxo.
Bell's (G. J.) Principles of the Law of Scotland. 8vo. Edinburgh,
Bell's (G. J.) Dictionary of the Law of Scotland ; to which is annexed,
Skene de Verborum Significatione. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1826.
Dalrymple's (Sir D.) Examination of some of the Arguments for the
high Antiquity of Regiam Majestatem, and an Inquiry into the Au-
thenticity of Leges Malcolmi. (Hailes's Scottish Tracts.)
Regiam Majestatem; the Auld Lawes and Constitutions of Scotland, fra
the Dayes of Malcolm II. untill the Time of James I,, translated out
Latine into Scottish Language by Sir John Skene. Folio. Edhi-
burgh, 1609.
Foreign Law.
Coras (Jean de), Arrest Memorable du Parlcment de Toulouse, pro-
nonce Sep. 12, 1560; contenant une Histoire prodigieuse d'un sup-
pose Mary [Martin Guerre] advenuc de nostre temps : enrichie de
CXI. belles et doctes Annotations. Small 8vo. Paris, Du Pre, 1572.
Jones (Sir W.), the Mahommedan Law of Succession to Property of In-
testates ; — Al Sira'jiyyah; or, the Mahommedan Law of Inheritance.
(Works, Vol. III.)
Jones' (Sir W.) Institutes of Hindu Law; or, the Ordinances of Menu,
according to the Gloss of Calluca. (Works, Vol. III.)
Jones' (Sir W.) Extracts from the Vcdas. (Works, Vol. VI.)
Ta Tsing Leu Lee ; being the Fundamental Laws, and a Selection from
the Statutes, of the Penal Code of China; translated from the Chi-
nese, with illustrative Appendix, Notes, &c. by Sir Geo. Staunton.
4to. London, 1810.
Tntroductory Treatises, S^c.
Bacon's (Lord) Advancement of Learning. (Works, Vol. IL)
Bacon (Ld.) de Augmentis Scientiarum. (Works, Vols. VIIL and
Bacon (Ld.) Novum Organum. (Works, Vols. IX. and XIV.)
Borde (Andrew), the Boke of the Introduction of Knowledge. [Re-
print edited by W. Upcott, Esq.] 93Iatfe letter, 4to. Lond. 1814.
Bartholomei (Fratris) [de Glanvilla] Anglici Tractatus de Proprietati-
bus Rerum. Folio, black letter. Impressus sub die vero Decem-
bri X. anno M.CCCC.LXXXII.
Encyclopaedia Britannica ; or, a Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and Mis-
cellaneous Literature ; enlarged and improved. Sixth Edition, with
Supplement, containing Preliminary Dissertations on the History of
the Sciences, and Additions to former Editions. Edited by Macvey
Napier. 28 vols. 4to, Edinburgh, 1823, 4.
History of Philosoiihij and Philosophers.
Enfield's (William) History of Philosophy, from the earliest times to the
beginning of the present Century ; drawn up from the Historia Cri-
tica Philosophise of Brucker. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1819.
Buhle (J. C), Histoire de la Philosophie Moderne depuis la Renaissance
des Lettres jusqua Kant; precedee d'une Abrege de la Philosophie
depuis Thales jusqu'au XIV Siecle. Trad, de I'AUemand par Jour-
dan, 7 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1816-17.
Diogenis Laertii de Vitis, Dogmatibus, et Apothegmatibus clarorum Phi-
losophorum. (Classics.)
Gillies' (John) Critical History of the Life of Aristotle ; New Analysis of
his Speculative Works, and an Account of the Interpreters and Cor-
rupters of his Philosophy, in connexion with the History of the Times
in which they respectively flourished. (Aristotle's Ethics, and Politics.)
Gray (Thos.), some Account of the Dialogues and Epistles of Plato.
(Works, by Mathias, Vol. II.)
Spens (H.) on the Philosophy of the Ancients. (Plato.)
Ameer Khoawend Shah's Account of Philosophers, Persian and English.
(Gladwin's Persian Moonshee.)
Abercrombie's (John) Inquiries concerning the Intellectual Powers and
the Investigation of Truth. Bvo. Edinburgh, \83l.
Aristotelis Organon et Metaphysica. (Opera.)
Baxter's (Andrew) Inquiry into the Nature of the Human Soul, wherein
its Immateriality is evinced from the Principles of Reason and Philo-
sophy ; with Appendix. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1145-50.
Beattie (James), an Essay on the Nature and Immutability of Truth, in
opposition to Sophistry and Scepticism. 8vo. London, 1774.
Berkeley's (Bp.) Principles of Human Knowledge. (Works.)
Boyle (Hon. Robt.) on Things above Reason ; and whether a Philoso-
pher ought to admit there are any such. (Works, Vol. IV.)
Boyle's (Hon. R.) Free Inquiry into the received Notion of Nature, and
Disquisition about the Final Causes of Natural Things. (Works,
Vol. V.)
Brown's (SirThos.) Pseudodoxia Epidemica ; or. Inquiries into very many
received Tenets and commonly presumed Truths. (Works.)
Brown's (Prof. Thos.) Lectures on the Philosophy of the Human Mind.
4 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1824.
[Buck's (Ch.)] Philosophy of Human Nature; or, the Influence of Scenery
on the Mind and Heart. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1813.
BufFon, Histoire Naturelle de I'Homme. (Hist. Nat.)
Burke's (Edmund) Vindication of Natural Society. (Works, Vol. I.)
[Burton (Robert)], the Anatomy of Melancholy. Folio, front. Lond.
Ciceronis AcademicarumQusestiones ; — de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum ;
— ^Tusculanorum Qugestiones ; — Natura Deorum; — de Fato. (Opera.)
Confucius Sinarum Philosophus ; sive, Scientia Sinensis Latine exposita.
Cudworthi (Rudolphi) Systema Intellectuale. J. L. Mosheimius omnia ex
Anglico vertit, recensuit, variisque Observat. et Dissertat. illustravit et
auxit. Folio. Jence, 1733.
Cudworthi (R.) de iEterna et Immutabili Rei Moralis ; Latine vertit et
Notularum aliquid subjecit J. L. Mosheimius. (Syst. Int.)
Darwin's (Erasmus) Temple of Nature ; or, the Origin of Society, a
Poem; with Philosophical Notes. 4to. iondfon, 1803.
Harris's (James) Philosophical Arrangements. (Works, Vol. II.)
Hume's (David) Treatise of Human Nature ; being an Attempt to intro-
duce the experimental Methods of Reasoning into Moral Subjects.
2 vols. 8vo. London, 1817.
Hume (D.) on the Human Understanding, the Passions, and Natural
History of Religion. (Essays, Vol. II.)
Hamilton's (Eliz.) Series of Popular Essays, illustrative of Principles
connected witli the Improvement of the Understanding, the Imagina-
tion, and the Heart. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb. 1813.
Kaimes's (Henry Home, Lord) Sketches of the History of Man. 4 vols.
8vo. Edinb. 1788.
Locke's (J.) Essay concerning the Human Understanding, with De-
fences; and on the Conduct of the Understanding. (Works, Vols. I.
to III.)
Lucretius de Rcrum Natura. (Classics.)
Maximi Tyiii Dissertationes. (Classics.)
Monboddo's (James Burnett, Lord) Antient Metaphysics ; or, the Science
of Universals [containino; the History and Philosophy of Men], and
an Examination of the Principles of Sir Isaac Newton's Philosophy,
6 vols, in 3. 4to. Edinb. 1779-99.
Plato de Rebus Divinis, et Phsedo. (Opera.)
Ralegh's (Sir W.) Treatise on the Soul, and the Sceptic. (Works,
Vol. vni.)
Reynolds' (Bp. E.) Treatise on the Passions and Faculties of the Soul.
'(Works, Vol. VI.)
Reid's (Thomas) Essays on the Powers of the Human Mind. 3 vols.
8vo. Edinburgh, 1808.
Seneca de Consolatione, de Providentia, de Tranquillitate Animi, de
Sapientis Constantia, de Otio Sapientis, de Brevitate Vitae, de Bene-
ficiis, de Vita beata. (Opera.)
Stewart's (Dugald) Elements of the Philosophy of the Human Mind.
3 vols. 4to. London, 1792.
Stewart's (D.) Philosophical Essays. 4to. Edinhirgh, 1810.
Stillingfleet (Bp. E.) on the Human Understanding. (Works, Vol. III.)
Tucker's (Abraham) Light of Nature pursued. (Theology.)
Xenophontis de Socrate Commentarii, et Socratis Apologia. (Opera.)
Young's (Edward) True Estimate of Human Life, in which the Passions
are considered in a new Light. (Works, Vol. V.)
Zimmermann (M.) on Solitude, considered with respect to its Influence
on the Mind and Heart, from the French of J. B. Mercier. Royal
8vo. large paper. London, 1792.
Occult Philosophy, Physiognomy , &fc.
Agrippa's (Hen. Corn.) Three Books of Occult Philosophy, translated
out of Latin by J. F. 4to. London, 1651.
Antonini (Marci) Imperatoris ad Seipsum Lib. XII. (Classics.)
Artemidori Oneiocritica. (Classics.)
Cardanus Comforte, translated into Englishe [by — Bedingfielde], and
published by commaundement of the Earl of Oxenford. i^Iarl^ letter,
4to. London, by Tho. Mar she, 1573.
Censorinus de Die Natali. (Classics.)
Cicero de Divinatione ; Scipionis Somnium. (Opera.)
Glanvil's (Joseph) Sadducismus Triumphans ; or, a full and plain Evidence
concerning Witches and Apparitions ; with Dr. H. More's Letter to
the Author on this subject. 8vo. London, 1726.
Julius Obsequens de Prodigiis. (Valerius Max., Classics.)
Lilly's (Mr. William) History of his Life and Times, written by himself
to his friend Elias Ashmole ; containing an Account of Dr. Forman,
Dr. Napier, Dr. Booker, Dr. Dee, Kelly, and all other Astrologers
and Conjurers his contemporaries, &c. Small 8vo. London, 1715.
Lilly's (W.) jEnigmatical Types of the Future State of England ; Greb-
ner his Prophecy, and other English, Latin, Saxon, Welch, and
Scotish Prophecies. (Monarchy and No Monarchy)
[Loire's (Peter de)] Treatise of Specters or Straunge Sights, Visions, and
Apparitions, appearing sensibly unto Men ; wherein is delivered the
Nature of Spirits, Angels, and Divels, their Power and Properties ;
as also of Witches, Sorcerers, Enchanters, and such like. Newly
done out of French [by Zacharie Jones]. 4to. Lo?idon, 1605.
Richard (I'Abbe), Theorie des Songes. 12mo. Paris, 1766.
Scot's (Reg.) Discovery of Witchcraft ; proving the Compacts of Witches
with Devils, &c. are but erroneous Novelties and imaginary Con-
ceptions ; to which is added, a Discourse of the Nature and Sub-
stance of Devils and Spirits. Folio. London, 1665.
" The damnable opinions of Scot.'' — James the First's Dtemonologie.
Evelyn (John) on Physiognomy. (On Medals.)
Lavater's (John Caspar) Essays on Physiognomy, translated by Thomas
Hunter, and illustrated by more than 800 Engravings, executed by or
under the direction of Thomas Holloway ; [with prefatory Advertise-
ment by H. Fuseli.] 3 vols, in 5, imperial 4to. Londoyi, 1789-98.
Schimmelpennick's (Mary-Anne) Theory on the Classification of Beauty
and Deformity, and their Correspondence with Physiognomic Ex-
pression exemplified. 4to. London, 1815.
Spurzheim's (J. G.) Physiognomical System of Drs. Gall and Spurzheim, .
founded on the Anatomical and Physiological Examination of the
Nervous System, and of the Brain in particular. Royal 8vo. Lond.
Miltoni (Jo.) Artis Logicae plenior Institutio, ad P. Rami Methodum
concinnata ; adjecta est Praxis analytica et P. Rami Vita. (Prose
Works, Vol. II. 4to., and VI. 8vo.)
Watts's (Isaac) Logick ; or, the right Use of Reason in the Inquiry after
Truth. 8vo. London, 1790.
Wilson's (Sir Thos.) Rule of Reason, conteining the Arte of Logique,
set forth in English. Small 8vo. ftlacit Itttcc. London, by Richard
Grafton, 1552.
Aristotelis Ethica. (Opera.)
Bacon's (Lord) Essays or Counsels, Civil and Moral. (Works, Vol. I.)
Bacon's (Lord) Wisdom of the Ancients. (Works, Vols. III. and XL)
Bates's (Ely) Rural Philosophy ; or. Reflections on Knowledge, Virtue,
and Happiness, in a Life of Retirement. 8vo. London, 1805.
Butler's (Samuel) Characters [of modern Men]. (Remains, Vol. II.)
Cicero de Officiis, de Amicitia, &c. (Opera.)
Cornewallys's, the younger, (Sir Wm.) Essayes. Both parts in one vol.
small 8vo. London, 1606.
Epicteti Enchiridion. (Classics.)
Evelyn's (John) Public Employment, and an Active Life with all its
Appendages, such as Fame, Command, Riches, &c. preferred to
Solitude. (Misc. Works.)
Flecknoe's (Richard) Characters, made at several times and on several
occasions. Small 8vo. London, jyrinted \Ql'i.
Gisborne's (Thomas) Enquiry into the Duties of Men in the higher and
middle Classes of Society of Great Britain. 2 vols. 8vo. London,
Gisborne's (T.) Enquiry into the Duties of the Female Sex. 8vo. Lond.
Hall's (Jolm) Horse Vacivse ; or Essays, and some Occasionall Con-
siderations. 12mo. portrait by Marshall. London, 1646.
Hume's (David) Essays and Treatises on Moral Subjects. 2 vols. Bvo.
Edinburgh, 1809.
Hurd's (Bp.) Moral and Political Dialogues. (Works, Vols. HI. & IV.)
Mothe le Vayer (F. de la) on Liberty and Servitude, translated by John
Evelyn. (Evelyn's Misc. Works.)
Paley's (Wm.) Principles of Moral and Political Philosophy. 2 vols.
8vo. London, 1809.
Platonis Republica. (Opera.)
Ralegh (Sir W.) on the Original and Fundamental Cause of natural,
arbitrary, necessary, and unnatural War. (Works, Vol. VIII.)
Sady (the Pundnameh of), a Compendium of Ethics, Persian and En-
glish. (Gladwin's Persian Moonshee.]
Seneca de Ira, de Clementia. (Opera.)
Shaftesbury's (Earl of) Characteristicks of Men, Manners, Opinions, and
Times. 3 vols, royal 8vo. large paper. Birming. [Baskerville], 1773.
Smith's (Adam) Theory of Moral Sentiments. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1790.
Stephens' (John) New Essays and Characters ; with a New Satyre in
defence of the Common Law and Lawyers; mixt with Reproofe against
their Enemye Ignoramus. Small 8vo. Londo7i, \Q3\ .
Theophrasti Characteres Ethici. (Classics.)
Taylor (Bp. Jer.) on Friendship. (Works, Vol. XI.)
Temple's (Sir W.) Essays on Heroic Virtue, Excesses of Grief, and on
the different Conditions of Life. (Works, Vol. HI.)
Valerii Maximi Dictorum Memorabilium Libri IX. (Classics.)
Witherspoon's (John) Lectures on Moral Philosophy. (Works, Vol. VII.)
Witherspoon's (J.) Letters on Marriage. (Works, Vol. VIII, )
Argyle's (Archibald, Marquess of) Instructions to a Son ; with Maxims of
State. Small 8vo, port. London, 1661.
Ascham's (Roger) Schoolmaster. (Works.)
Chapone's (Mrs.) Letters on the Improvement of the Mind ; with Life of
the Author. 12mo. London, 1815.
Chrysostom's (St. John) Golden Book, concerning the Education of Child-
ren, translated out of the Greek by John Evelyn, (Evelyn's Mis-
cellaneous Works.)
Edgeworth's (R. L.) Essays on Professional Education. 4to. London,
Edgeworth's (Maria and R. L.) Practical Education, 2 vols. 4to.
London, 1798.
James I. — A Prince's Looking-glass ; or, a Prince's Directions ; contain-
ing sundrie Precepts and Instructions, out of that most Christian and
vertuous BA2IAIK0N AflPON, or his Majestie's Instructions to his
dearest Sonne Henrie, translated into Latin and English Verse, (his
Majestie's consent and approbation being first had and obtained
thereunto) for the more delight and pleasure of the said Prince, now
in his younger yeares, by William Willymat. 4to, port, of James by
J. Meyssens, and of P. Henry inserted. Cambridge, printed hxj
John Legat, 1603.
Jones' (W.), of Nayland, Letters from a Tutor to his Pupils. (Works,
Vol. V.)
[Kames' (Henry Home, Lord)] Loose Hints upon Education, chiefly
concerning the Culture of the Heart. 8vo. Edin. 1782.
Knox's (Vicesimus) Liberal Education ; or, a Practical Treatise on the
Methods of acquiring Useful and Polite Learning. (Works, Vols. III.
and IV.)
Knox's (V.) Remarks on Grammar Schools. (Works, Vol. IV.)
Knox's (V.) Letters to a Young Nobleman. (Works, Vol. V.)
Locke's (John) Thoughts concerning Reading and Study for a Gentle-
man. (Works, Vol. III.)
Locke's (J.) Thoughts concerning Education. (Works, Vol. IX.)
Milton (John) on Education. (Prose Works, 4to. and 8vo. Vol. I.)
More's (Hannah) Essays on various subjects, designed for Young Ladies.
12mo. Land. 1785.
More's (H.) Strictures on the Modern System of Female Education.
2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1799.
More's (H.) Hints towards forming the Character of a Young Princess.
2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1805.
Quarterly Journal of Education. 8vo. Lond. 1831, &c.
Ralegh's (Sir W.) Instructions to his Son and to Posterity. (Works,
Vol. VIII.)
Witherspoon's (John) Letters on Education. (Works, Vol. VIII.)
PoVitical Pli'ilosoplnj.
Politics. See also Jurisprudence, Sect. I.
Aristotelis Politica et de Republica. (Opera.)
Bentham's (Jeremy) Fragment on Government. 8vo. Lond. 1823.
Burke's (Edmund) Political Letters. (Works, Vols. II., III., VI,, and
Cunninghame's (W.) Principles of the Constitution of Governments ;
with Illustrations from the Classics. 8vo. Lond. 1813.
De Brosses, Discours Politiques sur le Gouvernement des Romains.
Douglas (James) on the Advancement of Society in Knowledge and
Religion. 8vo. Edinl>nn/h, 1825.
Falconer (W.) on the Influence of Climate, Situation, Nature of Food,
and Way of Life, on the Dispositions and Temper, Manners and Be-
haviour, Intellect, Laws and Customs, Forms of Government, and
Religion, of Mankind, 4to. Lond. 1781.
Franklin's (B.) Political and Commercial Pieces. (Works, Vol. VI.)
Hall's (Robt.) Political Tracts. (Works, Vol. III.)
Harrington's (James) System of Politics delineated. (Works.)
Harrington's (J.) Prerogative of Popular Governments. (Works.)
Harrington's (J.) True Forme, and Seven Models, of a Popular Common-
wealth ; — the Rota; or, a Model of a Free State or Equal Com-
monwealth. (Works.)
Harrington's (J.) Commonwealth of Oceana, and Letters on it with
Dr. Feme. (Works.)
Hume (David) on National Characters. (Essays, Vol. I.)
Jones' (Sir W.) Principles of Government. (Works, Vol. IV.)
Knox's (V.) Spirit of Despotism. (Works, Vol. V.)
Leckie's (Gould Fr.) Historical Research into the Nature of the Balance
of Power in Europe ; with an attempt to establish clear and distinct
Ideas on the subject. 8vo. London, 1817.
Locke (John) on Civil Government. (Works.)
Millar's (John) Origin of the Distinction of Ranks ; or, an Inquiry into the
Circumstances which gave rise to Influence and Authority in the dif-
ferent Members of Society ; with Life of the Author by John Craig.
8vo. Edin. 1806.
More (Thom.) de Optimo Reipublicse Statu, deque Nova Insula Utopia;
ex prioribus edit, collatis accurate expressus. Small 8vo. Glasguce,
exciid. R. and A. Foulis, 1750.
More (SirT.), a most pleasant, fruitful, and witty Work, of the best State
of a Public Weal, and of the new Isle of Utopia, written in Latin by
Sir T. More, and translated into English by Raphe Robinson ; a new
edition, with Notes and Introduction by T. F. Dibdin. Large paper,
4to. London, 1808.
More's (Sir T.) Utopia, translated by Cayley. (Life of More.)
Milton's (John) present Means and brief Delineation of a Free Com-
monwealth ; the ready and easy Way to establish a Free Common-
wealth. (Prose Works, 4to. Vol. I.; 8vo. Vol. III.)
Ralegh's (Sir W.) Maxims of State. (Works.)
Ralegh's (Sir W.) Cabinet Council ; containing the chief Arts of Em-
pire and Mysteries of State, discabineted in political and polemical
Aphorisms, grounded on authority and experience ; and illustrated
with the choicest examples and historical observations. Published
by John Milton. (Works.)
Southey's (Robert) Sir Thomas More ; or, Colloquies on the Progress
and Prospects of Society. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1831.
Reynard the Fox ; a political Satire to represent a wise Government.
Temple (Sir W.) on the Original and Nature of Governments. (Works,
Vol. I.)
Temple (Sir W.) on Popular Discontents. (Works, Vol. III.)
Witherspoon's (John) History of a Corporation of Servants discovered in
the Interior of South America. [A political Romance.] (Works,
Vol. VI.)
Finetti Philoxenis ; some choice Observations of Sir John Finett, Knt.,
and Master of the Ceremonies to James I. and Charles I., touching
the Reception and Precedence, the Treatment and Audience, the
Puntillios and Contests of forren Ambassadors in England ; [with
Preface by James Howell.] Small 8vo. London, 1656.
This also forms a narrative of the Embassies to England, from the marriage of
the Queen of Bohemia to 1627.
Sydney's (Algernon) Discourses concerning Government ; with his Letters,
Trial, Apology, and some Memoirs of his Life [by T. HoUis]. 4to.
London, 1763.
Political Economy.
Campbell's (John) Political Survey of Britain ; intended to shew that we
have not as yet approached near the summit of improvement, but that
it will afford employment to many generations before they push to
the uttermost extent the Natural Advantages of Great Britain. 2 vols.
4to. London, 1774.
Chalmer's (Thomas) Political Economy, in connexion with the Moral
State and Prospects of Society. 8vo. Glasgow, 1832.
Colquhoun's (P.) Treatise on the Wealth, Power, and Resources of the
British Empire in every Quarter of the World ; with the Rise and
Progress of the Funding System explained. 4to. Z,onrfo?i, 1814.
Ganilh, des Systemes d'Economie Politique, de la Valeur comparative
de leurs Doctrines, et de celle qui parait la plus favorable au Pro-
gr^s de la Richcsse ; avec des Additions relatives aux Controverses
recentes de Malthus, Buchanan, et Ricardo. 2 vols. Svo. PariSy
Ganilh, Theorie de I'Economie Politique. 2 vols. Svo. Paris, 1822.
Hamilton's (Robert) Progress of Society, as regards Human Welfare,
Industry, Capital, Money, Rent, Tithes, Distribution, and Equalisa-
tion of Wealth, Property, Education, Commerce, Population, &c.
8vo. London, 1828.
Hume (David) on Commerce, Money, Interest, Trade, Taxes, and Public
Credit. (Essays, Vol. I.)
[Marcet's (Mrs.)] Conversations on Political Economy ; in which the
Elements of that Science are familiarly explained. 12mo. London,
Ricardo (David) on the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation.
8vo. London, 1821.
Say (J. Baptiste),Cours complct d'Economie Politique pratique. 6 vols.
Svo. Paris, 1828-30.
Say's (J. B.) Political Economy ; or, the Production, Distribution, and
Consumption of Wealth, translated from the 4th edition, with Notes,
by C. R. Prinsep. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1821.
Smith's (Adam) Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of
Nations ; with an introductory Discourse, Notes, supplemental Dis-
sertations, and Life of the Author, by J. R. M'Culloch. 4 vols.
8vo. Edinburgh, 1828.
Skarbek, Theorie des Richesses Sociales ; suivie d'une Bibliographic
d'Economie Politique. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1829.
Population, Mendicity, Sfc.
Chalmer's (Thos.) Christian and Civic Economy of large Towns. 3 vols.
8vo. Glasgow, 1821-26.
Colquhoun's (P.) Treatise of Indigence ; exhibiting a general view of the
National Resources for Productive Labour ; with Propositions for
ameliorating the Condition of the Poor. 8vo. London, 1806.
Colquhoun (P.) on the Police of the Metropolis ; containing a Detail of
the various Crimes, &c. by which Public and Private Property is in-
jured and endangered. 8vo. London, 1806.
Eden's (Sir F. M.) State of the Poor; or, an History of the Labouring
Classes in England, together with Parochial Reports relative to the
administration of Work-houses, &c. 3 vols. 4to. London, 1797.
Godwin (W.) on Population ; an Enquiry concerning the Power of
Increase in the numbers of Mankind, in answer to Malthus. 8vo.
London, 1820.
Graunt's (John) Natural and Political Observations made upon the Bills
of Mortality, with reference to the Government, Growth, Air, Dis-
eases, &c. of the City of London. (Eng. Topography — London.)
Howard's (John) State of Prisons in England and Wales ; with an Ac-
count of some foreign Prisons and Hospitals. 4to. Lojidon, 1792.
Howard's (J.) Account of the Principal Lazarettos in Europe; with
various Papers relative to the Plague. 4to. London, 1791.
Hume (David) on the Populousness of Ancient Nations. (Essays, Vol. I.)
Malthus (T. Pt.) on the Principles of Population ; or, a View of its past
and present effects on Human Happiness. 2 vols. 8vo. London,
Marshall (J.), a variety of Statistical Accounts illustrative of the Progress
and Extent of the Amount expended for the Maintenance of the Poor
in each county of England and Wales, and in each parish of the
Metropolis, from 1775 to 1830. (Marshall's Mortality of the Metro-
polis. See Eng. Topography — London.)
Rickmann (John), the Population Returns of 1831, as printed for the
House of Commons. Royal 8vo. London, \'&'i'2.
Sadler (M. T.), the Law of Population ; a Treatise in disproof of the Super-
fecundity of Human Beings, and developing the real Principle of their
Increase. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1830.
Wallace's (Robt.) Dissertation on the Numbers of Mankind in ancient
and modern times. Svo. Edinburgh, 1809.
Weyland's (John) Inquiry into the Policy, Humanity, and past Effects
of the Poor Laws. 8vo. London, IS07 .
Weyland's (J.) Principles of Population and Production. 8vo. Lo)id.
Finance and Money.
[Arbuthnot's (John)] Tables of Ancient Coins, Weights, and Measures,
explained and exemplified in several Dissertations. 4to. London,
Fleetwood's (Bishop) Chronicon Preciosum ; or, an Account of English
Money, Price of Corn and other Commodities, and of Salaries,
Stipends, Wages, &c. for the last six hundred years. 8vo. Lond.
Gaudin (M. C), Notices Historiques sur les Finances, la Banque, &c.
de la France ; de I'an 1800 au 1814. (Memoires du Due de Gaete.)
Jacob's (Wm.) Historical Inquiry into the Production and Consumption
of the Precious Metals, from the earliest Ages ; and into the Influence
of their Increase or Diminution on the Prices of Commodities. 2 vols.
8vo. London, 1831.
Locke (John) on the Consequence of lowering the Interest and raising
the Value of Money ; and on the Silver Coin. (Works, Vol. V.)
Sinclair's (Sir John) History of the Public Revenue of the British Empire.
3 vols. 8vo. London, 1802-3.
Witherspoon's (John) Essay on Money as the Medium of Commerce.
(Works, Vol. IX.)
Commerce and Colonial Policy.
[Anderson's (Adam)] Historical and Chronological Deduction of the
Origin of Commerce, from the earliest accounts, [edited by Mac-
pherson.] 4 vols. 4to. London, 1787—9.
[Dee's (John)] General and Rare Memorials pertayning to the perfect
Arte of Navigation, Folio. London, hy John Day, \511 .
This work relates to naval policy, and furnishes many suggestions which may
even now be valuable. This copy contains a leaf completely occupied with
the arms of Sir C. Hiitton, not mentioned by Herbert.
East India Company. (History of India.)
Evelyn's (John) Navigation and Commerce, their Original and Progress ;
containing a Succinct of Traffick in general, its Benefits and Im-
provements. (Miscellaneous Works.)
Jacob's (W.) Tracts relating to the Corn Trade and the Corn Laws ;
including the Second Report ordered to be printed by Parliament.
8vo. London, 1828.
Macpherson's (David) History of the European Commerce with India;
to which is subjoined a Review of the Arguments for and against the
Trade with India, and the management of it by a Chartered Com-
pany. 4to. I^ondon, 1812.
M'Culloch's (J. R.) Dictionary, practical, theoretical, and historical, of
Commerce and Commercial Navigation. 8vo. Lond. 1832.
Malynes (Gerard de), Treatise on the Canker [the abuse of the exchange
of money] of England's Commonwealth. Small 8vo. Lond. 1601.
Milburn's (William) Oriental Commerce ; containing a Geographical,
Nautical, and Commercial Account of the maritime parts of India,
China, Japan, and neighbouring Countries, by T. Thornton.
Royal 8vo. London, 1825.
Ralegh's (Sir W.) Observations touching the Trade and Commerce with
the HoUander and other Nations ; wherein is proved, that our Sea
and Land Commodities serve to enrich and strengthen other Countries
against our own. (Works, VoL VHL)
Brougham's (Henry Lord) Inquiry into the Colonial Policy of the Euro-
pean Powers. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1803.
Physics, or Natural and Experifnetital Plrilosophi/.
Boyle (Hon. Robert) on the Usefulness of Natural and Experimental
Philosophy. (Works, Vols. II. and III.)
Boyle's (Hon. R.) Christian Virtuoso ; shewing that by being addicted to
Experimental Philosophy, a man is rather assisted than indisposed to
be a Christian. (Works, Vols. V. and VI.)
Cowley's (Abr.) Proposition for the Advancement of Experimental Philo-
sophy. (Works, Vol. HI.)
Journal of Science of Art; edited at the Royal Institution of Great
Britain [by W. T. Brande]. 8vo. London, 1816, &c.
Newtoni(Is.) Philosophise Naturalis Principia. (Opera, Vols. II. and HI.)
Locke's (John) Elements of Natural Philosophy. (Works, Vol. HI.)
Leslie's (Sir John) Elements of Natural Philosophy. Vol. I. Svo.
Edinb. 1823.
Bacon (Rogeri) Opus Majus, ex MS. Codice Dubliniensi cum aliis
quibusdam collato; nunc primiim edidit S. Jebb. Folio, large
paper. Lond. 1733.
Meteorology, Sfc.
Aristotelis Meteorologica. (Opera, Vol. I.)
Bacon's (Lord) Historia Ventorum, et Historia Densi et Rari. (Works,
Vol. X.)
Boyle's (Hon. Rob.) Experimental History of Cold ; and on the Tem-
perature of the Subterraneal and Submarine Regions. (Works,
Vols. II. and III.)
Boyle's (Hon. R.) General History of Air. (Works, Vol. V.)
Boyle (Hon. R.) on the Spring and Weight of Air. (Works, Vols. II.,
III., and IV.)
Forster's (Thomas) Researches about Atmospheric Phenomena. Svo.
London, 1823.
Hamilton's (Bp. Hugh) Philosophical Essays on Vapours, Clouds, Rain,
Dew, &c. ; on the Nature of the Aurora Borealis, and the Tails of
Comets; on the Improvement of Barometers. (Works, Vol. II.)
Priestley's (Josh.) Experim.ents and Observations on different kinds of
Air, and other branches of Natural Philosophy connected with the
subject. 3 vols. Svo. Birmingham, 1790.
Thomson's (Thomas) Outlines of the Sciences of Heat and Electricity.
Svo. London, 1830.
Cavallo's (Tiberius) Complete Treatise on Electricity, in theory and
practice: with Original Experiments. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1795.
Franklin's (Ben.) Experiftients on Electricity ; and Papers on Philoso-
phical Subjects. (Works.)
Cavallo's (T.) Treatise on Magnetism. 8vo. London, 1800.
Wilkinson's (C. H.) Elements of Galvanism, with a view to its history.
2 vols. 8vo. London, 1804.
Chemical Plnlosoijliy.
Aikin's (A. and R. C.) Dictionary of Chemistry and Mineralogy ; with
an Account of the Processes used in Chemical Manufactures. 2 vols.
4to. London, 1807.
Bancroft's (Edw.) Experimental Researches concerning the Philosophy
of Permanent Colours, and the best means of procuring them, by
dyeing, calico printing, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1813.
Boyle's (Hon. R.) Various Chemical Treatises. (Works.)
Brande's (W. T.) Manual of Chemistry ; containing the principal Facts
of the Science, in the order in which they are discussed and illus-
trated at the Royal Institution. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1821.
Davy's (Sir H.) Elements of Chemical Philosophy. 8vo. Zowc?. 1812.
Davy's (Sir H.) Elements of Agricultural Chemistry. 8vo. London,
Parkes' (Sam.) Chemical Catechism : with Notes, Illustrations, and Ex-
periments. 8vo. London, 1808.
[Marcet's (Mrs.)] Conversations on Chemistry ; in which the Elements of
that Science are familiarly explained. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1828.
Thomson's (Thomas) System of Chemistry. Part I., Inorganic. 2 vols.
8vo. London, 1831.
Natural History.
Dictionaries, Systems, General Treatises, and of various Countries.
Gronovii (L. A.) Bibliotheca Regni Animalis atque Lapidei ; sen, Recen-
sio Auctorum et Librorum qui de Regno Animali et Lapideo me-
thodic^ tractant, in usum Nat. Hist. Studiorum. 4to. Lugd. Bat.
sumptibus Auctoris, 1740.
" Ex dono F. Gronovii, Laurentii patiis."
Dictionnaire des Sciences Naturelles, dans lequel on traite methodique-
ment des differens Etres de la Nature, consideres soit en eux-memes,
soit relativement k I'utilite qu'en peuvent retirer la Medccine, I'Agri-
culture, le Commerce, et los Arts, suivi d'une Biographic des plus
cel^bres Naturalistes. Par plusieurs Professeurs du Jardin du Roi,
&c. 60 vols. 8vo. Pans, 1830.
Linne's (Sir Charles) General System of Nature ; or, the three grand
kingdoms of Animals, Vegetables, and Minerals, systematically
divided into their several Classes, Orders, Genera, &c., translated
from Gmelin, Fabricius, Wildenow, &c. by W. Turton, and including
various modern arrangement;? and improvements. 7 vols. 8vo.
London, 180f).
Bingley's (Wm.) Useful Knowledge; or, an Account of the various
Productions of Nature, Mineral, Vegetable, and Animal. 3 vols.
r2mo. London, 1816.
Good's (J. M.) Book of Nature ; being a Popular Illustration of the
General Lava's and Phenomena of Creation. 3 vols. 8vo. London,
Aldrovandi (U.) Opera; scil. : —
Ornithologia. 3 vols. Bononice, 1599-1603.
De Insectis. Bononice, 1634.
De Reliquiis Animalibus ex Anguibus. Bonotiia;, 1606.
De Piscibus et de Cetis, cura J. C. Uterlii et M. A. Bernise. Bo-
nonice, 1638.
De Quadrupedibus solidipedibus. Boyionice, 1616.
Quadrupedum bisulcorum Historia. Bononice, 1621.
De Quadrupedibus digitatis, viviparis, et oviparis. Bononice, 1637.
Serpentum et Draconum Historia. Bononice, 1640.
Monstrorum Historia ; cum Paralipomenis Hist, omnium Ani-
malium. Bononice, 1642.
Museum Metallicum. Bononice, 1648.
Dendrologise Naturalis Lib. H. Bononice, 1668.
Together, 13 vols, folio.
Aldrovand, besides the natural history of his various subjects, has collected all
that the ancients ascribed to them — their parts in religious services, their
hieroglyphic, symbolic, or figurative meanings, their use in armorial bearings,
&c. &c.
Bacon's (Lord) Sylva Sylvarum ; or, a Natural History, in X. Centuries.
(Works, Vol. IV.)
Buffon (G. L. Leclerc, Comte de), Histoire Naturelle, generale et parti-
culiere, nouvelle edition, accompagnee de Notes, &c. ; ouvrage formant
un Cours complet d'Histoire Naturelle, redige par C. S. Sonini.
27 vols. 8vo. (i Paris, 1798-1807.
BufFon (G. L.), Theorie de la Terre ; et Epoques de la Nature.
(Vols. I. to IV.)
Buffon (G. L.), Mineraux. (Vols. V. to XVI.)
Buffon (G. L.), Histoire des Animaux. (Vols. XVII. and XVIII.)
Buffon (G. L.), Histoire del'Homme. (Vols. XIX. to XXI.)
Buffon (G. L.), Hist, des Quadrupedes. (Vols. XXII. to XXXIV.)
Buffon (G. L.), Hist, des Singes. (Vols. XXXV. and XXXVI.)
Buffon (G. L.), Hist, des Oiseaux. (Vols. XXXVII. to LXIV.)
Daudin, Hist, des Reptiles. 8 vols.
Denys-Montfort, Hist, des Mollusques. 6 vols.
Latreille, Hist, des Crustacees et Insectes. 14 vols.
Sonini, Hist, des Poissons. 13 vols.
Sonini, Hist, des Cetacees. 1 vol.
Brisseau-Mirbel, &c.. Hist, des Plantes. 18 vols.
Tables Generales. 3 vols.
Buffon. — Cuvier (M. F.), Supplement a I'Histoire Naturelle de Buffon,
offrant la Description des Mammiferes et des Oiseaux les plus re-
marquables decouvertes jusqu'a nos jours. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris,
Deleuze, Histoire et Description du Museum Royale d'Histoire Naturelle.
2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1823.
Fond (Sigaud de la), Dictionnaire des Merveilles de la Nature. 3 vols.
Svo. Paris, 1802.
Lucretius de Rerum Natura. (Classics.)
Plinii Historia Naturalis. (Classics.)
Sebse (Alberti) Rerum Naturalium Thesauri accurata Descriptio, et
Iconibus artificiosissiniis expressis, Lat. et Gal. Vols. L and IL
Large folio. Amstelodami, apud Wetstenium, 1734-5.
Smith's (Sir Jas. Ed.) Selection of the Correspondence of Linnaeus, and
other Naturalists, from the original Manuscripts. 2 vols. 8vo.
London, 1821.
Spectacle de la Nature ; ou, Entretiens sur les Particularites de I'His-
toire Naturelle. 3 vols, in 6, 12mo. Utrecht, 1733.
Wood's (W.) Zoography ; or, the Beauties of Nature Displayed, in
select Descriptions from the Animal, Vegetable, and Mineral King-
doms ; illustrated with Plates from designs by Daniel. 3 vols,
imperial 8vo. large paper. London, 1807.
Barrington's (Hon. Daines) Essays on Natural History. (Miscellanies.)
Edwards's (G.) Representations of many curious and undescribed Ani-
mals, such as Quadrupeds, Serpents, Fishes, and Insects, with De-
scriptions and Gleanings of Natural History. (Birds.)
The Journal of a Naturalist. 8vo. London, l^'iQ.
Loudon's (J. C.) Magazine of Natural History. 8vo. London, 1828,
Plott's (Robert) Natural History of Oxfordshire, being an Essay towards
the Natural History of England. (Oxfordshire.)
Pulteney's (Richard) Catalogue of the Birds, Shells, and some of the
more rare Plants of Dorsetshire ; with a Biographical Memoir of the
Author. Folio. London, 1813. (Hutchins's Dorset, Vol. HL)
White's (Gilb.) Works in Natural History, comprising Natural History
of Selborne, Naturalist's Calendar, and Miscellaneous Observations ;
with Observations, &c. by W. Markvvich. 2 vols. 8vo. London,
Sibbaldi (R.) Prodromus Historiae Naturalis Scotise. (Hist. Scotland.)
Forbes (James) on the Natural History of India. (Oriental Memoirs.)
Kalm's (Peter) Natural History, Plantations, and Agriculture of North
America. (Travels.)
Hernandez (Fr.) Nova Plantarum, Animalium, et Mineralium Mexi-
canorum Historia, a J. Tcrentio, J. Fabro, et F. Columna Lyceis,
Notis et Additionibus illustrata. Cui access. Theatris Naturalis
Phytosophicce Tabulae, et Historiae Animalium et Mineralium Novse
Hispanicae Lib. I. Folio. Romce, 1G51.
Bancroft (Ed.) on the Natural History of Guiana in South America.
8vo. London, 1769.
Stedman's Natural History of Surinam. (Voyages and Travels.)
Catesby's (Mark) Natural History of Carolina, Florida, and the Bahama
Islands. 2 vols, folio, first edition. London, 1731.
Hughes' (Griffith) Natural History ofBarbadoes. Folio. Lond. 1750.
Sloane's (Sir Hans) Natural History of Jamaica. (Voyages and Travels.)
Smith's (Wm.) Natural History of Nevis, and the rest of the English
Leeward Charibcc Islands. 8vo. Cambridge, 1745.
Beche's (Henry T, de la) Geological Manual. 8vo. London, 1832.
Lyell's (Charles) Principles of Geology ; being an Attempt to explain
the former changes on the Earth's Surface, by reference to Causes
now in operation, 2 vols. Bvo. London, 1830-32.
Conybeare's (W. D.) and Wm. PhiUips's Outlines of the Geology of
England and Wales ; with an Introductory Compendium of the
General Principles of that Science, and Comparative Views of the
Structure of Foreign Countries. 8vo. London, \^'22..
Burnet's (Thomas) Sacred Theory of the Earth. 2 vols. 8vo. London,
Keill's (J.) Examination of Dr. Burnet's, with some Remarks on Mr.
Whiston's, Theory of the Earth. 8vo. London, ll'iA.
Hutton's (James) Theory of the Earth, with Proofs and Illustrations.
2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1795.
Playfair's (Professor John) Illustrations of the Huttonian Theory of the
Earth. 8vo. London, 1802.
Cuvier's (G. S.) Essay on the Theory of the Earth, translated by R. Kerr ;
with Mineralogical Notes, and an Account of Cuvier's Geological Dis-
coveries by Professor Jameson. 8vo. London, 1822.
Turner's (Sharon) Sacred Theory of the World, as displayed in the Crea-
tion and subsequent Events to the Deluge, attempted to be philoso-
phically considered. 8vo. London, 1832.
Barrington (Hon. Daines) on the Deluge. (Miscellanies.)
Buckland's (Wm.) Reliquiae Diluvianee ; or, Observations on the Organic
Remains contained in Caves, Fissures, and Diluvial Gravel, and on
other Geological Phenomena attesting the Action of an universal
Deluge. 4to. London, 1823.
Townsend's (Joseph) Character of Moses as an Historian established
from Geology. (Sacred Philology.)
Kircheri (Anth.) Mundus Subterraneus, quo Divinum Subterrestris
Mundi Opificium, immersse denique Natures Majestas et Divitiae,
summa Rerum Varietate exponuntur. 2 vols, in one, folio. Amstel.
De Luc's (J.) Geological Travels in the North of Europe and in England,
translated from the French MS. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1811.
Pennant's Physical Geography of the Arctic Circle. (Arctic Zoology.
Vol. I.)
Wilson's (Joseph) History of Mountains, Geographical and Mineralogical,
accompanied by a picturesque View of the principal in their respec-r
tive proportions, by Robert Andrew Riddle. 3 vols. 4to. London,
Smith's Chart of the Comparative Heights of Mountains. (Coll. of
Prints, Vol. XVIII.)
Humboldt (Alex, de), Physique Generale, et Geologic Equinoxiale.
(Voyage de I'Amerique.)
Ordinaire's (Abbe) Natural History of Volcanoes, including submarine
Volcanoes, and other analogous Phenomena, translated by R. C.
Dallas. 8vo. London, 1801.
Hamilton's (Sir W.) Campi Phlegrsei : Observations on the Volcanoes
of the Two Sicilies, with a Supplement, being an Account of the
great Eruption of Mount Vesuvius in August 1779. English and
French ; edited by P. Febris. 3 vols, in one, folio, largest paper,
the Plates coloured after nature. Naples, 1776-9.
Boyle's (Robt.) Memoirs of the Natural and Experimental History of
Mineral Waters. (Works, Vol. IV.)
Accum's (Fr.) Manual of Analytical Mineralogy. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond.
Bacon's (Lord) Articles of Questions touching Minerals. (Works,
Vol. VI.)
Boyle (R.) on the Growth of Minerals. (Works, Vol. IV.)
Brogniart (Alex.), Traite Elementaire de Mineralogie, avee des Applica-
tions aux Arts. 2 vols. Svo. Paris, 1807.
Haliy (Rene-Just.), Traite de Mineralogie, publie par le Conseil des
Mines. 4 vols. Svo, and Atlas in 4to. Paris, 1801.
Jameson's (Robert) System of Mineralogy. 3 vols. Svo. Edin. 1820.
W^emer's (Abr. Gott.) Theory of the Formation of Veins, with its appli-
cation to the art of working Mines, translated, with illustrative Notes,
by Ch. Anderson. Svo. Edinburgh, 1809.
Williams's (John) Natural History of the Mineral Kingdom, relative to
the Strata of Coal, Mineral Veins, and the prevailing Strata of the
Globe, enlarged by James Millar. 2 vols. Svo. Edinb. 1810.
Ray's (J.) Account of preparing some of our English Metal Minerals,
Cuvier (M. le Baron), Recherches sur les Ossemens Fossiles de Qua-
drupedes. 4 vols. 4to. Paris, 1812.
Parkinson's (James) Organic Remains of a former World r an Examina-
tion of the Mineralized Remains of the Vegetables and Animals of
the Antediluvian World. 3 vols. 4to. London, 1804-1811.
Brander (G.) Fossilia Hantonensia coUecta, et in Museo Britannico de-
posita : [cum Descriptionibus Specierum Solanderi.] 4to, plates by
Green. Loyidini, 1766.
This work was privately printed, at the expense of Mr. Brander ; the fossils
which it describes were found between Christchurch and L\nnington, and
are of species unknown in England,
Mawe's (John) Mineralogy of Derbyshire ; with a Description of the
most interesting Mines in the North of England, in Scotland, and in
Wales ; and an Analysis of Williams's Mineral Kingdom. Sub-
joined is a Glossary of the Terms and Phrases used by the Miners in
Derbyshire. Svo. London, 1802.
Martin's (Will.) Petrificata Dorl)iensia ; or. Figures and Descriptions of
Petrifactions collected in Derbyshire. 4to. Wigan, 1803.
Robinson's (Thos.) Essay towards a Natural [Mineral] History of West-
moreland and Cumberland. Svo. London, 1709.
Thomson's (Thomas) Mineralogy of Sweden. (Travels in Sweden.)
Pinkerton's (J.) Petralogy : a Treatise on Rocks. 2 vols. Svo. Lond.
Theophrastus' History of Stones. (Classics.)
Boyle (R.) on the Origin and Virtues of Gems. (Works, Vol. IV.)
Boot (A. B. de), le Perfaict Joaillier; ou, Histoire des Pierreries, enrichi
des belles Annotations par Andre Toll. Small 8vo. Lyon, 1644.
Mawe's (John) Treatise on Diamonds and Precious Stones. 8vo.
London, 1826.
Rousseau's (J. J.) Letters on the Elements of Botany ; translated, with
Notes and full Explanation of the System of Linnaeus, and illustrative
Plates, by Thomas Martyn. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1791-9.
Withering's (W.) Elements of Botany. (Arrangement of B. Plants.)
Milne's (Colin) Botanical Dictionary ; or. Elements of Systematic and
Philosophic Botany. 8vo. coloured Plates. London, 1805.
Miller's (Philip) Gardener's and Botanist's Dictionary ; with a complete
Enumeration and Description of all Plants hitherto known, &c., by
Thomas Martyn. 2 vols, in four, folio. London, 1807.
Loudon's (J. C.) Encyclopsedia of Plants ; comprising the Description,
Specific Character, Culture, History, application to the Arts, and every
other desirable particular respecting all the Plants, indigenous, culti-
vated in, or introduced to, Britain. 8vo. London, 1829.
Raii (Joan.) Historia Plantarum. 3 vols, in two, folio. London, 1686—
Gerarde (John), the Herball ; or, Generall Historic of Plants, enlarged
by Th. Johnson. Folio, front, by Payne. London, 1636.
Brisseau-Mirbel, Elemens de Physiologic Vegetale et Botanique. 2 vols.
8vo. Paris, 1815.
Stillingfleet (Benj.) on the Irritability of Flowers ; and Swedish Calendar
of Flora. (Works, Vols. II. and HI.)
Curtis' (W.) Botanical Magazine ; or, Flower-Garden displayed. 55 vols,
royal 8vo. London, 1786-1828.
LXXIII. exquisitely finished Drawings of Flowers and Insects, executed,
in colours on a black ground, by Ditche, for the late Marquess of
Bute, and from that nobleman's library. Large folio.
LXIII. exquisitely finished Drawings, principally Wild Flowers, executed,
in colours on a white ground, by A. Schouman ; also for the Marquess
of Bute, and from his library. Large folio.
Smith's (James Ed.) Exotic Botany; consisting of Coloured Figures and
Descriptions of such Plants as are worthy of Cultivation in Great
Britain : the Figures by James Sowerby. Large paper, 2 vols, in
one, 4to. Lond. 1804-5.
Hooker's (W. J.) Exotic Flora; containing Figures and Descriptions of
New, Rare, or otherwise Interesting Exotic Plants, especially of such
as are deserving of being cultivated in our Gardens ; with Remarks
on their Characters, History, Culture, &c. 3 vols. 8vo. Edin. 1823.
Greenhouse Companion ; comprising Greenhouse and Conservatory Prac-
tice and Arrangement, and a Descriptive Catalogue of the most
desirable Plants to form a collection. 8vo. London, 1824.
Turner's (Dawson) Fuci ; or, Coloured Figures and Descriptions of the
Plants referred by Botanists to the Genus Fucus. 2 vols, large 4to.
London, 1808-1809.
Chandler's (A.) Illustrations of the Plants which compose the Natural
Order Camellise, and of the variety of the Camellia Japonica, culti-
vated in the gardens of Britain ; with Descriptions by \V. B. Booth.
Imperial 4to, coloured Plates. London, 1831.
Redoute (P. J.), les Roses, avec le Texte par C. A. Thory. Folio,
coloured Plates. Paris, 1817.
Sweet's (Robert) Cistinese ; an Account of the Family of Cistus or Rock-
Rose ; with coloured Figures, and Directions for their Cultivation and
Propagation. Royal 8vo. London, 1825—30.
Ehret's (G. D.) History and Analysis of the parts of Jessamine which
flov/ered in the curious garden of R. Warner, at Woodfort. Folio,
coloured Plates. \^London, 1759.]
Buchoz (P. J.), Collection des plus belles Varietes de Tulipes qu'on
cultive dans les Jardins des Fleuristes. Folio, coloured Plates.
Paris, 1781-97.
Buchoz (P. J.), Collection de Jacinthes. Folio, coloured Plates. Paris,
Redoute (P. J.), les Liliacees. 8 vols, folio, coloured Plates. Paris,
Sweet's (Robert) Geraniacese ; the Natural Order of Geraniae ; contain-
ing coloured Figures, Descriptions, and Directions for their treatment.
5 vols, royal 8vo. London, 1820—32.
Hooker (W. J.) and R. K. Greville's Icones Filicum ; or, Figures and
Descriptions of Ferns, principally of such as have been altogether un-
noticed by Botanists, or as have not yet been correctly figured.
Folio. London, 1827-32.
Hooker (W.) and T. Taylor's Muscologia Britannica ; containing the
Mosses of Great Britain and Ireland, systematically arranged and
described. 8vo. coloured Plates. Lond. 1818.
Hooker's (W.) Musci Exotici ; containing Figures and Descriptions of
new and little-known foreign Mosses and other Cryptogamic Plants.
4to. coloured Plates. London, 1818-20.
Sowerby's (James) Coloured Figures of English Fungi or Mushrooms ;
with Descriptions. 3 vols, folio. London, 1797-1803.
Greville's (R. K.) Scottish Cryptogamic Flora ; or, coloured Figures of
Plants belonging chiefly to the Order Fungi ; with Descriptions.
6 vols. 8vo. Edin. 1823-31.
Greville's (R. K.) Algas Britannicae ; or, Descriptions of the Marine and
other Inarticulated Plants of the British Islands belonging to the
Order Algae. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1830.
Woodville's (W.) Medical Botany ; enlarged and improved by John
Frost. 5 vols. 4to, plates, coloured. London, 1829.
Withering's (W.) Arrangement of British Plants, according to the latest
improvements of the Linnoean System. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1830.
Turner's (Dawson) and L. W. Dillwyn's Botanist's Guide through Eng-
land and Wales. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1805.
Darwin's (Erasmus) Botanic Garden, a Poem; with Philosophical Notes.
4to. London, 1791.
Mason's (W.) English Garden, a Poem ; with Commentary and Notes
by W. Burgh. (Works, Vol. I.)
Sowerby's (James) English Botany ; or. Coloured Figures of British
Plants, with their Essential Characters, Synonymes, and Places of
Growth : to which are added, occasional Remarks by Sir J. E. Smith.
36 vols. 8 vo. Zo»rfoH, 1790-1831.
Smith's (Sir James E.) English Flora. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1824.
Curtis's (Wm.) Flora Londinensis ; or, a History of Plants indigenous to
Great Britain. [First series], enlarged by George Graves. Plates
coloured. 3 vols, folio. London, 1817-26.
Curtis's (W.) Flora Londinensis; a Continuation by George Graves and
W. J. Hooker. Folio. London.
Aiton's (W.) Hortus Kewensis ; or, Catalogue of Plants cultivated in the
Royal Botanic Garden at Kew. 5 vols. 8vo. London, 1810.
Relhani (Rich.) Flora Cantabrigiensis secundum Systema Sexuale di-
gesta. 8vo. Cantab. 1802.
[Richardsoni] (Hen.) Index Horti Bierleiensis, Plantas tam Britannicas
notabiliores quam Exoticas complectens : juxta Rail Methodum dis-
positasA. C. M.DCC.XXXVII. 4to. MS.
Richardsoni Delicise Hortenses ; sive, Horti Richardsoniani Index Alpha-
beticus, qua Plantae omnes quotquot hacteni^s horti sui fuere alumnse,
tam insulse hiijus spontanise quam aliunde delatse, fideliter in ordi-
nem reducuntur, Cura et studio R. R[ichardson]. 1676. 2 vols.
4to. MS.
Lightfoot's (John) Flora Scotica ; or, a Systematic Arrangement of the
Native Plants of Scotland and the Hebrides. 2 vols. 8vo. Edin-
burgh, 1792.
Besleri (Bas.) Hortus Eystettensis ; sive, Plantarum, Florum, Stirpium,
ex variis orbis terrse partibus singulari studio collectarum, quse in
celeberrimis Viridariis Arcis Episcopalis, Delineatio et ad vivum
Representatio ; [with the Explanations and the Winter Part.] Large
folio. [Norimbergce] 1613.
Wallich (N.) Plantse Asiaticse rariores ; or. Description and Figures of
a select number of unpublished East India Plants. 3 vols, folio.
Lond. 1829-32.
Van Rhede (H.) et T. Janson Hortus Malabaricus [continens Regni
Malabarici Plantas rariores ad vivum exhibitas ; addita insuper
accurata earundem Descriptione]. Notis adauxit et Commentariis
illustravit Jo. Commelinus. 12 vols, folio. Amstelodami, 1686-
Van Rhede. — Casparis Commelini Flora Malabarica ; sive, Horti
Malabarici Catalogus, in ordinem alphabeticum digessit. Folio.
Lugd. Bat. 1696.
Van Rhede. — Joannis Burmanni Flora Malabarica; sive. Index in
omnes tomos Horti Malabarici. Folio. Amstelodami, 1769.
Rumphii (Geo. Er.) Herbarium Amboinense, plurimas complectens
Arbores, Frutices, Herbas, Plantas, terrestres et aquaticas, quae in
Amboina et adjacentibus insulis ; quod et insuper exhibet varia In-
sectorum Animaliumque Genera. Belgice conscripsit, nunc primilm in
lucem edidit et Latinam Versionem adjecit Jo. Burmannus. 7 vols,
in six. Folio. Large paper. Amstelodami, 1741-55.
Hooker's (W. J.) Flora Boreali- Americana ; or, the Botany of the
Northern Parts of British America; compiled principally from the
Plants collected on the Northern Land Expeditions under Sir John
Franklin, and those of Mr. Douglas. 4to. London, 1829.
Hooker's and G. A. W. Arnot's Botany of Captain Beechey's V^oyage ;
comprising an Account of the Plants collected by Messrs. Lay and
Collie, and other Officers of the Expedition, during the voyage to the
Pacific and Behring's Straits performed in 1825. 4to. Lond. 1830.
Barton's (W. P. C.) Compendium Florae Philadelphicse ; containing a
Description of the Indigenous and Naturalised Plants found within
ten miles around Philadelphia. 2 vols, small 8vo. Philadel. 1818.
Humboldt (Alex, de) Plantes Equinoxiales. (Voyage de I'Amerique.)
Evelyn's (John) Silva ; or, a Discourse of Forest Trees, and the Propa-
gation of Timber ; together with an Historical Account of theSacred-
ness and Use of Standing Groves ; with Notes by A. Hunter. 2 vols.
4to. York, 1801.
Strutt's (J. G.) Sylva Britannica ; or, Portraits of Forest Trees distin-
guished for their Antiquity, Magnitude, or Beauty. Folio. London,
Brown (Sir Thos.), the Garden of Cyrus ; or, the Quincuncial, Lozenge,
or Net-work Plantations of the Ancients considered. (Works.)
Phillips's (Henry) Silva Florifera ; the Shrubbery historically and bo-
tanically treated ; with Observations on the Formation of Ornamental
Plantations and Picturesque Scenery. 2 vols, in one, 8vo. Lond.
Duhamel du Monceau, Traite des Arbres Fruitiers, augmente par A,
Poiteau et P. Turpin. Les Figures imprimees en couleur, et re-
touchees au pinceau par les Auteurs memes. 6 vols, folio. Paris,
1807, &c.
Phillip's (Henry) Pomarium Britannicum ; an Historical and Botanical
Account of Fruits known in Great Britain. 8vo. London, 1823.
Ferrarii (Jo. Bapt.) Hesperides ; sive, de Malorum Aureorum Cultura et
Usu. Folio. Roma, 1646.
Ronald's (Hugh) Pyrus Malus Brentfordiensis ; or, a Concise Descrip-
tion of selected Apples ; with a Figure of each sort drawn from
nature on stone and carefully coloured, by his Daughter. 4to.
London, 1831.
Kerner (J. S.), le Raisin, ses Especes et Varietes, dessines et colories
d'apres Nature. Folio. Stouttfjard, 1803-10.
Kerner (J. S.), les Melons, contenant XXXVI Especes, dessines et
colories d'apres Nature. Folio. Stouttyard, \%\\.
Risso et Poiteau (A.), Histoire Naturelle des Grangers. 4to. coloured
Plates. Paris, 1818.
Ksempfer's Natural History of the Japanese Tea, and its Preparation.
(History of Japan, Vol. II.)
Ellis's (John) Natural History of many curious and uncommon Zo-
ophytes, systematically arranged and described by the late Dr. So-
lander, and publisiied Jjy his Daughter. 4to. London, 1786.
Aristoteles de Animalibus. (Opera, Vol. I.)
Shaw's (Geo.) Zoological Lectures, delivered at the Royal Institution,
with Plates from the best Authorities. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1809.
Shaw's (Geo.) General Zoology ; or, Systematic Natural History, con-
tinued by James Francis Stephens ; with Plates from the first Autho-
rities, and most select Specimens, engraved by Mrs. Griffith and
Mr. Heath. 28 vols. 8vo. London, 1800-26.
Cuvier's (the Baron) Animal Kingdom, described and arranged in con-
formity with its Organisation ; with additional Descriptions, and other
original matter, by Edward Griffiths and others. 9 vols, royal 8vo,
large paper, coloured Plates. Lond. 1827-31.
Cuvier's (the Baron) Fossil Mammalia, by Pidgeon. Royal 8vo. large
paper, coloured. London, 1830.
Bingley's (W.) Animal Biography; or. Authentic Anecdotes of the Lives,
Manners, and Economy of the Animal Creation. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond.
Waltoni (E.) de DifFerentiis Animalium Libri X., ad Seren. Aug, Regem
Edwardum VL Folio. Lutetice, apud Vascosanum, 1552.
Landseer's (Thos.) Characteristic Sketches of Animals, drawn from the
Life and engraved ; with Descriptive Notices by John Barrow.
Imp. 4to. proofs on India paper. London, 1829-32.
Pennant's (Thomas) British Zoology. 4 vols. 4to. Warring. 1776-7.
Sowerby's (James) British Miscellany ; or. Coloured Figures of new,
rare, or little-known Animal Subjects, inhabitants of the British Isles.
8vo. London, 1806.
Pennant's (Thomas) Arctic Zoology. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1784.
Richardson's (John) Zoology of the Northern Parts of British America ;
containing Descriptions of the Objects of Natural History collected
on the Expeditions under Sir John Franklin. 4to. London, 1829.
D'Obsonville's (M. F.) Philosophic Essays on the Manners of various
foreign [Asiatic] Animals, translated by Thomas Holcroft, 8vo.
London, 1784.
Pennant's (T.) Indian Zoology. 4to. London, 1790.
Gray's (J. E.) Illustrations of Indian Zoology, consisting of coloured
Plates of new or hitherto unfigured Indian Animals, from the collec-
tion of Major-General Hardwicke. 2 vols, folio. London, 1829.
Prichard's (J. C.) Researches into the Physical History of Mankind.
2 vols. 8vo. London, 1826.
Bewick's (T.) General History of Quadrupeds, the Figures engraved on
Wood. 8vo. Neiocastle, 1792.
GeofFroi Saint Hilaire et F. Cuvier, Histoire Naturelle des Mammif^res,
avec des Figures originales coloriees, dessinees d'apr^s des Animaux
vivans. Folio. Paris, 1819.
Pennant's (Th.) History of Quadrupeds. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1793.
Topsell's (E.) Historic of Four-footed Beastes, collected out of Conrad,
Gesner, and all other Writers. Folio, Cuts. London, by W. Jag-
yard, 1607.
Pennant's (Thos.) Genera of Birds. 4to. London, \1^\.
Pennant's (T.) Index to the Ornithology of BufFon, and Systematic Cata-
logue. 4to. London, 1786.
Willughby's (Francis) Ornithology, translated ; with Three Discourses
on the Art of Fowling, the ordering of Singing Birds, and of Fal-
conry, by John Ray. Folio. London, 1678.
[Latham's (John)] General Synopsis of Birds ; the Plates elaborately
coloured. 3 vols, in 6. Both Supplements. 2 vols. Index
Ornithologicus, sive Systema Ornithologise, cum Supplemento.
2 vols. ; 10 vols, in 8, 4to. London, 1781-1802.
Edwards's (Geo.) Natural History of Birds, with Figures exactly coloured
after the original drawings. 7 vols, in 4, folio. Only 25 copies of
this size executed. London, 1802-6.
Bewick's (T.) History of Birds. Figures engraved in wood. 2 vols.
8 vo. first edition. Neiucastle, 1797-1804.
Themminck (C. J.), Histoire Naturelle des Pigeons ; les Figures coloriees
par Mdme. Knip, nee Pauline de Courcelles. Folio. Paris, 1811.
Audebert (J. B.) et L. P. Vieillot, Histoire Naturelle et Generale des
[Oiseaux Dores, viz.] Colibris, Oiseaux-Mouches, Jacamars et Pro-
merops, Grimpereaux, et des Oiseaux de Paradis. 2 vols, folio,
large paper; Plates highly finished in colours. Paris, 1802.
Vaillant (Fr. le), Histoire Naturelle des Oiseaux de Paradis, des Toucans,
et des Barbus ; suivie de celle de Promerops, Guepiers, et des Cou-
roucous. 3 vols, folio, coloured Plates. Paris, 1803-16.
Lesson (R. P.), Histoire Naturelle des Oiseaux-Mouches. Royal 8vo.
coloured Plates. Paris, 1829.
Desmarest (A. G.), Histoire Naturelle des Tangaras, des Manakins, et
des Todiers ; avec Figures coloriees d'apres les desseins de Mile.
Pauline de Courcelles. Folio. Paris, 1805.
Vaillant (Fr. le), Histoire Naturelle des Perroquets. 2 vols, folio,
coloured Plates. Paris, 1801-5.
Gould's (J.) Coloured Figures of the Birds of Europe, with Descriptions.
Large folio. London, 1832.
Montagu's (Col. G.) Ornithological Dictionary of British Birds. Second
edition, with a Plan of Study, and many new Articles, by James
Rennie. 8vo. Lond. 1831.
Lewin (W.) on the Birds of Great Britain, systematically arranged ; with
their Eggs accurately engraved and painted from nature. 8 vols,
royal 4to. ZoHfZo?*, 1795-1801.
Donovan's (E.) Natural History of British Birds ; or, a Selection of the
most rare, beautiful, and interesting, which inhabit this country ; with
Figures coloured from the original specimens. 10 vols, royal Svo.
London, 1794-1818.
Frisch (J. L.), Representation des Oiseaux d'Allemagne, et occasionelle-
ment de quelques Oiseaux etrangers, peints avec leurs couleurs
naturelles. 2 vols, folio. Berlin, 1763.
Vioillot (L. P.), Histoire Naturelle des plus beaux Oiseaux Chanteurs dc
la Zone Torride. Folio, Plates coloured. Pan's, 1806.
Gould's (J.) Century of Birds from the Himalaya Mountains, coloured
from nature, witli Descriptions by N. Vigors. Large folio. London,
Vaillant (Fr. le), Histoire Naturelle d'une partie des Oiseaux nouveaux
et rares de I'Amerique et des Indes. Folio, Plates coloured. Paris,
Wilson's (Alex.) American Ornithology ; or, the Natural History of the
Birds of the United States ; illustrated with Plates, coloured from
original drawings taken from nature. [With Life of the Author by
Geo. Ord.] 9 vols. 4to. Philadeljihia, 1808-14.
Audubon's (John James) Birds of America, from Drawings made during
a residence of Twenty-five Years in the United States and its Terri-
tories. 3 vols, folio. Edinburgh, 1831.
Audubon's (J. J.) American Ornithological Biography. Royal 8vo.
London, 1831.
AVaterton's (C.) Original Instructions for the Perfect Preservation of
Birds, &c. for Cabinets of Natural History. (Travels in South
Reptiles, Sfc.
Cordiner's (Charles) Natural History of Scottish Marine Animals, &c.
(Antiquities of Scotland.)
Topsell's (Ed.) Historic of Serpents, collected out of Divine Scriptures,
Fathers, Philosophers, Physicians, and Poetes. Folio. London,
by W. Jag(jard, 1608.
Willughbeii (Fr.) Historia Piscium, recognovit, coaptavit, supplevit Joan.
Raius. Oxonii, 1686.
Cuvier (le Baron) et M. Valenciennes, Histoire Naturelle des Poissons,
decrits d'apres nature, et distribues conformement a leurs rapports
d'Organisation ; avec des Observations sur leur Anatomic, et des Re-
cherches critiques sur leur Nomenclature ancienne et moderne.
15 vols. 8vo. coloured Plates. Paris, 1828.
Albin's (E.) History of Esculent Fish ; with North's Essay on Fish and
Fish-Ponds. 4to. coloured Plates. London, 1794.
Donovan's (E.) Natural History of British Fishes ; with accurately
finished coloured Plates. 5 vols, royal 8vo. London, 1808.
Jovius (Paulus) de Romanis Piscibus. (Descriptiones.)
Entomology .
Kirby (W.) and W. Spence's Introduction to Entomology ; or, Elements
of the Natural History of Insects : with Plates. 4 vols. 8vo. Lon-
don, \%\%-1Q.
Swammerdam (J.) Biblia Naturso ; sive, Historia Insectorum, in lingua
Batavia et Latina. Accedit Prsefatio, in qua Vitam Auctoris
descripsit H. Boerhaave. 2 vols, folio, large paper. Leyd(e, 1737.
Olivier (G. A.), Entomologie; ou, Histoire Naturelle des Insectcs. 6 vols.
4to, coloured Plates. Paris, 1789-1808.
Stoll (Caspar), Representation, exactement coloriee d'apr^s nature, des
Pumaises, des Cigales, des Spectres ou Phasmes, des Mantes, des
Sauterelles, des Grillons, des Criquets, et des Blottes, qui se trouvent
dans les quatre parties du monde, rassembles et decrits, HoUandois
et Francois. 3 vols. 4to, fine paper. Amsterchwi, 1788-1813.
" Exemplaire retouche au pinceau sur les originaux dans le cabinet de
M. Raye de Breukelerwoert." — MS. Note.
Voet (J. E.), Catalogue Systematique des Coleopteres. 2 vols. 4to.
Plates beautifully coloured. ^ la Haye [1805].
" Exemjilaire retouche," &c, as Stoll, above.
Curtis's (John) British Entomology ; containing coloured figures, from
nature, of the most rare and beautiful species of British Insects, and
of the Plants on which they are found. Royal 8vo. Lond. 1824.
Donovan's (E.) Natural History of British Insects, including such as
require investigation by the microscope. Illustrated with figures
coloured from the living specimens. 16 vols, royal 8vo. London,
Harris's (Moses) Exposition of English Insects, arranged according to the
Linnaean system. Plates coloured after nature, 4to. London, 1781.
Harris's (M.) Aurelian ; a Natural History of English Moths and But-
terflies : together with the Plants on which they feed. Plates co-
loured from nature, folio, large paper. London, 1776.
Harris's (M.) Aurelian (Index of Modern Generic Names to). (Retro-
spective Review, New Series, Vol. I.)
Lee (Coloured Specimens from the Collection of Mr.), of Hammersmith,
to illustrate the Natural History of Butterflies. With Descriptions.
Folio. London, 1806.
These are carefully coloured by the author on etched outlines, and the number
of copies executed was very limited.
Haworth (A. H.) Lepidoptera Britannica ; adjunguntur Dissertationes
ad Hist. Nat. spectantes. 4 parts, 8vo. London, 1803-28.
Ernst (M.), Papillons d'Europe, peints d'apres nature, graves et coloriees
sous sa direction [et sous celle de Gigot d'Arcy], decrits par R. P.
Engramelle. 8 vols. 4to, fine paper, a Paris, 1779-92.
" Exemplaiie retouche," &:c. as Stoll, above.
Cramer (Pierre), PapUlons Exotiques des trois parties du monde, I'Asie,
I'Afrique, et I'Amerique ; rassembles, decrits, et dessines sur les ori-
ginaux, par I'Auteur, et graves et enlumines sous sa direction. Avec
le Supplement par C. Stoll, contenant ceux de Suriname. Hol-
landois et Frangois. 5 vols. 4to. fine paper. Amsterdam, 1779-91.
" Exemplaire choisi, dent les objets ont ^te repeint," &c. as Stoll, above.
Palissot de Beauvois (A. M. F. J.), Insectes recueillis en Afrique et en
Amerique, dans les Royaumes de Benin, a S. Domingue, &c. pen-
dant les annees 1786-97. 2 vols, folio, coloured Plates. Paris,
Donovan's (E.) Natural History of the Insects of India and the Islands
of the Indian Seas. Figures coloured from the specimens. 4to.
London, 1800.
Donovan's (E.) Natural History of the Insects of China. Figures co-
loured from the spccinjcns. 4to. Lond. 1798.
Donovan's (E.) Natural History of the Insects of New Holland, New
Zealand, and other islands of the Indian, Southern, and Pacific
Oceans. Figures coloured from the specimens. 4to. Lond. 1805.
Merian (M. S.) de Generatione et Metamorphosibus Insectorum Surina-
mensium. His adjunguntur Bufones, Lacerti, Serpentes, aliaeque Ani-
malculae. Accedit Appendix Transformationum Piscium in Ranas et
Ranarum in Pisces. Folio. Amstelodami, 1719.
Smith's (Sir J. E.) History of the Lepidopterous Insects of Georgia, with
the Plants on which they feed; collected from the Observations of
Mr. Abbot. 2 vols, folio, coloured Plates. Lond. 1797.
Lewin's (J. W.) Natural History of Lepidopterous Insects of New South
Wales ; collected, engraved, and faithfully painted after nature.
4to. London, 1805.
Wildman's (Th.) Treatise on the Management of Bees ; containing a
Natural History of these Insects, and of Wasps and Hornets. 8vo.
Lond. 1770.
Huber's (Fr.) New Observations on the Natural History of Bees, trans-
lated. 12mo. Edin. 1808.
Huber's (F.) Natural History of Ants, translated, with Notes, by J. R.
Johnson. 12mo. Lond. 1820.
Dandalo's (Count) Art of Rearing Silk-worms, translated. 8vo. Lo7i-
don, 1825.
Adams' (Geo.) Essays on the Microscope ; containing a General History
of Insects, their Transformation, General Habits, and Economy [and
Instructions for Collecting and Preserving them] : with Additions and
Improvements by F. Kanmacher. 4to. Lond. 1798.
Hooke's (R.) Micrographia : or, some Physiological Descriptions of
Minute Bodies made by Magnifying Glasses ; with Observations and
Inquiries thereupon. Folio. Lond. 1665.
Mawe's (John) Linnsean System of Conchology ; describing the Orders,
Genera, and Species of Shells, arranged into Families. 8vo, coloured
Plates. London, 1823.
Lister (Martin) Historia, sive Synopsis methodica Conchyliorum, quo-
rum omnium Picturse ad vivum delineatse exhibentur ; cum Appen-
dice figurarum anatomicarum. Folio, large paper. Zone?. 1685.
Perry's (Geo.) Conchology ; or, Natural History of Shells : containing a
new Arrangement of the Genera and Species, illustrated by coloured
Engravings from the natural specimens [by Jo. Clarke]. Folio.
London, 1811.
Audebert de Ferussac (J. B. L. d'), Histoire naturelle, generale, et par-
ticuliere des Mollusques Terrestres et Fluviatiles. Folio, coloured
Plates. Paris, 1819.
Dilhvyn's (L. W.) Descriptive Catalogue of recent Shells, arranged ac-
cording to the Linnsean System, with particular attention to the Syno-
nymes. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1817.
Montague's (Geo.) Testacea Britannica ; or, Natural History of British
Shells, systematically arranged ; with the Supplement. 3 vols. 4to.
London, 1803, and Exeter, 1808.
Donovan's (E.) Natural History of British Shells ; with coloured Figures.
5 vols, royal 8vo. London, 1804.
Sowerby's (James) Mineral Conchology of Great Britain ; or, coloured
Figures and Descriptions of those Remains of Testaceous Animals or
Shells which have been preserved at various times and depths in the
earth. 6 vols. Svo. London, 1812-24.
Ellis's (John) Essay towards a Natural History of the Corallines, and
other Marine Productions of the like kind, found on the coasts of
Great Britain. Svo. London, 1755.
Medicitie, Anatomy, and Surgery.
Hamilton's (W.) History of Medicine, Surgery, and Anatomy, to the
commencement of the XlXth Century. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond.\^'i\.
Aristoteles de Generatione et Corruptione. (Opera, Vol. I.)
Bacon's (Lord) Historia Vita2 et Mortis. (Works.)
Bell's (John) Principles of Surgery ; containing the ordinary Duties of a
Surgeon, and a System of Surgical Operations. 3 vols, in 4, 4to.
Edinb. and Land. 1801-8.
Berkeley's (Bp.) Siris ; a Chain of Philosophical Reflections and In-
quiries on the Virtues of Tar-Water in the Plague. (Works.)
Boyle's (Robt.) Natural History of the Human Blood. (Works, Vol. IV.)
Boyle's (R.) Receipts for the Cure of Diseases. (Works, Vol. V.)
Boyle's (R.) Effects of Motion on the Salubrity and Insalubrity of the
Air. (Works, Vol. V.)
Brande's (W. Thos.) Manual of Pharmacy. Svo. London, 1825.
Buchan's (Wm.) Domestic Medicine, edited by A. P. Buchan. Svo.
London, 1826.
Cavallo's (Tit.) Practice of Medical Electricity. (Electricity.)
Cclsus (A. Corn.) de Medicina, ex recensione et cum Notis variorum,
edidit Leon. Targa. 2 vols. Svo. Argent. 1806.
Cheyne's (Geo.) Essay of Health and Long Life. Svo. Lond. 1725.
Cooper's (Sam.) Dictionary of Practical Surgery. Svo, London, 1830.
Darwin's (Eras.) Zoonomia ; or, the Laws of Organic Life. 2 vols.
London, 1796.
Dioscoridis (P. A. Matthioli Commentarii in Libros) a Medica Materia
ab ipso Auctore recogniti, et locis plus mille aucti ; adjectis magnis
ac novis Plantarum ac Animalium Iconibus ad vivum delineatis.
Folio. Venetiis, ap. F. Valgrisium, 1583.
Gold-Headed Cane ; [or. Sketches of RadclifFe, Mead, Askew, Pitcairn,
and Baillie.] Small Svo. London, 1827.
Good's (J. M.) Study of Medicine, by Sam. Cooper. 5 vols. Svo. Lon-
don, 1829.
Graham's (T. J.) Modern Domestic Medicine ; or, a Popular Treatise on
Diseases. Svo. London, 1828.
Gratarolus' (Guil.) Direction for the Health of Magistrates and Students;
namely, suche as bee in their consistent age, or neere thereunto ;
Englished by T[h.] N[ewton]. 35lacfe letter, small Svo. London, by
W. Horv, 1574.
Hippocratis Opera. (Classics.)
Home's (Sir Everard) Lectures on Comparative Anatomy, in which are
explained the Preparations in the Hunterian Museum ; with Supple-
ment, and including a Synopsis of the Classes and Orders of the
Animal Kingdom. 6 vols. 4to. London, 1814-28.
Hooper's (Rob.) Medical Dictionary. 8vo. London, 1831.
Kgempfer on the Cure of Colic by Acupuncturation, of Moxa, Amber-
grease, &c. (History of Japan, Vol. II.)
Lizars's (John) System of Anatomical Plates, accompanied with Descrip*
tions and Observations. Folio, Plates coloured. Edinb. 1822-6.
Paris (J. A.) on Diet, with a view to establish, on Practical Grounds, a
System of Rules for the Prevention and Cure of Diseases incident to
a Disordered State of the Digestive Functions. 8vo. London, 1824.
Russell's (T.) Description and Treatment of the Plague. (Natural His-
tory of Aleppo.)
Tissot (M.), de la Sante des Gens de Lettres. 8vo. Lausanne, 1768.
Histories, Dictionaries, Sj'c.
Montucla (J. F.), Histoire des Mathematiques, achevee par J. De la
Lande. 4 vols. 4to. Paris, 1799-1802.
Hutton's (Charles) Mathematical and Philosophical Dictionary ; with
numerous Additions and Improvements. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1815.
Hutton's (C.) Tracts on Mathematical and Philosophical Subjects.
3 vols. 8vo, London, 1812.
Hutton's (C.) Recreations in Mathematics and Natural Philosophy; con-
taining amusing Dissertations and Inquiries on a variety of subjects.
4 vols. 8vo. London, 1814.
Pure Mathematics.
Ben Musa's Algebra; edited and translated by Frederick Rosen. 8vo.
London, 1831.
Bridge's (B.) Lectures on the Elements of Algebra. 8vo. Lond.\^\9.
Cowley's (J. Lodge) Illustration and Mensuration of Solid Geometry;
containing movable schemes for forming the various Solids : re-
vised by W. Jones, 4to. London, 1787.
Euclidis Elementa Geometrise. (Classics.)
Hutton's (Charles) Mathematical Tables ; containing the Common, Hy-
perbolic, and Logistic Logarithms, &c. 8vo. London, 1811.
Hutton's (C.) Elements of Conic Sections ; with select Exercises in
various branches of Mathematics and Philosophy. 8vo. Lond. 1787.
Hutton's (C.) Treatise of Mensuration, both in Theory and Practice.
8vo. London, 1788.
Hamilton (Bp. H.) de Sectionibus Conicis. (Works, Vol. I.)
Lacroix (S. F.), Traite du Calcul DifFerentiel et du Calcul Integral;
revue, corrigee, et augmentee. 3 vols. 4to. Paris, 1810-19.
Leslie's (Sir John) Philosophy of Arithmetic ; exhibiting a progressive
view of the Theory and Practice of Calculation. 8vo. Edin. 1817.
Maseres' (Baron Francis) Scriptores Logarithmici ; or, a Collection of
Tracts on the Nature and Construction of Logarithms. 6 vols. 4to,
fine paper. London, 1791-1807.
Newtoni (Sir L) Tractatus ad Fundamenta Geometrise sublimioris perti-
nentes. (Opera, Vol. 1.)
Newtoni (Sir L) Arithmetica Universalis. (Opera, Vol. L)
Playfair's (John) Elements of Geometry ; containing the first Six Books
of Euclid : Avith Elements of Trigonometry, 8vo. Edinb. 1804.
Simson's (Rob.) Elements of Euclid ; with a Treatise on Trigonometry
and Logarithms. 8vo. London, 1806.
Wilson's (Ri.) System of Plane and Spherical Trigonometry : to which
is added, a Treatise on Logarithms. 8vo. Cambridge, 1831.
Baily's (F.) Doctrine of Interest and Annuities, and of Life Annuities
and Assurances ; with Appendix. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1809-10.
Baily's (F.) Tables for the Purchase and Renewing of Leases. 8vo.
London, 1807,
Morgan's (W.) Principles and Doctrine of Assurances, Annuities, and
Contingent Reversions. 8vo. London, 1823.
Place (P. S. De la), Theorie Analytique des Probabilites. 4to. Paris,
Rouse's (W.) Doctrine of Chances ; or, the Theory and Probability of
Gaming. 8vo. London, 1814.
Adams' (Geo.) Geometrical and Graphical Essays ; containing a general
Description of the Mathematical Instruments used in Geometry,
Civil and Military Surveying, Levelling, and Perspective ; enlarged
by W. Jones: with an Appendix by John Gale, containing Tables of
Southing. 2 vols. 8vo. Zowrfon, '1791-1803.
Brewster's (David) Treatise on New Philosophical Instruments, for va-
rious purposes in the Arts and Sciences, with Experiments on Light
and Colours. 8vo. Edinb. 1813.
Mixed Mathematics.
Archimedis Opera. (Classics.)
Aristotelis Qucestiones Mechanicse. (Opera, Vol. I.)
Emerson's (Wm.) Principles of Mechanics, explaining and demonstra-
ting the general Laws of Motion. 4to. London, 1800.
Hamilton (Bp. Hugh) on the Principles of Mechanics ; and Introduc-
tory Lectures on Natural Philosophy. (Works, Vol. 11.)
Robison's (John) Mechanical Philosophy, by Sir D. Brewster. 4 vols.
8vo. Edinb. 1822.
Wood's (James) Principles of Mechanics. 8vo. Cami. 1811.
[Worcester's (Marq. of)] Century of the Names and Scantlings of such
Inventions as he tried and perfected. 12ino. London, 1746.
Worcester's (Marq. of) Century of Inventions ; with Historical and Ex-
planatory Notes, and a Biographical Memoir by C. F. Partington.
Small 8vo. London, 1825.
Adams's (Geo.) Astronomical and Geographical Essays, containing the
general Principles of Astronomy, the Use of the Globes, Planetarium,
Tellurium, and Lunarium ; enlarged by Wm. Jones. 8vo. London,
Bode (J. E.), Representation des Astres, sur XXXIV Planches, avec une
Instruction sur la maniere de s'en servir. 4to. Berlin, 1805.
Delambre (J. B. J.), Tables Astronomiques. 4to, Paris, 1806.
Ferguson's (James) Astronomy explained upon Sir I. Newton's Prin-
ciples ; with Notes and Supplementary Chapters by David Brewster.
2 vols. 8vo. with 4to. volume of illustrative Plates. Edinb. 1811.
Long's (Roger) System of Astronomy. 2 vols. 4to. Camb. 1742.
Maskelyne's (Nevil) Astronomical Observations made at the Royal Ob-
servatory, Greenwich, from 1765 to 1797. 3 vols, folio. London,
Maupertius (M. de) on the different Figures of Celestial Bodies ; with a
summary Exposition of the Cartesian and Newtonian Theories.
(Keill's Examination of Burnet.)
Place (le Comte la), Exposition du Systeme du Monde. 2 vols. 8vo.
Paris, 1813.
Place (le Comte la), Traite de Mecanique Celeste. 4 vols, 4to. Paris,
[Recorde's (Rob.)] Castle of Knowledge, containing the Explication of
the Sphere, bothe Celestiall and Materiall, and divers other things
incident thereto, 4to, London, by Reg. Wolfe, 1556.
Somerville's (,Mary) Mechanism of the Heavens. 8vo. London, 1831.
Theodosii Tripoleusis Sphserse. (Classics.)
Vince's (James) Elements of Astronomy, 8vo, Cambridge, 1810.
Wharton's (Geo.) Calendarium Carolinum ; or, a New Almanack after the
old fashion, for the Year of Man's Creation 5612 — Redemption
1663 ; to which is added, Gesta Britannorum, or a Chronology for
62 Years, from 1600 to 1663. Small 8vo. port, London, 1663.
Optics and Perspective.
Brewster's (David) Experiments on Light and Colours. (Treatise on
Phil. Inst,)
Newton's (Sir I.) Optics. (Opera, Vol. I.)
Wood's (James) Elements of Optics, 8vo. Cambridge, 1811.
Wood's (J. G.) Lectures on Perspective, illustrated with Plates and a
Mechanical Apparatus, 4to, London, 1804.
Le Clerc's Practical Geometry ; or, an Introduction to Perspective, from
the French ; with Additions by C. Nattes. Plates by Pyne. 8vo.
London, 1805.
Burney's (Charles) General History of Music, from the earliest ages to
the present period ; with a Dissertation on the Music of the Ancients.
4 vols. 4to. London, 1776-89.
Hawkins' (Sir John) General History of the Science and Practice of
Music. 5 vols. 4to. London, 1776.
Montucla, Histoire de la Musique. (Hist, des Mathematiques, Vol. IV.)
Burney's (C.) Present State of Music in Germany, the Netherlands, and
United Provinces. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1773.
Busby's (Thomas) Complete Dictionary of Music. 12mo. Lond. 1806.
Calcott's (Dr.) Musical Grammar. 12mo. London, 1809.
Euclidis Introductio Harmonica. (Opera.)
Harris (James) on Music. (Works, Vol. I.)
King's (M. P.) General Treatise on Music, particularly on Harmony and
Thorough-Bass, and its application in composition. Folio. Lond.
Zarlino (Gioseffo), Le Institutioni Harmoniche, nelle quale le materia
appartenenti alia musica. Folio. Venet. 1558.
Bonanni (Pere), Description des Instrumens Harmoniques en tout genre ;
augmentee par I'Abbe Ceruti. Ital. et Franc. 4to. Roma, 1776.
[Ritson (Jos.)] on the Songs, Music, and Instrumental Performance of
the ancient English. (Ancient Songs.)
Tytler (W.) on Scottish Music. (James the First's Remains.)
Dissertation on Scottish Music. (Arnot's Edinburgh, App. No. VIII.)
Gunn's (John) Historical Inquiry respecting the Performance on the
Harp in the Highlands of Scotland, until discontinued about 1734.
4to. Edinburgh, 1807.
Walter (Joseph C.) on the Music and Musical Instruments of Ireland.
(Irish Bards.)
[Coxe's (W.)] Anecdotes of Geo. F. Handel and John Christ. Smith;
with select Pieces of Music composed by J. C. Smith, never before
published. 4to. London, 1799.
Barrington's (Daines) Account of a very remarkable young Musician
[Mozart], and of Charles and Samuel Wesley, little Crotch, and the
Earl of Mornington, (Miscellanies.)
Purcell's (Henry) Orpheus Britannicus ; a Collection of the choicest
Songs for one, two, and three Voices ; with Symphonies and a
Thorough-Bass to each. Both parts in one vol. folio. London,
Navigatioji and Naval Architecture.
Charnock's (John) History of Marine Architecture, including a view of
the Nautical Regulations and Naval History of all Nations, especially
that of Great Britain, deduced to the present time. 3 vols. 4to.
large paper. London, 1800—2.
Clerk (John) on Naval Tactics, systematical and historical. 4to. Edin.
Falconer's (Wm.) Universal Dictionary of the Marine ; beings a copious
Explanation of the Technical Terms and Phrases, modernised and
much enlarged by W. Burney. 4to. London, 1815.
Ralegh (Sir W.) on the Invention of Ships, the several Uses, Defects,
and Supply of Shipping ; the Strength and Defects of the Sea Forces
of England, France, Spain, and Venice ; with Observations on the
Royal Navy and Sea Service. (Works, Vol. VIII.)
Military Science.
jEliani Tactica ; — Arriani Ars Tactica ; — Frontini Stratagematicon ; —
Vegetius de Re Militari ; — Scriptores Veteres de Re Militari.
Duncan's (W.) Discourse concerning the Roman Art of War. (Csesar.)
Folard (Le Chev. de), Commentaire sur Polybe, ou un Cours de Science
Militaire ; avec un Supplement, contenant les Nouvelles decouvertes
de la Guerre. (Polybius.)
Grose's (Francis) Military Antiquities. (English Military History.)
Meyrick's (Sam. Rush) Critical Inquiry into Ancient Armour, as it
existed in Europe, but particularly in England, from the Norman
Conquest to the reign of Charles II. ; with a Glossary of Military
Terms of the Middle Ages. 3 vols, imperial 4to. Land. 1824.
An original copy, coloured under the immediate inspection of the author.
MuUer's (John) Treatise ; containing the elementary part of Fortifica-
tion, regular and irregular. 8vo. Lond. 1807.
General Treatises.
Roujoux (P. G, de), Essai d'une Histoire des Revolutions arrivees dans
les Sciences et les Arts depuis les temps heroiques jusqu'^ nos
jours. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1811.
Beckmann's (John) History of Inventions and Discoveries, translated by
W. Johnston. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1814.
Dutens (M. L.), Origine des Decouvertes attribuees aux Modernes,
, 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1812.
Smith's (G.) Laboratory, or School of Arts; containing a large col-
lection of valuable Secrets, Experiments, and manual Operations in
Arts and Manufactures. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1799.
Transactions of the Society instituted at London for the Encouragement
of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce, from 1783 to the present time ;
with Index to first 25 vols. 29 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1783-1808.
ARTS. 107
Artificial Memory, Writing, and Printing.
%• See also Literary History and Bibliography.
Grey's (Rich.) Memoria Technica ; or, a new method of Artificial Me-
mory. 12mo. London, 1737.
Ahmad bin Abubekr bin Washih's Ancient Alphabets and Hieroglyphic
Characters explained. Translated from the Arabic by Jos. Hammer.
4to. London, 1806.
Champollion (le Jeune), Precis du Systeme Hieroglyphique des anciens
Egyptiens ; ou, Recherches sur les Elemens premiers de cette Ecri-
ture Sacree. Augmentee de la Lettre a M. Dacier relative a Alpha-
bet des Hieroglyphes Phonetiques employes par les Egyptiens sur
leurs Monumens de I'Epoque Grecque et de I'Epoque Romaine.
2 vols. roy. 8vo. Paris, 1829.
Kircheri (Athanasii) Sphinx Mystagoga ; sive, Diatribe Hieroglyphica.
Folio. Amstelodami, 1676.
Lenoir (Alex.), Nouvelle Explication des Hieroglyphes, ou des anciennes
Allegories sacrees des Egyptiens. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1809-10.
Beck's (Cave) Universal Character, by which all the Nations of the
World may understand one another's conceptions, reading out of one
common writing their own mother tongue. Small 8vo, front. Lon-
don, 1657.
Bridges* (Noah) Stenographic and Cryptographic ; or, the Arts of
Short and Secret Writing. Small 8vo. London, 1659.
Morland's (Sir Samuel) New Method of Cryptography, or Secret Writ-
ing. Folio, port by Lombard. 1666.
Smith's (W.) Introduction to Common Decyphering. (History of Nevis.)
Johnson's (J.) Typographia ; or, the Printer's Instructor. 2 vols. 8vo,
large paper. London, 1824.
Savage's (Wm.) Practical Hints on Decorative Printing; with Illustra-
tions engraved on wood, and printed in colours at the Type Press.
4to. London, 1822.
Histories and General Treatises.
Winkelmann (Jean-Joach.), Histoire de I'Art chez les Anciens ; traduite
de I'Allemande, avec des Notes historiques et critiques de differens
Auteurs [et Memoires sur la Vie et Ouvrages de I'Auteur, par Huber,
et revue par Jansen]. 3 vols, in two, 4to. Paris, 1801-3.
See also " Monumens de I'AntiquiKi."
Seroux d'Agincourt (J. B. L. C), Histoire de I'Art par les Monumens,
depuis sa decadence an IV Si^cle, jusqu'a son renouvcUement au XVI
(pour servir de suite a I'Histoirc de I'Art chez les Anciens). 4 vols,
folio. Paris, 1823.
108 ARTS.
Hume (D.) on the Rise and Progress of the Arts. (Essays, Vol. I.)
Hoare's (Prince) Epochs of the Arts ; including Hints on the Use and
Progress of Painting and Sculpture in Great Britain. 8vo. Lon-
don, 1813.
Alberti (L. B.) de Pictura. (Vitruvius a de Laet.)
Junius (Fr.) de Pictura Veterura. Accedit Catalogus adhuc ineditus
Architectorum, Mechanichorum, sed prsecipu^ Pictorum, Statuari-
orum, Cselatorum, Tornatorum, aliorumque Artificum et Operum quse
fecerunt [cura et studio J. G. Grsevii]. Folio. Rotterdami, 1694.
Turnbull (Geo.) on Ancient Painting ; containing Observations on the
Rise, Progress, and Decline of that Art amongst the Greeks and
Romans; its Connexion with Poetry and Philosophy; and the Use
that may be made of it in Education. Illustrated with 50 pieces of
ancient Painting, engraved from Drawings by Camillo Paderni.
Folio, large paper. London, 1740.
D'Hancarville, Recherches sur I'Origine et Progres des Arts dans la
Gr^ce. (Antiquities.)
Winkelmann's Reflections on the Painting and Sculpture of the Greeks ;
with Instructions for the Connoisseur, and an Essay on Grace in
Works of Art; translated by Henry Fuseli. 8vo. London, 1765.
Spence's (Joseph) Polymetis ; or, an Inquiry concerning the Agreement
between the Works of the Roman Poets and the Remains of ancient
Artists, being an attempt to illustrate them mutually from one an-
other. Folio. Ijondon, 1747.
Vasari (Georgio), Vite de' piu Eccelenti Pittori, Scultori, ed Architetti ;
illustrate con Note. 17 vols. 8vo. Milano, 1807-11.
Memoirs of Benvenuto Cellini ; containing a variety of information re-
garding the Arts of the 16th Century, (Biography.)
Barry's (James) Works ; viz. Correspondence ; Lectures at the Royal
Academy ; Observations of different Works of Art in Italy and France ;
Inquiry into the Causes which have obstructed the Progress of the Fine
Arts in London ; with some Account of the Life and Writings of the
Author. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1809.
Notizia d' Opere di Disegno, nella prima meta del secolo XVI esistenti
in Padova, Cremona, Milano, Pavia, Bergamo, Crema, e Venezia ;
scritta da un Anomino di quel tempo, pubblicata ed illustrata da
D. J. Morelli. 8vo. Bassano, 1800.
Richardson's (John), Account of some of the Statues, Bas-reliefs, Draw-
ings, and Pictures in Italy, &c. ; with Critical Remarks on their
Productions. 8vo. London, 1722.
Lenoir (Alex.), Recueil de Gravures, pour servir a I'Histoire des Arts en
France, prouvee par les Monumens. Folio. Pam, 1811.
[Chaussard], le Pausanias Fran^ais ; Etat des Arts du Dessin en France
k I'ouverture du XIX si^cle. Royal 8vo. Paris, 1806.
Reynolds' (Sir Joshua) Journey to Flanders and Holland in 1781 [con-
taining accounts of the Specimens of Painting, &c.]. (Works,
Vol. II.)
Vertue's (Geo.) Anecdotes of Painting in England ; with some Account
of the principal Artists, and Incidental Notes on other Arts, digested
and published from the Author's original MSS., by Horace Walpole ;
with considerable Additions by the Jlev, James Dallaway. 5 vols,
royal 8vo, large paper, proofs. London, 1826.
ARTS. 109
Walpole's (Horatio, Earl of Orford) Anecdotes of Painters, Statuaries,
and Medallists, in England. (Works, Vol. 111.)
Edwards's (Geo.) Anecdotes of Painters who have resided or been born
in England ; with Critical Remarks on their Productions, intended as
a continuation of those of the late Lord Orford. Lond. 1808.
Dallaway's (James) Anecdotes of the Arts in England; or, comparative
Remarks on Architecture, Sculpture, and Painting. 8vo. London,
Christ (M.), Dictionnaire des Monogrammes, ChifFres, Lettres Initiales,
Logogryphes, Rebus, &c., sous lesquels les plus celebres Peintres,
Graveurs, et Dessinateurs, ont dessine leurs noms ; trad, et augmente
par M. [Sellius]. 8vo. Paris, 1762.
History of Painting.
Pilkington's (Matth.) Dictionary of Painters, edited by H. Fuseli. New
edition, with numerous additions. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1829.
Heinecker (le Baron), Dictionnaire des Artistes. (Engraving.)
Buchanan's (W.) Memoirs of Painting ; containing a Chronological
History of the Importation of Pictures by the great Masters since
the period of the French Revolution : with Critical Remarks thereon,
and Sketches of the Characters of leading Masters of various Schools
of Painting. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1824.
Serie di Ritratti degli eccelenti Pittori, dipinti di propria mano, che
esistono nell' Imperiale Galleria di Firenze, coUe Vite in compendio
de' medesimi, descritte da Fran. Moiicke. 4 vols, folio. Firenze,
Lanzi (Luighi), Storia Pittorica della Italia ; dal risorgimento delle Belle
Arti fin presso al fine del XVIII secolo. 6 vols. 8vo. Bassano,
Lanzi's (Luighi) History of Painting in Italy, translated from the original
Italian by Thomas Roscoe. 6 vols. 8vo. London, 1828.
Life of Michel Angelo Buonarotti. (Biography.)
Pinkerton (John) on the Rise and Progress of Painting in Scotland.
(Scottish Gallery.)
Cumberland's (Rich.) Anecdotes of eminent Painters in Spain during the
16th and 17th centuries; with Remarks on the present state of the
Arts in that kingdom. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1787.
Bermudez (Don Juan A. C.) upon the Style and Taste of the School of
Seville. (Life of Murillo.)
[Beckford's (W.)] [Satirical] Biographical Memoirs of Extraordinary
Painters. 8vo. London, 1780.
Elementary and General Treatises.
Bell's (Char.) Essays on the Anatomy of Expression in Painting. 4to.
London, 1806.
Burnet's (John) Practical Hints on Composition and on Colour in Paint-
ing, illustrated by Examples from the great Masters of the Italian,
Flemish, and Dutch Schools. 4to. ZoHf/on, 1822-27.
no ARTS.
Du Fresnoy (C. A.) de Arte Graphica ; the Art of Painting, with Re-
marks : translated, with a Parallel between Painting and Poetry, by
John Dryden. Also a short Account of the most eminent Painters,
ancient and modern, by [Richard Graham]. Large paper, 4to. Lon-
don, 1695.
Du Fresnoy's (C. A.) Art of Painting, with Remarks; translated, with
an original Preface, containing a Parallel between Painting and
Poetry, by John Dryden. (Dryden's Works, Vol. XVII.)
Du Fresnoy's (C. A.) Art of Painting, translated into English verse by
W. Mason ; with Notes by Sir Joshua Reynolds, and Chronological
List of modern Painters by Gray. (Gray's Works, Vol. III., and
Sir J. Reynolds' Works, Vol. III.)
Du Piles' (M.) Art of Painting, with the Lives of the most eminent
Painters, Reflections on their Works, and Essay towards an English
School. 8vo. London, 1743,
Du Piles' (M.) Principles of Painting, with an Account of Athenian,
Roman, Venetian, and Flemish Schools. 8vo. London, 1743.
Evelyn (John), an Idea of the Perfection of Painting, demonstrated from
the principles of the art. (Misc. Works.)
Fuseli's (Henry) Lectures on Painting, delivered at the Royal Academy.
4to. London, 1801.
Gilpin's (W.) Essays on Picturesque Beauty, Picturesque Travel, and
on sketching Landscape ; with an Account of the Principles and
Mode in which the Author executed his own drawings. 8vo. Lond.
Gilpin's (W.) Collected Works, relating chiefly to Picturesque Beauty.
10 vols, large 8vo. London, 1792-1809.
Harris (James) on Painting. (Works, Vol. I.)
Hogarth's (Wm.) Analysis of Beauty, with a view to fix the fluctuating
Ideas of Taste. 4to. London, 1152.
Northcote's (J.) Varieties of Art. (Memoirs of Sir J. Reynolds.)
Price's (Uvedale) Essays on the Picturesque, as compared with the
Sublime and Beautiful ; and on the use of studying Pictures for
the purpose of improving real Landscape. 3 vols. 8vo. London,
Reynolds' (Sir Joshua) Discourses, delivered at the Royal Academy.
(Works, Vols. I. and II.)
Richardson's (John) Essay on the Theory of Painting. 8vo. London,
Richardson's (J.) Two Discourses on the Art of Criticism as it relates to
Painting, and on the Science of a Connoisseur. 8vo. London, 1719.
Shee's (Sir M. A.) Elements of Art, a poem, with Notes and a Preface;
including Strictures on the state of the Arts, Criticism, Patronage,
and Public Taste. 8vo. London, l^Od.
Shee's (Sir M.) Rhymes on Art; or, the Remonstrance of a Painter,
with Notes. 8vo. London, 1805.
On particular kinds of Painting.
Muntz's (J. H.) Encaustic; or, Count Caylus's Method of Painting in
the manner of the Ancients; to which is added, a sure and easy
way of fixing of Crayons. 8vo. London, 1760.
Lenoir (Alex.), Histoire de la Peinture sur Verre, et Description des
Vitraux anciens et modernes, pour servir a I'Histoire de I'Art rela-
tivement a la France. 8vo. Paris, 1803.
Hawkins's (J. S.) Inquiry into the mode of Painting upon and staining
Glass, as practised in the Ecclesiastical Structures of the Middle
Ages. (Gothic Architecture.)
Collections of Engravings after great and eminent Masters.
Landon (C. P.), Vies et Qiluvres des Peintres les plus cel^bres de toutes
les ecoles; viz. Peintres Antiques, M. Ange, Raphael, Correge,
Dominiquin, L. da Vinci, Titien, Guide, P. Veronese, C. Albane,
Baccio Bandinelli, Daniel de Volterre, Poussin, Le Sueur, et Jouve-
net. 25 vols, in eleven, 4to. Paris, 1803, &c.
Engravings (XLVIII.) after Poussin, Salvator Rosa, Claudio Gellee,
Lorense, Panini, &c. by Chatelain and his Pupils, Vivares, Wood,
Mason, &c. Folio. 1744.
From the Italian School, after C. AUori; F. Albani, by Sir F. Dorigny,
and including the Rape of Proserpine by Rosabina ; M. Angelo, in-
cluding the Crucifixion by Folo ; Baccio, including Presentation in
the Temple by Perfetti ; Barocci, including the Annunciation and
St. Francis, by himself; Bassano ; Berettini ; Delia Bella; Vine.
Camuccini, including the Death of Csesar, and other classical sub-
jects ; A. Carracci, including the Dead Christ by RouUett, the
Frescos of the Magnani Palace at Bologna by Tortebat ; Lud. Car-
racci ; Cignani ; Cipriani ; Conca ; Corregio, including Holy Family
by Bonato, La Madonna col Divoto by Bettelini, Madelena by
Rahl, and others by Sornique, Duchange, &:c. (Coll. of Prints,
Vol. I.)
From the Italian School after Pietro de Cortona ; Carlo Dolci ; Domi-
nichini, including the Martyrdom of St. Agnes by Audran, the
Communion of St. Jerome by Frey and by Fardieu, the Four Cardi-
nal Virtues, or Angels, by Frey, and the Four Evangelists by Do-
rigny ; Feti ; Franco ; Francisco Bolognese ; Gauli, including the St.
John by I'Epicier ; Guercino da Cento ; Guido, including St. John
by Raphael Mengs, Ecce Homo by Bartolozzi, plain and coloured, the
Crucifixion by Chereau, St. Andrew by G. Audran, Bacchus and
Ariadne by Frey, Aurora by Frey and Raphael Morghen, and
Liberality and Modesty by Strange ; Giulio Romano ; Filipo Lauri,
including St. John, &c. by Sympson, jun., and Jacob's Departure
by Major. (Coll. of Prints, Vol. II.)
From the Italian School after Ber. Luino, including the Nativity by
Piotti, Madonna by Bisi, Baptist's Head by Garavaglia ; C. Ma-
ratti, including Sleeping Jesus by Strange, the Repose and the
Martyrdom of St. Andrew by Frey, the Martyrdom of St. Bias by
Audenaerd ; Miirillo ; G. delle Notti ; Ochiale ; Paulo Veronese,
including the Marriage at Cana by Vanni ; 11 Pannigiano ; Pelle-
grini by Bartoloz/i ; Pcrugino ; Piazzeti ; F. Railbulini, including a
Madonna by Lecomte ; Raphael, including the Marriage of the
Virgin by Dissard and Longhi, the Madonna di Fuligno by Fosetti,
di Sisto by Miiller, dcU' Impanata by Sotumajor, and others by
Bloemacrt, Brcbicttc, Frey, Larmessin, Dcsnoyers, Bcttclini, N.
Aureli, Gio. Delia Bella, Raphael Morghen, and Jesi ; St. John bv
112 ARTS.
Chereau, the Cartoons by Holloway (proofs), the Transfiguration
by Raphael Morghen (proof, No. 454), the Frescos in the Vatican
by Carlo Maratti, Dorigny, and P. Thomassin. (Coll. of Prints,
Vol. III.)
From the Italian School, after Raphael, continued: the Battle of Constan-
tine by Aquila, the Frescos in the Vatican by Valpato, Fabri, and
Salandri ; the Archangel by Rousselet and Chatillon, the Dream by
G. Ghisi, and Mount Parnassus by Matham ; M. Ricci ; Salvator
Rosa, including the Prodigal Son by Ravenet, Jason by Boydell,
Belisarius by Strange ; Sasso Faratto, by Folo, «fec. ; J. Rossi ;
A. Sacchi, byFrey and Strange; A. del Sarto ; Tintoretto, including
St. Anthony by Berteli ; Titian, including the Virgin adoring the
Infant Jesus by Morin, Madonna by Bettelini, the Woman taken
in Adultery by Anderloni, St. Peter the Martyr by Zuliani (proof,
No. 56, before the letters), the Assumption by Schiavoni, &c. ;
Tobar ; L. da Vinci, including Madonna del Lago by Longhi, and
with St. Catharine and Barbara by Steinmiiller, and the Last Sup-
per by Raphael Morghen. (Coll. of Prints, Vol. IV.)
Ottley's (W. Young) Italian School of Design ; being a Series of Fac-
similes of original Drawings, by the most eminent Painters and
Sculptors of Italy ; with Biographical Notices of the Artists, and
Observations on their Works. Folio. London, 1823.
Caracci (Annibale) [The Cries of Bologna] Diverse Figure, disegnate di
penna nell' hore di ricreazione, intagliate e lavate degli originali da
Simone Guilino [Guillain]. Folio. Roma, [1646.]
Caracci (A.) Galeria nel Palazzo Farnese in Roma, intagliata da Carlo
Cesio [con Argomento nel quali spiegarsi e reducersi allegoricamente
alia moralita le Tavole Poetiche in essa rappresentate] . Folio.
Roma, 1657.
Giulio Romano. Sigismundi Augusti Mantuam Adventus, Profectus, ac
Triumphus ; opus ex archetypo Julii Romani a Fr. Primatico, Man-
tuae in Ducali Palatio, quod del T. nuncupatur, sculptura mire elabo-
ratum ; cum Notis J. P. Bellorii; a P. Sancto Bartolo ex vet. exem-
plari traductum, serique incisum. Oblong folio. Romce, 1680.
Raphaele Sancto Urbinato (Imagines V. et N. Testamenti a), in Vaticani
palatio xystis mira picturee elegantia expressse; J.J. Rubeis cura ac
sumptibus delineatse, incisae, ac typis editae. Oblong folio. Romee,
Raphael — Nicol. Dorigny's Pinacotheca Hamptoniana ; Engravings
from the Cartoons of Raphael de Urbino at Hampton Court, on
VII. Plates ; with the Descent from the Cross, and the Transfigura-
tion. Brilliant impressions : the Harley copy. Large folio.
M. Angelo and Raphael. — R. Duppa's Dissertation on the Picture of
the Last Judgment, in the Sistine Chapel, by M. Angelo, accom-
panied with XII. Heads, and XII. from the Fresco Pictures of
Raffaelo in the stanze of the Vatican, traced from the originals, and
engraved of the same size ; with Life of Raffaelo. Folio. London,
Salvator Rosa (Etchings by), viz. : a Set of LXII. of Soldiers, Banditti,
&c. ; and VI. of Tritons, &c., in Bvo ; Fall of the Giants,
Finding of CEdipus, and Deaths of Regulus and Polycrates, large
oblong plates; with X. Engravings after S. Rosa, by Goupy. Folio.
ARTS. 113
Titianus Vecellus Cadubriensis et Paulus Calliari Veronensis (Opera se-
lectiora quae) inventarunt ac pinxerunt, quseque V. Le Febre deli-
neavit et sculpsit. Folio. [Venetiis], 1682.
From the French School, after Baudoin, by Laimoy ; Boucher, by Co-
chin and Aveline ; Bourdon, including Laban and the Baptism of
the Eunuch by Boissevin, Holy Family by Van Schuppen, Dead
Christ by Boulanger, &c. ; Corbelet, including Holy Family by
Boulanger ; Claude Lorraine, including Landscapes by Major, the
Roman Edifices by Woolet, Landing of Eneas by Mason, and others
by Goupy and Haldenwang; J. Callot, including Les Mis^res, &c. de
la Guerre by Israel, 18 plates, and the famous Temptation of St. An-
thony by Cheron ; De la Hire ; Israel, including 12 Landscapes and
12 Views in Rome; Jouvenet, including Mary Magdalen washing
the Feet of our Saviour by Duchange, the Resurrection of Lazarus
by Audran, and the Magnificat by Thomasin, one of the works of
Jouvenet's left hand ; Largilliere, Christ bearing the Cross, and the
Crucifixion, by Roettiers ; P. Marriette ; Meillan, by himself; N. Mi-
gnard, including Holy Family by Masson ; P. Mignard, including
Holy Family by Pailly, Christ led to Crucifixion, and the Pest, by
G. Audran; Monamy, by Canat ; T. M. Moreau ; Moucheron ;
Patel ; Retout, including the Agony by Drevet ; Le Sueur, including
Paul at Athens by B. Audran, Martyrdom of St. Lawrence by G.
Audran, &c. ; Rousseau; Vernet ; Watteau, including I'Accordee
de Village by Larmesin. (Collection of Prints, Vol. V.)
From the French School, after Poussin, viz. : Sacrifice of Noah, by Frey ;
Finding of Moses, by Marriette and C. Stella; Moses trampling on
Pharaoh's Crown, by Baudet ; Moses's Defence of the Priests of
Midian, by Anderloni; Moses striking the Rock, by C. Stella; the
Worship of the Golden Calf, by Baudet; Ahasuerus and Esther,
Marriage of the Virgin, and Adoration of the Shepherds, by J. Pesne;
a Repose, by Raphael Morghen ; Holy Family, by C. Stella, by An-
derloni (proof), and by Baudet; Baptism of Jesus, Christ giving the
Keys to Peter, Mary washing our Saviour's Feet, and Last Supper,
by J. Pesne ; Crucifixion, and Peter restoring Sight to the Blind, by
C. Stella; Death of Sapphira, Confirmation, Extreme Unction, and
Testament of Eldamidas, by J. Pesne ; Continentio Scipionis, by
Du Bosc ; Tancredus Emonia, by Vandergucht; Bacchus and Ariadne,
by Beauvois ; Death of Germanicus, by Marriette ; the Seasons, by
Raphael Morghen; the Saving of Pyrrhus, by G. Audran; Habitation
of Polyphemus ; and VI. other Landscapes, by Baudet ; Sea Storm,
including Jonah by Vivares, and Land Storm by Goupy. (Collec-
tion of Prints, Vol. VI.)
Poussin. — A Collection of XXXII. Engravings of Landscapes after
Poussin. Fine impressions, mounted, in one vol. folio.
Le Brun's (C.) Battles of Alexander, 4 large Engravings, on 13 Plates,
by G. Audran ; the Tent of Darius by Edclinck ; and F. Verdier's
Passage of the Red Sea, engraved by G. Audran. Large folio.
Tho splpndiil prints illiistrative of Alexander arc usually considered tlie
chefs d'u^uvre of this " greatest oiiKraver." The impressions fonnino- tiiis
copy arc proofs, having' the jirinter's name, " Cioyton," etched on tho
114 ARTS.
Le Brim (C), Le Grand Escalier de Versailles, grave par E. Baudet, et
le Plafond par C. Simmoneau ; La Franche-Conte conquise pour la
seconde fois, gravee par C. Simmoneau ; La Vo^ite de la Chapelle
de Seaux, dont le sujet est I'Ancienne Loi accomplie par la Nouvelle,
gravee par C. Audran. In one vol. large folio. [Paris, 1674-81.]
Beautiful impressions, from the royal collection, the French arms stamped on
the sides and back.
From the Dutch and Flemish Schools, after L. Bakhuisen ; Berghem,
by himself and J. Vischer, including Berghem's Ball, others by
Aveline, Vivares, and Boydell ; Jo. Both, by Maetham ; Breenberg ;
Brouwer, by Vischer and M'Ardell ; G. Douw ; Echout, including
the Fifty -guilder Print by Baillie ; Genoels ; Ferg, by Wagner;
Gheimer, including the Sorcery and Tobit by Goudt ; C. du Jardin ;
J. Jordaens, including Bacchus and Philemon by N. Lawers ;
A. Kuyp; P. de Laer ; F. Mielly ; F. de Neue ; A. Van Ostade,
including the Painter, Cottage Dinner, Fair, &c. &c. by himself,
and the Peasant's Quarrel by Sayderhoef ; Poelenburg and Bout ;
Rembrandt, including Haman and Mordecai, (in a very early state,)
Little la Tombe, Tribute to Csesar (early impressions), Christ driving
the Money-changers out of the Temple, Christ and the Samaritan
Woman, the Hundred -guilder Piece, or Christ Healing the Sick,
Ecce Homo (a finished impression), and the Descent from the Cross
(companions). Death of the Virgin — Landscapes, including the Cot-
tage and Barn, that with the Mill-sail, and the pair, the second of which
contains a square tower — Portraits, including John Lutma and three
of Rembrandt by himself — Copies, Rembrandt's Mother by M'Ardell,
and others by Earlom, Simon Ravenet, Pether, and Wood ; Rubens,
including Elizabeth and Mary by De Jode, Christ bearing his Cross,
Murder of the Innocents, " Christus Funus," and the Assumption,
by P. Pontius, the Education of the Virgin by S. A. Bolswaert, and
the Crucifixion and a Hunting Piece by A. Bolswaert; Mutius Scse-
vola, and Diana Hunting, by Goupy, the Ceiling of Whitehall by
Gribelin, and the Chapeau de Paille by Reynolds (proof). (Collection
of Prints, Vol. VII.)
From the Dutch and Flemish Schools, after S. Ruysdael ; F. Snyders,
by Zaal ; P. Stevens, including the Seasons, &c. by Giles Sadeler,
and others by Marco Sadeler ; Teniers, including the Sebat by Alia-
met, Chemist and Surgeon by Major, Prodigal Son and two Flemish
Feasts by Le Bas, and others by Laurent ; Ant. Vandyke, including
Holy Family and Crucifixion by S. E. Bolswaert, Belisarius by
Goupy, Rinaldo and Armida by P. de Jode, and its companion by
P. Baillu ; J. Van Eyck, including the Adoration of the Infant Jesus by
the Three Holy Kings by C. Van Hess; Vanderneer ; Vandervelde ;
C. Visscher, including the Rat-catcher and Pancake Woman (first
impressions) ; N. Vleughels ; Van Vliet; Waterloo ; Vries ; P. Wou-
vermans, by J. Vischer, Strange, Laurent, and including the Meage,
and Death of the Stag, by Major. (Collection of Prints, Vol. VIII.)
Brun (le), Galerie des Peintres Flamands, Hollandais, et AUemands,
CCI Planches gravees d'apres les meilleurs tableaux de ces maitres.
3 vols, folio. Paris, 1792.
Abr. Bloemart. — Hagar and two Landscapes by Sainredam and Mae-
tham. Folio. (Rubens' Landscapes.)
ARTS. 115
Rubens (XXV. Landscapes, &c. after) by S. Bolswaert, and a Flemish
Landscape by Major. Folio.
Copies from Rubens are considered Bolswaert's best performances.
Rubens (La Galerie du Palais du Luxembourg, peinte par), dessinee par
Nattier, et gravee par les plus illustres graveurs. La. fol. Par. 1710.
From the German School, after Albert Durer, including the Prodigal
Son, and Melancholy; W. Hollar, including Theatrum Mulierum
(14 Plates), Tower of London, Peace proclaimed at Antwerp; Hol-
bein, including Henry VIII. presenting the Barber-surgeons their
Charter by B. Baron, and St, Barbara; Raphael Mengs ; and nine
anonymous Prints. (Collection of Prints, Vol. VIII.)
Lithographic Engravings (LXXI.) of Scriptural and Religious Subjects,
after Hammeling, J. Van Eyck, M, Coxis, J. von Meckenem, C.
Hemskirk, J. Patenier, Mabuse, H. Vandergoes, J. von Melem,
M. Wilhelm von Koln, J. Schwartz, B. de Bruijn, Hemling, Alb.
Durer, L. Kranach, B. Von Orley, T. T. Walch, M. Grunewalde,
J. Schoorel, M. Schon, Holbein, J. Kalcar, P. de Mares, L. Van
Leyden, Hans Burgmaier, Large folio. Gedruckt unter der Direc-
tion von Strixner, in Stuttgart und Miinchen, 1820-30.
From the English School, after Sir W. Beechey, including the Fortune-
Teller by Young ; E. Bird, including Chevy Chase and Surrender of
Calais by Young ; T. Frye ; Hogarth, the original published Plates,
including Calais Gate, Gin Lane, Beer Street, Cockpit, Superstition
and Enthusiasm, Paul before Felix, the Good Samaritan, and Pool of
Bethesda, by Ravenet ; Ang. KaufFman, including Blind Man's Buff
and Cornelia by Bartolozzi ; J . Mortimer, including King John by
Ryland ; Geo. Lambert; Sir J. Reynolds, including Garrick be-
tween Tragedy and Comedy by Fisher; H. Richter, including Christ
giving Sight to the Blind by Young ; G. Morland, by Williamson ;
John Smith, by Woollett ; Stothard, including Pilgrimage to Canter-
bury by Schiavonetti and Heath (India proof) ; Stubbs ; B. West,
including Penn's Treaty by Hall, the Death of Wolfe by Woollett,
Alfred dividing his Loaf with the Pilgrim by W. Sharp, and Christ
Healing the Sick by Heath (India proof) ; R. Westall, including
Telemachus and Calypso by Scriven and Williamson ; Wheatley, in-
cluding the Cries of London by Vendramini and Schiavonetti ;
D. Wilkie, including the Jew's Harp and Blind Fiddler by Burmt ;
B. Wilson ; R. Wilson, by Woollett and Wooton. (Coll. of Prints,
Vol. IX.)
Britton (John), the Fine Arts of the English School ; illustrated by a
series of Engravings from Paintings, Sculpture, and Architecture of
eminent English Artists; with Biographical, Critical, and Descrip-
tive Essays by various Authors. Folio. London, 1812.
Hogarth. — Original Impressions of the Rake's and Harlot's Progresses,
the Poet, Barlholoniew Fair, Morning, Noon, Evening, and Night,
Strolling Players, the Enraged Musician, and Illustrations of Huili-
bras. Large folio.
Hogarth (the genuine Works of), illustrated with Biographical Anec-
dotes, a Chronological Catalogue, and Counnentary, ])y J. Nichols
and Geo. Steevcns. 3 vols. 4to. large paper. London , 1808-17.
116 ARTS.
Hogarth (Graphic Illustrations of), from Pictures, Drawings, and scarce
Prints; edited by Samuel Ireland. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1794.
Martin's (John) Illustrations of the Bible. Proofs before the letters.
Folio. London, 1831.
Martin's (John) Illustrations of Paradise Lost. (Poetry.)
Gallery of the Society of Painters in Water Colours. India Proofs.
Imp. 4to. London, 1832.
Original Drawings and Sketches ; viz. Four illustrative of Ovid's Meta-
morphoses, apparently by one of the old Italian Masters ; by F.
Parmigiano, Batt. Franco, Polidoro, Carlo Maratti, Guido, Prima-
ticcio, A. Carracci, B. Bandinelli, Guercino, Gaysar, Claude Lor-
raine, Moucheron, Chatelain, three Studies by Vandyke, Genoels,
C. Berghem ; Bird's-eye Views of Prague and Passau, " W. Hollar
delin. Aug. 1636," beautifully executed ; and various Chalk Studies,
anonymous but evidently by some of the old Masters. (Coll. of
Prints, Vol. XIII.)
Galleries of Paintings.
The British Gallery of Pictures, selected from the most admired produc-
tions of the old Masters in Great Britain ; accompanied with Descrip-
tions, historical and critical, by Henry Tresham, William Young
Ottley, and Peltro William Tomkins. Folio, India proofs. Lond. 1818.
British Gallery of Engravings, from Pictures in the most celebrated
Collections in Great Britain ; edited by Edward Forster. Folio,
India proofs. London, 1815.
Angerstein Gallery. — Young's (J.) Catalogue of the Collection of Pic-
tures of the late J. J. Angerstein ; with a finished Etching and
Description of every picture. Imp. 4to. proofs. London, 1823.
Blenheim Collection. — Smyth's (John) Mezzotinto Engravings from
Pictures of Titian at Blenheim, with Frontispiece by Vertue, the
Holy Family from Carlo Maratti, and Portraits of Wing, Anthony
Leigh, Rembrandt, first Earl of Athlone, and the equestrian one of
the Duke of Schomberg. Folio. Londoii, \ 7 09.
Derby Gallery. — Winstanley's (Hamlet) Twenty Etchings from the Earl
of Derby's Collection of Pictures at Knowsley, with Portrait of his
Lordship. Folio. 1728-29.
Grosvenor Gallery. — Young's (John) Catalogue of the Pictures at Gros-
venor House, London, with Etchings from the whole Collection ;
executed, and accompanied by historical Notices. Imp. 4to. proofs.
London, 1820.
Leicester Gallery. — Young's (J.) Catalogue and Etchings of the Pictures
of British Artists in the possession of Sir P. Leicester, Bart. ; with
Descriptions. Imp. 4to. proofs. London, 1821.
Leigh Court. — Young's (J.) Catalogue and Etchings of the Pictures at
Leigh Court, near Bristol, the seat of J. P. Miles, Esq. Imp. 4to.
proofs. London, 1822.
Stafford Gallery. — Engravings of the Pictures in the Marquess of Staf-
ford's Collection in London, arranged according to schools, and in
chronological order ; with Remarks aQn each picture by William
Young Ottley and P. W. Tomkins. Proofs on India paper, 4 vols,
in 2, folio. London, 1818.
ARTS. 117
Strawberry Hill.— Walpole's (Horatio) Description of the Furniture,
Pictures, Curiosities, &c. at Strawberry Hill. (Orford's Works,
Vol. n.)
Dresde (Galerie Royale de) ; ou, Recueil d'Estampes d'apres les plus
celebres de ses "Tableaux ; avec une Description en Ital. et Fran.
2 parts in one vol. folio. Dresde, 17.53-7.
Dusseldorf (la Galerie Electorale de) ; ou. Catalogue raisonne et figure
de ses Tableaux; par N. de Pigage. 2 vols, foiio. Basle, 1778.
Florence Gallery. — Reale Galleria di Firenze illustrata. 10 vols. 8vo.
Firenze, 1817-25.
Galerie de Florence (Tableaux, Statues, Bas-reliefs, et Camees de la)
et du Palais Pitti, dessines par M. Wicar, avec I'Explications par
M. Mongez I'aine. Original edition. 4 vols, in 2, folio. Paris,
French Royal Collection. — Tableaux du Cabinet du Roi. Folio. Paris,
This has the descriptions by Felibien, often wanting, and contains the 38 plates.
The Holy Family by Edelinck, and Christ at Emmaus, commonly known as
" la Nappe de Masson," are, especially the latter, fine impressions.
Couche (J.), Galerie du Palais Royal, gravee d'apres les Tableaux de
difFerentes ecoles qui la composent ; avec une Description de chaque
Tableau par De Fontenai, Morel, &c. 3 vols, folio. Paris, 1786-
Landon (C. P.), Annales du Musee et d'Ecole moderne des Beaux Arts,
Recueil des Gravures au trait d'apres les principaux ouvrages de
Peinture, Sculpture, &c. du Musee ; Paysages et Tableaux de Genre,
gravees en taille douce; Annales du Musee, seconde collection, com-
prenant Partie Ancienne, les Galeries Giustiniana et Massias, et
Salons de 1808-31, avec des Notices historiques et critiques.
42 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1801-31.
Galerie de Lucien Bonaparte (Choix de Gravures a I'eau forte, d'apres
les Peintures originales et les Marbres de la). The Plates executed
in Italy. Folio. Londres, 1812.
Lucien Bonaparte. — The Catalogue of the Originals sold at Buchanan's,
Pall Mall. 8vo. London, 1815.
Russian Imperial Collection. — A Set of Prints, engraved after tl\e most
capital Paintings in the Collection of her Imperial Highness the
Empress of Russia (Catherine II.), lately in the possession of the Earl
of Orford, Houghton Hall; with Plans, Elevations, &c. by ,1. and
J. Boydell. 2 vols, large folio. London, 1788.
A fine set of the original impressions, 1775, &c.
Vienna. — Galerie Imperiale au Belvidere a Viennc, d'apres les desseins
de S. de Perger, avec un Texte explicatif, critique, et historicino, sur
chaque objet. 4to. Vienne, [18;50].
Portraits. — See also " JBio(jrap/ii/.'"
Portraits: .lane Seymour, after Holbein, by Hollar; Mary Queen of
Scots, by Vertue ; Charles I. by Gayvvood ; Princess Charlotte, after
C. Jones, by Agar ; Princess Royal (Queen Dowager of Wirtemberg),
after Fischer, by Skelton : Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, and the
young Prince George and Princess Augusta; Clement IX., after Carlo
iVlaratti, by .1. Hall; Clement XIII., after J. B. Pirenesi, I)y Cunego;
118 ARTS.
Margaret of Scotland, Queen of Louis XI. (Dr. Dibdin's private
plate) ; Young Napoleon, after Ender, by Steinmiiller ; Louis XV^III.
by Colnaghi ; Charles X., Louis Antoine and Marie Therese, Due
et Duchesse d'Angouleme, in mezzotinto, by Turner ; Anna, Em-
press of Russia, after Wandelaer. by Houbraken ; Nicolas L and
Alexandrina, Emperor and Empress of Russia, after Krugner ;
William L, King of the Netherlands, after Cels, Wilhelmine, his
Queen, after Vanderkhoven ; Prince of Orange, after Copley, by
C. Turner, the same, and the Princess Anna, by Sinati, on stone ;
Prince Frederick, and the Princesses Louise and Marianne ; Frederick
William IIL King of Prussia, after Arnold ; Frederick Augustus,
King of Saxony, after Vogel, by Steinla ; Augusta, Princess of
Liegnitz, after Kruger ; Charles Frederick, Duke of Brunswick and
Lunenberg ; George, Duke of Buckingham, and his brother Francis,
1636, after Vandyke, by M'Ardell ; the Pembroke Family, after
Vandyke, by B. Baron ; Earl of Arundel, after Vandyke ; Frederick,
Lord North, after Dance, by Burke ; Lord Lovat by Hogarth ;
Countess of Clarendon, after S. G. Kneller, by Faber ; Countess of
Coventry, by M'Ardell ; Duke of Rutland, after Hoppner, by C.
Turner ; Earl and Countess Spencer, after Hoppner, by Reynolds ;
Marquess of Stafford, after Owen, by Meyer ; Duchess of Northum-
berland, after Robertson, by Dean; Markham, Abp. of York, after
Sir Joshua Reynolds, by J. R. Smith; Bp. of Carlisle, after Hopp-
ner, by C. Turner ; Bp. Heber, after Phillips, by Reynolds ; Sir
Hans Sloane, after Kneller, by Faber ; Sir Joseph Banks, after Rey-
nolds, by Dickinson ; Sir W, Scott, after Raeburn, by C. Turner ;
Dr. Aldrich, after Kneller, by J. Smith ; Lawrence Sterne, after
Reynolds, by Fisher ; Dean Cyril Jackson, after Owen, by C.
Turner ; Claudius Buchanan, after Slater, by Lewis ; John Graham,
after Marshall, by Wood; Ed. Irving, after Robertson, by Meyer;
John Wesley and George Whitfield, after Hone, by Grenwode ; John
Watson, by Williams; Arthur O'Leary, after Murphy, by Keating;
Spencer Percival ; Two Ladies, after Ramsay, by M'Ardell ; Miss
F. Murray, after H. Morland, by M'Ardell, Mrs. Bouverie and
Mrs. Cruse, after Sir J. Reynolds, by Marche ; T. T. Mayern, after
Rubens, by Simm ; Dr. RadclifFe, after Kneller, by Vertue ; Capt.
Thos. Coram, after Hogarth, by M'Ardell; M. Prior; M. Isaac,
after Goupy, by White ; A. Sharp (the Mathematician) by Vertue ;
Geo. Holmes, after Van Blceck, by Vertue; Sir Joseph RadclifFe,
after Owen, by Heath; G. Gibbons (the Sculptor), after Kneller, by
Smith; Henry Jenkins ; John Bellingham ; Mrs. Hunt; Mrs. Pope ;
Thos. Stothard, after Harlow, by Worthington ; Barth. Johnson ;
Cardinal Julius di Medicis, after Raphael, by Edelinck ; Cardinal
Bentivoglio, after Vandyke, by Morin ; Cardinal Fleury, after Ri-
gaud, by Drevet ; Abp. Fenelon, after Rigaud, by Smith ; Le Masle,
Prior des Roches ; Castiglione, after Raphael, by Edelinck ; Comte
d'Harcour, after Mignard, by Masson ; Ninon de I'Enclos by Scri-
ven (Dr. Dibdin's private plate) ; Agnes, Albert Durer's Frau,
by Foebers ; a Lady, after Carlo Dolci, by Raphael Morghen ;
Ignatius Loyola and Giov. Francesco, Jesuits, after Carlo Maratti,
by Wagner; Lud. Hesselin, by Nanteuil ; Seg. Havercamp, after
Mieris, by Houbraken ; Const. Hugens, after Vandyke, by P.
Ponsius ; Goethe and Klopstock, on stone, by Bendixen ; Ez.
Spanheim, after Arlaud, by Simon ; Ant. Vitre, by Morin. (Coll.
of Prints, Vol. X.) "
ARTS. 119
Portraits ; Raphael and La Fornarina, after Raphael, by Raphael Mor-
ghen ; Titian and hi§ Mistress, after Titian, by Vandyke; Rem-
brandt, after himself, by Earlom ; Bindo Altovitii, after Titian, on
stone, by Hackenecker ; Monna Lisa, moglie di Fr. del Giocondo,
after Da Vinci, on stone, by Lecomte ; Vandyke, after himself, on
stone, by Winterhalher ; N. Coustou, by Dupuis ; Guil. Coustou, by
I'Armessin ; Robert deCotte, by Drevet ; Ant. Coyzevox, by Audran ;
P. Dupuis, by Ant. Masson ; Herb. Vander Eynden, after Vandyke,
by Vosterman ; C. de la Fosse, by Duchange ; Fr. Girardon, by
Duchange ; CI. Halle, by I'Armessin; P. de Jode, jun., after Van-
dyke, by De Jode ; J. Jouvenet, by Trouvrain ; N. de Largilliere, by
Dupuis; Raph. Morghen, by L. Bardi, and Bardi himself; J. No-
gari, by Marcus ; Hyac. Rigaud, by Daulle ; P. P. Rubens, after
Vandyke, by Visscher ; F. Verdier, by Desrochers ; L. da Vinci ;
a Head, after Vandyke, by M'Ardell ; after Piazzetta, by J. C.
Leopold ; Cunne Shote, an Indian Chief, by M'Ardell ; Statue of
Cicero, by Worlidge ; Rossini, on stone, by Constans ; Paganini,
on stone, by Kriechuber ; Talma, after Picat, by Lignon ; Madlle.
Mars, on stone, by Constans and by Weber ; Mde. Pasta, on stone,
by Bellard; Antonia Bianchi, on stone, by Kriechuber; Madlle. Cinti,
on stone ; Five Greek Chiefs, by Fridel, and Gen. L. PfyfFer de
Wyher. (Coll. of Prints, Vol. XL)
Portraits after Sir Thos. Lawrence : of K. William IV. (Q. Adelaide,
after Sir W, Beechey), Duke of York, Duke of Wellington, Marquess
of Clydesdale and Lady Susan Hamilton, Earl Grey, Countess Grey
and her Daughters (now Ladies Durham and E. Bulteel), Countess
Gower and Lady E. Levison Gower, Lady Dover and her son Hon.
Agar Ellis, Ladies Burghersh, Lady Georgiana Fane, Hon. Master
Lambton, Sir Robert and Lady Peel, Sir H. Davy, Sir Thomas
Lawrence and Miss Bloxamand Susan (his Nieces), Mrs. Wolff, a
study (Mrs. Nevvdigate), the Daughters of C. B. Calmady, Esq.
Miss Macdonald, Miss Croker, a study (a Lady) ; — Duke of Reich-
stadt, Cardinal Gonsalvi, La Comtesse de Lieven ; — Hamlet, Little
Red Riding- Hood, and Rural Amusement.
(Coll. of Prints, Vol. XII.)
Evelyn's (John) Sculptura ; or, the History and Art of Chalcography
and Engraving on Copper ; with an ample enumeration of the most
renowned Masters. To which is annexed, a new manner of Engrav-
ing in mczzotiuto, communicated by Prince Riq)crt. Small 8vo ;
with the Plate etched by Prince Rupert. London, 1662 (and in
Misc. Works).
Ottley's (W. Y.) Inquiry into the Origin and early History of Engra-
ving upon Copper and in Wood, with an Account of Engravers and
their Works, from the invention of Chalcography to the time of Marc'
Antonio Raimondi. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1816,
Dibdin (T. F.) on the Origin of Engraving, &c. (Ames's Typ. Anti-
quities, Vol. I.)
120 ARTS.
Landseer's (John) Lectures on the Art of Engraving. 8vo, London,
Gilpin's (Wm.) Essay on Prints. Svo. London, 1802.
Heinecken (le Baron), Idee generate d'line Collection Complete d'Es-
tampes, avec une Dissertation sur I'Origine de la Gravure, et sur les
premiers Livres d'Images. 8vo. Leipsic, \77l.
Heinecken (le Baron), Dictionnaire des Artistes dont nous avons des
Estampes, avec une Notice detaillee de leurs ouvrages graves. 4 vols.
8vo. Leijisic, 1778-90.
Strutt's (Joseph) Biographical Dictionary of Engravers, from the earliest
period of the Art ; a short List of their Works, with the Cyphers,
Monograms, and particular Marks, used by each Master. To which
is prefixed, an Essay on the Rise and Progress of Engraving, both
on Copper and Wood. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1785.
W. Ford, of Manchester's, copy, enriched with uumerous marginal MS. re-
marks and additions.
Bartch (Adam), le Peintre Graveur. 21 vols. Svo. Vienne, 1803-23.
Walpole's (Horatio) Catalogue of Engravers ; with Life of Geo. Vertue,
and List of his Works. (Orford's Works, Vol. IV.)
Bromley's (Hen.) Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits, from Egbert
to the present time ; with Appendix of Foreign Portraits. 4to.
London, 1793.
[Vertue's (Geo.)] Description of the Works of Winceslaus Hollar ; with
some Account of his Life. 4to. London, \1A5.
Daulby's (D.) Descriptive Catalogue of the Works of Rembrandt, and of
his scholars, Bol, Livens, and Van Vliet, compiled from the original
Etchings. Large paper in 4to. Liverpool, 1796.
W. Ford, of INIanchester's, copy, with his MS. notes and prices.
Sadeler (Raphael) Bavaria Sancta LX. Tabulis sereis expressa. Small
folio, very fine impressions. Monaci, 1615.
Vacnii (Ott.) Historia VII. Infantum Larae [tabulis sereis expressit excud.
Gilbert Vsenio], Oblong 4to. Antverpice, 1612.
This collection consists of forty plates, engraved by Gilbert Van Vien or Venius,
after designs by his brother Otho, exhibiting the history of the seven bro-
thers of the house of Lara, celebrated by Dr. Southey in the History of the
Cid ; with explanations at the bottom of each plate in Latin and Spanish. It
is neither mentioned by Brunet nor by Strutt.
Baillie's (Capt.) Collection of Prints, engraved by, after Pictures and
Drawings in various Collections. 2 vols, in one, folio. London,
Flaxman's (John) Compositions from ^schylus, the Iliad and Odyssey
of Homer, and the Hell, Paradise, and Purgatory of Dante ; en-
graved [at Rome] by Tho. Piroli. 4 vols, oblong 4to, London,
1795, 1805, and 7.
Canova (the Works of Antonio), engraved in Outline by Henry Moses;
with Descriptions from the Italian of the Countess Albrizzi ; and a
Biographical Memoir by Count Cicognara. 3 vols. 4to. London,
ARTS. 1-21
Malliot (J.), Recherches sur les Costumes, les Moeurs, les Usages Reli-
gieux, Civils et Militaires, des anciens Peuples ; ouvrage m^le de
critiques et preceptes utiles aux Peintres, Sculpteurs, Architectes, et
autres Artistes ou Amateurs ; revue et corrige par P. Martin. 3 vols.
4to. Paris, 1809.
Hope's (Thomas) Costume of the Ancients. 2 vols in one, 4to, Lon-
don, 1809.
Baxter's (Thomas) Illustration of the Egyptian, Grecian, and Roman
Costume; with Descriptions. 4to. Londori, \810.
Costumi Varie. A Collection of Italian coloured Drawings illustrative
of Italian Costume ; and coloured Prints of Swiss Costume. Folio.
Austria. — The Costume of the Hereditary States of the House of Austria
displayed in 50 coloured Engravings ; with Descriptions and an In-
troduction by Bertrand de Molville. 4to. London, 1804.
Britain (the Costume of Great), designed, engraved, and written by
W. H. Pyne. Folio. London, 1808.
China. — Original Chinese Drawings, most exquisitely finished ; 100
illustrating the Costume, Trades, and Occupations of the Country ;
and 35 of the Flowers and Butterflies. Large folio.
China. — Costume of China, in XLVIII. coloured Engravings, by W.
Alexander. Folio. London, 1805.
China. — Costume of China, illustrated in LX. coloured Engravings, by
G. H. Mason ; with Explanations. 4to. London, 1800.
China. — Punishments of China, in XXII. coloured Engravings; witii
Descriptions. Folio. London, 1801.
France. — Costumes des Departmens de la Seine Inferieure, du Calvados,
de la Manche, et de I'Orne. Dessinees par Lante, et gravees par
Gatine ; les Planches coloriees. 4to. >
Germany and France. — Lewis (Geo.), a Series of Groups illustrating the
Physiognomy, Manners, and Character of the People of Germany
and France. 4to. London, 1823.
Hindostan. — Solvyns' (B.) the Hindoos : a Picturesque Delineation of
the Persons, Manners, Customs, and Religious Ceremonies of that
People, accurately distinguished into their several castes ; together
with the Arts, Manufactures, and Curiosities natural and artificial, of
Hindostan, and several islands of the Indian Seas. 4 vols, large
folio. Plates highly finished and coloured. Paris, 1808-12.
Hindostan (the Costume of) ; with Descriptions by B. Solvyns. Folio.
London, 1804.
Russian Empire (the Costume of) illustrated Ijy a Series of 73 Engra-
vings ; with Descriptions. 4to. London, 1803.
Russian Empire. — Atkinson (.). A.) and .lames Walker's Picturesque
Representation of the Manners, Customs, and Amusements of the
Russians, in 100 coloured Plates, with Explanations. 3 vols, in one,
folio. London, 1812.
Turkey (the Costume of), illiistrntcd by a Series of Engravings ; with
Descriptions. 4to. London, 1802.
122 ARTS.
Carradori (Fr.) Instruzione Elementale per gli Studiosi della Scultura.
Folio. Firenze, 1802.
Seroux d'Agincourt, Histoire de 1' Architecture. (Hist, de I'Art, Vol. I.)
Felibien (A.), Principes de I'Architecture, de la Sculpture, de la Pein-
ture, et les autres Arts qui en dependent ; avec un Dictionnaire des
Termes. 4to. Paris, 1697.
Palladio's (Andrea) Four Books of Architecture ; wherein, after the Five
Orders, those Observations that are most necessary in building Private
Houses, Streets, Bridges, Piazzas, Xisti, and Temples, are treated of.
Published by Isaac Ware. Folio. London, 1738.
Vitruvius (M. P.) de Architectura ; cum Notis, Castigat., Observat., et
Lexico Vitruviano B. Baldi Urb. a J. De Laet. Folio. Amst.
apud Elzev. 1649.
Vitruvius (M. P.) de Architectura Libri X. studio Societatis Bipontinae,
Accedit anonymi Scriptoris Veteris Architecturse Compendium ;
cum Indicibus. 8vo. Argent. 1808.
Wottonii (Hen.) Elementa Architecturse, ex. Aug. in Lat. versa a S. de
Laet. (Vitruvius.)
Nicholson's (Peter) Architectural Dictionary. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1821.
Repton's (H.) Remarks on Grecian and Gothic Architecture. (Land-
scape Gardening.)
Castell (Rob.), the Villas of the Ancients illustrated. Folio, large paper.
London, 1728.
Hawkins' (J. S.) History of the Origin and Establishment of Gothic
Architecture ; and an Inquiry into the mode of painting upon and
staining Glass, as practised in the Ecclesiastical Structures of the
Middle Ages. 8vo. Lond. \U3.
Hall's (Sir J.) Essay on the Origin, History, and Principles of Gothic
Architecture. Imperial 4to. London, 1813.
Murphy on Gothic Architecture. (Church of Batalha.)
Essays on Gothic Architecture, from the works of Warton, Taylor,
Bentham, Grose, and Milner. Royal 8vo. London, 1808.
Whittino-ton's (G. D.) Rise and Progress of Gothic Architecture in Eu-
rope illustrated. (Whittington's France.)
[Taylor's (J.)] Specimens of Gothic Ornaments, selected from the Parish
Church of Lavenham, Suffolk. 4to. Londoii, 1196.
Britton's (John) Chronological and Historical Illustrations of the Ancient
Architecture of Great Britain. (Arch. Ant. Vol. V.)
Hunt's (T. F.) Exemplars of Tudor Architecture, adapted to modern
habitations ; with illustrative details, selected from ancient edifices ;
and Observations on the Furniture of the Tudor period. Royal 4to.
London, 1830.
Whitaker's (T. D.) Origin and Progress of Domestic Architecture.
(Hist, of Whallcy.)
ARTS. 123
Clarke (Charles) on early English Architecture. (Archit. Ecc. Londini.)
Norris's (C.) Illustrations of early Flemish Architecture, from ancient
edifices in Tenby. (Wales.)
Campbell's (Colin) Vitruvius Britannicus ; or, the British Architect :
containing the Plans, Elevations, and Sections of the regular build-
ings, pubhc and private, in Great Britain. With Supplement by
John Woolfe and James Gandon. 4 vols, folio. Lond. 1715-67.
Hunt's (T. F.) Architettura Campestre; displayed in Lodges, Gardeners'
Houses, and other Buildings. Royal 4to. Zowt?o/i, 1828.
Hunt's (T. F.) Designs for Parsonage-houses, Alms-houses, &c. &c.
Royal 4to. London, 1827.
Hope's (Thos.) Designs for Household Furniture and Interior Decora-
tions. Folio, large paper. Lond. 1807.
Smeaton's (John) Reports made on various occasions in the course of
his employment as a Civil Engineer. [Edited by the Committee of
Civil Engineers.] 3 vols. 4to. Lond. 1812.
Smeaton's (J.) Miscellaneous Papers, comprising his Communications to
the Royal Society, printed in the Philosophical Transactions. 4to.
London, 1814.
Nicholson's (P.) Mechanical Exercises; or, the Elements and Practice
of Carpentry, Joining, &c. 8vo. Lond, \^\5.
Nicholson's (William) Treatise on Masonry and Stone-cutting. Royal
Svo. London, 1827.
Stevenson's (Robt.) Account of the Bell Rock Lighthouse; including the
details of the erection and peculiar structure of the edifice. To
which is prefixed, a Historical View of the Institution and Progress
of the Northern Lighthouses. 4to. £"(/»*. 1824.
Dugdale's (Sir William) History of Imbanking and Draining of divers
Fens and Marshes, both in foreign parts and in this kingdom ; and
of the Improvements thereby; by Charles Nalson Cole. Folio, large
paper. Lond. 1772.
Agr'icidttire and Gardening.
See also " Botany."
Stillingfleet's (B.) Memoranda for a History of Husbandry. (Works,
Vol. II.)
Evelyn's (John) Terra ; a Philosophical Discourse of the Earth, its Cul-
ture and Improvement for Vegetation. (Silva, Vol. I.)
Geoponica, sive de Re Rustica. (Classics.)
Scriptores Rei Rusticse, (Classics.)
Cato (M. P.) dc Agricultura. (Classics.)
Virgilii Bucolica et Georgica. (Classics.)
Dickson's (R. W.) Practical Agriculture ; or, a Complete System of
Modern Husbandry. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1807.
124 ARTS.
Loudon's (J. C.) Encyclopsedia of Agriculture ; comprising the Theory
and Practice of the Management of Landed Property, and tlie Culti-
vation and Economy of Animal and Vegetable Productions. 8vo.
London, 1825.
Potts' (Th.) British Farmer's Cyclopaedia ; or. Dictionary of Modern
Husbandry. 4to. London, 1808.
Amos's (W.) Minutes of Agriculture and Planting, illustrated with
Specimens of natural Grasses, &c. 4to. Boston, 1810.
Anderson's (James) Recreations in Agriculture, Natural History, &c.
6 vols. 8vo. London, 1799-1802.
Bligh's (Walter) English Improver improved ; or, the Survey of Hus-
bandry surveyed. 4to. frontispiece. London, 1653.
Darwin's (Eras.) Phytologia ; or, the Philosophy of Agriculture and
Gardening ; with the Theory of Draining Mosses. 4to. London,
Dugdale's Imbanking and Draining. (Civil Architecture.)
Loudon (John) on the forming, improving, and managing of Country
Residences, so as to combine architectural fitness with picturesque
effect. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1806.
Martyn's (Th.) Flora Rustica ; exhibiting Figures of such Plants as are
either useful or injurious in Husbandly, drawn and engraved by
T. Nodder. 4 vols, in 2, 8vo. coloured Plates. Zowc?o«, 1792-94.
Price (Uvedale) on the Picturesque for improving real Landscape.
Stillingfleet's (Benj.) Observations on Grasses. (Works, Vol. H.)
Tusser's (Thos.) Five Hundred Points of Good Husbandry, together
with a Book of Huswifery ; being a Calendar of rural and domestic
Economy for every month in the year, and exhibiting a Pictm"e of
the Agriculture, Customs, and Manners of England in the XVIth
Century ; with Notes georgical, illustrative, and explanatory, a
Glossary, and other improvements, by William Mavor. Large paper,
4to. Lond. 1812.
Agricultural Surveys, drawn up by order of the Board of Agriculture,
videl. :
Bedfordshire, by Tlios. Batchelor. 8vo. London, 1808.
Berkshire, by W. Mavor. 8vo. London, 1809.
Buckinghamshire, by St. John Priest. 8vo. London, 1810.
Cambridgeshire, by W. Gooch. 8vo. London, 1811.
Cheshire, by Henry Holland. 8vo. London, 1808.
Devonshire, by Charles Vancouver. 8vo. London, 1808.
Durham, by John Bailey. 8vo. London, 1810.
Essex, by the Secretary to the Board. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1807.
Gloucester, by Thos. Rudge. 8vo. London, 1807.
Hampshire, including the Isle of Wight, by Charles Vancouver.
8vo. London, 1810.
Hereford, by Jolm Duncumb. 8vo. London, 1805.
Hertfordshire, by the Secretary. 8vo. London, 1804.
Huntingdonshire, by R. Parkinson. 8vo. London, \%\\.
Kent, by John Boys. 8vo. London, 1805.
Leicester, by Wni. Pitt. ) „ , , ,ona
n .1 I u n n 1 • i °^'0 London, 1809.
Rutland, by R. Parkmson.J '
ARTS. 125
Lincolnshire, by the Secretary. 8vo. London, 1808.
Middlesex, by John Middleton. 8vo. London, 1807.
Norfolk, by the Secretary. 8vo. London, 1804.
Norfolk, by N. Kent. 8vo. London, 1796.
Northampton, by W. Pitt. 8vo. Lo?idon, 1809.
Northumberland, by J. Barley and G. Culley. 8vo. Lond. 1805.
Nottingham, by R. Lowe. 8vo. London, 1798.
Oxfordshire, by the Secretary. 8vo. London, 1809.
Shropshire, by Jos. Plymley. 8vo. London, 1803.
Somerset, by John Billingsley. 8vo. London, 1798.
Staffordshire, by W. Pitt. 8vo. London, 1808.
Suffolk, by the Secretary. 8vo. London, 1804.
Surrey, by W. Stevenson. 8vo. Loyidon, 1809.
Sussex, by Arth. Young. 8vo. London, 1808.
Wiltshire, by Thos. Davies. 8vo. London, \^\\.
Worcester, by W. Pitt. 8vo. London, 1819.
Yorkshire (West Riding), by Robt. Brown. 8vo. London, 1799.
Yorkshire (North Riding), by John Tuke. 8vo. London, 1800.
North Wales, by Walter Davies. 8vo. London, 1810.
Argyle, by John Smith. 8vo. London, 1805.
Berwickshire, by Robt. Kerr. 8vo. London, 1809.
Clydesdale, by John Naismith. 8vo. London, 1806.
Galloway, by S. Smith. 8vo. London, 1810.
Inverness-shire, by James Robertson, 8vo. Zo?ic?on, 1808.
Kincardineshire, or tlie Mearns, by Geo. Robertson. 8vo. Lond.
East Lothian, by Robt. Somerville. 8vo. London, 1805.
Nairn and Moray, by Wm. Leslie. 8vo. London, 1811.
Ross and Cromarty, by Sir Geo. Steuart Mackenzie. 8vo. Lond.
Roxburgh and Selkirk, by Robt. Douglas. 8vo. Lond. 1798.
[Aikin's (John)] Woodland Companion ; or, a Brief Description of
British Trees, with some account of their uses. 8vo. Lond. 1802.
Boutcher's (Wm.) Treatise on Porest-trces, their Culture, Transplanting,
&c. 4to. Edinburfjh, 1775.
Evelyn's Silva. (Botany.)
Pontey's (Wm.) Profitable Planter : a Treatise on the Theory and Prac-
tice of Planting Forest-trees. 8vo. London, \%Q9.
Pontey's (W.) Forest Pruner ; or, Timber-Owner's Assistant : a Treatise
on the Training and Management of Timber-trees. 8vo. London,
Steuart's (Sir Henry) Planter's Guide ; or, a Practical Essay on the best
Mctliod of giving immediate effect to Wood, by the removal of large
trees and underwood, interspersed witli 0])servations on general Plant-
ing, and the improvement of real Landscape. 8vo. Edin. 18'20.
Loudon's (J. C.) Encyclopaedia of Gardening ; comprising the Theory
and Practice of Horticulture, Floriculture, Arboriculture, and Land-
scape Gardening, including all the latest Improvements, a general
History of Gardening in iili Countries, and a statistical view of its
present state ; witii Suggestions for its future Progress in the British
Isles. 8vo. London, 1822.
126 ARTS.
Browne's (Sir T.) Garden of Cyrus ; or, the Quincuncial Plantations of
the Ancients considered. (Works.)
Evelyn's (John) Kalendarium Hortense ; or, the Gard'ner's Almanack,
directing what he is to do monthly throughout the year, and what
Fruits and Flowers are in prime. (Misc. Works.)
Evelyn's (J.) Acetaria, a Discourse of Sallets. (Misc. Works.)
Forsyth's (William) Treatise on the Culture and Management of Fruit-
trees. 8vo. London, 1824.
Horticultural Society of London's Transactions. First series. 7 vols.
4to. London, 1815-30.
Locke (John) on the Culture of Vines and Olives, the Preservation of
Fruit, &c. (Works.)
Loudon's (J. C.) Gardener's Magazine. London, 1826, &c.
Mawe and Abercrombie's Gardener's Calendar. 12mo. Lond. 1829.
Phillips's (Henry) History of Cultivated Vegetables ; comprising their
botanical, medicinal, edible, and chemical Qualities, Natural His-
tory and relation to Art, Science, and Commerce. 2 vols. 8vo.
Londo7i, 1822.
Repton (H.) on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening. 4to,
London, 1805.
Temple's (Sir W.) Essay on Gardening. (Works, Vol. III.)
Walpole (Horatio) on Modern Gardening. (Orfor'd's Works, Vol. H.)
Topography of all known Vineyards ; containing a Description of the
Kind and Quality of their Products, and a Classification. 12mo.
London, 1824.
Domestic Economij.
Dods's (M.) Cook and Housewife's Manual. 12mo. Edinh.\^19.
Pegges' Forme of Cury. (English Misc. Antiq.)
Warner's Antiquitates Culinarise. (English Misc. Antiq.)
Ude's (L. E.) French Cook. 8vo. London, 1827.
Jarrin's (G. A.) Italian Confectioner, or complete Economy of Desserts,
containing the Elements of the Art. 8vo. London, 1827.
[Henderson's (Alex.)] History of Ancient and Modern Wines, &c. Large
paper. London, 1824,
Locke (John) on the Production of Silk. (Works, Vol. X.)
Ksempfer's Account of Japanese Paper Manufactories. (History of
Japan, Vol. II.)
Schaffer's (Ja. Ch.) Samtliche Papierversuche ; nebst 81 Mustern,
und 13 illumeverten Thiels schwazen Kupfertafeln. 6 vols, in 2,
square 12mo. fine paper. Regensberg, 1772.
The 81 aiustera are so many various specimens of differently manufactured
ARTS. 127
West's (Gilbert) Dissertation on the Olympick Games. (Pindar.)
Strutt's (Joseph) Sports and Pastimes of the People of England. (Eng.
Miscellaneous Antiquities.)
Ascham's (Ro.) Toxophilus ; the School, or Partitions of Shooting [with
the Bow]. (Works.)
Wood (W,), The Bowman's Glory ; or, Archery revived. 8vo, Lond.
King Charles II. 's copy, with his initials, &c. on the side.
[Markham's (Gervase)] Cavalrice ; or, the English Horseman, containing
all the Art of Horsemanship, as much as is necessary for any man
to understand, whether he be Breeder, Rider, Hunter, Farrier, &c.
4to. London, 1607.
Clater's (F.) Every Man his own Farrier. 8vo. London, 1811.
Middleton's (Chr.) Short Introduction for to learne to Swimme, gathered
out of Master Digbie's Booke of the Art of Swimming, and translated
into English. 4to. Cuts, London, by James Roberts, 1595.
Parkyns (Sir Th.), The Inn-play, or Cornish-hugg Wrestler, digested in
a Method which teacheth to break all Holds, and throw most Falls
mathematically. 4to. Nottingham, 1714.
[Weaver's (John)] Essay towards a History of Dancing. Small 8vo.
London, 1712.
Rei Accipitarise Scriptores ; accessit Liber de Cura Canum. (Classics.)
Barnes' (Juliana) Book ; containing the Treatises of Hawking, Hunting,
Coat-armour, Fishing, and Biasing of Arms, as printed at West-
minster by W. de Worde, M.CCCC.LXXXXVI. [Edited verbatim et
literatim, with biographical and bibliographical Notices, by Joseph
Haslewood.] i^Iacfe letter. Small folio. London, 1810.
Beckford's (Peter) Thoughts on Hunting. 8vo. London, 1796.
Daniel's (W. B.) Rural Sports. 2 vols. 4to. large paper, coloured
Plates. London, 1801-2.
Lloyd's (L.) Field Sports of the North of Europe ; comprised in a
personal Narrative of a Residence in Sweden and Norway. 2 vols.
8vo. London, 1830.
Osbaldiston's (W. A.) British Sportsman. 4to. London, [1792].
Oppian de Piscatu et de Venatione. (Classics.)
Vlitii (Jani) Venatio Novantiqua. 24mo. [Lugd. Bat.] Ex offi.
Elzev. 1645.
Williamson's (Capt. Th.) Oriental Field Sports; or, Wild Sports of the
East. Oblong folio. Designs by S. Howett, coloured Phites.
London, 1807.
Williamson's (Capt. T.) Oriental Field Sports. 3 vols. 4to. Designs
by S. Howett. London, 1808.
Campbell's (James) Treatise on Modern Faulconry ; with an Introduction,
shewing the Practice of Faulconry in remote Times. 8vo. Dub/in,
1780. '
128 ARTS.
Latham's (Symon) Falconry ; or, the Falcon's Lure and Cure. Both
parts in one vohnne. 4to. London, 1(S33.
Wilhighby's (Francis) Art of Fowling, ordering of Singing Birds, and of
Falconry. (Ornithology.)
[Davy's (Sir Humphry)] Salmonia ; or, Days of Fly-fishing. In a
series of conversations. With some account of the habits of Fishes
belonging to the Genus Salmo. 12mo. London, 1829.
Walton's (Isaac) Complete Angler ; or. Contemplative Man's Recreation;
being a Discourse on Fishing, &c. edited by Sir J. Hawkins. 4to.
London, 1808.
[Christie (James)], An Inquiry into the ancient Greek Game [Uirructl
supposed to have been invented by Palamedes, antecedent to the
Siege of Troy ; with reasons for believing the same to have been
known from remote antiquity in China, and progressively improved
into the Chinese, Indian, Persian, and European Chess : also two
Dissertations on the Athenian Skirophoria, and on the Mystical
Meaning of the Bough and Umbrella in the Skiran Rites. 4to.
London, 1801.
Mandragorias, sen Historia Shahiludii, viz. ejusdem Origo, Antiquitas,
Ususque per totum Orientem celeberrimus. Accedunt de eodem
Rabbi Abr. Aben-Ezrae Poema; R. Bonsenior Abben-Jachise Oratio ;
Liber Delicise Regum per innominatum, Heb. et Lat. Historia
Nerdiludii, hoc est dicere Trunculorum, cum quibusdam aliis
Arabum, Persarum, Indorum, Chinensium, et aliarum Gentium
Ludis. Congessit Thomas Hyde. 3 vols, in 1, small 8vo. Oxonii,
Barbier (Jo.) The famous Game of Chesse Play. 18mo. Land. 1673.
Kenny's (W. S.) Practical Chess Grammar. 4to. London, 1817.
Studies of Chess ; containing Caissa, a Poem by Sir W. Jones ; a Sys-
tematic Introduction to the Game ; and the whole Analysis of Chess,
composed by A. D. Philidor, with original critical Remarks. 2 vols.
8vo. London, 1803.
[Twiss (Richard)], Chess; [a Compilation of all the Anecdotes and
Quotations that could be found relative to the Game, with an Account
of the Books published on it.] 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1787.
Vida (M. H.) Scacchia Ludus ; the Game of Chess, with poetical Trans-
lation by A. Murphy. (Murphy's Works, Vol. VII.)
Singer's (S. W.) Researches into the History of Playing Cards; with
Illustrations of the Origin and Progress of Engraving on Wood.
4to. London, 1816.
On the Study and Use of History and Historical Atlases.
Lucianus quo modo Historia conscribenda sit. (Opera.)
Cassagne (I'Abbe), Discours sur I'Art Historique. (Salluste.)
Bigland (John) on the Study and Use of Ancient and Modern History.
8vo. London, 1808.
Du Fresnoy's (Langlet) Short Way of Studying History, (Chronology.)
Introduction to the Study of History. (Hearne's Ductor Historicus.)
Le Sage [Las Cases], Atlas historique, genealogique, et chronologique ;
nouvelle edition, tres augmentee, et continuee jusqu'a la mort de
Napoleon. Large folio. Bruxelles, 1829.
•^* Sacred Geography — see Biblical Antiquities.
Dionysii Alexandrini Orbis Descriptio ; — Pomponius Mela de Situ
Orbis ; — Strabonis Geographia. (Classics.)
D'Anville's (J. B. B.) Compendium of Ancient Geography, translated
from the French ; illustrated with Maps, and one of ancient Britain
from Horsley : Prolegomena and Notes by the Translator. 2 vols.
8vo. London, 1810.
Rennel's (James) Geographical System of Herodotus examined and ex-
plained, by a Comparison with those of other ancient Authors, and
with modern Geography. 4to. London, 1800.
Rennel's (J.) Illustrations, chiefly geographical, of the History of the
Expedition of Cyrus, and the Retreat of the Ten Thousand Greeks.
4to. with folio volume of Maps. London, 1816.
Kinneir's (J. M.) Remarks on the Marches of Alexander, and the Re-
treat of the Ten Thousand Greeks. (Travels in Asia Minor.)
Gell's (W.) Itinerary of Greece, with a Commentary on Pausanias and
Strabo. (Travels in Greece.)
Jovii (P.) Descriptiones quotquot extant Regionum atquc Locorum.
Small 8vo. Basilece, 1571.
Maltebrun's Universal Geography ; or, a Description of all parts of the
World, according to the great natural divisions of the Globe : accom-
panied with analytical, synoptical, and elementary Tables. 10 vols.
8vo. Edinburyh, 1822-32.
Myers' (Thomas) New and Comprehensive System of modern Geography,
mathematical, physical, political, and commercial. 2 vols. 4to.
London, 1822.
Martiniere (B. de la), Le Grand Dictionnaire geograpliique, historique, et
critique. 6 vols, folio. Paris, 1768.
The Edinburgh Gazetteer, or Geographical Dictionary ; containing a
Description of the various Countries, Kingdoms, &c. of the World.
6 vols. 8vo. London, 1827.
Tuckey's (J. H.) Maritime Geography and Statistics ; or, a Description
of the Ocean and its Coasts, maritime Commerce, Navigation, &c.
4 vols. 8vo. London, 1815.
Scripture Atlas ; a series of Maps to illustrate the Old and New Testa-
ment. 4to. London, 1812.
D'Anville's Atlas and Geography of the Ancients. Folio. Lond. 1815.
Faden's (Wm.) General Atlas. Folio. London, 1802.
Pinkerton's (John) General Atlas. Folio. London, 1815,
The British Atlas ; comprising a complete set of County Maps of Eng-
land and Wales, a general Map of navigable Rivers and Canals, and
Plans of Cities and Principal towns. Folio. London, 1810.
Carey's (John) English Atlas ; being a set of County Maps from actual
Surveys. 4to. London, 1787.
Crosthwaite's (P.) Maps of the Lakes of Cumberland and Westmorland.
Royal 8vo. Keswick, 1809.
County Atlas of Scotland. Large folio. Edin. Thomson, \82\, &c.
Dalbe (Bacler), Carte Generale des Royaumes de Naples, Sicile, et Sar-
daigne, ainsi que des Isles de Malte et de Goze. Large folio. Paris,
Chauchard's (Capt.) General Map of the Empire of Germany, Holland,
the Netherlands, Switzerland, the Grisons, Italy, Sicily, Corsica, and
Sardinia. Folio. London, 1800.
Arrowsmith's (A.) Atlas to Alcedo's Dictionary of America and the
West Indies ; collated from all the most recent Authorities, and
composed chiefly from scarce and original Documents for that Work.
Folio. Londoyi, 1816.
Voyages and Travels, including Foreign Tojiography.
Introductory Works.
Hall's (Bp. Jos.) Quo vadis? a just Censure of Travel. (Works.)
Howell's (James) Instructions for Forreine Travel ; shewing by what
cours, and in what compasse of time, one may take an exact survey
of the Kingdomes and States of Christendome, and arrive to the
practicall knowledge of the languages to good purpose. Small 12mo,
front, by Hollar, and port, of Charles II. by Gaywood, Lond. 1642.
Evelyn's (John) Navigation and Commerce, their Origin and Progress.
(Miscel. Works.)
Locke's (John) History of Navigation, from its original to this time
(1702); with a Catalogue and Character of most Books of Voyages
and Travels. (Works, Vol. X.)
Stevenson's (W.) Historical Sketch of the Progress of Discovery and
Navigation and Commerce, from the earliest Records to the begin-
ning of the XlXth Century ; including a Catalogue of Voyages and
Travels. (Kerr's Coll. of Voyages, Vol. XVIII.)
Richarderie (B. de la), Bibliotheque Universale des Voyages. 6 vols.
8vo, papier velin. Paris, 1808.
Navigation of the Ancients.
Vincent's (W.) Voyage of Nearchus from the Indus to the Euphrates,
collected from Arrian and illustrated ; containing an Account of the
first Navigation attempted by Europeans in the Indian Ocean ; —
Periplus of the Erythrean Sea, containing an Account of the Naviga-
tions of the Ancients from the Sea of Suez to the Coast of Zanguebar,
and from the Gulf of Elana, in the Red Sea, to the Island of Ceylon ; —
Voyage of Nearchus, the Periplus, Part III., and partof Arrian's His-
tory, Gr. and Eng. 3 vols. 4to. Loud. 1807 ; and Oxford, 1809.
Ancient Voyages, (Purchas, Vol. I.)
Oetheres' Voyage to the Northern Seas, translated ; and the Geography
of the IXth Century illustrated. (Barrington's Miscellanies.)
Collections of Voyages.
Ramusio (Geo. Bat.) Raccolta delle Navigationi e Viagi. 3 vols, folio.
In Venetia, ajjpresso i Giunti, 1559, 1583, and 1556.
Hakluyt (R.), The principal Navigations, Voyages, Discoveries, and
Traffiques of the English Nation, made by sea, or over land, to the
remote and farthest distant quarters of the Earth ; with Supplement
[containing a Selection of early Voyages and Travels, published
separately by Hakluyt. Edited by R. H. Evans]. 5 vols, imperial 4to,
large paper. London, 1809-12.
Hakluytus Posthumus ; or, Purchas his Pilgrimes : containing a History
of the World, in Sea Voyages and Land Travells, by Englishmen and
others. Some left written by Mr. Hakluyt at his death, more since
added. His also perused and perfected; all examined, abbreviated,
illustrated with Notes, enlarged with Discourses, adorned with Pic-
tures, and expressed in Mapps. By Samuel Purchas. With Rela-
tions of the World. 5 vols, folio, sc. front. London, 1625-6.
Kerr's (Robert) General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels,
arranged in systematic order. 18 vols. 8vo. Edin. 1811-24.
Thevenot (Melch.), Relations de divers Voyages curieux, qui n'ont point
ete publics, et qu'on a traduites ou tireesdes originaux des Voyageurs
de toutes les Nations. 4 vols, folio. Paris, 1672.
Shipwrecks and Disasters at Sea ; or, Historical Narratives of the most
noted Calamities and Providential DeHveranres that liave resulted
from Maritime Enterprise; with a Sketch of tlie various Expedients
for preserving the Lives of Mariners. 3 vols. 8vo. Edinb. 1812.
Voyages round the World.
Burnev's (Capt. .lames) Chronological History of the Discoveries in the
South Sea from 1579-1 7'23; iucliuliiig a History of the Buccaneers
of America. 4 vols. 4to. London, 18U3.
Circumnavigations of the Globe. (Purchas's Pilgrimes, Vol. I.)
Dampier's (W.) Collection of Voyages [round the World, viz. those of
Dampier, Lionel Wafer, W. Funnel, Cowley, Sharp, Wood, and
Roberts]. 4 vols. 8vo. London, \7 29.
Hawkesworth's (John) Account of the Voyages undertaken for making
Discoveries in the Southern Hemisphere, and successively performed
by Commodore Byron, Capt. Wallis, Capt. Carteret, and Capt. Cook
[first Voyage] accompanied by Sir Joseph Banks. 3 vols. London,
1773. — Cook's (Capt.) Voyage towards the South Pole, 1772-5, in
which is included Capt. Furneaux's Narrative of his Proceedings
during the separation of the ships. 2 vols. London, Mil . — Captains
Cook, Clarke, and Gore's Voyage to the Pacific, in 1776-80, to
determine the position and extent of the West Side of North Ame-
rica, and the practicability of a Northern Passage to Europe. By
Captains James Cook and J. King. With an Introduction by Bp.
Douglas ; and a Narrative of the Death of Capt. Cook, by David
Samuel. 3 vols. Lond. 1784-86. — 8 vols. 4to, and Atlas of Plates,
large folio. V, Y.
All bound from uncut copies, M'ith very eai-ly impressions of the plates.
Vancouver's (Geo.) Voyage of Discovery to the North Pacific Ocean,
and round the World, principally to ascertain the existence of any
navigable communication between the North Pacific and the Atlantic,
3 vols. 4to. Atlas in folio. London, 1798.
Sparrman's (Andrew) Voyage round the World, (Southern Africa.)
Kotzebue's (Otto Von) Voyage of Discovery into the South Sea and
Beering's Straits, for the purpose of exploring a North-east Passage,
undertaken in the years 1815-1818. [Translated by H. E. Lloyd.]
3 vols. 8vo. London, 1821.
Beechey's (Capt. F. W.) Narrative of a Voyage to the Pacific and Beh-
ring's Straits, to co-operate with the Polar Expeditions, in 1825-8.
2 parts in one vol. 4to. London, 1831.
Dillon's (P.) Narrative and Successful Result of a Voyage in the South
Seas, to ascertain the actual fate of La Perouse's Expedition. 2 vols.
8vo. London, 1829.
Travels in various Quarters of the World.
Mandeville's (Sir John) Travels. (Manuscripts.)
Ibn Batuta's Travels [in Barbary, Egypt, Syria, Arabia, Persia, Tartary,
Hindustan, and Spain, A.D. 1324-53] ; translated from the Arabic,
with Notes by Samuel Lee. 4to. Lond. 1829.
[Lavender (Thos.)] the Travels of Foure Englishmen and a Preacher into
Africa and Asia. Begunne in the Yeere of Jubile 1600 ; and by
some of them finished the yeere 1611, the others not yet returned.
Blatfe letter, 4to. Lond. 1612.
The names of the travellers are " INIaster W. Biddiilpli (preacher to the com-
panie of English merchants at Aleppo), Jeffrie Kirbie, Edward Abbot, John
Elkin, and Jasper 7 jon."
Coryat's (Thomas) Crudities : Travels in France, Savoy, Italy, Rhsetia,
Switzerland, &c. ; to which are now added, his Letters from India,
and Extracts relating to him, from various Authors. 3 vols. 8vo.
London, 1776.
Herbert's (Thos.) Travels into Afrique and the Greater Asia, particularly
the Persian Monarchie, begunne 1626. Folio. Lond. 1634.
Sandys' (George) Travels, containing an History of the Turkish Empire,
of Greece, of Egypt, of the Holy Land, and of Italy. Folio. London,
Valle (Pietro della), Viagi descritti da lui medesimo in 54 Lettere, da
diversi luoghi, all' erudito, &c. M. Schipiano, cioe, laTurchia, la Persia,
et rindia, col Ritorno in patria. 4 vols. 18mo. In Venetia, 1667.
Thevenot's (M. de) Travels in the Levant, viz. into Turkey, Persia, and
the East Indies. Folio. London, 1687.
Thevenot (Jean), Voyage en Europe, Asie, et Afrique. 5 vols. 12mo.
Amsterdam, 1729.
Pococke's (Richard) Description of the East and some other countries
[Egypt, Palestine, Syria, Mesopotamia, Greece, the Archipelago,
&c.] 3 vols, folio. Lond. 1763-5.
Sandwich's (Earl of) Voyage performed round the Mediterranean, in
1738-39. Written by himself. To which are prefixed. Memoirs of
the Author's Life by John Cooke. 4to. London, 1807.
Forbes's (J.) Oriental Memoirs, including Observations on parts of Africa
and South America ; and a Narrative of Occurrences in four Indian
Voyages. (India.)
Olivier's (G. A.) Travels in the Ottoman Empire, Egypt, and Persia,
undertaken by order of the French Republic, translated. 2 vols.
8vo. and Atlas in 4to. London, 1801.
Wittman's (Wm.) Travels in Turkey, Asia Minor, Syria, and across the
Desert into Egypt, in 1799, 1800, and 1801. 4to. London, 1803.
Valentia's (Lord Viscount) Voyages and Travels in India, Ceylon, the
Red Sea, Abyssinia, and Egypt, in 1802-6. 3 vols. 4to. large
paper. London, 1809.
Valentia. — XXIV. Views taken in St. Helena, the Cape of Good Hope,
India, Ceylon, Abyssinia, and Egypt, by Henry Salt [with Descrip-
tions in 4to.]. The plates highly coloured in imitation of the original
drawings. Large folio. London, 1809.
Ali Bey's [Domingo Badiah y Leblich] Travels in Morocco, Tripoli,
Cyprus, Egypt, Arabia, Syria, and Turkey, between the years 1803
and 1807. '2 vols. 4to. ^London, 1816.
Abu Taleb Khan's (Mirza) Travels in Asia, Africa, and Europe, trans-
lated by Charles Stewart. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1810.
Clarke's (E. D.) Travels in various countries of Europe, Asia, and Africa.
6 vols. 4to. London, 1810-19.
Gait's (John) Voyages and Travels, containing Observations on Gib-
raltar, Sardinia, Sicily, Malta, Serigo, and Turkey. 4to. London,
Blaquicre's (E.) Letters from the Mediterranean, containing a Civil and
Political Account of Sicily, Tripoly, Tunis, and Malta; with Biogra-
phical Sketches, Anecdotes, and Observations illustrative of the pre-
sent state of those countries. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1813.
Kcatinge's (Colonel) Travels in Europe and Africa, comprising a Journey
through France, Spain, and Portugal, to Morocco; with a particular
account of that empire. 4to. London, 1816.
Richardson's (Robert) Travels along the Mediterranean and parts adja-
cent, in company with the Earl of Belmore, during 1816, 17, and
18; extending to the Second Cataract of the Nile, Jerusalem, Da-
mascus, Balbec, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1822.
Carne's (John) Letters from the East ; written during a recent tour
through Turkey, Egypt, Arabia, the Holy Land, Syria, and Greece.
2 vols. 8vo. London, 1830.
Carne's (J.) Recollections of Travels in the East. 8vo. London, 1830.
Hall's (Captain Basil) Fragments of Voyages and Travels, including
Anecdotes of a Naval Life. 3 vols. 18mo. Edin. 1831.
Hall's (Captain B.) Fragments of Voyages and Travels, Second Series.
3 vols. 18mo. Edin. 1832.
Bullet (J. B.), Description Etymologique des Villes, Rivieres, Mon-
tagnes, Forets, Curiosites Naturelles des Gaules ; de la meilleure
partie de I'Espagne et de I'ltalie ; de la Grande Bretagne, dont les
Gaulois ont ete les premiers habitans. (Bullet, Mem. sur la Langue
Celtique, Vol. L)
Starke's (Mariana) Travels on the Continent, written for the use and
particular information of travellers. 8vo. London, 1820.
Chauchard's Geographical, Historical, and Political Description of the
Empire of Germany, Holland, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Prussia,
Italy, Sicily, Corsica, and Sardinia ; with a Gazetteer of reference,
compiled and translated from the German. To which are added.
Statistical Tables of all the states of Europe, translated from the
German of J. C. Boetticher ; with Continuation by Playfair. 4to.
London, 1800.
Hentzner (Paul) Itinerarium Germanise, Gallise, Anglise, et Italise. 4to.
NorinbergcE, sumptibus auctoris, 1612.
Morysine's (Fynes) Itinerary ; containing his Ten Yeares' Travel through
the XII. Dominions of Germany, Bohmerland, Sweitzerland, Nether-
land, Denmark, Poland, Italy, Turky, France, England, Scotland, and
Ireland. Folio. London, 1617.
The author was secretary to Sir C. Blunt, afterwards Lord Mountjoy ; and his
account of Ireland, which is in this copy complete, contains the result of his
official knowledge.
Reresby's (Sir John) Travels, exhibiting a View of the Governments and
Society in the principal states of Europe during the time of Oliver
Cromwell. (Reresby's Memoirs.)
Brown's (Ed.) Travels in divers parts of Europe, viz. Hungary, Macedonia,
Thessaly, a great part of Germany, &c. Folio. Lond. 1687.
Brydges' (Sir E.) Letters from the Continent. 2 vols. 8vo. Lee Priory,
Batty's (Robert) Select Views of the principal Cities of Europe, viz.
Oporto, Gibraltar, Lisbon, Edinburgh, Amsterdam, Rotterdam,
Brussels, and Antwerp. India proofs. 4to. London, \%'iQ-2\.
Granville's (A. B.) St. Petersburgh ; a Journal of Travels to and from
that capital, through Flanders, the Rhenish Provinces, Prussia,
Russia, Poland, Silesia, Saxony, the Federated States of Germany,
and France. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1829.
Tennant's (Charles) Tour through parts of the Netherlands, Holland,
Germany, Switzerland, Savoy, and France, in 1821-2; with an
Appendix of fac-simile copies of eight Letters in the handwriting of
Napoleon Bonaparte to Josephine. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1824.
Cogan (Thos.), the Rhine ; or, a Journey from Utrecht to Frankfort on
the borders of the Rhine, and passage down the river from Mentz to
Bonn, 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1794.
Batty's (Robt.) Scenery of the Rhine, Belgium, and Holland, from
drawings made in 1824. 4to. London, 1826.
Schrieber (A.), Description generale et particuliere des Pays du Rhin,
depuis Schafhause jusqu'en HoUande, et des Contrees adjacentes:
traduite par M. r Abbe Henry. 40 Plates, oblong 4to. Heidelberg,
Brockedon's (W.) New Illustrated Road-Book of the Route from London
to Naples, from Drawings by Prout, Stanfield, and Brockedon, en-
graved by W. and E. Finden. Roy. 8vo. India proofs. Land. 1831.
Moore's (John) View of the Society and Manners in France, Switzerland,
and Germany ; with Anecdotes of some eminent Persons. 2 vols.
8vo, London, 1783.
Barrington (Daines) on the Possibility of reaching the North Pole.
Pennant's (Thomas) Description of the Arctic World. (Arctic Zoology,
Vol. I.)
Scoresby's (Wm.) Account of the Arctic Regions, with a History and
Description of the Northern Whale Fishery. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb.
Troil's (Uno von) Letters on the Civil, Literary, Ecclesiastical, and
Natural History of Iceland, from Observations made during the
Voyage undertaken by Sir Joseph Banks in 1772, assisted by Drs.
Solander, Lind, and Von Troil. To which are added, the Letters of
Dr. Ihre and Dr. Bach on the Edda and the Elephantiasis of Ice-
land. 8vo. Lond. 1780.
Prefixed is a catalogue of writers on Iceland.
Hooker's (W. J.) Journal of a Tour in Iceland, in 1809. 8vo. Lon-
don, 1811.
Mackenzie's (Sir G. S.) Travels in Iceland in 1810. 4to. London, 1811.
Henderson's (Eb.) Iceland ; or, a Journal of a Residence in that island
during 1814 and 15, containing Observations on its Natural Pheno-
mena, History, Literature, and Antiquities, and on the Religion of
the Inhabitants. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb. 1818.
Skioldebrand's (A. F.) Picturesque Journey to the North Cape, trans-
lated from the French. 8vo. London, 1813.
[Klingsted (Timothee-Merzahn)], Memoire sur les Samojedis et les
Lappons. 8vo. Copenhague, 1766.
Linnccus. — Lachesis Lapponica; or, a Tour in Lapland, now first pub-
lished from the original MS. Journal [in Swedish] of the celebrated
Linnaeus, by J. E. Smith. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1811.
SchefFer's (John) History of Lapland ; containing a Geographical De-
scription and a Natural History of that country, with an Account of
the Inhabitants, &c. translated from the Latin. To which are added,
The Travels of the King of Sweden's Mathematicians into Lapland ;
The History of Livonia, and the Wars there ; also,
A Journey into Lapland, Finland, &c. by Olof Rudbeck. 8vo.
London, 1784.
Acerbi's (Jos.) Travels through Sweden, Finland, and Lapland, to the
North Cape, in 1798-9. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1802.
Brooke's (Arthur de Capell) Winter in Lapland and Sweden ; with Ob-
servations relative to Finmark and its Inhabitants. Plates from
drawings made by Sir Thos. Dyke Acland. 4to. Lond. 1827.
Buch's (L. von) Travels through Norway and Lapland, translated from
the original German by John Black ; with Notes and Illustrations,
and some Account of the Author, by Professor R. Jameson. 4to.
London, 1813.
Heber's (Bp. Reg.) Journal of a Tour in Norway, Sweden, Hungary,
and Germany. (Life, Vol. I.)
Lamotte (A.), Voyage dans le Nord de I'Europe, principalement en
Norvege et en Suede, dans 1807. 4to. London, 1813.
Lloyd's (L.) Narrative of a Residence in Sweden and Norway in 1827
and 8. (Northern Field Sports.)
Batty's (Robt.) Danish Scenery, from drawings made in 1828. 4to.
London, 1829.
Boisgelin's (Louis de) Travels through Denmark and Sweden. 2 vols, in
one, 4to. London, 1810.
Macdonald's (James) Travels through Denmark and part of Sweden, in
1809. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1809.
Thomson's (T.) Travels in Sweden, during the autumn of 1812. 4to.
London, 1813.
Clarke's (E. D.) Travels in Russia and in Scandinavia. (Travels, Vols. I.
and VI.)
Coxe's (W.) Travels in Poland, Russia, Sweden, and Denmark, inter-
spersed with Historical Relations and Political Inquiries. 3 vols.
4to. London, 1784-90.
Porter's (Sir R. K.) Travelling Sketches in Russia and Sweden, in
1805-8. 2 vols. 4to. Lotidon, 1808.
Jovii (Pauli) Moschovia, in qua Situs Regionis Antiquis incognitus,
Religio Gentis, Mores, &c. referuntur. (Descriptiones.)
Macartney's (Sir Geo.) Account of Russia in 1767. (Life.)
Miiller (D. Chret.), Tableau de Petersbourg; ou, Lettres sur la Russie,
ecrites en 1810, 11, et 12, et traduites de I'Allemand par C. Leger.
8vo. Paris, {May ence), 1814.
Pallas (P. S.), Voyages en differentes provinces de I'empire de Russie,
et dans I'Asie Septentrionale ; traduits par Gausbier de la Peyronie.
6 vols, and Plates in 4to. Paris, 1788-93.
Burnet's (Geo.) View of the present State of Poland, 12mo. London,
Hodgskin's (Thos.) Travels in the North of Germany, describing the
present state of the Social and Political Institutions, the Agriculture,
Manufactures, Commerce, Education, Arts, and Manners, particularly
in the kingdom of Hanover. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1820.
Russell's (John) Tour in Germany, and some of the Southern Provinces
of the Austrian Empire, in 1820-22. 2 vols, small 8 vo. Edinburgh,
Notes and Reflections during a Ramble in Germany. 8vo. Lond. 1 827 .
Bright's (Rich.) Travels from Vienna through Lower Hungary; with
Observations on the state of Vienna during the Congress in 1814.
4to. Edmb. 1818.
Batty's (Robert) German Scenery, from Drawings made in 1820. 4to.
Proofs. London, 1821.
Batty's (R.) Hanoverian and Saxon Scenery. 4to. Proofs. Lond. 1829.
Views in Germany, coloured. (Coll. of Prints, Vol. XVHI.)
Views in Prague, Berlin, and Toplitz. Oblong 4to.
Views in Dresden, Heidelberg, and Potsdam. Oblong 4to.
Coxe's (W.) Travels in Switzerland and the Country of the Grisons, in
a series of letters to W. Melmoth, Esq. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1794.
Latrobe's (Charles Joseph) Alpenstock ; or. Sketches of Swiss Scenery
and Manners, 1825-6. 8vo, London, 1829.
Simond's (L.) Switzerland ; or, a Journal of a Tour and Residence in
that country in 1817-19; followed by an Historical Sketch of the
Manners and Customs of ancient and modern Helvetia. 2 vols. 8vo.
London, 1823.
[Stapfer], Voyage Pittoresque de I'Oberland ; ou, Description des Vues
prises dans I'Oberland. 4to. Plates coloured. Pam, 1812.
Zurlauben et La Borde, Tableaux Topographiques, Pittoresques, Phy-
siques, Historiques, Moraux, Politiques, et Litteraires, de la Suisse ;
avec la Table analytique et raisonnee des Tableaux, par M. Quetant.
5 vols, folio. Paris, 1780-88.
Cockburn's (Major) Swiss Scenery. 4to. Proofs. London, 1820.
Roscoe's (Thos.) Tourist in Switzerland and Italy. (Landscape Annual,
Addison's (Joseph) Remarks on several parts of Italy in 1701-3.
(Works, 4to. and 8vo. Vol. II.)
Batty's (Miss E. E.) Italian Scenery, from drawings made in 1817.
4to. Proofs. London, 1817.
Barthelemy's (Abbe) Travels in Italy, in a scries of letters to the Count
Caylus ; with several uii|)ul)lisl>cd pieces by the Abbe Winkelman,
Father Jacqiiier, the Al)be Zarillo, &c. Translated from the French.
Svo. London, 1802.
Bourrit's (M.) Journey to the Glaciers in the Duchy of Savoy : translated
by C. and F. Davy. Norivich, Ml 5.
Beaumont's (Albanis) Travels through the Rhsetian Alps, in 1782, from
Italy to Germany through the Tyrol. Large folio. London, 1792,
Beaumont's (A.) Travels through the Maritime Alps, from Italy to Lyons
across the Col de Tende, by the way of Nice, Provence, Langue-
doc, &c. Folio. London, 1795.
Beaumont's (A.) Travels from France to Italy through the Leopontine
Alps ; or, an Itinerary of the road from Lyons to Turin, by the way
of the Pays de Vaud, the Vallois, and across the Mont Great St. Ber-
nard, Simplon, and St. Gothard ; with topographical and historical
descriptions, including observations on the natural history and ele-
vation of that part of the Alps. To which are added, remarks on
the course of the Rhone, from its source to the Mediterranean Sea,
Folio. London, 1800.
The above are unique copies, as they contain the plates, coloured on the out-
line, from the actual scenes they represent, as patterns for those afterwards
done on the aquatint.
Blunt's (John James) Vestiges of ancient Manners and Customs disco-
verable in modern Italy and Sicily. 8vo. Lond. 1823.
Eustace's (J. C.) Tour through Italy, exhibiting a view of its Scenery,
its Antiquities, and its Monuments ; particularly as they are objects
of classical interest and elucidation ; with an account of the present
state of its Cities and Towns, and occasional observations on the
recent spoliations of the French. 2 vols. 4to. London, \%\'d.
Forsyth's (Jas.) Remarks on Antiquities, Arts, and Letters, during a
Tour in Italy, in 1802 and 3. 2 vols, in one, 8vo. London, 1824,
Hakewell's (James) Picturesque Tour through Italy, from drawings made
in 1816-17. 4to. Proofs. London, 1820.
Hoare's (Sir R. C.) Classical Tour in Italy and Sicily. 4to. London,
Hoare's (Sir R. C.) Hints to Travellers in Italy. 12mo. London, 1815.
Kotzebue's (A. von) Travels through Italy, in 1804-5. 4 vols. 12mo,
London, 1806.
Labat, Voyage en Italie. (Spain.)
Montaigne (Mich, de), Journal du Voyageur en Italie par la Suisse et
I'Allemagne, en 1580 et 81 ; avec des Notes par M. de Querlon.
4to. large paper. Rome \_Paris\, \11A.
Moore's (John) View of the Society and Manners in Italy; with Anecdotes
of some eminent Characters. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1783.
Petit-Radel (P.), Voyage Historique, Chorographique, et Philosophique
dans ritalie, en 1811 et 12. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1815.
Ritchie's (Leitch) Travelling Sketches in the North of Italy, the Tyrol,
and on the Rhine. (Picturesque Annual for 1832.)
Roscoe's (Thos.) Tourist in Italy. (Landscape Annual for 1831 and 2.)
[Rose's (W. S.)] Letters from the North of Italy. 2 vols, in one, 8vo.
London, 1819.
Sketciies descriptive of Italy in 1816 and 17; with a brief Account of
Travels in various parts of Switzerland. 4 vols, small 8vo. London,
Smollett's (Tobias) Travels through France and Italy ; with a particular
Description of the Town, Territory, and Climate of Nice. (Works,
Vol. V.)
Williams' (H. W.) Travels in Italy, Greece, and the Ionian Islands, in a
series of letters, descriptive of Manners, Scenery, and Fine Arts.
2 vols. 8vo. £din. 1820.
Bosio (Ant.), Roma Sotteranea; opera postuma, compita, disposta, ed ac-
cresciuta del Giov. Severani : nella quale si tratta de' sacri Cimeterii
di Roma, dei Cubiculi, Oratorii, Imagini, leroglifici, Iscrittioni, ed
Epitaffi, che vi sono ; nuovamente reconosciuta dal Ottavio Pico.
Large folio. Roma, 1632.
Burton's (Ed.) Description of the Antiquities and other Curiosities of
Rome. Svo. Oxford, 1821.
Ferrerio (Pietro), Palazzi di Roma di piil celebri Architetti. 2 vols, in
one, oblong folio.
Fea (M. Charles), Description de Rome, traduite de I'ltalien, ornee des
Vues, et publiee par Ange Bonelli. 2 vols. ]2rao. Rome, 1825.
[Merigot's (J.)] Select Collection of Views in Rome and its vicinity,
from drawings made in 1791 ; with Descriptions. Folio. Plates,
highly coloured as drawings. London, 1797.
Nardini (Famiano), Roma Antica, riscontrata, ed accresciuta delle ultime
scoperte, con Note et Osservazioni critico - antiquarie di Antonio
Nibby ; e con Disegni di Antonio di Romanis. 4 vols. Svo Roma,
Nibby (Antonio), Viaggio Antiquario ne' contorni di Roma. 2 vols. 8vo.
Roma, 1819.
Rome in the XlXth Century ; containing a complete Account of the
Ruins of the ancient City, the Remains of the Middle Ages, and the
Monuments of modern times. 3 vols. 12mo. London, 1823.
Rossini (Luigi), Vedute di Roma. Oblong folio. Roma, 1823.
This consists of 101 plates, but without title or descriptions.
[Knight's (E. C.)] Description of Latium ; or, the Campagna di Roma.
London, 1805.
Kelsall's (Charles) Classical Excursion from Rome to Arpino. Svo.
Geneva, 1820.
[Maffei (Scipione)], Verona illustrata. 4 vols, in one, folio. Verona,
Views in Rome, Florence, and Bologna. Oblong 4to.
Views in Venice, Milan, and Pisa. Oblong 4to.
Vedute di Firenze, de' Lagi di Como e Maggiore, e dell' Isole Bor-
romeo. (Coll. of Prints, Vol. XVIII.)
Le Fabriche piii cospicue di Venezia, mesurate, illustrate, ed intagliate
dai Membri della Veneta Reale Academia di Belle Arti. 2 vols, folio.
Venezia, 1815.
Artaria (Fr.), II Duomo di Milano, ossia Descrizione storico-critica di
questainsigneTempio, e degli Oggetti d'Arte che le adornano. LXV.
plates. 4to. large paper. Milano, 1823.
Saint Non (Abbe), Voyage Pittoresque ; ou, Description des Royaumes
de Naples et de Sicile. 5 vols, folio. Paris, 1781-6.
Balsamo's (the Abbate) View of the present State of Sicily, its rural
Economy, Population, and Produce (from a Tour in 1808); with
Notes by Thomas Vaughan. 4to. London, 1811.
Smith's (W. H.) Memoir, descriptive of the Resources, Inhabitants, and
Hydrography of Sicily and its Islands ; interspersed with antiquarian
and other notices. 4to. London, 1824.
Swinburne's (Hen.) Travels in the Two Sicilies, in 1777-80. 4 vols.
8vo. London, 1790.
Light's (Capt.) Sicilian Scenery. 4to. proofs. Loyidon, 1821.
Veduta di Napoli da Vito ; a Collection of Italian coloured Drawings,
De Non's (M.) Travels in Sicily and Malta. 8vo. London, 1789.
Brydone's (M.) Tour through Sicily and Malta. 8vo. Lond. 1806.
Goupy's Views of Malta. (Coll. of Prints, Vol. XVII.)
[Borde (A. de la)], Guettarde, &c.. Description generale et particuliere
de la France. 12 vols, in six, folio. Sir M. M. Sykes's copy.
Paris, 1781-96.
Batty 's (Robt.) French Scenery, from drawings made in 1819. 4to.
Proofs. London, 1822.
Whittington's (G. D.) Historical Survey of the Ecclesiastical Antiquities
of France [with Preface by the Earl of Aberdeen]. 4to. London,
Young's (Arthur) Travels in France in 1787-9, with a view of ascertain-
ing the Cultivation, Wealth, Resources, and National Prosperity of
that kingdom. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1194:.
Kotzebue's (A. von) Travels to Paris, 1804. 3 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1806.
Scott's (John) Visit to Paris ; being a review of the moral, political,
intellectual, and social condition of the French Capital. 8vo.
London, 1815.
Promenades aux Cimetieres de Paris, aux Sepultures royales de S.
Denis, et aux Catacombes. 8vo. Paris, 1818.
Stothard's (Charles) Letters written during a Tour through Normandy,
Britanny, and other parts of France, in 1818 ; including local and
historical Descriptions. 4to, London, 1820.
Cotman's (J. S.) Architectural Antiquities of Normandy ; accompanied
with descriptive Notices by Dawson Turner. 2 vols, in one, folio.
London, 1822.
Ducarel's (A. C.) Anglo-Norman Antiquities considered, in a Tour
through Normandy. Folio. London, 1767.
Turner's (Dawson) Account of a Tour in Normandy, undertaken chiefly
to investigate the architectural antiquities of the duchy. 2 vols, in
one, royal 8vo. London, 1820.
Beaumont's (Albanis) Select Views in the South of France ; with topo-
graphical and historical Descriptions, Folio. London, 1794.
A similarly unique copy to those of Beaumont's other works. See page 138.
Hughes' (John) Views in the South of France, chiefly on the Rhone ;
with Descriptions. Large paper, royal 8vo. London, 1825.
Hughes' (J.) Itinerary of the South of France. 4to. London, 1825.
Wery's Views of Lyons and its Environs, and of Rouen Cathedral, by
Knaus. (Coll. of Prints, Vol. XVIII.)
Views in the Pyrenees, with Descriptions [by Miss Young], 4to. proofs.
London, 1832.
Carr's (Sir John) Tour through Holland in 1806. 4to. Lond. 1807.
Views in the Netherlands. (Views in Dresden, &c.)
Bradford's (William) Sketches of the Country, Character, and Costume
of Portugal and Spain, made during the campaign, and on the route
of the British Army, in 1808-9; with appropriate Descriptions, and
Supplement containing Sketches of the Military Costume. Folio,
large paper. London, 1809-10.
[Porter's (Sir R. K.)] Letters from Spain and Portugal, written during
the march of the British troops under Sir John Moore. 8vo. London,
Recollections of the Peninsula, by the Author of the Sketches of India.
8vo. London, 1825.
Southey's (Robert) Letters, written during a Journey and Residence in
Spain and Portugal. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1808.
Twiss's (Richard) Travels through Portugal and Spain in 1772-3; with
Summaries of the History, and some Account of the Literature of
these countries. 4to. London, 1775.
Borde (Alex, de la), Voyage pittoresque et historique de I'Espagne.
4 vols, in two. Folio. Paris, 1807-20.
Borde's (A. de la) View of Spain, comprising a descriptive Itinerary of
each province, and a general Statistical Account of the country,
translated from the French; with Atlas. 6 vols. 8vo. London, 1809.
Bourgoing (J, Fr.), Tableau de I'Espagne Moderne. 3 vols. 8vo, and
Atlas in 4to. London, 1808.
Jacob's (Will.) Travels in the South of Spain in 1809-10. 4to. Plates
coloured. London, 1811.
Inglis's (Henry D.) Spain in 1830. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1831.
Labat (le Pere), Voyages en Espagne et en Italic. 8 vols. 12mo. Paris,
Rehfues(J. F.), I'Espagne en 1808; on, Recherches sur I'etat de I'Admi-
nistration, des Sciences, des Lettres, &c., faites dans un Voyage a
Madrid en 1808. Suivis d'un Fragment Historique, intitule Ics
Espagnols du XIV sieclc. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1811.
Swinburne's (Henry) Travels through Spain in 1775-6 ; in which
several Monuments of Roman and Moorish Architecture are illus-
trated. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1787.
A Year in Spain, by a young American. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1831.
Chatelet's (Due de) Travels in Portugal ; with Notes by J. F. Bourgoing;
translated by J. J. Stockdale. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1809.
Kinscy's (William) Portugal, illustrated in a series of letters. Royal 8vo.
London, 1829.
Murphy's (James) General View of the state of Portugal, including a
topographical description thereof. 4to. London, 1798.
Murphy's (J.) Travels in Portugal in 1789-90. 4to. London, 1795.
Baillie's (Marianne) Lisbon in the years 1821, 22, and 23. 2 vols, small
8vo. I^ondon, 1824.
Murphy's (James) Plans, Views, and Elevations of the Church of Batalha
in the province of Estremadura, in Portugal ; and the History and
Description by Fr. Luis de Sousa, with Remarks. Large folio.
London, 1795.
Busbequius's (A. G.) Travels in Turkey, translated. Small 8vo. Lond.
Clarke's (E. D.) Travels in Turkey. (Travels, Vol. L)
Eton's (W.) Survey of the Turkish Empire, in which are considered its
Government, State of the Provinces, Causes of its Decline, and of the
British Commerce with that country. 8vo. London, 1%^^.
Mayer's (Luighi) Views in the Ottoman Empire, chiefly in Caramania ;
with some curious selections from the islands of Rhodes and Cyprus,
and the cities of Corinth, Carthage, and Tripoli ; with incidental
Illustrations of the Manners and Customs of the nations. Folio,
large paper. London, 1803.
Nicholay's (Nicholas) Navigations, Peregrinations, and Voyages, made
into Turkic ; with LX. Figures, set furth, as wel men as women,
according to the diversitie of nations, &c. [by Csesar Titian] ; trans-
lated out of the French by T. Washington, the younger. 4to.
Ulacfe letter. London, by Thoryias Dmvson, 1585.
Walpole's (Robert) Memoirs relating to European and Asiatic Turkey,
edited from the MS. Journals of Morritt, Sibthorp, Hunt, Raike,
Squire, Davison, Hume, Light, Hawkins, Wilkins, Whittington,
Browne, Leake, E. D. Clarke, &c. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1817-20.
Melling (M.), Voyage pittoresque de Constantinople et des Rives de
Bosphore. 2 vols, large folio. Paris, 1819.
Macfarlane's (Charles) Constantinople in 1828, a residence of sixteen
months in the Turkish Capital and Provinces ; with an Appendix
of Observations to 1829. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1830.
Frankland's (C. C.) Travels to and from Constantinople in 1827-8.
2 vols. 8vo. London, 1829.
Macmichael's (W.) Journey from Moscow to Constantinople in 1817-18.
4to. London, 1819.
Walsh's (R.) Narrative of a Journey from Constantinople to England.
8vo. London, 1829.
Douglas's (T. S.N.) Essay on certain points of Resemblance between
the ancient and modern Greeks. 8vo. London, 1813.
Choisseul-Gouffier (M. de), Voyage pittoresque de la Grece. 2 vols,
in three, folio. Paris, 1782-1809.
Clarke's (E. D.) Travels in Greece. (Travels, Vol. II. to IV.)
Dodwell's (Edward) Views in Greece. Large folio, the Plates highly
coloured after the original drawings. London, 1821.
Dodwell's (E.) Classical and Topographical Tour through Greece.
2 vols. 4to. and Plates in folio. London, 1819.
Cell's (W.) Itinerary of Greece ; with a Commentary on Pausanias and
Strabo, and an Account of the Monuments of Antiquity at present
existing in that country. Compiled in 1801-6. 4to. Loud. 1810.
Guys' (M. de) Journal through Greece, in a series of letters, translated.
3 vols. 12mo. London, 1772.
Pouqueville (F. C. H. L.), Voyage dans la Grece, coraprenant la Des-
cription ancienne et moderne de I'Epire, de I'lllyrie, &c. ; avec des
Considerations sur I'Archeologie, la Numismatique, les Moeurs, les
Arts, rindustrie, et le Commerce des Inhabitans de ces Provinces.
5 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1820-21.
Pouqueville's (F. C. H. L.) Travels in Greece, translated by Anne
Plumtre. 4to. London, 1813.
Spon (Jacob) et Geo. Wheeler, Voyage de Dalmatic, de Grece, et du
Levant, fait aux annees 1675-6 [avec une Liste des Cabinets et
Palais a Rome ; un petit Dictionnaire du Grec vulgaire, et des In-
scriptions antiques qui sont citees]. 2 vols. 8vo. Amst. 1679.
Wheeler's (G.) Journey into Greece, in company with Dr. Spon. Folio.
London, 1682.
Bryant's (Jacob) Observations upon the Vindication of Homer, and of
the ancient Poets and Historians who have recorded the Siege and
Fall of Troy, written by J. B. S. Morritt. 4to. Eton, 1799.
Chandler's (Rich.) History of Ilium, or Troy. 4to. London, \'SiQ)2.
Chevalier's (M.) Description of the Plain of Troy, translated from the ori-
ginal, accompanied with Notes, by Andrew Dalzel. 4to. Lond.\l^\.
Cell's (W.) Topography of Troy and its vicinity, illustrated and ex-
plained by XLV. coloured Drawings, and Descriptions. Folio.
London, 1804.
Kennel's (James) Observations on the Topography of the Plain of Troy,
and on the principal objects within and around it, described or al-
luded to in the Iliad. 4to. London, 1814.
Cell's (Wm.) Geography and Antiquities of Ithaca. 4to. Loud. 1807.
Hobhouse's (J. C.) Journey through Albania, and other provinces of
Turkey in Europe and Asia, to Constantinople. 4to. Lond. 1813.
Holland's (Henry) Travels in the Ionian Isles, Albania, Thessaly, Mace-
donia, &c. in 1812 and 13. 4to. London, 1815.
Lavallee (J.), Voyage pittoresque et historique de I'lstrie et de la Dal-
matic, redige d'apres I'ltineraire de L. F. Casas. Folio. Par. 1802.
Leake's (W. M.) Travels in the Morea. 3 vols. Svo. London, 1830.
Macarius (Travels of). Patriarch of Antioch ; written in Arabic by his
attendant, Archdeacon Paul of Aleppo. Part I., Anatolia, Romclia,
and Moldavia. Translated by F. C. Belfour. 4to. London, 1829.
Stanhope's (Jo. Spencer) Topography illustrative of the Battle of Platoea.
8vo. London, 1817.
Stanhope's (J. S.) 01ym])ia ; or, the Topography illustrative of the actual
state of tl\e Plain of Olynipia, and of the Ruins of the City of Elis.
Folio, Plates. London, 1824.
Vaudoncourt's (Guil. de) Memoirs of the Ionian Islands, considered in a
commercial, political, and military view ; including a Character of
Ali Pacha. Translated from the inedited MS. by William Walton.
8vo. London, 1816.
Forbin (M. le Comte de), Voyage dans le Levant. Plates in aquatinta
and lithography. Large folio. Paris, 1819.
Tournefort's (M.) Voyage into the Levant ; containing the ancient and
modern state of the Islands of the Archipelago ; as also of Constan-
tinople, the Coasts of the Black Sea, &c. : with the Author's Life by
M. Began, and his Eulogium by Fontenelle. Translated by J. Ozell.
2 vols. 4to. London, 1718.
Turner's (W.) Travels in the Levant. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1820.
Murray's (Hugh) Historical Account of Discoveries and Travels in
Africa, from the earliest ages to the present time ; including the
substance of the late Dr. Leyden's work on that subject. 2 vols.
8vo. Edinburgh, 1818. -
Leonis Africani (Jo.) de totius Africae Descriptione Libri IX. ; quibus
non soliun regionum, &c. complexus est, sed regum familias,
bellorum causas et eventus, resque in ea memorabiles, descripsit :
recens in Latinam linguam conversi J. Floriano interprete. Small
8vo. Antverpice, ap. Jo. Latium, 1556.
Stephen Baluzius's copy, with his autograph.
Caillie's (Rene) Travels through Central Africa to Timbuctoo, and across
the Great Desert to Morocco, performed in 1824-8. 2 vols. 8vo,
London, 1830.
Denham's (Major Dixon) and Capt. Hugh Clapperton's Narrative of
Travels and Discoveries in Northern and Central Africa in the years
1822-4. 4to. London, 1826.
Lyon's (Capt. G. F.) Narrative of Travels in Northern Africa in the
years 1818-20; accompanied by Geographical Notices of Soudan,
and of the Course of the Niger. 4to. London, 1821.
Beechey's (F. W.-and H. W.) Proceedings of the Expedition to explore
the Northern Coast of Africa, from Tripoly eastward, in 1821-2 ;
comprehending an Account of the Greater Syrtis and Cyrenaica,
and the ancient cities composing the Pentapolis. 4to. London,
Pananti's (Sig.) Narrative of a Residence in Algiers, comprising an
historical account of the Regency, biographical sketches of the
Dey and his Ministers, and Observations on the Relations of the
Barbary States with the Christian Powers ; with Notes and Illustra-
tions by E. Blaquiere. 4to. London, 1830.
Jackson's (James Grey) Account of the Empire of Morocco and the
districts of Susa and of Timbuctoo, the great emporium of Central
Africa. 4to. London, 1809.
Shaw's (Thomas) Travels, or Observations relative to several parts of
Barbary and the Levant ; with Supplement. Folio. Oxford, \7 38.
Narrative of a Ten Years' Residence at Tripoli ; from the original Cor-
respondence of Richard Tully, British Consul there. 4to. London,
Adams's (Robert) Narrative of his Shipwreck on the Western Coast of
Africa in 1810, and residence for several months at Timbuctoo. 4to.
London, 1816.
Bowditch's (T. E.) Mission from Cape Coast Castle to Ashantee ; with a
Statistical Account of that kingdom, and Geographical Notices of
other parts. 4to. coloured Plates. London, 1819.
Clapperton's (Hugh) Journal of a Second Expedition into the Interior of
Africa, from the Bight of Benin to Soccatoo. To which is added,
the Journal of Richard Lander from Kano to the Sea-coast. 4to.
London, 1829.
Dupuis' (Jos.) Journal of a Residence in Ashantee, comprising Notes
and Researches relative to the Gold Coast- and the Interior of Western
Africa ; chiefly collected from Arabic MSS. and information com-
municated by the Moslems of Guinea. To which is prefixed an
Account of the origin and causes of the present War. 4to. London,
Lander's (Richard) Records of Captain Clapperton's last Expedition to
Africa ; with the subsequent Adventures of the Author. 2 vols. 8vo.
London, 1830.
Landers' (R. and J.) Journal of an Expedition to explore the Course of
the Niger ; with a Narrative of a Voyage down that river to its
termination. 3 vols. 18mo. London, 1832.
Norris's (Robt.) Journey to Abomey, in the kingdom of Dahomy. 8vo.
London, 1789.
Park's (Mungo) Travels in the Interior Districts of Africa, performed in
1795, 6, and 7 ; with an Account of a subsequent Mission to that
country in 1805. To which is added, an Account of the Life of
Mr. Park, and Geographical Illustrations of Africa, by Major Rennel.
2 vols. 4to. London, 1816.
Riley's (James) Loss of the American brig Commerce, wrecked on the
Western Coast of Africa in 1815; with an Account ofTombuctoo,
and the hitherto undiscovered city of Wassanah. 4to. London, 1817.
Smith's (W.) Voyage to Guinea in 1726, describing the manners and
customs of the inhabitants, the soil, climate, &c. 8vo. London,
Tuckey's (J. H.) Narrative of an Expedition to explore the river Zaire,
usually called the Congo, in 1816. To which is added, the Journal
of Professor Smith, containing the Natural History of the kingdom
of Congo. 4to. ZortcZoM, 1818.
Barrow's (John) Travels in Africa; in which are described the character
and the condition of the Dutch colonists of the Cape of Good Hope,
and of the several tribes of natives beyond its limits. 2 vols. 4to.
Plates by Daniel. London, 1806.
Barrow's (J.) Account of a Journey made, in the years 1801-2, to the
residence of the Chief of the Booshuana Nation, by Truter, Somerville,
(Sjc. (Cociiin China.)
Burchell's (W. J.) Travels in the Interior of Southern Africa. 2 vols.
4to. London, 1822.
Campbell's (John) Travels in South Africa, undertaken at the request of
the London Missionary Society. 8vo. London, 1815.
Campbell's (J.) Second Journey in South Africa. 2 vols, in one, 8vo.
London, 1822.
Daniel's (Sam.) African Scenery and Animals. Oblong folio, the Plates
coloured after the original drawings. London, 1805.
Lichentstein's (Hen.) Travels in Southern Africa in 1803, translated from
the German by Anne Plumptre. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1812.
Sparrman's (Andrew) Voyage to the Cape of Good Hope, and in the
Country of the Hottentots and CafFres. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1785,
Vaillant (Fr. Le), Voyage dans I'lnterieur de I'Afrique, par le Cap de
Bonne Esperance, dans 1780 et 82. 2 vols, in one, 4to. Paris, 1790.
Vaillant (Fr. Le), Second Voyage dans I'lnterieur de I'Afrique, 1783,
84, et 85. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1798.
Belzoni's (G.) Narrative of the Operations and recent Discoveries within
the Pyramids, Temples, Tombs, and Excavations, in Egypt and
Nubia ; and of a Journey in search of the ancient Berenice, and
another to the Oasis of Jupiter Ammon ; with Mrs. Belzoni's Account
of the Women of Egypt, Nubia, and Syria. 4to. London, 1820.
Belzoni's (G.) Fifty Plates illustrative of his Researches and Operations
in Egypt and Nubia. Folio. London, 1820-22.
Burckhardt's (John Lewis) Travels in Nubia and in the Interior of N.-E.
Africa: 4to. London, 1819.
Burckhardt's (J. L.) Manners of the Modern Egyptians illustrated.
(Arabic Proverbs.)
Clarke's (E. D.) Travels in Egypt. (Travels, Vols. II.— IV.)
Denon's (Vivant) Travels in Upper and Lower Egypt, translated by
Arthur Aikin. 3 vols. 8vo. the Plates inserted. London, 1803.
Edmonstone's (Sir Arch.) Journey to Two of the Oases of Upper Egypt.
8vo. London, 1822.
Finati's (Giov.) Life and Adventures in the campaigns against the Waha-
bees to recover Mecca and Medina. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1830.
Hamilton's (William) iEgyptiaca ; or, some Account of the ancient and
modern State of Egypt, as obtained in the years 1801-2. 4to. Ac-
companied by Etchings from drawings of the late Charles Hayes.
Folio. London, 1809.
Legh's (Thorn.) Narrative of a Journey in Egypt and the country beyond
the Cataracts. 8vo. London, 1817.
Mayer's (Luigi) Views in Egypt, from original drawings taken during
Sir Robert Ainslie's embassy to Constantinople ; with illustrations of
the manners and customs of the natives of that country. Folio,
large paper. London, 1801.
Norden's (F. L.) Travels in Egypt and Nubia, enlarged with observations
from ancient and modern authors, by Peter Templeman. 2 vols,
in one, folio, largest paper. London, \151 .
Salame's (Ab.) Itinerary, with some particulars of the present govern-
ment of Egypt. (Expedition to Algiers.)
Sonini (C. S.), Voyage dans la Haute et Basse Egypte. 3 vols. 8vo.
and Plates in 4to. London, 1799.
Bruce's (James) Travels to discover the Source of the Nile ; containing
the Annals and Natural History of Abyssinia, 1768-73. 5 vols. 4to.
Edinburgh, 1790.
Pearce's (Nath.) Life and Adventures during a residence in Abyssinia
from 1810 to 1819 ; together with M. Caffin's Account of his Visit to
Gondar : edited by J. J. Halls. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1831.
Salt's (Hen.) Voyage to Abyssinia, and Travels into the Interior of that
country, executed under the orders of the British Government in
1809-10 ; including an account of the Portuguese settlements on the
east coast of Africa, &c. 4to. the Plates inserted. London, 1814.
Waddington (G.) and B. Hanbury's Journal of a Visit to some parts of
Ethiopia. 4to. London, 1822.
Drury (Robt.), Adventures of, during Fifteen Years' Captivity on the
island of Madagascar ; containing a description of that island, its
produce, &c. 8vo. London, 1807.
Barrow's (John) Description of the islands of Madeira, TeneriiFe, St.
Jago, &c. (Cochin China.)
Murray's (H.) Historical Account of Discoveries and Travels in Asia,
from the earliest ages to the present time. 3 vols. 8vo. Edin. 1820.
Jones's (Sir W.) Description of Asia. (Works, Vol, V.)
Marco Polo's Travels in the Thirteenth Century ; being a description
by that early traveller of remarkable places and things in the eastern
parts of the world ; translated from the Italian, with Notes, by
Wm. Marsden. 4to. London, 1818.
Pinto (Historia Oriental de las Peregrinaciones de F. Mendez), trad, en
Castellano, con Apologia en favor de Pinto y desta Historia, por F. de
Harrera Maldonado. Folio. Valencia, 1645.
Rennel's (James) Comparative Geography of Western Asia. 2 vols. 8vo.
London, 1831.
Brocquiere's (B. de la) Travels in Palestine, 1432-33, translated by
Th. Johnes. 8vo. large paper. Hufod, 1807.
Buckingham's (J. S.) Travels in Palestine, through the countries of
Bashan and Gilead, east of the Jordan ; including a visit to the
cities of Gcraza and Gamala in the Dccapolis. 4to. A presentation
copy, with the author's autograph. London, 1821.
Buckingham's (J. S.) Travels in Mesopotamia, including a journey
from Aleppo to Diarbekr, and thence to Mardin, and by the Tigris
to Mousul and Bagdad ; with Researches on the Ruins of Babylon,
&c. 4to. London, 1827.
Burckhardt's (J. L.) Travels in Syria and the Holy Land. 4to. Land.
Casas (L, F.), Voyage pittoresque de la Syrie, de la Phenicie, de la
Palestine, et de la Basse Egypte. 2 vols, folio. Paris, 1799, &c.
Chandler's (Rich.) Travels in Asia Minor. 4to. Oxford, 1775.
Chateaubriand (F. A.), Itineraire de Paris a Jerusalem. 3 vols. 8vo.
Paris, 1811.
Clarke's (E. D.) Travels in the Holy Land. (Travels, Vols. H. to IV.)
Hasselquist's (Fred.) Voyages and Travels in the Levant in 1749-52;
containing observations on natural history, physic, agriculture, and
commerce, particularly on the Holy Land and the natural history
of the Scriptures [translated from the German version of C. Linnaeus.]
8vo. London, 1766.
Kinneir's (J. M.) Journey through Asia Minor, Armenia, and Koordistan,
in 1813 and 1814. 8vo. with Map. London, 1818.
Legh's (Thomas) Journey through Syria. (Macmichael's Journey to
Maundrell's (Henry) Journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem, 1697, and to
the banks of the Euphrates and Mesopotamia. 8vo. large paper,
Oxford, 1740.
Mayer's (Luigi) Views in Palestine, from original drawings ; with his-
torical and descriptive account of the country. Folio, large paper.
London, 1804.
Russell's (Alex.) Natural History of Aleppo ; containing a description
of the city, the principal natural productions, &c. : edited by Pat.
Russell. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1794.
Walpole's Memoirs of Asiatic Turkey. (Turkey in Europe.)
Buckingham's (J. S.) Travels among the Arab Tribes inhabiting the
countries east of Syria and Palestine ; including a journey from
Nazareth to the mountains beyond the Dead Sea, and from thence
through the plains of Houran to Bozra, Damascus, Tripoly, Baal-
beck, and by the valley of the Orontes to Seleucia, Antioch, and
Aleppo. 4to. London, 1825.
Burckhardt's (J. L.) Notes on the Bedouins and Wahabys, collected
during his travels in the East ; [edited by Sir W. Ouseley.] 4to.
Lond. 1830.
Burckhardt's (J. L.) Travels in the Hedjaz. 4to. London, 1824.
Michaelis (J. D.), Recueil des Questions proposees a une Societe de
Savans qui font le Voyage de I'Arabie. 4to. Amst. 1774.
Niebuhr (C), Voyage en Arabic et en d'autres pays circonvoisins.
2 vols. 4to. Amst. 1776.
Niebuhr (C), Description de I'Arabie. 4to. Aynst. 1774.
Buckingham's (J. S.) Travels in Assyria, Media, and Persia; including
a journey from Bagdad by Mount Zagros to Hamadan the ancient
Ecbatana, researches on Ispahan and the ruins of Persepolis, &c.
4to. London, 1829.
Chardin (Jean), Voyages en Perse et autres lieux de I'Orient, par L.
Langlcs. 10 vols. 8vo. and Atlas in folio. Paris, 1811.
Franklin's (W.) Observations on a Tour from Bengal to Persia, in 1786
and 7 ; with an account of the remains of the celebrated Palace of
Persepolis. 8vo. London, 1790.
Eraser's (J. B.) Narrative of a Journey into Khorasan, in 1821-2, in-
cluding some account of the countries to the north-east of Persia ;
with remarks upon the national character, government, and re-
sources of that kingdom. 4to. London, 1825.
Kinneir's (J. M.) Geographical Memoir of the Persian Empire, accom-
panied by a Map. 4to. London, 1813.
[Malcolm's (Sir John)] Sketches of Persia, from the Journals of a tra-
veller in the East. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1827.
Mandelslo (Jean Albert), Voyages faits de Perse aux Indes Orientales,
mis en ordre et publiez par Adam Olearius, et traduits de I'original
par le Sr. Wicquefort. 2 vols in one, folio, large paper. Leide,
Morier's (James) Two Journeys through Persia, Armenia, and Asia Minor,
to Constantinople, in 1808-9, and between 1810 and 16; including
an account of his majesty's missions to the court of Persia under
Sir Harford Jones and Sir Gore Ouseley, Baronets. 2 vols. 4to.
London, 1812-18.
Olearius (Adam), Voyages faits en Muscovie, Tartaric, et Perse, traduits
de I'original et augmentez par le Sr. Wicquefort. 2 vols, in one,
folio, large paper. Leide, 1719.
Olearius' (Adam) Voyages and Travels of the Ambassadors sent by Fre-
derick Duke of Holstein to the Great Duke of Moscovy and the King
of Persia, from 1633 to 1639; containing a complete History of
Moscovy, Tartary, and Persia, To which are added, the Travels of
John Albert de Mandelslo from Persia into the East Indies ; faithfully
rendered into English by John Davies of Kidwelly. Folio ; with two
titles of the same date, the second with the addition of Mandelslo,
and the scarce frontispiece by Chantry. London, 1662.
Ouseley's (Sir W.) Travels in the East, more particularly Persia ; illus-
trating many subjects of antiquarian research, history, geography,
philology, and miscellaneous literature ; with extracts of rare and
valuable Oriental MSS. 3 vols. 4to. Brecknock, 1819-23.
Porter's (Sir Robert Ker) Travels in Georgia, Persia, Armenia, ancient
Babylonica, &c. during 1817-20. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1821.
Waring's (E. S.) Tour to Sheeraz, by the route of Cazroon and Ferouza-
bad ; with various remarks on the manners, customs, laws, language,
and literature of the Persians; and a History of Persia from the
death of Kureem Khan to the subversion of the Zund dynasty. 4to.
London, 1807.
Rcnncl's (James) Memoir of a Map of Hindostan ; with an introduction
illustrative of the geography and present divisions of that country.
The Maps forming a separate volume. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1792.
Forstcr's (J. R.) Essay on India, its Bovmdaries, Climate, Soil, and Sea;
translated by John Aikin. (Pennant's Indian Zoology.)
Gray's (Th.) Geographical Disquisitions relating to some parts of India
and Persia. (Works, by Matthias, Vol. II.)
Hamilton's (Walter) East India Gazetteer; containing particular de-
scriptions of the empires, kingdoms, principalities, &c. &c. of Hin-
dostan and the adjacent countries, India beyond the Ganges, and
the Eastern Archipelago. 8vo. London, 1815.
Hamilton's (W.) Geographical, Statistical, and Historical Description of
Hindostan and the adjacent countries. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1820.
Pennant's (Thomas) View of Hindoostan, India extra Gangem, China,
Japan, the Malayan Isles, New Holland, &c. 4 vols. 4to. London,
Bernier (F.), Voyages; contenant la description des etats du Grand
Mogol, del'Indoustan, de Kachemire, &c. 2 vols. 12mo. Amster-
dam, 1710.
Broughton's (J. D.) Letters written in a Mahratta Camp, descriptive of
the character, manners, habits, &c. of the Mahrattas, in 1809. 4to.
London, 1813.
[Choissy (I'Abbe de)], Journal du Voyage de Siam, fait en 1685 et 6.
12mo. Amsterdam, 1687.
Covert's (Robt.) True and almost incredible Report of an Englishman,
who travelled by land to Cambaya, thorow many unknowne king-
domes and great cities ; with the discovery of agreatEmperour, called
the Great Mogul, a prince till now unknown to our English nation.
9l3lack Icttet, 4to. London, 1631.
Daniel's (T.and W.) Picturesque Voyage to India by the way of China.
Folio. London, 1810.
Daniel's (T.) Oriental Scenery ; or Views in Hindostan. The six series
in 2 vols, oblong folio. London, 1795-1808.
Daniel's (Samuel) Picturesque Illustration of the Scenery, Animals, and
Natives of the island of Ceylon. Oblong folio. Zowc?. 1808.
These works of the Daniels are all early impressions of the plates, carefully
coloured after the original drawings, under the inspection of the authors.
Eraser's (J. B.) Journal of a Tour through part of the snowy range of
the Himala Mountains, and to the Sources of the rivers Jumna and
Ganges. [Including historical sketches of Nepal and of the
Ghoorka conquest.] 4to. London, 1820.
Eraser's (J. B.) Views in the Himala Mountains. Large folio. Early
impressions, carefully coloured after the drawings. London, 1820.
Graham's (Maria) Journal of a Residence in India. 4to. Edinburgh,
[Hamilton] Buchanan's (Francis) Journey from Madras through the
countries of Mysore, Canara, and Malabar. 3 vols. 4to. London,
Heber's (Bp. Reginald) Narrative of a Journey through the Upper Pro-
vinces of India from Calcutta to Bombay, 1824-5 ; with Notes upon
Ceylon, an Account of a Journey to Madras and the southern pro-
vinces in 1826, and Letters from India. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1828.
Hodges' (W.) Travels in India during 1780-83. 4to. Plates. London,
Hodges' (W.) Select Views in India, drawn on the spot in 1780-3, and
executed in aquatinta. 2 vols, folio. London, 1786.
Kirkpatrick's (Colonel) Account of the Kingdom of Nepaul ; being the
substance of observations made during a mission to that country in
1793. 4to. London, 1811.
Meer Hassan All's (Mrs.) Observations on the Mussulmauns of India ;
descriptive of their manners, customs, habits, and religious opinions,
made during a 12 years' residence in their immediate society. 2 vols.
8vo. London, 1832.
Pottinger's (Henry) Travels in Beloochistan and Sinde, accompanied
with a geographical and historical account of those countries, 4to.
London, 1816.
Seely's (J. B.) Wonders of Elora; or, the Narrative of a Journey to the
excavated Temples and Dwellings in the Elora Mountain, East
Indies : with observations on the people and country. 8vo. Lon-
don, 1824.
[Tachard (Guy)], Voyage de Siam des Peres Jesuites. 12mo. Amster-
dam, 1688.
Terry's (Edward) Voyage to the East Indies ; wherein some things are
taken notice of in our passage thither, but many more in our abode
there, within that rich and most spacious empire of the Great Mogul.
Small 8vo. Port. London, 1655.
Tombe (C. F.), Voyages aux Indes Orientales, revus, et augmentes de
Notes par M. Sonini. 2 vols. 8vo. Atlas in 4to. Paris, 1810.
Wathen's (James) Journal of a Voyage, in 1811 and 12, to Madras and
China, returning by the Cape of Good Hope. 4to. Plates. Lon-
don, 1814.
Abel's (Clarke) Narrative of a Journey in the Interior of China; contain-
ing an account of Lord Amherst's embassy to the court of Pekin.
4to. London, 1818.
Barrow's (John) Travels in China. Plates by Alexander. 4to. Lond.
Barrow's (J.) Voyage to Cochin China, in the years 1792 and 93; and
account of such European settlements as were visited on the voyage.
4to. Lond. 1806.
Ellis' (Henry) Journal of the Proceedings of the late Embassy to China;
comprising a narrative of the public transactions of the Embassy, and
of the voyage to and from China. 4to. Lond. 1817.
Finlayson (Geo.) on the Mission to Siam and Hue, the capital of Cochin
China, in the years 1821-2; with a Memoir of the Author by Sir
Stamford Raffles. 8vo. London, 1820.
Hall's (Basil) Voyage of Discovery to the West Coast of Corea, and the
great Loo-Choo Islands. 4to. London, 1818.
Keate's (Geo.) Account of the Pelcw Islands ; compiled from the Jour-
nals of Capt. H. Wilson. 4to. London, 1788.
Keate's (Geo.) Account of the Pelew Islands (J. P. Hockin's Supple-
ment to) ; compiled from the oral communications of Capt. H. Wil-
son. 4to. Lond. 1803.
Macartney's (George Earl) Journal of an Embassy to the Emperor of
China, in 1792, 3, and 4. (Life.)
M'Leod's (John) Narrative of a Voyage in his Majesty's late Ship the
Alceste to the Yellow Sea, along the Coast of Corea to the Island of
Loo-Choo. 8vo. London, 1817.
Pennant's (J.) View of China and Japan. (Hindoostan.)
Staunton's (Sir Geo.) Account of Lord Macartney's Embassy to the Em-
peror of China. 3 vols. Svo. with Plates in folio. London, 1798.
Turner's (Samuel) Account of an Embassy to the Court of the Teshoo
Lama in Tibet. 4to. London, \%QQ.
Bell's (John) Travels from Russia to divers parts of Asia, to Ispahan in
Persia, and to Pekin in China, through Siberia. 2 vols. 4to. Glas-
goxv, Foulis, 1763.
Coxe's (Wm.) Account of the Russian Discoveries between Asia and
America; to which are added, the Conquest of Siberia, and the
History of the Transactions and Commerce between Russia and
China. 4to. London, 1780.
Chappe d'Auteroche (l' Abbe), Voyage en Siberie, fait en 1761. 3 vols.
4to. and Atlas. Paris, 1768.
Cochrane's (Captain John Dundas) Narrative of a Pedestrian Journey
through Russia and Siberian Tartary, from the Frontiers of China to
the Frozen Sea and Kamschatka. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1824.
Olearius (Adam), Voyage en Tartaric. (Persia.)
Murray's (Hugh) Historical Account of Discoveries and Travels in North
America ; including the United States, the shores of the Polar Sea ;
and the voyages in search of a North-west Passage. 2 vols. Svo.
Lond. 1829.
Memoir of Sebastian Cabot ; with a Review of the History of Maritime
Discovery ; illustrated by documents from the Rolls, now first pub-
lished. Svo. London, 1831.
Irving's (Washington) History of the Life and Voyages of Christopher
Columbus. 4 vols, small Svo. Paris, 1828.
Ellis's (Henry) Voyage to Hudson's Bay by the Dobbs Galley and Cali-
fornia [Captains W. Moor and F. Smith] in 1746 and 47, for disco-
vering a North-west Passage ; with a fair view of the facts, and
arguments from which the future finding of such a passage is rendered
probable ; and an historical account of the attempts hitherto made.
Svo. large paper. London, 1748.
Chappel's (Edward) Narrative of a Voyage to Hudson's Bay ; containing
some account of the north-east coast of America, and the tribes in-
habiting that region : with Preface by E. D. Clarke. Svo. London,
Ross's (John) Voyage of Discovery for the purpose of exploring Baffin's
Bay ; and Inquiry into the probability of a North-west Passage.
4to. London, 1819.
Parry's (Sir W. E.) Journal of a Voyage for Discovery of a North-west
Passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific, performed in the years
1819-20 : with North Georgia Gazette, or Winter Chronicle, written
by the Officers. 4to. London, 1821.
Fisher's (Alex.) Journal of a Voyage of Discovery to the Arctic Regions,
in 1819 and 20. 8vo. London, 1820.
Parry's (Sir W, E.) Journal of a Second Voyage for the Discovery of a
North-west Passage, performed in 1821-3. 4to. London, 1824.
Parry's (Sir W. E.) Journal of a Third Voyage for the Discovery of a
North-west Passage, performed in 1824-5. 4to. London, 1826.
Parry's (Sir W. E.) Narrative of an Attempt to reach the North Pole,
in 1827, by boats fitted for the purpose. 4to. London, 1828.
Lyon's (G. F.) Private Journal of H. M. S. Hecla, during the recent
[Second] Voyage of Discovery under Capt. Parry. 8vo. Lond. 1824.
Franklin's (Sir John) Narrative of a Journey to the Shores of the Polar
Sea, in the years 1819-22; with an Appendix on various subjects
relative to Science and Natural History. 4to. London, 1823.
Franklin's (Sir J.) Narrative of a Second Expedition to the Shores of
the Polar Sea, in 1825-7 ; including an Account of the progress of
a Detachment to the Eastward, by Dr. John Richardson. 4to.
Lond. 1828.
Mackenzie's (Alex.) Voyages from Montreal, through the Continent of
North America, to the Frozen and Pacific Oceans; with an Account
of the rise, progress, and present state of the Fur-trade. 4to. Lond.
Carver's (J.) Travels through the interior parts of North America, 1766,
7, and 8. 8vo. large paper. Lond. 1778.
Kalm's (P.) Travels into North America, translated by J. R. Foster.
3 vols. 8vo. Warrington, 1770.
Weld's (Isaac) Travels through the States of North America and the
Canadas, in 1795, 6, and 7. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1800.
Rochefoucalt's (Liancourt, Duke de) Travels through the United States
of North America, the country of the Iroquois, and Upper Canada, in
1795-7 ; with an authentic Account of Lower Canada. 2 vols. 4to.
Lond. 1799.
Lambert's (John) Travels through Canada and the United States, in
1804—8; with biographical Notices and Anecdotes of leading Cha-
racters in the United States. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1816.
Duncan's (John M.) Travels through part of the United States and
Canada, in 1818 and 1819. 2 vols. 8vo. Glasgow, 1823.
Hall's (Capt. Basil) Travels in North America, in 1827-8. 3 vols. 8vo.
Edinburgh, 1829.
Hall's (Capt. B.) Forty Etchings from Sketches made with the Camera
Lucida in North America, in 1827-8. Imp. 4to. London, 1829.
Heriot's (Geo.) Travels through the Canadas; with a comparative view
of the Manners and Customs of the Indian Nations. 4to. London,
Howison's (John) Sketches of Upper Canada, and some Recollections
of the United States of America. 8vo. Edin. \S22.
Head's (Geo.) Forest Scenes and Incidents in the Wilds of North
America. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1829.
Faux's (W.) Memorable Days in America; being a Journal of a Tour
to the United States, principally to ascertain the condition and pro-
bable prospects of British Emigrants. Svo. Zowf?. 1823.
Dwight's (Timothy) Travels in New England and New York. 4 vols.
Svo. London, 1823.
[Cooper's (J. F.)] Notions of the Americans, by a Travelling Bachelor.
2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1828.
Trollope's (Mrs.) Domestic Manners of the Americans. 2 vols. cr. Svo.
London, 1832.
Pike's (Z. M.) Exploi'atory Travels through the Western Territories of
North America, in 1805, by order of the Government of the United
States. 4to. Lond. 1811.
Lewis and Clarke's Travels to the Source of the Missouri River, and
across the American Continent to the Pacific Ocean, in 1804, 5,
and 6. 3 vols. Svo. Lond. 1815.
Hunter's (John D.) Memoirs of a Captivity among the Indians of North
America, from childhood to the age of nineteen ; with Anecdotes
descriptive of their Manners and Customs. Svo. Lond. 1824.
Maurelli's (Don F. A.) Journal of a Voyage, in 1775, to explore the
Coast of America northward of California. (Barrington's Mis-
Bullock's (W.) Six Months' Residence and Travels in Mexico ; containing
remarks on the present state of New Spain, &c. Svo. Lond. 1824.
Ward's (H. G.) Mexico ; with an Account of the Mining Companies,
and of the Political Events in that Republic, to the present day.
2 vols. Svo. London, 1829.
Mexico (View of the great Square in the City of). (Coll. of Prints,
Vol. XVIII.)
Bayley's (F. W. N.) Four Years' Residence in the West Indies, during
the years 1826-9. To which is added, a Narrative of the Hurricanes
in Barbadoes and St. Lucia, in 1831. Svo. Lond. 1832.
Mackenzie's (Charles) Notes on Haiti, made during a residence in that
Republic. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1830.
Sloane's (Sir Hans) Voyage to the Islands Madeira, Barbadoes, Nieves,
St. Christopher's, and Jamaica ; with the Natural History of the last
of those Islands; and an Introduction, wherein is an Account of the
Inhabitants, Air, Water, Diseases, Trade, &c. of that place. 2 vols,
folio. London, printed for the Author, 1707-25.
" Donum illustrissimi autboris Riccardo Richardson, M.D." — R. R.
Schmidel (Huld.) Vera Historia admirandae Navigationis, ab Anno
M.D. XXXIV. usque ad Annum M.D.LIV., in Americam vel Novum
Mundum, juxta Brasiliam et Rio della Plata. Ab ipso Schmidelio
Germanice descripta ; nunc vero, emendatis et correctis urbium, &c.
nominibus, adjecta etiam tabula geographica, figura3, &c. [a Levinio
Hulsio]. 4to. NorimbergcB, 1599.
Conclamine (M.de la), Voyage dans I'lnterieur de TAmerique Meridionale,
depuis la Cote de la Mer du Sud, jusqu'aux Cotes du Bresil et de la
Guiane, en descendant la Riviere des Amazones. 8vo. Paris, 1745.
Ulloa (G. Juan) and Ant. Ulloa's Voyage to South America, describing
at large the Spanish Cities, Towns, Provinces, &c. on that extensive
Continent ; undertaken by command of the King of Spain. Trans-
lated from the original Spanish, with occasional Notes and Observa-
tions, and an Account of some parts of the Brazils hitherto unknown
to the English nation, by John Adams. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1772.
Humboldt (Alex, de), A. Bonpland, [J. Oltmanns, et C. S. Kunth], Voy-
age dans rinterieur de I'Amerique, dans I'annees 1799-1804. 4 vols.
8vo. ; 11 vols. 4to.; and 17 vols, folio. Paris, 1807-29.
Viz. I. Partie. — [Relation Historique d'un] Voyage aux Regions Equi-
noxiales du Nouveau Continent, fait en 1799-1804. 4 vols.
4to. Paris, 1814.
Atlas Geographique et Physique. Large folio. Paris, 1814.
Vues des Cordillieres, et Monumens des Peuples indigenes de
TAmerique. Large folio. Paris, 1810.
II. Partie. — Recueil d'Observations de Zoologie et d'Anatomie
comparee, faites dans un Voyage aux Tropiques. 2 vols.
4to. Paris, 1811.
III. Partie. — Essai Politique sur le Royaume de la Nouvelle
Espagne. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1811.
Atlas Physique et Geographique. Large folio. Pam, 1810.
IV. Partie. — Recueil d'Observations Astronomiques, d'Operations
Trigonometriques, et des Mesures Barometriques, faites pen-
dant le coLirs d'un Voyage aux Regions Equinoxiales de
Nouveau Continent, redigees et calculees d'apr^s les Tables
les plus exactes, par J. Oltmanns. 2 vols. 4to. Par. 1808.
V. Partie. — Physique Generale et Geologic: Essai sur la Geo-
graphic des Plantes, accompagne d'un Tableau Physique
des Regions Equinoxiales, fonde sur des mesures executees
depuis le lOme degre de latitude boreale jusqu'au lOme
de latitude australe. 4to. Pans, 1806.
VI. Partie. — (1.) Plantes Equinoxiales, recueillies au Mexique,
dans rile de Cuba, dans les Provinces de Caraccas, de
Cumana, et de Barcelona, aux Andes de la Nouvelle Gre-
nade, de Quito, et de Perou, et sur les bordsdu Rio-Nigro,
de I'Orenoque, et la Riviere d'Amazones, redige par M. A.
Bonpland. 2 vols, large folio. Paris, 1805.
(2.) Monographic des Melastoma et autres genres du meme ordre,
recueillis et diriges par M. A. Bonpland. 2 vols, large
folio. Paris, 1806.
(3.) Nova Genera et Species Plantarum quas in peregrinatione ad
Plagam /Equinoctialcm Orbis Novi collegerunt ; dcscrip-
serunt, partim adumbraverunt A. Bonpland et A. de Hum-
boldt h. schedis autographis A. Bonplandi ; in ordinem
digessit, et cum synopsi ejusdem adjecit C. S. Kunth.
7 vols, folio, and 4 vols. 8vo. Parisiis, 1815, 22, 8fc.
Revision des Graminees publiees dans les " Nova Genera, &c.
Plantarum," precedec d'un Travail sur cette Famille, par
C.S. Kunth. Folio. Pam, 1829.
(4.) Mimoses et autres Plantes Legumineuses du Nouveau Continent,
redigees par C. S. Kunth. Large folio. Paris, 1819.
De Pons' (Fr.) Travels in South America in 1801, 2, 3, and 4; con-
taining a description of the Captain-generalship of Caraccas, with a
View of the Manners and Customs of the Spaniards and the Native
Indians. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1807.
Walton's (W.) Present State of the Spanish Colonies in South America;
with a general Survey of the Settlements on the South Continent of
America, as relates to history, trade, population, &c. 2 vols. 8vo.
London, 1818.
Stevenson's (W. B.) Historical and Descriptive Narrative of Twenty
Years' Residence in South America ; containing Travels in Arauco,
Chile, Peru, and Colombia ; with an Account of the Revolution, its
rise, progress, and results. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1825.
Caldcleugh's (Alex.) Travels in South America, during the years 1819-
21, containing an Account of the present state of Brazil, Buenos
Ayres, and Chile. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1825.
Waterton's (Charles) Wanderings in South America, north-west of the
United States and the Antilles, in 1812-24. 4to. Lond. 1825.
Ralegh's (Sir W.) Voyage for the Discovery of Guiana, and his Apology
for his Voyage. (Works, Vol. VIII.)
Ralegh (Gualth.) Brevis et admiranda Descriptio Regni Guianse, auri
abundantissimi, in America, seu Novo Orbe, sub linea sequinoctiali
siti ; nunc vero in Latinum sermonem translata [a Lavinio Hulsio].
4to. NorimbergcB, 1599.
Fermin (Phil.), Description generale, historique, geographique, et phy-
sique dela Colonie de Surinam. 2 vols. 8vo. Amst. 1769.
Stedman's (J. G.) Narrative of a Five Years' Expedition against the
revolted Negroes of Surinam, from the year 1772 to 1777 ; eluci-
dating the history of that country, and describing its natural pro-
ductions ; with an Account of the Indians of Guiana and Negroes of
Guinea. 2 vols. 4to. large paper. Plates of natural history, &c.
coloured. London, 1806.
Roster's (Hen.) Travels in Brazil, from Pernambuco to Searo ; also a
Voyage to Maranam, exhibiting the state of society in that country
during a residence of six years ; illustrated by plates of costume.
4to. Lond. 1816.
Maximilian's Prince of Wied-neuwied's Travels in the Brazil, in 1815-
17. 4to. Lond. 1820.
Von Spix (J. B.) and C. F. P. Von Martius's Travels in Brazil, in the
years 1817-20, undertaken by command of the King of Bavaria;
translated by H. E. Lloyd. 2 vols, in one, 8vo. Lojid. 1 824.
Lindley's (Thos.) Narrative of a Voyage to Brazil, the Imprisonment of
the Author by the Portuguese, and description of St. Salvadore and
Port Seguro. 8vo. Lond. 1805.
MaAve's (John) Travels in the Interior of Brazil, particularly in the Gold
and Diamond Districts of that country. 4to. Lond. 1812.
Walsh's (R.) Notices of Brazil in 1828 and 1829. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond.
Head's (Capt. F. B.) Rough Notes taken during some rapid Journeys
across the Pampas and among the Andes. 8vo. Zone?. 1828.
Schmidtmeyer's (Peter) Travels into Chile, over the Andes, in the years
1820 and 21. 4to. Lond. 1824.
Hall's (Basil) Extracts from a Journal written on the coasts of Chili,
Peru, and Mexico, in the years 1820, 1821, and 1822. 2 vols. 8vo.
Edinburgh, 1824.
MoUien's (G.) Travels in the Republic of Colombia, in 1822 and 1823.
8vo. Lond. 1824.
Andrews's (Joseph) Journey from Buenos Ayres, through the provinces of
Cordova, Tucuman, and Salta, to Potosi, thence by the deserts of
Caranja to Arica, Santiago de Chili, and Coquimbo, undertaken on
behalf of the Chilian Mining Company. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1827.
Miers's (John) Travels in Chile and La Plata; including Accounts respect-
ing the geography, geology, statistics, government, and the mining ope-
rations in Chile. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1826.
South Sea, Polynesia, and Australia.
•»* See also Voyages round the World.
Weddel's (James) Voyages towards the South Pole, performed in 1822 ;
containing an Examination of the Antarctic Sea to the 74° south lati-
tude, and a visit to Tierra del Fuego. To which are added. Obser-
vations on the probability of reaching the South Pole, and an
Account of a Second Voyage to the same seas. 8vo. Lo7id. 1827.
Missionary Voyage to the Southern Pacific Ocean, in 1796-8, in the
ship Duff, Capt. J. Wilson, compiled from the Journals of the Officers
and the Missionaries ; with a prehminary Discourse on the geography
and history of the South Sea Islands, and an Appendix on the na-
tural and civil state of Otaheite. 4to. London, \799.
Ellis's (Will.) Narrative of a Tour through Hawaii or Owyhee ; with
Observations on the natural history of the Sandwich Islands, and on
the manners, customs, traditions, history, and language of their In-
habitants. 8vo. London, 1827.
Ellis's (W.) Polynesian Researches, during a Residence of nearly Six
Years in the South Sea Islands. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1829.
Tongataboo (Narrative of Four Years' Residence in). 8vo. London,
Mariner's (W.) Account of the Natives of the Tonga Islands, in the
South Pacific Ocean ; with an original Grammar and Vocabulary of
their language : compiled and arranged by John Martin. 2 vols.
8vo. London, 1817.
Phillips' (Governor Arthur) Voyage to Botany Bay ; with an Account
of the establishment of the Colonies of Port Jackson and Norfolk
Island. To which are added, the Journals of Lieutenants Shortland,
Watts, Ball, and Capt. Marshall. 4to. London, 1789.
Hunter's (John) Historical Journal of the Transactions at Port Jackson
and Norfolk Island, with the Discoveries which have been made in
New South Wales since the publication of Phillips's Voyage ; in-
cluding the Journals of Governors Phillips and King, and Lieutenant
Ball. 4to. London, 1793.
Collins's (David) Account of the English Colony in New South Wales ;
with some particulars of New Zealand, from a MS. of Governor King,
and an Account of the Voyage for ascertaining the Strait separating
Van Diemen's Land from the Continent, by Flinders and Bass. 4to.
London, 1804.
Flinders' (Matthew) Voyage to [and circumnavigating] Terra Australis,
in 1801-3; with an Introduction containing the prior discoveries in
that country. 2 vols, large 4to. with Atlas, large folio. Lond. 1814,
Field's (Barron) Geographical Memoirs on New South Wales, by various
hands ; together with other papers on the Aborigines, the Geology,
the Botany, the Timber, the Astronomy, and the Meteorology of New
South Wales and Van Diemen's Land. 8vo. Lond. 1825.
Oxley's (John) Journals of Two Expeditions behind the Blue Mountains
and into the interior of New South Wales, undertaken by order of
the British Government, in the years 1817-18. 4to. Lond. 1820.
King's (Philip P.) Narrative of a Survey of the Intertropical and Western
Coasts of Australia, performed between the years 1818 and 22 ; with
an Appendix containing various subjects relating to hydrography and
jiatural history. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1827.
Cunningham's (P.) Two Years in New South Wales ; comprising
Sketches of the actual state of society in that colony, its topography,
natural history, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1824.
Savage's (John) Account of New Zealand, particularly the Bay of
Islands. 8vo. Lond. 1807.
Nicholas's (J. L.) Narrative of a Voyage to New Zealand, performed in
1814, in company with the Rev. S. Marsden, principal Chaplain of
New South Wales. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1817.
Cruise's (Richard A.) Journal of Ten Months' Residence in New Zea-
land. 8vo. Lond. 1824.
Hales' (William) New Analysis of Chronology and Geography, History
and Prophecy, harmonised upon scriptural and scientific principles.
4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1830.
Newton's (Sir I.) Chronology of ancient Kingdoms amended ; and short
Chronicle from the first memory of things in Europe to the conquest
of Persia by Alexander. (Works, Vol. V.)
Williams's (William) Primitive History, from the Creation to Cadmus.
4to. Chichester, 1789.
This is an attempt to a new reconciliation of discordant chronologies.
Selden (John) on the Birth-day of our Saviour. (Works, Vol. III.)
Marmora Arundelliana ; sive, Saxa Greece incisa. Accedunt Inscrip-
tiones aliquot Veteres Latii, Gr. et Lat. ; publicavit. Apparatus ad Gr.
Chron. Comment. &c. adjecit J. Selden. (Seldeni Opera, Vol. II.)
Clinton's (H. F.) Fasti Hellenici ; the civil and literary Chronology of
Greece, from the LVth Olympiad to the death of Augustus. 2 vols.
4to. Oxford, 1824-32.
Mure (W.) on the Calendar and Zodaic of ancient Egypt ; with Remarks
on the first introduction and use of the Zodaic among the Greeks.
8vo. Edinb. 1832.
Selden (J.) de Anno Civili veteris Ecclesiae, seu Reipublicae Judaicae.
(Opera, Vol. I.)
Brady's (John) Clavis Calendaria ; or, a compendious Analysis of the
Calendar ; illustrated with ecclesiastical, historical, and classical
Anecdotes. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1812.
Nicolas's (Nich. H.) Notitia Historica; containing tables, calendars, and
miscellaneous information for the use of historians and the legal
profession. 8vo. London, 1824.
Eusebii Chronicon. (Hist, of the Christian Religion.)
Petav (P.), Abrege Chronologique de I'Histoire Universelle [traduit par
Moreau de Mantour et Dupin], continue jusqu'a present. 5 vols.
in four, 12mo. Paris, 1715.
Du Fresnoy's (Lenglet) Chronological Tables of Universal History, sacred
and profane, ecclesiastical and civil, from the creation of the world to
1743; translated and continued down to the death of Geo. II. [by
Thos. Floyd]. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1762.
L'Art de verifier les Dates des Faits historiques, des Inscriptions, des
Chroniques, et autres anciens monumens, avant et depuis la Naissance
de Jesus-Christ jusqu'a nos jours, [par Clement, D'Antine, Cle-
mencet, et Durand]. 7 vols, folio. Paris, 1783-1830.
Antiquities — Numismatics.
Dictionaries, General Treatises, and Collections.
Fosbrooke's (T. D.) Encyclopaedia of Antiquities, and Elements of
Archaeology, classical and mediaeval. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1825.
Fosbrooke's (T. D.) Foreign Topography ; or, an encyclopedic account
of the ancient remains in Asia, Africa, and Europe, (the United
Kingdom excepted). 4to. London, 1827.
Wilson's (Thos.) Archaeological Dictionary; or, classical Antiquities of the
Jews, Greeks, and Romans. 8vo. Lond. 1793.
Lempriere's (J.) Classical Dictionary ; containing a copious account of
all the proper names mentioned in ancient authors, with tlie value
of coins, weights, and measures. 4to. large paper. London, 1804.
Pownal (Thomas) on the Study of Antiquities as the commentary to
historical learning, sketching out a general line of research. 8vo.
London, 1782.
Montfaucon's (Bern, de) Antiquity explained and represented in Sculp-
tures ; with Supplement. Translated from the French by David
Humphreys. 7 vols, folio. London, 1721-5.
[D'Hancarville],Recherches sur I'Origine, I'Esprit, et le Progres des Arts
dans la Gr^ce ; sur leur Connexion avec les Arts et la Religion des
plus anciens peuples connus ; siir les Monumens antiques de I'lnde,
de la Perse, du reste de I'Asie, de I'Europe, et de I'Egypte. Avec
le Supplement, contenant des observations nouvelles sur I'orifine
des idees employees dans les anciens cmblemes religieux, &c.
3 vols. 4to. Londres, 1785.
Tliis contains the principles of M. D'Hancarvillo's Sjstom of Ancient JNIytlio.
logy. The work was printed at the expense of Mr. Charles Tow'nley,
the eminent collector of the Townlov marbles.
Malliot (J.), Recherches sur les Costumes, les Moeurs, et les Usages des
anciens peuples. (Costumes.)
Hope (Thos.) on the Costume of the Ancients. (Costumes.)
Grsevii (J. G.), Jac. Gronovii, &c. Thesaurus Antiquitatum Grsecarum
et Ronianarum. 35 vols. fol. Videl.
Thesaurus Grsecarum Antiquitatum, congestus a J. Gronovio. 1 3 vols,
folio. Lugd. Bat. 1697-1702.
Vol. 1. 2. et 3. continent effigies virorum et raulierum illustrium, ex Fulvio
Ursino, Cauceeo, Leon. Augustino, et aliis.
Vol. 4. Nicolai Gerbelii in Michaelis Sophiani descriptionem Grajciee explicatio.
Joannis Laurembergii ennarratio Graecia; antiquaj, cum tabulis geo-
Ubbonis Emmii vetus Grsecia, in tres toinos distincta, quorum I. habet
descriptionem regionum a Graecis habitatarum. II. complectitur res
gestas GrfEcorum. III. repra;sentat statum ac formam praecipuarum
ejus gentis rerum publicarum; cum additamentis auctoris ante hac
Item de inclinatione et interitu reipubl. Attica;, Spartante, et Cartha-
Item de situ, amplitudine, et magnificentia portus Carthaginis.
Joannes Meursius de populis et pagis Atticae, cum supplementis autoris et
Jacobi Sponii.
Joannis Meursii Athena; Atticae, sive de praecipuis Athenarum antiqui-
tatibus libri 3.
Ejusdem Cecropia, sive de Athenarum arce.
Ejusdem Ceramicus geminus, sive de Ceramici Atheniensium utriusque
Ejusdem regnum Atticum, sive de regibus Atheniensium, eorumque rebus
gestis, libri 3.
Ejusdem archontes Athenienses, sive de iis qui Athenis summum istum
magistratum obierunt libri 4.
Vol. 5. Guillelmi Postelli tractatus de republica seu magistratibus Atheniensium.
Antonii Thysii de republ. Atheniensium discursus politicus.
Joannis Meursii Pisistratus, sive de ejus vita et tyrannide.
Caroli Sigonii de republ. Atheniensium libri 4.
Idem de Atheniensium temporibus.
Ejusdem Lacedajmoniorum tempora.
Joannis Meursii fovtuna Attica, sive de Athenarum origine, incremento,
magnitudine, potentia, gloria, vario statu, decremento, etoccasu.
Ejusdem Atticarum lectionum libri 4, in quibus antiquitates plurimae
Ejusdem Piraeeus, sive de Piraseo Atheniensium portu.
Ejusdem themis Attica, sive de legibus Atticis libri 2.
Ejusdem Solon, sive de ejus vita, legibus, dictis, atque scriptis.
Ejusdem Areopagus, sive de senatu Areopagitico.
Blarquardi Freheri decisionum Areopagiticarum sylvula.
Martini Schoockii Achaia vetus, ejus situs, antiquitas, respublica, reges,
tyranni, leges, bellum, &c.
Joannes Meursius de regno Laconico.
Ejusdem miscellanea Laconica.
Nicolaus Cragius de republica Laced\4:.
Lyttleton's (Geo. Lord) Observations on the Life of Cicero, and on the
Roman History. (Misc. Works.)
[Montesquieu], Considerations sur les Causes de la Grandeur des Romains
et de leur Decadence. A laquelle on a joint un Dialogue de Scylla
et d'Eucrate, et la Defense de I'Esprit des Lois, avec quelques eclair-
cissemens. Large paper, royal 8vo. Edinb. 1751.
Leigh's (Edw.) Select and Choyce Observations on all the Romane
Emperours. Small 8vo, London, 1657.
Byzantine Historij.
Byzantinse Historise Scriptores varii : scilicet.
Labbe (P.) de Hist. Byz. Scriptoribus publicandis Protrepticon.
Folio. Parisiis, e typ. Reg. 1648.
Procopii Historia sui temporis, Gr. et Lat. ; cum Notis C. Maltreti.
2 vols, folio. Parisiis, typ. Reg. 1662.
Ao-athias de Rebus Gestis Imperat. Justiniani, Gr. et Lat. ex interp.
et cum Notis Bon. Vulcanii. Folio. Parisiis, typ. Reg. 1660.
Theophylacti Simocattse Historia, Gr. et Lat. ex interp. J. Pontani,
et Glossario Grseco-barbaro auctior, studio et opera C. A.
Fabroti. Folio. Parisiis, 1647.
Nicephori Patr. Const. Breviarum Historicum de Rebus Gestis ab
obitu Mauricii ad Constantinum usque Copronymum, Gr. et Lat.
ex interp. et cum Notis D. Petavio. Folio. Parisiis, 1648.
Syncelli (Geor.) Chronographia, Gr. et Lat. cum Notis J. Goar.
Folio. Parisiis, 1652.
Theophanis Chronographia, Gr. et Lat. ex interpret. J. Goar, cum
Notis F. Combefisii. Folio. Parisiis, 1655.
Theophanis Historise Byzant. Scriptores post Theophanem, Gr. et
Lat. cum Notis F. Combefisii. Folio. Parisiis, 1685.
Cedreni (Geo.) Compendium Historiarum ab orbe condito ad
Isaacum Comnenum, Gr. et Lat. cum Notis J. Goar, et C. A.
Fabroti Glossario. 2 vols, folio. Parisiis, 1647.
Zonarge (Jo.) Annales, Gr. et Lat. cum Notis C. Dufresne D. Du-
cange. 2 vols, folio. Parisiis, 1686.
Glycse (M.) Annales, Gr. et Lat. cum Notis P. Labbe. Folio,
Parisiis, 1660.
Comnenge (Annse) Alexias, Gr. et Lat. cum Notis D. Hoescbelii.
Folio. Parisiis, 1651.
Cinnami (Jo.) de Rebus Gestis a Jo. et Man. Comnenis Libri VL,
Gr. et Lat. cum Notis C. Dufresne D. Ducange. Folio. Pa-
risiis, 1670.
Acominati (N.) Choniatoe Historia, Gr. et Lat., edente C. A. Fabroto.
Folio. Parisiis, 1647.
Acropolitse (Geo.) Historia Byzantina, Gr. et Lat. cum Notis T.
Douzsc. Folio. Parisiis, 1651.
Pachymeris (Geor.) Historia, Gr. et Lat. ex interp. et cum Notis
Pet. Possini. 2 vols, folio. Romce, 1666-69.
Gregorae (Nicephori) Historia Byzant. Gr. et Lat. cum Notis J.
Boivin. 2 vols, folio. Parisiis, 1702.
Cantacuzeni (Jo.) Historia, Gr. et Lat. cum Notis Jac. Gretseri.
3 vols, folio. Parisiis, 1645.
ChalcocondyliP (L.) Historia Turcarum, Gr. et Lat. edente C. A,
Fabroto. Folio. Parisiis, 1650.
Genesii (Jos.) Geo. Phrantzoe et aliorum Historia Byzantina, Gr. et
Lat. Folio. Voctiis, 173.3.
Phrantzffi (Geo.) Chronicou Gruece, edidit F. C. Alter. Folio.
Vie?in(B, 1706.
Ducce, M. Diirvp Nepotis, Historia Byzant. Gr. et Lat. cum Notis
Ism. Biiilialdi. Folio. Parisiis, 1649.
V'ille Hardouin ((leolTroy de), Histoirc de rEmpiif de Constanti-
nople sous ks Knipcreurs Fran(,ois, avec Ics Notes de C. Du-
fresne Ducange. I'olio. Paris, 1657.
The Chronicle of GeofFry de Villehardouin, concerning the conquest
of Constantinople by the French and Venetians, Anno M.CCIV.
Translated [with Introductory Preface] by T. Smith. 8vo.
London, 1829.
Dufresne(C.) D. Ducange Historia Byzantina. Folio. Paris. 1680.
Corporis Historise Byzantinse nova Appendix, opera Geo. Pisidse,
Theodosii Diaconi, et Corippi Africani complectens, Gr. et Lat.
ex recensione P. F. Fogginii. Folio. Romce, 1777.
Leonis Diaconi Caloensis Historia Scriptoresque alii ad res Byzan-
tinas pertinentes, Gr. et Lat. Notis illustr. C. B. Hase. Folio,
Parisiis, 1819.
Gesta Dei per Francos, sive Orientalium et Regni Francorum Hiero-
solymitani Historia, ex recensione J. Bongarsii. 2 vols, folio.
Hanovics, 1611.
Chronicon Paschale, Gr. et Lat. cum Notis Car. Dufresne D. Du-
cange. Folio. Parisiis, 1688.
Chronicon Orientale, ex Arabico Latine versum ab Abr. Ecchellensi.
Folio. Parisiis, 1651.
Manassis (Const.) Breviarum Historicum, Gr. et Lat. ex interp.
J. Leunclavii, cum ejusdem et Jo. Meursii Notis. Folio. Pari-
siis, 1655.
Banduri (Anselmi) Imperium Orientale, sive Antiquitates Constan-
tinopolitanse, Gr. et Lat. 2 vols, folio. Parisiis, 1711.
Porphyrogennetae (Const.) de Ceremoniis Aulse Byzantinse, Gr. et
Lat., curarunt J. H. Leichius et Jo. Ja. Reiskius. 2 vols, in one,
folio. LipsicB, 1751.
Theophylacti Archiep. Bulgarise Institutio Regia ad Porphyrogen-
nitam, Gr. interprete P. Possino. 4to. Parisiis, 1651.
Notitia Dignitatum Imperii Romani, a P. Labbe. 12mo. Par. 1651.
Dufresne (C.) D. Ducange de Imperatorum Constantinopolitanis Nu-
mismatibus. 4to. Romce, 1755.
Anastasii Bibliothecarii Historia Ecclesiastica [et de Vitis Roma-
norum Pontificum, ex divers. Auct. Grsecis excerpta, et in Lat.
versa] cum Notis, &c. C. A. Fabroti. Folio. Parisiis, 1649.
Codini Curopolatse (Geo.) de officiis Magnse Ecclesise et Aulse Con-
stantinopolitanae, Gr. et Lat., edente Jac. Goar. Folio. Pari-
siis, 1648.
Boschius (P.) de Patriarchis Antiochenis. Folio. Venetiis, 1748.
Cuperus (Guil.) de Patriarchis Constantinopolitanis. Folio. Venet.
Gibbon's (Edw.) History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire,
with some account of the Author's Life and Writings. 12 vols. 8vo.
London, 1820.
Gibbon's (E.) Vindication of the 1.5th and 16th Chapters of his Roman
History. (Misc. Works, 4to. Vol. II.)
History of the Eastern and Western Empires, to the taking of Constanti-
nople by the Turks. (An. Un. Hist. Vols. XIV. and XV.)
History of the Empires of Nice and Trapezond. (An. Un. Hist. Vol.
Mahon's (Lord) Life of Belisarius. 8vo. London, 1829.
Eccardi (J. G.) Corpus Historicum Medii JEv'i, a temp. Caroli Magni
usque ad finem Sseculi XV. 2 vols, folio. Lipsice, 1723.
Hallam's (Henry) View of Europe during the Middle Ages. 2 vols. 4to.
London, 1818.
Fuller's (Thos.) Historie of the Holy Warre. Folio. Front, by Marshall.
Cambridge, 1639.
Michaud (M.), Histoire des Croisades depuis les premiers temps ; avec
I'analyse de tons les chroniques d'Orient et d'Occident qui parlent des
Croisades. 7 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1812-22.
Mills's (Charles) History of the Crusades for the possession of the Holy
Land. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1822.
Mills's (C.) History of Chivalry ; or, Knighthood and its Times. 2 vols.
8vo. London, 1826.
Strickeri Rhythmus antiquus Germanicus de Caroli Magni Expeditione
Hispanica, nunc primiim in luce donatus ex MS. Pergam. Notisque
suis auctum J. G. Scherzio. (Schilteri Thes. Vol. II.)
Anonymi Fragmentum de Bello Caroli M. contra Saracenos, versibus
antiquis Germanicis; edidit ex MS. Perg. etNotis illustravit J. Schil-
terus. (Schilteri Thes. Vol. II.)
Europe. — General History.
Butler (Charles) on the chief Revolutions of the principal States which
composed the Empire of Charlemagne, from 814 to its dissolution in
1806 ; on the Genealogies of the Imperial House of Hapsburgh ; and
of the six Secular Electors of Germany ; and on Roman, German,
French, and English Nobility. Royal 8vo. London, 1807.
Voltaire's (M. de) General History and State of Europe, from the time
of Charlemain to the age of Louis XIV. ; with a Preliminary View
of the Oriental Empires. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1754-7.
Jove, (Histoire de P.), sur les choses, faictes, et advenues de son temps
[1494-1547] en toutes les parties du monde, traduites de Latin en-
Francois par Denis Sauvage, 2 vols, in one, folio. Par. 1581.
Thuani (J. A.) Historia sui temporis [ab Ann. 1543 ad 1607, et ad 1610
continuavit N. Rigalto] ; accedit Sylloge Scriptorum varii generis et
argument!, in qua de vita, scriptis, &c., amicis et inimicis Thuan, scitu
dignissima continentur, cura S. Buckley. 7 vols, folio, large paper;
successively the Harley and Roxburgh copy. Londini, 1733, &c.
The suppressed passap^es of Camden's Annals were communicated l)y the author
to Thuanus, and are incorporated in his history : this edition also roi)lacos
similar suppressions made in De Thou's own work.
Siri (V.) Mcmorio Recondite, dull' Anno 1601 sino al 1640. 8 vols.
Ronco, Parif/i, e Lconc, 1677-79 ; — 11 niedesimo, il Mcrcurio, ovvero
Historia de' correnti tempi [1635-55]. 15 vols, in 18. Casalc,
Lionc, Parifji, if Fircnzc, 1644-82; — II med. Bollo nel Mcrcurio
Veridico del Sig. Dott. Birago. Modcna, 1643. 27 vols. 4to.
Wraxall's (N. \V.) View of the Civil, Political, and Social States of
Europe, between the middle and the close of the XVIth Century.
(History of France, Vol. 1.)
Parival (J. N. de), Abrege de I'Histoire de ce Siecle de Fer, contenant
les mis^res et calamitez des derniers terns, avec leurs causes et
pretextes. Small 8vo. Leyde, 1653.
Temple's (Sir W.) Memoirs of what passed in Christendom from 1665 to
1680. (Works, Vols. I. and II.)
Bougeant (le P.), Histoire des Guerres et des Negotiations qui prece-
derent et suivirent le Traite de Westphalie. 6 vols. 12mo. Paris,
Russell's (Lord John) Memoirs of the Affairs of Europe from the Peace
of Utrecht [with Introduction, on the Character of the ancient Ger-
mans, and Relations of Government to each other]. Vols. I. and II.
containing to 1742. 4to. London, 1824-9.
[Dodsley's (J.)] Annual Register; or, a View of History, Politics, and
Literature, from 1758. London, 1758, ^c.
Georgel (I'Abbe), Memoires pour servir a I'Histoire des Evenemens de
la fin du XVIII Siecle, depuis 1760 jusqu'en 1810, 6 vols. 8vo.
Paris, 1818.
Paoli-Chagny (M. le Comte de), Histoire de la Politique des Puissances
de I'Europe, depuis le commencement de la Revolution Fran^aise,
jusqu'au Congres de Vienne. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1817.
Bigland (John) on the Modern History and Political Aspect of Europe.
8vo. London, 1806.
Schoel (Fred.), Tableau des Peuples qui habitent I'Europe, classes
d'apres les langues qu'ils parlent, et des religions qu'ils professent.
8vo. Paris, 1812.
Lewkenor (Sam.), a Discourse not altogether unprofitable nor unpleasant
for such as are desirous to know the situation and customes of forraine
cities without travelling to see them ; containing a Discourse of all
those cities wherein doe flourish at this day priviledged Universities.
4to. London, H. Hooper, 1600,
Malcom's (J. P,) Miscellaneous Anecdotes, illustrative of the Manners
and Customs of Europe, during the reigns of Charles II., James II.,
William III., and Queen Anne. 8vo. Lond. 1811.
Froissart's (Sir John) Chronicles of England, France, and adjoining
countries. (English History.)
Lanquet, &c.'s Epitome of Cronicles, conteyning the whole Discourse of
the Histories as wel of England as al other countreys. (English
Chambre (David), Histoire Abregee de tous les Roys de France, Angle-
terre, et Ecosse, mise en ordre par forme d'harmonie. Small 8vo.
Paris, 1579.
Rocoles (J. B. de), les Imposteurs Insignes ; ou, Histoires de plusieurs
hommes de neant, de toutes nations, qui ont usurpe la qualite d'Em-
pereurs, Roys, et Princes, Small 8vo, Amsterdam, 1683.
Miller's (Geo.) History Philosophically illustrated, from the Fall of the
Roman Empire to the French Revolution. 4 vols. 8vo. London,
History of England.
Topography and Antirjuities.
Leland's (John) Laboryouse Journey and Serche for England's Anti-
quities, geven of hym as a newe yeare's gyfte to K. Henry the
VIII., in the xxxvii. yeare of his reygne ; with Declaracyons en-
larged by John Bale. 9l3lacfe letter, small 8vo. (See also Leland's
Life.) London, by Johan Bale, 1549.
[Rawlinson's (Richard)] English Topographer ; or, an account of all the
pieces relating to the Antiquities, Natural History, or Topography
of England. 8vo. With MS. Notes by Mr. T. Wilson, of Leeds.
London, 1720.
Gough's (Richard) Topography ; or an historical account of what has
been done for illustrating the Topographical Antiquities of Great
Britain and Ireland. 2 vols. 4to. Zo?i6?. 1789.
Upcott's (William) Bibliographical Account of the principal works relat-
ing to English Topography. 3 vols. 8vo. large paper. Lond. 1818.
Britton's (John) Catalogue of the Historical and Illustrative Works on
English Topography. (Appended to the several counties. Beauties of
England and Wales.)
Adams' (John) Index Villaris ; or, an Alphabetical Table of all the
Cities, Towns, Parishes, Villages, and Private Seats in England and
Wales. Folio. London, 1680.
Lambarde's (Wm.) Dictionarium Anglise Topographicum et Historicum ;
an alphabetical description of the chief places in England and
Wales; now first published from the Author's MSS. 4to. London,
Capper's (B. P.) Topographical Dictionary of the United Kingdom.
8vo. London, 1808.
Carlisle's (Nicholas) Topographical Dictionary of England, Wales, Ire-
land, Scotland, and the British Isles. 6 vols. 4to. Lond. 1808-13.
England, Vols. I. and II. Ireland, Vol. III.
Wales, Vol. IV. Scotland and the British Isles, Vols. V. and VI.
Roman Topography.
Horsley's (John) Britannia Romana ; or, the Roman Antiquities of
Britain. Folio. London, 1732.
Baxter (Guil.) Glossarium Antiquitatum Britannicarum ; sive, Syllabus
Etymologicus Antiquitatum \etcris Britannioc atque Ibernise tenipo-
ribus Romanorum. Accedunt E. Luidii de fluviorum, montium,
urbium, &c. in Britannia, nominibus adversaria. 8vo. London,
Gale (Roger) on the recovery of the Courses of the four great Roman
Ways. (Leland's Itinerary, Vol. VI.)
Roy's (Wm.) Military Antiquities of the Romans in North Britain, and
particularly of their ancient system of castrametation ; and compre-
hending a treatise wherein the ancient geography of that part of the
island is rortifiod. Folio. London, 1793.
Musgrave (Guill.) Belga ; Antiquitates Britanno-Belgicse, prsccipu^
Romanae [cura Guil. Musgravii filii et Samueli Musgravii]. 4 vols.
8vo. Iscce-Dunmonioriwi {Exeter), 1719, 16, 11, and 20.
Ecclesiastical and Monastical Topography.
See also Manuscripts ; and for particular accounts, &c. of cathedral churclies or
abbeys, vide the various counties.
Willis' (Browne) Survey of the Cathedrals of York, Durham, Carlisle,
Chester, Man, Litchfield, Hereford, Worcester, Gloucester, Bristol,
Lincoln, Ely, Oxford, Peterborough, Canterbury, Rochester, London,
Winchester, Chichester, Norwich, Salisbury, Wells, Exeter, St. Da-
vid's, LlandafF, Bangor, and St. Asaph ; containing an Account of
the bishops, deans, prebends, &c. belonging to them. 3 vols. 4to.
London, 1742.
Willis' (B.) Parochiale Anglicanum ; or, the Names of all the Churches
and Chapels within the Dioceses of Canterbury, Rochester, London,
Winchester, Chichester, Norwich, Salisbury, Wells, Exeter, St. Da-
vid's, LlandafF, Bangor, and St. Asaph. 4to. London, 1733 ; in
Vol. in. of the preceding.
Willis' (B.) Survey of the Cathedral of St. Asaph; considerably enlarged
and brought down to the present time : with an historical Appendix
and Life of the Author by E. Edwards. 2 vols. 8vo. Wrexham, \%^\.
Willis' (B.) Survey of the Cathedral of LandafF. 8vo. London, 1719.
Willis' (B.) Survey of the Cathedral of Bangor. Svo. Zowc?. 1721.
Willis' (B.) Survey of the Cathedral of St. David's. Svo. Lond. 1717.
Pegge's (Sam.) Sylloge of the remaining authentic Inscriptions relative
to the erection of our English Churches. Plates. (Nichols's Bib.
Top. No. 41. Vol. VI.)
Staveley's (Thomas) History of the Churches in England [containing an
account of their sacred furniture, «&;c. from their earliest origin]. Svo.
London, 1712.
Lewis' (John) Accounts of Books, Vestments, and Utensils, used in the
Churches of England before the Reformation. (Gutch's Collect.
Cur. Vol. II.)
Bacon's (John) Liber Regis, vel Thesaurus Rerum Ecclesiasticarum.
[Valuations of all Ecclesiastical Benefices in England and Wales];
with proper directions and precedents relating to Presentations, In-
stitutions, Inductions, Dispensations, &c. 2 vols. 4to. London,
Hodgson's (Christ.) Account of the Augmentation of Small Livings by
the Governors of Queen Anne's Bounty. Svo. London, 1826.
Tanner's (Thomas) Notitia Monastica ; or, an Account of all the Abbies,
Priories, and Houses of Friers, formerly in England and Wales.
Edited, with many additions, by J. Nasmith. Folio. Camh. 1787.
Dugdale (W.) et Rogeri Dodsworth Monasticon Anglicanum. 3 vols,
folio. Londini, 1655, 61, and 73.
Dugdale (Sir W.) and Roger Dodsworth's Monasticon Anglicanum; new
edition, enlarged and improved by A. Cayley, H. Ellis, and B. Ban-
dinel. 6 vols, folio, large paper. London, 1813.
Dugdale (Sir W.) and Roger Dodsworth's Monasticon Anglicanum
abridged and Englished, with two additional volumes, and an Ap-
pendix, containing the charters, grants, and other original writings
referred to, by John Stevens. 3 vols, folio. London, 1718-23.
Memoirs of the Antiquities of Great Britain relating to the Reformation
[principally in answer to Stevens's Remarks on the late Bp. Burnet].
Small 8vo. London, 1723.
Willis' (Browne) View ofc the Mitred Abbies, with a Catalogue of their
respective Abbats ; with preliminary Observations by Thos. Hearne,
(Leland's Collect. Vol. VI.)
Willis' (B.) History of the Mitred Parliamentary Abbies and Conventual
Cathedral Churches. 2 vols. 8vo. Land. 1718-19.
[Gough (R.)], Some Account of the alien Priories, and of such as they
are known to have possessed in England and Wales. 2 vols. 8vo.
London, 1779.
Bourget's (John) History of the Royal Abbey of Bee, near Rouen, in
Normandy, which held lands in England ; translated from the
French [by Ducarel]. (Alien Priories.)
Fosbrooke's (T. D.) British Monachism ; or, Manners and Customs of
tlie Monks and Nuns of England. 4to. London, 1817.
Buckler's (J.) Thirty -eight Views of Cathedrals, Abbeys, Collegiate
Churches, and Colleges, in England. Proofs. — Sections of St. Paul's,
and Views of Lincoln and York Cathedrals. Folio. (Coll. of Prints,
Vol. XVII.)
Carlisle's (Nich.) Concise Description of the endowed Grammar Schools
in England and Wales. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1818.
Surveys, Descriptions, Itineraries, and Tours.
Domesday Book; seu, Liber censualis Willielmi I. Regis Anglise, inter
archivos resjni in Domo Capitulari Westmonasterii asservatus ; cum
Indicibus et Supplementis. 4 vols, folio. Londini, 1816.
Doomesday Book, so far as relates to Amounderness, Lonsdale, and Fur-
ness, in Lancashire, and such part of Westmoreland, Cumberland,
Derby, Nottingham, and Rutland, as are contained in the Survey ;
translated by W. Bawdwen. (Yorkshire.)
Doomesday Book, so far as relates to the counties of Middlesex, Hertford,
Buckingham, Oxford, and Gloucester ; translated by W. Bawdwen.
Doncaster, 1812.
Richard of Cirencester's Description of Britain, translated ; with the
original Treatise de Situ Britanniae, and a Commentary on the Itine-
rary. 8vo. Maps. io/irZ. 1809.
Jovii (Pauli) Descriptiones Britannise, Scotioe, Ilybernise, et Orchadum ;
Elogia quorund. Anglorum, et Chronicon Anglorum Regum. (De-
Lhuyd (Humfroy), the Breviary of Britayne, as this most noble and re-
nowned Island was of ancient time divided into three kingdoms,
Eni^land, Scotland, and Ireland. Englished by Thos. Twyne.
iJlncli letter, small 8vo. London, by Ri. Johnes, 1573.
JMr. Tlioresby's coj)}^ with liis autogr!vi)li. A. IMS. memoranclum on tlie flr-
leaf states that this eilition is so scarce, tliat " i\Ir. 'J'lios. Ileariip could
never meet witli a coiniih*at cojiy, but one in tli(> Earl of Oxford's library.
Dr. John Moore, Bishop of Ely, oft'ered Mr. Thorcsby, for this copy,
its weight in gold."
Camden's (W.) Britannia; or, a Chorographical Description of England,
Scotland, Ireland, and the Islands, from the earliest antiquity ; trans-
lated from the edition published by the author in 1607, and enlarged
with the latest discoveries, by Rich. Gough. 3 vols, folio. Lond. 1789.
Perlin (Estienne), Description des Royaulmcs d'Angleterre et d'Ecosse,
1558. [Reprinted from the original edition, vpith Introduction and
Notes by Rich. Gough.] Large paper, 4to. London, 1775.
Harrison's (W.) Description of the Hand of Brittaine, 1586. (Holin-
shed's Chron, Vol. I.)
Drayton's (Michael) Poly-Albion, a Chorographical Description of Great
IBritain, digested into a poem ; with the intermixture of remarkable
stories, &c. Both parts. Folio, Maps, and port, of Prince Henry.
London, 1622.
Drayton's Polyalbion (Illustrations of). (Selden's Works, Vol. HI.)
Burton's (R.) Admirable Curiosities, Rarities, and Wonders of England,
Scotland, and Ireland. 4to. (Reprint) Westminster, 1811.
Leycester's (Sir P.) Historical Antiquities of Great Britain and Ireland.
Nichols' (John) Bibliotheca Topographiae Britannicse, comprehending
Antiquities in various counties of England and Wales. 8 vols. 4to.
London, 1789-90.
Nichols' (J.) Bibliotheca (Miscellaneous Antiquities, in continuation of).
2 vols. 4to. London, 1791-94.
Lysons' (Daniel and Samuel) Magna Britannia ; a topographical ac-
count of the several counties in Great Britain. 8 vols. 4to. large
paper. London, 1806-21.
This copy is illustrated with plates from Grose, Hearne and Byrne, Watts,
Beauties of England, Britton, JNIedland's Stowe, &c., inserted iu Beds,
Berks, Bucks, and Cambridgeshire ; and from Farington's Lakes, in Cum-
berland and Westmoreland.
Leigh's (Ed.) England described; or, the several Counties and Shires
thereof briefly handled. Small 8vo. London, 1659.
[Brydges (Sir E.) and Stebbing Shaw], the Topographer; containing
a variety of original articles, illustrative of the local history and anti-
quities of England. Both parts. 4to. London, 1791.
Antonini Iter Britanniarum ; cum variis lectionibus T. Hearne. Acce-
dunt R. Talboti Annotationes. (Leland's Itinerary, Vol. HI.)
Antonini Iter Britanniarum ; or, that part of the Itinerary of Antoninus
which relates to Britain ; with a new Commentary by T. Reynolds.
4to. large paper. Cambridge, 1799.
Burton's (W.) Commentary on Antoninus his Itinerary of Great Britain.
Folio, port, by Hollar. London, 1658.
Leland(the Itinerary of John), the Antiquary, published from the original
MS. in the Bodleian Library, by Thomas Hearne. 9 vols. Oxford,
Stukeley's (Wm.) Itinerarium Curiosum ; or, an account of the Anti-
quities and Curiosities observed in travels through Great Britain, with
the Itinerary of Richard of Cirencester, and an account of that author
and his work. 2 vols, in one, folio. London, 1776.
Plat's (D.) Account of an intended Journey through England and Wales.
(Leland's Itin. Vol. II.)
Hentzner's (Paul) Journey into England in 1598 [edited by Horace
Walpole]. Small 8vo. Strawberry Hill, 1758.
Cosmo III., Grand Duke of Tuscany's Travels through England during
the reign of Charles II. ; translated from the Italian MS. in the Lau-
rentian Library at Florence : with a memoir of his life, and 39 views of
cities, &c. as delineated at that period by artists in his suite. 4to.
London, 1821.
Espriella's (Don) [Robt. Southey] Letters from England, translated from
the Spanish. 3 vols. 12mo. London, 1808.
[Simond's] Journal of a Tour and Residence in Great Britain, during
the years 1810-11, by a French Traveller ; with remarks on the
country, its arts, literature, politics, &c. 2 vols. Edinb. 1815.
Spiker's (Dr. S. H.) Travels through England, Wales, and Scotland, in
1816, translated from the German. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1820.
German Prince (Tour of a) in England, Ireland, and France, in 1828 ;
with remarks on the manners and customs. 4 vols, crown 8vo.
London, 1832.
Hearne's (Thomas) Journeys to Reading in 1716, and to Whaddon
Hall, the seat of Browne Willis, Esq. Bucks, in 1713. (Letters
from the Bodleian, Vol. II.)
Pennant's (Thos.) Journey from Chester to London. 4to. Lond. 1782.
Pennant's (T.) Journey from London to Dover, and thence to the Isle of
Wight. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1801.
Pennant's (T.) Tour from Downing to Alston Moor, and thence to Har-
rowgate and Brimham Crags. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1801-4.
Warner's (Richard) Walks through some of the Western Counties of
England. 8vo. Bath, 1800.
Warner's (R.) Tour through the Northern Counties of England, and the
Borders of Scotland. 2 vols. 8vo. Bath, 1802.
Warner's (R.) Tour through Cornwall in 1808. 8vo. Bath, 1809.
Norden's (John) England, an intended Guide for English Travellers;
[38 tables] shewing in gencrall how far one citie and many shire-towns
are distant from one another : with a table of those of Wales. 4to.
London, 1621.
Oulton's (W. C.) Traveller's Guide, or English Itinerary ; containing
accurate and original descriptions of all the counties, cities, towns,
villages, hamlets, &c. and their exact distances from London. 2 vols.
small 8vo. London, 1805.
Paterson's (Lieut. -Col.) Description of the Roads in England, Wales,
and part of Scotland, with their distances, &c.; improved by Edward
Mogg. 8vo. London, 1826.
[West's (Thomas)] Guide to the Lakes in Cumberland, Westmoreland,
and Lancashire. 8vo. Kendall, 1807.
Green's (William) Tourist's Guide; containing a description of the lakes,
mountains, and scenery in Cumberland, Westmoreland, and Lan-
cashire. 2 vols. 8vo. large paper. Kendall, 1819.
Hutchinson's (William) Excursion to the Lakes in Westmoreland and
Cumberland, with a Tour through the Northern Counties, in 1773-1.
8vo. London, 1776.
Aust's (Mrs. Murray) Useful Companion and Guide to the Beauties of
Scotland and the Hebrides, to the Lakes of Westmoreland, Cumber-
land, and Lancashire, and to the Curiosities in the district of Craven,
in the West Riding of Yorkshire. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1810.
Architectural and Sepnlchral Antiquities, and Graphic
King's (Edward) Munimenta Antiqua; or. Observations on ancient Cas-
tles ; including remarks on the whole progress of architecture, eccle-
siastical as well as military, and on the corresponding changes of
manners, laws, and customs in Great Britain ; with Appendix. 4 vols,
folio. Sir M. M. Sykes's copy. London, 1799-1806.
Vetusta Monumenta: Ancient Memorials relating to Great Britain.
6 vols, in five, folio. London, by the Soc. of Antiquaries, 1747-1828.
Angus' (William) Seats of the Nobility and Gentry in Great Britain and
Wales. Oblong 4to. London, 1787.
Brittoa (John) and Ed. W. Brayley's Beauties of England and Wales;
or, delineations, topographical, historical, and descriptive ; with
Introduction, comprising observations on the history and antiquities
of the Britons, the Romans in Britain, the Anglo-Saxons, the Anglo-
Danes, and the Anglo-Normans ; together with i-emarks on the pro-
gress of ecclesiastical, military, and domestic architecture in suc-
ceeding ages. 19 vols, in 25, large paper, royal 8vo. Lond. 1801-18.
To each of the counties is appended a catalog^ue of all the historical or illustra-
tive works connected with it.
Britton's (John) Architectural Antiquities of Great Britain represented
and illustrated ; with historical and descriptive accounts, and chrono-
logical and historical illustrations of the ancient architecture of Great
Britain. 5 vols. imp. 4to. large paper, proofs. Lond. 1806-25.
Buck's (S. and N.) Antiquities, or venerable Remains of Castles, Palaces,
Towns, &c. in England and Wales ; with brief descriptions. 17 col-
lections in 4 vols, oblong 4to. ; an original subscription copy. Lond.
Vol. L — 1st to 5th Collections ; or, York, Lincolnshire, Nottingham,
Lancashire, Cheshire, Derby, Durham, Northumberland,
Oxfordshire, Warwickshire, and Northampton.
Vol. n. — 6th to 10th Collections; or, Cambridge, Huntingdon,
Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Leicestershire, Rutland-
shire, Shropshire, Staffordshire, Worcestershire, and He-
Vol. HL — 11th to 14th Collections; or, Kent, Sussex, Surrey, Mid-
dlesex, Herts, Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, Cumberland, and
Vol. IV. — Wales, in three collections.
Fowler's (William) Illuminated Engravings, from Mosaic Pavements,
stained Glass, and various Antiquities in different parts of England.
A complete set in 2 vols, large folio. Winterton, V. Y.
Grose's (Fr.) Antiquities of England and Wales ; with Supplement.
8 vols. 4to. London, [1787-97.]
Hearni (Tho.) Ectypa varia ad Historian! Britannicam illustrandam,
sere olim insculpta ; studio et cura Thomse Hearne. Folio. Ox-
oniensis, 1737.
Kip (Jean), Nouveau Theatre de la Grande Bretagne ; ou, description
exacte des palais du roy, des eglises, cathedrales, &c. et des maisons
les plus considerables des seigneurs et gentilshommes du dit royaunie
[avec le Supplement, contenant les vues d'Audley-end, gravees par
Henri Winstanley]. 5 vols, in three, large paper, atlas folio. Londres,
The Supplement, besides containing the Audley-ende, the plates of which are
considered rare, includes also the unfortunate Winstanley 's engraving of the
Eddystone Lighthouse, built by liimself, and in the destruction of which he
lost his life.
Neale's (J. P.) Views of the Seats of Noblemen and Gentlemen in
England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland. First and second series.
10 vols. 4to. London, 1818-29.
Relics of Antiquity ; or, Remains of ancient Structures in Great Britain :
with descriptive sketches. Folio, large paper, proofs. Lond.l^W.
Watts's (W.) Seats of the Nobility and Gentry, in a collection of pic-
turesque views, with descriptions. Very early impressions, oblong
4to. London, 1779.
Pyne's (W. H.) History of the Royal Residences of Windsor Castle,
St. James's, Carlton House, Kensington Palace, Hampton Court,
Buckingham House, and Frogmore. Plates, coloured. .3 vols, royal
4to. London, 1819.
Ayton's (Richard) Voyage round Great Britain, undertaken in 1813, and
commencing from the Land's-end ; with a series of views illustrative
of the character and prominent features of the coast, drawn and
engraved by W. Daniel. 8 vols, folio. London, 1814, &c.
An original subscription copy, the plates coloured after the original drawings,
under the immediate inspection of the artist.
Sandby's (P.) Collection of Landscapes [in Great Britain], engraved by
Rooker and Angus, with descriptions. Oblong 4to. Loud. \111 .
Sandby's (P.) Virtuosi's Museum ; containing select views in England,
Scotland, and Ireland. Oblong 4to. London, 1778.
Turner's (J. M. W.) England and Wales; Avith descriptive and historic
Illustrations by H. E. Lloyd. 4to. India proofs. London, 1827.
Views (LIV.) in England, by Woollett, Sullivan, Smith, Mason, Vivares,
&c., and II. of the Giant's Causeway, Ireland. (Coll. of Prints,
Vol. XVI.)
Gilpin (William) on Picturesque Beauty, particularly the mountains and
lakes of Cumberland and Westmorland. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1792.
Gilpin (W.) on several parts of the Counties of Cambridge, Norfolk,
Suffolk, and Essex ; also several parts of North Wales, relative
chiefly to picturesque beauty. 8vo. London, 1809.
Gilpin (W.) on the Coasts of Hampshire, Sussex, and Kent, relative to
the picturesque. 8vo. London, 1804.
Gilpin (W.) on the Western Parts of England and the Isle of Wight,
relative to the picturesque. 8vo. London, 1808.
Lakes of Lancashire, Westmoreland, and Cumberland, delineated in
XLIII. Engravings, from drawings by J. Farington ; with descrip-
tions, historical, topogra])hi(al, and picturesque, the result of a tour
made in the stunmcr of is 16, 1)V T. H. Homo. Folio. Lond. 1806.
Views in Suftblk, Norfolk, and Northamptonshire, illustrative of the
Avorks of Robert Bloomfield, accompanied with descriptions, and a
memoir of the poet's life, by E. W. Brayley. Royal 8vo. London,
Ireland's (Sam.) Picturesque Views on the River Medway, from the
Nore to the vicinity of its source in Sussex. 8vo. Lond. 1793.
Ireland's (S.) Picturesque Views on the Upper or Warwickshire Avon,
from its source at Naseby to its junction with the Severn at Tewkes-
bury. 8vo. London, 1795.
Ireland's (S.) Picturesque Views on the River Wye, from its source at
Plinlimmon Hill to its junction with the Severn below Chepstow.
8vo. London, 1797.
Ireland's (S.) Picturesque Views on the River Thames, from its source in
Gloucestershire to the Nore. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1801.
The Thames; or. Graphic Illustrations of Seats, Villas, Public Buildings,
and Picturesque Scenery on its banks, from drawings by Sam. Owen,
and engraved by W. B. Cooke; with descriptions. 2 vols. 4to. large
paper, proofs. Londoji, 1811.
History of the River Thames, with illustrations from drawings by Far-
ington. 2 vols, folio. London, Boy dell, 1794.
Scott's (Sir W.) Border Antiquities of England and Scotland, accom-
panied with descriptions ; together with illustrations of remarkable
incidents in Border history and traditions, and original poetry. 2 vols.
4to. large paper, proofs. London, 1814—17.
Blore's (Edward) Monumental Remains of noble and eminent Persons ;
comprising the sepulchral antiquities of Britain ; with historical and
biographical illustrations. 4to. large paper, proofs. Lond. 1826.
Brown's (Sir Thomas) Hydriotaphia, or Urn-burial ; a discourse of the
sepulchral Urns lately found in Norfolk. (Brown's Works.)
Douglas's (James) Nsenia Britannia ; or, sepulchral history of Great
Britain, from the earliest period to its general conversion to Chris-
tianity. Folio, large paper, the Plates coloured. London, 1793.
Cough's (Rich.) Sepulchral Monuments in Great Britain, applied to
illustrate the history of families, manners, habits, and arts, at the
different periods, from the Norman conquest to the fifteenth century;
with introduction on sepulture, habits, &c. Two parts in 4 vols,
folio. London, 1786-96.
Weever's (John) Ancient Funerall Monuments within the united mo-
narchic of Great Britain, Ireland, and the Isles. Folio, portrait and
frontispiece. London, 1631.
Le Neve's (John) Monumenta Anglicana ; or. Inscriptions on the Monu-
ments of eminent persons, from 1600 to 1718. 5 vols. 8vo. large
paper. London, 1717-19.
Toldervy's (Wm.) Select Epitaphs. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1775.
Webb's (Thomas) Collection of Epitaphs. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1115.
Collection of Epitaphs, with an essay on Epitaph- writing, by Dr. Sam.
Johnson. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1806.
Collection of Epitaphs and Monumental Inscriptions. 12mo. London,
The Variety and Antiquity of Tombs and Monuments, and on Epitaphs.
(Curious Discourses, Vol. I.)
Miscellaneous Antiquities.
Camden's (Will.) Remaines concerning Britain, the languages, names,
armories, monies, apparell, &c. of the inhabitants ; with additions by
John Pliilipot and W. D. Gent. 4to. portrait. London, 1657.
V^erstegan's (Ri.) Restitution of decayed Intelligence, in Antiquities con-
cerning the English Nation. 4to. Antiverp, 1605.
On the Antiquities and Natural History of England. (Leland's Itinerary,
Vol. I.)
On the Antiquity of Shires, the Dimensions of Land, and the Etymology,
Antiquity, and Privileges of Castles, Towns, &c. in England. (Curi-
ous Discourses, Vol. I.)
Lelandi (Jo.) Collectanea de Rebus Britannicis, ex autogr. descripsit
ediditque T. Hearne. 6 vols. 8vo. Oxonii, 1715.
Hearne's (Thos.) Collection of Curious Discourses, written by eminent
Antiquaries upon English Antiquities, now first published. 8vo.
Oxford, 1720.
Hearne's (T.) Collection of Curious Discourses. Second edition, with
additions. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1775.
Gutch's (John) Collectanea Curiosa ; or, miscellaneous tracts relating
to the history and antiquities of England and Ireland, and the Uni-
versities of Oxford and Cambridge. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1781.
Peck's (Fr.) Desiderata Curiosa ; a collection of pieces of English His-
tory, 4to. London, 1779.
Antiquarian Repertory ; a miscellaneous assemblage of topography, his-
tory, biography, customs, and manners, chiefly compiled by T. Grose,
Thos. Astle, &c. ; with additions [by Edward JefFery]. 4 vols. 4to.
large paper. London, 1807.
[Walpole's (Horace)] Miscellaneous Antiquities ; or, a collection of
curious papers, either republished from scarce tracts, or now printed
from original MSS. 4to. Strawberry Hill, Mil.
Miscellanea Antiqua Anglicana ; or, a select collection of rare and
curious tracts, illustrative of the history, literature, manners, and
biography of the English nation during the- sixteenth and part of
the seventeenth centuries. 4to. London, 1814.
Strutt's (Jos.) Compleat View of the Manners, Customs, Arms, Habits,
&c. of the Inhabitants of England, from the arrival of the Saxons to
the reign of Henry VIII. ; with a short account of the Britons during
the government of the Romans. 3 vols. 4to, London, ]775—76.
Strutt's (J.) Complete View of the Dress and Habits of the People of Eng-
land, from the establishment of the Saxons in Britain to the present
time ; illustrated with coloured engravings taken from the most au-
thentic remains of anticpiity. Prefixed is an Introduction, containing
a general description of the ancient habits in use among mankind,
from the earliest period of time to the conclusion of the seventh cen-
tury. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1796.
Jeffreys' (Thos.) Collection of the Dresses of different Nations, ancient
and modern, particularly old English dresses. 4 vols. 4to. London,
\1 31-12.
c c
Strutt's (J.) Sports and Pastimes of the People of England ; including
the rural and domestic recreations. May-games, mummeries, pageants,
processions, and pompous spectacles, from the earliest period to the
present time ; illustrated by engravings selected from ancient paint-
ings, in which are represented most of the popular diversions. 4to.
London, 1801.
Brand's (J.) Observations on Popular Antiquities, chiefly illustrating the
origin of our vulgar customs, ceremonies, and superstitions ; with
additions by Henry Ellis. 2 vols. 4to. large paper. Land. 1813.
Hone's (Wm.) Every-day Book ; or, everlasting calendar of popular
amusements, sports, pastimes, ceremonies, manners, customs, events,
&c. incident to each day, in past and present times. 3 vols. 8vo.
London, 1828-30.
Liber Quotidianus Contrarotulatoris Garderobse 28 Edwardi I., A.D.
1299-1300. Ex Codice MS. in Bibliotheca Soc. Antiquar. Londi-
nensis. 4to. London, 1787.
This contains the establishment, militarj and civil, during this year in which
Edward invaded Scotland, and the daily account of every expense and
Privy Purse Expenses of Elizabeth of York ; Wardrobe Accounts of
Edward IV. : with a memoir of Elizabeth, and Notes by N. H.
Nicolas. 8vo. London, 1831.
Tlie Regulations and Establishment of the Household of Henry Algernon
Percy, the fifth Earl of Northumberland, at his Castles of Wresil
and Lekenfield in Yorkshire ; begun MDXII. Edited by Bishop
Thos. Percy. 8vo. London, 1827.
A Collection of Ordinances and Regulations for the Government of the
Royal Household, made in divers reigns, from King Edward III. to
King William and Queen Mary. Also Receipts in ancient Cookery,
4to. London, 1790.
The Household Expenses for one year of Philip III. Lord Wharton.
[Edited by W. C. Trevellyan]. 4to. Newcastle, 1829.
Warner's (Richard) Antiquitates Culinarise ; or, curious tracts relating
to the culinary affairs of the old English. With preliminary Dis-
course, Notes, and Illustrations. 4to. large paper. The Roxburgh
copy. London, 1791.
Pegge (Sam.), the Forme of Cury ; a roll of ancient English Cookery,
compiled about A.D. 1390, by the Master Cooks of King Richard II.;
presented afterwards to Queen Elizabeth by Edward Lord Stafford ;
and now in the possession of Gust. Brander, Esq.; illustrated with
Notes and a Glossary. A Manuscript of the Editor, of the same age
and subject, is subjoined. 8vo. London, 1780.
[Lewis's (John)] Dissertation on the Antiquity and Use of Seals in Eng-
land. 4to. London, \1A0. (Hist, of Faversham.)
LethieuUier's (Smart) Description of the Tapestries remaining in the
Cathedral of Bayeux [illustrative of Earl Harold's Embassy to Duke
William of Normandy]. Infeuditiones Militum qui debent servitia
militaria Duci Normannise. Description of the Basso-Relievos re-
presenting the interview of Henry VIII. with Francis I.; and copy
of the appointments for K. Henry VIII. and his Queen at the inter-
view. (Appendix to Ducarel's Anglo Norman Antiq.)
[Howell (James)], A Character of England, as it was lately presented to
a nobleman in France ; — a perfect Description of the People and
Country of Scotland ; — a brief Character of the Low Countries under
the States. Small 12mo. London, 1659.
Hearne (the various Works edited by Tho.) viz., Spelman's Alfred ;
Leland's Itinerary ; Dodwell de Parma Equestri ; Lelandi Collec-
tanea ; Rossi Hist. Aug.; T. Livii Foro-.Juliensis Vita Hen. V.;
Aluredi Beverl. Annales ; Ptoperi Vita T. Mori ; Camdeni Annales ;
Guil. Neubr. Historia; Sprotti Chronica; Curious Discourses; Textus
RofFensis ; Robert, de Avesbury Hist. Edw. III.; Jo. de Fordun
Scotichronic ; Hist, of Glastonbury ; Hemingii Chart. Wigormensis ;
Robert of Gloucester's Chronicle ; Peter of Langtoft's Chron. ; Jo.
Glastoniensis Chronica ; Adam de Domerham Hist. Glast. ; Tho. de
Elmhani Vita Hen. V.; Liber Niger Scac; Anonymi, &c. de Comit.
Warwicensibus ; Jo. de Trokelowe Annales ; Caii Vindicise Ant.
Oxon.; Walter Hemingford Hist.; Thomse de Otterbourne, &c.
Chronica; Chronicon de Dunstaple ; Benedictus de Vita Hen. H.
&c. Vindication of those who took the Oath of Allegiance. 62 vols.
8vo. Original copies as subscribed for by Dr. Richardson, of Bierley.
Oxonii, 1709-35.
Tocography of the several Counties.
Collection towards the Natural History and Antiquities of Bedfordshire.
(Nichols's Top. Brit. Vol. IV. Nos. 8 and 26.)
Lysons' Topographical Account of Bedfordshire. (Magna Brit. Vol. I.)
Cooper's (O. St. John) Historical Account of the Parishes of Wimming-
ton and Odell, Beds. (Nichols's Top. Brit. Vol. IV. No. 29.)
Chronicon, sive Annales PrioratAs de Dunstable ; una cum Excerptis h.
chart, ejusdem Prioratijs : e cod. MSS. in Bib. Harlseianae primiimque
vulgavit T. Hearne. 2 vols. Svo. Oxonii, 1733.
Ashmole's (Elias) History and Antiquities of Berkshire, with a particular
account of the Castle and Town of Windsor. Folio. Reading, 1736.
Lysons' Topographical Account of Berkshire. 4to. (Mag. Brit. Vol. I.)
Collections towards a Parocliial History of Berkshire. (Nichols's Bib.
Topog. Vol. IV. No. 16.)
Some Account of the Parish of Great Coxwell, in the county of Berks.
(Nichols's Bib. Topog. Vol. IV. No. 13.)
Coates' (Charles) History and Antiquities of Reading, with Supplement.
4to. Reading, 1810.
Pote's (Jos.) History and Antiquities of Windsor Castle ; with an account
of the town and corporation of Windsor. 4to. Eton, 1749.
Hofland's (Mrs.) Descriptive Account of the Mansion and Gardens of
White Knights, a seat of the Duke of Marlborough, near Reading.
Folio. London, 1819.
Hearne's (Tho.) Account of some Antiquities between Windsor and
Oxford. (Leland's Itinerary, Vol. V.)
Hearne's (T.) Antiquities of Chiiswell, near Oxford. (Liber Niger, Vol. II.)
Extract from a book written by Fr. Little, relating to Abingdon. (Liber
Niger, VoL IL)
Hooke's (And.) BristoUia ; or, Memoirs of the City of Bristol, civil and
ecclesiastical. 8vo. London, 1748.
Barrett's (Wm.) History and Antiquities of the City of Bristol. 4to.
Bristol, 1789.
Britton's (John) Historical and Architectural Essay relating to RedclifFe
Church, Bristol ; illustrated with views, an account of the monu-
ments, &c. 4to. London, 1813.
Britton's (J.) History and Antiquities of the Abbey and Church of
Bristol. 4to. large paper. London, 1830.
Lipscomb's (Geo.) History and Antiquities of the County of Buckingham.
4 vols, imperial 4to, large paper. London, 1831.
Lysons' Topographical Account of Buckinghamshire. 4to. (Mag. Brit.
Vol. L)
Willis' (Browne) History of the town and hundred of Buckingham.
4to. 1755.
Seeley's (Jos.) Description of Stowe, the seat of the Marquess of Buck-
ingham. 4to. Buckingham, 1797.
Storrer and Greig, Cowper illustrated by a series of Views in or near the
Park of Weston-Underwood, Bucks. (Cowper's Poems.)
Kennet's (White) Parochial Antiquities attempted in the history of
Ambrosden, Burcester, and other adjacent villages. (Oxfordshire.)
Blomefield's (Francis) Collectanea Cantabrigiensla ; or, collections re-
lating to C^ambridge University, town, and county. 4to. Norwich,
Carter's (Edmund) History of the County of Cambridge, from the earliest
account to the present time. 8vo. Cambridge, 1753.
Lysons' Topographical Account of Cambridgeshire. (Magna Brit. Vol. II.)
Caius (Jo.) [or Kay] de Antiquitate Cantabrigiensis Academise. 4to.
Londini, J. Daii, 1574.
Caii (Jo.) Historia Cantabrigiensis Academiae ab urbe condita, 4to.
Londini, 1574.
Fuller's (Thomas) History of the University of Cambridge since the
Conquest. (Church History.)
History and Antiquities of the University of Cambridge, containing its
original and progress ; translated from a MS. published by Hearne
in Sprotti Chronicon ; and a Description of the present Colleges, &c.
by Richard Parker. 8vo. London, [1721.]
Dyer's (Geo.) History of the University and Colleges of Cambridge,
including notices of the Founders; with a series of illustrative En-
gravings, by J. Greig. 2 vols, royal 8vo. large paper. London,
Catalogus Cancellariae, &c. Academise Cantabrigiensis. (Parker de
Antiq. Ecclesise Britannicee.)
Neli (Thoma;) Dialogus inter Reginam Elizabetham et Robertum Dud-
leium, Coniit. Leycest., in quo de Academiee ^dificiis prseclare agitur.
(Dodwell de Parma Equest.)
Parker (Richard) Skeletos Cantabrigiensis; sive, CoUegiorum umbratilis
Delineatio. (Leland's Collectanea, Vol. V.)
Harraden's (William) Cantabrigia depicta ; a series of Engravings repre-
senting the edifices in the University of Cambridge, with descrip-
tions. Folio, large paper. Cambridge, 1809.
Masters's (Robert) History of the College of Corpus Christi and Ben'et,
in the University of Cambridge ; with additional matter, and con-
tinuation to the present time, by J. Lamb. 4to. Cambridge, 1831.
Maiden's (Henry) Account of King's College Chapel, in Cambridge.
8vo. Cambridge, 1769.
[Cole's (William)] Account of Pythagoras's School in Cambridge, as in
Mr. Grose's Antiquities, and other Notices. Folio [1768].
A severe castigation of Masters's IMerton Hall.
Bentham's (James) History and Antiquities of the Conventual and
Cathedral Church of Ely, to the year 1771. 4to. Cambridge, 1771.
Bentham's (J.) Supplement to the above, by W. Stevenson, 4to.
Norwich, 1817.
Miller's (George) Description of the Cathedral Church of Ely ; with
some Account of the Conventual Buildings. 8vo. large paper.
London, 1808.
The History and Antiquities of Barnwell Abbey and Sturbridge Fair.
(Nichols's Top. Brit. Vol. V. No. 38.)
King's (Daniel) Vale Royal of England ; or, County Palatine of Chester
illustrated : with a Discourse on the Isle of Man. Folio. Lond.\Q5Q.
Leycester's (Sir Peter) Historical Antiquities concerning Chester, where-
unto is added, a transcript of Doomsday Book, so far as regards
Cheshire. Folio. London, 1673.
Ormerod's (George) History of the County Palatine and City of Chester.
3 vols, folio, large paper. London, 1819.
Leigh's (Charles) Natural History and Antiquities of Cheshire. (Lan-
Lysons' Topographical Account of Cheshire. (Magna Brit. Vol. II.)
Carew's (Richard) Survey of Cornwall ; with a MS. Index in a contem-
porary hand. 4to. Lond. 1602.
Borlase's (William) Antiquities, historical and monumental, of the county
of Cornwall ; consisting of several essays on the first inhabitants,
Druid superstition, customs, and remains of the most remote anti-
quity, in Britain and tlic Ikitish Isles, exemplified and proved by
monuments now extant in Cornwall and the Scilly Islands. With a
Vocabulary of the Cornu-British language. Folio. London, 1769.
Polwliele's (R.) General History of Cornwall. 7 vols. 4to. Lond. 1816.
Lysons' Topographical Account of Cornwall. (Magna Brit. Vol. III.)
Whitaker's (John) Ancient Cathedrals of Cornwall historically surveyed.
2 vols. 4to. London, 1804.
Hedgeland's (J. P.) Description, accompanied by 16 coloured Plates, of
the splendid decorations recently made to the Church of St. Neot,
Cornwall; to which are prefixed, some Translations and Collections
respecting St. Neot, and the former state of this Church, by Davies
Gilbert. 4to. Lond. 1830.
Gorham's (J. C.) History of St. Neot's. (Huntingdonshire.)
Hutchinson's (W.) History of the County of Cumberland and some
places adjacent. 2 vols. 4to. Carlisle, 1794-8.
Collinson's (Thos.) Essay towards a Natural History of Cumberland.
Nicholson (J.) and R. Burn's History and Antiquities of Cumberland.
Lysons' Topographical Account of Cumberland. (Magna Brit. Vol. IV.)
Warburton's (John) Vallum Romanum, or the Picts' Wall. 4to.
Lond. 1753.
Dugdale's (Sir W.) Brief Account of the Cathedral of Carlisle. (St.
Davies's (C. P.) Historical and Descriptive View of Derbyshire. 8vo.
large paper. J5eZ/?er, 1811.
Pilkington's (J.) View of the present state of Derbyshire ; with an Ac-
count of its most remarkable Antiquities. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1789.
Lysons' Topographical Account of Derbyshire. (Magna Brit. Vol. V.)
Hutton's (W.) History of Derby, from the remotest ages to 1791 ; with
Additions [by J. B. Nichols]. 8vo. Lond. 1817.
Pegge's (S.) Sketch of the History of Bolsover and Peak Castles.
(Nichols' Top. Brit. Vol. IV., No. 32.)
Pegge's (S.) Roman Roads, Ikineld Street and Bath Way, discovered
and investigated, through the county of Derby. (Nichols' Top. Brit.
Vol. IV., No. 24.)
Blore's (Thos.) History of the Manor and Manor House of South Win-
field. 4to. Lond. 1816.
Leigh's (C.) Natural History and Antiquities of the Peak. (Lancashire.)
Cotton's (C.) Wonders of the Peak, a poem. 18mo. Nottingham,
Williams' (W.) Petrifactions in Derbyshire. (Mineralogy.)
Mawes' (J.) Mineralogy of Derbyshire. (Mineralogy.)
Polwhele's (Rich.) History of Devonshire. 3 vols, in one, folio. Exeter,
Lysons' Topographical Account of Devonshire. (Mag. Brit. Vol. VI.)
Izacke's (R.) Remarkable Antiquities of the City of Exeter, enlarged
and continued to 1723 by S. Izacke. 8vo. London, \11A.
Vowell (Jo.) alias Hoker's Antique Description and Account of the
City of Exeter [by Andrew Brice]. 4to. Exeter, 1765.
Jenkins' (Alex.) History and Description of the City of Exeter and its
Environs, ancient and modern, civil and ecclesiastical. 4to. Exeter,
Dunsford's (Martin) Historical Memoirs of the Town and Parish of
Tiverton, in the county of Devon. Large paper, 4to. Exeter, 1790.
Watkins' (Jo.) History of Biddeford. Svo. Exeter, 1792.
Britton's (John) History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of
Exeter. 4to. large paper. Land. 1826.
Prince's (John) Worthies of Devon. New edition, with notes. 4to. Land.
Hutchins' (Jo.) History and Antiquities of the County of Dorset [conti-
nued by Gough and Nichols] ; with an Appendix of Additions and
Corrections. 4 vols, folio. Lond. 1774-1815.
Discourse on Sherborne Castell and Manor in 1620. (Leland's Collect.
Vol. II.)
Introduction to the History and Antiquities of the County Palatine and
Bishoprick of Durham. (Gutch's Collect. Curiosa, Vol. II.)
Hutchinson's (Wm.) History and Antiquities of the County Palatine of
Durham. 3 vols. 4to. Newcastle, 1785, and Carlisle, 1794.
Surtees' (Robt.) History and Antiquities of the County of Durham,
compiled from original records. 3 vols, folio. London, 1816-23.
Raine's (James) History and Antiquities of North Durham. Folio.
London, 1830.
WaUis' (John) Account of so much of the County of Durham as lies be-
tween the Tyne and the Tweed, commonly called the North Bishop-
rick. (Northumberland.)
Allan's (Geo.) Collectanea Durhelmensia ; tracts relating to the county
of Durham, viz. : Collections relative to St. Edmund's Hospital, at
Gateshead; — Sherburn Hospital, with the Life of Bp. H. Pudsey,
the founder, and an account of the masters ; — the Foundation Char-
ter of the Cathedral Church of Durham ; — the Legend of St. Cuth-
berd, by Robert Spegge ; — and the Recommendatory Letter of Oliver
Cromwell for the erecting a College and University at Durham, and
his letters patent for the same. 4to. \^Newcastle'\, MQ'd-Ml'i.
Symeonis Monachi Historia Ecclesioe Durhelmensis, cui pra^mittitur
T. R. de auctore hujus libelli. Edidit T. Bedford. Svo. Londini,
Davies' (John) Ancient Rites and Monuments of the Cathedral of Dur-
ham. 12mo. Lond. 1672.
Dugdale's (Sir W.) Brief Account of the Cathedral of Durham. (St.
Brewster's (John) Parochial History of Stockton -upon -Tees, 4to
Stockton, 1796.
S[almon's] (N.) History and Antiquities of Essex ; from the Collections
of Thos. Jekyll of Barking, the Papers of Mr. Ouseley of Springfield,
and Mr. Holman of Halstead. Folio. ]^London, 1740.]
This copy was collected by Mr. Lysons.
Morant's (Philip) History and Antiquities of Essex. 2 vols, folio, large
paper. Lond. 1768.
Cromwell's (Thos.) History and Description of the ancient Town and
Borough of Colchester. 2 vols, in one, 8vo. London, 1825.
Taylor's (Silas) History and Antiquities of Harwich and Dover Court ;
to which is added, the Natural History of the sea-coast and country
about Harwich; by Sam. Dale. 4to. London, 1732.
Gough's (R.) History and Antiquities of Pleshy, in the county of Essex.
4to. Lond. 1803.
Lysons' Account of such parishes in Essex as are within twelve miles of
London. (Environs, Vol. IV.)
Fuller's (Thos.) History and Antiquities of Waltham Abbey. (Church
Britton's (John) History and Antiquities of the Abbey and the Church of
Peterborough. 4to. large paper, London, 1828.
Atkyns' (Sir Rob.) Ancient and Present State of Gloucestershire.
Folio, large paper. London, 1712.
[Rudder's (Sam.)] History of Gloucestershire, and of the City of Glouces-
ter, to the present time. Folio. Cirencester, 1779.
Bigland's (Ralph) Historical, Monumental, and Genealogical Collections
relative to the County of Gloucester. Vol. I., and Vol. II. to pp. 252 :
all published. Folio. Lond. 1791-2.
Fosbrooke's (T. D.) Abstracts of Records and MSS. respecting the
County of Gloucester; formed into a History, correcting the erroneous
accounts, and supplying the deficiencies of Sir R. Atkyns and subse-
quent writers. 2 vols. 4to. Gloucester, 1807.
Britton's (John) History and Antiquities of the Abbey and Cathedral
Church of Gloucester, 4to. large paper. Zonc?o?z, 1829,
Dyde's (W.) History and Antiquities of Tewkesbury. 8vo. Tewkes-
bury, 1798.
An Account of the Parish of Fairford, in the county of Gloucester ; with
a particular description of the Stained Glass in the Windows of the
Church, and Engravings of ancient Monuments. 4to. Lond. 1791.
Anonymi Chronicon Godstovianum, et Fenestrarum depictarum Ecclesiae
Parochialis de Fairford in agro Glocestriensi Explicatio. (Roperi
Vita T. Mori a Hearne.)
A Description of the House and Castell of Thornbury, 1582. (Leland's
Collect. Vol. II.)
Lysons's (Samuel) Account of Roman Antiquities discovered at Wood-
chester, in the county of Gloucester. Folio. The Plates highly
coloured as drawings, and only twelve copies thus executed. London,
Warner's (Rich.) Collections for the History of Hampshire, and the
Bishoprick of Winchester. 6 vols, in three, 4to. London, 1795, &c.
Milner's (John) History, civil and ecclesiastical, and Survey of the
Antiquities of Winchester. 2 vols. 4to. Winchester, 1809.
Britton's (John) History and Antiquities of the See and Cathedral Church
of Winchester, including biographical anecdotes of the bishops, &c.
4to. large paper. London, 1817.
Gilpin's (Wm.) Remarks on Forest Scenery and other Woodland Views,
illustrated by scenes of the New Forest. 2 vols. 8vo. Land. 1808.
Englefield's (Sir H. C.) Walk through Southampton. 4to. Southajnj).
White's (Gilbert) Natural History and Antiquities of Selborne. (Na-
tural History.)
[Worsley's (Sir Richard)] History of the Isle of Wight. 4to. large paper.
London, 1781.
Englefield's (Sir H. C.) Description of the Picturesque Beauties, Anti-
quities, and Geology of the Isle of Wight ; with Observations on the
strata of the island, and their continuation in the adjacent parts of
Dorsetshire, by Thomas Webster. Folio, large paper, proofs. Loud.
Warner's (Rich.) History of the Isle of Wight, military, ecclesiastical,
and civil. 8vo. Southampton, 1795.
Coningsby's (Thomas, Earl) Collections concerning the Manor of Mar-
den, in the county of Hereford [made and privately printed in 1720;
with title, preface, and index, printed in 1813]. Sir M. M. Sykes's
copy. Folio, 1720-1813.
Price's (John) Historical Account of the City of Hereford ; with some
remarks on the river Wye. 8vo. Hereford, 1796.
Price's (J.) Account of Leominster and its vicinity. 8vo. London,
Gibson's (Mat.) View of the ancient and present State of the Churches
of Door, Home-Lacy, and Hempsted ; with memoirs of the ancient
family of Scudamore. 4to. London, 1727.
Britton's (John) History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of
Hereford. 4to. large paper. London, 1831.
Chauncy's (Sir H.) Historical Antiquities of Hertfordshire. Folio. Lond.
Clutterbuck's (Robt.) History and Antiquities of Hertfordshire. 3 vols,
folio, large paper. London, 1816-27.
n I)
Lysons's Account of the Parishes in Herts within twelve miles of London.
(Environs, Vol. IV.)
Newcome's (Peter) History of the Abbey of St. Alban. 4to. Lond. 1795.
The Foundation and Incorporation of Jesus College, near Chipping
Barnet. (Hearne's Liber Niger, Vol. II.)
Vallans' (W.) Tale of Two Swannes, wherein is comprehended the ori-
ginal and increase of the river Lee ; with the antiquitie of sundrie
places and townes seated upon the same. (Leland's Itinerary,
Vol. V.)
Gorham's (G. C.) History and Antiquities of Eynesbury and St. Neot's,
in Huntingdonshire, and of St. Neot's in the county of Cornwall.
8vo. Lond. 1820.
Papers relating to the Protestant Nunnery of Little Gidding ; with his-
torical Notes relating to the family of Ferrars. (Caii Vindicise Acad.
Oxoniensis a Hearne, Vol. II.)
Kilburne's (Rich.) Topographie, or Survey of the county of Kent. 4to.
portrait by Crosse. London, 1659.
Philipott's (Thomas) Villare Cantiarum ; or, Kent surveyed and illus-
trated ; with a catalogue of the high sherifFes by John Philipott.
Folio, map by Hollar. London, 1659.
Hasted's (Edward) History and Topographical Survey of the county of
Kent. 4 vols, folio, large paper. Canterbury , 1778-99.
Henshall's (Sam.) Specimens and Parts ; containing a history of the
county of Kent, and a dissertation on the laws from Edward the
Confessor to Edward I. : a topographical, commercial, civil, and
nautical history of South Britain, from authentic documents. 4to.
London, 1798."
Lysons's Account of Parishes in Kent within twelve miles of London.
(Environs, Vol. IV.)
Thorpe's (John) Illustrations of several Antiquities in Kent. (Nichols's
Top. Brit. Vol. I. No. 6.)
Somner's (Wm.) Treatise on the Roman Ports and Forts in Kent, edited
by W. Brome. 12mo. Oxford, 1693.
Newton's (W.) History and Antiquities of Maidstone, the county town
of Kent. 8vo. London, \1A^\.
Somner's (W.) Antiquities of the City and Suburbs of Canterbury ; and
N. Battely's Cantuaria Sacra, or Antiquities of the Cathedral, and
other religious places in or near Canterbury. Folio. London,
Dart's (John) History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Can-
terbury, and the once adjoining Monastery. Folio, large paper.
London, 1726.
Britton's (John) History and Antiquities of the Metropolitan Church of
Canterbury. 4to. large paper. London, 1821.
Duncombe's (John) and N. Battely's History and Antiquities of the
Archiepiscopal Hospitals of St. Nicholas, St. John, and St. Thomas ;
with some account of the Priory of St. Gregory, &c. at or near ■
Canterbury. (Nichols's Top. Brit. Vol. I. No. 30.)
Pegge's (Sam.) Historical Account of the Textus RofFensis, including
memoirs of Mr. Elstob and his sister, and biographical anecdotes of
Mr. Johnson. (Nichols's Top. Brit. Vol. I. No. 25.)
Textus RofFensis [h MS. in Bib. D. Edwardi Bering, Baronetti], h cod.
MSS. descripsit ediditque T. Hearne. 8vo. Oxon. 1720.
Thorpe's (John) Registrum Roffense ; or, a Collection of ancient Records,
&c. to illustrate the history and antiquities of the diocese and cathe-
dral of Rochester. Folio. London, 1760.
Thorpe's (J.) Custumale Roffense; containing an account of the founda-
tion and endowment of churches, &c., memorials of Rochester cathe-
dral, and antiquities in Kent within its diocese. Folio. London,
Darell's (W., Chaplain to Queen Elizabeth) History of Dover Castle
[published by F. Grose]. 4to. London, 1786.
Lyons' (John) History of the Town and Port of Dover, and Dover Castle;
with a short account of the Cinque Ports. 2 vols. 4to. Dover,
Burr's (T. B.) History of Tunbridge Wells. 8vo. London, 1766.
Amsinck's (Paul) Tunbridge Wells and its Neighbourhood illustrated by
a series of Etchings, with historical descriptions. 4to. large paper.
London, 1810.
[Lewis's (J.)] History and Antiquities of the Abbey and Church of
Favresham, in Kent, of the adjoining Priory of Davington, and Maison
Dieu of Ospringe, and parish of Bocton subtus le Bleyne. 4to,
Printed 1727.
Battely's (Jo.) AntiquitatesRutupinae [Richborough]. 8vo. large paper.
Oxonii, 1711.
Sketch of the History and Antiquities of Hawkhurst. (Cont. of Topog.
Brit. Vol. 1.)
Morres's (Rowe) History and Antiquities of Tunstall in Kent. (Nichols's
Bib. Topog. Brit. Vol. I. No. 1.)
Duncombe's (John) History and Antiquities of Reculver and Hearne,
and Appendix; with observations on the archiepiscopal palace of
Mayfield, in Sussex. (Nichols's Top. Brit. Vol. 1. Nos. 18 and 45.)
History, &c. of St. Radegund's, or Bradsole Abbey, near Dover, De-
scription of the Moat near Canterbury, Sketch of Hawkhurst Church,
Dissertation on the Urbs Rotiipisc of Ptolemy, &c. (Nichols's Bib.
Topog. Brit. Vol. L No. 42.)
Lewis's (John) History and Antiquities of the Isle of Tenet, in Kent.
4to. London, 1736.
Somner's (Wm.) History of Gavel Kind. (Jurisprudence.)
Leigh's (Charles) Natural History and Antiquities of Lancashire, Cheshire,
and the Peak in Derbyshire. Folio. Oxford, 1700.
Whitaker's (Jo.) History of Manchester ; containing the Roman, Roman-
British, and Saxon periods. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1771-75.
Aikin's (Jo.) Description of the Country from thirty to forty miles round
Manchester. 4to. large paper. London, 1795.
History of Preston, in Lancashire ; together with the Guild Merchant,
and some account of the duchy and county palatine of Lancaster.
4to. London, 1822.
[Rauthmell's (Rich.)] Roman Antiquities of Overborough, wherein Over-
borough is proved to be the Bremetonacse of Antoninus. 4to. Lond.
West's (Thos.) Antiquities of Furness ; or, an account of the royal abbey
of St. Mary, in the Vale of Nightshade. 4to. London, 1774.
Whitaker's (T. D.) History of the Parish of Whalley, and Honor of
Clitheroe. (Yorkshire.)
Burton's (William) Description of Leicestershire ; containing matters of
antiquity, history, armoury, and genealogy. Folio. Lynn, \111 .
Nichols's (John) History and Antiquities of the County of Leicester ;
including Mr. Burton's description of the county, and the later col-
lections of Mr. Stanley, Mr. Carte, Mr. Peck, and Sir Thomas Cave.
4 vols, in eight, folio, large paper. London, 1795-1811-15.
Nichols's (John) Miscellanies on Leicestershire. (Top. Brit. Vol. VH.)
Thoresby's (John) Select Views in Leicestershire ; with supplementary
volume, containing a series of excursions to the villages and places
of note in the county : with descriptive and historical accounts, and,
in notes, the most valuable parts of Burton, Nichols, &c. 2 vols.
4to. London, 1789-90.
Curtis's (J.) Topographical History of the County of Leicester; the
ancient part compiled from parliamentary documents, and the
modern from actual survey. 8vo. London, 1831.
Catalogus Tenentium terras per singulas hundredas in Comitu Lincolni-
ensis temp. Henrici IL (Hearne's Liber Niger, Vol. II.)
Peck's (Francis) Antiquarian Annals of Stanford, or Stamford; also a
series of ecclesiastical affairs under each reign. Folio. London,
Butcher's (Rich.) Survey and Antiquity of the Town of Stamford, in the
county of Lincoln ; and of Tottenham High Cross, in the county of
Middlesex. 8vo. London, 1717.
Peck's (Fr.) Description of Burleigh. (Desiderata Curiosa.)
Turner's (Edm.) Collections for the History of the Town and Soke of
Grantham. 4to. large paper. London, 1806.
lUingworth's (C.) Topographical Account of the Parish of Scampton,
and of the Roman Antiquities discovered there. 4to. Lond. 1810.
An Account of the Gentleman's Society at Spalding, being an Introduc-
tion to the Reliquiee Galeanse. — Reliquiae Galeanse ; or, miscellaneous
pieces by Roger and Samuel Gale. (Nichols's Top. Brit. Vol. III.
Nos. 2 and 20.)
Gough's (R.) History and Antiquities of Croyland Abbey ; Mr. Essex's
Observations on Croyland Abbey, (Nichols's Top. Brit. Vol. III.
Nos. 11 and 22.)
Stillingfleet (Bp.) on the true Antiquity of London, and its state in the
Roman times. (Works, Vol. III.)
Stephanidis (Guil.) Descriptio Civitatis Londini. (Leland's Itinerary,
Vol. VIII., and Stow's Survey.)
A Chronicle of London from 1089 to 1483; written in the 15th cen-
tury, and for the first time printed from MSS. in the British Museum.
To which are added, numerous contemporary illustrations, consisting
of royal letters, poems, and other articles descriptive of public events,
or of the manners and customs of the metropolis ; [edited by Sir
N. H. Nicolas.] 4to. London, 1827.
BriefFe Description of the Royal Citie of London. (Manuscripts.)
Howell's (James) Londinapolis ; an historical discourse or perlustration
of the cities of London and Westminister. Folio. London, \Q 51 .
This copy is illustrated with a unique impression of the portrait before the face
was engraved ; maps of London, ;ibout the commencement of Elizabeth's
reign, on wood and copper; views of London, the Bridge, tlie Tower, the
Royal Exchange, Westminster, Covent Garden, &c. by Hollar and others;
and the plan of the city as fortified in 1642-3.
Stow's (John) Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster, brought
down to the present time by John Strype ; with Life of the Author,
Appendix of Tracts on the state of London, and a Perambulation
four or five miles round about to the parish churches. 2 vols, folio.
London, 1720.
Maitland's (William) History of London, including the several parishes
in Westminster, Middlesex, Southwark, &c., within the bills of mor-
tality ; continued to 1772 by John Entick. 2 vols, folio. London,
Burton's (Rich.) Historical Remarks on the ancient and present state of
the Cities of London and Westminster ; with an account of the most
considerable occurrences therein for above nine hundred years past,
till 1681. 4to. Westminster, M. Stace, 1810.
Pennant's (Thos.) Account of London ; with the additions and correc-
tions. 4to. London, 1790-91.
Malcolm's (J. P.) Londinum redivivum ; or, an ancient and modern
Description of London. 4 vols. 4to. London, 1803-7.
Brayley's (E. W.) Londiniana ; or, Reminiscences of the British Metro-
polis, including characteristic sketches, antiquarian, topographical,
descriptive, and literary. 4 vols. 12mo. London, \^2d.
A true and faithful Account of the several Informations exhibited to
the Committee appointed to inquire into the late burning of tiie City
of London, 1GG7. (Somcrs' Tracts, Vol. VII.)
Observations, both historical and moral, Tq)on the burning of London,
Sept. 166C. (Harleian Misc. Vol. III.)
Waterhouse's (E.) Short Narrative of the late dreadful Fire in London;
together with certain considerations remarkable therein. 8vo. Lon-
don, 1667.
The City Remembrancer ; being historical Narratives of the great Plague
at London, 1665; great Fire, 1666, and great Storm, 1703. To
which are added, observations and reflections on the plague in
general ; with historical accounts of the most memorable plagues,
fires, and hurricanes. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1779.
Woodward's (J.) Account of the Roman and other Antiquities digged up
near Bishop-gate. (Leland's Itin. Vol. Vlll.)
Bagford (J.) on the Antiquities of London. (Leland's Coll. Vol. L)
Gough's (W.) Londinum Triumphans ; or, an historical account of the
grand influence the actions of the City of London have had upon the
affairs of the nation for many ages past. 8vo. London, 1682.
The Customs of London, otherwise called Arnold's Chronicle, including
its Charters and Privileges ; with Introduction by F. Douce. 4to.
London, 1811.
Logan's (Jo.) Account of the Customs, Government, Privileges, &c. of
the City of London. (Gwillim's Heraldry.)
Tables of the Bailiffs, Sheriffs, and Mayors of the Citie of London, from
1180 to 1558 inclusive. (Grafton's Chronicles and Arnold's Chro-
The Xn. Worshipful Companies or Misteries of London, (Manuscripts.)
Malcolm's (J. P.) Anecdotes of the Manners and Customs of London
during the 18th century. 4to. London, 1808.
[Thomson's (Ri.] Chronicles of London Bridge. 12mo. London, 1827.
Graunt's (John) Observations upon the Bills of Mortality, with reference
to the government, diseases, &c. of London. 12mo. Oxford, 1665.
Marshall's (J.) Mortality of the Metropolis; a Statistical View of the
number of persons reported to have died of each of more than 100
kinds of disease and casualties, within the bills of mortality, in each
of the years 1629—1831 ; with a topographical arrangement of the
parishes comprising the metropolis, the population thereof at different
periods, and the number in each reported to have died of the Plague
in 1593, 1625, 1636, and 1665; and also a circumstantial account
of the still greater plague of Spasmodic Cholera, which desolated
Asia and Europe between 1345 and 1362, and Great Britain in
1348-9. 4to. London, 1832.
Newcourt's (Rich.) Repertorium Ecclesiasticum Parochiale Londinense ;
an ecclesiastical parochial history of the diocese of London. 2 vols,
folio. London, 1708.
Architectura Ecclesiastica Londini ; being a series of Views of the ca-
thedral, collegiate, and parochial Churches in London, Southwark, and
Westminster, and the adjoining parishes : with descriptional Remarks
by Charles Clarke. Folio. India paper proofs. London, 1819.
Dugdale's (Sir Wm.) History of St. Paul's Cathedral. The first edition,
with the original impressions of Hollar's Plates. Folio. Lond. 1658.
Dugdale's History of St. Paul's Cathedral; corrected and enlarged by the
author's own hand, and edited by E. Maynard. Folio. Lond. 1716.
Dugdale's History of St. Paul's Cathedral ; with Continuation and Ad-
ditions by H. Ellis. Folio, large paper. London, 1818.
[Holland's (Henry)] Monumenta Sepulcralia S. Pauli ; together with
the foundation of the church, and a catalogue of the bishops. 4to.
London, 1614.
Bayley's (John) History and Antiquities of the Tower of London, with
memoirs of royal and distinguished persons ; deduced from records,
state papers, aiid other original and authentic sources. 2 vols, in one,
4to. large paper. Lojidon, 1821—5.
Denham's (J. F.) Views of the exterior and interior, and the principal
Monuments, of St. Dunstan's in the West. 4to. Proofs. London,
Ducarel's History of St. Catherine's, near the Tower of London, from its
foundation in 1273. (Nichols's Top. Brit. Vol. IL, No. 5.)
Bucke's (Sir Geo.) Third Universitie of England; or, the foundations of
all the colleges, schools, and houses of learning and liberal arts, within
and about the Citie of London. (Stow's Annals.)
The Charter House ; with the last Will and Testament of Thomas Sutton,
Esq. 4to. Port, by Elstracke. London, 1614.
Ireland's (Sam.) Views and Historical Account of the Inns of Court.
8vo. London, 1800.
Herbert's (W.) Antiquities of the Inns of Court and Chancery. 8vo.
London, 1804.
Smith's (J. T.) Antiquities of Westminster ; containing 246 Engravings
of topographical objects, of which 122 no longer remain: with De-
scriptions, including the duplicate print, on stone, of the Painted
Chamber, and the 62 additional Plates. 4to. large paper. Lond.
[Camdeni (Guil.)] Reges, Reginse, Nobiles, et alii in ecclesia collegiata
S. Petri Westmonasteriensis sepulti usque ad annum salutis 1603
[ex collect. J. Skelton.] 4to. Londini, M. Brodwood, 1603.
Vertue's copy, with his autograph and MS. collations with the first edition.
Dart's (John) Westmonasterium ; or, the History and Antiquities of the
Abbey Church of St. Peter, Westminster. 2 vols, folio, large paper.
London, 1723.
Norden's (John) Speculum Britanniae ; or, historical and chorographical
description of Middlesex. Front, and Maps, 4to. London, 1593.
Lysons's (Dan.) Environs of London ; an historical account of the towns,
villages, and hamlets, within twelve miles of that capital [including
the whole of Middlesex], interspersed with biographical anecdotes:
with Supplement. 6 vols. 4to. large paper. Zo?i(i. 1796-1811.
Butcher's (Rich.) Survey of Tottenham High Cross, in the county of
Middlesex. (Stamford.)
Walpole's (Hor.) Description of his Villa at Strawberry-Hill ; with an
inventory of the furniture, &c. 4to. Strawberry-Hill, 1784, and
Works, Vol. II.
Faulkner's (Thos.) Historical and Topographical Account of Chelsea and
its environs. Svo. Lond. 1810.
Nelson's (John) History, Topography, and Antiquities of the Parish of
St. Mary, Islington. 4to. London, 1811.
Park's (J. J.) Topography and Natural History of Hampstead. 4to.
large paper. London, 1814.
Brown's (James) Sketches of tlie History and Antiquities of Stoke-New-
ington, in the county of Middlesex. (Nichols's Topog. Brit. Vol. II.
Nos. 9 and 14.)
Nichols's (John) History and Antiquities of Canonbury-House, at Isling-
ton. (Nichols's Top. Brit. Vol. II., No. 49.)
Williams' (David) History of Monmouthshire, illustrated with Views by
the Rev. J. Gardner. 4to. large paper. Lond. 1796.
Coxe's (Wm.) Historical Tour in Monmouthshire. 2 vols. 4to. Lon-
don, 1801.
Blomefield (F.) and C. Parkin's Topographical History of the County of
Norfolk. 5 vols, folio. Fersjield and Lynn, 1739-75.
Parkin's (Char.) History and Antiquities of the City of Norwich. 8vo.
Lijnn, 1783.
Description of the Diocese of Norwich ; or, the present state of Norfolk
and Suffolk, of the City of Norwich in particular, and of the several
market-towns in those two counties. 8vo. Lond. 1735.
Brown's (Sir T.) Posthumous Works, viz. : Repertorium ; or, the Anti-
quities of the Cathedral of Norwich ; — an Account of some Roman
Urnes, &c. found at Brampton, near Norwich; — Antiquitates Capellse
D. Joannis Evang., authore J. Burton. To which is prefixed his
Life. 8vo. London, 1712.
Britton's (John) History of the See and Cathedral Church of Norwich,
including biographical anecdotes of the bishops, &c. 4to. Proofs.
Lond. 1816.
Mackrell's (B.) History and Antiquities of King's Lynn. Bvo. London,
Swinden's (H.) History and Antiquities of Great Yarmouth. 4to. Nor-
wich, 1772.
Martin's (Thomas) History of the Town of Thetford, in the counties of
Norfolk and Suffolk. [Edited by Rich. Gough.] 4to. Zonc^on, 1779.
Morton's (John) Natural History of Northamptonshire ; with some ac-
count of the Antiquities, and a transcript from Doomsday Book as
far as it relates to that county. Folio. London, 1712.
Bridges' (John) History and Antiquities of Northamptonshire, compiled
from his manuscript collections by Peter Whalley. 2 vols, folio.
Oxford, 1791.
Baker's (Geo.) History and Antiquities of the County of Northampton.
2 vols, folio, large paper. London, 1822-30.
Hyett's (W. H.) Sepulchral Memorials of the County of Northampton.
4to. London, 1818.
Gunton's (Symon) History of the Church at Peterburgh, by Bp. Patrick.
Folio. London, 1686.
The History and Antiquities of Fotheringhay, in the county of Northamp-
ton ; with several particulars of the execution of Mary Queen of
Scots. (Nichols's Top. Brit. Vol. IV., No. 40.)
Bonney's (H. K.) Historic Notices in reference to Fotheringhay. Royal
Bvo. large paper. Oundle, 1821.
Wallis' (Jo.) Natural History and Antiquities of Northumberland, and
part of the county of Durham between the Tyne and the Tweed,
commonly called the North Bishoprick. 2 vols, in one, 4to. London,
Bourne's (Hen.) History of Newcastle-upon-Tyne ; or, the ancient and
present state of that town. Folio. Newcastle, 1736.
Brand's (Jo.) History and Antiquities of the Town and County of New-
castle-upon-Tyne, including an account of the coal trade. 2 vols.
4to. London, 1789.
[Trevelyan's] Account of the Parish of Hartburn ; with the History and
Pedigrees of the Trevelyans, &c. Lords of Wallington. 4to. New-
castle, 1827.
[Trevelyan's] History of the Parish of Meldon, and of the extra-parochial
Township of Rivergreen. 4to. Newcastle, 1828.
Sharpe's (Sir Cuthbert) History of Hartlepool. 8vo. the Wood-cuts by
Bewick and Nicholson. Durham, 1816.
Thoroton's (Robert) Antiquities of Nottinghamshire, extracted out of re-
cords, original evidences, leiger books, MSS., and authentic authorities.
Folio. London, 1677.
Thoroton's (Robert) Antiquities of Nottinghamshire ; with additions by
J. Throsby. 3 vols. 4to. Londo7i, 1797.
Deering's (Charles) Nottinghamia Vetus et Nova ; or, an historical ac-
count of the Town of Nottingham. 4to. Nottingham, 1151.
Rook's (H.) Sketch of the ancient and present State of Sherwood
Forest. 8vo. London, 1799.
Dugdale's (Sir \V.) History of the Collegiate Church of Suthwell. (Hist,
of St. Paul's.)
Plot's (Rob.) Natural History of Oxfordshire ; with additions and cor-
rections, and a short account of the Author. Folio. Oxford, 1705.
Wood's (Antony a) Notes relating to the History of Oxford and the
places thereabouts. (Hearne's Liber Niger, Vol. II.)
Hutten's (L.) Antiquities of Oxford ; with Views of Oseney and Rewley.
(Hearne's Textus Roffensis.)
Warton's (Thomas) Companion to the Guide, and Guide to the Com-
panion, being a complete Supplement to all accounts of Oxford
hitherto published. [A satire.] 12mo. Oxford [1760].
Hearne (Thomas) on King Edward the Confessor's Chapel at Islip ; on
Oxford Castle, Oseney, &c. (Curious Discourses.)
Hearne (T.) concerning the Stunsfield Tessellated Pavement, and
the Custome of the jVIanor of Woodstockc. (Leland's Itinerary,
Vol. VIII.)
Hearne's (T.) Account of several Antiquities in and about the University
of Oxford. (Leland's Itin. Vol. II.)
Hearne (T.) on St. Peter's in the East, Oxford; with three Prints. (Le-
land's Collectanea, Vol. I.)
Statuta Hospitalis de Ewelme in Agro Oxoniensis. (Hearne's Tho. of
Kennet's (White) Parochial Antiquities, attempted in the History of
Ambrosden, Burcester, and other adjacent parts in the counties of
Oxford and Bucks. 4to. London, 1695.
Dunkin's (John) History and Antiquities of the Hundreds of Bullington
and Ploughley, in Oxfordshire. 2 vols, in one, 4to. Lond. 1823.
Warton's (J.) History and Antiquities of Kiddington. 4to. London,
A Discourse about Fair Rosamond and the Nunnery of Godstowe ; with
occasional Notes aboutBinsey. (Hearne's Guil.Newbrigensis, Vol. HI.)
Fierberti (N.) Oxoniensis Academise Descriptio. (Leland's Itinerary,
Vol. IX.)
Neli (Thos.) Collegiorum Scholarumque publicarum Academise Oxoni-
ensis Topographica Delineatio. (Dodwell de Parma Equest.)
Assertio Antiquitatis Oxoniensis Academige, incerto authore ; ejusdem
Gymnasii, ad illust. Reginam anno 1566; cum fragmento Oxoni-
ensis historiolse. 4to. Londini, in cBdib. J. Daii, 1574. (Caius de
Antiq. Cantabr.)
Caii (Thos.) Vindicise Antiquitatis Academise Oxoniensis contra J. Caium
Cantabrigiensem ; edidit T. Hearne, cum Reliquiis ad familiam Relig.
Ferrariorum de Gidding parvoe subnexit. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxonii,
Wood's (Ant. a) Annals of the University of Oxford. (Athense Oxoni-
enses : Biography.)
Wood's (Ant. a) History and Antiquities of the University of Oxford, and
of its Colleges and Halls : and the Fasti Oxonienses ; or, a Com-
mentary on the supreme magistrates of the University. Published
from the original MSS., with Continuations to the present time, and
a Life of the Author, by John Gutch. 4 vols, in 5, 4to. Oxford,
Tracts on the University of Oxford. (Gutch's Coll. Curiosa.)
Chalmers' (Alexander) History of the Colleges, Halls, and Public Build-
ings, attached to the University of Oxford, including the Lives of the
founders. 4to. large paper, India Proofs. Oxford, 1810.
Loggan's (David) Oxonia Ulustrata ; Views of the Colleges and Halls in
Oxford : with an additional volume, containing XXXVII. large
Plates by Vertue, Basire, &c. illustrative of the same subjects.
2 vols, folio. Oxford, 1675, &c.
The engravings by Vertue, in the second volume, are views of the colleges, in-
troducing the portraits of the founders, and are not enumerated by Walpole
in his catalogue of this artist's works.
Skelton's (Jos.) Oxonia Antiqua Restaurata ; containing numerous re-
presentations of buildings now either altered or demolished. 2 vols.
4to. large paper. Oxford, 1823.
Williams (Guil.) Oxonia Depicta ; sive, Collegiorum, &c. in inclyta
Oxoniensi delineatio. Folio.
Oxoniana [a Collection of historical, antiquarian, biographical, and
miscellaneous Anecdotes, illustrative of the colleges of Oxford].
4 vols. 18mo. London, [1807].
Berebloci (J.) Comment, de Rebus Gestis Oxonise, ibidem commorante
Elizabetha Regina. (Hearne's Richard II.)
Account of the Reception of King James at Oxford in 1605. (Leland's
Collectanea, Vol. I.)
Smith's (William) Annals of University College, proving William of
Durham to be the founder. Svo. Newcastle, 1728.
Britton's (John) History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of
Oxford. 4to. large paper. Zone?. 1821.
Wright's (James) History and Antiquities of the County of Rutland.
Folio. Land. 1684.
[Owen's (W.)] Account of the ancient and present State of Shrewsbury.
Small 8vo. Shrewsbury , 1808.
Phillips' (T.) History and Antiquities of Shrewsbury. 4to. Shrewsbury ,
Blakeway's (J.B.) Sheriffs of Shropshire ; with their armorial bearings,
and notices, genealogical and biographical, of their families. Folio.
Shrewsbury, 1831.
A Description of Hawkstone, the seat of Sir John Hill, Bart., and a
memoir of Lord Hill. r2mo. Shrewsbury, 1822.
Statutes and Charters of Trinity Hospital, in Clune. (Leland's Collect.
Vol. IV.)
Collinson's (John) History and Antiquities of the County of Somerset,
collected from authentic records and an actual survey, by the late
Mr. Raik. 3 vols. 4to. large paper. Bath, 1791.
Wood's (John) Essay towards a Description of the City of Bath. Svo.
Bath, 1742.
Wood's (J.) Description of Bath, wherein the antiquities of the city,
&c. are treated of. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1765.
Warner's (Rich.) Excursions from Bath. Svo. Bath, 1801.
[Rawlinson's (Th.)] History and Antiquities of the Abbey Church of
Bath. (Salisbury.)
Britton's (John) History and Antiquities of the Abbey Church of Bath.
4to. large paper. London, 1825.
Toulmin's (J.) History of the Town of Taunton, enlarged and brought
down to the present time by Savage. Royal Svo. large paper.
Taunton, 1822.
Adami de Domcrham, Hist, do Rebus Gestis Glastoniensibus, h Cod.
MS. perantiquo, in Bib. Col. S. Trinitatis Cantabr. descripsit primus-
que in lurcui protiilit T. llcarnius, (|iii ot Guiliclmi Malmcsb. lib. de
Ecc. Glaston. et E. y\rchcri oxcorpta aliquam multa e Reg. Wclleu-
sibus, prsemisit. 2 vols. Svo. Oxonii, 1727.
Johannis Monach. Glastoniensis Chronica, sive Historia de Rebus Gestis
Glastoniensibus, h Cod. MS. membraneo antiqiio descripsit edidit-
que T. Hearne. Qui et ex eodem Cod. de antiquitate, &c. Vet.
Ecclesise S. Mariae Glastoniensis praemisit, multaque excerpta e Ri.
Beere Terrarum hujus Coenob. subjecit. Aceedunt de S. Ignatii
Epist, Cod. Mediceo, et de Jo. Dee Vita atque Scriptis agitur.
2 vols. 8vo. Oxonii, 1726.
Roll concerning Glastonbury Abbey. (Langtoft's Chronicle.)
History and Antiquities of Glastonbury : to which are added, the endow-
ments and orders of Sherington's Chantry, and Dr. Plot's Letter
concerning Thetford : with Preface and Appendix by T. Hearne.
8vo. Oxford, 1722.
Tract on Conquest in Somersetshire. (Langtoft's Chronicle.)
Britton's (John) History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of
Wells. 4to. large paper. London, 1824.
Plot's (Robert) Natural History of Staffordshire. Folio. Oxford, 1686.
Stebbing's (Shaw) History and Antiquities of Staffordshire. 2 vols, folio,
large paper. London, 17 9S-IS\1.
Erdeswicke's (Sampson) Survey of Staffordshire ; containing tlie Anti-
quities of the county, with a description of Beeston Castle, in Cheshire ;
to which are added, some observations upon the possessors of monas-
tery lands in Staffordshire, by Sir Simon Degge. Collated with MS.
copies, and with additions and corrections by Wyrley, Chetwynd,
Degge, Smith, Lyttleton, Buckeridge, &c. illustrative of the history
and antiquities of that county, by Thomas Harewood. 8vo. large
paper. Westminster, 1820.
Har wood's (Thos.) History and Antiquities of the Church and City of
Lichfield ; containing its ancient and present state, civil and eccle-
siastical. 4to. Gloucester, 1806.
Britton's (John) History and Antiquities of the See and Cathedral Church
of Lichfield. 4to. large paper. London, 1820.
Sanders' (Henry) History and Antiquities of Shenstone, in the county of
Stafford. 4to. London, 1794.
Sanders' Shenstone, with the pedigrees of all the families, both ancient
and modern, of that parish. (Nichols's Top. Brit. Vol. IX. No. 4.)
Clifford's (Sir Thos. and Arthur) Topographical and Historical Descrip-
tion of the Parish of Tixall. 4to. Paris, 1817.
Kirby's (Jos.) Suffolk Traveller ; with many alterations and additions by
several hands. 8vo. large paper. London, 1764.
Collections towards the History and Antiquities of Elmeswell and Camp-
sey Ash, in the county of Suffolk. (Nichols's Top. Brit. Vol. V.
No. 52.)
Cullum's (Sir John) History and Antiquities of Hawksted and Hardwick,
in the county of Suffolk ; with corrections by the author, and notes
by his brother. Sir T. G. Cullum. 4to. large paper. Lond. 1813.
Gardner's (T.) Historical Account of Dunwich, Blithburgh, and South-
wold ; with remarks on some places contiguous thereto. 4to. Lond.
Yates's (Ri.) Monastic History and Antiquities of the Town and Abbey
of St. Edmund's Bury. 4to. London, \9:0 5.
Gillingwater's (E.) Historical Account of the ancient Town of LowestofFe.
4to. London, [1790.]
Hawes' (R.) History of Framlingham ; including brief notices of the
masters and fellows of Pembroke Hall, in Cambridge : with con-
siderable additions and notes by R. Loder. 4to. Woodbridge, 1798.
History of Framlingham Castle, and Account of the principal Monuments
in St. Michael's Church. (Leland's Coll. Vol. II.)
Gage's (John) History and Antiquities of Hengrave, in Suffolk. Large
paper, imp. 4to. London, 1822.
Specimens of Gothic Ornaments from Lavenham Church. (Archi-
Aubrey's (Jo.) Natural History and Antiquities of Surrey, begun in 1673
and continued to the present time. 5 vols. 8vo. London, 1719.
Manning's (Owen) History and Antiquities of the County of Surrey, con-
tinued to the present time by William Bray ; with a fac-simile copy
of Doomsday. 3 vols, folio. Zo?ic?o«, 1804-14.
Lysons's Account of that part of Surrey within twelve miles of London.
(Environs of London, Vol. I.)
Nichols's (John) History and Antiquities of the Parish of Lambeth.
(Nichols's Top. Brit. Vol. II. No. 39.)
Ducarel's (A. C.) History and Antiquities of the Archiepiscopal Palace at
Lambeth. 4to. ports, and plates inserted. London, 1785.
Ducarel's Lambeth Palace. (Nichols's Top. Brit. Vol. II. No. 27,
and Vol. X. No. 5.)
Ducarel (A. C), some Account of Croydon. (Nichols's Top. Brit.
Vol. II. No. 12.)
The Case of the Inhabitants of Croydon, 1673; and Description of
Trinity Hospital, Guildford, and of Albiiry House, with notes on
Battersea, Chelsham, Nutfield, and Talsfield. (Nichols's Top. Brit.
Vol. II. No. 46.)
Ironside's (R.) History and Antiquities of Twickenham. (Nichols's Top.
Brit. Vol. IX. No. 6.)
Dallaway's (James) History of the Western Division of the County of
Sussex ; including the Rapes of Chichester, Arundel, and Bramber,
with the City and Diocese of Chichester ; with continuation by Edward
Cartwright. 2 vols. imp. 4to. London, 1825-30.
Antiquities of Arundel, and the peculiar Privilege of its Castle and
Lordship. 8vo. London, 1766.
Hay's (A.) History of Chichester, interspersed with notes on the most
remarkable places in its vicinity, and the county of Sussex generally.
8vo. Chichester, 1805.
Dug^dale's (Sir W.) Antiquities of Warkwicksbire. Folio. Lond. 1656.
Dugdale's (Sir W.) Antiquities of Warwickshire, from the author's cor-
rected copy, edited and continued by W. Thomas. 2 vols, folio.
London, 1730.
Rossi (Joannis) Historialia de Comitibus Warwicensibus. (Hearne's
Richard II.)
Extracts from the Black Book of Warwick ; Pegge's Memoirs of Guy
Earl of Warwick ; Sir T. More's Narrative of a Religious Frenzy at
Coventry. (Nichols's Top. Brit. Vol. IV. No. 17.)
Account of erecting the New Cross at Coventre. (Hearne's Liber Nieer.
Vol.11.) V g ,
Fowler's (Wm.) Engravings from ancient Stained Glass in the windows
of the Hall at Aston, near Birmingham. (Misc. Eng. Antiquities.)
Bartlett's (Benj.) History and Antiquities of the Parish of Manceter ;
and also of the adjacent parish of Ansley, 4to. London, 1790.
(Continuation of Top. Brit. Vol. I.)
Pegge's (Sam.) History and Antiquities of Eccleshal Manor and Castle,
and of Lichfield House, London. (Nichols's Top. Brit. Vol. IV.
No. 21.)
Wheeler's (R. B.) History and Antiquities of Stratford-upon-Avon. 8vo.
Stratford, 1730.
Fisher's (Thomas) Series of Ancient Allegorical, Historical, and Legen-
dary Paintings, which were discovered in the summer of 1804 on the
walls of the Chapel of the Trinity at Stratford-upon-Avon, in War-
wickshire ; also, Views and Sections illustrative of the architecture of
the Chapel : [with the legends reprinted from Caxton's Golden Le-
gend.] Nos. I.-III., containing 33 plates, royal folio, coloured in
imitation of paintings. Hoxton, 1807-21.
The letter-press, which is necessary to complete the work, was not published,
owing to the loss which would have been sustained by the claims of pri-
vileged libraries for copies when so completed.
WESTMORELAND. See also Tours in England, p. 189.
Robinson's (Thos.) Essay towards a Natural History of Westmoreland
and Cumberland. 8vo. London, 1709.
Nicholson's (J.)andR. Burn's History and Antiquities of Westmoreland.
Hoare's (Sir Richard Colt) History of Ancient Wiltshire : southern and
northern districts. 2 vols, folio, large paper. London, 1812-20.
Hoare (Sir R. C), Lord Arundel, and the Rev. John Offer's History
of Modern Wiltshire ; comprehending the hundreds of Mere, Heyts-
bury. Branch, Dole, Everley, Ambresbury, Underditch, and Dun-
worth. 2 vols, folio, large paper. London, 1824-31.
Hoare's (Richard) Journal of his Shrievalty, in the years 1740-41.
Published from the MS. in his own handwriting [by Sir R. C. Hoare].
Royal 4to. Bath, printed for private distribution, 181.5.
Britton's (John) Beauties of Wiltshire, displayed in statistical, historical,
and descriptive sketches, illustrated by views ; with anecdotes of the arts
[and memoir of the author by himself]. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1801-25.
Jones (Inigo), the Most Notable Antiquity vulgarly called Stone-Heng,
restored. [Edited by J. Webb]. Folio, portrait by Hollar, and il-
lustrated with additional plates. London, 1655.
Stukely's (Wm.) Stone-Henge, a temple restored to the British Druids.
Folio. London, 1740.
A Concise Account of Stonehenge and the Barrows around it ; compiled
for the use of those whose curiosity may lead them to see this famous
monument of antiquity. 12mo. Salisbury , \1 Ql .
Tract on Stonehenge. (Langtoft's Chronicle.)
Stukely's (Wm.) Abury, a temple of the British Druids, with some others,
described. Folio. London, 1743.
[Rawlinson's (T.)] History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of
Salisbury, and the Abbey Church of Bath. 8vo. London, 1723.
Britton's (John) History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of
Salisbury ; including biographical anecdotes of the bishops. 4to.
large paper. London, 1814.
Description of the House and Gardens at Stourhead, in the county of
Wilts, the seat of Sir R. C. Hoare ; with a catalogue of the pictures,
&c. 12mo. Salisbury, 1800.
Rutter's (John) Illustrated History and Description of Fonthill Abbey.
4to. Shaftesbury, 1823.
Description of Fonthill Abbey, illustrated by views, drawn and engraved
by James Storrer. 4to. London, 1812.
[Davies' (D.)] Origines Devisiansc ; or, the Antiquity of the Devizes.
(Satirical.) 8vo. London, 1754.
Bowles' (W. L.) Parochial History of Bremhill, in the county of Wilts;
including a dissertation on the origin and designation of the vast
Celtic monuments in the vicinity, and the progress of parochial esta-
blishments. 8vo. London, 1828.
Nash's (T.) Collections for the History of Worcestershire [edited by
R. Gough] ; with Supplement. 2 vols, folio, large paper. London,
Green's (Val.) History and Antiquities of the City and Suburbs of Wor-
cester. 2 vols. 4to. large paper. London, 1796.
Hemmingii Chartulurium Fcclesiac Wigornensis, cN Cod. MS. penes
R. Graves: cdidit T. llearnc, qui et earn partem libri de Domesday,
quae ad ecclesiam pertinet Wigorn. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxonii. 1723.
Abingdon's (Tliomas) Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Worcester :
to which are added, the Anticpiities of the Cathedral Churches of Chi-
chester and Liclitield. 8vo. London. 1723.
Thomas's (William) Survey of the Cathedral Church of Worcester ; with
an account of the bishops thereof to the year 1600. 4to. London,
Britton's (John) History and Anti(iuiti(s of the Cathedral Church of
Worcester. 4t(). large paper. London, 1832.
Green's (V.) Account of the Discovery of the Body of King John, in the
cathedral church of Worcester, 17th July, 1797. 4to. Lond. 1797.
Tindal's (William) History and Antiquities of the Borough and Abbey
ofEvasham. 4to. Evas ham, 1794.
Doomsday Book for Yorkshire, transcribed ; with notes by Tho. Wilson,
of Leeds. (Manuscripts.)
Bawdwen's (William) Translation of the Doomsday Book, as far as
relates to the county of York ; with an introduction, glossary, and
indexes. 4to. large paper. Doncaster, 1809.
Dugdale's (Sir W.) Visitation of the County of York. (Manuscripts.)
Hopkinson's various Collections relative to Family History and Anti-
quities of Yorkshire. (Manuscripts.)
Jeffreys' (Thos.) County of York surveyed in 1767-70. Large folio.
Lond. 1770.
Thoresby (Ralph) on some Antiquities found in Yorkshire. (Leland's
Itinerary, Vols. I. and IV.)
Views (XLIV.) in Yorkshire ; including those by Dunning and Hofland,
and the Lithographic Sketches by Cave, &c. Folio. (Coll. of Prints,
Vol. XIV.)
Fowler's (W.) Engravings of Antiquities in Yorkshire. (Misc. English
Burton's (Jo.) Monasticon Eboracense, and the Ecclesiastical History of
Yorkshire. Folio. York, 1758.
Drake's (Fr.) History and Antiquities of the City of York. Folio, large
paper. London, 1736.
Gent's (Thos.) Ancient and Modern History of the City of York, and
particularly of its magnificent Cathedral. Small 8vo. ForA, 1730.
Gent's (T.) History of the great Eastern Window in St, Peter's Cathe-
dral, York. Small 8vo. York, 1760.
[Torr's (Jas.)] History and Antiquities of the City of York to the present
times. 3 vols, small 8vo. York, 1785.
Dugdale's (Sir W.) Historical Account of the Cathedral Church of York,
and the Collegiate Churches at Rippon and Beverley. (St. Paul's.)
Britton's (John) History and Antiquities of the Metropolical Church of
York ; with biographical anecdotes of the archbishops. 4to. large
paper. London, 1819.
Halfpenny's (John) Etchings of Gothic Ornaments in the Cathedral
Church of York. 4to. large paper. For^, 1795.
Cave's (H.) Etchings of the Picturesque Buildings in York. 4to. large
paper. York, 1800.
Wellbeloved's (C.) Account of St. Mary's Abbey, York ; with ground-
plan, picturesque views, and architectural details, by F. Nash. Folio.
London, Soc. of Antiquaries, 1829.
Poulson's (Geo.) Beverlac ; or, the Antiquities and History of the Town
of Beverley. 2 vols, in one, 4to. London, 1829.
Prickett's (Marm.) Historical and Architectural Description of the Priory
Church, Bridlington. Royal 8vo. Cambridge, 1831.
■ i^te-
Graves' (John) History and Antiquities of Cleveland, in the North Riding.
4to. Carlisle, 1808.
Whitaker's (T. D.) History and Antiquities of the Deanery of Craven;
with additional plates, genealogical tables, and MS. additions, by
Mrs. Dor. Richardson. Folio, large paper. Lo7id. 1812.
Hofland's (J. C.) Sixteen original Drawings of Views in Craven.
Oblong folio.
Hurtley's (Thos.) Account of Natural Curiosities in the environs of
Malham, in Craven. 8vo. London, 1786.
Eastmead's (W.) Historia Rievallensis ; containing the history of Kirby-
Moorside, &c. : to which is prefixed, a dissertation on the animal
remains in the cave at Kirkdale. 8vo. Thisk, 1824.
Hunter's (Joseph) History and Topography of the Deanery of Doncaster.
2 vols, folio. London, 1828.
Miller's (Edw.) History and Antiquities of Doncaster and its vicinity.
4to. Doncaster, 1810.
Wright's (Thos.) Antiquities of the Town of Halifax. 12mo. Leeds,
Watson's (Jo.) History and Antiquities of the Town of Hahfax. 4to.
London, 1775.
[Midgley's (Sam.)] Hahfax and its Gibbet Law placed in a true light ;
published by W. Bently. London, 1712.
Simpson's (T.) State of that part of Yorkshire adjacent to the level of
Hatfield Chase. 4to. York, 1701.
Gent's (Thos.) History of the Town of Kingston-upon-HuU. 8vo. York,
Tickell's (Jo.) History of the Town and County of Kingston-upon-Hull,
from its foundation to the present time. 4to. large paper. London,
Hargrove's (E.) History of the Castle, Town, and Forest of Knares-
borough, with Harrowgate and its waters. 12mo. York, 1798.
The Privileges of New Malton, as claimed by the Burgesses thereof, 1596.
(Liber Niger, Vol. II.)
Thoresby's (R.) Topography of the Towne and Parish of Leedes, and
parts adjacent. (The Sale Catalogue of Thoresby's Museum, Svo.
inserted.) Folio. London, 1715.
Thoresby's (R.) Vicaria Leodiensis, or the history of the Church of Leedes ;
containing an account of tlie learned men, bishops, and writers, vicars
of that parish : with catalogues of their works. Svo. Lond. 1724.
Thoresby's (R.) Ducatus Leodiensis, or the topography of Leeds and
parts adjacent; with notes and additions by T. D. Whitaker. Folio,
largest paper. Leeds, 1816.
Whitaker's (T. D.) Leodis et Elmcte, or the lower portions, Aredale and
Wharfedale, together with the entire vale of Calder, illustrated. Folio,
largest paper. London, 1816.
Scatcherd's (N.) History of Morley, in the parish of Botley, and West
Riding of Yorkshire, and especially of the old chapel in this village ;
with some account of other i)laccs in the vicinitv. Svo. Leeds,
r F
Boothroyd's (B.) History of the ancient Borough of Pontefract ; with
notes and pedigrees of some of the most distinguished royalists and
parliamentarians in the civil war. 8vo. Pontefract, 1807 .
[Gale (R.)l Registrum Honoris de Richmond, exhibens terrarum et vil-
larum quae quondam fuerunt Edwini Comitis infra Richmundshire
Descriptionem. Folio, large paper. London, 1722.
This is usually attributed to Roger Gale; but his name, as well as Samuel's,
appears iu the list of subscribers. Sir M. M. Sykes's copy.
Whitaker's (T. D.) History of Richmondshire, in the North Riding of
Yorkshire ; together with the Wapentakes of Lonsdale, Ewecross, and
Amunderness, in the counties of York, Lancaster, and Westmoreland.
2 vols, folio, largest paper. London, 1823.
Gent's (Thos.) Ancient and Modern History of the Town of Rippon.
Small Svo. York, 1733.
Slacke's (John) Account of the Hospital of St. Mary Magdalene near
Scroby. (Langtoft's Chronicle.)
Hinderwell's (Thos.) History and Antiquities of Scarborough and the
vicinity. Svo. York, 1811.
Parker's (T. L.) Description of Browsholme Hall, and of the Parish of
Waddington. 4to. London, privately printed, \%\5.
Whitaker's (T. D.) History of the original Parish of Whalley and
Honour of Clitheroe, in the counties of York and Lancaster : to
which is subjoined, an Account of the Parish of Cartmell. Folio,
large paper. London, 1818.
Young's (George) History of Whitby and Streoneshall Abbey ; with a
statistical survey of its vicinity. 2 vols. Svo. Whitby, 1817.
Borlasse's (William) Ancient and present state of the Islands of Scilly.
4to. Oxford, 1756.
Barry's (Wm.) History of the Island of Guernsey to the year 1814;
with particulars of the neighbouring islands of Alderney, Serk, and
Jersey ; compiled from the Collections of Henry Budd, and other
authentic sources. 4to. London, 1815.
History of the Islands of Guernsey and Sarke, by D. Y. (Warner's
Hampshire, Vol. VI.)
Falle's (Ph.) and P. Morant's Csesarea; an account of Jersey in the
ancient duchy of Normandy. 4to. London, llQl . (Warner's Hamp-
Antiquitates Celto-Normannicse ; the Chronicles of Man and the Islands.
Now first published complete, by John Johnstone. 4to. Copeii-
hagen, 1786.
Sacheverell's (Wm.) Account of the Isle of Man ; with a voyage to
I-Columb-Kill, and a Dissertation on the Mona of Caesar, by Thos.
Brown. 12mo. Lond. 1702.
Wilson's (Bp. T.) History of the Isle of Man. (Works, Vol. I.)
Wood's (Geo.) Account of the past and present state of the Isle of Man.
Svo. London, 1811.
History of England.
Libri Saxoiiici, qui ad manus J. Joscelini venerunt. Nomina eorum
qui scripserunt hist, gentis Anglorum, et ubi extant; per J. Josce-
linum. (Hearne's Robert de Avesbury.)
Leland (Jo.) Comment, de Scriptoribus Britannicis ; nunc primiim
edidit Antonius Hall. 2 vols, in one, 8vo. Oxonii, 1709.
Nicolson's (Bp. W.) English, Scotch, and Irish Historical Libraries,
giving the Characters and Sources of the Historians, either in print
or manuscript. Folio. Mr. Wilson of Leeds' copy, with his MS.
corrections and additions. Lond. 1736.
Hoare's (Sir R. C.) Catalogue of Books relating to the History and
Topography of England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland, compiled from
the Library at Stourhead, in Wiltshire. 8vo. London, privately
printed, 1815.
Gibbon's (Edward) Address, &c. on the subject of a Collection of
English Historians. (Misc. Works, Vol. II.)
Heylin's (Peter) Help to English History ; or, Catalogues of the Kings,
Nobles, and Bishops : with Lists of the extinct Viscounts and Barons,
by P. Wright. London, 1772.
Beatson's Political Index. (Parliamentary Hist.)
Sammes' (Aylet) Britannia Antiqua Illustrata; or, the antiquity of an-
cient Britain derived from the Phoenicians, and plainly set forth and
collected out of approved Greek and Latin authors : together with a
chronological history of this kingdom from the first beginning until
the year 800. Folio. London, 1676.
The Light of Britayne ; a Recorde of the honorable originale and anti-
quitie of Britaine [by Henry Lyte of Lytescarie]. 8vo. large paper,
in 4to. [edited by W. Upcott]. Lond. reprint, 1588.
Macpherson's (James) Introduction to the History of Great Britain
and Ireland ; or, the origin, &c. of the Britons, Scots, Irish, and
Anglo-Saxons. 4to. London, 1773.
Macpherson. — [Leland's (Thos.)] Remarks on an Introduction to the
History of Great Britain. 4to. London, \11 2.
Macpherson. — Whitakcr's (John) Remarks on an Introduction to the
History of Great Britain. 8vo. Lund. 1772.
Ralegh's (Sir W.) Introduction to a Breviary of the History of England.
(Works, Vol. VIII.)
Burke's (^Edmund) Essay towards un Abridgement of the English His-
tory. (Works, Vol." X.)
Collections of Ancient English Historians.
Britannicarum Gentium Historise Antiquse Scriptores III. recensuit, No-
tisque et Indice auxit C. Bertram. 8vo. Haunice, impensis editoris,
1757. Vid. :—
Ricardi Corinensis de Situ Britannioe,
Gildae Badonici de Excidio Brit, Hist.
Nennii Banchorensis Hist. Brit.
Rerum Britannicarum, id est, Anglise, Scotise, vicinarumque insularum
ac regionum, Scriptores vetustiores ac prsecipui. Folio. Lugduni
Bat. 1587. Vid. : —
Galfridus Monumetensis, Gildas, Gulielmus Newbricensis,
Ponticus Verunnius, Beda, Joannes Froissardus.
Historioe Anglicanse Scriptores III., sumptibus M. Parkeri Episc. Can-
tuariensis. Folio. Land. J. DaiietH. Binneman, 1574. Vid.: —
Jo. Asserii Alfredi Regis Res Gestse [Saxonic^, cum Prsefatione
S. Gregorii, Sax. et Lat. et Prsefatione M. Parkeri].
YpodigmaNeustrise vel Normannise, per Thom. de Walsingham ab
irruptione Normannorum usque ad annum sext. regni Hen. V,
Historia Brevis Thomse de Walsingham ab Edvvardi I. ad Henri-
cum V. cum Prsefat. M. Parkeri.
Anglica, Normannica, Hibernica, et Cambrica, k veteribus scripta ex Bib.
Guil. Camdeni. Folio. Franco/. \QOd. Vid. : —
Asser Menevensis, Thomas de la More,
Anon, de Vita Guil. I. Guliel. Gemiticensis,
Thomas de Walsingham, Giraldus Cambrensis.
Duchesne (A.) Historise Anglicanse circa tempus Conquest^s Anglise k
G. Notho Normannorum Duce, selecta monumenta ; cum Notis plu-
rimis Anglico sermone conscriptis a F. Maseres. 4to. Land. 1807.
Vid.: —
Emmse, Ang. Reginse, Richardi I. Ducis Norm. Filioe, Encomium.
Gesta Guil. Ducis Norm, et Regis Anglorum ; a Guil. Pictavensi,
Lexoviorum Archidiacono, contemporaneo scripta.
Excerpta ex Oderico VitaU de Guil. I. Rege Ang. a Guil. Picta-
vensi, scripta.
Chronica Sancti Stephanis Cadomensis.
Nomina Normannorum qui floruerunt in Anglia ante Conquestum.
Cognomina Nobilium, qui Guil. Norm. Ducem in Angliam sequuti
sunt, ex Tab. Monast. vulgo Battail Abbay.
Cognomina Nobilium, &c. authore Joanne Bromptono, qui floru-
erunt anno 1199.
Magnates superstites anno vicesim. regni Willelmi Conquestoris
et quibus in comitatibus terras tenuerunt.
Catalogus Nobilium, qui immediate prsedia a rege Conquestore
Familise Regum, Ducum, Comitum, et aliorum Nobilium, quae
in Volumen Scriptorum Normannioe ab A. Duchesnio editum,
Rerum Anglicarum Scriptores post Bedam, prcecipu^ ex vetust, cod.
MSS. in lucem editi a H. Saville. Folio. Londini, 1596. Vid. : —
Will. Malmesburiensis, Ingulph Abbas Croylandiensis, ad-
Henr. Huntingdoniensis, jecta est Chronologia [et Fasti
Roger de Hovedon, Regum, et Episc. Anglian ad
Chronicon Ethelwerdi, Will. Seniorem].
MODERN. 1^21
Historise Anglicanse Scriptores X. ex vetust. MSS. nunc primi^m editi,
V^ar. Lect. et Glossario illustrati per Roger Twysden. Folio. Lon-
dini, 1652. Vid. : —
Simeon Monachus Duiielm. Johannes Brompton,
Johannes Prior Hagustald. Gervasius Monach. Dorabor.
Ricardus Prior ejusdem, Thomas Stubbes,
Ailredus Abbatis Rievall. Gulielmus Thorne,
Radulphus de Diceto, Henricus Knyghton.
Selden (Jo.) Judicium de X. Hist. Angl. Scriptoribus. (Opera, Vol. II.)
Rerum Anglicarum Scriptores Veteres, cura [W, Fulman et] Jo. Fell.
Folio. Oxonii, 1684. Vid. : —
Ingulphi Hist. Croylandensis, AnnalesMonast.Burtonensis,
Petri Blessensis Continuatio ejusd. Historia Croylandensis Conti-
Chronica de Mailros, nuatio.
Historise Brit. Sax. Anglo-Sax. Scriptores XV. nee non Hist. Ang.
Scriptores V., ex vet. cod. MSS. editi et in unam coUecti opera et
studio T. Gale. 2 vols, folio. Oxomi, 1687-91. Vid.: —
Gildas, Joan. Walingfordensis,
Eddius, Rad. de Diceto,
Nennius, Anon, de Partitione Provinciee,
(Pseudo) Asserius, Joannes Fordun,
Ran. Higden, Alcuinus Flaccus,
Guil. Malmesburiensis, Annales Marginenses,
Anon. Malmesburiensis, Chronicon Thomae Wikes,
Anon. Ramesensis, Annales Waverleyenses,
Anon. Elyensis, Galfridus Vinesalvi,
Thomas Elyensis, Walt, de Hemmingford.
Historise Anglicanse Scriptores varii, e cod. MSS. nunc primilm editi
J. Sparke. Folio. Londini, \12'i.
Chronicon Jo. Abbat. S. Petri de Burgo,
Chronicon Ang. per Rob. de Boston,
Hist. CcBnobii Burgensis Script, varii,
Vita S. Thomse Cantuariensis a W. Stephanide.
Particular Histories before the Conquest, ChronicleSy and
General Histories of England.
Gildas de Excidio et Conquestu Britanni-ae ; cum Prscfatione ad M,
(Parker) Cant. Archiepisc. J. Josselini, Sm. 8vo. Londini, J.
Daius, 1568.
Gildas' Description of Great Brittain, written eleven hundred yeares since,
[translated by W. Habington]. 18mo. Land. 1652.
Nennius. — The Historia Brittonum, commonly attributed to Nennius,
from a MS. lately discovered in the Vatican, edited in the tenth cen-
tury by Mark the Hermit : with an English Version, Notes, and
Illustrations, by W. Gunn. 8vo. large paper. Loud. 1819.
Thorkelin's (G. J.) Fragments of English and Irish History in the ninth
and tenth centuries, translated from the Islandic. (Nichols's Top.
Brit. Vol. VI. No. 8.)
Galfridus Monumetensis. — Britanie utriusque Regum et Principum
origo et gesta insignia, ab Galfrido Monumetensi. Ex anti(juiss.
Brit, sermone in Latinum traducta, et ab Asccnsio cura et impedio
Mag. Luonis Cavillatc in luccm cdita. 4to. Editio princeps. [Pa-
risiis] c.x cedib. B. Asccnsio. 1508.
Jeffrey of Monmouth, his British History translated ; with a Preface on
the Author, by A. Thompson. 8vo. London, 1718.
Virunnii (Pont.) Britannicge Historige Lib. VI., conscripti ad Brit. Cod.
fidem correcti, quibus prsefixus est Catalogus Regum Brit, per
D. Pouelum. Small 8vo. Londiyii, imp. H. Denham. et R. Nuberii,
Lclandi (Jo.) Laus et Defensio Galfridi Monumetensis contra P. Ver-
gilium. (Collectanea.)
Twini (Jo.) Comment, de Rebus Albionicis, Britannicis, atque Anglicis.
Sm. 8vo. Londini, ap. E. Bollifont, 1590.
Johnstone (Jacobi) Antiquitates Celto-Scandise ; sive, series rerum
gestarum inter nationes Britannicarum et gentes septentrionales.
4to. Haunice, 1786.
Chronological Series of the British Kings before the Roman Invasion ; —
Index Memorabilium Brit, ante CiBesarem ; — Of the coming in of the
Saxons, and their Conquests in Britain; — Saxon Annals. (Manu-
Langhorne's (Daniel) Introduction to the History of England ; com-
prising the principal affairs of this land from its first planting to the
coming in of the Saxons : together with a Catalogue of the British
and Pictish kings. Small 8vo. London, 1676.
Strutt's (Joseph) Chronicle of England ; or, complete history, civil,
military, and ecclesiastical, of the ancient Britons and Saxons: with
a view of the manners, customs, arts, habits, &c. of those people.
2 vols. 4to. London, 1777-8.
Chronicon Saxonicum; seu, Annales Rerum in Anglia, prgecipue gesta-
rum ad A.D. 1154. Saxonic^ et Latine ab E. Gibson. 4to. Oxon.
Chronicon Saxonicum ; with an English Translation and Notes, critical
and explanatory : to which are added, chronological, topographical,
and glossarial Indices ; a short Anglo-Saxon grammar ; a new map of
England during the Heptarchy, &c. By J. Ingram. 4to. London,
Asserii (Jo.) Annales Rerum Gestarum ^Ifridi Magni, a J. Wise. 8vo.
large paper. Oxonii, 1722.
Alfredi Magni Anglorum Regis Vita, a Jo. Spelman, Henrici primiim
Anglice conscripta, dein Latin^ reddita, et annotationibus illustrata.
Folio. Oxonii, 1678.
Powell's (Robt.) Life of Alfred or Alured, the first institutor of subordi-
nate government in this kingdom, and refounder of the University of
Oxford. 18mo. Oxford, 1634.
Selden (Jo.) Janus Anglorum, et Analecta Anglo-Britannicse. (Opera,
Vol. II. and Jurisprudence.)
Turner's (Sharon) History of the Anglo-Saxons ; comprising the history
of England to the Norman conquest. 3 vols. Svo. London, 1823;
Milton's (John) History of Great Britain, from the first traditional begin-
ning to William the Conqueror. (Works, 4to. Vol. II. ; Svo. Vol. V.)
Florentii Wigornensis Chronicon, ex Chronicis, ab initio mundi usque ad
an. 1118: accessit etiam continuatio usque ad 1141, per quendam
ejusdem Coenobii eruditum. Nunquam antehac in lucem editum.
4to. Londini, excud. T. Dausonius, 1592.
Eadmeri Historia sui Sseculi Libri VI., res gestso ab anno 1066 ad
1122; in lucem ex Bibl. Cott. emissit et notas adjccit J. Selden.
Folio. Londini, 1623.
Eadmeri (J. Seldeni Notse et Spicilegium ejusdeni; Opera, Vol. II.)
Alured Beverlacensis Annales, sive historia de gestis Reguni Britanniee :
^ cod. pervetusto in Bib. T. Rawlinson ; cum prsefatione, notis, &c,
T. Hearne. 8vo. Oxonii, 1716.
William of Malmsbury's History of the Kings of England, translated
from the Latin by John Sharp. Folio, large paper. Lond. 1815.
Gulielmi Neubrigensis Historia, sive chronica rerum Anglicarum, ^ cod.
MS. pervetusto in Bibl. D. T. Seabright, Baronetti ; studio et in-
dustria T, Hearne, quse et prseter J. Picardi annotationes suas etiam
notas et spicilegium subjecit : accedunt homilise tres eidem Gulielmo
k viris eruditis adscriptee. 3 vols. 8vo. Oxonii, 1719.
Matthsei Paris Historia Major [a Guil. Conq. ad mortem Hen. III.
anno 1273], et cum Rogeri Wendoveri, Willielmi Rishangeri, &c.
Historia Chronicisque MSS. Accedunt Vita decorum afFarum, mer-
corum, regum, et XXIII. abbatum S. Albani. Edidit cum var. lect.,
adversaria, glossarium, &c. W. Watts. Folio. London, 1640.
Langtoft's (Peter) Chronicle, as illustrated by Robert of Brunne, from
the death of Cadwallader to the end of Edward I.'s reign. Now first
published from a MS. in the Inner Temple Library ; with a glossary
byT. Hearne. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1725.
Robert of Gloucester's Chronicle ; with continuation by the author him-
self. Now first published from two MSS. in the Harleyan and Cot-
tonian Libraries ; with glossary by Thomas Hearne. 2 vols. Svo.
Oxford, 1724.
Triveti (N.) Chronicon, sive annales VI. Regum Angliee ab 1136 ad 1307,
eorumque continuatio ; ut et Adami Muremuthensis chronicon ejus-
dem, continuatione, &c. ; edidit, &c. A.Hall. 8vo. Oxonii, 1719.
Wilhelmi Worcesteri Annales Rerum Anglicarum. (Liber Niger Scac.)
The Polychronicon ; conteyning the berynges and dedes of many tymes
[by " Ranulphus (Higden), monke of Chestre," and translated by
" Johan Trevissa, chapelayn unto Lord Thomas of Barkley.]
95Iacl& letter, folio. Westminster, imprynted by William Caxton,
Mr. Wilson, of Leeds, whoso copy this was, has added the following note.
"The ingenious Mr. Baker writ the above (a copy of the colophon), this
having been his book, and being an imperfect copy, or rather a former im-
pression, this wants the preface and the table of contents at the beginning,
and Mr. Caxton himself added an eighth book, which brings it down to
1482." On the first fly-leavea are a list of the works printed by Caxton,
also in I\Ir. Wilson's hand.
The Polychronicon. Folio, blatfe kttet. Southwerke, imprented by
my Peter Trcveris, at ye expences of John Reynes, boke-seller,
With the MS. notes of Mr. R. Nicolson, A.D. 1589, and map of a survey by
Norden, " impensis R. Nicolson," inserted. This copy was formerly Dr.
Dibdin's : see Typog. Antifi. Vol. 111. p. 41.
Mattheci Westmonasteriensis Flores Historiaruni, prajcipu^ de rebus
Britannicis ab exordio mundi usque ad A.D. 1307 ; et Chronicon
et Chronicus usque ad A.D. 1118, deductum auctorc Florentio Wi-
gorniensi ; cui acccssit continuatio usque ad A.D. 1141. Polio.
Fiancof. 1601,
Froissart's Chronicles of England, &c. (French History.)
Thomae Otterbourne et Jo. Wethamstede [Chronica Regum Anglise], ab
origine gentis Britanniceo usque ad Edwardum IV. : h cod. MSS.
antiqiiiss. nunc primum eruit Tlio. Heame. Accedunt liber de Vita
et Miraculis Henrici VI. per Jo. Blackmannum. 2 vols. 8vo.
Oxonii, 1732.
Diary of Events from 1221 to 1440. (Manuscripts.)
Hardyng's (John) Chronicle ; containing an account of public trans-
actions, from the earliest period of English history to the beginning
of the reign of Edward IV. ; with continuation to the 34th Henry VIII.
by Richard Grafton. With a biographical and literary preface by
Henry Ellis. 4to. London, 1812.
The Cronicles of Englonde ; with the Fruite of Timis. 9l3laclt letter,
small folio, on vellum. At St. Alton's, in the 23d yeer of the
reigne of Kyng Edward IV., and in the yeer of oure Lorde
This copy has the first leaf of the table, commencing' " Here begynnyeth a
schorte and breve tabuU to thes Cronicles ;" the half of k viii is wanting;
L i and ii, and z i and ii, are on paper ; and the last leaf is supplied by a fac-
simile ; otherwise it is perfect. The vellum is very irregular both in
texture and in purity ; and the initial letters, except the commencements of
the prologue and the Chronicle, are certainly printed in red, as described
by Ames. The title, as above, is taken from the colophon, and the date from
the body of the prologue.
Rossi (Jo.) Antiquarii Warwicensis Historia Regum Angliee, h. cod.
MS. descripsit, notisque adornavit T. Heame. Bvo. portrait of
Heame. Oxonii, 1716.
Fabian (the Chronicle of Robert), whiche he nameth the Concordaunce of
Histories newly perused. And continued from the beginnyng of
Kyng Henry the Seventh to the ende of Queene Mary, 1.559.
2 vols, in one, folio, lilacit letter. London, John Kingston, 1559.
Fabian (R.), the Chronicles of England and France, in two parts, named
by him, the Concordance of Histories; reprinted from Pynson's edition
of 1516 ; to which are added, a biographical and literary preface, by
Henry Ellis. 4to. London, 1811.
Polydori Vergilii Anglicse Historise Libr. XXVI. ad Henrieum VII.
Folio. Basilece, 1546.
Rastell's (John) Pastime of People ; or, the Chronicles of divers realms,
and most especially of the realme of England, to Richard III. ;
briefly compiled and imprinted A.D. 1529, now reprinted and sys-
tematically arranged by T. F. Dibdin. 4to. London, 1811.
Lanquet, Cooper, and Crowley's Epitome of Cronicles ; conteyninge the
whole discourse of the histories, as well of this realme of England as
al other countreys ; with the succession of their kinges, the time of
their reigne, and what notable actes they did : gathered out of most
probable auctours. Firste, by Thomas Lanquet, from the beginning
of the worlde to the incarnacion of Christe ; secondely, to the reigne
of King Edward the Sixt, by Thomas Cooper ; and thirdly, to the
reign of Queene Elizabeth, by Robt. Crowley. 4to. blatfe letter.
London, by Thomas Marshe, 1559.
Lillii [or Lilly] (Geo.) Chronicon ; sive, brevis enumeratio regum et prin-
cipum, in quos, variante fortuna, Britannioe imperium diversis tem-
poribus translatum est. 4to. Francofurti, 1565.
•Grafton's (Richartl) Chronicle, or History of England to 1558 ; to which
is added, his table of the bailiffs and mayors of the city of London,
from the year 1189 to 1558, inclusive. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1809.
Holinshed (Raphael), William Harrison, and others' Chronicles, com-
prising the description and historic of England, Ireland, and Scot-
land, augmented and continued (with manifold matters of singular
note and worthie memorie), to the year 1586, by John Hooker, alias
Vowell, gent. Finished in Januarie 1587, with the full continuation
of the former yeares. The castrations supplied by the reprint. 3 vols,
in four, folio. London, by H. Denhani, 1587.
Holinshed's (R.), W. Harrison, and others' Chronicles of England,
Scotland, and Ireland. 6 vols. 4to. London, 1807.
Stowe's (John) Summarie of our Englysh Chronicles, diligently collected
in the yeare of oure Lorde 1566. 13Iac& letter, small 8vo. London,
by Thomas Mar she, 1566.
Stowe's (J.) Summarie of our Englysh Chronicles, augmented with sun-
dry memorable antiquities, and continued with maters forein and
domesticall unto this present yeare 1607 ; by Edmund Howes. 913lacft
letter, small 8vo. London, for the Companie of Stationers, 1607.
. Stowe's (J.) Annales, or a generall Chronicle of England ; continued
and augmented with matters forraigne and domestique, ancient and
moderne, unto the end of tliis present yeere 1631. Folio. London,
Daniel's (Sam.) Collection of the History of England [from the time of
the Romans to the end of the reign of Edward III]. Folio. Lond.
1626. (Kennet's History, Vol. I.)
Daniel. — Trussell's (John) Continuation of Daniel's History to the end
of the dissensions between the Houses of York and Lancaster ; with
the matches and issues of all the kings and nobles of this nation
during these times. Folio. London, 1636.
Warner's (Wm.) Albion's England ; a continued history of the same
kingdome from the originals of the first inhabitants unto and in the
reigne of our Lord King James [in verse] : whereunto is newly added,
an epitome of the whole historie of England. 4to. Lond. \Q\2.
Slatyer's (W.) Pala; Albion; a history of Great Britanie from the first
peopling of this island to the present reigne [a poem, Latin and
English, with historical notes]. Folio, portrait, large paper. Lond.
Speed's (John) History of Create Britaine under the conquests of the
Romans, Saxons, Danes, and Normans ; their originals, manners,
warres, coins, and scales : with the successions, lives, acts, and issues
ojF the English monarchs, from Julius Cjesar to King James. Re-
vised, enlarged, and corrected. Folio. London, 1632.
Baker's (Sir R.) Chronicle of the Kings of England, from the time of the
Romans' Government unto the death of King James : whereunto is
now added, the reign of King Charles 1. [l)y Edward Phillips], and
the first thirteen years of y* reign of King Charles II. [by Sir T.
Clarges.] Revised and corrected. Folio. London, 1684.
Stevenson's (Mat.) Florus Britannicus ; or, an exact Epitome of Ihe
History of England, from William the Conqueror to llie twelfth year
of the reign of Charles U. : illustrated with perfect portraicturcs.
Folio. London, 1662.
Whitlocke's (Sir B.) History of England ; or, Memorials of English
Affairs, from the supposed expedition of Brute to this island to the
end of the reign of King James. Published from the original MS.,
with an introduction by Governor W. Penn : to which is prefixed,
the author's life, and a preface by James Wellwood. Folio. Lond.
Rennet's Complete History of England, from the earliest account of time
[to the death of James I. by various authors; edited by John Hughes
and continued] to the death of William HI. [by Bp. White Kennet].
3 vols, folio. London, 1706.
Rapin's History of England, translated from the French; with continua-
tion to the death of George I. by N. Tindal : illustrated with maps,
genealogical tables, heads, and monuments of the kings, portraits of
eminent persons, and medallic history. 5 vols, folio. London
Carte's (Thos.) General History of England, from the earliest times to
1654, 4 vols, folio, large paper. London, 1747-55.
Swift's (Jonath.) Abstract of the History of England, from the Invasion
of Julius Caesar to the reign of Henry II. (Works, Vol. X.)
Hume's (David) History of England, from the Invasion of Julius C?esar
to the Revolution in 1688 ; and continued by T. Smollett to the
death of George II. 16 vols. 8vo. portraits, and wood-cut illustra-
tions, large paper. London, Wallis, 1803.
History of Great Britain. (Mod. Univ. Hist. Vols. XVII. and XXXVII.)
History of England, to the accession of the House of Hanover. (Mod
Univ. Hist. Vols. XXXIX. and XL.)
Henry's (Robert) History of Great Britain, from the Invasion of Julius
Caesar to the death of Henry VIII. [finished by M. Laing, with life
of the author]. 12 vols. 8vo. London, \%\A.
Henry (R.) — Continuation of the History of Great Britain, to the acces-
sion of James I. ; by J. P. Andrews. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1806.
Lingard's (John) History of England, from the Invasion of the Romans
to the Revolution in 1688. 8 vols. 4to. London, 1819-30.
Turner's (Sharon) History of England, from the Norman Conquest to the
reign of Henry VIII. 4 vols. 4to. London, \%\A-16.
Ayscu's (Edward) Historic ; containing the warres, treaties, marriages,
and other occurrents betweene England and Scotland, from Williarn
the Conqueror until the happy union of them both in King James :
with briefe declaration of the first inhabitants of this island, and what
severall nations have sithence settled themselves therein. 4to.
London, by J. Eld, 1607.
History of the ancient and modern State of the English Borders. (Ni-
colson and Burn's Westmoreland, Vol. I.)
Particular Histories since the Conquest.
Ralegh's (Sir W.) Reign of King William I., entitled the Conqueror.
(Works, Vol. VIII.)
Temi)le's (Sir W.) Introduction to the History of England [an account
of the reign of William the Conqueror]. (Works, Vol. III.)
Lyttleton's (George, Lord) History of King Henry H., and of the age
in which he Hved ; with a history of the revolutions of England, from
Edward the Confessor to Henry HI. 4 vols. 4to. Lond. 1767.
Berrington's (Joseph) History of the Reign of King Henry II., and of
his two Sons ; with a vindication of the life of Thomas a Becket from
the attack of Lord Lyttleton. 4to. Birmingham, 1790.
Benedictus, Abbas Petroburgensis, de Vita et Gestis Henrici II, et
Ricardi I. : ^ cod. MS. in Bib. Harleiana, nunc primus edidit
T. Hearne, 2 vols. 8vo. Oxonii, 1735.
Prynne's (W.) History of King John, Henry III., and Edward I.
(English Records.)
Cotton's (Sir R.) Short View of the Long Life and Reign of Henry III.
(Somers's Tracts, Vol. IV.)
The Siege of Carlaverock, in the XXVIIIth Edward I., A.D. M.CCC ;
with the arms of the carls, barons, and knights, who were present on
the occasion : with a translation, a history of the castle, and memoirs
of the personages commemorated by the poet; by N. H. Nicholas.
The arms illuminated. 4to. London, 1828.
Walteri Hemingford, Canonici de Gisseburne, Historia de Rebus gestis
Edwardi I. II. et III,: accedunt Edwardi III. historia per anony-
mum ; excerpta historica e Tho. Gascoignii Doct. Theologico. E
cod. MSS. nunc primus publicavit Tho. Hearne. 2 vols, 8vo.
Oxonii, 1731.
[Halifax's (Sir Geo. Sackville, Marquess of)] Historical Observations on
the Reigns of Edwards I. and II., and Richard I.; with remarks
upon their faithful counsellors and false favourites : written by a
person of honour. Small 8vo. London, 1689.
Johannis de Trokelowe Annales Edwardi II., Henrici do Blandeforde
Chronica, et Edwardi II., Vita a Monacho quodam Malmcsburiensi
fus^ enarrata: e cod. MSS, nunc primus devulgavit T, Hearne.
Bvo. Oxonii, 1729.
Roberti de Avesbury Historia de mirabilibus Gestis Edwardi III. : ^ cod.
MSS. edidit T. Hearne. 8vo. Oxonii, 1720.
Barnes' (Joshua) History of King Edward III., and Edward tlie Black
Prince. Folio. Cambridge, 1688.
Bree's (John) Cursory Sketch of the State of the Naval, Military, and
Civil Establishment, Legislative, Judicial, and Domestic Economy of
this Kingdom, during the fourteenth century ; with a particular
account of the campaign of King Edward the Third in Normandy
and France, in the years 1345 and 1346, to the taking of Calais.
Collected from the ancient manuscripts in the British Museum and
elsewhere. (Vol. I. all imblishcd.) 4to. London, 1791.
History of the Reigns of Richard II., Henry IV. V. and VI. (Kennet,
Vo"l. I.)
Historia Vitse et Regni Ricardi II., Angliw Regis, a Monacho quodam do
Evesham consignata : 6 cod. MS. nunc primus edidit T. Hearne.
8vo. Oxonice, 1729.
Biondi's (Sir Jo. Fr.) History of the Civil Wars of England between the
ILmiscs of Lancaster and York, translated by Henry Earl of Mon-
mouth. Folio. London, 1641.
[Halle's (Edw.)] The Unyon of the Twoo Noble and Illustre Families of
Lancastre and Yorke, beyng long in continuall Discension for the
Croune of this noble realme ; with al the actes done in both the
tymes of the princes, both of the one lynage, and of the other, begin-
nyng at the tyme of Kynge Henry the Fourthe, the first aucthor of
thys devision, and so successively proceeding to y" raygne of the high
and prudent prince, Kynge Henry the Eyghte, the indubitate floure
and very heyre of both the sayde linages. 93Iac& letter, folio. Lond.
hij R. Grafton, 1550.
Halle's (E.) Chronicle; containing the History of England during the
reign of Henry the Fourth and the succeeding monarchs, to the end
of the reign of Henry the Eighth ; in which are particularly described
the manners and customs of those periods : carefully collated with the
editions of 1548 and 1550. 4to. London, 1809.
Titi Livii Foro-Juliensis Vita Henrici V. Regis Anglise ; accedit syl-
loge epist. e variis Anglise principibus scriptorum : e codicibus edidit.
8vo. Oxon. 1716.
Thomse de Elmham Vita et Gesta Henr. V. Anglorum Regis : e cod.
MS. primus luci publicse dedit T. Hearne. Oxon. 1727.
Luders's (Alex.) Essay on the Chai-acter of Henry V. when Prince of
Wales. 8vo. London, 1813.
Blackmanni (J.) Vita et Miracula Henrici VI. (Hearne's Thomas of
Nicolas's (Sir Harris) Proceedings of the Privy Council in the reign of
Henry VI., from the original MS. in the British Museum. 2 vols.
8vo. London, 1832.
Life of Bp. William Waynflete, Lord Chancellor in the reign of Henry VI.
and Founder of Magdalene College, Oxford, by R. Chandler [edited
by C. Lambert]. 8vo. London, 1811.
Beckington's (Bp.) Journal of his Embassy to negotiate the Marriage
between Henry VI. and a Daughter of the Count Armagnac, A.D.
1442 : edited by Sir N. H. Nicholas. 8vo. London, 1828.
Habington's (John) Reign of King Edward IV. (Kennet, Vol. I.)
More's (Sir T.) Lives of King Edward V. and Richard III. (Kennet,.
Vol. I.)
More's (Sir T.) History of King Richard III. (More's Life by Cayley.)
More's (Sir T.) History of King Richard III. ; new edition, revised and
corrected [with a preface by S. W. Singer]. Large paper, royal 8vo.
London, 1821.
Buck's (Geo.) Life of King Richard III. (Kennet, Vol. I.)
Walpole's (Horace) Historic Doubts on the Life and Reign of King
Richard HI. ; with supplement, postscript, and remarks on some
answers made to them. (Orford's Works, Vol. II.)
Hutton's (W.) Battle of Bosworth Field, between Richard III. and
Henry Earl of Richmond, 1485 ; with its consequences, the fall,
treatment, and character of Richard, and a history of his life till he
assumed the regal power ; with additions by John Nichols. 8vo.
London, 1813.
Bacon's (Lord) Life of King Henry VII. (Kennet, Vol. I., and Works.
Vol. HI.)
Bacon's (Lord) Henry VIII. (Works, Vol. VI.)
Herbert of Cherbury's (Lord) Life and Reign of King Henry VIII.
Folio. London, 1633.
Thomson's (Mrs. A. T.) Memoirs of the Court of Henry VIII. 2 vols.
8vo. London, 1826.
Literse perplures de Rebus gestis in partem nostris septentrionalibus,
A.D. 1523-4. (Hearne's Tho. of Otterbourne.)
The Determinations of the moste famous and moaste excellent Universities
of Italy andi Fraunce, that it is unlefull for a man to marie his
brother's wyfe ; that the Pope hath no power to dispence therewith.
Small Bvo. secretary type. London, T. Berthelet, 1531.
Tyndall's (W.) Practyse of Prelates : whether the Kynge's Grace maye
be separated from his Quene, because she was his brother's wyfe.
Macfe letter, small 8vo. Marborch, M.CCCCC.XXX.
" Take," says Strype, referring to the above, " some description of tlie court
craft of Cardinal Wolsey irovc. the relation of a notable man who lived in his
time." (Memorials, Vol. I. p. 189.)
Wyat's (Geo.) Extracts from the Life of the virtuous, Christian, and
renowned Queen Anne Boleigne ; written at the close of the XVIth
century, and now first printed. 4to. portraits. London, 1817.
An Account of Queen Anne Bullen, from a MS. in the handwriting of
Sir Roger Twesden, Bart. 1623. 8vo. London,
Flodden. — Hereafter ensue the Trewe Encountre or Batayle lately don
betwene Englande and Scotlande ; in which batayle the Scottsshe
Kynge was slayne. 4to. blacit UiXtt, on vellum, only six copies
printed. London, imprinted by R. Faques, [reprinted 1809.]
Wolsey's (Cardinal) Life, by George Cavendish ; with notes and illus-
trations by S. W. Singer : [together with Jos. Hunter's, who wrote
Cavendish's Life of Wolsey.] 2 vols. 8vo. large paper. Chiswick,
Wolsey's (Cardinal) Life, by Richard Fiddes. Folio, large paper.
London, 1724.
Wolsey's (C), History of his Life and Times, collected from ancient
records, MSS., and historians [by J. Grove]. 4 vols. 8vo. London,
[Hunter (Joseph), who wrote] Cavendish's Life of Wolsey. 4to. Lond.
Storer's (Thos.) Life and Death of Cardinal Wolsey (in verse). London,
1599. (Heliconia.)
[Godwin (Edwardi)] Rerum Anglicarum, Henrico VIII., Edwardo VI.,
et Maria, regnantibus, Annales. 4to. Londini, 1628.
With the autograph of Sir Edward Dering.
Godwyn's (Francis) Annales of England ; containing the reigns of
Henry VIII., Edward VI., and Queen Mary; translated from the
Latin, corrected and enlarged, with the author's consent, by Morgan
Godwyn. Folio. London, 1630.
230i««ito««£ HISTORY.
Hayward's (Sir John) Life and Raigne of King Edward VI. Folio.
London, 1630. (Kennet, Vol. II.)
King Edward VI. — The Journal of his Reign, written with his own hand.
(Burnet's Reformation, and Walpole's Royal and Noble Authors.)
Patten's (William) Expedicion into Scotlande of the most woorthely
fortunate Prince Edward, Duke of Soomerset, vncle vnto our most
noble Sovereign Lord ye Kinge's Majestie Edward the VI., Go-
vournour of hys Hyghnes' persone, and Protectour of hys Grace's
realmes, dominions, and subjectes, set out by way of diarie. Small
8vo. lilacfe letter. London, by Richard Grafton, 1548.
Life of Sir John Cheke, first Instructor, and afterwards Secretary of
State to Edward VI., by J. Strype. 8vo. Oxford, 1821.
Howard's (Geo.) Lady Jane Grey and her Times. 8vo. Lond. 1822.
Camden's (Wm.) Historic of Queen Elizabeth, composed by way of
annals, [now translated by R. N.] Folio, port. London, 1630.
(Kennet, Vol. II.)
Camdeni (Guil.) Annales Rerum Anglicarum et Hibernicarum regnante
Elizabetha: e cod. prseclaro Smithiano, propria auctoris manu cor-
recti, multisque magni momenti additionibus locupletati, emit edidit-
que T. Hearnius, qui et alium cod. e Bib. Rawlinsoniana adhibuit.
3 vols. 8vo. two ports, of Queen Elizabeth. [Oxon.l 1717.
Aikin's (Lucy) Memoirs of the Court of Queen Elizabeth. 2 vols. 8vo.
London, 1826.
Birch's (Thos.) Memoirs of the Reign of Elizabeth, from the year 1581
till her death : in which the secret intrigues of her court, and the
conduct of the Earl of Essex, are particularly illustrated, from the
original papers of Anthony Bacon, his particular friend, and other
MSS. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1754.
Bacon's (Lord) Felicity of Queen Elizabeth and her Times. (Works,
Vols. III. and XL)
The Passage of our most drad Soveraigne Lady, Quene Elizabeth,
through the citie of London to Westminster, the day before her Coro-
nation, anno 1558. 4to. MS. A transcript of the tract printed by
The Progresses and public Processions of Queen Elizabeth ; now first
printed from original MSS., or scarce pamphlets, of the times, with
notes, &c. by John Nichols. 3 vols. 4to. London, 1788-1805.
Naunton's (Sir R.) Fragmenta Regalia : Memoirs of Elizabeth, and her
Court and Favourites. A new edition, collated with the MS. copies
in the British Museum ; with notes, and a memoir of the author.
8vo. portraits. London, 1824.
Naunton's Fragmenta Regalia, with explanatory annotations ; and
Memoirs of Robert Carey, Earl of Monmouth, written by himself.
8vo. Edinburgh, 1808.
An Epistle of Hieron. Osorius, Bp. of Arcoburge, in Portugale, to Queen
Elizabeth, or a Pearle for a Prynce ; translated oute of Latten by
Richard Shacklock. Small Svo. Antwerp, by JEyidius Diest, 1565.
Mr. Cole's copy, with his MS. notes.
Norton (Thos.), a Warning against the dangerous Practices of the Papistes;
and especially the Partners in the late [Earls of Westmoreland and
Northumberland's] Rebellion. Small 8vo. iblacfe letter. London, by
John Daye, 1569.
[Laneham's (Rich.)] Letter, wherein part of the entertainment untoo
the Queen's Majestie at Killingworth Castl, in Warvvicksheer, in this
soomer's progress, 1575, is signified ; from a freend officer attend-
ant on the court, unto his freend, a citizen and merchant of London,
1575. 4to. MS. a transcript of the printed tract.
The Estate of the English Fugitives under the King of Spaine and his
Ministers ; containing besides, a discourse on the said king's manner
of government, and the injustice of many late dishonorable practices
by him contrived. [4to. Lond. 1595.] (Sadler's State Papers,
Vol. III.)
[Walpole's (Richard)] Discoverie and Confutation of a Tragical Fic-
tion, devysed and played by Edward Squyer, yeoman soldiar, hanged
at Tyburne, the 23 of Nouemb. 1598, &c., written by A. M. Freest.
Small 8vo. \^Abroad'\, ivith license, 1599.
Chandos' (Lord) Speeches delivered to Queen Elizabeth on her visit to
Giles Brydges, Ix)rd Chandos, at Sudely Castle, in Gloucestershire ;
edited by Sir Egerton Brydges, 4to. Lee Priory, 1815.
Life of Sir Thos. Smith, principal Secretary of State to Edward VI. and
Queen Elizabeth, by J. Strype. 8vo. Oxford, 1820.
Life of Sir W. Cecil, Lord Burghley, Treasurer in the reign of Queen
Elizabeth, by Arthur Collins. 8vo, large paper. Londoii, IH 32.
Memoirs of the Life and Administration of William Cecil, Lord Burghley ;
containing an historical view of the times in which he lived, and of
the eminent persons with whom he was connected ; by Edward Nares,
3 vols. 4to. London, 1828-31.
Leycester's (Earl of) Commonwealth; conceived, spoken, and published
with good will and affection towards this realm, for whose good only
it is made common to many. 4to. Printed 1641.
Life of Robert, Earl of Leicester, the favourite of Queen Elizabeth, drawn
from original writers and records [by John Jebb]. 8vo. large paper,
portrait by Vertue. London, Mil .
Sidney's (Sir P.) Defence of the Earl of Leicester ;— Letter to Queen
Elizabeth. (Misc. Works.)
Bacon's (Lord) Papers relative to the Earl of Essex, &c. (Works,
Vol. VI.)
Melvil of Halhil's (Sir James) Memoirs ; containing an account of the
alfairs of state, not mentioned by other historians, relating to Eng-
land and Scotland, under Queen Elizabeth, Mary Queen of Scots,
and King James, published from tlie original MS., by Geo. Scott.
Svo. Edin. 1752.
Osborne's (Fr.) Traditionall Memorialls in the Reigns of Queen Eliza-
beth and King James I. (Secret History of King James.)
Jonston (Robcrti) Historia Rerum Britannicarum, ut et multarum Gal-
lariim, Belgicarum, et Gcrmannicaruni, tarn politicarum (juam ecclc-
siasticarum, ab anno 1572 ad 1628. Folio. Aynstclodatni, 1655.
Ilopkirison's (J.) Collection of several Passages in the latter cud of Eliza-
beth's Reign and that of James I. (Manuscripts.)
.Camden's (Wm.) Annals of King James. (Kennet, Vol. II.)
Wilson's (Arthur) History of King James. (Kennet, Vol. II.)
Aikin's (Lucy) Memoirs of the Court of King James I. 2 vols. 8vo.
London, 1822.
Secret History of the Court of King James ; with notes and introductory
remarks [by Sir W. Scott]. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb. 1811.
W[eldon's] (Sir A.) Court and Character of James. Small 8vo. port,
inserted. London, 1650.
[Sanderson's (W.)] Aulicus Coquinanise ; or, the Character of him
[Weldon] who satyrized King James and his Court. (Secret History
of James.)
D'Israeli's (I.) Inquiry into the Literary and Political Character of
James I. 8vo. Land. 1816.
Coke's (Roger) Detection of the Court and State of England during and
from the Reign of James I. to the death of Queen Anne; consisting
of private memoirs, &c., wherein are many secrets not before made
public ; as also a more impartial account of the civil wars than has
yet been given, 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1719.
Brook's (Sir Fulke Greville, Lord) Five Yeares of King James ; or, the
Condition of the State of England, and the relation it had to other
provinces. 4to. Lond. 1643.
Truth brought to Light and discovered by Time ; or, a Discourse and
Historical Narration of the first XIV. Yeares of King James's reigne.
4to. front. &c. London, 1651.
The Connexion ; being a choice Collection of some principal matters in
King James's reign, which may serve to supply the vacancy between
Townsend and Rushworth's Historical Collections. 8vo. Lo7id. 1681.
Vicars's (John) Mischeefe's Mysterie ; or. Treason's Master-piece, the
Powder-Plot, invented by hellish malice, prevented by heavenly
mercy, truly related : from the Latin of Dr. Herring, translated and
very much dilated. 4to. London, 1617.
The Gunpowder Treason ; with the manner of its discovery, and the pro-
ceedings against the conspirators. 8vo. Lond. 1679.
See other tracts on this subject in the Harleian Miscellany.
Cotton's (Sir R.) Choice Narrative of Count Gondomar's Transactions
during his Embassy in England. 4to. port, of Gondomar. London,
Bacon's (Lord) Tracts relating to England. (Works, Vol. V.)
Bacon's (Lord) Charges against Oliver St. John, Earl of Somerset ;
Advice to Sir Geo. Villiers, &c. (Works, Vol. VI.)
Ralegh's (Sir W.) Discourse touching a Match propounded by the Sa-
voyan, between the Lady Elizabeth and the Prince of Piedmont;
and on the Marriage between Prince Henry and a Daughter of Savoy.
(Works, Vol. VIII.)
Dekker (Thomas), the magnificent Entertainment given to King James,
Quene Anne his wife, and the Prince Henry, upon the day of his
majcstie's triumphant passage through his honourable citieof Loudon,
15th March, 1603. 4to. Lond. 1604.
The Royal Entertainment of the Right Honourable the Earle of Notting-
ham, sent ambassador from his Maiestie to the King of Spaine. 4to.
blacfe letter. London, 1605.
Relation of the late Entertainment of the Right Hon. Lord Roos,
his majestie's ambassador extraordinarie to the King of Spaine, his
entrie into Madrid, his first audience at the court there. 4to.
London, 1617.
True Relation and Journall of the manner of the arrlvall, and magnifi-
cent entertainment given to the high and mighty Prince, Charles
Prince of Great Britain, by the King of Spaine in his court at Ma-
drid. Published by authority. 8vo. Ports, of Charles by Delaram,
and of Buckingham by Dolle, inserted. London, 1623.
Wynni (D. Rich.) Baronetti Narratio Hist, de Caroli, Wallise Principis,
Famulorum in Hispaniam Itinere A.D. 1623. (Hearne's Rich. II.)
Nichols (John), the Progresses, Processions, and magnificent Festivities
of King James I., his Royal Consort, Family and Court; collected
from original MSS., scarce pamphlets, &c. ; comprising masques
and entertainments, civic pageants, original letters, and annotated
lists of the peers, baronets, and knights, who received those honours
during this reign. 4 vols. 4to. London, 1828.
Life and Death of Henry Prince of Wales. Small 8vo. Lond. 1641.
Benger's Memoirs of Elizabeth Stuart, Queen of Bohemia, daughter of
James I, (Hist, of Germany.)
Life of Sir W. Ralegh, by Arth. Cayley. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1806.
Sanderson's (W.) History of the Life and Raigne of King Charles I.
[edited by James Howell]. Folio, portrait of Charles by Faithorne.
London, 1658.
Warwick's (Sir Ph.) Memoirs of the Reign of Charles I. ; with continu-
ation to the Restoration. 8vo. London, \1Q\.
D'Israeli's (I.) Commentaries on the Life and Reign of Charles I.
5 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1828-31.
History and Life of Charles I. (Kennet, V^ol. III.)
Rushworth's Historical Collections. (Documentary History.)
Nalson's (Jo.) Impartial Collection of the great Affairs of State, from
1639 to the death of King Charles I. 2 vols, folio. London,
Whitelock's (Sir B.) Memorials of English Affairs, from the begin-
ning of the reign of Charles I. to the Restauration ; containing
the publick transactions, civil and military, together with the private
consultations and secrets of the cabinet. Folio. The suppressed
passages restored. London, 1732.
Bulstrode's (Sir R.) Memoirs and Reflections on the reign of Charles I.;
containing remarkable facts not mentioned by other historians of
those times. 8vo. London, 1721.
May's (Thos.) History of the Parliament of England which began Nov. 3,
1640; with a short and necessary view of some preceding years.
[Edited, with Preface and Appendix, containing the declarations of
both houses of parliament, with the king's answers; from Husband's
Collection, by Baron Maseres.] 4to. London, \%\2.
II ii
Ludlow's (Edmund) Letters to Sir Edward Seymour, comparing; the
oppressive government of King Charles L in the first four years of
his reign, with that of the four years of the reign of King James IL,
and vindicating the parliament begun in 1640. [Published by Baron
Maseres.] 4to. London, 1812.
Letters from Charles L in his confinement, and Charles II. in his exile,
and other papers relating to the history of that time. (Barwick's
Case of Charles I, and other original Papers. (Ludlow's Memoirs.)
Powell's (Robert) Parallel of Charles I. and Alfred the Great, until
1634. (Powell's Life of Alfred.)
Essay towards attaining a true State of the Character and Reign of
Charles I., and the causes of the Civil War. 8vo. London, 1780.
Weldon's (Sir A.) Character of the Court of Charles I, unto the begin-
ning of these unhappy times ; with observations upon him, instead of
a character. (Secret Hist, of King James.)
Serre (le Sr. de la), Histoire de I'Entree de la Reyne [Mary de Medicis]
mere du Roy tres Chretien, dans la Grande Bretagne, 1639. Re-
printed from the original, with Plates, Introduction, and Notes, by
Richard Gough. 4to. large paper. London, 1775.
Life of Archbishop Williams, Lord Keeper in the reigns of James I. and
Charles I., containing some remarkable occurrences of those times;
by Amb. Philips. 8vo. Cambr. 1700.
The Life and Times of WilHam Laud, Abp. of Canterbury; by John
Parker Lawson. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1829.
Pym's (John) Speech or Declaration to the Lords of the Upper House upon
the delivery of the Articles against W. Laud, Abp. of Canterbury ;
together with a true copy of the Articles. 4to. Port, of Pym l3y
Glover, and of Laud by Passe, inserted. Lond. 1641.
Mercurius Aulicus ; a Diurnall communicating the Intelligence and
Affairs of the Court to the rest of the kingdom, from January 1 to
December 30, 1642. 4to. Oxford, 1642.
Libellus de Caroli I. ab urbe Oxoniensi fuga sive decessu, e cod.
MS. nunc primus publicavit T. Hearne. (Hearne's Walter de
[Ryves (Bruno)] Mercurius Rusticus ; or, the Countrie's Complaint of
the barbarous outrages committed by tlie sectaries of this late flou-
rishing kingdom : with a chronology of the battles, sieges, and other
remarkable passages of this unnatural war, to the 25th March, 1646.
8vo. Lond. 1685.
Hampden. — Nugent (Lord), some Memorials of John Hampden, his
party, and his times. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1832.
Fairfax's (Thos. Lord) Short Memorialls during the War from 1642 to
1644. Small 8vo. port, by Worlidge inserted. London, 1699.
Dugdale's (Sir W.) Perfect Narrative of the Treaty of Uxbridge, 1644.
(Troubles in Eng.)
[Carter's (Mat.)] most true and exact Relation of that as honourable as
unfortunate Expedition of Kent, Essex, and Colchester, by M. C, a
loyal actor in that engagement, anno 1648. Small 8vo. Printed
This records particulars not noticed by Clarendon or other historians.
[Birch (Thos.)] an Inquiry into the share which King Charles I. had in
the transactions of the Earl of Glamorgan, afterwards of Worcester,
for bringing over Irish rebels to assist that king in 1645-6. 8vo.
London, 1747.
Carte's (Thos.) History of the Duke of Ormond. (Charles II.)
Milton (John) on the Articles of Peace between James Earl of Ormond,
for King Charles I. on the one hand, and the Irish rebels and papists
on the other. (Prose Works, 4to. Vol. I. ; 8vo. Vol. II.)
Reliquiee Sacrse Carolinae ; the Works of that great monarch King
Charles I., both civil and sacred: with a view of his hfe and reign,
from his birth to his buriall. 8vo. Hague,
Eikon Basilike, the Portraicture of his sacred Majestie in his solitude and
sufferings. (Charles I.'s Works.)
Eikonoklastes, in Answer to Eikon Basilike, by John Milton. (Prose
Works, 4to. Vol. I. ; Svo. Vols. II. and III.)
Fellowes' (W. D.) Historical Sketches of Charles I., Cromwell, Charles II.,
and the principal personages of that period ; including the king's
trial and execution : to which is annexed, an account of the sums
exacted by the commonwealth from the royalists, and the names of
those who compounded for their estates. 4to. London {Paris), 1828.
Peyton (Sir E.), the Divine Catastrophe of the kingly family of the
House of Stuart ; or, a short history of the rise, reigne, and ruine
thereof. (Secret History of King James.)
Milton (John) pro Populo Anglicano Defensiones contra Salmasium et
A. Morem. (Prose Works, 4to. Vol. II. ; 8vo. Vol. V.)
Milton's (J.) pro Populo Anglicano, &c., translated by Washington.
(Prose W^orks, 4to. Vol. I. ; Svo. Vol. HI.)
Clarendon's (Edward Hyde, Earl of) History of the Rebellion and Civil
Wars in England ; to which is added, a view of the affairs in Ire-
land. New edition, exhibiting a faithful collation of the original MS.,
with all the suppressed passages ; also, the unpublished Notes of
Bp. Warburton. [Edited by Dr. Bandinel.] 8 vols. 8vo. Oxford,
Clarendon (E. H. Earl of), a Supplement to the History of the Grand
Rebellion; containing the tracts, speeches, letters, &c. mentioned in
the said history : with ports, of the great men on both sides. 8vo.
London, 1717.
Clarendon (E. H., Earl of), Life of; being a continuation of the His-
tory of the Grand Rebellion, from the Restoration to his banishment
in 1667; written by himself. 3 vols. Svo. Oxford, 1761.
Ellis's (G. A.) [Lord Dover] Historical Inquiries respecting the character
of Edward Hyde, E. of Clarendon, Lord Chancellor of England.
Svo. London, 1827.
[Oldmixon's (John) History of England during the reign of the royal
house of Stuart ; wherein the errors of Uitc liistories [Clarendon, &c.]
are discovered and corrected. Folio. Land. 1730.
Burton (John), the Genuineness of Lord Clarendon's History of the Re-
bellion vindicated, and Mr. Oldmixon's Slander confuted. Svo. Ox-
ford, 1744.
Burton's (Rich.) Wars in England, Scotland, and Ireland, and other
remarkable transactions, revolutions, and accidents, which hap-
pened from the beginning of the reign of Charles I. to the Restora-
tion. 4to. large paper. Reprint, Westminster, ISIO.
Dugdale's (Sir W.) View of the late Troubles in England ; also, some
parallel thereof with the Barons' wars in the time of Henry III. ; but
chiefly with that in France called the Holy League, in the reign of
Henry III. and IV. Folio. Oxford, 1681.
Heath's (James) Brief Chronicle of the late intestine War in England,
Scotland, and Ireland ; with the intervening affairs, as also the se-
veral usurpations, foreign wars, differences, and interests depending
upon it, to the happy restitution of King Charles II,, with all the
memorable affairs since his time. 4 vols, small 8vo. With the por-
traits, &c. Narcissus Lutterel's copy, with his autograph. London,
Tragicum Theatrum Actorum, et Casuum Tragicorum Londini publice
celebratorum, quibus Hibernise Proregi, Episcopo Cantuariensi, ac
tandem Regi ipsi, aliisque vita adempta, et ad Anglicanum metamor-
phosin via est aperta. Small Svo. fine impressions of the portraits,
&c. Amst. ap. Jansonum, 1649.
Winstanley (Wm.), the Loyal Martyrology ; or, brief Catalogues and
Characters of the most eminent persons who suffered for their con-
science during the late times of rebellion, by death, imprisonment,
&c. Small Svo. front. &c. and port, of Cromwell by Stent, inserted.
London, 1665.
Catalogue of the Lords, Knights, and Gentlemen, that have compounded
for their estates. Small Svo. London, 1665.
Lilly's (W.) Monarchy or no Monarchy in England ; — Grebner his Pro-
phecy concerning Charles the son of Charles ; — Passages upon the
Life and Death of the late King Charles ; — Enigmatical Types of the
future state and condition of England. 4to. London, 1651.
Walker (Clement), the Compleat History of Independency upon the
Parliament begun 1640, and continued till this present year, 1660,
byT. M. 4to. London, \m\.
" Exlibris Petri Lejcesterde Tabley."— MS. Note.
Baillie's (Robt.) Letters and Journals; containing the public transac-
tions, civil, ecclesiastical, and military, both in England and Scot-
land, from 1637 to 1662 [by Robert Aiken]. 2 vols. Svo. The Rox-
burgh copy. Edinburgh, 1775.
Whitelock's (Sir B.) Journal of the Swedish Embassy, in 1653-4, from
the Commonwealth ; with an Appendix of original papers. [Edited
from the Whitelock papers by Dr. Morton.] 2 vols. 4to. London,
Ludlow's (Edmund) Memoirs ; with a collection of original papers,
serving to confirm and illustrate many important passages contained
therein, and the case of Charles I. 4to. Lond. 1771.
Original Memoirs, written during the great Civil War, with Notes, &c.
[by Sir W. Scott]. Svo. Edinb. 1806. Vid. :~
Life of Sir Henry Slingsby,
Memoirs of Captain John Hodgson,
Relations of the Campaigns of Oliver Cromwell in Scotland in
1650, published from the originals, by order of Parliament.
Hutchinson's (Lucy) Memoirs of Col. Hutchinson, Governor of Notting-
ham Castle and Town, representative of the county in the long
parliament, and of the town in the first parliament of Charles H.;
with anecdotes of his contemporaries, and a summary view of public
affairs. Published from the original MSS. by Julius Hutchinson.
To which is prefixed, a short memoir of her own life, written by her-
self. 4to. London, 1806.
Lilly's (W.) History of his Life and Times, from 1602 to 81. Small 8vo.
London, 1715.
Life of John Milton. (Works, Vol. L)
Godwin's (W.) Lives of Edward and John Philips, nephews and pupils
of Milton ; including various particulars of the literary and political
history of their times. 4to. Londoji, 1815.
Godwin's (William) History of the Commonwealth of England, from its
commencement to the restoration of Charles H, 5 vols. 8vo. Lond.
[Stace's (M.)] Cromwelliana ; a chronological detail of events in which
Oliver Cromwell was engaged, from 1642 to his death in 1658 :
with a continuation of other transactions to the Restoration. Folio,
large paper. Westminster, 1810.
D[awbeny's] (H.) Historic and Policie reviewed, in the heroick transac-
tions of his most Serene Highnesse Oliver, late Lord Protector, from
his cradle to his tomb ; declaring his steps to princely perfection, as
they are drawn in parallels to the ascents of the great patriarch
Moses in thirty degrees, to the height of honour. 8vo. portrait of
Cromwell by Glover inserted. London, 1659.
Peck's (Fr.) Memoirs of the Life and Actions of Oliver Cromwell, as
delivered in three panegyrics of him written in Latin : the first, by
Don Juan Roderiguez de Saa Meneses, Conde de Penaguiano, the
Portugal Ambassador ; the second, by a certain Jesuit, the Lord
Ambassador's chaplain ; yet both, as it is thought, by John Milton,
as was the third : the whole illustrated with a preface, notes, and a
collection of divers curious historical pieces relating to Cromwell, &c.
4to. London, 1740.
Noble's (Mark) Memoirs of the Protectoral House of Cromwell ; with
the lives of such persons as were distinguished by the Cromwells witli
honours and great employments. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1789.
Cromwell (Oliver), Memoir of the Protector, and of his sons Richard
and Henry, illustrated by original letters and other family papers.
4to. Lond. 1820.
Burton's (Thomas) Diary of the Parliaments of Oliver and Richard
Cromwell, from 1656 to 1659, published from tlie original MS.;
with an introduction containing an account of the parliament of 1654,
from the journal of Giljbon Goddard, M.P., also now first published.
Edited and illustrated with notes, historical and biographical, by
J. T. Rutt. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1828.
The French Charity ; written upon occasion of Prince Harcourt's coming
into England. Small 8vo. London, 1655.
Manifesto of the Lord Protector against the Spaniards, 1655. (Milton's
Prose Works, 4to. Vol. II., 8vo. Vols. V.)
Court and Kitchen of Elizabeth, commonly called Joan Cromwell, the
wife of the late Usurper, truly described and represented. (Secret
Hist, of King James.)
Cowley's (Abr.) Discourse, by way of vision, concerning the Govern-
ment of Oliver Cromwell. (Works, Vol. III.)
[Fiennes' (Nath.)] Monarchy asserted to be the best, most ancient, and
legal form of Government ; in a conference held at Whitehall with
Oliver Cromwell and a committee of Parliament, and made good by
their arguments. Small 8vo. London, printed \Q1 9.
Titus's (Col.) Killing no Murder. 4to. London, reprinted 1689.
[Hawke's (Mich.)] Killing is Murder ; [or an answer to the above.] 4to.
London, 1657.
[Evelyn's (John)] Apology for the Royal Party ; with a touch at the
pretended " Plea for the Army." (Misc. Works.)
May's (Thos.) Epitome of English History ; wherein arbitrary govern-
ment is displayed to the life, in the illegal transactions of the late
times under Oliver Cromwell; being a parallel to the four years'
reign of the late King James [II]. Small 8vo. London, 1690.
Withers' (Geo.) Fides Anglicana ; or, a plea for the public faith of these
nations, lately pawned, forfeited, and violated by some of their former
trustees. 8vo. London, 1660.
History of his sacred Majesty Charles II., begun from the murder of his
royal father, and continued to the present year, 1660 ; by a Person
of Quality. 8vo. London, 1660.
An Account of the Preservation of King Charles II. after the Battle of
Worcester [dictated by himself to Mr. Sam. Pepys]. To which are
added, his letters to several persons ; [edited by D. Dalrymple,
Lord Hailes.] 8vo. Edinburrjh, 1801.
The Royal Pilgrimage; or, the progresse and travels of Charles II.
through the most and greatest courts of Europe. 4to. London,
England's Joy ; or, a relation of the most remarkable passages from his
majesty's arrival at Dover to his entrance at Whitehall. 4to. 1660.
(Harleian Misc. Vol. III.)
A Collection of his Majesty's gracious Letters, Speeches, Messages, and
Declarations, since April 4, 1660. 4to, London, 1660.
History of the Reign of Charles II. from the Restoration to 1667. (Life
of Clarendon.)
The History and Life of King Charles II. (Kennet, Vol. III.)
History of the Reign of Charles II. (Burnet's Own Times, Vols. I.
and II.)
Bulstrode's (Sir R.) Memoirs and Reflections upon tlie Reign and
Government of Charles II. 8vo. London, 1110.
The Secret History of the Court and Reig:n of Charles II., by a member
of his privy council [from a MS. belonging to the Earl of Chatham].
To which are added, introductory sketches of the preceding period,
from the accession of James I. ; with notes, and a supplement con-
tinuing the narrative to the Revolution, by the editor. 2 vols. 8vo.
London, 1792.
Hamilton (Ant.), Memoires du Comte de Grammont, augmentees des
notes et des eclaircissemens necessaires, par M. Horace Walpole.
4to. Strawbernj Hill, 1772.
Hamilton's (A.) Memoirs of Count Grammont; with biographical sketch
of Count Hamilton [illustrated with notes by Sir W. Scott, &c.] and
64 portraits. 2 vols. 4to. large paper, proofs. London, 1811.
Carte's (Thomas) History of the Life of James Duke of Ormonde, from
1610 to 1688 ; with a collection of state letters. 3 vols, folio. Lond.
Diary of Lord Rochester during his Embassy in Poland in 1676.
(Clarendon's Letters.)
Dryden's (John) Translation of the Third Book of Maimbourg's History
of the League, with advertisement and postscript : intended as a
parallel to the Solemn League and Covenant. (Works, Vol. XVII, )
Letters of Lady Rachel Russell, from the MS. in Woburn Abbey, [by
Thomas Selwood] : to which is prefixed an introduction, vindicating
the character of Lord Russell against Sir John Dalrymple ; and an
account of the trial of Lord William Russell for high treason. 8vo.
London, 1792.
Life, Trial, &c. of Algernon Sydney. (Sydney on Government.)
A True Relation of the late King's [Charles II.] Death : to which are
added, copies of two papers written by him, found in the strong box.
(Somers's Tracts, Vol. VIII.)
Reresby's (Sir John) Travels and Memoirs ; the former during Cromwell's
usurpation, the latter containing anecdotes and secret history of the
courts of Charles II. and James II. Imp. 8vo. large paper. Lond.
Jones's (D.) Secret History of Whitehall, from the restoration of
Charles II. to the abdication of King James II. Small 8vo. Lond.
North's (Roger) Life of Lord Keeper North. (Biography.)
Pepys (Memoirs of S.), Secretary to the Admiralty in the reigns of
Charles II. and James II. ; comprising his diary from 1659-69, and a
selection from his private correspondence : edited by Lord Bray-
brooke. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1825.
Fox (Memoirs of the Life of Sir Stephen) [domestic servant to King
Charles II. during his exile, and one of the Lords of the Treasury
for twenty-two years in his majestie's and the three successive reigns].
Large paper, with two impressions of the portrait. Folio. London,
reprint, 1807.
Wynne's (W.) Life of Sir Leoline Jenkins [plenipotentiary for the peace
ofNimeguen, and one of the secretaries to Charles II]. To which
is added, a complete series of letters, wherein arc related the most
remarkable transactions of his time, both foreign and domestic.
2 vols, folio. London, 1724.
Evelyn's (John) Diary from 1641 to 1705-6 ; and a selection of familiar
letters. (Memoirs.)
Thoresby's (Ralph) Diary from 1677 to 1724; edited from the original
MS. by Joseph Hunter. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1830.
Social Life in England and France from the Restoration of Charles II.
to July 1830; by the editor of Madame du DefFand's Letters.
2 vols. 8vo. London, 1831.
History and Life of King James II. (Kennet, Vol. III.)
History of the Reign of James II. (Burnet's Own Times, Vol. III.)
The Life of James II., collected out of memoirs writ of his own hand ;
together with the king's advice to his son, and his majesty's will.
Published from the original Stuart MSS. by J. S. Clarke. 2 vols.
4to. London, 1816.
Extracts from the Life of James II. as written by himself. (Mac-
pherson's original Papers.)
Fox's (C. J.) History of the early part of the reign of James II.; with
an introductory chapter [edited by Lord Holland]. 4to. London,
Fox's (C. J.) History, &c. (Sir Geo. Rose's Observations on), with a
narrative of the events which occurred in the enterprise of the Earl
of Argyle in 1685, by Sir Patrick Hume. 4to. London, 1809.
Heywood's (Samuel) Vindication of Mr. Fox's History of the early part
of the reign of James II. 4to. London, \%\\.
Memoires by Sir John Hinton, physician in ordinary to his Majestie's
person, 1679 [of some memorable passages, wherein the Divine pro-
vidence hath bin extended to a miraculous degree upon his majesty's
person and affaires, wherein he was personally instrumentall]. 8vo.
London, Bensley, 1814.
Anglesey's (Arthur Earl of) State of the Government and Kingdom;
with an answer to the " Memoirs of the Earl of Anglesey." 4to.
London, 1694.
Memoirs of Arthur Earl of Anglesey, late Lord Privy-seal [by himself],
published by Sir Peter Pett. 8vo. London, 1693.
Diary of the Earl of Clarendon from 1687 to 90; containing many
minute particulars attending the Revolution. (Clarendon's Letters.)
An exact Account of the Sickness and Death of the late King James II.
as also the proceedings at St. Germains thereupon, 1701. (Somers's
Tracts, Vol. XI.)
History and Life of King William and Queen Mary. (Kennet, Vol. III.)
Burton's (W.) History of William and Mary, being an impartial account
of the most remarkable passages and transactions in these Kingdoms,
from their accession to 1693. (History of the House of Orange.)
Mackintosh's (Sir James) History of the Revolution in 1688. 4to.
London, 1832.
Boyer's (Abel) History of the Reign of William III. 3 vols. 8vo.
London, 1702.
Burnet's (Bp.) History of his own Time, from the Restoration to 1713 ;
with the suppressed passages of the first volume, and notes by the
Earls of Dartmouth and Hardwicke, and Speaker Onslow, hitherto
unpublished. To which are added, the Cursory Remarks of Swift,
and other observations ; with life of the author, by Thomas Burnet.
6 vols. 8vo. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1823.
Correspondence of the Duke of Shrewsbury with King William. (Docu-
mentary History.)
Collection of State Tracts published on occasion of the Revolution, and
during the reign of William HI. 3 vols, folio. London, 1705.
Cunningham's (Alex.) History of Great Britain, from the Revolution in
1688 to the accession of George I. Translated from the Latin MS.
by William Thomson ; with an account of the author [Edited by
T. HoUingbery]. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1787,
De Foe's (Daniel) History of the Union between England and Scotland
[including a general History of Unions in Great Britain] ; with an
appendix of original papers, and a life of the author [by Chalmers] ;
and J. L. Delolme on the Union of Scotland and England, and on
the present state of Ireland. 4to. London, XI^Q-l .
Hamilton's (Charles) Transactions during the reign of Queen Anne, from
the Union to the death of that princess. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1790.
Swift's (Jonathan) Tracts Historical and Political during the reign of
Queen Anne. (Works, Vols. III.— V. and XII.)
Swift's (J.) History of the four last years of Queen Anne. (Works,
Vol. V.)
Wilson's (W.) Memoirs of the Life and Times of Daniel De Foe ; con-
taining an account of his writings, and his opinions upon a variety of
important matters, civil and ecclesiastical. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1830.
King's (Will.) Political and Literary Anecdotes of his own Times. 8vo.
London, 1818.
Life of John Duke of Marlborough. (Eng. Military Hist.)
The Opinions of Sarah Duchess-Dowager of Marlborough ; publisliod
from the original MSS. [by David Dalrymple, Lord Hailes]. Small
8vo. Privately printed, 1788.
Burnet (Bishop), A Memorial offered to the Princess Sophia, Electrcss of
Hanover, containing a delineation of the constitution and policy of
England, with anecdotes concerning remarkable persons of that time.
To which are added, letters from Burnet and Leibnitz, edited by
J. G. H. Fcder. 8vo. London, 1815.
Annals of the Reign of King George I. 6 vols. 8vo. London, 1716-21.
History of the Rebellion in 1715. (Scottish History.)
Coxe's (Wm.) Memoirs of the Administration of Sir Robert Walpole ;
with original correspondence. 3 vols. 4to. London, 1798.
Walpole's (Hor.) Reminiscences of the Court of George I. (Works,
Vol. IV.)
Walpole's (Horace) Reminiscences of the Court of George II, (Works,
Vol. IV.)
Walpole's (H.) Memoirs of the last Ten years of the Reign of George II.
from the Original MS. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1822.
Walpole's (H.) Account of his own Conduct, relative to places he held
under Government, and towards Ministers. (Works, Vol. II.)
Walpole (Memoirs of Horatio) connected with a History of his Times
from 1678 to 1757 ; by William Coxe. 4to. London, 1802.
Doddington's (G. B.) Diary from March 8, 1749, to February 6, 1761 ;
edited, with an appendix of curious papers, by H. P. Wyndham.
Bvo. London, 1785.
Waldegrave's (James Earl) Memoirs, from 1754 to 58. 4to. London,
Lyttleton (Geo. Lord) upon the present state of our Affairs both at home
and abroad. (Misc. Works.)
Chesterfield (Memoirs of the Life of Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of)
tending to illustrate the civil, literary, and political history of his
own time, by Maty. (Works, Vol. I.)
History of the Rebellion in the year 1745. (Scottish History.)
Bisset's (Robert) History of the Reign of George III. ; to which is prefixed
a view of the progressive improvement of England in prosperity and
strength, to the accession of his majesty, and completed to his death.
6 vols. 8vo. London, 1820.
Chatham's (Earl of) Anecdotes of his Life, and of the principal events
of his time, with his speeches in Parliament, from 1736 to 1778.
4 vols. 8vo. London, 1792.
Coxe's (W.) Memoirs of the Administration of the Right Hon. Henry
Pelham, collected from the family papers and other authentic docu-
ments. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1829.
Wraxall's (Sir N. W.) Historical Memoirs of his own Time, from 1772
to 1784. 2 vols. 8vo. The first and suppressed edition. London,
Wraxall's (Sir N. W.) Answer to the Calumnious Misrepresentations
of the " Quarterly Review," the " British Critic," and the " Edinburgh
Review," contained in their Observations on the Historical Memoirs.
8vo. Londo7i, 1815.
Pitt (William), History of his Political Life, including an account of the
Times in which he lived, by John Gifford [John Richard Green].
3 vols. 4to. largest paper. London, 1809.
Pitt's (W.), Memoirs, by Bp. Geo. Tomline. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1821.
Junius's Letters, (Parliamentary History.)
Naval and Military History of Great Britain.
Beatson's (Robt.) Naval and Military Memoirs of Great Britain, from
1727 to 1783. 6 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1804.
Ralegh (Sir W.), the Strength and Defects of the Sea Forces of Eng-
land, France, Spain, and Venice ; with Observations on the Royal
Navy and Sea Service. (Works, Vol. VIII.)
Pine's (John) Tapestry Hangings of the House of Lords, representing the
several engagements between the English and Spanish fleets, in the
ever-memorable year 1588; with the portraits of the lord high ad-
miral and other noble commanders, &c. &c., and an historical account
of the day's action. Folio. Lond. 1739.
Ralegh's (Sir W.) Relation of the Cadiz Action, in the year 1596.
(AVorks, Vol. VIII.)
Charnock's (John) Biographia Navalis ; or, Memoirs of the Officers of
the Navy of Great Britain, from the year 1600. 6 vols. 8vo. Lon-
don, 1794-98.
Campbell's (John) Lives of the British Admirals ; containing also a new
and accurate Naval History, from the earliest periods. Continued to
the year 1779 by Dr. Berkenhout, and revised, corrected, and
brought down to the present time, by Henry Redhead Yorke ; with
Lives of the most eminent naval commanders, by Will. Stevenson.
8 vols. 8vo. large paper. Lond. 1812-17.
James's (Wm.) Naval History of Great Britain, from the Declaration of
War by France, in February 1793, to the accession of George IV. in
January 1820; new edition, with considerable additions and improve-
ments, including diagrams of all the principal actions. 6 vols. 8vo.
London, 1826.
Ralfe's (J.) Naval Chronology of Great Britain; or, an Historical Ac-
count of the Naval and Maritime Events, from 1803 to the end of
1816. 3 vols. imp. 8vo. The Duke of York's copy, plates carefully
coloured. Lond. 1820.
Nelson, (Life of Horatio, Viscount) from his Lordship's Manuscripts ;
edited by J. S. Clarke and J. M'Arthur. 2 vols. imp. 4to. large
paper, proof impressions of the plates. London, 1809.
CoUingwood's (G. L. N.) Selection from the Public and Private Corre-
spondence of Vice- Admiral Lord CoUingwood, interspersed with
Memoirs of his Life. 8vo. London, \%19.
Salame's (Abrah.) Narrative of the Expedition to Algiers in the year
1816, under the command of Admiral Lord Viscount Exmouth.
8vo. London, 1819.
Grose's (Fr.) Military Antiquities ; or, a History of the English Army,
from the Conquest to the present time. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1801.
[Cotton's (Sir Robert)] Warrs with Forreign Princes dangerous to our
Commonwealth ; or. Reasons for Forreign Wars answered ; with a
list of all the confederates from Henry I.'s reign to the end of Queen
Elizabeth's ; proving that the Kings of England alwaies preferred
unjust peace before the justest warre. Small 8vo. port, of Sir W.
Raleigh inserted. London, 1657.
This contains curious j);uticulars of the expenses of the various wars, the
mode of levying theiu, &c.
The Field of Mars ; or, an Account of the Military and Naval Engage-
ments of Great Britain and her Allies, from the 9th century to the
peace of 1801. 2 vols. 4to. 1801.
Vere's (Sir Francis) Commentaries, being diverse pieces of service wherein
he had command ; written by himself, and published by W. Dil-
lingham. Folio, with all the portraits, by Faithorne, and maps.
Cambridge, 1657.
Discipline of the Army under William Marquis of Newcastle in 1643,
and Muster Roll of England and Wales, 1674. (Manuscripts.)
Military History of the Prince Eugene of Savoy and John Duke of
Marlborough, including a particular description of the several battles,
&c., in which these generals commanded ; collected from the best
authors : with Supplement, containing a succinct account of the
remarkable events which happened in the late war wherein neither
of these generals had any share. Illustrated with plates by Du
Bosc. 2 vols, folio, London, 1735-7.
Coxe's (Wm.) Memoirs of John Duke of Marlborough : with his Original
Correspondence, collected from the family records at Blenheim, and
other authentic sources. Illustrated with portraits, maps, and mili-
tary plans. 3 vols. 4to. Lond. 1818-19.
Wilson's (R. T.) History of the British Expedition to Egypt. 4to. Lond.
Anderson's (iEneas) Journal of the Forces on a Secret Expedition under
Lieut. -Gen. Pigot, in 1800, till their arrival in Minorca, and conti-
nued through the subsequent transactions of the army under Sir
R. Abercromby in the Mediterranean and Egypt. 4to. London, 1802.
Moore's (James) Narrative of the Campaign of the British Army in Spain,
commanded by Sir John Moore, authenticated by official papers and
original letters. 4to. London, 1809.
Southey's (Robt.) History of the Peninsular War. 3 vols. 4to. London,
Napier's (Col. W. F, P.) History of the War in the Peninsula and in the
South of France, from 1807 to 14. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1828-31.
Londonderry's (Lieut. -Gen. W. Vane Stewart, Marquess) Narrative of
the War in Germany and France. 4to. London, 1 830.
The Battle of Waterloo ; containing the series of accounts published by
authority, British and foreign : with circumstantial details relative to
the battle; by a Near Observer. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1817.
[Scott (Walter)], Paul's Letters to his Kinsfolk. (Misc. Works, Vol. V.)
Pasley's (C. W.) Essay on the Military Policy and Institutions of the
British Empire. 8vo. London, X'^X'i.
Political and FarViamentanj History of England.
Prynne's (Will.) Exact Chronological Vindication and Historical De-
monstration of our British, Roman, Saxon, Danish, Norman, English
Kings' Supreme Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction, in and over all spiritual or
religious affairs, causes, persons, &c. as well as temporal, within their
dominions, from the original planting of Christianity to the death of
King Henry III. t vols. (Vol. II. only) folio. London, 1665, 66.
Prynne's (Will.) History of King John, King Henry HI., and King Ed-
ward I. ; wherein the ancient sovereign dominion of the Kings of
England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, over all persons in all
causes, is asserted and vindicated. Folio. London, 1670.
This, with the preceding, forms the " three tomes" of the celebrated work usu-
ally known as " Prynne's Records."
Palgrave's (Francis) Rise and Progress of the English Commonwealth,
from the first settlement of the Anglo-Saxons in Britain ; with an
Appendix of unpublished documents and records, illustrating the his-
tory of the civil and criminal jurisprudence of England. 2 vols. 4to.
London, 1832.
Hallam's (Henry) Constitutional History of England, from the accession
of Henry VH. to the death of George H. 2 vols. 4to. London,
Beatson's (Rob.) Political Index to the Histories of Great Britain and
Ireland ; or, a complete Register of the hereditary honours, public
offices, and persons in office, from the earliest periods to the present
time. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1806.
Beatson's (Rob.) Chronological Register of both Houses of Parliament,
from 1708 to 1807. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1807.
Oldfield's (T. H. B.) Representative History of Great Britain and Ire-
land ; being a history of the house of commons, and of the counties,
cities, and boroughs of the United Kingdom, from the earliest
period. 6 vols. 8vo. London, 1816.
Willis's (Browne) Notitia Parliamentaria ; or, an history of the counties,
cities, and boroughs in England and Wales ; their charters, privileges,
and lists of their knights, &c. returned to Parliament, from the first
summons to the present time. 4 vols. 8vo. Including both 1st and
2d edition of Volume I. London, 1715-50.
Parliamentary History of England, from the earliest period to the year
1803 [by Cobbett and Hansard]. 36 vols, royal 8vo. London,
Parliamentary Debates, being a continuation of the " Parliamentary
History," from 1803 to 1820. 41 vols, royal 8vo. Lond. 1804-21.
Parliamentary Debates, new^ series, from the accession of Geo. IV.
Royal 8vo. Lond. 1822, &c.
Speeches in Parliament in Elizabeth and James I.'s reigns. (Manu-
Mackenzie's (H.) Review of the principal Proceedings in the Parlia-
ment of 1784. (Works, Vol. VII.)
Addison's (Joseph) Whig Examiner, Freeholder, and Present State of
the War, and Necessity of an Augmentation, considered. (Works,
Vol. IV. 4to. ; and Vols. V. and VI. 8vo.)
Bacon's (Lord) Speeches, &c. in Parliament. (Works, Vol. VI.)
Burke's (Edmund) Speeches in Parliament. (Works, Vols. II, III.
and V.)
Burke's (E.) Speeches, &c. on East Indian Affairs. (Works, IV. XI
to XIII.)
Curran's (J. P.) Speeches on the late State Trials. 8vo. Dublin, 1808.
Erskine's (Thos. Lord) Speeches when at the Bar, on subjects connected
with the Liberty of the Press, and against Constructive Treasons.
Collected by James Ridgway. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1810.
Fox's (Ch. James) Speeches in the House of Commons [edited by J.
Wright]. 6 vols. 8vo. Lo7idon, \S15.
Horsley's (Bp. Sam.) Speeches in Parhament. 8vo. Dundee, 1813.
Lyttleton's (Geo. Lord) Speeches in Parliament. (Misc. Works.)
Pitt (William), Earl of Chatham's Speeches. (Life.)
Pitt's (W.) Speeches in the House of Commons, edited by W. S. Hatha-
way. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1808.
Selden's (John) Speeches and Arguments in the Impeachment against
the Duke of Buckingham, 1626. (Works, Vol. HL)
Wyndham's (Wm.) Speeches in Parliament, with an account of his life
by Th. Amyot. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1812.
Junius's Letters. 2 vols. 8vo. with portraits, large paper. Land. 1797.
Junius's Letters, including letters by the same writer under other signa-
tures ; to which are added, his confidential correspondence with
Mr. Wilkes, and his private letters addressed to Mr. H. S. Woodfall,
with a preliminary essay, notes, &c. 3 vols. 8vo. large paper.
London, 1812.
Junius. — Letters on the Author of Junius by E. H. Baker. I2mo.
London, 1828.
Junius. — A Critical Enquiry regarding the real Author of the Letters of
Junius, proving them to have been written by Lord Viscount Sack-
ville; by George Coventry. 8vo. London, 1824.
Junius. — Tracts relative to the supposed Author ; containing a discovery
of the Author, Blakeway's Attempt to ascertain the Author, Girdle-
stones Facts to prove General Lee to be the Author. In one vol.
8vo. London, 1813.
Junius. — Documents for the opinion that Hugh M'Auley Boyd wrote
Junius's Letters ; and an appendix to the supplemental apology for the
believers in the supposititious Shakspeare papers, by Geo. Chalmers.
8vo. Jjondon, 1800.
Documentary History of Engla?icl.
Cooper's (C. P.) Account of the most important Public Records of Great
Britain, and the Publications of the Record Commissioners. 2 vols.
8vo. London, 1832.
Burton's (John) Account of all the Charters, Patents, and Escheat Rolls
in the archives of the Tower of London. (Manuscripts.)
Strachey's Index to the Records, with directions to the several places
where they are to be found ; and a list of the Latin sir-names and
names of places, as they are written in the old records, explained by
modern names. 8vo. London, 1739.
Liber Niger Scaccarii e cod. MS. nunc primiim edidit T. Hearne. 2 vols.
8vo. Oxonii, 1728.
Placitorum in Domo Capitulari Westmonasteriensi asservatorum Abbre-
viatio, temp, regum Ric. I., Joannis, Henrici III., Edwardi I. et II.
Folio. [London], \ 81 \.
Illustrating the early history of our courts of judicature, as well as the laws
and customs and the constitution of the country.
Testa de Nevill ; sive liber feodorum in curia Scaccarii, temp. Henrici
III. et Edwardi I. Folio. [London'], 1807.
Gives a condensed and accurate view of the feudality of the 1.3tli centur}'.
Rotuli Hundredorum, temp. Henrici III. et Edwardi I. in Tur. Lond.
et in curia Receptee Scaccarii Westmonasteriensi asservati. 2 vols,
folio. [London], 1812.
This constitutes a species of resting-point between the Anglo-Norman feuda-
lity and that order which was established when Littleton expounded.
Placita de quo Warranto, temporibus Edwardi I., II., III., in curia
Receptae Scaccarii Westmonasteriensi asservata. Folio. [London],
Containing the boundaries of free chases, warrens, and fisheries, the allowance
in eyre of various franchises and liberties, and royal charters to ecclesias-
tical and lay corporations, not elsewhere found on record.
Taxatio Ecclesiastica Ang^liae et Walliae, auctoritate P. Nicholai IV.
circa A. D. 1291. Folio. [London], imi.
By this all taxes were regulated until the 26th of Henry YIII.
Nonarum Inquisitiones in curia Scaccarii, temp. Edwardi III. Folio.
[London], 1807.
Contains the value of the ninth part of the corn, &c.; and by its description
of the several tithes and their respective values, the want of the original
endowments of vicarages is in a great measure supplied.
Calendarium Rotulorum, Chartarum, et Inquisitionum ad quod Damnum,
temp. reg. Edwardi II. et Henrici VI. Folio. [London], 1803.
Containing royal grants of liberties, privileges, and possessions to religious
bodies, civil corporations, and individuals.
Calendarium Rotulorum Patentium in Turri Londinensi. Folio.
[Loyidon], 1802.
Containing grants of liberties, privileges, lands, wardships, and offices, crea-
tions of nobility, special liveries, &c.
Calendarium Inquisitionum Post Mortem, sive Esceatarum temp. reg.
Henrici III., Edwardi I., II., III., Ricardi II., Henrici IV., V., et
VI., Edwardi IV., et Ricardi III. 4 vols, folio. [London], 1806.
Exhibits not only the possessions of persons in capite, but the extent, survey
and valuation of the manors, lands, and possessions of vacant bishoprics, ike
Ducatus Lancastriae [Inquisitiones Post Mortem et Placitorum] : Partes
tres, 2 vols, folio. [London.]
Rotulorum Originalium in curia Scaccarii Abbreviatio, temporibus veg.
Henrici III., Edwardi I., II., et III. 2 vols, folio. [London],
Or the estreats of all grants of the crown, whereon any rent is reserved, any
salary payable, or any service performed.
Valor Ecclcsiasticus temp. Henrici VIII., auctoritate regia institutus.
5 vols, folio. Maps of the dioceses. [London], 1810.
Forming the register by which first-fruits and tenths are calculated, and afford-
ing a complete view of the value and description of all ecclesiastical jjroperty
in this reign.
Abbreviatio Inquisitionum ad capellam domini regis retornatarum, qua?
in publicis archivis Scotisc adhuc servantur. 3 vols, folio. [Lond.]
Comprehending all those proceedings by " Inquest," or the verdict of an
" Assize," originating in certain writs issuing from Chancery.
Calendars of Chancery Proceedings in the reign of Elizabeth. 2 vols,
folio. [London], 1827-30.
Fcedera, Conventiones, Littcrae, et cujuscunque generis acta publica,
inter reges Anglise et alios quosvis imperatores, reges, pontifices,
principes, vel communitates ; ab A.D. 1066, ad nostra usque tempora,
cura et studio T. Rymer et R. Sanderson; denuo aucta A. Clarke,
F. Holbrooke, &c. vols, folio. [Loiid.] 1816.
Collection of all the Wills now known to be extant of the Kings and
Queens of England, Princes and Princesses of Wales, and every
branch of the blood royal, from William I. to Henry VH., with
notes, a preface, and glossary [by Gough]. London, Nichols, 1780.
Original Letters, written during the reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV.
and v., Richard TIL, and Henry VII., by various persons [of or to
the family of Paston] of rank and consequence. With notes historical
and explanatory, and authenticated by engravings of autographs,
fac-similes, paper-marks, and seeils, by Sir John Fenn ; with notices
of his life, by William Frere. 5 vols. 4to. London, 1787-1823.
[Croft's (John)] Excerpta Antiqua ; or, a collection of original English
MSS. 8vo. York, privately printed, 1197 .
[Bentley's (Samuel)] Excerpta Historica ; or, illustrations of English
history [consisting of original documents illustrative of the history,
laws, and constitution, the state of the navy and army, royal house-
hold, arts, heraldry, &c. from the Xlllth to the XVIth centuries].
Royal 8vo. Lond. 1831.
Original Letters illustrative of English history ; including numerous
royal letters, from autographs in the British Museum, and one or two
other collections ; with notes and illustrations by Henry Ellis. 3 vols.
8vo. London, 1824.
Original Letters, &c. Second series. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1827.
Transcripts of Letters from Henry VIII., Edward VI., Mary Queen of
Scots, Elizabeth, James I., &c. and others, relating to the family of
Talbot, found in Sheffield Castle. (Manuscripts.)
State Papers, published under the authority of his majesty's commission.
[Edited by R. Lemon]. Vol. I. Henry VIIl. 1518-30. 4to. [Lond.'\
Correspondence of Lord Dacre, Warden of the East and Middle Marches,
from June 1523 to August 1524. (Manuscripts.)
Copies of Seven Original Letters of King Edward VI. to Barnaby
Fitzpatrick. [Edited by H. Walpole.] 4to. Strawberry Hill, 1772.
Sadler's (Sir Ralph) State Papers and Letters [1539-84] ; edited by
Arthur Clifford : to which is added, a memoir of the life of Sir
Ralph, with historical notes by Sir Walter Scott. 3 vols. 4to.
Edinburgh, 1809.
Harrington's (Sir John) Nugse Antiqusc ; being a miscellaneous collec-
tion of original papers, written during the reigns of Henry VIIL,
Edward VI., Mary, Elizabeth, and James I.; edited, with illustrative
notes, by Th. Park. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1804,
Lodge's (Edmund) Illustrations of British History, Biography, and
Manners, in the reigns of Henry VIIL, Edward VI., Mary, Elizabeth,
and James I., exhibited in a series of original papers, from the MSS.
of the noble families of Howard, Talbot, and Cecil. 3 vols. 4to.
London, 1791.
Hardwicke's (Earl of) Miscellaneous State Papers, from 1501 to 1726.
2 vols. 4to. London, 1778.
Burleigh's (W, Cecil, Lord) Collection of State Papers relating to affairs
in the reigns of Henry VIII., Edward VI., Queen Mary, and Queen
Elizabeth, from 1542 to 1570. Edited from the originals in Hatfield
House, by S. Haynes. Folio. London, 1740.
Burleigh. — A Collection of State Papers relating to affairs in the reign
of Queen Elizabeth, from 1571 to 1596. Transcribed from the ori-
ginals left by Lord Burleigh, and reposited in the library at Hatfield
House, by W. Murdin, [edited by Birch]. Folio. London, 1759.
The Sydney Papers ; or, collection of letters and memorials of state, in the
reigns of Queen Mary, Queen Elizabeth, King James, King Charles I.
and II., and Oliver's usurpation; by Arthur Collins. 2 vols, folio.
London, 1746.
Letters of Sir Philip Sydney. (Sydney's Misc. Works.)
Cabala, sive Scrinia Sacra, mysteries of state and government : in letters
of illustrious persons and great ministers in the reigns of King Henry
VIII., Queen Elizabeth, King James, and King Charles. Folio.
London, 1691.
Digges' (Sir Dudley) Compleat Ambassador ; or, two treaties of the
intended marriage of Queen Elizabeth ; comprised in letters of nego-
tiation of Sir F. Walsingham, together with the answers of the Lord
Burleigh, the Earl of Leicester, Sir T. Smith, and others, relative to
the marriage. Folio. London, 1655.
Forbes (Pat.), A Full View of the Public Transactions in the reign of
Queen Elizabeth, from letters and other state papers, written by
herself and "ner principal ministers, from 1559 to 1563. 2 vols, folio.
London, 1740.
Winwood's (Sir R.) Memorials of Affairs of State in the reigns of Queen
Elizabeth and King James I. ; comprehending the negotiations of
Sir Henry Neville, Sir Charles Cornwallis, Sir Dudley Carleton,
Sir T. Edmondes. Mr. Trumbull, Mr. Cottington, and others, by
Edmund Sawyer. 3 vols, folio. London, 1725.
Bacon's (Lord) Original Letters, &c., from the Cabala, Resuscitatio, Bri-
tish Museum, Lambeth Library, &c. (Works, Vol. XII. and Xlll.)
Transcripts of Letters relative to Public Affairs, from 1606-34. (Manu-
Carlcton's (Sir Dudley) Letters to and from him, during his embassy
in Holland, from January 1615 to 1620 ; [with a preface by the
Earl of Hardwick.] 4t(). London, 1757.
Dalrymple's (David) [Lord Hailes] Memorials and Letters relating to
the history of Britain in the reigns of James and Charles I. Pub-
lished from the originals [in the Advocates' Library, Edinburgh].
2 vols, in one, 8vo. Glasijow, Foulis, 1766.
Rushworth's (John) Historical Collections of State, Law, and Parlia-
mentary Matters, from 1618 to the death of Charles I. 8 vols, folio.
London, 1721.
Private Correspondence between King Charles I. and iiis Secretary of
State, Sir Edward Nicholas ; also between Sir E. Hyde, afterwards
Earl of Clarendon, and Sir R. Browne. (Evelyn's Memoirs.)
Bromley's (Sir Geo.) Collection of original Royal Letters, written by
King Charles I. and II., King James II., and the King and Queen
of Bohemia; together with those of Prince Rupert, Charles Louis
Count Palatine, the Duchess of Hanover, and several other distin-
guished persons, from 1619 to 1665. 8vo. portraits. T.otid . 1787.
[Knowlcr's (W.)] State Papers, Letters, and Dispatches of the Earl of
Stratforde ; with his Ufe by Sir Geo. Radcliffe. 2 vols, folio, por-
traits. London, 1739.
Correspondence of Sir Geo. Radcliffe. (Life by Whitaker.)
Clarendon's (Edward, Earl of) State Papers, commencing from the year
1621; containing the materials from which his History of the Re-
bellion was composed, and the authorities on which the truth of his
relation is founded. 3 vols, folio. Oxford, 1767-86.
Collection of Letters written by King Charles L and IL, the Duke of
Ormonde, the Secretaries of State, the Marquis of Clanricarde, and
other great men during the troubles of Great Britain and Ireland.
Folio. Lo7idon, 1735. (Life of Ormonde, Vol. III.)
Collection of Letters from original MSS. in the reigns of Charles I. and II.,
and James II. ; in the possession of T. L. Parker, Esq. (Account
of Browsholme Hall, Yorkshire.)
Milton's (John) Letters of State, Latin and English, during the Common-
wealth and the Protectorate. (Prose Works, 4to. Vol. II. 8vo.
Vols. IV. and V.)
Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Secretary to the Council
of State, and to the two Cromwells ; containing authentic memorials
of the English affairs from 1638 to the restoration of Charles II. ;
with life of Mr. Thurloe, by J. Birch. 7 vols, folio. Lo7id. 1742.
Nickolls's (John) Letters and Papers of State addressed to Oliver Crom-
well, from 1649 to 59. Folio. London, 1743.
Bulstrode's (Sir Rich.) Original Letters from the Earl of Arlington,
envoy at Brussels from Charles II. 8vo. London, 1712,
Jenkins' (Sir L.) Letters. (Life, Eng. Hist. Charles II.)
Arlington's (Earl of) Letters to Sir W. Temple, Sir R. Fanshawe, the
Earl of Sandwich, Earl of Sunderland, and Sir W. Godolphin, during
their embassies 1664-1674 ; by Babington. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1715.
Letters written by Sir W. Temple and other Ministers of State at home
and abroad, from 1665 to 72 : reviewed by Sir W. Temple, and pub-
lished by Jonathan Swift. (Works, Vols. I. and II.)
Letters to the King, the Prince of Orange, &c. by Sir W. Temple.
(Works, Vol. IV.)
Macpherson's (James) Original Papers from 1688 to 1714 ; to which are
prefixed, extracts from the life of James II. as written by himself.
2 vols. 4to. London, 1775.
Prior's (M.) History of his Negotiations, 1690 to 1710. 8vo. Lond. \740.
Clarendon (Correspondence of H. Earl of) and of his brother Lawrence
Hyde, Earl of Rochester ; with the diary of the Earl of Clarendon
from 1687 to 1690 : edited from the original MSS. with notes by
S. W. Singer. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1828.
Cole's (Ch.) Memoirs of Affairs of State ; containing letters written by
ministers employed in foreign negotiations, treaties, memorials, &c.
from 1697 to 1708. Folio. London, 1733.
^Private and Original Correspondence of Charles Talbot, Duke of Shrews-
bury, with King William, the Leaders of the Whig Party, and other
distinguished Statesmen ; illustrated with narratives, historical and
biographical : from the family papers in the possession of the Duchess
of Buccleugh ; by William Coxe. 4to. London, 1821.
Rose's (Sir G. H.) Selection from the Papers of the Earls of Marchmont,
illustrative of events from 1685 to 1750. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1831.
Letters to and from Henrietta, Countess of Suffolk, and her second
husband the Hon. Geo. Berkeley, from 1712 to 1767; with biogra-
phical, historical, and explanatory notes. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1830.
British and Foreign State Papers, 1828-9; compiled by the librarian
and keeper of the papers in the Foreign Office. 8vo. Lond. 1831.
Ecclesiastical History of Etigland.
Broughton's (Richard) Ecclesiastical Historic of Great Britaine during
the first 400 years after the birth of Christ ; whereby is manifestly
declared a continuall succession of the true Catholike religion as at
this day professed in the Roman Church. Folio. Douay, 1633.
Usserii (Jacobi) Britannicarum Ecclesiarum Antiquitates. Folio. Lon-
dini, 1687.
Stillingfleet's (Bp. Ed.) Origines Britannicse ; or, the Antiquities of the
British Churches. (Works, Vol. III.)
Bedse (S. Venerabilis) Historia Ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum. 18mo.
Colonice AgrippcB, 1601.
Bedse (S. V.) Historia Ecclesiastici Gentis Anglorum [Sax. et Lat.] una
cum reliquis ejus operibus historicis ; cura et studio Jo. Smith,
Folio. Cayitabrigice , 1722.
Bede's (S. V.) History of the Church of England ; translated out of
Latin into English by Thomas Stapleton : [with the differences be-
tweene the primitive faithe of England continued almost these thou-
sand yeres, and the late pretensed faith of Protestants, and the life
of Bede written by Trithemius.] 4to. Antwerpe, bij John Laet,
Inett's (John) Origines Anglicanse ; or, a history of the English church,
[continuing Stillingfleet's Origines] from the first planting of the
Christian religion amongst the English Saxons, till the Norman
Conquest. Folio. Lond. 1704.
Harpsfcldii (Nicolai) Historia Anglicana Ecclesiastica, a primis gentis
susceptse fidei incunabulis ad nostra fere tempora deducta. Adjecta
brevi narratione de divortio Henrici VIIL regis ab uxore Catherina
et ab Ecclesia Catholica Romana dissensione ; scripta ab Ed. Cam-
piano : nunc primum in lucem producta studio et opera Hi. Gibboni.
Folio. Duaci, 1622.
This contains the " Historia Wicleffiana ejusdem auctoris," and " Catalogus
Relii^iosarum ^'Edium."
Alfordi (Mich.), alias Griffith, Annales Ecclesiastici Britannorum, Sax-
onum, et Anglorum, ad A.D. 1189. 4 vols, folio. Lcodii, 1663.
Southey's (Robert) Book of the Church. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1824.
Southcy's (R.) Vindicitc Ecclesioe Anglicause : Letters to Charles
Butler, Es(|. conii)rising Essays on the Romish religion, and
vindicating the '' liook of the Church." 8vo. London, ]S2().
Townscnd's (George) Accusations of History against the Churcii of
Home, examined in remarks on Mr. 13utler's " Book of the
Roman Catholic Church." 8vo. London, 1826.
White's (Joseph Blanco) Practical and Internal Evidence against
Catholicism ; with strictures on Mr. Butler's " Book of the
Roman Catholic Church." 8vo. London, 1826.
Phillpott's (Henry) Letters to Charles Butler on the theological
parts of his " Book of the Roman Catholic Church." 8vo.
London, 1826.
Fox's (John) Acts and Monuments of Matters most special and memorable
happening in the Church ; with an universal history of the same,
from the primitive age to these later times of ours. ISIac^k letUr.
Port, by Glover. 3 vols, folio. Lond. 1641.
Fuller's (Thos.) Church History of Britain until the year 1648 ; History
of the University of Cambridge ; History of Waltham Abbey. Folio.
London, 1655.
Collier's (Jeremy) Ecclesiastical History of Great Britain, chiefly of Eng-
land, from the first planting of Christianity to the end of the reign of
King Charles II.; with a brief account of the aifairs of religion in
Ireland. Collected from the best ancient historians. 2 vols, folio.
London, 1708-14.
[Gibson's (Thos.)] Breve Cronycle of the Bysshope of Rome's Bles-
synge, and of his Prelates' benefyciall and charitable Rewardes,
from the tyme of Kynge Heralde unto this day. Small 8vo. 33lacfe
Iftter. London, by John Daye,
Both Wood and his editor, Ur. Bliss, cite this, but acknowledge never having
seen it.
Bedse (Ven.) Martyrologium (Hist. Ecc. a Smith).
[Capgravii (Johannis)] Nova Lcgenda Anglie [Sanctorum]. Folio, Iilacfe
letter. Impr. Londini, in domo Wynandi de Worde, M.CCCCC.XVI.
[Porter's (Hierome)j Flowers of the Saincts of England, Scotland, and
Ireland. Vol. I. January to June, all published. 4to. Dowa?/, 1632.
Metrical Life of St. Robert, of Knaresborough [edited by H. Drury].
4to. Privately printed, 1824.
Sprotti (Tho.) Chronica [Archiepisc. Cantuariensis] e Cod. MS. in Bib,
D. Ed. Bering Baronetti, descripsit ediditque T. Hearne. 8vo.
Oxonii, 1719.
[Parker (Matth.)] de Antiquitate Britannicse Ecclesise, et Privilegiis
Ecclesise Cantuariensis, cum Archiepiscopo ejusdem. Folio. ^Lam-
beth, by John Day], 1572; — Ejusdem Catalogus Cancellariorum,
Procancellariorum, Procuratorura, ac eorum qui in Academia Can-
tabrigiensi ad gradum Doctorates aspiraverunt ab 1500 ad 1571 ; —
Indulta Regum ad Acad. Cantabr. ; — Episcopi ex Acad. Cantabr.
ab 1500 ad 1571 ; — De Scholarum Collegiorumque in Acad. Can-
tabr. Patronis atque Fundatoribus Scholarum Pub. extructio ; —
Hospitiorum, Aularum, &c. situs ac mutatio. Folio. [Lambeth,
by John Day, 1572.]
Together in one volume ; tlie Sykes copy, with the portrait of Abp. Parker by
Berg or Hogenberg; and one of those in which all the titles, arms, initials,
&c. are illuminated, as mentioned by the Abp. in his letter to Lord Burleigh,
given in Strype. It differs, however, from the copies described by Strype
and IDibdin, possessing neither the arms of the colleges, nor the cut of
Queen Elizabeth on the reverses of the title to " Catal. Cancelleria;," and
plate " Variae Scholarum ;" but, in addition, containing, as a continuation of
the Abp.'s life, an account of Elizabeth's progress into Kent in 1573, occu-
pying six pages inserted between i)p. 1 8 and 19, and " Hospitiarum, aularum,
&c. situs ac mutatio," nine leaves, paged 31 to 47.
Godwini (Fr.) de Prsesulibus Anglise Commentarius, omnium epis-
coporum necnon et cardinalium ejusdem gentis, nomina, tempora,
seriem, atque actiones maxime memorabiles. Ad prsesens usque
saeculum continuavit Gul. Richardson. Folio. Cantab. 1743.
This copy belonged to Mr. Allan, of Darlington, and is illustrated by him
with MS. notes, portraits, arms, seals, and views.
Edmeri (Fratris) Angli de Vita D. Anselmi Archiepiscopi Cantuariensis
libii duo, nunquam antehac editi. Small 8vo. AntverpicB, excud.
J. GrcBvius, 1551.
The Life, or the Ecclesiastical History of St. Thomas a Becket [culled
out of the most authentic and best authors, by A. B.] 8vo. Colo-
nice, 1639.
Stapletoni (Thos.) Tres Thomae, seu res gestae S. Thomee Apostoli,
S. Thomsc Archiep. Cantuariensis, et Thomse Mori Anglise Cancel-
larii. Small 8vo. port, of Stapleton inserted. Col. Agrip. 1612.
Whitaker's (John) Life of St. Neot, the eldest of all the brothers of King
Alfred. 8vo. London, 1809.
Bedee Vita Sancti Cuthberti, Episc. Landisfernii. (Hist. Ecc. a Smith.)
St. Cuthbert's Legend, with the antiquities of the church of Durham, by
B. R. Small 8vo. London, 1663.
Symonis Monachi Dunhelmensis Libellus de exordio atque procursu
Dunhelmensis Ecclesise : cui prsemittitur T. Rud disquisitio, in qua
probatur non Turgotum sed Symonem fuisse verum hujus libelli
auctorem : e Cod. MS. perantiquo in Bib. Episc. Dunhelm. de-
scripsit ediditque T. Bedford. 8vo. large paper. Londini, 1732.
Matthsei Paris Vitse XXIII. Abbatum S. Albani. (Historia Ang.)
Le Neve's (John) Fasti Ecclesise Anglicanse : a regular succession of all
the Dignitaries in each Cathedral, Collegiate Church, or Chapel, in
England and Wales, to this present year. Folio. London, 1716.
Lewis (John) and Sam. Pegge's Account of the suffragan Bishops in
England. (Nichols's Bib. Top. Vol. VI. No. 28.)
Godwyni (F.) Catalogus, hactenus ineditus, Episc. Bathensium etWellen-
sium, Humphredi que Humphreys Comment, de Decanis Bangor et
Asaphiensibus. (Hearne's "Thos. of Otterbourne.)
Cassan's (S. H.) Lives of the Bishops of Bath and Wells to the present
period. 8vo. Frome, 1829.
Cassan's (S. H.) Lives of the Bishops of Winchester to the present time.
2 vols. 8vo. Frome, 1827.
Lewis's (John) History of the Life and Sufferings of John Wicliffc; with
additions. 8vo. portrait. Oxford, 1820.
Baber's (H.) Memoirs of the Life, Opinions, and Writings of .lolui
Wicliffc. (Wicliffe's New Testament.)
Lewis's (J.) Life of Bp. R. Pccock, being a so([ucl to the Life of
Wicliffc. 8vo. Oxford, 1820.
Joannis Whcthanistedii Narratio de Processu contra Reg. Peacockum.
(Walter de Hcmingford, Hearne.)
Bale's (Jo.) Brefe Chronycle concernyngc the Examynacyon and Death
of Syr Johau Oldecastcll, the Lord Col)hani. [Edited by .lohn
Blackbonrne.] Royal 8vo. Reprint, Lond. 17'^9.
Knio:ht's (S.) Life of Dr. John Colet, Dean of St. Paul's in the reigns of
Henry VII. and VIII. With an Appendix, containing his Convo-
cation Sermon in 1511, with translation, several of his epistles, and
some account of the masters and more eminent scholars of St. Paul's
School. 8vo. London, 1724.
Knight's (S.) Life of Erasmus. (Biography.)
[Dodd's (Chas.)] Church History of England, from 1500 to 1688, chiefly
with regard to Catholicks ; particularly the Lives of the most eminent
Cardinals, Bishops, inferior Clergy, and Laymen, who have distin-
guished themselves. To which is prefixed, a general history of eccle-
siastical affairs under the British, Saxon, and Norman periods. 3 vols.
folio. Brussels, [LoncL] 1737-42.
Dodd (C.) Certamen utriusque Ecclesiee ; or, a List of all the eminent
Writers of Controversy, Catholics and Protestants, since the Refor-
mation. With an historical idea of the politic attempts of both
parties in every reign in order to support their respective interests.
4to. 1724. (Somers's Tracts, Vol. XIII.)
Dodd. — Constable's ( ) Specimens of Amendments for Dodd's Church
History. 12mo. London, 1741.
Dodd's (C.) Apology for the Church History. 8vo. London, 1742.
Carwithin's (J. B. S.) History of the Church of England to the restora-
tion of church and monarchy in 1660. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1829.
Burnet's (Bp. G.) History of the Reformation of the Church of England.
7 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1829.
Soames's (Henry) History of the Reformation of the Church of England.
4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1826-8.
Strype's (John) Ecclesiastical Memorials, relating chiefly to religion,
and the reformation of it, under King Henry VIII., King Edward
VI., and Queen Mary. 6 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1822.
Strype's (J.) Annals of the Reformation, and of the establishment of
Religion, and other various occurrences in the Church of England,
during Queen Elizabeth's reign. 4 vols, in 7, 8vo. Oxford, 1824.
Richmond's (L.) Memorials of the Fathers of the English Church.
(Miscel. Divinity.)
Lives of Tyndal, Fryth, and Barnes. (Tyndal, &c.'s Works.)
Ward's (Thos.) England's Reformation, from the time of Henry VIII. to
the end of Oates's Plot ; a poem, with large marginal notes. 8vo.
London, 1716.
Strype's (J.) Life and Memorials of Abp. Cranmer. 2 vols. 8vo.
Oxford, 1812.
Todd's (Henry John) Life of Abp. Cranmer. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1831.
Todd's (Henry John) Vindication of the Character of Abp. Cranmer,
and therewith the Reformation in England, against the allegations
of Dr. Lingard, Dr. Milner, and Charles Butler. (Cranmer on the
Ridley's (Gloucester) Life of Bp. N. Ridley, shewing the plan and pro-
gress of the Reformation. 4to. London, MQd.
Baily's (Thos.) Life and Death of John Fisher, Bishop of Rochester ;
comprising the highest and hidden transactions of church and state
in the reign of Henry VIII. 12mo. London, printed 1655.
Strype's (John) Life and Acts of Abp. Matt. Parker. 3 vols. 8vo.
Oxford, 1821.
Strype's (J.) Life and Acts of Abp. E. Grindal. Svo. Oxford, 1821.
Strype. — A brief and true Character of Abp. Grindal, published to
rectify some errors in Strype. 8vo. London, 1713,
This pamphlet is not noticed by the editors of the new edition of Strype, nor in
the Biographia Britannica.
Strype's (J.) Life and Acts of Abp. John Whitgift. Svo. Oxford, 1821.
Strype's (J.) Life and Acts of Bp. John Aylmer. Svo. Oxford, 1821.
Downes' (Sam.) Lives of the Compilers of the Liturgy. Svo. London,
A Bull graunted by the Pope to Dr. Harding and other, by reconcilement
and assoyling of English papists, to undermyne faith and allegeance
to the Quene : with a true declaration of the intention and frutes
thereof, and a warning of perils thereby immenent not to be neg-
lected. Anno 1567. Ulacfe letter, small Svo. London, hxj John
T)aye, .
An Addition declaratorie to the BuUes; with a searching of the maze.
il^Iacik letter, small Svo. London, by John Daye, .
A Disclosing of the Great Bull, and certain Calves that he hath gotten,
and specially the monster Bull that roared at my Lord Byshop's gate.
33latfe letter, small Svo. London, by John Daye, .
Jewell's (Bp.) View of the seditious Bull sent into England from Pius
Quintus, 1569. (Works, Vol. 1.)
Historia aliquot nostri sseculi Martyrum [Anglise], cum pia turn lectu
jucunda, nunquam antehac typis excusa [a M. Chauncey]. 4to.
MogunticB, excud. F. Behem. 1550.
Lives of Abp. Sancroft, Bps. Walton and Taylor. (Biography.)
Walker's (John) Account of the Sufferings of the Clergy who were se-
questered, &c. during the grand Rebellion, in answer to Calamy's
Life of Baxter. Folio. Londoji, 1714.
Bowles's (W. L.) Life of Bp. Thos. Ken, viewed in connexion with
public events and the spirit of the times, political and religious, in
which he lived ; including some account of the fortunes of Morley,
Bishop of Winchester. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1830.
Ecclesiastical Biography, or the Lives of eminent Men connected with
the history of Religion in England from the commencement of the
Reformation to the Revolution ; selected and illustrated with Notes
by Christopher Wordsworth. 6 vols. Svo. London, 1818.
Brewster's (John) Secular Essay, containing a retrospective view of
events connected with the ecclesiastical liistory of England during the
eighteenth century. Svo. London, 1802.
Buchanan's (Claudius) Colonial Ecclesiastical Establishment ; being a
brief view of the state of the Colonies of Great Britain in respect to
religious instruction. Svo. London, 1813.
Neal's (Daniel) History of the Puritans, or Protestant Nonconformists,
from the Reformation to the death of Queen Elizabeth ; with ;in
account of their principles, their attempts for a farther reformation in
the church, tlii'ir siiilerings, antl the lives and characters of tlieir
most considerable divines: revised, corrected, and enlarged by Josliua
Toulmin. 5 vols. 8vo. ii«
Johan. Joviani Pontani historiae Neapolitanae libri 6.
Angeli Foiiticulani belli Bracciani, Aquilae gesti, fidelis narratio.
Pars 4. Ferrantis Loffredi antiquitas Puteolorum descriptionibus.
Sci])ionis Wazellae Puteolorum et Cumarum descrij)tio.
Joan. Fr. Lombardi, eorum quae de balneis aliisque miiaculis Puteolanis
scripta sunt synopsis.
Antonii Ferri apparatus statuarum in destructis Cumis inventarum.
Julii Ca?saris Capacii de balneis liber.
Ambrosii Leonis antiquitatum nee non liistoriarum urbis ac Nolae descriptio.
Hen. Brencmanni dissertationes de republica Anialphitan;!.
Antonii IMazza; urbis Salemitanae liistoria et antiquitates.
Mutii Phocbonii historiae Marsorum libri 3.
Pars .'i. Lucii Camarraj de Teate anticjuo libri 3.
yEs redivivum Canusiorum per Abbatem Damadenum.
D. Pauli Antonii de Tarsia bistoriarum Cujiorsanensium libri 3.
Ciabrii'lis Barrii de Calabiiaj aiitifiuitate et situ libri 5.
Joan. Juvenis de anticpiitate et variii fortuna Tareutinorum libri 8.
Antonii Galatei de situ Japygiw liber.
Pars 6, Philiberti Pingonii Augustas Taurinorum chronica et antiquitatum inscrip-
R. D. I'etri Joffrcdi Nicaea civitas sacris iiiuuiiiniMitis illustrata.
Benedicti Accolti de praestantiil virorum sui aevi dialogus.
Petri Azarii chronicon gestorum in l^ombardia.
Fr. Andrea; Bilii historia- patria; libri '.'.
Georgii Flori de bello Italico et rebus Gallorum libri 6,
Pet. Paxili Boschae de origine et statu bibliothecse Ambrosianffi libri 5.
P. D. Christ. Giardae liberalium disciplinarum icones symbolicse biblio-
thecse Alexandrinse, illust.
Pars 7. Dominici Macanei Verbani Lac us lacorumque adjacentium cbronogra-
pliica descriptio.
Franc. Bellafirii de origine et temporibus urbis Bergomi liber.
M. Ant. .Michaelis agri et urbis Bergomatis descriptio.
Vincentii Coronelli rerum ac temporum Bergomensis ecclesia; synopsis.
15arth. Farinas de Bergomi origine et fatis commentarius.
Antonii Cornazzani de vita et gestis Bartholomaii Colaji commentariorum
libri 6.
Helia; Capreoli chronicorum de rebus Brixianorum libri 14.
Alex. Squadroni fasciculus laudum regii Lepidi.
Laurentii Schroederi descriptio regii Lepidi.
Torelli Saraynae de civitatis Veronae origine libri 6.
Ejusdem historiarum et gestorum Veronensium temporibus Scaligeri
libri 3.
Jos. Just. Scaligeri epistola de vetustate et splendore gentis Scaligeriae.
Pars 8. Andreas Chiocci de collegii Veronensis illustribus medicis et pliilosopliis,
Pauli Cigalini de C. Plinii secundi natur. hist, scrip toris vera patria.
Polycarpi Palermi de vera C. Plinii secundi superioris patria atque ea
Verona, libri 3.
Joan. Nicolai Doglioni dissertatio de origine et antiquitate civitatis Belluni,
Laur. Marucini Bassanum, sive dissertatio de urbis antiquitate et de
viris ejusdem illustribus.
Hieron. Baruffaldi de poetis Ferrariensibus dissertatio.
Jos. Lanzoni de j atrophysicis Ferrariensibus dissertatio.
Caesaris Brixii urbis Caesenae descriptio.
Fr. Bern. Mansonii Caesenae chronologia.
Geo. Marchesii Foro-Livii, civitatis celeberrimEe, compendium historicum.
Alphonsi Ciccarelli de Clitumno Umbriae flumine celeberrimo opusculum.
Gab. Naudaei tabularii majoris templi Reatini instauratio.
Naldi ISIaldii vita Jannoctii jNIanetti.
Martini Manfredi monumentorum historicorum urbis Lucae libri 5.
Gauges de Gozze de inscriptions colunuiaj rostratae, olim in foro Romano,
Francisci Mariae de Aste de memorabilibus Hydruutinae ecclesiae epitome.
Volumen 1. Philippi Cluverii Sicilia antiqua.
CI. Marii Aretii Siciliae chorographia accuratissima.
Dominici JMarii Nigri Sicilae descriptio.
Placidi Carafae Sicanae descriptio et delineatio.
Antonini Mongitoris regni Siciliae delineatio.
Volumen 2. P. Octavii Cajetani isagoge ad historiam sacram Siculae.
Alberti Piccoli de antiquo jure ecclesia; Siculae dissertatio.
Antonini de Amico de urbis Syracusarum antiquo arcliiepiscopatu.
D. D. Francisci Baronii ac Manfredi judicium in Anton, de Amico de
antiquo Syracusarum episcopatu, &c.
D. Rocchi Pirri disquisitiones de patriarcba Siciliae, do metropolita Siciliae,
et de praesulum Siciliensium electione.
Volumen 3. D. Rocchi Pirri Siciliae sacrse.
Ejusdem notitia capellae Sancti Petri in Panormo.
Caesaris Boronii cardinalis de monarchia Siciliae.
Volumen 4. Thomae Fazelli de rebus Siculis decades duae.
Francisci Maurolyci Sicanicarum rerum compendium, sive Sicanicae
historic, libri 6.
Volumen 5. IMichaelis Ritii de regibus Siciliae, eorumque origine et successione, libri 4.
Felini Sandei de regibus Siciliae et Apuliae liber.
Rocchi Pirri chronologia regum Siciliae.
Gaufredus Malaterra de rebus gestis Roberti Guiscardi Ducis Calabria?, et
Rogerii Comitis Siciliae.
Ejusdem, Alexandri Abbatis, Rogerii Sicilian Regis rerum gestarum, libri 4.
Gaufredi Malaterrae historia brevis liberationis Messinse a Saracenorum
dominatu per Comitem Rogerium.
Ejusdem Ptolomei Lucensis, Robert! Guiscardi, et eorum principum qui
Sicilise regnum adepti sunt, genealogia.
Hugonis Falcandi de rebus gestis in Siciliae regno historia.
Descriptio victoriiB per Carolum contra Manfredum Siciliae regem.
Sabas Malaspin;E reruin Sicularum libri 6.
Nicolai Specialis rerum Sicularum libri 8.
Anonymi chronicon SiciliiB, complectens accuratam reg-ni Sicilije liistoriani.
Conradi Vecerii historia de duabus seditionibus Siciliee, sub imperio
Caroli V.
Volam.6,7,8. Phil. Parutse, Leon. Augustini, Hub. Goltzii, et Sig. Havercampi Sicilia
Georg. Gualterii Siciliaj et adjacentium insularum atque Bruttiorum
tabulae antiquae.
Volumen 9. Joseplii Bontilii et Constantii Rlessanae urbis nobilissimae descriptio.
Placidi Reynte urbis Messanae notitia historica.
Antonii PhilotliEsi de Homodeis Etnae topographia, atque ejus iiicendi-
orum historia.
Petri Carrerae descriptio JEtn?e, libri 3.
Alex. Burgos descriptio terraemotus Siculi.
Volumen 10. D. Petri Carreree monumentorum historicorum urbis Catanae libri 4.
Epistolae Diodori cum annotationibus U. Petri Carreraj.
D. Petri Carrerae disquisitio de vero significatu numismatum (juorumdaiu
Messanensium seu Mamertinorum Catanensium.
Joannis Baptistse de grossis Catanensis decachordum, sive novissima sacr»
ecclesiae Catanensis notitia.
Volumen 11. Joannis Bapt. Guarnerii dissertationes historicae Catanenses.
Vincentii Rlirabellae et Alagonae ichnographiae Syracusarum antiqiiarum
Jacobi Bonanni et Columnse Syracusarum antiquarum illustratarum libri 2.
Volumen 12. Joannis Pauli Chiarandae Plutia sive Platia, civitas Siciliae, antiqua et nova.
P. Mario Pace antiquitates Caltageronis, urbis pulclierrimae Sicilia?.
Mariani Perelli antiquitas Scicli, quam olim vocarunt Casmenas.
Vincentii Littarae de rebus Netinis libri 2.
Placidi Carrafae Motucae descriptio seu delineatio.
Augustini luveges Carthago Sicula.
Volumen 13. Mariani Valguamerse de origine et antiquitate Panormi dissertatio.
Fraucisci Baronii ac Manfredis de Panormitana maj estate libri 4.
Volumen 14. Augustini Inveges Panormus antiqua.
Antonii Mongitoris sacrae domus mansionis S.S. Trinitatis, militaris ordinis
Theutonicorum urbis Panormi.
Josephi Vincentini Auriae notitia historica originis et antiquitatis Cephuledis.
Hieron. Ragusae elogia Siculorum qui veteri memoria Uteris floruerunt.
Benedicti Cochorellae Treniitane olim Diomedje insulae accuratissima
Palladii Fusci de situ orae lllyrici libri 2.
Joannis Lucii de regno lllyrici liber.
Ejusdem inscriptiones Dalmaticae.
Volumen 15. Philippi Cluverii Sardinia et Corsica antiquae.
Joannis Francisci Faraj de rebus Sardois historia.
Salvatoris \'itaUs annales Sardiniae.
Qiiintini lla;dui descriptio insulae INIelitae.
Coelii secundi Curionis de bello INlelitensi historia.
Commendatoris Fr. Joh. Francisci Abelae descriptio INIolitsp, libri 4.
Johan. Ilenr. Maii duo specimina linguae Punicae.
Muratori (L. A.), Annali d' Italia dal principio dell' era volp:are sino
air anno 17r)0; colle prcfazioni rritiche di Gicusoppi Catalani, c
col proscj^uimcnto di dctti annali fiuo agli anni prcsenti (1762).
14 vols. 4to. Lucca, 1762-70.
Oggcri Vincenti (Ab.), Continuazione dcgli Annali d' Italia dall' anno 1 750
air anno 1786. 5 vols. 8vo. Rotna, ]7!)0.
Guicciardini (Fr.), Istoria d' Italia [reveduti dopo un MS. del autor, da
B. P. Bonsi]. 10 vols. 8vo. Milano, 1803.
History of the Ostrogoths in Italy, the Exarchs of Ravenna, and the
Lombards in Italy. (Mod. Un. Hist. Vol. XVII.)
Naudet (J.), Essai sur I'Etat civil et politique des Peuples d'ltalie sous le
Gouvernement des Goths. 8vo. P«m, 1811.
History of Italy. (Mod. Un. Hist. Vols. XXII. XXIII. and XXXVII.)
Denina (Carlo), delle Revoluzioni d' Italia, con Continuazione. 3 vols.
8vo. Milano, 1820.
Denina (Carlo), Istoria della Italia occidentale. 6 vols. 8vo. Torino,
Perceval's (Geo.) History of Italy, from the fall of the Western Empire
to the commencement of the wars of the French Revolution. 2 vols.
8vo. London, 1825.
Recit historique de la Campagne de Buonaparte en Italic dans les
annees 1796-7, par un Temoin oculaire. 8vo. Lo7idres, 1808.
Botta's (Carlo) History of Italy during the Consulate and Empire of
Napoleon, translated from the Italian. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1828.
Vieiisseux's (A.) Italy and the Italians in the XlXth Century : a view of
the civil, military, political, and moral state of that country ; with a
sketch of the history of Italy under the French, and a treatise on
modern Italian literature. 2 vols, small 8vo. London, 1824.
Sismonde de Sismondi (J. C. L.), Histoire des Republiques Italiennes du
Moyen Age. 11 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1809-15.
History of the House of Savoy. (Mod. Un. Hist. Vol. XXXIV.)
History of Genoa. (Mod. Un. Hist. Vols. XXV. and XXXVII.)
History of Milan. (Mod. Un. Hist. Vols. XXXIII. and XXXIV.)
Daru (P.), Hist, de la Republique de Venise. 8 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1821.
History of Venice. (Mod. Un. Hist. Vols. XXIII. XXIV. and XXXVI.)
Ceremony of the Coronation of the Doge, by Brustola. (Coll. of Prints,
Vol. XV.)
Castlemaine's (Roger Palmer, E. of) Account of the War between the
Venetians and the Turks, with the state of Candia. Small 8vo. map
of Candia by Hollar, and Portrait. London, 1666.
Panvinii (O.) de Antiquitatibus Veronensium Lib. XIII. ; nunc in lucem
editac [M. A. Clodio]. Folio. {Veronce] 1647.
Varchi (Bened.), Istoria della Republica Fiorentina, nella quale principale-
mente si contengo e ultime revoluzzione della republica e lo stabili-
mento del principato nella casa de Medici. Folio. Colonia, 1721.
Boyd's (Henry) Historical Essay on the State of Affairs in the 13th and
14th centuries as it respects the history of Florence. (Dante.)
Pignotti (Lor.), Storia della Toscana sino al principato, con diversi
saggj sulle Scienze, Lettere, ed Arti. 6 vols. 8vo. Firenze, 1824.
History of the Tuscan States. (Mod. Un. Hist. Vol. XXXIII.)
Galluzzi (Rig.), Histoire du Grand Duche de Toscane, sous le Gouverne-
ment des Medicis; traduite de I'ltalien. 9 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1782.
Nolile's (Mark) Memoirs of the House of Medici, from Giovanni, the
founder of their greatness, to 1737. 8vo. Lond. 1197.
Tenhove's (Nich.) Memoirs of the House of Medici, from its origin to
the death of Francesco, the second Grand Duke of Tuscany, and of
the great men who flourished in Italy within that period ; translated,
with notes and observations, by Sir R. Clayton. 2 vols. 4to. large
paper. Bath, 1797.
Roscoe's (W.) Life of Lorenzo di Medici, called the Magnificent. 2 vols.
4to. London, 1796.
Memoir of the Life of Cosmo IIL, Grand Duke of Tuscany. (Travels in
Roscoe's (W.), Life and Pontificate of Leo X. 4 vols. 4to. Liverpool,
Torriano (Geo.), a New Relation of Rome, as to the government of the
city, the noble families thereof, the revenue and expenses of the
Pope, &c. Small 8vo. port, of P. Alexander VII. by Chantry.
London, 1664.
This copy has a duplicate title, by which the work is better known, — " Rome
exactly described as to the present state of it under P. Alexander VII.," &c.
Corriano's (Angelo) Relation of the State of the Court of Rome, made in
the year 1661, at the Council of Pregadi ; translated out of Italian
by J[ohn] B[ulteel]. Small Svo. London, 1664.
Giannone (P.), Istoria Civile del Regno di Napoli, con accrescimento di
note, riflessione, medaglie, &c. all' aja 1753. 4 vols. 4to. Napoli,
Giannone (P.), Opere posthume in difesa della sua Storia del Regno di
Napoli; con la di lui Professione di Fide. 4to. Palmyra, 1760.
History of Naples. (Mod. Univ. History, Vols. XXIV., XXV., and
Historical Life of Joanna of Sicily, Queen of Naples and Countess of
Provence ; with co-relative details of the literature and manners of
Italy and Provence in the 13th and 14th centuries. 2 vols. Svo.
London, 1824.
D'Egly, Histoire des Rois des deux Siciles de la Maison de France ;
contenant ce qu'il y a de plus interessant dans I'histoire de Naples
depuis la fondation de la monarchic jusqu'a present. 4 vols. ]2mo.
Paris, 1741.
History of European Islands. (Mod. Un. Hist. Vol. XXXVII.)
Boisgelins' (L. de) Account of Ancient and Modern Malta; witli a his-
tory of the Knights of St. John. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1805.
History of the Island and Order of the Knights of Malta, to 1725. (Mod.
Un. Hist. Vol. XV.)
Anderson's (vEneas) Particular Account of Malta during the time it was
subject to the British Government. (Journal of the Forces under Pigot.)
II'iHtonj of the Ottoman Empire.
Mouradja d'Ohsson, Tableau Gencrale dc I'Empirc Ottoman [comprenant
la legislation, les mneurs, et coutiinu's, avec les details les plus exacts
sur I'organisation et I'administration de remi)iro Ottoman. 8 vols.
Svo. Paris, 1788-1824.
Georgieviz (Barth.) de Origine Imperii Turcorum, eorumque administra-
tione et disciplina ; cui adjectus est de Turcorum moribus, cum
prscfatione D. Pliil. Melancthonis. Sm. 8vo. Wittbergce, 1560.
History of the Othman Empire to the peace of Carlowitz and deposition
of Mostafa. (Mod. Un. Hist. Vols. IX. and X.)
History of Turkey in Europe. (Mod. Un. Hist. Vol. XXXVII.)
Jovius' (Paulus) Shorte Treatise upon the Turke's Chronicles ; translated
cute of Latyne by Peter Ashton. Small 8vo. ilaclt letter. London,
by E. Whitchurche, 1546.
Mr. Thoresby's copy, with his autograph.
Alix (P.), Precis de I'Histoire de I'Empire Ottoman depuis son origine
jusqu'a nos jours; avec une introduction. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris,
Tott (Memoires du Baron de) sur les Turcs et les Tartares. 3 parts in
2 vols. 12mo. Maestricht, 1782.
Thornton's (Thomas) Present State of Turkey, together with Moldavia
and Wallachia ; from observations made during 15 years' residence
[including an introductory history from the origin of the Turkish
nation to Selim III.]. 2 vols. 8vo, London, 1809.
Dallaway's (James) Constantinople, ancient and modern; with excur-
sions to the shores and islands of the Archipelago. 4to. plates,
London, 1797.
[Evelyn's (John)] History of the Three late famous Impostors : viz.
Padre Ottomano, Mahomed Bei, and Sabatai Sevi ; with a brief
account of the ground and occasion of the present war between the
Turk and the Venetian ; together with the cause of the final extir-
pation, destruction, and exile of the Jews out of the empire of Persia.
(Misc. Works.)
Haji Khalifeh's History of the Maritime Wars of the Turks; translated
from the Turkish by James Mitchell. 4to. London, 1831.
History of the War in Bosnia, during the years 1737, 8, and 9 ; trans-
lated from the Turkish by C. Eraser. 8vo. Lond. 1830.
Emerson's (James) History of Modern Greece, from its conquest by the
Romans, B. C. 146, to the present time. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1830.
Leake's (W. M.) Historical Outline of the Greek Revolution ; with re-
marks on the present state of affairs in that country. Small 8vo.
London, 1826.
History of the Gipsies.
Grellman (H, M. G.), Histoire des Bohemians; ou, Tableau des Moeurs,
Usages, et Coutumes de ce Peuple nomade ; suivie de recherches
historiques sur leur origine, leur langage, et leur premiere origine en
Europe; traduite de I'AUemande. 8vo. Pans, 1809.
Asia. — General Historij, ^c.
D'Herbelot (Bart.), Biblioth^que Orientale, ou Dictionnaire Universel ;
contenant tout ce qui fait connoitre les peuples de I'Oricnt, oontinuee
par C. Visdelou et A. Galand. 4 vols. 4to. La Haye, 1777-79.
Jones's (Sir W.) Miscellaneous Pieces on the Language, Literature, and
History of Eastern Nations. (Works, Vol. L, and Suppl. Vols. L
and n.)
Richardson (John) on the Languages, Literature, and Manners of East-
ern Nations. (Pers. and Arabic Diet. Vol. L)
Asiatic Researches ; or, Transactions of the Society instituted in Bengal,
for inquiring into the history and antiquities, the arts, sciences, and
literature of Asia. 8vo. Lond. 1806, &c.
History of Asia in general. (Mod. Un. Hist. Vol. XXXVL)
Guignes (Jos. de), Histoire Generale des Huns, des Turcs, des Mogoles,
et des Tartares. 5 vols. 4to. Paris, 1756.
History of the Turks till the destruction of their empire in Tartary.
(Mod. Un. Hist. Vol. HI.)
History of the Turkmans and Usbecks. (Mod. Univ. Hist. Vol. V.)
History of the Turks, Tartars, and Moguls. (Modern Universal History,
Vol. xvin.)
History of the Dispersion of the Jews ; or, an account of their distressed
state from the destruction of Jerusalem to the end of the 17th century.
(iVlod. Un. Hist. Vols. X. and XL)
History of Asia Minor, Syria, Arabia, and Asiatic Turkey. (Mod. Un.
Hist. Vol. XXXVL)
Dissertations on the Assassins of Syria, by M. I'Evesque de Ravali^re and
M. Falconet. (Joinville's Memoirs by Johnes.)
Puget de St. Pierre, Histoire des Druses, peuples de Liban. l'2mo.
Paris, 1762.
[Rousseau], Description du Pachalik de Bagdad ; suivie d'une notice
historique sur les Wahabis, et de quelques autres pieces relatives a
I'histoire et a la litterature de I'Orient ; publiee par De Sacy. 8vo.
Paris, 1809.
Ariani Historia Lidica, et Expeditio Alexandri. (Classics.)
History of the Arabs and Saracens.
Murphy's (J. C.) General History of the Arabs, their institutions, con-
quests, literature, arts, sciences, and manners. (Mahometan Em-
pire in Spain.)
Price's (David) Essay towards the History of Arabia antecedent to the
birth of Mohammed, arranged from the Tarikh Tebry and other
authentic sources. 4to. London, 1824.
History of the Arabs and their Ancient State to Mohammed. (An. Un.
Hist. Vol. XVL)
Ockley's (Simon) History of the Saracens ; containing the lives of Maho-
met and his innncdiatc successors; an account of their most remark-
able battles, sieges, &c. ; and illustrating the religion, rites, customs,
and manner of living of that warhke people ; collected from authentic
Arabic authors. [Edited by Dr. Roger Long.] 2 vols. 8vo. Lon-
don, 1757.
History of the Empire of the Arabs to the taking of Constantinople by
the Turks. (Mod. Un. Hist. Vols. L to HI.)
Price's (David) Memoirs of the principal Events in Mohammedan His-
tory, from the death of the Arabian legislator to the accession of the
Emperor Akbar, and the establishment of the Mogul empire. 4 vols.
4to. Lond. 1812, &c.
History of Persia and Armenia.
Sacy (Silvestre de), Memoires sur divers Antiquites de la Perse, et sur les
Medailles des Rois de la dynastie de Sassanides ; suivis de I'histoire
de cette dynastie, traduite du Persan de Mirkhond. 4to. Paris, 1793.
The Shah Nameh of the Persian Poet Ferdonsi ; translated and abridged,
in prose and verse, with notes and illustrations, by James Atkinson.
8vo. London, 1832.
Jones's (Sir W.) Short History of Persia. (Works, Vol. V.)
Malcolm's (Sir John) History of Persia, from the most early period to the
present time ; with an account of the present state of that kingdom,
and remarks on the religion, government, science, manners, and
usages of its ancient and modern inhabitants. 2 vols. 4to. London,
History of Persia at large, and Kerman. (Mod. Un. Hist. Vols. HI.,
IV., and XXXVI.)
History of the Kingdom of Karazm [Khorasan]. (Mod. Univ. History,
Vol. V.)
History of the Shahs reigning in Persia, to Nadir Shah ; and of the
Arab Kings of Ormuz in Persia. (Mod. Univ. Hist. Vol. V.)
Histoire de Nadir Chah, connu sous le nom de Thammas Kuli Khan,
Empereur de Perse : traduite d'un MS. Persan, avee des notes, &c..
par W. Jones. (Sir W. Jones's Works, Vol. V.)
History and Literature of Persia. (Waring's Tour to Shiraz.)
Mosis Choronensis Historia Armeniaca ; ejusdem Epitome Geographise
Arm. : ediderunt et Lat. verterunt, notisque illustrav. Guil. et Georg.
Whiston. 4to. Londini, 1736.
Mosis Choronensis Historia abbreviata Armenic^. 18mo. Venice, 1827.
Elisseus, Bp. of Amadunians', History of the Vartan, and of the Battle of
the Armenians ; containing an account of the religious wai's between
the Persians and Armenians : translated from the Armenian by
C. F. Neumann. 4to. London, 1830.
Vahram's Chronicle of the Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia during the time
of the Crusades; translated from the original Armenian, with notes
and illustrations by C. F. Neumann. 8vo. London, 1831.
History of India.
Robertson's (William) Historical Disquisition concerning the Knowledge
which the Ancients had of India. 4to. London, 1791.
Maurice's (Thos.) Indian Antiquities ; or, dissertations relative to the
ancient geography, theology, laws, government, commerce, and
literature of Hindoostan, compared throughout with those of Persia,
Egypt, and Greece. 7 vols. 8vo. London, 1800.
Maurice's (T.) History of Hindostan, its Arts and Sciences, during the
most ancient periods of the world. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1795-8.
Maurice's (Thomas) Modern History of Hindostan ; comprehending that
of the Greek empire of Bactria, and other great Asiatic kingdoms
bordering on its western frontier, from the death of Alexander to the
18th century; including a history of the East India Company.
2 vols, 4to. London, 1802-9.
Ward's (William) View of the History, Literature, and Religion of the
Hindoos ; including a minute description of their manners and cus-
toms, and translations of their principal works. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond.
History of the Religion of the Hindils. (Mod. Univ. Hist. Vol. VI.)
[Ferishta's (Moham. Casim)] History of Hindostan, translated from the
Persian by Alex. Dow. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1803.
Stewart's (Charles) History of Bengal, from the first Mohammedan in-
vasion until the virtual conquest of that country by the English in
1757 [principally from Persian historians]. 4to. London, 1813.
History of the Moguls and Tartars, from Jenghiz Khan to the reign of
the Sultan Babr. (Mod. Univ. Hist. Vols. IV. and V.)
History of Hindustan ; or, the Empire of the Great Mogul to the Mas-
sacre at Delhi, and what passed there till Nadir Shah's return.
(Mod. Univ. Hist. Vol. V.)
Memoirs of Zehir-eddin Muhammed Baber, Emperor of Hindostan,
written by himself in the Jaghatai Turki, and translated partly by
the late John Leyden, partly by W. Erskine ; with notes, and geo-
graphical and historical introduction, by Charles Waddington. 4to.
map of the countries between the Oxus and Jaxtartes. 4to. Lond.
Mulfuzat Timury ; or, autobiographical Memoirs of the Mogul Emperor
Timur, written in the Jagtay-Turky language ; turned into Persian
by Abu Talib Hussyng, and translated into English by Charles
Stewart. 4to. London, 1830.
Jahangueir (Memoirs of the Emperor) written by himself, and translated
from the Persian MS. by David Price. 4to. London, 1829.
Shah Jehan (Rules observed during the reign of). (Gladwin's P.
Orme's (Robt.) Historical Fragments of the Mogul Empire, of the Ma-
rattoes, and of the English concerns in Indostan, from 1659 ; with
an account of the author's life and writtings. 4to. London, 1805.
Francklin's (Wm.) History of the Reign of Shah-Aulum, the present
Emperor of Hindostan ; containing the transactions of the court of
Delhi, &c. for thirty-six years. 4to. London, 1798.
Mill's (.Tames) History of British India, [from the commencement of the
trade with that country to 1805]. 6 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1820.
Malcolm's (Sir John) Political History of India, from 1784 to 1823.
2 vols. 8vo. London, 1826.
Orme's (Robt.) History of the Military Transactions of the British Nation
in Indostan from the year 1745 to 61 ; to whicli is prefixed, a dis-
sertation on the establishments made by the Mohamedan conquerors
in Indostan. 3 vols. 4to. London, 1803.
Wilks's (Mark) Historical Sketch of the South of India, in an attempt
to trace the history of Mysore from the origin of the Hindoo govern-
ment of that state to the extinction of the Mohammedan dynasty in
1799; founded chiefly on Indian authorities. 3 vols. 4to. London,
Stewart's (C. J.) Memoirs of Hyder Ali Khan and his son Tippoo Sul-
taun. (Cat. of Tippoo's Library.)
Ferishta's History of Dekkan, from the first Mahummedan conquest, and
continued from other native writers to the present day ; and the
history of Bengal from the accession of Aliverdee Khan to 1780, by
Jonath. Scott. 2 vols. 4to. Shrewsbury , 1794.
Malcolm's (Sir J.) Memoir of Central India, including Malwa and ad-
joining provinces ; with the history, and copious illustrations of the
past and present condition, of that country. 2 vols. 8vo. London,
Tod's (James) Annals and Antiquities of Rajast'han, or the central and
western Rajpoot states of India. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1829-32.
Cambridge's (Rich. Owen) Account of the War in India between the
English and French on the coast of Coromandel, from 1750 to 1760.
4to. London, 1761.
Munro (Life of Major-General SirThos.), late Governor of Madras; with
extracts from his correspondence and private papers, by the Rev.
G. R. Gleig. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1830.
History of the Countries contained in the hither Peninsula of India.
(Mod. Un. Hist. Vol. VI.)
Duff's (James Grant) History of the Mahrattas, [from A.D. 1000 to
1819]. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1826.
Elphinstone's (Mount-Stuart) Account of the Kingdom of Caubal and
its dependencies in Persia, Tartary, and India ; comprising a history
of the Afghaun nation, and a history of the Dooraunee monarchy.
4to. London, 1815.
Neamet Ullah's History of the Afghans ; translated from the Persian by
Richard Dorn. 4to. London, 1829.
Hamilton's (Charles) Historical Relation of the Origin, Progress, and
final Dissolution of the Rohilla Afgans, in the northern provinces of
Hindoostan, compiled from a Persian MS. and other original papers.
8vo. London, 1787.
Kirkpatrick's (William) Account of the Kingdom of Nepaul ; being the
substance of observations made during a mission in that country.
4to. London, 1811.
Malcolm's (Sir John) Sketch of the Sikhs, a singular nation in the pro-
vinces of Peryab in India, situated between the rivers Jumna and
Indus. 8vo. London, 1812.
History of the Commerce to, and Settlement in, the East Indies by the
several European nations. (Mod. Univ. Hist. Vols. VII. and VIII.)
History of the English East India Company. (Mod. Univ. History,
Vol. VIII.)
History of the Dutch East India Company. (Mod. Univ. History,
Vols. VIII. and IX.)
History of the Danish, French, Ostend, and Swedish East India Com-
panies. (Mod. Univ. Hist. Vol. IX.)
Macpherson's (David) History of the European Commerce with India.
Bruce's (John) Annals of the Honourable East India Company, from
their Establishment in 1600 to the Union of the London and English
East India Companies, 1708. 3 vols. 4to. London, 1810.
Clive's (Robert, Lord) Speech in the House of Commons on a Motion
made for an Inquiry into the Nature, State, and Condition of the
East India Company, and the British Affairs in the East Indies in
1772. 4to. Privatehj printed, \ni.
Burke's (Edmund) Speeches, &c. on Indian Affairs. (Political Hist.)
Jones's (Sir W.) Works ; containing all his publications on the manners,
customs, &c. of India, on oriental literature in general, and in-
cluding those published in the Asiatic Researches. 8 vols. 4to.
London, 1798-1801.
Forbes's (James) Oriental Memoirs, selected and abridged from a series
of Letters written during seventeen years' residence in India. 4 vols.
4to. London, 1813-15.
Dubois' (Abbe J. A.) Description of the Character, Manners, and Customs
of the People of India, translated. 4to. London, \%n.
Buchanan's (Claudius) Memoir of the Expediency of an Ecclesiastical
Establishment for India. 8vo. London, \%\2.
History of China, Tartary, and Siam.
[Castillion (J.)], Anecdotes des Moeurs, Usages, Coutumes^ et Religions
des Tonquinoises, Chinoises, Japonoises, Siamoises. One vol. in 2,
12mo. Paris, 1774.
Halde's (J. B. du) [Geographical and Historical] Description of the
Empire of China and Chinese Tartary ; together with the Kingdoms
of Corea and Tibet. From the French, with notes and other im-
provements by the translator. 2 vols, folio. London, 1738-41.
Couplet (Ph.) Tabula Chronologica Monarchise Sinicae, juxta cyclos
annorum LX., ab anno ante Christum 2952, ad annum post Chris-
tum 1683. Folio. Parisiis, 1686. (Confucius, Sin. Philosophus.)
Tong-Kien-Kangmou, Histoire Generale de la Chine, traduite par May-
riac de Mailla, et publiee, avec la description de la Chine, par
I'Abbe Grosier. 7 vols. Svo. Paris, 1818.
History of the Eastern Tartars. (Modern Universal History, Vol. VII.)
History of the Empire of China. (Modern Universal History, Vols. VII.
and XVIII.)
History of the Pirates who infested the Cliinese Sea from 1807 to 1810,
translated from the original Chinese ; with notes and illustrations by
C. F. Neumann. Svo. London, 1831.
History of the farther Peninsula of India, Assam, Arrakan, Pegu, Ava,
Siam, Kochin-China, and Tong-King. (Modern Universal History,
Vol. VI.) ^
History of the Asiatic Isles.
Ksempfer's (Engelbert) History of Japan ; together with a description
of the kingdom of Siam : translated from the original in High Dutch
[in the library of Sir Hans Sloane], never before printed, by J. G.
Scheuchzer ; with the life of the author, and an introduction [con-
taining a list of authors who have previously written on this subject,
and of Japanese writers.] 2 vols, folio. London, for the trans-
lator, 1726.
History of Japan. (Mod. Univ. Hist. Vol. VH.)
Titsingh, Memoires et Anecdotes sur la Dynastic regnante des Djogouns
souverains du Japon ; avec des notes par A. Remusat. 8vo. Paris,
Crawfurd's (John) History of the Indian Archipelago. 3 vols. Bvo.
Edinburgh, 1820.
Knox's (Robt.) Historical Relation of the Island Ceylon ; with an ac-
count of the detaining in captivity the author and others, and of the
author's miraculous escape. Folio. London, \Q)%\ .
Percival's (Robt.) Account of the Island of Ceylon ; containing its his-
tory, geography, customs, manners, &c. ; with the journal of an
embassy to the court of Candy. 4to. London, 1805.
Cordiner's (James) Description of Ceylon ; containing an account of the
country, inhabitants, and natural productions ; with an account of
the Candian campaign of 1803. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1807.
Marsden's (William) History of Sumatra ; an account of the govern-
ment, &c. of the native inhabitants ; with a description of the
natural productions, and a relation of the ancient political state of
the country. 4to, with plates in folio. London, 1811.
Raffles's (Sir Thomas Stamford) History of Java. 2 vols. 4to. Lond.
Raffles (Memoirs of the Life and Public Services of Sir T. S.), parti-
cularly in the government of Java, 1811—16, and of Bencoleen and
its dependencies, 1817—24; with details of the commerce and re-
sources of the eastern Archipelago : by his Widow. 4to. London,
Zuniga's (Mart, de) Historical View of the Philippine Islands, translated
by J. Maver. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1814.
Leith's (Sir G.) Short Account of the Settlement, Produce, and Com-
merce of Prince of Wales's Island, in the Straits of Malacca. 8vo.
London, 1805.
Africa. — General History.
Leonis (Joan.) Descriptio Africse. (Travels.)
Leo's (J.) Geographical History of Africa; before which, out of the
best ancient and modern writers, is prefixed a general description of
Africa, and also a particular treatise of all maine lands and isles
undescribed by Leo ; and a relation of the great princes and the
manifold religions in that part of the world: translated and collected
by John Pory. Folio. London, 1600.
History of Africa, and all the principal Nations and States which inhabit
it. (Mod. Univ. Hist. Vols. XI. and XXXVII.)
History of Egypt and Abyssinia.
See also page 178.
Wllford (Francis) on Egypt and other Countries adjacent to the Calf
River, or Nile of Ethiopia ; from the ancient books of the Hindus.
(Jones's Works, Supplement, Vol, II.)
Abd-AUatif, Ptelation de I'Egypte, suivie de divers extraits d'Ecrivains
Orientaux, et d'un etat des provinces et des villages de I'Egypte dans
le XIV siecle ; le tout trad, et enrichi de notes, par De Sacy. 4to.
Paris, 1810.
Quatremfere (E.), Memoires Geographiques et Historiques sur I'Egypte, et
sur quelques contrees voisines, recueillis et extraits des MSS. Coptes,
Arabes, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1810.
Champollion (J. F.), Lettres a M. le Due de Blacas d'Aulps, relatives
au Musee Royal Egyptien de Turin ; qui renferment la restoration
chronologique, par les monuments, de la XV dynastie Egyptienne de
Manethon, et des suivantes, jusqu'aux Romains. 8vo. plates in 4to.
Paris, 1824-6.
History of Modern Egypt. (Mod. Univ. Hist. Vols. XI. and XXXVII.)
Martin (P.), Histoire de I'Expedition Fran^aise en Egypte. 2 vols. 8vo.
Paris, 1815.
Mengin, Histoire de I'Egypte sous le Gouvernement de Mohammed-Aly
jusqu'en 1823. Enrichi de notes par Langles et Jomard, et d'une
introduction historique par Agoub. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1824.
Wilson's (R. T.) Moral and Physical State of Egypt. (Campaign in
Burckhardt's (J. L.) Manners and Customs of the Modern Egyptians
illustrated. (Arabic Proverbs.)
Ludolfi (Jobi) Historia ^Ethiopica, sive descriptio regni Habessinorum
quod vulgo mal^ Presbyteri Joannis vocatur, cum commentario.
2 vols, folio. Francf. 1681-91.
Ludolphi Relatio nova de hodierno Habessinse statu, ex India nuper
allata. Appendix secunda ad Historiam iEthiop., continens dissert, de
locustis. Folio. Franco/. 1693-4.
Brace's (James) Annals and Natural History of Abyssinia. (Travels.)
Lobo (Jerome), Relation Historique d'Abyssinie, traduit du Portugais,
contlnuee et augmentee de plusieurs dissertations, lettres, et memoires,
par M. le Grand. 4to. Paris, 1728.
History of Abyssinia. (Mod. Univ. Hist. Vol. XII. and XXXVII.)
History of Barbary and other parts of Africa.
History of Barbary, Morocco, Fez, Algiers, Tunis, Tripoli, &c. (Mod.
Univ. Hist. Vols. XIV. and XV.)
Chenier, Recherches Historiques sur les Maures, et Histoire de I'Empire
de Maroc. 3 vols. Svo. Paris, 1787.
Morgan's (John) History of Algiers from the earliest to the present times.
2vols. 4to. io»r/o», 1728-29.
History of the Interior Countries of Africa, (Mod, Univ, Hist. Vols.
Norris's (Rob.) Memoirs of the reign of Bossa Ahadee, King of Dahomy;
to which are added the author's Journey to Abomey, the capital ; and
an account of the Slave-trade. 8vo. Zoraer, 2 vols. imp. 8vo. Lond. 1827.
Fabricli (J, A.) Bibliotheca Graeca ; sive, Notitia Scriptorum veterum
Graecorum, quorumcumque monumenta Integra aut fragmenta edita
extant ; turn plerorumque e MSS. ac deperditis. Curante G. C.
Harles ; accedunt B. J. A. Fabricii et C. A. Heumanni supplementa
inedita. 12 vols. 4to. Hamburgi, 1790-1809.
Fabricii (J. A.) Bibliotheca Latina, nunc melius dilecta, rectiils digesta,
et aucta diligentia J, A. Ernesti. 3 vols. 8vo. Lipsice, 1773-4.
Anonymous and Pseudonymous Works.
[Baillet (Ad.)], Auteurs deguisez sous des noms etrangers, empruntez,
supposez, feints a plaisir, chiffrez, renversez, retournez, ou changez
d'une langue en une autre. Small Svo. Paris, 1690.
Barbier (Ant. Alex.), Dictionnaire des Ouvrages Anonymes et Pseudo-
nymes, composes, traduits, ou publics en Fran^ais ; avec les noms
des auteurs, traducteurs, et editeurs. 4 vols. Svo. Paris, 1806.
On Libraries, and their Arrangement.
Petit-Radel (L. C. F.), Recherches sur les Bibliotheques, anciennes et
modernes, jusqu'a la fondation de la Bibliotheque Mazarine, et sur
les causes qui ont favoriser I'accroissement du nombre des livres.
Svo. Paris, 1819.
[Home's (T. H.)] Outlines of the Classification of a Library submitted
to the Trustees of the British Museum [as a plan for the new catalogue
of that collection]. 4to. London {not published), \9)25.
Catalogues of Public and Private Libraries.
Hunter's (Joseph) Catalogue of the Library of Bretton, in Yorkshire ;
and notices of the Hbraries belonging to other religious houses. Small
4to. London, 1831.
Catalogue of the MSS. in the Cottonian Library, deposited in the British
Museum; by J. Planta. Folio. London, 1802.
Catalogue of the Harleian MSS. in the British Museum [edited by
R. Nares and H. Ellis] ; with Indexes of persons, places, and matters
[by T. H. Home]. 4 vols in two, folio. London, 1808-12.
Catalogue of the Lansdowne MSS. in the British Museum ; with Indexes
of persons, places, and matters. 2 vols, folio. \^London'\, 1812.
Catalogue of the Library [MS. and printed] belonging to the Faculty of
Advocates, Edinburgh [by Thomas Ruddiman, W. Goodall, Alex.
Brown, &c.] 3 vols, folio. Edin. 1742-1807.
Catalogue of the Library of the Royal Institution, including a complete
list of all the Greek writers, by Dr. Charles Burney ; methodically
arranged, with an alphabetical index by W. Harris. Royal 8vo.
London, 1821.
Catalogue of the Library of the London Institution, by Wm. Upcott.
Svo. London, 1813.
Catalogue of Sanscrit MSS. presented to the Royal Society by Sir W.
and Lady Jones. (Jones's Works, Vol. VI.)
Bibliotheca Chethamensis ; sive Bibliothecoe Publicac Mancuniensis
(Manchester) Catalogus; contexuit, indices adjecit, atque edidit G. P.
Greswell. 3 vols. Svo. Mancunii, 1791-1826.
Account and Extracts of the Manuscripts in the Library of the King of
France, translated. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1789.
Harris (James) on the Arabic MSS., and those of Livy, in the Escurial;
and of the MSS. of Cebes in the King of France's library. (Works,
Vol. IL)
Delandine (Ant. Fr.), Manuscrits de la Bibliotheque de Lyon, ou notices
sur leur anciennete, leurs auteurs, &c., precedees d'une histoire des
anciennes bibliotheques de Lyon. 3 vols. Bvo. Paris, 1789.
Stewart's (C. J.) Descriptive Catalogue of the Oriental Library of the
late Tippoo, Sultan of Mysore. 4to. Camir. 1809.
Pettigrew's (T. J.) Bibliotheca Sussexiana ; a descriptive catalogue, ac-
companied by historical and biographical notices, of the MSS. and
printed books contained in the library of his Royal Highness the
Duke of Sussex, in Kensington Palace. Vol. L Parts L and \l.
Imperial 8vo. Lond. 1827.
Dibdin's (T. F.) Bibliotheca Spenceriana ; or, a descriptive catalogue of
the books printed in the 15th century, and of many valuable first
editions in the library of Earl Spencer. — JEdes Althorpianse, or an
account of the mansion, books, and pictures at Althorp. — Supple-
ment to the Bibliotheca. 7 vols, in 6, impl. 8vo. Lond. 1814-22.
[Revicksky (Count Charles)], Catalogue de mes Livres ; avec des
remarques tirees de difterens ouvrages bibliographiques, souvent
eclaircies, quelquefois redressees. 8vo. Berolini, 1784.
This collection now forms part of Earl Spencer's.
Catalogus Librorum qui in Bibliotheca Blandfordiense reperiuntur
1812. 4to.
Bibliotheca Parriana ; a catalogue of the library of the late Samuel Parr.
8vo. London, 1827.
Thoresby's Catalogue of the MSS. and various editions of the Bible
in his Museum. (Whitaker's Leeds.)
Bunau (le Comte) Catalogus Bibliothecse Bunavianse, edente J. M.
Franckio. Vols. I. to 111. in 4 vols. 4to. all published. LipsicB,
Crevenna (A. B.), Catalogue des Livres de sa Bibliotheque. 5 vols, in
3, 8vo. with the prices. Amst. 1789.
Mac Carthy (le Comte), Catalogue des Livres de sa Bibliotheque, par
G. de Bure. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1815.
Renouard (Ant. Aug.), Catalogue de la Bibliotheque d'un Amateur ;
avec des notes bibliographiques, &c. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1819.
Santander (C. de la Serna), Catalogue de ses Livres, redige par lui-meme;
avec des notes bibliographiques et litteraires, et un supplement.
5 vols. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1803.
Askew (Ant.) Catalogus Librorum rarissiraorum ; with prices. Bvo. large
paper. London, \115.
Beauclerk (Topham), Catalogue of his Library, by S. Paterson. Both
Parts, with prices. 8vo. London, 1781.
Bindley (James), Catalogue of his Library. 4 parts, Bvo. Lond. 1820.
Bridges (John) Catalogus Librorum. Bvo. large paper. London, 1725.
Crofts (Catalogue of the Library of T.), by S. Paterson. 8vo. large
paper, with prices. London, 1783.
Hibbert (Catalogue of the Library of Geo.), sold by R. H. Evans. 8vo.
with prices. London, 1829.
Roscoe (Wm.), Catalogue of the Library of. 8vo. Liverpool, 1816.
Roxburghe (Duke of), Catalogue of his Library, arranged by G. and
W. Nicol, and sold by R. H. Evans. 8vo. with prices. Lond. 1812.
Stanleiana (Bibliotheca) ; Catalogue of a Selection from the Library of
Col. Stanley. 8vo. inlaid in 4to, with prices. London, 1813.
Steevens (Catalogue of the Library of Geo.) 8vo. large paper, with
prices. London, 1800.
Sykes (Sir M. M.), Catalogue of his Library, sold by Evans. 8vo. port,
with prices. London, 1824.
Taylor (G. W.), Catalogue of the Books, Pictures, and Furniture, at
Erlestoke Mansion ; sold by Robins. 4to. 1832.
West (James), Catalogue of his Library, by S. Paterson. 8vo. with
prices. London, 1773.
Introductio7is to the Study , and Courses of Polite Literature,
Addison's (Jos.) Discourse on Ancient and Modern Learning. (Works,
Vol. VI.)
Barrington (Daines) on the French and English Writers. (Miscellanies.)
Blair's (Hugh) Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Lettres. 2 vols. 4to.
London, 1783.
Gibbon (Edward), Essai sur I'Etude de la Litterature. (Misc. Works,
Gibbon (E.) Abstract of his Reading, with Reflections. (Misc. Works,
Vol. II.)
Goldsmith's (0.) Enquiry into the present state of Polite Learning in
Europe. (Works, Vol. I.)
RoUin's (M.) Method of Teaching and Studying the Belles Lettres.
3 vols. 8vo. London, 1804.
Waterhouse's (Ed.) Humble Apologie for Learning and Learned Men,
[shewing the antiquity of letters and learned men in our nation, and
the advantages we have obtained thereby]. 8vo. London, 1653.
[Goldsmith's (O.)] Anecdotes of Polite Literature. 5 vols. 18mo. Lon-
don, 1764.
Laharpe (J. F.), Lycee, ou Cours de Litterature Ancienne et Moderne,
[avec la derniere partie : Philosophie du XVIII Siecle, et la table
analytiquc]. 17 vols, in 20, 8vo. Paris, 1799-1810.
Laharpe (J. F.), Melanges Inedits de Litterature, recueillis par J. B.
Salgues, pouvant servir de suite au cours de litterature. Svo. Paris,
On the Origin and Formation of Language, and Universal
Nicholson (Gul.) de universis totius Orbis Linguis. (Oratio Domi-
Wotton (Guil.) de Confusione Linguarum Babylonica. (Oratio Domi-
Beattie's (James) Tlieory of Language. 8vo. London, \1%^.
Monboddo (James Burnet, Lord), of the Origin and Progress of Lan-
guage. 6 vols. 8vo. Edinh. 1774-92.
Gebelin (Count de), le Monde Primitif analyse et compare avec le
Monde Moderne, considere dans I'histoire naturelle de la parole ; ou,
grammaire universelle et comparative. 9 vols. 4to. Pam, 1773-82.
Townsend's (Jos.) Veracity of Moses established from the History of
Languages. (Character of Moses, Vol. I.)
Murray's (Alex.) History of the European Languages ; or, researches
into the affinities of the Teutonic, Greek, Celtic, Sclavonic, and Indian
nations. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb. 1823.
Kennedy's (Lieut. -Col. Vans) Researches into the Origin and Affinity
of the principal Languages of Asia and Europe. 4to. Lond. 1827.
Harris's (James) Hermes ; or, a philosophical enquiry concerning uni-
versal grammar. (Works, Vol. I.)
Urquhart's (Sir Thos.) Introduction to the Universal Language. (Tracts.)
Grammars and Dictionaries.
Leibnitz de Variis Linguis. (Oratio Dominica.)
Lacroze (Matur.) de Variis Linguis. (Oratio Dominica.)
Tooke's (J. Home) 'Etfix Un^oivTa, or the Diversions of Purley : new
\^ edition, edited, with numerous additions, from the copy prepared
by the author for publication, [by Richard Taylor]. 2 vols. 8vo.
London, 1829.
Fry's (Edmund) Pantographia ; containing accurate copies of all the
known alphabets in the world ; together with an English explanation
of the peculiar force of each letter. Royal 8vo, with the original
prospectus appended. Mr. Brand's copy. London, 1799.
Whiter's (W.) Etymologicon Universale; or, Universal Etymological
Dictionary, on a new plan ; shewing that consonants alone are to be
regarded in discovering the affinities of words ; with illustrations from
various languages. 3 vols. 4to. Cambridge, 1822-25.
Calepini (Amb.) Septem Linguarum, hoc est Lexicon Latinum, variarum
linguarum interpretatione adjecta, [post edit. J. Facciolati]. 2 vols,
folio. Patavii, 1772.
Macdonnel's (D. E.) Dictionary of Quotations in most frequent use, from
the Latin, French, Greek, Spanish, and Italian languages, with
translations. 12mo. London, 1811.
Hamilton's (Walter) Hand-Book ; or, short, convenient, and intelligent
dictionary of terms used in tlie arts and sciences, tracing their deri-
vation. Small 8vo. London, 1825.
Waltoni (B.) Introductio ad Lectionem Linguarum Orientalium. 12mo.
Londini, 1655.
Castelli (Edmundi) Lexicon Heptaglotton, Hebraicum, Samaritanum,
Chaldaicum, ^thiopicum, Syriacum, Arabicum conjunctim, et
Persicum separatim. Cui accessit brevis et harmonica grammaticse
omnium praecedentium linguarum delineatio. 2 vols, folio. Lond.
Jennings (David) on the Hebrew Language, (Jewish Antiq., Vol. H.)
Lee's (Prof. Sam.) Grammar of the Hebrew Language, in a series of
Lectures. 8vo. London, 1827.
Gesenius's (W.) Hebrew and English Lexicon to the Old Testament
[with points], including the Biblical Chaldee, translated from the
German [and collated with the author's other works], by Josiah
Gibbs. 8vo. London, 1827.
Parkhurst's (John) Hebrew and English Lexicon, without points, with a
Hebrew and Chaldee Grammar. 8vo. London, 1807.
Sacy (Silv. de), Grammaire Arabe, a I'usage des El^ves de I'Ecole des
Langues Orientales. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1810.
Ruphy (J. F.), Dictionnaire Abrege Fran^ois-Arabe [Vulgaire]. 4to.
Paris, 1802.
Richardson's (J.) Arabic Dictionary. (Persian.)
Wilkins (David) de Lingua Coptica. (Oratio Dominica.)
Reland (Hadr.) de Veteris Lingua ^gyptise. (Oratio Dominica.)
Tattam's (Henry) Grammar of the Egyptian Language as contained in
the Coptic and Sahidic Dialects ; with observations on the Bashmuric:
together with Alphabets and Numerals in the Hieroglyphic and En-
chorial characters, and a few explanatory observations. With an
appendix, consisting of the rudiments of a Dictionary of the ancient
Egyptian language, in the Enchorial character, by Thomas Young.
8vo. London, 1829.
Ludolphi (J.) Grammatica Linguae Amharicae, vel iEthiopicse, quae ver-
nacula est Habessinorum. Folio. Franco/. 1702.
Ludolphi (J.) Lexicon Amharico-Latinum. Folio. Franco/. 1698.
Ludolphi (J.) Lexicon ^thiopico-Latinum. Folio. Franco/. 1698.
Jones's (Sir W.) Grammar of the Persian Language. (Works, Vol. H.)
Gladwin's (Francis) Persian Moonshee [containing a Persian grammar,
the Pund Nameh, select stories, lives of philosophers, dialogues, &c.
Persian and English]. 4to. Calcutta, 1795.
Ouseley's (Sir W.) Persian Miscellanies ; an essay to facilitate the
reading of Persian MSS., with engraved specimens, philological
observations, &c. 4to. London, 1795.
Richardson's (John) Dictionary of the Persian, Arabic, and English
Languages ; with additions and improvements by Charles Wilkins.
2 vols. 4to. ZoKc/oH, 1806-10.
Ferhang Chaouri ; a Dictionary Persian and Turkish, with dissertation
on the Persian language, and an alphabetical collection of the pro-
verbial and obscure phraseology, by Ibrahim Effendi Monteferrica
(in Turkish). 2 vols, folio. Constantinople, an. Heg. 1155 [1742].
This copy belonged to the well-known French orientalist Le Grand, who, for
the facility of reference, has indexed it throughout in red ink, with tlie
initial and final letters of tlie words contained in each page ; and for the
same purpose has also underlined iu red all the Persian words.
Schrcederus (Jo.) de Rebus Armenicis. (Oratio Dominica.)
Aucher's (Paschal) Grammar, Armenian and English. 8vo. Venice,
Aucher (P.) and John Brand's Dictionary, Armenian and English, and
English and Armenian. 2 vols. 4to. Venice, 1821-25.
[Holderman (le Pere)], Grammaire Turque ; avec un recueil des noms,
des verbes, et des manieres de parler. 4to. Constantinople, 1730.
Jones (Jezreel) de Lingua Shilhensi [Chinese]. (Oratio Dominica.)
Morrison's (Robert) Grammar of the Chinese Language. 4to. Seram-
pore, 1815.
Basile de Glemona, Dictionnaire Chinois, Francois, et Latin, par De
Guignes. Folio. Paris, 1813.
Basile de Glemona (Supplement au) par Klaproth. Folio. Paris, 1819.
Clifford's (H. J.) Vocabulary of the Loo-Choo Language. (Hall's Voy-
age to Loo-Choo.)
Raffles' (Sir T. S.) Comparative Vocabulary of the Languages of the
Eastern Archipelago. (Java.)
Dictionary of the English and Malabar Languages. 4to. Vepery,\l%Q.
Knight's (R. P.) Analytical Essay on the Greek Alphabet. 4to. Lond.
Matthise (Augustus) copious Greek Grammar, translated by E. V.
Blomfield [and edited by Bp. C. J. Blomfield]. 2 vols. 8vo.
Cambridge, 1818.
Budsei (Gulid.) Commentarii Linguae Grsecse, ab auctore accurate recog-
niti atque aucti. Folio. Basilioe, ap. N. Episcopum, 1556.
Bos Ellipses Grsecse, edidit Schsefer ; quibus adduntur Pleonasmi Grseci,
sive Comment, de Vocibus, auctore B. Weiske ; una cum Hermanni
Diss, de Ellipsi et Pleonasmo in Graeca lingua. 8vo. Londini, 1825.
[Caius (Jo.)] de Pronuntiatione Grsecse et Latinse Linguae. 4to. Lon-
dini, T. Daius, 1574.
Booth (John) Medullae, sen Radices insigniores Linguae Graecae; or the
principal Greek primitives, with a Latin and English interpretation.
4to. Huddersjield,
Hesychii Lexicon Graece, cum notis variorum, ex recensione et cum ani-
mad., prolegomenis, et apparatu Jo. Alberti. 2 vols, folio, large paper.
Lugd. Bat. 1746-66.
Suidae Lexicon Grsece, et versio Latina iEmilii Porti ; notisque per-
petuis illustravit, indicibus adjecit L. Kusterus. 3 vols, folio, large
paper. Cantabrigice, 1705.
Suidse Lexicon Grsec^ (Toupii Emendationes in). 4 vols. 8vo. Oxonii,
Labbsei (Car.) Cyrilli, Philoxeni, aliorumque Veterum Glossaria, Latino-
Greeca et Grseco-Latina ; cum aliis opusculis. (Stephani Thes.
Vol. VII.)
[Stephani (Hen.)] Glossaria [Latino-Grseca et Graeco-Latina Vetera] ad
cog. utriusque linguae perutilia. Item de Atticse linguae seu dialecti
idiomatibus. Folio. Excud. H. Stephanus, 1573.
Stephani (H.) Thesaurus Graecae Linguae; editio nova, auctior et emen-
datior [editus E. H. Barker]. 8 vols, folio. Londini, 1816-18.
Morelli (Th.) Lexicon Graeco-Prosodiacum, correxit, animadversionibus
illustravit, verbis plurimis auxit, &c. Ed. Maltby. Large 4to.
Cantabr, 1815.
Hederici (Benj.) Graecum Lexicon Manuale, cura S. Patricii, J. A.
Ernesti, et T. Morell : cui accedit magnus verborum et exem-
plorum numerus ex schedis P. H. Larcheri. 4to. Londini, 1821.
Damm (Christ. Tab.) Novum Lexicon Graecum Etymologicum et Reale;
cui pro basi substratae sunt concordantiae et elucidationes Homericae
et Pindaricae, cura J. M. Duncan. 4to. Glasgua, 1824.
Schleusneri (J.E.) Novus Thesaurus Philologo-Criticus ; sive, Lexicon in
LXX. etreliquos Interpretes Graecos ac Scriptores Apocryphos Veteris
Testamenti, post Bielium et alios. 3 vols. 8vo. Glasguce, 1822.
Schleusneri (J.E.) Lexicon Graeco-Latinum in Novum Testamentum,
recens. J. Smith, J. Strauchon, et A. Dickinson. 2 vols, in 4, 8vo.
Glasguce, 1817.
Parkhurst's (John) Greek and English Lexicon to the New Testament;
with the more valuable parts of the works of later writers, by Hugh
James Rose : to which is added a plain and easy Greek grammar.
8vo. London, 1829.
Walker's (John) Key to the Classical Pronunciation of Greek and Latin
Proper Names ; with a complete vocabulary of Scripture proper
names. 8vo. London, 1798.
Robertson's (H.) Grammar of the Modern Greek Language, with extracts
from Romaic Authors. 12mo. London, 1818.
Lowndes' (T.) Lexicon of the Modern Greek and English Languages.
2vols. 8vo. Corfu, n21.
Meursii (Joan.) Glossarium Graeco-Barbarum. 4to. Lugd. Bat. ap.
Elzev. 1614.
Leake's (W. Martin) Researches in Greece, being remarks on the modern
Greek dialect, the Albanian, Wallachian, and Bulgarian languages.
4to. London, 1814.
Milton's (John) Accidence, supplied with sufficient rules for the use of
such as are desirous without more trouble tlian needs to acquire the
Latin tongue. (Prose Works, 4to. Vol. I. and 8vo. Vol. III.)
Ascham's (Roger) Schoolmaster ; or, a plain and perfect way of teaching
children to imderstand, write, and speak the Latin tongue : with
notes by J. Upton. (Works.)
Scheller's (I. J. G.) copious Latin Grammar, translated from the German,
•with alterations, notes, and additions, by Geo, Walker. 2 vols. 8vo.
London, 1825.
Doleti (Steph.) Commentarii Linguae Latinse. 2 vols, folio. Lugd. ap.
Seb. Grijphium, 1536-38.
Forcellini (vEgidii) totius Latinitatis Lexicon, consilio et cura J. Facciolati.
4 vols, in 2, folio, large paper. Patavii, 1771.
Gesneri (Jo. Math.) Novus Linguae et Eruditionis Romanse Thesaurus,
post R. Stephani et aliorum curas digestus, locupletatus, emendatus.
4 vols, in 2, folio. Lipsice, 1749.
Ainsworth's (R.) Latin and English Dictionary, improved by T. Morell,
with considerable additions by R. Carey. 4to. London, 1823.
Nizolii (Marii) Lexicon Ciceronianum, ex recensione Alex. Scoti. Acce-
dunt phrases et formulae linguae Latinse, ex commentariis S. Doleti.
3 vols. 8vo. London, 1820.
Hill's (John) Synonyms of the Latin Language, with dissertations on its
prepositions, 4to. Edinburgh, 1804.
Dufresne (Car.) Dom. du Cange Glossarium ad Scriptores Mediae et
Infimae Latinitatis. Editio locupletior et auctior, et studio Mona-
chorum Ordinis S. Benedicti. 6 vols, folio. Parisiis, 1733-36.
Spelmanni (Hen.) Glossarium Archaiologicum ; continens Latino-barbara,
peregrina, obsoleta, et novatae significationis vocabula, scholiis et
commentariis illustrata. Folio. London, 1687.
Brown (Sir T.), of Languages, and particularly of the Saxon Tongue.
Turner (S.) on the Anglo-Saxon Language. (Anglo-Saxon History.)
Ingram's Anglo-Saxon Grammar. (Chronicle.)
Elstob's (Eliz.) Rudiments of Grammar for the English-Saxon Tongue.
4to. London, 1715.
Thwaites (Ed.) Grammatica Anglo-Saxonica, ex Hickesiano Ling, Sep-
tent, excerpta, 8vo, Oxonice, 1711,
Hickesii (Geo,) Institutiones Grammaticae Anglo-Saxonicae et Moeso-
Gothicae, (Thesaurus, Vol, I, Part I,)
Somneri(Gul.) Dictionarium Saxonico-Latino-Anglicum: accessit iElfricii
Abbatis Grammatica Latino-Saxonica, cum Glossario suo. Folio.
Oxonii, 1659.
Junii (Fr.) Etymologicon Anglicanum, permultis auctum, edidit E. Lye,
praemit. grammatica Anglo-Saxonica, et vita auctoris. Folio, large
paper. Oxonii, 1743.
Gibsoni (Ed.) Regulae ad investigandas Nominum Locorum Origines.
(Chronicon Saxonicum.)
Booth's (David) Introduction to an Analytical Dictionary of the English
Language. 8vo. I^ondon, 1814.
Jodrell's (R. P.) Philology of the English Language. 4to. Lond. 1820.
Richardson's (Ch.) Illustrations of English Philology; containing a
critical examination of Johnson's Dictionary. 4to. Lond. 1815.
Maittaire's (Mich.) English Grammar ; or, an essay on the art of gram-
mar applied to the English tongue. 8vo. London, 1712.
Murray's (Lindley) English Grammar, with exercises and key. 2 vols.
8vo. York, 1809.
Kersey's (John) Dictionarium Anglo-Britannicum ; or, a general English
Dictionary. 8vo. London, 1715.
Ash's (John) Dictionary of the English Language. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond.
Johnson's (Sam.) Dictionary of the English Language ; together with a
history of the language, and an English grammar. With numerous
corrections and additions by H. J.Todd. 5 vols. 4to. Lond. 1818.
Booth's (David) Analytical Dictionary of the English Language. 4to.
London, 1822-24.
Crabb's (Geo.) English Synonymes explained ; with copious illustrations
and examples. 8vo. London, 1816.
Jones's (Stephen) ;Sheridan improved ; a dictionary of the English lan-
guage. 8vo. London, 1804.
Walker's (John) Critical Pronouncing Dictionary, and Expositor of the
English language. 4to. London, 1806.
Murdoch's (John) Dictionary of Distinctions in the Sound of Words.
8vo. London, 1811.
Boucher's (J.) Glossary of Archaic and Provincial Words ; edited by
J. Hunter and J. Stevenson. 4to. London, 1832.
Nares' (Robt.) Glossary ; or, collection of words, phrases, and names,
allusions to customs, proverbs, &c. in the works of English authors,
particularly Shakespeare and his contemporaries. 4to. Zone?. 1822.
Toone's (William) Glossary and Etymological Dictionary of Obsolete and
Uncommon Words, Antiquated Phrases, Proverbial Expressions, &c.
12mo. London, 1832.
Grose's (Francis) Classical Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue. Bvo.
London, 1796.
Grose's (F.) Provincial Glossary, with a Collection of Local Proverbs and
Popular Superstitions. 8vo. London, 1787.
Grose's Provincial Glossary (Supplement to). (Pegge's Anecdotes.)
Ray's (John) Collection of English Words not generally used, proper to
the Northern and Southern Counties. (Ray's Proverbs.)
[Pegge's (Sam.)] Anecdotes of the English Language, chiefly regarding
the local dialect of London and its environs. 8vo. London, 1814.
Wilbraham's (Roger) Attempt at a Glossary of some Words used in
Cheshire. Small 8vo. London, 1826.
Forby's (Robert) Vocabulary of East Anglia ; an attempt to record the
Vulgar Tongue of the twin sister counties of Norfolk and Suffolk, as
it existed in the last twenty years of the 18th century, and still exists.
Edited by (i. Turner. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1830.
Brockett's (J. T.) Glossary of North Country Words iu use, with their
etymology and affinity to other languages ; and occasional notices of
local customs and popiilar superstitions. Small 8vo. London, 1829.
7. ■/.
Hunter (Joseph), the Hallamshire Glossary. Small 8vo. Lond. 1829.
[Carr's (William)] Horse Momenta Cravense ; or, the Craven dialect
exemplified in two dialogues between farmer Giles and his neighbour
Bridget: to which is annexed a copious glossary. Svo. Lond. 1824.
Works of Tim Bobbin ; containing his view of the Lancashire dialect,
a glossary of Lancashire words and phrases. 12mo. Manchester,
Jamieson's (John) Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language,
illustrated with examples from ancient and modern writers. To
which is prefixed, a dissertation on the origin of the Scottish lan-
guage. With the Supplement. 4 vols. 4to. Edinburgh, IS08-25.
Bullet (J. B.), Memoires sur la Langue Celtique; contenant I'histoire de
cette langue, une description etymologique des villes, rivieres, &c.
et un dictionnaire Celtique. 3 vols, folio, large paper. Besangon,
Manoir's (Julian) Armoric Grammar and Vocabulary, translated from
the French by M. Williams. (Lhuyd's Archseologia.)
Lhuyd's (Edward) Archseologia Britannica, giving some account of the
languages of the original inhabitants of Great Britain. Vol. I. (all
published). Folio. Oxford, 1707.
Lhuyd's (E.) Comparative Etymology and Vocabulary of the original
Languages of Britain and Ireland. (Archseologia.)
Parry's (David) British Etymologicon ; or, the Welsh collated with the
Greek, Latin, and some other European languages. (Lhuyd's Archseol.)
Richards' (Thos.) British or Welsh-English Dictionary ; with a compen-
dious Welsh grammar, and a collection of proverbs. 8vo. Dolgelly,
Owen's (Wm.) Welsh and English Dictionary. 2 vols. 8vo. London,
Lhuyd's (E.) Cornish Grammar. (Archseologia.)
Borlase's (William) Vocabulary of the Cornu-British Language. (Hist.
of Cornwall.)
Armstrong's (R. A.) Gaelic and English Dictionary ; Avith an appendix
of ancient names : to which is prefixed, a new Gaelic grammar. 4to.
London, 1825.
Brief Introduction to the Irish, or ancient Scottish, Language, out of
Molloy's Grammar. (Lhuyd's Archseologia.)
Marcel (J. J.), Alphabet Irlandais, precede d'une notice historique, litte-
raire, et typographique. 4to. P«m, 1804.
Vallancev's (Charles) Grammar of the Iberno-Celtic, or Irish Language.
4to. ^Dublin, 1773.
Lhuyd's (E.) Irish-English Dictionary. (Archseologia.)
M'Curtin's (James) English-Irish Dictionary. 4to. Paris, 1732.
Dissertation sur I'Origine de la Langue Franqoise, sur ses Variations et
sur ses Richesses ; avec un projet de dictionnaire etymologique.
(Barbazan, Fabliaux.)
Roquefort (J. B. B.), Glossaire de la Langue Romane ; precede d'un
discours sur I'origine, les progres, et les variations de la langue Fran-
^oise. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1808.
Lacombe (M.), Dictionnaire du Vieux Langage Francois, necessaire pour
I'intelligence des loix d'Angleterre, depuis Guillaume II jusqu'^
Edouard III, &c. 8vo. Paris, 1766.
Wodroephe's (John) Grammar of the French Language. Folio. Lond.
Du Vivier (C. P.), Grammaire des Grammaires, ou analyse raisonnee des
meilleurs traites sur la langue Fran^oise. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1827.
Cotgrave's (Randle) French-English Dictionary, and Robt. Sherwood's
English-French Dictionary; with additions by James Howell. Folio.
London, 1650.
Dictionnaire de 1' Academic Fran^oise [la derni^re edition publiee par
I'Academie elle-meme]. 2 vols, folio. Paris, 1762.
Dictionnaire de I'Academie Fran^oise, augmente de plus de 20,000
articles [par Lavaux]. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1802.
Dictionnaire de I'Academie Fran^oise (Supplement au), contenant les
termes appropries aux arts et aux sciences, et les mots nouveaux
consacres par I'usage. 4to. Paris, 1824.
Chambaud (Louis), Dictionnaire Fran^ois-Anglois et Anglois-Fran^ois,
par J. Th. Des Carrieres. 2 vols. 4to. Londoti, 1805.
Guizot, Dictionnaire Universel des Synonymes de la Langue Fran^oise.
2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1829.
Planche, Dictionnaire Fran^oise de la Langue Oratoire et Poetique,
suivi d'un vocabulaire de tons les mots qui appartiennent au langage
vulgaire. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1819-22.
Le Roux (P. J.), Dictionnaire Comique, Satirique, Critique, Burlesque,
Libre, et Proverbial. 2 vols. 8vo. Pampelime [Paris], 1786.
Dictionnaire Languedocien Fran9ais. 2 vols. 8vo. Nismes, 1785.
Veneroni (J.), le Maitre Italien ; ou, la Grammaire Fran(^oise et Italienne,
revu sur les editions par Minagio, Placardi, et Rastilli. 8vo. Lyon,
Barberi, Grammaire des Grammaires Italiennes, ou cours complet de la
langue Italienne. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1819.
Florio's (John) Worlde of Wordes ; or, most copious and exact Dic-
tionarie in Italian and English. Folio. London, hy Arnold Hat-
field, 1598.
Vocabolario degli Accademici della Crusca, quarta impressione. 6 vols.
in 5, folio. Firenze, 1729-38.
Vocabolario. — Giunta de' Vocabuli raccolti dalle Opere degli Autori ap-
provati dall' Acad, della Crusca, apposta nell' cdizione Napolitana.
Folio. Najjoli, 1751.
Baretti's (Jos.) Dictionary of the Italian and English Languages ; with a
grammar prefixed. 2 vols. 8vo. London, \S24.
Capcllo (L.), Comte dc San Franco, Dictionnaire Picmontais-FranCj-ais.
2 vols. 8vo. Turin, 1814.
Fernandez (Don Felipe), Practical Grammar of the Spanish Language.
8vo. London, 1808.
Orozco (Sebast. Cobarruvias) Tesoro della Lingua Castellana, o Espauola.
Folio. En Madrid, 1611.
Diccionario de la Lengua Castellana, compuesto par la Real Academia
Espauola, reducido a uno tomo. 4to. Madrid, 1823.
Connelly (F. Thomas) and Thos. Higgins's Dictionary of the Spanish
and English Languages. 4 vols. 4to. Madrid, 1797-8.
Neuman and Baretti's Dictionary of the Spanish and English Languages.
2 vols. 8vo. London, 1823.
Vieyra's (Ant.) Portuguese Grammar. 8vo. London, 1820.
Vieyra's (Ant.) Dictionary of the Portuguese and English Languages.
2 vols. 4to. London, 1773.
Van der Pyl's (R.) Practical Grammar of the Dutch Language. 8vo
Rotterdam, 1819.
Sewell's (W.) Dictionary of the Dutch and English Languages. 2 vols.
4to. Amsterdam, 1766.
Killiani Dufflsei (C.) Etymologicum Teutonicse Linguae, sive Dictiona-
rium Teutonico-Latinum ; curante G. Hasselto. 2 vols. 4to. Traj.
Hickesii (Geo.) Institutiones Grammaticae Franco-Theotiscse. (The-
saurus, Vol. L, Part II.)
Glossarium ad Scriptores Linguae Francicse et Alemanicse Veteris [sive
Teutonico-Latinge], cum prsefatione de origine et const, linguae
Alemanicee J. Schilteri. (Schilteri Thes. Antiq. Vol. III.)
Becker's (C. F.) Grammar of the German Language, 8vo. Lond. 1830.
Kuttner (C. G.) and M. Nicholson's Dictionary of the German Lan-
guage, according to that of J. C. Adelung. 3 vols. roy. 8vo. Leip-
sic, 1805-13.
Poetevin (E. L.), Dictionnaire Suisse-Fran^ais-Allemand. 2 vols.
4to. Basle, 1754.
Bowring (J.) on the Language of Hungary and Transylvania. (Poetry of
the Magyars.)
Hickesii (Georgii) Antiques Literaturse Septentrionalis Libri Duo; Lin-
guarum Vet. Septentrionalium Thesaurum Grammatico-Criticum et
Archaeologicum ; ejusdem de Antiquae Literatures Septent. Utilitate
Dissertationem epistolarem; et A. Fountaine Numismata Saxonica et
Dano-Saxonica, complectentes. 2 vols, folio, large paper, ruled with
red lines. Oxonice, e Theatro Sheldoniano, 1705.
Wotton's (W.) View of Hickes's Archaeological Treasure of the Ancient
Northern Languages, translated, v/ith notes, by M. Shelton. 4to.
large paper. London, 1735.
Ihre (Jo.) Glossarium Suio-gothicum, in quo hodierno usu frequentia
vocabula explicantur, et ex dialectis cognatis origines illustrantur.
2 vols, in one, folio. Upsalice, 1769.
Jamieson's (John) Hermes Scythicus ; or, the radical affinity of the Greek
and Latin Languages to the Gothic illustrated ; with a dissertation
on the historical proofs of the Scythian origin of the Greeks. 8vo.
Edinburgh, 1814.
Lye (E.) Grammatica Gothica. (Evangelia Gothica.)
Glossarium Eddee Ssemundinae. (Edda, Mythology.)
Jonse (Runalphi) Grammaticee Islandicse Rudimenta et Dictionariolum
Islandico-Latinum ; cum G. Hickesii additamentis auctaet illustrata.
(Hickesii Thesaurus, Vol. L, Part III.)
Haldersonii (B.) Lexicon Islandico- Latino -Danicum, ex MSS. Legati
Arnse-Magnseani, cura R. K. Raskii editum ; prsefatus est P. E.
Mliller. 4to. Haimice, 1814.
Egede (Pauli) Grammatica Groenlandico-Danico-Latina. 8vo. Hau-
nice, 1760.
Egede (P.) Dictionarium Groenlandico-Danico-Latinum. 8vo. Hau-
nicB, 1750.
Lindahl (Erici) et Joh. Ohrling Lexicon Lapponicum ; cum interp. vo-
cab. Sueco-Latina et Indice Suecano-Lapponico, illust. preefatione
Joa. Ihre, nee non auctum Grammatica Lapponica. 4to. Holmice,
Grammaire Polonaise et Fran^oise. 8vo. Breslau, 1803.
Heard's (James) Practical Grammar of the Russian Language ; with
exercises, key, vocabulary, and reading lessons. 2 vols. 12mo.
Petersburg, 1827.
Dictionnaire Russe-Allemand-Fran^ois. 2 vols. 8vo. Petersbourg,
Brunnmark's (Gust.) Introduction to Swedish Grammar, by Wahlin.
12mo. London, 1825.
Brisman (Sven.) Svensk och Engeliskt Hand-Lexicon. 4to. Upsalia,
Raske's (Eras.) Grammar of the Danish Language. 12mo. Cojienhagen,
Bay's (C. F.) Danish and English Dictionary. 2 vols. 8vo. Copen-
hagen, 1824.
Salt's (Henry) Vocabularies of the Dialects of the different Nations of the
Coast of Africa, from Mosambique to the borders of Egypt. (Abys-
Drury's (Rob.) Vocabulary of the Madagascar Language. (Adventures.)
Jackson on the Languages of Africa. (Morocco.)
Adair's Vocabulary of American Indian Language. (American Indians.)
Heriot's Vocabulary of the Algonquin Tongue. (Travels in America.)
Grammar and Vocabulary of the Language of the Natives of the Tonga
Islands. (Mariner's Tonga Islands, Vol. II.)
*,* See also Literary History, and under the respective authors subjects of
Atheneii Deipnasophistse,
Aulii Gelii Noctes Atticse,
Hierocles in Aurea Carmina Pythagorse,
Macrobius in Somnium Scipionis, &c.
Coleridge's (H. N.) Introduction to the Study of the Greek Classics
[containing Homer]. Small 8vo. London, 1830.
Holdsworth's (Edw.) Remarks and Dissertations on Virgil ; with other
classical observations. Published, with notes and additional re-
marks, by Mr. Spence. 4to. London, 1768.
Luzac (Jo.) Lectiones Atticse ; de Aiyccjulx Socratis Dissertatio : edidit
et prsefatus est J. O. Sluiter. 4to. Lugd Bat. 1809.
Porsoni (Ric.) Adversaria ; notas et emendationes in poetas Grsecos ex
schedis MSS. deprompserunt J. H. Monk et C. J. Blomfield. 8vo.
Cantabr. 1812.
Ruhnkenii (Dav.) Opuscula ; prsefationem et indices addidit Th. Kidd.
8vo. Lo7idon, 1807.
Sluiter (J. O.) Lectiones Andocidese ; interjectse sunt L. C. Valckenserii
et J. 0. Luzacii animadversiones. 8vo. Lugd. Bat. 1804.
Blount (T. P.) Censura celebrium Authorum ; sive, tractatus, in quo
varia virorum doctorum de clarissimis cujusque sseculi scriptoribus
judicia traduntur. Folio. Londini, 1690.
Kames' (Henry Home, Lord) Elements of Criticism. 2 vols. 8vo. Lon-
don, 1805.
Pope's (Alex.) Essay on Criticism. (Works, Vol. I.)
Beattie's (James) Essays on Poetry and Music, as they affect the mind;
on Laughter and Ludicrous Composition ; and on tlie Utility of
Classical Learning. 8vo. Edin. 1788.
Burnett's (Geo.) Specimens of English Prose Writers to the close of the
17th century ; with biographical and literary sketches, including an
account of books as well as of their authors. 3 vols. 8vo. Lon-
don, 1807.
Drake's (N.) Biographical, Critical, and Historical Illustrations of the
British Classics. (B. Classics.)
Goldsmith's (O.) Prefaces and Criticisms. (Works, Vol. II.)
Gray's (Thos.)'Extracts, Philological, Poetical, and Critical, selected and
arranged from his original MSS., by Matthias. (Works, Vol. II.)
Hall's (Robt.) Reviews and Miscellaneous Pieces. (Works, Vol. IV.)
Harris's (James) Three Treatises : — Art ; Music, Painring, and Poetry ;
and Happiness : and Philosophical Arrangements. (Works, Vol. I.)
Johnson's (Dr. Sam.) Philological Tracts. (Works, Vol. II.)
[Jortin (John)] Miscellaneous Observations upon Authors, ancient and
modern. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1731.
Longinus on the Sublime. (Classics.)
Boileau, Traite de Sublime. (CEuvres, Vol. III.)
Burke's (Edmund) Philosophical Inquiry into the Origin of our Ideas of
the Sublime and Beautiful ; with an introductory discourse concern-
ing Taste. (Works, Vol. I.)
Knight's (Rd. Payne) Analytical Inquiry into the Principles of Taste.
8vo. London, 1808.
Hume (D.) on the Standard of Taste. (Essays, Vol. I.)
Alison's (Arch.) Essays on the Nature and Principles of Taste. 2 vols.
8vo. Edin. 1811.
[D'Israeli's (I.)] Essays on the Sources of the Pleasures derived from
Literary Compositions. 8vo. London, 1809.
Young's (Ed.) Conjectures on Original Composition. (Works, Vol. V.)
[Tytler's (A. F.)] Essay on the Principles of Translation. 8vo. Lon-
don, 1813.
Rhetoric and Oratory.
Aristotelis Ars Rhetorica. (Opera, Vol. II., Classics.)
Cicero de Rhetorica, ^ /PI V ^
Cicero de Oratore et claris Oratoribus. J ^ ''
Quintilian de Institutione Oratorise. (Classics.)
Campbell's (Geo.) Philosophy of Rhetoric. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1815.
Blair's (Hugh) Lectures on Rhetoric. (Polite Literature.)
Miltoni (Jo.) Prolusiones Oratorise. (Prose Works, 4to. Vol. II. ; 8vo.
Vol. VI.)
Witherspoon's (John) Lectures on Eloquence. (Works, Vol. VII.)
Rhetorum antiquorum selcctorum
Orations of Arsanes against Philip, the trecherons Kyng of Macedon ;
and of the Embassadors of Venice against the Prince that, under
crafty league with Scanderbeg, layd snares for Christendome ; and
of Scanderbeg prayeng ayde of Christian princes agaynst perjurous,
murderyng Mahomet. 9l3lacfe lettct, small 8vo. London, by John
Tresor de tous les Livres d'Amadis de Gaule ; contenant les plus belles
harangues faictes aux roys, epistres, concions, lettres missives, &c.
pour I'instruction de la noblesse de France 'A. bien haranguer et
escrire lettres missives. 1 vol. in 2, 18mo. a Paris, 1573.
On the Art of Poetry.
Aristotelis de Arte Poetica. (Op. Vol. II., Classics.)
Horatii Ars Poetica; with notes and critical dissertations by Bp. Hurd.
(Hurd's Works, Vols. I. and II.)
> Orationes. (Classics.)
Metastasio, Estratti dell' Arte Poetica d' Aristotile e di Q. Orazio Flacco,
con considerazioni sur le medisima. (Opere, Vol. XII.)
Beattie (James) on Poetry and Music. (Criticism.)
Dryden's (John) Art of Poetry. (Works, Vol. XV.)
Harris (James) on Poetry. (Works, Vol. I.)
Hurdis's (James) Lectures ; shewing the several sources of that pleasure
which the mind receives from poetry. 4to. Bishopstone, Sussex,
at the Author's oxon Press, 1797.
Ritson (Joseph) on Romance and Minstrelsy. (Metrical Romances.)
Boileau, I'Art Poetique. (O^uvres, Vol. II.)
Fabre-d'Olivet, Discours sur I'Essence et la Forme de la Poesie.
(Pythagoras, Classics.)
Greek Poets.
Gnomici Poetse Graecse.
Poetse Graeci Principes, Stephani.
Miscellanea Grsecorum Carmina, Maittaire.
Analecta Grsecorum Poetarum Vet., Brunck
Apollonius Rhodius. ■
Heraclidis Allegorise.
Lycophron. ^
Quintus Smyrnseus.
Theocritus. ^
Chants Populaires de la Grece Moderne, recueillis et publies, avec une
traduction Fran^aise, des eclaircissements et des notes, par C. Fauriel.
2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1824.
Latin Poets.
Baker Medulla Poet. Rom.
Opera et Fragmenta Vet. Poet. Lat., Maittaire
Poetse Latini Minores, Burmanni :
Ausonius. Phsedrus.
P roper tius.
Silius Italicus.
Valerius Flaccus.
Musarum Anglicanum Analecta, sive poemata qusedam melioris notae
sen hacteni^s inedita, seu sparsim edita. 2 vols. Svo. large paper.
Oxonii, 1699.
Musarum Anglicanarum Analecta. 3 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1721, ct
Oxon. 1717.
Musae Etonensis sive Poemata. 2 vols. 12mo. Londini, 1755.
Delitise Poetarum Scotorura hujus sevi illustrium, Art. Jonstono collectore.
2 vols. 12mo. Avistelodami, 1637.
Selecta Poemata Italoriim qui Latine scripserunt, iterum in lucem data,
una cum aliorum Italorum operibus, accurante Alex. Pope. 2 vols,
small 8vo. Londini, 1740.
Delitise C. Poetarum Gallorum, collectore Ranutio Gherio [J. Grutero].
3 vols. 12mo. Francofurti, 1609.
Delitise Poetarum Germannorum, collectore A. [Antwerpiano] F[ilio]
G[uil.] G[rutero]. 6 vols. 12mo. Francofurti, 1612.
Delitise Poetarum Belgicorum, collectore G. Grutero. 4 vols. 12mo.
Francofurti, 1614.
Delitise Poetarum Hungaricorum, a J. P. Pera. 12mo. Francofurti,
Delitise quorumdam Poetarum Danorum, collectore F. Rostgaard.
2 vols, 12mo. Lugduni Bat. 1693.
Poetarum Polonorum Carmina Pastoralia, ex Bib. Zalusciana iterum
edita. 8vo. Altenburgi, 1779.
Carminum rariorum Maccaronicorum Delectus in usum ludorum AppoH-
narium. 8vo. Edinb. 1801.
Parseneses Antiquse Germannicse Tyrolis Regis Scotorum ad Filium Fride-
brantum ; ut et Winsbeckii ad Filium et Winsbeckise ad Filiam ab
hinc annos D et quod excurrit, scriptse : cum notis edidit M. H.
Goldastiis; ac notis J. G. Scherzii. (Schilteri Thes.)
Addison (Jos,) Poemata. (Works, Vol. I. 8vo,, and Vol, I. 4to.)
Crashaw (Rich.) Poemata et Epigrammata. Small 8vo. Cantab. 1670.
Heinsii (Nic.) Poemata : accedunt Jo, Rutgersii quse quidem colligi
potuerunt. 32mo. Lugd. Bat. ex offi. Elzev. 1653.
Johnsoni (Sara.) Poemata. (Works, Vol, I.)
Lelandi (J.) Genethliacon illust. Edvpardi Principis Cambrioe. Londini,
1543. (Itinerarium, Vol, IX,)
Lelandi Cygnea Cantio, cum comment,, &c. Londiyii, 1545. (Itinera-
rium, Vol. IX.)
Kinschottii (Casparis) Poemata, omnia ex chirographo auctoris diligentcr
edita [a J. Gronovio], Small 8vo. Three portraits of Kinschotius,
by Hollar, in various states. Hagcs Comitis, 1685.
Markham (Rev. Guil.) Carmina Quadragesimalia, &c, ; edente Rev.
F. Wrangham. 4to. Privately priiitcd, 1820,
More (Sir T.) Poemata, (Life by Cowley.)
Murphy (A.) Poemata. (Works, Vol. VII.)
Owen's (John) Latin Epigrams, rendered into English by Th. Harvey.
The three books in one vol. 12mo, London, 1677,
Sarbievii (Mat. Casimeri) Carmina ; studiis Soc. Biponti. Svo. Argent.
Seldeni (Jo.) Poemata, Gr. et Lat. (Opera, Vol. II.)
3 .V
English Poetry.
Warton's (Thomas) History of English Poetry, from the close of the 11th
to the commencement of the 18th century; to which are added,
dissertations on the origin of romantic fiction in Europe, the intro-
duction of learning into England, and on the Gesta Romanorum :
with numerous additional notes by the late Mr. Ritson and Dr.
Ashby, Mr. Dance, Mr. Park, and other eminent antiquaries ; and
a preface by the editor. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1824.
Gray's (Thos.) Collections for a History of English Poetry. (Works by
Mathias, Vol. II.)
Phillips's (Edward) Theatrum Poetarum Anglicorum ; containing the
names and characters of all the English poets, from the reign of
Henry III. to the close of the reign of Elizabeth ; enlarged with ad-
ditions to every article [by Sir Egerton Brydges]. 8vo. Canter-
bury, 1800.
Sidney's (Sir P.) Defence of English Poesie. (Misc. Works.)
Ancient Critical Essays upon English Poets and Poesy, edited by Joseph
Haslewood. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1815.
Viz. The Arte of English Poesie, by Geo. Puttenham.
Certayne Notes of Instruction concerning the Making of Verse or
Rhyme in English, by Geo. Gascoigne.
A Discourse of English Poetrie, by William Webbe.
A Treatis of the Airt of Scottis Poesie, by King James II.
An Apologie of Poetrie, by Sir John Harrington.
A Comparative Discourse of our English Poets with the Greek,
Latin, and Italian poets, by Francis Meres.
Observations on the Art of English Poesie, by Thomas Campion.
A Defense of Rhyme, by Samuel Daniel.
Hypercritica, by Edward Bolton.
Three proper and wittie familiar Letters, lately passed between
two universitie men, Edmund Spenser and Gabriel Harvey.
Two other very commendable Letters of the same men's writing.
Nott's (G. F) Dissertation on the state of English Poetry before the
sixteenth century. (Surrey and Wyat's Works, Vol. I.)
CoUyer's (J. P.) Poetical Decameron ; or, ten days' conversations on
English poets and poetry, particularly of the reigns of Elizabeth and
James I. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1820.
Neve's (Philip) Cursory Remarks on some of the ancient English Poets,
particularly Milton. 8vo. London, printed for presents only, 1789.
Conybeare's (J. J.) Illustrations of Anglo-Saxon Poetry ; edited, with
additional notes and introductory notices, by W. D. Conybeare. 4to.
London, 1826.
The Works of the English Poets, from Chaucer to Cowper : including
the series edited with prefaces, biographical and critical, by Dr.
Johnson : with the most approved translations and additional lives,
by Alex. Chalmers. 21 vols. roy. 8vo. London, 1810.
[Allot's (Robt.)] England's Parnassus; or, the choysest flowers of our
moderne poets, with their poeticall comparisons. Small 8vo. Lond.
This copy has successively belonged to W. Oldys and T. Warton, and auto-
graph memoranda in both their hands are on the fly leaves. Warton de-
scribes this work as the first selection of English poetry published.
Campbell's (Thos.) Specimens of the British Poets ; with biographical
and critical notices, and an essay on English poetry. 7 vols. 8vo.
London, 1819.
[Capeirs(Ed.)] Prolusions; or, select pieces of ancient poetry ; containing
the Nutbrowne Mayde, Mr. Sackville's Induction, Overbury's Wife,
Edward III., a Play, and Nosce Teipsum, by Sir John Davies.
Small 8vo. London, 1760.
Cooper's (E.) Muse's Library ; or, a series of English Poetry, from the
Saxons to Charles II. Vol. I. 8vo. all published. London, 1737.
Ellis's (Geo.) Specimens of early English Poets ; with an historical
sketch of the rise and progress of English Poetry and language.
3 vols. 8vo. London, 1811.
Ellis's (Geo.) Specimens of early English Metrical Romances, chiefly
written during the early part of the 14th century; with an historical
introduction, intended to illustrate the rise and progress of romantic
composition in France and England. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1811.
Evans's (Thomas) Old Ballads, historical and narrative, collected from rare
copies and MSS. : edited by R. H. Evans. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1810.
Fry's (J.) Legend of Mary Queen of Scots, and other ancient poems ;
now first published from MSS. of the 16th century. 4to. large
paper. \^Bristol\, 1810.
Headley's (Henry) Select Beauties of ancient English Poetry ; with re-
marks, and a biographical sketch of the author, by H. Kett. 2 vols.
in one, 8vo. London, 1810.
Jamieson's (Robt.) Popular Ballads and Songs, from traditions, MSS., and
scarce editions ; with translations from the ancient Danish language.
2 vols. 8vo. Edinb. 1806.
Marston's (John) Miscellaneous Pieces of ancient English Poesie, viz.
the Troublesome Raigne of King John, by Shakspeare ; the Meta-
morphosis of Pigmalion's Image, and Scourge of Villanie. 12mo.
London, 1764.
[Percy's (Bp. Thos.)] Reliques of ancient English Poetry ; consisting of
old heroic ballads, songs, and other pieces, of our earlier poets: [with
an essay on the ancient English minstrels and metrical romances,
notes, and glossaries.] 3 vols, small 8vo. London, Ml 5.
Percy's (Bp. Thos.) Reliques of ancient English Poetry ; containing a
collection of ballads, songs, and other pieces, of our earlier English
poets : edited by Thos. Percy. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1812.
[Phillips's (Ambrose)] Collection of old Ballads ; with introductions, his-
torical, critical, and humorous. 3 vols. 12mo. Lond. Mil -25.
[Ritson's (Jos.)] English Anthology. 3 vols. Svo. London, 1793.
[Ritson's (J.) Pieces of ancient popular Poetry from authentic MSS.
Svo. London, 1791.
[Ritson's (J.)] Selection of ancient English Metrical Romances. 3 vols.
Svo. London, 1802.
Southey's (Robt.) Specimens of the later English Poets [in continuation
of Ellis's] ; with preliminary notices. 3 vols. 8vo. Sir M. M.
Sykes's copy. London, 1807.
[Utterson's (E. V.)] Select Pieces of early popular Poetry ; republished
principally from early printed copies in the black letter. 2 vols, in
one, Svo. London, 1817.
Weber's (Henry) Metrical Romances of the 13th, 14th, and 15th cen-
turies, published from ancient MSS. ; with an introduction, notes,
and a glossary. 3 vols. Svo. Sir M. M. Sykes's copy. Edinb.
Mirror for Magistrates; Part I. by John Higgins, Part II. by Thomas
Blenerhaset, Part III. by William Baldwin and others, and Parts
IV. and V. by Richard Niccols ; collated with various editions,
with historical notes, &c. by Joseph Haslewood. 3 vols. 4to. Lon-
don, 1815.
For an analysis of the legends forming this work, see Warton's Eng. Poetry,
Vol. IV.
Heliconia ; a selection of English poetry of the Elizabethan age, written
or published between 1575 and 1604: edited by Thomas Park.
3 vols. 4to. London, 1815.
England's Helicon ; a collection of pastoral and lyric poems, first pub-
lished at the close of the reign of Queen Elizabeth : edited by Sir
Egerton Brydges and J. Haslewood. 4to. London, 1812.
Lee Priory (Poetical Works from the private Press at). 4to. and 8vo.
Poems by various Authors, written between 1540 and 1612. (Har-
rington's Nugse Antiquse, Vol. II.)
Collection of Poems, by several hands [edited, with notes, by R. Dodsley].
6 vols. Svo, London, 1782.
Collection of Poems, by several hands [edited, with notes, by G. Pearch,
as a supplement to Dodsley's]. 4 vols. Svo. London, 1783.
Collection of the most esteemed Poetry ; with a variety of originals and
other contributions to Dodsley's collection. Svo. London, 1767.
Miscellanies in Verse, by Pope, Arbuthnot, Gay, &c. ; collated by Swift
and Pope. (Swift's Works^ Vol. XIII.)
Elegant Extracts, in Verse, edited by V. Knox. 2 vols. 8vo. London,
Fugitive Poetry (Bell's Classical Arrangement of). 18 vols. 12mo. fine
paper. London, 1790-97.
Poetry of the Anti-Jacobin [by GifFord, Canning, Frere, &c.]. 4to.
London, 1801.
Poems, containing the Retrospect, &c., by Robert Lovell and Robert
Southey. Svo. Bath, 1795.
Dyce's (Alex.) Specimens of British Poetesses, chronologically arranged.
Svo. London, 1827.
Kettell's (Sam.) Specimens of American Poetry ; with critical and bio-
graphical notices [and catalogue of American poetical works]. 3 vols,
small Svo. Boston, U. S. 1 829.
[Ritson's (Jos.)] Ancient Songs, from the time of Henry III. to the Re-
volution. 8vo. London, 1790.
[Ritson's (Jos.)] Robin Hood ; being a collection of all the songs, bal-
lads, &c. now extant, relative to that English Outlaw. 2 vols. 8vo.
London, 1795.
Ritson's (Jos.) Select Collection of English Songs ; with additions and
occasional notes by Th. Park. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1813.
[Dalrymple's (Alex.)] Collection of English Songs ; with an appendix
of original pieces. 8vo. London, 1796.
A Collection of Loyal Songs, written against the Rump Parliament,
between the years 1639 and 1661 ; with an historical introduction.
2 vols. 12mo. London, 1731.
Plumptree's (James) Letters to Dr. Aikin, on his Essays on Song-
writing ; with a collection of such English songs as are most eminent
for their poetic merit, revised and altered by R. H. Evans. Small
8vo. Camb. 1811.
Plumptree's (J.) Collection of Songs; with introductory letter on song-
writing. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1806.
Simes' (D.) Musical Miscellany, a collection of songs set to music.
12mo. Edin. 1792.
The Musical Miscellany ; being a collection of choice songs, set to the
violin and flute. 6 vols, in 3, 12mo. London, 1729.
Addison's (Joseph) Poems. (Works, Vol. L, 4to. and 8vo.)
Anstey's (Christ.) Poetical Works ; with an account of his life and
writings by John Anstey. 4to. London, \%0^.
Anstey's (J.) Pleader's Guide, a didactic poem. 8vo. London, 1808.
Baillie's (Joanna) Metrical Legends of exalted Characters. 8vo. Lon-
don, 1821.
Barnard's (E. W.) Fifty Select Poems of Marc. Antonio Flaminio imi-
tated ; with a short memoir of the author. Edited by Francis Wrang-
ham. 8vo. Presentation copy from the editor. Chester, 1829.
Bayly's (T. H.) Psychse ; or, songs on butterflies, attempted in Latin
rhyme, with a few additional trifles, by Francis Wrangham. 8vo.
Presentation copy from the translator. Malton, 1828.
Beattie's (James) Minstrel ; or, the Progress of Genius : with other poems.
4to. Edin. 1803.
Blair's (Robert) Grave, illustrated with etchings by Schiavonetti, from
the designs of W. Blake. 4to. London, 1808.
Bloomfield's (Robert) Rural Tales, Ballads, and Songs ; the Farmer's
Boy ; and Wild Flowers, or Pastoral and Local Poetry. 3 vols.
12mo. London, 1805-6.
Bowles' (W. L.) Poems. 4 vols. 12mo. Bath, 1802-9.
Brathwait's (Richard) Barnabce Itinerarium ; or, Barnabee's Journal ;
with a life of the author, a bibliographical introduction to the Itine-
rary, and a catalogue of his works. Edited, from the first edition,
by Joseph Haslcwood. 2 vols. iSmo. London, 1820.
Brathwayte's (Rich.) Odes ; or, Philomel's Tears. 8vo. Zee Priory, 1815.
Breton's (N.) Melancholike Humours. Royal 4to. Lee Priory, 1815.
Breton's (N.) Ravished Soule and Blessed Weeper. Royal 8vo. Lee
Priory, .
Browne's (William) Poems, never before published. Royal 4to. Lee
Priory, 1813-17.
Brydges' (Sir E.) Select Poems. Royal 4to. Lee Priory, 1814.
Brydges' (Sir E.) Occasional Poems. Royal 4to. Lee Priory, 1814.
Brydges' (Sir E.) Select Funeral Memorials. 4to. Lee Priory, 1818.
Butler's (Sam.) Hudibras ; with large annotations and a preface by
Z. Grey. Plates by Hogarth. 2 vols. 8vo. Cambridge, 1744.
Butler's (S.) Hudibras; with Dr. Grey's annotations, new edition, cor-
rected and enlarged, with illustrative cuts and portraits. 3 vols. 8vo.
London, 1819.
Butler's (S.) Hudibras; avec traduction en vers Francois [par Jo.Townley],
et des Remarques [par Larcher]. Plates after Hogarth, and port, of
Mr, Townley by Skelton. 3 vols. 12mo. Londres \_Paris\, 1757.
Buchanan's (Geo.) Baptistes, a sacred and dramatic Poem, in defence of
liberty, translated into English by John Milton. (Peck's Life of Milton.)
Byron's (Lord) Works; with Werner, Heaven and Earth, Vision of
Judgment, &c. not in the regular edition of his works. 8 vols. 8vo.
London, 1823-25.
Byron's Works (Illustrations of), from designs by Westall and Stothard.
8vo. London, 1814-19.
Byron (Lord). — Historical Illustrations of the Fourth Canto of Childe
Harold, by John Hobhouse. 8vo. London, 1818.
Byron's (Lord) English Bards and Scotch Reviewers ; a Satire. The
first edition, small 8vo. London, .
Cambridge's (Owen) Poetical Works. (Works.)
Campbell's (T.) Pleasures of Hope ; with other Poems. Small 8vo. Lond.
Campbell's (T.) Gertrude of Wyoming, and other Poems. Small 8vo.
London, 1825.
Campbell's (T.) Theodoric ; a Domestic Tale : and other Poems. Small
8vo. London, 1824.
Carysfort's (John Joshua, Earl of) Poems. 2 vols, in one, 8vo. Lon-
don, 1810.
Cavendish's (Geo.) Metrical Visions concerning the Fortunes and Fall
of the most eminent persons of his time. (Life of Wolsey.)
Chalkhill's (John) Thealma and Clearchus ; a Pastoral Romance : edited
by S. W. Singer. Small 8vo. Lond. 1820.
Chatterton's (Thos.) Poems. (Works, and under Rowley.)
Chatterton (Papers of Horatio Walpole, relative to). (Orford's Works,
Vol. IV.)
Chaucer (Geoff.). The Works of our ancient and learned Poet ; edited,
with additions, by Th. Speght. Folio. W. Herbert's copy. Lon-
don, 1602.
Chaucer's (Geoff.) Canterbury Tales; with an Essay on his Language
and Versification, notes, and a glossary, by T. Tyrwhitt. 2 vols, 4to.
Oxford, 1798.
Chaucer's Canterbury Tales ; to which are added, an Essay on his lan-
guage and versification, an introductory discourse, notes, and a
glossary [edited by T. Tyrwhitt]. 5 vols. 8vo. large paper. Sir M. M.
Sykes's copy. London, 177 5-S,
Chaucer (Todd's Illustrations of the Life and Writings of). (Biography.)
Chudleigh's (Lady Mary) Poems on several occasions. Small 8vo, Lon-
don, 1722.
Corbet's (Bp. Rich.) Poems; with notes and a life of the author, by
Oct. Gilchrist. 8vo. London, 1807.
Cowley's (Abr.) Poems. (Works.)
Cowper's (Wm.) Poems, edited by Jo. Newton ; with Storer and Greig's
illustrations. 4to. London, 1806.
Crabbe's (Geo.) Works; with Westall's illustrations. 5 vols. 8vo.
London, 1823.
Crashaw's (Rich.) Steps to the Temple, the Delights of the Muses, and
Carmen pro Nostro. Small 8vo. London, 1670.
[Cutts' (John, Lord)] Poetical Exercises upon several occasions. Small
8vo. London, 1687.
Darwin's (Erasmus) Botanic Garden. (Botany.)
Darwin's (E.) Temple of Nature; or, the origin of society ; a poem :
with philosophical notes. 4to. Lond. 1803.
Davison's (Francis) Poetical Rhapsody, edited by Sir Egerton Brydges.
3 vols, in two, 8vo. Lee Priory, 1814.
Denham's (Sir John) Poems and Translations ; with the Sophy, a tragedy.
12mo. bound by Roger Payne. London, 1719.
Dermody's (Thomas) Poetical Works, edited by J. G. Raymond. 2 vols.
8vo. Lond. 1807.
Drayton's (Mich.) Poly-Albion. (English Topography.)
Dryden's (John) Poems, historical and political. (Works, Vols. IX.
and X.)
Dryden's (J.) Poetical Epistles, Odes, Songs, and Lyrical Pieces.
(Works, Vol. XL)
Dryden's (J.) Fables. (Works, Vols. XI. and XII.)
Falconer's (Wm.) Shipwreck, a poem ; with notes and life of the author,
by James S. Clarke: and illustrative plates after Pococke. 8vo.
largest paper, proofs. London, 1804.
Flodden Field (the Battle of), a poem of the 16th century ; with vari-
ous readings, historical notes, a glossary, and an appendix containing
ancient poems and historical matter relating to the same event ; by
Henry Weber. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1808.
Ford's (John) Fame's Memorial; or, Elegy on the Earl of Devonshire,
1606. Royal 8vo. Lee Priory, 1819.
Garrick's (David) Poetical Works ; with explanatory notes. 2 vols.
18mo. London, 1785.
Gilford's (Wm.) Baviad and Mseviad. 8vo. London, 1810.
[Gillies' (R. P.)] Childe Alarique, a Poet's Reverie. 4to. Edinburgh,
Gisborne's (Thomas) Walks in a Forest. 12mo. London, 1797.
[Gisborne's (T.)] Rothley Temple, a Poem. 8vo. Presentation copy
from the author. London, 1815.
Goldsmith's (O.) Miscellaneous Poems. (Works, Vol. II.)
Gower's (Jo.) de Confessione Amantis [or, the Lover's Confession]. 95lacit
letter, folio. London, by T. Berthelette, M.D.LIIII.
Gower (Todd's Illustrations of the Life and Writings of). (Biography.)
Grahame's (James) Poems, viz. Birds of Scotland, Sabbath and Sabbath
Walk. 2 vols. 12mo. London, \%Q1 .
Grahame's (J.) British Georgics ; with notes illustrative of Scottish agri-
culture. 4to. London, 1809.
Gray's (Thos.) Poetical Works. (Works, 4to. and 8vo., Vol. I.)
Gray's (Thos.) Poems ; with critical notes, a life of the author, and an
essay on his poetry, by J. Mitford. 8vo. London, 1814.
Grevill (Sir Fulke) Lord Brooke's Remains ; being poems of monarchy
and religion. Small 8vo. London, 1670.
Griffin's (B.) Fidessa; a collection of sonnets [edited, from the edition
of 1596, by Ph. Bliss]. 8vo. Chiswick, 1815.
Habington's (Wm.) Castara. Best edition, 12mo. London, 1640.
Habington's (Wm.) Castara ; with a preface and notes by C. A. Elton.
Small 8vo. Bristol, 1812.
Hall's (Bp.) VI. Books of Satyrs. (Works.)
Harrington's (Sir John) most Elegant and Wittie Epigrams. London,
Haygarth's (Wm.) Greece ; with notes, classical illustrations, and
sketches of the scenery. 4to. London, \814.
Hayley's (W.) Triumphs of Temper. Small 8vo. Chichester, 1817.
Heber's (Reg.) Palestine, a Poem. 8vo. Presentation copy. Oxford,
privately printed, 1803.
Heber's (R.) Palestine; a poem, recited in the theatre, Oxford, 1803;
with the Passage of the Red Sea, a fragment. 4to. Presentation
copy from Reginald Heber. London, 1809.
Heber's (Reg.) Poems and Translations. 12mo. London, 1812.
Herbert's (George) Temple, Sacred Poems, and Private Ejaculations,
12mo. Camb. 1633.
Herbert's (William) Miscellaneous Poetry [principally translations from
the Danish and Icelandic]. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1806.
Herbert's (W.) Helga. 8vo. Lond. 1815.
Herrick's (Rob.) Select Poems from his Hesperides ; or, works both
human and divine : with remarks by J. Nott. 8vo. Bristol, 1810.
Horace in London, in imitation of the first and second book of Horace.
12mo. Lond. 1813.
Hoyland's (Rev. Mr.) Poems. 8vo. Strawberry Hill, 1769.
Hurdis's (James) Village Curate, Favourite Village, and other Poems.
2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1810.
Ingram's (H.) Flowers of Wye. 8vo. London, 1815.
Johnson's (Samuel) Poems. (Works, Vol. I.)
Leyden's (Dr. John) Poetical Remains; with memoirs of his life by
James Morton. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1819. '
Lodge's (Thos.) Glaucus and Silla ; with other poems [and a preface by
S. W. Singer]. Small 8vo. London, 1819.
[Longland's (Thos.)] Vissio Willf de Petro Ploughman, item Visiones
ejusdem de Dowel, Dobet, et Dobest; or, the Vision of William con-
cerning Piers Ploughman, and the visions of the same concerning the
origin, progress, and perfection of the Christian life. Ascribed to
Robert Longland, a secular priest, and written in, or immediately
after, 1362. Printed from a contemporary MS, ; collated with
others, and exhibiting the original text; together with an introduc-
tory discourse, a perpetual commentary, annotations, and a glossary ;
by T. D. Whitaker. 4to. blacfe letter. London, 1813.
[Longland's (Thos.)] Pierce the Ploughman's Crede. ISIacfe letter. Edited
from the edition of R. Wolfe, 1553, by J. Haslewood. 4to. large
paper. London, 1814.
Lovelace's (Rich.) Lucasta, Epodes, Odes, Sonnets, Songs, &c., edited
by S. W. Singer. 2 vols, small 8vo. Zowc?. 1817-18.
Lyttleton's (George, Lord) Poems. (Misc. Works.)
Mackenzie's (Henry) Poems. (Works, Vol. VIII.)
Mariow (Chr.) and Geo. Chapman's Hero and Leander, a poem ; with
a critical preface by S. W. Singer. Small 8vo. Land. 1821.
Marmyon's (Shakerly) Cupid and Psyche, a legend ; edited by S. W.
Singer. Small 8vo. Land. 1820.
Mason's (Wm.) Poetical Works. (Works, Vol. I.)
Milman's (H. H.) Martyr of Antioch, a dramatic poem. 8vo. Lon-
don, 1822.
Milman's (H, H.) Anne Boleyn, a dramatic poem. 8vo. Lond. 1826.
Milman's (H. H.) Belshazzar, a dramatic poem. 8vo. Lond. 1822.
Milman's (H. H.) Fall of Jerusalem. 8vo. Lond. 1822.
Milton's (John) Poetical Works ; with notes of various authors, by (Bp.)
Thos. Newton. 3 vols. 4to. London, 174:9-52.
The plates to this edition were executed at the expense of the Eail of Bath, as
was also a portion of the printing.
Milton's (J.) Poetical Works; with notes of various authors, and some
account of his life and writings, by H. J. Todd : to which are added,
illustrations, with a verbal index to the whole of Milton's poetry.
7 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1809.
Milton, Memoirs of his Poetical Works. (Peck's Life of Milton.)
Milton's (John) Paradise Lost, a poem in ten books. 4to. first edi-
tion. London, 1668.
Milton's (J.) Paradise Regained; with Samson Agonistes. 8vo. first
EDITION. London, 1671.
Milton's (J.) Paradise Lost ; with illustrations designed and engraved by
John Martin. Large paper, proofs, 2 vols. imp. 4to. London, 1827.
Milton. — Explanatory Notes and Remarks on Milton's Paradise Lost, by
J. Richardson, Father and Son ; with life of the author, and a dis-
course on the poem, by J. R. senior. 8vo. London, 1734.
Milton's (J.) Pooms on several occasions, English, Italian, and Latin ;
with notes and otiier illustrations, by Th. Warton. 8vo. Lond. 1791.
3 B
Minot's (Laurence) Poems on interesting events in the reign of Ed-
ward IIL, written in 1352; edited, with preface, dissertation, notes,
and a glossary, by J. Ritson. 8vo. London, 1795.
Mitford's (Mary R.) Christina ; or, the Maid of the South Seas. 8vo.
London, 1811.
Montgomery's (James) Poetical Works. 4 vols, small 8vo. London,
Montgomery's (Robert) Oxford, a poem. Small Bvo. Oxford, 1831.
Moore's (Thomas) Lalla Rookh, an oriental romance. 4to. London,
Moore's (T.) Loves of the Angels ; with illustrations by Westall. 8vo.
London, 1823.
Murphy's (Arth.) Poems. (Works, Vol. VIL)
Nut-brown Maid (the Original of the), (Arnold's Chronicle.)
Orleans. — Poems, written in English, by Charles Duke of Orleans, dur-
ing his captivity in England, after the battle of Agincourt [edited by
G.W.Taylor]. 4to. Privately printed, 1827 .
Peek's (F.) Poetical Works. (Works, Vol. II.)
Percy's (W.) Cselia; containing twenty sonnets. 4to. Lee Priory, 1818.
Pollok's (R.) Course of Time, a poem. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1832.
Pope's (Alex.) Pastorals, Odes, Imitations, Miscellanies, and Epitaphs.
(Works, Vols. I. and II.)
Pope's (A.) Essay on Man, Moral Essays. (Works, Vols. IIL and IV.)
Quilinan's (E.) Dunluce Castle. Royal 4to. Lee Priory, 1814.
Quilinan's (E.) Stanzas. Royal 4to. Lee Priory, 1814.
Ralegh's (Sir Walter) Poems ; with a biographical and critical introduction
by Sir Egerton Brydges. 4to. Lee Priory, 1813.
Ralegh's (Sir W.) Poems. (Works, Vol. VOL)
Rejected Addresses ; or, the New Theatrum Poetarum. 12mo. 1812.
Rogers' (Sam.) Poems. Small 8vo. London, 1812.
Rogers' (S.) Italy, a poem ; with plates after Stothard, 8vo. large paper.
London, 1830.
Rogers' (S.) Human Life, a poem. Small 8vo. London, 1819.
Rowlands (S.), the Letting of Humours Blood in the Head-vaine; with
a new morissco, daunced by seven satyrs uppon the bottome of Dio-
genes' tubbc. Imprinted, 1611. Fac-simile reprint, with introduc-
tion by Sir Walter Scott. Small 4to. Edinburgh, 1815.
Rowley (Poems, supposed to have been written at Bristol, by Thomas),
priest, &c. ; with a commentary, in which the antiquity of them is
considered and defended, by Jeremiah Miles. 4to. London, 1782.
" R. Gough, from the editor, Dec. 12, 1781 ;" with MS. marginal notes by
Mr. Gough.
Rowley's Poems. (Chatterton's Works, Vol. 11.)
Rowley (Observations on the Poems of), in which their authenticity is
ascertained, by Jacob Bryant. 8vo. Lond. 1781.
Rowley. — An Inquiry into the Authenticity of the Poems attributed to
Th. Rowley, in which the arguments of the Dean of Exeter and
Mr. Bryant are examined, by th. Warton. 8vo. Lond. 1782.
Scott's (Sir W.) Lay of the Last Minstrel, Marmion, Lady of the Lake,
Rokeby, Don Roderick, Lord of the Isles, Ballads, and Miscellaneous
Poems. 8 vols. 8vo. Edin. 1806, &c.
Scott. — Illustrations of, by Westall and Stothard. 4to. proofs on India
paper. London, 1809-12.
Scott (Sir W.), the Bridal of Triennain ; or, Vale of St. John. Small
8vo. Edin. 1813.
Scott's (Sir W.) Harold the Dauntless. 12mo. Edin. 1817.
Seward's (Anna) Poetical Works, edited [with biographical preface and
extracts from her literary correspondence] by Sir Walter Scott.
3 vols. 8vo. Edin. 1810.
Shakspeare's (W.) Poems. (Works, by Boswcll.)
Shirley's (James) Puenis, &c. Small 8vo. port, by Marshall. Lond. 1646.
Shirley's (J.) Poems. (Dramatic Works.)
Sidney's (Sir Philip) Miscellaneous Poems. (Works.)
Skelton (the Workes of Maister John), poete laureate to K. Henry VIII.
12mo. London, 1736.
Sotheby's (Wm.) Tour through part of Wales, Sonnets, and other
Poems. 4to. London, 1794.
Southey's (Dr. Robert) Poetical Works. 14 vols, small 8vo. Lond. .
Spenser's (Edmund) Works, with the principal illustrations of various
commentators; to which are added, notes, soa^e account of the life
of Spenser, and a glossary, &c. by H. J. Todd. 8 vols. 8vo. large
paper. London, 1805.
Spenser. — Warton's (T.) Observations on the Fairie Queen. 2 vols. 8vo.
Lond. 1808.
Stillingfleet's (Benj.) Poetical Works. (Works, Vol. II.)
Suckling's (Sir John) Poems. (Works.)
Surrey (Henry Howard, Earl of) and Sir Thomas Wyat's Poetical
Works. (Works.)
Swift's (Jonath.) Poems. (Works, Vols. X. XII. XIV. XV.)
Sylvester's (Jos.) Posthumi, or Remains ; containing divers sonnets,
epistles, elegies, &c. never till now printed. (Appendix to Du Bartas.)
Taylor's (John) Water-Poets, poems. (Works.)
Thomson's (James) Works ; with a Life of the author by Patrick Murdoch.
3 vols. 8vo. London, 1788.
Throckmorton's (Sir T.) Legend of Sir N. Throckmorton, who died of
poison 1570, an historical poem. (Peck's Milton.)
Tighe's (Mrs. H.) Psyche, with other poems. 4to. London, 1811.
Tixall Poetry [or poems collected by the Hon. H. Aston, 1658, &c.
found at Tixall] ; with notes and illustrations by Arthur Clifford.
4to. Edinburgh, 1813.
Trumpet of Fame ; or, Sir F. Drake and Sir John Hawkins's farewell.
Small 8vo. Lee Priory, 1818.
Vicars's (John) Mischeefe's Mysterie, the Powder Plot ; a poem. (Eng-
lish History.)
Walpole's (Horatio) Miscellaneous Verses and Epigrams. (Orford's
Works, Vol. IV.)
Walpole's (H.) Fugitive Pieces in verse. (Orford's Works, Vol. I.)
[Walter's (William)] Certaine Worthye MS. Poems of great Antiquitie,
reserved long in the studie of a Northfolke gentleman, and now first
published by J. S. Small 8vo. London, i?nprinted, by R. Robinson,
1597 ; facsimile reprint, Edinburgh, 1812.
Warner's (W.) Albion's England. (English History.)
Warton's (Thomas) Poetical Works ; together with memoirs of his life
and writings, and notes, critical and explanatory, by Richard Mant.
2 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1802.
Warton's Poetical Works (Selections from). (Life, Biography.)
[Way's (Lewis)] Palingenesia, the World to Come ; a poem. Royal 8vo.
Paris, 1824.
White's (Kirke) Poems. (Works.)
Wilson's (Professor John) Isle of Palms, and other Poems. Svo.
Edinburgh, 1812.
Withers's (George) Abuses Stript and Whipt ; or, satirical essays.
Small 8vo. first edition. London, 1613.
Withers's (G.) Shepherd's Hunting, eclogues. 12mo. London, Bensley,
Withers's (G.) Fidelia, a love epistle. 12mo. London, Bensley, 1815.
Withers's (G.) Select Lyrical Poems. Small 4to. Lee Priory, 1815.
Withers's (G.) Hymns and Songs of the Church ; with preface by Sir
E. Brydges. 12mo. London, Bensley, 1815.
Witt's Recreations, refined and augmented ; with ingenious conceits for
the wittie, and merrie medicine for the melancholic. Small Svo.
front, by Marshall. London, 1654.
Wordsworth's (Wm.) Lyrical Ballads and Pastorals. 2 vols. 12mo.
London, 1805.
Wordsworth's (W.) Poems. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1807.
Wordsworth's (W.) Excursion, being a portion of the Recluse, a poem.
4to. London, 1814.
Wordsworth's (W.) White Doe of Rylstone ; or, the fate of the Nortons.
4to. London, 1815.
Wrangham's (Francis) Poetical Translations. (Works, Vol. HL)
Wyat's (Sir Thos.) Poetical Works. (Works of Surrey and Wyat.)
Wyerley's (W.) glorious Life and honorable Death of Sir John Chandos,
Lord of Salviour, &c. ; Capital de Buz, the honourable Life and
languishing Death of Sir John de Gralpy ; two Knights of the Garter
elected by the founder, Edward HL (Use of Armoury.)
Zouche's (Richard, Lord) Dove, or passages of cosmography ; transcribed
from the edition of 1613, by Mrs. Dor. Richardson. A MS. in 4to.
Scottish Poetry.
Campbell's (Alex.) Introduction to the History of Poetry in Scotland,
from the beginning of the 13th century; with a conversation on
Scottish song. 4to. Edinburgh, 1798.
Pinkerton's (John) Essay on the Origin of Scottish Poetry, and a list of
all the Scottish poets ; with brief remarks. (Ancient Scottish Poems,
Vol. I.)
Sibbald's (J.) Chronicle of Scottish Poetry, from the 13th century to the
union of the crowns ; with a grlossarv. 4 vols. 8vo. Edinh. 1802.
Maitland's (Sir Richard) Collection of ancient Scottish Poems, com-
prising pieces written from about 1420 till 1586 ; with large notes
and a glossary [edited by John Pinkerton]. 2 vols. 8vo. London,
Bannatyne's (Geo.) ancient Scottish Poems, published from his MS.
collection, 1586 [edited by Lord Hailes]. Small 8vo. Edinburgh,
[Dalyell's (J. G.)] Scottish Poems of the 16th Century; with intro-
duction, notes, and glossary. 2 vols. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1801.
Findlay's (John) Scottish Historical and Romantic Ballads, chiefly
ancient ; with explanatory notes, glossary, &c. 2 vols. 8vo.
Edinb. 1808.
[Pinkerton's (John)] Select Tragic and Comic Scottish Ballads; with
dissertations, notes, and glossaries. 2 vols, in one, 8vo. London,
Scott's (SirW.) Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border, consisting of historical
ballads, collected in the southern counties of Scotland ; with a few
of modern date, founded on local tradition : also an introduction
and notes by the editor. 3 vols. 8vo. Edinb. 1815.
[Ritson's (Jos.)] Scottish Songs ; [with an historical essay on Scottish
song]. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1794.
[Campbell's Alex.)] Songs of the Lowlands of Scotland ; with cha-
racteristic designs by D. Allan. 4to. Edinb. 1799.
Cromek's (R. H.) Remains of Nithsdale and Galloway Song; with his-
torical and traditional notices relative to the manners and customs of
the peasantry. 8vo. London, 1810.
Hogg's (James) Jacobite Relics of Scotland ; being the songs, airs, and
legends of the adherents to the house of Stuart : collected and illus-
trated with an appendix of Whig songs. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh,
Ramsay's (Allan) Tea-Table Miscellany ; or, collection of Scots songs.
18mo. London, 1730.
Burns's (Robert) Works ; with an account of his life, and a criticism on
his writings, by J, Currie. 4 vols. 8vo. Liverpool, 1800,
Burns's (R.) Reliqucs ; consisting chiefly of original letters, poems, and
critical observations on Scottish songs : collected and published by
R. H. Cromek. 8vo. London, 1808.
Drummond (William), of Hawthornden's, Poems ; [with preface by
Ed. Philips, Milton's nephew]. Small 8vo. portrait by Gaywood.
London, 1656.
Hogg's (James) Poetical Works. 4 vols, small 8vo. Edinb. 1822.
James I. (Poetical Remains of) King of Scotland; [edited, with disser-
tations on his life and writings, and on Scottish music, by Wm.
Tytler]. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1783.
Lyndsay's (Sir David) Poetical Works ; with life of the author, pre-
fatory dissertations, and glossary, by George Chalmers. 3 vols.
8vo. London, 1806.
Macneil's (Hector) Poetical Works. 2 vols, small 8vo. Edinh. 1806.
Maitland's (Sir R.) Poems; with an appendix of selections from the
poems of Sir John and Thomas Jlaitland : illustrated with biogra-
phical notices by J. Bain. 4to. Glasgow, privately printed, 1831.
Ossian's Poems, translated by Ja. M'Pherson. 2 vols. 8vo. London,
Ossian. — Cesarotti's (Abbe) Historical and Critical Dissertation respecting
the controversy on the authenticity of Ossian's Poems, translated from
the Italian, with notes and supplemental observations on the same
subject, by J. M'Arthur. 8vo. London {privately printedA^, 1806.
Home Tooke's copy, with his MS. notes.
Ossian. — Laing (M.) on the supposed Authenticity of Ossian's Poems.
(History of Scotland, Vol. IV.)
Ramsay's (Allan) Poems. 2 vols. 18mo. London, 1731.
[Tennant's (W.)] Anster Fair, and other Poems. Small 8vo. Edinb.
Welsh and Irish Poetry.
Davies's (Ed.) Ancient British Poems. (Druidical Rites.)
Turner's (Sharon) Vindication of the Genuineness of the ancient British
Poems of Aneurin, Taleisin, Llywarch, Hen, and Merdhin ; with
specimens of their poems. 8vo. Zowrfow, 1803.
Walker's (Jos. C.) Historical Memoirs of the Irish Bards; with anec-
dotes of, and observations on, the music in Ireland : also, an historical
and descriptive account of the musical instruments of the ancient
Irish. 4to. Dublin, 1776.
Brooke's (Miss) Reliques of Irish Poetry ; with translations into English
verse, and notes explanatory and historical. 4to. Dublin, 1789.
French Poetry.
Barbazan (Estienne), Fabliaux et Contes des Poetes Francois des XI,
XII, XIII, XIV, et XV^me Si^cles; nouvelle edition, augmentee par
M. Meon. 4 vols. 8vo. Pam, 1808.
Le Grand (M,), Fabliaux; or, tales of the Xllth and Xlllth centuries,
selected and translated into English verse by G. S. Way and
G. Ellis. 2 vols, in one, 8vo. large paper. London, 1796.
[Lorris (Guil.) et Jean do Meung], le Rommant de la Rose, nouvelle-
ment revu et corrige oultre les precedentes impressions. 8vo. wood-
cuts, a very fine copy. Paris, par P. Vidoue pour G. du Pre,
Lorris (Guil.) et Jean de Meung, le Roman de la Rose, avec des notes,
un glossaire, &c. 5 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1798.
Richard I, Chansons. (La Tour Tenebreuse, Romances.)
Biblioth^que des Ecrivains Francois; ou, choix de meilleurs morceaux
en vers, extraits par MM. Moysant et De Levizac. 2 vols, in one,
8vo. Londres, 1803.
Bartas' (Will, de Salluste du) Complete Collection of his Workes, trans-
lated by Joshua Sylvester. Folio, portrait by Vicars, and front.
London, 1641.
Boileau, Le Lutrin, et Poesies diverses. (CEuvres, Vol. II.)
Bonaparte (Lucien), Charlemagne; ou, I'Eglise delivre, poeme epique.
2 vols. 4to. London, 1814.
Coquillart (Guill.), les Poesies. Small 8vo. Lond. 1723.
Coucy (Chansons du Chatelain Raoul de), avec la traduction et I'an-
cienne musique. (Memoires de Coucy, Vol. II.)
Cretin (Guill.), les Poesies. Small 8vo. Paris, Coustellier, 1723.
Faifeu (ia Legende de Pierre), mis en vers par Ch. Bourdigne. Small
8vo. Paris, Coustellier, 1723.
Fontaine (La), Contes et Nouvelles en vers. (CEuvres, Vol. III.)
Fontaine (La), Adonis, poeme ; la Captivite de St. Malo ; le Quinquina;
Songe du Vaux ; et autres opuscules poetiques. (CEuvres, Vols. V.
et VI.)
Cresset (J. B. L.), CEuvres Poetiques. (CEuvres, Vol. I.)
Jouy (E.), Poesies Legeres. (CEuvres, Vol. XLVI.)
Malherbe (Poesies de), [avec une notice sur sa vie et ses ouvrages].
8vo. Paris, Didot, 1815.
Marivaux, Homere Travestie ; ou, I'lliade en vers burlesques. (CEuvres,
Vol. X.)
Marot (Jean), CEuvres. Small 8vo. Paris, Coustellier, 1723.
Martial de Paris, dit d'Auvergne, Poesies. 2 vols, small 8vo. Paris,
Racan (H, de Bueil, Sieur de), CEuvres. 2 vols, small 8vo. Paris,
Coustellier, 1724.
Villon (Fr.), CEuvres. Small 8vo. Paris, 1723.
Italian Poetry.
Muratori (L. A.), della perfetta Poiisia Italiana spiegata e demonstrata,
con le annotazioni dell' AbatcA. M. Salvini. 2 vols. 4to. Venez. 1748.
Rime de piil illiistri Poeti Italiani, scelte dell' Abate Antonini. 2 vols.
12mo. Parifji, 1733.
Rime degli Academici Occulti. 4to. Brescia, 1568.
Ariosto (Lod.), Orlando Furioso, con la vita del autore scrittadal Dottore
G. A. Barotti, e Ic figure di Bartolozzi, &c. 4 vols. 8vo. Biryning-
ham, da' Torchi di G. Baskerville, 1773.
Ariosto, Orlando Furioso, in heroical English verse, by Sir John Har-
rington. Folio. London, 1634.
Ariosto, Orlando Furioso; translated, with notes, by John Hoole. 6 vols.
12mo. London, 1807.
Ariosto (the Orlando Furioso of Ludovico), translated into English verse,
with notes, by W. Stewart Rose. 7 vols, small 8vo. Lond. 1823-29.
Bojardo (Mat. Maria), Orlando Innamorato; rifatto tutto di nuovo da
M. Franc. Berni. Small 4to. In Milano, dal And. Calvo, 1542.
Buonarroti (M. Angelo), Rime. (Life, Biography.)
Casa (le Terze Rime piacevoli di M. Giovanni della) ; con una scelta
delle migliori rime burlesche del Berni, Mauro, Dolce, ed altri autori
incerti. Small 8vo. Li Benevento, 1727.
Dante Alighieri, Opere, con 1' esposizione di C. Landino, e d' Ales. Vel-
lutello ; tavole, argomenti, &c. per Fr. Sansovino. Folio. Venetia,
Dante, (the Divina Commedia of) translated, with preliminary essays,
notes, and illustrations, by Henry Boyd. 3 vols. 8vo. London^
Dante (the Inferno of). Cantos XVIII. to XXXIV. ; with a translation
into English blank verse, notes, and a life of the author, by Henry
F. Gary. 2 vols, small 8vo. London, 1806.
Medici (Lorenzo de), Poesie, e di altri suoi amici contemporani [per
L. Nardini e S. Buonaiuti]. 2 parts in one vol. 4to. Londra, 1801.
Petrarca (le Rime del), brevemente sposte per L. Gastelvetro. 4to.
Basilia, P. Sadaboriis, 1582.
Petrarca (le Rime del), con 1' Esposizione d' Alesand. Vellutello. 4to.
Venegia, Gioloto, 1545.
Petrarch (Ugo Foscolo's Essays on) ; with appendix of Petrarch's Latin
poetry, translations of his Italian by Lady Dacre, and unpublished
letters in Italian. 8vo. London, 1823.
Petrarch (Historical and Critical Essay on the Life and Character of) ;
with a translation of a few of his sonnets [by Lord Woodhouslee].
Small 8vo. Edinburgh, 1810.
Petrarch (Translations, chiefly from the Italian of) and Metastasio, by
*****, M.A. 8vo. Oxford, 1795.
Pindemonte (Poesie d' Ippolito). Small 8vo. Parma, Bodini, 1800.
Pulci (Luigi) Morgante Maggiore. 3 vols. 8vo. Milano, 1806.
Scherzi Poetici e Pittorici [sopra Amore ; da Giov. Gher. de Rossi, e incisi
da Gius. Tekeira]. 4to. The plates coloured in the Etruscan style.
Parma, cd dpi Bodoniani, 1795.
Printed for presents only. This was Sir William Hamilton's copy, and the
plates coloured by Lady H.
Tansillo (Luigi), Nurse, translated by W. Roscoe. Small 8vo. Liver-
pool, 1804.
Tasso (Torquato), la Gierusalemme Liberata, con le figure di Bernardo
Castello, e le annotazioni di Scipio Gentili e di Giulio Guastini. 4to.
Geneva, appresso Girol. Bartoli, 1590.
Tasso (T.), la Gierusalemme Liberata, con le figure di Seb. Clerc.
2 vols, small 8vo. large paper. Glasrjua, Foulis, 1763.
Tasso (T.), stampate d' ordine di Monsieur. 2 vols. 4to. large paper.
Parigi, Didot, 1784.
Illustrated with 115 original designs by Ant. P. Novelli.
Tasso's (T.) Godfrey of Bulloigne, or Jerusalem Delivered, translated by
Edward Fairfax; [edited by S. W. Singer]. 2 vols, large paper,
royal 8vo. London, Bensley, 1817,
Tasso's (T.) Godfrey of BuUoigne, or the Recoverie of Hierusalem ; an
heroical poeme written in Italian, and translated by R[obert] C[arew],
Esq. ; and now the first part, containing five cantos, imprinted in
both languages. 4to. London, by John Windet, 1594.
The earliest translation of Tasso into English.
Tasso's (T.) Jerusalem Delivered ; with notes and occasional illustra-
tions : translated by J. H. Hunt. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1818.
Tasso's Jerusalem Delivered, an epic poem ; translated into Spenserian
verse, together with a life of the author and a list of the English cru-
saders, by J. H. WifFen. 2 vols, royal 8vo. large paper. Lond. 1824.
Tasso, Aminta, favola boschereccia, con le annotazioni d' Egidio Menagio.
4to. Parigi, 1655.
Trissino (Gian. G.), 1' Italia liberata da Gotti, riveduta e corretta per
r Abate Antonini. 3 vols. 8vo. Parigi, 1729.
Spanish and Portuguese Poet?'?/.
Ancient Spanish Ballads, historical and romantic ; translated, with in-
troductions, by J. C. Lockhart. 4to. Edinburgh, 1823.
History of Charles the Great and Orlando, ascribed to Abp. Turpin ;
together with the most celebrated ancient Spanish ballads relating to
the twelve peers of France mentioned in Don Quixote, with English
metrical versions, by Thomas Rodd. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1812.
Ancient Poetry and Romances of Spain, selected and translated by
John Bowring. 12mo. London, 1824.
Parnasso Espanol ; collecion de poesias escogidas de los mos celebres
poetas Castellanos, por J. J. Lopez deSedano. 9 vols. 8vo. Madrid,
Boscan, sus Obras, y algunas Garcilasso de la Vega, 12mo. Anvers,
P. Ballero, 1576.
Garcilasso de la Vega's (surnamed the Prince of Castilian poets) Works ;
translated into English verse, with a critical and historical essay on
Spanish poetry, and a life of the author, by J. H. WifFen. 12mo.
London, 1823.
Lope de Vega, Poesias. (Obras Sueltas.)
Parnasso Lusitano, 6 poesias selectos dos autores Portugueses antigos e
modernos, illustrados con notas, precido de una historia da lingua e
poesia Portugueza [por Al. Garrett.] 5 vols. 24mo. Paris, 1826.
Camoens' (Luis de) Poems, from the Portuguese ; with notes, re-
marks on his life, «&c. by Lord Strangford. Small 8vo. Lond. 1804.
German, Dutch, and Northern Poetry.
Minnesingers (Lays of the); or, German jTroubadours of the 12th and
13th centuries: with historical and critical notices. Small 8vo.
London, 1825.
Burger's (G. A.) Leonora; with translations by W. R. Spencer, and
engravings from designs by Lady Diana Beauclerc. Folio. London,
Wieland's (C. M.) Oberon, translated by W. Sotheby. 2 vols. 8vo.
London, 1798.
3 c
Bowring (John) and H. S. Van Dyk's Batavian Anthology; or, spe-
cimens of the Dutch poets : with remarks on the poetical literature
and language of the Netherlands. Small 8vo. ionrion, 1824.
Bowring's (J.) Servian Popular Poetry, translated. Small 8vo. Lond.
Bowring's (J.) Poetry of the Magyars; preceded by a sketch of the
language and literature of Hungary and Transylvania. Small 8vo.
London, 1830.
Poetse Anonymi Teutonici Rhythmus de S. Annone Archiep. Coloniensi,
a M. Opitio ex memb. cod. primiun editus et notis illustratus ; ac-
cedunt versio Latina et notse B. J. Schilteri, &c. (Schilteri Thes.
Vol. I.)
Translations of Teutonic and Scandinavian Metrical Tales. (Illust. of
Northern Anticpiities.)
Lodbroker-Quida ; or, the Death-song of Lodbroc, Islandic and English :
with various readings, a Latin version, and an Islando-Latino glos-
sary and explanatory notes ; by James Johnstone. Small 8vo. \_Co-
penhagen], 1782.
Bowring's (John) Specimens of the Polish Poets ; with notes and obser-
vations on the literature of Poland. Small 8vo. London, 1827.
Bowring's (J.) Specimens of the Russian Poets; with introductory
remarks. Small 8vo. London, 1823.
Oriental Poetry.
Jones (Sir W.), Traite sur la Poesie Orientale. (Works, Vol. V.)
Jones (Sir W.) Poeseos Asiaticse Commentarii. (Works, Vol. II.)
Jones (Sir W.) on the Mystical Poetry of the Hindus. (Works, Vol. I.)
The Moallakat; or, seven Arabian poems which were suspended on
the Temple of Mecca, with translations. (Sir W. Jones's Works,
Vol. IV.)
Haphyzi (Muham. Sehems-eddini agnomine) Ghazelse, sive Odae Persic^,
cum vers. Lat., metaphrasi, paraphrasi, notis, ac prooemio [Re-
viczkii.] Small 8vo. Vindohonce, 1771.
Kuliat Hakim Khakani ; the Poetical Works of the eminent Persian poet
Khakani : an early MS. very beautifully written in two columns, the
titles or commencements of the various portions richly ornamented
with gold and ultramarine. Small folio.
Persian Poems, written in India, and in the Shekistah hand, but in
excellent condition. Small folio.
Jones's (Sir W.) Poems; consisting chiefly of translations from the
Asiatic languages. (Works, Vol. IV.)
Jones's (Sir W.) Hymns, &c. translated from the Sanscrit. (Works,
Vol. VI.)
Yakstun Nattannawa, a Cingalese poem descriptive of the Ceylon system
of demonology ; to which is appended, the practices of a Capua or
devil-priest, as described by a Budhist : and Kolan Nattannawa,
a Cingalese poem descriptive of the characters assumed by natives of
Ceylon in a masquerade. Translated by John Callaway, and illus-
trated with plates from Cingalese designs. 8vo. London, 1829.
Romances and Novels.
History of Romance.
Dunlop's (John) History of Fiction ; being a critical account of the most
celebrated prose works of fiction, from the earliest Greek romances to
the novels of the present age. 3 vols. 12mo. Land. 1814.
Huet's (P. D.) History of Romances ; an inquiry into their original, in-
structions for composing them, &c. translated by Stephen Lewis.
12mo. London, 1715.
Warton (T.) on the Origin of Romantic Fiction. (History of Poetry,
Vol. L)
Scott (Sir W.) on Chivalry and Romance. (Misc. Works, Vol. V.)
Hole (Ric.) on the Origin of Oriental Fiction. (On Arabian Nights.)
Greek, Latin, and Chivalric Romances.
Achilles Tatius, Apuleius, Heliodorus, Longus, Xenophon. (Classics.)
Gesta Romanorum ; or, entertaining moral stories, invented by the monks
as a fireside recreation, and commonly applied in their discourses
from the pulpit whence the most celebrated of our own poets, and
others, from the earliest times, have extracted their plots : translated
from the Latin, with preliminary observations and copious notes, by
Charles Swan. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1824.
The Byrth, Lyf, and Actes of Kynge Arthur ; of his noble Knights of
the Round Table, theyr merveyllous Enquestes and Adventures,
Thacheuynge Sane Greal ; and, in the end, le Morte d'Arthur,
with the dolourous deth and departyng out of thys worlde of them
al: with an introduction and notes by Robert Southey. 2 vols. 4to.
large paper. {From Caxtons edition of 1485) London, 1817.
The History of the valiant Knight Arthur of Little Britain ; originally
translated from the French by John Bourchier, Lord Berners, edited
by E. V. Utterson. 4to. London, 1814.
The most ancient and famous History of the renowned Prince Arthur,
King of Britain, and of the Deeds of the Knights of the Round
Table. 4to. blacfe letter, with frontispiece. Lond. 1634.
La tres-plaisante Hystoire de Maugist-Daygremont et de Vivian son fr^re,
en laquelle est contenue comment Maugist, a I'aide d'Oriande la faee
sa mye, alia en I'isle de Boucault, &c. Set. <5ot]^. 4to. Paris, par
Alain Latrain, [15]25.
Le Triumphe des Neuf Preux, auquel sont contenus tous les faitz et
prouesses quilz ont achevez durant Icurs vies ; avec I'hystoire d'Ber-
tran de Guesclin. Small folio, Set. 6iOti)iqueg. Imprimc ii Paris,
par M. le Noir, M.D. VII.
This edition, unknown to Panzer or Maittaire, is noticed by Brunet as a reprint
of the first ; but if the contents of tliut edition, as p;iven in Greswell, be cor-
rect, this diflVrs from it materially. The Roxburgh copy, in morocco, in
very fine preservation.
Histoire du noble et tros-vaillant Roy Alexandre le Grand, et des
grandes proesses qu'il a faicts en son temps. 4to. a Paris, N.
Bonfons, •
Amadis de Gaiile (les XXIV Livres d') mis en Francois par le Seig. des
Essars, N. de Herberay, C. Colet, J. Gohoiy, G. Aubert de Poitiers,
Gal. Chappuys, et autres ; avec le double du 14eme livre, trad, par
A. Tyron. 22 vols. 32mo. in 19, and 3 vols. 8vo. Lyon, Francois
Didier, 1577, 1578 et 81 ; Paris, 1615; et A7ivers, 1574.
Amadis de Gaul, Discours des XII Livres. 2 vols. 16mo. Paris, par
0. De Hansy, 1573.
Amadis de Gaul, translated from the Spanish version of Parciordonez de
Montalvo, by R. Southey. 4 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1803.
Amadis de Gaul, a poem ; translated from the French version of N. de
Herberay, with notes, by W. S. Rose. Small 8vo. Lond. 1803.
Honour of Chivalry ; or, the famous and delectable history of Don Bel-
lianis of Greece, containing his valiant exploits, &c. translated out
of Italian. iSIacfe letter. 4to. Lond. \Q1^.
Palermino d'Inghilterra, tradotto in Italiana per Lucio Spineda. 3 vols,
small 8vo. Venet. 1609.
Palmerin of England, by Francisco de Moraes ; translated from the
Portuguese by R. Southey. 4 vols. 12mo. London, 1807.
Primaleone, nel quale si narra a pieno I'historia de suoi valorosi fatti, et
di Polendo suo fratello, tradotto della lingua Spagnola nella nostra
buona Italiano. 8vo. In Venegia, per M. Tramezzino, 1548.
The Destruction of Troy, in three books. ISlacIt letter, best edition, 4to.
London, 1670.
Le Livre des trois Filz de Roys ; cest a ssavoir de France, d'Angleterre, et
d'Escosse ; lesquels, en leurs jeunesse, pour la foy Crestienne, eurent
de glorieuses victoires sur les Turcs, au service du Roy de Cicile,
lequel fut faict apres ungdes lecteursde I'empire. Hettreg ffiotjliijues,
4to. Paris, par la veufue feu Jehan Treperel, [MD]XXXI.
Hearne's copj, with his autograph.
Histoire et Cronique du petit Jehan de Sainctre ; et de la jeune dame
des belles cousines sans aultre nom nommer : avecques deux autres
petites histoires de Messire Floridan et la belle EUinde : et I'extrait
des cronicques de Flandres. Settreg ©Otj^tijuei^, small 4to. Paris,
par Jehan Treperel, [MD]XXVIII.
Famous History of Montelion, Knight of the Oracle, Son to the True
Mirrour of Princes, Pericles, King of Assyria ; translated and inter-
laced by E. Foord. 93 lacfe letter, 4to. London, 1680.
The most famous, delectable, and pleasant Historic of Parsimus, the
renowned Prince of Bohemia, by E. Foord. 9l3lacfe letter. London,
Roberte the Devyll, a metrical romance, edited from an ancient illumi-
nated MS. [by J. Herbert]. Snialf 4to. coloured plates. London,
Richard, surnomme Cceur de Lion ; la Tour tenebreuse, et les Jours
lumineux ; contes Anglois, accompagnez d'historiettes, et tirez d'une
ancienne chronique composee par Richard ; avec le recit de diverses
avantures de ce roy [par Mad. I'Heritier de Villanden]. 12mo.
Paris, 1705.
This contains two pieces of poetry by Richard I., hitherto unpublished.
Le Grand (M.), Partenopex de Bloix, a romance; translated from the
French, with notes, by W. S. Rose, and illustrated from designs by
Smirke. 4to. London, 1807.
Mayer (M. de), Avantures et plaisante Education du Chev. Charles-le-
Bon, Sire d'Armagnac ; avec des observations sur le vieil langage.
Amst. 1786.
Barclaii (Jo.) Argenis, cum Clave. 24mo. Lugd. Bat. Elzev. 1630.
English Novels.
Adam Blair (some Passages in the Life of), of Crossmeikle. 8vo. Edin-
burgh, 1822.
Almack's, a novel. 3vols. 12mo. London, \%2Q.
Amelia. (Fielding's Works, Vols. VIIL and IX.)
Anastasius ; or, Memoirs of a Greek : written at the close of the 18th
century, by Thos. Hope. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1819.
Annals of the Parish [by John Gait]. 12mo. Edinb. 1822.
Arlington, a novel, by the Author of Granby. 3 vols. 8vo. London,
Atlantis (the New) by Lord Bacon. (Works, Vol. II.)
Atom (Adventures of an). (Smollett's Works, Vol. VI.)
Aurelio (the Historie of) and Isabell, daughter of the King of Scotts ;
French, Italian, Spanish, and English. Small 8vo. Anvers, en casa
de Juan Steelsio, 1556.
Sliakspeare is said to have founded his Tempest on this romance. This edition
is unnoticed by Ames, Herbert, Warton, or Mr. Park.
Barony (the), by Anna Maria Porter. 3 vols, 12mo. London, 1830.
Bayly's (Thos.) Herba Parietas ; or, the Wall Flower, as it grew out of
the stone chamber of the metropolitan prison of London, called
Newgate ; being a history which is partly true, partly romantic,
morally divine. Folio, front. London, 1650.
Dr. Bayly, the author, wrote this whilst imprisoned for his work entitled " Ro)-al
Charter granted unto Kings by God himself, vice."
Bracebridge Hall ; or, the Humorist; [by Washington Irving]. 2 vols.
8vo. London, 1822.
Brambletye House ; or, the Cavaliers and Roundheads. 3 vols. 12mo.
London, 1826.
Caleb Williams; or. Times as they are; by Wm. Godwin. 3 vols.
12mo. London, 1817.
Camilla; or, a Picture of Youth; by Mrs. D'Arblay. 5 vols, 12mo.
London, 1802,
Captain Singleton (Adventures of), (De Foe's Novels, Vols. VIIL
and IX.)
Castles of Athlin and Dunbayne, by Anne Radcliffc. 12mo. London,
Castle of Otranto, a Gothic story ; translated by W, Marshall from the
original Italian of Onuphrio Muralto [Horace Walpole], Edwards's
edition, large paper, 8vo, Parma, Bodoni, 1791,
Castle of Otranto, (Orford's Works, Vol. IV,)
Cavalier (Memoirs of a). (De Foe's Novels, Vols. IV. and V.)
Cecilia; or, Memoirs of an Heiress; by Mrs. D'Arblay. 4 vols. 12mo.
London, 1809.
Citizen of the World. (Goldsmith's Works, Vol. III.)
Clarissa Harlowe ; or, the History of a Young Lady ; by Sam. Richardson.
7 vols. 12mo. London, 1748.
Coelebs in search of a Wife, by Han. More. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1809.
Collegians (the). 3 vols. 12mo. London, 1829.
Colonel Jack (Life of). (De Foe's Novels, Vols. VI. and VII.)
Cottagers of Glenburnie, by Eliz. Hamilton. 8vo. Edin. 1808.
Contrast (the), by the Author of Matilda. 3 vols, crown 8vo. London,
Croppy (the), a Tale of 1798. 3 vols. 12mo. London, 1828.
Cyril Thornton (the Youth and Manhood of). 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1827.
De Foe's (Daniel) Novels ; [with memoir of the author by Sir Walter
Scott]. 12 vols, small 8vo. Edinburgh, 1810.
Denounced (the). 3 vols. 12mo. London, 1830.
Destiny; or, the Chief's Daughter. 3 vols, crown 8vo. Edin. 1831.
De Vere; or, the Man of Independence: by the author of Tremaine.
4 vols. 12mo. London, 1827.
Devereux, a tale. 3 vols. 12mo. Londoti, 1829.
Discipline, by Mary Brunton. 3 vols. 8vo. Edin. 1814.
Disowned (the). 3 vols. 12mo. London, 1829.
Edgeworth's (Maria) Tales and Novels. 18 vols. 12mo. London, \%'i2.
Edgeworth's (M.) Harrington and Ormond, tales. 3 vols. 12mo. Lon-
don, 1817.
Emmeline, by Mary Brunton ; with memoirs of the author by her hus-
band. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1819.
Entail (the); or, the Lairds of Grippy [by John Gait]. 3 vols. 12mo.
Edinburgh, 1823.
Eugene Aram, by E. L. Bulwer. 3 vols, crown 8vo. London, 1832.
Euphues, the Anatomy of Wit ; wherein are contained, the delights that
wit followeth in his youth by the pleasantness of love and happi-
nesse, he reapeth in age by the perfectnesse of wisdome ; by John
Lylie. iSlacIt letter, 4to. Loridon, \Q'i\.
Euphues and his England ; containing his voyage and adventures, the
description of the country, the court, and the manners of the isle ; by
John Lylie. ilSlacfe letter, 4to. London, 1631.
Evelina ; or, the History of a Young Lady's Introduction to the World :
by Mad. D'Arblay. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1808.
Fathom (Adventures of Ferdinand, Count). (Smollett's Works, Vol. IV,)
Granby, a novel. 3 vols. 12mo. London, 1826.
Grandison (the History of Sir Charles), in a series of letters. 7 vols.
12mo. London, 1770.
Grandmother's Guests and their Tales, by Henry Slingsby. 2 vols.
8vo. London, 1825.
Gulliver's Travels. (Swift's Works, Vol. XI.)
Hajji Baba (Adventures of) of Ispahan. 3 vols, small 8vo. London,
Heiress of Bruges, a Tale of the year 1600 ; by T. C. Grattan. 4 vols.
12mo. London, 1830.
Hieroglyphic Tales, by Horace Walpole. (Orford's Works, Vol. IV.)
Hio-h- Ways and By- Ways ; or, Tales of the Roadside ; picked up in the
French provinces. First and second series. [By T. C. Grattan.]
5 vols, small 8vo. London, 1824-5.
Humphrey Clinker (the Expedition of). (Smollett's Works, Vol. VI.)
Inheritance (the), by the Author of " Marriage." 3 vols. 12mo. Edin.
Italian ; or, the Confessional of the Black Penitents, by Anne RadclifFe.
3 vols. 12mo. London, 1811.
Jonathan Wild the Great. (Fielding's Works, Vol. IV.)
Joseph Andrews (Adventures of). (Fielding's Works, Vol. V.)
Journey from this World to the next. (Fielding's Works, Vol. IV.)
Julia de Roubigne. (Mackenzie's Works, Vol. III.)
Knickerbocker's (Diedrich) History of New York, from the beginning of
the world to the end of the Dutch dynasty; [by W. Irving].
2 vols. 8vo. London, 1812.
Last of the Lairds ; or, the Life and Opinions of Malachi Mailings, [by
John Gait]. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1826.
Launcelot Greaves (Adventures of Sir). (Smollett's Works, Vol. V.)
Lights and Shadows of Scottish Life. Small 8vo. Edinburgh, 1824.
Man of Feeling. (Mackenzie's Works, Vol. I.)
Man of the World. (Mackenzie's Works, Vols. I. and II.)
Mandeville, a tale of the 17th century in England, by Wm. Godwin.
3 vols. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1817.
Margaret Lindsay (Trials of), by the Author of " Lights and Shadows
of Scottish Life." 8vo. Edinburgh, 1S23.
Marriage, a Novel. 3 vols. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1819.
Matthew Wald (History of). Small 8vo. Edinburgh, 1824.
Memoirs of Modern Philosophers, by Eliz. Hamilton. 3 vols. 12mo.
Bath, 1804.
Mohicans (the Last of the), a narrative of 1757. 3 vols. 12mo. Lond.
Mysteries of Udolpho, by Anne Radcliffe. 4 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1816.
Nights (the Five) of St. Albans. 3 vols. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1829.
O'Hara Family (Tales by the). First and second series. 6 vols. 12mo.
London, 1825-6.
Our Village ; sketches of rural character and scenery, by Mary Russell
Mitfoixl. 12mo. London, 1830.
Palace of Pleasure, beautified, adorned, and well furnished with pleasant
histories and excellent novels, liy W. Painter: edited from the
edition printed in 1575 by T. Marsh; by J. llaslewood. 2 vols. 4to.
London, 1813.
Pamela ; or, Virtue rewarded, in a series of letters, by S. Richardson.
4 vols. 12mo. London, 1771.
Pelham ; or, the Adventures of a Gentleman. 3 vols. 12mo. London,
Peregrine Pickle. (Smollett's Works, Vols. II. and III.)
Persian (Letters from a) in England to his Friend at Ispahan. (Lyttleton's
Misc. Works.)
Plague (History of the). (De Foe's Novels, Vol. XII.)
Provost (the), by John Gait. 12rao. Edinburgh, 1822.
Queenhoo Hall, a romance ; and Ancient Times, a drama, by Joseph
Strutt [edited by Sir W. Scott]. 4 vols. 12mo. London, 1808.
Roby's (J.) Traditions of Lancashire, both series. 4 vols, royal 8vo.
large paper. London, 1829-31.
Rasselas, Prince of Abyssinia ; and the Vision of Theodore, the Hermit
of Teneriffe. (Johnson's Works, Vols. II. and III.)
Rasselas, Prince of Abyssinia ; V5^ith engravings by Raimbach, from
pictures by Smirke. 4to. London, 1805.
Reginald Dalton, by the Author of " Valerius" [J. C. Lockhart].
3 vols, crown 8vo. Edinburgh, 1823.
Reynard the Fox (the most delectable History of) ; newly corrected,
augmented, and enlarged, with sundry excellent morals, and exposi-
tions upon every several chapter. London, 1694 ; — The Second Part,
containing much of pleasure and content ; to which is added many
excellent morals. London, 1681; — The Shifts of Reynardine, the
son of Reynard the Fox ; or, a history of his life and death : full of
variety, &c. which may be applied to the late times. London, 1684.
9l3lacfe letter, in one vol. 4to.
Robinson Crusoe, by Daniel Defoe ; with introductory verses by B.
Barton, and illustrated with engravings from drawings by Cruick-
shank. 2 vols, small 8vo. large paper. London, 1831.
Robinson Crusoe. (Defoe's Novels, Vols. I. II. and III.)
Roderick Random (Adventures of). (Smollett's Works, Vol. I.)
Romance of the Forest, by Anne Radcliffe. 3vols. 12mo. Zo/«c?. 1806.
Rush (the Historic of Friar) ; how he came to a house of religion to seek
service, and being entertained by the priour, was made under-cooke.
Full of pleasant mirth and delight for young people. Inlaid in 4to.
London, imprinted by Edw. All-de, 1620.
Salathiel ; a story of the past, the present, and the future, [by George
Croly]. 3 vols. 12mo. London, 1828.
Sayings and Doings ; a series of sketches from life. First, second, and
third series. 9 vols, small 8vo. London, 1824.
Self-Control, by Mary Brunton. 3 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1811.
Sentimental Journey through France and Italy. (Sterne's Works,
Vol. V.)
Sicilian Romance, by Anne Radcliffe. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1796.
Spy (the); a tale of the neutral ground. 3 vols. 12mo. London,
1 822.
Sydney Biddulph (Memoirs of Miss), [by Mrs. Sheridan]. 5 vols.
12mo. London, 1796.
Tales of a Traveller, [by Washington Irving]. 2 vols. 8vo. Land. 1824.
Tale of a Tub, by Jonathan Swift. (Works, Vol. X.)
Tales of the Wars of our Times. 2 vols, crown Svo. London, 1829.
Tales round a Winter Hearth, by Jane and Anna Maria Porter. 2 vols.
12mo. London, 1826.
To-day in Ireland. 3 vols. 12mo. London, 1825.
Tom Jones (History of). (Fielding's Works, Vols. VI. and VII.)
Tremaine ; or, the Man of Refinement, by Ward. 3 vols, crown 8vo.
London, 1831.
Tristram Shandy (Life and Opinions of). (Sterne's Works, Vols. I. — IV.)
Valerius; a Roman story, [by J. C. Lockhart]. 3 vols. 12mo. Edinh.
Vicar of Wakefield. (Goldsmith's Works, Vol. I.)
Vivian Grey. 3 vols. 12mo. London, 1826-7.
Voyage (New) round the World. (Defoe's Novels, Vols. X, and XI.)
Wanderer; or. Female Difficulties, by Charlotte Burney [Mad. D'Arblay].
5 vols. 12mo. London, 1814.
Waverley Novels, with historical introductions and notes by Sir W,
Scott. 48 vols, small 8vo. Edinburgh, 1829.
Waverley Novels. — Letters to Richard Heber, Esq., containing critical
remarks on the series of novels beginning with " Waverley," and an
attempt to ascertain their author. Svo. London, 1821.
Yesterday in Ireland, 3 vols. 12mo. London, 1829.
Zeluco, or various views of Human Nature taken from life and manners ;
by John Moore. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1780.
French Novels.
Beroalde (Sieur de), Aventures de Floride. 2 vols. 12mo. Tours,
par Mettayer, 1593.
[Bodin de Boismonticr (Madlle. Suzanne)], Memoires Historiques de la
Comtesse de Marienberg. 2 vols, in one. Small Svo, Amsterdam
[Paris], 1751.
Cottin (Madame), Mathilde ; ou, Memoires tires de I'Histoire des Croi-
sades. 4 vols. 12mo. Londres, 1809.
Cottin (M.), Elisabeth; ou, les Exiles de Siberie. 12mo. Lond. 1803.
Florian (J. P. de), Numa Pompilius, second Roi de Rome. 2 vols.
18mo. Paris, Didot, 1786.
Florian (J. P, de), Gonzalve de Cordoue ; ou. Grenade rcconquisc.
3 vols. 18mo. Paris, 1810.
Florian (J. P. de), Galatee, Roman pastoral, imite de Cervantes.
ISmo. Paris, Didot, 1785.
[Force (Mad. de Caumont de la), les Fees; Contes des Contes; Nou-
veaux Contes F"ees ; Contes moins Contes que des autres ; Contes
de M. Perrault, avec des mordlitez. 4 vols, small Svo. Paris,
3 n
Force (Madlle. de la), Histoire secrete de Bourgogne [publiee, avec des
notices sur les personnages de I'histoire secrete, par De la Borde].
3 vols. 12mo. Pap. d'HoUande. Paris, Didot, 1782.
Gaudence de Lucques (Memoires de), enrichis des remarques de M.
Rhedi. 4 vols, in two, small 8vo. Anist. \111 .
Gombauld's (M.) Endymion ; an excellent fancy: elegantly illustrated
by Richard Hurst. r2mo. London, 1639.
Jouy (E.), Cecile ; ou, les Passions. (Qiluvres, Vols. XXXIV. — .VI.)
Le Sage, Histoire de Gil Bias de Santillane, ornee de figures, 4 vols.
Svo. Paris, 1795.
Le Sage's Adventures of Gil Bias of Santillane, translated by Benj. H.
Malkin. Illustrated with engravings from pictures by Smirke. 4 vols.
4to. large paper, proofs. London, 1809.
Marguerite de Valois, Reine de Navarre, Contes et Nouvelles, mis en
beau langage, et accommode au goftt de ce tems. 2 vols. 18mo.
Haye, Mil.
Marivaux (M. de), les EfFets surprenants de la Sympathie; ou, les
Aventures de **. (CEuvres, Vols. V. and VI.)
Marivaux (M. de), la Vie de Marianne ; ou, les Aventures de Madame
la Comtesse de ****. ((Euvres, Vols. VI. and VII.)
Marivaux (M. de), le Paysan Parvenu ; ou, les Memoires de M. ***.
(CEuvres, Vol. VIII.)
Marivaux (M. de), le Don Quichotte Moderne. (CEuvres, Vol. XI.)
Marmontel (M.), les Incas ; ou, la Destruction de I'Empire du Perou.
2 vols. l2mo. Amst. Mil .
Marmontel (M.), Contes Moraux. 3 vols. 12mo. Pan's, 1803.
Marmontel (M.), Nouveaux Contes Moraux. 4 vols. 12mo. PariSy
Martial d'Auvergne, dit de Paris, les Arrets d'Amours, avec I'Amant
rendu Cordelier a I'observance d'Amours : accompagnez des com-
mentaires juridiques et joyeux de Benoist de Cour. Revue, corrigee,
et augmentee de plusieurs arrets, de notes, et d'un glossaire des
anciens termes [par Lenglet du Fresnoy]. 12mo. Amst. 1731.
Montesquieu (Baron de), le Temple de Guide, Cephise et I'Amour, et
Arsace et Ismenie. 18mo. Paris, Didot, 1795.
Rabelais (Fr.), CEuvres; contenant cinq livres de la vie, faicts, et diets
hero'iques de Gargantua et de son fils Pantagruel. Small Svo.
Imprimis sur les premieres editions, 1626.
Ramsay (M. A.), les Voyages de Cyrus; avec un discours sur la mytho-
logie. 2 vols. 12mo. Paris, Mil .
Scarron (Paul), le Roman Comique; ornee de figures par Le Barbier.
3 vols. 8to. Paris, 1796.
Stael Holstein (Mad. de), Corinne, ou I'ltalie. 3 vols. 12mo. Lo7idres,
[Utterson's (Mrs.)] Tales of the Dead, principally from the French. Svo.
London, 1813.
Italian Novels.
Libro di Novelle et di bel parlar gentile ; nel qual si contengono cente
novelle altra volta mandate fuori da Carlo Gualteruzzi da Fano ;
di nuovo ricorrette, con aggiunta di quattro altre nel fine, et con
una dichiarazione d'alcune delle voci piil antiche [di Vincenzo Borg-
hini]. 4to. In Fiorenza, nella stamp, de i Giunti, 1582.
Novelle Scelte rarissime, starapate a spese di XL. amatori [cont. Lionora
di Bardi ed Hippolyto Buondelmonte ; le amorose novelle di Giust.
Nelli ; Gianfiore e Filomena ; novelle tre dell' ingratitudine, dell'
avarizia, e dell' eloquenza, creduto di M. Marco di Mantova, S. W.
Singer editore]. 8vo. Londra, 1814.
The Italian Novelists ; selected from the most approved authors in that
language, from the earliest period down to the close of the 18th cen-
tury : arranged in an historical and chronological series. Translated
from the original Italian, accompanied with notes, critical and bio-
graphical, by Thomas Roscoe. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1825.
Arnalt and Lucinda (the pretie and wittie Historie of), [Italian and
English] ; with certaine rules and dialogues, set foorth for the learner
of the Italian tong ; by Claudius Holliband. Small 8vo. London,
by Thos. Purfoote, \515.
Bandello (Mat.), Novelle. 9 vols. 8vo. large paper. London \^Lworno^,
Boccacio (Giovanni), II Decamerone, nuovamente corretti et con dili-
genza stampato. 4to. In Firenze,per li heredi di Phil, di Giunta,
1527; {Ed. contrafatto Venezia, 1739.]
Boccacio (G.), II Decamerone, nuovamente alia sua vera lezione ridotto
da M. Lod. Dolce, con annotazioni, tavoli, &c. Small 8vo. Venegia,
Giolito, 1552.
Boccacio (Istoria del Decamerone di), da Dom. Mu. Manni. 4to.
Firenze, 1742.
Boccacio. — Salviati (Leonardo), Avvertimenti della Lingua sopra il Deca-
merone. 2 vols, in one. 4to. In Napoli, 1712.
Boccacio, le Nymphal Fiessolan, trad, de Tuscan par Ant. Guercin du
Crest. 16mo. Lyon, G. Collier, 1556.
Done (Ant. Fr.), La Zucca. Small 8vo. In Venegia, per F. Marco-
lini, 1551.
This work contains the original of the Portrait which usually passe* forCaxton's.
Erasto (i Compassionevoli Avvertimenti di), opera dotta e morale, di
Gra>co ridotta in volgare. Small 8vo. In Venegia, jjer C. di Trino,
Erasto. — History of Prince Erastus, son to the Emperour Dioclcsian,
and the VTI. Wise Masters of Rome; written originally in Italian,
then translated into French, and now rendered into English by
F. Kirkman. Small 8vo. London, 1674.
Giovanni Fiorentino, il Pecorone, nel quale si contengono cinquantc
novelle antiche. 2 vols. 8vo. Milano, 1804.
Grazzini (A. F.), dctto il Lasca, Novelle. 8vo. London {Livorno'\,
Sacchetti (F.), Novelle [con prefazione, &c. P. UmberliJ. 2 vols. 8yo.
Firenze [Napoli], 1724.
Sansovino (F.), Cento Novelle. scelte da' piii nobili scrittori della lingua
volgare. 4to. Venegia, 1610.
Spanish Novels.
Historia VII. Infantum de Lara. (Vsenius, under Engraving, ante,
p. 120.)
Cervantes, Don Quixote de la Mancha ; corregida, eon el prologo, por
la Real Academia Espanola [la vida del autor y analisis del Obra].
4 vols. 4to. En Madrid, 1780.
Cervantes' Don Quixote de la Mancha, translated from the original
Spanish by Charles Jarvis ; [with life of Cervantes, translated from
the Spanish MS. of Don Greg. Mayans y Siscar by Ozell ; supple-
ment to the translator's preface on the origin of chivalric romances,
by Bp. Warburton ; and an advertisement concerning the prints by
Vandergucht; by J. Oldfield.] 2 vols. 4to. London, 1742.
Cervantes' Don Quixote, translated by Mary Smirke ; with life of the
author, and illustrated with engravings from pictures by R. Smirke.
4 vols. 4to. Large paper, India proofs. London, 1818.
Cervantes. — The Life and Exploits of Don Quixote ; containing his fourth
sally, and fifth part of his adventures ; by F. Alonso de Avellaneda.
3 vols. 12mo. Sivaffham, 1805.
Fiori (Giov. de), Amorosa Historia di Isabella et Aurelio ; di lingua
Castigliana in Italico idioma tradotta da M. Lelio Alatiphilo. Small
Svo. Venegia, Gregori, 1526. (See also ante, p. 381.)
Lamarca (Fr. Loubayssin de), Historia Tragicomica de Don Henrique de
Castro. Svo. Paris, 1617.
[Mendoza (Diego de)]. The pleasant History of Lazarillo de Tormes ;
wherein is contained his marvellous deeds and life, and strange ad-
ventures : with the pursuit of the historic, gathered out of the ancient
chronicles of Toledo, by Jean de Luna. Done into English and set
forth by David Rowland. 2 vols, small 8vo. London, 1639.
German and Northern Novels.
German Novelists : Tales selected from ancient and modern authors in
that language, from the earliest period down to the close of the 18th
century ; translated from the originals, with critical and biographical
notices, by Thomas Roscoe. 4 vols. Svo. London, 1826.
Popular Tales and Romances of Northern Nations. 3 vols. Svo. Lond.
Oriental Romances.
Arabian Nights, translated [from the French of Galland] by Edward
Foster; with engravings from pictures by R. Smirke. 5 vols. 4to.
Large paper, India proofs. London, 1802.
Arabian Nights' Entertainments (Remarks upon the) ; in which the
origin of Sinbad's Voyages, and other oriental fictions, is particu-
larly considered, by R. Hole. Svo. London, 1793.
Antar (Life and Adventures of), a celebrated Bedowen ; translated from
the original Arabic byT. Hamilton. 4 vols, small Svo. Lond. 1819.
An Arabian Tale [the History of the CaUph Vathek], from an unpub-
lished MS. [by William Beckford] ; with notes, critical and expla-
natory [by Dr. Stephen Henley]. 8vo. first edition, large paper;
printed only for presents. London, 1786.
See Nichols's Anecdotes, vol. ix. p. 674, for a letter of Dr. Henley's to
Mr. Weston, in which he affirms that this work is really a translation.
Bahar-danush ; or, Garden of Knowledge : translated from the Persian
of Einaut-Oollah, by Jonathan Scott. 3 vols, small Svo. Shrews-
bury, 1799.
Hatim Tai (Adventures of), a Romance ; translated from the Persian by
Duncan Forbes. 4to. London, 1830.
Fortunate Union (the), a Romance ; translated from the Chinese original,
with notes and illustrations, by J. F. Davis. 2 vols, in one, Svo.
London, 1829.
Dramatic Poetry.
Treatises on Dramatic Poetry, Sfc.
Schlegel's (Aug. Will.) Course of Lectures on Dramatic Art and Litera-
ture ; translated by John Black. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1815.
Adams' (Geo.) Defence of Tragic Poetry ; an historical account of its
rise and progress, and a comparison of the ancient tragedians with
each other. (Translation of Sophocles, Vol. L)
Barrington (Daines) on the Ancient Tragedies. (Miscellanies.)
[Cumberland's (Rich.)] History of the Athenian Stage. (Observer.)
Dryden (John) on Dramatic Poesy. (W^orks, Vol. XV.)
Hume (D.) on Tragedy. (Essays, Vol. L)
Wal pole's (H.) Thoughts on Tragedy and Comedy. (Orford's Works,
Vol. n.)
Greek and Latin Drama.
Tragoediae iEschyli, Euripidis, Sophoclis, "l
et Senecse. { ( classics).
Comoediee Aristophanis, Plauti, et r v ' ^
Ignoramus, Comcedia, scriptore Georgio Ruggle ; nunc denuo edita, cum
notis historicis et criticis : quibus proeponitur vita autoris et glossarium
[Anglic^], accurante J. S. Hawkins. Svo. Londini, 1787.
English Drama.
Scott's (Sir W.) Essay on the Drama. (Prose Works, Vol. VL)
Hawkins's (Thos.) Origin of the English Drama illustrated, in its various
species — mystery, morality, tragedy, and comedy — by specimens from
our earliest writers; with notes. 3 vols. Timo. Oxford, 1773.
Collier's (J. P.) History of English Dramatic Poetry to the time of
Shakspeare ; and Annals of the Stage to the Restoration. 3 vols,
small 8vo. London, 1831.
Langbaine's (Gerard) Account of the English Dramatic Poets. Small
8vo. Oxford, 1691.
Baker's (D. Erskine) Biographia Dramatica ; or, companion to the play-
house : containing historical and critical memoirs of British and Irish
dramatic writers, and an alphabetical account of their works ; to-
gether with an introductory view of the rise and progress of the British
stage; originally compiled to the year 1764, and continued to 1811
by Isaac Reed and Stephen Jones. 3 vols, in 4, 8vo. Land. 1812.
GofFe's (T.) Exact and Perfect Catalogue of all our Playes that are
printed. (Careless Shepherdess.)
[Wright's (James)] Historia Histrionica ; an historical account of the
English stage. London, 1699; reprinted. (Dodsley's Old Plays,
Vol. I.)
Malone's (E.) History of the English Stage. (Shakspeare's Works.)
Dibdin's (C.) Complete History of the English Stage ; introduced by a
review of the ancient and modern theatres. 5 vols. 8vo. London,
Drake's (N.) Shakspeare and his Times. (Shakspeare.)
Davies' (Thos.) Memoirs of the Life of David Garrick ; forming a history
of the stage during a period of thirty-six years. 2 vols. 8vo. Lon-
don, 1784.
Boaden's (James) Memoirs of the Life of John Kemble, including a
history of the English stage from the time of Garrick to the present
period. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1825.
Boaden's (J.) Memoirs of Mrs. Siddons ; interspersed with anecdotes of
authors and actors. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1827.
Kelly's (Michael) Reminiscences, including a period of nearly half a
century ; with original anecdotes of many distinguished persons,
political, literary, and musical. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1826.
Prynne's (Will.) Histrio-Mastix, the Player's Scourge; wherein is largely
evidenced, by the concurring authorities of Scripture, the primitive
church, the fathers, and Christian writers, heathen philosophers,
historians, poets, &c. &c. that popular stage-playes are sinfull,
heathenish, and pernicious corruptions. 4to. London, 1633.
The first English work publicly burnt in this country, and that for which the
author lost his ears, and suffered a long imprisonment.
British Drama, ancient and modern ; comprehending the best plays in
the English language [edited by Sir W. Scott]. 6 vols, in 8, royal
8vo. London, 1810 and 1804.
Dodsley's (R.) Select Collection of Old Plays; a new edition, with addi-
tional notes and corrections by Isaac Reed, Octavius Gilchrist, and
the editor. [Together with Mr. Dodsley's preface to the first edition,
and Mr. Reed's supplement and his preface to the second edition.]
12 vols. 8vo. London, 1825.
Specimens of English Dramatic Poets who lived about the time of
Shakspeare ; with notes by C. Lamb. Small 8vo. London, 1808.
The British Theatre, printed from the prompt-books ; with biographical
and critical remarks by Mrs. Inchbald. 25 vols. 18mo. London,
The Modern British Theatre, selected by Mrs. Inchbald. 10 vols. 18mo.
London, 1811.
Collection of Farces and other After-pieces, selected by Mrs. Inchbald.
7 vols. 18mo. London, 1809.
Addison's (Jo.) Cato, Rosamond, and Drummer. (Works, Vols. I. and
VI. 8vo. ; and VI. 4to.)
Baillie's (Joanna) Series of Plays on the Passions ; Family Legend, a
tragedy; and Miscellaneous Plays. 4 vols. 8vo. Zonc?ow, 1802-12.
Beaumont and Fletcher's Works ; with commendatory poems, Seward's
preface, and biographical and critical introduction and notes ; by
Henry Weber. 14 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1812.
Beaumont and Fletcher's Works (Comments on), by J. M. Mason. 8vo.
London, 1798.
[Brewer's (Ant.)] Lingua ; or, the Combat of the Tongue and the Five
Senses for Superiority : a pleasant comedie. 4to. London, \Q\1.
Brother-in-Law, a comedy. Crown 8vo. Lee Priory, 1817.
Burgoyne's (Gen. J.) Dramatic and Poetical Works ; with memoirs of
the author. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1807,
Centlivre's (Mrs.) Works. 3 vols. 12mo. London, 1741.
Congreve's (Wm.) Works ; containing his plays and poems. 3 vols.
12mo. London, 1725.
Cowley's (Abr.) Plays. (Works.)
Cowley's (Mrs.) Works, dramas and poems. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1813.
Cumberland's (Rich.) Posthumous Dramatic Works [edited by his
daughter, Mrs. Jansen]. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1813.
Dryden's (John) Plays. (Works, Vols. II. to VIII.)
Edgeworth's (Maria) Comic Dramas. 12mo. London, 1817.
Etherige's (Sir Geo.) Works, containing his plays and poems. 12mo,
London, 1735.
Farquhar's (Geo.) Works. 8vo. London, \1\\.
Fielding's (Henry) Dramatic Pieces. (Works, Vols. I. to IV.)
Foote's (Sam.) Dramatic Works. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1781.
Ford's (John) Dramatic Works ; with introduction, and notes criti«;al
and explanatory, by W. Gilford. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1827.
Goffe (Thos.), the Raging Turke, or Baiazet II. ; Courageous Turke, or
Amurath I. ; Tragedy of Orestes ; and the Careless Shepherdess.
4to. London, 1631-56.
Goldsmith's (O.) Dramatic Pieces. (Works, Vol. II.)
Jonson's (Ben.) Works ; with notes and a biographical memoir by
W. GifFord. 9 vols. 8vo. London, \%\Q.
Kemble's (F. A.) Francis I., an historical drama. 8vo. London^ 1832.
[Knevet's (Ralph)] Rhodon and Iris, a pastoral, as it was presented at
the Florists' feast in Norwich, May 3, 1631. 4to. London, 1631.
Mackenzie's (H.) Dramatic Pieces. (Works, Vol. VIII.)
Marston's (Jolin) Dramatic and Poetical Works. 4 vols, crown 8vo.
London, 1826.
Mason's (W.) Dramatic Pieces. (Works, Vol. II.)
Massinger's (P.) Plays ; with introduction, and notes critical and ex-
planatory, by W. GifFord. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1805.
Murphy's (A.) Dramatic Works. (Works, Vols. I. to IV.)
Otway's (Thomas) Works ; with notes, and a life of the author, by
Th. Thornton. 3 vols, royal 8vo. large paper. London, 1813.
Peele's (Geo.) Works ; with some account of his life and writings, and
notes, by Alexander Dyce. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1828.
Ramsay's (Allan) Gentle Shepherd, a pastoral comedy ; with illustra-
tions of the scenery, life of the author, &c. 2 vols, royal Svo,
large paper. Edin. 1808.
Shakspeare's (W.) Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies, published accord-
ing to the true original copies, the third impression ; and unto this is
added sevene plays, never before printed in folio. Folio. London,
printed for P. C. 1654.
The greater part of this edition was destroyed in the fire of London.
Shakspeare's Plays and Poems ; with the corrections and illustrations
of various commentators: comprehending a life of the poet, and an
enlarged history of the stage, by E. Malone. [Edited from Malone's
MSS. by James Boswell, with prolegomena, including the prefaces
to the various preceding editions ; Dr. Farmer on the learning of
Shakspeare ; Steevens on Shakspeare, Ford, and Jonson ; Rowe's
life of Shakspeare ; [Boswell ?] on the phraseology and metre of
Shakspeare; additions to Malone's history of the stage; and a fur-
ther account of the early English stage by Geo. Chalmers, &c.]
21 vols. Svo. London, 1821.
Shakspeare's Plays (Supplement to the edition of) published in 1798 by
Johnson and Steevens ; containing additional observations by several
of the former commentators : to which are subjoined, the genuine
poems of the same author, and seven plays that have been ascribed to
him ; with notes by the editor and others. 2 vols. Svo. Land. 1780.
Shakspeare's Plays, Index to all the editions, by Sam. Ayscough. Svo.
Dublin, 1780.
Shakspeare Himself again ; or, the language of the poet asserted, by
And. Beckett. 2 vols, in one, Svo. London, 1815.
Shakspeare's Plays (Notes and various Readings to) ; and the School of
Shakspeare, or authentic extracts from divers English books that
were in print in his time; by Ed. Capell. 3 vols. 4to. London, 1779.
Shakspeare. — Notes on some of the obscure Passages in Shakspeare's
Plays; with remarks on the editions of 1785, 1790, 1793, by Lord
Chedworth. Svo. London, 1805.
Shakspeare. — Dramatic Miscellanies ; consisting of critical observations
on several plays of Shakspeare ; with a review of his principal cha-
racters as represented by Mr. Garrick, &c. ; by Th. Davies. 3 vols.
Svo. London, 1784.
Shakspeare. — Illustrations of Shakspeare and of Ancient Manners, by
Fr. Douce ; with dissertations on the clowns of Shakspeare, on the
collection of popular tales entitled Gesta Grayorum, and on the
Ensrlish morrice-dance. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1807.
Shakspeare. — Canons of Criticism, and Glossary [being a supplement to
Warburton's edition] ; by Th. Edwards. 8vo. London, 1758.
Shakspeare. — Essay on the Learning of Shakspeare, by Rich. Farmer.
8vo. Camb. 1767.
Shakspeare. — Critical, Historical, and Explanatory Notes on Shakspeare;
with emendations of the text and metre ; by Zach. Grey. 2 vols.
8vo. London, 1754.
Shakspeare. — Observations on Macbeth, by Sam. Johnson. (Works,
Vol. III.)
Shakspeare's Macbeth and Richard the Third, an essay in answer to
Remarks on some of the Characters of Shakspeare, by J. P. Kemble.
12mo. London, 1817.
Shakspeare. — Comments on the several Editions of Shakspeare, ex-
tended to those of Malone and Steevens, by J. Monck Mason. 8vo.
Dublin, 1807.
Shakspeare (Some further Observations on), extended to the late editions
of Malone and Steevens, by J. Monck Mason. (Comments on
Beaumont and Fletcher.)
Shakspeare. — Essay on the Writings and Genius of Shakspeare, com-
pared with the Greek and French dramatic poets; by Mrs. Mon-
tague. 8vo. London, 1770.
Shakspeare. — Essays on some of the Dramatic Characters, with an Essay
on the Faults of Shakspeare, by Wm. Richardson. 8vo. London,
Shakspeare. — Remarks on the Text and Notes of the last Edition of
Shakspeare; with the Quip Modest, or supplement, by J. Ritson.
2 vols, in one, 8vo. Londoyi, 1783-88.
Shakspeare. — Critical Observations on Shakspeare, by John Upton. 8vo.
London, 1746.
Shakspeare. — Cursory Criticisms on the edition of Shakspeare published
by Mr. Malone. 8vo. London, 1792.
Shakspeare. — Six old Plays, on which Shakspeare founded six of his,
by J. Nichols. 2 vols. 8vo. London, \11S).
Shakspeare's Hamlet and As You like It; a specimen of a new edition
of Shakspeare [edited by Mr. Caldecot]. 8vo. 1819.
Shakspeare's King Lear, a tragedy ; collated with the old and modern
editions [by Charles Jennens]. 8vo. London, 1770.
Shakspeare Illustrated ; or the novels and histories on which tlie plays
of Shtikspcare are founded, collected and translated from the ori-
ginal authors, with critical remarks. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1753.
Shakspeare. — Letter to D. Garrick, concerning a glossary to the plays
of [by Rich. Warner]. 8vo. ZowrZ. 1768.
Shakspeare. — Copies of several uupMl>lisIiod documents relating to liiiii
and his faniily ; and an account of the jubilee. (Wheeler's Hist, of
Stratford . )
3 E
Shakspeare and his Times ; including; a biography of the poet, criticisms
on his genius and writings, and a history of the manners, customs,
amusements, superstitions, poetry, and elegant literature of his age ;
by Nathan Drake. 2 vols. 4to.' Lo)id. 1817.
Shakspeare. — An Inquiry into the Authenticity of various Pictures and
Prints which, from the decease of the poet to our own times, have
been offered to the public as portraits of Shakspeare ; by James
Boaden. 4to. London, 1824.
Pseudo-Shakspeare.— Miscellaneous Papers and Legal Instruments under
the hand and seal of W. Shakspeare, from the original MSS. in the
possession of Sam. Ireland. Folio. London, 1796.
The original forgeries of this collection were sold at Mr. Dent's sale for 461.
Pseudo-Shakspeare. — Malone's (E.) Inquiry into the Authenticity of
certain Papers and Legal Instruments published in 1795, and attri-
buted to W. Shakspeare, Queen Elizabeth, and the Earl of South-
ampton. 8vo. London, 1796.
Pseudo-Shakspeare. — Chalmer's (Geo.) Apology, and Supplemental
Apology ; with appendix for the believers of the Shakespeare Papers
which were exhibited in Norfolk Street. 2 vols. 8vo. London,
Pseudo-Shakspeare. — Confessions of W. Ireland ; containing the parti-
culars of his fabrication of the Shakspeare MSS. : together with anec-
dotes and opinions of many distinguished persons. 8vo. Lond. 1805.
Sheridan (the Works of Richard Brinsley) [edited by Thomas Moore].
2 vols. Bvo. London, 1821.
Shirley's (W.) Plays and Poems, now first collected and chronologically
arranged, and the text carefully collated and restored ; with occa-
sional notes, and a biographical and critical essay, by W. Gifford.
6 vols. 8vo. London, 1832.
Smollett's (Tobias) Plays. (Works, Vol. III.)
Southern's (Thos.) Plays, now first collected ; with life of the author [by
T. Evans]. 3 vols. 12mo. London, 1774.
Suckling's (Sir John) Plays. (Works.)
Taylor (G. W,), the Profligate, a comedy. 4to. London, privately
printed, 1820.
Thomson's (James) Plays, (Works, Vols. I. and II.)
Vanbrugh's (Sir John) Plays. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1735.
Walpole's (Horace) Mysterious Mother ; a tragedy. (Orford's Works,
Vol. I.)
Webster's (John) Works ; with some account of the author by Alex.
Dyce. 4 vols, crown 8vo. London, 1830.
Wilson's (Arthur) Inconstant Lady; a play [edited], with an appendix
[by P. Bliss]. 4to. Oxford, \8\A.
Wycherley's (Wm.) Plays. 2 vols. 12mo. Londoyi, 1720.
French Drama.
Le Mystere des Actes des Apostres, translate fidellement a la verite his-
toriale, escripte par Saint Luc, et illustre des legendes et vies des
saincts recues par I'Eglise, [par A. et S. Greban]. 2 vols, in one,
4to. Scttres CBfotl)tijUfg. The Roxburgh copy. Paris, A. and C.
Angeliers, 1540.
Campistron (M. de), Qiluvres, augmentees de plusieurs pieces. 2 vols.
18mo. Amst. 1722.
Champmesle (M. de), CEuvres. 2 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1742.
Corneille (Pierre), CEuvres de, avec les commentaires de Voltaire [sa vie
par B, le Bovier de Fontenelle, et les trois meilleures pieces de son
Frere.] Figures par Moreau. 12 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1817.
Crebillon (P. J. de), ffiuvres ; orneesdes figures par Peyron. 2 vols. 8vo.
Proofs and etchings. Paris, 1799.
Catherine of Cleves, and Hernani, tragedies ; from the French of
Alex. Dumas and Victor Hugo, by Lord Leveson Gower. 8vo.
London, 1832.
Fontaine (De la). Theatre, (ffiuvres, Vol. IV.)
Fosse (M. de la). Theatre. 18mo. A7nst. 1745.
Gresset (J. B. L.), OEuvres Dramatiques. (CEuvres, Vol. II.)
[Henault (M. le President)], Cornelie, Vestale, tragedie. Small 8vo.
Imprimee u Strawberry Hill, 1768.
Jouy (E.), Theatre. (CEuvres, Vols.. XL. to XLV.)
Marivaux (M. de), CEuvres Dramatiques. (CEuvres, Vols. I. to V.)
Moliere (CEuvres de J. B. de) ; avec des remarques grammaticales, des
avertissemens, et des observations, sur chaque piece, par M. Bret [et
la vie de Moliere par Voltaire, avec un supplement par I'Editeur].
6 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1804.
Besides the plates, after Moreau, belonging to this edition, which were origin-
ally engraved for that of 1773, tliis coj)y has those published separately by
Kenouard in 1813, after new and superior designs by the same artist.
Pathelin (la Farce de P.) ; avec son testament a IV personnages.
Small 8vo. Paris, Coustellier, \111.
Racine (Jean), CEuvres Dramatiques. (CEuvres, Vols. I. to III.)
Sleep-Walker, a Comedy ; translated from the French [by Horace
Walpole.] 8vo. Strawberry Hill, 1778.
Italian Drama.
Walker's (J. C.) Historical Memoir on Italian Tragedy, from the earliest
period ; illustrated with specimens of the most celebrated tragedies,
biographical notices, &c. 4to. London, 1799.
Walker's (.1. C.) Historical and Critical Essay on the Revival of the
Drama in Italy. Svo. Edinburgh, 1805.
Alfieri (Vittorio), Tragedie. 5 vols. Svo. Milano, 1822.
Goldoni (Carlo), Scclte Commedie [con un memorie del' autor].
12 vols. Svo. Padova, 1811-17.
Maffei (Scipio), Teatro. Svo. Verona, 1730.
Metastasio (Pictro), Opere Drammatiche. (Opere Compito.)
Metastasio's (P.) Works, translated by .lohn Hoole. 2 vols. 12mo.
London, 17G7.
Monti (V'icenzo), Tragedie. 12mu. fircnzc, 1827.
Spa7iisk Drama.
Teatro Espanol, 6 collecion de dramas escogidos de celebres esoritorcs,
precedida de una breve noticia de la Escena Espanola, y de los autores
que la ban illustrado. 4 vols. 4to. Londra, 1817.
German Drama.
Goetbe's Goetze, of Berlicbengen, witb tbe Iron Hand, a tragedy ;
translated from the German by Sir Walter Scott. Small 8vo.
Paris, 1826.
Sir W. Scott's first production, originally published in 17^vo. large paper. London, 1825.
Gresset (CEuvres de), [avec les principaux traits de la vie privee et litte-
raire de Taiiteur, par A. A. Renouard]. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1811.
Grey (the Literary Remains of Lady Jane) ; with a memoir of her life by
Sir N. H. Nicolas. Large paper, royal Svo. London, 1825.
Hale's (Sir Matt.) \Yorks, moral and religious ; with life by Bp. Burnet :
including the additional notes of Baxter ; by T. Thirlwall. 2 vols.
Svo. London, 1805.
Hamilton's (Bp. Hugh) Works, collected by his son Alex. Hamilton.
2 vols, royal 8vo. London, 1809.
Harris's (James) Works ; with an account of his life, by his son the Earl
of Malmesbury. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1801.
Harrington's (James) Oceana, and other Works ; with his life by John
Toland : and an appendix containing all the political tracts wrote by
this author, omitted in Toland's edition [edited by T. Birch]. Folio.
London, 1737.
Heynii (C. G.) Opuscula Academica collecta, et animadversionibus
locupleta. 5 vols. Svo. Gottingce, 1785-1802.
Hurd's (Bp. Richard) Works. 8 vols. Svo. London, 1811.
Johnson's (Sam.) Works ; with an essay on his life, &c. by A. Murphy.
12 vols. Svo. London, 1806.
Jones's (Sir W.) Works, edited by his lady ; with Supplement. 8 vols.
4to. Lond. 1799-1801.
Jouy (Estienne), CEuvres completes. 46 vols. 12mo. Paris et Brux-
elles, 1824-27.
Knox's (Vicesimus) Works ; with a biographical preface. 7 vols. Svo.
London, 1824.
Locke's (John) Works [by Bp. E. Law]. 10 vols. Svo. London, 1801.
Lope Felix de Vega Carpio, Colecciones de los Obras Sueltos, assi en
prosa como en verso. 21 vols, small 4to. Madrid, 1776-9.
Lyttleton's (George, Lord) Miscellaneous Works, published by G. E.
Ayscough. 4to. London, 1775.
Mackenzie's (Henry) Works. 8 vols. Svo. Edinburgh, 1808.
Marivaux (P. C. de), ses CEuvres completes. 12 vols. Svo. Paris, 1781.
Mason's (Wm.) Works. 4 vols. Svo. London, 1811.
Metastasio (Pietro), Opere [edizioni data dell' Abate Pezzana]. 12 vols.
4to. papier d'HoUande. Parigi, Herissant, 1780-82.
Milton's (John) Works, historical, political, and miscellaneous ; to which
is prefixed, an account of his life and writings by Thos. Birch :
[edited by Richard Baron]. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1753.
Milton's (John) Prose Works ; with a hfe of the author by Ch. Symmons.
7 vols. Svo. London, 1806.
Montagu's (Lady Mary Wortley) Works ; including her correspondence?
poems, and essays : with memoirs by J. _ Dallaway. 5 vols. Svo-
London, 1803.
Murphy's (Arthur) Works. 7 vols, Svo. London, 1786,
Newtoni (Is.) Opera quae extant omnia, commentariic illustrabat S.
Horsley. 3 vols. 4to. Londini, 1779-85.
Orford's (Hoi'ace Walpole, Earl of) Works ; with Edwards's Supple-
ment. 7 vols. 4to. Lond, 1799-1819.
Pope's (Alex.) Works ; containing the principal notes of Warburton and
Warton, with remarks by Johnson, Wakefield, and Chalmers : to
which are added, some original letters, with additional observations,
and memoirs of the life of the author ; edited by W. L. Bowles.
10 vols. 8vo. London, 1806.
Racine (CEuvres de Jean), avec les variantes et les imitations des auteurs
Grecs et Latins, publiees par M. Petitot. 5 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1815.
Ralegh's (Sir Walter) Collected Works ; to which are prefixed the lives
of the author by Oldys and Birch. 8 vols. 8vo. Oxford University
press, 1829.
Reynolds's (Sir Joshua) Works; with an account of his life and writings
by E. Malone. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1809.
Scott's (Sir Walter) Miscellaneous Prose Works. 6 vols. 8vo. Edin-
burgh, 1827.
Seldeni (Joannis) Opera Omnia, tam edita quam inedita, coUegit ac
recensuit, vitam auctoris, prsefationes, &c. adjecit D. Wilkins. 3 vols.
in 6, folio. London, 1726.
Sidney's (Sir Philip) Miscellaneous Works ; with life and illustrative
notes by W. Gray. 8vo. large paper. Oxford, 1829.
Smollett's (Tobias) Miscellaneous Works ; with memoirs of his life and
writings, by Robt. Anderson. 6 vols. 8vo. Edinb. 1806.
Sterne's (Laurence) Works ; with life by himself. 10 vols. 8vo. London,
Sterne (Illustrations of), by John Ferriar ; with other essays and verses.
2 vols, in one, 8vo. Warrington, 1812.
Stillingfleet's (Benj.) Literary Life and Select Works, edited by W. Coxe.
3 vols. 8vo. London, 1811.
Swift's (Jonathan) Works, containing additional letters, tracts, and
poems, not hitherto published ; with notes, and a life of the author
by Sir Walter Scott. 19 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1814.
Suckling's (Sir John) Fragmenta Aurea ; a collection of all his incom-
parable pieces; printed by his own copies. First edition, with a
brilliant impression of the portrait by Marshall. Sir M. M. Sykes's
copy. 8vo. London, 1646.
Surrey's (Henry Howard, Earl of) Works ; [including his poems and
letters, with notes, a memoir of the author, and of his son, the Earl
of Northampton], and of Sir Thos. Wyatt, the elder [consisting of
his poems and letters to his son, with notes and memoirs of the
author], by C. F. Nott. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1815-16.
Talbot's (Mrs. Cath.) Works, by Mrs. Carter ; with additional papers,
notes, and illustrations ; and an account of her life, by Montague
Pennington. 8vo. London, 1809.
Taylor (all the Works of John), tlie Water-Poet, collected into one
volume by tlie author. Folio. London, 1630.
Ilearue's copy, with his autograph.
Temple's (Sir Wni.) Works; with a life and character of the author.
4 vols. 8vo. Lotidon, 1757.
Tweddell's (John) Remains, being a selection of his letters ; together
with his Prolusiones Juveniles : to which is added, some account of
the author's journals, MSS., collections of drawings, &c. ; and pre-
fixed is a biographical memoir by the editor, Robert Tweddell. 4to.
London, 1815.
White's (H. K.) Remains; with an account of his life by Robt. Southey.
3 vols. 8vo. Zo»rfo«, 1808-22.
Witherspoou's (John) Works ; with life. 9 vols. 12mo. Edinburgh,
Wotton's (Sir H.) Reliquiae Wottoniana;, or a collection of lives, letters,
and poems ; with characters of sundry personages, [edited by Isaac
Walton]. 8vo. London, 1672.
Wrangham's (Fr.) Works : sermons, dissertations, and translations.
3 vols. 8vo. London, 1816.
Wyatt's (Sir Tho.) Works. (Surrey.)
Young's (Edward) Works. 5 vols. 12mo. Loyidon, 1767.
Zouch's (Thos.) Works; with memoir of his life by F. Wrangham.
2 vols. 8vo. York, 1820.
Pilpay's Fables. ]2mo. London, 1818.
Hitopodesa of Vishnusarum, or amicable instruction ; [the fables of
Pilpay], translated by Sir W. Jones. (Works, Vol. VI.)
iEsopi Fabulffi. (Classics.)
^sop's Fables ; with his life in English, French, and Latin ; the English
by Th. Philipot, the French and Latin by R. Codrington : with
112 sculptures by Francis Barlow. Folio. London, 1665.
Select Fables of ^sop and other Fabulists ; with life of iEsop, and an
essay on fable, by R. Dodsley. Small Bvo. Birmingham, Basker-
ville, 1764.
The Dialogues of Creatures moralysed, applyably and edificatably to
every mery and jocunde mater ; of late translated out of Latyn into
our Englyshe tonge, right profitable to the governaunce of man.
Reprinted in hhck letter ; edited by Joseph Haslewood. 4to. Lond.
Dryden's (John) Fables. (Works.)
Fontaine (Fables de la). (CEuvres, Vols. I. and II.)
Fontaine, Etudes sur la ; ou, notes et excursions litteraires sur ses Fables
[par Solvet], precedees de son eloge inedit, par Gaillard. 8vo.
Paris, 1812.
Gay's (John) Fables. 2 vols. 8vo. London, Stockdale, 1797.
Select Fables, with cuts ; designed and engraved by Thomas and John
Bewick and others, previous to 1784 : together with a memoir, and a
descriptive catalogue of the works of Messrs. Bewick. Royal 8vo.
Newcastle, 1820.
Satirical WorliS.
Dryden's (John) Essay on Satire. (Works, Vols. XIII. and XV.)
Petronii Arbitri Satyricon. (Classics.)
[Arbuthnot (Dr.)], Law is a Bottomless Pit; or, the history of John
Bull. [A satire on the war under Marlborough.] (Swift's Works,
Vol. VL)
Barclaii (Jo.) Satyricon, accessit conspiratio Anglicana. 24mo. Elz.
Lugd. Bat. 1637.
Erasme, Eloge de la Folie, trad, par M. Guedeville ; avec les notes de
G. Lister. 12mo. Amsterdam, 1745.
Besides the illustrations from Holbein, this edition has the verj spirited wood-
cuts of Le Sueur the younger worked with the letter-press.
[Evelyn (John)], Mundus Muliebris ; or, the ladye's dressing-room un-
locked, and her toillette spread, in burlesque : together with the Fop-
Dictionary, compiled for the use of the fair sex. (Misc. Works.)
[Matthias's (T. J.)] Pursuits of Literature, a satirical poem; with ex-
planatory notes, &c. 8vo. London, 1806.
Pope's (Alex.) Dunciad ; with the Prolegomena of Scriblerus, the Hy-
percritics of Aristarchus, and Notes variorum. (Works, Vol. V.)
Swift's (Jonathan) True Account of the Battle fought between the ancient
and the modern Books in St. James's Library. (Works, Vol. X.)
*^* For other satirical writings, see Poetry and Novels.
Proverbs, Apotheg7ns, Ana, S^'c.
Plutarchus et Diogenes Laertius. (Classics.)
Sentences of Ali, the Son-in-law of Mahomet, translated from the Arabic.
(Ockley's History of the Saracens, Vol. IL)
Bacon's (Lord) Collection of Apothegmes, new and old. ISmo. Lond.
1626. (Works, Vol. I.)
Burckhardt's (J. L.) Arabic Proverbs ; or, the manners and customs of
the modern Egyptians : illustrated from their proverbial sayings cur-
rent at Cairo, translated and explained. 4to. London, 1830.
Erasme (les Apothegmes d'), cest a dire, promptz, sublitz, et sententieulx,
ditz de plusieurs royz, chefz darm.ez, philosophes, et autres, tant
Grecz que Latins, translatez de Latin par Ant. Macault. Small
8vo. Paris, 1539.
Kett's (Henry) Flowers of Wit ; or, a collection of bon mots, both an-
cient and modern : with biographical and critical remarks. 2 vols.
12mo. London, 1814.
Leigh's (E.) Choice French Proverbs. (Observ. on Rom. Emp.)
Nunez (C. H.), Refranes o Proverbios en Romance y Glosso ; y la
filosofia vulgar de Juan dc Mal-lara, L Parte, (pic contient mil
refranes glossados. 4to. Madrid, 1619.
Oudin (Cesar), Refranes o Proverbios Castellanos. Small 8vo. Paris,
[Pancoucke (J.)], Dictionnaire Portatif des Proverbes Francois; avec
une explication des etymologies les plus avenees. 8vo. A7nst. 1751.
[Pancoucke], Encyolopediana ; ou, dictionnaire encylopediquc des anas.
4to. Paris, 1791.
Peele's (Geo.) Merrie conceited Jests ; wherein is showed the course of
his life, how he lived. 4to. London [1007].
3 F
Ray's (J.) Collection of Proverbs. 8vo. London, \73S.
Rocliefoncaukl (Due de la), Maximes et Reflexions morales ; [avec
line notice sur le caractere et les ecrites de I'auteur, par M. Suard.]
8vo. Paris, de Vlmp. Royale, 1788.
Selden's (John) Table Talk. (Works, Vol. III.)
[Southey's (Robert)] Omniana; or. Horse Otiosiores. 2 vols. 18mo.
London, 1812.
[Jenkinson's (Robert)?] Wit's Theatre of the Little World. Small 8vo.
London, by J. R. 1599.
Politeuphuia ; Wit's Commonwealth, newly corrected and amended.
Small 8vo. London, .
Wit's Commonwealth, the II. Part, a treasurie of divine, morall, and
philosophicall similes and sentences, generally useful, by Francis
Meres. Small 8vo. London, 1634.
Alciati (Andr.) Emblematum Libellus. Small 8vo. Editio princeps.
Parisiis, ex offic. C. Wecheli, 1535.
Bezae (Theo.) Emblemata. (Icones.) •
Latour (Charlotte de), le Langage des Fleurs. 18mo. Paris, .
Peacham's (Henry) Minerva Britannia; or, a garden of heroical devises,
furnished and adorned with emblemes and impreses of sundry
natures. 4to. Lond. 1612.
Phillips' (Henry) Floral Emblems. 8vo. London, 1825.
Whitney's (Geffrey) Choice of Emblemes and other Devices, Englished
and moralized, and divers newly devised. Dedicated to the Earl of
Leicester. Both parts, 4to. cuts. Imprinted at Leyden, by F. Ra-
phelingus, 1586.
Epistolarij Writings.
*,• See also English Documentary History.
Ciceronis, Phalaridis, Plinii, et Senecsc Epistolae. (Classics.)
Hayley's (W.) Desultory Remarks on the Letters of eminent Persons.
'(Life of Cowper, Vol. III.)
Letters by eminent Persons in the 17th and 18th centuries, from the
originals in the Bodleian and Ashmolean libraries ; with biographical
and literary illustrations [by P. Bliss]. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1813.
Ascham's (Roger) Letters, from the originals, formerly in the custody
of Mr. Strype. (Works.)
Atterbury's (Bp. Fr.) Epistolary Correspondence. (Polygraphy.)
Atterbury's Private Correspondence with his Friends, in 1725. (Hailes'
Scottish Tracts.)
Basire, (the Correspondence of Isaac), Archdeacon of Northumberland,
in the Reigns of Charles I. and II. ; with a memoir of his life by
W. N. Darnell. 8vo. London, 1831.
Bentleii (Ric.) et doctorum Virorum Epistolse, partim mutuse : accedit
R. Dawesii ad J. Taylorem epistola singularis [edidit C. Burney].
4to. London [privately printed], 1807.
Boyle (Letters from several Persons to the Hon. Robert). (Works,
Vol. VI.)
Boileau, Lettres. (CEuvres, Vol. IV.)
Burns (Letters to and from Robert). (Works, Vol. II.)
Carter (Mrs. Eliz.), a Series of Letters between her and Miss Talbot,
174i-1770; also her letters to Mrs. Vesey, 1763-1787: edited by
Montgomery Pennington. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1808.
Chesterfield's (Lord) Letters to his Friends. (Misc. Works, Vol. II.)
Cowper's (William) Private Correspondence with several of his most
intimate friends ; now first published from the originals, in the pos-
session of his kinsman John Johnson. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1824.
Deffand's (Marquise du) Letters to Horace Walpole, from 1766 to 1780;
to which are added, her letters to Voltaire, 1759 to 1775. 4 vols.
12mo. Loyid. 1810.
Dryden's (John) Letters. (Works, Vol. XVIII.)
Dugdale (Letters between Sir W'.) and Sir T. Browne, (Browne's Post-
humous Works.)
Fontaine (La), Lettres. (ffiuvres, Vol. VI.)
Franklin's (Benjamin) Private Correspondence, edited by W. Temple
Franklin. (Works, Vols. HI. and IV.)
Ganganelli's (Pope Clement XIV.) Letters ; to which are prefixed,
anecdotes of his life. 4 vols. 12mo. London, 1111.
Garrick's (David) Private Correspondence Avith the most celebrated
Persons of his time ; illustrated with notes and a new biographical
memoir of Garrick. 2 vols. imp. 4to. London, 1831.
Gibbon (Letters to and from Edward). (Misc. Works, Vols. I. and II.)
[Grant's (Mrs.)] Letters from the Mountains, being the real correspond-
ence of a Lady, between 1773 and 1807. 3 vols. 12mo. London,
Gray (Letters to and from Thos.) (Works, 8vo. Vol. II.)
Grey's (Lady Jane) Letters. (Remains.)
Hartford (Correspondence between Frances, Countess of) and Henrietta
Louisa, Countess of Pomfrct, 1738 to 41. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1806.
Johnson (Letters to and from Dr. Sam.) ; with some poems, edited by
H. L. Piozzi. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1788.
Johnson's (Sam.) Selected Letters. (Works, Vol. XII.)
Locke's (John) Familiar Letters between him and several of his Friends.
(Works, Vols. IX. and X.)
Maintenon (Lettres de Mde. de.) (Memoires, Vols. VII. to XV.)
Maintenon (Lettres inedites de Mde. de) et Mde. la Princesse d'Ursins.
4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1826.
Miltoni (Jo.) Epistolffi Familiares. (Prose Works, 4to. Vol. II. ; 8vo.
Vol. VI.)
Montagu's (Lady Mary Wortley) Letters. (Works, Vols. I. to V.)
Montagu's (Eliz.) Letters, with some of those of her Correspondents,
edited by Matth. Montagu. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1809.
Nicolson (Letters, on various subjects, to and from Abp. W.) ; in-
cluding the correspondence of several eminent prelates, from 1683
to 1726-7 inclusive; illustrated with literary and historical anec-
dotes by John Nichols. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1809.
Paul's Letters to his Kinsfolk. (Sir W. Scott's Misc. Works.)
Peter's Letters to his Kinsfolk. (Biographical Anecdotes.)
Pinkerton's (John) Literary Correspondence, edited from the originals,
by Dawson Turner. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1830.
Pope's (Alex.) Literary Correspondence, 1704 to 43. (Works, Vols. VIL
to X.)
Racine (Jean), Lettres a ses Amis. (QEuvres, Vol. V.)
Ralegh's (Sir W.) Letters. (Works, Vol. VIIL)
Russell's (Lady R.) Letters ; to which is added, the trial of Lord Wil-
liam Russell, 8vo. London, 1792.
Seldeni (Jo.) Epistolse Varise. (Opera, Vol. IL)
Sevigne (Recueil des Lettres de Mad. de), augmentee d'un precis de la
vie de cette femme celebre, et des reflexions sur ses lettres, par S. J.
B. de Vauxcelles [et des nouvelles lettres]. 10 vols. 12mo. Paris,
Seward's (Anna) Letters, from 1784 to 1807. 6 vols. 12mo. Edin. 1811.
Smith's (Sir J. E.) Correspondence of Linneeus, &c. (Nat. History.)
Steele's (Sir Rich.) Epistolary Correspondence, including his familiar
letters to his wife and daughters, and fragments of his plays ; edited
by J. Nichols. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1809.
Sterne's (Laur.) Letters. (Works, Vols. IX. and X.)
Suckling's (Sir John) Letters to eminent Persons. (Works.)
Surrey's (Earl of) Letters. (Works.)
Swift's (Jonathan) Journal to Stella, in Letters. (Works, Vols. IL
and III.)
Swift's (Jon.) Epistolary Correspondence, 1691 to 1741. (Works,
Vols. XV. to XIX.)
Talbot's (Mrs.) Letters. (Works.)
Tweddel's (John) Letters. (Remains.)
Wakefield's (Gilbert) Correspondence with the late C. J. Fox, in 1796-
1801, chiefly on subjects of classical literature. 8vo, Zowc?. 1813.
Walpole's (Horatio) Letters to Richard West, 1735-42. (Orford's
Works, Vol. IV.)
Walpole's (H.) Letters to the Hon. H. S. Conway, Ri. Bentley,
Tho. Gray, John Chute, Earl of Strafford, Lady Mary Lepell Hervey,
Caroline Campbell, Countess Dowager of Ailesbury, and to Mrs.
H. Moore. (Orford's Works, Vol. V.)
Walpole's (H.) Letters to George Montagu, Esq., from 1736 to 1770;
now first published from the originals. 4to. London, 1818. (Or-
ford's Works, Vol. VI.)
Warton's (Dr. J.) Letters of eminent Persons. (Life.)
White's (Kirke) Letters. (Works.)
Wyat's (Sir Thos.) Letters to his Son. (Surrey and Wyat's Works.)
British Essayists, viz. : the Tatler, Spectator, Guardian, Rambler, Adven-
turer, and Idler ; with Drake's Essays, biographical, critical, and
historical, illustrative of them and of the various periodical papers
which, in imitation of the writings of Steele and Addison, have been
published, to the commencement of 1809. 29 vols, small 8vo. fine
paper, and proof plates. London, Sharpe, 1808-10.
British Essayists. — The Mottos of the Spectator, Tatler, Guardian, and
Freeholder, translated into English. 12mo. London, 1737.
Bee (Papers in the) by O. Goldsmith. (Works, Vol. IV.)
Gray's-Inn Journal, by Arthur Murphy. (Works, Vols. V. and VI.)
Looker-on, by Roberts, Alex. Chalmers, Mrs. Opie, &c. 4 vols. 12mo,
London, 1794.
Lounger, by Henry Mackenzie, &c. 3 vols. 12mo. Edin. 1787.
Lounger and Mirror (Papers by H. Mackenzie in the). (Works, Vols. V.
to VII.)
Microcosm, by Geo. Canning, J. and R. Smith, and J. Frere, whilst at
Eton. 8vo. Windsor, 1788,
Observer, by Richard Cumberland. 5 vols. 8vo. London, 1787-91.
011a Podrida, by T. Munro, Bp. Home, Kett, Graves, Pott, Mavor, and
Francis Grose. 8vo. London, \1%9>.
Projector. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1811.
Ruminator, by Sir E. Bridges, R. P. Gillies, &c. 2 vols. 12mo. Lon-
don, 1813.
World, by Moore, Chesterfield, Walpole, Jenyns, Hailes, Dodsley,
Burgess, Warton, Ridley, &c. 4 vols. 12mo. London, 1782.
Jouy (E.), I'Hermite de la Chaussee d'Antin; ou, observations sur les
moeurs et les usages Fran^ais, au commencement du XIX siecle.
(GEuvres, Vols. I. to V.)
Jouy (E.), Guillaume, le Franc-parleur; ou, observations sur les moeurs
et les usages Fran^ais, au commencement du XIX siecle. 2 vols.
((Euvres, Vols. VI. and VII.)
Jouy (E.), I'Hermite de la Guiane. (Q^luvres, Vols. VIII. IX. and X.)
Jouy, (E.) I'Hermite en Provence. ((Euvres, Vols, XI. to XX.)
Jouy et A. Jay, les Hermites en Prison ; ou, consolations de Sainte-
■Pelagie. ((Euvres, Vols. XXI. and XXII.)
Jouy et A. Jay, les Hermites en Liberte. ((Euvres, Vols. XXIII. and
Jouy et A. Jay, I'Hermite de Londres; ou, observations sur les moeurs et
usages des Anglais au commencement du XIX siecle. ((Euvres,
Vols. XXV. to XXVII.)
Jouy et A. Jay, I'Hermite en Ecosse ; ou, observations sur les mcEurs,
&c. des Ecossais au commencement du XIX si6cle. ((Euvres,
Vols. XXVIII. and XXIX.)
Jouy et A. Jay, I'Hermite en Italic ; ou, observations sur les moeurs,
&c. des Italiens. ((Euvres, Vols. XXX. to XXXIII.)
Marivaux, le Spectateur Francois. (CEuvres, Vol. IX.)
Marivaux, I'lndigent Philosophe. (CEuvres, Vol. IX.)
Marivaux, le Cabinet du Philosophe. (CEuvres, Vols. IX. and X.)
Aikin's (J.) Essays, literary and miscellaneous. 8vo. London, 1811.
Bacon's (Lord) Essayes, Religious Meditations, Places of Persuasion and
Dissuasion, of Colours good and evil. 16mo. London, 1606.
(Works, Vol. I.)
Beattie's (J.) Dissertations, moral and critical. 4to. I^ondon, 1783.
Bibliotheque Portative des Ecrivains Fran^ais ; ou, choix des meilleurs
morceaux en prose, extraits par Moyant et De Levizac. 4 vols, in 2,
8vo. London, 1803.
Brydges' (Sir E.) Sylvan Wanderer; a series of moral, sentimental, and
critical essays. 8vo. Zee Priori/, 1813.
Brydges' (Sir E.) Excerpta Tudoriana ; or, extracts from Elizabethan
literature. Royal 8vo. Lee Priory, 1814-18.
Creech's (W.) Edinburgh Fugitive Pieces; with letters, containing a
comparative view of the modes of living, arts, commerce, literature,
manners, &c. of Edinburgh, at different periods. 8vo. Edin. 1815.
[Collier (Jane)] on the Art of Ingeniously Tormenting : with proper rules
for the exercise of that pleasant art. 8vo. London, \151.
Cowley's (Abr.) Essays, in prose and verse. (Works, Vol. III.)
Decker's (T.) Gull's Horn-Book [edited from the edition of 1609, by
G. F. Nott). 4to. Bristol, 1802.
D'Israeli's (I.) Miscellanies; or. Literary Recreation. London, 1796.
Dodsley's (R.) Miscellanies. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1745.
Drake's (N.) Literary Hours; or, sketches, critical, narrative, and
poetical. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1804.
Drake's (N.) Gleaner; a series of periodical essays, selected and ar-
ranged from neglected works : with an introduction and notes.
4 vols. 8vo. London, 1811.
Erasmi (D.) Colloquia. 24mo. Lugd. Bat. Elzev. 1643.
Erasmi (D.) Selecta Colloquiorum Fragmenta. Small 8vo. grand papier
velin. Paris, Barbou, 1784.
Fejjoo's (F. B.) Essays or Discourses, selected from his works, and
translated by J. Brett. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1780.
Fielding's (H.) Miscellaneous Essays. (Works, Vol. II.)
Foster's (J.) Essays on Decision of Character, &c. 2 vols. 12mo.
London, 1806.
Franklin's (Benj.) Miscellanies. (Works, Vol. V.)
Goldsmith's (O.) Essays. (Works, Vol. IV.)
Johnson's (S.) Miscellaneous Pieces. (Works, Vol. 11.)
Jouy (E.), Melanges ; ou, varietes litteraires, philosophiques, et des beaux
arts. (CEuvres, Vols. XXXVII. to XXXIX.)
Knox's (V.) Essays, moral and literary, (Works, Vols. I. and II.)
Knox's (V.) Winter Evenings ; or, lucubrations on life and letters.
(Works, Vols. II. and III.)
Knox's (V.) Elegant Extracts, in prose. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1790.
Lyttleton's (Geo. Lord) Dialogues of the Dead. (Misc. Works.)
Marottes a Vendre ; ou, triboulet tabletier. 12mo. on coloured paper.
Londres, 1812.
Miscellanies, in prose and verse, by Pope, Arbuthnot, and Gay, collected
by Swift and Pope. (Swift's Works, Vol. XI 11.)
Miseries of Human Life. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1807.
North Georgia Gazette ; or, Winter Chronicle, written by the officers on
board the ships employed for the discovery of the north-west passage.
4to. London, 1821.
Prose e Verse per onorare la memoria di Livia Doria CarafFa, principessa
del S. R. Imp. e della Rocella ; di alcuni renomati autori. 4to.
[Privately printed] nella Reale Stamperia di Parma, 1784.
Racine (J.), Q^uvres diverses en prose, (ffiuvres. Vol. IV.)
Southey's (R.) Essays, moral and political. 2 vols, small 8vo. Lon-
don, 1832.
Suard (J. B. A.), Melanges de Litterature [les deux series]. 5 vols.
8vo. Paris, 1806,
Swan's (John) Speculum Mundi ; or, a glasse representing the face of the
world : whereunto is added, a discourse on the creation. 4to, front,
by Marshall. Cambridge, 1635.
Swift's (J.) Essays, periodical and miscellaneous. (Works, Vols. VIII.
and IX.)
Talbot's (Cath.) Essays and Dialogues. (Works.)
Temple's (Sir W.) Essays. (Works, Vol. III.)
Urquhart's (Sir T.) Tracts [edited by G. P.] 12mo. Edinb. 1774.
Walpole's (H.) Fugitive Pieces, in prose. (Orford's Works, Vol. I.)
Wolfii (Jo.) Lectionum Memorabilium et Reconditarum Centenarii XVL'
2 vols, folio. Lavingce, 1600.
Wortley's (F.) Characters and Elegies. 4to. Printed 1646.
A duplicate from the king's library, with the autographs of W. Cole and
J. Brand.
Keepsake (the), for 1828, &c. Royal 8vo. large paper, proofs. Lon-
don, 1828, &c.
Landscape Annual, for 1830, &c. edited by T. Roscoe. Royal 8vo.
large paper, proofs. Lond. 1830, &c.
Literary Souvenir for 1825, &c., edited by Alaric Watts. 8vo. large
paper, proofs. Lond. 1825, &c.
Picturesque Annual for 1832, &c. edited by L. Ritchie. Royal 8vo.
large paper, proofs. London, 1832, &c.
Archaica ; a reprint of scarce old English prose tracts : with prefaces,
critical and biographical, by Sir E. Brydges. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1815.
Bibliographical Miscellanies; a selection of curious pieces in prose and
verse [edited by P. Bliss]. 4to. Oxford, privately printed, 1803.
Miscellanea Antiqua Anglicana. (Misc. English Antiquities.)
Harleian Miscellany ; a collection of scarce and curious pamphlets and
tracts, selected from the library of E. Harley, second Earl of Oxford ;
interspersed with historical, political, and critical annotations by
W. Oldys, and edited, with some additional notes, by T. Park.
10 vols. 4to. Lond. 1808-13.
Somers's Tracts ; a collection of scarce and valuable tracts on the most
interesting and entertaining subjects, but chiefly such as relate to the
history and constitution of these kingdoms [to the reign of Geo. I.],
selected from the Royal, Cotton, Sion, and other public and private
libraries, particularly from that of the late Lord Somers : edited by
Sir W.Scott. ISvols. 4to. London, \^m-\ 5.
Dibdin's (T. F.) Introduction to the Classics. (Bibliography.)
Rhetores Selecti : Demetrius Phalerius, Tiberius Rhetor, Anonymus
Sophista, Severus Alexandrinus, Gr, et Lat. [edidit, notis illustravit
Th. Gale]. 8vo. large paper. Oxonii, 1676.
Gnomici Poetae Grseci, ad opt. exemp. emendavit R. F. P. Brunck. 8vo.
large paper. Argent. 1784.
Poetse Grseci Principes Heroici Carminis : Homerus, Hesiodus, Orphseus,
Callimachus, Aratus, Nicander, Theocritus, Moschus, Bion, Dionysius,
Coluthus, Tryphiodorus, Musseus, Theognis, Pythagoras, fragmenta
aliorum : studio notis illust. Hen. Stephani. Folio. Excud. H.
Stephanus, 1566.
Miscellanea Graecorum aliquot Scriptorum Carmina, cum versione Lat.
et notis [collect. Mich. Maittaire.] 4to. Londini, 1722.
Analecta Graecorum Veterum Poetarum, editore R. Fr. Ph. Brunck.
3 vols. 8vo. Argentorati, 1776.
AvSoXoytx Florilegium diversorum Epigrammatum, Greece. 8vo. inter-
leaved with Latin translations from eminent authors, in a very neat
old hand. Venetiis, ap. Aldi Filios, 1550.
Collections from the Greek Anthology, and from the pastoral, elegiac,
and dramatic Poets of Greece, by Robert Bland, and others. 8vo.
Lond. 1813.
Scriptores Veteres de Re Militari : Vegetius, Frontinus, J^lianus, Modes-
tus, Polybius, jEneus; incerti auctoris de re militari opusculum ; cum
comment. God. Stewechii et F. Modii. 2 vols, in one, 8vo. Ve-
salicB Clivorum, 1670.
TiuTreviKx de Re Rustica Selectorum, Libri XX. Greece [Cassiano Basso
collectore] J. A. Brassicani opera in lucem edita ; item Aristolelis de
Plantis, libri II. Greece. 8vo. Editio princeps. BasilicB [1539],
Scriptores de Re Rustica, per Pet. Victorum ad vet. exemp. suae in-
tegritati restituti. 4 vols. 8vo. Parisiis, R. Stephanus, 1543.
Scriptores Rei Rusticae Veteres Latini : Cato, Varro, Columella, Pal-
ladius, Vegetius, Gargalius Martialis, &c. ; h recens. J. M. Gesneri,
cum ejusd. praefatione et lexico rei rusticae, studio Soc. Bipont.
4 vols. 8vo. Biponti, 1787-8.
Geoponicoriim, sive tie Re Rustica libri XX., Cassiano Basso Scholastico
collectoie, antea Constantino adscripta Gr. et Lat. : prolegomena,
notulas, et indices adjecit P. Needham. 8vo. Cantab. 1704.
Scriptores Rei Rusticse Vet. — Ursini (F.) Notse ad Catonem, Vanoneni,
et Coluraellam de Re Rustica, et in Bucolica et Georgica Virgilii. 8vo.
RomcB, up. G. Ferrarium, 1587.
Rei Accipitrariee Scriptores, nunc primiim editi ; accessit Kwoiroftcv,
liber de cura canum, Gr, et Lat. [edidit Nicolaus Regaltiiis]. 3 vols.
in one. 4to. Lufetice, 1612.
Historise Romanse Scriptores ; Suetonius, Sextus Aurelius, Eutropius,
iElius Spartianus, &c. [cum indice rerum et annotationibus J. B,
Egnatii.] 2 vols. 8vo. Vejiet. in ced. Aldi et A. Succri, M.D.XIX.-
Historiae Romanse Scriptores ; Trebellius Pollio, F. Vospiscus, S. Aure-
lius Victor, P. Lsetus, J. B. Egnatius. 8vo. Parisiis, ex off.
R. Ste})hani, 1544.
Historise Romanse Scriptores Minores ; Sex. Aur. Victor, Sex. Rufus,
Eutropius, Messala Corvinus : studio Soc. Bipont. 8vo. Biponti,
Historise Augustse Scriptores VI. ; iElius Spartianus, Julius Capitolinus,
jElius Lampridiiis, Vulcatius Gallicanus, Trebellius Pollio, Flavius
Vospiscus : studio Societatis Bipontinse. 2 vols. 8vo. Biiwnt.
Baker's (Henry) Medulla Poetarum Romanorum ; or, the most beautiful
and instructive passages of the Roman poets, disposed under proper
heads, with translations. 2 vols, royal 8vo. lars^e paper. London,
Opera et Fragmenta Veterum Poetarum Latinorum profanorum et ec-
clesiasticorum [curante Mich. Maittaire]. 2 vols, folio. Lond. 1713.
Poetae Latini Minores, sive Gratius Faliscus, M. Aurelius Olympius,
T. Calpurnius Siculus, Claudius Rutilius, Q. Serenus Samonicus,
Q. Rhemnius, et SulpicivE Satyra : cum notis var. curante P. Bur-
manno. 2 vols. 4to. Leidce, 1731.
Scriptores Erotici Grseci : Achilles Tatius, Heliodorus, Longus, et Xeno-
phon. Gr. et Lat. ; edente C. G. Mitscherlich. 4 vols. 8vo. Biponti,
Achilles Tatius. (Erotici Script.)
-/Eliani Varia Historia, Gr. ad MSS. cod, nunc primilm recognita ; cum
versione J. Vulteii : ad Graecam auctoris contextum emendata et
perpetuo conimentario J. Pcrizonii. 2 vols, in one, 8vo. Luyd.
Bat. 1701.
jElianus (Scr. de Re Milit.)
iEneus Poliorceticus. (Scr. de Re Milit.)
^schinis Orationcs. (Demosthenes.)
^schyli Tragoediir, cum scholiis, P. Victorii cura et diligentia, Graec^.
4to, Parisiis, H. Stcplianus, 1557.
^schyli Tragoedier, Gr. et. Lat. recensuit, varietate lectionis et conimen-
tario perpetuo illustravit C. G. Schutz. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxonii, 1810.
TEschvlus' Tragedies, translated, with notes, l)v R. Potter. 8vo. London,
3 c.
iEsopi Phrygis Vita et Fabulse, plures et emendatiores, Gr. ex vet.
codice Bib. Regice. 4to. LiUetice, R. Stephani, 1546.
yEsopus. — Fabularum ^sopicaium Delectus, Gr. et Lat. ; item Fabuloe
Hebraicse et Arabicse : ex recens. A. Alsop. 8vo. Oxonii, 1698.
Ammiani Marcellini Reium gestarum libriXXXI. Small Svo. Parisiis,
R. Stephani, 1544.
Ammiani Marcellini Rerum gestarum : studio Soc. Bipontinec. Svo.
Blpont. 1786.
Anacreontis Carmina, Gr. et Lat. ; cum notis et indice [edente M. Mait-
taire]. 4to. Londini, Bowyer, 1725.
Anacreontis Carmina, Greece, prgefixo comment, quo poetoe genius traditur
et bibliotheca Anacreontica adumbratur, addit. vari-ce lectiones.
16mo. Literae majusc, thick paper. Parmice \_Bodo)ii\, 1791.
Anacreon's Odes ; Greek and English, with notes explanatory and poeti-
cal : to which are added, the Odes, &c. of Sappho ; by J. Addison.
Small Svo. London, 1735.
Anacreon's Odes, translated into English verse by Thos. Moore. 2 vols,
small 8vo. London, 1806.
Antonini (M.) Imperat. eorum quae ad seipsum libri XII. Gr. et Lat.
post Gatakerum, &c. recogniti et notis illustrati a R. L Oxoniensi.
Small Svo. fine paper. Glasguce, excud. Foulis, 1744.
Antonini Imperat. eorum quae ad seipsum libri XII. Gr. et Lat. : notis
illustravit. Svo. Large paper. Oxonii, 1704,
Antoninus's Meditations, newlv translated out of the Greek, with notes,
by R. Graves. Svo. Bath, 1792.
Antonini Liberalis Transformationum Congeries, Gr. et Lat., interp.
G. Xylandro ; cum T. Munckeri notis, quibus suas adjecit H. Ver-
heyk. Svo. large paper. Lugd. Bat. 1774.
Apollonii Rhodii Argonauticon Libri IV. Greece ; cum scholiis Grsecis.
4to. Editio princeps, litt. capital. Florenti, IS 05.
Artrmidorus' Interpretation of Dreams, digested into five books ; with
life of the author. 12mo. London, 1690.
Athcnoei Deipnosophistarum Libri XV. Gr. et Lat. ; cum adnotationibus,
&c. Ja. Dalechampii et Is. Casaiiboni ; Is. Casauboni Animadver-
siones in Athenseum. 2 vols, in one, folio. Lugduni, 1657-64.
Athenrei Deipnosophistanim Lib. XV. Gr. et Lat. ; cum animadversiont-
bus Is. Casauboni aliorumque : edidit Jo. Schweishauser. 14 vols.
8vo. Argent. 1801.
Athenee, Banquet des Savans, trad, en Francois par Lefebvre et Ville-
brune. 5 vols. 4to. grand pap. velin. Penis [Didot], 1789-91.
Aurelii Victoris Historia Romana, accedunt de vita et moribus impera-
torum Romanorum excerpta ; cum notis variorum, integris curante
J. Arntzenio. 4to. Amst. 1733.
Ausonii Opera ; studio Societatis Bipontinse. 8vo. Biponti, 1785.
Ausonii Opuscula Varia. 8vo. Lugduni, ap. Gryphium, 1540.
Aviani Fabulse. (Phsedrus.)
Bionis et Moschi quse supersunt, Gr. et Lat. ; notis Johannis Heskin.
8vo. large paper. Oxonii, 1748.
Bion and Moschus, translated. (Theocritus.)
Csesaris (C. J.) Commentarii, ex emendatione J. Scaligeri. 24mo.
Lugd. Bat. 1635.
Caesaris quae extant, cum libris editis et MSS. optimis collata, recognita,
et correcta : accesserunt annotationes S. Clarke. Folio, plates, in-
cluding that of the Bison, large paper. Londini, 1712.
Ceesar. 2 vols. 18nio. Lond. typ. Brindley, 1744.
Ccesaris Commentarii [edente cum nomenclatura geographica et indice
H. Homer]. 2 vols. 8vo. large paper. Lond. 1790.
Csesaris de Bello Gallico et Civili, necnon aliarum de Bello Alexan-
drini Africano et Hispaniensi, Commentarii. 2 vols. 8vo. Argent,
ex typ. Soc. Bipont. 1803.
Caesar (the Commentaries of), translated, with a discourse on the Roman
art of war, by Wm. Duncan. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1806.
Callimachi Hymni et Epigrammata. Greece ; ejusd. Poematium de Coma
Berenices, a Catullo versum ; N. Frischlini et H. Stephani interpre-
tationes, annotationes, &c. 4to. Excud. H. Stephanus, 1577.
Callimachi Tmvo; ts x.xt ETny^cif/.f^xTa. 4to. Glasguce, R. et A. Foulis,
Callimachi Hymni et Epigrammata, Gr. et Lat., cum notis variorum :
textum recensuit, notis adjecit J. A. Ernestus. 2 vols. 8vo. Lugd.
Bat. 1761.
Callimachus (the Hymns, select Epigrams, and the Coma Berenices of) :
six Hymns of Orpheus, and the Encomium of Ptolemy by Theocritus,
translated into English verse, with notes, by W. Dodd. 4to. Lond.
Calphurnius Siculus. (Poetae Lat. Minores.)
Capitolinus, Julius. (Hist. Aug. Scriptores.)
Cato (M. Porcius) de Agricultura, sive de Re Rustica : post A. Popmae
editionem, studio atque opera J. Meursii, Small 8vo. [Antverp.]
ex off.c. Plantinianu, 1598.
Catullus, TibuUus, et Propertius. 8vo. Venct. in ced. Aldi, M.D.IL
Catullus, Tibulius, ot Propertius. 18mo, Lond. typis Brindley, 1749.
Catulli, Tibulli, et Propertii Opera. 4to. Birming. Baskerville, 1772.
Catullus, Tibullus, Propertius, cum Galli Fragmentis, et Pervigilio Ve-
neris, incerto auth. ; studiis Soc. Bipont. 8vo. Bipont. 1794.
Catullus (the Poems of), translated, with notes, by the Hon. Geo. Lamb.
2 vols, small 8vo. London, 1821.
Cebetis Tabulae. (Epictetus.)
Censorini Liber de Die Natali, cum perpetuo comment. H. Lindenborgii,
nee non notis variorum : ut et C. Lucilii Satyrse, cum notis et
animad. F. J. F. Douzee, ex recens. S. Havercampii. 8vo. large
paper. Lucjd. Bat. 1671.
Ciceronis Opera Omnia, Manucciorum commentariis illustrata, anti-
queeque lectioni restituta. 10 vols, in 4, folio. Venetiis, ap. Aldum,
Ciceronis Opera; cum optimis exemplaribus accurate coUata. 10 vols.
24mo. Lugd. Bat. Elzev. 1642.
Ciceronis Opera ; prsemittitur vita ex Plutarchi Greece Lat. reddita,
cum notitia literaria, &c. : studiis Soc. Bipontinge. 13 vols. Svo.
Bij)onti, 1780-88.
Cicero de claris Oratoribus, qui dicitur Brutus ; cum pra^fatione, ac notis
in usum Delphini, edidit J. Proust. Svo. large paper. Oxon. 1716.
Cicero de Oratore, ex MSS. recensuit Thos. Cockman. 8vo. large paper.
OxonicB, 1696.
Ciceronis de Officiis Libri 111. ; Cato Major, Laelius, Paradoxa, Som-
nium Scipionis ; ex opt. exemp. recensuit, selectisque variorum
notis adjecit. T. Tooly. Svo. large paper. Oxonice, 1717.
Ciceronis Tusculanarum Disputationum Libri V. ; cum commentario
J. Davisii, et R. Bentleii emendationibus. Svo. large paper. Oxonii,
e typ. Clar. 1805.
Ciceronis de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum Lib. V., ex recens. J. Davisii ;
cum ejusd. animad. et notis variorum. Svo. large paper. Oxonii,
e typ. Clar. 1809.
Cicero de Natura Deorum ; cum notis var. recensuit animad. illus-
travit J. Davisius. Svo. large paper. Oxonii, e typ. Clar. 1801.
Ciceronis de Officiis ad Marcum Filium Lib. III. Small Svo. fine paper.
Glasguce, excud. Fonlis, 1757.
Ciceronis de Republica quae supersunt, e cod. Vaticano descripsit
A. Mains. Svo. Londini, 1823.
Cicero on Oratory and Orators ; translated, with notes historical and ex-
planatory, by W. Guthrie and E.Jones. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1808.
Cicero (those Fyve Questions which Marke Tullye) disputed in his manor
of Tusculanum : written afterwardes by him, in as manye bookes, to
his frende and familiar, Brutus, in the Latin tounge ; and now out of
the same translated and Englished by John Dolman. 23Incfe letter,
small Svo. London, by Thomas Marshe, 1561.
Cicero's Tusculan Disputations, translated by W. H. Main. Svo. Lond.
Cicero's Morals, Conferences de Finibus, and Academics ; translated by
W. Guthrie. Svo. London, 1744.
Cicero on the Nature of the Gods, translated, with critical, philosophi-
cal, and explanatory notes [by T. Francklin]. Svo. Lond. 1775.
Cicero's Offices, Cato Major, Paradoxes. Vision of Scipio, and Letter on
the Duties of a Mao-istrate ; translated, with notes, critical and
explanatory, by W. Guthrie. 8vo. London, 1820.
Cicero's Orations ; translated, with notes, historical and critical, and
arguments to each, by W. Guthrie. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1820.
Cicero's Two Last Pleadings against Verres, translated and illustrated
with notes by C. Kelsall. 8vo. London, 1812.
Cicero's Letters to several of his Friends, translated, with remarks, by
W. Melmoth. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1804.
Cicero's Epistles to Atticxis, translated, with notes, historical, explanatory,
and critical, by W. Guthrie. 3 vols. 8vo. Land. 1806.
Cicero's Epistles to Brutus, and of Brutus to Cicero, translated, with
notes, by C. Middleton. 8vo. London, 1743.
Claudiani (C.) Opera, N. Heinsius recensuit ac notas addidit. 2 vols.
in one, 24mo. Lugd. Bat. JElzev. 1653.
Claudiani Opera; studiis Soc. Bipontinse. 8vo. Bipont. 1784.
Claudian's whole Works, translated into English rhyme by A. Hawkins.
2 vols. 8vo. London, 1817.
Cleanthis Hymni. (Epictetus.)
Columella. (Scriptores Rei Rust.)
Coluthi Raptus Helense ; recensuit ac var. lect. et notas adjecit J. Daniel
a Lennep ; accedunt ejusd. animad. Libri III., turn in Coluthum, tilm
in nonuUos alios auctores. 8vo. large paper. Leovardice, 1747.
Coluthus' Rape of Helen, translated. (ApoUonius Rhodius.)
Curtiiis (Q.) de Rebus gestis Alexandri Magni. 16mo. Lugduni, ap.
Seb. Gryphmm, 1551.
Curtius de Rebus gestis Alexandri Magni. 24mo. Lugd. Bat. Elz. 1633.
Curtius Quintus. 2 vols. 18mo. Londini, typis Brindley, 1746.
Curtius de Rebus gestis Alexandri Magni; cum supplemento J. Frein-
shemii, studio Soc. Bipontinte. 2 vols. 8vo. Argent. 1801.
Curtius, (Le Clerc's Criticism upon Q.), and some remarks upon Peri-
zonius' Vindication of that author, by Rooke. (Translation of Arrian.)
Curtius's (Q.) History of Alexander the Great, translated, with notes, by
Pratt. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1821.
Demetrius Phalereus. (Rhetores Selecti.)
Demosthenis Orationes Philippicse XII. Grsece ; subjectse sunt lectiones
var. editionis apud Benenatum. Small 8vo. Glasguce, Foulis, 1762.
Demosthenis et jEschinis, quee extant omnia, Gr. et Lat., varietate lec-
tionis, scholiis, annotationibus variorum, illust. Gul. Steph. Dobson.
Accedunt animad. variorum, et nunc primum publicee Thos. Stanlei
vel potius J. Duporti. 10 vols. 8vo. Londini, 1827.
Demosthenes' Orations, pronounced to excite the Athenians against Philip
of Macedon ; translated by T. Leland. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1806.
Diodori Siculi Bibliotheca Historica; quorum priores Libri V. iEgypti,
Asiae, Africse, Insularum, et Europse Antiquitatcs continent; reliqui
a Persis, Greecis, &c. orbis terrarum populis, ab exped. inde Xerxis
in Graeciam usque ad successorum Alexandri Magni in Phrygia
praelium, gestas exponunt ; Gr. et Lat. annotatione illustrata studio
et labore L. Rhodomani. 2 vols, in one, folio. Hanovicc, typis
Wechelianis, 1604.
Diodori Sicull Bibliotheca Historica, Gr. et Lat. ; cum adnotationibus
variorum. 12 vols. 8vo. Bipont. et Argent. 1793-98.
Diodorus Siculus' Historical Library ; to which are added the Fragments
of Diodorus, made English by G. Booth. Folio. Lond. 1721.
Diogenes Laertius de Vitis, Dogmatibus, &c. clarorum Philosophorum,
Gr. et Lat., cum annot. diversorum ; emendavit M. Meibomius, ac-
cedunt observationes ^Eg. Menagii, et notae Joach. Kuhnii, 2 vols.
4to. Amst. 1692.
Diogenes Laertius' Lives, Opinions, and remarkable Sayings of the most
ancient Philosophers, made English by several hands. 2 vols. Svo.
London, 1696.
Dionis Cassii Historia Romana, Gr. et Lat. ; Xylandri interp. studio
J. Leunclavii, notis ejusd. et variorum. Folio. Hanovice, 1606.
Dion Cassius' History, abridged from Xiphilin; done from the Greek by
F. Manning. 2 vols. Svo, London, 1704.
Dionysii Alex, et Pomponii Melee Sitils Orbis Descriptio; C. J. Solini
Polyhistor; in Dionysii Poemata Comment. Eustathii, Gr. et Lat.:
scholiis, interp. et annotat. illiist. H. Stephanus. 4to. Excud.
H. Steph. 1577.
Dionysii Halicarnassi Opera Omnia, Gr. et Lat., curante J. J. Reiske.
6 vols. Svo. Lipsice, 1774-7.
Dionysius of Halicarnassus' Roman Antiquities; translated, with notes
and dissertations, by E. Spelman. 4 vols. 4to. London, 1758.
Dionysii Hymni, (Poetse Gr. Stephani.)
Epicteti Philosophise Monumenta, Gr. et Lat. ; recensuit, adnotationibus
illiistravit .1. Schweighauser. 6 vols. Svo. Lipsice, 1799.
Epicteti Enchiridion, Cebetis Tabulae, Prodici Hercules, et Cleanthis
Hymni, Greece et Latine. 24mo. large paper. Glasguce, excud.
R. Foulis, 1744.
'E-TTiKTYiTcv Ey;^^£*^i5l), 1602, .'i, 11, and 16; witli the
arms of the various corjiorations emblazoned, and those of the trading com-
panies and lords mayor tricked. In Moule's bib. Ileraldica, No. 121, are
noticed two MSS. of a similar descrijition, one bv :in autlior of the same
name: " Wm. Smith, Uougc Dragon, 160,)."
The XII. Worshipful Companies or Misteries of London ; with the amies
of all of them that have bin Lord Maiors for the space of almost 300
yeares, of every company particularly : also, most part of the Sheriffs
and Aldermen. Anno 1605. A vol. in sm. 4to. of 50 leaves, with
additions and continuations, in some places, to 1616.
Dugdale (Sir W.) — Visitation of the County of Yorke, begun anno
Domini 1665 and finished 1666, by William Dugdale, Esq., Norroy
King at Amies. A stout volume in folio.
Apparentlj the original of this Visitation, written hv H. Johnston, and illus-
trated with the arms in trick. By the inscription on the fly-leaf preceding the
title, it appears to have been intended by Sir William as a hequest to Henry
St. George, his immediate successor as Norroy, and to all others holding the
same office. From Sir M. M. Sykes's collection.
The Hopki^^son MSS. In 41 vols, folio and 4to.
John Hopkinson, Esq. of Lofthouse, near Leeds, attended Sir W, Dugdale in his
visitation of the county of York as his secretary. His MSS. contain many
transcripts of Sir William's, with additions ; and they are still farther en-
larged by Mr. Thomas Wilson of Leeds, a relative of Thoresby the anti-
quary ; and iu Thoresby's Diary they are more than once alluded to. The
following extract is from the MS. correspondence of Mr. Wilson to Mr.
Richardson of Bierley, dated June 1753 : — " I have sent you j^our ancestor
Hopkinson's MSS. Out of respect to Mr. Hopkinson, I took a walk to
Rothvvell ; and in the church choir, on the lei't hand of the door, pretty high
on the wall, is a neat white marble monument, with a Latin inscription,
being an encomium of his learning in history, antiquities, and heraldry."
Vol. I. — Nomina Nobilium qui seisit fuerunt de Terris et Tenenientis
in West Riding Comitat. Ebor. A fol. vol. of nearly 500 pages.
Vol. 11. — A Miscellanye, or Collection of old Evidences and other
Antiquities, as Records, Decrees, Inquisitions, &c. with some
other observances; with 2 indexes. J. H. 1660. A folio vo-
lume of nearly 800 pages.
Vol. III. — Collections of Arms, by Robert Glover, Somerset Herald ;
with additions by Mr. Hopkinson. A folio volume of upwards
of 500 pages.
Vol. IV. — A Collection of Coate Armors belonging to several
Familyes in England, putt into alphabett. John Hopkinson,
1654. A folio of nearly 400 pages.
Vol. V. — Legis Anglicanse Epitome, methodic^ digesta. Jn. Hop-
kinson hospicii Lincoln. A folio of 1137 closely written pages.
Vol. VI. — A Collection of some Antiquityes, with several Pedigrees;
written 1660 and 61, by J. H. A folio of nearly 600 pages.
Vol. VII. — Lists of Shires and Counties in England and Wales; of
Bishopricks and their Dioceses; Justicers itinerants their circuits;
Revenues of the Principalitye of Wales, Dukedome of Corn-
wall, Earldom of Chester, and Dutchye of Lancaster; Benefices
and Spiritual Livings, and the Forests, Chases, and Parks, in
the Dutchye of Lancaster ; Fees to Officers and Ministers of
.Justice in England, and at Court, in King James's raigne ;
Townes of Warr, Castles, andBulwarkes,&c. ; Keepers of Castles,
Houses, Forests, Chases, &c. : and a Collection of Auncient Fees,
due and usuallv taken by the several officers of the countye of
Yorkc; with a Treatise of Weights and Measures; by J. H. 1663.
A folio of upwards of 500 pages.
Vol. VIII. — Collections touching the Kings and Princes as have
raigned and governed in Englande ; of the Nobilitye of England
since the Conquest ; — Claim of Peregrine Bertie for the Stile
and theBarronyes of Willoughbye and Eresbye, Avith the answers
thereto, temp. Eliz. ; — the Quartering of Amies of the Nobilitye
of England. A folio volume of about 400 pages.
Vol. IX. — A Collection of the Descents of severall of the Nobilitye
and Gentrye of the Counties of Cumberland and Westmoreland ;
with Memorialls of some other Antiquities : transcribed out of
Mr. Dugdale his last visitation in 1664 and 5, and out of
other MSS. belonging Mr. Christopher Townley, and of his owne,
in the yeare 1669, by J. H. of L., in Yorkshire. A folio vo-
lume of upwards of 600 pages.
Vol.X. — Genealogical Collections relative to the Nobilityof England,
Scotland, and Ireland. In Mr. H.'s hand. A folio volume of
upwards of 500 pages.
Vol. XI. — A Collection of the Descents of severall Northerne Fa-
milyes who have beene active against the Scotts ; with other
Memorialls relating to them, and an Alphabetical Table of their
Names. 1668. A folio volume of more than 700 pages.
This contains a great deal of curious matter relative to the Border transactions,
the various expeditions into Scotland, &c., including " the Accompte for
the Garrison at Barwicke-upon-Tweed, for 1606," and " severall moderue
battells fought betwixt the English and the Scotts, and inroads made by
the English iuto Scotland."
Vol. XII. — Pedigrees of the Northern Gentry, by Mr. H. A folio
volume of upwards of 500 pages.
Vol. XIII. — ^The Discipline of Warr, both of Horse and Foote, used
in his Majesty's Army in the north, 1643, under the command
of his Excellencye William, Earle and Marquesse of Newcastle,
and Prince Regent ; with the order and manner of marchinge,
exercising, &c. : including also Amies assessed in England
from Henry II. 's time. A folio of 220 pages.
Vol. XIV. — Collections relative to the Local Divisions, Degrees of
States (Titles), Laws, Courts of England, Scotland, Ireland,
France, the Low Countries, Spain, and Portugal, &c. That of
England includes the K. Matie's offices and fees, and those of
keepers of castles, &c. &c. A folio, upwards of 200 pages.
Vol. XV. — Of Duells and Combates ; with the proceedings therein
in the Earle Marshall's Court of England : with some observa-
tions relating to appeales ; written anno 1664, by J. H. A folio
of 200 pages.
Vol. XVI. — Collections relative to the Titles of Lord Willoughby of
Eresby, Latimer of Danby, Latimer of Brooke, Powis Baronye
claimed by H. Vernon; of Barons by Tenure, Writ, and Patent;
of the Revenues of Nobility ; Precedence of Nobility ; Nobility
in reputation ; Honors conferred by foreign Princes ; Degrees of
Gentry; Division of Lands amongst Sonnes, &c.,byJ. H., 1652.
A folio of 500 pages.
Vol. XVII. — A Transcript or Collection of severall passages in the
latter end of the raignc of Queen Elizabeth, of flimous memorye,
and Kynge .Tames his raignc, nut of the papers and memorialls
of the late Right Hon. John Lord Saville, Baron of Pontefract,
3 K
and Edward Taylor, formerly of Furnival's Inne, Holborne,
London, and my late father, all of them deceased many years
since ; with some others in the raigne of the late King Charles I.
Collected and transcribed in 1674, by J. H. of L. ; with a
Defense and Vindication of Titles by Edward Bagshaw, Esq.
1646. A folio of about 600 pages.
Vol. XVIII. — Speeches in Parliament, and other Speeches, with
severall Letters of concernment, being of great antiquitie ; and
some other Speeches and Letters relating to these late distracted
tymes. Collected and written oute by J. H., anno 1660.
Among the letters are several from Roger Ascham, Queen Elizabeth, the
Duke of JVort'olk, Bp. liall, Bp. Sanderson, &c.
Vol. XIX. — ^Transcripts of Letters from Henry VIII., his Queens,
Edward VI., Lady Jane Grey, Queen Elizabeth, Mary Queen of
Scots, King James, Charles I., Pope Pius, Abps. Grindall, Whit-
gift, Sir W. Raleigh, Sir T. Saville, Sir R. Sadler, &c. 1513-
1666 ; in Mr. H.'s hand. A folio of 300 pages.
Vol. XX. — Transcripts of Letters in the reigns of Henry VIII.,
Edward VI., and Queen Mary, relating more particularly to
Border and local matters. Transcribed, 1677, by J. H. A
folio of 270 pages.
Vol. XXI. — Letters of Lords, and other persons of great qualitie,
found in Sheffield Castle, county of Yorke, in the year 1676,
and relating to the great and then flourishing familye of the
Lords Talbot, Earles of Shrewsbury, 1550-1606. Transcribed
out of the originalls in 1677, by J, H. A folio of 120 pages.
The letters forming the three preceding volumes appear to be unpub-
lished, and those in the last are not contained in Mr. Lodge's selections
from the Talbot Papers.
Vol. XXII. — A Collection of the Coates of Armes and Descents of
severall familyes of nobilitie and gentrye of the East Rideing of
Yorkshire, collected and transcribed in the yeare 1672, by J. H.,
of L. A folio of nearly 500 pages.
Vol. XXIII. — A similar Collection for the North Riding; collected
and transcribed 1672, by J. H. A folio of nearly 600 pages.
Vol. XXIV. — A Catalogue orAbstracte of the Pedigrees of severall
Families of Gentrye in the counties of York, Durham, and Lin-
colne ; with tables to find out their names, 1652, by J. Hop-
kinson, A folio of nearly 500 pages.
Vol. XXV, — A Collection of the Pedigrees of severall Familyes of
Nobilitye and Gentrye of the countyes of Yorke, Lancaster,
Lincolne, &c. 1657. J. H. A folio of nearly 600 pages.
Vol. XXVI. — An Abstracte of the Ancient Coynes, Monies, Measures,
Years, &c. of the Hebrews, Grecians, and Romanes, collected
of Mr. H. Bunting his Itinerary, Godwin's Jewish Antiquities,
Burton's Leicestershire : and of those more moderne out of Leigh's
Diatribe, Chamberlayne's Anglise Notitia, Transcribed 1671,
for my own private use. J. H. A folio of nearly 200 pages.
Vol. XXVII. — A Collection of Poems; consisting of epigrams, odes,
epitaphs, &;c, chiefly relative to parties or transactions of the
times of Elizabeth, James, and Charles I., in Mr, H.'s hand.
A folio of nearly 700 pages.
Vol. XXVIII. — Transcripts of Letters relative to Public Affairs from
1606-34. In Mr. H.'s hand, 1650. A folio of about 200 pages.
Vol. XXIX. — A Collection of the Antiquities and other Proceedings
in the Parliaments of England ; with a Project for Fishing and
Navigation : transcribed anno 1662 by J. Hopkinson. A folio
of 224 pages.
Vol. XXX. — Collections on Ecclesiasticall Matters : Councils, Reli-
gious Houses, Spiritual Promotions ; Abps. of Yorke, Jewells,
Plates, &c. in the Cathedral, Colleges, Houses of Religion, and
Churches in the City of Yorke, Order of Preaching in the Minster,
Rentall of the Abp.'s Tenths, and Subsidies of the Clergy in the
Diocese, Buildings, Manors, Sheriffs of the Citye, and Chauntreys
in the Shire of York and their Founders ; Fundatio Abathie de
Stanlawe et Translatio ejusdem ad Whalley ; Donationes Ecclesi-
arum de Rotshdale, Blackborne, and Whalley ; State of the
Benefices in Lancashire belonging to the Abp. of Canterburye ;
Founders of Religious Houses. A highly curious volume, in
Mr. H.'s hand, and forming 440 pages.
Vol. XXXI. — Memorialls of Countrye (Public) Business for these
Northern Counties, both military and civile, towards the latter
end of Queene Elizabeth and King James's theire reignes.
Collected and transcribed by J. H., 1674. A folio of nearly
300 pages.
Vol. XXXII, — Greene Sleeves, or Leicester Commonwealth ; tran-
scripts of letters from the Council in the north, 1575, &c. : and
the Muster-Roll of England and Wales, taken about this time,
1674, by J. H. A folio of about 400 pages.
Vol. XXXIII. — Letters relating to the late noble and auncient
Familye of the Lords Talbotts, EarlesofShrewsburie, of Sheffield
Castle, in the countie of Yorke, in the latter end of the reigne of
Q. Elizabeth, and the reigne of Kinge James ; found at Sheflield
Castle in 1676, and transcribed out of the said originalls that
yeare and the yeare 1677, by J. H. of L.
Like volume XXI. the contents of this form no part of Lodge's illustrations.
It occupies more than 500 pages.
Vol. XXXIV. — A miscellaneous Collection, principally Poems of
the time of Elizabeth and James I. ; transcribed by Mr. H.
A folio of more than 500 pages.
Vol. XXXV. — A Catalogue of all the Sheriffes of Yorkshire, from
1155, with their severall coats of armes ; by Mr. H. A thin folio
Vol. XXXVI. — A Collection of Proceedings in the Sessions, by Tn-
dictemont and Presentment of Bridges, Highways, Felonies, and
other nuisances in the West Riding of Yorkshire, in tlie raignes
of Queen Elizabetli, King James, and King Charles I. ; with
others of the same kind within the honor of Pontefract, collected
out of ancient rolls of that honor, in tlic custody of Mr. Edward
Ashton of Methley. J. H. A folio of nearly 500 pages.
Vol. XXXVII. — Assesses and Rates of the whole Countye of Yorke ;
with the Hundreds, or Wapcntaikes, the names of the Castells,
and the Nobilityo of the North Riding and East Riding, collorted
by J. H. of L. 1672. A folio of nearly 300 pages.
Vol. XXXVIII. — Transactions and Passa9:es of Countrye (Public)
Busines for this West Riding of the Countye of Yorke, in the latter
end of the raigne of Elizabeth, beginning of Kinge James, and the
late Kinge Charles: collected and gathered in the year of our Lord
1658, out of my father's old scattered papers, and some of my
owne which were preserved and have comed to my hands since
this late warr. J. H. With Peticions and their severall An-
sweares. This valuable volume occupies nearly 700 pages.
Vol. XXXIX. — Dutchy Busines in the County of Yorke ; viz. Col-
lection of Suitors and Fines paid for respiting of Corte
for Pontefracte ; Proceedings in the Honor Courte of P. ;
Knights' Fees in the Honor of P. ; Receivers and Feodarys Ac-
compts in the Honor for Reliefes, &c. ; Knights' Fees in the
said Honor in the tyme of Edward II.; Survey of the whole
Dutchye in Yorkshire ; Fines et Homagiis repretandi anno 19
Eliz"" Honores Pontefracti. With an alphabet (index). J. Hop-
kinson, 1659.
Vol. XL. — The auncient Rates of the West Riding of the Countye
of Yorke, agreed upon by the Justices of Peace there in anno
XLIV to Regine Elizabethe. Jo. Hopkinson, 1684. A 4to. of
about 100 pages.
Vol.XLI. — Hopkinson's (J.) Collection of the Pedigrees and Descents
of the Yorkshire and Lancashire Gentry, with additions by Rich.
Thornton and Ralph Thoresby of Leedes, Esqrs. ; with a cata-
logue of the antient Gentry of Lancashire, collected by Capt.
Booth of Stockport. A folio volume, in the almost typographical
hand of Mr. Thomas Wilson of Leeds, with his own additions ;
and occupying upwards of 500 pages.
A Selection of Letters, Papers, &c. transcribed from the Hopkinson
MSS. for Dr. Richardson, who has prefixed the contents in his own
hand. A small and thick 4to. volume.
A Collection of the Pedigrees and Descents of severall of the Gentrye
of the West Riding of the county of Yorke ; Auncient Rates of
the West Riding, &c. (a copy of Vol. XL. above) ; on Sirnames, &c.
Apparently in Dr. Richardson's hand, and probably extracted from
several of the preceding MSS. A 4to. volume.
An Account of all the Charters, Patents, and Escheat- Rolls, in the
Archives of the Tower of London ; collected by John Burton, M.D.
1746 ; with compleat indexes of persons and places. Transcribed by
T. Wilson, M.DCC.XLVII.
" I herewith send your copy of Dr. Burton's MS. The numbers are the same
with those writ upon the original charters, &c. The copy is valuable upon
many respects to such as delight in antiquities." — Mr. Wilson s Letter to
Dr. Richardson, Dec. 1747. This forms a folio volume of 151 pages, and
includes those documents 07ily which relate to the diocese of York. It never
was published, being evidently compiled by Dr. Burton with a view to his
History of York. I\lr. Wilson is alluded to by Dr. Whitaker, in his History
of Leeds, as annotating a copjr of Thoresby's Ducatus Leodensis, then in
the possession of Sir M. M. Sykes.
Liber Judicaris ; or, Doomsday Book for the County of York, [beauti-
fully] transcribed by Thomas Wilson of Leedes, 1747 : with notes
extracted from copies in the hands of Dr. Brooke, in Field Head,
and Mr. Franks of Pontefract, in 1745. Folio.
" But 3'our copy of Domesday is the principal flower you are yet master of, and
I am persuaded you think so. 1 beg you will keep it to yourself, and not
suffer it to be lent out of your hands so long that it may again be transcribed,
for in it I rectified several mistakes, that I discovered in my own copy ; and
I can justly say it is the best copy of that noble record I believe
there are not half a dozen copies of it in the world." — Mr. Wilson's Letter to
Dr. Richardson, Dec. 1747. Mr. Wilson collated this with every copy he
could obtain access to.
Adversaria, in MS. by Thomas Wilson, of Leeds ; containing, Collectiones
ad Historiam famosissimi Coenobii Glastoniensi concinnandum ; of St.
Dunstan ; Writers of the Life of Thomas a Becket; Life of Thomas a
Becket ; of the Time of the Coming in of the Saxons, and of their
Conquests in Britain ; de Studiis Britannicis ; Chronological Series of
the British Kings before the Roman Invasion ; Index Memorabilium
Britanniae ante Csesarem ; Saxon Annals ; Orders and Rules to be
practised by the Monks and Nuns of England, translated out of Saxon
and Latin ; Greek Vocabulary ; Saxon and English Dictionary.
Richardson Correspondence ; consisting of the original autograph Letters
on Botanical and other Scientific Subjects, addressed to Dr. R. Rich-
ardson and R. Richardson, Esq. of Bierley Hall, by Her. Boerhaave,
Dr. Bedford, J. Blackstone, Prof. Bobart, Dr. W. Chambers, J. J.
Dillenius, the Earl of Derby, Dr. Drake, John Fothergill, R. Foulkes,
R. Frewen, J. F. Gronovius, Thomas Hearne, Hugh Jones, Mr. Knowl-
ton, Charles Leigh, Ed. Lhuyd, Mr. La Trobe, Peter Miller, Lord
Petre, James Petiver, Mr. Rauthmell, Dr. Sherard, Prof. Sutherland,
Sir H. Sloane, R. Thoresby, Van Swieten, F. Willoughby, &c. &c.
from 1691 to 1775. In 13 vols, folio.
A[nstis] (J.) de Baroniis, MS. Collections on this subject, by the Historian
of the Order of the Garter. A 4to. volume of 70 pages.
This is unnoticed by Moule, and has never been published.
Sharpe's (Abp. John) Historical Account of the Silver and the Gold
Coins of England, Scotland, and Ireland. In folio, with tables of
the Coins in 4to,
Accompanying this is a transcript of Mr. Thoresby's copy, similar to that pub-
lished in ^Nichols's Topog. Brit. vol. vi., with the chronology of the coins
from the Earl of Pembroke's MS. enlarged by Thoresby : — a short sketch
of the Abp.'s Life, in the handwriting of Mr. T, Wilson: — a letter from
Mr. Bartlet, returning this MS. to Dr. Richardson, and some notes on it:
— a memorandum by John Bedford of Hartburn, on a collation of a copy of
this ]MS. ill possession of a grandson of Dr. Sharpe : — and 11 plates of
coins. On collating this with the printed copy, besides frequent verbal
differences, the latter is deficient in pp. 82 to 85, and all after p. 98.
Benson's (R.) Sketches of Corsica. 8vo. London, 1825.
Botta (C), Continuazione de Guicciardini Storia d' Italia dal 1534 sine
al 1814. 14 vols. Svo. Parigi, 1832.
Brockedon's (W.) Illustrations of the Passes of the Alps, by which Italy
communicates with France, Switzerland, and Germany. 2 vols,
royal 4to. India proofs. London, 1828-9.
Craven's (Hon. R. Keppel) Tour through the Southern Provinces of the
Kingdom of Naples ; to which is subjoined, a sketch of the imme-
diate circumstances attending the late Revolution. 4to. London,
Earle's (A.) Narrative of a Nine Months' Residence in New Zealand.
Svo. London, 1832.
Fountain's Abbey (Eight Views of), intended to illustrate the architec-
tural and picturesque Scenery of that celebrated Ruin ; from original
drawings by J. Metcalf and J. W. Carmichael : with a historical and
architectural description, by T. Sopwith. Folio. Newcastle-upon-
Tyne, ■
Gent (Life of T.), Printer at York, written by himself. 8vo. London,
Gentoo Laws (Code of), or Ordinations of the Pundits; from a Persian
translation made from the original Shanscrit, by N. B. Halhed.
8vo. London, 1781.
Gilly's (W. S.) Memoir of Felix NefF, Pastor of the High Alps. 8vo.
London, 1832.
[Irving's (Washington)] Alhambra. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1832.
Kennedy's (Vans) Researches into the Nature and Affinity of Ancient
and Hindu Mythology. 4to. London, 1831.
Latrobe's (C. J.) Pedestrian; a Summer's Ramble in the Tyrol and
adjacent Provinces in 1830. Svo. London, 1832.
Lesson (R. P.), Histoire Naturelle des Colibris, suivie d'un Supplement
a Fhistoire des Oiseaux Mouches. Royal Svo. Paris, 1832.
Lesson (R. P.), Histoire Naturelle des Trochilidees. Royal Svo. Paris,
Mahon's (Lord) History of the War of the Succession in Spain. Svo.
London, 1832.
Newcastle. — His Majestie's passing through the Scots Armie ; as also
his entertainment by General Lesly : together with the manner of
the Scots marching out of Newcastle. Related by the best intelli-
gence. Printed 1641. Svo. Nexocastle, privately reprinted 1820.
Newcastle. — Wm. Lithgow's experimental! and exact Relation upon that
famous and renowned Siege of Newcastle. Edinb. 1645. 8vo.
Newcastle, privately reprinted 1820.
Newcastle. — A particular Relation of the Taking of Newcastle. London,
1644. 8vo. Newcastle, privately reprinted 1825.
Pavia (La Certosa di). Large folio. Milano, 1825.
Rammohun Roy's (Rajah) Translation of several principal Books, Pas-
sages, and Texts of the Veds, &c. 8vo. London, 1832,
Rantzovii (H.) Epigrammatum Historicus Liber. 4to. Antverpi(E,\5%\.
Selby's (P. J.) Illustrations of British Ornithology. 2 vols. 8vo, and
plates in 2 vols, folio. Edinburgh, 1825, &c.
Smyth's (W. H.) Sketch of the Present State of the Island of Sardinia.
8vo. London, 1828.
Spanish Novelists ; a series of National Tales, translated from the ori-
ginals, with biographical and critical notices, by T. Roscoe. 3 vols.
8vo. London, 1832.
Shurreef (J.) Qanoon-e-Islam ; or, the Customs of the Moosulmans of
India, translated by G. A. Herklots. 8vo. London, 1832.
[White's (Blanco)] Doblado's Letters from Spain. 8vo. London,
All Anonymous works, Translations (except of portions of the Scripture), and Memoirs, are placed
under their respective subjects only. The various heads of the Catalogue are in Italics.
Abarbanel de Statu et Jure Regio, 21.
de Judicium et Regum different. 21.
Ablio de Obsidione Lutetiae, 289.
Abbot's Lepidopterous Insects, 100.
Abd-Allatif de I'Egypt, 307-
Abel's China, 151.
Abels Descriptio Melitse, 297.
(Life of Lord), .316.
's Gardener's Calendar, 126.
Abicht de Lapsu IMuronim Hierich. 24.
Abingdon's Worcester Cathedral, 215.
Abrantes' (Duchesse d') Memoirs, 288.
Abu Taleb Khan's Travels, 133,
Abyssinia ( Travels in), 146.
Abyssinian History, 307-
Accoltus de Virorum sui sevi, 295.
Accum's Mineralogy, 91.
Acerbi's Travels, 136.
Achard, Cours de Bibliographie, 340.
Acherley's Britannic Constitution, 71-
Achilles Tatius, 409.
Acominati Choniatae Historia, 181.
Acropolita? Historia Byzantina, 181.
Actes des Apotres (le Mystere des), 394.
Adair's American Indians, 310.
Adam Blair, 381.
Adam's Roman Antiquities, 170.
Adams (G.) on the Microscope, 100.
Geometrical Essays, 103.
Astronomical Essays, 104.
Defence of Tragic Poetry, 389.
(Jane) Irish Rebellion, 273.
(J.) History of Republics, 68.
Brazils, 156.
Index Villaris, 185.
(R.) Timbuctoo, 144.
— — Palace of Diocletian, 172.
(T.) on the Romans, 13.
Works, 35.
(Life of), 35.
Adami de Firmanfi Fragmenta, 294.
Addison's Works, 3n(;.
Adolpluis's Spain, 291.
British (Cabinet, 31. 5.
Adry sur les Elzeviers, 342.
Adventurer, 405.
Advocates' Library Catalogue, 345.
iEliani Tactica, 408.
Historia, 4(t!).
jElfrici Al)balis (Jrani. et Gloss. Anglo-
Saxonica, .352.
.Eneus Poliorceticus, 408.
jEschinis Orationes, 414.
iEschyli Tragcedis, 409.
Tragedies translated, 409.
iEsopi Fabulaj, 410.
Fables, 400.
(Life of), 400.
Africa (Travels in), 144.
African History, 306.
Languages, 357.
Agapida's Conquest of Grenada, 291.
Agathias de Imperio Justiniani, 181.
Agocchi Urbs Bononiae, 294.
Agriculture, 123.
Agricultural Surveys, 124.
Agrippa's Occult Philosophy, 78.
Ahmud ben Abubekr's Ancient Alpha.
bets, 107.
Aicher de Comitiis Vet. Rom. 168.
Aikin's (A. and R.) Diet, of Chemistry, 87.
(J.) Woodland Companion, 125.
IManchester, 204.
General Biography, 311.
Selden and Usher, 314.
Essays, 406.
(L.) Elizabeth, 230.
James I. 232.
Ailredi Ab. Rieval. Historia, 221.
Ainsworth's Latin Dictionary, 352.
Aiton's Hortus Kewensis, 94.
Alagonae Ichonographia Syracusae, 297-
Alban's (Saint) Chronicle, 224.
(Five Nights of), .383.
Albani Sancti Abbatum Vitae, 253.
Alberoni (Life of Card.), 291.
Albertus de Pictura Veterum, 108.
Albigensian Confession of Faith, 32.
Albin's Esculent Fish, 98.
Alcedo's America, 308.
Alciatus de JMagistratibus, IO7.
Hist. Mediolanensis, 293.
Emblemata, 402.
Alcuini Flacci Historia, 221.
Aides (4Vnniiles des), 342.
Aldroviindi Opera Hist. Nat. 88.
Aldus. See IManutius.
(M. et F.) de Tibiis Vet. 24.
Alemannus de Lateranensibus Parietinis,
Aleandri Tab. Marmoreae Soils Effigie,
Alesii Edinbiirgi Descriptio, 260.
Alexandri Rogerii Siciliae Regis Gesta,
3 I.
Alexander the Great, 414.
Alexandre (Hist, d') le Grand, 379.
Alexander's Costume of China, I'il.
'AA.£xTwap«uv;a( Evane;elicffi Signiticatio, 22.
Altieri^Lifeof V.),^316.
_ Tragedie, 395.
Alfoiisus a Carthagena de Rebus Hispa-
nicis, 290.
Alfordi Annales Ecc. Brit. 251.
Alfred! IMagni Res Gesta;, 220 and 222.
Vita a Spelman, 222.
All's Sentences, 401.
AH Bey's Travels, 133.
Alison on Taste, 359.
Alix, I'Histoire Ottoman, 300.
Allan's Collectanea Dunhelmensia, 199.
Allatius de Patria, &c. Homeri, 163.
Allen's IModern Judaism, fiO.
Allix on the Books of the BiMe, 14.
against Unitarians, 37-
on the Piedmontese Churches, 02.
on the Albigenses, C2.
Allot's England's Parnassus, 363.
Almack's, 381.
Alpintis de Balsamo, 18.
Alsarius de Invidia et Fascine, 167-
Altmann de Gallicinio Hieros. audito,22.
de Lydiii Thyatirensi, 23.
Ahiredi Beverlacensis Annales, 223.
Alwood on the Prophecies, 15.
Amadis de Gaule, 380.
translated, 380.
(Tresor de 1'), 359.
Amalthaji (JMemoirs of the), 314.
Ameer Khoawend's Account of Philoso-
phers, 76.
America (^Travels in), 152-4.
American History, 307.
Americana BiWiotheca, 308.
American Languages, 357.
Ames's Typographical Anti(piities, 341.
Amico de Archiepisc. Syracusarum, 290.
Ammianus Marcellinus, 410.
Amos on Agriculture, 124.
Amsinck's Tunbridge Wells, 203.
Ana, 401.
Anacreontis Carmina, 410.
Anacreon's Odes translated, 410.
Anatomy, 101.
Anastastii Historia Ecclesiastica, 182.
Ancient Navigation, 131.
History, 177-
Biography, 312.
Anderson's (A.) Origin of Commerce, 85.
{jE..) Journal of the Forces under
Pigot, 244.
(J.) Agricultural Recreations, 124.
fliary Queen of .Scots, 265.
Diplomata Scotia;, 207-
Royal Genealogies, 334.
House of Yvery, 336.
Anglesey's (Earl of) State of the Govern
ment, 240.
IMemoirs, 240.
Andrews' (J.) Buenos Ayres, 157.
Revolutions of Denmark, 275.
(J. P.) Great Britain, 226.
(Lane.) Sermons, 55.
Angelerii Antiq. Atestin;e, 294.
Angelitiu Reciiieti Origines, &c. 294.
Angt'lotti Urbis Reta; Desc. 295.
Angehis de Depredat. (.'astrensium, 295.
Angerstein Gallery of Pictures, 1 10".
Anglicanae Ecclesise Reformatio Legum,
Anglicanura IMusarura Analecta, 360, 361 .
Anglo-Saxon Scriptures, 3.
Chronicle and History, 222.
Anglo-Saxon Language, 352.
Poetry, 302.
Angns's Seats of the Nobility, &c. 190.
AnneBoleyn, 229.
Anne d'Autriche, 283.
Annuals, 407-
Annual Register, 184.
Anquetil, I'Histoire Universelle, 176.
Ansaldus de Forensi Jud. Bucciua, 22.
Anselmi Arch. Cant. Vita, 253.
Anstey's Poetical Works, 365.
Pleader's Guide, 365.
(Life of), 365.
Anstis' (Jo.) Visitation Books, 330.
Register of the Garter, 332.
Order of the Bath, 332.
de Baroniis, 437.
Anthologia Epigrammatum Greece,
Anti-Jacobin Poetry, 304.
Antiquarian Repertory, 193.
Antiquities, 159.
Antonini Iter Britannicum, 188.
by Reynolds, 188
Antonini Imp. I\Ieditationes, 410.
Meditations translated, 410.
Liberalis Transformationes, 410.
(P.) Sassina Anti(iua, 294.
(Abate) Poiiti ItaHani, 375.
Antonio Bibliotheca Hispana, 343.
Apocryphal Books, 9.
ApoUonii Rhodii Argona'itica, 410.
translated, 410.
of Tyana (Life of), 316.
Apothegms, 401.
Appiani Historia, 410.
translated, 410.
Apthorp on Prophecy, 15.
Apuleii Opera, 410.
Golden Ass translated, 411.
Arabia {Travels in), 148.
Arabiati History, 301.
Arabian Nights, 388.
Arabic Language, 349.
A rati Opera, 411.
Arbuthnot (J.) Tables of Coins, Weights,
and Measures, 85.
Law, a Bottomless Pit, 401.
Archaica, 407.
Archdall's IMonasticou Hibernicum, 273.
Archery, 127.
Archiriiedis Opera, 411.
Archenholz, Hist, de Gustave Wasa, 275.
Architecture, 122.
Aretii Sicilite Cliorographia, 296.
Aretinus de Kelius Gra;corum, 160.
Aretius de Reb. Hispanicis, 290.
Argens (^lemoires d'Olivier d'), 287.
Argenson (Mem. du Mani- d'), 284.
Argyle's (Marq. of) Instructions to a Son,
Ariosto, Orlando Furioso, 375.
translated, 375.
Ariosto (Vita di), 375.
Aristophanis Comccdia?, 411.
Comedies translated, 411.
Aristotle's Philosophy, 76.
Life, 76.
Aristotelis Opera, 411.
Etliica, 411.
Poetica, 411.
Ethics and Politics translated, 411.
Arlington, 381.
's (Earl of) Letters, 250.
Arlunns de Bello Veneto, 294.
Armenia (Travels in), 149.
Armenian Bible, 3.
Litni'gy, 29.
History^ 302.
Armignac (Aventnres du Sire), 381.
Arminius's M^orks, 35.
Life, 63.
Arms (Antiquity of), 330.
Armstrong's Gaelic Dictionary, 354.
Arnald on the Apocrypha, 1 1.
and Lucinda, 387.
Arnold's Chronicle, 206.
Arnot's (G. A. W.) Botany, 95.
(H.) Edinburgh, 260.
Arnulphi Hist. Mediolanensis, 293.
Arriani Expeditio Alexandri, 411.
translated, 411.
Arnaud (G. d') de Diis Paredris, 169.
Arrowsmith's American Atlas, 130.
Arthur's (King) Adventures, 379.
Artaria, 11 Duomo di Ulilano, 139-
Artemidori Oneirocritica, 411.
on Dreams translated, 411.
Artists^ {Lives of), 314.
Arts, 106.
Arundel (Antiqjiities of), 213.
Arundel's (Lord) Wiltshire, 214.
Arundelliana i\Iarmora, lo8.
Ascham's Works, 396.
(Life of), 314.
Ash's English Dictionary, 353.
Ashmole's Berkshire, 195.
Order of the Garter, 332.
Asia, (Travels in), 147.
Asiatic History, 300.
Asiatic Isles {Hist, of the), 306.
Asiatic Kesearchts, 301.
lianguages, 350.
Askew Catalogus Librorum, 346.
Asseml)lv's C!onfessioii of Faith, 33.
Asserii Alfredi Kes (iestm, 220, 222.
Aste Ilydruntina! Ecclesia, 296.
Astle's Origin and Progress of Writing,
Aston Genealogy, 335.
Astoriiis de Deo Brotonte, I67.
de Alcmanis Pot'ta' Monnm. 168.
de Diis Cabiris, 169.
Astrolof/i/, 78.
Astromimii, 104.
Atheiui'i l)eipno])histn% 412.
trad, en Frantjoise, 411.
Athenian Letters, 179.
Atkinson's Ciistnnie of Ilnssia, 121.
Atkvns' (iloucestersiiirc, 200.
Ath'ms, 130.
Attcrburv (Life of Bp.), 316.
Works, 396.
Attica (Unedited Antiquities of), I7I
Atticae Leges, 69.
Aubrey's Surrey, 213.
Lives of Eminent Men, 313.
Aucher's Armenian Grammar, 350.
Armenian Dictionary, 350.
Audebert, Oiseaux Dores, 97>
les I\Iollusques, 100.
Audefridi Cat. Editionum Rom. 342.
Audubon's Birds of America, 98.
American Ornithol. Biog. 98.
Augiistana Confessio, 32.
Augustinus (A.) de Familiis Rom. 105.
de Legibus Rom. 16.3.
(L.) Sicilia Numismatica, 297.
Aulisius de Gymnasii Constructione, 168.
de Colo Mayerano, 1C8.
Aulum (Hist, of the Emperor Shah), 303.
Aurelii Victoris Hist. Romana, 412.
Aurelio and Isabell, 381.
Aureo (J. de Bado) de Armis, 331.
Auriaj Notitia Hist. Cephaledis, 297-
Ausonii Opera, 412.
Opuscula, 412.
Aust's (Mrs.) Beauties of Scotland, 190.
Australian Voyages, 157.
Austrian Costumes, 121.
Authors (Diet, of Living), 338.
Autographs of Royal and Distinguished
Persons, 339.
Automarchi, Derniers Rlomens de Napo-
leon, 288.
Avellaneda's Don Quixote, 388.
Aviani Fabula;, 423.
Aylmer's (Bp.) I>ife, 255.
Ayscough's Index to Shakespeare, 392.
Ayscue's Warres of Eng. and Scot. 226.
Ayton's Voyage round Great Britain, 191 .
Azarii Chronicon Lombardia;, 295.
Azuni, Legislation 3Iaritime, (;9.
Baberon the Saxon Scriptures, 10.
Baber (Memoirs of the Emperor), 30.3.
Bacchiims de Sistris, l(i5.
Bacci Desc. Regni Neapolitan!, 295.
Baccius de Conviviis Ant. 162.
de Thermis Vet. 166.
Bach on the Icelandic Edda, 135.
P.acon's (A.) Elizabeth. 230.
(i\lemoirs of A.), 31(!.
(Lord) Henry VII. 228.
Henry VIII.'229.
V/orks, 396.
Apothegmes, 401.
Essaves, 406.
(J.) iiiber Regis, 18(1.
(Memoirs of J.), .316.
(.7.) Francis I. 282.
(R.) Opus 3Iajns, 86.
(History of Fryer), 316.
Badiali y Leblech. See Ali Bey.
Bagford's Antiq. of I/ondon, 206.
Bagot on the Prophecies, 15.
Bailey's Agriculture of Durham, 124.
I'aillet, Auteurs diguisez, 345.
Baillie's (.J.) Metrical Legends, .365.
Plays on the I'assions, 391.
(M.') Lisbon, 142.
(K.) Letters and .Journals, 236.
(Capt.) Prints, 120.
Baily (F.) on Annuities, 103.
on LeasCvS, 103.
(J. S.) sur la Revolution Fr. 286.
Baker's (D. E.) Biograpbia Dramatica,
(G.) Northamptonshire, 208.
(H.) Medulla Poet. Rom. 409.
(Life of T.), 316.
Balbus de Nummis, &c. 16G.
Baldwyn's (Abp.) Itinerary, 25G.
Bale's Syr Johan Oldecastell, 253.
Balfour's Historical Works, 262.
Balguy's Divine Benevolence, 37-
Ballard's British Ladies, 313.
Balsamo's Sicily, 139.
Bampton Lectures, 53.
Bancroft on Permanent Colours, 87.
Nat. Hist, of Guiana, 89.
Bandello, Novelle, 387-
Bandinel on Christian Faith, 53.
Banduri Imperium Orientale, 182.
Banier, la IMythologie, O'G.
Banks' (Sir J.) Voyag'e to Iceland, 135.
(T. C.) Dormant and Extinct Ba-
ronage, 333.
Banuatyne's (G.) Memorials, 31 G.
. Ancient Scottish Poems, 373.
(R.) Journal, 26G.
Baptistaj Notitia Eccles. Catanensis, 297-
Burbary States {Hist, of the), 307-
Barbati Antiquaj Inscriptiones, 1G4.
Barbazan, Fabliaux, 374.
Barberi, Grammaire Italienne, 355.
Barberius de Bliseria Poet. Gr. 163.
Barbier (A. A.), Examen des Diet. His-
toriques, 312.
Bil)lioth. d'un Homme de Goiit, 342.
Dictionnaire des Anonymes et Pseu-
donymes, 345.
's (J.) Chesse Play, 128.
Barbouroux (Memoires de), 28G.
Barbour's Bruce, 263.
Barclaii (J.) Argenis, 381.
Satyricon, 401.
Conspiratio Anglicana, 401.
(K.-) Apology for the Quakers, 33.
Baretti's ItaliaTi Dictionary, 355.
Spanish Dictionary, 3oG.
Bargaseus de yEdificiorum Rom. evers.
de Obelisco, 164.
Barisoiiius de Arcbivis, 168.
Barker [misprinted Baker] on Junius, 246.
Barclay's Agriculture of Northumberland,
Barnabse Apostoli Opera, 34.
Barnes' (J.) Edward III. 227-
on Hawking, &c. 127-
(R.) Works, 36.
(Life of), 316.
Barnstaplii Vindicis Maria? Reg. Scot. 265.
Barnwell Abbey (Hist, of), 197.
Baronius de IMonarchia Siciliie, 296.
de Archiep. Syracus. 296.
de Panormitana Majestate, 297-
Barrett's Bristol, 196.
Barretier (Life of), 314.
Barrington's (D.) JMiscellanies, 396.
(Sir J.) Own Times, 273.
Irish Union, 273.
Barrington's (Viscount S.) Theological
Works, 35.
(Life of), 35.
(Life of Bp.), 35.
Barrius de Ivaudibus Italije, 292.
de Calabriffi Ant. 295.
Barrow's (I.) English Works, 35.
(Life of Isaac), 35.
(J.) South Africa, 145.
China, 151.
Cochin China, 151.
(W.) on Opinions of Christianity,
Barruel's History of Jacobinism, 285.
Barry's (G.) Orkney Isles, 2G1.
(J.) Works, 108.
(Lifeof J.), 316.
(W.) Guernsey, 218.
Bartas' (Du) Workes, 375.
Bartch, le Peintre Gravure, 120.
Barthel de Sadducwis, 20.
Bartlielemey's Italy, 137.
le Jeune Auacharsis, 179.
(Mem. de), 179.
Barthohni Paralytica N. T. illust. 24.
de Morbis I3iblicis, 24.
Bartholomeus de Proprietatibus Rerum,
Bartlett's (B.) Manceter, 214.
Bartolii (P. St.) Yeterum Sepulchra, 163.
Lucernifi Sepulchrales, 163.
Picturse Sepulch. Nasoniorum, 167.
Columna Antoniniana, 17 1.
Rom. Antiq. Vestigia, 172.
Bartoloccius (J.) de Voce nbD, 24.
de Rlusicis Inst. Hebr. 24.
Barton's (B. S.) American Tribes, 308.
(W. P. C.) Flora Philadelphica, 95.
Bariiffaldus de Armis Convivialibus, 168.
de Prajficiis, 168.
de Poetis Ferrariensibus, 296.
Barwick (Lifeof J.), 517.
Basilicapetrius de Metrop. Mediol. 293.
Basilikon Libri, 70.
Basire's (I.) Correspondence and Life,
Basnage, Histoire des Juifs, 60.
Bassompierre (Memoires de), 283.
Bastile (History of the), 285.
Batchelor's Agriculture of Beds, 124.
Bates's Christian Politics, 37.
Rural Philosophy, 79.
Battely's (J.) Richborough, 203.
(N.) Canterbury Cathedral, 202.
Archiepiscopal Hospitals in Canter-
bury, 203.
Batuta's (Ibn) Travels, 132.
Batty's (R.) Cities of Europe, 134.
Scenery of the Rhine, 135.
Danish Scenery, 136.
German Scenery, 137.
Hanoverian and Saxon Scenery, 137.
French Scenery, 140.
Welsh Scenery, 256.
(IVIiss) Italian Scenery, 137-
Baudier's Card. Ximenes, 291.
Bawdwen's Domesday Book, 187, 21G.
Baxter (A.) on the Soul, 77-
(R.) New Testament, 12.
Works, 35.
Baxter's (R.) Life and Times, 256.
(T.) Costumes of tiie Ancients, 121.
{W.) Glossarium Antiq. Brit. 185.
Bay's Danish Dictionary, 357.
Bayard (History of the Chev.), 282.
Bayeux Tapestries, 194.
Bayfius de Vasculis, 162.
de Re Navali, 163.
de Re Vestiaria, 165.
Bayle's Dictionary, 311.
Bayley's (J.) Tower of London, 20?.
(F. W. N.) West Indies, 154.
Bayly's (T.) Herha Parietas, 381.
'(T. H.) Psyche, 365.
Bearblock on Tythes. 75.
Beatson's(A.) St. Helena, 308.
(R.) Naval and Military Hist. 243.
• Political Index, 245.
Chronological Register, 245.
Beattie (J.) on Truth, 77.
(Life of), 317.
Theory of Language, 348.
Essays, 358.
Minstrel, 365.
Dissertations, 406.
Beauclerk's Catalogue, 346.
Beaugue's Scottish Campaigns of 1548-9,
Beaulieu, Oraison Funebre de la Royne
d'Ecosse, 265.
Beaumarchois (1' Incarceration de), 287.
Beaumelle (Memoires de M. de la), 284.
Beaumont's (A.) Rhffitian Alps, 138.
3Iaritime Alps, 138-
Leopontine Alps, 138.
on the Rhone, 138.
South of France, 140.
(F.) and Fletcher's VForks, .391.
Beauties of England and Wales, 190.
Scotland, 258.
Beaver's African Memoranda, 308.
Behelius de Sacerdotihus Rom. 168.
Beccaria on Crimes and Punishments, 71-
Beck's Universal Character, IO7.
Becke's Bible, 5.
Becker's German Grammar, 356.
Beckett's (A.) Shakespeare himself again,
Becket's (Thomas a) Life, 253.
Beckford (P.) on Hunting, 127.
(W.) Caliph Vathe'k, 389.
.^lenutirs of Painters, 109.
Beckington's (Bp.) Journal, 228.
Beckii Momimenta Ant. .ludaica, 25.
Beckmann's Hist, of Inventions, 106.
Bedat! (Ven.) de Nummis, 6<.c. 166.
Historia Anglicana, 220.
Hist. Ecclesiastica Anglicana, 251.
Church History, 251.
Bedford on Christ's Incarnation, 53.
Bedfordshire Tojwgruphij, 195.
Bee (the), 405.
Beechev's (F. W.) Voyage, 1.32.
(and II. W.) Northern Africa, 144.
Beere de Terr. Glastoniensis, 212.
Belgic Bible, 7-
Belgic History, 2/8.
Belgicariim Eccles. Doctrina, &.c. 33.
Poutarum Deliciae, 'M\\.
Bell Rerum Hispanicarum Scriptures, 290.
Bell's (C.) Anatomy of Expression, 109.
(G. J.) Scottish Law, 75. "
(H. N.) Huntingdon Peerage, 336.
(J.) New Pantheon, GG.
Surgery, 101.
Travels through Siberia, 152.
. Fugitive Poetry, 364.
Bellafinus de Urbe Bergomi, 296.
Bellarmini Doctrina Christiana, 32.
Belleforest, I'lnnocence de Marie Royne
d'Ecosse, 265.
Annales de la France, 279.
Bellenden's Chronicles, 262.
Bellianis (History of Don), 380.
Belhmius de Operum Ant. prsestantia,
Bellorius in Num. Apibus, 161.
Symb. Deae Syrian, 161.
Veterum Sepulchra, 163.
Lucernffi Sepulchrales, 163.
Vestigia Vet. Rom. 164.
Pictura Sepulchri Nasoniorum, 167-
Arcus Augusti, I7I.
Rom. Antiq. &c. Vestigia, 172.
Bellus de Templo Augiu-ali, 164.
de Pharsalici ConH. 165.
Beloe's Sexagenarian, 338.
Anecdotes of Literature, 342.
Belzoni's (G.) Egypt, 146.
(.Airs.) Women of Egypt, 146.
Bembi Histories Venetae, 293.
f Memoirs of), 314.
Ben David de Templo, 18.
de Suffitu, 18.
de Vestitu Sacerd. 19.
Benedictus Ab. Petrob. de Vita Henrici
IL 227.
Benger's Mary Q. of Scots, 264.
Elizabeth Q. of Bohemia, 278.
Ben IMusa's Algebra, 102.
Bennet's (B.) Christian Oratory, 38.
(J.) Dissenters, 256.
Benson (C.) on Scripture Difficulties, 55.
(R.) Corsica, 438.
Bentham's (James) Ely Cathedral, 197.
(Jer.) Morals and Legislation, 68.
on Government, 81.
Bentley (R.) on Free-thinking, 38.
Confutation of Atheism, 51.
Epistohe, 402.
(Life of), 317.
(S.) Excerpta Historica, 248.
Berebloc de Rebus testis Oxon. 211.
Bergierius de Viis Imp. Rom. 166.
Berkely's Works, 35.
Life, 35.
Berkshire Topof/raphi/, 195.
Bermudez on the School of Seville, 109.
Bernard's Flaminio's Poems imitated, 365.
Bernier, les Etats i, 91.
Etruscan Antiquities, 173.
Ancient Vases, 173.
Outlines from Ancient Vases, 173.
(Memoirs of J. and W. Dukes of),
Hampden and his Times, 234.
Hampshire Topography^ 201.
Han (the Sorrows of), 396.
Hanlmry's Ethiopia, 147.
HancarviUe (D') sur les Arts de la Grece,
on Etruscan Antiquities, 173.
Hancock on God, 51.
Handel (Anecdotes of), 105.
Hannekenius de Cura Domesticii Rom.
Hansenius de Jurejurando, 165.
Harduin de Nummis Herodiadum, 21.
de Nummis Samarit. 23.
Hardwicke's (E. of) Athenian Letters,
State Papers, 248.
Hardyng's Chronicle, 224.
Hare Psalmorum Liber, 24.
Haremberg Ocuhis JMoysis et Christi, 17.
de Vocibus nirbin, &c. 19.
de Domo inducUi INIinio, 23.
de ITODI, Ti3nn, &c. 23.
Hargrove's Knaresborough, 217.
Harkenroth de Monte Sublimi, 17.
de Aifindiav Hesychii, 17.
de Mnone prope Salim, 18.
de Rachele, 18.
Harleian Catalogue, 345.
Miscellany, 408.
Harley Family History, 335.
Harraer on various Passages of Scripture,
Harmonies, of the Bible., 8.
Harpsfeldii Hist. Angl. EcclesiBe, 251.
Harraden's Cantabrigia depicta, 197.
Harrington's (J.) Works, 398.
Life, 398.
(Sir J.) Nugse Antiquae, 248.
Apologie for Poetrie, 362.
Poems by various Authors, 364.
Epigrams, 368.
Harris (J.) on the Attributes, 51.
A\'orks, 398.
Life, 398.
(M.) English Insects, 99.
Aureliau, 99.
(W.) Royal Institution Catalogue,
County of Down, 270.
Hibernica, 270.
Harrison's Chronicle, 225.
Description of Brittaine, 188.
Harry's (lilind) Wallace, 263.
(G. O.) Genealogy of James I. 334.
Hartford and Pomfiet's C'orrespondence,
Harvey's Letters on Poetry, 3C2.
Harwood's Litchfield, 212.
Hasffius (J.) de a-iain, 17-
de Q-:n b'ib'^, &c. 23.
de Inquiuatis Sard. Vestim. 23.
de Insc. Psal. xxii. 24.
(T.) de Monte Subhmi, 17.
Dissertationes variai de Ant. Hebr.
de Voce Astartes, 21.
Haslewof>d's British Bibliographer, 343.
Ancient Essays on English Poetry,.
England's Helicon, 364.
Hasselquist's Travels in the Levant, 148.
Hasted's Kent, 202.
Hatim Tai, 389.
Hatsell's Precedents of the House of
Commons, 72.
Hausset (Memoires de l\Iad. de), 284.
Hauy, IMineralogie, 91.
Havercampi Sicilia Numismatica, 297.
Hawes's Framlingham, 213.
Hawke's Killing is Murder, 238.
Hawkeston (Description of), 211.
Hawkhurst (History of), 203.
Hawking, 127.
Hawkins' (Sir J.) History of Music, 105.
(J. S.) on Gothic Architecture, 122,
(T.) on the English Drama, 389.
(W.) Scripture JMysteries, 53.
Hawkesworth's Voyages, 132.
Haworth Lepidoptera Britannica, 99.
Hay's Chichester, 213.
Haygarth's Greece, 368.
Haylev's (T. A.) Memoirs, 321.
(W.) Triumphs of Temper, 368.
Memoirs, 321.
Ilaym, Bililioteca Italiana, 343.
Haynes's Burleigh Papers, 249.
Hayward's Edward VI. 230.
Hazin (Life of), 321.
Head's (F. B.) Pampas, &c. 157.
{ii.) North America, 154.
Headley's Beauties of Ancient
Poets, 363.
Heard's Russian Grammar, 357.
Hearne (T.) Acta Apostolonim, 2.
on the Oath of Allegiance, 71.
Ductor Historicus, 176.
Journeys to Reading, &c. 189.
Ectypa Varia, 190.
Curious Discourses, 193.
Collected Works, 195.
Antiq. between Windsor and Ox-
ford, 195.
Antiq. of Chilswell, 195.
K. Edward's Chapel, Islip, 209.
Oxford Castle, &c. 209.
Stunsfield Pavement, 209.
Woodstocke Custom, 209.
University of Oxford, 209.
St. Peter's, Oxford, 210.
Glastonhurv, 212.
(Life of), 314.
Heath's Chronicle, 235.
Heber (R.) Hymns, 31.
Christian Comforter, 54.
Sermons, 5G.
Journal in India, 150.
(Last Days of ), 321.
(Life of), 322.
Palestine, 368.
Poems, 368.
HebrevF Bibles, 1.
Language, 349.
Heden Scissio Vestium Hebr. Tisitata, 23.
Hederici Lexicon Graicxim, 351.
Hedgeland's St. Neot's Church, 198.
Heeren's Ancient History, 177.
on the Carthaginians, &c. 178.
Ancient Greece, 179.
Heineccius de Colloquiis Religiosorum, 27.
Heinecken (le Bar.), Coll. d'Estampes, 120.
Dictionnaire des Artistes, 120.
[misprinted Heineker], 109.
Heinsii Poi-mata, 3G1.
Heliconia, 364.
Heliodorus, 409.
Helleus de Deo ignoto Athen. 101.
Hellfried's English Attack on Denmark,
Helyot, Hist, des Ordres Ecclesiastiques,
Hemmingii Chart. Eccles. Wigornensis,
Hemmingford (W. de) Hist. Edwardi I.
II. III. 221, 227.
Henault, Cornelie, 395.
Henderson (A. ) on Wines, 12G.
(E.) Iceland, 135.
Hendreich l\Iassilin, IGO.
Henninitis de Viis Imp. Rom. 166.
Henries de Judiciis Hebr. 22.
Henri IV. 282.
(Corresjjondance de), 282.
Henry II — VI I L 227-9.
Henry VIII.'s Primer, 30.
Formularies of Faith, 32.
Henry (Life of Prince), 2!!3.
Henry's (fli.) Exposition of the Bible, 11.
Sermous, 5(i.
(U.) (ireat Britain, 226.
Henry the Minstrcrs \\'aliace, 263.
Henshall's Kent, 202.
Hentzner's Itinerarium, 134.
Hentzner's Journey into England, 189.
Heraclidis Allegorife, 416.
Heraldic History, 330.
Heralds (Antiquity, &c. of ), 330.
Heraldic Anomalies, 331.
Herbelot(d'),Bibliotheque Orientale, 300.
Herbert (Lord) of Cherbury's Henry
VIIL 229.
Life, 322.
( G.) Temple, Sacred Poems, &c. 368.
(Life of), 313.
(T.) Travels, 133.
( W.) Inns of Court, 207
Typographical Antiquities, 341.
Helga, 368.
Herculaneum. See Drummond.
Herefordahire Topography, 201.
Heriot's Canadas, 153.
Hermann de Ellipsibus Grsecis, 350.
Hermiaj Apostoli 0()era, 34.
Hernandez Historia Naturalis Mexica-
norum, 89.
Herodiani Historia, 416.
translated, 416.
Herodoti Historia, 416.
translated, 416.
(Rennel on the Geography of), 129.
Hen-ara, Hist, de lo Succidido en Ecocia,
&c. 265.
Hist, de las Indias Occid. 308.
Descr. de las Indias Occid. 308.
Herrick's Select Poems, 368.
Hertfordshire (Agriculture of ), 124.
Hertfordshire Topography, 201.
Hertford's (E. of ) Expedition into Scot-
land, 263.
Hervey's I\Ieditations, 43.
Letters, 43.
Hesiodi Opera, 417.
Remains translated, 417.
Hesychii Lexicon Grajce, 350.
Heubiier de Academiis Hebr. 20.
Heumann de n^D, 24.
Hexapla Originis, .3.
Heylin's Help to English History, 219.
Heynii Opuscula, 398.
Hey wood's (S. ) Vindication of Fox's James
II. 240.
(T.) Exemplary Lives, 312.
Hibl)ert's Catalogue, 347.
Hickesii Thesaurus Lit. Septent. 356.
Hieroclis Comment, in Aurea Carmina,
translated, 417-
Hieroglyphics, IO7.
Hieronynnis de IMariiiis Genuae, 293.
Iligden Historia, 221.
Polychroiiicon, 223.
Higgins's Spanisli Dictionary, 35(J.
Hill's Sermons, 57.
Latin Synonymes, 252.
(Memoir of Lord), 211.
Hiller de Vestiiius Fimhriatis Hebr. 20.
Ilinderwell's .Scarborotigli, 208.
Hiudostan {Travels in), 149.
Ilindostancse Costumes, 121.
Iliiiton's (Sir J.) ^lemoirs, 240.
(J. II.) America, 310.
Ilippocratis Opera, 417-
Histories of the Bible, 8.
History. 129.
{Universal), 170-
{Ancient), 177-
of the JMiddle Ages, 183.
{l^[odern), IS.*}.
of Europe, 183.
liitopodesa, 400.
Ploare's (K.) Shrievalty, 214.
(Sir R. C.) Italy, 138.
Wiltshire, 214.
English Historical Cat. 219.
Tour in Ireland, 269.
Cat. of Ital. History, 292.
(P.) Epochs of the Arts, 108.
Hobhouse's (.1. C.) Albania, 143.
Illustrations of Childe Harold, 3CG.
Hockin's Pelew Isles, 151.
Hodge's India, 150.
Views in Iiidia, 150.
Hodgskin's Germany, 137.
Hodgson's (C.) Q.Anne's Bounty, 18G.
(fllem. of Capt. J.), 2;5(;.
Holland's (J. C.) Views in Craven, 217-
(.Airs.) White Knights, 195.
Hogarth's (W.) Analysis of Beauty, 110.
Works, 115, 116.
Hogg's Jacoliite Relics, 373.
Poetical W^orks, 373.
Hoheisel de ]\iolis JMainialibus, 23.
Holbein's Portraits, 31G.
Holden's Book of Proverbs, 6.
Book of Ecclesiastes, G.
Holdernian, Grammaire Tiirque, 350.
Holdsworth's Remarks on Vii-gil, &c. 358.
Hole (.AI.) on tlie Liturgy, 31.
(R.) on the Arabian Nights, 388.
Ulysses, 418.
Holinshed's Chronicle, 225.
• Scotland, 262.
Holland. See Low Countries and Ne-
Holland's Agriculture of Cheshire, 214.
Ionian Isles, &c. 143.
Monum. Sepulch. S. Pauli, 20G.
Basileologia, 315.
Herologia, 315.
Hollar (Cat. of the Works of), 120.
Holies, Family History, 3.*55.
Hollis (Memoirs of T.), 322.
Hollybushe"s isew Testament, 5.
Holmes's (G.) American Annals, 308.
(J.) History of the United Bretiiren,
(R.) Treatises, 43.
on the Baptist's Prophecies, 53.
Holstein de Fulcris Dianai Ephes. IGl.
in Picturam Nyniphajum, 164.
Holy Scriptures, 1.
Home's (Sir E.) Comparative Anatomy,
(H.) See Kaimes.
(.7.) Rebellion in Scotland, 2G7.
Homeri Opera, 417-
translated, 417-
llias, 417-
Batrachomyomachia, 417.
Hymnus, 417-
translated, 417-
Homilies, 57.
Homodeis Etnoj Historia, 297-
Hone's Every-Day Book, 194.
Hooke's(A.) Bristollia, 196.
(N.) Roman History, 180.
(R.) Micrograpbia, 100.
(T. ) Sayings and Doings, 384.
Hooker's (J.) Exeter, 199.
Chronicle, 225,
(R.) AVorks, 28.
(Lifeof), 28, 31.3.
( W. J.) Exotic Flora, 92.
Icones Filicum, 93.
Bluscologia, 93.
]\Iusci Exotici, 93.
Flora Boreali-Americana, 95.
Botany of Beechey's Voyage, 95.
Iceland, 135.
Hooper's Medical Dictionarj', 102.
Hope's Costume of the Ancients, 121.
on Household Furniture, 123.
Anastasius, 381.
Hopital (Life of M. de 1'), 282.
Hopkins' (E.) Works, 35.
Life, 35.
(S.) Doctrines of Revelation, 43.
Hopkinsoni Descri;itio Paradisi, 17^
Hopkinson Manuscripts, 432.
Horace's Art of Poetry, by Hard, 359.
Horatii Opera, 418.
translated, 418.
Horace in London, 368.
Horberry's Works, 35.
Horchius de Igne Sacro et de IMusica, 24.
Home (G.) on the Psalms, 12.
Sermons, 57-
(T.) Necessity of the Reformation,
(T. H.) Introduction to the Bible, 9.
Doctrine of the Trinity, 43.
Tour to the Lakes, 191.
Bibliography, 340.
Classification of a Library, 345.
Horsemanship, 127-
Horsley's (J.) Britannia Romana, 185.
(S.) Book of Psalms, G.
Biblical Criticism, 14.
Controversial Tracts, 43.
Sermons and Charges, 57-
Speeches, 24G.
Horticultural Transactions, 126.
Hotman de Furoribus Gallicis, 282.
Hotmani Varia de Antiquitatibns Ro-
man. 165.
Hottinger (H.) de variis Orient. Inscript.
de Nummis Orient. 2.3.
(J. C.) de Decimis Hebrieorum, 20.
( J. H. ) de Geogr. Terra; Chanaan, 1 7.
Jus HebriBorum, I7.
. Cippi Hebraica, 25.
Hottomaiii Varia de Antiquitatibus Ro-
man. 163.
Houbraken's Heads, 315.
Hough ( Life, &c. of Bp.), 322.
Houghton Hall Gallery, 117.
Hovedon (Roger de), Hist. Anglicana,220.
Howard's (C.) Howard Family, 336.
(G.) Lady Jane Grey, 230.
(I\Iem. ofH.) Earl of Surrey, .399.
(Mem. of II.) E. of Northampton,
Howard's (J.) State of Prisons, 84.
Lazarettos, 84.
(Memoirs of), 322.
Howell (J.) on Forreine Travel, 130.
Character of England, &c. 195.
LondinopoHs, 205.
Character of the Low Countries, 279.
Howes' Chronicle, 225.
Howison's Upper Canada, 153.
Hoyland's Poems, 3G8.
Hozier, I'Ordre de St. Esprit, 332.
Huber on Bees, 100.
on Ants. 100.
Hue, Louis XVI, 285.
Huet de Situ Paradisi, 17-
de Navigationihus Salomonis, 17.
Hist, of Romances, 379.
Hughes' (G.) Barbadoes, 89.
(J.) South of France, 140.
Hnlseau Lectures, 55.
Hulsius de Jehova, Deo, Rege, &c. 21.
de Secliinah, 21.
de Corpore, Velo, et Sepul. Moysis,
Humbert, Blanuel dii Publiciste, 69.
Humboldt (A. de), Voyage dans I'Ameri-
que, 155.
Hume's (D.) Essays, 80.
History of England, 226.
(Sir D.) Proceedings of the Parlia-
ment of Scotland, 267.
Humfrey's Nobles, 332.
Humphreys de Decanis Bangor. 253.
Hungarian Bible, 7-
HuHgaricorum Poetarum Delitiffi, 361.
Hunt's Tudor Architecture, 122.
Architettura Campestre, 123.
Designs for Parsonage-Houses, 123.
Hunter's (H.) Sacred Biography, 43.
(J.) New South Wales, 157.
Doncaster, 217-
Who wrote Cavendish's Wolsey ?
Library of Bretton, 345.
Hallamshire Glossary, 354.
(J. D.) N. American Indians, 154.
Hunting, 127.
Huntingdoniensis (Hen.) Historia Ang.
Himtingdonshire Topography, 202.
Hurd (R.) on the Prophecies, 15.
(Bp.) Works, 398.
Hurdis's Lectures on Poetry, 300.
Poems, 368.
Hurtley'slMalham, 217.
Hiitchins' Dorset, 199.
Hutchinson (Memoirs of Col.), 236.
(.Memoirs of Lucy), 237-
{W ■) Excursion to the Lakes, 189.
Cumberland, 198.
Durham, 199.
Hutten'.s Oxford, 209.
Hutton's (C.) 3iathema.tical Dictionaryj
Math. Tracts, 102.
JMath. Recreations, 102.
Math. Tables, 102.
Conic Sections, 102.
Mensuration, 102.
(.J.) Theory of the Earth, 90.
Hutton's (W.) Derby, 198.
Bosworth Field, 228.
on North ^^ales, 256.
Hyde Veterum Persarum, &c. Religio, 67.
Mandragorius, 128.
Hyder All's iMemoirs, 304.
Hyett's Sepulchral Mem. of Northamp-
tonshire, 208.
Hyginius de Castris Romanorum, 166.
lamblicus de Vita Pythagorica, 418.
Ibbot on Freethinking, 52.
Iceland (Travels in), 135.
Icelandic History, 274.
Language, 357-
Iconographie des Contemporains, 315.
Ignatii Apostoli Opera, 34.
Epistolas, 212.
Ihre on the Icelandic Edda, 135.
Glossarium Suio-Gothicum, 357-
Ikenius de Funere, Sepultura, &c. 25.
Illingworth's Scampton, 204.
Inchbald's British Theatre, 391.
Farces, 391.
India ( Travels hi), 149.
Indian History, .302.
Inglis' Spain, 141.
Ingram's (H.) Flowers of the Wye, 368.
(J.) Saxon Chronicle, 222.
Ingulphi Abbatis Croylandensis Historia,
220 and 221.
Inheritance (the), 383.
Innes' Ancient Inhabitants of Scotland,
Innett's Origines Anglicanae, 251.
Innisfalenses Annales, 271-
Inquisition, 65.
Inquisitionum Post Mortem Calend. 247.
Ducatus Lancastria;, 247.
Scotiaj Abbreviatio, 247.
Inscriptions, 176.
Institut (Memoires de 1'), 340.
Intellectual Philosophy, ^G.
Inveges Carthago Seculi, 297.
Panormus Antiqua, 297-
Irailh, Querelles Littcraires, 337-
Ireland (Articles of the Chui-ch of), 33.
Ireland's (J.) Paganism and Christianity,
(S.) English Rivers, 192.
Inns of Court, 207-
(W. H.) Shakespeare Papers, 394.
Confessions, 394.
Irish Bible, 7.
Irish Topography, ^c. 269.
Highlands (lietters from), 270.
History, 270.
Ecclesiastical History, 273.
'\V%>rtbies, 314.
Language, 354.
Poetry, .374.
Ironside's Twickenham, 213.
Irving's (D.) Scottish Poets, 31.3.
(Wash.) Novels, 381 and 383.
A lb am lira, 438.
Isacke's Exeter, 199.
Isa!us on the Athenian Law of Succession,
Islands Landnambok, 275.
Isocratis Opera, 418.
Isocrates' Orations translated, 421.
Italia (Giornale Literaria d'), 340.
Italian Bible, 7-
Costumes, 121.
Italian School of Painting^ 111.
History, 292.
Language, 355.
Poetry, .375.
Novels, 387.
Drama, 395.
Italorum Poemata Latina, 361.
Italy {Travels in), 137.
Jablonski Remphan Egypt. Dens, 21.
Jacob's (G.) Law Dictionary by Tomlius
[misp. TomAins], 73.
(J. D.) de Foro in Portis, 22.
(W.) on the Corn-Trade, 85.
on Precious Metals, 85.
South of Spain, 141.
Jackson's (J. G.) Morocco, 144.
(T,) Works and Life, 35.
Jacotius de Philosophorum Doctrina, 1G2.
Jalir de Precibus Gentilinm Expiat. 20.
Jahn's Hebrew Commonwealth, (JO.
James 1. of Scot. Poetical Remains, 374.
Life, 374.
II.'s Airt of Scottis Poetrie, 362.
James VI. 264.
(Historic of), 266.
I.'s Bible, 5.
Basilikon Doron, 81 .
Reception at Oxford, 211.
Secret History, 232.
Progresses, 233.
I. 232; 11.240.
James's (G. P. R.) Charlemagne, 280.
(W.) Naval History, 243.
Jameson's Mineralogy, 91.
Roman Camps in Scotland, 258.
Jamieson's (J.) Ancient Culdees, 268.
Hermes Scythicus, 357.
. Scottish Dictionary, 354.
. (R.) Ballads and Songs, 363.
Jannotti de Repub, Venetorum, 293.
Jansenins (Account of), 65.
Janson Hortus IMalabaricus, 94.
Janus de Vite Aurea Templi, 18.
Japanese History, 306.
Authors (List of), .306.
Jarrin's Confectioner, 126.
Jeanne d'Arc, (Memoires de),281.
Jeannin (Negotiations de), 283.
Jebb's (J.) Sacred Literature, 10.
Sermons, 57.
(S.) de Vita Scotorum Reginae, 265.
Jefferson's Memoirs, 310.
Jeffrey of ]\Ionmouth's British Hist. 222.
See also Galfredus.
(T.) Dresses of different Nations, 193.
Yorkshire, 216.
Jehan's (Shah) Rules, 303.
(Hist, de) de Sainctre, 380.
Jehanguier (Mem. of the Emperor), 303.
Jehringius de Regione Tliarsis, I7.
Jenichen Thesaurus Juris Feudalis, 70.
Jenkins' (A.) Exeter, 199.
(Life and Letters of Sir L.), 239.
Jenkinson's Wit's Theatre, 402.
Jeunens's King Lear, 393.
Jennings' Jewish Antiquities, 25.
Jessen de Finnorum Rel. Pag. &c. 276.
Jesuits (History of the), 65.
Jewell's Works and Life, 36.
Apologia, 43.
Jewish History (Ancient), 16.
(Modern), 60.
Joanna of Naples ( Life of), 299.
Jodrell's English Philology, 352.
Jotfredi Nica?a Monumenta, 295.
John III.'s Letters Patent, 277.
Johnson's (C.) Highwaymen, 313.
(J.) Manks Jurisprudence, 74.
Typographia, IO7.
Aristarchus Anti-Ben tleianus, 418.
(S.) History of iMagna Charta, 73.
Tour to the Hebrides, 261.
(Life of S.), .322 and 398.
Dictionary, 353.
Works, 398.
. Letters by Piozzi, 403.
Johnston Historia Rerum Brit. 231.
Johnstone's (Chev.) Rebellion in 1745-6,
(J.) Chronicles of Man, 218.
Antiquitates Scelto-Scandise, 222.
Joinville, Histoire de Loys IX, 281.
Jona; (A.) Crymogaja, '275.
(R.) Grammatica Islandica, 357-
Jones's (D.) Secret Hist, of Whitehall, 239.
(I.) Stone-Heng, 215.
(J.) on the Canon of the New Test. 9.
Moral Tendency of Revelation, 54.
de Lingua Shelhensi, 350.
(R.) Booke of Honour, 330.
(S.) Sheridan's Diet, improved, 353.
(T.) Brecknockshire, 257.
(T. S.) Sermons, 57.
(V\^.) Works, 36.
Life, 36.
(Sir W.) Works, 398.
Life, 322.
Jonson's Works, 391.
Life, 391.
Jonston de Festis Grfficornm, 161.
Jortin on the Christian Religion, 44.
Observations, 358.
Joscelini Libri Saxonici, 219.
Joseph i Opera, 16.
translated, 16.
Josef (La Vie du Veritable Pere), 283.
Joubertus de Gymnasiis, 167.
de Balneis, 167.
Jouy (E.), CEuvres, 398.
Jovii (B.) Hist. Novoc(jmensis, 293.
(P.) Descriptiones, 129.
. de Rom. Picibus, 167.
Histoire de son Temps, 183.
Descript. Ijacus Larii, 293.
Vitfw Vicecom. 3Iediol. 293.
on the Turke's Chronicle, 300.
Jowett's Christian Researches, 65.
Juelli Apologia, 43.
.Julian's Works translated, 418.
•Tumiege, les Dues de Normandie, 290.
Junius's Letters, 246.
de Pictura Vet. 108.
(F.) Biblia I^atina, 4.
Etymologicon Anglicanum, 352.
(H.) de Annis et Mensibus, 165.
Junii Fastorum Liber, 165.
Jurisprudence, G/.
Jurisprudentia ante Justinianea, G9.
Jus Provinciale Alemaunicum, 70.
Justelli Codex Canonum Ecc. Afric. 27-
Justiciary Lmv, 74.
Justin Martyr's Apology for Christianity,
Justinianus de Origins Urbis Venet. 293.
Institutiones, 70.
Corpus Juris, 70.
Institutes translated, 419.
Justiui Historia, 418 and 419.
Juvenalis Satiraj, 419.
translated, 419.
Juvenis de Ant. /itj, 202.
Kerr's (R.) Agriculture of Berwickshire,
Collection of Voyages, 131.
History of Scotland, 263.
Kernel', le Raisin, 95.
lea 31('lous, 95.
Keronis Interp. Regula; S. Bened. 65.
Flowers of Wit, 401.
Kettell's American Poets, 364.
Kidder on the Messias, 51.
Kidwillie (State of), 257-
Kilburne's Kent, 202.
Killiani Etymologicon Teutonicon, 356.
Killing no Murder, 238.
King's (D.) Vale Royal, 197.
(E.) Morsels of Criticism, 14.
Monnmenta Antiqua, 190.
(31. P.) on Music, 105.
(P. P.) Australia, 158.
New Zealand, 158.
(W-) Own Times, 241.
Kingsborough (Lord) Mexican Antiqui-
ties, 172.
Kinneir's IMarches of Alexander, 129.
Asia ]\Iinor, 148.
Persia, 149.
Kinschotti Poe'raata, 361.
Kinsey's Portugal, 141.
Kip, Theatre dela Grande Bretagne, 191.
Kippis's Biographia Britannica, 312.
Kirby's Suffolk Traveller, 212.
Entomology, 98.
Kircher de iMusica, Sec. 24.
de IMusurgia, 24.
IMundus Subterraneus, 90.
Sphinx Mystogoga, 107.
Kirk's Nature of Elves, &c. 259.
Kirkmajer ad Tacit. Hist, de Reims Jud.
Kirkpatrick's Nepaui, 151.
Kirkton's Church of Scotland, 269.
Khakani (Kuliat Hakim), 378.
Klaproth. Supplement au Diet. Chinoise,
Klingsted sur les Samojedis, 135.
Klopstock's JMessiah, 44.
Knevet's Rhodon and Iris, 392.
Knights made by Abbots, 332.
Knight's (E. C.) Latium, 1.39.
(J.) Divinity of Christ, 52.
(R. P.) Greek Alphabet, 350.
on Taste, 359.
Knortler's Stratforde Papers, 250.
Knox's (J.) Forme of Prayers, ^c. 31.
Reformation iu Scotland, 268.
I/ettre to the Ladie i\larie, 268.
Appellation, 268.
Against the Regiment of Women,
Life bv Ruddiman, 268.
bvM^Crie, 268.
_ (R.) Ceylon, 306.
— (V.) Elegant Extracts, Verse, 364.
— M'orks, 398.
Knyghton (Hen.) Historia, 221.
Kobier/.ykius de Luxti Ronianortim, 165.
Koch (le Numniorum Hebr. Insc. 23.
Hist, (les Iraitis de Paix, 68.
Kohlius in Litteram Slavunum, 339.
Kolan Nattannawa, 378.
Koran, translated by Sale, 6G.
Koster's Brazil, 156.
Kotzebne's \''oyage, 132.
Italy, 138.
liife, 323.
Kiaut'/.ii ^^'aIKlalorum, &e. Orifjn, 274.
Keium Germanic. Hist. 277-
Kriiml)h()ltz Siicerdotiiim Hebrworum, 18.
Kunth I'lantie ,'Eiiuiiioctia!es, 155.
Revision dcs Graminijes, 155.
Mimoses, &c. 155.
Kuttner's German Dictionary, 356.
Labat, Voyage en Espagne, 141.
Lablia^ (C.) Glossariuni, 351.
Labbe (P.) de Hist. Byzant. Scriptoribus,
Notitia Dignitatum, 182.
Labeaume's Campaign in Russia, 276.
Lal)itti Usus Paiulectarum, 70.
Laborde, Pave d'ltalica, 172.
La Borde. See Borde.
Lacombe, Diet, du Vieux Langage, 355.
La Croix, de Calcul Differentiel, 102.
La Croze de variis Linguis, 348.
Histoire du Christianisme des Indes,
Lactantii Opera, 34.
La Harpe, Cours de Litterature, 347.
— JMelanges de Litterature., 347.
Laing's History of Scotland, 266.
Lake's Works and Life, 36.
Lakemacher de Gad et Meni, 21.
Lalamantius de Tempore, 162.
de Anno Romano, 165.
Lamarca, Henrique de Castro, 388.
Lamb's English Dramatic Poets, 391.
Lambard de Priscis Ang. Legibus, 73-
Diet. Angliae Topograpbia;, 185.
Lamliecii Notee in Kalendarium Vetus,
Lambert's Canada and the United States,
Lamballe (Princesse de), Memoires, 285.
Lambinet, Origine de I'Imprimerie, 340.
Lamont's Diary, 266.
Lamotte, le Nord de I'Europe, 136.
Lampe de Cymbalis Veterum, 24.
Lampridus ^lius, 40D.
Lamy de Levitis Cantoribns, 24.
Lancashire Topography, 203.
Lancaster's F]vidences of Christianity, 54.
Lancastriaj Ducatus Inquisitiones, 247.
Lancelot's Tour to la Grand Chartreuse,
Lander's (R.) Africa, 145.
(R. and J.) Course of the Niger, 145.
Landon, (Euvres des Peintres, 111.
Annales de fllusee, 117-
. Galerie Historique, 311.
Landseer (J.) on Engraving, 119.
(T.) Sketches of Animals, 96.
Landt's Feroe Islands, 275.
Laneham's Elizabeth's Entertainment at
Kenil worth, 231.
Langbaine's Eng. Dramatic Poets, 390.
Langebek Scriptores Danici, 274.
I>angius de Vet. Anno Romanorum, 165.
Langres sur la Revolution Fr;:nc. 286.
Lanyuaxje (on the Origin, S^e. of), 348.
Languasen de Mense Heliraiorum, 19.
Languedocien (Dictionnaire), 355.
Langhorne's Hist, of England, 222.
Lanigan's Eccles. Hi.st. of Ireland, 273.
Lanjuinais (le Comte) sur le 31 Mai., 28C.
Lanquet's Chronicle, 224^
Landscape Annual, 407-
Lansdowne ]\ISS. Catalogue, 345.
Langtoft's Chronicle, 223.
Ijantd, Costumes de la France, 121.
Lanzi, Storia Pittor. della Italia, 109.
translated, 109.
Lanzoiiius (J.) de Jatrophysicis Ferrari-
ensibiis, 296.
(P.) de Coronis Conviviis, 168.
de Luctu Mortuali, 168.
Lapland (Travels in), 135.
{HUtorg of), 275.
(Language of ), 357-
Lardner's Works, 36.
Life, 36.
Larae (Historia VII. Infantum), 120.
Las Cases, Atlas Historique, 129.
Journal, 288.
Lastinasa, Medallas Espanolas, 176.
Latham's (.1.) Synopsis of Birds, 97-
(S.) P'alconry, 128.
Latimer's Sermons, 57-
(Life of), 57.
Latin Bibles, 3 and 4.
Language, 351.
-: Poetry, 360.
Romances, 379.
Latour, le Langage des Fleurs, 402.
Latreille, Hist, des Crustacees etinsectes,
Latrobe's (J. A.) Music of the Church, 31.
(C. J.) Alpenstock, 137-
Pedestrian, 438.
Laud (Lifeof Abp.), 234.
Scotch Service-Book, 30.
Laurembergii (J.) (irfficia Antiqua, 160.
Laurentius (J.) de CiihartBdis, &c. 24.
Varia de Antiquitatibus Grsecorum,
de Desponsatione Maris Adriaticse,
-de IMonacis Ezerinus tertius, 294.
Laval's Reformation in France, 63.
Lavallee, la Grece, 143.
Lavater's Physiognomy, 79.
Lavender's Travels, 132.
Lavington's Sermons, 57-
(Life of), 57.
Law, 67.
Law (J.) of Lauriston's Life, 284.
• (VV.) Christian Perfection, 44.
Serious Call, 44.
Lawrence (R.) on the Calvinistical Arti-
cles, 53.
Interests of Ireland, 270.
(Sir T.) Portraits, 119.
(Lifeof), 323.
Lazii Grjecia Antiqua, 160.
Leake's (S. M.) English Money, 175.
(W. M.) Morea, 143.
Greek Revolution, 300.
Researches in Greece, 351.
Lebon (les Crimes de Joseph), 287'
Le Brun's Battles of Alexander, 113.
I'Escalier de Versailles, 114.
Galerie de Peintres, 114.
Leckie on the Balance of Power, 82.
Lie Clerc's Practical Geometry, 104.
Ledwich's Antifiniries of Irelaiul, 2G9.
Lee's Collection of Butterflies, 99.
(S.) Hebrew Grammar, 349.
Lee Priory Poetical Works, 364.
Leger, Histoire des Vaudoises, 62.
Legh's (T.) Egypt, 146.
Syria, 148.
Le Grand, Fabliaux, 374.
Leemius de Ivapponibus, 27G.
licibnitz de variis Linguis, 348.
Leicester Gallery, 116.
(E. of) Commonwealth, 231 and 435.
Life, 231.
Leicestershire Topography, 204.
Leigh's Lancashire, 203.
(E.) on the Roman Emperors, 180.
England described. 1G8.
French Proverbs, 401.
(G.) Armorie, 331.
Leigh Court Gallery, 116.
Leighton's Works, 36.
Life, 36.
Leith's Prince of Wales's Island, 306.
Leland's (J.) View of Deistical Writers,
on Christian Revelation, 44.
(J.) Journey, 185.
Itinerary, 188.
Collectanea, 193.
de Script. Britannicis, 219.
(Life of John), 314.
Genethliacon, 361.
Cvgnea Canfio, 361.
(f .) Philip of Macedon, 179.
on M'Pherson's British History,
Laus Galfredi Monumetensis, 222.
Ireland, 271.
Lelong Bil)li()theca Sacra, 10.
Bibliotheque Historiquede la France,
Le IVIaitre, Sermons, 57.
Le Mesurier on Schism, 54.
Le Moine. See JMoine.
Lemon's State Papers, 248.
Lempriere's Classical Dictionary, 159.
Le Neve's Hlonumenta Anglicana, 192.
Fasti Ecclesise Anglicana^, 253.
Lenfant, Concile de Pise, 27-
Concile de Constance, 27-
Concile de Basle, 27.
liCng on Revelation, 52.
Lenoir (A.), Explication des Hicro-
glyphes, 107.
Hist, de I'Art en France, 108.
Peintre sur Verre, 111.
IVIonumens Francais, 289.
Lent de Jiuiaaorum pseudo-Mcssiis, 21.
lieo Juda's (fermaiio-Swiss Bible, 7-
Leo X. (Life of), 299.
Leonis Africanis Africw Descriptio, 144.
translated by Pory, 306.
Deacoiii Hist. Byzant. 182.
(A.) Urbis Nola- Descriptio, 295.
Leontii IMcclianica, 410.
Le Houx, Dictiounaire Comique, &c. 355.
Le Hoy. See Roy.
liC Sage. See Las Cases.
Le Sage, Gil Bias, 386.
IvcsLhus (J.) de Origine, &c. Scotorum,
■ de Titulo, &c. Maris Scotorum, 264.
de Illustr. Foeminarum Authoritate,
de Rebus Gestis regnante Maria,
Lesley's History of Scotland, 263.
Life, 265.
Proceedings on his Emhassie in
England, 265.
Leslie's (C.) Method with Deists, 44.
(Sir J.) Natural Philosophy, 86.
Philosophy of Arithmetic, 103.
{W.) Agriculture of Nairn and
Moray, 125.
Lesson, Histoire des Oiseaux-Mouches,
Histoire des Colibris, 438.
Histoire des Trochylidees, 438.
L'Estrange's Alliance of Divine Offices,
LethieulHers, Bayeux Tapestries, 194.
Lettres Edifiantes, 64.
Le Vaillant. See Vaillant.
Le Vasor, Histoire de Louis XIII, 283.
Levesque, Histoire de Russie, 276.
Levizac, Bibliotheque des Vers Franfoises,
Lewin's (J. W.) Lepidopterous Insects of
N. S. Wales, 100.
(W.) British Birds, 9?.
Lewis's (G.) Costume, &c. of France and
Germany, 121.
(J.) on English Translations of the
Bible, 10.
Church Books, Vestments, &c. 186.
on the Use of Seals, 194.
Faversham Church, 203.
Isle of Thanet, 203.
Suffragan Bishops, 253.
Lewis and Clarke's Source of the Mis-
souri, 154.
Lewkenor on Forraine Cities, 184.
Leycester's Chester, 197.
Ley den's Africa, 144.
Comjilaint of Scotland, 263.
Poetical Remains, 369.
Life, 369.
Leyser de Poesi Hebrieorum, 24.
liibanius translated, 418.
liiber Quotidianus Garderobae, 194.
Niger Scaccarii, 246.
Liberal Arts, 107-
TAbraries {on), 345.
Liceti j)ro Cesenw Ant. Apologia, 294.
Licbentstein's South Afric^i, 146.
Lichtenberger Initia Typograpbica, 340.
Liebentaiitius de Terr;'i 3Iorijah, 18.
Liglit (tlie) of Britayne, 219.
Light's Sicilian Scenerx', 140.
Liglitfoot Chorogra|)bia in l^vangellos, 17.
Descriptio Templi llierus. 18.
IMinisterium Templi, 18.
Works, 'Mi.
IVIcmoirs, 36.
Flora Scotica, 94.
Lights and Shadows of Scottish Life, 383.
Ligoriua de Vehictilis Antiquonim, 169.
Ligorii Dpscriptio Villa> Tiliurtiiiff'. 21)5.
liillv's Ijile niul Times, JJj-
C'lironicou, 224.
^Monarchy and No JMonarchy, 23G.
Limborclii Theologia Christiana, 45.
Lincoln (Eails of) Genealogy, ."i^O.
Ijincolnsliire (Asjriculture oi' ), 125.
Topographi/, 204.
Lindalil Ijexicon Ijapponicum, 357.
Liiidenbrogii Codex Legum Antiquorum,
liindley's Brazil, 15G.
Lindsay. See Ijyndsay.
Liiigard's History of England, 226.
Ijinna?ns's Tonr in Lapland, 135.
System of Nature, fi?-
liingTiet, JMemoires sur la Bastile, 280.
Lipenius de Navigationibus Salonionis et
de Ophir, 17-
Strenarum Historia, ICC.
Iji|)scoml)'s rJuckinghanisln're, 19C.
Lipsius de Vesta et Vestalibus, 1C4.
Saturnalia. 160.
de Ampliitheatro, 100.
Lister's Synopsis Concliyliorum, 100.
Literature, 330.
Literary History, 330.
History of the Fourteenth and
Fifteenth Centuries, 337-
Souvenir, 407-
Lithgow's Siege of Newcastle, 439.
Littara de Rebus Netinis, 297-
Little's Abingdon, 190.
Lituryics, 29.
Livii Historian, 419.
translated, 419.
Forojuliensis Vita Henrici V. 228.
Lizars' Anatomical Plates, 102.
Llorente, Histoire de I'lnquisition, 05.
Lloyd's (D.) State Worthies, 313.
(L.) Northern Field Sports, 127-
Lluyd's (E.) Arclueologia Britannica,
(H.) Breviary of Britayne, 187-
Loliineau, Histoire de Bretagne, 290.
Lobo, Hist. d'Abyssinie, 307-
Locatus de Placentina; Urbis Origine, 293.
Locke's Works, 398.
(Life of ), 323.
Lockhart's (G.) Lockhart Papers, 208.
(.J. G.) Spanish Ballads, 377.
Novels, 384 and 385.
Lodge's (E.) Illustrations of British Hist.
Illustrious Portraits, 315.
English Peerage, 333.
Existing Peerage, 333.
Genealogy of the Peerage, 335.
(J.) Desiderata Hibernica, 273.
Irish Peerage, .3.34.
(T.) Glaucus and Silla, .309.
Loeve-Veimars de la Litteratuie Alle-
mande, 339.
liofFredi Antiquitatis Puteolorum Desc.
Logan's (J.) Privileges,&c. of London, 200.
Analogia Honorum, 332.
Logarithmic! Scriptores, 103.
lioggan's (D.) Oxonia Illusirata, 210.
Loyic, 79-
liombardus de Balneis Puteolanis, 295.
Ijoniejerns de Osculis, 23.
Londinensls Synodi Articuli, ."2.
liondini Architectura Ecclesiastica, 200.
London {Tnpor/raphy of), 205.
(Chronicle of), 205.
(Diary of Events in), 431.
(Description of), 431.
(XII. Companies of), 432.
Institution Catalogue, 345.
Londonderry's War in Germany, &c. 244.
Long's (E.) Jamaica, 311.
(R.) Astronomy, 104.
Longinus de Sublimitate, 419 and 420.
translated, 420.
Longland's (R.) [misjirinted Thomas'\
Piers Ploughman, 3G9.
Longus, 409.
Lonsdale (Life of Lord), 314.
Looker-on, 405.
Loon de IMaimmissione Servorum Roma-
norum, 109.
Lope de la Vega (Life of C), 323.
Obras, 398.
Lopez de Ayala,Historia de Gibralter, 292.
Lords of Session (Cat. of the), 207.
Ijorenzo de Medicis (Life of), 299.
Lorris, Rommant de la Rose, 374.
Loskeil's Moravian Mission in N. Ame-
rica, 00.
Lossius de Epispasmo Judaico, 21.
Lothian's History of the Netherlands,
Loudon (J.) on Country Residences, 124.
(J. C.) Magazine of Nat. Hist. 89.
Encyclopffdia of Plants, 92.
Encyc. of Agriculture, 124.
Encyc. of Gardening, 125.
Louis IX. 281; XIIL and XIV. 283;
XV. 284 ; XVL 285.
le Grand (Medailles de), 170.
XIV. (CEuvres de), 283.
Lounger (the), 405.
liovat's (Lord) Rleraoirs, 267.
Lovell's Poems, 304.
Lovelace's Lucasta, Epodes, &c. 369.
Low Countries {History of ), 278.
Lowe's Agriculture of Notts, 125.
Lowman on the Revelations, 11.
Jewish Civil Government, 25.
Hebrew Ritual, 25.
Lowndes's (T.) Romaic Lexicon, 351.
(W. T.) Bibliographer's Maimal,
Lowth's Isaiah, 0.
de Sacra Poesi Hebraeorum, 10, 24.
translated, 10.
on the Prophets, 11.
Oratio Crewiana, 24.
Lowther's (Von) Analysis of Nobility,
Lubec de Decisionibus Feniculamenti
Hebr. 20.
Lucani Pharsalia, 420.
translated, 420.
Luchet sur les Illumines,
Luciani Opera, 420.
translated, 420.
Opnscula, 420.
Luciiii Satyrie, 41.3, 422.
Lucius de Regno Illyrici, 297-
luscriptiones DalmaticiB, 297-
Lucius Ampellus, 41(;.
l^ucretius de Kerum Natura, 420.
translated, 420.
Luders' Character of Henry V. 228.
Ludlow's IMemoirs, 236.
Letters, 234.
Ludolphi Historia ^thiopica, .307.
Grammatica Amharica, 349.
Lexicon Amharicum, 349.
Lexicon yEthiopicum, 349.
Ludorum (de) Antiquorum Consuetudine,
Lupsete's Way of Dying Well, 45.
Lutheri Biblia Germanica [Printer's name
Hans, misprinted A. Lutft], 7-
0])era, 36.
Life, 03.
Luzac Lectiones Atticas, 358.
Lycophronis Alexandra, 420.
translated, 420.
Lydius de Juramento, 22.
de Re JMilitari Synt. Sacrum, 22.
Lye S. Evangelia (iothica, 3.
Lyell's Geology, 90.
Lylie's Euphues, 382.
Euphues and his England, 382.
Lyudsay's Complaint of .Scotland, 263.
Poetical Works, 374.
Life, 374.
Lvnne's Scripture Texts for the Sycke,
Lyon's (G. F.) Northern Africa, 144.
Journal of the Hecla, 153.
(J.) Dover, 203.
Lycerus de a'DDy, &c. 23.
Lysise Orationes, 421.
translated, 421.
Lysons' (D.) Environs of London, 207-
(D. and S.) Magna Britannia, 188.
(S.) Roman Antiquities of Wood-
chester, 201.
Lyttleton's (Lord) Henry II. 227.
I\l iscelJaiieous Works, 398.
]Mably,le Droit Publique de I'Europe, C8.
JMacanei Verbani Laciis Descriptio, 290.
IMaccaronicaruin Carmina, 361.
Wacarius's Travels in Greece, 143.
]\IacCartliy (Cat. du Biblothequede), 340.
I\lacartney's China, 151.
(Life of), 323.
M'Crie's Reformation in Italy, 04.
.— Reformation in Spain, 64.
See also Brysson, Knox, Melville,
and Veitch.
iM'Curtin's Irish Dictionary, 354.
Macculloch's (J.) Highlands of Scotland,
Western Isles, 261.
(J. R.) Commercial Dictionary, 85.
JNIacdiarniiil's British Statesmen, 313.
IVIacdonald's Denmark aiul Sweden, 137-
JMacdonnel's Dictionary of Qiu)tations, 348.
Macfarlane's Constantinople, 142.
INIacgregor's British America, 310.
Mackenzie Genealogy, 336.
(A.) Voyag(!s to the Frozen Sea, 153.
(C.) Haiti, ir)4.
Mackenzie (Sir G.) on Precedency, 332.
(Sir G. S. ) Agriculture of Ross and
Cromarty, 121.
Iceland, 135.
(H.) Works, 398.
I\Iackintosh's Hist, of the Revolution, 240.
IMacknight's Aj)ostolical Epistles, 6.
Life of St. Paul, 6.
Harmony of the Gospels, 8.
JMaclaine's Sermons, 57.
IMacleod's Voyage of the Alceste, 152.
^lacklin's Bible, 5.
Alacmichael's Constantinople, 142.
JMacneil's Poetical Works, 374.
Macpherson's (D.) Origin of Commerce,
(J.) British History, 219.
Original Papers, 250.
RIackrell's King's Lynn, 208.
fllacrobii Opera, 421.
fliaderus de Coronis Xuptiarum, 165.
Maddox (I.) on Neal's Puritans, 256.
(T.) Historv of the Exchequer, 75.
Maffei Teatro, 395.
(."\I. S.) Verona, 139.
de Amphitheatro Veronensi, 169.
de Amphitheatro et Theatro Gallise,
Magdeburg Centuriators, 62.
JMagee on the Atonement, 45.
Magius de Tintinnabulis, 168.
de Equuleo, 168.
Magliabechi (Parallel between) and R.
Hill, 328.
I\Iagna Charta, 73.
I\Iagnetism, 87.
Magni (St.) Vita, 201.
(O.) Historia Settentrionala, 274.
3fahommed(iui.sm, (jlj.
Mahon's Life of Belisarius, 182.
\Var of the Succession, 438.
Mailla, Histoire de la Chine, 305.
IMaillare, Histoire de la Convention Nat.
]\Iailro5 (Chronica de), 221.
I\Iaimbourg's HistiU'y of the League, 239.
Maimonides de Templo, Vasis, &c. Saiic-
tuarii, 18.
Vita, 18.
de Novilunio, 19.
de liuctu, 24.
Maintenon (.'Memoires de Madame de),
Lettres inedites, 284.
liettres, 403.
JMaitlaud (Memoirs of Secretary), 264.
(Sir R.) House of Seton, 33o.
Scottish Poems, 373.
Poems, 374.
(Sir J. and T.) Poems, 374.
(W.) L(md(m, 205.
Edinliurgh, 26(t.
IMaittaire AnnaU's Typographici, 341.
English (irainniur, '.i.Y.i.
.>Iiscellaiiea(irii'(i)rum Carmina, 408.
Poetii' Latini, 40!».
Mains de Kijun et Rem])han, 21.
de Lustrationilius, iVc. Hebrajorum,
de Purificatione IVIiral)ili, 21.
Mains de Philothesis, &c. Hebrseonim, 23.
Specimina Linguae Puiiic;v, 297-
JNIajoragii de Senatu Romanorum, 108.
IMalabaric Dictionary, 350.
IMalaspinse Rei Sicularum, 297'
Malaterra de Gestis Rob. Guiscardi, &c.
Liberatio Messinae a Saracenonim,
Genealogia Regiim Siciliae, 297.
i\Ialayan Four Gospels and Afts, 8.
Familvs IMemoirs, 323.
I\Ialcolm's (Sir J.) Sketcbes of Persia, 149.
(Sir J.) History of Persia, 302.
India, 303.
Central India, 304.
Silihs, 304,
(J. P.) London, 205.
]\Iannersand Customs of London, 206.
Manners and Customsof Europe, 184.
JMalden's King's College, Cambridge, 197-
Ulalberlie, Poesies, 375.
(Vie de), 375.
i\!allet's Nortbern Antiquities, 273.
I\Ialling, Traits Wemorables de Danois,
]\Ialliot, les Costumes Anciennes, 121.
IMalmsburiensis (Gul.) de Ecclesia Glas-
toniensi, 211.
Historia Angliae, 220 and 221.
History, 223.
(Anonymi) Historia, 221.
Malone's English Stage, 390.
on the Shakespeare Papers, 394.
Ulaltebrun's Geography, 129.
JMalthus on Population, 84.
IVIalton (Privileges of New), 217-
Malynes's Canker of the Commonwealth,
Man's Reconciler of the Bible, 8.
Manchester Phil. Society's IMemoirs, 340.
Library Catalogue, 345.
Mancy, Atlas des Litturatures, 336.
Mandelslo, Voyages dans la Perse, &c.
JlandevlUe's Travels, 431.
Jlanetti (Jannoctii) Vita, 290.
J\laufredi Monumenta Hist. Luca;, 296.
de Archiep. Syracuse, 296.
de Panormitana Majestate, 297-
JNlanilli Villas Burghesiai Descriptio, 295.
I\Ianks Bible, 7-
Manni, Historia del Decamerone, 387-
IManning's Surrey, 213.
Rlanoir's Armoric Gram, and Vocab. 354.
JMansonii Cesen;e Chronologia, 296.
Slant's Common Prayer, 30.
Gospel preached by the National
Clergy, 54.
Sermons, 57-
Manufactures, 126.
Afanu.scripts, 431.
Manutius (A.) de Caelatura, 1()2.
de Toga Rom. 165.
de Tunica Rom. 165.
de Tibiis Vet. 165.
de Reatina Urbe, 167.
Varia de Ant. Rom. 167.
(P.) (le(JivitateetComitiis Iloni. 163.
de Senatu et Legilius Rom. 163.
JVlarcel, Alphabet Irlandais, 354.
JMarcet's Political Economy, (iS.
Conversations on Chemistry, 87.
Marcband sur le Diet, de Bayle, 311.
Marcliangy, la Gaule Poetique, 289.
i\larcbesii Foro-Livii Historia, 296.
IMarchmont Papers, 251.
IVIarco Polo's Travels, 147.
Marganensis [misprinted JMarginensis]
IMargaret Lindsay, 383.
I\Iarguerite de Valois, 380.
Mariana, Histoi'ia de Espana, 291.
Marie de Medicis (Vie de), 283.
]\Iarie Antoinette (Vie de), 285.
Mariner's Tonga Islands, 157.
Mai-iscottus de Personis et Larvis, 166.
iMarivaux, Q3uvres, 398.
]\larkham's Cavalrice, 127.
Carmina, 361.
J\Iarl borough's (Duchess of) Opinions,
(Duke of) Memoirs, 244.
JMarliani Romaj Topogr. 164.
Marlow's Hero and Leander, 369.
Marmontel, JMcmoires, 324.
les Incas, 386.
Contes l^loraus, 386.
J\Iarmyon's Cupid and Psyche, 369.
Marot, CEuvres, 375.
Marottes a Vendre, 407.
]\Ianassis Breviarium Historicum, 182.
Marriage, 383.
IMarriott's Sermons, 57-
Mars (Field of), 244.
Marsden Numismata Orientalia, 174.
Sumatra, 306.
Catalogue of Dictionaries, &c. 344.
Marsliall (Office of Earl), 330.
Marshall's Mortality of the Metropolis,
JMarsillus de Ponte Trajani supra Danu-
bium, 168.
IMarston's Ancient English Poesie, 363.
Works, 392.
J\Iartial de Paris, Poesies, 375.
d'Auvergne, 386.
Martialis Epigrammata, 421.
Graece, 421.
Rlartiu's (J.) Illustrations of the Bible,
lllustr. of Paradise Lost, 369.
(M.) Western Isles, 261.
(P.), I'Expeditiou Franyaise
Egvi)te, 307-
— (T.) Thetford, 208.
(W.) Petrificata Derbiensa, 91.
Martine's St. Andrews, 2(!0.
St. Rule's Chapel, 260.
Martiniere, Dictionnaire Geographique,
IMartinus de Theatro Saguntino, 169.
Martini in Pugiooem Fidei Proiemium,
Martius's Brazil, 156.
]\Iartii Historia Tiburtina, 295.
Martyn's (H.) Sermons, 57.
(T.) Flora Rustica, 124.
Maruccini de Urbe Bassano, 2L;6.
il/«///(Q.), 229.
Mary Queen of Scots' Execution, 208.
■ Queen of Scots, 2(i4 and 205.
RIaseres Scriptores Logarithmic!, 103.
Maskelyne's Astronomical Observations,
Mason's (G. H.) Costume of China, 121.
(J.) Sermons, 57.
(J. J\I.) on Shakespeare, 393.
on Beaumont and Fletcher, 391.
(W.) Works, 398.
(\V. M.) St. Patrick's, Dublin, 270.
Massa de Oiigine, &c. Faliscorum, 295.
Massillon, Sermons, 57.
Petit Careme, 57-
Massinger's Plays, 392.
Masters' Corpus Chris-ti College, 197-
Mathaeus yEgyptus de Bacchinalibus, 168.
(B.) ^lemoriaj Historiae Tusculi,
]\Iathematical Philn.sophy, 102.
]\lather'sEccles. History of New Eng. 04.
IMatter sur I'Ecole d'Alexandrie, 337-
Matthew Wald, 383.
Matthews's Mahomcdan Traditions, 66.
Bible, 4.
Matthias's Pursuits of Literature, 401.
jNIatthiffi's Greek Grammar, 350.
Matthieu, TEntre'e de Marie de Medicis,
Matthioli Comment, in Dioscoridem, 101.
JMaugist-Daygremont (Hystoire de), 379.
iMaundrell's Journey to Jerusalem, 148.
]\Iaupertius on the Celestial Bodies, 104.
Maurelli's Voyage, 154.
Maurice's Indian Antiquities, 302.
Hindostan, 303.
Maurisii Dominorum de Romano Marchiae
Hist. 294.
I\Iaurolyci Sicaniae Historia, 296.
IMaver's Phillipine Islands, 300.
Mavor's Agriculture of Berks, 124.
Mawe's Gardener's Calendar, 120.
(J.) ^Mineralogy of Derbyshire, 91.
on Diamonds, 92.
Conchology, 100.
Biazil, 15(>.
Maximilian's (Prince) Travels in Brazil,
Maximi Tyrii Dissertationes, 421.
translated, 421.
May's Hist, of the Long Parliament, 233.
English History, 238.
Mayart on Ireland, 273.
Mayer, Aventures du Sire d'Armignac,
(F.) de Idolo mu'(<, 21.
(L.) V'iews in Turkey, 142.
V'iews in Egypt, 140.
Views in Palestine, 148.
Mazarin (Hist, du Cardinal), 283 and 284.
MazelliB Puteolorum et Cumarum Desc.
Mazza; Urbis Salernitana? Historia, 295.
Mazzochius in i\lutilum Canij)aui Amph.
(J.) Veji Defensi, 295.
Vejonnn Defens. Apologia, 295.
Mechanics, l(i:{.
I\le of the Regent), 264.
(L.) ICiiglisii (rramniar, 353.
■ (.Airs.) Beauties of Scotland, 258.
Mnsa-i Pocnia, 421.
translated, 421.
Muscovitarum Rerum Scriptores, 276.
Museiiirt Florentiimm, I70.
M'orsleyaimm, I70.
Thoresbyana, l/l-
JMusgrave (G.) Belgie, IV>6.
(8ir K.) Irish Rebellions, 272.
3Iusic, 105.
Bliisica Hebraeorum (Tractatus de), 24.
IMusical Miscellany, 3G5.
IVInsonius de Luxu Gra'cornm, 1(51.
Mnssati de Gestis HenriciVII. 294.
Tra-oeaiaj, 294.
Pot'inata, 294.
IVInt's Balearick Isles, 292.
JMyer's Geography, 129.
Mythology, 06.
jMyvyrian Archaeology, 258.
Nadir Chah (Histoire de), 302.
Nagelins de Liidis Secnlaribus, 24.
Naismith's Agricnltnre of Clydesdale, 125.
Naldii Vita Janiioctoi Manetti, 296.
Nalson's Collections, 233.
Napier's Peninsular War, 244.
Napoleon, 288. See also Bonaparte.
(Correspondance de), 288.
Nardil), Prtdicarenr Evangelique, 58.
Nardini Koma Antica, 139.
HomaVetus, 164.
Veji Antiqui, 295.
Nares (E.) on the Creeds, 33.
Evidences of Christianity, 53.
(R.) Glossary, 353.
Nash's V/orcestershire, 215.
Nattes' Geometry, 104.
Natural Philosophy, 86.
History. 87-
Naturalist (Journal of a), 89.
Naturelles (Dictionnaire des Sciences), 87.
Naudffus de Nomine Sena, 294.
Templi Reatini Instauratio, 296.
Naudet, I'ltalie sous les Goths, 298.
Nanmachius, 409.
Nannton's Fragmenta Regalia, 230.
Naval History of Britain, 243.
Navigation and Naval Architecture.^ 105.
Naylor's Helvetia, 290.
Neal's Puritans, 255 and 6.
New England, 310.
Neale's Views of Seats in Great Britain,
Neamet Ullah's Afghans, 304.
Nearchns' Voyage, 131.
Nebrissensis de Rebus Hispanicisj 290.
Neff (Life of Felix), 438.
Neil's Orkney and Shetland, 261.
Neli Dialogus de Acad. Cantabrigiensi,
Acad. Oxoniensis Delineatio, 210.
Nelson (Life of Viscotint), 243.
(.J.) Islington, 207.
(R.) on the Fasts and Festivals, 31.
Nennii Historia Britaiinorum, 220, 221.
Neocorns de INIuseo Alexandrino, 162.
Neot (Life of Saint), 253.
Nepotis (C.) Imperatorum Vitae, 421.
Nesbet's Heraldry, 331.
Neubrigensis (Gul.) Historia, 220, 223.
Neuf Preux (le Triomphe des). 379.
Neve (P.) on ]\Iilton and English Poets,
Neve's (T.) Christ the Saviour, 53.
See IjC Neve.
Nevill (Testa de), 247-
Newcastle (Tracts on), 438 and 4.39.
(Marq. of) Discipline of War, 433.
Newcome's (P.) St. Alban's, 202.
(W.) Ezekiel, 6.
Minor Prophets, 6.
on our Lord's Conduct, 46.
Newcourt's Repertoriura Ecclesiasticum,
Newenham on the Population of Ireland.
View of Ireland, 270.
Newman's Spanish Dictionary, 356.
Newtoni (I.) Opera, 398.
Life, 204.
(J.) Life, 325.
(T.) Works, 36.
Life, 36.
(W.) Maidstone, 202.
Nibby, Viaggio ne' contorni di Roma, 139.
Nicaeni Concilii Epistolae, &c. 34.
Nicander, 408.
Nicephori Constantinopolitani Historia,
Nicholai IV. Taxatio Ecclesiastica, 247-
Nicholas's New Zealand, 158.
Nichols's (J.) Topographia Britannica,
IMiscellaneons Antiquities, 188.
Leicestershire, 204.
Canonbury House, 208.
Lambeth, 213.
■ Progresses of Queen Elizabeth, 230.
of James I. 233.
Literary Anecdotes, 337.
Illustrations, 338.
Six Old Plays, 393.
Nicholson's German Dictionary, 356.
(G.) Cambrian Guide, 256.
(J.) Cumberland, 198.
Westmoreland, 214.
(P.) Architectural Dictionary, 122.
Mechanical Exercises, 123.
on Masonry, 123.
Nicolai de Synedrio jEgyptiorum, 22.
de Juramento Hebr. Gr. et Rom. 22.
de Phyllobolia, 23.
de Sepulchris Hebrfeorum, 24.
de Ritu Bacchanaliorum, 161.
Nicolas's Nocitia Historica, 159.
Chronicle of London, 205.
Siege of Carlaverock, 227-
Proceedings of Henry VI. 's Privy
Council, 228.
Herald's Visitations, 330.
■ Rolls of Arms, 333.
Nicolay's Turkie, 142.
Nicolson de Jure Feudali, 73.
Leges Marchiarum, 74.
Historical Lil)raries, 219.
(Abp. W.) Letters, 404.
Niderstedt i\Ielita, 160.
Niebuhr's (B. G.) History of Rome, 180.
(C.) I'Arabie, 148.
Niersis (St.) Preces, 46.
Nigri Siciliae Descriptio, 296.
Nimmo's Stirlingshire, 260.
Niphus de Auguriis, 164.
Nizolii licxicon Ciceronianum, 352.
Nobility (the Rise of), 332.
Noble's House of Medici, 298.
Continuation to Granger, 315.
College of Arms, 330.
House of Stuart, 334.
House of Cromwell, 335.
Nolan's Poor-laws, T4.
Non. See Saint Non.
Nonarum Inquisitiones, 247.
Norden's (F. L.) Egypt and Nuhia, 14G.
' (J.) Guide for English Travellers,
^Middlesex, 20?.
Norfolk's (D. of) Match with Mary of
Scotland, 2(Jo.
Norfolk (Agriculture of), 125.
{Topogra])hi/ of), 208.
Noris (F. H.) Cenotaphia Pisana, 295.
- (H.) Fasti Consulares, IfiG.
de Nummis Diocl. et Licinii, IGJ.
de Votis deceniialibus, 1G7.
Normannorum Nomina, &c. 220.
Historia, 289.
Normannos {K-tivikiov rvthmico Teutonico
contra), 289.
Norris's (C.) Tenby, 257.
(R.) Abomey, 145.
King of Dahomy, 307-
North on Fish-ponds, 98.
North (Life of Lord Keeper), 325.
North of Europe {Travels in), 135.
Northampton (Mem. of H. E. of), 399.
Northamptonshire Topography, 208.
Northcote's Varieties of Art, 110.
Northern History, 2/3.
Antiquities (Illustrations of), 273.
■ Languages, 356.
Poetry, 37 7-
Tales and Romances, 388.
North Georgia Gazette, 407-
Northumberland Household Book, 194.
{Topography of), 209.
North-west Passage, 152.
Northwick's (Lord) Ancient Coins, 174.
Norton's Practices of Papists, 231.
Norway (Travels in), 130".
Norwegian History, 274.
Norwich (Description of), 208.
Nott on Religious Enthusiasm, 53.
State of Eng. Poetry, 302.
Nottinghamshire Topography, 209.
Nottingham's (E. of) Entertainment in
Spain, 233.
Novellaj liCges, 70.
Novels, 379.
Novelle (Libro di), 38?.
Scelte, 387.
Nowelli Catechismus, 32.
Nowel (Life of Dean), 325.
Nubia {Travels in), 14(J.
Nugent's Hampden and his Times, 235.
Nugffi CJurialium, 39fi.
Numismatics, 1 7."$.
Nunez Refranes, 401.
Nut-brown fliaid, 370.
Nye on Religion, 4C.
Oberlin (Memoirs of J. F.), 325.
Obsequens (Julius), 415, 424, ami 420.
Observer, 405.
Ockley's History of the Saracens, 301.
O'Clerii Annales IV. Magistrorum, 271.
O'Connor's (A.) Chronicles of Eri, 271.
(C.) Scriptores Hibernicarum, 271.
Occult Philosophy, 78.
Occulti (Rime degli Academici), 375.
Oethere's Voyage, 131,
Offer's Wiltshire, 214.
O'Flaherty's Ogygia, 271.
Ogden's (S.) Sermons, 68.
(Life of), 58.
Oggeri, Annali d' Italia, 297.
Ogilvie's Regalia of Scotland, 26G.
Oginski sur la Pologne, 277.
Ogle Family History, 335.
O'Hara Family Tales, 383.
Ohring Lexicon Lapponicum, 357-
Oldecastell's Examination, &c. 253.
Oldfield's Representative History, 245.
Oldmixon's England, 235.
Oldys's British Librarian, 343.
Olearius, Voyage en Muscovie, Perse,
&c. 149.
Olivier, Entomologie, 98.
Travels, 133.
Olla Podrida, 405.
Oltmanns, Observations Astronomiques,
&c. 155.
Olympius (M. Aurelius), 409.
Opelius de Fabnca Triremium, 1G6.
Opitius (F.) de Templi Custodia Noc-
turna, 18.
(H.) de Phari^a;is, 20.
de Crethi et Phlethi, 22.
Oppianus de Piscatu, 421.
translated, 422.
Optics, 104.
Orange (Justification of the P. of), 279.
Oratio Dominica in diversis Linguis, 33.
Oratory, 359.
Orations of Arsanes the Venetian Am-
bassador, &c. 359.
Ordinaire's History of Volcanoes, 90.
O'Reilly's Catalogue of Irish Writers, 271.
Orem's Chanonry of Aberdeen, 200.
Orford's AVorks, 399.
Oriental Languages, 349.
Poetry, 378.
Romances, 388.
Drama, 39G.
Origenis Philosophumenon Fragmenta,
Hexapla, 3.
Origin of Nations, 1 77-
Oikneyinga Saga, 2G1.
Orlandius de Urbis SeniB Antlquitate, 295.
Orleans's Poems, 370.
Orme's (R.) Mogul Empire, 303.
Indostan, .303.
IMemoirs, 303.
{\V.) Bibliotheca Biblica, 10.
Ormerod's Cheshire, 197.
Ormoiuie (Life of James Duke of ), 239.
Papers, 250.
Ornithology, 97-
Orozco, Tesoro della Lingua Castellana,
Orpha-i Opera, 422.
translated, 412.
3 ii
Ortelii Deorura Dearumque Capita, IGl.
Ortlob de Scutis et Clypeis Hebraeorum,
Osl)aldiston's British Sportsman, 12/.
Osborne's Traditional Memorials, 231.
Osorius's Epistle, 230.
Osorio's History of the Portuguese, 292.
Osiander de Assylis Hebraeorum, 22.
de Assylis Gentilium, 160.
Ossian's Poems, 374.
Oster%ald's Arguments of the Books of
the Bible, 9.
Otterbourne (Thomae) Chronica, 224.
Otthonis Historia Misnicorum, 20.
Ottinelli de Firmo Elogium, 294.
Ottius de Nummis Samaritauorum, 23.
Ottlev's Italian School, 112.
Stafford Gallery, IIG.
History of Engraving, 119.
Otto de Flumine Sabbathico, 18.
Otway's Works, 392.
Life, 392.
Oudin, Refranes, 401.
Oultons Traveller's Guide, 189.
Oupnek' hat, seu Doctrincc Ind()rum, 67-
Ouseley's Travels in the East, 149.
Persian IMiscellanies, 349.
Outovius de Montibus Sionis et Morijah,
de Sabbatho, 19.
Overbury's Wife, 3G3.
Overton's True Churchman, 4G.
Ovidii Opera, 422.
Jletamorphoses translated, 422.
Owen (H.) on Miracles, 52.
(J.) on the Heltrews, 14.
Latin Epigrams translated, 361.
on the Bible Societv, 256.
(S.) River Thames,' 192.
(W.) Shrewsbury, 211.
Welsh Dictionary, 354.
Oxfordshire (Agriculture of), 125.
Ojfordshire Topography, 209.
Oxiee's Doctrine of the Trinity, 46.
Oxley's New South ^Vales, 158.
Oxoniensis Acad. Assertio Antiquitatis,
Oxoniana, 211.
Pace Antiquitates Caltageronis, 297-
Pachymeris Historia, 181.
Paduani Monachi Chronica, 294.
Paetus de Mensuris et Ponderibus, 166.
Paganism, 66.
Painter's Palace of Pleasure, 383.
Painting, 109.
Palaye, Histoire des Troubadours, 337.
Palermus de vera C. Plinii Patria, 296.
Palestine ( Travels in), 147-
Paley's Evidences of Christianity, 46.
Horae Paulinae, 46.
Natural Theology, 4G.
Clergj'man's Companion, 46.
Sermons and Tracts, 58.
JMoral Philosophy, 80.
(Life of), 325.
Palgrave's Parliamentary Writs, 72.
English Commonwealth, 245.
Palissot de Beauvois, Insectes d'Afrique,
Sec. 99.
Palladio's Architecture, 122.
Palladius de Olivis Rerum Foro- Juliensis,
de Oppugnatione Gradiscana, 294.
Pallas, Voyages, 136.
Palmer's Origines Liturgicae, 30.
Palmerin of England, 380.
Palmerino d' Ingleterra, 380.
Palmerus de Captivitate Pisarum, 295.
Palmyra (Antiquities of), I7I.
Pamelii Liturgia Latina, 29.
Pananti's Algiers, 144.
Pancirolli Varia de Antiquitat. Rom. 164.
Notitia Dignitatum, 165.
Pancoucke, Proverbes Francois, 401.
Encyclopaediana, 401.
Pandectae Justinianae, 7O.
Panviniiis de Civitate Romana, 163.
de Imperio Romano, 163.
Antiquae Urbis Imago, 164.
de Romanorum Nominibus, 164.
de Ludis Circensibus, 1G5.
de Ludis Seoul, etde Triumpho, 166.
de AntiquitatibusVeronensium,298.
Panzer Annales Typographici, 341.
Paoli-Chigny, les Puissances de I'Europe,
Paraenesis Germanicae, 361.
Paris (J. A.) on Diet, 102.
(M.) Historia, 223.
Vita; Abbatum S. Albani, 253.
Parismus (Historie of), 380.
Parival, Histoire de ce Siecle, 184.
Park's (J.J.) Hampstead, 207.
(M.) Travels in Africa, 145.
Life, 145.
(T.) HeHconia, 364.
Parker (M.) Historiae Anglicanae Scrip-
tores, 220.
de Antiquitate Britan. Ecclesiae, 252.
Cat. Cancellariae Cantabrig. 252.
de Scholarum, &c. Cantab. Patronis,
Life, 255.
(R.) Skeletos Cantabrigiensis, 197-
(T. L.) Browsholme Hall, 218.
Parkes' Chemical Catechism, 87-
Parkhurst's Hebrew Lexicon, 349.
Greek Lexicon, 351.
Parkin's Norfolk, 208.
Norwich, 208.
Parkinson's (J.) Organic Remains, 91.
(R.) Agriculture of Huntingdon-
shire, 124.
Agriculture of Rutlandshire, 124.
Parkyns' Inn Play, 127.
Parliament (the Antiquity, Power, &c.
of), 72.
Parliamentary History of Britain, 244.
History, 245.
Parnasso Espanol, 377'
Lusitano, 377-
Parochial Laiv, 74.
Parr's Character of Fox, 320.
Parriana Bibliotheca, 34G.
Parry's (D.) British Etymologicon, 354.
(Sir W. E.) Voyages for a North-
west Passage, 153.
Voyage to the North Pole, 1 53.
Partenopex de Blois, 381.
Parutfe 8icilia Numismatica, 21)7-
Pascal, Pensees, 46.
Letters, 4fJ.
Life, 46.
Paschius de r\bD, 24.
Pasleys fllilitaiy Policy, 244.
Paston Letters, 248.
Patavini ^larmoris Inscript. Interp. 167.
Paterculus. Jsee ^'elleius.
Paterson's Roads of England, &c. 189.
Pathelin (la Farce de P.), 395.
Patinus de Numismate Aiigusti et Pla-
tonis, 1G2.
in Inscriptiones Graecas, 169.
in Jlouum. 3Iarcellin£E, 169.
in Cenotaph. 31. Antonii, 169.
Patres Ecclesiastici, 34.
Patricii Res IVIilitaris Roman. 166.
Patrick's Commentary on the Bible, 11.
Sermons, 58.
Patten's (R.; Rebellion in Scotland, 267-
(W.) Somerset's Expedition, 230 and
Paul (Father). See Sarpi.
Paul's Letters to his Kinsfolk, 244.
Pausania; Grajciae Descriptio, 422.
translated, 422.
Pavia (la Certosi di), 439.
Peacham's Devises, 402.
Pearce's Abyssinia, 147.
Pearch's Collection of Poems, 364.
Pearson (E.) on the Prophecies, 15.
(J.) Annales Paulini, 13.
on the Creed, 33.
Peck's Desiderata Curiosa, 193.
Stamford, 204.
Oliver Cromwell, 237.
^Memoirs of JMiltons Poetical Works,
Pecock's (Bp.) Life, 253.
Pedrusi 3Iuseo Farnese, 174.
Peeles AVorks, 392.
Life, 392.
Jests, 401.
Pegge's Forme of Cury, 126.
Coins of Archbishops of Canterbury,
Inscriptions of English Churches,
Bolsover and Peak Castles, 198.
Roman Roads in Derbyshire, 198.
Registrum Roffense, 202.
Guy, Earl of \Varwick, 214.
Kccleshal Manor, 214.
Liclitield House, 214.
Suffragan Bishops, 253.
Anonymiana, 338.
Anecdotes of the English Language,
Peignot, Diet, de Bibliologie, 343.
Diet, des I/ivres Condamnes, .'J43.
R< pertoire Bibliographique, 343.
Pelham (."Memoirs of H.), 242.
Pembrocbiai Numismata, 174.
Peninsula (Recollections of the), 141.
Pennant's British Zoology, 96.
Indian Zoology, 96.
Quadrupeds, 96.
(ienera of Birds, 97-
Index to Bulfon's Ornithology, 97.
Pennant's Arctic World, 135.
Hindofjstan, 150.
Journey from Chester, 189.
Journey from London to Dover, 189.
Tour from Downing, 189.
London, 205.
Tour in 'Wales, 256.
Wliitefordand Holywell, 257.
Snowdon, 257-
Tours in Scotland, 259.
Literary Life, 338.
Penrose on the Original of Christianity,
Pepys' Jleraoirs, 239.
Perae DelitiaB Poet. Hungarlcorum, 361.
Perceval's (G.) Italy, 298.
(R.) Ceylon, 306.
Cape of Good Hope, 308.
Percy's (T.) Reliques of English Poetry,
(W.) Celia, 370.
Peregrini Hist. PrincipumLongobard.295.
de Vet. Signif. Vocis Porta, 295.
. de Campania Felice, 295.
Perelli Antiquitates Sicili, 297.
Perez, las Guerras de Grenada, 291.
Perger, Galerie de Vienne, 1 1 7.
Perifixe, Histoire de Henri IV, 282.
Perionius de Magistratibus Gr. et Rom.
Periplus of the Erythraean Sea, 131.
Peritsol Itinera Muiidi, 17.
Perlin, Description d'Angleterre, &c. 188.
Perrault, les Hommes Illustres, 314.
Perrelli Ratio Lunae, 162.
Perrin's Luther's Forerunners, 62.
Perrot's (Sir J.) ^lemoirs, 272.
(E. C. S. on the Government of ), 272.
Perry's Conchology, 100.
Persia {Travels in), 148.
Persian History, 302.
Language, 349.
Poems, 3IS. 378.
Persii Satyrs, 419 and 422.
translated, 422.
Perspective, 104.
Perth (Chronicle of), 262.
Pervigilium ^'eneris anon. 413.
Petachiae Itinerarium, I7.
Petavius de Ponderibus, &c. 22.
Kalendarium Vetus Romanum, 165.
Supellectilis Portiuncula;, 168.
Vet. Nummorum Tia>^iirfx.a, 1 68.
Petav, Clironologie de I'Histoire, 159.
Peter the Great, 276.
Peter's Letters to his Kinsfolk, 315.
Petit-Radel, I'ltalie, l.'iS.
sur les Bibliothcques, 345.
Petit (J. F.), Chroniqued'HoUande, 278.
(S.) Leges Attica.-, 69.
de Anno Attico, 162.
Ecloga' Chronologicae, 165.
Petrarca, le Rime, 3/6.
( Translations from), 376.
Petrarque (.Menioires de), 325.
Petroliurgensis (Ben. Ab.) de V'ltA Hen.
II. 227.
Petronii Satyricon, 422.
translated, 422.
Pettigrew's Bibliotheca Sussexiana, 346.
Peyran's Defence of the Albigenses, G2.
Peyton's House of Stuart, 235.
Pezold de Promiscua Vestium utriusque
Sexus, 23.
Pfeifferi Antiquitates Hebraeorura, 17-
de Theraphim, 21.
alia de Rebus Biblicis, 24.
Pfeffinger de Nathinseis, 19.
Phalaridis Epistolse, 423.
translated, 423.
Phffibonii Historia Marsorum, 295.
Phajdri Fabulffi, 423.
Philadelphus de Valle Josaphat, 18.
Philidor on Chess, 128.
Philip II. III. and V. 291.
Philipses (Lives of the) Milton's Nephews,
Philippi (J.) pro Rege, &c. Anglicano
Defensio, 72.
Philippes's (ftl.) Defence of Mary Queen
of Scots, 205.
Philips's (Sir T.) Plantations of the Lon-
doners, 270.
Phillipott's (T.) Kent, 202.
Phillips's (A.) Botany Bay, 157-
Old Ballads, 303.
(E.) Charles I. 225.
Theatrum Poetarum, 302.
(II.) Silva Florifera, 95.
Pomarium Britannicum, 95.
on Cultivated Vegetables, 120.
Floral Emblems, 402.
(T.) Shrewsbury, 211.
(W.) Geology, 90,
Piiilo- Judivus on the Logos, 34.
Philosophy^ 70.
{History of), 76. _
Philosophical Transactions, 340.
Philostorgii Historia Ecclesiastica, 01.
Philostratus de Pictura, 102.
Philoxeni Glossarium, 351.
Phil pott's Letters to C. Butler, 252.
Phoclydes, 408.
Phrantzaj (G.) Chronicon, 181.
Phrysius (T. Popma) de Operis Servorum,
Physiognomy, 78.
Physiognomical Portraits, 315.
Picage, Galerie de Duseldorf, 117.
Picart [misprinted Picarr/], Ceremonies
et Coutumes Religieuses, 00.
Piccolus (A.) de Ant. Jure Eccles. Siciliae,
Pictavensis(Gul.)GestaNorraannica, 220.
Picturesque Annual, 407-
Picus of JMirandula's IMemoirs, 314.
Pidgeon's Cuvier's Fossil Mammalia, 96.
Piers Ploughman's Vision and Crede, .309.
Pighii Themis Dea et ]Mythologia,162.
Fasti IMagistr. et Consularum Rom.
Pignorii M. Deum matris Idaeae Initia,
de Servis, 169.
. Origines Patavinpe, 294.
de Ritu Nuptiarum, 294.
Vita, Bil)liotliei'a, et IMuseum, 294.
Pigiiotti, Storia della Toscana, 298.
I'ike's Travels in North America, 154.
Pilgrim Good Intent, 40.
Pilkington's (J.) Derbyshire, 198.
(31.) Diet, of Painters, 109.
Pilpay's Fables, 400.
Pincii de Timavo Dissert. 294.
Pindari Carmina, 423.
translated, 423.
Pindemonte, Poesie, 376.
Pine's Tapestry of the House of Lords,
Pingonii (P.) Augustae Taurinorum Chro-
nica, 295.
Pinkerton's (J.) Petrah)gy, 91.
Atlas, 130.
on Medals, 173.
Origin of Scythians and Goths, 178.
History of Scotland, 263.
Iconographia Scotica, 316.
Scottish Gallery, 315.
Ballads, 373.
Correspondence, 404.
Pinto, Peregrinaciones, 147.
Piossens, IMemoires de la Regence, 284.
Piranesi's Antiquities of Rome, 17L
Vasi, Candelabri, &c. 173.
Piroli, Antiquites d'Herculaneum, I7I.
Pirri Siciliae Sacrae, 296.
Capellae S. Petri in Panormo, 296.
Chronologia Regum Siciliae, 296.
Pisidae Hist. Byzantin;B Appendix, 182.
Pitcairne's (R.) Scottish Criminal Trials,
Pithaei Corpus Juris Canonici, 71.
Canones Ecclesias Rom. 27.
Pitisci Lexicon Antiquitatum Rom. 169.
Pitt (Anecdotes of), E. of Chatham, 325.
(Memoirs of W.), 242.
(W.) Speeches, 242.
Leicestershire Agriculture, 124.
Northamptonshire Agriculture, 125.
Stalfordshire Agriculture, 125.
Worcestershire Agriculture, 125.
Pius V.'s Bull, 255.
Place (de la), Theorie de Probabilite's,
Systeme du Monde, 104.
]\Iechaiiique Celeste, 104.
Placentini Itinerarium, 18.
Placita temp. Ric. I. usque ad Ed. II. 246.
de (juo AVarranto, 247-
Plague in liondon, 206.
Planche, Diet, de Langue Oratoire et
Po6tique, 355.
Planta's Helvetic Confederacy, 290.
Plathnerus de Sandaligerulis Hebr. 23.
Platina's Lives of the Popes, 64.
Historia Urbis Mantuae, 293.
Platonis Opera, 423.
translated, 423.
Republic translated, 423.
Plauti Comcediae, 423.
translated, 423.
Playfair's Illustrations of the Huttonian
Theory, 90.
Geometry, 103.
Trigonometry, 103.
Pleskin de Columnis iEneis, 18.
Plinii Historia Naturalis, 423 and 424.
translated, 424.
tradotta in Italiana, 424.
Epistola!, &c. 424.
Pliny's Letters, translated, 424.
Plot's (Dr. R.) [misprinted Plat] Journey
through England, 188.
Oxfordshire, and Life, 209.
Staffordshire, 212.
Plowden's Ireland, 272.
Plumptre's Collection of Songs, 365.
Letter to Aikin, 3C5.
Plutarchi Proverbia Gra'ca, 162.
Qiiffistiones Romanae, 165.
Opera, 424.
Ijives, translated, 424.
Plymley's Church of Eng. Doctrines, 46.
Agriculture of Shrojishire, 125.
Pocharus de Simulacris Solaribus Israel.
Pococke's Travels, 133.
Poetry, 35'J.
{Art of), 359.
Poetvin, Dictionnaire Suisse, 356.
Poggius Florent. de Fortuna Urbis Rom.
Bracciolini Historia Florentina, 295.
(Life of), 325.
Poiteau et Risso, Histoire des Grangers,
Poitiers, Vie de Guillaume Conquerant,
Poland (Travels in), 136.
{History of), 277-
Polemann de Urini et Thummim, 19.
de Ritu precaudi vet. Hebr. 20.
Poleni Thesauri Ant. Supplementa, 168.
Poleti Hist. Fori Romani, 168.
Poll Synopsis Criticorum, II.
Police, 84.
Polish Bible, 7-
Language, 357.
Polite Literature, 347-
Politianus (Memoirs of Ang.), 314.
Politics, 81.
Political Economy, 83.
History of Britain, 244.
Pollio Trebellius, 409.
Pollok's Course of Time, 370.
Polo. See fllarco Polo.
Polonorum Poetarum Pastoralia, 361.
Polwhele's Cornwall, 198.
Devonshire, 198.
Traditions and Recollections, 338.
Polybius de Castris Romanorum, 166.
Historia, 424.
translated, 424.
trad, en Fran(;oise, 424.
Polycarpi Apostoli Opei'a, 34.
Polvchronicon, 223.
Polyglot Bible, 2.
Polyyraphy, 3!)0.
Polynesian Voyages, 157-
Pombal (Life of the ."Marquis de), 291.
Pomponii Mehn Orbis Descriptio, 415.
de Situ Orbis, 424.
Poiitani Historia .Neapolitana, 295.
Pontev's PI. inter, 125.
Forest- Prii tier, 12.">.
Ponticus de Politiis (JriPcornm, 160.
Pontificale Ronianum, 30.
Pontefraci's (Lord) Letters, 433.
Pope ( Life of A.). 326 and 399.
A\'orks, 399.
Pope(LifeofSir T.), 326.
Popes {History of the), 64.
Population, 84.
Porcius de Re Pecnniaria Vet. 162.
Porphyrins de Vita Pythagora?, 418.
Porphyrogenneta de Caeremoniis Byzant.
Porsoni Adv^ersaria, 358.
Porter's (H.) Flowers of the Saincts, 252.
(31. A.) Novels, 381 and 315.
(Sir R. K.) Russia and Sweden, 136.
Spain and Portugal, 141.
Travels in Persia, &c. 149.
Campaigns in Russia, 276.
Poiteus's Sermons, 58.
Lectures, 58.
Porti Lexicon Doricum, 427-
Portraits, 117-
• with Biographical Memoirs, 315.
Portugal {Travels in), 141.
Portuguese History, 292.
Portuguese hanguage, 356.
Portuguese Poetry, 'ATJ.
Pory's Africa, 306.
Postellus de RepublicaAtheniensium, 160.
de Etruria, 295.
Pote's Windsor Castle, 195.
Potemkin (Jlemoirs of Prince), 276.
Pott's British Farmer, 124.
Potter (.7.) on Church Government, 28.
Archeeologia Grsca, 163.
Grecian Antiquities, I70.
(R.) iEschylus, 409.
Pottinger's Beloochstan, 151.
Poulson's Beverley, 216.
Pouqueville, la Grece, 143.
Greece, 143.
Powell's (D.) History of Cambria, 257.
• (R.) liife of Alfred, 222.
Charles I. 234.
Pownal's Study of Antiquities, 159.
Poyer's Barbadoes, 310.
Pradt, la Revolution d'Espagne, 291.
Prretorii Orbis Gothicus, 274.
Mars Gothicus, 274.
Pnevotius de Magistratibus Romanorum,
Pray Historia Regum Hungarise, 278.
Prayer (Book of Common), 30.
Predestination (Cambridge Tracts on), 46.
PriL'fectus Urbis Romanorum (Anon, de),
Preston (Hist, of), in Lancashire, 204.
Price's (D.) History of Arabia, 301.
Mahommedan History, 302.
(.7.) Hereford, 201.
Leominster, 201.
(U.) on the Picturesque, 110.
Pritchard's Physical Hist, of 31ankind,
on f'eltic Origin, 177-
Prickett's Bridlington Priory, 216.
Prideanx de Jure Pauperis, 18.
Old and New Test, connected, 26.
Life, 26.
Priest's (St. J.) Agriculture of Bucks,
Priestley on Air, 8t!.
Primaleone (1' Historia di), 300.
Primer of Sarum, 30.
Primer of Henry VIII. 30.
Prince's M'ortbies of Devon, 314.
Prints, 111.
Printing, 107.
{History of), 340.
(Decree of the Star Chamber on),
Prior's Negotiations, 250.
Priscianus Ctlieca, 347-
Stapfer, I'Oberland, 137.
Stapletoiii Tres Thonia', 253.
Starke's Travels on the Continent, 134.
State Papers, 248.
Staiii Opera, 426.
Tliebaid translated, 426.
Statues (Ancient), 172.
Statuaj Antiqua; in Thes. Florentino, 172.
Statute Latv, 73.
Statutes (the), 73.
Staunton's Penal Code of China, 75.
China, 152.
Staveley's English Churches, 186.
Stebbing's (H.) Christianity justified, 48.
on Christianity, 52.
(S.) Staffordshire, 212.
Stedman's (C.) American War, 310.
(J. G.) Surinam, 156.
Steele's Correspondence, 404.
Steevens's Catalogue, 347.
on Shakespeare, 392.
Stehlin's Traditions of the Jews, 60.
Stellas Elog. Venet. Navalis Pugna;, 293.
Stenography, 107.
Stephanidis Descriptio Londini, 205.
Vita St. Thomae Cant. 221.
Stephani Byzantini de Dodone Fragmen-
tum, 161.
Stephanus (H.) de Grsecorum Moribus,
Katherine de Medicis, 282.
Glossaria, 351.
Thesaurus Ling. Grajcae, 351.
Poetai Graici Principes, 408.
(J.) de Jurisd. Vet. Graec. 160.
(Sancti) Cadomensis Chronica, 220.
Regis Anglorum Gesta, 289.
Stephens' Essayes and Characters, 80.
Sterne's Works, .399.
Life, 399.
Steuart's Planter's Guide, 125.
Stevenson's (31.) Florus Britannicus, 225.
(R.) Bell Rock Light, 123.
(W.) Agriculture of Surrey, 125.
Progress of Discovery, 131.
Ely Cathedral, 197-
Naval Commanders, 243.
(W. B.) South America, 156.
Stewart's (C. J.) History of Bengal, 303.
Catalogue of Tipoo's Library, 346.
(Sir D.) Highlanders of Scotland,
(D>iR-) "n the Mind, 78.
PhilDSopliical Essays, 78.
(J. H.) Redeemer's Advent, 48.
(Lady Mary) Household Book, 259.
(W.) Scottish Church Government,
Stillingfleet's (B.) Select Works, 399.
Life, 399.
(E.) Works, 36.
Life, 36.
Stoddart's Local Scenery of Scotland, 259.
StoU, les Pumoises, Cigales, Spectres, &c.
Stonehenge (Account of), 215.
Storrer's (J.) Fonthill Abbey, 215.
(T.) Card. \r(dsey, 22!).
Story's AV'ars of Ireland, 272.
Stosch, Pierres Aiiti(iues, 173.
Stothard's Normandy, 140. •
Stourhead (Description of), 215.
Stow's liondon and \\'estuii lister, 205.
(Life of), 205.
Chronicles, 225.
Straboiiis (ieographia, 426.
Strachey's Index to the Records, 246.
Strada, de JMaria; Reg. Scot. Vita, 2G5.
de Bello Belgico, 2/9.
Strafforde Papers, 250.
(Life of the Earl of), 250.
Stranguage's Mary Queen of Scots, 264.
Strauchius de Flagellandi Ritu Hebr. 22.
Streinnius de Gentibus et Familiis Rom.
Strieker de Car. Mag. Expedit. Hispanica,
Strutt's(J.) Dictionary of Engravers, 120.
English ]\Ianners and Customs, 193.
Dress and Habits, 193.
Sports and Pastimes, 194.
Chronicle, 222.
Regal Antiquities [author's
name omitted], 315.
Queen-Hoo Hall, 384.
(J. G.) Sylva Britannica, 95.
Struvii Bibliotheca Historica, 176.
Corpus Hist. Germanicae, 277-
Strype's (J.) Eccles. ftlemorials, 254.
Annals of the Reformation, 254.
See also Aylmer, Cheke, Cranmer,
Grindal, Parker, Smyth, and Whitgift.
Stuart's (J.) Antiquities of Athens, 171.
(M.) on the Hebrews, 14.
Stubbes Historia Anglicana, 221.
Stukeley's Med. Hist, of Carausius, 175.
Itinerarium, 188.
Stone-Henge, 215.
Abury, 215.
Sturbridge'Fair (Hist, of), 197-
Sturlson. See Snorro.
Sturm's (C. C.) Reflections, 48.
(L. C.) Sciographia Templi, 18.
^lare ^neum, 20.
Sturt's Common Prayer, 50.
Suard, Melange de Litterature, 407.
Suaresius de Foraminibus Lapidum, 167-
Praanestes Antiqua>, 295.
SuckHng's (Sir J.) Works, 399.
Sudbury (Life of Dean), 314.
Suetonius de claris Grammaticis, 424.
Opera, 420.
Lives, translated, 427.
Suffolk (Agriculture of), 125.
( Topography o/), 212.
Papers, 251.
Sugden's Law of Vendors, 74.
Suger (Histoire de I'Abbe), 281.
Suhm Scriptores Danici, 274.
Suiceri Thesaurus Patrnm Grsecorum, 34.
Suidaj Ivexicon Grsece, 350.
Sully, Me'moires, 282 and 283.
Sulpitii Severi Opera, 61.
Satire, 409 and 419.
Sumner's Records of the Creation, 48.
Apostolical Preaching, 48.
Evidences of Christianity, 48.
Character of Christ, 48.
Sermons, 59.
Sunskrit New Testament, 8.
Superville, Sermons, 59.
(le ills). Sermons, 59.
Surgentis Neapolis illustrata, 295.
Surgery, 10! .
Surrey (Topography of ), 213.
Surrey (Memoirs of the Earls of), 335.
Surrey and Wyat's Works, 399.
(Life of Henry, Earl of), 399.
Surtees' Durham, 199.
Susse,v (Topography of), 213.
Sussexiana Bibliotheca, 346.
Sutherland Genealogy, 336.
Sutton (Life of Sir R.), 314.
(T.) Will and Testament, 207 and
Swammerdam Biblia Natura, 98.
Swan's (C.) Gesta Romanorum, 379.
(J.) Speculum Mundi, 407.
Sweden, (Travels in), 136.
Sivedish History, 275.
Language, 357.
Sweet's Cistineifi, or Rock-Roses, 93.
Geraniaceae, 93.
Swift's Works, 399.
Life, 328.
Swimming, 127.
Swinburne's Travels in the Sicilies, 140.
Travels in Spain, 141.
Swinden's Great Yarmouth, 208.
Swiss History, 290.
Swiss-German Bible, 7-
Switzerland (Travels in), 137.
Sydenham (Life of Dr.), 314.
Sydney (A.) on Government, 83.
(Sir P.) Psalms of David, 6.
(Life of), 328.
Defence of English Poetry, 362.
Misc. Works, 399.
(the) Papers, 249.
(Memoirs of the), 249.
Sykes's Catalogue, 347.
Sylva (De), el Unione de Portugal, 292.
Sylvester's Posthumi, 371.
Symeonis Monaci Hist. Eccles. Dunhelm.
199 and 253.
Syncelli Chronographia, 181.
Syrbius de Sabbatho Gentili, 19.
Syriaca Evangelia, a White, 3.
Tachard, Voyage de Siam, 151.
Taciti Opera, 427.
translated, 427.
Taffinus de Rom. Anno Seculari, 165.
Talbot Correspondence, 434 and 5.
(E.) Works, 399.
Life, 399.
Tales of the Wars, 385.
Talleur, Chroniques de Normandie, 290.
Talmudical Writings, 60.
Taimer's Notitia Monastica, 186.
Tansillo's Nurse, 376.
Tarsia (de) Historia Cupersanensium, 295.
Tartary (History of), 305.
Tasso, la Gierusalemme Liberata, 376.
translated, 376 and 377-
Life, 328.
Aminta, 377-
Tassoni (Life of Alexandro), 328.
Tatham's Chart and Scale of Truth, 53.
Tatius de Sacerdote Castrensi, 19.
Tattam's Egyptian Grammar, 349.
Taverner's Bible, 4.
Taxatio Ecclesiastica, 247.
Taylor's (E.) Historical Collections, 434.
(G. L.) Arch. Antiq. of Rome, 171.
(G. Y/.) Catalogue, 34?.
Taylor's (G. W.) Profligate, 394.
(Jer.) Works, 3G.
Life, 3G.
(J.) Civil Law, 09.
■ Gothic Ornaments in Lavenham
Church, 122.
(J. the Water Poet) Works, 399.
(S.) Harwich and Dover Court, 200.
(T.) Muscologia, 93.
Tempest's Religio Laici, 49.
Temple's (Sir J.) Irish Rebellion, 272.
(Sir W.) Works, 399.
Life, 399.
Tenhove's (N.) House of Uledici, 299.
Tennant's (C.) Tour, 135.
(W.) Anster Fair, 374.
Terentii Comcedia, 427.
translated, 427.
Tertullian's Apology for Christianity, 34.
Terry's East Indies, 151.
Testa de Nevill, 247.
Teutonici Poi'tae Anonvmi, 378.
Metrical Tales, 378.
Thebault's Frederick II. 278.
Themminck, Histoire des Pigeons, 97-
Theocriti Opera, 427.
translated, 427.
Theodora and Didymus, 65.
Theodoreti Historia Ecclesiastica, CI.
Theodosianus Codex, 69 and 70.
Theodosii Tripolensis Sphaera;, 104.
Diaconis Hist. Byzantinaj, 182.
Theognis, 408.
Theophanis Hist. Byzantina, 181.
Theophrasti Characteres, 428.
translated, 428.
History of Stones translated, 428.
Theophvlacti Simoccatae Historia, 181.
Biilg. Institutio Kegia, 182.
Theotisoim Psalterium, 4.
Thevenot, Voyages Curieux, 131.
Travels, 133.
Thlbadeau sur la Convention Nationale,
Thistle (Statutes of the Order of the), 332.
Tliolosanus de Nuudinis et Mercatibus,
Thomas's (J.) Printing in America, 342.
{W.) \\'orcester Cathedral, 215.
Thomasinus de Donariis, A:c. 166.
Thomassin, Figures dans Versailles, 172.
Tliomson's Scottisli County Atlas, 130.
(.Mrs.) Henry VIII. 229.
(C.) Transl. of the Septuagint, 5.
(J.) Poetical Works, 371.
Life, 371.
■■ (R.) Chronicles of London Bridge,
(T.) on Heat and Electricity, 86.
System of Chemistry, 87.
Travels in Sweden, 136.
History of the Royal Society, 340.
Thorne Historia Anglicana, 221.
Thoresby's (J.) Leicestershire, 204.
(R.) Cat. of his ^Viitit|uitic's, tScc. 171.
on Voiksliire Antiquities, 216.
Leeiics, 217.
Churcli i)f Liedes, 217.
Diary, 240.
Thorkelin's Fragments of Eng. and Irish
Hist. 221.
Thornbury Castle (Description of ), 200.
Thornton's Turkey, 300.
Thoroton's Nottinghamshire, 209.
Thorpe's Antiquities of Kent, 202.
Registrum Roffense, 203.
Custumale Roifense, 203.
Throckmorton (Legend of Sir N.), 371.
Thuani Historia sui Temporis, 183.
(Life of), 328.
Thuilleries (Bustes, &c. au Palais des),
Thurlowe's State Papers, 250.
Thucydides de Bello Pelop. 428.
translated, 428.
Thwaites (E.) Heptateuch, &c. Anglo-
Saxonice, 3.
Gram. Saxonica, 352.
Thynne's Office of a Herald, 3.30.
Thysius de Republica Atheniensium, 160.
Tiberius Rhetor, 408.
TibuUus, 412.
Tickell's Kingston upon Hull, 217.
Tigernaciii Annales Hibernicarum, 271.
Tighe's (W.) Kilkeunv, 270.
(Mrs.) Psyche, 371.
Tillotson's \Vorks, 36.
Life, 36.
Timur (]\leraoirs of the Emperor), 303.
Tindal's (N.) Medallic Hist, of England,
Cont. of Rapin's England, 226.
(W.) Evesham, 215.
Tim Bobbin's Works, 354.
Tipoo's Library Catalogue, and liife, 346.
Tiraboschi della Literatura Italiana, 339.
Tischbien's Ancient Vases, 173.
Tissot de la Saute des Gens de Lettres,
Titiani Opera, 113.
(Life of), 328.
(C.) Costume of Turkic, 142.
Titsingh, 3Iem. des Souveraius du Japon,
Titus's Killing no Murder, 238.
Tixall Poetry, 371.
To-day in Irebmd, 385.
Toderini Literatura Turchesclia, 339.
Todd's (II. .7.) Illustrations of Gower and
Cliauccr, 321.
Johnson's Dictionary, 353.
(J.) Rajasthan, 304.
Toepffer de Tiara Sacerd. Ilebr. 19.
Toldervy's Epitaphs, l!)2.
Toleration {lir/iyiou.s), 27.
Toletanus (Rod. J de Rebus Hispanicis,
Toma.sini ManCis j'EneaB Cecropii, 162.
de Tesseris, 162.
Touilie, Ics Iiidi's Orientales, 151.
Tombs (on tlie \'aiictv, I'v.c), 193.
Tomliiis's Criminal Law, 74.
Tomline's Refutation of Calvinism, 49.
Christian Theologv, 49.
Tone's (T. ^\'.) Life and Diary, 27.3,328.
Toiigaiaboo (Kesidence at), 157.
Toiig-Kien-Kang-Mon, Hist, de la Chine,
Tooke's (./. 11.) Diversions of Purley, 348.
Tooke's (W.) Russia, 27C.
Catherine II. 276.
Tooue's (Glossary, 353.
Topography {Foreign), 130.
of England, liio.
of Wales, 256.
of Scotland, 258.
of Ireland, 269.
Topsail's Historie of Quadrupeds, 96.
— — Historie of Serpeuts, 98.
Torfffii Orcades, 261.
Groenlandia, 275.
Torr's York, 216.
Torriano's Relation of Rome, 299.
Tott (De) sur les Turcs, 300.
Toulmin's Taunton, 211.
Toupii Emendationes in Suidam, 351.
Tournefort's Levant, and Life, 144.
Towuley's Biblical Literature, 9.
Townsend's (F.) Calend. of Knights, 334.
(G.) Harmony of the Bible, 8.
Sermons, 59.
on the Church of Rome, 251.
(J.) Character of Moses, 12.
Townson's Works [2 vols. 8vo. omitted],
Life, 36 and 59.
Discourses, 59.
Tracts, 407-
Tragicum Theatrum, 236.
Trallianus de Rebus Mirab. 161.
. de Longjevis, 162.
de Olympiis, 162.
Trapp on the Gospels, 13.
• Trinitarian Controversy, 52.
Travels, 130.
Travers on Eccles. Discipline, 29.
Trelierius de Jurejurando, 165.
Tremellii Biblia Latina, 4.
Tresham's British Gallery, 1 16.
Trevelyan's Heartburn, 209.
(Pedigrees of the), 209.
's Meldon Rivergreen, 209.
Trevissa's Polychronicon, 223.
Triglandius de Ritibus Mosaicis, 16.
de Secta Karaiorum, 20.
de Dodone loco, 161.
Trissino, 1' Italia liberata, 377-
Trittenhemde Scriptoribus Eccles. 61.
Triveti Chronicon, 223.
Troll's (Von) Iceland, 135.
Trojan Controversy, 143.
Trokelowe (J. de) Annales Edwardi II.
Trollope's Americans, 1 54.
Troy (Destruction of), 380.
Trumpet of Fame, 371.
Trussell's Cont. of Daniel's England, 226.
Truter's Booshuana Nation, 145.
Truth brought to Light, 232.
Tryphiordi Ilii Excidium, 428.
translated, 428.
Tucker's Light of Nature, 49.
Life, 49.
Tuckey's Maritime Geography, 130.
Congo, 145.
Tuke's Agriculture of Yorkshire, 125.
Tully's Tripoli, 145.
Turenne (Ilistoire du Vise, de), 284.
Turkey ( Travels in), 142 and 147.
Turkish Costumes, 121.
History, 299.
Language, 350.
Turnbull on Ancient Painting,
Turnebus de Vino, 102.
Turner's (D.) Botanist's Guide, 93.
Fuci, 93.
Normandy, 140.
(E-) Grantham, 204.
(J.) on Redemption, 52.
(J. IM. W.) England and Wales, 191.
(S.) Theory of the World, 90.
. Anglo-Saxons, 222.
History of England, 226.
on Ancient British Poems, 374.
Tibet, 152.
(W.) Levant, 144.
Turpin's Charles the Great and Orlando,
Turre (a) Exp. Inscr. Tauribolii Lugd.
de Beleno, &c. 294.
Monumenta Vet. Antii, 295.
Turrigius ad Ursi Togati Nota;, 166.
Tusser's Points of Husbandry, 124.
Tweddell's (J.) Remains, 400.
Life, 400.
Twells' (E.) ]\Ioyer Lectures, 52.
(L.) Boyle Lectures, 52.
(R-) Sermons, 59.
Twinus (J.) de Rebus Anglicis, 222.
Twiss (R.) on Chess, 128.
Spain and Portugal, 141.
Twyne's Garlande of Godly Flowers, 49.
Twysden Anglicani Scriptores, 221.
Anne Bullen, 229.
Tvndall's Works, 30.
—1- Life, 30.
Parable of the Wicked Mammon, 49.
Practyse of Prelates, 229.
TyrtcBus's Elegies translated, 427.
Tysillo's Welsh Chronicles, 257.
Ty tier's (A. F.) General History, I77.
. on Petrarch, 325.
• Principles of Translation, 359.
(W. ) on Scottish JMusic, 105.
Life, 328.
Ubaldini, Descrittione di Scotia, 258.
Udall's Mary Queen of Scotland, 264.
Ude's French Cook, 126.
Ugolini Thesaurus Antiq. Sacrarnm, 16.
Varia de Antiquitatibus Sacris, 18
and 19.
de Phylacteriis et Sectis Hebr. 20.
de Re Rustica Hebr. 23.
Uxor Hebreea, 23.
de Veterum Funere, &c. 25.
Ulloa's South America, 155.
Ulster (British Undertakers of), 267.
Ultonienses Annales, 271.
Unitarian Confession of Faith, 33.
Universal History, 177-
Upcot's English Topography, 185.
Upton (J.) on Shakespeare, 393.
(N.) de Studio MiHtari, .'J31.
Urquhart's (Sir T.) JeweU, 260.
Tracts, 407.
Ursatus de Notis Romanorum, 166.
Ursins (Lettres de la Princesse des), 284.
Ursini (F.) Effigies Virorum, &c. IGD.
Fainilise Rom. JSohilioies, 1G5.
ad Kalend. Farnesianum Not;i>, 165.
Fragmenta Historianim, 180.
Notcw ad Sc. de Re Rustioa, 409.
(G.) Antiquitates Hebr. UO.
Usher. See Usserius.
(Life of Archbishop), 314.
Usserius de Anno Solari, 162.
Brit. Eccl. Antiquitates, 251.
Utterson's (E. V.) Early Poetry, 363,
(Mrs.) Tales of the Dead,' 386.
Vanbnigh's Plays, 394.
Va;nii Historia Infantum Larae, 120.
Vahram's Chronicle of Cilicia, 302.
Vaillant (F. le), les Oiseaux de Paradis,
&c. 97.
les Perroquets, 97-
les Oiseaux de I'Amerique, &c. 98.
Voyages dans I'Afrique, 146.
(J. F.) Numismata Seleucidse, 174.
Valacrii Spectacula Veneta, 294.
Valenciennes, Histoire des Poissons, 98.
Valentia's (Lord) Travels, 133.
Valentinus de Theatro 8aguntino, 169.
de Circi Antiquitate, 169.
Valerianus de Fulminum Significatione,
Valerii Flacci Argonautica, 428 and 429.
Maximi Dicta Rlemorabilia, 429.
Valesius de Populis Fundis, 163.
Vallffi de Rebus Hispanicis, 290.
Vallans' Tale of the Two Swannes, 202.
Valle (della) Viaggi, 133.
Vallency's Collectanea Hibernica, 271.
Valor Ecclesiasticus temp. Hen. VIII.
Valguarnera de Panormo, 297-
Van Alphen de Chadrach et Damasco, I7.
Vancouver's (C.) Agriculture of Devon-
sliire, 124.
of Hants, 124.
(G.) Voyage, 132.
Van der Pyl's Dutch Grammar, 356.
Van Dyk's Batavian Anthology, 378.
Van IMildert on Intidehty, 52.
on Scrijjture Interpretation, 54.
Van Rheede Hortus Malabaricus, 94.
Van-Tii de Tabemaculo IMoysis, 18.
Cantus Pob'seos, &c. Helu'. 24.
Varamund de Furoril)us (ialHcis, 282.
Varchi, le Guerre Fiorentina, 295.
Istoria di Fiorentina, 298.
Varro de Agricultura, 408.
Lingua Latina, 429.
Vasari, Vite di Pittori, &c. 108.
VascDuello de Antiquitatibus Eboracensis,
Vases, 173.
Vassaeus de Rebus Hispanicis, 290.
V^attel, Droit de la Nature, 68.
Vauchopius de Magistratibus Rom. 168.
\'andonc(>urts Ionian Isles, 144.
Vaux on Baptism and the Lord's Supper,
Vecerii Hist. Seditionum Sicilia-, 297.
Vegetius de Arte Veteriuaria, 408.
Veitch (Life of W.), 269.
Vellei Paterculi Hist. Komana, 429.
translated, 429.
Velserus de Zeta et Zetaris, 169.
Vence (Bible de), 12.
Vendt-e (i\Itmoires sur la), 288.
^^endiens (les Guerres de), 287-
Venegas's California, 310.
Veneroni, Maitre Italien, 355.
Venerius de Oraculis, 161.
Venetiarum Splendor, figuris illust. 293.
Venezia (le Fabriche di), 139.
Venn's (H.) Duty of Man, 49.
on Zecharias, 49.
(J.) Sermons, 59.
Vere Family History, 335.
's (Sir F.) Commentaries, 244, 279.
Vergerius de Carrieriensium Familia, 294.
Vergil (Pol.) Anglicana Historia, 224.
Verstigan's Decayed Intelligence, 193.
Vertot, les Revolutions de Suede, 276.
Vertue's Anecdotes of Painting in Eng.
(Life of), 120.
Cat. of Hollar's "Works, 120.
Medals, &c. of T. Simon, 175.
Heads, 315.
Views of Oxford Colleges, 210.
Verunnius Ponticus, 220.
Verwey de Uuctionibus, 24.
Vetusta Jlonumenta, 190.
Veysie on the Atonement, 53.
Vibius Sequester, 424.
Vicars's JMischeefe's IMysterie, 232.
Victor de Regionibus Rom. 164.
Victor Sextus Aurelius, 409.
Vida's Scacchia Ludus, 128.
Vieillot, les Oiseaux Dores, 97-
les Chanteurs de Zone-Torride, 97-
Vienna Gallery of Pictiires, 117-
Vieusseux's Italy in the 19th Century,
Views in Germany, 137-
in Italy, 139.
in Naples, 140.
in Malta, 140.
in Lyons, 141.
in the Pyrenees, 141.
in the Netherlands, 141.
in Great Britain, 191.
in Yorkshire, 216.
V'ieyra's Portuguese Grammar, 356.
Dictionary, 3.'j6.
\'illanus de Rubicone Aiitiquo, 294.
Armiaiensis Rubicon, 294.
VilLinovw LaudiH Urbis Hist. 293.
Ville (de ) Pyctomachia Veneta, 293.
Antiquitates Pola', 294.
Villehardouin, Hist, de Constantinople,
181 and 182.
Villon, CEuvres, 375.
\'ilote,Jonrneesdu 9et l(»Therniid>>r, 287.
Vince's [S. misp. James] Astronomy, 1(14.
Vincent's Peri})lu8 of the Erythrean Sea,
&c. 131.
Vincentius I^ircnsis'.s Apology for Chris-
tianity, 34.
Vincentius de Ruliicone, 294.
Vindingii llelli'ii, lt!3.
Vineyards (Topo^rraphv of known), 126.
Vincsalvi ((Jalf.) llisto'ri.t, 2.'1.
Viola de Rom. 'i"«'ni[>orum Ratione, 165.
Virgilii Opera, 429.
3 S
Virgil's Works translated, 430.
's Eneid translated, 430.
Eneis en Franfoise, 430.
Georgics and Bucolics translated,
'\'^irunnii Pontic! Hist. Britann. 22'2.
Vitalis (O.) Ecclesiastica Historia, 289.
(S.) Annales Sardinia;, 2!)7-
Viton de St. Alais, Hist, des Ordres Cliiv.
Vitringa de Decemviris Gliosis, 20.
Vitruvius de Architectura, 122.
Vivian Grev, 385.
Vlitii Venatio, 12?.
Vocabolario della Trusca, 355.
Voet, les Col6opteres, 99.
Comment, in Pandectas, 70.
Volpi-Cominiana (Annali della Tipog.)
Volaterranns de Magistratibus Rom. 168.
Voltaire's History of Europe, 183.
Histoire de Charles XII, 275.
Age of Louis XIV, 283.
Volusius Metianus de Nummis, &c. IGG.
Voraginis Legenda Sanctorum, 0'4.
Vorstius (A.) de Obitu J. Meursii, 1C2.
(J.) de Paradiso, 17.
de Synedriis Hebr. 22.
Vospiscus Flavins, 409.
Vossius de Instr. Hydrauli, 24.
de Ant. Romae Magnitudine, 164.
de Triremium Construct. 166.
Vowell's Exeter, 199.
Voyages and Travels, 130.
Vulgata Biblia, 3.
Vulson, le Theatre d'Honneur, 332.
Waddington's Ethiopia, 147.
Wafer's Voyages, 132.
Wagenseil de Sceptro Jndse. 22.
Wakefield's (E.) Ireland, 269.
(G.) Correspondence, 404.
Walchius de Ponderibus, &c. 22.
Walckenaer sur les Fabulistes, 397-
Waldegrave's (Earl) Memoirs, 242.
Waldensian Confession of Faith, 32.
History, 162.
Walingfordensis (Joan.) Historia, 221.
W'alker's (C.) Hist, of Independency, 236.
(J.) Sufferings of the Clergy, 255.
Dress of the Irish, 270.
Classical Pronunciation, 351.
Pronouncing Dictionary, 353.
(J. C.) Irish Bards, 374.
[misp. ^\''aUer] on Irish ftlusic, 105.
on Italian Tragedy, 395.
Drama, 395.
(R.) Sermons, 59.
Life, 59.
(S) Sermons, 59.
Wall's Hist, of Infant Baptism, 49.
Wallace's (J.) Orkney Isles, 261.
History of Scotland, 202.
(K.-) on the Numbers of JMankind,
(History of Sir W.), 263.
Wallich Phmta: Asiatic*, 94.
Wallis's (Capt.) Voyage, 132.
(J.) North Bishopricof Durham, 199.
Northumberland, 209.
Walmsley's Physiognomical Portraits,
Walpole's (H.) Anecdotes of the Arts in
England, 108.
Miscellaneous Antiquities, 193.
Reminiscences, 241 and 242.
George II. 242.
Own Conduct, 242.
Memoirs, 242.
Royal and Nol)le Authors, 337-
Works. See Orford.
(Sir R.) Memoirs, 241.
(R.) IMemoirs on Turkey, 142.
• Herculaneum, 171.
Walsh's Constantinople, 142.
Brazil, 156.
Walsingham Ypodigma Neustrise, 220.
Historia brevis Anglicana, 220.
Walter's Poems, 372.
Waltheri Lexicon Juridicum, 69.
Lexicon Diplomaticnm, 339.
Waltoni (B.) in Bib. Pol. Prolegomena, 9.
(Life of Bp), 329.
Vindication of the Polyglot, 329.
Introd. ad Ling. Orient. 349.
(I.) Angler, 128.
Lives, 313.
(W.) South America, 156.
Warburton's (J.) Vallum Romauum, 198.
Dublin, 269.
(W.) Works, 36.
Life, 36.
Warburtonian Lectures, 15.
Ward's Novels, 382, 384, and 385.
(U. G.) Mexico, 154.
(J.) Professors of Gresham College,
. (T.) England's Reformation, 254.
(W.) Hindoo Literature, 303.
Wardlaw on Unitarianism, 50.
on Ecclesiastes, 59.
Sermons, 59.
Wareus de Scriptoribus Hibernife, 271-
Rerum Hibern. Annales, 272.
Waring's Tour to Sheeraz, 149.
Warner (L.) de Karaeis, 20.
(R.) Walks through the W. Coun-
ties, 189.
Tour through the N. Counties, 189.
Cornwall, 189.
Antiqnitates Culinariae, 194.
IIamp^hi^e, 201.
Isle of Wight, 201.
Excursions from Bath, 211.
Tour in Wales, 256.
on Shakespeare, 393.
(W.) Albion's England, 225.
Warren (JMemoirs of the Earls of ), 335.
Warrington's Wales, 257.
Warton's (J.) Kidiiington, 210.
(Jos.) Life, 329.
(T.) Comp. to Oxford Guide, 209.
Hist, of English Poetry, 362.
on Rowley's Poems, 370.
on the Fairie Queen, 371.
Poetical Works, and Life, 372.
Warwick's Charles I. 2.33.
Warwick (Black Book of), 214.
Warwickshire Topography^ 214.
Washington (Life of), 310,
W'ater-colonr Painters' Gallery, 116.
Waterhouse's Fire of London, 205.
Apologie for Learning, 347.
Waterland's (D.) Works, 37.
Life, 37.
Waterloo (Battle of), 244.
Waterton's South America, 156.
Wathen's i\Iadras and China, 151.
A^'atkins' Biddeford, 199.
Watson's (J.) Halifax, 217-
Earls of Warren and Surrey, 335.
(Rich.) Two Apologies, 50.
Theological Tracts, 50.
(Robt.) Philip II. and III. 291.
Taylor. See Taylor.
Watts's (I.) Scripture History, 9.
Logic, 79.
(R.) Bihliotheca Britannica, 343.
(W.) Seats of Nobility, &c. in Eng.
Waverley Novels, 385.
(Letters on the), 385.
(Landscape Illustrations of), 259.
(Portraits illustrative of ), 315.
Waverleyensis Annales, 221.
Way's (G.) Fabliaux, 374.
(L.) Palingenesia, 372.
Waynflete (Life of Abp.), 228.
Weaver on Dancing, 127-
Funeral IMonuments, 192.
Webb's (T.) Epitaphs, 192.
(W.) Irish History, 271.
Webbe on English Poetrie, 362.
Weber, Mem. sur Marie Antoinette, 285.
(H.) Northern Antiquities, 273.
Metrical Romances, 364.
Ancient Poems on Flodden Field,
Webster's A^'orks, 394.
Life, 394.
Weddel's Voyage to the South Pole, 157.
Weiske de Vocibus Gracis, 350.
Weld's North America, 153.
Killarnev, 270.
Weldon's James 1. 232.
Charles I. 2.34.
People of Scotland, 259.
Wells' Sacred Geography, 25.
Wellbeloved's St. Mary's Abbey, 216.
Welsh Bible, 7-
Topography^ 256.
History^ 257.
Language^ 354.
Poetry, 3/4.
Wentwortli on the Succession, 7L
Werner (A. G.) on Mineralogical Veins,
(D. G.) de Poculo Benedict. 2.3.
Wesley (Account of C and S.), 105.
(Life of J.), 256.
( S.) History of the Bible, 8.
AVesseling de Jiida'orum Archontibns, 22.
West (G.) on the Resurrection of Christ,
on the Olvmpic Games, 127-
(J.) Catalogue, 347.
(T.) Furness, 204.
(W.) (Juide to the Lakes, 189.
West Indies ( Voyages in l/ie), 154.
India Islandu {History of the), 310.
Westminster Confession of Faith, 33.
{Topography of), 205.
Westmonasteriensis (Mat.) Flores His-
toriaj, 223.
Westmoreland {Topography of ), 214.
Wethamstede (Jo.) Chronica, 224.
de Processu contra Peacockum, 253.
Weyland on the Poor-laws, 84.
on Population, 84.
Weymar de Suffitu, 18.
de Unctione Sacra Hebr. 19.
Whalley's Northamptonshire, 208.
Wharton (G.) Calendarium Carolinum,
(P. Lord) Household Book, 194.
Whately on Party Feeling in Religion, 54.
Wheatley on the Common Prayer, 31.
on the Creeds, 52.
Wheaton's Northmen, 274.
Wheeler's (G.) Greece, 143.
(Life of Sir G.),314.
(R. B.) Stratford on Avon, 214.
\^'hiclicote's Sermons, 59.
Whiston's Authentic Scriptural Records,
on the Prophecies, 52.
Whitaker's (.J.) Ancient Cathedrals of
Cornwall, 198.
IManchester, 204.
on M'Pherson's Introd. 219.
Mary Q. of Scots vindicated, 266.
(T. D.) Craven, 217.
Leodis and Elmete, 217-
Richmondshire, 218.
Whalley, 218.
Whitby on the New Testament, 11.
White's (G.) Selborne, 201.
(J.) Mahommedism and Christianity,
(J. B.) Evidence against Catho-
licism, 252.
Doblado's T>etters, 439.
(K.) Remains, 400.
Life, 400.
Whitelaw's Dublin, 269.
Whiter's Etvmologicon Universale, 348.
Whitgift's (Abp.) Life, 255.
Whitl()cke's(Sir B.) Memorials, 226, 233.
(Life of), 226.
Swedish Enil)assy, 236.
Whitney's Emblemes, 402.
Whittington's Ecclesiastical
of France, 140.
A\liitworth's Russia, 276.
Wicelii Historia St. Boiiif;icii, 64.
Wichmanshausen de Navig. OphiriticA,
de Thermis Tiber. 18.
de Therajjliini; 21.
de Divinationibus Babyl. 21.
de Calceo Hebr. 23.
de Laceratione Vestium, 25.
WiclifTe's New Testament, 4.
Life, 4 and 2.')3.
Wielaiid's Olieroii, 377-
AVieling Index Chron. Juris Justiniani,
\\'ig(>rnensis Florentii Chronicon, 222
and 223.
Wikes (Th.) Chronicon, 221.
■Wilberforce on Christianity, 50.
Wilbraham's Cheshire Vocabulary, 353.
Wildman on Bees, 100.
"Wilford's (F.) Egypt, .30?.
(J.) Memorials, 312.
Wilhelmi Worcestri Annales, 223.
Wilks's fliysore, 304.
■\Vilkins (D.) Concilia Magnaj Brit. 27.
de Lingua Coptica, 349.
(G.) on the Destruction of Jeru-
salem, GO.
( W-) iMagna Graecia, 172.
Wilkinson (C. H.)on Galvanism, 87-
(R.) Sermon on Lord Hay's Mar-
riage, 59.
William the Conqueror, 226.
and Mary, 240.
Williams' (D.) Monmouthshire, 208.
(G.) Oxonia Depicta, 210.
(H. W.) Travels in Italy, &c. 139.
(J.) Concordance to the Greek Tes-
tament, 16.
on Revelation, 51.
rLife of Archbishop), 234.
( W.) Primitive History, 158.
Petrifactions in Derbyshire, 198.
Williamson (J.) on Revelation, 52.
• on the Truth of the Scriptures, 53.
(T.) Oriental Field-Sports, 127.
Willis's Cathedrals, 186.
Parochiale, 186.
St. Asaph, 186.
Bangor, 186.
St. Davids, 186.
Mitred Abbeys, 187.
Buckingham, 196.
Notitia Parliamentaria, 245.
Wilis (Collection of Royal), 248.
Willughby's Ornithology, 97-
Historia Piscium, 98.
Wilson's (Al.) American Ornithology, 98.
(Life of), 98.
(Arth.) James L 232.
Life, .329.
Inconstant Lady, 394.
(D.) Sermons, 59.
Sermons and Tracts, 60.
(J.) History of IMountains, 90.
Isle of Palms, 372.
(R.) Trigonometry, 103.
(R. T.) B. Expedition to
Russian Campaign in Poland, 276.
(Sir T.) Arte of Logiqne, 79.
Actio contra Mariam Scot. 264.
(T.) Archaeoloiifical Dictionary, 159.
Adversaria, 437-
(Bishop T.) Bible, 5.
— — Works, 36.
Life, 36.
Sermons, 60.
(W.) Jewish Opinions of Christ, 10.
Wilton House Antiquities, &c. 170.
Wiltshire Topography. 214.
Wimeren's (B. von) Bloudy Battle, 278.
Winkelmann, Histoire de I'Art, 107.
(Vie de), 107.
on the Painting, &c. of the Greeks,
Monumens Inedits, 170.
Winstanley's(H.)Grosvenor Gallery, 116.
Audley End, 191.
Eddystone Lighthouse, 191.
{\V.) lioyal Martyrology, 236.
England's Worthies, 313.
\Vintle's Daniel, 6.
on Christian Redemption, 53.
^Vin wood's Blemorials, 249.
Wise, Nummi Scrinii Bodleianis, 174.
^Visheart's Tlieologia, 60.
Wit's Recreations, 372.
Commonwealth, 402.
Theatre, 402.
Withering's British Plants, 93.
Withers's Fides Anglicana, 238.
Abuses Stript, 372.
Shepherd's Hunting. 372.
Fidelia, 372.
Hymns and Songs of the Church, 372.
Witherspoon's (J.) Works, 400.
Life, 400.
^Vitsii vEgyptiaca, 16.
de Synedriis Hebr. 22.
Wittman's Travels, 133.
Wodrow's Church of Scotland, 269.
^Voedroephe's French Grammar, 355.
M^oide Fragmenta N. Test. Sahidica, 3.
^Volfii Epitaphia Judaica, 25.
Jus Naturae et Gentium, 68.
Lectiones Memorabiles, 407.
Wolsev's (Cardinal) Life, 229.
Wood's (Capt.) Voyages, 132.
(A.) Notes on Oxford, 209.
Oxford University, 210.
Athense Oxonienses, 313.
(Life of A.), 314.
(G.) Isle of Man, 218.
(J.) Mechanics, 103.
Optics, 104.
Perspective, 104.
Bath, 211.
(J. P.) Cramond, 260.
(R.) Palymra, 171.
Balbec, 171.
(W.) Zoography, 89.
Bowman's Glory, 127.
AVoodhouse on the Apocalypse, 7-
Woodhouslee. See Tytler.
Woodville's IMedical Botany, 93.
Woodward on Religion, 52.
Roman Antiquities near Bishopgate,
Worcester's (Marq.) Inventions, 103 and
(JMemoirs of), 104.
Worcestershire ( Toipography of), 215.
Biography, 314.
Wordsworth's (C.) Ecclesiastical Biogra-
phy, 255.
(W.) Ballads, 372.
Excursion, 372.
. White Doe of Rylstone, 372.
World, 405.
Worlidge's Antique Gems, 173.
Wormius (C.) de Corruptis Antiq. Hebr.
apud Taciturn, 16.
(O.) Danica Monumenta, 274.
Regum Dania; Series, 274.
W''r:!eyanum Museum, I70.
Worsley's Isle of Wight, 201.
Worthington on Christianity, 52.
Wortley's Characters and Ele^es, 407.
Wotton (E.) [misprinted Wa/ton] de
Animalihus, i)6.
(H.) Elementa Architecturae, 122.
(Life of Sir H.), 313.
Reliquiae Wottonianas, 400.
(W.) Traditions, &c. of the Scribes,
Leges Wallicae, 73.
de Confusione Linguarnm, 348.
View of HicJjes* Treasure, SoG.
Woyer de Polymathia, 103.
Wrangham's Works, 400.
Wraxall's View of Europe, 184.
Own Times, 242.
Courts of Berlin, &c. 278.
Race of Valois, 281.
France, 282.
Wrestling, 127.
Wright's (G. N.) Dublin, 269.
(J.) Rutland, 211.
Historia Histrionica, 390.
(T.) Halifax, 217.
Wriliriff, 107.
{History of), 339.
Wulferus de Siclo, 22.
Wyat's (G.) Anne Bolevn, 229.
(Sir T.) Works, 399.
Life, 399.
Wycherley's Plays, 394.
W^yerJey's (W.) Use of Armourie, 331.
Poems, 372.
Wvndham's Speeches, 246.
— '- Life, 246.
AVynne's (E.) Eimomus, ^3.
■ (Sir J.) Gwedir Family, 336.
{R.) Itiii. Caroli I. in Hispaniam,
Wyntoun's Chronykill, 262.
Xavier (Life of St. Francis), 329.
Ximenes (de Res Gest. Card.) 290.
(Life of Card.), 291.
Xenopliontis Opera, 430.
de Socrate Comment. 430.
Xenophon's Cyropaedia, translated, 430.
Anabasis, translated, 430.
Hellenics, translated, 430.
Minor Works, translated, 430.
Y's (D.) Guernsey, 218.
Yakstun Nattannawa, 378.
Yates' St Edmund's Bury, 212.
Year in Spain, 141.
Yesterday in Ireland, 385.
York's (on the Duchess of) Conversion,
York (MSS. relative to), 432 and 434-6.
Yorkshire Topography, 216.
Biography, 314.
Young's (IMiss) Sketches of Italy, 13^.
(A.) Agriculture of Sussex, 125.
France, 140.
(E.) Works, 400.
(G.) Whitby, 218.
(J.) Angerstein Gallery, 116.
Grosvenor Gallery, 116.
Leigh Court Pictures, 116.
(T.) Egyptian Dictionary, 349.
(Sir W.) History of Athens, 179.
Yvery Genealogy, 336.
Zancaroli Antiquitates Foro-Julii, 294.
Zanchii de Orobiorum Origine, 293.
Zarlino (G.), Instiiutione Harmoniche,
Zeal without Innovation, 51.
Ziegra de Immolatione IMolocho, 21.
Zimmerman on Solitude, 78.
Zonarae Annates, 181.
Zoology, 96.
Zoroastre, le Zend Avesta, 67-
Zoniii ^''aria de Antiquitatibus Sacris,
18, 22, and 23.
Zouche's (L(ird) Dove, 3/2.
(T.) Works, 400.
Life, 400.
Zuniga's Philippine Isles, 306.
Zurlauben, Tableaux de la Suisse, 137.
Zuinglii Opera, 37-
Ijife, 63.
Tiir. i:\i).
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