THE HALF CENTURY OF California Odd fellowship ILLUSTRATED BY GEO. H. TINKHAM Newspaper Writer and Author of "History of Stockton, and the Stockton I. O. O. F. Lodges." 1906: Record Publishing Co. STOCKTON Copyright applied for by George H. Tinl^ham. ;Y J0798I ^^^^^-5 INTRODUCTION. t^* 5^* 5^* To-day we are living in a commercial, a money-making age, the pessimist tells us, and in the footsteps of the Perfect Man we are making no progress. Never was there a more unreliable statement made, for the dawn of this century saw in existence more charitable and benevolent organizations than in any previous period of time. Organizations in which men and women have bound them- selves together under various social names, each institution striving to accomplish the most in helpful assistance. In this grand work for humanity. Odd Fellowship leads, and beneath its white three-linked banner a million and a half Odd Fellows and a half million Rebekahs march, Faith, Hope and Charity their watch-word — Friendship, Truth and Love, their battle cry. This army, like the Crusaders of old, gathers increasing numbers, power and enthusiasm as it moves through the century, and before I pen its record on this west- em shore, let us learn something of its God-ordained American origin. Five years after the close of the war between England and the United States, an Englishman by the name of Thomas Wildey had the courage to emigrate to the enemies' country. The Americans then had no love for the Britons, and yet Thomas Wildey, with his wife, landed at Baltimore looking for work. In his veins there flowed no royal blood; no kingly heritage had he. He was of the lowly class — a common mechanic — a coach-spring maker; and yet, within his heart there was the ring of true manhood, and his name was des- tined to rest among the immortals. On his arrival in the Monumental City he found a pesti- lence raging. Did he flee from the plague, or sit idly by, look- ing on? Could a man do that who had for twenty years been yyj\)\ ■'MM; :) 4 CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. an active worker in the ranks of the English Odd Fellows, Certainly not. "He was made of sterner stuff," and although and who had not only been a worker but a lodge organizer? we have no record — for he was/ a silent man regarding his American life — no doubt he was among the foremost to "visit the sick, relieve the distressed and bury the dead." The fever was soon stamped out, and Wildey found employment. Over in England they had their taverns or ale houses, where the commoners assembled for sociability, a drink, a song or a smoke, and Wildey, of a strong social nature, was there also a leader. Here, he was a stranger in the new country of his adoption, and naturally seeking friends and companions, one of his first acquaintances was John Welch, another Briton. Two years have passed; it is our anniversary year, 1819, Wildey and Welch are still in Baltimore, for traveling then was very expensive and very slow; and one day, while they were conversing of society and events in Old England, Wildey exclaimed: "I know of a society you want in this country, the Odd Fellows." Immediately, Welch replied: "I am an Odd Fellow, a Past Grand of Birmingham Lodge; but I have never met an Odd Fellow in this country, nor have I heard of such a society in America." This remark was a surprise, for Wildey thought that in Baltimore, with its 60,000 people, there would be many Odd Fellows. The desire that was afterward implanted in the California Odd Fellows took possession of Wildey, and he resolved to institute a lodge of his beloved Order in i^altimore. Five, according to English law, were enough to institute a lodge, but they failed to find another brother, although they made diligent inquiry for several weeks. Not in the least discouraged, Wildey now resolved to seek the assistance of the press in his search for brothers, and February 13th, in the Baltimore American, this announcement appeared : "A few members of the society of Odd Fellows would be glad to meet their brethren for con- sultation upon the subject of forming a lodge. The meeting will be held on Tuesday evening, the 2d of March." CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. 5 The call was answered by the two Odd Fellows, Richard Rush- ford and John Duncan, and a subsequent advertisement found Richard Cheatham. As the brothers were all poor men, they held their pre- liminary meetings in a tavern, one of these being the "Three Loggerheads," such places being selected because the "host" anticipating the fact that the persons assembled would patronize his bar, gave them, free of cost, the room, lights and fire. We do not know just how many preliminary meetings were held, but when they assembled April 2d they adjourned to meet April 26th, in the "Seven Stars," kept by Thomas Lupton. Thus it is that the "Seven Stars" comes^own in history as a most important place, because it is the olrth-spot of Ameri- can Odd Fellowship. That night, April 26th, 1819, the little band of five assembled and instituted a lodge. We have but the merest outline of their most important proceedings, for they were men of no infiuence in the community, and being Englishmen, their secret meetings were regarded with suspicion. All we know is that Thomas Wildey, first taking the obligation, then gave it to the other brothers. They named their little lodge Wash- ington, No. 1, and elected Thomas Wildey Noble Grand and John Welch Vice Grand. The lodge was instituted as a purely social institution — a fact which now we have lost sight of in our, endeavors "to put money in our purse" — and the relief of sick and needy brothers was a side issiie. They were a social, jolly band, and to assist them in their good times and also increase their lodge funds, they had a bar in a corner of the room, and there wines, beer and liquor was dispensed by a bar-tender who was known as the "host." 'This bar," said Brother Pryor, "was one of the lodge incomes, for the receipts for the sale of liquor became a part of the lodge funds. This fund was also in- creased by a penny a week tax from each brother, and if a brother, traveling, was in need of assistance, they passed around the ax for contributions." The liquor drinking habit in those days was common with all classes, and in the lodge room, as the money spent was for 6 CALIFORNIA ODD PELLOWSHIt*. a good purpose, it had a tendency to cause the most generous brothers to imbibe too freely; and it was on one of these occasions to which Thomas Kennedy, afterwards a Grand Sire, referred when he said that in walking the streets of Baltimore one evening in 1822, he stopped to listen to a "jolly good party" in the second story of a tavern. First he heard a tenor singing "Old King Cole was a merry old soul, A merry old soul was he." The song was encored by a loud clapping of hands. Then came a recitation from "Richard III," and following this came a song, "The Little Chimney Sweep." The program concluded with a chorus in which all the brothers joined: "Then let us throw all care aside. Let's merry be and mellow; May Friendship, Love and Truth abide With every true Odd Fellow." Their liquor drinking habits, however, were very severely reprimanded by the Masonic lodge of Baltimore, and they took heed of the lesson. Ridgely tells us that Augustus Mathiot, a very prominent Odd Fellow, applied for membership in the Masonic Order. He was black-balled because he belonged to the "bacchanalian club of Odd Fellows." The rejection cut Mathiot to the quick, and he resolved if possible to blot out the stigma. He succeeded for a time, and Washington Lodge, No. 1, through Mathiot's labors, passed the first temperance law: "That hereafter this lodge. No. 1, will abolish the use of every kind of liquor in the lodge room." This was known as the Maryland reform, and it was unfortunate that the Grand Lodge of the United States, organized in 1823, did not adopt this reform until 1865. Washington Lodge at first struggled hard for life, but in 1821 it had grown so rapidly it became necessary to separate the legislative from the operative part of the Order. The Past Grands assembled, Washington Lodge surrendered to them her charter granted by the Duke of York Lodge, England, and February 22d the Grand Lodge of Maryland was organ- ized with the following Grand officers, all mechanics, "the bone and sinew" of the land: CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. 7 M. W. G. M., Thomas Wildey, coach-spring maker. D. G. M., John P. Entwisle, printer. G. S., John Welch, house and ship carpenter. G. T., John Boyd, mahogany sawyer. Grand Guard, Wm. Larkin, cabinet maker. Five years later, 1826, the Grand Lodge of the United States was organized, and they retained this name until 1879, at which time the name was changed to Sovereign Grand Lodge, because their authority then extended to lands beyond the United States. In the early forties, from various causes, secession from the Manchester Unity was freely discussed, and in 1843 they "Resolved that all communication between the Manchester Unity and the Grand Lodge be and hereby is forthwith severed." * * * The causes which led to the secession were many in number, but the principal cause was the refusal of the Unity to permit the American lodge to abolish the bar from the lodge room. The Americans desired to adopt the tv/o beautiful degrees written by John Entwisle, the printer. The Unity refused to adopt the degrees or sanction their use in the American work; while the encampment branch, born on this side of the Atlan- tic, the Unity would not even recognize. So it was with many less important changes, the Unity would permit none of them. It was with deep regret that Father Wildey separated from the Unity, for he had many warm friends in England; but his heart rejoiced four years later, 1846, when he learned that Gilbert Watson had institute* a lodge of Odd Fellows in the far-off Pacific, at Honolulu, Sandwich Islands. This brings us up to the half century of California Odd Fellowship. HALF CENTURY OF CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP CHAPTER I. Older than the State — First Western Coast Lodge — Deputy Grand Sire Frazer — James Smiley obtains a dispensation — California Lodge, No. 1, instituted — The E. P. Jones Lodge — Our brothers in distress — The Odd Fellows kept busy — The Sacramento Relief Association — San Francisco expends $100,000 — Stockton and Marysville reliefs — Pioneer subordi- nate lodges — Without working books or rituals — Samuel H. Parker's arrival — He desires a Grand Lodge — Californians refused a charter — Secession talk in convention — Parker pleads for Grand Lodge charter — Organization of the Grand Lodge — Officers elected and installed — The first Grand Lodge work — Attend a brother's funeral — The Grand Master's good advice. Odd Fellowship on this western coast dates back to that period 1846 when California belonged to Mexico, and her population exceeded not a few thousand immigrants. Oregon, however, virtually belonged to the United States, and hither a brother Past Grand Odd Fellow, Gilbert Watson, concluded to enimi- grate, and there, incidentally, institute a lodge. Obtaining a dispensation from Albert Guild, a D. G. S. of Massachusetts, he saikxl from New York 1845 around Cai)e Horn, and on arrival at Hon- olulu he was so impressed with the beauty of those tropical isles he concluded to there nMiiain. A few weeks after his arrival Dwemlu'r 10, 1S1(», witli 10 CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. a charter membership of five Past Grands, he instituted Excelsior, No. 1, with Brother Ten Eck of New York as Noble Grand. Four years later, Alexander Prazer gave the lodge a charter issued by the G. L. of the U. S. ; and increasing quite rapidly, they later on were attached to the Califor- nia jurisdiction. Watson's change of plan was regretted by the Eastern brethren, as they were anxious, as Grand Sire Kneass expressed it — "To send the glad tidings of our brother- hood across the Rocky mountains, to the rock-bound coast of Oregon." This was impossible, however, so far distant was that territory, until the Government unexpectedly opened the way, by ordering Alexander Frazer, Chief of the Revenue Service, to the Pacific Coast, to map out light-house construction. Frazer was a past high officer in both branches of the Order, and Grand Sire Kneass, by authority from the S. G. Lodge, commissioned him "a special com- missioner, with full power to establish and super- vise the Order in Oregon and California." Frazer, accepting the position, sailed in the revenue cutter Lawrence, from Norfolk, Virginia, November 1, 1848, but delayed by heavy storms and headwinds, he did not reach San Francisco until November 1, 1849. On arrival, he was very much CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. 11 surprised to find an Odd Fellows lodge already instituted by Brother James Smiley, he having come to San Francisco by the isthmus route. Deputy Grand Sire Frazer cruised along the coast for nearly two years, and CA^ery time he sighted a sliip, especially a passenger steamer, he floated at llie masthead of the cutter an Odd Fellows' flag (a), which li(» liad made, thus proclaiming to the world that Odd Fellowship had planted its banner upon tlie western shore. James Smiley, says the record, was "an active and intelligent member of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania." When the cry of gold in California resounded all along the eastern shore, he at once resolved to immigrate to the new El Dorado, make ]iis fortune, and institute an Odd Fellows lodge. Having the last named object in mind, he, upon inquiry, found five other Past Grand Odd Fellows Charles Justin, Samuel J. Torbet, Wm. Caldwell, John Willets and Geo. IT. Weaver also bound for llic gold minces; anhia .la una ry KJth — has- (a) For note readings, see end of cIhiijkm s. 12 CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. tened on to the Sierras. Smiley, remaining in the tented city, opened a general merchandizing store. Forgetting not his mission, he endeavored to insti- tute a lodge by placing an advertisement in the California Star, requesting all Odd Fellows to assemble July 10th, "at the little school house on the plaza." The effort was a failure. Again, in August, he made an unsuccessful attempt, a crier then going through the streets ringing a bell and proclaiming an Odd Fellows' meeting. Many brethren assembled, but, like the July meeting, none had withdrawal cards from their lodge. They were all going to make "their pile" in a few months and return home. Later a few brothers arrived with withdrawal cards, and Smiley, learning this, called a meeting, and September 9th California Lodge, No. 1, was instituted by Deputy Grand Sire Smiley, assisted by Daniel Norcross (b). Past Grand. The following oflflcers were * installed : Kichard Taylor, N. G. ; Wm. Henly, V. G. ; Charles Franklin, Secretary, and John M. Coughlin, Treas- urer. Brother Taylor, living until July, 1905, read a poem at the fiftieth anniversary of the lodge. "Gold ! Gold ! Gold !" That cry brought Smiley to California, and the same cry killed the first California lodge, for its members, leaving every- thing behind them, hurried to the mines. The lodge was instituted by Brother E. P. Jones, editor CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. 13 of llic California Stor, he landing at Yerba Buena July 31st, from the Mormon ship Brooklyn, Samuel Brnnnnn in cliarga Whether he had in mind the iust ii til ion of a lodge before the ship left New York, we do not knoAV, but soon after his arrival he placed the following advertisement in the Star: ^'Notice.— Tlie friends of tlie I. O. O. V. are resx)ect fully invite d to attend a iiieelini; of the Order Tuesday c veninii next, at the . Portsmouth House.'' — San Franeiseo, Dee. 4th, 1847. Jones was the proprietor of this house, then located on the southwest corner of Clay and Kear- ney streets. A goodly number of brotliei*s respond- ing, a lodge was at once formed with E. P. Jones, N. G. ; Samuel Brannan, V. G., and John Joice, Secretary. Their rooms were neatly fitted up; their regalia was of home manufactures aiul I heir iiKvtings were hcM ('very ^fonehiy night. "Brethren from abroad visii iiiii I his )>la((', aie respectfully invited to unite will) lis." So reads tlieir advertisement. The lodge urcw rapidly, over thirty brothers joining. Re- iiio\iiio to larii-er ()nart(M's (Pacific street, near Kearney I, liiey carried on tlieii* work until May, 1848. Tlieii lliey rushed io the mines. A f(^w brotlu'i-s rciiiaiiiini:- i»ehind, hiiriied t he S(MU'et work, and paekiiiu the paraphernalia and regalia "in a H CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. strong box" they stored it in a warehouse. The fire of Christmas eve 1848 swept the town and left not a secret behind. The cry of gold in California resounded all along the Atlantic Coast during the winter of 1848, and in the following spring an army of Odd Fellows, by every possible means of transportation, sailed for that land whose hills were reported as ''coronets of gold." These brothers in their Avild rush, had not the least idea of the new country to which they Avere hastening, the exhorbitant cost of food, clothing and shelter, nor the length of time recpiired to reach their destination. What was the result? Many Odd Fellows starting from home Avith just enough money to pay their passage, by sailing A^essel or steamer, Avere ''broke" on arrival, Avhile others possessing some means, soon emptied their purse. Fever, dysentary and scurA'y Avere then prevalent, and hundreds taken sick en route, entered the (i olden Gate in a. pitiful condition, AA'hile thousands more, taken sick after their arrival, died alone and uncared for because to Odd FelloAvs unknoAvn. Thousands, hoAvever, Avere sought out and recognized, and the brethren of San Francisco, Stockton, Sacramento, Marysville and other min- ing camps Avere kept busy fulfilling their duty in visiting the sick, relieving the distressed and bury- ing the dead. The better to carry on their good CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. 15 work, they organized relief associations, and com- mittees were appointed to seek out and report all sick or needy brothers. In Sacramento an association was organized by a Texas Odd FelloAV, Brother A. M. Winn, later the founder of the Sons of the Golden West. The brother published a call in the "Pacific News" to all Odd Fellows, and in Winn, Baker & McKee's store on K street, over 100 three linkers assembled August 20th, 1849, and organized a relief associa- tion. Tliey had no authority to thus organize and ji(l(>i>t the name of Odd Fellow^, but the necessities of the times demanded prompt action, and immediately electing officers, they made A. M. Winn l*r(*sident, S. M. Gallup Secretary and Daniel McLaren Treasurer. That none might not neglect tlieir duty, the President was authorized to call iilK)n any member to nurse the sick "free of charge;" nurses then were rec^eiving |16.00 a day, and each !rrother was ap]M)inted a committee of one to report any sick oi- dcsi i lute brother. S('v<'ial months previous to the organization of tlir S;i( lauK'nto ass'ociation the brothers of San Fraiiris, (t w ( it at work relieving the suffering, and in a few months, said Parkci', iliey expended over .*1 00,000. We liav(* no i-ccoimI of their history, as tlirir hooks wci-c all drsl roved in ilie fcmr great fii'cs thai each lime burncMl the gi-eater part of the town. 16 CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. In the ofiBce of A. 0. Bradford, afterwards Grand Master, efforts were made to organize a Stockton relief association. A meeting for that purpose was held in November, 1850, and resolutions were adopted to organize an association the following week. When the appointed time had come, the brothers had gone to all parts of the territory, so unsettled and uneasy then were the pioneers. Marysville's population were less migratory in their habits, and under the guidance of Daniel McLaren, an association was formed, and until the institution of Yuba Lodge No. 5, in October 1856, they accomplished splendid work in relieving the sick brothers of that section. The relief associations being illegal bodies, they transferred their work immediately to the subordin- ate lodges of their localities, as soon as said lodges were instituted. The lodges then performed the work in a more thorough and business-like manner, and nobly, right nobly they performed their part, those five pioneer subordinates. The first to fall into line was Sacramento No. 2, which was insti- tuted January 28th, 1851, by James Smiley, Deputy Grand Sire. The lodge was instituted in the upper story of a building known as the Red House, south- west corner of J and Fifth streets, the Masons meet- ing in the same hall. The work of relief was found too heavy for one lodge to carry on successfully. CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. 17 and to assist them, a second lodge Avas instituted January ITtli, 1852, Eureka No. 4, with William H. Watson as Noble Grand. Sacramento was then SAMUEL H. PARKER, P. G. M. Samuel H. Parker was born in Portsmouth, N.H., July 29th, 1818. While engaged In the practice of law, he having been admitted to the bar at the age of 24, Odd Fellowship was Introduced into the State. Brother Parker became deeply interested in the work of the Order, and November 24th, 1843, he was initiated in a distant city lodge. Taking out a withdrawal card, he re- turned to Dover, and in the following month, December 28th, Wecohamet Lodge was instituted, with Parker as a charter member and Vice Grand. April 1st, 1844, he was installed as Noble Grand, and from .January 9th, 1844, until February 12th, 1852, he held the office of Degree Master. He represented his lodge in the Grand Lodge in 1845, and he was that year installed as Grand Master. In 1846-48-49-50 he represented his State in the Sovereign Grand Lodge, and from this time on his life work is a part of California history. 18 CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. rapidly being peopled by Eastern Odd Fellows, and as the two lodges were beyond experiment, it was thought advisable to institute a third lodge. Eleven charter members were obtained and September 24th, 1852, John F. Morse, then editing the Pacific ^'cAVS, instituted El Dorado No. 8. San Francisco No. 3 was instituted July 5th, 1851, to help Cali- fornia No. 1 in their relief w^ork, the Rev. Jesse Boring being the first Noble Grand. In the fol- lowing year the Stockton Odd Fellows took up the humane Avork, and February 14th, 1852, Charity Lodge No. 6 Avas organized by E. G. Greenfield of NcAV York, he receiving a dispensation to institute the lodge from E. G. Coughlin, acting Deputy Grand Sire. No. 6 Avas instituted Avitli six charter members, they coming from as many different States, two from Ncav York, and one each from Pennsylvania., Alabama, Mississippi and liOuisiana In the mining camp Auburn three zealous broth- ers resolved to form a lodge, and through their noble efforts, October 7th, 1852, Auburn No. 7 came into life. It Avas instituted in the parsonage of the Methodist church by George I. N. Monell, Avith Hanson Hazel as Noble Grand and W. F. Norcross, the Avatch repairer and jeAveler, as Secretary. These California pioneer lodges labored as best they might to fulfill the obligation Ave have all taken to mutually assist our brothers. Their work was CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. 19 performed in a crude and imperfect manner, for they had no competent instructor, either in the secret or the degree Avork. None of the lodges had rituals or "working books,-' except California No. 1 and Sacramento No. 2, Avhich they sometimes loaned to the other lodges, they being transported back and forth by an Odd Fellow express agent. The brothel's were compelled to depend upon the memory of some one of their number for their i*ead- ing, and the memory of some of the brothers was remarkable. One brother, E. G. Greenfield, wrote out the work for Charity Lodge No. 6 so correctly, that when compared Avith the ritual, but few mis- takes were found. Grand Master Fox declared that while instituting a northern lodge, he there found a brother Avho read correctly all of the secret and degree work, although he had not been in a lodge room for twenty years. A Mason also, he gave Fox their work. A comi)etent instructor and lodge organizer would soon be at hand to instruct the brothei*s, in fact he was then on his way to California. Two days previous . to the institution of Charity Lodge, 1^'ebruary 12th, 1852, he bid adieu to his New Hampshire lodge, where he had been degree master since 1844, and started for the golden west. A brother high in the councils of Odd Fellowship, three times a representative in the Grand Lodge of 20 CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. the United States and twice an aspirant for the office of Grand Sire, why should Samuel H. Parker, then a young man of 34 years, leave behind him brothers, home, fortune and fame to locate in Cali- fornia. Perhaps the English poet explains the enigma when he wrote : ^'There is a Divinity that shapes our ends. Rough hew them how we will." Be that as it may, five votes, the number by Avhich he was defeated in 1850 for Grand Sire, changed the direction of his life and two years later, April, 1852, Ave find him working with heart and soul, to place the lodges in good order and on a sound basis. The first and most important movement in Par- ker's opinion was the organization of a Grand Lodge, for said he : ^^By the establishment of a Grand Lodge, we shall be able, without delay, to scatter broadcast the seeds of our great and glorious Order over the entire new world, whose fruit shall be more than a hundred fold in a single harvest." Five lodges were enough to organize * a Grand Lodge according to law, and in July, 1852, a peti- tion was drawn up and signed by Past Grand Representative Parker and all of the State Past Grands. It was then forwarded to the Highest Lodge, praying them to grant California a charter. CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. 21 Several brothers, as individuals, sent letters of complaint regarding District Deputy Grand Sire Smiley, and on the first day, the petition and the letters were presented by Parker's successor and referred to the two Committees on Petitions and Correspondence. Horace A. Manchester, after- wards a Eepresentative of the Grand Ijodge from Stockton No. 11, was chairman of the first named committee. They recommended that the charter be not granted, because the lodge had no official knowledge of any lodges save California No. 1, and no fees or dues had been received. The money was sent, however, over f2,000, but was lost somehow in the mix-up. The Corresponding Committee also reporting adversely, severely scored Smiley for his mismanagement and neglect of duty, and declared that the letters were misleading; the committee, however, were very charitable, and they recom- mended that a District Deputy Grand Sire be api)ointed, and that the Grand Sire be authorized to make such an appointment, preference to be given to a permanent resident of California. So confident were the Californians of success, a law was passed April 12th, 1852, incorporating "The Independent Order of Odd Fellows," and when late ip October, they learned of the action of the Sovereign Grand I.od^c, miiiiy were vci-y angry. Tliey want(Hl to secede ;iii dorj^niiize an independent 22 CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. lodge. The secession movement was strongly in evidence when April 11th, 1853, the Past Grands again assembled to petition the Supreme Body "for a Grand Lodge for the State." Sixteen Past Grands were in attendance, and as the proceedings show, secession was in the air. It was a crucial test on the very threshold of California Odd Fellowship, and as Past Grand Master Burton declared, it was a difficulty "which well nigh proved disastrous, and came near causing a separation from the Grand Lodge of the United States, but which was happily healed and all trouble removed." The difficulty arose when the folloAving resolution was put to vote : "Resolved, That a committee of five from this convention prepare a petition for a Grand Lodge for this State, to be forward- ed by the next mail to the Grand Sire." When the question was put the seceders strongly favored an Independent Lodge, and when one representative inquired, "What shall we do?" "Form an independent body," said Graham of Sacramento. Samuel McLean of Charity No. 6 finally succeeded in pacifying tlie discontented brothers, and the resolution passed. I am unable to understand why this convention was held (see Grand Lodge Journal, first pages), when the brethren had at that time a "warrant CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. 23 issued to District Deputy Grand Sire Parker, mine pro fiDir, ]\rnrch 8th, 1853, to receive new applica- tions for a warrant, with power. to institute a Grand Lodge." Behind this warrant stands the linrd A\()rk, the persistent pleading and the logical arguments of Parker. When the neAVS of the rejection of the petition Avas received Parker began corresponding with Grand Sire Moore, urging him to grant a dispensation for a charter, Parker believ- ing that Moore had that power. But the Grand Sire answered, "I am powerless in this matter." As Parker continued writing, Moore commissioned his former opponent for office as District Deputy Grand Sire. Now says Moore, "You can institute the lodges, and they can present a new petition to the Grand Lodge of the United States." "No," answered Parker; "the great distance apart of the lodges, the uncertainty of the mail transportation, and the high state of feeling which obtains, renders such an attempt utterly hopeless." The Grand Sire, believing that if such were the case, he had better stretch the law, sent the warrant. Parker, in his letter to Ridgley, April 11th, acknowledged the receipt of tlie warrant and declared tliat in May he ^^()^ll(l orpmize the Grand Lodge. Late in April he issued liis in'oclaninlion to the lodges to ehM-l Dm ii- TvN jti-csciilnlivcs to ilu^ Grand Lodge. At the lime apiMUiiicd, May ITth, 1853, the 24 CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. thirty-eight Kepresentatives from the seven sub- ordinate lodges, assembled in the Odd Fellows' hall, Genella building, Montgomery street. The con- vention was called to order by the Deputy Grand Sire, he appointing T. Rodgers Johnson as Secre- tary, and the following Grand Officers pro tem : 0. C. Hay den of No. 3, D. G. Master; P. E. Dexter of No. 1, G. Marshal; and E. G. Greenfield of New York, G. Warden. The convention refused, how- ever, to admit the brother last named until after the organization of the Grand Lodge. The Grand Officers were elected the first day, and Parker elected Grand Master, had as his opponents John F. Morse and Mathew Purdin. A spirited con- test for Deputy Grand Master took place, there being five nominees : Noab Sutton, John F. Morse, Edwin W. Colt, John M. Coughlin and Mathew Purdin. Morse was elected Deputy Grand Master; T. Rodgers Johnson, Secretary, and J. M. Coughlin, Treasurer. On the last day of the session Samuel H. Parker was installed as Grand Master, he then installing his appointed officers. The first Noble Grand of Charity No. 6, I. Zacariah, Grand Mar- shal; L. F. Zantsinger of No. 1, Grand Conductor; and A. el. Lucas of Eureka No. 4, Grand Guardian. The Lodge continued four days in session and they adopted a Constitution and By-Laws, a Lodge seal, divided the State into districts, each county a CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. 25 district; petitioned tlie Grand Lodge of the United States to remit their percentage dues, granted chai'ters for the institution of Lodges in Stockton, Diamond Spring's, Sonora, Yreka and Marysville, and selected Sacramento as their place of meeting in 1854:; Sacramento that yeai* building and dedi- cating a hall, the tii*st in the State. On the lirst day, the Grand Body adjourned at noon to perform the last said duty to a brother, and in full regalia, they attended the funeral of C. N. Turner, their first and last" service to the brother of a subordinate lodge. The fourth day the Representatives worked speedy, so that they could take the 4 o'clock boats for their homes, and in the parting hour Grand Mjist(r Parkier breathed into his address t\w tbouglits that have ever since animated the breast of every true Odd Fellow, when he said in closing: ^^],( t us do all iu our power to spread the l)riucii)hs of h^riendsbip, Love and Truth in eyevy city, town and village within the borders of our great and glorious State." The Grand Chaplain then oifercxl the closing prayer, and the first (Jrand Lodge of Galiforiiia adjourned s'nw die. (a) In 1879 this historic flag was presented to the Grand Lodge. (b) The irony of fate is seen in the case of Brother Nor- cross. An enthusiastic worker for Odd Fellowship throughout his life, as he was about to start for California his partner said to him: "Dan, why don't you see Kneass and get a dispensa- tion for a California lodge?" "I'll do it." he replied, and going to the ofllce, he met Smiley coming out of the door, he just having obtained his dispensation. CHAPTER II. Encampment's petition for a State charter — Organization of a Grand Encampment — The Grand Lodge fight — Some pre- vious history — Morse scores the Encampment — Grand Master Colt's warm report — Parker's fire-kindling motion — Sargent and Brewster resign — Separating the slieep from the goats — Non-Encampment members protest — Burton's oil of peace — Lively question for 1872 — The dead issue — Chinese are very popular — They may become Odd Fellows — May the Polynesians come in? — The Sovereign Grand Lodge in a trap — The Chinese are not eligible — The color line discussion — Excelsior Lodge memorial — What do leading journals say — California draws the color line. The subordinate lodges had within their ranks many brothers who were members of the Encamp- ment branch of the Order, and as early as 1854, P. G. Master Parker, presuming he had the author- ity, instituted an encampment at San Francisco — Golden Gate, No. 1; at Sacramento, Pacific, No. 2, and at Stockton, Parker, No. 3. The same year the encampments petitioned the S. G. L. for a State charter, the petition being signed by thirteen patriarchs, all in good standing. Grand Represen- tative Purdin presented the paper to the Supreme Tribunal, and that body, "deeming it good for the patriarchal branch of the Order, in that distant part of the country," granted their petition, although it was illegal, the Past Grand Master having no authority to institute encampments. Mathew Purdin was commissioned as Deputy CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. 27 Grand Sire, and iiniiud lately upon his arrival from the East he notified the encampments to elect their representatives to assemble January 8th, 1855, at Sacramento, for the purpose of organizing a State Grand Encampment The representatives met at the appointed time in Odd Fellows' Hall, and answered to their names as follows: Golden Gate, No. 1 — Samuel H. Parker, Daniel Norcross, P. B. Dexter, T. Rodgers Johnson, A. S. Iredale, John Southwell, Prescott llolx^tson, A. P. Asher, Walter T'elch and David KcMidall; horn Pacific, No. 2 — Matthew Purdin and (\ C. Hay den, and from Parker, No. 3— EdA\in \V. (^olt, J. P. I). Wilkins, Allen Lee Bours and Andrew Wolf. Of these repre- sentatives, all are dead except Andrew AVolf. He is still living at Stockton, at the age of 84, and attending d^ily to his regular business. The election of officers took place the first day, with Samuel H. Parker, M. ^y. G. P.; Prescott Robertson, M. E. G. H. ; Edwin W . (3olt, R. W. G. S. ; T. Rodgers Johnson, R. W. G. S. ; W. H. Watsim, G. T. ; George Borrowdale, G. J. W. Although in this Avork I am treating of Grand Lodge events only, I have introduced this bit of encampment history as a prelude to tln^ Grand Lodge fight which tooU jdace in the session of IS.k;, at Mar^'svi lie, over what was known :is the merge- ment question — a resolution which won Id not have 28 CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. deeply agitated the representatives had there been no encampment. At the time, 1856, there was a resolution before the S. G. L., of vital importance to the encamp- ments, and that we may fully understand the rea- son of the excitement that prevailed, a brief history of the movement is necessary. GEO. F. ROESCH, P. G. P. Stockton Lodge, No. 11, P. G. Brother Roesch was Grand Patriarch, 1894-95, and Grand Representative, 1896-97. In his decisions as Grand Patriarch he was just and firm, and his record shows as one of the bright lights in the Encampment hall. The mergeinent resolution, introduced by Repre- sentative Pindell of Kentucky, in 1850, was the out- growth of a resolution, introduced into the S. G. L. 1831, by Ridgely, which was adopted, that the CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. 29 Royal Purple Encampment degree must be attained by all the representatives to the Grand Lodge of the United States. The subordinate lodges quietly submitted to this decree until 1850. Then Representative Pindell introduced a resolution that a committee of five be appointed "to take into consideration the propriety of merging the Grand Encampment into the sub- ordinate lodges." The resolution, defeated by a vote of only 49 to 36, started the "no encampment movement," and in 1855 North Carolina, Georgia, Delawai'e and New Jersey called for "the old Avork" (nine degrees), while Ohio and New York opposed any and all mergement schemes. The committee appointed on this question, 1854, handed in a report for and against any change, and the G.L.U.S. by a majority of 12, adopted the majority report that a committee of five be appointed to submit a plan for the merging of the two branches of the Order. Their report was laid over until 1856. Grand Master Morse, who was strongly in favor of the mergement, although lie was a Past High Priest of Pacific, No. 2, in his report, 1855, severe- ly scorcMl the Encampment, and he asserted among other reasons tliat "it claims a superior rank, is continually disturbing the peace and quiet of the subordimite lodges; is n^garded iis an aristocratic or select dei>artment of Odd Fellowship, and in- 30 CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. creases the dues without a corresponding- benefit." When, in 1856, the Grand Lodge assembled in Marysville, the feeling "ran high, and at one time almost threatening to disrupt the Order." The report of Grand Master Morse had made him many enemies, and the diflflculty was brought to a focus by the insulting report of Grand Master Colt, read by Deputy Grand Master Hueston, Colt not appear- ing because of charges to be preferred against him. In this report he declared — "That Avith this matter * * * this Right Worthy Grand Lodge has no right to inter- fere. Many of its members never having joined the Encampment, are not capable of deciding upon the merits of the case." This report made the non-Encamjjment members very "warm," and James E. Perkins said, ^.^Refer it to a committee of three." The motion was lost by the close vote of 31 to 35. Then arose a brother, since famous in the politics of State and Nation — Aaron A. Sargent, then a Nevada county newspaper editor — and moved that the matter be referred to a committee of five. Immediately Parker arose with an amendment that none but Encami:>ment membei*s be placed on that committee. "This is treason to the King" — what is its meaning? Section 4, Article III, of the constitution adopted three years pre- vious, declared that no Grand Lodge representative CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. 31 could be elected to the >\ arden's, Deputy's or Grand Master's chair, unless he has "attained the Royal Purple degree," and noAV Parker endeavors to ex- clude them from a Grand Lod<»e committee. Im- mediately John A. Brewster of Sonoma raised the point of order — "That this Grand Lodge has no right to recognize, in its working session, the Grand Encampment as a separate body, and that, therefore, the amendment of Past Grand Master Parker is out of order." The Grand Master declared the point not well taken, and John L. Van Bokkelen, to avert the ap- proaching storm, moved the indefinite postpone- ment of the entire question. The majority of the lodge desiring peace, voted for the motion, 54 to 27, Sargent, Perkins and Brewster voting against it. Sargent and Bi'cwstc^r, botli abkvmen and both on the Committw^ of Appeals, then handed in their resignations from said committiH* — "On the ground tliat tliey are not m(MnbeT*s ^ the Grand Eiic;nii]>iiient, and, tlu'rcrore, considered by this (Jiand Lodge not eligi- ble to act on committees." v\s the Lodge had not acted on Parker's n^solu- lioii, I liey refused t<» a<'r('|)i ilic i-csi^-naiions. Sar- «iers of the "camp," and the Lodge accepted (heir reix)rt — "That it would l)e conducive to the best har- mony of the Order to adopt said amend- gient." Peace again reigned, tlien and from tliat time onward, for we ar(» reminded as nightly we sing our ode, we must "Leave disputes and strife to othei-s; We in harmony must move." In the S. G. L. it was a troublcsoinc (pit^tion. 34 CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. "and for some years caused heated debates, and to some extent injured and retarded the growth of the Encampment branch;'' but in California it was a dead issue until 1872. In that year, both the Grand Lodge and the Grand Encampment adopted resolu- tions to abolish the Encampment branch and make the subordinate lodge nine degrees, making the Patriarchal, the Golden Rule and the Koyal Purjile the last three degrees. This amendment, says Smith, 'Vould have changed the Order so com- pletely its best friends would never have known it." Nevertheless, Grand Representative Nathan Porter favored the change, and introduced the amendment into the Sovereign Grand Lodge. It was laid over until 1874. In that year the Grand Lodge experienced a change of heart. They reversed completely their instructions of 1872 and instructed their Grand Representatives, C. O. Burton and John B. Har- mon, to oppose any and all measures looking to the mergement of the two branches. In the Highest Court the opposition was dead, and when Porter's amendment came up for action it was overwhelm- ingly defeated by a vote of 4 to 120. Odd Fellowship has no affinity with party or sects, and yet that great problem, the colored man, has upon two separate periods created heart burn- ings and strife in the Grand Lodge. It was first CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. 35 created by the Chinese, a race Avhich, said a brother, minei-s left their work, making two ouuce^s a day, and traveled tAventy or more miles to Ir^aciaHieuto to see. They were very popular in that day with the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man advocates, and Grand Master Morse, believing, per- haps, that the Chinese Avould apply for membership in the Order, made inquiry of Grand Sire Wilmot G. DeSausure of South Carolina regarding "The propriety of admitting Chinese, and allowing them to have a lodge and work in the Chinese language." The answer that came back astonished the pioneers and set them athinking, for the Grand Sire replied : "If they believe in a Supreme Being, the Creator and Preserver of the Universe, I see no reason for their exclusion." The S. G. L. journal shows no action of the Lodge regarding the Grand Sire's decision, and their silence implied an approval. The matter rested until 1858. In that year, the Sandwich Islander's Avcri* knocking at ih(^ "outtr* door" and seekini; admission lo (he Onlcr. William Wood, then D. G. Sire of the Honolulu jurisdiction, passed up to Grand Sire Ellison the following question : 36 CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. "Is there any objection to receiving into the Fraternity the members of the Polynesian race, whose association with foreigners has fitted them to become members of institutions similar to our own." The Grand Sire replied that he could see no objections. True, it is, that a member must be a "free white man," but — "We see Africans with a skin almost as white as a European ; therefore, the Poly- nesians and the Mongolians may, like the Africans, become so changed by these gradations as to bring them within our rule of admission." Ellison's decision and his exceedingly ingenuous argument in its support Avas referred to a com- mittee of five. Four of this committee, led by Kobert Bolyston of South Carolina, said : "No, they cannot be received as members." The minority (Stuart of New^ York, later Grand Sire) approved of Ellison's decision, for "the Chinese are now eligible, why should the Polynesians be excluded." The Sovereign Grand Lodge found themselves trapped. To pacify their Southern brethren, and exclude the negro, they amended the constitution in 1827 by inserting the words "free white," and now their leaders claimed the colored race, the Mongol- ians, "are eligible for membership." The California representatives fought the ques- CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. 37 tion from the start, and Samuel H. l*ai*ker, one of the com mil tee to whom the subject was referred, succeedeil iu having the reports laid over until 185!). Tlien John W. Dwinelle, one of the brightest men in the ^Supreme body, succeeded in convincing the committee — "That the terms, ^free white nmles,' are de- scriptive of the pure white Caucasian race, and exclude all other colors and races from the Order; therefore, the Polynesians and Chinese are not eligible to nu^mber- ship." This was a most ]ia]>])y victory for California, and the S. (J. L. ad()[)tiii.u tlu^ repi^rt, it settled the (pies- tion concerning tlie Chinese. It also settled the status of the ^'Kanakas, ' as they were calhd in California, until 1875. Then the battle over the colored man was strongly fought all along the line, from California to New York. The cause of the n n( wal of tlie contc-st was created l»y a iiK iiioi-ial sent to the Sovc-Teign Crand Lo;lg(^ from lOxct'isior Lodge, No. 1, and the report to tlie California (Irand Lodge of Martin White*, 1*. Ci. Master of Nevada, Ik , on his visit to Honolulu, representing (Irand Master Bradford. Ivxcelsior Lodge wius then in the California jurisdiction. The UKMiiorial, which was signed by over seventy members of tiic h)dge — 38 CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. "Prayed the Sovereign Grand Lodge to so construe the law as to permit the admit- tance of the Polynesian race, as there are many among them intelligent half-white persons who would make good Odd Fel- lows. 'God hath made of one blood all nations of men, to dwell on the face of the earth'." Past Grand Master White's report was along the same lines, and he declared that ''our unjust laws" retarded the growth of the Island lodge — "For among the natives * * * there are many who would make good Odd Fel- lows, but the word 'white' in the constitu- tion prevents their becoming members. Even the King, himself, although a mem- ber of the Masonic fraternity, cannot be- come one of us." The two leading Odd Fellow journals, the "Heart and Hand," then edited by Wm. H. Barnes, New York, and the "New Age," (a) edited by Samuel York at Lee, (b) published column after column for and against the admittance of the colored people. "It is the question of the day," wrote Lee. "The Grand Lodge of the United States must do one of two things; either strike out of the ritual its invocation of universal brotherhood, or carry its principles into practice." CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. 39 Editor Lee, advocating the same doctrine as his predecessor, Frank Austin, (c) was a simon pure disciple of Fatlicr >\'ihl('v, and when' the San Fran- cisco "Post" calhd upon liini to exprc^ss liis b(^iief, Lt^ replied: "That if a pei*son was tw(^nty-one years of age, of good moral cliaracter, and a be- liever in the Su])renu' H( iiig, lie would wel- come him as a brother, whether his color was white, black, green or yellow." The editor of the "Heart and Hand," who had been through childhood's years a resident of the South, strongly opposed any change of law that would admit the colored race, and in an editorial, February, 1872, he wrote : "We are opposed in toto, from bej^nning to end, to any change of law that will admit to membership in our Order, of any other than are now provided for, in this or any other countr3^ If other countries want our Order as we have it, well and good. If it has to change in any essential point, to go into any land, we are opposed to such extension." We are writing outside of the scope of our work, but as Wm. H. BariK s lias for more than a quarter of a century been an editor and prominent h adcr in California Odd Fellowship, I knew lliat liis views upon this question would be of interest 40 CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. The California Grand Lodge has ne\'er favored the admittance of either the Chinese, Pol^^nesians or negro race, and when in 1874 Representative Pensam offered a resolution that our Grand Repre- sentatives be instructed to urge upon the S. G. L. to strike out the word "Avhite" from the constitution, tlie resolution was indefinitely postponed. SACRAMENTO IN 1850: The Home of Morse, Haswell, Hueston and Harmon. CALIF'ORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. 4l (a) The New Age, which is the oldest fraternal journal in A,merica, was first issued as a weekly January 1st, 1865, by W. W. Boughton, the subscription price being $5.00 a year. The new paper was favorably received by the brothers, and the G. L. adopted Grand Master McClelland's recommendation and took such action as would "aid the publisher in his laud- able efforts to disseminate the principles of Odd Fellowship." The New Age was not a money-maker, by any means, and as a result, passing through several different hands, in Jan- uary, 1875, it was issued by the Odd Fellows Publishing Cond- pany. W. F. Norcross then purchased and managed the paper, the price in the meantime having been reduced to $3.00 a year, with the privilege of obtaining the two journals, the NeW Ag^ and the Heart and Hand, published in New York and edited by Wm. H. Barnes, for $4.00 per annum. The New Age, up to this time, had been the official organ of the Grand Lodge, but .January 8, 1874, a rival appeared, the Pacific Odd Fellow; then there was trouble. The new paper endeavored to obtain the official recognition and endorsement of the Grand Lodge, and the result was a resolution adopted "that no person shall be authorized to designate any news- paper as the official or other organ of this Grand Lodge." The rival paper soon passed out of existence, but the New Age lived on, the proprietor, as A. M. Winn said, "barely making a living by hard work and strict economy." in 1885 a corporation was organized, it being expected that the lodges would take stock. The expectation was only a dream. Then the publishing house of Dewey & Co. believed that they had a plan that would make not only the New Age, but all of their society papers a success. They had been publish- ing the A. O. U. W., the K. of P. and Masonic journals, and it was their plan to give each society a weekly issue, the Odd Fellows number to appear thus "The Illustrated Pacific States I. O. O. F. Edition." The experiment was a flat failure, and as the publishers had taken the insignia of the Order without legal authority, Grand Master Lloyd directed the Grand Sec- retary to request the publishers "to refrain from calling it the organ of the I. O. O. F." Dewey still retaining the plant, it was again published under its original name, with W. F. Norcross at the helm, until 1891, and at that time Past Grand Alexander said in the prelude to his resolution: "The New Age has recently come under the editorial management of that veteran fraternal journalist, Wm. H. Barnes; and be it resolved that the New Age is hereby cordially recommended to the continued favor- able support of the Order." Wm. H. Barnes at this time had been some fourteen years In California, engaged in newspaper work on the New Age and the San Francisco Call, he editing for several years the frater- nal columns of that daily. It was his suggestion, and dates from April, 1878. In 1896 he purchased from the Dewey Co. 42 CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. the New Age plant, and since that time, at the extremely low price of $1.00 a year, he has been sending forth messages of love and peace to all the world. (b) Samuel York, at Lee, being a personal friend of Daniel Norcross, he came from his Washington home, 1873, expressly to edit the New Age. He was a notable writer, leading lawyer, and high in fraternal society. Born in Ohio in 1809, at the age of 25 he was installed as Grand Master of Ohio. Appointed as Postmaster of San Francisco in 1848, the ill health of his wife prevented him from accepting that position, and it also deprived him of the high honor of being the founder of Masonry on the Pacific Coast. (c) Frank Austin wrote in 1868: "Odd Fellowship has a great and important work to perform. * * * But in order to render it what it should be, and in any manner serviceable to the world at large, it must be universal salvation. This is what we proclaim to be the objects of Odd Fellowship. Then, in the name of God, let there be no obstacles thrown in the way by individuals or bodies. When the S. G. L. shall adopt proper measures * * * china will behold our temples adorning the Celestial Empire, and we will go forth to enlighten, civilize and Christianize the benighted millions of heathen lands." CHAMEU IIL *nid Odd Fellows' natal day — Stockton celebrates the anniversary — First observance of day — Sacramento dedicates a hall — Oration of Newton Booth — Memorial service to Thomas Wildey— San Francisco dedicates a new hall — The visit of Schuler Colfax— He confers the Rebekah degree — Presented with a handsome cane — The Odd Fellows' San Francisco library — "To bury the dead"— Dedication of Odd Fellows' cemetery — Sudden death of Parker — Corner stone of Parker monument. The anniversary day of American Odd Fellow- ship, April 26tli, is now annually celebrated throughout the Odd Fellow's world, but it was not generally honored until 1859, the Sovereign Gpand Lodge, the previous year, recommending its obser- vance. In accordance with the Grand Sire's recommen- dation, as reported in the Eastern newspapers, (for they received no official notice on this Coast of said recommendation). Grand Master Van Bokkelen issued his proclamation Januaiy 20, 1859, "for a day of thanksgiving and rejoicing." "Each and every lodge observed the day with appropriate cere- monies," said the Grand Mastx^r, the San I^^'rancisco lodges dedicating ^lineiTa Hall t/) the us(^ and pur- poses of the Order. The Marysville Odd Fellows also deflicated a hall in their splendid |1 0,000 stone building, the members of Yuba and Oriental Lodges, unassisted, paying for the building. 44 CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. The Stockton lodges had dedicated a liall four years previous, 1855, Samuel H. Parker delivering the oration, and they celebrated the fortieth anni- versary with great enthusiasm. The brethren, in full regalia, marched the streets of the city, led l)y a band of music, then marching into tlie Stockton Theater, where the literary exercises of the day were held. The President of the Day was O. O. Burton. A. C. Bradford read tlie Grand Master's proclamation, and Nathan Porter delivered the oration. After singing the closing ode, the Odd Fellows reformed in line and marched to the City Hall, where a splendid banquet was in readiness. The walls were handsomely decorated with the flags, banners and emblems of the Order, and a large number of toasts were offered, Nathan Porter, A. C. Bradford, C. O. Burton and many others re- sponding. In the evening the festivities closed with a grand ball, the Odd Fellows dancing all night, until the broad day light. A few California lodges had celebrated the day previous to this time, among them the Stockton lodges. Charity and Stockton, they being the first in the State to celebrate the natal day. We need no higher authority on this point than Past Grand Master Parker, he in a letter to the Stockton brothers, April 20, 1859, saying : "I well know tliat the brothers of the City CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. 45 of Stockton were the first on the Pacific Coast to recognize the anniversary of Odd Fellowship in the United States, as early as 1853. I had the pleasure of uniting with the brothers on that day." Parker had another pleasure in tlie following 3 ear — that of tiiking part in the dedication of an Odd Fellows' hall at Sacramento, the first dedicated liall in the State. The brothei*s of that city Avere liustlers, not onl^^ in business, but in fraternal work, and so rapidly did tlieir membership increase they v.ere compelleer, assembling at their hall on the corner of Kusli and Kearney streets, marched to Piatt's Hall, (nich brother Avearing black crepe upon his left arm and a satin badge stamped with a portrait of Wildey pinned to the lapel of his coat. The Rev. Samuel C. Thrall and W. F. B. Jackson led the procession, dressed in their canonical robes. Great prepara- tions were made for this service, two and a half hours in length. A first-class chorus, orchestra and solo singers were present, and under the director- ship of Rudolph Herold they rendered the chorus 48 CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. from St. Paul, and Mozart's requiem — that sublime composition composed by him just before his death — the solo parts being sustained by the famous singers of that day, Agatha States, Mrs. Leach and (). Keefe and Stephen Leach and Jacob Stadfeldt. The assembly being called to order, the Chaplain recited the Lord's prayer. The opening ode was then sung, followed by responsive Scripture read- ings by the Chaplain and the brethren. The eulogy was delivered by Past Grand Master Parker, and in his first words, calling attention to the death of Colonel E. D. Baker, California's favorite son, at Ball's Bluff, he said : iir^^ The lightning speaks. Its first flash across the continent brings us the sad tidings of a soldier's death. "He sleeps his last sleep. He has fought his last battle; No sound shall awake him to gioi'y again. ^The lightning speaks. Its second flash brings us the sad tidings of death. Past Grand Sire Thomas Wildey, the great father and founder of American Odd Fel- lowship, is no more. * * * The Order which he has founded has been established in every State; his work has been accom- plished, and like Simeon of old, he could have long since looked upon his i>ast life and said, ^Lord, now lettest thy servant CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. 49 dei>ai*t ill peace; for mine eves have seen the glory of thy salvation'." That the California Odd Fellows held in high esteem their "great father" was proven four years later, and "in the undying offering of thousands of Odd FelloAvs," as llidgely put it, a magnificent marble shaft was erected in Baltimore to the memory of Wildey. California contributed more than any other State in the Union, |3,000 ; Pennsyl- vania, $1,500, was second on the list. This beautiful shaft was destroyed in the great Baltimore fire. Another red-letter day in the history of the San Francisco Order was the dedication. May 6th, 1863, of a second Odd Fellows' hall. The Order had out- grown the limits of Minerva Hall, and the Board of Directors, purchasing the Academy of Music, cor- ner of Montgomery and Somers streets, afterwards the Chronicle building, of John C. Tucker, the famous jeweler, had remodelled it at a cost of $110,000, and fitted up and frescoed three handsome halls, dedicating them to Covenant, Parker and Wildey. At the sunrise, noon and sunset hour a salute of forty-four guns was fircnl from the top of Telegraph Hill, "and the flags from the shipping and build- ings" and "the splendid triumphal arch on Mont- gomei-y str(*et denoted that it was, indei*d, a gala day in California." 50 CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. The procession, consisting of some 5,000 Odd Fellows from all parts of the State and from Nevada, '^as it filed along Montgomery street, from ^larket to Washington, seemed the most gorgeous pageant we have ever witnessed," said an enthus- iastic reporter. The parade was led by Company C, of the National Guard, and the brethren marched to the music of four bands, among them the most famous band of that time, the U. S. Ninth Infantry. The literary exercises held in the Metropolitan Theater, Washington street, the building crowded to overflowing, consisted of prayer by the Grand Chaplain, the singing of two odes by the brethren, an oration by John D. Dwinelle, and an original poem by Charles A. Sumner, of Templar, No. 17, then court reporter and tlie best stenographer in California. The poem was quite lengthy and it concluded in the following lines: "And brothers, all unite in earnest prayer, That this grand work may have a heavenly care; That with the Father's blessing this Order may increase, Whose ways are ways of pleasantness and all whose paths are peace." The benediction w^as then pronounced and the procession reforming, marched to the new halls, wliere the Grand Master, J. A. J. Bohen, dedicated CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. 51 them to Odd Fello>\'sliip. The celebration con- cluded with a ^*and ball in Union Hall. And over 4,000 "ladies and the brotherhood" danced until the dawn of day. Twenty-one years passed along before San Fran- cisco saw the dedication of another imposing build- ing, and during those years many interesting events took place, among them the arrival, Jul^^ 4th, 1865, of Schuler Colfax, an Odd Fellow of high standing, and the creator of the Kebekah degree. From the time of his arrival at Placerville, in the first over- land stage to cross the continent, to the hour of his d(?parture, through the Golden Gate, he Avas enthus- iastically received, not only as a representative Odd Fellow, but as one of the first citizens of the land. Speaker of the House of Representatives and leader of the Republican party, (b) Colfax traveled extensively over the Pacific Coast in search of knowledge regarding its resources, and in every city he visited he received from the citizens and Odd Fellows a royal welcome, because of his grann his retirement from the office of Vice-President of the United States he declared — "This ccmntry has conferred many honors upon me, but I would not exchange all of them today for that good standing in Odd 52 CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. Fellowship, of which, for nearly a quarter of a century, I have been so justly proud." Whenever time and place would permit, Colfax visited lodges, delivered addresses — he was one of tlie ablest orators in America — and conferred the "woman's degree," as it was then called, upon hundreds of brothers and their wives. The degree in San Francisco, which is still a most pleasant memory with those then present, was conferred August 19th, in Covenant Hall, and Colfax himself, writing of this event sixteen years later, said : "I can never forget the unparalleled meet- ing of the degree of Rebekah, at Dashaway Hall, where with seven Sentinels, and twelve hundred present, four hundred of them ladies, I conferred the degree, on seventy-five wives and widows of my brethren." (c) During his visit Colfax, in Piatt's Hall, San Francisco, delivered a lecture on Odd Fellowship, before an immense mass meeting of Odd FelloAvs. August 17th he was tenderc^l a dinner by the Six Chinese Companies. Two weeks later, August 31st, he was given, by the citizens, a farewell banquet and ball, in the Occidental Hotel. Six hundred plates were set, with tickets at |25.00 each. On the evening previous to his departure by steamer for the East, he was presented by the brethren with a CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. 53 beautiful gold-lieaded cane, valued at f 200. 00, the head being set with quartz from nine separate mines. The following morning he sailed on the Panama steamer, thousands bidding him God speed. Colfax again visited California with the Sover- eign Grand Lodge in 1869, and later, 1878, June 14th, in Piatt's Hall, he delivered his famous lec- ture on Abraham Lincoln, for the benefit of the San Francisco Library Association. This library, now a thing of memory only, was tlie great project of Parker. He believed that noth- ing would have a greater tendency to build up Odd Fellowship and give it a high moral tone than a good librarj^, and he declared — "An Odd Fellow may have taken care of the sick, ♦ * ♦ but if he has not given this department of Odd Fellowship his mite, that at least one book ma^'^ be added to the intellectual storehouse of our Order, then he lacked one thing yet to nuike liim- self a perfect Odd Fellow." In a closet 5x6, adjoining the lodge room, the library was esUiblished in 1854, each member bring- ing a lH)()k. A Board of Directors was api)()intc(l to take charge of the work, and at the tinu* of Parker's death they had a library of 14,000 volumes, valued at $33,475. The increase of the volunu^ was rapid, and twenty years later, 1887, tliey liad some 54 CALlFOtolA ODD ^ELLOWSttll*. 40,000 volumes, many of them costly and rare. The rooms also contained several very valuable cabinets of minerals and curios. Parker at his death willed |2,500 to the library, to be kept on interest until principal and interest amounted to |5,000. The library was sustained by various means — concerts, lectures and picnics, a monster picnic being given August 7th, 1878, at Woodward's Garden. It was also supported by individual and lodge subscriptions, each lodge at one time paying |2.00 quarterly per member. The library was the best and most complete of any library in the State, especially in California litera- ture, but when the Free Library was established, its finish was in sight. In the Grand Lodge, 1897, the year the library closed its doors, efforts were made to have that body pass a law taxing the San Francisco lodges for the support of the library. Representative Polack, of No. 29, introducing the resolution. The Lodge declared it had no power to levy such a tax. In the earliest days even, as today, one of the most important duties of Odd Fellowship is "to bury the dead,'' for thus we are commanded. Unfor- tunately, however, for many years the Odd Fellows dwelling in the towns were compelled to bury their deceased brothers in grounds set apart by the authorities. This was unfortunate, for in the CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. 55 rapidly growing towns the graveyards were often moved from place to place (d), and the burial spot of today became a place of business or travel to- morrow. To prevent any further desecration of the Odd Fellow dead, the brothers of San Jose, Sacramento, Vallejo, Stockton, San Francisco and the mining camps purchased plats of earth, and beautifying them with plants and flowers, there laid to rest their dead. The first cemetery dedicated to the purposes of Odd Fellowship, so far as the record shows, was the Odd Fellows' cemetery, San Francisco. As early as 1854 Templar Lodge took up a subscription for that purpose, and in the following year they gave notice to the San Francisco lodges that Templar Tjodge "designs to proceed in the matter of estab- lishing an Odd Fellows' cemetery." No further action seems to have been taken regarding this matter until August, 1865, at which time Yerba Buena Tx)dge purchased a plot of ground twenty- eight acres "on the western slope of Lone Mountain, on the south side of the Point Lobos road," at a cost of $300.00 per acre. As the grounds were too large for the burials of one lodge alone, it soon passed into the hands of an Odd Fellows' Association. They planted trees, shrubs and flowers, and in time it l)ecame the most beautiful spot in San Francisco. 56 CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. Additional acres were purchased in 1879 and a third tract in 1886, with a good supply of water. Then the city limits were extended beyond the burial grounds, and finally, after several years of litiga- tion, a city ordinance was declared valid, prohibit- ing any further burials after August, 1901. In this cemetery lie buried many of our most honored dead, among them Parker, Bohen, Morse, Porter, Farnsworth, Johnson, and hundreds more of true Odd Fellows. On November 24th, 1865, it was dedicated "to the social purposes and uses of the dead of the Order." The grounds were dedi- cated by Grand Master C. O. Burton, he being intro- duced by the President of the Association, Charles Langley. The oration was delivered by John F. Morse, he declaring that in San Franrlsco, even the dead were obliged to pay toll, (e) In the eastern part of the cemetery there lies a high mound now known as "Parker's Hill." Upon this hill, March 16th, 1866, stood two Past Grand Masters, Samuel H. Parker and his most beloved brother, J. A. J. Bohen. It was a commanding position and a most inspiring view that lay before them. Parker, strong and in the best of health, turning to Bohen, then dying of consumption, ex- claimed : "Here must be laid the first Grand Master that dies in this jurisdiction." They returned to the city and in a few short hours Parker was dead CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. 67 —fatty degeneration of the heart. He had returned to the hotel, the Lick House, and while descending the stairs to dinner, sank to the floor and immed- iately expired. It was a severe loss to the Order, this kind and gentle brother, who, "without a selfish thought," \\a& constantly doing for the good of those around him, and deeply grieved were the 7,000 Odd Fellows of California. His body lay in state in Covenant Hall, and March 18th a short funeral service was held. The rector of the Episcopal Church, John Goodwin, of which Parker was a prominent mem- l)er, read the burial service, '^I am the resurrection and the life," and the '^twelve" from Apollo Lodge, No. 123, sang several chants and hymns. The funeral cortege was then formed, the Past Grand Master resting upon a catalfaque, and to the solemn strains of thirty musicians the subordinate lodges, encampments and friends, numbering nearly 1,200, marched to the cemetery, where the burial services of the Order were read. They buried him upon the crest of the hill where he declared the first Grand Master dying should be buried, and three years later, November 17th, 1869, the Order laid the cornerstone for a splendid marble shaft, a tribute of love from the brethren. From the noon hour until the time appointed for the cere- mony the cars were crowded witli people hurrying to the "Silent City." When the hcmr of 2 was at hand, George M. Garwood, chairman of the Monu- ment Committee, introduced the Rev. F. Dillon Eagon, who offered prayer. The choir then sang an 58 CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. appropriate selection, and the cornerstone, contain- ing many historical papers regarding the Order, was sealed by Grand Master Fox, he using for that purpose a trowel made of solid silver, handsomely chased with the emblems of the Order. In May, 1902, Past Grand Master Fox presented this trowel to the Grand Lodge. The ceremony over, Nathan Porter delivered a splendid oration regarding the ancient and modern custom of erecting memorials over the beloved dead. (a) John Wasley, a charter member of Scio Lodge, No. 102, was initiated by Thomas Wildey in 1837 at Mineral Point, Wisconsin. Another brother, Wm. Childs, of Salinas Lodge, No. 152, was a member of Washington Lodge, No. 1, in 1828, and Wildey was then the acting Past Grand. Of the "old guard" was Wm. Attilier, a charter member of Yosemite Lodge, No. 97. He was initiated in 1819 in Frank- lin Lodge, No. 2, Baltimore; and he was employed making cartridges at Fort Henry, 1812, when Francis Key, then a prisoner on a British ship, composed the "Star Spangled Banner." Attilier came to California in 1849, settled at Big Oak Flat, organized the Yosemite Lodge, and died in 1878 from severe burns received when his cabin caught fire. His portrait hangs in the lodge room, he wearing his original regalia, apron and collar. (b) "Colfax," says the historian, Rufus Wilson, "sat in the Jiouse for fourteen years; was thrice chosen Speaker, each time by an increased majority ; and when he retired from that post it was to become Vice-President under Grant. He was long one of the most popular men in public life, and he merited both esteem and good will, for his hands were always open, his aims high and his methods humble." (c) His visit in Sacramento was notable, as the four lodges held a special meeting in the Assembly chamber of the State Capitol to welcome Colfax. He conferred the Rebekah degree upon twenty-four wives and forty brothers, and at the close of the interesting session a banquet was spread in the Senate chamber. (d) In San Francisco, the first burial place was Russian Hill, and when the increasing population demanded more room, the bones and bodies were shoveled in carts and dumped into ditches dug in Yerba Buena cemetery, now the site of the City Hall. The first Stockton graveyard is now the site of the County CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. 59 Jail. There the first deceased Odd Fellow was buried, a brother from the mountains. His burial led indirectly to the Institution of Charity, No. 6, one year later. (e) The toll house was located on the top of the hill, this being the old Cliff House road. The toll was $1.00 for each two-horse hack or carriage, and 50 cents for a single-horse vehicle. In 1870 a reduction to funerals was made. The hearse and two carriages were permitted to pass free; extra carriages, 20 cents for two horses, and 10 cents for a buggy. The road, constructed of macadam, twenty-four feet wide and six miles in length, was built by Buckley and others at a cost of $40,000. ^g^-?-r5?5Sv'E-, .—• ■ - -•^. THE PARKER MOMiiVlKM, (From an old print.) The monument was erected by the Parker Monument Com- mittee, consisting of Geo. M. Garwood, John Q. Piper, John A. McClelland, Geo. T. Bohen and Martin M. Heller, at a cost complete of $8,650, the monument alone costing $6,150. The money was contributed by the subordinate lodges and the encampments, Templar giving $1,000, Verba Buena $500 and Charity No. 6 $50. The monument, 37 1^ feet in height, rests on a hill 100 feet high. The corner stone was laid November 17th, 1867, and completed the following year. CHAPTER IV. Firing on the Old Flag— What was its meaning?— Is Odd Fellowship a failure? — Thirty vacant chairs — Peace in our councils — The representatives' grand reunion — A victory for Odd Fellowship— Divisions in California— Haswell's strong Union speech — "The Union must and shall be preserved" — The dominion of peace — Resolutions on Lincoln's death — Grand Lodge refuses to endorse monument fund — Contributions to Garfield monument — The war for humanity — Honors to Gen- eral Lawton — Greetings to President McKinley — Grand Lodge adjourns to welcome President Roosevelt. At early dawn on the morning of April 12tli, 1861, the battery in Charleston harbor, under com- mand of General Beauregard, began firing upon the Old Flag, then flying over Fort Sumpter. What was its meaning? It meant the secession of the South from the Union ; the separation of thous- ands of families ; a division of religious, benevolent and other secret societies, and a long and terrible war between the men of the North and the South. That year, October 19th, Thomas Wildey died. Was his life work a failure? His ideal of a universal brotherhood of man, a visionary dream, impossible in its conception? So it would seem, for now a great brotherly war was on, and in the city where Odd Fellowship had its birth the first blood of the conflict was shed. But Wildey's life work was not a failure. No! Deep down in the hearts of his disciples the fires of Odd Fellowship continued to brightly burn. They CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. 61 piloted the good ship Odd Fellow straight on her course; they — "Knowing no sectional divisions and recog- nizing no geographical lines, continued to show the world an example of the incal- culable good which may be accomplished by an army of Odd Fellows marching on THOMAS WILDEY. Thomas Wildey, the founder of American Odd Fellowship, was born in London, England, January 15th, 1782. He at- tended school until 14 years of age, and then learned^ a trade, that of coach-spring maker. He was initiated into a' lodge of Odd Fellows at the age of 21, and during his residence in London he was an active worker. Emigrating to America in 1817, two years later he instituted, April 26th, 1819, Wash- ington Lodge, No. 1, Baltimore. He was the first Noble Grand, served twice as the Grand Master of the Maryland Grand Lodge, and four years as the Grand Sire of the Grand Lodge of the United States. 62 CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. under the glorius banner of Friendship, Love and Truth.'' When the Sovereign Grand Lodge assembled at Baltimore, (a) September, 1861, Robert B. Boyle- ston of South Carolina, the Grand Sire, was absent, (b) Deputy Grand Sire Herndon called the Lodge to order, "and as he addressed the members upon the grave situation that faced them, thirty vacant chairs and unoccupied desks stood before him." Ten States failed to answer to their names as the roll was called, for they had seceded, some of them from the mother lodge, expecting, eventually, to form an independent grand body (c). The Sovereign Grand Lodge would not admit that a secession of Grand Lodges was possible with- out their consent, and as this consent had not been given, the Grand liOdges were therefore within the jurisdiction of the Sovereign Grand body. Hence, it was, that throughout the war our ranks remained unbroken, the only society in the Nation not dis- rupted. "Peace ruled our councils and fraternity presided at our meetings. Each vacant chair was jealously guarded as the symbol of a living brother, and no action was taken without reference to the wishes of the distant brotherhood." The Northern brethren, anxious to have their Dixie Land brothers return as soon as i)ossible, CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. 63 "largely to hold open the door for our Southern brethren," elected as Grand Sires, James B. Nichol- son of Pennsylvania, 1862-64, and Isaac M. Veitch of Missouri, 1864-66, both brothers being strong Southern sympathisers. As soon as the war closed, April 9th, 1865, Grand Sire Veitch communicated \A ith all the Southern Grand Lodges as soon as pos- sible and called upon them to elect their Sovereign Grand I^rodge representatives, to meet that year in Atlanta, Georgia. The North and the South sent a full representation, Wm. H. Barnes from Georgia there meeting California's representatives, John B. Hill and Charles Marsh. It was one of the grandest meetings ever held in the Avorld's history. The Southern brothers sat in their seats, anticipating recognition only, but when the Grand body unani- mously passed a resolution not only remitting all of the S. G. L. dues of the Southern Grand Lodges for the four previous years, but also furnishing them, free of cost, all the papers and books neces- sary to carry on their work until such time as they were able to pay for the same. Their gratitude was unl>ounded. One who was present said : "A scene of rejoicing such as was never be- fore and has never since been witnessed in the Grand Jjodge followed this action. It was an outburst of feelings long sup- press(»d, and the br(^thren laugh (^1, shouted and danced. It was a glad reunion of long 64 CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. separated brethren, and tears of joy filled many manly eyes that were unused to weeping." The Civil War in its results was a great victory for the doctrine of Thomas Wildey — the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man. It united as never before the South and the North. And it gave to the slave his freedom, for '^He had made of on^ blood all nations of men, for to dwell on the face of the earth." While in the far East the conflict was raging, we here in California heard no battle cry, saw no clash of arms ; yet, the party lines were as closely drawn as at the seat of war, and the brothers each took sides for or against the Union. A. C. Bradford, afterwards Grand Master, was an outspoken secessionist, and he campaigned the district for John C. Breckinridge. Grove L. John- son was a defender of the South, and he denounced in unmeasured terms the Administration. On the other hand, Parker, appointed as postmaster of San I'rancisco by the President, held that office until the close of the war. C. O. Burton, Grand Master in 1865, was postmaster at Stockton, and a strong, uncompromising Union man; he was a campaign leader in every election. Charles S. Eigenbrodt, resigning his position as D. D. G. Master, recruited a company and raised to the rank of Captain in the California battalion, he was instantly killed while CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. 65 leading a charge September 2d, 1864, in the Shenan- doah valley (d). In our intercourse with our fellowmen and with our brethren Ave are cautioned against speaking any improper sentiments or using any language that would injure or hurt the feelings of a brother. This rule strictly applies to the discussions of party or sect, for with them our Order holds no affiliation. During the terrible conflict there seems to have been no words spoken that hurt any brother's feelings, although in two or three recorded instances the speech-making, loyal brothers were very emphatic. One of these instances was at a reception tendered the Grand Lodge, 1864, by our Sacramento breth- ren. In the morning they gave their visiting broth- ers an excursion trip to Folsom, the first train ever run over the road, and in the afternoon a banquet in the pavilion. On that occasion Representative Charles S. Haswell, in response to the toast, ^^Our Country," first eulogizing the patriotism of the Kevolutionary Fathers, declared — "But in these latter days secession and rebellion have stalked the land ♦ ♦ ♦ and threatened ♦ ♦ ♦ to destroy this noble government. ♦ ♦ ♦ They will not succeed, ♦ ♦ ♦ and on the fields of Virginia, under U. S. Grant, their de- scendants are assembling to crush out the last vestige of secession. ♦ ♦ ♦ When this war ceases, no clanking chains of the 66 CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. slave shall clash upon our ears forever- more, and beloved America shall arise above despotism, towering high, majestic and immovable." No brother seems to have been offended by these heated words, for they were all of one mind, ^^that the Union must and shall be preserved." That such Avas the case wa^ clearly demonstrated in the Grand Lodge session that year. At that time a resolution >\'as presented from the Grand Lodge of Pennsyl- vania ^^relative to the unity of the Order in the United States," and the 138 representatives by a unanimous vote proved their loyalty to the Union by the adoption of a strong set of resolutions in sup- port of the old government (e). John A. McClelland, then D. G. Master, was a \A'ar Democrat, and in his report as Grand Master, 1865, he said : '^And as the time draws near when the mild dominion of peace is to be established, * * * we, as Odd Fellows, have an important Avork to accomplish. * * * It is the duty of our Order to be foremost in the benign office of cementing the love which should exist among the people, * * * and our privilege to assert our devotion to the great principles of human fraternity." Oniy seventeen days before this message of love and good will was proclaimed, the greatest tragedy CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. 67 iu history took place, when President Lincoln, in Ford's theater, Washington, on the evening of April 15th, 18G5, was shot and killed by an assassin. Odd Fellows and partisans expressed their most bitter condemnation of the deed. In the funeral obsequies, a few days later, Odd Fellows in all parts of the State took a pix)minent part, they parading in full regalia, Grand Master McClelland having granted a disi>ensation thus permitting. When the Grand Lotlge that year assembled, a committee of five was appointed to draw up resolu- tions out of respect to our late President. The com- mittee, consisting of M. M. Estee, Lewis Sober, Henry M. Gates, Wm. H. Hill and H. M. Hueston, in their report extolled the virtues, statesmanship and benevolence of the dead Lincoln, and resolved — "That no words at our command can ex- press our abhorence of the damning act of the assassin." In silence and by a standing vote the lodge adopted the resolutions, for President Lincoln was their idol. Time i>as8ed on, and as men began to study the character and the motives of Lincoln he grew in greatness, until finally both of the great political parties prochiimcMl him one of tin* grandest charac- ters in the world's history. The Graud Army of the Republic placed his name among the immortals, 68 CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. and in marble to perpetuate his name, the •G. A. R. Veterans of California formed a Lincoln League Association, for the purpose of erecting to his memory a monument in 'Golden Gate Park. Wm. H. Barnes, believing that such a worthy object would meet the approval of every true Odd Fellow, in the Grand Lodge session, 1897, offered the fol- lowing resolution: "That we hereby express ourselves as being in heartfelt sympathy mtli the avowed objects of this league, and commend the patriotic undertaking to the attention of every brother in our fraternal Order." The resolution was referred to the Committee on State of the Order — Grove L. Johnson, Sam J. Smith, J. M. Angelloti and Reuben H. Lloyd — and adversely reporting, they declared — "For we do not believe that this Order should, as an Order, honor any man, no matter how great, who was not a member of the Order." And the Grand Lodge, lacking in patriotism, ap- proved of this committee's report. A fitting tribute and honor was, however, ac- corded by the Lodge to the second President slain, James A. Garfield, an Odd Fellow. He was a brother who will ever be remembered by his sublime proclamation, "God reigns, and the government at Washington still lives," and when from earth Ms CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. 69 spirit winged its way, Orand Master Louderback **earnestly requested all Odd Fellows to participate in the funeral obsequies" September 26th, 1881. The Garfield Monument Association was formed to erect to him a marble shaft, and the Grand Mas- ter, October 12th, 1881, gave permission to all sub- ordinate lodges to subscribe towards the fund. Some sixty lodges contributed nearly $700. The corner stone of the monument was laid in Golden Gate Park by the Masonic Grand Lodge, the Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows taking part in the parade only. On the evening of February 15th, 1898, the battle- ship Maine, on her mission of charity-feeding the starving Cubans, was peacefully lying at anchor in the harbor of Havana. Suddenly the ship went to the bottom of those slimy waters, blown up by a Spanish torpedo, and two hundred and fifty of tlie crew were drowtied. Because of this atrocious act and other Spanish difficulties, April 21st Congress declared war upon Spain. It Avas just thirty-four years previous, the same month and day, that the South fired upon the Old Flag. Then the hatred between our brothers. Now to the Presidential call of arms the sons of the Southland quickly responded, and togetlier marchc^d our Northern and Southern brothers to fight the battles for humanity and free an oppressed peopla 70 CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. It was a glorious war, this fight for the principles of Odd Fellowship, and the heroes of that war were given high honors. Bay City Lodge, No. 71, entertained their brother soldiers May 31st, 1898, sailing for and returning from Manila September 12th, 1899, and the Grand Lodge, 1900, adopted a resolution of respect ^'to the name of the gallant soldier. General Henry W. Law- ton, killed in the Philippine Islands while leading a charge.'' He was the only surviving member of Harmony Lodge, No. 19, of Indiana. Upon the arrival of his body at San Francisco, on board of a government transport, a large number of Odd Fellows escorted the 'Mead" to the under- taker's, they intending the following day to pay the General high honors. The military authorities Avould not permit civilian honors to be paid. The Odd Fellows escort, limited to one hundred,. by the officer in command, escorted the body to the mole, a special train being in waiting at Oakland to bear the distinguished dead, General Lawton, Major Logan and Dr. Atkinson, to the East. The bodies were laid each on a cassion, with two companies of cavalry as guards. As the funeral cortege silently marched, ''it was a most solemn and impressive event, thousands of people standing along the street with uncovered heads as the funeral procession passed by." CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP." 71 The President is the Commander-in-Chief of the army and navy, and President McKinley, visiting California in May, 1901, was everywhere received with high honors and great enthusiasm. The six hundred representatives of the Grand Lodge, then in session, sent to him — "Their most hearty and sincere greetings and best wishes for Divine guidance and protection in all his ways," and Grand Master Watson and Grand Secretary Shaw conveyed the Lodge greeting to the worthy Chief. Three days later. May 17th, by a unanimous vote, the Lodge "Expressed their heartfelt sympathies be- cause of the critical illness of his wifa" But when later the assassin's bullet, September 6th, sent McKinley's soul to the great beyond, the Grand Lodge of 1902 was silent regarding this foul deed. The Lodge, 1901, in extending to President Mc- Kinley their greeting, declared — "He will find all Odd Fellows true and loyal citizens of the country," And they again proved their loyalty, 1903, by ad- journing their session that the representatives might welcome President Koosevelt — "Because of his hearty endorsement of the wortli of fraternal societies." 72 CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. The President reached San Francisco May 12th, and he was given a rousing reception. (a) Grand Secretary Ridgely says the "Talesman" plotted with Grand Sire Boyleston to have this session of the Sover- eign Grand Lodge held within the limits of the Confederacy, but the plot was discovered and defeated by General John C. Smith of Chicago. Ridgely afterwards barely missed imprison- ment because of his activity in the Southern cause. (b) Robert Boyleston at this time and through the war was one of General Beauregard's staff officers. (c) Efforts were made by some of the Grand Lodge repre- sentatives, notably those of Mississippi and Alabama, to have them secede, but the majority refused, they declaring that the Grand Lodge had no grievance against the Sovereign Grand Lodge. The Georgia Grand Lodge assembling at Macon in 1862 installed Wm. H. Barnes as Grand Master, and he that year instituted Barnes Lodge, No. 55. In his report he said that the brothers of a certain lodge had all gone to the front, "but I will not recall their charter, for I believe that they will all return and again take up the good work." (d) Charles S. Eigenbrodt was a very active Odd Fellow. One of the first members of Charity, No. 6, for a time its Sec- retary, he later withdrew and became a charter member of Templar, No. 17, its first Vice Grand. Withdrawing from No. 17 he then became the so-called Father of Crusade Lodge, No. 93. He was the only Odd Fellow killed during the Civil War, so far as the record shows, and in his will he left $1,000 to the lodge to establish their library. In a Captain's uniform his portrait now hangs in their hall. (e) The resolution declared in part: "That this Grand Lodge will never consent to a separation of the Order, or coun- tenance any division of the American Republic; that we be- lieve that all brethren * * * who have aided or assisted In the disintegration of American nationality are unfaithful members of the Order * * * and undeserving of associa- tion in the Order of Odd Fellows. "Resolved, * * * that it is the duty of all good Odd Fellows to labor earnestly and faithfully for the overthrow of the present wicked rebellion; that as members of this Grand Lodge, as citizens, we pledge our lives, fortunes and honor m support of the government of our fathers." * * * CHAPTEU V. Odd Fellows* Stockton hall dedicated — First corner stone in California — Grand Lodges attend railroad celebration — The experience of A. J. Gunnison — Sovereign Grand Lodge visits California — Entertained royally — Ridgely presented with a cane — T. Rodgers Johnson, Grand Secretary — The contest for office — Johnson's failing health — His death and funeral — Nathan Porter — That $500 banner — The Philadelphia celebra- tion — Porter, the Grand Orator — An inspiring scene — Organ- ization of the Veteran Association — Death and burial of Nathan Porter. The terrible fiuternal war did not in any par- ticular retard the onward march of California Odd Fellowship, and Grand Master Burton said : "The Odd Fellows of the city (Stockton) haye carried almost to completion a build- ing that is acknowledged by all to be ex- ternally the finest Odd Fellows' building in the State." The building Avas completed in 1866. The corner stone was laid November 28th, 1865, in the presence of hundreds of brothers and friends. The exercises were opened with prayer by the Rev. P. G. Buchan- nan, Grand Chaplain, followed by the singing of our ode. Grand Secretary Johnson then read a list of the articles to be placed within the stone, and the ceremony of laying and sealing the stone was per- formed by Grand Master Burton. Deputy Grand Master Dorrance then proclaimed the stone duly laid, and prayer was again offered to the Most High. An oration was delivered by John W. Dwinelle. 74 CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. The Stockton Odd Fellows have the honor of lay- ing the first corner stone in California, that of the County Court House, August 10, 1853. The Masons refused to lay the stone and the Supervisors then called upon the Odd Fellows. They responded, and after the articles had been placed in a glass jar and hermetically sealed, the stone was laid in place by E. W. Colt, then Deputy Grand Master. An address was delivered by A. G. Stakes, County Judge, and an oration by George Ryer, a popular tragedian of that day. One of the most important events of the nation was the completion of the overland railroad, and with great pleasure the Grand Lodge, then sitting in San Francisco, in response to a telegram from the Sacramento committee. May 5th, 1869, accepted the invitation "To participate with our citizens in the cel- ebration of the great event, * * * to be present and join with us on the day of the demonstration, Saturday, May 8th." In answer to the invitation the Lodge adopted the Charles N. Fox resolution to attend the celebration in full regalia, "And then and there pay their respects to the ofl&cers who have carried through that great work." San Francisco also celebrated the event, and they CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. 75 worked hard in the Grand Lodge in their endeavor tc have that body reconsider their vote to attend the Saeraiuento celebration. An evening session was held on Friday that they might complete their busi- ness. Arriving at the Capital about noon, the Odd Fellows were one of the largest and most imposing sights of that splendid parade. Probably among the Odd Fellows no one realized the great value to travelers, at least, of the new route to the East more than A. J. Gunnison, Sover- eign Grand Representative to the Grand Lodge in 1862. Taking passage on the Golden Gate July 31st, all went well until the steamer was off the coast of Mazatlan. She there caught fire, and although run to the shore, many passengers per- ished. Representative Gunnison, being a good swimmer, succeeded in reaching the shore, he losing all of his baggage and the Australia documents confided to his keeping. He arrived at San Fran- cisco with only the clothing upon his back, and as it was too late to again sail for Baltimore, Califor- nia that year had but one representative in the Sov- ereign Grand Lodge. For several years the Californians had been en- deavoring to have some of the Grand officers visit the Golden West, among them Grand Sire Veitch, he being a personal friend of Grand Master Mc- Clelland. The efforts were unsuccessful, because of 76 CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. the long ocean voyage and the heavy expense; but the completion of the railroad made a visit possible, not only from the Sovereign Grand officers, but from the S. G. Lodge. Having this point in view, the Grand Lodge, through her representatives, A. J. Gunnison and C. A. Dannals, invited the S. G. L. to meet in San Francisco in the session of 1869. They voted to there assemble, provided ^'through trains are daily being run after August 1st, 1869, from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and they were given free passage from Omaha and return.'^ The last named proposition was a problem to. the represen- tatives, and they telegraphed to Grand Master Fox for instructions. They waited but a short time, then the joyful news to them was flashed over the wire — "Templar Lodge has unanimously agreed to secure expenses of representatives not ex- ceeding |10,000. Invite Grand Lodge. T. Rodgers Johnson, Secretary." Near the appointed time of meeting, September 10th, the California reception committee journeyed to Omaha. The body were all assembled, 122 rep- resentatives, 18 P. G. Sires and Masters, together with 24 ladies; but the Union Pacific refused to turn a wheel until the passage money was in sight The committee were placed in a very embarrassing position, for Avith a railroad company promises are CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. 77 not legal tender. Again the wires were made hot and Fox was informed of the situation. Wm. C. Ralston, a member of Templar Lodge, learning of the difficulty, wired to John B. Harmon: "Draw on the California Bajik for any ajnount. Ralston." The name of Ralston, then President of the Cali- fornia Bank, was good for any sum of money, and the corporation wheels, now well oiled, easily rolled out of Omaha for the City-by-the-Sea. The representatives on arrival in Nevada were entertained by Grand Master C. C. Hayden. Then, speeding onward, the train rushed down the slopes of the Sierras into Sacramento. That day, Sep- tember 15th, Grand Sire Famsworth laid the comer stone of the Odd Fellows' Temple, and that evening they were tendered a banquet in the Capitol build- ing. The following afternoon they were the guests of Nathan Porter, at Alameda, "where a most bounti- ful collation was spread under the oaks of his resi- dence," and then crossing the bay they were landed at the Broadway wharf and welcomed by hundreds of Odd Fellows — a reunion of friends long separ- ated. A procession was then formed, and escorted by Company C of the National Guard seventy-five strong and led by a fine band, they marched up Broadway to Sansome, to Pacific, to Montgomery, 78 CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. to Market, to Kearney, to Bush, where seats had been reserved for them in the California theater. As the Sovereign Grand Lodge entered that beau- tiful temple of the drama, built by Odd Fellow Ralston and dedicated by the tragedian, John Mc- Cullough, the audience arose to their feet and greeted them with cheers that seemed to shake the building. The officers and leading Odd Fellows were escorted to the stage and speeches of welcome were made by John Harmon and others, E. D. Farnsw^orth, Grand Sire, responding. The twilight of the fading day was fast approaching when loud calls were made for "Ridgely! Ridgely!" As the old veteran stepped forward to speak a few words, the people, as '^if from one common impulse, arose to greet him," the lights at that moment were sud- denly in flame, and as the Odd Fellows' shouts echoed and re-echoed throughout the building a scene was presented ne'er before witnessed on this Western shore. On the following day, Sunday, the representa- tives rested, many attending divine service. On Monday the Lodge assembled in Pacific hall for work. They were welcomed to California by Grand Master Harmon, Farnsworth again responding. That evening they enjoyed a sumptuous banquet. The next day, Tuesday, the San Francisco fire department, under the direction of Chief Scannell, CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. 79 gave them an exhibition drill in answering quickly a fire alarm. The same day, by invitation of the North Pacific Transportation Company, on the steamer Senator they took an excursion around the bay and out the Golden Gate. A similar excursion was tendered "the guests" by the Alameda, Western and San eTose Eailroad Company. Boarding the steamer Alameda, they made the run across in thirty-five minutes. A special train of eight coaches was in waiting, and speeding down the coast they arrived at San Jose about noon. Five hundred Odd Fellows escorted them to Armory hall, a band pre- ceding them, where a fine collation awaited them, Ridgley addressing the brotherhood. From San Jose the party came up the coast to Menlo Park and San Mateo, and all along the route they w^ere privately entertained by Ralston, Mills, Hayward and many other millionaires. Friday afternoon the representatives in full regalia attended the Mechanics' Fair, and they were by the Directors "treated to champagne and to sights not to be seen except at an industrial fair." On the last day of the session, the Californians presented Ridgely with a beautiful California bay- wood cane, the head of the cane being inlaid with quartz. The visit of this Grand body, the first National organization to cross the continent, was exceedingly 80 CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. helpful to California Odd Fellowship. It gave new life and vigor to the brethren, who daily toiled in the vineyard of Odd Fellowship, aroused the latent energies of the sleeping, and ^^among those Avho had hitherto remained ignorant of the character of the institution to which we belong'' it created an inter- est to learn more of the Order and its teachings, this resulting in an increased membership. None worked harder to make the visit of the Sovereign Grand Lodge a success than T. Rodgers Johnson, the faithful, efficient Grand Secretary for twenty-one years. Elected as Grand Secretary at the first session of the Grand Lodge, he received for his services the sum of |500 per year — an amount so small that he was compelled to open a ^'haber- dasher" store, and also manufacture and sell regalias (a) that he might make both ends meet. His salary, however, was gradually increased in amount until it reached the yearly sum of 13,000 (b). ^'Johnson," said one who well knew him, "un- doubtedly did more towards advancing the Order to the high position it now holds, than any man in California. As true as the needle to the pole, so true was T. Rodgers Johnson to the principles of Odd Fellowship." Without a single opponent, he was unanimously elected Secretary, year after year, until 1874, at which time Walter B. Lyon of Auburn CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. 81 I^odge, No. 7, appeared in the Grand Lodge as Johnson's rival. He had been seen in the Grand Lodge but twice previous, 1860-69, and he now be- came a representative for the express purpose of winning the prize. I. O. O. F. HALL, STOCKTON. The building was erected by the Odd Fellows' Hall Associa- tion, at a cost of some $40,000, and no expense was spared in the fitting up of the hall, the frescoing alone costing over $800. The Grand Lodge session was held that year at Vallejo. The Odd Fellows of that town having erected a handsome two-story building' at a cost of 126,000, dedicating their hall April 26th, 1872. 82 CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. Representative E. W. O'Brien (e), then Grand Herald, invited the Lodge to assemble ^'in the third State Capital, as they had built a fine hall and could easily accommodate 1,500 people in the town." The Grand Lodge voted to there convene without a dissenting voice, and when the time arrived, a steamer load of Johnson's friends attended the ses- sion, as it was whispered around that efforts would be made by the mountain Odd Fellows to beat Johnson. The mountain camps in that day were filled with livel}^ Odd Fellows, and an exciting elec- tion was anticipated. The mountain candidate for the Secretaryship was a man of suave and polished manners,' possess- ing a bright mind exceedingly retentive, and many of the qualities of a successful politician, and laying "his wires," he had the office within his grasp before he entered the Grand Lodge. On the second day the officers were elected, and Johnson was placed in nomination by Nathan Porter, Lyons being placed in nomination by Warren Heaton. The result was very close, Johnson being elected by only three votes (d). The shadow of defeat was following in his footsteps. In the following year the Grand Lodge assembled in San Francisco, and Lyons was again placed in nomination by Warren Heaton, Representative Selig of No. 13, nominating Johnson. On the first CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. 83 ballot Johnson ran behind, 271-273, necessary for a choice 279, as two other brothers were running. There being no election, a second ballot was ordered; but the hour being near noon, Johnson's friends, sparring for time, moved an adjournment The motion was lost, and on the second ballot Walter B. Lyon, unfortunately for Johnson and the future honor of the Lodge, receiving a majority of all the votes cast, was declared elected Grand Sec- retary. Johnson almost wept over his defeat. The Grand Ix>dge, appreciating highly the ser- vices of their Past Grand Secretary, on the last day of the session presented him w ith a handsome gold watch, Nathan Porter making the presentation speech. But neither gold nor silver can cure an aching heart, and the ex-Secretary, deeply humil- iated, crossed the portals of the Lodge, ne'er again to enter. Struggling for months against the fataJ disease, consumption, he now rapidly failed in strength, and sailing for Anaheim, hoped there to recover. Death to him was calling, and January 11, 1876, he died at Santa Barbara. The body was immediately returned to San Fran- cisco, and it lay in statue in Covenant hall awaiting the burial honors of the Grand Encampment, which had known no other Grand Scribe but he. The funeral service was conducted by the rector of the Church of Advent, Dr. Lathrop, he offering a prayer 84 CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. after the singing of the hymn, ^^Come, Ye Discon- solate," by the choir, H. M. Bosworth presiding at the hall organ. Nathan Porter delivered the eulogy, this preceding the closing hymn. The funeral procession was then formed by encampments, lodges and friends, and under the escort of the Golden Gate Battalion, in their new uniforms of purple and gold, to the music of the funeral dirge, the Odd Fellows marched to the ^'Sacred mountain of the dead, consecrated to our Order." On arrival, the funeral service was read from memory by Jacob Miller, Grand Master, assisted by Grand High Priest H. S. Winn (e). The quartette then sang — "When through life's devious Avays we run. Thy will be done," and the brethren, casting upon the coffin their sprigs of evergreen, again returned to the busy homes of trade. Nathan Porter's eulogy of the remains of his old friend was such only as he could pronounce. A man clean morally and socially, a lawyer of deep learn- ing, a brilliant orator, he could sway his audience to laughter or tears, and equally well deliver an oration or preach a sermon (f). Visiting California in 1854, he again returned in 1859 to reside permanently, and at once taking a CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. 86 lead in "State Odd Fellowship, as he had led in National Odd Fellowship," he never made a move in the Grand Lodge that he did not carry out. As an orator he cheerfully and freely gave his services at all times and seasons, and upon all important occas- ions he was invited somewhere to speak, either be- fore the large crowd of the city, or in the little hamlet, before the faithful few. Probably the highest honor ever accorded him was in 1876. He that year being selected as one of the four orators to address the immense throng of 50,000 Odd Fel- lows assembled at Philadelphia September 20th, in a. grand centennial celebration of our Order. It was also a reunion of all of the surviving rep- resentatives of the Sovereign Grand Lodge, the idea being suggested by Wm. E. Smith, a P. S. G. R. from Maine. The idea was enthusiastically received by the Grand Lodge throughout the Union, and Cali- fornia catching the fever proposed "to inaugurate measures by which the whole California Order may be represented at the Odd Fellows' celebration." Committees were appointed to "whoop up" the mat- ter; the Grand Lodge gave them permission to solicit and obtain $10,000 by public entertainments, picnics and so forth in the name of the Order for the purchase of flags, banners, badges (g) and other truck, aiid a resolution was presented and carried through by Porter — 86 CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. "That 1500.00 be appropriated from the Grand Lodge funds for the purpose of pro- curing a banner for this Grand Lodge, to be borne in the procession on that occas- ion, and that the Golden Gate Battalion be requested to carry said banner to Phil- adelphia and in the procession on that day." Many of the representatives opposed such an extravagant waste of the Grand Lodge funds, but the resolution was carried by a vote of 185 to 53, and a committee of three was appointed to procure the banner (h). The banner was the most artistic piece of work ever made in California up to that time, but the representation that folloAved after in that grand parade Avas woefully small. The railroad fare at that time was |250.00, round trip, without sleepers, and the company would not give reduced rates unless an excursion train was chartered. But few Odd Fellows visited the East on that occasion. Those who attended the celebration, however, saw one of the grandest sights of their lives, and our (irand Representatives, John B. Harmon and Colin M. Boyd, declared "language is utterly inadequate to do it justice." The procession containing over 15,000 Odd Fellows marching eight abreast, was nine miles long with 100 bands of music in the 120 divisions. CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. 87 Marching through the principal streets, the "army" entered Fairmount Park — the World's Exposition was there being held — and marched to the place set apart. At that point a central plat- form was erected, with four converging platforms, ODD FELLOWS' HALL, STOCKTON, 1855. The building was erected by two Odd Fellows, at a cost of $10,000. and the hall was dedicated July 9th, 1855, by Past Grand Master Parker. to the east, to the west, to the north and the south. From these platforms four famous orators ad- dressed the vast crowd, each orator representing a geographical division of the Union. Nathan Porter proclaiming the west, delivering the longest oration, closed with these familiar lines : 88 CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. "Great God, we thank thee for this home — This bounteous birthland of the free — Where wanderers from afar may come And breathe the air of liberty." The multitude for him were waiting, and as he closed, a most thrilling scene was enacted, for each orator, accompanied by his escorts, marching to the central platform, there clasped hands — the symbol of a world united fraternity. At that moment the immense band began playing "Hail Columbia," then changing to "Old Hundred" in one grand chorus, the music towards the heavens rolling, the people began singing — "Praise God, from whom all blessings flow." This event was one of the "sweet memories of Odd Fellowship,'' and to keep it in remembrance Nathan Porter, Charles N. Fox and others organized the Veteran's Association, an association first organ- ized by P. B. Shillaber, the humorous author ( Mrs. Partington ) , in Siloam Lodge, No. 2, Massachusetts. Preliminary meetings were held and in Porter's law office April 24th, 1877, the association was organ- ized with Nathan Porter as President, Charles Fox Vice-President, Frank S. Austin Secretary, H. L. Brooks Treasurer and Isaac Bluxome Marshal. All twenty-year-old Odd Fellows in good standing were eligible for membership, the admission fee being |1 and the dues |1 a year, this last sum paying for CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. 8!> the annual banquet. Their by-laws declared that the objects of the association were to keep old times \ n remembrance, encourag^e and visit young lodges, and have an annual banquet. Their first public reception was in tlie Mechanics' Pavilion, Maj 8th, 1877. The Grand Lodge officers and over 4,000 Odd Fellows and their families were present, and among the speakers was Wm. H. Barnes (his first year in California), Charles N. Fox, J. B. Harmon, F. P. Dann and H. P. Tilden. Among their many lodge visits, one of the nuKst notable was their surprise visit, August 14th, 1879, to Yerba Buena, No. 15, Abou Ben Adhem Lwlge being present as their guests. Suddenly an alarm was heard at the inner door. The Sentinel attc^nd- ing the alarm, found (leo. T. Bohen, Grand Mar- shal, and the Veterans, in waiting. They were admitted and introduced to the lodge by their Pres- ident, Charles Fox. Later on, by invitation of tlie Noble Grand, tlie "Vets." occupicxl the chairs and initiated a candidate. It was an initiation seldom seen, for every officer was proficient and letter per- fect in his part, fdge session, a resolution was adopted — 104 CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. ''That all the Past Grands from El Dorado and Auburn Lodges are hereby admitted as members and entitled to the same priv- ileges as are Past Grands from those lodges in our charter." The full meaning and intent of the resolution is foggy, but they voted for all Grand officers, at least until 186G. Then Representative A. A. Sargent offered a resolution, which the Lodge adopted — "That our Sovereign Grand Representa- tives be instructed to urge in that body legislation providing the power to vote for Grand officers be confined to Grand Lodge representatives. " The S. G. L. refused to take action, and when the California representatives in 1867 presented the same resolution, the Supreme Lodge gave the de- cision quoted on the previous page. From the readings we would say that the S. G. L. decision was null and void in the Grand Lodge, for in 1868 that body adopted a rule — "That Past Grands not representatives have no right to vote on any question before this Grand Lodge.'' Then Past Grand Master Morse offered a resolu- tion, which Avas adopted, that Past Grands be per- mitted to vote for Grand officers. There the matter rested until 1876. Then Repre- sentative Deming, of No. 85, presented a resolution CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. 105 intended to disfranchise the Past Grands, which the Lodge indefinitely postponed. Two years later Representative Dorrance, of No. 6, tried a new plan of cutting out the Past Grands, by his resolution — "That all Past Grands not representatives must enroll their name and the number of their lodge in a book furnished by the Grand Secretary. Resolved, That no Past Grand shall be entitled to vote * * * unless his name is so enrolled." This resolution, if passed, Avould have prevented any large number of Past Grands from the city quickly assembling and immediately voting for any favorite, but the Lodge killed the intent of the resolution by adopting the first and rejecting the second resolution. Representative Robert Burns, the grand old Scotchman, was determined to shut out the Past Grands, and making a great fight he finally ap- pealed from the Sovereign Grand Lodge. Old Father Burns did not like the Constitutional Com- mittee plan of continuing in force the section "that Past Grands should liave the privilege of voting for Grand ofl&cers," so he introduccnl a resolution, wliich was indefinitely postponed — "That none but representatives elect shall be allowed to vote in this Grand Lodge," 106 CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. Two years later, 1885, he offered the same resolu- tion that our representatives urge the S. G. L. to make the change, and the Grand Lodge adopted the resolution. But when the resolution was presented in the Sovereign body they declared ^^that no change in the existing law shall be made." Burns, still persistent, in 1892 again presented his disfranchising resolution, but the committee to whom it was referred — Sam B. Smith, H. T. Dor- rance, M. T. Moses and Samuel Pollack — "Believed it inexpedient that such a resolu- tion be adopted." The Grand Lodge bealeved it was expedient, and they adopted Kepresentative Louderback's substi- tute, instructing our Sovereign Grand Lodge repre- sentatives to have "the law changed so as to authorize the Grand Lodge to limit the right to vote for Grand officers therein to duly elected rep- resentatives." The Sovereign Lodge refused to take any adverse action. The last shot fired at the Past Grands was in 1894. Then Representative Warboys of Santa Kosa offered his resolution that "None but representatives from the subordi- nate lodges should be entitled to vote." No action was taken, the resolution being pre- sented on the last day of the session. CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. 107 Efforts have been made at different sessions to change the voting place of Grand officers from the Grand Lodge to the subordinate lodges, but with no encouraging assurance of success. Grand Warden John B. Hill's resolution in 1870, and J. L. Tit- comb's resolution in 1875 were indefinitely post- WM. C. RALSTON. One of the leading members of Templar, No. 17, was Brother Ralston. His wrong deeds were few, his great and good deeds many. No true case of distress ever left his presence empty handed; his benevolence was unbounded. He was a free spender, and in 1869 alone he paid out over $20,000 in entertaining the Sovereign Grand Lodge. poned. Kern Lodge, No. 202, took up the subject in 1881, and in their resolution they declared : "We are in favor of a system of electing the Grand officers by all the Past Grands in the jurisdiction, such election to be holden in the subordinate lodges, for, by the pres- 108 CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. ent system * * * undue advantage is given to the subordinate lodges in the location in which the Grand Lodge is holden." The subject was referred to a committee consist- ing of Geo. W. Lewis, Frank G. Beatty and F. H. Payne, and they, scoring many points in favor of the present system of voting, the Lodge accepted their report that no change be made. The matter would not die, and in 1895 it was again introduced by W. W. Phelps of Los Angeles county, our present Grand Master. His resolution was indefinitely postponed, but in the following year he introduced the same resolution, which was, briefly stated — "That at the first regular meeting in Decem- ber of each year the Past Grands of each lodge * * * shall, in open lodge, pro- ceed to vote by ballot for Grand officers, the returns to be sent to the Grand Secre- tary within sixty days." The committee to whom this matter was referred — -Karl 0. Brueck, of No. 11; Charles A. Swisler, No. 20; W. W. Phelps, No. 282; Morris M. Estee, No. 123, and C. W. Baker, No. 2, recommended the adoption of the amendment, but again as in 1895 the Lodge adopted the motion of Kepresentative Louderback, that the amendment be indefinitely postponed. The amendment to elect Grand officers CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. 109 in the lodges was not again presented by south of Tehachapi representatives. The following year W, A. Bonynge of Los Angeles was elected as Grand Warden, and in 1899 Southern California Avelcomed the second Grand Master from the Southland. (a) For the Grand Master's traveling expenses, annual appropriations have been voted by the Grand Lodge since 1855, E. W. Colt, Grand Master, receiving $200 that year. In 1859 the appropriation v/as raised to $500, and Grand Master Hill, 1871, was the first to receive $1,000. The Grand Lodge in 1896, adopting Grand Master P. F. Gosbey's recommenda- tion voted an appropriation of $1,500, the amount that is at present paid. (b) The neglect of duty of many of the Grand Masters, from various causes, was clearly in evidence, and Grand Mas- ter Randall, visiting Mt. Horeb Lodge, No. 58, learned that they had not seen a Grand Master for sixteen years, Bohen making the last previous visit. Stanislaus, No. 170, had not received a visit since 18G9 and Millerton Lodge, Fresno, although instituted for six years, had never seen a Grand officer. One little lodge in the far north, Marion, No. 101, Siskiyou county, although instituted May 28th, 1861, received no official visit until visited by Grand Master Smith in 1884. It is not surprising, therefore, that Smith, declining to adopt the district plan, declared: "My sense of justice impelled me to seek put the weak and neglected lodges." Not only the far distant lodges, but many near by, small in membership, were left to shift for themselves. Randall found that the Humboldt county' lodges, over GOO members, only twenty-three hours by steamer from San Francisco, had seen no Grand Master since Bradford's term, 1872; and Ocean View Lodge, No. 143, but thirty-three miles from San Francisco, instituted in 1867, received from Grand Master Randall, 1878, their first oflicial visit. CHAPTER VIL The Order in foreign lands— The Silver State lodges— Wel- come to the oldest lodge — Excelsior Lodge, No. 1 — Never visited by the Grand Master — Australia seeks admission — A. D. Meacham there establishes the Order — "This was sin- gular legislation" — Grand Sire Farnsworth visits California — The effect of his speech, $1,200 — The Grand Sire must accom- plish the work — Much labor in a short time — Farnsworth sails for Germany — Foiled because of war — Communicating with Morse — Brother Berheim's good work — Morse interviews Bismarck — Instituting of a lodge in Stuttgart — German lodges send $1,275 — New York's reception to Morse— P. G. P. R. regalia presented Morse — Home again to die — Death and burial. To those brothers not well learned regarding Cal- ifornia history, it may seem strange that this work should treat of the Order not only in neighboring territories, but in far distant lands. But as Grand Master Fox says : '^California has contributed not a little towards the diffusion of our Order into new fields. Odd Fellowship in Nevada is the legitimate child of California. The Grand Lodge of Australia may be accredited to us. Missionaries from our lodges have planted the good seed of our Order in Idaho and Montana, and a member of our Grand Lodge * * * erected the first altar to Odd Fellowship in Arizona." When the great mines of the so-called Silver State were discovered, hundreds of California Odd Fel- lows immigrated to that region, and soon they erected the three-linked shrine in every principal CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. Ill mining camp. Without any legal authority they established their lodges, and anxious, as soon as possible to be in fellowship with the parent body, they requested A. D. Meacham, California's S. G. representative that year, to petition the Sovereign Grand Lodge to place Nevada within the California jurisdiction. He complied with their demand, and the S. G. L. so placed them. In the following year, 1861, Grand Master Kibbe, so authorized by the Higher power, commissioned Levi Hite, then Grand Warden, to proceed to Nevada and institute lodges in Gold Hill, Virginia City, Carson and Silver City. Early in tlie spring the Warden traveled hither and instituted the lodges. Their fast increasing mem- bership led to the formation of lodges in other camps, and four years later, with ten subordinate lodges, aggregating a membership of 587 members, nearly all former California Odd Fellows, they petitioned the Supreme body for a Grand Lodge charter. It was granted, and withdraAving from California's protecting care, Januai*y 3rd, 1867, they instituted a Grand Lodge, the third on the Pacific Coast Two years previous to the admission of Nevada, California's jurisdiction had been greatly broad- ened by the admission of the lodge of the beautiful Sandwidi islands, Excelsior, No. 1, the oldest lodge west of the Rocky mountains. They petitioned the 112 CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. Great Councilors to place them in the California field, they up to this time having reported to the S. G. L. direct. It was so ordered, and Grand Mas- ter McClelland welcoming them to California, 1865, said in his report : ^'We welcome our brethren of the Isles of the sea, * * * and we look upon this event as a* happy illustration of the spirit of our Order, as prophetic of the accom- plishment of its mission to bind the world together in the bonds of Friendship, Love and Truth." The island lodge Avas instituted at Honolulu De- cember 10th, 1846, by Gilbert, Watson, an Ohio physician. When the emigration began flowing towards Oregon, Watson concluded to locate there and institute an Odd Fellows lodge. For this pur- pose he obtained from Albert Guild, Deputy Grand Sire of Massachusetts, a dispensation, but on ar- rival at Honolulu he concluded to there remain. He instituted a lodge in December, one of the char- ter members being a sea captain who had just ar- rived in port. Alexander V. Frazer carried them a charter issued by the S. G. L. In 1859 the corner stone of their first building was laid, and in Octo- ber, 1903, they dedicated a splendid |50,000 temple. Our new brethren were far distant, 2000 miles of water rolled between, hence it was impossible, ex- cept by proxy, for any Grand Master to oflflcially CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. 113 visit them. During the eight years that they were in this jurisdiction, twice only did they receive proxy Grand Master visits. Brother Wm. H. Fox, an honored nieiuber of lone. No. 51, visiting the islands in 1866, represented Grand Master Ran- dolph, and Past Grand Master Martin White of Nevada, in 1873, acted as Grand Master Bradford's proxy. This visit was an official blunder, as the Grand Secretary, although notified, had failed for some reason to inform the Grand Master that the Honolulu lodge had, the previous year, returned to the jurisdiction of the Sovereign Grand Lodge. Only once in tlie history of our Order have we had people from other lands knock at our door for admission. Such was the case, however, in 1858, and in May of that year Secretary Johnson, in open- ing his correspondence, was surprised and delighted to receive a letter from the Grand Secretary Of the Manchester Unity (Odd Fellows) of Australia, asking if it would be i>ossible for them to affiliate with American Odd Fellowship, a bill of exchange for 20 pounds accompanying the communication. As Johnson had no authority to answer the letter, he sent it to the S. G. L., and it was favorably re- ceived. They took no action, however, except to authorize Grand Secretary Ridgely to fill out a blank com- mission for a Deputy Grand Sire for Australia, 114 CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. said blank being sent to T. Rodgers Johnson authorizing him to fill in the name of any well qualified brother willing to take the long journey and carry out the work. Time passed, and the commission lay in the Sec- retary's office until ^'it had become musty with age." In the meantime Brother A. D. Meacham, a P. G. and P. G. P. of San Francisco, sick with dyspepsia, was advised by his physician to try a sea voyage to Australia. The opportunity was now at hand for the founding of the Order in the far distant conti- ricnt, and Meacham was Avilling to undertake the work. ^^But," said Grand Master Fox, ''Brother Johnson hesitated about the right to issue the com- mission, and consulted me, as Grand Master of the State, and after a full consultation we determined to assume the full responsibility and the commis- sion was issued." To provide funds. Bay City and Yerba Buena Lodges each appropriated |375 from their treasury, afterwards repaid, and September 10th, 1867, D. G. Sire Meacham sailed on his splendid mission for humanity. After a hard fifty-eight days' voyage, sick most of the time, he landed at Melbourne, and sent his letter of introduction to Wm. Stirling, Grand Master. The D. G. Sire was very warmly welcomed. Meetings were held and lodges were instituted, but the work was exceedingly difficulty CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. 115 as he had to contend against the Manchester Unity and the age limit, all of the English orders admit- ting initiates at the age of 18 (a). The representa- tives of the several lodges were then assembled, and February 22d, 1867, at Gelong, an Australian Grand Lodge was organized. In the following year, 1867, the D. G. Sire established the Order in New Zealand, and arrived in San Francisco in time to take part in the Sovereign Grand Lodge assembly, 1869, then about to convene in San Francisco. That was a memorable session, for they adopted a resolution authorizing Grand Sire Farnsworth to found our Order in Germany, "provided it could be established w ithout expense to the Sovereign Grand Lodge." "This was," as Herman Block declared, "singular legislation; a measure is approved, ordered carried out, but it is not to cost anything." The resolution was the result of a request from the Oregon Grand Lodge, therein introduced by F. S. Ostheim of Minerva, No. 19, that the S. G. L. permit the founding of the Order in the German Empire. Its accomplishment was brought about in a singular manner. Grand Sire E. D. Farnsworth, an earnest, strong worker for Odd Fellowship, always enthused the brothers by his presence and speeches, and return- ing to California in 1870, he accepted many invita- tions to visit lodges. Visiting Germania No. 116 on 116 CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. the evening of April 6th, it was proposed to march in a body, accompanied by the Past Grand Sire, to I'emplar, No. 17, and give them a surprise. The visit was of a nature most pleasing, and as a result Grand Lodges were instituted in Germany and SAvitzerland. The speech of Farnsworth was the kindling brand. During his remarks he called attention to the resolutions of the Supreme body, and their economical proviso, and declared that although he was very anxious to carry out the mission, he was powerless in the matter, as the S. G. L. had no funds for that purpose. Templar Lodge (b), then the Avealthiest lodge in the State, was deeply interested, and Brother L. E. Pratt began making inquiries as to the expense of such a mission. Farnsworth gave them figures and the result was, the lodge by a unanimous vote appropriated |1,200 to be expended in establishing our Order on Teutonic soil. As California had made this splendid mission f)Ossible, Farnsworth returning East expected to honor the State by commissioning John A. Morse, then in Germany seeking health, to perform the work. In fact, he informed Porter that he would give Morse the commission, and as it later proved, had he done so. Templar's |1,200 would have gone directly towards its intended purpose and much bitter feeling would have been avoided. But Farns- CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. 117 worth's Eastern brothers finally convinced him that none but the Grand Sire himself should undertake such an important mission, and so he began prepar- ing for the work. There was much to accomplish in a short period of time. Letters of introduction to obtain to our Minister in Berlin, George Bancroft, so ignorant ODD FELLOW'S HOSPITAL (SUTTER'S FORT). The Sacramento Odd Fellow's and Mason's Relief Asso- ciation purchasing this fort in 1849, at a cost of $15,000, fitted it up for use as a hospital. There all sick brothers were cared for free of cost until they recovered, the phy- sicians. Dr. John F. Morse and Dr. J. B. Stillman, freely giving their services. Hundreds died, said Brother Winn, and so far as possible, their names and addresses were recorded and their death announced to their Eastern Lodges. of his native country, although he wrote its history, that he had no knowledge of such an Order as Odd Fellowship; and to Bismark, tlie Iron Chancellor, for without his consent the Order could not be founded. He could only be approached through the German Ambassador, Baron Gerolt, and to Wash- 118 CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. ington Farnsworth hastened to see him. The Grand Sire had requested Frank Austin of the New Age to accompany him to Germany, much to the latter's surprise, and resigning from his editorial position, he hurried East and accompanied Farnsworth in his visit to the Ambassador. They were introduced by Schuler Colfax, P. S. G. R., and the two Odd Fellows explained fully to the German the objects, purposes and work of the Order. The Baron, after studying the subject for a time, gave Farnsworth a letter of introduction to Bismark, and later he Vv rote to ex- Vice President Colfax : "I have reported to my Government in favor of establishing this new tie of the friendly relations now existing between the people of the United States and Germany." The Grano Sire, now returned to New York, and July 8th, 1870, on the Germanic steamer Main, accompanied by Frank Austin, he sailed for Ger- many. In vessels and tugs they were accompanied as far as the Narrows by hundreds of Odd Fellows, and ^^gluck auf (good luck) was their parting salute ; but ill luck awaited them. On arrival in English waters they learned that war had been declared between France and Ger- many; in fact, a French man-of-war was then in search of the German steamer, and it was impossi- ble for the Grand Sire to proceed on his journey. CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. 119 Farnsworth was in a dilemma. What was he to do, what course pursue? Having gone so far on a mission so important, he had no desire to turn back ; and yet, war was so uncertain none could tell when the lines would be open. He could not long remain in England, as he must be present at the September session of the Sovereign Grand Lodge. Frank Austin could not accomplish the work, as he was not an encampment member; and so, as a last resort, Farnsworth must, if possible, communicate with John F. Morse. Morse was then in Dresden, some four hours' ride from Berlin. Farnsworth did not know this, how- ever, and so he began telegraphing, probably ex- pending the whole of Templar's |1,200 in tele- graphic and other communication expenses. Grand Sire Stuart, in 1872, so reported. After several days' telegraphing Morse was located, and then a lengthy correspondence was car- ried on between the two brothers, all of which let- ters are in the New Age of that year. At first Morse refused to accept the commission, and July 30th he gives his reasons, he saying in part : "I can scarcely tell you how much I would like to see you and consult with you upon this subject. But tlien, a number of my accjuaintances who have started for Eng- land have been so interrupted and delayed 120 CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. that I do not feel satisfied at this time that it would be right to leave my wife and four children alone, no one €an tell how long. I am residing in Dresden, and it is thought the line will be open for travel in a few days. But there is such a stream of sol- diers going to the front it may not be open for a month." Evidently the road was soon opened, for a few days later Farnsworth was surprised and gratified to receive from Morse the following telegram : "Will start Monday for London. Morse." He safely reached the English Capital, and after a long talk Grand Sire Farnsworth, August 13th, commissioned John F. Morse as Deputy Grand Sire, he to establish the Order in Germany and Switzer- land. Some two months previous to this time, Nathan Porter, a very warm brother to Morse, wrote him of the intention of Farnsworth to commission him (Morse) to carry on the German work, and he told him in Stuttgart he would find Brother M. Berheim, "and the brother was a noble worker." Morse immediately returned to 'Germany, determined, if possible, to carry out the important trust given him, although scarcely able to perform it because of ill health, and he at once w^rote to Brother Berheim, giving him full particulars, and requesting his assistance in instituting a lodge in Stuttgart. CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. 121 In a few weeks, September 12th, Morse heard from the brother. He had advertised in the German press, calling for a meeting of Odd Fellows, and four German brothers, members of the Order in the United States, answered the call. He then obtaineeing the most prominent because of their winning, three times in succession, the beautiful silver trophy offered by the Grand Encampment in 1895 for the best-drilled canton. The canton, or correctly writing, the Ridgely Uniform Degree Camp, was instituted in October, 1884, and reorganizing under the new^ law, Feb- ruary 25th, 1886, they elected the following officers : Captain, W. H. Woodbridge; Lieutenant, Charles M. Keniston; Ensign, Edward L. Gnekow; Clerk, George F. Roesch ; Accountant, J. E. Hall. Curious that the Captain and the Clerk should later become Past Grand Patriarchs. As the cantons were strictly a military organiza- tion, the (irand Encampment in 1895 offered a beautiful silver trophy, which the final possessor must win it three times in succession. The follow- 164 CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. ing is the result, Ridgely, No. 15, not competing for the prize until 1898 : Won by Canton Sacramento, No. 1, at Stockton, October, 1895. Won by Canton San Francisco, No. 5, at Santa Cruz, October, 1896. Won by Canton Sacramento, No. 1, at Los An- geles, October, 1897. Won by Canton Ridgely, No. 15, at San Jose, October, 1898. Won by Canton Ridgely, No. 15, at San Fran- cisco, October, 1899. Won by Canton Ridgely, No. 15, at Redding, October, 1900. The latter also won the first prize at Fresno, October, 1901, |200, and a sword. The Patriarchs Militant have a pretty ceremony known as ^'The Decoration of Chivalry," which may be conferred upon a chevalier or a Daughter of Rebekah. Can any man bestow honors upon a Rebekah ? She is as God made her — "Fair as morning star, with modesty Arrayed; with virtue, grace and perfect lova" No ; but she can bestow honors upon herself, and in 1882 Violet Rebekah Lodge, No. 42, of Salinas, presented a memorial to the Grand Lodge petition- ing them for a State Grand Lodge of the degree of Rebekah — ; CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. 165 "That we, the Daughters of Rebekah, may be brought together to advise with each other and have a voice in framing laws for the government of Rebekah degree lodges." The committee to whom this important subject was handed were not in accord, and three of them said: "The Kebekah Lodges are not a separate branch of the Order, but are single degree lodges for the purpose of conferring that single degree." The committee, unfortunately, were not far- sighted enough to see that the Rebekahs had before them a much greater work than merely conferring a degree. Ed M. Martin of that committee had a broader vision of the outlook, and presenting a minority report, which was adopted by the Lodge, he said — "That they should not be debarred from having a general gathering of the member- ship to consider and recommend such legis- lation as they deem suitable and needful for the promotion of that branch of our Order." As the memorial had requested, the G. L. repre- sentatives were instructed "to use their influence in securing the necessary legislation for the institut- ing and organizing of State Grand Lodges of 166 CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. Rebekalis," but that proposition was six years in advance of the time. The movement was rapidly advancing, however, and in 1878 the first woman Noble Grand was ap- pointed, the S. G. L. having declared the previous year that women were eligible to any of the offices of the Lodge. This was followed in 1887 by the S. G. L. resolution — "Authorizing Grand Masters to appoint women as Deputy Grand Masters, with ORRIN S. HENDERSON. A member of Truth Lodge, No. 55; is a Masonic Past Grand Master, and the present Railroad Commissioner of the Third district. Now, in the prime of life, Brother Henderson is a true fraternal member. CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. 167 full power to appoint their own installing officers." In accordance with that resolution, December 12tli, 1887, Elwood Bruner, the Grand Master, appointed Mrs. Lizzie Condy a Past Grand mem- ber of Lebanon Rebekah Lodge, No. 47. As Deputy District Grand Master (b) she installed the oflScers of the Rebekah Lodges in District No. 1, in Jan- uary, 1888. Rapidly were the Rebekabs advancing to that position for which they had long been striving, namely, an organization separate and apart from the Grand Lodge, and their object was attained in 1888, the Sovereign body that year authorizing the organization of what was then known as Rebekah conventions. In the following year, 1889, a resolu- don was offered and referred to the Committee on State of the Order, that the Rebekah Lodges be authorized to hold annually a Rebekah convention. The committee, 11. T. Dorrance, John Glasson, Samuel Pollock and S. B. Smith, recommended— "That such convention be held, as we be- lieve it would result to the benefit of the Rebekah Lodges." This committee were so slow in handing in their report, the last day, no action was taken by the Grand Ixnige. 168 CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. In the following year, however, the Lodge author- ized Grand Master Glasson to call a convention, and in his proclamation he declared — "Now, therefore, I, John Glasson, Grand Master, * * * do hereby issue this proclamation, for the election of delegates to a degree of Rebekah State convention, to assemble in San Francisco May 12th, 1891, in Covenant hall. Odd Fellows' building." At the time appointed 157 delegates, representing 101 Rebekah Lodges, assembled in Memorial hall and elected as temporary officers of their conven- tion, the same being chosen as permanent officers, the following Rebekahs: President, Mrs. Mary T. Lyon of Templar, No. 19; Vice-President, Mrs. Emma Brooks of Isabella, No. 17; Secretary, Mrs. Mary E. Donoho of Vacaville, No. 80; Treasurer^ Mrs. Sallie Wolf of Rising Star, No. 8; Executive Committee : Ella V. Engle of Byron, Harriet Bruce, Chico; Etta Tinkham, Stockton; Emily Gray, Santa Cruz; Maggie Rider, Los Angeles; Electa Butler, Folsom, and Anna Graves, Visalia. For several years the conventions were obliged to ask the approval of the Grand Lodge for every act performed. But in 1894 the Sovereign body re- solved "to give the women a chance." "For," as Grand Master Lloyd said, CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. 169 "When women control a lodge, and know they have to rely upon themselves, they are equal to the occasion" (c). And the Supreme body adopted a resolution author- izing Grand Lodges in those jurisdictions where ten or more Rebekah Lodges are in existence to grant charters and institute Rebekah bodies, to be known as Rebekah Assemblies. Grand Master Simpson, 1895, saying, "God speed the Rebekah work," Recommended that the Grand Lodge charter a Rebekah Assembly as soon as possible. The con- vention petitioned the Lodge for a charter, and adopting the motion of Representative Louderback, they ordered a charter issued to the Rebekah Assem- bly. The following were its first officers: Fannie Benjamin, President; Marion Greenwood, Vice- President; Mary E. Donoho, Secretary, and Anna M. Liese, Treasurer. The first and the grandest Avork of the new body was the building of an orphans' home at Gilroy, for the children of Odd Fellows, a plot of ground of five acres having been donated to the convention for that purpose by Mrs. Caroline A. Hoxett of Unity Rebekah I^dge, No. 24. The convention in 1896 petitioned the Grand Ix>dge to grant them the power to "locate, estiiblish and control an orphans' home, and to receive contributions and donations 170 CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. for that purpose." The motion of Representative Louderback, that their petition be granted, was by the Lodge adopted. "And/' said Grand Master Warboys — "With their usual energy and enthusiasm for all good works, began the task, and notwithstanding the hard times, raised the . money." The contract was let, and May 8th, 1897, the Rebekahs laid the corner stone — the only instance of its kind in the world's history. Three months later, October 27th, the building was dedicated to its intended noble purpose, and not a dollar of debt on the property. Perhaps I cannot better close this subject than by citing the words of W. W. Watson, Grand Mas- ter, 1901, wherein he said : "The Orphans' Home at Gilroy is a monu- ment to the work, the worth and the unsel- fish devotion of the Rebekahs of Califor- nia ; far more durable than shapely arch or stately spire." For many years the Rebekahs had a fight on hand; first, for a continued life, and second, for more freedom of action ; and during these years they have had a valued friend and defender in Judge David Louderback. He has also been free of all cost, their legal adviser, "and," said a Past Presi- CALIFORNIA Oi)t) ^ELLOWStlit'. m dent to me, "I don't know what we should have done without him, for his legal services and advice was given to us freely and cheerfully at any and all times.'' A strong, enthusiastic and ever faithful worker in the ranks, he is now and has been for the past GEO. T. SHAW, Grand Secretary. (Courtesy of Sunset Magazine.) Our genial, ever faithful Grand Secretary is an Odd Fellow of forty-three years' standing, he having been initiated in Bidwell Lodge at Oroville April 23d, 18G3. Along fraternal lines we next find him in San Francisco, a Past Grand of Abou Ben Adhem Lodge, No. 112, he joining by card December 26th, 1867, passing through the chairs. In 1874 he represented No. 112 in the Grand Lodge, he the same year joining Unity Encampment and passed through the chairs, he having pre- viously traveled with Golden Gate Encampment, his first love. Willing to oblige, he withdrew from Abou Ben Adhem and May 3d, 1878, became a charter member of Myrtle, No. 275, and again willing to accommodate, October 6th, 1894, he be- came a charter member of Spartan, No. 125. Brother Shaw still in the prime of life, was born August 23d, 1834. 172 CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. sixteen years, an active member; "and," as Grand Warden Morrow said when presenting to him the Past Grand Master's jewel — "You have always been found at some post of duty or labor, where you have actively and manfully battled for the principles * * * which will last * * * as long as man * * * shall require the fraternal care and assistance of his fellow man." A lawyer by profession, Past Grand Master Loud- erback has for many years been the chairman of the Committee of Appeals, and twice, 1873-97, he com- piled a digest for the Grand Lodge, free of cost. (a) In 1870 a, Providence, Rhode Island, encampment paid a fraternal visit to an encampment in Massachusetts, wearing a uniform. It created quite a stir, but as such a thing was illegal, complaint was made to Grand Sire Stuart, and he prohibited the wearing of any more uniforms. The Sovereign Grand Lodge sustained him in his decision, but in the follow- ing year, 1872, they passed a resolution permitting camps to wear on street parade such uniforms as might be approved by the Grand Encampment in their jurisdiction. The Eastern camps then obtained uniforms, and at the national celebration in 1874 they created a great sensation. Nathan Porter was highly pleased, and upon his return to California he urged the San Francisco encampment to speedily obtain uniforms. (b) Behind this appointment of the first woman Grand officer there is an interesting little story. At the time, 1884, G. W. Gallup of Stockton Lodge, No. 11, was Deputy District Grand Master. He was of the opinion that it was woman's place to install the officers of a Rebekah Lodge, and in a conversation with Grand Secretary Lyons regarding the matter, Lyons said, "Go ahead, he won't do anything." he meaning that the Grand Master would take no action to oppose the appointment. Upon his own responsibility Brother Gallup then appointed Mrs. Lizzie Condy of Lebanon Lodge, No. 47, as his Grand Marshal, and she assisted him in installing the CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. 173 Rebekah Lodges throughout the district. In the following year E. T. Knowles of Charity, No. 6, then Deputy District Grand Master, appointed Mrs. Condy as Deputy District Mas- ter pro tern., and she appointing all women as her assistants, January 11th, 1886, installed the officers of Lebanon Rebekah Lodge, No. 47. Edward L. Gnekow of Stockton Lodge, No. 11, D. D. G. M., in 1888, was urged to appoint a woman as his assistant; but he, obtaining the decision of Grand Master Bruner that it was Illegal, refused to so appoint. That year, however, the Grand Lodge authorized the appointment of any woman in good standing in a district as eligible to the Deputy District Grand Master's office, and Mrs. Condy was Grand Master Bruner's first appointee. (c) The incident that caused Grand Master Lloyd to make this assertion was the mistake of a woman Vice-Grand, tem- porarily occupying the Noble Grand's chair, he being absent. She declared elected a candidate who was in fact rejected, "an old brother" giving her wrong information regarding the number of black balls necessary to reject. "I told the Vice Grand," says Lloyd, "to rely upon herself, and not upon a man, and then she would not be likely to sin any more." CHAPTER XI. The revision of the degrees — Business transaction in the third degree — Encinal Lodge opposes them — Lyons letter- perfect in the work — Grand Lodge meets at San Jose — Lodge on wheels — Porter scores a point — Laying corner stone of San Francisco temple — Splendid procession — Dedication of the hall — Grand Lodge crowded out of the Assembly hall. Odd Fellowship is ever progressive in its charac- ter, and one of tlie most important movements of the Order Avas the revision of the work. ''The wise men of the Order felt that the ceremonial work in this branch had become too cumbersome, so they re- solved to eliminate the less important parts and preserve the best." Such a revision they believed 'Svould act as an incentive to thousands to take all the degrees, * * * and it will bring back thousands Avho have drifted out of the Order." Thirteen of the ablest men were appointed to per- form the work, and they made a complete revision of all of the degrees save the initiatory, this being left unchanged. The* Sovereign Grand Lodge adopted the committee report and passed a resolu- tion that the new work should be put into operation on and after January 1st, 1881 (a). The new work was strongly endorsed by Penn- sylvania, they sending circulars to that effect to all of the State .>urisdictions. The Grand Lodge passed this circular up to the Committee on State of the CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. 175 Order — Dan M. Burns, H. T. Dorrance, George B. Katzenstein, H. J. Tilden and John Ellsworth. The three first named said "it is unnecessary to take any action, as the Sovereign Grand Lodge have now the matter under consideration." This report was not acceptable to the Lodge, and they not only adopted the minority report that — "The time-honored customs and rules of the Order should not be changed, * * * and we recommend that no reduction in the degrees be made." But they instructed their representatives to urge and vote against the adoption of any change in the Avork, "For," says Barnes, "it Avill take |50,000 to cover the expense." The Eastern jurisdictions Avisely concluded that the increase in membership would more than cover the expense, and every State voting for the change except California, the resolution passed 131 to 6. When our representatives, W. W. Morrow and Grove L. Johnson, returned to California from the Supreme session of 1881 and informed the brothers that on and after July 1st, 1882, all busineiss trans- actions must be transacted in the third degree, then there was more trouble, imaginary, however, with a few, "Why," says Brother Barnes, "this is a measure calculated to retard the growth of the Order." But the committee— John Ellsworth, 176 CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. PI. T. Dorrance, J. J. De Haven and E. M. Martin, regarded it as a wise measure, as "Doing business in the third degree will have a strong tendency to cause brothers to take that degree, and that after having taken them they will feel a greater interest in the Order" (b). The Lodge approved of the committee report, but as this w^as a very important matter, they also accepted Representative Allbright's resolution and obtained the opinion of each subordinate lodge "as to the advantage or disadvantage of working in the third degree." The result, to many, was a great surprise, for 1 01 lodges, representing 8,^^10 brothers, said "Work in the third degree," while only 34 lodges, with a membership of 3,465, opposed it. The ritualistic work, decreased from six to four degrees, seemed to give satisfaction to all the sub- ordinate lodges except Encinal, No. 164, the lodge instituted by Nathan Porter. They said after a trial of the work for three years : "The present init- iatory work, and work of the degrees, is inferior to the former work. Instruct and urge upon our S. G. representatives the propriety of remodeling and simplifying the work." They evidently had been performing the work in a very indifferent and list- less manner, for the Grand Lodge replied through CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. 177 their committee, Elwood Bruner, C. T. McEachran and J. N. E. Wilson : "We believe it would be unwise and im- politic to make any change; and Ave believe that if the lodge officers will make a study of the work, no desire will be expressed for a change." The Grand ^faster who had the difficult task of putting the new work into operation was Ezra Pear- son ; but he had a thoroughly competent adviser and assistant in the Grand Secretary, W. B. Lyons. He was a brother of splendid executive ability and a very strong memory, and because of this fact he was sent as a representative to the Sovereign Grand Lodge, expressly to learn the new work. Learning it letter perfect, he returned to California, and, exceedingly proud of Odd Fellowship in California, he declared : "It is and ever will be my pride and ambition to do my utmost in having the reputation of California Odd Fellowship for good and correct work maintained at its present standard." Lyons became a most valuable assistant to all incoming Grand Masters, and highly they praised his ser- vices. Grand Representative W. W. MorroAv, upon his return from the Supreme body, said : "I take pleasure in mentioning the industry arid zeal of Representative l^yons * * ♦ in acquiring a knowledge of, and introduc- ing the new work into this jurisdiction." 178 CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. And Grand Master Lloyd, in speaking of Lyons' memory, declared: ^'I found Brother Lyons a walking ency- clopedia of the law and literature of Odd Fellowship * * * and so well versed in the ritual that, were the original lost, he could from memory supply a correct copy." The Lodge, appreciating the zeal and ability of the Grand Secretar^^, presented him, on the last day of the session of 1881, with a beautiful Past Grand Representative's jewel and collar, Charles H. Ran- dall, Pa^t Grand Master, making the presentation speech. The sessions of the Grand Lodge at that time were held in Dashaway hall, San Francisco, and in 1882, by invitation of the Santa Clara county lodges the Lodge voted to assemble in 1883 in San Jose, the Garden City. There the Representatives assembled, and, cor- dially welcomed by the Santa Clara brethren. May 10th the Lodge was tendered a reception in the San Jose theater. It was a splendid treat, and by unani- mous vote the Lodge declared — ^That the sincere and hearty thanks of this Grand Lodge be hereby tendered to the Odd Fellows of Santa Clara, for their many courtesies, * * * and particu- CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. 179 larly for the unique, elegant and highly enjoyable entertainment. * * " This Avas the last session of the Grand Lodge out- side of San Francisco, for in that year they adopted a constitutional amendment that — "Hereafter the Lodge will hold its regular convocations at the City of San Francisco." Previous to this time, they had been holding their sessions in the larger cities of the State (c), and time and again efforts were made by the represen- tatives of the different sections to have passed a constitutional amendment locating the Lodge permanently in their particular city, but all of their schemes failed until 1883. The first skirmish for permanent location took place in the year of the Vigilance Committee excite- ment, 1856, the Grand Lodge then sitting at Marys- ville. Daniel McLaren of Sacramento, No. 2, then endeavored to have an amendment passed that the Grand body meet alternately at Sacramento and San Francisco; but there was so much strife over the matter, the Lodge leaving the question un- settled, did not even vote upon the next place of assembly. In 1867 Aaron A.. Sargent of Oustomach Lodge, No. 16, who had previously strongly advocated the interests of the mountain lodges, now deserted 180 CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. them, and he called up the resolution offered by Billings of Santa Clara Lodge two years previous, "that the Grand I^odge be permanently located at San Francisco." The resolution was voted down by a vote of 171 to 124, but the following day Nathan Porter scored a point for San Francisco by his resolution, which was carried — "That hereafter, unless otherwise ordered by a vote of the Grand Lodge, the annual convocation thereof shall be held in the City of San Francisco." It was a bright idea, successfully planned, and whenever the "city" representatives desired the Grand Lodge to there assemble they simply pre- vented any voting for the following year's as- semblage. Many, many times there was a contest over this question of location, and I might fill pages regard- ing it, hence it was that many delegates were pleased when the Lodge voted to "move about no more" and found a home in San Francisco. What the promises made, what the inducements, if any, it is difficult at this late day to learn. A magnifi- cent temple was in sight, an Odd Fellows' home for all time, and May 14th, 1884, the corner store w^as laid. It was a great day for San Francisco, a day of jubilee for California Odd Fellowship, and Gover- CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. 181 nor George Stoneman declaring it a legal holiday, the public schools, business houses and banks closed their doors, the courts adjourned, and the San Fran- GEO. W. GALLUP, P. G. R. For nearly thirty years Brother Gallup has been a faithful, prominent worker in the ranks of the Order. Initiated in Ophir, No. 171, January 24th, 1877, three years later he joined Stockton, No. 11, by withdrawal card,and elected that night as Conductor, he has been almost continuously in office since that time. For several terms he has been President of the Relief Committee. In 1884 he became a representative to the Grand Lodge, and for several years he has been on one of the most important committees, that of Instructor. Brother Gallup is not only a worker, but he is also high authority on Odd Fellow law, both in the subordinate and the Rebekah Lodge, he being one of the charter members of Rainbow Rebekah, No. 97. Cisco steamboat and railroad companies, as far as possible, gave their employes a holiday, hundreds of them being Odd Fellows. The San Francisco press, especially the New Age, 1^2 CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHit*. ( 'all and Chronicle, published Odd FelloAv editions, the paper last named giving one-half of its sixty- four pages to the history of State and National Odd Fellowship. Delegations from all of the lodges of the Order were present (d) , even from the boundary lines of San Diego, Alpine and Shasta, the home of Grand Master Wm. Allen and Grand Patriarch Samuel Isaacks (e). Early in the day the sidewalks were lined with thousands of people eager to catch the first glimpse of the columns that, forming on Post street, marched along that street to Kearney to Clay to Montgomery to ^larket to corner of Seventh and Market, where thousands more awaited the arrival of the procession. On the lead a drum corps marched, they preceding a platoon of police under the command of Captain Douglass. Then came the Grand Marshal, Reuben H. Lloyd, Past Grand Mas- ter, seated upon his beautiful coal-black stallion, he just in advance of his forty aids in their bright colored sashes. The military were a prominent feature of the parade. Companies A, C, F and H of the National Guard, together with the San Francisco Huzzars, liafayette Guard, San Francisco Schuetzen Verein and the French Zouaves, these acting as escorts to the German and French Odd Fellow Lodges. Another notable feature was the precise military CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. 183 movements of the six Uniform Degree Camps — Sacramento No. 1, Chico No. 2, San Francisco No. 5, Neva No. 6, Manchester No. 8 and Red Bluff — each camp wearing sashes of purple velvet, trim- med with gold fringe; black felt hats with purple plumes, and with a sword as side arms. As they marched along the widest streets, the two best drilled camps gave an exhibition of fancy drilling, and as the Patriarchs turned into Market street the effect was described as grand. The subordinate lodges marched in the parade by counties, fifty counties being in line. In the sixth division rode the Grand officers, W. W. Morrow, Grand Master; and the seventh division contained the California Pioneers, the Governor of California (George Stoneman), the Mayor of San Francisco (Washington Bartlett), Past Grand Sire John B. Harmon (orator of the day), Clarence T. Urmy (the poet), and W. E. Sheridan (the reader). Past Grand Masters of Odd Fellowship, and State officers. The procession of 8,000 men halted on Market street as the head of the parade reached the build- ing, and, opening ranks, the officers of the Grand Lodge and the Federal and State officers marching through the line, took their places upon the plat- form. The ceremony of laying the corner stone was performed by W. W. Morrow, Grand Master; E. P. 184 CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. Smith, Deputy Grand Master; Nathaniel Cook, Grand Warden ; W. B. Lyons, Grand Secretary, and A. F. Hitchcock, Grand Chaplain. The procession, reforming, then marched to the Mechanics' Pavil- ion, already crowded with the friends of the Order, and the officers succeeded in pushing their way to the platform through that vast audience of 12,000. The exercises opened with music by the band. The President then stepping forward, introduced the Chaplain, he offering a prayer. W. E. Sheridan, the famous actor, stepping to the front, then read in a loud, clear tone of voice, a forty-eight line poem composed by Clarence T. Urmy. It was an invoca- tion to the "angels three," Friendship, Love and Truth, and thus it closed : "O, angels three ; from earth and air and sky Gather all gifts of good and bring them nigh. That this fair temple may all glorious be A Rock of Ages by the western sea. ******* Fold your weary wings, no more to roam, And make this temple your eternal home." The oration of Past Grand Sire Harmon, occupying some two hours in its delivery and filling twelve and a half pages in the journal, brevier type, was a most able effort, excelling his splendid oration welcom- ing the Sovereign Grand Lodge in 1869. The great day of good fellowship closed with a CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. 185 ball in the pavilion, but so great was the "crush of humanity,- - as Lyons expressed it, it Avas impossible to commence dancing until a late hour. The pro- gram said there would be fancy drilling by the d^ree camps, but it was impossible, because of the crowd. Just two years later, March 24th, 1884, C. T. Pidwell, Secretary of the Odd Fellows' Association, invited the Grand Lodge to dedicate "our new hall during the official session of your Grand body." The Lodge accepted the invitation and adjourned at noon Wednesday, May 12tli, for that purpose. Long before the hour of dedication, 2 o'clock, the hall was packed. At the time appointed the stage was occupied by the President of the Association, Wm. K. Deitrich; the Building Committee, Jules Cerf (chairman), lleuben H. Lloyd, Robert Haight, W. K. Vanderslice and H. Druffel, together with the architect, John Wright. The assembly was called to order by Jules Cerf, and immediately the Sentinel announced Grand Master Cook and his officers in waiting to dedicate the hall. They were admitted, and talking their seats upon the platform, the Grand Master de- clared : "It is my will that the Grand Marshal and his Heralds appear." There was another movement at the door and the Grand Marshal, W. F. Norcross, and his 186 CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. Heralds marched in, each Herald wearing the robes appropriate to his station. First came the Marshal in his robe of royal purple trimmed with green and gold; behind him, arm in arm, the Herald of the North, L. W. S. Downs, in a robe of pure white, and the Herald of the South, Leon D. Freer, in a pink robe; then came A. D. Smith, the Herald of the West, wearing a robe of blue, and by his side, J. N. E. Wilson, the Herald of the East, in a scarlet robe. For the first time, the Grand Lodge used the beautiful dedication ceremony adopted by the Supreme body two years previous, and its beauty was increased by the male singing voices of the Eureka quartette. At the conclusion of the cere- mony J. E. Benton, Past Grand of Oakland, No. 118, delivered a short address, and the audience then joined in singing the doxology and were dis- missed. The magnificent building had been constructed with a large assembly hall so arranged that it could be used as the assembling place of the Grand Lodge, having committee rooms, tables and every necessary convenience. There the Lodge annually met until 1903, at which time the representatives were much surprised and provoked to learn that they must meet in B'nai B'rith hall, as the assembly hall, which was in a certain sense sacred to Odd Fellow- ship, had been leased for a term of years to a ten- CALlF^OllNlA Ot)D F^ELLOWSttlf . 18? cent variety show. It was stipulated in the lease that the variety show should vacate the first week in May for the Grand Lodge, and the show, putting in scenery and fastening the seats to the floor, it was found impossible to vacate for only one week, except at a heavj- expense. Hence the Grand Lodge of California, one of the gmndest organizations in the world, whose member- ship embraced tl^e most intelligent, most high- minded men of the State, must needs step down and out for a vile, character corrupting ten-cent show! Was it not humiliating? Is it a matter of surprise that many of the representatives were hot? Methinks not And Avhen they assembled in the Jewish hall. Grove L. Johnson of Capitol Lodge, No. 87,' presented an amendment to the constitution, "that this Grand Ix)dge shall hold regular annual communications at such place as the Grand Lodge nmy by a vote select.-' The Committee on Legisla- tion — O. B. Parkinson of Stockton, W. W. Phelps of Riverside, H. G. ^^ ulff of Sacramento and A. M. Drew of Fresno — to whom the amendme^it was referred, rcM^ommended the adoption of the amend- ment The Lodge were disposed to be charitable towards the association, and they voted Johnson's r(»solution down, accepting in place of it by unani- mous consent Representative Ogden's resolution: "That it is the sense of this Grand Lodge 188 CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. that all future meetings thereof be held in that temple erected to commemorate and perpetuate the virtues and beauties of Odd Fellowship, the Odd Fellows' building of San Francisco." It was a foolish resolution, unless presented as a joke, as the Trustees could not brush aside the lease. And so, in 1904, they reported : "The place to hold our sessions has been a matter of deep consideration, * * * but the assembly hall, as now arranged, could not now be made suitable for the uses of the Grand Lodge. Then, again, we could not have the use of it after Friday nighf Many of the representatives would stand no more trifling — San Francisco appeared to be asleep — and in 1905 Johnson again introduced his amendment to the constitution — "That the regular annual communications be held at San Francisco, or some other locj^lity, as may be selected by the Grand Lodge, and that for 1906 the Grand Lodge be held in Los Angeles, provided the first amendment be approved." For the first time in its history San Francisco was a contestant against the State, Los Angeles her opponent, and she won out by only a scratch. Four CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. 189 Imndred and ninety-eight votes were cast, 331 in favor of tlie amendment, only 167 against, 332 votes being necessary to carry it (f). The Rebekah assembly, believing the amendment would carry, voted to assemble in Los Angeles in 1906. The end is not yet, unless San Francisco gets a move on. (a) Some delay was experienced in receiving the new work, and it did not reach the Grand Secretary until January 24th. The first lodge to put the revision upon the floor was Capay Lodge, No. 30. By Wells-Fargo's Express they received the rituals the day of their regular meeting, and that evening, February 26th, they initiated a candidate. (b) The committee were certa;inly correct, for the author himself, four years a member, did not take the degrees until the new law was passed. Then in San Francisco they were conferred upon him by Excelsior Degree Lodge, No. 1, M. T. Moses being the Degree Master. (c) The Grand Lodge was held in the following cities in the years named, crediting to San Francisco the years not named: Vallejo, 1874. Marysville, 1856, 1862. San Jose, 1872, 1883. Stockton, 1855, 1857. Sacramento, 1854, 1858, 1860, 1864, 1871. (d) The San Joaquin county Odd Fellows chartered the steamer Centennial for the occasion, and May 1st, they gave an excursion around the bay, the Grand Lodge accompanying them. Uniform Degree Camp, No. 5, set a free lunch each day in B'nai B'rith hall, to which all brethren were invited. (e) Samuel Isaacks, from Shasta, was a prominent brother, and his letter to the New Age, August 15th, 1875, after receiving his jewel as Grand Patriarch, shows the sturdy, manly character of the pioneers. In this letter he says: "You should come up here and see me at work with my sleeves rolled up, ready for any kind of work — shoeing a mule that Can kick a ten-cent piece off your head, or going into the lodges and giving degrees half the night, when the thermom- eter stands at 106. How is that for hot. I have received my 190 CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. jewel, voted me by the Grand Encampment, and it is a perfect beauty to look at." (f) All the Grand oflficers stood pat, except Deputy Grand Master W. W. Phelps and C. W. Baker, Sacramento's Grand Representative. All the Past Grand Masters present — Karl C. Brueck, A. M. Drew, W. A. Bonynge, Wm. Nichols, Milton G. Gill and J. W. Warboys — voted for the amendment, except David Louderback. One of the Los Angeles delegates changed his colors, and a representative of No. 6 was sight seeing. ANDREW WOLF. Brother Wolf, now 85 years of age, is the only living repre- sentative of the first Grand Encampment. He is, also, one of the oldest California Odd Fellows, he having been a continuous member since his initiation in Buckeye Lodge, No. 45, Ohio, September 3d, 1845. CHAPTER XII. San Francisco's decreasing fraternal influence — Death of Deputy Grand Master Gault — Sovereign Grand Lodge invited to assemble in Los Angeles — Grand officers visit California — San Francisco unhappy — Sovereign Grand Lodge convenes in Southland — The Odd Fellows' Home — A school for orphan children — San Francisco lodges will not give a dollar — They select a home for the Grand Lodge — Napa chosen as a home site — Lodge appoints a special committee on home — Rudolph Gnekow donates land — Committee accepts the Thermalito property — Kick about the Chinese — Investigating Committee reports on home — Santa Clara Odd Fellows' generous gift — Water everywhere, but none to drink — The White tract money returned. The largeness of San Francisco in wealth, popu- lation and fraternal numbers gave them the power for many years to take what they wanted. First, the mountain camps, with their large numbers of grand, whole souled Odd Fellows, were the pre- dominating factor; but the decreasing value of the gold mines caused a flow of the mountain popula- tion to the valleys and large cities. Then San Fran- cisco held sway. But noAV the swing of the tide is moving beyond the Tehachapi, and fast the South- land is pre ^BLLOWSHlt*. 20^ One excited representative wanted the home closed immediately and no more money there expended. The Grand Lodge adopted the more sensible resolution, that an investigating com- mittee be apj)ointed, they to report on or before Marcli, 1899. The special committee report was very unfavorable and W. \\\ Plielps favored the removal of the home, and that the standing com- mittee be authorized to select and build a new home during the year 1900. His resolution was lost, 290 to 201, the Lodge accepting the recommendation of the special committee, that no more land be purchased or unnecessary money be expended dur- ing the next live years, the colony agreeing to give the Grand Lodge a deed of the property, at the expiration of that time, if it still he considered undesirable. The Grand Lodge of 1900 authorized Grand Master AVatson to appoint a special committee to call for bids and examine liome sites. ''As the home is practically full," Alexander declared in his reso- lution. The committee appointed, J. G. Kellogg and John Thompscm of San Francisco, A. M. Drew of Fresno, (ieorge W. Stockwell of Los Angeles and J. H. Mitchell of Willows, after examining a large number of tracts, improved and unimproved, recommended "the White ranch as the most desir- able." The Santa Clara County Odd Fellows 204 CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. offered to deed this ranch free to the Grand Lodge, provided they would erect suitable buildings on or before September, 1902. The Lodge accepted the gift of 1901, and October 1st, at a public reception in San Jose, Judge M. H. Hyland in a pleasing address, presented the deed to William Nichols, Grand Master, the address being followed by liter- ary exercises and a banquet. As the Lodge did not carry out the conditions within the time limit. Representative S. V. More- land, acting for the donators, petitioned the Lodge of 1903 to do one of three things, either build, reconvey to him the deed or give him the amount paid by the contributors, |13,227. The Lodge now got down to business, and by a vote of 395 to 224, they resolved to commence building on or before September, 1903, they also levying a new home tax of 30 cents per member. In the meantime the Trustees had been feeling its way by sounding the members of all the Lodges, and of the very few who took any interest whatever, 3,612 said abandon the Thermalito Home, 6,661 said do not build cheap buildings at the new home, and 4086 said build of brick or stone, while 3068 voted to make Thermalito a supplemental home, 194 voted for cheap buildings on the new site and 2427 voted against brick or stone material. The Trustees were authorized to proceed with the CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. 205 Dew buildino', and as a large amouut of pure, whole- some water would be necessary for home use, they began boring wells. After expending |2,968 they gave up the job, as every well bored was heavily impregnated with minerals. This "bad luck" was reported to the I.XKige and by resolution the Lodge kept the land and returned to the Santa Clara contributors the money by them contributed. As this money was taken from the new home fund, Kepresentative M. T. Moses protested and took an appeal from the decision of the Grand Lodge to the Sovereign Grand Lodge. "We still have the White tract," said the Trustees in 1905. (a) Charles Gault died at Beaumont, near Los Angeles, March 20th, 1890, at the age of 31. His funeral on Sunday, the 22d, was attended by Grand Secretary Lyons and Grand Treasurer George Lamont, they conducting the funeral service in the Odd Fellows' new cemetery. The honored services were held in the Methodist Episcopal church, conducted by Revs. J. M. Hilbrish, R. H. Cantine and Wm. A. Knighten, the last named preaching the funeral sermon. (b) The work was arranged by Past Grand H. D. Richard- son and his wife of Vallejo. The lodges who saw the work were highly pleased with it, and in 1888 it was exemplified before the Grand Lodge, in the German language, by German Rebekah Degree Lodge, No. 31, and in English by Oriental Rebekah, No. 90. As the Sovereign Grand Lodge had adopted no set form of work, they believing it best to leave the matter to the ideas of each lodge, the friends of the work were anxious to have the Grand bodies see it, they hoping that the lodges would adopt it. (c) Sacramento made a very generous offer: 70 acres of fine land, $6,500 cash with no strings attached, and free rail- road transportation for all time for all orphans going to or from the home. (d) Charity, No. 6, would have given $2,000; Stockton, No. 11, $1,000; Truth, No. 55, $500; Progressive, No. 134, $150; Clements, No. 351, $50; Lebanon Rebekah, No. 41, $500, and Rainbow, No. 41, $100. CHAPTER XIII. No drunkard can enter here — Authority to keep out intox- icated brothers — No liquor in lodge room — Can saloon keepers join? — Fox said,"Let us blush" — What is an habitual drunkard? — Temperance law passed — German lodges protest — The week of jubilee — Death and burial of Grand Secretary Lyons — Election of Geo. T. Shaw — Proclamation for a 40,000 night — Terrible flood at Johnstown — The Galveston disaster — Institution of Truth Lodge — Our Golden anniversary — Third visit of the Sovereign Grand Lodge. Over the gate of the I. O. O. F. Home this sign might he placed, ''No Drunkard Need Apply," for in 1895 the Trustees adopted the rule ''that no wines or licjuors shall ever he kept or furnished, nor shall any person remain who is in the habit of becoming intoxicated elsewhere." Hoav many thousands of dollars would the lodges of California liave saved, money paid to sick brothei*s caused by liquor, had the Sovereign Grand Lodge in early days permitted them to enforce a rule such as that at the Home. Then, it is said the merchant pur- chased one barrel of flour in proportion to six barrels of whisky. All classes were heav}^ liquor drinkers, the Odd Fellow as well as the non-Odd Fellow, and the action of little Mountain Rose Lodge, No. 14, stands out like an oasis in the desert; for said Grand Master Watson, 1856, "after the Lodge closed we sat down to a sumptuous banquet * * * and as nothing stronger than CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. 207 cold water was allowed to be drank* * * i cannot l)ut refrain from alluding to it, as it speaks >'olunies in favor of the Order in Rough and Keady.'^ No official action was taken to stamp out "this fearful curse of the land/' as Barnes described it, until 1857, the Grand Lodge that year instruct- ing Grand Representatives Warren Heaton and Samuel H. Parker to urge the passage of a law giving the Lodges some discretionary powers to refuse to admit those members of the Order who were in an intoxicated condition (a). The response that came back from the Sovereign Grand Lodge was very elastic, "That the Subordinate Lodges possess an inherent right to protect themselves from disorder, the want of decorum and violations of the ordinary proprieties of life." Tlie prohibition represent,atives in the Grand i^ody evidently were few in number, and not until 1865 did they begin that reform now so strict in most secret societies, excluding any kind of liquor from all places over which the Lodges had any jurisdiction. This decision did not prohibit saloon-keepers from joining the Order, and as they numbered thousands, many of them applying for admission, the question was asked, as we must exclude liquor from our lodge rooms, must we admit as brothers the persons who sell the vile 208 CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. concoction. To settle the question Haswell, who was a strong temperance advocate, was asked the question, ^'Is the keeping of a li(iuor saloon Avithin the meaning, intent and spirit of our laws, a respectable means of support." No, says the Grand Master : "For Webster says, ^respectable, is reput- able, honorable, worthy of respect,' and the saloon-keeper is none of these. Fur- ther, the genius of our Order forbids the pursuing of any calling which does not directly or indirectly contribute to the natural wants of man, or in some manner confer a benefit on mankind." If HaswelFs decision had been given in 1905 it v,ould have stood, but the Grand Lodge of 1869 reversing it, said through their committee, Charles A. Garter, Davis Louderback, Washington Bartlett, Lewis Korn and Daniel McLaren, "that the busi- ness in question is not necessarily disreputable, but may be, and frequently is made so by the i'lanner in which it is conducted." This decision was an approval of the liquor traffic, as the business is reputable if properly con- ducted, said the Lodge, and this called from Charles N. Fox, in an oration on April 26th, a stinging rebuke when he said : "Let us blush for shame, because we have CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. 209 declared drunkenness is the vilest and most pernicious of all vices, and yet today so many men, wearing the regalia of Odd Fellows, yield to the vice of drunkenness, and still are permitted to be hailed by the endearing name of brother." CHARLES L. BLUETT, P. G. P. Brother Bluett, of Patker Encampment, No. 3, is probably the youngest Past Grand Patriarch in the State. At the age of 22 he was initiated into Stockton Lodge, No. 11, November 14th, 1902, and installed as Noble Grand in July, 1905. He was at this time an officer in the encampment, and passing through the chairs, in July, 1906, he took his seat as sitting Past Grand Patriarch. This excerpt is from an oration delivered in 1876, and yet no Grand Lodge action was taken, it was not even discussed until 1888. Previous to this time the Ijodges, tiring of continually paying 210 CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. out sick benefits for liquor sickness, began an enforcement of law against the payment of benefits to habitual drunkards, and in that year Repre- sentative Biglow of No. 101 made inquiry, what is an habitual drunkard? and the committee expressed the Lodge opinion when they said : ^'Drunkenness * * * is against the principle of Odd Fellow- ship. The term shall be construed to mean such drunkenness as disqualifies a brother, a greater portion of his time from properly attending to business, and so continuing for one 3^ear." Judging from the laws of the present, this definition is rather amusing. So permeated were the brethren with the liquor habit the/ disliked to even discuss the question, and I do not again find the subject mentioned until 1894, when Grand Master Simpson was asked: "If a person engaged in the selling of liquor, or in keep- ing a gambling house, was eligible to membership.'' ''By law they cannot be kept out," he replied (White's digest said gamblers were not eligible) ; but he very adroitly continued, "it is proper to take into consideration that matter Avhen members cast their vote. The Grand Lodge learning through Louderback that White said saloon-keepers were eligible, reversed the Grand Master's decision. In the following year the advocates of temper- ance won their great victory for the Sovereign CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. 211 Grand Lodge, declared that on and after Septem- ber 21st, 1895, "No saloon-keeper, bar-tender or pro- fessional <>anil)ler shall he eligible to membership in this Order.'' The enforcement of the law ^4iit hard" the Ger- man brethren, for hundreds of tliem were engaged in the business of selling and manufacturing the German beverage beer, which is classed as an intoxicant. In California many Genuans refused to join because of this "boycott'- of their friends, and many brothers withdrew from the Order because we "will not submit to such unjust and discourteous attiicks upon our personal right to follow a lawful business.'' The Gernmn I^odges, Germania, No. 116, Concordia, No. 122, Herman, No. 145, and Vorwatz, No. 313, through their Representative Mysell, declaring that "the law had created such a general feeling of disfavor," peti- tioned the Grand Lodge to instruct her repre- sentatives to urge a revocation of the law. If that be not possible, then urge an amendment by strik- ing out the words " bar-tender and insert thereof wholesale liquor dealers, distillery owners and operators of the same." The Lodge answered in the committee report, "The Sovereign Grand Ix)dge has already settled that question." In the year previous to the grand temperance 212 CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. victory, Californians concluded that they would have a great Midwinter Fair in Golden Gate Park. The Odd FelloAvs believed it an auspicious season to celebrate our 74 anniversary with an unusual display and make the week of April 23d to the 28th a time of jubilee. Thompson, the Grand Mas- ter, heartily approving of it, said : ^'It is hoped that this celebration will call together the largest body of California Odd Fellows ever assembled, and be an honor, as well as a lasting benefit to the Order." The entire week was an Odd Fellow jubilee and consisted of prize contests for the best Subordinate, Encampment and Rebekah Degree work, and (Canton drills. April 26th was the great day. Excursion trains were run to San Francisco, and a large representation was present from the various interior Lodges. The procession, consisting of the Patriarch Militant, tlie Encampments, Subordinate Lodges and Rebekahs, with beautiful floats, was one of the finest and largest ever seen upon this coast. Marching to Golden Gate Park the Odd Fellows were there addressed by Governor Mark- ham and then dispersing, enjoyed the sights of the Fair. Later, May, the Grand Lodge, on motion of J. L. Robinette, accepted the invitation of the Board of Directors and became their guest at the Fair. CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. 21^ Six months previous, November, 1893, the Grand Lodge buried with full funeral honors W. B. Lyons, the Grand Secretary since 1874, the head and front of the Order. He died suddenly at his home in Alameda on November 4:th, 1893, of apoplexy, and November 8th, from the Assembly hall of the Odd Fellows' building he was buried. An eloquent eulogy was pronounced by William H. Barnes, and the funeral cortege was the largest fraternal pro- cession ever seen in San Francisco. The body was taken to the Oakland mole and brothers and friends accompanied "the dead" to Auburn. "No further seek his merits to disclose, Or draw his frailties from their dread abode. There they alike in trembling hope repose. The bosom of his Father and his God." The place made vacant by the death of the Grand Secretary was filled by the appointment of Brother George T. Shaw, an expert bookkeeper, he having previously been called by the Trustees to expert the Grand Secretary's books. When the Grand Ix)dge assembled in May, 1894, they appointed a committee to put in order the grave of W. B. Lyons at a cost not to exceed |300.00, and immediately after the vote, nominations were made for Grand Secretar3\ Nine brothers were desirous of the office— W. B. Tilford, S. B. Smith, George T. Shaw, R. B. Roll, Robert Burns, H. D. ^14 CALIFORNIA Ot>t) li^LLOWSHII*. Richardson, W. S. Potter, J. L. Bates and W. F. Xorcross. The three favorites were S. B. Smith of Sacramento, 116 votes; H. D. Richardson of Vallejo, 173 ; and George T. Shaw of San Francisco, 295. On the second ballot Smith received 124 votes, Richardson 265 and Shaw 418. Lyons was the first boomer for an increased membership, and if you look at his report for 1888, you will find, for the first time, a list by counties, of all voters and Odd Fellows in California, pre- ceded by this command: "Brothers, go to Avork and bring your counties up to the average. You can do this * * *by preaching the gospel of Odd Fellowship to all your neighbors, showing them that good faith and virtue are the peculiar characteristics of all Odd Fellows." When the Grand Lodge's first half century. May, 1903, passed into the records of time, there was installed into the Grand Warden's chair W. W. Phelps of No. 282, Riverside. All along through this history since 1894 we have seen the pushing, energetic character of the representative from orange land, and when in 1904 he was installed as Grand Master, he brought to that office the same life and energy he had displayed in the Lodge. Every Grand Master has some keynote of action, and his keynote was numbers. So in his Lodge CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. 215 visitations he uroxMi the brothers to go into the high- ways and byways and bring in all of the worthy young men. Brushing aside all of the conservative ideas of the fathers, he issued a proclamation to JOHN G^ATTAN, P. G. Brother John was initiated into Olive Leaf Lodge, Penn- sylvania,, in 1847. He came to California with his brother Charles and joining Charity , No. 6, February 21, 1852, was in July, 1855, installed by Past Grand Master Parker as its fifth Noble Grand. the lodges, to make their regular meeting night nearest to March 26th a great 40,000-night, that night Uy so increase tlunr membership, either by initiations, reinstatement of members or by deposit of card, as to make the membership equal or exceed 40,000. The Lodges went to work with a will, and the result has exceeded the expectations of the ^16 CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHllt*. most sanguine, as the full returns Avill show an increase for the year July to July, exceeding 3,300, Avith a total membership over 40,000. '^Grand Master Phelps' term will break the record and score the largest gain of any year in the history of California Odd Fellowship," New Age, April, 1906. Sure the largest gain previously was in 1869, 1,765, that was the year the Central Pacific was completed. We have not yet forgotten the terrible news that came by telegraph May 31st, 1889, of the terrible loss of life and property at Johnstown, Pennsyl- vania, by the sudden breaking of the immense dam that held back Conamugh lake. Suddenly the dam ^gave way and an immense body of water, three miles long and a mile wide, went rushing eighteen miles down the valley, carrying everything before its solid twenty-foot wall. Over five thousand were drowned and hundreds of Odd Fellows and their families left destitute. The appeal of Grand Mas- ter Jenkins to the California Odd Fellows was not in vain. ^'Let us show to the world that the hand of an Odd Fellow is ahvays open to a brother," He said,- and generously the Lodges responded. Two hundred and thirty Lodges sent »|4,413 to the Grand Secretary, and telegraphing to John B. CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP 217 Nicholson |2000, of the amount he inquired, "Is any more needed?" The response came back: "Thanks for the generous contribution. If any more is needed will advise you." No further call being made, the Secretary returned the surplus |2,240 to the contributing Lodges. Another disaster more terrible in effect was the great tidal wave September 8tli, 1900, at Galveston, Texas. Tens of thousands of lives were lost and millions of dollars' worth of property destroyed, but the great sorrow of the nation at that period, the assassination and death of Presi- dent McKinley overshadowed this sectional sorrow. Nevertheless the great heivrt of humanity went out to them, and so bounteous was the money, pro- visions and clothing sent to Galveston, |1,741 of the $3,285 sent by the California Odd Fellows to their Texas brothers was returned to tliem. In this disaster perished Past Grand Master E. J. Smith and his family, he of whom it Avas said, "No light shines brighter in tlie work of Odd Fellowship than that of Past Grand blaster Smith." It was during his term of office that Truth Lodge, No. 55, was instituted by J. P. Spooner, C. C. Keniston and others. Brother Spooner is not only a cliarter member of No. 55, but he is also a charier member of Pacific, No. 155, and Rainbow 218 CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. Eebekah, No. 97, he being initiated in Yerba Buena, No. 15, when quite a young man. His life work, however, has been in No. 55, which was instituted December 18th, 1884, with a charter list of twenty-five, not one taken from the Stockton sister Lodges, 119 being initiated the same night, the largest initiation but one ever in the United States. 'jMie brothers of Charity and Stockton Lodges assisted in the initiatory work, and at its con- clusion, the baby Lodge, already of immense pro- portions, enjoyed a banquet prepared by their brother pioneers. The celebration of great events usually takes place in San Francisco, that being the social center of the coast, and in October, 1899, the Odd Fellows there assembled by the thousands to celebrate the golden Anniversary of California Lodge, No. 1. (jreat preparations had been made for a three- days' jubilee, commencing October 18th, and in all the history of fraternal organizations this was the best. On the evening of the first day, in the Mechanics Pavilion there was a musical program of instrumental solo and chorus singing, a poem by Robert H. Taylor, the first Noble Grand of the Lodge, and addresses by Grand Master Bonynge, M^ M. Estee and Karl C. Brueck, Past Grand Mas- ter. The pavilion was crowded, the admittance being by badge, made of metal and costing 50 cents. CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. 219 The second was the big da}^, the day of the parade. Over 10,000 were in line, Subordinates and Encampments, children from the Orphans' Home and Odd Fellows' Home from Thermalito, Cantons and Rebekahs. In the evening there was Canton exhibition and prize drilling for cash prizes. Friday was the day of excursions to El Campo, Mt. Tamalpias and other points, the festival ending w ith a monster pavilion ball. The splendid celebration of 1899 seems to have created an enthusiasm for more' events of a similar character, and in 1900 Grand llepresentatives Karl C. Brueck and W. ^^^ .^^^atson were instructed to invite the Sovereign Grand Ix>dge to California the following year.' They declined the invitation, as their treasury was nearly empty. Much to the surprise of the Californians, "without an invita- tion," they passed a resolution to assemble in San Francisco, September 19th, 1904. Our Repre- sentatives, William NichoUs and W. W. Watson, protested against their coming, they giving as their reason that the National Con(*lave of Knight Templars was there to assemble in Septeml)er, 1904, and the Lodges and citizens woifld be heavily taxed, in providing entertainment for two grand iKxlies. That was just the point, and the Supreme Body, in their resolution voting for San Francisco, said: 220 CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. "That it does not expect any entertainment * * * and it is the request * * * that the brothers dispense * * * with all matters that will necessitate the expenditure of any money for receptions or entertainments. In the future we do not desire the elaborate entertainments here- tofore so generously exhibited to this Order/' There could not be spoken a plainer statement of the Grand Lodge's desire, but nevertheless, as the Californians were known abroad for their hospi- tality, the Knights had spared no expense to entertain their Sir Knights, in a manner worthy of the days of chivalry, the Odd Fellows believed they could do no less than receive their Sovereign Three Linked brethren in a courtly reception, more especially since they visit us only thrice in a half century, they the representatives of the wealth, in- telligence, position and sound morality from every State. The Executive Committee, representing all the Lodges, Encampments and Rebekahs of the State, resolved in one of their meetings that |20,000 should cover all the expense, but the magnificent electrical display ctiused them at the last moment to change their opinion. To continue this display over Odd Fellow week and change the emblems cost several thousand dollars extra. The citizens CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. 221 were called upon, and so liberally did they contri- bute to the electrical fund, the Odd Fellows had money to burn, and 60 per cent of the amount was returned to the individual subscribers. The committee resolved at first that contribu- tions should be solicited within the Order only, and further, to obtain money they sold a silver medallion badge at 50 cents each, this admitting wearer to all entertainments, and a history of "Fifty Years of California Odd Fellowship" for 25 cents. It was a paper covered book over 300 pages, filled with advertisements, biographical and historical sketches and netted the committee several thousand dollars. "Our guests," arriving September 17th, sight- seeing on their journey, were met at the Ferry by hundreds of brethren and escorted to their head- quarters, the Palace hotel, by the Oakland and San Francisco Patriarch Militant. They were accorded a public Avelcome September 19th in the Assembly hall of the I. O. O. F. building by J. W. Linscott, Grand Master, Dora Gardner, Grand President, Mayor Schmitz and William H. Barnes, Grand Scribe, the Patriarch remarking that the Grand Sire, who stood by his side, was a little boy when he (Barnes) left Georgia. The Grand Sire, William Goodwin, responded to all the speeches of welcome. The Lodge then form- 222 CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. ing in line, under the escort of the Patriarch Mili- tant, Washington No. 1, of Washington, D. C, lead- ing to the music of Brother Todd's band, marched to Native Sons' hall, where the SoA^ereign Grand Lodge held their sessions. During the week there were various entertain- ments, concerts, dancing, excursions, dre^s parades and prize drills. But the great day was the parade day, Friday, September 23d, the S. G. L. refusing to take any part until they had finished their business. As the committee had intended, this parade was the largest and most beautiful of any ever seen upon the Pacific Coast. It was a parade grand and in- spiring, and in numbers, variety and beauty far exceeded the Knights Templar parade of the pre- vious week, although they had in line the Bostonian Knights, each wearing a uniform representing 15,000 or more. To make this procession a grand success, the committee offered cash prizes of |T5^ and more for the largest city lodge in line, the lodge making the best display, the largest interior lodge, the handsomest float, and the finest Rebekah lodge. The Rebekahs made a beautiful appearance, they having some ten or twelve of the fifteen magnificent floats, one, the orphan children from their Home. Many wondered at the grandeur and beauty of the electrical display, and it was pronounced the CAUFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. 223 finest ever seen outside of New York. Each even- ing, Market street, from the ferry up some two miles distiint, was a ll(K>d of dazzling light. Many of the prominent buildings were beautifully dec- orated, and the overhanging bell, near the Ex- aminer, Call and Chronicle buildings Avas a mag- nificent, gorgeous display of electrical art (a) "We have seen," said an ancient Odd Fellow, "men reeling into and out of the lodge room, so under the influence of liquor as to be the objects of loathing and pity." The author, himself, as late as 1885, saw a brother, stupefied with liquor, fall asleep in the lodge room and snore so loudly they were obliged to awaken him. (b) Think of it! A saloon not necessarily disreputable? Why that committee report would not have stood a minute in the Iowa Grand Lodge, for that body in 1870 passed a law that no saloon keeper or liquor dealer could become a member of the Order. Nor in the Masonic Grand Lodge, Michigan, for they declared in 1868 that the manufacture and sale of intoxi- cating liquors, for use or as a beverage, is a Masonic offense, punishable by suspension or expulsion. Barnes at this time declared Masonry did not go far enough — it should have expelled the liquor drinker, also. "It be- hooves our Order to so clearly define its position that none may make a mistake as to what are its teachings or as to where it stands on this important question. * * * Impera- tive are our laws that Odd Fellowship and intemperance are antagonistic, and that no drunkard can be an Odd Fellow, in spirit and in truth." CHAPTER XIV. GRAND MASTERS OF CALIFORNIA Grand Masters and interesting facts regarding tliem, the lodge to which they belonged, and the time and age when installed and the place, date, place of death and final rest: Parker, Samuel H., lawyer, No. 3, 1853 ; 34 ; March 14, 1866, San Francisco; San Francisco I. O. O. F. cemetery, San Francisco. Morse, John F., physician. No. 2, 1854; 39; Decem- ber 30, 1874, San Francisco ; I. O. O. F. ceme- tery, San Francisco. Colt, Edwin W., agent. No. 6, 1855; 30; June 19, 1869, Stockton Rural cemetery. Hueston, H. M., merchant. No. 5, 1856; 29; 1892, Nice, France. Watson, Wm. H., merchant. No. 4, 1857; 46; Sep- tember 28, 1898, San Francisco. Van Bokkelen, John L., No. 17, 1858; June 29, 1873, Virginia City, Nev. Alexander, L. L., superintendent. No. 10, 1859; 29; May 27, 1904, Fair Play, Placerville. Allen, Wm., No. 57, 1860; October 8, 1866, Phila- delphia. Kibbe, Thomas R., physician. No. 24, 1861. Bohen, J. A. J., No. 15, 1862; 34; May 25, 1867, San Francisco; I. O. O. F. cemetery. CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. 225 Kendall, David, No. 3, 1863; 43; October 25, 1869, Sacramento. McClelland, John M., merchant. No. 3, 1864; 48; September 21, 1884, San Francisco; I. O. O. F. cemetery. Burton, Charles O., bookseller, No. 6, 1865; 34. Randolph, I. N., agent. No. 31, 1866; 40; March 25, 1883, Sutter Creek; Sutter Creek cemetery. Fox, Charles N., lawyer. No. 109, 1867; 38; May 1, 1904, Oakland; Mountain View cemetery. Haswell, Charles H., physician, No. 100, 1868 ; Sep- tember 21, 1893, Oakland; Sacramento cem- etery. Harmon, John B., laAvyer, No. 123; 45; February 27, 1899, Oakland; Mountain View cemetery. Dannals, Charles W., lawyer. No. 67, 1870; 45; August 31, 1893, San Juan. Hill, John B., rector. No. 87, 1871; 55; October 27, 1896, Berkeley; San Mateo cemetery. Bradford, A. C, lawyer. No. 39, 1872; 47; February 19, 1890, Guerneyville; Rural cemetery, Stock- ton. Gurnett, Wm. J., agent. No. 118, 1873. Miller, Jacob F., No. 17, 1874; June 5, 1884, San Francisco. Welty, D. W., No. 2, 1875; 53; March 23, 1891, Portland; Sacramento cemetery. Tilden, H. J., lawyer, No. 124, 1876. 226 CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. Dann, Frederick P., lawyer, ^o. 15, 1877 ; 41 ; Sep- tember 27, 1884, San Francisco. Randall, Charles H., editor and lawyer, No. 10, 1878; 54; October 31, 1891, San Francisco. Case, Geo. H., dentist, No. 71, 1879; 31; April 7, 1889, San Francisco. Pearson, Ezra, carpenter. No. 87, 1880 ; 46. Louderback, David, lawyer. No. 15, 1881 ; 39. Freer, Leon D., judge. No. 47, 1882; September 19, 1889; San Francisco cemetery. ^[orrow, Wm. W., judge. No. 123, 1883; 39. Smith, E. P., No. 253, 1884; September 8, 1901; drowned in Galveston, Texas. Cook, Nathaniel, No. 52, 1885; December 3, 1898, Santa Clara. McEachran, Charles T., No. 167, 1886. Bruner, EdAvin, lawyer. No. 2, 1887 ; 31. Lloyd, Reuben H., lawyer. No. 15; 53; 1888. Jenkins, C. N., No. 45, 1889. Glasson, John, No. 12, 1890. Wilson, J. N. E., lawyer. No. 171, 1891; 1901. Stockwell, Geo. W., No. 325, 1892. Thompson, James L., editor. No. 221, 1893 ; 49. Simpson, J. H., lawyer. No. 3, 1884; 38. Gosbey, P. F., lawyer. No. 142, 1895. Warboys, John W., lawyer. No. 53, 1896. Drew, A. M., lawyer. No. 186, 1897. Brueck, Karl C, bookkeeper. No. 11, 1898; 31. CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. 227 Bonynge, W. A., agent, No. 323, 1899. Watson, W. W., lawyer. No. 222, 1900; 38. Nicholls, Wm., banker. No. 124, 1901; 51. Gill, Milton G., lawyer, No. 76, 1902. Baker, C, W., No. 2, 1903. Linscott, J. W., superintendent. No. 90, 1904. IMielps, W. W., County Clerk, No. — , 1905. Bell, Theodore A., lawyer. No. 18, 1906; 33. The idol of the Germanic Odd Fellowship is John Frederick Morse, and California Odd Fellowship paid their highest honor when they erected a beautiful costly life-sized statute of him who sleeps beneath. They did well, for he it was who failed not — faltered not in well doing — never. His character shines as one of the brightest among the pioneers, and every Odd Fellow points with exultant pride to his work for humanity. One of the Green Mountain boys, Vermont, he was born December 27, 1815, and at the age of 27 he was practicing medicine. Two years later, 1844, he was initiated into Atlantic Lodge, No. 50, Brooklyn, New York, and passing through the chairs he next sailed for California on the ship Humboldt, and arriving August, 1849, went to Sacramento. There Morse found plenty of misery and distress, and it was marvelous the amount of time, skill and money he gave in relieving the sick and the needy. A charter member of Sacramento, No. 2, he represented that lodge in the first Grand Lodge, and his sub- sequent lodge history is already recorded. Morse was not only a physician, but a writer, he writing the history of the Sacramento valley, and previously editing the Sacramento Union. "He was," says Dwinelle, "ardent in everything he undertook; fierce in attack and resolute in defense." In the galaxy of portraits of Grand Masters that hang in the Grand Secretary's oflSce, silent monuments of a half century, one Is not there, Edwin W. Colt. Out in Rural cemetery, Stockton, In a neglected ^rave he lies, and upon an old moss- 228 CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. covered tombstone I read these lines. "Born in Greensboro, Georgia, May 5th, 1825; died June 19th, 1869." One of the most prominent firms of San Francisco was the clothing firm of Hueston & Hastings. H. M. Hueston, the senior of this firm, occupies a peculiar position in Grand Lodge history, the only brother twice presiding as Grand Master, E. W. Colt, in the session of 1855, failing to appear, although in sound health and strength. Hueston was a Philadelphia Past Grand before coming to California, and on arrival he joined San Francisco, No. 3; afterwards Sacramento, No. 2, and finally Yerba Buena, No, 15. He made a fortune in his business, and in 1882 he went to Nice, France, with his family, to reside. Another curious incident was the oflicial uplifting of Wm. W. Watson, he being elected Grand Master from the floor, Warren Heaton, the Deputy Grand Master, declining to serve. He was born in New Jersey in 1810, became an Odd Fellow in New Orleans in 1846, came to California in August, 1850, and dying at the age of 88 years, his was the longest life of all of the pioneer Grand Masters. The death of John L. Van Bokkelen, in Virginia City, Nev., killed by an explosion of giant powder, is the one tragic death of the list. Uniting with No. 3 by card, in 1854, he was elected Deputy Grand Master from the floor in 1857. A very popular brother, he was prominent in the San Francisco fire depart- ment as foreman of Sansome Hook and Ladder Company for the first three years of its existence, and later a police officer of the Vigilance Committee of 1856. With the rush of the silver seekers he went to Vinginia City, and was installed as a Grand Master of Odd Fellows in that jurisdiction. The Grand Lodge has published four digests, the pioneer in that work being L. L. Alexander, he compiling the first digest, a book of about 200 pages, in 1865, the Lodge paying him for his six months' work $600. Brother Alexander, as the Grand Lodge attendant, was the record breaker, he being absent but three sessions from 1855 to 1903. Born in New Hampshire, 1828, he was initiated into the Order at the age of 21, arriving in California in 1850, and became a charter mem- ber of Sonora, No. 10. He was one of the organizers of the CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. 229 Veteran Association, and in 1883 he began his fight for the eighteen-year law, but met with no success in the S. G. L., although the California Lodge always favored it. "Wm. Allen was an old white-haired man when I knew him in 1861," said Moses Stinchfield. He was a pioneer and a char- ter member of Shasta lodge, and, elected with Columbus Bartlett as a representative to the Body Supreme, he died in Philadelphia soon after his arrival East, of cholera, he having contracted the disease while crossing the Isthmus of Panama. Bohen, a warm friend of Past Grand Master Parker, dying a few months later, was buried with Parker upon the crest of the hill, A member of Yerba Buena, No. 15, a short time before his death, he sent for the brothers then in session, to come and visit him. Many attended, among them J. P. Spooner, now of Truth, No. 55, and standing around his dying couch he admonished the brethren to live sober lives and be true to Odd Fellowship. Daniel McLaren, the big-hearted Scotch Odd Fellow, expect- ing to leave the State, resigned as Deputy Grand Master, and David Kendall became Grand Master. He is said to have been a brother of very high intelligence, and the smooth work of the organization of the first Grand Lodge is due to him. His zeal for Odd Fellowship was greater than his physical strength, and over exerting himself in his attention to the Sovereign Grand Lodge he died a month later, October, 1869. The only living pioneer Grand Master is C. O. Burton, and he it was who made the first Grand Master's written report. A» long as his strength would permit, he was a deeply inter- ested church and Sunday school worker and a political leader. He is now, and has been for many years, a Grand Trustee. In the lodge room of Bay View, No, 109, there hangs a picture of their first Noble Grand, Charles Nelson Fox. They prize highly that portrait, for it represents him who "when we were not able to provide ourselves with a comfortable lodge room, he secured one for us at his own expense," said Brother Tegus, in 1868, as he presented that picture. Fox, too, was a joker, and when the lodge were starting their library he entered the lodge room one evening pushing a wheelbarrow load of valuable books, and they wondered how he got up stairs. 230 CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. Fox then was in middle life, he living with wife and children in "a vine-covered cottage" in Redwood City. He called it "The Odd Fellows' Home for Grand Masters," and he declared on their visits to No. 109 "they must go there to keep up the reputation of the hotel." But there was years later another home in which he took great interest and labored hard, the I. O. O. F. Home; and when a building was ready for the aged brothers and sisters, Grand Master Gosbey declared: "To Past Grand Master Fox is due our highest commendation and praise for the work he has done for the Home, and the time and sacrifices he has made." Fox was a charter member of Bay View, and upon their tenth anniversary, October 4th, 1872, they presented him with an elegant gold Howard movement watch. He was then a Past Grand Master, and at the close of his term he declared: "He who has received the honors of our Order has no right to rest upon those honors, and I shall therefore still be found an active worker in the ranks of Odd Fellowship." The record shows that he kept his word, and in 1903 we find in the Journal, Charles N. Fox, of Porter, No. 272, one of the Com- mittee on State of the Order. In 1880 he was an Assemblyman from Alameda county, and in 1889 he was appointed by Governor Waterman as Associate Judge of the Supreme Court. He was a large, strong well proportioned brother, our Grand Master of 1871, John B. Hill, the highly honored Episco- pal clergyman, and it was a sad, pathetic scene when this venerable brother some twenty-three years later, then almost entirely blind, was led up the broad aisle of the assembly hall to a seat on the platform. As he passed along "the great throng of brothers arose to their feet, and with reverence and in solemn silence gave welcome and homage to this noble apostle of Odd Fellowship." The Past Grand Master always had a warm place in his heart for Odd Fellowship, and he maintained his interest and his love for it to the very last moment of his life. "Why, I could sit up all night to hear him talk," said "Old Kentuck," of Shasta. He referred to Frederick P. Dann, Grand CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. 231 Master, whose life so suddenly went out in 1884. Dann was a very active Odd Fellow. He joined Yerba Buena, No. 15, by card from Crusade, No. 93, 1861, and for over nine years he was an officer in the lodge. Later he took up the cause and the defense of the Daughters of Rebekah, and he had quite a warm newspaper discussion with Fox regarding their advance- ment towards self government. Dann was honored by them as the first Noble Grand of the first Rebekah lodge, California, his wife being his Right Supporter. For three terms he was their presiding officer, and January 6th, 1872, they gave him a silver table service. Sonora Lodge, No. 10, has the distinguished honor of send- ing to the Grand Lodge two Grand Masters, Alexander and Randall. "Randall," said an old timer, "was a Connecticut Democrat, politician and lawyer. He was at different periods the Clerk, Under Sheriff and Judge of Tuolumne county, and he was editor and proprietor of the Sonora Democrat." Initiated in the East in 1846, he joined No. 10 by card in 1853, and removing to San Francisco in 1876, his Sonora brethren gave him a gold-headed cane. The first Grand Master from south of Tehachapi was George W. Stockwell, from East Side, No. 325, Los Angeles. The first Grand Master native son was J. N. E. Wilson. The first Grand Lodge Journal portrait was J. L. Thompson of Eureka. The death of Charles Gault placed Deputy Grand Master John Glasson in the Grand Master's chair, and the death of J. L. Robinette, September 3d, 1899, gave to W. W. Watson the same position. 232 CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. THE SUBORDINATE LODGES OF EASTERN CALIFORNIA, Their name, number and present location, the time, place and by whom instituted, and their last re- ported membership : CALAVERAS COUNTY. Hope No. 33, Angels Camp, December 21, 1855, by James Letford, P. G., under a dispensation from the Standing Committee. Membership, 59. Mokelumne No. 44, Mokelumne Hill, October 23, 1855, by Edwin W. Colt, G. M. Membership, 75. San Andreas No. 50, San Andreas, June 4, 1856, by Grand Master Colt. Membership, 85. Campo Seco No. 66, Jenny Lind, January 23, 1857, by M. C. Ferguson, D. D. G. M. Membership, 33. The lodge was instituted in Chinese Camp. Sharon No. 86, Murphys Camp, June 8, 1859, by L. L. Alexan- der, G. M. Membership, 46. This lodge was instituted in Vallecito. Mineral No. 106, Copperopolis, September 6, 1862. Member- ship, 61. Independence No. 158, Railroad Fl?it, April 24, 1868, by C. B. Hopkins, D. D. G. M. Membership, 17. West Point No. 299, West Point, November 3, 1882, by B. T. Thompson, D. D. G. M. Membership, 53. FRESNO COUNTY. Clovis No. 139, Clovis, December 11, 1903, by C. W. Baker, G. M. iviembership, 40. This lodge took the number of Gold Run Lodge (extinct). Placer county. Laton No. 148, Laton, March 30, 1904, by M. A. Morgan, D. D. G. M. Membership, 40. Laton took the Havilah Lodge (extinct) number. Fresno No. 186, Fresno, February 13, 1871, by C. W. Dannals, G. M. Membership, 336. The lodge was instituted at Millerton. Orangedale No. 211, Kings River, March 8, 1898, by A. M. Drew, G. M. Membership 28. Kings River Lodge held this number before its consolidation. CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. 233 Selma No. 309, Selma, September 27, 1883, by W. H. McKensie, D. D. G. M. Membership, 70. Central California No. 343, Fresno, June 13, 1888, by George Matheson, D. D. G. M. Membership, 187. Fowler No. 363, Fowler, July 12, 1890, by John Glasson, G. M. Membership, 65. Mt. Campbell No. 374, Reedley, April 1, 1892, by A. M. Drew, D. D. G. M. Membership, 48. Sanger No. 375, Sanger, April 25, 1892, A. M. Drew, D. D. G. M. Membership, 62. INYO COUNTY. Inyo No. 301, Independence, November 29, 1882, by S. D. Thurston, D. D. G. M. Membership, 29. Bishop Creek No. 332, Bishop, May 30, 1887, by S. D. Thurston, D. D. G. M. Membership, 44. KINGS COUNTY. Hanford No. 264, Hanford, August 3, 1877, by B. Baer, D. D. G. M. Membership, 78. Lucerne No. 275, Hanford, October 16, 1902, by George T. Shaw, Grand Secretary. Membership, 51. Lemoore No. 280, Lemoore, formerly in Tulare county, March 19, 1879, by J. M. Graves, D. D. G. M. Membership, 73. MADERA COUNTY. Madera No. 327, Madera, formerly in Fresno county. May 6, 1886, by E. B. Lyman, D. D. G. M. Membership, 83. MARIPOSA COUNTY. Mariposa No. 39, Mariposa, May 21, 1855, by Grand Master Colt. Membership, 65. Hornitas No. 99, Hornitas, September 13, 1861, by R. S. Miller, D. D. G. M. Membership, 41. Coulterville No 104, Coulterville, October 31, 1861, by J. R. J. Bohen, G. M. Membership, 49, Oso No. 110, Bear Valley, October 18, 1862, by Grand Master Bohen. Membership, 22. MERCED COUNTY. Mt. Brow No. 82, Los Banos, December 16, 1858, by L. L. Alexander, D. D. G. M. Membership, 57. The lodge was instituted in Chinese Camp. Willow No. 121, Snellings, August 22, 1865, by C. O. Burton, G. M. Membership, 82. Santa Rita No. 124, Dos Palos, June 18, 1904, by A. M. 234 CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. Williams, D. D. G. M. Membership, 11. The lodge took the number of the extinct lodge. Merced No. 208, Merced, September 21, 1872, by John F. Miller, G. M. Membership, 167. SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY. Charity No. 6, Stockton, February 14, 1852, by E. G. Green- field, under a dispensation issued by D. G. Sire E. G. Coughlin. Membership, 359. Stockton No. 11, Stockton, June 24, 1854, by E. W. Colt, G. W. Membership, 227. Truth No. 55, Stockton, December 18, 1884, by G. W. Gallup, D. D. G. M. Membership, 375. Mt Horeb No. 58, Ripon, May 27, 1856, by L. L. Alexander, D. D. G. M. Membership, 48. The lodge was instituted at Sonora. Jefferson No. 98, Woodbridge, August 2, 1860, by C. O. Burton, D. D. G. M. Membership, 59. Scio No. 102, Linden, June 13, 1861, by C. H. Covell, D. D. G. M. Membership, 77. Sumner No 177, Tracy, September 1, 1870, by C. W. Dannals, G. M. Membership, 109. This lodge was instituted in Ellis. Lodi No. 259, Lodi, May 22, 1877, by F. P. Dann, G. M. Membership, 87. Farmington No. 296, Farmington, July 11, 1882, by D. W. Keiver, D. D. G. M. Membership, 34. Clements No. 355, Clements, December 4, 1889, by Wm. Ennis, D. D. G. M. Membership, 56. STANISLAUS COUNTY. Lafayette No. 65, La Grange, June 14, 1857, by Grand Secre- tory Johnson. Membership, 69. Wildey No. 149, Modesto, November 10, 1868, by George Buck, D. D. G. M. Membership, 159. The lodge was instituted in Tuolumne City. Stanislaus No. 170, Knights Ferry, April 18, 1870, by John Harmon, G. M. Membership, 34. Oakdale No. 228, Oakdale, February 27, 1875, by John F. Miller, G. M. Membership, 54. Orestimba No. 354, Newman, November 25, 1889. Member- ship, 88. TUOLUMNE COUNTY. Sonora No. 10, Sonora, June 7, 1853, by E. W. Colt, Grand Warden. Membership, 218. CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. 235 Tuolumne No. 21, Columbia, January 19, 1854, by Grand Sec- retary Johnson. Membership, 138. Yosemite No. 97, Big Oak Flat, 1861, by J. N. Milner, D. D. G. M. Membership, 51. TULARE COUNTY. Tulare City No. 306, Tulare, April 30, 1882, by C. H. Murphy, D. D. G. M. Membership, 163. Exeter No. 308, EJxeter, January 13, 1898, by A. M. Drew, G. M. Membership, 20. The lodge took the number of Star of Hope, El Dorado county. Lake No. 333, Tulare, June 15, 1887, by W. W. Cross. Member- ship, 73. Mt. Whitney No. 342, Travers, May 31, 1888, by W, W. Cross, D. D. G. M. Porterville No. 359, Porterville, May 9, 1890, by W. W. Cross, D. D. G. M. Membership, 69. Dinuba No. 381, Dinuba, December 12, 1892, by A. M. Drew, D. D. G. M. Membership, 82. 236 CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. I NDEIX- Alexander, L. L., biography, 228. Allen, Wm., biography, 229. Anniversary day, our — California first celebrates, 44. Appropriation, Fox expends more than, 9G — annual, 109. Austin, Frank, brotherhood, opinion of, 42 — assists in found- ing Germanic Order, 121. Australia knocks at the door, 113 — Meacham, there founds Odd Fellowship, 115. Burton, Charles O., active in politics, G4 — biography, 229. Barnes, Wm. H., locates in California, 89 — ^composes and sings song, 121 — biography, 155 — opposes Cantons, 1G2 — denounces intemperance, 223. Bohen, J. A. J., his visitation unexcelled, 97 — death and burial, 229. Bohen, Geo. T., organizes Golden Gate Batallion, 162. Brockway, Silas A., Grand Warden, 127— death, 128, 138. California Lodge, No. 1, instituted, 12 — work in foreign lands, 110. Case, Geo. A., biography, 152— opposes employment of Assist- ant Secretary, 153. Cemetery, I. O. O. F., purchase of San Francisco, 55-58 — prominent dead in, 56 — toll road to, 59. Colt, Edwin W., insulting report, 30^ — biography, 227. Chinese Grand Sire's decision on, 35 — Dwinelle speech against, 37 — prohibited from working at the Home, 202. Colfax Schuler, visits California, 51 — confers Rebekah degrees, 52, 58 — presented a cane, 52 — most popular man in public life, 58. Eigenbrodt, Charles L., killed at Shenandoah, 64 — Father of Crusade Lodge, 72. Encampment Grand, charter granted, 26 — instituted, 27 — Morse denounces it, 29 — votes for mergement, 34 — Geo. F. Roesch, Past Grand Patriarch, 28. Excelsior Lodge instituted, 9, 112 — visited by Wm. Fox, 113 — memorial to S. G. L., 37 — Martin White's plea for, 38 — Grand Secretary's blunder regarding, 113. Degrees, revision of, 174 — lodges vote on, 176 — first lodge to use new Ritual, 189. Dann, F. P. biography, 230. CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. 237 Famsworth, Grand Sire, visits Templar lodge, 116 — sails for Germany, 118 — telegraphs for Morse, 119 — death of, 146; see Morse and Templar. Frazer, Alexander V., appointed as D. G. Sire, 10 — raises first I. O. O. F. flag, 11. Fox, Charles N., presents gavel to Grand Lodge, 58 — biography, 229. Gallup, Geo. W., appoints first woman deputy, 172 — biography, 181. Gunnison, A. J., shipwrecked, 75. Gurnett, W. J., appointed lodge instructor, 141 — oflBce abolished, 142. grands. Past, efforts to disfranchise, 103 — Warboy's shot at, 106. Haswell, Charles S., patriotic speech, 65 — receives first Grand Lodge jewel, 130. Harmon, John B., biography, 127, 135— installed as D. G. Sire, 131 — reorganizes lodges, 134-136 — installed as Grand Sire, 136. Hill, John B., visits Victoria Lodge, 140 — biography, 230. Home, Orphans, 169—1. O. O. F., the story of, 196. Hueston, H. M., biography, 228. Isaacks, Samuel, a good story of, 189. Johnson, Grand Secretary, a faithful officer, 80 — presented gold watch, 83 — death and burial, 84. Kendall, Davis, biography, 230. Louderback, Davis, the Rebekah's friend, 170. Lodges, pioneer, 16, 18 — give money to Garfield monument, 69 — entertain Manila soldiers, 70 — loan coin to Meacham, 114 — send money to Morse, 122 — Truth, No. 55, instituted, 218 — celebrate anniversary of California, No. 1, 218— list of subordinate, 232. Lodge, Grand, refused a charter, 21 — nunc pro tune warrant granted, 23 — organization of 24 — fight over mergement, 30 — reception at Sacramento, 65 — refuse to appropriate money for Lincoln monument, 68 — resolutions to Gen- eral Lawton, 70 — greetings to McKinley, welcome to Roosevelt, 71 — purchase a banner, 86, 94 — a broad juris- diction of, 140 — special sessions of 150 — meet in San Jose, 178 — efforts to change assembly place, 179, 187, 190— cities where assembled, 189. Los Angeles, growth of 190 — petition S. G. L. to meet in 192. Lyons, W. B., elected Grand Secretary, 85 — a valuable assist- ant, 177— death and burial, 2U. 238 CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. Masters, Grand, amendment defeated permitting to vote, 102. Marysville, dedication of I. O. O. F. liall, 43. Morse, John F., maizes enemies, 30 — visits Germany, 116 — commissioned as Deputy Grand Sire, 120 — institutes Wurtemberg lodge, 121 — given grand reception, 124 — death and burial, 125 — biography, 227. Nicholls, Wm., long travel, 95 — receives deed for new Home, 203. Nevada, in California jurisdiction, 110, O'Brien, invites G. L. to Vallejo, 82 — good story on, 94. Odd Fellows, oldest society on Pacific Coast, 9 — first lodge, 13 — first oration, 46 — cemeteries, 55 — duty of 66 — true and loyal, 71— non-affiliating, 159— old, 58-139, 215. Odd Fellowship, the fires of 60 — growth of, 159. Patriarch, first uniforming of, 161, 172 — militant, 164 — oldest living, 190 — youngest grand, 209. Papers, New Age, history of, 41 — splendid Odd Fellow edi- tions, 181. Phelps, W. W., his splendid record as Grand Master, 216 — Lyons, the first boomer, 214—40,000 night, 215. Parker, Samuel H., biography, 17 — starts for California, 19 — defeated for Grand Sire, 20 — commissioned as D. G. Sire, 23 — elected Grand Master, 24 — insitutes encamp- ments, 26 — sudden death, 56. Porter, Nathan, favors mergement, 34 — entertains Sovereign Grand Lodge, 77 — orator at grand reunion, 87 — preaches sermon, 94 — death of, 90 — biography, 91 — funeral, 92 — Leman's eulogy, on 92. Polynesians, Barnes opposes, 39 — Grand Sire Ellison's decision on, 36 — not eligible, 37. Prohibition, first law, 6, a temperance lodge, 206 — law of 1895, 211. Randall, Grand Master, visits out of beaten track, 98 — kills P. G. M. resolution, 102 — biography, 231. Rebekahs, first lodge, 128, 130— petition for State convention, 164 — organization and officers of, 168 — organization of Assembly, 169 — vote to meet in Los Angeles, 189 — the California beautified work, 194 ; see Colfax. Ridgely, speech, 78 — presented cane, 79 — memorial service, 137 — Canton named after, 163. Relief, associations, 15— for Chicago, 143— Michigan, 144— Marysville, 145 — southern, 147 — Johnstown, 216 — Galveston, 217 — Baltimore no, 149. Smith, E. P. death of, 217. CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. 5539 Smiley, Thomas, obtains a dispensation, 11. Sacramento, dedicates I. O. O. F. hall, 45-146 — lays temple corner-stone, 77. San Francisco, dedicates hall, 43, 49, 185 — laying corner-stone, 180 — library founded by Parker, 53. Sovereign Grand Lodge, organization of, 7 — changes name,7 — seceded from Manchester Unity, 8 — trapped on color line, 36 — ranks not broken by Civil War, 62 — Southern lodges return, 63 — invited to California, 75 — reception in California theater, 78 — excursions, 79 — grand re- union, 85 — authorizes Grand Sire to found Order in Germany, 115 — amends Constitution, 126 — meets in Los Angeles. Spooner, Alden, certificate of, 101. Spooner, J. Pitcher, father of No. 55, 217, Stockton, lodges first to celebrate anniversary, 44 — lay first corner-stone, 74 — dedicate hall, 73. Templar Lodge agrees to pay railroad expense, 76 — have silver badges manufactured, 94 — appropriate $1,200 to found Order, 116— zenith of fame, 126. Union resolutions, 62, 72. Van Bokkelen, John L., no time to visit, 96 — issues first anni- versary proclamation, 43, biography, 228. Veterans association, organization of, 88. Visitations, district, Freer first recommends, 98 — Brueck's improved plan adopted, 99. Watson, W. W., biography, 228. Woman, first D. D. G. M., 166— self reliant, 73. Wlldey, Thomas, sails for America, 3 — institutes Washington Lodge, 5 — death and memorial service, 47 — money for monument, 49. York at Lee, declares for brotherhood of man, 38 — strong opinion, 39 — birth place, 42. 240 CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWSHIP. NOTE. As this index goes to print the greater part of San Francisco is in ashes, caused by a heavy earthquake on the morning of April 18th, 1906, followed by a most disastrous fire. In its uncontrollable greed for destruction, the fire fiend carried everything be- fore it, and now San Francisco Odd Fellowship is practically gone. Build- ings, halls and records are all destroyed, and "the work of fifty years is blotted out." Grand Master Phelps, in a little room in Oakland, which serves the double purpose of an office and a bed- room, is working like a hero to re- lieve the distress of the suffering Odd Fellows and their families, and in the work of reconstruction. The late records of the Grand Lodge were saved by Grand Secretary Shaw and another brother, and June 5th the Grand Lodge will assemble in Santa Cruz. ^^X-y^^ 'tiik^^'mk^my<^- m^M: .^"^^^