GIFT OF CVJ r-i CD ^> S > s -d gJ ^ a >. ^ P H rH ,M P ^^ PQ H o O > P- -P H fH O O O O O crj -P K- H :3 +3 P -R rH o a> c H cd >> H (D 02 c ?H CO H -^ td >. id J-. H . C r-i r^ O 13 j-f C P ^ U \ ^ ra r-i a 0) +5 r>> * -3 Jh H cj s O H a> i6 (D fc^< O fc K^ f - I-'--' SOLOMON PEIRCE FAMILY GENEALOGY CONTAINING A RECORD OF HIS DESCENDANTS AN APPENDIX CONTAINING THE ANCESTRY OF SOLOMON PEIRCE AND HIS WIFE AMITY FESSENDEN Compiled and Aeranged by MARIETTA PEIRCE BAILEY Arungton, Massachusetts 1912 fj'i PRESS OF QEO. H, ELLIS CO, BOSTON CONTENTS. PAOB Portrait Facing title Preface v Peirce Coat-of-arms Facing vii Address by Prof. Arthur W. Peirce vii Picture of the House occupied by Solomon Peirce from 1788 TO 1803 OR Later Facing 1 First Generation 1 Monument erected to the Memory of Solomon Peirce and HIS Wife, Amity Fessenden Facing 3 Second Generation 4 Third Generation 10 Fourth Generation 33 Fifth Generation 81 Sixth Generation 128 Seventh Generation 146 Appendix with Charts 149 25120G PREFACE. The "Genealogy of the Descendants of Solomon Peirce of Lex- ington" is the outcome of a desire to trace the lineage and per- petuate the memory of our ancestor who took part in the Revolu- tionary War. The first inspiration to undertake this work was received from a conversation held in 1900 with Mrs. Amanda Peirce Morton, a grand-daughter of Solomon Peirce, whose per- sonal reminiscences started the interest which finally resulted in the erection of a monument over his unmarked grave. From the first reunion of the family, on the occasion of the dedication of this monument, the interest increased, and this record, undertaken without any thought of publication, is the result. As time went on, new members of the family were discovered. Three grand-daughters have been traced who could remember interesting incidents connected with the life of Solomon Peirce, one of whom is still with us, aged ninety-two, and many relics are still preserved by his descendants. In response to the request of relatives I have finally under- taken to publish the record. It has been a pleasant but also a long task, partly owing to delay in answering letters of inquiry or sending in family records, and in many instances it has taken much inquiry and corre- spondence to locate family branches. There have been many interested helpers, among whom it gives me great pleasure to mention the names of those who have aided materially in this work. Miss Emeline Dillaway Fish has given valuable in- formation of her own branch (Amity Peirce), which must have been lost except for her diligent researches, besides aiding in many other ways. Mr. Herbert Francis Dam, of San Francisco (of the sixth gen- VI PREFACE eration from Solomon Peirce), contributed a large part of the data for the Appendix, and also the charts. Prof. Arthur Winslow Peirce (of the fifth generation) looked up the military record of Solomon Peirce, from the Massachu- setts Archives, on the occasion of erecting and dedicating a monument to his memory. Thanks are due to all who have in any way contributed to make the record a success. Many dates have been taken from town records and graveyards, but, with all care and time bestowed, many omissions and mistakes will occur, which, it is hoped, will be pardoned. Children's children are the crown of old men; and the glory of children are their fathers. Pkov. xvii. 6. PEIECE COAT- OF -ARMS Three Ravens rising sable. Fesse-humette. Motto Dixit et Fecit (He said and he did). Crest Dove with olive branch in beak. THE PEIRCE COAT-OF-ARMS. [Part of an address by Prof. Arthur W. Peirce at 1911 Peirce Reunion.] The Peirce coat-of-arms is used as a family insignia, but it does not imply that we are descended from the nobility of Eng- land. A coat-of-arms was originally a coat of linen worn over the armor, on which were embroidered or painted certain emblems or signs to indicate the name and position of the man inside, as his face and head were entirely covered by the helmet. Thus his followers might know their leader in battle. The device was often emblazoned on the shield also, so that now the shield is an essen- tial part of the insignia. In a coat-of-arms there are several parts, some of them neces- sary, others omitted at the option of the owner. Originally, all used the shield, and above it the helmet. As cloth was hung from the helmet to protect the armor from rain and rust, in the her- aldic device this has become a scroll work, called a "mantling." Above this was a wreath, which has become conventionalized into a mere straight bar over the helmet, on which is borne the crest. The shield is of the first importance in the scheme. It is a colored background, termed the "field," on which is placed some device called the "charges." On the Peirce shield the charges are three ravens. The crest was added for ornament, being usually an animal or a head. The motto is not essential, and its position is a matter of taste. In the Peirce coat-of-arms the ravens are "sable," or black, and the parallel lines on the bar across the shield indicate "gules," or red. Thus it is described technically as "arms argent, three ravens rising sable," which means a silver background and three black ravens with wings spread as if for rising. The "fesse" is the name given to the bar on the shield, and "humette" means vm THE PEIRCE COAT-OF-ARMS the bar is cut oflf, and does not extend to the sides of the shield. The Peirce coat-of-arms has a "fesse humette," colored red. The crest is a dove with green olive branch in its beak. The bar on which the dove stands is developed from the ancient wreath which surrounded the helmet. Many coats-of-arms are printed without the helmet. The Peirce motto is in Latin, "Dixit et Fecit," mean- ing, "He said and he did." The following explanations will enable the reader to under- stand the genealogical tables: Abbreviations. b. stands for born; m. for married; unm. for un- married; d. for died. The parents' names are given in full. The children's Christian names alone are given and printed in smaller type, represented by Roman numerals on the left. When a child has married and has children, figures are placed at the left representing a paragraph with corresponding figures in the next generation. In a few cases the small letters, a, b, c, have been used with the previous figures. Paragraphs have figures placed at the head, on the left, numbering, from 1 to 448. SOLOMON PEIRCE BRANCH. FIRST GENERATION. 1. Solomon Peirce was born in Lexington, Mass., June 15, 1742, the sixth child of Jonas and Abigail (Comee) Peirce. He was a descendant in the sixth generation of "John Pers, of Nowch" (Norwich), England, who settled in Watertown 1637. Solomon Peirce married, Dec. 15, 1763, Amity Fessenden, born in Lexington, June 15, 1743. The year following his marriage he paid his father, Jonas Peirce, seventy pounds for fourteen acres of land. In 1765 he bought of B. Smith four acres adjoining. In 1783 he bought of E. Munroe et al. seven acres adjoining. In 1783 he bought of Jonas Peirce forty acres adjoining the fourteen acres, being the same land bought by Jonas Peirce of Joseph White in 1731. In 1783 he bought of Ezekiel Hall thirty acres adjoining the above described fourteen, making a total of ninety -five acres. The deeds record him a cordwainer (or shoemaker), and he was also a farmer. This appears to have been his home and the place where his eleven children were born. The walls of the cellar may still be seen, bordered by a row of trees which he probably planted. From the Lexington Town Records we find that Solomon Peirce was surveyor of highways in 1772. He was enrolled in the Lexington company of minute-men, commanded by his neighbor Captain Parker, and started forth with him on that memorable morning of April 19, 1775. He was wounded in the battle of Lexington, but was able to rejoin his company, and was on duty at the battle of Bunker Hill, June 17 and 18, 1775. He served five days, March 4-8, 1776, at Dorches- 9 ;..,'. ' DESCENDANTS OF SOLOMON PEIRCE ter Heights, as a member of John Bridge's Lexington company. In the campaign against Burgoyne, 1777, he was a sergeant in a Concord company of Col. Samuel Ballard's regiment, under Capt. George Minott, serving from August 16 to November 30. From Massachusetts Archives it is stated that he travelled two hundred and twenty miles in eleven days, and was paid nine pounds, eleven shillings, and eight pence for service. June 7, 1780, he was commissioned first lieutenant of Capt. William Munroe's company, under command of Col. Francis Faulkner. After the war closed, he was made captain, July 25, 1784, of this company, then made a part of the State Militia under the com- mand of Col. Samuel Lamson, of Weston. He resigned his com- mission and retired from the service, April 23, 1785. The war was followed by financial reverses, and in November, 1784, Capt. Solomon Peirce sold his farm of ninety -five acres, with mansion house and barn, to Joseph Underwood, of Lexing- ton, in consideration of the sum of three hundred eighty pounds. This estate remained in the Underwood family until about 1865, and was then conveyed to Mrs. Bryant. Solomon Peirce appears to have remained in Lexington until 1788, when his name and that of his wife. Amity Peirce, are en- rolled as members of the second precinct church in Cambridge (now Arlington), June 15, 1788. At this time his residence was changed from Lexington to West Cambridge (now Arlington Heights), in the so-called Amos Russell house, which is still stand- ing, improved and owned by Walter K. Hutchinson. At this time it was owned by his eldest son, Jonas Peirce, who later sold it to Amos Russell, husband of his sister Betsey Peirce. In March, 1803, Jonas Peirce bought an adjoining farm, in- cluding a mansion house with a smaller house and barn, and he brought his father and mother to occupy the smaller house in their declining years. Amity Peirce died Feb. 18, 1811, aged sixty-eight. After her death Solomon Peirce lived with his son Jonas, and died Oct. 16, 1821, aged seventy-nine. Both were buried in the old ceme- ter3% Arlington, and in 1903 a substantial monument was erected by contributions from two hundred and twenty descendants of our honored ancestors. Q Z ^ z z ** i 2 <-^ O ClI O S o ^ n FIRST GENERATION 3 Children of Solomon Peirce and Amity (Fessenden) Peirce, born in Lexington, Mass.: Amity, b. Aug. 26, 1765. Jonas, b. Nov. 16, 1766. Abiel, b. Sept. 22, 1768. Solomon, b. Sept. 10, 1770. Nothing found. Samuel, b. Jan. 10, 1772. Abu AH, b. March 11, 1775. Betsey Hall Gray, b. Jan. 8, 1777. Lucy, b. March 10, 1779. Thabdeus, b. April 8, 1781. Leonard, b. March 17, 1783. William, b. Jan. 2, 1786. 2. 1. 3. ii. 4. iii. iv. 5. V. 6. vi. 7. vii. 8. viii. 9. ix. 10. X. 11. xi. DESCENDANTS OF SOLOMON PEIRCE SECOND GENERATION. 2. Amity^ Peirce (Solomon^), b. in Lexington, Mass., Aug. 26, 1765, daughter of Solomon Peirce and Amity (Fessenden) Peirce; m. first, March 13, 1783, Henry Harrington, 3d, b. May 25, 1760; m. second, June 23, 1795, John Goodwin. There were eleven children, three by first husband and eight by second husband, three of whom died in infancy. Children : 12. i. Mary Peirce Harrington, b. in Lexington, Nov. 29, 1787. ii. Harrington, m. Bethia Claflin, d. Nov. 5, 1862. He d. before 1845. Harrington, m.; had three children. Ul. 13. IV, 14. V. VI, 15. vii. Aaoty Goodwin, b. April 10, 1798. Harriet Goodwin, b. October, 1799. John Goodwin, m. Sarah ; one son, d. Emeline Goodwin, b. 1805. 16. viii. L. A. Eliza Goodwin, b. 1807. 3. JoNAS^ Peirce (Solomon^), b. in Lexington, Mass., Nov. 16, 1766, son of Solomon Peirce and Amity (Fessenden) Peirce; m. Lydia Prentiss, b. in Menotomy, April 17, 1771, daughter of George and Lydia (Hill) Prentiss, d. Sept. 6, 1865, aged ninety- four. He d. January, 1833. They resided in Menotomy and in Woburn, and in 1798 bought the house still standing on Appleton Street, Arlington Heights. In 1803 he bought about two hundred and fifty acres adjoining, with buildings thereon, called "Spring Hill Farm." He was remembered by a grandson as a man of great energy and fine character. He was precinct assessor, 1805-07, and he joined the precinct church in West Cambridge, Mass., Aug. 28, 1808. Children : 17. i. Lydia, b. Dec. 25, 1790. 18. ii. Anna D., b. October, 1792. 19. iii. 20. iv, 21. V. 22. vi. 23. vii. 24. viii. 25. ix. 26. X. 27. xi. SECOND GENERATION 5 Jonas, Jr., b. September, 1794. George, b. Aug. 18, 1796. RoxA, b. Aug. 3, 1799. Ebenezer p., b. Aug. 9, 1802. Sarah P., b. Jan. 9, 1804. Thomas P., b. May 28, 1806. John A. P., b. AprU 1, 1810. Amanda, b. May 23, 1813. Elizabeth M., b. June 3, 1816. Note. Lydia' Prentiss, George^, Ebenezer", Solomon', Solomon', Henry' of Cambridge. The bouse where Lydia Prentiss was born is still standing, No. 388 Pleasant Street, Belmont. 4. Abiel^ Peirce (Solomon^), b. in Lexington, Mass., Sept. 22, 1768, son of Solomon Peirce and Amity (Fessenden) Peirce; m. first Peggy Russell, Oct. 22, 1789. She d., and he m. second Anna Kingman, March 1, 1801. He was married each time by Rev. Peter Thacher, of Boston (see Boston Records). He d. in Boston, Jan. 28, 1816, aged forty-seven. Mary A., child of Abiel Peirce and Anna (Kingman) Peirce, d. April 12, 1812, aged six, and was buried in Copp's Hill Cemetery, Old Ground. Abiel Peirce was buried in Copp's Hill, New Ground. 5. Samuel^ Peirce (Solomon^), b. in Lexington, Mass., Jan. 10, 1772, son of Solomon Peirce and Amity (Fessenden) Peirce; m. in West Cambridge, May 20, 1795, Sophia Stedman, b. in Cambridge, July 3, 1777, d. in Medford, Aug. 3, 1841. He d. in Medford, Mass., May 28, 1861, and is buried in the Cross Street Cemetery. They resided in West Cambridge, Woburn, and Medford. Children : 28. i. Charles, b. Oct. 4, 1796. ii. Charlotte, b. Oct. 2, 1798; d. March 22, 1832; unm. 29. iii. Sophia, b. Aug. 4, 1800. iv. Mary, b. Nov. 14, 1802; d. Oct. 5, 1831; unm. 30. V. Samuel, Jr., b. Jan. 17, 1805. 31. vi. John L., b. March 26, 1807. 32. vii. Susannah, b. May 4, 1810. 33. viii. Anna, b. April 13, 1812. 34. ix. James, b. May 1, 1815. x. Oliver, b. Feb. 28, 1817; m. Mary A. Small, d. August, 1883. No children. 35. xi. Elmira, b. July 3, 1822. 6 DESCENDANTS OF SOLOMON PEIRCE 6. Abijah^ Leavitt Peirce (Solomon^), b. in Lexington, Mass., March 11, 1775, son of Solomon Peirce and Amity (Fes- senden) Peirce; m. first, March 7, 1799, Polly Smith, b. East Lexington, Jan. 2, 1777, daughter of Josiah and Polly (Barber) Smith. She d. 1800, buried in East Lexington. No children. He m. second, April 27, 1802, Elizabeth Howe. She d. April 11, 1825. No children. He m. third, Sept. 3, 1826, Mary Prentiss, b. Nov. 24, 1785, daughter of George and Lydia (Hill) Prentiss, of Menotomy, now Belmont. She d. in Winchendon, Mass., Sept. 4, 1827. He m. fourth Lucy Emery, daughter of Stephen Emery, of Boxford and Winchendon, a Revolutionary soldier. Abijah Peirce was captain of the Winchendon military com- pany, selectman, and one of the proprietors of the turnpike toll- road. He d. at Winchendon, Oct. 11, 1843. She d. Jan. 1, 1879. By the third marriage there were twins, b. Aug. 6, 1827: i. Joseph, d. Aug. 19, 1829. 36. ii. Maby Elizabeth Prentiss. By the fourth marriage there were nine children: ill. RosANNA A., b. Oct. 9, 1828; d. Nov. 22, 1865; unm. iv. Lucy Elmira, b. Sept. 4, 1830; d. Sept. 29, 1899; unm. V. Frances E., b. Aug. 22, 1832; d. Jan. 15, 1867; unm. vi. Susan M., b. Nov. 4, 1834; d. Aug. 31, 1835. 37. vii. William Lorenzo, b. June 27, 1836. viii. John O., b. Sept. 5, 1838; d. Jan. 26, 1858; unm. ix. Susan M., b. Sept. 2, 1839; d. Oct. 4, 1869; unm. X. Selina Harriet, b. Feb. 8, 1841; d. Aug. 23, 1891; unm. xi. Helen E., b. Oct. 9, 1843; d. Oct. 5, 1847. 7. Betsey^ Hall Gray Peirce (Solomon^), b. in Lexington, Mass., Jan. 8, 1777, daughter of Solomon Peirce and Amity (Fes- senden) Peirce; m. Dec. 20, 1793, Amos Russell, b. in West Cam- bridge, Jan. 15, 1768, d. Oct. 13, 1828. She d. in West Cambridge, now Arlington Heights, March 24, 1844. Children: Elmira, b. Feb. 16, 1794. Betsey, b. March 27, 1796. LucETTA, b. March 29, 1799. Mary, b. Sept. 16, 1801; m. Thomas Leach. She d. Aug. 30, 1825. No children. 38. 39. ii. 40. iii. iv, SECOND GENERATION 7 41. V. Amos, b. May 11, 1804. 42. vi. Oliver, b. Jan. 11, 1807. 43. vii. Emeline, b. March 11, 1809. 44. viii. Catherine A., b. Feb. 22, 1818. 8. LucY^ Peirce (Solomon^), b. Lexington, Mass., March 10, 1779, daughter of Solomon Peirce and Amity (Fessenden) Peirce; m. in Cambridge by Rev. Thaddeus Fiske, April 5, 1797, Joseph Ditson, b. in Boston, March 26, 1772, d. in Boston of "Old Age," May 31, 1845, aged seventy -three. She taught a public school in Boston twenty years; d. in Boston, Sept. 28, 1859, aged eighty, buried at Forest Hills. Children : Joseph, d. probably in California. William, m. June 26, 1823, Hannah Davis. She d. 1872. Charles, b. December, 1805; d. July 28, 1815; buried in Copp's Hill, Old Ground. Horatio, b. 1809. Oliver, b. Oct. 20, 1811. Augustus Ludlow, } ^^.^^ ^ ^^ ^3^3 James Lawrence, ) Charles, b. 1816; d. May 26, 1818; buried Copp's Hill, Old Ground. 9. Thaddeus^ Peirce (Solomon^), b. in Lexington, Mass., April 8, 1781, son of Solomon Peirce and Amity (Fessenden) Peirce; m. Sept. 2, 1804, Lucy Learned, b. in Cambridge, Nov. 12, 1780, d. July 2, 1838. He d. April 21, 1839. They resided in Maiden (now Everett) for many years, and both died there. The house where they lived is still standing on Main Street. Children : i. Lucy, b. in Lexington, April 25, 1805; d. Nov. 2, 1878; unm. Mary H., b. March 29, 1807. Eliza Amity, b. March 25, 1809. Royal, b. May 6, 1811. Thaddeus, Jr., b. Aug. 17, 1814. Charlotte, b. Nov. 29, 1818. John B. L., b. July 7, 1820. Joseph C, b. Jan. 16, 1823; m. October, 1849, Mercy Gage Smith, b. in Wellfleet, Mass., Jan. 21, 1832, d. m Cambridge, Sept. 24, 1898. He d. Jan. 29, 1856. 1. ii. iii. 45. iv. 46. V. 47. vi. 48. vii. viii. 49. ii. 50. iii. 51. iv. 52. V. 53. vi. 54. vii. viii. 55. i, 56. ii. iii. iv, V. 57. vi. vii. 58. viii. 59. ix. X. 8 DESCENDANTS OF SOLOMON PEIRCE 10. Leonard^ Peirce (Solomon^), b. in Lexington, Mass., March 17, 1783, son of Solomon Peirce and Amity (Fessenden) Peirce; m. May 19, 1803, Relief Allen, daughter of Elijah Allen, b. in Fitzwilliam, N.H., April 11, 1784, d. in Dan vers, Mass., Nov. 23, 1845. He d. in Danvers (now Peabody), Oct. 7, 1846. Children: William, b. March 15, 1805. Oliver, b. Sept. 13, 1807. Leonard, b. Dec. 17, 1809; d. March 12, 1834; unm. Mahala, b. April 2, 1812; d. March 21, 1839; unm. Eliza, b. May 27, 1814; d. Jan. 2, 1815. Benjamin, b. June 15, 1816. Eliza, b. Nov. 27, 1818; d. Sept. 15, 1819. Mary Ann, b. June 27, 1820. Betsey Hooper, b. Aug. 19, 1824. Elijah Allen, b. July 18, 1827; d. Oct. 1, 1841. 11. William^ Peirce (Solomon^), b. in Lexington, Mass., Jan. 2, 1786, son of Solomon Peirce and Amity (Fessenden) Peirce; m. first, 1808, Elizabeth Floyd, b. in Maiden, Mass., 1778, d. July 3, 1816; m. second, April 2, 1817, Sarah Perkins, b. 1789, d. May 25, 1859; m. third, Feb. 28, 1860, Caroline M. Mansfield, b. December, 1802, d. April 15, 1882. He d. March 10, 1878, aged ninety-two. William Peirce lived in Medford, where his two eldest children were born. In 1813 he bought a farm in Maiden, consisting of about one hundred acres, for which he paid less than five thousand dollars. Afterward he added to this farm land ex- tending from Maiden River to the top of Belmont Hill, situated in the southerly part of Maiden, now Everett. The house on this farm was located on Main Street, and is still standing. Five children were born in this house. In 1840 he built a large house, of semi-colonial style of architecture, in which he lived thirty- eight years. William Peirce was called a very modest man. When, at eighty -five years of age, his picture was thrown on a screen at a public gathering, he turned to his wife, and asked who it was. She replied, "You have not looked in the glass, or you would know." SECOND GENERATION 9^ To the end of his long life he was bright, quick, and humorous. When he was ninety years old, he had a birthday party of his children and grandchildren. He was presented with an easy- chair which had been made to order, as he was a short man. When seated in this chair, he sat upright, and his son-in-law said, "Sit back, father, and lay your head back." He replied, "I can hold my head up as well as I ever could." At the time of his last sickness, having need of the services of a barber, he looked at him, and said, "This is the first time I ever was shaved." Children: i. Eliza A., b. March 1, 1809; m. Feb. 7, 1837, William Baldwin, b. Sept. 10, 1808, d. Oct. 29, 1851. She d. Oct. 27, 1887. There is preserved a book of her beauti- ful penmanship and drawing, when a child. When calico was fifty cents a yard, she remarked, "Now lean, have a dress, apron, cape, and tire all alike." 60. ii. Susan, b. Nov. 3, 1811. 61. iii. William, Jr., b. Dec. 21, 1813. 62. iv. Adeline, b. June 3, 1816. V. Jacob Perkins, b. Jan. 13, 1818; d. Nov. 13, 1835. vi. William S., b. Sept. 11, 1819; d. Sept. 14, 1819. 63. vii. George W., b. Aug. 3, 1820. 10 DESCENDANTS OF SOLOMON PEIRCE THIRD GENERATION. 12. Mary Peirce^ Harrington (Amity^, Solomon^), b. in Lexington, Mass., Nov. 29, 1787, daughter of Amity (Peirce) Harrington and Henry Harrington, 3d; m. Dec. 6, 1801, William Hayden, b. in Scituate, Mass., Oct. 28, 1780, d. March, 1830. She d. April 11, 1854. They lived in Boston and in Hallowell, Me. Children: William Harrington, b. Feb. 14, 1802. Mary Jane, b. Jan. 5, 1804. Ann, b. March 5, 1806. Amity, b. June 8, 1807; d. . Caroline, b. Jan. 1, 1810; d. . 64. 1. 65. ii. 66. iii. IV. V. VI. vu. vni. IX. X. XL xu. Elias Bond, b. March 14, 1812. Deborah, b. Aug. 8, 1814; d. Susan, b. Dec. 16, 1816. George H., b. Dec. 16, 1817. Harriet N., b. Jan. 13, 1820. Elizabeth J., b. Feb. 14, 1822; Amos C, b. Nov. 17, 1824; d. - 13. Amity* Goodwin (Amity^, Solomon^), b. in Boston, April 10, 1798, daughter of Amity (Peirce) Harrington Goodwin and John Goodwin; m. Oct. 2, 1829, Asa Fish, b. in Fairfield, Me., Jan. 14, 1804, d. May 23, 1853. She d. May 29, 1875. They resided in Boston. Children: i. Hannah E. P., b. Nov. 28, 1830; d. Oct. 3, 1849. ii. Sarah A., b. Oct. 24, 1834; d. Jan. 4, 1844. iii. Emeline Dillaway, b. Oct. 5, 1837. Resides in Maiden. 14. Harriet* Goodwin (Amity^, Solomon^), b. in Boston, October, 1779, daughter of Amity (Peirce) Harrington Goodwin and John Goodwin; m. Oct. 1, 1832, Daniel Packard. She d. . Children : i. Mary Elizabeth, b. . ii. Alvin, b. . iii. Daniel Webster, b. . 1. 11. 111. 67. iv. V. 68. vi. vu. 69. viii. THIRD GENERATION 11 15. Emeline^ Goodwin (Amity^, Solomon^), b. in Boston 1805, daughter of Amity (Peirce) Harrington Goodwin and John Goodwin; m. July 17, 1831, Francis Dillaway, b. February, 1812, d. July 24, 1851. She d. July 3, 1876. Resided in Boston. Children : Frances E., b. Feb. 22, 1833; d. March 26, 1903. A boy, b. ; d. in infancy. Anna A., b. ; m. 1863 Col. W. G. Vincent, b. in Norfolk, Va., 1829. Resides in New Orleans, La. Helen L., b. 1837. Henry G., b. July, 1838; m. June 14, 1865, Elizabeth E. Phillips. Resides in Boston. M. Josephine, b. Feb. 2, 1840. Adelia Amity, b. 1841; d. Dec. 6, 1842. Robert C. W., b. 1849. 16. L. A. Eliza^ Goodwin (Amity^, Solomon^), b. in Boston, 1807, daughter of Amity (Peirce) Harrington Goodwin and John Goodwin; m. first Shedd; m. second Johnson. She d. Dec. 8, 1846. Children: i. George Shedd. Went to Philadelphia, ii. Charles Shedd. Went to California. 70. iii. Ellen L. Johnson, b. Jan. 28, 1837. 17. Lydia^ Peirce (Jonas^ Solomon^), b. in West Cambridge (now Belmont), Dec. 25, 1790, daughter of Jonas Peirce and Lydia (Prentiss) Peirce; m. May 23, 1813, Thomas Gould, b. in Boston, Feb. 2, 1785. He was a contractor and builder in Boston for many years. He d. in Arlington, July 23, 1872. She d. in Arlington, Jan. 3, 1875. Children: 71. i. Samuel Lawrence, b. May 20, 1814. ii. Lydia, b. Feb. 3, 1816; d. Feb. 29, 1840; unm. 72. iii. Delia, b. Dec. 29, 1817. 73. iv. Charlotte, b. Nov. 28, 1819. 74. V. James, b. Oct. 16, 1821. 75. vi. Sarah, b. Dec. 17, 1823. 76. vii. Joseph, b. Dec. 25, 1825. viii. George Peirce, b. May 17, 1828; d. in Colorado, June 12, 1891; unm. 1* DESCENDANTS OF SOLOMON PEIRCE 77. ix. Francis, ) rr^ , -., 1.0 near. } Twins, b. March 8, 1830. X. Franklin, ) Franklin d. Feb. 5, 1831. xi. Susan Shaw, b. Dec. 15, 1831; d. April 5, 1832. xii. Elizabeth Melinda, b. March 27, 1834. Resides in Brookline. xiii. Benjamin Franklin, b. Sept. 29, 1836; d. Dec. 26, 1839. Note. Thomas^ Gould, James*, Nehemiah', Thomas^ Thomas', of Salem Village. 18. Anna D.' Peirce (Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in Woburn, Mass., October, 1792, daughter of Jonas Peirce and Lydia (Pren- tiss) Peirce; m. April 14, 1814, Alfred Locke, son of Josiah Locke, b. in Woburn (now Winchester), Oct. 8, 1792, d. in West Cambridge, Dec. 21, 1825. She d. in West Cambridge, Dec. 20, 1822. Children born in West Cambridge: i. Alfred, b. Jan. 8, 1815; d. Feb. 24, 1898; unm. 78. ii. William, b. Sept. 6, 1816. 19. JoNAS^ Peirce, Jr. (Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in Woburn, Mass., September, 1794, son of Jonas Peirce and Lydia (Prentiss) Peirce; m. Jan. 28, 1817, Mary T. Livingston, b. in Charlestown, Mass., May 1, 1798, d. Feb. 10, 1875. He d. Sept. 10, 1840. Resided in West Cambridge. Children born in West Cambridge: Jonas Lorenzo, b. Nov. 9, 1817. James Adams, b. March 27, 1820. Mary Amy, b. June 27, 1823. George W., b. May 13, 1825; d. 1896. He m. Olive Pierce, and settled in the West in 1856. They both died in Iowa without children. Frederick Henry, b. May 31, 1829. Jerome, b. March 10, 1831; d. in Boston, July 2, 1900. John Wise, b. Feb. 8, 1833. He went West and enhsted in the 44th Illinois Regiment; d. in Milwaukee, Wis., 1899. Corp. John W. Peirce was in the battles of Pea Ridge, Ark., March 6, 7, 8, and Stony River, Tenn., Dec. 31, 1862. viii. Jane Maria, b. March 8, 1835; d. May 31, 1842. ix. Sarah A., b. Jan. 21, 1837; d. Sept. 11, 1860; unm. 79. i. 80. ii. 81. iii. iv. 82. V. vi. vii. THIRD GENERATION 18 20. George^ Peirce (Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in Woburn, Mass.^ Aug. 18, 1796, son of Jonas Peirce and Lydia (Prentiss) Peirce; m. March 29, 1819, Harriet Russell, b. in West Cambridge, Mass., June 28, 1799, d. Dec. 28, 1882. He d. in West Cambridge, July 1, 1875. They resided in Chariest wn, Mass., and in West Cambridge. George Peirce was successfully engaged in market gardening and fruit growing, first in Charlestown, and later on land now situated between the Squire estate and Linwood Street, Arlington. On this farm he made his home, and was the first farmer in the vicinity to raise vegetables under glass. He also was the first to cultivate tomatoes for the market from seed procured from France by his friend President Walker, of Harvard College, and the first to raise dandelions under glass. His greatest success was in growing apples, and he was the first to introduce Williams apples in the Boston market. He lived to realize twelve hun- dred dollars annually from forty trees which he set out. The following was taken from the Bunker Hill Aurora: "Capt. Peirce of West Cambridge sold 24 barrels of Williams apples from four trees for over $100." He sent a barrel of Baldwin apples to England, which sold there for twelve and one-half cents apiece, at a time when they were selling in Boston for from four to six dollars a barrel. In 1820 George Peirce was chosen captain of a company of State Militia and duly commissioned by Governor Eustis. Although he had no sons, he lived to have three grandsons serve in the Civil War. Children: Harriet Ann, b. Feb. 27, 1820. Elmira, b. Jan. 25, 1822. Louisa, b. March, 1824; d. September, 1825. Louisa, b. Aug. 5, 1826; m. July 1, 1858, Thomas Dowse Cook, b. in Cambridge, May 4, 1821, d. in Arlington, Aug. 22, 1872. She d. in Lexington, Nov. 26, 1908. 21. RoxA^ Peirce (Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in West Cambridge, Mass., Aug. 3, 1799, daughter of Jonas Peirce and Lydia (Prentiss) Peirce; m. Sept. 30, 1821, Alfred Brooks, b. in Stoddard, N.H., April 24, 1799, d. May 5, 1883. She d. in Arlington, Jan. 13, 1878. 83. i, 84. ii, iii. iv. 14 DESCENDANTS OF SOLOMON PEIRCE Children : 85. i. Jonathan Addison, b. Sept. 1, 1822. 86. ii. Asa, b. Aug. 25, 1824. iii. Nathan F., b. April 17, 1826; d. in Concord, Oct. 7,1828. 87. iv. Geokge T., b. July 16, 1828. 88. V. Frederick D., b. Aug. 13, 1831. vi. RoxANA, b. March 13, 1834; d. in West Cambridge, Dec. 1, 1835. 89. vii. Albert, b. April 7, 1836. 90. viii. Franklin T. R., b. Nov. 14, 1838. 22. Ebenezer Prentiss^ Peirce (Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in West Cambridge, Mass., now Arlington Heights, Aug. 9, 1802, son of Jonas Peirce and Lydia (Prentiss) Peirce; m. May 3, 1827, Elizabeth Reed Brown, b. in Charlestown, Mass., June 21, 1804, daughter of Anne Vincent (Keyes) Brown and Capt. Thomas Brown, who with his ship and crew were lost at sea 1804. She d. in Townsend, Mass., May 24, 1883. He d. in Ariington, April 20, 1870. Ebenezer P. Peirce was one of the founders of the First Uni- versalist Society in West Cambridge in 1840, and was one of its first deacons, serving until his death, a period of thirty years. He was elected a member of the school committee 1843, 1845, 1847. He was one of three sons of Jonas Peirce to inherit, by will, a part of the Peirce farm, now Arlington Heights. In 1872 his heirs sold to the Arlington Heights Land Company. Children born in West Cambridge, now Arlington Heights : i. Susan Locke, b. March 18, 1828. Resided in Chelsea and Townsend; d. in Everett, Mass., Dec. 3, 1906. Eliza, b. Sept. 18, 1829. Emily, b. July 21, 1831. Frances Adelaide, b. Nov. 21, 1833. Eben F., b. Nov. 9, 1835. Thomas Brown, b. Oct. 28, 1837; unm. In 1875 he bought a farm in Townsend, Mass., living there with his mother and sister Susan. He d. in Townsend, Jan. 24, 1902. 23. Sarah P.^ Peirce (Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in West Cam- bridge, Mass., Jan. 9, 1804, daughter of Jonas Peirce and Lydia (Prentiss) Peirce; m. Aug. 29, 1824, Daniel Grant, b. in Epping, 91. u. 92. iii. 93. iv. 94. V. vi. 95. 96. ii. 97. iii. iv. 98. V. THIRD GENERATION 15 N.H., Jan. 12, 1800, d. July 2, 1845. She d. April 24, 1892. They resided in West Cambridge. Children born in West Cambridge: John D., b. Jan. 7, 1825. Melinda, b. July 26, 1826. Harriet Maria, b. July 24, 1828. Franklin, b. Jan. 4, 1831; d. Nov. 18, 1833. Thomas J., b. April 25, 1833. 24. Thomas Perkins^ Peirce (Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in West Cambridge, Mass., May 28, 1806, son of Jonas Peirce and Lydia (Prentiss) Peirce; m. first, April, 1829, Emeline Locke (daughter of William Locke), b. in West Cambridge, Dec. 26, 1809, d. June 19, 1842; m. second, Jan. 7, 1844, Harriet Locke (sister of Eme- Hne Locke), b. June 16, 1814. He d. in Arlington, May 5, 1892. She d. May 10, 1910, aged ninety -five. She was a member of the Peirce Family Association. Thomas P. Peirce was one of the founders of the First Uni- versalist Society in West Cambridge, founded in 1840, and was a deacon of the church for twenty years. He was assessor in West Cambridge, 1844, 1845, 1848, and in Arlington from 1873 to 1884, serving the town fourteen years. He was elected a mem- ber of school committee 1850 and 1863. Thomas P. Peirce was one of three sons of Jonas Peirce to inherit by will a part of the Peirce farm, now Arlington Heights. In 1872 he sold to the Arlington Heights Land Company. Later he foreclosed his mortgage on a part, including the house which he built in 1850, near the site of the old house occupied by his father and grandfather, Solomon Peirce. This part of his estate is owned by his heirs. Children born in West Cambridge (now Arlington Heights) : Thomas William, b. June 27, 1831. Emeline, b. July 27, 1833. Edward Benton, b. June 13, 1835; m. Jan. 15, 1858 Sarah E. Miller, b. in Medford. He d. June 15, 1878. She d. June, 1908. George W., b. May 20, 1837; d. June 25, 1837. Grenville p., b. Sept. 13, 1845. Leander, b. Aug. 16, 1847. Herbert, b. July 23, 1849; d. Aug. 29, 1854. 99. 100. ii. iii. iv. 101. V. 102. vi. vii. 16 DESCENDANTS OF SOLOMON PEIRCE 25. John Appleton Prentiss^ Peirce (Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in West Cambridge, Mass., April 1, 1810, son of Jonas Peirce and Lydia (Prentiss) Peirce; m. Jan. 16, 1834, Mary Ame Locke, b. July 13, 1815, in the house now standing 21 Appleton Street, Arlington Heights. She was a daughter of Benjamin Locke and Ame Vincent (Keyes) Brown Locke and grand-daughter of Capt. Benjamin Locke of Revolutionary fame. Mary Ame Locke taught school in the south-east district of West Cambridge. The school-house was located on the town land in the old cemetery, and the brook flowed under the building. The salary was fifty dollars. She d. Nov. 27, 1884. He d. Aug. 13, 1886. John A. P. Peirce was born in the old Peirce homestead, and was the youngest of the three sons to inherit by will of Jonas Peirce a part of the farm. In 1857 his second son carried on this farm, and he moved with his wife and two youngest children to the Locke house, No. 13 Lowell Street, Arlington. In 1872 he and his two brothers sold the farm to the Arlington Heights Land Company. Children born in West Cambridge (now Arlington Heights): John Winslow, b. July 6, 1835. Benjamin Horace, b. Sept. 6, 1837. Marietta, b. Sept. 4, 1841. A son b. and d. Sept. 27, 1847. Warren Appleton, b. June 5, 1849. 26. Amanda^ Peirce (Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in Peirce home- stead. West Cambridge, Mass., May 23, 1813, daughter of Jonas Peirce and Lydia (Prentiss) Peirce; m. Stephen Morton, b. Buckfield, Me., Aug. 24, 1805, d. Oct. 6, 1848. She d. in Arling- ton, Dec. 25, 1901. Stephen Morton was a soldier in a Massa- chusetts regiment in the Mexican War. He was wounded on the march from Vera Cruz to the City of Mexico, but refused a dis- charge, remaining with his regiment until the close of the war, Children born in West Cambridge: 107. i. Malvina, b. Oct. 27, 1831. 108. ii. Marcus, b. Sept. 15, 1833. 103. 104. ii. 105. iii. iv. 106. V. THIRD GENERATION 17 27. Elizabeth Melinda' Peirce (Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in West Cambridge, Mass., June 3, 1816, daughter of Jonas Peirce and Lydia (Prentiss) Peirce; m. Nov. 23, 1836, Thomas Ramsdell, b. in Littleton, Mass., Jan. 3, 1814, d. in Arlington, Jan. 3, 1885. She d. in West Newton, Mass., July 30, 1892. Thomas Ramsdell owned valuable property in Arlington, which he accumulated from his trade of shoemaker, starting in business 1829. A part of this is now occupied by the Arlington Five Cents Savings Bank. Children born in West Cambridge: 109. i. Anna Louisa, b. Oct. 17, 1837. ii. Emeline Melinda, b. Feb. 22, 1844; d. March 23, 1845. 110. iii. Thomas Henry, b. Sept. 30, 1847. 28. Charles' Peirce (SamueP, Solomon^), b. in West Cam- bridge, Mass., Oct. 4, 1796, son of Samuel Peirce and Sophia (Stedman) Peirce; m. first. May 13, 1818, Charlotte Townsend, b. in Maiden, Mass., February, 1799, d. Feb. 26, 1826. He m. second, Oct. 31, 1826, Ann Lunt, b. in Eliot, Me., Nov. 15, 1808, d. in Amesbury, Mass., May 4, 1874. He d. in Amesbury, March 23, 1853. They resided in Maiden, Medford, and Amesbury. Children : Sarah, b. Jan. 26, 1820. Charles Edward, b. March 13, 1828. Lydia Ann, b. Nov. 30, 1830; d. May 14, 1893; unm. Rosalie Lunt, b. Dec. 7, 1832; d. June 30, 1834. Rosalie Lunt, b. Sept. 4, 1835. John Francis, b. April 28, 1838. Mary Harris, b. June 21, 1840; m. Feb. 25, 1879, Abel Page, b. in Kensington, N.H. She d. Oct. 4, 1884. No children. 115. viii. Susan Arnold, b. April 17, 1842. 29. Sophia' Peirce (SamueP, Solomon^), b. in Woburn, Mass., Aug. 4, 1800, daughter of Samuel Peirce and Sophia (Stedman) Peirce; m. Hezekiah Thorndike, d. May 10, 1847. She d. June 21, 1834. They resided in Boston. Children: i. George H., b. May 26, 1826. 116. ii. Edward, b. Sept. 16, 1828. 111. 112. ii. iii. iv. 113. V. 114. vi. vii. 18 DESCENDANTS OF SOLOMON PEIRCE 30. Samuel' Peirce, Jr. (SamueP, Solomon^), b. in Woburn, Mass., Jan. 17, 1805, son of Samuel Peirce and Sophia (Stedman) Peirce; m. first, March 21, 1833, Mary Ann Baldwin, b. Sept. 12, 1812, d. March 28, 1845; m. second, April 2, 1846, Lavina T. Emmons, b. July 20, 1822, d. April 29, 1879. He d. April 30, 1885. Children: 117. i. Maky Ann, b. in South Maiden, Mass., June 23, 1835. ii. Samuel Peirce, 3d, b. Sept. 27, 1836; m. Oct. 9, 1860, Abigail W. Nichols, b. June 5, 1837, d. April 11, 1900. He d. June 13, 1889. No children. iii. Ada F., b. in South Maiden, Mass., Sept. 4, 1859; m. Sept. 27, 1882, William E. Barnard, b. Nov. 9, 1856. Re- sides in Everett. No children. 31. John L.' Peirce (SamueP, Solomon^), b. in Medford, Mass., March 26, 1807, son of Samuel Peirce and Sophia (Stedman) Peirce; m. 1832 Lydia Frances Blaisdell, b. Oct. 1, 1816, d. Nov. 18, 1889. He d. June 13, 1872. Children : 118. i. Sarah F., b. Feb. 9, 1833. 119. ii. John L., Jr., b. June 14, 1835. 120. iii. Richard, b. Dec. 15, 1838. iv. Mary E., b. March 27, 1844; m. first William Keene; m. second Charles Whitcomb. 121. V. Francis E., b. June 7, 1848. 32. Susannah' Peirce (SamueP, Solomon^, b. in Medford, Mass., May 4, 1810, daughter of Samuel Peirce and Sophia (Sted- man) Peirce; m. Dec. 17, 1826, Joshua Gleason Floyd, b. in Med- ford, May 10, 1805, d. Sept. 3, 1881. She d. May 7, 1883. Joshua Gleason Floyd's name is on the list of honored dead among the Medford firemen. Children : Hannah G., b. Sept. 26, 1827. Susan P., b. Jan. 26, 1829. Joshua J., b. May 5, 1831; d. Sept. 4, 1833. William James, b. June 14, 1833. Mary Ann, b. March 7, 1835. Sarah Hawes, b. April 29, 1844; d. in Brookline, Jan. 23, 1901; unm. 126. vii. Caroline Almeda, b. March 25, 1847. 122. i. 123. ii. iii. 124. iv. 125. V. vi. THIRD GENERATION 19 33. Anna^ Peirce (SamueP, Solomon^), b. in Medford, Mass., April 13, 1812, daughter of Samuel Peirce and Sophia (Stedman) Peirce; m. Dec. 5, 1831, William Metcalf, b. in Medford, d. March, 1865. She d. June 13, 1879. Resided in Medford. Children : 127. i. William Peirce, b. Aug. 16, 1832. ii. Henry, b. May 26, 1835; d. March 11, 1862; unm. 128. iii. Phebe A., b. July 25, 1840. 129. iv. Andrew J., b. Aug. 31, 1845. 34. James^ Peirce (SamueF, Solomon^), b. in Medford, Mass., M4y 1, 1815, son of Samuel Peirce and Sophia (Stedman) Peirce; m. first, Feb. 4, 1840, Mary Susan Sawyer, b. Aug. 21, 1816, d. June 20, 1851; m. second, Jan. 16, 1853, Almira J. Sawyer, b. Dec. 30, 1827, d. Aug. 30, 1853; m. third, Sept. 13, 1854, Malvina F. Witham, b. Jan. 15, 1826, d. Feb. 20, 1891. He d. April 28, 1895. Children : 130. i. Louisa M. B., b. Nov. 19, 1841. 131. ii. Elizabeth C. B., b. May 15, 1843. 132. iii. James Everett, b. Sept. 17, 1848. 133. iv. Frank P., b. July 30, 1855. 35. Elmira' Peirce (SamueP, Solomon^), b. in Medford, Mass., July 3, 1822, daughter of Samuel Peirce and Sophia (Sted, man) Peirce; m. June 5, 1842, Edward Storer, b. April 4, 1818- d. July 1, 1901. She d. in Arlington, March 16, 1907, aged eighty- five. She was a member of the Peirce Family Association. They resided in Arlington. Children : i. Sarah S., b. Sept. 1, 1844; d. Jan. 13, 1853. ii. Rosella, b. Oct. 31, 1845; m. Nov. 22, 1871, Edward Everett Upham. She d. Oct. 5, 1872. No children, iii. Edward H., b. Nov. 26, 1847; d. May 2, 1864. 134. iv. George W., b. May 4, 1850. V. Nelson, b. Feb. 19, 1855; d. March 28, 1855. vi. Charles E., b. Jan. 4, 1859; d. Aug. 1, 1859. vii. Ella, b. Aug. 27, 1860; m. Dec. 30, 1880, Charles K. Crane. She d. May 25, 1891. No children. 135. 136. ii. iii. 137. iv. 138. V. 139. vi. 20 DESCENDANTS OF SOLOMON PEIRCE 36. Mary Elizabeth Prentiss^ Peirce (Abijah^, Solomon^), b. in Winchendon, Mass., Aug. 6, 1827, daughter of Abijah Peirce and Mary (Prentiss) Peirce; m. Jan. 4, 1845, Thomas Eustis Teel, b. in West Somerville, Mass., Dec. 18, 1825, d. in Winchen- don, Jan. 10, 1908. She d. in Winchendon, Dec. 31, 1896. Children : Mary Gray, b. June 24, 1846. James Eustis, b. Oct. 31, 1848. George William, b. Sept. 25, 1850; d. April 10, 1851. George Ruel, b. June 25, 1852. Claramon Augusta, b. Aug. 26, 1854. EsTELLA Serisa, b. March 21, 1866. 37. William Lorenzo^ Peirce (Abijah^, Solomon^), b. in Winchendon, Mass., June 27, 1834, son of Abijah Peirce and Lucy (Emery) Peirce; m. Alice Danielson, daughter of Charles H. Danielson, of an old New England family, b. Jan. 1, 1834, d. Sept. 2, 1895. He d. July 17, 1878. William L. Peirce was a manufacturer of all kinds of wooden goods in Manchester, N.H. In 1864 he purchased a large plant in Milford, N.H., and carried on the same business. Children : 140. i. William E., b. Sept. 2, 1857. ii. Charles Ellsworth, b. Aug. 11, 1862; d. April 26, 1864. 141. iii. Minnie Alice, b. Dec. 3, 1865. 38. Elmira^ Russell (Betsey^, Solomon^), b. in West Cam- bridge, Mass., Feb. 16, 1794, daughter of Betsey Hall Gray (Peirce) Russell and Amos Russell; m. Sept. 12, 1812, Micajah Locke, b. in Woburn, Dec. 4, 1786, d. in Lexington, Dec. 23, 1842. She d. in West Cambridge, Aug. 13, 1865. They resided in Lexington. Children: i. JosiAH, b. Aug. 4, 1813; m. Sept. 20, 1841, Sarah Colten; d. June 25, 1861. 142. ii. Elmira Russell, b. June 8, 1815. 143. iii. Frances Ann, b. May 25, 1817. 144. iv. Mary Russell, b. Jan. 31, 1819. V. Jonathan, b. Nov. 20, 1820; d. in Medford, Feb. 12, 1876; 145. vi. 146. vii. 147. viii. 148. ix. X. 149. xi. 150. xii. THIRD GENERATION 21 Eliza Shattuck, b. Nov. 10, 1822. Rebecca Ann, b. Oct. 13, 1824. Amos Russell, b. Oct. 8, 1826. Susan Adelia, b. April 8, 1829. Matilda Louisa, b. Aug. 21, 1831; d. June 15, 1860; unm. William Micajah, b. Oct. 27, 1833. George Washington, b. Aug. 21, 1836. 39. Betsey^ Russell (Betsey^, Solomon^), b. in West Cam- bridge, Mass., March 27, 1796, daughter of Betsey H. G. (Peirce) Russell and Amos Russell; m. Jonathan Locke, b. March 26, 1796, in Woburn (now Winchester), Mass., d. March 9, 1875. She d. Oct. 3, 1885, aged eighty-nine. They resided in Win- chester. Children : Elizabeth Russell, b. June 10, 1816. Adaline Matilda, b. Sept. 24, 1817. Jonathan Oliver, b. March 30, 1819. Harriet Ann, b. Nov. 20, 1820; m. Feb. 26, 1846, Thomas A. Hutchinson. She d. Nov. 22, 1848. Varnum Shattuck, b. Aug. 20, 1822; d. Oct. 20, 1825. Warren Shattuck, b. June 17, 1824; d. Oct. 30, 1825. Varnum Prescott, b. July 17, 1826. Mary Caroline, b. Sept. 17, 1828; m. Jan. 1, 1849, Edwin Gidley. One child, Henrietta Frances, b. ; d. . She d. Sept. 9, 1851. Sarah Maria, b. Nov. 6, 1830. Frances Louisa, b. Jan. 1, 1834. 40. LucETTA^ Russell (Betsey^, Solomon^), b. in West Cambridge, Mass., March 29, 1799, daughter of Betsey H. G. (Peirce) Russell and Amos Russell; m. Samuel Hutchinson, b. July 26, 1789, d. Jan. 10, 1847. She d. in Winchester, Jan. 24, 1896, aged ninety-six years nine months. They resided in South Woburn, Mass. (now Winchester). Children : 157. i. Mary Jane, b. Dec. 17, 1818. ii. Samuel, Jr., b. Dec. 25, 1820; d. Jan. 20, 1851; unm. iii. Elmira, b. Nov. 1, 1822; d. Jan. 18, 1848; unm. 158. iv. Eliza Ann, b. May 29, 1824. 151. i. 152. ii. 153. iii. iv. V. vi. 154. vii. viii. 155. ix. 156. X. 22 DESCENDANTS OF SOLOMON PEIRCE 159. V. Oliver Russell, b. April 1, 1827. 160. vi. Lydia Lucetta, b. July 27, 1829. vii. Henry Augustus, b. Jan. 8, 1832; d. April 5, 1855; unm. 161. viii. Elizabeth C, b. May 20, 1836. ix. William Peirce, b. Feb. 14, 1839; d. May 20, 1869; unm. 41. Amos^ Russell (Betsey^, Solomon^), b. in West Cam- bridge, Mass., May 11, 1804, son of Betsey H. G. (Peirce) Russell and Amos Russell; m. first, March 19, 1833, Sybil Pierce, daughter of Loring Pierce, b. in Lexington, Mass., Sept. 6, 1811, d. March 17, 1837. He m. second, June 11, 1838, Lois Stearns Pierce (sister of Sybil Pierce), b. in Waltham, Mass., Nov. 11, 1819, d. in Cam- bridge, Dec. 27, 1897. He d. in Cambridge, Jan. 9, 1894. They resided in West Cambridge, in the so-called "Amos Russell house," formerly occupied by his father, also by his grandfather Solomon Peirce. This house is still standing on Arlington Heights, near the Lexington line, and has recently been remodelled by the present owner, Walter K. Hutchinson. Children: Amos Wellington, b. Dec. 27, 1833. Sybil Pierce, b. March 16, 1837; m. June 11, 1878, George Fuller Andrews, b. in New Haven, Conn. She d. AprU 16, 1896. Theodore Lyman, b. March 8, 1839. Marcus Morton, b. Sept. 8, 1840. Ellen Almira, b. April 30, 1842. John Hamilton, b. Jan. 8, 1844. LoRiNG Pierce, b. May 6, 1846; m. Jan. 21, 1875, Sarah Upham, of Maiden, Mass. She d. March 23, 1895. Herbert Henry, b. Nov. 7, 1848. Alden Dana, b. Oct. 29, 1852. Elmer Austin, b. Nov. 19, 1855. Etta Lois, b. Dec. 7, 1857. Assistant librarian of Cam- bridge Public Library. Etta Lois Russell became a member of the staff May 14, 1877, and has served two periods as acting librarian, 1894-95 and 1904. 42. Oliver' Russell (Betsey^, Solomon^), b. in West Cam- bridge, Mass., Jan. 11, 1807, son of Betsey H. G. (Peirce) Russell and Amos Russell; m. April 14, 1831, Lucinda Frost, b. in West Cambridge (now Belmont), April 13, 1810, d. Oct. 18, 1895. He 162. 1. ii. 163. iii. 164. iv. 165. V. 166. vi. vii. 167. viii. 168. ix. 169. X. xi. THIRD GENERATION 23 d. in Belmont, July 27, 1889. At their golden wedding, April 14, 1881, there were present with them Rev. Dr. Hedge, Unitarian minister of West Cambridge, who married them, also the couple who stood up with them, and their seven children, all born in West Cambridge (now Belmont). Children : 170. i. Albin Oliver, b. Sept. 27, 1831. 171. ii. George Henry, b. Feb. 9, 1833. 172. iii. Mary Elizabeth, b. June 5, 1835. 173. iv. Amos Frost, b. June 3, 1837. 174. V. LuciNDA Ann, b. Nov. 7, 1840. vi. Charles William, b. Feb. 1, 1843; m. in Arlington, Sept. 3, 1865, Lizzie A. Williams, d. Aug. 17, 1892. He d. May 21, 1890. 175. vii. Louisa Caroline, b. Aug. 10, 1852. 43. Emeline' Russell (Betsey^, Solomon^), b. in West Cambridge, Mass., March 11, 1809, daughter of Betsey H. G. (Peirce) Russell and Amos Russell; m. Isaac Bowman. They lived in Lexington, West Cambridge, and other places, but cannot be traced in Town Records. He d. in Boston. She d. in Ded- ham, 1903, aged ninety -four. There were nine children born, but dates of birth could not be obtained. Children: i. Isaac Henry, resided in Dedham, Mass.; m. Orrissa Slade. She d. leaving one son. ii. William H. Bowman, resides in Dedham. iii. Charles, resides in the West, iv. Laura Ann, m. William Johnson. She d., leaving three children, Carey, d. 1903, Tracy, Dana. V. Emeline Josephine, m.; d., leaving two children, vi. George Frederick, went West. vii. Washington L., ) Twins. Franklin J. went West. viii. Franklin J., ) Washington L. d. ix. Gardner, m.; has twin boys. 44. Catherine A,' Russell (Betsey^, Solomon^), b. in West Cambridge, Mass., Feb. 22, 1818, daughter of Betsey H. G. (Peirce) Russell and Amos Russell; m. Ephraim C. Starkweather, b. 1817, d. 1865. She d. Sept. 10, 1861. 24 DESCENDANTS OF SOLOMON PEIRCE Children : i. Granville R., b. 1845; d. 1869; unm. 176. ii. Emma F., b. 1846. iii. Lizzie Ellen, b. 1848. iv. Celia C, b. 1850; d. 1873; unm. V. Carrier, ) , ^^^^ T r^ C Twins, b. 1854. VI. Lillian G., ) Carrie F. m. Nov. 10, 1879, Frank W. Little, b. 1844, d. 1902. No children. Lillian G. d. 1854. 45. Horatio^ Ditson (Lucy^, Solomon^), b. in Boston, 1809, son of Lucy (Peirce) Ditson and Joseph Ditson; m. April 15, 1835, Elizabeth H. Foye, b. Dec. 7, 1815, d. June 12, 1873. He d. in Boston, April 17, 1878. Both are buried at Forest Hills, where many of the dates of the Ditson family were found. A daughter, Lucy A., b. in Boston, February, 1836, d. May 3, 1840. 46. Oliver^ Ditson (Lucy^, Solomon^), b. in Boston, Oct. 20, 1811, son of Lucy (Peirce) Ditson and Joseph Ditson; m. May 3, 1842, Catherine Delano, b. Dec. 4, 1820, d. Aug. 11, 1899. He d. in Boston, Dec. 21, 1888. Both are buried at Forest Hills Cemetery. Oliver Ditson began business as a music dealer in Boston at the age of twenty -eight. He occupied a building on Washington Street, afterward used as the Herald Building. The bulk of the music business at that time was handled in New York, and con- sisted chiefly of songs made popular on the concert stage. Music was published at that time in single sheets, without a cover, printed on both back and front, and sold one page for five cents, two for ten cents, three for fifteen, and four for twenty cents. Later on these same songs were reprinted with title covers, price twenty-five to forty cents. One of the early songs brought out by Oliver Ditson was "Lily Dale," by H. S. Thompson. It proved very popular until the sales exceeded one hundred thou- sand copies. Music was introduced in the Boston schools about 1842. The demand for octavo music commenced in the seventies, and has been an important feature in the music trade. The World's Peace Jubilee, a great musical festival, was held in THIRD GENERATION 25 Boston in 1869. Patrick Gilmore, the great bandmaster, was its leader. A notable feature was the bringing out of many great oratorios and other choruses. Much interest was shown in the rendering of the "Anvil Chorus" accompanied by military bands and real anvils. Oliver Ditson published in octavo form all the different songs and music used for that occasion. When Oliver Ditson first started in business, he employed one clerk and a boy to open and sweep out the shop, make the fires, and run errands. The boy's wages were $1.50 per week the first year, $2 the second year, and $3 the third year, and the hours of this store were from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. The boy gradually worked into a position of responsibility, "got out orders, and had the care of the books." At the age of twenty-one he was given an interest in the business, and at the age of twenty-seven John C. Haynes, who went to work as boy for Oliver Ditson, was made a regular partner of the firm, which then became Oliver Ditson & Co. John C. Haynes, in writing of the kind heart and generosity of his employer, relates the following: "I had been accustomed, like most boys, to enjoy playing after school. A few weeks after I went to work at the store Mr. Loring Lothrop asked me, 'How do you like your new position?' 'I like Mr. Ditson and like the business, but I would like to have shorter hours for work and more time for play.' 'I will see to that, John,' answered Mr. Loring. Some days later Mr. Ditson said to me, ' We like you, and hope you won't leave us,' and he put a $5 gold piece in my hand. That settled it. I felt as if I was a part of the music business of Oliver Ditson. One day I wanted to get off and go fishing. I trembled as I asked Mr. Ditson if I could go, and told him I would come to open and close the shop. He responded with a smile, 'John, go by all means.' He put another $5 gold piece in my hand, sending me off as proud and happy as if I owned the establishment." The Oliver Ditson Company organized as a corporation in 1889 with John C. Haynes as president and Charles H. Ditson (eldest son of Oliver Ditson) as treasurer, with a large store in Boston and a branch store in New York City in charge of Charles H. Ditson. Ten years later, in 1899, Oliver Ditson died, but the music business is carried on by his son under the old name. It was said 26 DESCENDANTS OF SOLOMON PEIRCE that few men were more devoted to their life-work than Oliver Ditson. The following story has been handed down. When Mr. Ditson was a young man, he attended a church supper and was asked to say grace. After speaking for some time, he concluded by saying, "Yours truly, Oliver Ditson." He was a modest letter- writer, noted for the brevity of his letters, and "Yours truly, Oliver Ditson," had become almost a household word. On the piano, in the music -rack, as well as in the hearts and affections of the music-lovers of America, "Yours truly, Oliver Ditson," has left an imprint that endures in the glow and warmth of the American hearthstone. Children : 177. i. Mary Frances, b. July 1, 1843. ii. Charles Healy, b. Aug. 11, 1845; m. Oct. 7, 1890, Alice Tappin, of New York. He resides in New York, en- gaged in the music business founded by his father. iii. Francis Oliver, b. March 20, 1849; d. Nov. 2, 1886. 178. iv. James Edward, b. Dec. 11, 1853. V. Eva, b. March 24, 1861; d. May 25, 1861. 47. Augustus Ludlow^ Ditson (Lucy^, Solomon^), b. in Bos- ton, Sept. 9, 1813, twin son of Lucy (Peirce) Ditson and Joseph Ditson; m. first Ann ; m. second, Nov. 16, 1851, Sarah D. Prescott, d. May 16, 1883. He d. September, 1865. No children. 48. James Lawrence^ Ditson (Lucy^, Solomon^), b. in Boston, Sept. 9, 1813, twin son of Lucy (Peirce) Ditson and Joseph Ditson; m. first, Nov. 3, 1839, Rebecca N. Collins, b. Oct. 30, 1814, d. Jan. 27, 1853; m. second, Jan. 10, 1855, Mrs. Elsie P. Knowles, b. in Truro, Mass., Nov. 30, 1821, d. in Maiden, Mass., May 22, 1905. They resided in Provincetown, Mass. Children : 179. i. Lucy F., b. Nov. 3, 1840. ii. Lawrence A., b. Nov. 11, 1841; d. July 22, 1842. iii. James L., b. Oct. 12, 1843; d. May 11, 1869; unm. iv. Rebecca Ann, b. Dec. 12, 1849; d. July 5, 1851. v. Alice M., b. Aug. 28, 1850. vi. William Oliver, b. Jan. 8, 1853; d. Stockton, Cal., July 6, 1907. THIRD GENERATION 27 vii. Henry Augustus, b. Oct. 17, 1855; m. Dec. 15, 1886, Lillian A. Hurd, b. in Orleans, Mass. He d. Nov. 11, 1891. viii. Rebecca, b. June 27, 1860; d. Aug. 24, 1860. 49. Mary H.^ Peirce (Thaddeus^, Solomon^), b. in Chelsea, Mass. (now Revere), March 29, 1807, daughter of Thaddeus Peirce and Lucy (Learned) Peirce; m. Hiram Welch, b. Oct. 31, 1802, d. Feb. 3, 1866. She d. in Winchester, April 29, 1895, aged eighty-eight. They resided in Boston and Cambridge. Children : 180. i. Mary E., b. May 9, 1830. ii. Lucy A., b. July 16, 1835; d. Feb. 13, 1838. iii, Sarah E., b. April 18, 1841; d. March 6, 1845. 50. Eliza Amity' Peirce (Thaddeus^, Solomon^), b. in Maiden, Mass., March 25, 1809, daughter of Thaddeus Peirce and Lucy (Learned) Peirce; m. May 5, 1831, Oliver Dickson, b. in West Cambridge, Aug. 29, 1805, d. Feb. 8, 1882. She d. Oct. 5, 1839. They resided in Charlestown, Mass. Children : 181. i. Oliver, Jr., b. Jan. 26, 1832. 182. ii. Thaddeus Peirce, b. Jan. 21, 1834. iii. Eliza Amity, b. Aug. 24, 1837; d. Feb. 4, 1868; unm. 51. Royal' Peirce (Thaddeus^, Solomon^), b. in Chelsea, Mass. (now Revere), May 6, 1811, son of Thaddeus Peirce and Lucy (Learned) Peirce; m. April 20, 1837, Mary Hall, b. in Chelsea, June 11, 1814, d. Dec. 31, 1892. He d. Dec. 30, 1876. They resided in Chelsea and Bedford, Mass. Children : 183. i. Mary H., b. April 15, 1838. ii. Hannah W., b. Dec. 1, 1839; d. Jan. 29, 1840. Adaline L., b. Jan. 5, 1841. William H., b. March 6, 1842. Elizabeth A., b. Nov. 2, 1843. George W., b. April 15, 1847; d. May 21, 1900; unm. Charles A., b. Feb. 8, 1849; d. in the West. 187. viii. Abner F., b. Oct. 5, 1852. ix. Stephen H., b. April 24, 1855; unm. 188. X. Thaddeus B., b. Aug. 31, 1857. 184. iii. 185. iv. 186. V. vi. vii. 28 DESCENDANTS OF SOLOMON PEIRCE 52. Thaddeus^ Peirce, Jr. (Thaddeus^, Solomon^), b. in Chelsea, Mass., Aug. 17, 1814, son of Thaddeus Peirce and Lucy (Learned) Peirce; m. April 10, 1851, Sarah Sparrow, b. in Orleans, Mass., Dec. 17, 1825, d. July 31, 1907, aged eighty-one years, seven months. He d. Jan. 9, 1892. They resided in Everett, in the same house occupied by his father. She was a member of the Peirce Family Association. Child: 189. Franklin, b. Feb. 5, 1853. 53. Charlotte^ Peirce (Thaddeus^, Solomon^), b. in South Maiden, Mass. (now Everett), Nov. 29, 1818, daughter of Thaddeus Peirce and Lucy (Learned) Peirce; m. June 16, 1840, John Vinton, Jr., b. 1818, d. 1899. She d. Oct. 29, 1861. They resided in Maiden. Children : i. George Henry, b, March 28, 1841; m. April 16, 1870, Sophronia Roxy Towner, b. 1848. He d. April, 1898. She resides in Melrose, Mass. No children. John Goodrich, b. Aug. 2, 1843. Harriet Eliza, b. Jan. 3, 1845. Charles Augustus, b. Oct. 18, 1848; d. July 27, 1864. Thaddeus Austin, b. July 18, 1853; d. July 4, 1878; unm. Lucy Amanda, b. March 26, 1857. 54. John Brooks Leonard^ Peirce (Thaddeus^, Solomon^), b. in South Maiden, Mass. (now Everett), July 7, 1820, son of Thaddeus Peirce and Lucy (Learned) Peirce; m. Feb. 12, 1843, Margaret Amanda Dunton, b. in Hope, Me., Feb. 22, 1815, d. Dec. 16, 1879. He d. June 7, 1892. They resided in Maiden, Mass. Children : 193. i. Lucy Amanda, b. March 26, 1844. 194. ii. John Brooks, b. Dec. 25, 1849. 55. Willi AM^ Peirce (Leonard^, Solomon^), b. in Woburn, Mass., March 15, 1805, son of Leonard Peirce and Relief (Allen) Peirce; m. Nov. 4, 1834, Hannah Russell Grover, b. April 6, 190. ii. 191. iii. iv, V. 192. vi. THIRD GENERATION 29 1813, d. Feb. 12, 1898. He d. Dec. 3, 1881. They resided in Dan vers, Mass. Children : i. Maria H., b. Aug. 27, 1835. Resides in Peabody, Mass. 195. ii. George, b. June 26, 1837. iii. Mary Ellen, b. Aug. 24, 1841; d. March 20, 1900; unm. 56. Oliver^ Peirce (Thaddeus^, Solomon^), b. in Woburn, Mass., Sept. 13, 1807, son of Leonard Peirce and Relief (Allen) Peirce; m. Jan. 1, 1828, Elizabeth Spencer, b. in Beverly, Mass., Sept. 3, 1808, d. in South Boston, May 8, 1849. He d. in New Orleans, La., Dec. 16, 1893. They resided in Salem, Medford, and South Boston. After the death of his wife, about 1850, he moved with his children to New Orleans. Children : i. Elizabeth Allen, b. June 2, 1829; d. June 23, 1830. ii. Sarah Elizabeth, b. Aug. 1, 1831; m. June 13, 1867, Albert L. Dearborn, b. in Wakefield, N.H., d. in New Orleans, Jan. 9, 1880. She d. in Louisville, Ky., Feb. 26, 1906. No children. Mary Eliza Gale, b. July 8, 1833. Martha Adaline, b. July 1, 1835; d. April 3, 1900; unm. Caroline Augusta, b. Nov. 1, 1836; d. in Louisville, Ky., Nov. 13, 1906; unm. Annie Mahala, b. July 31, 1838. Oliver Allen, b. April 7, 1840. Margaret Ellen, b. Aug. 29, 1842; d. Oct. 25, 1867; unm. George Albert, b. Jan. 6, 1844. Francis Waldo, b. Aug. 7, 1846. 57. Benjamin^ Peirce (Leonard'^, Solomon^), b. in Danvers, Mass. (now Peabody), June 15, 1816, son of Leonard Peirce and Relief (Allen) Peirce; m. March 14, 1835, Mary Fairfield, b. June 23, 1816, d. Sept. 23, 1897. He d. March 12, 1876. They resided in Danvers, Mass, (now Peabody). Children : i. Eliza Ann, b. July 31, 1836; d. infancy. 200. ii. Charles Leonard, b. June 6, 1838. 196. m. iv. V. vi. 197. vii. viii. 198. ix. 199. X. 30 DESCENDANTS OF SOLOMON PEIRCE 201. iii. Joseph Henby, b. Sept. 30, 1840. iv. Abbie Ann, b. June 7, 1843; d. April 20, 1847. V. Mary Fairfield, b. Dee. 20, 1847; d. June 23, 1852. vi. Abbie Frances, b. Aug. 27, 1849; m., June 24, 1874, William K. Daniels, b. April 26, 1836. Resides in Peabody, Mass. 202. vii. Margaret Ellen, b. June 1, 1852. 58. Mary Ann^ Peirce (Leonard^, Solomon^), b. in Danvers, Mass. (now Peabody), June 27, 1820, daughter of Leonard Peirce and Relief (Allen) Peirce; m. Dec. 25, 1842, Gamaliel B. Thomp- son, d. May 17, 1884. Mrs. Mary Ann (Peirce) Thompson is the only living grand- daughter of Solomon Peirce, and is the oldest member of the Peirce Family Association, and is always present at its reunions (weather permitting). She has been a devoted home-maker for her family, yet her taste for literature has enabled her to entertain at the reunions by reading, without the aid of glasses, original poems which have added much to the social hour. She resides with her youngest son in Winthrop, Mass. Children : Mary E., b. April 23, 1845; unm. Resides in Winthrop. George H., b. Oct. 26, 1847. Frances Augusta, b. July 1, 1850. Charles E., b. April 29, 1860. V. Fred, b. June 25, 1863. Resides Cripple Creek, Col. vi. Gamaliel B., b. Aug. 23, 1865; m. Dec. 20, 1893, Sarah A. Shute. Resides in Winthrop, Mass. No children. 59. Betsey Hooper^ Peirce (Leonard^, Solomon^), b. in Danvers, Mass. (now Peabody), Aug. 19, 1824, daughter of Leon- ard Peirce and Relief (Allen) Peirce; m. Franklin Haskell. She d. Aug. 14, 1852. One child: Annie, b. June, 1850; m. Otis Copeland. Resides in Peabody, Mass. 60. Susan^ Peirce (William^, Solomon^), b. in Medford, Mass., Nov. 3, 1811, daughter of William Peirce and EHzabeth (Floyd) Peirce; m. Nov. 3, 1835, Samuel H. Clapp, b. Nov. 5, 1. 203. ii. 204. iii. 205. iv. THIRD GENERATION 31 1813, d. April 5, 1892. She d. April 11, 1899. They resided in South Maiden, now Everett. Children : i. Edward Evebett, b. Jan. 14, 1837, lived in Pittsburg, Pa. At the beginning of the Civil War he enlisted, and formed a company in a Pennsylvania regiment, of which he was made captain. In the battle of Spottsyl- vania Court House, May 8, 1864, he was wounded in the wrist, but refused to give up his post of duty, and was shot down and instantly killed. He was greatly beloved by all who knew him. 206. ii. Sarah E., b. April 17, 1839. 207. iii. Adeline Peirce, b. July 5, 1841. iv. Lucy J., b. March, 1844; d. May, 1880; unm. 208. v. Abbie F., b. December, 1845. vi. Harriet A., b. December, 1851; m. Charles E. Tib- betts, b. in Lyman, Me., Jan. 29, 1837. They reside in Everett, Mass. No children. 61. William^ Peirce, Jr. (William^, Solomon^), b. in South Maiden, Mass. (now Everett), Dec. 21, 1813, son of William Peirce and Elizabeth (Floyd) Peirce; m. first, December, 1837, Eliza- beth Baldwin, b. 1816, d. Aug. 3, 1854; m. second, November, 1856, Elizabeth Arnold. He d. March 21, 1859. They resided in South Maiden. Children : i. William Waldo, b. Sept. 30, 1839; d. March 21, 1859. 209. ii. Sarah E., b. April 13, 1845. 210. iii. Mary, b. Dec. 25, 1858. 62. Adeline^ Peirce (William^, Solomon^), b. in South Mai- den, Mass. (now Everett), June 3, 1816, daughter of William Peirce and Elizabeth (Floyd) Peirce; m. Sept. 6, 1849, Lewis P. True, b. in New Gloucester, Me., May 1, 1824, d. March 11, 1895. She d. in Everett, Nov. 15, 1906, aged ninety years, five months. She remembered her grandfather Solomon Peirce and his visits at her father's house, which is still standing in Everett. She was a member of the Peirce Family Association. They resided in South Maiden. 32 DESCENDANTS OF SOLOMON PEIRCE Children : 211. i. Louise A., b. Dec. 21, 1850. ii. Edward L., b. July 28, 1852; m. first, Dec. 28, 1886, M. Abbie Bassett, b. in Lowell, Me., Dec. 20, 1854, d. Oct. 9, 1910, in Wellfleet, Mass. He m. second, Nov. 22, 1911, Mrs. Annie True Newcomb, b. in New Glouces- ter, Me., July 29, 1851. They reside in Everett, Mass. 63. George W.^ Peirce (William^, Solomon^), b. in South Maiden, Mass. (now Everett), Aug. 3, 1820, son of William Peirce and Sarah (Perkins) Peirce; m. first, March 22, 1860, Eliza Wiley, b. in Fryeburg, Me., April 8, 1831, d. March 1, 1868; m. second, Feb. 24, 1870, Esther Wiley (sister of Eliza Wiley), b. in Conway, N.H., May 11, 1839. He d. Jan. 6, 1886. She d. May 27, 1908. She was a member of the Peirce Family Association. They re- sided in Everett, Mass. Children : 212. i. William Waldo, b. April 29, 1861. ii. Georgia A., b. Nov. 10, 1862; m. in Everett, Nov. 10, 1905, James Herbert Davis, b. in Southbridge, April 8, 1846. They reside in Palmer, Mass. iii. Seth Frederic, b. July 25, 1865; d. Feb. 15, 1867. iv. Edith E., b. July 14, 1871; d. Sept. 14, 1877. 213. V. Susan Gertrude, b. April 6, 1873. vi. Howard W., b. May 15, 1877; d. Sept. 20, 1878. FOURTH GENERATION 33 FOURTH GENERATION. 64. William HARRiNGTOisr* Hayden (Mary^, Amity^, Solo- mon^), b. in Boston, Feb. 14, 1802, son of Mary (Harrington) Hayden and William Hayden; m. March 21, 1825, Elizabeth McGrath, d. October, 1866. He d. June 11, 1877. They re- sided in Hallo well, Me. Children : 214. i. William Henry, b. May 1, 1827. ii. Edward S., b. May 10, 1829; d. July 14, 1851. 215. iii. Frank W., b. June 7, 1834. 216. iv. Mary E., b. Oct. 7, 1836. 65. Mary Jane^ Hayden (Mary^, Amity^, Solomon^), b. in Hallo well. Me., Jan. 5, 1804, daughter of Mary (Harrington) Hayden and William Hayden; m. Aug. 7, 1824, Ira Ballou, b. in Richmond, N.H., Feb. 28, 1797, d. in Enfield, N.H., May, 1876. Children : i. George Otis, b. May 13, 1825; m. 1844 Matilda Dear- born, b. in Manchester, N.H. ii. Edward F., b. Nov. 10, 1827, d. September, 1883. iii. Mary Ann, b. March 3, 1829; m. February, 1846, J. W. Garfield. Resides in Elgin, N.Y. iv. Caroline E., b. Aug. 22, 1831; m. Oct. 25, 1856, C. H. Briggs. V. Ellen M., b. Oct. 10, 1835; m. April, 1857, William D. Briggs. Resides in Chicago, III. 217. vi. Edwin Ira, b. Aug. 30, 1837. vii. Clementina, b. Nov. 15, 1839; d. September, 1840. viii. Isabella Hayden, b. Oct. 5, 1844; m. A. H. Spalding. They have one son. Resides in Lebanon, N.H. 66. Ann* Hayden (Mary^, Amity^, Solomon^, b. in Hallowell, Me., March 5, 1806, daughter of Mary (Harrington) Hayden and William Hayden; m. first, Oct. 1, 1827, Henry H. Eayrs; 34 DESCENDANTS OF SOLOMON PEIRCE m. second, Dec. 25, 1833, William W. Bragg, b. 1811, d. May 19, 1888. She d. Dec. 4, 1880. Resided in Boston. Child: 218. William W. Bragg, Jr., b. Feb. 14, 1837. 67. Helen L.* Dillaway (Emeline^, Amity ^, Solomon^), b. in Boston, 1837, daughter of Emeline (Goodwin) Dillaway and Francis Dillaway; m. April 6, 1865, Theodore J. Lawrence, b. Aug. 25, 1837, d. Sept. 18, 1896. She d. in Quincy, Aug. 11, 1885, They resided in Boston and Quincy, Mass. Theodore J. Lawrence enlisted from Boston, Sept. 12, 1862, as corporal in Co. G, 44th Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteers, discharged June 18, 1863, expiration of service. Children : 219. i. Francis Warren, b. April 28, 1866. ii. Annie Vincent, b. Aug. 21, 1868; d. Feb. 22, 1886. 68. M. Josephine^ Dillaway (Emeline^ Amity^, Solomon^), b. in Boston, Feb. 2, 1840, daughter of Emeline (Goodwin) Dill- away and Francis Dillaway; m. Feb. 14, 1861, Charles Buncher, b. March 2, 1839, d. Jan. 17, 1900. She d. Dec. 27, 1871. Re- sided in Boston and Detroit, Mich. Children : i. Bessie V., b. June 20, 1866; d. Oct. 31, 1866. 220. ii. Mabel, b. Sept. 23, 1867. iii. Florence, b. Aug. 30, 1868; d. June, 1869. iv. Charles S., b. Sept. 8, 1870; d. July 19, 1871. V. Josephine M., b. Dec. 19, 1871; d. Sept. 9, 1873. 69. Robert C. W.^ Dillaway (Emeline^, Amity^, Solomon^), b. in Maiden, Mass., 1849, son of Emeline (Goodwin) Dillaway and Francis Dillaway; m. Feb. 20, 1882, Jessie Chalmers, b. Jan. 5, 1858, d. Nov. 22, 1890. He d. March 1, 1890. Resided in Detroit, Mich. Children : i. Robert G., b. Jan. 22, 1883. ii. WiNTHROP C, b. July 5, 1884. FOURTH GENERATION 35 70. Ellen L.^ Johnson (Eliza^, Amity^, Solomon^), b. in Philadelphia, Pa., Jan. 28, 1837, daughter of L. A. Eliza (Good- win) Johnson and Johnson; m. June 16, 1859, Eben J. Lothrop. She d. May 18, 1872. They resided in Boston. Children : i. Eben C, b. May 25, 1860; m. March 18, 1893, Harriet E. WUson, b. 1867. 221. ii. Lillian D., b. Feb. 14, 1866. 222. iii. Charles E., b. March 11, 1871. 71. Samuel Lawrence^ Gould (Lydia^, Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in Boston, May 20, 1814, son of Lydia (Peirce) Gould and Thomas Gould; m! May 31, 1840, Frances A. S. Wheeler, d. October, 1881. He d. Feb. 11, 1874. Samuel Lawrence Gould attended school in Boston, prepared for college at New Hampton Academy, spent three years at Water- ville College, and graduated from Brown University. He made teaching his profession, and his first experience was in the "little brick school-house" in the north-west district of West Cam- bridge. Afterward he became associate principal of the Win- throp School in Boston, and was for many years principal of the Franklin School, Boston, which position he resigned in 1865, to become superintendent of the Black Hawk Mining Company in Colorado. Later he bought a cattle, ranch, where, while riding, he met with a serious accident, which resulted in his death. To marked ability in teaching he added the power of noble influence over his pupils, who always spoke of him with aflfection and gratitude. Four children were born in Boston, one in Cambridge: 223. i. Ezra Palmer, b. Feb. 27, 1841. ii. Samuel Shelton, b. Jan. 1, 1843. iii. Fannie Shelton, b. ; d. 1848. 224. iv. Edward Francis, b. July 21, 1852. V. Frank Lawrence, b. Dec. 23, 1861; d. Oct. 23, 1863. Samuel Shelton Gould fitted for college in the Boston and Roxbury Latin Schools, and entered Harvard at the age of fifteen. After one year at college he went to sea for two years, and re- entered Harvard in July, 1861. In response to the call for troops 36 DESCENDANTS OF SOLOMON PEIRCE he joined the 13th Massachusetts Volunteers in June, 1862. In his first battle at Antietam, Sept. 17, 1862, he fell, shot through the head. He was buried at Mount Auburn, the President of Harvard and the Senior Class attending the funeral. 72. Delia^ Gould (Lydia^ Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in Boston, Dec. 29, 1817, daughter of Lydia (Peirce) Gould and Thomas Gould; m. Nov. 25, 1841, James Fernald, b. in Kittery, Me., d. Dec. 24, 1859. He was an extensive dealer in fine woods for many years in Boston, where he lived. She d. April 28, 1903, aged eighty -six. Child: Anna, b. Nov. 6, 1842; d. March 19, 1889. 73. Charlotte'* Gould (Lydia"\ Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in Boston, Nov. 28, 1819, daughter of Lydia (Peirce) Gould and Thomas Gould; m. in Boston, Dec. 29, 1840, Cyrus King Dam, b. in Newfield, York County, Me., Nov. 15, 1818, d. in California, May 9, 1865. She d. in Erie, Yuba County, Cal., at the home of her daughter, March 8, 1906, aged eighty-seven. She graduated from the public schools of Boston, receiving a silver medal, which was given at that time instead of a diploma. She taught in the Hancock School, Boston. Cyrus King Dam was a descendant of Deacon John Dam, who settled in Dover, N.H., 1633. In 1849 he sailed from Boston on the "Callao" around Cape Horn, arriving in San Francisco Oct. 31, 1850, after being out two hundred and nineteen days. Later his wife sailed from New York, Nov. 6, 1856, accompanied by their three children, on the steamship "Illinois" to Panama, and there transferred to the steamer "Golden Age," which arrived in San Francisco, Dec. 1, 1856. They settled on a farm in Yuba County, near Wheatland, Cal. Children were born in Boston, Cambridgeport, and Prince- ton: 225. i. Benjamin Franklin, b. Aug. 15, 1841. 226. ii. Cyrus King, Jr., b. Feb. 8, 1843. ill. Joseph Washington, b. Jan. 5, 1845; d. Dec. 23, 1855. 227. iv. Lydia Gould, b. May 1, 1848. v. James Gould, b. May 13, 1850; d. Aug. 4, 1851. FOURTH GENERATION 37 74. James* Gould (Lydia^ Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in Boston, Oct. 16, 1821, son of Lydia (Peirce) Gould and Thomas Gould; m. April 20, 1842, Anne J. Jones, d. in Cambridge. He with his younger brother George went to California in 1849, and he d. there, Dec. 9, 1850. Childr- ess. Sarah Elizabeth, b. 1842. 75. Sarah* Gould (Lydia^, Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in Boston, Dec. 17, 1823, daughter of Lydia (Peirce) Gould and Thomas Gould; m. Oct. 15, 1844, Abner G. Adams, b. in Boston, d. in Franklin, Mass. She d. in Boston, Jan. 29, 1852. Children: i. Edwin Benjamin, b. May, 1846. ii. Mary Frances, b. July 23, 1847. Resides in California, iii. George G., b. November, 1850; d. June, 1851. iv. Sarah G., b. Jan. 28, 1852; d. February, 1852. 76. Joseph* Gould (Lydia^, Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in Boston, Dec. 25, 1825, son of Lydia (Peirce) Gould and Thomas Gould; m. Jan. 24, 1847, Sophia A. Cutter, b. Feb. 25, 1825, d. Jan. 24, 1895. They lived in Watertown, Mass.; afterward settled in Chelsea, Wis., about 1856. He d. in Owen, Wis., Nov. 6, 1906. Children : 229. i. Sophia A., b. Nov. 25, 1847; d. in Wisconsin, Aug. 13, 1872. 229a. ii. Joseph Shelton, b. Oct. 20, 1851. iii. Sarah F., b. June 3, 1854; d. in Watertown, Nov. 19, 1856. 230. iv. Ella O., b. Sept. 5, 1857. 231. V. Lizzie M., b. Feb. 17, 1861. 232. vi. Thomas F., b. April 6, 1863. vii. George E., b. June 7, 1866; d. in Arizona, 1904. 77. Francis* Gould (Lydia^ Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in Boston, March 8, 1830, son of Lydia (Peirce) Gould and Thomas Gould; m. first, April 27, 1851, Sarah H. Homer, b. in Boston, d. June 12, 38 DESCENDANTS OF SOLOMON PEIRCE 1858. He m. second, Oct. 26, 1871, Mary S. Richardson, b. in Belmont, Mass., d. April 26, 1874. He d. Sept. 7, 1874. Child by first wife: 233. Sarah Homer, b. Dec. 27, 1854. Francis Gould graduated with honor from the English High School in Boston, and became a civil engineer and solicitor of patents in Boston, taking up his residence in West Cambridge, Mass. When the Civil War broke out in 1861, he promptly enlisted in the company formed in West Cambridge which joined the 40th New York Volunteers, the famous Mozart Regiment. In this regiment he served during the Peninsular and Pope cam- paigns, was in the battles of Williamsburg, Fair Oaks, Glendale, Malvern Hill, Gainesville, Bull Run 2d, and Chantilly. At Chantilly he was shot in the knee, and disabled from further service. Was honorably discharged Jan, 10, 1863, He had become first lieutenant, and for a considerable time was acting as captain of the company. His colonel said, "His entire service as an officer was marked by ability, strict attention to duty, and distinguished gallantry." Major-general Birney char- acterized him as "a most gallant and efficient officer." Soon after leaving the army, Francis Gould resumed business as patent solicitor, in partnership with Mr. J. F. Crosby in Boston. But the wound of Chantilly proved a fatal one. The ball had remained in the knee, and was finally the cause of his death from lead poison after months of suffering and pain. 78. William* Locke (Anna^, Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in West Cambridge, Mass., Sept. 6, 1816, son of Anna (Peirce) Locke and Alfred Locke; m. in Quincy, 111,, October, 1845, Louisa M. Hig- gins, b. in county Armagh, Ireland, 1824, d. in Creston, la., Sept. 17, 1894. He d. in Creston, la., Sept. 17, 1903. William Locke went from West Cambridge early in life, and settled first in Quincy, 111. June 22, 1850, he, with his wife and son James, settled in Creston, la. They were the first white settlers of that country. He followed farming and hotel-keeping. Children: i. George, b. 1846; d. in infancy, ii. Francis, b. 1848; d. in infancy. FOURTH GENERATION 39 234. iii. James M., b. Sept. 26, 1849. iv. Charles, b. August, 1850; d. 1851. V. Ellen M., b. March 5, 1853; m. Dec. 28, 1870, Robert J. McNear. vi. Amelia, b. 1855; d. in infancy. 234a. vii. Mary J., b. Dec. 18, 1857. viii. Anna B., b. March 28, 1860; m. June 12, 1881, Philip Keck. 235. ix. Walter J., b. April 8, 1862. X. William, b. January, 1864; d. in infancy, xi. Carrie B., b. January, 1866; d. in infancy, xii. Kate E., b. Feb. 16, 1867. 79. Jonas Lorenzo^ Peirce (Jonas^, Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in West Cambridge, Mass., Nov. 9, 1817, son of Jonas Peirce, Jr., and Mary T. (Livingston) Peirce; m. first Antoinette L. Sawtell, b. in Washington, N.H., 1834, d. in West Cambridge, May 13, 1864; m. second, in New Hampshire, Polly A. Kinson. He d. Jan. 14, 1902. Resided in West Cambridge and in New Hamp- shire. Children : i. Delmont Locke, b. Nov. 15, 1854; m. Sept. 26, 1885, Emma J. Rowell, b. March 10, 1863. ii. Clara Etta, b. 1860; d. May 23, 1864. 236. iii. Clara Etta, b. March 13, 1866. 80. James A.* Peirce (Jonas', Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in West Cambridge, Mass., March 27, 1820, son of Jonas Peirce, Jr., and Mary T. (Livingston) Peirce; m. Almira Dolloff, b. in Conway, N.H., 1832, d. June 23, 1903. He d. March 3, 1900. They resided in West Cambridge. Children : 237. i. Ida J., b. 1849. 238. ii. Jesse H., b. 1852. 239. iii. Olive E., b. 1856. iv. Martha A., b. 1859; d. 1862. 81. Mary Amy^ Peirce (Jonas', Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in West Cambridge, June 27, 1823, daughter of Jonas Peirce, Jr., 40 DESCENDANTS OF SOLOMON PEIRCE and Mary T. (Livingston) Peirce; m. in West Cambridge, May 11, 1845, Eli Boothby, b. in Buxton, Me., Jan. 22, 1819, d. in Portland, Me., Nov. 24, 1894. She d. in St. Clair, Mich., at her daughter's home, Dec. 27, 1905. They resided in Charlestown, Mass., and in Portland, Me. Children : 240. i. William H., b. Oct. 5, 1846. 241. ii. Mary J., b. Aug. 7, 1848. iii. Harriet E., b. June 10, 1853; d. 1854. 82. Frederick H.* Peirce (Jonas^ Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in West Cambridge, Mass., May 31, 1829, son of Jonas Peirce, Jr., and Mary T. (Livingston) Peirce; m. Louise Martell, b. in Ogdens- burg, N.Y., April 17, 1846. He went West in 1857, and resides in Chicago, 111. Child: Mary Livingston, b. April 23, 1875. 83. Harriet Ann* Peirce (George^, Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in West Cambridge, Mass., Feb. 27, 1820, daughter of George Peirce and Harriet (Russell) Peirce; m. March 7, 1837, Lemuel Pitts, b. in Townsend, Mass., Aug. 25, 1814, d. in Arlington, Mass., July 18, 1878. She d. in Arlington, Oct. 5, 1895. They resided in Charlestown, Lunenburg, and Arlington. Children : Lemuel, b. Aug. 22, 1841. George Staples, b. Oct. 22, 1843. Harriet Louisa, b. May 22, 1847. Charles, b. Oct. 7, 1849; d. Oct. 17, 1849. Harvard Brooks, b. June 3, 1851; m. Jan. 21, 1874, Mary Emma Upton, b. in Ohio, Sept. 20, 1846, d. in Fitchburg, Mass., April 17, 1911. Anna Peirce, b. Jan. 11, 1856. Resides in Fitchburg. Arthur Russell, b. June 15, 1859. 84. Elmira* Peirce (George^ Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in West Cambridge, Mass., Jan. 25, 1822, daughter of George Peirce and Harriet (Russell) Peirce; m. Dec. 22, 1840, William Harrison Cotting, son of William and Sarah (Eddy) Cotting, who established 242. 243. ii. 244. iii. iv. v. vi. 245. vii. FOURTH GENERATION 41 the bakery that formerly stood near the corner of Massachusetts Avenue and Academy Street, West Cambridge (the site of the new Town Hall). William Cotting gave the land on which Cotting Academy, afterward the first high school of West Cambridge, was located. William H. Cotting, b. in West Cambridge, April 21, 1820; d. in Medford, Jan. 26, 1870. His wife Elmira d. in Boston, Sept. 3, 1866. They resided in Charlestown and Lunenburg, Mass. Children : George Peirce, b. April 17, 1841; d. Dec. 25, 1864. Charles William, b. Dec. 20, 1842; d. Dec. 6, 1844. Charles, b. April 12, 1845; d. Feb. 3, 1847. Frederick BronsdoN, b. Dec. 22, 1846. Edward Levant, b. April 17, 1849. Caroline Elmira, b. Oct. 14, 1851; d. . Elizabeth Harriet, b. Dec. 6, 1855. Ellen Elmira, b. March 13, 1858. Fannie Louisa, b. Jan. 3, 1860. (See Paragraph 245.) George Peirce Cotting enlisted in Co, F, 25th Regiment, Mas- sachusetts Volunteers, at Fitchburg, Mass., Oct. 10, 1861. He served about two years, and then re-enlisted. He was taken prisoner, and sent to Anderson ville, Ga. After months of intense suffering he was exchanged, but died from weakness on his way home to Boston, Dec. 25, 1864, at the United States Hospital, Annapolis, Md. 85. Jonathan Addison^ Brooks (Roxa^ Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in Lincoln, Mass., Sept. 1, 1822, son of Roxa (Peirce) Brooks and Alfred Brooks; m. March, 1845, Martha Morrison, d. in Brockton, Mass., March, 1910. He d. in Brockton, Feb. 12, 1908. He was an extensive farmer for many years in West Cambridge, afterward owning a large farm in Brockton. Children : ii iii 246. iv 247. v vi 248. vii 249. viii ix 251. 252. Sarah Frances, b. Dec. 2, 1846. William H., b. Dec. 23, 1852. May, b. Sept. 19, 1866. 42 DESCENDANTS OF SOLOMON PEIRCE 86. Asa* Brooks (Roxa^ Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in Lincoln, Mass., Aug. 25, 1824, son of Roxa (Peirce) Brooks and Alfred Brooks; m. first Nancy Maria Brooks, d. Dec. 19, 1853; m. second Hannah Condon, d. Nov. 13, 1889. He was a farmer, and resided in Brattleboro, Vt., and in West Cambridge. Children: 253. i. Clara Eliza, b. Feb. 2, 1849. 254. ii. Annie Minnie, b. Sept. 7, 1858. 255. iii. Asa Foster, b. May 23, 1861. 87. George T.* Brooks (Roxa^, Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in Concord, Mass., July 16, 1828, son of Roxa (Peirce) Brooks and Alfred Brooks; m. Aug. 3, 1852, Rectina Newton, b. in Brattle- boro, Vt. She resides in Cleveland, Ohio. He d. in Cleveland, Nov. 12, 1899. They resided in Keene, N.H., Milford, N.H., and West Cambridge, moving to Cleveland, Ohio, about 1865. Children : Nellie A., b. Aug. 28, 1853. Emma A., b. Dee. 18, 1855; m. August, 1885, Nelson Abram. She d. in Cleveland, May 27, 1886. George Bion, b. May 21, 1857; d. May 12, 1858. Sarah E., b. September, 1859; d. October, 1859. Charles Alfred, b. April 28, 1861; d. in Cleveland, Dec. 4, 1882. Fred Asa, b. Nov. 3, 1863. Herbert P., b. Nov. 11, 1866. Ada Mat, b. June 17, 1869. Resides in Cleveland. Albert F., b. March 9, 1872. 88. Frederick D.* Brooks (Roxa^ Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in Concord, Mass., Aug. 13, 1831, son of Roxa (Peirce) Brooks and Alfred Brooks; m. Sept. 24, 1851, Mary A. Holding, b. in Brattleboro, Vt., June 6, 1833. Resides in Roxbury, Mass. He d. in South Boston, May 10, 1892. Child: Edward Gray, b. in Saxonville, Mass., Feb. 10, 1857; d. in South Framingham, Jan. 7, 1885. 89. Albert* Brooks (Roxa^ Jonas'^, Solomon^), b. in Boston, April 7, 1836, son of Roxa (Peirce) Brooks and Alfred 256. 1. ii. iii. iv. V. 257. vi. 258. vii. viii. ix. FOURTH GENERATION 43 Brooks; m. first, March 22, 1857, Sarah Newton, d. Aug. 24, 1858; m. second, December, 1859, Amanda Searles. Albert Brooks enlisted from Boston, Oct. 21, 1862, in Co. I, 45th Regiment, M. V. M. He died of wounds received at battle of Kinston, N.C., Dec. 14, 1862. Child by first wife: Sara N., b. in West Cambridge, Aug. 17, 1858. She is a teacher in the pubHc schools at Cleveland, Ohio. 90. Franklin T. R.^ Brooks (Roxa^, Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in Gloucester, Mass., Nov. 14, 1838, son of Roxa (Peirce) Brooks and Alfred Brooks; m. July 8, 1858, Mary Ellen Dow. She resides at Worcester, Mass. He d. June 18, 1902. Franklin T. R. Brooks enlisted from West Cambridge, Oct. 13, 1862, Co. I, 45th Regiment, M. V. M., wounded in battle, dis- charged March 2, 1863. Children: i. Alfred Henry, b. March 18, 1861; d. April 14, 1861. ii. Albert Frank, b. Jan. 2, 1865. iii. Asa Marshall, b. Feb. 22, 1867; d. Dec. 21, 1869. iv. Harry Robinson, b. April 23, 1869. V. George Peirce, b. May 25, 1871. 91. Eliza* Peirce (Ebenezer^, Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in West Cambridge, Mass. (now Arlington Heights), Sept. 18, 1829, daughter of Ebenezer P. Peirce and Elizabeth R. (Brown) Peirce; m. Nov. 13, 1848, Charles Keniston, b. in Andover, Mass., Nov. 11, 1827, d. in Somerville, Mass., May 7, 1874. She d. in Som- erville, July 8, 1895. They resided in West Cambridge and in Somerville. Children : 259. i. Charles Edgar, ) ^ . , -, , ,. on tj r r Twins, b. Dec. 1, 1849. 260. u. Henry Oscar, ) 92. Emily* Peirce (Ebenezer^, Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in West Cambridge, Mass. (now Arlington Heights), July 21, 1831, daughter of Ebenezer P. Peirce and Elizabeth R. (Brown) Peirce; 44 DESCENDANTS OF SOLOMON PEIRCE m. Nov. 14, 1852, Benjamin Damon Swain, b. in Ashby, Mass., May 20, 1827. She d. in West Cambridge, Aug. 30, 1856. Children : 261. i. Elmer Damon, b. June 11, 1854. ii. Frank Austin, b. July 31, 1856; m. Nov. 23, 1881, Emma Eugenie Burbank, b. in Meredith Village, N.H., Dec. 18, 1854. Resides in Everett, Mass. 93. Frances Adelaide^ Peirce (Ebenezer^, Jonas^, Solo- mon^), b. in West Cambridge, Mass. (now Arlington Heights), Nov. 21, 1833, daughter of Ebenezer P. Peirce and Elizabeth R. (Brown) Peirce; m. May 15, 1860, Benjamin Damon Swain (the husband of deceased sister Emily), d. in Chelsea, Mass., Aug. 24, 1882. She d. in Everett, Mass., June 26, 1908. She was a member of the Peirce Family Association. They resided in Charlestown, Chelsea, and Everett. Children: 262. i. Otis Walton, b. June 12, 1863. ii. Harrie Peirce, b. Sept. 27, 1867; d. Aug. 10, 1868. 94. Eben F.* Peirce (Ebenezer^, Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in West Cambridge, Mass. (now Arlington Heights), Nov. 9, 1835, son of Ebenezer P. Peirce and Elizabeth R. (Brown) Peirce; m. first Susan Mary Fleming, b. in Sturbridge, Mass., Dec. 18, 1837, d. June 9, 1888. He m. second, Oct. 10, 1889, Eva Floraetta Prescott, b. in Mason, N.H. They reside in Leominster, Mass. He has been an extensive dealer in all kinds of house furnishings since 1885. Children : i. Margie Louise, b. Nov. 24, 1865; d. Aug. 16, 1866. ii. Herbert Fleming, b. May 24, 1867; d. Jan. 20, 1868. iii. Infant daughter, b. and d. 1872. iv. Infant daughter, b. and d. 1878. V. Marjorie Elizabeth, b. Aug. 12, 1891. Class of 1913, Vassar College. 95. John D.* Grant (Sarah^ Jonas^ Solomon^), b. in West Cambridge, Mass., Jan. 7, 1825, son of Sarah P. (Peirce) Grant FOURTH GENERATION 45 and Daniel Grant; m. Abby Whitney, b. April, 1821, d. Jan. 19, 1876. He d. July 27, 1865. Children : i. Daniel Frank, b. 1847; d. 1902. ii. John H., b. 1849; d. November, 1904. 96. Melinda* Grant (Sarah', Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in West Cambridge, Mass., July 26, 1826, daughter of Sarah P. (Peirce) Grant and Daniel Grant; m. March 5, 1843, Elijah Corliss, b. in Windham, N.H., Nov. 19, 1819, d. in Billerica, Mass., Aug. 28, 1875. She d. in Billerica, June 29, 1905. They lived on the "Perry Place," West Cambridge (now Belmont), six years. In 1849 they bought a large farm in Billerica, which still remains in the family. She was a member of the Peirce Family Asso- ciation. Children: 263. i. Sarah M., b. Jan. 13, 1844. 264. ii. Charles Oscar, b. May 3, 1845. iii. Jenny Lynn, b. March 29, 1852; d. April 15, 1885. iv. Freddie, b. Feb. 7, 1858; d. Feb. 5, 1859. V. WiLLARD Emerson, b. Aug. 2, 1861; m. June 9, 1891, Luella Dailey, b. in Gardner, Me. She d. in Boston, Dec. 23, 1908. He resides in Boston. 97. Harriet Maria* Grant (Sarah^, Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in West Cambridge, Mass., July 24, 1828, daughter of Sarah P. (Peirce) Grant and Daniel Grant; m. 1849 Charles Chauncy Haynes, b. in Oxford, N.Y., 1824, d. in Binghamton, N.Y., 1896. She d. in Owego, N.Y. They lived in Oxford, N.Y., and owned a large dairy farm in Greene, N.Y., for over forty years. Children: 265. i. Franklin H., b. 1850. 266. ii. Edwin Mead, b. 1851. iii. Etta Maria, b. 1861. She graduated from Normal school; m. 1884 Clayton Scott, b. Owego, N.Y. He is a journalist in Shamokin, Pa. 98. Thomas J.* Grant (Sarah^ Jonas^ Solomon ^), b. in West Cambridge, Mass., April 25, 1833, son of Sarah P. (Peirce) Grant 46 DESCENDANTS OF SOLOMON PEIRCE and Daniel Grant; m. first Sarah Quinn; she d.; m. second Susanna . He d. December, 1908, in Vermont. Children born by first wife : i. Winifred, b. June 16, 1861. ii. Frederic Herbert, b. March 13, 1863. iii. Sarah Elizabeth, b. March 1, 1867. 99. Thomas William* Peirce (Thomas^, Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in West Cambridge, Mass. (now Arlington Heights), June 27, 1831, son of Thomas P. Peirce and Emeline (Locke) Peirce; m. Nov. 9, 1858, Helen Hall, b. in Taftsville, Vt., Sept. 17, 1834, d. Nov. 19, 1867. He d. in Cambridge, Feb. 26, 1909. He was an active member of the Peirce Family Association. Child: William Wallace, b. in West Cambridge, Aug. 20, 1860; m. Oct. 15, 1884, Virginia Blaisdell, b. in Medford, June 17, 1862. They reside in Cambridge. 100. Emeline* Peirce (Thomas^, Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in West Cambridge, Mass. (now Arlington Heights), July 27, 1833, daughter of Thomas P. Peirce and Emeline (Locke) Peirce; m. June 10, 1858, William Francis Wellington, b. in Waltham, Mass., Nov. 29, 1826, d. in Arlington, Jan. 17, 1872. She d. in Arlington, September, 1897. Children : i. Minnie Alma, b. Jan. 18, 1862; d. in Arlington, May 26, 1876, by accidental drowning. 267. ii. Anjie, b. July 8, 1865. 101. Grenville p.* Peirce (Thomas^, Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in West Cambridge, Mass. (now Arlington Heights), Sept. 13, 1845, son of Thomas P. Peirce and Harriet (Locke) Peirce; m. March 10, 1870, Susan E. Barry, b. in Dorchester, Mass., Sept. 12, 1845. He d. in Arlington, Dec. 24, 1893. Children: i. George H., b. in Arlington Heights, March 18, 1871. Resides in Arlington, ii. Harriet L., b. in Arlington Heights, Aug. 30, 1873; d. March 4, 1875. iii. MiRA E., b. in Arlington, Oct. 8, 1876. Resides in Ar- hngton. FOURTH GENERATION 47 102. Leander'* Peirce (Thomas^, Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in West Cambridge, Mass. (now Arlington Heights), Aug. 16, 1847, son of Thomas P, Peirce and Harriet (Locke) Peirce; m. Jan. 16, 1870, Sarah C. Winn, b. in West Cambridge, April 21, 1851. He d. in Arlington, March 17, 1897. Children : 268. i. Harrie Winn, b. Aug. 30, 1872. 269. ii. Laurence L., b. May 24, 1876. 103. John Winslow^ Peirce (John^, Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in West Cambridge (now Arlington Heights), July 6, 1835, son of John A. P. Peirce and Mary Ame (Locke) Peirce; m. first, Nov. 2, 1856, Nancie S. Gassett, b. July 24, 1839, d. May 21, 1857; m. second, Oct. 29, 1857, Anna Lydia Pierce, b. in Water- town, Mass., April 5, 1836, d. Jan. 31, 1863. He d. July 31, 1885. John Winslow Peirce was selectman from 1868-71; represen- tative to the General Court in Boston, 1872; selectman; and water commissioner, 1873. He was engaged in the coal business in West Cambridge, and was station agent for sixteen years, resigning in 1875. He had seen the increase of sale of tickets from $150 to $1,000 a month. Children: i. Fred Winslow, b. Aug. 13, 1858; d. Jan. 15, 1859. ii. Arthur Winslow, b. June 3, 1860; m. June 25, 1903, Lydia Paine Ray, daughter of Joseph Gordon Ray, of Franklin, Mass. She was graduated from Vassar Col- lege in 1878. Arthur Winslow Peirce graduated from Tufts College in 1882. The same year he became a teacher in Goddard Seminary, Barre, Vt., and succeeded to the principalship in 1891. In 1897 he was appointed principal of Dean Academy, Franklin, Mass. In 1899 he was given the degree of Litt.D. by Tufts College. 104. Benjamin Horace^ Peirce (John^ Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in West Cambridge (now Arlington Heights), Sept. 6, 1837, son of John A. P. Peirce and Mary Ame (Locke) Peirce; m. Sept. 6, 1859, Abbie Louise Russell, b. in West Cambridge, Dec. 16, 48 DESCENDANTS OF SOLOMON PEIRCE 1838, daughter of Bowen Russell. They have resided in West Cambridge, Woburn, and Stoneham, and now reside at Arlington Heights, Mass. Children: 270. i. Walter Horace, b. July 1, 1860. 271. ii. Benjamin Locke, b. Oct. 19, 1861. iii. Susie Russell, b. April 25, 1863; m. Oct. 18, 1896, Edward Isaac Downing, b. in Newburyport, Mass., April 2, 1866. Reside at Arlington Heights. iv. Mabel Louise, b. Nov. 22, 1864; m. Oct. 5, 1886, Austin L. Crane, b. in West Cambridge, August, 1863. They reside in Exeter, Cal. V. Alice Munroe, b. Nov. 4, 1866; m. March 25, 1894, Harlan Bradbury Bean, b. in Lynn, Mass., Oct. 4, 1867. She is a teacher in the public school, Arlington Heights. 272. vi. Charles Appleton, b. June 1, 1869. vii. Mary Ame, b. May 5, 1871; d. Aug. 8, 1871. viii. Harry Onslow, b. Dec. 5, 1874. ix. John H., b. Nov. 9, 1876; d. May 21, 1877. 273. X. Herbert Russell, b. July 12, 1879. 105. Marietta'* Peirce (John^, Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in West Cambridge (now Arlington Heights), Sept. 4, 1841, daughter of John A. P. Peirce and Mary Ame (Locke) Peirce; m. Jan. 4, 1863, James Alderson Bailey, b. in Birmingham, England, Sept. 6, 1836, son of James Alderson Edward Bailey. James Alderson Bailey joined the militia in 1856, and was one of the minute-men who responded to President Lincoln's first call, and enlisted as sergeant in Co. E, 5th Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteers. He received a medal from the State. Resides in Arlington. Children : 274. i. Amy Etta, b. Dec. 13, 1863. 275. ii. James Alderson, Jr., b, March 25, 1867. iii. Esther, b. Aug. 16, 1868. She was graduated from Wellesley College, 1891, and is a teacher of German in Newton High School. ^76. iv. John Winslow, b. Feb. 12, 1870. V. Edward Appleton, b. Nov. 2, 1872; unm. He was receiving teller in Faneuil Hall Bank, Boston, for twenty years. Is now a public accountant. Resides in Arlington. FOURTH GENERATION 49 106. Warren Appleton* Peirce (John', Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in West Cambridge, Mass. (now Arlington Heights), June 5, 1849, son of John A. P. Peirce and Mary Ame (Locke) Peirce; m. first, Dec. 6, 1882, Jessie Bacon, b. in West Cambridge, Feb. 2, 1857, d. March 14, 1903. He m. second, in Roxbury, Mass., Oct. 12, 1905, Ruth M. Cook, b. Oct. 13, 1870. Warren A. Peirce was selectman, 1886, 1889, 1891; president of water board, 1884, 1885, 1886; representative to the General Court in Boston, 1886, 1887. In 1872 he went to work with his brother J. W. Peirce, in the coal business, and in 1885 he succeeded Mr. Richards (who had purchased the business of the J. W. Peirce estate). The business has been greatly enlarged, and the plant now covers two acres, with sheds capable of holding ten thousand tons of coal. The firm name is now "The Peirce & Winn Coal Co.," of which he is president. He resides in Arlington. Children : i. Wabren Appleton, Jr., b. Oct. 23, 1887. Graduated from Rindge Manual Training School, Cambridge, 1906. ii. Horace Winslow, b. Sept. 22, 1889. iii. Arthur Bacon, b. Nov. 1, 1892. iv. Philip Cook, b. March 29, 1908. 107. Malvina* Morton (Amanda*, Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in West Cambridge, Mass., Oct. 27, 1831, daughter of Amanda (Peirce) Morton and Stephen Morton; m. June 26, 1851, John W. Day, b. in Fryeburg, Me., June 23, 1820, d. in Arlington, June 18, 1888. Children: i. Lizzie A., b. in West Cambridge, June 25, 1854. She is a teacher in the public schools of Arlington. ii. Herbert Morton, b. in West Cambridge, Jan. 3, 1859. They reside in Arlington. 108. Marcus* Morton (Amanda*, Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in West Cambridge, Mass., Sept. 15, 1833, son of Amanda (Peirce) Morton and Stephen Morton; m. Nov. 22, 1861, Abby A. Stearns, b. in West Cambridge (now Belmont), June 15, 1838, d. in West 50 DESCENDANTS OF SOLOMON PEIRCE Newton, Mass., Jan. 3, 1906. He d. in West Newton, Oct. 21, 1902. They have resided in Syracuse, N.Y., Arlington, and West Newton. Children: i. Alice, b. in Syracuse, N.Y., Feb. 11, 1865. She is a teacher of vocal music. Resides in West Newton, ii. Harry, b. in ArUngton, Jan. 25, 1871; d. August, 1871. 277. iii. Chester A., b. in Arlington, Aug. 21, 1872. 109. Anna Louisa* Ramsdell (Melinda', Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in West Cambridge, Mass., Oct. 17, 1837, daughter of Elizabeth Melinda (Peirce) Ramsdell and Thomas Ramsdell; m. in West Cambridge, Jan. 5, 1860, William Henry Allen, b. in West Cam- bridge, July 1, 1829, d. Dec. 12, 1910. She d. in Las Vegas, N.M., April 18, 1889. They resided in West Cambridge, where he carried on an extensive farm, raising vegetables under glass for Boston market. Children: Susie Eugenia, b. Jan. 19, 1861; d. April 5, 1862. Arthur Lincoln, b. Sept. 28, 1863. Abbot Allen, b. Oct. 31, 1867. Edith Louise, b. Jan. 17, 1870; m. in Arlington, Sept. 12, 1906, Charles Burleigh Horton. He d. June 12, 1908. William Henry, Jr., b. March 10, 1873. Herbert Francis, b. Aug. 16, 1875. 110. Thomas Henry* Ramsdell (Melinda^, Jonas^, Solo- mon^), b. in West Cambridge, Mass., Sept. 30, 1847, son of Eliza- beth Melinda (Peirce) Ramsdell and Thomas Ramsdell; m. in Arlington, Jan. 11, 1871, Harriet Louisa Pitts, b. in Charlestown, Mass., May 22, 1847. They resided in Arlington and in West Newton, and are now located on a farm in Franklin, Mass. Children: 280. i. Bertha Louisa, b. July 9, 1872. ii. Harriet Alice, b. July 8, 1874. Resides in Franklin, iii. Clarence Henry, b. Aug. 7, 1878; d. Sept. 26, 1878. 281. iv. Charles Henry, b. Oct. 30, 1879. v. Elmer Pitts, b. March 2, 1884; m. Sept. 23, 1911, Sarah Katherine McLean. 278. ii, 279. iii. iv. V. 279a. vi. FOURTH GENERATION 51 111. Sarah* Peirce (Charles^, SamueP, SolomonO, b. in Maiden, Mass., Jan. 26, 1820, daughter of Charles Peirce and Charlotte (Townsend) Peirce; m. Edward Bartlett, b. in Ames- bury, Mass., Jan. 23, 1814, d. in Lowell, June 13, 1873. She d. in Lowell, Jan. 11, 1870. Children : 282. i. Mary Ann, b. Jan. 10, 1842. 283. ii. Charles Edward, b. March 11, 1844. iii. Charlotte, b. April 23, 1846; m. James Coughlin, of Lowell. She d. December, 1878. iv. William H., b. Dec. 26, 1848; d. April 2, 1873. V. Cynthia J., b. April 10, 1852; d. March 30, 1877. vi. Sarah J., b. Nov. 4, 1854; d. Sept. 1, 1871. vii. Clarence, ) Twins, b. Sept. 26, 1857. Clarence d. May viii. Florence, ] 6, 1860. Florence d. Oct. 27, 1877. 112. Charles Edward* Peirce (Charles^ SamueP, Solo- mon i), b. in Medford, Mass., March 13, 1828, son of Charles Peirce and Ann (Lunt) Peirce; m. first, November, 1850, Cynthia Jepson, b. in Berwick, Me., March 11, 1832, d. March 9, 1852. One son: William Franklin, b. in Amesbury, March 3, 1852; d. Sept. 19, 1852. Charles Edward Peirce m. second Susan Frances Currier, b. in Salisbury, Mass., Aug. 2, 1833. He d. in Amesbury, Mass., July 19, 1889. No children. She resides in Amesbury. 113. Rosalie Lunt* Peirce (Charles^ SamueP, Solomon^), b. in Amesbury, Mass., Sept. 4, 1835, daughter of Charles Peirce and Ann (Lunt) Peirce; m. April 17, 1853, Albert S. Pettigrew, b. in Kittery, Me., Jan. 23, 1831, d. in Newburyport, Mass., July 30, 1894. She d. in Newburyport, Dec. 30, 1904. Children : i. Ella Albertha, b. Sept. 3, 1854; d. Jan. 29, 1889. 284. ii. Clarabelle, b. June 20, 1856. 285. iii. Lizzie Augusta, b. April 28, 1858. 114. John Francis* Peirce (Charles^ SamueP, Solomon^), b. in Amesbury, Mass., April 28, 1838, son of Charles Peirce 52 DESCENDANTS OF SOLOMON PEIRCE and Ann (Lunt) Peirce; m. April 12, 1859, Orlena L. Wells, b. in Amesbury, Jan. 25, 1837, d. Sept. 19, 1881. He d. Oct. 29, 1901. They resided in Norton, Mass. Children : i. Orlena Frances, b. June 12, 1860; d. Jan. 10, 1894. ii. Anna Florence, b. Sept. 3, 1862. Resides in Taunton, Mass. 286. iii. Lizzie Marion, b. Dec. 8, 1868. 115. Susan Arnold* Peirce (Charles^, SamueP, Solomon^), b. in Amesbury, Mass., April 17, 1842, daughter of Charles Peirce and Ann (Lunt) Peirce; m. May 30, 1866, Freeman Edward Hodge, b. in Cabot, Vt., May 23, 1845. He enlisted in Co. K, 3d Vermont Regiment, serving in the Civil War, 1861-65. He was a tent-mate of William Scott, the sleeping sentinel, who was sentenced to be shot and was pardoned by President Lincoln. Children born in Amesbury: Amy Ann, b. July 8, 1867; d. Sept. 14, 1868. Alice Mabel, b. Jan. 8, 1869; m. April 13, 1901, Calvin Hilton, b. in Bingham, Me. Resides in Athens, Me. Susie Ethel, b. March 23, 1871. Edward Avery, b. Oct. 9, 1873. Walter Powers, b. Sept. 27, 1875. Bertha Louise, b. Sept. 7, 1880. 116. Edward* Thorndike (Sophia^, SamueP, Solomon^, b. in Boston, Sept. 16, 1828, son of Sophia (Peirce) Thorndike and Hezekiah Thorndike; m. Nov. 2, 1854, Abigail Seaver Fogg, b. in Cambridge, Dec. 30, 1829, d. March 18, 1901. He d. Aug. 4, 1902. Children: i. Josephine Eliza, b. in Boston, July 2, 1856; unm. 291. ii. George Edward, b. in Cambridge, Sept. 28, 1860. Re- sides in Cambridge, Mass. 292. iii. Grace Marion, b. in Cambridge, Aug. 30, 1863. 117. Mary Ann* Peirce (Samuel, Jr.^, SamueP, Solomon^), b. in South Maiden, Mass., June 23, 1835, daughter of Samuel Peirce, Jr., and Mary Ann (Baldwin) Peirce; m. July 10, 1854, 1. ii. 287. iii. 288. iv. 289. V. 290. vi. FOURTH GENERATION 53 Benjamin F. Nichols, b. in South Maiden, Mass., May 9, 1833, d. in Everett, Mass., May 7, 1905. She d. April 4, 1896. Children: i. Mary Louise, b. in Chelsea, Mass., Jan. 28, 1856; m. June 26, 1894, Fred P. Melvin, b. in Warner, N.H., Dec. 7, 1852. Resides in Everett, Mass.; no children. 293. ii. Frank Peirce, b. in Chelsea, Oct. 20, 1858. 294. iii. Edward Everett, b. in Chelsea, June 9, 1861. iv. Walter Herbert, b. in South Maiden, Mass., Sept. 20, 1868; m. June 25, 1907, Ethel Adeline Cushing, b. in Abington, Mass., July 10, 1881. Resides in Everett. No children. V. Nellie Frances, ) _, . , . t^ x , , ,^ . ^ ^ > Twins, b. in Everett, July 15, 1872. VI. George Francis, ) ' j ' Nellie Frances d. Nov. 26, 1895. George Francis m. Nov. 6, 1901, Blanche W. Keene, b. in St. George, Me., April 29, 1875. Resides in Everett. No children, vii. Alvin Augustus, b. in Everett, March 15, 1875; m. June 30, 1903, Gertrude M. Lippincott, b. June 13, 1881. Resides in Everett. No children. viii. Harry Chester, b. in Everett, Nov. 5, 1877; d. July 7, 1895. 118. Sarah F.* Peirce (John^ SamueP, Solomon^), b. Feb. 9, 1833, daughter of John L. Peirce and Lydia F. (Blaisdell) Peirce; m. June, 1850, James D. Hathaway. Resides in Medford. Children : 295. i. Frank, b. Sept. 8, 1852. 296. ii. Lucy, b. March 7, 1854. 119. John h* Peirce, Jr. (John^, SamueP, Solomon^), b. June 14, 1835, son of John L. Peirce and Lydia F. (Blaisdell) Peirce; m. Sarah Underwood. He d. 1891. Nothing known of family. Children : Clarence, Everett, John, Arvilla. 120. Richard* Peirce (John^, SamueP, Solomon^), b. Dec. 15, 1838, son of John L. Peirce and Lydia F. (Blaisdell) Peirce; m. first, 1860, Eliza Webb; m. second, Sept. 28, 1878, Georgia A. 54 DESCENDANTS OF SOLOMON PEIRCE Shorey, b. in Berwick, Me. He d. in Medford, Mass., April 15, 1907. Nothing known of children. All born by first wife. George, Edward, Lilla. 121. Francis E.* Peirce (John^, SamueP, Solomon^, b. June 7, 1848, son of John L. Peirce and Lydia L. (Blaisdell) Peirce; m. first, Aug. 12, 1871, Annie Lewis, d. January, 1873; m. second, Oct. 4, 1876, Hannah W. Keay. He d. March 1, 1912, in Medford. Child: Frank L., b. May 18, 1872; d. April 18, 1877. 122. Hannah G.* Floyd (Susannah^ SamueP, Solomon^), b. in Medford, Mass., Sept. 26, 1827, daughter of Susannah (Peirce) Floyd and Joshua Gleason Floyd; m. in Medford, Oct. 14, 1846, George W. Hall, d. Dec. 1, 1884. She d. in Chelsea, Mass., Feb. 10, 1894. They resided in Chelsea. Children: i. Harriet, b. April 29, 1848; d. March 6, 1854. ii. George Winslow, b. Nov. 9, 1849; d. Feb. 16, 1911. iii. Hattie Maria, b. Jan. 27, 1856; d. Aug. 9, 1909. iv. Arthur Floyd, b. Jan. 5, 1859; m. March 8, 1911, Mi- nerva Cook. Resides in Everett. 123. Susan Peirce^ Floyd (Susannah^, SamueP, Solomon^), b. in Medford, Jan. 26, 1829, daughter of Susannah (Peirce) Floyd and Joshua Gleason Floyd; m. March 6, 1853, Albert L. Teel, b. in West Cambridge, Oct. 23, 1824, d, in Arlington, July 21, 1906. She d. in Arlington, March 18, 1881. Children : 297. i. George Albert, b. April 29, 1854. 298. ii. Nellie Gertrude, b. Feb. 7, 1861. 124. WiLLL^M James* Floyd (Susannah^ Samuel^, Solomon^), b. in Medford, Mass., June 14, 1833, son of Susannah (Peirce) Floyd and Joshua Gleason Floyd; m. Abbie Weymouth, b. in Newburyport, Mass., Aug. 22, 1834, d. in Medford, May 29, 1888. He d. in Medford, July 9, 1886. FOURTH GENERATION 56 Children : i. Lizzie Ora, b. April 2, 1857. Resides in Medford. ii. Sarah W., b. Oct. 8, 1859; m. March 30, 1881, Charles Theodore Guething. She d. in Medford, April 2, 1887. He d. in Arlington, April 19, 1912. 125. Mary Ann* Floyd (Susannah', Samuel^, Solomon^), b. in Medford, Mass., March 7, 1835, daughter of Susannah (Peirce) Floyd and Joshua Gleason Floyd; m. in Medford, March 4, 1859, Theodore L. Otis. He d. in Skowhegan, Me. She d. June 15, 1891, in New York City. On6 child, b. and d. same day. 126. Caroline Almeda* Floyd (Susannah', SamueP, Sol- omon^), b. in Medford, Mass., March 25, 1847, daughter of Susannah (Peirce) Floyd and Joshua Gleason Floyd; m. in Med- ford, Feb. 19, 1873, Joseph Moore Goodale, d. April 27, 1902. She d. in Brookline, Mass., Oct. 23, 1910. She was a member of the Peirce Family Association. Child: Marion Floyd, b. in Medford, Feb. 15, 1875; m. in Brookline, Oct. 17, 1900, Dr. Frank Percival Williams. She was admitted to the D. A. R. through Solomon Peirce line, May 5, 1903. Dr. Frank Percival Williams was graduated from Harvard Medical School in 1895. He is a major in the Medical Department of M. V. M. They reside in Brookline, Mass. 127. Wiluam Peirce* Metcalf (Anna', SamueP, Solo- mon^), b. Aug. 16, 1832, son of Anna (Peirce) Metcalf and William Metcalf; m. Oct. 18, 1854, Harriet M. Gardner, b. Oct. 26, 1835. She resides in Medford. He d. June, 1894. Children: 299. i. Ella G., b. Sept. 12, 1855. ii. Willie H., b. June 21, 1861; d. 1868. 128. Phebe A.^ Metcalf (Anna', SamueP, Solomon^), b. July 25, 1840, daughter of Anna (Peirce) Metcalf and William 56 DESCENDANTS OF SOLOMON PEIRCE Metcalf; m. Oct. 18, 1860, John C. Ordway. They reside in Milford, N.H. Children : 299a. i. Willis E., b. April 19, 1865. 300. ii. Nellie E., b. Dec. 12, 1867. 301. iii. Lena G., b. Jan. 21, 1882. 129. Andrew J.^ Metcalf (Anna^, SamueP, Solomon^, b. Aug. 31, 1845, son of Anna (Peirce) Metcalf and William Met- calf; m. 1874 Nellie M. Tufts. He d. Dec. 4, 1902. Child: William A., b. September, 1879. Resides in Somerville. 130. Louisa M. B.^ Peirce (James^, SamueP, Solomon^), b. Nov. 19, 1841, daughter of James Peirce and Mary Susan (Sawyer) Peirce; m. Jan. 13, 1869, William H. Cummings. She d. in Medford, Sept. 6, 1906. Family resides in Medford, Mass. Children : i. Grace, b. Dec. 26, 1869; d. Jan. 21, 1895. ii. Faith, b. March 20, 1874. 302. iii. Louis W., b. May 23, 1876. iv. Blanche, b. March 22, 1878. 131. Elizabeth C. B.* Peirce (James^, SamueP, Solomon^), b. May 15, 1843, daughter of James Peirce and Mary Susan (Sawyer) Peirce; m. July 8, 1868, George L. Clapp, b. June 2, 1844, d. Nov. 23, 1886. She resides in Medford, Mass. Children: i. Gertrude E., b. June 25, 1869; m. Jan. 21, 1896, Everett Scammon, b. May 5, 1868. Resides in New York City, ii. Benjamin, b. Feb. 12, 1874; d. Feb. 16, 1876. 132. James Everett* Peirce (James', SamueP, Solomon^), b. Sept. 17, 1848, son of James Peirce and Mary Susan (Sawyer) Peirce; m. first, June 5, 1872, Rebecca Almira Dow, b. March 25, 1850, d. Sept. 11, 1892; m. second, Aug. 30, 1897, Mrs. Mary A. (Davis) Richardson, b. April 27, 1851, d. March 4, 1902; m. third, Nov. 29, 1911, Mrs. M. Isabel (Blake) Dodge. Resides in Medford. FOURTH GENERATION 57 James Everett Peirce enlisted in the Union Army on three diflFerent occasions, the first time, at the age of fifteen years^ running away and enlisting at Concord, N.H., where, however, they refused to accept his services on account of his youth. The second time he enlisted at Boston, but his father refused his consent to this enlistment. He was finally mustered into the United States service at Readville, Mass., on the 30th of December, 1864, as a private in Capt. Martin V. Barney's Co. L, Massachusetts 3d Cavalry (Col. Lorenzo D. Sargent commanding). He took part in the last campaign in the Shenandoah Valley, under Gen. Phil Sheridan, serving in a number of engagements. He also took part in the Grand Review at Washington, D.C., May 24, 1865, after which the regiment moved to Fort Leaven- worth, Kan., where he was detailed as clerk to Captain Cox, inspector general of the brigade. He here participated in quelling the Indian insurrection on the North Platte River, and was mustered out with his regiment, Oct. 11, 1865, at Gallop's Island, Boston Harbor. Children born in Medford, Mass.: i. Jane Dow, b. Aug. 28, 1873; d. Sept. 20, 1877. 303. ii. Mary Amber, b. Sept. 7, 1874. 304. iii. Lesbia Alma, b. March 22, 1878. iv. Caroline, b. March 22, 1880. Resides in Medford. V. James Avery, b. Nov. 28, 1883. 133. Frank P.^ Peirce (James^ SamueP, Solomon^), b. July 30, 1855, son of James Peirce and Malvina F. (Witham) Peirce; m. Aug. 10, 1881, Abbie P. Simmons, b. March 10, 1852. Resides in Medford, Mass. Child: Ernest P., b. Oct. 10, 1883. 134. George W.^ Storer (Elmira^ SamueP, Solomon^), b. in West Cambridge, May 4, 1850, son of Elmira (Peirce) Storer and Edward Storer; m. Dec. 1, 1872, Louise C. Russell, daughter of Oliver Russell, of Belmont, Mass., b. Aug. 10, 1852. He d. 58 DESCENDANTS OF SOLOMON PEIRCE in Arlington, Feb. 17, 1910. He was a member of the Peirce Family Association. Child: George E., b. in Arlington, Oct. 11, 1875; d. May 10, 1897. 135. Mary Gray* Teel (Mary^, Abijah^, Solomon^), b. in West Cambridge, June 24, 1846, daughter of Mary E. (Peirce) Teel and Thomas E. Teel; m. first Joseph Scritchley Saunders, of Newton; m. second George O. Tolman, b. Sept. 19, 1842, son of Stephen Tolman, of Winchendon. They reside in Winchen- don, Mass. 136. James Eustis* Teel (Mary^ Abijah^, Solomon^), b. Oct. 31, 1848, in Winchendon, Mass., son of Mary E. (Peirce) Teel and Thomas E. Teel; m. first, June 19, 1875, Emma Stearns, b. in Dover, Vt., Oct. 16, 1856, d. Jan. 27, 1891; m. second, Feb. 25, 1896, Amelia T. Barrett, b. Nov. 10, 1859. Resides in Winchendon. Children: i. Arthur Eustis, b. June 26, 1880; d. March, 1889. ii. Harlan Stearns, b. Oct. 24, 1883. 305. iii. Susan Elizabeth, b. March 31, 1885. iv. WILLLA.M Prentiss, b. Sept. 14, 1889. V. Ruth Harriet, b. Aug. 10, 1897. vi. James Webster, b. Dec. 31, 1898. 137. George Ruel* Teel (Mary^, Abijah^, Solomon^), b. in Winchendon, Mass., June 25, 1852, son of Mary E. (Peirce) Teel and Thomas E. Teel; m. in Boston, Oct. 5, 1872, Caroline Zoa Le Fevre, b. in Paris, France, May 30, 1852. He d. in Lynn, Mass., Nov. 29, 1902. Children: i. Alice Stella, b. Sept. 2, 1873; d. June 20, 1877. ii. Mary Carrie, b. June 6, 1875; d. Feb. 10, 1877. iii. Charles James, ) . , ,, , ,^ ,^ iv. Eugenia Zoa, [ Twins, b. March 12, 1878. Charles James Teel m. June 28, 1899, Carrie H. Crockett, of Lynn. He d. in Concord, N.H., Sept. 28, 1900. Eugenia Zoa Teel m. Oct. 5, 1899, Charles Woolridge, of Lynn. She d. in Lynn, July 18, 1901. 306. v. Henry George, b. Feb. 11, 1883. FOURTH GENERATION 59 138. Claramon Augusta^ Teel (Mary^ Abijah^, Solomon^), b. in Winchendon, Mass., Aug. 26, 1854, daughter of Mary E. (Peirce) Teel and Thomas E. Teel; m. first, July 1, 1875, Dr. Henry A. Watson, b. in Worcester, Vt., June 21, 1849, son of Judge Watson. He d. Jan. 4, 1888; m. second William H. Toutt, b. May 21, 1852. Resides in Winchendon. Children : i. Susie Augusta Watson, b. in Rindge, N.H., April 24, 1880. She graduated in the class of 1905, Training School for Nurses, Newton, Mass. ii. Laurel Maud, b. in Winchendon, June 27, 1892. iii. Russell Alfred, b. in Winchendon, Oct. 4, 1893. 139. EsTELLA Serisa^ Teel (Mary3, Abijah^, Solomon^), b. in Winchendon, Mass., March 21, 1866, daughter of Mary E. (Peirce) Teel and Thomas E. Teel; m. Aug. 16, 1883, Oliver E. Wood, b. Nov. 20, 1862, in Gardner, Mass. Resides in Baldwins- ville, Mass. Children: i. Ernest Altred, b. Oct. 22, 1884; d. May 10, 1888. ii. Harmon Oliver, b. Oct. 3, 1885. iii. Fannie Estella, b. Oct. 18, 1887. 140. William E.* Peirce (William^, Abijah^, Solomon^), b. in Manchester, N.H., Sept. 2, 1857, son of William Lorenzo Peirce and Alice (Danielson) Peirce; m. Dec. 22, 1906, Harriet P. Saun- ders. Wilham E. Peirce succeeded his father in 1878, manufacturing all kinds of wooden goods, and he has so enlarged the business that his goods are sent to all parts of the United States. The plant is located in Milford, N.H., where he resides. ChUd: Theodore Saunders, b. in Milford, N.H., Nov. 11, 1907. 141. Minnie Alice* Peirce (William^, Abijah^, Solomon^), b. Dec. 3, 1865, daughter of William L. Peirce and Alice (Daniel- son) Peirce; m. Archie D. Brown, b. in Oceana, Mich., son of James and Mary M. (Fuller) Brown. Resides in Michigan. 60 DESCENDANTS OF SOLOMON PEIRCE Children : i. William Peirce, b. in Chester, Mich., Oct. 11, 1885. ii. Louis Edwin, b. in Pittsfield, N.H., July 2, 1888. iii. Lawson Paine, b. in Pittsfield, N.H., March 25, 1891. iv. Ethel Maud, b. in Tyrone, Mich., March 10, 1900. 142. Elmira Russell* Locke (Elmira^, Betsey^, Solomon^), b. in Lexington, Mass., June 8, 1815, daughter of Elmira (Russell) Locke and Micajah Locke; m. first, Jan. 4, 1837, Jeremiah Evans; ra. second Jeremiah P. Gould, son of Stephen Gould, of Lexing- ton, d. in Charlestown, Mass., Dec. 3, 1890. Children bom in Lexington, Mass.: 307. i. Warren J. B., b. 1837. 308. ii. Charles A., b. April 18, 1851. 309. iii. Mart L., b. Oct. 5, 1853. 143. Frances Ann* Locke (Elmira^ Betsey^, Solomon*), b. in Lexington, Mass., May 25, 1817, daughter of Elmira (Rus- sell) Locke and Micajah Locke; m. April 6, 1839, Loring Cum- mings; he d. in Lexington. Children born in Lexington, Mass. : i. Walter L., b. May 27, 1847; m. in Boston, Nov. 29, 1881, Addie Wormwood. Resides at Beachmont, Mass. 310. ii. Lenora R, b. Aug. 25, 1849. 144. Mary Russell* Locke (Elmira^, Betsey^, Solomon*), b. in Lexington, Mass., Jan. 31, 1819, daughter of Elmira (Russell) Locke and Micajah Locke; m. in Lexington Edward Divoll, b. April 14, 1818, d. in Lancaster, Mass., Oct. 5, 1899. She d. March 7, 1888. Children born in Lancaster: Francis W., b. Sept. 21, 1845. George Dana, b. Aug. 12, 1847. Emma L., b. Nov. 7, 1849; d. May 8, 1903. Edward Waldo, b. Jan. 27, 1851; d. Oct. 5, 1891. Etta A., b. April 12, 1853. Carrie M., b. June 7, 1855. Roneldo W., b. May 4, 1858; m. Dec. 24, 1889, Dorcas Cameron. Austin R., b. Aug. 6, 1861. Estus E., b. April 1, 1864. 310a. 311. ii. iii. iv. 312. v. 313. vi. vii. 314. viii. 315. ix. FOURTH GENERATION 61 145. Eliza Shattuck* Locke (Elmira^, Betsey^, Solomon^), b. in Lexington, Mass., Nov. 10, 1822, daughter of Elmira (Rus- sell) Locke and Mieajah Locke; m. in Lexington, Dec. 5, 1845, Otis Locke, Jr., of Lexington, d. in Dorchester, Mass., Sept. 24, 1895. Resided in Lexington and Charlestown. Children : 316. i. Adelaide E., b. June 12, 1846. ii. George O., b. April 19, 1848; m. in South Boston, Decem- ber, 1888, Harriet A. B. Hawkins. He d. in Somer- ville, June 29, 1911. No children. 317. iii. Susan E., b. Aug. 1, 1850. iv. Stillman a., b. Aug. 3, 1854; m. Mary Patten. He d. in Maiden, Aug. 7, 1905. No children. 318. V. Caroline A. L., b. May 12, 1860. 146. Rebecca Ann* Locke (Elmira^, Betsey^, Solomon^, b. in Lexington, Mass., Oct. 13, 1824, daughter of Elmira (Russell) Locke and Mieajah Locke; m. in Maynard, Mass., Oct. 3, 1852, B. F. Pease, d. in Somerville, Mass., April 26, 1896. Children : 319. i. F. W. Pease, b. Nov. 2, 1853. 320. ii. LomsA M., b. July 30, 1860. 147. Amos Russell* Locke (Elmira', Betsey^, Solomon^, b. in Lexington, Mass., Oct. 8, 1826, son of Elmira (Russell) Locke and Mieajah Locke; m. in Charlestown, Mass., June 17, 1860, Maria A. Stoddard, d. in Ashburnham, Mass., June 29, 1895. She d. May 22, 1899. Children : 321. i. Lottie M., b. May 8, 1863. 322. ii. Addie E., b. Dec. 16, 1866. 148. Susan Adelia* Locke (Elmira*, Betsey^, Solomon^), b. in Lexington, Mass., April 8, 1829, daughter of Elmira (Russell) Locke and Mieajah Locke; m. in Lexington, March 1, 1853, James Crawford, d. in Maiden, Feb. 6, 1876. 323. 324. ii. 325. iii. 326. iv. 326a. V. 62 DESCENDANTS OF SOLOMON PEIRCE Children : Carrie L., b. Oct. 16, 1855. George H., b. Dec. 12, 1858. Herbert E., b. April 19, 1864. Emma E., b. Nov. 28, 1866. Florence G., b. Aug. 13, 1869. 149. William Micajah^ Locke (Elmira^, Betsey^, Solo- mon^), b. in Lexington, Mass., Oct. 27, 1833, son of Elmira (Rus- sell) Locke and Micajah Locke; m. in Lexington Adelaide Merriam, d. in Waltham, May 15, 1868. Children : 327. i. Fred M., b. May 1, 1859. ii. WiLLARD, b. ; d. . iii. Harry, b. . 150. George Washington^ Locke (Elmira^, Betsey^, Solomon^), b. in Lexington, Mass., Aug. 21, 1836, son of Elmira (Russell) Locke and Micajah Locke; m. in Maiden, Oct. 27, 1862, Lizzie M. Sanborn. Resides in South Boston. Children : i. Edna F., b. Feb. 7, 1864; d. Feb. 21, 1888. 328. ii. Cora L., b. Jan. 21, 1866. 329. iii. Clara G., b. Sept. 5, 1874. 151. Elizabeth Russell* Locke (Betsey^, Betsey^, Solo- mon^), b. in Woburn, Mass. (now Winchester), June 10, 1816, daughter of Betsey (Russell) Locke and Jonathan Locke; m. in Woburn, Mass., Dec. 31, 1835, Daniel Fifield, b. Sept. 1, 1808, d. in Arlington, May 22, 1896. She d. in Arlington, Jan. 31, 1902. Children born in Woburn (now Winchester) : 330. i. John Hibbard, b. Dec. 1, 1837. ii. Adaline Augusta, b. Jan. 26, 1840; d. in Arlington, April 29, 1909. iii. Daniel Warren, b. Sept. 21, 1843; d. Jan. 19, 1846. iv. Harriet Eliza, b. May 23, 1850; d. May 9, 1851. V. Wallace Atherton, b. March 5, 1858. 152. Adaline Matilda* Locke (Betsey^, Betsey^, Solo- mon^), b. in Woburn (now Winchester), Sept. 24, 1817, daughter FOURTH GENERATION 63 of Betsey (Russell) Locke and Jonathan Locke; m. April 22, 1843, Daniel Wyman Locke, b. Dec. 21, 1819, son of Asa Locke, d. Dec. 31, 1884. She d. in Winchester, Nov. 29, 1904, aged eighty-seven. Children : i. Benjamin Franklin, b. June 12, 1845; m, Mary Adeline Cox, of Manchester, N.H., d. July 18, 1874. ii. George Judson Carlton, b. Jan. 29, 1849; d. Sept. 28, 1851. 331. iii. Walter Wyman, b. June 13, 1852. iv. Varnum Prescott, b. May 4, 1859; d. Aug. 15, 1861. V. William Eugene, b. Feb. 23, 1854; m. Nellie Bemis, of Milford, N.H. vi. Daniel Wyman, b. Dec. 4, 1861 ; d. . 153. Jonathan Oliver* Locke (Betsey^, Betsey^, Solomon^), b. in Woburn (now Winchester), March 30, 1819, son of Betsey (Russell) Locke and Jonathan Locke; m. April 19, 1860, Abbie Louise Keating. He d. in Winchester, June 12, 1892. Children : i. Elwood Osborne, b. March 12, 1863; d. Oct. 22, 1865. 332. ii. Lewis Oliver, b. Oct. 9, 1866. iii. Warren Shattuck, b. Nov. 27, 1868; d. Aug. 8, 1878. iv. Idalene Crosby, b. Feb. 8, 1879; d. Sept. 23, 1895. V. Alice Caroline, b. June 25, 1881; d. Oct. 25, 1881. 154. Varnum Prescott* Locke (Betsey^, Betsey^, Solo- mon^), b. in Woburn (now Winchester), July 17, 1826, son of Betsey (Russell) Locke and Jonathan Locke; m. April 5, 1860, Elizabeth Caroline Hutchinson, b. May 20, 1836. They reside in Winchester. Children : i. Frederic Prescott, b. March 15, 1861. ii. Everett Burnside, b. April 27, 1863; d. Feb. 17, 1905. iii. Bessie Emma, b. Sept. 8, 1868. iv. Elsie Caroline, b. June 6, 1872. 155. Sarah Maria* Locke (Betsey^, Betsey^, Solomon^), b. in Woburn, now Winchester, Nov. 6, 1830, daughter of Betsey 64 DESCENDANTS OF SOLOMON PEIRCE (Russell) Locke and Jonathan Locke; m. Jan. 1, 1852, Arthur Clark Cox, d. Feb. 21, 1892. She d. in Winchester, Jan. 11, 1909. Children : i. Charles Clark, b. April 11, 1853; m. June, 1881, Sallie Rawson, b. in Arlington, daughter of Warren Rawson. He d. Aug. 4, 1883. ii. Herbert Lincoln, b. Nov. 1, 1866; m. June 2, 1903, Doris Farnham Parmelee, b. Aug. 11, 1881, in Portland, Me. No children. He resides at the "Windemere Farm," raising vegetables and violets. 156. Frances Louisa* Locke (Betsey', Betsey^, Solomon^), b. in Woburn (now Winchester), Jan. 1, 1834; m. Nov. 29, 1860, Josiah Locke Smith, b. in Woburn, Nov. 20, 1826, d. March 2, 1911. She d. June 26, 1911. They resided in Winchester. Children: i. WiLLARD Ellsworth, b. June 4, 1862; d. Oct. 5, 1868. ii. Alice Burnside, b. Nov. 19, 1863; d. Sept. 21, 1868. iii. Nellie Howard, b. May 30, 1867; d. Sept. 24, 1868. 333. iv. Lester Fuller, b. July 26, 1869. 334. V. Wilmer Eustis, b. Oct. 29, 1871. 157. Mary Jane* Hutchinson (Lucetta^, Betsey^, Solo- mon^), b. in Winchester, Dec. 17, 1818, daughter of Lucetta (Russell) Hutchinson and Samuel Hutchinson; m. John H. Coates, d. in the West. She d. June 10, 1850. Children: i. Charles A., b. ; d. Jan 26, 1846. ii. John, b. ; d. Feb. 4, 1849. Three children b. and d. ; no records. 158. Eliza Ann* Hutchinson (Lucetta^, Betsey^, Solomon^), b. in Winchester, Mass., May 29, 1824, daughter of Lucetta (Russell) Hutchinson and Samuel Hutchinson; m. Oct. 14, 1847, Kenelum W. Baker, b. 1825, d. Feb. 6, 1891. She d. Aug. 25, 1875. Children : i. Abu AH W., b. July 16, 1852; d. Jan. 17, 1873. 335. ii. Ellen E., b. Nov. 26, 1855. iii. Emma F., b. Aug. 8, 1858; d. July 25, 1879. FOURTH GENERATION 65 159. Oliver Russell* Hutchinson (Lucetta^, Betsey*, Sol- omon^), b. in Winchester, April 1, 1827, son of Lucetta (Russell) Hutchinson and Samuel Hutchinson; m. Oct. 19, 1850, Ruth G. Way, d. June 25, 1851. He d. Feb. 18, 1852. Child: 336. Edwin Parker, b. March 14, 1851. 160. Lydia Lucetta* Hutchinson (Lucetta^, Betsey*, Sol- omon^), b. in Winchester, Mass., July 27, 1829, daughter of Lucetta (Russell) Hutchinson and Samuel Hutchinson; m. Oct. 19, 1848, Cyrus W. Blood, b. April 7, 1814, d. April 7, 1895. She resides in Winchester. Children born in Winchester: 337. i. Alonzo Hutchinson, b. Aug. 16, 1849. ii. Henry Chamberlin, b. Dec. 14, 1851; m. first, Feb. 26, 1896, Ellen E. Holton, d. Nov. 23, 1905; m. second, June 19, 1907, Annie Hall Burpee. iii. WiLLARD Wright, b. Sept. 26, 1872; d. Aug. 26, 1873. 161. Elizabeth Caroline* Hutchinson (Lucetta', Betsey*, Solomon^), b. in Winchester, Mass., May 20, 1836, daughter of Lucetta (Russell) Hutchinson and Samuel Hutchinson; m. April 5, 1860, Varnum Prescott Locke, b. July 17, 1826. They reside in Winchester. Children born in Winchester: i. Frederic Prescott, b. March 15, 1861. ii. Everett Burnside, b. April 27, 1863; d. Feb. 17, 1905. iii. Bessie Emma, b. Sept. 8, 1868. iv. Elsie Caroline, b. June 6, 1872. 162. Amos Wellington* Russell (Amos^ Betsey*, Solo- mon^), b. in West Cambridge, Mass. (now Arlington Heights), Dec. 27, 1833, son of Amos Russell and Sybil (Pierce) Russell; m. Nov. 11, 1856, Harriet Frances White, b. in Dorchester, Mass., d. Oct. 14, 1894. He resides in Philadelphia. Children born in Cambridge, Mass.: 338. i. Henry Wellington, b. Sept. 21, 1857. 339. ii. Frank Arthur, b. July 27, 1865. 66 DESCENDANTS OF SOLOMON PEIRCE 163. Theodore Lyman^ Russell (Amos^ Betsey^, Solo- mon^), b. in West Cambridge, Mass. (now Arlington Heights), March 8, 1839, son of Amos Russell and Lois S, (Pierce) Russell; m. June 20, 1876, Charlotte Eva Bacon, b. in Lexing- ton, Mass. They reside in Waltham, Mass. Children : i. Clifford Lyman, b. in Cambridge, July 9, 1881; d. Dec. 7, 1883. ii. Charlotte Estelle, b. in Belmont, June 12, 1893. 164. Marcus Morton^ Russell (Amos^, Betsey^, Solomon^), b. in West Cambridge, Mass. (now Arlington Heights), Sept. 8, 1840, son of Amos Russell and Lois S. (Pierce) Russell; m. Jan. 23, 1870, Sarah Levina Whitney, of Boston. Resides in Antrim, N.H. Children born in Newton, Mass.: 340. i. Alfred Morton, b. March 23, 1871. 341. ii. Arthur Stearns, b. Feb. 20, 1874. iii. Walter Taber, b. Jan. 27, 1876; m. June 1, 1911, Myrtie Conn, of Antrim, N.H. Resides in W. Antrim, N.H. iv. Amos Lawrence, b. Jan. 13, 1878; m. Sept. 14, 1905, Evelyn Coombs, of Newton. Resides in Newton Centre, Mass. 165. Ellen Almira^ Russell (Amos^, Betsey^, Solomon^), b. in West Cambridge, Mass. (now Arlington Heights), April 30, 1842, daughter of Amos Russell and Lois S. (Pierce) Russell; m. Sept. 17, 1879, John Keyes Phillips, of Boston. He d. July 2, 1903. She resides in Waverley, Mass. Children : i. Lester, b. and d. in Newton, July 18, 1881. ii. Mabel Etta, b. in Waverley, Feb. 13, 1883. 166. John Hamilton* Russell (Amos^ Betsey^, Solomon^, b. in West Cambridge (now Arlington Heights), Jan. 8, 1844, son of Amos Russell and Lois S. (Pierce) Russell; m. Nov. 24, 1869, Anna Garfield Learned, of Cambridge, Mass. He d. in Lexington, June 21, 1909. FOURTH GENERATION 67 Children born in Cambridge, Mass. : 342. i. Annie Pierce, b. Sept. 24, 1870. ii. George Warren, b. Nov. 22, 1872. iii. Waldo Everett, b. June 2, 1876; m. Oct. 5, 1910, Marion Louise Proctor, of Biddeford, Me. Resides in Biddeford, Me. 167. Herbert Henry^ Russell (Amos', Betsey^, Solomon^), b. in West Cambridge (now Arlington Heights), Nov. 7, 1848, son of Amos Russell and Lois S. (Pierce) Russell; m. first, March 10, 1875, Eva M. Chamberlin, of Waverley, Mass. She d. July 17, 1890. He m. second, Nov. 29, 1892, Cora Bell Mitchell, of Glenwood, Mass. Herbert H. Russell was appointed postmas- ter at Waverley, Mass., March 31, 1873. He was reappointed Feb. 11, 1901, and made Superintendent Feb. 14, 1905. Children born in Waverley, Mass.: 343. i. Herbert Percy, b. July 23, 1876. 344. ii. Clarence Albert, b. Jan. 2, 1879. iii. Stanley, b. Oct. 6, 1909. 168. Alden Dana^ Russell (Amos', Betsey^, Solomon^), b. in West Cambridge (now Arlington Heights), Oct. 29, 1852, son of Amos Russell and Lois S. (Pierce) Russell; m. May 11, 1885, Laura Ellen Vickers, of Somerville, Mass. Resides in Cambridge. Children born in Cambridge, Mass.: 345. i. Mabel Lois, b. March 12, 1887. ii. Dana Howard, b. June 13, 1888. iii. Marion Esther, b. April 15, 1900. 169. Elmer Austin^ Russell (Amos', Betsey^, Solomon^), b. in West Cambridge (now Arlington Heights), Nov. 19, 1855, son of Amos Russell and Lois S. (Pierce) Russell; m. Oct. 26, 1882, Agnes Kendall, of Belmont, Mass. They reside in Cambridge. Children born in Cambridge, Mass.: i. Edith Lois, b. Aug. 26, 1883; d. Aug. 29, 1883. ii. Florence Agnes, b. Feb. 14, 1886; d. Oct. 17, 1887. iii. Maude Elma, b. Dec. 6, 1890. 170. Albin Oliver^ Russell (Oliver', Betsey^, Solomon^), b. in West Cambridge (now Belmont), Sept. 27, 1831, son of 68 DESCENDANTS OF SOLOMON PEIRCE Oliver Russell and Lucinda (Frost) Russell; m. ifirst, Nov. 3, 1853, Caroline S. Frost, b. Dec. 1, 1831, d. Jan. 14, 1859; m. sec- ond, May 27, 1861, Watie A. Gove, d. Dec. 1, 1896. He resides in Boston. Children born in West Cambridge, Mass. (now Belmont) : i. Howard Albin, b. April 5, 1858; d. April 7, 1859. ii. Caroline Watie, b. Aug. 4, 1863; m. in Arlington, Oct. 27, 1897, Arthur Paul. Resides in Rochester, N.Y. iii. George R. Dunn, b. Jan. 20, 1865; d. June 8, 1875. iv. Albin Wilmot, b. Sept. 21, 1866; m. in Medford, June 18, 1890, Edith Russell. 171. George Henry* Russell (Oliver^, Betsey^ Solomon^), b. in West Cambridge (now Belmont), Feb. 9, 1833, son of Oliver Russell and Lucinda (Frost) Russell; m. in Andover, Mass., Nov. 18, 1858, Harriet Farnham. Resides in Belmont. Child: George Oliver, b. April 30, 1862; m. in Arlington, Oct. 21, 1886, Jennie Smith. Resides in Arlington. 172. Mary Elizabeth* Russell (Oliver^, Betsey^, Solomon^), b. in West Cambridge (now Belmont), June 5, 1835, daughter of Oliver Russell and Lucinda (Frost) Russell; m. in Arlington, March 14, 1869, Ammi Hall, b. in West Cambridge, April 28, 1833, d. Feb. 11, 1894. Ammi Hall served in the Civil War in the 1st Company Sharpshooters, Massachusetts Volunteers, en- listing September, 1861. She resides in Arlington. Children born in Arlington, Mass. : 346. i. Henry Lorenzo, b. April 7, 1870. 347. ii. Bertha Louise, b. Feb. 24, 1874. 173. Amos Frost* Russell (Oliver^, Betsey^, Solomon^, b. in West Cambridge (now Belmont), June 3, 1837, son of Oliver Russell and Lucinda (Frost) Russell; m. in Milford, N.H., March 6, 1860, Mary E. Marston, b. in North Cambridge, Mass. Re- sides in Somerville, Mass. Children born in W^est Cambridge, Mass.: 348. i. Fred Amos, b. July 30, 1861. 349. ii. Frank Howard, b. Dec. 5, 1863. FOURTH GENERATION 69 174. LuciNDA Ann* Russell (Oliver^, Betsey^, Solomon^), b. in West Cambridge (now Belmont), Nov. 7, 1840, daughter of Oliver Russell and Lucinda (Frost) Russell; m. in West Cam- bridge, Nov. 12, 1857, George Cutter, b. in North Cambridge, Mass., March 21, 1835, d. June 1, 1903. She resides in Somer- ville, Mass. George Cutter was one of the minute-men who responded to President Lincoln's first call, enlisting as private in Major Cook's Company, Boston Light Artillery. He received a medal from the State. Children : 350. i. Susie Louise, b. July 8, 1861. 351. ii. Harris Melville, b. Feb. 28, 1865. 352. iii. Irving Russell, b. July 2, 1867. 175. Louisa Caroline* Russell (Oliver^, Betsey^, Solo- mon^), b. in West Cambridge (now Belmont), Aug. 10, 1852, daughter of Oliver Russell and Lucinda (Frost) Russell; m. in Arlington, Dec. 1, 1872, George W. Storer, b. in West Cambridge, May 4, 1850, d. Feb. 17, 1910. Child: George E., b. Oct. 11, 1875; d. May 10, 1897. 176. Emma F.* Starkweather (Catherine^, Betsey^, Solomon^) , b. in West Cambridge, 1846, daughter of Catherine A. (Russell) Starkweather and E. C. Starkweather; m. May 1, 1872, Amasa A. MacKusick, b. 1837. She d. 1884. He m. her sister, Lizzie Ellen Starkweather, Nov. 26, 1886. He d. 1890. Children : i. Harry A., b. April 16, 1876; m. Aug. 20, 1903, Mame H. Berry, of Akron, Ohio. Resides in Berkeley, Cal. 353. ii. Charles E., b. Dec. 6, 1881. iii. Alice E., b. March 12, 1884. Graduated from Boston Normal School in 1904, and is a teacher in the Wash- ington School, Boston. 177. Mary Frances* Ditson (Oliver*, Lucy^, Solomon^), b. in Boston, July 1, 1843, daughter of Oliver Ditson and Catherine 70 DESCENDANTS OF SOLOMON PEIRCE (Delano) Ditson; m. March 5, 1868, Col. Burr Porter, b. in New York, 1833. Colonel Porter was in the Crimean War. In the Civil War he was first on the staff of General Fremont, then made a colonel of the 9th New York Cavalry. Governor Andrew sent for him, and gave him command of the 40th Massachusetts Regiment. He commanded a brigade Sept. 7, 1862, which com- mand he resigned July 21, 1863. He became colonel of the 3d Massachusetts Cavalry, March 21, 1865, serving until the close of the war, July 21, 1865. Colonel Porter entered the Franco-Prussian War, and fell at Josnes, France, Dec. 10, 1870. Buried at Forest Hills. Mrs. Burr Porter resides in Boston. Child: 854. Kathebine Delano, b. Sept. 26, 1869. 178. James Edward^ Ditson (Oliver^, Lucy^, Solomon^), b. in Boston, Dec. 11, 1853, son of Oliver Ditson and Catherine (Delano) Ditson; m. October, 1877, Henrietta Mixer, of Charles- town, Mass. He d. Aug. 7, 1881. Child: James Edward, Jr., b. Oct. 20, 1878; m. Oct. 20, 1909, Esther Kennedy, of Hewlett, L.I. Resides in Hewlett, L.I. 179. Lucy F.* Ditson (James^, Lucy^, Solomon^), b. in Prov- incetown, Mass., Nov. 3, 1840, daughter of James Lawrence Dit- son and Rebecca N. (Collins) Ditson; m. Sept. 29, 1861, Phineas S. Cutter, b. in Provincetown, April 30, 1836, d. June 8, 1897. She resides in Provincetown. Children born in Provincetown, Mass. : i. Rebecca F., b. Oct. 20, 1862; d. Dec. 6, 1884. 355. ii. Della L., b. Dec. 12, 1874. 180. Mary E." Welch (Mary^, Thaddeus^, Solomon^), b. in Boston, May 9, 1830, daughter of Mary H. (Peirce) Welch and Hiram Welch; m. in Charlestown, June 3, 1849, Charles D. Folsom, b. in Gilmanton, N.H., June 3, 1823, d. Aug. 11, FOURTH GENERATION 71 1905. He was appointed ensign in the 10th Regiment, New Hampshire Militia, 1847. Mrs. Charles D. Folsom graduated from the Charlestown Female Seminary. She was secretary of the Soldiers' Relief Society during the Civil War, and for twenty years secretary of the Ladies' Samaritan Society in Cambridge, and on her resigna- tion was presented with a silver service. She has always been active in church-work, devoting her life to service for others. She is the oldest great-grand-daughter of Solomon Peirce, and one of the first members of the Peirce Family Association, and rarely misses its reunions. She resides with her son in Winchester, Mass. Children born in Cambridge, Mass.: i. Hiram W., b. Oct. 3, 1850; unm. Resides in Winchester, ii. Chables E., b. Aug. 21, 1852. Resides in California. 356. iii. Mary Ella, b. July 10, 1859. 181. Oliver^ Dickson, Jr. (Eliza^, Thaddeus^, Solomon^), b. in Charlestown, Mass., Jan. 26, 1832, son of Eliza A. (Peirce) Dickson and Oliver Dickson; m. May 7, 1854, Augusta Smith, b. in Wellfleet, Mass., Dec. 1, 1834, d. in Charlestown, Aug. 23, 1906. He d. June 12, 1907. He was a member of the Peirce Family Association. Children born in Charlestown, Mass.: i. Sarah M., b. Feb. 27, 1856; m. May 26, 1881, Frank C. Peterson, d. May 23, 1906. She resides in Somer- ville, Mass. 357. ii. Nellie T., b. Feb. 14, 1858. 182. Thaddeus* Peirce Dickson (Eliza', Thaddeus^, Solo- mon^), b. in Charlestown, Mass., Jan. 21, 1834, son of Eliza A. (Peirce) Dickson and Oliver Dickson; m. Dec. 30, 1860, Hannah W. Rich, b. in Provincetown, Mass., July 2, 1836, d. March 12, 1887. He resides in Somerville, Mass. Children: 358. i. Olive E., b. Oct. 31, 1867. ii. Evelyn W., b. Nov. 20, 1871. 72 DESCENDANTS OF SOLOMON PEIRCE 183. Mary H.^ Peirce (RoyaP, Thaddeus^, Solomon^), b. in North Chelsea, Mass. (now Revere), April 15, 1838, daughter of Royal Peirce and Mary (Hall) Peirce; m. Jan. 1, 1862, Thomas Floyd, b. in Winthrop, Mass., Dec. 2, 1838. She d. Dec. 22, 1897. He resides in Winthrop. Thomas Floyd enlisted from Winthrop in Co. I, 60th Regi- ment, Massachusetts Volunteers, July 23, 1864, serving until ex- piration of service, Nov. 30, 1864. Children : i. Edgar L., b. Oct. 7, 1866; d. Feb. 6, 1870. ii. Thomas S., b. Dec. 20, 1869; d. Feb. 11, 1911. iii. Mary Elizabeth, b. Dec. 29, 1873; graduated from New England Conservatory of Music, 1894; teacher of music in Dallas, Tex.; m. Aug. 29, 1911, Albon Bevis, Urbana, 111. 184. Adaline L.^ Peirce (RoyaP, Thaddeus^, Solomon^), b. in South Maiden (now Everett), Jan. 5, 1841, daughter of Royal Peirce and Mary (Hall) Peirce; m. B. Tappan Floyd, b. in North Chelsea, Sept. 1, 1843. Resides in Winthrop, Mass. Children born in Winthrop, Mass.: 359. i. Nelson, b. Nov. 24, 1866. ii. Alice P., b. March 5, 1869; d. June 14, 1873. 360. iii. George F., b. Aug. 5, 1871. iv. S. Elvira, b. July 24, 1874. v. Emma A., b. June 25, 1877. vi. Everett R., b. Oct. 6, 1878; d. Nov. 13, 1882. vii. Florence M., b. Nov. 11, 1884. 185. William H.* Peirce (RoyaP, Thaddeus^, Solomon^, b. in Maiden (now Everett), March 6, 1842, son of Royal Peirce and Mary (Hall) Peirce; m. Dec. 24, 1865, Hannah P. Best, b. in Cornwallis, N.S., Feb. 2, 1843. Resides in Providence, R.I. William H. Peirce enlisted from Chelsea, Mass., in Co. A, 44th Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteers, Sept. 12, 1862; served until expiration of service, June 18, 1863. FOURTH GENERATION 7$ Children : 361. i. William Arthur, b. in Maiden, June 21, 1866. 362. ii. Mary E., b. in Charlestown, April 22, 1869. iii. Frederick Royal, b. in Everett, Nov. 24, 1873; m, June 25, 1903, Maude L. McGlaulin, b. in Columbia, Conn., March 19, 1878. Resides in Easton, Pa. iv. KiTTiE Louise, b. in Bedford, Mass., Aug. 9, 1876. 186. Elizabeth A.* Peirce (RoyaP, Thaddeus^, Solomon^), b. in North Chelsea (novs? Revere), Nov. 2, 1843, daughter of Royal Peirce and Mary (Hall) Peirce; m. June 1, 1870, 1. Newton Hartwell, of Bedford, Mass. She d. Nov. 7, 1898. Child: 363. Marion L., b. Dec. 30, 1875. 187. Abner F. Peirce^ (RoyaP, Thaddeus^ Solomon^), b. in North Chelsea (now Revere), Mass., Oct. 5, 1852, son of Royal Peirce and Mary (Hall) Peirce; m. Oct. 21, 1874, Abbie Simpson, b. in North Cohasset, Mass., Feb. 26, 1854. Resides in Marl- boro, Mass. Children : 364. i. Royal K., b. June 28, 1880. ii. Ethel H., b. Aug. 9, 1886. 188. Thaddeus B.'* Peirce (RoyaP, Thaddeus^, Solomon^), b. in North Chelsea (now Revere), Aug. 31, 1857, son of Royal Peirce and Mary (Hall) Peirce; m. June 11, 1884, Emma Watson, b. in Lynn, Mass., Sept. 12, 1857. Resides in Somerville, Mass. Child: Ruth B., b. Nov. 14, 1891. 189. Franklin^ Peirce (Thaddeus^ Thaddeus^, Solomon^), b. in Everett, Mass., Feb. 5, 1853, son of Thaddeus Peirce, Jr., and Sarah (Sparrow) Peirce; m. Oct. 23, 1876, Emma F. Pettin- gill, b. in Chelsea, Mass., Nov. 30, 1850. Resides in Everett. Children born in Everett, Mass.: i. Henry Franklin, b. March 8, 1878; m. in Everett, Nov. 9, 1908, Persis Josephine Sylvester. 365. ii. Edwin Hoyt, b. June 29, 1881. iii, Florence Ethelyn, b. April 26, 1888. Graduated from the Whittier School, Merrimac, Mass. 74 DESCENDANTS OF SOLOMON PEIRCE 190. John Goodrich^ Vinton (Charlotte^, Thaddeus^ Sol- omon^), b. in Maiden, Mass., Aug. 2, 1843, son of Charlotte (Peirce) Vinton and John Vinton, Jr.; m. Nov. 2, 1865, Hannah Josephine Rand, b. Oct. 10, 1845. He d. 1901. She resides in Bellevue, Pa. Children born in Oak Grove, Maiden, Mass. : 366. i. Charles G., b. Aug. 20, 1867. ii. Charlotte Josephine, b. Aug. 16, 1869. iii. Cora Starratt, b. Feb. 8, 1875. iv. Harry Austen, b. April 29, 1876. 191. Harriet Eliza^ Vinton (Charlotte^, Thaddeus'^, Sol- omon^), b. in Maiden, Mass., Jan. 3, 1845, daughter of Charlotte (Peirce) Vinton and John Vinton, Jr.; m. Oct. 13, 1867, Edward Walstein Blake, b. in Boston, June 26, 1843. She d. in West Somerville, Mass., March 9, 1900. Children born in East Cambridge, Mass.: i. Nellie Prudence, b. May 7, 1871, d. Jan. 16, 1900. ii. Edward Loyd, b. March 23, 1879. iii. Alfred Walstein, b. Oct. 22, 1880; m. June 4, 1903, Matilda Jane Gilbert, b. in London, England, June 30, 1883. 192. Lucy Amanda* Vinton (Charlotte^ Thaddeus^ Sol- omonO, b. in Maiden, Mass., March 26, 1857, daughter of Char- lotte (Peirce) Vinton and John Vinton, Jr.; m. William Mac- Farlane. She d. June 23, 1883. Children: i. Willie, d. aged twelve years. ii. Lillian May, b. April, 1882; d. Oct. 11, 1882. 193. Lucy Amanda* Peirce (John^ Thaddeus^ Solomon^), b. in Maiden, Mass., March 26, 1844, daughter of John B. L. Peirce and Margaret A. (Dunton) Peirce; m. George E. Frederick, of Tyngsboro, Mass. She resides in Charlestown, Mass., and is a member of John Adams Chapter, D. A. R. Children: i. George Francis, b. in Maiden, Feb. 11, 1862; d. May 13, 1896. ii. William Austin, b. in Maiden, July 1, 1864; m. Flora Costello, of Lynn, Mass. FOURTH GENERATION 76 194. John Brooks* Peirce (John^, Thaddeus^, Solomon^), b. in Maiden, Mass., Dec. 25, 1849, son of John B. L. Peirce and Margaret A. (Dunton) Peirce; m. June 23, 1869, Mary Caroline Simmons, of Ohio, d. May 15, 1874. He d. May 28, 1883. Children born in Maiden, Mass.: i. Makgaret Elizabeth, b. Feb. 11, 1870; d. Aug. 14, 1879. ii. Cecilia Antoinette, b. April 27, 1873; d. Jan. 31, 1901. 195. George* Peirce (William^, Leonard^, Solomon^), b. in Danvers, Mass. (now Peabody), June 26, 1837, son of William Peirce and Hannah R. (Grover) Peirce; m. Dec. 2, 1858, Almira Galeucia, b. Aug. 23, 1840. He d. Jan. 8, 1904. She resides in Peabody, Mass. Children born in Peabody, Mass.: 367. i. Minnie G., b. Feb. 21, 1861. ii. George, Jr., b. Nov. 29, 1862; d. Dec. 4, 1862. iii. William F., b. Aug. 10, 1864; d. June 30, 1865. 368. iv. Mabel F., b. June 7, 1866. V. Willie H., b. March 25, 1870; d. March 29, 1870. 369. vi. Nellie M., b. Aug. 3, 1872. vii. George L., b. Nov. 3, 1874; d. Nov. 25, 1874. 196. Mary Eliza Gale* Peirce (Oliver', Leonard*, Solo- mon^), b. in Salem, Mass., July 8, 1833, daughter of Oliver Peirce and Elizabeth (Spencer) Peirce; m. June 22, 1854, Daniel Galeucia, of Lynn, Mass. She resides in Peabody, Mass. Children born in South Danvers, Mass. : 370. i. Charles E., b. March 1, 1855. 371. ii. Lizzie L., b. Aug. 9, 1859. 372. iii. Oliver Peirce, b. Sept. 15, 1861. 373. iv. Nellie M., b. May 12, 1865. 197. Oliver Allen* Peirce (Oliver^, Leonard*, Solomon^), b. in Medford, Mass., April 7, 1840, son of Oliver Peirce and Elizabeth (Spencer) Peirce; m. in New Orleans, La., first, July 14, 1861, Lucy Ann Noble, b. in New Orleans, March 15, 1841, d, March 27, 1876. He m. second, April 7, 1890, Regina M. Hmton. Resides in New Orleans. 374. i. 375. ii. iii. iv. 376. V. vi. 377. vii. viii. ix. X. xi. xii. xiii. xiv. XV. xvi. 76 DESCENDANTS OF SOLOMON PEIRCE Children born in New Orleans: May Adeline, b. May 9, 1862. Alice, b. Sept. 24, 1863. Grace Allen, b. Oct. 10, 1865. Elizabeth Spencer, b. May 25, 1867; m. Oct. 28, 1889, William H. Mulliken, d. April 24, 1904. Allan Noble, b. Oct. 23, 1869. Oliver, b. June 21, 1871; d. July 3, 1872. Oliver, b. May 22, 1873. Lucy Ann Noble, b. Oct. 7, 1875. Regina Hinton, b. Dec. 4, 1891; d. Aug. 31, 1898. Daisy Anna, b. Feb. 18, 1893. Hinton Noble, b. Sept. 21, 1895. Spencer Pope, b. Sept. 23, 1897. Mabel H., b. Feb. 15, 1900. Florence Edna, b. March 3, 1901. RuFUS H., b. March 7, 1903. Leonard Solomon, b. Oct. 5, 1904. 198. George Albert^ Peirce (Oliver^, Leonard^, Solomon^), b. in Medford, Mass., Jan. 6, 1844, son of Oliver Peirce and Elizabeth (Spencer) Peirce; m. July 23, 1867, Susan Ann Hatha- way, b. in Boston, Nov. 10, 1847. George A. Peirce served with the Washington Light Artillery Company of New Orleans, La., during the Civil War. He was a member of the Peirce Family Association. He d. in Melrose, Mass., June 30, 1906. Children : i. William Henry Hathaway, b. Dec. 20, 1883. ii. George Albert, b. ; d. . 199. Francis Waldo^ Peirce (Oliver^, Leonard^, Solomon^), b. in South Boston, Aug. 7, 1846, son of Oliver Peirce and Eliza- beth (Spencer) Peirce; m. first, Dec. 12, 1872, Louise Maitrejean; m. second. May 21, 1884, Bertha J. Conche. He d. Nov. 29, 1889. Children : i. Francis Waldo, Jr., b. ; d. in New York, June 30, 1901. ii. George Lawrence, b. in New Orleans, July 15, 1875. iii. Bertha Louise, m. Parker. One child. Address not known, iv. Andrew, date and address not known. FOURTH GENERATION 77 200. Charles Leonard'* Peirce (Benjamin^, Leonard^, Solomon^), b. in Danvers, Mass. (now Peabody), June 6, 1838, son of Benjamin Peirce and Mary (Fairfield) Peirce; m. Aug. 17, 1860, Ellen Preston, b. Jan. 30, 1839. He d. Feb. 13, 1896. Children : 378. i. Maby Ellen, b. Nov. 16, 1860. ii. Edward Warren, b. Dec. 30, 1863. Resides in Peabody. 201. Joseph Henry^ Peirce (Benjamin^, Leonard^, Solo- mon^), b. in Danvers, Mass. (now Peabody), Sept. 30, 1840, son of Benjamin Peirce and Mary (Fairfield) Peirce; m. March 2, 1865, Emma N. Kezar, b. Sept. 15, 1844. Child: Joseph Leonard, b. in Peabody, Aug. 7, 1871; m. July 17, 1893, Annie Cordelia Ashley. He is a lawyer, and resides in Lynn, Mass. 202. Margaret Ellen^ Peirce (Benjamin^, Leonard^, Solo- mon^), b. in Danvers, Mass. (now Peabody), June 1, 1852, daughter of Benjamin Peirce and Mary (Fairfield) Peirce; m. Jan. 16, 1877, George C. Messer, b. Jan. 5, 1849. They reside in Peabody, Mass. Child: Clinton Fairfield, b. Oct. 18, 1881. 203. George H.* Thompson (Mary^, Leonard^, Solomon^), b. in South Danvers, Mass. (now Peabody), Oct. 26, 1847, son of Mary A. (Peirce) Thompson and Gamaliel B. Thompson; m. Dec. 16, 1868, Alvaetta N. Bickford; resides in Los Angeles, Cal. Child: 379. Alvah Bickford, b. in East Boston, Sept. 15, 1869. 204. Frances Augusta* Thompson (Mary^ Leonard^, Solo- mon^), b. in South Danvers (now Peabody), July 1, 1850, daugh- ter of Mary A. (Peirce) Thompson and Gamaliel B. Thompson; m. July 23, 1874, George Henry Tyler, d. Dec. 3, 1910. She resides in Somerville, Mass. 78 DESCENDANTS OF SOLOMON PEIRCE Children : i. George Henrt, Jr., b. in Melrose, May 1, 1875. ii. Edith Chaplin, b. East Boston, Feb. 16, 1877; d. Dec. 17, 1882. iii. Mabel Thompson, b. East Boston, July 5, 1879. iv. Bessie Daniels, b. in Somerville, June 1, 1885; d. June 11, 1885. V. Ruth Daniels, b. in Somerville, Jan. 27, 1889; m. in Somerville, Oct. 4, 1911, Theodore E. Bauer. Resides in Winthrop, Mass. 205. Charles E.* Thompson (Mary^, Leonard^, Solomon^), b. in South Danvers (now Peabody), April 29, 1860, son of Mary A. (Peirce) Thompson and Gamaliel B. Thompson; m. April 23, 1880, Lizzie W. Bennett, b. in East Boston, Oct. 25, 1863. He d. Jan. 21, 1890, She resides in Nashville, Tenn. Children : i. Ethel M., b. in East Boston, June 1, 1881 ; d. May 7, 1900. 379a. ii. Emily Belle, b. in Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 18, 1884. 206. Sarah E.* Clapp (Susan^ William^, Solomon^), b. in South Maiden, Mass. (now Everett), April 17, 1839, daughter of Susan (Peirce) Clapp and Samuel H. Clapp; m. Sept. 27, 1860, George Whittier, b. in Maine, Sept. 20, 1834, d. in Everett, June 5, 1912. She d. June, 1902. Children : 380. i. Frank 0., b. Aug. 1, 1862. ii. George Edward, b. Dec. 22, 1863. iii. Ruth, b. Sept. 27, 1867. 381. iv. Arthur H., b. Jan. 9, 1869. 207. Adeline Peirce^ Clapp (Susan^, William'^, Solomon^), b. in South Maiden, Mass. (now Everett), July 5, 1841, daughter of Susan (Peirce) Clapp and Samuel H. Clapp; m. Dec. 13, 1860, Francis W. Atkins, b. in South Maiden, Dec. 24, 1831, d. in Everett, May 21, 1905. She d. May, 1896. Children born in Everett, Mass.: i. Edward F., b. Dec. 7, 1861. ii. Helen A., b. Oct. 3, 1863. FOURTH GENERATION 79 iii. Clara L., b. Aug. 17, 1866; d. Dec. 10, 1866. iv. Robert L., b. Aug. 11, 1867; m. Feb. 19, 1902, Annie Elliot, b. June 7, 1879. Resides in Fitchburg, Mass. V. George Sherman, b. Aug. 27, 1869; d. Sept. 30, 1870. vi. Marion P., b. Jan. 18, 1872. vii. Alfred E., b. April 9, 1875; d. Sept. 23, 1875. 208. Abbie F.'* Clapp (Susan^ William^, Solomon^), b. in South Maiden, Mass. (now Everett), December, 1845, daughter of Susan (Peirce) Clapp and Samuel H. Clapp; m. Sept. 20, 1877, Jeremiah E. Mann, b. in Surry, Me., Feb. 28, 1846, d. Nov. 26, 1893. She d. in Everett, Oct. 2, 1910. She was a member of the Peirce Family Association. Child: Mabel A., b. in Kinsley, Kan., April 28, 1878; m. Sept. 2, 1902, Samuel J. Cox, b. Jan. 30, 1876. Resides in Everett. 209. Sarah E.^ Peirce (William^, William^, Solomon^), b. in South Maiden, Mass. (now Everett), April 13, 1845, daughter of William Peirce, Jr., and Elizabeth (Baldwin) Peirce; m. March 4, 1880, Louis K. Whitney, b. in Maine, Dec. 25, 1852. They reside in Woodfords, Me. Child: 382a. Maud C, b. in Portland, Me., March 23, 1882. 210. Mary* Peirce (William^, William^, Solomon^), b. in South Maiden, Mass. (now Everett), Dec. 25, 1858, daughter of William Peirce, Jr., and Elizabeth (Arnold) Peirce; m. Dec. 25, 1888, in Somerville, Mass., James Worsley, b. in England, 1864. Children : i. Evangeline, b. in Somerville, Jan. 12, 1890; d. Aug. 5, 1890. ii. WiLMENiA, b. in South Boston, Aug. 7, 1892. 211. Louise A.* True (Adeline^ William^, Solomon^), b. in South Maiden (now Everett), Dec. 21, 1850, daughter of Adeline (Peirce) True and Lewis P. True; m. Samuel Freeman, 80 DESCENDANTS OF SOLOMON PEIRCE b. in Eastham, Mass., Oct. 10, 1843, d. March 21, 1894. She d. April 3, 1884. Children born in Everett, Mass.: i. Paulina, b. Aug. 24, 1879. Was graduated from Smith College, class of 1903. Resides in Everett. 383. ii. Louise, b. Jan. 15, 1881. Was graduated from Smith College, class of 1903. iii. Elizabeth, b. Feb. 9, 1883. Was graduated from Smith College, class of 1905. (See Paragraph 365.) 212. William Waldo* Peirce (George^, William^, Solomon^), b. in South Maiden (now Everett), April 29, 1861, son of George W. Peirce and Eliza (Wiley) Peirce; m. April 29, 1882, Elizabeth McDonald, b. Nov. 2, 1861. They reside in Everett. Children born in Everett, Mass.: i. George Howard, b. Nov. 15, 1884. ii. Daniel Allen, b. Aug. 11, 1886; d. June 30, 1898. iii. Mary Elizabeth, b. Oct. 29, 1887; d. April 15, 1892. iv. William Waldo, b. Feb. 15, 1889. V. John Frederic, b. May 9, 1891. vi. Mary Agnes, b. July 15, 1893. vii. Chester Francis, b. Dec. 11, 1895. 213. Susan Gertrude* Peirce (George^, William^, Solo- monO, b. in South Maiden, Mass. (now Everett), April 6, 1873, daughter of George W. Peirce and Esther (Wiley) Peirce; m. June 15, 1895, George H. Wood, b. in East Boston, Dec. 22, 1871. They reside in Everett. Children born in Everett, Mass. : i. Thomas Robertson, b. April 21, 1896. ii. Ralph Peirce, b. Aug. 14, 1897. iii. Margaret Esther, b. April 13, 1899. iv. Helen Gertrude, b. Dec. 28, 1902. V, William Leonard, b. Jan. 19, 1908. FIFTH GENERATION 81 FIFTH GENERATION. 214. William Henry^ Hayden (William^ Mary^ Amity^, Solomon^), b. in Hallowell, Me., May 1, 1827, son of William Harrington Hayden and Elizabeth (McGrath) Hayden; m. first, Nov. 30, 1848, Sarah M. Holmes, b. Sept. 14, 1825, d. Sept. 22, 1860; m. second, Jan. 1, 1868, Eleanora Lillie. William Henry Hayden enlisted in Co. B, 5th Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteers, May 1, 1861, with his brother, until expiration of service, July 31, 1861. Children: 385. i. Helen M., b. in Cambridge, Mass., Aug. 31, 1849. ii. Fbederic O., b. June, 1860; d. August, 1860. iii. Lillian E., b. in Newburyport, Mass., Aug. 28, 1870; m. May 7, 1907, Kersey C. P. Corser. Resides in Spencer, Mass. iv. Marian Louise, b. in Newburyport, November, 1879; m. July, 1906, Wilbur H. Adams, Resides in Worcester, Mass. 215. Frank W.^ Hayden (William*, Mary^ Amity^ Solo- mon^), b. in Hallowell, Me., June 7, 1834, son of William Har- rington Hayden and Elizabeth (McGrath) Hayden; m. April 21, 1855, Lizzie Wiley, b. Oct. 5, 1837. He d. in Wakefield, Mass., Dec. 19, 1908. She resides in Wakefield. Frank W. Hayden enlisted in Co. B, 5th Regiment, Massa- chusetts Volunteers, from South Reading, Mass. After his three months' service, he re-enlisted in 1st Massachusetts Cavalry, Co. E, as sergeant. He was promoted to second lieutenant, Sept. 14, 1862, serving his country until the close of the war. Lieutenant Hayden responded again in the Frontier Cavalry, Dec. 28, 1864, at the time of the threatened Fenian raid in Canada. Discharged July 7, 1865. Children: 386. i. Henrietta S., b. Nov. 18, 1855. ii. Ida Louise, b. Sept. 18, 1859; d. Oct. 14, 1860. iii. Arthur Peirce, b. Feb. 25, 1860; d. Dec. 14, 1864. 82 DESCENDANTS OF SOLOMON PEIRCE 216. Mary E.^ Hayden (William^ Mary^, Amity^, Solomon^, b. in Hallowell, Me., Oct. 7, 1836, daughter of William Harrington Hayden and Elizabeth (McGrath) Hayden; m. Aug. 7, 1855, Albert S. Wiley, b. Nov. 4, 1833, d. Feb. 6, 1905. She d. Jan. 13, 1886. Albert S. Wiley enlisted from South Reading, Mass., in Co. E, 1st Massachusetts Cavalry, Sept. 15, 1861, for three years. At the battle of Poolsville, Va., Nov. 19, 1862, he was wounded in the left lung and sent to Maryland hospital. He re-enlisted Feb. 29, 1864, in Co. E, 1st Massachusetts Cavalry, performing guard, picket, and escort duty. He was one of the body-guard to President Lincoln en route from Petersburg to Richmond. He was honorably discharged at Readville, Mass., Aug. 18, 1865. Children : 387. i. Edward A., b. June 29, 1856. 388. ii. William H., b. Sept. 7, 1860. 217. Edwin Ira^ Ballou (MaryS Ma^y^ Amity^, Solo- mon^), b. Aug. 30, 1837, son of Mary Jane (Hayden) Ballou and Ira Ballou; m. in Boston, Aug. 7, 1856, Sarah A. Wills. He d. in Boston, Aug. 16, 1867. Children: i. Walter Hayden, b. May 17, 1857; d. July, 1862. ii. Harriet Loring, b. April 18, 1859; d. May 22, 1877. 389. iii. Henry Justin, b. Aug. 14, 1861. iv. William Francis, b. Oct. 18, 1863; m. Jennie Van Buren, of New York. Three children; no records obtained. 218. William W.^ Bragg, Jr. (AnnS Mary^ Amity^, Solo- mon^), b. in Boston, Feb. 14, 1837, son of Ann (Hayden) Bragg and William W. Bragg; m. June 13, 1860, Eleanor M. M. Grigg, b. April 30, 1836. He d. Feb. 12, 1886. Child: Joshua Merrill, b. March 7, 1865; m. April 20, 1899, Annie Holden Fiske, b. in Boston, Sept. 20, 1869. Re- sides in Medford, Mass. 219. Francis Warren^ Lawrence (Helen*, Emeline^ Amity'', Solomon^), b. in Boston, April 28, 1866, son of Helen L. (Dillaway) FIFTH GENERATION 83 Lawrence and Theodore J. Lawrence; m. Aug. 18, 1886, Jennie Sargent. He is a lumber dealer (Lawrence & Wiggin) in Boston. Resides in Boston. Children born in Boston: i. Vincent S., b. Nov. 20, 1889. ii. Warren F., b. Dec. 4, 1896. 220. Mabel^ Buncher (Josephine*, Emeline^, Amity^, Solomon^), b. in Boston, Sept. 23, 1867, daughter of M. Josephine (Dillaway) Buncher and Charles Buncher; m. Dec. 2, 1890, Henry C. Penney, b. April 20, 1865. Resides in Detroit, Mich. Children : i. Josephine F., b. Jan. 23, 1892. ii. Elizabeth, b. Nov. 27, 1899. 221. Lillian D.^ Lothrop (EllenS Eliza^, Amity^, Solo- mon^), b. in Boston, Feb. 14, 1866, daughter of Ellen L. (John- son) Lothrop and Eben J. Lothrop; m. July 30, 1885, Frank H. Horton, b. July 6, 1861. Resides in South Boston. Children born in Boston: i. Herbert W., b. June 29, 1886. ii. Frederic W., b. Sept. 16, 1888. iii. Frank E., b. Aug. 16, 1892. iv. Evelyn L., b. April 6, 1896. 222. Charles E.^ Lothrop (Ellen^ Eliza^, Amity^, Solo- mon^), b. in Boston, March 11, 1871, son of Ellen L. (Johnson) Lothrop and Eben J. Lothrop; m. Dec. 1, 1892, Adelaide E. Burn- ham, b. 1874. He is with Dennison Manufacturing Company, and resides in South Framingham, Mass. Children : i. Everett C, b. in Boston, June 4, 1895. ii. Evelyn May, b. in Framingham, Nov. 7, 1899. 223. Ezra Palmer^ Gould (Samuel*, Lydia', Jonas^, Solo- mon^), b. in Boston, Feb. 27, 1841, son of Samuel Lawrence Gould and Frances A. S. (Wheeler) Gould; m. Sept. 1, 1868, Jennie M. Stone, of Watertown, Mass. He d. in New York, August, 1900. 84 DESCENDANTS OF SOLOMON PEIRCE Ezra Palmer Gould prepared for college at the Boston Latin School, graduating from Harvard in the class of '61. He en- listed in Co. E, 24th Massachusetts Regiment, Oct. 18, 1861, serving as a private two years, was made a lieutenant in 55th Massachusetts Volunteers (colored), Oct. 15, 1863, captain in the 59th Regiment, Jan. 22, 1864, and major in the same regiment, Aug. 20, 1864, from which he was transferred to the 57th Regi- ment, which he led home from the war to be mustered out, July 30, 1865. In September following he entered the Newton Theo- logical School, graduated in June, 1868, and was ordained to the ministry in the Old Cambridge Baptist church, Sept. 6, 1868. He was made professor of Biblical literature and interpretation of the New Testament in Newton Theological School, and held that office twelve years. He preached in Burlington, Vt., four years. He was professor of Biblical literature in the Episcopal Divinity School, Philadelphia, for nine years, being ordained as Episcopal minister in 1890. He received the degree of S.T.D. from Colum- bia College in 1889. Besides articles for encyclopaedias and periodicals, his published work includes a commentary on the "Epistle of St. Paul to the Corinthians" and "Gospel of Mark." "The Theology of the New Testament" was published just before his death. He was a member of the Phi Beta Kappa of Harvard, the Harvard Biblical Club, and the Loyal Legion. Children born in Newton, Mass. : i. Herbert Shelton, b. July 21, 1869; m. Oct. 20, 1908, Alma Cole, of Halstead, Pa. 390. ii. Edith Parker, b. May 6, 1876. 224. Edward Francis^ Gould (Samuel*, Lydia^, Jonas^ Sol- omon^), b. in Boston, July 21, 1852, son of Samuel Lawrence Gould and Frances A. S. (Wheeler) Gould; m. in Colorado, June 11, 1882, Masie Anne Suddarth, b. in West Virginia, Sept. 28, 1865. He went to Colorado with his parents in 1865, and is engaged in farming in Kingfisher, Okla. Children : i. Robert Lawrence, b. in Colorado, Dec. 4, 1883; d. in Oklahoma, March, 1906. FIFTH GENERATION 85 ii, Arthur Townley, b. in Colorado, March 16, 1886. iii. Edward Francis, Jr., b. in Kansas, Jan. 20, 1888. iv. Margaret Edna, b. in Oklahoma, Nov. 25, 1890. 225. Benjamin Franklin^ Dam (Charlotte^, Lydia^, Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in Boston, Aug. 15, 1841, son of Charlotte (Gould) Dam and Cyrus K. Dam; m. in West Townsend, Mass., Aug. 9, 1871, Adelaide Dickenson, b. in Chelsea, Mass., April 14, 1845. He d. Nov. 8, 1899. He lived from the time of his arrival in California in 1856 near Wheatland, and was engaged in farming. He was a member of the Board of Supervisors of Yuba County for many years, at one time president of the board. Children born in Wheatland, Cal.: i. Benjamin Franklin, Jr., b. May 11, 1874; d. Oct. 29, 1874. ii. Allan Edward, b. April 3, 1875; d. Nov. 20, 1876. iii. Florence Gyrene, b. July 18, 1877. iv. Alice Adelaide, b. Dec. 7, 1881; d. Feb. 5, 1901. V. Howard Malcolm Dickenson, b. Nov. 10, 1884. 226. Cyrus King^ Dam, Jr. (Charlotte^, Lydia^ Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in Cambridgeport, Mass., Feb. 8, 1843, son of Charlotte (Gould) Dam and Cyrus K. Dam; m. near Wheat- land, Cal., June 6, 1867, Frances Leoni Scott, b. in Liberty Prai- rie, Madison County, 111., Dec. 27, 1848. He d. Oct. 28, 1907. He was for several years manager of the flour mills in Wheat- land, which burned down in 1898. Afterward he was engaged in farming. He served a term as supervisor of Yuba County. Children born in Wheatland, Cal.: Cyrus Harry, b. April 14, 1868. Fannie Charlotte, b. Oct. 1, 1869; d. in Berkeley, March 12, 1909. Etta Pearl, b. Dec. 26, 1871. Francis Herbert, b. Jan. 17, 1874. Arthur King, ) Twins, b. March 6, 1876. Ella May d. Ella May, ) April 26, 1876. ^.^^. v.x. Carrie Gould, ) rp u r^ * i^ ioir ^, ... T. r Iwms, b. Oct. 16, 1879. 39o. vni. Cora Belk, ) 391. 1. ii. iii. 392. iv. 393. V. vi. 394. vii. 86 DESCENDANTS OF SOLOMON PEIRCE 227. Lydia Gould^ Dam (Charlotte*, Lydia^ Jonas^, Solo- mon^), b. in Princeton, Mass., May 1, 1848, daughter of Char- lotte (Gould) Dam and Cyrus K. Dam; m. in Wheatland, Cal., Oct. 22, 1866, Dennis Lafayette Cantlin, b. in Ottawa, Canada, Aug. 15, 1839, d. at Erie, Oct. 28, 1907. She resides at Erie, Cal. Children born near Wheatland: i. Lottie Gould, b. May 22, 1867. 396. ii. Katie, b. Feb, 22, 1869. 397. iii. Jessie May, b. Dec. 21, 1873. iv. Lulu, b. Oct. 9, 1875; d. Oct. 20, 1878. V. Edith, b. Sept. 22, 1877. vi. Lily, b. Aug. 13, 1888. Sarah Elizabeth^ Gould (James*, Lydia^, Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in Boston, 1842, daughter of James Gould and Anne J. (Jones) Gould; m. February, 1866, Edward B. Moulton. She d. in Cambridge, December, 1875. Children: i. Arthur B., b. in Springfield, Mass., March, 1868. ii. Louis, iii. Edward. iv. Daisy, b. in Cambridge, Mass. Dates of three children's birth not obtained. 229. SoPHLA. A.^ Gould (Joseph*, Lydia^, Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in Boston, Nov. 25, 1847, daughter of Joseph Gould and Sophia A. (Cutter) Gould; m. June 17, 1866, Noah E. French. She d. in Wisconsin, Aug. 13, 1872. Children born in Wisconsin: i. Minnie J., b. Sept. 28, 1867; d. June 20, 1897. ii. Coral B., b. May 14, 1870; d. Sept. 18, 1871. iii. Birdie, b. Aug. 13, 1872; d. July 16, 1873. 229a. Joseph Shelton^ Gould (Joseph*, Lydia^, Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in Watertown, Mass., Oct. 20, 1851, son of Joseph Gould and Sophia A. (Cutter) Gould; m. Nov. 28, 1889, Letitia A. Pulver. They reside in Stoddard, Wis. Child: Frank, b. Dec. 18, 1890. FIFTH GENERATION 87 230. Ella O.^ Gould (Joseph*, Lydia', Jonas'^, Solomon^), b. in Wisconsin, Sept. 5, 1857, daughter of Joseph Gould and Sophia A. (Cutter) Gould; m. March 28, 1878, George Knower. She d. July, 1886. Children: i. Ernest, b. AprU 18, 1879; d. July 20, 1879. ii. Maud, b. May 24, 1880. iii. Mark, b. Nov. 13, 1883. iv. Max G., b. April 18, 1885. 231. Lizzie M.^ Gould (Joseph*, Lydia^, Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in Wisconsin, Feb. 17, 1861, daughter of Joseph Gould and Sophia A. (Cutter) Gould; m. Sept. 27, 1892, Theodore F. Will- iams, M.D. Resides in Owen, Wis. ChUd: Elmer S., b. Feb. 22, 1897. 232. Thomas F.* Gould (Joseph*, Lydia', Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in Wisconsin, April 6, 1863, son of Joseph Gould and Sophia A. (Cutter) Gould; m. Nov. 21, 1893, Carrie De Morris. Resides in Kimball, S.D. Children : i. George, b. Sept. 12, 1894. ii. WiLLARD, b. May 10, 1896. iii. May, b. July 27, 1897. iv. Gladys, b. June 19, 1899; d. 1901. V. Warren, b. June 13, 1901. 233. Sarah Homer^ Gould (Francis*, Lydia^, Jonas^, Solo- mon^), b. in West Cambridge, Dec. 27, 1854, daughter of Francis Gould and Sarah H. (Homer) Gould; m. July 30, 1874, Wendell E. Richardson. She d. Feb. 1, 1901. Children born in Arlington, Mass.: i. Francis Gould, b. July 13, 1875; d. April 21, 1881. ii. May Gould, b. May 24, 1880; d. Jan. 28, 1891. 398. iii. George Homer, b, August, 1881. iv. Ruth Everett, b. August, 1884; m in Arlington, Sept. 1, 1906, Fred Loring Thompson. He was graduated from Amherst College in 1904. v. Gould, b. Oct. 12, 1887; d. October, 1887. vi. Gladys, b. April 2, 1891. 88 DESCENDANTS OF SOLOMON PEIRCE 234, James M.^ Locke (William^, Anna^, Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in Quincy, 111., Sept. 26, 1849, son of William Locke and Louisa M. (Higgins) Locke; m. Sept. 23, 1874, Christina E. Maher, d. in Creston, la., Sept. 2, 1901. He d. June 30, 1909. He was an attorney-at-law and a notary public in Creston, la. Children: i. Charles H., b. July 22, 1875. 399. ii. LiLLiE M., b. Sept. 4, 1877. iii. Frank A., b. June 15, 1882. iv. Josephine E., b. Jan. 17, 1884. V. Effie C, b. March 15, 1888. 234a. Mary J.^ Locke (William^, Anna^ Jonas^ SolomonO, b. in Creston, la., Dec. 18, 1857, daughter of William Locke and Louisa M. (Higgins) Locke; m. Nov. 22, 1879, Charles S. Evans. Resides in Kansas. Children : i. Elsie, b. in Creston, la., 1881. ii. Neva, b. in Kansas, 1883. iii. Clarence, b. in Kansas, 1885, iv. Ernest, b. in Kansas, 1891. V. Ethlyn, b, in Kansas, 1898. 235, Walter J.^ Locke (William'*, Anna^, Jonas^, Solo- mon^), b, in Creston, la., April 8, 1862, son of WilUam Locke and Louisa M, (Higgins) Locke; m. June 25, 1887, Alma E, Hardman. He d, Oct. 25, 1908. He was a practising lawyer in Creston, la. Children born in Creston, la,: i. Maejorie B., b, Oct, 30, 1890, ii, Dorothy A., b, Aug. 9, 1900. iii. Helen Dean, b. March 3, 1907. 236, Clara Etta^ Peirce (Jonas^, Jonas^ Jonas^, Solo- monO, b. March 13, 1866, daughter of Jonas Lorenzo Peirce and Folly A. (Kinson) Peirce; m, first, in Hillsboro, N.H., Sept. 28, 1881, Chester Calvin Strickland; m, second, in Lewiston, Me., Nov. 4, 1896, Isaac Mills Hoyt; m. third, in Covington, Va., February, 1911, William Edgar Hibbets, b. in Ohio, July 3, 1859. FIFTH GENERATION 8& She had four children by first husband, born in Hillsboro, N.H. Resides in Cass, Va. Children : 400. i. Gut Chester, b. Sept. 21, 1882. ii. John Elmer, b. May 13, 1884. ill. Cora Lizzie, b. June 14, 1885; m. June 13, 1907, Ernest L. Woodward, b. in Antrim, N.H. Resides in Temple- ton, Mass. iv. Charles Roscoe, b. Aug. 27, 1889. 237. Ida J.^ Peirce (James*, Jonas^ Jonas^, Solomon^) ^ b. in West Cambridge, Mass., April, 1849, daughter of James A. Peirce and Almira (DoUoff) Peirce; m. in Boston, Aug. 5, 1868, Charles Cotting Weeks, b. in Boston, June 1, 1845, d. in Dorches- ter, Feb. 24, 1889. Resides in Dorchester. Children born in Boston: i. Georgie p., b. Aug. 3, 1869. ii. Elizabeth J., b. Aug. 21, 1876; d. Jan. 18, 1878. iii. John W., b. May 29, 1879; d. November, 1879. iv. D. Gertrude, b. Sept. 5, 1882. 238. Jesse H.^ Peirce (James*, Jonas', Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in West Cambridge, Mass., 1852, son of James A. Peirce and Almira (Dolloff) Peirce; m. Sept. 25, 1875, Elizabeth A. Hogan, b, in West Cambridge, March 25, 1851. Resides in Weymouth, Mass. Children : i. Frederick James, b. March 3, 1877; d. July 20, 1877. ii. Florence Elizabeth, b. April 12, 1878; m. July 14, 1908, Herbert True, iii. Harry Elmore, b. March 14, 1880; d, June 26, 1885. 400a. iv. Helen Almira, b. Sept. 3, 1883. V. Jesse Franklin, b. Dec. 4, 1885. 239. Olive E.^ Peirce (James*, Jonas', Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in West Cambridge, Mass., 1856, daughter of James A. Peirce and Almira (Dolloff) Peirce; m. 1874 Rollin P. Puffer, b. in West Cambridge, 1853. Resides in Arlington, Mass. 90 DESCENDANTS OF SOLOMON PEIRCE Children born in Arlington: i. R. Edwin, b. 1875. ii. James P., b. 1878. iii. Emma J., b. 1881. Graduated from Radcliffe College in 1903, Boston University Law School in 1912. Magna cum Laude, B. U. 240. William H.^ Boothby (Mary*, Jonas^ Jonas^, Solo- mon^), b. in Charlestown, Mass., Oct. 5, 1846, son of Mary Amy (Peirce) Boothby and Eli Boothby; m. Georgie A. Emery, b. in Parsonsfield, N.H., April 16, 1853. He d. in Portland, Me., Feb. 14, 1895. Children born in Portland, Me.: 401. i. Edith A., b. Sept. 29, 1875. 402. ii. Frank W., b. Jan. 1, 1876. iii. Lucy E., b. and d. 1877. iv. Emery S., b. and d. 1879. 241. Mary J.^ Boothby (Mary*, Jonas^ Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in Charlestown, Mass., Aug. 7, 1848, daughter of Mary Amy (Peirce) Boothby and Eli Boothby; m. first, March 27, 1867, Charles F. Hartwell, b. in West Cambridge, Mass., March 29, 1846; m. second, April 4, 1884, John Conrad Damer, b. in De- troit, Mich., Dec. 12, 1850. Resides in St. Clair Flats, Mich. Children: 403. i. Frederick William, b. in Arlington, March 20, 1868. 404. ii. Walter Chandler, b. in Arlington, May 5, 1870. iii. Herbert Eugene, b. in Somerville, March 15, 1873; m. Sept. 16, 1901, Edith May Freer, b. in Detroit, Mich., March 19, 1875. iv. Eugenia Gertrude, b. in Charlestown, Nov. 12, 1876; m. in Detroit, Mich., Dec. 35, 1903, Will Garfield Base, b. in Cleveland, Ohio, July 12, 1880. V. Mart Amy, b. in Portland, Me., Jan. 1, 1886; d. Jan. 6, 1886. 242. Lemuel^ Pitts, Jr. (Harriet*, George^, Jonas^, Solo- mon^), b. in Charlestown, Mass., Aug. 22, 1841, son of Harriet A. (Peirce) Pitts and Lemuel Pitts; m. Sept. 7, 1866, Mary E. Hammond, b. in Mattapoisett, Mass., April 5, 1841, d. Dec. 2, 1902. Lemuel Pitts, Jr., enlisted in Co. A, 36th Regiment, Mas- 405. ii. 406. iii. iv. 407. V. 408. vi. FIFTH GENERATION 91 sachusetts Volunteers, at Fitchburg, Aug. 9, 1862. He resides in Wollaston, Mass. Children: i. Annie Hollywood, b. in North Bridgewater, Mass., Nov. 1, 1867. She is a graduate of Bridgewater Normal School, class of 1887. Teaches school in Dorchester, Mass. Clara Belle, b. in Cambridgeport, Aug. 25, 1869. Ralph Shaw, b. in Cambridge, July 8, 1873. Marion Hammond, b. in East Boston, April 26, 1877; m. June 17, 1902, WiUiam Loring Peck, of Newton, Mass. Mary Eva Thayer, b. in East Boston, Sept. 18, 1878. Lemuel Pitts, 3d, b. in Boston, May 4, 1881. 243. George Staples^ Pitts (Harriet*, George^, Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in Charlestown, Mass., Oct. 22, 1843, son of Harriet A. (Peirce) Pitts and Lemuel Pitts; m. April 30, 1866, Ellen Maria Clark Pearson, b. Dec. 2, 1841. George Staples Pitts enlisted with his brother in Co. A, 36th Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteers, at Fitchburg, Aug. 9, 1862. Resides in Conway, N.H. Children born in East Boston: 409. i. George Franklin, b. Jan. 13, 1867. 410. ii. Clara Clark, b. April 21, 1872. iii. Paul, b. April 12, 1876; d. August, 1876. 411. iv. Carl Mortimer, b. Jan. 12, 1878. 244. Harriet Louisa^ Pitts (Harriet*, George^, Jonas*, Solomon^), b. in Charlestown, Mass., May 22, 1847, daughter of Harriet A. (Peirce) Pitts and Lemuel Pitts; m. Jan. 11, 1871, Thomas Henry Ramsdell, b. in West Cambridge, Mass., Sept. 30, 1847. Resides in FrankUn, Mass. Children: i. Bertha Louisa, b. in Arlington, Mass., July 9, 1872. (See Paragraph 280.) ii. Harriet Alice, b. in Arhngton, July 8, 1874. iii. Clarence Henry, b. in West Newton, Aug. 7, 1878; d. Sept. 26, 1878. iv. Charles Henry, b. in West Newton, Oct. 30, 1879. (See Paragraph 281.) V. Elmer Pitts, b. in West Newton, March 2, 1884; m. Sept. 23, 1911, Sarah Katherine McLean. 92 DESCENDANTS OF SOLOMON PEIRCE 245. Arthur Russell^ Pitts (Harriet*, George*, Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in Lunenburg, Mass., June 15, 1859, son of Harriet A. (Peirce) Pitts and Lemuel Pitts; m. March 1, 1882, Fannie Louisa Cotting, b. in Lunenburg, Jan. 3, 1860. Resides in Newton Upper Falls, Mass. Child: Elmira Cotting, b. in Arlington, Mass., Jan. 23, 1885. 246. Frederick Bronsdon^ Cotting (Elmira*, George*, Jonas^, Solomon^), b, in Charlestown, Mass., Dec. 22, 1846, son of Elmira (Peirce) Cotting and William H. Cotting; m. first, Jan. 18, 1866, Laura Burton Osborn, d. in Boston, May, 1872; m. second, June 19, 1873, Elizabeth Somers, of Medford, d. Feb. 20, 1910. He d. in West Newton, Aug. 18, 1888. Children : i. Annie Elmira, b. Nov. 21, 1866; d. 1867. ii. William Henry, b. Nov. 8, 1867; m. in Newton, Mass., May 6, 1891, Nettie Chase, b. May 7, 1872. Resides in Melrose, Mass. iii. Lucy Elmira, b. Feb. 17, 1869; d. March 2, 1876. 411a. iv. Walter Merrill, b. Feb. 13, 1870, V. George Peirce, b. Sept. 19, 1874; d. March 3, 1876. 412. vi. Charles Burton, b. Dec. 19, 1876. vii. Elliot, b. Jan. 1, 1880; d. Jan. 19, 1880. 247. Edward Levant^ Cotting (Elmira*, George*, Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in Charlestown, Mass., April 17, 1849, son of Elmira (Peirce) Cotting and William H. Cotting; m. first, April 7, 1869, Louise Allen, d. May, 1870; m. second, May 21, 1871, Adelia Dempsey, of Stoneham, Mass. He d. in Medford, Mass., March 1, 1908. He was a member of the Peirce Family Associa- tion. Children : Edward William, b. in Stoneham, July 24, 1872. James A., b. in Stoneham, Aug. 6, 1874. Elizabeth Mary, b. Nov. 30, 1880; d. March 18, 1883. Adelia Harriet, b. Nov. 8, 1882; d. March, 1882. George Frederick, b. in Charlestown, Aug. 12, 1887. 413. 414. ii. iii. iv. V. FIFTH GENERATION 93 248. Elizabeth Harriet^ Cotting (Elmira*, Geo^ge^ Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in Lunenburg, Mass., Dec. 6, 1855, daughter of Elmira (Peirce) Cotting and William H. Cotting; m. Orestus M. Pratt, b. in Clinton, Me., July 13, 1860. Resides in Holder- ness, N.H. Children born in Lowell, Mass.: i. Catherine, b. July 16, 1890. ii. Marshall Cotting, b. Oct. 12, 1891. 249. Ellen Elmira^ Cotting (Elmira*, George^, Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in Lunenburg, Mass., March 13, 1858, daughter of Elmira (Peirce) Cotting and William H. Cotting; m. Feb. 6, 1880, Henry E. Osborn, of Bennington, N.H. She d. Aug. 9, 1900. Children: 414a. i. Florence Louise, b. in Boston, May 11, 1882. ii. Irving Arnold, b. in Boston, Feb. 5, 1883; d. 1884. 414b. jii, Louis Carr, b. in Whitinsville, Mass., Dec. 18, 1887. iv. Henry Ernest, b. in Boston, April 26, 1890. 251. Sarah Frances^ Brooks (Addison*, Roxa^, Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in Marlboro, N.H., Dec. 2, 1846, daughter of Ad- dison Brooks and Martha (Morrison) Brooks; m. Nov. 14, 1866, George W. Bailey, b. in West Cambridge, Mass., Jan. 11, 1844, d. in Bellingham, Wash., May 8, 1906. Children: i. Florette Eliza, b. in Arlington, Mass., Sept. 9, 1867; m. 1890 W. J. Olds, d. in Denver, Col., Nov. 5, 1907. Beatrice, b. in Arlington, Aug. 10, 1869. Edna, b. in Oshkosh, Wis., July, 1871. Louise, b. in Oshkosh, Oct. 27, 1873; d. Jan. 7, 1880. Clara Esther, b. in Oshkosh, October, 1875. George Henry, b. in Stevens Point, Wis., April, 1878. 419. vii. Grace, b. in Stevens Point, Feb. 22, 1881. 420. viii. Jenny, b. in Stevens Point, April, 1883. ix. Helen Frances, b. in Stevens Point, June, 1885; m. July 9, 1906, Warren Buck, b. in Stevens Point. Resides in Houston, Tex. X. Sarah F., b. Nov. 17, 1889; d. Jan. 13, 1896. 252. William H.^ Brooks (Addison^, Roxa', Jonas^ Solo- mon^), b. in West Cambridge, Mass., Dec. 23, 1852, son of Ad- 415. ii. 416. iii. iv. 417. V. 418. vi. 94 DESCENDANTS OF SOLOMON PEIRCE dison Brooks and Martha (Morrison) Brooks; m. Sept. 29, 1869, Gertrude L. Bowers, b. in Concord, Mass., Sept. 3, 1854. He d. in Brockton, Mass., Aug. 25, 1911. Children : 421. i. Addison, b. in North Cambridge, Oct. 3, 1870. 422. ii. Charles E., b. in North Cambridge, Oct. 7, 1872. iii. Harlow F., b. in Ariington, July 29, 1876. iv. Thomas M., b. in Arlington, Dec. 27, 1879. V. Maud A., b. in North Cambridge, June 23, 1882. vi. Carlton T., b. in Brockton, Sept. 17, 1901. 253. Clara Eliza^ Brooks (Asa^, Roxa^ Jonas^, Solo- mon^), b. in Brattleboro, Vt., Feb. 2, 1849, daughter of Asa Brooks and N. Maria (Brooks) Brooks; m. in Arlington, Mass., May 6, 1875, George O. Revere, b. in Needham, Mass., Sept. 24, 1849. She d. Feb. 20, 1882. He resides in Brooklyn, N.Y. Children : i. George Asa, b. March 18, 1876; d. in Brooklyn, Feb. 2, 1894. 423. ii. Herbert Eugene, b. in Brockton, Mass., Sept. 11, 1877. iii. Paul, b. in Brockton, March 27, 1879; m. in Brooklyn, N.Y., June 8, 1904, Daisy Ladue Higbee, b. in Brook- lyn, N.Y., Dec. 14, 1879. Resides in Bloomfield, N.J. 254. Annie Minnie^ Brooks (Asa^, Roxa^ Jonas^, Solo- mon^), b. in West Cambridge, Mass., Sept. 7, 1858, daughter of Asa Brooks and Hannah (Condon) Brooks; m. Jan. 16, 1878, George L. Pierce, b. in Quincy, Mass. He is a direct descendant, on the maternal side, of Priscilla and John Alden. Children born in Arlington, Mass.: i. Charles L., b. March 28, 1879. ii. Clara E., b. Feb. 3, 1882. %55. Asa Foster^ Brooks (Asa^, Roxa^, Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in West Cambridge, Mass., May 23, 1861, son of Asa Brooks and Hannah (Condon) Brooks; m. Jan. 5, 1881, Lilla F. Hamilton, b. Feb. 16, 1861. He d. in Arlington, Mass., Dec. 5, 1908. Children born in Arlington, Mass.: i. Charlotte Olive, b. Aug. 14, 1883; m. June 29, 1910, Miles Standish Wentworth. Resides in Belmont, Mass. FIFTH GENERATION 95 424. ii. Alice Hamilton, b. April 23, 1886. iii. Hannah Belle, b. Nov. 10, 1890. 256. Nellie A.^ Brooks (George*, Roxa^, Jonas^ Solomon^), b. in Keene, N.H., Aug. 28, 1853, daughter of George T. Brooks and Rectina (Newton) Brooks; m. May 12, 1872, William H. Lewis. She d. in Cleveland, Ohio, Nov. 16, 1899. Children bom in Cleveland: 425. i. Effie, b. Dec. 6, 1873. ii. Nettie, b. Nov. 29, 1876; m. March 28, 1903, Ora Hub- bard, iii. Benjamin, b. April, 1880. 425a. iv. Anna May, b. May 6, 1883. 257. Fred Asa^ Brooks (George*, Roxa^, Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in West Cambridge, Mass., Nov. 3, 1863, son of George T. Brooks and Rectina (Newton) Brooks; m. Nov. 24, 1897, Bertha Peck, of Kingsville, Ohio. They reside in Rock Creek, Ohio. Children born in Kingsville: i. Bertha Josephine, b. July 12, 1899. ii. Frederick Warren, b. May 15, 1904. 258. Herbert P.^ Brooks (George*, Roxa', Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in Cleveland, Ohio, Nov. 11, 1866, son of George T. Brooks and Rectina (Newton) Brooks; m. first, Sept. 28, 1893, Geraldine Boys. She d. October, 1900. Child: Alberta, b. in Cleveland, May 23, 1895. 259. Charles Edgar^ Keniston (Eliza*, Ebenezer^, Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in West Cambridge, Mass., Dec. 1, 1849, son of Eliza (Peirce) Keniston and Charles Keniston; m. first, June 23, 1870, Addie J. Dunn, b. in Auburn, Me., March 21, 1850, d. in Somerville, Mass., Oct. 5, 1871. He m. second, Sept. 15, 1874^ Sarah Elvira Hayward, b. in Boston, May 26, 1855. Children born in Somerville: 426. i. Charles Edgar, Jr., b. Feb. 20, 1876. ii. Ralph Hayward, b. July 5, 1883; m. May 28, 1911, Florence Robinson. He was graduated from Harvard 96 DESCENDANTS OF SOLOMON PEIRCE College, class of 1904. Has taught in Colby College, Maine, and was an instructor in Harvard College. He has now a position in Spain for the Hispanic Library of New York City. 260. Henry Oscar^ Keniston (Eliza^, Ebenezer^, Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in West Cambridge, Mass., Dec. 1, 1849, son of Eliza Keniston and Charles Keniston; m. Jan. 14, 1875, Lillian M. Tozier, b. in Waterville, Me., Jan. 30, 1853. He d. in Peabody, Mass., April 1, 1887. Children born in Peabody: i. Ethel May, b. April 27, 1879. (See Paragraph 426.) ii. Blanche Colby, b. July 7, 1884; m. Dec. 15, 1909, John K. Farrar, of East Corinth, Me. 261. Elmer Damon^ Swain (Emily*, Ebenezer^, Jonas^, Solo- mon^), b. in West Cambridge, Mass., June 11, 1854, son of Emily (Peirce) Swain and Benjamin Damon Swain; m. Aug. 30, 1874, Isabella McGregor, b. in Maiden, Mass., March 13, 1856. Re- sides in Melrose, Mass. Children : 427. i. Charles Elmer, b. in Everett, June 21, 1875. ii. Emily Jane, b. Sept. 2, 1876; d. Nov. 29, 1899. 428. iii. Lizzie Peirce, b. in Melrose, Dec. 20, 1878. 429. iv. Nettie Adelaide, b. in Chelsea, Dec. 26, 1880. V. Alexander Damon, b. April 12, 1882; d. Dec. 9, 1882. vi. Harrie Andrew, b. Dec. 7, 1884; d. Sept. 20, 1894. vii. Arthur Robert, b. in Natick, Mass., January, 1887. viii. Alfred Everett, b. in Natick, January, 1888. 262. Otis Walton^ Swain (Frances*, Ebenezer^, Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in Charlestown, Mass., June 12, 1863, son of Frances Adelaide (Peirce) and Benjamin Damon Swain; m. Oct. 6, 1883, Mabel Frances Lowe, b. in Chelsea, Mass., March 2, 1864. Resides in Everett, Mass. Child: 430. Walter Otis, b. in Everett, July 10, 1884. 263. Sarah M.^ Corliss (Melinda*, Sarah^ Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in West Cambridge, Mass., Jan. 13, 1844, daughter of Melinda FIFTH GENERATION 97 (Grant) Corliss and Elijah Corliss; m. Nov. 26, 1868, Coburn S. Smith, b. in Rockland, Me., Dec. 20, 1843. Resides in Billerica, Mass. Coburn S. Smith enlisted at Boxford, Mass., Oct. 31, 1862, as private in Co. G, 47th Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteers. He served nine months in New Orleans and vicinity, was mustered out at expiration of service, Sept. 1, 1863. He re-enlisted in Bille- rica, Mass., Feb. 9, 1864, for three years in Co. D, 59th Reg- iment, Massachusetts Volunteers. April 26, 1864, he was sent to Washington, Col. Ezra Palmer Gould commanding his regiment. He participated in the battle of the Wilderness and many other minor engagements, the siege of Petersburg and vicinity, and finally the fall of Petersburg, April 3, 1865. June 20, 1865, the 59th Regiment consolidated with the 57th Regiment. On July 30, 1865, they were mustered out of service by reason of the close of the war. Coburn S. Smith was promoted to first sergeant July 31, 1864, and to first lieutenant March 25, 1865. "He was always to be found at his post of duty, bearing a loyal part in many battles, achieving a gallant record as a brave soldier and eflBcient officer." Children born in Billerica: i. Oscar Perry,) ^ i t i r.^ iown .. ^ '> Twins, b. July 24, 1870. 431. 11. Fred Corliss,) 432. iii. Arthur Coburn, b. Nov. 13, 1887. 264. Charles Oscar^ Corliss (Melinda*, Sarah^, Jonas*, Solomon^), b. in West Cambridge, Mass., May 3, 1845, son of Melinda (Grant) Corliss and Elijah Corliss; m. July, 1874, Caroline Hartford, of Billerica. He d. Oct. 10, 1904. Child: Dudley Emerson, b. in Billerica, Mass., Aug. 26, 1881. 265. Franklin H.^ Haynes (Harriet*, Sarah^ Jonas^, Solo- mon^), b. in Oxford, N.Y., 1850, son of Harriet Maria (Grant) Haynes and Charles E. Haynes; m. 1879 Laura Wheeler, b. in Maine, 1855. Resides in Lowell, Mass. 98 DESCENDANTS OF SOLOMON PEIRCE Children born in Lowell : 433. i. Etta Maria, b. 1880. ii. Leon, b. 1887. 266. Edwin Mead^ Haynes (Harriet^, Sarah^, Jonas^, Solo- mon^), b. in Oxford, N.Y., 1851, son of Harriet Maria (Grant) Haynes and Charles C. Haynes; m. 1893 Sarah Montgomery, b. in New York. They reside in Greene, N.Y. Children born in Greene, N.Y. : i. Harriet Anna, b. 1894. ii. Charles Ray, b. 1898. 267. Anjie^ Wellington (Emeline*, Thomas^, Jonas^, Solo- mon^), b. in West Cambridge, Mass., July 8, 1865, daughter of Emeline (Peirce) Wellington and William F. Wellington; m. Oct. 20, 1892, James O. Holt, b. March 28, 1867. Resides in Arlington. Children born in Arlington, Mass. : i. Harriet F., b. Sept. 7, 1893. Class of 1915, Wellesley College, ii. Osgood W., b. July 12, 1895. 268. Harrie Winn^ Peirce (Leander^, Thomas^, Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in Arlington, Mass., Aug. 30, 1872, son of Leander Peirce and Sarah C. (Winn) Peirce; m. Oct. 26, 1908, Josephine Davidson, of Arlington Heights, Mass. He was graduated from Harvard Veterinary School in 1900. Resides in Medford, Mass. Child: Barbara, b. Sept. 8, 1909. 269. Laurence L.^ Peirce (Leander*, Thomas^ Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in Arlington, Mass., May 24, 1876, son of Leander Peirce and Sarah C. (Winn) Peirce; m. Feb. 8, 1899, Marion Kimball, b. Oct. 22, 1879. He was graduated from Harvard Veterinary School in 1898. Resides in Arlington. Children born in Arlington, Mass. : i. Laurence L., Jr., b. Nov. 9, 1899. ii. Albert K., b. July 10, 1901. iii. David Leander, b. May 13, 1904. FIFTH GENERATION 99 270. Walter Horace^ Peirce (Benjamin'*, John^ Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in West Cambridge, Mass., July 1, 1860, son of Benjamin Horace Peirce and Abbie L. (Russell) Peirce; m. Jan. 10, 1889, Clara Schwamb, b. in West Cambridge, Jan. 20, 1861. He is treasurer of the Peirce & Winn Coal Company. Resides in Arlington. Children born in Arlington, Mass. : i. Ida Francena, b. May 1, 1891. Graduated from Welles- ley College in 1912. ii. Walter Theodore, b. July 20, 1900. 271. Benjamin Locke^ Peirce (Benjamin*, John^, Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in West Cambridge, Mass., Oct. 19, 1861, son of Benjamin Horace Peirce and Abbie L. (Russell) Peirce; m. in Brookline, Mass., Feb. 17, 1890, Louisa Weinstein, b. Dec. 11, 1869. Resides in Brookline. Children born in Brookline, Mass. : i. Alfred Benjamin, b. Dec. 21, 1891. ii. George William, b. May 14, 1895. 272. Charles Appleton^ Peirce (Benjamin*, John', Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in Woburn, Mass., June 1, 1869, son of Benjamin Horace Peirce and Abbie L. (Russell) Peirce; m. in Arlington, Sept. 25, 1894, Laura Eugenia Hobbs, b. in Arlington, Mass., Sept. 19, 1870. He is a market gardener, and resides in Arlington Heights. Children born in Arlington Heights, Mass. : i. Marion Appleton, b. Nov. 30, 1898. ii. Clifford Munroe, b. Jan. 22, 1903; d. Jan. 25, 1903. iii. Roger Munroe, b. Aug. 21, 1905. iv. Clarence Frost, b. July 18, 1908. V. Charles Horace, b. Aug. 13, 1910. 273. Herbert Russell^ Peirce (Benjamin*, John', Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in Stoneham, Mass., July 12, 1879, son of Benjamin Horace Peirce and Abbie L. (Russell) Peirce; m. in Arlington, March 24, 1906, Edith Neilson Fay. He was graduated from 100 DESCENDANTS OF SOLOMON PEIRCE Tufts College in 1902, is a teacher in the Hackley School, and resides in Tarry to wn-on-Hudson, N.Y. Children born in Tarry town, N.Y. : i. Shelley Dexter, b. Sept. 4, 1908. ii. Temple Harold, b. May 24, 1910. 274. Amy Etta^ Bailey (Marietta*, John^ Jonas^ Solomon^), b. in West Cambridge, Mass., Dec. 13, 1863, daughter of Marietta (Peirce) Bailey and James A. Bailey; m. June 7, 1893, Peter Schwamb, Professor of Machine Design, Institute of Technology, Boston. He was b. in West Cambridge, Feb. 13, 1858, and was graduated from M. I. T. 1878. He was connected with M. I. T. for twenty-eight years, retiring in 1911. He is now treasurer of the Theodore Schwamb Piano Company in Arlington. He was chairman of the Board of Public Works in Arlington for ten years. Amy Etta Bailey was graduated from the School of Fine Arts, Boston, in 1886. They reside in Arlington. Children born in Arlington, Mass.: i. Amy Esther, b. April 30, 1896. ii. Theodore Alderson, ... T, I Twins, b. Dec. 18, 1898. lu. Edward Bailey, 275. James Alderson^ Bailey, Jr. (Marietta^ John^, Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in West Cambridge, Mass., March 25, 1867, son of Marietta (Peirce) Bailey and James A. Bailey; m. in Boston, Feb. 26, 1903, Helen Gage DoUiver, b. in Arlington, Mass., Sept. 22, 1870, daughter of Reuben W. Hopkins. James Alderson Bailey, Jr., was graduated from Harvard College in 1888 and Harvard Law School in 1891, was admitted to the bar in 1890, practising law in Boston. He was representative to the General Court 1894, 1895, and senator from the Third Middlesex District, 1897. Became chairman of Metropolitan Sewerage Commission, 1900, and in 1901 a member of the Consolidated Metropolitan Water and Sewerage Board. He was reappointed in 1904 by Governor Bates, in 1907 by Governor Guild, in 1910 by Governor Draper, In 1904 he was elected selectman in Arlington for three years. Resides in Arlington. FIFTH GENERATION 101 Children born in Arlington, Mass.: i. James Alderson, 3d, b. Dec. 6, 1903. ii. Edwahd Hopkins, b. Aug. 22, 1905. iii. Gage, b. April 26, 1907. iv. Helen Ruberta, b. April 15, 1911. 276. John Winslow^ Bailey (Marietta^, John^, Jonas^, Solo- mon^), b. in Arlington, Mass., Feb. 12, 1870, son of Marietta (Peirce) BaUey and James A. Bailey; m. in Methuen, Mass., Oct. 11, 1893, Florence H. White, b. in Methuen, Oct. 12, 1868. John Winslow Bailey received degree of D.D.S. from Boston Dental College in 1890 and D.M.D. from Tufts College Dental School, 1909. He is a practising dentist in Boston. Resides in Arlington, Mass. Children : i. John Winslow, Jr., b. in Melrose, Mass., Aug. 11, 1894. ii. WiLLARD Lincoln, b. in Ariington, July 1, 1897. iii. Ruth, b. in Arlington, Feb. 16, 1903. 277. Chester A.^ Morton (Marcus*, Amanda^, Jonas^ Solomon^), b. in Arlington, Mass., Aug. 21, 1872, son of Marcus Morton and Abby A. (Stearns) Morton; m. Oct. 17, 1894, Edith L. Ferreira, b. in East Boston, Jan. 26, 1870. Resides in West Newton, Mass. Child: Mildred, b. in West Newton, Jan. 2, 1896. 278. Arthur Lincoln^ Allen (Louisa*, Melinda^ Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in West Cambridge, Mass., Sept. 28, 1863, son of Anna Louisa (Ramsdell) Allen and William Henry Allen; m. in Gardiner, Me., Oct. 13, 1891, Bertha Caroline Partridge, b. in Gardiner, Me., Feb. 15, 1865. Arthur Lincoln Allen was gradu- ated from Harvard College in 1885 and Harvard Law School, 1888, practising law in Boston. He d. in Arlington, May 16, 1892. Child: Louise Lincoln, b. in Gardiner, Me., Aug. 1, 1892. 279. Abbot^ Allen (Louisa*, Melinda^, Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in Arlington, Mass., Oct. 31, 1867, son of Anna Louisa (Rams- 102 DESCENDANTS OF SOLOMON PEIRCE dell) Allen and William Henry Allen; m. in Gardiner, Me., Oct. 5, 1897, Winnie Etta Gifford, b. in Gardiner, Me., July 11, 1869. He is a market gardener, and resides in Arlington. Children born in Arlington, Mass.: i. Henry Vaughn, b. Sept. 3, 1898. ii. Laura Hildreth, b. Aug. 8, 1900. iii. Arthur, b. July 8, 1902. iv. Abbot, Jr., b. July 7, 1906. V. Gifford, b. Aug. 7, 1907. 279a. Herbert Francis^ Allen (Louisa^, Melinda^, Jonas^j Solomon^), b. in Arlington, Mass., Aug. 16, 1875, son of Anna Louisa (Ramsdell) Allen and William Henry Allen; m. April 18, 1911, Margaret Gertrude McGee, of Cambridge, Mass. He is a market gardener, and with his brother Abbot conducts an extensive farm in Arlington. Child: Dorothy Gertrude, b. in Arlington, Jan. 20, 1912. 280. Bertha Louisa^ Ramsdell (Henry^, Melinda^, Jonas'*, Solomon^), b. in Arlington, Mass., July 9, 1872, daughter of Thomas Henry Ramsdell and Harriet L. (Pitts) Ramsdell; m. in West Newton, Mass., March 18, 1903, Chester Brown Pratt, b. in Reading, Mass., June 17, 1869. Resides in West Newton. Child: Daniel Chester, b. in West Newton, Feb. 26, 1906. 281. Charles Henry^ Ramsdell (Henry^ Melinda^, Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in West Newton, Mass., Oct. 30, 1879, son of Thomas Henry Ramsdell and Harriet L. (Pitts) Ramsdell; m. in Chicago, 111., Dec. 27, 1905, Louise R. Atchinson. He is a land- scape architect. Resides in Minneapolis, Minn. Children: i. Thomas Emery, b. Oct. 30, 1906; d. Sept. 4, 1907. ii. Robert Charles, b. July 26, 1908. 282. Mary Ann^ Bartlett (Sarah^, Charles^, SamueP, Solomon^), b. Jan. 10, 1842, daughter of Sarah (Peirce) Bartlett and Edward Bartlett; m. 1862-63 Joseph Sala. FIFTH GENERATION 103 Children born in Lowell, Mass.: i. Caiv., b. . Last known in Montana. ii. Albertina, b. - ; d, in New York. ill. Edward, b. -; d. in Lowell. 283. Charles Edward^ Bartlett (Sarah*, Charles', SamueP, Solomon^), b. in Lowell, Mass., March 11, 1844, son of Sarah (Peirce) Bartlett and Edward Bartlett; m. June 1, 1867, Joan Gilmur, b. June 30, 1847. Charles Edward Bartlett enlisted at the outbreak of the Civil War, but, being under age, his father refused his consent. At eighteen years of age he again enlisted, and was mustered into the United States service at Lowell, Aug. 31, 1862, in Co. H, 6th Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteers. He participated in several engagements on the Blackwater River, including the siege of Suffolk, April 11, 1863, and was mustered out June, 1863. Re- sides in Roslindale, Mass. Children: 434. i, Jennie F., b. March 11, 1868. ii. Edward S., b. May 24, 1870; d. April 2, 1896. 435. iii. Grace May, b. July 30, 1875. 284. Clarabelle^ Pettigrew (Rosalie*, Charles', SamueP, Solomon^), b. in Newburyport, Mass., June 20, 1856, daughter of Rosalie Lunt (Peirce) Pettigrew and Albert S. Pettigrew; m. May 4, 1875, Joseph C. Richardson, b. in Newburyport, Sept. 6, 1841. He enlisted in Newburyport July 21, 1861, as first ser- geant in Co. A, 17th Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteers, serving through the war. Resides in Newburyport, Mass. Children born in Newburyport: i. Ella Florence, b. May 24, 1876. Resides in Ontario, Cal. ii. Annie Belle, b. June 26, 1878; m. June 15, 1904, Ernest Clarkson, b. in Newburyport, Dec. 16, 1869. Resides in South Lincoln, Mass. iii. Clement Swan, b. Dec. 31, 1894. 285. Lizzie Augusta^ Pettigrew (Rosalie*, Charles', Samuel^, Solomon^), b. in Newburyport, Mass., April 28, 1858, daughter of 104 DESCENDANTS OF SOLOMON PEIRCE Rosalie Lunt (Peirce) Pettigrew and Albert S. Pettigrew; m. Aug. 21, 1878, Joseph Newell Robinson, b. in Newburyport, Jan. 17, 1857. Resides in Newburyport, Mass. Children born in Newburyport : 436. i. Rosalie Lunt, b. Sept. 13, 1879. 437. ii. Edith Notes, b. March 12, 1888. 286. Lizzie Marion^ Peirce (John*, Charles^ SamueP, Solomon^), b. in Norton, Mass., Dec. 8, 1868, daughter of John Francis Peirce and Orlena L. (Wells) Peirce; in. Sept. 12, 1894, Alfred Lincoln Josselyn, of Foxboro, Mass. Resides in Taunton, Mass. Children: i. John Francis, b. in Foxboro, Jan. 6, 1899. ii. Marion Lincoln, b. in Taunton, Jan. 26, 1901. iii. Eleanor Mildred, b. in Taunton, Feb. 19, 1904. 287. Susie Ethel^ Hodge (Susan^ Charles^ SamueP, Solo- mon^), b. in Amesbury, Mass., March 23, 1871, daughter of Susan A. (Peirce) Hodge and Freeman E. Hodge; m. June 12, 1907, Everett Currier Brown, b. in New Hampton, N.H., Jan. 5, 1869. Resides in Franklin, Mass. Children born in Franklin : i. A son, b. and d. Sept. 28, 1910. ii. Susie Avis, b. June 3, 1912. 288. Edward Avery^ Hodge (Susan*, Charles', Samuel^, Solomon^), b. in Amesbury, Mass., Oct. 9, 1873, son of Susan A. (Peirce) Hodge and Freeman E. Hodge; m. July 23, 1895, Eva May Tibbetts, b. in Milton, N.H., May 10, 1875. Resides in Medford, Mass. Children : i. Bernice Gertrude, b. in Everett, April 21, 1896. ii. Freeman Edward, b. in Medford, Jan. 1, 1909. 289. Walter Powers^ Hodge (Susan*, Charles^ SamueP, Solomon^), b. in Amesbury, Mass., Sept. 27, 1875, son of Susan A. (Peirce) Hodge and Freeman E. Hodge; m. Jan. 9, 1879, FIFTH GENERATION 105 Bertha Linwood Townsend, b. in Taunton, Mass., Dec. 20, 1878. Resides in Amesbury, Mass. Children born in Amesbury: i. Linwood Russell, b. Oct. 5, 1897. ii. Herbert Peirce, b. May 26, 1905. 290. Bertha Louise^ Hodge (Susan*, Charles^, SamueP, Solomon^), b. in Amesbury, Mass., Sept. 7, 1880, daughter of Susan A. (Peirce) Hodge and Freeman E. Hodge; m. in Ames- bury, June 6, 1906, Walter Lee Kincaid, b. in Hartland, Me., Nov. 19, 1879. Resides in Bar Harbor, Me. Children : i. Foster Lee, b. in Haverhill, Mass., May 24, 1909. ii. Walter Edward, b. in Bar Harbor, Me., June 15, 1911. 291. George Edward^ Thorndike (Edward*, Charles^ Sam- ueP, Solomon^), b. in Cambridge, Mass., Sept. 28, 1860, son of Edward Thorndike and Abigail S. (Fogg) Thorndike; m. Aug. 21, 1893, Pauline Knoblock, b. in Wisconsin, March 23, 1867. Resides in Long Beach, Cal. Children : i. Frank Edward, b. in Denver, Jan. 12, 1895. ii. Vera Abigail, b. in Denver, Sept. 28, 1897. iii. George Frederick, b. in Denver, June 16, 1904. iv. Stephen Fogg, b. in Los Angeles, Aug. 24, 1907. 292. Grace Marion^ Thorndike (Edward*, Charles', Samuel'^, Solomon^), b. in Cambridge, Mass., Aug. 30, 1863, daughter of Edward Thorndike and Abigail S. (Fogg) Thorndike; m. June 1, 1886, Charles William Kendall, b. in Wlnchendon, Mass., July 22, 1863. Resides in Short Creek, W. Va. Child: William Thorndike, b. May 19, 1887; d. April 7, 1893. 293. Frank Peirce^ Nichols (Mary*, Samuel, Jr.', SamueP, Solomon^), b. in Chelsea, Mass., Oct. 20, 1858, son of Mary Ann (Peirce) Nichols and Benjamin F. Nichols; m. Oct. 10, 1883, Ida M. Mathews, b. in Roxbury, Mass., Jan. 5, 1865. Resides in Everett, Mass. 106 DESCENDANTS OF SOLOMON PEIRCE Children born in Everett: 437a. i. Amy Loretta, b. Sept. 3, 1884. ii. Florence May, b. May 3, 1886. ill. Frank Peirce, Jr., b. July 26, 1888. iv. Clara Mildred, b. Aug. 30, 1894. V. Chester Alvin, b. Dec. 16, 1896. 294. Edward Everett^ Nichols (Mary*, Samuel, Jr.^, SamueP, Solomon^), b. in Chelsea, Mass., June 9, 1861, son of Mary Ann (Peirce) Nichols and Benjamin F. Nichols; m. Aug. 10, 1882, Mary E. Cushing, b. in Boston, July 4, 1854. Resides in Maiden, Mass. Children : i. Albert Everett, b. in Everett, Mass., May 24, 1883. ii. Eva Lillian, b. in Everett, Mass., Aug. 15, 1885; d. Dec. 11, 1889. iii. Ralph Irvin, b. in Everett, Mass., March 2, 1889. iv. Maud Ethel, b. in Maiden, Mass., July 12, 1891. 295. Frank^ Hathaway (Sarah*, John^ SamueP, Solomon^), b. Sept. 8, 1852, son of Sarah F. (Peirce) Hathaway and James D. Hathaway; m. June 14, 1876, Martha N. Sprague. Child: Arvilla M., b. Nov. 28, 1880. 296. LucY^ Hathaway (Sarah*, John^, SamueP, Solomon^), b. March 7, 1854, daughter of Sarah A. (Peirce) Hathaway and James D. Hathaway; m. Dec. 21, 1874, Edward Reynolds. They are both dead, but no dates obtained. Child: Frank A., b. 1875. Resides in New York City. 297. George Albert^ Teel (Susan*, Susannah^, SamueP, Solomon^), b. in Arlington, Mass., April 29, 1854, son of Susan Peirce (Floyd) Teel and Albert L. Teel; m. in Somerville, Mass., Oct. 25, 1876, Emily A. Russell. Resides in Arlington, Mass. Children born in Arlington: 438. i. Edith Russell, b. April 16, 1879. ii. Alice Evelyn, b. July 2, 1883. FIFTH GENERATION 107 298. Nellie Gertrude^ Teel (Susan*, Susannah^, SamueP, Solomon^), b. in Arlington, Mass., Feb. 7, 1861, daughter of Susan Peirce (Floyd) Teel and Albert L. Teel; m. in Arlington, Sept. 14, 1881, Harry Elmer Shepard. Resides in Hollywood, Cal. Children born in Arlington, Mass. : i. Elmer, b. June 5, 1883; d. June 14, 1883. 438a. ii. Marion Leslie, b. Oct. 16, 1886. 299. Ella G.^ Metcalf (William^ Anna^ SamueP, Solomon^), b. Sept. 12, 1855, daughter of William Peirce Metcalf and Harriet M. (Gardiner) Metcalf; m. Dec. 11, 1878, Arthur B. Moorhouse, b. Feb. 8, 1854. Resides in Medford, Mass. Child: Helen W., b. Aug. 30, 1887. 299a. Willis E.^ Ordway (Phebe*, Anna^, SamueP, Solomon^), b. April 19, 1865, son of Phebe A. (Metcalf) Ordway and John C. Ordway; m. Jan. 25, 1897, Nellie E. Guibard. Child: Maurice, b. Feb. 16, 1905. 300. Nellie E.^ Ordway (Phebe*, Anna^ SamueP, Solomon^), b. Dec. 12, 1867, daughter of Phebe A. (Metcalf) Ordway and John C. Ordway; m. April 29, 1886, Ernest A. Peabody. Resides in Milford, N.H. Children: i. Hazel A., b. March 14, 1887. ii. Helen M., b. Nov. 24, 1890. iii. Pauline, b. Jan. 28, 1905, 301. Lena G.^ Ordway (Phebe*, Anna^ SamueP, Solomon^, b. Jan. 21, 1882, daughter of Phebe A. (Metcalf) Ordway and John C. Ordway; m. June 23, 1903, Waldo S. Clement. Resides in Newburg, N.Y. Children : i. Percival Ellsworth, b. in Wilton, N.H., Oct. 27, 1904. ii. Dorothy Evelyn, b. in Newburg, N.Y., Jan. 26, 1911. 108 DESCENDANTS OF SOLOMON PEIRCE 302. Louis Wallace^ Cummings (Louisa*, James^ SamueP, Solomon^, b. May 23, 1876, son of Louisa M. B. (Peirce) and William H. Cummings; m. in Medford, Mass., Oct. 14, 1908, Edith Stearns Taylor. Resides in Medford. Child: Charles Taylor, b. July 25, 1909. 303. Mary Amber^ Peirce (James*, James^, SamueP, Solo- mon^), b. Sept. 7, 1874, daughter of James Everett Peirce and Rebecca Almira (Dow) Peirce; m. Sept. 30, 1896, William Gavin Taylor, b. Sept. 1, 1872. Resides in Waterbury, Conn. Children : i. Doris, b. July 11, 1897. ii. Gavin Peirce, b. Nov. 8, 1898. iii. WiLHELMiNA, b. May 7, 1903. 304. Lesbia Alma^ Peirce (James*, James^, SamueP, Solo- mon^), b. March 22, 1878, daughter of James Everett Peirce and Rebecca Almira (Dow) Peirce; m. Jan. 22, 1902, Edwin Lincoln Joyce. Resides in Medford, Mass. Children born in Medford: i. Avery Lincoln, b. Sept. 9, 1903. ii. Marshall Woodside, b. March 12, 1912. 305. Susan Elizabeth^ Teel (James*, Mary^, Abijah^, Solo- mon^), b. in Winchendon, Mass., March 31, 1885, daughter of James Eustis Teel and Emma Stearns Teel; m. Nov. 10, 1903, Ernest R. Jones, b. Jan. 1, 1881, d. by accidental drowning, Aug. 7, 1905. Child: Roy Stanley, b. in Winchendon, May 24, 1904. 306. Henry George^ Teel (George*, Mary^ Abijah^, Solo- mon^), b. Feb. 11, 1883, son of George Ruel Teel and Caroline Z. (Le Fevre) Teel; m. in North Abington, Mass., June 26, 1907, Blanche E. Whitney, of North Abington. Resides in North Abing- ton, Mass. Child: Marjorie, b. in North Abington, Feb. 12, 1911. FIFTH GENERATION 109 307. Warren J. B.^ Evans (Elmira*, Elmira^ Betsey^ Solo- mon^), b. in Lexington, Mass., 1837, son of Elmira R, (Locke) Evans and Jeremiah Evans; m. in Charlestown, Mass., Oct. 18, 1865, Mary Fagan. He d. in Charlestown, May 9, 1871. Child: Mary Eliza, b. in Charlestown, May 15, 1867; m. in Maiden, Mass., Nov. 12, 1885, Bertram I. Putnum. Resides in Everett, Mass. 308. Charles A.^ Gould (Elmira*, Elmira^ Betsey'^, Solo- mon^), b. in Lexington, Mass., April 18, 1851, son of Elmira R. (Locke) Gould and Jeremiah P. Gould; m. in Charlestown, Jan. 23, 1878, Annie McCormack. Children born in Charlestown, Mass.: i. Joseph L., b. Aug. 6, 1881. ii. Charles N., b. Aug. 8, 1885. 309. 1VL4.RY L.^ Gould (ElmiraS Elmi^a^ Betsey^, Solomon^), b. in Lexington, Mass., Oct. 5, 1853, daughter of Elmira R. (Locke) Gould and Jeremiah P. Gould; m. first, in Charlestown, Mass., Nov. 28, 1872, Edward J. Reed; m. second, April 17, 1888, Josiah O. Paul. Resides in Everett, Mass. Two children born, one by each husband. Children : i. Charles E, Reed, b. Sept. 12, 1875. Resides in Win- chester, Mass. ii. Ei^ie V. Paul, b. March 26, 1892. 310. Lenora F.^ Cummings (Frances*, Elmira^, Betsey^, Solomon^), b. in Lexington, Mass., Aug. 25, 1849, daughter of Frances A. (Locke) Cummings and Loring Cummings; m. Arza F. Weeks. Resides in Falmouth, Mass. Child: Lewis C, b. in Falmouth, May 31, 1875; m. Oct. 11, 1897, Mary F. David, He was graduated from Harvard Veterinary School in 1897, and practises in Falmouth, Mass. 310a. Francis W.^ Divoll (Mary^, Elmu-a^ Betsey^, SolomonO, b. in Lancaster, Mass., Sept. 21, 1845, son of Mary R. (Locke) 110 DESCENDANTS OF SOLOMON PEIRCE DivoU and Edward Divoll; m. May 15, 1875, Sarah J. Sage. He d. Jan. 28, 1903. Child: Hakry Walfobd, b. Jan. 21, 1877; d. July 28, 1901. 311. George Dana^ Divoll (Mary*, Elmira*, Betsey 2, Solo- mon^), b. Aug. 12, 1847, son of Mary R. (Locke) Divoll and Edward W. Divoll; m. Nov. 30, 1875, Elizabeth Dutton; d. July 28, 1901. Children : i. George Ernest, b. Oct. 21, 1876; m. April 22, 1902, Ella Smith, ii. Grace Maud, b. Sept. 23, 1878; d. January, 1879. iii. Mabel Lyle, b. May 4, 1881 ; m. Feb. 19, 1910, George Livingstone Parmenter. 312. Etta A.^ Divoll (Mary^ Elmira^, Betsey^, Solomon^, b. April 12, 1853, daughter of Mary R. (Locke) Divoll and Ed- ward W. Divoll; m. Jan. 1, 1886, Frederick Jerauld. Child: Wesley F., b. Nov. 12, 1889. 313. Carrie M.^ Divoll (Mary*, Elmira^, Betsey^, Solomon^), b. June 7, 1855, daughter of Mary R. (Locke) Divoll and Edward W. Divoll; m. Nov. 30, 1882, Henry Safford. Children : i. Fred E., b. Oct. 8, 1883; d. Feb. 22, 1885. ii. Ervin H., ) Twins, b. Aug. 11, 1886. Ervin d. Feb. 5, iii. Ethel B., ) 1891. Ethel d. April 8, 1887. iv. Clifton H., b. Sept. 29, 1892. v. EsTUS E., b. July 28, 1894. 314. Austin R.^ Divoll (Mary*, Elmira^ Betsey^ Solomon^), b. Aug. 6, 1861, son of Mary R. (Locke) Divoll and Edward W. Divoll; m. Dec. 25, 1889, Mary F. Richardson. Child: Ethel, b. Sept. 12, 1891. FIFTH GENERATION 111 315. EsTus E.5 DivoLL (Ma^y^ Elmi^a^ Betsey^, Solomon^, b. April 1, 1864, son of Mary R. (Locke) Divoll and Edward W. Divoll; m. May 24, 1892, Anna May Croft, b. Jan. 4, 1873. Children : i. Stanley Waldo, b. Sept. 1, 1893; d. April 21, 1896. ii. Grace Helen, b. Jan. 20, 1895. iii. Marian May, b. May 10, 1896. iv. Lawrence E., b. Oct. 14, 1897. V. Myrtie Marie, b. May 9, 1902. vi. Evelyn Lyle, b. June 27, 1911. 316. Adelaide E.^ Locke (Eliza^, Elmira^ Betsey-, Solomon^)^ b. in Lexington, Mass., June 12, 1846, daughter of Eliza S. (Locke) Locke and Otis Locke, Jr.; m. in Charlestown, July 11, 1867, W. Bowman Cutter, d. December, 1906. She resides in Dorchester, Mass. Children born in Somerville, Mass. : 439. i. Grace Mabel, b. Jan. 5, 1873. 439a. ii. George Olin, b. Sept. 21, 1880. 317. Susan E.^ Locke (Eliza*, Elmira^ Betsey^, Solomon^), b. in Lexington, Mass., Aug. 1, 1850, daughter of Eliza S. (Locke) Locke and Otis Locke, Jr.; m. in Charlestown, March 4, 1873, Frederick W. Brazier. Children born in Charlestown, Mass.: 439b. i. Frederick O., b. Dec. 25, 1873. 439c. ii. Mabel E., b. Feb. 26, 1887. 318. Caroline A. L.^ Locke (Eliza*, Elmira^, Betsey^, Solo- mon^), b. in Charlestown, May 12, 1860, daughter of Eliza S. (Locke) Locke and Otis Locke, Jr.; m. in Somerville, Mass., Aug. 6, 1883, George Perkins. Resides in Somerville, Mass. Children born in Somerville: i. Ethel I., b. May 7, 1884. ii. Irma a., b. July 22, 1891. 319. F. W.5 Pease (Rebecca*, Elmira^, Betsey^, Solomon^), b. in Waltham, Mass., Nov. 2, 1853, son of Rebecca A. (Locke) Pease 112 DESCENDANTS OF SOLOMON PEIRCE and B. F. Pease; m. first, April, 1872, Carrie Goodrich; m. second, in Lowell, Mass., Oct. 7, 1894, Annette M. Carter. He d. Dec. 17, 1910. She resides in Concord, N.H. Child: Frederick W., b. Jan. 28, 1873. 320. Louisa M.^ Pease (Rebecca^ Elmira^ Betsey^, Solo- mon^), b. in Boston, July 30, 1860, daughter of Rebecca A. (Locke) Pease and B. F. Pease; m. in Boston, July 30, 1882, D. B. Barms. Resides in Jamaica Plain, Mass. Children born in Boston: 440. i. Lewis F., b. Sept. 15, 1883. ii. Irene E., b. April, 1888; m. June 23, 1904, Warren Clark. 321. Lottie M.^ Locke (Amos^, Elmira^, Betsey^, Solomon^), b. in Harvard, Mass., May 8, 1863, daughter of Amos R. Locke and Maria A. (Stoddard) Locke; m. in Ashburnham, Mass., Sept. 17, 1882, Carroll A. Williams. Resides in Gardner, Mass. Children born in South Ashburnham, Mass.: i. Auline R., b. April 11, 1884; d. Aug. 13, 1897. ii. Edna A., b. Oct. 28, 1885; m. June 20, 1910, Harold F. Fay, of Rutland, Mass. 440a. iii. Arthur A., b. Feb. 22, 1887. iv. Addie H., b. Oct. 24, 1888. V. Ethelyn E., b. March 21, 1890. Graduated from Gush- ing Academy, and is a teacher at Westminster, Mass. vi. Adin C, b. Aug. 6, 1892; d. March 14, 1893. vii. Caryl M., b. Feb. 6, 1904. 322. Addie E.^ Locke (Amos*, Elmira', Betsey^, Solomon^), b. in Ashburnham, Mass., Dec. 16, 1866, daughter of Amos R. Locke and Maria A. (Stoddard) Locke; m. in Ashburnham, Jan. 5, 1885, Alfred G. Sanborn. Resides in South Ashburnham, Mass. Children born in South Ashburnham: i. Grace A., b. Oct. 8, 1885; d. Feb. 13, 1886. ii. Alice M., b. July 22, 1895; d. July 26, 1895. 323. Carrie L.^ Crawford (Susan*, Elmira^, Betsey^, Solo- mon^), b. in Lexington, Mass., Oct. 16, 1855, daughter of Susan FIFTH GENERATION 113 A. (Locke) Crawford and James Crawford; m. in Maiden, Mass., Nov. 25, 1873, Howard Kettell. Resides in Maiden, Mass. Children born in Saugus, Mass.: i. Geohge H., b. Jan. 8, 1879. ii. Hattie C, b. Feb. 28, 1884. 324. George H.^ Crawford (Susan^, Elmira-^, Betsey^, Solo- mon^), b. in Maiden, Mass., Dec. 12, 1858, son of Susan A. (Locke) Crawford and James Crawford; m. in Saugus, Mass., Oct. 25, 1884, Annie Jones. Resides in Melrose, Mass. Child: Annie B., b. in Everett, Mass., Jan. 25, 1890. 325. Herbert E.^ Crawford (Susan*, Elmira', Betsey^, Solomon^), b. in Maiden, Mass., April 19, 1864, son of Susan A. (Locke) Crawford and James Crawford; m. in Maiden, Aug. 10, 1887, Ella S. Clark. Resides in Maiden, Mass. Children born in Maiden: 440b. i. Mabel C, b. Oct. 4, 1888. ii. Ethel, b. Feb. 9, 1890. iii. Florence, b. July 1, 1891. iv. James H., b. June 8, 1894. V. Grace, b. Dec. 4, 1896. vi. George D., b. July 8, 1898. vii. Harold E b. May 30, 1899. viii. Lester G., b. Sept. 16, 1900. ix. Ruth Evelyn, b. July 20, 1907. 326. Emma E.^ Crawford (Susan*, Elmira^, Betsey^, Solo- mon^), b. in Maiden, Mass., Nov. 28, 1866, daughter of Susan A. (Locke) Crawford and James Crawford; m. in Everett, Mass., Feb. 27, 1890, Albert P. Wells. Resides in Maiden, Mass. Children born in Maiden: i. Ernest W., b. Dec. 18, 1890. ii. Flora A., b. Nov. 20, 1893. iii. Helen C, b. Oct. 9, 1897. iv. Edith M., b. July 4, 1899. V. WiNSLOW P., b. June 10, 1901. vi. Bertha C, b. Feb. 23, 1903. vii. Emma Beatrice, b. Feb. 25, 1910. 114 DESCENDANTS OF SOLOMON PEIRCE 326a. Florence G.^ Crawford (Susan*, Elmira', Betsey^, Solomon^), b. in Maiden, Mass., Aug. 13, 1869, daughter of Susan A. (Locke) Crawford and James Crawford; m. Walter Caswell, of Everett. Resides in Everett, Mass. Child: MiLDRETH Gertrude, b. in Maiden, Mass., April 7, 1908. 327. Fred M.^ Locke (William^ Elmira^, Betsey^, Solomon^), b. in Lexington, Mass., May 1, 1859, son of William M. Locke and Adelaide (Merriam) Locke; m. in Maiden, July 21, 1883, Elizabeth Wilson. Resides in Waltham, Mass. Children born in Waltham: i. Florence, b. July 26, 1886. ii. Fred, b. March 28, 1893. 328. Cora L.^ Locke (George*, Elmira^, Betsey^, Solomon^), b. in South Boston, Jan. 21, 1866, daughter of George W. Locke and Lizzie M. (Sanborn) Locke; m. in South Boston, May 28, 1894, Lucius Merrill. Resides in Detroit, Mich. Children : i. Marion L., b. in Wentworth, N.H., March 30, 1897. ii. Robert L., b. in Mansfield, Mass., Oct. 26, 1900. 329. Clara G.^ Locke (George*, Elmira^ Betsey^, Solomon^), b. in South Boston, Sept. 5, 1874, daughter of George W. Locke and Lizzie M. (Sanborn) Locke; m. in South Boston, April 2, 1902, Lyman Hapgood, M.D. Dr. Hapgood was graduated from Harvard College in 1897 and from Harvard Medical School in 1901. He is a practising phy- sician in Cambridge, Mass. Resides in Cambridge. Child: Richard L., b. in Cambridge, Aug. 18, 1903. 330. John Hibbard^ Fifield (Elizabeth*, Betsey^, Betsey^, Solomon^), b. in Charlestown (now Winchester, Mass.), Dec. 1, 1837, son of Elizabeth R. (Locke) Fifield and Daniel Fifield; m. in Charlestown, Dec. 21, 1859, Henrietta Lunt, b. in Danvers, FIFTH GENERATION 115 Mass., Jan. 4, 1837, d, in Maiden, Aug. 8, 1904. He d. in Maiden, July 3, 1911. Children born in Maiden: i. Waldo Sherwood, b. Jan. 9, 1862; d. Jan. 15, 1865. ii. Milton Seymour, b. March 1, 1866; m. in Boston, June 2, 1892, Corrine Eddy Standish, a direct descendant of Miles Standish. Resides in Springfield, Mass. 441. iii. Edith May, b. April 30, 1873. 331. Walter Wyman^ Locke (Adeline*, Betsey^, Betsey', Solomon^), b. June 13, 1852, son of Adeline Matilda (Locke) Locke and Daniel Wyman Locke; m. June 1, 1882, Augusta Ger- trude Boynton. Child: 442. Walter Ronald, b. Feb. 13, 1883. 332. Lewis Oliver^ Locke (Jonathan*, Betsey^ Betsey'^, Solomon^), b. in Winchester, Mass., Oct. 9, 1866, son of Jona- than Locke and Abbie Louise (Keating) Locke; m. March 15, 1903, Dorothy Ivy Fisher, of Cambridge, Mass. Children: i. Marjorie, b. Oct. 30, 1906; d. Dec. 6, 1906. ii. Warren Fisher, b. July 28, 1908. 333. Lester Fuller^ Smith (Frances*, Betsey^ Betsey', Solomon^), b. in Winchester, Mass., July 26, 1869, son of Frances L. (Locke) Smith and Josiah Locke Smith; m. Dec. 24, 1903, Mary Florence Cox, b. in Cambridge, Mass., Dec. 7, 1870. Re- sides in Winchester. Child: Ellsworth ELiPHALET,b. Oct. 19, 1904; d. Oct. 22, 1904. 334. Wilmer Eustis^ Smith (Frances*, Betsey^, Betsey', Solomon^, b. in Winchester, Mass., Oct. 29, 1871, son of Frances L. (Locke) Smith and Josiah Locke Smith; m. Oct. 28, 1896, Elsie Adelaide Cox (sister of Mary Florence Cox), b. in Cam- bridge, Mass., Sept. 13, 1876. Resides in Winchester, Mass. 116 DESCENDANTS OF SOLOMON PEIRCE Children born in Winchester: i, Percy Adelbert, b. Sept. 15, 1897. ii. Hazel Jewell, b. Oct. 8, 1898. iii. Mildred Newton, b. April 23, 1902. 335. Ellen E.^ Baker (Eliza,* Lucetta^ Betsey^, Solomon^) ^ b. Nov. 26, 1855, daughter of Eliza Ann (Hutchinson) Baker and H. W. Baker; m. June 26, 1879, P. B. S. Thayer. Resides in Somerville, Mass. Child: Shelly E., b. Aug. 21, 1881. 336. Edwin Parker^ Hutchinson (Oliver*, Lucetta', Betsey^, Solomon^), b. March 14, 1851, son of Oliver R. Hutchinson and Ruth G. (Way) Hutchinson; m. Feb. 18, 1870, Elizabeth Gove. He d. March 1, 1877. Children: 443. i. Edna Ruth, b. Dec. 11, 1870. 444. ii. Lillian W., b. June 1, 1877. 337. Alonzo H.^ Blood (Lydia*, Lucetta^, Betsey^, Solomon^), b. Aug. 16, 1849, son of Lydia L. (Hutchinson) Blood and Cyrus W. Blood; m. September, 1871, Mary E. Curtis, b. in Quincy, Mass., d. in Neponset, Mass., Jan. 25, 1906. Resides in New York City. Children : 445. i. Alonzo Curtis, b. Nov. 10, 1872. ii. Richard Henry, b. July 10, 1874; m. Aug. 18, 1911, Alice Maud Roberts. Resides in West Somerville, Mass. iii. Robert Walpole, b. June 10, 1876; m. Ida Lingham, d. March 14, 1893. iv. Charles Bartlett, b. Jan, 15, 1878; m. Lillian Muriel. He d. Oct. 13, 1907. 446. V. WiLLARD Wright, b. Jan, 15, 1880. 338. Henry Wellington^ Russell (Amos*, Amos^, Betsey*, Solomon^, b. in Cambridge, Mass., Sept. 21, 1857, son of Amos Wellington Russell and Harriet F. (White) Russell; m. Aug. 24, FIFTH GENERATION 117 1881, Elizabeth Erbsmehl, b. in Philadelphia, Pa. Resides in Cambridge, Mass. Children bom in Cambridge: i. Harry Wellington, b. Nov. 4, 1882. ii. Hilda Frances, b. Jan. 11, 1888. 339. Frank Arthur^ Russell (Amos^, Amos', Betsey^, Solo- mon^), b. in Cambridge, Mass., July 27, 1865, son of Amos Welling- ton Russell and Harriet F. (White) Russell; m. Jan. 31, 1884, Rose Gaffney, b. in Philadelphia. He d. in Philadelphia, Aug. 30, 1904. He was a member of the Peirce Family Association. Children born in Philadelphia, Pa.: i. Amos Frank, b. April 14, 1885; d. in PhUadelphia, July 5, 1911. ii. Beatrice Lois, b. Feb. 26, 1889. 340. Alfred Morton^ Russell (Marcus^, Amos', Betsey^, Solomon^), b. in Newton, Mass., March 23, 1871, son of Marcus Morton Russell and Sarah L. (Whitney) Russell; m. Sept. 8, 1896, Clara Lucy Stanley, of Newton. Child: Arthur Morton, b. July 13, 1897. 341. Arthur Stearns^ Russell (Marcus^, Amos', Betsey^, Solomon^, b. in Newton, Mass., Feb. 20, 1874, son of Marcus Morton Russell and Sarah L. (Whitney) Russell; m. Oct. 8, 1901, Annie Elizabeth White, of Auburndale, Newton, Mass. Child: Annie Elizabeth, b. Jan. 5, 1903. 342. Annie Pierce^ Russell (John*, Amos', Betsey^, Solo- mon^), b. in Cambridge, Mass., Sept. 24, 1870, daughter of John Hamilton Russell and Anna G. (Learned) Russell; m. June 4, 1900, Raphael Klucken. Resides in West Somerville, Mass. Child: Russell Sivori, b. Sept. 10, 1902. 343. Herbert Percy^ Russell (Herbert*, Amos', Betsey'^, Solomon^), b. in Waverley, Mass., July 23, 1876, son of Herbert 118 DESCENDANTS OF SOLOMON PEIRCE H. Russell and Eva M. (Chamberlin) Russell; m. June 5, 1907, Grace Ina Wyman, of Yarmouth, N.S. Resides in Lexington, Mass. Child: Olive, b. May 22, 1910. 344. Clarence Albert^ Russell (Herbert*, Amos^ Betsey^, Solomon^), b. in Waverley, Mass., Jan. 2, 1879, son of Herbert H. Russell and Eva M. (Chamberlin) Russell; m. June 12, 1907, Jessie Rebecca Robertson, of Dorchester, Mass. Child: Phillip Wellington, b. March 8, 1910. 345. Mabel Lois^ Russell (Alden*, Amos^, Betsey^, Solo- mon^), b. in Cambridge, Mass., March 12, 1887, daughter of Alden Dana Russell and Laura Ellen (Vickers) Russell; m. in Cambridge, Nov. 25, 1908, Fred. B. Kingsbury, Jr., of Winthrop, Mass. Child: Russell, b. June 19, 1909. 346. Henry Lorenzo^ Hall (Mary*, Oliver^, Betsey^, Solo- mon^), b. in Arlington, Mass., April 7, 1870, son of Mary E. (Russell) Hall and Ammi Hall; m. first, in Arlington, Aug. 1, 1891, Mattie F. Smith, d. Oct. 24, 1892. He m. second, in Cam- bridge, Mass., Oct. 2, 1895, Ethel E. Whitten, d. Aug. 11, 1900. He. m. third, in Maiden, Mass., Oct. 14, 1903, Lou Belle Phillips. Resides in Reading, Mass. Children : i. Harry Elliot, b. in Arlington, Jan. 6, 1892; d. June 21, 1892. ii. Irene Gentle, b. in Wakefield, Mass., Jan. 11, 1898. iii. Phillips Russell, b. in Reading, Feb. 8, 1905. iv. Herbert Lorenzo, b. in Reading, Sept. 29, 1906. 347. Bertha Louise^ Hall (Mary*, Oliver^, Betsey^, Solo- mon^), b. in Arlington, Mass., Feb. 24, 1874, daughter of Mary FIFTH GENERATION 119 E. (Russell) Hall and Ammi Hall; m. in Arlington, April 28, 1897, Jerome O. Smith, b. in Bedford, Mass. Resides in Arling- ton. Child: Russell Stoker, b. in Arlington, March 9, 1898. 348. Fred Amos^ Russell (Amos^, Oliver', Betsey^, Solomon^), b. in West Cambridge, Mass. (now Arlington), July 30, 1861, son of Amos F. Russell and Mary E. (Marston) Russell; m. in Cambridge, Mass., March 5, 1884, Lena C. Hammond, b. in Cambridge. Resides in Newton Centre, Mass. Children: i. Wilbur Hammond, b. Jan. 11, 1885. 447. ii. Winifred, b. Dec. 5, 1887. 349. Frank Howard^ Russell (Amos*, Oliver^, Betsey'^, Solomon^), b. in West Cambridge, Mass. (now Arlington), Dec. 5, 1863, son of Amos F. Russell and Mary E. (Marston) Russell; m. in Cambridge, Mass., June 25, 1890, Emily B. Hesseltine. Resides in Watertown, Mass. Child: Alden Hesseltine, b. May 18, 1892. Amherst Agri- cultural College, class of 1914. 350. Susie Louise^ Cutter (Lucinda*, Oliver', Betsey^, Solomon^), b. July 8, 1861, daughter of Lucinda A. (Russell) Cutter and George Cutter; m. in West Somerville, Mass., Sept. 14, 1893, Charles E. Wallis. Resides in West Somerville. Child: Donald Edson, b. Aug. 17, 1899. 351. Harris Melville^ Cutter (Lucinda*, Oliver', Betsey^, Solomon^), b. in West Somerville, Mass., Feb. 28, 1865, son of Lucinda A. (Russell) Cutter and George Cutter; m. in Cambridge, Mass., July 16, 1888, N. Arline Martin. Resides in Watertown, Mass. Child: Melville Martin, b. March 14, 1890; d. Sept. 11, 1890. 120 DESCENDANTS OF SOLOMON PEIRCE 352. Irving Russell^ Cutter (Lucinda^, Oliver^, Betsey^, Solomon^), b. in West Somerville, Mass., July 2, 1867, son of Lucinda A. (Russell) Cutter and George Cutter; m. June 28, 1897, Agnes M. Simmons. Resides in West Somerville. Child: Learned Russell, b. July 29, 1899. 353. Charles Edward^ MacKusick (Emma^, Cathe^ine^ Betsey^, Solomon^), b. Dec. 6, 1881, son of Emma F. (Stark- weather) MacKusick and Amasa A. MacKusick; m. June 1, 1902, Louisa C. Allen. Resides in Cambridge, Mass. Children: i. Allen Amasa, b. Nov. 8, 1904. ii. Center S., b. August, 1908. 354. Katharine Delano^ Porter (Mary^, Oliver*, Lucy^, Solomon^), b. in Boston, Sept. 26, 1869, daughter of Mary Frances (Ditson) Porter and Col. Burr Porter; m. June 18, 1891, Henry Hobart Porter, Jr., of New York. Resides in New York City, N.Y. Children: i. Dorothy Dwight, b. June 17, 1892. ii. Margaret Seton, b. Aug. 11, 1895. iii. Katherine Delano, b. July 11, 1900, iv. Maitland, b. April 21, 1906; d. March 18, 1907. 355. Della L.^ Cutter (Lucy^, James^ Lucy^, Solomon^), b. in Provincetown, Mass., Dec. 12, 1874, daughter of Lucy F. (Ditson) Cutter and Phineas S. Cutter; m. Aug. 15, 1894, Hector M. Allen, b. in Provincetown. Children : i. Harry D., b. Sept. 22, 1895. ii. Louise M., b. April 21, 1897. iii. Mildred F., b. Nov. 30, 1899. iv. Edmund W., b. April 15, 1900. 356. Mary Ella^ Folsom (Mary^ Mary^ Thaddeus^, Solo- mon^), b. in Cambridge, Mass., July 10, 1859, daughter of Mary E. FIFTH GENERATION 121 (Welch) Folsom and Charles D. Folsom; m. Charles William Denley, b. May 25, 1851. Resides in Winchester, Mass. Children: i. Alfred Nathaniel, b. in Rockland, Mass., Sept. 6, 1886. ii. Marion Folsom, b. in West Somerville, Mass., May 19, 1888. 357. Nellie T.^ Dickson (OliverS Eliza^, Thaddeus^, Solo- mon^), b. in Charlestown, Feb. 14, 1858, daughter of Oliver Dick- son, Jr., and Augusta (Smith) Dickson; m. Jan. 29, 1887, George W. Brackett, of Epping, N.H. Resides in Epping, N.H. Children born in Epping, N.H.: i. Chester D., b. April 4, 1891. ii. Lewis S., b. April 9, 1893. iii. Mildred A., b. Jan. 13, 1896. iv. Oliver E., b. Sept. 13, 1897. 358. Olive E.^ Dickson (Thaddeus^ Eliza^, Thaddeus^ Solomon^), b. in Charlestown, Oct. 31, 1867, daughter of Thaddeus Peirce Dickson and Hannah W. (Rich) Dickson; m. 1886 Thomas E. Ross, of Boston. Resides in Somerville. Child: Estelle E., b. Aug. 2, 1893. 359. Nelson^ Floyd (Adeline^ RoyaP, Thaddeus^, Solomon^), Winthrop, Mass., Nov. 24, 1866, son of Adeline L. (Peirce) Floyd and B. Tappan Floyd; m. Nov. 29, 1893, Edith L. Crosby, b. in Charlestown, March 22, 1872. Resides in Winthrop. Children : i. Nelson E., b. May 14, 1895; d. Jan. 9, 1897. ii. Mildred, b. Jan. 25, 1900. 360. George F.^ Floyd (AdelineS RoyaP, Thaddeus^, Solo- mon^), b. in Winthrop, Mass., Aug. 5, 1871, son of Adeline L. (Peirce) Floyd and B. Tappan Floyd; m. Sept. 30, 1897, Lillian A. Howard, b. in Hallowell, Me., Sept. 12, 1872. Resides in Winthrop. Children : i. Evelyn A., b. Feb. 8, 1900. ii. Howard Whitman, b. Aug. 1, 1909. 122 DESCENDANTS OF SOLOMON PEIRCE 361. William Arthur^ Peirce (William*, RoyaP, Thaddeus^, Solomon^), b. in Maiden, Mass., June 21, 1866, son of William H. Peirce and Hannah P. (Best) Peirce; m. March 18, 1897, Elizabeth E. Collier, b. in North Union, Me., Sept. 3, 1862. Resides in Pittsfield, Mass. Child: Edith C, b. July 4, 1901. 362. Mary E.^ Peirce (William^ RoyaP, Thaddeus^, Solo- mon^), b. in Charlestown, Mass., April 22, 1869, daughter of William H. Peirce and Hannah P. (Best) Peirce; m. Dec. 27, 1894, Frederick A. Parke, b. in Thomaston, Me., Sept. 22, 1871. Resides in Thomaston, Conn. Children : i. Ruth A., b. Oct. 12, 1895. ii. Hazel L., b. March 19, 1898. iii. Edyth F., b. July 13, 1900. iv. Mildred L., b. Aug. 18, 1903. 363. Marion L.^ Hartwell (Elizabeth*, RoyaP, Thaddeus^, Solomon^), b. in Bedford, Mass., Dec. 30, 1875, daughter of Elizabeth A. (Peirce) Hartwell and I. Newton Hartwell; m. Au- gust, 1895, Kendric Hawke. Children : i. George N., b. Dec. 19, 1896. ii. May L., b. Sept. 8, 1899. 364. Royal K.^ Peirce (Abner*, RoyaP, Thaddeus^, Solo- mon^), b. June 28, 1880, son of Abner F. Peirce and Abbie (Simp- son) Peirce; ra. Aug. 21, 1907, Olga Pauline Dorothea Thulein, of Burlington, la. Royal K. Peirce was graduated from Harvard College in 1902. Resides in Burlington, la. Child: Constance Olga, b. in Burlington, la., June 21, 1908. 365. Edwin Hoyt^ Peirce (Franklin*, Thaddeus^ Thaddeus^, Solomon^), b. in Everett, Mass., June 29, 1881, son of Franklin FIFTH GENERATION 123 Peirce and Emma F. (Pettingill) Peirce; m. Sept. 26, 1907, Elizabeth Freeman, b. in Everett, Feb. 9, 1883. Edwin Hoyt Peirce was graduated from Lawrence Scientific School, Harvard University, in June, 1904. Resides in Worcester, Mass. Children born in Everett, Mass.: i. Elizabeth, b. Aug. 2, 1908. ii. Louise, b. May 13, 1910. 366. Charles G.^ Vinton (JohnS Charlotte^ Thaddeus^, Solomon^), b. in Oak Grove, Maiden, Mass., Aug. 20, 1867, son of John Goodrich Vinton and Hannah Josephine (Rand) Vinton; m. Nov. 20, 1895, Mary Elizabeth Kelly. Resides in Pitts- burg, Pa. Child: Elizabeth Goodrich, b. in Pittsburg, March 17, 1909. 367. Minnie G.^ Peirce (George*, William^ Leonard^, Solo- mon^), b. in Peabody, Mass., Feb. 21, 1861, daughter of George Peirce and Almira (Galeucia) Peirce; m. Oct. 15, 1885, Clarence A. Hammond. Resides in Everett, Mass. Children : i. Mabel F., b. Oct. 20, 1886. ii. George A., b. Aug. 3, 1888. 368. Mabel F.^ Peirce (George^ William^ Leonard^, Solo- monO, b. in Peabody, Mass., June 7, 1866, daughter of George Peirce and Almira (Galeucia) Peirce; m. April 28, 1887, Charles S. Batchelder. Resides in Peabody. Children : i. Arthur P., b. July 15, 1888. ii. Alice, b. Sept. 4, 1890. iii. Harold P., b. Oct. 21, 1893. iv. Ruth, b. June 10, 1899. 369. Nellie M.* Peirce (George*, William^ Leonard^, Solo- mon^), b. in Peabody, Mass., Aug. 3, 1872, daughter of George 124 DESCENDANTS OF SOLOMON PEIRCE Peirce and Almira (Galeucia) Peirce; m. Nov. 25, 1896, William H. Watkins. Resides in Lynn, Mass. Children: i. Hazel, b. Nov. 21, 1898. ii. George Peirce, b. Aug. 25, 1904. 370. Charles E.^ Galeucia (Mary*, Oliver^, Leonard^, Solo- mon^), b. in South Danvers, Mass., March 1, 1855, son of Mary E. G. (Peirce) Galeucia and Daniel Galeucia; m. Hattie S. Holmes. Resides in South Lawrence, Mass. Children : i. Frank E., b. March 17, 1885. ii. Alfred, b. Sept. 28, 1889. iii. Flora I., b. Oct. 16, 1891. 371. Lizzie L.^ Galeucia (Mary^, Oliver', Leonard^, Solo- mon^), b. in South Danvers, Mass., Aug. 9, 1859, daughter of Mary E. G. (Peirce) Galeucia and Daniel Galeucia; m. Aug. 9, 1881, George S. Shove. Resides in Peabody, Mass. Children : i. Grace M., b. March 16, 1884. ii. Lizzie D., b. Dec. 13, 1892. 372. Oliver Peirce^ Galeucia (Mary*, Oliver', Leonard^, Solomon^), b. in South Danvers, Mass., Sept. 15, 1861, son of Mary E. G. (Peirce) Galeucia and Daniel Galeucia; m. Feb. 13, 1884, Jennie M. Dow. Resides in Beverly, Mass. Children : i. Harry O., b. Aug. 6, 1885. ii. Nellie M., b. March 22, 1887. iii. Ralph A., b. Jan. 4, 1889. iv. Mary L., b. Oct. 1, 1891. V. Charlie R., b. July 16, 1894. vi. Susie C. J., b. Aug. 16, 1896. vii. Helen L., b. June 12, 1898. 373. Nellie M.^ Galeucia (Mary*, Oliver', Leonard^, Solo- mon^), b. in South Danvers, Mass., May 12, 1865, daughter of FIFTH GENERATION 125 Mary E. G. (Peirce) Galeucia and Daniel Galeucia; m. June 16, 1885, Frank H. C. Lord. Resides in Peabody, Mass. Children: i. Henry A., b. April 15, 1887. ii. Florence E., b. Aug. 6, 1891. iii. George Forestall, b. May 28, 1904. 374. May Adeline^ Peirce (Oliver^, Oliver', Leonard^, Sol- omon^), b. in New Orleans, La., May 9, 1862, daughter of Oliver Allen Peirce and Lucy A. (Noble) Peirce; m. March 30, 1884, William L. Gottschalck. He d. Mrs. Gottschalck resides in Mobile, Ala. Children born in Mobile, Ala. : i. Frederick Louis, b. Jan. 13, 1885. ii. Edward Noble, b. May 10, 1887. iii. Elizabeth Mazie, b. April 22, 1889. iv. Helen Leona, b. July 15, 1890. V. William Forest, b. March 9, 1893. vi. Florence Gertrude, b. Feb. 17, 1895. 375. Alice^ Peirce (Oliver*, Oliver', Leonard^, Solomon^), b. in New Orleans, La., Sept. 24, 1863, daughter of Oliver Allen Peirce and Lucy A. (Noble) Peirce; m. Dec. 14, 1889, Herbert H. Rayner, b. in Malvern, England, Dec. 13, 1861. Resides in New Orleans. Children : i. Adele Grace, b. Sept. 18, 1890. ii. Clarissa E., b. March 30, 1892. iii. Sidney E., b. Sept. 12, 1895. iv. Marie L,, b. Oct. 4, 1898. 376. Allan Noble^ Peirce (Oliver*, Oliver', Leonard^, Solo- mon^), b. in Plaquemine, La., Oct. 23, 1869, son of Oliver Allen Peirce and Lucy A. (Noble) Peirce; m. Jan. 17, 1891, Carrie Knaeble. Resides in New Orleans. Children: i. Allan Noble, Jr., b. Oct. 20, 1891. ii. Myrtle J., b. Dec. 12, 1894. iii. Harold Spencer, b. Oct. 7, 1900. 126 DESCENDANTS OF SOLOMON PEIRCE 377. Oliver^ Peirce (OliverS Oliver^, Leonard^, Solomon^), b. in New Orleans, La., May 22, 1873, son of Oliver Allen Peirce and Lucy A. (Noble) Peirce; m. May Horrocks. He d. Dec. 10, 1906. Children born in New Orleans: i. James Horrocks, b. Dec. 24, 1900. ii. Oliver Albert, b. May 9, 1903. 378. Mary Ellen^ Peirce (Charles^ Benjamin^ Leonard^, Solomon^), b. Nov. 16, 1860, daughter of Charles Leonard Peirce and Ellen (Preston) Peirce; m. June 12, 1882, Charles O. Warner, b. 1862, d. Sept. 7, 1904. She d. March 2, 1886. Child: Harold Osborn, b. Feb. 24, 1886. 379. Alvah Bickford^ Thompson (George^ Mary^ Leonard^, Solomon^), b. in East Boston, Sept. 15, 1869, son of George H. Thompson and Alvaetta N. (Bickford) Thompson; m. Feb. 24, 1902, Frances Shiland, of Denver, Col., d. April 12, 1908. Child: Bliss Bickford, b. in Los Angeles, Cal., Feb. 9, 1907; d. Nov. 17, 1908. 379a. Emily Belle^ Thompson (Charles*, Mary^ Leonard^, Solomon^), b. in Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 18, 1884, daughter of Charles E. Thompson and Lizzie W. (Bennett) Thompson; m. June 12, 1907, Nathaniel F. Richardson. Resides in Nashville, Tenn. Children born in Nashville, Tenn.: i. Emily Jane, b. July 18, 1909. ii. Nathaniel F. Richardson, 3d, b. May 28, 1911. 380. Frank O.^ Whittier (Sarah*, Susan^ William^, Solo- mon^), b. in Everett, Mass., Aug. 1, 1862, son of Sarah E. (Clapp) Whittier and George Whittier; m. May, 1890, Sarah Alice Saunders, b. Feb. 15, 1864. Resides in Everett. FIFTH GENERATION 127 Children : i. Ruth, b. March 15, 1891. ii. Robert Bradstkeet, b. May 24, 1895. iii. John McKey, b. May 27, 1901. 381. Arthur H.^ Whittier (Sarah^, Susan^, William^, Solo- mon^), b. in Brooklyn, N.Y., Jan. 9, 1869, son of Sarah E. (Clapp) Whittier and George Whittier; m. May 11, 1892, Bessie W. Pratt, b. March 10, 1872. Resides in Everett. Children : i. George Richmond, b. April 3, 1894. ii. Arthur Prescott, b. Aug. 13, 1898. iii. Charlton Pratt, b. Dec. 6, 1904. iv. Elizabeth, b. Oct. 15, 1908. 382. Marion P.^ Atkins (AdelineS Susan^ William^, Solo- mon^), b. in Everett, Mass., Jan. 18, 1872, daughter of Adeline Peirce (Clapp) Atkins and Francis W. Atkins; m. Dec. 28, 1910, Walter Nelson Waters. Resides in Everett. Child: Helen Augusta, b. in Everett, Oct. 27, 1911. 382a. Maud C^ Whitney (Sarah^ William, J^.^ William^, Solomon^), b. in Portland, Me., March 23, 1882, daughter of Sarah E. (Peirce) Whitney and Louis K. Whitney; m. in Portland, Me., Aug. 18, 1909, Craig L. Mosman. Resides in Portland, Me. Child: Anson Louis, b. in Portland, Me., May 19, 1912. 383. Louise^ Freeman (Louise^, Adeline^ William^, Solomon^), b. in Everett, Mass., Jaii. 15, 1881, daughter of Louise A. (True) Freeman and Samuel Freeman; m. May 19, 1908, John Holden Stone. Resides in Everett. Child: John Freeman, b. in Everett, May 4, 1909. 128 DESCENDANTS OF SOLOMON PEIRCE SIXTH GENERATION. 385. Helen M.^ Hayden (William^, William'', Ma^y^ Amity^, Solomon^), b. in Cambridge, Mass., Aug. 31, 1849, daughter of William Henry Hayden and Sarah (Holmes) Hayden; m. March 23, 1881, John J. Bell, b. Dec. 15, 1848. She d. Feb. 29, 1908. Children : i. Marian H., b. Aug. 7, 1885. ii. Louise B., b. July 11, 1887. iii. Chester J., b. March 6, 1889; d. Jan. 22, 1890. 386. Henrietta S.^ Hayden (Franks William*, Mary^, Amity^, Solomon^), b. Nov. 18, 1855, daughter of Frank W. Hayden and Lizzie (Wiley) Hayden; m. first, Dec. 23, 1875, Isaack Merrill, b. March 23, 1855, d. May 15, 1889; m. second, Feb, 22, 1898, George G. Collins, b. July 9, 1846; d. Feb. 11, 1911. George G. Collins enlisted in the navy in April, 1864, was mustered out in 1865. He was a well-known job printer of the firm of Collins & Jacques, 119 Water Street, Boston, and followed his trade forty-four years. Mrs. Collins resides in Wakefield, Mass. Two children by first husband, Isaack Merrill. Children : 448. i. Frank D., b. Nov. 10, 1878. ii. Bernice B., b. May 23, 1884. 387. Edward A.^ Wiley (Mary^, William^ Mary^, Amity^, SolomonO, b. June 29, 1856, son of Mary E. (Hayden) Wiley and Albert S. Wiley; m. first, Sept. 3, 1884, Hattie E. Strain, d. Sept. 8, 1896; m. second, Oct. 12, 1904, Martha C. Goodrich. Resides in Wakefield, Mass. Children: i. Alice L., b. Feb. 21, 1885. 448a. ii. Edna H., b. May 26, 1888. 388. William H.^ Wiley (Ma^y^ William^ Mary^, Amity^, Solomon^), b. Sept. 7, 1860, son of Mary E. (Hayden) Wiley and SIXTH GENERATION 129 Albert S. Wiley; m. Sept. 7, 1891, Mabelle W. Newman, b. July 29, 1860. Resides in Wakefield, Mass. Children : i. Ethel T., b. May 15, 1893. ii. Mabelle K., b. Oct. 15, 1897. iii. Veka, b. Aug. 22, 1903. 389. Henry Justin^ Ballou (Edwin^ Mary^, Mary^, Amity 2, Solomon^), b. Aug. 14, 1861, son of Edwin Ira Ballou and Sarah A. (Wills) Ballou; m. July 13, 1886, Ellen Fairbanks, b. 1863. Child: Ida Gertrude, b. July, 1888. 390. Edith Parker^ Gould (Ez^a^ Samuel^, Lydia^ Jonas^ Solomon^), b. in Newton, Mass., May 6, 1876, daughter of Ezra Palmer Gould and Jennie M. (Stone) Gould; m. Jan. 11, 1911, William Porter McCoy, of Bristol, Pa. Child: Dorothy Gould, b. in Bristol, Pa., Dec. 11, 1911. 391. Cyrus Harry^ Dam (Cyrus^ Charlotte^, Lydia^ Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in Wheatland, Cal., April 14, 1868, son of Cyrus King Dam, Jr., and Frances Leoni (Scott) Dam; m. May 24, 1891, Sarah Magdalene Haines, b. in Pekin, 111., Dec. 22, 1870. Resides in Wheatland, Cal. He was appointed on the Board of Trustees^ in 1905. Children born in W^heatland: i. Leona Katherine, b. Oct. 22, 1892. ii. Mildred Ethel, b. Jan. 15, 1896. iii. Dorothy Magdalene, b. Sept. 2, 1901. iv. Eleanor Roselu\, b. June 22, 1904. 392. Francis Herbert^ Dam (Cy^us^ Charlotte*, Lydia^, Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in Wheatland, Cal., Jan. 17, 1874, son of Cyrus King Dam, Jr., and Frances Leoni (Scott) Dam; m. in Berkeley, Cal., June 29, 1904, Inez Shippee, daughter of Wanton A. and Evelyn (Woodbridge) Shippee, b, near Stockton, Cal., April 13, 1880. She was graduated from University of California, B.L. (Bachelor ISO DESCENDANTS OF SOLOMON PEIRCE of Letters) 1902. He was graduated from University of Cali- fornia, A.B. 1896, LL.B. 1900. Attorney-at-law, San Francisco, Cal. Resides in Berkeley, Cal. Children born in San Francisco: i. Horace Peirce, ) Twins, b. July 28, 1905. Horace Peirce ii. Cyrus King, f d. Oct. 19, 1905. ill. Allen Shippee, b. July 21, 1907; d. Nov. 13, 1910. 393. Arthur King Dam (Cyrus^ Charlotte^, Lydia^ Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in Wheatland, Cal., March 6, 1876, son of Cyrus King Dam, Jr., and Frances Leoni (Scott) Dam; m. Oct. 28, 1903, Caddie Belle Stineman. He was appointed on the Board of Trustees in 1905. Resides in Wheatland, Cal. Children born in Wheatland: i. Elva Inez, b. Aug. 6, 1904. ii. Alice, b. April 12, 1907. 394. Carrie Gould Dam (Cyrus^, Charlotte*, Lydia^, Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in Wheatland, Cal., Oct. 16, 1879, daughter of Cyrus King Dam, Jr., and Frances Leoni (Scott) Dam; m, June 30, 1903, Archibald Alexander Halsey. Resides in San Jose, Cal. Child: Theodore Eugene, b. May 6, 1904. , 395. Cora Belk Dam (Cyrus^, Charlotte*, Lydia^, Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in Wheatland, Cal., Oct. 16, 1879, daughter of Cyrus King Dam, Jr., and Frances Leoni (Scott) Dam; m. Sept. 30, 1903, John William Ferguson. She was graduated from State Normal School in San Jose, Cal., in 1900. Resides in Berkeley, Cal. Children: i. Kenneth Loveland, b. Dec. 5, 1905. ii. Chesley Gould, b. June 22, 1908. 396. Katie Cantlin (Lydia^ Charlotte*, Lydia', Jonas^ Solomon^), b. near Wheatland, Cal., Feb. 22, 1869, daughter of Lydia Gould (Dam) Cantlin and Dennis Lafayette Cantlin; m. Dec. 28, 1892, William Reed Brown. Child: Hester, b. Nov. 5, 1893; d. Dec. 20, 1894. SIXTH GENERATION 131 397. Jessie May^ Cantlin (Lydia^ Charlotte*, Lydia^, Jonas^, Solomon^), b. near Wheatland, Cal., Dec. 21, 1873, daughter of Lydia Gould (Dam) Cantlin and Dennis Lafayette Cantlin; m. Jan. 8, 1896, Amasa Elmer Fitts. Children : i. Nadine, b. Aug. 24, 1900. ii. Ruth, b. April 14, 1902. 398. George Homer^ Richardson (Sarah^, Francis*, Lydia', Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in Arlington, Mass., August, 1881, son of Sarah Homer (Gould) Richardson and Wendell E. Richardson; m. in Belmont, Mass., March 27, 1907, Alice G. Locke, b. in Bel- mont. He was graduated from Harvard College in 1902. Re- sides in Haddonfield, N.J. Children : i. Wendell Locke, b. Sept. 24, 1908. ii. Mary Locke, b. March 16, 1912. 399. LiLLiE M. Locke (James^ William*, Anna^ Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in Creston, la., Sept. 4, 1877, daughter of James M. Locke and Christina E. (Maher) Locke; m. Nov. 27, 1900, John B. Callogy. Resides in Creston, la. Children : i. Mary S., b. Nov. 14, 1901. ii. James E., b. Jan. 4, 1903. iii. John J., b. Oct. 13, 1904. 400. Guy Chester Strickland (Clara^, Lorenzo*, Jonas', Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in Hillsboro, N.H., Sept. 21, 1882, son of Clara Etta (Peirce) Strickland and Chester Calvin Strickland; m. in Hillsboro, July, 1906, Deha Marcotte. Resides in Hills- boro, N.H. Children : i. Bernice Margerite, b. July, 1907. ii. Raymond, b. August, 1908. 400a. Helen Almira Peirce (Jesse^ James*, Jonas', Jonas'*, Solomon^), b. in Weymouth, Mass., Sept. 3, 1883, daughter of 132 DESCENDANTS OF SOLOMON PEIRCE Jesse H. Peirce and Elizabeth A. (Hogan) Peirce; m. June 9, 1909, Carlton Drown. Resides in Weymouth, Mass. Child: Dorothea Elizabeth, b. in Weymouth, May 24, 1910. 401. Edith A.^ Boothby (William^, Mary*, Jonas^, Jonas^, SolomonO, b. in Portland, Me., Sept. 29, 1875, daughter of Will- iam H. Boothby and Georgie A. (Emery) Boothby; m. Ernest Percy Johnson, b. in Portland, Me., Feb. 11, 1875. Resides in Portland, Me. Children bom in Portland : i. William H., b. and d. 1895. ii. Ruth L., b. May 5, 1897. 402. Frank W. Boothby (Willianl^ Mary^ Jonas^, Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in Portland, Me., Jan. 1, 1876, son of William H. Boothby and Georgie A. (Emery) Boothby; m. Margaret S. Hanson, b. in Liverpool, England, Oct. 14, 1880. Resides in Portland, Me. Children born in Portland: i. Walter E., b. March 24, 1901. ii. Albert H., b. Sept. 15, 1905. 403. Frederick William^ Hartwell (Mary^, Mary*, Jonas^, Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in Arlington, Mass., March 20, 1868, son of Mary J. (Boothby) Hartwell and Charles F. Hartwell; m. Harriet Emily Thurston, b. in Portland, Me., Oct. 18, 1871. Resides in Detroit, Mich. Children born in Portland: i. Walter Lewis, b. June 12, 1892. ii. Charles, b. May 30, 1894. iii. Henry Winship, b. Dec. 3, 1897. 404. Walter Chandler^ Hartwell (Mary^ Mary*, Jonas^ Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in Arlington, Mass., May 5, 1870, son of Mary J. (Boothby) Hartwell and Charles F. Hartwell; m. Inez Elizabeth Hudson, b, in Amherst, Ohio, Oct. 25, 1875. Resides in Detroit, Mich. SIXTH GENERATION 133 Children born in Detroit: i. Chandler Hudson, b. Oct. 13, 1898. ii. Inez Eugenia, b. Oct. 21, 1904; d. Oct. 26, 1904. 405. Clara Belle^ Pitts (LemueP, Harriet^, George^, Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in Cambridgeport, Mass., Aug. 25, 1869, daughter of Lemuel Pitts and Mary E. (Hammond) Pitts; m. July 20, 1893, Herbert Jerome Dunbar, of Brockton. Resides in Brock- ton, Mass. Children born in Brockton: i. Harold Leslie, b. March 27, 1894. Dartmouth College, Class of 1913. ii. Herbert Erwin, b. Sept. 10, 1895. iii. WiLLARD L., b. April 10, 1900; d. Sept. 2, 1900. 406. Ralph Shaw Pitts (LemiieP, Harriet^, George^, Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in Cambridge, Mass., July 8, 1873, son of Lemuel Pitts and Mary E. (Hammond) Pitts; m. Nov. 28, 1895, Inez Eugenia McCallum, of Newton. Ralph Shaw Pitts was graduated from Harvard College in 1895, and for ten years has been acting principal of the high school in East Denver, Col. Children born in Denver, Col.: i. Ralph E., b. Sept. 22, 1896; d. Dec. 1, 1897. ii. RoLFE Eugene, ) rp u r\ *. ao -i onn y Iwins, b. Oct. 28, 1899. ui. Inez Magnolia, ) iv. Ruth Hammond, b. April 11, 1905. V. Malcolm Everett, b. July 25, 1909. 407. Mary Eva Thayer Pitts (LemueP, Harriet^, George^, Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in East Boston, Sept. 18, 1878, daughter of Lemuel Pitts and Mary E. (Hammond) Pitts; m. November, 1902, Ernest L. Young, of Stoneham, Mass. Resides in Stoneham. Child: Marjorie, b. in Stoneham, Mass., Sept. 13, 1907. 408. Lemuel Pitts, 3d (LemueP, Harriet^, George^, Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in Boston, May 4, 1881, son of Lemuel Pitts, Jr., and Mary E. (Hammond) Pitts; m. in Denver, Col., June 18, 1908, Matilda Linquist. Lemuel Pitts, 3d, was graduated from 134 DESCENDANTS OF SOLOMON PEIRCE Denver University, class of 1906, and is a teacher in Pueblo High School and director of athletics. Resides in Pueblo, Col. Child: Mary Elizabeth, b. in Pueblo, Col., April 25, 1912, 409. George Franklin Pitts (George^ Harriet^, George^, Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in East Boston, Jan. 13, 1867, son of George S. Pitts and Ellen M. C. (Pearson) Pitts; m. Mollie Oliver, of Montana. Resides in Norris, Mont. Children: i. Harriet Ellen, b. June 17, 1889; m. 1907 Eugene Lansing. She d. Feb. 29, 1908. ii. Everett Clark, b. May 30, 1891. iii. George Harold, b. Oct. 22, 1900. 410. Clara Clark^ Pitts (George^, Harriet*, George^, Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in East Boston, April 21, 1872, daughter of George S. Pitts and Ellen M. C. (Pearson) Pitts; m. Nov. 25, 1892, Horatio C. Chase, b. in Conway, N.H., Dec. 15, 1868. Resides in Conway, N.H. Children : i. Clarence Mortimer, b. in Plainsville, Mass., Feb. 12, 1894. ii. Horatio G., b. in Plainsville, Feb. 22, 1895; d. Aug. 26, 1895. iii. Russell Berry, b. in Boston, July 12, 1902. iv. Clara, b. in Roslindale, July 23, 1906; d. Dec. 10, 1906. 411. Carl Mortimer Pitts (George^ Harriet*, Geo^ge^ Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in East Boston, Jan. 12, 1878, son of George S. Pitts and Ellen M. C. (Pearson) Pitts; m. Feb. 12, 1897, Agnes Mary McNamara, b. in Needham, June 24, 1872. Resides in Conway, N.H, Child: Theodore Mortimer, b. in Roslindale, Mass,, Oct. 10, 1897; d. July 11, 1903. 411a. Walter Merrill Cotting (Frederick^, Elmira*, George^ Jonas^, Solomon^), b. Feb. 13, 1870, son of Frederick SIXTH GENERATION 135 Bronsdon Cotting and Laura Burton (Osborn) Cotting; m. first, in Melrose, Sept. 22, 1890, Bertha O. Fernstrom, of Melrose, Mass., d. in Melrose, Nov. 24, 1896; m. second, in Dorchester, Mass., Oct. 25, 1899, Minnie Plestid, of Melrose. Resides in Wakefield, Mass. Child: Mebrill Plestid, b. in Winchester, Mass., Oct. 24, 1900. 412. Charles Burton^ Cotting (Frederick^, Elmira*, George^, Jonas^, Solomon^), b. Dec. 19, 1876, son of Frederick Bronsdon Cotting and Elizabeth (Somers) Cotting; m. March 2, 1909, Ida Marion Burroughs, b. Jan. 15, 1891. Resides in Newton, Mass. Children born in Newton: i. LoRAiNE, b. Oct. 6, 1910. ii. Babbaka, b. Nov. 25, 1911. 413. Edward William^ Cotting (Edward^, Elmira^, George', Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in Stoneham, Mass., July 24, 1872, son of Edward L. Cotting and Adelia (Dempsey) Cotting; m. 1892 Nellie Quinn. Resides in Medford, Mass. Children : i. William Frederick, b. in AUston, Mass., July 27, 1893. ii. Paul Lovering, b. in Medford, Mass., Jan. 4, 1897. 414. James A.^ Cotting (Edward^, Elmira*, George^, Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in Stoneham, Mass., Aug. 6, 1874, son of Edward L. Cotting and Adelia (Dempsey) Cotting; m. 1895 Dora Smith. Resides in Winchester, Mass. Children : i. Grace Adelia, b. in Stoneham, Mass., March 4, 1896. ii. Edward Levant, 2d, b. in Winchester, Mass., Jime 18, 1903. 414a. Florence Louise^ Osborn (EUen^, Elmira*, George', Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in Boston, May 11, 1882, daughter of Ellen E. (Cotting) Osborn and Henry E. Osborn; m. July 27, 1898, 136 DESCENDANTS OP SOLOMON PEIRCE Frank L. Chase, b. in Weare, N.H., Jan. 28, 1859. Resides in Hillsboro, N.H. Children : i. Flora Bell, b. in Hillsboro, April 5, 1899 ; d. April 6, 1899. ii. Frederick Arthur, b. in Penacook, N.H., May 16, 1900; d. Sept. 17, 1900. iii. Hazel Irene, b. in Penacook, Oct. 6, 1902. iv. Gladys Ellen, b. in Penacook, Nov. 8, 1904. V. Martha Coolidge, b. in Hillsboro, June 20, 1907. vi. Harold Freeman, b. in East Washington, Oct. 3, 1909. 414b. Louis Carr^ Osborne (Ellen", Elmira^ George', Jonas2, Solomon^), b. in Whitinsville, Mass., Dec. 18, 1887, son of Ellen Elmira (Cotting) Osborne and Henry E. Osborne; m. Aug. 15, 1906, Alvena Roi, b. in Canada, Aug. 29, 1885. Resides in Manchester, N.H. Children : i. * Lawrence Henry, b. in Methuen, Mass., July 15, 1907. ii. Leon Adelard, b. in Goffs Falls, N.H., March 4, 1909. iii. Edmund Joseph, b. in Manchester, Oct. 23, 1910. 415. Beatrice^ Bailey (Sarah^ AddisonS Roxa^ Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in Arlington, Mass., Aug. 10, 1869, daughter of Sarah F. (Brooks) Bailey and George W. Bailey; m. in Stevens Point, Wis., January, 1890, A. T. Bacon, b. in Escanaba, Mich., 1869. Resides in Stevens Point, Wis. Children born in Stevens Point: i. Gladys, b. July, 1893. ii. Mildred, b. December, 1896. iii. George, b. July, 1901. iv. Trevor, b. October, 1903. V. Frances Jennie, b. March 11, 1908. 416. Edna Bailey (Sarah^, Addison^ Roxa^ Jonas^, Solo- mon^), b. in Oshkosh, Wis., July, 1871, daughter of Sarah F. (Brooks) Bailey and George W. Bailey; m. 1893 U. G. Medcalf, b. in Minneapolis, Minn. Resides in Bellingham, Wash. Children : i. Roy William, b. in Minneapolis, April, 1894; d. Oct. 6, 1906. ii. Zella Frances, b. in Minneapolis, January, 1896. SIXTH GENERATION 137 iii. Elsie Abigail., b. in Minneapolis, November, 1897. iv. Howard George, b. in Minneapolis, June, 1899. V. Frank Linn, b. in Minneapolis, January, 1901. vi. Donald Glen, b. in Bellingham, September, 1902. vii. Eveline, | ^^.^^^ ^ ^^ Bellingham, Nov. 4, 1907. viii. Merlin, ) 417. Clara Esther Bailey (Sarah^ Addison^, Roxa^, Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in Oshkosh, Wis., October, 1875, daughter of Sarah F. (Brooks) Bailey and George W. Bailey; m. June, 1901, H. B. Rivers, b. in Wisconsin, 1875. Resides in Maiden, Wash. Children : i. Dorothy, b. April, 1902. ii. Le Roy, b. August, 1904. iii. Langdon Vernon, b. Feb. 28, 1908. iv. Catherine, b. Dec. 15, 1910. 418. George Henry Bailey (Sarah^ Addison*, Roxa^, Jonas-, Solomon^), b. in Stevens Point, Wis., April, 1878, son of Sarah F. (Brooks) Bailey and George W. Bailey; m, in Minne- apolis, Minn., December, 1902, Harriet Kane. Resides in Min- neapolis. Child: Ruth, b. in Minneapolis, October, 1903. 419. Grace Bailey (Sarah^, Addison*, Roxa^, Jonas-, Solo- mon^), b. in Stevens Point, Wis., Feb. 22, 1881, daughter of Sarah F. (Brooks) Bailey and George W. Bailey; m. Feb. 16, 1904, Herman Utes, b. Oak Park, 111. Resides in Chicago, 111. Children : i. Eveline Helen, b. in Oak Park, III., March 3, 1905. ii. Gordon Bailey, b. in Forest Park, 111., Jan. 25, 1909. 420. Jenny Bailey (Sarah^, Addison*, Roxa^, Jonas^, Solo- mon^), b. in Stevens Point, Wis., April, 1883, daughter of Sarah F. (Brooks) Bailey and George W. Bailey; m. Jan. 26, 1905, Charles Eberdt. Resides in Chicago, 111. Child: Beatrice Wilda, b. in Chicago, Dec. 22, 1909. 138 DESCENDANTS OF SOLOMON PEIRCE 421. Addison^ Brooks (William^ Addison*, Roxa^ Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in North Cambridge, Mass., Oct. 3, 1870, son of William H. Brooks and Gertrude L. (Bowers) Brooks; m. Nov. 26, 1890, Margaret E. Hannigan, b. Feb. 8, 1868. Resides in Brock- ton, Mass. Children : i. William Addison, b. July 11, 1892; d. Aug. 6, 1892. ii. Frederick James, b. July 7, 1893. iii. Ethel May, b. July 14, 1895. 422. Charles E.^ Brooks (William^, Addison*, Roxa^, Jonas'^, Solomon^, b. in North Cambridge, Mass., Oct. 7, 1872, son of William H. Brooks and Gertrude L. (Bowers) Brooks; m. Feb. 15, 1899, Gertrude A. Farquhar, b. Sept. 11, 1877. Resides in Brockton, Mass. Children : i. Ralph Hazen, b. Feb. 9, 1902. ii. Edna Doris, b. Nov. 20, 1904. 423. Herbert Eugene^ Revere (Clara^, Asa*, Roxa^ Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in Brockton, Mass., Sept. 11, 1877, son of Clara Eliza (Brooks) Revere and George O. Revere; m. in Brooklyn, N.Y., June 11, 1902, Lulu Edith Boughton, daughter of Chauncey K. and Emily James Boughton, b. in Brooklyn, Feb. 18, 1879. She is a descendant of Jehiel Boughton, who was an ensign in the Revolutionary W^ar. Resides in Brooklyn, N.Y. Children born in Brooklyn: i. Paul, b. March 25, 1903. ii. Alfred Herbert, b. March 24, 1906. 424. Alice Hamilton^ Brooks (Asa^ Asa*, Roxa^, Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in Arlington, Mass., April 23, 1886, daughter of Asa Foster Brooks and Lilla F. (Hamilton) Brooks; m. in Arlington, March 8, 1911, Arthur Llewelyn Peck. Resides in Arlington. Child: Arthur Llewelyn, Jr., b. Dec. 17, 1911. 425. Effie^ Lewis (Nel]ie^ George*, Roxa^ Jonas^, Solomon^, b. in Cleveland, Ohio, Dec. 6, 1873, daughter of Nellie A. (Brooks) SIXTH GENERATION 139 Lewis and William H. Lewis; m. November, 1896, De Witt Cook- ingliam. Resides in Cleveland. Child: Ella, b. in Cleveland, Jan. 6, 1899. 425a. Anna May^ Lewis (Nellie^ George*, Roxa^ Jonas^ Solomon^, b. in Cleveland, Ohio, May 6, 1883, daughter of Nellie A. (Brooks) Lewis and William H. Lewis; m. Jan. 20, 1901, Will- iam Shaffer. Resides in Cleveland. Child: Dorothy, b. in Cleveland, December, 1902. 426. Charles Edgar^ Keniston, Jr. (Charles^ Eliza*, Ebenezer^, Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in Somerville, Mass., Feb. 20, 1876, son of Charles Edgar Keniston and Sarah E. (Hayward) Keniston; m. Oct. 28, 1897, Ethel May Keniston, b. in Peabody, Mass., April 27, 1879. Resides in Maiden, Mass. Children born in Somerville, Mass.: i. Dorothy Elvira, b. April 7, 1900. ii. Charles Elbert, b. Nov. 4, 1902. 427. Charles Elmer^ Swain (Elme^^ Emily*, Ebenezer^, Jonas", Solomon^), b. in Everett, Mass., June 21, 1875, son of Elmer Damon Swain and Isabella (McGregor) Swain; m. in Mel- rose, June 20, 1906, Florence Ethel Hodgson, b. in Somerville, Mass., 1884. Resides in Melrose, Mass. Children born in Melrose: i. Amy Louise, b. April 13, 1907. ii. Walter Irving, b. March 11, 1909. 428. Lizzie Peirce^ Swain (Elmer^ Emily*, Ebenezer^, Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in Melrose, Mass., Dec. 20, 1878, daughter of Elmer Damon Swain and Isabella (McGregor) Swain; m. Nov. 23, 1898, George Earl Steeves, b. in Albert Mines, N.B., June 9, 1874. Children: i. Leonard Alfred, b. St. John, N.B., Oct. 1, 1900. ii. Fletcher Curtis, b. St. Stephen, N.B., July 2, 1903; d. Dec. 26, 1904. iii. Gertrude, b. St. Stephen, N.B., Sept. 3, 1905. 140 DESCENDANTS OF SOLOMON PEIRCE 429. Nettie Adelaide^ Swain (Elmer^, Emily^, Ebenezer', Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in Chelsea, Mass., Dec. 26, 1880, daughter of Elmer Damon Swain and Isabella (McGregor) Swain; m, in Melrose, Mass., July 14, 1906, Charles I. Lascelle, b. St. George, Me., Dec. 28, 1879. Children born in Melrose, Mass.: i. Marion Ruth, b. May 3, 1907. ii. Harold Sidney, b. April 26, 1910. 430. Walter Otis Swain (Otis^ Adelaide*, Ebenezer^, Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in Everett, Mass., July 10, 1884, son of Otis Walton Swain and Mabel F. (Lowe) Swain; m. June 2, 1909, Lena G. Schuman. Child: George Otis, b. May 22, 1910. 431. Fred Corliss Smith (Sarah^ Melinda'*, Sarah^, Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in Billerica, Mass., July 24, 1870, son of Sarah M. (Corliss) Smith and Coburn C. Smith; m. June 28, 1899, Mabel Cowdry, b. in Billerica, March 27, 1877. Resides in Billerica, Mass. Children born in Billerica: i. IVIiRiAM Hilda, b. Sept. 2, 1902. ii. Gwendolyn Helen, b. May 31, 1906. 432. Arthur Coburn Smith (Sarah^, Melinda*, Sarah^, Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in Billerica, Mass., Nov. 13, 1887, son of Sarah M. (Corliss) Smith and Coburn C. Smith; m. 1907 Ena Ober, of Chelmsford, Mass. Resides in Billerica, Mass. Children born in Billerica: i. Doris Melia, b. Aug. 25, 1908. ii. Ina Vivian, b. Dec. 5, 1910. 433. Etta Maria Haynes (Franklin^ Maria*, Sarah^, Jonas^, Solomon^), b. in Lowell, Mass.,* 1880, daughter of Franklin H. Haynes and Laura (Wheeler) Haynes; m. William Hall Coon, M.D., b. in Wakefield, Mass. He is a practising physician in Haverhill, Mass. SIXTH GENERATION 141 Children born in Maine: i. Catherine Hatnes, b. Dec. 15, 1903. ii. William L., b. April 8, 1905. 434. Jennie F,^ Bartlett (Charles^, Sarah*, Charles', SamueP, Solomon^, b. March 11, 1868, daughter of Charles E. Bartlett and Joan (Gilmur) Bartlett; m. June 15, 1898, Charles Dolliver. She d. Oct. 27, 1901. Child: Harvey L., b. Feb. 27, 1899; d. in Waltham, Mass., Oct. 15, 1904. 435. Grace May Bartlett (Charles^, Sarah*, Charles', SamueF, Solomon^), b. July 30, 1875, daughter of Charles E. Bartlett and Joan (Gilmur) Bartlett; m. Feb. 14, 1900, Howard I. Bartlett. Resides in Roslindale, Mass. Children : i. Charles H., b. Dec. 10, 1900. ii. Warren Leslie, b. April 8, 1902. 436. Rosalie Lunt Robinson (Lizzie^ Rosalie*, Charles', SaniueP, Solomon^), b. in Newburyport, Mass., Sept. 13, 1879, daughter of Lizzie A. (Pettigrew) Robinson and Joseph N. Robin- son; m. June 29, 1904, Edgar Willis Mitchell, b. in Newburyport, Nov. 28, 1882. Resides in Newburyport, Mass. Children born in Newburyport: i. Newell Wilson, b. June 25, 1907. ii. Leslie Edgar, b. July 8, 1910. 437. Edith Notes Robinson (Lizzie^, Rosalie*, Charles', SamueP, Solomon^), b. in Newburyport, Mass., March 12, 1888, daughter of Lizzie A. (Pettigrew) Robinson and Joseph N. Robin- son; m. Sept. 2, 1908, Ernest W^ilson Mitchell, b. in Newburyport. Resides in Newburyport, Mass. Child: Ernest Wilson, Jr., b. June 26, 1909. 437a. Amy Loretta Nichols (Frank^ Mary*, Samuel, Jr.', Samuel^, Solomon^), b. in Everett, Mass., Sept. 3, 1884, daughter 142 DESCENDANTS OF SOLOMON PEIRCE of Frank Peirce Nichols and Ida M. (Mathews) Nichols; m. Oct. 11, 1905, William Bertrand. She d. Oct. 9, 1908. Child: Orville Nichols, b. in Lynn, Mass., Aug. 10, 1906. 438. Edith Russell Teel (Geo^ge^ Susan^, Susannah^, SamueP, Solomon^), b. in Arlington, Mass., April 16, 1879, daugh- ter of George A. Teel and Emily A. (Russell) Teel; m. in Arlington, Sept. 20, 1905, Walton Harvey Sears, b. in Newton, Mass., June 12, 1881. He was graduated from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, class of 1902. Resides in Arlington, Mass. Children bom in Arlington: i. Walton Habvey, Jr., b. Aug. 4, 1906. ii. Barbara, b. July 3, 1908. 438a. Marion Leslie^ Shepard (Nellie^ Susan^ Susannah', SamueP, Solomon^), b. in Arlington, Mass., Oct. 16, 1886, daughter of Nellie Gertrude (Teel) Shepard and Harry Elmer Shepard; m. Aug. 26, 1908, Searles Patterson, of Chicago, 111. Resides in Hollywood, Cal. Children : i. Donald, b. Dec. 26, 1909. ii. Raymond Shepard, b. Nov. 23, 1911. 439. Grace Mabel^ Cutter (Adelaide^ Eliza^ Elmira^ Bet- sey2, Solomon^), b. in Somerville, Mass., Jan. 5, 1873, daughter of Adelaide E. (Locke) Cutter and W. B. Cutter; m. in Roxbury, Mass., Jan. 5, 1892, Frank Fuller. Resides in Pawtucket, R.I. Children born in Dorchester: i. Adelaide R., b. Oct. 1, 1893. ii. DoRRis, j. Twins, b. Oct. 31, 1896. m. Gladdis, ) 439a. George Olin Cutter (Adelaide^ Eliza^, Elmira', Betsey^, Solomon^), b. in Somerville, Mass., Sept. 21, 1880, son of Adelaide E. (Locke) Cutter and W. Bowman Cutter; m. Feb. 6, 1907, Violet Frances Creber, of Dorchester. Resides in New Dorchester, Mass. Child: WiLUAM Bowman, b. in Dorchester, Jan. 22, 1909. SIXTH GENERATION 14S 439b. Frederick O. Brazier (Susan^, Eliza^, Elmira^, Bet- sey^ Solomon^), b. in Charlestown, Mass., Dec. 25, 1873, son of Susan E. (Locke) Brazier and Frederick W. Brazier; m. in Chi- cago, 111., June 4, 1902, Etta Maclay. Resides in Yonkers, N.Y. Child: Lillian, b. Nov. 15, 1910. 439c. Mabel E. Brazier (Susan\ Eliza^ Elmi^a^ Betsey^, Solomon^), b. in Charlestown, Mass., Feb. 26, 1887, daughter of Susan E. (Locke) Brazier and Frederick W. Brazier; m. in Yon- kers, N.Y., Dec. 31, 1910, Gardner Wade Taylor. Resides in Yonkers, N.Y. Child: Virgil Brazier, b. Dec. 26, 1911. 440. Lewis F.^ Barrus (Louisa^, Rebecca^, Elmira^, Betsey^, Solomon^), b. in Boston, Sept. 15, 1883, son of Louisa M. (Pease) Barrus and D. B. Barrus; m. in Boston, September, 1901, Lillian Rockwood. Resides in Dorchester, Mass. Children born in Boston: i. William Lewis, b. Sept. 10, 1904; d. March 13, 1905. ii. Wesley Lawrence, b. April 6, 1906. iii. Earl Rockwood, b. March 9, 1908. 440a. Arthur A.^ Williams (Lottie^, Amos*, Elmira^, Betsey^, Solomon^), b. in South Ashburnham, Mass., Feb. 22, 1887, son of Lottie M. (Locke) Williams and Carroll A. Williams; m. July 6, 1910, Isabella Mills, b. in Moncton, N.B. She was a graduate of Cushing Academy, Ashburnham. Child: Helen Agnes, b. Oct. 15, 1911. 440b. Mabel C.^ Crawford (Herbert^, Susan*, Elmira^, Betsey^, Solomon^), b. in Maiden, Mass., Oct. 4, 1888, daughter of Herbert E. Crawford and Ella S. (Clark) Crawford; m. in Maiden, July 28, 1908, Fred P. Trickey. Resides in Maiden, Mass. Children born in Maiden: i. George F., b. March 25, 1909. ii. Dorothy C, b. June 26, 1911. 144 DESCENDANTS OF SOLOMON PEIRCE 441. Edith May Fifield (John^ Elizabeth^ Betsey^ Betsey-, Solomon^), b. in Maiden, Mass., April 30, 1873, daughter of John H. Fifield and Henrietta (Lunt) Fifield; m, in Maiden, Sept. 25, 1895, Horace Jasper Stone, b. in Charlestown Dee. 28, 1859. Resides in Maiden, Mass. Child: Ernestine Fifield, b. in Maiden, Sept. 9, 1896. 442. Walter Ronald^ Locke (Walter^, Adaline^, Betsey^, Betsey^, Solomon^), b. Feb. 13, 1883, son of Walter Wyman Locke and Augusta G. (Boynton) Locke; m. Dec. 24, 1901, Gertrude Salome Waldemyerr, of Winchester. Resides in Winchester, Mass. Children : i. RoNALDA WiLHELMiNA, b. Jan. 15, 1903. ii. Geetbude, b. Oct. 9, 1904. 443. Edna Ruth^ Hutchinson (Edwin^ Oliver^, Lucetta^ Betsey^ Solomon^, b. Dec. 11, 1870, daughter of Edwin P. Hutchinson and Elizabeth (Gove) Hutchinson; m. June 30, 1897, Robert McConaghay. Resides in Broadway, Somerville, Mass. Child: Mabion, b. July 21, 1898. 444. Lillian W.^ Hutchinson (Edwin^ Oliver^ Lucetta', Betsey^, Solomon^, b. June 1, 1877, daughter of Edwin P. Hutchinson and Elizabeth (Gove) Hutchinson; m. Sept. 22, 1895, Edward J. Kolb. Resides in Winchester, Mass. Children : i. Harold H., b. May 1, 1897. ii. Charles J., b. Jan. 22, 1903. 445. Alonzo Curtis Blood (Alonzo^, Lydia*, Lucetta^, Betsey^, Solomon^), b. Nov. 10, 1872, son of Alonzo Blood and Mary E. (Curtis) Blood; m. July 16, 1901, Emma Moulton. Resides in New Rochelle, N.Y. SIXTH GENERATION 145 Children: i. Dorothy Moulton, b. Sept. 5, 1905; d. Dec. 3, 1906. ii. Catherine, b. March 7, 1908. 446. WiLLARD Wright^ Blood (Alonzo^, Lydia^, Lucetta', Betsey^, Solomon^, b. Jan. 15, 1880, son of Alonzo H. Blood and Mary E. (Curtis) Blood; m. Jennie Fuller. Resides in Roxbury, Mass. Child: DoRRANCE Curtis, b. in Boston, Feb. 18, 1902. 447. Winifred Russell (F^ed^ Amos*, Oliver^, Betsey^, Solomon^), b. Dec. 5, 1887, daughter of Fred Amos Russell and Lena C. (Hammond) Russell; m. Oct. 1, 1910, Charles Pulsifer Slocum. Resides in Newton Centre, Mass. Child: Suzanne, b. Aug. 16, 1911. 146 DESCENDANTS OF SOLOMON PEIRCE SEVENTH GENERATION. 448. Frank D.'' Merrill (Hen^ietta^ Franks William*, Mary3, Amity^, Solomon^), b. Nov. 10, 1878, son of Henrietta S. (Hayden) Merrill and Isaack Merrill; m. July 13, 1898, Georgie Morse, b. 1883. Resides in Reading, Mass. Child: Norman Hayden, b. in Reading, March 3, 1905. 448a. Edna H.' Wiley (Edward^ Mary^ William*, Mary^ Amity2, Solomon^), b. May 26, 1888, daughter of Edward A. Wiley and Hattie E. (Strain) Wiley; m. 1906 Patrick Cronin. Resides in Wakefield. Children : i. Paul Arden, b. May 9, 1906. ii. Muriel Margaret, b. Feb. 12, 1908. iii. Ruth Marion, b. Oct. 8, 1909. iv. Edward Wiley, b. March 10, 1912. APPENDIX < U O w I I o . CO fthS << to p a '^ a -g,^ H 1' ?? ^^ O q^ o ^ tj H . % n O r^ cc p" H :' -O c3 Pt^ << :3 . < Q J >^ 9,Jl^ DC s . 163( Lex. O W S^2 a d,>- El m "-I O O _ i - M ^ J "-I a =8 S Q m p-( 1^ ^ -o w * .^ o t- * 00 so as H Ph 05 O >H O S?; 1 1 o n -O oo>I N 2k*. CO o ."^ C3 O 50 .. >H X z ^-^ ^ m s 'a to o agQ rs Hs O 4J . H a OME 663. 664, ndia 60 Moved be d. in L Urn" > 3 ^ > t^!-^ tiO 3 c o WCC c .S -^ _fl *^ a, "S-S -o o _4; < 32 > lU ^-> *i O M 4.3 ccSI^ m H e^ m < ^ . O l> i-sO . J> a^. 00 O w CD 00 OO j-H "O d d a Sm u m *r "13 K ^. llan e. gton < >^ to h o -- ^ ^ . M a> (i4 5 S ^.'" g 9 OS'S ^^ e w 5 ^ W 4J a to C S Ji- X) I 5c eS g 00 &r 5 oa . .- _ * X K M 0) Hi 1^ I- -S3 0) S S B a^ _. > . > J 5 '*' J5 a; 8 ca-g Si'a APPENDIX 15& 2, showing that in point of pecuniary means he was among the first seven men in the parish. He was admitted to the church in Lexington, Feb. 1, 1699. He was three times married, and reared a family of thirteen children. William Munroe m. about 1665, first, Martha , by whom he had four children; second, about 1672, m. Mary , by whom he had nine children; third, m. Mrs. Elizabeth Wyer, widow of Edward Wyer, of Charlestown, Mass. She d. Dec. 14, 1715, aged seventy-nine. He d. Jan. 27, 1717, aged ninety-two. His second child, Martha, m. John Comee. Fessenden. John Fessenden^ was a native of Canterbury, England, where the family lived since the sixteenth century. He had two sons, Thomas and John. John Fessenden^, son of John, came from England and settled in Cambridge about 1635. He was admitted freeman in 1641. He was a member of the church, and was selectman, 1656, 1661, 1663,^ and 1665. He d. Jan. 13, 1666, leaving do children. His wife Jane d. Jan. 13, 1682, aged eighty. His nephew Nicholas Fes- senden, son of Thomas, came over from England at his request and inherited his estate. Nicholas Fessenden, b. in England about 1650; m. Margaret Cheney, b. about 1655, d. Dec. 10, 1717, aged sixty-two. He d. in Cambridge, Feb. 24, 1719, aged sixty-nine. They had fourteen children. The sixth child, Thomas Fessenden, b. in Cambridge, Aug. 12, 1684, came to Lexington about the time of his first marriage. He m. first, 1708, Abigail Poulter, b. in Lexington, Sept. 5, 1692, d. April 25, 1719, aged twenty-seven. He m. second Abigail Locke; third, Anne Phillebrown. He was admitted to church in Lexington, 1709. He d. March 6, 1738. He had thirteen children. The second child, Samuel, son of Thomas and Abigail (Poulter) Fessenden, b. in Lexington, Aug. 11, 1711; m. in Lexington, May 21, 1740, Elizabeth Allen. Samuel Fessenden was admitted to the church in Lexington, May 10, 1746. He d. Nov. 1, 1771. She d. Sept. 4, 1802, aged ninety-one. They had four children. The second child, Amity Fessenden, m.. Solomon Peirce. The fourth child, Samuel Fessenden, m. Sarah Peirce, sister of Solomon Peirce. 160 APPENDIX X o 1-9 < d o o fa :z: fa WT3 3 CO H 1 1 fi ;? >* t3 < o 60 w 05 I 1 3 z < < J2-0 Q H < fa a P3 tH El H fa a W 1-^ w; is g.a a '^ >-i 2 a 3<: - .fa -<) B3 fa h-l *- ^9 - a D3- o 1 r . M JO Mas . C15! CO 6C- ^ o (3 a^ fa--;- n o W J2 I- H 4) 05 Hfa o fa B3 05 . O ^ O . fa .' *^ > Ir * 4) tii cs fl B"