THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CLASSIFICATION CLASS V NAVAL SCIENCE PRINTED AS MANUSCRIPT WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE For sale by the 1910 Superintendent of Documents Price 2OC Government Printing Office LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CLASSIFICATION CLASS V NAVAL SCIENCE PRINTED AS MANUSCRIPT WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1910 L. C. card, 10-35014 z IUV \l\O PREFATORY NOTE The following schedules were made in 1904 by Mr. S. C. Stunt z, under the direction of Mr. Martel, Chief Classifier. The arrange- ment of material relating to navies follows in general the classifi- cation of Military Science which is based upon the " Classification and Index" of the Military Information Division of the Adjutant- General's Office, U. S. War Department. In the arrangement of sailing directions and similar lists in VK, the publications of the British Hydrographic Office were followed in their general order as furnishing the most complete series available for a systematic list. Since 1905 the classification of this subject has been in charge of the undersigned and numerous changes have been made. As the material has not yet been recataloged the schedules are still to be considered as provisional. CLARENCE W. PERLEY Acting (Thief Classifier HERBERT PUTNAM Librarian of Congress Washington, June 10, 1910 CONTENTS Page. Prefatory note . v 3 Table of contents 4 Synopsis 5 Schedules 7-82 Tables of subdivisions: Table I. Country subdivisions 85-86 Countries in one alphabet 87 States and Territories of the United States 88 Index.. . 89-106 SYNOPSIS V NAVAL SCIENCE (GENERAL) VA NAVAL ORGANIZATION AND DISTRIBUTION VB NAVAL ADMINISTRATION VC NAVAL MAINTENANCE VD NAVAL SEAMEN VE MARINES VF NAVAL ORDNANCE VG MINOR SERVICES OF NAVIES VK NAVIGATION. MERCHANT MARINE VM NAVAL ARCHITECTURE, SHIP-BUILDING AND MARINE ENGINEERING NAVAL SCIENCE (GENERAL) NAVAL SCIENCE (GENERAL) Periodicals and societies. 1 American and English. 2 French. 3 German. 4 Italian. 5 Other. 7 Congresses. 9 Almanacs, etc. (Official). Cf. V 11. 10 Year-books (Non-official). e. g. .N3, Brassey's Naval annual. 11 Navy lists. Official year-books (by country, A-Z). N. B. If annual report of department is included classify with administrative documents in VA. 13 Exhibitions. Museums. Collections. 15 Collections by several authors. 17 Collected works, papers, etc., of individual authors. 19 Essays, lectures, etc. 21 Miscellaneous minor works. 23 Dictionaries, encyclopedias. (Including nautical dictionaries.) 24 Dictionaries in two or more languages. History and antiquities of naval science. (Including history of navies and naval wars, naval policy, etc. For Naval history, wars and battles of special countries, see D-F.) 25 Philosophy of history. e. g. Theory of sea power. ^7 General works. 29 Ancient history. 31 Oriental nations. 33 Egyptians. 35 Phenicians. Carthaginians. 37 Greeks. 39 Romans. 41 Other special. 9 NAVAL SCIENCE (GENERAL) V History and antiquities of naval science Continued. Medieval history to 1492/1600. 43 General. 45 General speciaL ^.^ M\^ce\\x\ Modern history. 47 17th and 18th centuries. 51 19th century. 53 20th century. 55 Special countries, A-Z. (Only comprehensive general works on sea power, navy and naval wars. Prefer D-F) Biography. (Mainly in D-F.) 61 Collective. 63 Individual. Navy clubs. Cf. U 56-59, Army and navy clubs. 66 United States. 67 Other American: 68 Great Britain. 69 Other foreign. General treatises. Early works (to 1800). Treatises since 1800. Miscellaneous studies, notes, etc. Popular works. Juvenile works. Seamen's handbooks. General. United States Navy. Other countries, A-Z. Petty officers' handbooks. General. United States Navy. Other countries, A-Z. Officers' handbooks. General. United States Navy. Other countries, A-Z. Handbooks for naval militia and reserves. General. United States. Special states, A-W. Other countries, A-Z. 10 NAVAL SCIENCE (GENERAL) Naval strategy. 160 Early works. 163 Treatises. 165 Special. Miscellaneous. Naval tactics. 167 General works. 169 Miscellaneous and minor works. 175 Landing. Shore service. 178 Boat attack. Cf. VD 400, Small boat service. 180 Blockade duty. 190 Reconnaissance. Scouting. Patrols. Cf. VB 230, Naval intelligence. 200 Coast defense. Cf. UG 410-445, Coast fortifications. 210 Submarine warfare. Cf. VM 365, Submarine boats Construction. V 858-859, Submarine boats in special navies. 220 Naval ports, bases, reservations, docks, etc. 'General). Special countries, see VA 67-750. e. g. VA 67-68, United States. VA 459, Great Britain. 230 Navy yards (General). Special countries, see VA 69-750. e. g. VA 69-70, United States. VA 460, Great Britain. 240 Coaling stations (General). Special countries, see VA. e. g. VA 73-74, United States. VA 461, Great Britain. 245 Naval maneuvers. 250 Naval war games. a52 - Stf/^-V^^-Vvcr.-^^-c^t-i^a w-^--vv\o^ ^ A Physical training of naval a8a. vn 260 General. 263 United States. 264 States, A-W. 265 Other countries, A-Z. 270 Transmission of orders. 280 Naval signaling. Cf. VK 381-397, Marine signaling in general. 283 United States. 285 Other countries, A-Z. 300 Flags (Naval and marine) . Cf. VK 385, Flags used in marine signaling. 303 United States. 304' States, A-W. 11 NAVAL SCIENCE (GENERAL) V Flags (Naval and marine) Continued. 305 Foreign countries, A-Z. 310 Salutes. Honors. Ceremonies. _ x Cf. U 350-360, Military ceremonies. Naval education. Special schools under each country are to be arranged as $t*h- .A2-6 Principal national school. Reports. .A2-24 Serial. .A25 Special (by date). Ordinances, regulations, etc. .A3-34 Serial. ecJtc*vT.i-, ^ .A35 Special (by date). .A4-49 Registers. .A5A-Z History, description, etc. (by author or title). Miscellaneous. .A6-64 Serial. .A65 Special (by date). .A7-Z Other schools (by name or place). Under each: .115 Reports. .2-25 Ordinances, regulations, etc. .3-35 Registers. .4-45 History, description, etc. .5-55 Miscellaneous, e. g. Under Italy: 589. G3 Genoa. R. Scuola navale superiore. .G313 Annuario, 1897-. .G355-1871 Inaugurazione. Under Portugal: 599. E5 Escola de alumnos marinheiros. .E53 Regulations (by date). 599. E6 Escola pratica de artilheria naval. .E63 Regulations (by date). 599. E8 Escola pratica de torpedos e electrici- dade. .E85 Histories (by date). 400 General. 401 Ancient. 403 Medieval. 405 Modern (to 1800). 407 19th century. Cf. 500, Europe. 409 20th century. 12 NAVAL SCIENCE (GENERAL) V Naval education Continued. United States. 411 General. 415 II . S. Naval academy, Annapolis. 415.A1 Act of incorporation (editions by date). Administration. .C3 Regulations (editions by date). .C4 Regulations for admission. .C6 Regulations for appointment of cadet engineers. .El Annual report of Superintendent. .E3 Annual report of Inspectors. .E4 Annual report of Board of visitors. .E5 General congressional documents (by date). .E9 Documents relating to hazing (by date). .F3 Commencement orations. .F5 Miscellaneous addresses and speeches. .F7 Other documents, reports, etc., including semi- official material. Registers. ,H3 Official annual. .115 Others. Student publications. .Jl Annuals. e. g. J1L9, The Lucky Bag. .J5 Other serials. .J7 Miscellaneous. Graduate publications. .Kl Reunions of graduates. .K3 Bulletins. .K4 Class histories (by date). .Ll History and general works on the Naval academy. .L3 Illustrated works. Views. .Ml Biography (not registers). .Pi Descriptive. "Life at Annapolis." .Ql Other miscellaneous. e. g. How to get to Annapolis. .Rl Examination papers. .R3 Entrance examinations. 420 Naval war college, Newport, R. I. 425 Other government schools, 4*^ A/^j/ reserve, off ; C er S 430 Private naval schools. Naval training stations. 433 General. 13 V NAVAL SCIENCE (GENERAL) V Naval education. United States. Naval training stations Continued. 434 Special, A-Z. e. g. .H2, Hampton Roads training station. 435 Training-ships. 436 Special ships, A-Z. 437 United States Revenue cutter service. School of in- struction. Cf. HJ6645. Canada. 440 General. 441 General special. 442 Special subjects, A-Z. 443 Special provinces, A-Z. 444 Special schools. See note preceding V 400. 445-449 Mexico (Divided like 440-444). 450 Central America. 453 Special countries, A-Z. Under each : (1) General. (2) Special (by place), e. g. .G8 Guatemala. .G9A-Z Local subdivisions. 455 West Indies. 458 Special islands, A-Z. Under each subdivide like 453, e. g. .C8-9, Cuba. South America. 465 General. Argentine Republic. 466 General. 467 Miscellaneous. 468 Special schools. 472-474" Brazil. 475-477 Chile. 478-480 Colombia. 481-483 Ecuador. Guiana. 484 British. 485 Dutch. 486 French. o Divided like 466-468. 14 Y NAVAL SCIENCE (GENERAL) Naval education. South America Continued. 488-490 Peru. 491-493 Uruguay. 494-496 Venezuela. 500 Europe. Great Britain. 510 General. 511 General special. 512 Special subjects, A-Z. 513 Examinations. 520 .Al .Cl .C3 .El -5 ,F3 .F7 .G3 .HI .H5 .Kl .K3 .LI .Ml .PI Ql Q7 -Q9 .Rl nard li ke 523 524 525 Royal Naval College, Greenwich. Act of incorporation (editions by date). Administration. Regulations. General (editions by date). Respecting admission. Annual reports. Addresses to students (General). Other documents and reports, including semi- official material. Information for graduates. Registers. Official annual. Others. Graduate publications. Reunions of graduate associations. Class histories, etc. Histories and general works on the school. Biographies. Descriptive works, views, etc. Examinations and reports. Courses. General. Special. Other miscellaneous. Training-ships. Special ships, A-Z. Engineer and dockyard schools. .Al-5 General reports. .Cl Regulations. .Nl Standing orders, etc., for inspectors. o Divided like 466-468. 15 V NAVAL SCIENCE (GENERAL) Naval education. Europe. Great Britain. Engineer and dockyard schools -Continued. .HI Miscellaneous. 530 Private schools. 535 Marine society schools (Proposed). Austria. 550 General. 551 General special. 552 Special subjects, A-Z. 553 Special country divisions, A-Z 554 Schools. See note preceding V 400. 555-559 Belgium. 560-564 Denmark. 565-569 France. 570-574 Germany. 575-579 Greece. 580-584 Holland. 585-589 Italy. 590-594 Norway. 595-599 Portugal. 600-604 Russia. 605-609 Spain. 610-614 Sweden. 615-619 Turkey. 620 Balkan States 621 Bulgaria. 622 Rumania. 625 Asia. 630-634 China. 635-639 India. 640-644 JapaH. 645-649 Persia. 650 Other countries, A-Z. 660 Africa. 675-679 Egypt. 680 Other countries, A-Z. 690-694 Australia. 695 Pacific Islands. o Divided like 550-554. NAVAL SCIENCE (GENERAL) V Naval observations in special wars. N. B. Usually for 2d copies, 1st copies preferably in D, E or F. 701 Before 1789 (by date). 703 Napoleonic wars. 705 United States Civil war. 707 Franco-German war. 709 Spanish- American war. 713 Russo-Japanese war. Naval life, manners and customs, curiosities, antiquities, etc. 720 General. 725 Ancient. Medieval. 730 General. 733 Special. Modern. 735 General. 736 American. 737 English. 738 French. 739 German. 740 Italian. 741 Russian. 742 Spanish. 743 Other. War vessels. Construction, armament, etc. N. B. Not to be confused with Navies (VA), i. e. the vessels con- stituting the fleets of various countries. Cf. VM. 750 General. 755 Ancient. 760 Medieval. 763 Special. e. g. Viking ships. Modern. 765 General works. 767 General special. Minor. Construction General . 795 Works before 1815/30 (Period of sailing vessels), 797 1815/30-1860 (Period of steam vessels). 799 1860-1900 (Period of armored vessels). 800 1901-. Special. Battle-ships, see 750-800. 820 Cruisers. 51154 10 2 17 NAVAL SCIENCE (GENERAL) War vessels. Construction, armament, etc. Special Continued. 830 Torpedo-boats. 833 United States. 835 Other countries, A-Z. 837 Torpedo-boat service. 838 Engineers, etc. e. g. Le mecanicien torpilleur. 840 Torpedo-boat destroyers. 850 Torpedoes (including apparatus for projection, etc.) 855 Special, A-Z. e. g. .G7, Graydon torpedo thrower. .L4, Lay torpedo. .W5, Whitehead torpedo. Submarine boats. Cf. V 210, Submarine warfare. VM 365, Construction. 858 United States Navy. 859 Other navies, A-Z. 860 Revolving turrets. Monitors. 870 Unarmored vessels. 880 Minor craft. 7 NAVIGATION. MERCHANT MARINE. ' ifai* SHIPPING T'': 1 ' * " i<: N. B. This class is designed for the technical part of navigation only. Cf. HE, Transportation and communication, i. e. economic aspects and policy, institutions, carriers, etc. For Commerce, see HF. VK. Periodicals and societies. 1 English. 2 French. 3 German. 4 Other. 5 Congresses. Year-books. Abridgments of the nautical almanac, etc. 7 American. 8 Foreign. Collections. 9 Collections by several authors. 11 Collected works, papers, etc., of individual authors. Dictionaries, see V 23-24. History, conditions, etc. 15 General. 21-124 Special countries. Table I. (Economic material, see HE.) 144 Early works (to 1800). 145 General works, since 1800. 147 General special. 149 Popular works. Books of the ocean. Nautical life. Cf. G 540-550, Ocean life, voyages, cruises, etc. GC 21, Oceanography. 155 Pockot booko. VXarvd^OGoVN^Xrxcxno^V^^e^c.. Cf. VK 7-8. Ship lines, navigation companies, see HE 945. Lists of vessels (by countries), see HE 565. Marine insurance, see HE 961-971. Subsidies, see HE 740-743. f)7 VK NAVIGATION. MERCHANT MARINE VK Equipment of ships, see VM. 211 Ship records, logs, etc. 215 Ship rules, etc. 219 Recruitment of merchant marine. Cf. 401-537, Study and training. 221 Manning of vessels, officers, crews, etc. 225 Impressment. Shanghaiing. 001 TV i- "^^^'-'OP 231 Discipline. 233 Watch duty. Cf. VD 160-302, Regulations for special navies. 235 Stowing. loading. 237 Ballast. Light load line. Freeboard. Legislation, Laws, Inspection, see HE 585-587. Harbor regulations, port charges, etc., see HE 951-953. 361 Dock facilities (Coaling, docking, and repairing). 365 Special ports, A-Z. Collisions and their prevention. Cf. 1250-1255, Shipwrecks. 371 General works. (Including regulations, rules of the road, etc.) 372 Rule of port helm. 373 Lights and signals. Law. 375 General. 376 Special countries, A-Z. Cases. Investigations. 377 Collective. 378 Special (by name of one vessel). 381 Signaling. Cf. V 280-285, Naval signaling. VK, 1010-1124, Lighthouse service. 383 Fog signals. 385 Flags. Cf. V 300-305. 387 Lights. 388 Sound. Submarine signaling. 389 Special systems by name of inventor. 391 Codes. National lists of ships with distinctive signal letters, see HE 565. 393 Funnel marks. 395 House-flags of navigation companies, etc. 397 Wireless telegraphy. Cf. VG 76-78, Naval telegraphy, c^r. \u^ ' 60 .fi ,S-A ,o. r e I "?&"! 1^ --^* 'A, ! u * 60 Electronies in navigation. 61 Loran tables, by region, A-Z. .Al General* A6 Asiatic coasts .A7 Atlantic Ocean. ,P3 Pacific Ocean* ,U United States coasts, coast. VK NAVIGATION. MERCHANT MARINE VK 401 Study and teaching. 421-524 Country divisions. Table I. Special schools. 525 United States. 529 Foreign. 531 Training. 533 Apprentices. 535 Officers. 537 Examinations. 541 Seamanship. 543 Sailing. Small boat sailing, see GV 811. -o ,,. ,, . ' 'CON/ s<^awr=,, li\v\ bc 545 Miscellaneous topics. 547 Use of oil in storms. Cf. 587. Navigation ami nautical astronomy. Cf. QB, Astronomy. 549 History of the science of navigation. General treatises. _x; - Iir\^ ^iw* V\X**fr*J ASWr*AUA*trf, 551 Before 1700. C 553 1700-1800. 555 1800-. 559 Minor works. e. g. Notes on navigation. 563 Nautical tables. Cf. QB 8, Nautical almanacs. Azimuth tables, see 563. Cf. QB 207, Geodetic astronomy. 565 Latitude and longitude at sea (including tables). 567 Longitude and time at sea (including tables). 569 Sumner's method. 571 Great circle sailing. 572 Miscellaneous. e. g. The nautical mile. 573 Nautical instruments. Cf. QB 85-115, Astronomical instrumente. 575 Chronometers (use on board ships). Cf. QB 107. 577 Ships' compasses. Cf . QC 849, Magnetism of ships and compass deviations. 579 Distance-finders, tables, calculations, etc. 581 Logs. Cf. VK 211, Log books. 583 Sextants, quadrants, etc. 61 VK NAVIGATION. MERCHANT MARINE VK Nautical instruments Continued. 584 Other Special instruments, A-Z. e. g. .86, sounding apparatus; cf. GC 75-78, Oceanography. 585 Catalogs of instruments. 587 Other special topics. e. g. Use of charts. Of. 547. Hydrographic surveying. Cf. GA, Cartography. GC, Hydrography (Inland waters). QB 301-321, Geodetic surveying. TA 623, Marine surveying (Engineering). 591 General works. 593 General special. 594 Apparatus. Instruments. 595 Special voyages. 596 Organization and methods of hydrographic bureaus. 597 Special countries, A-Z. Under each: (1) Official publications, by date. (2) Non-official publications, by author, A-Z. e. g. United States .U5 1873. .U6A-Z. TIDE AND CURRENT REGISTERS. 600 &y. \el>&9. '.hi., 601 Early works (to 1800). 602 General works, since 1800. 603 General collections of tide-tables. e. g. .A2-5, Publications of British Hydrographic Office. Special regions. 607 Arctic Ocean. 609 White Sea. 610 Atlantic Ocean. South Atlantic and American coasts, see 757-791. 611 North Atlantic. 614 North Atlantic islands. .Al General. .A3-Z Special. e. g. .12, Iceland. .F2, Faroe Islands. Orkney and Shetland, see 636-637. Azores, Madeira, etc., see 679-680. 62 VK NAVIGATION. MERCHANT MARINE VK Tide and current registers. Atlantic Ocean Continued. 615 North Sea. 616 Norwegian coast. 617 Skagerrak. 618 Kattegat. The Sound. The Belts. 619 Baltic Sea. 620 Swedish coast. 621 Russian coast. 622 German coasts (General and Baltic). 623 Danish coasts. 624 North Sea German coast. 625 North Sea Dutch coast. 626 North Sea Belgian coast. 627 British Isles. 628 West coast (except Ireland). 620 St. George's Channel (including Bristol Channel). 630 Bristol Channel. 631 Ireland. Irish Sea. 632 Isle of Man. 633 West coast of Scotland. 634 Hebrides. 635 Scotland North and east coasts. 636 Shetland Islands. 637 Orkney Islands. 638 East coast of England. .5 Thames. 639 English Channel. 641 British coast. Channel Islands. 643 General. 644 Special, A-Z. 645 French coasts (General and English Channel). 647 Bay of Biscay. 649 Spanish and Portuguese coasts (General and At- lantic). 650 Local, A-Z. e. g. .C2, Gulf of Cadiz. 651 Straits of Gibraltar. 653 Mediterranean. 654 Spain. 655 Balearic Islands. 656 France. Gulf of Lyons. 63 VK NAVIGATION. MERCHANT MARINE VK Tide and current registers. Atlantic Ocean. Mediterranean Continued. 657 Italy. 658 Gulf of Genoa. Ligurian Sea. 659 Corsica. 660 Sardinia. 661 Tyrrhenian Sea. 662 Sicily. Straits of Messina. Sicily Channel (in- cluding Skerki Bank). 668 Adriatic and islands (Italian). 664 Austrian coast and islands. 665 Turkey. 666 Greece. 667 Ionian Sea and islands. .5 Crete. 668 Aegean Sea and islands. 669 Dardanelles. Sea of Marmora. 670 Black Sea. 671 . Sea of Azof. Eastern coasts. 672 Asia Minor. 678 Cyprus. 674 African coast. 677 African coast (General and western). 679 Atlantic islands. 680 Special islands, A-Z. e. g. .A9, Azores. .02, Canaries. .C3, Cape Verde. .M2, Madeira. .82, Salvages. 685 Indian Ocean. 687 African coast. .1 British South Africa. .3 Portuguese. .5 German. .7 British East Africa. 689 Rivers. 691 Islands. 693 Gulf of Aden. 695 Red Sea. 697 Persian Gulf. 698 Indian coast. South coast of Asia. 64 VK NAVIGATION. MERCHANT MARINE VK Tide and current registers. Indian Ocean Continued. 699 Arabian Sea. 701 Bay of Bengal. 702 East coast of Asia. 703 Gulf of Siam. 705 China Sea and Chinese coast. 706 Yangtze River and tributaries. 707 Yellow Sea. 709 Japan Sea. 711 Philippine Islands. 715 Pacific Ocean. 717 North. 725 South. Special. 727 Australia coast. 729 New Zealand coast. 731 Malaysian coasts. 733 Other special islands, A-Z. 741 Eastern Pacific. West coast of America. 743 Alaskan coast. 745 Canada West coast. 746 Vancouver Island. United States coast. 747 General. 748 By states, A-W. 749 Mexican coast. 751 Central American coast. 752 Local, A-Z. 755 South American coast. 756 Local, A-Z. 757 South Atlantic and South Sea. (West Indies, South Atlantic Ocean in general, see 610. America and Pacific.) -jg ^ Atlantic Ocean West. North Atlantic and coasts of Europe and Africa, see 611-680. 761 South American coast (General). 763 Straits of Magellan. 764 Falkland Islands. 765 La Plata River. 767 Brazilian coast. 51154 10 5 65 VK NAVIGATION. MERCHANT MARINE VK Tide and current registers. Atlantic Ocean West Continued. West Indies. Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico. 771 General. 773 Special, A-Z. 775 Gulf of Mexico. 777 Florida Keys and Florida Straits. 781 United States. 782 Local, A-Z. Great Lakes. 783 General. 784 Special, A-Z. 785 Canada East coast. 786 Nova Scotia. Cape Breton Island. 787 Bay of Fundy. 788 St. Lawrence. 789 Newfoundland and Labrador coasts. 790 Hudson Bay, Hudson Strait, etc. 791 Greenland coast. 792 Baffin Bay, Davis Strait, etc. 793 United States as a whole, including island possessions. SAILING DIRECTIONS. PILOT GUIDES. N. B. Official publications to be entered under name of country. 798 Serial publications. (Hydrographic notices, Notices to mariners, etc.) 799 Tables for navigators. Distances, etc. Tables for nautical astronomy, see 563-567. 801 Early works (to 1800). 802 General works, since 1800. 803 Official sailing directions published by Great Britain. pHyEr Subdivided bv region, e. g. 803 (811), North Atlantic. or> - T T-. ft n \<\TAvc.r\d- >v.<-av*i t 807 Arctic Ocean. 809 ' White Sea. 810 Atlantic Ocean. South Atlantic and American coasts, see 957-991. 811 North Atlantic. 813 . General special. Steam lanes. 814 North Atlantic islands. . .Al General. .A3-Z9 Local. .F2, Faroe Islands; .12, Iceland. Azores, Madeira, etc., see 879-880. Orkney and Shetland, see 836-837. 66 VK NAVIGATION. MERCHANT MARINE VK Sailing directions Continued. 815 North Sea. 816 Norway. 817 Skagerrak. 818 Kattegat. The Sound. The Belts. 819 Baltic Sea. 820 Sweden. 821 Russia. 822 German coasts (General and Baltic). 823 Danish coasts. 824 North Sea German coast. 825 North Sea Dutch coast. 826 North Sea Belgian coast. 827 British Isles. $"Z7. 6~ 828 West coast (except Ireland). 829 St. George's Channel (including Bristol Channel). 830 Bristol Channel. 831 Ireland. Irish Sea. 832 Isle of Man. 833 West coast of Scotland. 834 Hebrides. 835 Scotland North and east coasts. 836 Shetland Islands. 837 Orkney Islands. 838 East coast of England. .5 River Thames. 839 English Channel. 841 British coast. Channel Islands. 843 General. 844 Special, A-Z. ' 845 French coasts (General and English Channel). 847 Bay of Biscay. 849 Spanish and Portuguese coasts (General and Atlantic). 850 Local, A-Z. e. g. .C2, Gulf of Cadiz. 851 Straits of Gibraltar. 853 Mediterranean. 854 Spain. 855 Balearic Islands. 856 France. "Gulf of Lyons. 857 Italy. 67 VK NAVIGATION. MERCHANT MARINE VK Sailing directions. Mediterranean Continued. 858 Gulf of Genoa. Ligurian Sea. 859 Corsica. 860 Sardinia. 861 Tyrrhenian Sea. 862 Sicily. Straits of Messina. Sicily Channel (in- cluding Skerki Bank). 863 Adriatic and islands (Italian). 864 Austria coast and islands. 865 Turkey. 866 Greece. 867 Ionian Sea and islands. .5 Crete. 868 Aegean Sea and islands. 869 Dardanelles. Sea of Marmora. 870 Black Sea. 871 Sea of Azof. Eastern coasts. 872 Asia Minor. 873 Cyprus. 874 African coast. 877 African coast (General and western). 879 Islands (North Atlantic islands). 880 Special islands, A-Z. e. g. .A9, Azores. .02, Canaries. .03, Cape Verde. .M2, Madeira. .82, Salvages. 881 East Indies (England to India, etc.). 885 Indian Ocean. 887 African coast (East coast). .1 British South Africa. .3 Portuguese. .5 German. J_ ? British East Africa. t*ii** 889 Rivers. 891 Islands. 893 Gulf of Aden. 895 Red Sea. 897 Persian Gulf. 898 Indian coast. South coast of Asia. 68 VK NAVIGATION. MERCHANT MARINE VK Sailing directions. Indian Ocean Continued. 899 Arabian Sea. 901 Bay of Bengal. 902 East coast of Asia. 903 Gulf of Siam. 905 China Sea and Chinese coast. 906 Yangtze River. 907 Yellow Sea. 909 Japan Sea. JA^A-V^-SI Js/A-n^/ir, 911 Philippine Islands. 915 Pacific Ocean. 917 North. 925 South. Special. 927 Australia. 929 New Zealand. 931 Malaysia. 933 Other special islands, A-Z. 941 Eastern Pacific. West coast of America. 943 Alaska. 945 West coast of Canada. British Columbia. 946 Vancouver Island. United States. 947 General. 948 By states, A-W. 949 Mexico. 951 Central America. 952 Local, A-Z. 955 South America. 956 Local, A-Z. 957 South Atlantic and South Sea. (West Indies, South America, and Pacific.) Atlantic Ocean in general, see 810. Atlantic Ocean West. 961 South America (General). 963 Straits of Magellan. 964 Falkland Islands. 965 La Plata River. 967 Brazil. West Indies. Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico. 971 General. 973 Special, A-Z. G9 VK NAVIGATION. MERCHANT MARINE VK Sailing directions. Atlantic Ocean West Continued. 975 Gulf of Mexico. 977 Florida Keys and Florida Straits. 981 United States. "Atlantic coast pilots.' 1 982 Local, A-Z. Great Lakes. 983 General. 984 Special. e. g. .G4, Georgian Bay. .06, Lake Ontario. 985 Canada East coast. 986 Nova Scotia and Cape Breton. Bay of Fundy. - , 988 St. Lawrence. 989 Newfoundland and Labrador. 990 Hudson Bay, Hudson Strait, etc. 991 Greenland. 992 Baffin Bay, Davis Strait, etc. 993 United States as a whole, including island possessions. e. g. Depths of channels and harbors. 5 / ft - * " (Lighthouses, light-ships, beacons, buoys, fog-horns, etc.) Cf. TO 375-381, Lighthouse construction, etc. 1010 General works. 1013 Miscellaneous. 1015 History. 1021-1124 Country subdivisions. Table I. Under 1023, United States: Lighthouse board. .A2 Annual reports. .A25 Special reports (by date). .A3 Orders. .A4 Collections. .AS Instruction. .A6 Laws and regulations. .A7 Miscellaneous. .A8 Reports, etc., of other (official) bodies. e. g. Congressional committees, also state doc- uments. .A9 Non-official, A-Z. 70 VK NAVIGATION. MERCHANT MARINE VK Lists of lights, k^ * , ,. / 1150 General lists. Early volumes or parts of the British Admiralty list of lights bearing no serial numbers are to be marked according to following scheme : .G7 (by date). a British Islands. b North, Baltic and White seas. c France, Spain and Portugal. d Mediterranean. e West coast of Africa. f South Africa. g South America. h West Indies. i United States. j British North America. Special countries and regions. 1151 Europe. 1153 Great Britain. 1155 England. 1157 Scotland. 1159 Ireland. 1161 Norway. 1163 Denmark. 1165 Sweden. 1167 Russia. 1169 Germany. 1171 Netherlands. 1173 France. 1175 Portugal. 1176 Mediterranean. 1177 Spain. 1179 Italy. 1181 Greece. 0< - 1183 Turkey. TFonT ' " ' r EMVea,v covvvrh'/ts. A - " 1191 East Africa. 1192 West Africa. 1193 British Africa, A-Z. 1194 French Africa, A-Z. 1195 German Africa, A-Z. 1196 Italian Africa, A-Z. 1197 Portuguese Africa, A-Z. 71 VK NAVIGATION. MERCHANT MARINE VK Lists of lights. Special countries and regions. Africa Continued . 1198 Egypt. 1199 Other native states, A-Z. 1201 Asia. 1203 China. 1204 India. 1205 Indo-China. 1206 Indonesia. Malay Archipelago. 1207 Japan. 1208 Russia in Asia. 1209 Others, A-Z. 1211 Australia. a, /I- rcic.t-iC ^ V* c. 6v\ 1221 Pacific Islands. 1223 Special, A-Z. 1225 South America. 1226 Argentine Republic. 1227 Bolivia. 1228 Brazil. 1229 Chile. 1230 Colombia. 1231 Ecuador. 1232 Guiana. 1233 Paraguay. 1234 Peru. 1235 Uruguay. 1236 Venezuela. 1237 Central America. 1238 Special, A-Z. 1239 West Indies. 1240 Special, A-Z. 1241 North America. 1243 United States. 1244 Great Lakes. 1245 Canada. 1246 Other countries, A-Z. 1247 Bridge lights. 1248 United States. 1249 Other countries, A-Z. 72 VK NAVIGATION. MERCHANT MARINE VK SHIPWRECKS AND FIRES. Reports and examinations. Narratives, see G 525-530. 1250 General. 1255 Special wrecks, A- */C 1257 Special fires. 1259 Miscellaneous. e. g. Food supply. Special countries. United States. 1270 General. 1271 Great Lakes. 1272 Other special regions, A-Z. 1273 Special states, A-W. Canada. British America. 1274 General. 1275 Special regions, A-Z. 1276 Special political divisions, A-Z. Latin America. 1277 General. 1278 Special regions, A-Z. 1279 Special political divisions, A-Z. Europe. 1280 General. 1281 Special regions, A-Z. 1282 Special political divisions, A-Z. Africa. 1283 General. 1284 Special regions, A-Z. 1285 Special political divisions, A-Z. Asia. 1286 General. 1287 Special regions, A-Z. 1288 Special political divisions, A-Z. Australia. 1289 General. 1290 Special regions, A-Z. 1291 Special political divisions, A-Z. Pacific Islands. 1292 General. 1293 Special regions, A-Z. 1294 Special islands, A-Z. 73 VK NAVIGATION. MERCHANT MARINE VK SAVING OF LIFE AND PROPERTY. Life-saving. 1300 Periodicals and societies. 1315 History. 1321-1424 Special countries. Table I. 1445 General works. 1447 Miscellaneous aspects of the general subject. Apparatus, stations, etc. Cf. 383, Fog-horns, bells, etc. 1461 General. 1471 Miscellaneous. 1473 Boats. 1475 Buoys. 1477 Life-preservers . 1479 Rockets. 1481 Other special. e. g. .82, Safety anchorages. 1491 Salvage. Cf. HE 971, Economics. VM 981-989, Diving. JX 4436, International law. PILOTS AND PILOTAGE. 1500 Periodicals and societies. 1515 History. 1521-1624 Special countries. Table I. Under 1523, United States: .Al-4 Documents. Pilot rules. .A25 Atlantic and Pacific coast inland waters (by date). .A26 Rivers whose waters flow into Gulf of Mexico (by date) . .A27 Great Lakes (by date). .A4 Special (by date). 1645 General works. 1661 Miscellaneous. 74 T5 NAVAL ARCHITECTURE, SHIP-BUILD ING AND MARINE ENGINEERING War vessels (construction, armament, etc.), see V 750-980. VM Periodicals and societies. 1 American and English. 2 French. 3 German. 4 Other. 5 Congresses. 6 Exhibitions. Museums. (Models, etc.) 7 Collections. Dictionaries and encyclopedias, see V 23-24. 12 Directories. History. 15 General. 16 Ancient. 17 Medieval. 18 Modern. 19 19th century. 20 20th century. 21-124 Country subdivisions. Table I. Biography. 139 Collective. 140 Individual. General works on naval architecture. Wooden ships. 142 Before 1800. 143 1800-1860/75. 144 1875-. 145 General treatises since 1860/75. Steel and iron ships. 146 General works. ^ 147 Miscellaneous minor works. 149 Miscellaneous works on naval architecture in general. Special types of ships, see 311-463. I ro Specifications, see 295-296 and 737. J av - gvU \ l c. \ i ' ter V 151 Tables, pocket-books, etc., for naval architects and ship-builders. 77 VM NAVAL ARCHITECTURE, ETC . VM 153 Tonnage tables (Tonnage of ships). Cf. II E 737-738, Tables and calculations for freight measure- men ta. 155 Measurement of ships. Theory of the ship. Principles of naval architecture. 156 General works. 157 Displacement and buoyancy of ships. 159 Statical stability of ships. 161 Oscillations of ships (Rolling, etc.). 163 Strains experienced by ships. Resistance of ships, see 751. Study and teaching. /< 165 General - - &^^^ u^424z/ 171-274 Special countries. Table I. (Add 150 to numbers in table.) Special schools. 275 American. 276 Foreign. 285 Addresses, lectures, essays. 291 Estimates. Contracts and specifications. Cf. 737, Specifications for marine engines and boilers. 295 General. 296 Special. e. g. .U5-8 United States government vessels. .U6S8 Lighthouse tender "Sumac." .U7 no. 74 Lighthouse vessel, no. 74. 297 Designs and drawings. 298 Ship models. 299 Management of works. 300 Shop rates, costs, etc. 301 \Cataloga, illustrationa, cte^ of ohip yardc. 307 Illustrations of ships of all kindsT'i-^ v A&vjcx\ ^V^buvVdvna Special types of vessels. Cf. 142-144, Wooden ships. 146-147, Steel and iron ships. 295-296, Specifications for vessels. 737, Specifications for marine engines. 311 Special types by construction, A-Z. e. g. .W5, Whaleback. Small craft. 320 Periodicals. 321 General works. 331 Yachts. Cf. |GV 813-833, Yachting. 78 VM NAVAL ARCHITECTURE, ETC. VM Special types of vessels. Small craft Continued. 335 House-boats. 341- f Motor-boats. Launches. Cf. GV 835, Aquatic sports. VM 771, Marine engines. _ Periodicals, see 320. 345 Electric boats. 347 Electric motors. 351 Boats. Rowboats, small sailboats, etc. 353 Canoes. 355 Skiffs. 357 Odd craft. Folding boats, water-bicycles, etc. 359 Toy boats. 361 Catalogs, price-lists, etc. 3/7 5 / t-c J W -h/'t'c-s, / 365 Submarine boats. *.*. . S7 $te>r**\ Cf. V 210, Submarine warfare. V 858-859, Submarine boats in special navies. 371 Miscellaneous types. e. g. Chinese junks. Special types by use. 381 Passenger vessels. ^91 TuvvnsVuv^ aw T>r- Jreru .P5 Costa Rica .08 "Do Portugal .P8 Cuba . .C9 Rumania R8 Denmark . . .D4 T?n Russia .Jtvy Dutch East Indies . . .D7 Dutch Guiana .D8 Salvador . . S2 Santo Domingo S3 Ecuador .E2 Ci _.* G/< oervia .D4 Egvpt .E3 GK oi am .00 Spain. _ _ . ._ S7 France .r o TT'rv Sweden S8 French Guiana ._ . .r9 Switzerland . . . S9 Germany . ____.._. .G3 f\ J. T> 'i ' /"^T Transvaal '17 Great Britain .(jr7 f^o Tunis T8 Greece . . . .(jr8 r*\ j. i /~*\r\ Turkev T9 Guatemala .G9 United States TT6 Haiti .. . .H2 Uruffuav .U8 iHolland .H7 Honduras . . .H8 Venezuela. .V4 N. B. The numbers in these lists are intended to be used as a guide for the best distribution of numbers and not necessarily as a fixed standard. 87 COUNTRY SUBDIVISIONS TABLE III. STATES AND TERRITORIES OF THE UNITED STATES. Alabama . A2 Alaska Territory . A4 Arizona Territory _ . A6 Arkansas .AS California .C2 Colorado .C6 Connecticut .C8 Delaware .D3 District of Columbia ,D6 Florida.. .F6 Georgia .G4 Idaho .12 Illinois .13 Indian Territory .14 Indiana .16 Iowa .18 Kansas .K2 Kentucky .K4 Louisiana .L8 Maine .M2 Maryland .M3 Massachusetts . .M4 Michigan .M5 Minnesota .M6 Mississippi.. .M7 Missouri . . ,M8 Montana .M9 Nebraska .N2 Nevada .N3 New Hampshire ,N4 New Jersey .N5 New Mexico Territory _ . .N6 New York .. .N7 North Carolina .N8 North Dakota. . .N9 Ohio .03 Oklahoma .05 Oregon .07 Pennsylvania .P4 Rhode Island .R4 South Carolina .86 South Dakota.^ .88 Tennessee .T2 Texas... .T4 Utah .U8 Vermont . V5 Virginia . V8 Washington .W2 West Virginia .W4 Wisconsin .W6 Wyoming .W8 88 INDEX 89 INDEX. Names of countries are not included in this index except in the case of pilot guides, tide tables, and a few headings under United States and Great Britain. Pilot guides and tide tables are made an exception on account of the fact that their primary arrange- ment in the schedules is by oceans, seas, etc., and only secondarily by country. In other cases the country subdivisions of any given subject may be readily found by referring to the scheme itself. Accouterments, Naval: VC 340. Aden, Gulf of Pilot guides: VK 893. Tide tables: VK 693. Admirals Biography: VB 61-3. Special countries: D-F. Duties, etc.: VB 190. Adriatic Sea Pilot guides: VK 863-4. Tide tables: VK 663-4. Aegean Sea Pilot guides: VK 868. Tide tables: VK 668. Africa Pilot guides General: VK 877. East coast: VK 887. West coast: VK 877. Mediterranean coast: VK 874. Tide tables General: VK 677. East coast: VK 687. West coast: VK 677. . Mediterranean coast: VK 674. i ci i " -\/. vSj'ao - Alaska Pilot guides: VK 943. Tide tables: VK 743. Almanacs, Naval: V 9-10. America ' coast ^VK 961-91. West coast: VK 941. Tide tables East coast: VK 761-91. West coast: VK 741. Ammunition, Naval: VF 460. Anchors: VM 791. Annapolis. Naval academy: V 415. Apothecary service, Naval: VG 270-5. Appropriations, Naval: VA 20-25. Special countries: VA 60-750. Great Britain: VA 455. United States: VA 60. Arabian Sea Pilot guides: VK 899. Tide tables: VK 699. Arctic Ocean Pilot guides: VK 807. Tide tables: VK 607. Armament, Naval: V 950-60. Armor-plate: V 900-25. Armor tests: V 910. Naval ordnance tests: VF 540. Asia East coast Pilot guides: VK 902. Tide tables: VK 702. North coast Pilot guides: VK 807-9 Tide tables: VK 607-9. South coast Pilot guides: VK 898. Tide tables: VK 698. Asia Minor Pilot guides: VK 872. Tide tables: VK 672. Astronomy, Nautical: VK 549-87. Atlantic Ocean Pilot guides General: VK 810. North: VK 811-13. American coast: VK 961-91. European coast: VK 814-51. African coast: VK 877-80. 91 INDEX Atlantic Ocean Pilot guides Continued. South: VK 987. African coast: VK 877-80. American coast: VK 961-91. Tide tables General: VK 610. North: VK 611-13. American coast: VK 761-91. European coast: VK 614-51. African coast: VK 677-80. South: VK787. African coast: VK 677-80. American coast: VK 761-91. Attache's, Naval: VB 240. Australia, Coast of Pilot guides: VK 927. Tide tables: VK 727. Austria, Coast of Pilot guides: VK 864. >t_ __ Tide tables : VK 664. \cx-H o<*,Azimuth tables: VK 563. Sf0~".Azof, Sea of Pilot guides: VK 871. Tide tables: VK 671. Azores Pilot guides: VK 880.A9. Tide tables: VK 680.A9. B Babcock and Wilcox boilers: VM 743. B2. Badges, Naval: VC 345. Baffin Bay: VK 792, 992. Balearic Islands Pilot guides: VK 855. Tide tables: VK 655. Ballast: VK 237. Ballistics: UF 820-40. Baltic Sea Pilot guides: VK 819-22. Tide tables: VK 619-22. Bands (Musicians): VG 30-5. W^TW 2 ' VVncK.r ^'.y.V&VO Battle-ships Construction, etc.: V 750-980. Special navies: VA Bayonet drill Marines: VE 340. Seamen: VD 340. Bayonets Marines: VE 380. Seamen: VD 380. Beacons, lighthouses, etc. Construction: TC 375-81. Beacons, lighthouses, etc. Continued. Lighthouse service: VK 1010-1246. Belgium, Coast of Pilot guides: VK 826. Tide tables: VK 626. Bengal, Bay of Pilot guides: VK 901. Tide tables: VK 701. Berthing and hammocks: VM 511. Biscay, Bay of Pilot guides: VK 847. Tide tables: VK 647. Black Sea Pilot guides: VK 870. Tide tables: VK 670. Blockade duty: V 180. Boat-building: VM 320-61. Boat equipment (Naval ordnance): VF 340-5. Boat-lowering apparatus: VM 801. Boat service (Naval): VD 400-5. Bookkeeping, Naval: VC 500-5. Bounties, Naval: VB 280-5. Brazil, Coast of Pilot guides: VK 967. Tide tables: VK 767. Brevets, Naval: VB 330-5. Bridge lights (Navigation): VK 1247-9. Bristol Channel Pilot guides: VK 830. Tide tables: VK 630. British Channel Pilot guides: VK 839. Tide tables: VK 639. British Columbia, Coast of Pilot guides: VK 945. Tide tables: VK 745. British Isles, Coasts of Pilot guides: VK 827-44. Tide tables: VK 627-44. British navy: VA 452-67. Budgets: VA 20-750. Bulkheads (Naval architecture) : VM 469. Bullets: VF 500. Buoys, lighthouses, etc.: VK 1010-1246. C Cables (Equipment of vessels): VM 791'. Naval vessels : VC 279. Cadiz, Gulf of Pilot guides: VK 850.C2. Tide tables: VK 650.C2. 92 INDEX Canada East coast Pilot guides: VK 985. Tide tables: V& 785. West coast Pilot guides: VK 945. Tide tables: VK 745. Canoes: VM 353. Canteens: VC 390-5. Cape Breton Pilot guides: VK 986. Tide tables: VK 786. Capstans: VM 811. Carbines, Naval: VD 370. Marines: VE 370. Caribbean Sea Pilot guides: VK 971. Tide tables: VK 771. Carthaginian sea power: V 35. Cartridges: VF 470. Cemeteries, Naval: VB 300-5. Central America East coast Pilot guides: VK 971-5. Tide tables: VK 771-5. West coast Pilot guides: VK 951-2. Tide tables: VK 751-2. Ceremonies, Naval: V 310. Channel Islands Pilot guides: VK 843-4. Tide tables: VK 643-4. Chaplains, Naval: VG 20-25. Chesapeake Bay Pilot guides: VK 982. Co. Tide tables: VK 782.C5. China, Coast of Pilot guides: VK 902. Tide tables: VK 702. China Sea Pilot guides: VK 905. Tide tables: VK 705. Chronometers (Navigation): VK 575. Civil employees, Naval: VB 170-87. Clerks, Naval: VB 170-87. Clothing, Naval: VC 280-340. Coaling stations, Naval: V 240. Special countries: VA 73-750. Great Britain: VA 461. United States: VA 73^. Coast defence: V 200. Coast pilots: VK 798-993. (See Pilot guides) Codes, Signal (Navigation): VK 391. Collier service, Naval: VA. Great Britain: VA 461. United States: VA 75. Colliers (Construction, etc.): VM 401. Collisions at sea: VK 371-8. Command of ships (Naval science) : VB 200-5. Commanders, Naval Biography: V 61-3. Special countries: D-F. Duties, etc.: VB 190. Compass: VK 577. Cooking, Naval: VC 370. Corporal punishment in naval service: VB 910. Correspondents, War: VG 500. Corsica Pilot guides: VK 859. Tide tables: VK 659. Courts-martial, Naval: VB 800-7. Courts of inquiry, Naval: VB 810-5. Crete Pilot guides: VK 867.5. Tide tables: VK 667.5. Crews (Merchant marine): VK 221. Cruisers: V 820. Currents: VK 601-793. (See Tide and current registers) Cyprus * Pilot guides: VK 873. Tide tables: VK 673. .. Dardanelles Pilot guides: VK 869. Tide tables: VK 669. Denmark, Coast of Pilot guides: VK 823. Tide tables: VK 623. Dental service, Naval: VG 280-5. Desertion from the navy: VB 870-5. Discipline Merchant marine: VK 231. Navy: VB 840-5. Dispatch boats, Naval: V 880. Dispensaries, Naval: VG 270-5. Displacement of ships: VM 157. Distance-finders (Navigation): VK 579. 93 INDEX Distillation of sea water: VM 505. Diving, Submarine: VM 981-9. Dock facilities: VK 361-5. Docks, Naval: V 220. Special countries: VA 67-750. Great Britain: VA 461. United States: VA 67-8. Donkey-engines: VM 767. Drags (Hydrography): VK 594. Drill manual and regulations Marines: VE 157-302. Naval ordnance: VF 160-302. Seamen: VD 157-302. E East Indies Pilot guides: VK 881. Tide tables: VK 681. ?-Education, Naval: V 400-695. Egyptian sea power (Ancient): V 33. Electric boats: VM 345-7. Electricity in naval use: VM 470-9. Electric lighting of ships: VM 493. Electricians, Naval: VG 470-5. Telegraphy and telephony: VG 70-85. English Channel Pilot guides: VK 839-44. Tide tables: VK 639-44. Enlistment, Naval: VB 260-75. Equipment, Naval General: VC 280-340. Marines: VE 350-5. Ordnance: VF 320-5. Boats: VF 340-5. Seamen: VD 350-5. Expenditures, Naval: V A 20-5. Special countries: VA 60-750. Great Britain: VA 455. United States: VA 60. F Falkland Islands Pilot guides: VK 964. Tide tables: VK 764. Faroe Islands Pilot guides: VK 814 F2. ,_ Tide tables: VK 614.F2. Ferry-boats: VM 421. r ' Firearms, Naval Ordnance: VF. Small arms Marines: VE 360-90. Seamen: VD 360-90. Fires at Sea: VK 1250-94. Merely Firing (Musketry) Marines: VE f 330-5. Seamen: VD* 330-5. Firing instructions for naval ordnance: . v .. rueot Flag signaling (Navigation): VK 385t Flags Merchant marine: V 300-5. House-flags: VK 395. Signal-flags: VK 385. Signaling, codes, etc.: VK 391. Navy: V 300-5. Signaling: V 280-5. Floating batteries: V 890. Flogging in navy: VB 910. Florida Straits Pilot guides: VK 977. Tide tables: VK 777. Fog-signals: VK 383. Folding boats:' VM 357. Food-supply, Naval: VC 350-400. T. f, * Mov-ai: vctt -/. France, Coasts or Pilot guides North coast (British Channel): VK 845. South coast (Mediterranean, Gulf of Lyons): VK 856. West coast (Atlantic, Bay of Biscay) : VK 847. Tide tables North coast: VK 645. South coast: VK 656. West coast: VK 647. Franco- Prussian war Naval observations: V 707. Freeboard: VK 237. Freight steamers (Construction): VM 391. Fulton, Robert Biography: VM 140.F9. Fulton-Livingston monopoly: VM 618. Fundy, Bay of Pilot guides: VK 987. Tide tables: VK 787. Funnel marks: VK 393. G Gas and oil engines: VM 770-1. Catling gun (Naval): VF 410.G3. Genoa, Gulf of Pilot guides: VK 858. Tide tables: VK 658. Georgian Bay Pilot guides: VK 984.G4. 94 INDEX Germany, Coasts of Pilot guides Baltic Sea: VK 822. North Sea: VK 824. Tide tables Baltic Sea: VK 622. North Sea: VK 624. Gibraltar, Straits of Pilot guides: VK 851. Tide tables: VK 651. Great Britain Pilot guides: VK 803. British Isles: VK 827-44. Tide tables: VK 603. British Isles: VK 627-44. Great Britain. Navy Drill regulations Marines: VE 234. Naval ordnance: VF 234. Seamen: VD 234. Law, regulations, etc.: VB 590-99. Navy lists: V 11. Organization: VA 452-67. Great circle sailing: VK 571. Great Lakes Lighthouses: VK 1244. Pilot guides: VK 983-4. Greece, Coasts of Pilot guides: VK 866. Tide tables: VK 666. Greek sea power (Ancient): V 37. Greenland, Coast of Pilot guides: VK 991. Tide tables: VK 791. Greenwich royal hospital, Greenwich, Eng.: VB295.G7. Gulf of Mexico Pilot guides: VK 971-7. Tide tables: VK 771-7. Gun-carriages, Naval: VF 430. Gun handbooks (Naval ordnance): VF 390-5. Great Britain: VF 393. United States: V^ 395.GJ. Gunnery, "Naval: VF520. Drill books, etc.: VF 150-302. (Suns, 4.*Ti'-4irer- A ft: H Hammocks, Ships': VM 511. Hatchways: VM 851. Headquarters, Naval: VB 210. Head wear, Naval: VB 320. Hebrides Pilot guides: VK 834. Tide tables: VK 634. History of naval science: V 25-55. Holland, Coast of Pilot guides: VK 825. Tide tables: VK 625. Honors, Naval: V 310. Hospital service, Naval: VG 410-57. Hospital ships, Naval: VG 450. House-boats (Construction): VM 335. Howitzers, Naval: VF 390-5. Hudson Bay: VK 790,990. Hydrographic bureaus: VK 596-7. Hydrographic surveying: VK 591-597. Hydrography, Marine: VK. (See Pilot guides; Tide and current registers) Hygiene, Naval: VG 470-5. Ice-breaking vessels: VM 451. Iceland, Coast of Pilot guides: VK 814.12. Tide tables: VK 614.12. Impressment of sailors: VK 225. Indian Ocean Pilot guides: VK 885-901. Tide tables: VK 685-701. Insignia, Naval: VC 345. Inspection, Naval: VB 220-5. Intelligence, Naval: VB 230. Interior administration (Naval): VB 160. International law, Naval: VB 353. Ionian Sea Pilot guides: VK 867. Tide tables: VK 667. Ireland, Coast of Pilot guides: VK 831. Tide tables: VK 631. Irish Sea Pilot guides: VK831. Tide tables: VK 631. Iron ships: VM 146-7. Isle of Man Pilot guides: VK 832. Tide tables: VK 632. Italy, coast of Pilot guides: VK 857. Tide tables: VK 657. 95 INDEX Japan Sea Pilot guides: VK 909. Tide tables: VK 709. Judiciary, Naval: VB 790-910. Junks, Chinese: VM 371. K Kattegat Pilot guides: VK 818. Tide tables: VK 618. Knot (Nautical mile): VK 572. Knots, Sailors': VM 533. Labrador, Coast of Pilot guides: VK 989. Tide tables: VK 789. Land duty, Naval: V 175. Landing maneuvers, Naval: V 175. La Plata River Pilot guides: VK 965. Tide tables: VK 765. Latitude and longitude at sea: VK 565-7. Launches, motor-boats, etc.: VM 341. Catalogs: VM361. Electric boats: VM 345-7. Engines: VM 771. Periodicals: VM 320. Laundries, Naval: VC 430. Law, Naval: VB 350-785. Life-boats: VK 1473. Life-preservers: VK 1477. Life-saving service: VK 1300-1481. Light load line: VK 237, Light signals (Navigation): VK 387. Lighthouses: VK 1010-1246. Construction: TC 375-9. Ligurian Sea Pilot guides: VK 858. < Tide tables: VK 658. Loading of vessels: VK 235. Loading apparatus: VM 831. Log, Ship's: VK 581. Logbooks: VK 211. Longitude and latitude at sea: VK 565-7. Pilot guides: VK 856. Tide tables: VK 656. M Machine guns, Naval: VF 410. Madeira Pilot guides: VK 880.M2. Tide tables: VK 680.M2. Magazines and arsenals, Naval: VF 380. Magellan, Straits of Pilot guides: VK 963. Tide tables: VK 763. Maintenance, Naval: VC. Malaysia Pilot guides: VK 931. Tide tables: VK 731. Man, Isle of Pilot guides: VK 832. Tide tables: VK 632. Maneuvers, Naval: V 245. Manning of vessels : VK 221. Manual of arms Marines: VE 320. Seamen: VD 320. Marine engineering Biography: VM 139-40. Collections: VM 7. Congresses: VM 5. Contracts: VM 737. Dictionaries: V 23-4. Directories: VM 12. Encyclopedias: V 23-4. Examinations: VM 725-8. Exhibitions: VM 6. General works: VM 600. Handbooks, manuals, etc.: VM 605. History: VM 615-724. Periodicals: VM 1-4. Societies: VM 1-4. Special countries: VM 621-724. Specifications : VM 737. Tables: VM 607. Marine engines, boilers, etc.: VM 731-75. Marine hospital service: VG 410-50. Marine railways: VM 925. Marines: VE. Prill regulations: .VJE 160-302. Equipment: VE 380-408. History: VE 15-124. Manuals: VE 150-5. Manual of arms: VE 320. Tactics: VE 157. Marmora, Sea of Pilot guides: VK 869. Tide tables: VK 669. 96 Masts and spars: VM 531. Maxim machine guns (Naval): VF 410.M4. Measurement of vessels: VM 155. Medals, Naval: VB 330-5. Medical appliances, Naval: VG 290-5. Medical examination of recruits: VB 270-5. Medical service, Naval : VG 100-475. Mediterranean Sea Pilot guides: VK 853-74. Tide tables: VK 653-74. Merchant marine Navigation: VK. Messina, Straits of Pilot guides: VK 862. Tide tables: VK 662. Messing, Naval: VC 370-80. Mexico East coast Pilot guides: VK 971-3. Tide tables: VK 771-3. West coast Pilot guides: VK 949. Tide tables: VK 749. Mexico, Gulf of Pilot guides: VK 971-7. Tide tables: VK 771-7. Mile, Nautical: VK 572. Minor services of navies: VG. Mobilization, Naval: VA 48. Special navies: VA 77-750. Model engines: VM 775. Motor-boats: VM 341-7. Engines: VM 771. Periodicals: VM 320. Music, Naval: VG30^5. I Musketry Marines: VE 330-5. Seamen: VD 330-5. Mutiny, Naval: VB 860-7. N Napoleonic wars Naval observations: V 703. Nautical astronomy: VK 549-87. Nautical instruments: VK 573-85. Nautical training-schools: VK 525-9. Naval antiquities History of naval science: V 27-55. Manners and customs: V 720-43. Naval architecture: VM. Biography: VM 139-140. Catalogs: VM 301. Collections: VM 7. Congresses: VM 5. Contracts: VM 295-6. Dictionaries: V 23-24. Encyclopedias: V 23-24. Essays: VM 285. Estimates: VM 291. Exhibitions: VM 6. General works: VM 142-7. History: VM 15-124. Lectures: VM 285. Miscellaneous: VM 149. Museums: VM 6. Periodicals: VM 1-4. Schools: VM 275-6 .g> . v .. Societies: VM 1-4. Special countries: VM 21-124. Specifications: VM 295-6. Study and teaching : VM 165-276 Tables: VM 151. Naval artificers: VG 600-5. Naval attaches: VB 240. Naval cemeteries: VB 300-5. Naval ceremonies: V 310. Naval courts: VB 800-15. Naval discipline: VB 840-5. Naval education: V 400-695. Naval engineering: VM. Naval expenditures, budgets, etc.: VA 20-25. Special countries: VA 60-750. Austria: VA 471. Great Britain: VA 455. United States: VA 60. aval hospital corps: VG 310-25. Naval hospital service: VG 410-57. Naval hygiene: VG 470-75. Naval intelligence: VB 230. Naval law: VB 350-785. Naval maneuvers: V 245. Naval militia Handbooks: V 140-5. Maintenance: VC 40-258. Organization: VA 45. Special countries: VA 80-750. Great Britain: VA 464-5. United States: VA 80-390. Regulations: VB 368-785. 51154 10 7 97 INDEX Naval observations in special wars: V 701-13. Naval officers Appointment, etc.: VB 310-5. Naval ports: V 220. Special navies: VA 67-750. Austria: VA 476. Great Britain: VA 459. United States: VA 67-68. Naval prisons: VB 890-5. Naval punishments: VB 890-910. Naval reconnaissance: V 190. Naval regulations: VB 363-785. ' Naval reservations: V 220. Special navies: VA 67-750. Naval reserves Handbooks for enlisted men: V 140-5. Maintenance: VC 40-258. Organization: VA 45. Special countries: VA 80-750. Great Britain: VA 464-5. United States: VA 80-390. Regulations: VB 368-785. Naval salutes: V 310. Naval science Almanacs: V 9-10. Annuals: V9-11. Antiquities: V 27-55. Armor, armament: V 900-60. Biography: V 61-3. Special countries: D-F. Collected works: V 15-17 : Congresses: V 7. Dictionaries: V 23-24. Education: V 400-695. Encyclopedias: V 23-24. Essays: V 19. Exhibitions: V 13. Flags, etc.: V 300-5. Handbooks: V 110-45. History: V 25-55. Juvenile works: V 109. Marines: VE. Medical and sanitary service: VG 100- 475. Museums: V 13. Naval administration: VB. Naval education: V 400-695. Naval law: VB 350-785. Naval maintenance: VC. Naval observations in special wars: V 701-13. Naval science Continued. Naval organization and situation: VA. Naval stations: V 220. Special navies: VA 67-750. Navy clubs: V 66-69. Navy lists: V 11. Navy yards: V 230. Special countries: VA 69-750. Ordnance: VF. Periodicals: V 1-5. Popular works: V 40, V 107. Seamen, Naval: VD. Signaling Merchant marine: VK 381-397. Naval: V 280-5. Societies: V 1-5. Strategy: V 160-5. Study and teaching: V 400-695. Tactics: V 167-190. Transportation service: VC 550-5. Treatises: V 101-103. Yearbooks: V 9-11. Naval signaling: V 280-5. Naval stations: V 220. Special navies: VA 67-750. Naval telegraphy: VG 70-78. Naval telephony: VG 80-85. Naval training stations United States: V 433-4. Navies, Cost of: VA 20-5. Special countries: VA 60-750. Navies of the world: VA 37-42. Navigation Apprentices: VK 533. Collected works: VK 9-11. Collisions: VK 371-8. Congresses: VK 5. Dictionaries: V 23-4. Examinations: VK 537. General works: VK 144-9. History: VK 15-124. Hydrographic surveying: VK 591-7. Law: HE. Life-saving: VK 1300-1481. Lighthouses: VK 1010-1246. K^Ovv . -VoAaA-y.,... V y^ $,{ Navigation and nautical a VK 549-87. Periodicals: VK 1-4. Pilots: VK 1500-1661. Sailing directions: VK 798-993. j Seamanship: VK 541-7. Ship rules: VK 215. astronomy: 98 INDEX Navigation Continued . Shipwrecks: VK 1250-94. Signaling: VK 381-97. Study and teaching: VK 401-529. Tables: VK 563. " Tide registers: VK 601-793. Year-books: VK 7-8. Navy clubs: V 66-69. Navy lists: V 11. Piav/9 s.po*^*. V2,C.T-B Navy-yards General: V 230. Special countries: VA 69-750. Great Britain: VA 460. United States: VA 69-70. New Zealand, Coast of Pilot guides: VK 929. Tide tables: VK 729. Newfoundland, Coast of Pilot guides: VK 989. Tide tables: VK 789. Newport. Naval War College: V 420. ficlausse boilers: VM 743. N6. D>nnavp\ tzcV.x<;G-;toT-i vr\ r\cxw>c.v.v (0*51-3 ortn Atlantic Sailing directions: VK 811-3. Tides and currents: VK 611. North Atlantic Islands Pilot guides: VK 879-80. Tide tables: VK 679-80. North Sea Pilot guides: VK 815-18. Tide tables: VK 615-18. Norway, Coasts of Pilot guides: VK 816. Tide tables: VK 616. Nova Scotia, Coast of Pilot guides: VK 986. Tide tables: VK 786. Nurse corps, Naval: VG 350-5. Oars: VM 561. Ocean liners (Construction): VM 381-5 Officers, Naval: VB 310-5. Officers' mess: VC 380. Oil (Use in storms): VK 547. Oil steamers (Tank steamers, etc.): VM 455. Orders, Naval Collections of general orders: VB 365- 785. Preparation: VB 255. Transmission: V 270. Ordnance, Naval: VF. Gunnery: VF 520. History: VF 15-124. Instructions, drill books: VF 160-302. Manuals: VF 150-5. Manufacture: VF 370-5. Testing: VF 540. Orkney Islands Pilot guides: VK 837. Tide tables: VK 637. Oscillations of ships: VM 161. Pacific Ocean Pilot guides: VK 915-56. ^_TideJableB:_yK .715-56. /^.eWt-AOt of no.1 Paddle-wheels: VM 541. Qoodsi VC-53 Paddles: VM 561. Passenger steamers (Construction): VM 381. Patrols, Naval: V 190. Pay and allowances, Naval United States: VC 50-65. Other countries: VC 91-258. Pensions, Naval: VB 280-5. Widows and orphans: VB 340-5. Percussion caps: VF 510. Persian Gulf Pilot guides: VK 897. Tide tables: VK 697. J-^jr so e.\ 4rorS OO< Pharmacists, Naval: VG 270-5. siflu\ycL\: Phenician sea power: V 35. Philippine Islands Pilot guides: VK 911. Tide tables: VK 711. Physical examination of naval recruits: VB 270-5. Physical training of naval seamen: V 260-5. Physicians, Naval: VG 100-255. Pilot guides Aden, Gulf of: VK 893. Adriatic Sea: VK 863-4. Aegean Sea: VK 868. Africa General: VK 877. East coast: VK 887. West coast: VK 877. Mediterranean coast: VK 874. Alaska: VK 943. ast coast: VK 961-91. INDEX Pilot guides America Continued. West coast: VK 941. Arabian Sea: VK 899. Arctic Ocean: VK 807. Asia East coast: VK 902. Asia Minor: VK 872. Atlantic Ocean General: VK 810. North: VK 811-13. African coast: VK 877-80. American coast: VK 961-91. European coast: VK 814-51. South: VK957. African coast: VK 877-80. American coast: VK 961-7. Australia: VK 927. Austria: VK 864. Azof, Sea of: VK 871. Baffin Bay: VK 992. Balearic Islands: VK 855. Baltic Sea: VK 819. Belgium: VK 826. Bengal, Bay of: VK 901. Biscay, Bay of: VK 847. Black Sea: VK 870. Brazil: VK 967. Bristol Channel: VK 830. British Channel: VK 839. British Columbia: VK 945. British Isles: VK 827-44. Cadiz, Gulf of: VK 850.C2. Canada East coast: VK 985. West coast: VK 945. Cape Breton: VK 986. Caribbean Sea: VK 971. Central America East coast: VK 971-5. West coast: VK 951-2. Channel Islands: VK 843-4. Chesapeake Bay: VK 982.C5. China Sea: VK 905. Corsica: VK 859. Crete: VK 867.5.' Cyprus: VK 873. Dardanelles: VK 869. Denmark: VK 823. East Indies: VK881. English Channel: VK 839. Falkland Islands: VK 964. Pilot guides Continued. Faroe Islands: VK 814.F2. Florida Straits: VK 977. France: VK 845. North (British Channel): VK 845. South (Mediterranean, Gulf of Ly- ons): VK856. West (Atlantic, Bay of Biscay): VK 847. Fundy, Bay of: VK 987. Genoa, Gulf of: VK 858. Germany Baltic Sea: VK 822. North Sea: VK 824. Gibraltar, Straits of: VK 851. Great Britain British Isles: VK 827-44. Official collections published by Great Britain: VK 803. Great Lakes: VK 983-1. Greece: VK 866. Greenland: VK 991. Gulf of Mexico: VK 971-7. Holland: VK 825. Hudson Bay: VK 990. Iceland: VK 814.12. Indian Ocean: VK 885-901. Ionian Sea: VK 867. Ireland: VK831. Italy: VK 857. Japan Sea: VK 909-11. Kattegat: VK 818. Labrador: VK 989. La Plata Eiver: VK 965. Lyons, Gulf of: VK 856. Madeira: VK 880.M2. Magellan, Straits of: VK 963. Malaysia: VK 931. Man, Isle of: VK 832. Marmora, Sea of: VK 869. Mediterranean Sea: VK 853-74. Messina, Straits of: VK 862. Mexico East coast: VK 971-3. West coast: VK 949. Mexico, Gulf of: VK 971-7. New Zealand: VK 929. Newfoundland: VK 989. North Atlantic Islands: VK 879. North Sea: VK 815-18. Norway: VK 816. Nova Scotia: VK 986. 100 INDEX Pilot guides Continued. Orkney Isles: VK 836. Pacific Ocean: VK 915-56. Persian Gulf: VK 897. Philippine Islands: VK 911. Portugal: VK 849. Red Sea: VK 895. Russia Arctic Ocean: VK 807. Baltic Sea: VK 821. Black Sea: VK 870. White Sea: VK 809. Saint Lawrence River: VK 988. Sardinia: VK 860. Scotland: VK 835. Shetland Islands: VK 836. Siam, Gulf of: VK 903. Sicily: VK 862. Skagerrak: VK 817. Skerki Bank: VK 862. South America General: VK 961. East coast: VK 961-7. West coast: VK 955-6. Spain Atlantic Ocean: VK 849. Mediterranean Sea: VK 854. Sweden: VK 820. Thames River: VK 838.5. Turkey: VK 865. Tyrrhenian Sea: VK 861. United States East coast: VK 981-2. West coast: VK 947-8. Vancouver Island: VK 946. West Indies: VK 971-3. . White Sea: VK 809. Windward Passage: VK 977. Yangtze River: VK 906. Yellow Sea: VK 907. Pilots and pilotage: VK 1500-1661. Pilot guides: VK 798-993. Pistols and revolvers (Naval): VD 390. Marines: VE 390. Portugal, Coast of Pilot guides: VK 849. Tide tables: VK 649. Preparation of naval orders: VB 255. Press, war correspondents, etc.: VG 500 Prisons, Naval: VB 890-5. Prize money, Naval: VB 280-5. Pj-ojectiles, Naval: VF 480-500. Punishments, Naval: VB 8&0-910. ?YvJ -^' Ranges and range tables ft ^^ ^ ^ Naval ordnance: VF 550. Lifts ; VK Hi Rations, Naval: VC 360. Reconnaissance, Naval: V 190. Records and accounts, Naval: VC 500-5. Recruiting, Naval: VB 260-275. Red Cross, Naval: VG 457. Red Sea Pilot guides: VK 895. Tide tables: VK 695. Refrigerators on war-ships: VC 400. Regulations, Naval: VB 363-785. (See also the special service) Reserves, Naval (See Naval reserves) Resistance of ships: VM 751. Retirement of naval officers: VB 310-5. Revolvers and pistols (Naval) : VD 390. Marines: VE 390. Revolving cupolas Naval ordnance: VF 440. Rewards, medals, etc. (Naval): VB 330-5. Rifles, Naval: VD 370. Marines: VE 370. Rigging: VM 531-3. Right of way (Navigation): VK 371-8. River steamers: VM 461. Rockets (Life-saving service): VK 1479. Roller-boats: VM 371. Roman sea power: V 39. Rowboate: VM 351. Catalogs: VM 361. Rule of the road at set: VK 371-8. Rumsey-Fitch controversy: VM 619. Russia, Coasts of Pilot guides Arctic Ocean: VK 807. Baltic Sea: VK 821. Black Sea: VK 870. White Sea: VK 809. Tide tables Arctic Ocean: VK 607. Baltic Sea: VK 621. Black Sea: VK 670. White Sea: VK 609. Russo-Japanese war, 1904-5 Naval observations: V 713. . Sailboats, Small: VM 351-9. Sailing: VK 543. Boat sailing: GV 811. 101 INDEX Sailing directions: VK 798-993. (See Pilot guides) Sailors (Merchant marine): VK 219-31. Sailors' handbooks (Naval): V 110-5. Sailors' homes (Naval): VB 290-5. Sails and sail-making: VM 532. St. George's Channel Pilot guides: VK 829. Tide tables: VK 629. Saint Lawrence River Pilot guides: VK 988. Tide tables: VK 788. Salutes, Naval: V 310. . Salvage: VK 1491. Sampson-Schley case Court of inquiry: VB 814. Sanitary service, Naval: VG 470-5. Sanitation of vessels: VM 481. Sardinia, Coast of Pilot guides: VK 860. Tide tables: VK 660. Schley-Sampson case Court of inquiry: VB 814. Scotland, Coast of Pilot guides: VK 835. Tide tables: VK 635. Scouting, Naval: V 190. Scout boats: V 880. Scows (Construction): VM 463. Screw propeller: VM 755. Sea power Navies of the world: VA. Theory: V 25. Seamanship: VK 441-7. Seamen, Naval: VD. TV^s Equipment, etc.: VD 350-90. History: VD 15-124. Manuals: VD 150-5. Manual of arms: VD 320. Physical training: V 260-5. ^taecv--'. vzu-7-e. 6 Seamen's handbooks, Naval: V 110-115. tft (UL. Search-lights, Naval: VM 493. j. Sextant: VK 583. . > . Shanghaiing: VK 225. Shells, projectiles, etc. Naval ordnance: VF 480-500. Shetland Islands Coast pilots: VK 836. Tide tables: VK 636. Ship-building: VM. (See Naval architecture) Ship models: VM 298. Museums, etc.: VM 6. Ship propulsion: VM 751. Ship records Merchant marine: VK 211. Naval: VC 500-5. Ship resistance: VM 751. V<\ Shipmles (Navigation): VK215. >u\mck Ships Appliances: VM 781-861. Cleaning, scraping, etc.: VM 961. Fouling, corrosion, etc.: VM 951. Heating and ventilation: VM 481. Lighting: VM 491-3. Lights: VM 815. Loading apparatus: VM 831. Measurement: VM 155. Models: VM 298. Museums: VM 6. Painting: VM 961. Plumbing: VM 501. Propulsion: VM 751-7. Means of propulsion: VM 531-61. Propellers: VM 753-7. Pumps: VM 821. Repairing: VM 901-61. Sanitation: VM 481. Speed trials: VM 880-1. Structural arrangements: VM 465-9. Ventilation: VM 481. Ships, Iron and steel: VM 146-7. Ship's compass: VK 577. Shipwrecks Reports, etc.: VK 1250-94. Narratives: G 525-30. Shoes (Naval equipment): VC 310. Shore service, Naval: V 175. Marines: VE 410. Ordnance: VF 330-5. Shrapnel Naval ordnance: VF 490. Siam, Gulf of Pilot guides: VK 903. Tide table*: VK 703. Sicily, Coast of Pilot guides: VK 862. Tide tables: VK 662. Signals and signaling Naval signaling: V 280-5. Navigation: VK 381-97. Prevention of collisions: VK 373. A or>oaS: VCS3T. 102 INDEX Skagerrak Pilot guides: VK 817. Tide tables: VK 617. Skerki Bank Pilot guides: VK 862. Tide tables: VK 662. Skiffs (Construction): VM 355. Small arms, Naval: VD 360-90. Marines: VE 360-90. Small boat duty (Naval): VD 400-5. Small craft (Ship-building): VM 320-61. Sound and submarine signaling: VK 338. Sounding apparatus: VK 584. S6. South America Pilot guides General: VK 961. East coast: VK 961-7. West coast: VK 955-6. Tide tables General: VK 761: East coast: VK 761-7. West coast: VK 755-6. South Sea Pilot guides: VK 957. Tides and currents: VK 757. Spain, Coast of Pilot guides Atlantic Ocean: VK 849. Mediterranean Sea: VK 854. Tide tables Atlantic Ocean: VK 649. Mediterranean Sea: VK 654. Spanish-American war Naval observations: V 709. Spies^Naval: VB 2pO _ a Statical s'ta'bility of ships: VM 159. Station-pointer (Navigation): VK584.S7. Steam-boilers, Marine: VM 741-9. Steam-engines, Marine: VM 731-769. Steam turbines: TJ 735-40. Steam navigation: VM 600-891. Steam turbines: TJ 735-40. Steel ships: VM 146-7. . Steering of ships: VM 565. Apparatus: VM 841-5. ' ^Stowage: VK 235. Strategy, Naval: V 160-5. Stresses and strains of ships: VM 163. Submarine boats Construction: VM 365. Special navies: V 858-9. Use in war: V 210. Submarine signaling: VK 388. Submarine warfare: V 210. Subsistence, Naval: VC 350-410. Sumner's method (Navigation): VK 569. Supplies, Naval: VC 260-5 Surgeons, Naval: VG 260-5. Surveying, Hydrographic: VK 591-7. Sweden, Coast of Pilot guides: VK 820. Tide tables: VK 620. Tactics, Naval: V 167-190. Tank-steamers: VM 455. Target practice, Naval: VF 310-5. Telegraphy, Naval: VG 70-8. Wireless: VG 76-8. Telephony, Naval: VG 80-85. Telescopes (Naval equipment): VC 340. Tests of steamships: VM 880-1. Thames River Pilot guides: VK 838.5. Tide tables: VK 638.5. Tide and current registers: VK 601-793. Aden, Gulf of: VK 693. Adriatic Sea: VK 663-4. Aegean Sea: VK 668. Africa General: VK 677. East coast: VK 687. West coast: VK 677. Mediterranean coast: VK 674. Alaska: VK 743. America East coast: VK 761-91. West coast: VK 741. Arabian Sea: VK 699. Arctic Ocean: VK 607. Asia East coast: VK 702. Asia Minor: VK 672. Atlantic Ocean General: VK 610. North: VK 611-13. African coast: VK 677-80. American coast: VK 761-91. European coast: VK 614-51. South: VK757. African coast: VK 677-80. American coast: VK 761-7. Australia: VK 727. Austria: VK 664. 103 INDEX Tide and current registers Continued. Azof, Sea of: VK 671. Baffin Bay: VK 792. Balearic Islands: VK 655. Baltic Sea: VK 619. Belgium: VK 626. Bengal, Bay of: VK 701. Biscay, Bay of: VK 647. Black Sea: VK 670. Brazil: VK 767. Bristol Channel: VK 630. British Channel: VK 639. British Columbia: VK 745. British Isles: VK 627-44. Cadiz, Gulf of: VK 650.C2. Canada East coast: VK 785. West coast: VK 745. Cape Breton: VK 786. Caribbean Sea: VK 771. Central America East coast: VK 771-5. West coast: VK 751-2. Channel Islands: VK 643-4. Chesapeake Bay: VK 782.C5. China Sea: VK 705. Corsica: VK 659. Crete: VK 667.5. Cyprus: VK 673. Dardanelles: VK 669. Denmark: VK 623. East Indies: VK 681. English Channel: VK 639. Falkland Islands: VK 764. Faroe Islands: VK 614. F2. Florida Straits: VK 777. France: VK 645. North (British Channel): VK 645. South (Mediterranean, Gulf of Ly- ons): VK656. West (Atlantic, Bay of Biscay): VK 647. Fundy, Bay of: VK 787. Genoa, Gulf of: VK 658. Germany Baltic Sea: VK 622. North Sea: VK 624. Gibraltar, Straits of: VK 651. Great Britain British Isles: VK 627-44. Official collections published by Great Britain: VK 603. Tide and current registers Continued. Great Lakes: VK 783-4. Greece: VK 666. Greenland: VK 791. Gulf of Mexico: VK 971-7. Holland: VK 625. Hudson Bay: VK 790. Iceland: VK 614.12. Indian Ocean: VK 685-701. Ionian Sea: VK 667. Ireland: VK 631. Italy: VK 657. Japan Sea: VK 709-11. Kattegat: VK 618. Labrador: VK 789. La Plata River: VK 765. Lyons, Gulf of: VK 656. Madeira: VK 680.M2. Magellan, Straits of: VK 763. Malaysia: VK 731. Man,' Isle of: VK 632. Marmora, Sea of: VK 669. Mediterranean Sea: VK 653-74. Messina, Straits of: VK 662. Mexico East coast: VK 771-3. West coast: VK 749. Mexico, Gulf of: VK 771-7. New Zealand: VK 729. Newfoundland: VK 789. North Atlantic Islands: VK 679. North Sea: VK 615-18. Norway: VK 616. Nova Scotia: VK 786. Orkney Isles: VK 636. Pacific Ocnan: VK 715-56. Persian Gulf: VK 697. Philippine Islands: VK 711. Portugal: VK 649. Red Sea: VK 695. Russia Arctic Ocean: VK 607. Baltic Sea: VK 621. Black Sea: VK 670. White Sea: VK 609. Saint Lawrence River: VK 788. Sardinia: VK 660. Scotland: VK 635. Shetland Islands: VK 636. Siam, Gulf of: VK 703. Sicily: VK 662. Skagerrak: VK 617. 104 INDEX Tide and current registers Continued. Skerki Bank: VK 662. South America General: VK 761. East coast: VK 761-7. West coast: VK 755-6. Spain Atlantic Ocean: VK 649. Mediterranean Sea: VK 654. Sweden: VK 620. Thames River: VK 638.5. Turkey: VK 665. Tyrrhenian Sea: VK 661. United States East coast: VK 781-2. West coast: VK 747-8. Vancouver Island : VK 746. West Indies: VK 771-3. White Sea: VK 609. Windward Passage: VK 777. Yangtze River: VK 706. Yellow Sea: VK 707. Tonnage tables: VM 153. Torpedo-boat destroyers: V 840. Torpedo-boats: V 830-8. Torpedoes: V 850-5. ival Great Britain: V 523^. ^United States: V 435-6. Training stations, Naval United States : V 433-4. Transmission of naval orders: V 270. Transportation, Naval: VC66eH553O-f5' Trials of steamships: VM 880-1. Tropical hygiene (Naval): VG 471. Turkey, Coast of Pilot guides: VK 865. Tide tables: VK 665. Tyrrhenian Sea Pilot guides: VK 861. Tide tables: VK 661. U Uniforms, Naval General: VC 300-5. Marines: VE 400-5. United States Lighthouses: VK 1243-4. Naval law: VB 360-9. Naval militia: VA 79-390. United States Continued. Pilot guides East coast: VK 981-2. West coast: VK 947-8. Tide tables East coast: VK 781-2. West coast: VK 747-8. United States Civil War Naval observations: V 705. United States Marine Corps: VE 23. United States Naval Academy, Annapo- lis: V415. United States Navy: VA 50-390. Appointments, promotions: VB 313-4. Appropriations: VA 60. Auxiliary service: VA 79. Badges, insignia, etc.: VC 345. Canteen: VC 393. Chaplains: VG 23. ' Coaling stations: VA 73-4. Collier service: VA 75. Cookery: VC 373. . Courts martial: VB 803. Courts of inquiry: VB 813. Crimes and offenses: VB 853. Cruise, 1907-9: VA 58. Dental service: VG 283. Desertions: VB 873. Directories: V 11. Distribution: VA 62-5. Drill regulations Marines: VE 160. Ordnance: VF 160. Seamen: VD 160. Electricians: VM 473. Equipment: VC 280-340. Expenditures, etc.: VA 60. Firing regulations Marines: VD 333. Seamen: VE 333. Flags, etc.: V 303. Hospital corps: VG 320. Hospital ships: VG 450. Judiciary: VB 793. Lists of vessels: VA 61. Medals, badges, etc. : VC 345. Medical service: VG 123-173. Naval engineer corps: VM 623. Naval law: VB 360. Naval life: V 736. Naval militia: VA 80-390. 105 INDEX United States Navy Continued. Naval stations: V 63-68. Navy lists: V 11. Navy yards: VA 69-70. Nurse corps: VG 353. Officers: VB 313-4. Navy lists: V 11. Orders, General: VB 365. Ordnance: VF 353-420. Organization: VA 52-387. Pay, allowances, etc. : VC 50-65. Pensions, bounties, etc. : VB 283, 343. Periodicals: V 1. Physical training: V 263. Ports, bases, etc. : VA 67-8. Prisons and prison-ships: VB 893. Recruiting, etc. : VB 263. Registers: V 11. Regulations: VB 363. Reports: VA 52. Retirements: VB 313-4. Sailors' homes: VB 293. Sanitary and medical service : VG 123- 473. Seamen's handbooks: V 113. SignaKng: V 283. Steam engineering: VM 623. Subsistence: VC 353. Supplies and stores: VC 263. Target practice: VF 313. Training stations: V 433-4. Trials of vessels: VM 880-1. Uniforms: VC 303. United States Navy department General organization: VB 23. General reports: VA 52. United States Revenue-cutter service School of instruction: V 437. V Vancouver Island Pilot guides: VK 946. Tide tables: VK 746. Vedettes: V 880. Vibration phenomena of ships: VM 739. Victualing, Naval: VC 350-5. W War correspondents: VG 500. War games, Naval: V 250. War-ships (ConHtriretion, etc.): V 750- OcwSfPi coo*r-.V. Vk\Q Watch ddty: VK 233. Ntivies of special countries: VD 160- 302. Watch, station, quarter and fire bills: VD 160-302. British navy: VD 234. W T ater-bicycles: VM 357. Water-supply on war-ships: VC 410. Water-tight compartments: VM 469. wr^r T^V?** e * 5 **" e ^av/ ', -. va^c,7 West Indies Pilot guides: VK 971-3. Tide tables: VK 771-3. Whalebacks (Ships): VM 311.W5. White Sea Pilot guides: VK 809. Tide tables: VK 609. Whitehead torpedoes: V 855. W5. Winds and storms: QC 931-955. Windward Passage Pilot guides: VK 977. Tide tables: VK 777. Wireless telegraphy, Naval: VG 76-78. Wooden ships: VM 142-4. Yacht-building: VM 331. Yangtze River Pilot guides: VK 906. Tide tables: VK 706. Yellow Sea Pilot guides: VK 907. Tide tables: VK 707. o 106 9969 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. AUG 7 1959 ', JUL11 19)5 7.4 I pM Form L9-50m-7,'54(5990)444 THE T DIVERSITY c LOS AN^ A 000 784 284 2 Z 696 1910