//7 /-"' T / ' *-c ^ESCHYLOS /^ESCHYLOS ^^'* IMIJI ' ^" TRAGEDIES AND FRAGMENTS Translated by the late E. H. PLUMPTRE D.D. 'Dean of Wells WITH NOTES AND RHYMED CHORAL ODES IN TWO PARTS TON U.S.A. D. C. HEATH & CO. PUBLISHERS x 1906 LONDON : PRINTED BY WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, LIMITED, DUKE STREET, STAMFORD STREET, S.E., AND GREAT WINDMILL STREET, W. PUBLISHER'S NOTE The reception accorded to the pocket edition of 'Dean Plumptre's " 'Dante " has encouraged the publishers to issue in the same format the Dean's masterly translation of the Tragedies of ^Eschylos. In preparing the present issue they have followed the carefully revised text of the second edition, and have included the scholarly and suggestive annotations with which the Dean invariably delighted to enrich his work as a translator. The seven "Plays, which are all that remain of the seventy or eighty with which ^Eschylos is credited, are presented in their chronological order. "Passages in which the reading or the rendering is more or less conjectural, and in which, accordingly, the aid of the commentator is advisable, are marked by an asterisk ; and passages which are regarded as spurious by editors of authority have been placed in brackets. In translating the Choral Odes the 'Dean used such unrhymed metres observing the i trophic and ant is trophic 5 2234577 PUBLISHER'S NOTE arrangement as seemed to him most analogous in their general rhythmical effect to those of the original. He added in an appendix, however, for the sake of those who preferred the rhymed form with which they were familiar t a rhymed version of the chief Odes of the Qresteian trilogy. Those in the other dramas did not appear to him to be of equal interest, or to lend themselves with equal facility to a like attempt. The (yreefc text on which the translation is based is, for the most part, that of 2kfr. Paley's edition of 1861. A translation was also given of the Fragments which have survived the wreck of the lost plays, so that the work contains all that has been left to us associated with the name of jEschylos. In the present edition a chronological outline has been substituted fir the biographical sketch of the poet, who from his daring enlargement of the scope of the drama, the magnificence of his spectacular effects and the splendour of his genius, was rightly honoured as " the Father of Tragedy." PART I Pagt CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINE OF THE LIFE OF jESGHYLOS . . . . . . II THE PERSIANS . . . . . . 17 THE SEVEN WHO FOUGHT AGAINST THEBES . 65 PROMETHEUS BOUND . . . . .113 THE SUPPLIANTS 161 PART II AGAMEMNON ..... . 9 THE LlBATION-POURERS .... 87 EUMENIDES ...... 137 FRAGMENTS ...... 185 RHYMED CHORUSES From Agamemnon .... 191 The Libation-Pourers . . . 210 , , Eumenides . . . . .219 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINE OF THE LIFE OF ^ESCHYLOS B.C. 527 Peisislratos died. 525 Birth at Eleusis, in Attica, of ^Eschylos, son of Euphorion. 510 Expulsion of the Peisistratidse. Democratic constitution of Cleisthenes. Approximate date of incident in the legend that ^schylos was set to watch grapes as they were ripening for the vintage, and fell asleep ; and lo ! as he slept Dionysos appeared to him and bade him give himself to write tragedies for the great festival of the god. And when he awoke, he found himself invested with new powers of thought and utterance, and the work was as easy to him as if he had been trained to it for many years (Pausan, Alt. i. 21, 3). 500 Birth of Anaxagoras. 499 ^Eschylos exhibited his first tragedy, in un- successful competition with Pratinas and Choerilos. * Cf., the legend of Caedmon, "the Father of English Song." II CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINE B.C. The wooden scaffolding broke beneath the crowd of spectators, and the accident led the Athenians to build their first stone theatre for the Dionysiac festivals. Partly out of annoyance at his defeat, it is said, and partly in a spirit of adventure, ^Eschylos sailed for Sicily. 497 Death of Pythagoras (?). 495 Birth of Sophocles at Colonos. 491 ^Eschylos at Athens. 490 The Battle of Marathon. ^Eschylos and his brothers, Kynaegeiros and Ameinias, so dis- tinguished themselves, that the Athenians ordered their heroic deeds to be commemorated in a picture. Death of Theognis (?). 488 Prize awarded to Simonides for an elegy on Marathon. ^Eschylos, piqued, it is said, at his failure in the competition, again departed to Sicily. 485 Xerxes succeeded Dareios. 484 ^Eschylos won, in a dramatic contest with Pratinas, Choerilos, and Phrynichos, the first of a series of thirteen successes. Birth of Herodotos. 480 Athens burnt by Xerxes. ^Eschylos fought at Artemisium and Salamis At Salamis his brother Ameinias lost his handj and was awarded the prize of valour. Sophocles led the Chorus of Victory. Birth of Euripides. CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINE B.C. 479 ^Eschylos at the Battle of Platsea. 477 Commencement of Athenian supremacy. 473 ^Eschylos carried off the first prize with The Persians (the first of the extant plays), which belonged to a tetralogy that included two tragedies, Phineus and Glaucos, and a satyric drama, Prometheus the Fire-stealer. The Persians has the interest of being a con- temporary record of the great sea-fight at Salamis by an eye-witness. 471 .ffischylos appears to have produced this year his next tetralogy, of which The Seven against Thebes survives. The play was directed against the policy of aiming at the supremacy of Athens by attacking other Greek States, and, in brief, maintained the policy of Aristeides as against that of Themistocles. Birth of Thucydides. 468 Sophocles gained his first victory in tragedy with his Triptolemos ; ^Eschylos defeated. ^Eschylos charged with impiety, on the ground that he had profaned the Mysteries byintroducing on the stage rites known only to the initiated ; tried and acquitted : departure for Syracuse. 467 ^Eschylos at the court of Hieron at Syracuse, where he is said to have composed dramas on local legends, such as The Women of JEtna. Death of Simonides. 461 Ostracism of Kimon ; ascendency of Pericles. 13 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINE B.C. 460-59 Probable date of The Suppliants, if the play be connected with the alliance between Argos and Athens (B.C. 461), and the war with the Persian forces in Egypt, upon which the Athenians had entered as allies of the Libyan Prince Inaros. (B.C. 460.) The date of Prometheus Bound has been re- ferred to B.C. 470 on the strength of a description of ^Etna (vv. 370-380), which is supposed to be a reference to the eruption of B.C. 477. Internal evidence, however, seems to warrant the view that The Suppliants and the Prometheus Bound were separated by only a brief interval of time. 458 ^Eschylos in Athens. He found new men and new methods ; institutions, held most sacred as the safeguard of Athenian religion, were being criticised and attacked ; the Court of Areiopagos was threatened with abolition under pretence of reform. Production of the Oresteian Trilogy (or, rather, tetralogy, as in addition to the Agamemnon, the Libation-pourers, and the Eumenides, there was a satyric drama, Proteus). This trilogy was a conservative protest, re- ligious, social, and political, which culminated in the assertion of the divine authority of the Areiopagos. Popular feeling was once more excited against the poet, who left Athens never to return, and settled at Gela, in Sicily, under the patronage of Hieron. 456 Death of ^Eschylos, aged 69. An oracle foretold that he was to die by a CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINE blow from heaven, and according to the legend, an eagle, mistaking the poet's head for a stone as he sat writing, dropped a tortoise on it to break the shell. He was buried at Gela, and his epitaph, ascribed to himself, ran : " Beneath this stone lies ^Eschylos, son of Euphorion. At fertile Gela he died. Marathon can tell of his tested man- hood, and the Persians who there felt his mettle." He is said to have produced between seventy and eighty plays, of which only seven survive. i THE PERSIANS DRAMATIS PERSONS ATOSSA Ghost of DAREIOS Messenger XERXES Chorus of Persian Elders ARGUMENT. When Xerxes came to the throne of Persia, remembering how his father Dareios had sotight to subdue the land of the Hellenes, and seeking to avenge the defeat of Datis and, Artaphernes on the field of Marathon, he gathered together a mighty host of all nations under his dominion, and led them against Hellas. And at first he prospered and prevailed, crossed the Hellespont, and defeated the Spartans at Thermopylae, and took the city of A thens, from which the greater part of its citizens had fled. But at last he and his armament met with utter overthrow at Salarnis. Meanwhile Atossa, the mother of Xerxes, with her handmaids and the elders of the Persians, waited anxiously at Susa, where was the palace of the great king, for tidings of her son. Note. Within two years after the battle of Salamis, the feeling of natural exultation was met by Phrynichos in a tragedy bearing the title of The Ph&nikians, and having for its subject the defeat of Xerxes. As he had come under the dis- pleasure of the Athenian demos for having brought on the stage the sufferings of their Ionian kinsmen in nis Capture of Miletos, he was apparently anxious to regain his popularity by a " sensation drama of another kind ; and his success seems to I 17 B THE PERSIANS have prompted ^Eschylos to a like attempt five years later, B.C. 473. The Tetralogy to which the play belonged, and which gained the first prize on its representation, included the two tragedies (unconnected in subject) of Phineus and Glaucos, and the satyric drama of Prometheus the Firestealer. The play has, therefore, the interest of being strictly a con- temporary narrative of the battle of Salamis and its immediate consequences, by one who may himself have been present at it, and whose brother Ameinias (Herod, viii. 93) distinguished hirr- self in it by a special act of heroism. As such, making all allowance for the influence of dramatic exigencies, and the tendency to colour history so as to meet the tastes of patriotic Athenians, it may claim, where it differs from the story told by Herodotos, to be a more trustworthy record. And it has, we must remember, the interest of being the only extant drama of its class, the only tragedy the subject of which is not taken from the cycle of heroic myths, but from the national history of the time. Far below the Oresteian Trilogy as it may seem to us as a work of art, having more the character of a spectacle than a poem, it was, we may well believe, unusually successful at the time, and it is said to have been chosen by Hiero for reproduction i n Syracuse after ^Eschylos had settled there under his patron- age. 18 THE PERSIANS SCENE. SUSA, in front of the palace O/XERXES, tJie tomb S/'DAREIOS acetifying the position of the tJymele Enter Chorus of Persian Elders. We the title bear of Faithful, 1 Friends of Persians gone to Hellas, Watchers left of treasure city, 2 Gold-abounding, whom, as oldest, Xerxes hath himself appointed, He, the offspring of Dareios, As the warders of his country. And about our king's returning, And our army's, gold-abounding, Over-much, and boding evil, Does my mind within me shudder (For our whole force, Asia's offspring, Now is gone), and for our young chief Sorely frets : nor courier cometh, Nor any horseman, bringing tidings To the city of the Persians. From Ecbatana departing, 1 "The Faithful," or "trusty," seems to have been a special title of honour given to the veteran councillors of the king (Xenoph. Anab. i. 15), just as that of the "Immortals" was chosen for his body-guard (Herod, vii. 83). 2 Susa was pre-eminently the treasury of the Persian kings (Herod, v. 49 ; Strabo, xv. p. 731), their favourite residence in spring, as gcbatana in Media was in summer and Babylon in winter. '9 THE PERSIANS Susa, or the Kissian fortress, 1 Forth they sped upon their journey, Some in ships, and some on horses, Some on foot, still onward marching, In their close array presenting Squadrons duly armed for battle : Then Armistres, Artaphernes, Megabazes, and Astaspes, Mighty leaders of the Persians, Kings, and of the great King servants, 1 March, the chiefs of mighty army. Archers they and mounted horsemen. Dread to look on, fierce in battle, Artembares proud, on horseback, And Masistres, and Imaeos, Archer famed, and Pharandakes, And the charioteer Sosthanes. Neilos mighty and prolific Sent forth others, Susikanes, Pegastagon, Egypt's offspring, And the chief of sacred Memphis ; Great Arsames, Ariomardos, Ruler of primeval Thebae, And the marshmen, 2 and the rowers, 1 Kissia was properly the name of the district in which Susa stood ; but here, and in v. 123, it is treated as if it belonged to a separate city. Throughout the play there is, indeed, a lavish use of Persian barbaric names of persons and places, without a very minute regard to historical accuracy. 2 Here, as in Herodotos and Greek writers generally, the title, " the King," or " the great King," was enough. It could be understood only of the Persian. The latter name had been borne by the kings of Assyria (2 Kings xviii. 28). A little later it passed into the fuller, more boastful form of " The King of kings." 8 The inhabitants of the Delta of the Nile, especially those of THE PERSIANS Dread, and in their number countless. And there follow crowds of Lydians, Very delicate and stately, 1 Who the people of the mainland Rule throughout whom Mitragathes And brave Arkteus, kingly chieftains, Led, from Sardis, gold-abounding, Riding on their many chariots, Three or four a-breast their horses, Sight to look upon all dreadful. And the men of sacred Tm61os 2 Rush to place the yoke of bondage On the neck of conquered Hellas. Mardon, Tharabis, spear-anvils, 3 And the Mysians, javelin-darting ; 4 Babyl6n too, gold-abounding, Sends a mingled cloud, swept onward, the marshy districts near the Heracleotic mouth, were famed as supplying the best and bravest soldiers of any part of Egypt. Com p. Thucyd. i. no. 1 The epithet was applied probably by ^Cschylos to the Lydians properly so called, the barbaric race with whom the Hellenes had little or nothing in common. They, in dress, diet, mode of life, their distaste for the contests of the arena, seemed to the Greeks the very type of effeminacy. The Ionian Greeks, however, were brought under the same influence, and gradually acquired the same character. The suppression of the name cf the lonians in the list of the Persian forces may be noticed as characteristic. The Athenian poet would not bring before an Athenian audience the shame of their Asiatic kinsmen. 2 Tmolos, sacred as being the mythical birth-place of Dionysos. 3 " Spear-anvils," sc., meeting the spear of their foes as the anvils wou'd meet it, turning its point, themselves steadfast and immovable. 4 So Herodotos (vii. 74) in his account of the army of Xerxes describes the Mysians as using for their weapons those darts or "javelins" made by hardening the ends in the fire. 21 THE PERSIANS Both the troops who man the vessels, And the skilled and trustful bowmen ; And the race the sword that beareth, Follows from each clime of Asia, At the great King's dread commandment. These, the bloom of Persia's greatness, Now are gone forth to the battle ; And for these, their mother country, Asia, mourns with mighty yearning ; Wives and mothers faint with trembling Through the hours that slowly linger, Counting each day as it passes. STROPHE I The king's great host, destroying cities mighty, Hath to the land beyond the sea passed over, Crossing the straits of Athamantid Helle, 1 On raft by ropes secured, And thrown his path, compact of many a vessel, As yoke upon the neck of mighty ocean. ANTISTROPHE I Of populous Asia thus the mighty ruler 'Gainst all the land his God-sent host dirccteth In two divisions, both by land and water, Trusting the chieftains stern, The men who drive the host to fight, relentless He, sprung from gold-born race, a hero god-like. 2 1 Helle the daughter of Athamas, from whom the Hellespont took its name. For the description of the pontoons formed by boats, which were moored together with cables and finally covered with faggots, comp. Herod, vii. 36. 2 "Gold-born," tc., descended from Perseus, the child of Danae, 22 THE PERSIANS STROPHE II Glancing with darkling look, and eyes as of ravening dragon, With many a hand, and many a ship, and Syrian chariot driving, 1 He upon spearmen renowned brings battle ofconquering arrows. 2 ANTISTROPHE II Yea, there is none so tried as, withstanding the flood of the mighty, To keep within steadfast bounds that wave of ocean resistless ; Hard to fight is the host of the Persians, the people stout-hearted. MESODE Yet ah ! what mortal can ward the craft of the God all-deceiving ? *Who, with a nimble foot, of one leap is easily sovereign? For Ate, fawning and kind, at first a mortal be- traying, 10 Then in snares and meshes decoys him, Whence one who is but man in vain doth struggle to 'scape from. 1 Syrian, either in the vague sense in which it became almost synonymous with Assyrian, or else showing that Syria, properly so called, retained the fame for chariots which it had had at a period as early as the time of the Hebrew Judges (Judg. v. 3). Herodotos (vii. 140) gives an Oracle of Delphi in which the same epithet appears. 2 The description, though put into the mouth of Persians, is meant to flatter Hellenic pride. The Persians and their army were for the most part light-armed troops only, barbarians equipped with javelins or bows. In the sculptures of Persepolis, as in those of Nineveh and Khorsabad, this mode of warfare is throughout the most conspicuous. They, the Hellenes, were the hoplites, warriors of the spear and the shield, the cuirass and the greaves. 23 THE PERSIANS STROPHE III For Fate of old, by the high Gods' decree, Prevailed, and on the Persians laid this task, Wars with the crash of towers, And set the surge of horsemen in array, And the fierce sack that lays a city low. ANTISTROPHE III Bnt now they learnt to look on ocean plains, 1 The wide sea hoary with the violent blast, Waxing o'er confident / In cables formed of many a slender strand, And rare device of transport for the host. STROPHE IV So now my soul is torn, As clad in mourning, in its sore affright, Ah me ! ah me ! for all the Persian host ! Lest soon our country learn That Susa's mighty fort is void of men. ANTISTROPHE IV And through the Kissians' town Shall echo heavy thud of hands on breast. Woe ! woe ! when all the crowd of women speak This utterance of great grief, And byssine robes are rent in agony. STROPHE V For all the horses strong, And host that march on foot, 1 A touch of Athenian exultation in their life as seamen. To them the sea was almost a home. They were familiar with it from childhood. To the Persians it was new and untried. They had a new lesson to learn, late in the history of the nation, late in the lives of individual soldiers. THE PERSIANS Like swarm of bees, have gone with him who led 13 The vanguard of the host. Crossing the sea-washed, bridge-built promontory That joins the shores of either continent. 1 ANTISTROPHE V And beds with tears are wet In grief for husbands gone, And Persian wives are delicate in grief, Each yearning for her lord ; And each who sent her warrior-spouse to battle 110 Now mourns at home in dreary solitude. But come, ye Persians now, And sitting in this ancient hall of ours, Let us take thought deep-counselling and wise, (Sore need is there of that,) How fareth now the great king Xerxes, he Who calls Dareios sire, Bearing the name our father bore of old ? Is it the archers' bow that wins the day ? Or does the strength prevail Of iron point that heads the spear's strong shaft ? But lo ! in glory like the face of gods, The mother of my king, my queen, appears : Let us do reverent homage at her feet ; Yea, it is meet that all Should speak to her with words of greeting kind. Enter ATOSSA in a chariot of state Chor. O sovereign queen of Persian wives deep-zoned, Mother of Xerxes, reverend in thine age, 1 The bridge of boats, with the embankment raised upon it, is thought of as a new headland putting out from the one shove and reaching to the other. 25 THE PERSIANS Wife of Dareios! hail! 'Twas thine to join in wedlock with a spouse Whom Persians owned as God, 1 And of a God thou art the mother too, Unless its ancient Fortune fails our host. Atoss. Yes, thus I come, our gold-decked palace leaving, The bridal bower Dareios with me slept in. Care gnaws my heart, but now I tell you plainly A tale, my friends, which may not leave me fearless, Lest boastful wealth should stumble at the threshold, And with his foot o'erturn the prosperous fortune That great Dareios raised with Heaven's high blessing. And twofold care untold my bosom haunteth : We may not honour wealth that has no warriors, Nor on the poor shines light to strength proportioned ; Wealth without stint we have, yet for our eye wo tremble ; iro For as the eye of home I deem a master's presence. Wherefore, ye Persians, aid me now in counsel ; Trusty and old, in you lies hope of wisdom. Chor. Queen of our land ! be sure thou need'st not utter Or thing or word twice o'er, which power may point to ; Thou bid'st us counsel give who fain would serve thee. Atoss. Ever with many visions of the night 2 1 Stress is laid by the Hellenic poet, as in the Agamemnon (v. 895), and in v. 707 of this play, on the tendency of the East to give to its kings the names and the signs of homage which were due only to the Gods. The Hellenes might deify a dead hero, but not a living sovereign. On different grounds the Jews shrank, as in the stories of Nebuchadnezzar and Dareios (Dan. iii. 6), from all such acts. 2 In the Greek, as in the translation, there is a change of metre, intended apparently to represent the transition from the tone of eager excitement to the ordinary level of discourse. 26 THE PERSIANS Am I encompassed, since my son went forth, Leading a mighty host, with aim to sack The land of the lonians. But ne'er yet " Have I beheld a dream so manifest As in the night just past. And this I'll tell thec : There stood by me two women in fair robes ; And this in Persian garments was arrayed, And that in Dorian came before mine eyes ; In stature both of tallest, comeliest size ; And both of faultless beauty, sisters twain Of the same stock. 1 And they twain had their homes, One in the Hellenic, one in alien land. And these two, as I dreamt I saw, were set lco At variance with each other. And my son Learnt it, and checked and mollified their wrath, And yokes them to his chariot, and his collar He places on their necks. And one was proud Of that equipment, 2 and in harness gave Her mouth obedient ; but the other kicked, And tears the chariot's trappings with her hands, And rushes off uncurbed, and breaks its yoke Asunder. And my son falls low, and then His father comes, Dareios, pitying him. And lo ! when Xerxes sees him, he his clothes Rends round his limbs. These things I say I saw In visions of the night ; and when I rose, 1 With reference either to tli3 mythos that Asia and Europa were both daughters of Okeanos, or to the historical fact that the Asiatic lonians and the Dorians of Europe were both of the same Hellenic stock. The contrast between the long flowing robes of the Asiatic women, and the short, scanty kilt-like dress of those of Sparta must be borne in mind if we would see the picture in its completeness. 2 Athenian pride is flattered with the thought that they had resisted while the Ionian Greeks had submitted all too willingly to the yoke of the Barbarian. THE PERSIANS And dipped my hands in fountain flowing clear, 1 I at the altar stood with hand that bore Sweet incense, wishing holy chrism to pour To the averting Gods whom thus men worship. And I beheld an eagle in full flight To Phcebos' altar-hearth ; and then, my friends, J1 * I stood, struck dumb with fear ; and next I saw A kite pursuing, in her winged course, And with his claws tearing the eagle's head, Which did nought else but crouch and yield itself. Such terrors it has been my lot to see, And yours to hear : For be ye sure, my son, If he succeed, will wonder-worthy prove ; But if he fail, still irresponsible He to the people, and in either case, He, should he but return, is sovereign still. 2 Char. We neither wish, O Lady, thee to frighten O'ermuch with what we say, nor yet encourage : But thou, the Gods adoring with entreaties, If thou hast seen aught ill, bid them avert it, And that all good things may receive fulfilment For thee, thy children, and thy friends and country. 2 And next 'tis meet libations due to offer To Earth and to the dead. And ask thy husband, Dareios, whom thou say'st by night thou sawest, With kindly mood from 'neath the Earth to send thee Good things to light for thee and for thine offspring, While adverse things shall fade away in darkness. 1 Lustrations of this kind, besides their general significance in cleansing from defilement, had a special force as charms to turn aside dangers threatened by foreboding dreams. Comp. Aristoph. Frogs, v. 1264 ; Persius, Sat. ii. 16. 2 The political bearing of the passage as contrasting this characteristic of the despotism of Persia with the strict account to which all Athenian generals were subject, is, of course, unmistakable. 28 THE PERSIANS Such things do I, a self-taught seer, advise thee In kindly mood, and any way we reckon That good will come to thee from out these omens. Atoss. Well, with kind heart, hast thou, as first expounder, Out of my dreams brought out a welcome meaning For me, and for my sons ; and thy good wishes, May they receive fulfilment ! And this also, As thou dost bid, we to the Gods will offer And to our friends below, when we go homeward. But first, my friends, I wish to hear of Athens, Where in the world do men report it standeth I 1 Chor. Far to the West, where sets our king the Sun-God. Atoss. Was it. this city my son wished to capture ? Chor. Aye, then would Hellas to our king be subject. Atoss. And have they any multitude of soldiers? Chor. A mighty host, that wrought the Medcs much mischief. Atoss. And what besides ? Have they too wealth sufficing ? Chor. A fount of silver have they, their land's treasure. 2 Atoss. Have they a host in archers' skill excelling ? Ckor. Not so, they wield the spear and shield and bucklers. 3 1 The question, which seems to have rankled in the minds of the Athenians, is recorded as an historical fact, and put into the mouth of Dareios by Harodotos (v. 101). He had asked it on hearing that Sardis had been attacked and burnt by them. 2 The words point to the silver mines of Laureion, which bad been worked under Peisistratos, and of which this is the first mention in Greek literature. 3 Once more the contrast between the Greek hoplite and the light-armed archers of the invaders is dwelt upon. The next 29 THE PERSIANS Atoss. What shepherd rules and lords it o'er their people ? Ckor. Of no man are they called the slaves of subjects. Atoss. How then can they sustain a foe invading ? Ckor. So that they spoiled Dareios' goodly army. Atoss. Dread news is thine for sires of those who 're marching. Cher. Nay, but I think thou soon wilt know the whole truth ; This running one may know is that of Persian :* For good or evil some clear news he bringeth. Enter Messenger Mess. O cities of the whole wide land of Asia ! O soil of Persia, haven of great wealth ! How at one stroke is brought to nothingness Our great prosperity, and all the flower Of Persia's strength is fallen ! Woe is me ! 'Tis ill to be the first to bring ill news ; Yet needs must I the whole woe tell, ye Persians : All our barbaric mighty host is lost. 2 STROPHE I Ckor. O piteous, piteous woe ! O strange and dread event ! answer of the Chorus dwells upon the deeper contrast, then prominent in the minds of all Athenians, between their demo- cratic freedom and the despotism of Persia. Comp. Herod, v. 78. 1 The system of postal communications by means of couriers which Dareios had organised had made their speed in running proverbial (Herod, vii. 97). a With the characteristic contempt of a Greek for other races, ^Eschylos makes the Persians speak of themselves throughout as 'barbarians,' ' barbaric.' 30 1HE PERSIANS Weep, O ye Persians, hearing this great grief ! Mess. Yea, all things there are ruined utterly ; And I myself beyond all hopes behold The light of day at home. ANTISTROPHE I Chor. O'er-long doth life appear To me, bowed down with years, On hearing this unlooked-for misery. Mess. And I, indeed, being present and not hearing The tales of others, can report, ye Persians, What ills were brought to pass. STROPHE II Chor. Alas, alas ! in vain The many-weaponed and commingled host s:o Went from the land of Asia to invade The soil divine of Hellas. Mess. Full of the dead, slain foully, are the coasts Of Salamis, and all the neighbouring shore. ANTISTROPHE II Chor. Alas, alas ! sea-tossed The bodies of our friends, and much disstained : Thou say'st that they are drifted to and fro *In far out-floating garments. 1 Mess. E'en so ; our bows availed not, but the host Has perished, conquered by the clash of ships. STROPHE III Chor. Wail, raise a bitter cry 28 And full of woe, for those who died in fight. 1 Perhaps ' ' On planks that floated onward," or " On land and sea far spreading." 3* THE PERSIANS How every way the Gods have wrought out ill, Ah me ! ah me, our army all destroyed. Mess. O name of Salamis that most I loathe ! Ah, how I groan, remembering Athens too ! ANTJSTROPHE III Ckor. Yea, to her enemies Athens may well be hateful, and our minds Remember how full many a Persian wife She, for no cause, made widows and bereaved. Atoss. Long time I have been silent in my \voc, Crushed down with grief; for this calamity Exceeds all power to tell the woe, or ask. Yet still we mortals needs must bear the griefs The Gods send on us. Clearly tell thy tale, Unfolding the whole mischief, even though Thou groan'st at evils, who there is not dead, And which of our chief captains we must mourn, And who, being set in office o'er the host, Left by their death their office desolate. Mess. Xerxes still lives and sees the light of day. Atoss. To my house, then, great light thy words have brought, Bright dawn of morning after murky night. Mess. Artembares, the lord of myriad horse, On the hard flinty coasts of the Sileni Is now being dashed ; and valiant Dadakes, Captain of thousands, smitten with the spear, Leapt wildly from his ship. And Tenagon, Best of the true old Bactrians, haunts the soil Of Aias' isle ; Lilaios, Arsames, And with them too Argestes, there defeated, Hard by the island where the doves abound, 1 i Possibly Salamis itself, as famed for the doves which were reared there as sacied to Aphrodite, but possibly also one of the 3* THE PERSIANS Beat here and there upon the rocky shore. [And from the springs of Neilos, ^Egypt's stream, Arkteus, Adeues, Pheresseues too, These with Pharnuchos in one ship were lost j] Matallos, Chrysa-born, the captain bold Of myriads, leader he of swarthy horse Some thrice ten thousand strong, has fallen low, His red beard, hanging all its shaggy length, Deep dyed with blood, and purpled all his skin. Arabian Magos, Bactrian Artames, They perished, settlers in a land full rough. [Amistris and Amphistreus, guiding well The spear of many a conflict, and the noble Ariomardos, leaving bitter grief For Sardis ; and the Mysian Seisames.] With twelve score ships and ten came Tharybis ; Lyrnasan he in birth, once fair in form, He lies, poor wretch, a death inglorious dying : And, first in valour proved, Syennesis, Kilikian satrap, who, for one man, gave Most trouble to his foes, and nobly died. Of leaders such as these I mention make, And out of many evils tell but few. Atoss. Woe, woe ! I hear the very worst of ills, Shame to the Persians, cause of bitter wail ; But tell me, going o'er the ground again, How great the number of the Hellenes' navy, That they presumed with Persia's armament To wage their warfare in the clash of ships. Mess. As far as numbers went, be sure the ships Of Persia had the better, for the Hellenes m Had, as their total, ships but fifteen score, smaller islands in the Saronic gulf, which the epithet would be enough to designate for an Athenian audience. The ' ' coasts of the Sileni " in v. 305 are identified by scholiasts with Salamis. THE PERSIANS And other ten selected as reserve. 1 And Xerxes (well I know it) had a thousand Which he commanded those that most excelled 2 In speed were twice five score and seven in number ; So stands the account. Deem'st thou our forces less In that encounter ? Nay, some Power above Destroyed our host, and pressed the balance down With most unequal fortune, and the Gods Preserve the city of the Goddess Pallas. Atoss, Is the Athenians' city then unsacked ? Meis. Their men are left, and that is bulwark strong. 3 Atoss. Next tell me how the fight of ships began. Who led the attack ? Were those Hellenes the first, Or vvas't my son, exulting in his strength ? Mess. The author of the mischief, O my mistress, Was some foul fiend or Power on evil bent ; For lo ! a Hellene from the Athenian host 4 Came to thy son, to Xerxes, and spake thus, That should the shadow of the dark night come, The Hellenes would not wait him, but would leap * Into their rowers' benches, here and there, And save their lives in secret, hasty flight. 1 Perhaps " And ten of these selected as reserve." 2 As regards the number of the Persian ships, 1000 of average, and 207 of special swiftness. ^Eschylos agrees with Herodotos, who gives the total of 1207. The latter, however, reckons the Greek ships not at 310, but 378 (vii. 89, viii. 48). 3 The fact that Athens had actually been taken, and its chief buildings plundered and laid waste, was, of course, not a pleas- ant one for the poet to dwell on. It could hardly, however, be entirely passed over, and this is the one allusion to it. In the truest sense it was still "unsacked : " it had not lost its most effective defence, its most precious treasure. 4 As the story is told by Herodotos (vii. 75), this was Sikinnos, the slave of Themistocles, and the stratagem was the device of that commander to save the Greeks from the disgrace and ruin of a sauw quipeitt flight in all directions, 34 THE PERSIANS And he forthwith, this hearing, knowing not The Hellene's guile, nor yet the Gods' great wrath, Gives this command to all his admirals, Soon as the sun should cease to burn the earth With his bright rays, and darkness thick invade The firmament of heaven, to set their ships In three-fold lines, to hinder all escape, And guard the billowy straits, and others place In circuit round about the isle of Aias : For if the Hellenes 'scaped an evil doom, And found a way of secret, hasty flight, It was ordained that all should lose their heads. 1 Such things he spake from soul o'erwrought with pride, For he knew not what fate the Gods would send ; And they, not mutinous, but prompt to serve, Then made their supper ready, and each sailor Fastened his oar around true-fitting thole ; And when the sunlight vanished, and the night Had come, then each man, master of an oar, Went to his ship, and all men bearing arms, And through the long ships rank cheered loud to rank ; And so they sail, as 'twas appointed each, And all night long the captains of the fleet Kept their men working, rowing to and fro ; Night then came on, and the Hellenic host In no wise sought to take to secret flight. And when day, bright to look on with white steeds, O'erspread the earth, then rose from the Hellenes 3l>0 Loud chant of cry of battle, and forthwith Echo gave answer from each island rock ; And terror then on all the Persians fell, Of fond hopes disappointed. Not in flight 1 The Greeks never beheaded their criminals, and the punish ment is mentioned as being specially characteristic of the bar- baric Persians. 35 THE PERSIANS The Hellenes then their solemn paeans sang i But with brave spirit hasting on to battle. With martial sound the trumpet fired those ranks ; And straight with sweep of oars that flew through foam, They smote the loud waves at the boatswain's call ; And swiftly all were manifest to sight. Then first their right wing moved in order meet ;* Next the whole line its forward course began, And all at once we heard a mighty shout, " O sons of Hellenes, forward, free your country ; Free too your wives, your children, and the shrines Built to your fathers' Gods, and holy tombs Your ancestors now rest in. Now the fight Is for our all." And on our side indeed Arose in answer din of Persian speech, And time to wait was over ; ship on ship Dashed its bronze-pointed beak, and first a barque Of Hellas did the encounter fierce begin, 2 And from Phoenikian vessel crashes off Her carved prow. And each against his neighbour Steers his own ship : and first the mighty flood Of Persian host held out. But when the ships Were crowded in the straits, 3 nor could they give Help to each other, they with mutual shocks, With beaks of bronze went crushing each the other, Shivering their rowers' benches. And the ships Of Hellas, with manoeuvring not unskilful, 1 The ^ginetans and Megarians, according to the account preserved by Diodoros (xi. 18), or the Lacedaemonians, accord- ing to Herodotos (viii. 65). 2 This may be meant to refer to the achievements of Ameinias of Pallene, who appears in the traditional life of CEschylos as his youngest brother. 3 Sc. , in Herod, viii. 60, the strait between Salamis and the mainland. 36 THE PERSIANS Charged circling round them. And the hulls of ships 4W Floated capsized, nor could the sea be seen, Strown, as it was, with wrecks and carcases ; And all the shores and rocks were full of corpses. And every ship was wildly rowed in fight, All that composed the Persian armament. And they, as men spear tunnies, 1 or a haul Of other fishes, with the shafts of oars, Or spars of wrecks went smiting, cleaving down ; And bitter groans and wailings overspread The wide sea-waves, till eye of swarthy night Bade it all cease : and for the mass of ills, Not, though my tale should run for ten full days, Could I in full recount them. Be assured That never yet so great a multitude Died in a single day as died in this. Atoss. Ah, me ! Great then the sea of ills that breaks On Persia and the whole barbaric host. Mess. Be sure our evil fate is but half o'er : On this has supervened such bulk of woe, As more than twice to outweigh what I've told. <10 Atoss. And yet what fortune could beworse than this? Say, what is this disaster which thou tell'st, That turns the scale to greater evils still ? Mess. Those Persians that were in the bloom of life, Bravest in heart and noblest in their blood, And by the king himself deemed worthiest trust, Basely and by most shameful death have died. Atoss. Ah ! woe is me, my friends, for our ill fate ! What was the death by which thou say'st they perished ? 1 Tunny-fishing has always been prominent in the occupations on the Mediterranean coasts, and the sailors who formed so large a part of every Athenian audience would be familiar with the process here described, of striking or harpooning them. Aristophanes ( Wasps, 1087) coins (or uses) the word ' ' to tunny " (evwo.fr) to express the act. Comp. Herod, i. 63, THE PERSIANS Mess. There is an isle that lies off Salamis, 1 Small, with bad anchorage for ships, where Pan, 43 Pan the dance-loving, haunts the sea-washed coast. There Xerxes sends these men, that when their foes, Being wrecked, should to the islands safely swim, They might with ease destroy th' Hellenic host, And save their friends from out the deep sea's paths ; But ill the future guessing : for when God Gave the Hellenes the glory of the battle, In that same hour, with arms well wrought in bronze Shielding their bodies, from their ships they leapt, And the whole isle encircled, so that we Were sore distressed, 2 and knew not where to turn ; For here men's hands hurled many a stone at them ; And there the arrows from the archer's bow Smote and destroyed them ; and with one great rush, At last advancing, they upon them dash And smite, and hew the limbs of these poor wretches, Till they each foe had utterly destroyed. [And Xerxes when he saw how deep the ill, 3 Groaned out aloud, for he had ta'en his seat, With clear, wide view of all the army round, On a high cliff hard by the open sea ; And tearing then his robes with bitter cry, 1 Sc, , Psyttaleia, lying between Salamis and the mainland. Pausanias (i. 36-82) describes it in his time as having no artistic shrine or statue, but full everywhere of roughly carved images of Pan, to whom the island was sacred. It lay just opposite the entrance to the Peiraeos. The connexion of Pan with Salamis and its adjacent islands seems implied in Sophocles, Aias, 695. 2 The manoeuvre was, we learn from Herodotos (viii. 95), the work of Aristeides, the personal friend of ^Eschylos, and the statesman with whose policy he had most sympathy. 3 The lines are noted as probably a spurious addition, by a weaker hand, to the text, as introducing surplusage, as incon- sistent with Herodotos, and as faulty in their metrical structure. 38 THE PERSIANS And giving orders to his troops on shore, He sends them off in foul retreat. This grief 'Tis thine to mourn besides the former ills.] Atoss. O hateful Power, how thou of all their hopes Hast robbed the Persians ! Bitter doom my son Devised for glorious Athens, nor did they, The invading host who fell at Marathon, Suffice ; but my son, counting it his task To exact requital for it, brought on him So great a crowd of sorrows. But I pray, As to those ships that have this fate escaped, Where did'st thou leave them ? Can'st thou clearly tell I Mess. The captains of the vessels that were left, With a fair wind, but not in meet array, Took flight : and all the remnant of the army Fell in Bceotia some for stress of thirst About the fountain clear, and some of us, Panting for breath, cross to the Phokians' land, The soil of Doris, and the Melian gulf, Where fair Spercheios waters all the plains With kindly flood, and then the Achaean fields <9 And city of the Thessali received us, Famished for lack of food j 1 and many died Of thirst and hunger, for both ills we bore ; And then to the Magnetian land we came, And that of Macedonians, to the stream Of Axios, and Bolbe's reed-grown marsh, And Mount Pangaios and the Edonian land. And on that night God sent a mighty frost, Unwonted at that season, sealing up The whole course of the Strymon's pure, clear flood ; a i So Herodotos (viii. 115) describes them as driven by hun- ger to eat even grass and leaves. ^2 No trace of this passage over the frozen Strymon appears in* Herodotos, who leaves the reader to imagine that it was 39 THE PERSIANS And they who erst had deemed the Gods as nought, ^ Then prayed with hot entreaties, worshipping Both earth and heaven. And after that the host Ceased from its instant calling on the Gods, It crosses o'er the glassy, frozen stream ; And whosoe'er set forth before the rays Of the bright God were shed abroad, was saved ; For soon the glorious sun with burning blaze Reached the mid-stream and warmed it with its flame, And they, confused, each on the other fell. Blest then was he whose soul most speedily Breathed out its life. And those who yet survived And gained deliverance, crossing with great toil 6l And many a pang through Thrake, now are come, Escaped from perils, no great number they, To this our sacred land, and so it groans, This city of the Persians, missing much Our country's dear-loved youth. Too true my tale, And many things I from my speech omit, Ills which the Persians suffer at God's hand. Chor. O Power resistless, with what weight of woe On all the Persian race have thy feet leapt ! At oss. Ah ! woe is me for that our army lost ! vision of the night that cam'st in dreams, Too clearly did'st thou show me of these ills ! But ye (to Chorus) did judge them far too carelessly ; Yet since your counsel pointed to that course, 1 to the Gods will first my prayer address. And then with gifts to Earth and to the Dead, Bringing the chrism from my store, I'll come. crossed, as before, by a bridge. It is hardly, indeed, consistent with dramatic probability that the courier should have remained to watch the whole retreat of the defeated army ; and on this and other grounds, the latter part of the speech has been rejected by some critics as a later addition, 40 THE PERSIANS For our past ills, 1 know, 'tis all too late, But for the future, I may hope, will dawn A better fortune ! But 'tis now your part In these our present ills, in counsel faithful To commune with the Faithful ; and my son, Should he come here before me, comfort him, And home escort him, lest he add fresh ill To all these evils that we suffer now. [Exit , Chor. Zeus our king, who now to nothing Bring'st the army of the Persians, Multitudinous, much boasting ; And with gloomy woe hast shrouded Both Ecbatana and Susa ; Many maidens now are tearing With their tender hands their mantles, M0 And with tear-floods wet their bosoms, In the common grief partaking ; And the brides of Persian warriors, Dainty even in their wailing, Longing for their new-wed husbands, Reft of bridal couch luxurious, With its coverlet so dainty, Losing joy of wanton youth-time, Mourn in never-sated wailings. And I too in fullest measure Raise again meet cry of sorrow, Weeping for the loved and lost ones. STROPHE I For now the land of Asia mourneth sore, 65 Left desolate of men, 'Twas Xerxes led them forth, woe ! woe ! 'Twas Xerxes lost them all, woe ! woe ! 'Twas Xerxes who with evil counsels sped Their course in sea-borne barques. 4' THE PERSIANS Why was Dareios erst so free from harm, First bowman of the state, The leader whom the men of Susa loved, ANTISTROPHE I While those who fought as soldiers or at sea, These ships, dark-hulled, well-rowed, Their own ships bore them on, woe ! woe ! Their own ships lost them all, woe ! woe ! Their own ships, in the crash of ruin urged, And by Ionian hands? 1 The king himself, we hear, but hardly 'scapes, Through Thrake's wide-spread steppes, And paths o'er which the tempests wildly sweep. STROPHE II And they who perished first, ah me ! Perforce unburied left, alas ! Are scattered round Kychreia's shore, 2 woe ! woe ! Lament, mourn sore, and raise a bitter cry, Grievous, the sky to pierce, woe ! woe ! And let thy mourning voice uplift its strain Of loud and full lament. ANTISTROPHE II Torn by the whirling flood, ah me ! Their carcases are gnawed, alas ! By the dumb brood of stainless sea, woe ! woe ! m And each house mourneth for its vanished lord ; And childless sires, woe ! woe ! Mourning in age o'er griefs the Gods have sent, Now hear their utter loss. * The lonians, not of the Asiatic Ionia, but of Attica. 3 Kychreia, the archaic name of Salamis. 42 THE PERSIANS STROPHE III And throughout all Asia's borders None now own the sway of Persia, Nor bring any more their tribute, Owning sway of sovereign master. Low upon the Earth, laid prostrate, Is the strength of our great monarch ANTISTKOPHE III No more need men keep in silence Tongues fast bound : for now the people May with freedom speak at pleasure ; For the yoke of power is broken ; And blood-stained in all its meadows Holds the sea-washed isle of Aias What was once the host of Persia. Re-enter ATOSSA Atoss. Whoe'er, my friends, is vexed in troublous times, m Knows that when once a tide of woe sets in, A man is wont to fear in everything ; But when Fate flows on smoothly, then to trust That the same Fate will ever send fair gales. So now all these disasters from the Gods Seem in mine eyes filled full of fear and dread, And in mine ears rings cry unpaeanlike, So great a dread of all has seized my soul : And therefore now, without or chariot's state Or wonted pomp, have I thus issued forth From out my palace, to my son's sire bringing Libations loving, gifts propitiatory, Meet for the dead ; milk pure and white from cow Unblemished, and bright honey that distils 43 THE PERSIANS From the flower-working bee, and water drawn From virgin fountain, and the draught unmarred From mother wild, bright child of ancient vine; And here too of the tree that evermore Keeps its fresh life in foliage, the pale olive, Is the sweet-smelling fruit, and twrned wreaths Of flowers, the children of all-bearing earth. 1 62 But ye, my friends, o'er these libations poured In honour of the dead, chant forth your hymns, And call upon Dareios as a God : While I will send unto the Gods below These votive offerings which the earth shall drink. [Goes to the tomb And he too shouts his war-cry, and in frenzy, As man possessed by Ares, hastes to battle, Like Thyiad, darting terror from his eyes. 1 'Gainst such a hero's might we well may guard ; Already at the gates men brag of rout. Eteot. First, the great Onca-Pallas, dwelling nigh Our city's gates, and hating man's bold pride, Shall ward him from her nestlings like a snake Of venom dread ; and next Hyperbios, The stalwart son of CEnops, has been chosen, B0 A hero 'gainst this hero, willing found To try his destiny at Fortune's hest. No fault has he in form, or heart, or arms ; And Hermes with good reason pairs them off; For man with man will fight as enemy, they offered up their lives in battle, they were giving, as Pericles says (Thucyd. ii. 43), their noblest "contribution," paying in full their subscription to the society of which they were members. 1 Thyiad, another name for the Maenads, the frenzied atten- dants on Dionysos. 8? THE SEVEN AGAINST THEBES And on their shields they'll bring opposing Gods ; For this man beareth Typhon, breathing fire, And on Hyperbios' shield sits father Zeus, Full firm, with burning thunderbolt in hand ; And never yet has man seen Zeus, I trow, O'ercome. Such then the favour of the Gods, 1 We with the winners, they with losers are : l Good reason then the rivals so should fare, If Zeus than Typhon stronger be in fight, And to Hyperbios Zeus will saviour prove, As that device upon his shield presents him. ANTISTROPHE II Chor. Now do I trust that he Who bears upon his shield the hated form Of Power whom Earth doth shroud, Antagonist to Zeus, unloved by men And by the ageless Gods, Before those gates of ours To his own hurt may dash his haughty head. Mess. So may it be ! And now the fifth I tell, Who the fifth gates, the Northern, occupies, Hard by Amphion's tomb, the son of Zeus ; And by his spear he swears, (which he is bold To honour more than God or his own eyes,) That he will sack the fort of the Cadmeians With that spear's might. So speaks the offspring fair Of mother mountain-bred, a stripling hero ; And the soft down is creeping o'er his cheeks, Youth's growth, and hair that floweth full and thick ; 1 Sc., in the legends of Typhon. not he, but Zeus, had proved the conqueror. The warrior, therefore, who chose Typhon for his badge was identifying himself with the losing, not the win- ning side. 88 THE SEVEN AGAINST THEBES And he with soul, not maiden's like his name, 1 But stern, with flashing eye, is standing there. Nor stands he at the gate without a vaunt ; For on his brass-wr jught buckler, strong defence, Full-orbed, his body guarding, he the shame Of this our city bears, the ravenous Sphinx, With rivets fixed, all burnished and embossed ; 2 And under her she holdeth a Cadmeian, That so on him most arrows might be shot. No chance that he will fight a peddling fight, Nor shame the long, long journey he hath come, Parthenopseos, in Arcadia born : This man did Argos welcome as a guest, And now he pays her for her goodly rearing, And threatens these our towers with . . . God avert it ! Eteoc. Should the Gods give them what they plan 'gainst us, Then they, with those their godless boastings high, Would perish shamefully and utterly. And for this man of Arcady thou tell'st of, We have a man who boasts not, but his hand Sees the right thing to do ; Actor, of him I named but now the brother, who no tongue Divorced from deeds will ever let within Our gates, to spread and multiply our ills, Nor him who bears upon his foeman's shield The image of the hateful venomed beast ; But she without shall blame him as he tries 1 The name, as we are told in v. 542, is Parthenopaeos, the maiden-faced. 2 The Sphinx, besides its general character as an emblem of terror, had, of course, a special meaning as directed to the Thebans. The warrior who bore it threatened to renew the old days when the monster whom CEdipus had overcome had laid waste their city. 89 THE SEVEN AGAINST THEBES To take her in, when she beneath our walls Gets sorely bruised and battered. 1 And herein, If the Gods will, I prophet true shall prove. STROPHE III Chor. Thy words thrill through my breast ; My hair stands all on end, To hear the boastings great Of those who speak great things M0 Unholy. May the Gods Destroy them in our land ! Mess. A sixth I tell of, one of noblest mood, Amphiaraos, seer and warrior famed ; He, stationed at the Homoloian gates, Reproves the mighty Tydeus with sharp words As ' murderer,' and ' troubler of the State,' 2 * To Argos teacher of all direst ills, Erinnys' sumpnour,' 3 'murder's minister,' Whose counsels led Adrastos to these ills. *And at thy brother Polyneikes glancing With eyes uplifted for his father's fate, And ending, twice he syllabled his name,* And called him, and thus speaketh with his lips : 1 Sc. , the Sphinx on his shield will not be allowed to enter the city. It will only serve as a mark, attracting men to attack both it and the warrior who bears it. 2 The quarrel between Tydeus and the seer Amphiaraos had been already touched upon. 3 I have used the old English word to express a term of like technical use in Athenian law processes. As the " sumpnour " called witnesses or parties to a suit into court, so Tydeus had summoned the Erinnys to do her work of destruction. 4 Sc., so pronounced his name as to emphasise the signifi- cance of its two component parts, as indicating that he who bore it was a man of much contention. 90 THE SEVEN AGAINST THEBES " A goodly deed, and pleasant to the Gods, Noble for after age to hear and tell, Thy father's city and thy country's Gods To waste through might of mercenary host ! And how shall Justice stay thy mother's tears . ?1 BSO And how, when conquered, shall thy fatherland, Laid waste, become a true ally to thee ? As for myself, I shall that land make rich, 2 A prophet buried in a foeman's soil : To arms ! I look for no inglorious death." So spake the prophet, bearing full-orbed shield Wrought all of bronze, no ensign on that orb. He wishes to be just, and not to seem, 3 Reaping full harvest from his soul's deep furrows, Whence ever new and noble counsels spring. I bid thee send defenders wise and brave Against him. Dread is he who fears the Gods. Eteoc. Fie on the chance that brings the righteous man Close-mated with the ungodly ! In all deeds 1 The words are obscure, but seem to refer to the badge of Polyneikes, the figure of Justice described in v. 643 as on bis shield. How shall that Justice, the seer asks, console Jocas>ta for her son's death? Another rendering gives, 'And how shall Justice quench a mother's life?" the "mother" being the country against which Polyneikes wars. 2 The words had a twofold fulfilment (i) in the burial of Ainphiaraos, in the Theban soil ; and (2) in the honour which accrued to Thebes after his death, through the fame of the oracle at his shrine. 3 The passage cannot be passed over without noticing the old tradition (Plutarch, Aristeid. c. 3), that when the actor uttered these words, he and the whole audience looked to Aristeides. surnamed the Just, as recognising that the words were true of him as they were of no one else. " Best," instead of "just," is, however, a very old various reading. 91 THE SEVEN AGAINST THEBES Nought is there worse than evil fellowship, A crop men should not reap. Death still is found The harvest of the field of frenzied pride ; For either hath the godly man embarked With sailors hot in insolence and guile, 1 And perished with the race the Gods did loathe ; 60 Or just himself, with citizens who wrong The stranger and are heedless of the Gods, Falling most justly in the self-same snare, By God's scourge smitten, shares the common doom. And thus this seer I speak of, CEcleus' son, Righteous, and wise, and good, and reverent, A mighty prophet, mingling with the godless *And men full bold of speech in reason's spite, Who take long march to reach a far-off city, 2 If Zeus so will, shall be hurled down with them. 61 And he, I trow, shall not draw nigh the gates, Not through faint-heart or any vice of mood, But well he knows this war shall bring his death, If any fruit is found in Loxias' words ; And He or holds his speech or speaks in season. Yet against him the hero Lasthenes, A foe of strangers, at the gates we'll set ; Old in his mind, his body in its prime, His eye swift-footed, and his hand not slow To grasp the spear from 'neath the shield laid bare : 8 6I Yet 'tis by God's gift men must win success. 1 If the former reference to Arhteides be admitted, we can scarcely avoid seeing in this passage an allusion to Themistocles, as one with whose reckless and democratic policy it was danger- ous for the more conservative leader to associate himself. 2 The far-off city, not of Thebes, but of Hades. In the legend of Thebes, the earth opened and swallowed up Amphiaraos, as in 583- 3 The short spear was usually carried under the shelter of the shield ; when brought into action it was, of course, laid bare. 9* ANTISTROPHE III Cbor. Hear, O ye Gods ! our prayers, Our just entreaties grant, That so our State be blest. Turn ye the toils of war Upon the invading host. Outside the walls may Zeus With thunder smite them low ! Mess. The seventh chief then who at the seventh gate stands, Thine own, own brother, I will speak of now, What curses on our State he pours, and prays That he the towers ascending, and proclaimed By herald's voice to all the territory, And shouting out the captor's psean-cry, May so fight with thee, slay, and with thee die ; Or driving thee alive, who did'st him wrong, May on thee a vengeance wreak like in kind. So clamours he, and bids his father's Gods, His country's guardians, look upon his prayers, ' [And grant them all. So Polyneikes prays.] And he a new and well-wrought shield doth bear, And twofold sign upon it riveted ; For there a woman with a stately tread Leads one who seems a warrior wrought in gold : Justice she calls herself, and thus she speaks : " I WILL BRING BACK THIS MAN, AND HE SHALL HAVE THE CITY AND HIS FATHER'S DWELLING-PLACE." Such are the signs and mottoes of those men ; And thou, know well whom thou dost mean to send : So thou shalt never blame my heraldings ; And thou thyself know how to steer the State. Eteoc. O frenzy-stricken, hated sore of Gods ! 65 O woe-fraught race (my race !) of CEdipus ! Ah me ! my father's curse is now fulfilled ; 93 THE SEVEN AGAINST THEBES But neither is it meet to weep or wail, Lest cry more grievous on the issue come. Of Polyneikes, name and omen true, We soon shall know what way his badge shall end, Whether his gold-wrought letters shall restore him, His shield's great swelling words with frenzied soul. An if great Justice, Zeus's virgin child, Ruled o'er his words and acts, this might have been ; C6a But neither when he left his mother's womb, Nor in his youth, nor yet in ripening age, Nor when his beard was gathered on his chin, Did Justice count him meet for fellowship ; Nor do I think that she befriends him now In this great outrage on his father's land. Yea, justly Justice would as falsely named Be known, if she with one all-daring joined. In this I trust, and I myself will face him : Who else could claim a greater right than I ? Brother with brother fighting, king with king, And foe with foe, I'll stand. Come, quickly fetch My greaves that guard against the spear and stones. Chor. Nay, dearest friend, thou son of (Edipus, Be ye not like to him with that ill name. It is enough Cadmeian men should fight Against the Argives. That blood may be cleansed ; But death so murderous of two brothers born, This is pollution that will ne'er wax old. Eteoc. If a man must bear evil, let him still Be without shame sole profit that in death. [No glory comes of base and evil deeds]. Chor, What dost thou crave, my son ? Let no ill fate, Frenzied and hot for war, Carry thee headlong on ; Check the first onset of an evil lust. 94 THE SEVEN AGAINST THEBES Eteac. Since God so hotly urges on the matter, Let all of Laios* race whom Phcebos hates, Drift with the breeze upon Cokytos' wave. Chr. An over-fierce and passionate desire Stirs thee and pricks thee on To work an evil deed Of guilt of blood thy hand should never shed. fcl Eteoc. Nay, my dear father's curse, in full-grown hate, Dwells on dry eyes that cannot shed a tear, And speaks of gain before the after-doom. Chor. But be not thou urged on. The coward's name Shall not be thine, for thou Hast ordered well thy life. Dark-robed Erinnys enters not the house, When at men's hands the Gods Accept their sacrifice. Eteoc. As for the Gods, they scorned us long ago, And smile but on the offering of our deaths ; 70 What boots it then on death's doom still to fawn ? Ctor. Nay do it now, while yet 'tis in thy power ; l Perchance may fortune shift With tardy change of mood, And come with spirit less implacable : At present fierce and hot She waxeth in her rage. Eteoc. Yea, fierce and hot the Curse of CEdipus ; And all too true the visions of the night, My father's treasured store distributing. Ckor. Yield to us women, though thou lov'st us not. Eteoc. Speak then what may be done, and be not long. Cfar. Tread not the path that to the seventh gate leads. Perhaps "since death is at nigh hand. 95 THE SEVEN AGAINST THEBES Eteoc. Thou shalt not blunt my sharpened edge with words. Chor. And yet God loves the victory that submits. 1 Eteoc. That word a warrior must not tolerate, Chor. Dost thou then haste thy brother's blood to shed ? Eteoc. If the Gods grant it, he shall not 'scape harm. \Exeunt ETEOCLES, Scout, and Captains STROPHE I Chor. I fear her might who doth this whole house wreck, The Goddess unlike Gods, The prophetess of evil all too true, The Erinnys of thy father's imprecations, Lest she fulfil the curse, O'er-wrathful, frenzy-fraught, The curse of CEdipus, Laying his children low. This Strife doth urge them on. ANTISTROPHE I And now a stranger doth divide the lots, The Chalyb, 2 from the Skythians emigrant, The stern distributor of heaped-up wealth, The iron that hath assigned them just so much 1 The Chorus means that if Eteocles would allow himself to be overcome in this contest of his wishes with their prayers the Gods would honour that defeat as if it were indted a victory. He makes answer that the very thought of being overcome im- plied in the word "defeat" in anything is one which the true wan ior cannot bear. 2 The "Chalyb stranger" is the sword, thought of as taking its name from the Skythian tribe of the Chalybes, between Colchis and Armenia, and passing through the Thrakians into Greece. 96 THE SEVEN AGAINST THEBES _- Of land as theirs, no more, As may suffice for them As grave when they shall fall, Without or part or lot In the broad-spreading plains. STROPHE II And when the hands of each The other's blood have shed, And the earth's dust shall drink The black and clotted gore, Who then can purify ? Who cleanse thee from the guilt ? Ah me ! O sorrows new, That mingle with the old woes of our house ! ANTISTROPHE II I tell the ancient tale Of sin that brought swift doom ; 71 Till the third age it waits, Since Laios, heeding not Apollo's oracle, (Though spoken thrice to him In Pythia's central shrine,) That dying childless, he should save the State. STROPHE III But he by those he loved full rashly swayed, Doom for himself begat, His murderer QEdipus, Who dared to sow in field Unholy, whence he sprang, A root of blood-flecked woe. Madness together brought Bridegroom and bride accursed i 97 THE SEVEN AGAINST THEBES ANTISTROPHE III And now the sea of evil pours its flood : This falling, others rise, As with a triple crest, Which round the State's stern roars : And but a bulwark slight, A tower's poor breadth, defends ; :c And lest the city fall With its two kings I fear-. STROPHE IV *And that atonement of the ancient curse Receives fulfilment now ; l *And when they come, the evils pass not by. E'en so the wealth of sea-adventurers, When heaped up in excess, Leads but to cargo from the stern thrown out ANTISTROPHE IV For whom of mortals did the Gods so praise, And fellow-worshippers, *And race of those who feed their flocks and herds : As much as then they honoured CEdipus, Who from our country's bounds Had driven the monster, murderess of men ? 1 The two brothers, i.e., are set at one again, but it is not in the bonds of friendship, but in those of death. 2 The image meets us again in Agam. 980. Here the thought is, that a man too prosperous is like a ship too heavily freighted. He must part with a portion of his possession in order to save the rest. Not to part with them leads, when the storm rages, to an enforced abandonment and utter loss. * Another reading gives "And race of those who crowd the Agora." 98 THE SEVEN AGAINST THEBES STROPHE V And when too late he knew, Ah, miserable man ! his wedlock dire, Vexed sore with that dread shame, With heart to madness driven, He wrought a two-fold ill, And with the hand that smote his father's life *Blinded the eyes that might his sons have seen. ANTISTKOPHE V And with a mind provoked By nurture scant, he at his sons did hurl 1 His curses dire and dark, (Ah, bitter curses those !) That they with spear in hand Should one day share their father's wealth ; and I Fear now lest swift Erinnys should fulfil them. Enter Messenger Mess. Be of good cheer, ye maidens, mother-reared ; Our city has escaped the yoke of bondage, The boasts of mighty men are fallen low, And this our city in calm waters floats, And, though by waves lashed, springs not any leak. Our fortress still holds out, and we did guard The gates with champions who redeemed their pledge. In the six gateways almost all goes well ; But the seventh gate did King Apollo choose, 2 1 This seems to have been one form of the legends as to the cause of the curse which CEdipus had launched upon his sons, An alternative rendering is And with a mind enraged At thought of what they were whom he had reared, He at his sons did hurl His curses dire and dark. 8 Sc., when Eteocles fell, Apollo took his place at the seventh gate, and turned the tide of war in favour of the Thebans. 99 THE SEVEN AGAINST THEBES Seventh mighty chief, avenging Laios' want Of counsel on the sons of CEdipus. Chor. What new disaster happens to our city P 1 8M Mess. The city's saved, but both the royal brothers, . . . Chor. Who ? and what of them ? I'm distraught with fear. Mess. Be calm, and hear : the sons of CEdipus, .... Chor. Oh wretched me ! a prophet I of ill ! Mess. Slain by each other, earth has drunk their blood. Chor. Came they to that ? 'Tis dire ; yet tell it me. Mess. Too true, by brother's hand our chiefs are slain. Chor. What, did the brother's hands the brother lay ? Mess. No doubt is there that they are laid in dust. Chor. Thus was there then a common fate for be th ? Mess. *Yea, it lays low the whole ill-fated race. Chor. These things give cause for gladness and for tears, 81 Seeing that our city prospers, and our lords, The generals twain, with well-wrought Skythian steel, Have shared between them all their store of goods, And now shall have their portion in a grave, Borne on, as spake their father's grievous curse. 8 Mess. [The city's saved, but of the brother-kings The earth has drunk the blood, each slain by each.] Chor. Great Zeus ! and ye, O Gods ! Guardians of this our town, Who save in very deed The towers of Cadmos old, 82 1 I follow in this dialogue the arrangement which Paley adopts from Hermann. 2 There seems an intentional ambiguity. They are "borne on," but it is as the corpses of the dead are borne to the sepulchre. 100 THE SEVEN AGAINST THEBES Shall I rejoice and shout Over the happy chance That frees our State from harm ; Or weep that ill-starred pair, The war-chiefs, childless and most miserable, Who, true to that ill name Of Polyneikes, died in impious mood, Contending overmuch I STROPHE Oh dark, and all too true That curse of CEdipus and all his race, 1 An evil chill is falling on my heart, And, like a Thyiad wild, Over his grave I sing a dirge of grief, Hearing the dead have died by evil fate, Each in foul bloodshed steeped ; Ah me ! Ill-omened is the spear's accord.* ANTISTROPHE It hath wrought out its end, And hath not failed, that prayer the father poured ; And Laios' reckless counsels work till now : I fear me for the State ; The oracles have not yet lost their edge ; $4 O men of many sorrows, ye have wrought This deed incredible ; 1 Not here the curse uttered by CEdipus, but that which rested on him and all his kin. There is possibly an allusion to the curse which Pelops is said to have uttered against Laios when he stole his son Chrysippos. Comp. v. 837. 2 As in v. 763 we read of the brothers as made one in death, so now of the concord which is wrought out by conflict, the concord, i.e., of the grave. 101 THE SEVEN AGAINST THEBES Not now in word come woes most lamentable. \_As the Chorus are spluking, the bodies being wroth with Prometheus for this deed, sent Hepheestos, with his two helpers, Strength and Force, to fetter him to a rock on Caucasos. A nd in yet another story was the cruelty of the Gods made known. For Zeus loved lo, the daughter of I nachos, I 113 H PROMETHEUS BOUND king of Argos, and she was haunted by visions oj the night, telling her of his passion, and she told her father thereof. And Inachos, sending to the God at Delphi, was told to drive lo forth from her home. And Zeus gave her the horns of a cow, and Hera, who hated her because she was dear to Zeus, sent with her a gadfly that stung her, and gave her no rest, and drove her over many lands. Note. The play is believed to have been the second of a Trilogy, of which the first was Prometheus Hie Fire-giver, and the third Prometheus Unbound, PROMETHEUS BOUND SCENE. SKYTHIA, on the heightt of Caucasos. The Euxlne seen in the distance Enter HEPHJESTOS, STRENGTH, and FORCE, leading PROMETHEUS in chains 1 Strength. Lo ! to a plain, earth's boundary remote, We now are come, the tract as Skythian known, A desert inaccessible : and now, Hephaestos, it is thine to do the hests The Father gave thee, to these lofty crags To bind this crafty trickster fast in chains Of adamantine bonds that none can break ; For he thy choice flower stealing, the bright glory Of fire that all arts spring from, hath bestowed it On mortal men. And so for fault like this He now must pay the Gods due penalty, That he may learn to bear the sovereign rule 10 Of Zeus, and cease from his philanthropy. Heph. O Strength, and thou, O Force, the hest of Zeus, 1 The scene seems at first an exception to the early conven- tional rule, which forbade the introduction of a third actor on the Greek stage. But it has been noticed that (i) Force does m t speak, and (2) Prometheus does not speak till Strength and Force have retired, and that it is therefore probable that trm whole work of nailing is done on a lay figure or effigy of sonw kind, and that one of the two who had before taken part in the dialogue then speaks behind it in the character of Prometheus. So the same actor must have appeared in succession as Okeanos, Io, and Htrmes. "5 PROMETHEUS BOUND As far as touches you, attains its end, And nothing hinders. Yet my courage fails To bind a God of mine own kin by force To this bare rock where tempests wildly sweep ; And yet I needs must muster courage for it : 'Tis no slight thing the Father's words to scorn. thou of Themis [to PROMETHEUS] wise in counsel son, Full deep of purpose, lo ! against my will, 1 1 fetter thee against thy will with bonds Of bronze that none can loose, to this lone height, * Where thou shalt know nor voice nor face of man, But scorching in the hot blaze of the sun, Shalt lose thy skin's fair beauty. Thou shalt long For starry-mantled night to hide day's sheen, For sun to melt the rime of early dawn ; And evermore the weight of present ill Shall wear thee down. Unborn as yet is he Who shall release thee : this the fate thou gain'st As due reward for thy philanthropy. For thou, a God not fearing wrath of Gods, In thy transgression gav'st their power to men ; And therefore on this rock of little ease Thou still shalt keep thy watch, nor lying down, Nor knowing sleep, nor ever bending knee ; And many groans and waitings profitless Thy lips shall utter ; for the mind of Zeus 1 Prometheus (Forethought] is the son of Themis (Right) the second occupant of the Pythian Oracle (Eutnen. v. 2). His sympathy with man leads him to impart the gift which raised them out of savage animal life, and for this Zeus, who appears throughout the play as a bard taskmaster, sentences him to fetters. Hephaestps, from whom this fire had been stolen, has a touch of pity for him. Strength, who comes as the servant, not of Hephasstos, but of Zeus himself, acts, as such, with merciless cruelty. 116 PROMETHEUS BOUND Remains inexorable. \ Who holds a power But newly gained 1 is ever stern of mood. j Strength. Let be ! Why linger in this idle pity ? Why dost not hate a God to Gods a foe, Who gave thy choicest prize to mortal men ? Heph. Strange is the power of kin and intercourse. 2 Strength. I own it ; yet to slight the Father's words, How may that be ? Is not that fear the worse ? Heph. Still art thou ruthless, full of savagery. Strength. There is no help in weeping over him : Spend not thy toil on things that profit not. Heph. O handicraft to me intolerable ! Strength. Why loath'st thou it I Of these thy present griefs That craft of thine is not one whit the cause. Heph. And yet I would some other had that skill. Strength. *A11 things bring toil except for Gods to reign ; 3 For none but Zeus can boast of freedom true. Heph. Too well I see the proof, and gainsay not. Strength. Wilt thou not speed to fix the chains on him, Lest He, the Father, see thee loitering here ? Heph. Well, here the handcuffs thou may'st see prepared. Strength. In thine hands take him. Then with all thy might Strike with thine hammer ; nail him to the rocks. Heph. The work goes on, I ween, and not in vain. 1 The generalised statement refers to Zeus, as having but recently expelled Cronos from his throne in Heaven. 2 Hephaestos, as the great fire-worker, had taught Prometheus to use the fire which he afterwards bestowed on men. 8 Perhaps, "All might is ours except o'er Gods to rule." "7 PROMETHEUS BOUND Strength. Strike harder, rivet, give no whit of ease: A wondrous knack has he to find resource, Even where all might seem to baffle him. Heph. Lo ! this his arm is fixed inextricably. Strength. Now rivet thou this other fast, that he May learn, though sharp, that he than Zeus is duller. lleph. No one but he could justly blame my work. Strength. Now drive the stern jaw of the adamant wedge Right through his chest with all the strength thou hast. Heph. Ah me ! Prometheus, for thy woes I groan. Strength. Again, thou'rt loth, and for the foes of Zeus Thou groanest : take good heed to it lest thou Ere long with cause thyself commiserate. Heph. Thou see'st a sight unsightly to our eyes. Strength. I see this man obtaining his deserts : 70 Nay, cast thy breast-chains round about his ribs. Heph. I must needs do it. Spare thine o'er much bidding ; Go thou below and rivet both his legs. 1 Strength. Nay, I will bid thee, urge thee to thy work. Heph. There, it is done, and that with no long toil. Strength. Now with thy full power fix the galling fetters : Thou hast a stern o'erlooker of thy work. Heph. Thy tongue but utters words that match thy form. 2 Strength. Choose thou the melting mood ; but chide not me For my self-will and wrath and ruthlessness. 1 The words indicate that the effigy of Prometheus, now nailed to the rock, was, as being that of a Titan, of colossal size. 2 The touch is characteristic as showing that here, as in the Eumenides, ^Eschylos relied on the horribleness of the masks, as part of the machinery of his plays. 1*8 PROMETHEUS BOUND Heph. Now let us go, his limbs are bound in chains. Strength, Here then wax proud, and stealing what belongs To the Gods, to mortals give it. What can they Avail to rescue thee from these thy woes ? Falsely the Gods have given thee thy name, Prometheus, Forethought ; forethought thou dost need To free thyself from this rare handiwork. [ExeufttHzpHJESTos, STRENGTH, ;ng with his head and breast crushed beneath the weight of .3ii.a, and bis feet extending to Cumae. 2 The words point probably loan eruption, then fresh in i.ieu's memories, which had happened B.C. 476. 8 By some editors this speech from " No, not so," to " thou Imow'st how," is assigned to Okeanos. 130 PROMETHEUS BOUND Okean. Know'st thou not this, Prometheus, even thb, Of wrath's disease wise words the healers are ? Prom. Yea, could one soothe the troubled heart in time, Nor seek by force to tame the soul's proud flesh. Okean. But in due forethought with bold daring blent, What mischief see'st thou lurking? Tell me this. 3M Prom. Toil bootless, and simplicity full fond. Okean. Let me, I pray, that sickness suffer, since 'Tis best being wise to have not wisdom's show. Prom. Nay, but this error shall be deemed as mine. Okean. Thy word then clearly sends me home at once. Prom. Yea, lest thy pity for me make a foe. . . . Okean. What ! of that new king on his mighty throne ? Prom. Look to it, lest his heart be vexed with thee. Okean. Thy fate, Prometheus, teaches me that lesson. from. Away, withdraw ! keep thou the mind thou hast. * Okean. Thou urgest me who am in act to haste ; For this my bird four-footed flaps with wings The clear path of the aether ; and full fain Would he bend knee in his own stall at home. '[Exit STROPHE I Chor. I grieve, Prometheus, for thy dreary fate, Shedding from tender eyes The dew of plenteous tears ; With streams, as when the watery south wind blows, My cheek is wet ; * 1Q For lo ! these things are all unenviable, And Zeus, by his own laws his sway maintaining, Shows to the elder Gods A mood of haughtiness. PROMETHEUS BOUND ANTISTROPHE I And all the country echoeth with the moan, And poureth many a tear For that magnific power Of ancient days far-seen that thou did'st share With those of one blood sprung ; And all the mortal men who hold the plain Of holy Asia as their land of sojourn, They grieve in sympathy For thy woes lamentable. STROPHE II And they, the maiden band who find their home On distant Colchian coasts, Fearless of fight, 1 Or Skythian horde in earth's remotest clime, By far Maeotic lake ; 2 ANTISTROPHE II *And warlike glory of Arabia's tribes,* Who nigh to Caucasos In rock-fort dwell, An army fearful, with sharp-pointed spear Raging in war's array. 1 These are, of course, the Amazons, who were believed to have come through Thrake Irom the Tauric Cher?onesos, and had left traces of their name and habits in the Attic traditions of Theseus. 3 Beyond the plains of Skythia, and the lake Maeotis (the sea of Azov) there would be the great river Okeanos, which was believed to flow round the earth. * Sarmatia has been conjectured instead of Arabia. No Greek author sanctions the extension of the latter name to so remote a region as that north of the Caspian. PROMETHEUS BOUND STROPHE III One other Titan only have I seen, One other of the Gods, Thus bound in woes of adamantine strength Atlas, who ever groans Beneath the burden of a crushing might, The out-spread vault of heaven. ANTISTROPHE III And lo ! the ocean billows murmur loud * 19 In one accord with him ; l The sea-depths groan, and Hades' swarthy pit Re-echoeth the sound, And fountains of clear rivers, as they flow, Bewail his bitter griefs. Prom. Think not it is through pride or stiff self-will That I am silent. But my heart is worn, Self-contemplating, as I see myself Thus outraged. Yet what other hand than mine Gave these young Gods in fulness all their gifts ? But these I speak not of; for I should tell To you that know them. But those woes of men, 2 45 List ye to them, how they, before as babes, By me were roused to reason, taught to think ; And this I say, not finding fault with men, But showing my good-will in all I gave. 1 The Greek leaves the object of the sympathy undefined, but it seems better to refer it to that which Atlas receives from the waste of waters around, and the dark world beneath, than to the pity shown to Prometheus. This has already been dwelt on in line 421. 2 The passage that follows has for modern palaeontologists the interest of coinciding with their views as to the progress of human society, and the condition of mankind during what has been called the "Stone" period. Comp. Lucretius, v, 955-984. '33 PROMETHEUS BOUND For first, though seeing, all in vain they saw, And hearing, heard not rightly. But, like forms Of phantom-dreams, throughout their life's whole length They muddled all at random ; did not know Houses of brick that catch the sunlight's warmth, Nor yet the work of carpentry. They dwelt In hollowed holes, like swarms of tiny ants, In sunless depths of caverns ; and they had No certain signs of winter, nor of spring Flower-laden, nor of summer with her fruits ; But without counsel fared their whole life long, Until I showed the risings of the stars, And settings hard to recognise. 1 And I Found Number for them, chief device of all, *Groupings of letters, Memory's handmaid that, And mother of the Muses. 2 And I first Bound in the yoke wild steeds, submissive made Or to the collar or men's limbs, that so They might in man's place bear his greatest toils ; And horses trained to love the rein I yoked To chariots, glory of wealth's pride of state ; s Nor was it any one but I that found Sea-crossing, canvas-winged cars of ships: Such rare designs inventing (wretched me !) 1 Comp. Mr. Blakesley's note on Herod, ii. 4, as showing that here there was the greater risk of faulty observation. 8 Another reading gives perhaps a better sense " Memory, handmaid true And mother of the Muses." ' In Greece, as throughout the East, the ox was used for all agricultural labours, the horse by the noble and the rich, either in war chariots, or stattly processions, or in chariot races in the great games. PROMETHEUS BOUND For mortal men, I yet have no device By which to free myself from this my woe. 1 Chor. Foul shame thou sufferest : of thy sense be- reaved, 48 Thou errest greatly : and, like leech unskilled, Thou losest heart when smitten with disease, And know'st not how to find the remedies Wherewith to heal thine own soul's sicknesses. Prom. Hearing what yet remains thou'lt wonder more, What arts and what resources I devised : And this the chief: if any one fell ill, There was no help for him, nor healing food, Nor unguent, nor yet potion ; but for want Of drugs they wasted, till I showed to them The blendings of all mild medicaments, 2 Wherewith they ward the attacks of sickness sore. I gave them many modes of prophecy ; 3 And I first taught them what dreams needs must prove True visions, and made known the ominous sounds Full hard to know ; and tokens by the way, And flights of taloned birds I clearly marked, Those on the right propitious to mankind, 1 Compare with this the account of the inventions of Palamedes in Sophocles, Fragm. 379. 8 Here we can recognise the knowledge of one who had studied in the schools of Pythagoras, or had at any rate picked up their terminology. A more immediate connexion may perhaps be traced with the influence of Epimenides, who was said to have spent many years in searching out the healing virtues of plants, and to have written books about them. * The lines that follow form almost a manual of the art of divination as then practised. The "ominous sounds" include chance words, strange cries, any unexpected utterance that con- nected itself with men's fears for the future. The flights of birds were watched by the diviner as he faced the north, and so the region on the right hand was that of the sunrise, light, blessed* ness ; on the left there were darkness and gloom and death. '35 PROMETHEUS BOUND And those sinister, and what form of life They each maintain, and what their enmities Each with the other, and their loves and friendships ; 60 And of the inward parts the plumpness smooth. And with what colour they the Gods would please, And the streaked comeliness of gall and liver : And with burnt limbs enwrapt in fat, and chine, I led men on to art full difficult : And I gave eyes to omens drawn from fire, Till then dim-visioned. So far then for this. And 'neath the earth the hidden boons for men, Bronze, iron, silver, gold, who else could say That he, ere I did, found them ? None, I know, Unless he fain would babble idle words. In one short word, then, learn the truth condensed, Allarts of mortals from Prometheus spring. Chor. Nay, be not thou to men so over-kind, While thou thyself art in sore evil case ; For I am sanguine that thou too, released From bonds, shalt be as strong as Zeus himself. Prom, It is not thus that Fate's decree is fixed ; But I, long crushed with twice ten thousand woes 5JO And bitter pains, shall then escape my bonds ; Art is far weaker than Necessity. Chor. Who guides the helm, then, of Necessity ? Prom. Fates triple-formed, Errinyes unforgetting. Chor. Is Zeus, then, weaker in his might than these ? Prom. Not even He can 'scape the thing decreed. Chor. What is decreed for Zeus but still to reign ? Prom. Thou may'st no further learn, ask thou no more. Cbor. 'Tis doubtless some dread secret which thou hidest. Prom. Of other theme make mention, for the time M0 Is not yet come to utter this, but still 136 PROMETHEUS BOUND It must be hidden to the uttermost ; For by thus keeping it it is that I Escape my bondage foul, and these my pains. STROPHE I Chor. Ah ! ne'er may Zeus the Lord, Whose sovran sway rules all, His strength in conflict set Against my feeble will ! Nor may I fail to serve The Gods with holy feast Of whole burnt-offerings, Where the stream ever flows That bears my father's name, The great Okeanos ! Nor may I sin in speech ! May this grace more and more Sink deep into my soul And never fade away ! ANTISTROPHE I Sweet is it in strong hope To spend long years of life, With bright and cheering joy Our heart's thoughts nourishing. I shudder, seeing thee Thus vexed and harassed sore By twice ten thousand woes ; For thou in pride of heart, Having no fear of Zeus, In thine own obstinacy, Dost show for mortal men, Prometheus, love o'ermuch. '37 PROMETHEUS BOUND STROPHE II See how that boon, dear friends, For thee is bootless found. Say, where is any help ? What aid from mortals comes ? Hast thou not seen this brief and powerless life, Fleeting as dreams, with which man's purblind race Is fast in fetters bound ? Never shall counsels vain Of mortal men break through The harmony of Zeus. ANTISTROPHE II This lesson have I learnt Beholding thy sad fate, Prometheus ! Other strains Come back upon my mind, When I sang wedding hymns around thy bath, And at thy bridal bed, when thou did'st take In wedlock's holy bands One of the same sire born, Our own Hesione, Persuading her with gifts As wife to share thy couch. Enter lo in form like a fair woman with a heifer's horns? followed by the Spectre O lo. What land is this ? What people ? Whom shall I 1 So lo was represented, we are told, by Greek sculptors (Herod, ii. 41), as Isis was by those of Egypt. The points of contact between the myth of lo and that of Prometheus, as adopted, or perhaps developed, by ^Eschylos are (i) that from her the destined deliverer of the chained Titan is to come ; (2) that both were suffering from the cruelty of Zeus ; (3) that the '38 PROMETHEUS BOUND Say that I see thus vexed With bit and curb of rock ? For what offence dost thou Bear fatal punishment ? Tell me to what far land I've wandered here in woe. Ah me ! ah me ! Again the gadfly stings me miserable. Spectre of Argos, thou, the earth-born onc- Ah, keep him off, O Earth ! I fear to look upon that herdsman dread, Him with ten thousand eyes : Ah lo ! he cometh with his crafty look, Whom Earth refuses even dead to hold ; * But coming from beneith He hunts me miserable, And drives me famished o'er the sea-beach sand. STROPHE And still his waxened reed-pipe soundeth clear A soft and slumberous strain ; O heavens ! O ye Gods ! Whither do these long wanderings lead me on ? For what offence, O son of Cronos, what, wanderings of lo gave scope for the wild tales of far countries on which the imagination of the Athenians fed greedily. But, as the Suppliants may serve to show, the story itself had a strange fascination for him. In the birth of Epaphos, and lo's reltasc trom her frenzy, he saw, it may be, a reconciliation of what bad se< mod hard to reconcile, a solution of the problems of the \w rid, like in kind to that which was shadowed forth in the lost Prof etketis Unbound. 1 Argos had been slain by Hermes, and his eyes transferred by Hrra to the tail of the peacock, and that bird was hencelorth sacrf d to her. '39 PROMETHEUS BOUND Hast thou thus bound me fast In these great miseries ? Ah me ! ah me ! And why with terror of the gadfly's sting Dost thou thus vex me, frenzied in my soul ? Burn me with fire, or bury me in earth, Or to wild sea-beasts give me as a prey : Nay, grudge me not, O King, An answer to my prayers : Enough my many-wandered wanderings Have exercised my soul, Nor have I power to learn How to avert the woe. ( To Prometheus.') Hear'st thou the voice of maiden crowned with horns ? Trom. Surely I heard the maid by gadfly driven, Daughter of Inachos, who warmed the heart Of Zeus with love, and now through Hera's hate Is tried, perforce, with wanderings over-long ? ANTISTROPHE lo. How is it that thou speak'st my father's name ? Tell me, the suffering one, 61 Who art thou, who, poor wretch, Who thus so truly nam'st me miserable, And tell'st the plague from Heaven, Which with its haunting stings Wears me to death ? Ah woe ! And I with famished and unseemly bounds Rush madly, driven by Hera's jealous craft. Ah, who of all that suffer, born to woe, Have trouble like the pain that I endure I But thou, make clear to me, What yet for me remains, 140 PROMETHEUS BOUND What remedy, what healing for my pangs* Show me, if thou dost know : Speak out and tell to me, The maid by wanderings vexed. Prom. I will say plainly all thou seek'st to know ; Not in dark tangled riddles, but plain speech, As it is meet that friends to friends should speak ; Thou see'st Prometheus who gave fire to men. lo. O thou to men as benefactor known, Why, poor Prometheus, sufferest thou this pain ? Prom. I have but now mine own woes ceased to wail. lo. Wilt thou not then bestow this boon on me I Prom. Say what thou seek'st, for I will tell thee all. lo. Tell me, who fettered thee in this ravine ? Prom. The counsel was of Zeus, the hand Hephaestos'. lo. Of \vhat offence dost thou the forfeit pay ? Prom. Thus much alone am I content to tell. lo. Tell me, at least, besides, what end shall come fr!tf To my drear wanderings ; when the time shall be. Prom. Not to know this is better than to know. lo. Nay, hide not from me what I have to bear. Prom. It is not that I grudge the boon to thee. lo. Why then delayest thou to tell the whole ? Prom. Not from ill will, but loth to vex thy soul. lo. Nay, care thou not beyond what pleases me. Prom. If thou desire it I must speak. Hear then. Chor. Not yet though ; grant me share of pleasure too. Let us first ask the tale of her great woe, 6M While she unfolds her life's consuming chances ; Her future sufferings let her learn from thee. Prom. 'Tis thy work, lo, to grant these their wish, On other grounds and as thy father's kin : * 1 Inachos the father of lo (identified with the Argive river of the same name), was, like all rivers, a son of Okeanos, and therefore brother to the nymphs who had come to see Prometheus. 141 PROMETHEUS BOUND For to bewail and moan one's evil chance, Here where one trusts to gain a pitying tear From those who hear, this is not labour lost. lo. I know not how to disobey your wish ; So ye shall learn the whole that ye desire In speech full clear. And yet I blush to tell M0 The storm that came from God, and brought the loss Of maiden face, what way it seized on me. For nightly visions coming evermore Into my virgin bower, sought to woo me With glozing words. " O virgin greatly blest, Why art thou still a virgin when thou might'st Attain to highest wedlock ? For with dart Of passion for thee Zeus doth glow, and fain Would make thee his. And thou, O child, spurn not The bed of Zeus, but go to Lerna's field, o;o Where feed thy father's flocks and herds, That so the eye of Zeus may find repose From this his craving." With such visions I Was haunted every evening, till I dared To tell my father all these dreams of night, And he to Pytho and Dodona sent Full many to consult the Gods, that he, Might learn what deeds and words would please Heaven's lords. /And they came bringing speech of oracles "\ \ Shot with dark sayings, dim and hard to know. 68 At last a clear word came to Inachos Charging him plainly, and commanding him To thrust me from my country and my home, To stray at large 1 to utmost bounds of earth ; 1 The words used have an almost technical meaning as applied to animals that were consecrated to the service of a God, and set free to wander where they liked. The fate of lo, as at once devoted to Zeus and animalised in form, was thus shadowed forth in the veiy language of the Oracle. PROMETHEUS BOUND And, should he gainsay, that the fiery bolt Of Zeus should come and sweep away his race. And he, by Loxias' oracles induced, Thrust me, against his will, against mine too, And drove me from my home ; but spite of all, The curb of Zeus constrained him this to do. And then forthwith my face and mind were changed ; And horned, as ye see me, stung to the quick By biting gadfly, I with maddened leap Rushed to Kerchneia's fair and limpid stream, And fount of Lerna. 1 And a giant herdsman, Argos, full rough of temper, followed me, With many an eye beholding, on my track : And him a sudden and unlooked-for doom Deprived of life. And I, by gadfly stung, By scourge from Heaven am driven from land to land. 70 What has been done thou hearest. And if thou Can'st tell what yet remains of woe, declare it ; Nor in thy pity soothe me with false words ; For hollow words, I deem, are worst of ills, j Chor. Away, away, let be : Ne'er thought I that such tales Would ever, ever come unto mine ears ; Nor that such terrors, woes and outrages, Hard to look on, hard to bear, 71 Would chill my soul with sharp goad, double-edged. Ah fate ! Ah fate ! I shudder, seeing lo's fortune strange. Prom. Thou art too quick in groaning, full of fear : Wait thou a while until thou hear the rest. Chor. Speak thou and tell. Unto the sick 'tis sweet Clearly to know what yet remains of pain. 1 Lerna was the lake near the mouth of the Inachos, close to the sea. K-rchneia may perhaps be identified with the Keu- chrcae, the haven of Korinth in later geographies. PROMETHEUS BOUND Prom. Your former wish ye gained full easily. Your first desire was to learn of her rzo The tale she tells of her own sufferings ; Now therefore hear the woes that yet remain For this poor maid to bear at Hera's hands. And thou, O child of Inachos ! take heed To these my words, that thou may'st hear the goal Of all thy wanderings. First then, turning hence Towards the sunrise, tread the untilled plains, And thou shalt reach the Skythian nomads, those l Who on smooth-rolling waggons dwell aloft In wicker houses, with far-darting bows Duly equipped. Approach thou not to these, But trending round the coasts on which the surf Beats with loud murmurs, 2 traverse thou that clime. On the left hand there dwell the Chalybes, 3 Who work in iron. Of these do thou beware, For fierce are they and most inhospitable ; And thou wilt reach the river fierce and strong, True to its name. 4 This seek not thou to cross, For it is hard to ford, until thou come To Caucasos itself, of all high hills The highest, where a river pours its strength 1 The wicker huts used by Skythian or Thrakian nomads (the Calmucks of modern geographers) are described by Heiodotos (iv. 46) and are still in use. 2 Sc., the N.E. boundary of the Euxine, where spurs of the Caucasos ridge approach the sea. 8 The Chalybes are placed by geographers to the south of Colchis. The description of the text indicates a locality farther to the north. 4 Probably the Araxes, which the Greeks would connect with a word conveying the idea of a torrent dashing on the rocks. The description seems to imply a river flowing into the Euxine from the Caucasos, and the condition is fulfilled by the Hypanis or Kantian. 44 PROMETHEUS BOUND From the high peaks themselves. And thou must cross T40 Those summits near the stars, must onward go Towards the south, where thou shalt find the host Of the Amazons, hating men, whose home Shall one day be around Thermodon's bank, By Themiskyra, 1 where the ravenous jaws Of Salmydessos ope upon the sea, Treacherous to sailors, stepdame stern to ships. 2 And they with right good-will shall be thy guides ; And thou, hard by a broad pool's narrow gates, Wilt pass to the Kimmerian isthmus. Leaving This boldly, thou must cross Masotic channel ; 3 T5G And there shall be great fame 'mong mortal men Of this thy journey, and the Bosporos * Shall take its name from thee. And Europe's plain Then quitting, thou shalt gain the Asian coast. Doth not the all-ruling monarch of the Gods Seem all ways cruel ? For, although a God, He, seeking to embrace this mortal maid, Imposed these wanderings on her. Thou hast found, 1 When the Amazons appear in contact with Greek history, they are found in Thrace. But they had come from the coast of Pontos, and near the mouth of the Thermodon ( Thermeh). The words of Prometheus point to yet earlier migrations from the East. 2 Here, as in Soph. Antig. (970) the name Salmydessos repre- sents the rockbound, havenless coast from the promontory of Thynias to the entrance of the Bosporos, which had given to the Black Sea its earlier name of Axenos, the "inhospitable." 8 The track is here in some confusion. From the Amazons south of the Caucasos, lo is to find her way to the Tauric Cher- sonese (the Crimea) and the Kimmerian Bosporos, which flows into the Sea of Azov, and so to return to Asia. 4 Here, as in a hundred other instances, a false etymology his become the parent of a myth. The name Bosporos is probably Asiatic not Greek, and has an entirely different signification. PROMETHEUS BOUND O maiden ! bitter suitor for thy hand ; For great as are the ills thou now hast heard, Know that as yet not e'en the prelude's known. rco lo. Ah woe ! woe ! woe ! Prom. Again thou groan'st and criest. What wilt do When thou shalt learn the evils yet to come ? Chor. What ! are there troubles still to come for her ? Prom. Yea, stormy sea of woe most lamentable. lo. What gain is it to live ? Why cast I not Myself at once from this high precipice, And, dashed to earth, be free from all my woes ? Far better were it once for all to die Than all one's days to suffer pain and grief. Prom. My struggles then full hardly thou would'st bear, For whom there is no destiny of death ; For that might bring a respite from my woes : But now there is no limit to my pangs Till Zeus be hurled out from his sovereignty. h. What ! shall Zeus e'er be hurled from his high state ? Prom. Thou would'st rejoice, I trow, to see that fall. lo. How should I not, when Zeus so foully wrongs me? Prom. That this is so thou now may'st hear from me. lo. Who then shall rob him of his sceptred sway ? 78 Prom. Himself shall do it by his own rash plans. lo. But how ? Tell this, unless it bringeth harm. "Prom. He shall wed one for whom one day he'll grieve. lo. Heaven-born or mortal ? Tell, if tell thou may'st. Prom. Why ask'st thou who ? I may not tell thee that. lo. Shall his bride hurl him from his throne of might ? Prom. Yea ; she shall bear child mightier than his sire. lo. Has he no way to turn aside that doom ? 146 PROMETHEUS BOUND "Prom. No, none ; unless I from my bonds be loosed. 1 lo. Who then shall loose thee 'gainst the will of Zeus ? 7W Prom. It must be one of thy posterity. lo. What, shall a child of mine free thee from ills ? Prom. Yea, the third generation after ten. 3 lo. No more thine oracles are clear to me. *Prom. Nay, seek not thou thine own drear fate to know. lo. Do not, a boon presenting, then withdraw it. Prom. Of two alternatives, I'll give thee choice. lo. Tell me of what, then give me leave to choose. "Prom. I give it then. Choose, or that I should tell Thy woes to come, or who shall set me free. Chor. Of these be willing one request to grant To her, and one to me ; ncr scorn my words : Tell her what yet of wanderings she must bear, And me who shall release thee. This I crave. Prom. Since ye are eager, I will not refuse To utter fully all that ye desire. Thee, lo, first I'll tell thy wanderings wild, Thou, write it in the tablets of thy mind. When thou shah cross the straits, of continents The boundary, 1 take thou the onward path On to the fiery-hued and sun-tracked East. 8i 1 The lines refer to the story that Zeus loved Thetis the daughter of Nereus, and followed her to Caucasos, but abstained from marriage with her because Prometheus warned him that the child born of that union should overthrow his father. Here the future is used of what was still contingent only. In the lost play of the Trilogy the myth was possibly brought to its conclu- sion and connected with the release of Prometheus. 2 Heracles, whose genealogy was traced through Alcmena, Perseus, Danae, Danaosand seven other names, to Epaphos and lo. 8 Probably the Kimmerian Bosporos. The Tanais or Phasis has, however, been conjectured. 47 PROMETHEUS BOUND [And first of all, to frozen Northern blasts Thou'lt come, and there beware the rushing whirl, Lest it should come upon thee suddenly, And sweep thee onward with the cloud-rack wild ;] l Crossing the sea-surf till thou come at last Unto Kisthene's Gorgoneian plains, Where dwell the grey-haired virgin Phorkides,* Three, swan-shaped, with one eye between them all And but one tooth ; whom nor the sun beholds With radiant beams, nor yet the moon by night : And near them are their winged sisters three, The Gorgons, serpent-tressed, and hating men, Whom mortal wight may not behold and live. *Such is one ill I bid thee guard against ; Now hear another monstrous sight : Beware The sharp-beaked hounds of Zeus that never bark, 1 The Gryphons, and the one-eyed, mounted host Of Arimaspians, who around the stream That flows o'er gold, the ford of Pluto, dwell : 4 ' 1 The history of the passage in brackets is curious enough to call for a note. They are not in any extant MS. , but they are found in a passage quoted by Galen (v. p. 454), as from the Pro- metheus Bound, and are inserted here by Mr. Paley. 8 Kisthene belongs to the geography of legend, lying some- where on the shore of the great ocean-river in Lybia or ^Ethiopia, at the end of the world, a great mountain in the far West, beyond the Hesperides, the dwelling-place, as here, of the Gorgons, the daughters of Phorkys. Those first-named are the Graiae. 3 Here, like the " winged hound " of v. 1043, for the eagles that are the messengers of Zeus. * We are carried back again from the fabled West to the fabled East. The Arimaspians, with one eye, and the Grypes or Gryphons (the griffins of mediaeval heraldry), quadrupeds with the wings and beaks of eagles, were placed by most writers (Herod, iv. 13, 27) in the north of Europe, in or beyond the terra incognita of Skythia. The mention of the "ford of Pluto" and ^Ethiopia, however, may possibly imply (if we 148 PROMETHEUS BOUND Draw not them nigh to them. But distant land Thou shalt approach, the swarthy tribes who dwell By the sun's fountain, 1 ^Ethiopia's stream : By its banks wend thy way until thou come To that great fall where from the Bybline hills 3U The Neilos pours its pure and holy flood ; And it shall guide thee to Neilotic land, Three-angled, where, O lo, 'tis decreed For thee and for thy progeny to found A far-off colony. And if of this Aught seem to thee as stammering speech obscure, Ask yet again and learn it thoroughly : Far more of leisure have I than I like. Chor. If thou hast aught to add, aught left untold Of her sore-wasting wanderings, speak it out ; But if thou hast said all, then grant to us The boon we asked. Thou dost not, sure, forget it. Prom. The whole course of her journeying she hath heard, And that she know she hath not heard in vain I will tell out what troubles she hath borne Before she came here, giving her sure proof Of these my words. The greater bulk of things I will pass o'er, and to the very goal identify it, as Mr. Paley does, with the Tartessos of Spain, or Boetis Guadalquivir) that ./Eschylos followed another legend which placed them in the West. There is possibly a parono- masia between Pluto, the God of Hades, and Plutos, the ideal God of riches. 1 The name was applied by later writers (Quintus Curtius, iv. 7, 22 ; Lucretius, vi. 848) to the fountain in the temple of Jupiter Ammon in the great Oasis. The " river ^Ethiops may be purely imaginary, but it may also suggest the possibility of some vague knowledge of the Niger, or more probably of the Nile itself in the upper regions of its course. The " Bybline hills " carry the name Byblos, which we only read of as belonging to a town in the Delta, to the Second Cataract. 149 PROMETHEUS BOUND Of all thy wanderings go. For when thou cam'st To the Molossian plains, and by the grove 1 Of lofty-ridged Dodona, and the shrine Oracular of Zeus Thesprotian, And the strange portent of the talking oaks, By which full clearly, not in riddle dark, Thou wast addressed as noble spouse of Zeus, If aught of pleasure such things give to thee, Thence strung to frenzy, thou did'st rush along The sea-coast's path to Rhea's mighty gulf, 2 In backward way from whence thou now art vexed, And for all time to come that reach of sea, Know well, from thee Ionian shall be called, To all men record of thy journeyings. These then are tokens to thee that my mind Sees somewhat more than that is manifest. What follows (to the Chorus] I will speak to you and her In common, on the track of former words Returning once again. A city stands, Canobos, at its country's furthest bound, Hard by the mouth and silt-bank of the Nile ; There Zeus shall give thee back thy mind again, 3 With hand that works no terror touching thce, - Touch only and thou then shalt bear a child Of Zeus begotten, Epaphos, " Touch-born," Swarthy of hue, whose lot shall be to reap 1 Comp. Sophocles, Trachin., T. 1168. 2 The Adriatic or Ionian Gulf. 8 In the Suppliants, Zeus is said to have soothed her, and restored her to her human consciousness by his " divine breath- ings." The thought underlying the legend may be taken cither as a distortion of some primitive tradition, or as one of the " unconscious prophecies ' of heathenism. The deliverer is not to be born after the common manner of men, and is to have a divine as well as a human parentage. 150 PROMETHEUS BOUND The whole plain watered by the broad-streamed Neilos : And in the generation fifth from him A household numbering fifty shall return Against their will to Argos, in their flight From wedlock with their cousins. 1 And they too, (Kites but a little space behind the doves) With eager hopes pursuing marriage rites Beyond pursuit shall come ; and God shall grudge To give up their sweet bodies. And the land Pelasgian 1 shall receive them, when by stroke Of woman's murderous hand these men shall lie Smitten to death by daring deed of night : 8!0 For every bride shall take her husband's life, And dip in blood the sharp two-edged sword (So to my foes may Kypris show herself!) 3 Yet one of that fair band shall love persuade Her husband not to slaughter, and her will Shall lose its edge ; and she shall make her choice Rather as weak than murderous to be known. And she at Argos shall a royal seed Bring forth (long speech 'twould take to tell this clear) * Famed for his arrows, who shall set me free 4 From these my woes. Such was the oracle Mine ancient mother Themis, Titan-born, * See the argument of the Suppliants, who, as the daughters of Danaos, descended from Epaphos, are here referred to. The passage is noticeable as showing that the theme of that tragedy was already present to the poet's thoughts. 3 Argos. So in the Suppliants, Pelasgos is the mythical king of the Apian land who receives them. 3 Hypermnoestra, who spared Lynceus, and by him became the mother of Abas and a ine of Argive kings. 4 Heracles, who came to Caucasos, and with his arrows slew the eagle that devoured Prometheus. PROMETHEUS BOUND Gave to me ; but the manner and the means,- That needs a lengthy tale to tell the whole, And thou can'st nothing gain by learning it. lo. Eleleu! Oh, Eleleu! 1 The throbbing pain inflames me, and the mood Of frenzy-smitten rage ; The gadfly's pointed sting, Not forged with fire, attacks, And my heart beats against my breast with fear. 00 Mine eyes whirl round and round : Out of my course I'm borne By the wild spirit of fierce agony, And cannot curb my lips, And turbid speech at random dashes on Upon the waves of dread calamity. STROPHE I Chor. Wise, very wise was he Who first in thought conceived this maxim sage, And spread it with his speech, 2 That the best wedlock is with equals found, And that a craftsman, born to work with hands, Should not desire to wed Or with the soft luxurious heirs of wealth, Or with the race that boast their lineage high. ANTISTROPHE I Oh ne'er, oh ne'er, dread Fates, May ye behold me as the bride of Zeus, The partner of his couch, 1 The word is simply an interjection of pain, but one so charac- teristic that I have thought it better to reproduce it than to give any English equivalent. 8 The maxim, " Marry with a woman thine equal," was as- cribed to Pittacos. '5* PROMETHEUS BOUND Nor may I wed with any heaven-born spouse ! For I shrink back, beholding lo's lot Of loveless maidenhood, Consumed and smitten low exceedingly By the wild wanderings from great Hera sent ! STROPHE II To me, when wedlock is on equal terms, It gives no cause to fear : Ne'er may the love of any of the Gods, The strong Gods, look on me With glance I cannot 'scape ! ANTISTROPHK II That fate is war that none can war against, Source of resourceless ill ; Nor know I what might then become of me : I see not how to 'scape The counsel deep of Zeus. Prom. Yea, of a truth shall Zeus, though stiff of will, Be brought full low. Such bed of wedlock now Is he preparing, one to cast him forth y30 In darkness from his sovereignty and throne. And then the curse his father Cronos spake Shall have its dread completion, even that He uttered when he left his ancient throne ; And from these troubles no one of the Gods But me can clearly show the way to 'scape. I know the time and manner : therefore now Let him sit fearless, in his peals on high Putting his trust, and shaking in his hands His darts fire-breathing. Nought shall they avail To hinder him from falling shamefully 84 A fall intolerable. Such a combatant '53 PROMETHEUS BOUND He arms against himself, a marvel dread, Who shall a fire discover mightier far Than the red levin, and a sound more dread Than roaring of the thunder, and shall shiver That plague sea-born that causeth earth to quake, The trident, weapon of Poseidon's strength : And stumbling on this evil, he shall learn How far apart a king's lot from a slave's. Char. What thou dost wish thou mutterest against Zeus. Prom. Things that shall be, and things I wish, I speak. * M Chor. And must we look for one to master Zeus ? Prom. Yea, troubles herder far than these are his. Chor. Art not afraid to vent such words as these ? Prom. What can I fear whose fate is not to die ? Chor. But He may send a on thee worse pain than this. Prom. So let Him do : nought finds me unprepared. Chor. Wisdom is theirs who Adrasteia worship. 1 Prom. Worship then, praise and flatter him that rules ; My care for Zeus is nought, and less than nought : Let Him act, let Him rule this little while, " co E'en as He will ; for long He shall not rule Over the Gods. But lo ! I see at hand The courier of the Gods, the minister Of our new sovereign. Doubtless he has come To bring me tidings of some new device. 1 The Euheraerisra of later scholiasts derived the name from a king Adrastos, who was said to have been the first to build a temple to Nemesis, and so the power thus worshipped was called after his name. A better etymology leads us to see in it the idea of the " inevitable " law of retribution working unseen by men, and independently even of the arbitrary will of the Gods, and bringing destruction upon the proud and haughty. PROMETHEUS BOUND Enter HERMES Herm. Thee do I speak to, thee, the teacher wise, The bitterly o'er-bitter, who 'gainst Gods Hast sinned in giving gifts to short-lived men J speak to thee, the filcher of bright fire. The Father bids thee say what marriage thou Dost vaunt, and who shall hurl Him from his might ; And this too not in dark mysterious speech, But tell each point out clearly. Give me not, Prometheus, task of double journey. Zeus Thou see'st, is not with such words appeased. Prom. Stately of utterance, full of haughtiness Thy speech, as fits a messenger of Gods. Ye yet are young in your new rule, and think To dwell in painless towers. Have I not Seen two great rulers driven forth from thence r 1 And now the third, who reigneth, I shall see In basest, quickest fall. Seem I to thee To shrink and quail before these new-made Gods ? Far, very far from that am I. But thou, Track once again the path by which thou earnest ; Thou shalt learn nought of what thou askest me. Herm. It was by such self-will as this before That thou did'st bring these sufferings on thyself. Prom. I for my part, be sure, would never change My evil state for that thy bondslave's lot. Herm. To be the bondslave of this rock, I trow, Is better than to be Zeus' trusty herald ! 5 and riflifci. I have here, as elsewhere, attempted an analogous rather than identical jeu de mot. 167 THE SUPPLIANTS ANTISTROPHE V Ah, let him look on frail man's wanton pride, With which the old stock burgeons out anew, By love for me constrained, In counsels ill and rash, And in its frenzied, passionate resolve Finds goad it cannot shun ; But in deceived hopes, Shall know, too late, its woe. STROPHE VI Such bitter griefs, lamenting, I recount, With cries shrill, tearful, deep, (Ah woe ! ah woe !) That strike the ear with mourner's woe-fraught cry. Though yet alive, I wail mine obsequies ; Thee, Apian sea-girt bluff, 1 I greet (our alien speech Thou knowest well, O land,) And ofttimes fall, with rendings passionate, On robe of linen and Sidonian veil. ANTISTROPHE VI But to the Gods, for all things prospering well, When death is kept aloof, Gifts votive come of right. Ah woe ! Ah woe ! Oh, troubles dark, and hard to understand ! 1 The Greek word which I have translated " bluff" was one not familiar to Attic ears, and was believed to be of Kyrenean origin. ^Eschylos accordingly puts it into the lips of the daughters of Danaos, as characteristic more or less of the " alien speech " of the land from which they came. 168 THE SUPPLIANTS Ah, whither will these waters carry me ? Thee, Apian sea-girt bluff", 12 I greet (our alien speech Thou knowest well, O land,) And ofttimes fall, with rendings passionate, On robe of linen and Sidonian veil. STROPHE VII The oar indeed and dwelling, timber-wrought, With sails of canvas, 'gainst the salt sea proof Brought me with favouring gales, By stormy wind unvexed ; Nor have I cause for murmur. Issues good May He, the all-seeing Father, grant, that I, 1JO Great seed of Mother dread, In time may 'scape, still maiden undefiled, My suitor's marriage-bed. ANTISTROPHE VII And with a will that meets my will may She, The unstained child of Zeus, on me look down, *Our Artemis, who guards The consecrated walls ; And with all strength, though hunted down, uncaught, May She, the Virgin, me a virgin free, 14 Great seed of Mother dread, That I may 'scape, still maiden undefiled, My suitor's marriage-bed. STROPHE VIII But if this may not be, We, of swarth sun-burnt race, 169 THE SUPPLIANTS Will with our suppliant branches go to him, Zeus, sovereign of the dead, 1 The Lord that welcomes all that come to him, Dying by twisted noose If we the grace of Gods Olympian miss. By thine ire, Zeus, 'gainst lo virulent, The Gods' wrath seeks us out, And I know well the woe Comes from thy queen who reigns in heaven victorious ; For after stormy wind The tempest needs must rage. ANTISTROPHE VIII And then shall Zeus to words Unseemly be exposed, Having the heifer's offspring put to shame, Whom he himself begat, And now his face averting from our prayers : Ah, may he hear on high, Yea, pitying look and hear propitiously ! Ey thine ire, Zeus, 'gainst lo virulent, The Gods' wrath seeks us out, And I know well the woe Comes from thy queen, who reigns in heaven victorious ; For after stormy wind The tempest needs must rage, Danaos. My children, we need wisdom ; lo! ye came With me, your father wise and old and true, As guardian of your voyage. Now ashore, With forethought true I bid you keep my words, r 1 So in v. 235 Danaos speaks of the "second Zeus" who sits as Judge in Hades. The feeling to which the Chorus gives utterance is that of " Flectere si nequeo superos, Acheronta movebo." 170 THE SUPPLIANTS As in a tablet-book recording them : I see a dust, an army's voiceless herald, Nor are the axles silent as they turn ; And I descry a host that bear the shield, And those that hurl the javelin, marching on With horses and with curved battle-cars. Perchance they are the princes of this land, Come on the watch, as having news of us ; But whether one in kindly mood, or hot With anger fierce, leads on this great arr^y, It is, my children, best on all accounts To take your stand hard by this hill of Gods Who rule o'er conflicts. 1 Better far than towers Are altars, yea, a shield impenetrable. But with all speed approach the shrine of Zeus, The God of mercy, in your left hand holding The suppliants' boughs wool-wreathed, in solemn guise, 2 And greet our hosts as it is meet for us, Coming as strangers, with all duteous words Kindly and holy, telling them your tale Of this your flight, unstained by guilt of blood ; And with your speech, let mood not over-bold, Nor vain nor wanton, shine from modest brow And calm, clear eye. And be not prompt to speak, Nor full of words ; the race that dwellcth here Of this is very jealous : s and be mindful Much to concede ; a fugitive thou art, 1 Some mound dedicated to the Gods, with one or more altars and statues of the Gods on it, is on the stage, and the supplian's are told to take up their places there. The Gods of conflict who are named below, Zeus, Apollo. Poseidon, presided generally over the three great games of Greece. Hermes is added to the list. 2 Comp. Libation-Pourers, 1024, Eumen. 44. 8 The Argives are supposed to share the love of brevity which we commonly connect with their neighbours the Laconians. THE SUPPLIANTS A stranger and in want, and 'tis not meet That those in low estate high words should speak. Chor. My father, to the prudent prudently ^ Thou speakest, and my task shall be to keep Thy goodly precepts. Zeus, our sire, look on us ! Dan. Yea, may He look with favourable eye! Chor. I fain would take my seat not far from thee. \Chorus moves to the altar not far Jrom DANAOS Dan. Delay not then ; success go with your plan. Chor. Zeus, pity us with sorrow all but crushed ! Dan. If He be willing, all shall turn out well. Chor. ..... Dan. Invoke ye now the mighty bird of Zeus. 1 Chor. We call the sun's bright rays to succour us. Dau. Apollo too, the holy, in that He, J1 A God, has tasted exile from high heaven. 1 Chor. Knowing that fate, He well may feel for men. Dan. So may He feel, and look on us benignly ! Chor. Whom of the Gods shall I besides invoke ? Dan. I see this trident here, a God's great symbol.* Chor. Well hath He brought us, well may He receive ! Dan. Here too is Hermes, 4 as the Hellenes know him. 1 The " mighty bird of Zeus " seems here, from the answer of the Chorus, to mean not the "eagle" but the "sun," wlrch roused men from their sleep as the cock did, so that "cock- crow" and "sunrise" were synonymous. It is, in any case, striking that Zeus, rather than Apollo, appears as the Sun-God. 2 The words refer to the myth of Apollo's banishment from heaven and servitude under Admetos. 3 In the Acropolis at Athens the impress of a trident was sern on the rock, and was believed to commemorate the time wi en Poseidon had claimed it as his own by setting up his weapon there. Something of the same kind seems here to be supposed to exist at Argos, where a like legend prevailed. 4 The Hellenic Hermes is distinguished from his Egyptian counterpart, Thoth, as being different in form and accessories. 17* THE SUPPLIANTS Chor. To us, as free, let Him good herald prove. Dan. Yea, and the common shrine of all these Gods Adore ye, and in holy precincts sit, Like swarms of doves in fear of kites your kinsmen, " a Foes of our blood, polluters of our race. How can bird prey on bird and yet be pure ? And how can he be pure who seeks in marriage Unwilling bride from father too unwilling ? Nay, not in Hades' self, shall he, vain fool, Though dead, 'scape sentence, doing deeds like this ; For there, as men relate, a second Zeus 1 Judges men's evil deeds, and to the dead Assigns their last great penalties. Look up, And take your station here, that this your cause May win its way to a victorious end. Enter the KING on his chariot, followed by Attendants King. Whence comes this crowd, this non-Hellenic band, -" In robes and raiment of barbaric fashion So gorgeously attired, whom now we speak to ? This woman's dress is not of Argive mode, Nor from the climes of Hellas. How ye dared, Without a herald even or protector, Yea, and devoid of guides too, to come hither Thus boldly, is to me most wonderful. And yet these boughs, as is the suppliant's wont, Are set by you before the Gods of conflicts : By this alone will Hellas guess aright. Much more indeed we might have else conjectured, 24 Were there no voice to tell me on the spot. Chor. Not false this speech of thine about our garb ; 1 A possible reference to the Egyptian Osiris, as lord or judge of Hades. Comp. v. 145. 73 THE SUPPLIANTS But shall I greet thee as a citizen, Or bearing Hermes' rod, or city ruling? 1 King. Nay, for that matter, answer thou and speak Without alarm. Palaechthon's son am I, Earth-born, the king of this Pelasgic land ; And named from me, their king, 2 as well might be, The race Pelasgic reaps our country's fruits ; *And all the land through which the Strymon pours -' Its pure, clear waters to the West I rule; And as the limits of my realm I mark The land of the Perrhasbi, and the climes Near the Pasonians, on the farther side Of Pindos, and the Dodonaean heights; 3 And the sea's waters form its bounds. O'er all Within these coasts I govern ; and this plain, The Apian land, itself has gained its name Long since from one who as a healer lived ; * For Apis, coming from Naupactian land That lies beyond the straits, Apollo's son, Prophet and healer, frees this land of ours From man-destroying monsters, which the soil, Polluted with the guilt of blood of old, By anger of the Gods, brought forth, fierce plagues, 1 "Shall I," the Chorus asks, "speak to you as a piivatj citizen, or as a herald, or as a king ?" 2 It would appear from this that the king himself bore the name Pelasgos. In some versions of the story he is so designated * The lines contain a tradition of the wide extent of the o'd Pelasgic rule, including Thessalia, or the Pelasgic Argos, between the mouths of Peneus and Pindos, Perrhaebia, Dodona, and finally the Apian land or Peloponnesos. * The true meaning of the word " Apian," as applied to tl a Peloponnesos, seems to have been "distant." Here the myth is followed which represented it as connected with Apis the sou of Telchin (son of Apollo, in the sense of being a physician- prophet), who had freed the land from monsters. 174 THE SUPPLIANTS The dragon-brood's dread, unblest company ; And Apis, having for this Argive land Duly wrought out his saving surgery, Gained his reward, remembered in our prayers ; And thou, this witness having at my hands, May'st tell thy race at once, and further speak ; Yet lengthened speech our city loveth not. Chor. Full shortand clear our tale. We boast that -.ve Are Argives in descent, the children true Of the fair, fruitful heifer. And all this Will I by what I speak show firm and true. King. Nay, strangers, v/hat ye tell is past belief For me to hear, that ye from Argos spring ; For ye to Libyan women are most like, 1 And nowise to our native maidens here. Such race might Neilos breed, and Kyprian mould, Like yours, is stamped by skilled artificers On women's features ; and I hear that those Of India travel upon camels borne, Swift as the horse, yet trained as sumpter-mules, E'en those who as the ^Ethiops' neighbours dwell. And had ye borne the bow, I should have guessed, Undoubting, ye were of th' Amazon's tribe, Man-hating, flesh-devouring. Taught by you, I might the better know how this can be, That your descent and birth from Argos come. . Chor. They tell of one who bore the temple-keys Of Hera, lo, in this Argive land. King. So was't indeed, and wide the fame prevails : And was it said that Zeus a mortal loved ? Chor. And that embrace was not from Hera hid. 1 The description would seem to indicate (i) that thedaughter of Danaos appeared on the stage as of swarthy complexion ; and (2) that Indians, Ethiopians, Kyprians, and Amazons, were all thought of as in this respect alike. 17S THE SUPPLIANTS King. What end had then these strifes of sovereign Ones ? Chor. The Argive goddess made the maid a heifer. King. Did Zeus that fair-horned heifer still approach ? Chor. So say they, fashioned like a wooing steer. King. How acted then the mighty spouse of Zeus ? Chor. She o'er the heifer set a guard all-seeing. King. What i herdsman strange, all-seeing, speak'st thou of? Chor. Argos, the earth-born, him whom Hermes slew. 80 King. What else then wrought she on the ill-starred heifer ? Chor. She sent a stinging gadfly to torment her. [Those who near Neilos dwell an Chor, Lo ! here I leave them at thy beck and word. 1 Inachos, the river-God of Argos, and aa such contrasted with Neilos. 184 THE SUPPLIANTS King. Now turn thy steps towards this open lawn. Chor. What shelter gives a lawn unconsecrate ? l Xing. We will not yield thee up to birds of prey. Chor. Nay, but to foes far worse than fiercest dragons. King. Good words should come from those who good have heard. Chor. No wonder they wax hot whom fear en- thrals. King. But dread is still for rulers all unmeet. Chor. Do thou then cheer our soul by words and deeds. King. Nay, no long time thy sire will leave thee lorn ; 6i And I, all people of the land convening, Will the great mass persuade to kindly words ; And I will teach thy father what to say. Wherefore remain and ask our country's Gods, With suppliant prayers, to grant thy soul's desire, And I will go in furtherance of thy wish : Sweet Suasion follow us, and Fortune good ! [Exit STROPHE I Char. O King of kings ! and blest Above all blessed ones, And Power most mighty of the mightiest ! O Zeus, of high estate ! BM Hear thou and grant our prayer I Drive thou far off the wantonness of men, The pride thou hatest sore, l i.e., " Unconsecrate," marked out by no barriers, accessible to all, and therefore seeming to offer but little prospect of a safe asylum. The place described seems to have been an open piece of tvirf rather than a grove of trees. 185 THE SUPPLIANTS And in the pool of darkling purple hue Plunge thou the woe that comes in swarthy barque. ANTISTROPHE I Look on the women's cause ; Recall the ancient tale, Of one whom Thou did'st love in time of old. The mother of our race : Remember it, O Thou Who did'st on lo lay thy mystic touch. We boast that we are come Of consecrated land the habitants, ^ And from this land by lineage high descended. STROPHE II Now to the ancient track, Our mother's, I have passed, The flowery meadow-land where she was watched, The pastures of the herd, Whence lo, by the stinging gadfly driven, Flees, of her sense bereft, Passing through many tribes of mortal men ; And then by Fate's decree Crossing the billowy straits, On either side she leaves a continent. 1 ANTISTROPHK II Now through the Asian land She hastens o'er and o'er, Right through the Phrygian fields where feed the Hocks; And passes Teuthras' fort, 1 Comp. the narrative as given in Promethttti Bound, w. 660, et sea. 186 THE SUPPLIANTS Owned by the Mysians, 1 and the Lydian plains ; And o'er Kilikian hills, And those of far Pamphylia rushing on, By ever-flowing streams, On to the deep, rich lands, And Aphrodite's home in wheat o'erflowing. 1 STROPHE III And so she cometh, as that herdsman winged K0 Pierces with sharpest sting, To holy plain all forms of life sustaining, Fields that are fed from snows, 8 Which Typhon's monstrous strength has traversed, 4 And unto Neilos' streams, By sickly taint untouched, 5 Still maddened with her toil of ignominy, By torturing stings driven on, great Hera's frenzied slave. 1 Teuthras' fort, or Teuthrarra, is described by Strabo (xii. p. 571) as lying between the Hellespont and Mount Sipylos, in Magnesia. 8 Kypros, as dedicated to the worship of Aphrodite, and famous for its wine, and oil, and corn. The question, what caused the mysterious exceptional inundations of the Nile, occupied, as we see from Herodotos (ii. c. 19-27), the minds of the Greeks. Of the four theories which the historian discusses, ./Eschylos adopts that which referred it to the melting of the snows on the mountains of central Africa. 4 Typhon, the mythical embodiment of the power of evil, was fabled to have wandered over Egypt, seeking the body of Osiris. Isis, to baffle him, placed coffins in all parts of Egypt, all empty but the one which contained the body. 8 The fame of the Nile for the purity of its water, after the earthy matter held in solution had been deposited, seems to have been as great in the earliest periods of its history as it is now. 187 THE SUPPLIANTS ANTISTlr>PHE III And those who then the lands inhabited, Quivered with pallid fear, That filled their soul at that unwonted marvel, Seeing that monstrous shape, The human joined with brute, Half heifer, and half form of woman fair : l And sore amazed were they. Who was it then that soothed Poor lo, wandering in her sore affright, Driven on, and ever on, by gadfly's maddening sting ? STROPHE IV Zeus, Lord of endless time [Was seen All-working then ;] He, even He, for by his sovereign might That works no ill, was she from evil freed ; And by his breath divine She findeth rest, and weeps in floods of tears Her sorrowing shame away ; And with new burden big, Not falsely ' Zeus-born ' named, She bare a son that grew in faultless growth, ANTISTROPHE IV Prosperous through long, long years ; And so the whole land shouts with one accord, " Lo, a race sprung from him, the Lord of life, In very deed, Zeus-born ! 1 lo was represented as a woman with a heifer's head, and was probably a symbolic representation of the moon, with her crescent horns. Sometimes the transformation is described (at in v. 294) in words which imply a more thorough change. 188 THE SUPPLIANTS Who else had checked the plagues that Hera sent ? " This is the work p.f Zeus : And speaking of GOT, race That sprang from Epaphos As such, thou would'st not fail to hit the mark. STROPHE V Which of the Gods could I with right invoke As doing juster deeds ? He is our Father, author of our life, The King whose right hand worketh all his will, Our line's great author, in his counsels deep Recording things of old, Directing all his plans, the great work-master, Zeus. ANTISTROPHE V For not as subject hastening at the beck Of strength above his own, 1 Reigns He subordinate to mightier powers ; Nor does He pay his homage from below, While One sits throned in majesty above ; 2 Act is for him as speech, To hasten what his teeming mind resolves. Re-enter DANAOS Dan. Be of good cheer, my children. All goes well With those who dwell here, and the people's voice Hath passed decrees full, firm, irrevocable. 1 Perhaps " For not as subject sitting 'neath the sway Of strength above his own." * The passage takes its place among the noblest utterances of a faith passing above the popular polytheism to the thought of one sovereign Will ruling ani guiding all things, as Will without effort, in the calmness of a power irresistible. 189 THE SUPPLIANTS Ckor. Hail, aged sire, that tell'st me right good news ! But say with what intent the vote hath passed, And on which side the people's hands prevail. Dan. The Argives have decreed without division, So that my aged mind grew young again ; For in full congress, with their right hands raised Rustled the air as they decreed their vote That we should sojourn in their land as free, Free from arrest, and with asylum rights ; And that no native here nor foreigner Should lead us off; and, should he venture force, That every citizen who gave not help Dishonoured should be driven to exile forth. Such counsel giving, the Pelasgian King Gained their consent, proclaiming that great wrath Of Zeus the God of suppliants ne'er would let The city wax in fatness, warning them That double guilt 1 upon the State would come, Touching at once both guests and citizens, The food and sustenance of sore disease That none could heal. And then the Argive host, Hearing these things, decreed by show of hands, Not waiting for the herald's proclamation, So it should be. They heard, indeed, the crowd Of those Pelasgi, all the winning speech, The well-turned phrases cunning to persuade; But it was Zeus that brought the end to pass. Ckor. Come then, come, let us speak for Argives Prayers that are good for good deeds done ; * * Zeus, who o'er all strangers watches, May He regard with his praise and favour l Double, as involving a sin against the laws of hospitality, so far as the suppliants were strangers a sin against the laws of kindred, so far as they might claim by descent the rights of citizenship. 190 THE SUPPLIANTS The praise that comes from the lips of strangers, *And guide in all to a faultless issue. STROPHE I Half-Char. A. Now, now, at last, ye Gods of Zeus begotten, 1 Hear, as I pour my prayers upon their race, That ne'er may this Pelasgic city raise From out its flames the joyless cry of War, War, that in other fields Reapeth his human crop : For they have mercy shown, And passed their kind decree, a3C Pitying this piteous flock, the suppliants of great Zeus. ANII;TROPHK I They did not take their stand with men 'gainst women Casting dishonour on their plea for help, *But looked to Him who sees and works from heaven, *Full hard to war with. Yea, what house could bear To see Him on its roof Casting pollution there ? 2 Sore vexing there he sits. Yes, they their kin revere, Suppliants of holiest Zeus ; " Therefore with altars pure shall they the Gods delight. * If, as has been conjectured, the tragedy was written with a view to the alliance between Argos and Athens, made in B.C. 461, this choral ode muse have been the centre, if not of the dramatic, at all events of the political interest of the play. ' The image is that of a bird of evil omen, perched upon the roof, and defiling the house, while it uttered its boding cries. 191 THE SUPPLIANTS STROPHE II Therefore from faces by our boughs o'ershadowcd 1 Let prayers ascend in emulous eagerness : Ne'er may dark p5tilence This State of men bereave ; May no fierce party strife Pollute these plains with native carcases ; And may the bloom of youth Be with them still uncropt ; And ne'er may Aphrodite's paramour, Ares the scourge of men, Mow down their blossoms fair ! ANTISTROPHE II And let the altars tended by the old *Blaze with the gifts of men with hoary hairs ; So may the State live on In full prosperity ! Let them great Zeus adore, The strangers' God, the one Supreme on high, By venerable law Ordering the course of fate. And next we pray that ever more and more Earth may her tribute bear, And Artemis as Hecate preside* O'er woman's travail-pangs. "^ STROPHE III Let no destroying strife come on, invading This city to lay waste, 1 The suppliants' boughs, so held as to shade the face from view. a The name of Hecate connected Artemis as, on the one side, with the unseen world of Hades, so, on the other, with child- birth, and the purifications that followed on it. I 9 Z THE SUPPLIANTS Setting in fierce array War, with its fruit of tears, Lyreless and danceless all, And cry of people's wrath ; And may the swarm of plagues, Loathly and foul to see, Abide far off from these our citizens, And that Lykeian king, may He be found ,__^_ Benignant to our youth ! l ANTISTROPHK III And Zeus, may He, by his supreme decree, Make the earth yield her fruits Through all the seasons round, And grant a plenteous brood i Of herds that roam the fields ! May Heaven all good gifts pour, And may the voice of song Ascend o'er altar shrines, Unmarred by sounds of ill ! And let the voice that loves with lyre to blend Go forth from lips of blameless holiness, In accents of great joy ! STROPHE IV *And may the rule in which the people share Keep the State's functions as in perfect peace, l The name of Lykeian, originally, perhaps, simply represent- ing Apollo as the God of Light, came afterwards to be associated with the might of destruction (the Wolf-destroyer) and the darts of pestilence and sudden death. The prayer is therefore that he, the Destroyer, may hearken to the suppliants, and spare the people for whom they pray. i 193 H THE SUPPLIANTS E'en that which sways the crowd, * Which sways the commonwealth, *** By counsels wise and good ; And to the strangers and the sojourners May they grant rights that rest on compacts sure, Ere War is roused to arms, So that no trouble come ! ANTISTROPHE IV And the great Gods who o'er this country watch, May they adore them in the land They guard, With rites of sacrifice, And troops with laurel boughs, As did our sires of old ! For thus to honour those who gave us life, This stands as one of three great laws on high, 1 Written as fixed and firm, The laws of Right revered. Dan. I praise these seemly prayers, dear children mine. tK>0 But fear ye not, if I your father speak Words that are new, and all unlooked-for by you ; For from this station to the suppliant given I see the ship ; too clear to be mistaken The swelling sails, the bulwark's coverings, And prow with eyes that scan the onward way,* But too obedient to the steerman's helm, Being, as it is, unfriendly. And the men Who sail in her with swarthy limbs are seen, 1 The "three great laws " were those ascribed toTriptolcmos, "to honour parents, to worship the Gods with the fruits oi the earth, to hurt neither man nor beast." 2 The Egyptian ships, like those of many other Eastern countries, had eyes (the eyes of Osiri*,a* they were called) painted on their bows. '94 THE SUPPLIANTS In raiment white conspicuous. And I see Full clear the other ships that come to help ; And this as leader, putting in to shore, Furling its sails, is rowed with equal stroke. 'Tis yours, with mood of calm and steadfast soul, To face the fact, and not to slight the Gods. And I will come with friends and advocates ; For herald, it may be, or embassy, May come, and wish to seize and bear you off, Grasping their prey. But nought of this shall be ; Fear ye not them. It were well done, however, If we should linger in our help, this succour In no wise to forget. Take courage then ; In their own time and at the appointed day, Whoever slights the Gods shall pay for it. STROPHE I Chor. I fear, my father, since the swift-winged ships Are come, and very short the time that's left. A shuddering anguish makes me sore afraid, Lest small the profit of my wandering flight. I faint, my sire, for fear. Dan. My children, since the Argives' vote is passed, Take courage : they will fight for thee, I know. 71 ANTISTROPHE I Chor. Hateful and wanton are ^Egyptos' sons, Insatiable of conflict, and I speak To one who knows them. They in timbered ships, Dark-eyed, have sailed in wrath that hits its mark, With great and swarthy host. Dan. Yet many they shall find whose arms are tanned In the full scorching of the noontide heat. 1 i A side-thrust, directed by the poet, who had fought at Ma- rathon, against the growing effeminacy of the Athenian youth. THE SUPPLIANTS STROPHE II Chor. Leave me not here alone, I pray thee, father ! Alone, a woman is as nought, and war Is not for her. Of over-subtle mind, And subtle counsel in their souls impure, wo Like ravens, e'en for altars caring not, Such, such in soul are they. Dan. That would work well indeed for us, my children, Should they be foes to Gods as unto thee. ANTISTROPHE II Chor. No reverence for these tridents or the shrines Of Gods, my father, will restrain their hands : Full stout of heart, of godless mood unblest, Fed to the full, and petulant as dogs, And for the voice of high Gods caring not, Such, such in soul are they. Dan. Nay, the tale runs that wolves prevail o'er dogs ; And by bios fruit excels not ear of corn. 1 Chor. But since their minds are as the minds of brutes, Restless and vain, we must beware of force. many of whom were learning to shrink from all activity and exposure that might spoil their complexions. Comp. Plato, Pluedros, p. 239. 1 The saying is somewhat dark, but the meaning seems to be that if the ' ' dogs " of Egypt are strong, the ' ' wolves " of Argos are stronger ; that the wheat on which the Hellenes lived gave greater strength to limbs and sinew than the " byblos fruit " on which the Egyptian soldiers and sailors habitually lived. Some writers, however, have seen in the last line, rendered " The byblos fruit not always bears full ear," a proverb like the English, ' ' There's many a slip 'Twixt the cup and the lip." 196 THE SUPPLIANTS Dan. Not rapid is the getting under weigh Of naval squadron, nor their anchoring, Nor the safe putting into shore with cables. Nor have the shepherds of swift ships quick trust In anchor-fastenings, most of all, as now, When coming to a country havenless ; And when the sun has yielded to the night, That night brings travail to a pilot wise, [Though it be calm and all the waves sleep still ;] So neither can this army disembark Before the ship is safe in anchorage. And thou beware lest in thy panic fear Thou slight the Gods whom thou hast called to help. The city will not blame your messenger, Old though he be, being young in clear- voiced thought. Exit STROPHE I Chor. Ah, me! thou land of jutting promontory Which justly all revere, What lies before us ? Where in Apian land Shall we a refuge find, If still there be dark hiding anywhere? Ah ! that I were as smoke That riseth full and black Nigh to the clouds of Zeus, Or soaring up on high invisible, Like dust that vanishes, Pass out of being with no help from wings! ANTISTROPHE I *E'en so the ill admits not now of flight; My heart in dark gloom throbs ; My father's work as watcher brings me low ; I faint for very fear, 197 THE SUPPLIANTS And I would fain find noose that brlngeth death, In twisted cordage hung, Before the man I loathe Draws near this flesh of mine : Sooner than that may Hades rule o'er me Sleeping the sleep of death ! STROPHE II Ah, might I find a place in yon high vault, Where the rain-clouds are passing into snow, Or lonely precipice Whose summit none can see, Rock where the vulture haunts, Witness for me of my abysmal fall, Before the marriage that will pierce my heart Becomes my dreaded doom! ANTISTROPHE II I shrink not from the thought of being the prey Of dogs and birds that haunt the country round ; For death shall make me free From ills all lamentable : Yea, let death rather come Than the worse doom of hated marriage-bed. What other refuge now remains for me That marriage to avert ? STROPHE III Yea, to the Gods raise thou Cloud-piercing, wailing cry Of songs and litanies, Prevailing, working freedom out for me : And thou, O Father, look, Look down upon the strife, 198 THE SUPPLIANTS With glance of wrath against our enemies From eyes that see the right v With pity look on us thy suppliants, O Lord of Earth, O Zeus omnipotent ! ANTISTROPHE III For lo ! vEgyptos' house, In pride intolerable, O'er-masculine in mood, Pursuing me in many a winding course, Poor wandering fugitive, With loud and wild desires, Seek in their frenzied violence to seize : But thine is evermore The force that turns the balance of the scale : What comes to mortal men apart from Thee ? Ah ! ah ! ah ! ah ! *Here on the land behold the ravisher Who comes on us by sea ! *Ah, may'st thou perish, ravisher, ere thou Hast stopped or landed here ! *I utter cry of wailing loud and long, *I see them work the prelude of their crimes, Their crimes of violence. Ah ! ah ! Ah me ! Haste in your flight for help ! The mighty ones are waxing fat and proud, By sea and land alike intolerable. Be thou, O King, our bulwark and defence ! Enter Herald of the sons O/^GYPTOS, advancing to the daughters Her. Haste, haste with all your speed unto the barque. 199 THE SUPPLIANTS Cher. Tearing of hair, yea, tearing now will come, And print of nails in flesh, And smiting off of heads, With murderous stream of blood. Her. Haste, haste ye, to that barque that yonder lies, Ye wretches, curse on you. STROPHE I Chor. Would thou had'st met thy death Where the salt waves wildly surge, Thou with thy lordly pride, In nail-compacted ship : *Lo ! they will smite thee, weltering in thy blood, 82 *And drive thee to thy barque. Her. I bid you cease perforce, the cravings wild Of mind to madness given. Ho there ! what ho ! I say ; ^ Give up those seats, and hasten to the ship : I reverence not what this State honoureth. ANTISTROPHE I Chor. Ah, I may ne'er again Behold the stream where graze the goodly kine, Nourished and fed by which l The blood of cattle waxes strong and full ! *As with a native's right, *And one of old descent, I keep, old man, my seat, my seat, I say. i The words recall the vision of the "seven well-favoured kine and fat-fleshed," which " came out f the river," as Pharaoh dreamed (Gen. xli. i, a), and which were associated so closely with the fertility which it ordinarily produced through the whole extent of the valley of the Nile. jog THE SUPPLIANTS Her. Nay, in a ship, a ship thou shalt soon go, wo With or without thy will, By force, I say, by force : Come, come, provoke not evils terrible, Falling by these my hands. STROPHE II Chor. Ah me ! ah me ! Would thou may'st perish with no hand to help, Crossing the sea's wide plain, In wanderings far and wide, Where Sarpedonian sand-bank l spreads its length, Driven by the sweeping blasts ! Her. Sob thou, and howl, and call upon the Gods : ^ Thou shalt not 'scape that barque from ^gypt come, Though thou should'st pour a bitterer strain of grief. ANTISTROPHE II Chor. Woe ! woe ! Ah woe ! ah woe, For this foul wrong ! Thou utterest fearful things ; *Thou art too bold and insolent of speech. *May mighty Nile that reared thee turn away Thy wanton pride and lust That we behold it not ! Her. I bid you go to yon ship double-prowed, 1 With all your speed. Let no one lag behind ; But little shall my grasp your ringlets spare. [Seizes on the leader of the Suppliants 1 Two dangerous low headlands seem to have been known by this name, one on the coast of Kilikia, the other on that of the Thrakian Chersonese. 2 No traces of ships of this structure are found in Egyptian art; but, if the- reading be right, it implies the existence of boats of some kind, so built that they could be steered from either end, 291 THE SUPPLIANTS STROPHE III Chor. Ah me ! my father, ah ! The help of holiest statues turns to woe ; He leads me to the sea, With motion spider-like, Or like a dream, a dark and dismal dream, Ah woe ! ah woe ! ah woe ! O mother Earth ! O Earth ! O mother mine ! Avert that cry of fear, O Zeus, thou king ! O son of mother Earth ! Her. Nay, I fear not the Gods they worship here ; They did not rear nor lead me up to age. ANTISTROPHE III Chor. Near me he rages now, . . . . . t That biped snake, And like a viper bites me by the foot. Oh, woe is me ! woe ! woe ! O mother Earth ! O Earth ! O mother mine ! Avert that cry of fear, O Zeus, thou king ! O son of mother Earth ! Her. If some one yield not, and to yon ship go, The hand that tears her tunic will not pity. STROPHE IV Chor. Ho ! rulers of the State ! *"> Ye princes ! I am seized. Her. It seems, since ye are slow to hear my word?, That I shall have to drag you by the hair. ANTISTSOPHE IV Chor. We are undone, undone ! We suffer, prince, unlooked-for outrages. THE SUPPLIANTS Her. Full many princes, heirs of great Ye soon shall see. Take courage ; ye shall have No cause to speak of anarchy as there. Enter KING followed by his Bodyguard King. Ho there ! What dost thou ? and with what intent Dost thou so outrage this Pelasgic land? Dost think thou comest to a town of women ? Too haughty thou, a stranger 'gainst Hellenes, And, sinning much, hast nothing done aright. Her. What sin against the right have I then done ? King. First, thou know'st not how stranger-guest should act. Her. How so ? When I, but finding what I lost . . . King. Whom among us dost thou then patrons call r Her. Hermes the Searcher, chiefest patron mine. 1 King. Thou, Gods invoking, honourest not the Gods. Her. The Gods of Neilos are the Gods I worship. King. Ours then are nought, if I thy meaning catch. uuo Her. These girls I'll lead, if no one rescues them. King. Lay hand on them, and soon thou'lt pay the cost. Her. I hear a word in no wise hospitable. King. Who rob the Gods I welcome not as guests. i Hermes, the guardian deity of heralds, is here described by the epithet which marked him out as being also the patron of detectives. Every stranger arriving in a Greek port had to place himself under a praxenos or patron of some kind. The herald, having no froxenos among the citizens, appeals to his patron deity. THE SUPPLIANTS Her. I then will tell ^Egyptos' children this. King. This threat is all unheeded in my mind. Her. But that I, knowing all, may speak it plain, (For it is meet a herald should declare Each matter clearly,) what am I to say ? By whom have I been robbed of that fair band Of women whom I claim as kindred ? Nay, But it is Ares that shall try this cause, And not with witnesses, nor money down, Settling the matter, but there first must fall Full many a soldier, and of many a life The rending in convulsive agony. King. Why should I tell my name ? In time thou'lt know it, Thou and thy fellow-travellers. But these maidens, With their consent and free choice of their wills, Thou may'st lead off, if godly speech persuade them : But this decree our city's men have made With one consent, that we to force yield not This company of women. Here the nail 9M Is driven tight home to keep its place full firm ; I These things are written not on tablets only, [Nor signed and sealed in folds of byblos-rolls ;] Thou hear'st them clearly from a tongue that speaks With full, free speech. Away, away, I say : And with all speed from out my presence haste. Her. It is thy will then a rash war to wage : May strength and victory on our males attend ! [Exit 1 The words refer to the custom of nailing decrees, proclama- tions, treaties, and the like, engraved on metal or marble, upon the walls of temples or public buildings. Traces of the same idea may possibly be found in the promise to Eliakim that he shall be "as a nail in a sure place " (Isa. xxii. 23), in the thanks- giving of Ezra that God had given His people " a nail in his holy place " (Ezra ix. 8). 204 King. Nay, thou shalt find the dwellers of this land Are also males, and drink not draughts of ale From barley brewed. 1 [To the Suppliants.] But ye, and your attendants, Take courage, go within the fenced city, Shut in behind its bulwark deep of towers ; Yea, many houses to the State belong, And I a palace own not meanly built, If ye prefer to live with many others In ease and plenty : or if that suits better, Ye may inhabit separate abodes. Of these two offers that which pleases best Choose for yourselves, and I as your protector, And all our townsmen, will defend the pledge Which our decree has given you. Why wait'st thou For any better authorised than these ? Chor. For these thy good deeds done may'st thou in good, All good, abound, great chief of the Pelaegi ! But kindly send to us Our father Danaos, brave and true of heart, To counsel and direct. His must the first decision be where we Should dwell, and where to find A kindly home ; for ready is each one To speak his word of blame 'gainst foreigners. ** But may all good be ours! And so with fair repute and speech of men, Free from all taint of wrath, So place yourselves, dear handmaids, in the land, 1 As before, the bread of the Hellenes was praised to the dis- paragement of the "byblos fruit" of Egypt, so here their wine to that of the Egyptian beer, which was the ordinary drink of the lower classes. 205 THE SUPPLIANTS As Danaos hath for each of us assigned Dowry of handmaid slaves. Enter DMtios followed l>y Soldiers Dan. My children, to the Argives ye should pray, And sacrifice, and full libations pour, As to Olympian Gods, for they have proved, With one consent, deliverers : and they heard *A11 that I did towards those cousins there, *Those lovers hot and bitter. And they gave To me as followers these that bear the spear, That I might have my meed of honour due, And might not die by an assassin's hand A death unlooked-for, and thus leave the land A weight of guilt perpetual: and 'tis fit That one who meets such kindness should return, *From his heart's depths, a nobler gratitude ; And add ye this to all already written, Your father's many maxims of true wisdom, That we, though strangers, may in time be known ; * :o For as to aliens each man's tongue is apt For evil, and spreads slander thoughtlessly ; But ye, I charge you, see ye shame me not, With this your life's bloom drawing all men's eyes. The goodly vintage is full hard to watch, All men and beasts make fearful havoc of it, Nay, birds that fly, and creeping things of earth ; And Kypris offers fruitage, dropping ripe, *As prey to wandering lust, nor lets it stay ; l And on the goodly comeliness of maidens Each passer-by, o'ercome with hot desire, 1 The words present a striking parallelism to the erotic imagery of the Song of Solomon: "Take us the foxes, the little foxes that spoil our vines, for our vines have tender grapes " (ii. IS). 206 THE SUPPLIANTS Darts forth the amorous arrows of the eye. And therefore let us suffer nought of this, Through which our ship has ploughed such width of sea, Such width of trouble ; neither let us work Shame to ourselves, and pleasure to our foes. This two-fold choice of home is open to you : [Pelasgos offers his, the city theirs,] To dwell rent-free. Full easy terms are these : Only, I charge you, keep your father's precepts, Prizing as more than life your chastity. Chor. May the high Gods that on Olympos dwell Bless us in all things ; but for this our vintage Be of good cheer, my father ; for unless The counsels of the Gods work strange device, I will not leave my spirit's former path. STROPHE I Semi-Chor. A. Go then and make ye glad the high Gods, blessed for ever, Those who rule our towns, and those who watch over our city, And they who dwell by the stream of Erasinos ancient. 1 Semi-Chor. B. And ye, companions true, Take up your strain of song. 100 Let praise attend this city of Pelasgos ; Let us no more, no more adore the mouths of Neilos With these our hymns of praise ; ANTISTROPHE I Semi-Chor. A. Nay, but the rivers here that pour calm streams through our country, 2 1 The Erasinos was supposed to rise in Arcadia, in Mount Stymphalos, to disappear below the earth, and to come to sight again in Argolis. a In this final choral ode of the Suppliants, as in that of the Seven against Thebes, we have the phenomenon of the division of 207 THE SUPPLIANTS Parents of many a son, making glad the soil of otir meadows, With wide flood rolling on, in full and abounding richness. Semi-Chor. B. And Artemis the chaste, May she behold our band With pity ; ne'er be marriage rites enforced On us by Kythereia : those who hate us, Let that ill prize be theirs. STROPHE II Semi-Chor. A. Not that our kindly strain does slight to Kypris immortal ; For she, together with Hera, as nearest to Zeus is mighty, A goddess of subtle thoughts, she is honoured in mys- teries solemn. Semi-Chor. B. Yea, as associates too with that their mother beloved, 102 Are fair Desire and Suasion, 1 whose pleading no man can gainsay, Yea, to sweet Concord too Aphrodite's power is en- trusted, *And the whispering paths of the Loves. the Chorus, hitherto united, into two sections of divergent thought and purpose. Semi-Chorus A. remains steadfast in its purpose of perpetual virginity ; Semi-Chorus B. relents, and is ready to accept wedlock. 1 The two names were closely connected in the local worship of Athens, the temples of Aphrodite and Peitho (Suasion) standing at the south-west angle of the Acropolis. If any special purpose is to be traced in the invocation, we may see it in the poet's desire to bring out the nobler, more ethical side of Aphrodite's attributes, in contrast with the growing tendency to look on her as simply the patroness of brutal lust. 208 AGAMEMNON DRAMATIS PERSONS Watchman CLYTVKMNESTRA AGAMEMNON Chorus of Argive Elders Herald (TALTHYBIOS) CASSANDRA /EGISTHOS ARGUMENT. Ten years hud passed since Aga- memnon, son of Atrens, king of Mykence, had led the Hellenes to Troia to take vengeance on A lexandros (also known as Paris), son of Priam. For Paris had basely wronged Menelaos, king of Sparta, Agamemnon's brother, in thai, being received by him as a guest, he enticed his wife Helena to leave her lord and go with him to Trol'a. And now the tenth year had come, and Paris was slain, and the city of the Tro'ians was taken and destroyed, and Agamemnon and the Hellenes were on their way home- ward with the spoil and prisoners they had taken. But meanwhile Clytcemnestra too, Agamemnon's queen, had been unfaithful, and had taken as her paramour Mgis- thos, son of that Thyestes whom Atreus, his brother, had made to eat, unknowing, of the flesh of his own children. A nd now, partly led by her adulterer, and partly seeking to avenge the death of her daughter Iphigeneia, whom Agamemnon had sacrificed to appease the wrath of A rtemis, and partly also jealous because he was bringing back Cassandra, the daughter of Priam, as his concubine, she plotted with Mgisthos against her husband's life. II 9 A A G A M h M JN O JN But this was done secretly, and she stationed a guard on the roof of the royal palace to give notice when he saw the beacon-fires, by which Agamemnon had promised that he would send tidings that Tro'ia was taken. Note. The unfaithfulness of Clytasmnestra and the murder of Agamemnon had entered into the Homeric cycle of the legends of the house of Atreus. In the Odyssey, however, ^Egisthos is the chief agent in this crime (Odyss. iii. 264, iv. 91, 532, xi. 409); and the manner of it differs from that which ^Eschylos has adopted. Clytasmnestra first appears as slaying both her husband and Cassandra in Pindar (Pyth. xi. 26). AGAMEMNON SCENE. Argos. The Palace of AGAMEMNON ; statues of the Gdi in front. Watchman on the roof. Time, night. Watchman. I ask the Gods a respite from these toils, This keeping at my post the whole year round, Wherein, upon the Atreidae's roof reclined, Like dog, upon my elbow, I have learnt To know night's goodly company of stars, And those bright lords that deck the firmament, And winter bring to men, and harvest-tide ; [The rising and the setting of the stars.] And now I watch for sign of beacon-torch, The flash of fire that bringeth news from Troi'a, And tidings of its capture. So prevails *A woman's manly-purposed, hoping heart ; And when I keep my bed of little ease, Drenched with the dew, unvisited by dreams, (For fear, instead of sleep, my comrade is, So that in sound sleep ne'er I close mine eyes,) And when I think to sing a tune, or hum, (My medicine of song to ward off sleep,) Then weep I, wailing for this house's chance, No more, as erst, right well administered. Well ! may I now find blest release from toils, When fire from out the dark brings tidings good. [Pauses, then springs up suddenly, seeing a light in the distance Hail ! thou torch-bearer of the night, that shedd'st Light as of morn, and bringest full array AGAMEMNON Of many choral bands in Argos met, Because of this success. Hurrah ! hurrah ! So clearly tell I Agamemnon's queen, With all speed rising from her couch to raise Shrill cry of triumph o'er this beacon-fire Throughout the house, since Ilion's citadel Is taken, as full well that bright blaze shows. I, for my part, will dance my prelude now ; [Leafs and dances For I shall score my lord's new turn of luck, This beacon-blaze may throw of triple six. 1 Well, would that I with this mine hand may toucli The dear hand of our king when he comes home ! As to all else, the word is " Hush ! " An ox 2 Rests on my tongue ; had the house a voice 'Twould tell too clear a tale. I'm fain to speak To those who know, forget with those who know not. [ Exit 1 The form of gambling from which the phrase is taken, had clearly become common in Attica among the class to which the watchman was supposed to belong, and had given rise to pro- verbial phrases like that in the text. The Greeks themselves supposed it to have been invented by the Lydians (Herod, i. 94), or Palamedes, one of the heroes of the tale of Troi'a, but it enters also into Egyptian legends (Herod, ii. 122), and its preva- lence from remote antiquity in the farther East, as in the Indian story of Nala and Damayanti, makes it probable that it origi nated there. The game was commonly played, as the phrase shows, with three dice, the highest throw being that which gave three sixes. ^Eschylos, it may be noted, appears in a lost drama, which bore the title of Palamedes, to have brought the game itself into his plot. It is referred to, as invented by that hero, in a fragment of Sophocles (Fr, 380), and again in the proverb, " The dice of Zeus have ever lucky throws." (Fr. 763.) 2 Here, also, the watchman takes up another common pro- verbial phrase, belonging to the same group as that of ' ' kicking against the pricks " in v. 1624. He has bis reasons for silence, weighty as would be the tread of an ox to close bis lips. AGAMEMNON Enter Chorus of twelve Argive elders, chanting as they march to take up their position in the centre of the stage. A precession of women bear- ing torches is seen in the distance Lo ! the tenth year now is passing Since, of Priam great avengers, Menelaos, Agamemnon, Double-throned and doubled-sceptred, Power from sovran Zeus deriving Mighty pair of the Atreidas Raised a fleet of thousand vessels Of the Argives from our country, Potent helpers in their warfare, Shouting cry of Ares fiercely ; E'en as vultures shriek who hover, Wheeling, whirling o'er their eyrie, In wild sorrow for their nestlings, With their oars of stout wings rowing, Having lost the toil that bound them To their callow fledglings' couches. But on high One, or Apollo, Zeus, or Pan, the shrill cry hearing, Cry of birds that are his clients, 1 /Sendeth forth on men transgressing,"., E_rinnys, slow but sure avenger ; So against young Alexandras 2 Atreus' sons the great King sendeth, Zeus, of host and guest protector : He, for bride with many a lover, Will to Danai give and Tro'ians Many conflicts, men's limbs straining, 1 The vultures stand, i.e., to the rulers of Heaven, in the same relation as the foreign sojourners in Athens, the Metoics, did to the citizens under whose protection they placed them- selves. 2 Alexandros, the other name of Paris, the seducer of Helen. AGAMEMNON When the knee in dust is crouching, And the spear-shaft in the onset Of the battle snaps asunder. But as things are now, so are they, So, as destined, shall the end be. Nor by tears, nor yet libations Shall he soothe the wrath unbending Caused by sacred rites left tireless. 1 We, with old frame little honoured, Left behind that host are staying, Resting strength that equals childhood's On our staff : for in the bosom *Of the boy, life's young sap rushing, Is of old age but the equal ; Ares not as yet is found there : And the man in age exceeding, When the leaf is sere and withered, Goes with three feet on his journey ; * Not more Ares-like than boyhood, Like a day-seen dream he wanders. [Enter CLYTJEMNESTRA, followed by the procession of torch-bearers Thou, of Tyndareus the daughter, Queen of Argos, Clytaemnestra, What has happened ? what news cometh ? 1 The words, perhaps, refer to the grief of Menelaos, as lead- ing him to neglect the wonted sacrifices to Zeus, but it seems better to see in them a reference to the sin of Paris. He, at least, who had carried off his host's wife, had not offered accept- able sacrifices, had neglected all sacrifices to Zeus Xenios, the God of host and guest. The allusion to the sacrifice of Iphi- geneia, which some (Donaldson and Paley) have found here, and the wrath of Clytaemnestra, which Agamemnon will fail to soothe, seems more far-fetched. 2 An allusion, such as the audience would catch and delight in, to the well-known enigma of the Sphinx. See Sophocles (Trans.), p. i. M AGAMEMNON What perceiving, on what tidings Leaning, dost thou put in motion All this solemn, great procession r Of the Gods who guard the city, Those above and those beneath us, Of the heaven, and of the market, Lo ! with thy gifts blaze the altars ; And through all the expanse of Heaven, Here and there, the torch-fire rises, With the flowing, pure persuasion Of the holy unguent nourished, *And the chrism rich and kingly From the treasure-store's recesses. Telling what of this thou canst tell, What is right for thee to utter, Be a healer of my trouble, Trouble now my soul disturbing, *While anon fond hope displaying Sacrificial signs propitious, Wards off care that no rest knoweth, Sorrow mind and heart corroding. [ The Chorus, taking their places round the central thymele, begin their song a 1 The Chorus, though too old to take part in the expedition, are yet able to tell botii of what passed as the expedition started, and of the terrible fulfilment of the omens which they had seen. The two eagles are, of course, in the symbolism of prophecy, the two chieftains, Menelaos and Agamemnon. The " white feathers" of the one may point to the less heroic character of Menelaos : so in v. 123, they are of " diverse mood." The hare whom they devour is, in the first instance, Tro'i'a, and so for the omen is good, portending the success of the expedition ; but, as Artemis hates the fierceness of the eagles, so there is, in the eyes of the seer, a dark token of danger from her wrath against the Atreidae. Either their victory will be sullied by cruelty which will bring down vengeance, or els ; there is some secret sin in the past which must be atoned for by a terrible sacrifice. In the legend followed by Sophocles (Electr. 566), Agamemnon had offended Artemis by slaying a doe sacred to her, as he was AGAMEMNON STROPHE Able am I to utter, setting forth The might from omens sprung *What met the heroes as they journeyed on, (For still, by God's great gift, My age, yet linked with strength, *Breathes suasive power of song,) How the Achaeans' twin-throned majesty, Accordant rulers of the youth of Hellas, 1W With spear and vengeful hand, Were sent by fierce, strong bird 'gainst Teucrian shore, Kings of the birds to kings of ships appearing, One black, with white tail one, Near to the palace, on the spear-hand side, On station seen of all, A pregnant hare devouring with her young, Robbed of all runs to come : Wail as for Linos, wail, wail bitterly, And yet may good prevail! 1 hunting. In the manifold meanings of such omens there is, probably, a latent suggestion of the sacrifice of Iphigeneia hy the two chieftains, though this was at the time hidden from the seer. The fact that they are seen on the right, not on the left hand, was itself ominous of good. 1 The song of Linos, originally the dirge with which men mourned for the death of Linos, the minstrel-son of Apollo and Urania, brother of Orpheus, who was slain by Heracles a type, like Ttiammuz and Adonis, of life prematurely closed and bright hopes never to be fulfilled, had come to be the representative of all songs of mourning. So Hesiod (in Eustath. on Horn. //. , vii. 569) speaks of the name, as applied to all funeral dirges over poets and minstrels. So Herodotos (ii. 79) compares it, as the type of this kind of music among the Greeks, with what he found in Egypt connected with the name of Maneros, the only son of the first king of Egypt, who died in the bloom of youth. The name had, therefore, as definite a connotation for a Greek audience as the words Miserere or Jubilate would have for us, and ought not, I believe, to disappear from the translation. 16 AGAMEMNON ANTISTROPHB And the wise prophet of the army seeing The brave Atreidas twain Of diverse mood, knew those that tore the lure, And those that led the host ; And thus divining spake : " One day this armament Shall Priam's city sack, and all the herds Owned by the people, countless, by the towers, Fate shall with force lay low. Only take heed lest any wrath of Gods Blunt the great curb of Troi'a yet encamped, Struck down before its time ; For Artemis the chaste that house doth hate, Her father's winged hounds, Who slay the mother with her unborn young, And loathes the eagles' feast. Wail as for Linos, wail, wail bitterly ; And yet may good prevail! EPODE "*For she, the fair One, though so kind of heart *To fresh-dropt dew from mighty lion's womb, 1 And young that suck the teats Of all that roam the fields, 14 *Yet prays Him bring to pass The portents of those birds, The omens good yet also full of dread. And Paean I invoke As Healer, lest she on the Danai send ^ Delays that keep the ships Long time with hostile blasts, I The comparison of a lion's whelps to dew-drops, bold as the figure is, has something in it analogous to that with which we are more familiar, describing the children, or the arrny of aking, as the " dew " from " the womb of the morning " (Ps. ex. 3). II 17 B AGAMEMNON So urging on a new, strange sacrifice, Unblest, unfestivalled, 1 By natural growth artificer of strife, Bearing far other fruit than wife's true fear, For there abideth yet, Fearful, recurring still, Ruling the house, full subtle, unforgetting, Vengeance for children slain." 3 Such things, with great good mingled, Calchas spake, In voice that pierced the air, As destined by the birds that crossed our path To this our kingly house : And in accord with them, Wail as for Linos, wail, wail bitterly; And yet maygood prevail. STROPHE I O Zeus whate'er He be, 3 If that Name please Him well, By that on Him I call : 1 The sacrifice, i.e. , was to be such as could not, according to the customary ritual, form a feast for the worshippers. 3 The dark words look at once before and a'ter, back to the murder of the sons of Thyestes, forward, though of this the seer knew not, to the sacrifice of Iphigeneia. Clytaemnestra is the embodiment of the Vengeance of which the Chorus speaks. 3 As a part of the drama the whole passage that follows is an assertion by the Chorus that in this their trouble they will turn to no other God, invoke no other name, but that of the Supreme Zeus. But it can hardly be doubted that they have a meaning beyond this, and are the utterance by the poet of his own theology. In the second part of the Promethean trilogy (all that we now know of it) he had represented Zeus as ruling in the might of despotic sovereignty, the representative of a Power which men could not resist, but also could not love, inflicting needless sufferings on the sons of men. Now he has grown wiser. The sovereignty of Zeus is accepted as part of the present order of the world ; trust in Him brings peace ; the pain which He permits is the one only way to wisdom. The stress laid upon the name of Zeus implies a wish to cleave to the religion inherited 18 AGAMEMNON Weighing all other names I fail to guess Aught else but Zeus, if I would cast aside, Clearly, in every deed, From off my soul this idle weight of care. ANTISTROPHE I Nor He who erst was great, 1 Full of the might to war, *Avails now ; He is gone ; And He who next came hath departed too, His victor meeting ; but if one to Zeus, High triumph-praise should sing, His shall be all the wisdom of the wise ; STROPHE II Yea, Zeus, who leadeth men in wisdom's way, And fixeth fast the law, That pain is gain ; And slowly dropping on the heart in sleep Comes woe-recording care, And makes the unwilling yield to wiser thoughts : And doubtless this too comes from grace of Gods, *Seated in might upon their awful thrones. from the older Hellenes, as contrasted with those with which their intercourse with the East had made the Athenians familiar. Like the voice which came to Epimenides, as he was building a sanc'uary to the Muses, bidding him dedicate it not to them but to Zeus (Diog. Laert. i. 10), it represents a faint approximation to a truer, more monotheistic creed than that of the popular mythology. 1 The two mighty ones who have passed away are Uranos and Cronos, the representatives in Greek m)thology of the earlier stages of the world's history, (i) mere material creation, (2) an ideal period of harmony, a golden, Saturnian age, pre- ceding the present order of divine government with its mingled good and evil. Comp. Hesiod. Theogm,, 459. AGAMEMNON ANTISTROPHE II And then of those Achaean ships the chief, 1 The elder, blaming not Or seer or priest ; But tempered to the fate that on him smote. . . . 1M When that Achaean host Were vexed with adverse winds and failing stores, Still kept where Chalkis in the distance lies, And the vexed waves in Aulis ebb and flow ; STROPHE III And breezes from the Strymon sweeping down, Breeding delays and hunger, driving forth Our men in wandering course, On seas without a port. Sparing nor ships, nor rope, nor sailing gear, With doubled months wore down the Argive host ; 19 And when, for that wild storm, Of one more charm far harder for our chiefs The prophet told, and spake of Artemis, 2 In tone so piercing shrill, The Atreidae smote their staves upon the ground, And could not stay their tears. ANTISTROPHE III And then the old king lifted up his voice, And spake, " Great woe it is to disobey ; Great too to slay my child, wo The pride and joy of home, Polluting with the streams of maiden's blood Her father's hands upon the altar steps. What course is free from ill i 1 The Chotas re'urns, after its deeper speculative thoughts, to its interrupted narrative. 2 The seer saw his augury fulfilled. When he uttered the name of Artemis it was pregnant with all the woe which he had foreboded at the outset. 20 AGAMEMNON How lose my ships and fail of mine allies ? 'Tis meet that they with strong desire should seek A rite the winds to soothe, E'en though it be with blood of maiden pure ; May all end well at last ! " STROPHE III So when he himself had harnessed To the yoke of Fate unbending, With a blast of strange, new feeling, Sweeping o'er his heart and spirit, Aweless, godless, and unholy, He his thoughts and purpose altered To full measure of all daring, (Still base counsel's fatal frenzy, Wretched primal source of evils, Gives to mortal hearts strange boldness,) And at last his heart he hardened His own child to slay as victim, Help in war that they were waging, To avenge a woman's frailty, Victim for the good ship's safety. ANTISTROPHE III All her prayers and eager callings, >2 On the tender name of Father, All her young and maiden freshness, They but set at nought, those rulers, In their passion for the battle. And her father gave commandment To the servants of the Goddess, When the prayer was o'er, to lift her, Like a kid, above the altar, In her garments wrapt, face downwards, T 1 So that the blood may fall upon the altar, as the knife was drawn across the throat. ai AGAMEMNON Yea, to seize with all their courage, And that o'er her lips of beauty Should be set a watch to hinder Words of curse against the houses, With the gag's strength silence-working. 1 STROPHE IV And she upon the ground Pouring rich folds of veil in saffron dyed, m Cast at each one of those who sacrificed A piteous glance that pierced, Fair as a pictured form ; 2 And wishing, all in vain, To speak ; for oftentimes In those her father's hospitable halls She sang, a maiden pure with chastest song, *And her dear father's life That poured its threefold cup of praise to God, J Crowned with all choicest good, She with a daughter's love Was wont to celebrate. ANTISTROPHE IV What then ensued mine eyes Caw not, nor may I tell, but Calchas' arts 84 1 The whole passage should be compared with the magnificent description in Lucretius i. 84-101. 2 Beautiful as a picture, and as motionless and silent also. The art, young as it was, had already reached the stage when it supplied to the poet an ideal standard of perfection. Other allusions to it are found in vv. 774, 1300. 3 The words point to the ritual of Greek feasts, which assigned the first libation to Zeus and the Olympian Gods, the second to the Heroes, the third to Zeus in his special character as Saviour and Preserver ; the last was commonly accompanied by a paean, hymn of praise. The life of Agamemnon is described as one which had good cause to offer many such libations. Iphigene:a bad sung many such pceans. 22 AGAMEMNON Were found not fruitless. Justice turns the scale For those to whom through pain At last comes wisdom's gain. *But for our future fate, *Since help for it is none, *Good-bye to it before it comes, and this Has the same end as wailing premature ; For with to-morrow's dawn It will come clear ; may good luck crown our fate ! So prays the one true guard, Nearest and dearest found, Of this our Apian land. 1 [TAe Chief of the Chorus turns to CLYTVEMNESTRA, ana her train of handmaids, who are seen ap- proaching Chor. I come, O Clytsemnestra, honouring Thy majesty : 'tis meet to pay respect To a chiePs wife, the man's throne empty left : sao But whether thou hast heard good news, or else In hopes of tidings glad dost sacrifice, I fain would hear, yet will not silence blame. Clyttem. May Morning, as the proverb runs, appear Bearing glad tidings from his mother Night ! 2 Joy thou shalt learn beyond thy hope to hear ; For Argives now have taken Priam's city. Chor. What f Thy words sound so strange they flit by me. 1 The mythical explanation of this title for the Argive territory is found in the Suppl. v. 256, and its real meaning is discussed in a note to that passage. a To speak of Morning as the child of Night was, we may well believe, among the earliest parables of nature. In its mythical form it appears in Hesiod (Theogon. 123), but its traces are found wherever, as among Hebrews, Athenians, Germans, men reckoned by nights rather than by days, and spoke of ' ' the evening and the morning " rather than of " day and night." 23 AGAMEMNON Clyttfm. The Achaeans hold Troi'a. Speak I clear enough ? 26 Cbor Joy creeps upon me, drawing forth my tears. Clyteem, Of loyal heart thine eyes give token true. Cbor. What witness sure hast thou of these events ? Clyttem. Full clear (how else ?) unless the God de- ceive. 1 Cher. Reliest thou on dreams or visions seen ? Clytam. I place no trust in mind weighed down with sleep. 8 Cbor. Hath then some wingless omen charmed thy soul ? 3 Clytzo Great shame I feel to trample with my foot This wealth of carpets, costliest work of looms ; So far for this. This stranger \fointing to CASSANDRA] lead thou in With kindliness. On him who gently wields His power God's eye looks kindly from afar. None of their own will choose a bondslave's life ; And she, the chosen flower of many spoils, Has followed with me as the army's gift. But since I turn, obeying thee in this, I'll to my palace go, on purple treading. M0 Cfyttem. There is a sea, and who shall drain it dry ? Producing still new store of purple juice, Precious as silver, staining many a robe. 1 Here, too, we may trace a reference to the Oriental custom of recognising the sanctity of a consecrated place by taking the shoes from off the feet, as in Exod. iii. 5, in the services of the Tabernacle and Temple, through all their history (Juven., Sat. vi. 159), in all mosques to the present day. Agamemnon, yielding to the temptress, seeks to make a compromise with his conscience. He will walk upon the tapestry, but will treat it as if it, of right, belonged to the Gods, and were a consecrated thing. It is probably in connection with th-s incident that jfcschylos was said to have been the first to bring actors on the stage in these boots or buskins (Suidas, s. v, o/>/3u.\i)), S3 AGAMEMNON And in our house, with God's help, O my king, 'Tis ours to boast our palace knows no stint. Trampling of many robes would I have vowed, Had that been ordered me in oracles, When for my lord's return I then did plan My votive gifts. { For while the root lives on, The foliage stretches even to the house, And spreads its shade against the dog-star's rage ;1 9l So when thou comest to thy hearth and home, ' Thou show'st that warmth hath come in winter time ; And when from unripe clusters Zeus matures The wine, 1 then is there coolness in the house, If the true master dwelleth in his home. Ah, Zeus ! the All-worker, Zeus, work out for me All that I pray for ; let it be thy care To look to what Thou purposes! to work. 2 [Exeunt AGAMEMNON, walking on the //v^- , and her attendants STROPHE I Chor. Why thus continually Do haunting phantoms hover at the gate Of my foreboding heart ? 8SO Why floats prophetic song, unbought, unbidden ? Why doth no steadfast trust Sit on my mind's dear throne, To fling it from me as a vision dim ? Long time hath passed since stern-ropes of our ships Were fastened on the sand, when our great host Of those that sailed in ships Had come to Ilion's towers : * 1 The words of Isaiah (xviii. 5), "when the sour grape is ripening in the flower," present an almost verbal parallel. * The ever-recurring ambiguity of Clytaemnestra's language is again traceable, as is also her fondness for rhetorical similitudes. * The Chorus sptaks in perplexity. In cannot get rid of its 54 AGAMEMNON I And now from these mine eyes I learn, myself reporting to myself, Their safe return ; and yet My mind within itself, taught by itself, Chanteth Erinnys' dirge, The lyreless melody, And hath no strength of wonted confidence. Not vain these inner pulses, as my heart Whirls eddying in breast oracular. I, against hope, will pray It prove false oracle. STROPHE II Of high, o'erflowing health There is no bound that stays the wish for mere, For evermore disease, as neighbour close Whom but a wall divides, Upon it presses ; and man's prosperous state *Moves on its course, and strikes Upon an unseen rock ; But if his fear for safety of his freight, A part, from well-poised sling, shall sacrifice, Then the whole house sinks not, O'erfilled with wretchedness, Nor does he swamp his boat : So, too, abundant gift From Zeus in bounteous fulness, and the fruit Of glebe at harvest tide Have caused to cease sore hunger's pestilence ; ANTISTROPHE II But blood that once hath flowed In purple stains of death upon the ground forebodings, and yet it would seem as if the time for the fulfil- ment of the dark words of Calchas must have parsed long since. It actually sees the safe return of the leader of the host, yet still its tears haunt it. 55 AGAMEMNON - * At a man's feet, wlio then can bid it back ' By any charm of song ? Else him who knew to call the dead to life 1 *Zeus had not sternly checked, "* *As warning unto all ; But unless Fate, firm-fixed, had barred our fate From any chance of succour from the Gods, Then had my heart poured forth Its thoughts, outstripping speech. 2 But now in gloom it wails Sore vexed, with little hope At any time hereafter fitting end To find, unravelling, My soul within me burning with hot thoughts. Re-enter CLYT^EMNESTRA Cljtam. [to CASSANDRA, who has remained in the chariot during the choral ode\ Thou too I mean Cassandra go within ; Since Zeus hath made it thine, and not in wrath, To share the lustral waters in our house, Standing with many a slave the altar nigh Of Zeus, who guards our goods.* Now get thee down From out this car, nor look so over proud. They say that e'en Alcmena's son endured 4 1 Asclepios, whom Zeus smote with his thunderbolt for having restored Hippolytos to life. 2 The Chorus, in spite of their suspicions and forebodings, have given the king no warning. They excuse themselves by the plea of necessity, the sovereign decree of Zeus overruling ail man's attempts to withstand it. 3 Cassandra is summoned to an act of worship. The house- hold is gathered, the altar to Zeus Ktesios (the God of the family property, slaves included), standing in the servants' hall, is rt-ady. The new slave must come in and take her place with the others. * As in the story which forms the groundwork of the Tra- chiniee of Sophocles, vv. 250-280, that Heracles had been suld to Omphale as a slave, in penally for the murder of Iphitos, AGAMEMNON Being sold a slave, constrained to bear the yoke : And if the doom of this ill chance should come, Great boon it is to meet with lords who own Ancestral wealth. But whoso reap full crops They never dared to hope for, these in all, And beyond measure, to their slaves are harsh : l From us thou hast what usage doth prescribe. Chor. So ends she, speaking words full clear to thee : And seeing thou art in the toils of fate, If thou obey, thou wilt obey ; and yet, Perchance, obey thou wilt not. Cfyttfffi. Nay, but unless she, like a swallow, speaks A barbarous tongue unknown, I speaking now Within her apprehension, bid obey. Chor. [to CASSANDRA, still standing motionless'] Go with her. What she bids is now the best ; Obey her : leave thy seat upon this car. Clyttfm. I have no leisure here to stay without : For as regards our central altar, there The sheep stand by as victims for the fire ; For never had we hoped such thanks to give : If thou wilt do this, make no more delay ; But if thou understandest not my words, Then wave thy foreign hand in lieu of speech. [CASSANDRA shudders as in horror, but makes no sign Chor. The stranger seems a clear interpreter To need. Her look is like a captured deer's. Clytam. Nay, she is mad, and follows evil thoughts, 1 Political as well as dramatic. The Eupatrid poet appeals to public opinion against the ncuveaux riches, the tanners and lamp-makers, who were already beginning to push themsehes forward towards prominence and power. The way was thus prepared in the first play of the Trilogy for what is known to bave been the main object of the last. Comp. Arist., fthet. ii. 32, 57 AGAMEMNON Since, leaving now her city, newly-captured, She comes, and knows not how to take the curb, Ere she foam out her passion in her blood. I will not bear the shame of uttering more. [Exit Chor. And I I pity her, and will not rage : Come, thou poor sufferer, empty leave thy car ; Yield to thy doom, and handsel now the yoke. [CASSANDRA leaves the chariot, and bunts into a cry cf wailing STROPHE I Cass. Woe ! woe, and well-a-day ! Apollo ! O Apollo ! 10i Char. Why criest thou so loud on Loxias ? The wailing cry of mourner suits not him. ANTISTSOPHE I Cass. Woe ! woe, and well-a-day ! Apollo ! O Apollo ! Chor. Again with boding words she calls the God, Though all unmeet as helper to men's groans. STROPHE II Cass. Apollo ! O Apollo ! God of all paths, Apollo true to me ; For still thou dost appal me and destroy. 1 Chor. She seems her own ills like to prophesy : 10BO The God's great gift is in the slave's mind yet. 1 Here again the translator has the task of finding an English paronomasia which approximates to that of the Greek, between Apollo and an-oAAwv the destroyer. To Apollo, as the God of paths (Agitieus], an altar stood, column-fashion, before the street-door of every house, and to such an altar, placed by th^ dnor of Agamemnon's palace, Cn.?sandra tirns, with the two- fold play upon the nam-% AGAMEMNON ANTISTROPHK II Can. Apollo ! O Apollo ! God of all paths, Apollo true to me ; What path hast led me ? To what roof hast brought ? Cher. To that of the Atreida:. This I tell, If thou know'st not. Thou wilt not find it fake. STROPHE III Cast. Ah ! Ah ! Ah me ! Say rather to a house God hates that knows Murder, self-slaughter, ropes, 1 *A human shamble, staining earth with blood. Cbor. Keen scented seems this stranger, like a houncl, And sniffs to see whose murder she may find. ANTISTROPHE III Cass. Ah ! Ah ! Ah me ! Lo ! \looking wildly, and pointing to the house^\ there the witnesses whose word I trust, Those babes who wail their death, The roasted flesh that made a father's meal. Chor. We of a truth had heard thy seeress fame, But prophets now are not the race we seek.* STROPHE IV Can. Ah me ! O horror ! What ill schemes she now ? What is this new great woe ? * This refers, probably, to the death of Hippodame'a, the wife of Pelops, who killed herself, in remorse for the death of Chry- sippos, or fear of her husband's anger. The horrors of the royal house of Argos pass, one by one, before the vision of the prophetess, and this leads the procession, followed by the spectres of the murdered children of Tnyestes. a The Chorus, as in their last ode, had made up their minds, though foreboding ill, to let destiny take its course. They do not wish that policy of non-inteifeience to be changed by any too clear vision of the future. 59 AGAMEMNON Great evil plots she in this very house, Hard for its friends to bear, immedicable ; And help stands far aloof. Cher. These oracles of thine surpass my ken ; Those I know well. The whole town rings with them. 1 ANTISTROPHE IV Cass. Ah me ! O daring one ! what work'st thou here, Who having in his bath Tended thy spouse, thy lord, then . . . Ho\v tell the rest ? For quick it comes, and hand is following hand, Stretched out to strike the blow. 108 Cbor. Still I discern not ; after words so dark I am perplexed with thy dim oracles. STROPHE V Cass. Ah, horror, horror ! What is this I see i Is it a snare of Hell ? Nay, the true net is she who shares his bed, Who shares in working death. I la ! let the Band insatiable in hate 2 Howl for the race its wild exulting cry O'er sacrifice that calls For death by storm of stones. 1 The Chorus understands the vision of the clairvoyante as regards the past tragedy of the house of Atreus, but not that which seems to portend another actually imminent. 2 Fresh visions come before the eyes of the seeress. She beholds the company of Erinnyes hovering over the accursed house, and calls on them to continue their work till the new crime has met with its due punishment. The murder which she tees as if already wrought, demands death by stoning. 60 AGAMEMNON STROPHE VI Ckor, What dire Erinnys bidd'st thou oVr our house To raiie shrill cry ? Thy speech but little cheers ; And to my heart there rush Blood-drops of saffron hue, 1 liw> * Which, when from deadly wound They fall, together with life's setting rays End, as it fails, their own appointed course : And mischief comes apace. ANTISTROPHE V Cais. See, see, I say, from that fell heifer there Keep thou the bull : 2 in robes Entangling him, she with her weapon gores Him with the swarthy horns ; 3 Lo ! in that bath with water filled he falls, Smitten to death, and I to thee set forth Crime of a bath of blood, By murderous guile devised. ANTISTROPHE VI Ckor, I may not boast that I keen insight have In words oracular ; yet bode I ill. What tidings good are brought By any oracles To mortal men ? These arts, In days of evil sore, with many words, 1 The " yellow " look of fear is thought of as being caused by an actual change in the colour of the blood as it flows through the \ eins to the heart. a Here there is prevision as well as clairvoyance. The deed is not yet done. The sacrifice and the feast are still going on, yet she sees the crime in all its circumstances. 3 As before (v. 115) the black eagle had been the symbol of the warrior-chief, so here the black-homed bull, that being one of the notes of the best breed of cattle. A v.iric us reading gives ' with htr swarthy horn." 61 AGAMEMNON Do still but bring a vague, portentous fear For men to learn and know. STROPHE VII Cass, Woe, woe ! for all sore ills that fall on me ! It is my grief thou speak'st of, blending it With his. 1 [Pausing, and then trying out] Ah ! wherefore then Hast thou j thus brought me here, Only to die with thee ? What other doom is mine ? STROPHE VIII Chor. Frenzied art thou, and by some God's might swayed, U1 And utterest for thyself A melody which is no melody, Like to that tawny one, Insatiate in her wail, The nightingale, who still with sorrowing soul, And " Itys, Itys," cry, s Bemoans a 'life o'erflourishing in ills. ANTISTROPHE VII Cass, Ah, for the doom of clear-voiced nightingale ! The Gods gave her a body bearing wings, 1 What the Chorus had just said as to the fruitlessness of prophetic insight tallied A\\ too well with her own bitter experience. a The ecstasy of horror interrupts the tenor of her speech, and the second " thou" is addressed not to the Chorus, but to Agamemnon, whose death Cassandra has just witnessed in her vision. 3 The song of the nightingale, represen*ed by these sounds, was connected with a long legend, specially Attic in its origin. Philomela, daughter of Pandion, king of Attica, suffered outrage at the hands of Tereus. who was married to her sister Procne, and was then changed into a nightingale, destined ever to lament over the fate of Itys her sister's son. The earliest form of the story appears in the Odyssey (xir. 518). Comp, Sophocles, Slectr. v. 148. AGAMEMNON And life of pleasant days With no fre-h cause to weep: But for me waiteth still Stroke from the two-edged sword. ANTISTROPHE VIII Chor. From what source hast thou these dread agonies Sent on thee by thy God, Yet vague and little meaning ; and thy cries Dire with ill-omened shrieks Dost utter as a chant, And blendest with them strains of shrillest grief? Whence treadest thou this track Of evil-boding path of prophecy ? STROPHE IX Cass. Woe for the marriage-ties, the marriage-ties Of Paris that brought ruin on his friends ! Woe for my native stream, Scamandros, that I loved! Once on thy banks my maiden youth was reared, (Ah, miserable me!) Now by Cokytos and by Acheron's shores I seem too likely soon to utter song Of wild, prophetic speech. STROPHE X Chor, What hast thou spoken now With utterance all too clear? *Even a boy its gist might understand ; I to the quick am pierced With throe of deadly pain, Whilst thou thy moaning cries art uttering Over thy sore mischance, Wondrous for me to hear. 63 AGAMEMNON ANTISTROPHE IX Can. Woe for the toil and trouble, toil and trouble Oi city that is utterly destroyed ! Woe for the victims slain Of herds that roamed the fields, mo My father's sacrifice to save his towers! No healing charm they brought To save the city from its present doom : And I with hot thoughts wild myself shall cast Full soon upon the ground. ANTISTROPHE X Chor. This that thou utterest now With all before agrees. Some Power above dooms thee with purpose ill, Down-swooping heavily, To utter with thy voice Sorrows of deepest woe, and bringing death. And what the end shall be Perplexes in the extreme. Cass. Nay, now no more from out of maiden veils My oracle shall glance, like bride fresh wed ; x But seems as though 'twould rush with speedy gales In full, clear brightness to the morning dawn ; So that a greater war than this shall surge Like wave against the sunlight. 1 Now I'll teach No more in parables. Bear witness ye, As running with me, that I scent the track Of evil deeds that long ago were wrought : For never are they absent from this house, 1 In the marriage-rites of the Greeks of the time of ^Es the bride for three days after the wedding wore her veil ; then, ;is now no longer shrinking from her matron life, she laid it aside and looked on her husband wiih unveiled face. 2 The picture might be drawn by any artist of power, but we may, perhaps, trace a reproduction of one of the grandest passages in the Iliad (iv. 422-426). 64 AGAMEMNON That choral band which chants in full accord, Yet no good music ; good is not their theme. And now, as having drunk men's blood, 1 and so Grown wilder, bolder, see, the revelling band, 11M Erinnyes of the race, still haunt the halls, Not easy to dismiss. And so they sing, Close cleaving to the house, its primal woe, 2 And vent their loathing in alternate strains On marriage-bed of brother ruthless found To that defiler. *Miss I now, or hit, Like archer skilled ? or am I seeress false, A babbler vain that knocks at every door ? Yea, swear beforehand, ere I die, I know (And not by rumour only) all the sins Of ancient days that haunt and vex this house. Chor. How could an oath, how firm soe'er confirmed, Bring aught of healing ? Lo, I marvel at thee, 117 That thou, though born far off beyond the sea, Should'st tell an alien city's tale as clear As though thyself had stood by all the while. Cass. The seer Apollo set me to this task. Chor. Was he a God, so smitten with desire ? Cass. There was a time when shame restrained my speech. Chor. True ; they who prosper still are shy and coy. Cass. He wrestled hard, breathing hot love on me. Chor. And were ye one in act whence children spring ? Cass. I promised Loxias, then I broke my vow. Chor. Wast thou e'en then possessed with arts divine ? 118 1 So in the Eumcnides (v. 293). the Erinnyes appear as vam- pires, drinking the blood of their victims. a The dtathof Myrtilos as the first crime in the long history of the house of Pelops. Comp. Soph. Electr. v. 470. The "defiler" is Thyestes, who seduced Aerope, the wife of Atreus. u 65 x AGAMEMNON Cass. E'en then my country's woes I prophesied. Chor. How wast thou then unscathed by Loxias* wrath ? Cass. I for that fault with no man gained belief. Char. To us, at least, thou seem'st to speak the truth. Cass. [Again speaking wildly, as in an ecstasy.] Ah, woe is me ! Woe's me ! Oh, ills on ills ! Again the dread pang of true prophet's gift With preludes of great evil dizzies me. See ye those children sitting on the house In fashion like to phantom forms of dreams? Infants who perished at their own kin's hands, Their palms filled full with meat of their own flesh, Loom on my sight, the heart and entrails bearing, (A sorry burden that !) on which of old Their father fed. 1 And in revenge for this, I say a lion, dwelling in his lair, With not a spark of courage, stay-at-home, Plots 'gainst my master, now he's home returned, (Yes mine for still I must the slave's yoke bear ;) And the ship's ruler, Ilion's conqueror, Knows not what things the tongue of that lewd bitch Has spoken and spun out in welcome smooth, And, like a secret Ate, will work out With dire success : thus 'tis she plans : the man Is murdered by the woman. By what name Shall I that loathed monster rightly call ? An Amphisbaena ? or a Skylla dwelling 3 1 The horror of the Thyestes banquet again haunts her as the source of all the evils that followed, of the deaths both of Iphigeneia and Agamemnon. The " stay-at-home " is 2 Both words point to the Sindbad-like stories ot distant marvels brought back by Greek sailors. The Amphisbaena (double-goer), wriggling itself backward and forward, believed to have a head at each extremity, was looked upon as at once the most subtle and the most venomous of serpents. Skylla, 66 AGAMEMNON Among the rocks, the sailors' enemy ? Hades' fierce raging mother, breathing out Against her friends a curse implacable ? Ah, how she raised her cry, (oh, daring one !) As for the rout of battle, and she feigns To hail with joy her husband's safe return ! And if thou dost not credit this, what then ? What will be will. Soon, present, pitying me Thou'lt own I am too true a prophetess. Chor. Thyestes' banquet on his children's flesh I know and shudder at, and fear o'ercomes me, Hearing not counterfeits of fact, but truths ; Yet in the rest I hear and miss my path. Cast. I say thou'lt witness Agamemnon's death. Chor. Hush, wretched woman, close those lips of thine ! Cass. For this my speech no healing God's at hand. Chor. True, if it must be ; but may God avert it ! 1S2 Cass. Thou utterest prayers, but others murder plot. Chor. And by what man is this dire evil wrought ? Cass. Sure, thou hast seen my bodings all amiss. Chor. I see not his device who works the deed. Cass. And yet I speak the Hellenic tongue right well. Chor. So does the Pythian, yet her words are hard. Cass. [In another access of frenzy. ~\ Ah me, this fire ! It comes upon me now ! Ah me, Apollo, wolf-slayer ! woe is me ! This biped lioness who takes to bed A wolf in absence of the noble lion, J2X> Will slay me, wretched me. And, as one Mixing a poisoned draught, she boasts that she Will put my price into her cup of wrath, Sharpening her sword to smite her spouse with death, already famous in its mythical form from the story in the Odyssey (xii. 85-100), was probably a "development" of the monstrous cuttle-fish of the it.aits of Messina. 67 AGAMEMNON So paying him for bringing me. Oh, why Do I still wear what all men flout and scorn, My wand and seeress wreaths around my neck ?* Thee, ere myself I die I will destroy : \breaks her w./W] Perish ye thus: \casting off her tvreatks] I soon shall follow you : Make rich another Ate 1 in my place; Behold Apollo's self is stripping me Of my divining garments, and that too, When he has seen me even in this garb Scorned without cause among my friends and kin, *By foes, with no diversity of mood. Reviled as vagrant, wandering prophetess, Poor, wretched, famished, I endured to live : And now the Seer who me a seeress made Hath brought me to this lot of deadly doom. Now for my father's altar there awaits me A butcher's block, where I am smitten down By slaughtering stroke, and with hot gush of blood. But the Gods will not slight us when we're dead ; 125 Another yet shall come as champion for us, A son who slays his mother, to avenge His father ; and the exiled wanderer Far from his home, shall one day come again, Upon these woes to set the coping-stone : For the high Gods have sworn a mighty oath, His father's fall, laid low, shall bring him back. 1 As in Homer (//. i. 14) so here, the servant of Apollo bears the wand of augury, and fillets or wreaths round head and arms. The divining garments, in like manner, were of white linen. 3 If we adopt this reading, we must think of Cassandra ^s identifying herself with the woe (Ate) which makes up her li'c, just as afterwards Clytaemnestra speaks of herself as one \vi-h the avenging Demon (Alastor) of the house of Atreus (1473)- The alternative reading gives. " Make rich in woe another in my place." 68 AGAMEMNON Why then do I thus groan in this new home, 1 When, to begin with, Ilion's town I saw Faring as it did fare, and they who held That town are gone by judgment of the Gods ? 1WO I too will fare as they, and venture death : So I these gates of Hades now address, And pray for blow that bringeth death at once, That sc with no fierce spasm, while the blood Flows in calm death, I then may close mine eyes. [Goes towards the door of the palace Chor. O thou most wretched, yet again most wise : Long hast thou spoken, lady, but if well Thou know'st thy doom, why to the altar go'st thou, Like heifer driven of God, so confidently ? a Cass. For me, my friends, there is no time to 'scape/ Chor. Yea ; but he gains in time who comes the last. Cass. The day is come : small gain for me in flight. Chor. Know then thou sufFerest with a heart full brave. Cass. Such words as these the happy never hear. Chor. Yet mortal man may welcome noble death. Cass. \Shrinking back from opening the door.~\ Woe's me for thee and thy brave sons, my father ! 4 Chor. Whatcometh now ? What fear oppresseth thee ? Cass. \^Again going to the door and then shuddering in another burst of frenzy. ~] Fie on't, fie! 1 Perhaps, " in home not mine." 2 When the victim, instead of shrinking and stnirgling, went, si s with good courage, to the altar, it was noted as a sign of divine impulse. Such a strange, new courage the Chorus notices in Cassandra. * Possibly, " My one escape, my friends, is but delay." 4 The implied thoughts of the words is that Priam and his sons, though they had died nobly, were yet mise able, and not happy. 69 AGAMEMNON Chor. Whence comes this "Fie?" unless from mind that loathes ? [ 13W Cass. The house is tainted with the scent of death. Chor. How so ? This smells of victims on the hearth. Cass. Nay, it is like the blast from out a grave. Chor. No Syrian ritual tell'st thou for our house. 1 Cass. Well then I go, and e'en within will wail My fate and Agamemnon's. And for me, Enough of life. Ah, friends ! Ah ! not for nought I shrink in fear, as bird shrinks from the brake.* When I am dead do ye this witness bear, When in revenge for me, a woman, Death A woman smites, and man shall fall for man In evil wedlock wed. This friendly office, As one about to die, I pray you do me. Chor. Thy doom foretold, poor sufferer, moves my pity. Cass. I fain would speak once more, yet not to wail Mine own death-song ; but to the Sun I pray, To his last rays, that my avengers wreak Upon my hated murderers judgment due For me, who die a slave's death, easy prey. Ah, life of man ! when most it prospereth, *It is but limned in outline ; s and when brought To low estate, then doth the sponge, full soaked, uco Wipe out the picture with its frequent touch : . And this I count more piteous e'en than that. 4 \Passes through the door into the pamce 1 The Syrian ritual had, it would seem, become proverbial for its lavish use of frankincense and other spices. 2 The close parallel of Shakespeare's Henry VI. , Act. v. sc. 6, is worth quoting- - " The bird that hath been limed in a bush, With trembling eyes misdoubteth every bush * The older reading gives " A shadow might o'erturn it." 4 Her own doom, hard as it was, touches her less than the common lot of human suffering and mutability. 7 AGAMEMNON Chor. 'Tis true of all men that they never set A limit to good fortune ; none doth say, As bidding it depart, *And warding it from palaces of pride, " Enter thou here no more." To this our lord the Blest Ones gave to take Priam's city ; and he comes Safe to his home and honoured by the Gods ; But if he now shall pay The forfeit of blood-guiltiness of old, And, dying, so work out for those who died, By his own death another penalty, Who then of mortal men, Hearing such things as this, Can boast that he was born With fate from evil free ? Agam. [from within.~\ Ah, me ! I am struck down with deadly stroke. Chor. Hush ! who cries out with deadly stroke sore smitten ? Agam. Ah me, again ! struck down a second time ! [Dies Chor. By the king's groans I judge the deed is done ; But let us now confer for counsels safe. 1 Chor. a. I give you my advice to summon here, Here to the palace, all the citizens. 13JO Chor. b. I think it best to rush at once on them, And take them in the act with sword yet wet. Chor. f. And I too give like counsel, and I vote For deed of some kind. 'Tis no time to pause. Chor. d. Who will see, may. They but the prelude work Of tyranny usurped o'er all the State. 1 So far the dialogue has been sustained by the Coryphseos, or leader of the Chorus. Now each member of it speaks and gives his counsel. AGAMEMNON Char. e. Yes, we are slow, but they who trample down The thought of hesitation slumber not. Chor.f. I know not what advice to find or speak : He who can act knows how to counsel too. Chor. g. I too think with thee ; for I have no hope With words to raise the dead again to life. Chor. h. What ! Shall we drag our life on and submit To these usurpers that defile the house ? Chor. i. Nay, that we cannot bear : To die were better ; For death is gentler far than tyranny. Chor. k. Shall we upon this evidence of groans Guess, as divining that our lord is dead? Chor. I. When we know clearly, then should we discuss : To guess is one thing, and to know another. Chor. 1 So vote I too, and on the winning side, Taking the votes all round that we should learn How he, the son of Atreus, fareth now. Enter CLYTJMNESTRA_/r0;w the palace, in robes with stains of blood, followed by soldiers and attendants. The open doors show the corpses ^f AGAMEMNON ana, CASSANDRA, the former lying in a silvered bath Though many words before to suit the time Were spoken, now I shall not be ashamed The contrary to utter : How could one By open show of enmity to foes Who seemed as friends, fence in the snares of death Too high to be o'erleapt ? But as for me, Not without forethought for this long time past, 1 The Coryphseos again takes up his part, sums up, and pro- nounces his decision. 7 AGAMEMNON This conflict comes to me from triumph old 1 Of his, though slowly wrought. I stand where I 15i Did smite him down, with all my task well done. So did I it, (the deed deny I not,) That he could nor avert his doom nor flee : I cast around him drag-net as for fish, With not one outlet, evil wealth of robe : And twice I smote him, and with two deep groans He dropped his limbs : And when he thus fell down I gave him yet a third, thank-offering true 2 To Hades of the dark, who guards the dead. So fallen, he gasps out his struggling soul, And breathing forth a sharp, quick gush of blood, He showers dark drops of gory rain on me, Who no less joy felt in them than the corn, When the blade bears, in glad shower given of God. Since this is so, ye Argive elders here, Ye, as ye will, may hail the deed, but I Boast of it. And were't fitting now to pour Libation o'er the dead, 3 'twere justly done, Yea more than justly ; such a goblet full Of ills hath he filled up with curses dire At home, and now has come to drain it off. Chor. We marvel at the boldness of thy tongue 1S7 Who o'er thy husband's corpse speak'st vaunt like this. 1 i.e., He had had his triumph over her when, forgetful of her mo:her's feelings, he had sacrificed Iphigeneia. She has now rcpa d him to the full. 2 The third libation at all feasts was to Zeus, as the Preserver or Guardian Deity. Clytsemnestra boasts that her third blow was as an offering to a God of other kind, to Him who had in his keeping not the living, but the dead. 3 So in the Choephori (vv. 351, 476), the custom of pouring libations on the burial-place of the dead is recognised as an element of their blessedness or shame in Hades, and Agamemnon is represented as lacking the honour which comes from them till he receives it at the hand of OresKs. 73 AGAMEMNON . Ye test me as a woman weak of mind ; But I with dauntless heart to you that know Say this, and whether thou dost praise or blame, Is all alike : here Agamemnon lies, My husband, now a corpse, of this right hand, As artist just, the handiwork : so stands it. STROPHE Chor. What evil thing, O Queen, or reared on earth, Or draught from salt sea-wave Hast thou fed on, to bring Such incense on thyself, 1 A people's loud-voiced curse ? Twas thou did'st sentence him, 'Twas thou did'st strike him down ; But thou shah exiled be, Hated with strong hate of the citizens. Clyteem. Ha! now on me thou lay'st the exile's doom, My subjects' hate, and people's loud-voiced curse, Though ne'er did'st thou oppose my husband there, Who, with no more regard than had been due To a brute's death, although he called his own Full many a fleecy sheep in pastures bred, Yet sacrificed his child, the dear-loved fruit Of all my travail-pangs, to be a charm Against the winds of Thrakia. Shouldst thou not Have banished him from out this land of ours, As meed for all his crimes ? Yet hearing now My deeds, thou art a judge full stern. But I Tell thee to speak thy threats, as knowing well I am prepared that thou on equal terms Should'st rule, if thou dost conquer. But if God i Incense was placed on the head of the victim. The Chorus tell Clytaemnestra that she has brought upon her own head the incense, not of praise and admiration, but of hatred and wraih, as though some poison had driven her mad. 74 AGAMEMNON Should otherwise decree, then thou shalt learn, Late though it be, the lesson to be wise. ANTISTROPHK Cher. Yea, thou art stout of heart, and speak'st big words ; IM .And maddened is thy soul As by a murderous hate ; And still upon thy brow Is seen, not yet avenged, The stain of blood-spot foul ; And yet it needs must be, One day thou, reft of friends, Shalt pay the penalty of blow for blow. C/yttem. Now hear thou too my oaths of solemn dread : By my accomplished vengeance for my child, By Ate and Erinnys, unto whom I slew him as a victim, I look not That fear should come beneath this roof of mine, So long as on my hearth ^Egisthos kindles Ui The flaming fire, as well disposed to me As he hath been aforetime. He to us Is no slight shield of stoutest confidence. There lies he, [pointing to the corpse ^AGAMEMNON,] one who foully wronged his wife, The darling of the Chrysei'ds at Troi'a ; And there [pointing to CASSANDRA] this captive slave, this auguress, His concubine, this seeress trustworthy, *Who shared his bed, and yet was as well known To the sailors as their benches ! . . . They have fared Not otherwise than they deserved : for he Lies as you see. And she who, like a swan, 1 1 The species of swan referred to is said to be the Cygnus Afuricus. Aristotle (Hist. Anim. ix. 12) describes swans of some kind as having been heard by sailors near the coast of 75 AGAMEMNON Has chanted out her last and dying song, 1<5 Lies close to him she loved, and so has brought The zest of a new pleasure to my bed. STROPHE H Chor. Ah me, would death might come Quickly, with no sharp throe of agony, Nor long bed-ridden pain, Bringing the endless sleep ; Since he, the watchman most benign of all, Hath now been smitten low, And by a woman's means hath much endured, And at a woman's hand hath lost his life ! STROPHE II Alas ! alas ! O Helen, evil-souled, 1CJ Who, though but one, hast slain Many, yea, very many lives at Tro'ia. 1 STROPHE III *But now for blood that may not be washed out *Thou hast to full bloom brought *A deed of guilt for ever memorable, For strife was in the house, Wrought out in fullest strength, Woe for a husband's life. Libya, " singing with a lamentable cry." Mrs. SomeroTa {fftys. Grog., c. xxxiii. 3) describes their note as " like that of a violin." The same fact is reported of the swans of Iceland and other regions of the far North. The strange, tender beauty of the passage in the P/uedo of Plato (p. 85, a), which speaks of them as singing when at the point of death, has done more than anything else to make the illustration one of the commonplaces of rhetoric and poetry. 1 The structure of the lyrical dialogue that follows is rather complicated, and different editors have adopted different arrange- ments. I have followed Paley's. * Several lines seem to have dropped out by some accident of transcription. 76 AGAMEMNON STROPHE IV Cfytefm. Nay, pray not thou for destiny of death, Oppressed with what thou see'st ; Nor turn thou against Helena thy wrath, As though she murderess were, And, though but one, had many Dana'i's souls Brought low in death, and wrought o'erwhelming woe. ANTISTROPHE I Ckor. O Power that dost attack Our palace and the two Tantalidas, 1 *And dost through women wield *A might that grieves my heart! 2 And o'er the body, like a raven foul, Against all laws of right, *Standing, she boasteth in her pride of heart 3 That she can chant her paean hymn of praise. ANTISTROPHE IV Clyteem. Now thou dost guide aright thy speech and thought, Invoking that dread Power, *The thrice-gorged evil genius of this house ; For he it is who feeds In the heart's depth the raging lust of blood : Ere the old wound is healed, new bloodshed comes. STROPHE V Ckor. Yes, of a Power thou tell'st *Mighty and very wrathful to this house ; 1 Agamemnon and Menelaos, as descended from Tantalos, the father of Pelops. - In each case women, Helen and Clytsemnestra, had been the unconscious instruments of the divine Nemesis, to which the Chorus traces the ruin of the house of Atreus. 8 Or, with another reading, " He (sc. the avenging Demon) boasteth in his pride of heart." 77 AGAMEMNON Ah me ! ah me ! an evil tale enough I4CO Of baleful chance of doom, Insatiable of ill : Yet, ah ! it is through Zeus, The all-appointing and all-working One ; For what with mortal men Is wrought apart from Zeus ? What of all this is not by God decreed F 1 STROPHE VI Ah me ! ah me ! My king, my king, how shall I weep for thee ? What shall I speak from heart that truly loves ? And now thou liest there, breathing out thy life, 1, and pouring libations as s/f speaks.'] *O mightiest herald of the Gods on high And those below, O Hermes of the dark, Call thou the Powers beneath, and bid them hear The prayers that look towards my father's house ; And Earth herself, who all things bringeth forth, m And rears them and again receives their fruit. And I to human souls libations pouring, Say, calling on my father, " Pity me ; How shall we bring our dear Orestes home ? " For now as sold to ill by her who bore us, 1 Partly it is the youth of Electra that seeks counsel from those who had mere experience ; partly she shrinks from the responsibility of being the first to utter the formula of execra- tion. 95 THE LIBATION-POURERS We poor ones wander. She as husband gained yEgisthos, who was partner in thy death ; And I am as a slave, and from his wealth Orestes now is banished, and they wax Full haughty in the wealth thy toil had gained. 13 And that Orestes hither with good luck May come, I pray. Hear thou that prayer, my father ! And to myself grant thou that I may be Than that my mother wiser far of heart, Holier in act. For us this prayer I pour ; And for our foes, my father, this I pray, That Justice may as thine avenger come, And that thy murderers perish. Thus I place Midway in prayer for good that now I speak, My prayer 'gainst them for evil. Be thou then The escort 1 of these good things that I ask, With help of Gods, and Earth, and conquering Justice. With prayers like these my votive gifts I pour ; And as for you \turning to the Chorus\ 'tis meet with cries to crown The paean ye utter, wailing for the dead. STROPHE Chor. *Pour ye the pattering tear, *Falling for fallen lord, *Here by the tomb that shuts out good and ill, Here, where the full libations have been poured That turn aside the curse men deprecate, Hear me, O Thou my Dread, Hear thou, O Sire, the words my dark mind speaks ! i The word "escort" has a special reference to the function of Hermes in the unseen world. As he was wont to act as guide to the souls of the dead in their downward journey, so now Electra prays that he may lead the blessings she asks for upward from the dark depths of Earth. 96 THE LIBATION-POURERS ANTISTROPHE Oh, woe is me, woe, woe ! Woe, woe, and woe is me f *What warrior strong of spear Shall come the house to free, Or Ares with his Skythian bow 1 in hand, Shaking its pliant strength in deeds of war, *Or guiding in encounter closer yet The weapons made with hilts ? [During the choral ode ELECTRA, after going to the mound, and pouring the libations on it, returns holding in her hands the lock of hair which ORESTES had left there Elect. The gifts the earth hath drunk, my father hath them : Now this new wonder come and share with me. Chor. Speak on, my heart goes pit-a-pat with fear. Elect. There on the tomb I see this lock cut off. 16 Chor. What man or maid low-girdled can it claim ? Elect. Full easy this for any one to guess. Chor. Old as I am, may I from younger learn ? Elect. None but myself could cut off lock like this. Chor. Yea, foes are they that should with grief-locks mourn. Elect. Yes, surely, 'tis indeed the self-same hair . . . Chor. But as what tresses ? This I seek to know. Elect. And of a truth 'tis very like to ours. . . . Chor. Did then Orestes send this secret gift? 2 1 The Skythian bow, long and elastic, bending either way, like those of the Arabians (Herod, vii. 6g). The connection of Ares with the wild, fierce tribes of Thrakia and Skythia meets us again and again in the literature of Greece. He was the only God to whom they built temples (ibid. iv. 59). They sacrificed human victims to an iron sword as his more appro- priate symbol (iv. 62). The use of iron for weapons of war came to the Greeks from them (Seven ag. Th. 729 ; Prom. 714). 2 It may be worth while to compare the method adopted by II 97 G THE LIBATION-POURERS Elect. It is most like those flowing locks of his. K0 Cbor. Yet how had he adventured to come hither ? Elect. He to his father sent the lock as gift. Chor. Not less regretful than before, thy words, If on this soil his foot shall never tread. Elect. Yea, on me too there rushed heart-surge of gall And I was smitten as with dart that pierced ; And from mine eyes there fell the thirsty drops That pour unchecked, of this full bitter flood, As I this lock beheld. How can I think That any other townsman owns this hair ? Nay, she who slew .... she did not cut it off, My mother .... who towards her children shows A godless mood that little suits the name ; And yet that I should this assert outright, The precious gift is his whom most of men I love, Orestes Nay, hope flatters me. Alas ! alas ! Would, herald-like, it had a kindly voice ! the three dramatists of Greece in bringing about the recognition of the brother by the sister, (i) Here the lock of hair, in its peculiar colour and texture resembling her own, followed by the likeness of his footsteps to hers, prepares the way first for vague anticipa- tions, and then the robe she had made for him, leads to her acceptance of Orestes on his own discovery of himself. To this it has been objected, by Euripides in the first instance (Electra, vv. 462-500), that the evidence of the colour of the hair is weak, that a young man's foot must have been larger than a maiden's, and that he could not have worn as a man the garment she had made for him as a child. It might be replied, perhaps, that there are such things as hereditary resemblances extending to the colour of the hair and the arch of the instep, and that the robe may either have been shown instead of worn, or, being worn, have been adapted for the larger growth. (2) In the Electra of Sophocles the lock of hair alone convinces Chryso- themis that her brother is near at hand (v. 900), while Electra herself requires the further evidence of Agamemnon's seal (v. 1223). In Euripides (v. 527), all proof fails till Orestes shows a scar 0:1 his brow, which his sister remembers. 98 THE LIBATION-POURERS So should I not turn to and fro in doubt ; But either it had told me with all clearness To loathe this tress, if cut from hated head ; Or, being of kin, had sought to share my grief, To deck the tomb and do my father honour. Ckor, Well, on the Gods we call, on those who know In what storms we, like sailors, now are tossed : But if deliverance may indeed be ours, From a small seed a mighty trunk may grow. 1 Elect. Here too are foot-prints as a second proof, Just like . . . yea, close resembling those of mine. For here are outlines of two separate feet, ) His own and those of fellow-traveller, And all the heels and impress of the feet, When measured, fit well with my footsteps here .... Pangs come on me, and sore bewilderment. [As she ceases speaking ORESTES comes forward from his concealment Orest. Pray, uttering to the Gods no fruitless prayer, For good success in what is yet to come. Elect. What profits now to me the Gods' good will ? Orest. Thou see'st those here whom most thou did'st desire. Elect. Whom called I on, that thou hast know- ledge of? Orest. Right well I know how thou dost prize Orestes. 1 The saying is probably one of the widespread proverbs which imply parables. The idea is obviously that wi'h which we are familiar in the Gospel " grain of mustard seed." Here, as in the " kicking against the pricks" of Acts ix. 5, xxvi. 14, and Agam. v. 1604, we are carried back to a period which lies beyond the range of history as that in which men took note of the analogies and embodied them in forms like this. 99 THE LIBATION-POURERS Elect. In what then find I now my prayers ful- filled ? 31 Orest. Behold me ! Seek no dearer friend than I ! Elect. Nay, stranger, dost thou weave a snare for me ? Oresf. Then do I plot my schemes against myself. Ekct. Thou seekest to make merry with my grief. Orest. With mine then also, if at all with thine. Elect. Art thou indeed Orestes that I speak to ? Orest. Though thou see'st him, thou'rt slow to learn 'tis I ; Yet when thou saw'st this lock of mourner's hair, And did'st the foot-prints track my feet had made, Agreeing with thine own, as brother's true, Then did'st thou deem in hope thou looked'st on me. " Fit then this lock where it was cut, and see ; See too this woven robe, thine own hands' work, The shuttle's stroke, and forms of beasts 1 of chase. [ELECTRA starts, as if about to cry aloud for jcy Restrain thyself, nor lose thy head for joy : Our nearest kin, I know, are foes to us. Elect, \embracing ORESTES] Thou whom thy father's house most loves, most prays for, Our one sole hope, bewept with many a tear, Of issue that shall work deliverance ! Thine own might trusting, thou thy father's house Shalt soon win back. O pleasant fourfold name ! ao I needs must speak to thee as father dear ; 2 The love I owe my mother turns to thee, (She with full right to me is hateful now,) My sister's too, who ruthlessly was slain ; 1 So in the Odyssey (xix. 228), Odysseus appears as wearing a woollen cloak, on which are embroidered the figures of a fawn and a dog. 2 An obvious reproduction of the words of Andromache (//. vi. 429). 100 THE LIBATION-POURERS And thou wast ever faithful brother found, And one whom I revered. May Might and Right, And sovran Zeus as third, my helpers be ! Orest. Zeus ! Zeus ! be Thou a witness of our troubles, See the lorn brood that calls an eagle sire, Eagle that perished in the coils and folds 9to Of a fell viper. Now on them bereaved Presses gaunt famine. Not as yet full-grown Are they to bring their father's booty home. Thus it is thine to see in me and her, (I mean Electra) children fatherless, Both suffering the same exile from our home. Elect. And should'st Thou havoc make of brood ofsire Who at thine altar greatly honoured Thee, Whence wilt Thou get a festive offering From hand as free r Nor, should'st Thou bring to nought The eagle's nestlings, would'st thou have at hand *** A messenger to bear thy will to man In signs persuasive ; nor when withered up This royal stock shall be, will it again Wait on thine altars at high festivals : Oh, bring it back, and then Thou too wilt raise From low estate a lofty house, which now Seems to have fallen, fallen utterly. Chor. Ah, children ! saviours of your father's house, Hush, hush, lest some one hear you, children dear, And for mere talking's sake report all this To those that rule. Ah, would I might behold them Lie dead 'midst oozing fir-pyre blazing high ! * Or at. Nay, nay, I tell you, Loxias' oracle, 1 The words seem to imply that burning alive was known among the Greeks as a punishment for the most atrocious crimes. The "oozing pitch," if we adopt that rendering, apparently describes something like the ' ' tunica molesta " of Juvenal. (Sat. viii. 235.) Hesychios (s. v. Kuvfjo-oi) mentions the practice as alluded to in a lost play of .^Eschylos. THE LIBATION-POURERS In strength excelling, will not fail us now, That bade me on this enterprise to start, And with clear voice spake often, warning me Of chilling pain-throes at the fevered heart, Unless my father's murderers I should chase, Bidding me kill them in the self-same fashion, Stirred by the wrongs that pauperise my life, And said that I with many a mischief ill Should pay for that fault with mine own dear life. For making known to men the charms earth-born ro *That soothe the wrathful powers, 1 he spake for us Of ills as follows, leprous sores that creep All o'er the flesh, and as with cruel jaws Eat out its ancient nature, and white hairs* On that foul ill to supervene : and still He spake of other onsets of the Erinnyes, As brought to issue from a father's blood ; For the dark weapon of the Gods below Winged by our kindred that lie low in death, And beg for vengeance, yea, and madness too, And vague, dim fears at night disturb and haunt me, *Seeing full clearly, though I move my brow 5 1 The words are both doubtful and obscure. Taking th^ reading which I have adopted, they seem to mean that while men in general had means of propitiating the Erinnyes and other Powers for the guilt of unavenged bloodshed, Orestes and Electra had no such way of escape open to them. If they, the next of kin, failed to do their work, they would be exposed to the full storm of wrath. But a conjectural emendation of one word gives us, " For making known to men the earth-born ills That come from wrathful Powers." a Either that old age would come prematurely, or that the hair itself would share the leprous whiteness of the flesh. 8 The words, as taken in the text, refer to Orestes seeing even in sleep the spectral forms of the Erinnyes. By some editors the verse is placed after v. 276, and the lines then reaU thus: THE LIBATION-POURERS In the thick darkness . . . and that then my frame. Thus tortured, should be driven from the city With brass-knobbed scourge : and that for such as I It was not given to share the wine-cup's taste, Nor votive stream in pure libation poured ; And that my father's wrath invisible Would drive me from all altars, and that none Should take me in, or lodge with me ; at last, That, loathed of all and friendless, I should die, A wretched mummy, all my strength consumed. Must I not trust such oracles as these ? Yea, though I trust not, must the deed be done ; 2eo For many motives now in one converge, The God's command, great sorrow for my father ; My lack of fortune, this, too, urges me Never to leave our noble citizens, With noblest courage Troi'a's conquerors, To be the subjects to two women thus ; Yea, his soul is as woman's: 1 an' it be not, He soon shall know the issue. Chor. Grant ye from Zeus, O mighty Destinies ! That so our work may end As Justice wills, who takes our side at last ; Now for the tongue of bitter hate let tongue Of bitter hate be given. Loud and long The voice of Vengeance claiming now her debt ; And for the murderous blow Let him who slew with murderous blow repay. "And that he calls fresh onsets of the Erinnyes As brought to issue from a father's blood, Seeing clearly, though he move his brow in darkness." So taken, the last line refers to Agamemnon, who, though m the darkness of Hades, sees the penalties which \vill fall upon his son should he neglect to take vengeance on his father's murderers. 1 Stress is laid here, as in Agam. 1224, on the effeminacy of the adulterer. 103 THE LIBATION-POURERS "That the wrong-doer bear the wrong he did," Thrice-ancient saying of a far-off time, 1 This speaketh as we speak, STROPHE I Orest. O father, sire ill-starred, What deed or word could I Waft from afar to thee, Where thy couch holds thee now, * 10 *To be a light with dark commensurate ? Alike, in either case, The wail that tells their praise is welcome gift To those Atreidae, guardians of our house. STROPHE II Chor. My child, my child, the mighty jaws of fire 2 Bind not the mood and spirit of the dead ! But e'en when that is past he shows his wrath. When he that dies is wailed, The murderer stands revealed : I2 The righteous cry for parents that begat, To fullest utterance roused, Searches the whole truth out. ANTISTROPHE I Elect. Hear then, O father, now Our tearful griefs in turn ; 1 The great law of retribution is repeated from Agam. 1564. As one of the earliest utterances of man's moral sense, it was referred popularly among the Greeks to Rhadamanthos, who with Minos judged the souls of the dead in Hades. Comp. Aristot. Ethic. Nicom,, v. 8. a The funeral pyre, which consumes the body, leaves the life and power of the man untouched. The spirit survives, and calls on the Gods that dwell in darkness to avenge him. The very cry of wailing tends, as a prayer to them, to the exposure ef the murderer. 104 THE LIBATION-POURERS From us thy children twain The funeral wail ascends ; And we, as suppliants and as exiles too, Find shelter at thy tomb. What of all this is good, what void of ills ? Is not this now a woe invincible ? Chor. Yet, even yet, from evils such as these, God, if He will, may bring more pleasant strains : And for the dirge we utter by the tomb, A paean in the royal house may raise Welcome to new-found friend. STROPHE III Orest. Had'st thou beneath the walls Of Ilion, O my sire, Been slain by Lykian foe, 1 Pierced through and through with spear, Leaving high fame at home, " And laying strong and sure *Thy children's paths in life, Then had'st thou had as thine Far off across the sea A mound of earth heaped high, To all thy kith and kin endurable. ANTISTROPHK II Chor, Yea, and as friend witli friends That nobly died, he then Had dwelt in high estate A sovereign ruler, held Of all in reverence, High in their train who rule Supreme in that dark world ; 1 The Lykians, of whom Glaucos and Sarpedon are the representative heroes in the Iliad, are named as the chief allies of the Troi'ans. THE LIBATION-POURERS For he, too, while he lived, As monarch ruled o'er those Whose hands the sceptre held That mortal men obey. 1 ANTISTROPHE III Elect. Not even 'neath the walls Of Troi'a, O my sire, With those the spear hath slain, Would I have had thee lie By fair Scamandros' stream : No, this my prayer shall be That those who slew thee fall, *By their own kin struck down, * a That one might hear far off, Untried by woes like this, The fate that brings inevitable death. Chor. Of blessings more than golden, O my child, Greater than greatest fortune, or the bliss Of those beyond the North 2 thou speakest now ; For this is in thy grasp ; But hold ; e'en now this thud of double scourge 3 Finds its way on to him ; 1 The words embody the widespread feeling that the absence of funereal honours affected the spirit of the dead, and that the souls with whom he dwelt held him in high or low esteem according as they had been given or withheld. 8 Pindar (Pyth. x. 47), the contemporary of /Eschvlos, had made the name of these Hyperborei well known to all Greeks. The vague dreams of men, before the earth had been searched out, pictured a happy land as lying beyond their reach. There were Islands of the Blest in the far West ; ^Ethiopians, peace- ful and long-lived, in the South ; and far away, beyond the cold North, a people exempt from the common evils of humanity. The latter have been connected with the old Aryan belief in the paradise of Mount Meru. Comp. also Herod, iv. 421 ; Prom. 812. 3 Sc., the beating of both hands upon the breast, as the Chorus uttered their lamentations. 106 THE LIBATION-POURERS Already these find helpers 'neath the earth, But of those rulers whom we loathe and hate Unholy are the hands : 37 And children gain the day. STROPHE IV Elect, Ah ! this, like arrow, pierces through the ear! O Zeus ! O Zeus ! who sendest from below A woe of tardy doom Upon the bold and subtle hands of men ... Nay, though they parents be, Yet all shall be fulfilled. STROPHE V Chor. May it be mine to chant o'er funeral pyre *Cry well accordant with the pine-fed blaze, 1 When first the man is slain, And his wife perisheth ! Why should I hide what flutters round my heart ? On my heart's prow a blast blows mightily, Keen wrath and loathing fierce. ANTISTROPHE IV Qrest. And when shall Zeus, the orphan's guardian true, Lay to his hand and smite the guilty heads ? So may our land learn faith ! Vengeance I claim from those who did the wrong. 3u Hear me, O Earth, and ye, *Powers held in awe below ! Chor. Yea, the law saith that gory drops once shed Upon the ground for yet more blood should crave ; *For lo ! fell slaughter on Erinnys calls, 1 Perhaps, simply "the sharp and bitter cry." But the rendering in the text seems justified as repeating the wish already expressed (v. 260), that the murderers may die by this form of dctuh. 107 THE LIBATION-POURERS To come from those that perished long ago, And on one sorrow other sorrow bring. STROPHE VI Elect. *Ah, ah, O Earth, and Lords of those below! Pehold, ye mighty Curses of the slain, Behold the remnant of the Atreidae's house Brought to extremes! strait, * Bereaved of house and home ! Whither, O Zeus, can any turn for help ? ANTISTROPHE V Ckor. Ah, my fond heart is quivering in dismay, 'Hearing this loud lament most lamentable : Now have I little cheer, And blackened is my heart, *Hearing that speech ; but then again when hope *On strength uplifts me, far it drives my grief, *Propitious seen at last. ANTISTROPHE VI Orfst. What could we speak more fitly than the woes We suffer, yea, and from a parent's hands ? Well, she may fawn ; our mood remains unsoothed ; For like a wolf untamed, We from our mother take A wrathful soul that to no fawning yields. "*X STROPHE VII Chor. *I strike an Arian stroke, and in the strain Of Kissian mourner skilled, 1 Ye might have seen the stretching forth of hands, 1 The Chorus at this point renew their words and cries ol lamentation, smiting on their breasts. By some critics this speech and Antistrophe VII. are assigned to Electra, Anti- Strophe VIII. to the Chorus, with a corresponding change in the icS THE LIBATION-POURERS With readings of the hair, and random blows, In quick succession given, Dealt from above with arm at fullest length, And with the beating still my head is stunned, Battered and full of woe. Elect. O mother, hostile found, and daring all ! With burial as of foe Thou had'st the heart a ruler to inter, His citizens not there, As pouse unwept, with no lamentings loud. STROPHE VIII Orest. Ah ! thou hast told the whole full tale of shame ; Shall she not pay then for that outrage dire Unto my father done, So far as Gods prevail, So far as my hands work ? May it be mine to smite her and then die ! ANTISTROPHE VII Chor. Yea, he was maimed ! * (that thou the tale may'st know) And as she slaughtered, so she buried him, Seeking to work a doom For thy young life all unendurable. pronouns "my" and "thy." The Chorus, as consisting of Troi'an captives, is represented as adopting the more vehement Asiatic forms of wailing. Among these the Arians, Kissians, and Mariandynians (Pers. 920) seem to have been most con- spicuous for their skill in lamentation, and, as such, were in request where hired mourners were wanted. Compare the opening chorus, v. 22. 1 The practice of mutilating the corpse of a murdered man by cutting off his hands and feet and fastening them round his waist, seems to have been looked on as rendering him powerless to seek for vengeance. Comp. Soph. Elect, v. 437. This kind of mutilation, and not mere wanton outrage, is what the Chorus refer to. 109 THE LIBATION-POURERS Now thou dost hear the woes Thy father suffered, stained with foulest shame. ANTISTROPHE VIII Elect. Thou tellest of my father's death, but I Stood afar off, contemned, Counted as nought, and like a cursed hound Shut up within, I poured the tide of tears (More ready they than smiles) Uttering in secret wail of weeping full. <4 Hear thou these things, and write them in my mind. Chor. Let the tale pierce thine ears, While thy soul onward moves with tranquil step: So much, thou know'st, stands thus ; Seek thou with all desire to know the rest ; 'Tis meet to enter now Within the lists with mind inflexible. STROPHE IX OrfJt. I bid thee, O my father, help thy friends. Elect. Bitterly weeping, these my tears I add. Chor. With full accord so cries our company. Come then to light, and hear ; 4M Be with us 'gainst our foes. ANTISTROPHE IX Orest. My Might their Might, my Right their Right must meet. Elect. *Ye Gods, give righteous issue in our cause. Chor. Fear creeps upon me as I hear your prayers. /Long tarries destiny, But comes to those who pray. STROPHE X Semi-Chor. A. Oh, woe that haunts the race, And harsh, shrill stroke of Ate's bloody scourge ! no THE LIBATION-POURERS Woes sad and hard to bear,