. c::aiart3
Reference Catalogue of Books printed in English from 1880 to 1888
inclusive: to which is added a select list of books printed
before 1 880 and still kept on Publishers' 1
and Jobbers 1 lists.
Including issues up to May 1891, and a number of earlier Books frequently met
with in Catalogues. Together with a list of Periodicals
and Annuals in these Branches.
15 Zing William Street, West Strand.
Assaying, Metallurgy, Analytical Chemistry, Minerals and
Mineralogy, Geology, Palaeontology,
Including- Issues from 188O to May 1891, and a number of Books published before
188O, frequently met with in- Catalogues ; together with a List of
Periodicals and Annuals in these Branches.
And a sJiort List of important Works in the German Language.
Publishers ar^cl Importers,
PUBLISHER. 15 King William St., West Stranil.
Part IV. of Mr. H. E. Haferkorn's "Handy Lists" treats of topics
of exceptional importance and value to different parts of our country,
and will no doubt be received with the same interest as the preceding
parts. Not only, as far as I have been able to discover in examining it,
is it fully up to the high Standard of its predecessors, but the changes
introduced in the arrangement and fully explained in the preface are
genuine improvements, and will be specially appreciated by those who
have found it somewhat irksome, in searching for the literature of a
particular subject, to look up successively the books under a long series
of numbers, when frequently, the author's name or the title of the work,
if given as it is now, is sufficient guide for eliminating works that are
not wanted. No librarian, bookseller or technical worker can do without
the Handy Lists, if he has occasion to look for the information they
contain and wants to find easily what a long and weary search would
otherwise frequently fail to reveal.
Milvvaiikee Public Library,
July 20. 1891.
Practical experience in using the parts of the "Handy Lists" already published,
has suggested various improvements in their arrangement, which have, been intro-
duced in the present, issue, in order to enable those who consult them to find what
they want easily and with as little waste of time as possible. Thus, the method of
entering subject references has been changed BO as to give UNDER KAMI srn.ncrr IIKAD-
of merely giving the numbers assigned to the books in the HANDY LISTS.
If the FULL title of such a work is desired, it will be found under its number as
Analytical subject references to parts of books, such as cyclopedias, technical
periodical publications, etc., on the other hand, are, still referred to under each sub-
ject by number.
In compliance with the expressed wishes of a number of users of the former
HANDY LISTS, all the books included in the present part, whether strictly belonging
to the period 1880 1891, or printed before 1880,'have been entered in a single
alphabetical series. Suggestions for other improvements in the make-up are earn-
estly desired and will receive attention in future issues if their introduction appears
to be advantageous.
For the purpose of dejiniinj the sco/ie tend uature of ini/>oi'/ressen.blisher or sole ni'jtow of defining /lie wope aixl nature of important works, particularly
ti'lit't-i' if /.s- not sufficiently e.rj"exw -In. the /i/le, xjtecial. e//,
containing a list of all publishers and agents represented in this part. For the con-
venience, of booksellers, and especially in order to facilitate procuring books in a
hurry, the method of distinguishing the piihlisher in each work heretofore employed
in the key has been extended in this part to the abbreviations in the main entry,
so that the heavy letters indicate the />tih/ix/ier or xole aaent, while those in' ordinary
light-faced type designate the jobber, to whom the bookseller may apply for copies
in case the publisher should be out of the work.
The various editions of a book with their prices have been specified, including
American reprints of English works, the price mentioned being that of the oridindl,
If a second value is added, In. a '///for/// moiie/dr;/ ddita'drd, it indicates the price
at which the book is sold by the jobber or agent stated in connection with each
If a book has been advertised in a catalogue of second-hand books, or in the
catalogue of retail booksellers dealing largely in technical books, the. price is en-
closed in parenthesis, indicating that this is NOT the publisher's price.
The exact year of publication has been added in all cases where it could be as-
certained, and enclosed in brackets whenever it does not appear on the title page.
When two or more, editions have been issued at the same price the. dates of all but
the last have been enclosed in paretheses.
The subject headings are entered in the same alphabetical series as the authors,
but are distinguished by being printed in italics.
When a "we," or "see also" precedes a iiiiin.her, it signifies that the subject is in-
cidentally treated in the w r ork referred to; but when placed before a name, the "we
" indicates other related subjects, which must also be looked up in order to ob-
tain the whole literature on any given subject.
Works occurring in a preceding part of the HANDY LISTS, are referred to under
the number attached to each one in part I, or part II, etc., as the case may be, and
are not repeated in the present part.
add. (additional,
addit. (additions.
Adv. Sci. Ser. Ad-
vanced Science Scr-
A mm vinous.
Bait. Baltimore.
bds. boards ( bound
in board cover).
Be van's B. M. I.
B e va n ' s British
Manufacturing In-
Bohn's Sci. Lib.
B o h n 's Scientific
Bohn's Illus. Lib.
Bohn's Illustrated
Bost. Boston.
Camb. Math. Ser.
Cambridge Mathe-
matical Series.
Camb. Sch. and Coll.
T. B. Cambridge
School and College
Text Books.
Case. Tech. Man.
('asset's Technical
Chic. Chicago.
do. cloth (binding).
Diag. 1 (liaixl , ims>
Long. T. B.S. Long-
diag. i
man's Text Book
Dec. December.
ea. each.
i Jl ' lar cicnce n , v . revised. Wash. Washington,
tin's Science Text Senea. Roy. Royal. Wcale's Ser. \Vea-
Books. r * r <> Introduc- s c i . S e'r . Science le's Series.
Co in p. compiler,
cont. contained,
corr. corrected.
$ Dollar; c. Cents; Pound of Sterling; *. Shilling, d. Pence.
&3JT' All other abbreviations are self-explanatory.
AMERICAN BOOKSIZES: Folio over lL> inches C'.Ocm.) high ; 4to. (Quarto
under 12 inches (30 cm.) ; BVo. Octavo 10 inches (25 cm.) ; 1-mo. Twelvemo (Duo-
decimo) s inches, (L'0 cm.); Ilimo. Sixteenmo (Sedecimo) 7 inches, (17* em.); ISmo,
Eighteenmo (Octodecimo) 4.\x7| inches (llxlS cm.); 24mo. Twenty-fourmo (Yice-
sii'no (Quarto) (i inches ( T> cm.); :>L'mo. Thirtytwomo (Trigesimo Seciindoj ."> inches,
(ll'i cm.); 48mo. Fortyeightmo Quadrigeaimo Octavo) 4 inches, 10 cm.).
Reference is made to the papers of the Journal of tht Iron >m.
Bagot, A. Accidents in mines. 1878. 6*. 42.
Creswick. Explosions and accidents. 1874. $1.00. 174.
Sawyer, A. R. Accid. in mines. 1889. 25s. 729;
see Hyslop 406, Mather 524.
y Agassiz, "Li. Geological sketches; first and second series. New. ed. 2 vols
Bost. 1886. 12 mo, each vol. $1.50. % Hp V.
Air as a fuel. Ross, O. C. D. 1875, 3s Qd, 710.
Air-compressing machinery, see Percy, v. 2. 634.
10 Alferd, C. J. Geological features of the Transvaal, South Africa. W. maps
and illus. Lond. 1891. 8vo, 5s. Sr.
11 Alford, C. J. Mineralogy of the island of Sardinia, in vol. 187 ( J,
Soc. Eng, Trans.
12 Allen, A. Commercial organic analysis: treatise on the modes of assaying
the various organic chemicals and products employed in the arts, manu-
factures, etc., with concise methods for the detection of impurities, etc. 2d
ed., rev., enl., and re-arranged. 3 vols. Lond. 1885, 86, 89. 8vo. Vol.1:
Alcohols, ethers, vegetable acids and fibres, starch and its isomers, etc.
Lond. 1885. 8vo. 14s, $4.50 o. o. p. Vol. II: Fixed oils, and fats, hydro-
carbons and mineral oils, phenols and their derivatives, coloring matter,
etc. Lond. 1886. 8vo. 17s Qd. $5.00 o. o. p. Vol. Ill, part I: Acid deriva-
tives of phenols, aromatic acids, tannins, dyes, and coloring matters. Lond.
1889. 8vo. 14s, $4.50. Vol. Ill, part II: In press. Bs Cg Ck V.
13 Alleyiie, Sir J. Estimation of small quantities of phosphorus by spectrum
analysis, in 1875, I. No. 434.
Alloys. See also Copper-tin Alloys Metallurgy.
Bnmnt, W. T. Metallic u. 1SS<>. $2.50. 110.
Hadfield, K. II. Alloys of iron and silicon. I545.
lliorns, A. II. Metallic a. 1S<)1. O.s. 372.
Rammelsberg, C. F. Analysis of alloys. 1S72. $2.2.">. 004.
ScoU'em, etc. Useful metals and their a. isoo. 7* Or/. 733.
Tlmrston. Materials of engineering I 1 1. 1SS-I. $2.50 . 823;
see Hrannt-Wahl 111, Byrne 12'.), Krupp it \V. 403, Lock 4a~>a, Overman
010, Richards 082, Spoil's Dictionary, part 2, 774.
Almanac for colliers.
Colliery Guard almanack. 2d and 1*. 155a.
Aluminium. See also Metallurgy.
Keep, W. J. Aluminum in carbonised iron. 441.
Richards, J. W. Aluminium 1SS<>. $5.00. <;,SL\
Thurston, R. H. Materials of engineering III. 1SS4. ^I'.oO. si':};
see Dairies 208, Lock 495a, Phillips <>4o, Spoil's Dictionary, part L', 774.
Amalgams, see Aaron 4, Branut 110, Krupp & W. 463, Lock 495a; see also
Alloys Quicksilver.
Analytical Chemistry. See also Blowpipe Chemical reactions Chemistry
Electrolysis Volumetric analysis.
Allen, A. Commercial organic analysis. 3v. 1885 89. 12.
Uolley. Manual of technical analysis. -V. ( .i.">.
Bolton, H. C. Quantitative analysis. 1SS5. $1.50. 9(i.
Douglas and Prescott. (Qualitative chem. analysis. 1SM>. ${.(M) o. p. L'l'l.
Eliot and Storer. ManualofquaMt. analysis. 1SS3. si.r,o. IMD.
Fresenius, C. Manual of qualitative analysis. ls<(>. Ji'x (V/. 270.
Fresenins, C. The same. 1888. $4.00. '277.
Fresenius, C. Manual of quantitative a. 2 v. 187080. 20*. 27S.
Fi-esc-Jiius, C. Tlie same. 1SSS. $0.00. 27^.
.Johnson, A. K. Analyst's laboratory companion. 1SSS. ON. 427.
Mills and Barker. Handbook of quant, analysis. 1.S89. :>.s Cxi. 514.
Normandy, A. Commercial handbook of chem. anal. 1S7-"). 12-sO'/. 5SO.
Plattner, T. H. Manual of quaKt. and quant, anal. isss. s-i.oo. (;r>i.
Rammelsberg, 0. F. Guide to quantit. diem. anal. 1S72. S2.2o. (i<;4.
Snively, .). H. Elements of systematic qualit. chem. anal. 1S,S:>. $2.00. 70S.
Snively, J. H. Tables for syst. (jualit. chem. anal. 1S7D. $1.00. 7(5 ( J.
Thorpe, T. E. Quant, chem. anal. 1885. 4* (><'. S21.
Thorpe and Mnir. Qualit chem. anal, iss:;, :',N <>//. 822.
Trimble, II. Practical and anal, chemistry. ISSil. Sl.-X). 8IJ2.
Tnttle, II. A. Pocket analysis book. $2.oo. s:v.).
Valentin, \V. (J. Qualit. chem. anal. ISSS. 8* ttd. 851,
Will, H. Tables of qualit. chem. anal. 1881. $1.50. S;
see Bowman 100, Jago 413, Mott 502.
Analysis, see Analytical Chemistry Mineral Analysis.
14 Anderson, A. D. Silver country; or, the great South-West: review of the
mineral and other wealth of the former kingdom of New Spain. W. map.
N. Y. 1877. 12mo, $1.75. Tz.
15 Anderson, J. W. The prospector's handbook: a guide for the prospector
and traveler in search of metal-bearing and other valuable minerals. 5th
rev. and enl. ed. Illus. Lond. (1888, 1889) 1891. Cr. Svo. (12mo.) 3s6rf. $1.50.
B Ck Lg Sp Wn Wu.
16 Andre, G. G. Application of electricity to the ignition of blasting charges,
in vol. 1878, Soc. Eng. Trans.
17 Andre, G. G. Mining machinery, a descriptive treatise on the machinery,
tools and other appliances used in minine:. W. 182 pi. drawn to scale,
with descriptive text. 2 vols. Lond. 1877-79. Roy. 4to. 3 12s. $28.00.
B Ck Sp V.
Contents: Machinery for prospecting, excavating, hauling and hoisting. Ventilation.
Pumping. Treatment of mineral products, including gold and silver, copper, tin and lead,
coal, iron, sulphur, china clay, brick earth, etc.
18 Andre, G. G. Practical treatise on coal mining. 2 vols. W. 82 pi. LonH.
(1876)1878. Roy. 4to. 3 12s. $28.00. Ck Cn Sp V.
Contents: Practical geology; coal, its mode of occurrence, composition and varieties; search-
ing for coal; shaft-sinking; driving of levels, or narrow work; systems of working; getting
the coal; haulage; winding; drainage; ventilation; incidental operations; surface work;
management and accounts; characteristics of the coal fields of Great Britain and America.
19 Andre, G. G. Rock blasting: a practical treatise on the means employed in
blasting rocks for industrial purposes. W. Illus. and pi. Lond. 1878. Svo.
10s 6d, $4.25. B Ck Cn Sp.
20 Andre, G. G. The ventilation of coal mines, in vol. 1874, Soc. Eng. Trans.
21 Andrews, E. B. Elementary geology. N. Y. (187S) 12mo. $1.00 net. Ac.
Angular surveying, see Lintern, 488.
22 Annual statistical reports of the secretary to the members of the Iron and
Steel Association, on the home and foreign iron and steel industries. Phila.
Annually. Svo, pap., ea. $2.00. Ae Sp St.
23 (Annual) the same, for 1891. Phila. 1891. Svo, pap. $3.00. Ae Sp St.
N. B. This report gives complete statistics of the production and prices of all the principal
iron and steel products of the U. S. in 1890 and previous years; also the progress made by the
United States in inaugurating the manufacture of tinplates; statistics of production of iron
ore and coal in the U. S. in 1890 and previous years; statistics of the construction of rail-
roads and iron and steel ships in the U. S. in 1890 and previous years; complete statistics for
1890 and previous years of U. S. imports and exports of iron and steel and imports of iron
ore; statistics for recent years of the iron and steel and coal-mining industries of Great
Britain, France, Germany, Belgium, Spain, Italy, Austria and Hungary, Sweden, Canada
and other foreign countries. With a careful review of the present condition of the iron and
steel industries of the U. S. and other countries.
24 fAnsted, D. Th. Applications of geology to the arts and manufactures.
Illus. Lond. (n. d.) Fcp. Svo. 4s. Aa.
25 fAnsted, D. Th. Earth's history; or, first lessons in geology. For schools
and students. 3d thous. Lond. (n. d.) Fcp. Svo. 2s. Aa.
20 fAnsted, D. Th. Elementary course of geology, mineralogy and physical
geography. 2d enl. ed. Re-issue. Illus. Lond. (1869.) P. Svo. (12mo.)
12s. $4.80. Ck Gu.
27 fAnsted, D. Th. Geologist's text-book. Chiefly intended as a book of
reference for the geological student. Lond. (n. d.) Fcap. Svo, 3s Qd. Gu.
28 fAnsted, D. Th. Gold-seeker's manual. Lond. (n. d.) Fcap. Svo, 3s (id. Gu.
29 fAnsted, D. Th. Scenery, science, and art; being extracts from the note-
book of a geologist and mining-engineer. Illus. Lond. (n. d.) Svo, 10s Gd.
30 Anstie, J. Coalfields of Gloucestershire and Somersetshire, and their
resources. Lond. 1873. Roy. Svo, 6s. Sr.
Anthracite coal. See also Coal Coke.
Hackney, W. Manufacture of anthracite coke. 344.
Sword, J. F. Coal points. 181)1. $2.00. 79!).
sec Swank 794, Rogers (>99.
Anthracite furnaces, see Overman, 612.
Antimony, see Aaron 2, Davies 208, Kerl I, 445, Lock 495a, Osborn 605,
Phillips 643, Spon's Dict'y. Part 4, 774, Thurston III, 823; see also
Minerals Ores.
Anti-rvst coatings, see Howe, 385, 386.
Appliances used in mining, see Andre, 17.
Aqueducts, see Spon's Dict'y. Part 4. 774; Views 854.
31 fArgyll, Duke of. Continuity and catastrophes in geology. An address to
the Edinburgh Geolog. Soc. on its 50th anniversary, 1883. Edinburgh
(n. d.) Demy Svo. Is. Dg.
32 Armour, J. Iron and heat. Beams, pillars, and iron smelting. 2d ed. Illus.
(Weale's Ser.) Lond. 1874. 12mo. (16mo.) 3s 6d and 2s Qd, $1.20 Ck Lg.
Anenic, see Aaron 2, Charleston 140, Davies 208, Kerl I, 445, Kerl 446, Percy
VII, 632, Phillips 643; see also Metals "Metallurgy.
Artificial fuels, value of, see Siemens 746.
Asbestos, see also Minerals Ores.
hrnos, R. 11. Asbestos. 1888. Is. 41*1.
Jones. Tin- same. 1X!>0. 12* x. 373.
Kerl, 1'.. Assayer's manual, 1889. "" $3.00. 446.
Koninck and Diet/. Praet. manual of chem. analysis and assaying. 6,s. 461.
The same. 1873. $2.50. 4fi2.
Lieber, (). M. Assayer's miide. 1888. $1.25. 4S4.
.Mitchell,.!. Manual of assaying. 1888. 31* (W. 553.
North, (). Practical assayer. 1874. 7* (>. 774.
A willing of antimony: Aaron 2, Davies 208, Kerl 1, 445, Lock 495a, Osborn 605,
Phillips 643, Spon, part 4, 774, Thurston III, 823. Arsenic: Aaron 2, Charles-
ton 140, Davies 208, Kerl I, 445, Kerl 446. Percy VII, 632, Phillips 643. Bis-
muth: Kerl 446, Cadmium: Kerl 446. Chronium: Kerl 446, Coal: Lieber
484. Cobalt: Kerl 446. Copper: Bodeman and Kerl 94, Brown 117, 118,
Budge 123. Fuels: Brown 118, Kerl 446. Gold: Bodeman and Kerl 94,
Brown 117, 118, Eissler 236, Kerl 446, Lieber 484. Iron: Bauerrnan 58,
Bay ley 60, Koninck and D. 461, 462. Lead: Bodeman and Kerl 94, Brown
117 and 118, Budge 123. Manganese: Kerl 440. Mercury: Bodeman and
Kerl 94, Kerl 446. Nickel: Kerl 446. Platinum: Kerl 446. Petroleum:
Calif. State Min. 7th report 129 a. Silver: Bodeman and Kerl 94, Brown
117, 118, Budge 123, Eissler 237, Lieber 484, Ryland 725. Steel: Bayley 60,
Blair 84, Koninck and D. 461, 462. Sulphur: Kerl 446. Tin: Aaron 2,
Budge 123, Kerl 446. Tungsten: Kerl 446. Uranium: Kerl 446. Zinc:
Kerl 446; see also Metallurgy.
37 Atkinson, J. J. Friction of air in mines (V. N. S. S.) N. Y. 1875. 24m o.
50c. Ck-V.
37a Atkinson, J. J. Practical treatise on the gases met with in coal mines,
and the general principles of ventilation. Lond. (n. d.) Cr. 8vo. 2s. Cp.
38 Atkinson, J. J. Practical treatise on the gases met with in coal mines.
New ed. (V. N. S. S.) N. Y. (1875) 1886. 24mo. 50c. Ck Cn V.
39 Atkinson, W. N., and J, B. Explosions in coal mines. Illus. (Newcastle)
Lond. 1886. 7s Gd, $3.00. On Cp Lm.
N. B. The writers consider the subject of explosions in coal mines from the basis of exper-
ience gained by direct investigation. The following six explosions are particularly de-
scribed, while reference is made to others: Seaham, Trimdon Grange, Tudhoe, West Stan-
ley, Whitehaven andUsworth; and the work closes with a resume of the respective influ.
ences of coal-dust and fire-damp in mine-explosions.
Atmosphere of mines, purifying of. Ramsay, J. A. Laying of coal dust Gd.
667. The same. 1888. 25c. 668.
40 Attwood, G. Practical blow-pipe assaying. Illus. N. Y. 1881. 12mo, (8vo.)
$5.00, 12s Gd. Ck Lo.
Auriferous beach sands, see California 10th report. 129d.
Auriferous gravels of California , see California 9th report. 129c.
Automatic expansion in winding engines, see Percy II, 634.
41 Baare, F. B. The coal washing machinery used by the Bochumer Verein,
in vol. 1883, I No. 434.
42 Bagot, A. Accidents in mines (especially coal mines): their cause and
prevention. Illus. Lond. 1878. Cr. 8vo, (12mo.) 6s. $2.40,
Ck Cn Pi V.
43 Bagot, A. The principles of colliery ventilation. 2d greatly enl. ed. Lond.
1882. P. 8vo. (12mo.) 5s, $2.00. Ck Cu Pi V.
43a Bainbridge's Colliery manager's calculating scale. Lond. (n. d.) 12s Gd.
N. B. This calculator has been designed with a view of facilitating the working out of the
"costs per ton" which are now almost invariably calculated, weekly or fortnightly at
collieries and mines.
43b Bainbridge's Handy surveyor's scale. Comprising various useful tables.
Lond. (n. d.) in case, 2s, Cp.
44 fBakewell, F. C. Illustrated geology. Lond. (n. d.) Svo, 2s. Jd.
Bala volcanic series of Caernarvonshire. Barker, A. 1889. 7s Gd. 350.
45 Balch, W. B,., comp. The miqes, miners, and mining interests of the U. S.
in 1882. Illus. and maps. Phila. 1882. 4to. $5.00. B Ck Fa.
46 Ball, E. J. On the changes in iron produced by thermal treatment. In vol.
1890, I, No. 434.
47 Ball, V. The diamonds, coal, and gold of India: occurrence and distribu-
tion. Lond. 1881. 12mp, 5s. Te.
48 Bannister, L. Something about natural gas. Its origin, extent and
development, the piping systems, safety appliances and devices for its safe
and economic utilization, gas the fuel of the future. (Pittsburgh, n. d.)
Sm. 4to. Pap. 25c. We.
N. B. The character of this little work is best shown by the following table of contents:
Natural gas and its development probable extent and permanency of supply Ashbwrner's,
Orton's, McMillin's, Lesley's and Carll's opinion as to origin and exhaustibility problem
which natural gas presented piping system testing pipes and joints in the trench
safety appliances detecting and locating leaks automatic pressure regulator automatic
shut-off valve automatic temperature regulator solution of the problem complete duty
of municipal corporations analysis of natural gas illuminating gas consumption.
49 Barbee, Wm. J. First principles of geology. New rev. ed. Illus. Louis-
ville, Ky., (1867.) 12mo. $1.25. Mk.
50 Barnes, C. L. Rock history: a concise note book of geology, having -special
reference to the English and Welsh formations. Illus. and col. map,
Lond. 1884. Cr. Svo. (12mo.) 6s, $2.50. B Sr.
51 Barr, W. M. Practical treatise on the combustion ot cos>l; including de-
scriptions of various mechanical devices for the economic generation of
heat by the combustion of fuel, whether solid, liquid or gaseous. Illus.
Indianapolis, Ind., 1879. Svo, $2.50. B Bu Ck V Y.
Pxmrh, see Aaron, 4.
52 Barry, H. Russian metallurgical works, iron, copper, and gold concisely
described. Lond. 1870. IGmo. ($2.00.) Ck.
53 Barry, W. Venezuela: gold mines of Guyana and River Orinoco during
1886. Lond. 1880. P. Svo. 6s. Me.
51 Barstow, W. Sulphurets. With chapter on the blow-pipe assaying of
minerals. San Francisco, 1867. 12m o. $1.00. Ck Bu.
55 Bartlett, F. L. Minerals of New England: where and how to find them.
Portland, Me., 1877. 16mo. bds. 50c; pap. 25c. Ck Di M*.
Baryta, see Davies 208.
P.issic Bessemer process. Wedding, H. 1891. $3.50. 878.
J'mxic lining, see Wedding 878.
7fc(,s.s Rock, geology of the, see Miller 536.
56 Bauerman, H. Textbook of descriptive mineralogy. Illus. (Long. T. P>. S.)
Lond. 1884. 12mo. (16mo.) 6s., $2.25. Am B Ck Lin V.
57 Bauerman, H. Textbook of systematic mineralogy. Illus. (Long. T. P>. S.)
Lond. 1881. Fcap. Svo. (12mo.) 6s., $2.50. Am B Ck Lm V.
58 Bauerman, H. Treatise on the metallurgy of iron. Containing history of
iron manufacture, methods of assay, and analyses of iron ores, processes
of manufature of iron and Steel, &c. 6th rev. and enl. ed. Illus. (VVeale's
Ser.) Lond. (1882) 1889, 12mo. 5s., and 5s 6^., $2.00.
B Ck Fa Lg V Wn .
59 Bayley, Th. Pocket book for chemists, chemical manufacturers, tnctalliirg-
ists, dyers, distillers, etc. (Collection of factors, atomic weights, and all
other useful data.) 4th ed. Lond. (1881)1886; the same, 5th ed. Lond.
1890, each Obi. 32mo. leather 5s., $2.00. B Ck Sp V.
N. B. Synopsis of contents: Atomic weights and factors useful data chemical calculations
rules for indirect analysis weights and measures thermometers and barometers
chemical physics bailing points, etc. solubility of substances methods of obtaining
specific gravity conversion of hydrometers strength of solutions by specific gravity -
analysis gas analysis water analysis qualitative analysis and reactions volumetric
analysis manipulation mineralogy assaying alcohol beer sugar miscellaneous
technological matter relating to potash, soda, sulphuric acid, chlorine, tar products,
petroleum, milk, tallow, photography, prices, etc.
60 Bayley, Th. The assay and analysis of iron and steel, iron ores and fuel.
Illus. Lond. (1884) 1890. P. Svo. (12mo.) 3s 6d., $1.40. Ck Sp.
61 Becker, G. F. Geology of the Comstock lode and Washoe district. Illus.
and atlas. (U. S. Geog. Survey, monog.) Wash., D. C., 1883. 4to., atlas
folio, $11.00. Ga.
62 Beetons' Dictionary of industries and commerce; including building, banking,
mining, mechanism, and many other practical and useful subjects. Illus.
Lond. 1888. Svo, 7s Gd, $3.00. W.
63 Bell, I. L. Chemical phenomena of iron smelting. An experimental and
practical examination of the circumstances which determine the capacity
of the blast furnace, the temperature of the air, and the proper condition of
the materials to be operated upon. Lond. 1872. Svo, 15s. Ck Bw Sp.
64 Bell, I. L. Gaseous fuel, in vol. 1889, II No. 434.
r>r> Bell, I. L. Notes of a visit to the coal and iron mines and ironworks in the
U. S., in vol. 1875, I No. 434.
66 Bell, I. L. Notes of a visit to coal and iron mines and work in the U. S.
Lond. 1875. 2s. Bw.
67 Bell, I. L. Occlusion or absorption of gaseous matter by fused silicates, and
its possible connection with volcanic agency, in vol. 1881, II No. 434.
68 Bell, I. I*. On the separation of carbon; silicon, sulphur, and phosphorus
in the refining and puddling furnace, in vols. 1877, I, II No. 434.
69 Bell, I. L. On separation of phosphorus from pig iron, in vol. 1878, I
No. 434.
70 Bell, I. It. Principles of the manufacture of iron and steel. With some
notes on the economic conditions of their productions. Illus. Loud. :md
N. Y. 1884. Svo. 1 Is. $8.00. Ck Bw Sp V \Vn.
Contains: Direct processes for making malleable iron; preliminary treatment of material for
the blast furnace; the blast furnace; on the use and theory of the hot blast: on the quality
of the fuel required in the blast furnace using air of different temperatures; on the solid
products of blast furnace; chanrical changes as they take place in the blast furnace; on the
equivalents of heat evolved by the fuel iu the blast furnace: on hydrogen and compounds
in the blast furnaces; on the production of malleable iron from pig iron in low hearths; on
the refining and puddling furnace; methods of separating; statistical; British labor com-
pared vyith that of the Continent and Europe; on labor iu the United States; chief iron
producing countries compared.
71 Bell, I. L. Sum of heat utilized in smelting Cleveland ironstone, in vol.
1875, I No. 434.
7i5 Bell, I. L. The reduction of ores of iron in the blast furnace, in vol. 1887, II
No. 434.
73 Bell, I. L. The use of raw coal in the blast furnace, in vol. 1884, I No. 434.
74 Bell, I. L. The value of successive additions to the temperature of the air
used in smelting iron, in vol. 1883, I No. 434.
Bell 'inetal, see Krupp and W. 463.
75 Belt, Th. The naturalist in Nicaragua: a narrative of a residence at the gold
mines of Chontales. 2d rev. and corr. ed. Lond 1888. P. Svo. 7s Gd. Bw.
7(> Benedict, H. H. Coal dealers'. ready reckoner. N. Y. 1SUO. $2.00, .Cm.
77 Berge's complete natural history of the animal, mineral and vegetable king-
doms. Ed. by It. F. Crawford, lllus. and col. pi. Lond. 1890. 8vo. 5s. Da.
78 Beringer, C. and J. J. Textbook of assaying for those connected with mines.
lllus. and diag. Lond. 1889. P. Svo. (12rno.) 10s Gd. $4.25.
Gb Ld Sp V Wn.
N. B. The author has endeavored to give rather what will be of use to the assayer, than to
cover the ground within the limits of a faulty definition. Under the more important meth-
ods, he has given the results of a series of experiments showing the effect cf varying condi-
tions on the accuracy of the process. From Prospectus.
78a Bernays, J. New pits and hauling machinery for the San Domingo mines,
in vol. 1879, Soc. Eng. Trans.
79 Berthelot, M. P. E. Explosive materials; a series of lectures delivered
before the College de France, trans, by M. Benjamin, to which is added ^
short historical sketch of gunpowder, trans, from the German of K.
Braun, by Lieut. J. P. Wisser, U. S. A.; and a bibliography of works on
explosives. (V. N. S. S.) N. Y. 1883. 18mo, bds. 50c. Cn Sp V.
Jfcsxenier process. See also Steel Iron.
Wedding, H. Bassic Bessemer process. 1.891. $:>.50. 878;
see Directory 218, Dunlap 228, Griiner 337, Howe 385, 386, Landrin 471, Sne-
lus 767.
80 fBevan, G. Phil. The industrial classes and industrial statistics. 2 vols. W.
maps Lond. (n. d.) P. Svo, each 3s. Gd. in 1 vol. 3s Gd, $1.50. B Ck Sp Sr.
Contents: Mining industries, metal manufacturers, finished metal trades, chemical
works, etc.
81 fBevari, G. Phil., ed. British manufacturing industries: a series of 14 vols.,
each containing 3 or more subjects by eminent writers. Lond. (n. d.) P.
Svo, (r2iiio) each vol. 3s Gd. $1.50. ' B Ck Sp Sr.
Contents of the 14 vols. Iron and steel, by W. M. Williams; copper, by J. A.
Phillips; brass, tin and zinc, by W. Graham. Metallic mining, by W. \V.
Smith; coal, by A. A. Galletly; collieries, by W. W. Smyth; building stones,
by Prof. 1 1 nil;' ox plosive compounds, by W. M. Williams, Guns, nails, locks,
wood screws, railway bolts and spikes, buttons, pins, needles, saddlery, elec-
troplate, by W. C. Aitken; pens and papier-mache, ammunition, percussion
caps and cartridges, anchors and chain cables, by G. Liiidsey; acids and
alkalis, by Pro/. Church; oils and candles, by W. M.Williams; gas and light-
ting, by K. II . Patterson. Hosiery and lace, 'by W. Felkin; carpets, by Christ.
Dresser; dyeing and bleaching, by T. Sims. Wool, by Prof. Archer; flax and
linen, by Sir Win. Charley; 'cotton, by I. 'Watts; silk, by B. F. Cobb. Pot-
tery, by L. Arnoux; glass and silicates, by Prof. Barff; furniture and wood-
work, by J. W. Pollen. Paper, by Prof. Archer; printing, by J. llatton;
bookbinding by H. T. Wood; engraving, by S. Davenport; photography^ by
A. Le Neve Foster; toys, by G. C. Hartley. Tobacco, by J. Dunning;
hides and leather, gutta-percha and india-rubber, by J. Collint; fibres and
cordage, by P. L. Simmonds. Ship-building, by Capt. Bedford; telegraphs;
by Robert Sabine; agricultural machinery, by Prof. WrigUtson; railways and
tramways, by J). K. Clark. Jewelery, by G. AVallis; gold-working, by Rev.
Chas. Boutell; watches and clocks, by F. Brittoii; musical instruments, by E.
F. Rimbaiilt; cutlery, by F. Callis. Salt, preserved provisions, bread, bis-
cuits, by J. J. Mauley; sugar refining, by C. H. Gill; butter and cheese, by
M. Evans; brewing and distilling, by T. Pooley.
82 Bird, C. Elementary manual of geology. Illus. and geological map of the
British Isles. (Longm.'s elem. sci. man.) Lond. 1890. P. 8vo. iis <">,/, .soc.
net. Lm.
S3 fBischof, G. Elements of chemical and physical geology. Ed. and in part
trans, by B. H. Paul and I. Drummond. 3 vols. Lond. 1854. Demy 8vo.
(Svo.) 1 11s Gd. $20.00. He V.
Jiisiiiuth, see Aaron 2, Charleston 140, Kerl I, 445, Krupp and W. 463, Osborn
605, Percy VII, 632, Phillips 643, Spon's Dict'y., part 11, 774, Thurston III,
823; see also Metallurgy.
Bituminous coal, see Davies 208, Sword 799; see also Coal.
84 Blair, A. A. The chemical analysis of iron: a complete account of all the
best-known methods for the analysis of iron, steel, pig iron, iron ore, lime-
stone, slag, clay, sand, coal, coke and furnace and producer gases. Illus.
Phila. 1888. Svo. $4.00. B Cfc Ld Wn.
N. B. A new ed. in preparation.
85 Blake, W. P. Notices of mining machinery and various mechanical appli-
ances. New Haven 1870. Svo. $2.00. Ck Pk.
80 Blake, W. P. Report of a geological reconnaissance in California, made in
connection with the expedition to survey routes in California, to connect
with the surveys of routes for a railroad from the Mississippi river to the
Pacific oceW N. Y. 1858. 4to. $6.00. V.
87 Blake, W. P. Report upon the precious metals. Being statistical notices of
the principal gold and silver producing regions of the world, represented at
the Paris Universal Exposition. Wash. 1869. Svo. $2.00. Ck Ga V.
8J* Blanchard, G. A., and Weeks, E. P. Law of mines, minerals and mining
rights. San Francisco 1877. Svo. shp. $7.50. Bd Wh.
89 fBlanford, W. T. Geology and Zoology of Abyssinia. W. col. illus. andg^ol.
map. Lond. (n. d.) Svo. 1 Is. Ma.
Blast furnace. See also Smelting.
Grimer, M. L. Studies of blast furnace phenomena. 1S74. 7* <>'./. :>:>s.
Srhlinz, C. Researches on action of blast furnaces. JS7o. 8* o(),
see Bell 70, Directory 218, Duiilap 228, Meade 529, Mills 545, Spoil parts 11,
12. 774.
Blast furnace slay.
Ntirsey, P. F. Uses of blast furnace slag. 59:>.
Blasting. See also Explosives Rockblasting Tunneling.
Burgoyne, J. Blasting stone. 18(52. IsGd. 125.
Drinker, H. S. Explosive compounds. 188:5. $5.00. 225.
Drinker, H. S. Tunneling. 1888. $25.00. 22(1.
Foster, J. G. Submarine blasting, is<>9. *:;.oo. 2(>4;
see Andre 16, Bowie 105, Spoil parts 10 to 19. 774. Spun part o. 775.
Blasting gravel blanks, see Bowie 105.
Blast-machines, see Overman 612.
Ittoomaries, see Directory 218.
Blowpipe analysis. See also Analytical Chemistry Assaying Chemistry
Metallurgy Mineralogy.
Attwood, G. Blowpipe assaying. 1881. 5. on. 40.
Cornwall, H. B. Blowpipe analysis. 1882. $2.50. 170.
KMc-rhorst, W. Manual of. 1881. $2.50. 2W.
Fuchs, C. W. C. Determination of Minerals by blowpipe. 1875. 5s 280.
LandauerJ. Blowpipe analysis. 1879. 4-s (M. 470.
Pluttner, T. H. Manual of. 1888. $5.00. 651.
Plympton, G. W. The Blowpipe. 1881. $1.50. 652.
Ross, W. A. Manual of. 1880. 5s. 711.
Ross, W. A. Blowpipe in chemistry. 1888. 5*. 7! 2.
Srlieerer, T. Introduction to the use of mouth blowpipe. 1875. 4*. 7:50;
see Hurst. iw 54, Brush 120, Mott 562, Triplett 8:;: 1 ,.
Blowpipe-flame furnace. Enirert, A. C. 242.
90 Bloxam, C. L. Chemistry: inorganic and organic; with experiments. Glh
rev. and enlarged ed. Illus. London. 1888. Svo. 18s. $4.50; the same,
7th rev. and enl. ed. Illus. Lond. 1890. Svo. 18*. $4.50; sheep $5.50.
B Bs Cg Wn.
N. B. This the 7th edition of "Bloxam's Chemistry" has been yery thoroughly revised and as
far as possible brought up to date. Many changes have been made, though the general
arrangement remains the same. The Chemistry of vegetation has been mostly rewritten,
and the sections on explosives to which the work owes considerable reputation, have been
carefully gone over.
( J1 Bloxam, C. L. Laboratory teachings; or progressive exercises in practical
chemistry. 4th ed. Illus. Lond. 1879. Cr. 8vo. (12mo) 5s Oil. $1.75.
B Bs Cg.
92 Bloxam, C. L. Metals, their properties and treatment. Partially rewritten
and augmented by A. K. Huntington. New ed. Illus. Lond. (1870) 1882.
Fcap. 8vo. (12mo) 5s. $2.00. B Ck Lm V.
Boiling point tables. Carnelly, Th. 1885. 2v., each 42s. 137.
93 Boddy, E. M. The history of salt; with observations on its geographical
distribution, geological formation and medicinal and dietetic properties.
Lond. 1881. 8vo. 2s Qd, $1.25. B Bb.
94 Bodeman, T., and Kerl B. Treatise on the assaying of load, silver, copper, gold
and mercury. Trans, from the German by W. A. Goodyear. New ed. Illus.
N. Y. (1880) 1883. 12mo. $2.50, red. to $1.50. B Ck Fa Wm.
95 fBolley, Dr. Manual of technical analysis; a guide for the testing and valua-
tion of the various natural and artificial substances employed in the arts
and domestic economy, ed. by Dr. Paul. Illus. Lond. (Bonn's Sclent. Lib.)
Lond. (n. d.) 12mo. 5s. Bi.
96 Bolton, H. C. Quantitative analysis. The student's guide in quantitative
analysis. Designed as an aid to Fresenius' large work, with many original
methods by the author. Illus. N. Y. 1885. 8vo. $1.50. B Ck Wm.
97 Bone, J. H. A. Petroleum and petroleum wells. 2d rev. and enl. ed. Fhila.
(1865). 18mo. 75c. o. p. Ck Ld.
98 Bonney, G. E. The olectroplater's handbook: a practical manual for ama-
teurs and young students in electro-metallurgy. Illus. Lond. 1891. P. 8vo.
(12mo) 3s, $1.20. Bi V Wi.
N. B Those for whom the work is designed, are supposed to have an elementary knowledge
of electrical science. Practical advice is given as to the selection of tools, metals and
chemicals to be employed in obtaining good results in electro-plating. The history and
origin of the dynamo is given, with the mechanical construction of numerous dynamic
machines, which will be of service to workers in this scientific industry. Much is said
about the process which the various metals undergo in short, everything that is helpful
or relative to the subject is considered. Pub. Weekly.
99 fBonney, T. G. Cambridgeshire geology. A sketch for the use of students.
Lond. (n. d.) Demy Svo. 3s. Bi.
100 fBonney, T. G. Elementary manual of geology. Lond. (n. d.) Is. Sm.
101 Bonney, T. G. Ilock specimens from Socotra, Lond. 1883. 4to. 3s. Te.
102 Booth,, J. C., and MorfH, C. Encyclopaedia of chemistry. Practical and
theoretical, empracing its application to the art*, METALLURGY, MINERAL-
OGY, GEOLOGY, etc. 8th ed. illus. Phila. 1883. Svo. $5.00. B.
Borax, see Davies 208.
103 Bourn, H. H. Earth's diamonds; or, coal, its formation and value. Lond.
1882. 12mo. 2s 6 d, red. to 2s. Pe.
104 Bowen, E. Coal, coal oil, and other minerals in the earth. Phila. 1865.
1 mo. $1.75. Ck PL
105 Bowie, A. J. jr. Practical treatise on hydraulic mining in California, with
description of the use and construction of ditches, flumes, wrought-iron
pipes and darns, flow of water on heavy grades, and its applicability under
high pressure to mining. Illus. N. Y. 1885. 8vo. (Hoy. Svo.) $5.00. 1 Is.
B DC Sp V.
Contents: The records of gold washing; history and development of placer mining in Culi"
fornia; general topography and geology of California; the distribution of gold and deposits;
and the value of different strata; amount of workable gravel remaining in California; the
different methods of mining gold placers; preliminary investigations; reservoirs and dams,
measurement of flowing water; ditches and flumes; pipes and nozzles; various mechanical
appliances; blasting gravel banks: tunnels and sluices; tailings and dump; washing or
hydraulieking; distribution of gold in sluices; loss of gold and quicksilver; duty ol the
miner's inch; btatistics of the costs of working, and the yield of gravel.
106 Bowman, J. E. Practical chemistry, including analysis. 8th ed., rev. by
C. L. Bloxam. Illus. Lond. 1885. 12mo. 5s Qd, $2.00. Bs Cg.
107 Boyd, B. N. Coal mines inspection: its history and results. Lond. 1879.
Demy Svo. (Svo) 14s, $5.00. Aa Ck.
108 Boyd, C. B. Resources of Southwest Virginia; showing the mineral deposits
of iron, coal, zinc, copper and lead; also the staples of the various counties,
methods of transportation, access, etc. 3d ed. W. maps and pi. N. Y.
1881. Svo. $2.50 and $3,00. Ck Wm.
Brakes for winding and hauling, see Percy 633.
109 Brannt, Wm. T., ed. The metal-worker's bandybook of receipts and processes;
being a collection of chemical formulas and practical manipulations for the
working of all metals and alloys, lllus. Pbila. 1890. 12mo. $2.50.
B Me Sp.
110 Brannt, Wm. T., ed. The metallic alloys: a practical guide for tbe manu-
facture of all kinds of alloys, amalgams and solders used by metal work-
ers; together with- their chemical and physical properties and their appli-
cation in the arts and industries; with an appendix on the coloring of
alloys. Trans, and ed. chiefly from the German of A. Krupp and A. Wild-
berger. lllus. Phil. 1889. "l2mo. $2.50. B Ck SpWn.
N. B. It is believed that there is no other recent work in the English language on metallic
alloys which combines with practical usefulness a sufficiently popular character, for
those readers who have not made metallurgy and its kindred rts objects of special study.
The boon treats on all matters relating to the subject, and will explain to the mechanic
and artist the properties of the metallic alloys and amalgams as far as they find applica-
tion in any branch of technology and the industries, Williams.
111 Brannt, Wm. T., and Wahl, Wm. H. The techno-chemical receipt book;
containing several thousand receipts of the latest discoveries in chemical
technology, and their application in arts and industries. lllus. Phila.
1886. 12ino, $2.00. B Ck V.
Jiwm, see also Metallic Alloys.
(iraham, W. Brass founders' manual. 1887. 2*. I>1(>.
(iraluun, AV. Brass, etc., in Bevan's Brit. Man. Indus.
Larkin, J. Brass and iron founders' guide. ISSl. 2.25. 47:>;
see Krupp and W. 403, Percy II, <>32; Tlmrstoii III, 82:;.
112 Price, S. W. Coalfield of North Somersetshire. Lond. 1867, 8vo, 2s. Bk.
J trick work of tunnels, see Simms 749,
Urine Springs, see Davies 208.
113 Bristow, H. W. A glossary of mineralogy. lllus. Lond. (1867) 1881. P. 8vo.
12mo. red. to 6s, $3.00. B Ck Lm V.
Britannia metal, see Krupp and W. 463,
Bronze and bronze alloys, see Krupp and W. 463, Nursey 590, Thurston III,
823; see also Metallic Alloys.
114 Brough, B. H. Treatise on mine surveying for the use of managers of
mines and collieries and students at the Royal School of mines, City and
Guilds of London Institute, etc. lllus. London. 1888. Cr. 8vo, 12mo. 7 (M,
$2.50. B Cn Gb Ld V AVn.
Contents: General explanations; the measurement of distances; the miner's dial, the va-
riation of the magnetic needle; surveying with the magnetic needle in the presence of
iron; surveying with the fixed needle; the German dial; the theodolite; traversing under-
ground; surface surveys with the theodolite; plotting the survey; calculation of
areas; leveling; correction of the underground and surface surveys; measuring distances
by telescope; setting out; mine surveying problems; mine plans; application of the
magnetic needle in mining.
N. B. The present work is intended primarily for students; and at the same time it will
also, it is hoped, be found useful as a companion to the standard works of reference on
land surveying. From the publitfter' s circular,
115 Brough, B. H. Use of the magnetic needle in exploring for iron ore, in
1887, I, No. 434.
115a Brown, M. W. Experiments with explosives used in mines. A paper read
before the North of England Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engin-
eers, Oct. 11, 1889. Lond. 1890. (Price not known.) Sp.
116 Brown, Rich. The coalfields and the coal trade of the island of Cape Bre-
ton. With maps and illus. Lond. 1871. 8vo. 7s 6d, $3.00. Ck Lo.
117 Brown, W. L. Manual of assaying gold, silver, copper and lead ores. 3d
rev. and corr. ed. lllus. and col. pi. Chic. (1883, $1.75; 1886, $1.50) 1889.
12mo. (Cr. 8vo.) $2.50, 12s-6d. B Ck-Fa M Sa Sp V.
N. B. A new ed. in preparation.
This manual is devoted to the assaying of the ores of the four metals mentioned, but
principally to those of gold and silver. Jivery step is clearly denned from the crushing
of the rough ore to the weighing of the linal panicle of gold obtained. Williams.
"The most essential point that struck me was the plain, common-sense manner in which
you handle the subject. Jf more of our scientists would follow where you have dared to
lead, and would free their subjects from useless technicalities and abstruse phrases, there
would be less stumbling and misunderstanding among their students and readers, and
more confidence given to them by those who have need of their services."//. D. Whitte-
more, C. E. and M. E.
118 Brown, W. L. The same. Rev., corr. and considerably enl., and with a
chapter on the assaying of fuels by A. B. Griffiths. Lond. 1890. 12mo.
7s Qd. Hi.
119 Brown, J. Ross. Mineral resources of the states and territories West of
the Kocky mountains, Wash., D. C. 1868. 8vo, $3.00. V.
120 Brush, Geo. J. Manual of determinative mineralogy, with an introduction
on blowpipe analysis. 12th rev. and corr. ed. Illus. N. Y. (1888) 1890.
8vo. $3.50 net. B Ck~Wm.
N. B. This constitutes the determinative part of Dana's mineralogy.
121 fBuckland, F. T. Geology and mineralogy. With addit. by Prof. Owen,
Prof. Phillipps and E. Brown. With index and memoir of Buckland. 2
vols. W. portr. (Bonn's Sci. Lib.) Vol. I, text; vol. II, 90 large oblong
plates with explanatory letter press. Lond. (1837), 12mo. Each vol. 5s.
13.00. Bi Le V
122 Bucknill, J. T. Submarine mines and torpedoes as applied to harbor de-
fense. Illus. N. Y. 1889. 8vo. $4.00. Sp Wm.
123 Budge, J. The practical miner's guide. Comprising a set of tables adapted
to all purposes of drilling; also a treatise on assaying silver, copper, lead
and tin. Lond. 1845. 8vo. 12s, $5.00. Ck Lm.
Buhr stones, see Osborne 605.
Building stones, see also Stone.
Hull. Building stones. Bevan's Brit. Man. Indus. Each ?>s (\d. 81.
To builders and quarrymen, 1880. 827a;
see Kniiint-NYahl 111, California 7th and 8th reports, 129a, 1291), Davics 20S,
United States 841, Wine-hell 933 and <)3.
124 Bull, M. Experiments to determine the comparative value of the principal
varieties of fuel used in the U. S. and also in Europe, etc. Illus. Lond.
1827. Svo. ($1.50.) Ck.
125 Burgoyne, Sir J. The blasting and quarrying of stone for building and
other purposes. With remarks on the blowing up of bridges. Illus. (Weale's
Ser.) Lond. 1862. 12mo. Is Qd. L-g.
126 Burnham, S. M. History and uses of limestone and marbles. With 48
chromo-lithographic illustrations of antique and modern marbles. Bost.
1883. 8vo. (6.00). Ce Ck.
127 Burnham, S. M. Precious stones in nature, art and literature. Illus. Bust.
1886. 8vo. $3.50. Cc Ck.
128 Butlin, W. H. The Northampton iron ore district, in 1883, 1, No. 434.
129 Byrne, O. The practical metal worker's assistant: comprising metallurgic
chemistry; the acts of working all metals and alloys; forging of iron and
steel; hardening and tempering; melting and mixing; casting and found-
ing; work in sheet metal; the processes depending on the ductility of the
metals; soldering and the most improved processes and tools used by
metalworkers. With the application of the art of electro-metallurgy to
manufacturing processes; collected from original scources, and from the
works of Holzapfel, Bergeron, Leupold, Plnmier, Napier, Scoffern, Clay,
Fairbairn and others. New rev. and improv. ed. With appendix, con-
taining the manufacture of Russian sheet iron, by J. Percy; the manufac-
ture of malleable iron castings and improvements in Bessemer steel, by
A. A. Fesquet. Illus. Phila. 1882. Svo. $7.00. B Ck.
Cadmium, see Kerl, vol. I, 445; Krupp and W. 463; see also Metnllurgj'.
Cages and conductors, see Percy I, 633; see also Mining machinery, etc.
129a California State Mining Bureau. Wm. Irelan, jr., State Mineralogist. 7th
annual report of the State Mineralogist for the year ending Oct. 1st, 1887.
Illus. Sacramento, Cal., 1888. Svo, pap. n. p. I.
Contents: prospecting for oil, petroleum in Venezuela, Argentine Republic, and Russia;
Petroleum as a fuel; refining of petroleum; chemistry ot petroleum; assays of petroleum
in California; drilling; petroleum produced in and exported from the U. S.; locating
claims under U. S. laws; asphaltum and its uses; laying of asphaltum oil public through-
fares in San Francisco; analyses of asphaltum in California; locating claims under T T . K.
laws; natural gas in the Eastern states; coal land laws, and regulations; petroleum,
asphalt, and natural gas in California; annual review of coal trade; coal in California;
natural gas and coal in California; petroleum and asphalt in portions of Northern Cali-
fornia; building stones; production of precious metals.
129b California State Mining Bureau. 8th annual report of the same, for 1888.
With plates, maps, and illus. Sacramento, Cal., 1888. Svo, pap. n. p. I.
Contents: Aaron, C. H. Notes on hydro metallurgy of gold and silver; Attwood, M.
Lithology of wall rocks; Jackson, A. W. Building stones: Dunn, R. L. Drift mining in
California; Milling of gold ores; Import of minerals and mineral products; mineral
resources of the state; Mining bureau; Notes on Western lead smelting.
129c California State Mining Bureau. 9th annual' report of the same, for 1889.
Richly illus. Sacramento, Cal., 1889. Svo, pap. n. p. I.
Contents: Hammond, J. H. Auriferous gravels of California; Johnston, W D. Clays;
Coal product of California; Cooper, J. G. Value of fossils as indications of important
mineral products; Dunn, R. L. River mining; Willey, II. I. Geological survey of Cal.,
Gumbinner, S. Refining and coining of precious metals; Slate quarrying in Cal. Mineral
products of the U. S.
129d California State Mining Bureau. lOlh annual report of the same, for 1890.
Illus., plates, tables, and maps. Sacramento, Cal., 1890. 8vo, pap. n.p. I.
Contains; Hilgard, E. W. Asphalt mine of Ventura Asphalt Company; Wheelan, F. H.
Gas well at Sommerland; Fairbanks, H. W. Geology of the mother lod'e; Johnston, W. D.
Gold extraction by pottassium cyamide; Petersdorft", F. C., von. Lead smelting; Hamm-
ond, R. P., jr. Location of mines; Mineral lands within the railroad grant; Randol, J. Ii.
Mines and mining, quicksilver; Hammond, J. H. Mining of gold ores in Cal.; DeGroot, H.
San Francisco ocean placer, auriferous beach sands.
130 Gallon, J. Lectures on mining, delivered at the School of Mines, Paris,
Trans, by C. Le Neve Foster, and W. Galloway. 3 vols. Lond. 187080.
v. I., Roy. 8vo., text, with 4to. atlas, 1. 6s., $10.50; v. II., w. atlas, 1. 16s.,
$14.50; v. III., w. atlas, 18s. Ck Cn Du V.
N. B. "The large number of students, who derived advantage from the admirable lectures
of Prof. Callon during his long occupancy of a professorial chair at the Ecole des Mines,
caused his name to be known wherevtr French engineers are employed in mining under-
takings, and the fact that his biographers are able to write that ' method and order were
the guiding principles of Gallon's professional career, and in him these qualities were
combined with unflagging attention to duty and to work,' will sullice to satisfy the
mining students of his country that his mining lectures are well worth reading. The
circulation of the work among Cornishmen is calculated to produce a highly beneficial
result." Mining Journal.
131 Calvert, J. Vazeeri Rupi, the silver country of the Vazeers, in Kulu: its
beauties, antiquities, and silver mines, including a trip over the lower
Him.ala.yah range and glaciers. Illus. Lond. 1873. 8vo. 10s, $0.00. Sp.
Cambridgeshire geology. Bonney, T. G. 3s. 99.
132 fCampbell, J. F. My circular notes. Extracts from journals; letters sent
home; geological and other notes, written while travelling westwards
round the world, from July Gth, 1874, to July Gth, 1875. Cheap ed. Lond.
(n. d.) Cr. 8vo. 6s. Ma.
133 Campbell, J. L. Geology and mineral resources of the James River
Valley, Virginia. With map and geolog. sections, N. Y., 1884. Svo.
$1.00. Pz.
134 Campin, F. Practical treatise on mechanical engineering: comprising
metallurgy, moulding, casting, forging, tools, workshop machinery, me-
chanical manipulation, manufacture of steam engines, etc. With an
appendix on the analysis of iron and iron ores, by Francis Campin, to
which are added: observations on the construction of steam boilers, and
remarks upon furnaces used for smoke prevention; with a chapter on
explosions, by R. Armstrong and John Bourne. Rules for calculating
the change wheels for screws an the turning lathe, and for a wheel-
cutting machine, by J. La Nicca. Management of steel, including forging,
hardening, tempering, annealing, shrinking and expansion and the case-
hardening of iron, by G. Ede. Illus. and pi. Phila. (1803 $0.00); 1877,
Svo, $5.00. B Ck Cn V.
135 Campin, F. Mechanical engineering. Comprising metallurgy, moulding,
casting, forging, tools, workshop, machinery, mechanical manipulation,
manufacture of the steam engine, etc. Illus. (Weale's Ser.) Lond. 1881,
12mo. 2s Qd and 3s., $1.00. Ck Lg V.
Carbide of iron.
Rollet, A. Rollet process for producing a pure carbide of iron. 703.
Carbonate cctmps.
Sweet, W. Carbonate camps of Colorado, 1879. 25c. 797.
Carburisation of iron.
Roberts-Austen. On carburis. of iron by the diamond. 092.
130 Carey, A. Autobiographies of coal, salt, water, eic. Lond. 1870. 12mo.
2s tid. Cb.
137 Carnelley, Thorn. Smelting and boiling point tables. 2 vols. Lond. 1885.
Roy. 4to., each vol. 2, 2s. He.
138 Carter, J. H. Roller mining machinery, in vol. 1883, Soc. Eng. Trans.
(hm-m, see Shaler 737.
189 Centennial Exhibition. Official reports of the judges, group I: minerals,
mining and metallurgy. Illus. Phila. 1878. 8vo. pap. $2.00. !Ld.
Centrifugal ventilating machines, see Mnrgue 500; see also Ventilation.
Certificated managers of coal mines, see Roy 718.
Chalk. See also Lias Limestone.
Galloway, W. B. Chalk. 2s Gd. 288.
Charcoal. See also Coke Coal Fuel.
Svedelin's, G. Handbook for charcoal burners. 1874. $1.50. 702.
Charcoal furnace, see Overman 612.
Charcoal-hearth processes, see Howe, 385, 380.
140 Charleton, A. G. Tin: describing the chief methods of mining, dressing
and smelting it abroad, with notes, upon arsenic, bismuth and wolfram.
With drawings carefully laid down to scale, chiefly from original sketches.
Lond. 1884. 8vo. 12* Gd. $5.00. B Ck- Sp.
Chemical problems. Foye, J. C. 1885. 50.
Chemical reactions. Drechsel, E. 1880. $1.25. 224.
Chemical technology. See also. Analytical Chemistry Chemistry.
Groves and Thorpe, 1880. 336.
Wagner, II. Handbook o 1887. $5.00. 85!).
Chemistry. See also Analytical Chemistry Chemical Technology Blow-
pipe Elect roysis Volumetric Analysis.
Bloxam, C.L. Inorganic and organic. 1890. 18.s. 00.
Booth and Morfit. Encyclopaedia of efiem. 1883. $5.00. 102.
Bowman, J. E. Pract. chem. 1885. 5.x Gd. 100.
Galloway, R. Fundamental principles of chemistry. 1888. GsG.
Muter,,!. Pract. and analyt. chem. 1887. Gs Gd. 570.
Payen, B. II. Industrial chemistry. 1878. 42s. 02(5.
Richter, V. Textbook of inorganic chem. 1800. $2.00. 087.
Puchter, V. Chemistry of carbon compounds. 1801. $3.00. 080.
Ricketts and Russell. Skeleton notes on chemistry. 1880. $2.00. (500.
Koscoe, II. E. Lessons in elementary chem. 1888. $1.50. 704.
lloscoe and Schorlemmer. Treat, on chemistry. 3 vols. 138.s. 705.
Roscoe and S. The same. 3 vols. 1888 00. ' '$30.00. 70(5.
Thorpe, J. E. Dictionary of applied chem. 3 v. 1801. Each 42* 820.
Trimble, 11. Pract. and analytical chem. 1880. $1.50. S32.
AVatts, II. Dictionary of chem. 5 v. 18(58. 143s. 87:5; supple-in. 4 v. 874.
Watts. The same. Rev. by Morley and Mnir. 4 v. 188000, each 42x.
AVatts (Fowne). Manual of chem. 1880. lO.s. 87G.
Wood, T. Chemical notes. 1868. S* Gd. 04:5.
Wood, T. Notes on the metals. 1808. 5s. 044;
see Bloxam .01 , Nystrom 504.
Chemistry of petroleum, see California 7th report. 129a.
141 Chester; A. H. Catalogue of minerals alphabetically arranged. With their
chemical composition and synonyms. N. Y. 1886. Svo. $1.25.
Ck Wm.
Chilian process of leaching, see Aaron 4.
China clays, see Davies 208; see also Minerals.
142 Chisholm, J. C. Manual of the coal mines regulation net, 1887. Rev. by
Counsel in England and Scotland. Lond. 1888. Svo. 7s 6^. Ss.
143 Chism, Rich. E. The mining code of the republic of Mexico. Translated
from the official editions in the original Spanish, with the regulations for
the organization of the mining deputations and the schedule for the levy-
ing of fees and dues with all the latest official circular, and decisions of
the mining section of the Ministry of Public AA f orks, and with the laws of
June 6, 1887, and upon the taxation of mines and theii; products, the con-
cession of a mining territory and the purchase of a process for the treat-
ment of ores. N. Y. 1889. $100. Sb.
Cfilorination process, see Kustel, 466.
Chlorine, see Davies 208.
Chontales gold mines. Belt, T. 1888. 7s Gd. 75.
Chronium, see Aaron 2, Howe 385, 386, Osborn 605; See also Metallurgy.
144 Church, A. H. Precious stones: considered in their scientific and artistic
relations, with a catalogue of the To\v*nsend collection of gems in S. Ken-
sington museum. W. col. pi. and illus. (S. K. M. S. A. H.) Lond. 1883,
cr.Svo. (12mo) 2s Qd. $1.25. B Ce.
145 Church, John A. Comstock Lode; its formation and history. W. pi. and
13 figures. N. Y. 1879. 4to. $5.00. B Ck Fa Wra.
N. B. The Comstock mines. The Comstock lode. The lode rocks. Thediorite. Thepropylite.
The clays. Evidence of tree growths in the propyllte. The andesite. The trachyte.
The metamorphie rocks. History of the lode rocks "from the beginning to the formation
of the quartz bodies. Formation of the ore quartz Position of the bonanzas. Descrip-
tion of the mines. Position of the ore. Considerations which affect the Comstock. The
search for bonanzas. The depth of the lode. The parallel quartz Bodies. Future yield.
The zonal arrangement. Ore channels. The divide. The east clay. Position of the ore
bodies. Crushing. Stratification of the eruptive rocks. Character of the siliceous period.
The Justice Lode. Heat phenomena.
145a Church, John A. Notes of a metallurgical journey in Europe. Illus. N. Y.
1873. 8vo. $2.00. B Ck V.
14G Clapp. H. L. Observation lessons on common minerals. Bost. 1889. Pap.
30c. Hh.
147 Clapp, H. L. Notebook to accompany observation lessons. Bost. 1889.
15c., net. Hh.
148 Clark, D. K. Fuel. Its combustion and economy, consisting of abridge-
ments of treatise on the combustion of coal and the prevention of smoke,
by C. W. Williams; and the economy of fuel, by T. S. Pridieux. With
extensive additions in recent practice in the combustion and economy of
fuel, coal, coke, wood, peat, petroleum, etc. Illus. (Weale's Ser.) Lond.
1879. 12mo. 4s 6d. $1.50. B Ck Lg V.
148a Clarke, W. J. Principles of colliery ventilation. Madely, Salop. 1891. Is.
Cn Cs Rd.
149 Classen, A. Quantitative chemical analysis by electrolysis, according to
original methods. Author, trans, from the Id rev. and enl. German ed.
by Wm. H. Herrick. Illus. N. Y. 1887, 8vo. $2.50. B Wm Wn.
Clay, see Blair 84, California 9th report 129c, Davies 208, To builders, 827a,
Winchell 935; see also Minerals.
daypttsy see Rein, 677.
150 Claypole, E. W. The Lake Age in Ohio; or, some episodes during the re-
treat of the North American ice sheet. Cincinnati, O., 1888. Svo, pap. 75c.
151 Cleveland, P. Elementary treatise on mineralogy and geology. 2 vols.
With G plates. Bost. 1882. Svo. ($3.00). Ck.
152 fClement, E. Tabular view of geological systems. Lond. (n. d.) Cr. Svo, Is.
153 Coal-dealers' blue book. N. Y. 1891. S.
The blue book contains a complete list of all coal- dealers, miners and shippers in 1hc>
United States and Canada. Also manufacturers and car-lot consumers with capital and
pay-ratings. All new dealers in the trade reported by supplement and weekly sheets,
as well as all changes, failures, and reports of slow-paying customers. Book will be sent
to any shipper of coal Jree of expence tor examination for five days.
153a Coal Mines (The) regulation act, 1887, with notes and explanations showing
the changes in the law respecting coal mines, etc. Lond. (n. d.) 2s. Cp.
Coal. Coal mines and mining. See also Anthracite Bituminous Charcoal
Coke Collieries Cretaceous Fuel Gas Ventilation Working.
Andre, G. G. Practical treat, on coalmining. 2v. 1878. $28.00. 18.
r.Murn, II. II. Earth's diamonds. 1882. 2*. 103.
I'.owen, K. Coal. 1X1,5. $1.75. 104.
Carey, A. Autobiographies of coal, etc. 1870. 2x (>J. 130.
Collins,.!. 11. Coalmining. 187<>. 1*. 1(>2.
Daddow and Bannan. Coal. 1S(M>. *7.5<). 181.
Fonlyce, \V. History of coal. 181.
Fossil Fuel, 1841. &.<><>. 2<;3.
Gallethy, A. Coal. Sevan's IJrit. Man. Indus. 2S4.
( Jalloway, K. Hist, of coal mining in Gt. Britain 1882. 7-s M.. 28(1.
Goodyear, AV. A. Coal mines of Western coast of I'. S. 1S77. 2.50. 310.
Green, A. H. More about coal. W. 320.
Green, 11. Coal and coal mines. 188<). 75c. 324.
(Ireen, Miall, etc. Coal : hist, and use. 1878. 12.shV. 323.
Gresley, W. S. ( Jlossary of terms used in coal mining. 188:}. 5x. 333.
Hale, P.M. Coal andiron counties in N. Carol. 1883. *1.5o. 341;.
Harper,.!. P. Examples of coal mining. 1881. 52* Od and 45s. 351.
Harper the same II. 25s. 352.
Hartley, F. W. Commercial value and purely of coal. 354.
Hopton, W. Conversation on mines. 1887. 3s (x/. 382.
Hopton. The same. 1890. $1.25. 383.
Hunt, T. S. Coal and iron in southern Ohio. 1881. $1.50. 398.
Jevons, W. S. Coal: its importance. Id. 425.
Jevons, W. S. Coal question. 1800. 10* (id. 424.
Lesley, J. P. Manual of coal. 1850. $1.00
Liefchild, J. R. Coal at home and abroad. 1873. 4s Od. 485.
Macfarlane, J. Coal regions of America. 1875 79. $5.00. 500.
Mather,,!. Coalmines: dangers and means of safety. 1808. 21*. 524.
Meade, R. Goal and iron industries of the United Kingdom. 1881. 28s. 529.
Meldola, R. Coal and what we get from it. 1891. 2s 0(/. 529a.
Mosley, P. New method of mining coal.
Munroe, J. E. C. Sliding scale in coal industry. 1880. Is.
Natorp, G. Coal industry of lower Rhine. 573.
Pamely, C. Colliery manager's hand book. 1891. 25s. 028.
I'echar J. Paris Exhibition: coal and iron 1878. 5s. 028.
Pott's mining register 1890. 10s. 054.
Rogers, II. '].). Geology of Penna. (Coal formations) 1858. $15.00. 700.
Rowell, R. Coal freight tables 1869. 7s (id. 7 Hi.
Rowan, T. Explosion of gas in coal mines. 1883. Id. 715.
Rowan, T. Spontaneous combustion of coal 1882. 5s. 714.
Roy, A. Coal mines. 1870. $2.75. 717.
Roy A. Miner's companion. 1885. $1.25. 718.
Smith, W. Recovery of bye-products from coal. 701 .
Smyth, W. W. Rudimentary treat, on coal 1885. 3.s- ttd. 704.
Sweet, S. H. Special report on coal. 1800: $3.00. 790.
Table of Cubic area of coal 1891 . $1 .00 803.
Taylor, H. C. Statistics of coal. 1855. Scarce. 811.
Thomas, J. W. Treat, on coal. 1878. 10s 6d. 815.
Thomas, T. F. Notes on coal mining. 1880. 2s 6d. 810.
Thorpe, T. E. Coal: hist, and uses. 1878. 12,s 6d. 819.
Tunner. Use of brown coal in blast furnace. 830.
Walton, T. H. Coal mining. 1885. $5.00. 865.
Wardle. Reference book on coal mining 188(5, 1889, 1891, each 15s. 808-870.
Wiltshire, T. History of coal. 1878. Is. 908;
see Annual 22, 23, Barr 51, Bevan 81, Blair 84, Boyd 108, Clark 148, Corn-
wall 170, Fairley 252, Hunt 397, Kingsley 45450, Mills 545, Pepper 031 ,
Percy I, 632, Smith 759, Spoil, parts 6, 7. 775.
Coal cleansing and washing, see Spon, part 6. 775.
Coal cutting, see Hyslop 406.
Coal dealer's ready reckoner. Benedict, H. H. 1890. $2.00. 76.
Coal dealer's reference book. 153.
Coal- deposits, conditions of, see Saward. 728.
Goal-dust furnaces, see Mills. 545.
Coal economy. Danvers, F. C. 1872. 10s 6d. 198.
Coal exhaustion of coal mines, see Jevons. 424.
Coalfields. See also Anthracite coalfields.
Anstie, J. Coalfields of Gloucestershire and Somersetshire. 1873. 6s. 31.
Brice, S. W. of North Somersetshire. 1867. 2s. 112.
Brown, R. of Cape Breton. 1871. 7s 6d. 116.
Dawkins, W. B. Our coalfields. Id. 212.
Fordyce, W. Hist, of coal, etc. 1860. 52s 6d. 261.
Green A. H. Notes on Yorkshire coalfield. 321.
Green and Russell. Geology of Yorkshire coalfield. 1879. 42s. 322.
Greenwell, G. C. Great Northern coalfield. 325.
Homer, C. J. North Staffordshire coalfield. 379.
Hull, E. Coalfields of Gt. Britain. 1880. 16s. 389.
Map of British coalfields. 1861. 2s Gd. 517.
Meade, R. Coal industries. 1881. 28s: 529.
Sheafer, P. W. Anthracite coalfields of Penn'a. 1881. 742;
see Andre 18, Saward 728.
Coalfields, characteristics of, see Andre 18.
Coal heading, see Percy I, 633.
Coal in California, see California 7th report, 129a.
Coal lining. Wanklyn, J. A. Cooper's coal-lining process. 866.
Coal iniiterx' pocket book. Colliery engineers' pocket book. 1889. $2.00. 155.
Coal mines, accidents in, see Accidents. *"
Coal mines, explosions in, see Accidents Explosions Gases.
Coal mines inspection. Boyd, R. N. 1879. 14s 107.
( \>al mines, law relating to.
Abstract and forms under coal mines' act 1887. 4d. 7.
Abstract of coal mines' act 1887. 3d. 8.
California 7th report. 129a.
Chisholm, J. ('. .Manual of coal mine's act 1887. 7s (yd. 142.
Coal mines act 3887. 2. 153a.
Macs winney and B. Coal mine's act. 1888. '3s (id. 50!).
See Abel 6, United States, 845.
Coal Mines of the U, S.
Bell, J. L. Notes 011 a visit to. 05. 66.
Coal of India.
Ball, V. Diamonds, coal, etc., of India. 1881. 5.s. 47.
Coal oil. Bowen, E. 1865. $1.75. 104.
Coal-pits, see Fuel 281.
Coal points. Swords, J. F. 1891. $2.00. 799.
Coal production, see Annual 22, 23; Hoy 717, Saward 728.
Coal reckoner. Winnall. 1873. Is Gd. 940.
Coal regions, see Hoy 717.
Coal shipping, see Spon, parts 68, 69, 774; Swords 799.
Coal slag.. Ward, G. W. Utilization of, 867.
Coal trade.
Brown, R. Coalfields, etc., of Cape Breton. 1871. 7s ()a.
Greenwell, G. C. Glossary of terms used in. 188!). 5*. 326.
Saward, F. K. Coal trade. $1.00. 72S.
Sorley, W. R. Mining royalties, their effect on coal trade. 1SS!). Is (W.
Stubbs, T. Coal and iron trades. Is (yd. 787.
Coal used in blast furnace, see Bell 73. /
Coal, varieties of, see Wardle 86870.
Coal washing and washing machinery, see Baare 41, Mills 515, Percy I, 633;
Spon, part 31, 774.
Cobalt, see Aaron 2, Davies 208, Osborn 605, Phillips 643; see also Minerals.
Coke. See also Charcoal Coal Fuel.
Dixon R. Cost and results of manufacture' of coke. 21!).
Fonlvce \\ . History of coal, etc. I860. 52.s (\42.
Piggot, A. s. Chemistry and metallurgy of copper. ix:>x. $1.00. 04 ( .i;
sec Aaron 2, 4; Davics 209, Howe 385, 386; Kerl 446, Lock 4'.)5a, Oslx>rn W5,
Pepper 631, Percy II, 632; Phillips 643, Pryce 661, Rein 677, Spoil, part 7.
775, Thurston III, 823.
Copper alloys, see Krupp and W. 463.
Copper-iin alloys, see Thurston 824,
Copper-zinc alloys, tests and properties, see Report 679.
Copper-smelting. See also Smelting.
Grant-Francis, G. History of, in Swansea District, 1881. 10s 6tf. 318.
Peters, E. D. American method of. 1890. $5.00. <>:55.
Vivian, H. H. Copp. smelting, hist, and process. 1881. o. p. S5U.
see Kerl II, 445, Piirirot 64$), Phillips 643.
Corals and coral islands. Dana, J. D. 1890. $5.00 181).
Coral reefs.
Darwin, C. Structure and distribution. 1890. 2.s- and 5*. 2<>5.
Darwin. The same. 181)1. l.s. 206;
see Kingsley 456.
168 'Comes, C. Mining machinery. Containing illustrations, descriptions and
current prices of the various kinds of machinery used for mining pur-
poses, including stamp batteries, prospecting stamps, crushing mills, rock
drills, air compressors, ore breakers, screens, jiggers, amalgamating pans
and settlers, percussion tables, vanners, ore feeders, chlorination plant,
aerial ropeways, winding engines, steam engines and boilers, turbines,
water wheels, pumping engines, diamond boring machines for dee]) bore-
holes, boring tools, mine stores, etc., the whole being codified for tele-
graph purposes and forming the best guide to intending purchasers of
mining machinery. Lond. 1889 Cr. 8 vo. (12 mo.) 2s 6m///r.
New. ed., with illus., by R. T. Pritchett, of places visited and objects de-
scribed. Lond. 1890. 8vo. 1 Is; the same, N. Y. 1890. Svo. $5.00.
Am Mu V.
202 Darwin, Chas. The same. New illus. ed. Lond. 1890. Svo. (]2mo) 4s.
$1.50. N.
203 Darwin, Chas. Geological observations on the volcanic islands and parts of
South America, visited during the voyage of H. M. S. Beagle. 3d ed., with
maps and illus. Lond. 1891- P. Svo. 12s 6d. Si.
204 Darwin, Chas. The same, 3d ed. W. maps and illus. N. Y. 1891. 12mo.
$2.50. Am.
205 Darwin, Chas. On the structure and distribution of coral reefs, volcanic
islands and South American geology. With critical and historical intro-
ductions, by J. W. Judd (Minerva Lib.) Lond. 1890. Or. 8vo. 2s and 5s.
206 Darwin, Chas. On the structure and distribution of coral reefs. Ed.
with introd. by Jos. W. Williams. (Camelot Ser.) Lond. 1891. 18mo. Is.
207 Davies, D. C. Slate and slate quarrying, scientific, practical, and commer-
cial. 3d. ed. Illus. (Weale's Ser.) Lond. (1880) 1887. 3s., 3s Qd. $1. 20
$1.40. B Ck Lg V.
208 Davies, D. C. A treatise on earthy and other minerals, and mining. Uni-
form with, and forming a companion volume to the same author's
"metalliferous minerals and mining." 2d ed. Illus. Lond. (1884)1888.
Or. 8vo. 12s Qd. $5.00. B Ck Lg V.
209 Davies, D. C. Treatise on metalliferous minerals and mining. 4th rev. ed.
Illus. Lond. (1880, 81. 86.) 1888. Cr. 8vo. (12mo.) 12s Cd. $5.00.
B Ck Lg V.
210 fDavis, W. S. Geology. Illus. (Coll. S. T. B., elem. Ser.) Lond. (n. d.)
Fcap. 8vo. Is. Ct.
211 Davis, W. S. The same. N. Y. (n. d.) 12mo. 75c. net. Pz.
212 fDawkins, W. B. Our coalfields. (Manch. Sci. Lect.) Manch. (n. d,) Cr.
8vo. Id. Hm.
213 Dawson, Sir, J. W. Acadian geology, the geological structure of organic
remains and mineral resources of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince
Edward Island. 3d ed., w. supplem. Geolog. Map and illus. Lond. 1878.
8vo. 1. Is. $6.50. Ma V.
214 Dawson, Sir, J. W. The geological history of plants. Illus. (Intern. Scient.
Ser.) N.Y 1888. 12mo. $1.75. Am.
Decorative stones. See also Stones Gems.
King, C. W. Natural history of gems and decor, stones. 1870. 6s. 451.
215 fDel Mar, A. A history of the precious metals, from the earliest times to
the present. Lond. (n, d.) Efemy 8vo. 10s Qd. Bi.
216 Dieulafait, L. Diamonds and precious stones. A popular account of
gems. Trans, by F. San ford. Illus. Lond. 1875. Cr. 8vo. (12rno.) 3s.
$1.50. Bn Ck Sd.
Dephosphorization, see Justice 440; Wedding 878; see also Iron Puddling.
Desilverization, see Percy IV, 632; see also Metallurgy.
Desulphurization of pig iron, see Wedding 878.
Diamonds. See also Gems Precious Stones.
Ball, V. Diamonds, coal and gold of India. 1881. 5s. 47.
Dieulafait, L. Diamonds and precious stones. 1875. 3s. 216.
Emanuel, H. Diamonds and precious stones. 1887. 6s. 241.
Ingram, J. F. Land of gold, diamonds, etc. 1889. 2s 6d. 407.
Mitchell, H. Diamonds and gold of South Africa. 1888. 5s. 552.
see Davies 208, Osborn 605.
217 Dircks, H. Contribution towards a history of electro-metallurgy, establish-
ing the origin of the art. Lond. 1863. P. 8vo. (12 mo.) 4s. $1.50,
Ck Sp.
218 Directory to the iron and steel works of the United States for 1890. Con-
taining a complete list of blast furnaces, rolling mills, plate and sheet
mills, cut-nail mills, open-hearth steel works, crucible steel works, Besse-
mer steel works, Ciapp-Griffith steel works, Robert-Bessemer works,
iron ore forges, bloomaries, wire rod and wire mills, wire nail works, car-
axle works, car-wheel works, carbuilders, wrought-iron pipe works, cast-
iron pipe works, and locomotive works; also description of new works
completed or started up to December 25, 1889, and the most recent
changes in size, ownership, etc. Phila, 1890. $3.00. Ae Ck St.
B. This is an invaluable book of reference for all business men who wish to correspond
with iron and steel manufacturers, being in every respect a complete guide to the iron
and steel works of the country. It is admirably arranged for ready reference to any es-
tablishment, as it contains an index to the names of firms and companies and also to the
names of works.
219 Dixon, R. Cost and the results of the manufacture of coke on the Simon-
Carve's system, in 1883, II, No. 434.
220 Dodd, G. Dictionary of manufacturers, mining machinery, and industrial
arts. N.Y. 1869. 12 mo. (P. 8vo.) $1.50. 5s. Ck la Rw V.
N. B. Treats, in alphabetical arrangement, of those matters which come generally within
the range of manufacturers and the productive arts; the raw materials, animal, vegeta-
ble, and mineral, etc.
221 Douglas, S. H., and Prescott, A. B. Qualitative chemical analysis: a guide
in the practical study of chemistry and in the work of analysis. 8th rev.
ed. with a study of oxidation and reduction by O. C. Johnson. N. Y.
(1881) 1890. 8vo. $3.50. o. p. Ck V.
Contents. The metals classificatioi, etc. The alkali metals. The alkaline earth
metals. The metals of the earth, and the more electro-positive of the heavy metals.
Metals whose sulphides are insoluble in dilute acids. The non metals and their acids.
Systematic examinations. Oxidation.
222 Dove, G.,.?Y. The Frodlingham ironfield, in 1876, II, No. 434.
223 Doyle, P.' Tin mining in Larut. Illus. and maps. Lond. 1879. Or. 8vo.
(12 mo) 3s. 6rf. $1.50. B Ck Sp.
Drainage of mines, see Andre 18, Davies 209; see also Mine Engineering.
Drawing for mechanics and engineers. A list on thissuhject will be found in
Handy Lists part 3.
224 Drecbsel, E. Chemical reactions, being a thorough discussion of chemical
reactions, which occur in the ordinary course of qualitative analysis and
general elementary chemistry. Trans, and special adapted for the use of
American students and teachers, by N. F. Merrill. N. Y. 1880. 12mo.
$1.25. B Wm.
Dressing of ores, see Ores.
Dressing of tin, see Charlevston 140.
Drift mining, see California, 8th report 129b; see also Mines.
Drilling, see Budge 123; see also Mines Tunneling.
Drilling petroleum, see California, 7th report 129a.
225 Drinker, H. S. Treatise on explosive compounds and rock drills. Giving
properties of modern explosives, principles of blasting,and descriptions and
uses of the various rock drills aud compressors, and forming a supplemen-
tary volume to the first edition of Drinker's tunneling. N. Y. 18^3. 4to,
$5.00. 1. 5s. B Ch Cn Sp Wm.
226 Drinker, H. S. Tunneling, explosive compounds, and rock drills. Giving
the details of practical tunnel work, properties of modern explosives,
principles of blasting and descriptions and uses of the various rock drills
and compressors, together with American and foreign systems of timber-
ing and arching, shaft sinking, and tables showing costs and dimensions of
over 2,000 tunnels from every part of the world. Profiles, maps and illus.
3d ed. N. Y. (1878, 1882) -1888. 4to. half mor., net $25.00
B Ck Sp Wm.
227 Dron, Kobt. W. Mining formulae. Containing chapters on ventilation,
chemistry, pumping, haulage, strength of materials, engines and boilers,
surveys, etc. Also a section of the workable minerals of Scotland.
Glasgow 1890. Cr. 8vo. Is 9d. $1.00. Dm Mi V.
228 Dunlap, Th. Wiley's American iron trade manual of the leading iron
industries of the United States; with a description of the blast furnaces,
rolling mills, Bessemer steel works, locomotive works, steam engine
works, iron bridge works, etc., giving their location and capacity of pro-
duct; with some account of iron ores. N. Y. (n, d.) 4to, $4.00. Ck Wm.
229 Dutton, C. E. Geology of the high plateaus of Utah. With an atlas.
Wash., D. C. 1880. 4to., atlas in folio, n. p. Ga.
Dynamite, see Eissler 238; see also Explosives. A larger list on this subject
will be found in Handy lists, part I.
Earth's crust. Page, D. 1868. Is Gd. 620.
Earth's history. Ansted D. T. 2s. 25.
Earth's surface, see Shaler737.
Earthwork, setting out slopes of, see Light, 486.
230 East India. Hyderabad Decan Mining Company. Reports of committee,
with evidence. Lond. 1888. 4s. PC.
230a Edison. General Electric Co. Descriptive circular, I. D. No. 5: Electric
coal cutters. N. Y. 1891. 24mo., pap. gratis. E*.
231 Egan, F. W., Kilroe, J. K., Mitchell,W. F. Explanatory memoir to accom-
pany sheet 24 of the maps of the geological survey of Ireland; com-
prising portions of the counties Donegal and Tyrone. With palaeontologi-
cal notes by W. H. Baily. Lond. 1888. 2s. E.
232 Egleston, J. Catalogue of minerals and synonyms alphabetically ar-
ranged for the use of museums. Wash., 1). C. 1889. 8vo. pap., n. p.
Ga Wm.
233 Egleston, T. Lectures on mineralogy. School of Mines. W. pi. N. Y.
1872. 8vo. $4.50. Ck V.
234 Egleston, T. Metallurgy of silver, gold, and mercury in the U. S. Show-
ing the latest practice pursued in American metallurgical establishments.
2 vols.. illns., pi. and tables. Vol. I: Silver. N. Y. 1887. 8vo. $7.50.
Vol.11: Gold and mercury. N. Y. 1890. 8vo. $7.50. B Ck Sp Wm.
235 Egloffstein, F. W., von. Contributions to the geology and the physical
geography of Mexico. N. Y. (n. d.) 8vo. $4.00 o. p. Am.
236 Eissler, M. The metallurgy of gold. A practical treatise on the mechani-
cal preparation, amalgamation, concentration and chlorination of gold-
bearing ores. With notes on the melting, refining and assaying of gold.
Illus. Lond. 1888. Cr. 8vo. 7s 6d; the same, 2d ed. Illus. Lond. 1889.
Cr. 8vo. (12mo.) 9s. $3.50; the same, 3d rev. and enl. ed. Illus. Lond.
1891. Cr. 8vo. (12mo) 12s Qd. $5.00 B Ck Lg- Sp AVm .
237 Eissler, M. The metallurgy of silver: a practical treatise on the amalga-
mation, roasting and lixiviation of silver ores; including the assaying,
melting and refining of silver bullion. Illus. Lond. 1889. P. 8vo. (12mo.)
10s Qd. $4.25. B Lg Wn.
238 Eissler, M. The modern high explosives, nitro-glycerine and dynamite,
their manufacture, their use, and their application to mining and military
engineering; proxyline or gun cotton, the fulminates, picrates and chlo-
rates; also the chemistry and analysis of the elementary bodies which
enter into the manufacture of principal nitro-compounds. 3d ed. W.
pi. N. Y. 1886. Svo. $4.00 B Cn Wm.
239 Elderhorst, W. Manual of qualitative blow-pipe analysis and determina-
tive mineralogy. New rev. ed., re-written by H. B. Nason. Illus. Phila,
1881. 12mo. $2.50. Ck Ps V.
Electrical coal cutters. Edison. 1891, gratis 230a.
Electrical mining apparatus, see Ti evert 830a.
Electricity applied to coal mining, see Colliery 155.
Electricity applied to the ignition of blasting charges, see Andre 16.
Electrolysis. Electro- deposition.
Classen, A. Analysis by electrolysis. 1887. $2.50. 149.
Fontaine, H. Electrolysis. 1885. 9s. 260.
Me Millaii, W. G. Electrometallurgy. 1890. 10* 6d. 507.
Smith, E. F. Electro chemical analysis. 1890. $1.00 756.
AVatt, A. Electro-deposition. 9s. 871.
AVatt, W.I I. Glavanoplastic manipulations. 1883. $7.50. 860.
Bonney, G. E. Electroplater's handbook 1891. 3s. 98.
Dircks^ H. History of electro-inetall. 1863. 4s. 217.
Gore, G. Electro-metallurgy. 1884. 6s. 311.
Gore. The same 1877. $2.50. 312.
McMillan, AV. G. Treatise on electro-metallurgy. 1890. 10s 6d. 507.
Napier,,). Manual of electro-metallurgy. 1876. 7s 6d. 571.
Napier. The same. 1876. $1.50. 572.
Sluuv, G. Kleeti-o-metalL 1844. 7s (Jrf. 741.
Since, A. Elements of electro-metallurgy. 1852. Scarce. 755.
AVatt, A. Electro-metallurgy pract, treated. 1889. 3s 6d. 872;
see Byrne 129, Makins 511, Spon, parts 43, 44. 744; AVatt 871.
240 Eliot, Chas. W., and Storer, F. H. Compendious manual of qualitative
chemical analysis. 8th ed. rev. with co-operation of the authors, by
Wm. R. Nichols. Illus. N. Y. 1883. 12mo. $1.50. B V.
241 Emanuel, H. On diamonds and precious stones: their history, value and
properties; with simple tests for ascertaining their reality. Illus. Lond.
1887. Cr. Svo. 6s. $2.75. Cf Ck.
Emery, see Osborne 605; see also Corundum Minerals.
242 Engert, A. C. The blowpipe-flame furnace, in vol. 1884, Soc. Eng. Trans.
Engineering. A large list of books on th!s subject will be found in Handy
Lists part 3.
243 Erni, H. Mineralogy simplified. Easy methods of identifying minerals,
including ores, by means of the blowpipe, by ilame reactions, by the spec-
troscope, and by humid chemical analysis, based on Prof, von Kobell's
tables for the determination of minerals, with an introduction to modern
chemistry. 2d rev. and enl. ed. Illus. Phila, 1885. 12mo. (Or. 8vo.) $3.00.
12s 6d. B Ck Sp.
Contents: Chemical philosophy, auxiliary apparatus and manipulations in the laboratory,
preparations of re-agents, blowpipe analysis and apparatus, re-action of oxides with gen-
eral re-agents, colored flames, flame re-actions and spectrum analysis, special methods
for detecting certain elements, determinative mineralogy, characteristic behavior of the
most important ores before the blowpipe and with solvents.
Estimation of small quantities of phosphorus by spectrum analysis, see
Alleyne 13.
244 fEthreidge, B. Stratigraphical geology and palaeontology, on the basis of
Phillips. W. map, tables and pi. Lond. (n. d.) Demy 8vo. 1 14s.
245 fEtheridge, R..?V., and Jack, R. L. Catalogue of works, papers, pamphlets,
official reports and maps relating to Australian and Tasmanian geology,
mineralogy, palaeontology, mining and" metallurgy, etc. Lond. (n. d.)
Demy 8vo. 10s. Sr.
Eureka, Nevada. Silver lead deposits. Curtis, J. S. 1884. 179.
Examinations for colliery manager's certificate.
Twirmey, A. J. G. Handbook of. 1878. ($2.00) 840.
Excavating for flint.
Skertclily, S. B. J. Gun flints. 1879. 17s 6d. 753.
Excavating, machinery for, see Andre 17.
Exhaust injector, see Percy II, 634.
Exhaustion of onr coal mines, see Jevons, 424.
Experiments with explosives used in mines. Brown, M. W. 1890. n. p.
246 Explanatory memoir to accompany sheets 148, 149 of the maps of the geol-
ogical survey of Ireland. Lond. 1888. Qd. E.
Exploring minerals. See also Prospecting.
Phillips, J. S. Explorer's and assay, companion 1S79. 8l.
Nnrscv. Recent improvements in explosive compounds, "> ( .'2.
Report (50th annual) of explosives, ism. (i.s. 449
King, r. \V. Natural history of gems. 1870. 6s. 451.
Knnz, G. F. Gems and precious stones of North America. 1890. $10.00.
Sommerville. M. Engraved gems. 1877. $1.25. 770.
Streeteir, E. W". Precious stones and gems. 1881. 15s. 783.
\\Ystronp, 11.31. Manual of precious stones and antique gems. 1874. (5s.
Geological m&ps, see Bird 82, Gwinnell 343, Mantell 516, Prestwich 658, 660;
Rogers 699, Sweet 796.
Geologicals observation relating to brickmacking in Western India. AA r alsh,
M. 1869. Is. No. 864.
Geological phenomena, see Shaler 737.
302 Geological Record for 188084. Edit, by AVrn. Topley and C. D. Sherborn.
Vol. 1: stratigraphical and descriptive geology. Lond. 1888. Svo. 16s.;
the same, vol. II: Physical and applied geology, petrology, meteorites,
mineralogy, mineral waters, palaeontology. W. maps and sections. Lond.
1889. Svo. 16s. T.
Geological societies of Great Britain, see Official year book 596, 597.
303 Geological Survey. England and AVales. The geology of the Chevoit Hills
(English side.) Explanation of quarter-sheet 108 N. E. New series, sheet
5; by C. T. Clough. Lond. 1889. Is. Qd. E.
304 Geological Survey. England and AVales. The Geology of the country
around East Dereham. Explanation of quarter sheet 66 N. AV. 'By J. H.
Blake. Parts by H. B. Woodward and F. J. Bennett. Lond. 1889. Is Gd.
Geology, applications of, to arts, etc. Ansted, D. Th. 4s. 24.
Geology. Chemical, physical, stratigraphical.
Bischof, G. Elements of chem. and physical .uvol. 1854. olx. 81}.
Etheridge, R. Stratigvaphiral gool. :>4x. 244.
Phillips, J. Manual 1: physical ajeol. 1885. 18s. 0:59.
Phillips, J. Manual II: stratig. geol. 1885. 34s. 040.
Pivst \\ich, J. Geology I: chemical 1886. 25s. (558.
Pivstwich, J. Geology IT: physical and stratig. 1888. )}(>,*. <>5S.
Sceley, H. G. Physical geol. IS*. 7.>0.
Sharp, S. IJudhn. of geol.: ]>liys. and stratig. 4*. 740.
Tutu, R. Physical eeol. 1-S79." 2s. 807.
Tat<>. Phys> and historical geol. 4s Qd. 808.
Geology. Elementary treatises.
Andrews, K. 1>. Elcunentary geology. $1.00 not 21.
A listed, 1). T. Earth's history. 2*. L'5.
Ansted, D. T. Elementary course of geology , 12*. 2d. 27.
Bake well, F. C. Illustrated geol. 2s. 44.
Barbee, W. J. First principles of geol. $1.25. 49.
Dana, J. D. Geological story. 1880. $1.50. 194.
Dana. Manual of geol. 1880. $4.50. 190.
Dana. Textbook of geol. 1883. $2.50. 193.
Etheridge, R. Stratigraphical geol. 34s. 244.
Geikie,A. Classbook of geol. 1890. 4s Gd. 291.
Geikie. Geology. Is. 295.
Geikie. Outlines of field geol. 1882. 3*63. 296..
Geikie. Textbook of geol. 1886. 28s. 299.
Haughton, S. Manual of geol. 1876. 7s Gd. 362.
Jukes-Browne, A. J. School manual of geol. 1890. 4s Gd. 437.
Jukes-Browne. Student's historical geol. 1886. 6s. 438.
Jukes-Browne. Student's physical geol. 1884. 6s. 439.
Le Conte, J. Compend of geol. $1.20, net. 476.
Le Conte. Elements of geol. 1886. $4.00. 477; 1891. $4.00. 47S.
London geological field class 1888. Is. 496.
Lyell, C. Principles of geol. 1867. 32s. 501.
Lyell. The same. 2 v. 1872. $8.00. 502.
Lyell. Student's elem. of geol. 9s. 503.
Nicholson, H. A. Textbook of geol. $1.05, net. 579.
Oldham, T. Geol. glossary for students. 2s. 601.
Page, D. Advanced textbook of geol. 1876. 7-s Gd. 616.
Page. Introductory textbook of geol. 1888. 3s Gd. 619.
Stfde, J. D. Fourteen weeks in geol. $1.00. 779.
Tate, R. Historical geol. 1872. 2s Gd. 806.
Tate. Physical geol. 1879. 2s. 807.
Tate. Histor. and physical geol. combined. 4s Gd. 808.
Tenney, S. Geology. $1.25, net, 813.
Geology. Special localities.
Abyssinia, see Blanford 89.
America, see Marcou 520.
Arkansas, see Owen 615, California, see Blake 86; California 9th rep. 129c.
Comstock Lode, see Becker 61. Dakota, see Newton 575. Henry Moun-
tains, see Gilbert 307. Illinois, see Worthen 946. Indiana, see Owen 6i:>.
Iowa, we Owen 614. Mexico, see'Eglotfstein 235. Minnesota, see Owen
614, Winchell 915 34; 936. Mississippi expedition 551. Nebraska, see
Owen 614. North America, see Miller 542. Ohio, see Clappole 150, Econ-
omic 600, Orton 603, Report 598, Roy 7.18, Shaler 739. Pennsylvania, see
Rogers 700. South Carolina, see Tuomey 837. Tennessee, see Safford 72(5.
United States,846, 847.Utah,see Dutton 229. Virginia, see Boyd 108, Camp-
bell 133, Rogers 702, Virginia 855. Washoe District, see Becker 61. Wis-
consin, see Owen 614.
Great Britain Ireland and colonies.
Cambridgeshire, see Bonney 99. Cheshire, see Strahan 782. Clapham, see
Prestwich 659. Cornwall, see 800. Devon, see SymondsSOO. Dorset coast,
see Mantell 513. England, see Geol. survey 304; Geology 305, 306; Memoirs
530, 531; Ramsay, 666; Woodward 945. Ireland, see Egan 231, Explanatory
246, Hull, 390. Isle of Wight, see Mantell 513. Liverpool, see Morton 560.
London, see Prestwich, 659. New Brunswick, see Dawson 213: Newfound-
land, see 568. North Derbyshire, see 306, Nova Scotia, see Dawson 213.
Oxford, see Phillips 637. Prince Ed ward Island, see Dawson 213. Port-
land see Damon 184. Salomon Islands, see Guppy 341. Shropshire, see
LaTouche 474. Southwold, see Geology 305. Suffolk coast, see Geology 305.
Thames Valley, see Phillips 637. Wales, see Symonds 800. AVeymouth,
see Damon 184. Yorkshire, see Green 322.
Tyrol, see Dale 183.
305 Geology of Southwold, and of Suffolk coast, from Dunwich to Covehithe-
Lond. 1888. 2s 6rf. E.
306 Geology of the carboniferous limestones, Yordale rocks, and millstone grit
of North Derbyshire. 2d ed. with addit. Lond. 1888. 5s Qd. E.
German silver, see Krupp and W. 463.
307 Gilbert, G. K. Geology of the Henry Mountains. 2d ed. Illus. Wash., D.
C. 1881. Ga.
308 Gill, Wm. Iron ore district of Bilbao, in 1882, I, No.434.
309 Glanville, E. The South African Goldfields. Lond. 1888. Cr. Svo.pap. Is.
Gloucestershire, coalfields of Anstie, J. 31.
Gold, alloys, see Krupp and W. 463.
Gold, amalgamation of, see Eissler 236, McDermott 504.
Gold, chlorination of, see Eissler 236.
Gold, concentration of, see Eissler 236.
Gold extraction by potassium cyanide, see California 129d.
Glanville, E. South African goldfields. 1888. Is. 309.
Jennings, S. Visit to goldfields in S. E. Wynaad. 1881. 5s. 423.
Mathers, E. P. Golden South Africa. 1888. 2s 6d. 523.
Mitchell, H. Diamonds and gold of S. Africa. 1888. 5s. 552;
see Lock 493.
Gold, metallurgy of, see Kerl I, 445; Percy V, VI, 632; Phillips 643.
Gold mines and mining. See also Auriferous Hydraulic Mining Quartz.
Barry, W. Venezuela: Guyanna gold mines. 1886. 6s. 53.
Belt, T. Gold mines of Chontales. 1888. 7s 6d. 75.
Blake, W. P. Report on precious metals. 1869. 2.00. 87.
Fossett, F. Colorado: Rocky Mountain region. 1888. $2.50. 262.
Guillaume, H. Amazon provinces: gold mines. 1888. 3s 6d. 340.
Ingram, J. F. Land of gold, etc. 1889. 2s Qd. 407.
Kirkpatrick, T. S. G. Hydraulic gold miner's manual. 1890. 6s. 459.
Lock, A. G. Gold: occurence and extraction. 1882. 52s Qd. 493.
Lock, C. G. W. Pract. treat, on gold mining. 1889. 42s. 494;
see Da vies 209, Eissler 236, Lock 495a, Osborn 605, Spon, parts 53, 54. 774;
Smith 759; Swinney 798.
Gold mining in India. Ryan J. 1881. 6d. 724.
Gold of India. Ball, V. 1881. 5s. 47.
Gold ores. See also Milling of gold ores.
O'Driscoll, F. Treatment of gold ores. 1889. $2.00. 595.
Gold ores, assaying of, see Aaron 1.
Gold ores, leaching of, see Aaron 3.
Gold ores, mechanical preparation of, see Eissler 236.
Gold seekers' manual. Ansted, D. T. 3s 6d. 28.
Gold washing, see Hydraulic mining.
Gold, working of, see Bevan's 81.
310 Goodyear, W. A. The coal mines of the western coast of the United States.
San Francisco, Cal., 1>77. 12rno, $2.50. Be. Ck On Wm.
311 Gore, G. The art of electro-metal largy, including all known processes of
electro-deposition, lllus. (Textb. of Sci.) Lond. 1884. Fcap. 8vo. (12mo)
6s. $2.25. B-Fa-Lm.
312 Gore, G. The same. lllus. N. Y. 1877. 12mo. $2.50. Am Ck.
313 Gorham, J. A system for the construction of crystal models on the type
of an ordinary plait, exemplified by the forms belonging to the six axial
systems of crystallography. W. 55 pi. Lond. 1888. Cr. 8vo. (12mo) 6s.
$2.00. Sp.
314 Gower, A. R. Elementary textbook of practical metallurgy. Lond. 1888.
P. 8vo. (12mo.) 3s. $1.20. Ce Wn.
315 Graham, D. A. A treatise on the comparative commercial values of gas
coals and cannels. W. pi. Lond. 1883. Svo. 7s 6d. $3.00.
Ck On Sp.
316 Graham, W. The brass founders' manual: instructions for modelling, pat-
tern making, moulding, turning, etc. 2d. rev. ed. (Weale's Ser.) Lond.
(1883) 1887. 12mo. 2s, 80c. and 2s 6d, $1.00. Ck Lg V.
317 Graham, W. Brass, tin and zinc, in Sevan's B. M. I., see No. 81.
(rrtm-ge mine explosions, see Atkinson 39.
Granite and granite industries. See also Stone.
Harris, G. F. Granite, etc. 1888. 2* 6d. 353;
see Davies 208, Hunt 397, Winchell 926.
Granitic veinstones, see Hunt 397.
318 Grant-Francis, G. History of copper smelting in the Swansea district of
South Wales from the time of Queen Elizabeth to the present day. With
engrav. and photos. 2d ed. Lond. (1867) 1881. Svo, 10s 6d, $5.50; the
same, large paper, Lond. 1881. Cr. 4to. Roseburghe, with Malachite lin-
ings, 15s. Ck So.
N. B. A new and improved edition, enlarged by additional information, fur-
ther illustrations and explanatory notes. It includes a mass of evidences of the
time of Queen Elizabeth (from the Public Record Office), from which he has given ver-
batim transcripts of details of the most interesting and valuable nature in a social and
mercantile sense; with much that is extremely curious in reference to the manipulation
of mines, furnaces, and the chemistry in practice during her reign.
Graphite, see Davies 208; see also Minerals.
319 Green, A. H. Geology. Part I: Physical geology. lllus. Lond. 1882. Svo.
1 Is. $8.40. Lm Rn V
320 fGreen, A. H. More about coal. How coal and the strata in which it is
found were formed. lllus. (Mauch. Sci. Lect.) Manch. (n. d.) Cr. Svo. let
321 Green, A. H. Notes on the Yorkshire coalfields, in 1876, II, No. 434.
322 Green, A. H., and Russell, R. Geology of the Yorkshire coalfield. Lond.
1879. Roy, Svo. 2 2s. Lm.
323 Green, Miall, Thorpe, Ruecker, and Marshall. Coal: its history and its uses.
lllus. Lond. 1878. Svo. 12s Qd. $3.00 net. Ma.
324 Greene, Homer. Coal and the coal mines. lllus. from drawings by the
author. (Riverside Lib. for Young People.) Boat. 1889. 16mo. 75c. Hp.
325 Greenwell, G. C. Geological features of the Great Northern coalfield, in
1877, II, No. 434
326 Greenwell, G. C. Glossary of terms used in the coal trade of Northumber-
land and Durham. 3d ed. lllus. Lond. 18S9. Svo. Pap. 5s. Bk.
327 Greenwell, G. C. Practical treatise on mine engineering. 2d ed. re-written
and enl. lllus. (Newcastle) Lond. 1870. 4to. half mor. 2. 12s Qd, o. p.
and scarce. Ck Sp V.
328 Greenwell, G. C. Practical treatise on mine engineering. 3d ed. re-
printed from the 2d ed. W. 64 col. pi. Lond. 1889. Roy. 4to. 15s,$ 6.00.
329 Greenwell, G. C. The same. 3d ed, N. Y, 1889. 16mo, bds. 80c. Kw.
330 Greenwood, Wm. H. Steel and iron; comprising practice and theory of the
several methods pursued in their treatment in the rolling mills, the forge
and the foundry. lllus. Lond. (18S4) 1887. Cr. Svo. (12mo.) 5s, $2.00.
B Cb Ck V Wn.
331 fGfreenwood, W. H. Manual of metallurgy. 2 vols. lllus. (Coll. S. T. B.,
adv. Ser.) Lond. P. Svo., vol. I, 3s Qd.; II, 3s. Ck Ct V.
332 fGreg, Robt. Ph., and Lfittsom, Win. G. Manual of the mineralogy of
Great Britain and Ireland. Illus. Lond. (n. d.) 8vo. 15s. Gu.
333 Gresley, W. S. Glossarl of terms used in coal-mining. Illus. and diag.
Lond. 1883. P. 8vo.(12 /no) 5s. $2.00. Ck-Cn Sp V.
334 Griffin, J. J. System of Crystallography, with its application to mineralogy.
Glasgow 1841. 8vo. 9/. $4.50. Gb V.
Grinding ores, see Aarop 4.
Grindstones, see Osborn/605, Spon, part 54, 774.
335 Gripper, Chas. F. Railway tunneling in heavy ground. W. pi, Lond. 1879.
Roy. 8vo, (4to) 7s 6^ $3.00. B Ck Sp V.
Ground beneath us. Ifrestwich, J. 3s Qd. 659.
336 Groves, Chas. Edw.i and Thorpe, Wm., eds. Chemical technology; or
chemistry in its application to arts and manufactures vol. I, see No. 545.
Bs Cg Ck Sp.
337 Gruner, M. L. The manufacture of steel. Trans, from the French by L.
Smith; with an appendix on the Bessemer process in the United States,
by the translator. Ijlus. and pi. N. Y. 1872. 8vo. $3.50. Ck Sp V Wn.
338 Gruner, M. L. Studies of blast furnace phenomena. Trans, with the
author's sanction, ,with an appendix by L. D. B. Gordon. Illns. Lond.
1873. 8vo. 7s Qd. $<8.00. B Ck Pi.
339 Guettier, A. Practical guide for the manufacture of metallic alloys, com-
prising their chemical and physical properties, with their preparation,
composition and/ uses. Trans, by A. A. Fesquet. Phila. 1872. 12mo.
$3.00, 12s Qd. I B Ck Sp.
310 Guillaume, H. Tfre Amazon provinces of Peru as a field for European
emigration, statistical and geograph. review of the country and its re-
sources, includ. the gold and silver mines; together with valuable informa-
tion. W. map iind illus. Lond. 1888. P. 8vo. 3s Qd. Ww.
Gun flints. /
Skertchly, 8. B./J. Manuf. of gun flints 1879. 17s 6d. 753.
Gun metal, see Krupp and W. 463, Spon, part 54. 774; see also Metallic
341 Guppy, H. B. The Salomon Islands, geology, and general features, etc.
Loud. 1887. Roy. 8vo. 10s Qd. Sn.
342 Gurney, H. P. Elementary manual of crystallography. Lond. 1878. 18mo.
Is, 40c. Sm V.
Guyana gold mines, Venezuela. Barry, W. 1886. 6s. 53.
343 Gwinnell, W. F. Geology in systematic notes and tables. 2d ed. Illus.
and geolog. hiap of Gt. Britain. Lond. 1889. 8vo. 4s. Ab.
Gypsum, see I)avies 208, Hunt 397; see also Minerals.
344 Hackney, Wm. Note on the manufacture of anthracite coke, in South
Wales, W/L875, II, No. 434.
345 Hadfield, E. H. Alloys of iron and silicon, in 1889, II, No. 434.
346 Hale, P. Hf. In the coal and iron counties of North Carolina. W. map.
N. Y. 1883. 12 mo. $1.50. Ck Ha Ne.
347 Hall, C. EL The conversion of peat into fuel and charcoal, in vol. 1876,
Soc. EiW. Trans.
348 Hall, S. li. Alphabet of geology, or first lessons in geology and mineralogy,
with suggestions on the relation of rocks to soil. Illus. N. Y. (1868) 12mo.
64o netf Be.
Haloid minerals, see Davies 208; see also Minerals.
349 Hamilton, "L. Mexican law. A compilation of Mexican legislation, with
Mexican mining law (and decisions.) San Francisco, 1882. 8vo. shp. $6.00
net, Ck He.
350 Harker, A. The Bala volcanic series of Caernarvonshire and associated
rock.'l: being the Sedgwick price essay for 1888. Oxford 1889. 8vo. 7s Qd.
351 Harper, J. Ppvey. Examples of coal mining: a series of working drawings
of cpal mining plant consisting of 37 large plates, 2ft. by 1ft. 8in., accurate-
ly drawn to scale, and sufficiently large for working drawings, including
designs for workmen's houses. Lond. 1881. 2. 12s Qd. $21.00; without
designs for workmen's houses. Lond. 1881. 2. 5s. $18.00.
gk-Cn Sp V.
352 Harper, J. Povey. Second series of examples of coal mining plant. Uni-
form in size with No. 351. Large plates. Lond. (n. d.) 1. 5s. $10.00.
Cn Sp.
353 Harris, G. F. Granites and our granite industries. Illus. Lond. 1888. P.
8vo. 2s Gd. Lg.
354 Hartley, F. W. The commercial value and purity of coal, in vol. 1869,
Soc, Eng. Trans.
355 Hartwig, G. Marvels under our feet. From the ''Subterranean World".
Illus. Lond. 1888. P. 8vo. 2s. Lm.
356 Hartwig, G. The subterranean world. Illus. and 3 maps. Lond. 1881.
Svo. 10s Gd. Lm.
357 Hartwig, G. Volcanoes and earthquakes. Illus. Lond. 1887. Cr. Svo.
2s Gd. $1.00. Lm.
358 Hartwig, G. Workers under the ground; or mines and mining. From
the "Subterranean World". Illus. Lond. 1883. P. 8vo. 2s. Lm.
359 Haskoll, W. D. Engineer's mining surveyor's, and contractor's field-book.
Consisting of a series of tables, with rules, explanations of systems, and
use of theodolite for traverse surveying and plotting the work with minute
accuracy by means of straight edge and set square only; levelling with
the theodolite, casting-out and reducing levels to datum, and plotting sec-
tions in the ordinary manner; setting-out curves with the theodolite by
tangential angles and multiples with right and left-hand readings of the
instrument; setting-out curves without theodolite on the system of tan-
gential angles by sets of tangents and offsets; and earthwork tables to 80
feed deep, calculated for every 6 inches in depth. 4th enl. ed. Illus.
Lond. (1866) 1880. Cr. Svo, (12mo), 12s, $4.80. Ck Lg Sp V.
360 Hatch, F. H. An introduction to the study of petrology: the igneous rocks.
I.lus. Lond. 1891. P. Svo, 3s 6d Sn.
361 Hatch, F. H. The same. 2d ed. Illus. N. Y. 1891. 16mo. 90c net. Ma.
362 Haughton, S. Manual of geology. 4th ed. Illus.. Lond. 1876. P. Svo.
(12mo), 7s Gd, $3.00. B Lm V.
Haulage, Hauling machinery, etc., see Andre 17, 18, Bernays 78i, Percy II,
634, Spon, parts 58, 59, 774.
363 Havrez, J. On recent improvements in winding machinery. Trans, by
R. F. Martin. W. fold. pi. Lond. 1875. Svo. $2.50. Cn.
364 Head, J., and Pouff, P. Abstract of paper on a new form of Siemens
furnace arranged to recover waste gases, as well as waste heat. In vol.
1890, I. No. 434.
Headgears and pulleys, see Percy I, 633.
Heading-driving, see Simms 749.
365 Hoarding, W. H. Practical notes on hydrographic and mining surveys.
Illus. and plans. Milwaukee 1872. Svo. $1.75. Hg.
N. B. Only 70 copies left.
Hearth furnaces, see Hodgetts 376.
366 Heilprin, A. Town geology; the lesson of the Phila. rocks: studies of na-
ture along the highways and among the byeways of a metropolitan town.
Illus. Phila. 1S85. Svo. $2.25. A.
367 Henry, J. T. The early and later history of petroleum. With authentic
facts in regard to its development in Western Pennsylvania. Illus. Phila.
1876. Svo. $4.50. B Ck.
368 Hewitt, A. S. The production of iron and steel in its economic and social
arrangements. Wash., D. C., 1868. Svo. pap. $1.00. Ck V.
369 fHiggin, Geo. Commercial and industrial Spain. Containing general trade
statistics, railways, roads, telegraphs, MINES, etc. Lond. (n. d.) 2s. Wu.
370 Higson, J. Explosions in coal mines. W. pi. Manch. 1878. Svo. 7xGd.
$3.00. Ck Hm.
371 Hiorns, A. H. Iron and steel manufacture: a textbook for beginners.
Illus. Lond. 1889. Fcap. Svo. 3s Gd, $1.00 net. B Ma Wn.
372 Hiorns, A. H. Mixed metals or metallic alloys. Lond. 1891. Fcap. Svo.
(12mo) 6s. $1.50. Ma.
373 Hiorns, A. H. Practical metallurgy and assaying: a textbook for teachers,
students and assayers. Illus. L jnd. 1888. 16mo. 6s, $1.50, net.
B Ck Ma.
374 Hiorns, A. H. A textbook of elementary metallurgy, for the use of stud-
ents. To which is added an appendix of examination questions, embrac-
ing the whole of the questions set in the three stages of the subject by the
Science and Art Department for the past 20 years. Illus. Lond. 1888. P.
8vo. (12mo) 4s, $1.00, net. ' B Ck Ma Wn.
375 Hoare, Chas. "Iron and steel," a work for the forge, foundry, factory, and
office. Containing ready, useful and trustworthy information for ironmas-
ters and their stock takers; maragers of bar, rail, plate and sheet rolling
mills; iron and metal founders; iron ship and bridge builders; mechanical,
MINING and consulting engineers; architects, contractors, builders and pro-
fessional draughtsmen. 8th. rev. and enl. ed. Lond. 1876. Obi. 32mo. mor.
6s, $2.40. Ck Lg V.
Hocking Valley mineral resources. Hunt, T. S. 1881. $1.50. 398.
376 Hodgetts, E. A. B., comp. Liquid fuel for mechanical and industrial pur-
poses. Lond. 1889. 8vo. 7s 6ri $2.50. Sp.
Contents: Hearth furnaces, gas furnac-s, slit-sprinklers, pipe sprinklers, nozzle sprin-
klers, experiments of D'Allest, methods of working sprinklers, storage on board ship
liquid fuel, for locomotives, some industrial applications of liquid fuel.
377 Hogan, K. E. An elementary mineralogy and geology; prepared from the
latest and best authoi ities in Europe and America. "lllus. N. Y. (1887)
1889. 12mo. 50c. Ln.
Hoisting, machinery for, see Andre 17; see also Cages Winding.
378 Holmes, F. S. "Phosphate rocks of South Carolina: their history and
development. Illus. Charleston, S. C. 1870. Pap. 8vo. ($1.25) o. p. V.
379 Homer, Chas. J. The North Staffordshire coalfield, with the ironstones
contained therein, in 1875, II, No. 434.
380 Hooker, W. Mineralogy and geobgy. Illus. (Sci. f. S. F. Ser.) N. Y.
12mo, half lea. 90c, net. Hd.
381 Hooper, H. B. Practice of foundr work, in vol. 1888, Soc. Eng. Trans.
382 Hopton, Wm. A conversation on mines, etc., between father and son.
(coal mines.) 7th ed. Illus. Minch. 1883. P. 8\;o. (12mo) 3s, $1.20;
the same, 8th ed. Illus. Manch. .887. P. 8vo. (l,mo) 3s 6d, $1.40.
Ck HI Sf V.
383 Hopton, Wm. Conversation on nines, etc., bet ween a father and son; to
which are added questions and answers to assist candidates to obtain cer-
tificates for the management of ollieries; A lecture on the atmosphere
and explosive gases, tables of caculation, rules of measurements, etc.
Reprinted from the 8th English ; th^ power of explosions, and how to diminish
it: several ways of ventilating mines, :i\i\ how currents of air are propelled around the
workings, etc.
384 Hoskold, H. D. Practical treatis,- on inining. land, and railway surveying.
Illus. Lond. 1860. 8vo, $8.00. Ck V.
Hot-blast, see Overman 612,
How to assay. Triplett, F. $1.0Q/ 833.
385 Howe, H. M. The metallurgy ofsteel. Illus. and pi. N. Y. 1890. Roy.
4to. $10.00. Sb Sp Wn.
An eminent metallurgist writes to Industries, London: "I cannot refrain from expressing
my admiration of Mr. Howe's unequalled work. The whole metallurgical world has
been ransacked, and we have laiJ before us all that has been done since the publication
of Percy's well-known works. Not content with merely summarizing the results of
others, Mr. Howe has in a m>st painstaking and able manner, fearlessly commented
thereon for which he justly mn'its the thanks of all concerned. In doing this he has of
course exposed himself to theattacks of many, for in such a wide field as the complete
metallurgy of steel difference of opinion must of necessity occur; but like all pioneers
and leaders, he has the questionable satisfaction of knowing that by his aid others may
sometimes see even further than himself."
Contents: Classification anJ constitution ofsteel. Carbon and iron hardening, tempering,
and annealing. Iron ai3. 774.
Hydro-metallurgy, see California 8th report 121)1 >.
40G Hyslop, J. Colliery management. Surveying of mines. Systems of work-
ing. Ventilation. 2d ed. W. atlas of 17 pi. Lond. 1876. 8vo. 1. 5x.
$7.20. Cn Hw V.
Identifying minerals, see Mineralogy.
Igneous rocks, see Hatch 360, 361; Hunt 397, Teail 812; see also Volcanoes.
Indicator for colliery engineering, see Percy I, 633.
407 Ingram, J. F. The land of gold, diamonds and ivory; being a comprehensive
handbook and guide to the colonies, states and republics of South and
East Africa. Lond. 1889. 8vo. 2s Gd. Wk.
408 Ireland, J. The colliery ready reckoner and wages calculator. Lond.
(n. d.) Is Gd. Cp.
Indium, see Osborn 605; see also Metallurgy.
409 Iron analysis record. Arranged by J, M. Sherrard, chemist. A blank-
book for the preservation of analyses of pig iron and ironores. (Cincin-
nati) 1883. 16mo. leather, $1.25 net. Ck.
410 Iron, steel and allied trades in 1881. Annual report to the members of the
British Iron Trade Association, issued March 22ud, 1882. Lond. 1882. 8vo.
pap. ($2.00) Ck.
Iron. Analysis of iron and iron ores, see Bauerman 58, Bayley 60, Blair 84,
Cam pin 134, Iron 409; see also Assaying.
Iron. History and manufacture. See also Steel Basic Bess. proc. Bessemer
proc. Bloom aides Puddling Roll-turn! n?.
Annual statist, report. $2.00~ 22, 1891. $3.00 2:5.
Hell, 1. L. Principles of man. of iron. 1SS4. 21*. 70.
Directory of iron, etc., works. 1890. $3.00. 218.
Fairbairii, W. Iron. 1809. lO.s Gd. 250.
Fordyce, W. Hist, of coal, etc. 1860. 52* M. 261.
French, B. F. Hist, of iron trade. $2.00. 275.
Greenwood, W. H. Steel and iron. 1887. 5*. 330.
Hewitt, A. S. Production of iron, 18<>8. $1.00. 36S.
Hiorns, A. H. Manufacture of iron. 1881). 3.s Gd. :>71.
Hoaro, (.]. Iron and steel. 1876. 6*. 37").
Iron and steel trades. 1882. (S2.00.) 410.
Journal of iron and steel institute. 4I>4.
Kelly's Directory. 1890. 30*. 443.
Larkin, J. Brass and iron founder's g. 1881. $2. 25. 473.
Meade, R. Coal and iron industries. 1881. 28*. 529.
Mushet, I). Iron and steel. 1840. ($20.00.) 569.
Osborne, U. S. Metall. of iron. 1869. $25.00. 606.
Overman, F. Manuf. of iron. 1854. Scarce 608.
Pecliar, ,J. Paris Exhibition. 1878. 5s. 628.
Stubbs, T. Coal and iron trades. , Is Gd. 787.
Swank, , T. M. Hist, of nianuf. of iron. 1884. $5.00. 793.
Swank. Statist, abstract. 1888. $1.00. 794.
Troilus, M. Chemistry of iron. 1886. $2.00. 834.
AVilkie, G. Manuf. of iron. 1857. $4.00. S92.
Williams, W. M. Chemistry of iron. 1890. {)*. 900.
see Bevan 81, Lock 495a, Ofiborn 005, Osmond (107, Pendred 630, Roberts- A.
692, Snelus 767, Spon parts 64 67. 774; Spon part 13. 775. Tlmrston
II, 82:5; United States 842.
Iron mines and mining. See also Mines Ores.
Bell, I. L. Iron mines of the U. S. (55, 66.
P.utlin, W. H. Iron ore (list, of Northampton. 128.
Daddow and B. Coal, iron. 18(i(5. $7.50. 181.
Dove, G. Fro'dlingham iron field. 222.
Kordyre, W. History of coal, etc. 1860. r>2.s (W. 261.
Gill, W. Iron u. ::4<>.
Hunt, T. S. ( \al and iron in S. ( )liio. 1SS1 . *1 .(). ,"><)S;
sec Boyd 108, Davies 209, Dnnlap 228, Foster 265, NordenfVlt f>sr>, Pott's
(554, 8orley,772, Swinnoy 7t>S, Wim-hell 925, 930,931,937.
Iron smelting. See also Smelting.
Armour, J. Iron and heat. 1874. :x 2;
sec T.all 4(1, lU-11 (M, 72, Directory 218.
411 Irving, A. Chemical and physical studies in the me tarn or phis m of rocks
Based on a thesis (with appendices) written for the doctorate of science in
the University of London. Lond. 1889. 8vo. 5s. $1.75. Lin.
412 Irving-, B. D. Copper bearing rocks of the Lake Superior. Illus. (U. S.
Geog. Survey, monog.) Wash., D. C., 1883. 4to. $1.85. Ga.
413 Jago, W. Inorganic chemistry, theoretical and practical, with an introduc-
tion to the principles of chemical analysis, inorganic and organic. 10th
ed. Illus. Lond. 1889. Cr. 8vo. (12mo.) 2s Qd. 80c. B Lm Wn.
414 James, J. St. Colliery ventilation, Lond. (n. d.) Cr. 8vo. 2s. Cp.
Contents: The gases met with in mines, explosions of firedamp, principles of mine venti-
lation, friction of air in mines, How of air through the mine, splitting the air, relation
between the amount of air and number of splits, examples, value of the co-eflicient of
friction .
N.B. The chief object of this small treatise is to afford some assistance to candidates for
colliery managers' certificates of competency, both first and second class. The principles
involved have been first worked out in a general form, and afterwards numerical exam-
ples have been taken, the calculations of which have been fully worked out so as to make
them intelligible to those who may not possess much knowledge of algebra.
415 Jameson, J. The Jameson process of manufacturing coke, in 1883, II, No.
Jameson process of manufacturing coke, see Jameson 415.
416 Jameson, Bob t. System of mineralog}'. 3 vols. Edinburgh 1820. Half
calf. ($5.00.) V.
417 Jannettez, E. A guide to the determination of rocks: being an introduc-
tion to lithology. Trans, from the French by Geo. W. Plvmpton. 2d rev.
ed. Illus. N. Y. (1877) 1883. 12mo. $1 50. B Ck Fa V.
Contents; A. description of the more important minerals from a lithological point of view,
feldspathic, pyroxenic and hypersthenic rocks, amphibolic rocks, epidote, garnet, dis-
thene, etc. Micaceous rocks, chloritic rocks, poridote, talc and other magnesian silicates,
argillaceous schists and slates, siliceous rocks, alkaline rocks, rocks of the alkaline earths,
aluminous rock with silica, metallic rocks, combustible rocks, method to be followed in
practically determining rocks, dichotomic tables for determining rock species.
418 Jeans, J. S. Consumption and economy of fuel in the iron and steel manu-
facture, in 1882, I, No. 434.
419 Jeans, J. S. Steel: its history, manufacture, properties, and uses. Illus. and
fold. pi. Loud. 1880. 8vo. 1. 16s. $14.50. Scarce. Ck Sp V.
420 fJeans, W. T. Creators of the age of steel. Memoirs of Sir W. Siemens, Sir
H. Bessemer, Sir J. Whitworth, Sir J. Brown, and other inventors. 2d ed.
Lind. (n. d.) Cr. 8vo, 7s 6d. Ce.
421 Jeans, W. T. Creators of the age of steel. N. Y. 1884. 12mo. $1.50.
422 Jenney, W. P. Mineral wealth, climate nnd rainfall and natural resources
of the Black Hills of Dakota. Wash., D. C. 1876. 8vo. pap. 50c.
423 Jennings, S. My visit to the gold fields in the South East Wynaad. Lond.
1881. 8vo. 5s. Ce.
Jet, see Davies 208; see also Minerals.
424 Jevons, W. S. The coal question. An inquiry concerning progress of the
nation and probable exhaustion of our coal mines. 2d ed. Lond. 1866. 8vo.
10s 6d. $4.20. Ck Ma.
425 fJevons, W. S. Coal: its importance in manufacture and trade. (Manch.
Sci. Lect.) Manch. (n. d.) Cr. Svo. Id. Hm.
426 fJewesbury, F. N. Mineralogical tables. Describing the physical and chem-
ical properties of all the important minerals. (Murbv's Sci. and Art Ser.)
Lond. (n. d.) Is Qd. Mn.
427 Johnson, A. E. The analyst's laboratory companion. Lond. 1888. P. Svo.
(12mo) 5s. $2.00. Cg Wn.
428 Jones, L. A. A. The miner's manual. A legal handy book for employer and
employed. Lond. 1882. P. Svo. (12mo) 2s Gd. $1.00. Cb Ck.
429 Jones, Robt. H. Asbestos: its production and use. With some account
of the asbtstos mines of Canada. Lond. 1888. Cr. 8vo. (12mo). Pap. Is,
40c. Lg Sp V Wn.
430 Jones, Robt. H. Asbestos: its properties, occurrence, and uses, with some
account of the mines of Italy and Canada. With 8 collotype plates and
other illus. Lond. 1890. P. 8vo, 12s Qd. L.g.
431 Jones, T. M. R. Tunneling in Japan, in vol. 1882, Soc. Eng, Trans.
432 Jones, Wm. History and mystery of precious stones. Lond. 1880. Cr. 8vo.
(12mo). 7s Qd, $3.75. B Bl Ck.
433 fJordan, J. B. Crystallography. With color, diagrams, from which hand-
some models of the principal crystals may be readily constructed.
(Murby's Sci. and Art Ser.) Lond. (n. d.) Is Qd. Mn.
434 Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute, ed. by J. S. Jeans, (Half-yearly.)
Lond. 8vo, 18751881, 1882, I, each 10s Qd, $4.50; 1882, II; 18831891
each half yearly vol. 16s, $6.00. Ck Sp V Wn .
435 Judd, J. W. Vulcanoes: what they are and what they teach. 4th ed.
illus. (Intern. Sci. Ser.) Lond. 1881. Cr. 8vo. (12mo.) 5s, $2.00. Am Pi.
436 f Jukes-Browne, A. J. The building of the British Isles. A study in geologi-
cal evolution. W. maps and illus. (Bonn's Sci. Lib.) N. S. Lond. (n. d.)
12mo. 7s Qd. Bi.
437 Jukes-Browne, A. J., ed. The school manual of geology. Illus. Edinburgh
(1881) 1890. Fcap. 8vo. (12mo.) 4s Qd. $2.00. B Bm.
438 f Jukes-Browne, A. J. The students' handbook of historical geology. W.
diag. and illus. (Bonn's Sci. Lib.) N. S. Lond. 1886. Cr. 8vo. (12mo.) 6s,
$2.40. Bi Le Sd.
439 Jukes-Browne, A. J. The students handbook of physical geology. W.
diag. and illus. (Bonn's Sci. Lib.) N. S. Lond. 1884. Cr. 8vo. (12rno) 6s,
$2.50. B Bi Le Sd.
440 Justice, Ph. S. The dephosphorization of iron in the puddling furnace, in
vol. 1885, Soc. Eng. Trans.
441 Keep, W. J. Aluminum in carbonized iron. In 1890, I, No. 434.
442 Keeping, W. The fossils and palaeontological affinities of the Neocomian
deposits of Upware and Brickhill, (Sedgwick prize essay of 1879.) Illus.
Cambridge 1883. Demy 8yo. 10s 6s, $2.75 net. Ca Ma.
413 Kelly's directory of the engineers and IRON and metal trades and COLLIERY
proprietors: comprising every trade and profession in any way connected
with the above trades throughout England, Scotland and Wales, and the
principal towns in Ireland, 6lh ed. Lond. 1890. Roy, 8vo. 1 10s.
Kendall's battery, see Aaron 4.
444 Kensington, E. T. Chemical composition of foods, waters, soils, minerals,
manures, and miscellaneous substances, Lond. 1876. Cr. 8vo. (3 2 mo.)
5s. $2.00. B Cg.
445 Kerl, B. A practical treatise on metallurgy. Adapted from the last Ger-
man ed. of Prof. Kerfs metallurgy. By Wm. Crookes and Ernst Roehrig.
3 vols. Lond. 186870. 8vo 4. 19s. $30,00, o. p., sold separately, viz:
Ck Lm V Wm .
Vol.J : lead, silver, zinc, cadmium, tin, mercury, bismuth, antimony, nickel,
arsenic, gold, platinum and sulphur. 1. 13s. $10.00.
Vol. 2: copper and iron. 1. 13s, $10.00.
Vol. 3: steel, fuel and supplement. 1. 13s, $10.00.
446 Kerl, B. The assayers manual. An abridged treatise on the docimastic
examination of ores and furnace and other artificial products. Trans,
from the German by W. T. Brannt. 2d American ed. edited with ex-
tensive additions by F. L. Garrison, Illus. Phila. (1883) 1889. 8vo. $3.00,
12s Qd. B Ck Sp V Wn.
N. B. Treats on the assaying of all metals, excepting iron.
447 Kinahan, G. H. A handy book of rock names. Lond. 1873. Fcap. 8vo.
(12mo.) 4s. $2.00. Aa B.
448 Kinahan, G. H. Valleys, and their relation to fissures, fractures and
faults. Lond. 1875. Cr. 8vo. (12mo.) 7s Qd. $3.00 Aa B.
449 King, C. W. Handbook of engraved gems. Illus. 2d ed. Lond. 1885.
Roy. 80. 16s. Bi.
450 King, C. W. Natural history of precious stones, and of the precious metals.
With index and illus. (Bohn's Illus. Lib.) Lond. 1883. Cr. 8vo. (12mo.) 6s.
$2.50. B-Bi-Ck.
451 King, C. W. Natural history of gems or decorative stones. With index
and illus. (Bohn's Him. Lib.) Lond. 1870. Cr. 8vo. (12mo.) 6s, $2.00 net.
Bi Ck.
452 fKing, W., and Rowney, T. H. An old chapter of the geological record with
a new interpretation; or rock-rnetamorphism and its resultant imitations
of organisms. Lond. (n. d.) Svo. 10s 6^. Gu.
453 Kingsley, C. Scientific lectures and essays, including town geology. Lond.
(n. d.) Cr. Svo. (12mo.) 6s, $1.25. Ma.
454 Kingsley, C. Town geology. Lond. 1885. Cr. Svo. (12mo.) 6s. $1.75.
B Ma.
455 Kingsley, C. Town geology. N. Y. 1890. 12mo. $1.50. Am.
456 Kingsley, C. The same, with appendix by Huxley on coral and coral reefs.
(Humb. Lib.) N. Y. 1880. 4to. Pap. 15c. Hu.
Contents. The 'soil of the field; the pebbles in the street; the stones in the wall; the coal in
the fire: the lime in the mortar; the slates on the roof.
457 Kirk, E. The founding of metals: practical treatise on the mining of iron
with a description of the founding of alloys; also of the metals and miner-
al substances used in the art of founding. Collected from original sources.
5th ed. Illus. N. Y. (1881) 1885. Svo. $2.50. B Ck Wn.
458 Kirk, H. On puddling, in 1876, II, No. 434.
459 Kirkpatrick, T. S. G. The hydraulic gold miner's manual: intended to
serve as a practical handbook of reference for the hydraulic miner. W.
pi. and illus. Lond. 1890. Cr. Svo, (12rno.) 6s. $2.25. Sp Wn.
N.B. Sufficient a compact form being given to enable any one who has. a competent
knowledge of pick-aud-shovel work, and of the use of carpenter's tools, to construct the
necessary pi -nit for successful "hydraulic mining." The ditches and sluices are laid out
on a scale sufficient to move from 2000 to 5000 tons of "pay dirt" in the 2-1 hours, and are
the result of experience gained in the management of very successful undertakings,
Kiss process, see Aaron 3.
Koepe system of winding, see Percy 633.
460 Kolbe, H. Text-book of inorganic chemistry. A short text-book of inor-
ganic chemistry. Trans, and ed. by T. S. Humpidge. With a col. spectra
and illus. N. Y. 1884. 12mo. $2.50, B Wm.
461 fKoninck, L. L., de, and Dietz, E. Practical manual of chemical assaying
as applied to the manufacture of iron. Ed. w. notes by Rob. Mallet. Lond.
(n. d.) P. 8vo. 6s. Ce.
462 Koninck, L. L., de, and Dietz, E. A practical manual of chemical analy-
sis and assaying, as applied to the manufacture of iron from its ores, and
to cast iron, wrought iron and steel, as found in commerce. Ed. with
with notes by R. Mallet. American edition, ed. with notes and an appen-
dix on iron ores, by A. A. Fesquet. Phila. 1873. 12mo. $2.50.
Kroehnke's process of leaching, see Aaron 4.
463 Krupp, A., and Wildberger, A. Metallic alloys. A practical guide for the
manufacture of all kinds of alloys, amalgams, and solders used by metal
workers, together with their chemical and physical properties and their
application in the arts and industries, with an appendix of the coloring of
alloys. Trans, and rev. with extensive additions by W. T. Brannt. Illus.
Phila. 1889. 12mo. $2.50. B Wn.
464 Kunhardt, W. B. The practice of ore dressing in Europe, a description of
foreign methods for the mechanical concentration of ores, rev. and cor-
rected from a series of articles in the School of Mines Quarterly of Columbia,
College. Illus. N. Y. 1884. Svo. $1.50. 6s. " B Ck Sp Wm.
465 Kunz, G. F. Gems and precious stones of North America. A. popular de-
description of their occurrence, value, history and archaeology, and of
the collection, in which they exist,with a chapter on pearls and on remark-
able foreign gems owned in the U. S. A work of interest to jewelers, pros-
pectors, mineralogists, geologists, mining engineers and collectors of pre-
cious stones and minerals. Illus. and col. pi. N. Y. 1890. La. 4to. $10.00.
Sb Sp Wn.
N. B. This superb work is worthy of a high place in the literature of the subject. -Science
We believe this book is the first important work devoted wholly to the subject. N. Y.
466 Kustel, G. Concentration of all kinds of ores, including the chlorination
process. W. pi. San Francisco, Gal. 1868. 8vo. $7.50. B Ck La.
467 Kustel, G. Roasting of gold and silver ores and the extraction of their re-
spective metals without quicksilver. New ed. Illus. San Francisco, Gal.,
18cSO. 8vo. $3.50. B Ck DC Fa La.
This rare book on the treatment of gold and silver ore without quicksilver is liberally il-
lustrated and crammed full of facts. It gives short and concise descriptions of various
processes and apparatus employed in this country and in Europe, and the why and
wherefore. It contains illustrations of furnaces, supplements and working apparatus.
Laboratory practice.
Bloxam, C. L. Laboratory teachings. 1879. 5s Qd. 91.
Thorpe and Muir. Qualitative chem. anal, and lab. pract. 1883. 3s 6d.
Lake age in Ohio. Claypole, E. W. 1888. 75c. 150.
468 Lamborn, B. H. The metallurgy of copper, being an introduction to the
methods of seeking, mining and assaying copper and manufacturing its
alloys, 6th ed, Illus. (Weale's Ser.) Lond. 1879. 12mo. 2s Qd, 3s, $1.00,
$1.20. B Ck Lg V.
469 Lamborn, B. H. Metallurgy of silver and lead. (Weale's Ser.) Lond. '1878.
12m o. 2s Qd, $1.00. o, p. Ck Lg V.
N. B. A new edition in preparation.
Land of gold, etc. Ingram, J. F. 1889. 2s Qd. 407.
470 Landauer, J. Blowpipe analysis. Author. Eng. ed. by J. Taylor and Wm.
E. Kay. Illus. Lond. 1879. Extra Fcap. 8vo. 4s Qd, $1.50. B Ma.
471 Landrin, M. H. C. Treatise on steel: Comprising its theory, metallurgy,
properties, practical working, and use. Trans, from the French, with notes
by A. A. Fesquet. With an appendix on the Bessemer and Martin pro-
cesses for manufacturing steel, from the report of A. S. Hewitt, U. S.
Commissioner to the Universal Exposition, Paris, 1867. Phila. 1868, 12mo.
$3.00. B Ck V.
472 fLardner, D. Popular geology. Containing earthquakes and volcanoes, the
crust of the earth, etc. Illus. Lond. (n. d.) 2s Qd. Lg.
473 Larkin, J. Practical brass and iron founder's guide. A concise treatise
on the art of brass founding, moulding, etc., with numerous practical rules,
tables and receipts for gold, silver, tin, and copper founding, plumbers,
bronze and bell founders, je\velers, etc. - 5th rev. and enl. ed. Phila. 1881.
12mo. $2.25. B Ck Wn.
474 fLa Touche, J. D. A handbook of the geology of Shropshire. W. pi. and
Illus. Lond. (n. d.) Cr. 4to. 15s. Sr.
Law relating to coal mines, see Coal Mines Mines, law rel. to.
Laying of coal dust. Ramsay, J. A. Qd. 667; 1888. 25c. 668.
Laying out surface plans at collieries, see Percy I, 633.
Leaching. See also Mexican Process Kitt Process Plattner Process.
Aaron, C. H. Leaching gold and silver ores. 1881. $3.00. 3.
Leaching apparatus, see Aaron, No. 4.
Leaching processes, see Chilean process Kroehnke's Mexican process.
Lead alloys, see Krupp and W. 463.
Lead, assaying of, see Aaron 2, Kerl 446,
Lead, mining and metallurgy.
Lamborn, R. H. Metallurgy of silver and lead. 1878. 2s Qd. 469.
Pulsifer, W. H. Notes for a history of lead. 1888. $4.00. 662.
Wallace, J. Laws which regulate depositions of lead. 1861. 25s. 8(53;
see Boyd 108, Davies 209, Kerl 445, Lock 495a, Osborn 605, Pepper 631,
Percy IV, 632, Phillips 643, Pryce 661, Spon's, part 70. 774. Swinney 798,
Tlmrston III, 823.
Lead oxides, see Pulsifer 662.
Lead quenching, see Howe 385, 386.
Lead smelting, see California 8th and 10th reports, 129b, 129d; Percy IV,
475 Leavitt, T. H. Facts about peat as an article of fuel. Boston 1867. 12mo.
$2.00. B Ck Lc.
476 Le Conte, Jos. A compend of geology. Illus. N. Y. 1884. 12mo. $1.20 net.
477 Le Conte, Jos. Elements of geology; a textbook for colleges and for the
general reader. Illus. N. Y. 1886. 8vo. $4.00. 18s. Am B Sp V.
478 Le Conte, Jos. The same. New rev. ed. With new pi. and new illus. N. Y.
1891. Svo. $4.00, 18s. Am Sp V.
479 Lee, J. E. Notebook of an amateur geologist. Lond. 1881. Svo. 1. Is.
480 Leet, A. N. Petroleum distillation and modes of testing hydro-carbons, be-
ing an exhaustive treatise concerning old and new processes of separating
and refining mineral oils, etc. N. Y. (n. d.) Svo. $2.00. B P Sp Wn.
481 Leffmann, H. Compendof chemistry, inorganic and organic. 3d rev. ed,
Phila. 1S90. 12rno. $1.00; interleaved $1.25. Bs.
482 Lesley, J. P. Manual of coal and its topography. Illus. by original draw-
ings, chiefly of facts in geology of the Appalachian regions of the U. S.
Phila. 1856. 12mo, published at $1.00; o. p. and very scarce. Ck Ld.
Levels, driving of, see Andre 18.
483 Lewis, H. The chemistry of puddling, in 1879, I, No. 434.
Lias. See also Chalk Limestone.
Tate and Blake. Yorkshire lias. 2S.s. 809.
Thompson, .B. Middle lias of Northamptonshire. 1S89. 3* (yd. 817.
484 Lieber, O. M. The assayer's guide; or, practical directions to assayers,
miners and smelters, for the tests and assays, by heat and by wet processes,
for the ores of all the principal metals, of gold and silver coins and alloys,
and of coal, etc. Phila. (1884) 1888. 12mo. $1.25. B Ck V.
485 Liefchild, J. B. On coal at home and abroad, with relation to consump-
tion, cost, demand and supply. Lond. 1873. P. Svo. (12mo) 4s 6(2. $2.25.
Ck Lm.
486 Light, Chas. J. A new method of setting out the slopes of earthworks, in
vol. 1873, Soc. Eng. Trans.
487 Light locomotives built by H. K. Porter & Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. Gth ed. Illus.
Pittsburgh, 1889. 18mo, gratis. Po.
N. B. This catalogue contains tables, illustrations and particulars of light locomotives for
mining industries.
Limestone. See also Chalk Lias.
Burnham, S. M. History and uses of. 1883. $6.00. 126;
Bee Blair 84, Davies 208, Hunt 397.
488 Lintern, Win. The mineral surveyor and valuer's complete guide. Com-
prising a treatise on improved mining surveying and valuation of mining
properties, with new traverse tables. With an appendix on magnetic and
angular surveying, with records of the peculiarities of needle disturbances.
3d ed. W. pi., plans, etc. (Weale'sSer.) Lond. (1887) 1889. P. Svo. (12mo)
3s 6d, 4s, $1.40, $1.60. B Ck Lg Sp V.
Liquid fuel. See also Fuel.
Hodgetts, E. A. B. Liquid fuel. 1SS9. 7* (> 74.
KVrl, B. Pract. treat, on metall. :',v. 18(>S 70. 99*. 445.
Mayer, J. Metallurgy. 75c. 528.
Overman, F. Treat, on metall. 1887. $5.00. 612.
Percy, J. Metallurgy, 7 parts. 1875. 632.
Phillips, J. A. Metallurgy. 1887. 36s. G4..
Phillips, . I. S. Explorers, etc. -oomp, 2d ed. 1873. $10.50. ii4(i.
Phillij)S and D. Records of mining and metall. 1857. $2.00. 647.
Roberts-Austen. Introd. to metallurgy. 1891. 6s. 691.
Williamson, A. W. Metallurgical process. 1877. 20c. 903;
see r.ayley 29, 'Booth and M. 102, Byrne 129, Campin 134, 135; Gautier 290,
Lock 495a. Miller 543, Pourcel 655, Spon, part 77, 774; Button 791, Wilson
Metallurgy, of Aluminium, see Makins 511, Antimony, see Makins 511,
Arsenic, see Makins 511, Bismuth, see Makins 511, British ordnance, see
Maitland 510, Cadmium, see Makins 511, Chromium, see Makins 511,
Cobalt, see Makins 511, Copper, seeLamborn 468, Makins 511, Piggot (>49;
Gold, see Egleston 234, Eissler 236. Makins 511, Iron, see Bauerman
58, Kerl II 445, Makins 511, Percy III, 632. Phillips 643, Rogers 701, Wed-
ding 879, Lead, see Lam bora 469, Makins 511, Manganese, see Makins
511, Magnesium, see Makins 511, Mercury, see Egleston 234, Makins
511, Nickel, see Makins 511, Palladium, see Makins 511, Platinum, see Makins
511, Pottassium, see Makins 511, Precious metals, see Makins 511, Silver,
see Egleston 234, Eissler 237, Lamborn 469, Makins 511, Sodium, see
Makins 511, Steel, see Howe 385, 386, Landrin 471, Makins 511, Tin, see
Flower 259, Makins 511, Titanium, see Makins 511, Uranium, see Makins
511, Zinc, see Makins 511.
Metal mining, principles of. Collins, J. H. 1875. Is. 163.
Metals. See also Arsenic Bell metal Bismuth Chromium Cobalt Cop-
per Precious metals Zinc Tin.
Bloxam, C. L. Metals, properties and treatment. 1882. 5s. 92.
Del Mar, A. Precious metals, lO.siK/. 215.
Peoner, J. H. Playbook of metals. 5*. (;:',].
SeoTfern, etc. Useful metals. 1869. 7* M. 733.
Treat. 011 progress, improvement of manuf. in metals. 1831. $3.50. 830.
Wright, C. R. A. Metals and their applications. 1878. $1.25,947;
see Lock 495a, Smith 75!>.
Metals occurring sparingly in iron, see Howe, 885, 386.
Metals, planing of. See Report 679.
Mexican mines.
Dahlgren, C. B. Historic mines of Mexico. 1883. 52s Gd. 182.
Mexican mining code.
Chism, R. E. Mining code of Mexico. 1889. $1.00. 143.
Hamilton, L. Mexican Law. 1882. $6.00 net. 34!).
Mining code of Mexico. 1885. $2.00. 550.
Mrs lean process of leaching, see Aaron 4.
533 Michell, St. Mine drainage: being a complete and practical treatise on di-
rect-acting underground steam pumping machinery, with a description of
a large number of the best known engines, their general utility and the
special sphere of their action, the mode of their application, and their
merits compared with other forms of pumping machinery. Illus. Lond.
1881. 8vo. 15s, $6.00. B Ck Lg V.
Microscopical physiography. Rosenbusch, H. 1889. $5.00. 708.
534 Milford, Ph. Pocket dictionary of mining terms. Lond. 1888. 18mo. 1-s,
40c. Ck Wn Wu.
535 f Miller, Hugh. Cruise of the "Betsy", with rambles of a geologist. New ed.
Edinburgh, 1889. P. 8vo. 3s Gd. Nc Sf.
536 Miller, Hugh. Edinburgh and its neighborhood. Geological and histori-
cal. With the geology of the bass rock. Edinburgh (n. d.) Cr. 8vo. 5s. Nc.
537 Miller, Hugh. Footprints of the Creator; or, the asterolepis of stromness.
With preface and notes by Mrs. Miller, and a biographical sketch by Prof.
Agassiz. Illus. Edinburgh 1889. Cr. 8vo. 5s. Nc Sf.
538 Miller, Hugh. Sketch book of popular geology. Edinburgh 1889. Cr. 8vo,
(12mo) 5s, $1,50. No Sf V.
539 Miller, Hugh. The old red sandstone; or, new walks in an old field. Illus.
Edinburgh 1889. Cr. 8vo (12mo) 5s, $1.50. Nc Si V.
540 Miller, Hugh. The testimony of the rocks; or geology in its bearings on
the two theologies, natural and revealed. Illus. Edinburgh 1880. O. 8vo.
5s. Nc Sf.
541 Miller, J. Coal mine gases and ventilation. Lond. 1878. P. 8vo. 10s 6d. Lm.
542 Miller, S. A. North American geology and paleontology, for the use of
amateurs, students and scientists. Illus. Cincinnati, O., 1889. 8vo. $5.00
net. Ck V.
543 Miller, W. J. The mining and metallurgical exhibits of the Glasgow Exhi-
bition, in 1888, I, No. 434.
Milling gold ores, see California 129b, Eissler 236.
Milling silver ores, see Eissler 237.
544 Mills, John, and Barker, N. A hand-book of quantitative analysis. Illus.
Lond. 1889. P. 8vo. (12rno.) 3s 6d. $1.40. Ce Sp.
545 Mills, E. J., and Rowan, E. J., assisted by others, including Mr. F. P.
Dewey, of the Smithsonian Institute Washington. Fuel and its application*;
being the first of a series of works on chemical technology; or chemistry
in its application to arts and manufactures, ed. by Chas. Edw. Groves, and
Wm. Thorp. W. 7 p!. and illus. Phila. 1889. Roy. 8vo. cloth $7.50; hall
mor. $9.00. Bs Cg Sp, '
Mine engineering. See also Drainage Mine Surveying.
Greenwell, G. C. Pract. treat, on mine eng. 1870. 52s 6d. 327; 1889.
15s. 328. 1889. 80c. 329.
Micliell, S. Pract. treat, on mine drainage. 1881. 15s. 533.
Percy, C. M. Mech. eng. of collieries I. 1882. 15s. 633; II. 1885. 25s. 634.
Phillips, J. S. Explorer's etc. companion. 2d ed. 1873. $10.50. 646.
Mine foreman's hand-book. Mauchline, R. 1887. $2.00. 527.
Mine labor in Hocking Valley, see Walker 862.
Mine plants, see Brough 114.
Mine railways, see Light 487, Colliery 155, Hyslop 406.
Mine surveying. See also Angular Survey. Subterraneous Survey.
Brough, B. H. Treat, on mine surveying. 1888, 7s6d. 134.
Fenwick and B. Subterraneous surveying. 1888. 2s6(i 256.
Haskoll, W. D. Engineer's field book. 1888. 12s. 359.
Hoarding, W. H. Pract. notes on mining surveys. 1872. $1.75. 365.
Hoskold, H. D. Pract. treat, on min. surveying. 1860. $3.00. 384.
Lintern, W. Mineral surveyor. 1889. 3s6rZ. 488.
Rickard, W. Miner's manual. 1859. 10s 6d. 688.
see Colliery 155, Fairley 252, Wardle 86870.
Mine timbers, see Mauchline 527.
Mine ventilation, see Ventilation.
Miner's almanack, see Colliery 155a.
Miner's calculator.
Bainbridge's coll. man. calcul. 12s 6d. 43a.
Ireland, J. Colliery ready reckoner. Is6t. 408.
Patent calculator 1891. 75c. 622.
Tarbuck, J. Mine rent reckoner. 2s 6d. 804.
Miner 9 dial, see Brough 114.
Miner's guide. Budge, J. 1845. $5.00. 123.
Miners of U. S., see Balch 45.
Miner, the practical. Daddow and Bannan. 1866. $7.50. 181.
Mineral analysis. See also Mineralogy Assaying Anal. Chem. Blowpipe.
Osborn, H. S. Manual of minerals. 1888. $4.50.605.
Rammelsberg, C. F. Analysis of alloys, etc. 1872. $2.25. 664.
Wohler, F. Handb. of mineral anal. 1871. $3.00. 942.
see Rocholl 694.
Mineral lands within railroad grant, see California 129d.
Mineral oils, see Oil Petroleum.
Mineral physiology. Hunt, T. S. 1886. $5.00 399; 1890. $5.00400.
Mineral products of U. S., see California 129c.
546 Mineral resources of Ontario, 1890. Report of the Royal commission.
Toronto 1890. $3.00. Fa Wb.
547 Mineral resources of the U. S., calendar year 1886. By Dav. T. Day, Chief
of division of mining, statistics, and technology. (U. S, Geol. Survey.)
Wash,, D. C. 1888. Demy 8vo. 50c. Ga.
548 Mineral resources of the states and territoriesWest of the Rocky Mountains.
10 vols. Wash., D. C. 186777. 8vo. ($18,00.) Comprising: Browne, J. R.
48 MIX
and Taylor, J. W. Reports for 1866, '67. Wash. 1867, '68-. (@ $1.50.) Ray-
mond, R. W. First report for 1868.'' Wash., D. C. 1869. 8vo. ($1.50);
Second report for 1869. Wash., D. C. 1870. 8vo. ($2,00.) Third report
for 1870. Wash.,D. C. 1871. 8vo. ($3.00.) Fourth and fifth reports for
1871, 72. Wash., I). C. 1872, 73. Svo. (each $2.00.) Sixth report for 1873.
Wash., D. C. 1874. Svo. ($3.00.) Seventh and eight reports, for 1874, 75.
Wash.,D. C. Svo. (eacli $2.00.) Ck Ga.
N. B. The prices appear here in parenthesis, being those given in a recent catalogue of
Messrs. Clarke & Co.
Mineral resources.
Browne, J. R. Min. resources West of Rocky Mountains. !S(iS. $.",.00. ]i>.
Campbell, J. L. Min. res. of James River Valley, Ya. 1884. $1.<><>. i;;:j.
Duwsun. J. \V. Acadian tioolouy. 1878. 21*. 213.
Jemiey, W. P. Mineral wealth of Black ffiUs, Dak, 1876. 50c.. 422.
McDougall, J. Min. res. of Canada, in Fairchild 251.
Mineral resources of Ontario. 1890. $3.00. 546.
Mineral resources of TJ. S. 1886. 5pc. 547.
Mineral res. West of Rocky Mountains 18677 / . 1 s .( )( ). 548.
I l atton,J. H. Natural res. of U. S. 1888. $3.00. <525.
IVursoii, A. X. Mineral resources of India. LS83. 2* (>'/. (127.
Stuart, G. Montana as it is. 1865. $2.00. 785.
Williams, A. Min. res. of U. S. 1883. 50c. 8'->4.
sec California 129a to 129d; J)addo\v 181, Stansbury 777, Swinney 79S.
Mineral wealth of Xew Spain, see Anderson 14.
Mineralogia cornubiensis. Pryce, W. 1778. ($10.00) Scarce. 661.
Mineralogical societies, see Official 596, 597.
Mineralogy. Elementary and advanced treatises. See also Blowpipe Anal.
Crystallography. Ores.
Aiisted, D. T. Elementary course in mineral. 12-s. 26.
Baueriiian, H. Descriptive mineral. 1884. 6*. 56.
Bauerman. Systematic mineral. 1881. 6s. 57.
Bristow, H. W. Glossary of mineral. 1SS1. <>*. 113.
Brush, G. J. Determinat. mineral. 1890. $3.50. 120.
Buckland, F. T. Geology and mineral. 2 v., each 5-. 121.
Cleaveland, P. Elem. treat, on mineral. 2 v. 1822. ($3.oo) 151.
Collins, J. H. Mineralogy, elem. ser. 1*. 157; 75c. 15s.
Collins. The same. Advanced. 2 v. 1884. 6*. 159; $2.50, 160.
Collins. Mineral, of Devon and Cornwall. 4x6(2. 161.
Cyclopaedia of the arts, etc. $6.00. 180.
Dana, E. S. Progress of mineral. 1885. 11. p. 185; 1886, n. p. 186.
Dana. Textbook of mineral. 1889. $3.50. 1S7.
Dana. Manual of mineral. 1887. $2.00. 191.
Dana. Manual of mineral, and petrog. 1889. $2.00 192.
Dana, and B. System of mineralogy: (descriptive.) 1889. $10.00. 195.
Dana. Appendices. 1882. $2.00. 196.
Dana. 3d appendix. 1882. $1.50. 197.
Egleston, T. Lectures on mineral. 1872. $4.50. 2:53.
Elderhorst, W. Manual of determinat. miner. 1SS1. $2.50. 23'.).
Erni, H. Mineralogy simplified. 1885. $3.00. 243.
Etheridge, and J. Catalogue of works, etc. 10*. 245.
Eyerman, J. Determinat. mineral. 1890. $1.15. 249.
Foye, J. C. Handb. of mineral. 1886. 50c. 270.
Foye. Tables for determin. of minerals. 1882. $1.00. 2,1.
Frazer, P. Tables of minerals 1877. $2.00. 272; 1891. $2.00. 273.
Fuchs, C. W. C. Determinat. of minerals. 1875. 5>-. 280.
Greg and L. Mineral, of Gt. Britain. 15s. 3:52.
Hogan, K. E. Elem. mineral. 1889. 50c. 377.
Hooker, W. Mineralogy. 90c. 380.
Hunt,T. S. Mineral physiology. 1886. $5.00 399; 1S90. $5.00. -jno.
Hunt. System, mineral., in press. 401.
Hussak, E. Determin. of minerals. 1885. $2.00. 402.
Jameson, R. System of mineral. 3 v. 1820, $5.00. 416.
Jewesbury, F. N. Mineral, tables. !(>(/. 420.
Xicol, J. Elem. of mineral. 7s 6d. 583.
Orton, J. Underground treasures. 1887. $1.50. 604.
Osborn, H. S! Manual of minerals. 1888. $4.50.605.
Overman, F. Pract. mineral. 1SS2. $1.00.611.
Plympton, G. W. Blowpipe, 1881. $1.50. 652.
Ramsay, A. Rudiments of mineral. 1885. 3s 6d. 665.
Rutley, F. Mineralogy. (Elem) 2s. 720.
Shepard, E. M. System, mineral record. 60c. 742a.
Smith, E. H. Pocket geologist. 1890. $1.00. 758.
South wick, A. P. Questionbk of mineral. 1883. lOc. 773.
Sweeny, W. S. Nat. science note book I 1886. 20c, 71*5,
Timbs, J. Yearbook of science. 18631873. $10.00. 827.
Wheeler, C. G. Elem. determin. mineral. 1880. $1.00. 885.
Wheeler. Outlines of determin. min. 1884. $1.00. 88(5;
see Alford 11, Bayley 59, Berge 77, Booth 102, Boyd 108, Cornwall 170, Geol.
Rec. 302, Mott 562, Wiiichell 925.
Minerals. See also Antimony Asbestos Asphalt Baryta China Clay
Clay Cobalt Corundum Crystalline Rocks Emery Graphite Gyp-
sum Haloid Minerals Metalliferous Mines Opal Quartz Testing
Mineralogy Ores.
Bartlett, F. L. Minerals of New England. 1877. 50c, 25c. 55.
Centennial exhibition, reports. 1878. $2.00. 139.
Clapp, H. L. Common minerals. 1889. 30c. 146.
Clapp. Note book. 1889. 15c. 147.
Crosby, W. O. Common minerals. 60c. 176.
Crosby. Tables for determin. $1.25. 177.
Davies, D. C. Earthy minerals. 1888. 12s 6d. 208.
Davies. Metalliferous min. 1888. 12s 6d. 209.
Kensington, E. T. Chem. compos, of min. 1876. 5s. 444.
Liversidge, A. Minerals of New S. Wales. 1888. 18s. 490.
Osborn, H. S. Pract. manual of minerals. 1888. $4.50. 605.
Pryce, W. Mineralogia cornub. 1778. Scarce. 661.
Richards, H. First lessons in minerals. lOc. 683.
Rutley, F. Rock forming minerals. 1888. 7s 6d. 721.
Silberbach, J. H. Handb. of mineral products. 1888.
Smith, E. H. Pocket geologist. 1890. $1.00. 758.
Smith, F. H. Rocks, minerals, stocks. 1882. $1.50. 759;
see Bowen 104, Cole 154, Swinney 798.
Minerals, catalogues of.
Chester, A. H. Catalogue of min. 1886. $1.25. 141.
Egleston, J. Cat. of min. 1889. n. p. 232.
Robinson, S. Cat. of Amer. min. 1825. ($3.75) 693.
Minerals, importance of, see California 129b.
Minerals, law relating to.
Blanchard and W. Law of mines, etc. 1877. $7.50. 88.
Macswinney, R. F. Law of mines, etc. 1884. 35s. 508.
Minerals of South Wales, see Swinney 798.
Mines and mining. See also Accidents Asphalt Atmosphere Barrels
Coal mines Comstock Mines Copper Drift Mining Friction Gases
Gold Mines Haulage Hydraulic Min. Iron Mines Leaching Lead
Mexican Mines Mine Engin. Miners Mining Code Mining Industries
Min. Mach. Min. Schools Mine Survey. Natural Gas Ore Deposits
Pits Placer Quartz Prospecting River Min. Roasting Safety Lam ps
Submarine Testing Timbering Tin Min. Tunneling Underground
Val u ation Working.
Callon, J. Lectures on mining. 1890. $3.00. 689.
Centennial exhibition, reports. 1878. $2.00. 139.
Colorado. Biennial report. 1887. 50c. 164.
Collins, J. H. First book of mining. 1888. Is 6d. 156.
DaddowandB. Coal, iron, and oil. 1866. $7.50. 181.
Dahlgren, C. B. Hist, mines of Mexico. 1883. 52s 6d. 182.
Davies, D. C. Earthy, etc. minerals. 1888. 12s 6d. 208
Davies. Metalliferous minerals. 1888. 12s 6d. 209.
Dodd, G. Dictionary of manuf. 1869. $1.50. 220.
East India. Hyderabad Decan Mining Co. 1888. 4s. 230.
Etheridge and J. Catalogue of works, etc. 10s. 245.
Hartwig, G. Workers under the ground. 1888. 2s. 358.
Hunt, R. Brit, mining. 1887. 42s. 393.
Hunt. Mineral statistics. 1880. 2s. 394.
Jones, L. A. A. Miner's manual. 1882. 2s 6d. 428.
Mauchline, R. Mine foreman's handb. 1887. $2.00. 527.
Merivale, J. H. Notes and formulae for min. stud. 1887. 2s Qd. 532
Mines and min. statistics. 1887. 4s 6d. 549.
Mitton, A. D. Management of fiery mines. 1890. Is. 554.
Moreing, C. A. Telegraphic min. code. 1890. IQsGd. 555.
Murphy, J. G. Pract, mining. 1889. $1.50. 567.
Overman, F. Pract. mineral. 1882. $1.00. 611.
Overman, F. Treat, on metall. 1887. $5.00. 612.
Osborn, H. S. Manual of min. and mines. 1888. $4.50. 605.
Phillips and D. Kecords of mining. 1857. $2.00. 647.
Pocket mining atlas. 1880. $1.00. 653.
Pott's mining register. 1890. 10s. 654.
Ramsay, J. A. Laying of coaldust. Gd. 667; 1888. 25c. 668.
Raymond, R. W. Statistics of mines. 1870. ($i.50.) 672; 187176, (each
$3.00.) 673.
Raymond. Mines of the West. 1865. ($1.75.) 674.
Report of inspectors of mines. 1887. os'od. 681.
Rickard, W. Miner's manual. 1859. lOsGd. 688.
Skinner, W. Mining manual. 7s Gd. 754.
Smith, W. W. Metallic mining. 3s Gd. in Bevan's 81.
Stuart, J. M. Mining. 1879. $1.00. 786.
Transactions of Am. Institute of Min. Eng. 829.
U. S. Geol. Survey, v. 12. 1888. 848.
Ure, A. Dictionary of arts, etc. 187881. 147s. 850.
Weale's Dictionary of mining terms. 5s. 877.
Whitney, J. P. Silver mining regions. 1865. 25c. 890;
see Beeton 62, California 129a to 129d; Miller 543, Pryce 061.
549 Mines and mineral statistics for 1887. W. map. Lond. 1888. 4s Gd. PC.
Mines, examination of, see Ricketts 689.
Mines in Virginia, see Virginia 855.
Mines, law relating to. See also Minerals Mexican Min. Code.
Blanchard and W. Law of mines. 1877. $7.50. 88.
Chism, R. E. Mining code of Mexico. 1889. $1.00. 143.
Colorado. Biennial rep. 1887. 50c. 164.
Copp, H. N. American mining code. 1886. 50c. 166.
Copp. U. S. mineral lands. 1881. $4.50. 167.
Macswinney, R. F. Law of mines. 1884. 35s. 508.
Morrison, R. S. Mining reports. 188289. 15v. $75.00. 558.
Morrison and F. Mining rights. 1888. $2.25. 559.
Rogers, A. Law rel. to mines. 1876. 31s Gd. 698.
Shinn, C. H. Land law of min. districts. 1884. 50c. 744.
Sickels, D. K. U. S. mining laws. . 1881. $6.00. 745.
Wade, W. P. American min. law. 1882. $3.00. 857.
Wilson, C. S. Mining laws of U. S. 1881. $1.00. 905.
Wilson and C. Min. laws of U. S. 1884. $1.00. 1)06;
see New York 57678; United States 843, 844; Winchell 925.
Mines, lighting of, see Wardle 86870.
Mines, location of, see California 129d.
Mines of U. S., see Balch 45.
Mining accidents, see Accidents in mines.
Mining camps, see Shinn 743.
550 Mining code (the new) of the Mexican Republic, including the ordinance
providing for the organization of com missions and tariff of regular fees and
salaries. Trans, by Juan S. Hart. El Paso, Tex., 1885. 16mo. pap. $2.00.
Fa Tc.
Mining code.
Moreing, C. A. Telegraphic mining code, 1890. 10s Or/. 555.
Mining engineers, useful memoranda for, see Percy II, 634.
Mining formulae. Dron, R. W. 1890. 2s Gd. 227.
Mining industries, see Balch 45, Bevan 80, Higgin 369, Rein 677, United
States 842.
Mining machinery. See also Air-compressing Mach. Appliances Automa-
tic Expansion Cages Hauling Mining Tools Underground Steam
Pump. Winding.
Andre, G. G. Min. machinery. 188779. 72s. 17.
Blake, W. P. Mining machinery. 1870. $2.00. 85.
Comes, C. Min. machinery. 1889. 2s Gd. 108.
Comes and C. Price-book of machinery. 10s Gd. 169.
Lock, C. J. W. Min. and ore-dressing machinery. 1890. 52s Gd. 495.
Rock drilling machinery. 1889. Gratis. 695;
see Colliery 155, Davies 209, Eissler 23(3.
Mining of gold ores, see California 129d.
Mining picks, see Lock 495a.
Mining plans, see Sopwith 771.
Mining royalties. Sorley, W. R. 1889. Is Gd. 772.
Mining schools.
White, J. S. Eecent examin. papers. 1888. $1.25. 887.
Mining terms.
Milford, P. Pocket dictionary of min. terms, 1886. Is. 534;
see Anderson, 15, Colliery 155.
Mining tin. Charleston, A. G. 1884. 12s 6d. 140.
Mining tools.
Morgans, W. Manual of min. tools. 1872. 3s Gd, 556;
see Andre 17.
551 Mississippi Expedition: Reports of explorations and surveys to ascertain
the most practical and economical route for the railroad from the Missis-
sippi river to the Pacific ocean, made under the direction of the Secretary
of War in 185354, according to acts of Congress, March 3, 1854, May 31,
1854, and August 5, 1854. 12 vols. in 13 (the last volume being in two.)
Maps and about a thousand plates, some colored, illustrating the botany,
GEOLOGY, ornithology, ichthyology, costume and implements of the natives,
etc., of the countries surveyed. Wash., D. C., 185560. 4to, ($60.00.)
(Originally cost $300.00). Ga Wd.
552 Mitchell, H. Diamonds and gold of South Africa. Account of the differ-
ent diamond and gold fields and how to reach them. Laws of the Trans-
vaal as regards mining, etc. List of South African companies. With
maps. Lond. 1888. 8vo. 5s. Wu.
553 Mitchell, J. Manual of practical assaying; ed. by W. Crookes. 6th ed.
partly re-written and enl. Illus. and pi. Lond. (1881) 1888. 8vo. 1. 11s Gd,
110.00. B Ck Lm Sp V Wm Wn.
554 Mitton, A. D. The management of fiery mines. Durham 1890. 12mo. Is.
Mixed metals, see Metallic Alloys.
Molybdenum, see Davies 208.
555 Moreing, C. A. Telegraphic mining code, alphabetically arranged. For the
use of mining companies, mining engineers and all persons interested in
mines. 3d ed. Lond. (1888,) 1890. 8vo, 10s 6d, $4.25, interleaved $6.25.
d Sp Wn Wu.
556 Morgans, Wm. Manual of mining tools, for the use of mine managers,
agents, students, etc., comprising observations on the materials from and
processes by which they are manufactured, their special uses, applications,
qualities and efficiency, (Weale's Ser.) Lond. 1872. 12mo. 3s 6d. $1.25;
atlas of engravings to same, containing 235 illustrations drawn to scale.
Lond. 1872. 4to. 4s Gd, $2.50. B Ck Lg.
557 fMorris, John, and Jones, T. R. Geology. First series. Heads of lectures
on geology and mineralogy in several courses. Lond. (n. d.) Fcap. 8vo.
2s Gd. Gu.
558 Morrison, B. S. Mining reports: cases on the law of mines found in the
American and English reports; arranged alphabetically by subjects, with
notes and references. Vols. 1 to 15. Chicago, 111. 1882 '89. 8vo, shp.,
vols. 1 to 5, 13, 15, each $5.25; vol. 6, $5.50; vols. 712, 14, each $6.25;
vols, 1 15, $75.00 net; vol. 16, including table of cases and digest of the
entire series, in preparation. C.
559 Morrison, B. S., and Fillius, Jac. Mining rights in Colorado: lode and
placer claims, possessory and patented, from the district organization to
the present time. 6th rev. and enl. ed. Denver (1881) 1888. 16mo., shp.
$2.25. C Cd Ck.
560 Morton, G. H. The geology of the country around Liverpool, including
the North of Flintshire. 2d ed. Liverpool 1891. 8vo. 12s Gd. net. Pm.
561 Mosley, P. New method of mining coal, in 1882, I, No. 434.
562 Mott, H. A., jr. The chemist's manual: a practical treatise on chemistry;
qualitative and quantitative analysis, stoichiometry, blowpipe analysis,
mineralogy, assaying, toxicology, etc. New rev. ed. Illus. N. Y. 1883.
Roy. 8vo. $4.00. B Ck V.
Overman, F. Moulder's and founder's pocket guide. 1882. $2.00. G10;
Larkin 47:5.
N. B. A larger list on this subject will be found in Handy Lists III.
Mouth Uow pipe. See also Blowpipe Analysis.
, T.
Use of mouth blowpipe. 1875. 4s, 730.
563 Muir, M. M. P. A treatise on the principles of chemistry. 2d ed. Lond.
1891. 8vo ____ $4.50. Ca Ma.
564 Munro, J. E. C. Sliding scale in coal industry: a paper at British Assoc.
Manch. 1886. 8vo. Is. Hm.
565 Murchison, Sir R. I. Siluria: a history of the oldest rocks in the British
Isles and other countries. 5th ed., including the Silurian system, with
map and illus. 2 vols. Lpnd. 1873. 8vo. 18s, $7.20. Mu V.
566 Murgue, D. Mine ventilation: the theories and practice of centrifugal
ventilating machines, trans, and with an introduction by A. L. Steavenson.
Lond. 1883. 8vo. 5s, $2.00. Ck Sp.
567 Murphy, J. G. Practical mining: a field manual for mine examinations,
with hints for investors in properties. N. Y. 1890. 12mo, mor., tucks,
$1.50. Sp V Wn.
568 f Murray, Alex., and Howley, J. P. Geological survey of Newfoundland.
Rev. and corr. Including the annual reports of progress from the year of
inception, 1864 to 1880. With maps and illus. Lond. (n. d.) Demy 8vo.
15s. Sr.
569 Mushet, Dav. Papers on iron and steel, practical and experimental. With
6 folding steel plates. Lond. 1840. 8vo. (published at 1. 10s.) Very
scarce and valuable. Ck.
570 Muter, J. Practical and analytical chemistry, quantitative and qualitative.
Xew rev. ed. Illus. Lond. 1887, Roy. 8vo. (8vo) 6s 6d, $2.00. Bh Bs.
571 Napier, J. Manual of electro-metallurgy, with the application of the art
to manufacturing purposes. 5th ed. Illus. Lond. 1876. Cr. 8vo, (12mo)
7s Qd, $3.00. Ck Fa Gb Sd Sp V.
N. B. A new ed. (reprint) in preparation.
572 Napier, J. The same. 4th American, from the 4th London ed., rev. and
enl. Illus. Phila. 1876. 8vo, $1.50. B Ck Sp.
Contents: History of the art; description of galvanic batteries and their respective pec-
uliarities; electrotype processes; miscellaneous application of the process of coating with
copper; bronzing; deposition of metals upon one another; electro-plating, electro-gilding;
results of experiments on the deposition on other metals as coatings; theoretical abser-
Ncurrow work, see Andre 18.
573 Natorp, G. Coal industry of the lower Rhine, and of Westphalia, in 1880,
II, No. 434.
Natural gas. See also Fuel.
Ashburner, C. A. Distribution of iiat. gas. 40c. 33.
Ashburner, C. A. Geology of nat. gas. 15c. 34.
Ashburiier, C. A. Petroleum and nat. gas. 50c. 35.
Bannister, L. Something about nat. gas. 25c. 48.
Weeks, J. D. Report for 1885. 20c. 881.
Weeks. The same for '86, '87, each 20c. 882.
Wmchell, X. H. Natural gas in Minn. 938;
see California 7th rep. 129a, Crew 175, Mills 545.
Needle disturbances, see Lintern 488.
573a Newberry, J. S. Report on Potsdam red sandstone as a building material.
Potsdam, N. Y. 1891. 32mo. pap. gratis. Pu.
New England, minerals of. Bartlett, F. L. 1877. 50c and 25c. 55.
574 New measure (a) for old time: an easy method of finding the age of the
earth's sedimentary crust, etc. By an amateur. Newport, I. o. W. 1889.
P. 8vo, pap. 2d. Go.
575 Newton, H., and Jenney, W. P. Geology and resources of the Black Hills
of Dakota. With an atlas. Wash., D. C. 1880. 4to; atlas in folio, n. p.
576 New York. The act authorizing the formation of corporations for manu-
facturing, mining, mechanical, chemical, agricultural, medical, or com-
mercial purposes, passed Feb. 17, 1848. With amendments to May 26,
1887. N. Y. 1888. 12mo., pap., 50c. Ba.
577 New York. The general statutes relating to the formation, regulation, etc.,
of corporations for manufacturing, mining, etc. With all the amendments
to 1888. N. Y. and Albany, N. Y. 1888. 12mo. pap. 50c. Be.
578 New York. The same, with amendments, etc. to 1889. N. Y. and Albany,
N. Y. 1889. 12mo. pap. 75c; the same with amendments, etc. to 1891.
N. Y. 1891. 4to. pap. $1.50. Be.
579 Nicholson, H. A. Text-book of geology. N. Y. (1871.) 12mo, $1.05 net.
580 fNicholson, H. A. The ancient life-history of the earth. An outline of the
principles and leading facts of palaeontological science. Illus. Lond.
(n. d.) Or. 8vo. 10s 6d. Bo.
581 Nicholson, H. A., and Lydekker, R. A manual of palaeontology, for the
use of students. W. a general introduction on the principles of palaeon-
tology. 2d rev. and enl. ed. 2 vols.. illus. Edinburgh 1879. 8vo. 2. 2s.
$15.00. Bo V.
582 Nicholson, H. A., and Lydekker, R. The same. 3d ed., re-written and
greatly enl. 2 vols. Edinburgh 1889. Svo. 3. 3s., $22.50. Bo V.
Nickel, see Aaron 2, Kerl I, 445, Krupp and W. 463, Lock 495a, Osborn 605,
Percy VII, 632, Phillips 643, Thurston III, 823.
583 fNicol, J. Elements of mineralogy. 2d rev. and enl. ed. Illus. Edinburgh,
(n. d.) Cr. Svo. 7s 6d, $3.00. Bm Ck.
584 Nicols, A. Geological history: chapters from the physical history of the
earth. Illus. N. Y. 1880. 12mo. $1,25. Hd V.
Nitro- glycerine, see Eissler 238.
Noice's battery, see Aaron, 4.
Non-metalliferous minerals, see Davies 208, Lock 495; see also Minerals.
585 Nordenfelt, Th. Notes on iron ore deposits at Nacverhangen. in 1876. I,
No. 434.
586 Normandy, A. The commercial hand-book of chemical analysis; or, prac-
tical instructions for the determination of the intrinsic or commercial
value of substances used in manufactures, in trades and in the arts. Illus.
Lond. 1875. Cr. 8vo. (12mo.) 12s Qd. $500. B Ck Lg.
587 North, O. The practical assay er. Designed for explorers and those inter-
ested in mines. Illus. Lond. 1874. P. Svo. 7s 6d, $2.50. Of Ck.
Northampton iron ore district, Butlin, W. H. 128.
Notes and formulae for mining students. Men vale, J. H. 1887. 2s Qd. 532.
Notes on a metallurgical journey. Church, J. A. 1873. $2.00. 145a.
588 Nursey, P. F. Explosive compounds, in vol. 1869. Soc, Eng. Trans.
589 Nursey, P. F. Mechanical puddling, in vol. 1874. Soc. Eng. Trans.
590 Nursey, P. F. Modern bronze alloys for engineering purposes, in vol.
1884. Soc. Eng. Trans.
591 Nursey, P. F. Recent development in high explosives, in vol. 1889, Soc.
Eng. Trans.
592 Nursey, P. F. Recent improvements in explosive compounds, in vol.
1871. Soc. Eng. Trans.
593 Nursey, P. F. Uses of blast-furnace slag, in vol. 1873. Soc. Eng. Trans,
594 Nystrom, J. W. Pocket book of mechanics and engineering, containing a
memorandum of facts and connection of practice and theory. W. pi. 18th
rev. and greatly enl. ed. Phila. 1885. 16mo. mor. tucks; the same 19th
rev. and enl. ed. by Wm. D. Marks. Phila. 1887. 12mo. mor. tucks, each
$3.50; 15s; the same, 20lh rev. and enl. ed., with new original matter, by
Wm. D. Masks. Illus. Phila., and Lond. 3891. 16mo. $3.50, 15s.
B Ck Gb Ld Sp V Wn .
N. B. The present edition of the standard work has been thoroughly revised by the author
whose high reputation as an engineer and as an earnest worker in the advancement of
mechanical science is sufficient guarantee of the comprehensiveness and accuracy of the
book. It treats of the properties of air, htat and steam, the expansion of water, strength
of materials, dynamics, acoustics, optics, assaying, and chemistry, etc.
Occlusion of gaseous matter by fused silicates. Bell, I. L. 67.
Ocean placer, see California. 10th rep. 129d.
595 O'Driscoll, F. Notes on the treatment of gold ores. Illus. N. Y. 1889. Svo
$2.00. Sp Wm.
Contents. Some of the properties of gold; occurrences; remarks on the procedure of late
years; losses; remedies; free milling.
596 fOfficial year-book of the scientific and learned societies of Great Britain and
Ireland. Comp. from official sources. 6th annual issue. Comprising,
together with other official information, lists of the papers read during
1888 before the royal societies of London and Edinburgh, the Royal Dub-
lin Society, the British Association, and all the leading societies through-
out the kingdom engaged in sciences generally; mathematics and physics,
chemistry and photography, GEOLOGY, geography, and MINERALOGY,
biology, economic science, mechanical science, literature, psychology,
archaeolgy, etc. Lond. (n.d.)7s6d. Gb.
597 -[(Official year-book) the same, first issue, giving an account of the history,
organization, and condition of membership of the various societies, with
appendix on the leading scientific societies throughout the world. Lond.
(n. d.)7s6d. Gb.
Ohio coal field, see Roy 718.
598 Ohio. Report on the geological survey of Ohio. 3 vols. Columbus, O., 1873-78.
8vo. ($12.50.) V.
599 Ohio. Paleontology of Ohio. 2 vols. Columbus, 0., 187375. 8vo. ($15.00.)
GOO Ohio. Economic geology. Columbus, O., 1884. 8vo. ($5.00). V.
Oil, oil regions, oil wells.
Daddow and Bannaii. Coal, iron and oil. 1866. $7.50. 181.
Wright, W. Oil regions of Pennsylvania. 1865. 1.50. 949;
see Allen 12, Sevan's 81, California 129a, Crew 175, Duvies 208, Leet 480,
Orton 603, Osborn 605, Ross 710, Smith 758.
Old red sandstone. Miller, H. 1889. 5*. 539.
601 fOldham, Thorn. Geological glossary for the use of students. Ed. by R. D.
Oldham. Lond. (n. d.) P. 8vo. 2s. Sr.
602 Otto, Dr. The most recent results obtained in Germany in utilizing the
bye-products of the Hoffmann coke ovens, in 1884, II, No. 434.
Traill, G. W. Treatise on quartz and opal 1870. 6s. 828;
see Davies 208.
Ores, ore deposits, dressing and machinery. See also Antimony Asbestos
Gold Ores Iron Leaching Lixiviation Milling Roasting Testing
Treatment Working.
Gotta B. Ore deposits. 1870. $4.00. 172.
Kunhardt, W. B. Ore dressing. 1884. 6*. 464.
Kustel, G. Concentration of ores. 186S. 87.50. 466.
Lock, C. J. W. Ore dressing machinery 1S90. 52* <).
Phillips,,!. Manual of geology, I, lxx5. ix.s. <;:',!; II ixs:>. ;;j. s . <;-jo.
Svlry, H. G. Physical neol. and palaeont. 18s. 7!>o2.
Palaeozoic rocks.
Sedgwick and M. British pal. rocks. 1851 55. 21s. 735.
621 Pamely, C. The colliery manager's handbook: a comprehensive treatise on
the laying-out and working of collieries. A book of reference for colliery
managers and for the use of coal mining students,' preparing for first class
certificates. Illus. and plans. Lond. 1891. 8vo. 1. 5s. $10.00.
Parked process, see Aaron 2.
Ptitchen's process, see Aaron 4.
622 Patent calculator for engineers. N. Y. 1891. lOxfxli inches, 75c. Sh.
N. B This calculator is announced to be a complete pocket-book for mechanical, mining,
hydraulic-engineers, and for assayers, scientists, and men engaged in kindred branches.
623 Pattinson, J. New volumetric method of determining manganese in
manganiferous iron ores, spiegeleisen, steel, etc., in 1879, I, No. 434.
624 Pattinson, and Stead. The behaviour of arsenic in ores and metal during
smelting and purification processes, in 1888, II, No. 434.
625 Patton, J. H. Natural resources of the United States, compiled from in-
formation placed at the disposition of the author by the governors of the
various States, and from material derived from other authentic sources.
N. Y. 1888. 8vo. $3.00, 12s Qd. Am Wn.
Paul's pulverizing barrel, see Aaron 4.
626 Payen, B. H. Industrial chemistry: a manual for use in technical colleges
or schools, and for manufacturers, etc. Edited and supplemented with
chapters on the chemistry of the metals, etc., by B. H. Paul. Illus. Lond.
1878. Svo. 2. 2s, $10.50. B Ok Lm.
Pearls. See also Gems.
Streeter, E. W. Pearls and pearling life. 12s6d. 784.
see Kunz 4(>5.
627 Pearson, A. N. The development of the mineral resources of India. W.
Diag. Lond. 1883. Svo. pap. 2s 6d. $1.00. Sp.
Peat. See also Coal Fuel.
Hall, C. E. Conversion of peat into fuel. 347.
Leavitt, T. H. Facts about peat. 1867. $2.00.475.
Peckham, S. F. Peat for domestic fuel. 1. 101.
Cotta, B. Rocks classified and described. 1878. 14s. 171.
Crosby, W. O. Common minerals. 35c. 176.
Irving, A. Chemical and physical studies in nietamorphism of rocks. 1889.
5s. 411.
Irving, R. D. Copper-bearing rocks. 1883. $1.85. 412.
Jannettez, E. Guide to determination of rocks. 1SS:>. $1.50. 417.
Kinahan, G. H. Handy book of rock names. 1873. 4s. 447.
King and Rowney. An old chapter of the geological record. 10s (W. 452.
.Miller, H. Testimony of the rocks. 1889. j 5*. 540.
Phillips, J. S. Explorer's and assayer's companion. 1879. $6.00. 645.
Rosenbusch, H. Microscopical physiography of making minerals. 1889.
$5.00. 708.
Rosenbusch, H. Petrographical tables; 1889. 3s Gd. 709.
Rutley, F. Rock forming minerals. 1888. 7sC>d. 721.
Rutley, F. Study of rocks. 1881. 4.s(W. 722; 18S4. $1.75. 72:5.
Smith", F. H. Rocks, minerals and stocks. 1881. $1.50. 75!).
Stockbridge, H. E. Rocks and soils. LSSS. $2.50. 781.
Symonds, W. Records of the rocks. 12s. 800.
Wadsworth, M. E. Lithological studies. $3.00 net. 85S.
see Cole 154, Hunt 397.
Rocks, igneous, see Hatch 360, 361.
Rock salt, see Davies 208.
696 Rockwood, C. Gr.,j?V, An account of the progress in vulcanology and seis-
mology in the year 1886. From the Smithsonian report for 1886 87.
(Miscell. Coll. No. 699.) Wash., D. C. 1889. Svofpap., n. p. Sk.
Rocky Mountain gold and silver regions, see Fossett. 262.
697 Bodwell, G. F. Heat and halvid compounds of silver, mercury, lead and
copper. Lond. 1881. 4to. 3s. Te.
698 Rogers, A. Law relating to mines, minerals and quarries. 2d ed. Lond.
1876. 8vo, 1. 11s Qd. $12.00. Ck Ss.
699 Rogers, H. D. Geological and topographical map of the anthracite fields
of Pennsylvania. Geological map of the state of Pennsylvania, and
geological sections across Pennsylvania, to illustrate the geological map of
the state. 12 sheets. Engraved by A. Keith Johnston. Phila. (n. d.)
$20.00. Ld.
700 Rogers, H. D. Geology of Pennsylvania. A complete treatise on the coal
formations. 3vols. W. pi. and maps. Phila. 1858; 4to. $15.00.
701 Rogers, S. B. An elementary treatise on iron metallurgy. Lond. 1857, 8vo.
1. 5s. $5.00. Lg V.
702 Rogers, Wm. The geology of the Virginias. A reprint of annual reports
and other papers. W. maps, col. charts, etc. N. Y. 1884. 12mo. $5.00. Am.
Roller mining machinery. Carter, J. H. 138.
703 Rollet, A. The Rollet process for producing a pure carbide of iron. In
1890, J, No. 434.
Rolling-m\]\s, see Overman 612.
Roll turning.
Tunner, P. Treatise on roll-turning for manufacture of iron. 1869. $10.00.
704 Roscoe, Sir, H. E. Lessons in elementary chemistry, inorganic and organic.
' New ed. Illus. N. Y. 1888. 12mo. $1.50. Am B.
705 fRoscoe, Sir, H. E., and Schorlemmer, C. A treatise on chemistry. 3 vols.
Illus. Lond. (n. d.) 8vo. 6. 18s., sold separately. Vol. I: The non-metal-
lic elements. With a port, of Dal ton. 18s; vol. II, parts 1,2, metals each 18s;
vol. Ill, organic chemistry, parts 1, 2 each 1. Is; part 3, 18s; part 4 1. Is.
706 Boscoe, Sir, H. E., and Schorlemmer, C. A treatise on chemistry. 3 vols:
Illus. N. Y. (188489) 188890. 8vo. $30.00; sold separately. Vol. I,
non-metallic elements. N. Y. 1888. $5.00; vol. 2, parts, 1, 2, metals. N. Y.
1889, 90, each part $3.00; vol. 3, parts, 1, 2, organic chemistry. N. Y. 1890.
each part $5.00; vol. 3, part 3, org. chemistry. N. Y. 1890. $3.00; vol. 3,
part 4, org. chemistry. N. Y. 1888. $3.00; vol. 3, part 5, org. chemistry.
N. Y. 1889. $3.00. ' Am B Ck.
707 flloscoe, Prof. What the earth is composed of. Illus. (Manch. Sci. Lect.)
Maneh. (n. d.) Or. 8vo. 6d. Hm.
708 Bosenbusch, H. Microscopical physiography of the rock-making minerals.
An aid to the microscopical study of rocks. Trans, by Jos. P. Iddings. 2d.
ed. Illus. and pi. N. Y. (1888) 1889. 8vo. (Roy. 8vo.) $5.00. 1. 4s.
B Ma Sp Wm .
709 Bosenbusch, H. Petrographical tables; an aid to the microscopical deter-
mination of rock-forming minerals. Trans, and ed. by F. H. Hatch.
Lond. 1889. 4to. 3s 6d. $1.40. Sn Sp V Wn.
710 Ross, O. C. E. Air as fuel. Petroleum and mineral oils utilized, etc. 2d ed.
Lond. 1875, P. 8vo. (12mo.) 3s Gd. $1.40. Ck Sp.
711 Boss, W. A. Alphabetical manual of blowpipe analysis. Showing all
known methods, old and new. Illus. Lond, 1880. Or. 8vo. (12mo.) 5s.
$2.50. B Ck Te.
712 Boss, W. A. The blowpipe in chemistry, mineralogy and geology, con-
taining all known methods of anhydrous analysis, many working ex-
amples and instructions for making apparatus. Illus. Lond. 1884. Cr.
Svo. (12mo.) 3s Gd. $1.50; the same, 2cl rev. and enl. ed. Illus. Lond. 1888
P. Svo, (12 mo.) 5s, $2.00. B Ck Lg Wn.
713 Bothschild, M. D. A. handbook of precious stones. Illus. N. Y. 1890.
12mo. $1.00. Pz V.
714 Bowan, Th. Coal; spontaneous combustion of coal, occurring in coal car-
goes, its treatment and prevention; also the prevention of fire or explo-
sions in ships from cargoes or stores containing substances of a volatile or
inflammable matter. Lond. 1882. 8vo. 5s. $2.00. Ck Cn Sp.
715 Bowan, T. Explosion of gas in coal bunkers. Lond. 1883. Id. Kd.
716 Bowell, B. Coal freight commission and discount tables. Newcastle, 1869.
Svo. 7s Gd. Lm.
717 Boy, A. The coal mines. Containing a description of the various systems
of working and ventilating mines, together with sketch of the principal
coal regions of the globe, including statistics of coal production. Illus.
Columbus, O. 1876. 8vo. $2.75. Ck Cn Bo.
718 Boy, A. The practical miner's companion; or, papers on geology and
mining in the Ohio coal field. Columbus, O. 1885. 12mo. $1.25. Cn We.
Contents: The Ohio coal-field; early mining in Ohio; the manner of mining; the ventila-
tion of mines; certificated managers; amelioration of miners; the geological survey;
geology of Jackson County.
719 Bules and byelaws for the regulation of the carriage and landing of petro-
leum in the harbor and port of Portland, made under the authority of the
petroleum acts, 1871 and 1879. Lond. 1888. Sd. E.
Russd process, see Stetefeldt 780.
Russian metallurgical works. Barry H. 1870. $2.00. 52.
720 fButley, F. Mineralogy. New and enl. ed. (Murby's Sci. and Art Ser.)
Loud. (n. d.) 2s. Mn.
721 Butley, F. Rock forming minerals. Illus. (Murby's Sci. and Art Sor.)
Lond. 1888. Demy Svo. (Svo) pap. 7s Gd. $3.00. Mn Wn.
722 Butley, F. The study of rocks: an elementary textbook of petrology. 2d
ed, lilus. and pi. (textb. of Sci.) Lond. 1881. Fcap. 8vo. (12mo)4s6rf.
$1.50. B-Lm.
723 Butley, F. The same. 4th ed. Illus. New Y. 1884. 12mo. $1.75.
Am V.
724 Byan, J. Gold mining in India. Lond. 1SS1. Svo. Gd. Sp.
725 Byland, A. The assay of gold and silver wares. Lond. 1852. P. Svo. (12mo)
6s. $2.40. Ck Si.
Safety lamps.
Purdy, W. Coll. explosions and safety lamps. 1880. 50c. 663.
Thomas, B. H. Miner's safety lamp. 1886. 25c. 814;
see Mauchline 527, Spon, parts 69, 70. 774; Wardle 86870, Wilson 907.
7iV, Safford, J. M. Geology of Tennessee. Nashville, 1869. 8vo. ($5.00).
727 St. John, S. Elements of geology. N. Y. (n. d.) 12mo, $1.50. o. p.
Salines, see Salt mines.
Salt. See also Brine Springs Rock Salt Sea Salt Salt mines.
"P>od* (\79.
Theodolite, use of, see Brongh 114, Haskoll 359.
814 Thomas, B. H. The miner's safety-lamp. An essay on the relative utility
of the different safety-lamps in general use. Shenandoah, Pa. 1886. 25c.
Cn Ke.
815 Thomas, J. W. A treatise on coal, mine-gases, and ventilation, with copies
of "researches on the gases inclosed in coal", etc. Lond. 1878. Or. 8vo.
(12mo) WGd, $4.20. Ck Cn Lm V.
816 Thomas, T. F. Notes on coal mining. Intended as an assistance to can-
didates for certificates of competency as colliery managers, and as a useful
reference book for colliery managers and mining engineers. Lond. 1880.
Cr. 8vo. (12rno) 2s Gd, $1.25. Ck Cn Cp,
817 Thompson, B. The middle lias of Northamptonshire, considered strati-
graphieally, palreontologically, economically, as a source of water supply,
as a mitigator of floods. Reprinted from the "Midland Naturalist." Bir-
mingham 1889. 8vo. 3s Gd. Hk Sf.
818 Thomson, Geo. The underground fire at Wynnstay colliery, Ruabon, in
1875, I, No. 434.
819 Thorpe, T. E., ed. Coal: its history and uses, by Profs. Green, Miall, and
others, ed. by Prof. Thorpe. Lond. 1878. 8vo. 12s Gd, $4.00. Ck Ma.
820 Thorpe, T. E. Dictionary of applied chemistry. 3 vols. Lond. 1890, '91.
(vols. 1, 2 issued, 3 in preparation.) Roy. 8vo. (8vo) half mor., each 2. 2s,
$15.00. Lm.
821 Thorpe, T. E. Quantitative chemical analysis. Illus. (Textb. of Sci.)
Lond. 1885. Fcap. 8vo. (12mo) 4s Gd, $1.50. B Ck Lm Wm.
822 Thorpe, T. E., and Muir, M. M. P. Qualitative chemical analysis and
laboratory practice. 3d ed. Illus. Lond. 1883. Fcap. Svo. (12mo) osGd,
$1.25. B Lm.
823 Thurston, B. H. Materials of engineering: a work designed for engi-
neers, students, and artisans in wood, metal and stone. Also as a text-
book in scientific schools, showing the properties of the subjects treated.
Well illustrated. In three parts. Illus. N. Y. 188388. Svo, $11.00.
B Ck Sp Wm.
Part I: Treatise on the non-metallic materials for engineering. Stone,
timber, fuel, lubricants, etc., with measures in British and metric units,
and metric and reduction tables. Illus. N. Y. 1883. Svo, $3.00, red. to
Part II: Treatise on iron and steel. The ores of iron ; methods of reduc-
tion; manufacturing processes; chemical and physical properties of iron
and steel; strength, ductility, elasticity, and resistance; effects of time,
temperature, and repeated strain; methods of test; specifications. 4th ed.
Illus. N. Y. (1885) 1888. Svo, $4.00, red. to $3.50.
Part III: Treatise on brasses, bronzes, and other alloys, and their consti-
tuent metals: copper, tin, zinc, lead, antimony, bismuth, nickel, alumi-
num, etc.; the brasses, bronzes; copper-tin-zinc alloys; other valuable
alloys; their qualities, peculiar characteristics, uses, and special adap-
tations; Thurston's "maximum alloys" strength of the alloys as commonly
made, and as affected by special conditions; the mechanical treatment of
metals. Illus. N. Y. 1884. Svo, $3.00, red. to $2.50.
824 Thurston, B. H. Report on a preliminary investigation of the properties
of the copper-tin alloys. Illus. and pi. Wash., D. C. 1879. Svo. ($2.50.) V.
825 Thwaite, B. H. Gaseous fuel, including water gas, its production and
application. Lond. 1889. Cr: Svo. Is Gd. Wi.
826 Thwaite, B. H. Liquid fuel; its advantages for firing steam generators.
Lond. 1887. Svo, pap. Is. 25c. Sp.
Timbering mines, etc., see Davies 209, Sawyer 729, Simms 749, Turner 888.
827 Timbs, J. The year-book of facts in science and art, exhibiting the most
important discoveries and improvements of the past years in mechanics
and the useful arts, natural philosophy, electricity, chemistry, Geology } min-
eralogy, etc. Lond. 186273, 12m o. ($10.00.) B,
Tin dressing machinery, see Cox 173.
Tin mines and mining.
Charleston, A. G. Tin. 1884. 12* 6d. 140.
Doyle, P. Tin milling in Larut. 1879. 36d. 223;
see Davies 209, Flower 259, Graham 317, Kerl I, 445, Lock 495a, Osborn 605,
Pepper 631, Percy VII, 632, Phillips 643, Pryce 661, Swinney 798, Thurston
III, 823.
Tipping, see Percy I, 633.
827a To builders and quarrymen. (A circular of the Kegents of the University of
Minn.) .Relating to the collection of two-inch cubes of building stones for
physical tests of strength, and for chemical examination, and samples of
clay and brick for the general museum. Minneapolis 1880. TJ.
Town geology. Heilprin, A. 1885. $2.25. 366.
Town geology. Kingsley, C. 1885. 6s. 454; 1890. $1.50, 455; 1880. 15c. 456;
and in Scientific lectures 453.
828 Traill, G. W. Treatise on quartz and opal, including their varieties.
(Edinburgh,) 1870, sm. 4to. 6s. $2.00. Ck Sf V.
829 Transactions of the American Institute of mining engineers. Phila. 1880
90; vols. 14, each $2.00; vols. 58, ea. $3.00; vols. 9, 1118, ea. $5.00;
vol. 10, $10.00; index to vols. 115, $1.00 and $2.00. Ad.
Transvaal , geological features of, see Alford, 10.
Transvaal mining laws, see Mitchell 552.
830 Treatise on the progressive improvement and present state of manufactures
in metals. 2 vols. Illus. Lond. 1831. 16mo. ($3.50.) Ck.
Treatment of ores, see Ores.
Trenton limestone, see Orton 603.
830a Trewert, E. Electricity and its recent applications. Illus. Lynn, Mass.
189l.l2mo. $2.00. Bv.
N, B. Contains a chapter on electrical mining apparatus.
831 Trewman, A. H. C. Flues and ventilation, in vol. 1876, Soc. Eng. Trans.
832 Trimble, H. Practical and analytical chemistry: being a complete course in
chemical analysis. 3d enl. ed. Illus. Phila. 1889. 12mo. $1.50. Bs.
Trimdon mine explosion, see Atkinson, 39.
833 Triplett, F. How to assay. A book for the practical miner and prospector.
N. Y. (n. d.) $1.00. Fa H.
N. B. A new edition in preparation.
834 Troilius, M. Notes on the chemistry of iron. For professional men
students, iron and steel merchants, and all interested in iron. 2d rev. and
enl. ed. N. Y. 1886. Svo. $2.00. B~ Ck Wm.
Tudhoe mine explosion, see Atkinson 39.
Tungsten, see Howe, 385, 386.
Tunneling. See also Aqueducts Blasting Rock Drills.
Drinker, H. S; Tunneling. 1888. $25.00. 226.
Gripper, C. F. Railway Tunneling. 1879. 7s6(Z. 335.
Simms, F. W. Pract. treat, on tunneling. 1877. 30s. 749.
Sutro tunnel report. 1872. $3.50. 790.
Turner, C. Timbering of tunnels. 838.
Bee Bowie 105, Wardle 86870.
Tunneling in Japan, see Jones 431.
835 Tunner, P. Treatise on roll-turning for the manufacture of iron. Trans.
and adapted by J. B. Pearse. Illus. and atlas. N. Y. 1869, text 8vo., atlas
folio, $10.00. Ck Sp V.
836 Tunner, Prof. Use of lignite or brown coal in the blast furnace, in 1882, I,
No. 434.
837 Tuomey, M. Report on the geology of South Carolina. Columbia, S. C.
1848. 4to. ($15.00.) V.
Turf, see Peat.
838 Turner, Chas. Timbering of trenches and tunnels, in vol. 1871. Soc. Eng.
839- Tuttle, H. A. Pocket analysis book. For ores, iron, coal, steel, coke and
limestone. With tables for miners, dealers, and iron smelters. N. Y.
(n. d.) 18mo, pocket form, ($2.00.) Ck.
840 Twinney, A. J. G. Handbook to the examinations for colliery managers'
certificates of competency. Lond. 1878. (18mo.) ($2.00.) Ck.
colliery explosion, see Report 678.
Underground fire. See also Explosions Accidents.
Thomas, Geo. Underground fire at Wyrmstay colliery. No. SIS.
('ndt'.n/ro'ud steam pumping machinery.
Miciu-ll, S. Mine draiiumc. 1881. 15*. 5: ',:}.
Underground treasures. Orton, J. 1887. 1.50. 604.
841 United States. Department of -the Interior. Census Office. Production,
technology, and uses of petroleum, and its products, by S. E. Peckham;
manufacture of coke, by Jos. D. Weeks; building stone of the U. S. and
statistics of quarry industry, 1880, vol. 10. Illus. Wash., D. C. 1884. 4to.
n. p. Ga.
842 United States. Department of the Interior. Census Office. (F. A. Walker,
and C. W. Seaton, supts.) Report on the mining industries of the U. S.
(exclusive of the precious metals,) with special investigations into the iron
resources of the republic, and into the cretaceous coals of the Northwest,
by R. Pumpelly. Illus., maps and plans. Wash., D. C. 1886. 8vo. n. p.
843 United States. Department of the Interior. ^ Census Office. (F. A. Walker,
and C. W. Seaton, supts.) The U. S. mining laws and regulations there-
under, and state and territorial mining laws to which are appended local
mining; rules and regulations, comp. under direction of Hon. 01. King.
Vol. 14. Wash. D, C. 1885, 4to. n. p. Ga.
844 United Sates. Department of the Interior. General Land Office. Mining
laws and regulations thereunder, Oct. 31, 1881; the same with circular to
January 1884. Wash., D. C. 8vo. pap. 1881, '84. n. p. Ga.
845 United States. Department of the Interior. General Land Office. Coal
land law and regulations thereunder, July 31, 1882. Wash., D. C., 1882.
Svo., pap., n. p. Ga.
846 United States geological survey. First annual report of the director C. King.
Illus. Wash., D. C., 1880. Svo. n. p. Ga.
N. B This is a preliminary report, describing the plan of organization and publication.
847 United States geological survey. Report of the director, J. W. Powell. Illus.
VVash., D. C., 188081. Svo. n. p. Ga.
848 United States geological survey. Vol. 12: geology and mining industry of
Leadville, Colorado. With 45 plates, 6 figures and a separate fol. atlas of
35 sheets, by S. F. Emmons. Wash., D. C., 1888. 4to. Ga.
849 Urbin, Ed., and Bruell, A. A practical guide for puddling iron and steel.
A prize essay read before the Association of Engineers. To which is added
a comparison of the resisting properties of iron and steel, by A. Brull.
Trans, from the French by A. A. Fesquet. Phila. 1868. Svo. $1.00,
B Sp Wn.
850 Ure, A. Dictionary of arts, manufactures and mines, containing a clear ex-
position of their principles and practice. Ed. by Robt. Hunt. New enl ed.
4 vols. Illus. Lond. 187881. 8vo, 7. 7,s, $24.00; half mor. $30.00.
Am B Lm V.
mine explosion, see Atkinson, 39.
Utilizing bye-products from Hoffman coke ovens, see Otto 602.
Utilization of Basic Bessemer slag, see Wedding 878.
851 Valentin, Wm. G. Course of qualitative chemical analysis. 7th ed., rev-
and ed. by W. R. Hodgkinson, and H. M. Chapman. W. tables, map of
spectra, and illus. Lond. 1888. Svo. 8 Qd. $3.00. Bs Cg.
Valleys. Kinahan, G. H, 1875. 7s Gd. 448.
Valuation of mining properties, see Lintern 488.
852 Van Wagenen, T. E. Manual of hydraulic mining, for the use of the
practical miner. N. Y. 1880. 16mo (iSino) $1.00. 5s. B Ck Fa Sp V.
1V///.S, see Phillips 645.
Ventilation of mines. See also Centrifugal friction Gases Explosions,
Andre, G. G. Ventil. of coal mines. 20.
Atkinson, T. J. Friction of air in mines. 1875. 50c. 37.
Atkinson. Gases met in coal mines. 28. 37a; 1886.' 50c. 38.
Bagot, A. Colliery ventilation. 1882. 5s. 43.
Clarke, W. J. Coll. ventil. 1891. Is, 148a.
Fairley, W. Ventil. of coal mines. 3s; 254; 1882, 50c, 255.
James, J. St. Coll. ventilation. 2s. 414.
Miller, J. Coal mine's gases. 1878. 10s Gd. 541.
Murgne, D. Mine ventilation 1883. 5s. 566.
Ramsay, J. A. Ventil. and working collieries. 1882. 5s. 669.
Scott, E. Ventil. of coal mines. 1863. Is. 734.
Thomas, J. W. Coal, mine gases, and ventil. 1878. 10s Gd. 815.
Trewman, A. H. C. Flues and ventilation. 831.
Wilson, E, B. Mine ventil. 1891. $1.25. 907;
see Andre 18, Colliery 155, Davies 209, Fairley 252, Hyslop 406, Mauchline
527, Percy I, 633; Koy 717, 718; Scoffern 733; Wardle 868 70.
Ventilation, machinery, see Andre 17, Percy I, 633; see also Mining Mach-
853 f " Verifier". Scepticism in geology; and the reasons for it. An assemblage
of facts from nature combining to refute the theory of "causes now in ac-
tion." Illus. Lond. (n. d.) Cr. 8vo. 6s. Mu.
Lobley, J. L. Mount Vesuvius. 1889. 12s Gd. 492.
Phillips, J. Vesuvius. 1869. 10s Gd. 641.
854 Views, description and progress of work on the new Croton Aqueduct tunnel,
New York City. ^4th ed. Illus. and tables. N. Y. 1886. A reprint of a
sheet from the Scientific American, gratis. Pa.
855 Virginia. A synopsis of the geology, geography, climate and soil of the
state. Together with its resources of mines, forests and fields, its flocks and
its herds. W. map. Richmond, Va., 1889, 8vo, pap. 50c. Be.
856 Vivian, H. H. Copper smelting, its history and processes. Illus. N. Y. 1881.
8vo. pap., o. p., and scarce. Ck Sb.
N. B. This extremely valuable and very scarce work is the reprint of a lecture delivered at
Swansea, in the Theater of the Royal Institution of South Wales on December 20th, 1880.
Within the same cover there is given "a history of Baltimore Copper Works at Canton,
Maryland," also "sketches of the Forrest Copper Works and the Haford Copper Works,
Swansea, South Wales," which are illustrated by full-page pictures of the works.
Volcanoes, See also Bala Igneous rocks.
Dana, J. D. Characteristics of volcanoes. 1890. $3.50. 188.
Hartwig, G. Volcanoes. 1887. 2s Gd. 357.
Judd, J. W. Volcanoes. 1881. 5s. 435.
Rockwood, C. G. Progress in vulcanology. 1889. n. p. 696.
Symons, G. J. Eruption of Krakatoa. 1888. 30s. 801;
see Darwin 200 to 206; Harker350, Hunt 397, Lardner 472, Hhaler 737.
Volumetric analysis. See also Analytical Chemistry Chemistry.
Fleischer, E.' System of volum. anal. 1877. 7s Gd. 258.
Sutton, F. Systematic handb. of vol. anal. 1890. 17* Gd. 791.
Wade, W. P. Manual of American raining law, as practiced in the Western
states and territories. St. Louis, Mo., 1882. 16mo. shp. $3.00 net.
Ck Ta.
Wadsworth,, MX E. Lithological studies: a description and classification
of the rocks of the Cordilleras. Part I: W. 8 chromolithog. pi. (Memoirs
of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College, Vol. XI, part
I) Boston 1884. 4to, $3.00 net. Le.
N. B. May possibly be continued.
Wagner, Bud. Handbook of chemical technology. Trans, and ed. from the
8th Germ, ed., with extensive additions by Win. Crookes. Illus. N. Y.
(1882.) 1887. 8vo. $5.00. Am B Ck.
Wahl, W. H. Galvanoplastic Manipulations: a practical guide for the gold
and silver electroplater and the galvanoplastic operator. Comprising the
elecro-deposition of all metals by means of the battery and the dynamo-
electric machine, as well as the most approved processes of deposition by
simple immersion, with descriptions of apparatus, chemical products em-
ployed in the art, etc. Based largely on the "Manipulations Hydroplas-
tiques" of Alfred Koseleur. Illus. Phila. 1883. 8vo, $7.50. 1. 16s.
B-Ck Fa Sp V,
861 Walcott, E. D. Utica slate and relate^ formations; also, fossils of the Utica
slate and metamorphoses of triarthrus recki. W. pi. Albany, N. Y. 1889.
Svo. j)ap. 50c. Mm.
. $5.00, 1. 5s, B Ck Lo.
SOO Wanklyn, J. A. Cooper's coal-liming process, in vol. 1884, Soc. Eng.
M07 Ward, G. W. Utilization of coal slag, in vol. 1880, Soc. Eng. Trans,
808 Wardle, W. A comprehensive reference book on practical coal mining.
Arranged in the form of questions and answers. Illus. Lond. 1882. (8vo,)
$4.25; the same, Illus. Lond. 1880. 8vo. 15s, $0.00. Ck Sp V Wa.
Contents; -Geology; phemiatry; boring, sinking, tubing, walling, etc.; tunneling and stone
dril't driving; meteorological paradoxes; ventilation; varieties of coal and other fuel;
practical mining; gaiety lamps and lighting of mines; steam, steam boilers, and engines;
pumping, shafts, ropes; cages, etc.; mathematics; land and mine surveying.
809 Wardle, W. Reference-book of practical and scientific information for the
use of colliery managers. Written with a view to assist candidates in
passing their examination for certificates of competency as colliery
managers. Illus. Lond. J889. 8vo. 15s, $0.00. Cn Wa.
870 Wardle, W. A reference-book of practical coal mining. Lond. 1891. 15s.
Cs Wa.
N. B. A new thoroughly revised edition in preparation.
Washoe District, geology of. Becker, G. F. 1883. $11.00. 01.
II Ww process, sec Kissler 237.
871 Watt, Alex. Electro-deposition. A practical treatise on the electrolysis
of gold, silver, copper, nickel and other metals and alloys with descriptions
of voltaic batteries, magneto and dynamo-electric machines, thermopiles,
and of the materials and processes used in every department of the art
and several chapters on electro-metallurgy. 3d rev., corrected and enl. cd.
Illus. and pi. Lond. (1880, 12s Gd, 1887, 9s.) .... Cr. Svo, (12mo) ( .)s, $3.50.
B Ck Fa Lg -Sp V Wn.
872 Watt, Alex. Electro-metallurgy practically treated. 9th revised ed. with
additional matter and illustrations, including the most recent processes.
Illus. (Weale's Ser.) Lond. (1883) 1889. Cr. Svo. (12mo) 8s (id, and 4s,
s 1 .20; $1.40. B Ck Fa Lg-Sp V.
873 Watts, H. Dictionary of chemistry and the allied branches of other
sciences. AVith contributions of eminent scientific and practical chemists.
Xewed. 5 vols., illus. Lond. 1808. Svo. 7- 3s, $50.25. B Ck Lm.
874 Watts, H. The same. First supplement. Lond. 1872. Svo. 1. 11s Qd,
si 1.25; second suppl. Lond. 1875. Svo. 2. 2s, 113.50; third suppl.,
part I. Lond. 1879. Svo. 1. 16s, $12.50; third suppl., part II. Lond.
18S.1. Svo. 2. 10x, $18.00. The whole work complete, consisting of 9
vols. C15.2s(W, $100.00, o. p. B Ck Lm.
875 Watts, H. The same. Rev. and entirely re-written by H. F. Morley, and
P. Muir, assisted by eminent contributors. Vols. 1, 2, (to be complete in
4 vols.) Illus. Lond. 1889, '90. Svo, each 2. 2s. $14.50. Lm.
>, $2.25. Bs Cg.
877 Weale, J. A dictionary of terms used in architecture, building, engineer-
ing, i,i!n!n(/, nn-t.
4to, pap. $1.50; cloth $2.00. Ag- Ck - We.
Wells, wellsinking and boring. A list on this subject*will be found in Handy
Lists I.
Went Stanley mine explosion, see Atkinson. 30.
884 Westropp, H. M. Manual of precious stones and antique gems. Illus.
Lond. 1874. Cr. Svo. (12mo.) M, $2.00. Ok Lo.
What the earth is composed of. Roscoe. Gd. 707.
885 Wheeler, C. G. Elementary guide to determinative mineralogy; upon the
method of Weisbach's Tabellen znr Besti miming der Mineralien; applied
to American species. Chicago, 1880. 12rno. $1.00. W*
88G Wheeler, C. G. Outlines of determinative mineralogy for high schools,
academies, etc. Chicago, 1884, 12mo. $1.00. W*.
887 White, J. S., ed. Recent examination papers for admission to Harvard,
Yale, Princeton, Sheffield Scientific school, and Columbia School of .Mines;
selected and ed. for the use of preparatory schools. 188S. 12mo.
$1.25. G.
WJiUehaven mine explosion, see Atkinson 39.
White Lead, see Pulsifer 662.
888 Whitney, J. D. Metallic wealth of the United States. Described and com-
pared with that of our countries. Phila. 1854. 8vo, $2.50. Ok lid- V.
889 Whitney, J. D. Colorado: schedule of ores contributed to the Paris ex-
position of 1867, -with some information about the region and its resources
W. maps. Lond. 18G7. Svo., pap. Is, 25c. V Wg-.
890 Whitney, J. P. Silver mining regions of Colorada. N. Y. 1805. 12mo. pap.
25c. V.
891 Whitwell, Th. Iron smelters' pocket analysis book. Containing tables and
blanks for analysis of ores. N. Y, (n. d.) obi., pocket form, mor. $2.00.
Ck Wm.
Wigan mining school, see Percy I, 033; see also Mining schools.
892 Wilkie, Geo. The manufacture of iron in Great Britain. With remnrks
on the employment of capital in iron works and collieries. Lond. 1857.
8vo. (10s.) $4.00, Ck.
893 Will, H. Tables of qualitative chemical analysis, with an introductory
chapter on the course of analysis. 3d American from the llth German
edition, ed. by Ch. F. Himes. Phila. 1881. Svo. $1.50. B Ck.
894 Williams, A. Mineral resources of the United States. (U. S. Gov. Surveys 1 ,
bulletins.) Wash., D. C. 1883. Svo. 50c. Ga.
895 Williams, C. W. Fuel: its combustion and economy. Being an abridge-
ment of "a treatise on the combustion ot coal and the prevention of
smoke." With extensive additions on recent practice in the combustion
and economy of fuel, coal, coke, wood, peat, petroleum, etc., by I). K.
Clark, lllus. (Weale's Ser.) Lond. 1886. 12mo, 3s6d, 4s, $1.40, $1.60.
B Ck Lg.
896 Williams, Edw. H.,jr. Manual of Litliology. A practical work, intended
to en,able the student to classify at sight the more common species. N. Y.
1886. 18mo. $1.25; red. to 75c. B Wm.
897 Williams, G. H. Modern petrography: an account of the application of the
microscope to the study of geology. Bost. 1886. 12mo. 25c. Hh.
898 Williams, G. H. Elements of crystallography. N. Y. 1890. 12mo. $1.25
net. Hn.
899 Williams, S. G. Applied geology: treatise on the industrial relations of
geological structure, and on the nature, occurrence, and uses of substances
derived from geological sources. N. Y. 1886. 12rno, $1.20 net. Ac.
900 Williams, W. M. The chemistry of iron and steel making and of their
practical uses. Loud. 1890. P. Svo. (12mo.) 9s, $3.00. Cf Ld V.
N. B. This book is not only interesting to those technically concerned in the manufacture
and uses of iron and steel, but also to students of chemistry, and to all who desire to
understand why the manufacture of iron and steel is the most specially national of all
onr national industries.
901 Williams, W. M. Explosive compounds, in Bevan's B. M. I. No. 81.
902 Williams, W. M. Iron and steel, in Bevan's B. M. I. No. 81.
903 Williamson, A. W. Metallurgical processes. N. Y. 1877. 6d. 20c. Ma .
904 Wilson, A. Water gas as used for metallurgical purposes, MI 1888, II, No.
905 Wilson, C. S. The mining laws of the United States, Colorado, New Mex-
ico and Arizona. With notes, forms, diagrams, suggestions to prospectors,
etc. Denver, Colo., 1881. 16mo. bds. $1.00. Ck L.
906 Wilson, C. S., and Carpenter, S. W. Manual of the mining laws of the U.
S., Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona. Cont. statutes, decisions of the
courts, etc. 2ded., with supp., rev. to date. Denver, Co!., 1884. 16mo.
bds. $1.00 net. L.
907 Wilson, E. B. Treatise on practical and theoretical mine ventilation. For
the use of mining engineers, students and practical men. 4th ed., w. pi.
N. Y. (1884) 1891. 16mo. $1.25. Ck Cn Wm.
N. B. Contains: atmosphere, natural ventilation, etc.; safety lamps, etc.; physical proper-
ties of air in motion, etc.; laws of pressure and friction of air in mines, with problems
illustrating the same; laws regulating the quantity of air flowing through mines, etc.;
ventilation of single pits or drifts, etc.; splitting the air, etc.; advantages of splits, etc.:
quantity of air necessary for a mi ae, etc.; air measurements, etc. ; history of mechanical
ventilators, etc.
908 Wiltshire, Th. The history of coal: an introductory lecture delivered be-
fore the principal members of the staff and students of the evening classes
of King's College, 1878, at the commencement of the winter session. Illus.
Lond, 1878. 8vo. pap. Is. 40c. Sp.
909 Winchell, A. Geological excursions: rudiments of geology for young
learners. 5th ed. Illus. Chicago (1884, $1.50.) 1889. 12mo. $1.25. Gc.
910 Winchell, A. Geological studies; or, elements of geology for high schools,
colleges, etc. 3d ed. Illus. Chicago (J 886) 1889. 12mo. $3.00 Gc.
911 Winchell, A. Shall we teach geology? A discussion of the proper place of
geology in modern education. Chicago 1889. 12mo. (Cr. Svo, $1.00. 5s.
Gc Te.
912 Winchell, A. Sparks from a geologist's hammer. 3d ed. Illus. Chicago
(1881) 1887. 12mo. $2.00. Gc.
913 Winchell, A. Walks and talks in the geological field. N. Y. 1886. Svo.
$1.00. Pn.
914 Winchell, A. World life: comparative geology. 3d ed. Illus. Chicago
(1883) 1889. 12mo. $2.50. Gc.
915 Winchell, N. H., ed. First annual report on the geological and natural his-
tory survey of Minnesota, for 1872. W, col. map of the state. 2d ed. Min-
neapolis 1872. 8vo. TJ.
916 Winchell, N. H., and Peckham, S. F., eds. Second annual report of the
same for 1873. Illus. Minneapolis, 1873. Svo. o. p. TJ.
917 Winchell, N. H., ed. Third annual report of the same, for 1874. With 2
county maps. Minneapolis 1874. Svo. o. p. TJ.
918 Winchell, N. H., and Harrington, M. W.,eds. Fourth annual report of
the same, for 1875. With 4 county maps andillus. Minneapolis 1875. Svo.
o. p. TJ.
919 Winchell, N. H., ed. Fifth annual report of the mine, for 1876. With 4
col. maps andillus.; with reports on chemistry, by S. F. Peckham. Min-
neapolis, 1876. Svo. o. p. TJ-
920 Winchell, N. H., ed. _ Sixth annual report of the same, for 1877. With 3
geological maps and illus.; with reports on chemical analyses, by S. F.
Peckham; on geology of Rice county, by L. B. Sperry, etc. Minneapolis,
1877. 8vo. o. p. TJ.
921 Winchell, N. H., ed. Seventh animal report of the same, for 1878. With 21
plates; and with a field report, by C. W. Hall; chemical analyses, by S. F.
Peckham, etc. Minneapolis 1878. 8vo, o. p. TJ.
922 Winchell, N. H., ed. Eighth annual report of the same, for 1879. With 1
plate. Containing a statement of the methods of microscopic Kthology, a
discussion of the cupriferous series in Minn., and descriptions of new series
of brachiopoda from the Trenton and Hudson River formations; with re-
ports on the geology of Central and Western Minnesota, by W. Upham;
on the Lake Superior region, by C. W. Hall; chemical analyses, by S. F.
Peckham, etc. Minneapolis 1879. 8vo. o. p. TJ.
923 Winchell, N. H., ed. 9th annual report of the same, for 1880. Containing
field descriptions of 442 crystalline rock samples, and notes on their
geological relations, from the northern part of the state, etc. W. 6 plates,
and illus. Minneapolis 1880. 8vo. o. p. TJ.
924 Winchell, N. H., ed. 10th annual report of the same, for 1881, Containing
field descriptions of about four hundred rock samples, and notes on their
geological relations, continued from the last report, the Potsdam sandstone;
typical thin sections of the rocks of the cupriferous series, etc. With 26
plates and illus. Minneapolis 1881. 8vo. n. p. TJ.
925 Winchell, N. H., ed. llth annual report of the same, for 1882. Containing
a report on the mineralogy of Minn., and a note on the age of the rocks
of the Mesabi -and Vermilion iron districts; with papers on the crystalline
rocks of Minn., by A. Streng and J. H. Kloos; on rock outcrops in Central
Minn., and on Lake Agassiz, by W. Upham; on the iron region of Northern
Minn., by A. H. Chester; chemical analyses, by J. A Dodge; and an
appendix containing Minnesota laws relating to mines and mining, ab-
stracted by C. L. Herrick. Illus. and 1 plate. Minneapolis 1882. 8vo,
n. p. TJ.
926 Winchell, N. H., ed. 12th annual report of the same, for 1883. Summary
report, containing pal aeon tological notes, and a paper on the comparative
strength of Minn, and New England granites, by N. H. Winchell, etc.
With 30 plates and 1 map. Minneapolis 1883, n. pr TJ.
927 Winchell, N. H., ed. 13th annual report of the same, for 1884. Geological
reconnoissances, the Vermilion iron ores, the crystalline rocks of Minn,
and of the Northwest, the Humboldt salt-well in Kittson county, records
of various deep wells in the state, fossils from the red quartzyte at Pipe-
stone, reports on the New Orleans Exposition and on the General Museum,
by N. H. Winchell; geology of Minnehaha County, Dakota, by W. Upham;
Chemical report, by J. A. Dodge; geological notes in Blue Earth county,
by A. F. Bechdolt; papers on the cretaceous fossils in the boulder clays in
the Northwest, by G. M. Dawson and by Woodward and Thomas, etc.
Minneapolis 1884. 8vo, n. p. TJ.
928 Winchell, N. H., erf. 14th annual report of the same, for 1885. Containing
summary report, notes on some deep wells in Minnesota, descriptions of
four new species of fossils, a supposed natural alloy of copper and silver
from the north shore of Lake Superior, and revision of the stratigraphy of
the Cambrian in Minn., etc. With 2 plates and illus. Minneapolis 1885T
8vo, n. p. TJ.
929 Winchell, N. H., erf. 15th annual report of the same, for 188G, embracing
reports on observations on the crystalline rocks in the northeastern part of
the state, by A., N. H., and H. V. Winchell. Illus. and 2 col. maps.
Minneapolis 1886. 8vo, n. p. TJ.
930 Winchell, N. H., ed. 16th annual report of the same, for 1887. Contains
theMarquette iron region, on theGogebic and Penokee iron-bearing rocks,
the geology of the region northwest from Vermilion lake to Rainly lake
and of the Little and Big Fork rivers, etc. With 2 plates and illus.
Minneapolis 1887. 8vo, n. p. TJ.
931 Winchell, N. H., ed. 17th annual report of the same, for 1888. Contains:
report of N. H. Winchell; the crystalline rocks of Minn, a general report
of progress made in the study of their field relations, with a bibliography
of recent works on the crystalline rocks ; field observations in their on re-
gions; report of U. S. Grant, geological observations in northeastern Minn.
Illus. Minneapolis, 1888. 8vo, n.p. TJ.
03:2 Winchell, N. H., ed. 18th animal report of the same, for 1889. With illus.
Minneapolis, 1889. 8vo, n. p. U.
933 Winchell, N. H., and Upham, W., eds. The geology of Minnesota. Vol. I
of the final report. Containing an historical sketch of explorations and
surveys in Minnesota, the building stones and the geology of counties, by
N. H. Winchell, M. W. Harrington, and W. Upham. Illus. and 43 plates.
Minneapolis, 187282. 4to. $3.50; half roan, $5.00. U.
Distributed gratuitously to all public libraries and comity auditor's offices in the state, to
other state libraries and state universities, and to leading geologists and scientific socie-
ties; the remainder are held for sale at the cost of publication, $3.50 per copy in cloth or
$5 in grained half roan binding, upon application to Prof. N. H. Winchell, Minneapo-
934 Winchell, N. H., and Upham, W., eds. Geology of Minn. Vol. II of the
final report. Containing chapters on the geology of counties by N. H.
Winchell, and W. Upham. With 42 plates and illns. Minneapolis, 1882
85. 4to, Distributed according to law in the same manner as vol. I. TJ.
935 Winchell, N. H., ed. The building stones, clays, limes, cements, roofing,
flagging, and paving stones of Minnesota: a special report. Minneapolis,
1880, n. p. TJ.
936 Winchell, N. H. History of geological surveys oi Minnesota: a bulletin.
Minneapolis, n. p. TJ.
937 Winchell, N. H., and H. V. The iron ores of Minnesota. With illus., 44
plates, and geolog. map, Minneapolis. $3.50. TJ.
938 Winchell, N. H. Natural gas in Minnesota: a bulletin. Minneapolis, n. p. U.
939 Winchell, N. H. Report on the Salt Spring Lands due the state of Min-
nesota: history of all official transactions relating to them, and a state-
ment of their amount and location. Minneapolis, 1874, n. p. TJ.
Winding appliances and machinery. See also Haulage Hoisting M ich.
Havrez, J. Wind, appliances, etc. 1875. 3l>:>;
see Andre 18, Percy I, (5:5:5.
Winding coal, see Andre 18.
940 Winnall's Coal reckoner. New. ed. Lond. 1873. 12mo. Is C>d. Sf.
841 Wittgenstein, K., and Kurzwernhart, A. The manufacture of steel with
brown coal at Teplitz, in 1882, II, No. 434.
942 Wohler, F. Handbook of mineral analysis, ed. by H. B. Nason. Phila.
1871. 12mo. $3.00. B Ck V.
Wolfram, see Charleston 140.
Wonders of geology. Man tell, G. A. 2v., each 7s Qd. 516.
Wonders under the ground. Hartwig, G. 1888. 2s. 358.
943 Wood, Thos. Chemical notes for the lecture room, on heat, laws of chemi-
cal combination, and the chemistry of the non-metallic elements. 2d ed.
Lond. 1868. P. 8vo. 3s Gd. $2.00. Ck Lm.
944 Wood, Thos. Notes on the metak. A second series of chemical notes for
the lecture room. Lond. 1868. P. 8vo (12mo) 5s. $2.00. Ck Lm.
Wood charcoal, see Mills 545, Percy I, 632.
945 Woodward, H. B. Geology of England and Wales. 2d ed., with maps and
illns. Liverpool (1876, 14s $5.60) 1887. 8vo. 18s. Pm V.
Working of mines, see Andre 18, Davies 209, Hyslop 406, Osborn 605.
Working silver ores. Aaron, C. H. 1876. $2.00. 4.
916 Worthen, A. H. Geological survey of Illinois. 5 vols. Springfield, 111.
186673. 4to. ($30.00) V.
947 Wright, Chas? B. A. Metals and their chief industrial applications. Lond.
1878. 16mo. $1.25. Ck Ma.
948 fWright, Mrs. Our world: its rocks and fossils. A simple introduction to
geology. 8th ed. Illus. Lond. (n. d.) 12mo. 2s. Id.
949 Wright, Wm. The oil regions of Pennsylvania; showing where petroleum
is found; how it is obtained, and at what cost. With hints for whom it
may concern. N. Y. (1865) 12mo. $1.50. Ck Hd V.
//i in'. See also Metals.
(Jniham, W. Brass, tin, /inc.
see Aaron 2, Boyd 108, Davies ,209, Kerl I, 445, Lock I95a, Osborn
Percy II,(>:-W; Phillips 643, Spon. parts 96, 97, 774. Thurston, III, 82
Newspapers, Periodicals, Almanacs and
Ni B. The prices of papers published in England do not include postage to the United States.
In almost every case the postage has to be added to the price of subscription.
Age of Steel. Weekly. Saturday. (Since 1822.) Ed. by W. E. Barnes. $3.00 per
year. Pub. by Journal of Commerce Co., Equitable Building, St. Louis, Mo.;
New York office: 3 Park Row.
Aluminum Age. Trade Journal of progressive information for manufacturers,
metal workers, mechanics, etc. Monthly. (Since 1891.) 50c. per year. Pub.
Office 67 E. Fifth St., Cincinnati, Ohio.
American Chemical Journal. Bi-monthly. (Since 1879) Ed. by Ira Remsen.
$4.00 per year. Pub. by John Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md.
American Engineer. Devoted to engineering. Weekly Wednesday. (Since
18SO.) $2.00 per year. Ed. by 1. P. Pemberton. Pub. by American Engineer
Pub. Co., 230 La Salle St., Chicngo, 111.
American Geologist. Devoted to geologv and allied sciences. Monthly. (Since
1887). Ed. by S. Calvin, E. W. Claypole, F. W. Cragin, J. Eyerman, P. Frazer,
11. T. Hill, A. Lakes, A. C.Lawson, E. O. Ulrich, I. C. White, and N. H. Win-
chell. $3.50 per year, 35c per No. Pub. by Am. Geologist Pub. Co., Minneapo-
lis, Minn.
American Journal of Industry. Monthly. (Since 1881) $1.00 per year. Ed.
and pub. by Geo. E. William*, 112 VVood St., Pittsburgh, Pa.
American Journal of Science. Established by B. Silliman in 1818. Ed. by James
D. and Ed. S. Dana, assist, ed. Prof. Josiah P. Cooke, Geo. L. Goodale, and John
Trowbridge, of Cambridge; Prof. H. A. Newton and A. E. Verrill, of New Ha-
ven; and Prof. Geo. F. Barker, of Phila. Monthly. $6.00 per year, 50c ea. No.
Pub. by J. D. and E. S. Dana, New Haven, Conn.
American Machinist. Mechanical. Weekly. Thursday. (Since 1877) Ed. by
F. F. Hemenway. $3.00 per year. Pub. by Am. Mach. Pub. Co., 96 Fulton St.,
New York.
American Manufacturer and Iron World. Weekly. Friday. (Since 1862.) Ed. by
Jos. D. Weeks. $4.00 per year. Pub. by National Iron and Steel Pub. Co. .Pitts-
burgh, Pa.
American Metal Market. Weekly. Saturday. (Since 1883.) $3.00 per year.
Ed, and pub. by G. M. S. Horton, 343 Greenwich St., New York.
American Wood Worker and Mechanical Journal. Monthly. (Since 1883.) $1.00
per year. Ed. and pub. by James Nolan, Scranton, Pa.
Artisan. Industrial. Monthly. (Since 1878) $1.00 yer year. Ed. by A. A. Brown.
Pub. by Cincin, Artisan Co., 64 Longworth St., Cincinnati, Ohio.
Black Diamond. Semi-monthly. (Since 1885.) $2.00 per year. Ed. and pub. by
Bischoffand Waterloo, Home Insurance Building, Chicago, 111.
Bulletin, of the American Iron and Steel Association. Weekly. Wednesday.
(Since 1867). $4.00 per year. Ed. and pub. by James M. Swank, 261 South 4th
St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Bullion. Devoted to mining. Weekly. Tuesday. (Since 1883.) $3.00 per
year. Ed. and pub. by Chas. Longuemare, El Paso, El Paso Co., Texas.
Canadian Electrical News and Steam Engineering Journal. Monthly. (Since 1883)
$1.00 per year. Ed. and pub. by Chas. H, Mortimer, Toronto, Canada.
Canadian Magazine of Science and Patent Office Record. Monthly. (Since 1873)
sr>() per year. Pub. by Bui-land Lithographic Co., lira., 9 Blenry St., Montreal,
Quebec, Canada.
Canadian Manufacturer and Industrial World. Semi-monthly. (Since 1882.)
1. 00 per year. Ed. by J. J. Casidey. Pub. by Canad. Manuf. Pub. Co., lirn.,
Toronto, Out., Canada.
Canadian Mining and Mechanical Review. Monthly. (Since 1882.) $1.50 per
year. Ed. and pub. by B. T. A. Bell, Ottawa, Carleton Co., Ontario, Canada.
Canadian Record of Science. Quarterly. Jan., April, July, Oct. (Since 1882)
si. 50 per year. Ed. and pub. by the Natural History Society, 32 University
St., Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Chemical News. Devoted to analytical and technical chemistry. Weekly. Fri-
day. 4d. (Since 1859) Office: Boy Court, Ludgate Hill, E. C., London.
Chemical Review. Devoted to the interests of manufacturing chemists. Monthly.
10s. per year. Office 47, Fetter Lane, E. C., London.
Chemical Trade Journal. Devoted to the commercial aspect of the chemical and
allied industries. Weekly. 4rf., 12s 6d. per year. Ed. by Geo. E. Davis. Pub. by
Davis Bros., 5 John Dalton St., Manchester, England.
Coal Trade Journal. Weekly. Wednesday. (Sinoe 1869) $3.00 per year. Ed. and
Pub. Fred. E. Saward, 111 Broadway, New York.
Colliery Engineer. An illustrated Journal of Coal and Metal Mining and kin-
dred Interests. Special Features: Valuable Information relating to mining,
with Details. Monthly. (Since 1881.) Ed. by Thoa. J. and R. J. Foster. $2.00
per year. Pub. by the Colliery Engineer Co., Coal Exchange, Scranton, Pa.
See also Advertisement.
Colliery Guardian. Devoted to the Interests of the Coal and Iron Trades. Special
Features: Latest Reports from all Coal and Iron Centres, Articles on theoreti-
cal and practical Coal mining and Surveying; Open Contracts; Prices of Coal
and Iron; List of Shares; etc. Weekly, Friday, 5d; 24s per year. (Since 1860.)
Pub. by H. Kirby Atkinson. 49 Essex St., Strand, W. C. London.
Colliery Guide. Annually, March. (Since 1883.) QsQd. Being a Directory of Col-
liery Owners and Managers. Office: 3 Summerhill Terrace, Newcastle on-Tyne,
Colliery Manager and Journal of Mining Engineering. Contains full Information
on all Topics interesting to Colliery Managers and Mining Engineers. Special
Features: Very valuable technical Articles. Monthly, 6d; 6s, per year. (Since
1885.) Pub. by Wm. Gate. 32 Bmverie St., E. C. London.
Colliery Manager's Pocket Book, Almanack, and Diary. Annually, December.
(Since 1869.) 2s and 3s. Pub. by W. M. Hutchings, 38 Hutton Street, White-
friars, E. C., London.
Colorado Mining Gazette. Weekly, Saturday. (Since 1882.) $2.50 per year. Ed.
and pub. by R, D. Blair, Idaho Springs, Clear Creek Co., Colo.
Dixie. A Record of Southern industrial Possibility and Development, Monthly.
Since 1885.) $1.00 per year. Pub. by Dixie Co., "Atlanta, Ga.
Domestic Engineering. Monthly. (Since 1889.) $1.00 per year. Ed. and pub. by
11. W. Culbertson. 557, 559, The Rookery, Chicago, 111.
Engineer. Devoted to the Manufacture and Application of the Metals. Special
leatures: New Inventions, etc.; Lists of Patents; Details of Specifications, Re-
views of Scientific Works, etc. Weekly, Friday, Qd. (Since 1856.) Pub. by Syd-
ney White. 163 Strand, W. C. London.
Engineer. Bi-weekly, (Since 1881.) $2.00 per year. Ed. and pub. by Egbert P.
Watson & Son, 150 Nassau St., New York.
Engineer and Iron Trade's Advertiser. Devoted to the Iron Industries in Scot-
land particularly. Weekly, Thursday, 2d. Pub. by A. R. Goldie, Glasgow,
Engineering. Devoted to Engineering in all its Branches. Special features:
Latest Inventions; Important work in Progress; Subjects connected with the
Profession. Weekly, Friday. Ed. by Win. H. Maw and James Dredge. Gd.
(Since 1866.) Pub. by C. Gilbert, 35, 36, Bedford St., W. C. London.
Engineering and Building Record and Sanitary Engineer. Weekly, Saturday.
(Since 1877.) Ed. by Henry C. Meyer. $4.00 per year. Pub. by Wm. Gibson, jr.
277 Pearl St., New York.
Engineering and Mining Journal. Devoted to everything new and valuable to
the Engineer, the Miner, the Metallurgist, the Investor, and the general reader
who desires to understand the Foundations of wealth, how Metals and Minerals
are produced, manufactured and used. Weekly, Saturday. (Sincel866.) $4.00 per
year. Ed. by Rich. P. Rothwell. Pub. by the Scientific Pub. Co. 27 Park
Place, New York. An Export edition issued Monthly. See also Advertisement.
Engineering Magazine. Devoted to industrial progress. (With special de-
partment on Mining.) Monthly. (Since 1891.) $3.00 per year, 25c per No. Pub.
by Engineering Co., World Buildg., New York.
Engineering News and American Railway Journal. Weekly, Saturday. (Since
1867.) Ed. by D. McN. Stauffer and A. M. Willington, $5.00 per year. Pub. by
the Engineering News Pub. Co;, 97 Tribune Buildg., Printing House Square,
New York.
English Mechanic and World of Science. Devoted to all subjects connected
with Engineering, Chemistry, and allied Branches. Weekly, Friday, %d. (Since
1865.) Pub. by E. J. Kibblewhite, 332 Strand, W. C. London.
Financial and Mining Record. Devoted to Finance, Commerce and the Indus-
tries. Weekly, Saturday. (Since 1877.) Ed. by Th. Jordan. $4.00 per year. Pub.
by the Unit Co., Edwin S. Schenck, Manager, 61 Broadway, New York. See
also Advertisement.
Financial Observer and Mining Herald. Devoted to Exposures of Bogus Fin-
ance, (especially in Mining.) Weekly, Saturday. (Since 1890.) 10s per year, 2d,
per No. Ed. and pub. by C, W. Ferryman, 96 Queen St., E. C. London.
N. B, Valuable to investors.
Geological Magazine. A Journal of Geology. Monthly. Is Qd. Pub. by Kegan
Paul, Truebner & Co., lim. London.
Geological Record. Annually. January. (Since 1874.) 16s. Pub, by Taylor &
Francis, 7 Red Lion Court, Fleet St., E. C. London.
Geologist's Association Proceedings. Special Features: Geological Papers, Ed.
by G. S. Boulger. Quarterly. Is Qd. Pub. by E. Stanford, 26, 27 Cockspur St.,
Charing Cross, London.
Ceologist's Society Journal. Quarterly, Feb., May, Aug., Nov. 5s, Pub. by
Longmans, Green &Co., London.
Granite Cutter's Journal. Monthly. (Since 1877.) Ed. by J. B. Dyer. $1.00 per
year. Pub. by the Granite Cutter's National Union, Barre, Washington Co.,
Industrial World. Weekly, Saturday. (Since 1890.) $2.00 per year. Pub. by
the World Pub. Co., Spokane Falls, Wash.
Industrial World and Iron Worker. Weekly, Thursday. (Since 1859.) $3.00 per
year. Ed. by D. H. Mason. Pub. by the Industrial World Co., 51, 53 La Salle
St., Chicago, 111.
Industries. Devoted to all matters connected with the Industrial Life and Pro-
gress. Weekly, Friday, Qd. (Since 1886.) Office: 358 Strand, W. C. London.
Iron. (Formerly Mechanic's Magazine.) Devoted to every interest connected with
Iron and Steel, Metals, Manufactures and Science generally. The only metal-
lurgical Paper publ. in the United Kingdom. Weekly, Friday, Qd. Ed. by P. F.
Nursey. (Since 1823.) Office: 161 Fleet St., E. C. London.
Iron. Monthly. (Since 1882.) Ed. by John W. Graiff, jr. $2.00 per year. Pub. by
Iron Pub. Co., Drexel Build., Philadelphia, Pa.
Iron Age. A Review of the Hardware Iron, and Metal Trades. Weekly, Thurs-
day. (Since 1847.) $4.50 per year; Semi-monthly edition, $2.30 per year;
Monthly edition, $1.15 per year. Pub. by Dav. Williams, 66 Duane St. /New
Iron and Coal Trades Review. Devoted to the Iron and Coal Trades and allied
Interests. Weekly, Friday, Qd. (Since 1866.) Office 342 Strand, W. C. London.
Iron and Steel Trade's Journal. Devoted to the Iron, Steel, Machinery and Tin-
plate Trades. Special Features: Reports from various centres of Industry;
Prices for the week; Contracts entered into. Weekly, Saturday, 6d. (Since
1849.) Pub. by Samuel Griffiths and Co., lim. 82, 84 Cannon St., E. C. Lon-
Iron Belt. Monthly. (Since 1890.) Ed. by John C. Hill. $2.00 per year. Pub. by
J. T. Hall and J. C. Hill, Roanoke, Va.
Iron Industry Gazette. Monthly. (Since 1881.) $1,50. Ed. and pub. by McFaul
and Nolan. Cor. Seneca and Pearl Sts., Buffalo, N. Y.
Iron Trade Circular (Ryland's). Organ of the Iron, Steel, and Hardware Trade
generally. Weekly, Saturday. 21s per year. (Since 1864.) Office: 46 Union
Passage, Birmingham, England.
Iron Trade Review. Weekly, Thursday. (Since 1868.) Ed. by W. M. Day. $3.00
per year. Pub. by Cleveland Printing & Pub. Co., 27 Vincent St., Cleveland,
Journal of Commerce and Cotton, Wool andiron. Weekly, Saturday. (Since
1854.) $3.00 per year. Pub. by the Journal of Commerce Pub. Co., 128 Pur-
chase St., Boston, Mass.
Journal of the Franklin Institute. Devoted to Science and the Mechanic Arts.
Monthly. (Since 1826.) Ed. by Chas. Bullock, P. Frazer, Edw. J. Houston,
Thep. D. Rand, C. Sellers, and others. $5.00 per year. Pub. by the Franklin
Institute 15 South 7th Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Journal of Oil and Gas. Weekly, Saturday. (Since 1889.) $2.00 per year. Ed.
and pub. by H. E. Woods, Lima, Allen Co., Ohio.
Journal of the United States Association of Charcoal Iron Workers, Devoted to
Metallurgy. Bi-monthly. (Since 1880.) $3.00 per year. Ed. and pub. by John
Birkinbine, 25 N. Juniper St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Journal of Useful Inventions and Patent Solicitor's Directory. Monthly. (Since
1889.) $2.00 per year. Office, 874, Temple Court, New York.
Kansas City Scientist. Official Organ of the Kansas City Academy of Science.
Monthly. (Since 1887.) Ed. by R. B. Trouslot. $1.00 per year. Pub. by
Academy of Science Pub. Co., Kansas City, Mo.
Light, Heat and Power. Weekly, Saturday. (Since 1880.) Ed. by Geo. W.
GraefT, jr. $4.00 per year. Office: Drexel Building, Philadelphia, Pa.
Machinery World. Commercial, Monthly. (Since 1890.) $1.00 per year. Ed.
and pub. by D. Elsinger, Scranton, Pa.
Manufacturer and Builder. Monthly. (Since 1869.) Ed. by Wm. H. Wuhl.
$1.50 per year. Pub. by Henri Gerard, 83 Nassau St., New York.
Manufacturer and Inventor. Devoted to the Industries, Trades, Manufactures,
and Inventions. 15th of each Month. 10s Gd, per year. (Since 1887.) Office:
22 St.Andrew St., E. C. London.
Manufacturer's Record. A Southern industrial Railroad and financial news-
paper. Weekly, Saturday. (Since 1873.) Ed. by R. H. Edmonds. $4.00 per
year. Office: Cor. Exchange Place and Commerce St., Baltimore, Md. New
York Office: 132 Nassau St.
Manufacturer's Review and Industrial Record. Monthly. (Since 1868.) $2.00 per
year. Pub. by Industrial Record Pub. Co., lim. 140 Nassau St., New York.
Mechanical News. Semi-monthly. (Since 1871.) $1.00 per year. Pub. by James
Leffel & Co., 110 Liberty Street, New York.
Mechanics. Monthly. (Since 1882.) Ed. by H. H. Suplee. $2.00 per year. Pub.
by John M. Davis, 430 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Metal and Iron Journal. English and German. Monthly. $1.00 per year.
(Since 1890.) Ed. and pub. by E. A. Sittig & Son. Cor. Lake and Clark Streets,
Chicago, 111., and 3 East 14th St. New York.
Mineralogical Magazine and Journal of the Mineralogical Society. Devoted to
Mineralogy and Petrology. Irregular. Price varies. Pub. by Simpkin, Mar-
shall, Kent & Co. Stationer's Hall Court, E. C. London.
Mining and Scientific Press. An illus. Journal of mining, Popular Science and
General News. Weekly, Saturday. Ed. by W. B. Ewer. $3.00 per year.
(Since 1832.) Pub. by Dewey & Co. 220 Market St., San Francisco, Cal. Lon-
don Office: Alfred E. Ann. 63, 64 New Broad St., E. C.
N. B. An excellent professional paper. Special Features: Progress of Mining and allied
branches with details; stocks, and useful information of value to the profession. See
also Advertisement.
Mining and Scientific Review. Devoted to the Mining, Scientific, Manufacturing,
Railway and trade interests of the Great West. Weekly, Thursday. (Since
1868.) $2.00 per year. Ed. and pub. by H. L. Wadsworth. 1209 17th St.,
Denver, Colo.
Mining Engineer. Monthly. 2$d. Pub. by the Associated Miner's Corporation,
Gram pound Road, London.
Mining Exchange Journal. Devoted to the Interests of Investors. Daily, except
Sunday. (Since 1889.) $3.00 per year. Ed. and pub by H. L. Comstock & Co.
Room 16, Granite Building, Denver, Colo.
Mining Industry and Tradesman. Devoted to Mining, Manufacturing and Trade.
Weekly, Friday. (Since 1886.) $3.00 per year. Ed. by W. C. Wynkoop. Pub.
by the Mining Industry Pub. Co. Room 17, Patterson and, Thomas Block,,
Denver, Colo.
Mining Journal. Independent. Semi-weekly: Wednesday and Sunday. (Since
1886.) $7.50 per year. Ed. and pub. by W. J. Penrose, JButte City, Silver Bow
Co., Mont.
Mining Journal. Record of Mining, Metallurgical, etc. Progress. Special Fea-
tures: Price Current of Metals, Lead, Copper, etc., Lists of Shares and Stocks.
Weekly, Saturday, Qd. (Since 1835.) Office: 18 Finch Lane, and 26 Fleet St.
Mining Manual (The). Annually. 7s Qd, net. Pub. by Walter Robt. Skinner, 4
Birchin Lane, E. C., and 150 Fleet St., E. C. London.
Mining, Manufacturing and Real Estate South. Semi-Monthly. (Since 1890.)
$2.00 per year. Ed. by W. 0. Groce, Manager: Harry Krouse,7 Kimball House,
Wall Street, Atlanta, Ga.
Mining News. Weekly, Saturday, Id. Pub. by E. Reid, 17 Telegraph St., E. C.,
Mining News. Devoted to the Development of Mining Industries in the Pacific
Northwest. Fortnightly. (Since 1891.) $1.25 per year. Office: 203, 204 Pioneer
Buildg., Seattle, Wash.
Mining Reporter. Weekly, Saturday. (Since 1890.) $3.00 per year. Ed. and
pub. by J. C, Lewis, Castle, Meagher Co., Mont.
Mining Review, in which is incorporated the Trade and Mining Review. Weekly,
Wednesday. (Since 1878.) $2.00 per year. Ed. by Harry Chatterton. Pub.
Office: 30 Lakeside Building, Chicago, 111.
Mining Review. Monthly. $1.00 per year. (Since 1889.) Pub. by Mining Review
Pub. Co., San Francisco, Cal.
Mining World ancl Engineering Record. A thoroughly impartial Organ of the
Mining, Engineering, etc. Interests. Special Features: Information of Foreign
and Colonial Mines and Mining Projects. Weekly, Saturday, Qd. (Since 1871.)
Pub. by W. D. Quinlan. 234236 Gresham House, Old Broad St.,E.C. London.
Montana Mining Journal. Weekly, Wednesday. (Since 1890.) $2.00 per year.
Pub. by the Journal Pub. Co., Helena, Mont.
Montana Mining Review. Devoted to Development of Mineral Resources of
Montana in particular, and the country in general. Weekly, Wednesday.
(Since 1888.) $3.00 per year. Ed. and pub. by Wm. Thurber & Co., Jackson
St., Helena, Mont.
Northwestern Mechanic. Devoted to the Advancement of the Science of
Mechanics, (also of Mining.) Monthly. (Since 1889.) Ed. by J. N. Nind. $1.00
per year. Pub. by Northw. Mechanic Pub. Co., Minneapolis, Minn.
Ore and Metal Review. Weekly, Wednesday. (Since 1890.) $1.00 per year. Ed.
and pub. bv D. W. Osgood, jr. Pueblo, Colo.
Pacific Coast" Wood and Iron. Monthly. (Since 1884.) $1.50 per year. Ed. and
pub. by S. L. Everett, 4 California St., San Francisco, Cal.
Popular Science News and Journal of Chemistry. Monthly. (Since 1866.) Ed. by
A. P. Nichols and J. Wm. Rolfe. $1.00 per year. Pub. by Popular Science News
Co., 5 Somerset St., Boston, Mass.
Portage Lake Mining Gazette. Weekly, Thursday. (Since 1859.) $2.00 per year.
Ed. and pub. by B. T. Judkins, Houghton, Mich.
Pott's, Mining Register and Directory. Annually. January, 6s Qd. Pub. by W.
J. Pott's Atlas Works, North Shields, England.
Power and Transmission. Mechanical. Monthly. (Since 1885.) Ed. by Ed. A.
Jernegan, $1.00 per year. Pub. by Power and Transmission Pub. Co., Misha-
waka, St. Joseph Co., Ind.
Power-Steam. Devoted to Engineering. Monthly. (Since 1881.) Ed. by H. M.'
Swetland. $1.00 per year. Pub. by Power Pub. Co., Rooms 145, 146, Putlitzer
Buildg., New York.
Practical Engineer: Metallurgical, Mineralogical, and Commercial. Weekly, 2d.
Pub. Technical Pub. Co., Victoria Approach, Manchester, England.
Practical Mechanic. Mechanical. Monthly. (Since 1887.) Ed. by B. F. Robin-
son. $1.00 per year. Pub. by F. S. Blanchard & Co., Worcester, Mass,
Railroad and Engineering Journal. Monthly, (Since 1832.) $3.00 per year. Ed.
and pub. by M. N. Forney 145 Broadway, New York.
Reporter. Mechanical. Monthly. (Since 1868.) Ed. by Frank M. Nichols. $2.00
per year. Pub. by Nichols &Co 204 Washington Boulevard, Chicago, 111.
Safety Valve. Mechanical. Monthly. (Since 1887.) $2.00 per year. Office: 55
Liberty Street, New York.
St. Louis Mechanic and Tradesman. Devoted to Science, Mechanics and Indus-
tries. Weekly, Saturday. (Since 1881.) $1.50 per year. Ed. by S. Sheldon. Pub.
by Wrn. \Vilson & Co., 926 N. Broadway, St. Louis, Mo.
School of Mines Quarterly. Feb., May, Aug., Nov. (Since 1880.) $2.00 per year.
Ed. and Pub. by The Alumni Assoc'n., Engineering and Chemical Societies of
the School of Mines, Columbia College. Office: Cor 49th St. and Fourth Ave.,
New York.
Science. Devoted to all the Arts and Sciences of the Period. Weekly, Friday.
(Since 1883.) $3.50. Ed. and pub. by N. D. C. Hodges, 47 Lafayette Place, New
Scientific American. Weekly, Saturday. (Since 1845.) $3.00 per year. EXPORT
EDITION, monthly $5.00 per year; Spanish edition: La America Cientifica e In-
dustrial, monthly, $3.00 per year; Architect's and Builder's edition, monthly.
(Since 1883.) $2.50 per year. Pub. by Munn & Co. 361 Broadway, New York.
Scientific American Supplement. Weekly, Saturday. $5.00 per year; if taken
with the Scientific American, $7.00 per year. Pub. by Munn & Co. 361 Broad-
way, New York.
South Western Iron and Lumber Kecord. Monthly. (Since 1890.) $1.00 per year.
Ed. and pub. by John M. Claiborne, New Birmingham, Cherokee Co., Texas.
Stationary Engineer. Devoted to Engineering. Weekly, Saturday. $2.00 per
year. Ed. and pub. by the Engineer Co. 9 Lakeside Building, Chicago, 111.
New York Office: 179 Broadway.
Stone. A first-class journal for the interests of the Stone, Marble and Granite
Trade. Monthly. (Since 1888.) Ed. by L. H. Gibson. $2.00 per year. Pub. by
D. H. Ranck Pub. Co., Indianapolis, Ind.
Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers. Monthly. (Since 1871.)
Ed. by John Bogart. Pub. by American Society of Civil Engineers, 127 East 23d
Street, New York.
Virginia Manufacturer. Weekly, Thursday. (Since 1890.) $2.00. Virginia
Manuf. Pub. Co., Buchanan, Botetourt Co., Va.
Wealth of the Northwest. Monthly. (Since 1889.) $1.00 per year. Ed. and pub.
by Frank B. Cole, Tacqma, Wash.
Western Machinist. Semi-monthly. (Since 1883.) $1.00 per year. Pub. by Western
Mach. Co., 27 Vincent St., Cleveland, Ohio.
Word and Works. A family journal with literary household and scientific de-
partment, Monthly. (Since 1884.) Ed. by Ire K. Hicks. 50c per year. Pub. by
Word and Works Pub. Co., 1136 North 3d St., St. Louis, Mo.
World's Progress. Monthly. (Since 1877.) $1.00 per year. Ed. and pub. by O. J.
Bailey & Co. 73 West 5th St., Cincinnati, Ohio.
Some Local Papers published in
Mining Districts.
D Daily; S. W. Semi-weekly; W. Weekly.
Name of Paper.
BESSEMER. W. $1.50.
W. $3.00.
W. $4.00.
PROSPECTOR. D. $10.00.
W. $4.00.
S. W. $5.00.
W. $3.00.
IRON HAND. W. $3.00.
W. $3.00.
W. $2.00.
FLUME. VV. $2.00.
OIL EEFINER. W. $2.00.
MINER. W. $2.50.
MINER. W. $2.50.
MINER. W. $4.00.
MINER. W. $3.00.
NEWS. W. $2.00.
JOURNAL. W. $2.00.
CURRENT. W. $2.00.
W. $2.00.
W. $2.00.
IRON ORE. W. $2.00.
W. $2.00.
W. $2.50.
D. $3.00.
W. $1.00.
W. $2.50.
MINER. W. $2.50.
Place of publication. Feat, of place. Publisher.
Bessemer, Jefferson Co.,
Juneau, near Sitka,
Kingman, Mohave Co.,
Tombstone. Cochise Co.,
Bodie, Mono Co., Cal.
Downieville, Sierra Co.,
Bessemer, P. O. Pueblo,
Pueblo Co., Colo.
Crested Butte, Gunni-
son Co., Colo.
DelNorte, Rio Grande
Co., Colo.
Fair Play, Park Co.,
Florence, Tremont Co.,
Georgetown, Clear Creek
Co., Colo.
Pitkin, Gunnison Co.,
Silverton, San Juan Co.,
Silver Plume, Clear
Creek Co., Colo.
Hailey, Alturas Co.,
Calumet, Hough ton Co.,
Hancock, Mich.
Norway, Menominee
Co., Mich.
Iron Mountain, Mich.
Iron River, Iron Co.,
Ishpeming, Mich.
Marquette, Mich.
Negaunee, Mich.
Schuylkill Co.,
Conconully, Okenogan
Co., Wash.
Ruby, Okanogan Co.,
Iron and Coal
Silver and
Gold mining.
Gold and
Silver min.
Quartz and
Gravel Min.
Gold, Silver,
Coal Min.
Gold and
Silver Mines.
Oil, Minerals.
Gold, Silver,
Coal min.
Gold and
Silver min.
Silver min.
Rich Mining
Rich Copper
Iron min.
Iron min.
Iron, Gold,
Silver, Marble.
Iron, Stone
Iron min.
Coal Mining.
Gold and
Silver min,
Mining Camp.
F. F. Myers.
C. M. Funston
S, C. Baggs.
O. E. Jones.
Vaughn &
Com stock &
John E.
Pub. Co.
Hawkins &
J. W. Work.
Wirt & Doris.
C. E. Adams.
A, lies.
Richard &
Thos. J.
James B.
R. P. Tuten.
P. O'Brien.
Geo. A.
Journal Co.
Griffey &
Pub. Co.
H. W.
C. F. Webb.
Books in the German Language,
N. B. The prices are Riven in Mark and Pfennig.
For more descriptive titles look np the advertisements of the firms mentioned in each title.
Basdttwork of Urach.
Leibbrand. Das staatliche B^saltvverk Urach in Wuerttemberg. Paper, M. 5.00.
Ernst and S.
Bessemerizing and Electrolysis for Copper, Nickel and Lead.
Hering-, C. A. Bessemern und Electrolyse fuer Kupfer-, Nickel- und Bleisteine.
M. 2.00. Craz and G.
Canals in the United States.
Mos)er, Chr. Die Wasserstrassen in den Vereinigten Staaten. 1877. Paper,
M. 6.00. Ernst and S.
Coke, Manufacture of, in Dortmunt.
Simmersbach, F. Die Koks-Fabrikalion 5m Oberbergamtsbezirke Dortmund.
1887. Paper, M. 8.00. Ernst and S.
Copper Mining in the Superior Lake District in the United States.
Mosler, Chr. Der Kupferbergbau am Obern See in Nord America. I. 1877.
P* per, M. 2.00. Ernst and S.
( 'upriferous Slate Mining Company.
Mansfelder Kupferschie'fer bauendeGeweikschaft. M. 6.00. Craz and G.
Dannenberg-, R. Verwerfungen. M. 2.50. Craz and G.
Rziha, F. von. Der Engliscbe Einschnittbetrieb. 1872. Paper, M. 2.00.
Ernst and S.
Furnaces for metallurgical processes.
Ledebur, A. Oefen iuer metallurgische Prozesse. M. 4.00. Craz and G.
Hoisting and Hauling by Chains.
Braun, E. Kettenfoerderung. M. 8.00. Craz and G.
Iron Works. Outlines of the practice of.
Wedding-, H. Grundnss der Eisenhuettenkunde. Paper, M. 9.00; bound,
M. 10.50. Ernst and S.
Journal of Mining, Metallurgy, etc.
Zeitschrift fuer das Berg-, Huetten- und Salinenwesen. Ernst and S.
Lateral Secretion, Theory of.
Stelzner, A. W. Lateralsecretions-Tbeorie. M. 1.50. Craz and G.
Management of Mines in Prussia.
Lange, C. F. R. Grubenhaushaltswesen in Preussen. M. 4.00. Craz and G.
M< I'hanical Dressing, Development of, du -ring the last 100 years.
Althans, F. Die Entwickelung der mechanischen Aufbereitung. 1879. M. 8.00.
Ernst and S.
Mechanics: introduction to.
Undeutsch, H. Einfuehrung in die Mechanik. M. 12.00. Craz and G.
Metallurgy, Contributions to, from Bolivia: Amalgamation of Silver Working-off
//> nc-ore.
Gmehling, A. Metallurgische Beitraege aus Bolivia, M. 2.00. Craz and G.
Method of Dressing and Coking Coal in the Saar District.
Remy, R. Die Kohlenaufbereitung und Verkokung im Saargebiet. 1S90.
M. 8.00. Ernst and S.
Method of forming Patent-fuel from Coal-dust.
Berg, F. Ueber die technisch und oekonomisch am meisten geeignete Methode
zur Briquettirung der westfaelischeu Feinkohle. 1880. Paper, M. 10.00.
Ernst and S.
Mine Gases: General Report of the Prussian Commission on.
Hasslacher, A. Hauptbericht der preussischen Schlagwetter-Com mission.
1887. Paper, M. 10.00. Ernst and S,
Mine (rases: Supplement to General Report of Commission on.
Hasslacher, A. Anlagen zum Hauptbericht der preussischen Schlagwetter
Commission. 5 Baende. M. 56.00. Ernst and S.
Mines and Foundries of the Upper Hartz (District.)
Capacci, C. Les Mines et Usines du Hartz Superieur. M. 8.00. Craz and G.
Mine Surveying.
Borchers, E. Die praktische Markscheidekunst. M. 16.00. Kuehtmann.
Mine Surveying.
Mittheilungen aus dem Markscheiderwesen. M. 12.50. Craz and G.
Mining and Metallurgy at the Philadelphia Exhibition 1876.
Althans, F. Das Berg- und Huetten-Wesen auf der Weltausstellung 1876.
M. 2.00. Ernst and S.
Mining and Metallurgy: Quarterly Report of the Literature of.
Vierteljahrsbericht ueber Berg- and Huettenmaennische Literatur. Per Jahr,
M. 2.00. Craz and G.
Mining. Contribution to the History of Mining in Silesia.
Serlo, A. Beitrag zur Geschichte des schlesischen Bergbaues in den letzten 100
Jrthren. 1869. Paper, M. 5.50. Ernst and S.
Mining and Metallurgy at Freiberg.
Freiberg-'s Berg- und Huettenwesen. M. 7.00. Craz and G.
Mining of Mineral Coal in the Vicinity of Saarbruecken.
Hasslacher, A., etc. Der Steinkohlenbergbau des preussischen Staates in der
Umgebung von Saarbruecken. 1 5. (Separately.) M. 50.00. Ernst and S.
Mining Schools in Prussia.
Bergschulen, die, im preussischen Staate. 1889. Paper, M. 4.00. Ernst and S.
Mining Terms.
Gaetzschmann, M. F. Bergmaennische Ausdruecke. M. 2.25. Craz and G.
New Pumping Engines.
Hoermann, A. Die rieuen Wasserhaltungsmaschinen auf den Dechenschaechten
bei Saarbruecken, etc. 1864. Boards, M. 20.00. Ernst and S.
Pocketbook for Chemists and Metallurgists.
Taschenbuch fuer Che.miker und Huettenleute. Hrsg. von dem' Verein
"Huette" 1883. Paper M. 8.00, bound M. 9.00. Ernst and S.
Pressed Fuel. (Briquette.)
Preissig 1 , Ed. Presskohlen-Indnstrie. M. 8.00. Craz and G.
Refrigeration process.
Poetsch, F. A. Gefrierverfahren. M. 1.50. Craz and G.
Safety Lamps.
Sicherheitslampen beim Steinkohlenbergbau. M. 24.00. Ernst and S.
Scaffolding for Wire-rope pulleys in Mining Plants.
Eichenauer, A. Die Seilscheibengerueste der Berg werk 8- Anlagen. M. 20.00.
Technical Excursions: Sketches of Machinery used on the Rhine and in Westphalia.
Riedler, A. Maschinentechnische Excursionen: Skizzen vom Kheinland und
Westphalen, etc. M. 18.00. Craz and G.
Tunneling, Complete manual of.
Kziha, F. von. Lehrbuch der gesammten Tunnel-Baukunst. 2 Baende. 1874.
M. 54.00. Ernst and S.
Tunneling. New Method of tunneling with application of Iron.
Bziha, F. von. Die neue Tunnel-Baumethode in Eisen. 1864. Paper, M. 4.00.
Ernst and S.
Working of the Collieries near Saarbruecken.
Nasse, B. Der technische Betrieb der Steinkohlengruben bei Saarbruecken.
See Mining: Hasslacher.
Ths * Bsst * -Mining o Paper * Published.
The. only journal fallij representing the MINING IN-
Contains complete Weekly Reports from the MINING
Latest Improvements in the Processes for the TREAT-
ments, etc.
(In placing orders please mention "Handy Lists.")
The Metallurgy of Steel. Howe. (2d Edition.) $10.00
Gems and Precious Stones of North America. Kunz. 1 0.00
Modern American Methods of Copper Smelting. Peters. (2d Edition in Press.) 4.00
The Lixiviation of Silver Ores. Stetefeldt. - 5.00
Mining Accidents and their Prevention. Abel. 4.00
Mining Code of the Republic of Mexico. Chism. 1.00
The Basic Bessemer Process. Wedding. 3.50
Chemical and Geological Essays. Hunt. (3d Edition.) 2.50
A New Basis for Chemistry. Hunt. (2d Edition.) 2.00
Mineral Physiology and Physiography. Hunt. (2d Edition.) 5.00
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Send for Catalogue of Scientific and Technical Books, which will be sent
free and inquires answered concerning the Best Books to Buy.
Technical and Scientific Books, Magazines and Papers supplied.
Gives everything new and valuable to the Engineer, the Miner, the
Metallurgist, the Investor and the general reader, who desires to under-
how metals and minerals are produced, manufactured and used.
Subscription Price, $4 OO a Year.
The Largest Circulation of any Technical Paper in America.
(In placing orders please mention "Handy Lists".)
Established in 1860, this paper has been eminently successful as a popular
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ally, it is the leading mining paper of the world.
It is largely patronized by the leading Miners, Mine Owners, Superintend-
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Professional and Industrial "Men of Progress" on the Pacific Coast, and many
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It is by far the best advertising medium in the Pacific States and Territories
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Being thoroughly able and reliable in its editorial and business management,
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Subscription, $3.00 a year. Advertising rates, moderate. Send for samples
and further information.
220 Market Street, SAN FRANCISCO.
(In placing orders please mention "Handy Lists".)
according to subjects, alphabetically, and the whole edited with
elaborate notes, by R. S. Morrison, Esq., of the Colorado Bar, and
author of "Morrison's Mining Digest", "Mining Eights", etc. 15
vols., $75.00.
The necessity of bringing together the entire body of the decided
cases on this most important and growing branch of the law is so plain
as to need no explanation. The law is now scattered through the Reports
of nearly every State in the Union and of England, and is practically
inaccessible except to the few practitioners who have access to complete
libraries. By bringing all these scattered decisions together, arranging
them according to the subject-matter of the case and supplementing
them with numerous and thoroughly written notes, the lawyer has at his
command, not only all the case law, but the case law arranged so that
he can get a complete knowledge of it in the shortest possible time and
with a minimum of labor.
These reports present not merely the leading cases, but
the bulk or mass of the cases of importance. Also the leading
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The entire opinion is given in every instance with statement of facts
as full as that contained in the Original Report. This, together with the
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(In placing orders please mention "Handy Lists".)
fuer Ber- nod Euetteniieiinisclie litalor,
Braun, E., die Ketten-lAerderung auf horizontaler und geneigter Schicnenbahn.
Mit 18 Tafelu. M 8
Capacci, C., memoire sur les mines et usiues du Hartz Supericur.
Avec 4 planches. M 8
Dannenberg, R., ueber Verwerfungen. Mit 12 Tafeln. M 2.50
Freiberg's Berg, und Huettenwesen. Parstellung der orographischen, geologi-
schen, historiscben, technisdien und administrative!! Verbeeltnisee. Herausge-
geben vom "Bergmaenniscben Verein zu Freiberg. Mit 10 Tafeln. M 7
Gaetzschmann, M. F., Sammlungbergmaennischer Ausdruecke. Mit engliscben und
franzoesischen Synonymen von Dr. A. Gurlt. 2. Auflage. M 2.25
Gmehling, A., inetallurgiscbe Beitra'ge aus Bolivia. Aeltere und neuere Methoden
der Silberainalgaination, sowie jetzt gebrajuchliches Verfahren der Verbuet-
tung von Zinkerzen. Mit 2 Tafeln. M 2
Hering, C. A., Bessemern und Elektrolyse fuer Kupfer-, Nickel- und Bleisteine.
Mit 3 Tabellen. M 2
Lange, C. F. R,., das Grubenbaushalts-, Kassen- und Recbnungswesen der kgl.
preussischen Bergbehoerden. Mit vielen Tabellen. M 4
Ledebur, A., die Oefen faer metallurgische Processe. M 4
Mansfelder Kupferschieferbauende Gewerkschaft. Der Kupferscbieferbergbau
und der Huettenbetrieb zur Verarbeitung der gewonnenen Minern. Mit 3
Tafeln. M 6
Mittheilungen aus dem Markscheiderwesen. Heft 1-5, mit vielen Tafeln.
(Jsehrlich erscheint ein Heft.) M 12.50
Poetsch, F. A., das Gefrierverfahren. Methode fuer schnelles, sicberes und loth-
rechtes Abteufen von Schsechten im Scbwiminsande und ueberbaupt im was-
serreicben Gebirge. Mit 4 Tafeln. M 1.50
Preissig, Ed., die Presskohlen-Industrie. Handbucb der Steinkoblen- und Braun-
kohlen-Briquettirung. M 8
Riedler, A., maschinentechnische Excursionen. 62 Blotter Mascbinen-Skizzen von
Anlagen im Rheinland, in Westpbalen und Belgien. M 18
Stelzner, A. W., die Lateralsecretions-Theorie und ibre Bedeutung fuer das Pribra-
mer Ganggebiet. M 1.50
Undeutsch, H., Einfuebrung in die Mecbanik. Mit 333 Holzscbnitten. M 12
Vierteljahresbericht, Kritischer, ueber die berg- und huettenmaennische Lit-
teratur, unter Mitwirkung von FacbmcCnnern, berausgegeben von der Craz &
Gerlacb'scben Bincbbandlung (Job. tStettner) in Freiberg in Sacbsen.
(Erscheint seit dem Jahre 1882.) Pro Jahrgang M 2
We beg leave to call your special attention to our large
Assortment of Books on Mines, Mining, Metal-
lurgy and kindred Branches of which
we jnake a specially.
Catalogues on Application to any Address in the World.
We correspond either in German, English or French.
(In placing orders please mention "Handy Lists".)
A comprehensive treatise dealing with the modern practice of milling both
metalliferous and non-metalliferous minerals, including all the operations
incidental thereto, and preparing the product for the market. By C. G.
Warnford Lock. Large 4to volume, fully illustrated, price $21.00.
The Hydraulic Gold Miner's Manual, giving sufficient data for the construc-
tion of the necessary plant for successful Hydraulic Mining. By T. S. G.
Kirkpatrick. Illustrated, 12mo, cloth $2.25.
A comprehensive treatise on the origin and occurrence of gold-bearing gravels,
rocks, and ores, and the methods by which the gold is extracted. By C. G.
AVarnford Lock. 788 pages, with 8 plates and 271 engravings in the text,
price $15.00.
A practical treatise on Coal Mining, by Geo. G. Andre, F. G. 8. Illustrated
by 84 full-page working drawings to scale, comprising geological sections and
formations, and all the tools, machines, appliances, and apparatus employed
in coal mining. In two volumes, price $15.00.
A descriptive treatise on the machinery, tools and other appliances used in
mining, by Geo. G. Andre, F. G. S. Containing 182 plates drawn to scale.
In two volumes, price $15.00.
A practical treatise on the means employed in blasting rocks for industrial
purposes. By Geo. G. Andre, F. G. 8. 56 illustrations, and 12 plates. 8vo,
cloth $3.00.
A practical treatise 011 mine engineering. By G. C. Greenwell, F. G. S.
Third edition, reprinted from the second, 64 large plates, some colored, price
The theories and practice of centrifugal ventilating machines. By Daniel
Murgue. Translated by A. L. Steavenson. Illustrated, price $2.00.
A glossary of terms used in coal mining. By W. S. Gresley. Illustrated with
woodcuts and diagrams, price $2.00.
Historic Mines of Mexico ; a review of the mines of that Republic for the
past three centuries, by Chas. B. Dahlgren. Now out of print. Price $25.00.
Illustrated List of Books relating to Mining, sent free on application.
E. & F, N. SPON, Publishers,
12 Cortlandt St., NEW YORK,
(In placing orders please mention "Handy Lists".)
An Illustrated Journal of
Colliery E^girjeer Co n Scrarrtoj?,
(postage prepaid) to all points in TJ. S., Canada, British
Columbia or Mexico, $2.OO per year.
To Foreign Countries in the Universal Postal Union,
$2.50 per year.
The Leading Technical Mining Journal Published.
The Colliery Engineer
Mine Officials, * Mining Engineers, 4 and Mining Students.
All branches of science connected with mining are treated on, and simplified as
much as possible. For the working miner who is preparing to stand any examina-
tion required by the governments of the several states it is an invaluable text-book.
For the superintendent, mining engineer, mine foreman, or fire-boss, it is the best
book of reference that has ever been published, containing rules and tables specially
prepared for his use.
Bound in cloth ................................................................................................................................. 82.00
Bound in flexible leather; round corners ........................................................ ................................. 2.50
Bound in flexible leather, with flap ................................................................................................ 2.75
The Colliery Engineer for 1 year, and Pocket-Book bound in cloth ................................................ 3.50
The Colliery Engineer for 1 year, and Pocket-Book bound in flexible leather, round corners ........ 4.00
The Colliery Engineer for 1 year, and Pocket-Book bound in flexible leather, with flap ............... 4.25
Coal Exchange, SCBANTON, PA.
(In placing orders please mention "Handy Lists".)
Is the standard legal reference magazine of the country, having been
published in monthly numbers since 1852. Each number contains an
exhaustive leading article upon some subject not fully examined by cur-
rent text writers, and whose value remains permanent. Several recent
and important cases are also printed in full in each number, with opin-
ions, readable and accurate statements of what other courts and writers
have considered to be the law upon one or more of the points involved in
the printed cases. A distinctive feature of the magazine is its careful
editing of the published articles, involving the printing in full of statutes,
the giving dates and cross-references to the citations and other matters
of accurate detail.
Subscription price, five dollars a year. Back volumes since 1861,
newly re-printed from the original plates, five dollars each. Complete
sets can be obtained only from the publishers. Single numbers, fifty
cents each, cash with the order. No free copies.
P. 0. Box 1528. PHILADELPHIA, PA.
(In placing orders please mention "Handy Lists".)
To supply the increasing demand for stenographers,
schools of shorthand and tj^pe- writing hav been established
in various parts of the country, and, with few exceptions,
all business colleges now hav a "department of shorthand. "
A number of S3^stems ar taught, but that Of Benil Pit-
man is more generally used than any other in
this country, and may be called the " American
System." Extract from the (Report of the Commissioner of
Education (Washington, SV///, con I limed:
IV. Die Absatzverhaeltnisse der Kgl. Steinkohlengruben bei Saarbruecken
in den letzten 30 Jahren, von B. Jordan. Mit einer Tafel. 4. 1884. geh. 3 M.
V. Die Kohlenaufbereitung und Verkokung im Saargebiete, von Rich. Remy,
Kgl. Bergassessor. Mit 10 Tafeln. 1890. geh. 8 M.
Mining Schools in Prussia.
Bergsohnlen, die, im Preuss. Staate. Nach amtl. Quellen. 4. 1889. geh. * 4 M.
New Pumping Engines.
Hoermann, A., Professor und Lehrer der Maschinenkunde an der Kgl. Bergakade-
mie zu Berlin. Die neuen Wasserhaltungsmaschinen auf den Dechenschaech-
ten bei Saarbruecken, der Tiefbauanlage zu Ruedersdorf und der Ferdinands-
grube bei Kattowitz. Text in 4. geh, Hierzu ein Atlas mit 29 Tafeln in
Doppel- Folio. 1864. steif geh. 20 M.
Pocketbook for Chemists and Metallurgists.
Taschenbuch fuer Cherniker und Huettenleute. Herausgegeben von dem Verein
,,Huette u . Mit 220 in den Text eingedruckten Holzschnitten. 8. 1883. geh.
8 M.
geb. in Sarsenet 9 M.
Safety Lamps.
Siclierheitslampenwcsen beim Steinkohlenbergbau. Bericht der Preussischen
Schlagwetter-Commission. Text in gr. 8. geh. Mit einem Atlas von (JO Tafeln.
gr. 4. In Mappe. (Siehe: Hasslacher.) 24 M
Tunneling, Complete manual of.
Rziha, F. von, Professor der k. k. technischen Hochschule in Wien.
Lehrbuch der gesaramten Tunnel-Baukunst.
Zwei Baende. Mit 650 in den Text eingedruckten Holzschnitten. Zweite
Auflage. gr. Lex. 8. 1874. 54 M.
Der Herr Verfasser spricht sich im. Vorworte zum 1. Bande wie folgt
darueber aus:
Die guenstigen Beurtheilungen des Vorlaeufers dieses Werkes haben das
T.eduerfniss einer in die Einzelnheiten der Tunnelbaukunst eingehenden
Arbeit so nachdruecklich hervorgehoben, dass in mir die Bedenken sich nur
vergroessern mussten, ob das vorliegende Lehrbuch denjenigen Anforderun-
gen, welche an dasselbe gestellt werden duerfen, auch entsprechen werde.
Sicht eine Unterschaetzung des Materials, welches ich im Laufe langjaehriger
Praxis gesammelt habe, liegt dem zu Grunde, sondern die besonderen
Schwierigkeiten, welche bei einer ersten systematischen Behandlung eines
ungemein ausgebreiteten Stoffes hervortreten. Es kann derrmach das gegen-
waertige Werk auch keinen Anspruch darauf machen, diesen gewaltigen
Stoff vollstaendig erschoepft zu haben, vielmehr \vird es nur als ein erster
Versuch der Loesung einer Aufgabe zu betrachten sein, die im Ingenieurwe-
sen i miner mehr an Bedeutung gevvinnt, eine Loesung, welche ich nur in
Folge vielfacher Errnunterung dazu unternommen habe.
Tunneling. New Method of tunneling with application of
Rziha, F., von. Die neueTunnel-Baumethode in Eisen, angewendet bei den Timnel-
bauten zu Naensen und Ippensen auf der Herzoglich Braunschweig-Holzinin-
dener Eisenbahn. Ein Vorlaeufer des Lehrbuchs der gesaminten Tunnel-Bau-
kunst. Mit 33 in den Text eingedruckten Holzschnitten. gr. Lex. 8. 1804.
geh. 4 M.
Working of the Collieries near Saarbruecken.
r technische Betrieb der Kgl. Steinkohlengruben bei Sa
Hasslacher, Steinkohlenbergbau III.")
(In placing orders, please mention "Handy Lists".)
Nasse, R. Der technische Betrieb der Kgl. Steinkohlengruben bei Saarbruecken.
(Siehe: ,, Hasslacher, Steinkohlenbergbau III.")
The undersigned have a lur^e stock of works on the Industrial Arts and Scien-
ces, embracing Works on
Architecture, Carpentry, Building, Astronomy,
Meteorology, Navigation, Brewing,
I>istillin<>;, AVine Making, Chemistry, Physics, Philosophy, Ooul Oil, Oil, Gas, Draw-
ing, Painting, Photography, Electricity, Electric Telegraph, Engineering, Ma-
chinery, Mechanics, Geology, Mineralogy, Metallurgy, Hydraulics, Hydro-
statics, Iron, Steel, Mathematics, Ship Building, Works of Reference, etc.
A complete Catalogue will be sent post paid, gratis, on application.
d. A. Bolide CO.,
Booksellers sm.cL Ino/porters,
300 Third Street, >* Metropolitan Block, ^ Milwaukee, Wis,
Books on Mines and Mining, Metallurgy, etc,
supplied on short notice, or quickly imported.
-^) Lists of Books furnished" on any given Subject, *-
Books OUT OF PRINT and SCARCE procured
at moderate prices.
Your correspondence is respectfully solicited.
(In placing orders, please mention "Hand}' Lists".)
. D, Faljsel.
/Vrt Prit^tirjg.
jVIilwaukee, Wis
Book &t)d Catalogue Work a specialty.
PART I: Useful Arts in general, products and processes used in manufac-
ture, technology and trades. 100 pages; paper cov., $1.50; cloth, $1.75.
PART II: Military and Naval Science, navigation, rowing, sailing, yacht-
ing; boat, ship and yacht building; ammunition, arms, tactics and war. With a
list of non-technical books, illustrating soldier and sailor life, battles, etc., and a
list of periodicals, etc., in these branches. 104 pages, paper cov., $1.50; cloth, $1.75.
PART III: Engineering- and Mechanics. Comprising applied and theoret-
ical mechanics, machinery; steam and marine engineering, railroad building,
construction; engineering, management and practice; civil engineering, survey-
ing, leveling, hydraulic and sanitary engineering, sewerage and drainage, etc.,
mechanical drawing. With a list of periodicals in these branches. 8-168 pages,
paper cov., $2.50; cloth, $2.75.
PART Ila: Electricity and .Magnetism; Telegraph, Gas, etc., (including
Issues up to October, 1890, and a number of old books frequently met with in
catalogues.) Together with a list of Periodicals and Annuals in these branches.
Paper cov., 75c; cloth, $1.00.
PART IV: Mines and Mining, Assaying, Metallurgy, Analytical Chemistry.
Minerals and Mineralogy, Geology and Paleontology. Cloth, $1.00; $1.25 with Key
to Publishers.
To Booksellers and Librarians we furnish, to each part a KEY TO
PUBLISHERS. Liberal discount to the trade.
In Preparation: PART V: Fine Arts. PART VI: Architecture. PART VII:
Reference Works.
Formerly HAFERKOKN & HEISE, National Publishing and Printing Co.
A Classified Catalogue of all books, annuals and journals published in
Including their relations to LEGISLATION, HYGIENE and DAILY LIFE.
Published by FRITZ von SZCZEPANSKI.
1st Annual fssue, 1S89, 100pp. Price, 75 Cents.
Advertisements in all the issues will be :
2 pages, $20. OO; 1 page, $12.50; half page, $7.50; quarter page, $5.00,
International News Company, 83 and 85 Duarie Street, New York.
St. Petersburg and Leipzig, Verlag von Fritz von Szczepanski.
London: Sampson, Low, Marston cfe Co.
Paris: E. Bernard & Co.
Indispensible to Booksellers and Librarians,
Verzeichniss der Buecher und Landkarten in sachlicher Anordnung,
bearbeitet von CARL GEORGE und LEOPOLD OST.
Brochirt, 32 Mark. Gebunden, 35 Mark.
Fuer Bibliothekare und Buchhaendler unentbehrlich.
1888, I. u. II. Semester, @ 162 Seiten. Brochirt @ 4 M. 80 Pf. ; gebunden @ 5 M. 40 Pf
OST & GEORGE, Hannover, Germany.
(In placing orders, please mention "Handy Lists".)
Branch at No. 2 Thalstrasse, LEIPZIG.
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Direct connections with all Publishers and Dealers in Second-hand Books in
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nent firms of England, France, Italy, Holland, Belgium, Spain, etc. Experienced,
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Rome, Madrid.
We have ever been keeping the
Largest Assortment of German Books
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New publications suitable for our customers we receive as soon as issued.
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Inasmuch as we are enabled to purchase everything on the most favorable terms,
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By means of a very extensive collection of bibliographical catalogues we are in a
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We are paying special attention to procuring second-hand copies of valuable
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such. Scarce boqiis specially wanted we try to procure as quickly and cheaply as
possible by advertising for the same in America, England, Germany and 'France.
To make room for new publications, we offer part of our stock surplus copies, or
such as are shelfworn but otherwise perfect, or copies of former editions in Bulletins
Steiger's Bargain Lists of Books at Reduced Prices,
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valuable publications in the following departments:
Novels. Tales, Stories, Philosophy, Protestant Theology,
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Either of these Bargain Lists as well as our other catalogues and those of foreign
Dealers in Second-hand Books, will be mailed to any address given us for that purpose.
AVe also supply all American Books, Periodicals, etc.
Z. STEIGER & CO , 25 Park Place, New York.
(In placing orders, please mention "Handy Lists".)
Carey Baird Go +t
Ir^dostrial * Publishers, -f Booksellers * and * Importers,
An Abridged Treatise on the Docimastic Examination of Ores, and Furnace and
other Artificial Products. By BRUNO KEEL, Professor in the Royal School of Mines;
Member of the Royal Technical Commission for the Industries, and of the Imperial
Patent office, Berlin. Translated from the German by WILLIAM T. BRANNT, Editor
of "The Techno-Chemical Receipt Book", etc. Second American Edition. Edited
with extensive additions by F. LYNWOOD GARRISON, Member of the Am. Institute of
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etc. Illustrated by 87 Engravings. Three hundred and fifty-four pages, 8vo, cloth,
price $3.00. Bfy mail, free of postage, to any address in the world.
Abstract of Contents: GENERAL DIVISION. I, Mechanical Manipulations; IT,
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Weights; VI, Tools and Implements; VII, Assay Reagents. SPECIAL DIVISION. I,
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VIII, Zinc, IX, Cadmium; X, Tin; XI, Bismuth; XII, Mercury; XIII, Antimony;
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ganesej XIX, Sulphur; XX, Fuel; Appendix; Index.
A circulur of 8 pages, quarto, giving the full Table of Contents of this important
Hon. price, to any address in the world.
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A New American Book on Minerals, Mines, and Mining.
prising suggestions as to the localities and associations of all the useful Minerals,
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HISTORY OF THE USEFUL MINERALS. Mining, Mineralogy, Preliminary Principles and
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Antimony, Bismuth, Chromium, Cobalt, Corundum and Emery, Pumice Stone,
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and Machinery. [This part comprises 90 pages, illustrated by 165 engravings, with
details too fall to be comprised within the limits of this advertisement.']
APPENDIX. Sinking Artesian AVells, Oil and Gas Wells. Index.
An illustrated Circular, 4 pages, 4to, giving the full Table of Contents of this volume,
trill be sent free of postage to any one in any part of the world who will apply by letter.
&^F The above or any of our Books sent by mail, free of postage, at the publication
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