LIBRARY OK THH UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. GIKT OF* Accessions No . JAM JRP5 CLiss No *-!* / - i THE SLEEPING PRINCESS CALIFORNIA BY ALICE EDWARDS PRATT ILLUSTRATED BY E. MABEL DILLAWAY WILLIAM DOXEY SAN FRANCISCO COPYRIGHT, 1892 BY ALICE EDWARDS PRATT LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. Subject. Title-page. (SENTINEL MOUNTAINS BEFORE DAWN, WITH MARIPOSA LILY AND PF.XT- STEMON.) Through sunny leagues her empire stretched away. (NAPA VALLEY, LOOKING SOUTH FROM LOGAN POINT.) Here wooded to the peak, there crowned with snow." (MOUNT SHASTA.) Its placid sapphire lakes, and living streams." (ARROW LAKE, KING S RIVER CANYON.) (BRANCH OF KING S RIVER, AT LILLIS.) Its serrate wall of ice and granite. (PORTION OF THE EAST WALL OF KING S RIVER CANYON.) ;t Of harbors crowded with the laden fleets." (WHARVES AT SAN FRANCISCO.) Her feathery redwoods changed to mansions grand." (REDWOODS, SANTA CRUZ MOUNTAINS, AND THE HOPKINS RESIDENCE, SAN FRANCISCO.) Before her sight fair halls of learning rose." (LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY.) (PORTION OF QUADRANGLE AT STANFORD UNIVERSITY.) Subject. Writ on her fields in tongues of poppy flame." " The yucca tall Its snowy campanile bore aloft." (ESCHSCHOI.TZIA, IN NAPA VALLEY.) (YuccA WHIPPLEI, SIERRAS.) " The torrents wove white bridal veils of mist." (BRIDAL VEIL FALLS, YOSEMITE VALLEY.) "The ocean sobbed that he so long delayed." (CYPRESS POINT, MONTEREY COAST.) "Cities dot her rich domain." (SPRING STREET, Los ANGELES.) (SAN FRAXCISCO, FROM CALIFORNIA STREET HILL.) From mines and fields and vineyards numberless. (VINEYARDS IN NAPA VALLEY AND THE GOLDEN GATE.) "Her smitten rocks yield gold and silver streams." (HYDRAULIC MINING.) And Wisdom rule the State with peaceful sway." (STATE CAPITOL, SACRAMENTO.) - The temple, crowned with upward-pointing spire." (FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, SAN FRANCISCO.) BUT half a century ago she lay All mutely beautiful, in rich attire, The sleeping Princess, California. Not yet had come the voice, not yet the touch, That was to thrill her waking soul with joy ; Not yet her virgin lips had felt the kiss That was to bring her full, ecstatic life. We see her now, as white man first beheld Her lavish splendor, prophecy of wealth Untold to come in her inheritance. Through sunny t leagues her empire stretched away, Domain as fair as king e er looked upon : Its valleys filled with tremulous oaten seas Broken by rainbow crests of flower foam ; Its foot-hill slopes, soft-rounded, overgrown \Yith dimpled pastures such as wild bees love : Its rugged mountain monarchs, range on range. Here wooded to the peak, there crowned with snow ; Its placid sapphire lakes, and living streams ; Forests of redwood, fir, sequoia, pine, And groves of lordly oak; its serrate wall Of ice and granite. California slept, But not a dreamless sleep. Her spirit waked. Through Morpheus gates of horn fair visions trooped, To whisper to her of the days to come, Of harbors r*~ _ crowded with the laden fleets Of every nation under heaven ; of vast And rich young cities that, with rhythmic pulse, Diastole and systole, sent streams Of knowledge and of power through all the land, And in return drew back into themselves The strength and wealth of mountain, plain, and sea. With vapor shod, or winged with lightnings fleet, Her couriers went forth ; and in their train Rode sturdy life and growth, culture and power. She dreamed of coffers filled with shining coin, Of dusky miners working the fat veins Of solid sunlight in the depths of earth. She saw broad acres, tickled by the plough, Laugh out in rippling waves of golden grain. She heard the markets of the world demand Oil from her presses, and send up a shout Of triumph as her sparkling vintage poured Its amber and its crimson. Now her pride, Her feathery redwoods, changed to mansions grand Her giant firs and cedars skimmed the seas. Before her sight v fair halls of learning rose, Thronged by the sons and daughters of the West, Who fain would read the runes that God has carved On rock and star and flower and heart of man. Then she became, in bounteous autumn days, The goddess Ceres, with inverted horn Showering upon the earth fruit, flower, and grain, And wearing on her brows an olive crown. Over her lips, as dreaming thus she lay. Smiles happy smiles like hovering shadows played; And listening elves of earth and sea and sky Heard her soft breathing, read her visions true, And in their mystic language strove to tell The world her story, that the Prince might hear, The Prince who was to wake the Sleeping Fair And claim her, with her goodly royal dower. Writ on her fields in tongues of poppy flame, Her name The Golden One appeared. Or twas In buttercup and mariposa traced, ( ,^ Or whispered where ^jg \ the mustard groves stretched on O er laughing roods. With azure bells and pearl, The pentstemon and manzanita rang Their sweetest elfin chimes ; and, emblem fair Of strength and purity, the yucca tall Its snowy campanile bore aloft. Nemophike the modest beauty praised Of maiden eyes, sweet mirror of the heavens. From tree-top and from shady covert, lark And linnet poured gay madrigals of song. The torrents wove white bridal veils of mist, To hint the nuptials that the Prince shoujd Jknow ; The ocean sobbed that he so long delayed. Yet still fair California s hills and vales The idle Indian trod ; and Mexico, Though indolently coveting her wealth, Knew not the Princess heart. She slumbered on. Lured by reputed treasure, those had come Whose only aim was to enrich themselves. Plunderers, they, who found, perchance, the gold, But never with their self-dimmed eyes divined The greater treasure, California s soul. But one glad morning all the sprites of earth And heaven broke forth in hymeneal sweet. The Prince had seen the Sleeping One, had loved, Not the rich yellow metal of her mines, But her fair self, whose virgin heart he saw. His kiss, the pledge of fealty for aye, The free-born Manhood of the Atlantic shore Bestowed in rapture, and she waked in joy. Four are the circling decades that have poured Their blessings in her lap since that glad hour, And, lo ! to-day her dreams are coming true. No warp and woof of fancy, but firm fact Their texture. I Cities dot her rich domain From sea-girt west to snow-crowned eastern wall. The treasures of the past are in her hands ; The life-blood of to-day leaps in her veins. From Berkeley s Hills and Palo Alto s Plains Incense of learning rises, sweet and strong. Within her ports the fleets of nations wait To carry thence her ore and grain and wine. From mines and fields and vineyards numberless. 0? THE ^ TJ HIVBHSITT: ^4?. ".rro 1 Her orchards bow with their abundant fruit ; Her smitten rocks yield gold and silver streams; Each gracious boon that Nature offers man As guerdon for his toil may here be won. O happy Prince, with such a blest estate ! Wedded to one who counts it joy to yield Herself and all her wealth to his control! His eager manhood burned with high resolve And purpose noble, when he wooed and won This Princess California. With a heart Thrilled with an honest love, he sought her own. Her future rests with him. All breathlessly We wait to see if he accepts the trust As from the Giver of all perfect gifts, His but to use for noble purposes. O you who sow and reap these sun-kissed fields, Tillers of California s soil, to you we speak, To you who ve won the Princess Beautiful ! Blinded by power, filled with thirst for gain, Will you degrade her wealth to selfish ends ? Labor is in your hands a magic wand. Oh! will you wave it only to produce The mart of commerce and the wheel of trade ? Soil not the pure and trusting heart that now Is in your keeping. Stain it not with crime, Nor fill these valleys with the revelry Of Bacchus or the strife of Mars. No lot so blest as his who works with God In seed-time and in harvest, casting in The grain, and then, with humble prayer of faith, Waiting for God to send his blessing down, Partner in labor with the King of kings. * Forget not that it all belongs to him, The soil and all its lavish harvest yield, And use it for the Giver. Then, indeed, This land shall bud and blossom as the rose, Science shall harness all the powers of earth, And Wisdom rule the State with peaceful sway Culture shall smile, and Liberty shall f shout; While side by side with mill and mart shall rise The temple, cro^oed^ith upward-pointing spire. YC 14432 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY : m .