i Quartermaster General's Office, General Order, No. 32, may 1, 1866. 1011 0f v-x' NAMES OF SOLDIBES WHO DIED IN DEFENCE OF THE AMERICAN UNION, INTERRED IN THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS; CENTRAL DISTRICT OF TEXAS; RIO GRANDE DISTRICT, DEPARTMENT OF TEXAS; CAMP FORD, TYLER, TEXAS; AND CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS. * l \ Oh I wrap him in that banner proud, To keep whose honor bright he died ; None other fit for soldier's shroud Than our flag of stars our nation's pride 1 And lay his sword down by his side, Its work is well and nobly done ; Our flag to-day floats high with pride- The glorious battle 's dearly won." ' WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 18G6. ni ROLL OF HONOR. GENERAL ORDER, > QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S OFFICE, No. 32. J Washington, D. C., May 1, 1866. The following report of Brevet Lieut. Col. James M. Moore, Assistant Quartermaster, United States Army, upon the Cemeteries in the Eastern District of Texas; Central District of Texas; Rio Grande District, Department of Texas; Camp Ford, Tyler, Texas; and Corpus Christi, Texas, with the names of the martyrs there interred, is published by authority of the Secretary of War, for the information of their surviving comrades and friends. M. C. MEIGS, Quartermaster General, Brevet Major General, U. S. A. PREFACE. ASSISTANT QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE, DEPOT OF WASHINGTON, No. 151 G STREET, NEAR 21ST, Washington, D. C., March 30, 1866. GENERAL: I have the honor to transmit herewith, for publication, records of deceased United States soldiers interred in the Eastern District of Texas; Central District of Texas; Rio Grande District, Department of Texas; Camp Ford, Tyler, Texas; and Corpus Christi, Texas, alphabet- ically arranged, three-letter index. In the Eastern District of Texas interments have been made at the following places : " Houston, Jasper, near Hempstead, and Galveston." In the Central District of Texas, "City Cemetery, San Antonio; Hospital Cemetery, Indianola ; near Wissequere's house, 6 miles N. W. of Victoria; near Railroad Depot, Victoria; near Green Lake; in open lot, Lavaca Cemetery; Odd-Fellows' Cemetery, near Victoria; enclosed Cemetery, south of Church Lavaca; one mile right of burying-ground, Matagorda; upper burying-ground west of Indianola; public cemetery west of Indianola; new bridge across Powderhorn Bayou; burying- ground at Matagorda." In the Rio Grande District, Department of Texas: "Near old Fort Brown, Brownsville; Brownsville, Brazos Santiago; Ediuburg; Ringgold Barracks, Roma." Scattered as these places are over a large extent of territory, it was not considered advisable to disinter the remains and remove them to a central cemetery. No difficulty is known to exist to prevent the identity of each grave. I am, general, very respectfully, your obedient servant, JAS. M. MOORE, Bvt. Lt. Col. and Asst. Q M., U. S. Army. Brevet Major General M. C. MEIGS, Quartermaster General, U. S. Army, Washington, D. C. United States Soldiers interred in the Eastern District of Texas during the Rebellion. No. Name. Rank. Regiment. Co. Date of Death. 1 AT HOUSTON. Cox, Alfred Private 12th 111. cav A Oct 11 1865 o Irish Nob^e do do F, Oct 9 1865 3 4 5 1 McKay, Dan'U Stevens, Benjamin Taylor, John M AT JASPER. Arnault, Victor --..do ....do ....do Private do do do 12th 111. cav... C H E T) Sept. 24, 1865 Nov. 8, 1865 Oct. 5, 1865 Aug. 16 1865 1 NEAR HEMPSTEAD. Hobbs, John Private 12th 111. cav.. K Sept. 17 1865 9 Myers, Adam do ... . do K Sept 13 1865 ^ Sacket Jonathan Corpo r al do F Sept 17 1865 4 Thompson, Charles. do B Sept. 17, 1865 1 AT GALVESTON. Adamson, Charles 1st lieuteu't 2d Wis. cav A Nov. 15 1865 9, Barnes, Frank Private 94th 111 G Aug 10 1865 3 Barrett George do 2d \Vis cav G Nov 17 1865 4 Beauregard, Adam ... do- 32d Ind B Jan. 2, 1866 5 Bo^art, Nelson do 24th Iowa T July 14 1865 6 Brackett, Timothy do 4th Mass, bat Sept 16 1865 7 Breeu B do 21st Ky A Jun 8 1866 8 Brown, Jos. H. . .. . .. .do 24th Ind C Aug. 30, 1865 9 Brown, Win do 37th 111... . G Dec. 24 1865 10 Carpenter, Abraham do 77th Pa IT Sept 11 1865 11 ditcher Elisha M do 29th 111 F July 21 1865 19. Cook, Fred. W... . do 34th Iowa A Aug 18, 1865 13 Cover, Ephraim. Corporal 77th Pa ... H Aug. 5 1865 14 Ebert, George Private 77th Pa H Oct 6 1865 15 Ertz, John Saddler 12th 111. cav E Oct. 12, 1865 16 Garner, Lorenzo Private 29th 111 B July 13, 1865 17 Graham, John do 29th 111 F Aug. 3 1865 1* Green, \Vm do 26th N Y bat July 23 1865 19 Griffin, George Corporal 24th Ind K Sept. 8, 1865 90 Ham, Wellington . Private 34th Iowa Sept. 25, 1865 91 Hedgs, Henry A Sergeant 24th Ind D Oct. 21, 1865 99 Hoft'man \Vni Private 37th 111 ft Jan 2 1866 93 Hoops, Stamen .. do 48th Ohio r> Nov. 25, 1865 94 Lagier, David '. do. 24th Ind F, Sept. 11, 1865 25 26 97 Larribee, Theodore Libbey, John T Lisle, George . ....do Ord. sergt.. Private 12th 111. cav U. S. Army 37th III H G Oct. 11, 1865 Dec. 25, 1865 Feb 6 1866 98 Longacre, Josiah ....do 114th Ohio A July 25 1865 37 Stewart W J ] st lieuten't 24th Ind A 33 Sullivan John Private 37th 111 G 30 Turner Lark in Corporal 24th Ind TC /to \Vaggoner, John ..... Private 4th Mass cav. 4\ \Veicharcl Christian do 12-th 111. cav B 40 "Weise Clause do 28th 111 A 43 AVino* Abraham do 31th Iowa TT 41 \Voody Henderson do 24th Ind A Date of Death. Nov. Aug. Nov. July Aug. Sept. Feb. Sept. July Nov. July Aug. Oct. 4, 1865 3, 1865 28, 1865 17, 1865 17, 1865 8, 1865 7, 1865 28, 1865 30, 1865 8, 1865 24, 1865 8, 1865 21,*1865 COLORED. 1 AT GALVESTON. Bawks, Jenkins Private 19th U. S. C. T... G Sept. 7, 1865 '> Byard, Frank ... do 45th U. S. C. T... T Nov. 14, 1865 3 /I Hendrickson, Augustus. . Martin John ....do do . 45th U.S. C. T... 109th U. S C T H F Nov. 14, 1865 July 22 1865 5 McNew Henry do 12 9 d U. S C T. ft Dec 5, 1865 6 Row John do 122d U S C T K Oct 6 1865 7 8 Smith, Peter Stone Irvin . . ... ....do do 45th U. S. C. T... 116th U. S. C. T G B Nov. 18, 1865 Dec. 25, 1865 9 Temple Wni Corporal 45th U. S. C. T. E Dec 26 1865 United States Soldiers interred in the Central District of Texas during the Rebellion. No. Name. Rank. Regiment. Co. Date of Death. CITY CEMETERY, SAN ANTONIO. Archeson John Sergeant 3d Mich, cav T Aug. 19, 1865 a Bates, W C Private 3d Mich, cav F, Sept. 15, 1865 Becker William do 3d Mich, cav F, Sept. 1, 1865 4 Bei ver, Adam Bell V N ....do Sergeant 4th Wis. cav 4th \Vis cav C E Sept. 25, 1865 Sept. 23 1865 6 Brumming, Rudolph Private do 18th N. Y. cav.... 59th 111 E ]} Aug. 9, 1865 Aug 22 1865 8 q Carman, Warren R Conner Richard ....do do . . 3d Mich, cav 10th 111. cav A F Oct. 3, 1865 Sept. 8 1865 10 11 Cox, Theodore Dougherty, Henry ....do ....do 18th N. Y. cav.... 4th Mich, cav E H Aug. 10, 1865 Dec. 16, 1865 Elliot, Jason do 3d Mich, cav C Dec. 13, 1865 13 14 Ellsworth, Atwater Ernest, Julius Hoffman Paul ....do ....do 4th Mich cav 18th N. Y. cav 12th 111 cav F E B Dec. 6, 1865 Aug. 8, 1865 Nov. 2J, 1865 16 Martin, Royal . . Private . . 32dlnd.. E Dec. 10, 1865 CENTRAL DISTRICT OF TEXAS, No. Name. Rank. Regiment. Co. Date of Death. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Mitchell, Robert Private ....do Citizen Em Private do 3d Mich, cav E G Aug. 18, 1865 Dec. 7, 1865 Oct. 9, 1865 Oct. 25, 1865 Aug. 25, 1865 Aug. 22, 1865 Nov. 23, 1865 Aug. 7, 1865 Oct. 6, 1865 Nov. 6, 1865 Aug. 20, 1865 Aug. 11, 1865 Sept. 25, 1865 Dec. 8, 1865 Sept, 30, 1865 Dec. 16, 1865 Sept. 24, 1865 Oct. 15, 1865 Nov. 26, 1865 Sept. 15, 1865 Sept. 15, 1865 Sept. 3, 1865 Nov. 2, 1865 Nov. 5, 1865 Nov. 1, 1865 Sept. 2, 1865 Nov. 18, 1865 Sept. 3, 1865 Sept. 2, 1865 Aug. 19, 1865 Sept. 16, 1865 Sept. 27, 1865 Sept. 19, 1865 Sept. 2, 1865 Oct. 4, 1865 Sept. 6, 1865 Sept. 9, 1865 Sept. 9, 1865 Sept, 2, 1865 Oct. 9, 1865 Sept. 25, 1865 Sept. 29, 1865 Sept. 14, 1865 Sept. 9, 1865 Oct. 5, 1865 Oct. 15, 1865 Sept. 5, 1865 Oct. 27, 1865 Oct. 29, 1865 Oct. 29, 1865 Aue-. 28. 1865 Mitchell, Robert Moloney James 21st 111. cav ploye Poole A M 19th Ohio C II A C E I D B L K C F H D E B G H Racey John 49th Ohio Richards, Edward ... do 51st Ind Richardson, Barnard Scanland John . Corporal . . . Private Farrier Private do 10th 111. cav 18thN. Y. cav.... 3d Mich, cav Smith Dennis ..... Smith Julius 18th N. Y. cav.... 3d Mich cav Soules Charles Spellman, Jacob Busier 3d Mich cav Stearns, ......... Private Sergeant . . . Private do 59th 111. Stiles William S .. .. 3d Mich cav Talbert J A 51st Ind Udell James 3d Mich Vanhorn, Abraham Wellington, John HOSPITAL CEMETERY, INDIANOLA. Beck James ....do ....do Private do. 71st Ohio 18th N. Y. cav.... 30th Ind Brown, Robt. M 41st Ohio Cainet, Christ .. do 30th Ind Cowen, Dennis . Govei - nment Private do. . Employe" Fasuot, Jacob ... . . 77th Pa H C A H Heck, William 57th Ind.. . Moon, George do 30th Ind Murdoch, Thos. R O'Brien, Patrick ...do Government Private Government Private Sergeant . . . Private do 77th Pa Employe^ Percell, William 23d Ky Employe. E NEAR WESSEQUERE'S HOUSE, 6 MILES N. W. OF VICTORIA. Allen, Aaron . 51st Ohio I E C F F I C F Beviu, James E 77th Pa 31st Ind 30th Ind Brown, Dallas Carr, Amos. . . Classin, Martin do 77th Pa Closky, Lewis . do. 41st Ohio Crawford, Hillaue Cullirou, B ...do do 51st Ohio 5 1 st Ohio Davison, Walter Musician .. Private ...do ...do Sergeant . 9th Ind Deal, James 9 lst i\\ H F "A" c F II II A I E E D Dennison, John Dexter, Ira Forsy th, John Gailoway, Charles 23d Ky 75th 111 77th Pa Private ...do do 77th Pa 77th Pa Gray hie, Emanuel Hanson, Halvor 13th Wis Hatfield, Jasper ...do do 31st Ind 77th Pa Hills, Giles Hiiidback, August ...do ...do... 4th Mich 77th Pa Hogau, Thos. P ...do.. 21 st Ky. . . Holland, John . . Private . . 21st Kv... 10 CENTRAL DISTKICT OF TEXAS. No. Name. Rank. Regiment. Co. Date of Death. 0^ Horner, Geo. W Private 51st Ohio T Oct 8 1865 9/| Howes Henry do 77th Pa F Nov 26 1865 05 Howell Albert J do 77th Pa C Nov 28 1865 *>6 Hudson Zachariah do 3Jst Ind H Nov 15 1865 07 Hurkieberry Jacob do 3d Mich A Nov 7 1865 OR Hu.tcb.ins, Martin . do 38th 111 A Nov. 30, 1865 Oq Karger Anton do 77th Pa A Sept. 2, 1865 SO Ketch -George Corporal 51st Ohio G Sept. 12 1865 31 Lesb, Lewis ., Private 35th Ind A Sept. 25, 1865 39 Martin. Win. F ... do 35th Ind D Aug. 24, 1865 33 Montgomery Jobn do 77th Pa H Aug. 13, 1865 31 Nieman Jacob do. 77th Pa F Sept. 6, 1865 3 r > O' Holland William do 21 st Ky F Auo-. 30, 1865 3B Payne David J do 38th 111 K Oct. 3, 1865 37 Pbillips, David . ... do 31st Ind A Sept, 9, 1865 38 Ramsey, Jobn . .... do. . 9th Ind H Sept. 13, 1865 39 Riley Jacob do 21st Ivy 1) Aug. 30, 1865 40 Eicbinond Jno R do 51st Ohio H Sept. 12, 1865 41 Ron Jobn Corporal 77th Pa A Oct. 6 1865 49 Shamon, John... .. Private 77th Pa F Sept. 29, 1865 43 Sturtevant Isaiab J do 33th 111 G Aug. 23, 1865 44 Syling Lewis Corporal 77th Pa F Sept. 13, 1865 45 Temple Franklin Private 77th Pa F Oct. 1 1865 46 do 77th Pa G Aug 19 1865 47 Trimblin, Philip do. 51 st Ohio T Aug. 21, 1865 48 Wad ley William do 38th 111 H Aug. 16, 1865 IP "Wages Jobn do 51st Ohio D Aug. 17, 1865 50 "Waterman David do 30th Ind F Sept. 19 1865 ^1 Wells, Geo. D do 31st Ind H Aug. 31, 1865 5 White Horace H do 31st Ind T Aug. 26, 1865 1 NEAR RAILROAD DEPOT, VICTORIA. Alderon John Private 21st Ky K Oct. 26, 1865 9 Allen, J. W do . 77th Pa D Nov. 25, 1865 T Anderson, Andrew..* do 13th Wis F Nov. 29, 1865 4 Baldwin Tbos. H do 77th Pa T Nov. 25, 1865 5 Bresh Peter Corporal 1 3th Wis C Oct. 18 1865 6 Brown Peter Private 77th Pa F, Dec 4 1865 7 Brown, Frederick ...... do 18thN. Y. cav D Dec. 6, 1865 8 Crawford Wm. P. do 21st Ky n Nov. 11, 1865 9 10 Fisher, William Johnson Alexander ....do do ' 77th Pa 31st Ind K A Nov. 27, 1865 Nov. 4 1865 11 Leslie, James P ... do 30th Ind A Nov. 9, 1865 "P Lewis, Chas. "V. do 4th Mich T Oct. 29, 1865 13 Lyons Robt J do 77th Pa T Oct. 21, 1865 14 McNeely Thomas do 59th 111 T Oct. 15, 1865 15 Miller John do 15th Ind F Dec 9 1865 16 do 77th Pa F Nov 18 1865 17 Munce. James ...... do 13th Wis f! Nov. 16, 1865 18 Myers Andrew do 30th Ind C Oct. 30, 1865 ]C) Patterson Matthew do 77th Pa T> Nov. 9, 1865 90 Pearson, Leonard. ....do 21st Ky G Oct. 22, 1865 f >\ Quifg, \Villiani ... do 38th 111 n Nov. 6, 1865 99 Rice, James S Corporal 21st Ky G Nov. 7, 1865 23 1 Spencer, Samuel Stewart Daniel do Private 77th Pa 77th Pa H F Nov. 26, 1865 Nov. 6, 1865 05 Stocking James do 49th Ohio F Dec, 3, 1865 ?,6 Tefensee. John. . ..do... 77th Pa.. E Nov. 24, 1865 CENTRAL DISTRICT OF TEXAS. 11 No. Name. Rank. Regiment. Co. Date of Death. 07 Private 38th 111.. r Nov. 18, 1865 28 Truxton Talbot do 3d Mich. T Oct. 16, 1865 29 do 77th Pa H Nov. 28, 1865 SO \V6aver "William do 77th Pa T Dec. 4, 1885 31 WP!!^ SfprVhpTi f 1 do 21st 111 T Oct 27 1 865 3 Corporal 21st 111 B Oct. 16, 1865 1 NEAR GREEN LAKE. Private 30th Ind T) Aug. 11, 1865 2 s Brieulaugh, Chas Delanpy James ... ....do do 77th Pa 21st 111 A B July 31, 1865 Aug. 2, 1865 4 Funk Miles do. 77th Pa F Aug. 2, 1865 5 do 75th 111 Auo-. 7, 1865 6 do 35th Ind . r> Au. 9 1865 7 Miller Win H do 77th Pa F Auo-. 9, 1865 8 Moffit John J do 9th Ind F Aug. 5, 1865 q Murphy William do 77th Pa C Auo-. 4, 1865 10 Welsh John do 21st Ky A Aug 3 1865 11 do 21st Ky A Auo- 2 1865 1 IN OPEN LOT, LAVACA CEMETERY. Barnes J B . 42d 111 K Unknown. Brady P 64th Ohio B Do. 3 Cutts William 57th Ind H Oct 13 1865 4 Gard Wm M 28th Ky A Unknown ^ Hannam, Jno F 57th Iiid B Nov 8, 1865 fi Higgins John 28th Ky. F Unknown. 7 Honiberger Jacob Private 42d 111 G Nov 4 1865 8 Mahoney, Jno . . ...... do 42d 111 T) Unknown. q Polker, Lewis 42d 111 G Do 10 Putnam G 125th Ohio . K July 28 1865 1 ODD-FELLOWS' CEME- TERY, NEAR VICTORIA. Brewer Martin Private 77th Pa T Dec 17 1865 1 ENCLOSED CEMETERY, SOUTH OF CHURCH LA- VACA. 57th Ind T Dec. 5 1865 ? Bowman, David . . 57th Ind T Nov 3 1865 S Boyd J S ... 57th Ind p Dec 4 1865 COLORED. HOSPITAL CEMETERY, INDIANOLA. 1 Adams Frank Private 115thU. S. C. T. H Aug. 9, 1865 2 Adams, Benjamin ....do 115th U.S.C. T.. H Sept. 16, 1865 3 Adams Jack do 115th U S C T H Nov. 1, 1865 4 Allen, John \ ....do 8th U. S.C. T..." G July 11, 1865 14 RIO GRANDE DISTRICT, TEXAS. No. Name. Rank. Regiment. Co. Date of Death. 1 NEW BRIDGE, ACROSS POWDERHORN BAYOU. Stephens, George H Private 7th U. S. C. T G July 6 1865 1 BURYING-GROUND AT MATAGORDA. Villizette, G Private 115thU. S. C.T H Aug. 22, 1865 United States Soldiers interred in the Rio Grande District, Depart- . ment of Texas, during the Rebellion. WHITE. No. Name. Rank. Regiment. Co. Date of Death. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 NEAR OLD FORT BROWN, BROWNSVILLE, TEXAS. Baker, John G. . Private do 35th Wis K M C A B K C G M C H K A M A C B K Nov. 6, 1865 Oct. 7, 1865 Nov. 23, 1865 Oct. 20, 1865 Sept. 13, 1865 Aug. 16, 1865 Sept. 28, 1865 Nov. 7, 1865 Aug. 17, 1865 July 31, 1865 May . 7, 1865 Nov. 6, 1865 Oct. 2, 1865 Nov. 11, 1865 Nov. 7, 1865 July 31, 1865 Sept. 16, 1865 Aug. 7, 1865 Basouis, Autoine 1st U. S. art Carter James L do 28th 111 Earl Geo B do 2d Tenn cav Fallen, Jeremiah . .. do 7th Vt Fisk, Eldridge . do . 7th Vt Gao"e \Villiam do 2d Texas cav KT Sept. 23 1865 100 do 114th U. S. C T . F July 30, 1865 101 Gosley, Elbut do 9th U. S C T B Auf. 16, Ic65 102 103 Granderson, John Graham Jacob ...... ....do do 43d U. S. C. T.... 43d U S C T A C Aug. 14, 1865 Sept, 12, 1865 104 105 Grave, Benjamin Green, George ....do do 116th U. S. C. T.. 19th U S. C. T. K A July 28, 1865 Nov. 13, 1865 106 Green, London .... ..... do 23d U. S. C T. T Sept. 27, 1865 107 Green George H. ....... do 29th Conn Col'd F Auo-. 21 1865 108 109 110 111 Hagaman, Henry Hagerman, Samuel Haggard, Thomas Hall, Frank ....do ....do ....do do 22dU. S. C.T.... 38th U. S. C.T... 19tb U. S. C.T... 43d U S C T G I G F, July 17, 1865 Nov. 3, 1865 Aug. 17, 1865 Oct. 2, 1865 112 Han^us George do 9th U S C T H Sept. 13, 1865 113 Handy Henry do 19th U C T^ H Aug. 16, 1865 114 Handy, Henry do . .. 19th U. S. C.T... H Sept. 22, 1865 115 Harris, \Viison .... do 114th U. S. C.T K July 25, 1865 116 Harris Charles do 19th U S C T F, Oct. 12, 1865 117 118 Harrison, Henry Harrison, Samuel ....do do 114thU. S. C.T.. 19th U. S. C.T... C D Oct. 28, 1865 Oct. 23, 1865 ]iq Harrison, Cheatham do 118th U. S. C.T F Oct. 15, 1865 10 Harguss, Adam do . 9th U. S. C. T F Aug. 7, 1865 121 122 Hathaway, Benjamin Hathett JVloses ....do do 118th U. S. C. T-. 46th U S C T D C Sept. 1, 1865 Oct. 25, 1865 123 124 305 Hawkins, Henry Heath, Uriah Helm, John . ..... ....do ....do ..do 43d U. S. C T.... 43d U. S. C.T.... 114th U. S. C.T B H F Aug. . 7, 1865 Nov. 13, 1865 Aug. 27, 1865 126 127 128 129 130 131 Helston, Charles Henson, H Heusou, Samuel Henry, William J Henderson, John Henderson, Samuel ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do 38th U. S. C T... 23d U. S. C.T.... 29th Conn. Col'd.. 23d U. S, C.T.... 43d U. S C. T.... 29th U. S. C. T... E B H K I I Aug. 25, 1865 Aug. 14, 1865 Aug 28, 1865 Sept. 1, 1865 Oct. 5, 1865 Oct. 31, 1865 RIO GRANDE DISTRICT, TEXAS. 17 Name. Rank. Regiment. i Co. Date of Death. Hendsley Thomas Private 8th U. S. C T C Nov. 9, 1865 Hight Riley do 23J U. S. C. T... F Oct. 6, 1865 Hill Geo W do 38th U. S. C. T... F Sept. 15 1865 ....do 39th U. S. C. T... E Oct. 4, 1865 Holly Benj do 38th U. S. C. T. H July 21 1865 Holloway, Peter Hopkins, Primus Howard Abbott ....do ....do Corporal . . . 118th U. S. C. T.. 41st U. S. C. T... 31st U. S. C. T... G C R Aug. 2, 1865 Aug. 5, 1865 July 16, 1865 Hudson, Jerry Private 22dU. S. C. T ... D July 23, 1865 Hudson Jacob do.. 8th U. S. C. T .. F Nov. 2 1865 Jackson, Jeremiah Jakson, Andrew ....do ....do 23d U. S. C. T.... 43d U. S. C. T... F D Aug. 10, 1865 Sept. 12, 1865 Sept. 14 1865 James Henry Private 29th U. S. C. T... K Oct. 22 1865 Jarvis Adam do . 43d U. S. C. T . G Aug. 6 1 865 Jefferson, Henry Jefferson, William ....do 19th U. S. G. T... E Nov. 7, 1865 July 23, 1865 Jenkins, Henry Private . 22d U. S. C. T . . K Oct. 29 1865 Johnson Noah . do 22dU. S. C. T... F Sept. 24 1865 Johnson Charles Johnson, James ....do ....do 38th U. S. C. T... 19thU. S. C. T... I E July 24, 1865 Sept. 9, 1865 Johnson, Richard Johnson \Villiam ....do do 19th U. S. C. T... 23d U. S. C. T... I C Nov. 3, 1865 July 24 1865 Johnson Samuel ... do 23d U. S C. T E Auo-. 14 1865 Johnson James do 2.3d U S C. T C Aug 26 1865 Johnson, Wm. H Johnson, Henry ....do do 43d U. S. C. T... 29th Conn. Col'd . . F H Sept, 22, 1865 Auo-. 1 1865 Johnson Geo A .. do 29th Conn Col'd F Auf 9 1865 Jones Stephen do. 22d U S C. T F Sept 1 3 1865 Jones, Henry ....do 9th U. S. C. T.... A Aug. 13, 1865 Jones, Henry do 29th U. S. C. T... H Oct. 26, 1865 Jones John ... do 23d U. S. C. T... C Aug. 16 1865 Jones John do 43d U. S C. T H Auf 9 1865 Jones, John . . ....do 29th Conn. Col'd.. H July 26, 1865 *.do 29th Conn Col'd H Aug 3 1865 Kelly, Lewis ... do 116th U. S. C. T F, Aug. 30 1865 Keunard Charles do.. 19th U. S. C. T. G Nov 12 1865 Kiinble, Peter do U8th U. S. C. T.. H Oct. 11, 1865 Lane, Richard do 45th U. S. C T... F, Oct. 12, 1865 Langden, George Lieutenant . 2d U. S. C. art... B Aug. 11, 1865 Latou, Reuben . Private 38th U. S. C. T... C Oct. 13, 1865 Lawrence, Thomas Lawrence, Louis ....do do 29th Conn. Col'd.. 29th U. S. C. T... K F July 31, 1865 Sept. 6, 1865 Lee, Arthur ... do 43d U. S. C. T T Aug. 26, 1865 Lee James Sept. 27 1865 Lervis, Richard Private 162d U. S. C. T... F Sept. 7, 1865 Lewis Henry do 9th U S C T B Nov 1 1 1865 ... do 23d U. S. C. T . . C Aug. 26, 1865 Lewis, James do 29th Conn. Col'd D Sept. 12, 1865 Lively, Tilghman do.. - 43d U. S. C. T T) July 29 1865 Livingston John do 8th U S C. T K Auo-. 19 1865 Logguis, John L Loner Benjamin ....do do 29th Conn. Col'd.. 45th U S C T E F Sept. 8, 1865 Sept 15 1865 Lon", Stephen H . . .. ... do J9thU. S. C. T... H July 24, 1865 Long Philip . . do 23d U. S. C. T .. K Aug. 10 1865 Long, George Lov - an, James Lucas, Anthony Luther Martin ...... ....do ....do ....do ....do 23d U. S. C. T... 114th U.S. C. T.. 43d U. S. C. T... 8th U. S. C. T.... K E G K Aug. 18, 1865 July 18, 1865 Aug. 20, 1865 Lyons James ..... Sergeant 118th U. S. C. T-. H Aug. 9 1865 2 18 RIO GRANDE DISTRICT, TEXAS. No. Name. Rank. Regiment. Co. Date of Death. 192 Madison \Villiam Private 114th U. S. C. T p Aug 21 1865 193 Madisou, Isaac do 29th U. S. C. T... A Nov. 21, 1865 194 Maj or, William . ..do 38th U. S. C. T... H Oct. 26, 1865 195 Major Edward do .. . 118th U. S. C. T.. B Aug. 8, 1865 196 Mason Jeremiah. do 9th U. S. C. T D Auo-. 13, 1865 197 Mason Julius do 38th U. S. C. T. Fi Sept. 9 1865 193 Mason George do 43d U S. C. T G Auo-. 5 1865 199 Mason, Wm. A ...do 117th U. S. C.T.. F, Aug. 13, 1865 200 Masher, \Vashington ..do 43d U. S. C.T.... R July 29, 1865 201 Mathews John do 41st U. S. C. T... D Oct. 14, 1865 202 203 McCullogh, Joseph McGee Smith ....do do 46th U. S. C. T... 43d U. S. C. T. I T Aug. 16, 1865 Sept. 30, 1865 204 205 McHam, George Me Kim Joseph ...... ....do ..do 43d U. S. C. T... 38th U. S. C. T... K T Oct. 2, 1865 Sept. 15, 1865 206 Milford George . .... Sergeant 22d U. S. C. T ... A Aug. 8, 1865 207 Miller Henry do 23d U. S. C. T ... K Auo-. 9, 1865 208 Money Aaron Private 22d U. S C. T. K July 22, 1865 209 210 Montgomery, Maldon Moore Charles ....do do 43d U. S. C. T.... 29th Conn Col'd D F, Oct. 15, 1865 Oct 25 1865 211 Nichols John ....... do 29th Conn. Col'd.. R Sept 1, 1865 212 Noble Henry do 29th Conn. Col'd F Nov. 20, L865 213 Noll Edward do 118th U. S. C. T F Sept 19, 1865 214 Norris Andrew do 31st U. S. C. T B Auo- 8 1865 215 216 Norman, John ....do do 43d U. S. C. T... 29th U S C T A F Sept. 13, 1865 Sept 1 1865 217 218 Oliver, Joseph Oliver John ....do do 22dU. S. C. T... 29th Conn. Col'd K C Oct. 23, 1865 Oct. 5 1865 219 220 Patterson, George Patterson, Buck ....do ....do 22dU. S. C.T.... 23d U. S. C. T C A Aug. 12, 1865 Sept. 18, 1865 221 do Nov. 1, 1865 222 Paul Edward A Corporal 45th U. S. C. T. H Auo-. 18, 1865 223 Porrigcr Levi Private 41st U. S. C. T H Sept. 2<5 1865 224 Peterson, Arnold ....do 29th Conn. Col'd.. R Aug. 19, 1865 .225 Pierce Franklin ...do 23d U. S. C. T ... F Aug. 25, 1865 226 Pitts John W .do. 8th U. S. C. T F Sept. 29, 1865 227 Pleggett Adam do 29th U. S. C. T... f> Sept. 16, 1865 228 Polk James K do 19th U. S C. T G Sept 14 1865 229 Preston, Dennis ..... ....do 29th U. S. C. T... G Sept. 8, 1865 230 Prout William do 43d U. S. C. T . . . C! Auo-. 7, 1865 231 Randolph Patrick do 23d U. S. C T.... F Sept. 19, 1865 232 233 Ray, James Reed Emory ....do Corporal 22d U. S. C. T... 45th U. S. C. T. A T) Sept. 29, 1865 Auo- 15 1865 234 235 Richardson, Richard Richardson Geo. H Private do 33th U. S. C. T... 29th U. S. C. T... B H Oct. 13, 1865 Oct. 21, 1865 236 Richie Aaron . ... do 8th U. S. C. T A Auo- 21 1865 237 Riley John do 22d U. S. C. T . H Oct 14 1865 238 Riley George Corporal 19th U. S. C. T. T Nov 7 1865 239 Risinor William Private 41st U. S. C. T... G Oct. 14, 1865 240 Ritz Rocco ... ...... do 162d U. S. C. T... K Aug. 25 1865 241 Robinson Henry . ... . do 22d U. S. C T . C Aug. 11 1865 242 243 244 245 246 Robinson, Edward Robinson, David Robinson, Thomas Rose, Anderson Ross Thomas ....do ....do ....do ....do . do 23d U. S. C. T.... 8th U. S. C. T.... 117th U. S. C. T.. 114thU. S. C. T.. 19th U. S. C. T. A G B K C Aug. 24, 1865 Sept. 4, 1865 Aug. 16, 1865 July 20, 1865 Aug. 14 1865 247 248 249 Ross, Washington Rowe, William Roy Elijah ....do ....do do 116th U. S. C. T.. 118th U. S. C. T.. 19th U. S. C T B A C Aug. 2, 1865 Oct. 9, 1865 Sept 18 1865 250 251 Ryan, J ohn Backhouse, Samuel ....do do 118th U. S. C. T.. 22dU. S. C.T.... A Oct. 3, 1865 Oct. 5, 1865 RIO GRANDE DISTRICT, TEXAS. 19 No Name. Rank. Regiment. Co. Date of Death. 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 187 288 289 290 >91 >92 >93 >94 >95 >96 >97 >98 599 100 01 .02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 Saddler, James Private... do... . 19th U. S. C. T.. 117th U. S. C. T. 43d U. S. C. T... 117th U. S. C. T. 23d U. S. C.T... 43d U. S. C. T... 29th Conn. Cold.. 117thU. S. C.T. 19th U. S. C. T.. 43d U. S. C. T... 117th U. S. C. T. 38th U. S. C. T.. 29th U.S. C. T.. ' 8th U. S. C. T... I 45th U. S. C. T.. 36th U. S. C. T.. 38th U. S. C. T. . 38th U. S. C. T.. 41st U. S. C.T... 1 29th Conn. Col'd E I H I C B K K B I H E K I B C G H C B G B K E B C E K I B A C B F C I H F A A I H C H C F Sept. 27, 1865 Sept. 28, 1865 Oct. 9, 1865 Sept. 23, 1865 Aug. 27, 1865 Sept. 7, 1865 Aug. 19, 1865 Aug. 23, 1865 Aug. 4, 1865 Aug. 19, 1865 Oct. 18, 1865 Aug. 1, 1865 Nov. 1, 1865 Aug. 11, 1865 July 21, 1865 Aug. 24, 1865 Sept. 21, 1865 Oct. 14, 1865 Oct. 26, 1865 Sept. 27, 1865 Aug. 19, 1865 Oct. 12, 1865 Nov. 4, 1865 Sept. 19, 1865 July 8, 1865 Nov. 18, 1865 July 23, 1865 Aug. 21, 1865 Aug. 9, 1865 Aug. 2, 1865 Sept. 2, 1865 Aug. 5, 1865 Sept. 9, 1865 Samuels Henry Sands, Henry Sands Henry ....do .. do Scott, Richard H Scott, Henry Scott John R ....do ....do do Seward Albert do Shackley, Charles Shadrach, Joseph Sheobalds, Manuel ....do ....do Sergeant . . . Private .. do Sheppard, Oliver Shirley John Silas Robert do Simpson, John ....do Simmons, Reddie ...do Smith, Isaac .. do Smith, James D Smi th, J. B ....do do Smiley, John A do. Sniveley, Henson Snowden, Joseph Speak James ....do ....do do 43d U.S. C.T... 45th U. S. C. T.. 29th U. S. C. T.. 38th U. S. C. T.. 118th U. S. C. T. 9th U. S. C. T... 38th U. S. C. T... 8th U. S. C. T.... 118th U. S. C. T.. 29th Conn. Col'd... 22dU. S C. T.... 118th U. S. C. T.. 162d U. S. C.T... 29th U. S. C. T... 29th Conn. Col'd.. 43d U. S. C.T.... 43d U. S.C. T.... 8th U. S. C. T.... 19th U. S. C.T... 23d U. S. C. T.... 41stU. S.C.T.... 29th Conn. Col'd.. 8th U. S. C.T.... U7thU. S. C. T.. 114thU. S. C. T.. 19th U. S. C.T... Statesman, John Starks, Sydney ....do ...do Stevens, Horace ... do Stewart, Coleman Corporal . . . Private . do Stewart, James Stone, Samuel. Storm Harvey do Stout, Richard ...do Strike, James . Corporal . . . Private ...do do Stute, James . Summers, Joseph Swears Charles Oct. 16, 1865 Sept, 26, 1865 Oct. 27, 1865 July 31, 1865 Aug. 13, 1865 Oct. 21, 1865 Aug. 10, 1865 Sept. 21, 1865 Oct. 18, 1865 Oct. 18, 1865 Oct. 19, 1865 Oct. 4, 1865 July 24, 1865 Aug. 12, 1865 Sept, 3, 1865 Oct. 28, 1865 Sept. 1, 1865 Aug. 3, 1865 Aug. 2'2, 1865 Nov. 17, 1865 July 29, 1865 Oct. 17, 1865 Aug. 28, 1865 July 22, 1865 Aug. 26, 1865 Sept. 28, 1865 Tadlock, Edward do.. Taylor, James. do. Ten Eyck T do Thomas, William Thomas, Charles Thomas, Matthew Thompson, John Thornton Thomas ...do ...do ...do ...do Corporal . . . Sergeant . . . Private do Tibbals, Emanuel Tribble, Harrison .. Tyler, Robert . Unknown Unknown Vine, Curtis Private 38th U. S. C.T... 23d U. S. C. T.... 114th U. S. C. T.. 118thU. S. C. T.. 118thU. S. C. T.. 29th U. S. C.T... 118thU. S.C.T... 22dU. S. C. T.... 31st U. S.C.T... . 23d U. S.C.T.... 43d U. S. C.T.... 23d U. S.C.T.... K G H r* JT H F H E p 1 ^/ ~* ""i Vouo"hn, Moses. do.. Walker, Richard talker Charles ...do do "Walker James , do Walk, Samuel . ...do Ward, Shelby Washington, George Washington, Thomas ... Washington, George Watkins, William W T edge, James W ...do ...do ...do ! ...do ...do ...do 20 RK) GRANDE DISTRICT, TEXAS. No. Name. Rank Regiment. Co. Date of Death. 319 Wells, An gustus Private 38th U. S. C. T... T Oct. 2, 1865 313 Wesley, John . .do 46th U. S. C. T... H Ati"-, 19, 1865 314 315 318 Wheeler, Joseph White, Washington White, Grayson ....do ....do ....do 38th U. S. C. T. .. 114th U. S. C. T-. 9th U. S. C. T D D T Aug. 19, 1865 Oct. 18, 1865 Nov. 7, 1865 317 Whipple, George ...do 29th Conn. Col'd.. K Nov. 4, 1865 318 319 320 321 3<>9 Williams, Richard Williams, Samuel Williams, Henry Williams, Henry Wilkinson, Thomas ....do ....do .--.do ....do Sergeant 38th U. S. C. T... 38th U. S. C. T... 29th Conn. Col'd.. 29th Conn. Col'd.. 19th U. S. C. T-. G H H B E Sept. 16, 1865 Oct. 13, 1865 July 25, 1865 Sept. 2, 1865 Auo-. 17, 1865 323 "Wilkinson Henry .... Private 43d U. S. C. T C July 25, 1865 324 \Vilkinson, John do 29th U. S C. T F, Oct 27, 1865 395 Wilson, William H do 43d U. S. C.T.... T Sept. 19, 1865 326 3^7 Wilburn, William Wood, Richard . - ....do do 29th U.S. C. T... 22d U. S. C. T.... H T> Aug. 23, 1865 Sept. 2, 1865 328 \V T ood, Calvin ... do 46th U. S. C T F Sept. 19, 1865 329 330 Wysham, Samuel Young Henry ....do do 118th U. S. C. T.. 1 14th U S C T E K Aug. 20,1865 Aug. 10, 1865 331 Young, James do 9th U. S. C T C Oct. 29, 1865 332 Young, Charles A. . do 29th Conn Col'd C Aug. 5, 1865 WHITE. 1 BROWNSVILLE, TEXAS. Adkiiis, Robt Private 37th 111 K Feb. 8, 1864 9, Allen, Alfred do 20th Wis. G May 2, 1864 3 Armond, Patterson do 29th Conn . B Auo-. 15, 1865 4 5 Ashbrook, Andrew Bandy, Henry ....do .. do.. .. 1 st Texas cav 91st 111 H H June 15, 1864 May 31, 1864 fi Bennett, Warren.. .. .do 26th Ind K Dec. 23, 1863 7 Bloes, John .. do 1st Texas cav. TT May 18, 1864 H Bryant Buffalo do 91st 111 K June 10, 1864 9 10 Bullones, Jesus Cass William ....do do 2d Texas cav 13th Maine I T Dec. 20, 1863 Jan. 7, 1864 U Chamberlain \Villiam do 37th 111 Jan 30 1864 1 Chisman, Harrison do 91 still c Mar. 21, 1864 13 Clark William Hamilton B ody Guard July 16, 1864 ]4 Cochran, John Corporal 19th Iowa F Jan. 19, 1864 15 Conrad Henry L Private 91st III K April 3, 1864 16 17 Costelle, Michael Craig, Henry W ....do do 1 st Mo. U. art 20th Wis E C June 6, 1864 Dec. 27, 1863 18 Davis Martin . .... do Pioneer Corps Feb 13, 1864 19 Demming, Robert ....do 19th Iowa IT Feb. 8, 1864 Dinwiddie Beni do 9 1st III T July 17, 1864 91 Fensall, Wilson Corporal 1 st Texas cav F Mar. 23, 1864 90 Fowler, \Vesley . .... Private 26th Ind A Dec. 29, 1863 3 Gamble \Villiarn Pioneer Corps Feb. 28, 1864 0,1 Gansey S Private 2d Texas cav A April 10, 1864 95 Given, John Sergeant 26th Ind K June 19, 1864 9fi Glishman, William Coiporal . 94th 111 H June 27, 1864 97 Godfry, Mathew Private 37th 111 B June 25, 1864 OH Green, Edgar do 91st 111 F> June 17, 1864 29 30 Grigsby, Chas Gutieres, Azaphite ....do ....do 1st Texas cav 2d Texas cav A C Mar. 16, 1864 July 10, 1864 RIO GRANDE DISTRICT, TEXAS. 21 No. Name. Rank. Regiment. Co. Date of Death. 31 Hardy, Richard Private 38th Iowa . . . A June 9, 1864 So Hazelwood Geo. L do 91st 111. H May 4, 1864 ?S Hazel wood W S do 91st 111 H July 8, 1864 34 Hewlick Amos .. do 19th Iowa C April 3, 1864 35 Holley Joseph do .. . 1st Texas cav C Dec. 9, 1863 3(3 do do C May 29 1 864 37 do 94th 111 H July 8 1 864 38 Corporal 91st 111 F April 16 1864 39 Jassehlen Abraham Private 1st Texas cav. H June 19, 1864 40 Jay Mills do 19th Iowa K Nov. 22, 1863 41 Johnson Benjamin do 94th 111 B Feb. 17 1864 1 Kauses, S ....do 1st Texas cav May 22, 1864 43 do do F Feb. 16, 1864 44 Kerr James do 38th Iowa . A June 9, 1864 45 46 Lee, Geo. W Lewis, James C ....do do 91st 111 91st 111 G H Dec. 16, 1863 June 23, 1864 47 48 Light, Timothy Luce, E. ....do do 1st Mo. It. art 38th Iowa B F July 6, 1864 Jan. 16, 1864 49 Martin B D do 91st 111 H Jan. 5, 1864 "0 Martin, D. B do 91st 111 H April 5, 1864 51 McDannals Miguel Q M serg't 2d Texas cav Feb 3 1864 50 McKee, Marouis Sergeant 22d Ind G Dec. 8, 1863 53 McKnight Hiram Private 1st Mo. It. art. F, Feb. 5, 1864 51 Msur, Henry do 1 st Texas cav B June 2, 1864 55 Moe, Perry . . ' do. 38th Iowa K Dec. 26, 1863 56 Moore, Chas. H do 26th Ind B Feb. 21, 1864 57 Morse, Cyrus "W do 15th Maine H Nov. 16, 1863 58 Morse Uriah do 91st 111 T April 9, 1864 5Q Myers, R. H Pioneer Corps . Feb. 15, 1864 60 Parks, H. H. Private 38th Iowa C! Feb. 3, 1864 61 Paul, Allen D do 20th Wis. G Dec. 13, 1863 6 Peters, John ....do 1st Texas cav C July 6, 1864 63 Plavis, William . .do 38th Iowa T) Jan. 8, 1864 61 Plase, M. W do 1 3th Maine C Jan. 14, 1864 65 Powell, Swanson do 94th 111 F Mar. 23, 1864 66 Purcell Thomas Corporal 1st Texas cav C Jan. 21, 1864 67 Purcell Peter Private do F Mar 24 1864 68 Purcell, Philip do do F April 18, 1864 69 Randall, Eldrid^e G do 13th Maine G Jan 22, J863 70 Ribble Henry do 20th Iowa T July 2. 1864 71 Shotts, Henry S* Sergeant 38th Iowa C Mar. 16, 1864 79 Stanford, Isaac F ... Private 19th Iowa . B July 10, 1864 73 74 Stevens, Cornelius Thompson Ferris W ....do do 94th 111 9lst 111 C F April 6, 1864 Jan. 16, 1864 75 Trotter John Sergeant 91st 111 F Feb. 8, 1864 76 Vanderbayden, W. J Private 91st 111 T May 22, 1864 77 Vanness, John E . . .. do 19th Iowa . D Dec. 26, 1863 7R Wakins, W. P Corporal 26th Ind Dec. 18, 1863 7> \\^alker, Larenby Private 91st 111 T^ Dec. 15, 1863 80 \Vallace Clendennis do 13th Maine T Dec. 22, 1863 81 Warren, Abel do.. 38th Iowa H Nov. 27, 1863 8'> Weaver, Geo. W . ... do 20th Wis . .. T Dec. 11, 1863 8'i Weed, Geo. W. do 38th Iowa K Dec. 2, 1863 8-1 Weekly, Christie do 91 still F, July 2, 1864 85 86 Wilcox, George W'itherel Levin ....do do 1st Texas cav 38th Iowa B G Jan. 31, 1864 July 12 1864 87 Wonard, Columbus M. . . do 91st 111 K Dec. 24, 1863 88 Yoernan, Isaac do.. 91st 111 r> Jan. 16, 1863 I 22 EIO GRANDE DISTRICT, TEXAS. COLORED. No. Name. Rank. Regiment. Co. Date of Death. 1 Ashley, John Private 118th U. S. C.T.. F, Aug. 20, 1865 9 Atkinson, Bob ... do 118th U. S. C.T.. T July 31, 1865 3 Bailey, Dick do. ... 118th U. S. C. T H July 30, 1865 4 Banks Lewis do 118th U. S. C. T K Aug. 9 1865 5 Barrett, Jauies Corporal . . . 118th U. S. C.T.. D Oct. 12, 1865 6 7 Barrett, Ben Cabell, James ..... do Private . 118thU. S. C.T.. Ii8th U. S. C.T E F Sept. 22, 1865 Sept. 13, 1865 8 9 10 Cheatham, Harrison Courtney, George Daniels Lewis ....do ....do do. 118th U. S. C. T.. 117th U.S.C.T., 117th U. S C. T F K T Oct. 18, 1865 Sept. 2, 1865 Oct. 7 1865 ]] do 118th U. S C T A Aug. 19 1865 1^ Dean Edward ....do 118th U. S. C. T H Sept. 12, 1865 1? Dillard Joseph Q. M. serjrt 2d U. S. C. art. B Au\ 29, 1865 11 Dixon Clay Private 118th U. S C. T D Aug. 5, 1865 15 Dodge Edwin Sergeant 117th U. S C T G Aug 29 1865 16 Foxworth, John .... .... Private 118th U. S. C.T K Sept. 1, 1865 17 Grundy, Jacob . . ... do 118th U. S. C. T A Oct. 10, 1865 18 JTalmsby John ... do 26th U. S. C. T A Jan. 16 1864 10 Halloway Peter do 1 18th U. S. C. T G Aug. 2 1865 20 ^1 Hancock, Claiborne Harter, James ..... ....do do 118th U. S. C. T.. 117th U. S. C. T G F July 4, 1865 Aug. 3, 1865 22 23 24 Hathaway, Ben Hawes, Columbus Johnson John ....do ....do do 118th U. S. C.T.. 118th U. S. C.T.. 22d U. S. C T E F A Sept. 8, 1865 June 26, 1865 Feb. 9 1864 05 Lanjrley, George . . do 2d U. S. C. art. . B Aug. 11, 1865 <>6 Lyle Samuel . .... ... do 118th U. S. C.T D Aug. 19, 1865 Q 7 Lyne James Sergeant 118th U. S. C. T H Aug. 9, 1865 OR Major Edmond Private 118th U. S C. T K 4.ug. 8 1865 29 McCreary Jno do 118th U. S. C T T Aug. 31 1865 SO McClain, Henry (2d) ... do 118thU. S. C. T F Aug. 17, 1865 31 McClain Mark do 118thU. S. C. T F July 31, 1865 32 33 34 McClaiu, Jno., (2d) McClain, Geo., (1st) Myers Win A ....do ....do do 118thU. S. C.T.. 118thU. S. C.T.. 117th U S C T F G Fi Oct. 11, 1865 Sept. 28, 1865 Aug 13 1865 35 Netler, Joseph .. do 117thU. S. C.T B Aug 31, 1865 36 Oats, Riley Corporal 118th U. S. C. T C Auo-. 5 1865 37 3R Osborn, Scott Rathcock, Todd . . . do Private 118th U. S. C.T.. 118th U. S. C. T-. K F, Aug. 23, 1865 Sept. 22, 1865 39 Robinson, Henry ... do 118th U. S. C. T A Aug. 25, 1865 40 41 Rucker, Chas Taylor Wm ...do Servant of 118thU. S. C. T.. Lieut. Edwards B Aug. 24, 1865 Sept. 7, 1865 4 Taylor Bob Private 118th U. S. C. T A Sept. 16 1865 43 Thompson, Joseph ...do 117th U. S. C. T.. K Aug, 23, 1865 44 Towles, Richard ...do 118th U. S. C. T.. C Oct. 26, 1865 4 r > Towles, John ...... ...do 1 18th U. S. C. T H Nov. 3, 1865 46 47 Ward, Shelby Wellman, Joe Tinker . . . ...do ...do 118th U. S. C. T.. 118th U. S. C.T.. F I July 25, 1865 Aug. 28, 1865 WHITE. ] BRAZOS SANTIAGO, TEXAS. Alexander James Private 34th Ind n Mar. 5, 1865 2 3 Baker, Frederick ....do do 1st Mo. It. art 91st 111 B G Sept. 5, 1864 Sept. 25, 1864 4 Bauhaui, Jno. W. . Serereant . . 28th 111.. I Aug. 25, 1865 RIO GRANDE DISTRICT, TEXAS. 23 No Name. Rank. Regiment. Co. Date of Death. 5 Bayard \Villiam Private ... 5th Mass cav. .. T, Sept. 09 1865 6 ....do 20th Wis F, Aug 20 1864 Britton Lewis do 5th Mass, cav T July 21 1865 8 Brown Silas do 29th Conn. . T) Aug 25 1865 q do.. . 5th Mass cav p Oct 22 1865 10 do 5th Mass cav B Oct 9 1865 ]] T> Dorsey, Philip H Durrice James H ....do do 5th Mass, cav 5th Mass, cav B r> Sept. 23, 1865 Aug 23 1 865 13 Edwards W H do 91st 111 .. H Nov 18 1864 14 Sergeant 91st 111 F Oct 15 1864 15 Festler Nathaniel Private 91st 111 K Oct 30 1864 16 Ferch Earnest do 1st Texas cav. A Aug 4 1 864 17 18 Freeman, Thomas Gilando Lewis ....do do 5th Mass, cav 1st Texas cav L H Oct. 1, 1865 Jan 1 1865 1^ Godfrey Alfred do 5th Mass cav T, July 25 1865 90 Granis William do 5th Mass, cav D Oct. 16 1865 91 Hal ley John . ...... do 34th Ind B Mar. 6 1865 99 Hall Sherdon .. do. . 5th Mass, cav T, Oct 28 1865 93 Heam, Horace H ....do 2d Texas cav. C June 8, 1865 94 Hixenback, Jno. W do 91st 111 B Sept. 25 1864 95 Ihose, Eli........ .. do 1st Texas cav H Jan. 2 1865 96 Jacobs \Villiam ... do. ... 91st 111 B Sept. 22 1864 27 *>8 Jackson, Jarvis W Jones TV^lliam ....do do 5th Mass, cav 28th Wis B G Oct. 1, 1865 June 18 1865 9q Kelley Peter do 18th N Y cav A Sept 17 1865 80 Kingshausen, Andrew. ... do... . 1st Texas cav H Nov 22 1864 31 Lee David . .. do. 34th Ind p May 26 1 865 3 4 > Little Thomas do 35th Wis E Sept 5 1865 33 Meikleson, Andrew . do 9Jst 111 F, Dec. 15 1864 3.1 Morgan, J. B. ...... . do 5th Mass, cav T, Oct 6 1*65 35 36 Morton, Geo. W Mutt William ....do...... do 5th Mass, cav 2d U S art H B Oct. 24, 1865 Sept 1 2 1 865 37 Plaster William do 34th Ind ( May 16 1865 38 Powell, Noah do 34th Ind c May 4 1865 39 Reminder Jacob do.. 1st U S art M Aug 25 1865 40 Robins Joseph do 1st U S art p Aug 23 1865 41 Sharp Elmer do 91st 111 D Sept 19 1864 49 Sheffler, Daniel Corporal . 91st 111 . F Aug 29 1864 43 She'at, Henry... do.. 26th Ind T> Aug 22 1864 41 Sides William H do 34th Ind K June 20 1865 45 Sneider George do 7th Vt E July 3 1865 46 Snelyen, Jonathan ...do 35th Wis T July 27 1865 47 Stewart, Matthew .. do 91st 111 B Sept 2i) 1864 48 Subois, Charles do.. 91st 111 F Sept 1 5 1 864 49 50 5] 59 Thompson, Henry Tillman, Robt Vineyard, Doctor Williams, Geo. D ...do ...do ...do Sergeant 5th Mass, cav 5th Mass, cav 5th Mass, cav 21st Wis D H I r Oct. 9, 1865 Oct. 28, 1865 Oct. 7, 1865 Aug. 7 1864 53 \Villiams, James Private 5th Mass cav K Aug 25 1865 54 Wilson, Samuel ...do 7th Vt T June 6, 1865 COLORED. 1 Akin, Levi Private. 81st U. S. C. T... A Sept. 12 1864 V Allbritten, Wade ..do.. 81st U. 'S. C. T. c Dec. 31 1864 3 4 Ames, Charles Annon, Alfred ....do I ....do 2d U. S. C.cav... 19th U. S. C.T... H C Oct. 10, 1865 July 23, 1865 RIO GRANDE DISTRICT, TEXAS. Name. Rank. Regiment. Co. Date of Death. Anderson \Villiam Private 2d U. S. C.cav... M Oct. 13, 1865 Anderson, William Armstrong 1 , James Ashburn, Mills ....do ....do do 46th U. S. C. T... 45th U. S. C. T... 1st U. S. C.cav... D D K Nov. 1, 1865 July 19, 1865 Aug. 4, 1865 Baines Samuel . do 29th U. S. C. T... K Aug. 1, 1865 Banner "W alter do 45th U. S. C. T... A July 21, 1865 Bitrnellan Henry Sergeant 81st U. S. C. T .. B Oct. 28, 1865 Barber, Joseph Private 38th U. S. C. T... D Nov. 17, 1865 Baston, George do 36th U. S. C.T... C Sept. 30, 1865 Bell Alexander do 81st U. S. C. T... G Sept. 15, 1865 Benuilta John do . . 87th U. S. C. T... B April 17, 1865 Benezia Joseph do 8th U. S. C. T ... T July 26, 1865 Bidman "William do G2d U. S. C. T H June 4, 1865 Branly, Samuel Bi iscoe, Constantino Briska, Nace Brown David ....do Sergeant... Private do 2dU. S. C. cav... 81st U. S. C. T... IstU. S. C. cav.. 81st U. S. C. T... I K B H Sept. 1, 1865 F*eb. 10, 1865 Aug. 30, 1865 Sept. 8, 1864 Brown Gilbert do 81st U. S C. T. F, Sept. 10, 1864 Brown, Henry Brough, Leon Brooks, W B ....do ....do ..do 36th U. S. C.T... 87th U. S. C.T... 8th U. S. C. T H C V Nov. 10, 1865 April 5, 1865 July 24, 1865 Bryan Philip .. do 81st U. S. C. T... B Jan. 9, 1865 Burchfield, Samuel Bush Levin ....do do 118th U. S. C.T.. 29th U S. C. T E H Sept. 24, 1865 Aug. 1, 1865 Butler, Henry . ..do 29th U. S. C. T... K Aug. 13, 1865 Butler, William Byons Richard ....do do. 38th U. S. C.T... 81st U. S. C. T. . F G Nov. 10, 1865 Sept. 5, 1864 Coakley Charles do 118th U. S. C.T H Dec. 4, 1865 Cuff Adam Sergeant 1st USC. cav F, Nov. 11, 1865 Coleman, Jackson ...... do 81st U. S. C. T... C Sept. 12, 1865 Coleman James Private 116th U. S. C. T.. A July 4, 1865 Coleman, Anthony Collins, William ....do do 116th U. S. C. T.. 8th U. S. C.T I F, July 25, 1865 July 4 1865 Cole William do 127th U S C T ft Auo- 12, 1865 Cooper, William Copeland, Edward Cornelius, Jefferson Cotton, John ....do ....do ....do do 81st U. S. C.T... 1st U. S, C. cav... 81st U. S. C. T... 1st U. S C. cav .. B I C T, Sept. 14, 1865 Aug. 23, 1865 Nov. 4, 1865 Nov. 25, 1865 do July 21 1865 Cripple Solomon.- ...... Sergeant 41st U. S. C. T... B July 17, 1865 Curtis Sandy Private 29th U S. C. T... K Aug. 2, 1865 Dean Jasper do 1st U S C cav. F Auo-. 10, 1865 Dennis Nfd do 81st U S C T G Sept. 19, 1864 Dennis, Charles Denney Alfred ...... ....do do 81st U. S. C. T... 81st U. S. C. T... A A Sept. 2, 1864 Aug. 11, 1865 Derson \Villiatn do 81st U. S. C. T. F, Sept. 19, 1864 Diedrick Jacob do 28th U S C T F Aug. 3, 1865 Dillen, Chamberlain Dunn, Harvey ...... . ....do ...do 2dU. S. C. T .... 116thU. S. C.T. K H Sept. 14, 1865 July 22, 1865 Enimons Jacob do 81st U. S. C. T-. D Auo-. 13, 1865 Eshfim John do 81st U. S C. T. F Sept. 12, 1864 Fard, Haunewell Fatman, Femberton ....do ....do 38th U. S. C. T.. 2d U. S. C. cav.. B K June 27, 1865 July 22, 1865 Finley, Angus ...... ...do 87th U* S. C. T.. B April 14, 1865 Finley, James Franklin, "Win ....do Sergeant 29th U. S. C.T.. 81st U. S. C. T. D C July 4, 1865 Sept. 4, 1864 Freeman, Alexander Fuller Henry Private do 46th U. S. C. T.. 36th U S C T H T Nov. 10, 1865 Sept. 21, 1H65 Gardner, Arthur do 1st U. S. C. cav . F, July 31, 1865 Gibbs, Timothy ....do 1st U. S. C. cav . I Nov. 12, 1865 EIO GEANDE DISTRICT, TEXAS. 25 No. Name. Rank. Regiment. Co. Date of Death. 65 Green George Sergeant 45th U. S C T H July 13 1865 66 Green, James. Private 1st U. S. C. cav.. F Aug. 24, 1865 67 Guy Joseph. ....... ... ... do... . 8ihU. S. C.T D July 29, 1865 ca 69 Halloway, John Hart James. . ....do do 45th U. S. C. T .. 81st U. S. C. T G D June 27, 1865 Sept. 7 1864 70 Hartshorn Joseph Sergeant 81st U S. C. T G Sept 15 1864 71 Harris Columbus Private 118th U S C T F June 26 1865 79 Harris, H do 45th U. S. C. T... D July 27, 1865 73 74 75 Haselton, Charles Heidman, Heniy Henry Philip ....do ....do do 81st U. S. C.T... 2dU. S. C. cav... 2d U S C. cav G A T Sept. 23, 1864 July 28, 1865 July 3 1865 76 77 78 Hewlitt, Preston Hickman, George Hill, Pleasant ....do ....do do 23d U. S. C. T.... 1st U. S. C. cav.. 81st U. S. C. T. D A F Nov. 21, 1865 July 20, 1865 Sept. 9, 1864 79 Hitchius, David. do 41st U. S. C. T T July 10, 1865 80 81 82 83 Hod ges, Abraham Hoffman, Timothy Holmes, James H Ives, John ....do ....do ....do . do 2dU. S. C. cav... 1st U. S. C.cav... 1st U. S. C. cav .. 36th U. S. C. T K G L F, Oct. 11, 1865 July 3, 1865 Aug. 31, 1865 Nov. 7 1865 81 Jackson, Andrew . do 81st U. S C T H Nov. 9 1864 85 86 Jackson, Andrew Jackson John ....do . do 87th U. S. C. T... 31st U S C T C I Mar. 10, 1865 Nov 7 1865 87 88 James, Robert H James, Henry ... ....do do 41st U. S. C.T... 2d U S C cav C T, July 15, 1865 Oct 24 1865 89 90 91 92 93 9^1 Jenkins, George John, Abraham Johnson, Henry Johnson, Dexter Johnson, Lucius Jones Robert ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do do 81st U. S. C. T... 81stU. S. C. T... S7thU. S.-C. T... IstU. S. C. cav.. 36th U. S. C.T... 62d U S C T D C C E I E Nov. 1, 1864 Sept. 19, 1864 Mar. 29, 1865 July 24, 1865 Nov. 5, 1865 June 10 1865 9n Keese, Edmond ...do 118th U. S. C T A June 22 1865 96 97 K el ley, Anthony Kerr, Alexander ....do do 2dU S. C. cav... 28th U S C T I L Sept, 26, 1865 Oct 25 1865 98 Keys, John W ...do. 38th U. S. C. T D Oct. 13, 1865 99 King, Adney .. do 2d U. S C cav- ft Oct 8, 1865 00 01 02 03 Langford, Peter Lancaster, Edward Lawrence, Newman Lo Blanc, Leon. ...do ...do ...do. Musician 2d U. K. C. cav... 1st U. S. C. cav.. 45th U. S. C.T... 81st U. S C. T E I E r July 26, 1865 Sept. 24, 1865 July 7, 1865 Oct. 29 1864 0/1 Lewis, John. Private 87th U S C T T Mar 17 1865 O r > Lewis Samuel do 41st U S C T B June 19 1865 1)6 Lewis, Westoii Corporal 116th U S C T K July 7, 1865 ()7 Love, David Private 41st U S C T A July 1 1865 08 09 10 Manning, Harry Martin, Edward Martin Sandford ...do ...do do IstU. S. C. cav... 81st U. S. C. T... 127th U S C T L C p Sept. 7, 1865 Aug. 14, 1864 July 19 1865 11 Mason, Alfred do 81st U. S C. T G Auo-. 21, 1864 12 13 Mason, John Mason, Alfred ...do do 81st U. S. C. T... 127th U S C T D F, Sept. 23, 1864 July 16 1865 M Masters, Lewis do 29th U S C T F July 1 1865 15 16 i 7 Mat hews, Isaac McConn, Alfred Mcrnck, Loyd ...do ...do do 127th U. S. C.T.. 28th U. S. C. T... 81st U. S C T D C G July 12, 1865 July 19, 1865 Auo-. 22 1864 18 19 Mi Her, Henry Moore, C C ...do do 81st U. S. C. T... 45th U S C T C F Aug. 18, 1864 July 6 1865 20 '>\ Morris, Philip Muuday, Daniel ...do .. do. . . 12th U. S. C T... 1st U. S. C. cav. L A Sept. 22, 1865 July 20 1865 22 23 24 Munford, Charles Nidget, Samuel Noca, John ...do...... ...do ...do 2d U. S. C.cav... IstU. S. C. cav... 127th U. S. C.T.. C A K Oct. 9, 1865 Aug. 24, 1865 June 24, 1865 26 EIO GRANDE DISTRICT, TEXAS. No. Name. Rank. Regiment. Co. G C C F B D I L C F K F B K E I G C I I C K I E K C G B A L B H B E E E F I F C H I G I D D B F I E G L C A D H A D K K Date of Death. 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 333 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 Nubio, Cisco.. .. Private .. do.. 36th U. S. C.T.. 81st U.S. C. T... 45th U.S. C. T... 36th U. S. C. T... 46th U. S. C.T. .. 116thU. S. C.T.. 127th U. S. C.T.. 5th U. S. C. cav.. 127th U.S. C. T.. 29th U. S. C.T... 81st U. S. C. T... 62dU. S. C. T... 2dU. S. C. cav... 118thU. S. C.T.. 45th U. S. C.T... 1st U. S. C. cav .. 116thU. S. C. T.. 62dU. S. C. T... 8th U. S. C. T.... 127thU. S. C.T.. 81st U. S. C. T... 81st U. S. C.,T... 116th U. S. C.T.. 117thU. S. C.T.. 45th U. S. C.T... 81st U. S. C.T... 38th U. S. C.T... 23d U. S. C. T.... 127th U.S. C. T.. 2dU. S. C. cav... 41st U. S. C. T... 45th U. S. C.T... 2d U. S. C. cav... 28th U. S. C.T... 46th U. S. C. T... 29th U. S. C. T... 43d U. S. C.T... 2dU. S. C. cav... 62d U. S. C.T.... 118th U. S. C. T.. 81st U. S. C. T... UGthU. S. C. T.. 8th U. S. C. T.... 29th U. S. C.T... 81st U. S. C.T... 8th U. S. C. T.... 45th U. S. C. T... 41st U. S. C. T... 45th U S C T Aug. 3, 1865 Sept. 5, 1864 June 28, 1865 Oct. 22, 1865 June 2, 1865 Nov. 25, 1865 Sept, 14, 1865 Sept. 27, 1865 Aug. 31, 1865 Oct. 1, 1865 Sept. 9, 1864 June 1, 1865 Nov. 10, 1865 June 23, 1865 July 3, 1865 Nov. 1, 1865 June 28, 1865 June 11, 1865 July 10, 1865 Aug. 2, 1865 Jan. 20, 1865 Jan. 29, 1865 July 23, 1865 Oct. 4, 1865 Aug. 7, 1865 Sept, 1, 1864 June 23, 1865 Aug. 11, 1865 Aug. 31, 1865 Oct. 19, 1865 Sept. 2, 1865 Aug. 30, 1865 Oct. 28, 1865 July 12, 1865 Nov. 16, 1865 July 12, 1865 Oct. 25, 1865 Nov. 9, 1865 Dec. 2, 1864 Nov. 23, 1865 Sept. 4, 1864 July 27, 1865 July 13, 1865 July 28, 1865 Jan. 13, 1865 June 25, 1865 July 28, 1865 Aug. 13, 1865 Aug. 21, 1865 Nov. 18, 1865 Aug. 22, 1865 Julv 25, 1865 Aug. 24, 1865 Nov. 3, 1865 July 16, 1865 Aug. 26, 1865 Nov. 3, 1865 Aug. 22, 1864 Oct. 28, 1864 May 24, 1365 Page, John. . . Parker, Denuard Parker John ....do do Perkins Elikins do Perdan, Benjamin Peterson, Win. B ....do ... do Peterson, John H Polhames, John ....do do Pollard, Caesar do Porter Newton do Ham, Dennis . ... do Reddick, Newton Reese ....do do Reed, Richard Rhone Joshua ....do do Richardson, Elkins do Roberts, Peter do. . Roberts John do. Robinson, Isaac . . Sergeant . . . do Scott Henry Shade, Philip. Private do. Sholes, William Shoemaker, Granville . . . Shuth John ....do Sergeant . . . Private do Smith, James. Smith Lawrence Is. Smith William Corporal . . . Private ... do Smith Simon Smith, Thomas .. Squires, Daniel do . Stewart, Geo do Swendell Henry Corporal . . . Private . do.. Thayer Neal Thomas, John . Tilman, Lender. Umphrey, John Upson, William ....do ....do do Wadkins, J. M ... do Walls, Sykes do. Walker, Benjamin Walker Elijah ....do do Wallace, Thomas WaHord, Isaac ....do . do Washington, Fred Washington, George Washington, George Washington, Samuel \Va s hington "William ....do ....do ....do ....do do "Washington, Robt . ..... .. do 23d U/S. C. T... 1st U. S. C cav .. 2dU. S. C. cav... 2dU. S.C.cav ... 118th U S. C. T.. 41st U. S. C.T... 36th U. S. C. T... 48th U. S. C.T--. 81st U. S. C. T... 81st U. S. C. T... 4GthU. S. C. T... AVaters James do. White J W do White, Lemuel Wilson, George, (2d).. ....do do W^ilson, James . do Wilson, Yancey Wilson, George Williams, Daniel Williams, Charles Williams, Charles ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do RIO GRANDE DISTRICT, TEXAS. 27 No Name. Rank. Regiment. Co. Date of Death. 185 \Villiams Frank Private ... 36th U. S. C. T. . E" Nov. 21, 1865 186 Wilkin Chester do 81st U. S. C. T B Aug 12 1864 187 Wiley Edwin do . . 46th U. S. C T G May 15 1865 188 Wiliis Robert do 46th U. S. C. T F June 18 1865 189 Wise Porter Sergeant . .. 2d U. S. C. cav... H July 15, 1865 1 C K) ^Voodson Dasey ...... Private 81st U. S. C. T... D Jan. 8, 1865 191 \VVen AVilliam do 8th U. S. C. T.. C July 26 1865 1 EDINBURG, TEXAS. Bear, Charles Private 45th U. S. C. T... B Aug. 6 1865 9 Bear Joseph Corporal 45th U. S. C.T... B Au- 12 1865 3 Bear Samuel Private 41st U. S. C. T. K Au. 31 1865 4 Bell Joseph Corporal 45th U. S. C. T. B Auo- 12 1865 5 Benton, Frank Private 45th U. S. C. T... E Auo-. 4, 1865 6 Britt, Osborne do 2d U. S. C. art... B Sept. 5, 1865 7 Brocan Thomas do 41st U. S. C. T. A Sept. 8 1865 8 Buraet Doctor do 4]st U. S. C. T G Oct 6 1865 q Cowcn Andy do 29th U S C T T) Oct 15 1865 10 Cox, Iverson . do. 117th U. S. C. T. H Nov. 2J, 1865 11 Dean Samuel . do 41st U. S. C. T. K Aug. 31 1865 12 13 Deveaux, Joseph Devon, Joseph ....do do 41st U. S. C.T... 41st U. S. C. T... I T Aug. 10, 1865 Aug. JO, 1865 14 15 Gazzenway, Joshua Guy John ............ ....do do 45th U. S. C.T... 41st U. S. C. T... E A Oct. 10, 1865 Aug. 18 1865 16 Hunter Monroe do 41st U S. C. T. T Oct 7 1865 17 Hunter, William ....do 23d U. S. C. T H Oct. 21, 1865 18 Jackson, Andrew do 45th U. S. C. T... A Sept. 10, 1865 19 90 Johnson, Edward... Jones David ....do do 41st U. S. C. T... 41st U. S. C. T G r> Sept. 4, 1865 Sept. 21 1865 *>\ Keen John do 41st U S C. T A Oct 5 1865 00 Kelley E 45th U S C T r> Aug 1 1865 93 Miller, Ebenezer Private 41st U. S. C. T. T) Sept. 6, 1865 24 05 Overtoil, Thomas Relly Elisa ....do Corporal 45th U. S. C. T... 45th U S C T A r> Oct. 9, 1865 '>6 Robinson David Private 41st U S C T H Oct 12 1865 97 Smith, Henry do 45th U. S. C. T B Auo-. 29, 1865 98 Smith, Charles . do 45th U. S C T B Oct 3 1865 9q Sniffen Henry do 41st U S C T F Aug 25 1865 30 \Vatson Henry do 41st U S C T F Sept 9 1865 31 1 Williams, Henry UNKNOWN, SUPPOSED TO BE EDINBURG, TEXAS. Buckland, Thomas ....do Private 41st U. S. C. T... 41st U. S C T C A Aug. 26, 1865 Sept. 8, 1865 2 3 Burton, George Cou Moseby ....do do 41st U. S. C. T... 41st U S C T K G Sept. 26, 1865 Oct 2 1865 /I Cook Alfred do 41st U S C T T Sept 7 1865 5 Cook, James . do 45th U S C. T G Oct. 25, 1865 fi Corbin, William Corporal 45th U S C. T. K Oct. 4 1865 7 Crowley, Lewis . .... Private 45th U S C T F, Oct 17 1865 8 9 10 1 i Dergram, James Duuton, Thomas Griffin, James Hast, William ....do ....do ...do do 116th U. S. C. T.. 45th U. S. C.T... 45th U. S. C.T... H A E H Aug. 18, 1865 Oct. 9, 1865 Oct. 9, 1865 Oct. 21 1865 12 Herr, John ...... do 41st U. S C. T A Oct 4 1865 13 14 15 Hoffman, Geo Hunter, Memoral McCoy, Jeremiuh ...do ...do ...do 116th U. S. C. T.. 41st U. S. C. T... 45th U. 3. C.T... H I H Aug. 13, 1865 Oct. 6, 1865 Oct. 1, 1865 28 RIO GRANDE DISTRICT, TEXAS. No. Name. Rank. Regiment. Co. Date of Death. 16 Raymond, Benj. D Private 45th U. S. C T T Sept 30 1865 17 1R Thomas, William Yager, Daniel ....do do 41st U. S. C. T.... 116th U S C T D K Sept. 25, 1865 Auo- 2 1865 1 RINCGOLD BARRACKS, TEXAS. Bailey, Henry Private 2d TT S C art R Sept 2 1865 2 3 Beckman, George Berry Lewis ....do do 127 thU. S. C. T.. 117th U S C T B A Aug. 26, 1865 Nov 10 1865 4 Brown John .... ..do 8th U. S. C. T V July 26 1865 ^ Buckman George do 127th U S. C T 13 Aug 26 1K55 6 Burton Henry do 8th U. S C T V Auo- 12 1865 7 Clay Lilly do 116th U S C T G Aug 4 1 865 g do 8th U S C T H Sept 19 1865 q Coleman Othe ...do 8th U. S. C. T F Aug' 23* 1865 10 Coles James A .. do 8th U. S C. T H Sept 19 1865 11 1 Cooper, Shepherd Cook Daniel ....do do 8th U. S. C. T.... 8th U S C T F C Sept. 15, 1865 Oct 3 1865 13 Davis, Thomas Sergeant 29th U. S. C. T-. H Aug. 7, 1865 14 Delaney John . . . Private . . 31st U. S. C. T. F Auo- 18, 1865 1 r > Dennis Levi do 8th U. S C. T G Sept 10 1865 Ifi Gooram Sam do 115th U S C T C Sept 6 1865 17 Green Samuel do 8th U S C T r> Sept 17 1865 18 1Q Grimes, Ellis .. Grimes James ....do do 2dU. S. C.art.... 41st U. S. C. T. B T Sept. 2, 1865 Sept 6 1865 20 *>] Henry, Bailey Jackson Peyton ....do do 2dU. S. C.art.... 29th U. S C T B B Sept. 6, 1865 Sept 15 1865 99 Jenkins, Arthur . do 29th U. S. C. T... H Sept. 11, 1865 9^ Jones John ... ...... do 8th U. S. C. T .. T> Auo-. 24, 1865 1 Keys ^V^lliam 1st serg't 1 16th U. S. C T T Aug 11 1865 25 Lewis Henry Private 117th U S C T If Nov 14 1865 *>6 Lewis, Henry do 115th U. S. C. T.. K Nov. 14, 1865 97 Lilly, Clay do 116thU. S. C. T.. G Auo\ 4, 1865 "8 Lon Dennis . . .... do 8th U. S. C. T.. G Sept 10, 1865 29 30 Mackey, Perry Matthews John ....do do 29th U. S. C. T... 29th U S. C T F F Sept. 24, 1865 Aug 28 1865 31 32 33 31 McCoy, Spencer McLellan, Joseph McLellan, James Moore Doctor ....do ....do ....do do 8th U. S. C.T.... 116th U. S. C. T.. 8th U. S. C. T.... 1 16th U. S C T H G H T Sept. 10, 1865 Aug. 12, 1865 Aug. 23, 1865 Aug 1 1 1 865 35 36 Morrison, Reuben Murray, William ....do do 29th U. S. C. T... 117th U. S C.T.. G K Aug. 29, 1865 Nov. 10, 1865 37 Parker James do 8th U. S. C. T. . D Aim 1 . 19 1865 38 Piper John ... ..... do .. 116th U. S. C T T Nov 1 1865 3Q Preston John . do 8th U. S. C. T G Aug 18 1865 40 Riley Charles do 8th U S C T G Auo- 18 1865 41 49 Robinson, George Seymour John. .... .... ....do Corporal . 117th U.S. C.T.. 2dU. S. C.T B R July 13, 1865 Sept. 29 1865 43 Smith Solomon Private 8th U. S. -C. T.. r Sept. 15 1865 44 Stevens AVilliam do Auo- 10 1865 45 Walker David do 116th U S. C T T Sept 2 1865 46 M Walker, Joseph "White, Geo v ge . ... ....do do 8th U. S. C. T.... 29th U. S. C. T. . D F, Sept. 7, 1865 Aug. 19, 1865 18 Whyes William Sergeant 116th U. S. C T T Auo-. 29, 1865 49 \Voodson George Private 2d U. S. C T R Nov 3 1865 50 1 Yates, Daniel ROMA, TEXAS. Crittenden Cash . ....do Private 29th U.S. C. T... 116th U. S. C. T A r> Oct. 10, 1865 Oct. 20, 1865 2 Figg, Anthony Sergeant . . . 116th U. S. C. T.. H Oct. 7, 1865 CAMP FORD, TYLER, TEXAS, 29 No.' Name. Rank. Regiment. Co. Date of Death. 3 Fletcher, Edmond Private. . 116th IT S. C. T r> Sept. 4, 1865 4 Gilbert, Ezekiel do 116th TJ. S C T c Sept. 3, 1865 5 Griffin Chas do 116th U S C T T Sept. 27 1865 fi Harlan Thomas do 116th U S C T T) Aug 30 1865 7 Madison Jerry do 116th U S C T D Auo- 25 1865 8 Mason George do 116th U S C T D Sept 9 1865 q McAble, Abram do 116th U. S. C. T T) Oct. 4' 1865 10 Miller Martin .... do. 116th U. S C. T H Nov 8 1865 n Myers, Abram do 116th U. S C T H Oct 41 1865 United Stales Soldiers wlio died in the Confederate Prison, and were interred at Camp Ford, Tulcr, Texas. pancroft Ubran No. Name. Regiment. Co. Date of Death. 1 A. Abbott, E 2d Miss. f.av V, Auo-. 24, 1864 o Abrams, Andrew J 97th 111... . H Dec. 4, 1864 3 4 Adams, David And is John 43d Ind Str "Emma" G Nov. 21, J864 Sept 27 1864 5 Anderson, H. M 27th Iowa D Ano-. 5, 1864 6 Askey, James ...... .. . 47th 111 . T April 24, 1865 Atwood Thomas 14th Kansas V Sept, 27 1864 8 Ayors Anthony 161st N Y T} Sept 5 1864 Q B. Bacher J R 56th Ohio c June 14 1864 10 Baird, Henry Str. "Emma" Auo-. 15, 1864 H Baizer, Fred ............... 77th Ohio . K Feb. 6, 1864 T> Baker M. 173d N Y T July 19 1864 13 Baker L D 130th 111 K May 7 1884 14 Baldwin, James 77th Ohio V Aug. 31, 1864 15 162d N. Y. . . D May 12, 1864 16 Bavslar, Henry . . 2d Mo. bat Sept. 30, 1864 17 Barnitt Wm Str G B "Moonlight" Oct 21, 1864 18 Bay D P 36th Iowa ^ Oct 8 1864 1) Beaver, James ...... ...... Teamster Aug. 15, 1864 f >0 Bcasley Jochlan . ....... 16th Ind T) Sept. 10, 1864 1 Benser Jacob 9th Wis V July 6, 1864 22 Bien R B 30th Maine G June 27 1864 93 Bi f^s, John ...... . .. ...... 36th Iowa T Sept. 25, 1864 04 Bird -Patrick 18th N. Y. cav % D Nov. 19, 1864 25 Bishop Geo 77th Ohio F Oct. 27, 1864 fi Bishop Chas O 30th Maine G Jan 22 1H85 7 B'aisdell James C ] st N H cav T Sept 20 1864 28 77th Ohio F Oct 11 1864 29 30 Bongayon, Constant Boston A J .... 173d N. Y 36th Iowa ...... .... . I G Jan. 17, 1865 Feb. 16, 1864 31 30 Bower, Joseph Brt'iitley Daniel 155thN. Y 52d Ind F G Oct. 2, 1864 Sept 23 1864 33 34 Bi atton, W. K 3d Mo. cav 36th Iowa II H Oct. 5, 1864 Aug 25 1864 35 Brine-er. Harry... 2d Mo. bat.. Sent. 10, 1864 30 CAMP FORD, TYLER, TEXAS. No. Name. Regiment. Co. Date of Death. % Brooks, I. 18th Iowa . ... H Aug. 27 1864 S7 Bryan, John 36th Iowa F Sept. 17 1864 S8 Buck John C 12th Mich A Feb. 21, 1864 "P Burke James 173d N Y p Oct 13 1864 40 Byrnes IT 173d N Y F, Aug 2 1864 <11 C. Calvert J J 77th Ohio Tf May 22 1864 49 Carnba, Henry 14th N. Y. cav A Oct. 30, 1864 43 Campbell, Win. U.S.Ship "Morning Star" June 26, 1864 44 Campbell Samuel ... . 36th Iowa F, Oct 10, 1864 45 173d N Y p Nov 15 1864 40 Carman Thomas 18th N Y p Oct 29 1864 47 Carmangear, Henry . 2d Mo. bat Sept. 15, 1864 48 Gary, John Str. G B. "Sachem" Sept. 20, 1864 4) Cassady, John . . ..... 7th N. Y. Zouaves July 13, 1864 50 Castle Thomas 36th Iowa A Sept. 13 1864 51 Castleman Jacob 77th Ohio A Oct 12 1864 52 Clark M 14th Ohio cav ft Auo- 30 1864 53 Cofman, Nathan 43d Ind B Dec. 13, 1864 51 Co"an, Thomas 173d N. Y T Sept. 14, 1864 55 56 Collins, A. F Conne John .43d Ind 77th Ohio B G Oct. 10, 1864 July 25 1864 57 Cook Albert 6th Mo cav ft July 2 1864 58 Coope, George ...... ...... 162dN. Y O July 6, 1864 59 Coray \Vm. 16Ist N. Y D July 7, 1864 60 Crowell Daniel 173d N Y p Dec 3 1864 61 62 D. Daggott, Darius Davis Hamilton F 3d Mo.. 77th Ohio K ft Sept. 3, 1864 Sept 21 1864 63 Davis, S. 77th Ohio F Aug. 3, 1864 64 Day, Jim . 12th Kansas G July 9, 1864 65 Dean ^Wni 36th Iowa .... A Sept 24 1864 66 Dean Jesse D 36th Iowa C Sept 12 1864 67 68 Dempsey, James Derry Joseph ...... ... 87th 111 30th Maine E F April 8, 1865 Sept. 8, 1864 60 Donnelly Hu^h 173d N. Y C Dec 10 1864 70 Don R S 50th Ind F July 18 1864 71 72 Duaine, Thomas Durrani John 173dN. Y 6th Wis cav A p? Sept, 19, 1864 July 14 1864 73 Duiran, Joseph, . ........ . 77th Ohio F Jan 4, 1865 74 E. Ears Thomas 7th Mo. cav B July 15 1864 75 Eastman C H . 30th Maine G July 24 1864 76 Engler John 77th Ohio B Nov 1 1864 77 F. Farmer N ........... 165th N. Y B June 10 1864 78 Falcier Walter H Chicago "Merc'tile bat " July 13 1864 79 36th Iowa A Aug 20 1864 80 Freeman, JV1. L - ........... 3d Maine C Dec. 4, 1864 81 G. Glover Frederick 5th Kansas cav F, Oct. 11, 1864 82 Glvnn, James .. 30th Maine.., C AUQ-. 6, 1864 CAMP FORD, TYLER, TEXAS. 31 No. Name. Regiment. Co. Date of Death. 83 Grant L 13th Maine Jan 1 1865 81 Green Wm 7th N Y cav F Sept 16 1864 85 Green, Armstrong. 77th Ohio A July 14 1864 86 Grier, A 77th Ohio Jan 14 1864 H. Haeget Peter 77th Ohio F Tulv 9 1864 88 Haederty, Urias . 43d Ind . Sept 7 1864 89 Hail, H. C 36th Iowa F Aug 28 1864 90 Hall M. M 77th Ohio Oct 5 ? 1864 Hamilton, T. H U. S. Navy Jan 17 1864 99 Hamilton, F Gunboat " Clifton " July 24 1864 Hammon, Henry 2d Mo. bat Sept 17 1864 91 Handlon, Rufus R 77th Ohio I Aug 19 1864 9 r > Handley John Citizen Str "Emma" Oct 4' 1864 96 Handy, Thomas 23d Wis H Sept 18 1864 97 Hanson, Thomas 1st La I Sept 26 1864 98 Hendix, John H 5th Kansas cav K Aug 17 1864 99 Hentgal Peter.. 28th Wis Nov 16* 1864 100 Hentzel Peter 77th Ohio T> Jan 1 1 1 865 101 Hilton, W 77th Ohio T, Auo- 5 1864 Holland, John 30th Maine G Aug 22 1864 103 Hotchkiss, Norman 13th Conn B Jan 7 1865 101 Hyette, S N 26th Ind C June 19 1864 105 I. Imbush John Str G B "Sachem" Auo- 7 1864 106 J. Jackson, Henry 13th Maine F Oct 17 1864 107 Jones, A. J .. 30th Maine B Sept 10 1864 108 K. Kelly, Patrick 30th Mo H July 4 1864 109 Kent, Daniel 43d Ind E Nov 8 1864 110 Kepner, A 120th Ohio F Sept 30 J864 111 Ivillen,H 83d Ohio B Mar 21 1864 11 Kimble, J. S R. Q.M., 176th N. Y Sept. 30, 1863 Kinuel, Ralph Guuboat "Clifton" Aug 28 1865 114 Kirby, Ruston 77th Ohio.. T Sept. 23, 1864 115 Kitterman, F. M . 36th Iowa Aug. 18 1864 116 Knio-ht, S B. S 108th 111 I) May 4 1864 117 Kritzer, John 36th Iowa Auo- 6 1864 118 L. Lassing, James W. 162d N Y H July 10 1864 119 Lavy, C 175th N Y F Oct 23 18(i4 l'>0 173d N Y A Mar 12 1804 Leonard James 161st N Y E Sept l c) 1864 22 Levi, Chapel 32d Iowa T Feb 26 1864 Lewis, Robert . 46th Ind C Auo- 29 1664 94 Lewis C . . 3 ; ->d Iowa Sept 17 18(i4 25 Libby, J. F Link Andrew 13th Maine 3d Mo cav F C Oct.' 2, 1864 Oct 17 1864 127 Little, John H.. 16th Ind.. B Oct. 6. 1864 32 CAMP FOED, TYLER, TEXAS. No Name. Regiment. Co. Date of Death. 128 Lolippor Henry 1st La B July 13 1864 129 Long J K 77th Ohio F, Aug. 3 1864 130 Lyman, Albert W . 36th Iowa D Oct. 12, 1864 131 Lynn, Edwin .... 3d Mo. cav H Oct. 13, 1864 132 M. Madlin Nathan 32d Iowa F Sept. 5, 1864 133 Mai cord Jaines 50th Ind D Oct. 1, 1864 134 Malman, Thomas Gunboat " Sachem" Nov. 5, 1864 135 Martz, Franklin W 120th Ohio F, July 29, 1864 136 Martin, Wm . .... 36th Iowa A Oct. 18, 1864 137 McConn Harry 36th Iowa H Oct. 6, 1864 138 McCauley Michael 130th 111 A Feb. 25, 1864 139 McClure M 6th Kansas cav T Mar. 30 1864 140 McCailin, J. N 136th 111 F Oct. 14, 1864 141 McGillivery A. ... 15th Mo .... A July 1, 1864 142 McKissick "Wm 36th Iowa A Nov. 18, 1864 143 McLaughlin John 30th Mo H July 1, 1864 144 McNulty J - 13th Maine F Sept* 4 1864 145 Mehl, George 77th Ohio K Jan. 21, 1865 146 Meredith, John 46th Ind F Aug. 4, 1864 147 Miller J G 32d Iowa T) July 28, 1864 148 Miller, Geo. W 18th Iowa B Aug. 9, 1864 149 Miller, John 77th Ohio K Sept. 10, 1864 150 Miller, John 77th Ohio ft Oct. 6, 1864 151 Moore M 48th Ohio ft Sept. 10, 1864 152 Moore, Sam'l . 87th 111 H Sept. 29, 1864 153 Morris, James 77th Ohio B July 20, 1864 154 Morehead, Thomas 26th Ind T Nov. 12, 1863 155 Mount Thomas 43d Ind ft Oct. 5, 1864 156 Murphey, James A 36th Iowa K July 12, 1864 157 Murray, Andrew 173d N. Y. . . . D Oct. 26, 1864 158 N. Nassau Gustavus 30th Mo C July 30, 1864 159 Nay ham Henry 2d Mo bat Oct. 20, 1864 160 Newall, N Citizen, Arkansas Oct. 11, 1864 161 Newhoff, Win 9th Wis F Sept. 25, 1864 16 O. O'Bryan John 173d N Y D Sept. 4 1864 163 164 O'Brien, Enoch Ohca Dennis 43d Ind Teamster A June 26, 1865 Sept. 30, 1864 165 Okes Sam'l C 3d Ind F July 2, 1864 166 P. Pearson Barepas 77th Ohio F, Sept. 22, 1864 167 Pepper, D ............ 36th Iowa F Aug. 29, 1864 168 Peters, Philip . .... ... 77th Ohio B Jan. 8, 1885 169 Place Lester 32d Iowa . B Oct. 23, 1864 170 Plager Frederick. 77th Ohio K Feb. 6, 1865 171 Porter John T 23d Wis E Sept. 20, 1864 172 173 Price, Win Purdv, James .. 176th N. Y 48th Ohio.. H C July 12, 1864 Aug. 20, 1864 i CAMP FORD, TYLER. TEXAS. 33 No. Name. Regiment. Co. Date of Death. 174 R. Rarr M L 77th Ohio G Sept 29, 1864 175 Raymond H ............. 160th N. Y A July 26, 1864 176 Read Jacob S ...... 120th Ohio T Aug. 24, 1864 177 Rentch John 6th Kansas cav. r July 15, 1864 178 Richardson Edward 77th Ohio B Aug 18 1864 179 Richard* John E 36th Iowa II Auo- 18 1864 180 Riddle A ... . .. 43d Ind H Jan 5, 1865 181 Rodicker Christian 77th Ohio A Jan. 25, 1865 182 Rowden Henry 165th N Y C Sept. 25 1864 183 S. Saltis Wm Gunboat "Sachem" | Nov 24 1864 184 Sauk, Robt 5th Ark cav. G Oct. 30, 1864 185 ' Sawer James 30th Maine H Aug. 8, 1864 186 Sawyer J 161st N Y I July 19 1864 187 Scott, Howard 77th Ohio G Sept. 2, 1864 188 Sconde, Frederick . 173d N Y G Mar. 23, 1864 180 Seamcs, John A. 40th Iowa G Oct 31 1864 190 Shearer, Peter . 36th Iowa F, July 11, 1864 191 Shoulder, E 173d N Y G Aug. 3, 1864 192 Shoemaker, Sam'l O 130th 111 \ July 11, 1864 193 Singer Lewis 2d Mo cav C Sept 6 1864 194 Sisley, John 36th Iowa F, Dec. 11, 1864 195 Slatterback, Jno. H. 77th Ohio F July 7, 1864 196 Slatterback Joseph 77th Ohio F June 29 1864 1Q7 Smith, George 87th 111 G Nov. 24, 1864 198 Smith, J. H 6th Kansas cav V, Oct. 16, 1864 199 Spencer James 3d Ark cav G Sept. 8, 1864 200 Stadler John W 36th Iowa E Aug. 22 1864 201 Staukernp, Wm 175th N. Y G Oct. 1, 1864 202 Stacer, P 36th Iowa 4 June 14, 1864 203 St. John, Jno 3d Ind bat Aug 31 1864 204 Stonate Mason Government contractor May 2 1865 205 Stru, Wm 77th 111 A July 1, 1864 20G Strtiper, Ludion 173d N Y K Oct. 24 1864 907 Stuterant, Vallnor 30th Maine K Sept. 17, 1864 208 T. Tallman C H 43d Ind D Nov 15 1864 209 Taylor, Robert 75th N. Y tt June 20, 1864 210 Terry, Philip . . 36th Maine K Sept. 23, 1864 211 Thompson James 18th N Y civ I July 19, 1864 9,19, Toeker, Jas. H 77th Ohio A Jan. 19, 1865 213 Tollc, F. H 2d Mo. cav - ... R July 20, 1864 214 Townsend, M. S - - 14th Iowa G Sept. 1, 1864 215 Turner, 13. F 130th 111 G April 21, 1865 216 V. Vail, Daniel C 14th Iowa Cr Sept. 26 1864 217 Vitter John 176th NY F, Sept. 10 1864 218 W. Wakefield Elisha 8th Iowa T) July 14, 1864 219 Walensley M V 36th Iowa G July 26, 1864 3 34 CAMP FORD, TYLER, TEXAS. No. Name. Regiment. Co. Date of Death. 220 Ward Martin . 77th Ohio . . G July 9 1864 221 \Vebber Henry.. 43d Ind G Sept 20* 1864 22 9 \Vest Simon 77th Ohio p Aug 13 1864 223 West, Wnu M 36th Iowa B Oct 14, 1864 224 Whan, Peter H 14th N. Y cav. K Aug 23 1864 22n Whipple M V 14th Kansas cav K July 28 1864 4> 26 White John 173d N Y I Oct 22 1864 227 Wier, Daniel 32d Iowa (r Dec. 22 1864 228 "YVjprprins Geo 77th Ohio A Oct 22 1864 229 Will Joseph 77th 111 T) June 4 1864 230 "Wilson Thomas Str G B Clifton Nov 9 1864 231 Witter Ballser 32d Iowa G Sept *3 1864 232 Z. Zuleney Joseph . . 2d Mo. bat Oct 20 1864 CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS. 35 United States Soldiers interred at Corpus Christi, Texas, during the Rebellion. COLORED. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Name. Rank. Regiment. Co. Date of Death. Ames George ...... Private 10th U. S. C. T... B Sept. 13, 18C5 Auttman, Manuel Banks Henry ....do do 28th U. S. C. T... 28th U. S. C. T. F B Dec. 23, 1865 Aug. 20 1865 Basset George Drum Corps Aug. 24 1865 Bazor Henry ...... .... Private 122d U. S. C. T.. T Aug. 15, 1865 Bonel Richard . do 28th U. S. C. T... T Oct. 4, 1865 Crabtree, Daniel . * ....do ....do 122dU. S. C. T.. 122dU. S. C. T.. G K Aug. 22, 1865 Aug.. 26, 1865 do 28th U. S. C. T H Sept 4 1865 David Archy ...... .... . . do 28th U. S. C. T... f! Jan. 3, 1866 Dick Richard . . do . 122d U. S. C. T A Aug. 29, 1865 Febra Hock do 122d U. S. C. T F, Aug. 16, 1865 do 10th U S C T r, Nov. 4 1865 Green Claypool.... .do 122dU. S. C. T .. c Dec. 4, 1865 Harrison Harvey ...... Sergeant 122d U. S. C. T T Aug. 6, 1865 Henry \Villiam Private 10th U. S C. T F Aug. 9, 1865 Howard William Citizen Dec 4 1865 Hyslip George ..... .... Private 10th U. S. C. T... B Oct. 7, 1865 Jackson James do 28th U. S. C. T K Aug. 12, 1865 Johnson Moses do 28th U. S. C. T B Dec 19 1865 Jones Daniel do 28th U S C T F Oct 1 1865 . do 122d U. S. C. T D Sept. 25, 1865 Kelley John ...... do. 10th U. S. C. T K Aug. 29, 1865 Matthes, George Matthews, William Murphy, John Powers, Lewis Powell, Jefferson Renshal, William Rogers Levi ...... ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do do 10th U. S. C. T .. 28th U. S. C. T... 28th U. S. C.T... 122dU. S. C. T.. 28th U. S. C.T... 122dU. S. C. T.. 28th U. S. C. T I I I E C K K July-26, 1865 Sept* 14, 1865 Sept. 22, 1865 Dec. 21, 1865 Sept. 1, 1865 Aug. 31, 1865 Sept. 12, 1865 Simms, John W Simmons, Daniel Sorierffs, Aaron . . ....do ....do do 28th U. S. C. T... 122dU. S. C. T.. 28th U. S. C. T... H D H Oct. 8, 1865 Aug. 15, 1865 Sept. 5, 1865 Stone John ...... ...... . do 122d U. S. C. T .. K July 21, 1865 Trail James . do 28th U. S C. T n Sept. 20, 1865 Trotter John do 122d U. S C T F Thompson, Charles ....do lOthU. S.C.T... K Oct. 8, 1865