&-- »^ :k Jo i CI3 c^D Jd cio ctD a= ao Jd cc i CIO Jd c}3 CO ={3 ci) 03 c}d : No. 405. IV. Series. THE SHOW OF ANIMALS, -t3-H -68-> -83 ' a. i ° he Committee of Publication. IILADELPHIA: SUNDAY-SCHOOL UNION 46 CHESTNUT STBEET. -83-!-^ -83 -SH UCSB LIBRARV ^ry(c>crf^ 405. IV. SERIES. ^^ m SHOW OF ANIMALS. ^ 9Rf* ■^^ Revissl by the rr>mn;ittee of Publication of the ^^^ American Sundav-school Unioo. FinLADELPMA . •^ •^ O ;^|l^l AMERICAN SUNDAY-SCHOOL UXION, i^^ ^^ 146 CHESTNUT STr.EET. ^^^ 3 THE LEOPARD Is spotted all over, and looks and mews like a cat He is very crue!, and runs very fast. His skin is almost yellow. He hides himself till some creature comes along, and then springs upon it, and kills it. The Leopard is mentioned many times in the Bible. THE TIGER Is almost as large as the Ion, and his skin is cover- ed with stripes. He is a beautiful animal, but very cruel. He sometimes kills a great many cattle at once, and is so strong as to drag away a large ox with his teeth. The roar of the tiger is very dreadful, but he cannot hurt any one whom (jrod takes care of THE LION Is SO large and bold, thai he is called, "the kuig of beasts;" and he is so strong, that he can break the back of a horse, by striking it with his paw; and he carries a young heifer or a small cow about, just as a { '"i carries a rat. One lion ?- London lived to be n.urly seventy years old. s: THE CAMEL Is a very useful creature. He is sometimes higher than a horse, and has lon^: slender legs, and two bunch- es on his back. His hair is soft, and feels like wool ; and his feet are made so as to walk in the sand. He goes a great while without drink- ing. A camel can walk thirty miles in a day. 10 11 THE BEAR Is not usually larger than a large dog. He has small eyes, and short ears, and very long feet or paws. His hair is thick and soft. He catches a man or an animal between his front paws, and breaks the bones, and then tears it in pieces and eats it. The bear can swim and climb trees ; and his skin makes muffs and hats. THE RHINOCEROS Is the same animal with the Unicorn. His body is large, his legs short and thick, and his skin very hard. With the horn that grows just over his nose, he can split a tree into thin pieces ; and liis jaws are so strong that he can twist the branches of the tree aboiit^ just as an ox can twist a carrot or a root of celery. God created him, and God can destroy him. 14 1^ THE ELEPHANT Is the largest animal at the show. He is very high and long. He has no hair and the colour of his skin, is like the colour of a mouse. He has two large teeth or tusks, of which ivory is made, and with his trunk, which comes from his head, and almost touches the ground, he can untie a knot, or open a door He is one of the " Wonder ful works of God." Ill UCSB ilBRARY ■MM. B 000 014 602 7 ^ — ^^^GO^ '■? VALUABLE BOOKS ? LATELY PUBLISHED BY THS AMERICAN SUNDAY-SCHOOIi | UNION, I 146 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. | Guide to the SATioua. Life of Solomok. CuniosiTiEs of Egypt. The Jew, at Home akd ABBOAr Reuben Kent at School. Reuben Kent's fibst Winteb iJf thb City. Robert Dawson; or, The Bbatb Spibit. Emma's Birth-day. The Holiday. Don't and Do. The Carrier-pigeon. Family in a Cage. a The Rose Leaf. BRANCH DEPOSITORIES: 'v 147 Nassau Street, Ne-w York: ; A W 9 CoRNHiLL, Boston; ^ ^3 103 Fourth Street, Louisville, Hentuckt. ^