i ,■ 0= a> »- o o TO THE MOST NOBLE RICHARD, MARaUIS WELLESLEY, KNIGHT OF THE MOST NOBLE ORDER OF THE GARTER; ONE OF HIS MAJESTY'S PRINCIPAL SECRETARIES OF STATE; , FORMERLY GOVERNOR-GENERAL OF THE BRITISH POSSESSIONS, AND CAPTAIN-GENERAL OF THE BRITISH FORCES, IN INDIA, Sfc. Sfc. Sfc. Sfc. My Lord; It is neither for the ostentatious purpose of gracing the front of my book with an illustrious name, nor, by thus giving it the apparent stamp of your approbation, to promote its favourable reception with the public, that the present work is dedicated to your Lordship. It is equally remote from my intention, either to offer it as a tribute of gratitude for former, or to employ it as a passport to future obligations. The first of these objects would be but feebly answered, and the latter could not, in any degree, be advanced, by such inadequate means. It is a principle of justice, and of justice alone, which has prompted me to address it to your Lordship. I am 6^ ii DEDICATION. I am far from the vanity or presumption of imagining, that the introduction of your name, on this occasion, can be in the least flattering to your Lordship. No, my Lord; I am only anxious to avoid the manifest impropriety of which I should be guilty, if I were to dedicate to any but your Lordship, a Avork, which, in truth, owes, its existence to you. This is no compliment, my Lord, but a mere historical fact : for who does not know that it was your Lordship's political sagacity which penetrated, and your prompt and energetic measures which defeated, the hostile designs of Tippoo Sultan against the British Dominions in India? Who is ignorant, that it was those measures which led to the rapid annihilation of the most formidable power with whom we ever had to cope in that quarter of the globe, and which substituted in its place an order of things, redounding no less to the glory, than conducing to the solid interests, of your country ? To the complete success which, under Divine Providence, crowned the wise and vigorous conduct of your Lordship, in this short but arduous contest, is the public indebted, among other inestimable advantages of the most important and durable nature, for the posses- sion of the archives of Seringapatam. To whom, therefore, can a work, compiled from those archives, be so appropriately addressed, as to him who procured us access to whatever information they con- tain ? Having thus, I presume, satisfactorily established your Lordship's pubUc claim to the present humble tribute, it only remains for me to shew. D E D r C A T I O N. lU shew, that you possess still another title to it, which though of a private nature, is equally imperative upon me, as the compiler of the following sheets : for if that tribute would have been due to your Lordship from any person whatsoever, who might have casually ob- tained possession of the documents composing this work, and have anticipated me in the publication of them, how much more is your Lordship entitled to receive such an acknowledgement from one, who is, in fact, indebted for his materials to the official situations in which he had the honor of being employed under your Lordship's administra- tion in India ? I have the honor to be, With the highest respect, My lord. Your Lordship's most ohedient and most faithful servant, WILLIAM KIRKPATRICK. Exeter, \st February, 1811. ADVERTISEMENT. . It is alreadi/ generally known, that upon the reduction of Serhgapatam, in the year 1/99, «^^ t^^ public records of the then existing Government of Mysore passed into the possession of the captors. It is also, however, but too certain, that many of these precious documents were accidentally bumf, or otherwise destroyed, in the confusion and disorder which tinavoidably ensued upon the assault of the fort : nor is it improbable, that some portion of them has disap- peared, in consequence of falling, on the same occasion, into the liands of private persons, ignorant of the value, and indifferent to the preservation of their prize. Mut tvhatever loss may have arisen frorn the last mentioned cause, if is, never- tlieless, owing to the active care, and intelligent research, of an individual, 'that several of the most important of the Mysore papers, now remaining, have been rescued from oblivion ; and, among the rest, the very Register of public Letters, from which the correspondence, contained in the present volume, has been extracted. The gentleman here alluded to is Lieutenant-Colonel Ogg, of the East-India Compafiy's Madras Establishment,* to wliose Mndness the Translator is indebted for the chief part of the interestijig ynaterials relative to Tippoo Sultan, of which he is in possession. Of h • Lieutenant-Colonel (then Captain) Ogg held, at the period in question, an official situation under Viscount Wellington, at that time Commandant of Seringapatam. vi ADVERTISEMENT. Of the state papers discovered at Serin gapat am, immediately after the capture of that place, many have been already communicated to the Public, through official and other channels.* Those, in particular, which served to develope the more recent intrigues of Tippoo Sultan with the enemies of Great-Britain, were jmblished, soon after his overthrow, by authority of the Supreme Government of India, and subsequently in this country. A report of the general nature of these documents was draivn tip, at an early period, in pursuance of directions from Marquis PVellesley, by the present writer, who had been employed to examine them, and who suggested, at the time, the expediency of having the whole trans^ lated, preparatory to a proper selection being made from them, for the information of the public-^ The great pressure of business in the Persian Department, prevented, however, the adoption of this recommendation, when first submitted to the Governor General; and the same cause has probably continued to operate, to the disappointment of the expectation which may be presumed to Imve been excited on the occasion. By none can this disappointment be more severely felt or regret- ted, than by the compiler of these sheets, who is too ivell acquainted with the eminent talents of the gentleman% then at the head of the Persian Office in Bengal, not to appreciate duly the heavy loss sustained by the literary world at large, but more especially by such as are fond of enquiries into the Modern History of India, in consequence of his having been precluded, by his official avocations, from under- tahing the task alluded to. But it may still, perhaps, be permitted us to hope, tliat this object has not been absolutely relinquished ; ami that some portion, at least, of the extensive and valuable * Vide Asiatic Register for 1799, and Lieutenant-Colonel Beatson's " View of the Origin '♦ and Conduct of the War witli Tippoo Sultan." t Tiic substance of the report, here referred to, may he seen at page 179 of Colonel Beatson's publication. X N. B. Edmondstone, Esq. ADVERTISEMENT. Vll valuable docu)nents, enumerated in the report just referred to, may at no distant period, be submitted to the public eye, which, in the mean while, may possibly view with indulgence, the present specimen of the less copious, hut equally curious and interesting materials, discoi^ered subsequently to the date of that report. Cf those materials, (or, rather, such of them as have reached the Translator's hands) the fbllotving sheets constitute only a part. The remaining letters of Tippoo Sultan, to say nothing of other docuynents in the writer's possession, would, after due selection, furnish abundant matter for another volume : but enough, probably, is here done, for the immediate gratification of the public curiosity. It 7nust rest on the reception given to the present work, and on the state of the Translator's health, whether he shall hereafter attempt a continuation of it. However this may be, as the other materials, alluded to, have no necessary dependence, either upon those employed in the ensuing pages, or upon one another, 7io inconvenience ca7i 7'esuli to the reader or purchaser from their separate publication. The Translator icill probably have reaso7i to 7'egref, that he has allowed so lo7ig a period to intci'venc, betwee/i the publicatio7i of the prcse/if vohane a7id his acquis sition of the mate7'ials which principally compose it. If would, 7io doubt, have excited a stro77ger interest than it can now be hoped to do, if it had appeared, while the public curiosity, tvith regard to whatever related to Tippoo Sultan, was still eager, and ivhile the niemory of the events connected with his name was yet recent. But various coxunistances, with ivhich it is unnecessary to trouble the Reader, coynbl/ied to preve7it the Translator, fill ivithin the last twelve7no7ith, from tmdei-fahing to arrange the documents in his possession for the press. He loill only 7nention one ; ivhich is, that during the ivhole of the intermediate time, he ivas constantly in expectation that the work in his contemplation (for he co)i' f esses to have always had it in view) would be a7iticipatedfro7n sonie other quarter. Not withstanding. Vlll ADVERTISEMENT, Noticithstandhig, however, the unfavourable effect, hut too likely to be produced by the delay which has occurred, the Translator is willing to flatter himself, that, even at this late period, the attempt to illustrate a character, so conspicuous in modern days as that of Tippoo Sultan, and to throw light on transactions, so closely connected, as those of his reign are, with the history of the British Empire in India, is in little danger of being deemed entirely destitute, either of interest or utility. In this humble confidence are the following sheets noiv presented to the Public, whose Judgmejit concerning them will be aivaited by the Translator with no inconsiderable anxiety. PREFACE. The Register from which the following letters have been taken, and which has been cursorily noticed in the Advertisement, is the fragment, only, of a record, which, if it had reached us in a perfect state, would probably have exhibited copies of all the public or official correspondence of Tippoo Sultan, from the commencement to the close of his reign. Unfortunately, however, the portion of these highiy interesting docu- ments which has been preserved, or, at least, hitherto discovered, is not so extensive as could have been wished; the correspondence, in question, not beginning till February 1785, and ending with November 1793. But, even in this period, considerable chasms occur; while, from 1794 to 1799, is an absolute blank. In short, we are, at present, in possession of little more than a third part of the correspondence, which may rea-^ sonably be supposed to have taken place within the time spoken of: in which account, however, I do not include such detached letters of the Sultan as have come to us through other channels, and all of which are of a subsequent date to the latest of those recorded in the Register. But whatever cause we may have to regret the actual deficiency of our present materials, we ought not, perhaps, absolutely to despair of its being yet supplied by the successful diligence of future enquirers. Ad- verting to the extreme regularity observed by the Sultan in the registry of his official correspondence, little doubt can be entertained of the exis- tence of the now missing" part of it, at the time of his death. Supposing. X PREFACE. it, therefore, to have escaped the destruction, which, as was stated in the Advertisement, swept away but too many of the archives of his go- vernment, it is still possible, that it may be recovered, out of the private hands into which it has probably fallen. In the mean while, the value of the portion actually preserved, is not, perhaps, essentially diminished, by the loss that appears to have been sustained. Enough remains, if not to elucidate every transaction of the Sulia7is reign, at least to develope his singular character in the most satisfactory manner. The importance of these letters, indeed, does not consist so much in the light which they are calculated to shed on several material occurrences of the period they relate to (though, in this respect, they will certainly be found a useful guide to the future historian of 3 ft/sore) as in the vivid illustration which they afford of the genius, talents, and disposition of their extraordinary author, who is here successively and repeatedly delineated, in colors from his own pencil, as the cruel and relentless enemy ; the intolerant bigot or furious fanatic; the oppressive and unjust ruler; the harsh and rigid master ; the sanguinary tyrant ; the perfidious negociator ; the frivolous and capricious Innovator ; the mean and minute economist ; the peddling trader ; and even the retail shop-keeper. The painter will not be suspected of overcharging the unfavorable traits of the picture, when it Is considered that that picture Is his own. In making the present selection from about a thousand letters,* I have confined myself, almost entirely, to such as either appeared to exhibit the Sullan in some new light ; to unfold some of his political, financial, or connncrcial views; or to elucidate some historical fact. Those which merely related to the details of ordinary business, without eliciting any thing peculiarly characteristic of the writer, have been passed over. I have also judged it unnecessary to insert any part of the Sultans cor- respondence * Tlic Rcgibtcr comprises altogether about two thousand letters ; of wliieh number I have not yet arrainged above halt'. PREFACB. Xi respondence with the several British Governors of India, as most ot these documents are aheady in the possession of the PubHc. I will now proceed to give some account of the rules, by which I have, in general, been guided in the course of the present translation. My principal object, in this work, being to present as striking a likeness of Tippoo, as the nature of my materials, and the extent of my ability to employ them advantageously, would admit, I thought it essen- tial to this end, to render his sentiments, on all occasions, as closely as the different idioms of the two languages would allow, without involving the sense in difficulty or obscurity. In short, what I wished, but cannot liope to have attained, is, that the reader, losing sight entirely of the translator, should fancy himself in presence of the Suliun, listening to the latter, w hile dictating to one or other of the different secretaries by whom he was usually attended. Proceeding on this principle, I have, for the most part, adhered more strictly to the phraseology or diction of my original, than is usually deemed necessary, or expedient, in translations from a foreign language ; and I am ready to admit, that my unwillingness to relinquish the slightest turn of expression, appearing particularly to denote the feeling which suggested it, may have sometimes led me too far. Still, however, my translation is not absolutely a verbal one ; since I have not scrupled to exercise a certain license, as often as either our language could not be easily bent to the form of the Persian, or ambiguity was likely to result from the attempt. There are, indeed, two points, in which I acknow- ledge to have uniformly deviated from the strict letter of the original, and on which it may not be improper, in this place, to submit a few obser- vations to the notice of the Reader. One of the points alluded to consists in my making the writer of these letters almost constantly use the first person plural, when speaking of himself : but though it is true, that the precise words, corresponding to b 2 we. Jill PREFACE. wcj our, and us, are not employed by the Sultan, yet are the latter entirely agreeable to the genius of the language, in which nothing is more common than the substitution of the plural for the singular pronouns, unless it be that of the third for both the first and second.* In these letters, however, the pronoun of the first person, whether singular or plural, scarcely ever occurs,f the words j^.^^- Hiizoor (Pre- sence), and jly. Sircar (state or government), being eveiy where used instead of them. As, therefoie, the perpetual recurrence of such terms would have had a very awkward appearance in English, if it would not, also, have sometimes embarrassed the sense, I did not hesitate at con- verting them generally into pronouns. It may be further urged, in justification of the liberty I have taken, that while, on the one hand, the style of majesty, thus assigned to the Sullan, is in perfect conformity with the usage of the East, it is also the best suited to the mandatory nature of the chief part of the letters, and to the actual rank of the writer. In a few instances, Avhere the persons addressed are of a differ- ent description from the generality of his correspondents, I have judged it right to make the Sultan descend (as, indeed, he more or less does himself in the original) to the customary style of equality. The second point, in which I have ventured to depart pretty constantly from the manuscript, respects the tense, as the preceding one does the person. Instead of the perfect, or preterpluperfect tense, in which the letters of his correspondents are always spoken of by the Sultan, I have adopted, * Thus the third person is very commonly put for both the first and second (governing tlie verb accordingly) in sucli phrases as the following : , ,\_ , v -^ Vi.- •- ^ .1 - v- - -j ^ or j^,Asc* or k_.jUi^'/ A3lijj\ '.-UjZJ or ^J^\ i.e. " this side, or person, or friend, (i.e. 1) IS sciUed in expectation of their, or that friend'' s (i. e. your) arrival." Where, t_-0UrT'3 &c. standing for the pronoun of the third person, takes the verb accordingly in tlie tliird person v.^-. , '■"i t I bave not met with more than two or three instances in the course of the follouing letters. PREFACE. Xm adopted, as more agreeable to the idiom of our language, the use of the present and compound preterite : thus, for Jjj izJ:>y it teas ivritten (by you), ov you wrote, I have put, you ivrite. In the same manner I have rendered t::.^j^^j\ passed under vieiv, by, has passed under CowJ view;* and so in other similar cases. With the exceptions which have been stated, and scarcely with any other, my general rule has been, to retain, as nearly as possible, every word and thought, that seemed to mark, in any prominent degree, the peculiar cast of the writer's mind. Tippoo Sultan, indeed, rarely took up his pen, without its laying open some recess or other of his various and irreg;ular mind. He seldom issues an order, that does not bespeak, either the general tone of his nature, or the particular iui pulse of the moment. He seems to have felt no hesi- tation in avowing, in the course of the letters which follow, the most flagitious sentiments ; and this may be accounted for on one or other, or on both, of these principles. The letters being, in the first place, addressed, with few exceptions, to persons in absolute dependence on him, he consequently would be wholly free from that sort of reserve, which arises from the fear of incurring the censure or reproach of the world. He knew his will to be a law, the propriety of which, as it might concern others, would never be canvassed or doubted bv any of his slaves. In the next place, he probably measured the sentiments in ([uestion, by a different standard from that with which we estimate them. Thus, the various murders and acts of treachery, which we see him directing to be carried into execution, were not criminal, but, on the contrary, just, and even meritorious, in his eyes. They might, and most likely did, in a great degree, proceed from a disposition naturally cruel and sanguinary : but, perhaps, an intolerant religious zeal and c bigotry * To avoid tiring tlic eye or tlie car, by the perpetual recurrence of this mctapiior, I liavc sometimes substituted, in its place, tlic simple phrase, /las been rcecixed. xlv PREFACE. bigotry were not less active motives to them. The Kormi taught him, that it was not necessary to keep faith with infidels, or the enemies of the true religion, in which class it was not difficult for him to persuade himself that it Avas right to include all who opposed, or refused to co-operate in, his views, for the extension of that religion ; or, in other words, for his own aggrandisement. Hence it was, that our Musulman allies and subjects were scarcely less obnoxious to his hatred and ven- geance than ouiselves. With regard to the secret murder of his English prisoners, his dreadful slaughter of the Koorgs and Nairs, and his forcible conversion of so many thousands of the two latter tribes to the Mahonuuedan faith, he most probably thought such enormities no less warranted, both by the example and precepts of the founder of his religion, than the infraction of oaths and engagements in transactions with unbelievers. It may be thought, that admitting the propriety of a close adherence, in general, to the original of a work of the peculiar nature of the present, still there was no necessity for retaining, so scrupulously as I may seem to have done, its numerous pleonasms and tautologies, both in matter and expression. With respect, however, to the former of these defects, (namely, the perpetual reiteration of the same opinion or direc- tion) I confess I did not deem it right to retrench superfluities, which did not appear as such to their author ; who, though he undoubtedly too often wearies us with a repetition of the same thing, might, never- theless, in so doing, have had it in view to stimulate the diligence and zeal of his servants : and where the fault may not seem to have proceeded from this cause, it at least marks an earnest solicitude of mind, for the accomplishment of the objects so incessantly impressed on the attention of the persons addressed. These observations will be found, perhaps, more especially apphcable to the letters written to Kumriiddeen Khan, to Biirhanuddecn, and to the diplomatic agents at Poonah. With PREFACE. XV With regard to the mere verbal tautologies, 1 am ready to admit that they might have been considerably abridged, without any injury to the general sense of the original, and certainly with advantage to the style. As, however, they appeared to me, in many instances, strongly cha- racteristic of the genius and temper of the writer, I have, on such occasions, thought it right to preserve them in the translation, though somewhat at the expence of good taste and brevity. On the other hand, where the perpetual recurrence of an unmeaning form of sj)eech would have become grating to the ear, or tiresome to the eye, I have not scrupled to vary it occasionally. I shall be found to have exercised this Hberty most frequently in the introductory part of these letters, where, instead of " your humble address has passed under view, and the circum- stances set forth therein are manifest, or dull/ comprehended, §"1 db. Double a, or aa, represents c medial, as baad for ^ ; also c ending a syllable or word, as inJjkiMjfc written Jumaaddr, and ^,«^ written juma a. It likewise expresses c followed by I as in JU ili which written correctly should be, according to my scheme, ShahAalum. I have, nevertheless, followed the more usual orthography of Shah Allum. I no where use c to express j or li/or the corresponding Hindoostany letter; excepting in a few instances, as Calicut, Sircar, &c. where I have preserved the r, in conformity with general practice. "With these exceptions, both j and c/as well as the Hindoostany or Nagry letter ^ corresponding to the latter, are expressed l)y k. Ch, which represents the of the Persian, and the corresponding sound in the Hin- doostany, is to be constantly sounded as in church. 1 think the sound of our e, in pen, hen, &c. is equally unknown to the Persian and Arabic, as that of our a, in hat, cat, &c.: when, therefore, I employ a single e, it is either in compliance xxn P R E r A C E. Before I conclude these introductory remarks it may be proper to state, that my chief trouble, in the present work, has arisen from the difficulty I have had in adjusting the Kalendar introduced by the Sultan. On this subject I have found it necessary to enter into a distinct discussion, which, accordingly, immediately follows the Preface. It may here suffice to say, that though I am, by no means, confident of having completely succeeded compliance with established custom, or because I am uncertain whether the short vowel of the Persian and Arabic, which it represents, is a kusr or futha. The former I have generally expressed by 2 (having the sound of 2 in 5/«^; the latter by u (to be uniformly sounded as M in gun). The e, in hen, is a sound between the t'vo. Double c, or ee, denotes the long ^ of the Persian and Arabic (as well as the correspond- ino- Hindoostany indtra, or vowel) whether so by position, or by having kusr or %aii\ The ^ at the end of a word, as in ^Juja-1, i^^Jy*- &c. having nearly the same short sound as our j/, in needy, haity, &c. 1 have, for the most part, expressed it by that letter, which, at the end of a word, is accordingly to be always pronounced as the y in needy. The proper name ^ I have, nevertheless, written Ali, in conformity with general usage. When y, on the other hand, occurs at the beginning of a word or syllable, it is to be sounded Wkc y'm yore, yes, &.c. as, in such cases, it represents initial ^ In all other situations, j/ (as representing the ^ preceded by futha) is to be pronounced as y in dying : thus the months ^Ls and 4j?jJu>- are written Bydzi/ and Ilydury. Double o, or oo, constantly represents j preceded by zum, or paiih, which has always the sound of oo, in doom, room, &c. l/with a circumllex (Ci) invariably stands for the short vowel zum or paish, and is always to be sounded like u in ruby. U without the circumflex, or plain u, constantly denotes futha or ^ubr, and is invariably to be sounded like u in fun. Thus j^o (far) is written door; jj (a pearl) dur ; and jj (in) dur. Ow, sounded as in gown, expresses ^ with futha or ztibr before it. Thus u^jj is written Dorclut. AVi uniformly denotes the ^ of the Persian and Arabic; and ^^A the i 2~/i denotes the Arabic lLj as in Uit which 1 write Othman, though the clj is usually pronounced in India as an s. G is always hard. The remaining letters require no particular remark, as they are to be always sounded as in English. Some writers distinguish between the ^^ and the ^ ; the L and the cy ; the ^o the j and the j; the j and the CS; the ^ and the *j but I have not thought it necessary to do so. It is only requisite lo add, that I express the ^ mujhool by our diphthong ai, as sounded in daily ; nnd the ^ mighool by open o or 6, sounded as in opeiu PREFACE. XXni succeeded in my endeavors on this occasion, I nevertheless trust, that none of my dates will be found materially wi'ong. I also deem it requi- site to observe, that notwithstanding the pains which I have taken to arrange these letters in the regular order of time, I am apprehensive that some of them will be found out of their proper place. The reason of this is, that with a view to dispatch, the original was distributed, for copying, among several transcribers ; and that, on the completion of the work, the different portions of the copy, instead of being carefully disposed, according to their respective dates, were bound up promiscu- ously together. Owing to this inadvertency, I constantly found, when I came to examine them in a collected form, that two letters which, agreeal)ly to their dates, should have stood together, weie separated, perhaps, by a hundred pages : consequently, before I could proceed satisfactorily with my translation, I was obliged to reduce this chaos to some order ; and if I have not been entirely successful in the attempt, the indulgent reader will make due allowance for the difficulty and irksomeness of my task. Besides the extensive obligations which I have declared myself to be under to the liberal kindness of Colonel Ogg, it is incumbent upon me to acknowledge, on the present occasion, the great assistance I have derived, in several instances, from another source. I here allude to various valuable communications with which I have, at different times been favoured, by my very able friend, Lieutenant Colonel Colin M'Kenzie, of the Madras Engineers ; to whose indefatioable and laudable researches, respecting the History and Antiquities of the South of India, such just and honorable testimony has been borne by Colonel Wilks, in the valuable work which that accomplished writer has lately presented to the public. The list of those, however, to whom I owe the humble tribute of my J ^ thanks XXIV PREFACE. thanks on the present occasion is not yet closed. I am proud to add t» it the name of Dr. Wilkins, the learned and ingenious Librarian of the East India Company, to whose friendly assistance and advice, at the outset of my undertaking in particular, I consider myself to be much, indebted. I am also eager to acknowledge my obligations to Charles Stewart, Esq. the learned Professor of Arabic, Persian, and Hindostany, at the East-India Company's College at Hertford ; and to Sir Charles Warre Malet, Bart., who filled with distinguished reputation, during a period of ten years, the important station of Resident at the Court of Poonah. The nature of the communications with whicli I have been favored by the two latter gentlemen, will appear more fully in the sequel. But to none of my literary friends do I feel more deeply indebted, for aid afforded me in the conduct of the present work, than to John Shakespear, Esq. of the Honorable East-India Company's Military Institution at Croydon, in Surry ; for if that able OrientaUst had not most kindly undertaken to superintend it in its progress through the press, I must, of necessity, on account of my unavoidable absence from town, have postponed its publication to an indefinite period, if I had not even been induced, by the difficulties arising from this circumstance, to relinquish my design altogether. I would fain, therefore, enlarge, la this place, on the advantages which my book has derived, from the indefatigable care bestowed upon its revision ; but I am restrained from indulging my inclination, in this respect, by knowing that I shall best consult the satisfaction of the gentleman in question, by abstaining, on the present occasion, from any more particular acknowledgement of jny obligations to him. To the names of the persons already announced, as having contri- buted, by their communications, to whatever value the present work may l»e thought to possess, I am bound to add those of Lieutenant Colonel Thomas PREFACE. XXV Thomas Munro and Lieutenant Colonel Mariott, both of the Madras establishment. I must, at the same time, lament, that circumstances should not have admitted of my profiting by their extensive infor- mation, in the degree which an earlier application to them might have enabled me to do. REMARKS EXPLANATORY OF THE KALENDAR OF TIPPOO SULTAN. Before I could proceed in the translation of the following letters, it was necessary that I should acquire some insight into the construction of the Kalendar instituted by Tippoo Sultan, and always employed by him, excepting in his correspondence with persons not subjected to his authority, when he condescended to use the common Mahommedan reckoning. Till I could attain this knowledge, it would neither be possible for me to rectify the confusion in the arrangement of the manuscript, occasioned by the accident noticed in the Preface, nor to convert the Sultans dates into the corresponding English dates. Of the necessity of the first of these operations, or the classing of the letters in the order of time, there could be no doubt, since this was absolutely necessary to the rio-ht understanding of many of them ; while the utility of others, in an historical view, depended, in some measure, on the degree of accuracy with which the dates of the original might be reduced to our chronology. Wlien, however, I came to examine the means I possessed for this purpose, I found that they were much more scanty than I had supposed them to be : nor have I been so fortunate as to supply the deficiency, by such enquiries as it has been in my power to make in this country. No doubt, the requisite information might have been obtained from India ; but the fact is, that it was not until very lately that I discovered the want of any. As it is, I trust that I have, at least, made such an approx- imation to the truth (if I have not actually arrived at it), as will sufficiently answer the main ends in view. I have no means of ascertaining with precision, at what period of his reign Tippoo Sultan introduced his first innovation in the Kalendar ; but there is good reason to believe, that it was about a year after his accession to the Musnud. The earliest document in my possession, dated according to his new Kalendar, is an edict, or regulation, of the ]5th REMARKS ON THE KALENDAR. XXVll 15th Jmifury of the year Vzl (or thirty-eighth of the cycle hereafter exphiined), corresponding, as I reckon, to the 10th of June 1^84 : hut another, issued about six months anterior to this, or in January 1784, shows that the reformed Kalendar was not in use at the latter period, since the edict in question bears no other date than the Mahom- medan one of Zilhijjeh, A.H. 1197.^'^ From these data it may be inferred, that the new Kalendar was established some time between January and June 1781. There is no doubt, that this Kalendar was founded on the reckoning in common use in Jifi/sore, which was that of the Malabar cycle of sixty years. To the years composing this cycle, the Sultan gave new names ; as he did to the months of the year. But though he took the Hindoo computation for his ground-work, he would not appear to have adhered strictly to it, since disagreements between the two reckonings sometimes occur. Thus the 14th TUlooey (or 9th month of Tippoo Sultan's year), which was the Sulian's birth-day, did not coincide with the 14th, but with the 17th of Mdrgaiser or Ughun (9th month of the Hindoo year). The cause of this discrepancy may probably be traced in the following division of the year, according to the Sultans first regulation of it. Corresponding with the Hindoo Month, and .... . . Zodiacal Sign. Choiter, Aries. Bysdk, Taurus. Juister (\TaitJ, Gemini. ylsdr, Cancer. Sdwun or Srdwun, . . Leo. Bhddon or JBhdder, . . Tlrgo. A sin, Libra. Kdrtic, Scorpio. Order of the Month. Name. Number of Days. 1st ^x^ Ahmedy, . . 29 2d ^h Behdry, . . 30 3d ^J*f ^aafury, . . 30 4th ^\j\j Ddrdey, .. 29 5th j_5^li, Hdshimy,. . 29 6th j_j*-)lj IVdsaaey,. . 30 7th ^ss^jj Zuhurjudy, 29 8th ^js^ Hydery, .. . 30 9th ^^ Tdlooey, . . 29 10th J--A Yoosilfy, . . 30 11th ^jj\ Eezidy, . . . 29 12th ^L Bydzyp . . 30 Mdrgaiser or Ughun,. Sagittarius. Poos, Capricornus. Mdgh, Af/uarius. Phdgiln, Pisces. Though (1) Hyder AH died 011 tlic 1st of Mohnrrem of tliis year. (2) Should any disagreement occur bctwei n the ovthograpliy adopted in these remarks and tliat used in the body of tlic work, tlie former may be regarded as the most correct. XXVIU . REMARKS ON ■ Though the foregoing names are not absolutely unmeaning, yet they would not appear to have had any appropriate signification attached to them ; with the exception of the first, called by one of the names of Mahommed, and of the eighth, or Hydery, which might possibly have been so denominated in honor of the Sultans father, as Tiilooey might likewise have been, in allusion to its being the month in which the Saltan himself arose, or was born. Whether Behdry had any reference to the spring, in which season it always occurred, is uncertain. Of the whole of these months it is, however, to be observed, that the initial letter of each denotes its place in the Kalendar, according to the well- known notation called Jcs*^ or Ulrjud, which assigns a certain numerical power to every letter in the alphabet.*-^ There being no single letter to express either 11, or 12, the two first letters of Eezkly and Bydzy, added together, denote the place of each, respectively, in the order of months, viz. 1 + 10 = 11. 2 + 10 = 12. I cannot state positively, whether or not these months invariably consisted of the same number of days ; but, as far as the documents in my possession enable me to judge, it would not appear that any fluctuation took place in this respect. It is here, however, pioper to notice, that in the Appendix to Colonel Beatson's book, a memorandum of the Sultan's appears (respecting the battle of Suddasir), according to which the month of Bdzy would seem to have consisted of thirty, whereas my table assigns to it only twenty-nine days. I have not the means, at present, of consulting the original document ; but it occurs to me as being possible, that the Sultan may have written ^ Sulkh, or, " the last day," and that the translator may have supposed the thirtieth to be meant. If this should not be the case, it will not be easy to reconcile the disagreement in question. The names given to the years of the cycle were formed also on the principle of the Ubj'ud notation, with the exception of the two first years, which were denominated jc-\ yihd (one or unity), and ^u^\ Ahmed (Mahommed), in honor of God and the Prophet ; and implying that (2) The nonsense verse (after the first word of wliich this notation is called) as well as the numerical power assigned severally to the letters composing it, may be seen in Richardson's dictionary, under the word j»^' THE KALENDAR. Xxix that the hitter was the second, as the Ahnighty was the Jirst object of veneration. The rest of tlie names, though hke those of the months, not entirely destitute of njeaning-, had no specific import. They merely denoted the order of each year in the cycle, which was found by addino- together the numerical powers of the several letters composing the name, the amount being the number of the year. Thus Jjl Uzl (the name of the year with which the following correspondence commences) is equi- valent to 38 (1 -j- 7 + 30), and denotes that the year, so called, is the tliirty-eighth of the cycle (corresponding to A.D. 1784-5.) But this arrangement was, after some time, superseded by another ; the Sultan having, as there is reason to believe, made a second reform of the Kalendar, in the forty-first year of the cycle (or AD. 1787-8). The latter alteration, however, would not appear to have extended further than to the substitution of new names to the months and years, in the place of those first assigned to them. These new names pos- sessed the same property as the old ; namely, that of severally indicatino- the number of the year, and the order of the month, by virtue of tlieir numerical power. The notation, however, now used was different from the Uhjud, and Jias been called by some JJhtus (an unmeaning word, formed by a combination of the first four letters of the alphabet (^>); but is, by the Sultan himself, in one of the letters of the present collection, denominated (if there be no error in the manuscript) j\ Zur, and derived by him, but I do not distinctly understand how, from the Koran. The difference between the two schemes consists in this : in the Ufjjud, tlie numerical powers of the letters depend on the order of the latter in the arbitrary verse already referred to ; whereas, in the Uljtus, or Zur, they depend on the order of the letters of the alphabet : as oooo oooo oovooo ^jO\t^*». cow — OOOO OOOC oooo oooo OOOVO OC^OlCfl Jl^OtO — /^ r^' a^m^iwJ LJ^JJ^ tXsr * If, as there is reason to tliink, and as I shall presently endeavour to sliow, the new era invented by the Sultan, and which he sometimes called e the (i) The Persian letter <_> fpcj being excluded from tiiis scheme, as well as from the Ubjud. The Persian letters, ^^ (S"JJi r ('^l'<^'J} *"'' J (-l^^'Jt arc, in like manner, omitted in both. XXX REMARKS ON the era of Mahommed, and sometimes the Moivloody, or era of the birth (i. e. of Mahommed), was introduced at the same time with the change in the names of the years and months, just described ; his motive for the latter innovation was not, perhaps, entirely capricious, but may be safely referred, in some measure, to his zeal for the glory of his religion. As the new epoch was, no doubt, designed to do honor to the Prophet, whom he seems to have thought degraded by the designation given to that in common use,^^) so, probably, were the new names of the years and months, which, instead of being formed upon a vulgar or profane practice, were now constituted upon a principle, sanctified, as it would seem, by the word of the law. Be this, however, as it may, there are good grounds for believing, that the new era, and the second regu- lation respecting the names of the years and months, took place together, and that the use of both commenced with the forty-first year of the Malabar cycle. It happens unfortunately, that one of the chasms in the following correspondence occurs at that very period; there not being a single letter of the forty-first year in the collection, nor an) document whatever, of that date, among the papers in my possession. But though we are, by this means, deprived of any direct or positive proof on the subject, yet there are not wanting circumstances that afford, what will probably be deemed a sufficient presumption in favor of the opinion I have offered. 1st. In a letter to his diplomatic agents at Dehli, dated in Hy- dery (or eighth month) of the fortieth year (Dullo), the Sultan enumerated the names of the years and months, according to the second or new arrangement, which he had then probably determined on, but which he certainly did not carry into effect during the remainder of the fortieth year, as abundantly appears from existing documents. The letter here referred to is manifestly imperfect ; otherwise we might have learnt from it, why the arrangement in question was announced so long before the period of its actual adoption. Possibly the great distance of Dehli may have suggested the expediency of an anticipated commu- nication. 2d. It (4) Iligera s\^n\?\cs flight. See the 5«//a7!'i letter, referred to in the subsetpcnt page. THE KAM;NDAR. XXXI 2d. It is established by a variety of documents, that both the new nomenclature and the new era uere in use in the forty-second year of tlie cycle, which was accordingly called Sdrd; whereas, under the preceding arrangement, it would have been named Kuhlc. 3d. It is improbable, that the Julian, after announcing the new no- menclature, so early as Hijdery of the fortieth year, should have delayed the introduction of it till the forty-second year, or pdrd : it is, therefore, most likely, that it commenced with the forty-first year, which, in this case, would be called Shd, while, according to the form,er rule, it would be Md. 4th. In a letter, dated the 29tli Eezidy (eleventh month) of Dullo, or the fortieth year, the Sul/an directs an enquiry to be instituted among the learned men in different parts of his dominions, for the ])ur- pose of ascertaining, with exactness, the respective dates of the birth, mission, and flight of the Prophet. An explanation of the cause of the Higeru, or fligbt, is also required by this letter. This investigation seems to have been preparatory to the establishment of the epoch under consideration. 5th. But the most unequivocal proof of the Mowloody era having been established in the forty-first year, is furnished by a decree, or regulation, of the year lid.sikh, or forty-eighth of the cycle (corresponding to the 1209th year of the Higera), to which a seal is affixed, bearing the date 1215.("') Now as this date could not be meant for the Higera, it must, of necessity, have been intended to denote the year of Mahommed. The 1215th year of Mahommed co-incided with the forty-first of the cycle : and as we know that the Moivloody era was not in use during the fortieth of the cycle (or Dullo), it necessarily follows, that the seal in question was engraved in the Jirst year of the institution of that epoch. 1 will add here the few remaining observations that I have to make on the subject of the Mowloody era, and then return to the consideration of the KcJendar. e 2 As (5) It is usual in India to insert in the seal the year in which it is engraved. XXXll HEM ARKS ON As this era was not adopted till after the time to which the letters in the present volume reach, it was not absolutely necessary to my imme- diate purpose, to have offered any explanation of it : but being upon the subject of the Sultaiis Kalendar, I thought it right to state what I knew, respecting so prominent an article of it. Even in the later documents, wherein it pretty constantly occurs, it is of little or no use in fixing the date of any letter, regulation, or transaction ; since it is generally, if not invariably, accompanied by the year of the cycle. The first time that I meet with it is in an edict of the year Sdrd, or forty-second of the cycle (and 1216 of Mahommed). It is continually employed, however, in the Sultans Memoir of his own reign, where it is applied even to events which took place many vears before its actual introduction. Thus, among other instances, Hydcr Ali Khan is said to have died on Satur- day, the 3d of Zdkmj " of the year of Mahommed 120.9." But of these Memoirs it is to be observed, that they bear internal evidence of having been composed subsequently to the peace of Seringapatam, in 1792. The term Mowloody, strictly considered, is certainly not applicable to the era in question ; according to which there would appear to have been no more than an interval of thirteen years between the birth and flight of Mahommed. It has been conjectured, that, instead of the birth, this era was, in fact, reckoned from the mission of Mahommed, or the period when he first announced himself as the messenger of God : and this notion receives some countenance, from the tenor of the enquiry spoken of above, which strongly implies a dislike of the term Higera, and an intention to sink the event it alludes to, in a reference to one of a more dignified and memorable kind. But, even in this view of the matter, it is diflicult to account for the new era being called Moioloodij, rather than Nuhoowet ; unless it be supposed, that the Z>/rM was put as a metonymy for the regeneration of the Prophet, which might be reckoned from the commencement of his mission. I now resume my account of the Kalendar, which was interrupted by this digression concerning the Mowhodij era. The names of the months, according to the second and latest arrange- ment, became as follows : 1st month THE KALENDAR. XXXIU 1st month ^Sa^\ T^ , > beincr the same as in the former scheme. Behdnj ) "= 2d ^M 3d J^ Tukij. 4th ^j^ Sumry. 5th oy^*?- Jaafury, being the third month of the former scheme 6th ^j-^^'^ Hydery, being the eightli do. of do. 7th ^';r^ Khdsrowy. 8th d-:.^ Deeny. 9th c^/U Zdldry.^^ lOth ^••^>- Rehmdny. 11th ojb Rdzy. 12th .... .5^^. Huhhdny. Name according to the First Sclicnie. Name according to the Second Scheme. The eleventh and twclftli months arc here indicated, as in the former scheme, by the first two letters of their respective names, \j (rd), being 104-1 ; and ^j r(ujfi, 10+2. Although I could present the reader with a table, exhibiting the names of every year in the cycle, according to both the schemes which have been described, yet it would answer no useful purpose, that will not be equally accomplished by the following abridgement, including only the years of Tippoo Sultan's reign. Corresponding with AD. 1782-3. 1733-4. 1784-5. 1785-6. 1786-7. 1787-8. 1788-9. 1789-90. 1790-1. 1791-2. 1792-3. Year of the Cycle. 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 Jebdl . Ziiky . UzL . . kJuIIo. . Dullo . Md. . . Kubk . Jam . . Jdm . . yJdam. JVidy . Biih-tdz Sukh. . . Ur- Siikhd. . jI^j Diirdz. Jiusd. li, Slid. . ^L Sdrd.. Surdh . U Shetd . . . ^jij Zuhurjud ^ Sehr .... (t;) Whatever allusion tlicfc might be to the Sultan's birth in the name of the ninth moiitli of the former nomenclature, notliing of the kind is discoverable in the wortJ ^dkin/. XXXIV REMARKS ON Year of the Cycle. 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 Name according lo ihe First Scheme. J, Wdhj . . . k^. which meaning joyful, or auspicious, he thought a word of better omen than the other. But it did not prove such to him ; for on the last day of Ahmedy (first month) of that very year, he lost his life, and the sovereignty of Mysore passed away from the Khoddddd Sircar,^^'^ to the hands of those, towards whom he ever cherished the most deep and irreconcileable hatred ; paralleled, perhaps, only by that borne, in ancient times, by Hannibal against the Romans. It will be seen, by the table of months inserted at page xxvii, that the Sidtan's year, though considered by him as solar, consisted of no more than three hundred and fifty-four days. In order, therefore, to correct this reckoning, and to approximate it to the true solar time, he occasionally added a thirteenth month to the year. I say, occasionally ; because I have not been able to discover (if, as is probable, there existed) any fixed rule for determining either the return of the leap year, or the period of such year, at which the intercalary or supplementary month was to be introduced. It is stated in some of my notes, collected at Seringapatam, tliat every third year was considered as embolismal, and that the supplementary month was always inserted, according to one account, after the tenth, and, according to another, after the eleventh month. (7.) Bdshir consisting of the same letters as Bdrish, has the same numerical power, both words standing for fifty-three. (8) i. e. ♦* the State or Government bestowed by God," which was one of the tcrmsby which the Sultan designated his government. The Ahmcdi/ Sircar was another. In some places he calls it the Hydeiy Sircar, and in others the Usud-Ilhye; the former of wliich might refer to his father's name : but it miglit, also, like that of Usud-Ilhye, allude lo Jli, one of whose appellations was H^yder. THE KALENDAR. XXXV month. But each of these statements is clearly proved to be wrong by a variety of authentic documents, showing that the thirty-ninth, forty- fourth, forty-seventh, forty-ninth and fifty-second of the cycle were leap years. On what year, between thirty-nine and forty-four, leap year fell is not known, owing to the want of documents for that period : but whether we suppose it to have been the forty-first or forty-second year, it will be equally manifest, that the embolismal year did not uniformly occur every third year. The same thing is shown by the fact of the forty-seventh and forty-ninth years having both been leap years. It is a known rule, that to make the solar and lunar years accord, seven returns of the intercalary, or supplementary month, are required in the course of nineteen years, Now from the thirty-fifth to the fifty-third year of the cycle (both inclusive) is a period of nineteen years, in the course of which seven leap years occui-, (viz. five which are clearly ascer- tained, and two which have been assumed). But, notwithstanding this apparent conformity, the two reckonings do not co-incide, when, accord- ing to this rule, they might be expected to do so. The reason of this dis- agreement, no doubt, is, that though the months established by Tippoo were ordinarily called lunar, they were not strictly so ; six of the twelve months of the year having consisted of thirty, and the other six of twenty-nine days each : the common year, therefore, comprizing three hundred and fifty-four days, was, in fact, neither limar nor solar. The documents abundantly prove, that the intercalary, or supplemen- tary month, called by the Sultan s:\j Zdid (as zdid Ahnedy ; zdid Belidnj, &fc. according to the month before^^> which it was inserted) was not added at any fixed or regulated period of the year, but, apparently, according to his fancy : at least I have not met with any clue to the principle (if principle there was) on which it was arranged. All that is certain is, that in the thirty-ninth year the Zdid, or adscititious month, was Ahmedy ; in the forty-fourth year, Suynry ; in the forty-seventh year, Bekdnj ; in the forty-ninth year, Hydery ; and in the fifty-second year, Jaafm-y : by which unquestionable facts it appears, that in no one (9) The extra, or supplementary moiitli, always preceded tlie regular nioiitli of the same name, for what reason does not appear. Its natural place one would suppose to iiavc been after, and not before, the month whose name it took. XXXVl REMARKS ON one instance, in so many years, did it happen to fall either on the tenth or eleventh month. But although so much uncertainty prevails on this article, yet being apprized, as we are, that the first day of the fifty-third year co-incided with the 6th April I7i^9, and knowing, also, both the names of the leap-years, and of the supplementary months which occurred between that time and the forty-fourth year, inclusive, we are fortunately enabled to convert the Sultan's dates, during that period, with sufficient accuracy, into our own. It is after passing, in a retrogade pi'ogression, the forty- fourth year, that the principal difficulty commences ; since there are, at present, no means of ascertaining in what year, between that and the thirty-ninth, the leap-year occurred, or at what period of such year the intercalary month was added. In this difficulty I could only arrive at the fortieth and thirty-ninth years (so essential to my immediate purpose, on account of the principal portion of the following letters belonging to those years) by assuming, at a venture, one of the intervening years, between forty-four and thirty-nine, as the leap-year. I therefore fixed upon Sdrd, or the forty-second year, by which means something like system and regularity is made to appear in the recurrence of the embolism ; which, by this distribution, would seem to have returned (as far as our materials enable us to judge) alternately, every tliird and every second year : that is to say, in the thirty-ninth, forty-second, forty-fourth, forty-seventh, forty-ninth, and fifty-second. "With regard to the supplementary month of the assxmied leap-year, I was obliged to resort to the same expedient ; and, accordingly, fixed on the third month, or Tiiki/. By this means, each of the first six inonths of the year (though not in regular succession) will appear to have served as the intercalary months, three of them being months of thirty days, and the three others months of twenty-nine days. Hence the leap years, thirty-nine, forty-four, and fifty-two, are made to contain each three hundred and eighty-three days ; and the leap years, forty-two, forty- seven, and forty-nine, each three hundred and eighty-four days.C"^ Having (10) According to this arrangement, it is evident tii;it, tliougli tlic Sultan's year was in general eleven days shorter than the common year in use with us, yet, owing to the frequent recurrence of his intercalary month (making his leap-year three hundred and eighty-three, or three hundred and tiglity-four days) liis reckoning must, in a series of years, have gained considerably upon ours ; apparently no less than at the rate of three days in five years. THE KALIJNDAR. XXXvil Having constructed my table of corresponding dates in the best manner I could, with the imperfect materials in my possession, I was, fortunately, enabled to verify or correct the same, by means of a practice occasionally observed by the Sulfaii, of giving the day of the week along with the day of the month. An instance of this kind occurs in Letter CCCIV, which led to the discovery of an error I had committed, in converting the 18th of Jaafury of the year Dullo into our reckoning. I had made it agree with the 20th June, which fell on a Tuesday ; while the 18th of Jaafury being expressly stated to have been a Wednesday, must, of course, have co-incided with the 21st June 1/86. The detection of this mistake necessarily led to an alteration of the whole series of my dates for the two years comprized in the present volume, every one of which it became requisite to advance one day. This correction leaves scarcely any doubt of the perfect accuracy of the dates as now adjusted. The only point in which any mistake can have occurred, is in the number of days assigned to extra Ahmedy of the yedcv Julio : for though it is known, that regular Ahmedy consisted of twenty-nine days, it is not certain, (however pro- bable) that the extra, or supplementary month, always had the same num- ber of days as the regular month of the like name. This is all that it has been in my power to do, with a view to the attain- ment of the accuracy so desirable on the present occasion. I trust I have not fallen into any material error. For the rest, I rely on the indulgence of the reader. CONTENTS. ^Vhere the spelling adopted here, and in the Index, differs from that used in the body of the work, the former may be considered as the most systematical and correct. Letter. Page. 1 To Mirza Mahommed Ali, Superintendant of the Elephant Stables at 2 — Meet Kdz\m, Commercial Consul, or Chief, of the Factori/ at Muscat 6 3 — Mahommed Ghyas, Envoi/ to the Court of Poonah - - - 7 4 — Turbiyut Ali Khan arid Rajah Ram Chundur, public Officers at Bangalore - - - - - - - - - -11 5 — //i- — 311 — BurhAnuddeen -- 342 312 — Zynu\ Aahklccn, Bukhshy of Ehsfulm at Chittkdoorg - - — 313 — BurhAnuddeen 343 314 — RAjah RAm Chundur 344 g 2 <> xlviti CONTENTS, Letler. Page. 315 To Runinust Khtin, Nabob of Kurnool - - - - - * - 344 316 — R.ijah Ram Chundur 346 317 — Khajeh Ibiid Kh^n, andjour otliers (Circular) - - . . — . 318 — Meer Mahommcd SSdik, Deivdn of the Hdzocr, or Presence - 347 319 — Burhanuddeen - - - - - .. - - — 520 — Shumsiiddeeu Khan and Ghulam Hyuer, Ddroghds of the losheh- Khdnek 348 521 — Rumnust Khan, Nabob of Kurnool - - - . - - 319 322 — Burhanuddeen -----..,. — 323 — the Sipahddr, Mahommed Ali - - - - - - -350 324 — Ghulam Hiisain Khan, Mtinshoor of Bangalore - - - S5L 525 — Kutbul Miilk -.--__... 352 526 — Mahmood AH Khan - 356 3'23 — Burhanuddeen 357 328 — Kutbul Mulk - - — 329 — Meer Moaayenuddeen - 358 330 — Runmust Khan, Nabob of Kurnool ------ — 331 — Kutbiiddeen Khan 359 332 — Budruz Zuman Khan ----.--. 351 333 — Moal Chund and Sujan Rae, Agents at Dehli - - - - 362 334 — Mahommed Baig Humdany ------- 357 5S5 Zynul Aabideen, Biiklishy of the Ehshdm at ChUtledoorg - - 368 •SS6 — the Rajah of the French 3G9 337 — Monsieur Cossigny, Governor of Pondicherry - - . - 375 338 — the Hdvo'gUI^^ of the i'msy .-.--. -379 339 — Burhaniiddeen - - - 380 340 — Shah Aabdullah Saheb — 341 — Ehsanullah Khan 381 342 — Budruz Zuman Khan ._.----- — S43 — the Nabob of Sinore 382 844 ~ the Bukhshy of the Ehsham at Chittlcdoorg - - - - 383 •345 — Meer Futah Ali, Taahihddr of Chik Balapoor - - - - — 34(5 — Meer Jaafur WuffA-KhAny .._---- — 547 — Burh'Anuddeen _....---- 384 348 — SyedGhuffir 385 349 — Burhanuddeen --------- 386 350 — Budruz Zum^n Khan 390 351 — rtf KilaadSr of Seringapatam - - 391 CONTENTS. Xlix Letter. Page. 352 To Burhdnuddecn 393 353 — the same -_-..-____ 39^ 354 — Ghous Mahommed Khan mid Mahommed Aka, Ddroghus of the Jinsy Tosheli-khdneh - - -- - - - _ 395 353 — Monsieur Cossigny -------. __„ 356 — Miildim Jung o o & 396 357 — Biirhanuddeen ... . . _ . . _ . 39^ 358 — Budruz ZuniAn Khan -----.._ 393 559 — RAjah Ram Chundur 399 360 Mahommed Ibraheem, Amn'd of Ndgniungul - - - . 40O S61 — Burhanuddeen - - - - - - - - -401 362 — Budriiz Zuman Khan - - -.- - . _ . 402 363 — the Kazy of Bangalore - -- - . - . . 40J 364 — the Kilaadar of Seringapatam --._._. 405 ^65 — Nubby Shah, at Bangalore -.-.__. 40s Z(i6 — Musheor 61 Mulk - - - -- - - - . 407 367 Syed Mohyuddeen, Aumil of Huscotah - - - - -4ll 368 — Shumsuddeen KhAn a«£^Ghulam Hyder ----- 412 369 — Syed Ahmed Saheb .-_--... 453 370 — Runmust Khan Bahadur -------- — 371 — Meer Ghiilam HCisain - - - - - -- - -414 372 — Burhanuddeen awrf Budr6z Zuman Kh^n - - - - - 415 373 — Biirhanuddeen - - - - - - - - -416 574 — RAjah RAm Chundur - - -417 75 — Syed Mahommed - -.- - 418 376 — BurhAnilddeen - - - - - - - - -419 377 — Meer AH .-----.... — 378 — Syed Mahommed --.. _ 420 379 Mahommed Ushruf - - - -■- - - - 421 330 — Monsieur Cossigny ,- 422 381 — Mahommed Baig Khan Humdany, and others (Circular) - - 423 382 — Meer Ah 432 383 — Budruz Zuman Kli^n .-----.. 433 584 — Monsieur Cossigny .--._.-. 435 385 — Syed Ahmed Saheb, Boodhun Shiih, Nubby Sh4h, Kuleemiillah Shilh, arid others (Peer Zadehs, or Devotees) - - - 435 3«G — Mohyuddeen Ah Khan (Dewdn of Kurpah), Chishty YAr Khftn, Rajali Rdm Chundur, Nursia, and others (Circular) - - 4S6 o 1 CONTENTS. Letler, Page. 387 To AbdiM Hukeem Khan 437 388 — R^jah Rdm Chundur 438 389 — the Biikhshy of Ehsh4m at Gooty — 390 — Rajah Ram Chundur 439 391 — MohyiVldeen Ah Khan — 392 — Meer Moaayenuddeen Kh^n _---... 440 393 — Mahommed Ushruf — 394 — Zynfil Aabideen 441 395 — Soqjan Rae and Moal Chund, Agents at Dehli - - - . 442 396 — Mahommed Ushruf -. 443 97 — Rajah Ram Chundur -._.-.._ 444 398 — Boodhun Shah -. — 399 — Monsieur Moneron ----------_ 400 — Shumsuddeen, and otJia'S --.«... 4.4.Q 401 ^ Ghiilam Ah KhH Lutf Ah KhSn, ««<^ ShSh Noorfillah - -447 402 — Urshud Baig Khan ---_ 449 403 — Mahommed Eesau, Jiimil of Ufzuldbdd Nugr - - - 450 404 — the Dewans of ZuferabSd - - - - - - -451 405 — Mahommed Durwaish, &c. -__--.. 452 406 — Ghulam Ghuzunfur _>.,--_- 453 407 — Budriiz Zuman Klian _-«_-..- — 408 — TurbiyutAh Khan _.-.-..- 454 409 — Mahommed Durwaish, and others -..--- — 410 — /Ae Dewan 0/' Chittlcdoorg, and others - ... - 455 411 — Monsieur Lai ly ,-_-----.- -k— 412 — Monsieur Cossigny, the Governor of Madras ; Gh£iWra Ah Khan ; the Imam of Muscat, and others (Circular) - _ - - 456 413 _ Ghulam Ah Khan , i - -458 414 — Chishty Yar Khan awi Zynul Aabideen ----- — 415 — MohyCiddccn Ah Khan, jDeit'fi^rt, anrfGh61am Ghuzunfur, at Kurpah 459 416 — Shumsuddeen KhSn 460 417 — Monsieur Cossigny .-------- 462 418 — Urshud Baig Khan .._->--- 463 419 — ^/;e Dowans o/" Cahcut 464 420 — Monsieur Cossigny __._.--.__ 421 — Shumsuddeen Kh^n ..-.---- 465 422 — Miisheer dlMulk — 423 — Ghuiam Hyder 466 CONTENTS. li Letter. P.ige. 424 To Syed Mahommed -_.. 466 425 — YAkoob, ami other Armenian Merchants ----- 457 426 — Mcer Moaayeniiddcen, BCirhiinuddeen, Mah Mirza KhSn, and Husain Ali Khan 468 427 — Shumsiiddeen KhAn, &c. - - - — 428 — the DewAns of ZuferAbad -..._.. 459 429 — Rajah Ram Chundur -----_-_ — 430 — BudrCiz Zuman Khan ---_-.._ 470 431 — Meerlbraheem - - - - - - - - -471 432 — Urshud Baig Khan — 433 — Kureem Saheb --.. 472 434 — Mahommed Dunvaish 473 435 — KCitbul Miilk Mahommed Kiitb6ddeen KhAn Behadur - - - 474 Postscript ------------ 484 APPENDIX. A. Tippoo Sultan's Memorandum, with Translation ; referred to in the Preface _--_---.-_ i B. Extract from the Sultan's Memoirs, relative to the Expedition against General Matthews ; referred to in the Preface - - _ . ][{ C. Tippoo's Agreement with his Father ; referred to under Letter I. - xi D. Historical Sketch of the Shanoor Afghans; referred to at Letter XVf. xi E. Edicts, or Commercial Regulations ; referred to under Letter XIX. xxxiii F. Regulations resjjecting Spies ; referred to at Letter XL. - - xlviii F.* Explanation of the Cypher ; referred to at Letter LX VI I. - - xlix G. Historical Sketch of the Patau Principality of Kurnool ; referred to under Letter CIL ....-..- li H. Agreement of Meer Sadik ; referred to under Letter CXIV. - Ixiii I, Extract from the Futhul Miijahideen ; referred to at Letter CXXXVIL Ixvii K. Marine Regulations ; referred to at Letter CC. ... - Ixxvii L, An Outline of the Sultan's Military Establishment ; referred to at Letter CCLXX. -...----- xcii SELECT LETTERS, LETTER I. To MiRZA Mahommed Alt, Sivperintendant of the Elephant Stables at Nugr;'^^^ dated Putn Cor SeringapatamJ, 2d of JBrJzr, Year Uzl. (17th February 1785.) The humble address [you] sent [us] has passed under [our] view, and the circumstances submitted [therein] are duly comprehended/^) You write, " that the Mittmuddies^^^ attached to you have adopted habits " of ease and of lounging in Nugr, pretending that it is necessary for •* them to see and confer with the Taalukdai<*^ of Nugr; the conse- " quence of which is, that fifteen days are consumed in preparing the " accounts of one,(^) and that nothing is done excepting at Nugrj " though ( 1 ) i.e. Bidnore. (2) This may serve as a sample of the manner in which most of these letters commence : in those that follow, I shall cither abridge, or entirely omit, the introductory part. (;j) Clerks or Accountants. (4) The Manager of a District. (5) Or the meaning may be, " neglect their ledger for fifteen days ata time. " B Z SELECT JLETTEKS OP " tliough a Kiinri/ Mi'dusuddi/^'''^ (agreeably to our orders) attends on the " part of Nursia<") to assist in the business." This [representation] has caused [us] the utmost surprize. When- ever the MiltmialdieshfAongingio your department cease to yield you pro- per obedience, you must.give them a severe flogging;'^) and making them prepare, with the greatest dispatch, the lists and other papers required by our former orders, transmit the same duly to the Presence/^) OBSERVATIONS. To understand the foregoing letter properly, it is necessary to suppose, what, indeed, is most probable, that the Elephant Mews, or Stables, were situated at some distance from the town of Nugr. This letter furnishes a proper occasion for cautioning the reader, who may not be conversant in the historj^, or acquainted with the genius, or frame, of the native governments of India, against hastily drawing any general conclusions, with respect to the latter point, from the particular practice, or maxims, of Tippoo Sultan. The conduct of this prince was too commonly governed by caprice, and was too often the mere result of individual feelings and character, to afford a just criterion of the generality of Asiatic sovereigns, or Asiatic states. Thus, any one who should be led to infer, from the punishment here directed to be inflicted on the idle clerks of the elephant department, that it is customary in India (as in China and Russia) to flog any but the menial servants of government for neglect of duty, would be greatly mistaken : as he would, also, if he supposed that castration was no uncommon penalty in that country, for corruption, or other misdemeanors (6) A Caiiaresc Clerk. (7) The name of the Manager. (8) Original ^jjiijXip ldzianeh'ka)y. (9) There js considerable obscurity in tliat passage of the original, which I have rendered, " though a A'uHry-jl/H^K«vith at Sen'ngapatam, in the year 1/99, vvhile employed in examining the mass of papers discovered more immediately after the capture of the place. I found it amongst a variety of other papers of the time of Hyder, deposited in a basket or box, where it had probably remained undisturbed and forgotten ever since his death. It is a narrow slip, about twelve inches in length : is entitled, at top, .uU.IjI or " an agreement ;" beneath which words is the imjjression, in ink, of a small square seal, resembling, in all respects, the usual signet, or ring-seal, of the Sultan, and bearing, together with the name " Tippoo Sultan, " the date " 1184 " (liigera)^'" The instrument itself is without date ; but it must, of course, have B 2 been (10) The existence of this seal satisfactorily proves tliat Sultan was not a title assumed by Tippoo (as cominonly supposed) upon succeeding his father, l)ut made part of the name given him, probably, at his birth. 4 SELECT LETTERS OF been executed some time between the year 1769 (the period when the seal was engraved) and 1782, in which last year Hyder died. On the back of this paper is a short endorsement of two or three words, in Canarese, which, I am sorry to say, I cannot explain. 1 am equally unable to determine, whether this interesting document is in the hand-writing of the Sultan. It certainly bears but little resemblance to the specimens exhibited in a great variety of notes and memorandums, written by him in the latter part of his life. But his hand-writing might well undergo a material change in a period of twenty or thirty years : besides which, I suspect that most of the articles of his writing which happen to be in my possession, were written with a gold or silver pen, which he was much in the practice of using, and of which I obtained two or three at Serlngapatam that had belonged to him. This occasioned his later writing (at least what I have seen of it) to have an air of stiffness and crabbedness, of whirh there is not near so great an appearance in the document under consideration. But it is not essential to the authenticity of this paper that it should have been written in the Sultans own hand. The place in which it was discovered, joined to the seal and internal evidence furnished by its extraordinary tenor, sufficiently establishes its genuineness ; but whether the engagement it contains was voluntarily entered into by the Sultan, or exacted by Hyder, does not appear. The latter, however, is not unlikely to have been the case, notwithstanding what the writer himself declares in the eighth article. After this general account of the document in question, I proceed to present the reader with a translation of it ; and, for the satisfaction of those conversant in the language of the original, a fac-similc of it is given in article C. of the Appendix. " AGREEMENT. " 1."" I will not do [any] one thing without the pleasure of your blessed Ma- " jesty. Lord of Benefits [or my bountiful Lord] : if I do, let me be punished, in " whatever manner may seem fittmg to your auspicious mind. One article."-' « 2. If (11) The articles are not numbered in the original, but divided by lines drawn under each of them. (12) Original JwiJ/j which is repeated at the end of each article. TIPPOO SULTAN. " 5 " 2. If, in the affliirs of the Sircar, I should commit theft, or be guilty of " fraud, great or small, let me, as the due punishment thereof, be strangled."" " One article. "3. If I be guilty of prevarication, or misrepresentation, or of deceit, the '■' due punishment thereof is this same strangulation. One article. " 4. Without the orders of the Presence, I will not receive from any one, " Nitzzers, &c. ; neither will I take things from any one [meaning perhaps for- " cibly] : if I do, let my nose be cut off, and let me be driven out from the city. " One article. " 5. If, excepting on the affairs of tlie Sircar, I should hold conversation " [probably cabal or intrigue] with any person, or be guilty of deceit, &c., let " me, in punishment thereof, be stretched on a cross. One article. " 6. Whenever a country shall be committed to my charge by the Sircar, " and an army be placed under my command, I will carry on all business regard- " ing the same, with the advice, and through the medium of such confidential " persons as may be appointed [for the purpose] by the Sircar ; and if I transact " such affairs through any other channel than this, let me be strangled. One " article. " 7. If there should be any occasion for correspondence by writing, or to buy " or give [away] any thing, or any letters should arrive from any place, I will do " nothing [in such matters] without the concurrence and advice of the person " appointed by the Sircar. One article, "8. I have written and delivered these few articles of my own free will: " keeping the contents whereof in my heart's remembrance, I will act in each " article accordingly. If I forget this, and act in any other [or different] manner, " let me be punished, agreeably to the foregoing writing." It will not, perhaps, be wondered at, that one, to whom the idea of corporal punishment, even in his own person, would seem, from the preceding instrument, as (13) Original oljjubj^ of the meaning of wliich expression I am far from being certain. It may possibly signify, ♦' to extinguisli," and hence, figuratively, " to put to death." 6 SELECT LETTERS OF as well as from Colonel Wilks's report, to liave been familiar, before his accession to the Musnud, should, after that event, have applied the practice, with similar disregard to the rank or station of offenders, to those then subjected to his authority. Before I dismiss this subject it may be proper to notice, that the style of the foregoing document (and especially of the seventh article) is extremely perplexed and indistinct : but, even at a more advanced period of the Sultans life, most of the productions of his pen (as was observed on a former occasion) were charac- terized by the same involved structure of sentences, frequently creating considerable obscurity in the sense. LETTER II. To JMeer Kazim, Commercial Consul, or Chief of the Factort/ at Mus- cat; ivritte7i in the Night of the 5th of Byazy. (20th Fehruary.') Propose to the merchants of Muscat, (and get the Imaum^^^ to issue orders to the same effect,) to bring hither, on the empty Ditigies,^^^ such horses as they may have for sale ; which being sold to us, the owners can carry back the produce in rice. OBSERVATIONS. Several letters in this collection, as well as the present one, are dated at ni^ht a circumstance that does not denote them to be of any urgency or particular importance (1) The Prince, or Sovereign, of Muscat. (2) A small vessel employed in the traJe between the Malabar Coast and the Gulfs of Pcrsia&nA Arabia : the same name is given to a kind of canoe used on the Ganges. By empty Dingies, may be meant cither Dingics of Miucat, proceeding in ballast to the Coast of Malabar ; or A>i;g^J« belonging to the ports of Maiigalore or Calicut, and returning thither from Muscat, alter discharging their cargoes at the latter place : but it is most probable that the former are intended. TIPPOOSULTAN. 7 importance (as one might be led to suppose), but merely shows the diligent application of the Sultan to business ; the word 7iigJit here implying some time after midnight. (3) Its insertion in such a dispatch as the preceding one, certainly carries with it an air of affectation. If Tippoo Sultan was very desirous of establishing a commercial intercourse with Muscat; not, perhapSj without some ulterior view to a political connexion with that petty state. The encouragement which he held out, for this purpose, to the merchants of Muscat, as well as his own particular notions of trade, will appear in the sequel. LETTER IIL To Mahommek Ghyas; dated 6fk of Byazy. (2\st February^ Your letter of the 19tli of Eezudy [5th of February] has been re- ceived, and the whole of its contents are comprehended. The Jixed or regulated money is ready. Whenever the chiefs of that place \Poonih~\ demand it, bankers' bills to the amount shall be forwarded. Representations of the contumacious conduct of the Zeminddr oi Ner- guild were frequently transmitted [by us], in the course of last year, to Noor Mahommed Khun, who, no doubt, communicated the same to all the chiefs there [Poonah~\. If a petty Zeminddr, and a subject of our government, like this, may not be punished, how shall our authority be maintained ? The justice of this argument was admitted, even by Rao Rasta.^'^ Thus the chastisement of this Zeminddr became necessary. If he is brought to reason from thence [/. e. by the Mahiattah chiefs] it will be well ; otherwise he will be exterminated. Let (3) For some further account of the manner of ilividing the night, see Letter CCCLXII. (1) For an account of this personage, see Letter VIH. 8 SELECT LETTERS OF Let the Gumdshteh (^^ of Apajee Rao receive a monthly stipend of four j)agodas. You must not admit the Brahmens^^'^ to a participation in the conduct of any secret negotiation. You and Noor Mahommed Khun [alone] are jointly to transact [all such affairs]. If the chiefs of that place, forgetting our past favors, should dispatch an army to the assistance of the Zeminddr of Nergiind, what will it sio-nify ? We have, under the divine blessing, sent a strong force to reduce Nergund, and are in no fear of its suffering any misfortune from their armv. N.B. A letter, to the same effect as the above, and of the same date, vi^as written to Noor Mahommed Khan (the colleague of Mahommed Ghyas) with an immaterial addition, respecting some bills of exchange. OBSERVATIONS. Mahommed Ghyas Khan and Noor Mahommed Khan were, at this time, the diplomatic agents of Tippoo Sultan, at Poonah. The former of them was, probably, at the head of the mission, since many of the letters are addressed singly to him, and in all of them his name stands first. Noor Mahommed Khan, however, would seem to have resided longest at the Mahrattah court, to >vhich, there is reason to believe, he had been originally deputed by Hyder AH. The present correspondence commences just at the period when the war of 1785 broke out between the Sultan and the Mahrattahs ; the latter of whom were, after some time, joined by Nizam Ali Khan, who sent a considerable body of troops to act with their army. The (2) An Agent. Apajcc Rao was i>robably a Mulirattah Chief, in the interest of Tippoo Sultan. (3) i. e. the Brahmens attached to the Mission. For further particulars respecting whom, sec Letters CLXV. andCLXVIL TIPPOOSULTAN. 9 The ostensible, or more immediate cause of the present Pupture, is to te traced, on the one hand, to the right which tlie Sultan assumed of chastising a contu- macious tributary ; and, on the other, to the protection which the Mahrattah Government thought, or affected to think, it incumbent on them to extend to tliis offender ; who was, perhaps, a feudatory of the Malirattah Empire, in Hke manner with many other Zeminddrs and Polygdrs, who depend, in various shapes, and at the same time, on different superiors ; rendering to one Puishaish, or tribute and to another mihtary service.*' But it was not merely, or perhaps principally, for the purpose of supporting the Zemituldr of Nergdnd, that the Mahrattah Government took up arms a^^ainst the Sultan. They had claims on him for considerable arrears of tribute, the discharge of which he had hitherto refused or evaded ; and it was, probably, less with a view of befriending the obnoxious Zeminddr, than of enforcing these claims, that they appealed to the sword. It will be seen in the sequel, that though the Sultan succeeded in inflictino- a signal chastisement on his rebellious tributary, he was, nevertheless, oblio'ed to pay the Mahrattahs a considerable sum of money ; not less, according to some accounts, than forty lachs of rupees."^ Whether this was the whole, or only part of the arrears of tribute claimed by them, is unknown to the translator, who has never met with the treaty concluded between the belligerent powers, about the beginning of the year 1787. The Nlzdm, during this war, \oit Adoni ; which, however, was restored to him by the peace. By the Jixed, or regulated sum, sjjokcn of by the Sultan in the present letter, he means the Palshcush, or tribute, which he was bound by former treaties to iiay to the Government of Poonah ; but which he does not think proper to recognize, or designate, by any term denotive of inferiority, v\hich the word Pahlieush certainly is. Those who negociated our first treaty with the court of Hyderabad were less nice, since they agreed to pay an annual Palshcush to the Nizam : by which concession they virtually, but, no doubt, unconsciously, placed the East- India Company in the situation of a vassal to that chieftain ; the term Paishmsh, C in (4) Tlie Sultan' s own Memoirs arc entirely siioiit on the subject of Nogund. (5) The Sultan himself, in his Memoirs, states the sum at twelve lads of nipres. 10 SELECT LETTERS OP in its restrained sense, and as used in India, signifying tribute ; and in no case being applied to presents, excepting to those of a subject to liis lord, or from an inferior to a superior. It might be difficult now, and may be deemed needless, to obtain the suppression of this degrading appellation. The usurpers of this, and similar vain distinctions and marks of preeminence,"" in proportion as they have lost, in the revolutions of time, the substance, may be more safely indulged in the possession of this shadow of power. There is, happily, no longer any danger of the abuse being extended : this is equally precluded by our increased political consideration throughout India, and by our improved knowledge of its languages and usages. The time is past, when the general ignorance that prevailed, in these respects, among the Company's servants, placed the interests and the honor of their employers and of the nation, but too much at the mercy of native agents and interpreters. There is only one more remark suggested by the preceding letter. If the Sultan be allowed credit for sincerity, when he declares himself ready to pay the arrears due by him to the Mahrattahs, immediately on demand, it will necessarily follow, that the question of tribute was not the principal one with that state, any more than with its ally the Nizdm, whom, indeed, it could only remotely concern. Both governments, possibly, thought to oppose some check to the rising power of the Sultan, whose ambitious views had begun to develope themselves, in a manner that might well awaken the jealousy, and excite the fears of his neighbours. In this case, it will be easy to account for the Mahrattahs not being satisfied with the Sultans professed readiness to discharge their pecuniary demands (however sincere they might think him in that respect), but insisting on his relinquishing his designs against Nergiind. On the whole, it seems highly probable, that he would have avoided a war at this time, if he could have done so (6) Amongst these, the modes of address empIoyeJ by many of the Pseudo-princes of India, in writing even to the Enghsh governors, and otlier persons in high official situations under the British Government, deserve to be particularly noticed ; some of them being such as would not now be tolerated, if attempted to be introduced for the first time. The same advantage was taken of our inexperience in other matters of a ceremonial kind ; with regard to many of wiiich, I am inclined to think, wc do not occupy the station to which we are entitle J. TirPOOSUJLTAN. ■ 11 SO consistently with the " maintenance of his authority" (as he himself expresses it), or without submitting to the disgrace of being prescribed to by a forei^-n power. His favorite object, and most ardent desire, was to resume, at the earliest possible moment, hostilities against the English ; and though he might think himself equal, without the help of the INIahrattahs and Nizdm, to the successful prosecution of that design, yet he would, at least, wish for the neutrality of those powers during its progress. With a view to the undertaking alluded to, he had already resolved upon reverting to his former alliance with the French ; and he cherished the hope of being soon enabled, by the renewal of his connexion with that nation, to give vent to his always ill-concealed hatred of their rivals. To this ever-predominating bias of his mind, and to his eager anticipation of the period, when the successful termination of his negociations with France would put him in a condition to execute his projects against the English, may, perhaps, in a great measure, be ascribed the advantageous peace which he granted to the courts of Poonah and Hyderabad, at the end of a war, in which he certainly gave such proofs of military superiority, as made his enemies very wilHng to retire from the contest. The reader already knows, that his expectations from France, and his hopes of conciliating his neighbours, proved alike fallacious ; and that, in the end, he was compelled, prematurely and single-handed, to commit his fortunes in an unequal struggle with the combined forces of all the })Owers of the Peninsula. LETTER IV. To TuRBiYUT Ali Khan and Rajah Ram Chundur j<:') dated \2th of Byazy. (2'Jth Fehruary.^ Your letter has been received. You write, *' that the European *' [formerly] taken prisoner in the Pdi/en-ghaiU,^'^^ and whose original C 2 " allowance (1) These were officers at Bangalore. Ram Chundur was the Deudn of tlic Kuchuny ; Turbiyut Ali KhTin (wlio, I believe, was a grjuid^oii of tlie MCirtuza Ali of yinuf, nisn- tioiied in Oiinc's History) ajjiiears to have been the Chief Collector of tiie District. (2) The country below the Chants. 12 SELECT LETTERS OF '* allovA-ance of two fanams^^^ a day had been, in consequence of his *' misbehaviour, reduced to one, being skilled in the mortar practicCj^*) *' you proposed converting him to the faith, and wished for our orders ** on the subject." It is known (or understood). Admittino- the aforesaid to the honor of Islamism, you will continue to pay him, as before, iwofanams a day. Let him also be employed in firino- at the flag.^^^ We have ourselves, however, brought the mortar practice to that degree of perfection, that children, of ten and eleven years of age, are taught to hit the point of a spear. You may, as you propose, engage a sweeper, at the monthly wages of ten or twelve /owo?/?5, and employ him in sweeping out the jRung-nmhl,^^l and the public halls of the Deivdny and EhshdmS'^ OBSERVATIONS. The European licre spoken of was, no doubt, one of those unhappy British soldiers who had the misfortune to fall into the hands of this cruel enemy ; and numbers of whom he forcibly detained, in spite of the stipulations of the treaty of Mangalore. It is not quite clear, whether the subject of the present letter was to be compelled to embrace Mabommedanism, or had expressed a readiness to do so. The latter, however, is not so likely as the former ; though there is reason to believe, that some few of our wretched countrymen were induced to npostatize, with the view of alleviating the intolerable hardships of their situation. The (3) A favam is equal to about eighupence. (4) Original JjJ^j\S)\iJ\LJ ^ i. e. The art of firing at a flag [with] mortar shells (or bombs). (5) It is not distinctly said that he was to be employed in /eac/uV?^" the mortar-practice, but this was probably meant. (6) A painted apartment. Most palaces, as well as that at Bangalore, contain one. (7) DeuHiny is the revenue department. The Ehshdm were a description of guards, or state retinue, as the term implies. TIPPOOSULTAN. 13 The reader will be amused by the ostentatious boast made by the Sultan, of the perfection to which he had brought the practice of gunnery : but though there is, probably, some exaggeration in his statement, it cannot be denied, that he had accomplished much in this respect. The directions, relative to the sweeper, show to what low and minute objects, particularly in matters of economy, the mind of the Sultan was accustomed to stoop. Other instances, of the same kind, will appear in the course of tliess letters ; but a still greater number are omitted. It may seem rather extraordinary, that a Hindoo (as Rajah Ram Chundur was) should be joined with a Mahommedan, in a commission for converting a Christian to the Mussulman faith : but this proceeding, however strange, will probably be thought much less so, than another of a somewhat similar nature, noticed under Letter CCCXXXI II. LETTER V. To the Governor of Pokdicherry, dated I9th Byazy. (6th 3Iarch.') We have had the pleasure to receive your agreeable letter, informing us that peace has lately been concluded in Europe, between the King of France and the English, in consequence of which the port of Pondichcny has been restored to the French. This information has afforded us much satisfaction. You must let us know [what you learnj] respecting the [expected] arrival of ships belonging to you [_i. e. your nation], as well as how far Monsieur Suffrein is advanced in his voyage. OBSERVATIONS. 1 believe this letter contains almost the only instance in which the title of Bddshdh, or King, is bestowed upon any European sovereign by Tippoo Sultan, who appears, on all other occasions, to have thought as if this designation would be 14 SELECT LETTERS OF be degradedj by being applied to any but a prince professing the Mahommedan faith : he, therefore, generally affected to call, not only the King of England, but his own friend and ally, the King of France, Rdjah ; intending, by this ingenious contrivance, to intimate (though, of course, not to those so addressed) that he considered them as nothing superior to the petty Hindoo Rdjahs of India, and, in fact, as Idolaters. What rendered this appellation the more insulting was, that though originally, and strictly, signifying a King, it had now become extremely common, the title being borne, as has been seen, by one Hindoo, at least, in the service of the Sultan himself, and being frequently bestowed on their subjects of that religion, by the different upstart rulers of the dismembered empire of Hindostan. For a more distinct view of the sentiments entertained by Tippoo Sultan, with respect to Christians in general, the reader is referred to the Preface to Colonel Wilks's History of Mysore, where they are exhibited in the most undisguised manner, in an extraordinary letter from the Sultan to the late General Macleod, The same letter occurs, with very little variation from Zynul Aabideen's copy, in the Sultans own Memoirs. LETTER VI. To Mahommed Ushruf, DaroghJ^^^ of the Deivaxy Kuchujiry of GooTY ; (Idled 16lh of Byazy. (3d March.') Your letter has been received, and its contents are duly understood. You write, " that the JBdzdr price of Kiirg pagodas was thirteen " faiunns and three-quarters, but that you had advanced the same one " fanam and four annas, and issued them, at this rate, to the Piddehs " of the Ehshdmr must use the utmost expedition, agreeably to our former orders, in docking the ship FukhurUhnUbdruk, and giving it such repairs as may be required. (1)1 suppose the Grand Signior to be Iiere meant. (2) Originul ^^Ijjti-vwi^jl meaniijg Sliah Noordlliili. 16 SELECT LtTTERS OF OBSERVATIONS. The embassv, here alluded to, was that which the Sultan dispatched to Con- stantinople, some time in the year 1784. At the head of it was Mahommed Othman Khan, who had formerly filled the station of Hyder Ali Khan's f^'aheel at Madras, and was afterwards associated with Mahommed Durwaish Khan, and the other ambassadors, sent in the year 1 787, by sea, to France. What was the object of his mission to Constantinople, I am not able to state, having met with no documents regarding it. On the return, or recall, of Othman Khan, Ghulam Ali Khan, together with Shah Nooriillah, was dispatched ostensibly to supply his place; but, in fact, with instructions to proceed from Constantinople to France. This design, however, was subsequently relinquished by the Sultan, who substituted, in its stead, the more direct mission by sea, noticed above.'" LETTER Vm. To Mahommed Ghyas and Noor Mahommed Khan ; dated 1st of Extra Ahmedy, Year Jvllo. (\%lh March?) In consequence of the chiefs of that place [PoonaJi] forgetting their obligations to us, Ave have come to the positive determination of taking possession of the territory situated on the banks of the KishnaS^^ It is therefore written, that if your ncgociation proceeds according to our heart's desire, it is well : if not, you and Noor Mahommed Khan, taking leave of Rao Riista, must repair to tiie Presence. The (3) Major Stuart relates, on tiie authority of a French writer, that Othman Khan, and one of his coliia;:;ues, were put to death by the Sultan on their return from France. A great part, if not the whole of the correspondence of Othman Khan, during his rcsiden( e at Madras, was found at Seriiigapatam, amongst tlie records of ilyder Ali's time. These letters would throw considerable liglit on many of the political transactions of that period. (1) That is, all the country as far as the Kishna. TIPPOOSULTAN. ^ 17 The 14th of Ahmcdi/'-'> is fixed on for our marchnig ; in case, therefore, of ungraciousness'') [on their part], you will proceed with all haste to our Presence. You write, that Peer Mahomnied JMiinshy (who, when he accompanied the Mahrattah minister in the field received sixty rupees) being now reduced to forty rupees a month, and having the incumbrance of a large family, finds his salary inadequate to their support. It is known. If the aforesaid should intend to accompany you to the Presence, let him be paid sLxty rupees a month ; but, otherwise, forty rupees is sufficient.<^^> OBSERVATIONS. The Sultans instructions to his envoys at Poonah will be found to be marked throughout with considerable indecision. In speaking of the Mahrattah Govern- ment, he assumes, in general, a very lofty and menacing tone ; it is, notwith- standing, pretty evident, that he is not averse to reconciliation. He frequently betrays the irritation of his mind, and, in these moods, issues the most peremptory orders to his agents to quit Poonah. They, nevertheless, remain at their post, where they appear to have continued till the month of May of the following year (1786), or during the greatest part of the war. The reason of this fluctuation in the conduct of the Sultan, would, no doubt, be more intelligible than it is, if we were in possession of the dispatches of the envoys, as well as those of their master. It is true, that the substance, and perhaps the entire contents of many of the former, is (agreeably to the common practice in the epistolary correspondence of India) recited in the answers to them ; but still it is reasonable to suppose, that D many (2) i. e. Of the second, or ensuing Ahmcdjj. Yet he would not appear to have followed up this resolution. (3) Original i^JL^aSa also incivility, unkindncss, &c. (4) Tlu; Sultan was at all times desirous of drawing Mussulmans, of every description, to his court ; but not equally liberal of pecuniary aid to such adventurers, as will be seen, on more occasions than one, in the course of these letters. J 8 SELECT LETTERS OF many particulars are unnoticed in these brief capitulations, or summaries, the knowledge of which would materially elucidate the transactions in question. The Rastas are a family of considerable eminence and weight in the Mahrattah (Unpire, being nearly allied to the Paiskwa. They have, generally, been distin- guished for their favourable disposition towards the Mysore ruler, in consequence of which, it was usual for most negociations between the latter and the government of Poonah to be conducted through them. The obligations of the Mahrattah state to Hyder Ali Khan and his successor, are often alluded to in the course of the following letters. They are more particu- larly stated in his letter to the King of France ; ^' and he thus expresses himself, on the subject, in his Memoirs. " Previously to the resolution of making war against the Nazarenes (i. e. before " the commencement of hostilities against the English by Hyder Ali Khan) the " Mahrattahs being reduced to great straits, and defeated by the English, had " [actually] filled their houses with straw, and prepared to burn the city of Poonah. " In this situation they dispatched four of their principal and confidential people " to our late father, with letters, accompanied by oaths and deceitfid engagements, " soliciting the grant of a fort within our dominions, wherein they might lodge *•■ their chief (more worthless, in truth, than a horse keeper).^"*^ Accordingly these " trusty persons (who, in fact, were not to be trusted) arriving in the presence of " our deceased father (whose place is in Paradise) represented, that being broken " down [or discomfited] by the English, they were on the point of abandoning their " country, within eight coss of [the capital of] which the Nazarenes were arrived : " that, in these circumstances, they could look for help to no one but his High- " ness; that their master was a child, the preservation of whose life, honor, " country, and wealth, by the Ussiid Ilhye "' state, would confer an obligation, " which (5) See Letter CCCXXXVI. (6) la the original j») ^_^,Ujl jJJj i^-ju to - j^^ i^ ^^ ^j^'j ^jj}':^ji Iw where the word Syie (or horsc-keepcr) is introduced for the sake of a jingle witli tlie word Btjsc (a chief or leader). (7) The Sultan gave various denominations to liis government or state. It was sometimes, as in this place, the Ussud Ilhyc Sircar : at otliers, the Hydcry, the Ahmedy, and tiie Klio- ddddd Sircar. TIPPOO SULTAN. 19 " which would continue to be acknowledged, as long as any of the Madho Raos " existed ; and, finally, imploring his Highness to consider their chief in the light " of a son. These representations were seconded, on the part of Nizam Ali " Khan,'*' whose country had also been threatened by the English, and whom " the Mahrattahs had prevailed on, by promises and engagements, to espouse " their cause, and to interest himself in their favour (with our late father) ; in " consequence of which he, accordingly (through the Mahrattah Vukeeh), made " certain proposals, ratified on the Koran, to his Highness, our father. Hereupon " our father (who reposes in Paradise) agreed to their propositions, and resolved " on war with the English, notwithstanding the opposition made to the measure " by the chiefs of the state, who represented that the war would prove arduous " and tedious; that there was no necessity for his drawing the misfortunes of " another's house upon himself; that these two impure ones (namely Madho Rao *' and Nizam Ali) were both of spurious origin, and neither their words nor actions " entitled to the least credit or faith. Our illustrious father replied, ' that it was " ' a traditionary saying of the Prophet : — " Verily only by deeds, and not by " ' " thoughts, [shall ye judge]." We lay them under this obligation: if they " ' have any evil designs in their hearts, the Almighty will requite them with evil:' " and, so saying, he prepared for war. " It was further stipulated by the treaty concluded [on this occasion] between " these two bastards and the Hydery state, that no peace should be entered into " with the English, except with the knowledge of all three. Accordingly, while " Sadlier was still on his way, we wrote to the chiefs who accompanied him, " desiring that his progress might be retarded, by amusements and entertainments " at every stage. In the interim, we wrote ten or twelve letters to Miidho Rao, " the chief of the Mahrattahs, stating, that though he had, upwards of a year " ago, and during the life-time of our illustrious father (who reposes in Paradise) " secretly, and without our knowledge, concluded a separate peace with the Eng- " lish, yet he had not, to that moment, made any communication on the subject " to us. ' It is well [we proceeded] : our pleasure is yours. The confidential D 2 « ' agents (S) Called, iatlic original, Hiijj^m Nully Kiiaii : for an explanation of Avliich see Letter CCCl.I. 20 SELECT LETTERS OF ' agents of the English are on the way from their own country to our Presence, ' to sohcit peace : if such be your pleasure, signify your demands to us by ' letter, that we may treat for you at the same time that we treat for ourselves. ' If, on the other hand, you should have actually concluded a separate peace '^>dthe«t our knowledge, let us be informed thereof, in order that we may set * about a peace for the Hydery Sircar.' To no one of our letters was any answer sent : neither did they write a word to their own f'akeel, residing with us, though he was a kinsman of theirs [i. e. of the PaisJnvas].'-^^ " In this manner did we, for six months, contrive to put off the arrival of the English ambassador ; at the end of which we wrote to the Mahrattah VaTieel at our court to this effect : * We have, by different means, managed ' to detain the English ambassador six months on the road; in which period ' we have written about fifteen letters, on the subject of peace, to your ' master. You, also, have repeatedly written ; but to neither has any answer been ' given. Now that the English ambassador is at hand, what would you advise ' to be done ? Let us know your opinion.' To this the Mahrattah P^aheel, who was among the nearest of [the] relatives [of the Paishwa], replied by letter : ' that his master was an infant ; that his ministers, &c. were whoresons,""' on ' whose words and actions no reliance was to be placed ; and that six months ' had already passed, in expectation [of hearing from thence]. ' How much ' longer [continued he] are you to wait ? Conclude your peace w ith the ' English ; and, dismissing me, let me proceed to those good-for-nothing * fellows,'"' in order that I may be enabled to deal with them personally, either 'by reproaches or a sound bastinade; ''■' and, by this means, bring forward ' some jierson, who shall prevent, for the future, the recurrence of snch ' shameful conduct.' " " After this, we protracted the negociations for peace with the English for two ' months longer, during which time we again wrote [to Poonali], but without any " better (9) This Vakeel was probably one of the Rasta family. (10) Original ..V..". >^,ag^^,jj ^ ^^yU and ^J^' jJj (11) Original JJLJi (12) Original j>»Uii TIPPOO SULTAN. 21 " better success than before : whereupon \vc proceeded to conclude the treaty with " the English, &c." Such, according to his own account, were the grounds of Tippoo Sultan's complaints against the Mahrattah Government, at the period of the treaty of Mangahre, and it would not appear that any attempts were subsequently made, either by the court of Poonah, or by that of Hyderabad, to appease him. At this rate, it would be difficult to acquit these courts, and especially the former, of the charge of bad faith towards their ally : but we must not, too hastily, give credit to the Sultans statement of facts. Some of these are manifestly exaggerated, and others may be misrepresented : but however this may be, it is pretty clear, that the Sultan really thought himself the aggrieved party ; and this being the case, it is not, perhaps, so much to be wondered at, that he should have taken up the question concerning the Zeminddr of Nergiind in the manner he did, as that he should have so long repressed the resentment he appears to have felt at the conduct of his late allies. I abstain from many other reflections, naturally suggested by the curious extract just given from the Sultans own Memoirs ; both because a fitter opportunity than the present may hereafter ofler for them, and because it is time to proceed with the correspondence. LETTER IX. To the satne ; dated 6(h of Extra Ahmeby, Year Jvllo. (2^d March.) Two letters from you liave passed under our \\ew. The note containing sundry propositions, which you addressed to Rao Rasta, and of which you transmitted a copy [for our information], was highly proper, and is much approved by us. Both of you arc experienced in tlie business, and in the paths [of politics] ; and we are persuaded that there is no point, however minute, that will he neglected by you. 22 SELECT LETTERS OP LETTER X. 2b BiRHANUDDEEN, dulcd <'^ Exfru Ahmedy. FAfter some immaterial directions, the letter proceeds as follows :] — If you should receive inteliig'ence of the approach of any considerable force of the enemy, you must raise the siege of the fort, and taking your heavy ordnance with you, proceed and encamp near Dhdnvdr. With the will of God the helper, we also shall march on the 14th of Ahmedy, and soon anive there, when what may be proper shall be done. Nobody is going to lift the hill of Nergund to [his] head and carry it away : it is where it is. [/. e. it will remain where it is.]*^^) OBSERVATIONS. Burhanuddeen was the brother-in-law of Tippoo SuUan, who had married a sister of his. He appears to have possessed a great share of the confidence of the Sultan, who frequently intrusted him with important military commands, but not without placing him (at least at this period) in a certain degree of tutelage. He lost his life in the battle of Sattimimgalam, in the year 1 790. Of that battle the Sultan has given a partial and exaggerated account in one or two letters; in which it is remarkable, that he speaks of the death of this gallant commander without a single expression of regard or regret. The fort, the siege of which is here provisionally directed to be relinquished, was no doubt Nergiiiid. (1) The day of the month is uncertain. (2) Original c: — fc u — i -^^uS^ ^j:^ (4) Or, " to the end that nothing under ^-our hand may remain in their possession." Original AiUJ ^JJit ^jl.'^Si ^^jr< u^Jj^ o,->j\j (5) This is the same as the JiJ^cd or regulated money spoken of in Letter III. (6) Or, " that, after understanding all matters from him, we may provide accordingly." Original jjl J,«jc ^J'J^ ^\.j^ '-r^lr* ^^*^ (7) Or, " after repulse and chastisement, there will be an end to all relations of courtesy " and amicable intercourse." Original oJU JUjLe? \^^ -js LETTER XXI. To the Governor of Pondicherry ; same date. (9th April.') [After compliments]. You write " that the Bouparies'^*^ of the port " of Pondicherry, who come into our dominions to purchase articles of " merchandize, (3) See Appendix E. (1) Name uiicerlain. (2) Literally, " the perusal of these will inform you." (3*) Literally, " what power have tbey to look at the army of the Sirear': " ) (I*) Travelling traders. TIPPOOSULTAN. 35 " merchandize, are, on their return with their goods, molested by the " Tualiikddr of Selim, who will not suffer them to proceed ; in conse- " quence of which, you request of us to direct him to let the aforesaid " merchandize pass." It is known : and, agreeably to your desire, we enclose an order to the Taalnkddr of Selim, commanding him to release the goods in question. Let the same be forwarded to him. In future, when you dispatch Boiiparies into our dominions to purchase goods, you must give them a letter from yourself to the Taahtkddr, written either in Ui-wy^^^ or Telingy ;'^'> when he will, in conformity with your desire, suffer the specified articles to pass. The reason of the orders which we have issued on this subject is, that of late certain strangers have come into our dominions ; where borrowing money of the Ryots^*^ and others, they have been guilty of various unwarrantable prac- tices. Always continue to delight and rejoice us with accounts of your welfare. OBSERVATIONS. As a personal compliment to the Governor of Pondicherry (whom he probably, at this time, wished to conciliate) we here see the Sultan relaxing, in some degree, the severity of the regulations spoken of under the nineteenth letter. It is most likely, liowever, that the concession was only temporary, and that the French governor was frequently obliged to renew his present application. The allusion to strangers is, no doubt, pointed at the English, and the subjects of the Carnatic. It is not equally certain, that the cause here assigned by the Sultan for the prohibition in question was the real one, or that the accusation, thus made, had any foundation in truth. F 2 (2) The Malabar language. (3) Propcily, the dialect spoken in Tel in g ana ; but not strictly confined to the ancient limits of the kingdom so called. (4) Subjects, in general j but, in a restrained sense, the peasantry. 36 ^ELCCT LETTERS OF LETTER XXII. To KuMRUDDEEN Khan ; dated 24th Extra Ahmedy. (lOth April.') Your letter, filled with complaints and accusations against the Kushoon of the Sipahddr, Mahommed All, has passed under our view. The particulars therein set forth are distinctly perceived. The aforesaid Sipahddr is still ignorant [of many parts of his duty], and hut imperfectly acquainted with the manner in which the business of our government is conducted. Hence it is, that although employed on factual] service, he has neglected the proper equipment of his Kushoon, and, in this manner, shown his worthlessness/'> Bearing in mind the expediency of the moment, you must issue the necessary orders for his being supplied with such stores as may be requisite, and then employ him fas you may think fit]. The Kurpah troops have reached Gooty, and will soon join you. You are not, however, to wait their arrival, but to proceed straight to Nergilnd, and there unite yourself to the army of the SircarP^ You did right in purchasing the iron, and other articles you mention, for tlie use of the aforesaid Sipahddr s Kushoon. You will furthermore furnish whatever stores may be required, for repairing any damages which his gun-carriages may have sustained. '' You write that the enemy, to the number of sixteen thousand horse and sixteen thousand foot, with five pieces of light artillery ,(^^ are en- camped at the distance of sixteen coss from the fort of Nergitnd. It is revealed. By the favor of God, the force appointed for the reduction of that (1) Original C:u*jyt^ j,.JLj}j Jo-^^^li anic manner as Ukbal-nisluhi: for which sec Note 1, Letter XIV. (1*) It no wlieie appears, by what ofiiciai designation BQihanQddccn was distinguished. The rank next above that of Sipahddr is, in some places, stated to have been that of Mur Bukhshy : in othciN, the Sipalidch's immediate supeiioris called Sipah-sdldr. It is jirobabie, that this last was the title of Burhanuddecn. 44 SELECT LETTERS OF campaign, does not at all invalidate this opinion ; since the order in question is sufficiently accounted for by the indisposition of Kumruddeen, noticed in Letter XXX : besides which, it will be seen, by the following Letter, that it was the express wish of the Sultan, that they should keep up an intercourse of mutual visits. But, however this may have been, it is certain, that a considerable jealousy subsisted between these two commanders, of which some proofs will appear in the sequel. LETTER XXXII. To Kumruddeen ; dated 9th Regular Ahmedy. (24t/i April) What you write, respecting the flight of the enemy's army, and of horses taken by our troops, as also your application for Purwdnehs to Ibraheeni All Khan and Rajoo Pundit, directing them to dispatch supplies to yoUjO is understood. With regard to the horses, you must take them [from the captors,] at a valuation ;(-^ and, after placing such as are strong and in good condition in our stables, distribute the rest among the Silahddrs,<^^ to be mounted by men out of employ. You will, in conjunction with Biirhanuddeen and the other [commanders], chastise the enemy in such a manner, that they may not be suffered to take breath before they reach the river Kishna. Having tlius soundly beaten them, you will again encamp before Rdmdoorg. You are also, from time to time, to repair to the quarters of Biirhanuddeen ; and to act in concert with him, and all the rest of the commanders, in whatsoever (1) In the original, ,\ Jwy rusd e zur, and X^jjj -ur e rusd, bolli of wliicli mean a supply of money in specie, in contradistinction to bills. I arn indebted for this explanation to Lieutenant Colonel Munro. (2) In the original Jj,\ urdul : my interpretation of wliich (valuation) is entirely con- jectural, as I am unac [uainted with the word. (3) Cavalry, whose horses belong to the riders. T I P P O O S U L T A N. 45 whatsoever relates to occupying the necessary positions, and to the open- ing of the trenches. On the other hand, if you should, upon any occasion, lind it necessary to do so, you will send to Burhanuddeen to couie to you. The latter, as well as the Sipuhddvs attached to him, has been instructed to the same effect.^'') Ibraheem Ali Khan and Rajoo Pundit have likewise been written to, according to your desire. LETTER XXXIII. Zb Burhanuddeen ; dated \Oth Regular Ahmedy. (25th April.^ Your letter, reporting the sickness of Meer Kumriiddeen Ali Khan, and containing an application for two Yoondny (or Greek) physicians,^') and some Telingi/ doctors, to attend him, has been received, and is understood. Let the said Khan be attended by the physician Kishna Pundit, M ho is with you ; and write to Abdul Hukeem Khan,(^> to desire he will send a doctor from thence.^^) These two, being appointed to administer to the said Khan, must be so strictly enjoined on the occasion, that his restoration to health may speedily be effected.^'**) Enclosed is an order to the Kiluaddr of Dhdrivdr, where there are a number of gun-bullocks, directing him to dispatch them to you : you will, accordingly, send for them, and, on their arrival, select such as are stout and young, and most fit for the draught of artillery, and dcli\cr them over to the Sipahddr, Syed Ghiifar. (4) If so, the letter does not appear ; the preceding one to BCirlianCiJdceii speaking only of a single spocilio visit to he paid by liim to KuinrCiddeen. (1) i.e. Physi'jians practising accoriiing to tbe rules of Hippocrates, Galon, &.c. (2) Tlie Chief of Shanoor, or Savanore. (3 ) /. e. Shanoor. (t*) That is, " they are to be particularly desired to exert ilieir ;k.ll lo eli'cct his early " recovcrv." 46 SELECT LETTERS OF LETTER XXXIV. To KuMRUDDEEN ; dated \Ath Begular Aiimevy. (29th April?) Your letter has been received, and its contents arc understood. What you say, respecting your having left the Kushoon of the Sipahddr Syed Ghuflir for the guard of the baggage, and taken the Kushoon of the Sipahddr Mahomnied Ali along with yourself, is known. With the exception of tents and pawts^^^ and other articles of indispensable necessitv, there is no baggage attached either to you or to the divi- sion of Burhanuddeen ; therefore the leaving the Kushoon of the said Sipahddr for their protection is absolutely superfluous. Besides, advert- ing to [the near approach of] the rainy season, it is of importance, on the score of health, that you should have your tents and paivls along M'ith you. Such being the case, you will take the Kushoon of Syed Ghufar also with you, as well as your tents and paivls. You and Burhanuddeen must live together in harmony, and not thwart or oppose one another in the conduct of our affairs, but apply yourselves to the chastisement of the enemy. It will also be suitable to the friend- ship [which should subsist between you,] and will contribute^ to the Success of our affairs, if you sometimes visit his quarters : nor will it be amiss if you occasionally invite him to yours. OBSERVATIONS. It is abundantly evident from the foregoing letter (and will appear still more from some others that follow) that no very good understanding subsisted between the cousin and brother-in-law of the Sultan ; whose admonitions, on the occasion, being mostly addressed to Kumruddeen, it may, from thence, be inferred, that the fault was chiefly on the side of the latter; who might probably think that his nearer affinity to the Sultan, as well as the services of his father, gave him a claim to superior consideration. (1) Pawls are small tents, used by the inferior officers and privates. TIPPOO SULTAN. 47 LETTER XXXV. To Rajah Ram Chundur ; sayne date. (29fh Aprii^ Your two letters have been received. What you write, respecting the excuses made by the manufacturers of the district [under you] for declining to weave the stufts Ave require, has excited our astonishment ; we therefore direct, that they be compelled, by menaces, to prepare the number of pieces required, with the utmost expedition, and agreeably to the pattern [heretofore] sent. If, notwithstanding your injunctions and menaces, they persist in their false pretexts and disobedience, they must be well flogged. What you write, regarding the affair of the Ilurkdrek^^ Rumu, who has been propagating false reports to the prejudice of the people of Punganore,^""'' is understood. Let the said Ilarkdreh be put in irons and confined ; and after taking security from the bankers of Punganore, let them be released, as their further detention would be idle. OBSERVATIONS. Revolting as the idea of Jlogging a body of weavers, for being averse to under- take a fabric, with which they were probably unacquainted, or which they might not be able to execute without detriment to their ordinary occupations, must appear to every English reader, we are obliged, in fairness to Tipjjoo Sultan, to acknow- ledge, that similar acts of oppression and violence are, by no means, uncommon, under the native governments of India. Still, however, such acts usually proceed from subordinate officers, or persons exercising, and perhaps abusing, delegated power ; (1) A servant employed in carrying messages and letters, running bchve a. palan/ccen, and various other services. The term literally signifies a factotum. (2) The particular persons arc specified in the original, but the passage is illegible. Tlicy were, probably, the bankers mentioned imuiediately altcrwaril.s. 48 SELECT LETTERS OF power ; and rarely, if ever, distinctly and immediately, as in thc'instance before us, from the sovereign himself. Thus the evil, generally speaking, is to be traced to the despotic nature of the government ; while, in the case under consideration, it may justly be referred, in a great measure, to the personal character of the ruler. It is impossible not to be struck, in the foregoing letter, by the sudden transition which it exhibits, from flagrant oppression to rigorous justice. Imprisonment and chains are not thought too severe a punishment for calumny by the man, who in the same breath, as may be said, consigns a numerous class of industrious artisans to the scourge, for refusing to relinquish their accustomed pursuits, in order to administer to his caprice. But such inconsistencies are constantly presenting them- selves in the conduct of Tippoo Sultan; whose irregular mind was, at no time, under the influence of any fixed principle, if bigotry, and still more, hatred of the English, be excepted. To humanity of disposition, or to a love of justice, in the abstract, he certainly could lay no claim ; and, therefore, in punishing the Hurkd- reh Rama as he did, it is much more probable that he was actuated by resentment, at the imposition attempted to be practised upon him by that informer, than by any feeling for the injury which his slander might have done to the objects of it. LETTER XXXVI. To Meer Kumruddeen and Burhanuddeen ; dated I6fh Begidar Ahmedy. (\st May.^ Two letters from you have passed under our view, and tlie particulars therein stated are duly perceived. With respect to the war which you two are conducting in conjunction with the three Sipuhddrs, (that is to say, Syed Humced, Syed Ghufar, and Shaikh Unser), all of them pru- dent and intelligent men, our desire is, that acting in concert together, you should pursue the object of chastising the enemy with the utmost vigor and sagacity, aud in un effectual and glorious manner : accordingly, we TIPPOOSULTAN. 49 we have transmitted strict orders to this effect to the aforesaid Stpakddrs ; who will, in consequence, be obedient to you, and co-operate on all occasions with you. Wliat you say of the scarcity of grain [in your army,] notwithstanding your having a Cutwdl^^^ and [so many] Lumhdnehs^-^ with you, has as- tonished us ; you must, thei-efore, denounce the heaviest threats against the said Cufwcil, and make him provide abundance of grain, agi'eeably to our regulations on this head, to the end that your people may suffer no distress for that article. By the Divine favor your health*^^') is now re-established, and it is, con- sequently, no longer proper that you should have a physician attending you, or that you should take any more medicines ; let hiin, therefore, be sent back to Shafmoor. After chastising the enemy in a signal manner, and driving him to the other side of the Kishnu, you will take up a position for the attack of N^ergitnd. Your sending away your baggage is a proceeding in no respect proper : you must keep it with you. Indeed, where is the great quantity of baggage belonging to you, seeing that you have nothing besides tents, pawls, and other such necessary articles ? The cavalry attached to you have been very remiss in skirmishing and marauding, and in having suffered the enemy to flee without making booty of any of their horses, and finally to escape by the pass of Rdm- H doorgf (1) Cw/avi/ is the cliicf police oflicer of a town. Every army is also provided wiili one, whose principal duty it is to sec that the Bazars, or markets, are properly supplied. (2) LumlHttic/is, or Lumbuclchs, otherwise called Bwijdrchs, are a particular tribe of Hindoos, who occupy themselves in supplying armies in the field with grain and other pro- visions. They transport the articles they deal in on bullocks ; are, in general, armed with niatcii-locks, swords, and spears ; and travelling, for the most part, in numerous bodies, occasionally render themselves very formidable to the countries they i)ass through. (3) This passage is, of course, individually addressed to KumrCiddoeu. 50 SELECT LETTERS OP doorg, although they might have taken numberless horses. It is well. You must now give the most peremptory orders to the JRisdladdrs of cavalry to go forth on separate parties, and exert themselves properly to make prize of the enemy's horses; the present being a favorable oppor- tunity for getting together a great number of horses. Scouring, likewise, the enemy's country, they must seize on all the grain, &c. they can discover. OBSERVATIONS. The present letter is somewhat at variance with the thirty-second, on the subject of horses captured from the Mahrattahs ; since, from the latter, it would appear, as if some success had attended the Sultans army in this respect, whereas he here complains of the enemy's having been suffered to escape, without " any horses " having been taken from them. It is probable, tbat the first report of the comman- ders, on this head, did not descend to particulars ; and that, when they subsequently stated the specific number of horses actually taken, the Sultan might have been disappointed at the result ; and, under this impression, have been led to under-rate the little that had been done. The great solicitude which he betrays for procuring horses, would, of course, enhance his disappointment on the occasion. LETTER XXXVII. To Mahommed Ghyas ; same date. (\sl Mat/.') YouB letter, dated the last day [or 29th] of Extra Ahmedyy^ has passed under our view, and its purport is duly understood. An answer has been written, on all points, in our Hindmj letter, to which you are referred for particulars. The (1) Or 15lhof April. T I P P O O S U L T A N. §1 The villainy and bad faith which thei/^-^ have manifested, in spite of the most solemn engagements, is abundantly well known. Upon what grounds then, [or, with what confidence,] can we, all at once, send thither a large sum of money ? Noor Mahommed Khan has been sent for by us, merely for the purpose of our ascertaining [through him] their treaties and engagements, and with no other view. You must state this matter distinctly to Rao Rasta, and, removing all suspicions of a different ten- dency from his mind, dispatch Noor Mahommed Khiln to the Presence ; and if [at the same time] they should [think proper to] be very urgent for your departure also, assuredly you, too, must repair hither. You write, " that Rao Rasta observed to you, on occasion of the ** siege of Nergund having been raised, that if the orders for that mea- " sure had been previously communicated to his government, according " to his suggestion, such a proceeding wovdd have had the best effect, as " it would have tended to strengthen his hands in the management of " the ncgociation ; but as things had happened, they bore a very uno-ra- " cious appearance, inasmuch as he had been led to declare repeatedly *' to the minister,<^) in the most positive manner, that if the Mahrattah " army ventured to meet ours they would inevitably be put to shame ; " whereas, in fact, the very reverse of all this had taken place, to his ** great disturbance and confusion." It is known. We have not deviated a hair's breadth from the sun-o-es- too tions of Rao Rusta : nor, though we have raised the siege [of Nergilnd,~\ has there been any deficiency,^'') on our part, in chastising the enemy's army. This is a fact of such abundant notoriety as not to require any other evidence. What more ? H 2 (2) TIic court of Poonah. (3) Nana Furnavcese. (4) Or remissness. 52 SELECT LETTERS OF OBSERVATIONS. It is not easy to conceive, what motive the Sultan could have for addressing his agents on any occasion in the Hind'wy, rather than in the Persian language ; in which last, it may be safely presumed that he usually conveyed his written orders to such of his servants as understood it. It could not be with a view to secrecy ; since a Hlndivy letter, supposing it to fall into improper hands, would at least be as generally intelligible as a Persian one. Possibly the Hindivi/ letter, referred to in the present instance, might have been dispatched, for the express purpose of being communicated to Rao Rasta ; though, in this case, some intimation of that design would, it may be thought, have been given in the Persian letter. But whatever the reason of the proceeding under consideration might be, it is proper to observe, that it was not confined to the present occasion, or to the persons of the envoys at Poonah ; since other examples of the practise in question will be met with in the course of this work. It would seem, by the second paragraph of the foregoing letter, that some sinister interpretation had been put by the court of Poonah, or at least by Rao Rasta, upon the desire expressed by the Sultan for the return of Noor Mahommed Khan. What the particular nature of the suspicions entertained on this occasion by the Mahrattahs was, does not appear ; but it is not improbable, that, they may have apprehended the real object of the envoy's recal to be connected with some secret intrigue of the Sultan's at Poonah : nor is it likely, that the latter's disavowal of any improper view in the matter would have the effect of removing those doubts or fears; especially, as the two states were now at open war. Be this as it may, it is certain that Noor Mahommed Khan did not, at this time, obtain leave to obey the summons of his master; and that, both he and his colleague, were detained at Poonah, till the month of May in the following year. I am not sufficiently acquainted with the details of this war, to be enabled to decide between the opposite pretensions of Rao Rasta and of Tippoo Sultan, re- specting the success of the earlier operations of it. It is clear, however, that the Sultan had, at this period, been compelled to relinquish the siege of Nergdnd, by the TIPPOO SULTAN. 53 tlie menacing position of the Mahrattah army, and that Rao Rasta was not to be persuaded, that the measure had been adopted purely at his instance. The truth, indeed, would appear to be, that, hitherto, no material advantage had been obtained by either side. LETTER XXXVIII. To the some ; same date. (\st May.^ What you write, regarcling the variations of the temperature*^'^ in your quarter, is revealed. Our physicians have thoroughly ascertained the proper mode of treating(-) the diseases in question. The first thing to be done is, to draw off, by bleeding, all the corrupt humours ; by which means an effectual improvement will be produced in the general constitution of the patient. The body of the diseased party being thus completely brought under suhjcction,^^^ the next step must be to expel from it every remaining seed of the distemper, administering, in the meanwhile, whatever medicines may be found necessary. What more ? OBSERVATIONS. This curious enigmatical letter is sufficiently intelligible. The unwholesome temperature oi Poonah, alludes to the hostile disposition towards the Sultan, which had latterly superseded at that Court the amicable sentiments, formerly entertained for himself and his father by the Mahrattah rulers. By his physicians, the Sul- tan means his counsellors, or perhaps, the commanders of his army. The disease to be cured is, of course, the enmity of the Mahrattahs ; and the mode of cure, that (1) Original W\ ^^l^j<__»l i_iLi-l " unhcaltliiness of the air, or climate, of that place." (2) Literally '« curing." (3) Original a^ -^U ^j^„j< ^JOJ _^J 54 SELECT LETTERS OP that which he had begun to pursue ; namely, an active war against them. The remaining allusions are equally obvious ; and, indeed, so much so, that it can hardly be imagined that the Sultan proposed to disguise his instructions under this metaphorical cypher, which could not fail to be immediately understood by any person, knowing who the writer, or even the party addressed, was : it is, there- fore, most probable, that nothing more was intended by it, than a display of the writer's ingenuity. LETTER XXXIX. To XooR Maho3I3ied Khan ; same date. (\sl May.^ The letter you sent us lias passed under our view, and its contents are understood. Whatever was necessary to be said, has been written at length to Mahommcd Ghyus ; our letter to whom will inform you [of our sentiments], agreeably to which you will act. LETTER XL. To BuRHANUBDEEN ; dated I9th Begular Ahmedy. (4th Mat/.') It has been represented to us, that the garrison of Rdmdoorg pro- posed to capitulate, but that you intimidated them [by your answer], and thereby threw away the favorable opportunity [or the advantage thus oftercd]. Where was the propriety of this [proceeding] ? It is well. You must still encamp before the said fortress ; and sending for battering guns from Dhdrwdr, and collecting together the materials for trenches, by these means strike such a terror into the garrison as may induce them to submit : upon their doing which, you may permit them to march out of the fort with their arms. After putting a proper garrison in the place, you TIPPOO SULTAN. 55 you are to direct such of the enemy as are inchided in the capitulation, to be conducted, with their arms, beyond the Kishna. Nursia, the TaaMkddr of Nugr, has, of course, sent you, in pur- suance of our orders, two hundred CooliesS^^ Let their arrival be reported to us. You and Mecr Kumruddeen Khiin must keep united, both in word and thought, and execute every business of the Sircar in an able and creditable manner ,<^-) agreeably to what we have formerly and repeatedly written on this subject. N. B. A letter of the same tenor and date was written to Kumruddeen. OBSERVATIONS. The foregoing letter furnishes a clear proof, that whatever the degree of general confidence reposed in Biirhinuddeen by the Sultan might be, the latter, neverthe- less, kept spies upon his brother-in-law ; who were encouraged to animadvert freely on his conduct ; and to whose representations considerable attention was paid. Indeed it appears, from several of the documents among the state papers found at Seringapatam, that the Sultan had organized a very extensive system of espionage throughout his dominions, and in almost every department of his government. His envoys at foreign courts, his military commanders, his governors of forts and districts, were all diligently watched ; or, at least, ordered to be so : but as the spies, thus employed, were, in general, very well known, it may be safely presumed, that their integrity was often corrupted, and their vigilance as often eluded. The practice of placing spies over public functionaries is, no doubt, very common under all the governments of India : but I am inclined to think, that few of them have carried it so far as was done by Tippoo Sultan ; of whose regula- tions^ (1) Coo/i« arc labourers, and carriers of burthens. (2) In the original jjj. Ahmedies. It is known : and our pleasure is, tliat ten rupees be given to each of them, and that they be all dispatched, under an escort [a safen^uard], to the Presence, where, on their arrival, tlie aforesaid captain shall receive the honor he solicits. Peremptory orders for the payment of the above stipends, and for furnishing the necessary escort, have been sent to the Kilaaddr of Niigr. OBSERVATIONS. The Ahmedies here mentioned were a military corps, composed of the converts (whether forced or voluntary) to the Mahommedan religion. Jt was instituted by Tippoo Sultan, with whom it seems to have been a favorite establishment ; of the origin of which he himself gives the following curious account in the Memoirs already referred to : " The Portuguese Nazarenes'^' established themselves, about three hundred *' years ago, in a factory situated near the sea shore, and on the banks of a large " river. This place they obtained of the Rdjali of Soondali, under the pretext of " trading [with his subjects] "' : and here, availing themselves of the opportunities " which arose in the course of time, they acquired possession of a territory, " yielding a yearly revenue of three or four lachs of rupees, throughout which they •' equally prohibited fasts and prayers among the Mussulman inhabitants, and the *' worship of idols among the Hindoos ; finally expelling from thence all who refused " to embrace their religion, which the Hindoos were required to do within three days, I " under (1) liisdla usually denotes a body of cavalry of an inilefinito number, but, for tiie most j)art, corresponding to the strength of a regiment : the term, however, is sometimes applied to infantry, and occasionally to a mixed corps of liorse and foot. The commander of a Ruula is called a liisdladdr. (2) The 5'M//flH applies tiiis name to Christians in genera) ; but it sometimes denotes the English in particular. (3) Cr/.) Your letter has passed under our view, and its contents are understood. You write, *' that the J3i/de horse,^^^ out of employ, have *' committed great excesses and depredations in the Sircar's dominions.'* It is known. You must issue the most peremptory orders [to these people] to carry their ravages into the Mahrattah territories, bringing away (14) Tliat is, as I suppose, that the total number of /v'oo;-^ prisoners, indiuling -women and children, were between sixty and seventy thousand ; giving, probably, about tlic same number of soldiers, as the sixty thousand Christians mentioned in tlie text. The Koorg' converts were formed into Risdlas of a thousand men each. (Memoir.) (1) The horse, here called .ffj/(/^, are the same as those denominated /'//(^Wcf/w, Looties, 7).\\(\ Kuzzdks. They are predatory troops receiving no regular pay, but maintaining them- selves by plunder ; in pursuit of which they sometimes make equally free with friends and foes. By Bjjdcs *• out of employ," is to be understood such as had not been formally engaged by the Sultan, but followed the army spontaneous!}-, which it is very common for many of them to do. TIPPOOSULTAN. 61 away from thence all the horses they can make booty of, and desisting [for the future] from their depredations in our country. You and Burhanuddeen must remain united in your councils; and collecting together the necessary materials for opening trenches against Kergiind, lose no time in reducing that place. In short, you must, in all affairs, agree in word and thought. lurrokul belongs to the Zeminddr of Kolapoor, and the said Zemin- ddr is well disposed towards us : you must, therefore, never mention his name, but attend to what we heretofore particularly and strictly enjoined on this head. What more shall be written ? OBSERVATIONS. If some disarrrcement had not recentlv arisen between Burhanuddeen and Kum- o ruddeen, it may, at least, be inferred from the second paragraph of the foregoing letter, that the Sultan was in apprehension of it, and, therefore, judged it neces- sary to repeat so soon his former exhortations to harmony. It may be doubted, however, wliether these admonitions produced the desired eftect ; since, not long after the date of the present dispatch, fresh symptoms of discord between the rival commanders are manifested. It is not very clear, what the Sultan means, by enjoining Kumruddeen " never " to mention the name" of the Zeminddr of Kolapoor. Kolapoor is a district situated near Soonda and Goa, and in the possession of a chieftain, who acknow- ledges the authority of the government of Poonah, and pays, I believe, a tribute to tlie Palshwa. It would seem, that a good understanding secretly subsisted between this chieftain and the Sultan ; and that the latter, on this account, had determined to treat him as a neutral, notwithstanding his connexion with the Maii- rattah empire. It is also not improbable, that Kumruddeen (ignorant, perhaps, of the friendly disposition of the Zeminddr towards the Sultan) may have proposed to take possession of TilrJidl or Turrokul ; in Avhich case, the purport of the expression under consideration miglit have been, that the Zeminddr of Kolapoor was 62 SELECT LETTERS OP was not to be considered or spoken of in a hostile manner, or his territory treated as that of an enemy. LETTER XLIV. To Mahommed Ghyas and Noor Mahommed Khan; dated 29ih Megular Ahmedy. (\4tk May^ Your two letters, of the 11th and 15th of Ahmedy, have been re- ceived, and the account of your conferences with the Paishkdi<^^ of Rao Rasta is understood. The Mahrattah army has come and laid waste our dominions, to the amount of eight lacks of pagodas,^^^ and otherwise proceeded in an un- warrantable manner: the commanders of our forces have, in conse- quence, been reduced to the necessity of attacking that army, which, after sustaining a sevei'e defeat, has been driven across the Kishiia. On their return [from the pursuit of the enemy] our commanders seized on jRdmdoorg, and have since opened trenches against Nergihid. We still, however, are wilUng to relinquish the attack upon the latter place, on condition that the arrears of the usual Paishcush be discharged, and due satisfaction be made to us for the injury done to our country. We shall otherwise soon reduce the place. You must return to us by the post all the bills of exchange in your possession and in the possession of Noor Mahommed Khan.(^> If the chiefs of that place consent to the dismission of the said Khdn, and to his f I) A Paishliur is a manager or conductor of business, -whether public or private. (2) Or twenty lacks: for the manuscript is here so illegible, that cither reading may be adopted. ^3) Tiie bills, here spoken of, had probably been sent to the envoys, for the purpose of being paid over to the Mahrattah government, in satisfaction of its pecuniary claims on the Sullan. TIPPOOSULTAN. (53 his being dispatched hither, we shall then be enabled to ascertain from him every particular respecting that quarter, and to consider the means of remitting the money [due or claimed]. Your account of receipts and disbursements is duly arrived. A remit- tance will, hereafter, be made to you, for defraying the expences of your mission.^^^ LETTER XLV. To Ku3iRUDBEEN Khan ; dutcd \st Behary. (lolh Majf). You have represented, " that notwithstanding the peremptory com- *' mands issued by us for the purpose, the necessary articles for enabling *' you to open trenches [against Nergdud] have not yet been sent to you *' by any of the Aumils ; to whom you, in consequence, request we will " repeat our orders." It is known. That light of our eyes^^ has always been a mere child : (-> but now his senses must absolutely have forsaken him, as otherwise he could not WTite to us so often to repeat our orders. One peremptory order from us is [in all cases] sufficient. Where is the AurnU, who dares to be remiss in dispatching the articles [directed to be furnished by us] ? If there be any who has disregarded our commands, let him be put to death : or^^) let the Purwunehs,^**] so slighted, be returned to the Pre- sence. The (4) Literally " of tlic people attached to you." (1) See Note 1, Letter XXX. (2) It is thus I understand the words jo Jils JLa-jjJ J ai" jjLj^ (3) A slight alteration in the reading (namely \, bd forb j/rt) will admit of the passage bein^ rendered " and let the Pu)~wdnch so slighted, &c." (4*) A written mandate or order. 64 SELECT LETTERS OP The workmen'^) who arrive from the different Taaldks for the service of the trenches, as well as those already witii Burhanuddeen, are to be divided between you. Taking half of them, therefore, you must imme- diately commence the business of the trenches : seeing that the rainy season approaches, and that, when that sets in,^'') the siege cannot any longer be prosecuted with vigour. For this reason, you are to proceed with the utmost dispatch in the attack and reduction of Nergund. OBSERVATIONS. The foregoing letter, at the same time that it affords a pretty strong proof of the slight estimation in which the Sultan held the talents of Kumruddeen, also shews (what is further evinced in many other instances) that in the occasional expression of his disapprobation, he was not apt to be restrained by any consideration for the rank of the person incurring it; dealing out the same measure of asperity to the highest as to the lowest officer or servant, and making no distinction, in this respect, in favour even of his own near relation. The lofty tone, which he assumes in speaking of his orders, is likewise highly illustrative of his imperious temper, and of his quick sensibility of whatever affected his authority ; which, it is difficult to believe, should have been actually insulted, in the manner that would seem to be indicated by the close of the second paragraph. Daring, indeed, must the Aumil have been, who could, on any pretext, not simply refuse or with-hold obedience to a Ptirwdneh of this prince, but contumaciously return it to the person deliver- ing or sending it : for such is the construction to which the passage in question is liable. But whatever the fact may have been, no farther trace of, or allusion to it, is to be met with in the correspondence. (5) Tlicrc is a specification of these in the original, but the terms employed are cither miswrittcn or unknown to me. (6) Tlic periodical rains in Mysore, and the elevated countries adjoining it, usually set in the beginning of June. TIPPOOSULTAN. 65 LETTER XL VI. To the same; dated 3d Behauy. (l^th Maij.^ Your letter, informing us of the molestation given by the cavalry and Kuslioons attached to the division under Burhanuddeen to the labourers^') coming from JJhdrwdr [to your camp,] has been received, and its con- tents are understood. You write also [in the same letter,] *' that the quantity of powder, as " well as of eighteen and twenty-four pounds shot, with Burhanuddeen's " army, is inadequate [to the service going forward,] and request us to '* send orders to the Kilaaddr of Dhdrwdr, to dispatch a further supply " of those articles." It is known. We have already written, and now again write, to say, that all stores arriving from the Taaldks of the Sircar are to be divided equally between you and Burhanuddeen. We enclose an order for the shot, &c. required, to the Kilaaddr of Dhdrwdr, to whom you will forward it. On receiving this supply, deliver half of it to Burhanuddeen In like manner, take the half of all other supplies that arrive ; and attacking Nergiind from one side, while Bur- hanuddeen attacks it from the other, let the fortress be speedily reduced. LETTER XLVII. To Mahommed Ushruf ; same date. (\^th Mai/.^ Your letter, accompanied by a statement of the receipts, disburse- ments, and balances of the T'aaldks of Goofij, Bidhdry, Ouh, and Hindi- K Ujinuntpoor, (I) Tlic original is cither lii'gdnes or Pi/kuries. The former is a Ilindixy word, signify- ing a day lal)oiircr, or pressed Cooley. Pykdr is a Persian word, signifying war or fightinr, and, of course, is not applicable here : I am, therefore, inclined to read Bigdrt/. 66 SELECT LETTERS OF Unmintpoor, has been received, and the particulars set forth [therein] are understood. You write, *' that there are large balances outstanding in the Taalitks " of the Sircar, and particularly in Gooty and Bulhdnj, where only a *' thousand pagodas have been collected, notwitstanding four horsemen " have been employed as SuzCuvuls ;'^^^ and you therefore desire, that *' peremptory orders may be issued [on the occasion] from the Presence." You must scourge the defaulters severely, and [by this means] speedily realize the dues of the Sircar. What more ? LETTER XLVIII. To KuMRUDDEEN ; d^itcd 11 fh Behary. (2oth Mai/.') Your letter, mentioning that you had nearly completed your first two approaches, and that Biirhanuddcen's batteries were still unfinished, has passed under our view, and the contents are comprehended. This is an affair of a hill-fort. Without approaching very close to the place, and making a very wide and effectual breach, it will never be advisable or proper to attempt an assault : you must, therefore, wait until Burhanud- deen's batteries are completed ; keeping up, in the mean while, such a fire on the place, as shall utterly destroy the wall on your side. Burhan- uddeen has been written to, directing him to deliver to you half of the guns and labourers [he has recently received] ; with the help of which you must continue to push on your approaches, and speedily reduce this fort. (1) Siizdwuls are a kind of bailifls, or duns, employed to enforce paynietits due on account of revenue. Tlicy are maiutaincd, wjiile tliey are em])loyed, at the c.xpcncc of the crcd.tor. TIPPOO SULTAN. ®7, LETTER XLIX. To BuRHANUDDEEN ; same date. (25lh May?) Your letter, requesting our authority for engaging in your service a Milnshij, for the purpose of making out passports and writing letters, lias been received. Agreeably to your desire, you may hire a Kunry writer for the purposes you mention/') You are to deliver to Kumruddeen Khun half the guns and labourers [that join you.] Kalu Pundit, it seems, together with his family, has fled from Nergund. Make enquiries, and let us know who now commands that place. OBSERVATIONS. I have been unable to ascertain whether Kala Pundit was the Zeminddr of Ner- gAnd, or only an officer intrusted by him with the defence of the place. The report here noticed of his flight proved to be unfounded. LEITER L. To Mahommed Kazim (Brother of the deceased Zynul Aabideen, lute BuKTSHY of the Jysue Kvchurry) ; dated I2th BehJrv. (26th May.} It has, at this time, pleased God that your brother should die. This event has caused us much concern. Having it in view to provide for you, we desire you will lepair speedily to our Presence, and consider yourself as secure of our favor. K 2 (1) But not a Munshr/, or Persian writer, as BCirhaiiCiddccn bad proposed. A Kunry writer would be less ciiiirgeabie tlian a Munslii/. 68 SELECT LETTERS OF LETTER LI. To Zykul Aabideen ; dated 19th BeiiJry. (2d Jiine^ Your letter, enclosing an account of the receipts and disbursements of the Taalttk of LoU-ghurrij , has been received, and what you have therein stated is understood. You say, " that the ylumiloi the aforesaid " Ghurry has absconded, and desire that a new jlumil and KUaaddr may " be sent from the Presence." It is known. But how is it, that the said Aumil should have absconded ivithout cause or motive ?^^^ You must enquire very particularly into this matter, and report the result to us. LETTER LII. To BuRHANUDDEEN ; dated 21st Behary. (4th June.^ You have represented to us, " that you had proposed to Kumruddeen ** Khan to make over to him the Kushoon of Shaikh Unser, and to take, i' in its place, the Ktishoon of the commandant Mahoumied Ali ; but *' that the aforesaid Khdn had given for answer, that it was not proper, *' at this time, to make such an exchange." Well ! what does it signify ? Let the Kushoon of Mahommed Ali remain there (7. e. with Kumrud- deen.)"*^ You write also, " that you purposed transferring to Kumruddeen half " of the great guns, of the labourers. Coolies, &c. and keeping the " other half yourself" It is well : and you Avill continue to make the same division hereafter. You ( I ) The Sultan seems to Iiave suspected some collusion in this transaction. (1*) The exchange here declined by Kumruddeen nevertheless took place at a subsequent period. TIPPOOSULTAN. 69 You say, " that tbe VakeeP^ of Kittoor bad been with you, and *' represented to you, that if his master were allowed a week or two, he " would, at tbe end of that time, wait upon you, and perform such ** services for the Sircar as should be required of him." It is known. At the expiration of tbe specified period, you will, accordingly, send for him, and employ him in our service.*^^^ LETTER LIII. To Mahommed Ghyas ; dated 22d JBeh.jry. (oth Junc.^ Five letters^') from you, dated tbe 22d and 25th of Ahmedi/ [7th and 10th of May], and 1st and 4tb of JBehdri/ [15tb and 18th May], have been received, and every particle of their contents is understood. You observe, " that we have said in our letter to Rao Rasta (of *' which a copy was sent to you, ' that he, (Rao Rasta) having told " ' Mahommed Ghyas and Noor Mahommed Khan, for our information, " ' that be was willing to engage that his government should make good *' ' to us the Paishcuih due to us by the Nergund man, as well as make " ' us compensation for the ravages committed in our country, we bad, " ' in consequence, made known our sentiments to the aforesaid Khdn, " ' who would accordingly communicate the same to him.' " You then add, " that this was not the purport of your letters to us ; and request " us to refer to them again, when it will appear that what you stated " was, that Rao Rasta had proposed that eighty thousand rupees should " be (2) A Vakeel is a representative : and tlic term is apjiiicd to almost every kind of agent, acting lor or in the name of another, from an ambus auor to a petty attorney. Sec Letter XIII, (3) It will hereafter be seen, that the Sultan, at tiiis very time, probably meditated the seizure of Kittoor. (1) But only/oMr are mentioned. Possibly two might have been of the same date. 70 SELECT LETTERS OF <( be paid to us by way of fine, and ten thousand rupees for Diirhdr charges ; and that, for the future, the payment of the Paishcush should be secured to us, in the same manner as when it used to be paid through ApAjee Ram. Such being the case, you wish to know what answer you are to give to Rao Rasta, if he should demand " of you at what time he had ever made the communication ascribed " to him." It is known. Whenever letters are received from you, the proper answers to them are deliberated on, and written accordingly. Thus, in the present case, our ivriting in the manner we have done [to Rao Rasta, ] tvas the result of expediency ; and sometime hereafter the utiliti/ of the proceeding ivill appear. What you write of the death of Anund, Rao Rasta's son, is known. You will deliver to the aforesaid Rao the dress of condolence, and the letter which we have sent for him on the occasion. If your longer stay at Poonah should be marked with incivility [or be attended with any circumstances derogatory to our dignity,]<^-> it can be productive of no advantage ; and, in this case, you will demand your dismission, and lepair hither, declaring yourself plainly at your departure [to the following effect.] " Notwithstanding the favors you have received at the hands of my " master, you have afforded assistance to a Polygdr,^^^ belonging [or " subject] to him : and forgetting the boundless kindness of the Sircar, " you have sent your army, and laid waste his country, to the amount *' of [many] lacks of rupees ; while [on the other hand] my master, in " conformity with the wishes of Rao Rasta, expressed, both verbally " and by writing, directed the siege of Neigiind to be raised, and his " forces (2) In the original it is juUi v_ "^^ j^\ i. e. " if it should look, or appear, ungracious " or unkindly." (3) A Poli/gdr is the same as a Zemiitddr. TIPPOOSUI.TAN. 71 " forces to withdraw to a distance from thence. The army of Pitrserum " Bhow, nevertheless, attacked that of the Sircm- ; the issue of whicli *' [act of aggression], however, was, that the Bhoiv was completely " worsted, and compelled to flee beyond the Xw/ma. In spite, however, " of all this, Rao Rasta continues to require of my master to relinquish " the siege of Nergiind ; and accepting a mulct of eighty thousand *' rupees, and a farther sum of ten thousand rupees for Durhdr charges, " to agree, for the future, to receive the Paishcush in the manner it was " heretofore paid by Apajee Ram. Now my master only wishes, that " you yourselves would fairly consider this matter, and bear in mind the " repeated declaration he has made to you [through us], regardino- the " contributions levied on his subjects, to the amount of ten lacks of " pagodas, by the Nergiind man, as well as the ravages committed by " him in the Sircar's territories ; [all whicli being duly weighed] he " leaves you to judge how far it is possible for him to consent to an " arrangement, so entirely inadequate to the losses he has sustained, " through the aggressions of this Pohjgdr." You mention, " that Rao Rasta had represented to the ministerj^") " that having caused the latter's sentiments to be repeatedly conveved *' to us, through our confidential servants (meaning yourselves), and " having moreover himself communicated them to us by letter, lie could " not be justly blamed, because we had not sent a suitable answer to the " same." To which you say, the minister had replied, " that he had alwavs " declared it to be his opinion, that as, notwithstanding his (Rasta's) *' constant importunity, no money had been sent from hence, it was " become perfectly clear, that we no longer wished to maintain the ** relations of amity with them ; seeing that, otherwise, such procras- " tination (0 /". e. Nana Furnavecsc. ^2 SELECT LETTERS OF <' tination and evasion in dispatching the money [due] could never have " taken place ; and that, this being the case, he now thought proper *' plainly to desire that we might be informed, through you, ' that if " ' we had it in view duly to strengthen the foundations of harmony, *' * we would [immediately] send the arrears due for the three [last] " ' years, together with [the necessary sum on account of] Durbdr " ' charges : and that, with respect to the Nergiind business, we must '* ' consent to what was heretofore settled [on that point.'] He con- *' eluded, as you report, by saying, ' that if we did not wish for the " ' preservation of their friendship, and were determined to persist in *' ' withholding the money [due], he could see no use in your remaining " ' there.'" It is known. No doubt, our bad faith, and our disinclination to cultivate their friendship, ai'e manifest, in the same manner as their performance of their strong and solemn engagements is as clear as the light of the sun. What pleasure can there be in reiterating these things ? It is a common saying, " that if any body be at home, one word is " sufficient." But, notwithstanding all this, we wrote, desiring Noor Mahommed Khun to be sent to us, in order that we might the better ascertain the views of the riders there, and obtain the necessary expla- nations on the subject of their engagements, preparatory to our setting about the transmission of the stipulated money.('> If the aforesaid KJidn had accordingly been sent hither, this would have been carried into effect. It is still our desire, that he should be dispatched to us, and that you [Mahommed Ghyas] should remain there ; but if your departure also shoidd appear to be desired by that government, or if they should [openly] insist upon it, then you, as well as Noor Mahom- med, taking leave of them, will immediately repair hither. Instead (5) Meaning the usual tribute claimed by the Mahrattahs TIPPOOSULTA.N. 73 Instead of denoting the name of the friend of the Sircar, as you propose doing, by the number 20 ; and the name of the ivell-uisher of the Sircar, by the number 60 (these being the numerical powers of the initial letters of their respective names), you must, in future, call the former, whose name begins with a Gaivf, Gulab Khan ; and the latter, whose name begins with a Seen, Surdar Khan ; this last cypher being neat and clean; and the names to be employed not at all leading to a knowledge of the real ones. What more ? OBSERVATIONS. This is a very curious and interesting document ; as, besides exposing the chicanery, and even downright falshood, to which the Sultan never scrupled to resort in his diplomatic transactions, when he thought he could thereby advance his purposes, it tlirows considerable light on the grounds of the quarrel subsisting between him and the government of Poonah ; and discloses, in particular, the opinion entertained of the conduct and views of Tippoo by Nana Furnaveese, who, at this period, presided over the affairs of the Mahrattah empire. It is not the least remarkable circumstance in the foregoing letter, that to the natural question of the ambassadors, " what answer they were to give to Riio " Rasta, if he should demand of them at what time he had made the communi- " cation ascribed to liim," the Sultan makes no reply, but leaves it to the ingenuity of his agents to extricate themselves from the difficulty in which he had placed them, in tlie best manner they could. The cj'pher which appears to have been proposed by Mahommed Ghyas is a very common one in Iltndostan, being founded on the numerical powers assigned to the letters of the alphabet by the llijtid scheme, as explained in the Intro- duction ; and, according to which, 20 stands for CJ (gawf or haaf) ; and 6o for ■^J^ (Seen). Now, while to this cypher it is justly objectionable, that it expressly declares the initial letters of the names intended to be disguised, and so far furnishes a clue to the latter, it must be admitted, that the one substituted by L the 74 SELECT LETTERS OF the Sultan was not quite so liable to detection ; since it conveyed no clear or absolute indication of the initials of the concealed names. Thus Surdar Khdn would not so easily suggest the idea of Saindiah, as would the saying " he whose " name begins with 6o, or S ;" since no positive or necessary reason existed, for supposing that the initial letters of the feigned and concealed names were the same. Still, however, the Sultan's cypher did not possess any great advantage over that of Mahommed Ghyas ; and still less did it merit the praise of being '• neat " and clean ;" because, like the latter, it is so much in use, that the generality of readers would be very apt to suspect the principle of its construction. At a subsequent period, the Sultan appears to have improved somewhat in the art of cyphering ; for the Faheels, who accompanied the hostage princes to Madras, in 1792, were in possession of a figure-cypher, in which a descriptive account of the works of Fort St. George, written throughout in cypher, was discovered among the papers found at Seringapatam on the capture of that place. Even this, however, was but an indifferent contrivance, and, in consequence, was not difficult of detection. It is not possible, at this time, to say, who were meant by Gulab Khan and Surdar Khan ; but it is sufficiently evident, from the epithets by which each is distinguished, that the former was a person of consideration, and the latter some one of inferior rank. LETTER LIV. To Chishty Yar Khan j dated 23d Beh^ry. (6th June.') Mahommed Ushruf, the Superintendant of the Dewdni/ Kuchurri/ of Gooty, wrote to you, by our direction, desiring you to send to him Buswunt Rtio, the Aumil of BeiginpiUi/ ; in order to his examining the accounts of the said yluniil, and ascertaining his malvcxsations. Instead, however, of complying with this requisition, it appears, to our great astonishment, that you exhibited, on this occasion, the most senseless TIPPOOSUI.,TAN. 75 senseless and extravagant behaviour ; tearing the letter of the superin- tendant in pieces, and returning it to him in that condition. Such conduct is very remote from what we expected from your good sense : you must instantly, therefore, on receipt of this letter, dispatch the said Aumil to Mahommcd Ushruf ; and take care not to be guilty again of the like improper and rude behaviour, as such proceedings arc contrary to our pleasure. OBSERVATIONS. The reproof conveyed in this letter, considering the magnitude of the offence which gave rise to it, and the usual severity of the Sultan in similar cases, is so remarkably moderate, as almost to warrant a suspicion, that he occasionally suffered himself to be actuated, in his treatment of his servants, by motives of a personal and private nature, partaking, in some degree, of the character of partiality, not to say favouritism. The tearing in pieces, and returning in that condition, a letter written by the express direction of the Sultan, and most probably announcing it to be so, was hardly a less contempt of his authority, than tlie conduct of the Jumil mentioned in Letter XLV., whose crime was declared to merit death. It is possible, however, that the Sultan might not have viewed the transaction in this light ; but have considered it as a mere personal affront to Mahommed Ushruf, which would be sufficiently punished by the bare manifestation of his displeasure. LETTER LV. 7o KuMRUDDEEN Khan ; dated 25th BehAry. (3th June.') You write, " that it is not advisable, until the reduction of Nergiind, " that the Sipahddr, Mahommed Ali, should be relieved, as you propose L 2 that 76 BELECT LETTERS OF *'th at his Knshoon should continue to occupy its present post in the " trendies." It is known As the aforesaid Sipahddr is an officer of no experience, and as liis Kushoon consists of ignorant and new raised troops, we directed that you should send for, and keep with you, Shaikh Unser and his Kushoon, and station Mahoiuiued All and his Kushoon with Burhanuddeen ; by which means you would have the services of old soldiers, while the others would be more in the way of acquiring instruction. The fact is, that the instruction of the aforesaid Sipahddr, and the improvement of the men composing his Hisd/a, is our object [in this arrangement], and not his exchange or supercession : you will, therefore, after speak- ing in an encouraging manner to him, send him to join Burhanuddeen. What you say respecting the Risdla of Mahommed Nasir (part of which you have incorporated into Mahommed Ali's Kushoon, and made over the remainder to Burhanuddeen) is understood. The men belonging to the aforesaid Risdla are to be considered by you in the light of a loan or deposit,(') and are neither to be made over to Burhanuddeen, nor to be incorporated into Mahommed Ali's Kushoon ; but are to be dispatched to the Presence, whenever our orders, for that purpose, shall be issued. With regard to your sending away the stable horses, &c.^^) on account of the scarcity of grain and forage, it is to be observed ; that the war you are just now carrying on is against a fort ; and that field operations being [for the present] out of the question, there can, of course, be no call for cavalry. You will, therefore, dispatch all the stable horses, &c. to Kuppood-ghur, where there is abundance of forage and good pasturage. This, indeed, was formerly signified to you ; and it is a matter (1) Original ti^U (2) The stable horses were tlie property of the Sircar ; whereas the horses of thn Silahdar cavah'y belonged to tlie men and officers compojiiig it. TIPPOC SULTAN. 77 matter of cxtreire astonishment to us, that you should perpetually write and apply for orders in such plain and easy cases as this. OBSERVATIONS. The foregoing letter clearly shows, that if the Sultan did not place unlimited confidence in the military talents or experience of Burhanuddeen, he at least considered the camp of that commander as a better school for the young and inexperienced soldier than that of Kumruddeen. There is reason to believe, however, that the professional merits of Burhanuddeen were duly appreciated by his master; since we shall hereafter see him entrusted with the important charge of a wing of the united army of Mysore, in a general action with the Mahrattahs, near Shahnoor. LETTER LVI. To Mahommed Ghyas and Noor Mahommed Khan ; datea 26th Behary. (9th June.^ Your three letters (two of them dated the 9th of Behdrr/, and the other the 13th of Behdry) accompanied by five bills of exchange,('> namely, four from yourself, and one from Noor Mahommed Khan, have been received. The detail you have entered into, regarding the insolent conduct of Suddashoo, the Hurkdreh, is understood. The aforesaid [person] is only an Hurkdreh : what question or debate [therefore] can arise with him, and why should he be made privy to any secret affairs ? You must require of him those services which it is his duty to perform [and no other] ; and when you may have any thing of a particularly secret (1) These were probably tlio bills directed to be returned to the Sultan in Letter LXIV. Besides the bills mentioned, these dispatches enclosed what is caJleU jn the orif'inal two Ldkut-lukokh, the meaning of which I am unable to discover. 78 SELECT LETTERS OF secret nature to communicate, you must do it in the couplet cypher which is enclosed. (^> If the [Mahrattah] minister, and the rest of them, will dismiss Noor Mahommed Khan, and allow him to return hither, it will he well ; and, in the event of their being urgent for the return of you both, it will be better still : you will, in that case, set out together for the Presence. LETTER LVII. To Rajah Ram Chundur ; dated 2'Jth Behary. (lOth June.} It has been represented to us, that a balance of fifteen or sixteen thousand pagodas is still due from some of the Taaluks, under the charge of Meer Futah Ali, the TaaMkddr of Chuck-Bdldpoor (from which amount, however, certain deductions remain to be made), and that you have taken very rigid measures for enforcing payment of the same. Now, as the aforesaid Tualukddr has never before exercised the functions of that office, and as he is, moreover, a stranger, and inexperienced in business, it is our pleasure, that you desist from those rigorous proceedings, and be content with gradually realizing the balance due. You will therefore recall your Suzdivuls [bailiffs], to the end that the aforesaid Aumil may be relieved from his present dismay. N.B. The remainder of this letter is on an uninteresting subject. OBSERVATIONS. The preceding letter affords another exception to the usual severity of the Sultan on similar occasions. The motives assigned for his lenity, in the present instance are, (2) The cypher here referred to does not appear. It is called a couplet cypher, because the key lo it was comprehended in a Bile^ or Distich, TIPPOOSrLTAN. 79 are, no doubt, satisfactory and creditable to his justice ; though, as in the case of the Sipahddr, Mahoinmed AH, they necessarily bring in question the prudence of the Sultan ; w horn we see placing men m trusts, to which he knew them to be unequal. The following letter will be found to breathe a very different spirit. LETTER LVIII. To MoHYUDDEEN Ali Khan ; dated 28th Behary. (\\th June.') Your letter, on the subject of the revenue accounts of the Huwaili/^^^ and Taalitk of Ali-Niigr (depending on Giiramcoondah) , has passed under our view, and is duly understood. You must examine the accounts of the said Taaldks in the strictest manner, and apply yourself diligently to the realization of the revenue. On this occasion, you must flog, without favour or partiality to any, all such persons as, adopting the practice of ingratitude, have defrauded the Sircar. By this means, let the payment of our dues be enforced. N.B. The rest of this letter is omitted as immaterial. LETTER LIX. To KuMRUDDEEN Khan ; dated 29th BehJIry. (\.2th June^ Your letter has been received. We highly approve of your having placed the Kushoon of the Sipahddr, Mahommed Ali, with Biirhiinuddeen : in the room of which you must take Shaikh Unscr [and his corps] ; that commander and his men being intelligent and well instructed. You should open a ncgociation with the garrison of Nergdnd, througli the Kilaaddr of Bdddmj/, or the Kdzy of Tdrkul, or through any other (1) The Iluwailj/ is the principal division of a Sircar, or dislrict; the chief town of which is always included in it. 80 SELECT LETTERS OP otlwr channel ; and endeavour, by some means or other, to obtain speedy possession of the fort. OBSERVATIONS. The reader will recollect, that the measure, for the execution of which Kum- ruddeeu is here commended, did not originate with him, but had been directed by the Sultan, and a compliance with it evaded, in the first instance, by the Meer. I am inclined to infer, from the instructions here given to Kumruddeen for opening a negociation with the garrison of Nergund, that the Sultan sometimes addressed his orders to one, and sometimes to another of the two commanders employed against that place, and that they were in the habit of communicating such orders to each other. It would be difficult, indeed, on any other supposition, to account for such an order as the present one being apparently addressed to Kumrud- deen exclusively ; since there can be very little doubt that Burhaniiddeen took the lead, at least, in all political, if not also in all military movements, connected with the general command of the army now advanced towards the Mahrattah frontier. It is, on the other hand, possible, that similar instructions to those under consideration may have been addressed directly to Burhanuddeen, although no entry, to that effect, appears in the correspondence. LETTER LX. 2b Burhanuddeen; dated 2d Jaafvry (\6thJune.^ Your letter, containing an application for money to enable you to make up some clothes, has been received. You may take three hundred rupees from the Tosheh-khd7iek,^^^ and apply that sum to the purposes of furnishing yourself with apparel. Muster (1) For an explanation of this term, see the observations on this letter. TIPPOO SULTAN. 81 Muster returns of the wliole of the troops under your command, ■wlictlier cavah-y, regular infantry, or other description, as well as a statement of [your] receipts and disbursements, must be sent to us. A month has elapsed since Kumruddeen's batteries were established close to the fort ; but you have ijot advanced so far from your side, although you commenced your approaches so much sooner than he did. Tliis is what we do not understand. It is necessary, that you should be more expeditious in the prosecution of this business ; and that, by properly battering the walls of the place, you should effect such a plain and practicable breach, as may enable you to storm it with success. In this affair you must be brisk and active. OBSERVATIONS. Parsimony, or perhaps, more strictly speaking, a rigid economy in his general expenditure,, was always known to be a prominent feature in the character of Tippoo SuUan ; and we have here a curious and striking proof of the fact. One of his jirincipal generals, and his brother-in-law, is obliged to apply to him for the means of providing himself with wearing apparel ; and the Sultan, although t he complies with the request, is so far from leaving any thing on the occasion to the discretion of Burhanuddeen, that he restricts him to the disbursement of a specific sum, in fixing of which he certainly has displayed none of the munificence of ft sovereign prince. The Tosheh-hhiineh is distinguished by Tippoo himself (in one of the letters of the present collection) into two kinds, viz. the NukJi/ and Jam/. The former I take to have been the Treasury, properly so called, or office in which the current specie, and, perhaps, bullion were deposited. The latter would appear to have comprehended a great variety of articles besides the wardrobe ; to which, however, the term Tosheh-hhihich is, I believe, usually restrained in the nortliern parts of Hlndoatan. Where this word occurs by itself (that is, without its being joined to the viorA^NuMy or JUmy, which is in general the case) it is not easy to determine M its 82 SELECT LETTERS OF its precise sense. In some places, as in the present letter, it appears to signify the treasury in its strictest sense ; in others, the wardrobe ; and, occasionally, a general storehouse or magazine. The Jbm/, in some parts of Hindostan, includes ordnance and ordnance stores ; but I am unable to say, whether the term was, on any occasion, applied in the same manner by Tippoo Sultan. It would be a difficult matter to judge, how far the censure here passed on the conduct of Burhaniiddeen before Nevgdnd, was justly merited, without a much fuller knowledge of the circumstances and operations of the siege than we possess. It may be presumed, however, that it was upon such a knowledge that the judgment of the Sultan was formed ; and that, consequently, there was actually some remissness manifested by Burhanuddeen on this occasion. LETTER LXI. To the same ; dated2d Jaafury. (\^th June^ The Piddelis from the [adjacent] Taahiks of the Sircar, [at present] stationed with your army, are distressed for want of [the usual] means of subsistence ; we therefore write to desire, that, In order to remove their difficulties, you will make them a montldy allowance of ten fanams per man. LETTER LXII. To Rajah Ram Chundur ; same date, (lath June^ Your letter, together with the Hindku/ enclosure, addicsscd to the Aumil of Vencatigeery , has heen received, and the particulars therein stated are become known. Write to the aforesaid Aumil, that he must address Baboo Rao, the renter of Vellore, to this effect, viz. " that it is not the custom of the " Taaldksy TIPPOOSULTAN. 83 " Taaliths belonging to our Sircar to allow the residence of robbers *' therein ; and that, upon the discovery of any such, they are imiuc- " diately put to death." What more ? OBSERVATIONS. The Hlndivy enclosure, here referred to, was probably from the renter of Vellore (in the Carnatic), requiring some robbers, sujiposed to have taken refuge in the Vencatigeery district, to be delivered up. The answer ordered to be sent to this demand is a sufficient proof of the little disposition which the Sultan had to maintain an amicable, or even civil, intercourse with tlie existing government of the Carnatic. LETTER LXIII. 2o Chishty Yar Khan j'^'^ dated 5ih Jaafvry. (I8th June.') Your letter has been received, and its contents are duly understood. What you write, respecting the rigorous proceeding of Mahommed Ushruf, the Darogha of Gooti/, in sending five horsemen to enforce payment of the third instalment of the revenue of your district, is revealed. Esteeming you to be intelligent in business, a person of integrity, and a well-wisher of our government, we appointed you to your present chaige ; and we confidently trust, that you will use your utmost exer- tions to promote the interest of the Sircar, the prosperity of your Taalilk, and the Increase of its revenue ; and [especially] that you will, according M 2 to (1) This is the same person to whom Letter LIV is addressed ; and who, perliaps, owed the mortiiiciuion of having a Siizd-xiil placed over liim by Mahommed Ushruf, to the ali'ront he had lately put upon the iutter. See Letter LIV. Si SELECT LETTERS OF to your written engagement, discharge tlie whole of the third A7^^ within the period of a month, paying the amount thereof into our treasury. In this persuasion, we transmit you a Purivdneh, to the address of the aforesaid*-^ \_Darogha'], directing him to withdraw his horsemen, which you will accordingly forward to him. You must, at the same time, labour most diligently in the improvement of your laaliik, and in the collection and augmentation of its revenues. LETTER LXIV. To MoHYUDDEEN Ali Khan, Detp'Jn of KuRPAH : an Extract; dated 6th Jaafvry. (\9th *TuneJ) What you have stated to us, respecting the pay of four men belonging to [the garrison of] Guramcoondah, who have been some time dead, having been appropriated to their own use by the officers of that place, is revealed. We desire you will enquire very particularly into this trans- action ; and having ascertained the time that the aforesaid officers have been in possession [or receipt] of this money, make them refund the same. OBSERVATIOXS. I am not clear, whether it be here meant that the officers continued to draw Jindreceive the pay of the deceased men after their death, or that they had only possessed (2) This P«?ttv/;if A accordingly appears, but I hare not thought it necessary to translate it. It is sufficient to mention, that alter bearing testimony to the (jualifications of Chishty Yar Kiian, as an officer of revenue, the Sultan observes, that if the Taalukddr in question should not discharge the A'w/ due at the stipulated time (which, on this occasion, he states at a month and a half, tliough, in the letter to Chisht}' Yar Khan, it is said to be a monthj, there will be do impropiiety in placing Suzdwuh over him, to enforce payment of the same. 9PIPPOO SULTAN;( 85 possessed themselves of the pay due to them at their decease. In either case, the notice taken of the offence by the Sultan appears extremely slight. LETTER LXV. To Mahommed Ushruf, DeivAn of the Kuchurry of Gooty; dated ^th Jaafury. (2Qth Jiine.^ Directing the name of Fyze Hisiir to be substituted for that of Gooty. Similar orders were issued, under the same date, directing Bidhdn-y to be in future called Sumrputn, and Chittledoorg to be named Furkhydb Hmlr. OBSERVATIONS. Some of the letters in this collection, instead of being complete transcripts of those dispatched, are only, as it were, notes of the originals. These heads, or memorandums of dispatches, are titled and dated like the entire entries, but are distinguished by beginning always with the words ^-•lJJJ or wUjj that is to say, " on the subject of " followed by a brief abstract of the subject. The present letter is the first of this description that has occurred. I propose, in every future case of the kind in question, to render the introductory words just quoted, in the same way I have done on the present occasion, namely, by the word " directing," or other suitable participle ; which will sufficiently distinguish this portion of the correspondence from the more complete part. 86 SELECT LETTERS OP LETTER LXVI. 7b IMahommed Ghyasj dated Seringapatam, 5th Jaafury. (I8th Ju7ie.} If tlieyC) should allow Noor Maliommed Khan to depart, then you must dispatch him hither, and practising procrastination, you will your- self remain behind for some time, writing us occasionally the news [of that quarter]. In the event, however, of their not giving the aforesaid Khdn his audience of leave, you must both of you continue there ; and contrive, by one means or another, to amuse them for a certain time, and to deceive them by speeches, calculated to flatter their selfish views^-^ [or to work upon their avariciousncss]. OBSERVATIONS. The real situation of these envoys at Poonah, as well as their continuance there So long, is enveloped in a good deal of obscurity. At one time it is intimated, that the Mahrattah government have objections to the departure of Noor Mabom- med Khan ; at another, Nana Furnaveese is seen to hint an intention of dismissing both envoys. The Sultans wishes and intentions respecting them are, at least, equally inexplicable ; and will appear still more so, as we proceed in the corres- pondence. The only conclusion to be distinctly drawn from the present dispatch is. that if the agents remained at Poonah, it was to be with no other objects than those of transmitting intelligence, and of amusing and deceiving the Mahrattah government. This is clearly and explicitly expressed ; and abundantly proves, that he thought of nothing less, at this time, than of affording any satisfaction whatsoever (I) /. e. the government of Poonah. [1) Original jj^^ J;^ T I P r O O S U L T A N. 8/ whatsoever to that government. Whether by " speeches calculated to flatter their " selfish views," it was meant, that tiie envoys should hold out the temptation of bribes to the Mahrattah ministers, or only that they should continue to profess his readiness to discharge the arrears of Paishcush due by him, is doubtful ; but it is by no means so, that the Sultan had no serious intention of parting with his money for either purpose. LETTER LXVII. ^b Mahommed Ghous ; same date. (I8th tTune.} Some time since, a Distich, according to the Jaml form or rule,('> was conununlcated to you, and has, no doubt, been comprehended by you. A scroll, exhibiting the details of that rule, and which will make you completely acquainted with the subject, is now enclosed. Nobody besides yourself is to be admitted to a knowledge of it ; and when you have any thing of a particular or secret nature to communicate, you must write in this cypher. N. B. At the end of the foregoing letter a Distich is added, which I take to be the Distich referred to in the beginning of it, though that would seem to have been transmitted on a former occasion. Of the scroll spoken of, nothing appears. I omit the Distich, because I am, at present, unable to make out the meaniu"- of it. OBSERVATIONS. The title of this letter assigns it to Mahommed Ghous : but I incline to think that Ghous is an error of my transcriber, for Ghyds. If not, I am unable to say who (1) Juml is the aritlimctical rule of addition, upon the principle of which the cyjjher in question (wliich I do not at present comprehend) may possibly have been founded. 88 SELECT LETTERS OF who Mahommed Ghous was, or what diplomatic situation he filled ; for such, it is reasonable to suppose, must have been his employment, from the injunction given him to write occasionally in cypher. LETTER LXVIII. To KuMRUDDEEN Khan ; dated 6th Jjafvry. (\Oth June.") Your letter, advising us of your having detached a JRisula to Kuti'- nek-geeri/, has been received, and we approve of what you have done. We desire [however] that you will particularly state, whose Risdla you have sent [on this service], as well as what number of cavalry it consists of. Your are to send the pay ahstracts(') of this cavalry to Mohyuddeen Ali Khan, the Deivdn of Knrpah. Having erected batteries close to the Avails of the fort, and well breached the same, you will, with the concurrence of the Sipahddrs and other commanders with you, assault and reduce the place. It will be better, however, to endeavour, to the utmost of your power, to gain possession of it by maimgement,^-^ and by striking an awe into the gar- rison. It must be stormed only in case of absolute necessity. OBSERVATIONS. The kind of management here recommended to Kumruddeen Khdn will more fully appear in subsequent letters. It consisted in the practice of every un])rin- cipled art that might tend to circumvent the garrison, and induce them to submit to terms. (1) la the original ^jlX^ Tusdeek, I am not certain tliat I have rendered the term rightly. (2) In the original I4* c>»«^ Ilikmui-iumlj/y which signifies, finesse, trick, stratagem, circumvention, &(c. TIPPOOSULTAN. 89 LETTER LXIX. To the same ; dated Serixg^pai'^m, Sth Jaafvry. (2\st June.^ Your letter has passed under our view, and its contents are duly understood. We notice what you state, respecting the mortality prevailing among the t/i/she,'-^^ in consequence of the unhealthiness^-) of your position, and approve of your having dispatched the commanders of companies^^) into the adjacent districts, in search of recruits to fill up the vacancies [which have occurred]. You must, furthermore, order additional levies, for the purpose of completing your own Kushoon, as well as to enable you to send a supply to the Presence. There are physicians attached to your Kmhoon : let them be strictly enjoined to attend diligently to the care of your sick. The officers, also, of the said Kushoon, must be peremptorily directed to prevent desertion among their men. The horses and cattle belonging to your baggage should be dispatched to some place abounding in forage, and the R'lsd- laddrs, having charge of them, must be instructed accordingly. Agreeably to our former directions, let a capitulation be granted to the besieged, allowing them to depart with their arms and accoutrements. Kala Pundit, with his family and kindred, and the principal bankers, must also be induced, by engagements, '^^^ to descend from the fort, upon doing which they are to be placed under a guard, and ten lacks of pa- godas to be demanded of them, for the ravages committed in our terri- N tories, (1) Or that part of the army composed of irregular infantry. (2) Ori<;inal lybj c_>l i_jLi-l " hadncss of the air and water." (3) Original ^^^Li.^ Sur-kheeldn ; literally the heads of tribes, A company of irre- gulars appears to have been called a K/ud, while a company of regulars was called a Jowk. (4) Original Jyi A'oa7. 90 SELECT LETTERS OP tories. If they pay this sum, it will be well ; otherwise they must be kept in confinement. In short, you are, by finesse, to get the aforesaid Pandit^ together with his kindred and the bankers, out of the fort, and then to secure their persons. [A few lines, containing other directions of no consequence, are here omitted.] When your batteries are erected close to the walls of the fort, and the ditch is completely filled, you will, if the measure be approved of by the Sipcihddrs, advance to the assault : otherwise the attempt will not be proper, inasmuch as this is a hill-fort qffxiirS^) N.B. A letter, of the same tenor and date, but less in detail, was dispatched to Biirhanuddeen. LETTER LXX. To the same; dated 10th Jaafury. (23c? J'une.') We have received your letter, acknowledging the receipt of twenty-one thousand pagodas ; and representing that, so far from that sum sufficing for the payment of all your troops, it is inadequate even to the payment of the regular infantry. It is understood. Adverting to this very cir- cumstance, we some time since wrote to you, desiring you to transmit to us a full and distinct statement of the monthly disbursements of the troops under your command, in order that Ave might make you the necessary remittances. We now repeat those directions ; upon your complying with which we will take your report into consideration, and supply you with money [according as may appear requisite to us]. N.B. There follows here another short passage, respecting the pay of the troops, which I suspect to have been miscopied, but which is, at any rate, unin- telligible to me. (5) Original Jbj^ a^Jj dated \Qth Jaafvry, (23d June.^ Upon receipt of the Imperial Miindate, [my] glorified head touched the summit of honour. The special gifts of ennol)ling* quality [or virtue], which your Majesty, in your boundless favour, graciously bestowed [on nic], by the hands of Rao Bal Mukn Doss, also arrived in the most auspicious conjuncture, and put [me] in possession of the wealth of distinction and pre-eminence. In acknowledgment of this magnificent donation, [I] respectfully offer [my] most humble obei- sance. This stedfast believer, with a view to the support of the firm religion of Mahommed, undertook [some time since] the chastisement of the Nazarcne tribe ; who, unable to maintain the war [I] waged against them, solicited peace [of me] in the most abject manner. This is so notorious a fact, as not to require to be enlarged on. With the divine aid and blessing of God, it is now again [my] steady determination to set about the total extirpation and;destruction of the enemies of the faith. In token of [my] sincere attachment [or devotion] to your Majesty, [I] send, by ivaij of Nuzr, a hundred and twenty-one gold Mo/us to your resplendent Presence : let them be [or may they be] honoured by [your Majesty's] acceptance. [I] am humbly hopeful, that [I] may continue to be honoured and distinguished by the receipt of your ennobling commands. More would exceed the bounds of respect. N 2 (1) That is, the reigning emperor, or sovereign, of Dehli, Shall Alluni. Tliis letter is ciitiilcd an " Urzdds/ii," i, c. a petition, memorial, or humble address. 92 SELECT LETTERS OF OBSERVATIONS. Notwithstanding the apparent air of humihty, which may be thought to pervade the first paragraph^ in particular, of the foregoing letter, it is nevertheless remark- ably deficient in the forms of respect, invariably observed in all addresses to the Emperor of Hindostan (even though " fallen from his high estate ") from those acknowledging him as their sovereign. The writer here does not once stjde himself, as is customary, " the slave," " the devoted servant," or even " the dejiendent" (in any respect) of Shah Allum. The very manner in which he offers his Nuzr is lofty, and unsuitable to the occasion ; but is still less ofi'ensive and affronting than the Nuzr itself, as will be seen by the following letter. In short, the address is marked throughout with a strong and visible repugnance to any direct or express acknowledgment of the imperial authority. This is more especially shown in the studied omission of the nominative case, the use of which would have reduced him to the necessity of employing some of the ordinary terms of respect appropriate to similar occasions ; such as, " this slave," or the like. The nominative, in fact, occurs but once in the course of the letter ; and then it is not " this devoted " servant," but " this stedfast believer" in Mahommed, There can be no doubt, that by the Nazarenes, mentioned in the second paragraph, the English are meant ; and tha* the peace alluded to is that of Mangalore, concluded in March 1^84, or about fifteen months previously to the date of the letter under consideration. Here, then, we have an indisputable proof, that it was " the steady determination " of the Sultan, as early, at least y as June 1783, to seize the first favourable occasion of " utterly extirpating and " destroying" us. It is highly probable, however, that this resolution was taken long before it was announced to Shah Allum, and, in short, that it was coeval ■with the very treaty by which he bound himself to maintain the relations of amity with us. Unfortunately, his instructions to the first embassy which he dispatched to Europe (via Const anthwple) and which I conceive to be that alluded to in Letter VII, have not been preserved, or, at least discovered ; otherwise, there is abundant reason to suppose, that this document would have fully showTi, that a vigorous TIPPOOSULTAN. 93 vigorous prosecution of the war against us, was an object which never ceased to occupy his chief attention, from the moment of his accession to the Musnud. Subsequent events, indeed, compelled him to suspend, for some time, but not to abandon, his hostile purposes ; nor would he seem to have ever taken any particular pains to conceal them. In his own Durhdr he certainly did not : and there is sufficient ground for concluding, that he was not more reserved on the subject, in his occasional communications to other foreign or independent powers, than tothe Emperor of Dehli. It is not unlikely, indeed, that he wrote with less freedom than he spohe of his intentions, or than he authorized his diplomatic agents to speak of them. Oral declarations could be easily disclaimed, and would be difficult to prove ; while written ones, unless very cautiously expressed, might lead to premature discovery. Accordingly he has not, in the present letter, distinctly and explicitly stated, that the English were " the enemies of the faith," whom he was determined " to extirpate ;" although few persons will entertain any doubt on the subject. Still, however, if the letter had been intercepted, or communicated to the British government, and he had been questioned regarding it, he might have pretended that he meant the Koorgs, or Nairs, or Mahrattahs ; all of whom being infidels, as well as the English, might be equally considered as ••' enemies of the faith." It is not to be denied, that the Sultaji, all this while, kept up a cold and formal intercourse, by letter, with the British government in India ; but there can be little question that this was a constraint, to which he submitted with reluctance ; and only because he could not have waved such a correspondence, without manifesting, thereb)', to that government itself, and in a manner more direct and explicit than he was yet prepared to do, the hostile spirit by which he was actuated towards it. In fine, though he either did not deem it necessary, or was unable, from the violence of his hatred, to conceal his designs against us from his own dependents, or from some of the foreign princes and states with whom he was in correspondence, still it is not to be supposed, that he was absolutely indifferent to our being apprized of them ; since, no doubt, he would rather have taken us by surprise, than have found us prepared to resist him : he, therefore, continued to maintain an outward show of distant civility towards us, till weary of waiting for the assistance he had been ltd to expect from 94 SELECT LETTERS OP from the French, and no longer able, perhaps, to restrain the rancour which animated him against us, he at length gave full vent to it ; and by an open attack on our ally, the lidjah of Travancore, plunged into that war from which he had hitherto abstained, only because he hoped, by delay, to prosecute it to greater advantage. But with his impetuous feelings, delay, beyond a certain point, was intolerable ; and, therefore, yielding to those feelings, he willingly incurred the hazards of a contest, to which, though standing alone, he doubtlessly thought him- self more equal than the event proved him to be. The only remaining observation, suggested by the foregoing letter, relates to the professed object of the last war waged by Hyder Ali Khan against the English ; for the war alluded to in the second paragraph must, of course, have been that of 178O, though the Sultan, on this occasion, has thought proper to sink the name of his father. This war is said to have been undertaken " with a " view to the support of the Mahommedan religion." This may serve as a clue to the real, however covert, meaning of Mahommedans, and particularly bigotted ones, whenever they talk of " holy wars," of " wars entered into for the advance- " ment or security of Islam" and of " the extirpation of the enemies of the " faith." This language is susceptible, no doubt, of being applied to other infidels besides tlie Nazarenes ; but the time and occasion of its use, to say nothing of other circumstances, always sufficiently indicate who are actually intended. Thus, in the present case, the context so plainly points at the English, that we will venture to say, it would be difficult to find a candid and intelligent Mussulman, who would hesitate, for an instant, to declare his convic- tion, that they, and they alone, were alluded to in the passage in question. Indeed, it may be farther remarked, in confirmation of this opinion, that the '• extirpation " of the Mahrattahs would never seem to have been an object in the contemplation of the Sultan ; whose hatred to that nation was far less virulent than that which he bore to the English ; nor was their jwwer viewed by him with the same fear or jealousy. In his disputes with them, the acquisition of some fort or district, or the relinquishment of some pecuniary demand, was probably all that he at any time contended for. TIPrOOSULTAN. 95 LETTER LXXir. To MuNZOOR Am Khan ;(') same Date. (23d June.') Having heard, from Rao Bal Mukn Doss, of the many excellencies and virtues which distinguish your character, the information has been productive of the greatest satisfiiction to me. A bag,^^^ containing an Urz-ddshf P^ nddressed to the resplendent Presence, and accompained by a Nuzi-^^^ of a hundred and twenty-one gold Mo/irs, is herewith dis- patched ; and I trust to your friendship and kindness, for presenting the same to his Majesty's blessed notice. Many Mussulmans are in the habit of carrying about their persons (in pockets and the like) for their convenience [or to answer occasional calls] gold Mohrs and Rupees. But, inasmuch as the gold and silver coins, stamped with the names of the rulers of the age, contravene the pre- scriptions of our liturgy, I have, on this account, devised and coined, and caused to be circulated, a new and superior kind of gold Mohr ; in which the names of God, of the Holy Prophet, and of the august Prince of Sanctity and of Sages, (^^ are introduced. Of this new coinage is my Nuzr to his Majesty composed ; and I have likewise sent, in token of friendship, twenty-five of the same sort of gold Mohrs for your acceptance. Considering (1) Munzoor Ali Kli^n was the chief of the eunuchs at the court of Dehli, and at this period the princi[)al confidential servant of Shah Alium. He was, in fact, the minister of tlic day. (2) Letters to persons of any distinction arc usually enclosed in baj^s, called Khureela, The materials with which these bags are made arc regulated by the rank of the persoa addressed. (3) An Urz, or humble address ; a petition. (4) A present, or offering, from an inferior to a superior. (5) Meaning AIL 96 SELECT LETTERS OE Considering me to be always anxious to hear of your welfare, you must occasionally make me happy by your friendly letters. Other particulars will be made known to you, by the letter addressed to you by Bal Mukn Doss. For the rest, may content and gladness attend you. OBSERVATIONS. Though the various pseudo-sovereigns, who sprung up on the dissolution or dis- memberment of the Mogul Empire, in different parts of Hindostan, soon threw off the authority of the Court of Dehli in all material points, they, nevertheless, continued to observe towards it some of the external forms of homage and dependence ; such as styling themselves, in their addresses to the reigning repre- sentative of the house of Timur, " his faithful slave" or " devoted subject;" presenting him on certain festivals, and on other occasions, with the Nuzrs appropriate to royalty, and soliciting or accepting titles of honour from him. But the chief symbol, or vestige, of the nominal power, thus conceded to him, con- sisted in the general practice which had obtained among these upstart rulers, of continuing to stamp the current coins of their respective territories with the usual legend of the imperial coinage; by which means the Emperor, for the time being, became every where ostensibly recognized as the legitimate sovereign ; and his name, at least, rescued from oblivion, and even rendered familiar to the people in general. Of this empty honour, Tippoo Sullan was, I believe, the first, and, indeed, the only one'^' of these self-created princes, who thought fit to divest him. Not content, however, with putting this affront upon the aged monarch, he had the temerity to aggravate it in the highest degree, by sending the latter a Nuzr, consisting of a coin, from the inscription on which the name and titles of Shah Allum (6) For I do not (with Captain Moor) consider the Abdalli, or King of Cdbid, as forming an exception, that country having been formally ceded by the Emperor, Mahommed Shah, to the Persians, from whom it was wrested by Ahmed Shall Abdalli, otherwise called Durdni/. TIPPOO SULTAN. 9/ AUum were entirely excluded. The argument, by which he ■attempted to justify this innovation, was sufficiently curious and frivolous, but was little calculated to reconcile, even a Mahommedan court to it: accordingly, as will hereafter be seen, it was not submitted to in silence. Never having seen a gold Mohr, of the specific coinage employed by the Sultan on this occasion, I am, of course, not enabled to say to what degree he adhered, in the legend impressed upon it, to the sanctimonious principle by which he professed to regulate it. The gold Mohr, of which a representation is given by Captain Moor, in his Narrative of Little's Campaign,"^ happens to be of the year Zubrjudy'^ or six years posterior to the date of the two preceding letters ; and in this interval, the Sultan, no doubt, might have made some alteration in the inscription. There is, however, in the publication just referred to, the figure of a double Rupee, struck in the same year (namely Julio) in which Tippoo dispatched his Nuzr to Delili ; and it is probable that the inscription on the gold Mohrs, of which the latter consisted, differed little, or perhaps nothing, from that which appears on the Rupee of the same year. Assuming this for the fact, let us exa- mine how far the inscription in question corresponds with the description given of it by the Sultan, in the foregoing letter. On one side is the following legend, written here in the order in which I sup- pose it intended to be read: which may be translated, " the religion, or faith, of Ahmed [i, e. of Mahommed] " is rendered luminous on earth by the victories of Hyder."" Struck at Putn " \i. e. Seringapatam'] in the year Jullo^^"'' [or] H'lgera 11 99." O Here (7) Vide fig. 4, plate I, page 465. (S) Captain Moor not being iK-qiiaintcd witli the Sultan's Kalcnclar, was not aware that Zubrjud was the name of a particular year, xiz. the forty-fifth of the Mi/sore Cjdc, and cor- responding witli A. I). 1791. (y) Or, " derives its [present] lustre on eartli from the victories of Hyder." (10) Julio (whicii, like Zubrjud, was not understood by the author of the Narrative) was tlic ;i9th year of tiie Mjjsorc Ci/clc, and coincides with A. D. 1785. 98 SELECT LETTEKS OJf Here Hyder, though ostensibly standing for the Caliph AH (one of whose names or titles it was) was, in all probability, intended by the Sultan to suggest the idea of his own father ; whose name is, by this contrivance, introduced into the legend, without any direct or open deviation from the rule proposed to be followed. In like manner, the word Futak, though apparently conveying no other meaning than its usual and obvious one, viz. victory, may be safely supposed as designed to shadow out either his own original name, or that of his paternal grandfather, viz. Futah Ali Khan. Here, then, in two words, seemingly employed for a different purpose, has he ingeniously managed to impress his coin, not only with one of his own names, but also with those of his father and grandfather ; and so far, without any verbal breach of the law he had imposed upon himself. We will now enquire, how he has succeeded in the exergue, or reverse, of the coin under consideration ? The leg-end is as follows : r (_^wjji»- i-!_ji=- jL) t^j^^ Aj^ j-^w^ -v*-^^ ^,yj\ jA That is, " He [i. e. God] is the only Sultan [or Lord] and dispenser of justice- " 3d [of the month] Behdry, year Julio, and third of the reign." It is very remarkable, that the first word in this inscription (or .>) and, conse- quently, that which immediately precedes the word Sultan, is so impressed, as to be susceptible, without any extraordinary licence or exercise of the fancy, of being read Tippoo. For the tail, or lower part of the ^ does not appear in its usual form, but assumes something like the figure of a crescent, and might, therefore, be very easily taken for an ornament, instead of a component part of a character. Omitting, then, the tail (as if it were nothing bat a flourish) the rest of the word will be exactly the same as if it were the proper name Tippoo, written without the diacritical points, the omission of which, though certainly unusual in coins, is common enough on other occasions. Supposing this, therefore, to have been the Sultan's design, the sense would be, " Tippoo, the only Sultan, the just." On the whole, then, it may be observed, that with the help of a few equivoques (of which he seems, on many occasions, to have been very fond) he has contrived, while fullilling his promise of inserting in his coin none but the names of God, of the TIPPOO SULTAN. 99 the Prophet, and of AH, to impress it also, without actually appearing to do so, with the names of at least " two rulers of the age." The date on the reverse of the rupee which we have been considering, shows that it was struck on the anniversary of his Jdloos, or enthronement, which took place on the 3d of Behdry of the year Suhh ,•'"' corresponding, as nearly as I can calculate, to the 10th of May 1783 ; and being, therefore, somewhat more than five months subsequent to the death of Hyder/'-' It would not be easy to assign any consistent or rational motive for the conduct of the Sultan, with respect to the court of Dehli. If he thought it capable of promoting any of the objects of his ambition, and was, on this account, desirous of cultivating a good understanding with it, it is rather extraordinary, that he should have adopted the measure of rendering such a Niizr to the Emperor, as a very little reflection might have satisfied him, was but ill calculated to conciliate the favour of that court towards him. If, on the other hand, he neither expected nor desired any thing from it, it is equally strange, that he should have put himself to any trouble or expence, in maintaining an intercouse with it. The mere news of the place (that, too, transmitted to him only at distant intervals) could prove very little interesting, and still less, useful to liim. 02 (11) Sec the Introduclion. This is the word occurring in the reverse of the impression of Tippoo's gold ^/t)/ir given by Captain Moor; (fig. 4. plate I.) but wiiich he, owing to the inis|)lacing of the diacritical points, was led to read Sunh. (12) If Sukh, however, should have been a leap year (a doubt that I have not the means of clearing up) then its coninK'nccinent would coincide \vith the 10th or 11th of March (instead of the 9th of April) 1783 ; and, consequently, the 3d of Bchdri) would be thrown back to the 10th or 1 1th of April. What leads me to prefer the 10th of May is, that Tippoo, in his Memoirs, fixes the death of his father on the 3d of Zdkirij. Now from the 3d of Zdktrij (corresponding to the 1st Mohurrcm, A. H. 1147) to the 3d of Behdri/, is exactly five months: so iliai, if liyder died in December 1782, it follows that the /«/o05 of his son must have taken place in Ma}-, and not in April. 100 SELECT LETTERS OF LETTER LXXIII. To MoAL Chund and Sujan Rae^'^; same Date. (23d i/une.y Your letter, with the newspapers which accompanied it, has passed under our view, and the contents tliereof are understood. A bag-, enclosing an address [[from us] to the resplendent Presence,(-> together with a hundred and twenty-one gold Mohrs of a new coinage, [designed] in the way of Nuzr, as Ukewise a separate bag, to the address of Munzoor Ali Khan, and twenty-five of the same kind of gold Mohrs, as a token of [our] friendship [for the said Khdii], are sent herewith. For the greater security, the gold 3Iohrs have been sewed up in the gannents^^^ of the messengers. You will, therefore, on their arrival, take the gold Mohrs from their garments, and, through the medium of Munzoor Ali Khan, present a hundred and twenty-one of them, with our Zh-z-ddsht [or humble address], to his Majesty, delivering the remaining twenty-five to the aforesaid Khdn. A bill of exchange for one thousand rupees is sent herewith. Out of the amount [when realized] you are to take for yourselves sixteen months' arrears of wages, at thirty rupees per month, making four hun- dred and eighty rupees ; and a twelvemonth's wages, at the same rate, in advance, being three hundred and sixty rupees ; or, together, eight hundred and forty rupees. Eighteen rttpees, which are to be paid to the Hurkdrehs [or messengers, on their arrival at Dehir\ being added to this sum, there will remain one hundred and forty-two 7-npees, •which vou ( 1 ) These persons were the Su!(an''s agents and news-writeis at Delili. (2) Tippoo, in several of his letters, has applied this phrase (^yj^jj-a*-) to himself. (3) Original Isai.^^ possibly meant for \btij- If not, I can make nothing of the word. TIPPOO SULTAN. 101 you will apply to the payment of the [regular] wages of our Hurkdrehs. Of the two pair now dispatched, one of them, named Toliiram and Mhadajee, are to receive, the first ten, the other nine rupees per month. The second pair, named Kishnajee and Suntajee, are to receive each nine rupees per month. Both sets have received from us their wages, at the ahove rate, for three months ; namelv, from the befrinniner of Rujuh to the end of Rumuzdn 1199 (A.H.), While they continue with you, they arc to be paid at the specified rate, commencing from the month of Shuvwdl. When they are dispatched, two months' wages are to be advanced to each pair. You must [from time to time] faithfully and accurately communicate [to us] the intelligence of that quarter. You wrote, that you had dispatched to us, by a pair of hired Hur- kdrehs, two baskets of Hai-ddueh pomegranates, W together with a letter from yourselves. The said Hurkdrehs, with the letter and baskets, have not [hitherto] arrived. According to your desire, seventy-two rupees have been paid here to the last pair of hired Hurkdrehs dispatched by you. Further particulars, will be communicated to you by Rao Bal Mukn Doss. OBSERVATIONS. These two agents would seem to have been natives of Hindostan, and personally unknown to the Sultan ; by whom they were probably employed, on the recom- mendation of the Bal Mukn Doss, mentioned in this and the preceding letter.'" This (4) Tiiis is the pomegranate without stones. It is not the produce of Hindostan, but is brou|;ht, together with grapes, apples, and otiicr tVuir, IVoni Culml aiici tlio adjaeent countries, by the horse nK-rchants. (5) Various dispatches from tiiese two agents to the Sultan were contained among tiie papers found at Seringapatam. 102 SELECT LETTERS OF This letter furnishes another instance of the minuteness to which the Sulfan was accustomed to descend in all matters of disbursement. Another sovereign, in his situation, would have left such details to one of his secretaries, or to the proper officers of the department to which they naturally belonged. But either this was a degree of confidence, which it was foreign to the character of Tippoo to repose in any of his servants, or he was ambitious of appearing to be equally attentive to the most trivial, as well as to the most important affairs of his government : nor can it be denied, that a general impression, to this effect, would tend, in some degree, to secure the fidelity and diligence of those whom he employed. LETTER LXXIV. To KuMRUDDEEN Khan ; dated \2th Jaafvry. (25th Jnne^ Your letter has been received, and your account of the batteries of Burhaniiddeen being completed is undei'stood. We have repeatedly written before now, desiring you to advance your batteries close to the walls of the fort ; to destroy these effectually ; to fill the ditch ; and [finally] with the concurrence and advice of the Slpahddrs, to proceed to the assault of the place. Such being the case, it is astonishing that you should still wait, and continually apply to us for fresh orders for storming. [We repeat, however, once more] : In case the walls are destroyed, and the ditch is filled, you must, with the advice and concurrence of the commanders with you, proceed to the assault and reduction of the place. OBSERVATIONS. The justice of the reproof contained in the preceding letter may be very fairly questioned : for though it is certain, that the Sultan had expressed considerable impatience to obtain possession of Nergdnd, yet his orders, relative to the means by TIPPOO SULTAN. 103 by wliich that object was to be pursued, could not be said to have been so explicit and distinct, as to leave no doubt of his real wishes and intentions ; for in Letter LIX he directs a negociation to be opened with the garrison for the surrender of the place, and about a week after (Letter LXVIII) he suggests the expediency of getting possession of it, by what he calls management, plainly saying, at the same time, " that it was not to be stormed, excepting in case of absolute necessity." The letter immediately following the last (or Letter LXIX) is not more decisive or explicit than the others. Thus it appears, that it was not without reason that Kumruddeen was desirous of receiving more precise and positive instructions for his guidance. LETTER LXXV. To Mahommed Ghyas and Noor Mahommed Khan ; dated \Ath Jaafury. (2'^th June?) If tlie chiefs of that place consent to Noor Mahommed Khan's repairing- hitlier, it will he well : and if they should dismiss you both, you must both, after formally declaring them to be responsible for the consequences,^') set out for our Presence. LETTER LXXVI. To Shaikh Ahbied, son of Mahommed Mukrum, the Merchant ; dated \5thJAAFVRY, and endorsed ^'^ KorrL-NAMEH."^^*^ (28fh June.} Having received a full account of you from the verbal report of Meer Mahommed (1) In tlic oiiy;inul, " after fixing all blame upon them." (I *) A KowUmimi'h is a written engagement, whereby the person executing it promises to grant protcetion, or some particular favors or immunities, to the party receiving it. Kowl means also a capitulation. 104 SELECT LETTERS OF Mahommed Riza/^^ as well as from the representation of Mahommed Mukrum, we, in consequence, write to desire, that you will, imme- diately on receipt of this our bounteous mandate, set out with the utmost confidence of mind for our Presence, accompanied by your family, and such other persons as may be disposed to come with you. On your arrival here, you shall in all things experience our care and protection, agreeably to your wishes, and be appointed to the charge of the mercantile concerns, &c/'> A proper place shall be assigned you for a factory ; and such advances of money be made you, as may be requisite for enabling you to carry on your trade [advantageously], all the profits of which shall rest with you for the term of two years : during which time, also, we promise to grant you an exemption from all duties on your merchandize. Repair, therefore, to our Presence, without fear or distrust. All remaining particulars will be explained to you by the letter of Mahommed Mukrum, and the verbal communications of Meer Ali Riza.W OBSERVATIONS. The encouragement here held out to Shaikh Ahmed, seems to have been abundantly liberal, and shows how much the Sultan had it at heart to open a trade with those countries, of which he had no jealousy. It does not appear at what place Shaikh Ahmed was a resident, or whether he accepted the offers of the Sultan. (2) Literally, " by the tongue of." (3) I am doubtful whether the charge, or superintendance, of the 5'i OBSERVATIONS. The Sultan would not, for reasons sufficiently obvious, agree to any guarantee which he could not subsequently violate with perfect impunity. The garrison of Nergund knew ^vl^om they had to deal with ; and, therefore, naturally sought to obtain a better pledge for their security, than they could receive from the " commanders of his army," or any other person depending upon him. They were, in the end, however, compelled to trust to the good faith of the com- manders, and the event was sucli as they seem to have anticipated. P (1) III tlio original .jU^U- ^vhe^e by ubroo is usually meant, more particularly, the sanctity of tlic Harem, or female part of a family. (2) A kind of poney, or small degenerate Iiorsc. (33 Such I take to be the strict meaning of uu— Ij^Asij*^ though I think it might also be rendered set in : and tiiis last sense •would, no doubt, better agree with the time of tha year, {viz. the end of June.) 106 SELECT LETTEHS OF LETTER LXXVITI. To the Sanore Man j('> dated \8th Jaafury. (\st July.') Your letter, containing an account of your welfare, adorned the face of arrival, and imparted joy and pleasure to us. What the pen of friendship has traced, in excuse for past offcnces, is comprehended. Of this matter not the slightest impression remains on the mind of this friend : the only fault {ov failure) imputable to that friend being, that he did not examine with care and dilig-ence into the state of his revenue accounts ; the consequence of which has been, a heavy deficiency in the amount realized. Our accomptants have made themselves thoroughly acquainted with the details of the territory held eonditionallr/ by you ;^^> and after making every fair and proper deduction for military charges, have ascertained the balance justly due to us from you/^^ You must, therefore, agreeably to your former promises, speedily pay the amount into the hands of the bankers, and dispatch the latter to us. You must not suffer any delay to take place in this matter. With respect to the accomptants and others in your employ, who have been guilty of the malversations [in question], you should compel them, by rigorous proceedings, to make restitution of the sums of which they have plun- dered yovi. In regard to the servants and Taaldkddrs of that friend, we assure him that no interruption or disturbance shall be given to them by any one. (1) It is AbdCil Hakeem Klian, the Nabob of Shanoor, that is here meant by this slighting designation ; whicli, thougli (no doubt) confined to the record, or entry, is no unccjuivocal mark of the little account he was held in at Seringapatam. (2) See Letter XVI. (3) This balance was stated, ia Letter XVI, at about thirty-eight lacks of rupees. TIPPOO SULTAN. lOJ LETTER LXXIX. To Mahommed Ghyas aml'Soon Mahommed Khan; sa7}ie Date. (1st Jidt/.} Your letter of the 9th of Jnafimf, was received on the 18th of the same month [or this day]. You write, " that in the course of a con- " ference which you had had with Rao Rasta, Hurry Pundit O heing " present gave a Hcence to his tongue, of a nature that tended to lower *' and disgiace you ; and that, in consequence, you thought it utterly " inexpedient to remain there any longer. It is known. Such being the ungracious and unpalatable state of things, what advantage can arise from it ? That friend, therefore, together with Noor Mahonuned Khan, must, at any rate, and without leaving a single individual of your mission behind you, set out for our Presence, nor wait for any farther orders. OBSERVATIONS. It might be supposed, from the recital here made by the Sultan of the letter of the envoys, that the latter had not communicated the offensive observations of Hurry Pundit in detail, but satisfied themselves with stating, that they had been of the most affronting nature. Be this as it may, it is clear that the Sultmis warmest indignation was excited on the occasion : nor did it immediately subside, since we shall presently see him repeating his order for the return of the envoys, in a still more peremptory tone than in the foregoing dispatch. But however wounded his pride might have been at first, by the injurious language imputed to P 2 Hurry (1) Hurry Pmiclit was at tlic licad of the army of tlio Malirattah emiiirc ; and, at a siibsf(jiiciit periotl, couinimidud tlic army sent by tlic yovcniiiiciit of Foonali to co-operate with Lord Cornwulhs. 108 SELECT LETTERS OF Hurry Pundit, he seems ultimately to have subdued, or at least to have repressed, his anger ; inasmuch as he thought proper, at no great distance of time, to change his mind with regard to the recall of his agents. LETTER LXXX. To Meer Moaalla Khan, Kilaadar of Mudgvl ; dated 20th Jaafvry. (3d July.^ fArTER compliments] We have just learned, from the report of the Deputy Governor of Giijunder-ghur, that that friend, having t^ollected together a hody of troops, maintains himself with great firm- ness in the fort of Mudgul ; soliciting, however, at the same time, our assistance : we therefore write, to desire that you will, without any reserve or ceremony, state to us what succours you require, when, with the blessing of God, the same shall be effectually furnished. OBSERVATIONS. I am not quite certain with regard to the real name of the fort here mentioned, since, in the original, it is written both Mudgul and Nudgul. From the style and general tenor of this letter it might be concluded, that it was not addressed to any person in the service of the Sultan, but rather to the governor of a fort (belonging either to the Mahrattahs or to the Nizdm) who had entertained a traiterous correspondence with the Sultan. I am not, at present, sufficiently informed on the subject to clear up this point satisfactorily ; but if, in the course of this work, I should meet with any new light respecting it, I will communicate it in the Appendix. TIPPOO SUI>TAN. 109 LETTER LXXXL To BuRHANUDDEEN ; dated 23d Jaafury. (6th Juli/.') You write " that the Piddehs from Surhutty, who were stationed ** with Kumruddeen Khan, have run away, and that Hght of our eyesO " has placed a Dalwdr^^ and a Vakeel in custody of a guard." It is kivown. Furnish Kumruddeen Khiin with other Piddehs, in the room of those who have deserted ; keep the two persons you mention in irons ; and seize, for the use of the Sircar, the horses and camels belonging to them. OBSERVATIONS. The context would, in this place, seem to imply, that the Dalwdr and Fakeel, here mentioned, belonged to Surhutty, and were seized and confined by Biir- hanuddecn, as a sort of hostages for the fugitive Piddehs. If this was not the case, it is impossible to say, at this time, who the persons in question were. The rigorous proceeding against them, here directed, may seem to exceed the measure of justice ; but it is probable, that it was not designed so much as a punishment, as a means of accomplishing the recovery of the deserters, Such expedients are but too common, in similar cases, throughout Hindustani the East-India Company's possessions excepted. (1) Meaning BCiilifinCitldeeu, Sec Note 1, Letter XXX. (2) Tliis term, I believe, denotes a minister, or principal manager; as the Dalwdr of Mysore. Vakeel lias been already explained, at Note 1, Letter XIII. 110 SELECT LETTERS OF LETTER LXXXII. To Mahommed Ghyas and Noor MAHoaiMED Khan ; dated ^Ith Jaafvry. (10th i/w/y.) Your two letters, of the 12th and 14th of Jaafury [25th and 27th June] have been received. You write, " that what Hurry Pundit and *' the rest of them propose is, to dispatch Noor Mahommed Khan to us, *' and to take an engagement from you to pay down the money [cUiimed " of us], if, after his departure, there should be any delay in the trans- *' mission of the same from hence." It is known. If any message, to the above effect, should be actually sent to you, your answer must be, *' that you are our servants, and therefore dare not enter into any " engagement whatsoever without our orders; but that it ivas most pro - " hable, that after Noor Mahommed Khan's arrival, and tvhen we " should have ascertained from hi in the [^ti-ue^ state of things, zve shatttd ** consider the means of transmitting the money ^ You moreover write, *' that Rao Rasta has desired you to represent to " us, that the Zeminddr of Nergdnd, having been brought to agree to *' the payment of a lack and seventy-five thousand rupees, by way of *' amercement, it is wished that we would direct the siege of Nergdnd " to be discontinued." It is known. The aforesaid Zeminddr has col- lected from our dominions ten lacks of pagodas : waving, therefore, all consideration of an amercement, let him make restitution of what he has levied from our dominions, and then we will certainly raise the siege of Nergdnd. TirrOOSUJLTAN. Ill OBSERVATIONS. It is obsen-ablc, that, in the present dispatch, the Sultan is far from repeating his orders of the 1st July, for the immediate departure of both his agents from Poonah : on' the contrary, he seems satisfied with the idea of Noor Mahommed Khan's return singly, and thereby tacitly approves of the continuance of Mahom- med Gliyas at his post. His indignation at the behaviour of Hurry Pundit had probably cooled in the interval ; but it was soon revived, as we shall see, by a fresh affront from the same quarter. It must be allowed, that the answer directed in the foregoing letter to be returned to the expected message, or proposal, from the Mahrattah ministers, was not much calculated to produce any favorable change in the deportment, either of Hurry Pundit or of his colleagues. LETTER LXXXIII. To BuRHANUDDEEN ; dated \st Daraey. (14//i July.^ You write, " that you never buy caravan horses." It is known. But though you never purchase any, you must dhect the Silahddrs to do so. You further write, " that the labourers with you receive their daily " subsistence from the Ainnila of the districts which have supplied *' them." But there is no necessity for this. Let them be paid by you, from the day on which they joined you, and as long as they may remain with you. We have learnt from our beloved son,('> Meer Kumruddeen, that a camel- courier, belonging to Rao Rasta, has arrived with a letter addressed (1) Original ^W^j '« liappy, piospcroiis." It is most commonly applied as a term of endearment by parents to children, in the same manner as . ', -^.y and ^.liJ JUl 112 SELECT LETTERS OP addressed to you and liirn. Having duly considered the contents thereof, vou will dispatch such an answer by the courier, as you shall judge proper. OBSERVATIONS. I was in some doubt, respecting the meaning of Caravan horses, till Colonel Wilks, the author of the admirable History of Mysore, recently published, informed me, that the strings of horses brought for sale by the northern mer- chants, and others to the south of India, were so called. It would not be easy to guess why Burhanuddeen made it a rule (as he would appear to have done) never to buy horses from these dealers. But whatever objection that commander might have to such purchases, the Sultan appears to have had none ; as otherwise it is not probable that the merchants would have resorted to his dominions, or that he should have been desirous that the Silaliddrs should deal widi them. What is said here of the letter from Rao Rasta, seems to confirm, in some measure, the idea suggested on a former occasion,^'' viz. that Burhanuddeen exercised the chief authority in the army employed at this period on the Mahrattah frontier. His name probably stood foremost in the superscription of Hurry Pun- dit's letter ; which, on that account, or because he was generally considered as commander-in-chief, was, in the first instance, carried and delivered to him. The authority given to Burhanuddeen, by the last paragraph of the foregoing letter, seems to exceed the usual measure of the Sultans confidence in his servants, of whatever rank they might be. LETTER LXXXIV. To Burhanuddeen ; dated 2d DJrJey. (loth July. ^ By a letter from Ibnlheem Ali Kha,n it appears to us, that the Risdladdrs, Syed Huniced, Bubi Ali Baig, and Ibruheem Khun, have received (2) See observations on Letter XXXI, TIPPOO SULTAN. 113 received bribes, &c/') from various persons. A copy of this letter, the original of which has been deposited in the Kuclmrry of tlie Jyshe^ is enclosed. We, in consequence, direct, that the aforesaid Risdladdrs be divested of their commands,^-) that they be confronted [with their accusers], obliged to refund to the Sircar the money [they have cor- ruptly obtained], and finally, that they be kept under restraint, and the matter reported to us ; when we will send other Risdladdrs from hence [to supply their places]. OBSERVATIONS. This letter does not afford a very favorable specimen of the Sultans notions of justice, or of his mode of proceeding against persons charged with crimes or misdemeanors. He acts upon the bare information of Ibrahecm Ali Khan, as if the truth of the charge preferred by the latter were already undeniably established, inflicting every penalty upon the accused before trial, that could be inflicted, in the event of their guilt being completely proved. It is true, that he directs a kind of trial to be instituted ; but the possibility of the innocence of the accused is neither contemplated nor provided for. The result is to be communicated to the Sultan; not in order that he may, in case of the acquittal of the accused, give directions for their restoration to their rank, liberty, and property, but only that he may immediately send new ofllicers to supply their vacant places. All this is at variance, not only with common justice, but even with the usual mode of proceeding against military offenders of the rank of oflicers, prescribed by the Sultan's own regulations ; one of which appears to have directed, that " the sword " of the accused officer to be taken from him, and deposited in the guard-room, there " to be kept during the trial of the accused, and till ordered to be restored to him " by the Sultan." On the other hand, it must be acknowledged that the enquiry Q, ' commanded (1) In the original »;-ijC-.y.j ^Vl^at the " Kc." refers to, it is not possible to guess. (2) Literally, *' be turned out of tiu-ii- Jiisdlas.'^ A 114 SELECT LETTERS OF commanded to be made, and the postponement of the appointment of successors to the accused till the result was known, are circumstances, which seem to show that the Sultan, notwithstanding the precipitancy and irregularity of his proceed- ing, on this occasion, did not deem it absolutely impossible that the Risdladdrs might be able to clear themselves ; in which case it is, perhaps, only fair to suppose, that he would have made them suitable reparation for the injury they bad suffered. LETTER LXXXV. To the same ; dated 3d DarJey. (\6th July .'y We have learned, by a letter from the Sipahddr, Mahommed All, " that he has carried his approaches to the edge of the ditch ; that " the walls and batteries on his side are levelled to the ground ; and *' that the ditch only remains to be filled." That, then, is a trifling affair. Let the ditch be filled, and, with the consent and concurrence of all, let the place be stormed and taken. If, however, the garrison will capitulate, it will be well : and [in this case] with the exception of Kala Pundit, the rest may be allowed their lives and arms ; but the Pundit's person must be secured. In the event, however, of [your being obliged to proceed to] the assault of the place, eveiy living- creature in if, whether man or ivoman, old or young, child, dog, caty or any thing else, must he put to the sword, with the single exceptioa of Kala Pundit. What more ? OBSERVATIONS. The sanguinary and ferocious disposition of Tippoo Sultan is here displayed in the most glaring and odious colours, llie spirit of Nadir Shah appears to breathe through TIPPOO SULTAN. 115 through every line of the concluding sentence of this memorable letter. Kala Pundit was, most probably, reserved for some signal punishment ; or, perhaps, he was exempted from the general carnage here directed, because his immediate death might have frustrated the Sultan's views to pecuniary indemnification. It is rather extraordinary, that this last consideration did not also lead him to make an exception, in his exterminating mandate, in favor of the wealthy mer- chants and bankers of the place ; to secure whose persons he was subsequently extremely anxious. LETTER LXXXVI. To KuMi^uDDEEN Khan ; doled 3d Daraey. (161 h Juli/.^ You write, " that, in conformity with our orders, you have trans- *' ferred the ISipakddr Mnhommed Ali and his Kushoon to Burhunud- *' deen, and in his place have taken Shaikh Unser and his Kiishoon, " which you have posted in the trenches." It is known apd approved. You will cause the pay abstracts of Shaikh Unser's Kiishoon to be made out, and issue the amount. Burhiiuuddeen will issue the pay of Mahom- nied All's Kiis/ioon. You further state, *' that Syed Meeran, the Kilaaddr of Dhdrwdt\ " has replied to your letter to him, * that all the powder and shot at that " ' place had been dispatched to Burhanuddeen, and that it would not " ' be in his power to furnish another ball or grain of powder, till a *' ' fresh supply reached him from Nugr." " It is known. Orders, both to Syed Meeran and to the Taatdkddr of Nugr, are gone from us, to send you powder and shot, which will reach you in due time. Q 2 . You 116 SELECT LETTERS OF You have also written, " that the works on your attack are com- " pleted, but that those on the side of Burhanuddeen want two or " four daysC) of being finished : at the end of which time, after due ** consultation with the Sipahddrs and other commanders of the army, *' an assault would be made, and the fort of NergUnd be conquered." It is known. If the garrison will surrender the place upon terms, it will be well, as, in this case, the loss of men will be avoided. You must, otherwise, advancing your works on every side, breaching the walls, and filling up the ditch, proceed, with the advice and concurrence of the Sipahddrs and commanders of the army, to storm the place ; which should be done the first favorable opportunity, either at day-break or at noon. The tank-diggers^^^ must, on their arrival from Shdnoor, be placed under a guard, and dispatched to the Presence. You write, " that a camel-courier, belonging to Rao Riista, had *' arrived with a letter, addressed to you and Burhannddeen, who, you " conclude, had forwarded the same to us." It is known. The letter in question has not been received : had it reached us, we should imme- diately have replied to it. You and Burhanuddeen [therefore] after fduly] considering the contents of the aforesaid letter, must dispatch such an answer to Ruo Rasta, by his courier, as you shall judge to be proper. (1) This is a peculiarity of the Persian idiom, in which it is, at least, as usual to say two or Jour, ten or tuelve, us two or three, ten or eleven, &c. (2) Original ^J^yJjj "ly translation of which is on the authority of Colonel Munro, the term bjing entirely unknown to me. TIPPOO SULTAN. 117 LETTER LXXXVII. To the SjpahdJr, Mahombied Ali ; same Date. (\Qth Juli/.} You write, " that you have carried on your approaches to the edge of " the ditch, the fiUing of which is the only thing remaining to be " done." It is known. Wliere is the great difficulty of filling the ditch ? That, therefore, being done, let the place (every one concur- Hiig in the propriety of the measure^ be stormed and taken. OBSERVATIONS. It might almost be inferred, from the tenor of this letter, that Mahommed All, though a raw and inexperienced officer, was co-ordinate in authority with Burhan- uddeen and Kumruddeen. But the only conclusion to be justly drawn from this document is, that the Sultan was in the habit of corresponding, sej)arately, with the superior officers of his army, who probably acted as so many spies upon the chief commanders. Such a wretched system would be naturally enough suggested, by the characteristic jealousy and distrust of the Sultan. LETTER LXXXVIII. To Kumruddeen ; dated 5th Daraey. (I8th July.^ [After an immaterial passage, respecting a supply of money, the letter thus proceeds :] — All the operations of the siege are completed, and the walls of the place 118 SELECT LETTERS OF place demolished : why, then, this delay? If the garrison will evacuate the fort on terms, it will be well j otherwise, watching a suitable oppor- tunity, and acting with the concurrence of the Sipahddrs, and other commanders of the army, you must take the place by assault. LETTER LXXXIX. To the SiPAUDAR, Mahommed Ali ; same Date. (I8th July.') You write, " that placing yourself at the head of five companies^'^ *' from the Jyshe-Itisdlas, you advanced into the ditch ; from whence, " after putting to the sword every man of the enemy found there, some *' of your Kushoon pushed on, and ascending the walls, planted their " colours on one of the towers [or bastions]. Here, however, the " enemy's people, assembling in great numbers, and assailing ours with " rausquetry, hand-granades,^-) &c. you [thought proper to] recall " your men from the tower, [and to content yourself with] making a " lodgement in advance/^)" It is known. Your duty is to perform such services as you are ordered to execute, and not to act according to the suggestions of your own mind. You must not again proceed in this idle manner, but regulate your conduct by the general opinion. ( 1 ) In the original ^y>. jowk. (2) Original if:uitr\-. (2) In the original c::,.^! l/^ls^ J'^ i_ ---j-' i. e. " leads to perfect unkindness" or " un- " graciousncss : " or " must carry with it the most unfavourable appearance." 122 SELECT LETTERS OF OBSERVATIONS. The only remark necessary to be made on this letter is, that notwithstanding the apparently inflexible resolution of the Sultan, to withdraw his agents from Poonah immediately, they both appear to have continued there till the month of May in the following year (1786), or nearly a whole year after these peremptory orders for their recall. LETTER XCII. To BuRHANUDDEEN ; dated 9th DabJey. (22d July.^ It has been reported to us, that the besieged are desirous of capitu- lating, and have opened a negociation for the purpose : it is therefore written, that if they will surrender on terras, there is no use in an assault. You and Kumruddeen must jointly treat with the besieged on the occasion, and, by evei'y practicable means, induce them to deliver up the place. Failing in this, you will, Avith the concurrence of all the Sipahddrs and commanders(') of the army, (after having ascertained firom what point the attempt can be made with the least loss of men) seize the proper moment for proceeding to the capture of the place by open assault. We (1) Sipahddrs and commanders. I take this to be a mere pleonasm ; for I do not suppose that any officers, below the rank of a Sipaltddr, were meant to be consulted ; and witli the exception of BClrhanCiddeen and KumrQddeen, there would not appear to have been any with the army of superior designation. I wish, however, to be understood, as speaking with great diffidence on this point ; since I have only a superficial knowledge of the constitu- tion, or formation, of the .S'((//aH'4 army, at this period. TIPrOO SULTAN. 123 We are here likewise prepared to move at the head of our forces/^) and shall shortly arrive in that quarter. In the mean while, you must temporize, and employ every means, fair or foul,^^^ which may induce the besieged to surrender the fort : because, in an assault, many lives would be lost ; while a long detention before the place would also prove extremely destructive to the army. It is, moreover, in our blessed con- templation, to engage, after the rainy season, in a certain tveighty enter- prize ; you must, therefore, try every means of effecting the [earlyj evacuation of the place ; acting at the same time, in all our affairs, in [perfect] concert with each other. OBSERVATIONS. The fluctuating orders of the Sultan, respecting Nergdnd, as well as his impa- tience to obtain speedy possession of the place, have appeared in several of the foregoing letters. It has also been seen, that his sohcitude, on this occasion, led him, more than once, to authorize, and even to direct, in sufficiently explicit terms, the adoption of the most unjustifiable measures for the attainment of his object. But it was reserved for the present dispatch, to display, in the most glaring colours, his unprincipled and profligate policy. He is no longer satisfied with vague and distant intimations of his wishes; but here, throwing off all reserve and disguise, openly and boldly declares, that there is no act of treachery, decep- tion, or perjury, by means whereof the conquest of Nergdnd could be achieved, to which he was not ready to give an unqualified sanction. The weighty enterprize, alluded to in this letter, can, at this time, only be guessed. It could hardly be the surprize o{ Adoni ; which, though it might possi- R 2 bly (2) Original (.::«w!yffU-j_^U^jf^lj-! 1^ Ui^.J^j literally <* here, too, the special cavalcade is ready or pre|)ared. (3) Original jjyw <-S^ ^'^j ^jj'^j ^-^^^j r}' jrf " ^Y e^cy way* true and false, and by temporizing." 124 SELECT LETTERS OF Lly be in his contemplalion at this juuct\ue, he did not attempt till the month of May of the following year (1786)/^^ Neither could he well mean a sudden attack of the Mahrattah army, to be conducted in person by himself; as this was not carried into effect till a still later period : and, consequently, both events were considerably posterior to the " close of the rainy season." There remains, there- fore, no other known occurrence, to which the expression in question can be so well referred, as to his short expedition against the Koorgs, in the following month of November; when he marched suddenly and rapidly to Zvferdhdd, in which quarter the Koorgs had recently appeared in open revolt ; and owing to the inca- pacity of the officer whom he had left in charge of that ever turbulent and never completely settled portion of his territories,'^^ had obtained some advantages over the Sultaiis troops. LETTER XCIII. To KuMRUDDEEN Khan ; dated 10th Daraey. (23d Jnlr/.y Agreeably to your desire, we have transmitted to Burhanuddecn aa answer to the Urz'^^*^ which he forwarded to us from Kala Pmidit. The aforesaid Pundit, for his complete satisfaction [or security] demands the sanction of oaths, &c. [to our engagements]. But where is the neces- sity for oaths and the like, in an affair of tliis kind ? You and Burhan- tiddeen must, bt/ eveiy possible artijice and deeeption, get the garrison to quit the place. We have written a letter to Shaikh Unser, which is enclosed. (4) See on this subject the observations on Letter CXXXVIII. (5) See Letter CXVIL U*) An humble address or petition. TIPPOO SUI. TAN. 125 OBSERVATIONS. Tlie true meaning of what the Sultan here says is, that as he depends on his generals for circumventing the garrison, he sees no necessity for personally perjuring himself for the purpose : he thinks the end in view may be sufficiently answered by their doing so, and is therefore averse to a waste of perfidy. But although lie did not think proper to pledge himself to the extent required by Kala Pundit, it is highly probable that, in his letter to that person (referred to above), he was not at all backward in giving him such assurances, as would be best calculated to dispel any fears he might entertain for his personal safety and honour."' 1 LETTER XCIV. To BuRHANUDDEEN J Same Date. (23d Juli/.') Your letter, enclosing a paper, containing the demands of the people of the fort, has been received ; and, in consequence thereof, we now transmit to you, in answer to these demands, an engagement from us to Kala Pundit.^') We also enclose three letters for Mahommed AH and the other S'lpahddrs. The aforesaid Pundit has, for his greater satisfaction [or security], demanded the sanction of oaths, &c. [to our engagements]. But what is the use of oaths on this occasion ? You must, conjointly with Kum- ruddeen, by every possible artijice and deceit, persuade the besieged to evacuate the fort. (2) See the following letter. •' ' ■"- (1) The letter or engagement, here referred to, was most probacy in the Ca/wrwc lan- guage, and therefore doe* not appear. 126 SELECT LETTERS OF LETTER XCV. To JUSARETUDDOWLAH, MeER AbUL MaANA KhAN, BeHADUR JusARET Jung ; dated L3th DJraet. (25ik July^ PAfter compliments] You write, '' that in obedience to the 7, dictates of honor, you shall exert yourself, to the best of your power, ** in chastising the seditious." It is comprehended. Verily, such is the obligation of honor, and such the true character of courage. If you should be desirous of obtaining any assistance, we request you will not scruple or hesitate to consider our Sircar [state] as your own, but (jfreely] signify to us your wishes, which you may depend upon our fulfilling to your satisfaction. N.B. A letter, of the same tenor and date, was written to Mukhun Zaal (probably the agent of Jusaret Jung.) OBSERVATIONS. I am not enabled to say who tJiis Jiisaretuddowlah was ; but there can be little or no doubt of his having been a subject of the Nizdm, and (to judge by his titles) a person of distinction. He was, most probably, an immediate dependent of Busalet Jung, the brother of the Nizdm, and the Jagireddr of Adoni. LETTER XCVI. To Mahommed Ghyas afid Noor Mahommed Khan; do fed 14th DJraey. (27111 Juhj?) Your two letters, of the 23d and 28th of Jaafury [6th and 11th July] have been received. You write, " that they are about to require '« of TIPPOO SULTAN. 12/ " of you to send away your escort, and that their ungracious deport- " ment towards you is beyond measure." It is known. You and Noor Mahommed Khan must repair to the house of Rao Rasta, and, placing yourselves opposite to him, say to him, *' that you have nothing to do with the minister (Nana Furnaveese) " or any one else, and that all you have to desire is, that he will procure " you the necessary passports, in order that you may return to us." In short, let them be pleased or displeased, you must, at any rate, get passports, and set out with all your retinue for our Presence. This order must be considered as if it were a hundred orders. Two letters for Kishen Rao Narain and Rao Rasta, on the subject of your dismission, are enclosed. You must bring Syed Zynul Aabideen Khan along with you. You write for a supply of money, and represent the dearness of every thing there. Now that you are about to return hither, where is the necessity of making you a remittance for your expences ? Let us know the name and rank of the Hdkim [ruler] of Camhay^ as we purpose writing to him. We, also, are prepared for war. Fear not, but speedily commence your journey hither, and bring the Mitrishy, Peer Mahommed, as well as ,^') with you. OBSERVATIONS. The former part of this letter is in substance, and indeed nearly in terms, the same as Letter XCI. In fact, the envoy's dispatch of the 23d Jaafury is acknowledged in both ; and, probably, that of the 28th of the same month (which (1 ) The original here is cither miswritten, or I do not understand it. A writer, however, of some kind, is iateiidcd. 128 SELECT LETTERS OP (which would seem to have led to the present letter) did not difter materially from it. The letter to the Nabob of Cambay (his intention of writipg which is here announced) will be further noticed under Letter CXVIII. LETTER XCVII. To Meee Moyenuddeen Khan ; dated 19th DJrJey. (1st August.^ Your letter, written in the Hindvy character, and informing us that there was a prospect of Biidl Naig's coming in to you, has been received and understood. When the said Ndig arrives, you must confront him with Tummycoor,(') and after establishing his guilt, and placing him under a gniard, tell him, *' that you will release him, provided he sends " for his family." Having induced him, hj means of this artifice, to send for his family, you must put the whole of them in confinement, and make a report of the circumstances to us. OBSERVATIONS. The instances of the Sultans treacherous and unprincipled conduct, in his negociations, multiply so fast, as to make it difficult to avoid the appearance of sameness and repetition, in the remarks to which they naturally give rise ; I shall, in future, therefore, instead of obtruding my sentiments, leave the reader to his own reflections on such occasions. (l) Name uncertain. TIPPOO SULTAN. 129 LETTER XCVIII. To Rajah RamChundurj dated 20th Daraey. (2d August. ') You write, " that, in conformity with our orders, you have esta- " blished shops, on our behalf, in every Taaluk [under your authority], " and engaged in our service a Surrd/(^> and accountant, for conducting " the concerns of each : but that, in some districts, the object of profit " is completely frustrated ; while, in others, the gains are so very small " as to be even inadequate to the monthly pay of the Surrdfs and " accountants ; owing (as you say) to the more considerable towns, " where, heretofore, gold and silver, bullion and specie, to the amount *' of thousands of pagodas, used to be brought for the purposes of " traffic, being now forsaken by the traders, who taking alarm at the ** establishment of our shops [or warehouses]] resort, in consequence, " to other places ; none but the poorer classes, in short, ever dealing " with them, and then only to the amount, perhaps, of six or seven *' fanams." It is known. Admitting that the profits, for instance, are only seve7i pagodas, and that the expence, on account of the wages of the Surrdf and accountants, amount to ten, how long can this last, or the dealers continue to carry their money and bullion to other places ? They will, finally, come and make their purchases at our warehouses : you will, therefore, [proceed to] establish Surrdfs and accountants in every Taaluk, according to the amount of its [saleable] produce. You suggest the establishment of banking-houses on the part of the Sircar, and the appointment of a banker, with a salaiy, to superintend them. You also propose, with our permission, to open warehouses for S the { 1 ) By Europeans usually miscalled Shroffs. A Surrd/ is a money-cbaiigcr or broljcr. 130 SELECT LETTERS OF the sale of cloths at Bangalore, Ouscottah, and other places. It is^ comprehended. There is no regulation issued hy us, that does not cost us,, in the framing of it, the deliberation of Jive hundred years. This being the case, do you perform exactly Avhat we order ; neither exceeding our directions, nor suggesting any thing further from yourself. OBSERVATIONS. The fact of Tippoo Sultan having established such shops, or warehouses, as those mentioned in the foregoing letter, was, I believe, veiy well known, before the commencement of the last war, to those persons most intelligent in the afiairs of Ml/sore. The present dispatch, by fortunately reciting at so much length the representation of Rajah Ram Chundur on the subject, furnishes a tolerably clear idea of the institution, of which I have no where else met with any account. Till I saw this document, however, I had supposed, that the Sultan's views in this scheme embraced nothing more than a monopoly of the wholesale trade of his dominions ; but it is evident, from Ram Chundur's statement, that the retail trade also was proposed to be engrossed. " None but the poorer classes," says the Rdjah, " deal at our shops ; and then only to the amount, perhaps, of six " or seven fanams."''^^ I do not clearly know what the result of this extraordinary' project was, or whether the establishment, which has been described, continued in existence at the period of its founder's death. I rather think, however, that Rum Chundur's prognostic regarding it was verified, and that, though framed " with the delibe- " ration of five hundred years," it was soon found impracticable, and ultimately- abandoned. Ram Chundur certainly could not have chosen a more un propitious occasion for submitting his own project of banking-houses, than the one he embraced : nor would he seem to have at all adverted to the character of his master, when he could (1) i.e. about a. sh}lli7ig. TIPPOO SULTAN. 131 could have the temerity, in one and the same moment, to condemn pretty plainly a favorite scheme of the Sultan, and to offer to his acceptance another of his own devising. The result was such as he might have expected. The Sultan would, at no time, have been likely to listen with complacency to the uninvited sugges- tions of any of his servants ; but least of all, when proceeding from one, who had ventured to question the policy of a measure, on which he would seem to have plumed himself in no small degree. LETTER XCIX. 7o KuMRUDDEEN ; dated 25th Daraey. (Jtk Augmt.^ You write, " that in concert with Burhanuddeen, you arc treating " with the besieged for the surrender of the place, which you expect *' will submit in two or three days." You must, by any means, whether by engagements or by artifice, get the garrison to evacuate the fort, in order that our troops may obtain a little respite from fatigue, as we have it in contemplation to employ them, ere long, on a weighty so'viceS^^ You state, " that yourself and Biirhanuddeen labour diligently toge- *' ther, and in perfect concert, in the conduct of our affairs ; but that, *' possibly, some envious persons, incapable of viewing things clearly, ** may have made a different representation to us." It is understood. How shall any one [presume to] represent to us, that any disagreement subsists between that light of our eyes and Biirhiiniiddeen, since both are S 2 our (1) This passage docs not apply (as suggested under Letter XCII) to the subsequent expedition against the Koorgs, as the Sidtan could hardly have had it in contcm[)lation to employ BCirlianCiddeen's forces on that occasion, to \vhich, according to his own account, the troops immediately at his disposal were more than adequate. The ■weighty scnicc alludcJ- to must, therefore, have been some enterprizc of a more arduous nature. ^^2 SELECT LETTERS OF our beloved sons, and have been brought up aUke under our care : we therefore entertain a confident persuasion, that you will both, with otk heart, exert yourselves earnestly in the service of the Sircar. OBSERVATIONS. A letter of the same dale, and nearly of the same tenor as the preceding one, was addressed to Burhanuddeen, who likewise appears to have assured the Sultan, " that he conducted all affairs in concert with Kumriiddeen." But though the Sultan thought fit to intimate to these commanders his belief that a proper harmony really subsisted between them, it appears, I think, sufficiently clear, from the tenor of his letters, that he was far from being entirely satisfied of the fact ; and it may, at least, be confidently assumed, that there were those who thought otherwise, and who endeavoured to impress him with their opinions. LETTER C. To KuMRUDDEEN ; dated 26th Daraey. (8th August:) You write, " that on the day following [the date of your letterj, " or the 22d of Ddrdey, the enemy were to evacuate the place, when, ** having put a garrison of ours into it, you would report the same to " us." Having got the besieged to evacuate the fort on tenns, and having placed a garrison of our troops in it, let the Piddehs, &c. who composed the enemy's garrison, be set at liberty, according to the capitulation : but Kiila. Pundit, and three of the most opulent bankers, together with all the Sruhmens and Mdtusuddies of any consideration (to whatever class TIPPOO SULTAN. 133 class or description they may belong) must he placed in confinement, and most carefully guarded, and the same be reported to us. LETTER CI. To the same; dated 2'Jth Daraey. (9th August^ You write, under date of the 22d Ddrdey [4th August], " that on " that day our colours were hoisted on the walls of the fort, and a party " of our troops admitted into the place, which was to be evacuated by ** the garrison on the following day." It is kno\vn. Kala Pundit, with his family and kindred, four^^^ of the most opulent bankers, and the most distinguished of the commanders of cavalry, as well as of every other class or department, must be placed under guard : the remaining persons, of inferior description, are to be set free, according to the capitulation.^"'* You must dispatch Doolies^^^ to Dhdrwdr, to bring back the wounded men who were sent thither [during the siege] ; in order that, being placed, together with the wounded now with your division, under the care of their respective relations, they may be the more at their ease. The wounds of these men must also be carefully attended to, and pro- perly treated. The army likewise, with horses, cattle, &c., must be encamped in some good spot, abounding with water and grass, and where (1) Three only were ordered to be detained in the letter of the preceding day. (2) i. e. the capitulation was to be observed ow/y in regard to the inferior classes, possessing no pro[)erty. (3) Doolies are a sort of humble conveyance, constructed on the same principle as a Pakiikcen. They frcciuently consist of nothing but a common bedstead or cot, suspended to a Bumbco, with or without curtains. They aie generally appropriated to the use of sick persons and oi women. 134 SELECT LETTERS OF where but little rain lies. Having undergone such fatigue, let them now enjoy some repose. You write, " that you had dispatched one Risdla of Sair^'^^ cavalry, *' and the horses of one stable,^^^ towards Kunnekgeery , &c., and given " an order for their pay upon Mohyuddeen Ali Khan, the Dewdn of " Kio'pah, who, however, had returned the same." We have, there- fore, signified our pleasure to the aforesaid Khdn, who will, in conse- quence, furnish the pay of the cavalry, and the subsistence of the horses, &c., agreeably to your requisition. We, some time since, dispatched money for the payment of your army : it has, probably, reached you before now. The returns which you sent of the troops have been received. To-morrow we purpose sending you an additional supply of money. OBSERVATIONS. TTie orders here given, respecting the wounded, as well as the consideration which the Sultan appears to have had for the ease and comfort of the army at laro-e, are creditable to his character as a mihtary commander. They would have been still more so, had they comprehended the sick in general. (4) The Sair cavalry were, I believe, what were otherwise called the stable horse ; but I am by no means com'ident that this was the case. (5) I am not quite certain how many horses composed a stable ; but in a memorandum of tlie military establishments, written by the i'jt/^an himself, some time in the year 1793, the number appears to be stated at twenty-two. TIPPOO SULTAN. 13o LETTER Cir. To the Nabob Runmust Khan ; dated /') [After compliments] Your letter, informing me of your welfare, was delivered by Khajeh LutfuUah, and afforded me much pleasure. I have also learned, from the said Khdjeh, the particulars which you entrusted to his verbal communication. Of the eleven lacks of rupees, to which I had a just claim, I have been induced, by conside- ration for the attachment which that fiiend has so long borne to me, as well as for the sake of the true faith, and on account of the eminence of your family,(-> to remit four lacks : you must, therefore, put the remain- ing seven lacks of rupees in a speedy course of payment, by which means our mutual regard and friendship will be augmented. Further parti- culars will be imparted to you by the above-named Khdjeh. Continue always to afford me the satisfaction of hearing of your welfare. For the rest, may you be joyful ! OBSERVATIONS. Runmust Khun was a Patau chieftain, who possessed the district of Kurnool.^'^ Hyder A li compelled him to agree to an annual tribute; though he was, at the same time, a feudatory of the Nizdm, to whom, when required, he was bound to render military service. By the partition treaty of 1792, his son and successor, Alif Khan, was released from his dependence on Tippoo Sultan, and the tribute payable (1) This letter is without date: I have given it the place which it occupies in my nianu- scri[)t. (2) Original JjJU (3) Frequently, but improperly, written Canoul and Canoade, 136 SELECT LETTERS OF payable to the latter transferred to the Nizam ; by whom (If I mistake not) it was ceded to the East-India Company, by the treaty of 1800. For a more particular account of the dynasty the reader is referred to Appendix, G. LETTER cm. To Mahommed Ghyas and Noor Mahommed Khan ; dated 3d Hashimy. (\4ith August.^ Your letter has been received. You may pass twenty days or a month longer there, in an evasive and procrastinating way ,0 but, at the end of that time, you must, in whatever manner may be [necessary], set out for the Presence, since your remaining there is incompatible with our dignity. LETTER CIV. To the same ; dated Ath Hashimy. (I5th August.^ Your longer continuance there is destitute of graciousness [or dig- nity].^'*^ The dishonour arising from your residing there, upon this unhandsome footing,^^) is now become manifest : you must, therefore, at any rate, repair to the Presence. (1) Original iJul^^ Ju«!_j ci-Jj (1») Original u-^lwiU^J (2) Original ^jjUj_^^ TIPPOO SULTAN. 13/ OBSERVATIONS. As the Sultan would not appear to have received any fresh dispatch from the envoys, between the 3d and 4th of Hdshhni/, it may be supposed, that the direc- tions contained in the jjresent letter (revoking, in a certain degree, those of the former day) arose from a reconsideration of the subject ; which probably, for a moment, revived his indignation at the behaviour of the Mahrattah ministers. I say, for a moment, in reference to the counter-orders which soon followed. LETTER CV. To KuMRUDDEEN Khan ; dated dill HJshimy. (20tft August.^ Directing liim to repair, with the troops under his command, to the Presence, and to leave Shaildi Unser's Kushoon \vith Burhanuddeen. LETTER CVI. To Rajah Ram Chundur ; dated llth Hashimy. (22d August. ~) We have received your letter, wherein you Avrite, " that Taj Khan " and Abdul Ghufoor Khan, the K'duaddrs^^^ oi Kishugeery, have sent a " rccpiisition to Wunkut Rao, the Aumil of the Bdreh-mehdip for five " hundred hired bullocks and five hundred lahoiuers." We have consi- T derecl (1) Many of llic fortresses in Mysore, as well as Kishngeeiy, had two Kilaaddrs, or (2j In tlie original Jlsjc ijjl^j which is the Persian for Burch-mchdl, or the twelve dis- tricts. 138 SELECT LETTERS OF dcred your letter, as well as that of Wunkut Rao, wliicli was enclosed in it. No other bullocks, besides those belonging to the Sircar, are wanted, exceptuig on urgent occasions, when it may be proper to hire additional ones. In fact, the public establishment of bullocks is not large, and our service sometimes demands more than it can provide : in such cases it is allowable to hire bullocks, as otherwise our service might suffer by delay. We have accordingly written, and enclose a letter to the above-named IKilaaddrs'], which you will forward to them. This wiU prevent them from making any further demand for hired bullocks. LETTER CVIL To MoHYUDDEEN Ali Khan ; dated 20th Hashimy. (^\st August.^ [After some minute directions, respecting the fabric of Buhry cloths for the use of the troops (patterns of the kinds required being enclosed)'^'^ the letter proceeds thus :] — It has been reported to us, that you sit constantly at home, without ever appearing at the Kuchumj. This is not well. You must pass [a proper portion of] your time [daily] in the Kuchurrr/, and there diligently apply to the affairs of the Sircar, without suffering any one to come to you at your own house [on public business]. It would appear, that you never look into the [written] instructions which you received from us. If you act in conformity with our orders, it will be well : otherwise, you will assuredly incur the penalty therein specified.(') (1) The Bubry cloth was a sort of Chintz, manufactured in Mysore. The pattern was of the Sultaifs invention, and consisted in the Tyger stripe, from which it received its name. TThis stripe was adapted by Tippoo as a kind of crest, Mhich was stamped on his books, Iiis plate, and almost every thing belonging to him. (2) Sec observations on Letter I. TIPPOO SULTAN. 139 LETTER CVIII. To Monsieur Souliac/'> Governor of Pondicherry ; dated 2^d Hashimy. (3d September.') [After compliments] The letter which you sent us, by the hands of the f^akeel, Ram Rao, containing accounts of your welfare, and informing- us of your arrival at PoiuHchemj, for the administration of the affairs of that place, was duly received by us ; and an answer thereto (accompanied by a dress) was dispatched some time since, and will, of course, have reached vou. Our earnest wish and object is, that the strong and sincere friendship which has, from former times, subsisted between us and the Hdjah of the French, should daily increase; and that, by the divine favour, the affairs of France should attain fresh splendour and prosperity. It is most manifest, that the Rdjah of the French is lying in wait for a favourable opportunity ;^-^ and as that eminent person'^^ is a leader of political expe- rience, we assure ourselves that the means of attaining this object will not have failed to engage your attention. At a former period, when the English army had advanced within eight Coss of Poonah, and the Mahrattah chiefs, not finding themselves able to cope with the enemy, meditated on setting fire to their houses, and taking to flight ; in this crisis they humbly solicited our aid and support, which, relying on their engagements and promises, we afforded, by T 2 waging (1 ) I am not certain that this name is written correctly, and have not, just now, the means of ascertaining tiie point. This letter wasaccompanietl by a complimentary dress, consisting of live pieces of Kdrchoby ; a sort of brocade or gold and slvcr tissue. (2) Original ,x-c.. >^_^ J(ij (3) Meaning M. Souliuc. 140 SELECT LETTERS OF ■waging war [against the Englisli] in the Carnatic for some years, during which period their Uves and property, their country and lionour, remained in safetv. These facts are more manifest, even than the sun. Never- theless, a certain Zeminddr (among the Zemindars suhject to our autho- rity) having lately been instigated, by a contumacious and insolent dispo- sition, to lay waste our country, and we having, in consequence, sent our army to chastise him and to leduce his place, the aforesaid Mali- rattahs, forgetting the numberless obligations conferred on them by us, dispatched their army to the assistance of the said Zeminddr. Hostilities have accordingly taken place between the two armies, and the Mahrat- tahs are meditating further mischief against us. With the blessing of God, however, you shall [soon] hear in what manner we have chastised these people. Further particulars will be detailed to you by the P'ukeel, Rum Rao. We have sent, as a token of friendship, a few pieces of cloth. OBSERVATIONS. It is observable, that the Stdtan, in this letter, entirely sinks the name of his fatlier, vvbose actions he applies to himself. Whether such a mode of expression was absolutely warranted by custom, or by the idiom of the language, may be doubted : but, however this might be, there is no reason to suppose that any slight was intended by it to the memory of Hyder ; of whom he has, on many occasions, spoken with suitable demonstrations of filial regard and respect. Having already had occasion to remark on the studied but disguised affront put upon the King of France, by stiling him a Rujah,^*' it is unnecessary to say any thino-, in this place, on the instance of it afforded by the foregoing letter. We shall hereafter see this degrading title applied to the French King, in an epistle addressed directly to himself. There (4) See observations on Letter V. TIPPOO SULTAN. 141 There can be little or no doubt, that a renewal of the war with the English is alluded to, in the second paragraph of the present letter. No other satisfactory explanation can be given of the "opportunity" which the French monarch is represented to be " waiting for," or of " the attention" which Monsieur Souliac is presumed to have bestowed on " the means " of promoting his sovereign's views. In short, except for the purpose of aiding his hostile designs against the English, what motive could the Sultan possibly have for cultivating the friendship of the French ? LETTER CIX. To KuMRUDDEEN Khan ; dcitcd 2Ath Hashimy. (Aili Septemher.^ We approve of your having sent Shaikh Unser's Kushoon to join Burhaniiddeen. You write respecting a supply of money for the pay of your troops. At present we have taken up our residence, with a small retinue,<^'> at Haiigalore : we are, consequently, unable to supply you from hence •,^^'> but have sent necessary orders for the purpose to our treasury at Seriii- gnpatam <-^) We enclose a Pimvdneh to the Zeminddr of jitmasi;oo)idi/, directing him to supply you with baskets^ and boat-men, and otherwise to assist you in crossing your army at the Kdmpli/ GhautS^^ Another (1) Original ijjy>. j'urecdeh, whicli literally signifies single; alone. This is tlic only intimation we have of the Sultan''s departure from his capital and visit to Bangalore. (2) So I understand the words .^,«jtM t_jl^ at Zuferdhdd. We have, in consequence, written to the Suktshy of the Ji/she, to dispatch you with two guns and your Ku^hoon to that place. He is also ordered to advance you two thousand Behddury pagodas, on account of the pay of your Kushoon ; as well as a thousand rupees, to be applied in compensations to the wounded/-) After leaving a guard over such of Othman Khan's Kushoon as are not to be trusted/^) you will proceed, as above directed, to Zuferdhdd ; to the Foujddr of which place, Zyniil Aabideen, we have addressed another letter, which is enclosed. You are, in conjunction with him, to make a general attack on the Koorgs ;^*^ when, having put to the sword, or made prisoners of, the whole of them, both the slain and the priso7iers are to be made Musulmans.*^^) In short, you must so manage matters, as [effectually]] to prevent them from exciting any further sedition or disturbance. Obtaining from the treasury a copy of our regulations respecting the wounded, let your wounded be paid in conformity thereto. Rewards to those (1) Original CJ,}^ (2) I. e. to such as may be wounded in the course of the service ordered. (3) Probably men impressed into the army, and suspected of an intention to desert. (4) In the original it is *lcjii or a general slaughter ; but as pn'soiers are afterwards supposed to be made, I have, to avoid the apparent contradiction, given a difl'ercnt turn to the translation. (5) i. e. " circumcised." If this conjecture were well founded, it would follow that ZynCil Aabideen Shoostry was a Sipahcldr, or a commander of dk Kushoon, which, however, I have no authority for supposing him to have been. TIPPOO SUI. TAN. 151 those men, who may be entitled to them, must also be given from the money in your hands ; from which you must, likewise, make such advances [of pay] to your KmJioon, as shall seem proper to you. OBSERVATIONS. I am doubtful, whether by the Zynul Aabideen, mentioned in the title of this letter, is meant Zynul Aabideen Shoostry (to whom Letter CXXVIII is unq^ues- tionably addressed) or a distinct jjerson, bearing the same name. Though the former is usually distinguished by the addition of Shoostry (denoting him to be a native of Shuster or Suza, in Persia) yet the appellation might have been acci- dentally omitted in the present letter, as it most clearly appears to have been in the title of Letter CXLV. The ^ju *i-; Zuhhm-puttt/y or compensation to wounded soldiers, is a custom pretty general in the native armies of India. Having never seen Tippoo Sultan's regulations on this head, I am unable to give any information respecting them. As, however, all the Sultan's estabhshments were formed on the most econo- mical, if not the most parsimonious scale, it is not probable, that his donations to the wounded were regulated by a different spirit. The rewards occasionally be- stowed on men, distinguishing themselves in battle or otherwise, usually consisted of gold or silver chains, or of rings for the wrists^ according to the rank of the person receiving them. The reader will probably be starded at the order contained in the foregoing letter, for making Musulmans, not only of the living, but of the dead Koorgs, who might fall into the hands of the Sipahddr ; and the extravagance of the pro- ceeding may even lead him to suspect, either the correctness of the manuscript, or the fidelity of the translation. With respect to the former, it will be sufficient to say that there is not the slightest ground for supposing any error of the manu- script in this passage ; and as to the latter, I will only observe, that nothing can be expressed with more piaiimcss, or freedom from ambiguity, than tlic original, which. 152 SELECT LETTERS OF which, for the satisfaction of the oriental reader, at least, shall be inserted at the bottom of the page.'"' LETTER CXVIII. To Mahommed Ghyas Khan and Noor Mahommed Khan ; same Date. (I'Jth September.^ You write, " that a very great intimacy and friendship subsisted " betAveen Syed Zyniil Aabideen Khan and Nooruddeen Husain Khan^ *' the latter of whom is come there [i. e. to Poonah~\ on a mission from " Mr. Boddam, the Governor of JBomhar/ ; and that the aforesaid Syed, *' actuated by his attachment to our Sircar, furnishes you, privately, *' with the secret intelligence of that quarter, and is furthermore ready, *' if it meets our approbation, to take steps towards establishing a friend- " ship between us and the said Governor." It is well. We have no objection to your agitating this affair, as you propose, with the Si/ed. You must also obtain the most accurate intelligence from thence, and regularly communicate the same to us. You will, likewise, take the same occasion to represent ,(') that our territories and those of the English are contiguous to each other ;(^) and that, at the time of the treaty con- cluded between us and the English, it was stipulated, that no assistance should be afforded, either openly or secretly, to our enemies : and, accord- ingly, we are in possession of copies of the said treaty, containing the aforesaid stipulations, under the respective seals of the Govwnors of JBengaf, (1) 2. e. to Syed Zyntll Abideen, for the ultimate information ol" Mr. Boddam. (2) Literally, " are under the same shade." TIPPOO SULTAN. 153 J3e}igal, Madras, and Bomhnij. This being the case, it is unsuitable to the rules of friendship, and is even a violation of good faith, that not- withstanding his delivery [to us] of a treaty under his own seal, the Governor of Bomhaij should afford assistance to our enemies. Such con- duct is abundantly remote from the usages and conduct of great chiefs. Agreeably to yovu' suggestion, we enclose a letter to the address of Nujmud' Dowlah Behadur,^^^ which you will forward [to hun]. OBSERVATIONS. I believe that the Zynul Aabideen, mentioned in the foregoing letter, was an agent employed at the court of Poonah by the Nabob of Camhay. The Sultaris letter to the latter, being merely complimentary, and only designed to lead to a further intercourse, is omitted. The treaties with the English, spoken of in this letter, must, of course, refer to the separate treaties concluded at different times between Ilyder Ali and the respective British presidencies. The treaty of Mangalore, likewise, contains a stipulation to the same effect as that so much insisted on here by the Sultan. The Governor of Bombay was not, however, a subscribing party to that treaty. I am ignorant to what circumstance the Sultan alludes, where he charges the Governor of Bombay with affording assistance, at this period, to the Mahrattahs, LETTER CXIX. To Mah Mirza Khan ; dated lih IVasaaey. (\Qth September.^ We have, at this time, thought proper to employ you, and the troops under your command, in the reduction of the fort of Oa/jjil/yS^^ The X Sipahddry (3) The Nabob of Cambay. (I) This fort is, I believe, situated in a district of the same name, which is adjoining to Piiiiganoor. 154 SELECT LETTERS OF Sipahddr, Shaikh Omar/^^ with the troops belonging to liim, is already before that place, where you will be joined by him, as well as by four thousand Kuchuny Piddehs from Bangalore. Part of this force is already arrived at its destination, and the remainder is on its way. On your arrival at Oalpilly, you must, in conjunction with the said Sipah- ddr, proceed to dislodg-e and chastise the Piddehs of the Zeminddr of Puvgaiwor; who have posted themselves in the neighbouring woods, from whence they [issue forth and] commit depredations. Having cleared these woods, you must move forward, and taking up a position near Oalpilly, open trenches against that place. Shaikh Omar has with him four large guns, two field-pieces, "^^^ and two howitzers.^^^ If any more heavy guns should be wanted, Turbiyut Alt Khan, t\\& Biiktshy oi Ehshdm,^^^ has been instructed to dispatch them upon your requisition. Mounting these guns in the batteries, you must open a fire upon the fort j which being taken, you will put into it a garrison of our troops. In the fort is the Zeminddr, Chukra Mull, toge- ther with several Ndigwdries^^^ of note. You must take especial care that these persons are made prisoners, and report to us all the particulars respecting them. If, however, the above named persons should escape through the woods, and take refuge in the districts of Chundrageery, Chittoor, or other Polygars depending on the Fringy,^''^ you must write to the Taalukddr of such district, informing him that the fugitives are robbers (2) A letter to tliis officer, dated 24tl) Ildshimy (4tli September) is given iti the correspon- dence ; but as it contains noiiiing materi.il that does not appear in the present dispatch, I have not thought it necessary to translate it. (3) Original \s^ <-^' ") > I am not ([uite cert;iin that I have rendered tliese terms rightly. (4) Original i^Lji J (5) Ai Bangalore. In a note to Letter IV', I have erroneously called him the collector of the district. (6) Officers of the Kumlachdr, or militia. (7) i. e. the Frank, meaning the English. TIPPOO SULTAN. 155 rohl)ers of our Sircar, ^^^ and requiring of him not to protect but to deliver them u\). You are, at the same time, to report these circumstances to us, in order that we may make a representation of the matter to the Governor of Madras, and endeavour to obtain possession of the person of the afore- said Poll/gar. If any of the Piddehs of the Pohjgnr of Punganoor should be still concealed in the adjacent woods, you must contrive to discover their haunts, and to make prisoners of them. You have with you fifty bullock-loads of gunpowder, each load being a hundred and twenty seers, making together six thousand seersS^'> You liave been also furnished with twelve thousand seers of Carnatic lead, and four thousand gun-flints : these articles you will preserve carefully, expending them [only] in battle. If you should be in want of more lead, powder, or shot, apply to the aforesaid Buktsluj, who has our orders to supply you ; and when such supplies reach you, you must transmit to him a receipt for the same. Mohyuddecn Ali Khan, the Dewdii of Kurpah, and Rajah Ram Chundur, have been directed to supply you with gram^'") for the con- sumption of the horses of your Kuchurrij. They will, at the same time, each send a Miltusiiddy in charge of the gram, who will remain with you, and serve out the gram as it may be wanted. Receipts for the same, under your seal and signature, must be regularly given by you to the aforesaid MiUmuddies, who will deliver them to their respective prin- cipals. The country of Punganoor appertains to our Sircar, and tve have X 2 appointed (8) This expression may mean citlur robbers from tlic Sultan's territories, w public dcfaulteri!, men who had defrauded iiis government. (9) n e. about 12,000 lb. weight. (10) This is a species of pulse, with wiiicii they feed cattle, and especially horses, in India. The term is unknown to the natives, by whom it is called cinauiah. I do not know from what language the English have adopted it. 156 SELECT LETTERS OP appointed Dasia to collect the revenues of it ; you will, therefore, issue strict orders to your people not to commit any ravages or depredations there ; nor are you to make any iiwursions into the country of the Fringy, which adjoins to Punganoor, or to give it any disturbance. On this head you must be very strict : and if the Aumils of the Fringy should write to you, to desire you not to make any incursions in their country, or to give it any molestation, you will send such an answer as may be proper, and at the same time report the circumstances to us. The pay of the troops under you and Shaikh Omar, will be sent to each of you respectively. You will distribute the pay of your own people, man hy man ; and he will distribute the pay of the Jyshe under his com- mand. Such Piddehs, or others, as may be Avounded, you will remu- nerate according to the separate regulations on this head, with which you have been furnished. You must also apply yourself to the procuring of secret intelligence from the Ryots and others, in that quarter, giving to those who communicate it from five to ten rupees, as you may judge proper. Dasia is the Umlddr of that place \i. e. Panganoor'] : you will, there- fore, afford him every [necessary] encouragement and countenance, and make yourself acquainted, by his means, with the [different] roads lead- ing through the hills of Oalpilly. The country of the Fringy adjoins to Oalpilly ; so that, in order to satisfy or tranquilize the Fringy Tnahtk' ddrs, you must, immediately on your arrival there, write to them saying, " that the Po/ygar of Punganoor having contumaciously raised his head, " you have been sent by us to chastise Ijim ; and therefore request that, *' if he should take refuge in their country, he may not receive protec- " tion." Let a reward of five rupees be given to every man of our people bring- ing in the head of a Piddeh belonging to the rebel Polygar ; and let the same reward be granted for every prisoner brought in alive. TIPPOO SULTAN. lo^ OBSERVATIONS. The foregoing document is denominated in the original a Hukm-ndmeh, or " mandate ;" by which name all the formal or set orders, with which public functionaries were furnished, either at the time of their appointment to office, or subsequent thereto, were usually called, to distinguish them from the current and occasional instructions transmitted to them. They were sometimes divided into articles which were regularly numbered ; and, as observed on a former occasion, generally concluded with a denunciation of the punishment appointed for a neglect or disobedience of the directions contained in them. The term Fringy, applied in this dispatch to the English, is generally used (by the superior classes among the natives of India, at least) in contempt ; as Nusdra, or Nazarene, also is for a Christian. Strictly speaking, however, there is nothing reproachful or degrading in the former appellation, as it properly means nothing more than a Frank, or European. LETTER CXX To BuRHANUDDEEN J (Idtc'd Qlk IVasaaey. (VJ th September^ What you l«ave written, relating to Kiilu Pundit, is duly understood. A letter to hini, framed in tlic manner suggested by you, is sent here- with. Let it be delivered to him : and if, notwithstanding this letter, he should still prove disinclined to repair to our Presence, and persist in his contumacy, an hundred men of the Uskur,^^'> armed with swprcjs and daggers, hut witliout firelocks, must be sent, with orders to approach him gradually, wliile he is held in conversation [iiy persons to be instructed for the purpose]. Tliey must then suddenly rush forward, ten ( 1 ) The regular troops wore distinguished by this name. 158 SELECT LETTERS OF ten men upon every one of his'^^ : and, disarming the Pundit and all his party, bind them hand and foot, put the whole in irons, and [in this manner] dispatch them to the Presence. We enclose a letter of the above tenor to Syed Ghuflar,^^^ to whom you will deliver it. LETTER CXXI. To MoHYUDDEEN Ali Khan, DEtrAN of KuRPAH ; dated 9th TVasaaey. (18th September.^ It has been represented to us, that you have, in a most rigorous and peremptory manner, required of several of our sei-vants at Kurpah to evacuate houses which they have occupied for years past, and in the erection of which they have expended considerable sums of money. Such improper proceedings are of evil tendency, and directly contrary to our pleasure : you must, therefore, desist from them, nor again require of any of our servants to quit their habitations. Act according to the instructions which have been delivered to you, and do not pursue the suggestions of your own fancy. LETTER CXXII. To KuMRUDDEEN J dated 9th TVasaaey. (\Qth September.') Agreeably to your request, we have Avritten, and enclose an order to Mohyuddeen Ali Khan, the Dewdn of Kurpah, directing him to desist (2) Kala Pundit and his part)', or attendants, consisted, according to this passage, of ten persons. (See Letter CXXV.) (3) Syed Ghuffar was selected by the Sullan to execute this notable piece of treachery. TirrOO SULTAN. lo9 desist from disturbing our servants in the possession of their houses. You must forward the same to him. What you write, respecting your desire to proceed unattended [or by yourself]'"' to pay your respects to us, is understood. Repair straight, yourself and army, to SeringapatamJ^"^ whither we ourselves are pro- ceeding. LETTER CXXIII. STo BuDEEA uz ZuMAN, Taalv KDAR of Hu scoTAH ; dated 6th TVasaaey. (\5th September.^ You Avrite, *' that in consequence of the Ciitwdl being inchided in *' the pay abstracts of tlie Kiaidachdr, the Kilaaddr of Hdscotah *' [conceiving the ofiice to be in his disposal] had placed a very low " and improper person in the Cutwdtij, to the great detriment of the " business of your department." It is known. The appointment and removal of the Cutwdl rests with you : you will, therefore, replace [as you propose] the former Cutwdl, and taking the payment of his monthly stipend upon yourself, see that he applies himself with diligence to the business of the Sircar. We have written to the aforesaid Kilaaddr on the subject of the Ciitivdl, whose appointment, we have told hini, is to depend upon you. (1) Original iijJj»- ^vliicli has been already explained. (2) Though the name of this citv is most commonly written Piitn llironghout the corres- pondence, yet it is sometimes, as in the |>resent instance, written tD.^Cy .^ Sirirung-puttu Tippoo was at this time at Banga/ore, to uliich place lie had repaired (Fur what purpose does, not appear) in ilic beginning of beptember. 16(T SELECT LETTERS OF LETTER CXXIV. To Ali Rajah Beeby ; dated 9th TVAs^aey. (ISth September.^ What you have written, relative to your having paid twenty thousand rupees to Meer Zyniil Aabideen, the Foujddr of Zuferdhdd, is under- Stood, and meets our approbation. You must, in like manner, discharge the remaining balance due by you. Upon your arrival at the Presence, we will personally state all matters to you. Tillicherry is situated near the Taaluk of that refuge of chastity .O you will, therefore, regularly transmit to us whatever intelligence you may [from time to time] be able to procure from thence. OBSERVATIONS. Ali Rajali Bceby was the same person, whom the English, in the west of India, sometimes dignified with the title of Queen of Cannanore, of which petty state she was the hereditary ruler. I am ignorant, at what period Cannanore became tributary to the Mysore chief: but it continued so till the cession of Malabar to the English, by the partition treaty of 1792; when all the rights and authority claimed by Tippoo Sultan in that province, were transferred to the East-India Company. Ali Rajah Beeby was a Mabommedan ; and on this account, perhaps, was treated by the Sultan with somewhat more distinction and lenity, than he was accustomed to show to his other tributaries in Malabar. He would not seem, however, to have succeeded in his endeavours to conciliate her good-will, or to inspire her with confidence in him. This fact is deducible from the constant repugnance, which she evinced to complying with his desire of seeing her at Seringapatam ; and which will appear, on more than one occasion, in the course of the subsequent correspondence. (1) Original »\y yz -i°.''- which as well as »\y ■_:: -f-r" is a common form of address to women. TirPOO SULTAN. 161 LETTER CXXV. To BuRHA^fLDDEI;^' ; dated \Oth Wasaaey. (19th September.^ [After authorizing him to entertain in his service a Hind'wij MUnshj, the letter proceeds as follows] : — It appears, that Kala Pundit is attended by ten or twelve [armed] followers : let [therefore] a hundred men of the Usknr, armed with swords and shields, be sent [to his habitation or quarters], with instruc- tions to close in with the party, and, overpowering, seize on the whole. The aforesaid Pundit, together with his adherents, must then be dis- patched to the Presence, as before directed. OBSERVATIONS. This letter is little more than a repetition of Letter CXX, addressed to the same person, and written only two days before. Such an early rc-iteration of his orders on the subject, strongly marks the impatience of the Sultan to get posses- sion of his victim. LETTER CXXVIj I To Mahommed Ghyas und Noor Mahommed Khan ; dated 14th TVAsAAEY. (23d September.^ You will proceed from thence to the Presence, whenever the minister shall give you your dismission. Y On 162 SELECT LETTERS OF On the anniversary of the Dushorrah,^^^ you will distribute among the Hindoos, composing your escort, a goat to every ten men ; and on the aimiversary of the festival of Zilhijjehp the like number of goats among the Musulmans of your party. LETTER CXXVII. To Syed Ghuefar ; dated from Seringapatam, ^'Jth JVasaaby. (6th October.) Your letter, inclosing a list of the arms of Kala Pundit, &c. has been received. What you write, respecting the seizure and confinement in irons of the said Pundit and his adherents, is understood and ap- proved. We shall shortly direct you to repair to our Presence : be quick, therefore, in dispatching what business you have there. OBSEllVATIONS. This is the last occasion on whicli Kala Pundit is mentioned. Of his ultimate fate I know nothing : but it may be safely conjectured, that it was not a mild one. (1) A Hindoo festival, occurring at the close of the rainy season. It is at this period that the native armies of India usually take the field. The Mahrattahs are said to celebrate this festival in a manner peculiar to themselves ; which is, by destroying a village, to denote that the campaign is opened. (2) This is a Mahommedan festival, celebrated on the tenth of Zilhijjeh, and commonly called Bukr-eed and Eeduz-zohd. It is commemorative of the sacrifice of Isaac. TIPPOO SULTAN. 163 LETTER CXXVIII. To Zynul Aabideen Shoostry ; same Date. (6th October.') Your letter has been received. How came it, that notwithstanding your knowledge of the rainy season, you did not take KiindUehs^^^ with you ? This circumstance occasions us great surprize. Let the grain, furnished by such of the Byots as have submitted to your authority, be paid for. On the other hand, let that belonging to those Ryots who have adopted a rebellious course, be plundered, and applied to the use of your army. Let assistance be afforded to Lucheram, the Huzdry. OBSERVATIONS. The person to whom the foregoing letter is addressed was a brother of Meer Alluni, so well known as minister for English affairs at the court of Hyderabad, 1 do not know at what period he engaged in the service of Tippoo Sultan ; but I believe, that no intercourse, of any kind, subsisted between the brothers. Zynul Aabideen, though occasionally employed by the Sultan in situations of trust, would appear to have been principally esteemed for his supposed literary qua- lifications. He it was who composed the Futhdf Miijdhideen, '*' under the immediate direction of the Sultan himself. He was also the author of the Sitltdne Tuwdreekh, mentioned by Colonel Wilks^ in the Preface to his valuable Y 2 History (1) 111 tlie original UjJjc^ a term of wliicli I can obtain no explanation. I ain inclined, however, to think, tli,it some description of tunts is meant : perhaps bell-tents, or store- tents. Tlic word frequently occurs, and tlic context every where seems to warrant the construction I hiivc hinted at. (2) See observations on Letter XC, where some account of this work is given. 164 SELECT LETTERS OF History of Mysore : but this work appears to have been little more than a rhetorical amplification of the Sultatis own Memoirs, as far as the latter went. The reproof given to Zynul Aabidecn, in the present dispatch, is mild in the extreme, compared with the invectives which we shall hereafter see bestowed upon him. LETTER CXXIX. To KuMRUDDEEN ; dated 29 fh TVasaaey, from Seringapatam. (8th October.} Your letter, informing us of your arrival with your army on the banks of the Tunghudrah,^^^ and of your intention to repair speedily to the Presence, has been received. You must hasten your arrival here ; and order things in such a manner [on youi* march], that no desertion may take place from your army, which [you know] is composed of men from all the four quarters, as Kiirpah, &c. You must, therefore, employ some of the Ji/ske troops to look after them, so that no desertions may happen, but the whole join us in safety. On this head the utmost care and strictness are necessary. OBSERVATIONS. It would appear, from this and other letters in the present collection, that desertions were frequent in the armies of the Sultan : but so they are in all the native armies of India. It is probable, however, that the evil might be expe- rienced (1) 1 am at a loss how to reconcile tliis letter with Letter CX, by which it would appear that Kumi-adcleen had begun to cross the Tungbiidra, on his way to Seringapatam, so early as the beginning of September. TIPPOO SULTAN. 165 rienccd, in a peculiar degree, by Tippoo Sultan, since he would seem to have been in the habit of occasionally recruiting his ranks by forced levies ; a practice, of which I am not aware that any other example is to be found among the princes or states of India. LETTER CXXX. To Zynul Aabideen, jBvktshy^^^ of Ehsham, at Fvrrv ku-yJb HiSAR -p^ same Date. (8th October.^ Your letter, stating the insolvency of tlie late postmaster(^) of Mdnd ydr^''^ &c., has been received. What was necessary to be said, regarding the above-mentioned postmaster, as well as the postmasters o{ Mankully ^^^ was heretofore written at the greatest length. It is wonderful that you should not have acted conformably [to those directions :] but that, instead of doing so, you should repeatedly address us on the subject, and pursue [in this manner] your own fancies. For the future, you must not write to us on such matters, but conduct yourself agreeably to our former orders. (1) Tlieic appear to have been diniient descriptions of Buktshies. Tlie Buktshies of Kushoons were a sort of commissariss and paymasters, and were subordinate to the Sipahddr, if not to the Bisdladur, or commandor of a battalion. Tlic Mcer Btiktslnj, however, took rank of the Sipahddr. The Buktshies of tlic Ehshdin and JjjsJic were, I believe, tlic superior officers of those corps, respectively. (2) ChittUdoorg. (3) Original a]lj<^^l which 1 conjecture to mean a postmaster. (4) I do not understand this term, or proper name, whichever it may be : but the meaning may be, the " late postmaster of Malabar." (5) This may be intended for Ilurpunhully. 166 SELECT LETTERS OF LETTER CXXXI. To ZiNUL Aabideen Shoostrv; dated Serixgapatam, \st ZuBURJUDY. QOth October^) Ahmed Baig has been dispatched [to you], and other troops will shortly follow. In the mean while, you must not remain idle, but pur- sue, exterminate, or make prisoners of the rebels, wheresoever they may take refuge. You must also quickly inform us of the state of the rains in that quarter. LETTER CXXXII. To the same; dated 3d Zubvrjudy. (\2tk October.^ Your letter has been received, and its contents are duly understood. What you write, concerning your operations [against the enemy] ; your want of gunpowder and grain ; the violence of the rains ; and, lastly, your opinion, that though ten more Kushoons were to be sent thither nothing could be effected, unless vVe ourselves should proceed in person to that quarter, in which case, you think, that every thing would be speedily accomplished. All this is known. You have with you fifteen hundred bundles of gunpowder, thirty rounds of ammunition, and two thousand men of the t^*/ie. That you should not, with such a force, have made any effort to chastise the enemy, but should be waiting for our arrival, occasions us the utmost amazement, is utterly irreconcileable with [every idea of] courage, and warrants a strong suspicion of absolute cowardice [in you]. If this were not the case, two hundred Jyshe would be fully adequate to the suppression of this revolt .('> We ( 1 ) TIic original has it, '< the chasti'serneut of the enemy : " but I have rendered it as above, to avoid the perpetual recurrence of the same phrase. TIPPOO SULTAN. 167 We therefore order, that, uniting your force with that of Meer Zynul Aabideen, the FouJddrP you do together exert yourselves in tlie signal chastisement of the Koorgs. You must, in particular, be careful, that your people do not disperse, and, by this means, expose themselves to be cut off. That country is populous. Collect together such of the inhabitants as are well disposed to our government, and giving them encouraging assurances, buy their grain, and distribute it among your troops. As to the rebels among them, you must pursue them whereso- ever they can be found, and chastise them effectually. OBSERVATIONS. Strong as the censure, conveyed in the preceding letter, undoubtedly is, it will presently be seen, that the full measure of the Sultaiis anger against this unfortu- nate commander was not yet dealt out. Vide Letters CXXXVI and CXXXV II. LETTER CXXXIII. To Mahommed Ghyas omZNooR Mahombied Khan j sa7ne Date. (\2th Odober.} Your letter has been received. What you write, respecting your having made up and delivered to your followers new flags, banners, &c., is understood, and meets our approbation. You must take care, that the ^regular] infantry, attached to your escort, perform their exercise regularly. You must not, hoivever, expend any powder on these occa- sions Noor (2) Tlie appointment of this Zyniil Aiibidccii to tiic Foujddnj of Zuferdbdd is mentioned by the Sultan liimscif in liis Memoiis, It look pluco on the (iist subjugation and settlement of that district, in the year 1184. 168 SELECT LETTERS OF Noor IMaliomnied Kh4n being indisposed, it would be highly improper that you should, at such a time, be separated. Under these circum- stances, you must take up your residence in the same place with him, and exert yourself for his recovery. In fine, you must, conjointly, dis- charge all the duties of attachment and fidelity that you owe to us. LETTER CXXXIV. To Ghulam Hyder ; same Date. (12 th Oetoher.') You write for instructions, with regard to the prices at which you should buy certain articles for our use,(') in order that you may regulate your purchases accordingly. Old age has certainly made havock on your understanding, otherwise you would have known that the Mida^uddies here are not the proper persons to determine the market prices there. It is the Miitusuddies there, and the instructions given to them on this head, which should be referred to on this occasion. Seek the necessary information from the Dewdny Kuchurry, and act accordingly. LETTER CXXXV. 2o Burhanuddeen; dated 4th Zvburjudy. (I3th October.^ Your letter has been leceived. Your longer continuance at NergUnd, is needless ; while it is also productive of the ruin and destruction of your army : we therefore write, to desire^'*) you will remove with your forces into the country of Kittoor, where forage and gram will be found in abundance. Let orders be given to the Kilaaddr of NergUnd, to make the necessary repairs to the fort. The (1) The articles are specified iti the original, but I cannot make them ont. (1*) Literal)}', " it is therefore written that you," &c. TirroosuLTAN. 169 The troops of the Uskur,^^'> and others which have been sent [ostensi- bly] to forage at T>hdnv(lr, are, in fact, stationed there only to create disorder and disputes : these men must, therefore, be recalled. The place in question aj)pertains to the cavalry foragers, and not to you [or to your people,] What you say, of the assembling of the enemy's forces, is known. Do you keep your mind collected, and entertain no apprehensions. Thousands of this kind of 2>cople are [constuni/i/^ coming; and going^. OBSERVATIONS. It will be seen, hereafter, that the real object of the Sultan, in directing Bur- hanuddeen to remove his camp to Kiftoor, was not to facilitate the procuring of supjjlies, but to obtain possession of that place. The indifference, if not contempt, with which the Sultan here speaks of the movements of the Mahrattah army, is strongly expressive of the low estimation in which he always either actually held, or affected to bold, the military character of that nation. Of the Nizdms troops he certainly did not entertain a more favorable opinion. With respect to the English, it is hardly credible that, with the impres- sion which the successes obtained over him by Lord Cornwallis must necessarily have produced, he should really have thought so meanly of them, as, to judge by the sentiments he has left on record, he would appear to have done, even at a period posterior to the war of 179I-2. Spleen, arising from disappointed hopes, from baffled ambition, or even from a narrow policy, such as usually regulated his conduct, might have led him to write, and perhaps also to speak, in a more dis- paraging strain of his European neighbour and antagonist, than accorded strictly with his inward conviction or feeling. Arrogance and vanity were, undoubtedly, among the most prominent features of the Sidtans mind : but however those passions, seconded by the flattery of the people surrounding him, might encourage Z him (2) jC-c is tlic Arabic o( J^ and both words signify an army in general: bnt Tippoo Sultan ajiplicd tiic former term, exclusively, to his regular troops. The Swwdr-uskur were the regular cavalry, and the Piddch'Uskur tlic regular infantry. 170 SELECT LETTERS OF him to believe himself superior in military. skill and prowess to the English, it seems impossible that his infatuation should have been so great, as to inspire him, in reality, with that contempt, which he occasionally professed to entertain for them as rivals in arms. LETTER CXXXVl. 7b Zynul Aabideen Shoostry; dated 5th Zubvrjudy. (\Ath October.') Your letter has been received, and the particulars therein stated are fully revealed. It appears, from the tenor of all the letters which have successively reached us from you, that you have conceived a mortal dread of the accursed tribe [to which you are opposed]. This being the case, neither the chastisement of the worthless crew, nor the proper settlement of our affairs [in that quarter], can be expected from you : we therefore direct, that you proceed, with the force under your command to Periapatatiiy and there remain [till further orders]. LETTER CXXXVIL To the same ; dated from Seringapatam, 6th Zuburjvby, (I5th October.) Ilour two letters, of the 2d and 5th of Zuhurjudy ,^^^ have bee;i re- ceived, and their contents are duly understood. We enclose two Pur- wdnehs, one for the Aumil of Htjbutpoor, the other for the Aumil of Koondnoor^ (1) If there is no mistake in these dates, the communication between Seringapatam and thesceiicot" ZynQl Aabidgeii's operations must have been quick and uninterrupted, and the distance not considerable. TIP POO S 11. TAN. 171 Koondnoor, directing them each to dispatch a thousand goonies of grain'-) to that person of n)ighty degree/^) You uill forward these Purwdnchs to their address ; and, on receiving the two thousand goonies of grain, dispatcli the same to Zuferdhdd. Your wounded you are to send to Hij- hutpoor, the Aumil of which place has been written to respecting them. Of the two surgeons with you, one must accompany the wounded to Hyhutpoor : the other will remain with you. A hundred Clashie^*^ have been sent to you from the Presence : a tliousand bundles of cartridges have likewise been dispatched. Your detachment took with it, in their cartridge-boxes, forty-eight thousand musket-cartridges, besides fifteen thousand spare cartridges, making- together sixty-three thousand cartridges. You write, " that you have *' not remaining more than from fifteen to twenty cartridges in each ** cartouch-box : " at this rate, the expenditure of cartridges has been very great. IVe are curious to kno^v, and desire you will inform us, how many of the enemy have been sent to hell, by the expenditure of such a number of cartridges. We also desire to be informed of the amount of the rebel force. One hundred of your men being wounded, no doubt great numbers of the enemy must have been killed and wounded. It is truly wonderful, that you, whose pen was employed in describing, in the FuthilV 3Idjdhideen, the mode of making war in a close and woody country, should, at the moment of your being yourself engaged in conducting a similar warfare, have forgotten the rules there laid down. If you had carried on your operations according to those rules, you would never have sustained the loss you have done.^^> Z 2 With (2) I do not know the amount of tli'is weight or measure : the Goonies, or Gunnifs, are bags made of a sort of hempen cloth. (3) This title would appear to have been appHcd, in tliis place, rather snceringly. (4) Men employed about tents,' &c. (5) For an extract from the FiithuV Miijahideen, containing the rules here spoken of, tlii? reader is referred to Appendix, I. IJ2 SELECT LETTERS Or With respect to your reiterated representations of the expediency of our repairing-, in person, to that quarter, we answer, that (God wilHng) we shall shortly arrive there with an inco7isideroble force, with which we trust wc shall be enabled utterly to kill and destroy the enemy. Now that you are about to proceed with grain, and other supplies, to Ziiferdbdd, be mindful to regulate your march according to the rules laid down in the FuthiW ^Jiij'dhideen for operations in a close country j and to conduct the convoy, with circumspection, to its destination. OBSERVATIONS. It may be inferred, from the foregoing dispatch, that Zynul Aabideen had received rather a serious check from the Koorgs. This conjecture derives the more support, from the circumstance of the Sultans judging it necessary to pro- ceed in person against the insurgents. I have, at this time, no means of ascertain- ing what force he actually took with him on this occasion ; but though he affected to make so li^ht of the business, it is not probable that he would put any thing to hazard by proceeding against such a determined enemy with a very inconsider- able force. I am ignorant of the sequel of Zynul Aabideen's history. It is, however, probable, that the Sultan did not again entrust him with the management of the sword, but confined him, for the future, to the exercise of his pen. It seems impossible, that any thing, like that nice sense of honour which usually distinguishes persons of a liberal education, and particularly those of the military profession, should have existed in an army (or indeed in any other branch of a government) the superior officers of which were accustomed to be addressed by their sovereign in such coarse and degrading language, as that adopted by Tippoo Sultan in expressing his occasional disapprobation of their conduct ; accordingly, few, if any, men of superior birth or elevated sentiments were ever known to have appeared amongst the higher classes of his subjects. These classes, in fact, were almost exclusively composed of persons of humble origin, and mere adven- turers ; who having been trained in implicit submission to the will of a cruel and unprincipled TIPPOO SULTAN. 173 unprincipled tyrant, could not be expected to exhibit any portion of that loftiness of spirit or generosity of disposition, which still adorn many of the genuine descendants of the ancient nobility of the Moghul empire ; and would still make them spurn at any action, by whomsoever commanded, which they thought incompatible with their habitual notions of honour, or with the obligations of family pride. It was not so with the nobles (if nobles they might be called) of Tippoo Sultan's court. They were, on all occasions, the passive instruments of the irmaster ; at whose nod they were used to murder, betray, and pillage, cer- tainly without remonstrance, and, most probably, equally without repugnance. But however deficient this order of men may have been iu the species of spirit and honor which we have been considering, they would not appear to have been wanting in fidelity to his government, not to say attachment to his person. With this last sentiment, it was not, perhaps, in the nature of things, that a man of his harsh and unconciliating disposition should he capable of inspiring them : °^ but their general character of loyalty must be allowed to have been unimpeachable. To what degree this adherence to him might proceed from a real sense of duty and gratitude, is a question not easy of decision. No doubt, some of his principal servants might have been, and probably were, influenced by such motives : yet, I confess, I am of opinion, that it was owing less to considerations of this kind,than to the precautions adopted by the Sultan for its prevention, that so few instances of defection occurred among them, during the diflferent wars in which he was engaged. It was his practice to oblige all the chief oflicers of state, and others holding employments of material trust, to fix the residence of their families permanently in Seringapatam ; from whence their removal, without his knowlcd'fe and concurrence, became impossible. This expedient may be easily conceived to have had the eflect of confirming the fidelity of many, who might otlierwise have been prompted, by discontent, or other reasons, to quit Mysore. But if this miserable policy answered the Sultan's immediate purpose, it also promoted one, which (C) It has been affirmed by some, tliat Tippoo Sultan was in conversation " rcmarliably '* lively and entertaining ; " but I liave strong doubts of the correctness of this statement. It very ill acconis with liis general ciiaracter, and is, ni sunjc measure, contradicted by himself in one of iiis '« Dreams," wiierc he distinctly says, " that it \v on the British governor's amicable conduct) directs Mah Mirza Khan not to give any disturbance to the English territory. It will be re- collected, however, that the same order was issued to this officer, on his first appointment to proceed against Oaljnlly. (See Letter CXIX.) LETTER CXLIII. To Ehsanullah I^han ; dated I8th Zubvrjvdt (27th October.') You will put into [or enroll in the corps of] Usud-Illu/es, as many Hindoos, mate and female, as are willing, of their own accord, to enter into the same : and you will then transmit a return of them to us, it being our intention to augment their pay. OBSERVATIONS. Whether the Usud-Ilhyes, here mentioned, were a distinct body from the Ahmedies, spoken of in Letter XLII, or whether this was only another appellation for the latter corps, I am unable to say. I rather think, however, that they were separate institutions ; but that both were military, and both composed of prose- lytes to the Mahommedan faith, though of different descriptions. It is true, that there is nothing distinctly said of the conversion of the Hindoos, mentioned in the text, to Isldmism : but I think the context, as w ell as the name given them, suffici- ently shows, that their embracing the Mahommedan religion, was a necessary con- dition of their incorporation with the Usud-Illiyes. This term signifies the Divine Lion, or the Lion of God, and was one of the appellations bestowed on Ali. It has been already seen, thatTippoo sometimes designated his own state, or country, by this name ; calling it, occasionally, the Sircar Unsud-llhye; as well as Ahmedy, Hydery, and Khoddddd. 2 A It (1) " We therefore direct," &c. 1/8 SELECT TETTERS OF It has struck me as possible, that the Ahmedies might have consisted exclusively of Christian converts (including the native Christians of Alalabar or Canard), and the Usud-Il/ii/es of Hindoo proselytes only. It vrill be easy for any of my Indian readers to ascertain what grounds there are for this conjecture. With respect to the order for enrolling women among the Usud-Ilhyes, I conclude that it referred to the wives of such men as might qualify themselves for admission into the corps : but why they should have been enrolled, as if constituting part of the corps, it is not easy to comprehend. No one ever heard, I believe, of a female regiment in the service of Tippoo Sultan ; though it is a certain fact, that the late Nlzdm had a body guard composed of women^, armed with muskets, and partly clothed in the manner of Sepoys. LETTER CXLIV. To Rajah Ram Chundur ; dated 19fh Zvbvrjuvy. (28th October.^ That which is contained in our instructions, respecting the transactions of the Sun'dfs [or money-brokers,] is to be considered as an absolute [or irrevocable] decree,(') according to which you must act in all matters, great or small.^^^ LETTER CXLV. To the Governor of Pondicherry ; dated ^Ist Zvburjvdy. (30th October.) Desiring him to send back to Madras [i. e. to dismiss] the Brahmen news-writer residing at Pondicherrt/ [on the part either of the Nabob of Arcot, (1) Original ^ (yuzuk) which likewise si^nines a division, consisting of six rank and flic. j\j>^, fijiizukdiirj was the term employed by Tippoo to denote a sentry. 180 SELECT LETTERS OF Zuhurjn(hj^ entered his tents, for the purpose of proceeding against the rebels. OBSERVATIONS. Meer Zynul Aabideen Sfioostry, was informed, in Letter CXXXI, that Ahmed Baig had been sent to join him ; so that it is probable, that he is meant by the Zynul Aabideen, named in the title of the present letter, though the usual addition to his name, or Shonstry, has been omitted. If omitted in this instance, it may also have been omitted in the title of Letter CXVII, which see. LETTER CXLVn. 2b BuRHANUDDEEN ; dated 29th Zvbvrjudy. Qth Novembei:') Your letter, informing us of the arrival of yourself and army near the fort of Kittoor, has been received. You must, in the first instance, s€7id and invite the Daisye^'> of that place to an interview, and give encouraging assurances to his managing servants. You vi'iW. next dispatch some rocket-men for the protections^) of the country. After the afore- said Daisye shall have arrived at your quarters^ let the fort he occupied by a party of the Sircar's troops. OBSERVATIONS. If the reader should be at any loss to comprehend the drift of the Sultan in the preceding letter, his difficulty will be entirely removed, on a perusal of Letter CLvn. I am (1) I am not acquainted with the etymology, or proper meaning, of tiiis word; but I conceive it to ha» e the same import as Zemindar or Poli/gar. Peiliaps tlic term may be derived from Daise, the JJindivj/ for a country. (2) In the original ^IjkU- Jdniduiy, wiiicli is a guard posted for tlie protection of vil- lages, cultivated lields, &.c, from the depredations of the followers of an army. TIPPOO SULTAN. 181 I am ignorant of the situation of Kittoor, if I rightly road the name, which, however, is extremely doubtful ; the characters, in which it is written, being susceptible of at least a dozen different readings. It may be the Kittoor of Captain Moor's map, which is placed north-west of Dhurwdr, about twenty miles. The Polygar, or Zcminddr, of Kittoor, is mentioned in the tenth article of the treaty of Poonah (concluded between the British government and the Mahrattahs, in June 179^) as one of those feudatories, dependent, at the same time, both on the courts of Poonah and Hyderabad. It is very possible, that he might also have been among the tributaries of Tippoo Sultan ; as the Nabob of Shdhnoor certainly was, though declared in the treaty, just referred to, to be " subject to service with both " the Nizam and the Paiahwa. LETTER CXLVIII. To the Imaum of Muscat ; dated 4th Hydehy. (\\th Novemher.^ [After compliments] A Dorr, the property of Rutn Jee and Jeevviui Doss, merchants of Muscat, having in these days [/'. e. lately] been dismasted in a storm, came into Byle-Koal,^^^ a sea-port, belonging to the Sircar. Although, in such cases, it is customary for the prince, or ruler of the place, where a ship happens to be wrecked, to take possession of it, and whatever it contains ; yet, as there is no distinction between the country of the Sircar and Muscat, and as the above mentioned merchants declared themselves to be your subjects, the vessel in question, togethei- with all the stores contained in it, has been restored to the aforesaid merchants, and is, accordingly, now disjiatched to you, along with this friendly epistle. For the rest, peace be with you. ( 1 ) Name uncertain ; perhaps Batcolc, on the coast of Canara. 182 SELECT LETTERS OF OBSERVATIONS. The word, which I have rendered ivrecked, is in the original ui-^—Li (.shihust) and such, I believe, is its usual acceptation, when applied to a ship. But this interpretation does not well agree with the argument of the text, since the vessel in question was only damaged, not ivrecked. Then, whatever the custom may be in some countries, with respect to wrecks (properly so called), it is no where, I believe, usual to consider vessels, merely dismasted, or otherwise damaged, as wrecks : consequently, the Sultan has here pretended to confer a favor, where nothing more than a right was rendered (for we are not told that the repairs were made at his expence), and laid claim to a credit for having released a ship, which he was not authorized, by the practice of any civilized country, to confiscate, or detain. LETTER CXLIX. To Mahommed Ghyas and Noor Mahommed Khan ; dated 1th Hydery. Q.'ith November.^ Agreeably to your suggestion, we have written to Burhaniiddeen, desiring him, in the event of the hat-wearer,^') Monsieur Tuvias,^^) passing over to our army from the forces under Kislin Pundit, to advance the aforesaid [hat- wearer] something to defray his expences [on the road], and dispatch him to the Presence. N. B. A letter, of the same tenor and date, was written to Burhanuddeen. OBSERVATIONS. The jx;rson here spoken of was probably some French adventurer in the Mah- rattah service, who may have made overtures to the Mysore envoys at Poonak for deserting (1) Original J:^ i% for which term the people of //tHrfw/an substitute ro/yz-wa/eA, from whence, perhaps, tiie word Topaz and Topazes. (2) Name uncert.iin. TIPPOO SULTAN. 183 deserting to their master, or may have been tampered with by them for that pur- pose. Kishu Rao, I beheve, commanded the division of the Mahrattah army, which passing the river Kishna, had advanced, towards the end of February of this year (1785), with the ostensible view of supporting the Zeminddr of Nergiind; but which would appear to have very soon retired again, leaving Burhanuddeen at Uberty to resume the siege of that place, and subsequently to reduce both it and Ramdoorg, as well as to seize upon Kittoor, without offering him any interruption^ I am unable to account for the apparent inactivity of the Mahrattahs during so many months. They were, probably, waiting to concert a plan of operations with the Nizdm. In the mean while, the Sultan seems to have contented himself with acting on the defensive. It was not, accordingly, til! the month of October in the following year (1786), that the main armies of the contending powers could be said to have come into contact with each other, or to have entered upon offensive operations, on a large or general scale. What had preceded, was considered mere skirmishing; and, indeed, Tippoo himself appears, in his Memoirs (as will here- after be seen), to have dated the actual commencement of the present war, from the period when the Mahrattahs, in conjunction with the Nizdm, proceeded to the attack of Bdddmy, LETTER CL. To HuKEEM, Kh.Lvo/ Shahnoor; dated 9th IIvDEnr, (16th November.^ Your agreeable letter has been received. You write, " that you have " discharged to the amount of eighteen lacks of rupees [of our claim " upon you] by bankers' accepted bills, and request that we will cither " excuse you the remaining eight lacks [due to us] or allow the payment *' of it to be postponed to next year." It 184 SELECT LETTERS OT It is known. A statement of the sums, of which that friend was, through his own negligence, defrauded by his servants, specifying the amoiuit of each individual's malversations, was submitted to him. Where, then, was the difficulty of making the several plunderers refund their plunder, and of paying the same to us [in discharge of our claims] ? We desire you will also raise the remaining eight lacks of rupees, and transmit the amount, in bankers' bills, by the hands of our bankers, whom we wish you to send back to us immediately.^') LETTER CLI. To the Shahnoor Waleh (7. e. the Nabob of Shahnoor) ; dated \Qth Hydery. (\7th November.') Dispatch to Nursia, the Dewdn of Nugr, one lack of pagodas, on account of annual Paishcush for the year Julio, ('*)and take his receipt for the same. OBSERVATIONS. Tiie year Julio had still more than four months to run ; consequently, so far from granting Abdul Hukeem any indulgence of the kind he had solicited, the Sultan appears determined to make him pay his Paishcush in advance, or, at least, before it was fairly due. The ( 1 ) iMy construction of this passage is, that the bankers in question had been sent from Seringapatam, for the purpose of settling tliis account witii Abdul Hukeem Khftn, and of procuring the payment of the amount due to the Sultan (1*) The name of tlic IMalabar year, corresponding with Julio, is .likewise given in the original ; but as I am doubtful of its being written accurately, and as it is not of iiny con- sequence, I omit it. TIPPOO SULTAN. 185 The style of Letter CL was tolerably civil : that of the present letter (written only the day after) is abrupt, and rudely jjeremptory. I cannot account for so sudden and striking a change in the Sultans mode of address in any other manner, than by supposing that he might, in the interval (though only a single day), have received some information, tending to excite a suspicion of Abdul Hakeem's attach- ment to the Mahrattah interests ; which that chieftain certainly not long after cm braced openly, though, probably, driven to do so by the rigorous proceedings of his brother-in-law. LETTER CLII. To Tltrbiyut Ali Khan ; dated lOth Hydeiiy, from near Zufkii- Jbad. (^17^/t Novemher.^ Ordering the Hydery and Kuntardey fanams to be put in circula- tion, throughout all the districts depending on Sangalore. LETTER CLIII. To Rajah Ram Chukdur; sayne Date. (\'Jih Novemher^ To the same effect as the preceding letter ; with this addition, vi%. " that no other but the Knidardey and Hydery fanams shall be allowed " to pass current " LETTER CLIV. To MiiER Kazi3I, Darogiia, or Commercial Consul ; dated lOth Hydery, at Muscat. (\'Jth November.^ Directing hiui not to dispose, hastily or immediately, of the black pepper and sandal wood [in his charge], but to wait till they had 2 B attained 186 SELECT LETTERS OF attained a desirable price. [Literally, " fill the selling price of tliem " equalled liis hearths desire."^ N.B. The Sultan, not thinking, perhaps, the preceding orders sufficiently explicit, repeated them two days after, in Letter CLVI. LETTER CLV. To the same; dated llth IIydery. (\Qth Nuvemher.^ JuzEERAH Djraz [oy Long Island] is in that quarter.") Silk-worms and their eggs are produced there. We wish you to procure some of both, and to dispatch them to us, together with five or six men, ac- quainted with the proper mode of rearing them. We direct, that such of our vessels as import at Muscat he unloaded in two days ; and that their export lading of sulphur, lead, copper, &c., be also completed in two days, and the vessels dispatched to Mungalore. If more than four days be consumed in lading and unlading the vessels, you shall be responsible for the extra expence [that may be incurred in consequence]. You must regularly report to us the day each vessel arrives at Muscat, and also the day on which it is dispatched from thence. N.B. A separate letter to the same person, and of the same date, directs him to engage as servants, and dispatch to Mangalore, ten persons experienced in the pearl fishery. OBSERVATIONS. The Sultan's distrust of the integrity or diligence of his agent is here strongly- manifested ; as is also his own want of reflection, in attempting to regulate, with such (1) Jiizeerah Dirdz (or Long Island) is the Kismish of our maps, and situated in the Gulf of Ptrsia. TIPrOO SULTAN. 187 such strictness and precision, the business of loading and unloading vessels, which must necessarily have depended, in a great degree, on the state of the weather and other circumstances, which it might not be in the power of the consul to controul. The Sultanas anxiety to establish a pearl fishery on the Coast of Malabar, as well as to introduce the culture of the silk-worm into his dominions, appears to have been very considerable; but I believe that he failed entirely in both attempts. LETTER CLVI. To the same ; dated 12 fh IIydery. (19 th November.^ You must not be in haste to dispose of the cinnamon, sandal wood, black pepper, and rice, imported at Muscat from Mangalore and Khooshhdipoor. Keep them carefully, till they become dear, and will yield a [good]] profit, and then sell them. LETTER CLVIl. To BuRHANUDUEEN ; dated \5lli Hydery. Q2'2d Novemher.) We sometime since wrote, to desire that possession might be obtained of the fort of Kittoor. You must (no matter by what contrivance or pretext) get possession of it for the Sircar. If some degree of violence even should be requisite for the purpose, let it be employed : and let the present be considered as a most urgent injunction. N.B. Two letters, to the same effect as the foregoing one, were written to Syed Iluinccd and Syed Ghuffar, both of them belonging to Biirhanuddeen's army. 2 B 2 188 SELECT LETTERS OP LETTER CLVIII. 2o the scone ; dated 16th Hybeiiy. (2Zd November.^ Your letter has been received. Keeping a strict watch^'^ upon Liich- mun Rao, the brother of Sumajee Piindit/^> you must encamp with your army within gunshot of the fort of Kittoor, and send for the Daisye and Sumajee Pundit. If they should come [to you] it will be well ; otherwise you must, with the advice of Syed Humeed and Syed Ghuffar, contrive, by some means or other/^^ to obtain possession of the said fortress for the Sircar. LETTER CLIX. To Meer Kazim, and the other Commercial Agents at Muscat, dated 1 8^/i Hyder y. (25 th November.^ Having ascertained in what part of that country saffron is culti- vated,('*) engage two persons in our service, and send them thither to purchase one or two maimds^'^*^ of the seed, which [when procured] is to be dispatched to us. You must also procure silk-worms, and send them hither, together with some men acquainted with the mode of ma- naging them, to whom you will make an advance of money for their support. N.B. A letter, to the same effect, was written to the Duldl (or public broker) at Muscat. (1) Original di2i\j xj jaj ji to \iecp insight; to place in arrest; to put under restraint. (2) Name uncertain. It may be Tiimdjee. (3) Original^^ (1*) Literally, " where the seed of saffron is procurable." (2*) A niaitnd is a weight or measure varying in different countries. In Hindostan it con- sists ot forty seers, or about eighty pounds averdupoisc. TIPPOO SULTAN. 189 LETTER CLX. To Meer Kazim ; same Date. (2oth November.') You are to buy yearly, and send to the Aumil of Mangalore, a hundred C7/*(') of ahnonds, and thirty Utls of pistachio-nuts. You have still [on hand], of former importations, both Sandal wood and black pepper : you will now receive more of each. This stock you must not [immediately] expose to sale; but give out, that vou have received our orders to discontinue the sale thereof [at 3Iuscat], and to dispatch it to Juddah (where also we have a factory), and that you are, in consequence, about to do so. Having circulated this report, you must keep the goods by you, till the price of them advances twenty-five or thirty j^^'godas [the candij,'] when you will sell them [without further delay]. LETTER CLXI. To BuDRuz ZumanKhan; same Date. (2Bth Novejnher.') You have done well in making prisoners of the turbulent and seditious, including Kurry-tunnnah,^'*^ with their women and children. These last must be detained. With respect to Kurry-tunmiah, if he be one of the insurgents he must be suspended on a tree. [A verse.] " The head of an enemy is best when hurled from the " point of a juvelin : as a path-way is best, from whence the bramble " has been rooted out." After (1) Original Jt! wliich lam at present unable to explain. I am inclined to think, how- ever, that it is a term of the Sultan's invention, and that it may have been intended to express a Muund. Sec, in support of this conjecture, Letter CLXXII, where a similar order to the present one is given, and where the word Mawid seems substituted for Vtl. (1*) Name extremely uncertain. 190 SELECT LETTERS OF After properly securing the passes, you must proceed, with your collected force, in quest of the rebels, making prisoners of as many of them as possible. Wc some time ago wrote to you, desiring you would contrive some means of getting possession of the person of Moona Kool ;(") and we now again write, to say that he must be secured, by stratagem or deceit. Let a roll, moreover, of the number of men and women already made captives, be transmitted to us. OBSERVATIONS The foregoing letter commences with three or four words, of which I am not able to make any sense. The transcriber may, probably, have miswritten them. They appear thus in my manuscript : i.::^^! j sA) ^\s^ .^^Ji\ which may, no doubt, be so read as to be intcrijreted, " You must put [or keep] the cardamums in a pit." The writer then proceeds to say, " You have done well, &c." But if the fore- going passage be understood literally, it will appear to be a strange and very unin- telligible order, to be addressed to an officer at the head of a body of troops employed on active service. On the other hand, if it be taken in a metaphorical sense, it will be no easy matter to assign a plausible meaning to it. Cavdaminns, I believe, are a principal article of the natural produce of the country in which Budruz Zuman Khan was, at this period, stationed, and which I suppose to have been Bidnore, and the districts situated between that and the sea coast: possibly, then, by the word cardamums, the Sultan (who sometimes affected to express himself enigmatically) might intend to designate some particular individuals, or class, aiiKjng the refractory inhabitants of that quarter, whom he wished to be disposed of under ground. It must be owned, however, that this conjecture is too-^Ughtly supported to be entitled to much consideration ; and I shall, therefore, being unable to suggest a better, leave the difficulty to exercise the ingenuity of some of my oriental readers. With (2) Name uncertain. TIPPOO SULTAN. 191 With respect to the Kurrj^-tumniah (as I have written it) mentioned in this letter, I am not clear whether it is the proper name of an individual, or an official designation. However this may be, it seems extraordinary that the Sultan should be under any uncertainty with regard to his being one of the seditious, or insur- gents; a doubt of which would seem to be implied, by the qualifying word, rf. The meaning, however, might be, that (f Budruz Zuman Khan had any reason to believe him to have been particularly Jorward or active in the insurrection, he was, in that case, to be hanged. Budruz Zuman Khan was one of the principal men at the court of Tippoo Sultan, and seems to have possessed the confidence and esteem of his master in a consider- able degree.'^' He commanded at Dhdrwdr, when that place was besieged by the united English and Mahrattah forces, in \'JQ\ ; and though it appears, by the correspondence of that period, that the Sultan was not perfectly satisfied with his defence of that place, yet it may be inferred, from subsequent events, that no permanent impression to his disadvantage was produced on the occasion. Budruz Zuman Khan, and his son, Mirza Bakir, were among the chiefs of Mysore who survived their sovereign ; and who, submitting to the British authoritj^, were liberally pensioned by the Company's government. We have, in the present letter, another example of the flagitious policy which the Sultan was, at all times, ready to pursue, for the accomplishment of his views. Provided Moona Kool was seized, he did not care by what atrocity that object was effected. LETTER CLXII. To the same ; same Date. (2olh November^ Write a letter to Moona Kool, inviting him to come to you, and then seize tipon his jfci'son. (3) He entered into the service of Hydcr Ali (according to Colonel Wilks) in A.D. 1762. 192 SELECT LETTERS OF LETTER CLXIII. To Khajeh Seth, Khajeh Heratoon/') and two others, (hmnes iHegible) ; dated 19th Hydery. (267 A November.^ We have lately learned from Khajeh — , " that you have it in con- " temptation to come, with ships laden with merchandize, to our ports, " for the purpose of trading ; and that you wish to sail under English " or Portuguese colours, and to obtain our special license(-) for these " purposes." We highly approve of your intention, and desire you will repair, in the utmost confidence, with your merchandize, either to the port of Mangalore or to the port of Calicut ; where landing your goods, you shall, in the first instance, supply us, at a fair price, with such articles as we may want, after which you shall be at liberty to sell the remainder at your pleasure, and to take your departure when you like. We have accordingly written, and herewith enclose, two Punvdnehs to the above effect : one of them to Urshud Baig Khan, the Foujddr of Calicut, and the other to Ghulam Hyder, the Aumil of Mangalore ; to either of which ports you may resort, as you shall think proper. N.B. Then follow the two Purwdnehs, referred to in the foregoing letter. In these, the Sultan directs an invoice, or list, of the goods imported, to be trans- mitted to him on the arrival of the ships ; in order that he may signify his pleasure respecting the articles which he may wish to purchase, previously to a free and general sale of the cargoes taking place. It does not appear by the subsequent correspondence, whether or not the merchants, in question, thought proper to open a trade with Mysore, on the discouraging condition stipulated by the Sultan. (1) These were Armenian merchants; but it does not appear in what country they were settled. The word «ia-lj. which I have written Khajeh, is usually written and pronounced Cojah; but improperiy, Khojah, or Cqjah, signifying an Eunuch, whereas AA^/eA answers to Sir, Master, &c. (2) Original J^ Kowl. ■ffi TIPPOO SULTAN. 193 LETTER CLXIV. To B.AJ All IIa3I CnuNBUR ; dated 20th Hydzry. (^th November.^ Respecting a manufactory of musquets to be established in the Fort of Klidn-Khdn-hullij : for which purpose, if it should be necessary to pull down forty or fifty houses belonging to poor people, it will not i'ignij)/, as they will erect other habitations in their room, within the Paith [or outer town J. OBSERVATIONS. No mention being made of any compensation to the poor inhabitants for the demolition of their houses, it may be concluded that none was authorized. It is probable, indeed, that the houses in question were of very little value : but that consideration does not lessen the injustice of the present order, whatever may be the case as to the actual hardships which it inflicted. LETTER CLXV. To Mahommed Ghyas and Noor Mahommed Khan; dated 2\st Hydery. (28th November.^ You write, " that the Bnthmeiis attached to your mission cabal or " intrigue [privately] with the managers [ministers] there, indepen- " dently of you, and, by this means, occasion prejudice to our affairs." It excites our astonishment, that such unwarrantable proceedings should take place, notwithstanding your being on the spot. What is the reason that you do not flog and [otherwise] severely punish the oflcnders } Let us be informed what person has been guilty of this offence. 2 C You 194 SELECT LETTERS OF You write for a supply of money. Bills or money shall be hereafter transmitted to you. We have already replied to the letter from Rao Rasta, as well as to that from yourselves, which you sent to us by Inkut Rao. LETTER CLXVI. To BuDRuz ZuMAN Khan ; dated 22d Hydery. (29th November.') Your letter, containing an inventory, or memorandum, of plundered cattle, money, and goods, ^'^ has been received. You must load the money and goods upon five hundred of the aforesaid cattle ; and placing a strong guard over them, send them to Ghulani All, at Pdlindg-tdr,^^^ from whence a thousand Piddehs are about to be dis])atched to the Pre- sence. Your party having joined these, the whole will proceed hither together. You must [continue to] make diligent search for, and get possession of, more [of the property of the rebels]. LETTER CLXVII. To IVLvHOMMED Ghyas and Noor Mahommed Khan; dated 25th TIydery. (2d December.) Your letter has been received. We approve of the offerings you have made at the two Dargdhs [or shiincs]. You also did well, in presenting a Bihhdnijoory dress and a Fuzee to Rao Rasta the day he visited you. You write, " that it is the intention of Ruo Rasta to dispatch a *' confidential person hither with letters for us." It is known, and it ( 1 ) That is, of booty made from the insurgents. (2) Nuuic uncertain. T I P P O O S U L T A N. 1 95 it is well. Let Rao Rasta send his confidential servant in charge of his secret coiiununications. We must attribute this proceeding' to motives of friendship. An answer to the before mentioned Rao's [former] letter was forwarded some time ago. A bill for money to defray the expences of the people attached to you shall be sent hereafter. You moreover write, " that the Miltumiddiesf^^^ with you have [of " late] assumed a most presumptuous [or impudent] mode of be- " haviour;^-^ holding separate conferences [or carrying on intrigues] " with the minister and Hurry Pundit, without your knowledge, and " to the prejudice of our aftUirs." You add, " that you have heard " this, both from Riio Rasta and from other quarters." It is compre- hended. All this arises from your neglect. That your people should act in this improper manner, and that you, instead of punishing them for so doing, should complain of them to us, is to be attributed to your great age, and to the climate of that place \_Poonoh'\. Communicate to us the names of the several persons who have been guilty of this shameful conduct. OBSERVATIONS. The ofierings, licre spoken of, were directed to be made in a former letter, (which it has not been thought necessary to give), and consisted of a coverlid, or counterpane, of Kemkhdb, and fifty rupees in money. The Durguhs (or shrines) in question, where those of Hdadinudueen and Sukllnlddeen, situated, I conclude, soniewhcrc in the vicinity of Poonah, or at least in the Mahrattah territory. It would appear, from the circumstances of Rao Rasta's determining to com- municate with Tij)poo, through the medium of an agent or messenger of his own, 2 C 2 that (1) In Letter CXLV tlicy were designated the Drahnuns. Tlie Mutusuddics in ilic Dccan arc usually oi that cius^. (2) Original sj:Jj\^\ ^$jfO- 196 SELECT LETTERS OF that he was not disjjosed to open himself freely to the Siiltatis envoys ; and indeed, the weakness which the latter had recently manifested, in regard to the MAtusuddies attached to their mission, was but little calculated to inspire him with confidence, either in their ability or discretion. LETTER CLXVIII. To BuDRuz ZuMAN Khan ; dated 26lh Hydery. (3d December.^ Directing him to stop for four days at Tul-Kauvery, and to wait for further orders from the Presence, previously to his proceeding to the Pdy en-Ghaut. Also, to seize upon as many of the rebels and their cattle as possible ; and, cutting the rice [around him], to feed his own cattle upon it. The closing paragraph of this dispatch is given entire, , and is as follows : A Purivdneh for Moona Kool is enclosed. Let the same be conveyed to him, and consider on some way of getting him to come to you [i. e. of getting him into your possession]. LETTER CLXIX. 2o Burhanuddeen ; same Date. (3d Dccemhei'?) The letter you sent us has passed under our view, and its contents are duly perceived. You write, " that seizing on the Vakeel of the Kittoor man, and " detaining him in custody, under you own eye, you had dispatched " Syed Ghuflar and Syed Humeed with some troops into the Paith " [or outer town], where the Daisx/e and Goornath Pundit, the ma- " nager, immediately came and presented them with the keys of both ** castles, of which, as well as of the Paith, instant possession was " taken TIPPOO SULTAN. 197 " taken by our troops." [You proceed to state,] " That the Da'mje, " and Tumsajee Pundit, and some others of superior distinction, were " afterwards brought into the victorious camp, and there placed under " guards." You furtlier report, " that five hat-wearers [/. e. Eu- " ropeans], one of whom rides in a Palankeen, as well as the Ramdoorg " man, and one called Pedro, have been made prisoners : that, for the " protection of the town, ryots, and inhabitants of the districts in " general, you had stationed rocket-men, horse, and also some infantry *' guards, in different places : that, for the present, you had put seals *' on the store-houses, such as the Tosheh-khdneh belonging- to the " Daisye, and placed Jyshe guards over them : tliat you had commis- • " sioned Yunkut Runjia, the Aumil of Dhdrwdr, to take the necessary " measures for collecting together and encouraging tlie Ryots and " others : and that, as soon as our pleasure on the subject should be " communicated to you, it was your intention to take an inventory of *' all the effects, horses, &c. belonging to the Daisye, under the in- " spection of the managers of the Daisye, and to transmit the same to " us for our information." It is known and approved. In the town and fort [of Kitloor~\ are many wealthy persons, possessing lacks [of rupees^ ; some of them pi'oper inhabitants of the place, and others belonging to Poonah, from which last city there are several MrUusnddies established at Kittoor, in whose hands considerable property has been deposited. You must, therefore, by offering pecuniary rewards to the inhal)itants of the place, endeavour, through their means, to discover the individuals alluded to ; and having done so, you must put them, likewise in confinement. It is the custom of tliat country, for the most opulent bankers to assume the habit of Fakcers, and to make their escape in that disguise.^'^ Pay particular (1) Tiiat is, wlienevcrdrivcnto the extremity by the violence of the times, or the injustice of their rulers; which, according to the context, mustl)ave been customary or usual events. 198 SELECT LETTERS OF particular attention to this point : and having duly identified the prin- cipal inhabitants of the class in question, secure their persons, and take care that their effects are not embezzled, as a strict account of this matter will hereafter be required of you. Whosoever among the former managers of the Daisye has beeii removed from office, and incurred the displeasure of the Duisije, let him be encouraged, and some mark of favor be bestowed upon him ; and, with the exception of the town and fort, let him be appointed to superintend the collections (-) of the country : then ascertaining, through his means, the circumstances of the great ones and bankers, you will keep the latter in custody. You must, also, through the same channel, obtain an account of the property ^^^ of the Daisi/e, as well as that of the * principal men and other inhabitants of the place, and having discovered where it is, send for and secure the same. You are, moreover, to station a guard from Shaikh Unser's corps, and another from Syed Ghuffur's, in the town and fort, and over the Tosheh-khdneh and other store-houses of the Daisye, to the end that no part of the effects of the latter, or of the inhabitants, may, in the disorder of the moment, be made away with. Rocket-men must also be stationed in proper places, for the protection of the Puith [or outer town.] Sending then, in the first instance, for the managers of the Daisi/e^ you must tell them, that you propose making an humble application to us, to reinstate the Daisi/e in the possession of his country : but that, to enable you to do this, it will be neces'sary that a contribution should be [previously] paid down; and that if they will, accordingly, agree to raise fifty lacks of rupees, and give you [due] security for the same, you will represent the case to us ; and obtaining a Punudneh of confirmation in their (2) Ofigiiial (.iiJrflvc Moitavndut. (3) Original ^Sij Zindugy. T1P1>00 SULTAN. 199 their name [/. e. the Daisy es name] restore the place to them. You may, at the same time, observe, that such care has been taken of their country, that no injury whatever has been sustained by it. Addressing them, at Jirsf, in words calculated like these to excite [or humour] their avarice, and to inspire them with confidence, you will bring them, after some altercation, to agree to pay a Paishcusk; the amount of which being settle. i^j^ Jji U Le. plural of Joe. ilr (commonly pronounced uir or ottar) a perfume, essence, or essential oil. TIPPOO SULTAN. 219 OBSERVATIONS. I am obliged to acknowledge, that I do not clearly understand this letter, which appears to be addressed to some eunuch, who exercised the business of a pharmacopolist ; but whether under the authority, and for the benefit, of the Suifan, or on his own individual account, I cannot determine. The former supposition would certainly not be at variance with the practice of this extraor- dinary character in other cases ; and, in some measure, supported by the general tenor of the letter. On the other hand, if the medicines, when compounded, were to be sold exclusively on account of the Suifan, there is some difficulty in comprehending whence the profit was to arise to the Khojeh, with the pursuit of which he is accused by his sovereign. After all, however, the difficulty may proceed from nothing but my want of due information on the subject. LETTER CLXXXIV. To Ali Rajah Beeby ; dated \2th Tulooey. (19M December^ The huuiblc address you sent to us has passed under our view, and tlie particulars set forth in it are hecome diUy apparent. You write, " tliat the villages of Mdtmail,^^^ &c. have, from days of " yore/-^ appertained to you, and been [actually] in your possession ; " but that now the revenues of the said villages have been sequestered, " on account of our Sircar" It is revealed ; and, in consequence, we enclose a letter to Urshud Balg Khan, the Foujddr of Calicut, in which we have given him strict orders to relinquish the villages in question, and the revenues thereof. Forward the same to him. We have repeatedly written to you, desiring you to repair to the Presence ; but, instead of coming to us, you have excused yourself 2 F 2 upon (1) Name uncertain. (2) Original AsiS ^si 220 SELECT i,ETTERS OF upou diiferent pretences. For this reason, and in conformity with the policy of the moment, the settlement of the TaaMk of Ckerkiil, and ^he appointment of a separate Aum'iJ, on our hehalf, to the charge of the same, has appeared expedient to us. Our consideration for the situation of that refuge of chastity, such as it is [/. e. such as we have ahvays manifested it to be], has suffered no diminution. You will remain [therefore] with collected mind ; and if any of our TaaMkddrs should be guilty of oppression, or proceed vexatiously toward your TaaMk, let us know his name, and we will send him strict orders to desist therefrom. N.B. A letter, in conformity with the tenor of the foregoing dispatch, was written, under the same date, to Urshud Baig Khan, the Foujddr of Calicut. LETTER CLXXXV. 2o Shumsuddeen Khan aud others ;('> dated 13M Tulooey. (20th December.^ •». Directing them to deposit the produce of the revenues of ^ugr in the Tosheh-khdfneh ; and to carry to account [or give credit in their account for] the value of all old cloths, in like manner [or at the same rate] as the Ddroghds of the Jinsy formerly fixed the same. OBSERVATIONS. This letter is somewhat perple^cing ; nor am I clear that I understand it rightly. The word -jIj which I have rendered cloths, may mean either cloth in the piece, or clothes (wearing apparel). Tlien it is also possible, it may have been intended that tVie old cloth, or clothes, in question, should be sold, and the produce carried to account : an interpretation which, I think, the ongmal would very well bear out. (1) That is, other officers of tbc ToiAtA-ManeA. T I r P O O S tl L T A N. 221 LETTER CLXXXVI. To Bl'RHanvddeen ; dated \4itlt Tulooey, at Night. (2\st December.^ Directing him to send for Wenkia Naig, the banker ; and also to transmit a Koicl [engagement] and letter of encouragement to Koornath Pundit. To write to Syed Mceriin, the Kilnaddr of Dhdriudr, directing him to keep a strict watch over the family of Umbajee Ram and his nephew, and to take care that they are not suft'ered to go any where. Desiring him, moreover, not to think of putting garrisons of the Sircar into Shdhpoor, Bulgong, Sec. as they belong to , OBSERVATIONS. In Letter CLXIX, Burhaniiddeen is directed to place garrisons in Shdhpoor, Btilgo)7g, and Gokauk, which are there declared to be dependencies of Kittoor. It would now appear, however, that the Sultan had discovered, that those places did not belong to Kittoor, but to some other chieftain or state, whom he did not wish to oftend by seizing on them. The name is left nearly blank in the manu-' script ; tlie original, probably, not having been legible to the transcriber. I have said nearly blank, because it is not, in fact, entirely so ; the terminating letters, or syllable, of the deficient word being preserved. This is Ai' which occurs at the end of many Hindoo words, and among others that of Mahrattah. If the places in question belonged to the Malirattahs, it may seem strange, that he should not have known this when he «ent the first orders for their seizure. Of the desire he might yet have to abstain from any directly aggressive proceedings against that people, and to confine himself, for the present, to mere defensive measures, some explanation has already been offereil i and more will hereafter be furnished by the Sultan himself. 222 SELECT LETTERS OF LETTER CLXXXVIL To BuDRUz ZuMAN Khan ; dated I5th Tulooey. (22d December.') Announcing to hiiuthe Sultan's arrival at Tul-Cauvery ; and directing- him, after deputing some person [to take the temporary charge of his governments'^] during his absence, to repair, together with his MiUu- suddies [or accountants] to the Presence ; when such orders as should be necessary would be verbally given him. LETTER CLXXXVIII. To BuRHANUDDEEN ; dated from Tul-Cav^ery, 18fh T'ulooey. (25 th December.) The Mahrattah forces are assembling. Vigilance and [due attention to] the safety of your army are necessary. We therefore write to desire, that you will encamp your tioops in a secure situation ; not far asunder, but [close together] in the form [or manner] of a rose-budS^*^ You must also post piquets, &c. on all sides of your army. Let it not happen that the enemy's army surprize you.(^> You must, agreeably to our former directions, transmit to us a detailed memorandum of the effects of the Daisye, &c. of Kittoor. After receiving such memorandum, we will give our orders on the subject, according to which you will act. Let also a minute report be made to us of the followers of the Daisye, specifying [in particular] the number of his managers and principal men, and distinguishing them by name. (\) 1 am ignorant what situation BudrQz Zuman Khan filled at this time. (I*) Original d^ which means a ^Kt? in general, but more particularly a roje-iz/(/. (2) Original Uj which usually signifies treacheiy, but is often applied to an alert, or sudden attack. TIPPOO SULTAN. 223 OBSERVATIONS. The Asiatic armies are not accustomed to encamp in line, as is the practice of the more regular armies of Europe ; and though Tippoo adopted many things in our tactics, this is one of the points, in which he did not think fit to depart from the established usage of the East. Whatever may be thought of the Sulfan'i military judgment in this case, it will probably be readily admitted, that the figure, by which he has expressed it, is sufficiently significant. LETTER CLXXXIX To Mahommed Ghyas and Noor Mahommed Khan ; dated 23d TuLOOEY. (30th December^) Directing them to write all their dispatches, whether of weighty import or not, with their own hands, and not to make known the same to any of the Mihishies, Persian or Hindivy [attached to the mission]. Announcing to them, also, the appointment of Mirza Uhsun, a Persian Milnshy of the Su/tav, to read [their] letters and write tlie answers to them : and concluding with an intimation, tliat when the subject of their dispatches related merely to the pay of the people belonging to them, they might be written in Uindivi/. OBSERVATIONS. In translating the passage of the foregoing letter, which notices Mirza Uhsun's appointment, I have supplied the pronoun possessive, their, on the supposition that the dispatches of the envoys were particularly meant. But the sense may be, that Mirza Uhsun was appointed to read and answer Persian letters generally, and not those of the envoys alone. What is said of his being employed to write the answers, is not to be understood as necessarily meaning any thing more than his transcribing them fairly, or writing them from the 'Sultan's dictation. 224 SELECT LETTERS OF LETTER CXC. To MoHYUDDEEN Ali Khan ««// Urshudullah Khan, Dejvan and BuKTSHY of KvRPAH ; sonw Date. (30ih December.^ Notifying the Sultan's pleasure, that Gurramcoondah should, for the future, be called Zuferdbdd, and directing the same to be published throughout the country. OBSERVATIONS. I cannot positively state, whether or not Merkerrah of Koorg continued to be called Zuferdbdd, after the latter name was transferred to Gurramcoondah : but I am inclined to think in tbe negative ; botb because it is not probable tbat the same new name should have been applied to two different places, and because,, whenever Ziferdbdd is subsequently mentioned, Gurramcoondah would constantly seem to be intended. LETTER CXCI. 2b Ghulam Ali Khan ; dated 24th Tvlooey. (^Ist December^ We herewith transmit a letter, which we have lately received from Mahommed Shufeea, the Aumil of Manjaiser^^^^ enclosing one to his address from his brother, in which an account is given of the conferences [|or negociations] going on between the Sultan of Room [/. e. the Grand Seignor'] and the English ambassador. Consider well the contents thereof, and hasten to accomplish the business upon which you have been deputed. Sometime ago Othman Khan dispatched a respectable person, with a letter from himself and Shah Noorullah to the Sultan of Boom, contain- ing (I) Name uncertain. TIPPOO SULTAN. 225 ing a representation of the state of things In these parts ; and it appears, that it was subsequently to the arrival of that person [at Constani'uiople], that the Sultan of lioom began the conferences [or negociations] in question with the English ambassador. OBSERVATIONS. It is proper I should acknowledge, that I have found this letter extremely per- plexing, and that I am far from being satisfied that my interpretation of it is accurate. The doubtful passage is that in which the name of Othman Khan occurs ; for the original may be understood to mean, either that he (Othman Khan) sent a letter to the Grand Seignor, by the hands of " a respectable person," or that he himself was that respectable person, and had been deputed on this errand by Ghulam Ali Khan and Shah Noorullah. There are difficulties attending either construction, none of which am I sufficiently informed to be enabled to remove. The slight mention incidentally made of Othman Khan, in other parts of the correspondence, does not throw much light on the subject : yet it clearly appears, by Letter CCXXXI I, thatOthmin Khan had himself actually proceeded to Constantinople. With respect to the allusion made to the conferences or negociations of the English ambassador at the Parte, it is no less involved in obscurity, than the passage relating to Othman Khan. The context would seem to imply, that the representation, by whomsoever addressed to the Grand Seignor, regarding the situation of affairs in India, had given an unfavorable turn for the English to the ncgociation in question : but Ghulam Ali Khan, if still living,**' can alone furnish a satisfactory explanation of the matter. 2 G (2) He was living at Seringopatani, in 1809. 22(5 SELECT LETTERS OF LETTER CXCIL To Meer Kasim Ali Khan, Post-master at Fyze HisJr (Gooty) ; dated 24th Tu looey. (^\st December?) You write, " that a thousand PiCidehs, five hundred regular infantry, ** and three hundred horse, belonging to the Ndzim of Kurnool,'^^^ are " arrived at Nundidl, with the intention of recovering the country ** sequestered [or confiscated] by us." It is known. Where is the ground for alarm [in this case] ? If they should dare to take such a step, they shall see the fruits [or feel the consequences] of it. LETTER CXCIII. To BuRHANUDDEEN ; dated from Tul Cavvery, 28tk Tulooey. (4th Ja)iuary I786.) Directing him to recall the Risdla of the Sipahddr, Syed Ghufl^ar, from Nergdnd, and to send thither, in its stead, two companies of the Sipahddr, Syed Humeed's corps : also, desiring him to send for five hundred Piddehs to Syed Meeran, the Kilaaddr of Dhdrwdr, and to employ the same in the service of the Sircar, LETTER CXCIV. To Budruz Zuman Khan ; same Date. (4th Januanj.^ You must first proceed to Nelaiser [Ncelahser^ and encamping there with Leshtia,^'*^ make some delay, on pretext of looking after Sooma, the (I) Runmust Khan, tlie Patan chief of KuitiooL See Letter CXCVI. (1*) Kamc uncertain. TIPPOO SULTAN, 227 the Tul-Cauvery man. You will tlien invite Moona Kool, who, together with his nephew, went some time ago to visit Leshtia and Rooe Wurm Nag, once more to come and see you ; when you must make prisoners of himself, his nephew, and whatever followers may be with him, and report the same [immediately] to us. If a further force should become necessary, write and send for Urshud Baig and Bunkia,^-) and when the business is settled, let them return to their respective stations. We have sent the requisite orders, on this occasion, to both the above- mentioned officers. You must, by every possible trick and contrivance, secure the person of the aforesaid rebel.^^^ The above-mentioned officers will remain where they now are till you send for them. If you should be able to do without them,^^) let them know it, in order that they may repair to their proper stations. N.B, Tlie letter to Urshud Baig Khan, referred to ia the preceding dispatch, follows next in the manuscript ; but is omitted here, as superfluous. LETTER CXCV. To MoHYUDDEEN Ali Khan ; <") dated 29th Tulooey. (5th January.') You write, " that you have recently discovered a vein of lead, the ore " of which resembles that formerly found ; that you have sent us seven " pieces of it by the post ; and that you wish to be instructed, whether V to dispatch the lead you may obtain by hired bullocks, or to wait the " arrival of some persons from the Presence." It is known. You must 2 G 2 collect (2) Name uncertain. (3) Original >x^.c " an exciter of sciiition." (4) Literally, " to seize the rebel witliout tlictn." { 1 ) Dcxi'dn of Kitrpah. 228 SELECT LETTERS OP collect the said lead in the fort of Sidhoot. It is an ancient custom ('> for a silver mine, that is to say, silver earth,(^> to l)e [always] found under a lead-mine : you must, therefore, send for the said earth [or ore], and collect it together in the hefore-mentioned place. Persons skilled in [such] earth [or ores] will be shortly sent from the Presence [to exa- mine it]. LETTER CXCVI. To RuNMUST Khan ; satne Date. (5th January^ [After acknowledging, with the usual compliments, the receipt of a letter from Runmust Khan, the writer proceeds thus] : — Some time ago, while we happened to be making a progress, slightly attended, for the purpose of inspecting the forts of Bangalore, &c. the exciters of sedition in the Koorg country, not looking to the [probable] consequences [of such conduct], but agreeably to the nature of the children of selfishness (') and of opportunity-watching rebels,^^*^ conceiving vain hopes from the great distance of our victorious army, raised their heads, one and all, in tumult. Immediately on our hearing of this circumstance, we proceeded with the utmost speed, and, at once, made prisoners of forty thousand occasion-seeking(^*> and sedition- exciting ('') Koorgs, who, alarmed at the approach of our victorious army, had slunk into woods, and concealed themselves in lofty mountains, inaccessible (2) That is to say, " it is agreeable to experience." (3) Or, ore. (I) Original j>^1 ^1 >Original t_J]5 yU (4) Original j^\ Kzi TIPPOO SULTAN. 229 inaccessible even to birds. Then carrying them away from their native country (the native place of sedition) we raised them to the honor of Isldm, and incorporated them with our Ahmcdij corps.(^) As these happy tidings are calculated, at once, to convey a warning to hypocrites/^) and to afford delight to friends, [but more especially toj the chiefs of the true believeis, the pen of amity has here recited them [for your infor- mationj. We now firmly purpose repairing to that quarter [towards K.urnool\ and shall accordingly soon arrive there with our victorious forces j whea the meeting, which we have so long wished to have with that friend, will be accomplished. Rajah Dhurm Doss, and Khajeh Lutfullah, shall hereafter be dismissed and dispatched to that friend. We trust you will continue, till the period of our interview, to delight and rejoice us by your letters. OBSERVATIONS. It will be recollected by the reader, that the Sultan had been recently ap- prized, "' of its being the intention of Runmust Khan to attempt the recovery of some part of liis country, which had been taken possession of by the Sultan ; the present dispatch, therefore, which is in the true boastful style of a Persian Futah ndmeh,^^ or letter of victory, may be fairly considered as intended to in- timidate the person to whom it is addressed ; or in Tippoo's own words, " to convey " a warning to him " of what he might expect, if, by resisting the Sultan's will, he should compel the latter to pay him a visit. It was, moreover, well calculated to (5) Original ^_f Jw»».l i^J '* Ba.nd o( ^hmedies." (fi) Original ^^Ujl;,* d^ littcrally, " as an example to hypocrites," or atheists. (7) Sec Letter CXCII. (8) It is customary with the princes of the East to announce to one another tlie victories they obtain over their enemies. This is done in letters, \vliich, (Voai the subject of them are called Futah-yidmehs, or letters of victorj'. 230 SELECT LETTERS OF to prepare the way for the pecuniary demand which we shall presently see made upon this Patan chief. The foregoing letter contains the only authentic record of the Sultans recent expedition against the Koorgs that I have hitherto met with : and if we may give credit to his account of its issue, he would appear to have but too well fulfilled, on this occasion, the threat with which we have seen him dismiss the assembled chiefs of thatnation, in the year 1784. " I have vowed to God," said he, " that if you ever again rise in rebellion, I *' will make Musulmans of your whole race, and transplant you all from hence to " some other country." See Observations on Letter CLXIX. LETTER CXCVII. To Meer Ahmed Ali ; Taalukdar of NvnsiPOOR, dated 29th Tv LOOEY. (5th January^ Your letter has been received. You write, " that the superseded " Aumil has, notwithstanding the guard [placed over him], escaped " from the fort." It is known. We have a just claim for thirty thousand pagodas on the same Aumil : you must [therefore] speedily discover him ; otherwise you will be responsible for the sum in question. LETTER CXCVIII. To Shumsv ddeen ; dated 30th Tvlooey. (6th Juiiuary.^ Your letter, with the accompanying memorandum, and statement of an engagement entered into by the Miitusuddies, to adjust the account of the Bdrgeers ^'^ in a satisfactory manner, has been received, and its contents ( 1 ) Horsemen mounted on ordinary horses belonging to the Sircar. The stable liorses are of a superior description. TIP POO SULTAN. 231 contents are understood. The memorandum referred to is enclosed [or returned herewith]. You must, by coercive means, threats, and punishments, compel the Mtitusuddies of the Bdrgeer Kuchurry to get ready, with all speed, the aforesaid accounts, enforcing their obedience by placing a Suzdwul over them.^-^ You are to consider this as a most peremptory injunction. LETTER CXCIX. To Ghulam Ali Khan ; dated \st Yoostfrr. Qth January^ The camphor tree has been [recently] discovered in this part of the Sircar's country. ('> We have sent two bottles of the essential oil made from it, for your use. You must rub your feet with it, and also take it [inwardly] in meat-broth, putting about a tolah weight of it [into a bason of broth]. Inform us what benefit you may receive from the use of it. What more shall be written ? LETTER CC. To Meer Kazim ; Darogha at Muscat; dated 6th Yoost/FY. (\2th Januarr/,^ Your letter, accompanied by a sealed packet of pearls, with a me- morandum of the prices at which they were bought, has been received. ' The pearls you have sent have, on the whole, been purchased at a very heavy price. If they can be procured cheaper in the Bahrain ('*) you nuist send (2) Or " b}' proceeding against tlicm, in the manner of a ^yMSi/rcK/;" that is, by rigorous dunning. (1) Tiic 5'«//(/« was, at this time, in tiic neighbourhood of Tul.Cauven/. Ghfiiam Ali Khan was afflicted with some scrophuious or rheumatic complaint, whicii h.id rendered iiim a cripple. (1*) Situated in the Gulf of Persia ; and formerly fanwus for its pearl-fishery. 232 SELECT LETTERS OP send thither for them. There is, at the same time, no objection to your buying them at Muscat, when they can be had cheap there. Making some advance [of money] to ten divers, dispatch them to the Presence, as they arc wanted for the purpose of diving or fishing ^'^> for pearls on the shore of Mangaloi'e. You write, " that sandal wood and pepper are become cheap [at " Muscat].'" It is known. Keep them [therefore] some time by you. When they become dear [again] you must sell them. There is no necessity for selling them cheap. The cardaniums, however, you may dispose of at the current [or market] price [of the day], if that should not be a losing one.('^ What you write, respecting their diminution from dryness, is understood. If it be only in weight that they are dimin- ished, it is of no consequence. You will state [the deficiency] in your accounts. The factory of Muscat has been placed under the Aiunil [or been made a dependency] of Mangalore : you must, therefore, transmit to him the accounts of all sales and purchases, as well as of all other receipts and disbursements [of the factory]. W^e do not want any copper or lead ; but you should buy sulphur, when the price of it is moderate.^*) You write, respecting an increase to the stipend of Oba Cooler, in consequence of his being appointed to the ChurokdryS^^ Let his stipend be augmented, to the amount of the monthly pay formerly allowed to the Churokdr. The morahs'^^ of black pepper must be weighed in bulk, and sold in that (2) Literally " bringing up," i. e. from the bottom of the sea. (3) Original i;Ji,\^Jiu ok c;^,U^ literally, " keeping economy in vicAY." (4) Or, '* when you can buy it at a saving price." (5) I am unable to give any explanation of this word. (6) A measure and weight equal to 80 lbs. avoirdupois. T I P P O O S U L T A N. 233 that state. Wliere is the necessity of opening them, if, by that means, any loss should be incurred ? You write, recommending an increase to the allowance of Permanund IMuUah. It is apparent. Let him have an increase of five rupees. The humble addresses of the Imaum, the KhulfW'^ and Bheem Jee, the broker, which you forwarded to us, have passed under our view. You have been stationed there for the sole purpose of buying and selling : whenever [therefore] any occasion arises, in which you can act for our advantage, you should do so, though we may not have directed it, and without waiting for our orders on the subject.^^^ We are in great want of pearls. Purchase to the amount of tea thousand rupees worth, as cheaply as you can, and dispatch them to us. You write, " that the Dulldl [or broker] has demanded payment of *' two hundred and sixty rupees, advanced by him to Mahommed *' Ibraheem, and of a hundred and two rupees advanced to Othman " Khan [both of them servants of our Sircar']" It is known. Pay the amount to the aforesaid broker, and take his receipt for the same In your letter of the l/th oi Zilhijjeh, A.H. 1199, you wrote, " that *' the second sort of sandal wood, in charge of Ghous JNIahommed " Khan, continued on hand, being, in comparison with the third " and fourth sorts, in little demand." Let the aforesaid sandal wood 2 H be C?) 1 believe that the chief minister of the Imaum is so called. Tiiough the Sultan herer affects to call the letters of the Imaum and Khulfdr urzies, or " liumble addresses," it is not to be credited, that these persons, and particularly the former, actually lowered themselves in the manner pretended. (8) The J'«//a«V meaning, perhaps, is, that if any advantage was promised by tlia pro- posal, which ma}' be supposed to have been made by the Imaum, Mecr Kaziin should have acceded to it immediately, without any reference to the Sultan. But Mcer Kazini was too well acquainted with his master's cliaractcr, to assume such a responsibility. The prince ivho could think it necessary to instruct a commercial agent, so minutely as Tippoo has done in the present and other letters, was not likely to have approved of that agent's cxercisin"' the undefined kind of power, with which he is pretended to have been invested. 234 SELECT LETTERS OP be kept until purchasers are met with, and then sell It to the best advantage you can. We want ten ship-wrigh(s, acquainted with the construction of Doivs. Get them together, and dispatch them hither. You must [constanly] date your letters to us, specifying the day, month, and year, in the same manner that our orders to you are dated. What you write, respecting your having hired a warehouse for our goods, is understood ^^^ will shortly be dispatched from the Presence : upon the arrival thereof you must prepare a factory-house for the use of the Sircar. Entertain a hundred Clashies^^'^^ in our service, at the monthly wages of seven rupees ; and appointing a Snrddr [or commander] to every twenty-five men, dispatch them to the Presence, where, on their arrival, they shall be raised to superior rank.^' '^ What more ? OBSERVATIONS. I possess no information, with regard to the Sultanas project for establishing a pearl-fishery in the vicinity of Mmigalore : but it may be inferred, from the silence of the subsequent correspondence on the subject, either that the requisite divers were not procurable, or that the attempt, if actually made, did not succeed. His endeavours to form a marine were somewhat more successful ; but the nature of the sea coast in his possession hardly admitted of his attaining to any great importance as a maritime power. If, however, such an obstacle really existed to the accomplishment of this design, he, at least, would not appear to have been sensible of it, since it will be seen, by Appendix K, containing " Regulations " for the Marine Department," that only two or three years previously to the extinction (9) There is a blank liere in tfie maDuscript. Possibly some materials, towards tlie erection of a factory-house, may have been specified. (10) Probablj-, ship lascars. (11) Literally, <' shall be appointed to oa/jrfe^^, or commiinds." T I p r o o s u L T A X. 235 extinction of his power, he had conceived the idea of creating a very formidable naval force. It may, indeed, be reasonably doubted, whether either the resources of his country, or of his genius, were equal to the realization of so bold a plan ; but it is as well, perhaps, that he was not allowed time for the experiment. LETTER CCI. To RuNMUST Khan ; daled ^th Yoosvfy. Q.2ih January.^ In consideration of the friendship and regard [subsisting between us], we abated four lacks of rupees, of the eleven lacks justly due to us, as Paishcush, from that friend. Having thus fixed the balance payable to us at seven lacks of rupees, we some time ago announced the same to you. Riijah Dhurram Doss, and Khajeh Lutfiillah, having hereupon made an earnest representation to us of your [pecuniary] difficulties, we were induced to agree to a further remission of fifty thousand rupees, hereby reducing our demand to six lacks and a half, exclusive of twenty- five thousand rupees, on account of the <'^ of a former year. The amount was thus finally settled at 6,75,000 rupees, for the discharge of which the two before-mentioned persons entered into two distinct engage- ments ; by one of which it was stipulated, that 3,75,000 rupees should be paid by the 5 th Jmndd ill Ouwul, A. H. 1200 ; and by the other, that a further sum of 3,75,000 rupees should be paid by the 20lh of Jluj'ub of the same year. These two persons having taken leave of us, will [we trust] reach you in safety. With respect to our relinquishing the districts belonging to that friend, and sequestered by us, orders to that effect have been addressed<^-) to the 2 H 2 Dewdn (1) A blank occurs lieic in the manuscript. Tiic worJ wanting is, probably, balance. (2) Tlicse orders were most probably provisional, and to be complied with only in the event of Runmiist Khin's discharging the demand against liim. 236 SELECT LETTERS OF Dewdn and BiiJdshy of Fj/ze-IIisdr [_Gooti/'] and delivered to the afore- said persons p. e. Dhurrum Doss and Liitfiillali]. What friendship requires is, that the before-mentioned money should be paid, agreeably to the engagements referred to above, in order that the foundations of attachment may acquire strength and firmness. An elephant and a Mchtdhy^^ dress are sent, in token of our regard. Always make us glad and happy by the receipt of your friendly letters. LETTER ecu. To Meer Moaainuddeen ; dated 'Jth and 10th of Yoosufy. (13M and 16th January.^ By the favor of the Almighty and the assistance of the Prophet, we have arranged and adjusted the affairs of the Taaluk of Zufeerdhdd in the most suitable [and satisfactory!] manner ; the tribe of Koorgs, to the number of fifty thousand men and women,('^ having been made captives, and incorporated with the Ahmedy class. Having accomplished this object, we returned prosperously and victoriously to the seat of empire(^> at Putn, on the 11th of Yoosiify of the year Julio. This being an event calculated to give strength to the people of Isldm,^^*^ we wish that brother all joy on the auspicious occasion. The advance^ of our victorious standards is positively fixed for the 12th of Yoosiify [18th January] : we therefore write, to desire that you (3) A sort of silver tissue. (1) In Letter CXCVI they arc stated zXfortr/ thousand. (2) Original i::..cliLJl;b (3*) i. e. " the professors of the same faith." (4) Original cJ^\ C^;-ai C^V.}; iwi-«aj'> TIPPOO SULTAN. 23^ -you will march and join us, with the forces under your command [without delay]. Memorandum. Three other letters, to the above effect (but to whom addressed is not said), were dispatched by the post. OBSERVATIONS. There is manifestly some error in one or other of the dates given in the fore- going letter, to which two different dates {viz. the 7th and 10th Yoosiify) are assigned : for what reason I know not, unless it be to denote that it was dispatched in duplicate, one copy on the 7th, by an especial messenger, and the other on the lOth, by the post. But if these dates are correct, that one which purports, that the return of the Sultan to Ser'mgapafam actually took place on the 11th Yoosilfy, must, of necessity, be wrong. It is equally certain, that at whatever time he arrived there from Zitfeerdhad, he did not march again from thence on the 12th of Yoosiify (as here stated to be his intention), since we know, from Letter CCXII, that he was still at his capital on the 23d of that month. I regret that I do not possess the means of rectifying these mistakes, which, however, are fortunately of no material consequence. I cannot, at this moment, ascertain who Moaainuddeen was: but the cir- cumstance of his being stiled brother by the Sultan, makes it probable that he was a kinsman of the latter. LETTER CCIII. To the actual and future Aumils of the port of Calicut-, dated 10/// YoosdtY. (IQth January.') Be it known, that in consideration of the devotion and attachmcjit to our government of the iefuge of cou)merce,('> Muo Saith, son of Rao Saith, (1) Original jb i^jW S38 SELECT LETTERS OF Saitli, DuUdl [or broker], an inhabitant of Muscat, we have, at this time, [agreed to] remit the customary anchorage duty, heretofore paid to us, in favour of five Dingies of bis [about to import at Calicuf] : you will, therefore, on the production of a letter [or certificate] from the above-mentioned Dulldl, [purporting that the said Dingles are his], re- frain from demanding the aforesaid established duty [of forty rupees per Dingij] on the [live] Dutgies in question. Consider this as a peremp- tory order. LETTER CCIV. To the actual and future Avmils of our Ports [in generaf] ; same Date. (\Gth Januanj^ Be it known, that we have remitted four-tenths of the duties, levied in our ports from time immemorial, on all goods to be bought or sold [there], by the refuge of commerce, Muo Saith, son of Rao Saith, Dulldl of 3fuiicat : you will, therefore, demand from the agents of the said Dulldl, six-tenths of the ancient duties, and no inore. Consider this as a peremptory order. LETTER CCV. To the AuMJLS actual and future of the Port of K^'riJl (MaxgA' loueJ ; same Date. (I6th January^ Be it known, that if, after selling to the agents of the refuge of com- merce, Mao Saith, &c., such rice as we may have to dispose of, the aforesaid agents should be desirous of purchasing a further quantity of that article from the inhabitants of the districts appertaining to Manga- lore, T I P P O O SULTAN. 23D lore, it will be well. Yoxi must not forbid, or make any opposition to the same. LETTER CCVI. To Mao Saith, Dvllal at 3Iuscat;<-^'> same Dale. (I6lh January^ Your letter, by Ghous Mahonimctl Khun and Tuikcm Doss, has been received, and apprized us, anion*,^ other things, " of your determination " to establish a factory [or warehouse^ at Calicnf."^'^^ You have also represented to us verbally, by the aforesaid Khan, " that our officers at " the port of Calicut charge you for anchorage duty, at the rate of forty *' rupees per Dingy, and this duty you request of us to remit." You have furthermore stated, " that the Iniaum of Muscat, mIiIIc he levies a *' duty of ten per cent, on [the goods of] all other merchants, charges *' our merchants no more than six per cent. ; and you, therefore, solicit ** a similar indulgence from us." You likewise express a desire, " that " your Gitmftslitehs may be allowed, as formerly, (after first buying from " the numagers of our ports whatever number of morah^ of rice the " latter have to dispose of) to purchase, without let or hindrance, from " the people of the country, such further quantities of the same article " as they may require." It is known. [Then follows a recital of the concessions specified in the three preced- ing letters, which it is unnecessary to repeat here]. With respect to our establishing factories [as you propose] at Port Mundry in Kutch, and at the port of Jdmmigr, our intention is, to dis- patch, some time hence, trusty persons, with letters and the customary tokens (1) Tlic niimc is omitted in the manuscript ; but the tenor of the letter sufhcieiitly proves, that it is addressed to Mao Saith. (2) Ca/jc«/ is not nciniod in the original ; but ihc context siiews it to be meant. '240 SELECT LETTERS OF tokens of friendship to the Rajahs of both those places. On this occa- sion we shall require of you to introduce our agents to the two Edj'ahs, and to procure the necessary permission for the establishment of [the proposed] factories. Agreeably to your request, wc have directed Meer Kazira to settle with you for the advances made by you of two hundred and sixty rupees to Mahommed Ibrahcem, and one hundred and two rupees to Othman Khan, making together the sum of three hundred and sixty-two rupees. OBSERVATIONS. We collect, from tlie foregoing letter, that Tippoo Sultan bad already so far accomplished bis commercial views at Muscat, as to be considered the most favoured of the numerous traders with that port. The concessions by which he obtained that distinction (for it was hardly any thing more) are not any where distinctly stated ; but it is probable, that it bad been granted on a previous under- standing between the Imaum and the Sultan's agent, Ghous Mahommed Khan, that the Iinaums vessels were to be admitted into the ports of Mysore, on the footing specified in the ensuing letter. Of the particular immunities here granted to Mao Saith, the remission of four- tenths of the customary duties (whether on imports alone, or on exports also, does not appear) would, no doubt, have been a very considerable indulgence, if the trade had been suffered to be quite free, and if Tippoo himself had not partici- pated very largely in it. The Sultan, however, not only exported rice to Muscat in bis own vessels, and imported the commodities of that country into Mysore, but he also obliged the Muscat merchant to purchase all the government rice on hand, at a price fixed probably by himself, before be allowed him to buy else- where. In addition to these restraints, there is reason to believe, that the most profitable branches of the commerce of his dominions, namely sandal wood, beetel-nut, pepper and cardamums, were entirely monopolized by the Sultan, Under these circumstances, it may be questioned, whether the encouragement ostensibly TIPPOO SULTAN. 241 ostensibly given to the Muscat traders, was, on the whole, much calculated to jiromote the commercial intercourse of the two countries. Of the actual extent of that intercourse, at any given period of the Sultan's reign, I possess, at present, no accurate means of judging ; though it is probable, that ample materials for this purpose were obtained, by the gentlemen who received charge of the different sea- ports of Canara and Malabar, at the period of their falling under the authority of the English. LETTER CCVII. To the Imaum of Muscat ;('> same Date. (IGlh January.^ Your pleasing- letter, by Ghous Malionimed Khan, has been received. He has also represented to us, verbally, the sentiments of regard and union which you entertain for us, and the knowledge whereof has proved highly gratifying to us. In consideration of the friendship sul)sisting between us, we have, at this time, remitted half the amount of the duties heretofore levied in our ports on your ships and Daws, and have, accordingly, issued the necessary orders to this effect, to the governors of all our sea-ports : do you, therefore, continue constantly to send your ships and Doivs, laden with merchandize, to our ports. Particulars will be stated to you by Meer Kazin>, Whereas there is a strict order in force at [all] our sea-ports, forbid- ding the sale of rice to any merchants coming from Portuguese, English, &c. ports, the latter have, on account of the great scarcity of grain [in their own countries], adopted the contrivance of sending other mer- chants, in the character of Muscat traders, with money, for the purpose of making purchases of rice, &c. at our ports. We have, in conse- 2 I quence, (1) Thoiitrh the name is here also, as in the preceding letter, omitted, there can be no doubt, that the person addressed is tiie Imauin of Muscat. 242 SELECT LETTERS OP quence, sent positive directions to the persons in authority at all our ports, to consider as Muscat merchants such only as shall produce a passport, or certificate, under the seal and signature of the superinten- dants of our factory there. To merchants, furnished with such certi- ficate, rice Avill be sold,^^) without any excuse [or evasion]]. Let, then, that person of eminent rank likewise give orders to the merchants of Muscat proceeding to our ports, to provide themselves with the pre- scribed passports, for which we have strictly commanded the superinten- dantsof our factory not to demand any fees. OBSERVATIONS. The remission of duties granted in favour of Mao Saith was four-tenths. Tlie remission of one-half, mentioned in the present letter, applies, I conclude, exclu- sively to the ships and merchandize belonging immediately to the Imaum, who, like Tippoo, was the chief merchant of his state ; but a much more intelligent and enlightened one, I apprehend, than the Sultan, LETTER CCVIII. To BuDRUZ ZuMAN Khan ; dated I3th of Yoosufy. (I9th Januari/.y Directing him to crucify the miscreant (') Moona Kool, and to send for his family, and keep them confined in irons. If the nephew of Moona Kool should be more than twenty-five years of age, to crucify him also. Two (2) That is, " will be sold by the officers- of government ^ on the Sultanas iccount, and " from his granaries." ( 1 ) Original ^ V TIPPOO SULTAN. 243 Two hundred of the followers of Moona Kool to be made Ahmedies, and put into the (-) Bisdla lately dispatched [from hence] and now arrived [at Niigr.'\ You(^> yourself must also proceed to Nugr, together with the troops under your command ; and, repairing to the second Dewdn of Nugr, who is [at this time] at Seo-Kidlah,^'^^ there make a settlement of your accounts [with him]. OBSERVATIONS. There is no trace, in any of the documents in my possession, of the manner in which the person of the unfortunate Moona Kool was finally secured ; but the instructions given at different times, regarding him, make it sufficiently probable, that the object was attained by some foul or treacherous means. LETTER CCIX. To Meer Moaala Khan, the superseded ^^^ or late Kilaadar of MvDGVL ; dated \^th Yoosufy. (2\st January.^ Directing him to send one of his brothers to receive six thousand itipees from Ghulam Mohyuddeen, the Fouj'ddr of Kunchioig-ilddh,^^*'^ and to repair with his family to the Presence. That what he writes, of the handsome behaviour of the chiefs of that 2 12 place, (2) The name whicli 1 have left blank is in the manuscript written Ahmednugr : but I know of no such place in Tippoo's dominion, and therefore suspect the right reading to have been, *' and put them into tlic Aluncdj/ [corps at] Nugr." (3) Tlie second person bciii^ here employed, what follows is to be considered as an exact transcript of the original dispatch, and not, as in the preceding part, tlie mere heads of it. (4) Name uncertain. (1) 111 the original J_.j)k (2*) See Letter CCLXXV for some account of this place. 244 SELECT LETTERS OF place, notwithstanding their oaths and engagements, is understood. [What follows is in the first person.] In contemplation of the very events which have taken place, we, before-hand, desired you to repair to us. You, however, chose to exer- cise your foresight on the occasion ; and, after all, " the same broth " remains in the pot."^^) Such is the way, in which great chiefs show their regard for their promises and solemn engagements.^*^ OBSERVATIONS. Not distinctly knowing who Meer Moaala Khan was, and being but imperfectly acquainted with the transactions referred to, I find myself unable to interpret this letter in a satisfactory manner. If I might hazard a conjecture on the occasion, it would be, that Meer Moaala Khan (who was the same person addressed in Letter LXXX) had been governor of the fort of Mudgiil, a place of considerable note on the south-west frontier of the Nizdm;'^^ that he had engaged in a secret correspondence with Tippoo, to whom he probably meant to deliver up the fort; but that his fidelity being reasonably suspected, he had been deprived of his government, before his plan of defection was ripe for execution. I am aware, however, that there are some passages and allusions in the letter before us, which are not sufficiently explained by the preceding hypothesis. We hear no more after this of Meer Moaala Khan. LElTEll CCX. To Mahommed Ushruf ; same Date. Q2\st January.') Your letter, with the enclosed memorandum of money, &c. sent by you to the treasury at Putuy has been received. You write for leave to entertain (3) This is a proverbial expression, inipoiting " that, tiic vciy thing intended to be pre- " vented, or avoided, had happened." (•!■) SiJoken ironically. (5) Mudgul coTist'ituted (and perhaps still constitute?) the Ja$iye of the sister of tlic lal-r Nizam Ali Klian. TIPPOO SULTAN. 245 entertain ten new (or additional) UlgiesS^^ It is known. A hundred Pid- delis, of those stationed in the fort/-^ are assigned you, for the service of the collections and other aflUirs of the Kuchuny : your view, therefore, in proposing to entertain these Ulgies, most probably was, to 7nafte a parade [with them].(3> You must, at all times, employ the Piddehs [and no others^ in the service of the collections, &c. What more ? LETTER CCXI. To the Rajah of Pegu ; dated^'*^ 17 fh Bubiyul Oujiul, A. II. 1200. Q22d January.^ It will be sufficient to give the substance of this letter, which is no otherwise of any consequence, than as it adds to the other proofs which we possess, of the Sultans desire to establish an intercourse, political or commercial, with the most distant nations. The writer sets out with observing, " that a long period hud elapsed, " since he had had the pleasure of hearing from the Pdjah ;"<-*) and with expressing a hope, " that the latter will, in future, fiequently favor " him with the agreeable tidings of his welfare." He then announces " that he has sent, in token of friendship, by the " hands of two of his servants, Mahommed Kasim and Mahommed Ibraheem, (1) In the original ^1 of wliicli I do not know tlic meaning. (2) i. e. Tlie fort of Gootij of tlic Dewany Kuihurri/, of wliicli district Mahommed Ushruf appears, hy Letter LXIV, to have bean the Ddrogha. (3) Origin;ii ^ ^\j (1*) The Mysore date is omitted, hut, from the place wliich the letter occupies in the maDuscrijit, it may be concluded to have been the IStii or IGtli Yoosiify (i, e. about the 21st January nS6.) (2*^ H possibly never had heard from him. Tlic expression may be merely formal, ai>d denote omy h.:> anxiety to hear from him. 246 SELECT LETTERS OF " Ibmliecm, a present for the Rdj'ah, consisting of two horses and a ** MehtdJji/ dress:'(^^ He states, *' his view in sending those persons, to be the opening of a *' commercial intercourse between the two states [of 3Tysore and Pegu], " whereby an exchange of the commodities of each may be estabUshed, " to the mutual convenience and advantage of both : he therefore " invites the Hdjah to communicate to the agents in question, as also ** from time to time, by letter, to himself, what articles he may wish to " be supplied with, from his [the Sultan s\ country, in order that the " same mav be forwarded to him." He next observes, " that having hcaid, that rubies of high value, fine " colour, and of a superior kind [perhaps s/ze], are to be had in Pegu, " he had, in consequence, directed his agents to purchase, through the ** medium [or by means] of the Pdjah's ministers,^ a certain Jiumber of " stones, weighing each from ten to thirty fanams weight." Then follows a request, " that the Pdjuh will accordingly order hi.s ** ministers to assist [his agents], in purchasing the rubies required, at " as cheap a price as possible. OBSERVATIONS. "Whether a second mission was dispatched to Pegu, or the persons first intended to be sent were superseded by otiiers, I am unable to determine : but a letter appears, under date 23th of Bydzy (31st March 1786) addressed, not to Mahommed Kasini and Mahommed Ibraheem, but to Shumsuddeen and Kutbuddeen ; in which they arc told, " that their departure for Pegu only waits for the equipment " of the ships, which they are accordingly desired to expedite." It nevertheless appears, that the ships in question were not ready for sailing, so late as the be- ginning of the following June. (3) A dress made cf a particular kind of silver tissue. (4) Original JJ^ ^\ TIPPOO SULTAN. 247 LETTER CCXII. To Ehsanullah Khan; dated from Pvtn, the 23d Yoosvfy. Q2dth Jamuiry.') Whatever gold, silver, horses, bullocks, &c. the late Kudlr Agha may have died possessed of, the whole is to be delivered over to the KUaaddr and Umlddr, from whom you will take receipts for the same. You did right, in placing the slave of the deceased in the corps of [or among] the Usud-Ilhyes. OBSERVATIONS. The character of this order cannot be determined, on account of our ignorance of tbe particular situation of Kadir Agha, who might possibly have been a public defaulter, or have died childless. LETTER CCXIII. To Shah Noorullah ;<*> dated 25lh Yoosvfy. (3\st January^ Two copies of the FuthHV Miljdhideen (^^ have been sent to you under [our] seal : one by Mahommed Iniaum, the Joivkddr [captain] of the Jyshe; the other by our Clia'dahp Kumal. You must have the receipts of these books regularly entered by your Mdtusuddies [or accountants]. One of them you will give to be kept by the aforesaid Joivkddr, who must be directed to exercise his men regularly, in the manner therein prescribed ; the other you are to keep yourself: and you will likewise take good care, (1) Proceeding on an embassy to Constantinople. (2) For some account of this book see Letter XC, and also Appendix, I. (3) This term has been explained at Letter CLXXVIII. 248 SELECT LETTERS OF caie, that the men [composing your escort] perform their exercise reffularlv. LETTER CCXIV. To Ghulam Ali Khan ;(') dated 26th Voost/rr. (1st Fehruanj^ "'I » The people who are to attend you [on your embassy], and who are enumerated in the following list, have been dispatched to you, under chai'ge of a guard, consisting of five hundred and seven Piddehs, and commanded [or superintended] by Ghulam Mohyuddeen Khan, the Huktshij of Nugr, and Rung Rao. Upon the arrival of the party, the Piddehs are to continue to be employed in taking care of it, until its embarkation ; after which, giving them a receipt,*^^^ you must dispatch them back to the Presence. List of Persons, making altogether Jive hundred and one, with muskets, coats, ^r. Escort. Men. The Joii'kddr, IMubaruk Khan, belonging to the Ussud-Ilhyes 71 The Joivkddr, Mahonmied Imaum, belonging to the Suzdwul JysheS'^ 100 The Risdla of Fukeer Mahommed, belonging to the Jyshe 250 [Carried forivard 421 (1) The colleague of Sliuli NoorCillali, and proceeding likewise to Constantinople. (2) Tliat is, an acknowledgement, or certificate, that such a number of persons had been deUvered over to them by the guard. (3) As a Suzdwul is a baliff or dun, this, I conclude, was a body of men, employed particularly in that kind of service. T 1 P P O O S U L T A V. 249 Men. [Brought forward 421 Servants, &c. viz. Kuniul Chailali 1 Sweepers 2 Hurkdre/is 10 Mushaakhies [or torch-bearers] 6 Bullahs, or Yullahs,(^*'> 4 Munshy • • -^ 1 24 Dohdshies 2 Mulusuddy 1 3 Under the command of Behram 21 Golunddzes (s) 31 Mahommed Ah, French and EngUsh interpreter (^ 1 Total 501 OBSERVATIONS. Tlie only remark which I have to offer on this letter is, that it would appear from it, that the people, sent upon this distant embassy, must have proceeded on it with great reluctance, since it was necessary, in order to prevent their desertion, to keep them, till their embarkation, in custody of a military guard, of equal strength with themselves. 3 K (4) lam doubtful as to the riglit reading of lliis word, the meaning of whicli I cannot guess. (5) Tiicse arc properly artillcry-mcn ; but we hear of no gi»n being attached to the embassy. (6) Very probably some European, converted to the Mahommcdan faitii. 250 SELECT LETTERS OF LETTER CCXV. To the same ; same Date. Qst February.^ After your anlval at Constantinople, you are, every third day, to serve out to the Suzdivuls and men of the Usud-Il/ii/es attached [to your mission], four [blank] cartridges each man, and to see that they regularly perform their exercise. LETTER CCXVI. To the same ; dated 28th Yoosvfy. (3d Fehruari/^ Your letter has been received, together with a memorandum of the remaining articles of supply, which Nursia, the Dewdn <^'^ of Nugr, has taken upon himself to dispatch after you. You were appointed, and have been sent from hence, for the purpose of repairing to Constantinople, and not for that of ivriting to us accounts of squabbles. Now, forasmuch as, while you are employed in narrating these disputes, the season for sailing is passing away, you must compel Nursia ^^^ to provide the articles you require ; and, having done so, you must embark them on ship-board, and then proceed [on your voyage]. Even if there should be a small deficiency in your surplies, i/ou must not make that a pretence, or excuse, for your delay, and for suffering the proper season for your proceeding to escape. The whole of the men, who are to accompany you, have been dis- patched, and will soon join you. Agreeably (1) He is, in other places, called the Taalukddr of Nugr. (2) In the original i^yj ^^< ^j> J! which is much the same as Susdwidli/, already explained. It docs not appear what means GhOl&m Ali possessed of coercing a person of Nursia's authority. TIPrOO SULTAN. 251 Agreeably to the desire of that person of magnificent tlcgree/^^ we have sent the most peremptory ortlcrs to Nursia, to expedite the re- mainder of your supplies. OBSERVATIONS. When it is considered, that Ghulam AH Khan was among the most distinguished men at the court of Tippoo Sultan ; that he was now proceeding on a service, to which his master attached much importance ; that his appointment to such a high trust (for he was, I beheve, at the head of the commission) would, at least, seem to imply, that entire confidence was placed in his zeal, talents, and fidelity ; and, iiually, when the frivolous nature of the offence imputed to him is adverted to, it is difficult to say, whether the Sultan has manifested most want of temper or of wisdom, in the harsh and degrading language here addressed to that person. Of his excessive irascibility and asperity of manner, other proofs have already appeared, and more will hereafter occur : but, on none of the occasions alluded to, did he, perhaps, so little consult, either his true dignity, or, apparently, his true interests, as in the present instance, since in proportion as he sunk the consequence of his minister, he diminished his own ; while, by thus outraging the feelings of that minister, he incurred the risk of damping his ardor, paralyzing his energies, and even shaking his loyalty. It must, however, at the same time, be owned, that Ghulam Ali Khan was not likely to be so sensible of the indignity offered to him, or so apt to resent it, as the view here taken of the subject supposes ; and it is only reasonable to conclude, ihat the Sultan knew this sufficiently well. 2 K2 (3) Originally ti-Wr* i^-^Le- It is not often that tlie SulUm uses tliis complimentary phraseology, in wiiiinjr even to his principal officers. Perhaps, on the present occasion, it was meant to compensate for the severity of other parts of this dispatch. Most probahiy the address, or c_>Ull as it is called in Persian, suitable to the rank of every person written to, was put atiiie head of the letter, though omitted in the register, or letter-book. It is very rare, however, that this address, or any part of it, is repeated by the Sultan in the body of his letter. 252 SELECT LETTERS OF? LETTER CCXVII. To BuRHANLDDEEN; dated 2Sfh Yoost/FY. (3d Februart/.^ Directing him to dispatch carefully, under a trusty guard, all the gold, silver, jewels, horses, elephants, &c. belonging to the Daisye of Kittoor, together with the Daisye himself, and his family. DLi-ecting, further, that such of the managers [or servants] of the Daisye, as were not to be trusted, should be put in irons, as formerly ordered, and dispatched to the Presence. LETTER CCXVIII. To Syed Peer; Kilaaoar of Bangalore ; same dale. (3d February.^ You write " that about three hundred recruits have been entertained " for the Jyske and Ehshdm [corps], and the abstracts of them regularly " made out and delivered to the Mutusuddies of the Dewdny,^^^ notwith- ^< standing which Rajah Ram Chundur brings forward excuses."^^) It is known. You have [it would seem] laid your instructions by iti the niche of forgetfulness,^^^ or you could not en§^age in such an improper and senseless altercation. What the aforesaid Hdjah represents is perfectly right. If you would look into your instructions, there would be no necessity for your writing to us on the subject. (1) Two or three words occur here, which are unintelligible to me. (2) 2. e. " evades paying the amount of the abstracts." (3) Original Ji^ jUj i. e. " have consigned them to oblivion." TIPPOO SULTAN, 253 LETTER CCXIX To Shah Noouullah; dated 29th Yoosufy. (4th February.) It is owing to the whoreson trieks and roguery of the elephant keepers, that the elephants have been made to get hot : you must, therefore, flog them [the keepers] well. If, after all, one of the ele- phants proceeding with you should continue hot, you must separate him from the other [or others],, by putting him on board a different vessel. Then follow directions for expediting the departure of the embassy. N. B. In a letter of the following day (or 30th Voosiify), the Sultan repeats his orders for separating the must (hot) and tame elephants, with an addition, purporting, " that the proper medicines should be given to the hot elephant for expelling his heat." LETTER CCXX. To BuKHANUDDEEN ; dated 29th Yoosufy. (4th Fehruanj.') We have heard, that the enemy^') has detached a large force, for the purpose of falling suddenly upon [or surprising] your army (^) : we there- fore write, to desire that you will, immediately on the receipt of this letter, take up a position at Dhdrwdr, and dispatching the whole of your baggage into the country of Nugr [the province of Bklnore\ remain yourself • (1) Original .^ " the accursed." The MahrattaUs arc, of course, here meant. This is the term by wliicli an enemy is usually designated. f2) Original ^>iytj Uj which has been before explained, 254 SELECT LETTERS OP /* yourself with your army unencumbered/^^ You must, on this point, employ the strictest precautions. Let it not be (God forbid ! ) that the enemy should surprise you. LETTER CCXXI. To TuRBiYUT An Khan ; dated Seringapatam, 30th Yoosvfy. (5th February^ Your letter has been received <"> You write, " that keeping '* in view [or looking to nothing else than] the proper execution of the " public business,(^> you make no distinction of persons, and labour only *' to approve your zeal for our service, and to discharge the obligations of ♦' fidehty ; but that [nevertheless], owing to your evil destiny,^^*) these " circumstances have not been made known to us by the superintendants " and Hurkdrehs of the post [or intelligence] department there [i. e. *' Sa7igalore~\." It is comprehended. Your respectability and integrity are [duly] Impressed on our mind, and, therefore, did we appoint you to your present situation. The aforesaid superintendant and Hurkdrehs are employed to write the intelligence of that place ; how is it possible, then, that they should do otherwise than represent the actual truth to us ? (^> You (3) Original i.iJ,jf the baggage of an army being sent away, the army is said to be jureedah, (1) A long, but immaterial passage, relating to pecuniary details, and not entirely intelligible to me, is here omitted. (2) OvigmaX J^j^ji ^j^ji^ Jpi (3*) Original ci^ jjlt Jl^JijS literally " from the insufficiency, or incompetency, of my fortune or fate." (4) Literally, *' what power have they not to represent the real truth to us" ? TIPPOO SULTAN. 255 You moreover state, " that the cheumstance of your inspecting the " accounts of the receipts and issues of the Athouny ,(^^ and examining " the same justly, and according to tlie rules prescribed in the rcgula- *' tions [whereby < a certain saving or advantage arises to tlie Sircur~\, " having rendered your interference ^^ extremely disagreeable to them " \j. e. to the jli}ioumj~\, they had, in consequence, misrepresented you *' to us/') " It is revealed. Whenever, by means of a reference to the regulations, any saving [or deduction] can be fairly made in the receipts and issues of the Athounij, you must fearlessly carry the same into effect. Your account of a certain person, who is extremely well versed in the affairs of that country, and who is ready to undertake the realization of the balance of eight lacks of jyagodas [due from it], as well as an augmentation of two or three lacks on the present revenue, is fully un- dei-stood. By the favor of God the Helper, our lofty standards will shortly be removed tliither [i. e. to Ba?}galore]y when we will enquire into this matter. What more shall we write ? LETTER CCXXir. To Rajah Ram Chundur ; dated 3d Eezidy. (8th Fehrua)y.') Your letter has been received. You write, " that you were about to *' issue to the eighty men of the Ndimdr tribe,('> who had been incorpo- " rated into the Usiid llhyes, the regulated ratious,^^^ and other ad- vances, (j) I am unacquainted with tliis word, wliicli may be read AOxoimy or Athoulif, and indeed, several otlier ways. Perhaps the intelligence department may be meanu (0) Literally " participation." (1) Original ^^L^ j^ j^is^. j^J las) literally, " they set forth, or state, the words of " opposition." (1) Ntiimdr, usually (.ailed by the English Nairs. (2) Original i_^1^ 256 SELECT LETTERS OF " vances, for their separate expences, J'royn the date of our orders on " the subject ; but that Syed Peer £the Kilaadd.r~\ furthermore demanded " certain arrears of pay and rations, due to them previoiisft/ to that *' period." The aforesaid Kilaaddr is deprived of his understanding [or has lost his wits]. The rations, and other allowances, are to be paid to the men in question, fiom the date of our orders [on the subject]. LETTER CCXXIII. To Rajah Ram Chundur and Turbiyut Ali Khan ; dated 4th Eezidy. (9th Fehruari/.^ At such times as new levies, or recruits, for the Jijshe and Piddehs are to be entertained [or taken into the service], you two, and Syed Peer [|the Kilaaddr~\, assembUng together in the Kuchurrj/, are [to be mind- ful] to entertain none but proper and eligible men. You are also to take a muster of the men some time since admitted into the tTi/she, by the aforesaid Kilaaddr, and dismissing such of them as shall [appear to you to] be unfit [for the service], allow him pay for those only who are fit ("to be retained]. LETTER CCXXIV. To Budruz Zuman Khan ; dated 8th Eezidy. (I3lh Fehruari/.') , Your two letters, with the enclosed memorandums of the Ndimdr [or ' Nair'] captives, have been received You did right in causing a hundred and thirty-five^') of them to be circumcised, and in putting eleven of the youngest (I) If the following numbers are right, this ought to be a hundred and five, instead of a hundred and thirty-five. TIPPOO SUJLTAN. 257 youngest of these into the Usud Ilhije band [or class], and the remain- ing ninety-four into the Ahmedy troop,(^> consigning the whole, at the same time, to the charge of the Kilaaddr of Nugr. You must give strict orders to the said Kilaaddr, to take the utmost care of these peo- ple, so that they shall not perish/^) N.B. There follow here some unimjiortant (and not very intelligible) orders, respecting certain defaulters and others, subject to the jurisdiction of Budruz Zuman Khan. OBSERVATIONS. It appears from this, and some other passages, that the Sultan, as if pluming himself particularly on the institution of the two troops, or corps, of Ahmedies and Usud Ilhyes, was extremely attentive to every thing relating to their proper care and management, I am uncertain whether these corps continued in existence at the period of his death ; but it is probable they did, as they are mentioned in documents of a recent date. LETTER CCXXV. To BuRiiANVDDEEN ; Same Date. (I3lh Febriiary.') Your letter has been received, and its contents are comprehended. We approve of your having, for the present, with the advice and con- currence of the Sipahddrs, encamped with your army in the vicinity of Killoor, which [it seems] is a safe and strong position. You will con- 2 L tinue (2) It might be inferred from tliis passage, tii.it if there \v;is any difTerence in the consti- tution of the Ahmedy and Usud llhye corps, it consisted partly (if not eiitiifly) in tliis: that tlie younger converts to Islam were cniollcd in the latter, and the older in tlie forniur. (3) Original ^yLJ ■t-ili\i " that tliey may not be spoiled, or go to ruin." 258 SELECT LETTERS OP tinue there, and observe the utmost vigilance, care, and precaution. Dispatch the Daisi/e and his managers, with all their effects and cattle, to the Presence, under charge of Hyder Ali Baig, one hundred horse, and two or three hundred Piddehs. You have done right, in taking possession of the two villages of Sipra and Jdmooty, belonging to Kittoor ; and in placing in the former fort a trusty Sipahddr, Avith a garrison of three hundred Piddehs. OBSERVATIONS. The orders contained in this letter, respecting the position to be occupied by Biirhanuddeen's army, are, it will be perceived, at variance with those trans- mitted to that officer about ten days before (Letter CCXX). The latter directed a retrogade movement to Dhdncdr, which Burhanuddeen and bis council of war would appear to have thought inexpedient : and in this opinion we here perceive the Sidtan acquiescing. LETTER CCXXVI. To the same ; dated Seringapatam, 9th Eezidy. (I4th Pebruart/.') It is not proper or advisable, that your guns should be planted in batteries,^'^ at a distance [from your lines]. You must keep them near your army, in the same manner^^^ that you keep your army itself [i. e. in close and compact order, as directed in Letter CLXXXVIII]. You must, (1) This is the word employed in the original, it having been vcr)' generally adopted by the natives of India. (2) Original jy.^XjJ »J^li' J^V* ^^^'^-'i ™^y ^il^o mean, " agreeable to the custom, or ••' practice, of your army :" but it strikes me, that the interpretation I have adopted is the risjlit one. TIPPOO SULTAN. 259 must, moreover, continual I y(^> send out for intelligence of the enemy, and remain vigilant and prepared at your post/"*^ Keep us, also, [regu- larly] informed of these matters [or of all occurrences]. OBSERVATIONS. The Sultan appears, at this period, to have been in expectation of an early attack from the confederate forces ; the commanders of which, however, did not, I believe, propose more at present than to cover the siege of Bdddmy, which they undertook about this time, and of which place they finally obtained possession, in the month of May following. It seems rather extraordinary, that the Sultan should have had occasion to teach Burhanuddeen so obvious a lesson in tactics, as that with which the present letter is introduced : but it must also be owned, that the information before us is too scanty, to enable us to form any clear notion of the subject. Much, of course, would depend on the actual distance from the camp at which the artillery was placed, as well as on the nature of the ground ; and the letter throws no light on either of these points. All that is certain is, that Tippoo thought the disposition injudicious and dangerous ; while it is likewise probable, that when he formed this judgment, he possessed a distinct knowledge of the different local circumstances connected with the question. LETTER CCXXVir. To Chishty Yar Khan ; dated Wth Eezidy. (I6th FcLriiari/.') Your letter has passed under our view. You represent, " that sensi- " ble [/. c. duly qualified] Tarufddrs'^^^ are not to he procured at the 2 L 2 *' monthly (3) Original ^ " success! vcl}-, incessantly." (4) Original ^J^ ^J^. (I) A jictty officer, employed in the collection of the land revenue. 260 SELECT LETTEHS OP' " raontlily wages of one ^w^Wff, and that the proper and faithful exe- *' cution of the pubUc service cannot be expected from men receiving' *' only a pagoda a month : you, therefore, propose, with our permission, *' to authorize the different Aumils to make some little increase in the " monthly pay of the persons in question," Let the monthly wages of the Turufddrs of the laaliiks [or districts] under you be fixed at what you may judge proper and necessary to their subsistence, to the end that the business of the Sircar may be performed in the best manner. LETTER CCXXVIII. To the Shanoor Waleh ;<'> dated \5th Eezidw (20th Fehruari/.') Your letter by Gopal Kishn has been received, and has given us great pleasure. What you write on the subject of the Paishcush is understood. What does it signify ? Let the Paishcush in question be paid, by four histalments, to Nursia, the Deivdn of Nugr. A letter, to this effect, is herewith enclosed for the said Dewdn, to whom you must foi-ward it. With regard to the malversations [or embezzlements], to the extent of twenty-sLx lacks of rupees, which have been established against the ministers, &c. of that friend, you must examine into the account of the same, and enforcing payment thereof, by flogging and other rigorous means, transmit to us bankers' acceptances for the amount. OBSERVATIONS. This letter is rather more civil, in point of style, as well as more accommo- dating in its spirit, than the last one to the same person (Letter CLI). Any change, (1) I. e. Abd&l Hukecm Khan, the Patan cliicf of Slulnoor. I ought to have observed before, that tliougli I have adopted a different reading, the name is always written in tlie nianuseript Sdnoor. See Appendix, D. TIPPOO SULTAN. 261 change, in these respects, may be pretty safely referred, in the present case, to poh'tical motives, though it would be difficult, at this time, to trace such a change to any particular source of that kind. But as the operations of the belligerent* began now to take a direction, which must soon compel the Patan to declare openly in favour of one or other of the contending parties, Tippoo's object, at this moment, might be, either to conciliate that chieftain, or to conceal, under an appearance of relaxation from his former demands, the design he had possibly already formed, of over-running his country, and of driving him from his capital j both of which the Sultan did, very soon after the date of the foregoing letter. LETTER CCXXIX. To NuwAzisH Ali Khan, aSo?? o/" Shujaaud Dowlahj dated 16th Eezivy. (2\st Februart/.') [After compliments.] Agreeably to your request we have advanced a hundred rupees for your expences. Undan SubhyO will, in pursuance of our orders, arrive [there.] After I'eceiving the aforesaid money, repair to the Presence. We enclose a passport [for you], and also a Purwdneh for the above mentioned Subhy, which you will deliver to him. OBSERVATIONS. I am uncertain whether the Shujaaud Dovvlah, mentioned in the suj)erscription of this letter, be meant for the father of the present Nabob of Oude, or for some nobleman of the Decan, bearing the same title. It is well known, however, that the Nahub of that name left several sons, besides Asophud Dowlah, his immediate successor, and Saadut Ali Khan, the present Nabob ; who, on the death of their father, fled from their brother's court, aud sought an asylum among the neighbour- in » (1) Name uncertain. 262 SELECT LETTERS OF ing powers. Whether or not Nuvvazish AH was one of these, I am unable to determine : but, whoever he might be, the reception here given him was certainly sufficiently discouraging. He is no where again mentioned. LETTER CCXXX. To BuDRUz ZuMAN Khan ; some Date. (2\st Fehiniari/.') Conformably with your humble request,(') a passport has been WTit- ten, and is herein enclosed. You must dispatch the necessary equipage, and send for your family [to join you]. What more ? OBSERVATIONS. This letter is inserted, for the purpose of showing, both that no person, of whatever rank or consideration, could, when employed at a distance from the capital, have his family with him, unless by the express authority of the Sultan; and that the latter, occasionally, granted his servants this indulgence. His ex- tending it, in the present conjuncture (the commencement of a war of doubtful issue), to Budruz Zuman Khan, strongly marks his confidence in the fidelity of tliat officer. LETTER CCXXXI. To Urshudullah Khak, Buktsut of the Ehsiiam ; same Date. Q2\st February.^ Directing him, afiter recovering from the Kilaaddr of Kunnikgeery the amount of the embezzlements established against the latter, to dis- patch the said Kilaaddr to ('*> Mentioning, (1) Original ^U;Jc>-)l " imploring, supplication." (1*J It is not said in the original to what place the Kilaaddr was to be sent. Another let- ter, on the same subject, says '♦ to the fort " but without specifying what fort. Perhaps Seringapatam is meant. TIPPOO SULTAN. 263 Mentioning, moreover, that, in future, he is not to take upon himself to remove or exchange any of the Kilaaddrs [within his jurisdiction], without the express authority of the Sultan; and desiring this to be considered as a most positive order. LETTER CCXXXII. To LuTF Ali Khan and Shah Noorullah Khan ; dated 22d Eezidy. (2'Jth Fchruary.^ Three Kulgies,^'^^ three Surpaishes,^-^ and three Puduks^^ of the value of thirty-six thousand two hundred and thirty rupees, '^^^ have been dis- patched to you in a casket, to which our private seal [or signet] has been affixed. You must open this casket, and having examined its contents, seal the whole up again, and keep the same [carefully] by you. The three Kulgies, three Surpaishes, and three Puduks, originally mentioned [or referred to] in our instructions [to you], bei7ig afterivards considered hy us of insufficient value, have, on that account, been changed for the more valuable set now sent, and of which a memorandum is enclosed. Of this memorandum a copy must be entered in our book of instructions. (1) The Kulgy, ov Kidghy, is the plume of jewels which surmounts the (2) Surpaich, ox Surpaish, \.hd.i\^\.\\c Aigrette. (3) I am not clear what is meant by a '_^<^vi fPuduk.J It seems, however, to have been a jewel, suspended from the neck. It also appears to have been worn as a badge of distinc- tion, by oflSccrs of a certain rank, who are, in consequence, sometimes called Piuluk-wdkhs, 111 this last sense it answered to our gorgtt : and it tnay be collected, from the FuthurMujd- hideen, that the ofliccrs entitled to wear it, were always obliged to appear with it when on duty. (4) Equal to about .^"4,500. 264 SELECT LETTERS OP OBSERVATIONS. The book of instructions, here mentioned, was among the papers found at Seringapatam ; as was also the journal of this very embassy. I regret that I did not take copies of these curious documents, which would, no doubt, explain many points, on which we must be content, for the present, to remain ignorant. It is a well established fact,''' that this embassy, though ostensibly dispatched to the Grand Seignor alone, was ultimately to have proceeded, not only to the court of Louis XVI, but likewise to that of London ; the mission to the latter being ex- pressly designed to veil the secret negociations proposed to be opened with France. If, therefore, the jewels enumerated in the foregoing letter comprized the whole of what was destined for all the three courts mentioned, it must be allowed, that the meditated presents were not formed on such a scale of magnificence, as might have been expected from an eastern prince, desirous of impressing three of the principal sovereigns of Europe with a high idea of his power and resources. It is possible, however, that the casket, specified in this dispatch, may have con- stituted only a part of the jewels intended to have been presented. The embassy was finally composed of four persons, as appears by the next letter. LETTER CCXXXIII. To Ghulam Ali Khan, Lute Ali Khan, Shah Noorullah Khan, and Mahommed Huneee ; dated 24fh Eezidy. (\st March.^ Your letters have been received, and their contents are understood. You write, " that all the stores, supplies, merchandize, &c. are laden " on board the ships, and that you only wait for the arrival of the " Usud Ilhye men and the jewels, when you will proceed [on your voyage]]." {6) See Colonel Beatsoii's N.irrativc, page 179. TIPPOOSULTAN. 26 it voyage]." It is known. The men, in question, were dispatehed [from hence] some time ago, and most probably have reached you before this. The jewels are now forwarded, and will arrive. As soon as you have received them, hasten your departure, and do not let the scason*^'^ escape you.(-) You write, " that the season for sailing to Juddah is passed, but that " the season for JBtissorah and 3Iiiscat is not yet over ;" adding, " that *' whatsoever we may please to order on this subject, you will act " accordingly." It is known. Some time since Othman Khan, a ser- vant of the Sircar, being dispatched by us, reached Hussorah, and thence proceeded to Baghdad, from whence he was sent on by the JBdiha [of the latter place] to Constaidinople ; which, as we understand, is sixty days journey, with a caravan, from Baghdad. Now what appears [to us] to be most proper and advisable is, that you likewise should proceed by the same route ; that is, first to Bussorah, from thence to Baghdad, and from thence to Coyest ant inojde. It is our wish to obtain possession of the port of Bussorah in farm. Consequently, we are, for several reasons, well pleased at your going to that place.(^) Proceeding thither, accordingly, you will examine into the state of things there, and make every [necessary] enquiry respecting the port, where you will, at the same time, dispose of your mei'chundi'ze. From thence you must repair straight to Nujnf, the most noble j^^) where presenting our very humble duty, you will represent in the most re- 2 M spectful (1) Oiigiiial f^yt (mosevi) from whence, probabi}-, Monsoon. (2) Original ,s:.> V' \z -...\'^ j^^j-" ""J " ''^'"^' '^° "°' S'^'^ '''*^ season fi'( m your liantis ;" or, " do not let it slip throiigli your hands." (3) i. c. " at its being reiulerctl necessary, by the state of liie Monsoon, tiiat you should " 20 there, instead of to JudJah.'^ (4) Culled usually Niijuf Ushruf. This is a place of great sanctity with Mahommedans. It is situated on the plain of Kerbda, celebrated for the bloody battle fouglit there between Yezecd and the sons of Ali. 266 SELECT LETTERS OP spectful and submissive manner, that if it be agreeable [to the priests in charge of the holy shrine] to have an aqueduct brought to Nujuf the most noble ffroni the Euphrates], and they will signify their pleasure to that effect, we will, in the following year, send the necessary people and money for its construction. You must report to us, at length, the answer which you may receive to this proposal, together with all other particulars, in order that we may act accordingly. You must not make any further delay, after the arrival of the party of Usud Hhjes and the jewels, but proceed [immediately on your voyage]. Consider this order as positive. OBSERVATIONS. The Sultan's project of acquiring possession of Bussorah was, probably, as extravaofant as any he ever entertained. By what means he could hope to attain such an object, it would be difficult to conceive : but it is probable, that the instructions to the embassy, and its journal, which, no doubt, are still extant, would throw some light on the subject. It has been said, that the ambassadors were empowered to offer Mangalore in exchange for it : but I think it unlikely that a prince of the Sultans characteristic jealousy and distrust, should have consented to such an arrangement: and the letter before us certainly discoun- tenances the notion ; since, besides its not containing the most distant allusion to an exchange, it distinctly speaks of his wish " to farm " the port in question. There is reason to believe, that the Sultan's project of constructing a canal from the Euphrates to Nujuf, if ever seriously entertained by him, was ultimately relinquished; since Mirza Abu Talib, who visited this sanctuary in 1803, does not mention such a work, though he has recorded a similar one, executed at the cxpence of the late Nabob, Asophud Dowlah. TIPPOO SULTAN. 26/ LETTER CCXXXIV. To BuDRuz ZiTMAN Kha n ; dated 25th Eezidy. (2d March.^ After fixing* a proper price on the coats which you have distributed among tlie Ji/ahe, you will deduct the amount from their pay. Issue to the Serishteddrs of the £/iih(hn, and to the Gomdshtehs, the monthly allowances specified in our instructions to you. There is no necessity for transmitting to us fresh pay abstracts [for this purpose]. You will also make a daily allowance of one pice^'^ to such of the children of the Koorgs, between five and ten years old, as you may think proper. LETTER CCXXXV. To the same; dated 21th Eezidy. (4th March.^ Whatever number of Koorg women and children may, at this time, be at Nngr, Koonly-doorg,^^*^ or elsewhere, must be collected together, and the allowance formerly assigned for their support be paid to them. LETTER CCXXXVI. To Mahommed Ghyas ; same Date. (4th March.} Five months ago, we sent by two Hurkdrehs a letter, together with a dress, to Moodhojec Bhonsillah, to which we have hitherto had no answer : we have, therefore, again dispatched two more Hurkdrelis, 2 M 2 whom (I) A pice is a copper coin, ncaily of the value of u halfpenny. (!•} Name uncertain. 268 SELECT LETTERS OF whom you must secretly forward, but not directly or avowedly from yourself, with the letter which they have in charge for the aforesaid. This matter is to be kept profoundly secret. After being satisfied of the [favorable] disposition of the aforesaid, you must, from time to time, send a person to him, and privately sound his views ; employing always [on the occasion] such language as may be most conducive to the improvement of [our mutual] friendship and regard. OBSERVATIONS. The reader will scarcely require to be informed, that Moodhojee Bhonslllah was the Rajah of Berar, and one of the principal members of the Mahrattah state. The mode adopted by the Sultan, of drawing this person over to his interests, would not appear to have much consulted the dignity of the latter ; however it may have been demanded, by the caution necessary to be observed in such a correspondence. I possess no means of ascertaining what success Tippoo had in this intrigue ; but I believe that Moodhojee Bhonsillah took little or no very active part in the ensuing hostilities.'"' It was, indeed, the uniform policy of that chieftain, in all the contests of his neighbours, to maintain, as long as possible (virtually, at least, if not formally), such a line of neutrality, as generally left it very doubtful to which side he most leaned: nor was he used to make much distinction, on these occasions, between the chiefs of his own nation, and the other circumjacent powers. His son and successor, Raghojee Bhonsillah, has not, however, adhered to his father's system, in this respect. (1) He is saiJ, in the Persian newspapers of tliis period (referred to in aiiotlier instance at Letter CCXCVII.) to have quitted the Maiirattalj army some time in July 1186, and to have returned to Nagpoor, leaving his son at the head of a body of five thousand horse behind iiim. Whether this apparent, though qualified, defection of the Bhonsillah was occasioned by the intrigue alluded to in the present letter, is a point which I do not possess the means of ascertaining. TIPPOO SULTAN. 269 LETTER CCXXXVII. To BuDRUZ ZuMAN Khan j dated 28th Eezidt. (5fh 3IorcIt.') What you write, concerning the death of five hundred Koorgs from the smull-pox, is understood. Tlie whole country [thereahouts] is covered with underwood. ^'^ They [?'. e. the Koorgs~\ must be kept where the chmate [hterally, the water and air] may best agree with them. N.B. Two or three letters appear about this time, containing directions for collecting gram (for the consumption of twelve thousand stable-horse) in the direc- tion of ^an^afore, Chinroydoorg, Ruttungeeri/, and Sttmrpufn {Bulhdry). These orders, which also announce the early approach of the Sultan, were, no doubt, preparatory to the rapid movement which he was now probably meditating against Adoni. LETTER CCXXXVIII. To ZvNUL Aabideen, Bukhshy of the EHsUAMatFrzE-YAB Hisar (GootyJ ; dated 29th Eezidy. (6th March.) Agreeably to your request, an order has been written, and is herehi enclosed, for the post Hurkdrehs of Hnrry-hur, to whom you will forward it. With respect to lead and powder, do you act according to what is written in your instructions. That you should pursue your own opinion, in opposition thereto, occasions us the utmost surprise.^'*) (1) Original c:.„«j,U. (Jj3^ tliat light of our eyes. It also appears, that the Vakeels of the Sorapoor man, as well as those of the Zeminddrs of Gunjunghur, and other dependencies of the Sircar, who waited on the worthless^^) commander of the enemy, and opened negociations with him, have met with an encouraging reception, and been directed to join the enemy's army with their respective troops. This is written to that light of our eyes, by way of precaution [or, to put you on your guard]. LETTER CCXL. To the same ; dated 3d Byazy. (9th March?) Tukojee Hulkar and the Guyckivdr have moved towards you with foul intentions :('*) you will, therefore, take up a position with your army near the fort of Dhdrwdr, and omit not a single measure of precaution in that situation. You must, moreover, enjoin all the inhabitants of that quarter to be cautious and watchful. OBSERVATIONS. The Sultan seems here to revert to his former orders (see Letter CCXX) respecting the position to be occupied by Burhanuddeen, but which he revoked by Letter (1) Original >Xilw j^li " pouring down," as rain. (2) Original ^Ij^li literally " no-lcader." This is a favorite term of opprobium with the Sultan, when speaking of any chief or commander among his enemies. (1*) Original aU^I wi,U TIPPOO SUI.TAN. 271 Letter CCXXV, in compliance, apparently, with the suggestion of that general and the superior officers of his army. We shall soon see him wave the point again. (Letter CCXLVIII.) LETTER CCXLL To Rajah Ram Chundur ; same Date. (9th March.^ Notifying to him, that he must recall Sohhah Rao, the Serishteddr of Uang^a/ore, to whom he had, of his own authority, given leave of ahsence, or otherwise he [Ram Chundiir] would he held responsible for the sum of two lacJcs of rupees due to the Sircar [that Is to say, remain- ing to be accounted for] hy the aforesaid Serishteddr. LETTER CCXLII. To Mahommed Wasil, Kilaadar of Tarmurry ; dated 4th ByAzy. (10//t March.^ Do you apply yourself to the care and defence of your fort; and if the vagabond cavalry of Hyderahad<^^ should again appear in your quar- ter, chastise them. Agreeably to your request, we enclose an order to the BuLhshy of the Ehshdm [at Gooty~\, to let you have a supply of jjrovisions, lead, and powder, for the use of your fort. Forward the same to him. LETTER CCXLIII. To Meek Moiiib Alt, Bukiishy of the Ehsham at Fyze Hisar CGootyJ ; same Date. (lOth March.^ Dispatch to the fort of Tdrmurry a supply of provisions, lead, and powder, according to the [established] custom and regulations of the Sircar. (1) Original jlj^ju*. ijd.J\J\y^ wliich may also be read, " tlie cavalry of the vagabond of " Ht/clerabad" (i.e. the NizdmJ. 272 SELECT LETTERS Or Sircar. [That is to say, in the quantities or proportions of each article fixed by the regulations, either for the fort of Tdnmirry specifically, or for a fort of that class.] LETTER CCXLIV To Ghulam Ahmed, Kazy of Nugr ; dated 6th BrJzr. (I2th March.) We understand what you have represented, regarding a certain Musul- man inhabitant of Lukoti/,^^^ " who was in the habit of worshipping *' images, in the manner of the ^/»c/oo5, and whom you, inconsequence, *' upon hearing of the matter, seized, together with his wife and chil- *' dren ; dispatching what money, as well as gold and silver trinkets, " they possessed, to the Kuchurry of the Ehshdm, and keeping them " under a guard, till you should receive our orders respectmg them." You will deal with the aforesaid [offender] according to law, and then let him go. In matters relating to our holy law, you are authorized to act as you think proper [or, are independent].^-^ OBSERVATIONS. The fact here recorded, supposing the Kdzi/s statement to be correct, is a very curious one, because of rare occurrence : indeed, I never heard of another instance of it. I am ignorant what punishment the Mahommedan law has appointed for this offence ; but it is most probable, that the property of the present culprit, if not entirely confiscated, was, at least, heavily amerced. (1) Name uncertain. (2) Original S)\k^ jji J^\ i^,jii ?/-j^^jJ Vi ^1 TIPPOO SULTAN i?/*' LETTER CCXLV. 2o BuRHANUDDEEN ; (Idied lOth ByJzy. (\iith March ^ You write, " that having dispatched your baggage to Misrycotah, our *' victorious army is now light('> and piepared for action." It is known. You must not be precipitate ; but acting prudently and warily, watch for a [proper] opportunity of inflicting punishment [on the enemy]. If, moreover, they should encamp near you, you must seek for a favorable occasion, and make a night attack upon them. LETIER CCXLVI. To the same ; dated 24th ByJzy. (30th March.) In case the enemy should encamp near you, watching for a favorable opportunity, you must make a night assault upon them, and chastise them signally. Your foragers and ('*) must be sent into the close country of the interior,*^) on this side of you [that is, in your rear]. OBSERVATIONS. It is curious to observe the Sultan directing, in this and the preceding letter, a night assault to be made on the Mahrattah army, while, on other occasions, when that mode of attack has been adopted by the English against himself, he stigmi- tises it as a base proceeding, worthy only of robbers. 2 N (1) Original >Jln>- (1*) There is a word iicre in llic manuscript illegible. (2) Origiiiul ^Js ^A ^yjjSi\ ^j^ CJ^ji 274 SELECT LETTERS OP LETTER CCLXVir. To the Shanoor Waleh ; dated 26th BrJzr. Qst yJprili) Agreeably to your request, we have written and enclose an order to Nursia, the Deivdn of Niigr, directing him to accept payment of that friend's tribute^') at the end of three months. Forward the same to him. LETTER CCXLVIII. To Burhanuddeen ; dated 2d Ahmedy, Year DulloS^*^ Qth April.') Your encamping at Misrycotah, as well as your dispatching of the Kdzy of Tdrkul to the Presence, was proper. According to your request, Purwdnehs are enclosed for the Aumils of the several Taalilks, as like- wise for the [different] Kilaaddrs, directing them to furnish you [con- stantly] with intelligence of the enemy's [motions]. Let loose the marauding horse, and other predatory troops [with you], upon the enemy's army, with orders to capture and bring in [to your camp] horses without numberS'^^ Take care [at the same time] of your own army, and be always prepared [or on your guard]. LETTER CCXLIX. To Mahommed Ali, Avmil of UfzulabJdy Nugr ;('**> same Date. Qth April.') In like manner as you have caused two thousand Samories,^'^*^ inhabi- tants of Zuferdhdd, to flee [the country], even so must you send for them back [or cause them to return thither.] (1) Original ^>^jj (1*) Dullo, or the fortieth year of the cycle, corresponding to A.D. 1736-7. (2) Original J^ ^ J.^\ (I**) I am not acquainted with the situation of this place. (2*) Tiie chief of this tribe is the person called by the Europeans the Zamoruu i TIPPOO SULTAN. 275 LETTER CCL. To Mahommed Abdullah, Cutival of the Army ; dated 4th Ahmedy. (9th April!) One thousand two hundred and-forty two bullocks, belonging to the Usitd-Ilhye Kdtht/,^^^ and six hundred bullocks, belonging to the powder- magazine, are appointed to be sent to pasture,^-) where you must provide for their being fed with thick milk,^^> at the daily allowance of a full seer^*^ to every bullock. The [necessary] cowherds must be made to remain along with them at the pasturage, for the purpose of serving the curds; for which you are to take a regular receipt from them [i. e. from the cowherds]. OBSERVATIONS. It is probable, that the bullocks, here enumerated, were intended to be employed on the expedition now meditated by the ;S'M//a« against ^rfort/; and as his move- ment thither was intended to be very sudden and rapid, the cattle selected for the occasion would, of course, be previously brought into the best condition possible. Thick, or curdled milk, is, I believe, considered in India as particularly heartening to oxen, 2 N 3 (1) A'JMj^ probably means licrc, " depot, or magazine." (2) I ratlicr tbitik, that the name of tlic pasturage is given in the original ; but, if so, it is illegible. (3) Original isJyua^ (4) Original >-jL( \j Jj^ literally, " their uneven actions." (3) This would appear to refer to Rakhunder Naik. (4) Original A^s^ *-iJi literally, '« till the settlement of the pending dispute, or troubles." TIPPOO SULTAN. 2/9 tbe supcrintendant) were employed in uuiklng up, the letter thus proceeds : You write. " that the druggists (') require payment for the articles (^) " [furnished by them], and that you wait our orders on the subject." It appears by this, that you have entirely laid aside your instructions, and never peruse them. If it be written therein, that the articles purchased for our use are to be paid for, they must accordingly be paid for: if it be written, that they are not to be paid for, [then] they must not be paid for. OBSERVATIONS. If the foregoing letter, which is a close translation of the original, be understood in its most plain and obvious sense, . we shall be obliged to conclude, that the oppressive system of requisitions, adopted some years after the date of it by the French revolutionists, was already known to, and practised by, Tippoo Sultan. It is possible, however, that his meaning might have been, that prompt payment was to be made for articles purchased on his account, in such cases only as were specified in his instructions ; and that, in all other instances, the tradesman was expected to submit the period of satisfying his claims to the pleasure and convenience of the Sircar. That the Persian reader may be the better enabled to judge how far this interpretation is admissible, I will here transcribe the original passage. MJtJJ J>jj >iy^ '^J'J^j^ ^^T!-^ ij-i^ ^ A-Ij ^_5^ U^J^J^ XJ\jJ^j Jul (1) Original ^b^L-J wlio arc also dealers in spices and groceries. (2) Original JUic This word usually moans sjiiccs ; but it also si<;nifics the materials (particularly chemical) employed in various chemical operations. la this place, it probably refers to soiuc articles u( tlic latter kind, used by goldsmitlis. 280 SELECT LETTERS OF LETTER CCLVI. To BuRHANl'DDEEN ; dfltcd HaXGALORE, I'Jth AhmEDY. (22d April.') You state, " that the Kilaaddr of Dhdrwdr having dispatched to our " victorious army thirty-five thousand pagodas, over and above the fifty " thousand which we had ordered, you had detained the additional sum, " and waited our directions respecting it." It is known Apply the said money to the use of your army ; and when, hereafter, a fresh order ishall he issued to the above-mentioned Kilaaddr to transmit you a fur- ther supply, let the present thirty thousand pagodas be deducted from the amount. You write, " that you had detached u^Jlisdla of horse and a Kushoon /' of Jyshe through the woods, with orders to chastise the enemy, if a *' favourable opportmiity for the purpose offered, but otherwise to return *' to the army by the same route." It is known. In future, you must not detach the Jyshe [on such service], but only separate [or straggling] parties of horse, to whom you must give orders to seize and bring in all the camels, horses, and other booty they can. LETTER CCLVII. To MiRZA Mahommed Khan Behadir Sumsamul Mulk ; dated \Wi Ahmedy. (24th April.) [After compliments] Your friendly letter, announcing your firm intention of repairing hither with the troops belonging to you, has been received, and afforded us the greatest satisfaction. Your [intention ofj coming hither is highly approved [by us]. Proceed in the execution of TIPPOO SULTAN. 281 of your purpose with the utmost confidence and security, and make us hapj)y by an interview, for which we are extremely impatient. The distance [between us] being considerable, you should bring- along with you as great a force as possible.^ By the grace of God, we shall make you such appointments, in Jageers and money, as shallbe entirely satisfactory to that friend. The rosary, kneeling-carpet,*'-) &c., whicli you sent us as tokens of friendship, arrived, and afforded us the utmost pleasure. Although, by the bounty of the Almighty, we possess an inconceivable number of worldly curiosities,(^> yet these, being religious rarities,^^^ are esteemed by us equally with the richest treasures.<^> It was our wish and intention to have sent that friend a dress, toge- ther with some jewels, &c. ; but we have been prevented from doing so, by the Hurkdrehs having declined to take charge of them, on account of the dangers of the road. OBSERVATIONS. I have no certain knowledge who Sumsamul Mulk was. The interchange of presents, spoken of in the letter, rather discountenances the idea of his being a disaffected Omra of the court o^ Hyderabad ; since a correspondence of that sort could hardly have escaped detection, and is not likely, therefore, to have been hazarded, during the existence of actual hostilities between the two states. The same objection applies to the supposition of bis belonging to the train of Dariijah (the son of the late Busalut Jung, and nephew of the Soitbah) who, at this period, 2 O held (1) Witli a view to rendering liis junction the more secure. (2) Original ijjs" tlic carpet on wiiicli Musuliiians kneel during prayers. (3) Original ^yji^[^ (4) Original ^li iAsL (5) Original .xi ock, or mineral salt." (2) Original Jj (JJu«j " sapphire stone." If this term have any other meaning than that assigned to it, I am unacquainted with it ; and yet this esplanution is not free of diffi- cultv. TIPPOO SULTAN. 283 Send some young date-trees/^) with persons skilled in the management of them, to the Presence. Buy all the sulphur you can, and lading it on our vessels, dispatch the same from time to time.'^^ Ghulam All KhA,n, Shilh Nooriillah, &c. have, by our orders, pro- ceeded to Constantinople, by the way of 3Xuscat. Advise us, in due time, of their arrival. You must take care and sell the sandal wood, black pepper, rice, and cardamums, belonging to us, to the best advantage, sending an account of your sales and purchases regularly to Ghulam Mahommed. The accounts of receipts and disbursements, which you sent, are arrived. [This had been already mentioned, in the beginning of the present letter]. Saffron is the produce of Persia, Procure and send us some of the seed of it. Get the Dulldl [broker] to write to his agents in different places, to collect silk-worms, and persons acquainted with the manner of rearing them : and [having procured them] let them be dispatched to us.<^> Procuring, moreover, some [pearl] divers from Bahrein and Hoor- milz ; and making them whatever advances they may require for their expences, dispatch them hither, together with their families. Sending, likewise, to Btlstakh, and getting from thence five large asses, dispatch them to us. We have received your account of the occurrences of that quarter and of Persia. Continue to make similar communications. We have given directions to Ghidam Mahommed [the Aumil of Man- galore'] to sell rice, &c. to every merchant producing a certificate \chitty'] from you. 2 O 2 (3) Original ^^^,^ y\ ' J^- •\ " brought away in booty /!HWi«/c« horses." TirPOO SULTAN. 287 It is known. Upon the two Siphaddrs rejoining you, you must ascer- tain, and report to us in detail, the particulars of the gallant behaviour of our troops [in the recent engagements] ; in order that we may give directions for their being rewarded [according to their deserts]. State, likewise, what number of horses liave been taken from the enemy. You write, " that seven hundred Piadehs from N^ugr, with a Serish- *' teddr, and the Kikuiddr Husainy Baig, had arrived in your camp, foi- " the purpose of garrisoning Killoor, and that you had accordingly " dispatched the men and the Serisliteddr ; but that Husainy Baig being " too ill to proceed thither at present, should be sent as soon as he " recovered."(^> You moreover say, " that it is your intention to send " back to Dhdrivdr Ghous Mahommed Khan, the second Mimshoor^^^ of " that place." You uuist keep Husainy Baig with your army, and send Ghous Mahommed Khan, who has distinguished himself by his activity at Dhdncdr, to [command at] K'Utoor. Report to us the particulars of all who have exerted themselves, in order that we may bestow rewards on them alsoS^^ You must inform the aforesaid Mun^hoor, Ghous Mahommed, and Sheer Khrm, the jlumil [of KHtoor\ that if they should find the place untenable, or in want of provisions and other supplies, they must not sacrifice our troops in its defence, but evacuating it, repair through tlie woods to the army : for it is hut a mound of cluy, the existence and non-existence of which is the same thing \_i. e. is of no importance either way.] (3) The original is very obscure in this place, owing, apparently to the omission of two or three worcN, by supplying which the passage is rendered intelligible. IlCisainy Baig seems to have been proceeding to Kittoor, as Kilaaddr of that place. (4) A Munslioor would appear to have been a kind of town- major, or foi t adjutant. (5) This appears to be no more than a repetition of the order given in the second para- graph of this letter. 288 SELECT LETTERS OF OBSERVATIONS. It is uncertain whether tlie enemy, here spoken of, was the Mahrattah army, or only an assemblage of the adherents of the captive Daisi/e, which had attempt- ed to regain possession of Kittoor. The circumstance, however, of apicquet of a thousand horse, renders the former supposition the most probable. The Sultan appears to have been well satisfied with the conduct of his troops on this occasion : and if their success was really so extensive as represented by Bur- hanuddeen, he had reason to be so. But his report (as recited in the letter before us) is expressed in too vague and general terms, to be considered as decisive evidence on this point. LETTER CCLXII. To the some ; dated 2'Jth Ahmedy. (2d May^ After some orders for completing- the different Risdias of the army as speedily as possible, and for filling up the vacancies in the rank of Risdla- ddr, the letter thus concludes : — A Eisdiaddr [formerly] belonging to the Bisdla of General Matthews has been sent to join you from the Presence. What you write, with regard to our issuing orders for your being supplied with the musquets you are in want of, is understood. We shall shortly arrive in that quarter, when the necessary orders will be given. LETTER CCLXIir. To DiLEER Khan Behadur Dileer Jung^^') dated 28tk Ahmehy. (3d Mai/.) [After compliments] You write, " that it is now the " sowing season, and that, on this occasion, as well as for the purpose of (1) The minister of Abdul Hiikcem Khan, the Nabob of Shdnoor. TIPrOO SULTAN. 289 " of realizing the claims of the Sircar, the presence of Mulhary Pundit " and of his son is a matter of the utmost consequence ; and that you, " therefore, request we Avill revoke our orders for their attending upon " us, and allow you to send Ram Rao, Tummana Pundit, and Winkut " Riio, along with Rakhundcr Niiik, in their room." It is known. Inasmuch as it is, on several accounts, necessary, at this time, that the ahove named, with whom we have certain points to discuss, should repair to our Presence, we must repeat our former desire, that the zvhole of your managing servants^-^ may be dispatched to us, along with Rak- hunder Naik. The negociation [or discussions alluded to] being termi- nated, they shall receive their dismission [?'. e. be permitted to return to you]. OBSERVATIONS. It may be concluded, both from the reluctance of the Patau chief to send Mul- hary Pundit and his son to Serlngapatam, and the pertinacity of tlie Sultan in requiring tlieir attendance, that these persons were particularly well acquainted with the resources of the country, and perhaps with the personal property of their master, both of which, there is reason to think, Tippoo had, at tliis time, devoted to confiscation. I am unable to say, whether or not the individuals in question ulti- matelyrepaired to the Sultans court ; but as Abdul Hukeem had most probably already determined not to wait the arrival of the Sultan at SMnoor, it may be presumed that they were not dispatched. LETTER CCLXIV. To BuRHANUDDEEN ; samt' Date. (3d 71/f/y.) You must relinquish [or give up] whatever horses and camels may be taken from the enemy to the captors, of whom you will buy as many of 2 P theui (2) Original JJ^\ '« Men of business." 290 SELECT LETTERS OP them as they themselves may not want, at a cheap and reasonable price, which is to be paid(') to them [immediately]. They must not be allowed to sell them elsewhere/^) The Jiimaaddrs, who happen to have brcthren^^) with them that are out of employ, should be directed to mount the latter on the captured horses, and bring them to be mustered and enrolled in our service. We lately sent orders to you to withdraw the garrison of the small fort of Kiitoor,^^^ and direct it to rejoin your army by the road through the woods. We now write to countermand those orders, and to desue, that you will send such supplies of provisions, &c. to the said fort, as it may be in need of; for we shall shortly come in person to that quarter, and the enemy, moreover, have retired from thence. OBSERVATIONS. It is uncertain whether by the small fort oi Kittoor, the Sultan means the principal fortress of that name, lately wrested from the Daisye, or only an outwork or detached post ; such as that mentioned in Letter CCLXJ, as having been taken by Syed Ghuffar, on his coming to the relief of Kittoor ; or the small fort noticed in the report of Burhanuddeen, contained in Letter CCLXL I rather think, however, that Kittoor itself is the place intended ; both because it is, on other occasions, sometimes called a ajjj and sometimes a x^ and because the provisional order for its evacuation, contained in Letter CCLXI (and which is pro- bably the order alluded to in the present dispatch) appears free from all ambiguity. (i) (1) The order for ;>tjj/m«!/ may appear to be superfluous after that oi purchasing ; but it must be recollected, that yayjn^ did not, \n Tippoo's practice, necessarily follow buying. See Letter CCLV. (2) Original ^j-j or, " without" /. e. to strangers. (3) Original cfplji °^i " '"®" ^^ *^''" °^^" tribe," following them in hopes of employ- ment. (4) Original j^^ the diminutive of iul> (5) By Letter CLXIX it appears, that Kittoor consisted of two forts (or castles), and a Paith, or outer town. TIP-^OO SULTAN. 291 LETTER CCLXV. Circular to the following Persons ; dated from Muloong,^^^ BuDRUz ZuMAN Khan ; The Kazy of NuGR ; Tile Dewan of ditto. The I>EirAN and Bukhshy of EhSHAM at SERiyOAPATAMj TJie ditto and ditto, at Fyze Hi- SAR, (GootyJ ; Tlie ditto and ditto, at the Presence. The BuKiisiiY of ditto, at Ban- galore ; NuBBY Shah, Son-in-law to Aata-ullah-Shah ; BuDHUN Shah, son of Awkil Shah ; The Kazy of Serjngapatam ; The Dejfan and Bukhshy ofJLn- SHAM at ZuFERAJiAD, (GuR- ramcooxdaJ ; The KiLAADAROf NvGR ; TJie KiLAADAR of SVMRPUTN BvlhJryJ ; The ditto of Serixgapatam ; The DE/rAN, andDowLVT Khan, the KilaadAr, of FurrukH" YAB HlSAR (ChITTLEHOORg) ; The KiLAADAR ■ of Fyze Hisar (^Gooty) ; The BuKHSHiES of the two Jyshe KVCHURRIES ; The BuKHSHiES of the five Bar- GEER KUCHURRIES; Bu rhanuddeen ; MiRZA Hyder Husain ; DiLEER DiL Khan; The FoujDAR and Bukhshy of Ehsham at Calicut; Syed Ahmed Saheb ; The Kazy of Bangalore ; The Umldar^^^ of Manga lore. In the time of the seal [or last] of the Prophets (with Avhom be the blessing and peace of God) the divine commands were promulgcd. Since 2 P 2 then ( 1 ) I am not clear that I read this. name rightly. No such place occurs in our maps ; but it cannot be far distant from Bangalore, and must be situated between that place and Great Da!apoor. (2) In the original Jj Ac or <• stanJard-bearer," which I take to be an error of the transcriber for ^bj.^ A " collector or manager of a district." 292 SELECT LETTERS OF then, owing to the decline of the true faith under the succeeding princes, they have ceased to be promulged : wc, therefore, witli the help of Almighty God, now issue the aforesaid commands ; and, accordingly, the above mentioned commands are enclosed, herewith, under our seal and signature, to serve as a guide to the true faith. You are, in the best [possible] manner to explain the same to all the people of Isldm, to the Kdzy,^'^'^ and to the other superiors of your Kuchurry [or department], considering the communication thereof to the ignorant as one of the most incumbent and obligatory duties of religion : for such is the recompence of holy war.W You must cause numerous copies of the commands herewith sent to be made, and must distribute the same among the people of the faith, the Kdzies and others belonging to your department, to the end that they may obtain the utmost publicity. OBSERVATIONS. Nothing can be worse written than the original of this miserable circular. Though short, it is, perhaps, as perplexed a production as any that ever })rocccded from the pen of the Sultan, who, most probably, dictated every word of it. The proclamation to which it refers, and which immediately follows it in my manu- script, is in a better style, and was, no doubt, drawn up by some of the Mahom- medan theologians of his court. A translation of the proclamation here mentioned, appeared, in the year 1793> in the Appendix to Major Dirom's judicious and interesting Narrative of Lord Cornwallis's last Campaign against Tippoo Sultan ; and if that publication were not (3) Here, instead of the Kdzy being directed to explain the divine word to true believers, as minht have been expected, the governors of forts, &.c. are to explain it, buth to the Kdzy and to the people at large. (4) Original ci^y^^ j\p.j^\ ^«isH^ dated 29th Ahmedy. (4th Ma?/.') On the subject of liis repairing to the Presence, together with the Sepoys belonging to liini (or such Sepoys as he may be enabled to bring with him), in perfect confidence and secm'ity : and assuring him, that he should be provided for after his arrival, agreeably to the regula- tions and appointments of the Sircar. LETTER CCLXVII. To Ali Rajah Beeby ; same Date. (Ath May.') Desiring her to transmit incessantly intelligence of what passes at JBombay and Tdlicherry. LETTER CCLXVIII. To Ghulam Munsoor, Aumil of SiLcoTAH ;('*) dated \st BeuJhy. (5th May.) Your letter, reporting, " that the Jumaaddr, Syed Ameen, had " beat the Bukhnhy, Nuwaz Baig, in such a manner, as to occasion the " death of the latter ; and that you had [in consequence] secured the 2 Q " aforesaid ( 1 ) Probably the commandant of a corps of regular Sepoys, either in the service of the Mahrattalis or of the Aizdi?i. (1*) Tins letter serves, in some degree, to mark the prorjrcss of tlie,yM//a7t'i march against Adoni. He had advanced, on the 6th May, as far as Great Balapoor. 298 SELECT LETTERS OF " aforesaid Jumaaddr, by putting irons oa his legs and arms," has passed under our view. Our special retinue will arrive the day after to-morrow at Great Balopoor. Securing his [i. e. the murderer's] legs and arms well in fetters/') you must place him in a Dooly, and bring him along with yourself, under a strong guard, to the Presence. LETTER CCLXIX. To FuzL Ali Khan ; same Date. (5th Moy.^ The report which you have sent us, of the gallant conduct of our troops, and of the men wounded [in the late actions], is known [or has been considered]. Let the wounded receive the compensation fixed by our regulations ; and let the horses, and other property taken [from the €nemy], be relinquished, according to the orders of the Sircar, to the captors [literally, to those who bring them in.~p^ LETTER CCLXX. To the SiPAHDAR, Mahommed Ali ; same Dale, (^th May^ When we ourself arrive in that quarter, the Risdla, tvantmg to com- plete your Kushoon, shall be given you. OBSERVATIONS. This short letter is given, merely for the purpose of showing, in some degree, the constitution of a Kushoon. It appears, by this document, that a Risdla was a com- ( 1 ) This had been ah-eady done. (2) I have no means of ascertaining wlio Fuzl Ali Khan was, or whether or not he was one of the commanders serving under BOrhanQddeen. TIPPOO SULTAN. 299 a component part of a Kusltoo/i : but how many of the former were contained in a Ku.shoon, I do not clearly know. I am inclined to think, however, that a /TM^/iOtfn was a regiment, consisting of two or more Risdlas, or battalions.'" LETTER CCLXXL To BuRHiVNuDDEKN ; dated 2d Behary. (Qth May.') Your letter has been received A rupture has taken place between Nizam Ali Khan and the enemy [?'. e. the Mahrattahs], in consequence of some pecuniary discussions ; and this has been followed by the afore- said Khdns marching away, to the distance of six coss on the other side of [^or beyond] Bdddmy. We shall shortly relieve both Bdddmy and Bamdoorg in a fit manner [i. e. effectually]. Do you [in the mean while] keep your mind at ease. You did right in giving up [or resigning] the captured horses and cattle [to the captors]. You must do the same thing in future. OBSERVATIONS. It is certain, that the Nizdm separated about this time from the Mahrattah army, and returned to Hyderabad. The measure, however, is ascribed, in such memoirs of this period as I have seen, simply to the inconvenience which Ris Highness suffered from the heat of the weather. He is stated to have left, at the same time, a considerable body of troops, for the purpose of co- operating with his allies. The Sultan did not fulfil his promise, respecting the refief of Bdddmy, as the Mahrattahs obtained possession of that place some time in the month of May. 2 Q 2 (1) Since wiiting the above, I liavc met willi some statements of the military establish- ments of Tippoo Sultan, which liavc onubied me. to givo llie general ick-a of tlicm, inserted ill the Appendix. 300 SELECT LETTERS Or LETTER CCLXXII. To Meer Kazim, JDarogha at Muscat : same Date. (Qth May.^ The rock-salt, of which you sent a sample (see Letter CCLVIII,) is very fine : you must, therefore, buy a large quantity of it, and lading it on the return Dhigies belonging to the Sircar, which have carried thither rice for sale, consign the same, from time to time, to the Aum'd of Mangalore, to whom you are also to transmit an account of its cost. We are anxious to procure^'^ some seed of the saffron plant, silk- worms, young date trees, almonds and pistachio plants, shipwrights,^-^ and pearl divers. Get these [men] together, and entertaining them in our service, dispatch them to us, together with proper persons for taking- care of the young plants, &c. We have already written, desiring you to purchase pearls. They must be large and brilliant,^') and [in short] of the finest kind.(^> Buy them [at as] cheap [a price as you can] and dispatch them to us. LETTER CCLXXin. To Meer Moaayenuddeen ; same Date. (Gth Mat/.') In addition to the force already attached to you, four other Kmhoom, viz. Mahommed Huleem's, Rujub All's, Shaikh Omar's, and Ahmed Baig's, are ordered to join you At the end of to-morrow's march [and, for the future] you must encamp these four Kushootis in the form of a square, (1) Original ^\jjj^jy^j^ " arc required, or necessary, at the Presence." (2) Original jL.j*j^^l^U^ " carpenters, who construct has been received, and the particulars repre- sented therein have become manifest. You must give orders to the country people*-^ to he vigilant and careful. You, too, must conduct yourself with caution. We enclose a plan, on paper, of the manner in which your army is to encamp : let this he copied on parchment, and let your army he always encamped agreeably thereto. (b) Original \^^4^J^. " on tlic four sides " [of your ground]. (6) Ic docs not appear, in wliat capacity these two were to serve. (1) Bddd my was at this time besieged by the Mahrattahs. (2) Original ^\^CSl< a phrase whieli I do not recollect to have met with elsewhere. 302 SELECT LETTERS OF OBSERVATIONS. It is to be regretted, that the plan, here spoken of, has not been preserved, along with the letter referring to it, as it would have illustrated the Sultan's ideas on the particular branch of tactics in question, better than any other document that has hitherto appeared. It is, no doubt, probable that the Futkiil Miijdhideen would throw considerable light on the subject. ^'' It is remarkable, that in the foregoing short letter, the Sultan, though, in general, sparing of such proofs of kindness, applies no less than three different expressions of endearment to Bilrhanviddeen ; whom, in the first place, he styles Noor-chushm (light of my eyes), in another Sanditt-nishdn (marked for happi- ness), and lastly, Burhhoar-ddr (equivalent to darling). These endearing epithets can hardly be supposed, in the instance of Tippoo Sultan, to have proceeded from genuine affection or attachment ; and may, therefore, perhaps, be more safely referred, either to some temporary caprice or fit of good humour ; or, otherwise, to some political consideration, which might have suggested to him, at the moment, the expediency of assuming a more conciliatory manner towards his brother-in-law, than was probably usual with him. LETTER CCLXXV. To Meer Ghulam Mohyuddeen, Kilaadar of Kvxjungood, or KvNcuvNGVREH ; dated "Jth JBeiiJry. (llthMoT/.") Do you remain, in all respects, firm and tranquil ;^') nor entertain, on any account, the least fear. Let us know, what force the enemy has in that neighbourhood, and in what situations it is posted. Be particular in stating the strength and position [of every division], and the names of the several places which they occupy. Take, also, special care, that neither (3) Since writing the above passage, I have had an opportunity of consulting the Futlml Mujuhidecn ; in which, however, I have hitherto met witii iiotliing on the subject of castra- inetation. (1) Original ^-.tJirt " tranquil, assured, confident." TirPOO SULTAN. 303 neither your receipt of this dispatch, nor its contents, become kno^A'll to any one. OBSERVATIONS. This is almost the only letter in the present collection, of those written to the Sultavs own servants, which has what is called an Ulkdb, or address. I conclude, from hence, that he was not in the habit of using this formulary, excepting on particular occasions, like the present, '■' when this sort of compliment might be intended to operate as a stimulus to extraordinary exertion ; nor is it improbable, that the endearing expressions applied to Burhanuddeen, in Letter CCLXXIV, were employed with a similar view. The Ulkdb, or address, used on the present occasion, is ilJcuOj^j ti-iji which may be rendered " brave and intrepid Sir." This, when contrasted \vith the exhortation to courage immediately following, has rather a ludicrous effect. It might be inferred, from the tcn6r of the orders contained in this dispatch, that it was in the contemplation of the Sultan to beat up the Mahrattah quarters in the vicinity of Kunchungood. Whether or not such an enterprise was attempted, I am unable to determine. LETTER CCLXXVI. To Mahommed Mehdy, Bukhshy of the Ehsham at Seria^gapatjm ; dated lOth Behary. (I4th Mat/.) You must not suffer any one to come to your house ; and whatever business you may have to do, let it be transacted in our Kuchurri/. If, nevertheless, people should persist in coming to your liouse, they shall be deprived of their ears and nosesJ^^ Pay strict attention to this order. It (2) Kunjwigood was, at tliis time, seriously menaced, if not al)solutcly invested by tiie enemy. It is situated on the east bank of the Tungbudhra, and about twenty miles west of Adoui. (1) Original j.i Juiil^jj Jwk ^^xj ^. (_^^jl This is a curious idiom, the words literally meaning, that ti>c ears and noses of the oilenders «' should be dispensed with, or excused." 304 SELECT LETTERS OF It Is surprising to us, that you should act in opposition to your instruc- tions. Perhaps you have laid them by in the niche of forgetfulness ; ^^> and to this may be owing your present contravention of our will and pleasure. Consider what is here said as a strict injunction. OBSERVATIONS. This order, if understood literally, would amount to the exclusion of every person from the habitation of the Buhhshy, who might occasionally have private business with him : but thougli the regulation, directing all public affairs to be transacted in open Kuchurry, and no where else, was rigidly enforced by the Sultan, it can hardly be supposed, that it was meant to extend to the mutual intercourse necessary in the conduct of personal or domestic concerns."' It is not difficult to comprehend the Sultan's motives for a prohibition of the kind under consideration : but, with respect to the punishment appointed for its infraction, it may be presumed, in the absence of any proof of its ever being actually inflicted, that it was held out only in terrorem. LETTER CCLXXVII. Circular, dated IQUiBehary. (I4th Mai/') to The Sons o/'Shaikhun Saheb, and MusEEM^'> Saheb Cthe Nepheto of the ahove-namedj at Beeja- Ghvlam Husain, at Avrvnga- SAD ; SuJJAD Saheb and Ibn Saheb, at Hyderabad ; poor. [After compliments] Our mind is most anxious for the attain- ment of the benefit of an interview with you : but as ail events have their appointed (2) See the same expression, Letter CCXVIII. (3) The instructions to the Intelligence Department, given in Appendix F, prove, at least, that no private visiting or conversation was suffered between men of any note or station. The proliihition did noi probably extend to the lower order. (1) Name uncertain. T I r r o o s u L T A. N. 305 appointed times, wc, in tlio meanwhile, trouble your reverence with the present address, in the confidence that, turning your mind, in an especial manner, to the means of promoting the prosperity and advantage of the people of Is/dm, and of overthrowing the unrighteous Infidels, you wall do whatever may be in your power, to encrease the lustre of the firm religion of Mahommed. Actuated by similar motives, the persons most distinguished here for virtue and excellence, have extracted from the traditions, theological tracts, and commentaries, certain religious doctrines, a copy of which we enclose for your benevolent notice. We request of your reverence, also, to assist the cause, by your admonitions to the faithful ; to all of whom we feel an earnest desire of extending that protection and support, which we possess the means, no less than the wish, of bestowing upon them. OBSERVATIONS. No doubt, the proclamation, or manifesto, at page 293, is the enclosure here referred to, and which, hitherto, had probably been circulated only in the terri- tories dependent on Mi/sore. But as the chief design of the Sultan, in that address, was to draw to his standard the Musulman subjects of other states^ and particularly such as lived under the authority of bis immediate enemies, it was necessary that it should be promulgated far and near. What means he adopted for this purpose, with respect to more distant countries, or whether he made any attempt to introduce the document in question into the British dominions, does not appear : but here we sec liim selecting as his instruments for publishino- it, and promoting its proposed effect, within the dominions of the Mabrattahs and of the Nizdm, persons actually residing under the protection of, and owing alle- giance to, those very powers ; and who, consequently, could neither pray for the success of his arms, nor contribute their endeavours to supply him wilb recruits (which was his chief object on the present occasion), without a violation of Iheir 2 R civil 306 SELECT LETTERS OF civil duties, or without exposing themselves to the most imminent clanger. Tip- poo, however, did not allow himself to be restrained by considerations of this nature. He was, at all times, in communication with the priests belonging to the different shrines, or places of peculiar sanctity among Musulmans, that are scat- tered over the Peninsula, but not one of which, I believe, was included within his own dominions. The only thing to be wondered at, on this occasion, is the temerity of the reverend personages who engaged in such a hazardous correspon- dence ; for though it does not appear how the present letter was received by the individuals to whom it was addressed, the records found at Seringapatam afford abundant proof, that the Sultan, throughout his reign, stood high in the favour of this particular class. For this distinction he might, in some degree, be indebted to the gifts which he occasionally bestowed on them ; but he, most probably, owed it principally to their bigotry. He fought avowedly for the glory and extension of their religion ; and that, with zealots, would be a sufficient apology for treason, as well as a sufficient motive for risking their personal safety in the advancement of his cause. LETTER CCLXXVIII. To BuRHANUDDEEN ; dated Wth Behary. (15ik May?) You write, " that Syed Ahmed, a Jowkddr<^^ of the Kushoon of. . . , '* . . . . (^> belonging to the Uskur, has recruited some men, without " advancing any bounty. "(^> It is known. Let the above-mentioned be appointed to the command of one of the new Risdlas lately raised by Syed GhufHir. We have appointed and sent from hence another person to command the JRisdla of. <^>. He will soon join you. When (1) A Jowk is a company, and a Jowkddr a captain.' (2) Name not perfectly legible : but something like Shaikh Unser. (3) Original !(Ju:L-< ^^ 4) Name illegible. TirPOO SULTAN. 307 When we shall have summoned you to our Presence, and heard [from you verl)ally] the particulars of the gallant services of the men helonging to the KusUoons of Sved Ghuffar and Shaikh Unser, we will distineuish them^^^ [in a suitable manner]. LETTER CCLXXIX. To Meer Moaayenuddeen ; same Date, (loth May.) Seven sealed orders/'^ specifying [or appointing] the daily marches [of your division], are sent herewith. Keep them by you, and return those formerly [delivered to you]. Issue directions to the people of your armv, to provide themselves with six days' provisions ; and be prepared to exe- cute whatever orders you shall hereafter receive. OBSERVATIONS. The orders, here alluded to, appear to have been of tlie nature of sailing orders in our navy. They were each, probably, to be opened on a stated day; when the place to which the troops were to march on that particular day would be ascertained. Secrecy, of course, was the object of this arrangement: but it does not appear upon what service Moaayenuddeen was to be employed. It was now eight days since the Sultan had arrived in the vicinity of Great Balapoor ; and he was, probably, advanced, at the date of the present orders, as far as Rdidoors, from whence Adoni might be easily reached in six marches. On this point, however, we are unfortunately left entirely to conjecture, in consequence of none of the dispatches of the present period happening to specify the place from whence tiiey were written. It is not unlikely, however, that Moaayenuddeen was pushed forward for the purpose of investing Adoni, previously to the arrival of the main: army before it. 2 R 2 (5) Original JbJ» JJblji W^y j|^l^ " siiuU be csullcti," or literally, '•' shall have tlicir heads raised." (1) Original ^^^ Jj:^^^-^y 308 SELECT LETTERS OF LETTER CCLXXX. To the Commanders of the Jive Bargeer Kuchvrries and SvwAb. KucHURRY ; dated \^th Behary. (I'^th Mai/.') Issue orders to the people under your command to provide themselves with six days' provisions, and to leave their tents, paivls, &c. with the baggage of the army, taking nothing with them but two horse-halters^'^- each man. LETTER CCLXXXI. To the Commanders of the two (or hoth) Jyshe Kuchvrries ; same Date. (I7M May.) Issue orders to your people to provide themselves with six days' pro- visions ; and leaving the tents, pawls, &c. belonging to them with the baggage of the army, to keep with them [only] the Kdndilehs^^*^ of the Sb:ca}\ You must [thus] remain unincumbered [^j'ureedeh']. LETTER CCLXXXII. To the BvKHSHJES of the Eusham Kvchurry ; same Date.. (17th May.) Direct your people to furnish themselves with six days' provisions^ to be carried by themselves ;('**) and leaving their tents, ^^07^/^, heavy baggage, &c. with the baggage of the army, to remain light and unin- cumbered. (I) Original jjJiflj perhaps two spare halters, for securing any horses that nii"-ht be taken from tlie enemy. (1*) I have not been able to ascertain what a Kundileh is; but I think it is some sort of cloth, or canvass, covering: perhaps for defending the arms and stores from the weather. (1**) In the original it is j.ij\jj J^J^j " 7iot to becarried on bullocks." A slight trans- position of the first diacritical point would make the sense, *' let them, not keep or take, *' any bullocks with them." TIPPOO SULTAN. 309 OBSERVATIONS. No doubt the troops, here ordered to prepare for a rapid movement, were in- tended to compose part of the division proceeding under the command of Moaayen- liddecn ; whose force (if we include in it the various corps enumerated in Letter CCLXXIII) must have amounted to at least ten thousand men. LETTER CCLXXXIII. 7o Syed Mahommed Khan, Bukhsht of the Usvd Ilhti: ; dated 17th Beuary. (2\st 3Iai/.) (Extract.). We enclose an order to the Aumil of Sumrputn [Bulhdrr/], directing him to forward your Palenkeen to you. N.B. Then follows the order to the Aumil of Bulhdry. OBSERVATIONS, It is difficult to say, in what sense the foregoing extract should be understood. It may imply, cither that the Buhhshy was not at liberty to send for his Palen/cecn without the Sultans authority ; or that, not possessing the means of getting it conveyed to him (that is, the necessary carriage), he had been obliged to solicit the Sultan to give directions for its being forwarded to him. The former sense would, no doubt, consist perfectly well with the despotic nature of the Sultatis government, and with the general system of control and restriction which pervaded every branch of it : but as the latter interpretation is equally warranted by the original, I am inclined to prefer it, on the principle of putting, in all cases of absolute doubt, the most favorable construction on his conduct. 310 SELECT LETTEKS OF LETTER CCLXXXIV. To Urshud Baig Khan, Fovjdar of Calicut. Getting possession of the villaii), Goorkul, and of bis wife and children, you must forcibly^'^ make Miisulmans of them, and then dis- patch the whole under a guard to Putn. LETTER CCLXXXV. To Chishty Yar Khan and Zynue Aabideen ; dated 20thBEHARY (24th Mai/.) Your letter of the I4th Behdry [17th May] was received this day, and has informed us of Dowlat Khan's being ill of the stone in the bladder : we have, in consequence, sent by the post an emetic [to be taken the first day], together with [other proper] medicines for the seven subsequent days. These are all separately made up in cloth and sealed. The way of taking an emetic is this : dissolving the powder in about four tolah weight of hot water, let him swallow it. After this, whenever he feels inclined to vomit, he must drink eight tolah weight of warm water. When he has vomited five or six times, let him, after an interval of six hours, have some broth mixed with rice. In the evening, before he eats his dinner,^'*) make him take, in a little cold water, half a tolah weight of seed of ^cA-wori,^-^ softened with some oil of almonds. By the favor of God, in one or two vomitings, the stranguaiy, or obstruc- tion of urine, will be removed. The (1) There is some obscurity here in the original, which runs of each half a tohth weight. By this means, if there should even [or actually] be a stone [in the bladder] it will be passed/'^ LETTER CCLXXXVI. 2b Mahommed Yoosuf, Cvtival of the BazAr^^ accompamjivg the Presence ; dated 3d JaafvryS"^ (6th Jime^ You have represented, " that two thousand four hundred and eighty- " five bullock loads of rice, gram, &c. were some tizne ago dispatched *' to the Presence [/. e. to the Sultan's army] and eleven hundred and " nine very lately [or now]." It is known, and appears very extra- ordinary to us, that out of fifty or sixty thousand bullock loads, the duties (3) Original -Li, 4_>1 literally, " Iiorii-watcr," of which I do not know the meaning. (4) Original c_^ f^j, (5) Original *^^ j_yjb t^L-t (6) Original lLXI^-jU- (7) Original obj\ JJblji literally " will fall or drop." Tiiis is tlic lutttr which was ailudcd to at Letter CXV, and the observations suggested liy tlic jjttcr will be found to apply, with perhaps still greater force and justice, to the present curious production. (1) Called in tiie original ,U\j <_->l^ (2) No letters appear between the 20tli Bchdnj and this time, except an unimportant one of the 30th Bc'hdiy, wliieii I suspect to be owing to some accidental chasm in the manuscript, as this was too busy a conjuncture for the Sullait's pen to have indulged in a fortnght's rest. I think that, at the date of this letter, he must have been lying before /tdoni. 312 SELECT LETTERS OF duties on which have been remitted to the LumhdnehsP^ only one or two thousand should have been dispatched [to us]. You must give strict orders for ten or fifteen thousand loads to be forwarded [hither] at a time- LETTER CCLXXXVII. To Mahommed Hyder, second Di.iv an of Nvan \ dated Qth Jaafury. (9th tTune.^ You write, " that Nursia requires our express authority for joining " [or inserting] your name [with his own] in the [official] letters to " the Anmils." It is known. When you were dispatched from the Presence, a [certain] mandate, addressed io Nursia, M'as delivered to you. Open and peruse the same, and conform to its contents. If it be directed therein, that you are to participate with him in the adminis- tration of the revenue business,*^') you will, agreeably thereto, apply earnestly and constantly, in conjunction with him, to the affairs of the Sircar : If [on the other hand] your participation [therein] should be forbidden,^-) you must act accordingly. OBSERVATIONS. If I rightly understand this letter, which I have translated as closely as I could, it is a very strange one. I lay no stress upon the apparently singular circumstance of Mahommed Hyder's being referred to a letter which he could not have in his possession, since he must have already delivered it to Nursia, to whom it was addressed. This difficulty is easily removed, by supposing what is most likely to have (3) So it is written in the manuscript, but whether propeily or not, thsy arc usually called Linnbddchs. (1) Original (.::,«Ujk which, in a restrained sense, signifies " revenue aftairs." (2) Original ^Jy^^ " discontinued, set aside, suspended." ^ ■ TIPPOO SULTAN. 313 have been the case, viz. that the letter referred to was only a copy (though not so called in the manuscript) with which the under Dewdn had been furnished, for his information and guidance. But what appears extraordinary is, that the Sultan should have placed the question submitted to him on the hypothetical footing he has done, instead of giving a direct answer to it. We cannot imagine him to have really forgotten the orders he had transmitted to Nursia on the subject in dispute, or, if he had, that the secretary could not have produced a copy of them : hence it may be inferred, that the present letter was designed in the way of banter. It is pretty evident, from the fact of Nursia's having refused to admit Mahommcd Hyder to the privilege he demanded, without the express authority of the Sultan, that no such autliority had been conveyed in the mandate referred to : and this the Sultan, no doubt, very well knew. The letter to Shumsuddeea Khan,^" at page 'J^S, seems to have been written in the same vein. LETTER CCLXXXVIII, To Syed Mahommed Khan; Third DejfJn of Nugr; same Date. (9th June:) You write, " requesting of us to give directions to our secretaries to '* insert your name, along with that of Mahommed Hydcr, the second *' Dewdn, in the Purwdnehs [addressed to your department]." It Is known. Who has told you (whom we had ordered to rcj)air to the Presence) to remain there? and wherefore liave you continued [till now] to reside theie ? ^'^ 2 S (3) Sec Letter CCLV. (1) The following is the original of tliis curious passage: 314 SELECT LETTERS OF LETTER CCLXXXIX. To BuRHANUDDEEN ; dated ^th Jaafury. (\Qth June.') Now that you have encamped near Misry-kotah, you must take up a strong position there, under the protection of the [adjacent] woods. From hence, seizing a fit opportunity, you must fall [suddenly] upon the enemy. LETTER CCXC. To BuDRUz ZuMAN Khan ; Same Date. (lOM June.) What is the use of your fixing yourself at Sehngak O ? You must shift your quarters from one place to another, such as Urkunny, and other dependencies of Nugr, and chastise the enemy [as often as an opportunity for the purpose may oifer]. LETTER CCXCI. 2o Ali Rajah Beeby ; dated Qth Jaafury. (\\th June.) Directing her to join Urshud Baig Khan with her forces, and to inflict [?'. e. assist him in inflicting] punishment on the Nairs. LETTER CCXCII. To Budruz Zuman Khan; dated \Oth Jaafvry. (\3th June.) You write, *' that the Piddehs, who had been employed to escort " provisions to the fort of Kittoor, wished, on their return from thence, " to (1) Name uncertain. The expression, wliich I have rendered " fixing yourself," is in the original ^z.Jii wliicli strictly signifies " to sit, to sit down:" but here obviously used in a figurative sense. TIPPOO SULTAN. 315 " to be dispatched to the Presence: but that, in consequence of your " hearing of tlie enemy's troops being spread over ^'^ the country about " Shdnoor, Sec. you had [judged it best to] distribute them among the " forts of Hurridl, Ullooty, SccS''> for the defence of those places, and " that you had seated yourself [/. e. established your own quarters] at " Sehngah."('^ It is known. In the written instructions delivered to you it is directed, that you shall keep together, under your immediate command, from ten to fifteen thousand men. Conform to these orders, and do not divide your forces ; but establish yourself with them somewhere in the province of NugVy as at Hurridl, Urkunny, &c. It is now the rainy season : send for a Misdla of Jijshe from Kdrktl \_Mungalore'\ and, agreeably to your instructions, assembling other Ji/she and Piddehs, to the amount of ten or twelve thousand men, take up a position with this force, either at Hiirpunhidhj , Urkunny, or some other place, situated [like then)] on that [/'. e. the further,^^) or east] side of the Tungluddra. Having done this, report the same to us \ and afterwards proceed, according to the manner that shall be directed ia the orders [you will receive] from the Presence. LETTER CCXCTII. To Abdul Kureem, SipaudJr of the Jyhse Kuchurry, stationed ivith Urshud Baio Khan ; dated \Oih Jaafury. (I3th June.} You write, " that the villain Goorkul, being wounded, had thrown " himself, together with his wife and children, into a fire [kindled for 2 S 2 " the ( 1 ) Oiiginal jj^x< ^o ^j\j\ (2) ■) > Naiue> uncertain. (3) J (4) lleckoiiing, I buppose, froiii Bidnore. 316 SELECT LETTERS OP " the purpose] which had consumed them [all]." You add, " that the " Mdpilahs have all taken to flight." It is known. You nmst assemble and keep your men togetlier, and, exercising them regularly, hold them always in readiness [for service]. OBSERVATIONS. It would appear by this letter that the unfortunate Goorkul had eluded the endea- vours of Tippoo's commanders to secure his person ; but that, despairing of ultimate success, and knowing the fate that awaited himself and family, if they fell into the hands of their tyrant, he had resorted to the final remedy and refuge from dishonour, so usual among the Hindoos. The studied indifference, as it appears to be, with which the Sultan mentioned this dreadful catastrophe, will not have escaped the reader's notice. LETTER CCXCIV. To Rajah Ram Chundur ; same Date. (\3th June.) You write, " that eighty smiths are required in the musquet manu- " factory at Khdn-KhdnhuUi/ ; and that, having made an application ** for this number to the ylmnils of the surrounding districts, they had " answered, that the Ryots excused themselves from furnishing them *' just now, on account of its being tillage time." It is known. As the tillage of the land does not depend on black- smiths, we write to desire, that the most peremptory orders may be issued to the Aumils within your jurisdiction, and enforced by bailiff's, for providing [immediately] the requisite number of these artificers. OBSERVATIONS. Whatever might be the case in Mysore, it is, at least, certain, that in the provinces of Bengal and Behar, the cultivation of the lands depends, in a very material degree, on the manufacturing classes and artizans ; who, at the tillage season, TIPPOO SULTAN. 317 season, are accustomed to quit their ordinary avocations^ and to resume, for the necessary time, the labours of husbandry. Even the soldiers, at this period, are in the habit of returnins; on furlough to their native villages, for the purpose of working in the fields belonging to their respective families. I am inclined to think, that the same practice will be found to have obtained in Mysore; and, indeed, the reference made to it by the Ryots, sufficiently establishes the fact. At this rate, the Sultan could not be ignorant of its existence ; so that, in saying, " the culture " of land did not depend upon blacksmiths," he probably sacrificed the truth, and, what was worse, persisted in his oppression, chiefly for the sake of a conceit. Eighty' men taken from the plough at such a time, would hardly fail to produce a material embarrasment in the agricultural operations of the district which was obliged to furnish them. LETTER CCXCV. To Ghulam Husain Khan, Second Munshoor of Bangalore ; dated 1 1 th Jaafur y. (1 4th June.') (Extract.) What you report, of the escape of the European cannon-founder, is Understood. You must, in sucli manner [or by such means] as you think best, and most practicable, contrive to get him back, otherwise bad consequences will follow, for which you shall be made to answer. You write, " that instead of five or six rupees, which you have pro- " posed paying to the striplings^') belonging to the Jijshe, they demand " nine." It is known. Let such as are very young receive the monthly pay you have fixed : Avhen they arrive at full age, they will, according to custom, receive nine rupees. If the gunpowder is not prepared, and the gun-barrels are not con- structed agreeably to our instructions, and if every thing else, appertain- ing to your department, be not properly executed, you will be culled to a strict account [for your neglect]. (1) Original j^l "beardless." 318 SELECT LETTERS OF LETTER CCXCVI. To BuRHANUDDEEN ; sume Date. (\Ath June.') Your letter lias been received, and its contents are comprehended. What vou write, respecting the scarcity of grain, is known. The coun- try of Nugr is near [you]. Send from thence for continual and abun- dant supplies of grain. What is the meaning of your loitering in one place with such an army [as you have] ? You should take ten days provisions, and moving rapidly, in different directions, ten and twenty coss [at a time], seize an opportunity of striking some signal blow against the enemy. We have sent [similai] orders on this subject to the Sipahddrs, &c. Phurnaveese [/. e. Nana, the Mahrattah minister] is gone [back] to Poonah. It is most probable that their army, too, will, by the time the river swells, break up, and return discomfited and beaten. Remove the son of Hukeem Khan from the command of his Risdhy and place him in confinement.^'^ OBSERVATIONS. It is true, that Nana Phurnaveese returned to Poonah some time about the end of May ; and I believe that, either previously to his leaving the Mahrattah army, or immediately after his departure, the fort of Bdddmy surrendered. Of this event, however, no trace is discoverable in the correspondence. If Hukeem Khan be meant for Abdiil Hukeem Khan, the Nabob of Shdnoor, (which I conceive to be the case) this passage shows, that the breach between him and the Sultan had now become irreparable, and that the Patan had, probably, declared (I) Original jj.l JuL »j^lJ.S^- ^jO^J <«3L)i jl This son of Hukeem Khan is, on another occasion, mentioned by the name of AbdCil Samuel Khan. Wliat adds to the probability of his being a younger son of AbdCil Hukeem is, that the word Abdul appears to have been a common prefix to the names of this family. Thus the son and successor of Abddl Hukeein was called Abd&l Khyr Khan (or Klieere Mcer). TIPPOO SULTAi;. 319 declared openly in favor of the Mahrattahs, We also learn from it, that a son of this chieftain actually held, at this time, a military command in one of the corps of the army under Burhanuddeen (possibly a battalion of an infantry Kushoott) ; for the form of the expression in the original will hardly admit of our supposing that the Risdla, in question, was a body of troops furnished by the Patari for the service of the Sultan. LETTER CCXCVII. To Mahommed Ghyas and ^oon Mahommed Khan; same Date. (\4th June.^ It is fifteen days since you arrived at Furrilkh-ydb Ilisdr \Chittle- doorg~\. By your stopping in this manner fifteen days in every place, you burthen us with your own pay and that of your retinue. Then i< would further appear, by the circumstance of your bringing on with you the Hurkdrehs of the enemy, that you had no fear [or regard] for your lives and honor. It is not well. Send back the enemy's Hurkdrehs, and hasten your arrival at the Presence. OBSERVATIONS. Here ends the Sultan's correspondence with his late ministers at the court of Poonah, who had probably received their dismission from thence some time in April 1786. Whatever may be thought of the diplomatic qualifications of those agents, from the faint sketches of their proceedings occasionally afforded by these letters, there would not appear to be any reason for imputing the failure of their negociations to any deficiency of talents or address on their part : for the Mahrattahs being bent on a rupture, and the Sultan being equally determined not to compromise his dignity, or what he deemed to be his rights, it is probable, that neither party had, from the beginning, any expectation, or indeed any desire, of accommodating their mutual differences ; so that, in fact, all the envoys had to do, was to endeavour to amuse the Mahrattah government, by vague and illusory professions ; 320 SELECT LETTERS OF professions ; to obtain intelligence of its designs ; and, perhaps, to tamjicr with the fidelity of some of its servants. The first of these objects must have been always an hopeless one ; and when the notorious parsimony of their master is considered, their success, to any material extent, in the other two, may be reasonably doubted^ without derogating, in the least, from their general zeal and capacity. The most prominent feature in the Sultans correspondence with these envoys, next to the memorable manoeuvre recorded in Letter LIII, is the fluctuating cha- racter of his instructions to them. There seems to have been a perpetual conflict, on this occasion, between his pride and his interest ; in the course of which, sometimes one, and sometimes the other, prevailed. He appears to have been steady, only, in his ungracious treatment of his unhappy agents, whom, to the very last moment, he addresses in a style of unmitigated asperity. Of Noor Mahommed Khan no more is heard. Mahommed Ghyas^" seems to have been subsequently confined to the humble sphere of superintendant of a provincial Tosheh-khdneh. Whether they lived to witness the annihilation of the Khoddddd Sircar, I know not ; but it is probable they did not, as the Sultati reflects on their " great age," fourteen years prior to that event."^ (1) My only ground for this conjecture is a letter, addressed, at a subsequent period, to a person of this name, and filling tlie office mentioned. (2) The following article is extracted from an Hindostan news-paper, dated 25th Septem- ber 1786, and kindly communicated to me by my valued friend. Sir John Kennaway, Bart., formerly Resident at the Court of Hyderabad. " By intelligence from the Dccun, dated about the 29tli of August, it appears, that a " report prevailed there, that Noor Mahommed Khan, and the other J'akceh of Tippoo " Sultan, (who, some time before, had been sent away by Nana Phurnaveese from Bdddmj/, " because that minister did not approve of their remaining any longer in the Mahrattah " camp), were accused by the Sultan, on their arrival in his presence, with having betrayed " his interests, by secretly encouraging the Mahrattahs, who otherwise would never have " hazarded the measure, to pass the Kishna, and advance into his country ; and that, not «' being enabled to give a satisfactory answer to this charge, the Sultan had caused them to *' be put to death, as a public example to others." TIPPOO SULTAN. 321 LETTER CCXCVIII. To RujUB Alt, Kilaadar of Gujunder Gvrhh ;^^^ dated IBth Jaafvry. By the Divine favor, the fort of Adoni' is on the point of being re- duced. God wilHng, after setthng matters here, the special retinue will augment the lustre of that quarter [/. e. we shall proceed thither]. You must [in the interim] keep your mind at ease, and attend duly to the caie and safety of the fort, [by] placing [the necessary] guards, and remaining always on the alert. You may, moreover, consider us as arrived. N.B. A letter, of the same tenor and date, was written to Jymum Khan, Kllaaddr of Kopul ; and both were sent to Zynul Aabideen, Bukhshy of Ehshdm, at Chittledoorg, with orders to forward them ; and, at the same time, to exhort them, from himself, to be of good cheer, and to remain firm at their posts. LETTER CCXCIX. To TuRBiYUT 1^1.1 Khan and Rajah Ram Chundur ; same Date. (18^ A June^ Directing them to dispatch to Fyze Hisdr [Gootij], on hired bul- locks, five thousand twenty-four-pounds shot, and the same number of cightecn-pounds shot.*'*^ 2 T ( I ) Tliis is a town and fortress of consiclcrablo note, situated between Kopul and Badthuy. It once belonged to Rtigonalli Rio. Ii was ceded to llie Mahrattahs, by the partition treaty of n92. (1*) 0.iginal J^ji^jJ^jJrTJ''^-^ 322 SELECT LETTERS OF LETTER CCC. To Mauommed Shui'IvEa, Darogha of the Artilkvy ; scone Date. (I8th June.) Agreeably to the orders of the Presence, you must bring with you guns [of the calibres] of twelve and nine Jlutls \i. e. nine and twelve- poundcjsj. OBSERVATIONS. It is probable, though my manuscript is silent on the subject, that the number of guns of each kind was specified in the original, as otherwise this order would appear to leave it to the judgment of the Ddrogha, to bring what number he pleased. A supposition utterly inadmissible. LETTER CCCI. To UsuD Ali KhaNjC^ from Ali Riza and Bal Mukn Doss ; dated loth JaafvryS-) (I8th June.) We mentioned verbally to you four artlcles,^^) which were submitted for your acceptance ; and we now wish you to come and say, which of those four articles you Avill agree to, in order that we may make a suit- able representation [to our master], and get the business finally settled. The honour of a world [alluding to the female part of Mohiibut Jung's family] (1) He is called in the title, or heading, of tlie following letter, the «' Jdoni Wiileh" or " ^yrfyHi man." (2) Tliis is the only occasion on which any letters, except tliose written hy or in the name of tlic Sidlan hiuiiolf, have been entered in tiie present collection, (3) Originu! ^^l^ TirPOO SULTAN. 323 family] is in the fort, and numberless people are collected therein. To be instrumental, with your eyes open/^^ to the ruin of peo{)le*s honour, is contrary to discretion ;<^'^ while any further procrastination of the matter is pregnant Avith the most serious mischief, and must lead to the destruc- tion of the inhabitants of the place. As to [the arrival of] succours, and the swoln state of the rivers, the case is abundantly manifest. [/'. e. you are cut oft* from all hopes of relief]. Under these circumstances, it is clearly proper and most advisable, that you should set about an [imme- diate] adjustment, whereby you will secure the ease and prosperity of God's creatures. OBSERVATIONS. It does not appear from the correspondence, on what day the Sultan arrived before Adoni ; but as it is probable, that he would lose no time in summoning the place, the commencement of the siege by Tippoo, in person, may be safely reckoned fi-om the loth June. It had, perhaps, been previously invested by Moaayenuddeeu : but this is uncertain. If the Usud Ali Khan, here addressed, be not the same person who has since made some figure (as well under that name, as by the title of MuzufTerulmulk) at the court of Jlyderabud, I am unable to say who he was. However this may be, the present negociator would appear to have acquitted himself in a very able man- ner ; since he succeeded in amusing Tippoo with expectations of the early submis- sion of his master, Mohabut Jung, and by this means, while be induced the Sultan to abstain from vigorous operations against Adoni, gave time to the Nizdm to send a considerable force, under Musheer lil Mulk and Syfe ul Miilk, to its relief; or rather, for the purpose of removing the ladies of Mohabut Jung's family, who were shut up in it, to Hyderabad, This object, which Tippoo either did 2 T 2 not (4) Original h, which follows, was addressed to the persons who had advised what ho deemed a premature movement against the enemy. (17) So is the name of tliis river written in the original ; and 1 have often met with it so written in oilier manuscripts, though tiie more usual orlhograpiiy is, I believe, Tooiubiiddru. The tract of country here spoken of is sometimes called the Dodb (or t-.vo rivers, i. c. the cpun/rj/ situated betxceen two rivers'], it is so designated, for instance, in the treaty con- cluded at Seringapataiii, m 1792. 328 SELECT LETTEES OP " r*" marched to Bangalore, where I remained ten or twelve days, and [from " hence] dispatched a respectable person, together with an intelligent officer of " spies, to Madhojee Bhonsillah, the chief of Ndgpoor,'-'*^ to whom I addressed a " letter to the following effect : " * What is the reason that you^'"' have forgotten [your] ancient obligations " ' [to us] and taken [or learned] the lesson of the whoreson?'"" Fear God, " ' otherwise your shameful actions will [assuredly] draw upon you their due " ' punishment.""'' " I also wrote and dispatched [letters], to the same purport, to Hurry Pundit ■'■ Phurkia and to Rao Rasta, commanders of the army of the infidels. " I more- (18) In the original u:J!jA^ U the nearest translation of which that I am capable of giving is, *' we happy," or " we prosperous." It is a common form of expression vvitli sovereigns, and has been adopted by all the pseudo-princes of India. I have even known a private per- son (bearing, however, the title of Nabob, and descended from a decayed family formerly in some power) arrogate it to himself. (19) There is here a considerable degree of obscurity in the manuscript, which I sus- pect to arise from the omission of some proper name. The passage in the original runs LLJ^ ^JiJ.< L:i-«i,«-« \\ i- ^- through the medium, or by means, of Madhojee. Probably the meaiiino- is, that the letter in question was to be delivered to Madhojee, through the channel of some person, whose name has been inadvertently omitted by the transcriber. (20) Orii^inal ,^lU-ii (3'e) a second plural formed from UJi (you); as if the Sultan were addressino- all the cliicftains named in one and the same letter. This is, of course, either one of the anomalies so usual with the author, or an error ol' the transcriber. The Sultan here implicates the Ndgpoor chief in the supposed ingratitude of the Paishwa, although Madhojee Bhonaillah had taken but little share in the transactions alluded to. (21) Original ^Iks^ pU as once or twice btforc. It is uncertain, wheiher the Nizam, or the Paishwa, be here alluded to; this gross appcU.ition being sometimes given by the Sultan to one, and sometimes to the other. It is scarcc'Iy credible, liowever, that he should speak of the Pa;.?/(M'a in this offensive manner, in letters addressed to the chieftains of the Mahrattah state. If, therefore, it was actually used (which, after all, might not be the case, tliou"-h so Slated in the narrative) it is most prol>ablc that it reFcrrcd to the Nizam; to whom, indeed, the implied character of a teadier, or giver of lessons, was far more applicable than to the Paishzea, who was at this time very young. (22) Original s^. ,^y^ ^^ cs}^J^. >J^y ^. '•'"'ill arrive at the due requital of their •' misdoing." T 1 P P O O S U L T A N. 329 " I moreover interrogated the Sirdars [or chief officers] of the army, respect- " ing the [best] mode of conducting the war, and the attack*"' [most proper] to " be made [in the first instance] ; when they all, according to their [respective] " abilities [or powers], delivered their opinions : none of which, however, were " agreeable to my mind. At this time [or hereupon] calling upon God the " Bountiful, and imploring his aid, I said, ' Please the Almighty God, I will '■' ' proceed against Adoni, which is at a distance from the boundary of the Sircar, " ' and is a strong place, where the honor" of Nizam Ali Khan is lodged. " ' Attacking this place, we must obtain possession of it. If, for the sake [or " ' preservation] of their honor, the two .S/rrfar**^'' should come [to its relief], " ' we shall see [the extent of] their strength and power.' This opinion [or " plan] was apparently/ assented to by all those in attendance [upon mej ; but " God [only] knows what they inwardly [or really] thought [on the occasion]. " After this, quitting Bangalore, I proceeded by long marches to Adoni,'^"^ " against which I opened trenches ; but was [purposely] careless and dilatory in " making my approaches, in order that, hearing of the situation of Busalut " Jung's son, and of their women, the two infidel and renegade'"' armies might " advance together [to their assistance]. Having, at the end of a month, mounted 2 U batteries (23) Original /•^(^j^L^^y^ "and in what niaiitier to form a design," or, " wlut " sort of expedition to undertake." (2t) Original ^^j.i\j (ndvioos) by wliicli is usually understood the lioiioiir of ii person, as connected with, or depending on tliat of the females of his tauiily. Hence the word very conmionly denotes the Haram. (25) Tliere being no reason to suppose th^t the Mahrattahs had any women in Adoni, the Sultan might possibly mean that their honour was committed with that of their ally. IJut it is equally possible, that the expression, in ipiestion, may have proceeded solely from that per- plexity of style, which so much distinguishes all the more laboured productions of his pen. (26) This name is uniformly written ^.JbJ in the manuscript. (27) The epithet jj^ " renegade," or " apostate," is hero evidently designed lo apply to the army of the Aizdm, as that of cJji^ "infidel" is to the Mahrattah army. The Sultan always affected to consider the Nizam in the light of an apostate, on account of the political connections he had formed with infidels, to the prejudice, as lie put it, of the Ma- hommcdan faith ; or, in other words, of his own ambitious views. 330 SELECT LETTERS OF " batteries near the ditch, I was employed in breaching the place, when intel- " ligence came, that the two aforesaid armies, headed by Moghul Ali Khan,'"'* " brother of Nizam Ali Rhan,Sohrab Jung, '"'Taigh Jung,''"' TehburJung, "' Gun- " naish Pundit, Apa Bulwunt, and others,''^' were arrived at the other [or opposite] ** side of the river Tuughhudra. At that time I saw no good [or convenient] place *' for intercepting the two armies ; "' and, moreover, the army of the Usud lUiije " Sircar was dispersed in [prosecution of j the siege of the fort. On this account " I moved from that place'^*^ [or shifted my camp] to the distance of half a coss " on the flank [or on one side] of the road of the aforesaid armies. By this " movement the latter were thrown into the utmost dismay and confusion ; and " in this state''^'' proceeding along the skirts of the hills, [at length] reached the " aforesaid fort, near to which they remained encamped during three days. On " the fourth day they took out all the people of the fort ; but were in suclr " distraction and alarm [at the time], that they left behind the whole of the wearing apj}arel of the females, and every article of household furniture [be- longing (2S) I do not find this personage mentioned on the present occasion by any other authority. (29) I tliink this was one of the titles of the Nizdm''s niiuistcr, Musliceriil MQlk, afterwards called A^eemCil Omra, and finally Aristoo .lah. It is proper to observe, however, that the j'«//a« affetis to write Shooriib (salt-water) instead of Sohrdb (an eminent name in Persian history) on the principle explained by Colonel Wilks, in the Preface to his valuable History of Mysore, page xxii. (30) Called also SyfCd MCilk and ShumsOl Omra. (31) I do not know who is here meant. The name is properly Tuhavwfn- Jung, but pur- posely miswritten by the Sultan. (32) Two words follow here in the original ^J^^ iJ^ i^\^\i which I do not clearly com- prehend. iS^ (tildijeh) is a patrole, a picqiiet, &c. ^ (ban) a rocket. Perhaps the persons spoken of were commanders of bodies of rocket-men, and of particular corps cm- ployed as picquets, or patroles. (33) i. c. " I perceived no practicable means of intercepting them." (34) Meaning "the position or ground" which he had previously occupied. (33) In the original it is Jje-^.^\:yl " falling and rising :" a phrase which, though strongly expressive in the Persian language, is dilHcult to be preserved in a translation. Tirroo SULTAN. 331 longing to them]. In this naked ^"= condition, carrying the women along with them, they took at midnight the road of flight, and made a shameful retreat/"* '•' Immediately on receiving the intelligence [of their flight], I armed com- " pletely,'"' and, with the design of intercepting the fugitives, pursued them " with the the utmost celerity. As, however, owing to the rain, and to the miry " state of the roads, the patroles had been on the ivhole '^'' very negligent [or " tardy] in making their report [of the enemy's retreat] ; and, as, o« the whole, '^^^'^ " the artillery, owing likewise to the same circumstance, followed very slowly, " the aforesaid armies were enabled to effect their esc"&pe across the river, " Tunghuddra ; but not without leaving behind them, in their disorder and " alarm, an elephant and some ^*°^ " At this time [or on this occasion] the power [of God] \vas [wonderfully] " manifested to all the world, in the following manner. While the fugitive " army was crossing the river, the water was not higher than the waist ; but in " the space of six hours, at the end of which the army of the Usud Ilhye Sircar " arrived in close pursuit [of the enemy], it had risen to a level with the banks'^": *' and thus was that prey, which the net had [so nearly] overspread, enabled, " by the divine pleasure [or power] to escape in safety.'"' 2 U 2 « After (36) Original iJu *- The term is here employed somewhat equivocally. It mav be un- derstood in its usual ligunitive sense of " light" or " unencumbered ;" but the context would seem to imply, that tiic writer intended it to be taken in the sense of " naked or bare." (37) The action, here alluded to, would appear, by an Hindostan neuspjiper of this period, to have taken place on the 27th June nS(>. (38) Original x^ J-^Ccj f — * I at" "ot clear whether the Sultan meant to apply these ^Yords to his army at large, or to himself only. (39) (yj*) Original .i*J.lj_y (40) There is a word here in the manuscript which I do not undcrst.ind, but which is probably the name of some wheeled carriage. The original is, in this place, more than usually jierplexed and obscure, and 1 have, in consequence, been compelled to take some little freedom in the translation. The Sultan would appear to have been conscious, that there was somelliing in the translation he was relating, not altogether creditable to liis military character, and, in his attempt to gloss over the business, he has accordingly fallen into the- Diost bewildered style that can be imagined. (41) Original ._,J^ (_J_.j_^ (42) Original jJj^jJ^ ^^'^ " carried off their lives." 332 SE1.ECT LETTERS OF " After putting the enemy to flight, the high [or eminent] army marched [back] ** to the vicinity of the fort [/', e. Adoni], where I lay encamped for five days, in " the course of which [I caused] the fort of Adoni to be entirely demolished *"'. *' 1 then bestowed the country of Adoni in Jageer upon Kiitbuddeen Khan, " Bukhshy of the Bd7--huchurri/,^"' to whom, moreover, I gave the Nobut,^*''^ five " elephants, and a /acA o/" rM/^te* in money ;'^^^ directing that, after fixing [his " authority] firmly in the Jageer, he should leave two thousand horse, and make " such other arrangements as might be necessary for its defence,^"' and then *' return himself to his attendance upon our person, '''^^ *' After this, marching from thence [i. e. Adoni], I proceeded to the banks of " the Tungbiiddra, &c." The sequel of the Sultans brief account of this war will be given hereafter, in •its proper place. The foregoing narrative is not, perhaps, calculated to exhibit the Sultan to any great advantage, either as a politician or a general. If (as would seem from his own account and the correspondence of Usud Ali Khan to have been the fact) his (43) The fort of ^doni appears, by the Hindostan newspapers already referred to, to have been taken possession of by the Sultan on the 11th of July 1786. (44) The Bdr-kuchurri/ was the department of regular infantry. The Bukhshy of a Kushoon was an office subordinate to the Sipahddr and to the Risdladdr : but the Bukhshy of a Jiucfiurry, or one of the general divisions of the army, appears to have corresponded in some degree with a general officer of our staff. (45) The Nobut is the privilege of retaining a band of military musicians, who are usually stationed over the gateway of the person's house, enjoying the honor ; and occasionally join his retinue in his visits of form. (46) Tbb lack of iTipees would appear, from the manner and place in which it is mentioned, to have been a present. It is more probable, however, that this money was an advance, on account of the pay and other espences of the force to be employed under KQtbuddecn. (4T* ") y „ ^Original .\ *.li .aI^ l<. . ^Jyj.'' "i^,' r^-*'' J.""- i.."' I confess myself to be quite un- certain as to the right meaning of this passage. It m.ay import, that he was to remain with two thousand horse on his Jageer, but to hold himself always in readiness to join the Sultan when ordered ; or the sense may be, that which 1 have given in the text. HQsain Ali states, that KutbCiJdeen, unable to maintain his footing in the district, was compelled, some time after the Sultan's departure from Adoni, to retire to Gooty. TIPPOO SUI>TAN. 333 his chief aim, in the present expedition, was to get the females of Mohabut Jung's family into his power, by means of a capitulation ; il is obvious, that this end was more likely to have been attained by a vigorous and menacing attack of the place, than by the slow and feeble mode of proceeding which he adopted. In the former case, the garrison might possibly have been intimidated into an early surrender, before the allied forces could come to its relief : as it was, it had every encouragement to hold out till their arrival. The Sultan appears to have been betrayed into this first error, by the expectation of accomplishing his object through negociation : and this grand mistake was followed by another, of a military kind, which completely frustrated his views. He suffered the enemy, not only to reach Adoni without any material attempt to intercept them, but to remain in its vicinity during three or four days ; and finally to remove the garrison and women in safety, without the least interruption. It is in vain that he endeavours to disguise these blunders : his endeavours, for this purpose, only prove his secret consciousness of them. LETTER CCCII. From the same to the same, and of the same Date. (18^/t June.') Your note has been received, and its contents are understood. You write, " that hitherto, in pursuance of the intimation of the Presence,^') V you have not been deficient in [your endeavours to bring] the [pending] " negociation [to a conclusion], and that, even now, nothing is gone " [or lost]."W You proceed to state, that you wish we would represent " the matter, agreeably to your former proposals, to the Presence ; and *' getting a settlement made accordingly, which would redound to our honour, ( 1 ) This may refer either to Tippoo or to his own master, Mohabut Jung ; but I indiue to think that the former is here intended. (2) Original c:-J/ ^ 334 SELECT LETTERS OF " honour/^> apprize you tbereof ;" and you exhort us, '' to exert our *' most strenuous endeavours, to obtain and send you a favourable ** ansxA'cr." It is known. Tbe firmament is prepared W and ripe with the ruin of the house [of your master]. Pity I a thousand pities I that you, Sir, should not have opened your eyes, or contemplated the certain conse- quences of these proceedings ; but, instead of this, should write, " that, *' even now, nothing is ^one [or lost]." This circumstance has excited in us the utmost siu-prise and amazement. That frieud [or you] did lately, on the part of the ]3egiims,^^^ supplicate, in the most humble and earnest manner, for an accommodation and adjustment of this business. In consideration hereof, and solicitous to avert the dreadful evils which menaced the honor of a ivorld, collected together within the fort (for, in any sinister event,'^'^) ruin to the house and Joss of honour^'^ to numberless creatures must ensue), we represented the case in such various lights [and so efficaciously] to the resplendent Presence, as brought our boun- tiful master to agree to a settlement. That friend, notwithstanding this, now introduces [or brings forward] excuses, respecting an adjustment of the matter : hence it would seem, that you, Sir, are desirous of bringing about the ruin of your master's house, and the misery of the people. This is an evil which no one can remedy. [Still, however, we would fain impress upon your mind] the propriety of weighing in the scales of wisdom the good and bad of tliis business ; and, having obtained from your {?,) Or, "good name:" ttiat is, as being the instruments of so just and liumane an ar- iMiigenieiit as the one alluded to. (4) Original i.\».-,,„ - CS^ '■ (• " fate is impending" or " ready [to strike]." ^5) The superior ladies of tiie ^/a/i/ ; princesses. (6) I. e. " An assault of the fort." (1) Original LSy.ju-y^ " * spilling, shedding, or flowing of honour," (as of blood); iippUed more particularly to female houour. TIPPOO SULTAN. 335 vour master full powers for its adjustnient, of your repairing hither, in order that, somehow or other, the negociatlon may be terminated ; inas- much as the interest and prosperity of a whole world are herein concerned [or are at stake]. Any further delay must, on the other hand, be pro- ductive of the most serious evils, which it will be no longer in your power, or in ours, to ward off. By the Divine favour, that friend is conversant in all worldly affairs, and duly acrpiaintcd with the ups and downs^'^^ of fortune [or life]. You have, moreover, witnessed with your own eyes, the fate of many ancient rulers ; such as those of Kurpah and Gooti/. With such examples [before you], to permit [this thing] is far removed from [or irreconcilable with] foresight [or prudence], as well as incom- patible with [your] attachment to the interest [of your master]. At any rate, it is the imperious duty of the subdued [or powerless] to omit no means of conciliating the powerful ; but, by every possible submission and demonstration of humility, to avert the ruin impending over them : it is [therefore] fitting, that that friend, accompanied by two [other] persons of weight and consideration, should repair hither to-morrow, in order that we may jointly represent matters in such a way to the Pre- sence, as shall lead to the accomplishment of whatever may [best] con- duce to the benefit of God's creatures. LETTER CCCIII. Fro7n the same to the same ; dated I6th Jaafury. (19 th Jnnc.^ The letter you sent has sliown the face of arrival, and made us ac- quainted with the circumstances therein written. You state, " that " after obviating all difliculties*^') to day, you will come, accompanied by the (8) This is literal ; the original being ajUj ;lj . (..-^-iJ (1) Original jj^wi^.v-i^J' Jjoj j;^.** " huviiig ailjusicJ all points in ilisputc." 33G SELECT LETTERS OP 'f. the persons of respeetability [or credit, before mentioned] for the " purpose of putting [every thing] in a [proper] train [of adjustment]." It is known, and highly approved. The habits of friendship and mutual interest have, of old [or from former times], firmly and truly subsisted between our lord and master (long may his prosperity endure V) and your master.*-^ A regard to this circumstance, joined to compassion for the situation of [God's] creatures, has disposed the blessed mind [of the former] to an accommodation ; in which [disposition] he has been more especially confirmed by your humble supplications, aided by the repre- sentations of us, your friends, and others participating in the present ncgociation. It is, therefore, proper, that that friend, obtaining full powers to conclude a settlement, and accompanied by the persons of credit [before alluded to], should repair hither, and finally arrange the business, according to your agreement ; inasmuch as his Highness, our master, has these two objects greatly at heart ; namely, first, the relief of [God's] creatures •,^^'> and, secondly, the corroboration of the founda- tions of ancient friendship. AVhat more ? LETTER CCCIV. From the same to the same ; dated TVednesdaij Night, IStk JaafuryS^> (2\st June?) We will [punctually] attend, Sir, to your appointment for to-morrow morning. Do you come also, Sir, accompanied by your confidential [friends] ; when we will proceed together to the Presence. (2) Alluding, most probably, to the political connexion formerly subsisting between Busa- hit Jui'.g (the father of Moliabiit Jung) and Hyder Ali. (3) Original ^l■^ J!^^ (►=V' " '^o'"P'**'''°" ^""^ *''^ condition of Cod's creatures." (1) This letter should properly follow the one which it now precedes; but it is inserted here, for tlic purpose of preserving the coniinuit}' of the subject. TIPPOO SULTAN. 33^ OBSERVATIONS. Nothing further is recorded in the correspondence respecting this negociation, which was probably bro^cen off about this time, by the appearance of the reHeving army. With the exception of a shght notice in Letter CCCVIII, Adoni is not even mentioned in any of the succeeding dispatches, till we arrive at the period when, in consequence of the peace concluded with the Mahrattahs and the N'lzdm, the Sultan announces to Kiitbuddeen Khan the revocation of the grant he had made to the latter of that district in Jdgecr. LETTER CCCV. 2b BuRHANUDDEEN ; dated \'Jth Jaafury. (20ih June^ On the subject of his chastising the enemy, and desiring him to keep moving round them at the distance of ten or twelve coss. Directing him, also, to procure supplies of grain from Nugr and to distribute the same among his troops. LETTER CCCVI. Circular, dated 18th Jaafury (2\si June), to the following SlPAHDARS. Zynul Aabideen, Mahommed Huleem, Meeran Husain, HusAiN Khanpoonv, RujUB Ali Baig, You are to retain with your Kushoons such young and active women, only, of those belonging to it, as may be capable of keeping pace with 2 X the Shaikh Imam, Imam Khan, Ahmed Baig, Ghulam Mohyuddeen, Shaikh Omau. 338 SELECT LETTERS OF the victorious army in its [approaching] marches. The rest, who may be aged and infirm, are, with the other heavy baggage, to be sent off to Fyze Hindi- \_Gootij\. In addition to your constant [or usual] stock of provisions, you must supply yourself with a sufficient quantity [to be kept in reserve] for the consumption of ten days. What more ? OBSERVATIONS. It is probable, that the Sultan was now preparing to make some movement against the allied force, of the approach of which to the relief of Adoni he may be presumed to have received intelligence about this time. The foregoing circular is followed in the manuscript by a short note to Moaayenuddeen, desiring him to hasten to the Presence, as soon as he had finished his repast. LETTER CCCVII. To BuDRuz ZumanKhanj dated 2\st Ja AFC iiY. (24th June.') According to your Hukm-ndmeh [or written instructions], your army should consist of ten thousand men, including Ji/she, horse, and Piddehs. Call the detached troops, or out posts, together; and do you, for tlie present, proceed and join Biirhaniiddcen with your army, and co-operate with him in the chastisement of the enemy. Your appointment of Mudara Baig to the Kiluaddry of Jlmmdpoor is approved. You must, by means of the aforesaid, ^^i. together [/. e. raise for the service of the Sircar'\ as many horsemen as possihle. LETTER CCCVIII. To Burhanuddeen ; same Date. Q2Ath Jime^ Two letters from you have passed under our view, and the particulars set forth in them are distinctly manifested. What T I r P O O SULTAN. 339 What you write, of having chastised and defeated the enemy, is understood. Budruz Zuman Khan has also been ordered to join you with the forces under his command, and to co-operate with you in the chastisement of the enemy. The aforesaid Khdn will, accordingly, join you with his troops. As he possesses great practical knowledge and expe- rience in war, you will, as a matter of course,*^') consult with him on all measures relating to the operations [you are conducting]. You must, also, keep moving round the enemy, at the distance of from two to three coss, in order that you may, by this means, straiten their foragers.^-^ What you write, with regard to your having relinquished to the captors the horses and camels taken from the enemy, is known ; and we approve of the same. We lately wrote to you, desiring you to turn, or pass, the rear of the enemy, and join us ^\'ith your army. That, however, is not now neces-* sary. You must remain where you are, in the districts of Kiltoor, Dhdrwdr, and Shdnoor, and apply yourself to the chastisement of the enemy. Please God, we shall soon be disengaged from the business which occupies us here, when, after inflicting signal punishment on such part of the enemy's forces as may [venture to] advance oji this side of Adoni, we shall proceed, by the route of Hurpunhulhj, and crossing the Tungbhuddra, pursue [from thence] our march to that quarter [/. e. to join you]. What you have stated, of the commendable services of Ghous Ma- hommed Khan, and of Sheer Khan, the Umlddr, and others, is com- prehended, and we have, in consequence, issued orders to Mahonuued Ilyder and to Nursia, the Taaldkddrs of Niigr, to send you two pair of 2X2 gold, (1) Ongm.il jtji^J:^ " A necessary point, artiuk', consciiuenoc." (.) So I nnderstaiul ilic oriniiKil oF this passago ; whicli, liowovi-r, by the altor.itioii ot a single (liuciitical point, would imply, tlwt Bftriiririuddcon's facilities of foiaging would, by this means, be augmented. 340 SELECT LETTERS OF gold, and thirty pair of silver /ui//calis,^^'> each pair of the weight of one seerS*^ The former of these you are to present to the first Munshoor [Ghous Mahomnied Khan], and to Sheer Khan, the Umlddr aforesaid. Thie silver ones are to be given to the inferior officers, as marks of our approbation. Of the Coolies attached to you, keep as many [onlyj as you may {^absolutely] require, and distribute the rest among the four Kushoons [^with you], for the service of the Doolies [or litters], in which the sick and wounded must be dispatched to the circumjacent forts. You write, " that you have it in contemplation to make a night attack *' upon the enemy." It is revealed. Where [or when] will you have an opportunity of making a night attack ? You should, however, keep moving round the enemy, at the distance of three or four coss,'^^'> in order that, if a favourable occasion should present itself, you may [fall upon and] chastise them. OBSERVATIONS. The foregoing letter appears twice in the collection, but in different places, and with some variations. I have followed the entry which seemed to me the most perfect of the two. In the copy, however, which I suppose to have been can- celled, the following material paragraph occurs : '' What you write of the bacTiivardness of the cavalry is understood. You " must give orders to their Buhhshy to exert himself, for the purpose of infusing " into them a proper spirit, so that they may not, hereafter, act in a cowardly " manner, at the [critical] moment of service." (3) A Hulkah is a kind of bracelet or ring, won) round tlie wrist. (4) In the original *U-CiJ or a light seer, opposed to a seer of full or perfect weight. A full seer is equal to about two pounds avordupoise. The lig/it seer does not exceed a pound and a li;Uf. (5) I.i a preceding part of this letter, the distance prescribed is from two to three coss. In Letter CCCV it is stated at ten or twelve coss. TIPPOOSULTAN. 341 LETTER CCCIX. To Meer Turab Ali ; dated 22d ShaabaxS'^ (28th June.') This is a letter from the Sultan, inviting the person addressed to repair to his court, where he promises him a favourable reception, and a provision suitable to his rank and qualifications. It would not appear to be an answer to any direct overture in writing from Turab Ali, but to have resulted from some verbal commu- nication made to the Sultan by a Hindoo agent, named Laleh Wullub Doss. I take this Meer Turab Ali to be the same person who will hereafter be found making some figure in the intrigues carried on by Tippoo, in the year 1 796-7, at the court of Ilijderabad. He was probably, at this period, a dependant of Moha- but Jung. It does not appear from the correspondence, whether or not he accepted the Sultan's proposals on the present occasion ; but other documents furnish reason to think he did not. It is not unlikely, that he might have satisfied the Sultan that he could serve him better where he then was, than by actually joining him ; which, however, he ultimately did, after the lajjse of some years. LETTER CCCX. To the SiPAHDAit, Mahommed Ali ; dated 21 th Jaafvry. (30th Jane.) You write, " that the Ddrogha of the J'aisy attachcil to your Kushoon " having, without your knowledge, sent the bullocks [belonging to your " guns] to graze, the enemy's people came "('*) You must, after flogging the aforesaid Ddroi^ha, discharge him [from our service]. With respect to the Risdladdr, Bubr Ali Baig, whom you represent to be very troublesome'^) to the men of the Risdla, and to the Jowkddrs, voii (1) Correspontiin;^, I bflicvo, with tlic 20tli of June n3(i: consequently, this letler should properly h.ivc (ollowcd Letter CCCIII. (1*) Either the Sipal)ddr left the rest to b(! ^Ui-ssed by liis master, or the transcriber omitted what should have followed, nanielv, the wordN " and carried them otl." The latter is the most probable, as will appear from Ixttcr CCCXXIII, where the same subjrct recurs. (2) Original LiJii-i which is not less vague in its signilicution than the word by whicli I bave been obliged to render it. 342 SELECT LETTERS OF you must give lilm such strict orders [or admonisli him so severely]] as shall prevent him from repcatiug his improper practices. LETTER CCCXI. To BuRHANUDDEEN ; sawe Date. (SOfh Jnne.^ You write, " that some of^') the Kilaaddrs and Byots of the [adja- " cent] Taaldks [or districts], having thrown off their allegiance(-> to us, *' convey intelligence to the enemy, and, moreover, supply the latter " with provisions." It is known. You must seize upon the [offenders], punish them,*^^) and hang them upon trees, as examples to others. LETTER CCCXII. To Z\"svL, Aabideen ; Bukhsiiy of Ehsham at Fvrrvkh-yah HisAit, CCltittledoorgJ ; same Date. (30th June.') Your letter, enclosing one [to your ('*) address] from the Kilaaddr of Kopul, has heen received. Y^ou state, " that you had [some time hefore] (1) Tlioiigl) this restriction of tlie sense is not aiithorized by tiie manuscript, yet it seems more probable that the words which I liavc ventured to supijly should have been omiued by the transcriber, than that the disaffection, or disloyalty, referred to, should have been so •universal, as the original, without this correction, would imply. The inhabitants of a fron- tier province mi'^ht waver in their attachment; but as all the Kilaaddrs must have been of the Sultans own appointment, it would be difficult to believe that they should all have proved unfaithful to him. . (2*) Original iSJ:»J-\> " having revolteJ, or rebelled." (3) The sense may be, and punish them by hanging them, &c.," or " that some were to be punished (perhaps flogged) and others to bo hung." The original is J'i^j'^j '^L ^^ (I*) Orighia! Jj .^ .\ jj«1j la:^ where the word ki (khuttj sufficiently denotes that the enclosure referrca to was addressed to ZynCd Aabideen ; since, if it bad been adJresscd to the Sultan, it would have been called an urzee, inilcad of a Ahull. TIPPOO SULTAN. 343 *' before] written to us, on the subject of providing for the security of the " fort of Kopul, and of dispatching [thither] a thousand or five hundred " trusty men [to reinforce the garrison], but that no answer had [yet] been " sent by us to your letter." It is known. Some time has clasped since we gave orders for the dispatch of the trusty men [in question], and also replied to your letters.^'*^ We will now, however, send people [or a re- inforcement] to the aforesaid fort [directly] from the Presence. LETTER CCCXIIL To BuRHANUDDEEN ; clufeil 2d DJrJey. (pth July.') We have learned of the flight of the enemy's army from Iloohly^^^ ; and that that light of our eyes has encamped at Kulhungi/,^-^ a very strong and [well] protected situation. The rains, however, are violent at that place : you must [therefore] encamp on [or move to] some spot, where the rain is more moderate, in order that your horses, &c. [or your cattle] may not perish, or your people suffer inconvenience. You write, on the subject of confining AbdCd Sumud Khun,^^> the son of Hukcem Khan, " that Dilcer Dil Khan having represented him to " be attached to the Sircar, and as entertaining no dangerous views of " any kind, you propose waiting a repetition of our orders for his " arrest." It is known. You must secure his person, and send him [a prisoner] to Nugr. Agreeably to your desire, we have written [and enclosed] orders to the Tualdkddr of Nugr, and to the [several] ylumils of that district, to (2*) The answers rcfcricJ to Iiad probably miscariicil. 0) Oiig'mul Vij j» wliitij circumstances make probable is designed for 7/oyi/y. (2) Name uncertain ; but perhaps liic Kailkunda of Captain Moor. C?) Sec Letter CCXCVI. 344 SELECT LETTERS OF to dispatch supplies of grain to you. You must forward the said orders to them, and apply for the grain [you require]. LETTER CCCXIV. To Rajah Ram Chundur ; dated 4th DJraey. gth July.) You have represented to us, " that Syed Peer, the Kilaaddr of that " place [_Bangalore\, requires a separate order from us to himself [as a *' warrant], for his dispatching to the Presence the cannon-shot [for " which we lately wrote to you]." It is known. Cannon-shot are not now wanted : they must, therefore, not be sent. OBSERVATIONS. As Syed Peer was not reproved for declining to obey an order not addressed to himself, it may be concluded, that lie was justified in what he did by the re- gulations of his department ; and, consequently, that the Sultan had issued his orders in an informal manner. It moreover may be inferred from the foregoing letter, that the Sultan's operations against Adoni had now terminated. LETTER CCCXV. To RuKMUST Kuan, FoujdAr^^^ of Kurnool; same Date. (JthJidy.) [After compliments] A long period has clasped, during Avhich you have not delighted or gladdened me with the joyful tidings of your (I) Tills Icrni lilerally signifies, •' cnc liaving charge of an army;" but, in itsordinaiy accept ition, it means an officer of government, cNcrcising tlic civil and military juiisdiction of a district, to wliicli is sometimes added the administration or collection of the revenues, iliougii this is usually a distinct employment, and held by an Aumil. TIPPOO SULTAN. 345 your health and happiness. This neglect is very distant from the esta- blished rules of friendship, since friendship renders it incumbent [on you] to afford me regularly the satisfaction of receiving letters [from you], containing accounts of your welfare. The victorious army being arrived in these parts,^-) it is fitting that that friend should afford me the pleasure of an interview [with him], in order that the foundations of mutual regard and amity may be strengthened, and that various points, which can only be properly discharged in a personal intercourse,^'^) may be finally adjusted [be- tween us]. OBSERVATIONS. I am unable to say, whether the interview, here proposed by the Sultan, took place or not. It is probable, that Runmust Khan would endeavour to evade it, if for no other reason than because he could not consent to such a meeting, without rendering himself obnoxious to the suspicions and displeasure of the Nizdm, whose feudatory be was. It must not be concluded, from the circumstance of the Patan chieftain being designated Fotijddr in the title of the foregoing letter, that he was actually addressed by this disparaging appellation. Such an affront could not be reconciled with the general style of the letter, which is not deficient in courtesy. It is very possible, however, that the Sultan might have been in the habit of speaking of him, to bis secretaries and others, as the Foiijddr of Kurnool, and that term, like that of Sdnoor IFdle/i, might, in this manner, have come to be adopted by the transcribers, or registers, of the correspondence. 2 Y (2) This letter was probably written while the Sullan was in the vicinity of Adoni, whicli is only about seventy miles from Kurnool. (3) Original ^y ^ An expression whicii, if used by any otiier person but Tippoo, might be coiistruc-il as meaning ** a convivial meeting ;" which, of course, could not have been in his contemplation. 346 SELECT LETTERS OF LETTER CCCXVI. 2b Rajah Ram Chundur ; dated 6fh DarAey. (9th July.') Directing him to issue the pay of the men raised by Syed Peer, the Kilaaddr \oi Hangalore], according to the return transmitted; with an intimation, that if the aforesaid Kilaaddr should entertain any infirm, useless, or old men, he would be compelled to refund the advances made to them. Ordei'ing, moreover, a receipt to be demanded of the above- named Kilfiaddr, for all articles delivered to him ; and signifying, in short, that Rum Chundur was not to supply him with any thing, without taking his receipt for the same/'> ^ LETTER CCCXVIL Circular, scane Date, (9th July), to Khajeh Ibud Khan, Khajeh Uzeemullah Khan, Mahommed Kuli Khan, IsHMAEL Baig Humdany and Ishmael Baig Isfahany/'*) Inviting them to repair, with collected minds [i. e. with confidence]^ to the Presence, and to bring with them as many horsemen as possible : promising that the whole shall be provided for, according to their merits and to the regulations of tlie Sircar. (1) Literally, " there is ?io necessi'tj/ for delivering any articles to him without a receipt." (I*) It is probable that alh these were officers ia the service of the Nizam, or of Mohabui Jung. TIPPOO SUJLTAN. 34/" LEn^ER cccxviir. To Meer Maiiojmmed Sadik, Deu-ax of the livzooii^^ (or Pre- sence) ; same Date. (9ih July?) Directing him to ascertain and trace the goods and furniture'^"-^ in the possession of the inliabitants of that place [meaning Serwgopatam~\ and to make a report of the same. OBSERVATIONS. The phrase ^^sJL>j *^ i'^-: which I have rendered " to trace" is usually applied to the recovery of things concealed: the order, therefore, implies, that a strict search, or examination, was to be made. What the Sultans object, in this inqui- sition, was, does not appear ; but it was most probably directed with a view to some contribution, which he might have had in contemplation to levy on his subjects, in aid of his finances. There is no authority, however, that I know of, for supposing that any such contribution was actually levied at this period. LETTER CCCXIX. To BuRttANUDDEEN J dated 9th Daraey. (\2th Juhj.') Directing him to station a Risdla of the Jj/she, under Shaikh Boodhun (brother to Shaikh Unser), at Dhdrwdr ; and to dispatch, with great care, to Chittledoorg , the Daisye and other hostages. 2 Y 2 (1) " Minister of the Presence:" such it seems was the official designation of Meer Si- dik at this period. Wiietiicr or not any ciiangc subsequently took place in it, I am unable to state positively. He was afterwards, at the institution of the Meer Asofs, placed at their head; but, probably, still continued to be styled "/>ewflrt of the Zfwzoor." (2) Original (^UL j (^li»-l This expression does not usually, I believe, include the idea of money : and yet the context would here seem to imply as much. 348 SELECT LETTERS OF OBSERVATIONS. The Daisije, here mentioned, is, no doubt, the unfortunate chief of Kittoor, of whom the last notice was taken in Letter CLXX. Another dispatch, on the same subject, makes it rather uncertain, whether the Dalsye himself was to be removed to Chlttledoorg, or only such of his servants or dependants as were deprived of their liberty at the same time with him, and who are distinguished m t1ie original by the term Ool, or hostages. LETTER CCCXX. 2b Shumsuddeen Khan and Ghulabi Hyder, Daroghas of the Tosheu-Khaneh, (at PuryJ ; dated 14ih Daraey. Q'Jth Jul?/.') A Book, entitled Fukhnfs Shilyookh [or " the glory of the Shaikhs"'], has been dispatched to you by the post. Of this book you are to get forty copies correctly and plainly Avritten by the transcribers there [i. e. at Seringapatani], leaving fifteen blank leaves at the beginning and end of each copy. Let this be expeditiously done,<'> and let the several copies be forwarded to us as they are finished, and an entry be made of the same in the register of your department. You must compare the books, which were sent to you pately] by the post, with the catalogue forwarded [at the same timej, and depositing them in our library, make an entry thereof in the register of the [proper^ with himself ; of appointing Sheer Khan, the Umlddr of KUtoor, to the Umlddnj of Dhdrwdr ; and of dispatching Mahommcd Ghous Khan to Dhdrwdr. Announcing (1) It woiilil seem by tlio context, that Yciikut Uungiii was in di-giacc. '350 SKLECT LETTERS OF Announcing to liim, moreover, that the Sulfcm was about to cross the rivcr'-^ at Gung-KurkniU,^^^ and would soon arrive [?'. e. would soon join liini] ; and enjoining him [in the mean while] not to give battle preci- pitately.W Informing him, finally, that the special retinue was arrived at Kur- goor ; and directing him to send orders for the demolition of the fort of Kittoor, and for the return of the garrison to his army. LETTER CCCXXIII. To the SiPAHDAR, Mahommed Ali ; same Date, (l^th July.^ Two Urzies [or humble addresses] have been received from you, wherein you mention " that the Ddrogha of the Jinsy of your Kicshoon " had, without your knowledge, sent [your] bullocks to graze ; that " the eneniy's horse came and carried them oft"; that you had, [in con- " sequence] placed him [the Ddrogha] under a guard ; and that " Mahommed Kazim, interceding for him with Burhiinuddecn, had " procured his release." We formerly wrote, and we now again write to say, that the above- mentioned Ddrogha must be dismissed from our service, and another appointed in his place. Our (2) I conclude the Toovihuddra to be here meant. I am not certain, however, that (3) Gung-kurkndt is the right name of the passage spoken of, tiiough it is so written in two or three places. It does not appear in any of our maps. I take Kurgoor to be the Ktr- goadc of Colonel Wilks' map, placed about twenty-five miles south-west of Adoui ; though Kurgoor would appear, by the next letter, to be situated on, or near, the i)ai)k of the Toom- biiddra, i\om \\\\\ch Kcrgoade I'i, at li-asf, fointecn miles according to the maj). (4) As ill a few other instances, this part of the abstract is in the words of the original letter »«^ 4jj^ ^jj .wrf *ji> U "We, too, crossing the river, will soon arrive;" where it is remarkable, tliat the iw//aH employs both the pronoun personal U (we), and the verb in the fubt person, of which I doubt whether there are two otlier e.\aniplcs in the whole corre- spondence. One more occurs in Letter CCCLVI, to MCilaim Jung. TIPPOO SULTAN. 351 Oar most holy camiy'> is pitched on tlie banks of the Tiingbuddra , and you may reckon on the special retinue speedily reflecting splendor on that quarter. OBSERVATIONS. If any orders were sent to Buihanudden, respecting the Ddrogha of Mahoin- med All's Jinsi/, tlicy do not appear. It is not improbable, however, that under the loose system, by which the military authorities were regulated in the Sultans armies, the present directions to the Sipahddr were deemed sufficient for the occasion. LETTER CCCXXIV- 3b GnuLAM Hl SAIN Khan, Mvxshoor of Bangalore ; dated 18M Dauaey. (2\st Jidy.^ Directing him to employ the Kumdties, or labourers, belonging to the fort, in erecting habitations for the Ahmedies ; to attend, in due time, to the provisioning of the place ; to wx'iie his Urzies [to the Sidtan7\ conjointly with the Kilaaddr ; and to examine carefully into all affairs relating to the fort, as business was in progress, that made attention necessary in all things, great and small.<'*> Ordering him, finally, to make his written instructions the rule of his conduct. (1) Original j^^jj) *«ir« Tiiis is tlie iannuage of royalty, which the »yw//rt72 occasionally uses in writing to his own subjects and dependants. ,J' j ....i^ " resplendent presence," and Ui-JjJj U " our prosperous person," arc of the same nature. These forms do not,, how- ever, occur very freciuentiy in tlie present correspondence. Tiic Memoirs furnish ratiicr more examples of them. It is probable, that in his oral intercourfc with his people, he constantly employed the style of majesty. (\*) Original ^j^jj>- "particular and general." 352 SELECT LETTERS OP LETTER CCCXXV. To KuTBUL MuLK ; Same Date. (2lst Juli/.') Directing him to circulate among the Musulman inhabitants of that place [meaning jldoiif] the mandates containing the arguments, expla- nations, and statements ;^^^ and also to transmit [copies of] the same to Hyderabad and ^urungahad. OBSERVATIONS. There can be no doubt, that the documents referred to in this brief entry, or memorandum, under the designation of arguments, &c. are the circular letter and proclamation inserted at page 291, and which the Sultan appears to have been anxious to disseminate, wherever there was any chance of their procuring him partizans, or of inducing Musulman adventurers to repair to his standard. We shall, accordingly, presently see him transmitting the same persuasions to the ex- tremities of Hindostan, in which quarter, however, his success was not likely to keep pace with his wishes, (whatever might be the case in the dominions of his immediate neighbours); inasmuch as the contest for power between Madhajee Sain- deah and the Moghul chieftains of Hindostan had not yet terminated; and because, while that contest continued, the inducements to the Musulmans to emigrate from thence were not so strong as they subsequently became, upon the complete esta- blishment of the Mahrattah authority throughout the provinces lying between the Chiimhid and the Ganges. But even in this last conjuncture, when there did not any longer exist, to the northward of the Toombuddra , a single Mahommedan leader, capable of affording employment to the scattered bands of Moghuls and Patans, who were now left without a master, the Sultan would not appear to have obtained any material accession of strength from the side of Hindostan : the chief reason of [i) Original JWl j e:^ jW j J.;^*^^^ " mandates containing aiguments and cxpiana- " lions with accounts or expositions [of the actual circumstances or state oi Islam in India].' TIPPOO SULTAN. 353 of which, most probably, was, that there was no access to Rlifsorc, excepting by countries in the possession of his enemies, or of states jealous of his power, who were not likely to have permitted any bodies of armed men to pass through their territories, for the purpose of reinforcing his armies. If, therefore, he received, at the period alluded to, any recruits at all from this quarter, it could only be such straggling individuals as might, from their insignificance, be enabled to proceed unnoticed. The Kutbulmulk, '' to whom the fbregoing letter is addressed, is the same per- son elsewhere called Kutbiiddeen Khan, which last is a name by no njeans uncom- mon among Musulmans. Kutbulmiilk, on the other hand, is a title ; and one, indeed, of considerable eminence, the affix of nlmiilk to a title denoting the highest that is, in general, bestowed. I say, in general, because it was rarely that any title of a superior degree was conf6Yred by the court of Dehli. Sometimes we meet with ulmumdUk added to, or substituted for ulmdlk, of which it is the plural ; and this would appear to have been a step higher than what was denoted by the same term in the singular number. The usual gradation of titles is in the following ascending scale. 1, Belidddr ;^'^ 2, Jung ;^^^ 3, Uddowlah ;'^^ and 4, Ulmdlk ;'^^ which the reader may, if he pleases, fancy to resemble, 1, Baronet; 2, Baron; 3, Viscount; 4, Earl. The addition of Khan was also considered as an honorary distinction, and is still occasionally bestowed, as such, by the imperial and some of the pseudo courts. It is, how- 2 Z ever, (2) I believe that tliis KQtbQlinCilk was tlie father of IIQsain All Kliui), who was killed on the 6th April 1799, in an attack made by the English on the post of Sultanpd. (3) Etymoiogists pretend tliat this word is compounded of \^ " price, value," and jj " a pearl ;" i. e. «' precious as a pearl." It figuratively signifies " a champton, warrior, or " brave man." (4) Jung. Tliis title, to be rendered significant, must be preceded by some other word, expressing some (juality or characteristic of a warrior: as Slwkut Jung, "formidable in " battle;" JJiluwuv Jtoig, " valiant in battle, or in war, &c. (5) Uddowlah. This word may be rendered "of the state ;" as (6) Ulmulk may be " of the kingdom," and ulmumdlik " of tlic empire." Thus Nizam- iiddou'la/t signifies " regulator of the state," or " one who contributes to the order or rcgula- " tion of the btate ;" as A/us/iecr uhnulk docs " counsellor, or minister, of the kingdom." 354 SELECT LETTERS OP ever, in such very general use, as a component part of proper names, among the Mahommedans, and particularly those of the Patan or Afghan tribes, that it is not always easy to distinguish, when it occurs, in what sense it is meant to be applied, that is, whether as a title or a proper name. The first title generally conferred is that of Behddur, then Jung, afterwards Ud- dowlah, and lastly Ulmiilk. On some occasions, however, all four are bestowed at once. At least such has been the practice since the decline of the Moghul empire : but there is reason to believe that, in its more flourishing days, these distinctions were less lavishly distributed than has been latterly the case. They have, at all times, been conferred by patent, and were never considered hereditaiy. Such are the titles ordinarily granted by the imperial court; but the Souhahs of the Decan, as if ambitious of surrounding themselves with superior splendor, have added to them the more eminent distinction of nl Omra ; or rather extended the application of this title, which, I believe, was usally restricted by the emperors to the single individual occasionally elevated to the rank of Emirdl Omra, or " lord " of lords." At the court of Hyderabad, however, we meet with AazmniU Omra, " grandest of lords;" Shmnsdl Omra, "the sun of lords;" TdjM Omra, "the " crown of lords," &c. I have no where been able to discover any clear or distinct proof, that Tippoo Sultan ever conferred titles of any sort upon his subjects ; and yet there are some passages in the correspondence, which would seem, in some degree, to authorize such a belief. In a letter, for instance, to Rajah Ram Chundur, " he directs him " always to affix his tiile seal'^ to his Urzies." We meet also with one dispatch addressed to a Mulaim Jung ; and another to a Shaikh Abd«?/ 3fdlk, Kilaaddr of Jlouscottah. With respect, however, to the former of these titles, there is reason to suspect that it was no other than a ludicrous one, or kind of nick-name, since it signifies " gentle, or soft, in battle," and appears to have belonged to the leader of the Sultan's musical band. Besides these titled persons, it is certain that there was an officer of considerable distinction in the Sultan's service, called Bubr Jung, or " the tiger of war:" and Mahommcd Riza, another commander of rank, who was (7) Original ^^ISai- TIPPOO SULTAN. 355 was killed at the battle of Sedaseer, was also known, to Europeans at least, by the title of the Binky Nabob. It is proper to observe, however, that though Bubr Jung is, on one or two occasions, spoken of by the Sultan under that title, Ma- hommed Riza is no where mentioned, in the official documents, by the appellation of the Binky Nabob. It is possible, that the difTercnt persons here mentioned, including Kiitbiil Miilk, may have been in possession of the titles by which they were distinguished, at the time of their becoming subjects of the Sultan, or of his father : and, indeed, ou no other supposition can the matter be satisfactorily explained ; since, if the Sultan had ever bestowed titles, it is natural to conclude, that he would have decorated his principal servants with them : whereas the fact is, that not one of these, nor even a single individual of his own family, would ever appear to have received any dis- tinctions of the kind in question. It remains to be considered, what could be the reason of the Sultans abstaining, during a reign of sixteen years, from assuming a privilege, so freely exercised by the Souhah of the Decan and other upstart rulers, and generally deemed an essen- tial appendage of sovereignty. It could not be, that he entertained any doubts of his right to bestow titles of honour ; since there are abundant proofs that he was never under the influence of any scruple respecting the authority of the imperial court, none of whose nominal vassals showed so little deference to it as he did. His conduct, therefore, in the instance under examination, is, perhaps, to be re- ferred solely to that jealousy or mistrust, which formed a prominent feature of his character. He was, probably, afraid of making his servants too great; and might think the splendor of a titled retinue, more calculated to eclipse, than to exalt his own personal importance. Titles of honour might breed in those, on whom they were conferred, ambitious wishes and views, which would not otherwise be excited : they would also give the possessors of them too much consequence with the people, and thus might prove a source of various evils, more or less dangerous to his autho- rity. 1 he history of the rise of his own father's power would tend to confirm the prudence of this reasoning : which in a mind, naturally prone to suspicion, as that of the Sultan was, may easily be conceived to have led to the conclusion, that " his security would be best promoted by the political insignificance of his agents." 2 Z 2 356 SELECT LETTERS OF LETTER CCCXXVI To Mahmood Ali Khan ; dated 20th Dar.iey. (23d Jubj.^ (Extract.) We wrote some time since, and we now write again, to desire that the sliip [you are now fitting out] may be coppei'ed, as coppering [the bottom of] vessels renders them strong and durable. You must ascer- tain from the shipwrights whether coppering the (') conduces to the strength [of the ship] ; and if that should be the case, let it be done : but if [the ship] should be stronger by not having the coppered, then [that part] must not be coppered. In fine, that method, of the two, must be adopted, by which the ship will be rendered strongest, and made to last a thousand or two thousand years. OBSERVATIONS. I believe the ship, here mentioned, was one fitting out at Calicut for a voyage to Pegu. I am not clear that I have rightly understood every word of the foregoing extract, the sense of which is rendered the more obscure by the blank which I have been obliged to leave. The general import of it is, however, sufficiently manifest. Though there are some remarkable instances upon record of the great durability of teek-buili ships, of which kind those constructed in Tippoo's dock yards, no doubt, were ; yet the Sultan is not to be understood as literally meaning, in this place, that he expected the ship in question to last one or two thousand years. It is a figurative mode of expression, denoting that the vessel was to be constructed in the strongest manner possible, and resembles the metaphor employed in Letter XCVIII, to Rajah Kara Chundur. ( I ) The original is .^ which I do not understand. It comes nearest to the Hiiidivy word Putxodr, a rudder. " TIPPOO SULTAN. 35/" LETTER CCCXXVII. 7o Bi rhanuddeen; dated 23d DArAey. (2Qth July.') You must, after some days, when the road shall have become safe [or the communication is opened], dispatch the Risdla of Shaikh Boodhun, which is one that may be depended on,^') to Dhdrivdr, and send for the Risdla of Shaikh Humeed [to supply its place]. The Kilaaddr of Dhdrwdr is, at the same time, to be directed to dispatch to you, under charge of the said Risdla, Yenkut Rungia,(^> of whom you must take good care. You must also be mindful to "encamp with your army in a good situation, where little rain falls [or lays]. The special retinue will speedily arrive in that quarter from Kurk-ndth. LETTER CCCXXVIII. To KutbOl Mui.k Kutbuddeen Ali Khan Behadur ; dated 25th BArJeyS'*^ (28th July.) There is a little business [going on] in our high SircarS^*^ Dispatch to the Presence, for a short time,<^) a seal-engraver. OBSERVATIONS. Although there is an air of mystery in this short note, it might possibly only mean, that the Sultan had occasion to employ a seal-engraver, and therefore desired (1) Original t::,^jUicl (2) Besides Yenkut Rungia, twelve otlicr persons appear to have been ordered to be sent in cnstody ; but tlicrc is some obscurity in the original, which I am unable to dispel. (1*) A letter of the 24th Ddrdey (not inserted) is dated from Diirrojcc, which I take to be he Daroje of Colonel Wilks's map, placed about twelve miles west of Kurgoade, or Kurgoor. (2*) Original ui^lj\^ ^Xi\ tJ^J^j->j^ (3) Original Jjwllj " for the present," or «' at present;" also "actually, in fact." Tiie sense, however, seems to rctiuirc the construction which I have given. 358 SELECT LETTERS OP desired one to be sent him from Adoni, where, perhaps, this branch of business might be better understood than at Seringapatam. Thus, about thirty years ago, every one on the northern side of India, who was desirous of having his name or titles engraved in a superior manner, employed, for this purpose, an eminent seal- engraver of Fyzabad, in the province of Oude, named Mahommed Saleh, whose exquisite execution of the most beautiful Nustalihli character on the hardest stones, was certainly unrivalled, excepting by his own son, who succeeded Jiim in his occupation. The charge for engraving depended on the stone employed. If that was a cornelian, the price was a rupee a letter; but if an emerald, or other stone equally hard, it amounted, I think, to six rupees a letter. LETTER CCCXXIX. To Meer Moaayenuddeen ; dated 26th DJraey. (29th July,^ To-morrow you will halt at this place,^') and distribute the pay [of your people], &c. The day after to-morron' you will march, and encamp at some place affording [plenty of] water and grass; and, on the following day, you must proceed, with the forces under your com- mand, to Hms PaithS^) LETTER CCCXXX. To RuNMUST Khan;('*) dated I6th Rumuzan, A. 11. 1200. (13//i July 1786.) We have, at this time, assigned the Foujddri/^^*'> of yldoni to the charge of Kutbuddeen Khan. The aforesaid Khan, in conformity with the (1) That is Daroje, where the Sultan still was on tlie 29th Ddrdey. (2) Name uncertain. (1*) The Palati ch'ici oi Kuriicol. {2*) KCitbCiddeen's new government is elsewhere called a Jdgeer. " TIPPOO SULTAN. 359 the orders of the Presence, will keep one or two respectable persons established at Kumr-nugr,'^^^ for the purpose of collecting together [or recruiting] horsemen, &c. Let that kind friend [therefore] enjoin his principal officers^*) to be assisting to the persons deputed by the afore- said Khun, in order that no one may obstruct this business. What more ? LETTER CCCXXXI. To KuTBUDDEEN Khanj dated 29th Daraey. (\st August?) What you have written, on the subject of the Klmtbah'^^^ being read in our special name,^^^ is understood. The case is this.^^^ The first thing in the Khutbah is the praise of God ; the next, the praise of the Prophet (on whom be the blessing and peace of God) ; and after this [should follow] the name of such prince^''*^ of the faith, as, being a [true] pro- tector of the Mahommedan religion, keeps in view, on all occasions [i. e. in every respect], the honour and interest^*) of Isldm, and exerts himself for its increase and diffusion.(^> To introduce the names of such, and to offer up prayers for them in the Khdtbak, is among the [most] indispen- sable (3) Kurnool is so called by the Musulmans of the Decan. (4) Original ^oljWj^ " transactors of business," " managers of affairs." (1) The Khulbah is a form of prayer used io Mahommedan mosques, wherein the reigning sovereign is prayed for. (2) Original ^^ a,\) (3*) Original ili^^jjI UL->i^ (4*) Original j j ^^ILL *li literally, " the name of the <$"« //an of the faith," &c.; where, by applying the word Sultan for prince or sovereign, he doubtlessly meant to point indirectly to himself. Tipjioo was fond of this sort of conceit. (5) Original >»L)1 yi^^U; (6) Original ^^ 360 SELECT LETTERS OP sable duties.<'> As to those ideots, who at this time introduce the name of Shah AUum into the Khiithah, they act through ignorance ; since the real condition of i\\& above-mentioned ^^^ is this : he is actually enslaved, and a mere cypher ; being the servant of Saindeah, at the monthly wages of fifteen thousand rtipees. Such being the case, to pronounce the name of a dependent of infidels, in reciting the KMfbah, is a manifest sin, and repugnant to the laws [usages] of the Muselmany faith. For these reasons it is written, that the Khuteeh^^^ of that place [^Adoni] must be directed to introduce our name constantly in the Khiithah. OBSERVATIONS. Whether or not the Sultan had, prior to the date of this letter, caused his own name to be substituted in the Khiitbah for that of Shah AUum, I have no means of clearly ascertaining : but it may, I think, be inferred, from the general tenor of the present document, tliat this was the first occasion on which he thought proper to adopt that practice ; since, if it had been already established by him, he would hardly have deemed it now necessary to justify and explain it, as he has here formally endeavoured to do. This letter, if contrasted with Letter CCCXXXIV, written nearly at the same time, will exhibit, not only the duplicity, but the inconsistency of the Sultan, in striking colors. He here, throwing off all disguise, openly declares bis contempt of the reigning Emperor of Hindostan, and, in the most unequivocal manner, asserts his independence of the imperial authority. Yet he will be presently seen professing an earnest solicitude for the re-establishment of that very authority, and an ardent desire to contribute his utmost efforts towards the accomplishment of that end. There is no difficulty in comprehending, why the Sultan should, at this (7) Original (.:-^^jj,y CjUs-lj and are more- " over Musuhnan leaders, should pursue such eflectual measures as may " [at once] bring the ^^^ to ruin and disgrace, and impart " additional strength to the true yihmedi/ faith." The letter concludes with directing the agents to send off a pair of Kdsids''^^' once a month ; and with stating, that the present dispatch consists altogether of seven letters, namely, the five already specified, an Ui^zddsht'^'^ [to the address of the Emperor], and a letter to Munsoor Ali Khan'" A note, or memorandum, follows next, of the different Ulkdbs, or addresses, used in the five letters to the persons enumerated above ; as also of the particular sort of paper on which each was to be written, and the kind of bag in which they were severally to be enclosed. On this occasion, the precedence appears to be assigned to Mahommed Baig Humdany, to whom the Sullan writes in terms of entire equality. The others, though honorably addressed, arc not equally distinguished. For (5) Original ^'tsEr-* Jlj a title appropriate to crowned heads. (6) Two words here occur, of which I can make no sense. Whatever they are, they of course refer to tiic Mahrattahs, or the enemies of Islam. One of them may be read ^J^AiyQ (moobiddn) or giiebres. (7) Kdsids are couriers. (8) Which does not appear. (9) I suspect that this should be Munzoor Ali Khan, the chief of the eunuchs, the same te whom Letter LXXII is addressed. T 1 P P O O SULTAN, 3() ,> For the gratification of those curious in such matters^ I subjoin the directions relative to the paper and bags. To Mahommed Baig Humdany, the paper used was of the kind called Zur- afshdny, or " sprinkled with gold :" the Khureetah, or bag, was of Mefifdhi/, a sort of silver tissue. To Budl Baig Khan and Kasim Khan, silvered paper and Kinnhhdb bag. To the rest, Kwnkhdh bags ; but paper not specified. OBSERVATIONS. It is evident, from the foregeing letter, that the Nuzr formerly sent by the Sultan to Shah Allum (see Letter LXXI) had been objected to, because the inscription on the coin, of which it was composed, did not contain the Emperor's name, which, it seems, was inserted in the gold ?}iohrs, now transmilited. The words, in which the Sultan's apology for the disrespect alluded to is conveyed, imply that the second Nuzr (or that forwarded with the present dispatch) consisted of the new coinage, with the addition of the Emperor's name : but if this was actually the case, there is reason to believe that the die was formed expressly for this occasion, and that no more gold mohrs were struck from it, than were required for presentation to his Imperial Majesty. Tlic apology here tendered by the Sultan, for the affiont which he had offered to the Emperor, in the instance of the Nuzr formerly sent to his Majesty, though too flimsy to impose on the Imperial Court, was probably accepted as a sufficient atonement for the offence ; since it was now no time for the reduced representative of the royal house of Timur to assume a lofty or inflexible tone in the assertion of any of its rights. I am unable to say, whether or not the application, here directed to be made to the Emperor, for mandatory letters to the Nabob, Nizam lid Dowlah, and the other Musulman chiefs of the Decan, enjoining them to co-operate with the Sultan against the Mahrattahs, was actually submitted to his Majesty ; but, con- sidering the situation of Shah Allum at this time (as described, only the day before, by Tippoo Sultan himself, in his letter to Kutbuddeen Khan), it is not likely 366 SELECT LETTERS OF likely that any attention was paid to it. Indeed, the absurdity of such a proposal to a prince, so completely in the power of Saindeah as the Emperor now was, and who was placed so much out of the reach of any assistance from the proposer, could only be equalled, by the infatuation of employing two Hindoo agents in a ncgo- ciation, the object of which was to exalt the Mahommedan at the expence of the Brahmenical religion. It was as if a Catholic state or sovereign were to depute a Protestant ambassador to the Pope, for the purpose of engaging his Holiness to exhort all the princes of the Romish persuasion to unite together, for the purpose of making a crusade against some neighbouring power of the reformed religion. So egregious a blunder could be committed only by such an eccentric character as Tippoo Sultan. The great distance, joined to the difficulties of communication (arising from that and other causes) between Seringapatam and Dehli, sufficiently accounts, perhaps, for the circumstance of the Sidtaiis directing the presents, which lie thought proper to make to the nobles of the Imperial Court, to be purchased at the metro- polis, instead of sending them immediately from himself; which would, no doubt, have been the greater compliment. From the more than usual respect with which the Sultan mentions the Emperor in this dispatch to his agents, it appears probable, that he intended such parts of it as related to his Majesty, to be communicated, if not directly to himself, at least to his ministers. Mahommed Baig Humdany had been one of the principal commanders under the celebrated Nujuf Khan ; after whose death he obtained, amidst the distractions which followed that event, still greater consideration and authority. He opposed, for some time, a firm resistance to the encroachments of Saindeah in the Dehli quarter ; but at length fell, in one of the battles which took place between the Moghul and Mahrattah powers. Budl Baig Khiin, Kasim Khan, and Siddeek Baig Khan, were likewise leaders who had risen to distinction, while Nujuf Khan exercised the chief military authority under the court of Dehli. TIPPOO SULTAN. 36^ LETTER CCCXXXIV. To Mahommed Baig Khan Humdany ; same Dale. (2d Augmt.^ Notwithstanding that, owing to various causes, it has so hap- pened, that no epistolary correspondence has hitherto taken place he- tween us, yet having, at this time, heard from the lips^) of Bal Muku Doss, of your highness's*^^) laudable qualities, and [particularly] of your courteousness, eminent courage, and political knowledge ; my friendly inind^-^^ has derived therefrom the highest satisfaction and most abundant delight. Hence, agreeably to [the saying], " that all true believers are " brethren," the fervor of religious affection^ has moved me [to the present attempt] to form an intimate and amicable connexion [with you]. The manner in Avhich your friend [or I] punished the Nazarenes is so well known as not to require any [further] statement. No doubt you must have learned all the details [thereof] from common report.^'^) I am now employed in chastising certain Musulman rulers ; who, engaging in measures contrary to the rules of Isldin [or the institutes of the faith], are become the allies and supporters of the reprobate^*) infidels. In consequence hereof, I have lately caused to be drawn up and dispatched to all quarters, an abstract of God's ordinances, and of the commands of (1) Original ^\ij literally, " by the tongue." (2) Original J^ (saviij) : but tlioiigli this word signifies " liigh, exalted, sublime," it is ))roper to observe, that the term is applied too generally to correspond strictly with our plirase of '« your highness." It comes nearer, perhaps, to the expressions, " your worship, your •' iionour." (3) Original ^ ^_^jJ?U. (4) Original ^jjj Ax'\ JJLy^. (5) Original --jUjl literally, " from without or abroad." (6) Original /•U^l Jo " whose end is bad or calamitous." 368 SELECT LETTERS OP of his Prophet [on this article] ; of which a copy is enclosed for your perusal. It is requisite, for the support of [our] rclig-ion, that all Musulnians should unite together ; and, considering the annihilation of infidels as a sacred duty, labour, to the utmost of their power, to accom- plish that object : to the end that the Ahmedy faith may, day by day, acquire fresh lustre ; that the weakness of the empire of Hindosfan may be changed for efficient dominion and power ; that the abominations of the wicked may find neither habitation nor retreat"^') within the kingdoms of his ]\Iajesty (the Shadow of the Divinity), who is the chief of the vicegerents of JMahommed ; and [finally] that the rulers of Isldm may not be put to the blush"^^^ before the holy Prophet, on whom be the peace and blessing of God ! In token of my cordial regard [for you], I have written to Moal Chund and Soojan Rae, desiring them to deliver you a [complimentary] dress, which you must do me the pleasure to accept. You must, likewise, constantly make me happy, by the receipt of your deUghtful epistles. LETTER CCCXXXV. To Zynul Aabideen, Bukhsiiy of EhshJm at Furjivkh-yab Hisar fCiiiTTLEDOORG) ; dated 4th Hashimy. (5th August.^ We have received your letter, representing, " that if of the two *' Duftws,^^') attached to the Ehshdni Ktichuny, one be transferred to " the Dewdn Kuchurry, the consequence must be, that while the ac- " counts of the latter department cannot be completely and properly " kept (7) Original jcjLi \^,J^ ^j^ 3 *J^ (8) Original oJyLJjL^*^ (1) Duftiir here means a register, or book-keeper. In its more general acceptation, however, it signifies the office where accounts, &c. are prepared or registered. In this case the word aJU. (khdnehj is usually added to it. A Diijiury is aij office-keeper, whose busi- ness it is to take care of the books, stationary, 5cc. belonging to it. TIPPOO SULTAN. 3fi9 " kept [with such incompetent assistance], neither can the business of " the former be rightly managed [by tlic remaining one]." It is known. Whatever is written in your Hilkni'iidmeh [or instructions], do you act conformably thereto. Too much self-conceit is needless.<-> LETTER CCCXXXVI. To the Rajah of the French ; dated 5th Hashimy. (6th August.) Noble-minded and elevated in rank/'> of powerful and exalted de- gree/^) chief (^) of the sovereigns of the realms of Europe, and eminent among rulers, the peace of Almighty God be with you ! After presenting the customary compliments of regard and affection, and [after tendering] the due observances of friendship and union, it is made known to your odorifei'ous [or noble] mind.W Some time since two letters, with Khilaats [or dresses], were forwarded [to you], by [the hands of] Monsieur Souriac,^^) which, no doubt, have been received. After that, Ghulam Ali Khan, Liitf Ali Khan, and other Sirdars [or commanders] of the Sircar,^^^ were dispatched in the ship ,(^) with letters and rarities, by the way of JBussorah, to 3 B that (2) Original t^ ^. J ^yg s^li*^ '"-'Vj (I) Original c:-~:y* J'yij iLi^l^.^ {2*) Original (jjji^ ^^^jLvc j u:JLj (3) Original j^Lj " leader, foremost, uppermost, pre-eminent." (4) Original luttJsU- (5) In some places written Souliac: l)iit wlicthcr cither is the proper name of the person intended (who had been Governor of PoiKlichcnj/J I have not, at present, the means of ascer- taining. (o) I. c. my subjcets. (7) The name of the sliip is omitted in the manuscript. 370 SELECT LETTERS OF that [personage] of noble rank, [at whose court] they will [in clue time] safely arrive. At this time I have learned, from the communication of Monsieur Cossigny,(^> the Governor of PoncUcherry, that that kind friend has writ- ten to him, directing him to settle the accounts of the advances of money made by the Sircar [i. e. me], for defraying the expences of the troops belonging to you, which were under the command of Messieurs Du Chemin and SoufTrein, and of Monsieur Bussy ; and [having done so] to repay the amount to the Sircar [or to me]. This circumstance has occasioned me the utmost surpriseS^^ It was purely from motives of regard, and a desire to improve the fiiendship subsisting of old between us, that I sent to the Mauritius for the troops of that friend, and expended crores [of money], and sacrificed lacks of my people, in the course of five years that I was engaged in chastising the English ; whom, at last, I was on the point of expelling from this country [or India~\. During this period, the English repeatedly made overtures of peace to me ; to which, how- ever, I would not agree, returning [always] for answer, that I would make no peace, excepting in concert with the French, and never sepa- rately. Notwithstanding this,^'**) Monsieur Bussy, the commander of the forces of that [personage of] noble rank, did, without my knowledge, conclude a peace [with the enemy]. The fact is known to every French- man in this country [i. e. India^. Thus I incurred all these expences, and made all these exertions, for the purpose of increasing our mutual friendship and renown ;<"^ and if such be still the desire of that friend, his (8) I think, but cannot be certain, that this is the name intended by the original. (9) Original jb jj »— ^^"^ ,^5^ ^J-J^ ^^}j^ (10) Original W jIj"^ properly, "in the mean while," or *' during this j" but tlie con- text appears to require the construction which I have adopted. (U) Original i^jj^ (>\j "name-bringing." TIPPOO SULTAN. 3/"! his enemy shall [again], if it please God the most high, be signally chastised. ** A double-barrelled gun, made in the arsenaK'^^ of the Sircar, together with an embroidered dress, is sent for that [personage of] noble rank, and will arrive^'^^ [in due season]. I^^*'> frequently indulge an inclination for the arts,(''') and am fond of collecting artists together [or about me] : if [therefore] that friend, out of his ancient regard, would dispatch [to me] some persons skilled in every art, I should esteem it as [a proof of] the most perfect friendship. Ghulam Ali Khan, and the other Sirdars, will arrive [at your court] in due season ;('^) and it is in my mind to dispatch another confidential per- son, on one of that friend's ships. If, therefore, you >vill write orders on this subject [or to this effect], to your [different] governors,^^^) another confidential person shall be deputed on one of that friend's ships. OBSERVATIONS. Exclusively of the gross impropriety of designating the King of France by the title of Rdjah (on which I have already had occasion to animadvert) it may be 3 B 2 observed (12) Original tl,'WU-.l^ " workshops or manufactories." (13) Original ju-j; j^lji. This form of expression is not uncommon in the Persian, and frequently occurs in these letters. It implies, that the thing or person sent will arrive in due course or time. (14) Original 4__^U^.l literally, " this side, part, or quarter." A phrase used by per- sons of rank, when speaking in the first person, instead of the pronoun personal. (15) Original u>»>l i~r^\i ulr^ c:-*«i^ l/^^I/J ^^JJ^^ *-r^^'' rlr* '^'''^ *'"'* ™<^*"'^ ^T the Sultan are of tiic handicraft kind ; and those skilled in them, artizans. For the higher, er more liberal arts, Tippoo probably had little taste. (16) Original jww " by degrees, progressively." (17) Original ^Jj\jAk> /'/aaW/r^uVi^; a word which is obviously unsuitable to the occasion if meant to apply to M. Cossigny, with whose station it by no means corresponded. Pos« sibly, however, the persons designed might be the governors or intcndants of such places in France as the proposed mission would have to pass through, in its way to Parit, However this may be, a fitter term than Taalukddr might have been employed. 372 SELECT LETTERS OP observed of the present letter, that it is extremely deficient in the forms of respect and complimentary phraseology, invariably observed in the correspondence between Eastern princes. Of the justice of this remark, the Oriental reader will be suf- ficiently satisfied by its general style and contexture, as preserved in the transla- tion, which I have made as literal as I could. The expression of J^j^^J '" that " friend," is, in particular, extremely exceptionable in an address to a crowned head, as being too familiar and common. Neither is the " Ulhdb" or address, free from objection, since the phrases of <::~'-^j* ui-v<\^ " of noble rank," ^y^ i.::JLj " of powerful degree," &c. are very usually applied, not only to dependent or subordinate chieftains and rulers, but even to distinguished servants of a certain class. Thus Tippoo himself occasionally addresses one of his Sirdars by the style of u:.--j^ u:^v4»L=^ " of pompous or magnificent degree;" another, by that of i^jve t::JL> •' of powerful degree," &c. • These deficiencies cannot, I think, be reasonably attributed to ignorance ; since it would be difficult to believe, that there was not a Munshy, or secretary, or other literary person, at the court of the Sultan, of sufficient learning to frame a letter, in a proper style, to a monarch of the rank and consideration of Louis XVIth. It is much more probable, that the Sultan himself dictated, or drafted, this epistle ; and that, in doing so, he permitted the same spirit of animosity and aversion towards all the professors of Christianity, which led him to bestow the degrading title of Rajah on his royal correspondent, to regulate its general con- struction. It is also possible, that he might, on the present occasion, have been actuated, in some degree, by the notion, that his own importance was raised, in proportion as that of the French monarch was lowered : a notion which, in fact, has given rise to the well-known practice at Eastern courts, of taking every oppor- tunity of assuming what may be called a technical superiority, in their epistolary intercourse with each other. But it is not in the style of their letters, alone, that they exercise this sort of address, and labor to obtain this paltry species of advan- tage, though the nice and numerous distinctions of language, depending on the gradations of rank, are more jxirticularly favorable to the attempt. It is pursued, with equal industry and perseverance, in the presentation of complimentary gifts, and in the performance of visits of ceremony. TIPPOO SULTAN. 373 It may appear strange, that the Sultan should, for the gratificationof his spleen or his pride, have run the hazard of giving offence, by this proceeding, to a prince with whom, if it was not his real interest, it was, at least, his apparent wish, to establish an intimate jjolitical connection. But Tippoo was not accustomed to look deeply into any subject ; he was content to view things superficially : and hence it is probable, that it never occurred to him, that there was any danger of the disparaging style of the letter being detected in France ; and that, even if any exception had been made to it, he would not have found ic difficult to satisfy his royal correspondent, that no slight, or disrespect, to him, had been intended. In the meanwhile, his importance would be magnified in the eyes of those, among his own subjects, who should be admitted to a knowledge of the letter in question. Judging by the context of the fourth paragraph, and especially by the words, " this circumstance has occasioned me the utmost surprize," it might almost be inferred, that the proposal of the French King, to reimburse Tippoo for the advances which the latter had made, for the use of the French forces, during the second war in the Carnatic, proved offensive to the Sultan, and that the payment, thus honourably tendered, was actually declined. What the Jact was, I do not possess the means of ascertaining, for none of the documents found at Seringa- patam (at least to my knowledge) throw any light upon the subject. I incline to believe, however, that the offer of the French government to liquidate its debt was not accepted, and that the Sultan was led to the adoption of this liberal proceed- ing, by the hope that it might conduce, with other motives, to make the French monarch consent the more readily to the renewal of hostilities against the English in India ; an object which, as is abundantly shown by the foregoing letter, the writer had very much at heart at this time. His wishes on the subject were, no doubt, more fully stated through Ghulam Ali Khan and the other embassadors, dispatched to France by the way of Constantinople, as well as by those whom he sent thither by sea, subsequently to the date of the present letter ; towards the close of which he intimates his having the latter deputation in contemplation. Fortunately, perhaps, for the British interests in India, these invitations to a new effort for their destruction arrived in France, when that nation was no longer able, however willing it might have been, to enter into the Sultans views. It 3jr4 SELECT LETTERS OF It must be acknowledged, that the Sultan complains, in this letter, of his desertion by the French, in the year 1783, in terms sufficiently moderate. He, however, indulges his natural resentment, on the occasion, more freely in his Memoirs; where, in his account of the siege of 3Iangalore, he thusexpresses himself on the subject: " Carrying on a mine by a double shaft to the foot of the wall, I only waited " the proper moment for springing it. I had also erected a battery opposite to " the gate, and on the edge of the ditch, in so elevated a situation, that not being " able to stand the fire of musquetry and cannon, which was kept up from it, not " a single Nazarene dared to appear on the walls or bastions of the fort. Thus *' circumstanced, the Nazarenes demanded a capitulation, and were disputing " respecting the article of delivering up their arms, when letters reached me from " Cuddalore, written by the worthless commander^'" of the French, and by Meer ** Moaayenuddeen, whom I had left at the head of a division of my army to assist *' the aforesaid worthless commander. These dispatches purported, ' that in a single '* ' [or in the only] action'"' which had taken place between the French and English " * before the fort of Cuddalore, the former, to the amount of five thousand men, *' ' had been defeated, with the loss of fifty guns ; in consequence of which they " ' had been compelled to flee, and shut themselves up within the fort : that the ** ' army of the Sircar, though placed at the disposal of the French for their " ' assistance, had not been required to join them upon this occasion, but were *' ' left standing^-"'' four or five coss in the rear of the English : that the second " ' day following this defeat, the English had sent into the fort of Cuddalore a " ' letter of peace"" from the French Rdjah: that Bussy, the worthless comman- ** ' der of the French, who was very old (being eighty or ninety years of age), " * and (18) Original ,1j_:l) "no-commander." (19) Original Jyi jJlj uXjj- j/J^ towards us, they are accepted. Some time since we dispatched Ghidam Ali Khan, Lutf All Khan, and others of our principal officers, (charged with several rarities, and an elephant with a silver canopy) to the French Jtdjah. They will pro- ceed, by the route of Juddah,^^^ to Constantinople, and from the latter place to France. AVe are about to send another deputation, consisting of certain persons of rank, and also charged with presents. These embassadors will, in the first instance, proceed to Pondicherry, from whence it is our request that you will send them by sea to France, accompanied by PieiTC Monneron. 3 C Agreeably (3) Original A>)\ *.;jjjl " from okl times," or '' of yore." (4) A crorc is a liundrcd lacks, or ten millioiip. (5) A /<7cA- is a hundred thousand. (G) If Monsieur Cossigiiy applied the term ?i«2r to his present, he forgot what lie owejl' to the dignity of liis station : but it is very possible that the French governor ina\' not have so called it, though the Sultan has done so. If the expression cscai)cd notice, a point would be "•aincd : if conij)laMied of, it would not be difficult to offer some plausible excuse for it. (7) Original L-^ly-r^ " ^veil-wishing." This <..xpression is, however, usually employed to denote the scutnnciit of goodwill entertained by an inferior towards a superior, and is equivalent to attachment, devotion, &c. (8) This is, I suspect, an error of the manuscript, since the emba.ssy proceeded by y]/Mjf<7( and Bussorah, and not by Jiuldah, & u 378 SELECT LETTERS 01' Agreeably to the representation of the above named [/. e. Monsieur Monneron] we have written and enclose an order to the Taaliikddr oi Calicut, commanding that no molestation be given to the villages de- pending on 3Iahc. We have likewise instructed the Taalukddr of Sel'un to attend strictly to such passports, written in the French and jlrwi languages, and having your signature to them, as you may grant. These passports, besides the names of the merchants receiving them, must specify the number of the bullocks [laden]. Let your passports be regularly made out in the foregoing manner. Certain secret particulars, of a nature conducive to the interests of the French Rdjah, have been stated to Pierre Monneron, who will communicate them to you. A dress and a horse ^^^ have been sent to you, in token of our friendship. OBSERVATIONS. Of Pierre Monneron, I am unable to give any other account, than that he was a French merchant, employed either by the Governor of the Isle of France, or by the Governor of Pondicherry, in the transactions which took place, about this time, between Tippoo and the French nation. He appears, on the present occasion, to have had a personal interview with the Sultan. Notwithstanding the proposed embassy by sea is thus early announced, it did not actually proceed from Pondicherry, according to Major Stewart, till the month of July in the following year (1787) J that is to say, about eleven months after the date of the present letter. (9) Before the word ci-veU- " dress," in tlie original, a blank occurs, preceded by the word clio fi/uk) or one, which shews that the present consisted of something else besides the horse and dress. TIPPOO SULTAN, 379 LETTER CCCXXXVIIT. To the Daroghas of the Jixsy (probably Shumsuddeen Khan and Ghueaji Hyder) ; dated from Hemsagur,^^^ 6th Has hi my, Qth August.') Directing tbem to dispatch ten copies of the Milfurrihillk4loob. Five of them containing the work at large/-> and to have silver locks \ov hasps] : the other five to be abridgements/^) without silver locks [or hasps] .<•'> OBSERVATIONS. The book here mentioned is, according to Major Stewart (Catalogue of Tippoo Sultan's library) a collection of fables, in imitation of Pilpai/s. It may be inferretl, from the Sultans sending for so many copies of this book, tbat they were designed as presents. If I understand the original rightly, there must be two editions of tbe work in question : one containing the fables at large, or complete ; the other an abridgement. 3 C2 (1)1 have here piven the reading which seems most countenanced by the manuscript, as Ujc true name of tbia place is railuT doubtful. Our maps of this part of Mysore are nearly a blank ; wliicli, joined to tlie meagre information on tiie subject allunled, wlictiier by tlic correspondence, or tlie Sultans own Memoirs, makes it imJDossibIc to trace with accuracy the comse of his present march. Tliis, theri-forr, 1 have not attempted to do, (2) Original ,^^.^Lo "atlcngili, at large, in full." (3) Original ^U,*"^ " in abstract, an abridgement." (4) Original ^jJJ Jii where J« probably means a liasp rather than a lock, in its usual sense. 380 SELECT LETTERS OF LETTER CCCXXXIX. To BuRHANUDDEEN ; dated lOth Hashimy. (Uth August.^ Our special retinue is arrived atO Kurkndth, and we shall pre- sently(2) cross the Tunghuddra. Send some men to procure intelli- gence(^> of the enemy's army ; and communicate, occasionally, to the Presence, such accounts as you may receive. LETTER CCCXL. To Shah Abdullah Saheb ; same Date. (\\th August.') Versed in theology and in the sciences, the peace of Almighty God be with you ! Our special retinue happening, at this time, to come into the vicinity of Kurkndth, we have dispatched Abubekr Khan, with a Doott/,'^^*^ for [the conveyance of] that [person] conversant in the sciences, who must afford us the pleasure of an interview. OBSERVATIONS. My information does not enable me to state, whether or not there is any Durgdh, or shrine, of particular sanctity, within the neighbourhood of Kurkndth : but it is not im})robable that there is, and that Shah Abdullah Saheb was the presiding priest of it. But whatever his office might be, it may be inferred, from the circumstance of the Sultans sending a Dooly, instead of a Palanheti, for him, that he did not hold the first rank among the order of the rehgious. (1) Original i^::^ iJjL \,j\ ii^ ij^>:SJ .) «' lias shed splendor on ^J«-/-Hrt//*." (2) Original c_->iiU;;»o " hereafter, following." (3) Original ^(j «« (Ki\'ate or secret information." Literally, "the interior, or inside:" hence, figurativery, " acconnts of what passes witliin" any place, person, &c. (1 *) A (looly is a conveyance carried in the same manner as a palankeen, but of a meaner and didcrent construction. TIP POO SULTAN. 3&1 . LETTER CCCXLI. 7b Ehsa NULL AH Khan J dated from Kurknath, \2th Hashimy. (\Wi August.') Reduce the monthly wages [or pay] of Shaikh All ; take back the bounty(') of a hundred pagodas [advanced to him] ; and giving the same to [or distributing it among] tliose who shall raise men, fill up [by this means] the vacancies in your corps. LETTER CCCXLII. To BuDRuz ZuMAN Khan ; sume Date. (\3th August.') You write, " that Moosa Khan, Risdladdr of Jyshe, and Abdul " Ruheem, Kilaaddr of Sodndeh, who were dispatched, for the purpose " of chastising the insingents*^'*^ of Soopah, had seized upon a place in " the possession of the latter, who had [thereupon] taken to flight." It is known. Ten years ago, from ten to fifteen thousand men were hung upon the trees of that district ; since which time the aforesaid trees have been waiting for [or been in expectation of] more men. You must [therefore] hang upon trees all such of the inhabitants of that district, as have taken a lead in [or been at the bottom of] these rebellious proceecUngs. OBSERVATIONS. The dreadful executions, here spoken of with so much levity by tbe Sultan, must refer to the time of his father, in the year 1776: but if the latter was actually (I) Original iO^L^ "assistance, aid." Sliaikli Ali had probably failed in his engage- ments to raise recruits. (1*) Original ^JtjjjL^ I tnko tliis to be an iircgular plural of ^^ "a wicked or mis- " chicvous person." 382 SELECT LETTERS OF actually guilty of the cruelty indirectly imputed to him by his son, it is more than any of his biographers (at least to my knowledge) have recorded of him. It must, however, be allowed, that it would not be easy to assign any satisfactory reason for Tippoo's purposely exaggerating the fact in question. LETTER CCCXLIII. To the SiiANoon PValeh (i. e. Abdul Hukeem Khan) ; dated I4th Hash I MY. (\Mh August.^ Your letter, conveying the account of your welfare, and containing certain particulars, together with two other papers ([which accompanied it], has adorned the lace of arrival, and afforded me delight. Forasmuch as the requisites^') [or reciprocal duties] of union and concord are firmly established between us, how is it possible that our mutual regard should give way to estrangement and misunderstanding ? That friend must, in all respects, keep his mind at perfect ease : nor imagine that, in any shape whatsover, the least diminution can take place in our friendship. With the blessing of God, your friend will presently arrive in that quarter, and apply himself to the chastisement of the enemy.^^2 OBSERVATIONS. This is, perhaps, the most civil of all the letters addressed to the Patan chieftain by the Sultan ; who, however, as there is reason to believe, was at this very time firmly resolved upon his destruction. (1) Original *jljl (2) Original LjLil «' miserable or wretched men." A term commonly applied to enemies. T I r p o o SULTAN. 383 LETTER CCCXLIV. To the BuKHSiiY of the EushAm at Chittledoorg ; dated 13th Hashimy. Q4th August.') You must send for the families of all the Aum'ds, who are natives^ of the Pot/ 671- Ghaut, and, together with the Aumils themselves, keep them at Chittledoorg. LETTER CCCXLV. jTo Meer Futah Ali, Taalukdar of Chik Cor little) Balapoor; dated I'Jth Has hi my. (I8th August.) There are heavy balances [of revenue] due from the country [i. e. from your district]. These must be realised ; and, with the produce, you must procure provisions for the Ahmedies from some other district/'*> In case you should have no assets [for the purpose], apply to Rajah Ram Chundur, who will give an assignment to the amount he may judge proper. LETTER CCCXLVI. To Meer Jaafur Wuffa Khany ; dated \A.th Hashimy. (\5th August.} The account of Gunaish Bhyroo's arrival in helU'**> has been received. We [only] require the blessing of God to attend us, in order to the [speedy] (1) Original aJL. " inhabitants," i. e. "who were formerly, ox originally, inhabitants •' of tlie Carnatic." This order was probably occasioned b}' some distrust recently conceived by the Sultan of this class of his subjects. (!•) There was, probably, a scarcity, at this time, of the necessary provisions in ZiV//c Balapoor, This letter affords one, among numerous proofs, of the constant attention of the Sultan to tlic interests of this favourite corps. (I**) Original v 'r- .••4- J.L^ < This is a common mode of expression with Mahommedans in announcing the death of an enemy, and particularly of an unbeliever. 884 SELECT LETTERS OF [speedy] removal of whatever superfluous hairs are remaining/^^ Many sucli are [always] coming, and many going. The favour of God con- stitutes our aid and support. OBSERVATIONS. I can give no account of the Gunaish Bhyroo, whose death is here so exultingly noticed by the Sultan. He may either have been an insurgent Poh/gar or a Mah- rattah commander. If the official designation of Meer Jaafur had been given, it might have thrown some light on this point. The addition of fVuffa Khdny, which follows the proper name of this person, is, if I am not mistaken, an appellation, by which a particular tribe, or family, of Moghul descent, was distinguished* LETTER CCCXLVII. 2o BtJiiHANUDDEEN; dated \Qth HJsHiMY. (\9th August.^ You must not be in a hurry to give battle ; but if the enemy should advance upon your army, you must chastise them effectually.^ Our special retinue will shortly cross the Tungbuddra, and arrive at that place [i. €. will join you]. Abdiil Ahmed Khan,(-*) together with his family, must he taken into custody, and dispatched to Nugr. (2) I am ratlicr doubtful, whether 1 have succeeded in giving the exact sense of tijc origi- nal in tliis jjlace. Tiie passage runs tlius: ijlj -:\ U ^)lt< jOJk^4^i^ w^ J^jfjr* t^'-'^J "^.iW* o"^^ i^«w//)« strictly jueans the hair, or 'xool, of animals ; also nap or down. Tiic word is clearly applied in contempt. (1) Original ^\j " truly, really, signally, soundly." {2*) I suspect liiat tliis is tlic same person elsewhere called Abdul Sumv.d Khan, and tiiat one of t!ie sons of Ab'lul Hakeem Khun is mednt. TirPOO SULTAN. 385 LETTER CCCXLVIII. 7o Syed Ghuffar ; same Date. (19th August.') The chastisement of the enemy's cavalry is approved. We, too, shall shortly cross the Tunghuddra, and arrive [or join you]. What is the amount of the enemy's forces ? Mere hearsay is not entitled to credit.^'^ You must view them with your own eyes, and report what you see, without addition or diminution. We some time ago wrote to Burhanild- deen, directing the punishment of the Jowkdar [or captain] of the Jyshe. OBSERVATIONS. The task here assigned to Syed Ghuffar would appear to have been no easy one. Indeed it is inconceivable, how he could execute it with the accuracy required. The difficuly would, no doubt, have been less, if he had had to estimate, by inspection, the amount of an European army, the regular array of which is favorable to such computations. But, even supposing an army, constituted like that of the Mahrattahs, to be viewed, under every possible advantage, by a distant observer, such as Syed Ghuffar must necessarily have been, it would hardly be in his power to determine its numbers with any degree of exactness'. A judgment formed, in the manner prescribed by the Sultan, would seem to be, at least, as liable to error, as one founded on the " hearsay intelligence " alluded to by him ; and by which he probably meant the reports of neighbouring villagers, of casual travellers, and of the itinerant Fakeers or Jogien, who arc usually permitted to pass unmo- lested from one army to another. "' Here follows in the manuscript a letter addressed to the Ddroghas of the Tosheh- khdneh, containing directions for the composition of a particular dentifrice, with 3 D which (1) Original j,1jcJ_^Lj:I ^^a-^o {'2) Ii is owinij to tlic iinnrmiiy ciijoyc.i by the Fakeers ;m;J Jozies, in tiiis resj)cct, tlut spies luost coiiiuioiily assume those cliaiactcrs. 386 SELECT LETTERS OF which the Mahls or Harams at Seringapatam and Bangalore were to be supplied, for the use of the ladies occupying them. I am prevented from translating this curious document, by my inability to give the names of the ingredients specified, in English. Some of the composition is ordered to be sent to the Sultan. LETTER CCCXLIX. To BuRHANUDDEEN ; dated 23c? Hashimy.^^^ (24th August.') By the Divine favour, the passage of the Tungbuddra is effected j and in two or three days, please the Almighty, we shall summon you and your army to the Presence. Proceeding by the road of Nushapoor,^-^ and arriving in the vicinity of your camp, we shall send for you. If, in the meanwhile, any other force besides Ilolkar's [as that under Hurry Pundit, &C.3 should make its appearance in any considerable numbers, with a view to attacking you, you must withdraw three or four coss, and take up a position among the woods : but if a superior force should not advance against you, and Holkar's only should present itself, you must remain where you are ; and procuring constant intelligence of the enemy's army, keep on the alert, and write regularly [of what passes] to the Presence. OBSERVATIONS. Another letter appears, dated 29th Hdshimy (30th August) directed to " Bur- " hanuddeen, Budr ul Aman Khan,"^ and the Sipahddrs" announcing, in like manner (1) This letter is dated from a j)lacc written ^jj wliic!) may be variously read. It is probably situated on the west bank of tlic Tungbuddra, over which riv-er the Sultan would seem to have passed about this time : perhaps this very day. (2) Name uncertain. (3) This is not the only place in which this name (so like tliat of Budruz Zuman) occurs: yet I am not without a suspicion that it is an error of the transcriber for BudrClz Zuman. TIP POO SULTAN. 387 manner as the preceding one, the passage of the Tunghuddra ; so that either there is some mistake in the dates, or this operation must have occupied the Sultan during the period between the 23d and 29th of Hdshimy : in which case the letter of the 23d may be supposed to have been written on the passage of the van of the army, and that of the 29th when the whole of the army had crossed the river. In the latter dispatch the Sultan says, " Wc shall proceed from hence to-morrow or the *' next day, and soon arrive with you." And yet he would appear, by another letter^ to have been still encamped on the banks of the Tunghuddra as late as the 7th of tVdsaacy (or 6th of September). Possibly, the line of his march, after crossing the river, might have been for some days in the direction of its course. Tippoo, in his Memoirs, plumed himself considerably on the military operation in question, and, apparently, not without reason ; since besides being undertaken at a time when the river was at its greatest height, it was performed, according to his account, in the face of the main body of the enemy's army, which, never- theless, would not seem to have offered any opposition to this bold movement. The following is the manner in which the Sultan states this occurrence : " Marching from thence [/. Ij Jiojl^j,. "turned their face to flight, like the constel- lation of the bear," /'. e. scattered like the stars composing that constellation. (8) Original ,c«;jo " according to custom." TIPPOO SULTAN. 389 '* their usual practice, turned their backs, and withdrew in confusion to their " camp.^*' " On the following day, about five o'clock in the afternoon, making ready three " Kushoons, and placing them under the command of Mah Mirza Khiin, I " directed a night assault to be made [on the enemy], and proceeded myself " with this detachment halfway towards their camp. Here I halted, keepino- " with me [only] a few men and a [single] gun, for the purpose of making " signals. The Sirca?-'s troops [i. e. the detachment under Mah Mirza ^Khan] " advanced ; but on approaching the enemy's army became alarmed, '"' and " stopping short, opened a fire from their guns. I concluded, from the circum- " stance of my troops keeping up this cannonade, that they did not mean'" to " advance farther [to the attack of the enemy], and therefore I fired the gun, as a " signal for them to rejoin me, which they accordingly doing, I returned with " them to our camp, which we reached the following morning. " The next day, in order to strengthen the hearts^'"' of my people, I distributed " presents of horses, money, gold and silver wrist-rings, &c. to the value of near a " lack of rupees, among the oflicers and men of the three Kushoons, accordino- to " their respective merits. " The following day the Mahrattah army, with a train of artillery, came and " presented itself in order ef battle before the Usud llhije tygers, on whom they " commenced (9) Original Jj Jyc^ u-uV-O i- c. witlidrcw " in a mass, or pell-mell ;" where, by tlie bye, the verb jj^jj^ seems iinprojierly used, since, if I am not mistaken, it should never be employeil in any but a good or favourable sense. It is possible, however, that as the Sultan is here speaking contemptuously of the Malirattaiis, the word ji^ay be used ironicallv, and perhaps as a jingling antitliesis to the common expression of jJo^o J u-w^' (10) Original ^Oyii \i>\ ^ there \j. e. at Sei'ingapatani], in order that the latter may teach the same to the said dancers. OBSERVATIONS. Of the encomiastic odes here spoken of, I tliink I am in possession of a copy ; for which I am indebted, as for many other interesting communications, to the kindness of my friend. Lieutenant Colonel Ogg. With the exception of the concluding distich of each ode, which is in Persian, the rest of the composition is in the Hindivy dialect, which is, indeed, denoted by the term raihhteh. These odes are ninety-six in number ; and consist, on the one hand, of the most fulsome and hyperbolical praises of the Sidtan, and on the other, of disparaging allusions to the English, tlie Mahrattahs, and the Nizam. The style is extremely un- polished ; and though I will not pretend to have given them more than a superficial and cursory perusal, or to understand perfectly all that I have read, I have no hesitation in affirming, that they are utterly destitute of every kind of poetical merit. Of these curious compositions, which were set to music, and sung, or recited, at appointed seasons and hours of the day, the following extracts may suffice as a specimen. " When (1*) OrigiiKil J:^\j ^\ xJ\ ^}j^ j^ (2) Original ^J^^j uaJcr tliis general term was included singers as well as d.inccrs. 392 SELECT LETTERS OF ****** « When the Rdstum-hejiried king rushed forward [or charged] on the Rukhsh'^'' ■•' of his an"-er, then did the hearts of the hons of Europe [i, e. the EngUsh] qiiakc '• with dread. " The flash of his sabre struck the army of Bailey like lightning : it caused •' Munro to shed tears, resembling the drops distilled from spring clouds J*' " On Lano-'s heart was fixed a stain, like that of the tuhp : Coote was made, •-• by this calamity, to lament like a hyacinth." '*' There follows here an allusion to General Matthews, who is distinctly named, the nature of which I do not comprehend. Bussy and Lally are likewise men- tioned ; but I am too doubtful, regarding the sense of the passage in which they are introduced, to offer a translation of it. ****** " When the Mahrattahs behold this army of our King, the dread thereof " causes them to flee like deer. " The Frlngy [i. e. the European] and Nizam lil Mulk pass night and day *' together trembling with fear of our King. ****** " The kingdom flourishes, and the army increases daily, through thy muni- " ficence and justice. ****** " The Hujjdms ■" army flees through dread of thee, as the hunter does when " he beholds the lion. " The (3) Jxukhsh was tlie name of the horse of the Persian hero, or champion, Rustum. (4) I am not certain that I have rigluly understood the first hemistich of this verse. The \ ., M i. e. April or spring clouds, are fabled by the Persian poets to distil a vapour, which is converted into pearls on alighting iu the oyster, so that the expression might be rendered " pearly drops or tears." (5) I am equally doubtful whether I have here correctly rendered the original, which,' indeed, is not perfectly legible in this place. Thus the word, which I read J-x- may be meant for something else. The slain of the tulip refers to the black spots on its inside. (6) Tiiou^h the Xizdm is distinguished by his title in the preceding verse, that was only the because it happened to suit the measure. He is generally, as in tins place, ca.\\e BuRHANi ddef.n; dated 4fh U'^asaaey. (^d September.^ Your humble address has passed undei- our view, and the account [therein given] of the enemy's force, and of the issue of two months' pay to the Jyshe troops stationed [in garrison] at NergUnd, from the produce of the collections of that place, is imderstood.*^'^ You write, also, *' that in addition to the month's pay already issued " to the ahove mentioned troops, you have since ^^^ sent orders to the 3 E '' Kilaaddr {!) Ilitini was an Arabian Prince, celebrated in story lor iiis munificent spirit. (3) All of them celebrated champions of ancient Persia. (1) Orijrinal u:,-.!^^!!? "became visible, clear, manifest, known:" that is, the account or statement " became known," or " is understood ;" for tiie verb t::.^ is postponed to tlic close of the sentence, agreeably to the established Persian idiom. (2) Originiil JU. " now, at this time." 394 SELECT LETTERS OP '' Kilauddr of Nergund to give tlicm another month's pay, and [at the " same time] have desired a small advance to be made to the Ehshdm " troops : but as tlie latter belong [properly] to Nugr, you suggest to " us, that Budruz Zumiin Khan should be directed to transmit the " pay of these people to them." It is known. A\gr and Nergiind are one and the same/^> Let the troops of the Ehshdm be paid out of the collections made from the districts depending on Nergund, in the same manner as the Jyshe have been paid. Our special retinue has passed the TanghuddrUy and will shortly shed lustre on that quarter. LETTER CCCLIIL To the same ; dated "Jth TVasaaby. (6fh Septetnler.') A PIECE of Huhry has been [or is herewith] sent for that light of our eyes. You must get a vest made of it for yourself. N.B. A similar letter follows here, addressed to Meer Moaayenuddeen Kliin. OBSERVATIONS The Bubry was a kind of printed cotton, of a particular pattern ; consisting of a stripe, resembling in form, and sometimes in color, the stripe on the skin of a tyger, one of the names of which animal is Bubr. Tippoo Sultan is well known to have considered the tyger as emblematical of his own family or government : probably on account of its affinity to the lion, by which appellation the Caliph Ali has been distinguished. Indeed the tiger and lion are so often called in India by the same name, that it would have been quite uncertain which of the two animals (j) Original ij:^ ^s^\^ Ss~ literally, " is one command." It is an idiomatical or iiguiative c.si rcs.ion, annvering to our piirasc of '* one and the same thing." TIPPOO SULTAN. 395 animals in question was meant by the Sultan, under the appellation of Bubr, if the distinctive mark of the stripe had not placed the matter out of doubt. This stripe, in short, may be said to have constituted the crest, or armorial bearing, of Tippoo ; who caused it to be introduced into almost every article belonging to him. Hence it was found stamped on the binding of his books, engraved on his jilate and his fire-arms, woven in his standards, &c. It even formed the water- mark of the paper manufactured for his use. Orders for the fabrication and distribution of Biihry cloths appear in several of the letters forming the present collection. I believe it constituted the uniform dress of a considerable portion of the Sultans regular troops. LETTER CCCLIV. To Ghous Mahommed Khan trnd Mahomjied Aka, Daroghas of the JixsY TosiiEH-KiiAXEiT ; same Date. (6ih September.') It lias come to the knowledge of the Presence, that the Ddroghas and MiUusuddies, as well as Suddunund, and other servants of the jewel office, do not attend [there properly], in consequence whereof the business of one day is protracted to ten. Those [persons] must be strictly enjoined [or severely admonished] : nay, they must l)e scourged, and made to give [due] attendance, so that the jewellery article (') [upon \vhich tliey aie employed] may be speedily finished. LETTER CCCLV. To Monsieur Cossigny ; d«Ued I8th IFasaaey. (Vfh September^ We have heard, that a Mahrattah Vakeel has resided, for some time past, at that place \i. e. Pondkherrif]. As this circumstance is not 3 E 2 suitable (I) Original *J, plural of J. wMch is applied to jewels and tlic like, in the same man- ner as Jj in the enumeration of men, ^\j in tliat of cattle, &c. 396 SELECT LETTERS OF suitable to tlie friendslilp subsisting between the Sircar [i. e. us] and the Hdjah of the French, we therefore write to desire, that the aforesaid [^T'^akeer] may be dismissed, and not allowed to remain [there anv longer]. What more shall be written ? OBSERVATIONS. The style of this letter must be admitted to be sufficiently arrogant and pe- remptory ; and was, certainly, but ill calculated to conciliate the good-will of the French governor, however it might serve to impress others with a high notion of the power of the writer. Either the Sultan must have trusted greatly to M. Cossigny's ignorance of the Persian language, as well as of the respect due to his rank and station ; or else so deep and inveterate must his dislike to Europeans or Christians of every denomination, whether friends or foes, have been, that he could not always abstain from letting it appear in his intercourse with them, even when it was palpably (as in the present case) his interest so to do. It may indeed be doubted, whether he hated the French less than the English : and however he might wish and hope to render the former subservient to*his views against the latter, still he would never seem to have forgotten, that they were both Nazarenes, and enemies of the true faith ; and, consequently, alike the just objects of his abhorrence and contempt, I do not possess the means of ascertaining what degree of attention, if any, was paid by the French governor to the extraordinary demand contained in the foregoing letter. LETTER CCCLVI. 2b MuLAiM Jung ; dated \2th IVasaaby. (\\th September^ You have humbly stated, " that you have instructed five youths of the " Usud-Ilhye band [or corps] in the royal praises.*^'^ It is known and approved. (1) Original i>. 1 , \;n V*. ,_;^v These are njost probably the odes mentioned in Letter CCCLI. TIPPOO SULTAN. 397 approved. Herewith is sent a copy of encomiastic odes, which you are likewise to teach to tliose five youths. LETTER CCCLVII. To BuRHANUDDEEN ; dated will n^ASAAEY. (lOt/i September.^ You write, " that you have determined to stop a month's pay, by way " of amercement, from those concerned in the late brawK') [or disturb- '' ance] of the two Kushoons commanded by the Sipahddr, Syed Hu- " meed, and the Sipahddr, Syed Ghuftur." You moreover state, " that " the Joivkddr who excited the quarrel, and over whom a guard had " been placed, made his escape the second day after, being the day on ** which you had the engagement with the enemy, (') accompanied by his *' guard, Avhom he had contrived to seduce." It is known. Where are the women, the relatives, and brethren of the persons in question ? Ascertain this point, and report accordingly to us. Take a muster also of the troops, muskets, and other stores, and specify distinctly, in a memorandum to be transmitted to the Presence, the number of muskets, of men, and of cartouch-boxcs. You were, some time ago, directed, and we now write again to direct you, to transmit the aforesaid memorandum. OBSERVATIONS. Neither the cause, nor the nature, any more than the extent of the disturbance alluded to in this letter, is any where stated : but there is no reason to suppose, that % (1) Original *--r' (2) No particulars of tlie engagement iiere alluded to appear. 398 SELECT LETTERS OF that it was any thing more than a private dispute between some individuals of the two Kushooiis in question, fomented by one of their officers. A mutiny of the troops would not have been expressed by the word kuziah. But of whatever kind the disturbance was, the punishment of those concerned in it was not light ; and a still more rigorous course was probably adopted in regard to the fugitives, whose offence it appears to have been the Sultans intention to visit, in some way or other, upon their innocent families. In this instance, however, no particular injustice is imputable to him, since similar proceedings are but too usual with all the native governments of India. It is not quite clear, whether or not the muster, or inspection, directed to be taken in the foregoing letter, had any reference to the disturbance mentioned in the same letter ; but the following dispatch, to Budriiz Zuman Khan, makes it most probable that it was unconnected with that occurrence. LETTER CCCLVIII. To BuDRUZ Zuman Khan ; same Date. (\Oth September.') We have received your humble address, Avherein you soUcit the favour of some muskets, for the use of the Usknr troops") [under your com- mand]. That eminent person m\ist remain vigilant and careful.^-) We wrote some time ago, and we have now^ written again, to our beloved son,<^^) Burhanviddeen, desiring him to transmit to us a return of muskets, cartouch-boxes, men, and stores, Scc^^ After receiving the aforesaid return, the muskets [you require] shall be granted you, from such (1) /. e. the regular troo; s. (2) Originiil Aiib tLia^l ^ *js? ^^lij c:^xj^ J t, and do not agitate other matters." {'■'>) Origiiiiil J^-ji whieh has been already explained. (4) This is the oidei- in which each article occurs in the original TIPPOO SULTAN. 399 such place [?'. e. store] as shall appear expedient. ^^^ At present there are no superfluous [or spare] muskets with the victorious army. LETTER CCCLIX. To Rajah Ram Chundur ; same Date. (lOlh September.^ (Extract.) Two Urzddshts [or humble addresses] transmitted by you have passed under our view. You write, " that, agreeably to our directions, the ** rations and monthly pay of the Ahmtd'ies belonging to Little Bala- '' poor, Hilscotah, and Khun Khdnhulli/, are issued, at the computation ** of thirty days [to the month] ; but that having heard that Pitumber, " i\\e jiumil o^ Yousufdhdd, had [lately] received orders to issue tlie pay " of the ylkmedies [depending on his jurisdiction] at the computation " of thirty-six days [to the month], you were, inconsequence, doubt- " ful whether to issue the same [for the future] at the rate of thirty ov " thirty-six days, and would act therein as we should command." It is known. Do you act conformably with the directions which vou liave received. What business have you with [the orders given to] others ? OBSERVATIONS. In regulating the monthly pay of servants and others in India, the length of tlie month is not necessarily delerniintd, either h}' the lunar or solar reckoning. Indeed, it is very rarely that either domestics or military persons, in the country service, are paid at so favorable a rate. On the contrary, the month is sometimes arbitrarily (5) Orij-inal Jk.ii jji'^^ ui^vti-^ u:-~*1 ^-V'^J Jrl-'W '''^ oVj' '''erally, " fio.ii l!iu [il.ico " wlicrc till musketb .lie, or may be, lo be kucm, [riKiici.] shall thuy be graciously bc- " Mowed." Tills is a vtiy iisii;il idi..in of the Poisiuii, the scope of which I have ex|)rcssej as well as I could in the text, but wiihoui being satisfied that 1 have entirely succeeded. 400 SELECT LETTERS Ol" arbitrarily made to consist of forty days, and very commonly of thirty-five. By this means the actual falls far short of the nominal pay ; the difference, when forty days are assigned to the month, being no less than three months in the year. Thus a Sepoy, apparently rated at twelve rupees a month, would, in fact, receive only nine. This practice, which does not obtain among the English in India, enables a master, when he wishes either to reduce or raise the pay of his dependants, to do so, without making any alteration in its established or nominal amount : and though there is, in truth, no delusion in the device, there is something in it that appears to gratify the vanity, both of the servant and of his employer ; the impor- tance of each being supposed to be increased, in a certain degree, by the ostensible amount of the regulated salary. However officious or supererogatory the representation of Rajah Ram Chundur might have been, it hardly merited the shai-p reproof which it received from his master ; especially as its tendency was to effect a reduction of the public expence. But this is only one, among a variety of similar instances, of the excessive irri- tableness and austerity of the Sultan's disposition, which seems to have rendered him, at all times, more prone to censure than to commend his servants. LETTER CCCLX. To Mahommed Ibraheem, Aumil of NJgmvngul ; same Date. (\Ofh September.') You write, " that Poonia [or Pootia], the Serishteddr of that place " \i. €. Ndgmungul^ is an unfaithful person,^') and that the Bijots, owing " to him [/. e. to his mal-practices], will [assuredly] turn their faces to " flight [or abandon the country]." It is known. Whatsoever you have to write [on this subject], let it be written to tlie Dewdn of the mansion of sovereignty, Putn. (1) Original 4,\j^ CS^ literally, "unlawful or prohibited salt," i.e. not deserving the salt one has eaten : making a had, or ungrateful, return for favours or protection granted, llencc, figuratively, " faithless, fraudulent, ungrateful," &c. TIPPOO SULTAN. 401 OBSERVATIONS. It must not be inferred from this letter, that the affair to which it relates was intended by the writer to be referred to the decision of the Dewdn. The Sultan was far from being in the habit of delegating his authority on such occasions : nor does he, in general, appear to have had any objections to being addressed directly on matters of business. On the contrary, he seems to have encouraged this practice, which was calculated to operate as a check upon his official servants. His object in the present instance was, probably, to obtain fuller information, preparatory to the enunciation of his pleasure on the subject. It is not certain who was meant by the Dewdn of Seringapatam ; but I am inclined to think that the designation could apply only to Meer Sadik. LETTER CCCLXI. 2b BuRHANUDDEEN ; dated \2lh JFasaaey (\\th Septemhev.') Your letter, containing an account of tlie victory obtained by our triumphant army, and of the flight of the enemy to the distance of a Fursimg,^^^ has passed under our view. You must, hereafter, whenever the enemy makes his appearance, and an opportunity oflfers, chastise him effectually, in the same manner that you have now defeated him. By the favor of God the Aider, the infidels here^^) shall also receive the due reward of their misdeeds.^^^ 3 F (1) T\\& Fursung [or Fursukh, as it is also written) is usually considered equal to tbrcc coss. (2) That is, those immediately opposed to the Sultan himself. (3) Original Jl)J .iJ 402 SELECT LETTERS OF LETTER CCCLXII. To BuDRUZ ZuMAN Khan ; dated \Zth WAsaaet. (I2th Septemher.^ We have received your three letters, together with those addressed to you by AU Rajah(') and the Kdzy of Nugr, and also the statement of the peculations of the Kilaaddr of BullaraedoorgS^^ You write, '* that the *' aforesaid Kilaaddr is a cheat^^^ and an oppressor ;("*> and that, with " our permission, W you will appoint and send [thither] Kureem Khan, " who, agreeably to our orders, has [lately] joined you from Lud- " dasheoo-ghurr." It is known. It is well.(^) Displace the aforesaid Kilaaddr ; and, according to your proposal,(^> appoint and dispatch the above named [Kureem Khan] to [take charge of] the fort [in question.] On the nightW of the 13th of the month JFdsaaey, we detached two KusJioons [with orders] to make a night-attack upon the enemy. The detachment accordingly surprized the enemy,(^> poured such a discharge of cannon and musquetry among them, that the reprobate crew,^"'^ unable ( 1 ) That is, the Beeht/ of Cannaiwre. (2) ProbabI}' the Bullalraedooi-g of Colonel Wilks's map. (3) Original jU. " dishonest, fraudulent." (4) Original ^jL^ from ic^^\ "vexation, oppression," &c. (5) Original C:^ J^f\ literally, "if order be:" i. e. "if it be ordered." (6) Original t:;,-«jl^ literally, " it is better," or " it is very wcU." (1) Original 4sy-A<=j^ " your own humble representation." (8) By the night of the 13th is here meant the time between the preceding midnight and the morning of the 13th. Sham, or evening, comprizes the time between sun-settliig and midnight. (9) Original *y^j«fcU^ " going, or falling upon, the head of the enemy :" by which expression a sudden or unexpected attack is meant. (10) Original ii\^i3J TIPPOO SULTAN. 403 unable to support [it], fell into the utmost disorder, and dispersed("> with cropped ears and tails/'^) This is written for your information. LETTER CCCLXIII. To the Kazy of Bangalore ; same Date. (\2th September.) Write out, and send to the Presence, a copy of the HuJcm-ndmek [or instructions] with which you have been graciously furnished, the same being wanted, for the purpose of bestowing [i. e. transmitting] it to the Kdzy of Zuferdhdd. Observe that the name of the Kuchurri/ of Zuferdhdd is to be inserted in the [first] line of the first page [of the copy], instead of the name of Bangalore ^ and that the name of the Kdzy must be omitted.O For the rest, all that relates to fees, &c., and whatever else is written tlierein, must be copied verbatim,^^^ and transmitted to us. Let the copy of the Hitkm-ndmeh [herein-mentioned] be bound,^^) previously to its being dispatched to us. N. B. There follows next a letter to Syed Peer, the Kilaaddr of Bangalore, informing him of the orders sent to the Kdzy, and desiring him to see that they were duly complied with. The document in question was, when ready, to be forwarded to the Presence by him (Syed Peer.) 3 F 2 (11) Original xsijiijcj J!i (12) Original jcci) SAi Jj* j_^j^j Jj; * J whicli I am far from pretending' to understand perfectly. The word As. in particular, standing, as it docs, in construction with *j in- volving the passage in an obscurity that I am unable to dispel. (1) i. e. " a blank must be left for it." (2) Original ^^..^.js^. " as it is," or "just as it is." (3) Original j&i-LjJjsr* The instructions in question consisted, perhaps, of several leaves or pages, as many of those documents did. In this case, it was usual to bind, or, at least, to stitch tljcm. <04: SELECT LETTERS OP OBSERVATIONS. It might be iufcncd from the foregonig letter, that no copy of the instructions to the Kdzy of Bangalore had been preserved, and that hence arose the necessity of calHng upon that officer to furnish one : but, considering the great regularity with which official documents, in general, appear to have been registered under Tippoo Sultan's government, it can hardly be imagined, that an entry of the in- structions in question should not have been duly made among the records of the proper department. Nor is such a supposition at all requisite, in order to account for the present directions ; since there is no difficulty in conceiving, that the regis- ter, containing the document wanted, might have been left at Seringapatam, in which case, no doubt, a copy would be more easily and speedily obtained from Bangalore than from the capital. The thing chiefly remarkable, therefore, in the letter before us, is the direction which it contains, for sending the instrument specified, in a form which should save the trouble of preparing in camp any other copy for the Kdzy of Ziiferdbdd : for such would seem to have been the sole ob- ject of the minute instructions given on this head. By this means, nothmg more would be necessary, on the receipt of the document in question, than to fill up the blanks left in it, and to affix the usual seal and signature to it. Such an expe- dient, for the economizing of time and labour, would scarcely occur to any but a very eccentric mind. It might have been expected, considering the particular design which the Sultan would appear to have had in requiring the document in question, and adverting to the minuteness of his directions respecting it, that he would not have forgotten to order a blank to be left for the date of the instructions, as well as for the name of the Kdzy to whom they were to be transmitted. But this omission is only one of various instances of similar inadvertency and inconsistency, with which all the productions of his pen abound, and which may be safely referred to the indis- tinctness of his views, and the crudeness of his conceptions on the generality of subjects. To the same causes (originating in an understanding naturally contracted) still more, perhaps, than to caprice and levity, are to be ascribed most of the trivial and indigested regulations, as well as many of the inconginaous and vacillating measures, which marked the course of his bustling but ruinous reign. TIPPOO SULTAN. 40c LETTER CCCLXIV. To the KiLAADAR of PuT.X CSeRIXGAPATAM^) ; cluted 15th JFJSAAEY. Q.'^th September.^ The abstract of this letter, as given in the manuscript, ajjpears to have been inaccurately copied, for which reason I have not attempted a regular translation of it. The subject of it, however, is too remarkable to be entirely passed over. It relates to the establishment of a kind of school in certain of the R'mdlas composing the garrison of Seringapatam : and from the context I infer, that the Risdlas in question were some of the Usud Ilhye or Ahmedy corps. The number of pupils in each Risdla was fixed at twenty, who were ordered to be selected from the most promising youths belonging to it. Besides being taught to read the Koran, they were to be instructed in the Persian language and in accounts. There is reason to conclude, from a curious memorandum among the Sultans papers, in which the qualifications of several of his principal servants are specified, that those of the military class were, for the most part, utterly illiterate. It was probably, therefore, with a view to the correction of this evil, and to the forma- tion of a more intelligent and respectable description of officers, that he instituted the schools here spoken of. I am unable to state, what effects resulted from this regulation, or whether, indeed, it continued in force long enough to lead to any. It was, no doubt, well calculated, if steadily pursued and duly executed, to pro- duce a considerable improvement in the character of the superior ranks of the army ; and particularly, if it was extended, or intended to be extended, to all the garrisons, among which the Ahmedies and Usud Ilhyes were distributed. But whether or not this was the case I have no means of judging. The letter, which we are now considering, contains also a paragraph to the fol- lowing effect : ** You did right, in couunitting rive youths to the charge of Uzeeiii- " uddeeen,('> for the purpose of their l)eing taught the encomiastic odes ; " hut (!) Sec Letter CCCLI, wlicrc it appears that this UzccniQddecn was siipcriiitcndarit of the dancers and sinircrs. 406 SELECT LETTERS OP *' but there is no need for adding four more to the number.(*2 Th^ former ** are sufficient." LETTER CCCLXV. To NuBBY Shah, at Bangalore ; same Date. (14M September.') You write, *' that agreeably to [our] orders, the Pagoda which was " in front of the blessed Durgdh [or shrine] has been demolished, but " that the Aumil will not resign [to you] the ground [on which it stood]." It is known. The Anmil will make over the aforesaid ground [to you], when you must annex the same to the premises of the Durgdh. You have requested of us *' to issue our orders to the jiumil of Selim « (') to put you in possession of [or continue to you] the [usual] fees,(^*> &c." It is known. Whatsoever was thought proper to be directed on the subject of fees, &c. has been directed. It is not our custom to repeat our orders.^'^ OBSERVATIONS. Whatever might have been the bigotry of the Sultan, it would appear, from the general style and tenor of the foregoing letter, that his respect for the priest- hood was not of a nature to prevent their experiencing, occasionally, together with the other orders of his subjects, that acerbity of manner, which so much distin- guished (2) It is probable that Uzcemftddeen had applied for the additional youths, here men- tioned, through the Kilaaddr, Syed Mahommed. (1) Name uncertain. (i!*) Original ^jr^ ^ (>y^j i^r^^^^ ^_}>- \^\^. The application may have been for the Jw/ora- tion of some particular fees or endowments which had been abolished. (3) Oriijinal x^y^ iJ^J^ ^-r^.jjjj^ ^ '- ■^•.'•^ jy^^ ^/'^ ** '' '^ not customary [with us] to write ov«r and over [on the same subject]." TIPPOO SULTAN. 407 guished his character. Nubby Shah is one of those, to whom the circular pro- clamation, or manifesto, against the infidels (inserted at page 293) was forwarded ; and was, probably, the governing priest of the principal Durgdh at Bangalore. Although the present collection furnishes several instances, in which the Sultan is seen to repeat orders already issued, yet it is certain, that he was not in the habit of doing so ; and that is probably all that he meant, by saying that " it was " not his custom." His commands were, in general, too peremptory, and the consequences of disobeying them too well understood, to make it often necessary to reiterate them. LETTER CCCLXVI. To MusHEER UL MuLK J dated \9th fVAsAAEY. {\Qth September^ [After compliments] A long period has elapsed, during which I have not had the happiness of hearing the glad tidings of the health and welfare of the Nabob, Nizam ud Dowlah, and of that exalted [person]. May the cause which has prevented it be no other than good. It is a [just] ground of wonder and amazement,(') that at this time, the above described^^^ Nabob should unite himself to the rulers at Poonahy and without any cause proceed to the infraction of the treaties and friend- ship subsisting between us, and determine upon committing hostilities against n)e. Some time ago I dispatched Mahommed Iftikhar Khan, after personally explaining to him various particulars, calculated to pro- mote and preserve the mutual friendship and interests of both our states, as (1) Original j«^ . i^,-,.*?^ These words, though usually considered as synonymous, have a sliadc of dilTcrciice in their meaning ; the latter including, in some degree, the idea of alarm, uneasiness, or consternation, as well as tl)at of surprize. (2) Original 4_j^^ t_>\ J where though (_J^k is a polite expression, it is hardly suited to llie relative situations of the Nizam and the Sultan : tlic former of whom claimed to be addressed as superior by the latter ; who, in general, I believe, ac(]uiesccd in the pre- tension. fjXf.o (praised) would have been a more respectful phrase. 408 SELECT LETTERS OP as well as that of Poonah. If the aforesaid Khan had faithfully detailed these particulars, there can be no doubt that the above described Nahoh, who is a great lord(') [or nobleman] and a profound statesman/^) would have acquiesced therein ;(^) and liaAC applied himself to reconcile the dif- ferences which have arisen at this time between me and the people of Poonuhy^^^ to strengthening- the foundations of union between the three states, and to promoting their joint prosperity and splendor. The case, with regard to Adoni, is briefly this. How much soever I made pacific propositions founded in reason and sincerity, the ministers on that side [or the court of Hydrahud'] constantly returned harsh an- swers, calculated [only] to embroil^''> [matters further]. The business would require a long explanation, and is beyond the limits of a letter. All the particulars will be made known to you verbally, by the MUtusuddy, Luchman Rao, who is a man of understanding, and a person possessing my confidence. You will be pleased to make him acquainted with the views and wishes of the above described Nabob, and send him [back] speedily hither. A Mt'htdhij dress is herewith sent, in token of our abundant regard. For the rest, may joy and happiness be yours I OBSERVATIONS. Musheerul Mulk was, at this period, and continued to be till his death, in the year 1805, the principal minister at the court of Hydrabad; having been con- firmed in that office by the present Nizdm, Secunder Jah, on the accession of the latter (3) Original j-^ j^^^ (4) Original j^Si l-^U ^jjlib literally " knowing in difficult counsels." (5) Original «j^jjl^_ji> (6) Original AJy Jj>\ (7) Original S)dc^juf« ^jti>J,;),^^j'^.^fr- T I P P O O SULTAN. 409 latter to the Musmid, in 1804. During the whole of his long administration, which thougli in the main prosperous, was, nevertheless, considerably checquered by untoward events, he steadily and successfully cultivated a good understanding with the British Government in Lidia ; between whom and his own court he had finally the credit and satisfaction of establishing the strict alliance now happily subsisting between them, and which is the more likely to prove permanent, inasmuch as it is erected upon the basis of reciprocal advantage and security. It is not pretended, that the views of Mushcer ul Mitlk, in this instance, were influenced by any feelings arising out of private partiality for the English ; though there wants not ground for believing, that this minister not only duly appreciated the character of our nation, but also entertained sentiments of personal regard for many individuals of it. But, on the occasion at present under consideration, he was guided solely by the suggestions of liis pohtical sagacity, which taught him that, placed as the state of Hyderabad was, between two powerful and encroaching neighbours,'*' both of them watchful for the opjjortunity of acquiring a predomi- nancy in its councils, or, in other words, of rendering it entirely subser\'icnt to their interests, there was no security, either for the integrity of its dominions, or the independence of its sovereignty, but in the protection of the British govern- ment. This, then, was the object of his constant solicitude : an object of which he never appears to have lost sight, though repeatedly disappointed in his endea- vours to attain it ; and to which, it is probable, that the events of the war in which his master was engaged, at the date of the foregoing letter, more than ever disposed him. Of that letter it may be remarked, that it seems to indicate a desire in the writer to open a negociation for a separate peace with the court of Hyderabad ; for which purpose it is also not improbable, that Luchman Rao was charged with some specific propositions. If such, however, was the object of the Sultan, in the mis- sion of that agent, it certainly failed ; since the Nizdm, though, perhaps, now become rather lukewarm in the common cause, did not absolutely abandon it, or make peace with the Sultan, but in conjunction with the Mahrattahs. 3 G The (S) Namely, ilic Maluattalis anil Tippoo Sultiui. 410 SELECT LETTERS OF The Mahommed Iftikhar Khan, mentioned in the foregoing letter, was the Vaheel, or minister, of the court of Hyderabad, residing with Tippoo, at the period of the negociations at Mangabre in 17'84, The Sultan, in his Memoirs, calls him Muftukhir Khan ; and on occasion of his dismission (which took place at the same tinie that the majority of the English prisoners were released, in consequence of the treaty of IMangalore) speaks of him in the following terms : " At this period Muftukhir Khan, the Vakeel of Hujjam Nully, solicited an '•' audience of leave. Sending, in consequence, for the aforesaid, I presented him " with a Khilaat and five thousand rupees in money, and gave him his dismission. " On this occasion I demanded of him what Hujjam Nully Khan''' was at that " time employed about? To this Muftukhir Khan replied, that as it was then " the season of the No-roze,'''°^ his master was most probably seated at that " moment [in Durbar], Hereupon I rejoined : ' does your master, on occasion " ' of the No-roze, sit, all standing, or is there any elevated structure upon which " ' he is seated during nine days ? State every particular at large.' '"' The afore- " said not comprehending what I said, repeated his former answer. In this man- " ner we two or three times bandied the subject about : when, at length, the " Vakeel perceiving my drift, and being covered with shame and confusion, said, " that he wished for an answer to the propositions which he had delivered to me " from his master, on his first arrival in my Presence at Mangalore. To this I " replied, by desiring him to state again what his master had proposed. Here- *' upon he said, that his master was ready, on learning my wishes, to give me thfe " most satisfactory proofs of his pacific [or amicable] disposition, and to bind " himself to the performance of his engagements by oaths : in return for which " he entertained the hope, that I would join with him in chastising the Mahrat- " tabs. As soon as I heard this, I said, ' I give you full power to decide for me " ' on (9) This appellation lias been explained before. (10) The festival celebrated at most Maliommcdan courts at the commencement of the vernal equinox. It was instituted by the ancient Persians. (11) Original ^- ■ ^---^ \%j ij ^Ji j i^ XiA) jJj lJ};^ \'. J ■>••.■;■'-■«■< j^j y ^-*^ i^^ * -Vi nj/^i^ /kUj I have rendered this passage as closely as I could ; but it was not more unintelligible to MCif- tukliir Khan than it is to me. I suspect, however, that there is some indecent allusion in it. TIPPOOSrLTAN. 411 " ' on this occasioiij and to say how I am to trust to the pacific professions of your " ' master, who has in so many instances violated his solemn engagements with " ' others.' To this Muftukhir Khan, who was a man of strict veracity and pure- " breasted,^'-' replied, ' that [there was no doubt] his master was an established " ' liar,''^* and evil-minded [person]^ who, though he should give one or two of " ' his sons as hostages [for his good faith], would not be restrained [by that *' ' consideration] from acting ill. Never should you pay the least regard to, or " ' put the smallest confidence in, any of his words or actions.' Upon this I " demanded, ' how, when such was the estimation in which his master was held " ' by all the world, I could place any faith in him ?' Finally, having had this " conversation with Muftukhir Khan, I dismissed him." However, diflficult it may be to believe that Iftikhar Khan should have so far betrayed the trust reposed in him, as to have expressed himself, regarding his master, in the gross terms ascribed to him by the Sultan, it must, on the other hand, be owned, that it would not be easy to assign any satisfactory reason for the lattcr's absolute fabrication of so extraordinary a story, which somewhat resembles the account he has been seen to give on another occasion, of the declarations of the Mahrattah l^akeel with respect to the rulers of the state. However this may be, it does not appear probable, from what is here related, that Iftikhar Khan should have been charged with any communications to the court of Ilijderahad, of a tendency much calculated to conciliate its good will, or " to promote and " preserve the mutual friendship and interests of the two states." LETTER CCCLXVII. To Syed Mohyuddeen, Avmil of JIuscoTAH ; dated 2\d JVasaaew QZOlh September.') Your letter, representing " that the Bisdladdrs of the Alimedij " [corps stationed iti your jurisdiction] refuse to receive any other sort 3 G 2 '♦ of (12) Original ij.^ ^L (13) Original ^£^ 4_j j'i and ^^.asr^ '^'''' "V 412 SELECT LETTERS OF " of Ddl than [that called] Toor" has passed under [our] view. You must serve out to the Risdladdrs of the Ahmedy such Ddl as may be procurable, whether it be Toor, Moong, or 3IdshS^'> LETTER CCCLXVIII. To Shumsuddeen Khan a7id Ghulam Hyder, Daroghas of the TosHEH-KHANEH at Seringapatam ; dated 22d IVasaaey. (2\st September.^ Directing them to advance to three certain Usud-Ilhyes the sum of three hundred rupees [i. e. one hundred to each], on occasion of their approaching marriage ; and, moreover, instructing them to give strict injunctions to the Ddrogha of the Mint to furnish every thing necessary for the celebration of their nuptials. OBSERVATIONS. This letter furnishes an additional proof of the livel}' interest taken by the Sultan, in whatever related to this favorite corps, the establishment of which he appears to have always considered with peculiar self-complacenc}', as bearing indubitable testimony to his zeal for the propagation of the Mahommedan religion. The same observation is applicable to the Ahmedles, for whom he manifested, on various occasions, au equal partiality. Even Letter CCCLXN'II, affords an instance of this favorable disposition towards them : for it is highly probable, that if any other description of his troops had presumed to express the same dissatis- faction with the rations served out to them, which was declared by the Risdladdrs of this body, they would have received a similar answer to that given to Shah Noor Ullah, when the latter ventured to represent the badness of the rice delivered for the use of his retinue (see Letter CLXXVII). Here, on the contrary, the Sultmiy (1) These are the names of diflerent kinds of dry pease. TTPPOO SULTAN. 413 Sultan, so far from reproving the complainants, seems to have been sufficiently willing to indulge their preference for Ddl of Toor, provided that article happened to be in the market or in the public store. LETTER CCCLXIX. To Syed Ahmed Saheb ; ('^ dated 22d TFasaaey. (2\st September.^ Desiring him to offer itp his prayers for the prosperity of the faith> and for the destruction of its enemies. LETTER CCCLXX. To Run MUST Khan Behadur, Chief of Kvrnool ; same Date. (2\st Septeinher^ In conformity with your wishes, orders have been sent to the Fuujddr of Adoni^^*^ desiring him to give particular instructions to the persons employed by him in collecting horsemen [for our service, within your territories], to proceed in the business with all possible secrecy. Be you, Sir, hkewise aiding and assisting on this occasion.*-^ OBSERVATIONS. It appears by this letter, that though the chief of Kuvnool had found himself under the necessity of i)ermitting the Sidtuns officers to recruit within his terri- tories, he was not without ajjprchensions of incurring thereby the displeasure of the court of Ilyderuhad, whose vassal he was. While, however, Tippoo seem- ingly (1) This was ;i Diirurii/i, or devotee, with the place of wliose residence Iain uiiac- <]>iaiiitcd. (1*) Mcaniii;^', of course, Kiltb id Midk. (2) Original ^,.'jt dated 25tk TVasaaey. (24th September.} Your letter, reporting, among other things, " that four months had " elapsed without Mahommed All Khan's making his appearance at " Onore,^^^ whither, however, he had sent his brother," has been received. What business is it of that asylum of nobleness, (^^ whether the aforesaid Khdn comes or stays ? Do you apply yourself diligently to the discharge of the trust reposed in you, and see that the ships are equipped with the utmost dispatch. You must, moreover, take care that they are coppered, agreeably to our former orders. (1) Original oU,! o^ Armada ; a word adopted, probably, from the Portuguese. (2) There is reason to tliink, that thisIMahommed Ali Klian iiad been ordered to prepare to proceed to Pegu, and that the vessels proposed to be employed on this expedition (which was subsequently relinquished) were at Onorc. (3) Original iU u:^lsi ,.rwhich is a conunou Ulkdb, or form of address, from a superior to a person of good birth. TIPPOOSULTAN. 41 5 OBSERVATIONS. I am ignorant of the amount, as well as of the nature, of the Sulfan's naval force, at this period. If we were to judge by the designation (Armada) which he has thought proper to apply to it, we might be led to conclude, that it was of considerable strength. But no inference can be safely drawn from so slight a circumstance ; while, on the other hand, there is more than one reason for believ- ing, that his marine must have been very insignificant at the time referred to. In the first place, it is pretty certain that Hyder Ali had bestowed little or no atten- tion on this object ; and it is equally clear, that his successor had not hitherto had either time or means to do much in pursuit of it* Besides, nothing was either known or seen of his Armada, during the war which ended in the partition treaty of 1792 ; and though, after that event, he applied himself seriously (as will appear by Appendix K.) to the formation of a respectable navy, he had, happily, not been enabled to efi'ectuate his purpose, before his restless and impatient spirit plunged him into another premature war; in the short course of which, as little was heard of his navy as during that which preceded it. LETTER CCCLXXII. To BuRHANUDDEEN 07k/ BuDRuz ZuMAN Khan (of the Same tenor); same Date. (24fh September.^ In a letter which we dispatched to you by Eecroo Pindarch,(') and the Hurkdrch, Munchajee, you were furnished vvitli a route. You must, accordingly, proceed, cither by the route indicated in that letter, or by some other road, leading through a [close or] woody country ; and taking up a position within six or seven coss of Deogurry,^^ where our victorious fl) Pindiirch is a term chiefly in use with the Mahrattalis, and is of tlic same import as Kuzzdk and Lootj/. (2) This place is situated about twelve miles S.S.E. of S/idnoor, and very near the JVirda, which is, perhaps, the river ailiidetl to in tlie next letter. 416 SELECT LETTERS OF victorious arifly is [at present] encaniiicd, report your arrival to the Presence. Ghazy Khan(^) is a person of extensive knowledge and experience, and [particularly] well acquainted with the roads [of this country]. He has, on this account, been sent with his Hisd/a to join you; upon his doing which, you are to regulate your march by his advice and opinion. LETTER CCCLXXIII. To BuRHANUDDEEN ; (hied 26th TJ^Jsaaey. (251 h September.^ Four Kuslioons have likewise been dispatched [to you] with Ghazy Khan. You must leave all the women and other ruhbinh,'^^^ together with the supei-fluous baggage belonging to your army, at Umvutti/,^-^ and crossing the river with the above-mentioned [Ghazy Khan], repair directly to the Presence, instead of halting [as directed by our letter of yesterday], at the distance of six or seven eoss from the victorious army. You will bring on with you, however, your light baggage, as well as all your warlike apparatus,(^*> with the exception of one of your three great guns. This, with whatever spare wheels you may liave,^^) you must leave with your heavy baggage : with which, such of your bullocks as are in bad condition must, likewise, remain. The two Z,umchws''^^ are to accompany you. (3) Gliazy Khan was the principal Pinddreh commander in Tippoo Sultan's employ. (1) Original tl/liU-^ ,_^ »f^ j C'li! (2) Name uncertain. (3*) Original iXw»- t_?L-l i. e. guns, tumbrils, ordnance stores, and the like. (4) I think, but am not certain, that tiiis is the meaning of the passage, which is not ^ perfectly legible. (5) I take the Lumchur to have been a long gun, calculated for distant cannonading. Tirroo suLTAK. 417 OBSERVATIONS. On the 25th of IFd^aaey (or 24th of September), the Sultan had determined to send Ghazy Khan, with no more than his own Risdla of Kuzzdks, or Loofies, to join Burhanuddeen's division : but, either in consequence of some inteUigence of the enemy's motions, received subsequently to the dispatch of Letter CCCLXXII, or with a view to render the junction of his brother-in-law with his own army more secure and easy, he next day changes his plan, and resolves on reinforcing the latter, to the extent which has been seen. It does not appear, either from the correspondence or from the Sultans own Memoirs, where Burhanuddeen was at this time, or when his junction with the " victorious" army was effected. LETTER CCCLXXIV. To Rajah Ram Cuundur ; dated 2Jth TVJsaaey. (26ih September.) Your letter, acknowledging the receipt of our orders for puttino- Meer AH, the second Bukhshj of the Ehskdm, into possession of a spa- cious dwelling-house [at Bangalore'], has passed under [our] view. You state " that the aforesaid BukJishj has pointed out the house of the ** Khidmutgdr Behddilr, as being, on account of its size, well suited to •* the accommodation of his numerous family, and that he has accordingly " applied for the same." You must inform us, [previously to our giving our orders on this sul)jcct\ in which ward, and what street, the house in qixestion stands ; as well as how many fountains, and how many apartments it contains. N.B. A letter, requiring the same information with regard to this house, was written to Peer Khan, the Kilaaddr of Bangalore. It may hence be inferred, that the Sultan, however willing he might be to accommodate the Bukhshy with a suitable residence, suspected the one pointed out by the latter himself to be too 3 II good 418 SELECT LETTERS OF good for him. It also appears, that the Sulian did not think proper to rely on the sino^le report of Ram Chundur, even in so trivial a matter. LETTER CCCLXXV. To Syed Mahommed, Kilaadar of Seringapatam ; dated 28ik TVAsAAEY. (2'Jtk September^ Buhauddeen and Kustoory Runga, who were sent [some time since] to Bengal, for the purpose of procuring silk-worms, are now on their re- turn [to Seringapatam'], by the way of Sedhout. On their arrival, you must ascertain from them the proper situation in which to keep the afore- said worms, and provide accordingly. You must, moreover, supply for their food [leaves ofj the wood or wild mulberry-trees, which were for- merly ordered to be planted [for this purpose]. The number of silk- worms brought from Bengal must likewise be distinctly reported to us. We desire, also, to know, in M'hat kind of place it is recommended to keep them, and what means are to be pursued for multiplying them. There is a vacant spot of ground behind the old palace, lately used as a Tosheh-khdnek, or store-house, which was purchased some time ago with a view to building upon it. Prepare a place somewhere near that situation, for the [temporary] reception of the worms.^'^ OBSERVATIONS. When the peculiar circumstances, under which the foregoing letter was written,, are adverted to, it will, no doubt, be allowed to furnish a striking proof, both of the (1) I have here introduced the word temporary, though not authorized by the original; because we must either conclude this to have been the Sultayi's meaning, or suppose him guilty of the absurdity of first desiring to be informed wliat was the proper situation for the silk-wormi;, and, in the next moment, determining upon it, without wailing for the commu- nication he had required. TIPPOO SULTAN. 419 the coolness and activity of the Sttlfari.'i mind. He was, at the date of it, not only deliberating on the measures to be pursued with respect to Shdnoor ; in plan- ning the future operations of the war in which he was engaged ; and in providing for the safety of Burhanuddeen's army ; but he was, in fact, on the eve of a general engagement with the Mahrattahs. Yet all these important and urgent considerations united, were not capable of diverting his attention from any of the minor objects of his interest. Thus, in the bustle of a camp, and in the face of an enemy, he could find leisure, and was sufficiently composed, to meditate on the rearing of silk-worms. This, indeed, was a very favorite, though, I believe, an unsuccessful pursuit with the Sultan ; who actually established, or proposed to establish, no less than twenty-one principal stations within his dominions, where the breeding of the silk-worm was directed to be attended to with the utmost care and diligence. These stations are specified in one of the sections of the instruct tions issued to the Meer Asof, or revenue department, in the year 1794. LETTER CCCLXXVI. To BuRHANUDDEEN ; Same Date. (^'Jth September^ We hear that, besides Holkar, another body of the enemy's force is in motion towards you : you must, therefore, be extremely vigilant. We have dispatched Gliazy Khan with four Kmhoons to re-inforce you. Uniting this detachment to your army, you will come on [towards us] with the utmost circumspection. LETTER CCCLXXVII. 2o Meer Ali, Second Bvkhshy of EhsuJm at Baxxsalore ; dated 2d ZuBURJUDY. (\st October.^ (Extracts.) Your two letters, accompanied by a sample of the provisions laid in at Sdwundif-doorg [Sevendoorg], and by an inventory of the same, have 3 H 2 been 420 SELECT LETTERS OF been leceived. The answer, however, to all the long and tedious stories^ contained in those dispatches, is to be found in the written instructions to your Kuchurry [department]. Peruse, and act in conformity with them. You write, " that the Piddehs who arrived there [at Sevendoorg'], *' wounded, from Sadd7ni/ , are without arras." It is known. Direct the KUaaddr to buy arms for them, and let the price of the same be deducted, by instalments, from their pay. This, too, is contained in your instruc- tions. After inspecting Sevendoorg, you must hasten back to Sangalore, and there apply yourself, conjointly with the First Bukhshy [of Elishdtn\j Turbiyut Ali Khan, to the examination and settlement of the accounts of the several forts, &c. How can these accounts be adjusted, while you go about singly to the forts. LETTER CCCLXXVIII. To Syed Mahommed, Kilaadar of Serjngapatam; dated 6th ZvBURJUDY. (5ih October.^ By the favor of the Divine Aider, what you related respecting Roopa is about to take place. Almighty God has always governed, and mil con- tinue to govern, the seven climates('*> of the earth, by the hands of his own [true] worshippers. The Nuzr of five rupees, which you sent on occasion of the aforementioned omen, has been received. (I) Original Jj^j JjLUk^ (1*) Original ,yi\ ^j; -°^ the geographers of the East dividing the glohe into seven climates, tliistcrmis, of course, employed to denote the earth at large. TIPPOO SULTAN. 421 OBSERVATIONS. Tij)poo Sultan is well known to have been extremely superstitious, and to have placed great fuitli in dreams and omens ; and Syed Mahommed was, probably, no less prone to believe in them than his master. The omen here alluded to was, of course, an auspicious one ; and, accordingly, the prognostic, whatever it was, would be supposed to have been in part fulfilled, by the victory which had been obtained over the Mahrattahs, only a few days before the date of the present letter,'*- and of which we shall soon have occasion to take more particular notice. LETTER CCCLXXIX. To Mahommed Ushruf, Detfan of Fyze-Hisar CGootv) ; saine Date. (5M Octohey.) What you mention, respecting your having advanced fifty thousand rupees to Kutbuddcen Khan, the Jagireddr of Adoni, as vv^ell as what you state with regard to your having seventy tliousand rupees more ready, in your Tosheh-khdneh [or treasury], and to the dispatch of your people [into the country], for the purpose of collecting the revenues, has afforded us satisfaction, and meets our approbation. You write, " that, owing to the want of rain, it is to be apprehended " that there may be some delay in realizing the revenue." It is known. You must ^VTite to the Awnils of the several Tuahtks, and direct them to distribute grain, &c. in charity. Alnn'ghty God will, in his great good- ness and mercy, bestow the rain of his bounteousness [upon us]. (2) Namely, tlic 7tii of Zilhljjch, or 1st October. 422 SELECT LETTERS OF LETTER CCCLXXX. 7o Monsieur Cossigny; dated Wth Zuburjudy. (lOt/i October.) At this time, the rulers of Poonah, notwithstanding the innumera- ble fiivors [for which they are indebted to us], uniting with the forces of Nizam Ali Khan, came and confronted our victorious army. With the aid and power of God, we were enabled, in a single assault, to establish our camp on the ground which they had occupied, and to give them a signal defeat. Upon this they took to flight, and we are now engaged in a close pursuit of them. OBSERVATIONS. It is probable, that the action, here alluded to, was brought on by an attempt, on the part of the Mahrattahs, to prevent the junction of Burhanuddeen with the army of the Sultan. However this may have been, it seems pretty clear, from the words, " came and confronted our army," which occur in the foregoing brief notice of this engagement, that the Mahrattahs had advanced to meet the Sultan^ in the position which the latter had taken up near Shdnoor. In a letter addressed to the Governor of Madras, under the same date as the preceding one to M. Cossigny, and written on the same occasion, the Sultan affirms, " that his quarrel with the Mahrattahs and the N'lzdm had arisen without *' any cause :" that is to say, without any provocation on his part. He likewise (speaking of the battle which had recently taken place) observes, " that, actuated *' by the hope of being enabled to accommodate matters with the enemy, he " would fain have restrained his troops from attacking them ; but that, when two " armies are brought to confront each other, this is a thing absolutely impracti- " cable." The former of these assertions is not, perhaps, entirely destitute of foundation : but it will be difficult to give credit to the latter, on any other suppo- sition, than that of his being anxious to conclude a speedy peace with the Mah- rattahs, in order that he might be the sooner in a condition to make war upon the pnglish. This suggestion, indeed, derives considerable support from the follow- ing TIPPOO SULTAN. 423 iug passage of a letter written by the Sultan, soon after settling his differences with the enemy. " In the end, by the divine power and strength, and through the aid ot the " firm faith of Mahommed, joined to the auspicious intercessions of the sages [of " our holy religion], the enemy, after sustaining repeated defeats, and being " driven to the banks of the Kishna, implored peace of us, in the most earnest and " humble manner. Upon this, having in view the ease and security of mankind, " I granted them such terms as were agreeable to me : and now my fixed determi- " nation is, to proceed to the chastisement and extermination of those, who pro- " hibit the calling to prayer [from the Minarets^ , and who are the most inveterate " of Injidels. It is on the utter extirpation of these that my mind is now intent. " Such being the case, do you, reverend Sir, employ yourself in prayer for the " success of the champions of the faith, and the destruction of the wicked un- " behevers ; to the end that the Mahommedan religion may flourish." The following letter, though dated nearly a month later than the foregoing one to M. Cossigny, is inserted here (and consequently out of its proper place), be- cause it contains a more particular account of the engagement in question, and of its immediate consequences, than that given in the dispatch to the French governor. It was addressed, mutatis mutandis, to Mahommed Baig Khan Ilumdany, and several others, to whom he thought it fit to announce his recent successes ; among which number was the Emperor Shah Allum. It bears date the 9th Hydery, or (Tth of November 1786, and is to the following eflfect. LETTER CCCLXXXI. To Mahommed Baig Khan Humdany and others; dated 9th IIi'DERY. (6th Noveynher^ (Circular). Not long since, the ministers^') of the state of Poonah, forgetting tlieii innumerable obligations to ine,'^) and joining with Nizajji Ali Klian, ad- vanced (1) Original ^J}>i/)^J^ literally " transactors of business, (2) Original jlji^rij J *' your friend," or, " this friend." ^4 SELECT LETTERS OF vanced with a hundred thousand horse, and [a numerous train of] ar- tillery, into the country belonging to me, spreading destruction wherever they came. Upon this I marched to repel the aggression ; proceeding, in the first instance, against Adoni, a strong place in the possession of Ni- zam Ali Khan, to which I laid siege. About the same time, Nizum All Khun, apprehensive for the security of his nephew, and of the females of his late brother's [Bustilut Jung's] family, Avho were then shut up in the fort [oi Adonf], dispatched his whole army, under the command of his fyouno-est] brother, Moghul Ali Khiuijfor the purpose of removing them from thence. This army proceeded accordingly by a route leading along the skirts of the mountains, which served to cover their march. In this manner they reached Adoni [in safety], and taking from thence Mohabut Jung(3) and the women, hastened with them, night and day,^^> and [as be- fore] under the protection of the mountains, to Hyderabad. I pursued the fuo-itives to the banks of the Tunghnddra ; much of their baggage and cattle falling, by the way, into the hands of my people. The fort of Adoni was likewise captured on this occasion. I next marched to chastise the ministers of Pooiiah, who, to- gether with the forces of Nizam Ali Khan,(*> had established them- selves (3) Molifibut Jung, called also Daia Jah, was the son of Busalut Jung, ^doni and Rachoor constituted liis appenage, which on his death passed to Mohahiit Jung. Upon the death of the latter, iiowever, the Nizam did not think proper to confirm his son, GhQiam Husain Khiin, in the whole of his inheritance, but confined him to the possession of Jiac/iooi: This led to the open rebellion of Ghiiliim Husain Khan, in \196, against the government of Hyderabad. If this work should be hereafter continued beyond the present volume, it will appear how much this rebellion was secretly fostered by Tippoo, notwithstanding his being then at peace with the NizSm. GhOlam IIGsain was, however, after standing a siege in Rachoor, compelled, in the end, by an English detachment, under the command of the lute Lieutenant Colonel Dahymple, of the Madras Establishment, to surrender that place, and to throw himself upon the clemency of his great uncle. (4) Orin-inal »_^\-i which strictly means " all the night." (5) The Sultan has here fallen into one of those self-contradictions, so usual with him. He had just before said, that the whole zxmy of the Nizam had proceeded to the rcXicH oi /Idoni, after TIPPOO SULTAN. 425 selvesC') at [or near] Shdnoor. On this occasion I crossetl the Tunghhu- dra with my whole army and artillery in boats, and proceeding with rapidity against the enemy, suddenly appeared before them. On the 7th Zilhijjeh [1st October 17^6] an engagement ensued. Before, however, my troops could come to close action with them,^''^ the fire from our guns sent such numbers of the infidels to the abode of perdition [or hell], that leaving their camp standing, and abandoning great part of their baggage, they took the road of flight. Shd)ioor became, in consequence, an [easy] conquest. Please God, the Aider, I shall again apply myself, after the celebration of the Mohiirrum, to the chastisement of the enemy. AH these particulars have been communicated to give delight to your odorife- rous [noble] mind. The following passage from the Sulfaris Memoirs will be Found to contain some further particulars, respecting his operations against the Mahrattalis at the present period. It is in immediate continuation of the extract formerly given under Letter CCCXLIX. " Having, in this manner, put the enemy to flight, I moved, at three o'clock " in the afternoon [of the same day], and encamped three coss in advance of my " former ground. On the following day I proceeded three coss farther ; and, pur. *' suing my march, on the third took up a position on this side, and within one " coss, of Shdnoor. 3 I "By after effecting wliich tbey had returned to Ilj^dcrabaJ. Here the Nizam s forces are indefi- nitely stated to have been at Shdnoor, to which point tlicy could hardly have advanced from Hyderabad in that interval. In Ijotli cases, his evident object was to niagnify the number of Ills enemies. (6) Original ,V"rM .' J' >^ '■^^-^ " " ''° '^'^ fixed their miserable equipage," " taken up *' their wretclied quarters." (7) Original 0^ *X-^ ^U- ^ ^.JU^ jl^ jjiA literally, ** the business had not yet arrived at " sword aud bayonet." 426 SELECT LETTERS OF • " By this movement, the death-devoted Mahrattalis, who, favored by the Ski- " noor-man/"^ had estabhshed themselves behind a stream which passes close to " Shdnoor, were placed in the situation of an ill-fated bird, caught in a snare, *' whose own feet may be said to conduct it to its doom ; <'' the fact being, that " Shdnoor [where they had voluntarily cooped themselves up] did actually prove " such a snare to them. " It being an established rule under my government, for every Kushoon''°^ to " cover its camp with batteries,*'" I, in pursuance of this system, caused en- " trenchments to be thrown up around and in front of my position near Shdnoor. " Having done this, I proceeded to attack the enemy,'"' with which view, after " allotting two Kiishoons of regular, and ten thousand Ehshdm infantry, for the " protection of my lines and camp, I formed the remainder of my army (consist- " ing, besides six Kushoons of regular infantry, of [a considerable force in] regular " and irregular cavalry, Ehshdm troops,'"^ &c.) into four divisions, one of which " I placed under the command of Mah Mirza Khan/'*' whom I directed to charge '' across the river. Another division, conducted by Burhanuddeen, was to fall *' upon the enemy's left flank ; while Meer Moaayenuddecn, at the head of the " third, was to attack their right. A fourth division'"' was led by myself. " Every (8) Meaning AbdCil Hukeem Khan. (9) I have been obliged to depart, in some measure, from the letter, though, I trust, not from the spirit, of my original, accortiiug to which the bird's own feet arc made to conduct it to the kitclicn *<«=^ where its destiny is obvious. In like manner, Shdnoor is represented to liave proved a kitchen, or, in other words, a slaughter-house, to which their own steps had led the Malirattahs. (10) That is, as I suppose, xchen Marchhig on actual service, or in time of war. (U) This is tlie word employed in the original, by which probably is meant field-redoubts or entrenchments. (12) This account is at variance with that given by the Sultan in his letter to the Governor *f Madras, and referred to under Letter CCCLXXX, (13) No number is here specified. (14) 1 suppose this to be the same person to whom Letter CXIX is addressed. I am ignorant of his fate, as well as that of MoaayenGddeen ; but conclude, that neither of them was living at tlie period when Scringapatam was captured, their names not appearing among those of the commanders who survived that evcpt. (! o) Forming, probably, the principal attack. '' TIPPOO SULTAK. 42/ " Every thing being thus ])reparcd, and the third niii^ht after my arrival at " Shdtioor being dark and rainy, and therefore f\ivorabIe to my purpose, I put my " troops in motion for the assault of the enemy's position. The distance between " the two armies not exceeding a co.ss [or two miles], the advanced picquets of " each were posted close to one another. Upon my reaching those of the enemy, " the latter, to the amount of about two hundred horse, came forward, and " demanding who we were, and what we wanted, forbad our advancing. I was " myself, at this time, in front of the column thus challenged. To tliese ques- " tions no one presuming to reply without my authority, those scorpions advanced " still nearer''"' to us, and repeated their enquiries. Upon this I directed a com- " pany of my advanced guard to reply to them ivith Jire ; ''" when a volley was " instantly discharged amongst the scorpions by the foremost company of the " victorious army, which sent numbers of the said scorpions to hell. Of the " remainder, some escaped to their own camp, while others of the infidels were " made prisoners. " I followed the fugitives till I approached very near their camp, when I made the " [appointed] signal by gun'"' for the other three divisions of the army to advance •* with speed [to their respective attacks]. To this signal, however, no answer " being given, I concluded they must have encountered some [unforeseen obstacle, ** such as a] river or mirey road, which had occasioned their present failure. I " continued, nevertheless, )iiy w ay to the enemy's camp ; on reaching which I "• repeated the signal to the three other divisions, which was now answered by one *' of the commanders, but still no notice was taken of it by the other two. Under " these circumstances, I became apprehensive lest the opportunity [of attacking " the enemy] should slip through my hands : ''** exclaiming, therefore, Allah-ydr ' 3 I 2 [or, (16) Original ^x<\j;jji\ JcjJi where tlicrc is that kind of play upon the words t//l)-«ijlj ili That is, " king's son." This, I believe, is the first instance of the Sulkai's so plainly laying claim to the royal title. (2S) Original i^o\ ^>ij« T 1 P P O O S U L T A N. 43 1 " the most valiant among the infidels; and to whom I directed the following " message to be delivered. " ' Nizam Ali Khan, to whom, if he had been here, I should have addressed " ' myself, is not present. It is for this reason I send to you to say, ' wherefore '* ' ' should we any longer suffer hundreds of thousands of men to be killed and " ' ' wounded in battle ? What is most desirable is, that you and I should draw " ' ' up our respective armies in two lines " " ****** *****# The sequel of this curious and interesting passage is unfortunately wanting, having, as already alluded to in the Preface, been torn out at this place. My re- collection of what followed the words with which the preceding extracts ends, enables me, however, to state generally, that the message in question convej-ed sucIj another challenge to Tukojee Holkar, as that which was sent by the Sidfan (accord- ing to his o\vn account) to General Macleod, during the siege of Mangalore, in 1783, and of which a translation has been given by Colonel Wilks, in the Intro- duction to his valuable History of Mysore. The two armies were to be drawn up opposite to each other, for the purpose of witnessing the combat ; in which, how- ever, they were, on no account, to interfere. The questions in dispute between the contending states were to be decided according to the result of the battle; that is to say, the vanquished party was to accede to such pretensions, or demands, as had been previously set up by the adversary. Holkar, as might be expected, treated the proposal with derision ; observing, on the occasion (among other things), " that " it was not the custom of his nation to refer their claims to the issue of a single " engagement, but, on the contrary, to attack and retreat, retire and advance, as " the nature of circumstances required." Such is the substance of what I remem- ber of this singular occurrence, as related by the Sultan himself: the deficiency in my account of which will, it may be hoped, be supplied in due season by Colonel Wilks, from the Sdltdn ilt Tuivdreekh, referred to by him in his Prtface, and which is very likely to have recorded the transaction in question, as well as the similar bravado already noticed. At all events, there can be little doubt, that there are other copies of the Sultatis Memoirs in existence, besides the mutilated one in my 432 SELFXT LETTERS OF my possession. In the case here supposed, it may still be reasonably presumed, that this curious document will, at some future period, be offered to the public, in a more perfect and connected form, than that in which I have judged it convenient to exhibit it in the present work. I have not, at this moment, the means of ascertaining what credit is due to the Sultans account of the treatment experienced by Abdul Hukeem Khan at the hands of his Mahrattah allies. The probability of the fact is, no doubt, sup- ported, in some degree, by the general character of that people for rapaciousness and bad faith. It is, at the same time, very possible, that the prejudices of the writer may have betrayed him into some exaggeration on the occasion. The Sultan would not seem, even by his own narrative, to have followed up the advantage which he states himself to have obtained over the Mahrattahs at Shdnoor, either with the celerity or the vigour which might have been expected. Besides the delay occasioned by the celebration of the festival of ZUhijJeh, he remained stationary during a great part of the ensuing month, for the purpose of fultilling the customary rules of the 3Idhurrum. Though not acknowledged, it is, never- theless, not unlikely, that some other considerations, as well as those of super- stition, may have led to this extraordinary inactivity ; which, if it had not a tendency to damp the zeal of his own army, at least afforded time to that of the enemy, to recover from the effects of their recent discomfiture. LETTER CCCLXXXII. To Meeb, Ali, Second Bukhsuy of Ehsiiam at JBaxgalore ; dated ISfh ZuBURJunY. (17 th Octohcr.^ Your going about to the forts by yourself, and your investigating the accounts of the same, without being accompanied by the first JBuk/ishj/, is not proper. Repair to Bangalore, and after finally settling the accounts of that fort, proceed with the first Bukhshi/, and in conjunction with liim, examine minutely into those of the other places [within your juris- diction]. N. B. Several oo TIPPOO SULTAN. 43." N. B. Several letters appear at this period, acknowledging the Sultan's receipt of Nuzrs transmitted to him, in compliment to his recent victory over the Mahrattahs. In one of these, addressed to Rajah Ram Chundur, the Dentin of Bangalore, he approves of that officer s having distributed sweet-meats on that occasion, and desires him to do the same thing in future. LETTER CCCLXXXIII. To BuDRLZ ZuMAN Khan ; dated 23d Zubuujudy. (22d Ocioher.') Do you remain on tlie borders of Soandeh, Kittoor, Dharivdr, 8fc. and there apply yourself to the effectual chastisement of the turbulent wretches who infest those parts, N. B. There follows here an order to Budruz Zuman Khan, directing him to examine and make a report on a certain spot, situated in a part of the country comprehended in his government (but the name of which I am unable to make out), where the Sultan seems to have been desirous of erecting a fort. Besides possessing great natural strength, the position was further recommended by its proximity to the frontier of the Kukun. Indeed it is intimated to be the proper route for an army proposing to penetrate into that country. Budruz Zuman Khan is accordingly instructed to procure and transmit to his master, the fullest informa- tion in his power on the subject. This letter then proceeds as follows : Demolish the fort of Kittoor. Seize upon the disturbers of the country, and incorporate them with the Ahmedies [/. e. make Musul- mans of them]. Write letters of peace [or amity], in the first instance, to the Polygar of ,('^ and afterwards, sending a person of 3 K respectability (1) Name not legible. 434 SELECT LETTERS OF respectability to him, bring him over to the interests of the Sircar. Having done this, you must ascertain [through him] what strong forts there are in the Kokun, and what villages occur in the road leading thither. You are to be very particular in your enquiries [on this sub- ject] ; and you are to keep the matter quite secret. You arc, moreover, to make your communications to us, regarding it, in the Persian lan- guage.^^^ OBSERVATIONS. Whether Budruz Zuman Khan joined the Sultan's army at the same time with Bluhanuddeen, and was now sent back to his government; or whether he had, all along, continued there, I am unable to determine. The circumstance, however, of his not being named by the Sultan, in the latter's account of the battle of Shdnoor, strongly indicates, that he did not participate in the honors of that day, since, if he had been present, it is most probable that he would have had a conspi- cuous station assigned to him on the occasion. I am equally ignorant, where Kumruddcen Khin was at this period : but as it may be presumed, that, if he had been employed on a separate command, some letters to his address would have appeared in the collection, it is most likely, that he had remained in attendance upon the Sultan since the time of his return from the siege of Nergilnd. There is, indeed, reason to believe, that although he was occasionally placed at the head of an army, he was never much trusted by the Sultan, who appears to have entertained no very favorable opinion of his talents. This is particularly evinced in some minutes of a consultation, dated in 179-*} i" which the Meers incapacity is pretty plainly insinuated by the majority of the subscribing counsellors. (2) It appears, by this and other passages of tlic correspondence, that even tliosc persons, who were capable of writing Persian, did not always address the Sultan in that language. TIPPOO SULTAN. 435 LETTER CCCLXXXIV. 7b MoN'SiEun CossiGNY ; dated 24fh Zvdurjvdy. (23d October.^ The persons to be dispatched to Europe have been fixed on by t/ie Preseiice, and will accordingly soon proceed from hence, and arrive \jxi Pondicherry]. When they arrive [there], you must send them to Europe, along with M. Perron,<'^ who [we understand] is about to repair thither. LETTER CCCLXXXV. To Syed Ahmed Saheb, Boodhun Shah, Nubby Shah, Kuleem- VJLLAH Shah, and others (Peer-zadehs or Devotees) ; dated from SuAXOOR, 24(h ZuBURJUDY. (23d October.^ £^// o/" the same tenor.~\ By the blessing of God and the aid of the Prophet, the forces of the accursed having experienced a signal defeat and chastisement, have turned their faces to flight, leaving the troops of Islam victorious over the ene- mies of the faith. Thus has the arnjy of the accursed infidels been trodden under foot by the hoofs of the horses of Islam, and rendered vile and miserable ; while the religion of Mahommed has been thereby made to flourish. You, Sir, are one of the elders [of the faith], and will therefore apply, with all your heart, to the best means of advancing the religion of Mahommed, and of administering to the support of Islam. 3 K 2 (1) Tliough this name is very disiinctly written, I am inclined to think tliat it was meant for Monneron. 436 SELECT LETTERS OF N. B. Here follows an inventory of the presents, respectively, sent to the persons addressed; by which it would appear, that the highest in the Sultan's estimation wei-e Boodhun Shah and Nubby Shah. LETTER CCCLXXXVI. To MOHYUDDEEN AlI KhaN, DeIVAN of KuiiPAH, ChISHTY-YAR Khan, Rajah Ram Chundur, Nursia, and others; dated from Shaxoor, 26th ZuBURJUDY. (25th October.^ (Circular.) A Paper, containing the Khiithah [or form of prayer to be read in the mosques], is enclosed. Give strict orders to the Khdtihs [or reciters of the KhutbaH\ belonging to your Kuchurry, to recite the Khiitbdh regularly, after the praises of God and the Prophet, according to the accompanying form. OBSERVATIONS. The form of prayer here referred to does not appear ; but it is most probable, that it appointed the Sultan's own name to be substituted in place of Shah Allum's. If such was the case, it may be presumed, that, although tliis measure seems to have been determined on by Tippoo, so far back as July 1786,'" he had not hitherto carried it into effect ; at least not throughout the whole of his dominions. Being now elated with his recent successes against the Mahrattahs, he might, perhaps, think the occasion peculiarly favorable to the complete and final execution of his purpose. (1) See Letter CCCXXXI. TIPPOO SULTAN. 43/ LETTER CCCLXXXVII. To the SHANOOR-Man (J. e. Abdul Hukeem Khan) ; same Date. (25th October.^ Your intention of coming [hither] has been verbally communicated to us by Kurecm Khan, and the account has afforded us pleasure : notwith- standing, the ungracious proceeding^) of which you have [recently] been guilty is such, as I could never have imagined to be possible. It is well. My friendly disposition towards you still continues : repair hither, there- fore, with a confident mind. The house and place are both yours.(-> The remaining particulars will be imparted to you by the bearer of this letter. OBSERVATIONS. Whatever message Abdul Hukeem Khan may have sent to the Sultan, it is diffi- cult to believe, after what had passed, that he should have entertained a serious intention of putting himself again in the power of the latter. He may, indeed, have been disappointed in his expectations from the Mahrattahs ; but he probably knew the Sultan too well, to hope for any better treatment, in the event of his return to Shdnoor. Be this as it might, it is certain that he did not return thither till the conclusion of the war. (1) Original j^.IlJ,j\j . j» by whicli was probably meant the S'iiltdny pagoda. (2) This passage is rather obscure iu the original. .440 SELECT LETTERS OF LETTER CCCXCII. To Meer Moaayenuddeen Khan ; same Date. (4th November!) Send and station the bullocks belonging to the great guns, and also those attached to your own Kiishoon, together with their Ddroglias and drivers, into the rear of our special tents [or of the head -quarters], where, at the extremity of the army encampment, there is a spot abound- ing in grass, which will afford the cattle [good] pasturage. In that friend's present situation, there is no grass but what is at a great dis- tance. Here it is at hand ; by which means the cattle will [soon] get into good condition. When you march again, or if you should want them for any particular purpose, you can send and order them to rejoin you. N.B. A similar order appears to have been addressed, at the same time, to Burlianuddeen ; but afterwards revoked, in consequence of its being ascertained and reported to the Sultan, that the situation occupied by Biirhanuddeen afforded sufficient pasturage for the cattle of his division. LETTER CCCXCIII. To Mahommed Ushruf ; dated 9tk HyderyS^^ (6th November.) Your letter, enclosing a statement of the demands against the super- seded Aumil of Siimi'putn,^'^^ has been received, and has made us acquainted with the particulars of his embezzlements. Let the claims of the Sircar upon the aforesaid Aumil and others be realized, by means of flogging. (1) Two letters of the same date with this arc omitted, it being sufficient to mention, that one of them directs some elephants belonging to Abdftl HQkeem Khan, and which had been seized at Shdnoor, to be sent to the Sultan's camp, and the remainder to Seringapatam. The other letter announces the abandonment of the intended embassy to Fegu. (2) Bulhdrx/. TIPPOO SrLTAN. 441 LETTER CCCXCIV. To Zynui- Aabideen, Taal6kdar of GvlsuumAbad ; same Date. (6th N^ovemhcr.^ (Extract.) In compliance with your application for an order to the Aumil of Khan-Khanhullt/, to furnish you with two more iron boilers/'^ which you represent to be necessary, on account of the increase in the number of horses under your charge, we have written, and now enclose, the requi- site letter to the aforesaid Aumil, to whom you will forward it. The boilers in question must, however, be imid for, at the time of their being delivered to your people. OBSERVATIONS. There appears to have been a great iroti-foundery and manufactory established Khan-Khanhully ,^^^ the business of which was, I believe, conducted on account, and for the exclusive benefit of, the Sultaris government. There is, no doubt, some difficulty in understanding why an article, purchased, in fact, of the Sultan, and ybr his service, should be actually paid for in money, when a simple order to the directors of the works to furnish such articles, would apparently have answered the purpose as well. A similar practice, however, seems to have prevailed in other departments of the government ; and the object of it might possibly have been to preserve the accounts of the proceeds or profits of the monopolies in question, as distinctly as possible. 3 L (1) Used in boiling the Gram (a kind of horse bean) with wbicli horses are fed in India. (2) Usually written Kan-Kanelly. 442 SELECT LETTERS OF LETTER CCCXCV. To SooJAN Rae a«c/MoAL Chund, Agents at Dehli ; same Date. (6th ^ovember.^ After a similar account of the battle of Shdnoor with that given to Mahommed Baig Khan Humdany and others, under the same date (see Letter CCCLXXXI), the present letter proceeds to give some immaterial orders, respecting the period- ical dispatch of Kdsids (or messengers) from Dehli. Then follows an explanation of the new notation, according to which the Sultan had recently named the months and years of the Malabar cycle, and of which this is the substance. The letters to which numerical powers are assigned are stated to be thirty ; being the number, including ^J (Idm-aliJ) and s. (humza) which occur in the Koran. Of the two last mentioned letters, the former, or "i, represented a half, and s (humza) a quarter. The powers of the remaining twenty-eight letters were regu- lated according to their order in the alphabet; the first nine, to j (zal) inclusive, representing units ; the next nine, to c (ain) inclusive, tens ; the third series to i (he) inclusive, hundreds ; the last letter, or ^ (ye), standing for a thousand. The foreo-oinf rule is conveyed in the following verses, which are inserted here for the gratification of the Persian reader. Whether they may be considered as a specimen of the Sultans poetical talent I cannot affirm ; but, however this may be, they do no great credit to their author. c_>U^ J-L-t uJ^ (t^ ^l^J^JA. -y>^ Jjj Jjl ^^ .-J c^ :\ J^\ J;,l/.j._f>^^ j^wy) J^j^ k-^1 i^. -rii Jj gj^j *J tJll Ju: B> <«S It TIP POO SULTAN. 443 It would appear by these verses, that this scheme of notation was invented, or, at least, first estabHshed, by Tippoo Sultan, who may possibly have given it the name of Hisdb e Zur, or the golden computation, in allusion to the circumstance of its being composed of the letters used in the Koran ; which is not so exactly the case in the Ubjud scheme, as by that both Idm-alif and humza are rejected. The remainder of this letter is occupied by an enumeration of the names of the months and years, according to the new nomenclature. The former of these, and as many of the latter as were deemed necessary, have been already given in ano- ther place. LETTER CCCXCVI. To Mahommed UsHRUF ; dated Wth Hydery. (8th November.') Your hiiinble address lias passed under our view, by which we per- ceive that you have dispatched the account [of sales] of the shops^) belonging to the Sircar [/. c. to us]. You write, that " there is no JMiUusuddi/ appointed for kecj)ing the " accounts of the Toslich-khdneh, and that, with our leave, you will " enij)loy a Serh/iteddi<-^ for the purpose ; otherwise, you request that ** some one may be nominated and dispatched from the Presence." It is known. If you will refer to your Ililk7n-nd)nch [or instructions] you will find it written there, " that a separate Mutusuddy for keeping the *' accounts of the losheh-khdtieh is unnecessary, and that this duty is " to be performed by one of the numerous Serishteddrs of the Mukdis " [or revenue officers]." That you should propose, notwithstanding this [regulation], to employ a separate Miliusuddi/, can be attributed to no other cause than ignorance and want of understanding. Look into your insti-uctions, and act agreeably to them. 3 L 2 (1) Sec Letter XCVIII, to Ri'ijah Rim Cliundur, on the subject of tlicsC shops. ('_') Revenue accountants. 444 SELECT LETTERS OF LETTER CCCXCVII. To Rajah Ram Chunduk ; dated I9th Hydery. (I6th November^ Your letter, enclosing one to you from the Aumil of Kunucly, on the subject of the disturbances excited by the fugitive Polygar of that district, has been received. What are you and Turbiyut Ali Khan about, that you do not issue the most rigid orders on this occasion, and see this business properly settled ? LETTER CCCXCVIII. To BooDHUN Shah ; dated from ShJnoor, 22d Hydery. (19 fh Noveinher.^ The names of the chiefs of the enemy, who are, at this time, suffer- ing under the wounds inflicted upon them "by us, are Balajee Phurnu- weese^') and Madho Rao^-^ Be your reverence earnestly intent on [pray- ing for] the confusion [or disgrace] of the enemy, and the splendor and increase of the true religion of Mahommed. LETTER CCCXCIX. To Monsieur Moneron, Fringy, at Poxdicherry; same Date. The humble address which you sent [to us] has passed under our view ; and what you represented therein has been comprehended. Your ac- count of passing occurrences, and of your having written, and dispatched to Eurojie, all particulars relating to our friendly disposition [towards the French nation], as well as your information regarding the ships of war coming to these parts, are all made known. You (1) The celebrated Maliiattah minislcr, Nana Furnaveese, and (2) The Paislma. TIPPOO SULTAN, 445 You write " whenever the chiefs of the Sircar, selected for the em- " bassy to Europe, shjill arrive at Pondicherry, M. Cossigny will dispatch " them tliither, with all the respect and honor [due to their rank and *' station]." It is known. In conformity with the orders which we issued in your presence, and agreeaJjIy to what you have written, Ma- houimed Durwaish Khiln, Akbar Ali Khan, Mahommed Othman, and other chiefs, charged with letters and presents, have set out [for Pondi- chei'ry'], where they will [in due time] safely arrive. We have no doubt that you will take care that the above mentioned chiefs are properly sup- plied with whatever they may want, payment being made for the same ; and that, providing in the best manner for their accommodation, you will convey them in perfect ease and comfort, along with yourself, to Europe. We have learned by letters from Ghulam Ali Khan, Lutf Ali Khan, NoorulUih Khan, and other Sirddrs [or chiefs] formerly sent [to Eu- rope'], of their safe arrival at the port of Pussorah, and of their departure from thence [in prosecution of their journey]. You write, " that during the stormy weather which prevails at sea " [about this time], and which may be expected to continue for two " months longer, ships cannot remain at their [usual] anchorage [on ** the coast] ; but that M. Cossigny having [some time since], with a *' view to this circumstance, given you orders to prepare and bring a *' good ship from the Mauritius, you should accordingly arrive from " thence at Pondicherry with one by the first of. "^'^ It is known : and we assure ourselves, in consequence, that you are by this time arrived at Pondicherry with a good ship. We observe the desire you have expressed, that we would write to your Pdjah in recommendation of M, Cossigny's confirmation in the govern- ment (I) The name of the month is not quite legible, but is, apparent! v> intended for Clwiler (April). 446 SELECT LETTERS OF nient of Pondicherry ; and we have, accordingly, in the letter uhich we have sent to your Hd/ah by the Sirddrs of our Sircar, not only made the request suggested by you, but have, nioicover, taken that occasion to speak [in due commendation] of the courage and knowledge of busincss^^) which distinguish the said Monsieur. We received the copy which you sent us of M. Cossigny's letters to Nizam AH Khan and to the Mahrattahs, and all the particulars thereof are become known [to us]. You write, *' that five thousand soldiers' musquets will arrive imme- " diately, either at Calicut or Mangalore ; and that you will bring five '* thousand more along with yourself, when you return [to Pondicherrif] " from the Mauritius." It is understood. We have written to the TaaMkddrs of Calicut and 3Iangulore, directing them to receive the musquets you may send, whenever they arrive, provided you shall have fixed a proper [or just] price npon the same. LETTER CCCC. To Shumsuddeen, a}id others (Daroghas of the Tosheh-khaxeh at Seringapatam) ; dated from Shaxoor, 22d Hydery. (19th A^o- vemher.') (Extract.) Your humble address, accompanied by a statement of the quantities of gold and silver remaining in the Tosheh-khdneh and mint, together with an account of receipts and balances, has passed under our view. We wrote to you, some time since,^') directing you to prepare and keep together, in a separate coffer, the sum of five lacks of rupees, which it was (2) Original ^^L^li _, ti-^L-- (1) It has not been thought necessary to insert the letter here referred to, which was w rittcn about a fortnight before tlie present one. Tirroo SULTAN. 44]^ was our intention to appropriate to the construction of a canal [or aque- duct] at the holy IVujuf. This money was to consist of such Ilyderies, half rupees, and quarter rupees, as were in the treasury or the mint, or might come in with the collections from the country. We now repeat those orders ; and also direct that, having placed the money in question in a distinct coffer, you affix a lahel on the said coffer, containing these words. " In this chest are deposited the rupees composing the Nuzr to " be appropriated to the construction of an aqueduct [from the Euphrates^ " to the sepulchre of the holy Ali." Not a single Ddm [or farthing] of this money is to be expended [for any other purpose than the one which lias been indicated]. OBSERVATIONS. Notwithstanding these ostensible, and, perhaps, sincerely-meant preparations for executing the pious work alluded to, there is reason to believe, as has been else- V here stated, that it was never carried into effect. LETTER CCCCI. 7« Ghulaji Am Khan, Lutf Ali Khan, and Shah Noorullah ; same Dale. Qdth November.^ Your humble address was received [by us] on the 5th of Ihjdery [2d Novendjcr] of the year Dullu. You write, " that, by the blessing of " God, you were well, and at Muscat, on the 22d of Jaufunj (A.H. " 1200), and that you were to proceed onward to Bussorah on the 25th " of the same month." (') You refer us, in the same dispatch, '* for " further (1) In Letter CCCXCIX, to M. Moncron, of the same date as the present one, the Sultan tells the latter, that he had learned from GhCiliun Ali Kliun of their arrival at Bus- sorah. 4-18 SELECT LETTERS OF " furthei' particulars, to a separate letter, addressed to us by Shah Noor- " lillah 5 and moi'eover mention, your having, some time before, trans- " mitted to the Presence, by a pair of Hurkdrelis, an account of your " arrival at il//«cf/#, together with two other packets, containing copious " details [of your journey and proceedings]." It is known. The afore- said Hurkdrehs have not hitherto arrived. We desire you to let us know what persons you have sent by the ship [which is on its return hither]. It is astonishing, that notwithstanding the written instructions [which you have received on this head], you should, instead of writing to us in detail, refer us to a letter from Shah Nooriiilah. It appears by this, that you never look at your instructions ; agreeably to the saying, " the epistles of lovers [are hung or placed] upon " deer's horns."(-> Do not again lose your wits in this manner, but act according to your instructions. You have written, " that Mubaruk Khan, the Jowkddr, is dead ; and " that you will, with our permission, promote Mahommed " in his room." It is understood. We have invested you with full powers ; you should, therefore, act in all matters according as you may think best suited to the circumstances of the moment, and not wait for our orders. We have, at this time, in consequence of the late period to which your arrival in France will be protracted, dispatched Mahommed Durwaish, Akbar Ali Khan, Othman Khan, and other Sinldrs, to the lidjah of the French, for whom they are charged with letters and presents. They are to proceed in a French ship from Pondichernj. This is written for your information. We sorah. These accounts seem to be at variance, since the letters, referred to in the dis|)alch to M. Moneron, were muit probably those acknowledged above. The contradiction is not material, and is, most probably, an error of the transcriber. (2) Original o>\ ^li j ^UiU cjIj I am obliged to acknowledge my ignorance of the meaning of this allusion. Burdt also signifies a draft, or order, for money. TIPPOO SULTAN. 449 "We have learned from report, that one of the elephants which you took \\ith you died on your way to Muscat. It is astonishing that you should not have mentioned this circumstafjce. N.B. There was added to the foregoing letter a similar account of the battle of Shdnoor with that given in Letter CCCLXXXI and others. OBSERVATIONS. It is remarkable^ that although the Sultan had, at this time, dispatched another embassy, by sea, to France, he does not, on the present occasion, intimate any intention of recalling Ghidam Ali and his associates. On the contrary, he speaks of their arrival in France as an event still in his contemplation, though apparently distant. The reason, perhaps, of his not yet revoking the mission of the latter, was, that the new embassy, though appointed and now actually on its road to Pondkherry, was likely to be detained a considerable time at that place, and might, by a variety of accidents, be eventually altogether defeated. In fact, it did not take its departure from the French presidency till the middle of the year 178^. LETTER CCCCII. To Urshud Baig Khan, Aumil of Calicut ; dated 25lh Hybery. (22d Novemher.') Enclosed is a letter which we have received from Gopa, the Aumil of Koorumndd, relating to the depredations of the robbers and highway- men [who infest that district]. Peruse the same, and settle the business. Such of the authors of^'^ [or principle actors in] these flagitious pro- ceedings as have been already killed, are killed. But why should the remainder of them, on being made prisoners, be put to death ? Their proper punishment is this. Let the dogs, both hluck and white, be regu- larly dispatched to SeringapatamP^^ 3 M (1) Original ^iCi-J CJ,!^ j oLj ibU (2) Original \ji\^ ^ jji^ JS^ ^ 450 SELECT LETTERS OP OBSERVATIONS. As we may be pretty certain, that it was not the object of the present order to extend any lenity to the offenders in question, it would not be easy to guess what sort of punishment was intended for them upon their arrival at Seringapatam. It is equally difficult to explain, what the Sultan meant by black and ivhite dogs ; since the solution of the matter which occurs to me (namely, that of the European settlers on the coast of Malabar being alluded to by the latter term) would not seem to be admissible in the present instance. Is it possible that, by the wldte dogs, he could intend the native Christians of Malabar ? This supposition is, it must be owned, opposed by a strong fact ; which is, that the Christians in question are as black as any other people in India : so that, if they were in the contemplation of the Sultan, he must have employed the words " white dogs " in the way of meto- nymy, or as another designation for Nazarenes or Christians. LETTER CCCCIII. To Mahomme© Eesau, Aumil of UfzvlJbJd Nvgr ; dated 2'Jth Hydery. (24/h November.') The account of the cardamum reaping is fully understood. When we [some time since] gave [i. e. made over to] you a [numerous] body of the sect of Shaiklis, and others, our intention, in that measure, was purely this : that lands should be assigned to the people in question for cultivation, and that the business of the cardamum reaping should be entrusted to them [exclusively.] It would seem, by the account you give of the excesses committed by the robbers in your district, that the latter were become very desirous of being incorporated with the Usicd Ilhye band. It shall be as they wish. TIPPOO SULTAN. 451 OBSERVATIONS. It ai)pears by another letter in the collection, which I have not thought it necessary to insert, that the class of people usually employed in reaping or gather ing the cardamums, had been recently detected in embezzlements of the produce to a considerable amount. This circumstance had probably led the Sultan to transplant a colony of Shaikhs, and other Mussulmans, into the district in ques- tion, with a view to their superseding the ancient laborers in thi# particular branch of agriculture, which constituted one of the principal monopolies of the govern- ment. What efTect was produced by this expedient I do not know : but there is no reason to believe, that the Mahommcdan i-eaper proved at all more faithful to bis trust than the Hindoo, whom he displaced. On the contrary, it has been affirmed by a very respectable authority, that " although all the jisqfs and " Amulddrs under the Sultan's government were Moormen, who were seldom ** chosen for any other reason than their being Mahommedans, and although the ** whole of them had an oath of fidelity administered to them, the embezzlement " of public revenue, by the several classes of servants, is supposed to have " amounted annually to fifteen or twenty lacks of Cantarai pagodas .^ '^^ Colonel Beatson has also informed us, that " notwithstanding the severity and minuteness " of the Sultan's regulations, no prince was ever so grossly imposed upon." "' LETTER CCCCIV. To the Deifans of ZufeuabJd (GurramcooxdahJ ; dated 1st TifLOOEY. (28ih November.^ Informing them, that the management [or chastisement] of the Poll/gars, and other turbulent and contumacious tribes, belonged to 3 M 2 the (\) Sec letter from Captain (now Lieutenant Colonel) William M'Leod to tlic Commis- sioners for tiie AlVairs ol' Mysore, in Colonel J5catson's View of the Origin anil Conduct of the last War with Tippoo Sultan, page clxx of the Appendix. (2) Vide Colonel Beatson's View, page 150. 45i? SELECT LETTERS OP the province of the Duklisht/ of Ehshdm, and not to theh's ; that the above mentioned JBiikhshy was accordingly engaged in that business ; and that the charge of the defence of the forts and of the district [in general], likewise appertained [exclusively] to the same officer. LETTER CCCCV. To MAHOMaiED DuRVVAiSH, and the other Vakeels proceeding to France ; dated 2d Tulooey. (29th November.^ We have lately dispatched to you, in the joint charge of Yunkut Rumna, an Hurkdreh of the brotherhood"^^') of Pota, and of Kumal Mahommed, of the brotherhood of Shaikh Mudur, a casket, having our special seal affixed to it, in which is enclosed a diamond ring. You must open this casket, and taking from thence the ring which it contains, deposit the same in the box of jewels intended for the Rdj'ah of the French, which you took with you from hence, and which has also our special seal affixed to it. You are, at the same time, to take out from the said box the ruby ring which you m ill lind in it, and placing it in the casket now sent to you, to which your seals must be affixed, return the said ruby ring to us by the two aforesaid persons. Having deposited the diamond ring, now sent, in the box with which you were originally charged, you are to affix your seals to it, and take great care of the same. As there was from the beginning a diamond ring in the box [which you took with you], there will now, including that which has been just sent to you, be two, which is the number of diamond rings specified in your Hilkm-ndmeh [or instructions], as you will perceive on a reference to the latter. (1) Original ^^Jj rendered literally in tlic text. It is equivalent to clan. TIPPOO SULTAN. 453 LETTER CCCCVI. To Ghulam Ghuzunfur ; dated Ath J'vlooey. (\st Decemherl) (Extract.) What you write, respecting- the promise of Wunkcisli Doob, the banker, to fulfil his engagements in the course of fifteen days, is under- stood. The aforesaid has, for six years past, constantly given the same assurance at the end of every fifteen days. He is a great liar, and you must not mind his promises ; but, at the expiration of the time appointed for his settling, compel him to do so, by proceeding very vigorously against him. It has come to our knowledge, through the channel of the Canarese newspapers, that Mohyuddeen Ali Khun, notwithstanding his great age,^') and his experience, during his recent visit to us, of our dispo- sition in this respect,(^) has forgotten himself so far as to resume his former passion for the exhibition of dancing, which he knows to be highly repugnant to our pleasure. 27iw is a sign [or proo/"] of supei'Jluous wealth. But wherefore have you remained silent on this occasion ; and why have you not forbidden his pursuit of this amusement ? LETTER CCCCVII. To BuDRUz ZuJiAN Khan ; same Date. (\st December.^ We some time since wrote to you with our own hand, and we now again write, to desire that, after properly arranging the business of your army, (1) Oriijinal J^aJl) j u-i-y b literally " toothlcssness." (2) Original l::..^! iiij JJ^J JU- iS jy^ija^ j\j ^ l^^J.J ^^JuJ i-J^j \i i. e. " notnitlistaiiding *' his having himself very lately witiiossoil (or beheld) the tips and downs of the Prescnec ;" meaning, the particular manners of the court, and esperiiilly the sort of conduct most ton- sonant with the sentiments and wishes of the Hultan. 454 SELECT LETTERS OP army, you will leave the same in charge of your son, and repair to our Presence, through the interior of the country, and by a close or woody route, in company with Khizr Khan,('^ whom we have sent with two hundred horse to join you. You must proceed with expedition, but [at the same time] with care and vigilance. Our special retinue is about to remove from hence to the pass of Kurk-ndtli. LETTER CCCCVIII. To TuRBiYUT Ali Khan ; dated 5t/i Tvlooey. (2d December.') (Extract.) Your representation, with regard to our not honoring your letters with [regular or early] answers, is understood. That great person ('*> [mean- ing Turbiyut Ali Khan] eats two or three times a day, sits at his ease, and amuses himself with conversation. We, on the other hand, are occupied, from morning to night, with business. Whenever we have leisure, we attend to the answering of your dispatches. LETTER CCCCIX. To M.\HOMMED DuRWAiSH and other s ; dated 6th Tulooey. (3d December.) Directing them to speak to the Rdj'ah of the French, and [through his means] to procure [and bring with them from France] a skilful physician j (1)1 believe tliat this Khizr Khan was a commander of Kuzsdks, or Looties. (1*) Original Lj t::^v*lac ^J, which though a common form of address from a sovereign to a servant, or other person of superior rank and consideration, seeuis, in this place, to be jneant somewhat sarcastically. TIPPOO SULTAN. 455 physician ; a pharmacopolist, thoroughly acquainted with, and capable of preparing, every kind of medicine known in Europe ; and lastly, an able surgeon. LETTER CCCCX. To the Dettan of Chittledoorg and others; dated from near the TuNGBUDDRA, 14M TvLOOEY. (\\th December.^ Directing them to send an intelligent agent to the Pay en-Ghaut, with instructions to invite into the Sultans dominions [such] well-born, and other unprovided persons [as might be found disposed to remove thither]. Enclosing, moreover, a passport for the agent proceeding [on this service] to the Puyen-Ghaut, and desiring a particular account of every individual agreeing to repair to Mysore to be transmitted to the Presence. LETTER CCCCXL 2b Monsieur Lally ^'> ; same Date. (\\th Deceinher.') You must allow no more than a single sliop to be opened in your camp for the vending of spirituous liquors ; and over that you must place a guard, For the puqiose of preventing the sale of spirits to any but the Europeans belonging to you ; it being a rule in our victorious anny, that no shop of this kind shall be permitted to be established in it. (1) M. Lally commanded, at this liuie, tlie party of Europeans in the service of the Sultan. 456 SELECT LETTERS OF LETTER CCCCXII. To Monsieur Cossignv ; the Goverxor of Madras ; Ghulam Ali Khan; the Imam of Muscat; and others: dated \%th Tulooey. (I5ih Deceinher.^ (Circular.) The [main] body of the accursed ones/') joined by the forces of Nizam AH Klian, and amounting together to nearly a liundred thousand horse and foot, accompanied by [a train of ] artillery, having lately approached, with hostile intentions, within ten or twelve coss of our victorious army, which lay encamped near Shdnoor : we no sooner received intelligence of this movement, than taking all our guns and baggage with us, we advanced rapidly against the enemy, whom we completely surprized. "^^^ The engagement which took place upon this occasion was fought on the 11th of Sufur, A.H. 1201 [or 2d December 17S6]. The action, however, had not yet arrived at [the clashing of] swords and bayonets, when the enemy, no longer able to support the fire from our guns, involuntarily (^) took the road of flight ; upon which they were closely pursued for two or three coss by our victorious army, who slew and took prisoners great numbers of the fugitives, besides ob- taining possession of the whole of their baggage. In addition to this, three thousand camels, laden with various articles, twenty thousand bullocks, five elephants with canopies, tw^enty standards and kettle- drums, and seven or eight thousand horses, fell into our hands. Our (1) Original ^j^ (2) Original ^s^jj^y. \JJi>\ \z^^j^j_ tjwJ (3) Originiil l^\ ^ that is, «« had no other choice;" or.. " were irresistibly compelled «« to fly." TIPPOO SULTAN. 45^ Our victorious army is still in close pursuit of the enemy, and, with the blessing- of God, the Aider, having driven them £is far as Poonah and Hyderabad, vvliich are the places of their residence, w^e shall communi- cate the same to you. That eminent person being among the number of our friends, we have thought it proper to give him the present detailed account of this battle. OBSERVATIONS. It may be presumed, that if the Sultan had taken any guns upon this occasion, he would not have omitted so material a circumstance in the present Futah-ndmeh, or " letter of victory," which, for this reason, may be suspected to have somewhat exaggerated his general success ; though, on the whole, it is certainly less inflated and pompous, in point of diction, than is usually the case in similar productions. It would, at any rate, appear, that the advantages which he obtained over the enemy in this last action were of a more decisive character than those which had resulted from the battle which preceded it. It is probable, that the Sultan, in his Memoirs, entered into a fuller relation of the engagement of the 11th of Snfur, than that contained in the foregoing letter ; but, unfortunately, that jiart of his narrative was included in the portion of the manuscript destroyed by the accident already alluded to. This, however, as well as many other defects of the present work, considered in an historical light, will, no doubt, be amply supplied hereafter, by the able and elegant historian of Mysore. In addition to the foregoing account of the battle of the 1 Ith Sufur, the Sultans letter to the Imdm of Muscat contains the following paragra])h : " Enclosed is a letter to Ghulam Ali Khan, and the other Sirddrs, [proceedino- " to Constantinople], which you will forward to them. " Agreeably to your own proposal, you must send a I'akeel [or minister] to " our Presence at the beginning of the ensuing season. You must likewise not " fail to Gstublish Victories at our different sea-ports ; and as we have come to the " resolution, that not a single grain of rice shall be sold hu our country] to any ^ ^ " Nazareiies 458 SEI.ECT LETTERS OP " Nazarenes coming from Muscat, or to any others but the [bolid Jide] merchants " of Muscat, you, therefore, must give orders to the merchants of that place '• bound to our ports, to bring with them certificates from our Vaheel there, in " order that they may be enabled to purchase and carry away [without obstacle] '• whatever commodities they may require. " Procure and dispatch to us some saffron seed, and also some mules, with the " breed of vvliich you are acquainted \i. e. which you can recommend as being of " a good breed]. N.B. Wrote to the same effect as the above to Meer Kazim, the commercial agent at Muscat, who was also desired to buy and send more pearls to the Sultan, LETTER CCCCXIII. To Ghulam Ali Khan ; same Date. (I5th December.^ We have learned by letters which we have received from the Imdm and from the Khulfdr [or minister] of Muscat, that one of the vessels which proceeded Avith you from hence has been burnt. It is very as- tonishing that you should not have mentioned any thing of this matter. Communicate to us all the particulars of it. We conclude that you have proceeded onwards from Sussorah. Let us know. Let us Hkewise know, what things you stand in need of, that they may be sent to you. LETTER CCCCXIV. To Chishty Yar Kh.\n, Dei^ax, and Zynul Aabideen, Bvkhshy of the EiiSHAM of Chjttledoorg ; dated 19th 2(1 looey. (IQth December.^ Your letter, congratulating us on our [late] victory over the enemies of the faith, and accompanied by a Nuzr of twenty rupees, has passed TXPPOO SULTAN. 459 passed under our view. It behoves all Mussulmans liumbly to address themselves to the Almighty Presence, and to implore, that the forces of the accursed may be always confounded and disgraced, and the army of Islam be always victorious and triumphant. LETTER CCCCXV. To MoHYUDDEEN Ali Khan, Deuan, mid Ghulam Ghuzunfur, at KuRPAH ; dated 24th TuLooEY. (2]st December.^ Your relation of your late encounters with the enemy's horse ^'^ is become duly known ; and we are much pleased with the account you have given of their chastisement, and of your having taken six prisoners and twelve horses from them. This behaviour >vas worthy of your noble descent and of your fidelity to us. Lei the prisoners be strangled,^-^ and let the twelve horses, after being valued according to custom, and paid for to the captors, ^^^ be taken into the service of the Sircar. N.B. By some letters which follow here, but which are not deemed sufficiently interesting to be inserted, it appears, that the Sultan was, at this period, much occupied in dedicating shrines, &c. to the principal Mahommedan saints. Whether as an expression of his gratitude for the benefits which he might suppose iiimself to have recently derived (in the instance of his military successes) from their intercession in his behalf, or in order to render them propitious to his ulterior 3 N 2 views (1) Most probably alludes to some irruinion of the Nizam's troops 'Snto the province of Kurpah, during which the}' would appear to have plundered the /"a/M, or outer town, of Kurpa/i ; but the passage relating to this point being somewhat obscure, I have omitted it in the translation. (2) Original jL> Job ^1^ |^1^\ (3) Original Jj,l on which word see Letter XXXIF. 460 SELECT BETTERS OF views and wishes, is not stated. It is probable, however, that he was actuated on the occasion bv both considerations. LETTER CCCCXVI. To Shumsuddeen Khan ; dated 29th Tv looey, (26fh December.') You represent, " that the people of the jewel office and of tlie " goldsmith's workshop have applied to you to be supplied with the gold *' and silver necessary for making up the PuduJcs, and other articles of *' jewellery, which have been ordered, but that no receipts coming in at ** this time, either on account of the collections, or from the Surrdfs [or " money-changers] superintending the Dukdns [or retail warehouses] " of the Sircar, '^^^ you do not possess the means of answering the de- ** mand : besides which, twelve hundred pagodas weight of gold has ** been already furnished for this service by the mint, which has not yet *' been replaced." It is known. In the Tosheh-khdneh [or treasury], and in the depart- ment where the elephants' teeth^-^ are kept, there is gold and silver, to the amount of several lacks (^^ weight of pagodas, appropriated [some time since] to the coinage of gold mohrs, pagodas, &c. Is not, then, that gold and silver still in the same place ; or do you imagine it to be something else ? This is, truly, a subject for wonder ! You must take from this apartment whatever gold and silver may be required for the purpose in question ; and after seeing that it is carefully assayed, deliver the same to the workmen. (1) On the subject of these warehouses, or sliops, see Letter XCVIII. (2) Elsewhere called " the ivory apartment." (.'5) A lac/c is a hundred thousand of anj' thing. TIPPOO SULTAN. 461 OBSERVATIONS. Notwithstanding the wonder here expressed by the Sultan, at his treasurer's not having taken upon him to break in upon a hoard of bullion, distinctly stated to have been appropriated to a specific purpose, it may be fairly doubted, whether if that officer had presumed to do so, his conduct would have escaped animadver- sion. It is true, that if we were to judge by the occasional intimations of the kind here conveyed, and which occur in the course of the correspondence, we might infer, that the public functionaries under Tippoo Sultan were invested with considerable discretionary powers : but, on the other hand, how many are the instances, in which the slightest exercise of such a power has brought upon them the severest reproofs of the Snltan, who was for ever directing them " to mind " their instructions, and to abstain from pursuing their own conceits." The trust reposed in Shumsiiddeen Khan was of a peculiarly delicate nature ; and if he had ventured to act in the manner which his master affects to insinuate he should have done, and had so acted with impunity, it must be admitted, that such a fact would have materially altered our view of the Sultans character, in one important particular, at least ; since it would have shown him to have been of a far more confiding and unsuspicious disposition than the general tenor of his actions imply. The safest guide, however, to our judgment, on the present occasion, is the evi- dent backwardness of the treasurer to exceed the letter of his orders. No doubt, he had very sufficient reasons for this cautious conduct. The Sultan appears to have distributed, about this time, various marks of his favour among his princij)al commanders. These tokens of approbation consisted chiefly of gold chains, rings, and what are called in the original Puduks or Pu- (iugs. To some he gave seal-rings, with the names of the persons thus distin- guished engraved upon them. Among these was a cornelian, with the inscription '■ Budruz Zuman Khan Bchadur;" being the first instance, if I am not mistaken, in wh\ch the Ut\c oi Behddtir is aj)])licd by 1 ij)poo to any of his servants. He presented, at the same time, to certain Kt which you have promised us. You engage [a great share of] our attention : be [therefore] in all respects easy in your mind. N.B. A letter, of the same date as the above, directs Mahommed Durvvaish, and the other Vakeels, to halt at Anuntgeery, till desired by M. Cossigny to proceed to Pondicherry. The following passage, though inadvertently inserted in the letter to the Vakeels, appears to belong properly to that addressed to M. Cossigny. The barometer which [you] sent us in charge of [your] Hnrkdreli is in all respects very complete, excepting in the article of the quicksilver, which, owing to its oldness, does not move up and down. It is, there- fore, returned [to you] : and you must send another good one in its stead, that has been made in the present year. LETTER CCCCXVIII. 7b Urshud Baig Khan, Foujdar of Calicut; same Date. (28M December.^ Abandon your vain idea of proceeding [on a pilgrimage] to the Holy Temple, and apply yourself, according to custom, to the aftairs of the Sircar. This is the most advisable thing you can do. (2) This is the word employed in the original, whicli has :i^\j (3) Original C^AJtf ^.jLiyus <0 wiicrc '"'-t_.n.r denotes the attachment of an inferior to a superior. (4) The original is written ^\J jjo uuj^ which I take to be intended for French words. Perhaps, the first is meant for carh'y or map. 464 SELECT LETTERS OF OBSERVATIONS. This officer appears, from other parts of the correspondence, to have formed some improper female connection, which the Sultan had insisted upon his renounc- ing. The lover resented this interference, by announcing his resolution to proceed on a pilgrimage to Mecca. This sort of declaration is often made under the in- fluence of temporary chagrin or disappointment, and sometimes without any serious intention of fulfilling it, and with no other view than that of intimidation. Whatever the case might be with regard to Urshud Baig Khan, he ultimately relinquished his purpose (whether real or pretended), although the object of his irregular attachment had, by order of his sovereign, been publicly banished from the town of Calicut. The following letter will show in what manner the Sultan was accustomed to proceed on occasions of this kind. LETTER CCCCXIX. To the Dejvaxs of Calicut ; same Date. (28th December.^ Dissuade Urshud Baig Khun from his vain purpose of repairing to the House of God [_3Iecca']. Try, at first, as far as you may be able, the effect of fair persuasion ; and if this should not succeed, you must, of necessity, confine him. You must, hkewise, imprison the courtezan, who has been the cause of this aft'air. N.B. Upon Urshud Baig's " coming again to his senses," as it is expressed in the original, he was restored to his office; and the woman in question was released, and " driven " from Calicut. LETTER CCCCXX. To Monsieur Cossigny ; dated 3d Voost/py. (2Dth Decemhcr.^ There is a book which comes from Europe, and vvliich treats of the barometer,^') wherein it is written, that at certain [stated] times the quicksilver (l) Original Uj Ld literally, "showing [the state of] the air. TIPPOO SULTAN. 465 quicksilver rises a certain number of degiees ; and that if, at such times, a person afflicted 'ndth any one of certain [stated] disorders shall, during a paroxysm of his complaint, place his hand on the barometer, the degree to which the quicksilver may, in consequence, ascend, will indi- cate the state [or height] of such person's disorder. Get this [book] translated into Persian, and send it to the Presence. LETTER CCCCXXI. To Shumsuddeen Khan ; dated from near Kopvl, 5th Yoosufy. (^Ust Becemher I786.) (Extract.) The leather basket, containing [our several] treaties with the Mah- rattahs, which you sent by the post, has reached us [safely] from Hwry-hur. OBSERVATIONS. The Sultan appears to have sent for the treaties here mentioned, either in con- sequence of some overtures of peace made to \\m\ by the Mahrattahs, or prepara- tory to the discussions which he might expect to take place soon on that subject. LETTER CCCCXXII. To MusHEER ulMulk; dated 4th Bubee vl OuiruL, .^.//. 1201.0) The MUtusuddy, Luchman Rao, was sent by me, merely for the pur- pose of ascertaining why the Nahoh, Nizam AU Khan Behadur, not- 3 O withstanding (1) Corresponding, as well as I can compute, wiili tlic JUli December 1786. If this cal- culation be correct, the present letter is not exactly in its place. 466 SELECT LETTERS OF withstanding the contract of mutual union which took place between us, through the medium(-) of Mahomnied Iftikhar Khan/^) had suddenly confederated with the people of Poonah, and without any cause [or provocation on my part], advanced into my dominions. He was not dispatclied with any other view. I have, at this time, indirectly learned,<^*> that that friend has placed a guard over the above-mentioned MUtusuddy . This circumstance is very surprising : and though I find it difficult to believe the account, seeing that such conduct is not usual with great persons, yet if it should really be the case, [I desire you willj dismiss the said Mutusuddy. LETTER CCCCXXIII. To Ghulam Hyder, Aumil of Bangalore; dated 9th YoostiFT. (4th Januanj 1787) The account, stating you had strictly prohibited the distilling and vend- ing of spirituous liquors, and had, moreover [in pursuance of the same object], made the whole body of vintners enter into written engagements [to desist from selling such liquors], is understood. You must make the tlistillcrs execute a similar engagement, and then oblige them to take up some other occupation. LETTER CCCCXXIV. To Syed Mahommed, Kilaadar of Seringapatam ; dated from Katvrky, near Kopvl, \Qth Yoosufy. (5th January.^ A SHIRT, formerly belonging to the Holy Prophet (on whom be the peace and blessing of God !) and which was first discovered at Kurpah, from (2) Original ^bj literally, " by the tongue." (3) See Letter CCCLXVI. v4) Originul ~)^j\ " from without," f. c. not immediately from Luchman Rao himself. TIP POO SULTAN. 46/ from whence, in process of time, it came into our possession, has been dispatched to you. Tliis precious rehc must be deUvered in charge to the priests, to whose care the [other] holy traces [or remains] of the prophet have been already consigned, with instructions to place and keep it along with those. LETTER CCCCXXV. To Yakoob, and other Armenian Merchants ; dated 16th VoosifFr. (11th January.') (^Entitled a KofrL-NAMEH, or Engagement.) The duties upon [such] goods [as you may import into our dominions] are, without exception,('> [hereby] remitted. Bring, therefore, with en- tire confidence to our ports, and into our kingdom, either by sea or land [as you may think proper], your silk stuffs and [other] merchandize, and there [freely] buy and sell. Wheresoever you may [choose to] bring your^ goods, there a place shall be assigned for your residence : and if you should, at any time, be in want of workmen or laborers, the same shall be fur- nished you, on hire, by our Taaldkddrs. OBSERVATIONS. I am not enabled to account for the sudden and extraordinary encouragement here held out to the Armenian merchants ; nor do I know how far it succeeded in alluring that industrious race of men to Mysore. The immunities offered to them were, no doubt, apparently tempting, since they greatly exceeded whatever had been hitherto granted, either to their fellow countrymen, or to any other foreigners. Still, however, the promised advantages were but loosely and generally expressed : and certainly were not intended to admit the adventurers to a particijjation in those 3 O 2 * branches {\) Original l::..^^.^)^^ " completely, entirely." 468 SELECT LETTERS OF branches of the trade of Mysore (as sandal-wood, pepper, &c.) which were rigo- rously monopolized by the Sultan, as constituting the chief commercial resources of his kingdom. It does not appear, of what country Yakoob was a subject or resident. LETTER CCCCXXVI. To MeER M0AAYE^UDDEEN, BuRHANUDDEEN, MaH MiRZA KhaN, and HusAiN Ali Khan ; dated the Night^^^ of the VJth Yoosvfy. (\2th January.^ (Circular.) Directing them to prepare two batteries^-) in [front of] their respective divisions, according to a plan transmitted to them, and to place two guns and a company of regular infantry in each. N.B. A few words follow here, of which I am unable to make any sense. Something appears to have been omitted. LETTER CCCCXXVII. To Shumsuddeen Kuan, &c. Haroghas of the Tosheh-khaneu, or Treamry, at Seringapatam ; dated 22d Yoosijfy. (VJth January.^ (Extract.) In addition to the camels which were some time ago sent to you, for the conveyance liither of certain articles of our special camp equipage, we have now dispatched fifty others, for the purpose of bringing treasure. You must, accordingly, dispatch the tents on the former, and on the latter the treasure. (1) There are no less than five different dispatches dated on this night. (2) Batter}' is the word used, as formerl}', in the original. TIPPOO SULTAN. 469 OBSERVATIONS. The treasure here mentioned was, most probably, designed for the Mahrattahs ; and appears, by a subsequent letter, to have consisted of 3,88,971 /Jfl^o^a* of sorts, and 72,000 Pondkherrij rupees, making together about thirteen lachs of rupees, which agrees pretty nearly with the sum stated (as will be presently seen) by the Sultan himself, as the amount of what he paid to the Mahrattahs at the conclusion of peace. LETTER CCCCXXVIII. To the Dejvans of Zuferabad ; dated 29th Yoosvfy. (24th January.') Having made up, according to the established system of our govern- ment, the account of pay due to the Jijshe, the Piddehs, Coolies, &c. you must issue the same in the manner prescribed in your instructions : that is to say, the whole body are to be paid, man hi/ wiaw,('>in your own presence. There is no necessity for your consigning the amount of their pay to the Kilaaddr j^to be distributed by him]. If you do so, you shall be punished in the manner specified in your Hakm-ndmeh. LETTER CCCCXXIX. To Rajah Ram Chundur ; dated from An.igooxdy, 3d Eezudy. (28th Ja?mari/.) Authorizing him to take [from the public money] two thousand rupees, as a gift from the Sultan, to enable him to celebrate the marriage of his nephew, and to send for his connexions and relations from the Carnatic. (I) Original u^^oj y:.^J ** from hand to iiand." 470 SELECT LETTERS OS* LETTER CCCCXXX. To BuDRUz ZuMAN Khan ; Same Date. (28th Januaiy.') Having read, we transmit for your perusal [two] letters, brought to us by a pair of camel couriers, from Rao Rasta and Holkar. We have hkewise sent to you the two camel couriers [in question]. You must, after looking at these letters, proceed thither [i. e. to the Mahrattah camp] with the couriers above-mentioned. A cornelian seal, with your name engraved upon it, has arrived from Putn : but as it was not set for a ring, we have ordered it to be properly mounted as such, and when ready it shall be dispatched to you. OBSERVATIONS. It would appear by the foregoing letter, and is confirmed by the Sultan's Me- jnoirs, that Budruz Zuman Khan was chosen to conduct the negociations now pending with the Mahrattahs. It may even be inferred, from the terms of this dispatch, that if he was not named in the letters of Rasta and Holkar, as the most eligible person that could be employed by the Sultan on this occasion, he was, very probably, mentioned as the individual who would be most agreeable to the Mah- rattah chiefs. Similar suggestions often proceed in India from a hostile power : but when this is the case, it generally denotes either an actual, or an assumed superiority in the latter. If Tippoo tacitly yielded, in the present instance, to such a pretension, it is not unlikely that he was led to do so, as much by his impatience to prepare for a fresh contest with the English as by any other conside- ration. Except with some motive of this nature, he would hardly have consented to a measure so liable to be construed into an act of submission, as the deputation of a person of Budruz Zuman's rank to the Mahrattah camp would be."' (I ) For some additional observations on the above Letter, the reader i.s referred to tiic Pqst- ci ipt subjoined to Letter CCCCXXXV. TIPPOO SULTAN. 4^1 LETTER CCCCXXXI. To Meer Ibraheem ; dated 6th Eezudy. (2\st January.') You must not, in future, form the design of chastising either the Nairs or Moplahs. This business appertains to the Foujddr of that quarter. Yours is to apply yourself earnestly to the collection of the revenue, and other fiscal matters. LETTER CCCCXXXII. To Urshud Baig Khan, Fovjoah of Calicut; dated 8th E ezvdy, (2d February.) You must give the most strict orders to all the merchants, and other inhabitants of that place [Calicut~\, neither to buy any goods of the English factor who is come thither, nor sell grain, or any other articles whatsover, to him. How long [in this case] will the above named remain ?^') He will, in the end, despair of making cither sales or pur- chases, and depart from thence. OBSERVATIONS. It will be sufficient to remark on this letter, that the order contained in it amounts to a gross infraction of the eighth article of the treaty of Mangalore, concluded between the English and Tippoo in March l/S-l. (I) That is, "He will soon, in this case, be compelled tn depart." 4/2 SELECT LETTERS OF LETTER CCCCXXXni. To KuREEM Saheb ; same Date. (2d February.^ Your humble address, accompanied by a Nuzry on account of our cliastisement of, and [late] victory over, the enemy, has passed under our view. What you write, respecting your intention of repairing to our Presence, and the re-establishment of your health, is understood, and has afforded pleasure to our mind. With the blessing of God, our special retinue will soon shed lustre on that place [^Seringapatam~\ when we shall have a meeting. OBSERVATIONS. Kureeni Saheb was the second son of Hyder Ali by a concubine, but was adopted by Medina Begum ;"' who, I believe, was a lawful wife of Hyder, as well as Fukhurun Nisa Beeby, the mother of Tippoo Sultan. Kureem Saheb survived his brother, after whose death he came under the protection of the British govern- ment, together with the other branches of his father's family, and was still living in 1808. He is represented to be of weak intellects ; and would not, at any period, appear to have been entrusted with authority by his father, or to have been an object of jealousy to his brother. The foregoing letter is not the only one to his address which appears in the present collection. There is another of a prior date, acknowledging, as this does, the receipt of a Nuzr on occasion of a former victory. (1) It was a daughter of Medina Begum, b\' Hyder, who was married to Abdfd Khyre Kliiiii, the Nabob of Sliunoor, and not an own or full sister of Kureem Saheb, as elsewhere erroneously stated. I have been enabled to correct this mistake, by means of a genealogical table of the family of Hyder Ali, obligingly communicated tome by Colonel Marriot, since tliis work went to press. T I P P O O SULTAN. 4/3 LETTER CCCCXXXIV. To Mahommed Durwatsh, &c, dated 20th jEezidyS^\ (I4th Fehruury.^ You did right in apprizing Monsieur Cossigny, the Governor [of Pondichemj], of your arrival at Anuntgeerrj ; and must, hereafter, act as tlie aforesaid Governor sliall recommend to you. [When you resume your journey] you must proceed to Pondicherry, without stopping by the way/^> How are the Enghsh people^^^ tp open and search any thing belonging to you K"*^ OBSERVATIONS. It would appear by this letter, that the Vakeels had, in their dispatches to the Sultan, expressed some apprehensions of being stopped and searched by the English, in their passage through the territories of the Nabob of Arcot. The Sultan affects to treat their fears as chimerical ; but, nevertheless, seems to have thought it advisable that they should elude the observation of the English as much as possible, and with this view^, directs them to travel by night to Pondi- cherry. He had previously, as the context leads me to suspect, caused their dispatches to be concealed in some part of their apparel, or bedding. 3 P By (1) No letters of any particular interest occur between the 8ili and 20th of Eezidif (2d and 14th of February 1787). It is probable tliat tlic Sultan was much occupied in this inter- val with the ncgociations of peace, tiie conclusion of which is announced in tiic next letter. On the 14th Etzuli/ (or 8th of Fcbuury) tlic Sullan appears to liavc been encamped at Ku- nuckgheerif. (2) Original Jc»-|^ ^c.s?isi .0 k_^Li> i.e. " you must proceed all night to Po/iJ/t/if/vy." (3) Original y,Jj\ *J^ which may moan the persons belonging to the English. (4) That is, •' they will not presume to search." This passage is not very clear in the original. 474 SELECT LETTERS OP By a subsequent letter it appears, that M. Cossigny recommended, that the Vakeels should remain at Anuntgeery till the arrival of M. Monneron from the Mauritius. On this occasion the Sultan observes, that M. Cossigny " has coun- " selled well, and is a good man, to whose opinion it will be proper in them " always to conform." He concludes the dispatch, here alluded to, with exhort- ing them to approve their zeal and fidelity in the execution of the commission entrusted to them, and with promises of high reward and favor on their return from their embassy. LETTER CCCCXXXV. To KuTBUL MuLK Mahommed Kutbuddeen Khan Behadur ;(') same Date. (\4:th February.^ The enemy, after flying, in consequence of tlie successive chastise- ments they have received [from us], as far as the banks of the Kishna, found themselves in the end reduced to such a helpless state, as compelled them to sue to us for an accommodation in the most humble and earnest manner/^^ The result is, that a treaty of peace, entirely conformable to the wishes of the Usud Ilhye Sircar, has been concluded between us. In consequence [of this treaty], we shall have to relinquish the possession of Adoni : but we will bestow some other country upon you in its stead. It is therefore written, that you must, with the utmost expedition, collect all the money you can from the country. You must, moreover, completely encompass two or three totvns, and getting together Jive or seven thousand people, report the particulars to vs ; as men are tvanted [at (1) The form of Ulluib, or address, used in this letter to KutbQddecn, is ^Jjvt j Lr-vji=' ^r:^ ^ J It is not improbable tliat tliis might be the footing upon xvliich the Mahr.Mtalis were willing, at this time, to place tlie pecuniary demand, as well as the territorial elaiuiSj whicli they still continued to make upon the Sultan, TIPPOO SULTAN. 481 " end, to satisfy them in their own way ; and, for this purpose, sending for a pair " of camel couriers, they dehvered to the latter, in the hearing of the chiefs, a *' message to us, purporting that the enemy was in the utmost distress, and humbly *' begged that we would not assault their camp that night. These couriers being *' conducted by a party of the enemy's horse beyond the Mahrattah camp, *' pursued their way with great speed to our camp, where they arrived at three *' o'clock in the morning, and delivered to us the message with which they had " been charged. I sent them back at day-light with a satisfactory answer, and the " same morning moved, as I had previously determined, about three coss from *' Kimucligheery, to a new position along the banks of the Tuniihuddra, where there " was abundance of pasture.*"* 3 Q The (11) The circumstance, which gave vise to thf. false intelligence conveyed to the Mulirat- tahs on this occasion, is related by the Sultan in terms to the following eflect. Contrary to his established custom, lie had given orders, over night, that no foragers should go out the following morning, as it was his intention to march. This order coming to the knowledge of the Mahrattah spies, who were harboured secretly in the camp of the Mahrattah Bdrgeers, or liircd cavalry, in the service of Tijipoo, they converted it into a notice to prepare for a sud- den attack upon the Mahrattah position, and hastened thither, accordingly, with the infor- mation. The »y!///(/« had with him, at this time, about seven thousand of these horse, who had served himself and his father upwards of fifteen years ; all of whom he disbanded soon after the occurrence which has been related. " Since that time," observes the Sultan, " the infidels have ceased to receive intelligence respecting my movements." It was said above, that the verbal order issued by the Sultan, on the occasion in question, was *' contrary to his established custom." This is the Sultanas own admission ; for he ex- pressly says, that, excepting in the instance mentioned, it had been his uniform practice to communicate the orders of march in xcritnig, and never verbally. These orders, whicli were written iti the Persian language, were sealed, and directed to the several commanding officers of divisions and corps, to whom they were always delivered at nine o'clock the pre- ceding night. This was their tenor : "To-morrow the army marches. Parade at such an •' hour ; and falling into your proper station on the line of march, follow our special caval- *' cade [or retinue]." The general, it seems, was accustomed to beat at three o'clock in the morning, and the assembly at five.* After the inadvertency, of which he confesses himsclt' to have been guilty in the above-mentioned instance, the Sultan became more strict and par- ticular on this point thiin ever. Among other regulations which he framed on this occasion, one was (as stated in his Memoirs) to give scaled roulci, to officers in the command of marching corj)s. • Though I do not know that any terms were applied by the SuUan to these signals, corresponding with our " general," and " assembly," yet there is no doubt that the two diMinci notices mciitioni J (and which weie given by the kciilc-dium) were intended to ansnci the same purjjoiic. 482 SELECT LETTERS OF The Sulian, after giving the foregoing account of the alarm occasioned to the Mahrattahs by his intended movement, and of the reflections and regulations which it suggested to him, proceeds in the following manner : *' It was not my intention, in the beginning, to have gone to war with the ** Mahrattahs ; but when they, thinking proper to requite the favors they had *' received from us, by a conduct entirely the contrary [to what I had a right to " expect], had advanced [into my country], I consequently judged it necessary *' to repel their aggression, by just so much chastisement as should suffce to satisfy *' thetHy and make them solicit peace. Having brought the business accordingly •* to this point, I agreed to an accommodation, and to give them twelve lochs of ** rtqfees. The treaty being concluded, I wrote [a letter] to Lewai Madhee Rao,^'" " which I sent to him, together with a Kulgy and Surpaish of precious stones, *' and an elephant. I also sent an elephant, with a dress and jewels, to Tukojee " Holkar ; and the same to Rao Rasta and to Hurry Pundit. These presents I ** forwarded by the hands of confidential Vakeels. ** The treaty concluded on this occasion by the embassadors of the Sircar, with ** Nizam All Khan and Madhee Rao, consisted of three articles to the following " eflfect. Tbe^first stipulated, that on this side the Nurhudda, Nizam Ali Khan, ** Pandit Pordhan, Madhee Rao, and the Usud-IUiye Sircar, should all three ** ronain united together, each ruling over his proper territories : and that if any '* fourth person should make an [hostile] attempt upon the country of any one of ^ the «lli^ all three were, in sodi case, to join in repelUng the same, whatever ^ disagreement might haj^ien to subsist b^ween them at die time; it being ** provided, that the disagreement in question shoold be suspended £diiiing the ** omtinaanoe ol* the estemal danger or aggressionj. ** Tbe seoood artide was as ft^ws :........* Here, f«v^e&. T%Kse rcmties K^ere mmiiiDbsiwIioin tibe omtade, 1,2,3, 4,Suu tbe Srst sftucif^ ui^ t3ae place to 'wrlbk^ tt3»e corps m'jss tm povioeed vm ttbe £rst day ; ttlie secoi»i, its wliadh Ibe wras to nuuicii tiiil Ak iwfis jtctiuiilllj xDt mmotaicnn, tSoeine wsss idae Ikss (dauber of a preanaubDure dusoiinncirjf .— On the 17th BudrGz Zum&n ** Khin arrlN^d at Tuk^e© Helkar's eamp, in this army, as embassador from ** Tlpp6©j with ft retinue ©f flv© hundred horse and a company of Sepot/s. The ** 1 8th Hurry Pundit gave him an audienee. An express was immediately sent to ** Pmmh I and if a favorable answei' arrives to Tippoo's proposals, Biirhfmiiddeen ** will e©me t© lettle the eenditiens of peaee. " 30th Deeeffiber. M&kmtiak Campt five miles east of K^hI. — ^The proposi^ ** tleni made by Tipj»© Sultan being r^eeted by the Malirattah Government, the " 28th initant hii FaAeel had his audienee ef leave. Tlie Faketty however, is ** stiU here \ but espeeted to depart, unless his master consent to the terms ofiered ** by the Mahi^ttah gevernment and Nii4m AU KhAn. Tippoo is encamped oa *^ the TkH^^vtiMhti six «s^ " retreated to KunuchgJieery, diirty co«« from /M^>^ and t©» frofli Mmdgul, yAwrs ** we now are. Tbae i» no talk of j*eace at j>reseat. The skkness giiW peysijis. ** The enemy is about eleven cm$ from ««, ** 4th February. Poonah. — Iamio<;linedtothi»k, that what with loghtil and Mahrattah £^i^$, the ravaf)gs of ttn^ p^sti - << leac£, and the iocompeteoey of Hony Fondi^s a«»th(^ty ov^ tJj^ ^mi nnm' ** ben of the va^ army a.«»embk«I tindar hk emamsmd, »o f»ig»t ^^f^rt^Lpn i$ 69 h# ** expected from it. At the fiume tim<; I d& tiM. limk Tiipp«io mil im »^ i9 imiss ** ancfa progrei* to 4h>f m^mm^m^ hk s^mfiy§f ** and t«ndker tbem masters of »iU t^ adv,ai3iUb^ ^mtf £rcif :gocHennaDi«xKt «ati Ate ^a^^oitfied <«» «< J -. '0 ijh^j'.^ ^. ^^.^r-^-V^-^^^-"^ r / / / " fit ^ ^ APPENDIX. APPENDIX, A. (Referred to in the Preface.) Trakslation of 1^0. 1 of the aiviexed Plate, being the Memorandum of Tirpoo Sultan. "In the y&iv Sehr, 1220 of the il/ott-foof/y [i.e. the birth] of Mahommed,''' the Ff}n"'l/ tl"-! Ctl' of the monlh RnbbAny " Enghsh ,^ and the Dewdn of the Ndhub, Nizam Ah Khan, named Ghiilam " Syed [and also called] by the title of Sohrab Jung, and Hurry Pundit " Phurkia, all these three persons came together [or united] to make war ; and " [after] taking Bangalore, Sawantydoorg, and other places, came to the royal " residence of Putn, when peace, upon the condition of [my] giving three crores " and thirty lacks of Imaumies [/. e. rupees] was settled, of which [sum] two " parts [/. e. two-thirds] were taken in money. And, at the time of [making] " peace, they did abundance of deceitful and bad things,'" of which there would " be no end to the recital/^' In fine, after the peace, [they] took two of my " sons, Aabdul Khalik and Moizuddeen, in pledge [/. e. as hostages] and, toge- " thcr with Ghiilam Ali Khan and Ali Riza Nurwail, took them away. And on " the 5 th of the month Rubbdny, corresponding with the 3d of the month Rujub, a " year (1) If the year Sehr, A. M. 1220, was meant to refer to the event stated immediately after, namely, the appearance of the allies before Scringapalam, the memorandum set out wiih a mistake j since ttie event in question did not take place in Schr 1^20, but in Zuburjui 12I(). The Sultan however, when he took up his pen, might intend to begin with the mention of some transaction of the year Sehr, or 1220, but changing his mind, have passed abruptly to the subject which occupies the commencement of the memorandum. With regard to the interlined and erased date, " 5th of the month Rubbany," it may be observed, that that was the day (corresponding with the 2(ith of February, 1 792) on which the hostage princes quitted Seringapalam, and were delivered into the hands of Lord Cornwallis. It is probable, therefore, that the 5a/;a« was, at first, about to mention that circumstance ; but, changing his mind again, proceeded to relate the previous appearance of the allies before iiis capital. (2) Original xiC>f \^\ uS'^j ^J ^Jj^ W " ^^Y "sed abundance of bad and deceitful words.". <3) Literally, " to where must we write ? '• 11 APPENDIX. year Sehr, 1220'*' birth of Mahommed, peace was concluded [or settled]. And the above-mentioned sons, en th e 9th of Shuvwal, corr es ponding - with t he l Otli of tlie t nonth Befuin/, year Scfir, being Monday, 1220 of the birth o f Malioiuiiied, enteied Chinaputn [j. e. Madras] , and on the 2.')d of th e mon t h l iujub, currcspondiii g' wi t h th e 24th of th e month Kihi/, year Sdhir, b e ing M o nd ay , y ea r 1 2 ^2 V of-tho birth of Mahommed, coming forth from Chinoputn r, p r oceeded to the r iebe n c e, and -trfter - s ome da 3- s arr tvedH n the P re s e nce at YoosiiJubiUl, on the 4th of the month Ruhbdny, year Ziihurjud, 1219 of the birth of Mahommed, corresponding with the 2d of the month Riijub, A. H. 1206j proceeded from the royal residence towards the Nusdra [i e. the Nazarenes] ; and on the 9th of the month Tukhy, year Sehr, 1220 of the birth of Mahommed, answering to the 7th of the month Shuvwdl, A. H. 1206, entered [or arrived at] Chinaputn [i. e. Madras] : and on the 27th of the month Rdzy, year Sdhir, and 1221 of the birth of Mahommed, corresponding with the 25th of the month Shaabdn, A. H. 120S, being altogether twenty-two months and eighteen days, they came forth from Chinaputn ; and on the 27th of the month Ruhbdny, year Sdhir, and of the birth of Mahommed 1221, arrived in the Presence, -vvit4v Dov c ton, th e E nghsh^rmgy, at Yoosufdbdd, with Doveton, the English Fringy." The foregoing memorandum is followed by a minute (also in the Sultan's hand- writing) wherein the Sultan, after stating his own opinion pretty fully, calls upoa his counsellors to deliver their sentiments, with regard to the measures proper to be pursued at this period (viz. the return of the hostages) ; after whicli follows a note of dates, furnished by Ali Riza Khan, and apparently designed to set the Sultan right, with respect to some of those given in the engraved memorandum. The dates in question relate, 1st. to the arrival of the hostages at Madras ; &c., 2d. to their departure from thence ; specifying precisely the day and hour of each occur- rence and differing considerably, in both articles, from the Sultans statement. Translation (4) Here the SuUan deliber.ntely and explicitly states the peace to have been concluded in the year Sekr or A. M. 1220, whereas it should unquestionably be Ztti«r/'H(f, A.M. 1219. By the peace, ihe Sullan clearly means the preliminary articles ; to which, however, he does not give the date assigned to them in the definitive treaty, where they are distinctly stated to have been signed on the 22d February 1792, corresponding to the 28th of Jumddihsdny, A. H. I20t> (and 1st of Rulbany, year Ztdurjwl, or A. M. 1219). He probably reckoned the peace from the day on which his sons proceeded to the English camp, and not from that on which the preliminaries were actually executed. APPENDIX. Ul Teanslation of Ko. 2 of the amjexed Plate, being a Minute or Note, containing the joint opinion of Gbvlam Ali «>?(/ Syed Fuzl Ali, on the (question respecting Colonel Doveton's reception. *' The humble representation of your slaves is this. If one person of the " Nazarenes come along with the princes/" it is of no consequence. He may be " both honoured with an interview, and amused*' with the words of friendship, " Whatever is in the heart, it may [nevertheless] remain there :'" and whether " the interview takes place at Bangalore, or elsewhere, does not signify. [On " the other hand] in case his coming should be set aside, it will excite some *' mistrust in their minds.'*' " The humble representation of Ghulum Ali and Syed Fuzl Ali." The manuscript, from which the two foregoing articles have been taken, is composed of forty leaves of European paper, of the size of quarto post : and though several whole leaves and some pages are blank, it contains, besides the minutes here inserted, many other curious and interesting documents, chiefly questions proposed by the Sultan to his ministers, on political subjects, with their answers subjoined, in their respective hand-writings. APPENDIX B. (Referred to in the Pheface). The account of the Sultans march from Seringapafam to B'uhiore, and of his first operations against General Matthews, is unfortunately wanting ; that part of the manuscript, which contained those details, having been destroyed by the accident noticed in the Preface. Some previous skirmishing between the hostile armies had been described ; but what remains of the narrative commences as follows : — a 2 "A discharge (1) Original lajh jli There are numerous proofs, besidei this, of the 5tt/->^ \^Jr'Ji\ai (3) Original u:_^«js u: fc <^ i^\ J'^J-'j " ^''a'ev' >» '" '^'^ ''^*''' '' '" ''•" (4) u;^if J-sy-j^jS^U-yJ ty " will pass into the mind in a manner," that is, "an unfavourable manner. IV APPENDIX. " A discharge of artillery and musquetry succeeded, which occasioned the loss *' of a few of those who looked on/'' Then the troops of the Usud-Ilhye,^'' and " the French people, advancing on each side of the road, gave another discharge " of musquetry. Immediately on hearing this discharge, I (being then seated " at the distance of a hundred yards) advanced rapidly with a division, when " about sixty of the English people were sent to hell. The rest being pursued left " behind them the two guns they had previously seized on : and thus the aforesaid " Nazarenes were driven back, discomfited and disheartened, to [the position " occupied by] their worthless leader, who thereupon, with all his forces, sought " [refuge in] the fort and batteries. Writings of the said worthless leader were " found in the pockets of four of the English Sirdars [or officers] who were among " the slain. '^' On this day about three hundred Nazarenes were made prisoners " and twenty guns taken. On the second, or following day, 1 myself, taking two " thousand light troops with me, attacked and gained possession of a large povvder- " magazine at some distance from the fort, and of a magazine of grain close to it. " Six hours after the capture of these two places, the enemy sent about four " thousand men to attack us. This force advancing by a concealed route [or " secretly^, an action ensued between them and the Usud Il/ii/e army, in which " both parties, passing from the fire of musquetry, fought with the bayonet and " sword. On this occasion, also, about two hundred of these good-for-nothing ** people were sent to hell. A few persons, too, of the army of the Ahmedy " Sircar tasted the sherbet of martyrdom ; and one Risdladdr, after being " wounded, was carried off by the Nazarenes. " The third day I had all the powder and grain removed from the said maga- " zines, and lodged in a place of safety. On the same day, the Nazarenes set " fire to the palace of the Rdjuh, and to ten or twelve other noble buildings ; " keeping up, also, such a fire [from their guns], that there was not a span's "■ sjxice of the wall [of the outer town] which was not reached by their shot. « On (1) Original ^^L-j liUj " beholders of the spectacle or diversion." By this expression the •writer probably meant to convey the idea, that the resistance made by the English, on this occasionj was trilling. (2) This term seems to imply, througliont tliese Meinoirs, not the particular body composed of converts to the Mahomnaedan faiih, elsewhere called Usud Ilhyes, but tiie troops in general. (3) Tippoo would not appear to have derived any information from the intercepted letters of the Engliib. Great numbers of dispatches, to and from English officers in command, were found at Seringapatam, the seals of which had never been broken. Either he had no persons about liini who were cap.ible of reading and explaining their contents, or, if he had, he did not ch'ise to trust ihem. Whether he ever endeavouied to obtain a translation of any of these letters, by means of his English prisoners, is unknown : but it is probable, that if he luul fallen on this expedient, nnd had found it to answer, so many of them would not have remained unoptrncd to the day of his death. APPENDIX. V " On the fourth day, carrying on my approaches in front of the Ddrdl " Imdret, ' and in front of the mosque, and by two other sides, I erected " batteries close to the fort, in which I placed some large guns, which I had caused *' to be removed from the walls of the city. " I'lie Aazarenes had conveyed into the fort, from the different magazines [of " the city], about fifty thousand shot, and a vast quantity of powder. The *' remainder, consisting of about two hundred thousand shot, one hundred " thousand nils- of lead, and five hundred thousand ?///** of powder, besides an " innumerable quantity of other stores, fell into our hands. " Having next fixed on a high sjX)t, 1 caused batteries to be constructed and " mounted with guns, at sight of which the Nazaroies, witlwut religion, opened " a very heavy fire. When the said Nazarenes became tired [of firing], the " batteries of the Ustdd Ilhye opened their fire, discharging from four to five " thousand shot ; and in this manner did the firing continue, on the part of the " Usud- Illiye Sircar, for five or six days. As to the Nazarenes, they did not fire " a single shot from the fort on the second day. What (ire they kept up was on " the first day : the reason of which was this. The fire from without was so hot, " that no creature within the fort durst approach their guns [for the purpose of " working them], while General Matthews (the name of their worthless leader) *' causing a '•" to be made, crept or slunk into the same. There was " not, in short, a span's space throughout the fort, which the shot of the Usud " Ilhi/e guns did not reach, or where the blood of the A^azarenes was not spilt. " On the fifth day the Nazarenes, during a stomi of rain, rushed from a " concealed place, and attacked our intrenchmcnts : but the Ahmedy troops being " on their guard, the infidels were repulsed at the point of the sword and bayonet, " many of them being seized by the legs, and in that condition thrown by the " people of the Sircar into the trenches. The rest, leaving their wounded behind' " them, iled in confusion into the fort. « After (4) i. e. " the liouse, or place, of nobilily." Probably, the principal edifice in the foit. (5) 1 have elsewhere supposed, that by the word ^%\ utl, a maund (or 82 lbs.) was meant; but either a much smaller weight was intended by that term, or there must be some error in the numbers liere given, since these carry the qnanlities of lead and powder beyond credibility. Perhaps for ^\ we should read ^lU r«- (JJi>^J <-^.'^j' (U) This is a doubtful passage. The original is JuJo w/jj ^^^ ic^J'^ iJj^ rL)}-' i^^ij>iy_ i^^ *'\*~'Ji '^c'^' (*^ '^ imfj-asy ^,£'\ycjO ^yosi* ^ (13) He means to say, that the outcasts only were employed in this service, as any others would have been defiled by it. (14) Original tijljc^! y literally " n^M'/y erected ;" which, however, not agreeing very well with the period mentioned immediately after, I have, in my translation, omitted the adverb. The Sultan meant by the expression, not (as might be supposed) that the fortress in question had been recently built by himself, but sinre the acquisition of Canara by bis father. APPENDIX. IX " Ahmedij Sircar, and on which, in tlie course of five and twenty years, about '' twenty laclis of riipecji have been expended. An ungrateful rogue, who had •' been honored with the government of it, had invited the Nazarenes, and ** dehvered it up to them. Here I arrived ; and on the second [or following] " day, after crossing another Glmut [or passj situated two coss on this side of the " said fort, encamped near the city. The worthless Nazarene, who commanded *' in the fort, had erected a battery of heavy guns on an eminence near the fort, ia " which were placed about three hundred Nazarenes and a thousand other troops. " After I had taken uji my position, I dispatched a Kushoon to occupy the town. " This division, passing the outer-wall, was attacked by a body of Nazarenes^ " posted there by the enemy : between whom and my people a sharp conflict was " maintained till evening. Having, during the same day, collected the necessary " materials for the purpose, I erected a battery in the night, opposite to that of " the Nazarenes, in which I placed fifteen guns : and sending a storming party " of two Kushoous, I posted them in a hollow, where they remained till the hour " of morning prayer ; when, after firing a volley [from our battery], and crying " out ' Allah 1/dr,'^"' they rushed forward, and with great slaughter drove the " Nazarenes without religion, from the eminence they occupied ; taking also " many prisoners, and pursuing the fugitives to the very gates of the fort, in front " of which my people maintained themselves, till such time as, with the divine " assistance, I was enabled to entrench them. In the course of the two next " days, every thing being prepared for the purpose, I invested the place, and " mounted two batteries. A very hot fire was kept up on both sides the first day. " On the second day the gunners of the Hyderij army served the batteries in such " a manner, that ten guns of the fort were dismounted and shattered to pieces, and " a great number of Nazarenes sent to hell. In the end, the Nazarenes aban- " doned all their guns, and were no longer able to appear on the walls ; while I *' had two or three other batteries erected, in which placing six mortars, I caused " large stones to be thrown from them. Hereupon the Nazarenes without religion " dug trenches widiin the fort, into which they slunk [for shelter]. " In this conjuncture the rains of that country, which continue for six months, " set in. At the end of two months, I had carried my approaches, notwithstand- " ing the violence of the rains, to the ditch of the fort ; in the course of which " time the besieged had made two sallies, at the hour of midnight. On one of " these occasions I happened to be seated near the trenches, in a house in which " I had taken up my residence, when hearing a more continued report of mus- " quctry than usual, I hastened, in the midst of the rain and darkness of the b ■ " night, (15) God is our friend. X APPENDIX. " night, to the support of the people in the trenches ; and said to the Sirdars of " the Usud Ilhye arniy, ' that, with the divine aid, I would the following day, " ' when the sun was in the meridian [or at twelve o'clock] cut off the heads of " * the infidels within their own ditch and batteries, by the hands of my foot " 'troops;'"' and, in this manner, retaliate their tldef-lihe action of coming *' * against us in the night.' Accordingly, under God's assistance, and the pro- ** tection of our Prophet, I formed a party of thirty Ehshdm soldiers ''" and " twenty other persons of approved courage ;''^^ which dividing into two bodies, " I sent one of them, consisting of twenty-five men, in noon-day, against the " gate-battery, and the other twenty-five men into the ditch ; where each party " falling upon the infidels without religion, they cut oiF the heads of about forty " of those impure-minded [people].'"' Such as escaped the edge of the sword, '■''' '• falling into the ditch and other places, fled like chickens, and crept [for " concealment] into the nearest holes. The Uaud-Ilhye men, resembling lions, " returned with the prisoners thej had made in safety. In fine, the Nazarenes '* were reduced to such straits by our fire, that they no sooner saw one of the " Hijdery people lift a musquet to his shoulder, than they would take off their " hats, and bow to him like an ape.'"' " One day the JVazarenes, at break of day, attacked and penetrated into the '•' trenches at the edge of the ditcli. I was seated, at tlie time, in my quarters, " having just performed my customary exercises,'"" when hearing the noise of '* musquetry and of men, I took a company of Usud-Ithj/es, and ran on foot to " the trenches, where I found tlie Nazarenes standing. The Usud-Ilhye people, '* instantly attacking them with sword and bayonet, sent several of them to hell, " and made some of them prisoners. The remnant of the sword took to flight. " In (16) Original *'.ijv^ ^ls_»'^ meaning, I suppose, as if in contempt of his enemy, that his irregular infantry would be suflicient for the purpose. (17) The Elisham were sometimes employed for the purposes of parade, constituting a sort of guards. They were most commonly, I believe, stationed in garrison, but occasionally acted with the array in the field. (18) Original ^j) ^jkJ,* literally, I believe, " manly man," a respectable person. (19) Original ^bj-ls Cjb li (20) Original 1^. W who already aspiring to complete independence, omitted paying his court to Asof Jah, and rashly assumed the management of his patrimony, without applying for, or obtaining, the customary patent of confirmation from the viceroy. By this conduct he drew upon himself, as might be expected, the displeasure of Asof Jah, who had, about this period, transferred the seat of his government from Aurinigahad to Hyderabad, and who lost no time in preparing to chastise the contumacy of the Patan. With this view, after having dispatched his grandson, Hidayet Mohyiiddecn Khan (better known afterwards by the title of Mtizuffer Jung) to take possession of Beejapoor, he marched himself directly a"-ainst Shdnoor, many of the districts of which he resigned to the depredations of his army. He was, on this occasion, eagerly joined by the disaffected Daise-pdndehs of Serhiifty, (iiiduh, and other Po/y gars ; who, stimulated by their habitual hatred of the Afghans, omitted no means of inflaming his resentment against Abdul Mujeed. Asof Jah, however, was too wary and experienced, to allow himself to be swayed by the interested representations and suggestions of these people ; and having nothing in view but to bring the Patan tu a proper sense of his (22) That is in AH. 1 1 10, or A.D. 172S. (23) More commonly called NizSm 61 Miilk. (24) On other occaions, as well as the present, my author has omiltcd (o mention the degree of consanguinity subsisting between the successor and his predecessor. In such instances, it may bo safely presumed, that the successor was the son of the person he succeeded. XXU APPENDIX. his duty, he readily admitted of the mediation of the chief of Kamool for that purpose. Thereupon hostihties ceased, and the negociation terminated in Abdul Mujeed's paying two lacJis of rupees to the Nizam ; to whom he also made various valuable presents, in return for which he obtained patents of confirmation in all his possessions. It being thought proper, on this occasion, that the Patan should make a visit of form to tiie Viceroy, he only consented to do so, on the express condition of beinsi received in a manner suitable to the hifrh rank which he held among the Omras of the empire. Accordingly, Nasir Jung, the second son of Asof Jah, was deputed to conduct him to the Diirbdr ; where, on his arrival^ the Viceroy seated him on the Musnud, with himself. He was even permitted to smoke his Huhkah during this interview : and when he did homage to Asof Jah, as his official superior, by presenting him with the usual Nuzrs, the Viceroy condescended to receive them standing. In short, Asof Jah omitted no attention towards him, which could gratify his pride or vanity : " having" (as our author observes) " the wisdom to think, that the attachment of so powerful a chieftain '•' would be cheaply purchased at the price of such trivial concessions." Nor was he mistaken in his calculation ; since the Patan was so highly pleased with the gracious and flattering behaviour of the Viceroy towards him, that, from a contu- macious vassal, he was suddenly converted into one of the most useful and zealous adheients of that celebrated personage. This was soon after evinced, by his accompanying Asof Jah, in the year of the Higera'-'''' 115/ (or A. D. 1^44) in the expedition of the latter to the Payen Ghaut Carnatic ; where himself and followers acquired considerable renown for their valor on several occasions ; particularly at the attack of Nuthurnugr (or Trichinopolij) , at that time in the possession of Murar Rao Ghoarpurreh. Asof Jah wa s occupied nerly three years in the settlement of the Carnatic, during the whole of which period Abdul Mujeed Khan continued in his train. At length having reduced Trichinopoli/, and made a satisfactory adjustment with the several Poli/gars of the Carnatic, the viceroy returned to Hi/derabad ; at the same time permitting Abdul Mujeed, and other Patan chieftains, who had attended him in his expedition, to repair to their respective homes. Asof Jah dying about four years after this, '"' was succeeded, as Souhali of the Decan, by his second son, Mecr Ahmed, better known by the title of Nasir Jung ; who being shortly after directed to repair to the court of Dehli, appointed his nephew, (25) Or, accordfwg to oilier authorities, in A. H. 1156, or A. D. 1743. (26) He died the 4\h oi Jamadus Sany, A. H. 1 l6l (or 2-Jth March 1/48), not at the extraordinary age of one hundred and four, as Dow and others have inadvertently stated, but in his seventy-seventh year. APPENDIX. XXlll nephew, Hidayet Mohyuddecn Khan (more commonly called Muzuffer Jung) to the temporary charge of his government. It is foreign to the object of the present memoir to enter into a detail of the events which followed : it may suffice to say, that Hidayet, availing himself of his uncle's absence, and yielding to the persua- sion of traitors, assumed the title of Soubah ; and that Nasir Jung, on being apprized of his nephew's proceedings, excused himself from complying with the imperial summons, and hastened back to Hyderabad. From thence he lost no time in advancing against the rebels ; being previously joined, on this occasion, by the different feudatories of the Decan, who either sincerely espoused his cause, or only pretended to do so, for the purpose of betraying him. Among the latter were the Palan chieftains of Shdnoor, Kunwol, and Kurpah. The former, however, did not himself accompany the Soubah in this fatal expedition ; declining to do so (whether truly or not) on the ground of sickness, and sending his son, Kureem Meea, at the head of a suitable force, in his stead. "^ Nasir Jung, as is well known, soon after fell a victim to the treachery of the Pntan commanders : of whom, however, only one lived to return to his capital ; both Kureem Meea and the chief of Kurnool being slain, in the sanguinary feud which arose among the con- spirators, within two months from the murder of Nasir Jung. Hence it appears, that these writers were mistaken, who have represented the actual ruler of SMnoor as an immediate accomplice in the treason of the Patans. It is even uncertain, whether he was, in any measure, privy to the designs of the conspirators. Abdul Mujced would not appear to have taken any share in the troubles which followed the transaction just related, and which continued to disturb the tranquillity of the Decan for five or six years after : nor do we hear further regarding him, till his death, which took place in the thirty-second year of his government, ^■'' when he was succeeded by 9. ylhddl Ilukeem Khdn Mced)}chf-'> not long after whose accession Nizam Ali Khan (who had, by this time, seized upon the government of the Decan) in conjunction with the Mahrattahs proceeded against Shdnoor, with the avowed intention of overturning that state, and avenging the murder of the former's brother, Nasir Jung. In pursuance of this purpose, the (2") The author of the Maasir ul Omra (a biographical work of tlic first cstimntion and authority, and a judicious Iranblation of which is among ihc principal Oricnt.i) desiderata) calls the son of Abdiil Mujeed, who commanded the Shdnoor contingent on this occasion, BluMool Khia ; and adds, thai Abdiil Mujeed was, from the beginning, privy to the design formed against the life of Nisir Jung. (28) Thatisin A. H. 117'2, or A. D. l/iy. (29) Here, again, our author has omitted mentioning, in what relation Abdul Hukcem stood to his predecessor : but it is most probable that he was a younger brother of the Kureem Mp«a, who was en- gaged in the conspiracy against N^sir Jung. XXIV APPENDIX. the confederates entered and laid waste the Patan territories for the space of three months ; in the course of which the ]\Iahrattahs also jjossessed themselves of Serhuffi/, Misry-cotdh, Guddnch, and other places depending on the Shdnoor principality. Abdiil Hukeem, being of an indolent character, and addicted to pleasure, and despairing, moreover, of being able to cope successfully with such superior forces as now encompassed him, deterniined, if possible, to save himself by submission. With this view, he solicited and obtained the mediation of Bus- alut Jung, the brother, and of Ruknud Dowlah, the Dewdn (or minister), of the Aizdm, who was prevailed upon, at their instance, to accej)t of two lacks of rupees from the Patan, as an atonement for what had passed. The Mahrattahs, how- ever, though with less cause of complaint, were not so easily satisfied ; Abdiil Hukeem been obliged to relinquish to them, in perpetuity, the sixteen Mahals, of which they had made themselves masters in the course of the late irruption. " The heavy misfortunes," observes my author, " which thus befel, and had " nearly overwhelmed, the Patan state, were, at the moment of their occurring, " very generally regarded (and especially by all devout Musulmans) as a judgment *' of heaven upon that tribe, for the treacherous murder of Nasir Jung ;" of which atrocious deed they appear to have been almost universally considered as not only the actual perpetrators, but likewise the chief promoters. The same reflection would be as naturally suggested (and probably was) on occasion of the rapid dechne, after this time, of the two other Patan governments, of Kiirttool and Kurpah ; one of which was, ere long, completely subverted, and the other reduced to a similar state of dependence and insignificance with that of Shdnoor, which however, had not yet fallen so low as it was destined to do, at no distant period. Hyder Ali Khan, having gained possession of the fort of Dhdricdr, through the treachery of its governor, Rustum Khan''°' (who, on this occasion, engaged in the service of Hyder) proceeded from thence against Shdnoor ; where Abdul Hu- keem, hastily collecting together what forces he could, dispatched them, under the command of Jubbar Meea, with orders to oppose the enemy's advance. The two armies met in the environs of Anwutly ; where Hyder completely routed the Patans, and followed up his success so closely, that both Shdnoor and Bunkapore were presently invested. Abdul Hukeem, alarmed at the rapid progress of the invader, determined to seek an accommodation with him ; and, for this purpose, made overtures, to which Hyder, " moved," says our author, " by respect for the " honourable ancestry of the Patan, readily assented." This sentiment may seem somewhat at variance with the general character of Hyder, if not, indeed, with the usual nature of upstart power : but the issue of this very negociation evinces, that he (30) He was governor of Dharwdr en the part of Ihe Soulah of the Dccan. APPENDIX. XXr lie really did hold nobility of descent in some estimation, since it was one of the conditions of the treaty concluded on this occasion, that a double union, by mar- riage, should be formed between his own family and that of the Patan.'"^ It may be thought, that Hyder was actuated in this proceeding solely by considerations of policy, grounded on the notion, that such a connection was calculated to con- duce to the consolidation of his usurped authority. It would be difficult, however, to show, how such a purpose could be promoted by an union with a state, now so depressed, as to require, instead of being enabled to afford, assistance. Be this as it might, it is certain, that no benefit ultimately resulted to either party from this contract. Our author has not communicated any of the minuter articles of the treaty in question ; nor have I been able to supply the omission from any other source of information. It may be presumed, however, that the Patan government bound itself, on this occasion, both to pay a certain annual tribute, or paixhcuxli, to the Mysore chieftain, and to furnish him, when required, with a specific military force. The former supposition is rendered probable, by the allusions, which we have seen made in Tippoo Sultan's correspondence with Abdul Hukeem, to his pecuniary claims on the Patan : while the latter conclusion is also, in some measure, warrant- ed, by the fact of Hyder's having been accompanied, in most of his subsequent expeditions, by a body of Patan troops. Thus Kheera Meea, with five hundred horse and a thousand infantry, ^vas present at the reduction of Gooty, Bullu'uj/, Kurpah, and other places, which submitted, about this time, to the authority of his father-in-law; and though he was prevented, by sickness, from attending the latter, during his invasion of the Caniatic, yet on that occasion, also, did the stipulated contingent of the Patan state, headed by another conunander, apjiear among the auxiliary forces of the Mysorean. Previously to his departure from the neighbourhood of Shdnoor, in prosecution of his ulterior plans of conquest, Hyder (whether in conformity with any private article of the treaty, which has been alluded to, or merely at the subsequent solicitation of his new ally, is uncertain) undertook to put the latter, once more, in possession of the greater ])art of the districts, which, as has been seen, had been wrested from him, a few years before, by the Mahrattahs. This object he accordingly accomplished to a certain extent, recovering some of the districts in question by force, and others by bribery. Nor is it, by any means, necessary, in order to our admitting the probability of this statement, to suppose, that Hyder d and (31) Abdiil Hukeem, on this occasion, gave his daughter in ninrriage to Hyder's second son, Kureem SAheb, whose sister (by the same mother) was bestowed upon Kheera Meea, the eldest son of llie Patan chief. XXVI APPENDIX. and the Mahrattahs were, at this juncture, still at uar; since aggressions, of the kind here spoken of, frequently take place among neighbouring states and chief- tains in India, without leading to a positive rupture, or to general hostilities between them. They arc considered, perhaps, as mere border disputes, and are not uncommonly adjusted without any serious or formal appeal to the sword. We hear nothing further of Abdul Hukeem till the death of Hyder Ali, at the close of the year 1/82, and the consequent accession of Tippoo Sultan to the Blusnud : on which occasion, though the commander of the Patau contingent, serving with the Mysore army, took upon him to present the Sultaii with the Am3/' and other compliments customary in such cases, no letter of congratulation came from Abdul Hukeem himself. 1 his omission gave great oftence to Tippoo : who, however, did not judge it convenient to take any immediate notice of the affront. It was about this period, that the famous Dhoondy Jee Wang (or Wagh) first rendered himself conspicuous in the Decan. He had previously contented himself with petty depredations, in the course of yvhich he had fallen into the hands of the Mahrattahs, who, after some time, were prevailed on (probably by bribes) to restore hmi to liberty ; a favour of which it was not long before he gave them cause to repent. In the mean while, joining the expedition of Hyder Ali to the Car- natk, he served, during the whole of the war in that quarter, in the Mysore army, under the banners of an old associate of his, called Badamy Bhishtapa. On the termination of hostilities in the Carnatic, Dhoondy Jee, accompanied only by about seventy or eighty adherents of the same desperate character as himself, hastened to Shd^mor ; where suddenly appearing at the gate of Abdid Hukeem's palace, he declared that chieftain in a state of Dhurna, or siege,*^"' and proclaimed his determination not to quit his position, until the Patau cither consented to take himself and his followers into his service, at the yearly allowance of a lack of rupees, or otherwise to bestow upon him the Deicdnij of such of the S/idnnnr districts as were still in the possession of the Mahrattahs. To the generality of readers, it will, no doubt, appear extraordinary, if not incredible, that a handful of men, insulated and unsupported as these were, should be able to give the law (as may be said) in his own capital, to a chieftain, surrounded by guards and vassals, who, it may be supposed, could have easily and signally punished the temerity of the intruders. By those, however, who arc conversant in the customs of India, or who have perused the singular report referred to at the bottom of the page, the fact, here related, will not be thought irreconcileable with experience or probability. Be this as it may, our author proceeds to say, that Abdul Hukeem, impatient (32) For a very particular account of the singular practice of Dhurna, the reader is referred to a most curious communication from Lord Teignmouth, iu the Asiatic Researches. APPENDIX XXVU Impatient to get rid of his importunate and daring suitor, and, of the two evils proposed to his choice by Dhoondy Jee, considering the latter as the least, con- sented to invest him with the office he demanded, Dhoondy having, accordingly, obtained from the fears of the Patan the Stinuds (or patents) necessary for his puqjose, hastened, with what followers he could suddenly collect totrethcr, in addition to his original party (and in such a country, the temptation to plunder would not fail to procure him many), surprized two or three of the districts in question, seized upon the fortress of Misry-cotah, and finally acquired so consi- derable a booty, in money and effects, as enabled him to send a Nuzr of two lacks of Shdnoory pagodas, together with other valuable presents, to Abdul Ilukeem ; uho appears to have ratified all his violent and irregular proceedings, not only by accepting a share of the plunder, but by bestowing on the plunderer, in return, an honorary dress, accompanied by other marks of distinction and approbation. After this, Dhoondy Jee, augmenting his force to five or six hundred horse and two thousand foot, continued, for a considerable while, to levy contributions, and to commit every sort of dej)re(lation, on the frontiers of the Mahrattahs : and though it is not expressly stated, that he respected, on these occasions, the terri- tories of Sliumor, there is some ground for believing that he did. On the whole, it must be admitted, that tliere are circumstances in the conduct of Abdul Ilukeem, with regard to this famous free-booter, which, if the Patun did not apjiear to have been actually of a timid and wavering character, might well war- rant a suspicion of collusion between them in the affair of the Dhnrna}^^^ '' 2 Things (33) It is well known, that the famous adventurer, spoken of in the text, became still more con- spicuous, at a later period, during which he furnished considerable employment to the British forces in Mystre- It was on this occasion, that Lord Viscount Wellington (then Llic Honorable Colonel Wel- lesly) gave that earnest of the consummate military skill and enterprizing spirit, of which he subsequently aftbrded so many eminent proofs, in the course of the Malirattah war of 1803-1, but of which the most brilliant evidence was reserved for another period, and a still more arduous ihealre. Among the papers found at Serin gapatam, there is a curious document, in the hand-writing of Tippoo Sultan, on the subject of Dhoondy Jee Wag, of which the following is nearly a literal translation. " The question [or case] proposed by the Khodadad Sircar, for the consideration of all the four " departments of government, and of Bishna Pundit, and relating to the robber, Dhoondy Jcc, is " ibis: — first, the aforesaid robber has many times humbly represented, through the medium of " Bishna Pundit, and once or twice in Urxies from himself [to us], (hat he was the servant of the " Sircar, and that, if a little help were afforded him by the Sircar, he would [engage to] lake all the " country of Slu'inoor ; and [again], that he was the servant of the KhodAMd Sircar. In answer licrelo, " that person was told, once or twice, by letter from ourselves, and furthermore by diflercnt verbal " communications, that as it was [a lime of] peace, we should [or could] positively afl'ord him no " assistance. To the same efFect we sent him word, about two months ago, by Futah Sh;Mi, saying, you " ' are a servant of the Khodudad Sircar, and our well wisher : you must [therefore] never enter the " ' iciritories of the Khodddud Sircar, as, by your doing so, the peace would be disturbed [or broken] ; " ' but • •• XXVIU AT PEN BIX. Things remained in this situation in the principahty of Shdywor, till Tippoo, having made peace with the English, and established his authority in Bidnore, 3Iangalore, " • but you may remain in the territories of others, and do therein what you will-' This message " being delivered to him, he sent back, along with Futah Shah, an Afghan of the name of Omar " Khan, to whom hegave in charge a horse'and an Urzee for us- On the arrival of these two persons " in the Presence, we demanded of them an account of the situation of affairs in that quarter : to " which Fulah Shah answered, that this was the intention of the accursed Rao ; namely, to introduce •' himself, by whatever means might be [practicable], into the Presence, and there labour, after being " admittpd to the honor of Islamism, to attain distinction and renown ; and that he had, accordingly " sent his confidential [friend or servant], Omar Khan, for the purpose of representing these particulars " to us in detail. The following day we summoned Omar Khan, together with Futah ShJih, to our " Presence, where we desired [the former] to state truly to us, and without lying, what Dhoondy Jee had " said. Hereupon the aforesaid [Omar Khan] made a similar communication to us ; namely, ' that the " ' real wish of Dhoondy Jee was to obtain an introduction to the Presence, and by approving (after " ' his admission to the honor of Islamism) his zeal and devotion in our service, to secure to himself " 'an honorable name-' The communication of tliis wretch being concluded, we [being still doubtful of its " accuracy] made him repeat it, which that nolody accordingly did. After this we said [to him], ' well, but " ' wherefore does become hither? — Byhiscoming, displeasurewillarise between us and the PoonnA people. " ' Let him remain there ; and we will secretly supply him with what money and other articles he may " ' require." To this, that ass [or Omar Kh&n] rejoined, ' that he had [already] slated to us what the " ' utmost wish and object of Dhoondy Jee was, and could only add, that he was actuated by no other.' " Hereupon we further said : ' it is well : do you go back to Dhoondy Jee, and s.iy to him, that the " ' first condition [prescribed by us] is, that he shall agree to embrace the faith : the second, that he " • shall marry [under our direction] into some respectable family : furthermore, that upon his " ' receiving the honor of Islamism, he shall be put in possession of one or other of these two forts, " ' namely, the fort of Murugsera or Husmungy, together w ith a Jagecr [adequate to the maintenance] " ' of a thousand horse. If (we added) he does not agree to these things, his coming hither will not ' ' be proper." To this eflect did we three or four times, sending for Omar Khan, signify our " pleasure to him- We even desired him to repeat aloud what we had stated to him, in order that " we might be satisfied whether or not he [perfectly] remembered, or had rightly comprehended, the " same ; whereupon that dog repeated the whole, word for word. What is here staled took place " three or four times. After this, giving that dog a horse to ride, we dispatched him, wiih directions " to be expeditious, and lo inform the ta/a7Hi7<; * (his employer), that on condition he embraced the " faith, he might repair to the Presence J but that, otherwise, it would be needless for him lo come. " Accordingly, this accursed dog proceeding from hence [soon] returned, accompanied by Dhoondy " Jee: The aforesaid dog [i- e. Omar Kh;in] was no sooner arrived, than sending for him we said to " him : ' having brought the catamite along with you, you have, of course, got hi;n to engage to " ' embrace the (aith, and have, moreover, made him acquainted with all our other orders." Hereupon " that accursed dog humbly set forth, that by the blessing of God, Dhoondy Jee had not only agreed " to embrace the faith, but to comply,! heart and soul, with every thing required of him, and, in '• this disposition, had repaired to the Presence. On hearing this we were highly delighted, .ind said, " ' we have ordained, that his name shall be Shaikh Ahmed. Let a time be fixed for his repeating the " ' Kulmah [or Mahommedan creed].' To this the infidel [meaning Omar Khan] answered : ' it will " 'be • Original «C'^ or iirc which I lake to be the word alluded to by Colonel Wilkt, at page xxiii of his Preface. + Original . ^ -^ . -j " head and eyes." t APPENDIX. XXIX Mangulore, and other parts of his dominions situated to the westward of Seringa- pafam, ^\hicli had manifested a disposition to revolt, lie now proceeded on his return " ' be better if his repeating of the Kulmah be delayed till after two or three visits to the Diirlur; but, " 'if it be required of him, he will repeat it this moment.* Hereupon we said, that it did not " signify. But on sending for them the next day, the same reply was given [by Omar Khan]- Being " again sent for on the third day, we caused Meer Sadik to enquire of [Dhoondy Jee himself 3 when *' he meant to be admitted to the honor of the faith, and to urge him to embrace it speedily, in order " that he might repair to his Jageer. Hereupon the accursed dog [i. e- Dhoondy Jee] plainly denied " every thing, declaring that he did not know, and had never heard, a word of the matter. Aiter this *' we had the catamite examined by the Asof, by the Sudoor, and ;by others ; to all of whom this " nolody affirmed, that the Afghan \i. e. Omar Khan] had never communicated these things to hino, " and that he heard them now for the tirst lime. " The remaining particulars [of this atfair] will be verbally made known by Meer Sadik, Mahommed " Riza, and Purnia. If the above-named be kept [here], no doubt strife [or enmity] will arise [in " consequence] with the three infidels; * and if we send him aw.iy, siill will enmity ensue j you will, " therefore, write down, what shall appear to you advisable and beneficial on this occasion- It was •' owing to the confidence which we placed in the communications of the reprolate dog [Omar " Kh^nJ that we sent for Dhoondy Jee to the Presence, in order that we might have an interview " with him." Then follows the opinion of the counsellors referred to, and of which a translation is subjoined. It appears to be in the hand-writing of Mahommed Riza (the Binki/ NaLolJ : " The humble representation (or opinion) of the slaves of all the three f departments of government, " that is to say, of the Meer Meeran, % the Asof, and the Sudoor, is this : — " With respect to the keeping, or sending away, of Dhoondy Jee, as directed to be considered by " the Presence, there is no doubt, or question, that the keeping of him will be attended with complete " evil, and give rise to enmity [or disagreement] with all the three infidels. On the other hand, if " he be sent away, the same enmity will be produced. Therefore, what we, your slaves, humbly " suggest, is, that Dlioondy Jee be kept imprisoned, and never be released. The humble representation, " this 14th day of the month Tukky, year Eusikh, and of the birth of Mahommed 1222,§ of " Meer Mahommbd Sadik, /isof. «< jl * * * * * * " Ghulam Ali, Sudoor, " Mahom.med Riza" Ne.\.t follows, in the Mahrattah language, the opinion of Bishna Pundit; to which a Persian translation, in the hand-writing of Mahommed Rizi, is subjoined. Here is the opinion of the Pundit. " Dhoondy Jee is not a person of [good] faith : he is without faith. He is not fit to be retained, " nor ought he to be released : he should be put to death." The milder judgment, however, of the majority prevailed. Dhoondy Jee was retained in prison, and did not recover his liberty, till the day on which Seringapatam was stormed and taken ; when, availing * Meaning llie F.nglisli, the Mahrattahs, and the Nizim. ■f In the Sultan's reference to them ihcy are said to \>e /our. i That is, Mahommed Rizi. § Coricspondinf; to the lOih June 1794. II The original signature, in ihis place, appears, in the Canarese character. It is, probably, that of Purnia. Theteis another signature rather obscurely written, which may be read BudiOi Zumin. It is not the least curious circumstance attending this opinion, in which ihc Muhrattahj arc called I'l/iir/i, that it ihould have been subscribed (as there is reason to believe it nas) by a Hiiuloo ! XXX APPENDIX. return to liis capital, by the route of Rdny Bidnore. His arrival at the latter ])lace, which is not far distant from Shdnoor, was the signal of alarm to Abdul Hiikeem, who now began to anticipate the effects of Tippoo's resentment of the slight he hud put upon the latter at his accession to the Musnud. In order, therefore, to avert the storm which he thought ready to burst uj)on him, he hastily dispatched his son, Kheera Meea, with a Nuzr of forty thousand rupees and several rich presents for the offended Sultan, to whom he also sent the best apology he could devise for his past neglect. The experiment succeeded, probably, beyond the Patau s expectations ; for Kheera Meea not only met with a very gracious reception from his brother-in-law, but obtained from him, before they separated, the usual Sumida, or letters patent, confirming his father in all his possessions. Whether or not the Sultan exacted, at this period, any new concession from Abdul Hukcem, is not stated by my author, who is also entirely silent, with regard to the probable motives of Tippoo's moderation on the present occasion. But whatever these motives might be, Abdul Hukcem, who had always, during the life-time of Hyder, entertained an equal dread and dislike of Tippoo, did not feel entirely re-assured by the issue of his son's negociation. When, therefore, Burhanviddeen was dispatched, in the beginning of the year l^SS, against Nergund, it is not to be wondered at, that the fears of the Patau were again awakened, by the arrival of so considerable a force in the vicinity of his capital : especially, as the pecuniary discussions, which look place about the same time between him and the Sultan, werq but ill calculated to remove his distrust. It was, accordingly, under these impressions, that Abdul Ilukeem thought he should best consult his safety and interests by joining the coalition, formed at this period by the courts of Pouiiah and Hyderabad, for the purpose of checking the ambitious projects of the Sidtan. He did not, however, openly renounce his dependence on Tippoo, or seek the protection of the allies, till the ^m/^aw appeared to be in full march for Shdnoor, when he suddenly and secretly fled from thence, accompanied only by a few of his most attached followers ; and of all the riches and valuable property, accumulated, during so many generations by his prede- cessors, taking with him nothing more than an inconsiderable sum of money, and the equipage which conveyed him to the Mahrattah camp ; and leaving behind him the chief part of his family, including Kheera Meea and his wife, the half- sister of the Sultan. Tlie date of this precipitate flight has been commemorated by av.iiling himself of the confusion of the moment, he effected his escape, and collecting together a rumerous force, which the recent subversion of the Mahommedan dynasty of Mysore made particularly easy, n^ade hea I for a considorable time against the British army- He was in the end, ho-.vever, de- feated and slain, in an action with Colonel Wellesley, on the lOih September ISOO. APPENDIX. XXXI by the following satirical chronogram, composed on the occasion in the Ilindivy dialect. (34) ^^, J; .,^ ^ ^^ ^,^ j^ ^<^ that is, " Hukcem Kiiun Meeaueli, abandoning every thing, ran away himself," or " saved himself by flight." Tippoo, not a little astonished (or, at least, pretending to be so) at the flight of the Patau, immediately dispatched Meer Sadik into the town, with orders to sequestrate the whole of the fugitive's property, which was, of course, done with- out opposition or difficulty, and, no doubt, with sufficient rigor. Whether the private property of the inhabitants at large was respected on this occasion, is not mentioned ; but as no blame was imputable to them, it is reasonable to suppose that it was spared. In the mean while, Khcera Mcea, mounted on the only horse he possessed, and acconipanied by no more than two or three attendants on foot, hastened to make his submissions to his brother-in-law ; who is stated to have received him kindly, and to have asked him what could have induced his father to abandon himself, as he had done, to ruin and disgrace. " 1 had in no shape," said the Sultan " offered him the slightest molestation, but, on the contrary, was " daily giving him new proofs of my favor and regard. Alas ! that notwithstand- " in"- our affinity, and mv uniform forbearance and good faith towards him, he " should have thus united himself with my enemies ! Never can such a man " behold the face of prosperity." To this harangue Khcera Meea is rejjorted to have replied, " that it was but too true, that his father had acted wrong, and " sacrificed both the fortunes and honor of his house in a fit of despair :" to which he added an assurance, " that he had been kept to the last moment in entire " ignorance of his father's intentions." After this, the Sultan had tents erected near his own, for the accommodation of Kheera Meea and the females of his family, who svere likewise daily supplied with provisions from his own table. These attentions, however, did not prevent him from adopting the necessary precautions for guarding against the future escape of his voluntary prisoner. Peace being concluded, soon after this, between the confederates and Tippoo, the places taken on each side, in the comse of the war, were, for the most part, mutually relinquished. It was not, however, without considerable dillieulty'"' that Pursaram Bhen and Rasta, who are said to have exerted themselves stre- nuously on the occasion, succeeded in procuring the restoration of S/uhioor to its fugitive chieftain, who, it may easily be conceived, did not obtain this boon, but at the price of many fresh and humiliating sacrifices. From (34) Which, according to the t/ijurf notation, .nmounts to 1 199 A.H. (35) It is not stated by my author, on what side the difficulty, here spoken of, hy : but it was, of course, on that of Tippoo Sultan. XXXU APPENDIX. From this time we hear nothing more of Shdnoor or its chieftain, till the yejlr 1/91, at which period the Mahrattahs, in pursuance of the engagements which they had recently entered into with the English, for the purpose of reducing the power of Tippoo Sultan, advanced against the capital of the latter ; but not before they had seized, in their way thither, upon the whole of the Patau territory, in the possession of which they were formally confirmed, the following year, by the partition treaty of Seriugapatam. In the meanwhile, Abdid Hukeem dying,^^'^' after a long but unprosperous administration, was ostensibly succeeded by his son, 10. Ahditl Khyre KMn, commonly called Kheera Meea, whose inheritance was now reduced to a single Mahal, which the Mahrattahs had the generosity to assign him for his mainte- nance, and of which, if still living, he probably continues in possession at this day. His wife, I believe, had been withdrawn some years before from his protection, by her brother, in whose Haram she was found, if I recollect rightly, at the capture of Seringapafam ; when, I am also inclined to think, that she was pensioned, along with the rest of the late Sultans family, by the British government. (36) Meer Husain All says, that he lived five years after his restoration to his princlpalily ; which would place his death in the early part of the year 1/92. It would also appear, from the same authority, that the actual Chief of Shdnoor, at the period of the peace of 17Q2, was Abdul Khyre Khan. I am unable to reconcile these statements with the account given by Captain Moore (in his interesting narrative of the operations of Captain Little's detachment) of his interview, in April 1792, with the Niil'ob of Shdnoor whom he designates Abdul Hukeem Khan. It is possible, that he may have mistaken the name of the ruling chief; and what favors this conjecture is, the circumstance of his calling that chief, on the same occasion, the Irotber {i. e. the brother-in-law) of Tippoo 3 an appellation which, it is evident, belonged not to Abdul Hukeem, but to his son, Abdul Khyre. In the " Historical and Political View of the Decan," of which I am not in possession, but which i» quoted by Captain Moor, Abdiil Hukeem Khan is said to have been " the seventh in lineal descent, as " occupant, and the fourth, as sovereign ruler of Shdnoor and its dependencies. The former part of (bis statement agrees exactly with the detailed genealogy given in the present article, Abdul Hukeem having been the seventh in descent from JubbSr Meea, the first occupant of the principality in question. What is meant by his being the /our/A ioi'erW^n ruler of it, is not equally apparent; since Husain All nays nothing of Abdul Ghuft'ir Khan's (who must have been the Jirst of those rulers) having attained to, or assumed, a state of absolute independence. But there is a passage in his account of Ibraheem Khin, the fourth chief of the Patan dynasty of Kurnool, which may serve to explain this point. That chief is there said to have obtained from Khin Jehan Kokeh, the viceroy of the Decan, instead of the usual patent of confirmation in his Jdgeer, a new grant, in which the former stipulations,* whatever they might have been, were wholly omitted. Now, as Abdiil Ghuftar Kh;ln is stated to have paid his court to the same viceroy, it is not improbable that he was equally successful on that occasion with his countryman. But however this might be, it is certain, that the claims of these chiefs to absolute independence or sovereign rule, if ever advanced, were far from being recognized by the subsequent viceroys of the Decan- • Original (the golden vase or vessel) the letters of which gave 1201: that be- longing to the Juddah factory \ contained the words JU-jI-j i^J (the mansion, or city, abounding in wealth), which also yield the year 1201. The inscription on the official seal of the remaining factory of A/usca/ is not perfectly legible : the words .j.l^ (mine of gold) being alone distinct. These letters amount to 1131. The next word appears to be -^ (equal lo 0/) ; and this is followed by an indistinct mark, which may be supposed lo have been meant for a CJ This would complete the number 1201 : but though it were allowable to read iZJj^ Ido not know that any sense could be made of it. (ig) The two last articles fviz. wax ai.d honey) arc added from the instructions to Ihc Mecr Asofs, or revenue dvpartment. (20) The merchants building large ships would, of course, agreeably to the stipulation contained in the seventh article of Section I, be exempted from this prohibition. (21) That is, an ull of light, in contra-distinclion to one of full, or complete weight. The term* khdm (unripe) and poahhuh (ripe) when applied to weights or measures of the same denomination, de- note respectively small and great. Thus a poakhiek (or pucka) seer means a large seer, and a kftdm (or kuchaj seer a small one. • See Prefatory Remarlts, on the SuUan's Kalendar. f Ttius it appears tliat, at this lime, the Sullan liad a factory at the port of Juddah, vrhicli, howcTer, must haTC been subsequently withdrawn, Ob no mention is made of it i 'he present icgulationi. xl APPENDIX. the Prophet is Lord), written in the Sultans own hand, and formed in the manner of a cypher. This was the signature by wliich he always attested his orders. III. Of the ylppropriation of the Fund, or Capital, allotted for Commercial Purposes. 1. The sum of four lacl Cjf^-^ iij j ill? that is, " gold and silver, coined and uncoined." What was meant by purchasing " coined gold and silver,"' I do not clearly comprehend. Perhaps coins suited to foreign markets might be intended. (24) There is a fuller enumeration of the articles in question in other places. (25) By cinnamon must be meant here, I conclude, the cassia lignea > at the true cinnamon is not, [ believe, produced in ilysore. (20) Meaning, most probably, both exports and imports- APPENDIX. xli IV. Of the Commercial Depots, or Marts, es/ablislied in Mysore ; and of Pro- vincial Factors, and other Officers of Commerce. 1. You are to entertain in our service, and to station at the thirty places within our doininions, hereafter enumerated, the necessary Gdmdshtehs and Miifusuddies, for carrj'ing on, to the extent suited to the place, a trade in such articles as shall jneld a proper profit. 2. The following are the places within our dominions, where you are to estab- lish factories or commercial depots : The Capital or Putn, Suldmdbdd or Sattimungalum, Viziemimgul or Arivacoochy, Bangalore, 5 . Bdgloor, Color, Murwdgul, Muddnnpilly, Zufurdhdd or Gurratncoondah, 10. Punganoor, Rachouti/, Fi/ze-Hisdr or Gooty, Dhiirumivdr, Furriikh-ydh-HisdrovChittlcdoorg Nugr or Bidnoref Shihdrpoor, Soondeh, 20. Koorldl or Mangalore, Khooshdlpuur, Barkoor, Gurwdr or Kiirivdr, Jumdldbdd, 25. Bhtif-Kidlah or Butcul, Futahdhdd, Kuroor or Guroar, Gurrup or Kurriip, Bunwdsy, 30. Gurdoon-Shikoh or Nundy-doorg. 15. Bny-nuzeer'"'' or IJurridl, 3. Other subordinate agents are to be employed, for the like purpose, at such places in our dominions (yielding proper produce for trade) as are not compre- hended in the foregoing list. These agents arc to be changed every year.''"* 4. There is no objection to your disposing of the articles heretofore enumerated, and being the produce of our dominions, to private merchants, who may be desi- rous of speculating in the same on their own account.'"" 5. Besides the Gdmdshtehs to be employed in the difil'rent depots above eniune- rated, you are to station with every Asof throughout our dominion, a Ndib, or deputy, who must be a trust-worty person, and a man of respectable character and condition. He is to have a Mdlusuddy for an assistant. Before dispatch mg f these (27) This is one of tlie Sultan's new names. I do not know to what place it was .npplied. (28) Something is added, respecting the emoluments of these Agents, whicii I omit, because I do not clearly understand the passage. (29) That is, the Giinuhhlehs, or agents, of the board of trade, might dispoie of the commodities in question, to such merchants as chose to deal in them, and were precluded Irom procuring them, in any other manner, by the restrictive regulations of tlic Sultan. xlii A P r E K D I X. these persons, however, to their stations, you must obtain sufficient security for their good behaviour, and then producing them in the Presence, procure our special signature to their nomination. 6. The subordinate agents, mentioned in Article 3, are to be placed under the control and authority of the Ndibs, or deputies, stationed with the Asofs. J. I'he aforesaid Ndibs and MdfusuJdies are to accompany the Asnfs, in the annual attendance of the latter on the resplendent Presence, for the purpose of celebrating the Eed, or festival, of Zilhijjah. Immediately on their arrival [at court], you must examine their accounts of receipts and disbursements, and pre- pare an abstract thereof for our information. 8. On a certain day, to be occasionally appointed, all the Musulman officers belonging to your department shall be entertaincrl, at the charge of the Sircar, with a public repast, to consist of Piilhlo of the first sort. The Mdtusiiddies and others, being Hindoos, shall, at the same time, have a separate repast provided for them, to consist of rice, and such other articles as usually coiiipose their food. The whole of them, after this, are to be brought into the Presence, when the above-mentioned accounts are to be produced and examined ; and they are to make such verbal communications, relative to their respective concerns, as may be judged requisite. This business being concluded, they are to receive the pa«?rt leaf,*'"' to make their obeisance, and to withdraw. 9. You are to procure the special signature of the Presence to the afore-men- tioned accounts, and to preserve the same in your office. 10. You are [periodically] to receive back from the Ndibs and Mutusiiddies above-mentioned, all such letters and receljits [or acknowledgements] whether formal or informal,^"' as you have previously written or sent to them. Of these you are to make a list [or abstract], which, after affixing a seal and signature to it, your are to deliver to the said Ndibs, in lieu of the original documents, which last are all to be destroyed. "' V. Of (30) It is usual to present pawn to the inferior classes of public officers and servants, on dismissing there to their stations. The superior orders receive, on such occasions, dresses and other marks of ap- probation. (31} Original ^ja»» -^c . ,_jJc»-) " attested and unattested, regularly signed and sealed, or other, wise." (32) The object of this regulation is not very obvious- It might be, to prevent an inconvenient accumulation of documents, no longer useful. APPENDIX. xliii V. Of the Means to he pursued, with a view to the opening and establishing of a Commercial Intercourse with Foreign Countries. 1. You must address Urzies to the Sirddrs [or chiefs] of foreign countries,'"' and send the same, together with [suitable] presents for the said Sirddrs, by the hands of persons of respectable character and condition. After applying to, and obtaining from, those Sirddrs, the necessary A'om:/-"' for the purpose, you will proceed to establish factories in their countries, by appointing and sending thither the requisite officers, duly provided with money. 2. These officers [or Xaibs, as they arc called in the original] are to be in- structed to purchase and send hither all the rare and curious productions of those countries, which, on arriving here, are to be sold [on our account, or for our benefit]. In like manner are the rarities and commodities of this country to be sent to the aforesaid factories, and there sold [on our behalf]. 3. The factories to be thus established in foreign countries arc to be seventeen in number (including those of Kutch and Muscat, already existing) agreeably to the following list : Kurnool, Cheena-pufn or Madras, Pondicherry, Poonah, Kurpah, Nagore (in Tanjore), IVyrdg (depending on Poonah), Mdligong (ditto on Hyderabad), Pdgar Koteh (belonging to the Rdsta,) Utnee (belonging to the Rdsta), Ndndair (depending on Hyderabad), Humndbdd (ditto), liachore (Adoni), Muscat, Kutch, Kurachy-bundcr of Sinde belonging to Nuseer Khun Buluche, Mahd-bunder, to France. 4. You are authorized to expend such sums as shall appear necessary and proper to you, for the purpose of establishing the aforesaid factories. 5. Proper agents must be stationed at those places in our dominions, where silken stuffs, of a superior quality, are fabricated, whose business it shall be to make (Economical contracts for the provision thereof. The stuffs, so provided, are then to be exported to the places where they may be in demand. f 2 6. Agents (33) It is by no means clear, who arc meant, in this place, by Sirdars. If the sovereigns, or chief rulers, of the countries in question, had been intended, it is probable that the Sultan himself would have addressed them on such an occasion. But whether the chiefs themselves, or only their principal officers or ministers, were to be applied to, on this occasion, the difficulty of reconciling such a pro- ceeding with the usual policy of the Sullan, will remain the s.Tme. (34) That is '.o say, the necessary encouragement and assurance of protection. xliv APPENDIX. 6. Agents must, also, be sent to those foreign parts noted for their silken manu- factures ; which being purchased, are to be brought hither, and sold at an advantageous price.'"' 7. Sending, in charge of your deputies or agents, to other countries, the produce of our dominioiis, and disposing of the same there, the produce of those countries must be brought hither in return, and sold at such prices as will afford [good] profit.") VI, Of Commercial Deposits ; ^or a Plan for admitting the People at large to a Participation in the Benefits to accrue from the Trade of the Country. ^''^ 1. All praise and glory be to the most high God, who, breathing life into a handful of clay, which was before inanimate, gave it the form of man ; and who has raised some chosen individuals [of the species] to rank and power, riches and rule, in order that they might administer to the feeble, the helpless, and the destitute, and promote the welfare of their people. In pursuance of this duty, we now decree as follows : 2. That whosoever shall deposit with you any sum, from five to five hundred Imaumies,^'' for the purpose of being employed in traffic [on his account], such person shall be entitled to receive [from you], at the end of a year, together with the principal amount of the said deposit, a profit, or increase, of half an Imaumy on every Imaumy so deposited or advanced.''"' 3. That whosoever shall make a similar deposit, of from five hundred to five thousand Imaumies, such person shall, in like manner, be entitled to receive, at the end of a year, together with the principal amount of his advance, a profit thereon of a quarter Imaumy on every Imaumy so deposited.'^* 4. That for every sum exceeding five thousand Imaumies which shall be so deposited, the person making such deposit shall be entitled, at the end of a 5'earj to receive, together with his principal, a profit, or increase, to be calculated at the rate of t\\ elve Imaumies on every hundred Imaumies of such principal. ^" 5. That this regulation shall remain in force from generation to generation. 6. That (35) Original ^ij, jj^ '■^'^ '■^^-^4/ (30) Original Ju/Li; A>\> *^ «-»U,« ^^i/ (37) Although the present section does not bear, in the original, the title here given it, its tenor will nevertlieless, be found to agree sufficiently with that title. (38) Imaumy is the term which Tippoo Sultan thought proper to substitute for rupee. Three of them made a rakity, or cantarai pagoda. (39) That is, a profit of fifty per cent. (40) Being a profit of twenty-five per cent. (41 ) Or an increase of twelve per cent, A r P E N D I X. xlv 6. That whenever any person, making a deposit oF the nature above doscriber?, siiall think proper to applv for the restoration of anv part of such deposit, together with the proportion of profit which may be due thereon, the same shall be imme- diately paid to him, without hesitation or dispute, and a receipt for the amount be taken from him. 7. That in the event of the death of any person making a deposit of the nature aforesaid, the heirs and successors of such person, shall, on producing the certi- ficates (bearing the seal of tlie Sircar) which were granted by the JMidihiit Tiijur department to the deceased, at the time of his making the deposit in question, and on due proof being obtained of their being the rightful claimants, be entitled to receive the amount of the same [principal and profit], Avithout demur or delay.'**' Here follow some subsidiary regidations, respecting the mode in which the accounts of these transactions were to be kept, which it is not thought necessary to insert. ^' 1 1. Of Field MuUhU Tiljdrs. 1 . As often as three or more Kushoous of the Afeer Meerdn department, to- gether with two or more Kushoons of the Mecr Sudoor department, '^ are sent upon any service of the Khoddddd Sircar, there are to be attached to such force one Meer Meerdn [or general officer in comraandj, one 3Ieer Sudoor, one Meer Jmf, (42) It is sufficiently clear, that the profit, or increase, spoken of in the foregoing regnlation, was, in fact, a stated interest, which he agreed to pay on certain loans, proposed to be raised on the ostensible footing of a commercial transaction. As a rigid Musulman, however, it would not have become him to pay or receive lyaz, or interest, and therefore the word profit was substituted for this obnoxious terra. But though the deposits in question should have been really intended for interest loans, it would not appear, that the Sultan, supposing him to deal by his creditors with good faith, could have had any view to personal advantage in the transaction, since the «ett profits of the trade in question would hardly amount to the interest stipulated to be paid to the two inferior orders of lenders, whatever the case might be with regard to the superior class, to whom no more th.in the ordinary rate of interest in India ■was to be allowed. On the whole, therefore, it may be safely admitted, that with respect to the humbler description of subscribers, at least, the accommodation, thus placed in their reach, was sufficiently en- couraging ; and that, even in Ihe case of the more opulent of them, it may be fairly doubted, whether it was possible for them, under such a government as that of Mysore, to have employed their capitaMn a more beneficial manner, than the one here offered to their acceptance. Although the extraordinary difference in the rales of interest assigned, respectively, by this regulation, to the sm.ill and great, is at ntter variance with the principles which usually govern public loans in other countries, yet (here cao be no doubt, that the Sultan intended it as a pr.-'ciical proof of his obedience to the divine law, alluded to in the preamble of the present ordinance. Whether, however, rich or poor had sufficient confidence in hi* good faith, to avail themselves of the indulgence held out to them, or whether he did not, with bis characteristic caprice, soon .ibandon the plan, I am equally unabb to say. (43) The Meer Sudoor department superintended the forts and garrisons, the latter of whith were, for the most partj composed of the troops called Ehshdm, Xlvi APPENDIX. Asof, "' one Meer Khdzin,'*^- and one MulihU Tiljdr, who are conjointly to order all issues of pay and other disbursements, and to consult together on all matters relating to the interests of the state, such as war, revenue, the state of garrisons, &c. ; on which occasions the result of their deliberations is to be committed to writing, according to which they are to act. ^^ The record, containing the aforesaid deliberations, is to be deposited in a box, which is to be sealed up, and lodged as directed in Article 21 of the first section of these Regulations. 2. When one or two Kuslioons are detached on any service, under a Buhhshy or Sipahddr of the Meer Meerdn department, or when one Kushoon from the Meer Sudoor department is so detached, there must be sent with such Buhhshy or S'tpnhddr, from each of the departments of state above enumerated, a person of respectable character and condition, and properly qualified for the situation ; whoso duty it shall be to assist in all deliberations on the affairs of government, in the same manner, and with the same authority, as prescribed in the case of a Meer Meerdn, &c. employed with a superior force. 3, You must accordingly provide five men of respectable family, and duly qualified for the occasional discharge of the trust in question, and present them [for our approval] : after which you must give them the necessary instructions for their guidance in the service for which they are designed, and hold them in readi- ness to proceed on the same whenever required.'"' VIII. 3Jiscellaneous Regulations. 1. Every possible encouragement was to be given to the culture of sandal-wood and black pepper ; the Ryots' share of which articles of produce was constantly to be bought up, on account of the Sircar. 2. The commercial Ndibs, stationed with the several provincial Asofs, were authorised to employ Gumdshtehs, throughout their respective districts, for the purpose of trafficking in all articles, excepting those exclusively reserved for the account of government (among which sandal-wood, and coined and uncoined gold and silver, are particularly specified). With the exception of such articles, they might deal freely ^' in all others, without let or hindrance from the Asofs, who, on {44) The Meer Asofs were at the head of the reveuue department, [as the Meer Meerans were at the bead of the tnihtary department. (45) The Meer Khazins had charge of the treasury, mint, &c. (46) Although not expressly stated in this place, yet it may be inferred, from other passages on simil.ir occas'ons, that this record was to contain each individual's opinion. (17) T'hew^toi z Mulikut Tujar, or any other commercial agent, with a military expedition, is rot very obvious. Perhaps the Sultan had no other view in the measure, than that staled in Article 4 and Note 51 of the following Section. (48) That is (as I understand the passage) on iheir own account. APPENDIX. xlvii on the contrary, were directed to be aiding to them in their commercial pursuits. No other persons (except those to be presently mentioned), were, on any account, to be sutiered to txercise the same free trade. 3. The several Asnfs and Auinlls, throughout the country, were allowed to employ their oivn proper fy'"^ in trade; and were, moreover, exempted from the payment of duties. 4. Whenevtr a Durhdr, or court, was to be held, notice thereof was to be given to th-e chief officers of the several departments of state ; and, among the rest, to the RLiUMt 'IWjdrs. one of whom, acccmpanied by a Mirzdey Dnfiur,^'^'' and a Hindoo// Di'ffur, was always to attend the Dui-hdr. on such occasions, and to remuin there till it broke up : as well in order that the said JMulikiU Tujdrs might, in succession, acquire a knowledge of the general transactions of the go- vernment,'*" as that they might be enabled to state verbally to the Sultan, such matters, concerning their own particular department, as might require his atten- tion. 5. Elephants, required for expvirtatinn, were to be bought of the Sircar;''' and such as niiiiht be wanted for the inimediate use of the Sultan, were to be pro- cured from Mahmood-hunder,'''^' and other places. 6. The Midilut Tiljdrs were to collect all the gold and silver bullion they could from the various factories uno- JUjl JW j ^li-'l/l which may either mean, that they might employ iheir own money in commercial speculations, or traffic in iuch comtuodiiies as they possessed, (50) The Mirzdey Duftur was a Musiilman, and kept his accounts in Persian. (51) This implies, that the officers, so attending, were to be present at .ill discussions and delibera- tions which might take place Indeed, the Sultan hims'lf observes of this regulation, " thiit the ad- " vantage to be expected from all the different departments of the government being assembled together, «' was, that, by this means, each department would obtain an insight into the business of the others, " and mutual counteraction and opposition be, for the future, prevented. (52) That is, were to be supplied from thcc caught on account of gorernment. (53) This is a sea-port town, in the district of Palamcoteh. (54) There were five mints, one of which was appropriated to the coining of gold and silrer : at the other four, the copper currency was coined. The first of these mints was established within the walls enclosing the palace. The whole was placed uuder the direction of the Meer Khdzins, or lords of the treasury. Xlviii APPENDIX. APPENDIX F (Referred to at Letter XL.) Copy of Instructions, relative to Intelligence, directed to the Daroghas of HuRKAREHS, uiid of/wrsS^^ rThe Daroghas and Ndigs, together with the spies, [In the Sultan's own hand.'] ■^ are to go the rounds ; to see with their own eyes ; (, and to report [all occurrences] in writing. Instructions directed to Ghuliim Ahmed Ddrogha of HtirMrehs, and Syed Ali, Ddro'fha of Couriers, and Meer Baker, Ddrogha of the Paish-hheema, <" and Shama Naig, and Shaisa Naig, and Sadaseo Naig, as follows : You, the above mentioned Hurkdreh Ndigs, must, during the space of one month, place spies throughout the whole fort, in the town of Gdjam, and in the two camp huzars, &c. and also over the doors of the great Meers' houses, and [by these means] gain intelligence of every person who goes to the dwelling of another, and of what people say ; and acquire knowledge of the true state of things. You three Ddroghas must write the occurrences of every day in three separate Persian reports, with your own hands ; and you three Ndigs must, with your own hands, write three separate Canary reports, and bring and deliver them to the Presence. But first you must give intelligence to all persons, that it is the order of the Presence, that no one shall go to the house of another to converse ; but that whatever they may have to say must be communicated in their respective Kuchia^ries. If, notwithstanding this order, any person should go to the house of another, you must, upon his returning out of the same, bring him that moment to the o-ate of the palace, and report [the circumstance] to the Presence. Durino- one month, you, together with your Hurhdrehs, shall perform the duty of spies ; and the next month you must communicate these orders, regarding intelligence, to Akibut Mahommed, Ddrogha of Hurhdrehs, and Kadir Ali, Ddrogha of Couriers, and Meer Yoosif, Ddrogha of the Paish-hheema, and Singa Naig, Poota Naig, Nubby Yar Khan, Chik Naig, and Hully Narain, and put them on the duty of spies. You will then remain in [the execution of] your functions at the gate of the palace. After (1) For the original of the present article, as well as for the following translation of it, I am in- debted to Lieutenant Colonel Ogg. (2) The Paish-kheema is the establishment of tents, &c. sent in advance, for accommodation when marching. APPENDIX. Xlix After one month, the aforesaid will report to you again the orders regarding intelligence, and you will again perform the duty of spies. In this manner you must relieve each other monthly : and the orders of the Presence are not again necessary [on this subject]. Written the 25th of the month Ruhhdny, year Shdd, 1223 from the birth of Mahommed, with the hand of Syed Husain. To this purport other instructions have been written, directed to Akibut Mahom- med, Durogha of HurhdreJis, and Kader Ali, Ddrogha of Couriers, and Meer Yoosif, Ddrogha of the Paish Kheema, to Singa N&ig, Pootah Naig, Nubby Yur Khan, Chik Naig, and HuUy Narain. The following is a translation of a note addressed to Tippoo, by no less a personage than Mahommed Mukhdoom, the son of Lala Meea. This document shows, that the Sultan employed spies of all ranks. " Cherisher of the World ! Health be unto you ! *' Your slave, as he was coming from the house of his brother, happened to *' meet in the way with Ghulam Hyder. Sitting down together, he told me that " the household effects of Husun Ali were about to be sent off that very day. I " answered, that I had heard the same thing, but not from any authority to be " depended upon. Now, however, that your slave has received the orders of the *' resplendent Presence for the puqiose, he will be careful to obtain every possible " information, and to report to the sublime _Presence such authentic intelligence as " shall reach him." APPENDIX F.* (Referred to in Letter LXVII.) I am indebted for the following explanation of the cypher, alluded to in Letter LXVII, to Mr. Stewart, the Arabic, Persian, and Hindoostany Professor at the Honorable the East-India Company's College at Hertford. Not having received it till after that Letter had gone to press, it is inserted in this place. The verse, containing the key to the cypher in question,, is read by Mr. Stewart.. as follows : — g which 1 APPENDIX. which may be thus rendered : The Units reach just to the line; The Tens not quite so low are seen : The Hundreds to the right incline ; While Thousands to the left do lean. Thus I f^ f^r 6 1 VA ^ Stand for 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9. \ t' r rd 1 VA ^ Stand for 10, 20, 30, &c. to 90. /A/**^/^^ Y'f^^ f.. Stand for 100, 200, &c. to 900. \ Vft^ b A>^ N^ Stand for 1000, &c. Or the Hundreds and Thousands may be thus denoted : Hundreds L t C C 4. t ^ ^ i Thousands J fj^ &c. But the XJbjud notation (according to which the several letters of the alphabet are to be denoted by figures, and, vice versa, the latter to be reduced to letters) not going beyond 1000, by which number the letter c is expressed, the foregoing scheme is applicable no farther : what follows a thousand, therefore, can be em- ployed only to denote numbers. Thus jbV or w might be used for 3000 ; but would not convey any other meaning. *^ The following example is added, for the better illustration of the cypher in question. Ghulam Hyder (jJua.. Ai^ would be thus written — S^ ' ^ f- — ^— ' or instead of / this V may be used. And Tippoo Sultan (^ ..UaLi v^) thus, •■^^ ^-— ' -W or instead of V this /r may be used. This, I believe, was the cypher in which (as mentioned at Letter LHI) the de- scription of the works of Fort St. George was written by Tippoo's f^aheeh, during their residence at that presidency. APPENDIX. U APPENDIX, G. (Referred to at Letter CIl.) An Historical Sketch of the Pat an Puincipality of Kvrsool.^^ Kurnool, or, as my Persian original has it, Kunnool,'^^ is by some autljoritics described as a Muhul, ov Purgunnah, of the Sircar Adoni ; while others ~call it a Sircar, giving, at the same time, the title of Souhah (as in the case of Runkapoor) to Adoni. But however this might be, it is certain that, as well during the existence of Reejapnor as a separate kingdom, as subsequently to its degradation to the rank of a province of the Moghul empire, both the districts in question were included in its jurisdiction. Kurnool is not particularly noticed in the annals of the Decan till the period of Aurungzebe's apjiearance in that quarter of India. Since then, however, the active part taken by some of its chiefs, in the subsequent transactions of that busy scene, has conferred upon it a considerable degree of distinction. The founder of the Patan dynasty oi Kurnool was, as has been eysewhere inci- dentally mentioned,"' 1. Khizr Khdn Punny,^*^ an Afghan, of the tribe called Poorif-ZyeS'''' He had already attained to some rank in the Moghul army, when the latter was joined from Hhdnoor by lihiilool g 2 Khun, (1) The following article is chiefly derived from the same source as the memoir relating to ShJnoor, given in Appendix D. If the chronology, however, of the latter be in general defective, and often uncertain, tluit of the present sketch is, on the whole, sliil less satisfactory. Inattention to dales uatortunately constitutes too common a fault in most of the productions of the minor annalists of India. I am free to own, indeed, that both the chronology and the narrative of Meer Husain, when at variance «ilher with Scott's Decan, or with the Maasir ul Omra, should be received with caution. (2) Meer Husain informs us, that this town (to which Allumgecr gave the name of Kunir-nuer) derives its Hindoo name from the beautiful cotton fabrics, such as Sailahs and others, for which it was formerly, and may be still, notjd ; Kundnuol signifying, in the language of that country, " fin« " spun, clear thread." Hence lame A'^nnou/ and Kurnoul: the n and r being i)eriuulable in most of the dialects of India. Kurnool is not less celebrated, according to my author, for the beauty of ii« women than for that of its muslins. (3) See Appendix D, under " Bhiilool Khin." (4) I am uncertain whether this word is Punnij or Beeny, the original being susceptible of both readings : and, therefore, I have follosved the orthography which I find adopted by Captain j<;nathaa Scott, the learned translator of Ferisklak, (5) It is thus written in my manuscript.. lii APPENDIX. Khan, between whose family, and that of Khizr Khan, a great friendship had always subsisted. The young men having, in consequence, been educated toge- ther, had contracted a strict intimacy, which was now renewed, and closely culti- vated by both. Bhulool Khan happening, at this conjuncture, to stand high in the favour of Aurungzebe, as well as in that of his chief counsellor, Khan Jehan Khan, employed his credit with them so effectually in behalf of his friend, that Khizr Klian, besides an augmentation of his immediate Munsuh, soon obtained the government of Kurnool in Jdgeer, upon the condition of his maintaining, for the imperial service, a body of three thousand horse, and seven thousand foot. The limits of the Sircar of Kurnool (as it is on this occasion called) have probably fluctuated greatly, in the course of the various revolutions which that district has experienced. They must, at least, if the information before me be accurate, have beea considerably more extensive, at the period just now referred to, than they are at this time, since the revenue, of which Khizr Khan became master, is rated at a sum exceeding thirty-four lac1- (8) Original ci^-lbjJ ^\-^j\ or literally, " lifted from iLc midst/' an expreision uiually denoting extermination, or putting lo death. (9) The master of requests or of cercmonie*. y^Y A P P K N D I X. Khizr Khan ; by whose sons he liad been, in consequence, always considered in the H"-ht of an uncle. Zoolf kTir Khun, avaiUng himself of this title to the deference of the Patan (and which, by Mahommedans in general, is deemed to be little or nothino' inferior to the claims derived from absolute consanguinity), proposed to write to his adoptive nephew, exhorting him to submit himself entirely to the justice of the Emperor, and dismissing the chief part of his followers, to repair, in perfect confidence, to his (Zoolfkar's) quarters ; whence he promised to conduct him to an audience of his Majesty, and to procure for him all the satisfaction he could desire. Uaood Khan, yielding to the advice and entreaties of his friend, was immediately presented to the monarch ; who, besides a most gracious reception, gave him some wholesome counsel for the regulation of his conduct, which he concluded, by assuring him that, in regard to his father's death, the law should take its course. The following day was accordingly appointed for the pubHc hearing of the cause. In the mean while, however, desirous, either for personal or political reasons, of skreening the culprit, if possible, from punishment, Allum- geer sent privately for Shaikh Minhaj ; and telling him that as, agreeably to the law, he could not be convicted of the offence imputed to him, except upon his own admission, he (the Emperor) trusted that he would feel no hesitation, when con- fronted with his accuser, in asserting his innocence. To this the Shaikh is said to have apparently assented : but however that might be, he was, no doubt, very far from entertaining such an intention ; since the next morning, when publicly interrogated on the occasion, instead of denying the crime laid to his charge, he loudly exclaimed, " that it was most true that he had slain the whoreson'"" in " question, with the identical poignard which he then held in his hand, and that he " was, in like manner, prepared to kill any other whoreson, who should seek to " avenge his death." So saying, he quitted the Durhdr, leaving the whole assembly in utter amazement at his temerity. Nor was it at any future period in the power of Daood Khan to wreak his meditated vengeance upon the murderer of his father ; who, after this time, was always surrounded by a body of three hundred well armed and desperate Decanies, whose particular duty it was to watch the motions of the Patans, and whose vigilance and courage constantly frustrated every attempt of the latter upon his life.'"' It (10) Original iS^s;^ ,jU which has nearly the same signification as the ^jlUiJjjU so frequently used by Tippoo Sultan. The former is said by Meer Hiisain to be a very common term of abuse with the Decanies. (11~> It is a remarkable fact, that the death of this turbulent nobleman was nt last occasioned, when least to be expected, by his bestowing on one of his own servants the same foul epithet which he Iiad till APPENDIX. Iv It is not stated by our annalist, what means were taken by the Emperor, in this perplexing predicament, to reconcile Daood Khan to the disappointment of those hopes of public satisfaction for the murder of his father, which he had been con- fidently taught to entertain. It appears, however, that the Patan continued with the im})erial army till the death of Aliumgeer ; some time after which event he was slain in a sanguinary tumult, excited, as Meer Husain says, by the jealousy and hostility of a faction at court, who spared no means to effect his disgrace and removal from thence. By other accounts, however, it would appear that he fell in an attempt which he had made to cut off the Viceroy of the Decan. What is certain is, that many Omras of distinction, besides Daood Khan, lost their lives upon this occasion. He dying without issue, was succeeded by his only brother, 3. All Khdn Punny^ who ruled between ^\\(t and six years, during which period nothing is recorded of him. Upon his death, the government devolved upon his son, 4. Ihraheem Khdn, who is stated to have filled the office of SouhuJiddr of Adoni, durinsr the life-time of his uncle, Daood Khan ; but whether on the part of the latter, or under an immediate nomination from the Viceroy of the Decan, is not mentioned. I incline to think, however, that he must have held it as a separate government, since their is no authority, that I know of, for believing that Ado)U constituted at any period, a dependency of Kurnool. However this may be, Ibraheem Khan, soon after ascending the Miisnud, set about rebuilding with masonry the citadel of Kurnool, the « all of which, before this time, appears to have consisted only of mud. He also made considerable additions and improvements to the town ; and applying sedulously to the augmentation of his military force, and particularly to that part of it composed of Afghans of his own tribe, soon found himself at the head of a respectable till then so often used with impunity, both to high and low : for it is related of Iiim, tli.it h.iving, on tome occasion, discovered a slight error in an account submitted to his inspection, lie passionately taxed ihe clerk, who had prepared it, with ne^jligence, applying to him, at the same time, his customary term of abuse. This drawing from tlie insulted clerk a respectful, but spiiitcd remonstrance, iha Shaikli, exasperated at what he conceived to bo tiie insolence of his servant, not only repeated the o/Ten'iive ap- pellation, but accompanied it with a slap on the face. The poor MiilusuiUy, rendered frantic by this aggravation of ilic disgrace already put upon him, and (as my author expresses it) " washing his hands " of life," suddenly plunged the pen,* with which he was writing, into the side of his master, who died of the wound thus inflicted. It is scarcely necessary to add, that his murderer fell, at the same in- stant, a sacrifice to the fury of the surrounding attendants. • When it is rccollc«teil, that the pen spoken of Avas forined of a strong sliarp-poinlej recJ, it will not, perhaps, appesi incredible, (hat such an insuumcnt should have infticicd a niorul wound. fvi APPENDIX. respectable army, with which he was enabled to subject to his authority, and to exact tribute from, many of the surrounding Polj/gars, who had, for some tima past, paid a very reluctant obedience to their Mahommedan rulers. After this, leaving his son, Alif Khan, in charge of his Jdgeer, he proceeded himself, by the advice of his principal counsellors, to Aurungabad, for the pur- pose of paying his court to Khan Jehan Khiin, who was at that time Viceroy of the Decan. This he did so successfully, that in return for a Nuzr of five lackt of rupees, which he presented to the Viceroy, he obtained, instead of the usual patent of confirmation for his Jdgeer, a new grant, in which the former stipula- tions, whatever they might have been, were wholly omitted. Having accomplished this object, he returned to Kurnool, where he occupied himself in the affairs of his Jdgeer, till the appointment of the Ndbob, Asof Jah, to the government of the Decan, upon which occasion the Patan hastened to do homage to the new V^iceroy ; which he did while the latter was still encamped, after his recent victory over Aalum Ali Khan (the nephew of the Umeer dl Omra, Syed Husain Ali Khan) in the vicinity of Burhanpoor.^^'^ Here he met with a distinguished recep- tion from Asof Jah, who, according to my author, renewed the patent for his Jdgeer in the terms of that which had been granted him by Khan Jehan Khan. Being seized, about this time, with a severe indisposition, he left his son, Alif Khan, in attendance upon the Ndzhn, and repaired to Kurnool, where he died, at the end of three or four years, after having ruled over the principality of Kurnool somewhat more than fourteen years. He was succeeded by his son, 5. Alif Khdn Punny, who contriving to ingratiate himself with Nasir Jung, the Second son of Asof Jah, is said to have had a principal share in seducing him from his duty and alle- giance to his father, at the time that the latter, being obliged to repair to Dehli, left him in the temporary charge of the government of the Decan. What fol- lowed, on this occasion, does not belong to the present narrative. It may suffice to say, that Nasir Jung was, in the end, reconciled to his father, who contented himself with manifesting his displeasure against those who had been most instru- mental in exciting him to rebellion, by prohibiting their appearance in hi« presence. It is probable, however, that some of these, and particularly Alif Khan, were indebted for this impunity, less to the lenity of the N'lzdm, than to consi- derations of policy, which might have suggested the inexpediency, if not the im- practicability, of punishing such jx)werful offenders in a more signal manner. Am (12) This victory was obtained, according to the itfaojir til Omra, ou the 6th S^uud/, A.H. U33, or some time in A.D. 17 20. APPENDIX. Ivii Alif Khiin continued in disgrace with Iiis sop?rior, till the period when Asof Jah, turning his thoughts to the settlement of the lower Caniatic, " summoned the various Miumihddrs and Jdgeerddm, subject to his authority, to repair to his standard, with their respective military contingents. On this occasion, the Patan, in the first instance, dispatched his son, Bahadur Khan, to join the Ndzitn, to whom he transmitted, at the same time, a considerable Nuzr in money, toge- ther with suitable apologies for his past misconduct. These submissions beiuf seconded by the good offices of the cliiefs of Shdnoor and Kurpah, who were, at this period, in attendance upon Asof Jah, had the effect of subduing the resentment of the latter, or, at least, of inducing him to dissemble it. Alif Khan obtained a formal pardon ; and Behadiir Khan, after an honourable reception and dismission, hastened back to Kurnool with the joyful intelligence. The father, hereupon, leaving his son in charge of his Jdgeer, proceeded in person to the camp of the Nizdm, by whom he was received in a manner sufficiently gracious, and with whom he appears to have continued till the termination of the expedition to the Carnatk, when he was permitted to return to his Jdgeer. Here he shortly after died, having ruled thirteen years, and was succeeded by his eldest son, 6. Behdddr Klidn, known also by the title of Himmut Behiidilr,''"' of whom Meer Husain reports, tiiat he was distinguished for his extraordinary intrepidity, and for the prudence with which he carried on the internal affairs of his government, in the management of which he steadily followed the example, and conformed to the jjracticc, of the wisest of his predecessors. But whatever his character, in these respects, might be, his conduct (as well as that of the other Patan chieftains of the Decan) towards Nasir Jung, subsequently to the accession of the latter to the Musnud of Hi/derahad, and soon after with regard to Miizuffer Jung (a Fs'dz'tm of their own creation), exhibits nothing but a tissue of the blackest perfidy and ingratitude. The particulars of the transactions, here alluded to, are already too well known to require to bo recited in this j)lace. It will be sufiicient to state, that, according to Meer Husain, it was by the immediate hand of B;hadur Khan ' that the unfortunate Ndzim perished ; and that the detestable traitor did not long sur- vive the victim of his treason, being himself slain, about two months after, in a sanguinary tumult which took place at Rnechnoh/, between the ever- •» turbulent (13) That is in A.D. 1743. (14) It does not appear by wliom, or upon what occasion, this title wa? conferred npnn BcluVlilr KiiAn. (J 5) This event took place near Gingec, on the 5lh December 1750 : other writers, liowcvor, make ibe Nabob of Kurpah the assassio. The Maasir ul Omra agrees with the account in the text. Iviii APPENDIX. turbulent Afghans and their late accomplices in the atrocious assassination of Nasir Jung.-"' Behadur Khan ruled over Kurnool between seven and eight years,'"^ and vva« succeeded, at his death, by his brother, 7. Miinuwer Khdn Punny, who happening to reside, at this period, at Nundidl, the Polygar of Gudduck, encouraged thereto, and assisted by the French, took advantage of his absence from Kurnool, and the confusion which prevailed there, in consequence of the sudden and disastrous death of Behadur Khan, to surprize and seize upon that place. Munuwer Khan hereupon hastened to Kurpah, where he solicited the aid of its chief, Abdiil Nuby Khan, towards the recovery of his inheritance. Abdiil Nuby, who could not feel himself very secure on his own Musnud, so recently after the tragic events of Cnngee and Raechoofi/, is nevertheless said to have afforded him some assistance in mone)\ By this means Munuwer Khan was enabled to collect together about seven hundred foot soldiers and three hundred horse, with which small force he did not hesitate to advance against Kia^nool. The attempt to recover his capital with such a handful of men appeared little short of desperate, and would, probably, have proved so, if the garrison left in it by the Polygar of Gudduck had prudently remained within the walls. Instead of this, however, they unwisely came out, and giving battle to the Patau, were defeated with great slaugh- ter. Hereupon the Polygar s commander, being panic struck, immediately surrendered the place. According to Meer Hiisain, however, this extraordinary success of Munuwer Khan was not so much owing, either to the indiscretion of the enemy, or to the valor of his own followers, as to the powerful aid whicli he derived from the presence and prayers of a celebrated Peer,"^' established in the neighbourhood of A^MrnooZ, and called Shah Mustan, whom he had had the good fortune to encounter on his march, and to propitiate in his favor. It was (if our author may be believed) the appearance of this holy personage, at the head of the Patau's little band, which, by striking unusual terror into the enemy, prin- cipally contributed to the victory obtained over the latter. Munuwer (lO) This tumult occurred on the 17th of Muhurram, A.H. II6I, or about the end of January 1"5I . (17) This account would place his accession to the Musnud about the middle of A.H. 1156, or towards the latter part of AD. 1753. See note at the end of the present article. (18) This term is applied by the Mahommedans to those superiors of the religious orders, most eminent for their sanctity and pieiy They are the ghostly fathers of the Musulmans, and many of them are pretended to have performed miracles. APPENDIX. lix Munuvver Khan rcmaine Ibraheem KliTui . . . . ''a 14i Alif Khan 1731 1744 n EchadCir Khan, oi'l Himmut BehadGr J 71 MCinuwer Khan . . . . 1751 40 Alif Khan 1792 me*. 1674 1712 1717-3 1731 1744 1751 1792 • • • • • • APPENDIX. APPENDIX H. (Rrfcncd to at Letter CXIV.) bdii Engagement enteredinto bt/ Mtlf.r Sadik/'^ He is the Sultan :'" In the name of the most merciful God, May God preserve our gracious Sovereign ! I, Mcer Mahommcd Sadik, Son of Mter Ali Nuky, servant of the Khoddddd Shear, do swear by God, and engage (to which engagement God and his Prophet, and the word of God, which is the Imdm of true-believers, are witnesses) to perform my duty to my Lord and Master faithfully, with all my hcart.'^ and with my four members ; " that is to say, with my eyes, my ears, my tongue, and my hands :^'' that I will study nothing but obedience to my Lord and Master, and never act, in any instance, contrary to my duty or to his interests. And [I moreover promise] to communicate whatever I shall hear or see to the resplendent Presence. If, however, (which God forbid!) I should happen to be guilty of a breach of any of the four obligations''' [above mentioned], or of the obedience which I owe, may God, the most holy and omnipotent, and whose name is the Avenger, over- whelm me and mine with his wrath, and utterly destroy us! According to the prohibitions in the holy word of God, the Almighty has forbidden eight things : those [eight] crimes, by the blessing of the confession of faith I will reprobate and put from me, even as [I would] the devil. I will, moreover, in comformity with the holy word, not only zealously discharge my duty, on all occasions, to liis Majesty, my Lord and Master, but also labor to ])romote (1) The original document is in my possession ; for which, as well as for llie translationj I am indebted to Colonel Ogg. (2) This is meant of God, who is sometimes so called. (3) Original Jjiji-J'j\' (4) Original ^^ ^.^ j\^ j\ (5) After the hands, Ihe original has llie words Jjj "and my heart," whicli I think arc meant to connect with what follows. (6) Meaning what his c^-cs, ears, tongue, and hands, are bound to perform, and all which are after- wards enumerated. Ixir APPENDIX. promote atid maintain the concord and union of the people of Isldm, or those who [are accustomed to] repeat the confession of faith. If (wliich God forbid !) any act, forbidden by the holy word, should come to my knowledge, I will drive the unworthy person, committing the same, from among the people of Isldin ; for the most glorious and high God has declared, that whosoever commits one of the eight sins, abovementioncd, is the son of rejection. And I am descended, on both sides, and through three generations, from nobles and Siyuih of the tribe of Koreish, and of the Mahommedan religion, and am true and fiiiihful both in tongue and hand. And I declare, inider the aforesaid solemn sanctions, that except the wealth of my Royal Master, the Shadow of God, at the time of his becoming a servant of the Kliodddud Sircar, your slave " was possessed of three pagodas. After becom- ing the servant of the Sircar (the centre of bounty) I sent for my family, who possessed in jmWj.', &c. about three thousand rM/)ee.y. Since that time your slave, who is always ready to sacrifice his life*' in your Majesty's service, swears by the book of God (witness God, and the Prophet of God !) that all he has acquired in cattle, arms, effects, clothes, and vessels of brass, jewels, money, and presents, from his Lord and Master, including profit and original property, as above stated, amounts, in all, to about 1,08,200 nipees : out of which sum he expended, during the three years that he laboured under your Majesty's displeasure, and confined himself to his own house, about 13,000 rupees. There consequently remain 9i,200 rupees, as detailed in the subjoined statement. I swear by the book of God, and by the words'" of the Prophet, that your slave represents his true situation ; but if he should [be suspected to] have embezzled any of the Sircars j)roperty, or to have taken bribes from any Asof, Mdtusuddy, Amulddr, or Serishteddr, or to have done injury to any inhabitant of the Sircar, lot orders be issued from the Presence full of splendor (the Shadow of God) for enquiry to be made therein ; and if your stave shall be found guilty, let a severe punishment be inflicted on the unfaithful offender [/. e. on me]. Let him be rolled up in a mat, and burnt, and let his dwelling and family be destroyed ; but though your sacred Majesty should forgive, God will surely punish that wicked doer. From (7) Original j'j iC'^ " born in the house." (8) Original ,li) ^'.=- jdnnisar (life-devoting, or life-sacrificing) an expression from which I siiould have been inclined to derive the Turkish term janissary, if a different etymology had not, on good au- thority, been assigned lo it. (9) Probably the Hudtes, or traditions, are here meant. A r p n N D I X. ixv From the beginning of his service, your slave has not given a farthing to any of liis relations ; and in your slave's house, marriage ceremonies have seldom exceeded five and twenty I'tipees, and at no time one thousand rupees. Your slave's pay was twelve hundred rupees per month : in lieu of half of which your Majesty graciously conferred upon him a Jdgeer of three thousand pagodas. Of this, whatever 1 have spent, I have spent : the remainder is ready to be laid, together with my life and heart, an humble sacrifice at your sacred and august feet. All former crimes of this devoted slave, my royal Lord and Master has, through his abundant generosity, favour, and protection, forgiven : but if, hereafter, I should receive any bribes, or commit any [other] misdemeanor in the [manage- ment of the] country of the Khoddddd Sircar, the aforesaid oath will be binding on me. And I will perform the duties of my station, with heart, soul, and fide- lity; and never be neglectful of, or deficient in, the same. To this engagement God, and the Prophet of God, arc witnesses: and if I act contrary thereto, I shall be obnoxious to the wrath of the throne of vengeance. And the specification of my duties, according to the four above-mentioned members, is as follows : 1st. As to the duty of the eyes. I will not authorize, by any sign made by my eyes, any embezzlement of the property of the Sircar: and if any one should, to my knowledge, do any thing prejudicial to the affairs and property of the Sircar, I will not wink thereat, but will forbid the same, and report it to the exalted Presence. 2d. As to the duty of the ears. If any person should utter expressions of a treasonable nature, or prejudicial to the wealth or affairs of the Khoddddd Sircar, or act seditiously, and the same should come to my hearing, I will not remain silent, but will forbid and punish the offence, and also report it to the exalted Presence. 3d. As to the duty of the tongue. That is to say, in all matters relating to the due management of the affairs of the Khodddiid Sircar, whether now or hereafter, and in which the interest, glory, and prosperity of your Majesty may be con- cerned, it (/. e. my tongue) shall be ever actively employed, as long as it retains motion : nor shall it fail, at any time, to make all necessary communications to the Presence, full of splendor. 4th. As to the duty of the hands. That is to say, the enemies of my royal Lord and Master I will kill with sword and pen,''"' and most certainly will never neglect any opportunity of destroying his enemies with sword and ])en. I will, moreover, communicate all such transactions to the resjjlendent Presence, in my i own (10) If the SuUan's Dewdn could write no better than he did upon the present occasion, the enemies of bis master had hilt little reason to dread llie threatened execution of his pen. Nothing can possibly be worse writtcu than the original of this curiouii document, which abounds, also, in false spelling. Ixvi APPENDIX. own hand-writing ; and I will, likewise, write out all abstract accounts with my own hand. I will, in fine, in all affairs, be loyal with my four members, and omit or neglect nothing which can be accomplished by them. Particulars [or Inventort/] of the above-mentioned sum of one lack eight tliousand two hundred rupees. Deduct expended during my disgrace and retirement to my own house Rupees 1 5,000 Remains 93,200 yiz. In jewels, being presents graciously bestowed by the Khoddddd Sircar, about Rupees 20,000 Furniture of the Ashoor-hhdneh,^''^ carpets, lamps, &c, about 5,000 Jewels and pearls of your majestj^'s female slaves,""' about 3,000 Gold ornaments (weight 2,000 pagodas), value 8,000 Silver plate, 4,000 7'upees' weight, value 3,500 Copper and brass vessels, &c. about 2,000 Arms, one hundred and fifteen articles, viz. for Bdrgeers, one hundred firelocks : your slave's own arms [as swords, pistols, &c.] fifteen : value. . 2,000 Tents, and new wearing apparel (exclusive of old clothes) about 4,000 Horses, camels, cattle for the plough, sheep, &.c .• 30,000 Ready money in specie, about 15,200 Price of timber in store 500 N. B. The foregoing articles have been set down at about twelve rupees above their real value. '" Written on Wednesday, the tenth of the month Hydery, year Shiiddl, 1226'^^ from the birth of Mahommcd, in the hand-writing of Meer Sadik. (U) That is, the Imam-lareh erected during the Ashoorah. (12) Meaning his own women. (13) Meaning, probably, for the sake of preserving round numberi. (14) Corresponding to the month of July 179S. A 1' r E N D I X. Ixvii APPENDIX, I. (Referred to at Letter CXXXVII.) Extracts from the Futhul Mu jahideen. It is proper I should here premise, that the copy of the Futhxll 3Iujdh}deeH, with which I have been favoured by Colonel Marriot, is unfortunately extremely imperfect ; for though the work is stated in the beginning to consist of eight chapters, my manuscript contains only three (viz. the third, fourth, and fifth), and even these are in some disorder. The following abstract of this curious per- formance is, therefore, less complete and satisfactory tlian I could have wished to render it. The work commences with the usual invocations to God and the Prophet, which are followed by a high-flown eulogium on Tippoo Sultan, in which last, however, nothing new occurs. Next comes a long and bitter invective, apparently levelled at Europeans in general, but evidently intended to apply more immediately to the English, whose various possessions in the Carnatic, in Bengal, and on the west side of the Peninsula, are particularly noticed and stigmatised, as the acquisitions either of fraud or of violence. The author then passes to some slight observations on the military tactics of the Eurojieans ; mentioning, more especially, their early superiority in point of artil- lery, together with their dexterity in the use of small arms ; and contrasting these acquirements with the extreme ignorance of the natives of India in those essential branches of war. But whatever advantages the Christians might, at first, have possessed in these respects, they could, it is observed, be no longer boasted of ; at least by those among them who were opposed to Tippoo Sultan : since the latter is stated to have improved so greatly on the European tactics, as to have left his masters in the art at an infinite distance behind him. But it was, most of all, in the ord- nance department, that he is pretended to have surpassed his rivals : a circum stance the more remarkable, according to our author, " because the Nazarcnes " pass all their lives, like the salamander, in the fire."'"' i 2 The ( I ^ I do not understand how thii allution applies to the Nazarenes, or Christian*. Ixvill APPENDIX. The order for the compilation of the present work/''' which was expressly de- signed " for the instruction of true bcHevcrs in general in the art of war, to the " end that they might thereby be enabled more effectually to subdue the enemies " of the faith," appears to have been issued in the year of the Higera 1 197, '' (A.D. 1780), and was, probably, among the earliest measures of the «S'«/^a«'j>" reign. It is not stated by the writer, what assistance he received in the composition of it; but it may be safely presumed, from the characteristic style of various passages in it, that Tippoo himself contributed largely to it. Neither is it, perhaps, unlikely, though it is not acknowledged, that M. Lally, the commander of the European party in his service, had some share in its production. The work appears to be divided into eight chapters, and each chapter into several sections. The copy in my possession being, however, as already stated, imperfect, and not containing either the two first,'''-' or the three last chapters, I can only describe the general contents of those before me. The third chapter treats of the various manoeuvres of a body of regular infantry on actual service, and is divided into twenty-one sections. The eleventh and fourteenth sections describe the mode of fighting in a close or woody country, and form the particular part of the work, with his inattention to which the author is reproached by the Sultan, in Letter CXXXVII. The two sections referred to are very short, both together not exceeding sixteen lines. Being, however, expressed in technical language, some parts of which I do not clearly understand,'^' I decline attempting a regular translation of them, lest I should do injustice to the original. It may suffice to say, that a corps is supposed to be advancing by Indian files, of two men abreast, through a wood, in which situation it is assailed, on each flank, by the enemy. In this case, the troops in question, having been previously formed into platoons, the rear platoon, after facing to the right and left outward, and giving fire, was to divide, and advance to the head of the corps, the right hand files taking the right, and the left hand files the left, of the platoons in their front. In this manner was each platoon successively to advance, till the enemy was dispersed, or the wood was passed. The (2) It has been elsewhere roenlioneJ, that the compiler of this work was Zynul Aabideen KhSn Shoostry. (See LeUer CXXXVII.) (3) Colonel Marriott's copy of the work must be ai later edition than the original one, as it refers, on a certain occasion, to the battle fought near Kopul, in A.H. 1200, with the Mahrattahs. (4) From a passage in the Introduction, I think it likely that one, at least, of these two missing ctiapters, treated of the obligations of true believers to wage war against the infidels. (5) Thus the terms ,jUX^ (galaxy) and bj (Pleiades) are applied, I do not know how, to different evolutions. t A r p E N D T X. Ixix The third chapter is introduced by some ^ncral observations on the ditTerent modes of attack ; in the course of which, notwithstanding all that has been else- where said against it by the Saltan himself, the Sit it h-khoon, or ni<^ht-assault, is declared to be the hesf, when the situation of the enemy is favourable to it ; tiiat is, when he is cncamjjed on a plain, or in an open country. Particular directions are accordingly given for conducting this species of attack. It is in the same place directed, that if, in the hour of battle, any soldier fall back out of his station, he shall be instantly put to death ; and that if any 7?/.v^- ludclr turn his back to the enemy, he shall be put to death, b^ his Sipahddrs own hand. Any Sipahddr disobeying the orders herein given, or abandoning his guns to the enemy, or seeking his safety in flight, was, on due proof of the same, to be hung in public. On the other hand, if he distinguished himself, he was to be advanced in [rank and] Jdgeer, and to have an elephant bestowed on him. When a Sipahddr was killed in action, or died, he was to be succeeded in his station by the Risdladdr in command of the first Risdhi. The first llisdladdr was to be succeeded by the second ; the second by the third ; and the third by the fourth."' The latter was to be succeeded by the first Joivkddr of the senior Pisdh. All soldiers and others were strictly to obey their respective Sipahddrs and lUsdladdrs, on i)ain of being punished, at the discretion of the said superior officers. In the introductory part of the third chapter, the autlior likewise describes the manner of attacking the Nazarenes {i. e. the English) in a plain. It is stated to be of infallible success; and triumphant allusions arc made, on the occasion, to the actions with Colonels Baillie and Braithwaite, during the last irruption of Hyder into the Carnatic. By the twelfth section of this cliapter, " on charging with the bayonet," the commanding officer was directed to exclaim, at the moment of charging, **' the " 5m / E » u I X. Ixxvii were honoured witli no more than twenty-one guns, which was also the number appointed to be fired on any victory obtained by the Siiltcm in person. The fifth chapter treats chiefly of the different estabhshments of the army; and among the rest, of tlie L'skur (or regular) cavalry, and the artillery branches : for both of which various rules and manoeuvres, of no particular interest, are given. '"* It is introduced by some regulations regarding promotion, which are little more than a repetition of what is stated in the fourth chapter. There is one article, however, on this subject, which deserves to be noticed. It is expressed in words to this effect : " whatever any person's reputation for gallantry or talents may be, '•' it is not proper that he should be at once advanced to high station : it is neces- " sary that he should arrive thereat step by step. This difference may, however, " be made between men of superior endowments and those of ordinary merit : " while the latter must be suffered to remain a long time in their respective " stations, let the former be advanced rapidly through the established ranks of " the service." I reserve what I have to offer on the various establishments of the army for the Appendix L. : because they are by no means so minutely or so clearly detailed in the Futhul Uliijdh'tdeen as in some other documents of a later date, which I had only cursorily examined, when the former part of the present work went to press, or I should have been enabled to give a more satisfactory explanation of several military terms occurring in the correspondence, than it was in my power to do at the time I translated tlie latter. APPENDIX, K (Referred to at Lettf.r CC). Marine Regulations The Hiihn-ndmeh, or ordinance, for the marine department, of which 1 propose, in this place, to give an abstract, is addressed, generally, to the Mcer Viimms, without any specification of the persons so denominated, but stating their number to be eleven. The Meer Vumms, (or marine lords, as the term may be rendered) composed a board of admiralty, ordinarily resident at the capital ; but, together with all the other (37) No account, however, is given of the number of corps (of either description) composing the army. Ixxviii APPENDIX other public boards, ambulatory, I believe, with the court/" This department was instituted in the month of Jaafuri/ of the year 1224 from the birth of Mahom- med (or in September 1796), before vvhirh time the naval establishments of the state appear to have been placed under the direction of the Mulihilt Tujdrs, or board of commerce. Next in rank to the 3Ieer T'umms were the Meer Buhrs, which last term is, in fact, synonimous with the other. The Meer Buhrs, however, were officers des- tined to serve afloat, two of them being assigned to a squadron of four ships of war : they corresponded, therefore, with our admirals or commodores. I have said that they were destined to serve at sea, because, fortunately, perhaps, for the security of the British possessions in India, the Sultan's project, as detailed in the present article, for creating a great naval force, was nipped in the bud by the sudden subversion of his throne, within less than three years from the date of its conception. It may possibly be thought, that, even if he had remained at peace with the English, the resources of his country would have proved utterly inadequate to the formation and maintenance of so extensive a marine as was in his contemplation ; and that, at all events, opposed to Great-Britain, he could never have become formidable as a maritime power. Without stopping to examine the grounds of the former supposition, and entirely admitting the justness of the latter, it may nevertheless be contended, that in proportion as the Sultan might have been able to realize his alarming plan of a marine establishment, we should, as a measure of necessary precaution, have been compelled to augment, at a heavy expence, our naval force in India, for the purpose of duly watching his armaments, and of keeping them in constant check. This evil, at least, was averted, by the issue of the war of 1799. The ordinance which we are at present considering sets out with anouncing, " that forty ships of war were thereby consigned to the care and superintendance " of those to whom it w as addressed." But it appears, from the sequel, that nothing more was meant by this, than that the Jlleer Yumms were to have charge of the ships alluded to, as soon as they should be built ; for, as yet, they were not in existence. They were, however, to be constructed with all possible dispatch ; and, when finished, were to be named agreeably to a list contained'*' in the in- structions, but with which it would be useless to trouble the reader. The (1) Some of the members of tlils board, as will be presently seen, were occasionally stationed at ihe principal sea-pons, or dock-yards. {1) According to tl)e list here referred to, there were to h.ive been forly-one instead of forty ships : the model, mentioned in the text, being, perhaps, included in the number. One was to be called Sultan luhhsh; another Alilukhsh ; a l-hird, Mnhommerl-luhhth, &c. but no Uydtr-lukhsh ajipears among them. All the names terminate with ihe word lukhJi, signifying, in composition, " the gift " of," or " bestowed by." APPENDIX. , Ixxix The ships were formed ir.to three divisions, under the denomination of Kuchw- 77e,y, or departments, namely : 1. T\\e Kuchurry oi Jinndldbdd ; 2. T\\-i Kuchurri/ of IFdjiddbdd for Buscornje'\) ; and 3. The Kuchnrry of iVdjiddbdd (ov Saddshcto- ghiir). 'rUc Ki(r/iuiTy of Jit/nd/dbdd {$omti\mes cMed, also, the Kuchnrry of Kdridl or M(iny;alure) was to consist of 12 ships tint of Wdjlddbdd of 14 d? and that of Mdjiddhdd of 14 d? With a view to expediting the formation of this embryo fleet, two IMeer I'umtns, assisted bv a M'lrzdcy Diiftur and a I\Idtusuddy, were to be established at Ma}igulore, from whence they were to superintend the building of the vessels in- tended to be attached to the Jinndldbdd station. Two other Meer I'umms, tosethcr with a Mirzdey Duftitr and a Mutusuddy, were to be resident, in like manner, at or near Mirjdii Creek,' for the purpose of directing the construction and equip- ment of the ships of the TVdjiddbdd and Mdjiddbdd divisions. The places (cT docks) to be fixed on for the building of the diiierent ships were to be near, but not absolutely contiguous, to each other. ^^' The board of admiralty was furnished with the model of a ship of war,'"' having a hon or tyger hLad : according to which model all the vessels allotted to the different naval stations were to be built. The whole of them were, moreover, to be coppered ; and the utmost care was to be taken, to render them complete in ail respects. The timber which might be required in the construction of the vessels in question, was to be cut down, under the direction of persons appointed for the purpose, by the Meer Yumms, in the forests where ship timber was usually procured : (3) This is the name given by Colonel Eealson as the synonyrae of W&jidaha.l. I am ignorant of its situation. (4) Sometimes CHJled Mirjec or Mcrjte. It is situated about ihirty-four miles S. S. E. of Sliudusheeo- ghuT; but its distance from Buscoraje 1 cannot ascertain, the latter place not appearing in our maps. (.5) Original i^^jjui |_jU- iSjsT^ '-L^.^j' '•^..■^f of ''>c right meaning of which I am extremely doubtful. The sense may be that which I have given in the text : but the words may also be understood to import, that though the docks for the three dilVerent divisions were to be near each other, they were, nevertheless, to be considered as entirely distinct and separate. (6) Original c;-*-! »Ji^i(jL>^>j«35i- j\ ^^J ^J^:. ■Jh'^'^ ip^jjjj^j '■^'^'^ (19) Answering to our third lieutenant. (20) T!ie duties of the several officers belonging to the frigates, though not stated in the original, may be presumed to have been the same as those assigned to the officers of the line of battle ships. APPENDIX^ Ixxxiii All the foregoing officers were to be selected with care ; and none but such as were well descended on both sides, were to be employed. It was, moreover, re- quired, that they should all be able to read and write. The Sepoi/.s, or troops, serving on board, were, on no account, to be suffered to trade, " not even to the extent of a single Imaumf (or rupee)." I. Detailed Establishment of each line of battle Ship. Twenty ships, each having 346 men of all denominations on board. Total 6,920 1st Musqueteers : (1 Teep of Ushur, of 124 men, or 4 Yooz.) Staff : Pagodas Fanams I Teepddr, pay 7 pagodas 8 fananis: sub-\ Pagodas sistence calculated on 120 men, at l_/a/jam > 12 = I9 8 each'^" ) 1 Shi/rbashurn 4 8 I A'ufeer-nuwdz^''^ 3 6 1 Shuhndey-nuwdz'-^^^ 3 6 Monthly pay of the staff 3 1 S 4 Yooz, each Vooz consisting of 30 men, viz. 1 Voozddr, pay 4 pagodas 2 fanams : subsistence 3 pagodas 6^ fanams, calculated on 29 men 7 8^- 1 SurHecl 4 8 4 Jnmaaddrs, \)ay 3 pagodas G fananis: snh--\'^^ ^ „ sistcnce 6 fananis, calculated on 6 men J 24 Privates, pay 3 pagodas 6 fanams each ^ti 4 One Yooz 115 8j Four Yooz 463 3 Staff 31 8 Pagodas Fanam Total pay of one Teep 495 1 1 2 (21) The subsistence (or rusud, as it is called in the original) was an extra allowance granted to the officers, ami calculated npon the number of men actually on the strength of their respective divisions. It varied from half a fanam to two fanams per man. This allowance operated as a stimulus to the oHi- cers to keep their corps as complete as possible. (22) I am not clear whether loth these are meant for trumpeters of diflcrcnt kinds, or whether one of them may not have been a fifcr. Ixxxiv APPENDIX. Pagodas Fanam Brought forward 495 1 2d Gunners : (1 Teep of 79 men, or 2 Yooz of 39 men each, each to carry a musquet.) 1 Teepddr, pay 9 pagodas 1§ fanam: subsistence 7 pagodas 8 fanains, calculated on 78 men, at Pagodas Fanams 1 fanam » ^" 9^ ^2 If 2 Yooz, each 39 men, viz. 1 Yoozddr, pay 4 pagodas 4 fanams : subsistence 4 pagodas 7 fanams, calculated on 38 men, at 1 1 fanam 9 2 SurkheeLs, pay 4 pagodas 8 fanams each ''^' 9 ^ 4 Jumaaddrs, pay 3 pagodas 6 fanams\ p. F. each : subsistence 8 fanams, calculated on > 4 4 17 o 8 men J 32 Privates, at 3 pagodas 6 fanams each H^ 2 One J 002 151 5i Two I oo;s 303 1 Add Teepddr. ... 16 9f Total pay of 1 Teep oi gunners 320 0^ 3d Seamen : (2 Joivhs, or Gangs, of 61 men.) I JowMdr, pay 3 pagodas : subsistence 3 pagodas, calculated on 60 men, at ^ fanam each 6 6 Dufaaddrs, pay 3 pagodas : subsistence 9 fanams each 23 54 Privates, from 21 to 30 yarta»w each, calculated at 3 pagodas each . 1 o2 O O OneJoivk 19I Two Joivks 382 Carried forward 1,197 9i (23) It is obsen-able, that the Surkheel (or lieutenant) received only four fanams a month more than the Jumaadar (or scrjeani), and the latter only eight fanams a month more than the privates. APPENDIX IXXXV Pagorltts. Fanams. Brought forward ljl<)7 9| 4th Artificers : Pagodas. Fanams. 1 Head carpenter, pay 3 pagodas : subsistence 1 pagoda 4 O 1 d? smith, pay 3 pagodas : subsistence 6 /«««»«... . 3 6 5 Carpenters ) , , o ■ 1 i pay 3 pagodas each 24 O 3 Smiths S 31 6 5th Officers of the Staff: "' First Sirddr (or officer), pay 80 Imaumies, or rupees, of three fanams each (including horse) ; being Rdhifies, or Cantarai pagodas 24 Second Sirddr, 6o rupees (no horse allowed) 18 o Third . . d? . . 50. . d? (d?) 15 O Fourth. . d? . . 50. . d? (d?) 15 O Stuff: 3 Pilots, from 100 to 150 rupees each, calculated at 150 rupees (or 45 pagodas) 135 O 2 Ddroghas, viz. 1 in charge of the water, provisions, &c. of the ship : pay 72 pogodas. 1 in charge of tools, implements, and articles in store: pay 7 2 pagodas 15 O 1 Physician and surgeon (in one) 9 1 Mirzdeif Dujtur, to keep the accounts of the ship, and also of the troops or marines II O 242 Total monthly cxpence of a line of battle ship, while in port, includ- ing 34() persons of all denominations 1,471 ^^ Expence of twenty line of battle ships 2.0,43 1 () II. Establishment (24) This is the order in which the pay and allowances of this class are stated in the original ordinance (now before me), and which, though, according to our practice, out of place, I have not thought it necessary to disturb. LxXXvi APPENDIX. II. Establlshnevt of each Frigate. Rren. Twenty ships, each having 180 men, of all denominations, on board. Total 3,6oo 1st Musqueteers : (l Teep of Uikur, of 64 men) viz, 1 Teepddr, pay 7 pagodas 8 fanams : subsistence PagoJas. Fanams. 6 pagodas, calculated on 6o men, at 1 f'anam each. .13 8 Staff: 1 Shurbashurn 4 8 1 Nufeer-nuwdz 3 6 1 Shahnaey-nuwdz 3 6 The above Teep being composed of 2 Vooz, of 30 men each, viz 1 Yoozddr, pay 7 pagodas 8^ fanams 7 8 1 Surhheel 4 8 4 Jumaaddrs, 4 pagodas ^fanams each l6 8 24 Privates, 3 pagodas 6 Jananis each 86 4 4 Owe Vooz - 115 8^ 2d Gunners : (l J 002 of 29 men, t;iz.) 1 Yoozddr, pay 4 pagodas 4 fanams : subsistence 3 joa- ^ofi^fl^ 5 /a/?flw.9, calculated on 28 men, at lyofHam each 7 9 1 Surhheel, pay 4 8 3 Jumaaddrs, pay 3 pagodas 6 fanams : subsistence 8 fanams, or 4 pagodas 4 fanams each 13 2 24 Privates, at 3 pagodas 6 fanams each 86 4 3d Seamen : (1 Jowh, or Gang, of 71 nien.) 1 Jowhddr, pay 3 pagodas : subsistence 3 pagodas 5 fanams, calculated on 70 men, at ^ fanam each 6 5 7 Dufaaddrs, j)ay 3 pagodas each : subsis-"j tence 9 fanams, calculated on 9 men, at [^3 9ea. = 27 3 1 fanam each ) 63 Privates, from 21 to 30 fanams each : calculated at 3 pagodas 1 89 O 25 Two Vooz - 231 6i 112 222 Carried forward 592 5^ 2- APPENDIX. Lxxxvii Pagodas. Fanams. Brought forward 592 5§ 4th Artificers : 2 Smiths 1 '2 Carpenters J ^^ ^ 5th Officers and StafT : First Officer, pay 80 Imaumies, or rupees, (including horse) 24 O Second d? . . Go rupees (without horse) 18 Third d? . . 60. . d? (d?) 15 O Fourth d? . . 50. . d? (d?) 15 O 72 O Staff: 2 Pilots, at from 100 to 150 j-wy^ee*, or 45 j9a^oc?«.y each 90 O 2 Ddroghas, at 7^ pagodas each 15 O 1 Physician and Surgeon (in one) 9 1 Mirzdey Duftur 11 O — 125 O Total monthly expence of a frigate while in port 808 5 Expence of twenty frigates lG,l 71 pagodas Add twenty line of battle Ships 29,431 Total monthly expence of forty ships in port, exclusive of wear and tear, ammunition, stores, &c 45^602 Cantarai pagodas Or nearly 38,000 Star pagodas Being, at eight shillings the Star pagoda,. . . . Xl 5,200 sterling Or, per annum X 182,^00'"^ The above pay and allowances were to be received by the men and officers when on shore. When afloat, or embarked, they were, in addition thereto, to receive the rations to be presently stated. As a Alccr I'uwm might be occasionally employed with the fleet, it was ordered, that, in such cases, " a particularly good dinner, together with fruit," should be daily provided ; the expence of which was to be defrayed by government. All (25) Tlie most striking defect in the foregoing establishment consists in the insufliciency of the num- ber of seamen allotted to sliips of such force; as it would not appear that any augmentation of ihe crews was intended during actual service. IxXXviii APPENDIX, All the officers were to eat together. The following were the persons to whom rations were to be issued when afloat : 1 Meer Yumm, 1 Meer Buhr, 4 Sirddrs, 1 Mirzdey Duftur, 3 Pilots, 2 Ddroghas, 1 Physician and Surgeon. 13 To the above officers the following daily rations were to be served out : Rice I of a full Dul; or Seer. Ddl (or split peas) :^. . . . d' Ghee 8 Joitz weight. (26) Meat ^ short DuJi, or Seer. Salt 3 Jouz weight. Tamarinds 2. . . . d. Turmeric §• • • d. Dry Garlic i. . . . d. Onions I5 • • d. Coriander seed ^' • • d. Black pepper 1. . . . d. The following were the rations to be issued to the Musqueteers and Gunners ; no distinction being made between men and officers : Rice 1 Duk, or Seer. Ddl 6 Jouz weight. Ghee 4....d? Salt 2. . . . d? Tamarinds 2. . . . d? Turmeric ^. . . . d? Dry Garlic i. . . d? Onions 1§ . . d? Coriander seed ^. . . . d? Black pepper 1. . . . d. Besides (26) That is, the weight of eight nutmegs. APPENDIX. Ixxxix* Besides the above rations, it would appear that meat prepared with spices, and roasted (or made into Kubdbs), was to be kept in store, and served out once in every fifteen days, at the rate of a quarter of a short Sea^ per man/" The meat in question was to be cured or prepared with salt, {finger, turmeric, and black pepper. The seamen were each to be allowed daily ^ of a full Seer of Rice, iof ....d?.... Dill, 2 Joiiz weight of G/ice, 2 d? . . . Salt. They were to supply themselves with spices. Whether they were to partake, every fifteen days, of the Kiibilbs above-mentioned, is uncertain. The several officers of the marines and seamen were to see that their men had ttieir appointed meals, be/ore they tuoli their own. Prayers were to be performed every day, at the five appointed times. The fii-yt officer, or commander, was to officiate as priest on such occasions, and to deliver the appointed If'auz, or discourse ; and tlje Ddro<^has to recite the five prayers. During the rainy season, the ships were to be laid uj) in the creek (probably Mirjdn CrecJi), where they were to be placed under cover of sheds to be con- structed for the purpose ; the necessary materials for which sheds were to be furnished by the Asqfs of the adjacent districts. The seamen were to be employed in this service. After mentioning that orders had been issued for the erection of two forts and some batteries at Hdjiz-Hlsdr (commonly called Beed-kole, or Batciil), the Meer Vumms were directed, by the present ordinance, to examine carefully the ground in the vicinity of the aforesaid place, and having pitched upon pro]xr spots for the works in question, to make a plan or drawing of the same, and transmit it to the Presence. They were to direct their particular attention to the two hills, or rocks, which would appear to form the entrance of the creek, or harbour, and to ascertain the exact distance between them, as well as the extent of the channel, or strait, formed by them. The depth of uater, and the number of ships which might lie at anchor between these hilL; were likewise to be ascertiined and reported ; when, " tvith the blessing of God," forts and batteries were to be erected there. A ship, named the Fahhur vl Murdkib, is stated to be then lying in Mirjdn Creek; and another, called the Futah Mdbdruk, in the creek at Hundicar m (OnoreJ : (27) Original (j:^.i.L< Jo.V ^~}Jr? ^-'V^ *'^^- t^"* I' ^-^-~^/ 4iC A P P E K D I X. (Onore) : both of them jjast repair. These ships were directed to be broken up with due can?, and the iron, and other materials, obtained from them, to be used in the new ships ordered to be built. Twelve small vessels, denominated Xtigs, or Nuks, were, moreover, delivered, on the present occasion, in charge to the Meer T'unnns. Of these, ten were galliots ; five of them being at 3/angalore, and five at Onore. Of the remaining two, one is called an Usud-llhye grab ; and the other, a small Usud-Ilhye ship. The marines, and other people, belonging to the ships (/. e. I suppose, the crews which were destined for the vessels ordered to be built) were to be embarked upon these Nugs, which were to sail about the coast, in order that the men might thereby be duly trained in their respective duties. With the same view, it was directed that a kind of buoy should be anchored in some convenient situation, and a flag erected thereon, to serve as a mark for practising with great guns ; in the management of which those attached to them were to be carefully instructed. It is next observed, that it green wood be cut up according to the required dimensions, it will, when dry, be found to fall short of those dimensions. To avoid this inconvenience, it was directed, that the timljer, after being felled and barked, should be kept one or two years ; and when perfectly seasoned, be cut up, agreeably to the proposed standard. The men required for the service of the fleet were, after being mustered in the Presence,^-^' and duly sworn, to be dispatched to their respective destinations, as fast as they were entertained. The accounts of the expenditure of the ships and crews, and of whatever related thereto, were to be carefully and minutely kej)t by the Meer Vumms and the Asofs of the provincial Kuchurri.es (having any connection with this branch of the serviced in conjunction with each other. The movements and warlike opera- tions of the fleet were, likewise, to be directed conjointlj^ by the Meer I'unims and the aforesaid Asofs. If the Sultan should, at any time, wish to employ the ships on any particular service against an enemy, he would issue his orders for the purpose in full council, or assembly, of the ministers of state.'"' The Meer Vumms had it in charge to station two I'uzuks (or twelve men) with a I'oozddr of the regular troops belonging to their department, at each of the Kuhties, or factories, established, " by the favor of God," at Muscat and Kutch; and which arc (28) It would seem by this passage, if strictly understood, that no men were to be entertained for the service of the navy but at 5frJngo/)a/am. It is not certain, however, that this was the meaning of the origin.il. (29) Original .^ Xi\j^ a^ycj ^^^^ ^ /S-^ <.J~-^_,jfJy ^J^ Ji i^;j, jj literally, "the orders [for " the purpose] will be delivered in face [or presence] of all the six departments of government :" n)ean- ing, as I conclude, 1, the Military ; 2, the Revenue ; 3, the Sudoor, or Ordnance (including garrisons ind fortifications); 4, the Commercial 5 5, the Treasury ; and (5, the Marine. APPENDIX. XCl ^ are said, on this, as well as on a former occasion, to be four in number, namely, two at Muscat and two at Kutch. The pay of these guards was to be issued by the Mirzdey Dufturs of the aforesaid fiictories, to whom the Meer J'umim were to make the necessary remittances for the purpose. The guards in question were to be relieved annually. "' The Meer Yumms, Meer Buhrs, and Ser'tshteddrs, attached to the three several Kuchurries (or naval stations) of Jumdklbdd, IVdjiddbdd, and Mdj'iddhdd, were to repair, in the month of Ziljhijjeh of every year, and ten days before the Eed, or festival, celebrated in that month, to Seringapatam ; there to deliver to the Presence an account of their respective receipts and disbursements, and to report the progress made at their respective stations, in the preparation of the vessels ordered to be built. The officers belonging to the ships, together with the several Teepddrs, the Mirzde^ Dufturs, and the Ddroghas, were, in like manner, to repair every year, ten days before the Eed of Rumuzdn, to the capital, for the purpose of delivering their respective accounts, and of reporting the state of their respective departments to the Presence. To the foregoing ordinance is subjoined a supplementary section, dated 24th of Tukhf, year Sdz, or A.M. 122.'),'"' containing a detailed statement of the esta- blishment of artificers appointed for the service of the three dock- yards of Jumd- hibdd, IVdfiddbdd, and Mdjiddhdd, of which the following is an abstract. Carpenters (including three C/iowdries and twelve jij^^ Monthly Pay and SuhisUncc. JL ^ , , ,'..,,. c ' Cantarai Pagadas. Dujaaddrs, and tlivided into twelve gangs oi ten men, inclusive of one Dufaadilr 123 3l6 Smiths (including two Chowdries and four Dufaa- ddrs) and divided in like manner into four gangs of eight men each, inclusive of one Dufaaddr. . 34 94 Total artificers to each dock-yard 157 410 Three dock-yards 47 1 ." . 1,2.30 Being per annum Cantarai pagodas 14,760 Or Star pagadas 12,.'100 m 2 . (30) The twelfth section of the present ordimnre fiillows Iierf ; .nrui, (hough hnving no apparent re- lation to the ge11er.1l subject of ih.il ordiii.incc, is loo curious to be p.isseil unnoticed. Its object is to prohibit the practices ot risnig. for the purpose of recciviiic; or siUitiu); ,iny one ; of shaking or kissing hands ; and of embracitig upon meeting : all of which arc declared to he odious cusiouis, and ronlniy to the coinmauds of the Prophet. It concludes with directing, thai as all reciters of the Kiilmah {i. c. all true believers) were brethren (or equal), they shall desist from these unl.iwt'ul practices (excepting in the case of sovereigns, whom it is nlways titling lo approach with reverence), and to cimline their ninlual •■alula- tions to ihe coniplment of Us-suldm nice kum, " peace be with you," aud its response, Llie kiim us- su/din, •• to you be peace." (31) Corresponding with June 1797- xcu A r p i: N 1) I X. which, at eight shillings the Star pagoda, makes ^4.920 sterling If. this sum be added to ^182,4C0 the annual amount of the pay and allowances of the officers, ^ marines, and seamen, we shall have, for the total annual fixed f charges of the marine (exclusive of provisions, and the salaries I of the .Meet' Vttmms, not specified.) ) i: 187,3 20 APPENDIX, L. (Refarcd to al Letter CCLXX.) An Outline of Tippoo Sultan's Military Establishments. 1 propose, in the present article, to give such a general idea of the formation and imount of the late Tippoo Sultan's army (but particularly of the regular part of it) as the materials in my possession enable me to furnish : and although the scanti- ness of these does not admit of my rendering the account so complete as 1 could wish, I nevertl'.cless trust, that it will, on the whole, be found to be tolerably accurate, as well as sufficiently minute, for the gratification of literary curiosity ; which is now the chief, if not the only, purpose it can answer. The documents from which I have formed this statement consist of; 1, A Htikm- ndmeh, or ordinance, dated the 14th of Ahmedy, year Sdlitr, orA.ISI. 1221,'" and addressed to the Meer Meerdn, or military department;"' and 2, Some rough memoranda (1) Corresponding with the 25th of March 1793. (2) Consisting, at this time, of, 1, Budifiz Zuraftn Khan; 2, Mahommed Rizd (the Binky Nabob); 3, Syed Mahommed ; 4, Purnia ; and 5, Moer Nasir Ali. The name of the latter is inserted in the Sultan's own hand-writing. The Hukm-ndmek, here mentioned, is bound up, together wiih five others, addressed to as many different departments of the government, in a thick volume, the cover of wliich is curiously stamped with the names of Mahommed and of the four Cnlip/if, his immediate successors, surmounted by the words " Sircar c Khodadady ," or " ihe state founded or bestowed by God." RIany parts of the manu- script are in the Sultan's own hand: and every article of (he regulations or instructions of which it con- sists, is separately attested by his usual signature, " Kuhln/ Malik," which has been already explained. It likewise contains a great number of blank leaves, designed for the insertion of occasional additions to the articles forming the several ordinances. Many such additions accordingly appear, under the title of " supplement to such an article." The document, here described, appears to have been a record, which the Sultan kept constantly by him, for Ihe purpose of easy reference. The first page of the first four ordinances bears the impression of his small ring seal (dated A.M. 1215). The other two are not sealed; but, in the place of the seal, the usual invocation of " Bism Allah," &c. appears, in his own hand- writing. APPENDIX. XC5II memoranda, relative to the military establishment, written, for the most part, in the Sultan's own hand, and dated in the month of Jaqfiiri/, of the year Sdhlr, or about five months subsequently to the ordinance. There is no essential dif- ference between these two statements, excepting in the article of irregular cavalrv, in which branch of his army the Sultan a])pears, during the intermediate period, to have made a reduction of six tiiousand men ; namely, five thousand Sildhddr, and one thousand Kuzzdh, or Loottj, horse. I have not the means of ascertaining what reduction, if any, was made in the military force of Mysore, in consequence of the diminution of its resources pro- duced by the partition treaty of 17,92. It is probable, however, considering the hostile views which the Sultan never ceased to entertain, from the moment in which he was compelled to surrender half his country into the hands of his ene- mies, that he disbanded no other part of his army on the occasion, than the num- ber of cavalry specified above. Indeed, the great marine establislnnent wliich he resolved to form about the same period, sufficiently proves, that nothing was less in his contemplation, than any material abridgment of the means, by which he still hoped to repair his losses, and to recover his military reputation. The irregu- lar horse, now dismissed, could at any time be replaced : and, in tlie meanwhile, the money saved by their discharge would go far towards defraying the expcnce of his proposed navy. '' The copy of the Futhdl Mdjdhidecn, now before me, containing merely the formation of a single Kushoon of infantry, without either stating the total number of such Km/ioons, or furnishing any other data for estimating the aggregate strength of the army ; and this being the only document in my possession, relating to the military establishments of the Sultan, during the early part of his reign, it is not in my power to ascertain what changes, if any, took place in those establishments, between the date of the work in question and the year 1793, when they were formed on the model to be presently shown. I am alike unable to determine, whether the force brought by Tippoo Sultan into the Held, in the war of 1799, exceeded or fell short of that contained in tlic following enumeration. Adverting, however, to the vimlictive projects which he conceived and pursued in this interval, it may be safely presumed, that it was, at least, equal to the establishment (3) The nnnual expcnce of six thousand horse, reckoning at ihe rate of lhir(y rupees a month for each man and liorse (the usual average pny of <5--:l Jji Khuod-w^jia, or men riding their own horses) would amount to about .i^2'4O,0OO, which exceeds the pay or fixed allowances of the oaval citabiisbmeiit in tho lura of nearly i 00,000. Xciv APPENDIX establishment of 1793.'*' Indeed, the official papers, of the time here alluded to, afford numerous proofs of his unceasing anxiety, not only to complete, to their full extent, the various corps of his army, but also to draw to his standard the greatest possible number of followers, and particularly those of the Mahommedan religion. Establishment of Tippoo Sultan's Army in 1793. 1 . P'lddeh Ushiir or {regular ivfantry.) Divided into five Kuchurries, and composed of twenty-seven Kuslwons. Specification of the five Kuclmrries. 1st. Kuchurry Ahmedi/, or the Ahmedi/ Kuchurry. Two BuhhsJdes commanding the whole,-'' and having a Teep of Uskur, consisting of 346 men, attached immediately to them."" Six Ktishoons of Uskur and one Teep of Uskur (of the strength above mentioned). The men of the Koreish tribe and of the Suny sect. With twelve field pieces. 2d. Kuchurry Huzoor Uskur Six Kushoons of Uskur, composed of men of the same tribe and sect as the preceeding Kuchurry. Twelve field pieces. 3d. Second Kuchurry of Piddeh Uskur. Five Kushoons of Uskur, and one Teep of Uskur attached to the Bukhshies. Men of the tribe of Koreish, Siytids, Moghuh; and Patans of the SUny sect. With ten field pieces. 4th. Third (4) According to Colonel Beatson (page xciii of the Appendix to his book), the Sultan's array amounted, in J "99, to forty-eight thousand fighting men. If, by this designation, he meant men bear- ing arms j and if the garrison troops, throughout A/ysorf, were not included in the number, the dif- ference in the efficient forces of the two periods in question will be found to be very inconsiderable. (3) Though not so stated in the original, there would appear to have been two Bukhshies attached to each Kuchurry of regular infantry, and the same number to a Kuchurry of cavalry. The Ehsham troops had also their Bukhshies; but I do not know of what number, or of how many Kuchurries, they coo- aisted. (6) I am unable to slate for what purpose these independent Teeps, or battalions, were assigned to the Bukhshies; or why they were not attached to all the Kuchurries as well as to the three specified ii> the text. If they were designed as guards of honour (which, however, seems rather unlikely), it may be presumed, that the p.?rticular Kuchurries to which they belonged were commanded by ofScers in whom the Sul(an placed more than usual confidence. APPENDIX. XCV 4th. Tliird Knchurn/ of Piddeh Uskur. Five Knsliooiis. Men of the Koreish tribe, S'lyuds, Patans and Moglniis of the Sdtnf sect ; with one Teep of Uskur (as before) attaclied to the Bithhsliks. Ten field pieces. ')th. The IJsud Ilhye Kuchurri/. Five Kuslioons, viz : three Uskur, composed of men of the Koreish tribe, and of Sii/uds of the Sum/ sect ; and two Kuslioons of Usud Ilhi/es"'^ With ten guns. Total twenty-seven Kuslioons, with three indej)endent Teeps of Uskur and fifty- four field pieces. Besides the j^uns belonging to the Kushoons, there was a park of artillery attached (aj)j)arently) to the whole body of infantry, and consisting of a heavy train of 10 battering guns 6 long guns (for distant cannonading), and 6 howitzers The staff of eaih Kuchurry seems to have consisted of 2 Biiklishk's ■■ 1 Mirzdeif Ditftur y pay according to their repcctive meiits. 1 Hindooy d.^ . . J C. Pagnaas. Fanams. \G Giirndshtehs, from 18 O to l6 '' each 2 Suryusdkchies 17" 2 \ukeehs 12" 5 lldzirLdsfiies 3 4 Standard bearers 1 1 Furrdsh 2 2 Surwdns (in charge of three camels) 2 1 Mushdlchy 2 do. do. 6 do. 5 do. 7 7 do. I Estahlishment of a Kushoon. Staff: 1 Sipahddr (pay according to his qualifications.) 2 Mdtusuddies (7) Here the two A'u5/ioonj of {7jttc//MyM are distinguished from the Uskur, or regular troop*, at if they were conjidered in the ligbt of irregiilnrs. This, however, I believe, was not the case. (6) These sunn incliulcd an allowance of five Canlarai pagodas for a horse. Xcvi APPENDIX. Pagodas. Fanams. 1 Miitusudd'ies^'" l6 O each. 1 YKsdhdiij 7 O 1 Htfkecm (or physician) 5 O 1 Jurrdh (or surgeon) 3 1 MusMlchy 2 1 Each Kushoon was composed of four Teeps ^'°' of Ushiir ; of which the first, second, and third were denominated Ouwuls (or of the first class}, and the fourth. Dooeni (or of the second class), Stq^ of a Teep. 1 Teepddr of the first class, or first, second, and third Teeps, pay (including horse) ^"' 30 O 1 S/iurbashur7i 7 5 2 Gurdoon-nuwdz (drummers) providing their own drums 4 2 each 1 Shalmdey-nuwdz (or trumpeter) including trumpet ... 4 2 1 Standard bearer 7 5 1 Munshoor 3 6 Each Teep consisted of four Yooz,'''-'^ and each I'ooz was composed as follows: 1 Voozddr l6 "" 2 Surkheels 7 O each (9) IncUiding four pagodas for a horse. It is here observaWe, that the Bukhshy, who, according to the formation of a Kushoon given in the FuthuL Miljdhideen, ranked apparently as the second officer of it, was not included in the jSTi^iAooT! establishment of 1/93, at which period the title was confined lo the heads, or commanders, of Kuchurrics. (10) Formerly called i?!io/(7i.- this last term seeming to be limited by the regulation of l/QSIothe Kiishoous composing the Usud Ilhye Kuchurry, (11) If the Teep was short of the full compliment, the Teepddr was to receive no more than the pay of a Yoozddr. This regulation was, of course, designed to stimulate the Teepdar, or Risdladdr, to exert himself in keeping his corps complete. The same regulation appears to have applied to the subor- dinate officers. (12) The Voos appears to have been what is elsewhere called a /ott'*, or company. The latter term (like that of RhdLiJ was now confined, I believe, to the Kushoons forming the Usud Ilhye Kuchurry, and to the companies of rocket-men, gunners, &c. (13) It ought to be observed, that the pay of the fourth Teep was fixed through all the r.inKs on a re- duced scale. Thus the Teepddr's pay (incUuiing horse allowance; was only twenty-seven pagodas per month; ihcYusdkchy's, seven pagocfai and a h.ilf ; the Yoozdur's, 6f(een pagodas ; the Surkhed's, six pagodas ; the Jumaaddrs, five pagodas and one fmiam ; and the Private's, fowx pagodas and two fanams. The men and officers of the fourth Teep were prubably removed occasionally, and when meriting ad- vancement, to the senior Teeps- APPENDIX. XCvii Pagodas. Fanams 8 JumaaMrs 6' o each 64 I'uxuhddrs, or privates'*' 5 1 d? 1 BJieesty 2 1 9 Nujm-wdlehs, for bell tents, &c. Strength of one Yooz 87 men "' D? of one Teep or four Vooz 348 d? Strength of a Kushoon, or four Teeps, 1392 men, (of which, however, only 1056 are stated to have carried musquets). The following were likewise attached to each Kushoon. One JoU'k of rocket-men, viz. Pay per man. Total nurr.her Pagodas. Fanams. of vien. 1 Jowhddr (including horse) ...17 O 1 Surkheel ,. 6 O 4 Jumaadurs. . . . each 4 2 32 Privates each 3 3 1 Nujm-wdleh Each man carrying 2 rockets, or (with Jumaaddrs) 72 rockets. One Jowh of DnrJihshunddz, or gunners, for the service of the two guns attached to the Kushoon. N. B. Each gun was in length two diraii (or gu%) and a half [about seven feet], and carried shot weighing four short duhs or setrs : i e. about six pounds weight. 2 Surhhech (one to each gun) each armed with a pair of pistols'" pay each 9 O 28 Gunners. ... at each 5 4 2 Nnjm-icdlehs 39 Ji' Two Jowhs of Burkunddz, or matchlock-men, each consisting of : 1 Jou'kddr, pay 3 pagodas G fanams : subsistence 10 pagodas, calculated at 2 fanams on 50 men 13 G . Carried forward 7 1 n (IJ) This pay considerably exceeded what the privates of the East-India Company's Sepoy corps receive. (15) The detail gives only 85 ; but, as there can be no doubt of the total [^^7) being right, it follow* that there is some omission ; pos.sibly of a drummer and trumpeter. A similar discrepancy occurs in the specification of an Usud Ilhye Kushoon, on (he formation of which the Jutck corresponded with the Yooz, and the Risala with tho Teep. (lO) Original i-J^ XCVm APPENDIX. Pay per man. Total number Pagodas. Faiiams, of men. Brought forward 7 1 5 Jumaaddrs, pay 3 pagodas 6 fanams : subsistence 9 fanams, calculated at 1 fanam on 9 nicn 4 5 45 Privates. ... at each 3 6 5 Nujm-icdlehs The two Joicks 112 Two Jowhs of Khuldsies,^^^'' each Jowh consisting as follows : 1 Jotckddr, pay 2 pagodas ; subsistence 1 2 pagodas, calculated on 60 men at 2 jfcgodas each. 14 O 6 Diifaaddrs, pay 2 pagodas / fanams : subsistence 9 fanams, calculated on 9 men at 1 fanam each 3 6 54 Privates. ... at each 2 4 The two JbwA« 122 The guns were drawn each by twelve bullocks having three men (drivers) attached to them G The two tumbrils were drawn by forty bullocks, having ten drivers attached 10 There was, besides, an ammunition cart to each Kushoon, drawn by twenty bullocks, having five drivers attached to them 5 To twelve spare bullocks, drivers 2 Sjiare cart drawn by eight bullocks, with drivers 2 Two Chowdries''' of bullocks, with their assistants'"^' 23 To the whole of the bullock-drivers belonging to the guns were attached four Dufaaddrs 4 A Ddro"ha over the whole 1 One camel-driver to two camels, carrying 108 rockets 1 One Moallum, or teacher of the Koran 1 360 Add 1,392 Total strength of the Kushoon (including all descriptions of men) 1,752 (16) I am doubtful what the employment of these men was ; but I think it likely that they answered to our own Lascars. {]/) A kind of officer, or superintendant. (18) Besides the regular establishment of bullocks attached to a Kushoon, the Mc(?r ^wrfoor depart- ment was directed, by the ordinance of 1793, to furnish a thousand extra bullocks, for the service of every Kushoon employed on any expedition conducted by the Sultan in person. APPENDIX. XCIX Those carrying firelocks amounted to 1,146 Total of twenty-seven Kushoons 47,304 and of firelocks 30,94 2 It appears by the foregoing statement, that a considerable change had been made in the formation of a Ki(shoo)f, since the period when the establishment given in the Futhdl Mitjdh'ideen was formed ; the strength of a Kushoon consisting then (including all descriptions, as above) of 2,92S men, of which number 2,400 a])pear to have carried muskets. It is not, however, to be inferred from this circlim stance, that the aggregate amount of the 5m//««'a- infantry in 1/83, exceeded that of 1793, because, though the Kuslioons were stronger at the former period, they may have been, and pro- bably were, fewer in number ; and such an alteration as this may be easily supposed to have been adopted, with the sole view of rendering these corps less unwieldly than formerly. In order to arrive at the total amount of the regular foot forces of Tippoo Sultan, at the period immediately in question (or 1/93), we must Men. Firelocks. make the following additions to the foregoing enumeration 47,304 30,942 Monsieur Vigie's "" (formerly Lally's) corps, 500 Euro- peans and 500 Sepoi/x 1,000 800 N B. To this corps (the monthly expence of which is stated by the Sultan himself at 8,179 Cantarai pago- das) were attached two guns. Three indejx'ndent Teeps of regular infantry (P'iddeh UskurJ attached to the Bullisliies of the first, second, and third Kuchurries,'^^ each 348 strong 1,044 864 Staff' of the five Kuc/iurries 205 Drivers, and^ others, to 1,935 bullocks attached to the heavy park, viz. 1,664 draft and 27I carriage 719 Bildars, or pioneers 735 Elephant- drivers to seven elephants attached to the heavy guns 7 Carried forward 5 J ,014 32,6o6 n 2 (,iy) In the original ^Jij (20) These Teeps are thus posted, according to the SuUan's racmorandum of August i/Qi. By the ordinance of March 1/93, ihey were placed under the Bukluhies of the first, third, and fourth Ku- churries. C APPENDIX. Men. Flreloehs. Brought forward ... . 51,014 32,6o6 Khuldsles (or gun lascars) to the heavy park, fourteen JowJcs including JoicMdrs 714 . Add also tlie following establishment of artillery men: To the four long brass guns (t/s.two long eighteen-pounders and two long eight-pounders). 4 Stirk/teets and )(Va.y the same as those of the 56' Gunners ) Kushoons.) 6o 56 To the 10 iron battering guns [viz. six twenty-four poun- ders and four ten-pounders) : ^ 10 Surhheels, xhy 9 pci sodas each.') 1 40 (junner, 3 pagodas f)janams ) To the six howitzers : 6 Surhheels, pay 6 pagodas each "J j or 36 Gunners j Drivers to one hundred carts, drawn by three hundred bullocks, and appropriated to the carriage of the Sul- tans baggage 1 00 For bringing in forage to the above, forty-eight bullocks and fifty-two bullock-men, including Ddrogha and three Cliowdrles 52 Choivdries and Dufaaddrs to 636 hired carts attached to the heavy park — Artificer's yard 625 One General in Chief of Infantry (at the monthly pay of 240 pagodas) 1 Vusdlichy or aid de camp to ditto, and 1 Mutusuddy to ditto 3 In all,. 52,760 <"' 32,838 The total of the foot forces amounted, however, according to an abstract in the Sultans o\v\\ hand, to 52,774 men, making a difference in the two statements of fourteen men: which may either be referred to the omission (on account of the great obscurity of the passage in the original) of the Choivdries, &c. attached to the hired carts, or to some other petty error in tlie detail. 'I he Kushoons composing the fifth, or Usud Ilhi/e Kuchurri/, of regular infan- try, differed a little in their formation, as well as in point of pay, from the other Kuchurries, as will appear by the following specification. Uhe reason of this ditierence (2l) This total exceeds that given in the Sultan's own memorandum by sixteen firelocks. APPENDIX. -CI difference I am unable to explain, otherwise than by supposing (what, indeed, there are some grounds for believing) that, in addition to their pay, both the Ahmedies and Usiid Ilhi/es received rations of Ddl (dry peas), and perhaps other articles of provision, from government. Pagodas, Fanams. 1 Sipahddr (pay according to his merits). ^^, ,,. foi^eat 16 O 2 Mdtusuddies < ^ ^ \_one at o O 1 Sur-yusdkchy 6 O 1 Pliysician 5 1 Surgeon 3 O 1 Mushdlchy 2 1 1 Moallum (or instructor in the Koran). . . 5 O The Kushoon was divided into four Risdlas (instead of Teeps), each consisting of 348 men, viz. 1 Risdladdr (including horse allowance) 25 O 1 Yusdhchy 5 1 1 Drummer and 1 fifer, each 3 9 1 Standard bearer 4 5 1 Mumhoor 3 6 Each Risdla w^as composed of four Jowhs (instead of Yooz), each Jowh con- sisting of: 1 Jowkddr 12 O 2 Surhheeh each 5 7 8 Jumaaddrs each 4 2 64 Fuzukddrs, or privates, each 3 9 9 Niijm-wdlehs each 2 1 1 Blieestij, or water-carrier 2 1 Total of a Jowh 86 ineu Of iourJowks 340 d? Staff of the Risdla''^ S Total of a Risdla 348 and of four Risdlas 1,392 ; being the same strength as the Kus/ioons of the other Kuc/tunies. The (22) The specification gives only six ; but cither two of the Staff have been inaijTertently omitted by the Sultan, or I have not rightly understood the original- Cii APPENDIX. The Ehshdm, or garrison troops, are stated, in the ordinance of 1793, address- ed to the Sudoor department, at 25,000 men.'"' I have no means of estimating the amount of Kunduchdr; that is, the provincial troops, or niihtia. I now jirocccd to a sumnuiry statement of the cavalry, according to the estabhsh- ment of 1793. I. Suicdr Uskur for regular cavalry). Three KuchurriesS"'^ Kach Kiicfiiirr)/ consisting of six Mokuhs (or regiments), of 389 horses and 3/5 men each.'"' Total of one Knchurri/, (with a Syse or attendant to each horse). . . . 2,334 horses Of three Kuchurries 7,002 d? The detail of the Mokuh is not given in the original ; but the latter appears to have been divided into Teeps and stables, each stable consisting of twenty-two horses. The strength of a Teep is not stated.'""' To each Kuchiirry of regular horse two guns were attached, with a proportionate number of gunners, &c. II. Silahddr (23) Of these twenty-five thousand Ehshdm troops (armed, I believe, with swords and matchlocks) fifteen thousand were distributed among tlie several forts throughout the country. These were ordered to be relieved annually, and were paid at the computation of forty days to the month, and at the rate of two pagodas per man. The subsistence to tiieir officers was fixed at two fanams and a quarter per man. The remaining ten thousand Eksham were stationed at Stringapalam, or with the Hilzoor. The pay of the latter was two pagodas four fanams : and the subsistence of the officers, three fanams per man. ^24) By the ordinance of March 1/93, the regular cavalry was formed somewhat differently from the establishment of August 1793, as stated above. It then consisted of four Kuchurries, composed each of four Mokuhs, the latter being of the same strength as those given in the text : consequently, the aggre- gate amount of the latter establishment exceeded that of the former by two Mohils, or about seven hundred and fifty men. (25) It does not appear, why the number of horses exceeded that of men. Perhaps the difference might arise from some of the officers being allowed more than one horse. (26) But although neither the ordinance of March 1793, nor the Sultan's memoranda of the same year, furnish the details of a A/oii/i, or regiment, of regular cavalry, as then constituted, I find, in a regulation dated in February 1/97, a specification of a Kuchurry of regular cavalry, of which an abstr.ict follows. The Kuchurry in question is called, in the Hukm-ndmeh here referred to, " Hafz Sawdr e " Uskur." Whether this was a newly formed corps, or an old one to which a new name was now given, I have not the means of ascertaining. The Kuchurry is stated to have consisted (including all descriptions) of 1,619 men and 1,582 horses : of the latter of which 1,562 were stable horses ; the remaining twenty belonged to the persons mounted on them. The whole were commanded by two Bukhshies, with the usual staff. The Kuchurry was divided into four Mokuhs ; and each Mokuh into four Teeps or Teebs. The Teep was composed of two Yuoz ; and each Yooz divided into two stables. Detatl APPENDIX. ciii II. Sllahddr Cavalry, (or Cavalry mounted on their own horses). Two Kuchurries, composed of Musulmans and unbelievers. Each Kuchnrry commanded by two Buhhshies, and divided into eight Risdlas, of 250 horse each, besides the usual staff: 1 Kuchnrry 2,000 horse. 2 D? 4,000 d? III. Kuzzdk (or Predatory) Cavalry. Three Kuchurries, of 2,666 horses each, divided into Risdlas of 260 each. Total Detail of a Mokub. Men. Horses. Sur e Uskur, or Mohuldar 1 2 Shurlushurn * 1 1 Trumpeters 2 2 Teepddrs 4 8 Yoozdars 8 \6 SurkheeLs l6 l6 Jumaadars 48 48 Privates 288 288 StanJard-bearers 4 4 ShuTbashurns attached to Tecps 4 4 376 389 Staff, vi%. Oae Kurhurnj . . . . 155S Four Mutufuddles ; a Sdlotry, or Veterinary Surgeon ; i ^ n . . , • a Farrier, &c } One Mokub 392 1562 Four d.fto 1508 \ Kxclusivc of Syces, horse- Bulhshics and Kuchurry Staff 30 f keepers, and Drivers to Burkunddzes, or matchlock-men, attached 21 / J300 Bullocks, attached Total . .^ \P\qJ '° '^"^ Kuchurry. General Abstrait. 1 Stable 21 Troopers. t 2 Stables 1 Yo«z, or 42, including Jumaadars. 2 Yooz 1 Teep, or 84, including ditto. 4 Tieps J Mokub, or 330, including ditto. 4 Mokubs 1 Kuchurry, or 1344 men carrying arms. • I take the Shurhishuni 10 be another name for the YusSkchy. ■f The number of Horses composing a Stable would appear, by some documents, 10 have been twenty-two. Tills would make the number of StablcHorses 10 a Kuchurry no more than 1,408; which 1 do not know how to reconcile to thf pieccding detail. CIV APPENDIX. Total of the three KiicJnirnes stated at eight thousand horse, which appear to have been officered in the same manner as the Silahddr cavalry, the officers receiving a regular pa)', like those of the latter body. It may be presumed, that the men corhposing this predatory corps Oiust also have received pay during peace, whatever might be the case in time of war.'"' The foregoing seems to have been the establishment of KttzzdJis, or Looties, in time of peace. They would, of course, be augmented during a war. In addition to the above, a K/icis, or special Risdla, of Kuzzaks, is mentioned. It was composed of INIusulmans of various denominations, and amounted to fifty men and horses, commanded by a separate Buhhshy. (27) The Loot'ie, or Kuxxak cavalry, are said to receive no pay : in lieu of which they are allowed to retain whatever booty they can acquire. INDEX. To Abdul Ilukecm Klian (Nabob of Sliiinoor), Letters 16, 78, 150, 151, 22S, 247, £54, 343, i)dl. Abdul Kureem (Sipahdfir), 293. Abdul Nubby (the Commandant), 2CG. Ahmed Ali (Mecr), 197. Ahmed (Sliaikh), 70. Ali Rajah (Beeby of Cananore), 124, 181, 184, 267, 291. B. Boodhun Shah, 398. Budceaa (iz Zuman Khan, 123. Budiuz Zuman Khln, 161, 162, 166, 168, 176, 187, 194, 208, 224, 230, 234, 235, 237, 2in Chimdur, 4, 10, 23, 35, 57, 62, 98, lOG, 144, 153, JG4, 174, 178,222,223, 241, 2f)4, 299, 314, 316, 359, 374, 388, 390, 397, 429. Rajah of Pegu, 211. Runmust KhSn, 102, 196, 201, 315, 321, 330, 370. Rujub AH Khan, 298. S. Sadik, Meor Mahommed, 114, 318. Seth, Khajch, 163. Shfih Allum (the Emperor), 71. Shall Noorullah (see NooruUah). Shah Mahommed, 173. Shah Abdullah Saheb, 340. Shumsuddeen Khan, 175, 185, 198, 252, 255, 320, 368, 400, 416, 421, 427. Suji'in Rao (see Moal Cliund). Syed Mahommed Khan (Kilaadar of Seringa- patam), 115, 351, 364, 375, 378, 424. Syed Peer, 218. Syed Ghuffiir (seeGhuflar). Syedllumeed, 18, 170. Syed Maliommed Khan (Bukhshy), 283. Syed Moh\ nddecn, 367. Syed Mahommed Khan(Dewan of Nugr), 288. Syed Ahmed .Sahcb, 369, 385. T. Turab Ali (Meer), 309. Turbiyut All Khan, 4, 12, 152,221,223,299, 408. U. UrshudfiUali Klian, 231. Urshud Baig Khan, 171, 284, 402, 418, 432. Ushrnf, Mahommed (see Mahommed Ushruf.) Usud Ali Khan, 301, 302, 303, 304. W. Wasil Mahommed, 242. Y. Yiikoob, and other Armenian merchants, 425. Yoosuf, Mahommed, 286. Z. Zvnul Aabideen Shoostry, 128, 131, 132, 136, 137, 139. Zynul Aabideen (."^ipahdar), 117. Zynul Aabideen, 51, 146. Zynul Aabideen (Bukhshy of Ehsham), 130, 238, 312, 335, 344, 414. Zvnul Aabideen (TaolukdarofGulshunabad), "394. THE END. DIRECTIONS TO THE BINDER. Plate A. to face Appendix A., page i. C C, page xi. LONDON: Trtnted by Cox, .Son, ind Ba)li,, Utut Quccu street. ERRATA, &c. Page. 18 19 20 C8 31 50 58 66 67 99 109 112 126 130 150 line 1 for capitulations, read recapitulations. . ... 17 — we by, read we will lay. note )LA) read ^JJ^\i line 7 — fr given, iViseri verbal. 1 1 for Lewai Midhee, read Sewii Madhce. 17 — in one part, read on one part. APPENDIX. 1 penult, for Nurwail, read NuwSyet. 2 Ime 6 — Kazy, read Rizy. 13 .... 3 from the bottom, y