THE SHAKESPEARE NIGHT, IN AID OF THE FUx\D FOR THE PURCHASE AND PRESERVATION OF Shaftegpeare jS l^ouse. TUESDAY, DECEMBER SEVENTH, 1847, ROYAL ITALIAN OPERA, COVENT GARDEN PRICE SIXPENCE. ^p" The proceeds to he carried in aid of the Fund. UNDER THE ESPECIAL PATRONAGE OF i^er Jilajesitp tf;e (Bxitm, M^ 2acii)al i^igftnesisi pnnre aibnt. AND THE DIRECTION OF THE LONDON COMMITTEE. LIBRARY tJNIVERSITY OF CALIFORN SANTA BARBARA Ci)e Eontion Olommittce. VISCOUNT MORPETH, M.P., President. THE EARL OF ELLESMERE, Vice-President. Peter Cunningham, Esq., Treasurer. F. G. ToMLiNS, Esq., Hon. Secretary. Thomas Amyot, Esq., Chairman. W. Harrison Aixsworth, Esq. Sir James Anmesley, F.R.S. Joseph Arden, Esq., F.S.A. John Auldjo, Esq., F.R.S. William Ayrton, Esq., F.R.S. John Barrow, Esq., F.R.S. Robert Bell, Esq. Bayle Bernard, Esq. Beriah Botfield, Esq. Lord Braybrooke. Vice-Chaxcellor Knight Bruce. John Britton, Esq., F.S.A. Joshua W. Butterwoeth, Esq. Sir George Carroll. Earl of Clarendon. George Clowes, Esq. J. Payne Collier, Esq., Treas.S.A. Charles Cowden Clarke, Esq. Lord Albert D. Conyngham, M.P. Dr. Conolly. C. PuRTON Cooper, Esq. W. Durrant Cooper, Esq., F. S.A. Bolton Corney, Esq. T. Crofton Croker, Esq., F.S.A. Peter Cunningham, Esq., Treasurer. Edward Delafield, Esq. Charles Dickens, Esq. C. W. Dilke, Esq. Admiral Sir \V. H. Dillon. C. L. Eastlake, Esq., R.A. Sir Philip De Mai.pas Gret Eger- ton, Bart. Earl of Ellesmere, Vice-President. Sir Henry Ellis, K.H. William Etty, Esq., R.A. F. W. Fairholt, Esq., F.S.A. John Forster, Esq. Earl of Glengall. George Grote, Esq, Henry Hallam, Esq. J. 0. Halliwell, Esq., F.R.S. W. R. Hamilton, Esq., F.S.A. Rev. William Harness. T. K. Hervey, Esq. Right Hon. Sidney Herbert, JLP. James Heywood, Esq., M.P. M. Devonport Hill, Esq., Q.C. Earl Howe. Leigh Hunt, Esq. Rev. Joseph Hunter, F.S.A. Sir Robert Harry Inglis, M.P. William Jerdan, Esq. Douglas Jerrold, Esq. Charles Kemble, Esq. Charles Knight, Esq. James Sheridan Knowles, Esq. Right Hon. Lord Leigh. Thomas Longman, Esq. Sir E. Bulwer Lytton, Bart. Right Hon. T. B. Macallay. W. 0. Macready', Esq. Viscount Mahon, M.P. J H. Markland, Esq. Rev. H. H. I\Iilman. MONCKTON MiLNES, Esq., M.P. Thomas Moore, Esq. Viscount Morpeth, M. P., President. John Murray, Esq. Marquis of Northampton. F. OuvRY, Esq. John Oxenford, Esq. T. J. Pettigrew, Esq., F.R.S. J. R. Planche, Esq., F.S.A. Samuel Phillips, Esq. Earl of Powis, K.G. T. PuRLAND, Esq. Henry Reeve, Esq. Samuel Rogers, Esq. Captain Smyth, R.N., F.S.A. J. Spear, Esq. Viscount Strangford. Serjeant Talfourd, M.P. Professor Tom Taylor, M.A. Alfred Tennyson, Esq. W. J. Thoms, Esq., F.S.A. F. G. ToMLiNS, Esq., Hon. Sec. Sir F. B. Watson, K.C.H. Albert Way, Esq., M.A. Benjamin Webster, Esq. Sir Richard Westmacott, R.A. Rich. Westmacott, Esq., A.R.A. Rev. James White. Thomas Wright, Esq., M.A. Charles M. Young, Esq. Sir Charles Young, Garter King- at-Arms. The Theatrical Management directed by a Sub-Committee, consisting of Robert Bell, Esq. Bayle Bernard, Esq. John Oxenford, Esq. J. R. Planche, Esq. F. G. Tomlins, Esq. Peter Cunningham, Esq , Treasurer. Mr. Willmott, Stage Manager. THE LONDON COMMITTEE Have to express, on beluill' of themselves, The Stratford Committee, and The General Subscribers to the Fund, their cordial thanks to the following Ladies and Gentlemen, for their valuable and gratuitous services on this occasion : — To Mr. Beale, the Lessee of the Eoyal Italian Opera House, Covent Garden, for the free use of his Theatre, Wardi-obe, and Properties. To the following Members of the Theatrical Profession, for their sympathy and co-operation : — Mr. Macready. Mr. Leigh Murray Mr. Ryder. Mr. Bellingham. Mr. S. Parry. Mr. Edgar. Mr. Aldham. Mrs. Butler. Mr. Jas. Vining Mr. Martin. In " The Death of Henry IV." In " The Death of Queen Katharine.'' Mr. Harley. Mr. Buckstone. In the Scene , frotn " The Ttoo Gentlemen of Verona.'' In " Falstaff's Recruits." Mr. W. Farren.n Mr. Granby. Mr. Oxberry. Mr. Woolgar. ^ Miss Helen Faucit.% Mrs. Glover. \Li^Juliet^s -..- -r^ r Marriage Mr. Diddear. Daii." Mr. a. Harris. -' Mr. Webster. Mr. Keeley. Mr. J. Bland. Mr. Howe. Mr. H. Vandenhoff. Mr. Caulfield. Mr. Gough. Mr. Payne. Mrs. Nesbitt. Mr. C. Mathews. Mr. Meadows- Mr. F. Matthews. Mr. Egbert Eoxby Mr. Parselle. Madame Vestris. Mrs. Stirling. Miss Marshall. Mr. Phelps. Mr. H. Marston. Mr. G. Bennett. Miss P. Horton. In '■'■Katherine and Petruchio." In " The Buck- Basket Scene ^ and Slender s Courtshi})." In " The Story \ of Pros- per 0." Miss Laura Addison, j Mr. Gbaiiam Mr. J. H. Johnstone. Mr. G. ViNiNa . Mr. Howell. . Mrs. Warner Miss Angell . Mrs. Tyrrell In " The Statue Scene, from Winter s Tale. To Sir Henry Bishop, for the selection and arrangement of the Music. To Mr. T. Cooke, for the Leadmg the Band, which has been selected from the Philharmonic Orchestra. To Mr. Grieve, for his selection and superintendence of the Scenery. To Mrs. Bailey, for her superintendence of the Costume and Wardrobe. To Mr. Charles Knight, for the Prologue. To Mr. Phelps, for its Eecitation. To The Chartered Gas Company, for the presentation of the Gas consumed on the occasion, by which a large outlay has been saved to the fund. And to numerous other parties, who have incidentally promoted the performance by assistance and advice, and more especially to the Managers and Manageresses of the following Theatres, who, in addi- tion to giving their own services, have also, by their arrangements, to their own detriment, sanctioned the withdi-awal of various Actors and Actresses from their Theatres, for the occasion : — • Mr. Webster, of the Theatre Eoyal, Haymarket. Madame Vestris, of the Theatre Eoyal, Lyceum. Mr. Maddox, of the Theatre Eoyal, Princess'. Mr. Phelps, of the Theatre Eoyal, Sadler's Wells. Mrs. Warner, of the Theatre Eoyal, Marylebone. A PROLOGUE WRITTEN FOR THE OCCASION BT MR. CHARLES KNIGHT, AND SPOKEN BY MR. PHELPS The Macedonian stood within the gates Of the devoted Thebes. Eelentless hates Ask'd to be loos'd in bloodshed and in fire : Spare not — the conqueror cried : — Yet stay ! the lyre Of glorious Pindarus in Thebes was strung — Search for his House these fated pUes among ; Perish the city, down with every tower, But save, from ruin save the Muses' sacred bower. The victor Time has stood on Avon's side To doom the faU of many a home of pride ; Kapine o'er Evesham's gUded fane has strode. And gorgeous Kenilworth has paved the road : But Time has gently laid his withering hands On one frail House — the House of Shakespeare stands ; Centuries are gone — fallen " the cloud-capp'd tow'rs ;" But Shakespeare's home, his boyhood's home is ours. Ye, who this night kind greetings bring to cheer The histrionic groups assembled here, — Cherish the task, ^vith reverent love to hold One relic of our drama's age of gold — For there, where Avon's long-immortal wave Lingers in willowy banks by Shakespeare's grave, — 8 The Pilgrims come : Ohio and the Rhine Send forth their worshippers to Stratford's shrine, — And still they come, to hail, from every clime, The Poet of all conntries and " all time." Perchance, hi some dark hour, a venal stage May leave to bookworms Shakespeare's living page ; Fit on the buskins to some Newgate gang, And give the comic mask to di-unken slang : Then, when no tear shaU fall for Juliet's woe, Falstaif be voted dull, and Hamlet " slow," — Then, ere new Bettertons and Garricks rise To win the crowd from scenes the good despise, — The lowly roof, which you are here to claim From cold neglect or desecration's shame. May stand, the trophy of a nobler taste — A beacon-light amidst the drama's waste. Tes ! when a race unborn shaU gather round His haUuwed roof, and consecrated ground. And secret tears, and smiles of sudden glee. Attest his sway — the mind's own jubilee ; Eemembrance, perhaps, may tui-n to this "brief hour," Which yields our feeble homage to his power : For here th' assembled Nation stands to say, Our Shakespeare's home is snatch'd from quick decay; — Is the work finish'd — or but yet begun ? Complete ! Maintain ! Do all that needs be done ! — Yes ! England's heart now beats at Shakespeare's call— The Muses' bower is saved — your's is the pledge for All. THE F]EIEF®IRMM(DIS< TUESDAY, DECEMBEK SEVENTH, 1847. JEaii^fe< BEETHOVEN^S OVERTURE TO "CORIOLANUS. " THE DEATH OF HENRY IV. Second Part of King Henry IV. Act IV. A CHAMBER IN THE PALACE AT WESTMINSTER. King Henry . Henry, Prince of Wales Prince Thomas of Clarence Prince John of Lancaster . Prince Humphrey of Gloster Lord Chief Justice Earl of JFestmoreland . Pages to the King Mr. Maceeady. Mr. Leigh Murray. Mr. Aldham. Mr. S. Parry. Mr. Bellingham. Mr. Ryder. Mr. Edgar. Mr. Andrews. Mr. Smith. II. THE DEATH OF QUEEN KATHARINE. Henry the Eighth. Act IV. A CHAMBER IN KIMBOLTON CASTLE. Queen Katharine .... Mrs. Butler. Patience "^ rMiss Andrews. Agatha ^Her Attendants . . < Miss Bellamy. Cicely J LMiss Johnson. Cromwell Guilford . Capucius Mr. James Vining. Mr. Aldiiam. Mr. Martin. 12 III. T\^0 GENTLEMEN OF VERONA. Part of Act the Third. A STREET IN VERONA. Launce . Mr. Harley. Speed Mr. Buckstone SIE HENRY BISHOPS OVERTUEE, INTRODUCING POPULAR AIRS FROM SHAKESPEARE'S PLAYS. IV. FALSTAFFS RECRUITS BEFORE JUSTICE SHALLOW. Second Part of King Henry IV. Act III., Scene 2. AN ORCHARD BEFORE JUSTICE SHALLOW's HOUSE. Jtistice Shallow .... Mr. W. Farren. Justice Silence . . . . . Falstaff Bardolph . Mouldy, Shadow, TTart, Feeble, Bullcalf, Davy . Eecruits Mr. Darcie. Mr. Granby. Mr. Woolgar. ^Mr. Turnour. Mr. Fortescue. Mr."Mandale. Mr. Oxberry. Mr. C. E. Butlee. Mr. Andrews. MENDELSSOHN'S OVERTURE TO "THE MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM." 13 V. JULIET'S MARRIAGE DAY. Romeo and Juliet. The Fourth Act entii'e. Scene 1. the cloisters. — Scene 2. a chamber in capulet's hocse.- Scene 3. Juliet's bedroom. Lady Capulet Juliet Nurse . Miss O'Hara. Miss Helen Faucit. Mrs. Glover. Capulet . Paris . Friar Lawrence Mr. J. Eyan. Mr. a. Harris. Mr. Diddear. VI. KATHERINE AND PETRUCHIO. Taming of the Skre^o. Portions of Act I. and Act TV. A GOTHIC HALL. PetrucJdo Baptista . Grumio Gremio Hortensio Liicentio . Curtis . Vincentio . Biondello Eatherina Widow . Bianca Mr. Webster. Mr. Gough. Mr. Keeley. Mr. Bland. Mr. Howe. Mr. Vandenhoff. Mr. Caulfield. Mr. Payne. Mr. Turnour. Mrs. Nisbett. Mrs. Gates. Miss Everington. 14 THE BUCK-BASKET AND SLENDERS COURTSHIP. The Merry Wives of Windsor. Act III., 3rd and 4th Scenes ; Act IV., Scene 1. CHAMBERS IN FORD's HOUSE. JaUaff .... Mr. Granby. lord Mr. Egbert Eoxby. Faga Mr. Parselle. Bir Hugh Evans Mr. Meadows. Shalloio .... Mr. F. Matthews. Dr. Caiics .... Mr. Jas. Bland. Slender .... Mr. Chas. Mathews Robin ..... Miss Ward. Mrs. Tacje .... Madame Vestris. Mrs. Ford .... Mrs. Stirling. Anne Page .... Miss Marshall. VIII. THE STORY OF PROSPERO. Tempest. Act I., Scene 2. THE ISLAND BEFORE THE CELL OF PROSPERO. Prospero ..... Mr. Phelps. Ferdinand Mr. H. Marston. Caliban Mr. G. Bennett. Ariel Miranda Miss P. Horton. Miss Laura Addison. 15 Leontes Polixenes Florizel Camillo IX. THE STATUE SCENE. A Winte}-'s Tale. Act V., Scene last. A ROOM IX PAILINa's HOUSE. Mr. Gkaham. Me. J. H. Johnston. Mr. G. Yixing. Mr. Howell. Hermione . . . . . . Mrs. Warner. Perdita . . . . . Miss Angell. Pauline . . . . . . 'Mrs. Tyrrell. Lords and Ladies, kc. VIVANT REGINA ET PRINCEPS. BUADIIVBY LONDON : ANS, PKINTEKS, WHITKFRIA f.s.1: Cyoy/om -— I PAMPHLET BINDER ^^Z Syrocuje, N. Y. Stockton, Calif. 3 1205 03058 9889 001 426 512