o • W i iM B U K N E A A n 1 2 y s5 9 ^ 1 2 LITY 8 BIBLI L I ilHirfMIX%lll«ill»«»l— ^'^ THE IBitJliograpte of ^tointiurne. 1857-1858. Undergraduate Papers. Oxford : W. Manseli, High-street ; London : Whittaker and Co. 1857-1858, 8vo., pp. 186. Edited by Mr. (now Professor) John Nichol (whose historical drama of Han7nbal\\3.?> noticed by Mr. Swinburne, in 1872, in the Fortnightly Review). The chief contributors were George Rankine Luke, the late T. H. Green, Professor Albert Venn Dicey, Mr. George Birkbeck Hill (author of " Johnson and his Circle "), and Algernon Charles Swinburne. Mr. Swinburne's contri- butions, five in number, included a very amusing parody, The Monomaniac s Tragedy, the first Canto of a poem entitled "Queen Yseult," a paper on Marlowe and Webster, &c. &c. CONGREVE, William, short prose article, signed "A. C. S.," in The Imperial Dictionary of Universal Biography, a series of original memoirs of distinguished men of all ages and all nations, edited by John Francis Waller, LL.D. London : William Mackenzie [1857], vol i., p. 979. An entirely different paper from that which appeared twenty years afterwards (1877), over the same initials, in the Ninth Edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica. {Vide infra, p. 24.) 6 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SWINBURNE. [1860-61. 1S60-1S61. The Queen-Mother. Rosamond. Two Plays. By Alcernon Charles Swinburne. London : Basil Montagu Pickering. i860. Collation : Half-title, Title, Leaf of Dedication and of Persons represented (in The Queen Mother), Half-title to The Queen Mother, pp. 217, and Leaf of Errata. Half-title to Rosamond between pages i6o and 161. 1 862.] BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SWINBURNE. 1862. Contributions to Once-a-Week, 1862 : — The Fratricide (Finnish). — Feb. 15 (vol. vi., pp. 215-216). Dead Love (prose). With an illustration by M. J. Lawless. — Oct. II (vol. vii., pp. 432-434). " The Fratricide " was reprinted in Poems and Ballads (1866), pp. 329-333, under the title of "The Bloody Son." "Dead Love" has never been reprinted. Contributions to The Spectator, 1862 : — A Song in Time of Order, 1852. — April 26, fol. 466. Before Parting. — May 17, fol, 550. After Death (Breton).*— May 24, fol. 578-9. Faustine. — May 31, fol. 606-7. Mr. George y\.txQdx\}s^% Modern Love i^^XX^x to the Editor). — June 7, fol. 632-3. A Song in Time of Revolution, i860. — June 28, fol. 718. The .Sundev?. — July 26, fol. 830. August. — Sept. 6, fol. 997. Charles Baudelaire : Les Fleurs du Mai. — Sept. 6, fol. 998-1000. The seven poems were reprinted, without omission or alteration, in Poems and Ballads (1866), pp. 158-160; 212-213; 324-326; 122-129; 161-165 ; 214- 216 ; 248-250. The letter on Mr. George Meredith's Modern Love and the notice of Charles Baudelaire's Fleurs du Mai have not been reprinted. * A footnote, not reprinted in Poejns and Ballads, states these lines to be taken "from the Recneil de Chants Bretons, edited by Felicien Cossu, i^< sMe (no more published), pp. 8g, Paris, 1858." BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SWINBURNE. [1864. 1864. The Children of the Chapel. A Tale. By the author of "Mark Dennis." London : Joseph Masters. 1864, pp. 124. The interludes in verse were contributed by A. C. Swinburne. The authoress of the prose portion of the tale was Miss Gordon (now Mrs. Disney Leith), a cousin of the poet. 1 86s.] BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SWINBURNE. 1865. Atalanta in Calydon. a Tragedy. By Algernon Charles Swinburne. London: Edward Moxon and Co. 1865, 4to. pp. xii. III. Chastelard ; A Tragedy, By Algernon Charles Swin- burne. London : Edward Moxon and Co. 1865, pp. viii. 219. A Selection from the Works of Lord Byron. Edited and Prefaced by Algernon Charles Swinburne. London : Edward Moxon and Co. 1866, pp. xxxii. 244. The Preface, dated "Christmas, 1865," is reprinted in Essays and Studies (1875), pp. 238-258. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SWINBURNE. [1866. 1S66. Speech in answer to the toast of the " Imaginative Literature of England," at the Seventy -seventh Anniversary Dinner of the Royal Literary Fund, at Willis's Rooms, Wednesday, May 2, 1866. — Report of the Anniversary, p. 27. Poems and Ballads. By Algernon Charles Swinburne. London : Edward Moxon and Co. 1866, pp. vii. 344. The contents include sixty-two separate pieces, of which eight had been already published in 1862, in Tlie Spectator and OKce-a-lVeei, and fifty -four appear here for the first time. Notes on Poems and Reviews. By Algernon Charles Swinburne. London : John Camden Hotten. 1866, Svo., pp. 23. fr Cleopatra. By Algernon Swinburne. With an illustration by Frederick Sandys. — Comhill Magazine, September, 1866 (vol. xiv., pp. 331-333)- This poem, which did not appear until after the publication of the first series of Poetiis and Ballads, has not been reprinted by the author in any of his subsequent collected volumes. -^ ,^ ^ 1867.3 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SWINBURNE. 1867. A Song of Italy. By Algernon Charles Swinburne. London : John Camden Hotten. 1867, pp. 66. Reprinted in Songs of Two Nations (1875). Contributions to The Fortnightly Review, 1S67 : — Child's Song in Winter. — ^Jan. (n.s., vol. i., pp. 19-26.) Reprinted (as the first of " Four Songs of Four Seasons, § Winter in North- umberland,") in Poems and Ballads, Second Series (^li-ji), pp. 163-176. Ode on the Insurrection in Candia. — March (vol. i., pp. 284-289). Reprinted in Songs be/ore Sunrise (1871), pp. 240-250. Morris's "Life and Death of Jason." — July (vol. ii., pp. 19-28.) Reprinted in Essays and Studies (1875), pp. 110-122. Regret. — Sept. (vol. ii., p. 271.) Reprinted, with considerable alterations, and with the addition of two stanzas, under the title of Pasticlie, in Poems and Ballads, Second Series (1878), pp. 129-130. Mr. Arnold's New Poems. — Oct. (vol. ii., pp. 414-445). Reprinted in Essays and Studies (1875), pp. 123-183. The Halt before Rome, September 1867. — Nov. (vol. ii., pp. 539- 546). Reprinted in Songs before Sunrise (1871), pp. 45-59. A Lost Vigil. — Dec. (vol. ii., pp. 671-672). Reprinted, under the title of "A Wasted Vigil," in Poems and Ballads., Second Series {iZjZ), pp. 55-59. An Appeal to England. — Morning Star, Friday, November 22, 1867. Reprinted in Songs before Sunrise (1871), pp. 253-257. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SWINBURNE. [1868. 1868. William Blake. A Critical Essay. By Algernon Charles Swinburne. With illustrations from Blake's designs in fac- simile. London : John Camden Hotten. 1868, pp. viii. 304. Notes on the Royal Academy Exhibition, 1868. Part I. By W. M. Rossetti. Part. II. By Algernon C. Swinburne. London : John Camden Hotten. 1868, pp. iv. 51. Mr. Swinburne's contribution extends from page 31 to the end. When printed in Essays and Studies, 1875 (pp. 358-380), a sentence in the notice of Leighton's "Acme and Septimius " (p. 33), the entire notice of Millais (pp. 33- 35), and the notice of a picture of " Mary Stuart about to sign her abdication " (containing a passage in blank verse which now forms part of a speech in the drama of Mary Stuart), pp. 37-39, were omitted. Siena. By Algernon Charles Swinburne. London : John Camden Plotten. 1868, pp. 15. Contributed to Z?>//>i<-o«'j:1/a,?^a2/w^ (Philadelphia), June, 1S68 (vol. i., pp. 622-629), and published in a separate form in London, to secure the English copyright. Very few copies were printed, and still fewer issued. Oa,rti^tM') Reprinted in Songs be/ore Sunrise {iZyi), pp. 191-204, where some of the prose notes which originally accompanied the poem do not reappear. Contributions to T7ie Fortnightly Rcvinu, 1868 : — Ave atque Vale. In Memory of Charles Baudelaire. — Januar)', 1868 (n.s., vol. iii., pp. 71-76). Reprinted in Poems and Ballads, Second Series (1878), pp. 71-83. Notes on Designs of the Old Masters at Florence. — July (vol. iv., pp. 16-40). Reprinted in Essays and Studies, (1875), pp. 3I4-357- A Watch in the Night. — December (vol. iv. pp. 618-622). Reprinted in Songs be/ore Sunrise (1871), pp. 30-37. 1869.] BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SWINBURNE. 13 1869. Christabel and the Lyrical and Imaginative Poems of S. T. Coleridge. Arranged and introduced by Algernon Charles Swinburne. London : Sampson Low. 1869, pp. xxvii. 150. The Introductory Essay is reprinted in Essays and Sttidies (1875), pp. 259 275- Editors sub-edited. — Letter dated " Holmwood, Sept. 29, 1869," and signed "A. C. Swinburne," disavowing the authorship of a supplementary note at page 150 of the above volume. — Atheticzutn, October 9, 1869, p. 463. Contributions to The Forttiightly Kevieiv, 1869 : — Notes on the Text of Shelley. — May 1869 (n.s., vol. v., pp. 539-561). Reprinted, with additions, in Essays and Studies (1875), pp. 184-237. Victor Hugo: " L'Homme qui Rit." — ^July 1869 (n.s., vol. vi., pp. 73-81). Reprinted in Essays and Studies (1875), pp. 1-16. Victor Hugo and English Anonyms. To the Editor of "The Daily Telegraph." — Letter (of nearly a column) dated "Oct. 21," and signed "Algernon Charles Swinburne." — Daily Telegraph, Friday, October 22, 1869, fol. 5. col. 6. On the Times' review of V Homme qui Rit, which appeared in the number for October 14, i86g. Super Flumina Babylonis. — Fortnightly Review, October 1869 (n.s., vol. vi. , pp. 386-389). Reprinted in Songs before Sunrise (1871), pp. 38-44. Intercession. (Four Sonnets, dated "Paris, Sept., 1869.") — Fortnightly Review, November, 1869 (n.s., vol. vi., pp. 509-510). Reprinted in Songs of Two Nations (1875), Dirce % xii., pp. 66-69. 14 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SWINBURNE. [1870. 1870. Contributions to The Fortnightly Rcvieiu, 1870 : — The Complaint of Monna Lisa. (Double sestina, Decameron, x. 7.) — February 1870 (n.s., vol. vii., pp. 176-179). Reprinted in Poems and Ballads, Second Scries (1878), pp. 60-68. The Poems of Dante Gabriel Rossetti.— May 1870 (n.s., vol. vii., PP- 551-579)- Reprinted in Essays and Studies (1875), pp. 60-109. The Children of the Poor. (From the French of Victor Hugo.) Translated by A. C. Swinburne. — CasselVs Magazine, London, May, 1870 (n.s., vol. i., p. 329). Reprinted in Poems and Ballads, Second Series {187S), pp. 225-2J6. Ode on the Proclamation of the French Republic, Sep- tember 4th, 1870. By Algernon Charles Swinburne. London : F. S. Ellis. 1870, pp. 23. Reprinted in Son^-s of Two Nations (1875). 18; I.] BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SWINBURNE. 1871. Songs Before Sunrise. By Algernon Charles Swinburne. London : F. S. Ellis. 1 871, pp. viii. 287. The contents include thirty-eight separate pieces (besides the Dedication to Joseph Mazzini), of which six had been previously published, and thirty-two appeared here for the first time. Contributions to The Dark Blue : — The End of a Month. With an illustration by Simeon Solomon. — April, 1871 (vol. i., pp. 217-220). Reprinted, under the title of " At a Month's End," with an additional stanza, in the second series oi Poeiits and Ballads (1878), pp. 37-45. Simeon Solomon : Notes on his " Vision of Love," and other studies. — ^July, 1871 (vol. 1., pp. 568-577). Not included in Mr. Swinburne's collected Essays atul Studies or prose Miscellanies. Tristram and Iseult : Prelude of an Unfinished Poem. — Pleasure : A Holiday Book of Prose and Verse. London : Henry S. King and Co. 1871, pp. 45-52. Reprinted, ^vith some verbal alterations, in Tristram of Lyoncsse and other Poems (1882), pp. 3-1 1. John Ford. — Fortnightly Review, July 1871 (n.s., vol. x., pp. 42- 63). Reprinted in Essays and Studies (1875), PP- 276-313. i6 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SWINBURNE. [1872. 1872. Under the Microscope. By Algernon Charles Swinburne. London : David White. 1872, pp. 88. Not republished, either separately, or in the author's collected Essays and Studies or prose Miscellanies. Sestina. — Once-a-Week. New Series. January 6, 1872 (vol. ix., p. I). Reprinted in Poems and Ballads, Second Series (1878), pp. 46-48. Contributions to The Forhiightly Review, 1S72 : — Victor Hugo : *' L'Annee Terrible." — September, 1872 (n.s., vol. xii., pp. 243-267). Reprinted in Essays and Studies (1875), pp. 17-59. Mr. John Nichol's "Hannibal : A Historical Drama." — December 1872 (n.s., vol. xii., pp. 751-753)- Not included in either of Mr. Swinburne's collected volumes qI Essays and Studies or Miscellanies. 1 873-] BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SWINBURNE. 17 1873- Le Tombeau de Th^ophile Gautier. Paris : Alphonse Le- merre, Editeur. 1873, PP- "• I79' • Mr. Swinburne's contributions to this volume are six in number : — i. Sonnet with a copy of " ISIademoiselle de Maupin." 2. Memorial Verses on the Death of Theophile Gautier [published also in The Fortnightly Ke^'iew, January 1873, U.S., vol. xiii. pp. 68-73]. 3- Ode: "Quelle fleur, 6 mort, quel joyau, quel chant." 4. Sonnet: " Pour mettre une couronneau front d'une chanson." 5. In obitum Theophili Poetae Clarissimi. 6. Zmy^aiAiMina "EmTuu^iiia n; ©fcifiXov (pp. 155-172). The English, French and Latin contributions are reprinted in Poems and Ballads, Second Series (1878), pp. 84-97, 230-236 ; but the Greek verses do not reappear. North and South. — Fortnightly Review, May 1873 (n.s., vol. xiii., pp. 564-566). Reprinted, under the title of " Relics," in Poems and Ballads, Second Series (1878), pp. 32-36. DiR/E : Twenty Sonnets. — Examiner, March 22 to June 14, 1873 : PP- 307> 332, 362, 386, 410, 433, 458, 482, 519, 543, 568*, 589, 615. These Sonnets, together with four others from The Fortnightly Review, were republished as the third section of Songs of Two Nations (1875). Mr. Swinburne's Sonnets in The Examiner. To the Editor of The Spectator. Letter dated "Ball. Coll., O.xford, May 25, 1873," and signed "A. C. Swinburne." — Spectator, May 31, 1873, fol. 697. Christianity and Imperialism. By A. C. Swinburne. — Examitier, June 7, 1873, pp. 585-586. * This number (for May 31, 1873) contains extracts from a letter of Mr. Swin- burne to the editor. 1 8 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SWINBURNE. [1874. 1874. Sonnet. To Victor Hugo. — Athenaiim, January 3, 1874 (p, 20). Reprinted in Poems and Ballads, Second Scries (1878), p. 107. Contributions to the Fortnightly Review, 1874 : — The Year of the Rose, — August, 1874 (n.s., vol. xvi., pp. 201-203). Reprinted in Poents and Ballads, Second Series (1878), pp. 49-54. In Memory of Barry Cornwall (October 4, 1874). — November, 1874 (n.s., vol. xvi., pp. 659-660). Reprinted in Poems and Ballads, Second Series (1878), pp. 100-103. Barry Cornwall. Four stanzas of six lines each. (With note to B. W. Procter, dated "Sept. I, 1868," and signed "Algernon C. i^w'mhmnt.'")— Pall Mall Gazette, October 20, 1874, p. II. Reprinted, under the title of Youth and A^e (but without the accompanying note), in Poems arid Ballads, Second Scries (1878), pp. 98-99. BoTHWELL : A Tragedy. By Algernon Charles Swinburne. London : Chatto and Windus. 1874. pp. viii. 532. Dedicated, in a French sonnet, to Victor Hugo. Walter Savage Lander. Twenty-one lines of Latin verse. — Academy, December 12, 1874 (p. 634). Reprinted in Poems and Ballads, Second Series (1878), pp. 237-238, under tlie title oi Ad Calulliim. "Love laid his sleepless head." — Song, four stanzas of four lines each. — Printed in The Examiner, December 26, 1874 (and in other daily and weekly journals). Published separately, with music by Ailhur Sullivan (Boosey and Co.), pp. 5, 4to., and again with music by Hastings Crossley (Novello, Ewer and Co.), 410., pp. 5. Reprinted in Poetns and Ballads, Second Series (1878), pp. 133-134, 1875-] BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SWINBURNE. 19 1875- George Chapman : A Critical Essay. By Algernon Charles Swinburne. London : Chatto and Windus. 1875, pp. 187. Written, and originally published, as an Introduction to the first collected Edition of The Works of George Chapman, including his Plays, Poems, Trans- lation of Homer, and Minor Translations, in three volumes, edited by Richard Heme Shepherd, and published by Chatto and Windus (London, 1S74-1875). Mr. Swinburne's "Essay on the Poetical and Dramatic Works of George Chapman " was prefixed to the volume of " Poems and Minor Translations " {1875), where it occupies pp. ix. to Ixxi. of the preliminary matter. Mr. Swinburne and his Critics. — Letter to the Editor of The Examiner, dated "3, Great James-street, April 3, 1875," and signed "A. C. Swinburne." — Examiner, April 10, 1875 (p. 408). Contributions to the Fortnightly Review, 1875 : — A Vision of .Spring in Winter. — April 1875 (n-s., vol. xvii., pp. 505-507). Reprinted in Poems and Ballads, Second Series (1878), pp. 135-140. The Three Stages of Shakespeare. — May, 1S75 (n.s., vol. xvii., pp. 613-632) ; January 1876 (vol. xix., pp. 24-45). Reprinted, with additions, in A Study of Shakesfeare (1880). " The Society for the Suppression of Vice." — Letter to the Editor of The Athenizum, dated "3, Great James-street, May 26, 1875," and signed "A. C. Swinburne." — Atheiicsiim, May 29, 1875 (p. 720). At Parting. — Athenceum, August 7, 1875 (p. 181). Reprinted in Poems and Ballads, Second Series (1878), pp. 144-145. Essays and Studies. By Algernon Charles Swinburne, London : Chatto and Windus. 1875, PP- ^^^- 380. Contents :- -Preface, i. Wclor Yi\igo, L'Honitne gni R it. 2. L' Annie Terrible. 3. Poems of Dante Gabriel Rossetti. 4. Morris's Life and Death of 20 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SWINBURNE. [1S75. Jason. 5. Matthew Arnold's New Poems. 6. Notes on the Text of Shelley. 7. Byron. 8. Coleridge. 9. John Ford. 10. Notes on Designs of the Old blasters at Florence. 11. Notes on some Pictures of 1868. The Preface alone is new ; but there are addenda and footnotes to some of the reprinted essays ; notably to those on Shelley and Byron. Songs of Two Nations. By Algernon Charles Swinburne. I. A Song of Italy. II. Ode on the Proclamation of the French Republic. III. Dirse. London : Chatto and Windus. 1875, pp. viii. 78. The two introductory' stanzas in italic between the Title and Contents are new : the first and second divisions of the volume had been previously pub- lished, in a separate form, and the third division, Dirce, in the Examiner and Fortnightly Review. Auguste Vacquerie : Attjotmrhtii et Dofiain. — Examiner, Novem- ber 6, 1875 (fol. 1247-1250). Reprinted in Swinburne's Miscellanies (1886). The Edgar Poe Memorial. Letter to Miss Sara S. Rice, dated " Holmwood, Nov. 9, 1875," and signed "A. C. Swinburne." — Facsimiled in Edgar Allan Poe : A JMemorial Volume. By Sara Sigourney Pice. 4to. Baltimore : Turnbull Brothers, 1877. Epitaph on a Slanderer. — Examiner, November 20, 1875 (^'^^' 1304)- Not reprinted in any subsequent collected volume. Beaumont and Fletcher. — Encyclopicdia Britaunica. Ninth Edition. Vol. III. Edinburgh : Adam and Charles Black. 1S75, pp. 469-474. The Devil's Due. Letter relating to Mr. Robert Buchanan and the authorship of ybwaj /Vj//^r. Signed " Thomas Maitland, St. Kilda, December 28, 1875." — Examine); December II, 1875 (fol. 1388). This letter gave rise to an action for libel by Mr. Robert Buchanan against Mr. P. A. Taylor, M.P., the proprietor of The K.vnminer, tried in the Court of Common Pleas, June 29-30, and July 1, 1876. The letter was read during the trial, and its authorship admitted. 1876.] BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SWINBURNE. 21 1876. Two Leaders (Two Sonnets). — AthencEum,']^vm.zxy 8, 1876 (p. 54). Reprinted in Poems and Ballads, Second Series (1878), pp. 155-156. Joseph and his Brethren. A Dramatic Poem. By Charles Wells. With an Introduction by Algernon Charles Swinburne. London : Chatto and Windus. 1876. Mr. Swinburne's Introduction is substantially identical, save for the omission of the extracts, with his article in The Fortnightly Revieiu entitled " An Un- known Poet" (February 1875, n. s., vol. xvii., pp. 217-232). A Discovery. — Aihencetim, January 15, 1876 (p. 87). "King Henry VIIL," and the Ordeal by Metre. Letter dated " Holmwood, Jan. 10, 1876," and signed "A. C. Swinburne." — Academy, January 15, 1876 (pp. 53-55). Sir Heniy Taylor's Lyrics. Letter dated " Holmwood, Jan. 22, 1876," and signed "A. C. Swinburne." — Academy, January 29, 1876 (p. 98). A Birth Song (for Olivia Frances Madox Rossetti, bom Sept. 20, 1875). — Athatccum, February 19, 1876 (pp. 263-264). Reprinted in Poetns and Ballads, Second Series (1878), pp. 110-115. Nocturne. — Six stanzas of six lines each, and Envoi of three lines, signed "Algernon Charles Swinburne." (With prose letter, also m i ■ I P III III 22 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SWINBURNE. [1876 in French, to Stephane Mallarme, dated " Holmwood, Henley-on- Thames, Janvier 1876," and signed "A. C. Swinburne." — La Riptiblique des Lettres, Reznic Mensuelle (Paris : Alphonse Derenne, Editeur, 52 Boulevard Saint-Michel), Troisieme livraison, fevrier 20, 1876 (pp. 79-80). Reprinted, but without the accompanying letter, in Poems and Ballads, Second Series (iSjS), pp. 227-229. Erechtheus : A Tragedy. By Algernon Charles Swin- burne. London : Chatto and Windus. 1876, pp. viii. 107. Report of the First Anniversary Meeting of the Newest Shakespeare Society (April i, 1876). — Examiner, April I, 1876 (fol. 381-383). The Newest Shakespeare Society : Additions and Corrections. (Signed " Chimaera Bombinans in Vacuo.") — Examiner, April 15, 1876 (fol. 440-441). Reprinted in the Appendix to A Study of Shakespeare {liZo), pp. 275 to end. The Last Oracle, (a.d. 361.) — Belgravia, May, 1876 (vol. xxix., pp. 329-332. Reprinted in Poems and Ballads, Second Series (1878), pp. 1-9. Charles Lamb's Letters to Godwin. — Letter to the Editor of The Alhcmnim, dated "3, Great James-street, Bedford-row." — Alhenccui/t, ALay 13, 1876 (p. 664). Epicede. (James Lorimer Graham). — Atheucrum, June 10, 1S76 (p. 794)- Reprinted in Poems and Ballads, Second Series (1878), pp. 104-106. A Song in ^tTi&oXi.— Belgravia, July, 1876 (vol. xxx., pp. 5-9). Reprinted in Poems and Ballads, Second Series (1878), pp. 146-154. A Forsaken Garden. — Athcuivum, July 22, 1876 (p. 112). Reprinted in Poems and Ballads, Second Series (1878), pp. 27-31. A Ballad of Dreamland.— Z?t-/^rae7ar, September, 1876 (vol. xxx., p. 324). Reprinted in Poems and Ballads, Second Series (1878), pp. i23-i24- 1876.] BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SWINBURNE. 23 Mr. Forman's Edition of Shelley. — Academy, November 25, 1876 (p. 520). George Chapman. — EncyclopcediaBritannica. Ninth Edition, vol. v. Edinburgh, 1876 (pp. 396-397)- Note of an English Republican on the Muscovite Crusade. By Algernon Charles Swinburne. London : Chatto and Windus. 1876, pp. 24. 24 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SWINBURNE. [1877. 1877. William Congreve. — Encyclopcsdia Britannica. Ninth Edition, vol. vi. Edinburgh, 1877 (pp. 271-272). The "Ode to a Nightingale." — Letter to the Editor of The AtheniTitm, signed "A. C. Swinburne." — Aihaiitum, January 27, 1877 (p. 117). Ballad against the Enemies of France. By Fran9ois Villon. (Translated and endorsed by A. C. Swinburne, 1876.) — Aihenaum, February 17, 1877 (p. 224). Reprinted in Poems and Ballads, Second Scries (iSjS), pp. 212-214. Victor Hugo: "La Sieste de Jeanne." Letter dated "Feb. 17, 1877." — Athenaiun, February 24, 1S77 (p. 257). The Sailing of the Swallow. — Gentleman's Magazine^ March 1877 (pp. 2S7-30S). Reprinted in 1882, as the First Canto of Tristram 0/ Lyoncsse, in the volume bearing that title, pp. 13-40. " Poems and Ballads." — Two notes on a misstatement in a London bookseller's catalogue, respecting the original edition of "Poems and Ballads," published by Moxon and Co. in 1S66. — Athenaum^ March 10 and 24, 1877 (pp. 319-320; 383). "The Court of Love."— Letter dated "March 31, 1877," and signed "A. C. Swinburne. "—.<4Mt'«(r«w, April 14, 1877 (pp. 481-482). 1877-] BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SWINBURNE. 25 Ex-Voto. — Athcnaiim, June 2, 1877 (p. 703). Reprinted in Poems and Ballads, Second Series (1878), pp. 116-122. Note on the words "irremeable" and "perdurable." — Pall Mall Gazette, June 15, 1877. Note on a Question of the Hour. — Athenmum, June 16, 1877 (p. 768). A protest against the publication of L'Assotntnoir, by M. Emile Zola, in the pages oi La Republique dcs Lcttres. The Dispute of the Soul and Body of Francois Villon. Translated by A. C. Swinburne. — Athenceiim, July 7, 1877 (p. 15). Reprinted (with the word "soul" changed to "heart"), in Poems and Ballads, Second Series (1878), pp. 215-218. A Ballad of Francois Villon, Prince of all Ballad-makers. — Athenceutn, September 15, 1877 (p. 337). Reprinted in Poems and Ballads, Second Series {1S78), pp. 126-128. A Note on Charlotte Bronte. By Algernon Charles Swinburne. London : Chatto and ^Yindus, 1877, pp. 97. A Year's Letters. By Mrs. Horace Manners. — T/ie Taller, August 25 to December 29, 1877. A novelette, in the form of letters, not hitherto republished in a separate form. Last Words of the "Agamemnon." — Undated note signed "A. C. Swinburne." — Athaiccum, Nov. 10, 1877, p. 597. 26 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SWINBURNE. [1878. 1878. Sonnets : The White Czar (two Sonnets, with Introductory note in prose) ; Rizpah ; To Louis Kossuth. — Glasgow University Magazine, February 1878 (no. ii., p. 17). Reprinted in Poems and Ballcuis, Second Series, pp. 189-193. "Love, Death, and Reputation." — (Note on a piece in Lamb's Poetry for Children.') — Athenccum, February 2, 1878 (p. 1 56). Note on a Passage in Shelley {Prometheus Unbozmd, act iii., sc. i., 1. 40). — Athemvum, February 9, 1878 (p. 188). Poems and Ballads. Second Series. By Algernon Charles Swinhurne. London : Chatto and Windus. 1878, pp. ix. 240. The contents include fifty-eight sep.-irate pieces. Of these thirty-six had been previously published, during the preceding eleven years, in various periodicals, as already indicated : the remaining twenty-two appear here for the first time. 1879.] BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SWINBURNE. 27 1879. Note on the Historical Play of King Edward IW. — Geiitlcman's Magazine, August and September, 1879 (PP- 1 70-181 ; 330-349). Reprinted as Appendix I. to A Study of Shakespeare (i8So), pp. 231-274. 28 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SWINBURNE. [1880. 1880. A Study of Shakespeare. By Algernon Charles Swin- burne. London : Chatto and Windus. 1880, pp. viii. 309. A Study o/S hakes f>ca7-e had partly appeared in The Fortnightly Revieiu. Two pieces, reprinted in the Appendix — i. Note on the Historical Play of King Edward the Third ; 2. Report o%he Proceedings on the First Anniversary Session of the Newest Shakespeare Society — had appeared in TkeGentieman's Magazine and The Examiner respectively. Mr. Swinburne's " Study of Shakespeare." (Note dated "Jan. 3, 18S0," on a criticism by Prof. Dowden.) — Academy, January 10, 1880 (p. 28). Songs of the Springtides. By Algernon Charles Swin- nuRNE. London : Chatto and Windus. 1880, p. viii. 135. Contents : — Dedication to Edward John Trelawny. 2. Thalassius. 3. On the Cliffs. 4. The Garden of Cymodoce. 5. Birthday Ode for the Anniversary Festival of Victor Hugo, February 26, 1880. 6. Sonnet "On the proposed desecration of Westminster Abbey by the erection of a monument to the son of Napoleon III." William Collins. — The English Poets: Selections, with Critical In- troductions by various writers, edited by Thomas Humphry Ward. London : Macmillan and Co. 1880, vol. iii., pp. 278-282. Reprinted in Swinburne's Miscellanies, 1886. Victor Hugo : " Religions et Religion." — Fortnightly Ra, June, 1880 (n.s., vol. xxvii., pp. 761-76S). Letter signed "Algernon Charles Swinburne." — Academy, July 3, 1880. i88o.] BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SWINBURNE. 29 Sonnet on the Refusal of the Amnesty by the French Senate. (July 14, 1880.) — Fortnightly Hei'irw, August 1880 (n.s., vol. xxviii., p. 199). Reprinted in Studies in Song (1880), pp. 137-138. Specimens of Modern Poets. The Heptalogia, or the Seven against Sense. A Cap with Seven Bells. — i. The Higher Pantheism in a Nutshell. 2. John Jones. 3. The Poet and the Woodlouse. 4. The Person of the House (Idyl ccclxvi.). 5. Last Words of a Seventh-rate Poet. 6. Sonnet for a Picture. 7. Nephelidia. — London : Chatto and Windus. 1880, pp. 102. A Century of English Poetiy. — Fortnightly Reviezo, October, 1880 (n.s., vol. xxviii., pp. 422-437). A Relic of Dryden. — Gentleman'i Magazine, October, 1880 (pp. 416-423). The above two prose papers are reprinted in Swinburne's Misceliaiiies (1S86). Grand Chorus of Birds from Aristophanes, attempted in English after the original metre. — Athcnauin, October 30, 1880 (p. 568). Reprinted in Studies iu SoHg (18S0), pp. 67-74. Short Notes on English Poets : Chaucer ; Spenser ; The Sonnets of Shakespeare ; Milton. — Fortnightly Review, December, 1880 (vol. xxviii., pp. 708-721). Reprinted in Swinburne's AlisceltaHies, 1886. Note (in French) on a passage in Lord Beaconsfield's " Endymion." — Le Rappel (Paris newspaper). Reprinted in The Pall Mall Gazette, December 6, 1880. Studies in Song. By Algernon Charles Swinburne. London : Chatto and Windus. 1880, pp. 212. Contents: — i. Song for the Centenary of Walter Savage Landor (with Dedication to Mrs. Lynn Linton). 2. Grand Chorus of Birds from Aristo- phanes. 3. Off Shore. 4. After Nine Years. 5. For a Portrait of Fehce Orsini. 6. Evening on the Broads. 7. The Emperor's Progress. 8. The Resurrection of Alcilia. g. The Fourteenth of July. 10. The Launch of the Livadia. 11. Six Years Old. 12. A Parting Song. 13. By the North Sea. 30 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SWINBURNE. [i88i. 1881. Mr. Swinburne's New Volume. — Note dated "Jan. 7, 1881," and signed "A. C. Swinburne," — Academy, IzxiXizxy 15, 1 88 1. On the Acadetny reviewer's misquotatiou of a passage in Mr. Swinburne's Studies in Song, p. 143. Tennyson and Musset. — Fortnightly Rcznciv, February', 1881 (n.s., vol. xxix. pp. 129-153). Reprinted in Swinburne's Miscellanies, 1886. Carlyle. — Letter (in French) to the Editor of the Rappd. — Le Rappel (Paris), fevrier 19, 1881. ^ The Deaths of Thomas Carlyle and George Eliot. (Sonnet.) — Athencciiin, April 30, 1881 (p. 591). Reprinted in Tristram 0/ Lyoncsse, and other Poems (1882), p. 213. Euthanatos. (Nine stanzas of seven lines each, dated "Feb. 4, 1881.") — AlhetiiBum, June 11, 1881 (p. 7S2). Reprinted in Tristram 0/ Lyonesse, and other Poems (1882), pp. 231-233. Seven Years Old. (Seven stanzas of seven lines each.) — Athemeujii, August 20, 1 88 1 (pp. 238-239). Lines on the Death of Edward John Trelawny (dated "August 17, 1881"). — AthcncctiiH, August 27, 1881 (p. 275). The Statue of Victor Hugo. — Gentleman^s Magazine, September, 1881 (pp. 284-290). The above three pieces aie reprinted in Tristram 0/ Lyonesse, and other Poems (1882). Mary Stuart. A Tragedy. By Algernon Ciiari.f^ Swin- burne. London: Chatto and Windus. 1881, jip. viii., 203. A short passage in this tragedy was originally published in Mr. Swinburne's Notes on the Royal Academy E:chibition {\ioUcn, 1868), pp. 37-39. Disgust : A Dramatic Monologue. — Fortnightly Rez'iau, December, 1881 (n.s., vol. XXX., pp. 715-717). A parody of Despair: a Dramatic Monologue, by the Poet Laureate, which appeared in The Nineteenth Century of the previous month. iS82.] BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SWINBURNE. 31 Note on the Character of Maiy Queen of Scots. — Fortnightly Review, Januaiy, 1882 (n.s., vol. xxxi., pp. 13-25). Reprinted in Swinburne's MUcellanies (iS86). Sir William Gomm. (Two Sonnets, dated "December, 1881.") — Athentriim, January 7, 1882 (p. 16). On the Russian Persecution of the Jews. (Somiet, dated "Jan. 23, 1882.") — Daily Telegraph, Wednesday, January 25, 1S82. Three Sonnets. Bismarck at Canossa. (December 31, 1881.) Quia Nominor Leo. (January, 1882.) — Fortnightly Review, February, 1882 (n.s., vol. xxxi., p. 155). The above six sonnets are reprinted in Tristram of Lyonesse, and other Poems {1882), pp. 224-230. John Keats. — Walter Savage Landor. — Encyclopccdia Britannica, Ninth Edition, vol. xiv. (Edinburgh, 1882), pp. 22-24 ; 278-280. After looking into Carlyle's Reminiscences. Two Sonnets. — First printed in Sonnets of Three Centtiries : A Selection including many examples hitherto icnpublished. Edited by T. Hall Caine. London : Elliot Stock, 1882, 410. (pp. 208-209). Reprinted, with an important alteration in tlie second Sonnet, in Tristram of Lyonesse, and ot/icr J^oems (1882), pp. 214-215. Tristram of Lyonesse, and other Poems. By Algernon Charles Swinburne. London : Chatto and Windus. 18S2, pp. xi. 361. Of Tristram 0/ Lyonesse the PreUide and the first Canto had already appeared : of the minor poems thirteen had already appeared and the rest appear here for the first time. 32 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SWINBURNE. [1883. 1883. Christopher Marlowe, Mary Queen of Scots. Encyclopedia Britannica, Ninth Edition, vol. xv. (Edinburgh, 1S83), pp- 556-558 ; 594-602. The article on " Mary Queen of Scots " is reprinted in Swinburne's Miscellanies, 1886. Love and Scorn. (Three Sonnets.) Alhcncztim, January 6, 1883 (p. 16). Reprinted in A Midsummer Holiday a>id ether Poems {iH^), pp. 139-141. The Death of Richard Wagner. — Printed in The Musical Review, A Weekly Musical Journal {l^ondovi), February 24, 1S83 (vol. i., p. 128). Reprinted, with two slight verbal alterations or corrections, in A Century 0/ Koutuiels {iZZi), p. 28. A Coincidence. (Note on Mr. A. II. Bullen's edition of the tragedy of "Sir John van Olden Barnavelt.") — Ai/icmcum, March 10, 1883. La Question irlandaise. Letter (in French) dated " Londrcs, 21 mars 1883," and signed * * *. — Le Rappcl (Paris), Lundi, 26 mars, 1883. "Marzo Ys.iio.'"— Academy, March 31, 1883 (p. 220). Reprinted in A Century 0/ Roundels, p. 83. 1883.] BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SWINBURNE. 33 "Formosa." Par Auguste Vacquerie. — Academy, May 5, 1883 (p. 303)- Reprinted in Swinburne's Miscellaines, 1886. Louis Blanc : Three Sonnets to his Memorj'. — Fortnightly Reincw, June, 1883 (pp. 765-766). Reprinted in A Midsummer Holiday and other Poe^ns {xZZi^, pp. 125-127. A Rondel — "At Sea." Signed "A. C. Swinburne." — Mtisical Review, June 2, 1883 (vol. i., p. 351). Reprinted, with a verbal alteration or correction, in^ Century of Roundels. p. 64. Emily Bronte. — AthetuTuin, June 16, 1883 (pp. 762-763). Reprinted in Swinburne's Miscellatties, 18S6. A Century of Roundels. By Algernon Charles Swin- burne. London: Chatto and Windus. 1883, small 4to., pp. xi. 100. Six copies of this book were printed on hand-made paper, for gifts only and not for sale. Mr. Joseph Knight, writing in Le Livre, Rcz'ue du Alonde Lit- ieraire, Paris, octobre 1883, p. 617, says :—"J'ai la bonne fortune de posseder un des six exemplaires sur papier de choix, et je m'en felicite vivement." Les Casquettes. — English Illustrated Magazine, October, 1883. (London, Macmillan and Co.), vol. i. pp. 16-21. Reprinted, under the amended title of "Les Casquets," in A Midsumtiier Holiday aiid other Poems (1884), pp. 70-83. Les Cenci. Drame de Shelley. Traduction de Tola Dorian, avec Preface de Algernon Charles Swinburne. Paris : Alphonse Lemerre, Editeur, 1883, pp. xviii. 129. Victor Hugo: "La Legende des ?>\hc\es."— Fortnightly Review, October, 1883 (n.s., vol. xxxiv., pp. 497-520), Reprinted in A Study 0/ I 'ictor Hugo. Lond. 1886, pp. 107-148. Vos Deos Laudamus : The Tory Journalist's Anthem.— /"a// Mall Gazette, Monday, December 17, 1883 (p. 4). Reprinted, with the word "Tory" altered to " Conservative," in A Mid- summer Holiday and other Poems (1884), pp. 128-131. C 34 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SWINBURNE. [1883. Dolorida. — Two stanzas in French, of four lines each, signed "Algernon Charles Swinburne." Privately printed, as a fly-sheet of four pages, with the half-title, " In the Album of Adah Menken." Printed also in Walnuts and Wine : a Christmas Annual, edited by Augustus M. RIoore, 1883, p. 3. In spite of Mr. Swin- burne's apparent disclaimer in the Pall Mall Gazette of December 28, 1883, the lines are indubitably his, and are still extant, in his autograph and over his signature, in the Album referred to. On the Death of Richard Doyle. (Sonnet.) — Athenccum, December 29, 1883, p. 865. Reprinted in A Midsummer Holiday and other Poems (1884), p. 142. 1 884.] BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SWINBURNE. 35 1884. Post Mortem. (Four Sonnets.) — Fortnightly Reideiv, January, 18S4 (n.s., vol. XXXV., pp. 65-66). Reprinted, under the title of " In Sepulcretis," in A Midsuiiiutcr Holiday and ot/ier Poe»ts {i&Z^), pp. 134-138. Near Cromer. (Sonnet.) — Home Chimes. London: January 2, 1884 (vol. i., p. 8). Reprinted, under the title of " A Solitude," in A Midsummer Holiday and other Poems (1884), p. 144. Steele or Congreve? Four letters to the Editor of The Spectator, signed "A. C. Swinburne." — Spectator, March 29, April 5, 12, and 26, 18S4, foil. 411, 441, 486, 550. Wordsworth and Byron. — Nineteenth Century, April and May, 1884 (vol. XV., pp. 583-609 ; 764-790). Reprinted (with the omission of a parenthetical passage about Richardson's Pamela, occurring at pp. S92-593)) 'n Swinburne's Miscellanies, 18S6. Thanksgiving. — Home Chimes, June 14, 1S84 (vol. i., p. 331). Reprinted, under the title of " Maytirae in Midwinter," in A ^Hdsnmtner Holiday and otker Poems {iZZ^), pp. 100-104. On a Countiy Road. — Nineteenth Century, July, 1884 (vol. xvi., pp. 1-2). Reprinted in A AHdsummcr Holiday {iZ?,4), pp. g-ii. A Ballad of Sark. — English Illustrated MagaT.jne, xVugust, 1S84 (vol. i., p. 693). 36 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SWINBURNE. [1884. "Clear the Way \''— Pall Mall Gazette, Tuesday, August 19, 1884 (p. 4). The above two poems are reprinted in A Midsuinnier Holiday and other Poe»!s (18S4), pp. 84-86; 153-155. Charles Reade. — Nineteenth Century, October, 1884 (vol. xvi., pp. 550-567)- Reprinted in Swinburne's Miscellatiies, 1886. A Midsummer Holiday and Other Poems. By Algernon Charles Swinburne. London : Chatto and Windus, 1884, pp. vi. 189. Contents : — A Midsummer Holiday. — i. The Seaboard ; 2. A Haven; 3. On a Country Road ; 4. The Mill CJarden ; 5. A Sea-mark ; 6. The CliflT-side Path ; 7. In the Water ; 8. The Sunbows ; 9. On the Verge ; A New Year Ode ; Lines on the Monument of Giuseppe Mazzini ; I.es Cnsquets ; A Hallad of Sark ; Nine Years Old ; After a Reading ; Maytime in Midwinter ; A Double Ballad of .\ugust ; Heartsease Country ; A Eallad of Appeal ; Cradle Songs ; Pelagius ; Louis Blanc ; Vos Deos Laudamus ; On the Bicentenary' of Cor- neille ; In Sepulcretls ; Love and Scorn ; On the Death of Richard Doyle ; In Memory of Hcnr>' A. Bright ; A Solitude ; Victor Hugo: L'.Xrchipel de la Manche ; Tlie Twilight of the Lords ; Clear the Way ! A Word for the Coun- try ; A \V^)rd for the Nation ; A Word from the Psalmist ; A Ballad at Parting. Eleven of the thirty-seven pieces contained in this volume had been pre- viously published in various magazines and journals, as indicated above. 1885.] BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SWINBURNE. 37 1885. Charles Lamb and George Witlier. — Nineteenth Centxiry, January, 1885 (vol. xvii., pp. 66-91). Reprinted in Swinburne's Miscellatucs, 1886. Marino Faliero. A Tragedy. By Algernon Charles Swinburne. London: Chattoand Windus, 1885, pp. viii. 151. The Dedication, to Aurelio Saffi, is in nine rhymed stanzas of eight lines each. The Tragedy is in five Acts, and in blank verse, with the exception of the stanzas of the rhymed Latin chant or hymn intercalated in the Fourth and Fifth Acts. The Work of Victor \lw^o.—AHncteenth Century, July and August, 18S5 (vol. xviii., pp. 14-29; 294-311). Reprinted, with additions, in .-i Htudy 0/ I'ictor Hugo, Lond. i886, pp. 1-106. The Interpreters. A Poem. — English lllnstraied Magazine, October, 1885 (vol. iii., pp. 3-4). 38 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SWINBURNE. [1886— 1886. Thomas Middleton. — Nineteenth Century, Januar}', 1886 (vol. xix., pp. 138-153)- "The Best Hundred Books." — Two letters, signed "A. C. Swin- burne." — Fall Mall Gazette, Tuesday, January 26, and Wednes- day, January 27, 18S6. To Richard F. Burton. On his Translation of the" Arabian Nights." (Sonnet.) — Atlienamm, Februai7 6, 1886 (p. 199). On the Death of Sir Henry Taylor, (Sonnet). — Athenccuin, April 10, 1886 (p. 488). A Study of Victor Hugo. By Algernon Charles Swin- BURNE. London : Chatto and Windus, 1886, pp. vi. 148. The substance of the earlier and larger division of tliis volume, entitled "The Work of Victor Hugo," originally appeared in The Nineteenth Century, July and August, 1885 : the remaining portion, " La L<;gende des Sifccles," in The Fortnightly Rcvie^v, October, 1883. Miscellanies. By Algernon Charles Swinburne. London : Chatto and Windus, 1886, pp. xii. 390. Contents : Preface ; .Short Notes on English Poets ; A Century of English Poetry ; Congreve ; Collins ; Wordsworth and Hyron ; Charles Lamb and George Wither; Lander; Keats; Tennyson and Musset; Emily Hrontc ; Charles Reade ; Augustc Vacquerie ; Mary Queen of Scots. Ari'ENUlx I. A Relic of Dryden ; II. Sir Henry Taylor on Shelley; III. Note on the Character of Mary Queen of Scots. The Preface and the second division of the Appendix appeared in this volume for the first time : its other contents had already appeared resficctively, as elsewhere indicated, in the Fortnif^htiy Kc7iie7r, the Nineleentli Ci'ntury, the Examiner, the Alheny Williatn Makepeace Thackeray, Now first collected. London : George Redway, 1887 [1 886]. 1887. Thomas Dekker. By Algernon Charles Swinburne. — Nineteenth Century, January 18S7 (vol. xxi., pp. 81-103). A Ballad of Bath. — English Illustrated Magazine, February 1887 (vol. iv., pp. 371-372). Philip Bourke Marston. Sonnet dated Feb. 15, 18S7. — Printed in The Athencvuin, February 19, 18S7, p. 257, in an obituary notice by Mr. Theodore Watts. 40 BTBLIOGRAPHY OF SWINBURNE. [1887. Cyril Tourneur. By Algernon Charles Swinburne. — Nineteenth Cciitiny, March 1887 (vol. xxi., pp. 415-427). A Word for the Navy. By Algernon Charles Swinburne. London : George Redvvay, MncccLXXXvn., pp. 16. Only two hundred and fifty numbered copies issued. Printed at the Chiswick Press. I'his poem contains twelve stanzas of eight lines each. It was first published in a volume entitled Sea Song and River Rhyme from Chaucer to Tennyson, selected and edited by Kstelle Davenport Adams. With a new poem by Algernon Charles Swinburne. London: George Red way, MDCccLXXXVii., pp. vii-xiii. The Question. 1887. (Twenty stanzas of five lines each, signed "Algernon Charles Swinburne.") — Daily Telcg}-aph, Friday, April 29, 1887. A Retrospect. To the Editor of the Times. — Letter dated May 3, and signed "Algernon Charles Swinburne." — Times, Friday, May 6, 18S7. Unionism and Crime. — April, 1887. — To the Editor of the St. James's Gazette. — Letter signed "A Gladstonite." — St. James's Gazette, Friday, May 6, 1S87, p. 5. " We fancy," says an editori.-il rider following the letter, "that in this in- genious epistle we detect the hand of Mr. Algernon Swinburne." Mazzini and the Union. To the Editor of the Tli'wtx — Letter dated "The Pines, Putney-hill, S.W., May 7," and signed "Algernon Charles Swinburne." — Times, Wednesday, May li, 1887, ful. I4» col. 5. The Jubilee, 1887. — Fifty stanzas of five lines each, signed "Alger- non Charles Swinburne." — Nineteenth Century, June 18S7 (vol. xxi., pp. 781-791). CHISWICK I'KKSS:— C. WIIITTINCiHAM AND CO., TOOKS COURT, CHANCKKV I.ANK. UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 001295 912 For Reference Not to be taken from this room