F 811- .3 B7 BAHCROFT LIBRARY BROOKLYN -ARIZONA MINING CO. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/brooklynarizonamOObroorich Brooklyn- Arizona Mining Company rtzona s Great Record Arizona's supremacy in copper now "is undisputed. Last year the Territory led the United States in copper pro- duction, passing both Montana and Michigan. This, however, is not the main feature. The far more impor- tant fact is that in Arizona have been developed copper-bearing areas in size and in enrichment surpassing anythLog of the sort elsewhere ; and for many years to come, the chiefest source for copper upon the western continent is, and will be, Arizona. . Last year Arizona produced in miner- als over $250 for every man, woman and Child in the Territory. It produced last year over one-quarter of all the copper in the coimtry ; over one-eighth if the whole world! -f -♦■ Brooklyn -Arizona Mining Company INCORPORATED UNDER THE LAWS OF MAINE OFFICERS FREDERICK E. SMALL. President and General Manager. JAMES A. GERRY, 1 st Vice-President. IRVING G. MILLER, 2nd Vice-President. BENJAMIN B. TUTTLE, 3rd Vice-President. PERCY B. SPOFFORD, Secretary. A. CALVIN CRUCHET, Treasurer. SCOTT WILSON, Clerk. BOARD OF DIRECTORS PERCY B. SPOFFORD, Accountant, Haverhill, Mass. CHESTER E. TRACY, Druggist, Everett, Mass. BURT CHELLIS, Attorney at Law, Claremont, N. H. IRVING G. MILLER, Wholesale Grocer, Lynn, Mass. FRANK E. PRESCOTT, P.-,ymaster Boston & Northern R.R., Uwrence. Mass. SCOTT WILSON, Attorney at Law, Portland, Me. JAMES A. GERRY, President Minot Packing Co., Mechanic Falls, Me. FRANK KIMBALL, Druggist, Norway, Me. JAMES A. SMITH, Capitalist, Old Orchard, Me. FRANK H. KNIGHT, Superintendent of Brooklyn-Arizona Mine, Mayer, Ariz. HERBERT B. CRESSEY, Investment Securities, Gorhani, Me. EUGENE L. BODGE, Attorney at Uw, Windham, Me. CLARK L. PADDOCK, Securities, Cambridge, Mass. CHARLES W. MORGAN, Mine Owner. Rochester, N. Y. FREDERICK E. SMALL. Mining Engineer, Brooklyn, Ariz. SUMNER JEWETT, Securities, Boston, Mass. BENJAMIN B. TUTTLE, Express Business, Andover, Mass. WARREN A. FRENCH, Real Estate Owner, Maiden, Mass. SUMNER P. SMITH, President American Securities Corporation, Boston, Mass. FRANK p. ROBINSON, Stocks & Bonds, Cambridge, Mass. A. CALVIN CRUCHET, E. M., Brookline, Mass. Mines: Squaw Creek Mining District, Yavapai County, Arizona Western Office, Brooklyn, Arizona SOLE FISCAL AGENTS American Securities Corporation INVESTMENT SECURITIES 75 STATE STREET, Corner Kilby Street, BOSTON, MASS., U. S. A. ■i. I CABLE ADDRESS : "AMSECORP" LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE •♦■ I Western Union Code 2295 MAIN ■f ■f o r BROOKLYN-ARIZONA MINING COM'S MINING CLAIMS. SQUAW C RE E.K MirMIING DlST V/WAP-^ I CO. A Rl ZONA . WH-MERRITT U.S.MIN.SURVEYOB 1908 Brooklyn-Arizona Mining Company ♦♦♦♦♦-»-♦♦ ♦♦»-( Introduction The immense mineral resources of Arizona have attracted the attention of the world for centuries past, but it is only since 1 855 that American capital has entered this Territory with any degree of safety and confidence. Arizona is looked upon to-day as one of the richest mineral regions in the world, and there is now no hesitation among American capitalists when Arizona enterprises offer their stock for saie. The fame of Arizona as a copper producer is well sustained. The great camps of Bisbee, United Verde, Jerome, Clifton, Carlisle and Morenci have been producing actively for years. TTie production is steadily increasing every year with the most profitable results. , Freighters on Their Way to the Brooklyn- Arizona Camp. The demand for copper is increasing every year. TTiis is the age of electricity, and each new use of electricity increases the demand. The construction of telephone systems, trolley car lines, telegraph lines, engines and appliances of all kinds, in every part of the world, makes it cer- tain that unless some substitute for copper is discovered or some new source of supply is found, the demand will more than keep pace with the supply; and when electricity supersedes steam as a motive power for our railroads, all the copper mines in the world will not be able to supply suffi- cient metal necessary for the transformation. To provide for the enormous demand for copper, new fields must of necessity be sought and developed. Arizona now ranks first in the United States in its output of copper, and it is destined to keep on occupying first place for years and years to come. Brooklyn-Arizona Mining Company Organization The Articles of Incorporation of the "Brooklyn-Arizona Mining Company" were drafted by men well versed in the requirements of mining corporations. Not only can we operate rich mines of copper, gold and silver under our well-drawn charter, but we can mill and smelt our own prod- ucts, as well as reap profits through treating ores from other mines, if we so desire; and, in addi- tion, the "Brooklyn-Arizona Mining Company" enjoys numerous other privileges; in fact, has the basis laid for a great organization that has as its object the reaping of profits from mines, smelt- ing works, and the numerous accessories in connection therewith. Capital of the Company TTie authorized capital of the "Brooklyn-Arizona Mining Company" is $2,500,000.00, divided into 250,000 shares at the par value of $10.00 each, full paid and non-assessable, of which 1 00,000 are for the benefit of the treasury, available for payment of properties, procuring and erection of machinery, plants, mills, buildings, etc., necessary for the carrying on of mining and development operations on a large scale, and for the general purposes of the company, as the directors may from time \o time deem proper. Mining as a Business The "Brooklyn-Arizona Mining Company" is the outgrowth of months of hard work and the careful study of its properties. Large sums of money have been expended in the development of the properties and we now consider this enterprise based on a sound business foundation. Permanency of Ore Body Mines in Arizona go to great depth and the ore bodies are permanent, values increasing as depth is attained. This is absolutely proven by hundreds of mines which have already reached a depth of from 1 ,500 to 4,000 feet. Many of the Arizona mines are owned by close corporations, and no statement of the large output in these ever reaches the public. Brooklyn-Arizona Mining Company Mining Properties , The properties are located about 20 miles southeast of Mayer (a railroad and smelting point), in the Black Hills Range of Mountains, in the Squaw Creek Mining District (about 26 miles south of United Verde), Yavapai County, Arizona, which field is universally regarded as the most extensive mineralized zone to be found in the United States. PARTIAL VIEW OF THE BROOKLYN-ARIZONA CAMP TTie properties consist of abc patent. The surveyed claims are: No. 1.- -Jasper. No. 2.- —Shea. No. 3. —Lucky Boy. No. 4.- —Fox. No. 5. — Haroun. No. 6. — Senit. No. 7. -Elk. No. 8.- —Side Winder. No. 9.- — Selsor. No. 10.- —Morgan, No. 11. -Rattler. No. 12.- -Gila. No. 13. -Ridge. No. 14. —Summit. No. 15.- —Brooklyn- Arizona No. 16.- —Boston. No. 17. —Florence. No. 18.- —Brooklyn. No. 19.— Arizona. Brooklyn-Arizona Mining Company ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦^ ►■f-M-*- Topography Lying on the west of the Brooklyn group of mines is a plateau cut into deep gorges and canyons. On the north, east and south is a range of mountains dividing the waters of the Verde and Agua Fria rivers. This group of claims runs in a northerly and southerly direction and lies in a basin about 300 feet lower than the surrounding country. On the north, east and south are mountains, and on the west a high bank. TTiese claims cover the entire basin and extend on the north and south to the top of the mountains. This basin is unquestionably the crater of an old extinct volcano. The altitude of the property at the lowest point is about 3,600 feet, and the highest point about 4,500 feet. A line drawn from the United Verde Copper Mine at Jerome, Arizona, due south to Bisbee, Arizona, runs right through the center of this group of claims. The DUTCH BASm AND SQUAW MOUNTAIN property is of easy approach. A good wagon road runs from Mayer to and across the prop- erty, 5 miles of which have been built by the "Brooklyn-Arizona Mining Company." The South- ern Pacific Railroad has already had surveys made for a line to the Brooklyn camp; also the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad has surveyed with the intention of changing the route of its main line, and will pass within 4 miles northeast of the Brooklyn group. There has been incor- porated within the past two years a new railroad company called the Humboldt and Verde Valley Railway Company, which will run from Hamboldt through the Agua Fria, Cherry Creek, Copper Creek and Squaw Creek mining districts, thus insuring the very best transportation facilities. Its topography insures operating on an economical basis. Brooklyn-Arizona Mining Company Geology The Squaw Creek Mining District is of volcanic formation belonging to the Tercerean geological age. Basaltic upheavals are found all over the district, which have uplifted the car- boniferous sandstone formation to a perpendicular position on the Brooklyn group of claims. TTie copper ores bearing gold have been precipitated by static pressure from below into heavy ore veins. This condition is in evidence all over this group of claims and strong veins of copper can be seen and followed the entire length and breadth of the property between porphyry walls. Enormous out-crop- ping of high grade ore north of shaft on the Brooklyn-Arizona. SUMNER JEWETT FRANK H. KNIGHT J. A. GERRY F. E. SMALL The flat or level part of the country is covered with a flow of basalt rock from 50 to 1 00 feet in depth. Where the basalt has been seared away by erosion shows the formation of the crystal- line rocks, etc. Numerous dykes of trachyte and diarite traverse this formation diagonally, demon- strating the most favorable conditions for the existence of extensive ore bodies. In addition, there are several great veins of quartz, varying from 6 to over 50 feet in width, cutting through with a strike nearly north and south, containing copper ore. Throughout the entire length of this property these veins run. In them various forms of copper ore exist, appearing at and above the surface from 3 to 20 feet.'containing rich values in copper and gold. In the various shafts on the property the ore goes down vertically, and the veins all show increased width and value as depth is attained. 7 Brooklyn-Arizona Mining Company Mineralogy and Ores The ore in the numerous veins in the Brooklyn-Arizona mine consists of silicates and lime dyarites, carrying copper in oxides, native chrysacolla, malachyte, azurite, chalcopyrite, redruthite and sulphide. The ores in every vein carry copper, gold and silver, with a favorable percentage of iron, sulphur and lime. Solid ore body as- saying from 8.3% to 38% copper, $10 in gold and $3.85 in silver per ton. This group of mines has many advantages over all other properties in the Squaw Creek Mining District. It has a showing from the development that has been done, of the making of one of the greatest copper-producing mines in the country. There are 24 large quartz veins run- ning through the claims, all carrying heavy values in copper, gold and silver. Tlie topography of the property is such that being so much lower than the surrounding country, the veins from the north, east, south and west all converge into this property. The ores can be treated at a very low cost, as they are of such a character, carrying nearly all the Huxes necessary to smelt them- selves, in fact, are the kind of ores that smelting companies must have in order to smelt the refactory ores produced by the great majority of the copper mines of the country. It has one of the greatest surface showings on the Great Verde Copper Belt. 8 Brooklyn-Arizona Mining Company Development The development to date consists of the sinking of shafts, cross-cuts and tunnels. There are a number of shafts and openings on the property from 1 to over 300 feet deep. Jasper Claim No. 1 has 4 shafts from 25 to over 300 feet deep, all in copper ore assaying from 6.8 to 84 per cent copper and from $10.00 to $80.00 in gold and from $3.00 to $100.00 in silver per ton. No. I shaft in the center of this claim, 5 by 7 feet and 50 feet deep, shows a vein at bottom of shaft 2 1 feet wide of solid ore, mostly in the shape of chalcopyrite, redruthrite, azurite and malachite. This vein widens from top to bottom of shaft. No. 2 shaft, located about 1 00 Rich ore body out-cropping, 15 feet high, averag- ing 15 per cent in copper, $10 in gold and $4.20 in silver to the ton on the Brooklyn- Arizona. feet east of shaft No. I on another vein of ore, is 5 by 7 feet and 40 feet deep; shows vein at bot- tom of shaft 21 feet wide of solid ore, mostly in the shape of calcopyrite, redruthite and sulphide. This vein also widens from top to bottom of shaft. There have been many tons of ore taken out of these two shafts and sold. The average value taken was 14 per cent copper, $12.00 gold and 20 ounces silver per ton. A careful assay of the ore from the bottom of these two shafts shows as follows: Mr. F. E. Small. , Mayer, Ariz.. May I. 1907. Dear Sir: Your samples assayed as follows: Gold oz. Silver oz. Copper per cent Gold oz. Silver oz. 1 0-12 0-2 12-6 4 04)8 1-5 2 10 0-5 2I--6 5 0-04 \0-S 3 0-08 2-3 29^ 6 0-05 8-5 D Copper per cenl 33-1 21-6 25-0 H. H. ATKINS. Awayer. Brooklyn-Arizona Mining Company »♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ■» ♦♦ ♦♦H Shaft No. 3 is located about 1 25 feet northeast of shaft No. 2 on another vein of ore that outcrops on the surface 25 feet wide and projects above the ground from 3 to over 1 5 feet in places. This shaft was sunk 25 feet, but has partly caved. There was taken out some very rich ore assay- ing as high as 84 per cent in copper, $80.00 in gold and $5.00 in silver per ton, the average value being 20 per cent copper, $10.00 in gold and $5.00 in silver per ton. Shaft No. 4 is located middle way between shaft No. I and shaft No. 2. This is the main shaft of the group, and on it all the present work in the development of the property is being done, and is about 400 feet in depth, timbered with 8x8 inch Oregon pine; has three compartments, and is 1 2 x 5 feet clear inside the timbers, and is one of the largest vertical shafts being sunk in the Territory of Arizona. At GALLOWS FRAME OVER MAIN WORKING SHAFT depth of 90 feet a large vein of ore was discovered in the bottom of the shaft. This vein does not outcrop on the surface. What the width of this vein is we are unable to say, as it has not been cross-cut, but the width of the shaft all in ore does not touch either wall and the vein seems to stand perfectly straight. The work is being carried on at this shaft with all possible speed and it is proposed to sink it to a depth of 1 ,000 feet, cross-cutting north, east, south and west at every 100 feet. There are several veins lying on the east and west of the main shaft running parallel with each other which show every evidence that they will all come together into one great mass, form- ing one gigantic vein. All the other claims have been sufficiently developed by shafts, tunnels and cross-cuts to prove the ore bodies to be permanent and rich. 10 Brooklyn-Arizona Mining Company ♦♦♦■»♦ »H Equipment The Brooklyn-Arizona mine is well equipped with the most up-to-date machinery, such as is required to develop the property with rapidity and economy. The power house, which is 50 feet by 1 50 feet, contains two large high pressure boilers, one of 1 78 h.p. and one of 1 00 h.p., two feed pumps, three 1,000-gallon water tanks, and one of 500 gallons. In the power house is a large air compressor, built by the Sullivan Machinery Company, which has a capacity of 1 , 1 60 cubic feet of compressed air per minute, powerful enough to run fifteen 2 1 -2-inch power AIR COHPRESSOR AND HOIST drills, or ten 3-inch power drills, a large double drum hoist equipped with 1 -inch best steel cables, running to elevators, over 6-foot wrought-iron shreeves, latest make, with tremendous lifting capacity. A 1 ,000-light turbine dynamo was installed, fully equipped with arc and incandes- cent lights sufficient to light the camp. In fact, the power house is thoroughly equipped with every modem device for quickness and safety. TTie main shaft is fully equipped with pumps, power drills, etc. There is also on the property a 50 h.p. boiler and hoist, and another boiler of 20 h.p. 11 Brooklyn-Arizona Mining Company The main shaft has three compartments, two elevator ways and a man-way, 12 feet by 5 feet in the clear, thoroughly timbered with 8-inch by 8-inch heavy timbers and lagged with 2-inch laggmg. Over the shaft is a large gallows frame, constructed of heavy Oregon pine 1 6 inches by 1 2 inches, which towers 40 feet in the air, and is fully equipped with every modern device for safety and rapidity. The camp consists of a large stone building, comprising dining-room, kitchen and store from which supplies are sold to others, 14 first-class bunk houses with modern conveniences, such as running water, electric lights, etc., for the accommodation of our miners. The company POWER PLANT AS IT LOOKS TO-DAY is considering the erection of a number of houses with from three to five rooms, for miners with families. It is our purpose to make this a model camp. There are also other buildings, such as a^large blacksmith shop fully equipped with tools of every name and kind, and a large commo- dious stable, hay and grain barn, also wagon shed. The company has on hand several carloads of mining timbers and pipe of various sizes. In the opinion of those who are at the mine, and our engineers, the property is as finely equipped as is to be found at the largest and best of mines anywhere; pointing to this fact, that everything that has been done on the Brooklyn-Arizona is of the best, means permanency and economy for the company. 12 Brooklyn-Arizona Mining Company ►♦»♦■♦»♦ ■»♦♦♦♦♦-»♦>♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Titles TTie titles of the properties are perfect, being in compliance with the mining laws of the United States and duly recorded under the laws of Arizona. Water There are several springs of line water on this group of claims, one of which has been fully developed and is an underground reservoir containing, during the driest season of the year, over 60,000 gallons, and is piped to every building on the property. This ample supply is a great asset to the company, being worth many thousands of dollars. THE NEW BOARDING HOUSE, STORE AND KITCHEN Fuel The company is supplied with fuel for some time to come, having on hand many hundred cords of wood, and more to come. Transportation Transportation facilities are favorable. Cordes Siding, a railroad point, is only about 14 miles from the Brooklyn- Arizona properties. The conditions are such that a spur track can be built at a nominal expense. In fact, we have been assured transportation facilities at an early date. 13 Brooklyn-Arizona Mining Company Facts and Features It is a well known fact that Arizona has won first place in the production of copper in the United States, and is rapidly gaining in production. With such a showing, combined with the great showing of the Brooklyn-Arizona property, the opportunity which we offer should appeal to every one as an investment worthy of consideration, because of its many features. OH THE BROOKLYN-ARIZONA— MR. J. G. FOSTER OF LYNN, MASS. Immense and wonderfully rich properties. ELxtremely low capitalization. Without bond, mortgage, or indebtedness. No preferred stock, all equal. Stockholders exempt from personal liability. Stock non-assessable. No salaried officers. An up-to-date equipment. Able and efficient management. Not a one-man's proposition, but managed by a board of twenty-one directors. 14 1 Brooklyn-Arizona Mining Company Facts That Cannot Be Disputed ►■♦-♦"♦--♦- No 20747. Boston, Mass.. Oct. 18, 1907. S. P. SHARPLES, Chemist, 26 Broad Street. Certificate of Analysis To the "Brooklyn-Arizona Mining Company": The sample of ore marked "Brooklyn Mine Arizona," received from you contains: Copper 20.50 per cent Respectfully, (Copy) " (Signed) S. P. SHARPLES. WAGON SHED, GRAIN AND HORSE BARN Brunswick, Me., Nov. 23. 1907. Mr. J. A. Gerry. Mechanic Falls, Me. Dear Sir: The ore you recently submitted to me for analysis, and which you stated came from the Brooklyn- Arizona Mine, has been analyzed by me. and 1 find to contain the following: Copper 36.4 per cent Gold $5.28 value per ton Silver 2.30 " Very truly yours, (Signed) FRANKLIN C. ROBINSON. (Copy) Professor of Chemistry. 15 Brooklyn-Arizona Mining Company Facts That Cannot Be Disputed 1010 Massachusetts Ave., American Securities Corporation, Cambridge, Mass., Sept. 16, 1908. Boston, Mass. Gentlemen: I enclose you copy of assay which was made from my very thorough sampling of the outcroppings, open cuts, etc., on the Brooklyn- Arizona property. It substantiates every statement that you have ever made to me, and I am thoroughly convinced that your property is by far richer than any mine that has ever been opened. This is the final result of an eight months investigation of the company and its property, and I wish to state that you cannot recommend it too highly in any respect. This assay was made in my presence and I can vouch for its accuracy. I did not have the gold values ascertained, as it was getting so late in the evening that we had not the time to finish it up. However, the assay on copper alone was enough to fully demonstrate the value of your proposition, and I have no doubt that the gold values would have been fully equal to any of your printed statements. Yours very truly, C. F. ADAMS. Mr. C. F. Adams, Treasurer, New England Maple Syrup Co., Everett, Mass., Sept. 14, 1908. Cambridge, Mass. Dear Sir: Following is report on assay of two samples ore received from you Sept. 1 2, 1 908, for copper and silver: Sample Marked, Green Copper Per cent 19.95 $54.86 Silver " 0.00045 7.20 Sample Marked, Black Copper Per cent 20.75 $57.06 Silver " 0.00016 2.56 Respectfully submitted, (Copy) (Signed) PERCY E. J. HOLLOWAY, Analytical Chemist. S. P. SHARPLES. No. 20557. Chemist, 26 Broad Street. Boston, Mass., May 28, 1907. Certificate of Analysis To B. B. Tuttle: The samples of ore marked "Brooklyn" received from you contain in each ton of 2,000 pounds avoirdupois: Troy ounces Value 0.25 Gold at $20.67 $5.17 1.15 Silver at 67 cents .80 $5.97 Copper 1 5.25 per cent Respectfully, (Signed) S. P. SHARPLES, (Copy) Per F. W. Bennett. 16 Brooklyn-Arizona Mining Company -f-f-f-f-f ■♦-> -f -f-f-f-f > -f >-■♦- -f >-♦--♦->-♦■ -f -f -f -f -f ♦ -f -♦-♦-♦- -f -f-f -f -f -f Facts That Cannot Be Disputed ^-♦--♦'-f-f- Telephones Office, Main 2269 Residence, York 352 STEPHEN RICKARD ASSAYER 1721 STOUT STREET I hereby certify that the samples assayed for Mr. Chas. Morgan gave the following results; Denvek, Col., Sept. 26, 11)06. No. Description Gold ozs. per ton Silver ozs. per ton Lead per cent Copper per cent net Iron per cent Zinc per cent Silica per cent Remarks 1 2 3 4 S 6 Rock Sample .04 .03 .03 .02 .02 .03 16.07 8.58 8.78 24.06 18.73 6.70 Charges, S8.00 Stephen RiCKARD, Aitayer \ Mr. R. A. HINES, OF DORCHESTER, MASS. Laboratory of T. B. Hagstoz, Limited Assayed for Albert N. Kelley, No. A 20 1 2. Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 1 , 1 909. Gloucester, N. J. Dear Sir: We have assayed the sample of ore marked "From surface," received Oct. 28, 1909, and find it to contain: Copper 2 1 .76 per cent Gold Trace Silver Trace Copper, 435 pounds at 1 3 cents $56.55 value per ton Very truly yours, (Copy) T. B. HAGSTOZ, LIMITED. 17 Brooklyn-Arizona Mining Company By referring to the foregoing analysis of ore taken from tfie Brooklyn- Arizona, and com- paring with the below statement of some of the best copper mines in the country, one can readily appreciate the immense value of the Brooklyn- Arizona mine, and the possibilities of its earning capacity. Lake Superior Copper Production for September, 1908 Calumet & Hecia Wolverine Ahmeek Champion Tamarack Baltic Michigan Osceola Trimountain Quincy Mohawk Isle Royale Allouez Franklin Centennial Victoria Keweenaw , Mass 157,300 550 11.0 .55 Butte, Montana, Copper Production for August, 1908 Boston & Montana Anaconda Butte & Boston Washoe Parrott Trenton North Butte Butte Coalition Original Pittsburg 18 Sept. output Tons rock Lbs. Copper %Coppet in rock lb5. stoped daily in rock 6,980,000 8,400 32.68 1.634 772,200 1,100 27. 1.35 627,900 1,050 23. 1.15 1,435,200 . 2,400 23. "1.15 1.252,680 2,200 21.9 1.095 1,537,445 2,725 21.7 1.085 262,950 565 17.9 .895 1,944,800 4,250 17.6 .88 447,200 1,000 17.2 .86 1,775,670 4,350 15.7 .785 818,870 2,100 15. .75 273,000 700 15. .75 258,140 700 14.2 .71 328,160 950 13.3 .665 170,300 500 13.1 .655 125,840 400 12.1 .605 39,000 125 12.0 .60 Aug. output Tons rock Lbs. Copper %Copper lbs. sloped daily in rock in rock 3,769,600 1,600 76 3.8 7,688,000 4,000 62 3.1 1,432,200 700 66 3.3 992,000 500 64 3.2 809,100 450 58 2.9 824,600 475 56 2.8 4,152,450 1,425 94 4.7 2,232,000 900 80 4. 2,092,500 1,350 50 2.5 589,000 200 95 4.75 Brooklyn-Arizona Mining Company -♦->-♦-♦-♦-♦"♦-♦■ -f ♦ ►♦-♦■■♦-■♦--♦■-♦--♦--♦• Conclusion The history of mining proves that great mines are found where nature impresses her seal so plainly as to render impossible any doubt as to the existence of mineral. In Yavapai County, Arizona, more and richer mines are known to exist than in any other section of the mineral West. It may be stated that Yavapai County covers an area of 8,000 square miles. Some fertile valleys are centered between the mountain ranges, but on the whole it is a rough and rugged mountainous region. Mr. FRANK H. KNIGHT Superintendent Mr. JOHN CROSBY Foreman While its development may be considered little more than in its infancy, with the present discovered and developed mines, and the erection of additional plants for the treatment of ores, now projected, this wonderfully rich mining country bids fair to outrank any like area in the world in the production of bullion. The whole country is literally a network of veins and ledges, and no mining region can show ores carrying so high a percentage of metals as the mines of Yavapai County. Capital has done but little in the way of developing the mineral wealth of Yavapai County, and it may be carefully stated that FOR EVERY DOLLAR INVESTED IN THE MINES OF THIS COUNTY, TEN DOLLARS HAVE BEEN EXTRACTED. The intrinsic merit and wonderful richness of the mines have really developed themselves, and while millions of dollars have been expended in dead work in Montana, California, Wyoming, and Utah, without returning a dollar, the mines of old Yavapai have paid from the "grass roots," to use a homely but expressive mining phrase. Brooklyn-Arizona Mining Company Frederick E. Small, M. E., says "TTiere are no fissure veins in any part of the United States, Canada or Mexico that can show as much rich high grade copper ore as can be seen on the veins of the Brooklyn group. I have thoroughly examined the entire property as well as all the surrounding properties in the Squaw Creek and Copper Creek mining districts. I have no hesitation in saying that the Brook- lyn group has a greater and richer body of ore than any other property in either Copper Creek or Squaw Creek mining districts, and will make one of the largest copper producing mines in the country, and I would not be surprised if it proved greater and richer than the famous 'United Verde' at Jerome, Arizona. Every indication points that way, if I am any judge. I have seen the best so-called mines in all parts of the country and examined many in the past eighteen years, but I have never before seen or examined one equal to the Brooklyn group." Brooklyn-Arizona Mining Company SOLE FISCAL AGENTS American Securities Corporation INVESTMENT SECURITIES 75 STATE STREET, Comer Kilby Street, BOSTON, MASS.. U. S. A. CABLE ADDRESS: "AMSECORP" LOHG DISTANCE TELEPHONE Western Union Code 2295 MAIN 20 Plain Facts "The National Banker" in a recent issue makes the unequivocal statement that the combined divi- dends paid by the gold and silver mining companies of the United States are'greater than the combined dividends paid by all the banking institutions in the United States. That the combined dividends paid by the copper mining companies of the United States are greater than the combined dividends paid by all the railroads in the United States, and that 52 per cent of the freight hauled by these same railroads is either ore or some commodity associated with the mining or milling of ore. To this somewhat astounding and not gener- ally known>'fact„ "Bradstreet's" and "Dun's" commercial agencies supply the somewhat startling addenda that but 36 per cent of all legitimate min- ing investments fail, as against about 54 per cent in general commercial lines. More and greater fortunes have been made in mining than in any other line of business. There are thousands of instances where investments in bona fide copper properties have returned many hundred-fold for every dollar invested, and have made men and women independent for the bal- ance of their lives. A few dollars invested in the Brooklyn-Arizona Mining Company NOW, will in our opinion repay you many times the original investment. It is needless to tell you that if you want to get your share of profit, it will be necessary for you to secure your stock EARLY AND GET STARTED RIGHT. SEND YOUR ORDER TO-DAY TO THE American Securities Corporation Investment Securities 75 State Street, corner Kilby Street Boston, Mass.