University of California Berkeley Messrs. Elder and Shepard's first catalogue of standard and beautiful editions for private libraries * * * * No. i Fall of MDCCCCI OOKS as sources of knowl- CV- edge or of pleasure, worthy of fine editions and beauti- ful bindings this is the motif of the following pages. The great histories, memoirs, classics of prose and verse, many in the great and best edi- tions, all in creditable form, are here briefly mentioned and passed in review. Some few rare or antiquarian volumes, first editions and purely collector's works there are, but more are represented those substantial works of general interest, valuable additions to one's library and many dainty volumes, with exquisite illustrations and beautiful bindings, suggest the holiday times. It will be understood that this catalogue is not intended to represent our stock in any complete sense, our miscellaneous collection not being touched in the least, and already many fine and desirable works are in trans- portation that were secured too late to be included. ELDER ANDSHEPARD 238 Post St., San Francisco Notes by Mr. L. Manouk relative to n (Armenian (Manuscript (gooft of Consisting of 466 pages, on classic parchment, size 9^ inches, supposed to have been executed prior to 1000 A. D. IN reference to this book, I will first try to give a period in Armenian history which will enable the reader to form some idea of its antiquity and value as a manuscript in connection with Christ It is a fact that the Armenians were the first nationality to embrace Christianity during Christ's life. History as well as the New Testament gives ample proof for the above statement. During Christ's life the Armenian king, Apgar, falls sick, and every effort to cure him fails. One night he dreams that the only way for cure is to believe in the teachings of Christ. He therefore sends word to Christ that he believes that the only cure for him is through Him, but is unable to see and touch His almighty hand, as he lies sick in bed. After receiving the word Christ sends his Tateos disciple and cures him. After his recovery the king makes a proclamation throughout Armenia and the neighbor- ing nations to embrace Christianity. It is thus that the Armenians become Christian as a whole nationality. The book itself is a master- piece both in ecclesiastic literature and art of those olden times. One need not know or speak the language to behold the evenness, accuracy and gracefulness of the writing which has probably taken half the life- time of a monk to produce such a work. It was the custom of the Armenian monks, in about 1000 A. D., to devote or give their time, according to their talents, to some service to God. It is to this end that the artist monk has produced this book, which we may call a mas- terpiece in this rare line. I say this because I admit that there are two or three copies of similar books in a few national libraries in Europe, of which I have personally seen the one in Paris (Bibliothique National), but even an ordinary lover of art could see the superiority of this copy. In the year 1700 A. D. a certain Manoog Agha, then head of the Armenian church in Smyrna, goes to Jerusalem to visit the head patri- arch of his church. There, after receiving the honors due to his posi- tion, he is presented with the present book and a painting on copper ; the latter, which was the work of a celebrated Italian artist, being dark, does not suit his uncultivated taste, so he orders a new and bright painting of some saints to be painted on the back of it. After the death of said Manoog the picture falls into more fortunate hands, that sees the fineness of the dark figure of Christ, which has been slightly soiled, and after the necessary treatment brings to light, as previously men- tioned, the work of a most celebrated Italian artist. I give this little anecdote of the painting to illustrate to what extent this rare manuscript was considered even in those early days. In regard to the binding of the book, I will say that it is comparatively new to the manuscript itself. This can be readily seen in examining the leather and other parts of the binding, and moreover with a small part of the book (consisting of about half a dozen pages) which has been inserted either to fill a missing space or to add a new part to the book. This small space which I referred to bears also testimony of its recentness of the binding, as the papers used bear the mark of an early Italian paper factory. Another proof of the antiquity of the book is well illustrated in some of the pictures and ornaments of the book. For instance, on the first page, opposite the first picture of David, you will see a small piece of art, consisting of the commencement of a cer- tain phrase : the characters in this are in the form of birds' heads and fishes' tails, a specimen so freely used in early Persian and Hindoo art. You will find these ornaments of art more or less nearly on every page, which makes this book interesting to every leaf of fine parchment. I will here describe how the Armenians come to possess such fine art in reference to their Christian church. It is through the fact that their church has been the sole and only element to keep their unity and existence. From their earliest days of their history we will notice that their kingdom has been a series of falls and ups, sometimes raided by Persians and nearly wiped out of existence, and other times oppos- ing the powerful Kingdom of Rome. Their form of government has so often changed that, were it not to the strong belief of their church, it would be hard to trace a nation so oppressed to this very day ; but as I aforesaid, through their church, they come to the present era as a nation, having preserved their religion, history and traditions, so it is not surprising to hear about the oppression of Armenians in Asia Minor, the massacres, outrages and other cruelties perpetrated by the Turks, merely on account of their Christian belief and their persistence not to abandon their church. L. H. MANOUK. Catalogue Item. An Armenian Manuscript Book of Hymns. 466 pages ; size 9*/2 by 8^ inches, inscribed on classic parchment, with many miniatures, marginal decorations and illuminations in colors. Estimated prior to 1000 A. D. With six pages on paper of later date. Bound in old full leather of some moderate antiquity. Price, $125.00. T3 O rt c/) es ART AND ARCHITECTURE. 14 Fergusson, James. History of Architecture in all Countries. The original edition with all the hundreds of illustrations. 4 vols., 8vo. Bound in sound but not perfect tree calf. London v. d. $40.00 15 Grimm, Herman. Life of Michelangelo. Fully illustrated with photogravures. 2 vols., 8vo. Newly bound in half levant, gilt tops $12.00 16 Jameson, Anna. Writings on Art. 5 vols. And The Life of our Lord in Art, by Estelle M. Hurll. 1 vol. New Riverside edition, fully illustrated. Newly bound in three-quarter levant, gilt tops, uncut edges $36.00 17 Newly bound in half morocco, mitered backs, gilt tops, uncut edges $30.00 18 Knowlton, Helen M. Art Life of William Morris Hunt. With illustrations. 8vo. Newly bound in half morocco, gilt top. Boston $5.00 A fate copy. 19 Kugler's Handbook of Painting. German, Flemish and Dutch Schools. Revised by J. A. Crowe. With many plates. 2 vols., small 8vo. Bound in full morocco. London. John Murray. 1874 $20.00 20 Lanzi, Abate Luigi. History of Painting in Italy. Translated by Thomas Roscoe. 3 vols. 12mo. Full calf. Bohn. 1847 $8.00 21 Ottley, William John. Facsimilies of scarce and curious prints by the early masters. Many in silver. Folio. Bound in full red levant, very elegantly done. London. 1828 $35.00 Royally bound in full red levant, deserving of special mention. The oil from the leather of the heavy inside doublure has carried over onto the fly leaves in a most interesting manner. 22 Ottley, William John. History of Engraving. With many very fine engraved plates. 2 vols., 4to. Finely bound in full calf, thick boards. London. 1816 $22.50 Containing several engravings printed from original Durer blocks. 23 Ottley, William Young. The Italian School of Design. Being a series of facsimiles of original drawings by the great Italian masters, wkh biographical and critical notices. Folio. New half morocco. London. 1823 $25.00 A work of distinct interest and value. This is an excellent copy. 24 Ottley, William Young. Serie De Planches e L'ancienne Ecole Florentine. Large folio. Boards. London. 1826 $17.50 25 Poynter, Edward J. Ten Lectures on Art. Crown 8vo. Full morocco. London. 1880 $2.50 tsp'ring ot>er#ebe, or tfle ^freefe crge* extra. London, n. d. $112.50 134 Emerson, Ralph Waldo. Works. Riverside edition. 12 vols., 12mo. Newly bound in half polished morocco, gilt tops. Boston $42.00 135 Emerson, Ralph Waldo. Works. Little classic edition. 12 vols., 18mo. Newly bound in half polished morocco, gilt tops. Boston $30.00 136 Engineers. Samuel Smiles' Lives of the Engineers. With an account of their principal works. Portraits and numerous illus- trations. 4 vols., 8vo. Full calf. A little shabby. London. 1862 $10.00 137 Engineers. Anecdotes of Steam Engines and of their Inventors and Improvers. By John Stuart. With many valuable steel engravings and portraits. 2 vols., 16mo. Half morocco. Lon- don. 1829 $9.00 138 Etonian (The). 3 vols., crown 8vo., 12mo. Full leather. London. Henry Colburn. 1824 $3.00 t*>6tc0 require pfyjmcaf efrengffl becfine or 139 Facetiae: Musarum Deliciae, or the Muse's Recreation : Wit Restor'd : Wit's Recreations. Hotten's fine reprint. 2 vols., crown 8vo. Bound in full calf by Zaehnsdorf. London $8.50 140 Fencing Familiarized. Or a New Treatise on the Art of Sword Play. By Mr. Oliver. Illustrated by elegant engravings representing all the different attitudes on which the principles and grace of the art depend. Printed both in English and French text. Small 8vo. Half morocco. London, n. d. (Plates dated 1771) $12.00 141 Fielding, Henry. Select Works. 5 vols., 8vo. Newly bound in full mottled calf, antique. Edinburgh. 1812 $30.00 142 Fielding, Henry. Works. 12 vols., post 8vo. Old full leather. London. 1775 $20.00 143 Fielding, Henry. Tom Jones. 2 vols., 8vo. Newly bound in half morocco, extra, gilt top, by Root. London. 1900 $11.50 144 Fiske, John. Historical Writings. 10 vols., crown 8vo. Newly bound in half polished morocco, mitered backs, gilt tops, uncut edges $35.00 145 Foote, Samuel. Dramatic Works. 2vols.,8vo. Old full leather, neatly rebacked. London. 1799 $6.25 Froissarfs Chronicles. 146 Froissart, Sir John. Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries. Translated by Thomas Johnes. Illus- trated. 2 vols., royal 8vo. Half morocco. Newly bound. London. 1844 $15.00 FRENCH TEXTS. 147 Bourgogne. Histoire des Dues de Bourgogne, 1364-1477. Par M. de Barante. With engraved portraits and maps. 13 vols., 8vo. Full calf, by Lewis. Paris. 1825 $20.00 148 Corneille. Oeuvres. Edition complete. 12 vols., 8vo. Full calf. Paris. 1801 $20.00 149 Dayot, Armand. L' Image de la Femme. Fine plates. Roy a 8vo. Newly bound in full leather. Paris. 1899 $10.00 An interesting volume. 150 Diderot. Le Neveu de Rameau. With facsimile and portrait. 8vo. Finely bound by Kolckmann in full levant, extra. Paris. 1883 $15.75 151 Grammont. Memoires du Comte de Grammont, par Antoine Hamilton. With many portraits engraved on copper. 2 vols., 8vo. Full orange levant. Londres. 1811 $30.00 ttriffl age, fflat for redfctng efeabifg inlaid binding. 152 Imbert. Les Bienfaits du Sommeil. An edition on Japan vel- lum, with engravings by Moreau le Jeune, printed in three tones. The special interest of this copy is in the binding, by Hinet, in full orange morocco, with an elaborate design executed in inlaid leather. Paris. 1883 $30.00 153 Lamartine, A. de. Histoire des Girondins. 5 vols. , 12mo. Newly bound in full calf, by Riviere. Paris. 1860 $15.00 154 Lamartine, A. de. Histoire des Girondins. 6 vols., 12mo. Half leather. French binding. Paris. 1870 $6.50 "'Les Girondins,' that charming romance ( he calls it a history), which knowing it all by reading a dozen real histories, and a hundred memoirs of the period, yet carries one on, partly by subject, partly by style. I suppose that he is always false, but in ' Les Girondins ' one is beguiled into forgetting that great literary sin : for it is worse than a fault." John Mitford. Friendships, etc., ii, '97. 155 Le Sage. Histoire de Gil Bias. Carefully printed and edited. Illustrated. 2vols.,8vo. Full calf, extra. Paris. 1820 $15.00 156 Le Sage. Histoire de Gil Bias. Many brilliant copper engrav- ings, beautifully printed. 4 vols., 8vo. Bound in full mottled calf, extra. Paris. L'An Troisieme $30.00 157 Lucien. Oeuvres, traduites du Grec. A fine, rare edition. 6 vols., 8vo. Paris. 1788 $30.00 158 Marguerite D'Angouleme (Reine de Navarre). L'Hepta- meron des Nouvelles. Nouvelle edition publie*e sur les manu- scrits par la Societe" des Bibliophiles francois. With engraved illustrations. 3 vols., crown 8vo. Beautifully bound in full crushed levant, extra, by Cape". Paris. 1853 $25.00 159 Montesquieu. Oeuvres completes. Nouvelle edition. Beau- tifully printed. 12 vols. , 16mo. Full calf binding. Paris. 1795 $30.00 160 Prevost. Lettres de Femmes. No. 1 of 10 copies on China paper. Wide margins, uncut, small quarto. Delightfully bound in full levant, extra. Paris. 1895 $15.00 161 Racine. Oeuvres. 5 vols., 16mo. Full, straight-grained mo- rocco. Paris, An 7 $12.50 162 Rousseau, J. J. La Nouvelle Heloise ou Lettres de Deux Amans. With many very beautiful engravings after Gravelot. 4 vols., crown 8vo. Full orange levant. Paris. 1764 $20.00 163 Thiers, M. A. Histoire de la Revolution Francaise. With engraved portraits and other plates. 10 vols. , 8vo. New half calf. Paris. 1844 $20.00 . 3f (0 ifftmifaBfe in ffle tn0f sdftaffeb, one of ffle cheapest, one 190 Homer. Iliad and Odyssey. Translated by William Sotheby. Illustrated by many beautiful designs by Flaxman. 4 vols. , 8vo. Full morocco. London. 1834 $16.00 191 Hood, Thomas. Works. 7 vols., crown 8vo. Full calf. Lon- don. Moxon. 1862 $17.50 192 Hook, Theodore. Collected Works. 15 vols., crown 8vo. Half morocco. London, v. d. $33.75 The only collected edition of the works of this prince of punsters 14 this little pet lion of the greenroom." A rare volume. 193 Home, R. H. Editor. A New Spirit of the Age. Essays on notable personages. Portrait illustrations. 2 vols., 8vo. Bound by Ramage in full crushed brown levant, extra, gilt tops, uncut edges. London. 1844 $30.00 Inserted are : Book-plate of William Charles Macready, autograph letter by Talfourd ; portraits. 194 Howitt, William. Visits to Remarkable Places Old Halls, Battle-fields and Scenes in English History. 2 vols., 8vo. Tree calf. London. 1856 $15.00 195 Hugo, Victor. Complete Works. Holland paper edition, with illustrations on Japan vellum. 30 vols., 8vo. Half roan. Estes $150.00 net for $120.00 Now out of print. From a private library, but in perfect condition. 196 Hugo, Victor. Romances. Illustrated. 14 vols., 12mo. Newly bound in half calf, gilt tops, uncut edges $42.00 197 Humboldt, Alexander. Researches Concerning the Ancient Inhabitants of America. Many illustrations and plates. 2 vols., 8vo. Full calf. London. 1814 $9.00 198 Hume and Smollett's History of England. 15 vols., 8vo. Full calf, carefully rebacked. London. F. Cadell. 1782 $16.25 199 Hume and Smollett. History of England. 10 vols., 8vo. Full calf. London. 1830 $12.50 200 Hume and Smollett. History of England. 13 vols., 8vo. Full leather, antique. London. 1807 $17.50 Very creditable, good typed editions, in full binding, at small cost. First edition. 201 Hunt, Leigh. Correspondence. Edited by His Son. With por- trait. 2 vols., crown 8vo. Bound in full mottled calf, extra, by Bedford. London. 1862 $12.00 of ffle feast bepenbent on age, seasons, 202 Indian Tribes. Thomas L. McKenney. History of the Indian tribes of North America with biographical sketches and anecdotes of the principal chiefs. Embellished with 100 portraits in color from the Indian Gallery at Washington. 3 vols., royal 8vo. Buckram, unopened edges. Philadelphia. 1870 $35.00 203 Ingoldsby Legends of Mirth and Marvels. Illustrated. 3 vols., 16mo. Newly btmnd in half morocco, gilt tops $7.50 204 Ihne, Wilhelm. History of Rome. English edition. 5 vols., 8vo. Full calf. London. 1871 $32.50 205 Ireland : Its Scenery, Character, etc. By Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Hall. With many illustrations and steel engravings. 3 vols., royal 8 vo. Half morocco. Philadelphia $17.50 206 Jeaffreson, John Cordy. Brides and Bridals. 2 vols. Half morocco. London, ^1873 $6.00 207 A Book About the Clergy. 2 vols., 8vo. Half morocco. London. 1870 $6.00 An interesting folio> very rare. 208 Johnson, Captain Charles. History of Lives and Adventures of the Most Famous Highwaymen, Murderers, Street Robbers, etc., from the famous Sir John Falstaft, 1399-1783, to which is added a genuine account of the voyages and plunders of the most notorious pyrates. Interspersed with diverting tales and pleasant songs. Adorned with 26 large copper engravings. Folio. Splendidly bound by Riviere in full-paneled calf, gilt edges on the rough, uncut. London. 1736 $112.50 209 Johnson, Samuel. Works. Edited by Arthur Murphy. 12 vols., 8vo. Old full Russia. London. 1801 $24.00 A good, large type copy. 210 Johnson, Samuel. Works. Edited by Arthur Murphy. With engraved portrait. 12 vols., large 8vo. Fine old calf binding. London. 1810 $40.00 An elegant old binding ; in every way a beautiful copy . 211 Johnson, Samuel. Works. Edited by Arthur Murphy. 6 vols., 8vo. Full leather. Dublin. 1793 " $7.50 212 Johnson, Samuel. Rasselas. With engravings by A. Raimbach from pictures by R. Smirke. Large type. 4to. London. 1805. Bound in full morocco $10.00 An erasure of a stamp on the title page is the only defect. 213 Johnson, Samuel. Rasselas. The exquisite Chiswick Press edition printed by Whittingham. 16mo. Newly bound in full calf. London. 1812 $6.00 f#e urging conbtfton* of fife. . . %t 214 Johnson, Samuel. Rasselas. The fifth edition, interestingly printed. Post 8vo. Newly bound in full paneled calf. London. 1775 $5.00 215 Johnson's Lives of the English Poets. Edited by Peter Cunningham. Murray's best library edition. 3 vols., 8vo. Newly bound in half morocco, gilt tops. London. 1854 $22.50 A magnificent set. 216 Jonson, Ben. Works. A large paper copy of Bicker's beau- tiful edition. 9 vols. Quarto. Fine full calf, unopened edges. London. 1875 $75.00 217 Jonson, Ben. Works. A rare old folio edition, including the text of the previous two-volume edition, with additions never before published. The engraved portrait frontispiece mounted, otherwise complete and perfect. Folio. Bound in full calf, rebacked, by Riviere. London. 1692 $27.50 218 Junius Letters. Bensley's fine edition. Illustrated with many engraved portraits. 2 vols., 8vo. Newly bound in full polished calf, gilt tops. London. 1805 $12.50 219 Another of the same edition. Newly bound in half calf, gilt tops $10.00 An illustrated folio. 220 Juvenal. The Manners of Men. Described in sixteen satyrs. Edited by Sir Robert Stapylton. With seventeen full page copper engravings. Folio. Full leather. London. 1660 $25.00 221 Ken's Christian Year. 8vo. Full paneled calf by Bedford. London. Pickering. 1868 $12.50 222 Kinglake's Invasion of the Crimea. Large type edition. 8 vols., 8vo. Half calf. London. Blackwood. 1863 $42.50 223 Koran (The). Translated by George Sale. 2 vols. in 1, 8vo. Full diamond calf. London. 1821 $4.00 224 Laing, Malcolm. History of Scotland. 4 vols., 8vo. Old ful calf. London. 1804 $6.00 225 Lamb, Charles. Life, Letters and Writings. Temple edition. Illustrated. 6 vols., 12mo. Newly bound in half morocco, gilt tops $13.50 226 La Rochefoucauld, Due de. Maxims and Moral Reflections: 12mo. Half calf. Newly bound by Root. Edinburgh. 1798 $4.00 IB etmnentfg a pfeamtre tt$tc# is not 227 Another copy. Half calf, .yellow edges. Newly bound by Root. London. 1791 $5.00 For brevity, clearness and finish of style, these maxims can hardly be excelled. A celebrated work. 228 Lavater, John Caspar. Essays on Physiognomy Designed to Promote the Knowledge and Love of Mankind. Illustrated by more than 800 engravings executed by or under the inspection of Thomas Holloway. Translated from the French by Henry Hunter. 4 vols. in 5 parts, quarto. Fine old full leather, thick boards, substantially rehinged. London. John Murray. 1792 $45.00 229 Lavater, John Caspar. Essays on Physiognomy. Fifth edition. With upwards of 400 profiles and other engravings. 8vo. Half calf. London. 1848 $3.50 230 Lavater, John Caspar. Essays on Physiognomy. With original caricatures and finished portraits. 4 vols., crown 8vo. Half calf, rubbed. London. 1797 $7.25 231 Another set of the same edition, half bound $10.00 232 Layard, Austen Henry. Ninevah and Its Remains. Illus- trated. 2 vols., 8vo. Full calf. London. 1849 $10.00 233 Layard, Austen Henry. Ninevah and Babylon. Illustrated. 3 vols., 8vo. Bound in full calf. London. John Murray. 1854 $25.00 234 Le Sage. Adventures of Gil Bias. Translated. With engrav- ings from paintings by Robert Smirke. 4 vols., 16mo. Half morocco. London. 1822 $12.50 235 Little Classics. Edited by Rossiter Johnson. Special 16mo. edition. Printed on flexible paper. 18 vols. Newly bound in half polished morocco. Mitered backs, gilt tops, uncut edges $40.00 A treasury of short stories, classified, from all authors upon all sub- jects. 236 Livy, Titus. The Roman History. Written in Latin and faith- fully done into English. Frontispiece. Folio. Old full leather. New title. Lohdon. 1686 $10.00 237 Longfellow. Henry Wadsworth. Collected works and trans- lations. Riverside edition. 11 vols., crown 8 vo. Newly bound in half polished morocco, gilt tops $35.75 238 Lowell, James Russell. Collected works. Special Riverside edition. Carefully printed on flexible paper. 12 vols. Newly bound in half polished morocco. Mitered backs, gilt tops $35.75 onfg goob in ifeeff, But enhances mang 239 Lucian. Works translated by Thomas Francklin. 4 vols. , 8vo. Full leather. Newly rebacked. London. T. Cadell. 1781 $16.00 The best edition complete. 240 Macaulay, Thomas Babington. Collected Works, Life and Letters, Speeches and Public Life by Arnold. An entirely complete set. Best English edition. Large type. 14 vols., 8vo. Newly bound by Root in half crushed morocco. London. 1876, and v. d. $85.00 241 Macaulay, Thomas Babington. History of England. 5 vols., 8vo. Newly bound in half calf, gilt tops $21.25 242 Mahan, Captain A. T. Influence of Sea Power and Life of Nelson. 5 vols., 8vo. Newly bound in half calf, gilt tops $30.50 243 Mahon, Lord. History of England. 1713-1783. 7 vols., crown 8vo. Full calf. London. Murray. 1858 $16.00 This is the most considerable historical work of the Earl of Stan- hope, and is the recognized authority for this period from the Peace of Utrecht to the Peace of Versailles. 244 Marbot. Memoirs of Baron de Marbot. Translated by Arthur John Butler. 2 vols., 8vo. Half calf. London. 1892 $15.00 245 Marriage Customs in Many Lands. By Rev. H. N. Hutchinson. With many illustrations. 8vo. Half morocco. London. 1897 $6.00 246 May, Thomas Erskine. Constitutional History of England. 2 vols., 8vo. Half levant. London. 1803 $12.53 247 Merivale, Charles. History of the Romans under the Empire. Longman's Library Edition. 7 vols., 8vo. Bound in tree calf by Riviere. London. 1864 $57.50 248 Miles, Charles. History of Chivalry : or Knighthood and its Times. 2 vols., 8vo. Full calf. London. 1825 $4.50 249 Milton, John. Works. Edited by John Mitford. Beautifully printed by Whittingham. 8 vols., 8vo. Fine full calf. Lon- don. Bickers. 1863 $75.00 250 Milton, John. Poetical Works. Edited by Rev. Henry John Todd. 6 vols. , 8vo. Full mottled calf. Interesting set. Lon- don. 1801 $12.00 251 Mirabeau. A Life History. Portrait. 12 vols., 2mo. Half calf, newly bound. London. Smith, Elder & Co. $8.00 offers. . Q0g extending fflc range of our A genuine ' ' Edition de Luxe. " 252 Moliere. Dramatic Works. Translated by Henri Van Laun. Paterson's magnificent edition, splendidly printed, with impres- sions of the etchings by Lalauze both before and after letters. 6 vols., royal 8vo. Sumptuously bound by Zaehnsdorf in full crushed levant, thick boards, gilt tops, unopened edges. Edin- burgh. 1875 $100.00 253 Mommsen, Theodor. History of Rome. 4 vols., crown 8vo. Tree calf. London. Bentley. 1862 $18.00 254 Moore, Thomas. Poetical Works. With steel engravings. 10 vols., post 8vo. Full calf. London. 1854 $27.00 Longman's edition, convenient volumes, agreeably printed. J 255 Monstrelet's Chronicles. Translated by Thomas Johnes. 2 vols., royal 8vo. Full calf, thick boards. London. 1867 $10.00 An exquisite volume. 256 Moore, Thomas. The Epicurean. With exquisite vignette illustrations byj. M. Turner, engraved on steel. First issue of the edition. Crown 8vo. Newly bound by Root in full Russia. London. 1839 $7.50 257 Moore, Thomas. Lalla Rookh. Illustrated with engravings. 8vo. Full calf. London. 1838 $5.00 258 Morier, James. Adventures of Hajji Baba of Ispahan. 16mo. Half morocco, newly bound. London. Bentley. 1835 $4.25 259 Motley, John Lothrop. Historical Works. Large type. 9 vols., 8vo. Newly bound in half morocco, gilt tops, uncut edges $36.00 260 Napier, Henry Edward. Florentine History. From the earliest authentic records to the accession of Ferdinand the Third. 6 vols., 12mo. Bound in half Roman vellum. London. Edward Moxon. 1846 $15.00 261 Another set in full call $15.00 262 Natural History. The Riverside Natural History. Edited by John Sterling Kingsley. With more than 2,200 woodcuts, 168 full-page engravings, and 12 plates in color. 6 vols., royal 8vo. H. M. Co.'s subscription edition $42.00 net for $25.00 From a private library. Perfect condition. 263 Niebuhr, Barthold Georg. Complete Works and Life. Best English Edition. 14 vols., 8vo. Newly bound in half morocco, gilt tops. London. 1851, etc. $60.00 Niebuhr ranks as "one of the most distinguished of modern histori- ans." A complete set is not of frequent occurrence. Bg enfdrging our poteetB of 264 North's Lives of the Norths. (Francis North, Baron Guilford ; The Hon. Sir Dudley North ; and The Hon. and Rev. Dr. John North.) Colburn's Standard Edition, beautifully printed. 3 vols., 8vo. Bound in full calf by Riviere. London. 1826 $20.00 265 Another copy. Bound in full calf, plain $15.00 266 Norton, Charles Eliot. Prose Translation of Dante. 4 vols., crown 8vo. Newly bound in half polished morocco, mitered backs, gilt tops, uncut edges $11.00 267 Oliphant, Mrs. The Makers of Venice and Makers of Florence. Illustrated. 2 vols., 12mo. Newly bound by Root in half calf, gilt tops. London. 1898 $11.00 268 Our Old Nobility. By Noblesse Oblige. Sketches of English Families. 2 vols., crown 8vo. Newly bound in half morocco, gilt tops. London. 1879 $9.00 269 Paine, Thomas. The Political Works. Portrait. 2 vols., 8vo. Half calf, gilt tops. Newly bound. London. 1817 $9.00 270 Palgrave, Francis T. The Golden Treasury. First and second series. 2 vols., 16mo. Newly bound by Root in half calf $5.50 ,271 Palgrave, Francis T. The Golden Treasury. First series. 16mo. Newly bound in half calf. London $2.75 272 Paris. A Year of Revolution From a Journal Kept in Paris in 1848 by the Marquis of Normandy. 2 vols. in 1, 8vo. Full calf. London. 1887 $4.25 273 Parkman, Francis. Complete Works. New library edition. Illustrated. 12 vols., 8vo. Newly bound in half crushed mo- rocco, gilt tops, uncut edges $56.00 274 Peele, George. Dramatic Works. Edited by Alexander Dyce. 3 vols., crown 8vo. Half morocco. London. Pickering. 1829 $12.50 275 Pelham, Camden. The Chronicles of Crime. Illustrated by "Phiz." 2 vols., 8vo. Half calf. Newly bound. London. 1841 $27.50 276 Pepys, Samuel. Memoirs. Edited by Lord Braybrooke. 5 vols. John Evelyn. Memoirs. Edited by William Bray. 5 vols. ; in all, 10 vols. Beautifully printed and illustrated with portraits and plates. 8vo. Full calf. London. 1827 $50.00 anb appreciation, if abbs A charming set. 277 Percy's Reliques of English Poetry. With vignettes and plates. First edition. 3 vols., crown 8vo. Newly bound in full paneled calf, antique. London. 1765 $35.00 278 Philippine Islands. Bowring, Sir John. A Visit to the Phil- ippine Islands. Illustrated. 8vo. Half calf. London. 1859 $5.00 279 Pindar. Odes. Translated into English metre. Privately printed. Crown 8vo. Full calf. London. 1875 $4.75 280 Pindar, Peter. Works 5 vols., 8vo. Half Russia. London. 1812 $10.00 The satires of Dr. John Wolcott (Peter Pindar), audacious and brilliant, had a marvelous vogue. They spared no one, from George III down to the city liveryman. 281 Plutarch's Lives. Dryden's translation corrected by A. H. Clough. Best English 8vo. edition. 5 vols. Newly bound in half morocco. Gilt tops. London. 1859 $27.50 282 Plutarch's Lives. Dryden's translation corrected by A. H. Clough. 5 vols., 8vo. Newly bound in half calf, gilt tops $20.00 283 Poe, Edgar Allan. The Works. Edited by Edmund Clar- ence Stedman and George Edward Woodberry. Illustrated by Albert Edward Sterner. 10 vols., crown 8vo. Newly bound in half levant, gilt tops $40.00 284 Pope, Alexander. Poetical Works. Adorned with plates. Large paper copy, beautifully printed. 6 vols. , 8vo. Newly bound by Morrell in half calf, yellow edges. London. 1804 $30.00 285 Pope, Alexander. Poetical Works. Edited by Robert Car- ruthers. Profusely illustrated. 4 vols., post 8vo. Bound in half calf. London. 1853 $6.75 286 Portrait Gallery of Eminent Americans, from original paint- ings by Alonzo Chappel, with biographies by E. A. Duyckink. 2 vols., royal 8vo. Half morocco. New York $7.50 287 Portraits. National Worthies. Being a selection from the National Portrait Gallery, London. 154 plates, beautifully re- produced. Small quarto. Full leather. 1899 ' $15.00 288 Portraits. National Portrait Gallery of Distinguished Ameri- cans, with biographical sketches. 3 vols., royal 8vo. Full mo- rocco. Philadelphia $10.00 incafcufoBfg fo t$c pfea0utee of soctefg, 289 Praed, Winthrop Mackworth. Poems. With memoir by Rev. W. Coleridge. 2 vols., 8vo. Full morocco. London. Moxon. 1864 $11.00 A beautiful edition, this copy containing an autograph of the author. 290 Prescott, L. H. Works. Original English edition. 14 vols., 8vo. Half morocco. Newly bound by Larkins. London, v. d. $90.00 291 Rabelais. Works. Translated by Sir Thomas Urquart and explained by M. Motteaux. Revised by Mr. Ozell. Many very curious copper engravings. 5 vols., 16mo. Newly bound in half mottled calf. London. 1750 $22.50 292 Raleigh. Edwards' Life of Sir Walter Raleigh. Based on Contemporary Documents ; together with his Letters. With portrait and many valuable maps. 2 vols., 8vo. Newly bound in half levant. London. 1868 $17.50 293 Ranke, Leopold Von. History of England. Principally during the seventeenth century. 6 vols., 8vo. Bound in tree calf. Oxford. 1875 $40.00 294 Ranke, Leopold. History of the Popes. Translated by Sarah Austin. Best edition. 3 vols., 8vo. New half morocco, gilt tops. London. 1840 $15.00 295 Ranke, Leopold. The Popes of Rome. Translated by the Rev. J. H. Merle D' Aubigne. Many beautiful steel -engraved por- traits. 2 vols., 8vo. Newly bound in half mottled calf. Lon- don. 1846 $9.00 296 Rawlinson, George. Historical Works. English library edi- tion. Large type. 13 vols., 8vo. Newly bound in half mo- rocco ; extra, gilt tops. London, v. d. $145.00 A difficult set to make up, and quite complete, including Ancient Monarchies, 6 vols. ; Egypt, 2 vols. ; Phoenicia, 1 vol., and Herodotus, 4 vols. 297 Repplier, Agnes. Essays. 6 vols., 12mo. Newly bound in half calf, gilt tops $15.00 298 Robinson Crusoe. Stockdale's very interesting edition, with many copper engravings after Stothard. 2 vols., 8vo. Newly bound in full calf, antique, yellow edges. London. 1790 $22.50 A notable edition. 299 Rogers, Samuel, Italy. 1830. Poems, 1834. Spotless, first editions of both volumes, with exquisite steel engravings after Turner, Stothard and other artists. 2 vols., 8vo. Extra bound by Riviere in full crushed green levant, gilt tops, uncut edges. London $95.00 to fflc pfeacureB of trcmf, to ffle 300 Another set. Newly bound in full calf, gilt edges, by Root $55.00 301 Rogers, Samuel. Poems and Italy. With charming wood en- gravings. 2 vols., 16mo. Full calf. London. Moxon. 1846 $5.25 802 Rousseau. The Confessions. 5 vols. London. 1796. Emilius and Sophia. 2 vols. Dublin, n. d. Eloisa. 4 vols. Lon- don. 17 6. In all, 11 vols. 16 mo. Newly bound in half- papered calf $22.50 303 Sainte-Beuve. Essays. Edited by William Sharp. Portrait illustrations. 3 vols., 16mo. Newly bound in half morocco, gilt tops $7.50 304 Saint Pierre. Paul et Virginie. With plates on India paper. Royal 8vo. Full Spanish calf. London. 1839 $15.00 305 Saint Simon, Due de. Memoirs. 4 vols., 12mo. Half calf. Newly bound. London. 1857 $20.00 306 Saint Simon, Due de. Memoirs. Illustrated. 4 vols., 8vo. Half morocco. New York. 1901 $12.00 807 Savage Club Papers (The). Edited by Andrew Halliday. First edition. 2 vols,, crown 8vo. Bound by Riviere in full mottled calf, gilt on the rough, uncut edges. London. 1867 $27.50 308 Another copy. Bound in full calf, gilt edges, by Tout $22.50 A miscellaneous collection of proe and verse, with engravings, con- tributed by the members of the noted Savage Club of London. 309 Scott, Sir Walter. Waverley Novels. With engravings by George Cruikshank, as well as the familiar landscape engravings. 48 vols., crown 8vo. Newly bound in half morocco, gilt tops, by Root. London. Fisher & Sons. 1838 $120.00 A handy, readable edition, and the only one containing the Cruikshank plates. 310 Scott, Sir Walter. Poetical Works. With steel engraved title pages and frontispieces. 12 vols., crown 8vo. Full calf. Edin- burgh. T. Cadell $26.00 311 Another set. Newly bound in half morocco, gilt tops $30.00 312 Scott's Life of Napoleon Bonaparte. CadelPs crown 8vo edition, 9 vols. Bound in full diamond calf. London. 1827 $15.00 313 Another copy. Bound in full calf $12.00 of art, to t#e interest tee tafte 314 Serres, John de. A Generale Historic of France, written in the year 1598. Augmented and continued by Ed. Grimeston. Many wood engravings and copper engraved title pages. Folio, full leather, neatly rebacked. 1611 $28.00 315 Shakespeare. Lexicon. A complete dictionary of all English words, phrases and customs in the works of the poet. By Dr. Alexander Schmidt. 2 vols., royal 8vo. Full calf. London. 1874 $9.00 A splendid old set. 316 Shakespeare. Samuel Johnson and George Steeven's edition. Revised by Isaac Reed. With many illustrations and 150 Harding plates extra inserted. 21 vols. , 8vo. Bound in fine full Russia, plain but interesting. London. 1803 $50.00 Special binding by Zae/insdorf. 317 Shakespeare's Sonnets. The beautiful Vale Press edition. 8vo. Bound in full crushed red levant, extra, by Zaehnsdorf. London. 1899 $34.00 318 Shelley, Percy Bysshe. The Complete Poetical Works. The text newly collated and revised and edited. With memoirs and notes by George Edward Woodberry. Centenary edition. 4 vols., 12mo. Newly bound in half polished morocco, gilt tops. Boston $14.00 319 Shelley, Percy Bysshe. Poetical Works. Globe edition. 12mo. Newly bound in full Russia. London. 1899 $9.00 320 Sill, Edward Rowland. Poems and Prose. 4 vols., 16mo. Newly bound in half calf, mitered backs, gilt tops, uncut edges $9.25 321 Smiles, Samuel. Self Help. With illustrations of character and conduct. 12mo. New half morocco. London. Murray. 1859 $4.00 322 Smith, Adam. Wealth of Nations. 3 vols., 8vo. Full calf. Edinburgh. 1817 $6.00 323 Smith, Rev. Sydney. Works. Portrait. 3 vols., 8vo. Fine tree calf binding. London. 1848 $12.00 324 Smyth, William. Lectures on History. 5 vols., 8vo. Full calf. Cambridge. 1848 $11.25 325 Southey, Robert. Poetical Works. Steel engravings. 10 vols. , 16mo. Full calf. London. Longmans, n. d. $15.00 The best edition. 326 Spenser, Edmund. Works. Edited by J. Payne Collier. Bickers' beautiful library edition, printed in large type. 5 vols., 8vo. Bound in fine full calf. London. 1873 $30.00 in f$c Wat fKMriefg of eacnf* t*$tc# form 327 Sport. Collection of Old English prints, colored, of sporting life and sporting animals. Half bound. Rare $15.00 328 Sport : Howitt, S. British Preserve. Drawn and etched by S. Howitt. Quarto. Half bound. London. 1824 $22.50 329 Sport: Lennox, Lord William. Recreations of a Sportsman- 2 vols., 12mo. Full calf. London. 1862 $6.00 330 Sport: Howitt, S. The British Sportsman. Containing 70 plates, colored. Half morocco. Quarto. London. 1812 $40.00 331 Sport : Whyte, James Christie. History of the British turf from the earliest times to the present day. 2 vols., 8vo. Half morocco. London. Henry Colburn. 18^0 $9.00 332 Stanley, Arthur Penrhyn. Life and Correspondence. By Rowland E. Prothero. 2 vols., 8vo. Cheap half calf. London. 1893 $10.00 333 Sterne, Laurence. Works. A handy little edition. 6 vols., 16mo. Nice full morocco. London. 1823 $15.00 334 Strickland, Agnes. Queens of England. With portraits. The scarce best edition. 8 vols., 8vo. Full polished blue calf, extra, gilt tops. By Root. London. Colburn. I 1852 $90.00 The complete historical series. 335 Strickland, Agnes. Collected Historical Works. With sup- plemental works by Mrs. Green ; all original editions. 35 vols., crown 8vo. Newly bound in half calf, gilt tops, uncut edges. London, v. d. $160.00 This is truly a magnificent set, containing The Queens of England, 12 vols., Colburn, 1841-48; Queens of Scotland, 8 vols., Blackwood, 1850-59; Queens Before the Conquest, 2 vols., Colburn, 1842-43; Last Four Princesses of the Royal House of Stuart, 1 vol., Bell and Daldy, 1872; The Bachelor Kings of England, 1 vol.; Simpkin Marshall, 1861; Lives of the Seven Bishops Committed to the Tower in 1688, 1 vol., Bell and Daldy, 1866 ; The Tudor Princesses, 1 vol., Longmans, Green & Co., 1868; and Lives of the Princesses of England, 6 vols., Colburn, 1850-55. In one of the volumes there is a four-page autograph letter by Mrs. Strickland, writing of her historical work. 336 Sue, Eugene. Mysteries of Paris. Translated by J. D. Smith. With steel engravings. 3 vols., crown 8vo. London. 1844 $9.00 First and best edition. 337 Symonds, John Addington. Life of Michelangelo Buonar- rotti. With etched portrait and fifty reproductions. 2 vols., large 8vo. Half red morocco. London. Nimmo. 1893 $25.00 great teorfb brama drounb ue. 338 Tasso's Jerusalem Delivered. Translated by J. H. Wiffen. A large paper copy, with illustrations, vignettes, etc. Finely printed. 2 vols., 8vo. Fine old straight-grained morocco. London. 1874 $16.00 339 Tennyson, Alfred Lord. Works. Ed. de Grande Luxe ; printed on hand-made paper, with etchings on Japan vellum. 10 vols., 8vo. Half calf, gilt tops. Estes $120.00 net for $75.00 This edition is now out of print. From a private library. In fine con- dition. 340 Tennyson. Complete Works. Clearly printed, convenient volumes. 6 vols., crown 8vo. Newly bound in half morocco, gilt tops $20.00 341 Terence. Comedies. Translated into familiar blank verse by George Colman. 12mo. Full mottled calf. Newly bound. London. 1810 $4.50 The English edition. 342 Thackeray's Works. Biographical edition. Edited by his daughter, Mrs. Ritchie. Illustrated. 13 vols., 12mo. Newly bound in full polished red calf by Oxford Bindery. London. 1899 $75.00 343 Another set. Newly bound in half morocco, extra, gilt tops, by Root $60.00 344 Thackeray, William Makepeace. Complete Works. Illus- trated. 32 vols., 12mo. Half levant (faded). H. M. Co.'s subscription edition $88.00 for $44.00 345 Thomson, James. Poetical Works. 2 vols., post 8vo. Full calf. London. Pickering. 1847 $5.25 346 Thomson, James. The Seasons. With excellent wood-en- graved illustrations. Edited by Bolton Corney. Small 4to. Bound in fine full mottled calf by Riviere. London. 1842 $15.00 347 Thomson's Seasons. The beautiful Stockdale edition, with copper engravings by Stothard. Large type. 8vo. Bound in full straight-grained morocco. London. 1793 $10.00 348 Thomson, James. City of Dreadful Night, and Other Poems. Crown 8vo. London. 1899. New full Russia, gilt top, by Root. London. 1899 $6.00 349 Another copy. Bound in full polished calf, gilt top, by Root $5.00 .... flc0e fine* Being f#ouo$f on TRAVELS AND VOYAGES. 350 Cook, Capt. James. Voyages. Maps and numerous engravings on wood. 2 vols., royal 8vo. Half morocco. Newly bound. London. 1842 $10.00 351 Dampier, William. Voyages Round the World to the Pacific Ocean, etc. Maps. 3 vols., 12mo. Half leather. London. 1697 $15.00 352 Drake, Edward Cavendish. A New Universal Collection of Authentic and Entertaining Voyages and Travels. With many interesting plates. Folio. Full leather. London. 1768 $15.00 353 Kerr, Robert. A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels. Forming a complete history of the origin and progress of navigation, discovery and commerce. Illustrated by maps and charts. 18 vols., 8vo. New half calf. London. 1824 $45.00 A most valuable and interesting collection of travels. 354 Lyell, Charles. Travels in North America. With geological observations of the United States, Canada and Nova Scotia. Plates. 4 vols., crown 8vo. New half calf. London. 1845 $12.00 355 Major, Richard Henry. The Discoveries of Prince Henry, the Navigator. Portraits and maps. 8vo. Half morocco. Newly bound. London. 1877 $7.25 356 Mandeville, Sir John. The Voiage and Travaile. Reprinted from the edition of 1725 with introduction by J. O. Halliwell. One of only twelve copies on thick paper. With all the original illustrations. 8vo. Full crushed morocco, extra, finely bound. London. 1866 $20.00 357 Tupper, Martin F. Proverbial Philosophy. Illustrated with many interesting wood engravings. Small 4to. Full calf, extra. London. 1854 $6.00 358 Walton, Izaak, and Cotton, Charles. The Complete Angler. Edited by Major. Illustrated. Crown 8vo. London. John C. Nimmo. Newly bound in half purple morocco, gilt tops $4.00 359 Warren, Samuel. Ten Thousand a Year. 3 vols., 12mo. Newly bound in half morocco, gilt tops $9.00 360 Webster, John. Dramatic Works. Edited by William Hazlitt. John Russell Smith's beautifully printed edition. 4 vols., crown 8vo. Full calf binding by Bedford. 1857 $24.00 361 Wedgewood. Eliza Meteyard's Life of Josiah Wedgewood. From his private correspondence and family papers. Numerous illustrations. 2 vols., 8vo. Full calf. London. 1865 $17.25 ge feooe of (Redbing 6g