SHlHHMMIMWMIIJIINMNHWHHHHN BANCROFT LIBRARY THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA From Photograph of him after 14 years Confinement in the Penitentiary "FOLK WELLS" (CHAS. POLK WELLS) When Captured and put in the Penitentiary at Ft. Madison, Iowa LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF POLK WELLS (CHARLES KNOX POLK WELLS) THE NOTORIOUS OUTLAW Whose Acts of Fearlessness and Chivalry Kept the Frontier Trails Afire with Excitement, and whose Roberies and other Depredations in the Platte Purchase and Elsewhere, have been a Most Frequent Discussion to this day, all of which Transpired During and Just After The Civil War. WRITTEN BY HIMSELF Published by G. A. WARNICA His Life Long Friend and Chief Financial Support ILLUSTRATIONS. $ Page Polk Wells' Portrait ~\ before entering penitentiary (. Frontispiece after 14 years in penitentiary j Father Wells Thrashes Polk for Striking Storekeeper 26 Swimming the Missouri River, leaving home 28 Escapes from Father by Swimming Creek 30 Wells' First Shooting Scrape on Old Pomeroy Ferry at Atchison, Kans 38 Entirely Surrounded by Indians Fights His Way Out. 59 A Fearful Early Morning Charge 69 Seven Dead Indians in this Escapade 90 An Exciting Scrap with the Danites 149 Holding up "Overland Route" Office Using Dummies Be- hind Log 164 Portraits G A Warnica and Wife, formerly Mrs. Nora Wells Polk Wells' Chief Backers 167 Nora Taking a Horse to Wells' Rescue 187 Wouldn't Rob Orton Circus Because of Generous Hearted Showman 190 Shot Through Knee at Riverton (la.) Bank Robbery 200 Robbing The Jerseyville (111.) Bank 204 Portrait Sheriff Chandler and Family 209 Polk Wells Captured at Randolph, Wis 213 Life in Fort Madison (Iowa) Penitentiary 218 John Elder Chloroformed to Effect Escape from Penitentiary 221 Escape of Wells, Cook and Fitzgerald .224 -r-3 i PREFACE. jENTIMENT moulds public opinion. The ex- pressions of but a single man may change a whole epoch of history. The records of the world itself, which are known to us as history, are but the lives and acts of its citizenship. Each individual makes his or her part of that record, whether knowingly or unknowingly. It has been truthfully said that "it takes all kind of people to make a world." It likewise takes all kinds of lives to make up her history. History is seen through many eyes, and the records of her various lives, whether good or bad, must in the aggregate form a true and impartial history of the nation's life. What some men would discard from record, others would find most important to impress the public mind. It is with this feeling that this book, THE LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF CHARLES KNOX POLK WELLS, better known to the public as "POLK WELLS," is made a matter of permanent record. We do not present it to you for your reading and considera- tion, as an example of perfect life or an exemplary one, far from it. His exciting career of lawlessness, his super daring deeds, has long since fixed his name on frontier record as one full of pathetic hatred and his very name as one with which to coerce children into good behavior. However, there are thousands of his friends, too, who have found much in his life to admire, for even his enemies freely admit he had a large, warm and kindly heart; that he never once took a penny from a poor person, and was always ready to bestow his last one upon them. He stands charged with many crimes of which he is but the rightful perpetrator, perhaps guilty of some even unknown, but many were false and but the work of a vicious public revenge, which places all crime committed upon the shoulders of he who at that time stands most promi- nent in daring deeds of outlawry, upon the public mind. The Life of Polk Wells is exceptionally full of the frontier life of the West. His adventures amongst the Indians is par- ticularly thrilling and reveal to us many of their singular traits, habits, etc. His boundless friendship to friends, and his excellent kindness to even enemies, is enobling. All we ask of you, kind reader, is a patient reading, a candid, careful sifting of the "wheat from the tares." This history of his life was written by himself, while an inmate of the penitentiary, in a lonely felon's cell, at Fort Madison, Iowa, where he poured out his soul in agony over his past missteps, talks to us of better things, and leaves for us this publication, whether for better or for worse. G. A. WARNICA, Publisher. Halls, Mo., February 1st, 1907. Life and Adventures of Polk Wells CHAPTER I. Messrs. Richard Wells and Moses Berriman were residents of London, England. The former was an Englishman by birth, education and religion, and the latter a Jew of the strictest sect. Mr. Wells and family usually spent the summer months in hunt- ing and fishing at his country residence. Barney, his eldest son, was a tall, handsome fellow; a man of unimpeachable veracity and integrity, an accomplished horseman, proficient with the fowling-piece, was first in the chase and greatly enjoyed the "music" produced by his "pack" of black-and-tan hounds. Mr. Berriman's family consisted of himself and daughter the country during the heated season at the home of a friend Rachel, and they, too, were wont to while away some weeks in living near the Wells estate. Rachel was cultured and refined, symmetrically developed, possessed a pure, spotless character and a warm, affectionate nature, and I need hardly say a handsome face as Jewish ladies are noted the world over for those attributes large, lustrous brown eyes, long, raven tresses and delicate, peachy complexion which the poets of all ages love to sing about and which (with other perfections of mind and body alluded to) stamp them the beauty queens of earth. The daughters of Job were the fairest in the land and it is safe to say that Raphael could not have found a model for his Madonna anywhere outside the Jewish race. If Rachel was exquisitely beautiful she also knew how to preserve that beauty by indulging her fondness for equestrian exercises, and while out for a canter one day met Barney Wells, to whom' she was soon married, and the following year (1791) they emigrated to the United States and settled in Henry County, Old Virginia, near the old Henry Court House, where they bought a large tobacco plantation with a 1 ! appurtenances thereto, including a number of slaves, thoroughbred horses, game-cocks, and a "pack" of fox-hounds all of which no planter could afford 8 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF POLK WELLS to be without, that is if he expected to retain the respect and good-will of his neighbors, as riding to the hounds was regarded as the one recreation necessar-y to engage the time, excite the brain, and try the skill and courage of the gentleman sportsman. The new home occupied an elevated position near the south- ern edge of a large maple grove from which a great deal of sugar and syrup were made. In the rear of the dwelling were the negro quarters, stock stables, tobacco barns and other buildings. Away to the south lay the large level fields, at the bottom of which was a three-quarter mile race-track and its accompanying "cock-pit." Hunting, racing, and cock-fighting were the principal amuse- ments of country gentlemen, therefore everyone owning land and slaves was necessarily obliged to keep a stable of fine-bred hunt- ers and racers, game-cocks and hounds; also a copper still for making "apple- jack" and corn whiskey without such delicacies no Virginian's table was properly furnished. The old coachman and the house servants soon informed their new "Massa" and "Missus" of those of their neighbors who were "de quality folks" and pointed out the "Po white trash," with which all communication and association was peremptorily inter- dicted by "Old Black Mammy." The Master, however, was giv- en a wide range of latitude and allowed much discretion in his intercourse with "uppertindum." Hence his wealth, refinement and lively disposition, to say nothing of his inclination, made it incumbent on him to assume the place in the social whirl and pastimes of the neighborhood that his predecessor had occupied consequently he soon became a leading spirit at the race course and fox chase. His wife, knowing it was customary in England for ladies to ride to hounds, and seeing her neighbor women accompanying the hunters, also joined the chase, and, being as fearless as she was graceful in the saddle, always demanded the best horse, which her husband gallantly yielded to her. After experiencing the enthusiasm and thrill of joy engendered by this sort of sport she became desirous of taking a "brush" which she accomplished by being first "in at the death." The hunt was so fascinating to her that she rode in the chase until her first son was of age. Here it was, amid splendid surroundings, scenes of mirth and chivalry that Barney and Rachel reared a family of eight boys and educated them in the best schools of the state The three youngest died on the old homestead, while the others drifted west and in various ways distinguished themselves. John was the champion hog and tobacco raiser of Jefferson County, Illinois Barney was a Major in the Mexican war, and, for many years, a Justice of the Peace of Jefferson County, Illinois, where he and John both died. William was a land speculator and money gath- EXCITING DAYS AND DARING DEEDS '/ erer of Barton County, Missouri, where he was killed for his money by the Kansas Jayhawkers during the late Civil war. Ed- mond was for several terms Judge of the District Court of Linn County, Missouri, while Benjamin, the eldest son, distinguished himself principally as an honest man and a warrior. He served as Lieutenant in General Scott's command, and was twice wound- ed at the battle of Lundy's Lane during the war of 1812, after which he returned home and married. One son was born to him, and his wife died. He again married, three sons were born to him and the second wife died. With his four little boys he moved west, and, in 1830, he landed at the old trading post on the Mis- sissippi now the flourishing city of Fort Madison, Iowa, and two years later commanded a volunteer regiment against Black Hawk Joseph Bovay, an enterprising young Frenchman in 1790 began trading with the Indians and later established a trading post on or near the present site of the city of Burlington, Iowa. About this time all thought and interest of the Sacs and Foxes was directed toward the young warrior "Muck-Ah-Ta-Mish-E-Kah- Knack," which translated into English means "Black Hawk, who early distinguished himself for bravery and wisdom," and, natur- ally enough, was elected chief of one of the largest and most war- like tribes of the nation. Mr. Bovay, better known along the up- per Mississippi as "French Joe," noting the popularity and influ- ence of the newly made chief hastened to win his support and patronage by marrying his sister who was, of course, the reigning belle of her tribe. Mr. Bovay, unlike the general run of "Squaw- men" (as they were called) seems to have had a genuine manly respect and true love for his Indian wife who died in giving birth to a baby girl since he named his little daughter Mizellah after and in honor of his own mother and took her to St. Louis Missouri, where she was reared and educated by his relatives. Each year with a boat load of furs he floated down the Mississippi to St. Louis and after disposing of his cargo spent some weeks visiting with his child who at the age of eighteen returned home with him. Randolph Smith, a young man of German and Scotch ex- traction, and an own uncle to the prophet John Smith of Mor- mon fame, now put in his appearance at the Bovay home and soon after married the Frenchman's daughter. The first fruits of this union was twins, a boy named Jerome, and a girl named Lureanah, who was also sent to St Louis and educated under the immediate directions of her mother's friends. She, some months previous to the commencement of the war with Black Hawk, mar- ried a Kentucky gentleman who was killed at the battle of "Bad Axe." Berriman G. Wells in 1834 wedded the young widow Lure- 10 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF POLK WELLS anah and took her and her little blue-eyed boy to his home in Augusta, Iowa, where he was engaged in the grocery business In 1840 they and Randolph Smith, familiarly known as "Black Hawk Smith," by reason of his relationship to that chieftain moved to Missouri and in the south-west corner of Buchanan County on the river bottom each bought a section of land on which they commenced rearing permanent homes. The great overflow in 1844 stopped the work and compelled the families to move from the bottom to Rushville, which is located on a piece of table land connecting the river bottom with the bluffs. The land having dried off the family returned to the farm but Mr. Wells remained in town to complete his "still-house" and "tobac- co press." In the former he converted the farmers' corn into whiskey, and in the latter their tobacco was manufactured into plugs or pressed into hogsheads ready for shipping. His business caused Rushville to rapidly increase in popula- tion which, of course, was the means of filling his coffers with gold, for whiskey and tobacco were staple articles Men could make their hats of rye straw and their shoes of cow skin, but lacked the means or ingenuity to manufacture whiskey and tobac- co which must be had at all hazards. Mr. Cleveland says the one is a "luxury," while Mr. Harrison affirms the other to be a "ne- cessity." So the people thought then and will perhaps continue to think unless some Brown-Sequard sort of a fellow compounds a new "Elixir of Life" with which to inoculate them with a dis- taste for such abominations. While Mr. Wells was engaged in making money to buy bet- ter breeds of stock and to make new improvements on his Ian j his wife and children were adding each year a new field to the farm and forcing the soil to its highest productive capacity. Mr Wells became smitten with the "gold fever" and immediately prepared an outfit for a trip across the plains. Four wagons were loaded with flour, bacon, whisky and tobacco, the three latter were of his own production, and four yoke of oxen, mostly of his raising, to each wagon. This little train in the hands of his four eldest sons started on the first day of May, 1849, f r the gold mines of California. The following spring Leonard I. Smith, Mrs. Wells' youngest brother, accompanied by her first son, James R., went to Salt Lake City, Utah. The home circle being thus broken up Mr. Wells thought it best to move the family to town, Rushville, so the small children could attend school. CHAPTER II. On the 5th day of June, 1851, Mr. and Mrs. Wells were made happy by the appearance of a fifteen pound baby boy whom they christened Charles Knox Polk Wells. The family now con- sisted of Mr. and Mrs. Wells, two daughters. Sarah and Ruth and three sons, Berriman, John and (the writer) the aforesaid Chas. K. Polk. There had been two other girls and a boy, but they died in infancy. Town life did not agree with my dear mother, whose gentle spirit wandered over mountain and valley in search of her absent boy whom she never saw or heard of again She longed to be on the farm where she might handle the implements that he worked with, and lean on the gate he had made with his own hands ; besides, Berriman and Sarah were better scholars than their teachers. John could not be persuaded or hired to go to school nnd Ruth and I were not old enough to attend except for the purpose of amusing the other pupils which we did some- times, consequently mother and the children were moved back to the old home in the woods. When father settled upon this land it was covered with sev- eral growths of the vegetable kingdom, the ground was matted with blueberries, gooseberries, wild roses, bullrushes and fox-tail which is and has ever been the terror of Missouri farmers. Then came the delicious paw-paw, the favorite fruit of the opossum which our Dutch neighbor persisted in calling the "slick-tailed tog," red and black haws, and red plums, the "hog" plums, mul- berry and boxelder were next in the line of march heavenward: the elm, hickory and hackberry looked up to their more preten- tious neighbors the white oak and black walnut; over and above all waved the majestic heads of the cottonwood and sycamore and in those monarchs of the forest the sly old coon made his home, fattened on the new corn and furnished great sport for the boys on "good coon nights." In this forest were to be found also the large timber wolf, saucy wild-cat, the timid hare and in- nvmerable squirrels and various species of the feathered trile from the pee-wee up to the wild turkey. In short this was a jungle fit for the Congo Valley and the idea of building a home in it would have been to the prairie-raised man about as rational 12 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF POLK WELLS as to undertake with a pocket knife to hew out a mansion in the Rock of Gibraltar, but to the man of Virginia or Kentucky it was the best, the only suitable place. So my father thought, and he. being a Virginian endowed with large destructiveness, combative- ness and continuity, attacked the huge task with a vim and cour- age these faculties can alone supply. A square containing four acres was cleared of everything but a few small shade trees and into its center all the buildings necessary for the family were erected, and the plat s>et to blue grass. Various kinds of fruit trees dotted the ground at regular intervals, while each fence corner around the entire enclosure contained a peach tree and under every fourth tree set a stand of honey bees. The hickory and hackberry timber was used for building purposes, while the oak and walnut were split into rails with which the whole planta- tion was fenced. But every tree that "brought forth not good fruit was cut down and cast into the fire." A notch, called "girdling," was cut through the sap or to the red around the tree about two feet above the ground, which process killed it. The timber subjected to this treatment in the spring was, during the fall and winter, cut down and sawed into short logs which to- gether with the tops and underbrush, and with the assistance of several yoke of oxen were piled around the stumps and set on fire and before retiring for the night all hands turned out to "chunk up the log heaps." Thus the work of destruction con- tinued day and night until there was not left a stump or even a riding switch on one hundred acres. The busy workers in the nightly scenes of song and fire would have led the ancient Greek or Roman gentleman to exclaim in a voice of reverence and ad- miration, "Ah ! the Holy Virgins are engaged in replenishing the sacred fires in the temple of Vesta." The dwelling, a two story structure with two rooms above and two below, with all attachment for kitchen and dining room was built of hewed logs ; in fact all the important houses were built of faced timbers. To the north and west of the door-yard lay the corn, hemp>, tobacco and wheat fields. On the south was the one hundred acres wood pasture with its carpet of rich blue grass on which were kept the work stock, milch cows and a small herd of sheep. A pair of old fashioned draw-barrows connected the pasture with the horse lot in which stood the corn cribs, stock stables and tobacco barns. Adjoining this lot on the west was the garden, the pride and special care of my sweet hearted mother hedged about with gooseberry and currant bushes, blackberry and raspberry vines. Here grew in riotous profusion all the old- fashioned flowers, bright marigolds, larkspur, deep blue bache- lor's buttons, and the tall, brilliant hollyhocks, the lordlings of the place, blood red poppies and roses everywhere nodding in the EXCITING DAYS AND DARING DEEDS 13 brteze; here also grew the silver skinned onions, sage for season ing the sausage, tansy and mint for flavoring the "social glass," 'Tom Thumb" and crowder peas, in fact everything pertaining to the garden grew in its proper place and season ; all divi JeJ< off by broad, beautiful flower-lined walks (which were covered with white gravel from the sand-bars), all so harmonious!) blended as to stamp it as the work of delicate hands, guided by large order and ideality such gardens are enchanted with the spell of by- gone times and familiar faces, a place for day dreams, chivalrous sentiment and castle building. Over the gate leading from the garden into the door-yard, and over mother's bedroom window was carefully twined that favorite of our grandmother's "Wash- ington's Bower," while immediately in front of the window steed a mulberry tree about 12 inches in diameter and about its base she planted morning-glory seed and the vines spread themselves all over its branches. This tree with its thousands of blue, pink and white flowers glistening with dew drops in the morning sun was the loveliest object in the way of door-yard ornamentation that I ever beheld. In the spring of 1852 father built of hewed logs on the bank of the Missouri a large warehouse which two years later tumbled into the river. Then a frame building was erected on rollers so that it could be drawn back to a safe distance as the river drew near by cutting the bank away. A wood yard was next started so the steamboats could get good, hard wood at two dollars per cord. The warehouse and wood yard was widely known as the "Rushville Landing," where was stored all the produce such as hemp, tobacco and bacon of the surrounding country for shipping to St. Louis. The wagon road leading from Rushville to the landing about two miles distant wound its way through a dense forest to the corner of our pasture, thence north in front of our house to the warehouse. During the boating season this road was lined with teams hauling produce to, and goods from, the landing to the inland villages. Little sister Ruth and myself soon became great favorites with the teamsters, who bought her candy, beads, coral rings and bright colored ribbon for her hair, for all of which she sang sweet little songs ; while I was the happy re- cipient of many sets of "bull's-eye" marbles, large red apples, tops and other toys, that delight a well regulated boy and for which I was expected to (good-naturedly) torment and criticise every- body except the donor. Frequently teamsters from Old Sparta and DeKalb were obliged to stay over night with us and on such occasions were entertained with music and dancing. Berriman played the fiddle and John accompanied on the old banjo while Ruth and I danced the "tobacco-hill-shuffle." At this time father was quite wealthy. 14 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF POLK WELLS kept fast horses, fighting cocks and a pack of hounds, all of which, together with my mother's great hospitality, loving spirit and brilliant conversational powers, coupled with the willingness and the ability of her children to attract and amuse visitors, served to give our family a widespread reputation for politeness and un- affected generosity. And this popularity contributed to father gaining a controlling influence over a large majority of Rush Township, which, together with his fondness for making stump speeches in behalf of his favorite candidate, attracted the atten- tion of "office-seekers," who we're not slow in courting his politi- cal preferment. Such men during the electioneering season per- sisted in calling my father "Colonel," and who were, if of his choice, cordially invited to visit the farm. If not to his liking, they were obliged to extend the invitation themselves; at all events a visit to the farm was inevitable and during the stay of these aspiring gentlemen I was given a nice share of attention. They patted me on the head, laughed heartily at everything I said or did, and were unstinted in their praise whether deservedly or not. On one occasion a candidate for Governor of Missouri ac- companied by other gentlemen visited the farm, and almost the first thing he did after entering the house was to take me on his knee. He looked me over closely, gently stroked my black hair and then turning to my father said, "Colonel, this is a promising lad and he has a Webster head, therefore you ought to give him a first-class education." "I shall spare neither money or pains in the accomplishment of that end," was my father's hearty reply. It is not my purpose to call in question the veracity of the once beloved Chief Executive of my native state, yet I must say that my head has undergone a great change or else the gentle- man was a conscious flatterer or wholly ignorant of the shape of Mr. Webster's head, which, if the picture I have of the great statesman is a true likeness of him, was as unlike my head as the apple is unlike the pear. The compliment, however, whether genuine or affected, was unnecessary in as much as father had already decided to cast his vote and influence for the gentleman. Receiving so much of this sort of praise and attention, and the fact that I could walk and talk before I was one year old, made me a "precocious boy" in- deed. The Missouri, which was and is constantly changing its channel by cutting away the bank on one side and making a cor- responding fill or sand bar on the opposite side, had steadily en- croached on the bank necessitating the moving back of the ware- house each year, until it now (1856) stood on the corner of fath- er's land, only a furlong or two from the dwelling in which we Hved. EXCITING DAYS AND DARING DEEDS 15 There was at this time, owing to the gold excitement, a steady flow of emigration west. The river was lined with steamboats and each one loaded to the extent of its capacity with passengers for Omaha where they engaged passage across the plains with some "ox train" or "mule outfit." The wood yard my mother's enterprise was kept well supplied with choice, dry, hard wood full measure; hence the boat captains made the "Rushville Land- ing" a point for "wooding up." The "deck hands," too had a special interest in stopping here for wood as mother never failed to send Ruth and myself out to the landing with buckets full of cold sweet milk which we gave to therm while taking on wood and, when watermelons were ripe, brother John appeared on the scene with a skid load and contributed them among "the poor tired fellows," as my tender hearted mother called them, and who, when the boat left the shore, united their voices in singing "The Queen of the Wood Yards," a song composed in honor of her many kindnesses to them. While the deck hands were engaged in putting off, or taking on freight, or wood, as the case required, the boat officers and as many passengers as desired went out to the house to see my father's fine stock and mother's well kept garden. Father when at home (and in his absence I acted as guide) would first lead them into the barn lot to see the great stallion "Black Hawk," the fat hogs, sheep, and the large work oxen "Polk" and "Dallas," which brother John had trained to lie down, also broke them to ride. I rode everything, from the fat hogs up to the stallion, made Old Dallas lie down that I might get on him, make him get up. and then, standing erect on his broad back, rode him around the lot like a circus clown. Sometimes the old ox in brushing at the flies would strike me with his heavy tail and send me whirling from his back. I usually lit on my feet, which, when the visitors saw I was not hurt, caused a great laugh. Having carefully ex- amined and thoroughly praised the stock and barns the visitors were next led into the garden, which elicited much praise and ad- miration. Father, too, was unsparing in his remarks on the beauty and arrangement of the various vegetables and flowers and mani- fested as much pride in showing the garden as he did in extolling the fine qualities of his "blooded stock." The party now passes un- der "Washington's Bower" into the door-yard; here I would arouse the game cocks and battle with them until they were in good fighting trim, then dash in among the visitors, out again in- to the house, leaving them 1 to fight or run. After receiving a stab or two in the legs with the spurs of the little warriors they invariably chose the latter alternative. Once in the house they felt safe and laughted heartily over their defeat while the cocks crowed just as loudly over their victory. By this time mother had com- 1(5 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF POLK WELLS pleted her preparations for receiving the company by spreading a lunch consisting of cake, pie, cold sweet milk, "still beer," and a bottle of "old rye," in the center of the table for those who de- sired it, and there were few men in those days who did not drink whisky, and the person who refused to drink the "Mint Julep" that my mother prepared was regarded as a "rara-avis." After lunch the callers were conducted into the large sitting room where they were amused for a few minutes with music and dancing, Ruth and I sang for them such old songs as "Chicken Pie," "Com- ing Through the Rye," "Old Dan Tucker," "Nellie Gray," "Poor Lost Indian," and "Lazy Jackson," usually closing the entertain- men with the clown song, "I kissed Josh and Josh kissed me, as we went bobbing around, as we went b-o-b-b-i-n-g a-r-o-u-n-d." Ruth was a natural "mimic," and could draw out the last two words "bobbing around" with such artistic effect that she never failed being greeted with hearty applause and a shower of silver coin. At this time we were in a most prosperous and happy condi- tion. No family enjoyed life in a greater measure than did ours We had everything that heart could wish for in the way of good things to eat and wear ; there was not, however, much else to care for except Yankee Robinson's Show which annually visited our part of the country. In the fall we were all out in the woods gath- ering grapes, when a storm came upon us. Dark, heavy clouds hung in the tree tops, the most deaf- ening peals of thunder greeted our ears, and the rain fell in torrents upon us, and the whole elements were ablaze with God's mighty fire. We sought shelter under the largest trees, the most natural, and certainly the most dangerous thing to do in the midst of a storm. Ruth and I were standing by father, Berriman, John and Sarah stood together, while dear mother, alone, leaned against a large, forked elm. I was on my way to her when the tree was split from the fork to the ground by a bolt of lightning and mother fell forward as if struck dead. She was gently conveyed to the house and the doctor summoned. When he arrived she was sit- ting up in bed, and said, "I will be all right in a few hours." The doctor thought so too, and returned to town. Next morning father had scarcely reached his place of business when mother came running from the barn to the house, fell headlong into the room and expired almost instantly thus I lost my best and dear- est friend. My mother was proud of her Indian blood which doubtless heightened her sympathies for, and increased her de- sire to relieve, as far as possible, the wants and suffering of the Indian families living near her. She gave them much provision and clothing ; and brother Berriman rarely went to mill without an EXCITING DAYS AND DARING DEEDS 17 extra sack of corn to be converted into meal for "Old Ned's" family. Our white neighbors were scarce, so Ruth and I were obliged, for the most part, to accept the Indian children for our playfellows. We built "Wicky-Ups" of paw-paw poles and elm bark ; hunted the hare and opossum, painted our faces with poke- berry juice, had our feasts and war dances just the same as "Big Injuns." This great fun and friendly intercourse with the In- dians was, so far as I was concerned, at least, cut short by the death of my dear mother. She having been laid to rest, father turned the farm over to the boys and took me with him to town. Father now, when not otherwise engaged, amused himself by exercising me in the manly art of self defense, and by giving me lessons in "Poker" and "Seven-up." Being naturally inclined toward the funny and reckless things in life, I soon became an expert in the first law of nature self defense and quite profi- cient in handling the cards ; and was up to the age of fourteen at which time the latter was abandoned. I was then a creature of impulse, the sport of chance, and the victim of my own imag- inations and uncontrollable sensations, displaying at times a heroic and to some extent a poetic temperament. There is some- thing admirable in such a compound of emotions. Yet the one possessing such a character is to be pitied for it will, most likely, lead himi as it has me into serious trouble unless counter-balanced by a strong will and an unswerving purpose to do right, "though the heavens fall." However, there are phases in life that render the doing of right, at all times, an extremely difficult thing to ac- complish. Early in the spring of 1858 father began courting the Widow Fry, who lived near St. Joseph, and, as my presence was not deemed necessary to his success, I was sent back to the farm, which, together with the landing, my brothers had conducted about the same as heretofore stated, with the exception that steamboat passengers were not encouraged to visit the house. But it was necessary for brother Berriman to go upon the boat to transact business with the captain, so the children usually ac- companied him to the landing at least. Sister Ruth had become quite a ban joist, while I had learned to play the violin remarkably well for one of my age and town life had greatly increased my self reliance, therefore I was not long in persuading Ruth to join me in a visit to a boat with our instru- ments, which when the path was once opened,became a regular thing and while the boys were in the clerk's office giving and taking receipts for freight or receiving money for their work we were in the cabin amusing the passengers with music and danc- ing. We rendered with pleasing effect such old pieces as "Sally Gooden," "Money Musk," "Drunken Hickups," "Devil's Dream," 18 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF POLK WELLS "Leather Breeches" and "Bald 'Possum" these were everywhere the favorite tunes in "Ante-Bellum" days. Our Indian neighbors were still living near us, and when a boat landed they, with a score of owr former playmates, appeared with willow baskets and beaded moccasins to sell to the passen- gers. Having disposed of the ware, they .retired a few paces and seated themselves on the ground. Ruth and I sang and danced and having received our reward withdrew from the boat. I would then enter the warehouse, strip off my clothes, tie on my breech-clout, ready for a swim. The Indian boys were not obliged to go through this preparation as they only needed to let go of the corners of their blankets to fit them for the water. When I emerged from the warehouse they would drop their blankets and then with a shout we would dash down the stage plank in single file across the deck and plunge head first into the river. Here we would play at "ducking" until the boat started, and then float on the waves like so many corks. On another oc- casion a boat bound for Omaha stopped at the landing and while Berriman was attending to his business Ruth and I were enter- taining the passengers. We were playing the "Poor Lost In- dian" a family favorite since the death of our mother, therefore we always entered heart and soul into the rendition of this pathetic piece when a noise as if someone had fallen downstairs attracted our attention and caused us to cease playing. The next moment a tall, handsome young fellow rushed from his room into the cabin and exclaimed in a voice full of emotion, "Whence came that sweet music ?" The gentleman had evidently been reading or dreaming of the siren whose music is of such mar- velous sweetness that they are first enabled to captivate those sailing near their island, and then destroy them. Thinking the boat's crew and passengers were under a spell of enchantment, he was first charmed and then suddenly became apprehensive of what the result might be. A lady, however, noting his perplex- ity, dispelled his fears of evil consequences by inviting him for- ward to investigate for himself the source of the music he had heard. He immediately stopped in front of Ruth, and scrutinizing her face and banjo, said, "My little miss, please favor me with your, or at least my, favorite piece, 'Poor Nellie Gray.' She sang it most sweetly, accompanying her voice on the banjo. He was charmed by the music and highly pleased with my sister. Presently I began sawing on my fiddle which I held in the style of the Italian boy. For a moment he stared at me, then turning to Ruth asked, "Is this little Italian your brother?" "He is my brother, but not an Italian, sir." She put such emphasis on the last word as to cause the young man to laugh heartily, and to exclaim, "Good Heavens, what a spunky little duck you are." EXCITING DAYS AND DARING DEEDS 19 Ever after this she went by the name of "Duck," but. I shall con- tinue to call her Ruth. He next ventured to ask, "What is your brother's name?" "Charles K. Polk Wells. He was named after James K. Polk of Tennessee."' Answering this question put Ruth in a good humor for she as well as myself regarded it an honor to bear the name of the President of the United States. A big name is pleasant, usually makes one vain, however, and at all events amounts to but little in the way of saving one from temptation or of helping himself to resist it. The next question put to my sister was, "Is this banjo the only instrument you have?" "No, sir, we have two violins and an accordion." "Do you play the violin?" "Not yet, but my sister and brothers do." The young man brought from his stateroom a handsomely bound note book and a silver mounted guitar, which after playing excellently two or three pieces he presented to Ruth. The bell rang, the stage plank was drawn in and the boat swung out from the shore. Some one informed the captain that I was still on the boat. "Never mind, he'll get off when it suits him," said the officer. The scene in the cabin prevented my taking the usual collection and the captain, knowing it, called an old negro to "pat" while I danced the "Tobacco-hill-shuffle," and then "cut the Pigeon wing," in old Virginia style which pleased Mr. Taylor the young man, not a little, who said, "Well, Captain, since I have rewarded the girl for musical talent I suppose it is right that I should give this little hero something." He shook my hand warmly, gave me a beautiful penknife and the passengers filled my "weezel-skin" purse with silver coin. By this time the boat was some distance from the shore and above the landing, the Captain said to me, "Git now, you little rascal, or I'll take you to Council Bluffs and sell you to the Mormons." Another instant and I had disappeared over the side of the boat and amid hearty cheers I swam toward the landing. CHAPTER III. In November my father married the Widow Fry heretofore mentioned. She had five children, four boys and one girl; the three eldest boys were grown, and the fourth, Joe, was twelve years of age, and the girl, Sis, was ten years old. The two latter were brought home with our new mother who was a large, power- ful and warm hearted woman, in fact she was of so warm a dis- position that the atmosphere about the old home became so heated that my brothers found it necessary to emigrate to a more con- genial clime. Sister Sarah soon married and left home also, thus leaving little Ruth and myself to hoe a row that proved to be an unpleasant one. A change was soon effected. Our hunting and playing with the Indian children was strictly forbidden. Our music too was interdicted ; in fact our new mother interfered with everything we had been accustomed to, besides her children for awhile lorded it over us. They having spent several years at school in St. Joseph were fairly well educated, and were especially fond of reading ancient history and solving mathematical prob- lems, in a knowledge of which we were deficient, except the little gathered from father's reading of Gibbon's "Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire," and the ability to repeat by heart the mul- tiplication table, which we learned from the lips of our own dear mother. We rather looked up to them on account of their superior knowledge in these matters, and loved to sit near and listen to their reading Virgil and Homer. This self acknowledged inferi- ority led them to look upon us as their servants. We implicitly obeyed them and meekly submitted to their taunts about our ig- norance and "countrified ways." They had no words of praise or commendation when we did things to please them, but when we happened to do wrong which frequently occurred since they were hard to suit and constantly on the alert for something about which to complain they hesitated not to scold us. "Familiarity breeds contempt," and tyranny, hatred and indifference; hence we drifted further and further apart as time progressed. When threats and scoldings no longer sufficed to insure compliance with their demands, or to appease their wrath, corporal punish- ment was resorted to. The atmosphere seemed to hatch excuses for mother to whip us ; Joe and Sis pinched our arms and slapped EXCITING DAYS AND DARING DEEDS our faces whenever they chose to do so. We were taught to re- spect the aged and to obey those older than ourselves, and father id given special orders to comply with all the wishes of our new mother. We tried to follow father's instructions but compliance seemed to add new wants and, of course, increased the demands. Presently, however, this unjust treatment awakened the voice of reason which marshalled in battle array the instinct of self-preser- vation and justice, so we began to meditate on the situation. We asked oui selves, "Who are these children that we should serve them and submit to their indignities? Are they any better than we are? Who gave them authority over us? What right have they to command us without a reasonable protest on our part?" This sort of reasoning resulting in our resolving to defend our bodies, and protect our rights at all hazards. An opportunity to test the firmness of our resolution was not long delayed, a hand to hand fight ensued and we were severely punished. Ruth and I, previous to the arrival of our stepmother and her children, never had a cross word, or the slightest ill feeling toward any one. We were the pets of the familv and neighbors and were strangers to acts of violence and feelings of hatred. It is true I had been in the habit of saying naughty things to, and throwing sticks at the teamsters but this was done in fun and was so understood by all concerned. Father and mother had always addressed Ruth and myself as, "My little man" and "My dear." They were as dignified in our presence and as courteous to us as if we were English potentates on a visit. Father, or anyone of the family occupying his place at the table, always filled his place (old Virginia style) and exchanged it for ones with the same degree of politeness that he showed the Governor of the State. Had I been permitted to remain in this atmosphere of courtesy, kindness and parental consideration, I should, no doubt, have con- tinued to be of a gentle, sweet, lovable disposition; but the en- vironments changed and I changed with them. I was born like all other children with a latent germ of sav- ajery in my little breast, consequently the loss of a mother's care and love, and a father's pleasant greeting and protection on the one hand, and cruel treatment and opposition on the other caused the beastly in my nature to rapidly develop. Thence forward, the tiger being loose, the pinching and face slapping which hither- to had been permitted without ill feeling on our part since they were accompanied with, "Oh ! I was only in fun and didn't mean to hurt you" were resented with a vengeance and to the utmost of our ability. We became stubborn and unfaithful servants, con- stantly plotting mischief and fought the foe at every turn in the road. We were sometimes roughly handled but whipping us was out of the question and to conquer us quite as impossible, since 22 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF POLK WELLS we had, as it were, imbibed the spirit and pluck of OUT game cocks and like therm, though temporarily defeated were always ready for another battle. The road this spring (1859) was lined with teams hauling produce to the landing. Ruth and I disobeyed orders by riding with some jolly fellows to the warehouse, or becoming weary of hearing the "don't do that," "stop your noise," and "you must not handle those books," we would make a visit to the hut of "Old Ned" a stalwart brave of the Kickapoos and have a romp with the Indian boys and girls. Mother, not being satisfied with punishing us nor with her wholesale prohibition, put a stop to our music by destroying the strings of the instruments. This ar- bitrary treatment and unjust inhibition of everything dear to us served only to increase our desire to say, or do, something which would aggravate our persecutors. Ruth was commander in chief of our force and her resource of comparison, vituperation and in- ventive might well have been the envy of Senator Ingalls. When piqued, and not feeling especially angry but desirous of doing something really exasperating, she would seize a clabboard. broom, or anything that could be used as a "make believe" guitar then singing at the top of her voice, keeping time the while by striking her finger nails against the improvised instrument, while I accompanied her on my corn-stalk fiddle. This performance, though amusing to any one else, put the Kentucky blood into a perfect rage. Father rarely visited the farm, and when he did his stay was so short, mother so good to us and remained so close to him that we had no opportunity to tell him of our troubles. One 1 day he appeared at the warehouse, having come down the river bank by a bridle path instead of following the road past the house as usual, so that mother was not aware of his arrival. We had just had an encounter with the enemy, in which. Ruth and I were badly hurt and were on the barn shed lamenting our sad fate, when father was seen riding up to the landing. We hastened to him and he patiently listened to our "tale of woe," but instead of sym- pathizing with us and trying to heal our bruises and wounded feelings whipped us both and drove us back home. We were too badly hurt not by the punishment (though in itself severe enough) to cry at first, but on the way to the house our anguished souls found relief in tears, for where we expected succor we received only stripes, and threats of much worse treatment should we re- peat the offense of claiming paternal protection. The most nat- ural inference to be drawn from this extraordinary conduct on the part of our father extraordinary because it was the first time he ever whipped or spoke angry to us would be that Ruth and I were completely subdued. Nay, verily, it served to increase our EXCITING DAYS AND DARING DEEDS 23 energy and to strengthen our determination not to be abused with impunity, but I draw the veil of charity and silence over the events that followed and simply say that the miserable warfare was brought to a close by the family moving to Rushville. : This village owes its beginning to William Henderson who erected on Mud Creek a water power saw mill of the "Muly" type, i. ., the saw was a straight, stiff blade, making a perpendic- ular stroke. All the settlers within a radius of a dozen miles pat- ronized this mill. In the winter they hauled their logs on "liz- ards" tree forks which served the same purpose as the modern bob-sled to mill, while the ground was frozen or covered .with snow. During the summer Saturday was the all important day (grist day), which usually lasted over Sunday and sometimes until Monday morning. While the grists were being ground the men gathered in groups under the beautiful shade trees near at hand to discuss the neighborhood affairs, such as the condition of the hemp and tobacco crops, the latest wedding and its charivari, cock-fighting, shooting matches, log-rollings, corn huskings and house raisings were topics of absorbing interest to those hardy pioneers of Rush Township, so called by reason of the immense growth of "bull rushes," which grew to the height of ten or twelve feet literally covering the river bottoms. The suc- cess of the little mill was a guarantee of the success of the black- smith shop in which the farmers could get their "bull-tongues" (single shovel cultivators) and turning plows sharpened. The grocery came next, then the hemp press with its lofty screw in which the hemp was pressed into bales for shipping to St. Louis. It was at this period (1844) of Rushville's development that father started his sixty gallon still and tobacco press, but now (1859) the population of Rushville was between twelve and fif- teen hundred; the water power saw mill, "cross roads" grocery, blacksmith shop and single hemp press had given place to a splendid steam circular saw and flour mill combined, seven hemp presses, half a dozen blacksmith shops and instead of father's one sixty gallon still he was operating three one hundred and sixty gallon stills. The log grocery had been superceded by a dozen general stores in which could be found anything in the way of hardware from a cambric needle to a sorghum mill, and in the line of dry goods anything from a "shouting Methodist minis- ter's" white cravat up to silk and satin. And there were several saloons, three shoe shops, a photograph gallery, a lawyer, several doctors, a drug store and a confectionery whose proprietor, Mr. Schultze, was very friendly toward me for awhile. I could not pass the candy store until my pockets were filled with good things Being used to receiving such presents I took no notice of it nor thought of questioning the motives of their generous donor, but 24 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF POLK WELLS one day I stopped in front of the store and was surprised to hear Mr. Schultze call out, "Oh ! you Polk Wells, you vas von schwind- ler." The trouble was that Mr. Schultze was in love with a Miss Cunningham whose brother John was an exact image of myself and the sweetmeats given to me were intended for him in order that he might speak a good word to "Doozen" (Susan), for the Dutch candy maker. The old log school house had been torn down and a neat frame building erected at the base of "Grave Yard Hill." This was a one story structure, unpainted and without ornament of any kindj long, high backed wooden benches served as seats for the pupils and worshippers as this building was not only a place for learning worldly wisdom but in it was dealt out spiritual food with a lavish hand. Preachers rode what were called "circuits," so that each Sunday in the month we had a different Minister who proclaimed the gospel from a different point of view to that of his predecessor. The Second Adventist told us "the Savior would soon come to claim his own ;" the Campbellite declared that "the righteous should inherit the earth and the fullness thereof ;" the Hardshell Baptist terrified us by saying, "There are infants in hell not a span long ;" and Uncle Joe Divorce, a representative ol "The Shouting Methodist," consigned the ungodly to a "laKv of fire and brimstone prepared for them before the foundation of the world." My step-mother was handsome, a charming conversation- alist, a model housekeeper, an excellent cook, and for a time kept her promise to treat Ruth and myself more humanely. During this armistice, Joe arid I became warm friends and when occasion required would fight for each other. The previous winter's train- ing I received from my father in the manly art of self-defense, coupled with my late conflicts with Joe, had so agitated the fac- ulty of combativeness that my once gentle, playful disposition gave way to a pugnacious feeling and in consequence I was for some weeks continually fighting I had many a hard tussel with the boys before the title of "Leader" was accorded me. Nothing to do, restless and full of curiosity, I, with kindred spirits, roamed from hill to hill, played "fox" and "conquer" games that all boys are familiar with went swimming in the river, and did many other things which healthy, ambitious boys are capable of doing. I never tired of playing in the woods where the birds sang merrily from morn till night and loved to gather May apples and feast on wild fruits. Huckleberries and gooseberries were plentiful and blackberry vines spread over many acres, covering the ground in the spring with their delicate white blossoms, and brightening it in the autumn with their gayly tinted leaves; the honeysuckle waved in the crevices of the .rock and wild bees feast- EXCITING DAYS AND DARING DEEDS 25 ed unmolested on the honey of its tiny cells; sheep-sorrel and water-cress grew along the banks of every stream, and the wild cherry bloomed and ripened its fruit in every pasture, so that there was no lack of food for the body or of interesting things for the intellect to feast upon. While these excursions to the river along the creeks and into the woods were pleasant and profitable both to body and mind, there was much in town to enfeeble the one and debauch the other. Many a night I spent in my father's saloon keeping tally for gamblers and carrying whisky to them. This was* injurious to soul-life and a special bar to physical development, therefore I at- tribute my slender form to these nightly, unholy practices. While my association with sporting men tended to dwarf the body, there was another class of men assiduous in their efforts to befog and corrupt the mind by picturing scenes of sensuality and telling foul stories with which I soon became disgusted; since then obscenity has been to me both loathsome and unbearable. These men did not corrupt my morals further than to put me into a state of excitement and ugly temper whenever we met. I shunned them as much as possible, but there were times wften I could not avoid them. Father bought all his family supplies of Fenton Bros., and it was in their store that these men gathered every night to tell tales, talk politics and tease any boy who happened in. John R. Moberly was the leading light of the tormentors of boys. He was cross-eyed, near-sighted and constantly wore a pair of gold rimmed spectacles and when he wished to be especially aggravat- ing would look over them at one. Mother sent me to the store one night for a spool of thread. The clerk being busy, I was, of course, obliged to wait. This gave Mr. Moberly an opportunity to pro- voke me. He continued his beastly harangue until I was unable to control my temper longer, and stepping in front of him I plant- ed a stinging blow between his eyes which broke his spectacles the glass cutting his face, and the blow causing his nose to bleed freely. The joke being turned on him, and that too in the pres- ence of a score of men who laughed at him, he became furious, and though a deacon, swore by all the gods ancient and modern that he would "annihilate" me. I made a dash for the door, but a gentleman who did not approve of tormenting boys had shut and locked it to prevent my escape, and hoping, as he afterwards said, that I would "get hold of the scale weights and give Mr Moberly the thumping he so richly deserved." I certainly would have used the weights had I first seen them, but seeing my en- raged pursuer falling over chairs and barking his shins on nail kegs, I joined in the laugh and once in a good humor no longer desired to harm him. Mr. Harry Fowl, father's foreman and my staunch friend, was on his way home and hearing the boisterous 26 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF POLK WELLS laughter in the store came in and seeing me fleeing- before the in- furiated deacon asked what it meant. Having received a reply he seized Mr. Moberly by the arm, telling him to desist his pursuit of me or he would "himmediately put ha 'ead hon 'im." Next day Mr. Moberly reported the affair to my father and intimated that unless the spectacles were replaced he would institute suit for damages. Father refused to pay for them and having previously been informed of the difficulty by the foreman, said, "In my opin- ion Polk served you right." He nevertheless punished me for the act. Instead of having a restraining influence this served rather to make me more desperate, as a few days later I struck another man, who was teasing me, in the mouth with a stone. Knocking out several of his front teeth for which father unmerci- Father Wells thrashes Polk for Striking Storekeeper. fully whipped me. I cursed him, he whipped me again, and again I cursed him and threatened to retaliate if he attempted to lay violent hands on me again. We were in the back yard at home. I stood still with a stone in eachhand ready to execute my threat. For a moment, like two game cocks, we stared at each other both bent on victory. At first I thought he would spring at me and in that event I should have struck him, but his face changing from an expression of sternness to one of consider- ation assured me that I had achieved a victory without a blow. Various emotions were quickly written in his countenance. He EXCITING DAYS AND DARING DEEDS 27 thought such insubordination to paternal authority should be punished and his large blue eyes protruded as he noted my de- fiant attitude, but before he could make up his mind to act in ac- cordance with this rule benevolence put a restraining hand on combativeness. While these faculties were struggling for the mastery the voice of reason was laboring with paternal love, which, joining benevolence, quickly ended the strife. He became calm, the expression of his eyes changed and seemed to smile his approval of my pluck ; then he felt remorse of his treatment of me, a feeling of pity and compassion for me took possession of him and without a word he turned and walked into the house When I saw his tears my own stubborn heart melted, my hands relaxed and the stones fell to the ground. I prostrated myself under the big plum tree from w r hich the switches, with which I was punished, were taken and cried myself to sleep. I sometimes felt that the whole world were against me. Even the foreman looked cross and spoke unkind at times I thought, yet there was one (my dear sister Ruth) who never forsook me. She stooc by, invariably, always ready to defend, to pity and comfort me. Again trouble arose between Joe and myself, resulting in a desperate fight. I ran away and arriving at the crossing of the river at Doniphan, Kansas, was in that state in which the body exerts itself, apparently without the control of the mind. I soon divested myself of a straw hat, cotton shirt and tow linen pants, all of which I cast into the river, and then plunged head first into the water as if I would forever hide myself from view, but soon came to the surface and struck out for the Kansas shore. I landed some distance above the ferryman's house and the bluffs being close there was scarce room between them and the river for a wagon road. This I crossed and hid myself in the hazel and black-jack bushes on the hillside. A few moments' reflection brought me face to face with my helpless and melancholy condi- tion. Here I was alone, naked and in a strange land. "I can- not," I thought, "in this nude state present myself at the house of any stranger." My brother Berriman lived within a few miles of Doniphan, but in which direction I did not know. With my heart almost bursting with grief, and longing for a word of sym- pathy I threw myself on the ground beside a log and unconscious- ly wept aloud. Presently I was startled by hearing approaching footsteps. I sprang to my feet and was on the point of a^ain rushing into the river, when a tall dark visaged man came into view and greeted me with "My Little Man, what brought you here in that condition and why do you weep?" The pleasant smile which spread itself over his countenance, together with his soothing words, assured me that T stood in the presence of a 28 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF POLK WELLS Swimming the Missouri River, leaving Home. friend ; besides his face seemed familiar to me as that of one whom I had always loved and who had petted and favored me in other days. I unhesitatingly approached and held out my hand which he grasped with the tenderness and sympathy which characterized a great soul when it beholds a fellow creature in distress. Thisr gentleman was Mr. Tom Sweeten, an old friend of our family, who now lived near my brother. He wrapped me in his long linen coat, carried me to the road, set me on his horse and spring- ing into the saddle galloped to my brother's house, where the ladies soon dressed me in a suit of new clothes. New 'environments, peaceful neighbors and loving friends soon put me in a happy state of mind and several weeks passed pleasantly to me. I had been at my brother's about three weeks when he went over to Rushville and with surprise and a troubled air received the sad intelligence of my disappearance and sup- posed death. Father had searched diligently, inquired along the river wherever a skiff was kept, and after two weeks hard rid- ing, without receiving the slightest clue as to my whereabouts and mourned me as dead. He was heart-broken and poor little Ruth grief-stricken. It was a great task for brother to withhold EXCITING DAYS AND DARING DEEDS 29 from them his knowledge of me and he would not have done so had it not been for Mr, Sweeten, who thought it would be a just punishment for father to remain in ignorance as to my happy condition. I was not then capable of comprehending the extreme agony of my father nor the anguish endured by sister Ruth on account of my mysterious disappearance and absence or I should have hastened to them. Ever since my first encounter with Joe I have always been ready too reaJy, perhaps to fight when there was a reasonable excuse for so doing, but never had it really been in my heart to kill a fellow creature with one exception many years after this event consequently I felt glad when brother informed me that Joe was not seriously hurt by the blow I gave him. Two or three weeks after brother's return from Rushville. my friend, Mr. Sweeten, went there on business and called to see my father who asked me if brother had heard anything concern- ing me. He at first gave a negative reply, but noting the intense sorrow depicted in the face of his old friend, could no longer keep from him news that was like ''pouring oil on troubled wa- ters." He told father my story, how I had been treated, why I ran away, and then severely censured him for not doing a father's duty toward a son by protecting him from the cruelty of a step- mother and her unfeeling children. Father frankly confessed that he had allowed a press of business to occupy his mind to the ex- clusion of his domestic affairs, that his conduct was somewhat premature and that he had acted very unwisely in not investigating matters before dealing so harshly with me. While he was willing to acknowledge his error to. a friend, he would not condescend to ask my forgiveness or allow his dignity to bend in my presence. When he came the following day to take me home he looked just as stern and spoke just as harsh to me as before, which led me to expect a repetition of what I had received under the big plum tree. After dinner he placed me behind him on the horse and started for home. His first words were, ''When we get to the bridge where I can get a suitable switch, Til teach you the folly of running away from home." The bridge was across a deep slough which two or three hundred yards distant connected with the Missouri, and along its banks near the bridge were to be had dogwood switches, several feet long, so that my apprehension of the terrible thrashing I was about to get forced a determination upon me never to reach the bridge. I said nothing, however, and we rode along in silence. When within a hundred yards of the dogwood swamp, I began to work myself over the horse's rump and at the right moment dropped to the ground, sped through the brush toward the slough and was half way to the water's edge before father missed me. He spurred his horse in pursuit, his 30 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF POLK WELLS high silk hat was knocked off, the overhanging limbs rudely combing his hair ; he paid no attention to these mishaps but urged his horse the faster. When he reached the slough bank, where he last saw me. I was sitting on the opposite shore. The approach to the water being miry, he was obliged to retire and go around by the bridge. I allowed him to come within fifty yards of me when I again plunged into the slough water and mud and swam to the other side. This was a veritable ''slough of despond" to my father and he looked after me as did Pliable after Christian for a moment and then rode leisurely away. When I heard the horse's feet strike the bridge, I again crossed the slough. I sat on the bank, meditating on what course to pursue when I was suddenly disturbed by the clatter of horse's hoofs on the bridge, and at the same time saw my brother emerge from bushes on the opposite shore. This, in my perplexity, was a ruse I had not Escapes from Father by Swimming the Creek. contemplated, and for a moment my capture seemed inevitable. But I was equal to the occasion, as it was but the work of a mo- ment to discard my clothes and get into the slough, and I was in the center swimming toward the river when father reached the spot where my garments lay. There was a smile of triumph on EXCITING DAYS AND DARING DEEDS 31 his face as he contemplated my speedy capture, but his (sup- posed) victory was turned into defeat. He told brother to swim in after me but he refused to do so on the pretext of having re- cently been sick. Father, then, told him to throw sticks at me and drive me out of the slough. Brother obeyed this order, but when the missiles left his hand I disappeared, and hearing them strike the water would come up for breath. Whether under or on the surface of the water I was swimming toward the river all the time. Father saw I was bound to get away despite their efforts to prevent it, so he called out, "Polk, if you will come out and go home with me I will never whip you again." I stopped swimming long enough to shout, "Honest Injun, won't you whip me any more?" "Yes, Honest Injun," he replied, "I won't do so myself nor allow anyone else to do so." According to my knowledge of human nature at this time it was not possible for a man to violate a promise to which he had prefixed the words "Honest Injun," besides, my father's voice bore a ring of sincerity. I swam ashore, put on my clothes, bade brother good-bye, mounted behind father and resumed my homeward journey and arrived there about sun- down. All my playmates were present to welcome me. Even mother, Joe and Sis seemed to be glad at my return and dear sis- ter Ruth shouted with joy. My school experience was rather peculiar and of short dura- tion. Miss Cleary of St Joseph, came to Rushville and inaugur- ated a subscription school for three months. Father signed for four pupils, Joe, "Sis," Ruth and myself. I learned rapidly, and. owing to my musical talent soon became a favorite with the teacher who was daily expecting her piano on which she promised to teach me to play and which, together wtih another incident, was the cause of breaking up the school. She received word that her piano would arrive on the morning train, and, before dismiss- ing the children that evening, announced "No school tomorrow." The train arrived on time but no piano. This was a great disap- pointment, but gave the children another day for gathering wal- nuts. Lish Watson (my chum, who was a timid little fellow en- dowed with large secretiveness, so that what he lacked in courage he more than made good by his cunning and wisdom), and myself took our wagons to the woods and having filled the boxes with hulled nuts we started home. Just below the creek bridge we came across "Limber" John Yocum, whose front teeth I had ex- tracted, lying drunk aha asleep by the roadside, and stopped to tease him. He recognized me, and after many efforts succeeded in getting on his feet, took after us. Lish left his wagon and ran, I clung to mine and in trying to escape with it sprained my ankle. T stopped and began pelting our pursuer with walnuts, there be- 32 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF POLK WELLS ing nothing else at hand, but they were so light that all efforts to check his progress served only to increase it and make him more furious. Seeing I could not stop him I abandoned the wagon and followed the example of my chum, but my ankle was so painful that I could not .run. When "Limber" John who was really lim- ber by this time, came to my wagon he gave it a whirl over his head, scattering the walnuts like one sowing wheat, and then brought it down on the ground, smashing it into slivers. He now pressed forward after me and gained so rapidly that I left the road, and like Zachaeus, climbed the sycamore tree. The enemy came up, and not being able to climb after me, lay down at the base of the tree to wait my descent. The situation was not only serious but laughable. The broad, white face and the large bald head of my besieger were dotted all over with walnut stain, and reminded me of the boiled hams touched with the pepper box my mother prepared for her corn huskings and log rollings on the old farm. Lish, noting my dilemma, hastened to the still-house three or four hundred yards distant and sent the foreman to my rescue. "Limber" John began snoring loudly. Of course, I thought he was asleep, and not knowing what Lish had done, I began my descent and had scarcely touched the ground when a strong hand seized me. I was now at the mercy of an enraged, whisky-soaked demon, who soundly cuffed my ears and would, perhaps, have killed me but for the timely arrival of the foreman. The teacher's instrument had arrived during our absence, and a large crowd gathered at her boarding place to hear and see her operate on the "pianer," the first one in Rushville, and hence the great curiosity manifested. When Lish and I reached the house the teacher was playing, "Wake up Jake, steam am up and the engine smoking," and with one stroke she drew her pretty fore finger across the keys producing a sound something like "tra-lah-la-lee-ee-e," then, whirling around, waited for comments, which were plentifully bestowed. By this time Lish and I had reached the instrument, and, while the teacher was receiving complimentary remarks on her music, began to finger the keys Our hands were colored with walnut stain yet were clean, but the teacher thought differently, for when she saw them she indignant- ly requested us to keep our "black paws off those keys." We were grossly insulted, and immediately left the room, vowing vengeance on the "stuck-up thing," as my chum styled her. If an oppor- tunity had, at that moment, presented itself, I would have assisted him in any "trick" he might have proposed, but my feeling of re- sentment soon subsided and I was willing to let the matter drop. Not so with my friend. The longer he brooded over the indignity the worse it appeared to him. The more remote it became the less desire I had to resent it. Mrs. Doctor Saunders once wounded EXCITING DAYS AND DARING DEEDS 33 our feelings and on the spur of the moment, while smarting un- der the offence, we scared her so badly with a hawk's claw that she was compelled to keep her room for several days. I had felt sorry about the results of this trick, and reminded Lish that we had done it out of revenge. He knew I could not hold a grudge against anyone, and, after discussing several of his pro- posed tricks against the teacher, dropped out of the elements of revenge, and suggested that it would be "great fun to frighten her just a little so the folks could laugh at her." When he ap- pealed to the funny side of my nature I soon yielded to his de- sires. The teacher was a delicate little woman, and the trick we played on her so unsettled her nerves that she went home, thus ending the school. My next teacher was a large, cross-grained, vulgar, brutal, one-armed man, named Young, whose severity was the cause of his being dismissed. Then Tom Bracken, a small, red-headed irascible fellow, took charge of the school, continuing it until June of the following year, 1861. Father paid for nine months schooling for me but I did not attend more than one-fourth of the time, preferring to listen to the men talk war, and tell how one southern man could whip a dozen "Yankees." My father was a strong "Union Democrat," and had many a fierce argu- ment with the rebel element of Rushville. He was a large, pre- possessing individual, fluent and eloquent, and held at his com- mand all notable events of sacred as well as profane history therefore his opponents were silenced, if not convinced of his logic. He told them they were too "hot-headed," and advised them to put "ice in their hats." When they boasted of the super- iority of southern men over those of the north he would quote scripture to them, and tell themi that God had always used the barbarians of the north to subdue and discipline the wicked, stiff- necked, idolatrous Israelites ; that the Roman Empire, the great- est government ever erected by man, was overrun and conquered by the hardy, savage hordes of the north and that the people of the south would "be conquered in the event of their seceding from Union," but they laughed and said, "You'll be with us be- fore long. Colonel." Father was opposed to slavery, and also to freeing the slaves, unless the government paid their masters at least two-thirds ot their valuation; so, when General Fremont on August 31, 1861. issued his famous proclamation, and attempted military emanci- pation of the slaves in Missouri, he himself rebelled, and, believ- ing that Fremont was acting under orders from Washington, im- mediately raised a company of one hundred and twenty men and set out for "Pap" Price's army, which he and his men joined at the battle of Lexington, Missouri, and with which he remained until 34 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF POLK WELLS peace was declared. Father took with him two of my step- brothers Joe and Richard and "Black Joe," our colored man. as his servant. I was determined to go, too, and followed the company three days before father heard of me. I was captured by Black Joe, taken to father's quarters and informed that I must return. Black Joe was sent home with me, and with orders to return to his post, which he did. Two months later mother re- ceived a letter from father stating that he would not be home un- til the war ended. Upon receipt of this information she immedi- ately wrote her married son, Pance Fry, requesting him to come and live with her during father's absence. He responded at once to the invitation and this new acquisition to the family made it very hard on Ruth and myself. We were treated worse than ne- groes am! punished if we complained about it. Our new task- masters were so unreasonable, tyrannical and cruel that we could not endure our lot, and both ran away. Ruth going to live with sister Sarah, while I found a home with Mr. James Wilson, who owned a splendid farm, legions of hogs, cattle, sheep and honey bees, but his greatest wealth consisted of a most excellent wife, one son and five beautiful daughters. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson were really father and mother to me, and I remember my short stay with them as being among the happiest days of my life. They were full of sympathy, kindness and generous to a fault. They called me "My Dear" and "My Honey" and nothing they had was too good for me, not even one of their daughters. Mrs. Wil- son said I should have for my wife, the fourth daughter, Nora. who was two years my junior and who was straight as a poplar, beautiful as Hebe, pure as a lily and could sing equal to our own "Mary Anderson." Nora and I walked and talked together, built play-houses, carried water from the river to make coffee, and to- gether rode "Old Buck," an old sway-backed, piebald horse, the only one Mr. Wilson had at the time, the soldiers and jayhawkers having taken the others. In short we became fast friends, which ripened into love, or, as Rev. Joseph Cook would say, "a supreme affection," which has, though our lives have been fraught with many trials and bereavements, remained pure and steadfast and is as warm today as when we made "mud-pies" and rode "stick horses." About the first of July (1862) mother came to Mr. Wilson's and succeeded in persuading me to go home with her. Pance had repaired the still-house and was ready to begin making whisky hence my labor and especially my knowledge of the business would be valuable to him. Soon after my return home Captain Floyd, a boy about my size and age, and living in Doniphan, Kan., came over to Rushville to get a doctor to visit his sick brother. His father made the EXCITING DAYS -AND DARING DEEDS 35 original one hundred tubs for the still-house, had since done all my father's cooper work, and through him the Captain and I had become acquainted with each other's antecedents. We met on this occasion and were having a pleasant time when some large boys came along and got us into a quarrel. The chip was placed on my shoulde'r but he declined to knock it off, saying, "I will bring my friends next Sunday and will fight you single-handed or one company against the other." On the day appointed for the bat- tle I was engaged in riding a wild horse for a neighbor. All my friends were present, and on receiving the message from Captain Floyd, who, with twenty companions, was at the depot, awaiting my pleasure, I had little trouble in selecting an equal number to meet him. My company, of course, was composed of rebels, while the Captain and his followers were what we called "Black Aboli- tionists." I proudly marched at the head of my warriors, who, like myself, had nothing but their hands to fight with. We were surprised, and somewhat disconcerted, on seeing the enemy when we were within a hundred yards of its line, display hickory clubs but marched forward. The railroad company had intended build- ing a brick depot at Rushville, but abandoned the idea and, in re- moving the brick, a large amount of bats were left on the ground When we saw the clubs there passed along the line the words "let us make for the brick bats," which we did, and, on reaching them we were within twenty paces of the Captain's lines. I asked "Are you ready?" "We are," was the Captain's emphatic reply. Instantly the air was filled with clubs and brick bats, and both sides seemed determined to win, but presently the Union boys began to waver, and later made a precipitate flight through woods and fields for "Doniphan's Point." The boys, on both sides, ranged from ten to sixteen years of age, and not one of the whole number escaped unhurt. They were variously wounded from broken fingers to cut heads, and one poor fellow lost an eye as the result of this boy battle, which was widely commented on at the time. Mr Floyd, like my father, had impressed his youngest son with a Von Moltke, or Napoleon ambition, and, during his stay at our house while working at his trade for my father, told me much about the bravery and heroism of this boy, who possessed 36 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF POLK WELLS the gift of leadership in a marked degree, and had established his authority or the privilege to rule his comrades by a mixture of kindness and severity. Those whom he honored with his confi- dence were deeply attached to him, and there never was a King who had more absolute sway over his subjects than the Captain exercised over his followers, nor one who was more sincerely courted and admired than was this brave, noble boy ; and I accord him the distinction of being a worthy foe. What I have said of the executive ability of Captain Floyd might be said with equal force and candor of myself, for the boys of Rushville looked up to, and admired me as their leader and hero. CHAPTER IV. Pance, having learned all I knew about making whisky and finding it necessary to employ a man to do the heavy work, and also finding it to his pecuniary interests to get rid of me, com- menced to abuse me with that end in view. I left home and went to live with sister Sarah during the fall and winter, intending to start for the plains in the spring. On Saturday Ruth and I were sent to Atchison for some groceries and while in town made the acquaintance of Bill and Rolen Darth, the former a young man and the latter a boy about my age and size. Rolen and I started out to see the sights of the city. We entered most of the busi- ness houses on Commercial street (especially saloons and bake- shops), and bought whisky, beer, candy and pies. On Market Square we found Old Man Black, a Missouri farmer and negro hater, with a load of apples for sale. Rolen invested five cents and while receiving change for his twenty-five cents city script, a lady's hand encased in a black kid glove was thrust into the wagon, followed by a musical voice, "What are apples worth to- day, Mr. Black?" Without raising his head he replied, "Six bits a bushel, ma'am." In making change he discovered she was a negro woman and raising his hands in holy horror exclaimed, "Bless God, if I didn't say ma'am to a nigger." The old man threw his shoulders back and his capacious stomach forward in order to draw out the words, "Ma'am to a nigger," with a sort of jerking scream, or as it were the peroration of the bray of Uncle Jim Canter's jack. The exhibition was so ludicrous, the idea that a man should be so shocked at bein^ civil to a colored woman so amusingly absurd that Rolen and I laughed until the tears coursed down our cheeks. There came to our ears, in a tone indicative of excitement and earnestness, these words, "Gentlemen and fellow-citizens." We hastened around the corner and beheld Mr. Lang beginning his regular Saturday evening- harangue to the negroes of Atchi- son. He was a disciple of John Brown, therefore a zealous "Black Abolitionist." He came early to town every Saturday morning and drank "Touse" whisky until noon, when he was ready to ad- dress his "enslaved, down-trodden," sable audience. He was about seven feet high with a shock of red hair which Moses might 38 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF POLK WELLS have mistaken for the "burning bush." We listened awhile to Mr. Lang-, then returned to the ice cream parlor where we found Bill and Ruth eating cake and ice cream ; after taking a dish our- selves and another glass of whisky we all started for home. On boarding the ferry boat Bill and Ruth went up to the cabin, while Rolen and myself both pretty drunk remained on deck and got into a dispute as to the justness of Mr. Lang's remarks relative to emancipating the slaves. Rolen was in sympathy with the speaker and labored to justify all he had said, while I took an op- posite view of the matter. This difference of opinion, coupled with an overdose of bad whisky and a score of drunken Mis- sourians to agitate our already inflamed minds, enabled us finally to get into a fight. Rolen, of course, got the worst of it, and brought his brother who was about as drunk as ourselves, to whip me. Bill came down with Ruth at his side begging him not to bother me, but her entreaties served to increase his rage and desire to punish me. I heard his threats and seizing a double- barrel shotgun, ordered him to halt, but he heeded not the warning. Wells' First Shooting Scrape on Old Pomeroy Ferry at Atchison, Ks. At the crack of my gun he fell as if dead, but scared worse than hurt, for the gun happened to be loaded with quail shot, a number of which lodged in Ruth's breast. Next morning I reviewed the scene and saw what would have been the result had the gun been EXCITING DAYS AND DARING DEEDS 39 loaded with heavy shot. I then and there made a solemn pledge to my sisters that I would never drink any more whisky and with one or two exceptions have kept my vow. Monday morning I returned to Atchison and hired to drive an ox team to Denver. The train would not start the foreman said, until the following Sunday morning, so I put up at the "Jansen House," and during the week won seventy-five dollars at poker. With this addition to my funds I had sufficient means to purchase a plainsman's outfit, viz : two Colt's revolvers, a gen- erous supply of ammunition, blankets for bedding, and a large whip the pride of all teamsters. I dressed myself in the plains- man's garb of the period which consisted of a combrero, a blue flannel shirt embroidered down the front, buckskin coat and beeches with long fringe dangling at the outer seams, black silk handkerchief for a necktie, and a red silk sash Mexican style which passed several times around my slender waist, crossed in front with the ends tucked under at the side to allow the long fringe to hang over the hips. The sash suspended the ivory handled pistols. On the right side hung my long Spanish knife, also my beaded bullet pouch and powder flask, the latter sus- pended by a silk cord passed over the left shoulder. Mother received from father another letter stating that he expected soon to be at Rushville. His last words to her were that she should "keep the children at home and send them to school every day if an opportunity is afforded." This instruc- tion was given amid a shower of tears, and mother, having violat- ed her promise, felt uneasy and fearful as to what father might do on finding his children absent, and hearing too of my near departure for the plains she came to Atchison with the hope of persuading or forcing me to return with her. I was indulging in my favorite game of poker when she entered the hotel, and, on hearing her request, flatly refushed to comply; whereupon she seized me by the arm, saying, "I will compel you to go home." I freed myself, however, and escaped. By a circuitous route through alleys and back yards I finally reached the edge of the precipice overlooking the ferry-boat landing. Here I seated my- self to watch the boat in order to see mother when she boarded it on her way home. Policemen, or boy-catchers, were not so plentiful then as now, so mother after vainly searching for me two or three hours, gave up in despair and started for home. I could see down the road to where it turned into Commercial street and as the captain of the boat tapped the bell for the last time on his last trip for the day, I saw mother come around the corner waving her handkerchief at the captain, who kindly waited for her. She stood on the front deck looking: toward where I sat. I rose and waved my hat in triumph. She gazed steadily at me for a moment, then putting her handkerchief to her face 40 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF POLK WELLS walked around the engine room out of my sight. There was something about my step-mother, a sort of magnetism or bewitch- ing influence, that made me love her notwithstanding our many difficulties and her present sorrow touched me deeply; and had it been possible at that moment to have transported myself to the boat, I should have done so, but not having that power I was compelled to return to the hotel, where the card tables, the click of poker chips, and the allurements of the plains soon faded all thought of mother's sorrow and utterly effaced any real desire I may have had to return home. By daylight next morning '(Sunday), the train was rolling toward Denver. Bill Sapp, a giant of a Dutchman, whom I nick- named "Dutchy," was foreman of the outfit. I was given charge' of the "Mess" wagon and consequently had to drive the hindmost team 1 , which, owing to my chasing birds, rabbits, snakes and other small animals peculiar to the prairies of eastern Kansas, would drop behind, thus affording me the opportunity of using my big whip which I could wield in the most approved style as I had had much practice in handling the whips of the hemp haulers who came to the old warehouse. I was now in a new world. The beautiful hills, valleys and wooded streams, with clouds of quail and prairie chicken constantly rising along the road, were to my youthful mind enchanting and always interesting. The only thing that worried me was the slowness of our progress, as I was ever anxious and always in a hurry to reach the summit of the next hill that I might see what lay beyond. I was following a veritable ignus fatnus a sort of Utopia, as it were that eluded my gaze, and yet I saw my ideal every day in the lovely country, the clear, running streams with their pretty little fish and ducks, and breath- ed in it the virgin atmosphere, but did not so understand it then. The same long, level seemingly level of sunburned prairie (for the grass had turned yellow), which, further away, changed into a low, dark, blue ridge, which seemed to sink into the ground at night, and rise again in the morning with the first light, but never otherwise changed its height or distance. At the base of, or be- yond, this blue-line, I expected to find lovely cities, inhabited by giant-like, yet pure and generous people. Hence, I traveled on by night as well as day, hoping to reach the wonderland of my boyish imagination, which seemed no nearer at sunset than at sunrise, and in consequence of this illusion I experienced a sense of always moving with an indefinite purpose, and of halting at night at the same place for all the camping grounds presented the same appearance, since they were strewn with the same sort of rubbish, such as cast-off garments, pieces of rabbit skin and empty fruit cans with the same, yet different surroundings, a chalky taste of dust, and an all-pervading smell of cattle. Thus the days passed slowly but surely and with an increased anxiety EXCITING DAYS AND DARING DEEDS 41 on my part to reach Maryville on the Big Blue. With such a beautiful name I expected to see a lively town, but was surprised to find only a stone barn, a blacksmith shop and a saloon. Having crossed Big Blue we were really on the "great plains ' with the uncivilized west lying before us. At the west end of "Nine Mile Ridge" is a long, steep hill requiring the wagons to be locked in order to safely descend it. On reaching this point my team was some distance behind with but two or three teams in sight. I started my cattle in a trot to catch up and before reach- ing the locking place the last team had disappeared. I could not stop my team to lock the wagon, therefore it made a wild dash down the rocky hill. I stood breathless, watching the flying team, expecting every moment to see the wagon upset, scatter and smash things generally, but the cattle kept the road and did not stop running until my leaders had their heads against the rear wag-on. "Dutchy," who was riding at the front of the train, and who had frequently cautioned me about, and even threatened to whip me for running my team, and who had already whipped two young men with his blacksnake for disobeying orders, now dashed up the hill to meet me, and, with his whip drawn in a striking manner, said, "I've a mind to cut the skin off of you, you little rascal." "The sooner you commence the sooner you'll get through," was my impudent reply. I had struck a defensive atti- tude with ready hand on my pistol, which, coupled with his knowledge of my shooting the Swede on the ferry-boat, warned him to consult his own safety by compromising the matter. He hung his whip on his saddle horn, and extending his hand said, "I admire your pluck. Come, jump up behind me and we will soon catch the train." "Dutchy" talked very kindly and told me how to treat my team so it would love and obey me instead of running every time I approached it. "I want you," he said, "to be a man, not a little boy. Stop chasing snakes, lizards, toads and bugs and attend to your team, and I'll let you ride 'Brigham' his horse on day herd." Surely "soft words breaketh the bones/* and "kindness stilleth wrath." Just a moment before I was ready to shoot "Dutchy," but in the next would have fought for him henceforth he and I were excellent friends. I did, promptly, whatever he required of me and made myself as agreeable to my companions as the nature of the circumstances would permit. I had been quite disagreeable and complained, justly, perhaps, of many things to which the average teamster attached but little or no importance. The food was coarse and less skilfully prepared than that to which I had been accustomed, and there was a reck- less freedom and roughness in the intercourse of my comrades that shocked and sometimes angered me ; a speech untranslatable and a rudeness and haphazardness in their domestic arrangements that almost bordered on nastiness. The cook was the only one 4:2 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF POLK WELLS who made any pretensions to cleanliness and he sometimes did not wash his face for a week. This state of affairs was horri- fying to me, but I had to accept the situation and meekly follow "Dutchy's" advice "when on the great plains you must do as plainsmen do." While I reluctantly adopted the habits of my fel- low-travelers, and cheerfully complied with "Dutchy's" orders concerning the management of my team, while the train was in motion, I felt that I had a right when it made a halt for dinner or at night to occupy my time as best suited me ; therefore I wan- dered over the hills, along the streams, and shot at everything from a grasshopper up to a buffalo, and by the time we reached Old Julesburg on South Platte, was accorded the distinction of being the best marksman in the outfit. We camped at Julesburg for dinner and I, as usual, went out shooting. Prairie dogs were as numerous as moles in a Missouri bottom corn field, and my rapid firing at them attracted the attention of a lady and gentle- man who were standing in front of the station, and who were no less personages than the famous stage robber, Alf Slade and his wife. They came out where I was and after complimenting my marksmanship for I had killed several dogs, a difficult thing to do, as an evidence of it Slade drew his pistol and showed me how to shoot without taking aim. This mode of handling fire arms is similar to throwing a stone from the hand. The eye, of course, plays part, but the elevation and range, or direction of the muzzle of the gun is wholly the work of the mind. I readily saw the advantages of this style of shooting and adopted it in prefer- ence to that of taking sight, or as Slade termed it, "Hoosier shooting." Mrs. Slade was a tall, sprightly woman, with the most pleasing, or insinuating, manner I ever beheld and it was, perhaps, owing to this characteristic that I was led to regard her as handsome and to almost reverence her as a superior being. She read my thoughts or estimation of her as she would the pages of a book and having heard me say I had no relations with the outfit, proposed that I leave it and make my home with her and her husband. Of course I would go to live with people who would be kind to me, furnish me with an "abundance of good things to eat, a fine horse to ride, and breech-loading guns with which to hunt buffalo." Mrs. Slade and I having sealed the bargain with a kiss, Slade then told me to go to the train, get my things and come to the station for dinner. I hastened to the corral and informed "Dutchy" of my agreement. He raised his hands in horror and exclaimed, "Good heavens. Polk, my boy, that is Slade and his wife, and you shall not go with them if I can prevent it." He need not have added the latter clause, as the mere mention of Slade was sufficient to change my mind, and fill my soul with loathing for that "lady and gentleman." John Fry, my step-brother, had rode on the "Pony Express EXCITING DAYS AND DARING DEEDS 43 Line," and on his return from the West, stopped over night at our house, and Slade was the hero of his many tales of frontier life. Being thus made familiar with Slade's crimes, committed against the general public, and his fiendish cruelty toward his associates in wrong doing, it needed only the mention of his name to produce a sudden and violent revulsion of feeling toward him and his to me accomplished wife. Slade suspected that the foreman had persuaded, or compelled, me to break my engage- ment with his wife, and came out to the camp to inquire if such was the case. He stepped up close to me and asked, "Why did you not come to the station for dinner as you agreed to?" "Be- cause," said I, "you are Slade, the stage robber." His cold, steel gray eyes flashed fire as he asked, "Who told you that ?" I point- ed to "Dutchy," who took on a cadaverous look as Slade drew his pistol and said, 'I have a mind to crop your ears" a thing he had frequently done to those who had offended him. I drew a pistol and said, "Harm him and I'll drop you in your tracks." He replaced his pistol in its holster, turned and walked leisurely toward the station. , There was one extraordinary incident in the wild career of Slade that is worthy of mention here and that is the fact that he made himself such a terror to overland travelers that Ben Holla- day, proprietor of the stage line, personally made a treaty with him and appointed him special messenger over the Julesburg divi- sion. Slade was faithful to his employer and did his work so effectively that stage robbing along that part of the route became a thing of the past. He knew all the "free-booters" in that sec- tion of the country, and wherever, or whenever, he met one, shot him dead. Having killed and dispersed the lawless fellows, he was, of course, of no further use to the sagacious Ben, who it was said, gave him a sum of money for peacefully resigning his com- mission as agent. Shortly after I saw Slade he went to Virginia Qty, Montana, and organized another band of robbers. He was so bold and his stage robberies so frequent that the vigilants took his case in hand and in the early part of 1864 hung him. He had many friends at the execution and it was thought there would have been trouble between him and the vigilance committee had his brave, faithful wife appeared on the scene a little sooner. Mrs. Slade, riding man-fashion, with two large Colt's navies strapped to her slender waist, dashed through the crowd and up to the gallows. For a moment she gazed upon the suspended remains of her husband ("the proud monarch of the prairies"), then wheeled her horse and sped away to parts unknown. She was a cultured woman and the favorite daughter of a wealthy and influential gentleman of New York City, and it was thought by some that she had made her way back to the parental roof; others, who were familiarly acquainted with her and Slade, believed she 44 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF POLK WELLS returned to St. Joseph, Missouri, where they were married; but the probabilities are that she committed suicide and furnished a meal for hungry coyotes, or became the wife of a brave or some lonely trapper. The next interesting point was, "Fremont's Orchard," in which I expected to gather all manner of rich fruit, but was dis- appointed, as the famous orchard proved to be nothing more than a grove of scrubby cotton-wood on the Platte bottom. We reach- ed Denver, the village of small log cabins, unloaded the train and returned to Leavenworth, and owing to my faithful service and friendship to "Dutchy," I was given the cattle to herd that winter. Niext spring (1863) the train was loaded at White Cloud, Kan- sas, with corn, oats, bacon and flour, for the soldiers at Fort Laramie, Wyoming Territory. At Fort Kearney "Dutchy" in- troduced me to the noble Kit Carson, and patting my head, said, "This is the boy who prevented Slade from shooting me last fall." "That's a fact," said the scout, "for the saloon keeper at Jules- burg told me that Slade said he would have pierced your ears had the boy not looked so fearless and determined." Mr. Carson, after praising my conduct in the Slade affair and complimenting my marksmanship, gave me some good points on Indian warfare, how to handle a gun, and, presenting a fine buckhorn handled knife, with beaded scabbard, said, "Put this on your belt, and when you get into close quarters, which is certain to befall you if you stay out west very long, use it; it will never miss fire if you handle it right. Learn to use your gun as rapidly as possible. One second may save your life." There has been much said and written about prairie dogs. One authority says, "they are not overly fastidious in their choice i. e., if they have any choice in the matter of companions, for rattlesnakes and demure little gray owls with a large, white ring around each eye, and with wise, grave countenances, occupy the same hole with the rightful owners, though, on what terms they live together I could never ascertain." Of course he. could not collect substantial data of a domestic relation which does not exist, for the simple reason that the owl, snake and prairie dog belong to the class carnivera (more especially the two former), hence are mortal enemies, the one to the other. Another writer says, "Prairie dogs have a public well, to which the whole popu- lation of a village go for water." I have seen "dog towns," as they are called, on table-land where it would require a thousand feet of digging to reach water, and, if the above statement be true, there would have been thrown out of the "public well" an immense pile of earth, but I never saw such an accumualtion. On the contrary, the mounds ar-jnnd the holes are of as uniform size as the peas in a single pod. I account for their water supply on the theory that they require but little moisture and that little EXCITING D'AYS AND DARING DEEDS 45 is obtained from the ants, insects and grass roots on which they subsist. On approaching their village they conne out and perch themselves on the little mounds, hold up their little paws in a supplicating attitude, and bark most vehemently at their intruder, whisking their bushy little tails all the while. When shooting these little p.nimals, it they stand on the mound next to the gun- ner and are hit, the force of the ball knocks them back into the hole, and in their death struggles work themselves down until out of reach, from which fact arose the erroneous idea that the dogs inside came out and dragged their dead comrade into the hole. But if they sit on the opposite side of the hole, and are hit, the ball forces them over the mound and they can be secured if wanted. The flesh of these little creatures is very tender and pleasant to the taste, and makes a delicious pot-pie, which "Dutchy" called "Plainsman's Delight," and it was for this pur- pose I killed so many of them. After unloading the train at Fort Laramie the wagons were coupled up so as to make twelve teams instead of twenty-four. By this arrangement half of the cattle got a rest every other day. The loose cattle were called the "Kavy-Yard," which the extra men took turns in driving. My day came. to drive "Cavy-Yard," and "Dead-Heads" (lazy cattle), as they are called, gave me much trouble straying from the road, first on one side and then on the other. One of these exasperating old sinners annoyed me all the forenoon. The more I whipped him and twisted his tail the slower he seemed to go. Continual hard labor becomes ex- haustive, and at times in the best of families, "patience ceases to be a virtue ;" therefore, while taking the noon rest, I studied out a plan whereby "Old Tex" could be made to travel a little faster than during the morning. Shortly after resuming our journey the old "Dead-Head" began to lag behind. I cut a prickly pear as large as a dinner plate, and put it close up under his tail, which closed down on the thorny appendage with a vise-like grip ; the worse the thorns hurt the tighter he held his tail. He commenced bellowing and dashed in among the loose cattle, causing them to stampede. The teams also stampeded, some running into the Platte and overturning the wagons and others out on the prairie also upsetting. Our next trip was also to Fort Laramie, and having crossed the South Platte, we camped for breakfast. A buffalo was seen out on the prairie, and "Dutchy" told me to go after him. With my Henry rifle in hand I got into a draw, leading toward my intended victim, and having approached within one hundred yards of him, raised and fired, the ball striking a little too high to prove fatal. This was an old bull, who had lately been wounded and was still angry, so that my shot merely increased his rage. He tossed his huge head in the air so that his "Langtry bangs" 46 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF POLK WELLS fell away from over his eyes, which afforded him a view of his enemy. He snorted loudly and viciously, then made toward me. I now had an opportunity of testing my courage and of putting into execution the edvice of my friend Kit Carson. Holding my gun against the shoulder with my left hand and working the lever with the right, I fired five shots into, or rather against, the head of the beast without in the least slacking his pace. It then occurred to me that "he who shoots and runs away will live to shoot another buffalo," so I made tracks two to the rod toward the corral five hundred yards distant. The situation was a critical one and I was forced into a desperate act. I saw a large wolf hole on the opposite side of the conlie, in which I had approached the buffalo, and made directly for it. Throwing my gun to one side, I drew my trusty blade and plunged head first into the wolf den. The infuriated monster was close behind roe, so close in fact that I felt his hot breath, and the next instant his head struck the earth at my heels. He turned a semi-somersault, thus leaving his short tail pointing toward several of my com- panions who were coming to my rescue. The bull rose quickly, gazed about wonderingly, but triumphantly, and in the language of the juggler seemed to say, "presto-change, now you see him, and now you don't see him." While exulting over his temporary victory the boys got close enough to pour their leaden messengers into his side, killing him instantly. His huge body lay partially across the wolf hole, shutting out most of the air, but I was quick- ly rescued from this unpleasant situation. We then examined the buffalo's head and found five bullets imbedded in the heavy mat of hair and sand that covered his skull, which flattened them as though they had been shot against a rock. At Cherry Creek, about twenty miles east of Fort Laramie, we camped for three days in order that other large trains might unload and get out of our way, besides we had several wagons to .repair, a number of lame cattle to shoe, and Cherry Creek af- forded better facilities for this and better grass for the cattle than nearer the Fort. A large number of Sioux Indians were camped on the Platte some distance below us and were holding a pro- tracted "pow-pow." I attracted their attention by my bold horse back riding and accurate shooting. "Dutchy" allowed me the use of his horse, from whose back while running at full speed I could pick off the ground a hat or lasso with perfect ease, which pleased the Indians, who, by reason of my long black hair, con- ceived the idea that I was a girl. Therefore, they regarded my feats of shooting and riding with awe, for such reckless exploits as I performed were unheard of among the Indians, at least so far as children and women were concerned. "Dutchy" took great pleasure in passing me off as his daughter and refused many fabulous offers for me from young braves who wanted me to EXCITING DAYS AND DARING DEEDS 47 make their moccasins, cook their venison and adorn their lodges generally. Just before noon on the third day of our stay at Cherry Creek a young warrior, whose name was "Antelope," and who was the finest looking Indian I have ever seen, came to the camp and exhibited a paper, stating he would soon be elected chief of a tribe. I shall have considerable to say about this fel- low, whose tout ensemble was about as follows : His head was large and well, or proportionately, developed; blood red streaks were drawn on the scalp, and from the braid of shimmering, black hair dangled several eagle feathers and the tails of a num- ber of rattlesnakes ; his cheeks were daubed with vermillion and his ears adorned with heavy, metal rings ; a collar of grizzly bear claws, a token of strength and courage, surrounded his neck, and a necklace of wampum hung on his broad breast. His manner at once stamped him as a man of note in his nation. He was fully six feet high, gracefully and strongly built; his hair hung down his back, and at the base of the braid was attached, by way of ornament and talisman the "mystic whistle," made of the wing bone of the war eagle, and endowed by the various occult virtues. The braid was also adorned with a line of highly polished brass plates tapering from the size of a silver dollar to that of a dime. With the exception of the ornaments his body was naked from the waist up, his red blanket having fallen about his loins, and confined there by a broad, beaded belt. The buckskin leggings and gaily beaded moccasins added grace and some measure of re- finement to this picturesque individual; his arms consisted of a short Ballard carbine, a quiver of beaver skin full of arrows at his back, a strong bow in his hand, and a large knife and the awful tomahawk stuck in his belt. "Dutchy" could speak the Sioux language and was conversing with the young warrior when I, having been on the herd, returned to the corral to get my din- ner. He immediately offered five ponies for me, and said, pat- ting himself on the breast, "Antelope make great chief with pale- face squaw." He was informed that all the horses in the Sioux nation could not buy me, which greatly exalted me in the mind of my dusky admirer, who then proposed to give me a pretty pony if I would sit on his knee and allow him to kiss me. "Dutchy" acquainted me with his proposition and told me to go to him and see what he would do. I walked up to him and put my hand on his arm. "Dutchy" said something to him and he caught me in his strong arms and almost smothered me with kisses ; I slapped him in the face and ran away. He thought he had offended me and immediately offered an apology for his rudeness. Chastity, though not generally believed to exist among the^ Indians, is by them highly esteemed, and the modest, chaste maiden is a joy to her family and the pride of her tribe. They are, however, without exception as fond of kissing as was Gen- 48 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF POLK WELLS eral Sherman. Antelope after being satisfied that I was not angry, sprang upon his noble war-horse and rode rapidly toward this camp. He soon returned, leading the loveliest black pony I ever beheld, and, handing the hair lasso, which was looped on its under-jaw to "Dutchy," said, "Me give him to white chiefs daughter." I thanked him for the handsome gift and he rode away chanting an Indian love song. Having unloaded our train we started for home. "Dutchy" secured for me a saddle at the Fort, and excused me from duty with the understanding that I should furnish the men with fresh meat. I now had no fear of buffalo, as I could ride my pony into a herd and shoot down such animals as I chose. We arrived at the company's farm near Leavenworth and I remained with the herd until a few days before Christmas, when there took possession of my thoughts an overwhelming desire to see my sisters. After buying a new suit for myself and a fine saddle and bridle for my pony, I bade "Dutchy" good-bye and started for home. As I rode onto the ferry boat at Atchison, a waggish fellow shouted, "Here comes Santa Claus." Well might he say that, as my pony was loaded with all sorts of presents for the dear ones whom I had not seen nor heard from for eighteen months. When I appeared at the yard gate to Sister Sarah's house, Ruth and the children were out in the yard playing, while Sarah was pre- paring a Christmas eve supper. Ruth and her little playmates stared at me, then at the tin horns, drums, china dolls and bundles of dry goods, but I was not recognized until I asked, "Does Mrs. Myers live here ?" Then came from Ruth the glad shout of recog- nition, which brought Sarah to the door. I was dragged from the pony and carried bodily into the house while dear little Mary (Sarah's eldest child), led my pony up to the front door where it was unpacked, and put in the stable. Oh, what a joyful meet- ing that was. All the able-bodied men had either gone into the war, or fled to the mountains to avoid "Uncle Sam's" draft, so that most of the ladies of Rushville had to be their own "drawers of water and hewers of wood." My step-mother had been de- serted by her son, Pance, and was destitute of the common necessities of life, and when I reached home she was weaving carpet, by which she meagerly supported herself and daughter "Sis." They were glad to see me and surprised me with em- braces and kisses, a manifestation of good will that I was not prepared for. I enjoyed it, however, and accepted it as genu- ine. They "had used the horse-lot fence and the siding from the ice-house for fire wood and bad commenced on the frame- work of the latter, and when I entered the house the ends of EXCITING DAYS AND DARING DEEDS 49 half a dozen rafters were sticking in the fire-place. As the ends burned off the ends were pushed further into the fire. Having plenty of money and not afraid to spend it, I was making life pleasant and comfortable for mother and "Sis," when one day about the eighth of January, 1864 the town was panic-stricken by the entrance of a company of Kansas jayhawkers who plundered every house in it. They knew my father was in the Confederate army and therefore took special pains pains to strip his house of everything in the shape of silverware, jewelry, fine bed-spreads, etc., and even took the rings from mother's and "Sis's" ears. Having satisfied themselves, or rath- er loaded themselves, they left the house and joined their com- rades at the public well and, after breaking the stocks and twisting or bending the barrels of a score of old guns, mounted their horses and rode out of town. They had not been gone more than two hours when my step-brothers, accompanied by the James boys, all direct from "Quantrel's Band," and well armed, arrived. We succeeded in getting together twenty-one men, including ourselves, and followed the enemy. Gearrie City, Kansas, a small town on the Missouri, some five miles distant, was the headquarters of the jayhawkers, and about daylight the next morning we dashed across the river on the ice, and, leaving our horses under the bank in charge of three old rrien, proceeded to the work in hand. The conflict was brought to a close by the jayhawkers fleeing into the hills and hollows back of the town which we burned, or at least the business portion of it. John Hart, captain of the jayhawkers, and two of his men were killed and several others seriously wounded. Our captain, Uncle Tom Irving, was shot through the shoulders and two or three others slightly hurt, while my clothes were in several places pierced by the enemies' bullets. We failed to recover any of the stolen property, but succeeded in teaching our Kansas neighbors a lesson which to some ex- tent checked their forays in Missouri. CHAPTER V. May first I divided what money I had with my step- mother and sisters, gave my pony to Ruth, went to Atchison and engaged to drive a team to Salt Lake City, Utah. The trip was pleasant until reaching Fort Kearney, but from there to the base of the mountains the road was almost impassable on account of rain, besides every mile of it was beset with dangers. Fierce and barbarous Sioux warriors lurketi behind the hills and in the hollows, ever on the alert to surprise and kill the men and plunder and burn the trains which toiled wearily through the unhospitable lands. For extent and sever- ity the perils by day and dangers by night along this route were without parallel in the history of human events. Owing to the small number of troops held at Forts Laramie and Kear- ney, the Indians were enabled to do about as they chose, there- fore sudden death or cruel and prolonged torture stared us in the face at every step. The wayside was lined with new graves and bleaching bones the latter having been stripped by the hungry coyotes of unfortunate men, women and chil- dren, who had fallen in the hands of the "noble red men." A mule train of eight teams was traveling with us for safe- ty and having crossed the South Platte we camped for break- fast. It was my day to herd and I drove the cattle out on the prairie where there was better grass than near the ford. A young man came out with the mules and we got together and were having fine sport shooting prairie dogs. I had emptied my pistols and sat down to reload them, when suddenly the cattle and! mules stampeded and my companion dashed pa'st me shout- ing, "Indians, Indians." I was surprised and to some extent dis- concerted at the suddenness of the attack, which proved con- clusively to my mind the correctness of the warning I had received from Kit Carson. "Danger," he said, "is never so near as when you are unprepared for it never so remote as when you are on the alert to meet it at any moment." He also said that a bold front and an apparent indifference to present danger would command the respect and admiration of the most hostile Indians. These thoughts with lightning rapidity flashed through my mind and EXCITING DAYS AND DARING DEEDS 51 by the time my friend had breathed his last I was as calm as a summer morning, and prepared to meet the consequences whatever they might be. A powerful warrior, painted in the most hideous manner, and riding an American horse, dashed up to me. I instinctively saw that I was to be taken captive and that resistance was useless or equivalent to suicide. I stretched out my hands toward my captor, who seized my arm, seated me on the horse behind him, and spurred on after the herd and his companions. I had frequently contemplated mak- ing my home with the Indians for the purpose of learning their language, observing their customs and studying their religious ceremon-es, so I was not averse to going with them on this occasion, and my apparent willingness to do so prevented their tying me as expected. They took my pistols, but otherwise treated me with marked attention and kindness. This consid- erate gentleness on the part of my captors was owing to the fact that I was recognized as the daughter of "Dutchy," and therefore a capital prize to present to ''Antelope/' who was now chief of his tribe. My captors left the cattle, but pushed the mules and horses as fast as possible, and by midnight reached their camp on the Dismal River, about sixty miles north of North Platte. Here about seventy-five families were camped while the main body of the nation was quartered on the Middle Loup River still further north. On arriving at the camp I was given in charge of an old woman, who, perhaps, was the mother or some near relative of the chief, took me to her lodge which was occupied by herself and a girl about my own size and age, and being very tired I stretched myself on the buffalo and wolf robes and soon passed into the land of forgetfulness. Next morning I was promptly called to breakfast which consisted of a stew of jack- rabbits and prairie-dogs, molasses, hard-tack, sugar and coffee. I ate heartily of all that was spread before me which seemed to pleased my entertainers not a little, for Indians love to see their guests eat with a relish. While the young and thoughtless members of the camp were enjoying themselves with their various sports, the war- riors and medicine-men appeared to be deeply concerned about something, as was indicated by their hog-like grunts, gestures, and serious faces and by their continual looking southward. "Antelope" was the only word I understood, and their frequent use of it, coupled with their glances in my direction, convinced me that they were discussing the meeting of the chief with myself, and anxious looks showed that he was soon expected to arrive. I was immediately thrown into a train of thoughts 52 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF POLK WELLS of the most apprehensive nature, feeling sure that "Antelope" would claim me as his wife which would result in my exposure, and as a natural consequence he would take my life for having deceived him on a former occasion. Various modes of escape flashed through my mind but before arriving at a definite plan of action "Antelope" and his band of warriors reached camp. Our recognition was mutual and our hands met in a friendly grasp. I was really glad to see him as my manner indicated, and his actions showed that he was equally pleased by my pres- ence. However, he made no improper advances, and in this proved himself a gentleman though he were an Indian. He could speak English sufficiently well for me to understand him and at once inquired about "Dutchy," whom he styled the "White Chief," and who, I told him, had gone to fight in the pale-faces' war with which he was familiar. I was permitted to go about camp at will and seemingly unwatched. This privilege, coupled with the gentlemanly man- ner in which "Antelope" greeted me, and the confusion occas- ioned by his arrival, caused me to forget all about escaping. I inferred from the listless tranquility into which the adult members of the camp had fallen after dinner that there was no danger apprehended from their white enemies, so I secured a lariat and ventured out among the boys and girls whom I soon had gyrating about to prevent my lassoing them which they enjoyed as much as myself. The chief and his party had captured a mule train, and after killing the men, loaded their horses with such things as they wanted, set fire to the wagons and brought the mules and horses away with them. A number of the Indians were wound- ed, showing that the white men had defended themselves as best they could. Among the wounded was a brother of the chief, who was shot through the shoulder with a gun of large caliber. I dressed the wound for him as tenderly as if he had been my own brother and am free to confess I felt sorry for him. This party had made a rich haul and the plunder was thrown together in a pile from which everybody helped himself or herself, a "all-things-in-common" sort of way of doing busi- ness. I selected such things as I wanted and set to work pre- paring dinner for "Antelope," his brother and myself. I took the wounded man some hot pancakes, fried dog and a cup of excellent coffee, which he devoured with the utmost satisfac- tion. The chief was highly pleased with my attentions toward his brother, and, after satisfying his own appetite, he and his wise men seated themselves in front of the "council lodge" to talk over the late events and boast of their individual achieve- EXCITING DAYS AND DARING DEEDS 53 ments. While "Antelope" and his generals were exulting over past and planning future victories, the poor old women were busy carrying fuel for lighting up the dance ground, which was about the size of and similar to a circus ring, and which was encircled by the lodges of the principal families. After dark a fire was started in the center of the ring and the dance commenced, in which everybody who was able to jump and howl took part. The old women kept the fire going, while the marriageable girls, children and dogs furnished the music for the warriors and young men to dance by. This dance was given in praise of, and a thank-offering to the "Great Spirit," to whom they attributed their recent success in plundering the "pale faces." From early morning until night of the next day the whole camp was kept in an uproar. The boys and girls shouting and laughing; the old women bringing fuel ; the war- riors busily engaged in burnishing up their weapons, and plum- ing themselves for the war-dance 1 . Just before sundown Chief "Antelope" appeared in full dress, in the hour of his glory, with the whole tribe out to admire him as he swept around the camp on his mystic war-horse. His head dress was adorned with a crest of war-eagle's feathers, which rose in a waving ridge above his shapely brow, and almost sweeping the ground be- hind him ; a round, white shield with feathers and stained por- cupine quills alternately attached and radiating from the center 'ke a star, hung from his breast ; his bow and quiver of arrows at his back, while in his hand he held a fine needle-gun, whose bright bands flashed against the declining sun ; and from his belt fluttered the scalps of his enemies together with the scalp- ing-knife and terrible tomahawk. Thus arrayed he rode around and around the circle of lodges, balancing himself gracefully to the free movements of his noble horse, while, with an air of reverence depicted in his handsome face, he rendered his song praise and gratitude to the "Great Spirit." Young warriors looked askance at him, vermillion cheeked skirls gazed in ad- miration, boys shouted in a thrill of delight, and old women yelled forth his name and proclaimed his virtues such, no doubt, as were bestowed on the shepherd boy from lodge to lodsre, while I, motionless and silent, looked upon the scene with reverential awe, and wondered what the magnificent dis- play of horsemanship, finery, trinkets and charms portended. I subsequently learned that this exhibition was intended to in- spire the young warriors with confidence in their chief, and fill them with patriotic ambition. The most conspicuous and the most curious things about the chief as he rode around the camp were his charms, which, 54 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF POLK WELLS to me, were merely pretty and curiously devised ornaments, but, to the Indians, they spoke in terms more eloquent and impressive than would, to the school boy, the utterances of Wendell Phillips, or the eloquence of a Depew. The wearing of charms is a common characteristic among the red men of every tribe and nation. They all have a tutilary spirit and wear badges representing it and their gods ; they also wear various charms for divers purposes, some to ward off sickness, others to shield them from harm, and still others to promote success in their undertakings. After dark the dancers began circling round and round, each figure brightly illumined by the fire in the center of the ring, and on each warrior's breast was an emblem denoting his character. I saw nothing indicating the wolf or the coyote, for the reason that these animals are considered mean and cowardly ; but the fox, hare, buffalo, bear, horse, antelope and war eagle all had representatives at the dance. When the first dancers became tired and withdrew from the ring a startling yell was given, fresh warriors leaped into the circle and with faces toward the moonlit sky, stamped, whooped, jumped stiff-kneed, brandished their weapons and went through all the motions that were likely to engage them when in actual conflict with the enemy. I have seen some wonderful things in my time, but nothing half so fantastical, nothing so awe inspiring as the "war dance/' Many men have endeavored to give an intelligent pen picture of it, but all have failed. It arouses the motions that cannot by word or pen be conveyed to another. One may see it for himself in order to feel its charm, appreciate its artistic merit and fully understand its terrible significance. The dance was continued until midnight, when the heavens were pierced with a loud, shrill and peculiar note from a whistle, horn or the throat of a warrior. From whatever it proceeded it had a mag- ical effect upon the spectators, as well as the dancers, as the ring was instantly vacated, the watchers and musicians dis- persed, and in less than ten minutes the entire camp was shrouded in a deathlike stillness. I was left alone to find my way to my quarters the best I could, and on my way to the tent discovered Chief "Antelope" in, what I thought, a strange attitude for an Indian. He was on his knees in front of his lodge with face upturned and his eyes riveted on something" invisible to me in the heavens. I waited until he was through with his prayer or communion with the "Great Spirit," which seemed an hour, and then approached him. He motioned to me to sit down on the buffalo robes at his side, which I did, and after talking sometime, ventured to ask what he was doing on EXCITING DAYS AND DARING DEEDS 55 his knees, and his reply was, "Me love Great Spirit heapmuch." He then pointed to various bright stars, muttered something in Indian about each of them, and then turning his eyes and finger toward the silver moon, said, "Great Spirit up there, me all time see him face." This pagan philosopher, magician and as- trologer deeply interested me as he had much to say about the planets, the "Great Spirit" and the "Happy Hunting Ground." He was so wrought up by the dance, his prayer or communion with the unseen, and I was so struck with wonder and admira- tion at his devotion and faith in the Heavenly Master that we were unaware of the time until there appeared the beautiful morning star to which he pointed and said, "Me call him little moon," then patting my head he added, "Me call you little moon too." I told him my name was Charles K. Polk, and that I was named after one of the "great fathers" at Washington, but he insisted that I should bear the above name and said, "Maybe one snow, maybe two snows, little moon go to wig- wam with Antelope." Then leading me by the hand to within a few rods of my lodge he said, "Go, little moon must sleep, Indian heap sleep, much good." With this he wheeled and walked rapidly to his own lodge and having seen him enter it I retired myself. The only occupants of my lodge were the same old woman and girl. I lay down on some buffalo robes but could not sleep for thinking of the peril and strangeness of my situation, be- sides the peculiar "thumpty bang" of the tom-tom and the aw- ful war whoop continued to ring in my ears, and the chief's remarks about my going to the lodge with him threw me into an apprehensive and thoughtful mood. He had formally post- poned our marriage for at least one year, but this temporary delay did not relieve me from the dangers and probability of exposing myself when asleep, or from the chances of my sex being discovered by the lynx-eyed girls, who, like Mary's lamb, persisted in following me wherever I went. My father taught me that a liar under any circumstances is loathsome to honest white men, and a most abominable wretch in the eye's of an In- dian, therefore exposure simply meant death, or still worse., prolonged torture, and I knew that it was only a matter of time when my deception would be discovered. From the harrowing- consequences of an exposure I turned to contemplate the scenes painted on the walls of my lodge. I had not previously noted these paintings, but now when a little blaze from the fire in the center of the lodge would shoot up, they attracted my at- tention and I carefully studied them. On the right was a scene of a battle between the Sioux and the the warriors of some 56 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF POLK WELLS other nation. On the left were various designs of peculiar di- mensions which were no doubt calculated to represent the gods of the owners of the lodge. Between these two scenes was one of a white man bound to a stake and undergoing the torture of fire. The figures of the former pictures were imperfectly drawn if the design of the artist was clearly seen; while the latter painting was executed by a master hand and one no doubt that had participated in the scene in its horrible reality. I looked upon this picture as foretelling my own fate. Horrible as it was, I could not help admiring it, and finally dropped into sleep with the whole scene rushing through my mind, and dreamed that the old woman had discovered my character and reported same to the chief, who ordered me to the stake. I saw the women as they placed the brush and wood around me ; the boys and girls spit in my face and tread on my fingers as I lay bound and helpless. The old woman was appointed master of cere- monies as a reward for her cunning and, when all was ready, chief "Antelope," whose hitherto noble countenance now had the appearance of a fiend and having given the order to com- mence the torture, she plunged a fine splinter, with its outer end on fire, into my side. This was so real that I awoke, and rushed out of the lodge with the determination to escape the first opportunity afforded me. The forenoon was half spent, but I saw no preparations being made to send out a war party as I had understood "An- telope" to say he intended doing. He was waiting for rein- forcements, and the delay thus occasioned was highly favor- able to my plans. The war party, of course, would go south in order to strike the emigrant and fighting outfits, and I knew that if it started before I did I would be obliged to await its return, or take the chances of meeting it after I had left the camp. I boldly accosted "Antelope" and said : "Great Chief is not going on the war path today." "Maybe so, yes, some young man pointing to the north coming to go with "An- telope," one sleep, maybe not." It was evident from his restlessness that he was momentarily expecting the young warriors, which convinced me that I must act promptly or not at all, and I said, "T do not like white men, and will shoot them so "Antelope" can take many scalps." Drawing my pistol ^and pointing to a buffalo skull, I said, "See pale face," and fired a ball through it, which pleased the chief very much. He patted mv head and said something in his own language which I did not understand. Mr. Thompson, our wagon foreman, and half owner of the train, had once traveled with a circus in the capacity of a horse trainer, and had taught many tricks to his fine sad- EXCITING DAYS AND DARING DEEDS 57 die mare, who, owing to my kindness to her, performed as readily for me as for her master. I have always loved horses, and naturally put in many an hour petting and rubbing this noble animal, and for which gentle care I was allowed to ride her on my regular herd day, therefore on the day of my cap- ture she was driven off with the other horses. She was a bright bay, with white legs and face, and in Indian phrase- ology was called "Pale Face Squaw Horse/' All the horses, including those taken from the white men, were kept on the stream some distance below camp, and not having seen the mare since my arrival, I had not thought much about her, besides my mind had been fully occupied with the strange, fascinating scenes of Indian life, but on the morning in ques- tion the whole herd was brought near camp. The mare and a few of the American horses were picketed on the grass by long lariats to prevent their running away. When I saw her my soul leaped for joy. I felt certain that once on her back I would be perfectly safe. , After the chief finished his, to me, unintelligible remarks, I said, pointing to one of the men, "Pale face squaw horse is mine. I will ride her and go with 'Antelope' to fight the white men." He replied, "Little moon heap good shoot, heap much brave, heap much stay at camp. 'Antelope' bring heap pale face scalps." I inferred from this courteous but em- phatic answer that I would not be allowed to accompany him on the war path, nor did I want to, my object being to get on the mare through his permission, and his prompt refusal to acceed to my wishes put me out a little, but I rallied to the charge again, and I told him I wished to ride her and catch for him a wild pony with a lasso. He readily agreed to this proposition, and started a young man to bring her to camp. I stopped him, and, stepping out so the mare could see me, put two fingers in my mouth and gave a shrill whistle. She recognized the familiar note and answered me with a loud and prolonged whinny. I, in my eagerness and forgetting she was staked out, whistled again, and this time she saw me and came bounding toward me. The force with which she came against the picket rope caused it to part, thus setting herself free. She dashed up to my side and put her nose against my cheek as if she would kiss me. After fondling her a minute, I made her lay Jown, roll over, then get up and stand on her hind feet. If the Indians were surprised by former feats of shooting, lassoing and horsemanship, they were now dumbfounded with the performances with the mare. They regarded me with that speechless awe and wonder which characterizes the ignorant and superstitious of all peoples, of 58 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF POLK WELLS whatever color. Having, as it were, hypnotized the spec- tators through the tricks of the intelligent animal, I then put Mr. Thompson's saddle and bridle on her my pistols already having been restored to me by the chiefs order and, with lasso in hand, sprang into the saddle and asked "Antelope"" which pony I should catch for him. He pointed to a white one on the outskirts of the herd, and said, "Little Moon heap catch white pony." At a touch the mare sprang forward and at the right moment I cast the lasso, the loop of which set- tled gracefully over the pony's head, whereupon an enthusi- astic cheer from the Indians rang out on the air. I was now out of range of their guns and free to act, yet I hesitated to betray such implicit confidence as the chief had reposed in me, but, thinking of the fate awaiting me should my sex be discovered, I hesitated no longer, and turning the mare's head from the camp I dashed away toward Platte River. When the Indians saw that I was actually deserting them a terrible commotion ensued. The women and children set up a terrible howl, while the warriors, a dozen or more, with "Antelope" at their head, started in pursuit. I let them gain on me for a while, then gave the mare the rein and she left them so fast that they became disgusted with their short- legged ponies and stopped the chase, at least I saw no more of them. About half past eight o'clock, and before the men had had their supper, I rode into the corral and was greeted with cheers and compliments from my comrades, while Mr. Thomp- son shed joyous tears as he looked at me from the mare's back. The men of the mule train buried their unfortunate com- panion on the spot where killed, now the site of Ogalalla, Ne- braska. They recognized the futility of undertaking to re- cover their stock and my friends had abandoned all hope of ever seeing me again. Another large ox train had joined Mr. Thompson's, and between the two there were enough cattle spared to haul the wagons of the distressed and sor- rowing mule men, and when I returned they were all camped together the combined force of the two trains numbering eighty-five men and three boys, including myself. The next day at noon, while I was out playing with the mare, Mr. Thompson was interviewing the other proprietors, who agreed with him to employ me at one hundred dollars per month to act as scout and hunter for the whole company. Mr. Thompson called me to him, and, after acquainting me with their decision, said if I would undertake the dangerous task I should have the "pale-face squaw-horse" to ride. I accepted the proposition with all the zeal and heartiness of which EXCITING DAYS AND DARING DEEDS 59 youthful ambition and a daring nature are capable, and after dinner I saddled the mare, and, with rifle laying across my lap, as was the custom of frontiersmen, started out on my first scouting expedition. The mare, Molly, and myself, ow- ing to our late dash of about eighty-five miles, with but one stop for a few minutes on North Platte, were quite stiff, and for a few days I did not venture far from the .camp, but hav- ing worked off the effects of that terrible ride, I dared to go as far from the road as I chose. One day as we drew near the mountains I wandered some five miles from the road in search of game, but failed to find anything, and becoming hungry, I turned the mare toward camp again. The noble animal had several times warned me that Indians were near us, but I paid not the slightest attention to her for the reason that I had be- come foolhardy and insanely reckness. I had, perhaps, ridden two or three miles in the direction of the camp, when the Entirely Surrounded by Indians Fights His Way Out. mare suddenly snorted, struck the ground viciously with her front feet and tried to run. "Perhaps I had better take a view of the surrounding country," I thought ; so I rode out of the coulie which I had been following in the hope of find- 60 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF POLK WELLS ing a buffalo or deer at one of the pools of water along its course onto the high prairie, and behold I was almost com- pletely surrounded by Indians. They had heard of my es- cape from "Antelope," and were bent on recapturing me alive. By drawing a line of warriors around me they hoped to fill me with consternation and awe me into an immediate surrender. The line was fast closing on me, an a mathematical demonstration. Just be- fore starting for the camp he came to me and said, "Charles, I beseech you for your soul's welfare and the peace of your mind to shun, as you would the presence of a leper, the wiles of that girl for she is a consummate and unscrupulous coquette." He saw that my attentions toward the girl were born of admira- tion and a love of the beautiful for I had not in the slightest degree forgotten the little Nora back in Old Missouri ; and he also saw that if the flirtation was continued it might lead the Mormon lover, through a fit of jealous rage, into a treacherous attempt on my life "for he'll do nothing openly and above board," Mr. Stratton had said and thus force me through self- defence into committing an act that might result in the death of my adversary which of course would trouble my mind. I felt the force of my friend's counsel but did not accompany him to camp as he so much desired I should. Though in no sense in love with Miss Hattie, yet I was captivated by her beautiful face, soul-stirring smiles and winning ways, and was exceedingly proud of the preference she paid me over the other fellow, besides I was not sufficiently endowed with that forbearance and Christian virtue which, when the gauntlet is tossed up, enable their possessor to quietly withdraw from the scene; therefore Mr. Clark and I and two or three other com- rades remained at the dance until it closed by the elder's pray- er. Having, so far as the field of honor is concerned, quit the Mormon camp with a clear conscience, my affections not seri- ously disturbed, and being free from any feeling of malice or hatred toward the love-sick Lamach, I rolled myself up in the EXCITING DAYS AND DARING DEEDS 79 blankets and soon went to sleep. Not so with my enemy. He slept not, for his heart was bleeding with jealousy and hatred, and being devoid of manhood and knowing of my intense pride in, and affection for my noble mare, he determined to strike through her at me. The Mormon train had with it a large, vicious bull that had to be kept chained to prevent it fighting other stock ; so the would-be three-ply polygamist, when sufficient time had elapsed for both camps to be fully embraced by nature's law, sleep, untied the ferocious beast, led him across the river and turned him loose near my mare (who was tied alongside of my wagon in which Mr. Clark and I slept), and he rushed upon her and gored her to death. While on the plains in the midst of perils I slept lightly, as the least noise or jar would instantlv wake me in possession of all my faculties and reasoning powers and under such circumstances I might have saved my poor "Molly's" life, but being in a country where human foes were not thought of and having so energetically participated in the dance, a "Rip Van Winkle" appetizer so far possessed me that I naturally slept sound, yet I felt the first jar of the wagon and heard the one piteous scream of my poor mare but before I could collect my thoughts and get out of the wagon the bull had finished his deadly work, accomplished the work of his jealous master and was on l.'s way to the herd. By the time I had got my cartridge box and gun from the wagon Mr. Stratton appeared on the scene and seeing that I was bent on killing the bull, said, "Charles, stop, the poor brute is not to blame because your mare is a victim of a dastard's revenge." I promptly returned to his side weep- ing like a heart-broken child, and expressed a desire to call the man out and shoot him down, but Mr. Stratton, having allowed his sympathy for me to cause him to utter one indis- creet expression, and recognizing his error as a peacemakei and knowing how easily I was wrought up to a fighting mood, now sought in his most pleasing and persuasive manner to pacify my ill temper and soothe my wounded feelings. He thought there was a possibility that the bull had escaped by breaking his chain, "but even if he did not and you knew he had been let loose for the express purpose of killing your mare it would still be wrong to kill the man, for by so doing you would bring upon his innocent family a greater sorrow and in- injury than the loss of the mare is to you." Thus argued my good friend and believing him to be right and just I readily acquiesced in his better judgment and Christ-like way of set- tling the matter. He seemed perfectly satisfied with' my de- cision, individually, yet he feared the other boys who had learned to love "Molly" oy reason of her great intelligence and 80 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF POLK WELLS playfulness, might incite me to avenge the sad fate of my faith- ful mare, herefore he sent word to the night herder to corral the cattle as soon as it became light enough to see to yoke them, and the train was for the first time put in motion before getting breakfast. Up to this time I had never been present at the death of a dear friend or relative, except when my mother died and I was then too young to fully realize what death meant, yet the cruel fate of my mare produced the most sorrowful feeling in my soul, as she had almost become a part of myself, hence this modern Lamach inflicted upon me a greater punishment by killing her than he could possibly have done by threshing me as he at first proposed in his heart. Al- though I deeply mourned the death of "Molly" and regretted her loss, not so much for her intrinsic value as for her compan- ionship, yet the occasion of her death has been of incalculable service and benefit to me, and taught me a lesson that has been a guiding star on my moral pathway, a lesson that was as bit- ter to bear and cost me as much sorrow as it has been correc- tive and profitable to me, and pointed out an error (flirtation) I have ever since been very careful to avoid, an error that taught me to recognize the fact that the power to love was and is the greatest blessing, the greatest gift that God has bestowed on mankind, and he who abuses it by trifling with the affec- tions of another not only brings sorrow and shame to his vic- tim, but will, sooner or later, ensnare himself in the toils of merited grief and perhaps destruction. On reaching- the eastern border of the Bitter Creek coun- try a treeless, grassless, and, with the exception of salt and alkali springs, waterless, sandy desert some sixty-five miles in length, lying between the now beautiful cities of Rawlins and Green River, Wyoming Territory we camped a few hours for the purpose of filling our kegs and casks with pure water, and to collect a supply of dry sage brush and buffalo-chips for cooking purposes. In this region the nights were quite cool, while the days were made loathsome with thick dust and with- ering heat, and the man who presumed to travel through it in the day time was sure to be loser, for the cattle, being exces- sively heated by their toil and almost maddened with thirst, would, when turned loose, rush to the pools and fill themselves with alkali which would kill many and render others unfit for service for sometime ; so this part of the road, by reason of foolhardy travelers, was strewn with bleaching bones of pois- oned cattle. I informed Mr. Stratton of the nature of this part of our route and pointed out to him the necessity of doing most of our traveling over it in the night. He readily recog- nized the advisability of so doing, accordingly we were on the EXCITING DAYS AND DARING DEEDS 81 road late and early, resting during the heat of the day. About midway of the desert were two springs known as the "Salt Wells," which we reached about eight o'clock in the morning of the second day on this barren, inhospitable road. In the evening, while the cattle were being driven to the corral, they became frightened and fled over the prairie in every direction. They were, however, soon collected and corralled but on yok- ing up it was found that five head were still missing and I vol- unteered to go after them while the train proceeded. I had been out about an hour when suddenly there arose, in the northwest, an ominous looking cloud of dust and sand which soon reached me and was so thick that an object fifty yards away could not be distinguished. The trail of the strays grew dimmer and finally disappeared altogether, then I thought of returning to the train to get a horse on which to follow the cattle but, behold, before traveling a hundred yards I found that my own tracks were thoroughly obliterated by the falling dust and sand. I did not at first think I was lost but was, for the radius of my horizon was not above fifty yards, and not a living thing to be seen or a sound of any kind to be heard ex- cept the rushing wind. I was simply in a little world of my own which accompanied me over hill and vale and which grew no larger or smaller, hence my solitude was as intensely com- plete as that which befell the man on the "Island of Patmos," or the shipwrecked mariner. Not feeling alarmed by the situ- ation I walked along as rapidly as possible in what I believed to be the direction of the road. The elements were fully im- pregnated with dust and sand over which floated dense clouds which rendered my little world dark as Erebus as soon as the sun disappeared behind the snow-capped mountains. Finding myself thus cut off from further progress I stopped short and began shouting at the top of my voice, then fired my pistol several times in rapid succession, but no answer came to greet my ears. I passed a dreary, lonesome and almost sleepless night, and next morning as soon as light enough appeared to see the ground on which I stood I set out again toward the north. Some writer on physiology has made the statement that "every person is so constructed that one side is more active than the other. In one it will be in the right and in another the left side, so that if a man be blindfolded and started to a given spot, he will walk either to the right or left of it and, in proportion to the increased strength of one side over that of the other, in that proportion will his circle be greater or smaller." If this theory be true (and I believe it is) it is a wise provision of nature ; for if a man has pow- er to walk in a straight line, but unable to choose 82 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF POLK WELLS the right direction when lost which is invariably the case, and I say this advisedly and from experience he would get so far away from his starting point in three days' travel that it would be next to a miracle if he ever found his way back. I spent two days more in this envelope of dust and sand and about ten o'clock of the third night the storm ceased and the clouds dispersed, revealing to my delighted gaze the twink- ling stars and the bright silver moon. For some time I lay on my back admiring these heavenly beauties and speculating in a boyish fashion as to what might be in or beyond them. I thought of my angel mother, of God, and whether He now saw me in my lonely, desolate, starved condition and whether He would direct me out of it if I asked Him. Mother often told me no matter where or in what state I might be, His eye was ever upon me and His ear always open to receive the smallest petition from the humblest of his creatures. It is easier to follow a trail than to create one, and I so found it in the matter of prayer. I might have substituted those mother taught me or those I had repeated as they fell from the lips of Mr. Stratton, but none of these seemed appropriate for the pres- ent occasion and while I believed in a vague sort of way all that mother had told me, yet I was unable to address the Om- nipotent in words, but my prayer or the desire of my heart was answered for there (fame, as it were, a voice from Heaven saying, "Arise, search out the north star, it will lead you to the road." I am not given to talking in my sleep, nor to my- self when awake, yet I may unconsciously have uttered the above words, but whence came the thought? It was not the result of reflection, or of intelligent consideration, but rather of spontaneous origin ; in short it was the voice of God. I promptly acted upon the suggestion, easily found the north star and knowing myself to be south of the road, traveled in its direction. About eight o'clock I was agreeably surprised by finding the lost cattle which were quietly and contentedly feed- ing on the green, wiry grass that sprung up around a spring of cold, sparkling water, which trickled along in a tiny stream for a hundred yards and then disappeared beneath the sun- baked earth. This was the first green spot I had come across and the only water I had seen during my three days travel. The water was so clear and inviting that I did not think of ascer- taining its nature, but unhesitatingly threw myself at the edge of the spring and drank to satiety without raising my head from the beautiful fluid, whose cool, clear and sparkling at- tributes were its only virtues, its evil essence consisted of be- ing strongly impregnated with salt and alkali. In less than five minutes I was in the condition of the old Irishman, "striv- EXCITING DAYS AND DARING DEEDS 83 ing to live and couldn't die." Poor little Josephs in "Never too late to mind," could not have been much sicker than I was or less capable of helping himself while in the hands of his implacible enemy, Governor Hawes. My first thought after getting on my feet again was to kill an ox and satisfy the cravings of hunger, but abandoned this idea and instead, after many efforts, managed to get on the back of the steer I had intended butchering and started him toward the road with the other cattle following close behind. On reaching the summit of the ridgre I saw straight ahead of me a long train of dust arising from a large ox-train which soon corralled for breakfast. I reached the camp by the time the meal was ready and was at first too sick to eat. but after drinking a little good coffee, such as the teamster alone can make, was able to eat a dish of cold stewed apples and a bis- cuit. The foreman had heard from the stage driver of my be- ing lost which aroused his sympathy for the "wandering boy," and he received me in the most cordial manner, did all he could to make me comfortable, sent a note by the west bound stage to Mr. Stratton informing him of my arrival and that I would reach Green River by noon of the following day. Early the next morning I took my strays and pushed ahead, and by ten o'clock reached our camp at Green River. As I came in sight the boys wildly cheered me and shouted themselves hoarse for joy over the return of the prodigal. Mr. Stratton had been very anxious about me but was powerless to do anything as it would have been folly to have started out in search of m*e while enveloped in that cloud of dust and sand, but when the storm ceased he saddled his horse and started back to look for me. On meeting the stage he inquired about me and receiving the foreman's note returned to camp with the glad tidings. CHAPTER VII. At Salt Lake City I bade Messrs. Stratton and Johnson and my late comrades good-bye and started for Helena, Mon- tana. One day I stood watching the cook on his knees stir- ring a pan of flour. The perspiration from his brow and the drippings from his nose fell into the dough which aroused my indignation to< an uncontrollable pitch, and, springing in front of him, I kicked the pan and its contents into his face. With- out rising he struck me a backhanded slap in the mouth send- ing me whirling headfirst into the sage brush a rod away. I quickly rose with pistol in hand and shot him in the shoulder. For this act of violence I was highly praised and received ex- pressions of gratitude from every man in the outfit. The fel- low soon recovered from his wound but did no more cooking on that trip. Arriving at Helena I immediately engaged myself to Mr. Casper, proprietor of the St. Louis Restaurant, to wait on the tables. An easterner would imagine that a rentaurant in a wild mining camp at this period must necessarily be a poor affair, but the contrary of this is true since the palates of the patrons of the St. Louis Restaurant were tickled with buffalo hump, buffalo tenderloin, elk steak, roast venison, antelope chops, boiled duck, fricassed grouse and sage hen, the finest of vegetables, and not only oleomargerine but genuine ranch butter and pastry that would vie with Delmonico's best. The steward of the St. Louis was a large, fine looking young man, and like myself fond of gambling, and when I left the house at night he remained on duty to serve late custom- ers ; hence his complaint to the proprietor about my going to the gambling hall. Mr. Casper authorized him to make me stay at the restaurant until nine o'clock (closing time) or whip me. One evening he undertook to execute his commission, but the result was rather humiliating and disastrous to him. I was promptly discharged, while the steward was obliged to leave town to avoid the jeers and ridicule heaped upon him by the people. Being out of employment I spent most of my time at the gambling hall, which was a large structure, built of hewed EXCITING DAYS AND DARING DEEDS 85 logs, and stood on the north-east corner of Main and Bridge Streets. In this famous building I witnessed several desperate conflicts between miners, gamblers and the boys of the plains. The most fatal fight of the season occurred about the first of December. When I entered the hall that night it was bril- liantly lighted, but few men present. At intervals of ten or twelve feet clear around the room were tables on which were played all manner of games. Near the door was the throne of Bacchus where the vilest of liquors were dealt out to the fre- quenters of the hall at the modest sum of fifty cents per glass; and at the rear end of the building was a platform on which sat a large, good-looking, cross-eyed fellow dispensing sweet strains of music on the violin to attract the attention of the new arrivals and lure him into the toils of fate for weal or woe generally woe. By half-past eight o'clock the hall was com- pletely packed with the most varied and grotesque assembly of humanity I have ever seen ; not that it differed so widely from previous gatherings but that its peculiar aspects seemed to strike me more forcibly on this than on other occasions. That is, I was an observer and not a participant and, having preceded the crowd had an excellent opportunity as I sat on the stand with the musician to minutely examine the features, dress and peculiarities of each group of patrons as they filed into that hall and took seats around the tables. First came a group of "dealers" for the various games, accompanied by those whose business it was to lure and deceive, closely followed by a score of teamsters who entered in the most boisterous manner, then came a party of professional scouts and cowboys all dressed in fringed buckskin. The former in their soft moccasins, en- tered with a cat-like tread, while the latter wore boots, at the heels of which dangled heavy steel spurs with little bells at- tached to them on the outside and with great rowels rasping the floor at every step as they marched up to the counter to pay their respects to "Madam Bacchus." Next came a cloud of Mexicans with their yellow skins and glittering eyes peeping out from under broad brimmed hats, wearing dog or buckskin breeches, and around the waist of each was wound the indis- pensible red silk sash without which no Mexican would con- sider himself properly dressed. These represented almost every phase of Mexican society and were the special devotees of Spanish Monte. They scowled and cried "Carajo" when they lost, and smiled sweetly and praised "Santissima Virgin" when the cards came up in their favor. Besides these special groups there were Frenchmen, Black Greasers, a few from the coast of Killarney, Mulattoes and Negroes black as Erebus, who were kept busy carrying drinks to the players; the slant- 86 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF POLK WELLS eyed Celestials, too had found their way to the "New Eldora- do" in their search after gold, "alle-samee as Melican man." In this motley crowd were men of every hue and from every clime, drawn together by the common accidents of life or by the instincts of adventure and the love of "filthy lucre." The progressive business man and the successful freighter were sandwiched in between teamsters, cowboys, greasers, all re- duced or elevated to a common level, or, as it were, a sort of harmonious blending of the higher and lowly element. The musician having accomplished his purpose, laid his violin down and leisurely walked toward the bar. I arose as if to follow him but stood for some time gazing upon the peculiar assembly, which, so far as conversation was concerned, was wrapped in profound silence. The only sounds that reached my ears were the "whish whish" of the cards as they fluttered off the delicate thumbs of the dealers, the "chink chink" of gold as it changed hands and the shuffling of chips between deals. When the music ceased ringing in my ears I left the stand and walked toward the door intending to go to my room and to bed, but my progress was arrested by a familiar voice apparently addressing me with, "Hello, Missouri, you're not going away wihtout having a game, are you ?" I had not told any- one that I came from Missouri, no one present knew me, and most likely no one had spoken to me for when I turned to see if I recognized the speaker, there was not a single person looking toward me nor did anyone seem to care a snap whether I left without having a game or not. However, I passed around the entire room and took a peep at the players but failed to see anyone with whom I was acquainted. Every table was sur- rounded with men two or three tiers deep, those in front plac- ing bets for those in the rear. Thousands upon thousands of dollars were stacked on the tables and carefully guarded by the owners, yet, notwithstanding this vigilance, there was con- stantly going on a petty stealing by professional "check snatch- ers," who are to be found in every gambling house and who seem to be in league with the proprietor and dealer, and who sooner or later create trouble by their pilfering. Such men are, of course, used to brawling and are not only sure shots, but what is equally important, able to draw their weapons in marvelous quickness, and think but little of taking the life of a fellow creature in furthering their purposes, and are always prepared to fight if caught stealing. Though usually good character readers they sometimes erred in their judgment and took the chips of honest, brave men, who were as ready to re- sent a wrong and equally as well prepared to defend their rights. When such a mistake occurred it was sure to result in bloodshed, for the one would fight rather than meekly sub- EXCITING DAYS AND DARING DEEDS 87 mit to exposure, while the other would do likewise in order to verify his veracity, and establish the justness of his accusa- tion, and, as I have elsewhere said, the pistol and the knife were the arbiters. I again passed around the room stopping at the faro game, whence I fancied came the words, "Hello, Mis- souri, etc." Those nearest the- table were sitting down which afforded me a view of the case of chips and the dealer, who, having slipped the cards into his silver case, looked up, recog- nized me, and at the same time, with a significant smile on his handsome face, shoved a stack of blue chips toward me. Sure- ly here is an evil agent in every deck of cards, in every faro and poker chip an angel of darkness, which entice the unwary to physical ruin and lure him step by step into moral suicide, if not spiritual destruction. That stack of blue chips was so fascinating and contained such wondrous charms that I could not withstand the temptation to indulge, and so I passed in the requisite fifty dollars and took it into my possession. I com- menced placing the chips on the cards in a most promiscuous manner without any regard to order or attention to the case keeper, and, strange to say, won four out of every five bets. At the end of the deal I had in front of me seven stacks of blue chips which, after deducting the fifty dollars paid for the first stack, left me three hundred dollars winner. Just as the dealer tapped the case with his .long middle finger and said, "Make your bets, gentlemen," someone on the opposite side of the room shouted, "Let 'em fight." Instantly the hitherto orderly crowd, which resembled a Quaker meeting was plunged into a chaotic state and in another moment the fight became general. Every man was armed and most of them seemed to have a grudge at someone else and now was the time, the propitious time, to wreak vengeance. Pistols flashed in quick succession, long knives glittered in the bright light, and strong men seized each other in deadly conflict. Some fought arms length, while others were clutched in a desperate struggle for mastery or death. The lights, as in all such emergencies, were extin- guished as quickly as possible, yet the conflict continued and the stream of fire issuing from the pistols at intervals revealed the awful and horrible picture. The defiant yells of the scouts, cowboys and teamsters, and the savage shouts of miners and "check mothers" were changed into groans and such earnest exclamations as, "Oh, God, I am shot," came from the "Anglo- Saxon ;" "Carajo! Santissima Maria," cried the disciples of Montezuma and the humble descendants of Ham shouted, "Fo" de Lawd, I jis b'leve de Devil have got inter de white folks." At the beginning of the fight I pocketed my chips and when the lights were put out threw myself on the floor under the LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF POLK WELLS faro table, as it was dangerous to stand up and utterly impos- sible to get out of the room. The conflict grew so desperately violent that those not engaged in it became panic stricken and made a blind rush for the door, the table was pushed from over me, and several men one after another stepped on me and one heavy fellow planted his foot on the small of my back with such force as to completely disable me, so that I made no fur- ther efforts to rise. The panic, however, stopped the fight. The lamps were quickly relighted and the room cleared of the un- fortunates, then the musician resumed his seat and soon filled the hall again with men, and the chips and coin again began to click over the tables as though nothing had happened. I was carried to my lodging place where I remained in bed for sev- eral days, during which I carefully reviewed my life and came to the conclusion that if I continued in such a course I would sooner or later become a physical and moral wreck. There in the solitude of my chamber, thousands of miles from home and friends, I made a solemn vow, invoking the presence of my dear mother's spirit to witness the same, that I would never gamble any more, and as far as possible shun the society of gamblers. With one exception I have never been inside of a gambling house since, and on that occasion I entered to see its proprietor on business which had no relation to his vocation; otherwise I have, in this vow, as with the one made to my sis- ters that I would drink no more intoxicating liquors, "fought a good fight and have kept the faith." At this time of the year (middle of December) there was not much work in progress and failing to find employment, and having ceased gambling, my income, of course, ceased also, while my expenses averaged about twenty dollars per week; therefore I readily concurred in a proposition of a little Scotch- man familiarly known as "Honest Scotty" who said we could spend the winter months in hunting and trapping which he thought would be more agreeable and profitable to us than laying idle in the city, in which the scenes of misery and want would cause our hearts to bleed in sympathy for our unfor- tunate fellow creatures whom we couldn't aid except at the risk of reducing ourselves to the same conditions confronting them. "Scotty" had had considerable experience in mining towns and knew what he was talking about, besides I had al- ready seen enough to convince me that the picture of distress he presented was not drawn from imagination and, having de- cided to accompany him, was anxious to get away at once. Early next morning we packed our provisions, blankets and traps on his old "cayuse" (pony) and, after depositing our money with a business firm of Helena, set out for the Mis- EXCITING DAYS AND DARING DEEDS 89 souri river. On or near the present site of Bedford we erected our winter quarters. After putting the finishing- touches on our hut, and having placed our traps, we began preparing our first supper in our new home. "Scotty" made the bread de- licious bread while I made the coffee and cooked the meat. The odor from the frying bacon and jack-rabbit aroused our savage neighbors. Sneaking coyotes, with Sarah Bernhardt waists, set up a monotonous wail which would have terrified General Grant to a greater degree than did the howling of their Georgia brethren ; large, bold and nearly white wolves, with Bill Nye physiognomies, began to howl and, as the dark- ness became denser, drew nearer and nearer until we could see their flashing eyes and glittering teeth as they pranced within the radius of the light from our camp fire. When we went to bed there must have been a hundred of these ferocious looking beasts within a dozen rods of us. At intervals they howled singly and collectively, snapped and snarled at each other most viciously, the eyes of those standing or sitting just within the rays of light resembled little balls of fire which gave to the scene a sort of Chinese fireworks display, for they, as the animals moved their heads from side to side, changed from red to green, from green to blue, or pink to gray, just as the light happened to strike them. When this semi-circlet I say "semi" because our camp was in the edge of the brush with heavy timber and the river north of us, while the prairie stretched away to the south of sparkling, forty-colored gems, resembling the footlights in a theatre and excited the most in- tense admiration; it also filled me with horror and sent a stream of cold chills up the spinal column at the thought of the piobability of my slender body being devoured by this pack of hungry wolves and coyotes. For a while I lay resting myself on my elbow watching their capers and listening to the won- drous variety and peculiar modulations of their voices, and wondered if they were thus inspiring themselves with courage, like a boy whistling through the dark woods, or summoning their distant brethren to assist them in making a successful at- tack upon us, and to share in the feast. These were, of course, unpleasant thoughts and I dwelt upon them for a time but the fire glow caused mother nature to assert her rights and being of a reckless disposition, with a strong will, I was enabled to cast them off and adopt in their stead the fatalistic view of the situ- ation if eaten by wolves I would not be hung, hence my head dropped on the pillow and I was soon fast asleep. We rose next morning, embraced by a calm which was lonesome and oppressive. The wolves and coyotes would have been welcome visitors now, but were nowhere to be seen or 90 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF POLK WELLS heard. The pony, motionless as a stump, was the only living thing in sight, and the "quack quack" of a duck in the river was the only sound that reached our ears. "Scotty" after breakfast loaded his gun with buckshot and said, "Now, my lad, we'll go up the river and see if we can find a deer." Passing the gun to me to hold he sat down on the end of a log and filled and lighted his pipe for the last time, for just as he rose from the fire a gun cracked and poor "Scotty" fell dead at my feet. I wheeled around to see whence came the shot and beheld five stalwart Bloods in their war paint coming toward me and one of them holding a smoking rifle in his hand. Further explana- tion of their design was unnecessary. I fired both barrels of Seven Dead Indians in this Escapade. the gun and two braves expired. I then dropped the gun, drew a pistol and sent another warrior into the presence of the great "Manitap." I threw the pistol up to cock it after the fashion of Slade and Carson intending to shoot again but the bursted cap slipped from the tube preventing free action of cylinder, and my fruitless efforts to get it to revolve again somewhat disconcerted me. The surviving braves, seeing something was wrong with the pistol, took advantage of the occasion and be- fore I could draw my other pistol, bounded forward to my side, one of them dealing me a fearful blow on the head with his EXCITING DAYS AND DARING DEEDS 91 tomahawk. I fell to the ground in a helpless or, as it were, paralyzed condition, yet conscious of all that was taking place around me. There were other eyes bent on this tragic scene and before my captors got me securely bound the report of two rifles reached us and one of the braves fell dead across my legs, and the other one though wounded succeeded in making his escape. My rescuers had been prospecting in the mountains north of the river and were on their way to Helena for fresh supply of provisions and blasting powder, and having seen the smoke issuing from our camp and the Indians slyly approaching the latter, they concluded that the reds were bent on mischief and hastened forward with the above result. My friends, after ex- amining the Indians, remarked that a large party of Bloods had been on a warlike expedition against the Crows and, hav- ing been scattered or most likely all killed but those attacking "Scotty" and myself, were on their way home. These fellows feeling disappointed and angry thought to avert some of the ridicule that would be heaped upon them by their brethren by taking home with them a white scalp and a white captive, to- gether with their worldly possessions. The Blood Indians had a custom founded no doubt upon our Savior's advice to the disciples to take with them "neither purse nor script," which, when on the war path, was strictly adhered to for they regarded life as nothing and no hardship or danger too great to undergo in order to win the respect and admiration of their fellows. If they started out empty handed and returned with the ponies and scalps of their enemies, they would be looked up to as great men ; but if they returned as they went they would be no worse off than before, barring, of course, their feelings of disgrace and the jeers which awaited them, of which they might on some future occasion acquit themselves by a more successful display of sagacity and prow- ess. The trials that a Blood warrior encountered and the ob- stacles surmounted in saving his life are counted as nothing. He must return with something that would be reasonable proof of what he said in order to obtain the encouraging approval of the tried old warriors and "Medicine Men," and the smiles of the gentler sex. Hence, the poor fellows who attacked us, feeling keenly ashamed of their unsuccessful raid and dreading to meet their friends, were, by reason of this just pride, ex- cusable for their conduct, for the hardest thing for any man, white, red or black, to face is the ridicule and taunts of those who happen to be acquainted with his failures. After piling some brush and logs on "Scotty's" grave to prevent the wolves 92 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF POLK WELLS from disinterring and devouring the body, I repacked the pony and accompanied the prospectors back to Helena. At this time Captain Nicholas Wall, of St. Louis, Mis- souri, was operating two hundred freighting teams in Montana. The whole being divided into ten teams, each having a fore- man and one assistant, and over all the General Superinten- dent, a Mr. William Perkins, an English Naturalist and Pub- licist, who was engaged collecting these trains at the company's ranch on Boulder River, in Boulder Valley, where they would remain during the winter so that the stock could be more properly cared for and the wagons, yokes, chains, etc., receive such repairs as were necessary. I met Mr. Perkins and hired to him to help move a large outfit from Helena to the ranch, and, in doing so, crossed a range of mountains dividing Prickly Pear from Boulder Valleys, reaching the ranch about twelve o'clock Christmas night. It was intensely cold and while rough-lockink the wagons on the summit of the mountain in order to safely descend into the valley, a large number of the men were frozen, some quite severely ; therefore on corralling at the ranch they pulled the yokes and bows from the poor tired cattle as rapidly as possible, and, without further atten- tion to their duty, hastened to the house to warm themselves, leaving the yokes and chains on the ground to be covered by the fast falling snow. I did not go to the house until my chains were hung on the side-board and my yokes set up in their proper place against the front wheel of my wagon. The men wrapped themselves in their blankets and slept until breakfast was ready. When all (about fifty) were seated at the long table, the superintendent came in from the corral and said, "I would like to know who drove number 17." Mr. Frank Williams, the wagon foreman, pointed to me and said, "The boy over there drove that team." "Well," said the superintend- ent, "he's got the right kind of stuff in him." "Why so?" "Sim- ply because he has properly cared for his yokes and chains, while these fellows (waving his hand over the busy eaters) left theirs on the ground. They are now two feet under the snow." I simply did my duty as I understood it and, of course, was not expecting such a compliment from so great a personage as the learned professor. I enjoyed it, however. Had any consider- able number of the men done as I did, there would have been no notice taken of the incident, but my yokes and chains being the only ones visible naturally attracted the superintendent's attention, and won for me his respect and admiration which ripened into warm friendship. Having finished my breakfast Mr. Perkins asked me to accompany him to his private apartments, after learning my EXCITING DAYS AND DARING DEEDS 93 name and acquainting himself with some antecedents, said, "Charles, the maneuvers of certain animals, especially the beaver, are indicative of a long and severe winter ; so the poor fellows who happen to be without money or employment will necessarily have to suffer many privations, hardships and en- dure the agony that hunger produces before the avenues of business are again unlocked by the return of warm weather. This being true, and a fact that you are a boy far from home and friends, together with the pluck and energy you displayed last night, has enlisted my sympathy for you, and hence feel it my duty to interest myself in your behalf; therefore I pro- pose to give you your board and twenty-five dollars per month from now until the first of May, and after that the prevailing wages, should you desire to remain with us." The mines had shut down for the winter and the ox and mule trains had gone into winter quarters, thus throwing thousands of men out of employment, many of whom would gladly have given what little money they had and their utmost labor to secure their board and lodging for the winter, therefore I not only gladly but thankfully accepted Mr. Perkins' generous offer. Provis- ions of all kinds were extremely high, flour was worth, or at least sold at, one dollar per pound, while tobacco brought seven dollars for a like amount; merely a marked contrast between the price of this filthy .weed and the "staff of life," yet sentient beings, stamped with divine image, and endowed with facul- ties of reason and reflection, disgraced themselves by begging the former, while they subjected their bodies to attacks of rheumatism and debauched their souls by pawning their clothes and blankets for the latter. Large, fine looking men, who a few days before Christmas boasted of taking their meals ($1.50 each) at the Star and St. Louis restaurants, after the holidays were forced, by hunger, to solicit the crumbs that once fell from the tables of their more fortunate brothers. This state of affairs though humiliating to an inexpressable degree, was better than resorting to dishonesty, which, no matter how trifling, was punished by death by the vigilance committee, which reigned supreme, and which, while it checked crime in those not under the shadow of its protecting wing, became in itself a most terrible and corrupt organization. Innocent men, known to have money, were taken from their beds at midnight, conveyed in an old hack to the slaughter-house, in "Dry- Gulch," and hung to a limb of a pine tree standing just in front of it. Having strangled a victim to their greed, they then pinned to his clothes a card bearing this inscription, "Horse Thief," "Roda Agent," or "Stage Robber," and left the body suspended between heaven and earth until morning, when it 94 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF POLK WELLS was taken down and dumped into a hole like a cat or a dog. Either of the above titles, if not sufficient to prove the victim guilty, sufficed to> place the murder where it justly belonged, on the shoulders of the invincible "committee." The hardships, exposures to inclement weather, and the suffering by hunger fell principally upon the miners and team- sters, while the professional scouts and experienced cowboys enjoyed the necessary comforts of life. The services of these men could not be dispensed with, as dispatches and business communications had to be carried from fort to fort and from town to town, while it was absolutely necessary to have the cattle carefully guarded to prevent them straying away or be- ing driven off by unscrupulous men though their wages were small compared to summer prices, yet handsomely paid if the extra cost of living be considered. Early in January, 1866, Mr. Perkins was, by reason of the high price of tobacco, induced to send the team to Fort Benton for a load of "Army-Navy." Mr. Frank Williams, the foreman, Billy Gay, the noted scout, another man whose name I have forgotten, and myself were selected to make this trip; and the reason for so many going with one team was for pro- tection against small parties of hostile Indians. We arrived at the Fort without trouble or delay, got our tobacco and re- turned to the government farm on Sun River, where we met Mr. Perkins and his chief clerk. Snow began falling and con- tinued until it lay three feet deep on the level, running an ef- fectual blockade upon our further progress. There were in the wagon two ten gallon kegs of fine Bourbon, for Mr. Perkins* private use, and finding himself shut in by the snow, he or- dered one of the kegs tapped so that its exhilirating contents might dispel the monotony of the situation. The men spent the time playing cards and drinking whisky, and my refusal to in- dulge in either placed me for the time being, outside the pale of their consideration and respect, and reduced me, in their es- timation to a common menial. It fell to my lot to get- the wood and keep the fires going, to do the cooking for the party and look after the stock. The poor cattle, the pick and flower of more than fifteen hundred head, were slowly but surely starv- ing to death, and all would have died had it not been for my efforts to save them. I went out every day and cut down wil- lows and small trees fpr them to browse on and with a miner's shovel managed to find for them a little grass by scooping the snow away in spots. The poor things followed me from spot to spot like pet lambs and licked up the grass like a prairie fire. I was disgusted with the drunken crowd, while my sympathies were wrought to the highest pitch for the poor cattle and three EXCITING DAYS AND DARING DEEDS 95 ponies, and every moment I could spare from the house was de- voted to relieving their wants. I worked like a hero, yet despite my best efforts they became thinner and weaker. Besides they were beset by clouds of voracious magpies, who were bent on devouring them alive. They ate great holes along the back and shoulders where the poor creatures could not reach them with their tails. These little birds, something like a jaybird but larger, with long, yellow or black bills, were so bold and de- termined in their work of destruction that they even questioned my right to drive them from their prey, and flew hither and thither about my head uttering their protests with screams and chatters in the most vehement manner. I shot a great many, but, like flies in preserve making time, there seemed to be a dozen ready and willing to take the place of each one killed. I was obliged to tie strips of canvas and old gunny sacks on the backs of the stock to prevent its annihilation by these ener- getic and courageous members of the feathered tribe. On two occasions I reported the situation to Mr. Perkins, but each time he sent me away amid a shower of oats and disparaging epi- thets, from which I could not flee, and had no desire to resent, since they came from a mad man, a beast in human form. When we arrived at the farm house it was occupied by two old trappers, who welcomed us most heartily. They read- ily joined in the games and zealously helped to drink the su- perintendent's good whisky. My fellow-laborers, too, joined heart and soul in the festivities to please the chief, who was master of ceremonies, and who ordered the games and paid for the liquor; they seemed to have no thought of our situa- tion, nor care as to what became of the stock or load of to- bacco. This carousal, for three or four days, was conducted in the most friendly and courteous manner possible, then they be- gan to jangle about unfairness in dealing the cards, applied un- gentlemanly epithets to each other, and each accused the other of being drunk. I expected to see a fight, but somehow they kept from coming to blows, which was a wonder, considering the fact that the seven men in less than so many days drank twenty gallons of whisky ; yet the greatest wonder to me was that the whole party escaped serpentine visitations, and so quickly regained equilibrium after such a spree. Near the close of the seventh day the snow ceased falling, and during the night the wind began howling, therefore when we arose the next morning the Heavens were filled with the flying crystals. The magpies fled before the storm, and I ex- pected the cattle and ponies had done likewise, but they were found huddled together in behind an old shed not far from the house, and thus had unconsciously corralled themselves. I cut 96 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF POLK WELLS some willows and threw them in to the almost famished ponies, then returned to the house and gathered up a bushel or two of old cold bread which had accumulated during the week by rea- son of the men not eating, yet demanding fresh bread at each meal, which I fed to the poor cattle. By noon the men were tol- erably sober and capable of realizing the seriousness of our sit- uation and when after dinner I raked the cold bread into a pan and asked Mr. Perkins to accompany me, they seemed greatly surprised, none more so than the superintendent himself; but he followed close after me and on reaching the snow-bound cat- tle and ponies with intense interest watched me feed them and, after hearing how I tied canvas and gunny-sacks on them and fought the magpies, scooped snow off the grass and cut wil- lows to feed them, and of how he had abused and cursed me for doing my duty, he fell upon his knees in the snow and most eloquently begged my pardon and blessed and praised me so earnestly that I was half beside myself, and did not know whether to regard the extra labor I was subjected to as a mis- fortune and hardship or a blessing. The stock was now well cared for by my companions who were led by the old trappers to a piece of low lands where the grass was thick and heavy, and after shoveling away the snow they used their long knives in mowing the grass which they carried to the stock, as it could not be induced to leave the shel- ter while the storm lasted. When we emerged from the house- on the morning of the fourth day after the wind arose, there was not a speck of snow in sight except the little heaps behind the shed and house and that on the mountains. The rapidity with which a strong wind sweeps two or three feet of snow from a valley or plain is truly surprising and no less so is the calm, balmy weather which follows one of these terrific wind and snow storms. Therefore, the beautiful morning after nine days of gloom and monotony was to an inexpressible degree encouraging and refreshing. The magpies and other birds re- turned and twittered and sang to us as though it were a May morning, while along the ridge in front of the house the coy- otes frisked merrily about and howled out their appreciation of and thankfulness for the return of pleasant weather. The superintendent and his clerk hastened back to Helena. We followed with the team until reaching "Medicine Rock Hill," an exceeding high mountain over which the road lay. Half way up the hill we encountered a snow drift on its steep- est part and our cattle being weak we were compelled to re- turn to the mouth of Prickly Pear Canyon and go into winter quarters in an old cabin. There was and doubtless exists to- day, a tradition among the Northwest Indians (especially the EXCITING DAYS AND DARING DEEDS 97 Peigans) concerning this mountain. Anything not compre- hensible to the Indian mind is termed "Medicine," so that the greater the mystery the more potent and consequential the "medicine," hence "Medicine Rock Hill," as on its summit was enacted a stupendous mystery a miracle. Mr. Per- kins, while at the government farm on Sun River, asked the old Peigan Chief, who visited us there, why the mountain was thus named. The reply was to the following effect: His forefathers in passing from one valley to another, crossed this mountain on a trail, now, or then, occupied by the wagon road, and on reaching its summit (about noon) it suddenly became dark as midnight and the travelers being frightened by the change, prostrated themselves on the ground and prayed for the restoration of life, which, in answer to their united petitions as they sup- posed, gradually returned in all its glory and loveliness. Mr. Perkins then inquired how long since this extraordinary event occurred. The Chief counted the "moons" (or years) by shut- ting and opening his hands, each time he did so meaning ten. The superintendent, after adding up his tally marks, said that the sun had been in a total eclipse and, according to the chiefs count, happened about eight hundred years ago. Mr. Perkins was, as I have elsewhere said, a man of science and profound learning and capable of clothing the children of his brain in the most attractive and common-sense manner possible. He was very decided in his convictions as to the origin of the North American Indians which, after hearing the chief's story, became more deeply rooted than ever. He averred that the tribal customs, religious rights, and marriage ceremonies of the Northwest Indians pointed unmistakably to the fact that they were descended from the Israelites, and most likely a por- tion of the so-called "lost ten tribes," and had reached the American continent by way of the Behring Straits. The Mor- mons hold substantially the same views in reference to the origin of the Indians as did Mr. Perkins, with the exception that they reached America from the East instead of the West. Medicine Rock Hill then is not only an interesting point, but is proved to be one of the "ancient mountains," on top of which is a few acres of open, level ground, dotted here and there with curiously formed piles of stone, some the result of volcanic eruptions, while others were erected by human hands. It was here that darkness overtook the Indians and the great miracle of restoring life was performed for their special benefit. Hence the Indians, singly or collectively, hav- ing faith in the traditions of their fathers, will not pass the sacred spot without making some sort of a sacrifice in order to reassure the unseen spirit of their faithfulness. Some gash 98 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF POLK WELLS their legs and arms and prostrate themselves on the ground as an evidence of their love and devotion to the "Great Monitau of the Happy Hunting Grounds," while others scatter "wam- pum" or some other article that would be a, real sacrifice to their comfort or vanity to appease the wrath of the "Great Monitau of Darkness and Misery," whose wisdom and power they claim is co-equal with that of the former great spirit. This belief and ceremony of the Indians common to all the North American tribes evinces an earnestness of faith in, and consistent devotion to, the supernatural not surpassed, if equalled by their more enlightened brothers, and which, more than anything else, convinces me that instead of one there are at least two Supreme Beings, the one presiding over the moral, intellectual and spiritual nature, inspiring pure thoughts, noble actions and worthy aspirations ; while the other rules over the appetites, perpensities and animal instincts which foster ex- cesses, prompts improprieties and encourages ignoble deeds. CHAPTER VIII. Prickly Pear Canyon, at the mouth of which we were camped, is thousands of feet deep and several miles in length ; its western wall is precipitous, almost perpendicular in many places and in others great ledges of limestone crop out and rise, one above the other, like the steps leading to the upper court of Monte Zuma's temple and which, at intervals, is split and waterworn into fantastic shapes resembling the ruins of an ancient mosque or castle. In the crevices of this mighty stairway, which, like Jacob's ladder, pierces the heavens, grow a variety of small fruit, such as choke cherries, mountain cur- rants and sarvis berries, on which the grizzly bear loves to feed. The east side of the canyon, covered with white pine, spurce and some cedar, rises gradually until its summit is lost in the heavens far above the timber line. At the bottom of this canyon flows the Prickly Pear River, a clear, cold, rapid stream, such as the poets love to linger over and which will always fill the heart of the true lover of nature with rapture when he beholds its crystal fluid, and listens to its joyous music, as it rushes over its rocky bed and small rapids on its way to the gulf. Messrs. King & Gillett, of Helena, secured a charter to build a "toll road" through this canyon, which would obviate the necessity of pulling teams over "Medicine Rock Hill," a most lavorious task frought with many dangers and hardships. About forty men with two weeks' provisions were sent from Helena to build the road, and were at work when we arrived at the canyon. I soon tired of lounging idlv about the cabin, and, about the first of February, visited the road-workers' camp. The overseer was preparing a gang of fifteen men for another camp farther up the river and gladly employed me to accompany them as cook. In a lovely cove about a mile from Clark's ranch, at the head of the canyon, surrounded by stately pines, Rocky Mountain sheep, elk and black-tailed deer, the company went into permanent quarters, and, after erect- ing a comfortable hut out of poles and pine boughs, set to work on the road. Our provisions were soon exhausted, leav- ing us at the beginning of a snow storm, lasting three weeks, 100 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF POLK WELLS during which time we lived on elk and deer meat straight, yet the men did good work even on this meager fare. Our em- ployers made several efforts to send us provisions, but each time the pack mule drivers were compelled to return to the city by reason of the fierceness of the storm and the fear of snow-blindness. The situation was monotonous and the daily menu uninviting, and especially so since we had neither salt nor pepper with which to season it ; therefore two young men and myself, all having money with us, and more deposited in Helena, decided to return to the city. My experience in the snow storm on Sun River ought to> have been sufficient to warn me from making this start for Helena; yet experience, though the harshest and best of teachers, fails to make an im- pression on the faculty of cautiousness of such reckless dis- positions as mine; or, as a blunt old divine of Iowa puts it, "Some people learn from experience, but sense has to be pounded into others." This was my case exactly. I had the experience," but no sense which must be, and was, "pounded" into me. My young friends were large, courageous fellows and anxious to get back to the city, and through their zeal and encouragement I managed to not only stifle the feeble voice of experience and reason, but utterly ignored the advice of our comrades, who endeavored to persuade us not to take the trip. This sensible advice was given just after breakfast, while we were preparing to start and the laughable manner in which it was delivered increased our desire of returning to Helena. The young men had never seen a real snow-blizzard, and con- sequently knew nothing of the dangers they were likely to encounter. They regarded the stories of our friends as "trumped up" to deter us. While I admitted all that was said to be true, I was nevertheless bent on making the trip, for once having promised to do a thing, the yawning abyss of hell itself would not prevent me from making an effort toward its fulfillment. After acknowledging the compliments and hearty good wishes of our comrades, we bowed ourselves out of camp and plunged into the trail leading to Clark's ranch. On reaching the edge of the timber skirting the valley, we found a vast ocean of snow spread out for our view. Across the valley, thirty miles in extent, could be seen a dark ridge rolled up against the sky, extending to the .right and left as far as the eye could reach. This dark ridge was the timber on the Boulder Range of mountains at the base of which is located the city of Helena. It seemed but a few miles a common illusion in the crystal atmosphere of these elevated regions from where we stood to the dark line on the opposite side of the valley. It was one of those clear, calm, cold mornings when the very thought of EXCITING DAYS AND DARING DEEDS 101 going out makes ones ears tingle and the flesh hug the bones more closely, but the distance seemed so short and the antici- pation of a meal at the Star Restaurant offered an irresistable temptation. We resolutely entered the great sea of snow which was above my knees, but dry and soft, readily yielding to the pressure of legs the men taking turns leading in order to favor me as much as possible. The leader kept his eye on the dark line and his thoughts centered upon hot rolls, ranch butter and fresh oysters, which acted as a goad to urge him forward. We had traveled at least one-third of the distance when a regular "North-Wester" swept down upon us. In less than ten minutes the whole expanse of heaven was filled with fly- ing snow and, like an immense impenetrable veil reaching from earth to the throne of God, cut off our view of the Boul- der as well as the Prickly Pear range of mountains which we had just left. This foolhardy undertaking was simply a repe- tition of my experience in the sand storm on Bitter Creek and all that I suffered on that occasion from thirst and hunger was as nothing compared to what I endured in this snow storm from cold and awful apprehensions as to what the final out- come would be of this rash, uncalled for adventure. However, the wheel had made its first revolution, the balls were in mo- tion and, of course, we had to abide by the consequences. My companions were cheerful and had great faith in their physical abilities and confidential belief they could walk a straight line without an objective point to guide them. If one of them had been constructed with greater activity in the right, and the otler in the left side, and with frequent changes of leaders, v/e might have zigzagged ourselves across the valley, but they were unfortunatelv built on the same plan, to describe the same circle, whether to the right or to the left does not matter since the result was what it was. We toiled wearily on. The snow was constantly lising and falling about us, the sun glanced up frjin the brilliant surface and the reflecting rays were dazzling and painful to the eyes ; the wind grew stronger and fiercer, loading the air with clouds of snow and filling us with painful forebodings as we strained our eyes ?n vain to get another glin.pse of the Boulder range, but alas! we were in the midst of a vast sea with white waves rolling over us. We no longer feared the Bloods, nature herself was the foe with which we had to contend, and the most energetic, relentless enemy she was, too. However, we pushed forward as rapidly as possible, but in silence. A scene of enchantment confronted us. Vast towers of snow rose vertically into the sky, they sprang up so suddenly and one after another chased past us with such fearful rapidity that our heads began to 102 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF POLK WELLS swim. They were beautifully luminous, by reason of the sun glistening through the floating crystals, presenting all the hues of the rainbow. I was strangely affected and watched them glide by with feelings that baffled description. The mighty rushing wind filled my ears with a buzzing sound like the hum of a circular saw whirling through an oak log. My eyes distorted the natural outlines of my comrades, and the huge columns of snow took on fantastical shapes and stalked across the plains as if they were endowed with supernatural life. From regarding so intently these wonderfully beautiful funnel-shaped clouds of snow as they danced along, sometimes plunging into one another, causing both to mingle again with the common element or form new columns, there came upon me a fainting or falling sensation. I felt weak and sick, be- came dizzy, m}' eyes seemed to be filled with pricking needles and sand and were extremely painful; peculiar objects made their appearance to my bewildered brain and I cried out, "I am stricken with snow-blindness" to me an unexpecting and crushing calamity. 'Cheer up, Charles," said one of my ccii- panions, "for it is nearly sundown and we cannot be very far from Helena/' I was getting very tired and begun to lag, but the hopeful, confident assurance that we were not far from the city braced me up wonderfully, and I kept close to my friends for another hour, but could not distinguish one form from another, except as they spoke to me or to each other. "The sun," as one of the boys expressed it, "has settled behind the snow-capped Sierras," the wind ceased to blow, but the warmth of the declining sun caused the temperature to fall several degrees ; our hands and ears tingled with cold, our stomachs chilled and collapsed and seemed to be held firmly against the spine by some mechanical appliance. We shouted until hoarse and fired our pistols in the hope of attracting the attention of some one who would come to our rescue, but no answer greeted our expectant ears, only the echoes of our own voices came back to mock us. We "cussed and discussed" the subject of "snow dumplins seasoned with a Northwester," as the old trapper put it, from a practical and experimental stand- point, and concluded we had "played-the-fool" by not heeding the advice of our friends. Just before daylight the wind be- gan to whistle again, filling the atmosphere with flying snow and we, like the previous day, wandered over the valley, not knowing in what direction we were going, yet hoping and be- lieving we were near Helena. "When the sun rises," said one of my comrades, "we can get the right course and hold it by keeping the wind on one side all the time," but to our aston- ishment and dismay that luminous orb made its appearance in the northwest, instead of rising in its accustomed place ; EXCITING DAYS AND DARING DEEDS 103 and the wind, from the way the snow rose about us, seemed to issue from the earth as if intentionally to defeat our pur- pose, for it was about and on all sides of us at the same time. About noon we came in sight of timber and small patches of bare ground and, like little children shouting with delight, we rushed forward to embrace the monarchs of the forest. We tried in vain all of the arts known to woodcraft in our efforts to start a fire. Then arose a discussion as to whether we had wandered to the east or west of Helena, as we all felt positive of being in the timber that skirted the Boulder Range of mountains and which was doubly convincing, since our be- wildered minds had set the sun going east instead of west. The mind in its normal condition would have detected this error at once, for if we had been on the south side of the valley the timber would have been between us and the sun, but the opposite was the case, thus showing that we were on the same side of the valley from which we had started. My friends thought we were west of the city, but I supposed my reasons for believing otherwise by pointing out familiar ob- jects, familiar only in my imagination, as I had never before seen them such as the twisted trunk of a tree or a peculiar shaped boulder; we were, however, really east of Helena, but my idea of that fact was based upon instinct rather than from any real knowledge I had of the surroundings. I was stupi- fied by cold, hunger and general exhausted vitality, rendering me incapable of intelligent argument. My comrades, too, were badly worn, which prevented their recognizing my real condi- tion, and hence my entreaties rather than my logic, enduced them to go west, which proved to be the right course. I gave out, lay down at the base of a large pine tree and finally pre- vailed on the boys to leave me and hasten on to town and send someone back with a horse after me. They soon met the old hunter from Clark's ranch, at the head of Prickly Pear Canyon, who directed them to the ranch and then hurried on after me. I had passed the point of suffering and was sleep- ing "the sleep that knows no waking," when the old hunter arrived. He understood the situation and lost no time in try- ing to arouse me, but at once placed me in his saddle, sprang on behind to keep me from falling off the horse, and, by tak- ing a cut-off through the woods, reached the ranch only a few minutes behind my companions, who, after partaking of a good meal at Mr. Clark's expense, passed on down the can- yon to the road-workers' camp. Mr. Clark was one of those large-hearted, whole-souled and sympathetic old Frenchmen so frequently met with on the plains, and frontiers of civilization. There is an old pro- verb, very current in my boyhood days in Missouri, which 104 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF POLK WELLS says, "fool for luck, a poor man for children, and a Dutchman for dogs," and I will add a Frenchman for Indian women, for Mr. Clark possessed the characteristic fondness of his race for the gentler sex, and, of course, kept about his ranch all the time half a dozen of the fair subjects of his Peigan neighbors, to whom he assigned the task of restoring me to conscious- ness. One of these humble, gentle,kind-hearted women was at my bedside day and night. They seemed to anticipate my every wish, and placed before me the very best that Mr. Clark's table afforded. They made, of mountain herbs, a de- coction with which they bathed me three times a day, for a week, and two days more were spent in gently rubbing me with the palms of their hands. The liquid they used in bath- ing me was a fiery red, and produced a tingling, burning and unpleasant sensation, but the rubbing was soothing and de- lightful, promoting a speedy return of vital energies, which, in a few days, enabled me to resume my former position as cook for the road workers. The kind, fatherly care bestowed on me by Mr. Clark, the untiring watchfulness and faithful ministry to my wants by his humble, but devoted women was never compensated for except through my sense of increasing gratitude, which the English language does not afford words strong enough to convey. I offered to pay my benefactor for the trouble he had been put to in caring for me, but he emphatically refused to accept the same, saying that he felt doubly repaid for what he had done by seeing me restored to health, especially so since "French blood" flowed in my veins. Sentimentalists and philanthropists are doing much writ- ing and talking nowadays on the subject of crime, and puz- zling their brains, passing sleepless nights and ruining their health in their efforts to devise means, or discover some plan, by which criminals can be painlessly executed. If the suffer- ing preceding the transition from consciousness to uncon- sciousness could be avoided, I would recommend these gen- tlemen to urge if nothing short of life for life would suffice the adoption of freezing or drowning as being not only the least painful, but the most genteel way of disposing of con- demned men. I am inclined, however, to favor freezing as the death penalty, nothwithstanding the suffering prior to in- sensibility to pain, as after that period until death intervenes, the victim would experience such pleasurable sensations as to fully compensate him for the agony endured. My own exper- ience under the pine tree, and while being conveyed from there to the ranch, is a case in point. I had, before laying down, become insensible to cold and soon drifted into the realms of most exquisite joy and lovely scenery. I seemed to be float- EXCITING DAYS AND DARING DEEDS 105 ing on atmospheric waves, over beautiful valleys, vine-clad hills, and forest covered mountains, with the air impregnated with a delicious odor of flowers, laden with the songs of the rarest birds, and resounding with the most melodious strains of vocal and instrumental music. If, as the old colored preacher of Georgia, while addressing his people, averred, "Hell am (de) composed ob icebergs, lakes frozen to de bot- tom, mountains and valleys cubbered wid snow," then I have had a foretaste of the horrors, the inexpressible grief and pain in store for those who enter the abode of his Satanic Majesty; while on the other hand I have anticipated some of the joys and sweets of the Lord's Mansion. The toll road was com- pleted by the latter part of April, and I claimed the honor (if honor it can be), of driving the first team through Prickly Pear Canyon, for I was driving the lead team in Mr. Perkins* first train to Fort Benton. Returning to Helena I met my step-brother, Joe Fry, who had just received a letter from his mother, stating that my father had returned from the war and that he was very anxious to learn something definite relative to my whereabouts. I gave Joe to understand that I was con- templating a trip to California, and, perhaps, on to Alaska, and requested him to so inform his mother. I had seriously thought of making the trip to Alaska, but abandoned it the moment I heard of my father's return, and thought only of him and determined to go home after making one more trip to Benton. I said nothing to Joe, however, about my intentions, so that my unexpected arrival there would be a complete and happy surprise to my dear old father. Helena, at this time, was in the morning of her glory. New mines had been discovered, the news of which spread rapidly, bringing hundreds of gold-seekers to the city. The various business houses were crowded with cash customers, while Charlie Curtis, city auctioneer, set the streets ablaze with profanity, evoked much laughter by his ludicrous com- parisons and told white lies enough to damn a hundred men every day as he dashed up and down the street tryiner to sell for one hundred dollars, an old cayuse (pony) worth about ten dollars. Every foot of ground, on both sides of grizzly gulch from end to beginning was being worked with might and main by the excited delvers after the precious metal ; some were washing dirt bv the panful, others used "rockers" and still others employed the more pretentious sluice-boxes, while at the head of the gulch stood a sixty-stamp quartz mill that run day and night. During this scramble after gold, teamsters were scarce even at one hundred dollars per month, while able-bodied men could earn from eight to fifteen dollars per day in the mines. I do not mean by this that there were no 106 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF POLK WELLS able-bodied men among the teamsters. On the contrary, there were many strong, well-developed fellows driving teams for a living. Such men will accept small wages at light work, where board is included, rather than exert themselves for more money ; yet teaming is the hardest work any man ever engaged in I mean in a moral and healthful sense. The duties of a teamster are not, in themselves considered laborious, except at short intervals, such as extricating a wagon from a mud- hole, drawing an ox team from the mire, loading and unload- ing the train; but the exposure to all kinds of weather, the hard fare he is subjected to, together with the debauch at the end of each trip is many times more injurious to his physical constitution than the work required of him ; and so far as de- moralization is concerned, I know of no element more thor- oughly calculated to destroy the finer qualities of his charac- ter than the immoral atmosphere always clinging to the freight train, for while it is in motion there is poured into his ears a continual stream of profanity, and when in camp he hears nothing but vulgar jests and obscene stories which would bring a blush of shame to the cheek of a Hottentot or create a wholesome disgust in the bosom of an Australian Bushman. In fact such a vocation dwarfs the intellect, de- grades the manners and defiles the speech of man the inevi- table result of idleness and the absence of refining influence of pure, Christian women. But these immoralities of language and conduct are common failings where large bodies of men congregate without the presence of spotless, high-minded ladies to remind them of their manliness and moral obliga- tions ; they exist, however, in a greater degree among plains- men than among people who are collected in towns and cities for the reason that the latter, being permanently located, make some pretensions toward sociability and strive after moral and intellectual supremacy, which effort is greatly encouraged by the constant arrival of strangers to whom it would be bad form to address words unbecoming to a gentleman; while the for- mer go on long trips, thrown together for weeks and months without the intervention of new faces or new thoughts, and, since "familiarity breeds contempt," they become disrespect- ful to* their employers, discourteous to their companions and assume an air of haughty indifference for culture, purity and refinement. The professional scouts look upon the cowboys as being a notch or two below them in the scale of importance and the knights of the lariat regard with disfavor the stage- drivers; and these "ribbon" manipulators raise clouds of "dust and profanity as they whirl past, throwing dirt and sand into the faces of the mule drivers, who in turn sit bolt upright in their saddles on the near wheeler with "jerk-line" in the left EXCITING DAYS AND DARING DEEDS 107 and big blacksnake whip in the right hand and hurry past the ox-teamster without so much as a nod or a smile of brotherly recognition. Here, however, the scale of descent comes to a standstill, for the ox- drive, has not a boot black even upon whom to cast his reproachful looks, and before whom to spread his record of dignity he occupies absolutely the lowest strata of western society. Yet driving cattle is as honorable work as that of any other calling, and from which has sprung some illustrous characters; for instance, Mr. Mackey, Nevada's bonanza king, once engaged in that employment, and it was said bv one who crossed the plains with him that he could not at the end of the journey (Salt Lake City), pick out and correctly yoke up his own team. The faculty of memory was so deficient that he could not remember the spots or the num- ber of wrinkles on the horns of his cattle, yet his perceptive organs and the faculty of acquisitiveness were naturally of re- markable keenness and depth ; the former enabled him to rec- ognize not the external markings of cattle, but the conditions, peculiarities and qualities of things of vastly greater import- ance, while the latter gave him the desire and will to seize upon and utilize them for his special benefit. Mr. Heck Reel, Cheyenne's millionaire and cattle king, laid the foundation of his fortane by driving teams on the plaino ; and the famous Ben Holliday in his youth wielded a large hemp whip over a prairie breaking team in Missouri. I could mention many other gentlemen of today, famous in politics and for their wealth, who followed the plains for a livelihood or to avoid Uncle Sam's draft. Driving team on the plains, if not condu- cive to health and morality, is legitimate business, therefore the plainsman is worthy of some consideration and respect, especially so since the great west of today is largely indebted to him for its wonderful growth and prosperity ; for without his strong arm, unflinching courage and indomitable will, in times which tried men's souls, she would not be what she is today the queen of the continent. Lying at the wharf, on our return to Fort Benton, were two steamboats with cargoes partially unloaded. Each had on board a number of passengers from Eastern cities, bound for the various mining towns in Montana, Utah and Idaho. Cap- tain Wall, proprietor of the boats and of the train, had come up with them from St. Louis, and, expecting our outfit, under the management of Bob Ford, to meet him at Benton, had agreed to provide for them transportation to Helena. They had heard many wonderful things about the wild, untamable teamsters of the West, and Mr. Wall had no doubt heightened their terror of them by relating real or fictitious stories con- cerning the audacity and marvelous daring of the objects of 108 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF POLK WELLS their fearful apprehension and curiosity. I was, as before, driving the lead team, and on Hearing the landing, the team- sters poured forth a deafening yell. Mr. Wall, whom I had not seen, had been to the Fort and was returning to the wharf accompanied by his superintendent, Mr. Perkins, and several of Uncle Sam's officers. I noticed that these gentlemen as well as the passengers were closely watching my maneuvers and observing my dress. Driving down to the landing to have my wagon loaded, my cattle shied off from the road and start- ed to run, I raised my hand and shouted, "Whoa, Big Horn and Butler;" the old wheelers set back upon their haunches, bringing the team to a halt, my big whip fell in rapid succes- sion on the backs of the poor, unfortunate cattle; then, the wagon being stopped at the proper place, my comrades cheer- ed loudly, the passengers seemed to be terrified, while the gentlemen with the superintendent stood gazing at me as if they were undecided whether to admire or condemn my con- duct. However, I felt somewhat proud of the terror I excited in the passengers, inwardly rejoiced at the cheers of my com- panions and gratified by the approving smile on Mr. Perkins* countenance, but Mr. Wall was displeased with the exhibition and approached me with a rapidity and stately tread arid with fire flashing from his piercing eyes, said, "Young man, I de- mand a more humane treatment of those cattle than you gave them just now. I'll give you to understand, sir" he did not finish the sentence, for I began uncoiling my whip intending to strike him with it, and at the same time poured forth a vol- ley of "cuss" words which excited the envy and admiration of "Big Ben" the champion profane swearer of the West and nonplussed the gentleman. My insolence and profanity were more than he had bargained for, and turning on his heel, with hands on his ears as if he meant to exclude the awful words, fled from my presence. Wildly gesticulating he stopped for a moment and hurriedly said something to Mr. Perkins, who came directly to me and asked, "Charles, do you know the gentleman you were cursing just now?" "No, sir." "Well, that is Mr. Wall." I felt certain that the superintendent had received orders to turn me off, and not liking the idea of be- ing discharged, I was about to take advantage of his delay in using the fatal words by demanding my wages. Mr. Perkins, reading my thoughts, then said, "My boy, I have not come as you suspect, for the purpose of dismissing you from our ser- vice, but rather to assure you of the Captain's respect and friendship. He likes your pluck and admires the skill you dis- played in the management of your team, but told me to cau- tion you about whipping it so severely." I felt deeply grate- ful for Mr. Wall's good opinion, promptly confessed that I had EXCITING DAYS AND DARING DEEDS 109 overreached the bounds of reason, and that I was not only sorry but ashamed of myself and begged his pardon, which was graciously granted. By noon the train was loaded, and the boys went to camp for dinner. Those of the passengers who ventured among the men did so for the purpose of acquaint- ing themselves with the situation and, if possible, become reconciled to their fate, and to select someone with whom they entrust their baggage and morals during the trip to Helena. They passed back and forth among the teamsters like a pren- ologist, manipulating the head of a subject, scanning the feat- ures of each and noting the language they used and closely ob- serving their deportment and the degree of cleanliness mani- fested. Two or three of them condescended to bow to me as they passed, while two superior looking, well dressed gentle- men strutted by apparently oblivious of my existence, and en- gaged in conversation with "Big Ben" physically the filthiest and morally the most depraved man in the outfit with whom they concluded to ride to the city. A handsome young. man. named Cameron, claiming to be a nephew of Simon Cameron, the celebrated politician, walked up to me and, looking me square in -the eye, while warmly shaking my hand, said. "Young man, I like the looks of you, notwithstanding your lan- guage and conduct this morning, and shall be glad to trust myself and luggage in your wagon." I keenly felt the rebuke, blushingly acknowledged his compliment, and assured him he was welcome to my wagon, and that I would use my best en- deavors to make the journey to Helena as pleasant as possible tinder the circumstances. The teamsters had nothing to say as to whether the pas- sengers should or should not ride with them, but they had in- finitely much to say as to the agreeableness or disagreeable- ness of the trip, for they had it in their power, in spite of their wishes to the contrary, to annoy them in a thousand ways and it was, no doubt, the knowledge of this fact that led the gen- tlemen to make their own selections, rather than be assigned to a certain wagon by Superintendent Perkins. My wagon was loaded with flour on top of which I placed a thick layer of long grass to serve as a mattress, on which the blankets were spread, and by pinning up the sides of the wagon cover, make a very cozy place in which to pass the night. I cheerfully sur- rendered this comfortable lodging to Mr. Cameron and his feeble friend, and spread my own blankets on the ground un- der the wagon. Although I was obliged to haul theirs, or someone else's baggage, it was optional with me whether I gave them my bed; hence Mr. Cameron was unsparing in his praises of my self-sacrifice in his behalf, and frequently de- 110 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF POLK WELLS clared that I was a "noble, generous hearted boy, sadly out of place associating with low, vulgar men." I often thought my- self that I was worthy of a higher position in the social scale but just then there was not much else I could do; I was phys- ically unable for a miner, there was a super abundance of cow- boys and scouts ; a lack of educational qualifications barred me from a clerkship and my proud spirit revolted at becoming a waiter on tables in restaurants or hotels. Such employment had in it too much of the element of serfdom to suit my demo- cratic instincts, and what little time I did work at the business I was reminded by my own actions every day of the stories my father used to tell of the cringing, servile attitude of the old slaves of his Virginia home. Mr. Cameron was highly educated, of pleasant manners and excitable temperament and delighted in exercising his feelings by working upon my emotional features. Some people are redundant in speech and not very strong in the philosophic side of the mind such persons talk much and say little but Mr. Cameron was of a different order, and, though he talked much all he said was amusing and interesting; and being en~ dowed with good or large language he was enabled to express in a clear, full and efficient manner all the facts, with their shadings and blendings, relative to the little pleasantries of the elegant home he had recently abandoned for a life in the west. He talked lovingly of his parents and childhood sports, and spoke reverently of his sweetheart the former made me very desirous of seeing father and sisters, and the latter filled me with an inexpressable longing to see my own dark-eyed Nora. At one point of his narrative I was profused in tears, the next moment convulsed with laughter. We learned to love each other and, on reaching Helena, parted in tears. Having unloaded the train we repaired to Mr. Perkins' office to receive our wages for the trip, after which I pre- sented a due-bill, signed by the superintendent and his chief clerk for nine hundred and fifty dollars, which I deposited with them when I began work for the company, and Mr. Wall, not having recognized me until its presentation, grasped my hand in the embrace of fatherly affection and said, "My lad, I hope you will not let our little fight at Benton be the means of driving you from our employment. Mr. Perkins has spoken of you in the highest terms of praise and I shall be exceedingly glad to have you rem'ain with us." I assured him that our late unpleasantness was not the reason for my quitting him ; then told him of my father's return and how I longed to see him again. "Mr. Perkins and I," said the captain, "were talking of you this morning and mapped out a course by which we EXCITING DAYS AND DARING DEEDS ill intended making a thorough business man of you, but, having heard your story and feeling a parent's love I cannot, in jus- tice to your father, hold out any inducement that would be likely to keep you from him. I will say, however, that if you conclude to return to the mountains, come to us and we will then see what we can do for you." Then at his suggestion I sold my fine revolvers and big whip to one of the boys and ex- changed with him my gold dust and coin for greenbacks the latter being worth only seventy-five cents on the dollar and by this trade my fortune was swelled to upwards of sixteen hundred dollars, which I proudly bore away in a beautifully beaded money belt presented me by Mr. Wall Mr. Perkins also gave me a handsome present as a token of his respect and good will. Mr. Wall said I could return with his train free of charge to Benton, and I could take passage on a steamboat for home. After receiving the blessings, the expressions of love, and the expressed hope of a safe journey, of these noble, generous-hearted gentlemen, I bade them farewell and the next morning before they were out o bed the train was en- route for Benton. Having nothing to do and detesting the conversation of the average teamster, I wandered from the road with my soul ablaze with the anticipated joys in meeting the loved ones in old Missouri. I searched far and near for a certain flower which possessed all the hues of the rainbow. The abundance and variety of other flowers was simply wonderful but the species for which I searched was very scarce and when I found one I greedily plucked it from its stem, placed it neatly in the center of a handful of other choice flowers and then (mentally) presented the handsome boquet to my darling Nora, the play- mate of my childhood, the object and joy of my heart. It is strange how the thoughts and desires so persistently cling to a prospective object which has recently aroused the slumbering affections. Previous to my meeting Mr. Cameron, the hand- some and fluent New Yorker, I rarely thought of the dear ones at home, but, when my face was turned toward "God's coun- try," the land of my youth, then it was that I began to think of them and frequently said, "Oh ! my beloved, every moment, every second is bringing me closer, ever closer to thee." Arriving at the fort I was delighted to see, lying at the wharf, the little stern-wheel pocket Mr. Wall had spoken of. And, half an hour later, I was duly booked cabin passenger for St. Joseph, Missouri. I feasted my eyes on the beautiful, curi- ous and wonderful scenes on both sides of the river, but none half so sublime, yet pathetic, as the one I beheld some dis- tance below the confluence of Milk River with the Missouri. LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF POLK WELLS To the north could be seen great clouds of dust rising and a rumbling noise, like that produced by a heavy wind rushing through a forest, reached our ears. Presently a long line of buffalo appeared on the ridge overlooking the little bottom. and seeing the boat directly in front of them, without halting, they bore away to the left at a rapid gait as if bent on heading us off. Their course led them to a precipice some forty or more feet in height, at the base of which the main current of the river flower. The leaders on reaching the cliff, tried to stop or change their course, but those behind crowded them over the precipice and the whole herd, a hundred or more, like sheep jumping a pasture fence followed them in rapid suc- cession. Had it not been for the depth and swiftness of the stream, which swept them on as they fell like shot from a tower, the entire band must have perished on the spot. Rising to the surface they snorted loudly and made for the opposite shore, and by the time the last one of the herd took the dizzy leap, the boat was in the midst of the swimming creatures. It was the work of a moment to form a loop at the end of a tow line and selecting a cow I caught the noose over her head. By means of the great spar and "nigger-head" she was hoisted on deck and slaughtered. For this slight manifestation of my skill with the lasso, I was dubbed "Buffalo Charley," and much admired by the captain and his wife. About the first of August, seventeen days after leaving Benton, the little boat landed at St. Joseph, Missouri. I pro- ceeded at once to Kahn's clothing emporium where I donned a suit of fine new clothes, then boarded the two o'clock train for Rushville, and three-quarters of an hour later I was stand- ing in the presence of my father. CHAPTER IX. Four years of terrible warfare and crushing adversity had not affected father's old Virginia ideas of hospitality, nor his habit of interrogating strangers. The old decanter which I had many times passed around the board filled with "Apple- jack" and a glass were handed to me with "Take something stranger." My refusal surprised him and staring at me for a moment, he asked, "What is your name, sir?" "John Wat- son." "Where are beg pardon, sir, did you say Helena, Mon- tana?" "Yes, sir." He was about to ask, "Where are you go- ing, sir?" but the mention of Helena bethought him of his wandering boy and, as he again fastened his large, blue eyes upon me, I could see the parental love beaming forth like the rays of a morning sun. It was all I could do to restrain the tears and hold myself from his throbbing bosom, and kissing him, which would have answered the question I saw quivering on his lips. His manner was completely changed ; instead of an indignant stare, his gaze was one of condescension and he courteously remarked, "Perhaps, sir, you knew my baby boy ; Polk, out there." "The object of my visit, sir," I said, "is to tell you all about your boy." Just then Joe Fry who had pre- ceded my arrival by several days entered the room and, ex- tending his hand toward me, said, "How do you do, Polk?" The next instant I was folded in father's loving embrace. The parent of that much abused prodigal could not have been hap- pier than was my dear old father on this occasion. He wept like a child, and between sobs, said, "Joe told em that you had gone to Alaska and I feared I should never see you again." Father returned from the war on Christmas night, 1865. and found mother in an almost destitute condition. He also found himself financially wrecked. The Kansas jayhawkers and his step-son (Pance Fry) had stripped him of all his per- sonal property and all that was left of the well-equipped still- house was the stock of the old wooden pump ; and the Missouri had, with the exception of one hundred acres of timber, swal- lowed up the once famous "River Side Farm." He sold the timber for two thousand dollars, which was barely sufficient to cancel his debts, thus leaving him without a dollar, but with 114 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF POLK WELLS an enviable reputation for veracity and integrity which he prized above everything else. Alfred Fenton, a rich gentleman of Rushville, of whom I shall have occasion to speak further on, gave father a start in the saloon business and when I reached home he was in a prosperous condition. At the close of a week's visit with my sisters and sweet- heart, I returned to my father's house, only to find his family increased. Joe Fry had married and brought his wife home and his brother Richard had arrived from the mountains, all serenely lodging and feasting at my father's expense. A few weeks passed pleasantly, then all except father began to regard me as an intruder. Mother slighted me at the table, rarely made my bed, and did my white shirts and underwear up in a slovenly manner, while exact neatness and studied courtesy in everything was extended toward her own children, thus making her neglect of me all the more glaring and significant. She also joined them in criticising my clothing, manners and language. When I made use of some western phrase, they, amid boisterous laughter, exclaimed, "that's grammar for you with a vengeance," or "with which of the old masters did you study?" I could barely read in the first reader but could not write, therefore, after four years of association with the roughest element of the west, it may be inferred that my grammatical errors were numerous, that my ideas though frank and always can- did, were crude and immature, and I confess that my dress was rather extravagant for a boy. While their criticisms were de- livered in what I regarded as a playful, friendly manner, I ac- cepted them in good faith, but when it became apparent that they were poured out in a spirit of contempt, I resented them. They were simply trying to drive me from home by their taunts and incivilities and on two or three occasions mother hinted at my father's displeasure of my presence, but so long as he said nothing to that effect himself I pretended not to hear or under- stand her. Then Canna, Joe's wife, a sweet faced, willing little creature, whom I liked very much, approached me in a confi- dential mianner and expressed great sympathy for me on ac- count of father's "discourteous conduct" toward me. It was "apparent" to her that he was "getting tired of feeding" me for nothing. These evil suggestions coming from one who seemed deeply interested in my welfare, one whom I respected and admired (notwithstanding she sometimes laughed at me) and being of a simple confiding nature, I was the more ready to consider them in the light of reason and cold facts. Father one day remarked that since I would not attend school which I declined to do on the ground that I could not bear to subject myself as laughing stock for small children I had better go to EXCITING DAYS AND DARING DEEDS 115 work instead of idling my time away and spending my money foolishly. Significant glances from five pairs of malicious eyes were shot at me as if to say, "I guess you will take the hint now." If I was simple and confiding, I was also as proud as Lucifer and readily took "the hint," since it came from lawful authority. Canna's subtle tongue had shaken my faith in fath- er's love, poisoned my mind with the oil of suspicion, and pre- pared me to resent his kindly advice, coupled with his frowns and the manner in which it was given, convinced me that Can- na was right. Pride and the desire to avoid trouble with my arch enemy constrained me to leave home. I arose from the dinner table before finishing the meal, went to the stable, sad- dled my pony and rode rapidly away. Arriving at sister Sarah's house my temper had somewhat subsided, and I was capable of discussing with her, in a dispassionate manner, the course of my precipitated flight from home. We concluded father's advice was not directed at me, but given in the hope that my step-brothers would acknowledge its propriety and act accordingly. I rode down to Rushville, one day, in response to father's invitation. Entering the saloon I found him alone, and, after the little rupture between us had been satisfactorily explained away, he proposed that I should enter into partnership with him and assume full control of the business, but I declined to accept his proposition on any terms. We then engaged in an argument as to the nterits, or demerits, of the liquor traffic. He held that the manufacture and sale of intoxicating liquors had been a legal and honorable business throughout the his- torical period, quoted scripture, and such political dogmas as "the voice of the people is the law," and "the majority must, and will, rule," to prove his statements. Of course I was not able to measure intellectual swords, on a great theme, with a man of mature years and profound wisdom, and who knew the Bible almost by heart, was well versed in history and a veteran controversalist. He did not, however, succeed in converting me to his ideas for I believed then, as now, that history and political assumptions were not proper criterions upon which to base a great moral law ; that the majority was not always right, and the minority not always wrong; and as for "the voice of the people," history shows that individual man has ever been prone to "run after a multitude to do evil/' but I could not present my convictions and hence was obliged to adhere to the one assertion that it was "wrong to take a man's money for something that did him harm instead of good." Father admired my firmness and respected the position I had taken to the extent of condescending to ask my opinion as to 116 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF POLK WELLS the propriety of allowing boys to frequent and lounge about saloons. In substance my reply was that boys ought to be per- mitted to go wherever their fathers went, and if the saloon was a proper place for the latter, the former would not be seriously damaged by lounging about it. This discussion was abruptly terminated by the entrance of the widow Yazell (whose two sons, George and Kelly, excellent young men, were among father's best customers) who at first sight was very mild and courteous in forbidding father to allow her boys to come into the saloon, then grew furiously abusive. "My good woman," said father, "if I shut my door against your boys, they will go elsewhere to spend their time and money ; they are almost of age and capable I think of judging for themselves the course to pursue, therefore, I cannot comply with your unreasonable de- mand." Mrs. Yazell was a devoted Christian, an honest hard- working Christian, and no doubt felt justified in invoking from Heaven a fearful curse upon my father, after which she prophe- sied that his business should wither like Jonah's gourd! that he, himself, should come to grief and shame and that his family should be utterly destroyed whether the good lady was or was not uttering words of inspiration may be inferred from subsequent chapters. She said, as she flounced out of the room, "God is on my side, he'll avenge my wrongs and overturn this accursed house of Satan." The word "Satan" had scarcely passed her lips when the building began to tremble violently, chairs waltzed around the room in regular file, whisky bottles made graceful bows at each other and then tumbled from the shelf, bar glasses made frantic efforts to get out of the rack, while their "chink chink" against one another seemed to have a special significance and the billiard balls rolled to and fro across the table, their hard surfaces as they came together produced a metallic ring not noticeable in them before. I never had such a peculiar and awful sensation pass over me as I experienced on this occasion, and father, the only time I ever saw him frightened, was as white as this paper. And as the terrified widow flew down the street she shouted, "Oh! God, Oh ! God, have mercy on us." She had presumed a little too far on the Lord's prerogative and it seemed likely that she had by her rashness, called upon herself and us speedy destruc- tion. Father and I hastened out of the room. The room was filled with wonder-stricken and frightened people, some cry- ing, others on their knees praying, and still others standing erect with their hands stretched Heavenward and loudly im- ploring God to spare them and the town. This amusing, yet pathetic and awe-inspiring scene, was caused by an earthquake shock lasting ten or fifteen seconds, but this was sufficient to EXCITING DAYS AND DARING DEEDS 117 fill the people with excitement and terror. Mrs. Yazell, the widow, and author of this disturbance and fearful apprehen- sion, is, I am happy to say, still living- and prays that the "gates of Heaven may open to receive Polk Wells" God grant that it may be so. About the first of May, 1867, I went to Kansas, and hired to Mr. Howard Glenn, wagon foreman for Russell & Majors, to drive a team to Santa Fe, New Mexico. At this time the Sioux. Pawnee, Dog-Soldier, Comanche, and Cheyenne Indians were committing bloody depredations all along the frontier settle- ments from the Niobrara, in northern Nebraska, down to the Rio Pecos in northern New Mexico. Having crossed the Neosho river we camped for dinner. A recruiting officer came to the camp, and after a well directed speech on the cruelties perpetrated by the Indians, called for volunteers. Seven of the men, including myself and George Caruthers, a former com- panion on the plains, and whom I had shot through the right arm before leaving Atchison for attempting to force me at the muzzle of a pistol to drink whisky with him, responded to the invitation and immediately set out on foot for Council Grove, where our captain had in waiting teams to convey us to Junc- tion City, where we would be sworn in and equipped for the expedition. While in Council Grove, awaiting the arrival of other recruits, a large number of men collected on the street one evening and were discussing the various outrages, when a woe-begone looking outfit halted in front of the excited crowd. The man held a pair of rope reins over a span of very poor horses, hitched to a clumsy and rickety old wagon, behind which wa.s tied another horse equally as poor as the team. The grasshoppers had destroyed the previous year's crop and now the Indians had driven him from his little home. "But," said he, smiling sweetly, "I'll be all right if I can get back to my wife's people in Old Missouri, and (pointing to the extra horse) I'll sell that animal for half he's worth rather than have to beg my way home." "At what do you value the horse ?" asked some one in the crowd. "Three hundred dollars," was the prompt reply. The shout of derision that rent the air caused the poor, sick wife to raise her head and peep out from under the tattered and besmeared old wagon sheet; the children too with their pale, hunger-pinched faces, looked out to see what was the matter. The picture thus presented had been so fre- quently reproduced to the inhabitants of Council Grove that they seemed to have lost all interest in, pity for, and desire to help such unfortunates. I caught a glimpse of the wave of sor- row and disappointment that spread over the sick woman's face when her husband informed her that the men were laugh- 118 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF POLK WELLS ing at his "proposition to sell Frank for one hundred and fifty dollars." The sickened wife lay back on her humble couch, the husband picked up his rope reins, lightly tapping his horses with them said, "Come lads, we must move on." "Knowledge is the hill which few may hope to climb. Duty is the path which all may tread." Here, then, was an opportunity to put in practice the golden rule, an opportunity to rebuke an un- feeling, sympathetic people, an opportunity to do my duty as I felt it, and thereby make happy a weary, forlorn family; therefore my ire at the crowd for its shameful conduct and sympathy for the unhappy wife and children, being aroused to the highest pitch I determined to buy the animal, and shouted. "Hold, my friend, let me look at your horse." He brought his team to a halt with a jerk, walked back to Frank, untied him and led him around and around, up and down the street, then, holding a stick two or three feet from the ground, said, "Frank, come over, sir." The horse leaped back and forth over the stick like a trained dog. The exercises through which he put the horse showed that the animal was sound, and the pedigree he gave him was doubtless true; both of which were wholly unnecessary since I had decided to take him though he should die on my hands the next moment after paying for him. I counted out one hundred and fifty dollars and handed them to the (now) happy man and sent him on his way rejoicing. As I led Frank past the crowd an old man remarked, "That's a noble-hearted young man." "Yes," said another, "a fool and his money are soon parted." The consciousness of having done my duty toward a distressed brother, of having performed a noble act, thereby casting the rays 'of sunshine and hope into an otherwise clouded life, filled my mind with most pleasure- able sensations, hence I allowed this misanthropic pessimist and his ungenerous thrust at my sanity to pass unheeded I was not only happy myself, but had made others so, too. Arriving at Junction City, our captain informed us that the call for volunteers had been fully responded to seven days past, consequently our little band of would-be Indian fighters was dismissed without ceremony. The proprietor of the private boarding house at which Caruthers and I lodged, was head hostler in the livery stable where I kept Frank. My companion got work in the stable, while I, for two weeks, put in most of my time feeding, rub- bing and exercising my horse, who, at the end of that time, was as proud and spirited as a game-cock. Returning one evening from my regular exercise, I noticed a fine horse in the stall next to Frank, and since I know of no animal (except a pretty woman) that will attract my attention quicker, or more thor- EXCITING DAYS AND DARING DEEDS 119 oughly arouse my admiration than a noble horse, naturally I wished to know to whom the animal belonged. Caruthers in- formed me that he ha,d been left there by the famous scout. Wild Bill, who, though regarded in the east as a human mon- ster, was in the west looked up to as the prototype of honor and manly courage. His picture was displayed in every win- dow. His name in deeds of valor on every tongue, and while he was, from the sod hut to the mansion, and from the camp fire to the military post, the reverenced hero, he was also a terror to, and the object of hatred to evil doers, whom he pur- sued with bloodhound sagacity and invincible purpose. For sometime it had been my desire and ambition to make the ac- quaintance of, and to accompany this honored and respected scout of western nobility on some dangerous enterprise, and. putting my horse away, hurried up town to see the all-impor- tant individual. My conceptions of Wild Bill were of such wondrous proportions that I had but little hope of his conde- scending to even speak to me, much less to engage me as a fighting comrade, yet I was constrained, as a bark impelled against a craggy coast, to seal my fate by personal interview or contact with the scout my ideal of physical perfection and intellectual supremacy. I was standing on a corner, listening to some men talking about the outrages of the Indians, the depredations of white robbers and the too frequent desertions from the army, when Bill rode up and asked, "Can I get a man from this crowd to go with me for a few days?" It was evi- dent, from his hurried manner, and determined look, that he was bent on carrying out some dangerous commission. The noted scouts and adventurous characters of the city had accom- panied the various Indian expeditions, and these fellows, (the dudes of the town) brought forth excuses similar to those who were bidden to the "Great Supper ;" therefore it seemed reason- ably certain that Bill was doomed to follow his quest in silence and alone. I had felt that a conversation with Wild Bill, or even the privilege of touching the fringe on his buckskin coat would be an honor and a blessing, and moreover inspire me with something of his great courage and unequalled sagacity; but now the opportunity was present, I shrank from making the necessary application, yet I managed, though my heart was in my mouth, to say, "I will go with you Sir." He turned his piercing eyes upon me, and, with a frown on his handsome face, a touch of contempt in his voice, said, "You don't call yourself a man, I hope." To be sure I was but a beardless boy. without influential friends to recommend me, but had, pre- viously, felt myself equal to almost any undertaking, yet on this occasion I was abashed, and quailed beneath the fierce 120 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF POLK WELLS glances of the greatest scout in the west. As I retreated a step or two a contemptuous smile spread over features of the spectators, and, resting their cowardly gaze upon me, they in- dulged in various satirical remarks on my " presumtpion" as they termed it. Their unjust criticisms stung to the quick and aroused my wonted boldness and pride, the all-powerful gov- ernor of moral action, which sent me lightly to the curbstone and enabled me to say, "Sir, I may not be a man in size or age. but I am a man, in-as-much as I am able and willing to follow whithersoever you may choose to lead." "Bravo/' said the scout, dismounting and cordially grasping my hand, "That's the way I like to hear a fellow talk. Come, young man, let us be off." We walked down to the stable where we made a care- ful examination of Frank, and after witnessing my workman- ship, expressed himself as being perfectly satisfied with my horse, and doubly willing to have me accompany him on his perilous trip. Leaving the stable we went directly to his room where I was made acquainted with his plans and purposes. "I have," said he, "for several days, been trailing five men ; two of them are deserters from Fort Wallace, and the others are robbers. I have here authority producing the document to bring them back dead, or alive ; what say you?" I assured him of my hearty co-operation, whereupon he said, "We'll take a wash and go down to the restaurant and get a good meal before starting, as it will be the last we shall enjoy for several days, for the men are many miles ahead of us by this time." While T was washing Bill drew my knife and read, engraved on the silver plates on both sides of the handles, these words : "From Kit Carson to C. P. Wells." As I turned to the towel to dry my face, he sprang forward with the knife partially raised in his right hand, and with the left caught me by the shoulder and rudely turned me around face to face with him. My hair seemed to stand erect, for I thought I was about to be made a sacrifice to appease the appetite of this man-eater of the west. Springing quickly to one side, I threw myself into a defensive attitude and determined to sell my life as dearly as possible. Bill divined my thoughts and instantly dropped his hands to his sides, laughed heartily and said, "Charles, don't be too hasty. I had no thought of harming you. I saw Kit Carson last summer, and he told me all about your little affair with Slade at Old Julesburg, and this knife (holding it up) is equiv- alent to a letter of introduction from that honored scout and friend." Having finished our toilet we hastened to the restaurant, and, after an excellent repast, mounted our horses and rode rapidly toward the trail ef the fugitives, who were heading for EXCITING DAYS AND DARING DEEDS 121 the Indian Territory, as two of them had friends living at, or near, Vinita. Wishing to avoid uninteresting details of this chase, I will simply state that we captured the men, and, re- turning to the city, delivered them to the proper authorities, and for my services I received fifty dollars and marked praise, which I valued a grrat deal more than money, from the famous scout, manhunting Wild Bill. Next morning Bill boarded a K. P. passenger train for Kansas City, while Caruthers and myself went west with a haying outfit belonging to Messrs. Brown & Callen of Junction City, and Dr. Robison of Manhattan. These gentlemen had contracted with "Uncle Sam" to put up eight hundred tons of hay at Fort Wallace and several hundred cords of wood at Monument Station. Mr. Robinson, being the brainy man and wire-pulling financier of the company, accompanied us and,. on reaching Fort Hayes, prevailed on the Post Commander to furnish him fifty negro soldiers in charge of a bright mulatto sergeant to escort his train to Wallace. Most of the teamsters, like myself, were southern sympathizers, hence an ill feeling existed between them and the sable escort from the time it joined us until we separated. After passing Monument Station we camped, one day, on the Smoky Hill River. I went down to the stream to water my horse, and, after picketing him on the grass, returned to camp. Sitting in the shade of the "mess- wagon" were two white men and two negroes playing "seven- up." This was a spectacle I had not before witnessed; it was a little too much for my democratic ideas of social equality, therefore, in tones expressive of the deepest dudgeon and con- tempt, I said : "You white men are reducing yourselves to the level of negroes by playing cards with them." Then, with feelings of great superiority and disdain, I turned to walk away, when the sergeant (who was one of the players) sprang to his feet and remarked, "I'm jest 'bout as white as you is (which was certainly true) an' persume miself bettern'n po' white trash." Such impudence and audacity in a "nigger" was more than high-pitched rebel gravity could stand, so I slapped the sergeant in the face, and was promptly knocked down by him. This exchange of blows precipitated a general fight, during which I had my shirt torn off and was completely disabled by a kick in the stomach from a burly, black negro, who was instantly rendered "hors de com- bat" by a lick on the head from an ox-bow by my friend Car- uthers. I fell backward over the edge of an incline leading to the brink of a precipice overlooking the river. This incline was covered with sand burrs and prickly pears, whose thorns had free access to my flesh as I rolled toward the cliff, on the 122 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF POLK WELLS edge of which I lodged against some small bushes, with my face toward the river. The kick in the stomach, however, rendered me insensible to the thorn thrusts, and unconscious of my perilous situation, for had those bushes given way I would have passed through fifty feet of space before striking the river bed, which was a hard-pan formation, and covered with only a few inches of water. While the battle was raging most furiously two strangers appeared, and my being naked from the waist up, and battling with a physically superior foe, their interest and attention was centered upon me, but for a moment their eyes were taken from me and when returned I had disappeared, over the incline. A minute later the fight ceased and I was becoming conscious of my situation, when one of the strangers seized my arm and assisted me up the in- cline and turned me over to Caruthers, who industriously ap- plied himself for two hours extracting thorns from my body. Dr. Robinson had been a surgeon in the Union Army dur- ing the rebellion, hence he had, from the start, tried to enforce his ideas by military discipline upon his men, and now, being wroth at me as the originator of the row, which delayed the train that evening, he purposed to chastise him, there- by putting a stop to his pugnacity." These words were ad- dressed to Mr. Jack Council, the wagon foreman, who had known me all my life, and who persuaded the doctor to aban- don his rash intentions. The purposed chastisement consisted of tying me to a wagon wheel and flogging me with a black- snake whip. Had the doctor called upon the negroes to exe- cute his cruel design there would have been a deadly encoun- ter, for every teamster, including those I had rebuked, buckled on his revolvers ready to defend me. The doctor and I,- 1 am happy to say, soon became good friends, and he, after the out- fit had fulfilled its mission and returned to Junction City which was not accomplished without many noteworthy events recommended me to several gentlemen as an "honest, trust- worthy boy." During the spring and summer of 1868 I was engaged in various ways, sometimes driving hack about the city, at others collecting beef cattle for the butchers, or scouting with Wild Bill for Indians or other law-breakers. On one occasion we got after three men who had stolen five horses from an old farmer near Junction City. Early twilight of the second day we came in sight of the fugitives' camp fire on the Neosho River. Leaving the trail we rode direct to the river bottom, which we followed down to within half a mile of our prospec- tive point, when we halted, and, after caring for our horses, proceeded to eat our crackers and dried beef which we washed EXCITING DAYS AND DARING DEEDS 12,3 down with Neosho water. Having finished our frugal meal we resumed our journey on foot toward the fugitives and did not halt until almost within the radius of the light of their camp-fire. We were close enough to occasionally catch a few words of what the men had to say. One fellow laughingly re- marked ,"I guess we have given that long-haired cuss the slip at last." "Not much," said Bill as he mischievously but good- naturedly twitched my ear. He had been in the saddle almost day and night for a week, was, of course, very tired and having implicit confidence in me, and after giving me instructions, stretched himself and quickly went to sleep. The men being in a sparsely settled country believed themselves comparative- ly safe, or they would not have started a fire, yet they deemed it advisable to appoint one of their number to stand guard while the others slept. Their sentinel appeared to be perfectly contented as he made regular puffs from the short stem of his corncob pipe. With the toe of his boot he occasionally stirred the fire which sent up fitful blazes, illuminating the woods for rods around and causing the giant-like trees to assume peculiar and fantastic shapes. Again my fellow watchman looked at his watch and, turning to his companion, said, "Come Dick, get up, it is half-past twelve o'clock." "Oh! h 1, lay down and go to sleep ; we are in no danger here." "That's my opin- ion, too," replied the first speaker, who stretched himself on the ground with head in his saddle and slept soundly. The silver moon was nearing the horizon and a last ray from that wondrous orb stole through the thick foliage and for a moment rested upon the upturned, handsome face of Wild Bill. He lay so still I thought him dead but, gently placing my hand on his broad chest, the strong regular pulsations of his heart convinced me that he was sleeping the sleep of the brave, the true and the just. The familiar notes of the coyotes had long since died away and the horses, too, had ceased their monotonous "crop, crop" of the grass ; so that a death-like stillness reigned over the romantic scene. Being thus left alone, I sat down, leaned against a tree, with face toward the men and delivered myself up to the sweet, though in some re- spects regretful retrospect. I had left home in a, fit of melan- choly, the result of my Nora's seeming indifference toward me. there was but one object on my memory and upon that object did my affections dwell. I was transported in thought to the little farm house in Missouri where lived my Nora. I mentally gazed into her deep brown eyes and again heard her say in faltering tones, "I would not cross the plains any more if I were you." This 'is what she said the day I held her little hand in mine and bade her good-bye. I had told sister Ruth 124 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF POLK WELLS that I was going away because Nora would not play with and. kiss me as she used to do while we were children. "Oh ! you silly boy," said my sister, "Nora loves you as she does her own soul, but she cannot grant you the same privileges that she once did." Ruth was right, of course, but I was unable at that time, by any process of reasoning at my command, to draw an ethic- al line between Polk Wells the playfellow and Mr. Wells, the lover, for in either stage of life my love for Nora was as pure as it was ardent ; hence I saw no excuse for reserve and con- ventionality. Her sadness at my departure was apparent and I seemed to gloat on it, but, sitting in the loneliness of the night in the presence of evil men, not knowing what the morning would bring forth, and with her sorrowful face before my mind's eye, my actions toward her had a recoiling force which struck me with a vengeance; my heart was pierced with the arrows of remorse for having deserted the loveliest creature on earth for the frivilous cause (to her momentous cause) of refraining from an embrace or withholding a kiss. Oppressed with the bitterness of remorse and loneliness, my thoughts nat- urally reverted to scenes of childhood and other days on the plains, and my melancholy surroundings recalled the stories of the "Middle Ages," which I had heard my father read. Mailed Knights and Cowled Padres with their innumerable serfs and crowned kings in their pomrp and glory of ancient times all passed in mental review. The transition of my mind from one subject was easy and rapid. I reflected on the prob- able cause that led to the misdeeds of the men lying asleep within a stone's throw, and pondered on the great fame of Wild Bill. My disjointed reverie was interrupted by the stolen horses making a simultaneous attack on the rich grass, and a moment later a meadow lark the prairie nightingale sent forth a stream of melody that warned me of the approach of day. I knew the scout wanted to make some preliminary ar- rangements before assaulting the enemy, so I touched him on the shoulder and said, "Bill." One spring landed him at my side, and, with his eyes flashing in the darkness, he said, "What time is it? Is everything all right?" I pointed up to the lark, still filling the air with his lovely song, and then to the streaks of light athwart the eastern sky. My companion was familiar with every foot of this country and decided, therefore, to place the enemy between us and the river, the ground in that direc- tion being less thickly covered with timber, rendering it next to impossible for the men to escape the unerring aim of Wild Bill in case they should run when apprised of his presence. After administering a gentle reprimand for *my failure to wak- en him at midnight as per order, the scout said, "Follow me." EXCITING DAYS AND DARING DEEDS 125 Reaching the objective point we lay down in the tall grass to await broad daylight. Presently the men arose and started a roaring fire, on which they placed juicy steaks from the quarter of some farmer's bullock. The odor of the broiling meat almost drove us mad with hunger. One of the men (whistling the "Arkansas Traveler") went out to inspect the horses and find- ing them all right returned to camp, singing the burlesque song on "Brigham Young." His parody on the original chorus created a hearty laugh and evoked the general term of praise, "well done, my boy." The change of airs showed the mood and versatility of the man. This easy transition, however, from the sentimental to the ridiculous is common with the criminal who, when in doubt, sings something befitting the state of his feelings, but who, when confidence is restored and prosperity apparent, exhibits the lively aspects of his nature by singing something in harmony therewith. While the men were eating their hard-tack and steak, we were worming our way through the tall grass toward them, and their faces being toward the river enabled us to approach within a few rods of them ; .here we waited until the light of day had consumed the fire- light, when we arose, and, in catlike bounds, sprang upon our prey. Bill shouted "surrender." The men leaped to their feet, intending, no doubt, to resist or run, but seeing four large pis- tols leveled at them dropped their guns and meekly submitted to the inevitable. We secured the men and returned to Junc- tion City, where they were properly disposed of and the stolen horses delivered to their rightful owners. The reflections of that lonely night on the Neosho, and more especially the sad face (as I then saw it) of my sweet- heart, were constantly before me. I hastened to settle up my business matters preparatory to an early start to old Mis- souri, "therefore," I thought, "I must bid Wild Bill good-bye tonight, as I will not have an opportunity of doing so in the morning. When I entered the room Bill was preparing to spend the night in a gambling house. He, after being apprised of my fears and intentions, looked me full in the face for a mo- ment, then said, "Come, let us go down and have a game of poker or faro (his favorites), and that sad look and melancholy feeling of yours will disappear." "No, Bill," said I, "I cannot do that. I would gladly follow you through fire, and even into a gambling house if necessary to accomplish some worthy end but never for the purpose you suggest." I then told him of my experience with faro while in Helena, Montana, and of the vow to which I invoked, as a witness, the spirit of my dear mother. He paced the floor for a minute, then turning to me with tears coursing down his sunburned cheeks, said, "My lit- 126 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF POIK WELLS tie friend, forgive me for thus tempting you to break a vow that should ever be sacred to the memory of your mother. I once made a similar pledge to my dear mother, but have shock- ingly violated it, from the fact that the gambling room and cards possess charms that I cannot resist, and I find comfort in them not attainable elsewhere ; though I would not for any- thing encourage you in this direction at least, to follow in my footsteps. It has been my opinion all the while that you were a gambler, or I should not have made the proposition I did." Instead of going to the hall, we spent the night together in his rooms. Wild Bill feared not the devil nor regarded man, yet the word "mother" caused his heart to throb like a pulsating pyramid, brought tears to his eyes, and changed his prospec- tive night's debauch into one of quietude and real enjoyment. Having had ample opportunity to observe the peculiarities and noble traits of character of this famed man, I am prepared to say that he was a hero of heroes, enstamped with valor divine. a star of beauty, a jewel coined synonym of the true, master of the most perfect marksmanship attainable by finite capacity, uncultured, yet wise as the serpent, an Apollo in form, a Her- cules in strength, quick to resent a wrong, yet forgiving and generous to a fault, and, when in seclusion with a friend, as loving as a, girl and as playful as a child. That portion of Kansas lying west of the line drawn from Washington County to Wichita, was a bleak and barren coun- try, unfit, it was thought, for the home of man. During Daniel Webster's ascendancy in the Senate of the United States a bill was presented to establish a mail route between Independence. Missouri, and the mouth of the Columbia River, some three thousand miles across plains and mountains, but the great statesman denounced the measure in toto and exclaimed. "What do we want with this vast, worthless area? This region of savages and wild beasts, of deserts of shifting sands, and whirl-winds of dusts, of cactus and prairie-dogs?" Mr. Web- ster thought the country was then, and always would be worthless, but today the entire proposed mail route is lined with beautiful Christian homes and thriving towns and cities which add great commercial importance to the United States. And Wild Bill and Buffalo Bill (especially the former) did more than any other two men to bring about this happy result. They made it possible for General Miles, Crook and Custer to act intelligently with regard to the movements of bands of hostile Indians. They carried messages from one to the other of those commanders when other scouts could not be induced to venture across the hostile country. Therefore, Kansas will not have fittingly acknowledged its appreciation of Wild Bill's EXCITING DAYS AND DARING DEEDS 127 services, nor have done adequate justice to his memory until it has erected at the state capitol at Topeka, a life size equestrian statue of America's greatest scout, not excepting Kit Carson or "Cali- fornia Joe." CHAPTER X. Having affectionately pressed the hand of Wild Bill for the last time, I mounted Frank and set out for Missouri and two days later reached the home of sister Sarah, who* informed me that sister Ruth was dead and buried, and that the Fry boys were still living with father. I first visited Nora, and having a lover's quarrel with her, and deciding to leave the country called on father to bid him good-bye. The noon meal being over we .seated ourselves on the front porch for a talk. He, gently laying his hand on my head, expressed the hope that I would not again leave him; and, after speaking of his age and the probability of his not living many years, again urged me to take charge of the. saloon business. His confidential friend. Alfred Fenton, previously alluded to, also urged me to remain at home and take care of him. "Polk," said Mr. Fenton, "you must stay at home and rid your father of the imposition put upon him by your step-brothers, who have feasted on the fat of the land at his expense ever since their return from the mountains two years ago." My step-brothers drank the best liquor, smoked the finest cigars, and, like Mark Twain's loafer "never missed a meal or paid a cent." They ate at the first table, thereby compelling my poor old father to take his meals cold. It was this state of affairs that induced me to take charge of the saloon, which was full of men when father and I entered Dick Fry was playing billiards and Joe was engaged in a four- handed game of seven-up. It was customary when they lost to set out the drinks themselves, but otherwise made father wait on them as if they were kings. I took my place behind the bar and began arranging things to my notion. The seven-up game ended and Joe had lost. He started to come behind the coun- ter but I stopped him and said, "I shall be pleased to serve you, sir." This, as I anticipated, made him angry, and without a reply he turned and left the room. Dick lost his game, too, and was treated similar to his brother whom he followed out of doors the result was a terrible fight between us, but I main- tained my position and succeeded in banishing the privileged class from my father's house. When, on the evening of the fight, I went to supper mother ordered me to leave the place, EXCITING DAYS AND DARING DEEDS 129 and declared that if her boys could not stay at home I should not. I caught her in my arms, kissing- her and vowed that her "God should be my God," and that, "I would be to her a son indeed." I rose early every morning, built a fire in the cook stove and put the tea-kettle on. I did all the milking, some- times the churning, and occasionally washed the dishes for her. For a while she treated me with alternate fits of rage and kind- ness, but after her boys were beyond recall, and seeing that my behavior toward her was uniformly kind and courteous ; she responded in a true motherly spirit. I often gave her money and did little acts of kindness she was not accustomed to re- ceive from her sons or my father. In turn for these favors, she became as solicitous about the care of my clothing as if I really were her own son. When I dressed myself for a ball or other special occasion she would not suffer me to depart until she saw, with her own eyes, that everything about me was in its proper condition. She always tied my neck-tie, and I imag- ined she could get up the "bow" in the neatest manner pos- sible. She tenaciously clung to her orthodox faith, therefore I often, to oblige her, sacrificed engagements of my own in or- der to escort her to church on Sunday, and to the regular night meetings. The family, since the source of evil had departed assumed a good-natured aspect. There were no more cross looks or crusty words passed between father and mother. All was sunhsine, and the wheels of domestic affairs moved har- moniously together. My father's extreme old age had rendered him a mere play-thing in the hands of the rough element, therefore the ''exchange" had become a noisy and unwholesome place on ac- count of the too frequent brawls within its walls. Conse- quently the better class of men withdrew their patronage and' my initiatory degree as bar-tender was calculated to confirm the withdrawal ; however, that day's triumph proved the con- trary, for they established me as the hero of every fire-side in Rushville. My demand for peace became the law, from which no one presumed to appeal. I soon reduced the hitherto noisy crowds to order and respectability, and set up a code of rules which I maintained to the very letter. It soon became gen- erally known that decent men could get their wants supplied at the "Exchange" without running the risk of being insulted or knocked down by some ruffian, and that I kept the best or- der, the neatest house, a better quality of liquors and other re- freshments than any of my contemporaries and even better than my father had furnished. The latter was certainly imag- inary, for father furnished all the supplies, and bought for me the same grade of goods (always the best) he had used. How- 130 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF POLK WELLS ever, the report served to increase my popularity as a saloon- ist; therefore, all my father's old time friends including the Pitts', Fentons, Severs', "Cash" boys, Wells', Wilson and the numerous Watson family, all men. of wealth and respectability returned their patronage to the "Exchange." I furnished various ministers of the gospel with wine for sacramental pur- poses, which is not strange since Missourians were a whisky- drinking people. I record these facts with some degree of pride, although the liquor traffic was then, has ever been, and always will be, odious to my sense of right, and my father's extreme necessity for a comforter and protector is the only ground upon which I can base an excuse for ever engaging in the accursed business at all. Having put the " Exchange" in good order, I frequently left father in charge and rode out in the country to visit and enjoy myself with old friends. About the first of December I accepted an invitation to attend the birthday party of my good friend, Christopher Callahan. Arriving at the yard gate I delivered Frank to the hostler and proceeded to the house, where a most lovely sight met my gaze. At one end of the large room was erected a platform for the musicians, on which stood Miss Mattie and (my) Nora Wilson, singing the rebel air, "Jeff Davis' Cousin." They were handsomely dressed in white, were beautiful beyond description, and looked more like theatrical stars than demure country girls. Having finished the song they stepped from the stage and resumed their seats. My friend, Christopher, now came forward, and, after a most cordial greeting, introduced me to Miss Mattie Wilson, who was an own cousin to Nora, and styled the "Lake Township Beauty." Father had said many times that I ought to get mar- ried and settle down, and I thought so too, but in all my wan- derings I failed to meet a lady who could compete with Nora for my affections until meeting her cousin, Mattie, on this oc- casion. The two girls were about the same age (fifteen years), equal in wealth, health, mental capacity, and equally beauti- ful in face and symmetrical development. I was, soon after the party, engaged to Mattie, but father objected on account of her being a "plebian." He seemed to forget that he had married to suit himself, that his second as well as his third wife (the latter my mother) were "plebians." His fourth wife (my step-mother) lay claim to blood royalty, and some of her children were not worth the powder and lead it would take to kill them. I was convinced then, and doubly so now, that the blood has nothing to do with forming a good, or bad, character. I believe that in the course of a few genera- tions any individual family state or nation of families can EXCITING DAYS AND DARING DEEDS 131 be graded up to a high point of excellence, or down to the low- est depths of degredation. I had some such thoughts as these when father spoke of his superiority, therefore, his (to me) un- reasonable opposition served to increase, rather than diminish my determination to fulfill my engagement; and the young lady was as zealous in the matter as myself, so the old folks, seeing that we were determined to consummate our desires, withdrew their objections and advised an early date for the nuptials. A few days previous to the date (January 15th, 1869), set for our wedding I went to Atchison and, after purchasing a regulation suit, in company with a friend entered a wholesale liquor establishment of Messrs. Quigg and Allen, who politely insisted on selling me a bill of goods and I finally bought as a sample ten gallons of fine peach brandy. I had the keg sent over to the Kansas City, St. Joseph & Council Bluffs Railroad Depot at Winthrop, Missouri; here I put it in the baggage car and pre-paid the charges. Arriving at Rushville I stepped to the car door to receive the keg when the baggage man, Mr. Massy, demanded another fee which I refused to pay ; where- upon he and the conductor, Mr. Hemingway, jerked it from me and rolled it to the back side of the car. I knew nothing about railroad matters, but felt confident they had no right to collect charges twice on the same article, and being in the habit of protecting my rights by force of muscle or otherwise when occasion required it, I whipped out a "Colt's 44" and sprang into the car. The four men brakeman, baggageman, conduc- tor and express messenger seeing the big pistol fled from the car, leaving me master of the situation. The messenger left his safe open and its contents exposed to view, which I could have taken had I so desired, but touched nothing except my own property, with which I walked out of the car. Next day I was arrested on a charge of highway robbery, taken to St. Jos- eph and delivered to Sheriff Fish, who held a grudge against me,- and to gratify his spleen put me into a cell already occu- pied by two of the filthiest ruffians imaginable. He also gave the reporters misleading information concerning the charge preferred against me, and would not (at least did not) deliver my message to Hon. Henry Tutt, who, for many years, was my father's legal adviser and substantial friend. It was about two o'clock at night when the iron door of a felon's cell first closed upon me. The prisoners set up a fear- ful howl, which reverberated from side to side of the jail, caus- ing my hair to almost stand on end all the slang names be- longing to criminal phraseology were quickly interchanged be- tween the men. When the Sheriff retired the boys became 132 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF POLK WELLS suddenly quiet. This was to give my cell-mates an opportuni- ty to interrogate me as to my social and financial standing. For a moment I eyed in wounded pride and painful apprehensions my ill-favored associates, then, in tears, poured out the agony of my soul. One of the men was a loquacious fellow, and had no doubt seen better days, for he spoke with the ease and elo- quence of a philosopher. His wily tongue and affected sym- pathy for my misfortune, and the double assurance that I would come out all right quickly dried my tears and put me into a talkative mood, just what he was laboring for. I can fully realize, as I reflect on the scene, the story of the spider and the fly. I yielded wholly, and answered, unreservedly, every question put to me ; and .from time to time, as he gloried in his ability to draw me out, a smile of self-complacency spread over his cadaverous countenance. The boys being impa- tient, my story was frequently interrupted by the query, "who is he," "what is he," "is he a country lad?" to all of which the only answer vouchsafed by my interrogator was simply "No." When I had finished the oily-tongued individual gave the signal for the boys to listen profound stillness reigned my loqua- cious friend called out, in stentorian tones, "Rushville train robber." "Lots of tobacco tomorrow," suggested one fellow. Then tremendous shouts went up, which called forth an in- junction from the Sheriff to keep quiet. Roused to the point of violent resentment by the accusation of "robber," I sprang to my feet, and when the din subsided, so I could be under- stood, said, "You are a liar, Sir, I am not a robber." The fel- low laughed in my face and meekly replied, "Oh, I know you are innocent, but that is what the morning paper called you." Shortly after this all, save myself, were wrapped in profound slumber. I stood at the door of the cell, with my nose through the grating a greater portion of the night, for I could not, at first, endure the stench arising from the other occupants of the cell. The prisoners had organized among themselves a "judicial bench" through which they supplied themselves with tobacco from the fines imposed on late arrivals. Next morning I was arrested and taken into the presence of the unjust judge, whose office was at one end of the jail corridor. The jury was al- ready empaneled anxious to convict me, for they were all without tobacco. Half a dozen eminent lawyers proposed to defend me for the small fee of twenty-five cents. I gave the case to a bright young fellow, who demanded a private interview with his client, which the imposing judge reluctantly granted. The young attorney, after acquainting me with the proceedings of jail courts, advised me to plead guilty. We returned to the EXCITING DAYS AND DARING DEEDS 133 court room and the prosecuting attorney read the charge, horse-stealing. The judge, with the austere solemnity of a Chief Justice Fuller, asked, "Are you guilty or not guilty, Mr. Wells?" My counsel, calm and dignified, stepped forward saying, "We plead guilty, your honor," and in a neat, able speech recommended me to the mercy of the court. It smote my conscience- heavily to plead guilty to a dishonorable act even in a mock trial, and I was minded to retract, but the Devil whispered, "it is all in fun, you must, now, go ahead with the farce," so I wrote an order to Sheriff Fish for two dollars, the amount of my fine and costs, and handed it to the trial judge who, after giving me a moral lecture, eloquently logical and sound in principle, said, "You are now dismissed and one of the boys, Mr. Wells." The coveted tobacco arrived and was impartially divided among the men, whereupon gambling com- menced, and, before night, my attorney and the judge had most of the comfort-giving weed, showing conclusively that they had mastered Hoyt if not Blackstone. The Sheriff passed in a morning paper containing a two column account of the "train robbery at Rushville." My lit- erary cell-mate read it aloud to the boys, who cheered hearti- ly. At this time train-robbing was in its infancy the James boys, only, having preceded me in that nefarious business therefore the reporter seized this opportunity to air his pro- fessional pen, and I am free to confess that his article on the subject was a master composition. He recounted with careful and astonishing exactness, the duels of my boyhood ; traced me to and fro on the plains ; related my latest difficulties in Rush- ville and vicinity ; and then told how I had, with revolver in hand, taken possession of the train, plundered its safe and seriously wounded "Mr. Hemingway, our efficient and oblig- ing conductor." The fact is that I touched nothing but what belonged to me, and the conductor, in some way, hurt himself getting out of the car certainly not my fault. I protested against the charge of dishonesty, and stoutly insisted that if a wrong was committed the train men were the perpetrators. When I arrived at home, two hours after being released from jail, father handed me a letter from my betrothed, and he evidently hoped it contained a dismissal. I read the letter, then handed it to him, and after devouring its contents he re- turned it with the remark, "her pluck and devotion is not char- acteristic of plebians." "Plebian or no plebian, I shall see her before I sleep, though she were a thousand miles away instead of twenty." Her letter informed me that she had read all the news, declared her belief in my innocence, and vowed that she loved me more dearly now than ever before. It was dark 134 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF POLK WELLS when some two miles west of Troy, Kansas I rode up to an imposing farm-house and "helloed." The front door opened an an elderly lady stepped into the aperture. "Docs Mr. Mc- Allister live here?" I inquired. Before the lady could answer a beautiful girl, who recognized my voice, shot forth and ex- claimed, "Oh! it's Polk, it's Polk." She was so pure that, up to this time, I had not dared to touch her, but now she volun- tarily threw herself on my breast and our lips met in the first kiss a kiss of innocence and reciprocal love. The McAlisters, distantly related to Mattie, and to whom she was sent in the hope of alienating her affections, received me cordially and treated mie most kindly. Mrs. McAlister was a vivacious little lady, skilled in love's diplomacy, and her whole nature atuned to the romantic side of life ; therefore she urged us to get married. "It would be a splendid joke on your father, Mattie," she said. My father foresaw that this might occur, and had warned me against yielding to the tempta- tion. On the morning of the third day I kissed my affianced and returned home, only to find myself involved in another scandal. It was rumored that I had fled the country. My warmest friends (who were afraid of railroad influence, ad- vised me to leave, and went so far as to offer to help raise one thousand dollars, which they said would satisfy and secure my bondsmen, Judges Tutt and Tool, of St. Joseph, against any loss. The penitentiary was a perfect hell in my imagina- tion, and I was half inclined to act upon the importunities of my friends and depart while times were favorable. Father, however, turned a deaf ear to this proposition, and said that in adopting such a course I would not only deceive, and lose the respect of my bondsmen, but establish my guilt as well, besides placing him in a false position I had a holy horror for anything dishonorable, so the thought of fleeing, even to es- cape state's prison, was dismissed. Father had employed Silas B. Woodson (recently Gov- ernor of Missouri) and Judge Vinton Pike of St. Joseph to assist Mr. Tutt in my defense. They made able arguments in mjy behalf, but to no purpose, as court and jury were extreme- ly "radical," some of the latter having fought my father at the battles of "Wilson's Creek" and "Pea Ridge," consequently I was convicted before the evidence was rendered. I was ar- rested on the charge of highway robbery, but tried for gen- eral larceny, and the jury found me guilty of petty larceny, and assessed my fine at one dollar and costs strange render- ing of the law this. My attorneys were indignant at the ver- dict and wanted to carry the case to the Supreme Court, but I EXCITING DAYS AND DARING DEEDS 135 persuaded father to drop the matter, since I was acknowledged innocent in the minds of the people ; the fine and costs were paid and I was discharged if placed in a similar position again I would not rest under such an unjust, unholy decision. My betrothed had returned home while I was at court. I hastened to acquaint her with the fact that I was again a free man, and on Thursday evening, March 25th, 1869, we were married at the home of her parents. Having received the con- gratulations of our friends, and partaken of a sumptuous re- past, the inevitable old slippers, rice balls and good-natured jokes were thrust at us until bed time, when we were carried bodily into the bridal chamber and put to bed. Mattie's par- ents, after seeing the young people start for home, came into our room. Mrs. Wilson leaned over and kissed her daughter then pressed her lips to my cheek, with a "God bless you both." Mr. Wilson came forward, and taking each of us by the right hand, said, "My dear children, I wish you happiness and pros- perity in unlimited measure." Then placing Mattie's hand in mine, he turned to his wife, took her by the arm, picked up the lamp, and after a cheery "Good-night," retired. Next day I took my wife to Rushville, our future home. Mattie ex- celled herself in preparing a good dinner, and had invited some young folks to receive us. Father was greatly pleased, kissed and addressed the bride as "My dear Mattie." Mother was very gracious to her for a while ; then came dark frowns ; divers and unjust complainings. I complained of nothing my- self, but did a great deal worse. I avoided the presence and corrtpany of my wife in every way, and under every pretext I possibly could. I frequently remained all night in the saloon with customers when there was little or no profit in so doing I abandoned those little offices about the house that had so pleased and delighted mother, and withheld the usual allowance of pin-money. The latter aroused her displeasure to the point of accusing poor Mattie of being the cause of my stinginess to- ward her. Mattie's face, as the weeks and months rolled by grew wan and pinched, and her eyes lost the heavenly bright- ness that I was once so fond of. She was treated worse than a slave, yet she, "like a sheep before her shearers, opened not her mouth." Thus matters progressed until the middle of July, when one day a very sudden change of feeling came over me. After dinner I went to the barn to care for the stock, and instead of going back to the saloon by way of the street, as I uniformly did, returned through the garden to the house. As I reached the kitchen door angry words greeted my ears, and I stopped to hear what was being said. Mother was berating my wife for carelessness and "countrified manners." "And 136 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF POLK WELLS you are the cause," she said, "of Polk treating me so meanly, you know you are." "Oh ! Mrs. Wells, I never thought of try- ing to influence Folk's actions toward you," meekly replied the sorrowing Mattie, as she hastened to ascend the stairway. This sort of thing had become an almost daily occurrence, yet Mat- tie had not even hinted to me that mother was unkind to her. Nor had it occurred to me that I was lacking in attention, or in those little civilities and expressions of love that are so dear to feminine nature. I performed the duties devolving upon me in an unconcerned and mechanical sort of manner, yet regarded myself as being a model husband. But this affair aroused the slumbering forces of my better self, and my first impulse was to rush into the room and curse mother for her cruelty. "That would be unmanly," I thought, besides the plaintive and humble reply of my wife touched the sym- pathetic chords of my heart and filled me with pity for her. I hurried upstairs and found her sitting on the bed with face buried in her hands, rocking herself back and forward as if crushed by grief. Stepping in front of her I said, in tones full of sympathy and love, "My darling, what is the matter? Has mother been treating you meanly?" I had never spoken to her harshly, or in a manner implying anger, yet this was the first expression of real endearment that had escaped my lips since our marriage. She sprang to her feet, and, with a look of surprise and hope, gazed steadily for a moment in my eyes, and being assured that she was not mistaken in what she heard, flung herself upon my bosom, and poured out in tears the agony of her soul. Thus far I had not accompanied her anywhere, neither had I purchased so much as a pocket hand- kerchief for her. I was simply indifferent to outward circum- stances, and apparently devoid of those higher and nobler emotions involving the happiness of the marriage relation. But now, while holding her to my breast, a new spirit was born within me, and seeing the errors of the past, I vowed that I would be to her all that I had promised. The tears were kissed away, and the hitherto sad face now took an angelic smile. It was a lovely day, so I proposed a, walk. We de- scended the stairs, each with arm encircling the other a departure that mother was not prepared for, hence she stared at us in utter astonishment passed out of the front door and up the street. Reaching the point of a high bluff, overlooking the town of Rushville, in the great Missouri bottoms, we seat- ed ourselves on the luxuriant blue grass, in the shade of a large sugar tree, for a talk and to feast our eyes on the grand panorama. Atchison and the Kansas bluffs were plainly seen. The river right and left was visible for miles, and opposite us EXCITING DAYS AND DARING DEEDS 137 it seemed a mile wide, but tapered in both directions to a point, resembling a great silver serpent as it glided on through the majestic woods that lined its banks. When my father settled at Rushville these bottoms were covered with a solid mass of heavy timber and a dense growth of bullrushes the latter as high as a man's head when on horseback; but today beautiful and happy homes are interspersed in the great for- est the strips of timber dividing the farms resemble over- grown hedge rows. And the large fields of golden grain were beautiful to behold. I had looked upon this scene many times before, but did not discover its charms until now, and invol- untarily exclaimed, "I would like to be a farmer, but (regret- fully adding) I haven't the money to buy a farm and the nec- essary stock and tools with which to manage it." Mattie, full of enthusiasm, said, "Oh ! you could rent one for a few years perhaps papa could tell you of one for rent. I could help you ever so much, and we would soon be able to buy a place of our own ; in the country I could have my chickens, ducks and beau- tiful flowers, and and we would be so happy alone." Then taking my face between her hands, she kissed my lips. This settled the question, and I determined to become a farmer as soon as possible. Father tried to dissuade me from making the venture, but finding his efforts futile, gracefully acquiesced in my wishes, and said, "If you are bent on farming, I will do what I can t6 assist you in making a start." Mr. Wilson thought he could get me a small farm from his neighbor, Mr. Isaac Peck. "I will endorse any agreement you make with Mr. Peck," said my father. The farm was secured, and possession promised the first of August. On that day Mr. Wilson and his wife came after us, and after receiving father's blessing, we set out for our country home. Mattie was deeply affected on leaving father, for she had learned to love him as. her own parent. It was he who, unconscious of the cause of her sorrow, had through kindness and words of sympathy sustained her in the dark hours of mother's persecution and my cruel indifference. On reaching Mr. Wilson's house I proposed, after unloading our little possessions, that we go on to St. Joseph and buy our furniture and other necessities. Mattie's parents had fore- stalled this necessity and held in store a great surprise for us ; they insisted on our seeing the farm first, so that we might better understand what was really needed. We all got into the wagon again and drove up to the big gate, leading through the horse lot to a neat little one-story, two-roomed log cabin. In the lot was an excellent young horse a good mate for my Frank two fine cows with young calves, and two Chester 138' LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF POLK WELLS White sows with a dozen shoats following them. In one cor- ner of the lot was a rail pen full of corn, under a shed built against the pen was a wagon, a set of harness and some plows, all brand new. The smokehouse contained a liberal supply of pro- visions, and from the roof of the house protruded a new stove- pipe, out of which a column of smoke was circling heaven- ward. The rooms were fitted up with all that was necessary for our health and happiness. Before reaching the house, I remarked that "from appearances the folks have not moved, as per agreement." "This is very strange," said Mr. Wilson, nudging his wife not to laugh and pinching himself for the same reason. My wife's two little brothers, as we entered the house, sat at the window reading, and the teakettle on the new stove was, singing its happy song of welcome to the new pro- prietors. It is needless to say that Mattie and I cried for very joy when Mr. Wilson handed me a bill of sale signed by him- self and wife to all this property. After dinner the old folks re- turned to their own home, leaving us to work out our own prosperity through love and perseverence. Now that the springs of love were loosened, the constant flow, of affection, deep and ardent, went out to my auburn- haired wife. To make her happy was the sole object of my life, and to gratify her wishes my chief desire; while she, in turn, sought in every way possible to make me as happy as herself. Mr. Peck, after getting my fall wheat in, gave me a lease on ten acres of land for five years, on which I was, to have all I could raise during that time for clearing the ground. The heavy timber had been cut down for saw logs, which were removed to the river, leaving the land covered with an almost impenetrable mass of debris. Mattie and I worked like beavers in this clearing, and being encouraged by each other's pres- ence and smiles, we failed to learn the meaning of the word tired. Day after day, side by side, we wrestled with the brush, grape vines and tree tops; with fire and ax, love and persever- ence, we succeeded in getting most of the land ready for spring plowing. Mattie then turned her attention to other matters, while I proceeded with my labors. All day long I could hear her happy song, as she flitted from place to place attending to her garden or poultry. When plowing at the back of the field and wanting water, all I had to do was to wave my handkerchief. She seemed to be always on the watch for the signal, and would immediately start toward me with a pitcher of cold sweet milk in one hand and a slice of bread and butter in the other. With a little straw hat set jauntily on her well shaped head, her large blue eyes animated with love's fire, and a neat white apron over a well-fitting gown, made her a EXCITING DAYS AND DARING DEEDS 139 fit subject for an artist she was the embodiment of health and modesty, the incarnation of beauty and happiness. After kiss- ing her red, rosy lips, I would devour the lunch, then another kiss, and she would start for the house, singing the merry old song, "Oh, how happy are we." Though buried in the depths of a great forest, we were not alone, for our former young friends came to see us on Sundays, besides legions of good spirits attended our little log cabin home, which was Colonel R. G. Ingersoll's ideal : "The home where virtue dwells, the love is like a lily with a heart of fire, the fairest flower in all this world/' Those were days enstamped with heavenly bliss, but we were not only permitted to enjoy them for about eighteen months, for Erebus, with sorrow and death in his wings, crossed the threshold of our little log cabin home. On New Year's night (1871) we at- tended a ball, and after a lively dance Mattie, unconscious of harm, placed herself in the draught of an open window, there- by contracting a severe cold, which finally developed into pneumonia, of which she died about the first of April. We had, on two or three occasions, talked of my early affections for her cousin, and why I had deserted her; and now, a few minutes before she expired, being warned of God that she was wanted up higher, said, "I know that Nora has always loved you). She is as pure as an angel and worthy to be your wife, and I hope you will marry her when I am gone." I assured her that should I conclude to marry again, none could fill her place in my heart so well as her cousin Nora. This seemed perfectly satisfactory to her, and, after a few expressions of endearment she took my face between her hands and drew me to her, then, kissing me sweetly, tenderly bade me farewell, closed her eyes and stepped into the golden chariot that was awaiting to con- vey her to heaven. Mattie was the most even tempered woman I ever saw. She never got angry, never spoke disrespectful of any one. and if she ever had an enemy, the fact was never made known to know her was to love her. Therefore a combination of the synonyms of grief and sorrow, with all the adjectives ap- plicable to them, would prove inadequate to express my lone- liness and distress of mind at the loss of her. The memory of this spotless creature of God has filled me with a desire to be as pure as she was, and has placed my feet on the solid rock, up which I am slowly creeping into realms of higher thoughts and nobler aspirations, and in whatever degree I may attain to these soul-longings after purity and goodness it will be due, in a great measure, to the inspiration engendered by re- flection on the character of a spotless and lovely woman. 140 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF POLK WELLS In the spring of 1872 I sought an audience with my first love, Nora, sweet, beautiful Nora. She was. present when I married her cousin, Mattie, and when the words, "I pronounce you man and wife," fell from the preacher's lips, she turned deathly pale and left the room. Up to this moment I believed I loved Mattie, but I was mistaken, for every tender emotion I was capable of followed the sorrowing Nora. So when I found her, I told her that the shameful treatment to which I had subjected poor Mattie, during the first six months of our wedded life, was due to my love for her ; frankly confessed my sin, begged a thousand pardons, which were graciously grant- ed, and asked her to be my wife. She said "Yes," and on the eighteenth of June we were married. I engaged in the grocery business at Hall's Station, Missouri, and lived a most happy and prosperous life for two years, during which time I had the confidence and patronage of the entire community. Nora was exquisitely handsome, a capital hostess, had a cordial greeting for all, of vivacious temperament, of pleasant address, and de- servedly, the most popular woman in the whole settlement. On the eighteenth of June (1875) a girl baby was born. We called her Maggie Jane, but she was soon nicknamed "Polk," on account of her striking resemblance to me. Al- though I had lost a small fortune in a lawsuit (to which I will refer in a subsequent chapter), and was now compelled to work hard to support my little family, yet I was the happiest man in fourteen states, for I had the prettiest and best wife in all America, and the smartest and sweetest baby living. Dark clouds, however, were gathering all along the horizon of my happiness. Presently the storm burst in all its fury, and great waves of distress, sorrow and shame engulfed my pleasant home. For four years I was a wandering refugee, a stranger to peace and joy ; and for two years more hunted and chased by real or imaginary foes, inevitably becoming an Ishmaelite. I first had a siege of rheumatism, during which time Nora was obliged to sell some furniture in order to supply the necessities of life. We then moved to Jefferson County, Illinois, to take charge of my uncle, John Wells,' farm, but not being satisfied with the country, we returned to Missouri. During my ab- sence father, while sick, was persuaded by mother to make over all his property to her. She already had in her posses- sion all his money (some twelve hundred dollars), and when he recovered sufficiently to be out again, she packed up the best of everything, and, taking the money with her, moved to her daughter's home in Kansas, thus leaving him destitute and alone. Leaving Nora at her brother-in-law's, I went to Rushville to see father. Finding the old home closed, I then EXCITING DAYS AND DARING DEEDS 141 called on his old friend, Mr. Fenton, who said, "Polk, under the circumstances I was compelled to accede to your father's wishes to be taken to the poor farm, where he died a few days ago of heart disease." "What ! My proud old father die in the poor house? My God, is this the beginning of the fulfillment of Mrs. Yazell's prophecy?" The constant recurrence of these thoughts unmanned me and I prayed to die. The finger of scorn was ever before me, and wherever I went was sure to meet that same "Go-away-don't-come-near-me-your-father-died- ini-the-poor-house" sort of expression on the faces of my once familiar and trusted friends. Occasionally those touched with my grief tried to console me, but their very efforts stung me to the heart, and I spurned their sympathy. "If they are truly friends," I asked myself, "why do they reproach me with a re"- hearsal of my father's misfortune?" Some, I have no doubt now, were sincere in their efforts to cheer and comfort me, but I misconstrued their motives, saw only the sting of contempt beneath their honeyed words and pleasant smiles, and, of course, repelled them all alike. Sensitiveness, then, was, has been, and is yet in too great a measure, the bane of the genius in my life. A proud, high-strung man will suffer more through sensitiveness than from the rigors, hardships and pri- vations of a prolonged war. If this characteristic element, spirit, or whatever it is (I call it Devil) could be eliminated from human nature, existence on this earth would not be so replete with sorrows, disappointments and vexations. I say. most emphatically, that nine-tenths of the crimes committed today, or any other time, must be originally charged to sensi- tiveness. It had complete possession of me, and in conse- quence thereof I cursed Mr. Yeakly, my brother-in-law, and almost struck him for offering to give me work. The proposi- tion to employ me as a common laborer on his farm was a re- flection on my reduced condition, an insult of the rankest sort to my proud nature, but when his wife (Nora's sister) told me to ride his horse to town and sell it I did not become of- fended, as would have been the case under other circum- stances. Of course the good lady had no thought of my act- ing upon her jesting advice. I was, however, in a condition to consider a proposition of dishonesty in preference to one of honest toil, for the. Devil had taken absolute control of my mind and held it. "Oh, yes," said Mr. Devil, "I know you are already on record (referring to my late trial for train robbery) as a petty thief, so why halt ye between two opinions? You can sell the horse for enough to take you to the mountains, where you can soon make a fortune, return home, refund the money obtained through sale of the animal, and live like a 142 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF POLK WELLS gentleman the remainder of your days on earth." This crush- ing insinuation, "you are already on record as a petty thief/' together with my father's ignoble death, stifled my pride, while the advice of the mysterious messenger gave me courage to act with hope of retrieving all I had lost. The more I thought about this matter the clearer I saw my way out of the difficulty, a'nd mentally remarked, "If I sell the horse and afterward refund the money, I will not have committed a very great sin." There was, at this time, great gold excitement in various parts of the west. I could see great masses of precious ore lying on the ground waiting for me to come and gather it up. This vision of gold and happiness put new life into me. My step became more energetic and my eyes brightened at the prospect of having, once more, a home for my wife and baby. I yielded to Satan's suggestions, through my sister-in- law, rode the horse to St. Joseph, sold him to Jones Casey for fifty dollars, and took the train for Salt Lake City, Utah. CHAPTER XL Uncle Leonard I Smith was still living in the Mormon metropolis, and to him I applied for information concerning the mines. "The gold excitement," said he, "has subsided, leaving the country overrun with idle men; I can, however, give you work, or get you a situation elsewhere, but just now you don't look able to do much ; so make yourself at home and rest easy for a while." At this time there was a craze for private teachers in the homes of city gentlemen; therefore uncle employed me to act in that capacity in his country home. Having received instructions, I started for the ranch, which was some six miles east of Tooele City, Utah. I was cordial- ly received by Aunt Mary and felt myself at home from the start, but soon learned that my pupils were better educated than myself. I never felt so unfit and unworthy of a situa- tion as I did of this one of schoolmaster. Besides a relapse of rheumatism, brought on by the sudden change of climate, rendered me a burden rather than a blessing to the family. However, my malady was of short duration, for the great kindness with which I was treated, the thoughts of Nora and the baby, the wish to get well, and the health-giving breeze off the great Salt Lake soon put me on the road to convalescence. I quick- Iv grew strong in body and vigorous in mind, and zealously entered upon my new duties. My topographical knowledge of a good portion of the United States, coupled with a familiar- ity of the history of many leading statesmen, enabled me to answer, with some degree of intelligence, the many questions of my pupils. I not only succeeded in getting them interest- ed in their studies, but aroused their agricultural proclivities as well. Willie, a boy of sixteen, and I soon put the farm in excellent condition, and collected a number of cattle belong- ing to the ranch. Having harvested the wheat, I began plowing for another crop, when uncle appeared on the scene. He was so well pleased with the way I had conducted his affairs that he shouted for joy, and declared I had made the old ranch to "blossom as the rose," and said he would have the patriarch, John Smith, bless me the first time I came to the city. I now 144 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF POLK WELLS made a bargan with uncle to work the farm on shares. He was to furnish everything, including my board, and give me half of all the produce, as well as half of the increase of stock. When he departed for the city he took with him a letter for Nora, in which I presented my prospects and implored her forgiveness for leaving home without bidding her and the baby good-bye. Her answer relieved me very much. Mr. Yeakly had recovered his horse, and Mr. Casey, to whom I sold the animal, said he would not prosecute me. Nora graciously forgave me, and Mrs. Yeakly said she would take, care of her and the baby until I was able to send for them "by so doing," she said, "I will, in a measure, atone for my sin in prompting you to do as you did." Being thus freed from anxiety about my family, and the dread of arrest for horse-stealing dispelled, I could work with a will and a light heart. Having filled our own yard with wood (which had to be drawn from the mountains four miles away) for winter use, I then contributed two loads 'to the village school house, which served as a place of worship for the "Saints," where they gathered once a week in summer and twice a week in winter to "trip the light fantastic toe." Uncle's family and myself were regular attendants at the dances, which were opened and closed by prayer by the "Presiding Elder." At intervals, the music would stop long enough for someone to tell a story or sing a song. These parties were highly enjoyable and instructive, good feeling among themselves prevailed, and courtesy toward strangers (Gentiles) was the rule. What- ever may be thought of, or said about, Mormonism, I have this to say of its votaries : they are the most industrious, eco- nomical, virtuous, sociable and benevolent people I ever dwelt among the Dunkards not excepted. They are, however, ter- ribly vindictive when their religion is scoffed at. During the early part of 1877 uncle made us several visits. each time delivering a lecture in the school house, on what he termed "The Divine Authenticity of the Book of Mormon." He was a handsome man, faultless in speech, elegant in man- ner, and mathematically precise in his comparisons and rep- resentations ; hence the people "heard him gladly." He labor- ed diligently to impress me with the reasonableness of his faith in, and the infallibility of, Mormonism, and urged me to embrace it. "The Patriarch," he said, "is of the opinion that you are of the seed of Ephriam, and if so, you are not only under ten-fold obligation, individually to become a Latter Day Saint, but bound by all the ties of kinship to cast your lot with us God has sent you to Zion for the express pur- pose of saving your friends and relatives." "How can I save EXCITING DAYS AND DARING DEEDS 145 them," I asked, "when they are dead or beyond my power of assistance?" Having read ist Cor. 15-29, 32, he said, "You see God has provided a way by which you can save them, though dead, viz. : link yourself with his chosen people, re- pent of your sins, believe on Jesus Christ and His Prophet Joseph Smith, get baptized, first for yourself, then for each of your male relatives, using their names at the fount in- stead of yours ; your wife can act as proxy for your mother and sisters, and then in turn you can do the same for the male portion of her relatives just think how glorious it will be for you to reign king of the Wells and Wilsons and receive their praises for evermore." This was a beautiful idea, and I was deeply impressed by the earnestness with which it was pre- sented, yet the whole scheme was to me the veriest bosh, and hence I declined to accept the crown. Uncle received my reply in evident sorrow and disappointment, and after a mo- ment's reflection said, "Charles, there cannot be a lake of fire to consume the wicked as represented by Gentile Christianity, but there is a hell worse than that, viz. : eternal servitude to God's people (Mormons), will be the portion of the ungodly The Saints will own everything, have all the women, too, and there will be no appeal or change of venue granted from this decree when once made. I would feel greatly pained to have you apply to me in Heaven for a situation as carriage driver." "My dear uncle," said I, "you certainly will not be less kindly to me there than you have been here, therefore, since as you know I am particularly fond of fine horses, I shall consider myself extremely fortunate in securing the position of coach- man of your Heavenly mansion." This sort of levity, though no disrespect intended, was rank sacrilege in my uncle's esti- mation, and he turned angrily away, muttering something to himself about the "buffetings of Satan." He was not so agreeable or talkative after this, but always treated me kind- ly. On the 17th of July he came out to the farm, bringing with him a letter from Nora, which informed me of the death of our baby, and urgently requesting me to send for her immedi- ately. The next morning uncle and I met in deadly combat he armed with a double-barreled shotgun and I with a Colt's revolver. He fell at the second shot, while I remained stand- ing, though twenty-eight number two buck-shot from his gun entered my breast, left arm and thighs. Bleeding furiously I hastened to Tooele, (the county seat) and after having my wounds dressed by Dr. Dodds, surrendered to the sheriff. No words can fittingly express the regret of my heart over this tragedy, which occurred in the presence of twenty witnesses and all I have to say in vindication of my conduct is that I was 146 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF POLK WELLS innocent of the charge uncle preferred against me, and, of course, acted in self-defense. Yet I have a thousand times wished that I had fallen instead of uncle, for he was a good man, kind husband, an indulging father and a mo-st excellent neighbor. The Endowment House (practically house of secrets) is a prominent and significant feature of Mormonism, and only the true and tried are permitted to cross the threshold of this sacred institution, and one of the many orders finding ready admittance is the "Danites," six hundred strong, composed of "mighty men of valor," who are ready and willing to do any- thing in the behalf of the church, or to avenge wrongs com- mitted by Gentiles against its subjects. In the absence of male relatives to administer vengeance, a young Danite is commis- sioned to execute the decree of death. He goes forth with or- ders to follow the condemned to the ends of the earth, and is bound by a terrible oath never to return until having killed the offender. John D. Lee, Porter Rockwell and Bally Hick- man (the delegated "Destroying Angels") were at the head of the Danites. Ordinarily they were able in themselves to cope with offenders, but were vested with power in extra- ordinary case to summon the entire "order," and a failure to respond to their call was equivalent to death. The Danites talked freely of lynching me, but they were confused over the execution of their leader, John D. Lee, by the United States Government. Besides, Sheriff Mitchell, who was an old Cali- fornian, said if mob violence was attempted he would oppose it with the entire Gentile population, which was largely in the majority in Tooele County. All county officials, except Judge William Lee, were Gentiles. I was given a preliminary hear- ing, and would have been acquitted under the same evidence rendered before a Gentile judge, but Mr. Lee was a Mormon of the Endowment Order, and, though in great sympathy with me, dare not ignore his oath ; therefore, I was held to await the action of the grand jury, and ordered confined in the county jail. The sheriff, however, disregarded the order, gave me two pistols with which to defend myself, and said, "All I ask of you, Charles, is to report at the hotel where I stay for your meals and lodging until your case is finally disposed of by proper authority. Sheriff Mitchell, upon August 10th, having business in another county, requested me to go to Salt Lake City and sur- render to the United States marshal. He gave me ten dollars and allowed me to keep his revolvers, and sent his deputy with me to the city. We wandered about town for some time, and I was given every opportunity to escape which the sher- EXCITING DAYS AND DARING DEEDS 147 iff no doubt intended I should do but such a thought never entered my mind. The deputy, noting this fact, was obliged at last to deliver me to the marshal, Colonel Nelson, who, af- ter consulting the court, decided that, since the county jail was controlled by Mormons, the penitentiary was the safest place for me. Accordingly Deputy Marshal Cole escorted me to the prison, some four miles southeast of the city. I was cordially received by Warden Van Camp and presented to a number of his more noted and conspicuous guests, to three of whom I will introduce the reader, Eli Lee, son of John D. Lee. of Mountain Meadow massacre fame; William Sloan (alia^ "Idaho Bill"), only survivor of the above named massacre, and Dick Bennett (alias Jack Wiggins), originally from Missouri and a once trusted member of the James gang. Eli and Idaho were raised together by Rachel, the legitimate wife of John D. Lee. They were fast friends, fairly well educated, and early became imbued with a deadly hatred for Mormonism, and hence stood no better in the eyes of the church than myself. These men had just begun a ten years' sentence, the first two for highway robbery, and the latter for murder in the second degree; consequently they were very anxious to gfet away, but two escapes having occurred within six weeks, in which two of Warden Van Camp's predecessors were killed, caused that gentleman to be doubly vigilant. When I entered the in- stitution, the boys took new hope, and finally convinced me that, if I had neither money nor friends, the lawyers would not take my case. "If one is appointed by the court to de- fend you," said Lee, "he will put your case off to attend to other business, and the chances are that you will have to lay here for years before getting a trial." Idaho then pointed out two young men who were in my condition, and who had been in prison four years and were no nearer a trial than when ar- rested. I learned this also from one of the guards, who seemed kindly disposed toward me. I recognized the fact that I could not, without money, command the services of an attorney, and would, of course, have to await his pleasure in taking hold of my case. The idea of escaping was farthest from my thoughts, nor did the men around suggest such a measure at first. They seemed to content themselves with making me feel as blue as possible, but on reaching that state of desperation when death is preferable to life, Idaho Bill, who was a skillful mind reader, approached me on the subject of making an escape. The penitentiary consisted of one acre of ground, en- closed by four huge adobe walls, on which were stationed day and night, four guards armed with Winchester rifles; four 148 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF POLK WELLS large street lamps kept the yard bright as day at night. Its walls were of two by eight stuff, spiked together flatwise ; the foundation was of ordinary construction, and the floor laid of large flat stones. Along the east side and south ends were three tiers of bunks. In the west side were three small win- dows, and in the north end was the iron-grated door. Imme- diately north of this door, twenty paces, was the big gate which opened into the warden's reception room, and adjoining this on the east along the north wall was his residence. Di- rectly over the big gate was a room leading onto the wall. In this room the relief guards slept, in front of which gathered those on duty when anything unusual was going on in the prison house, and in which eighty-five men sixty convicts, the rest, like myself, awaiting trial were compelled (during summer) from six p. m. to half past seven a. m. They were allowed two meals a day breakfast at eight and supper at four. The menu was too horrible for description. The men were dressed in citizen style and without employment. After breakfast everybody (except the sick) were turned into the yard, the house locked and the key sent to the warden's of- fice. The prisoners were allowed an undisturbed intercourse. Some walked arm in arm and conversed on the political issues of the day; others engaged in various athletic sports to pass away the time, while the desperate characters were plotting an escape. At six o'clock the men were driven into the house and counted like a flock of sheep. Now fiddling, dancing, card playing and vile stories were in order until nine o'clock, when all must retire, and from that time on no one was allowed to speak above a low whisper. Lee and Idaho having formulated a plan of escape it de- volved upon me to play sick, in order that I might remain in the house, so I could braid, out of strips of blanket, a rope with which to scale the wall. On the night of September 4th. while the guards were collected at the guard house over the big gate so they could look through the grated door at the prisoners dancing, I went to work on the foundation of the house that held me captive. Having accomplished my pur- pose, I said "Come on, boys," and as the last man (Wiggins) in the secret, made his exit the guard called, "Nine O'clock." W r e hastened to the southwest corner of the enclosure where Idaho Bill, the giant, placed his hands against the wall, Wig- gins next on top of Bill, and Wilson on Wiggins' shoulders ; now Lee, with the agility of a cat, sprang up the improvised ladder, and from Wilson's shoulders was enabled to mount the wall, but his panther-like spring sent the boys to the ground like a "strike" in nine-pins. He took a turn around a post in EXCITING DAYS AND DARING DEEDS 149 the wall with the blanket rope, which was quickly ascended by the other men, but the terrible ordeal I had passed through, coupled with the work and excitement incident to such an event, overtaxed my strength, and when midway up the rope I gave out and fell to the ground. By this time our escape had been discovered, and the guards were rushing along the walls in search of us. Lee was the bravest of the brave, and well he deserved the sobriquet "Daring Eli," now said, "Charles, tie the rope around your waist and we'll pull you up or die try- ing." Although an expert with the rope, I had not time to make a loop, so I seized it with both hands and teeth and was quickly landed on top of the wall, from which we tumbled like turtles off a log and disappeared in the darkness. Hatless, coatless and barefooted, over sage brush and prickly pear, we hurried toward Tooele City, where Lee had friends, of whom we expected to get clothes and arms. Before An Exciting Scrap with the Danites. daylight we entered the timber on the mountains overlooking Garfield station, on the great Salt Lake. Here we remained un- til night came again, and when the lights in the village were extinguished, came down from our hiding place and entered the store of Mr. Moss, a good Mormon, and took a double-bar- reled shot-gun along with such other things as were most 150 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF POLK WELLS needed. I vigorously protested against this unlawful act, but the boys laughed at me and said they would, in a few days, pay for the goods providing the merchant said nothing about our visit, but the gentleman, recognizing Lee and myself said ne would report us to the officers in the city at the earliest pos- sible moment. The officers of the law and the Danites were soon in pursuit of us ; we succeeded, however, in eluding them and returned to the city where Higgins and Wilson deserted us. Lee and Idaho now stole three fine horses which, under my protest, we mounted and started for the Medicine Bow Mountains, in Wyoming. The next evening at the camp of a sheep herder, where we stopped to get something to eat and to let our horses rest, we had a battle with the Danites, in which several of them were wounded. After the first volley Idaho Bill run, Lee fell forward on his face as if a bullet had pierced his heart, and I then ran in the same direction Bill had taken. The sun had settled behind the tall Wastch Mountains, which cast a grateful shadow over the scene, preventing fur- ther pursuit on the part of the Danites for that evening. Bill and I soon got together and hid ourselves in the brush, on the creek bottom, to await the passing of a Union Pacific train, so .we could tell in which direction we wanted to go by its whistle. Presently one was heard coming down Echo Canyon, and a min- ute later began whistling for Echo City, but we could not for the life of us locate the whistle. Its sound rushed up one canyon and down another, bouncing from crag to crag, filling the mountains with bellowing fiery monsters, completely bewil- dering us as to the direction. If "Mark Twain" is still in search of an "eighteen carat echo," he can surely find one in the vicinity of the "Devil's Slide," on Weber River, Utah. The roaring of the train died away like unto distant thunder, and the wind had driven the thick clouds before it, letting the sil- ver moon look down upon us in peaceful splendor, raising our courage, and increasing our hopes of escape. The north star- in its shroud of purple, glittered like a jewel, and seemed to invite us in his direction, but we preferred going east. As we were about to depart soft footsteps fell upon our alert ears. I caught a glimpse of an object through an opening in the bushes which had every appearance of a man crawling along on his hands and knees. When directly in front, and within ten paces of us, I leveled my gun to fire. "Hold," said Bill, "it's a bear ; if you shoot it the Danites who were still at the sheep camp, for we could hear them talking will be after us in a minute." Old Bruin, hearing Bill's voice, or the click of the gun lock, reared on his haunches and gazed so steadily at EXCITING DAYS AND DARING DEEDS 151 us that I began to doubt its being a bear and,since decisive action is more agreeable to my nature than prolonged suspense, I threw a stone, which struck the intruder's head, in anticipa- tion of his retreating or attacking us at once, and he chose the latter. Bill had said, "If he attacks us we must fight it out with our knives as it will not do to run or shoot." We met Bruin with cold steel, and equally cool determination, and his bearship was quickly dispatched. Bill received an affectionate embrace and was bitten in the hand, but I escaped without harm. We cut from the bear's quarter a chunk of meat for our breakfast and immediately left this unpleasant place. We reached Weber River late in the evening of the next day, and secreted ourselves in the tall willows some distance below Echo City, at the mouth of Echo Canyon. Here we were obliged to remain until dark in order to enter the canyon unobserved, or make a long and tedious journey around the village. We were facetiously congratulating ourselves on having successfully eluded the sleuth-hounds of Mormondo "Go* in, slay old and young; spare not one alive." As to the slippery road, I must say that I found it heavily sanded, and covered with such obstructions as honor- able desires, worthy purposes, lofty ambitions, the up"aised KxrniNG DAYS AND DARING DKKDS 253 hands of little children, the pleadings of sisters, the friendship of brothers, the entreaties of wives, the counsel of father, the prayers of dear mother and the eternal love of my blessed Savior. Sam Jones says, "There is but one road, one end of which enters Hell and the other Heaven." I have traveled in both directions, and, at first, found progress Heavenward fully as difficult as the opposite course. When I gave my heart to God I thought I would have nothing further to do but serenely sail into the glory on "flowery beds of ease" ; but I was sadly mistaken, for, at first, I met at every turn in the road with new and terrible diffi- culties. Temptations, to which I have already alluded, beset me on every hand; I felt morose and suspicious and suspected that everybody was trying to injure me ; and the many little kindnesses bestowed on me by sympathizing friends were at- tributed to sinister motives ; besides the more I read and the harder I studied the more my mind became imbued with doubt and skepticism. At times I seemed to lose sight of the prom-, ises of God, and the consciousness of the drawings of His holy Spirit, and gave myself up to feelings of vengeance, dis- trust and even hatred toward my fellow man. I laughed at the idea of an "immaculate conception," and seriously ques- tioned the genuineness of miracles, yet all the while believing in the goodness, wisdom and power of God. . About this time, 1889, while so terribly wrought up by these matters, I hap- pened, providentially, no doubt, to get hold of a magazine containing one of Professor Huxley's masterful arguments, in which he said : "From all I know of physiological and patho- logical science, I find nothing in the story of the conception and birth of Christ, as related by Mark, that contravenes probability." This remarkable concession, by the leading sci- entist of the day, relieved my mind very much, and I said, "This intellectual giant having virtually admitted that Christ is the son of God, then why should I longer entertain doubt as to His divine origin?" A few days later Mrs. Crosley sent me a copy of "Robert Elsmer," with the request that I should "carefully and prayerfully read it through." I had read many adverse criticisms on this book, emanating from the clergy, therefore, I never read any work with deeper interest, or with greater determination to comprehend its meaning. I returned the book with a note stating I heartily and cheerfully sub- scribed to the "New Brotherhood," the motto being: "In thee, oh eternal, have I put my trust: this do in remembrance of me." The more I studied over this book the more thoroughly I became convinced that "Robert Elsmere" had failed in his purpose. With all his love and eloquence he could not shake the faith of the sweet, the pure and devoted Catherine, who 254 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF POLK WELLS said, "I will never give up hope ; I will pray for you (Robert) night and day. God will bring you back." Assailing Cather- ine with skeptical philosophy of himself and friends, together with the sophistry of Squire Wendover, and a strong appeal to her love for him,, Robert succeeded only in wringing from her heart this concession : "I will learn to hear the two voices, the voice that speaks to you and the voice that speaks to me." "Robert Elsmer" declares that Christ is merely a "sym- bol," and that a miracle is a "natural product of human feeling and imagination." Yet he allows his imagination to clothe Christ ("a being composed of ordinary flesh and properties") with attributes that, admitting Him to be only human, resolve themselves into a more stupendous miracle than any ascribed to our Savior. I read another paper from the pen of Professor (Huxley, in which he, in speaking of one of Christ's miracles, says, "There are physical things, such as taenia and trichinae, which can be transferred from man to pigs and vice versa, and which do, undoubtedly, produce most diabolical and deadly effects on both. For anything I can absolutely prove to the contrary there may be spiritual things capable of the same transmigration, with like effects * * * so I declare that I am unable to show cause why these transferable devils should not exist." The reading of "Robert Elsmer" and Professor Huxley's articles removed all doubts as to the incarnation, resurrection and miracles of Christ, therefore, the transition from a physical to a spiritual faith was sudden and decided. Here then we have an instance of pernicious literature (so called) working a miracle in the life of a so-called "very bad man" "to the pure in heart all things are pure," and "to him that esteemeth a thing to be unclean, to him it is unclean." Having once for all made this transition from evil thoughts and malicious purposes to worthy ambitions and holy desires, my life became calm and less easily disturbed by outward circum- stances. Occurrences that once set my brain in a whirl of excitement, now pass me almost daily without affecting me in the least, except to arouse my sympathy for, and desire to help, others to correct their errors. The enemy of my soul no longer has any power over me, and when he does appear for a moment with his winsome ways and beguiling smiles, I only need to breathe the Lord's name to banish him from my pres- ence. Men of superior intelligence ridicule the idea that invis- ible spirits have anything to do with the good or bad actions of men, yet they are unable to otherwise account for the righteousness and wickedness surrounding them. I believe, unqualifiedly, in a personal God and a personal Devil, and by EXCITING DAYS AND DAR.NC DEEDS 255 cultivating, or encouraging, the latter I could keep him con- stantly at my side, just as easily as I now, through prayer, dwell in the presence and love of my Savior. I know that God is pained when He sees men exercise themselves in treachery, deceit, malice, revenge, intemperance or any other hurtful vice, but pleased when they deal in justice, sincerity, friendship, be- nevolence, love and all helpful virtues ; while the Devil de- lights to have them practice the former, and roars with rage if they do not omit the latter. There is a dual existence in the world all nature cries aloud. The earth has its centripetal and centrifugal forces. God sends the sunshine and the rain to fill the land with fruit and verdure for man's use, while the Kansas cyclone, the furious breath of the Devil, sweeps across the country, par- tially destroying everything in its course. This leads me to declare that I firmly believe, not in one, but in two trinities: "God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost ; God Satan, Devil and Beelzebub" ; both infinite in their purposes. They are coeval, co-existent, co-eternal and co-equal in power and wisdom. The one cannot destroy the other, but men, by co-operating with either, can raise to the throne of grace or descend to the pits of torment. They worked harmoniously together in the crea- tion of this planet and its manifold species of vegetable and animal life, on up to the entrance of Adam and Eve into the Garden of Eden. Here a controversy arose between them as to the disposition of their crowning work Man. Having cre- ated man in their own "image" (which implies the power of choice), they could not deprive him of the right to choose whom he would serve, and not being able to amicably settle the dispute, they mutually agreed to separate, and, leaving man in his original state, made an interchange of attributes, God assuming all that was pure and elevating, conceding to Satan all that was vile and debasing. God said, "I will win man to my standing and by my manifestations of love, kind- ness, gentleness, patience and the assurance of a home in glory." Satan replied: "I shall induce him to follow me by direct appeals to his animal passions, and a guarantee to make him a conspicuous figure in my kingdom." The lines being thus drawn the struggle for supremacy for man's favor be- gun, which reached its maximum intensity during the latter part of the century preceding the birth of Christ. Since that time the world has steadily grown better and more beauti- ful. Famines, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, and the scourges of other devastating elements have been less fre- quent, and the people are learning (through arbitration) to "beat their weapons of war into plowshares and pruning 256 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF POLK WELLS hooks/' thus showing that if Satan was a long time in making up his mind to dissolve partnership with God, he is equally slow about concluding to resume the old relations. There- fore, I conclude that hell may continue to exist for some thou- sand years, but it and death will finally be swallowed up in victory as Christ said they would, when Satan's abode will be turned into a vast bakeshop, from whence the sweetest of bread will come to feed the millions of the redeemed and purified. Elsewhere I have given an account of the "cowboy" and the origin of the "Maverick," and a description of its disposi- tion. The world, as I see it, is a vast stock range, and the people are cattle on a thousand hills and valleys, and are con- tinually being "rounded up" and driven into the corrals of the two great cattle kings God and Satan. Those who will not accept God's mercy, and are indifferent to the hardships that Satan imposes upon them, are the "Mavericks," and must, sooner or later, run the gauntlet of the invincible "cowboys" with their long lariats. Satan has his headquarters in the breweries and distilleries and obtains his "cowboys" from the saloons, brothels and dens of vice. They are provided with swift, black horses and strong lariats, the strands of which are treachery, deceit, licentiousness, intemperance, lust, envyings, vile thoughts and hatred. God has his headquarters in the tabernacles and churches, and secures recruits for his band of vaqueroes from the school houses and Sunday schools. These are furnished with fleet-footed white horses and stout lassoes, the strands of which are honor, righteousness, temperance, justice, charity, patience, kindness and love. Out west the quadruped "Maverick" sometimes escaped the cowboys by slipping into the bushes where the lasso could not be used, but the elusion was only temporary, for if he escaped in the spring he would be caught at the fall "round up" and, having the hot iron pressed to his tender skin, was no longer a "Mav- erick," but the legitimate property of Jones or Johnson. Just so with the biped "Maverick," who sometimes eludes Satan's cowboys by attending church and Sunday school, or by enter- ing dens of vice where the Lord's vaqueroes cannot reach him. But occasionally one ventures out on the plain, between the heights of purity and the depths of corruption ; then the black horse and the white horse riders St. John saw two such rid- ers on a similar mission make a rush for him. The "Maver- ick" runs this way and that, first giving the advantage to the black, and then to the white horse riders, then running straight ahead, he enters a parte-colored throng and escapes for the time being. Another comes out on the plain and is lassoed by EXCITING DAYS AND DARING DKMDS -j.-)7 the black horse cowboys, who drag him to the snubbing-post, where they burn into his heart Satan's initial letters, "C. & L." condemned and lost. Still another ventures upon the plain and the eager cowboys, one party flushed with victory and the other stimulated by defeat, make a simultaneous dash for him. He dodges to the right and to the left, then makes a straight cut for the parte-colored throng (a conglomeration of sinners, hypocrites, infidels, Christians and the self-right- eous). Another moment and he is safe. The black horse riders stab their panting steeds with the spurs of despair, while the white horse cowboys ply the quirts of encouragement to the sides of their flying ponies. One more leap and he is out of reach ; but hold, there ! A dozen lassoes hiss through the air, the loop of one of them encircles the neck of the fleeing "Maverick," and a white horse cowboy claims the prize, which is led away to the snubbing-post, where it is branded in the forehead with the large initial letters, "F. & S." forgiven and saved. Then the celestial hosts stand still while the victorious cowboys send up a shout to the throne of God : ''There is more joy in Heaven over one sinner that repenteth than ninety and nine just men who need no repentance." This exposition of the biped "Maverick" may seem some- what metaphorical, yet it is a literal experience in my own life, for Mesdames Deomude, Crosley and Smith chased me over the mountains of obtuseness and silly pride, up and down the valleys of despondency and desperation, and finally surround- ed me on the great plain of hope, and, dexterously slipping the noose of their Master's lariat over my head, led me away in triumph to the foot of the cross, where I heard the joyful words, "Come ye, blessed of my father, where I a,m there shalt thou be also" hence I am no longer a "Maverick," but an heir of God and a joint heir with the Lord Jesus Christ. These blessed angels of love and mercy are doing for others what they have done for me, thereby adding jewels to the crowns that are being prepared for them in the land of glory where they shall hear the glad approval: "Well done, thou good and faithful servants, enter ye into the presence of thy Lord." Before my conversion, when hearing people in prayer meeting testify that God had forgiven them I wondered how this information reached them ; but now the manner in which consciousness of forgiveness is manifested is perfectly compre- hensible, and for the benefit of those who are similarly per- plexed I will state how the knowledge of full and free for- giveness came to me. I first cultivated a desire for purity, goodness and peacefulness, but, trusting in my own strength and wisdom to reach this state, found I was still unforgiven. 258 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF POLK WKI.LS Then I began praying to God to put me in a proper mood to receive his grace and smiles. Night and morning I knelt be- side my cot and asked Heavenly guidance, and besought Christ to take complete possession of my soul and free it from every form of atheism, impiety and hypocrisy ; that he would help me to be faithful in the discharge of my duties, to be re- spectful and obedient to the powers that be; that he would help me to refrain from calumny, detraction, deceit, envy, fraud, hatred, lying and ingratitude ; that he would assist me to be sincere in friendship and watchful against pride and anger; that he would fill my heart with kindliness and benev- olence, with tenderness for the weak, with respect and gentle- ness toward the aged and infirm ; that he would aid me in cultivating frankness, cheerfulness and to be ready at all times to rejoice in the good of others, and to have pity and compas- sion on the unfortunate; that he would constantly remain at my side, guiding me in the way of honor, sobriety, innocence and goodness, and make me truly virtuous and magnanimous, and ready to forgive my enemies (if any exist) as willing to accept forgiveness for myself. All of this the dear Lord has done for me, and the last unclean spirit to come forth from my heart was the demon, vengeance. The latter being utterly cast out, I felt that the Son had indeed "set me free" and would to God that all men were as I am, except these stripes and being bound by the law. There is not a person so mean that I would hesitate to enter the flames of Hell to assist in making an es- cape from Satan ; there is not one so vile that I would not give him my hand and help him to raise to a higher plane of life ; there is not a person anywhere against whom I have the slight- est ill feeling. To adore the Father, Son and Holy Ghost is the height of my ambition ; to treat my fellow-men with respect and kindness is my miission ; therefore I know, for certainty, that I am a forgiven, redeemed man ; a "brand plucked from the burning," and a witness to the power of the regenerated influence eminating from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. If there were a mountain of doubt as to the genuineness of mir- acles, this transformation of my character would be sufficient to remove it and cast it into the sea of nothingness he who can, in sincerity and truth, make a declaration like the above, EXCITING DAYS AND DARING DEEDS 259 may know, without a shadow of a doubt, that he is a redeemed soul, "washed clean in the blood of the Lamb." In conclusion, and as typical of my return to my mother's God, I will present the following beautiful lines : "Reclaimed," by Susie M. Best, Cincinnati, Ohio. "I have grasped in the blackness of darkness, I have scoffed at my early belief, I have felt all my faith go to pieces Like a vessel that's wrecked on a reef. I have mocked at the scriptural teachings, And flung them as fables aside, The truth of miraculous marvels, My lips have boldly denied. I have labored with abstruse questions, And vexed my spirit for naught, For in all the lore of the ages I have found not the solace I sought. I have wandered far off in the highway, And swore I would never return ; But back like a suppliant stealing The fold I am glad to discern. All else but the fond faith of childhood Is ruin and ashes I know, And so I am once more praying The prayers that I lisped long ago." I U