LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS TREES OF INDIANA (First Revised Edition) BY CHAS. C. DEAM APRIL, 1921 FORT WAYNE PRINTING COMPANY CONTRACTORS FOR INDIANA STATE PRINTING AND BINDING FORT WAYNE. INDIANA 1921 LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA -DAVJS THE Department of Conservation STATE OF INDIANA W. A. GUTHRIE, Chairman. STANLEY COULTER. JOHN W. HOLTZMAN. E. M. WILSON, Secretary. PUBLICATION No. 13 RICHARD LIEBER. Director. PLATE 1. SYCAMORE NEAR WORTHINGTON, IND., THE LARGEST BROAD-LEAVED TREE IN THE U. S. FIVE FEET ABOVE THE GROUND IT IS 42 FT. 3 IN. IN CIRC. ; THE EAST BRANCH IS 27 FT. 3 IN. IN CIRC. AND THE WEST BRANCH IS 23 FT. 2 IN. IN CIRC. SEE JOUR. HEREDITY, VOL. 6:407:1915. Preface The first edition of Beam's "Trees of Indiana" was published in 1911. By limiting the distribution, the edition of 10,000 lasted about three years. The demand for a book of this kind was so great that a second edition of 1,000 copies was published in March 1919. This edition was exhausted within five days after its publication was announced, and thousands of requests for it could not be filled. These came from all classes .of people, but the greatest demand was from the school teachers of the State. Since forestry is an integral part of agriculture which is now taught in our public schools, and since a book on the trees of the State is in demand, the Conservation Commission has authorized a revised edition of "The Trees of Indiana." What was formerly Bulletin No. 3 of the Division of Forestry is now published as Publication No. 13 of the Department. The reader's attention is called to a new de- parture in illustrations, which were made from photographic repro- ductions of specimens in Mr. Deam's herbarium. The photographs were taken by Mr. Harry F. Dietz of the Division of Entomology. It is believed that it will be gratefully received by the public and will stimulate an interest in forestry that should achieve practical results. RICHARD LIEBER, Director, The Department of Conservation. (7) Table of Contents. Preface 7 List of illustrations 10 Introduction 13 Key to families 17 Trees of Indiana 19 Excluded Species 290 Measurements of some large trees that grow in Indiana 297 Specific gravity of Indiana woods 299 Index . . . 305 (9) Illustrations. PLATE NUMBER PLATES PAGE 1. Frontispiece; Sycamore, tersest hardwood tree in U.S 5 2. Pinus Strobus (White Pine) 21 3. Pinus Banksiana (Gray or Jack Pine) 23 4. Pinus virginiana (Scrub Pine) 24 5. Larix laricina (Tamarack) 27 6. Tsuga canadensis (Hemlock) 29 7. Taxodium distichum (Cypress) 31 8. Thuja occidentalis (Arbor- Vitae) 33 9. Juniperus virginiana (Red Cedar) 35 10. Salix nigra (Black Willow) 37 11. Salix amygdaloides (Peach-leaved Willow) 39 12. Salix alba (White Willow) 41 13. Salix fragilis (Crack Willow) 42 14. Salix discolor (Pussy Willow) 44 15. Populus alba (Silver-leaf Poplar) 46 16. Populus heterophylla (Swamp Cottonwood) 48 17. Populus deltoides (Cottonwood) 49 18. Populus grandidentata (Large-toothed Aspen) 51 19. Populus tremuloides (Quaking Aspen) 53 20. Juglans cinerea (Butternut) 55 21. Juglans nigra (Black Walnut) 57 22. Carya illinoensis (Pecan) 60 23. Carya cordiformis (Pignut Hickory) 62 24. Carya ovata (Shellbark Hickory) 64 25. Carya laciniosa (Big Shellbark Hickory) 67 26. Carya alba (White Hickory) 69 27. Carya glabra (Black Hickory) 71 28. Carya ovalis (Small-fruited Hickory) 73 29. Carya Buckleyi var. arkansana 77 30. Carpinus caroliniana (Water Beech) 79 31. Ostrya virginiana (Ironwood) 81 32. Betula lutea (Yellow Birch) 83 33. Betula populifolia (Gray or White Birch) 86 34. Betula papyrifera (Paper or Canoe Birch) 87 35. Betula nigra (Black or Red Birch) 89 36. Alnus incana (Speckled Alder) 91 37. Alnus rugosa (Smooth Alder) 93 38. Fagus grandifolia (Beech) 95 39. Castanea dentata (Chestnut) 97 40. Quercus alba (White Oak) 102 41. Quercus bicolor (Swamp White Oak) 105 42. Quercus Muhlenbergii (Chinquapin Oak) 106 43. Quercus Michauxii (Cow or Basket Oak) 108 (10) 11 PLATE NUMBER PAGE 44. Quercus Prinus (Chestunut Oak) Ill 45. Quercus stellata (Post Oak) 113 46. Quercus macrocarpa (Bur Oak) 115 47. Quercus lyrata (Overcup Oak) 118 48. Quercus imbricaria (Shingle Oak) 120 49. Quereus rubra (Red Oak) 122 50. Quercus palustris (Pin Oak) 124 51. Quercus Schneckii (Schneck's Red Oak) 125 52. Quercus ellipsoidalis (Hill's Oak) 128 53. Quercus velutina (Black Oak) 129 54. Quercus coccinea (Scarlet Oak) 132 55. Quercus falcata (Spanish Oak) .... 134 56. Quercus marilandica (Black Jack Oak) 136 57. Ulmus fulva (Slippery or Red Elm) 139 58; Ulmus americana (White Elm) 141 59. Ulmus Thomasi (Hickory or Rock Elm) T43 60. Ulmus alata (Winged Elm) 144 61. Celtis occidentalis (Hackberry) 147 62. Celtis pumila var. Deamii (Dwarf Hackberry) 149 63. Celtis mississippienlsis (Sugarberry) 152 64. Morus rubra (Red Mulberry) .154 65. Maclura pomifera (Osage Orange) 156 66. Magnolia acuminata (Cucumber Tree) 158 67. Liriodendron Tulipfera (Tulip Tree or Yellow Poplar) .160 68. Asimina triloba (Pawpaw) 162 69. Sassafras officinale (Sassafras) 164 70. Liquidambar Styraciflua (Sweet Gum) . 167 71. Platanus occidentalis (Sycamore) 169 72. Malus glaucescens (American Crab Apple) 173 73. Malus lancifolia (Narrow-leaved Crab Apple) 175 74. Malus ionensis (Western Crab Apple) 176 75. Amelanchier canadensis (Juneberry or Service Berry) 178 76. Amelanchier Isevis (Smooth Juneberry or Service Berry) 179 77. Cratsegus Crus-galli (Cockspur Thorn) 183 78. Cratsegus cuneiformis (Marshall's Thorn) 184 79. Cratajgus punctata (Large-fruited Thorn) 186 80. Cratsegus Margaretta (Judge Brown's Thorn) 187 81. Cratsegus collina (Chapman's Hill Thorn) 189 82. Cratsegus succulenta (Long-spined Thorn) I 83. Cratsegus neofluvialis (New River Thorn) 192 84. Cratsegus Calpodendron (Pear Thorn) 193 85. Cratsegus chrysocarpa (Round-leaved Thorn) 195 86. Cratsegus viridis (Southern Thorn) 1 87. Cratsegus nitida (Shining Thorn) 1 88. Cratsegus macrosperma (Variable Thorn) 19- 89. Cratsegus basilica (Edson's Thorn) 2 1 90. Cratsegus Jesupi (Jesup's Thorn) 20$ 91. Cratsegus rugosa (Fretz's Thorn) 204 92. Cratsegus filipes (Miss Beckwith's Thorn) . 205 93. Cratsegus Gattingeri (Gattinger's Thorn) 207 12 PLATE NUMBER PAGE 94. Crataegus pruinosa (Waxy-fruited Thorn) 208 95. Crataegus coccinoides (Eggert's Thorn) 210 96. Crataegus coceinea (Scarlet Thorn) 211 97. Crataegus mollis (Red-fruited or Downy Thorn) 213 98. Cratsegus Phaenopyrum (Washington's Thorn) 215 99. Prunus americana (Wild Red Plum) 217 100. Prunus americana var. lanata (Woolly-leaf Plum) 219 101. Prunus nigra (Canada Plum) 220 102. Prunus hortulana (Wild Goose Plum) 222 103. Prunus pennsylvanica (Wild Red Cherry) 224 104. Prunus serotina (Wild Black Cherry) 225 105. Cercis canadensis (Redbud) 228 106. Gleditsia triacanthos (Honey Locust) 229 107. Gleditsia aquatica (Water Honey Locust) 231 108. Gymnocladiis dioica (Coffeenut Tree) 234 109. Robinia Pseudo-Acacia (Black Locust) 236 110. Ailanthus altissima (Ailanthus or Tree of Heaven) 238 111. Acer Negundo (Box Elder) 241 112. Acer saccharinum (Silver Maple) 243 113. Acer rubrum (Red Maple) 245 114. Acer nigrum (Black Maple) 247 115. Acer saccharum (Sugar Maple) 249 116. Aesculus glabra (Buckeye) 252 117. Aesculus octandra (Sweet Buckeye) 254 118. Tilia glabra (Linn or Basswood) 256 119. Tilia heterophylla (White Basswood) 258 120. Nyssa sylvatica (Black Gum) 260 121. Cornus florida (Dogwood) 262 122. Oxydendrum arboreum (Sour Wood or Sorrel Tree) 264 123. Diospyros virginiana (Persimmon) 266 124. Fraxinus americana (White Ash) 269 125. Fraxinus biltmoreana (Biltmore Ash) 271 126. Fraxinus lanceolata (Green Ash) 273 127. Fraxinus pennsylvanica (Red Ash) 275 128. Fraxinus profunda (Pumkin Ash) 277 129. Fraxinus quadrangulata (Blue Ash) 279 130. Fraxinus nigra (Black Ash) 281 131. Adelia acuminata (Pond Brush or Crooked Brush) 283 132. Catalpa bignonioides (Catalpa) 285 133. Catalpa speciosa (Hardy Catalpa) 286 134. Viburnum prunifolium (Black Haw) 289 135. County Map of Indiana 301 136. Map showing certain areas of forest distribution 302 137. English and Metric Scales compared 303 Trees of Indiana INTRODUCTION The present edition has been entirely rewritten. While the general plan of the first edition has been followed, some changes have been made. The number of trees included has been wholly arbitrary. All woody plants of the State which generally attain a maximum diameter of 10 cm. (4 inches) at breast high are regarded as tree forms. Alnus rugosa which so closely resembles Alnus incana, is an exception, and a description of it is given to aid in the identification of our tree form of Alnus. Also several species of Cratsegus are included which commonly do not attain tree size. The species of all Cratsegus begin to flower and fruit many years before they attain their maximum size. The genus is much in need of study, and the smaller forms are included to stimulate a study of the genus, and in order that the larger forms may be more easily and certainly identified. The number of introduced trees has been limited to those that more or less freely escape at least in some parts of the State. The one excep- tion is Catalpa bignonioides, which is given to help separate it from our native catalpa, both of which are now commonly planted. Botanic Description. The botanic descriptions have been made from specimens collected in Indiana. In most instances the material has been quite ample, and collected from all parts of the State. Tech- nical terms have been avoided, and only when precision and accuracy were necessary have a few been used which can be found in any school dictionary. The length of the description varies in proportion to the importance and interest of the species and the number of characters necessary to separate it from other forms. The characters used are those which are the most conspicuous, and are generally with the specimen at hand. In most instances mature leaves are at hand, and these are most fully described. When leaves are discussed, only mature and normal leaves are considered. The descriptions are not drawn to include the leaf forms, and sizes of coppice shoots or seedlings. Measurements of simple leaves do not include the petiole unless mentioned. (13) 14 When the term twig is used, it means the growth of the year. Branch- lets and branches mean all growth except the present year. By seasons are meant the calendar seasons. The size of trees is designated as small, medium and large. These terms are defined as follows : Small trees are those that attain a diameter of 2 dm.; medium-sized trees are those whose maximum diameter is between 2 dm. and 6 dm.; large-sized trees are those which are common- ly more than 6 dm. in diameter. Diameter measurements are at 14 dm. (4^) feet above the ground, or breast high. The common names given are those most generally used in our area. Where common names are rarely applied to our forms, the common commercial or botanical common name is given. In some instances where a tree is known by several names, one or more of which are often applied to a related species, the liberty has been taken to select a common name which should be restricted to the one species. Botanical names are usually pronounced according to the English method of pronouncing Latin. The accented syllables have been marked as follows: the grave ( \) accent to indicate the long English sound of the vowel and the acute (/) accent to show the short or otherwise modified sound. Measurements have been given in the metric system, and in some instances the English equivalent has also been given. The nomenclature attempted is that of the International Code. The sequence of families is that of Gray's Manual, 7th Edition. Distribution. The genera 1 distribution of the species is first given, which is followed by the distribution in Indiana. The general distribution has been obtained by freely consulting all the local floras and general works on botany. The Indiana distribution has been obtained for the greater part from specimens represented in the writer's herbarium and from notes in doing field work during the past 24 years. Since the first edition of the "Trees of Indiana" was published the writer has traveled over 27,000 miles in Indiana, via auto, making a special study of the flora of the State, and has visited every county and has traversed practically every township in the State. In discussing numbers in distribution it was decided to use terms already in common use, but to assign a definite meaning to each as follows: Very common means more than 25 trees to the acre; common, 5-25 trees to the acre; frequent 1-5 trees to the acre; infrequent, 1 tree to 2-10 acres; rare, 1 tree to every 11-100 acres; very rare, 1 tree to more than 100 acres; local when the distribution is circumscribed or in spots. Where a species has the limit of its range in our area, its distribution is sometimes given at length for scientific reasons. It should be re- membered that some of the older records of distribution were made by 15 geologists or inexperienced botanists, and when such records are ques- tioned it is done with a spirit of scientific accuracy. Some of our early authors did not distinguish between cultivated and native trees, which involves the distribution of certain species. The habitat of many species is discussed; which suggests forestal, horticultural and ornamental possibilities. Then too, the habitat of a tree, helps to identify it. When associated trees are given, those are enumerated which are characteristic of the species throughout its range in our area and they are arranged in the order of their abundance. A county map of the State is included which will assist in finding the range of each species. A forestal area map is also added to visualize certain habitats of the State. The range and distribution of the species in the State has been given considerable attention to encourage investigation along this line. Remarks. Under this title the economic uses of the trees and their products have been given. In addition horticultural and unclassified information is included. Illustrations. All of the illustrations except two are photographic reproductions of specimens in the writer's herbarium. The two draw- ings were used in the first edition. About 20 of the photographs were made by Paul Ulman, and the remainder by Harry F. Dietz, who has laboriously tried to obtain good reproductions from the material at hand. Explanation of Map of Certain Forestal Areas. In describing the distribution of certain species of trees within the State, it was found convenient to speak of certain forestal areas which are here described, and are illustrated by a map which may be found at the end of the text. 'Lake Region: The southernmost lakes in Indiana are those located in the southwestern part of Wells County; Lake Galacia about five miles northeast of Fairmount in Grant County; Lake Cicott in Cass County; and Kate's Pond about !}/ miles northwest of Independence in Warren County. Roughly estimated, all of Indiana north of a line connecting these lakes might be considered the lake area of the State. Prairie Area: While the interior of Indiana has quite a few small areas called prairies, the real western prairie did not extend far into the State. The dividing line is very irregular, and several elongated lobes extended farther east than indicated by the map. The larger areas east of the line were the extensive prairie area of the Kankakee Valley; the northern part of Pulaski County; and parts of White and Tippe- canoe Counties. "Knob" Area: This is the hilliest part of the State and is located in the south-central part. It is contained in the un- glaciated portion of the State, and includes the "knobs" of the Knobstone, Chester and Mansfield sandstone areas of Indiana. In 16 this area are included the scrub pine and chestnut oak, with one excep- tion; sorrel tree and the chestnut, with two possible exceptions. The Flats: This is a level stretch of country, here and there deeply eroded. Being level, and the soil a fine compact clay, the drainage is poor .which suggested the local name "flats." The Lower Wabash Valley: This is part of Knox, Gibson and Posey Counties which is usually inundat- ed each year by the Wabash River. Acknowledgments. The character and qualities of the wood have for the greater part been taken from the works of Britton and Brown, Hough, and Sargent, to whom indebtedness is acknowledged. The Salicaceae, except the genus Populus was written by C. R. Ball, of the Bureau of Plant Industry, Washington, D. C. The Malaceae was contributed by W. W. Eggleston, also of the Bureau of Plant In- dustry, Washington, D. C. These authors were asked to make their part conform to the general plan of the book. Mr. Ball and Mr. Eggleston are recognized authorities on the respective parts they have written and users of this book will appreciate the value of having these difficult parts written by our best authorities. The author wishes to gratefully acknowledge this great favor. The most grateful acknowledgement is given to Prof. Stanley Coulter, Dean, School Science, Purdue University, who has read all of the manuscript and made valuable suggestions, corrections and critic- isms. I wish to acknowledge the assistance of Stella M. Deam, my wife, in field and clerical work. I wish to thank the Department of Conservation for the opportunity of doing this work. Key to the Families. PAGE Leaves linear or scale-like PINACE^E 19 Leaves not as above. A. Leaves compound. Leaves palmately compound AESCULACE.E 251 Leaves pinnately compound. Leaves without an odd leaflet at the end CAESALPINACE.E. . . . 226 Leaves with an odd leaflet at the end. Leaves alternate. Leaflets toothed all around JUGLANDACE^E 52 Leaflets entire, or with 1-4 teeth near the base. Trees with thorns, leaflets entire, generally less than 4 cm. (1 Yi inches) long FABACE.E 233 Trees without thorns, leaflets entire or with 1-4 teeth near the base, generally longer than 4 cm. (1 J^ inches) . . SIMARUBACE.E 237 Leaves opposite. Leaflets 3-5, fruit in pairs ACERACE^E 239 Leaflets 5-11, fruit single O:LEACE,E 267 A. Leaves simple. Leaves opposite or whorled. Petioles more than 4 cm. (1% inches) long. Blades palmately 3-5 lobed ACERACE^E 239 Blades entire or with 1 or 2 lateral lobes BIGNONIACE.E 284 Petioles less than 4 cm. (1 ^ inches) long. Flowers 4-parted, stone of fruit round CORNACE.E 259 Flowers 5-parted, stone of fruit flattened CAPRIFOLIACE.E .... 288 Leaves alternate. B. Leaves entire. Trees with thorns and a milky sap MACLTJRA IN MORACE^E 155 Trees without thorns, sap not milky. Leaves 3-5 nerved at the base . Leaves 3-nerved at the base CELTIS IN ULMACE^E 146 Leaves 5-nerved at the base CERCIS IN CAESALPINACE.E. . 227 Leaves with 1 primary nerve. Leaves usually more than 1.5 dm. (6 inches) long, flowers solitary. Flowers appearing before or with the leaves . ANONACE^E 161 Flowers appearing after the leaves MAGNOLIACE.E. . . 155 (17) 18 Leaves less than 1.5 dm. (6 inches) long, flow- ers in clusters. Bark and leaves aromatic LATJRACE^E 163 Bark and leaves not aromatic. Fruit dry, an acorn QTTERCUS IMBRICARIA IN FAGACE^E 119 Fruit fleshy. Fruit with one seed, stone cylindrical . . XYSSA IN CORNACE.E 259 Fruit with more than one seed, rarely one, seeds flat EBENACEJE 265 B. Leaves finely serrate, coarsely toothed or lobed. C. Leaves with one primary vein. Bark and leaves aromatic LAURACE.E 163 Bark and leaves not aromatic. Staminate and pistillate flowers and fruit in catkins. Scales of winter buds 2, ovary many-seeded, seeds with a tuft of hairs at the summit. . . .SALIX IN SALICACE.E 34 Scales of winter buds more than 2, ovary 1- seeded, seeds without a tuft of hairs at the summit BETULACE^E 78 Staminate and pistillate flowers and fruit not in catkins. Fruit dry. Fruit a samara ULMUS IN ULMACE.E 137 Fruit not a samara. Bark smooth; fruit spiny FAGACE^E 92 Bark furrowed; fruit a smooth capsule. . . .ERICACEAE 263 Fruit fleshy. Flowers more than 8 mm. (J^ inch) broad, fruit edible, apple-like. Trees mostly with thorns, fruit with rem- nant of calyx at apex of fruit, normally with more than 1 seed MALACE^E 171 Trees without thorns, fruit with no rem- nant of calyx at the apex, fruit a 1- seeded edible drupe AMYGDALACE^E 216 Flowers less than 8 mm. (% inch) across, fruit a non-edible drupe CORNACE.E 259 C. Leaves with more than 1 primary vein. Staminate and pistillate flowers in catkins. Fruit dry POPULUS IN SALIC ACE ,E 45 Fruit fleshy MORUS IN MORACE.E 151 Staminate and pistillate flowers not in catkins. Pistillate and Staminate flowers separate. Leaves 3-nerved at the base, fruit a 1-seeded drupe CELTIS IN ULMACE.E . . . 146 19 Leaves 5-nerved at the base, fruit a head of carpels or aehenes. Bark fissured, not peeling off in flakes, leaves aromatic ALTINGIACE^S 166 Bark peeling off in flakes, leaves not aromatic . PLATANACE^J: 168 Pistillate and staminate flowers in one. Fruit dry TILIACE^; 255 Fruit fleshy MALACE^E 171 PINACEAE. THE PINE FAMILY. Trees and shrubs with a resinous sap, which yields rosin, tar, tur- pentine and essential oils. The leaves are linear or scale-like, alternate, whorled or clustered; flowers naked, appearing in the spring; fruit a cone or sometimes berry-like. A large family of trees and shrubs, con- taining over 200 species, found in many parts of the world, and of great economic importance. In Indiana only nine species are native, and the distribution of seven of these species has always been very limited. Leaves linear, in clusters of 2, 3, 5 or more than 5. Leaves in bundles of 2-5 1 Pinus. Leaves in bundles of more than 5 2 Larix. Leaves linear and solitary, or scale-like. Leaves all linear. Leaves obtuse 3 Tsuga. Leaves sharp-pointed. Leaves green on both sides, alternate 4 Taxodium. Leaves glaucous beneath, opposite or whorled 6 Juniperuo. Leaves all scale-like, or some of the branches with linear sharp-pointed leaves. Leaves all scale-like, fruit a cone of 8-12 imbricated scales. 5 Thuja. Leaves scale-like or some linear and sharp-pointed, fruit berry-like 6 Juniperus. I. PINUS. THE PINES. Evergreen trees with needle-shaped leaves in bundles of 2-5 or 7; flowers appearing in the spring, the staminate clustered at the base of the season's shoots, the pistillate on the side or near the end of the shoots; fruit a woody cone which matures at the end of the second season, or more rarely at the end of the third season; scales of the cone variously thickened; seeds in pairs at the base of the scale^. There are about 70 species of pines of which three are native to Indiana. Commercially the pines are classed as soft and hard. In our area the soft pines are represented by the white pine, while the gray and Jersey pines are classed as hard pines. 20 Leaves 5 in a bundle, 6-12 em. long IP. Strobus. Leaves 2-3 in a bundle. Scales of cones unarmed, leaves usually 2-4 cm. long 2 P. Banksiana. Scales of cones tipped with a short spine, leaves usually over 4 cm. long 3 P. virginiana. 1. Pinus Strobus Linnseus. WHITE PINE. Plate 2. Bark greenish and smooth on young trees, becoming reddish or gray and furrowed on old trees; young twigs scurvy-pubescent, soon smooth and light brown; leaves normally 5 in a bundle, sometimes more, G-12 cm. long, 3-sided, sharp-pointed, bluish-green, maturing and falling at end of second season; cones ripening at end of second season, usually 10-20 cm. long; wood light, soft, not strong, works easily, takes a good polish, and warps little. Distribution. Newfoundland to Manitoba, south to Iowa, Ken- tucky and along the Alleghany Mountains to northern Georgia. The mass distribution of this species is to the north of our area, and in Indianla it is local and found in small numbers. It is a common tree on some of the dunes bordering Lake Michigan, and is found locally throughout the area bordering Lake Michigan. Its distribution in this part of the State has not been studied, but it is believed that in Lake and Porter Counties it is not at present found far from the Lake. Blatchley 1 reports "a thicket of this species about a peat bog on the Hayward farm one mile east of Merrillville in Lake County." The writer has seen it as a frequent tree in a black oak woods about four miles southwest of Michigan City, also quite a number of large trees seven miles northeast of Michigan City in a swampy woods, associated ;vith white elm, black ash, soft maple, etc. Nieuwland 2 reports a single tree found in a tamarack swamp 25 miles east of Michigan City near Lydick in St. Joseph County. The next appearance of this species is to the south in Warren County on the out- crops of sandstone along Big Pine, Little Pine, Rock and Kickapoo Creeks. It is found more or less on bluffs of these creeks. It was the most abundant along Big Pine Creek, and followed up the creek for a distance of about ten miles, or midway between Rainsville and Indian Village. To the south it is next found in Fountain County on the out- crops of sandstone along Big Shawnee and Bear Creeks. Franklin Watts who owns the "Bear Creek Canyon" just south of Fountain says he remembers the area before any cutting was done along the creek. He says that the white pine was a common tree along the creek for a distance of half a mile and that a few scattered trees were found as far as 40 rods from the creek. He stated that the largest trees were ilnd. Geol. Kept. 22:93:1898. 2 Amer. Mid. Nat. 3:70:1913. 21 PLATE 2. PINUS STROBUS Linnaeus, (x^-) WHITE PINE. 22 about 30 inches in diameter and as high as the highest of the surrounding trees. Moving southward it is next found on a ridge of sandstone in Montgomery County on the south side of Sugar Creek about a mile east of the shades. Here it is closely associated with hemlock which is absent in all of the stations to the north. Coulter 1 reports a colony in the "knobs" of the northeast corner of Floyd County. This species was also reported from Clark County by Baird and Taylor. The writer has made inquiry and diligently searched for this species in this county but failed to locate it. In the vicinity of Borden where the Jersey pine grows, millmen distinguish two kinds of pines. Investigation showed that both are Jersey pine. The one with resinous exudations along the trunk is one kind, and trunks without exudation is the other. Since Baird and Taylor include cultivated trees in their list of the plants of Clark County, it is proposed to drop this reference. Remarks. White pine on account of the excellent qualities of its wood is in great demand, and has always ranked as one of our leading timber trees. In fact it was so highly prized that practically all of the original stand of this species has been cut. The tree adapts itself to many habitats, hence has been used exten- sively for forestry purposes both in America and Europe. In fact it was the most used tree in forestry until about ten years ago when the white pine blister rust was discovered in America. This disease is now found in practically all of the states where this species forms dense stands. However, Federal and State authorities are trying to stamp out the disease. In Indiana it is a species well worth a trial for forestry pur- poses, especially in windbreaks where other species are used. 2. Pinus Banksiajia Lambert. GRAY PINE. JACK PINE. Plate 3. A small tree 10-15 m. high with reddish-brown bark, broken into short flakes; shoots of season yellow-green, turning reddish-brown, smooth; leaves dark green, in twos, 2-5 cm. long, divergent, curved or twisted, rigid, sharp-pointed, persisting for two or three years; cones sessile, sharp-pointed, oblique at the base, 3-5 cm. long, usually pointing in the direction of the branch; wood light, soft and weak. Distribution. The most northern of all of our pines. Nova Scotia to northern New York, northern Illinois, Minnesota and northward. In Indiana it is found only on and among the sand dunes in the immediate vicinity of Lake Michigan, and in no instance has it been seen more than three miles from the Lake. Found sparingly in Lake, Porter and Laporte Counties. It is the most abundant in the vicinity of Dune Park. iProc. Ind. Acad. Sci. 1901:297:1902. PINUS BANKSIANA Lambert. GRAY OR JACK PINE. 24 PLATE 4. PINUS VIRGINIANA Miller. JERSEY OR SCRUB PINE, 25 3. Pinus virginiana Miller. JERSEY PINE. SCRUB PINE. Plate 4. Bark dark-brown with rather shallow fissures, the ridges broken, somewhat scaly; shoots green, light brown or purplish with a bloom, becoming a gray-brown; leaves in bundles of two, rarely three, twisted, usually about 4-5 cm. long, deciduous during the third or fourth year; cones sessile or nearly so, narrowly conic when closed, 4-7 cm. long, opening in the autumn of the second season; scales armed with a curved spine 2-4 mm. long; wood light, soft, weak, brittle and slightly resinous. Distribution. Long Island to South Carolina, Alabama and north to Indiana and Licking County, Ohio. The distribution in Indiana is quite limited, and has never been understood by authors who variously give it as found throughout the southern part of Indiana. It is confined to the knob area of Floyd, Clark and Scott Counties, and the south- eastern part of Washington County. In the original forest it is con- fined to the tops of the knobs where it is associated with Quercus Prinus (Gray's Man. 7th Edition). It propagates easily from self- sown seed, hence is soon found on the lower slopes of cut-over lands, and soon occupies fallow fields. It is now found in the open woods several miles east of the knobs in the preceding counties, but pioneers of this section say it was not a constituent of the original forests but has come in since the original forests were heavily cut over. It is believed that it crowned the knobs over our area from 5-10 miles wide extending through the counties named and extending northward about 25 miles. This species is found in the open woods on a few hills on the Millport Ridge in the northern part of Washington County, and it appears as if native, but investigation showed that it had spread from a tree on the site of a pioneer's cabin. It is also found as a frequent escape on the wooded bluff of Raccoon Creek in the southern part of Owen County, and appears as native here. It is associated on the bluff and slope with hemlock. Chas. Green, a man of sixty years, who owns the place says the trees were seeded by a tree planted in his father's yard nearby. His father also planted a white pine in his yard, and it is to be noted while the Jersey Pine has freely escaped the white pine has not, although the habitat seems favorable. Remarks. In its native habitat on the exposed summits of the "knobs" it is usually a small tree about 3 dm. in diameter and 10 m. high. When it finds lodgement on the lower slopes and coves it may attain a diameter of 7 dm. and a height of 25 m. This tree is really entitled to be called "old field pine" on account of its ability to establish itself on them. From the ea^e with which this species propagates itself from seed it seems worthy a trial for forestry purposes in the "knob" area of the 26 State. However, all attempts to grow this species from seedlings at the Forest Reserve have failed. 2. LARIX. THE LARCHES. Larix laricina (Du Roi) Koch. TAMARACK. Plate No. 5. Tall spire-like trees, usually 2-3 dm. in diameter, rarely as large as 5 dm. in diameter; bark gray or reddish-brown, scaly; twigs slender, smooth, light brown, becoming a dark gray brown; leaves scattered along the shoots of the season, in fascicles on the older branches, usually 20-50 in a bundle; filiform, 1-2.5 cm. long, obtuse at apex, triangular in cross-section, all falling off late in autumn; staminate flowers borne on the short leafless branches, the pistillate appear with the leaves on the branches of the previous season; cones borne on short, stout branchlets, normally erect or inclined to be so, 10-20 mm. long, purplish brown while growing, turning to a light brown at maturity, persisting on the tree for about a year; wood hard, heavy, light brown, variable in strength. Distribution. Labrador, Newfoundland south to southern New York, West Virginia, northern Ohio and Indiana, Wisconsin, Minne- sota and northward. In Indiana it is confined to the northern part of the State, and has not been reported south of the northern part of Cass County. The most southern station in the eastern part of the State is about Lake Everett in the northwest part of Allen County. It is found on low borders of lakes, in swamps and in bogs. In all of its stations in Indiana it is found growing near the water level in great depths of organic matter more or less decomposed or in beds of peat, which con- tain little or practically no soil. Where it is found, it usually forms a pure stand. Remarks. Formerly the tamarack was a common tree in its area. Recently many of the tamarack swamps have been drained. This with heavy cutting has reduced the supply of tamarack in Indiana to an insignificant amount. The tamarack is popularly classed as white and yellow the yellow being considered the better of the two. In our area it is used principally for poles and posts. There is a diversity of opinion as to the durability of tamarack in contact with the soil. The most authentic information places the life of fence posts at about ten years. 3. TSUGA. The HEMLOCKS. Tsuga canadensis (Linnaeus) Carriere. HEMLOCK. Plate 6. Tall trees, 3-7 dm. in diameter, with reddish-brown or grayish bark, deeply furrowed; shoots very slender and hairy, becoming smooth in a 27 PLATE 5. LARIX LARICINA (Du Roi) Koch. TAMARACK, (x 1.) 28 few years; leaves apparently 2-ranked, persisting for about three years, linear, short petioled, 6-13 mm. long, usually about 10 mm. long, usually flat, obtuse or notched at apex, bright green and shiny above, bluish-white beneath; staminate flowers appear early in the spring from buds in the axils of the leaves of the previous season, the pistillate terminal, erect, oblong; cones almost sessile and pendulous, borne on the end of last year's branch, maturing the first season, ovoid, 1.5-2.5 cm. long; wood light, soft, brittle, not durable, difficult to work, splintery but holds a nail well. Distribution. Nova Scotia south to Delaware, west to Minnesota and southeastward through Indiana and eastern Kentucky, thence southward on the mountains to northern Alabama. In Indiana it is not found 1 north of Brown County. It is found in limited numbers at the following places: on a bluff of Bean Blossom Creek in Brown County; on a steep wooded slope on the south side of a small creek about one and a half miles north of Borden in Clark County, and also reported on the bank of Silver Creek between Clark and Floyd Counties ; a few trees on the top and sides of the cliffs about one mile east of Taswell in Crawford County; a few trees on the bluff of Guthrie Creek in Jackson County; a few trees along the north fork of the Muscatatuck River between Vernon and North Vernon in Jennings County; a few trees on the south bank of Back Creek near Leesville in Lawrence County; frequent on the banks of Sugar Creek near the "Shades" in Mont- gomery County; a few trees on the bank of Raccoon Creek in the southern part of Owen County; frequent on the bank of Sugar Creek in Turkey Run State Park in Parke County; a few trees on the banks of Raccoon and Walnut Creeks in Putnam County. Also reported by Beeler 2 as found on a bluff of White River in Morgan County. In all of its stations it is found on sandstone bluffs on the south side of streams, giving it a north or northwest exposure. In a few of the stations there are no small trees, but in Montgomery County along Sugar Creek it is reproducing well. Remarks. Hemlock is of no economic importance in Indiana. The bark is much used in tanning. Hemlock is frequently used for a hedge plant, also as a specimen tree in parks, etc. 4. TAXODIUM. THE BALD CYPRESS. Taxodium distichum (LinnaBus) L. C. Richard. CYPRESS. Plate 7. Large tall straight trees, up to 18 dm. in diameter and 45 m. high, usually with a buttressed base which is frequently hollow. In wet situations it develops steeple-shaped projections from the roots to iSee discussion under Abies balsamea on page 290. 2 Proc. Ind. Hort. Soc. 1892:53:1893. 29 PLATE G. TSUGA CANADENSIS (Linnaeus) Carriere. HEMLOCK (x 30 above the water level, known as "knees"; bark gray or reddish-brown, separating from the trunk in long thin narrow strips; shoots light green, smooth, turning reddish-brown the first year, then a darker brown; leaves spirally arranged, appearing as if 2-ranked on vegetative shoots, linear, 5-15 mm. long, sessile, acute, yellowish-green, turning brown in the fall and dropping off; staminate flowers numerous, borne on long terminal panicles, pistillate flowers solitary in the axils of the leaves; fruit a cone, globose, about 2.5 cm. in diameter, the surface with some wrinkles made by the edges of the closely fitting scales; wood light, soft and straight-grained, rather weak, does not warp or shrink much and reputed to be very durable when exposed to soil or weather. Distribution. Along the Atlantic coast from Delaware to Florida and along the Gulf west to Texas and north along the Mississippi Valley to Indiana. In Indiana it has a peculiar and limited distribu- tion. The mass distribution was just north and west of Decker in Knox County. Collett 1 estimates that 20,000 acres were "covered with a fine forest of cypress". Wright 2 maps the other places in the southern part of Knox County where the cypress was known to have occurred. At present the only cypress in Knox County is in the extreme south- west part of the county, and is known as Little Cypress swamp. Here it is associated with such trees as white elm and Schneck's oak. It is believed that it extended only a few miles north of the Deshee River. Going southward it has not been seen in Gibson County, and is first noted in Posey County along the Wabash River in a cypress pond about 12 miles southwest of Mt. Vernon. Then again in Posey County along the Ohio River on the shores of Hovey Lake, and in a slough about 3 miles east of Mt. Vernon. It occurred in a few spots in Vander- burg County along the Ohio River southwest of Evansville. It again appears in limited numbers along Cypress Creek a few miles east of Newburg in Warrick County, which is its eastern 3 known limit. The cypress in all of its stations is found only in places that are for the greater part of the year under water. Remarks. The original stand of cypress in Indiana has practically all been cut, and the swamps drained and now under cultivation. In the slough east of Mt. Vernon for several years, thousands of seedlings of the year have been noted, but for some reason they do not survive a second year. The present indications are that the cypress will be ex- tinct in Indiana before many years because practically no small trees can be found. This species is highly recommended by some nurserymen for orna- ilnd. Geol. Surv. Kept. 5:338:1874. 2Proc. Ind. Acad. Sci. 1897:173:1898. 'Baird & Taylor's reference to this species is regarded as a cultivated tree or as an error ; Manual Public Schools of Clark County, Ind. 1878-9, page 62. TAXODIUM DISTICHUM (Linnams) L. C. Richard. CYPRESS, (x H-) 32 mental plantyig. It proves hardy in the southern part of the state. It is a fast growing tree, adapted to a wet soil, but will succeed in drier situations. 5. THUJA. ARBOR-VITAE. Thuja occidentalis Linnaeus. ARBOR-VITAE. Plate 8. Small evergreen trees with a conical crown, bark on old trees reddish-brown or dark gray, shreddy; branchlets compressed, reddish-brown; leaves all closely appressed, in alternate pairs, scale-like, about"3 mm. long on young branchlets, on old branches some\vhat longer together with a spine 2-3 mm. long; flowers appear early in the spring from the ends of the branches; cones mature the first season, about 1 cm. long and .5 cm. in diameter; wood soft, brittle, weak and durable. Distribution. New Brunswick to Manitoba, south to Minnesota and New Jersey thence southward along the Alleghanies to North Carolina and Tennessee. In Indiana it is found native 1 only in Lake and Porter Counties. In Lake County a few isolated specimens have been found in several places near Lake Michigan. In Porter County it is known only in a large tamarack swamp north of the Mineral Springs stop on the Traction line, and about a mile from Lake Michigan. Here about 100 trees are found scattered over an area of less than two acres. The largest specimen measures 70 cm. in circumference. This species is doomed to early extinction in our area. No doubt it already has vanished from Lake County, and it is probable that the colony north of Mineral Springs is the last of the species in Indiana. Remarks. While only found in a swamp in Indiana, this species adapts itself to all kinds of soils and exposures. It transplants readily and is used for ornamental purposes, and for windbreaks. Dwarf forms are frequently planted for hedges. The wood is used principally for poles and posts, and is commercially known as white cedar. 6. JUNIPERUS. THE JUNIPERS. Evergreen shrubs or trees, leaves opposite or whorled, sessile, scale- like or short-linear; fruit berry-like; seeds 1-3. Juniperus virginiana Linnaeus. RED CEDAR. Plate 9. A small tree, usually 1-2 dm. and rarely up to 5 dm. in diameter; bark shreddy; branches usually more or less ascending which gives the tree a narrow conic appearance; shoots green, soon turning light to reddish- brown and on older branches gray or dark brown; leaves 4-ranked, scale- like and 1.5-2 mm. long, or subulate, decurrent at base and 3-10 mm. long on vigorous branches or very small trees; flowers terminal; fruit iHamilton County by Wilson, no doubt from a cultivated tree. 33 PLATE 8. THUJA OCCIDENTALIS Linnaeus. ARBOR-VJT.E. (x J4) 34 ripening the first season, berry-like, globose but longer than wide, with a bloom and a very resinous pulp about the seeds which are usually 1 or 2; wood light, brittle, close-grained, durable and fragrant. Distribution. Nova Scotia south to Florida, west to Texas and north to South Dakota. It is found in all parts of Indiana, although sparingly in the northern part, especially where streams with bluffs are absent. No doubt this species in the original forests was confined prin- cipally to the bluffs of streams and rocky ravines. Since the forests have been cut, it is now found growing along fences, in open dry woods, and in southern Indiana it is a common tree in old abandoned fields, and in waste places. Remarks. Red cedar has had many uses, and the large trees have been practically all harvested. It is now used principally for poles, posts, cross-ties, cigar boxes and lead pencils. It is the best wood known for lead pencils. The odor is so objectionable to insects that a market has been made for chests of this wood in which to store clothing and furs. SALICACEAE. 1 THE WILLOW FAMILY. Trees or shrubs with bitter bark; simple alternate leaves; flowers in catkins, which fall off as a whole, the staminate after flowering, the pistillate after ripening and scattering of the seeds, the staminate and pistillate on different plants (dioecious); flower scales single, below each flower; fruit a lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate capsule opening length- wise into 2 recurving carpels or valves; seeds numerous, minute, oblong, bearing a tuft of hairs at the base. Genera 2, Salix, the willows, and Populus, the aspens and poplars, or cottonwoods, separated by the following characters, those applying only to Indiana trees species in parentheses: Buds covered by a single scale; (leaf-blades mostly enlongated, more than twice as long as wide) ; flower scales entire or rarely shallowly toothed at apex; stamens mostly 2 or 3-8 or 10 . 1 Salix. Buds covered by numerous scales ; (leaf-blades mostly cordate- ovate, less than twice as long as broad) ; flower scales deeply cut or lacerate; stamens more than 10 2 Populus. 1. SALIX. THE WILLOWS. Trees or shrubs (occasionally herbaceous) with usually clustered teims, twigs round; leaf-blades lanceolate and long-acuminate or slleptic-lanceolate and short pointed in all Indiana tree species, finely iContributed by C. R. Ball, Bureau Plant Industry, Washington, B.C., except the genus Populus. 35 PLATE t>. JUNIPERUS VIRGINIANA Linnaeus. RED CEDAR, (x 36 toothed or nearly entire; catkins appearing before (precocious), with (coetaneous), or after the leaves (serotinous) ; each pistillate flower with a little gland at the base of the pedicel on the inside. A large genus of several hundred species varying from tiny shrubby or subherbaceous plants scarcely an inch in height to 0.5 m. (2 feet) or more in diameter, in alluvial lowlands; occurring under Indiana conditions from cold bogs and river banks to dry sand dunes. Willows are used for many purposes, among them ornament, shade, hedges, posts, poles, mattresses, revetments to protect levees, baskets, fish- weirs, whistles, etc., while the wood is used for charcoal, which is es- pecially prized for gunpowder making, and the bark is used for tanning and furnishes salicin, which is used in medicine as a substitute for quinine and as a tonic and febrifuge. Small to large trees; leaves narrowly to broadly lanceolate, mostly long pointed, finely and rather closely toothed; flowers appearing with the leaves; capsules not hairy. Native trees; leaves green on both sides (No. 1) or white (glaucous) beneath (No. 2), and then with very long points and long slender twisted petioles which are never glandular; stamens 3-5-7 or more. Twigs dark green, spreading; leaves narrowly lanceolate, green on both sides; petioles short IS. nigra. Twigs yellowish, somewhat drooping; leaves broadly lanceolate, glaucous beneath; petioles long, twisted.. 2 S. amygdaloides. European trees, cultivated for ornament and use; leaves always glaucous beneath; stamens always 2. Teeth on edge of leaf 8-10 to each cm. (20-25 to the inch) ; petioles usually glandular; capsules almost sessile .... 3 S. alba. Teeth on edge of leaf 6-8 per cm. (15-20 to the inch) ; peti- oles usually glandular; pedicels 0.5-1 mm. long 4 S. fragilis. Shrubs or rarely small trees; leaves elliptical or oblanceolate, short pointed; margin entire or coarsely wavy or shallow- toothed; flowers before the leaves; stamens 2; capsules long, hairy. Twigs and leaves not hairy; leaves thin 4 S. discolor. Twigs and sometimes the lower suface of the leaves densely hairy, leaves thicker 5 S. discolor eriocephala. 1. Salix nigra Marshall. WILLOW. BLACK WILLOW. Plate 10. Shrub or tree 5-20 m. (17-65 feet) high, dark green in mass color; bark of trunk thick, rough, flaky, dark brown to nearly black; twigs brittle at base, the younger pubescent and green, becoming glabrous and darker with age; buds ovate, small, 2-3 mm. (Vg inch) long; petioles 3-6 or 8 mm. (*/%% mcn ) I n g5 stipules small, ovate to roundish; leaf blades narrowly lanceolate, acute or rounded at base, long-acuminate at the apex, 6-11 cm. (2 ^-4 }/ inches) long, 7-12 SALIX NIGRA Marshall. BLACK WILLOW, (x y 2 .) 38 mm. ( l /-}/2 inch) wide, often falcate (scythe-shaped) , the so-called variety falcata), finely serrate, green on both sides, shining above, paler and dull beneath, glabrous or sometimes pubescent beneath on midrib and larger veins; flowers appearing with the leaves in late April in the southern part of the State and well into May in the northern part; catkins slender, 2-5 or 6 cm. (4/5-2 or 2 }/ inches) long, the staminate bright yellow; capsules 3-5 mm. (i^ inch) long, ovoid or ovoid-lanceolate, on pedicels 1-2 mm. (1/16 inch) long. Distribution. New Brunswick and New England, westward to the eastern part of the Great Plains area from North Dakota to Texas, and, in some forms, westward across that State and into Mexico. It is interesting that this species, the first willow published in America, in the first book on American Botany ever published in this country, should be abundantly and widely distributed in the United States. Specimens have been seen from the following counties in Indiana : Allen (Beam); Bartholomew (Deam); Clark (Beam); Crawford (Beam); Bearborn (Beam); Bubois (Beam); Becatur (Beam); Floyd (Beam); Fulton (Beam); Harrison (Beam); Hendricks (Beam); Henry (Beam); Jackson (Beam); Jay (Beam); Jennings (Beam); Knox (Beam); Kosciusko (Beam); Lagrange (Beam); Marion (Mrs. Chas. C. Beam); Marshall (Beam); Miami (Beam); Morgan (Beam); Noble (Beam); Ohio (Beam); Parke (Beam); Perry (Beam); Porter (Beam); Posey (Beam); Pulaski (Beam); Ripley (Beam); Steuben (Beam; Sullivan (Beam); Tippecanoe (Beam); Vermillion (Beam); Wabash (Beam); Warrick (Beam); White (Beam). Economic Uses. The black willow is used very extensively along the lower reaches of the Mississippi River in making matresses which protect the levees from washing. In 1912, it was estimated that 150,000 cords were used annually. 2. Salix amygdaloides Andersson. WILLOW. PEACH-LEAVED WIL- LOW. Plate 11. Trees 3-12 m. (10-40 feet) high, yellowish-green in mass color; bark of trunk fissured, dark brown or reddish-brown; twigs longer and less brittle than those of Salix nigra, yellowish to reddish- brown, usually somewhat drooping, giving a "weeping" effect, which, with the color, makes the species easily recognizable from a distance; buds ovoid, about 3 mm. (% inch) long, colored as the twigs; petioles long, slender, twisted, 5-15 or 20 mm. (34-4/5 inch) long; leaves lance- olate to broadly lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate, rounded or somewhat acute at base, long-pointed at apex, closely serrulate, 5-12 cm. (2-5 inches) long, 1.5-3 cm. (3/5-1 % inches) wide, yellowish-green above, glaucous beneath, glabrous; flowers appear from late April throughout May, usually later than those of Salix nigra; catkins slender, 3-5 cm. SALIX AMYGDALOIDES Andersson. PEACH-LEAVED WILLOW, (x 40 (1-2 inches) long, the fertile becoming 4-8 cm. (1 ^-3 inches) long in fruit; capsules lanceolate, 4-5 mm. (1/6 inch) long; pedicels slender, 2 mm. (1/12 inch) long. Distribution. From Western Quebec and Central New York, west to the Cascade Mountains in British Columbia, Washington and Oregon, south to Colorado and northwest Texas. In Indiana fairly common in the northern third, rare in the central third, and lacking in the southern portion of the State. Specimens have been seen from Indiana from the following counties: Elkhart (Deam); Fulton (Beam); Henry (Deam); Jasper (Beam); Kosciusko (Beam); Lake (Beam), (Umbach); Laporte (Beam); Marion (Mrs. Chas. C. Beam); Marshall (Beam); Pulaski (Beam); Steuben (Beam); Wells (Beam); White (Beam). 3. Salix alba Linnseus. WILLOW. WHITE WILLOW. Plate 12. Trees with 1-5 spreading stems, 5-20 m. (17-65 feet) high; bark rough, coarsely ridged, gray to brownish; twigs brittle at base, green or yellow- ish, glabrous; buds 5-6 mm. (% inch) long; petioles 5-10 mm. (1/5- 2/5 inch) long, seldom glandular; leaves lanceolate, 5-12 cm. (2-5 inches) long, 1-2.5 cm. (2/5-1 inch) wide, acuminate at apex, usually acute at base, leaves bright green above, glaucous beneath, thinly to densely silky on both sides when young, often permanently silky beneath, margins with about 9-10 teeth per cm. (2/5 inch), usually glandular; flowers with the leaves, in April and May; catkins slender, cylindrical, 3-6 cm. (1^-2^2 inches) long; scales pale yellow; capsules ovoid-conical, 3-5 mm. (^ inch) long, almost sessile. The common form usually is referred to variety vitellina (Linnseus) Koch, with orange twigs and more glabrate leaves. Distribution. A native of Europe which has been frequently planted and sometimes escapes. Specimens have been seen from Indiana from the following counties : Gibson (Schneck) ; Hamilton (Mrs. Chas. C. Beam) ; Harrison (Beam) ; Switzerland (Beam); Warren (Beam); Wells (Beam). 4. Salix fragilis Linnseus. WILLOW. CRACK WILLOW. Plate 13. Tree very similar to Salix alba; twigs very brittle at the base (hence the name), green to reddish; petioles 7-15 mm. (}.-% inch) long, glandu- lar just below the base of the leaf; leaves lanceolate, acuminate, 7-15 cm. (3-6 inches) long, 2-3.5 cm. (4/5-1 % inches) wide, coarsely serrate with 5-6 teeth to each cm. (2/5 inch) of margin, dark green and shining above, paler to glaucous beneath, rarely green, glabrous on both sides; catkins appearing with the leaves in late April and during May, 4-8 cm. (1 J^-3 inches) long; capsules slenderly conical, 4-5 mm. (1/5 inch) long, on pedicels 0.5-1 mm. (1/16 inch) long. 41 PLATE 12. SALIX ALBA Linnaeus. WHITE WILLOW, (x 42 PLATE 13. SALIX FRAGILLS Linnaeus. CRACK WILLOW, (x 43 Distribution. A native of Europe. It has been frequently planted and often escapes. Specimens have been seen from the following Indiana counties: Benton (Deam); Clark (Deam); Laporte (Beam); Switzerland (Beam); Union (Beam); Wells (Beam). Economic Uses. This species and the white willow are introduced from Europe and extensively grown for the production of charcoal to use in powder making. 5. Salix discolor Muhlenberg. PUSSY WILLOW. SWAMP WILLOW. GLAUCOUS WILLOW. Plate 14. Shrub or small tree, 2-4 or occasionally 7-5 m. (7-15 or 25 feet) high; bark thin, usually smooth, reddish brown; twigs stoutish, reddish-purple to dark brown, often pubescent (see the variety); buds large, 5-10 mm. (1/5-2/5 inch) long, colored as the twigs; stipules large, mostly roundish, entire or toothed; leaves short- lanceolate to elliptic or elliptic-oblanceolate, acute or short-acuminate at the apex, rounded or acute at the base, 5-10 cm. (2-4 inches) long, 2-3. 5 cm. (4/5-1-^2 inches) wide, nearly entire to coarsely wavy -toothed on the margins, dark shining green above, densely glaucous and occa- sionally somewhat pubescent beneath, especially on midrib and pri- maries; flowers appear in late March or in April before the leaves; catkins sessile, on old wood, stout, dense, the staminate very beauti- ful (pussies), without leaf-bracts at base, 2-5 cm. (1-2 inches) long, the pistillate becoming 3-8 cm. (lM>-3 inches) long in fruit; scales elliptic- oblanceolate, densely clothed with long shining hairs; capsules conic- rostrate, 7-10 or 12 mm. (H~H incn ) J n g> densely gray-woolly; pedicels 1.5-3 mm. (1/16-^ginch) long. Distribution. Nova Scotia south to Belaware and west to the eastern edge of the Great Plains-area. Fairly well distributed over the entire State of Indiana. Specimens have been seen from the follow- ing counties: Allen (Beam); Bearborn (Beam); Becatur (Beam); Elkhart (Beam); Fulton (Beam); Gibson (Schneck); Hancock (Mrs. Chas. C. Beam); Henry (Beam); Jackson (Beam); Jay (Beam); Jef- ferson (Beam); Jennings (Beam); Knox (Beam); Lake (Beam); Marion (Mrs. Chas. C. Beam); Marshall (Beam); Newton (Beam); Porter (Beam) ; Randolph (Beam) ; Ripley (Beam) ; Shelby (Mrs. Chas. C. Beam); Sullivan (Beam); Tippecanoe (Beam); Wabash (Beam); Warren (Beam); Wayne (Beam); Wells (Beam); White (Beam). 5a. Salix discolor variety eriocephala (Michaux) Andersson. Biffers from the species chiefly in rather densely pubescent twigs and buds; thicker and more lanceolate leaves, usually more or less pubescent beneath; and the sometimes more densely pubescent catkins. Distribution. Range of the species but less common. Specimens have been seen from the following Indiana counties: Cass (Beam); 44 PLATE 14. SALIX DISCOLOR Muhlenberg. PUSSY WILLOW, (x 45 Decatur (Beam); Fulton (Beam) ; Gibson (Schneck) ; Jackson (Beam); Jay (Beam); Knox (Beam) ; Laporte (Beam); Pulaski (Beam); Sullivan (Beam); Warren (Beam) ; Wayne (Beam). 2. P6PULUS. THE POPLARS. Rapidly growing trees; buds usually large, scaly and more or less resinous; leaves alternate, broad, toothed or sometimes lobed; flowers appearing before the leaves on large pendulous catkins; anthers red or purple. In the following key mature leaves from trees are considered : Petioles round or channeled, scarcely or not at all flattened laterally. Leaves chalky-white tomentose beneath, some of them more or less lobed, blades 6-10 cm. long 1 P. alba. Leaves pubescent or whitish tomentose while young, never lobed, blades 10-17 cm. long 2 P. heterophylla. Petioles strongly flattened laterally especially near the blade. Winter buds more than 8 mm. in length, stamens more than 20, capsules more than 3 mm. in diameter, leaves broadly deltoid, majority more than 8 cm. wide 3 P. deltoides, Winter buds less than 8 mm. in length, stamens fewer than 20, capsules less than 3 mm. in diameter, leaves roundish ovate, majority less than 8 cm. wide. Winter buds more or less pubescent, dull; leaves general- ly with less than 12 teeth to a side 4 P. grandidentata. Winter buds smooth or rarely somewhat pubescent, glossy; leaves with more than 12 teeth to a side 5 P. tremuloides. 1. Populus alba Linnaeus. SILVER-LEAF POPLAR. Plate 15. Short- trunked trees with a round top, up to a meter or more in diameter; bark on young trees smooth, greenish-white or gray, becoming furrowed on old trees, gray or dark brown; shoots white tomentose, becoming smooth in age ; leaves ovate or triangular, 3-5 lobed or irregularly toothed, hairy on both surfaces on expanding, becoming dark green and glabrous above, 'remaining white tomentose beneath; stamens about 8; wood light, soft and weak. Distribution. Introduced from Europe and escaped in all parts of the State. Remarks. This tree has long been under cultivation, and several horticultural forms have been introduced. It is falling into disuse on account of its habit of sending up root shoots. It adapts itself to all kinds of soil, grows rapidly, transplants easily, stands pruning well and has few insect or fungous enemies. 46 PLATE 15. POPULUS ALBA Linnaeus. SILVER-LEAF POPLAR, (x 47 2. Populus heterophylla Linnaeus. SWAMP COTTONWOOD. SWAMP POPLAR. Plate 16. Tall trees up to 5-8 dm. in diameter- bark of old trees very thick, broken into long ridges which are separated by deep furrows, reddish-brown but generally weathered to ash-color; shoots densely woolly at first, becoming glabrous before the second season; leaves broadly-ovate with petioles 2-10 cm. long, more or less woolly on both surfaces on unfolding, becoming glabrous above and remaining woolly beneath, at least on the larger veins, rarely becoming entirely glabrous, usually cordate at the base, blunt at apex, margins rather regularly crenate-serrate; flowers in April; capsules ripening in June, about 6 mm. in diameter, on stalks 5-10 mm.- long; wood same as the next species. Distribution. Along the Atlantic Coast from Connecticut to Florida and along the Gulf to Louisiana, and northward along the Mississippi Valley to Michigan. It is found in many parts of Indiana. In the northern counties it is found in "gumbo" soils in swamps. It is a common tree in the river swamps of the lower Wabash Valley where it reaches its greatest size. There are no records for the extreme south- eastern part of the State, although it has been found in swamps in Harrison and Clark Counties and is found in many countiee of Ohio. Remarks. The pith of the shoots of this species is orange which easily distinguishes it from all other species of the genus which have a white pith. This species in all of its range is closely associated with the common cottonwood, and millmen make no distinction in the price or qualities of the timber. 3. Populus deltoides Marshall. COTTONWOOD. CAROLINA POP- LAR. (Populus balsamifera var. tiirginiana (Castiglioni) Sargent). Plate 17. One of the largest trees of the Indiana forests; bark of very old trees very thick, broken into ridges up to 1 dm. or more in thickness, separated by deep furrows, reddish-brown, weathering to a gray; leaves hairy on both surfaces as they unfold, soon glabrous except on the margins which are more or less ciliate, broadly-deltoid, usually 7-12 cm. long, and about as wide, base more or less truncate or cordate, or somewhat wedge-shaped, with rather short acuminate tips, crenate- serrate; capsules ovate, about 6 mm. in diameter, on stalks 1-2 mm. long; wood light, soft, weak, sap wood white, heartwood small and brown; warps badly on drying. Distribution. Quebec to Florida and west to the Rocky Mountains. Throughout Indiana in low ground along streams, in swamps and about lakes. On account of its habit of growing only in low ground it is infrequent in the hill country of southern Indiana. Remarks. The cottonwood is adapted to a moist soil, propagates easily, grows rapidly and is one of the best trees for forestry purposes 48 PLATE 16. '> POPULUS HETEROPHYLLA Linnuses. SWAMP COTTONWOOD. (x 49 PLATE 17. POPULUS DELTOIDES Marshall. COTTONWOOD. (x 50 for planting overflow lands, and for planting where a quick shade is desired or for temporary windbreaks. The leaves of this tree are quite variable and several forms have been described. The Carolina poplar of nurserymen has an upright habit of growth and was formerly much planted as a shade tree. Its undesirable qualities have condemned it, and most cities now prohibit its planting. Cottonwood has many uses, and was formerly a very important timber tree, but the supply has so diminished that large trees have become quite scarce. The thick bark was much used by the boys of the pioneers for whittling out toys, etc. 4. Populus grandidentata Michaux. LARGE-TOOTHED ASPEN. Plate 18. A small or medium-sized tree, 1-4 dm. in diameter; bark smooth, grayish-green or whitish, becoming furrowed and dark brown on the trunks of old trees that grow in the northern part of the State, especially when growing in a swampy habitat. In the southern part of the State where the tree usually grows on the top of hills, the bark does not darken so much, frequently remaining a light to dark gray until maturity. Shoots more or less woolly at first, becoming glabrous, reddish-brown; leaves on sprouts and very young trees very velvety beneath, slightly hairy above, ovate in outline, cordate at base and with blades up to 20 cm. in length; leaves on older trees a yellow green, glabrous, ovate, blades usually 6-10 cm. long, coarsely and unevenly toothed, the base slightly rounded, rarely truncate or slightly cordate, the apex pointed or rounded; petioles strongly flattened laterally; stamens 6-12; capsule about 5 mm. long on a stalk about 1 mm. long; wood soft, light and not strong. Distribution. Nova Scotia west to northern Minnesota and south to the Ohio River, and along the Alleghany Mountains to South Caro- lina. Found throughout Indiana, except we have no authentic records for Gibson 1 and Posey 2 Counties. In the northern part of Indiana it is found in great colonies about lakes, etc. or rarely a few trees on the crests of gravel and sand ridges. In southern Indiana it is found in the "knob" area in small colonies on the tops of the ridges associated with scrub pine and chestnut oak and is rarely found in low ground in this part of the State. Remarks. This species is too rare to be of much economic im- portance. It could be most profitably used for excelsior and pulp wood. iCoulter's record for Gibson County by Schneck is regarded as an error because Schneck himself does not report it, and there was no specimen in the Schneck herbarium. 2 Deam's record in Kept. Ind. St. Board Forestry 1911:124:1912 was a manuscript error. POPULUS GRANDIDENTATA Michaux. LARGE-TOOTHED ASPEN, (x 52 5. Populus tremuloides Michaux. QUAKING ASPEN. Plate 19. A straight narrow tree up to 3 dm. in diameter, usually about 1-5 dm. in diameter; bark usually smooth, greenish-white or gray, on older trees becoming rough or fissured, and turning darker; shoots glabrous or with a few hairs, turning reddish-brown the first season, later to a gray; leaves of sprouts and very small trees usually ovate with a cordate base and two or three times as large as leaves of older trees; mature leaves on older trees variable, glabrous, the prevailing type has a bluish-green leaf which is widely ovate or nearly orbicular, 3-7 cm. long, truncate or slightly rounded at the base, usually abruptly short-pointed at apex, finely and regularly serrate, the unusual type of leaf is thinner, yellow-green, ovate, % as wide as long, rounded or wedge-shaped at base, gradually tapering to a point at the apex, otherwise as the prevailing form; stamens 6-12; capsules about 6 mm. long, on stalks about 1 mm. long; wood light, soft and weak. Distribution. One of the most widely distributed of North American trees. It ranges from Labrador south to Pennsylvania, thence southwest to northern Mexico, and then north to northern Alaska. It is found at sea level and at elevations of 10,000 feet. There are records of its occurrence in all parts of Indiana. In all of its Indiana stations it grows only in low ground about lakes, swamps, ponds, low places between sand dunes, and along streams. In many places in the lake region it is found in almost pure stands over small areas. Remarks. In Indiana this species is not of sufficent size and abundance to be of much economic importance. JUGLANDACEAE. THE WALNUT FAMILY. Trees with large, aromatic, odd pinnate leaves; flowers appearing after the leaves unfold, the staminate in catkins, the pistillate solitary or in clusters ; fruit a nut in a fleshy or hard fibrous shell ; kernel edible or astringent. Pith of twigs chambered; staminate catkins thick, sessile or short stalked; stamens 8-40, glabrous; nuts with a network of rough projections 1 Juglans. Pith of twigs not chambered; staminate catkins slender, long- stalked; stamens 3-10, hairy; nuts more or less angled but smooth 2 Carya. 1. JUGLANS. THE WALNUTS. Trees with furrowed bark; pulp surrounding nut continuous, without lines of dehiscence on the surface. 53 PLATE 19. POPULUS TREMULOIDES Miehaux. QUAKING ASPEN, (x Y 2 .) 54 Bark gray, ridges smooth; upper part of leaf -scar of last year's twigs with a mat of hairs; pith dark-brown ; fruit oblong, husk clammy 1 j. cinerea. Bark dark brown, ridges rough; upper part of leaf -scar of last year's twigs without a mat of hairs; pith light brown; fruit orbicular to slightly elongate, husk not clammy 2 J. nigra. 1. Juglans cinerea Linnaeus. BUTTERNUT. Plate 20. A medium sized tree, usually less than 6 dm. in diameter; leaf-scars with upper margin convex or rarely notched; leaves 3-6 dm. in length; leaflets 7-19, the middle pairs the longest, clammy, almost sessile, oblong-lanceolate, 6-12 cm. long, fine serrate, rounded at base and acuminate at apex; flowers in May or June; fruit ripens in October, 4-8 cm. long with 4 prominent longitudinal ridges; kernel sweet and very oily; wood light, soft, not strong, coarse-grained but takes a good polish. Distribution. Valley of the St. Lawrence River south to the Gulf States and west to Nebraska. Found in all parts of Indiana, although very sparingly in some counties. It is an infrequent tree in our range, and in only a few localities is it frequent or common. It is found along streams and in ravines, and in two instances it has been noted in old tamarack marshes. It prefers a well drained gravelly soil, and is rarely if ever found in a compact soil. Thrifty trees of any size in the woodland are now rarely seen. The tops of the larger trees are usually found in a more or less dying con- dition. Benedict and Elrod 1 as early as 1892 make the following observation in a catalogue of the plants of Cass and Wabash Counties : "A few scrubby, half dead trees were seen, the last of their race. It seems unable to adapt itself to new conditions, and is rapidly dying out." Remarks. This tree is often called the white walnut to distingush it from the black walnut from which it is easily separated. It is too rare in Indiana to be of economic importance, except that trees growing in the open are spared for the nut crop. Trees growing in the open develop a short trunk with a wide spreading top and are apparently much healthier than when grown under forest conditions. The bark of the root is used in medicine as a hepatic stimulant. 2. Juglans nigra Linnaeus. WALNUT. Plate 21. One of the largest and most valuable trees of the Indiana forest. Leaf-scars with the upper margin notched; leaves 3-7 dm. long, mature leaves glabrous above and pubescent beneath, leaflets, usually 11-23, almost sessile, ovate-lanceolate, 4-10 cm. long, finely serrate, long-pointed at apex; ilnd. Geol. Kept. 17:263:1892. 55 PLATE 20. JUGLANS CINEREA Linnaeus. BUTTERNUT., (x y 2 .) 56 flowers in May or June; fruit ripens the first year, in September and October, globose to oblong, 5-8 cm. in diameter; nut variable, from subglobcse to ovoid or elliptical, more or less rounded or pointed at the ends, 1.5-3.5 cm. through the widest diameter; kernel edible; wood heavy, hard, strong, rather coarse, heart wood dark brown, durable, works easily and takes a high polish. Distribution. Ontario south to the Gulf States and west to Texas and Nebraska. It was more or less frequent to common in all parts of Indiana in well drained rich soils. Remarks. This tree is frequently called black walnut. On account of the many excellent qualities of the wood, the walnut has been a choice timber tree from pioneer days to the present. It served the pioneer for rails, and in his buildings for sleepers, rafters, interior finish, furniture, etc. It soon sprung into commercial importance, and has been used for almost everything for which wood is used. Indiana and Ohio have furnished the greatest amount of walnut. The supply of lumber from old forest-grown trees has become so scarce that it is sought in old buildings, rail fences, old stumps and old furniture has been worked over. That the demand for walnut timber will not cease is assured; this should encourage land owners to grow this tree. It is adapted to a moist, rich, deep soil and will do well in such a habitat in all parts of the State. Where such land is set aside for forestry purposes, no better tree could be used for planting. Since the tree develops a long tap root which makes it difficult to transplant, it is recommended that the nuts be stratified in the fall, and the germinated nuts be planted in April or May. The foliage of the walnut is often attacked by the "tent cater- pillar" which can be easily destioyed by burning about sun down when the larva collect in a bunch on or near the trunk of the tree. Since the nut of the walnut is of considerable commercial value, it is recom- mended that the walnut be planted along fences, about orchards and as one of the species in windbreaks. 2. CARYA. The HICKORIES. Trees with hard, tight or scaly bark; leaflets alternate, odd-pinnate, glandular-dotted beneath; leaflets serrate, usually unequal at the base, the lateral sessile or nearly so, the terminal short-stalked, the lowest pair the smallest, upper pair and terminal the largest, bruised leaflets characteristically aromatic; staminate flowers in slender catkins, anthers hairy ; pistillate flowers in small clusters ; fruit a bony nut con- tained in a woody husk which separates more or less completely from the nut into four parts. 57 PLATE 21. JUGLANS NIGRA Linnseus. BLACK WALNUT, (x 58 There are now recognized 1 fifteen species and several varieties of hickory, all of which grow in the United States east of the Rocky Mountains. Hickory grows in no other place in the world, except one species in northern Mexico. The wood of the different species of hickory is not of equal commercial vajue, but the wood of the commercial species heads the list of Indiana woods for strength, toughness and resiliency. The individuals of the several species vary much in respect to their bark, size and pubescence of the twigs, number and size of the leaflets, size and shape of the nuts. No attempt will be made to deal with all of the extreme forms, and only those reported by Heimlich 2 and Sar- gent 3 will be discussed. Bud scales 4-6, valvate (in pairs), leaflets generally curved backward. Leaflets 9-17, generally about 13; nut elongated, circular in cross-section; kernel sweet 1 C. illinoensis. Leaflets 5-9, generally 5-7; nut about as broad as long, compressed in cross-section; kernel bitter 2 C. cordiformis. Bud scales more than 6, imbricated (not in pairs) ; leaflets not curved backward. Branchlets usually stout; terminal buds large, 7-25 mm. long; the year's growth usually more or less hairy; dry husks 4-10 mm. thick. Prevailing number of leaflets 5 3 C. ovata. Prevailing number of leaflets more than 5. Trees of low ground; bark of young trees tight and light, of older trees scaly, separating into long thin plates; branchlets usually light orange color; nuts usually large, compressed, 3-6 cm. long, pointed at base 4 C. laciniosa. Trees of high ground; bark of young trees tight and dark, of older trees tight and deeply furrowed, the thick ridges broken into short lengths which on very old trees loosen at the base; branchlets red- dish-brown; nuts usually about half as large as the preceding and usually with a rounded base. . . 5 C. alba. Branchlets usually slender; terminal buds small, 5-12 mm. long; the year's growth usually glabrous, rarely hairy; dried husk 1-2.5 mm. thick. Branchlets and leaves not covered when they first appear with rusty-brown pubescence. iSargent in Bot. Gaz. Vol. 64: 58:1918. 2 Heimlich in Proc. Ind. Acad. Sci. 1917:437:439:1918 credits most of my records jointly with Prof. G. N. Hoffer. This is an error. On my invitation Prof. Hoffer accompanied me nine days in the field doing mycological work. While he gave me valuable assistance in collecting during these days, his assistance and responsibility stopped there and he never asked or expected to be considered joint author. Again on our trip we collected only in Daviess, Gibson, Fountain, Knox, Lawrence, Martin, Pike and Sullivan Counties. sSargent I.e. 59 Prevailing number of leaflets 5; fruit usually smooth and tapering at base to a short stem (fig-like) ; shell of nut thick, kernel sweet and astringent 6 C. glabra. Prevailing number of leaflets generally 7; fruit usually granular, rarely tapering at the base to a short stem (fig-like); shell of nut thin, kernel sweet without astringency 7 C . ovalis. Branchlets and leaves densely covered when they first appear with rusty-brown pubescence 8 C. Buckleyi. 1. Carya illinoensis (Wangenheim) K. Koch. PECAN. Plate 22. Very tall slender trees up to 15 dm. in diameter; bark tight, sometimes becoming scaly on very old trees, fissured, ridges narrow, ashy-brown tinged with red; twigs at first hairy, becoming smooth or nearly so and reddish-brown by the end of the season; leaves 3-5 dm. long; leaflets 9-17, ovate to oblong-lanceolate, somewhat curved backward, 7-15 cm. long, taper-pointed, hairy when they unfold, becoming at maturity smooth or nearly so, dark green above, and a yellow-green beneath; clusters of staminate catkins sessile; fruit single or in small clusters, oblong 3.5-6 cm. long, the winged sutures extending to the base, the husk splitting to below the middle; nut ovoid-oblong, reddish-brown; wood heavy, hard and not strong. Distribution. In the Mississippi Valley from Indiana and Iowa south to Texas. In Indiana it was a native of the southwest part of the State. It was a common tree in the river bottoms of Point Township of Posey County, and in the bottoms of the southwest part of Gibson County. It was found more or less frequently in the bottoms of the Wabash Valley, as far north as to within four miles of Covington where the author collected specimens in 1918. It followed the bot- toms of the Ohio River east at least as far as Clark County. Michaux 1 gives it as rare in the vicinity of Louisville. Victor Lyons of Jefferson- ville says that it was a native to the east part of Survey 29 of the Illinois Grant, and one tree in the north-west corner of No. 32; and there were nine trees 9-10 dm. in diameter in Floyd County on "Loop Island". A large tree grew in the bottoms near Bethlehem in Clark County, which is said to have been a native. Young 2 says that there are two trees in Jefferson County, one planted, the other probably native. Coulter 3 says "there are several trees in the river bottoms." There are several trees on the Elisha Golay farm about one mile east of Vevay which are in rows, which show that they were planted. The largest has a trunk 2.2 m. long and a circumference of 31 dm. tAndre Michaux's Travels 1793-1796. 'Flora of Jefferson County. Ind. Geol. Surv. Kept. 2:283:1871. 'Flora of Jefferson County. Ind. Geol. Surv. Kept. 6:265:1875. 60 PLATE 22. \ CARYA.ILLINOENSIS (Wangenheim) K. Koch. PECAN, (x J) The two nuts to right are from the McCallister hybrid pecan tree. 61 It followed the north fork of White River as far as Greene County, and the south fork of White River as far as Seymour. A pioneer told me he remembered a small colony in the eastern part of Washington County in the bottoms near the Muscatatuck River. In Indiana it is found only in very low land which is subject to overflow. Remarks. So far as the wood is concerned, the pecan is the poorest of all hickories. It has only about one-half the strength and stiffness of the shell-bark hickory. Although the wood is inferior, the pecan has the distinction of producing the best nut of any native tree of America. The pecan was well known to the Indians, and some authors say the range of the species was extended by planting by the Indians. It has been a nut of commerce ever since the area of its range has been settled. It was planted by the pioneers, and recently nurserymen took up the subject of growing stock by budding and grafting from superior trees. At present there are about 100 horticultural varieties. The horticul- turist has developed forms twice the size of the native nuts, and with shells so thin as to be styled "paper-shelled." The pecan has been ex- tensively planted for commercial purposes in the southern states, but information obtained from owners of pecan trees in Indiana indicate that the winters are too severe for profitable pecan culture in Indiana. During the winter of 1917-18 the whole of a tract of 13 year old pecan trees on the Forest Reserve in Clark County was killed back to the ground. In Noble County about one mile south of Wolf Lake is a tree planted about 50 years ago that is about 9 dm. in circumference that frequently sets nuts but they never mature on account of the early frosts. 2. Carya cordiformis (Wangenheim) K. Koch. PIGNUT HICK- ory. Plate 23. Large tall trees with tight bark, usually a light gray, sometimes darker, fissures shallow and very irregular; twigs at first green, somewhat hairy, soon becoming smooth or nearly so, and a yellowish-brown, or reddish-brown by the end of the season; leaves and leaflets variable, the prevailing type of trees have smaller leaves with with long and narrow leaflets, the unusual form has larger leaves up to 4 dm. in length with terminal leaflets up to 2 dm. in length and 8.5 cm. in width, and the last pair almost as large; fruit sub-globose or rare- ly oblong, 2-3.5 cm. long; wings of sutures extending to below the mid- dle, rarely one reaching the base; husk about 1.5 mm. thick, tardily separating to about the middle; nut ovoid or oblong, slightly flattened laterally, often as wide or wider than long, depressed, obcordate, with a short or long point at the apex, ovoid or rounded at the base, smooth or rarely with four distinct ridges; shell very thin and brittle; kernel very bitter; wood heavy, very hard, strong, tough and close-grained. 62 PLATE 23. CARYA CORDIFORMIS (Wangenheim) K. Koch. PIGNUT HICKORY. (x y 2 .) The nuts are from different trees to show variation. 63 It has about 92 per cent of the strength and about 73 per cent of the stiffness of shell-bark hickory. Distribution. Valley of the St. Lawrence River west to Nebraska and south to the Gulf States. In Indiana a map distribution of the species in the State shows that it has been found in practically all of the counties on the west, north and east borders. It is usually found in rich soil along streams and in rich woods, and may be found in all of the counties of the State. Despite the fact that no animal agency was active against the propagation of this tree, it was rarely found more than as an infrequent tree throughout our range. Remarks. The hickories as a class, except the pecan, can not stand "civilization," especially much tramping about the base. It appears that the pig-nut hickory is the most easily affected. In Parke County about Coxville great numbers of the trees have been killed by the borers. For the uses of the wood see shell-bark hickory. Since this species does not produce as much marketable lumber as the shell-bark hickory, and the nuts are valueless, it should not be recommended for planting in the farmer's woodlot. The rossed bark of this species is preferred by manufacturers of split-bottomed chairs, and is known by them as "yellow-bud" hickory. 3. Carya ovata (Miller) K. Koch. SHELLBARK HICKORY. Plate 24. Large and very tall trees; bark of young trees tight, beginning to scale when the trees reach 1-2 dm. in diameter, separating into long thin strips on old trees; twigs at the end of the season usually stout, 3-5 mm. in diamter near the tip, but some are slender and as small as 2.5 mm. in diameter, at first covered with hairs, becoming smooth at the end of the season or remaining hairy, reddish-brown; winter buds hairy, the terminal one on vigorous shoots long-ovoid, outer scales sharp-pointed; ordinary leaves 2-4 dm. long; leaflets 3-5, the lateral sessile or nearly so, the terminal one on a stalk about 1 dm. long, up to 10 cm. wide and 22 cm. long, leaflets variable in shape from ovate to oval, oblong-oval or obovate, all long taper-pointed, hairy beneath when they unfold and remaining hairy until maturity or some- times becoming almost glabrous; fruit variable in size, 3-6 cm. long, usually subglobose, furrowed along the sutures at least near the outer end; husk freely splitting to the base, except one tree which was noted where the husk remains on the nut, rarely opening for only a short distance at the apex, very variable in thickness from 4-10 mm.; nut exceedingly variable, compressed, 4-angled, the angles generally visible to the base, 2-3 cm. long, more or less pointed, rarely rounded at the base or obcordate at the apex, generally ovate to oval in outline, some almost freakish in shape ; shell generally thin ; kernel . sweet ; wood heavy, 64 PLATE 24. CARYA OVATA (Miller) K- Koeh. SHEIXBARK HICKORY, (x The nuts are from different trees to show variation. 65 very hard and strong, close-grained, fight brown, sap wood white and thin on old trees. Distribution. Quebec west to southern Minnesota. Kansas and eastern Texas, thence eastward to the Atlantic through the north part of the Gulf States. It is frequent to common in all parts of Indiana rt on the hflls of the southern part. It prefers rich moist soil and - _ uerally found in bottom lands or on rolling land, and if in dryer situations on the sides of hills. It is generally associated with red oak, big shellbark hickory, swamp white oak. sweet gum. linn, white ash. slippery elm. sugar maple, beech, etc. In the forest it is a tall straight tree with few main branches for a crown. Xo tree carries its taper better than this species. When grown in the open the side branches do not shade off. and it grows to a medium height with a wide spreading ciown. Remarks. The writer has one specimen from Wells County which no doubt should be referred to this species, but the description has not been drawn to cover it. The twigs are very slender and pubescent; the leaves are normal and pubescent : the fruit is obovoid. 2-4 cm. long ; husk n *han 1 mm. thick at outer end and 2 mm. thick at the base; nut obovoid, 1-8 cm. long, little compressed, rounded at the base, rounded at the apex, slightly angled, angles obscure on lower half: otheiwise as the type. The species is very variable and no dependence can be placed upon such characters as pubescence of the twigs, leaves or fiuit, size of the twigs, color of the anthers, size or shape of the uuts. The wood of the shcllbark and the big shellbark hickories is the most used of all the hickories because it is generally freer from knots and blemishes. Hickory is used principally for carriage and wagon stock, agricultural implements, handles and fuel. The supply of hickory is fast waning, and in the near future will be limited. The hickories are very slow growing trees. They develop a long tap root, hence are hard to transplant. Hickory should constitute an im- portant part of the woodlot. If this species is not well represented, germinated nuts should be planted. The nut of this species usually sells for $3.00 to $5.00 per bushel, which should encourage land owners to plant it in the open along fences and about the orchard. It should be remembered that hickory will not stand much tramping by stock. 3a. Gary a ovata variety fraxinifolia Sargent. Trees and Shrubs 2:207:1913. Is described as '"having leaflets lanceolate to slightly oblanceolate. acuminate, thick and firm in texture, lustrous above, pubescent along the midribs below, the terminal 1.4-1.5 dm. long from 4.4-5 cm. wide, and raised on a slender puberulous petiolule. the lateral 66 leaflets unsymmetrical at the base, sessile, those of the lowest pair 7-9 cm. long, and from 2.5-3 cm. wide. Sargent 1 says "this variety occurs in Indiana," basing his authority upon my specimens of which he has duplicates. Heimlich 2 reports this variety from White County, and at the same time he reported the variety from Daviess, Martin and Wells Counties, based upon specimens collected by the author and determined by Sargent. I have carefully studied the specimens from Daviess, Martin and Wells Counties, and they do not agree with Sargent's description of the variety. While most of the leaves of the specimens in question agree with the description, some do not, which excludes it from the variety. 3b. Carya ovata variety Nuttallii Sargent. Trees and Shrubs 2:207:1913. This variety is described as having "nut rounded, obcordate or rarely pointed at apex, rounded or abruptly pointed at the base, much compressed, prominently angled, about 1.5 cm. long and 1-1.2 cm. thick; the involucre 4-10 mm. thick, splits freely to the base. Except in size of the fruit there appears to be no character by which the variety can be distinguished from the common Shagbark." Heimlich 3 reported this variety from Dekalb County, based upon specimens collected by the author and determined by Sargent. The nuts of the specimens from Dekalb County are 2 cm. long. The author has specimens from Wells County that agree with the description. 4. Carya laciniosa (Michaux films) Loudon. Big Shellbark Hic- kory. Plate 25. Large tall trees with trunks like those of the shellbark hickory; bark of young trees tight, beginning to scale when the trees reach a diameter of 1-2 dm., on older trees separating and scaling off into long thin narrow strips ; twigs at the end of the season stout, 4-7 mm. thick near the tip, the twigs of the season hairy at first, becom- ing glabrous or nearly so by the end of autumn, yellowish or late in autumn a rusty brown, frequently retaining the leaf-stalks of the leaves of the previous season until spring which is peculiar to this species; terminal buds large, ovoid to ovoid-oblong, 10-25 mm. long; ordinary leaves 3-5 dm. long; leaflets 5-9, prevailing number 7, ovate to oblong- lanceolate or obovate, the largest 1-2 dm. long, velvety beneath when they unfold and remaining hairy beneath until maturity, rarely nearly glabrous; fruit ovate, subglobose, oblong or obovate, 3.5-7 cm. long; dry husk 3.5-11 mm. thick; nut variable, generally much compressed, up to 5.5 cm. long, usually circular in outline, but varying from ovate to obovate and oblong, usually each side has 2 or 3 ridges which extend iBot. Gaz. Vol. 66:236:1918. 2 Proc. Ina. Acad. Sci. 1917:435:1918. iProc. Ind. Acad. Sci. 1917:435:1918. 67 PLATE 25. CARYA LACINIOSA (Michaux fQius) Loudon. BIG SHELL-BARK HICKORY. (x y 2 .) The nuts are from different trees to show variation. 68 more or less often to the base; shell very thick; kernel sweet; wood and uses same as that of the shellbark hickory. Distribution. Southwestern Ontario south to Alabama and west to Louisiana, Nebraska and Iowa. Found throughout Indiana, except there are as yet no records from the extreme northwest counties. It is frequent to common in moist rich woods, or in river bottoms which is its favorite habitat. It is usually associated with the shellbark hickory where it grows in moist situations. Sometimes in the river bottoms it grows in situations too wet for the shellbark hickory. In the lower Wabash bottoms it becomes a common tree. Remarks. This hickory is also known as the big scalybark hickory and hard-head hickory. The nuts are an article of commerce and by some are preferred to the shellbark hickory although the nuts are hard to crack. This objection is easily overcome by wetting the nuts, and drying them by using heat which cracks the shell, making them easy to crack. 5. Carya alba (LinnaBus) K. Koch. WHITE HICKORY. Plate 26. Medium sized tall trees up to 10 dm. in diameter; bark tight, of two types, one light colored, thin and fissured into a net-work. This form has been seen only in the river bottoms of the southwestern part of the State. The common type of bark is thick, with thick ridges, dark but on the older trees it weathers to a light gray and becomes thickly covered with lichens; terminal twigs of branches at end of season stout, 3.5-7 mm. in diameter near the tip, densely hairy at first and remaining hairy throughout the season or becoming almost glabrous, reddish- brown; terminal fyud large, ovate, 10-20 mm. long; ordinary leaves 2-4 dm. long, the rachis and under side of leaflets densely hairy when they unfold, remaining pubescent until maturity; leaflets 5-9, prevailing number 7, long-oval, ovate-lanceolate, or obovate; fruit usually globose, more rarely short elliptic, ovate or obovoid, the husk rather tardily opening to nearly the base, or only checking open at the top; dried husk 3-8 mm. thick; nut variable in shape, little compressed, somewhat globose, a little longer than wide, more rarely wider than long or short elliptic, usually 2.5-3.5 cm. long, generally rounded at the base and short-pointed at the apex, more rarely pointed at the base and long pointed at the apex, (one specimen is at hand that is almost a square box), usually with 4-6 angles, on some forms obscure; shell thick; kernel very small, sweet; wood and uses same as shellbark hickory. Distribution. Southwestern Ontario south to the Gulf and west to Texas, Missouri and Iowa. Found throughout Indiana, except there are no records from the extreme northwestern counties. This species except in the lower Wabash Valley is confined to the uplands. It is CARYA ALBA (Linnaeus) K. Koch. WHITE HICKORY, (x The nuts are from different trees to show variation. 70 rather a rare tree in northern Indiana, but becomes more or less frequent in the western part of the State south of the Wabash River and more or less frequent to common on the hills in all of the State south of Marion County. It is most abundant in the unglaciated area. Remarks. This species is called mockernut by text books, and bull hickory in the vicinity of New Albany. 5a. Carya alba variety subcoriacea Sargent. Trees and Shrubs 2:207:1913. Only one tree of this variety is known in Indiana and it is located in Posey County on the bank of the cypress swamp about 13 miles southwest of Mt. Vernon. Specimens from this tree were sent to Sargent and he referred them to this variety. 1 It differs from the type in the larger size and shape of the fruit and nut. The dried fruit is 5 cm. long, oblong. The nut is oblong, 4.4 cm. long, pointed at both ends, or some nuts somewhat ovate in shape and more rounded at the base, little compressed and strongly angled; shell very thick, 5 mm. at the thinnest place; kernel very small and sweet. The nut easily distinguishes it from all forms of hickory. The author has bought hickory nuts for table use for several years from Posey County and this nut is frequently found in the assortment which shows that this variety is more or less frequent in that section. 6. Carya glabra (Miller) Spach. BLACK HICKORY. Plate 27. Very tall medium sized trees, up to 7 dm. in diameter; bark tight, usually dark, fissures shallow on some and quite deep on others; twigs reddish- brown, glabrous, terminal buds small, ovoid, about 7-12 mm. long; ordinary leaves 2-3 dm. long; leaflets generally lanceolate, sometimes quite wide, or wider beyond the middle, prevailing number 5, the terminal usually 11-19 cm. long, somewhat pubescent on unfolding, more or less pubescent below at maturity, usually only the midrib, axils and larger veins with hairs; fruit generally smooth and obovoid, rarely globose or oval, 22-40 mm. long; husk sometimes not opening, more often one or more of the sutures open to less than half way, 1-2 mm. thick; nut about 20-30 mm. long and 16-25 mm. wide, rounded at the apex, elongated and rounded at the base, angles wanting or obscure; shell very hard and thick, about 1.5 mm. thick at the thinnest point; kernel sweet and astringent; wood and uses same as that of the shellbark hickory. Distribution. Southern Ontario south to the Gulf States and west to Texas and Iowa. This species is reported for all parts of the State. However, the records for the northern counties were made when this species was not separated from Carya ovalis, and since the latter species is quite frequent in the northern counties it is best to refer the early iBot. Gaz. 66:237:1918. 71 PLATE 27. CARYA GLABRA (Miller) Spach. BLACK HICKORY, (x Fruit from different trees to show variation. 72 records to Carya ovalis. The most northern station based upon an exist- ing specimen is the north side of the Mississinewa River east of Eaton in Delaware County. It is a frequent, common to very common tree on the hills in the southern part of the State. It has its mass distribu- tion in the unglaciated part of the State, although it is locally a frequent to a common tree of the hills of the other southern counties. It ap- pears that this species has the ability to invade areas after the vir- gin forest is cut, and it is not an uncommon sight to see this species in almost pure stands on the hills of cut-over lands. Remarks. This species is often called pignut. Sargent wisely suggests that this name be used exclusively for Carya cordiformis. The great abundance of this species in Brown, Morgan and Monroe Counties has been instrumental in building up a large business in the manufacture of hickory chairs and furniture. Frames of furniture are made from the very young trees, and backs and seats from the bark of old trees, which are cut, stripped of their bark, and often left to rot. 6a. Carya glabra variety megacarpa Sargent 1 . This variety was reported for Indiana by Heimlich. 2 His report was based on a specimen collected by the author in Franklin County. It was named by Sargent who has a duplicate specimen. Sargent in his revision of the hickories does not include Indiana in its range. The size of the fruit is the character that marks the variety and I do not believe this is sufficient to warrant its separation. I have, therefore, included all Indiana forms under the type. 7. Carya ovalis (Wangenheim) Sargent. SMALL-FRUITED HICK- ORY. Plate 28. Medium sized tall trees; bark usually tight on the trunk for a distance up to 1.5-3 m., then becoming more or less scaly like the shellbark hickory, on some trees the bark is very thick and is quite scaly but it does not flake off in thin plates as the shell- bark hickory; twigs purplish or reddish-brown, generally smooth by the end of the season, generally 3-4 mm. thick near the tip; terminal winter buds ovoid, 7-10 mm. long, covered with yellow scales and more or less pubescent; average size leaves 2-3 dm. long; leaflets 3-7, prevailing number usually 7, sometimes 5, usually lanceolate, frequently oval or slightly obovate, the terminal 12-21 cm. long, at maturity usually pubescent beneath in the axils of the veins, more rarely also the veins covered with hairs; fruit varies greatly in size and shape, the most common form is obovoid, more rarely oval, or subglobose, 25-42 mm. in length, granular and covered with yellow scales; husk usually splitting to the base, although tardily on some, often quite aromatic, dry husk 1.1-3 mm. thick; nut variable in size and shape, from elliptic !Bot. Gaz. 66:244:1918. 2 Proc. Ind. Acad. Sci. 1917:436:1918. 73 PLATE 28. CARYA OVALIS (Wangenheim) Sargent. SMALL-FRUITED HICKORY, (x The nuts show the species and its varieties. 74 to obovoid, 15-30 mm. long, compressed, generally about 20 per cent wider than thick, usually rounded at the base, generally slightly obovoid with the apex rounded, or obcordate; a common form has the four sides rounded, as wide as long or almost so, with the ends abruptly rounded so as to appear almost truncate, the elliptic form with both ends pointed is our rarest and smallest form; the surface on all forms is quite smooth, except the elliptic forms which have the angles usually extending from the tip to the base, on other forms the nuts are usually not prominently angled and on some the angles are very obscure except at the apex; shell usually thin, 1-1.5 mm. thick; kernel sweet; wood and uses the same as that of the shellbark hickory. Sargent 1 has described five varieties of this species, three of which he credits to Indiana. The writer has sent him specimens from over 100 trees of this species, and he has variously distributed them to the type and varieties. Heimlich has reported Sargent's determination of many of these specimens in the Proc. Ind. Acad. Science, 1917:436-439: 1918. The writer cannot agree with the determinations and believes further field study is necessary to discover characters by which the several forms can consistently be divided. To stimulate the study of this species, the original description of the varieties together with Sargent's characterization of the type are quoted because they are contained in a book not usually found in libraries. To these descriptions are added new characters which Sargent gives in his revision of the hickories in Bot. Gaz. 66:245-247:1918. Gary a ovalis (type). "In the shape of the fruit and in the thickness of its involucre this tree is of four distinct forms; in all of them the involucre splits freely to the base, or nearly to the base, the shell of the nut is thin and the seed, although small, is sweet and edible. The extremes of these forms are very distinct, but there are forms which are intermediate between them, so that it is difficult to decide sometimes to which of the forms these intermediate forms should be referred. The first of these forms, as the fruit agrees with Wangenheim's figure, must be considered the type of the species. The fruit is oval, narrowed and rounded at the base, acute at the apex, usually from 2.5-3 cm. long and about 1.5 cm. in diameter. The involucre is fr6m 2-2.5 mm. thick and occasionally one of the sutures remains closed. The nut is oblong, slightly flattened, rounded at the base, acute or acuminate and four-angled at the apex, the ridges extending for one-third or rarely for one-half of its length, from 2-2.5 cm. long and about 1.5 cm. in diameter. The shell is usually about 1 mm. thick." "The type of this species and its varieties have glabrous or rarely slightly pubescent leaves, with usually 7 thin leaflets." iTrees and Shrubs 2:208-209:1913 and Bot. Gaz. 66:247:1918. 75 7a. Carya ovalis variety obcordata (Muhlenberg) Sargent. "The fruit varies from subglobose to short-oblong or to slightly obo- vate, showing a tendency to pass into that of the other varieties of the species. It varies from 2-3 cm. in diameter, and the involucre, which is from 2-5 mm. thick, splits freely to the base or nearly to the base by narrowly winged sutures, one of them rarely extending only to the middle of the fruit. The nut is usually much compressed, often broadest above the middle, slightly angled sometimes to below the middle, rounded at the base and much compressed, often broadest above the middle, slightly angled sometimes to below the middle, rounded at the base and rounded and often more or less obcordate at the apex." 7b. Carya ovalis variety odorata (Marshall) Sargent. "The name may have been given by Marshall to this variety on account of the strong resinous odor of the inner surface of the fresh involucre of the fruit, which I have not noticed in that of the other forms. The fruit is subglobose 01 sometimes slightly longer than broad, flattened and usually from 1.3-1.5 cm. in diameter. The involucre varies from 1-1.5 mm. in thickness and splits freely to the base by distinctly winged sutures. The nut is rounded or acute at the base with a short point, rounded at the apex, very slightly or not at all ridged, pale colored, from 1.2-1.5 cm. long and wide and from 1-1.2 cm. thick." 7c. Carya ovalis variety obovalis Sargent. "In the fourth form the fruit is more or less obovate, about 2.5 cm. long and 2 cm. in diameter, and the involucre varies from 2-4 mm. in thickness. The nut is much compressed, pointed or rounded at the apex, rounded at the base, usually about 2 cm. long, nearly as broad and about 1.5 cm. thick." "The fruit resembles in shape that of Carya glabra, but the involucre is thicker and splits easily to the base or nearly to the base." 7d. Carya ovalis variety obcordata, f. vestita Sargent. Bot. Gaz. 66:246:1918. This is a form described from a specimen collected by the author on the border of Dan's Pond in Knox County. It differs from "the variety obcordata in the thick tomentose covering of the branchlets during their first year. The leaves of this form are slightly pubescent in the autumn on the under surface of the midribs. Although the nuts are more compressed than those of the ordinary forms of var. obcordata, the fruit is of that variety. The branchlets are unusually stout for a form of Carya ovalis and are covered with rusty tomentum duiing their first year and are more or less pubescent in their second and third seasons." Distribution. Western New York west to Illinois and south to North Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas and Mis- 76 souri. The species is found in all parts of the State, although the dis- tribution of the varieties has not been worked out. The habitat of this species is high ground, and only rarely is it found in low ground. It prefers hills, slopes, base of the terraces of streams, and in the northern part of the State gravelly ridges and sandy soil. In all of its range it is usually associated with white and black oak. It is in- frequent in the southern part of the State but north of the Wabash River it becomes more frequent and in some places it becomes common to very common. It is a common tree in Wells County north of the Wabash River and in the northern part of Lagrange County, and in both places a wide range of forms occur, some of which are not covered by the preceding description. No one of our trees offers a better op- portunity for intensive study than this hickory. Remarks. Text books call this species the small-fruited hickory. It is not commonly distinguished from the other hickories, but in Wells County where it is common the boys call it "Ladies' Hickory." 8. Carya Buckleyi variety arkansana Sargent. 1 Plate 29. Medium sized trees, bark tight, dark, deeply furrowed; mature twigs more or less pubescent, reddish brown; terminal buds ovoid, about 8 mm. long, thickly covered with yellow scales, and more or less pubescent; leaves 2-3.5 dm. long, rachis permanently pubescent; leaflets 5-7, prevailing number 7, lanceolate, terminal one about 15 cm. long, tawny pubescent on unfolding, more or less glabrous at maturity ; fruit ellipsoid to slightly obovoid, very aromatic, about 3.5-4 cm. long, covered with yellow scales; husk usually splitting to below the middle, 3-4 mm. thick; nut oblong to slightly obovoid, 3-3.5 cm. long, scarcely compressed, rounded at each end, the four ridges faint except at the apex; shell thick, about 2 mm. at the thinnest point; kernel sweet; wood same as the white hickory which it most closely resembles. Distribution. Southwestern Indiana, south in the Mississippi Valley to Louisiana and Texas. Known in Indiana only from one tree in Knox County on the sand ridge on the east side of what was formerly a cypress swamp, about two miles north of Decker. The soil is the Knox sand. It is associated with black and black jack oaks. Remarks. The description has been drawn from ample material from this single tree. iBot. Gaz. 66:249:1918. 77 PLATE 29. CARYA BUCKLE YI var. ARKANSAXA Sargent, (x y 2 .) 78 BETULACEAE. THE BIRCH FAMILY. Trees or shrubs with simple, petioled, alternate (in pairs on the older branches of Betula) leaves; staminate flowers in long drooping catkins, 1-3 in the axil of each bract, the pistillate in short lateral or terminal aments; fruit a nut or samara. Staminate flowers solitary in the axil of each bract, without a calyx, pistillate flowers with a calyx; nut wingless. Bark of tree smooth; staminate aments in winter enclosed in bud scales; nut exposed, its subtending bract more or less irregularly 3-cleft 1 Carpinus. Bark of older trees shreddy; staminate aments in winter naked; nut enclosed in a bladder-like bract 2 Ostrya. Staminate flowers 3-6 in the axil of each bract, with a calyx, pistillate flowers without a calyx; nut winged. Winter buds sessile; stamens 2; fruit membranous and hop- like; fruiting bract deciduous at the end of the season when the nut escapes ; . . . . . .' ,3 Betula Winter buds stalked; stamens 4; fruit woody and cone-like; fruiting bracts woody and persisting after the nuts escape, 4 Alnus. 1. CARPINUS. THE HORNBEAM. Carpinus caroliniana Walter. WATER BEECH. BLUE BEECH. Plate 30. A small tree up to 3 dm. in diameter, usually 1-1.5 dm. in diameter with fluted or ridged trunks; bark smooth, close, gray; twigs hairy at first, soon becoming glabrous; leaves ovate-oblong, average leaves 6-10 cm. long, pointed at the apex, double-serrate, hairy when young, glabrous at maturity except on the veins and in the axils beneath, pubescent, not glandular, staminate catkins appearing in early spring; nut at the base of a 3-cleft bract about 2 cm. long, nut broadly ovate, compressed, pointed and about 5 mm. long; wood heavy, hard, tough and strong. Distribution. Nova Scotia west to Minnesota and south to Florida and Texas. In Indiana it is frequent to common throughout the State in moist rich woods. It prefers a moist rich soil; however, it has a range from the tamarack bog to the dry black and white oak slope. It is tolerant of shade and is seldom found outside of the forest. Remarks. This tree is too small and crooked to be of economic im- portance. It is regarded as a weed tree in the woodland, and should be removed to give place to more valuable species. 79 PLATE 30. CARPINUS CAROLINIANA Walter. WATER or BLUE BEECH, (x J^.) 80 2. 6STRYA. THE HOP HORNBEAM. Ostrya virginiana (Miller) Willdenow. IRONWOOD. Plate 31. Small trees up to 5 dm. 1 in diameter, usually about 1-2 dm. in diameter; bark smooth and light brown on small trees, shreddy on older trees; shoots hairy, becoming at the end of the season glabrous or nearly so and a reddish-brown; leaves oblong-ovate, other forms rare, average size about 7-12 cm. long, acuminate, usually double-serrate, hairy on both surfaces when they unfold, glabrous or nearly so above at maturity, more or less pubescent beneath, especially on the midrib and veins; staminate spikes develop in early winter; fruit hop-like about 2-4 cm. long; nut oblong-ovate about 7 mm. long and half as wide, compressed, light brown; wood very hard, tough, close-grained, strong, light brown. Distribution. Nova Scotia west to Manitoba, south to the Gulf States and west to Texas. It is frequent to common in all of the counties of the State. However, it is entirely absent in the lower Wabash bottoms, except rarely on high grounds in this area. It prefers well drained dry soil, and is most frequent when it is associated with beech and sugar maple, although it is often quite plentiful in white oak woods. It is shade enduring and is one of the under trees in the forest where it grows very tall and slender and free from branches. When it grows in exposed places such as bluffs, it retains its side branches and is usually bushy. Remarks. The trees are too small to be of much economic impor- tance. It is 30 per cent stronger than white oak, and 46 per cent more elastic. These exceptional qualities were recognized by the Indians and it was used by them where wood of great strength and hardness was desired. Likewise the pioneer used it where he could for handles, wooden wedges, etc. Since it grows neither large nor fast, it is usually regarded as a weed tree in the woodland, and should be removed to give place to more valuable species. Ostrya virginiana variety glandulosa Spach. This is the name given to the form which has the twigs, petioles, peduncles and often the midrib and veins of the leaves beneath covered more or less with short erect, reddish, glandular hairs. It is found with the species, but is not so frequent. 3. BETULA. THE BIRCHES. Trees and shrubs with bark tight, scaly or separating into very thin plates and peeling off transversely, whitish or dark colored; staminate catkins developing in autumn and dehiscing in early spring before or iln 1916 in Allen County along Cedar Creek, I measured a specimen that was 15.6 dm. in circ. b.h. with a clear bole of about 3m. OSTRYA VIRGINIANA (Miller) K. Koch. IRONWOOD. (x 82 with the appearance of the leaves, pistillate catkins ovoid or cylindric; fruit a small winged flat seed, bearing at the apex the two persistent stigmas. Bark of twigs usually with a slight wintergreen flavor; leaves with 7-15, usually 9-11 pairs of prominent veins; rounded or slightly cordate at the base; fertile catkins generally 10 mm. or more in diameter IB. lutea. Bark of twigs usually bitter, not wintergreen flavored; leaves with 4-11, usually 4-9 pairs of prominent veins, more or less obtusely angled at the base; fertile catkins generally less than 10 mm. in diameter (rarely 10 mm. or more, B. nigra). Bark of trunk chalky-white; fruiting aments drooping or spreading. Bark below base of lateral branches darkened-triangular in outline; leaves long acuminate and lustrous above; staminate catkins usually solitary 2 B. populifolia. Bark below base of lateral branches not darkened; leaves ovate and not lustrous above; staminate catkins usually 2-3 3 B. papyrifera. Bark of trunks dark; fruiting aments erect or nearly so 4 B. nigra. 1. Betula lutea Michaux filius. BIRCH. YELLOW BIRCH. Plate 32. Medium size trees; bark of small trees and of the branches of old trees smooth, silver or dark gray, freely peeling off in thin strips, be- coming on older trees a dark brown, rarely tight, usually fissured into wide plates and rolling back from one edge; the shoots of the year hairy, greenish gray, becoming glabrous or nearly so and red dish-brown by the end of the second year, not aromatic when bruised but when chewed sometimes a faint wintergreen odor can be detected; winter buds pointed, reddish-brown, the lower scales more or less pubescent, gener- ally with a fringe of hairs on the margins; leaves usually appearing in pairs, ovate to ovate-oblong, 4-14 cm. long, taper-pointed, oblique and wedge-shape, rounded or slightly cordate at the base, sharply and rather coarsely serrate, hairy on both sides when they appear, becoming at maturity glabrous or nearly so above, and remaining more or less pubescent below, especially on the veins, both surfaces with few to numerous resinous dots; petioles permanently hairy, generally 5-13 mm. long; flowers appear in May; staminate spikes in clusters at the ends of the branches, about 6 cm. long, scales broadly ovate, blunt, fringed with hairs, green-tipped with a margin of reddish- brown; pistillate spikes solitary in the axils of the leaves, mature spikes 2.5-5 cm. long, generally 2.5-3 cm. long, commonly about half as thick as long, recurved to ascending, commonly about horizontal, sessile or on short stalks; scales very variable, 5-11 mm. long, generally 7-8 mm. long, sometimes as wide as long but generally about one-fourth longer than BETULA LUTEA Miehaux filius. YELLOW BIRCH, (x Y 2 .) 84 wide, densely pubescent on the back, or rarely glabrous on the back, ciliate, glabrous or nearly so on the inside, commonly with a few brown or black glands on the margin, commonly lobed to more than one- third of their length, lobes ascending or divaricate, the lateral generally the larger and almost as long as the narrower middle lobe; nuts divested of the wings, slightly obovate, about 3 mm. long, wings about two-thirds as wide as the nut and usually with a fringe of hairs at the blunt apex. Distribution. The distribution of this species is variously given as from Newfoundland west to Manitoba and south in the Alleghenies to Georgia. It is now definitely known that the species of Betula hybridize which may account for the peculiar forms often encountered. That there are geographic races or Mendelian segregates of this species is evidenced by the different interpretations given this species by dif- ferent authors. Betula alleghanensis Britton appears to be one of them. The descriptive difference between Betula lenta and Betula lutea is not clear, which has resulted in many authors crediting Betula lenta to Indiana and the area west of Indiana. The preceding description does not agree with that of Betula tul< a exactly, and has been drawn to cover the specimens at hand from In- diana which the author has from Allen, Crawford, Lagrange, Lake, Marshall, Porter and Steuben Counties. It has recently been reported from White County byHeimlich. 1 He sa/ys: "Specimens were taken from two trees about two miles south of Buffalo near the water's edge of the river." The writer has visited this locality and found here, and also on the island above the bridge a little farther down the river, Betula nigra, but could not find Betula lutea. Since Heimlich did not report Betula nigra, which unmistakably occurs here, I assume he has confused the two species. It is very local in its distribution, and appears to be confined to swamps, borders of lakes, and streams in the extreme northern part of the State. It has not been seen south of the northern end of the State, except a few small trees found clinging to the walls of the cliffs of a ravine about one mile east of Taswell in Crawford County. The walls of this ravine are about 25 meters high; associated with it were a few trees of hemlock,- and on the top of the cliffs, laurel ( Kalmia latifolia) . Large trees of this species in Indiana are usually from 4-6 dm. in diameter and about 15 m. high. The number in any one station is usually few, although there were formerly patches where it was plentiful. Van Gorder 2 reports for Noble County Betula lenta which should be transferred to this species, and he says: "There is a marsh of several acres of birch in Section 15 of York Township." The largest area now iProc. Ind. Acad. Sci. 1917:443:1918. 2 Ind. Geol. Kept. 18:61:1894. 85 known is that contained in the large tamarack swamp near Mineral Springs in Porter County. In this swamp are found tamarack and white cedar. It was in this swamp that the writer found a peculiar form of birch which has been determined as Betula Sandbergi. Since this species 1 is recognized as a hybrid of Betula papyrifera and Betula pumila variety glandulifera, and the last parent of this hybrid is not found in the vicinity, a discussion of this form is not presented. In the immediate vicinity are found only Betula lutea and Betula pumila. Betula papyrifera is found about a mile distant to the south. It is assumed that this form is a cross between Betula lutea and Betula pumila. 2. Betula populifolia Marshall. GRAY OR WHITE Bmch. Plate 33. A small tree; bark a chalky white, not separating into thin layers, inner bark orange, on the trunks of old trees nearly black; shoots at first covered with numerous glands, becoming smooth and yellowish or reddish-brown; leaves generally long-deltoid, average blades 3-6 cm. long, usually long taper-pointed, truncate or nearly so at the base, irregularly double-serrate, slightly pubescent on the veins when young, soon becoming glabrous; fertile catkins 1.5-3 cm. long and about 7 mm. in diameter; bracts of eastern trees differ from those of Indiana trees which are about 3-4 mm. long, lobed to about 1/3 of the distance from the apex, lateral lobes the largest and strongly divaricate, puber- ulent on the back; seed strongly notched at the apex; nut slightly obo- void; wings much broader than the nut. Distribution.- Nova Scotia west to southern Ontario and south to Delaware and Pennsylvania. In Indiana it has been reported from Lake, Laporte, Porter, St. Joseph and Tippecanoe Counties. Theie may be some doubt about the Tippecanoe record, since many of the older records were made from cultivated trees. The numbers of the species in Indiana were always limited. It is not able to meet changed conditions and it has already almost disappeared from our area. I was told that formerly this species was found all about a lake in Laporte County, but it has all died out. Its appearance in Indiana is peculiar since it is not found west of us, or north in Michigan or east in Ohio. This small group of trees near Lake Michigan is three or four hundred miles from the nearest of their kind. Remarks. This species is called white and gray birch. The largest tree seen in Indiana was about 2 dm. in diameter and 13 m. high. 3. Betula papyrifera Marshall. PAPER OR CANOE BIRCH. Plate 34. Rather a small tree ; bark thin, creamy white ; chalky, dark near the base on old trees, separating in thin papery layers; shoots green, glandu- lar and hairy, becoming glabrous and reddish-brown; leaves ovate or rhombic-ovate, acute to long taper-pointed, truncate, rounded or iMinnesota Bot. Studies 4:454:1916. 8C PLATE 33. BETULA POPULIFOLIA Marshall. WHITE or GRAY BIRCH, (x 87 PLATE 34. BETULA PAPYRIFERA Marshall. PAPER or CANOE BIRCH, (x 88 wedge-shape at the base, average blades 5-8 cm. long, usually irregular- ly double-serrate, hairy at first, becoming glabrous above or nearly so, remaining more or less pubescent below, especially on the veins and with tufts of hairs in the axils of the veins, minutely glandular on both surfaces, sometimes with only a few glands on the midribs above; fertile catkins 2-4 cm. long and about 6-9 mm. wide, bracts about 4 mm. long, pubescent on both faces, lobed to about one-third the distance from the apex, the lateral lobes the largest, divaricate or slightly re- curved; seed deeply notched at apex, nut oval, pubescent at the apex, wings as broad as, or broader than the nut. Distribution.- Alaska to Labrador, south to New York, northern Indiana, Colorado and Washington. In Indiana it has been reported from Lake, Laporte, Marshall and St. Joseph Counties. It has not been found as a native in Ohio. This species is another example of a northern form finding its southern limit near Lake Michigan. Remarks. This species in other parts of the country is known as white, paper and canoe birch. I have not seen specimens more than 2 dm. in diameter in Indiana. 4. Betula nigra Linnaeus. BLACK OR RED BIRCH. Plate 35. A medium sized tree; bark on young trees peeling off transversely in thin reddish-brown strips which roll back and usually persist for several years, bark of older trees dark brown, furrowed and separating into short plates or peeling off in strips; young twigs hairy, becoming glabrous and reddish at the end of the season; leaves rhombic-ovate, acute, short and broadly wedge-shaped at the base, blades of ordinary leaves 4-8 cm. long, irregularly toothed, glabrous above and pubescent beneath, rarely entirely glabrous; fertile catkins generally 2-3 cm. long, and usually slightly less than 1 cm. wide; bracts 6-10 mm. long, pubescent, ciliate, lobed to near the middle, the lobes about equal; nuts broadly ovate, broader than its wings, pubescent at the apex; wood light, strong, close-grained, heart wood light brown. Distribution. Massachusetts west to Minnesota and south to Florida and Texas. In Indiana it is found more or less frequent in the counties bordering the Kankakee River, and as far east as St. Joseph, Marshall and Miami Counties. Along the Kankakee River it is fre- quently a tree of 6-8 dm. in diameter. This species has not been found in Michigan, northeastern Indiana or northern Ohio. It has never been noted near Lake Michigan, and the nearest point is Cedar Lake in Lake County about 20 miles south of the Lake. It is more or less frequent along certain streams throughout the southwestern part of the State. It is found as far north as Putnam and Marion Counties and eastward as far as Bartholomew, Scott and Clark Counties. There aie no records for this species for eastern Indiana or western Ohio. About BETULA NIGRA Linnaeus. BLACK OR RED BIRCH, (x 90 Hovey Lake in Posey County it reaches its greatest size, where trees up to 8 dm. in diameter and 30 m. high are to be found. In the "flats" in certain parts of Jackson and Scott Counties it becomes a common tree, associated with pin oak and sweet gum. Remarks. This is the most abundant birch of Indiana. In fact all other species are too rare to be of economic importance. The fact that other species of birch are so rare in Indiana, is the reason that this species is simply called "Birch." Outside of Indiana it is known as red birch and river birch. The principal use of this wood in this State is for heading. All of the birches, especially the horticultural forms, are used more or less for ornamental planting. They are beautiful trees but are short lived. 4. ALNUS. THE ALDERS. Trees or shrubs; bark astringent; staminate and pistillate catkins begin to develop early in summer and flower the following year early in the spring before the leaves appear; bracts of the fertile catkins thick and woody, obdeltoid with 3-rounded lobes at the apex; nuts obovate, reddish-brown. Leaves sharply double-serrate, the ends of the primary veins forming the apex of the larger teeth, glaucous beneath; nuts with a narrow thick margin 1 A. incana. Leaves single -serrate, pale beneath; nuts without margins. . . 2 A. rugosa. 1. Alnus incana (Linnaeus) Muenchhausen. SPECKLED ALDER. Plate 36. Shrubs or small trees; bark generally smooth and a red- dish-brown with a tinge of gray, with grayish dots, hence its name; twigs hairy at first, becoming smooth by the end of the season and a golden or reddish-brown with many fine dark specks; leaves broadly- oval, acute or short-pointed at apex, usually broadly rounded at the base, average blades 6.5-11 cm. long, glaucous beneath, hairy on both sides on unfolding, at maturity becoming glabrous above or with a few hairs on the veins, beneath remaining more or less hairy until late in autumn when usually only the veins are hairy; pistillate catkins resembling small cones, 1-1.5 cm. long and usually 7- 12 mm. wide, near the ends of the branches, usually in clusters of 2-7. Distribution. Newfoundland to the Saskatchewan, south to New York, northeastern Ohio, northern Indiana and Nebraska. In Indiana it is confined to the northern tier of counties. I have specimens from Elkhart, Lagrange, Lake and Porter Counties. It was reported from Carroll County by Thompson, but in the absence of a verifying speci- men I am inclined to think this citation should be referred to Alnus ALNUS INCANA (Linnaeus) Muenehhausen. SPECKLED ALDER, (x 92 rugosa. This species grows in low ground on the borders of streams, borders of swamps and in almost extinct sloughs near Lake Michigan. It is also found along Pigeon River in the eastern part of Lagrange County. In the vicinity of Mineral Springs in Porter County it is locally a common shrub or tree. It has the habit of stooling out, and commonly the several specimens will be deflected from a ver- tical from 20-45 degrees. The largest specimens are from 1-1.4 dm. in diameter and about 10 m. high. Remarks. This species could be used to good advantage in orna- mental planting in low ground. It grows rapidly, is easily transplanted and its foliage is dense and attractive. 2. Alnus rugosa (DuRoi) Sprengel. SMOOTH ALDER. Plate 37. Shrubs with fluted or angled trunks, resembling Carpinus; bark thin, smooth or nearly so, reddish-brown, weathering gray; twigs hairy at first, becoming gray or reddish-brown by the end of the season and more or less glabrous and covered with small dark specks; leaves obo- vate, barely acute or rounded at apex, wedge-shape at base, average blades 6-10 cm. long, hairy on both surfaces while young, becoming smooth or nearly so above, remaining more or less hairy beneath, es- pecially on the veins, under surface of leaves sufficiently glutinous to adhere to paper if pressure be applied, margins set with short callous teeth, about .5-1 mm. long; fertile catkins cone-shape, 10-20 mm. long and about 7 mm. in diameter, borne at the ends of branches in clusters of 2-5. Distribution. Maine to Minnesota, south to Florida and Texas. In Indiana it is quite local. It has been reported in many of the counties of northern Indiana north of the Wabash River. It has been found in several of the southern counties and as far north as Salt Creek in Monroe County. No reports for the central part of the State. It is absent also in all of the eastern counties of the State, and the western part of Ohio. It is found growing in clumps in wet woods, swamps, cold bogs and along streams. It is usually a tall slender shrub; however, a specimen has been seen that measured 7 cm. in diameter and 5 m. in height. Remarks. Of no value except for ornamental planting in wet ground. FAGACEAE. THE BEECH FAMILY. Trees with simple, alternate, petioled leaves; flowers of two kinds; fruit a one-seeded nut. This is the most important family of trees occurring in the State. ALNUS RUGOSA (Du Roi) Sprengel. SMOOTH ALDER, (x 94 Winter buds long and slender, at least 4 times as long as wide; staminate flowers in globose heads on drooping peduncles; nuts sharply 3-angled 1 Fagus. Winter buds not long and slender and less than 4 times as long as wide; staminate flowers in slender catkins; nuts not as above. Staminate catkins erect or spreading; nut flattened on one side and enclosed in a spiny, woody husk 2 Castanea. Staminate catkins drooping; nuts not flattened on one side, seated in a scaly, woody cup 3 Quercus. 1. FAGUS. THE BEECH. Fagus grandifolia Ehrhart. BEECH. Plate 38. Large tall trees with bark from light to dark gray; twigs densely covered at first with long hairs, soon becoming glabrous and turning to a reddish-brown; terminal winter buds about 2 cm. long; leaves ovate to ovate-oblong, long taper-pointed to merely acute, wedge-shape to cordate at base, regularly and usually minutely serrate, average blades 7-12 cm. long, silky when young, becoming at maturity glabrous above and nearly so beneath except on the veins; flowers appear in May; fruit a bur, supported on a club-shaped pubescent penduncle about 1.5 cm. long, covered with short recurved prickles, densely rufous-pubescent, its 4- valves enclosing the two triangular brown nuts; nuts edible ; wood very hard, strong, usually tough, difficult to season, close-grained, takes a high polish, sap wood white, heart wood reddish. Distribution. Nova Scotia, southern Ontario to Wisconsin, south to the Gulf States and Texas. It is found in every county of the State, although it is local in the prairie and dry sandy regions of the north- western part of the State. It is a frequent to a very common tree on the high ground in many parts of the State. If the high ground and hills of the State are not forested with white and black oak, beech is almost certain to be the prevailing species. Wherever beech is found it is usually a frequent to a common tree, and it is not uncommon to see areas which are almost a pure stand of this species. It is also a fre- quent to a common tree in southern Indiana in what is called the "flats." Here it is associated with sweet gum and pin oak. On the slopes of hills of the southern counties it is associated with a great variety of trees. In the central part of the State its most frequent associate is the sugar maple. In the northern counties it has a wider range of associates, including white oak, ash, slippery elm, buckeye, ironwood, etc. It should be added that tulip is a constant associate except in the "flats." In point of number it ranks as first of Indiana trees. FAGUS GRANDIFOLIA Ehrhart. BEECH, (x 96 Remarks. Specimens with the habit of retaining their branches which lop downward, usually have thicker sap wood and are harder to split. This form is popularly styled the white beech. The form with smooth tall trunks with upright branches usually has more heart wood, splits more easily and is popularly distinguished as red beech. The term yellow beech is variously applied. This species is a large tree in all parts of the State, although the largest specimens are found in the southeastern part of the State. In the virgin forests trees almost 1 m. in diameter and 30 m. high were frequent. Beech was formerly used only for fuel, but in the last few decades it has been cut and used for many purposes, and the supply is fast diminishing. The beauty of this tree both in summer and winter, sunshine or storm makes it one of the most desirable for shade tree planting, but I have failed to find where it has been successfully used. It is one of the few trees that does not take to domestication. When the original forest is reduced to a remnant of beech, as a rule, the remaining beech will soon begin to die at the top. It is difficult to transplant. When planted the hole should be filled with earth ob- tained from under a living tree, in order to introduce the mycorrhiza that is necessary to the growth of the tree. 2. CASTANEA. THE CHESTNUT. Castanea dentata (Marshall) Borkhausen. CHESTNUT. Plate 39. Large trees with deeply fissured bark, smooth on young trees; young twigs more or less hairy, soon becoming glabrous and a reddish-brown; leaves lanceolate, average blades -13-22 cm. long, taper-pointed, wedge- shape or obtuse at the base, coarsely serrate, teeth usually incurved, at maturity glabrous on both sides; flowers appear after the leaves in the latter part of June or early in July, the staminate catkins from the axils of the leaves of the year's growth, 1.5-3 dm. long, pistillate flowers in heads on short stalks in the axils of the leaves, usually on the branch beyond the greater part of the staminate catkins; fruit a globular spiny bur 5-7 cm. in diameter which contains the nuts; nuts usually 1-3, rarely 5, flattened on one side, edible; wood light, soft, not strong, checks and warps on seasoning, yellowish-brown, durable in contact with the ground. Distribution. Maine, southern Ontario, Michigan, south to Dela- ware and in the mountains to Alabama, and west to Arkansas. In Indiana it is found locally in the south central counties. The most northern station where I have seen trees that are native to a certainty is in Morgan County a short distance north of Martinsville. There are a few trees on the south bank of White River in Mound Park about CASTANEA DENTATA (Marshall) Borkhausen. CHESTNUT, (x Y 2 .) 98 2 miles east of Anderson. This site was formerly an Indian village, and the trees may have been introduced here. The late A. C. Benedict formerly of the State Geological Survey, told me he saw a colony in 1878 in Fayette County on the farm of Dr. B. Ball, about 3 miles west of Connersville on the east side of Little Williams Creek. The trees were at least 6 dm. in diameter. The western line of distribution would be a line drawn from Martinsville to a point a few miles west of Shoals and south to Tell City. Remarks. The greatest numbers of this species are found on the outcrops of the knobstone in Clark, Floyd, Harrison, Jackson, Lawrence, Martin, Orange and Washington Counties. It grows on high ground, associated with white and black oak, beech, etc. The species in all of our area grows to be a large tree. In the Ind. Geol. Kept. 1874:70:1875 there is a reference to a "stump in Jackson County that was 9 ft. and 2 in. in diameter." This species is rather gregarious in habit, and rarely are isolated trees found. It is quite local in its distribution, but where found it is usually a common tree. The bark was much used in tanning, and the timber for poles, ties and posts. The demand for this species has led to heavy cutting, so that the present supply is prac- tically limited to inferior or small trees. The nut crop in this State is usually badly infested by the weevil. This species is easily propagated by seed or seedlings. It is recom- mended for forest planting in all parts of its natural range and other parts of the State where the soil is very sandy and free from limestone. This species never attains to an old age when growing close to the limestone. It grows rapidly and requires little pruning. The only objection to planting it for forestry purposes is that it might be in- fested by the chestnut bark disease which is fatal to this tree. This disease is far to the east of us, and there are wide barriers to its western migration. Since a chestnut grove would soon grow into post and pole size, in the event the grove would be killed by the bark disease, the crop could be harvested and the loss would be more of the nature of a disappointment than a financial one. If planted in a cleared area the seedlings should be spaced about 5x5 feet if no cultivation can be done. If the trees can be cultivated, plant 7 x 7 or 8 x 8 feet and grow corn for one or two years between the rows. 3. QUERCUS. THE OAKS. The leaves of Indiana oaks are deciduous; flowers appear in April or May, very small, the staminate on slender pendulous catkins, the pistillate solitary or in clusters in scaly bud-like cups; fruit an acorn which takes one or two years to mature, ripening in September or 99 October. The species that mature their fruit the first year are popu- larly and commercially classed as "white oaks." Those that mature their fruit the second year are classed as "red, black or bristle-tipped oaks." The oaks are the largest genus of Indiana trees, and commercially are the most important of all trees of the State. They are the longest lived of all the trees that occur in the State, and while they have numerous insect enemies none of them prove fatal to it, except a certain gall insect. Note: In collecting leaf specimens of oaks for identification it should be borne in mind that the foliage is quite variable. The leaves of seedlings, coppice shoots and of vigorous shoots of old trees some- times vary considerably in size, form and leaf-margins. Also leaves of old trees that grow in the shade usually have the margins more nearly entire than the typical leaves. For example leaves may be found on the lower and interior branches of a pin oak which are not lobed to beyond the middle, which throws them into the red oak group. Bark gray, (except in No. 5) more or less scaly; mature leaves never with bristle tips; fruit maturing the first year. Mature leaves smooth beneath 1 Q. alba. Mature leaves pubescent beneath. Primary veins beneath show regular pinnate venation. Some of the primary veins beneath end in a sinus 2 Q. bicolor. All primary veins beneath end in teeth of the margin. . . Tips of leaves of fruiting branches sharp-pointed, usually forming an acute angle; fruit sessile or nearly so 3 Q. Muhlenbergii Tips of leaves of fruiting branches rounded or if sharp-pointed, it rarely forms an acute angle; fruit peduncled. Petioles green and woolly pubescent beneath (rarely almost glabrous); under surface of leaves velvety to the touch; bark gray, scaly, of the white oak type; trees of low ground. . . 4 Q. Michauxii. Petioles yellowish and smooth beneath, or rarely somewhat pubescent; under surface of leaves leaves not velvety to the touch; bark dark, and tight, of the red oak type; trees of high ground (in Indiana confined to the "knobstone" area) 5 Q. Prinus. Primary veins beneath show irregular venation. Last year's growth pubescent; acorns generally less than 12 mm. in diameter 6 Q. stellata. Last year's growth glabrous or nearly so; acorns more than 12 mm. in diameter. 100 Leaves sinuate dentate, sometimes lobed near the base, velvety to the touch beneath; peduncles of fruit longer than the peticles 2 Q. bicolor. Leaves irregularly lobed, harsh or rarely velvety or smooth to the touch beneath; peduncles of fruit shorter than the petioles. Cup of fruit fringed; apex of lobes of leaves gener- ally rounded; trees of lowland 7 Q. macrocarpa Cup of fruit not fringed; apex of lobes of leaves generally acute; trees of swamps in the ex- treme southwestern counties of Indiana 8 Q. lyrata. Bark dark, tight and furrowed; leaves with bristle tips; fruit maturing the second year. Leaves entire 9 Q. imbricaria. Leaves more or less deeply lobed, the lobes and teeth con- spicuously bristle pointed . Mature leaves smooth beneath, except tufts of hairs in the axils. Leaves lobed to about the middle, the lateral lobes broadest at the base; cup saucer-shaped; nut about 1.5-2 cm. in diameter; terminal buds reddish. 10 Q. rubra. Leaves lobed to beyond the mid'dle, frequently those grown in dense shade not so deeply lobed, some or all of the lateral lobes broadest toward the apex. Cup saucer-shaped, rarely enclosing the nut for more than % its length; trees of the low lands and swamps. Leaves glossy above; blades usually 10-12 cm. long; cups usually 1.5 cm. or less broad; terminal buds chestnut brown . . 11 Q. palustris. Leaves dull above, usually about 15 cm. long; cups 1.5-2.5 cm. broad, rarely as narrow as 1.5 cm.; terminal buds grayish brown 12 Q. Sehneckii. Cup hemispheric, generally enclosing the nut for half its length; trees of the uplands. Inner bark yellowish or orange; kernel of nut yellowish or orange, and very bitter. Terminal buds usually 5 mm. or less in length, ovoid and generally blunt, reddish-brown; scales of cup closely appressed; trees local in the extreme northwest part of the State. 13 Q. ellipsoidalis. Terminal buds usually longer than 6 mm. , usually angled and sharp-pointed; scales of cup not closely appressed; trees of all parts of the State 14 Q. velutina. Inner bark reddish or gray; kernel white and not very bitter 15 Q. coccinea. Mature leaves more or less pubescent on the whole under surface. Leaves grayish or yellowish pubescent beneath; scales of cup with a reddish-brown border; nut enclosed for about % its length. , 16 Q. falcate. Leaves brownish or rusty pubescent beneath, some- times appearing grayish; scales of cup without a dark border; nut enclosed for about half of its length. Leaves expanded at the apex, and generally with three lobes; mature twigs generally scurvy-pubescent 17 Q, marilandica. Leaves deeply lobed; mature twigs generally glabrous. 14 Q, velutina. 1. Quercus alba Linnaeus. WHITE OAK. Plate 40. Large trees with gray, fissured bark, flaky on the branches, on the upper part of the trunks of some trees the bark loosens at the fissures and peels back, forming flat strips which remain attached at one side; twigs at first hairy, becoming smooth; leaves mostly obovate in outline, generally 8-20 cm. long on petioles 0.5-2 cm. long, more or less deeply lobed into 5-9 lobes, the lobes ascending and generally blunt and entire, sometimes the lobes have one or two secondary lobes, leaves narrowed and oblique at the base, smooth above, smooth and glaucous beneath; acorns sessile or on stalks up to 2 cm. long; nuts quite variable on different trees as to size and shape, ovoid or oblong, 18-30 mm. long; cup flat on the botton, tuberculate and encloses about J/ 4 ' of the nut; scales blunt and woolly. Distribution. Maine, southern Ontario, Minnesota south to Florida and Texas. Found in all parts of Indiana. In point of number it is exceeded only by the beech, although it has a more general distribu- tion. It is adapted to many types of soil, and is found in almost all situations in Indiana except in very wet soils. It is sparingly found in the sand dune area. On the clay soils of the northern part of the State it is a frequent to an abundant tree, and in the southern part of the State it often forms complete stands on the slopes of the hills. The white oak is one of the largest and possibly the longest lived tree of Indiana. While it is able to adapt itself to many situations, it grows to the largest size in a porous, moist and rich soil. Remarks. Wood heavy, hard, close-grained, tough, strong and durable. On account of its abundance, and wide range of uses, it has always been the most important timber tree of Indiana. Formerly the woods were full of white oak 1-1.5 meters (3-5 ft.) in diameter, but today trees of a meter (3 ft.) in diameter with long straight trunks are rare indeed. Michaux who traveled extensively in America 1801-1807, while the whole Mississippi Valley was yet a wilder- ness, remarks: "The white oak is the most valuable tree in Amer- ica." He observed the ruthless destruction of this valuable tree, and predicted that the supply would soon be depleted, and that America 102 PLATE 40. QUERCUS ALBA Linnaeus. WHITE OAK. (x J^.) Acorns from different trees to show variation. 103 would be sorry that regulations were not adopted to conserve the supply of this valuable tree. Michaux's prediction has come true, and yet no constructive measures have been provided to insure the Nation an ade- quate supply of this timber. It should be remembered that it requires two to three hundred years to grow a white oak a meter in diameter, and if we are to have white oak of that size in the next generation the largest of our present stand must be spared for that harvest. White oak was formerly much used in construction work, but it has become so costly that cheaper woods take its place. At present it is used principally in cooperage, interior finish, wagon and car stock, furniture, agricultural implements, crossties, and veneer. Indiana has the reputation of furnishing the best grade of white oak in the world. Little attention has been given this valuable species either in horti- cultural or forestal planting. This no doubt is due in a great measure to the slow growth of the tree. It should be used more for shade tree, ornamental and roadside tree planting. There are good reasons why white oak should be much used in reforestation. The cheapest and most successful method of propagating white oak is to plant the seed in the places where the trees are desired to grow. This is best done by planting the acorns as soon as they fall or are mature. The best results will be obtained if the nuts are planted with the small end down, and covered about an inch deep with earth. If the ground is a hard clay soiland the small end of the nut is placed down a half inch of earth on the nut is sufficient. Rodents often destroy the nuts, and if this danger is apprehended it is best to poison the rodents or to stratify the seed, or grow seedlings and plant them when they are one year old. In forestal planting it is suggested that the planting be 4 x 4 feet. The white oak is quite variable in the lobing of the leaves, and in size and shape of the fruit, and in the length of its peduncle. The variable lobing of the leaves has lead several authors to describe var- ieties based on this character. The latest is that of Sargent 1 who des- scribes: "The trees with leaves less deeply divided, with broad rounded lobes and usually smaller generally sessile fruit," as Quercus alba variety latiloba. Quercus alba x Muhlenbergii (X Quercus Deami Trelease). This rare hybrid was discovered in a woods about 3 miles northwest of Bluffton Indiana by L. A. Williamson and his son E. B. Williamson in 1904. 2 The tree is still standing and in 1918 bore a heavy crop of seed. A liberal quantity was sent for propagation to the Arnold Arboretum, New York Botanical Gardens, and Missouri Botanical Gardens. The 4Mfhybrid B was Scribed" in* the Report of the Indiana State Board of Forestry for 1911. 104 Arboretum succeeded in germinating several seed. The New York Gardens succeeded in getting 5 seedlings. The Missouri Gardens failed to get any to germinate. About a gallon of seeds was planted in the Clark County State forest nursery and all failed. 2. Quercus bicolor Willdenow. SWAMP WHITE OAK. Plate 41. Large trees; leaves on petioles 5-20 mm. long, 8-18 cm. long, obovate, wedge-shaped or narrowly rounded at base, rounded or pointed at the apex, margins coarsely divided with rounded or blunt teeth or some- what pinnatifid, primary venation beneath somewhat regular, but usual- ly some of the veins end in a sinus of the margin, both surfaces hairy at first, becoming smooth above and remaining velvety pubescent beneath; the upper surface of the leaf a bronze or dark green and the under sur- face grayish due to the dense tomentum, which in some instances be- comes sparse and short, in which case the under surface is a light green; acorns usually in pairs on stalks 2-7 cm. long; nuts ovoid, 2-2.5 cm. long, enclosed for ^-^ their length in the cup; scales of cup acute to very long acuminate, scurvy pubescent and frequently tuberculate; kernel sweetish. Distribution. Maine, southern Ontario, southern Minnesota south to Georgia and Arkansas. Found in all parts of Indiana. It is always found in wet places. In most of its range it is associated with the bur oak from which it is not commonly separated. In the northern counties it is usually associated with pin and bur oak, and white elm; in the flats of the southeastern part of the State it is usually associated with cow oak and sweet gum, while in the southwestern counties it is found most commonly with Spanish and pin oak. Remarks. Commercially the wood is not distinguished from white oak, and the cut is sold for that species. 3. Quercus Muhlenbergii Engelmann. CHINQUAPIN OAK. SWEET OAK. YELLOW OAK. CHESTNUT OAK. Plate 42. Large trees; leaves on petioles 1-3 cm. long, blades very variable in size, shape and leaf margins, generally 10-20 cm. long, oblong-lanceolate to broadly obovate, narrowed or rounded and more or less unequal at the base, taper-pointed at the apex, the apex always forming an acute angle, margins coarsely and rather regularly toothed, primary veins beneath regular and straight, and end in a prominent gland in the point of the teeth, teeth more or less incurved, leaves smooth and dark green above, and grayish pubescent beneath; acorns generally sessile, but often on short stalks up to 1 cm. long; nut ovoid to oblong ovoid, 10-18 mm. long, enclosed for %-yen (Beam) 1905; Wells (Beam) 1898. Trees or shrubs, sometines 13 meters (45 feet) high. In the mountains of Vermont the fruit is often abundant, very juicy and sweet, and in much demand both by man and the birds. The berries on the long racemes ripen at different times and are perhaps two weeks in maturing, thus furnishing food for some time. 3. CRATAEGUS. THORN APPLES. RED HAWS. Large shrubs or small trees, most at home in a limestone region. This genus has been studied a great deal in this country. Much work is still necessary in Indiana since there are a number of other species that belong in this range. The "knob country" and southwestern Indiana are likely to produce the best results. A. Leaves not deltoid-cordate; pubescent or glabrous. I. Leaves broadest at the middle or apex, cuneate. a. Leaves broadest towards the apex. Leaves not impressed-veined above, shining I. Crus-galli. 1 C. Crus-galli. Leaves impressed-veined above, dull II. Punctatae. Fruit glabrous; calyx lobes entire. Fruit ellipsoidal ; nutlets usually 3 or 4. Leaves bright yellow-green, slightly impressed above; fruit ellipsoidal 2 C. cuneiformis. Leaves dull gray-green, strongly impressed-veined; fruit short ellipsoidal 3 C. punctata. Fruit globose 4 C. Margaretta. Fruit villous; calyx lobes glandular- serrate , 5 C. collina. b. Leaves broadest at the middle. Leaves impressed-veined ; nutlets deeply pitted on inner face III. Macracanthse. 181 Leaves dark green, glabrous and shining above, coriaceous. Fruit sometimes 16 mm. (%inch) thick; stamens usually 10; leaves and anthers large 6 C. succulenta. Fruit sometimes 12 mm. (^inch) thick; stamens 15-20; leaves and anthers smell 7 C. neo-fluvialis. Leaves gray-green, pubescent and dull above, subcoriaceous 8 C. Calpodendron. Leaves not impressed- veined; nutlets without pits. Calyx glandular margined, fruit more than 8 mm. (^ inch) thick; leaves not trilobate IV. Rotundifolise 9 C. chrysocarpa. Calyx lobes not glandular margined; fruit 4 8 mm. (Jj-J/8 inch thick) ; leaves often trilobate towards the apex V. Virides. Fruit bright red, glaucous, 4-6 mm. (J^-J^inch) thick; leaves serrate 10 C. viridis. Fruit dull dark red, 6-8 mm. (K-M inch) thick; leaves coarsely serrate 11 C. nitida. II. Leaves broadest at the base. a. Leaves 1.5-6 cm. (H-2^ inches) long and wide, mem- branaceous; calyx lobes usually entire. Leaves yellow-green, often slightly pubescent; fruit soft at maturity VI. Tenuifolise. Fruit ellipsoidal, ovoid or pyriform ... 12 C. macrosperma. Fruit compressed, globose or subglobose. 13 C. basilica. Leaves blue-green, glabrous; fruit hard at maturity VII. Pruinosae. Leaves elliptic-ovate 14 C. Jesupi. Leaves usually cordate. Fruit conspicuously angled, strong- ly pruinose 15 C. rugosa. Fruit without conspicuous angles, slightly pruinose 16 C. filipes. Leaves usually cuneate. Leaves deltoid 17 C. Gattingeri. Leaves ovate 18 C. pruinosa. b. Leaves 3-10 cm. (1-4 inches) long and wide; calyx lobes usually serrate VIII. Coccineae. Mature leaves usually glabrous above; young foliage bronze-green; anthers pink. Corymbs and fruit glabrous 19 C. coccinioides. Corymbs and fruit pubescent or tomentose. 20 C. coccinea. Mature leaves tomentose above; young foliage yellow-green; anthers yel- low 21 C. mollis. B. Leaves conspicuously deltoid-cordate IX. Cordatae. 22 C. Phaenopyrum. 182 1. Crataegus Crus-galli Linnaeus. COCK-SPUR THORN. NEW- CASTLE THORN. Plate 77. Bark dark gray, scaly; spines many, strong, straight, 3-18 cm. (1-7 inches) long; leaves obovate to elliptical, 2-10 cm. (%-4 inches) long, 1-4 cm. (^-1^2 inches) wide, sharply serrate, except towards the base, acute or rounded at the apex, cuneate, dark green and shining above, coriaceous, glabrous or occasionally slightly pubescent; petioles slightly winged above, glandless, 1-2 cm. (%-% inch) long; corymbs glabrous or occasionally pubescent, many flowered; flowers appear in May or June, about 1.5 cm. (% inch) \vide; stamens 10-20; anthers usually pink; calyx lobes lanceolate-acuminate, entire; styles and nutlets usually 2; fruit ripens in October, ellipsoidal -ovoid to subglobose, about 1 cm. (% inch) thick, greenish to red; flesh hard and dry, rather thin. Distribution. Northern New York to Ontario, eastern Kansas and south through western Connecticut to Georgia and Texas. Intro- duced near Montreal, about Lake Champlain and Nantucket Island. Well distributed in Indiana (but apparently more common in the south- ern part of the State). A small tree, sometimes 10 m. (35 feet) high, with spreading branches and a broad crown; but often a large shrub. This is a variable species and has received many names. I have seen specimens from the following counties: Allen (Beam); Crawford (Beam) ; Bearborn (Beam) ; Becatur (Mrs. Chas. C. Beam) ; Belaware (Beam); Bubois (Beam); Franklin (Beam); Gibson (Schneck), (Beam); Grant (Beam); Hancock (Mrs. Chas. C. Beam); Jackson (Beam); Knox (Schneck); Lawrence (Beam); Marion (Mrs. Chas. C. Beam); Posey (Beam); Owen (Grimes); Randolph (Beam); Scott (Beam); Tippecanoe (Beam); Vermillion (Beam); Vigo (Blatch- ley); Washington (Beam); Wells (Beam). 2. Crataegus cuneiformis (Marshall) Eggleston. (C. pausiaca Ashe). MARSHALL'S THORN. Plate 78. Bark dark brown, scaly; spines numerous, 2-18 cm. (%-7 inches) long; leaves oblanceolate- obovate, acute at the apex, cuneate at the base, serrate or doubly serrate 3-6 cm. (y<2r\.y inches) long, stout, curved; leaves ovate, 3-7 cm. (1 i/-2 34 inches) long, acute at the apex, broadly cuneate or truncate at base, serrate or doubly serrate with acute lobes, dull dark yellow-green above, paler beneath; corymbs glabrous, many flower- ed; flowers 15-20 mm. (^-J^ inch) broad; stamens about 20; anthers pink; styles and nutlets 3-5; fruit subglobose, slightly angular, dark cherry-red, 12-15 mm. (^-^ inch) thick, flesh succulent; calyx lobes erect or spreading. Distribution. New England to southern Michigan, northern Indiana and Pennsylvania to mountains of North Carolina and Ten- nessee. A broad shrub or small tree sometimes 4.5 meters (15 feet) high, branches ascending. Specimens examined: Wells (Beam). 14. Crataegus Jesupi Sargent. JESUP'S THORN. TWIN MOUN- TAIN THORN. Plate. 90. Bark grayish-brown; spines stout, straight 2-4 cm. (%-l Yi inches) long; leaves elliptical-ovate, 3.5-7 cm. (1^-3 inches) long, 2-5.5 cm. (1-2 inches) wide, acute or acuminate at the apex, broadly cuneate to truncate-cordate, serrate or doubly serrate, with 4 or 5 pairs of acute lobes, yellow-green above, paler beneath, glabrous; 201 PLATE 89. CRAT^EGUS BASILICA Beadle. EDSON'S THORN, (x Y 2 .) 202 PLATE 90. CRAT^EGUS JESUPI Sargent. JESTJP'S THORN, (x 203 petioles slender, 2-3.5 cm. (^-li/ inches) long, slightly winged above; corymbs glabrous, many-flowered ; flowers appear in May, about 2 cm. (5/6 inch) broad; stamens about 10; anthers dark red; styles and nut- lets usually 3 or 4; calyx lobes entire; fruit ripens in October, short- ellipsoidal to pyriform, dark red, slightly angled, lacking bloom when mature, about 1 cm. (^ inch) thick, flesh yellow, firm; calyx lobes mostly deciduous. Distribution. Western Vermont, to southwestern Wisconsin and south to Pennsylvania and Owen County, Indiana. A shrubby tree, sometimes 6 m. (20 feet) high, with ascending branch- es and a round crown. Specimens examined: Owen (Mrs. Chas. C. Deam). 15. Crataegus rugosa Ashe. (Crataegus deltoides Ashe). FRETZ'S THORN. Plate 91. Spines numerous, 3-6 cm. (1 J4-2H inches) long, stout curved; leaves broadly ovate, 3-7 cm. (l-2<^ inches) long and broad, acute or acuminate at the apex, cordate or truncate at the base, serrate or twice serrate with 4-6 pairs of broad acuminate lobes, glabrous, membranaceous; petioles 1-3 cm. (%-!% inches) long, glabrous; corymbs many-flowered, glabrous; flowers appear in May, about 2 cm. (5/6 inch) broad; stamens 10-20; anthers pink; styles and nutlets usually 4 or 5; calyx lobes deltoid-acuminate, entire or slightly serrate at the base; fruit ripens in October, depressed-globose, bright red, angular, glabrous, waxy, 1-1.5 cm. (J^-% inch) thick, flesh yellow, somewhat succulent; calyx lobes persistent, spreading, the tube rather prominent. Distribution. Southwestern New England to southern Indiana and the mountains of North Carolina. A shrub or tree sometimes 6 m. (20 feet) high, with ascending branches and an irregular crown. Specimens examined: Allen (Deam); Decatur (Deam); Grant (Deam); Jennings (Deam); Owen (Deam); Perry (Deam); Wells (Deam). 16. Crataegus filipes Ashe. Miss BECKWITH'S THORN. (Cratae- gus silvicola var. Beckwithae (Sargent) Eggleston. Plate 92. Spines numerous, curved, chestnut-brown, 2.5 to 6 cm. (1-2^ inches) long; bark slightly scaly; leaves 2-7 cm. (^-2^ inches) long, 2-6 cm. (5"2H inches) wide; leaves ovate, acute or acuminate at apex, rounded, truncate or on vegetative shoots cordate at base, serrate or doubly serrate, lower pair of acuminate lobes often deeply cut, mem- branaceous, glabrous; corymbs glabrous; flowers about 2 cm. (% inch) broad; stamens about 10; anthers pink; styles and nutlets 3-5; fruit globose or compressed globose, cherry-red, 8-10 mm. (^ inch) thick, ripens in October. 204 PLATE 91. CRAT.EGUS RUGOSA Ashe. FRETZ'S THORX. (x 205 PLATE 92. CRAT^EGUS FILIPES Ashe. Miss BECKWITH'S THORN, (x 206 Distribution. Western New England to central Michigan and south to Pennsylvania and southern Indiana. A shrub or tree sometimes 9 meters (30 feet) high, with irregular ascending branches. Specimens have been seen from Perry County, Beam's No. 27104. 17. CrataegusGattingeriAshe. (Crataegus coccinea var. oligandra Torrey and Gray). DR. CLAPP'S THORN. GATTINGER'S THORN. Plate 93. Spines numerous, 2.5-6 cm. (1-2 inches) long; leaves narrowly ovate to deltoid, 2.5-6 cm. (1-2% inches) long, 2-5 cm. (%-2 inches) wide, acuminate at the apex, broadly cuneate or rounded at the base, serrate or doubly serrate, lobed towards the apex, membranaceous, glabrous, dark green above; petioles glabrous, 2-3 cm. (%-li^ inches) long; corymbs glabrous, many- flowered ; flowers appear in May, about 2 cm. (34 inch) broad; stamens 10-20; anthers small, pink; styles and nutlets usually 3 or 4; fruit ripens in October, globose, angular, red, slightly waxy, 0.8-1.2 cm. (%-% inch) thick, flesh hard; calyx tube prominent, the lobes triangular, spreading. Distribution. Southern Pennsylvania and southern Indiana to West Virginia and central Tennessee. Shrub or small tree sometimes 4.5 m. (15 feet) high, with ascending, irregular branches. Specimens seen from: Floyd (Dr. Clapp, before 1840); Knox (Schneck); Perry (Deam); Steuben (Deam); Wells (Deam). 18. Crataegus pruinosa (Wendland) K. Koch. WAXY-FRUITED THORN. Plate 94. Bark dark brown; spines numerous, slender, 3-6 cm. (1^-2% inches) long; leaves elliptic-ovate to broadly ovate, 2.5-6 cm. (1-2% inches) long and wide, acute or acuminate at the apex, abruptly cuneate, rounded or occasionally cordate at the base, serrate or doubly serrate with 3 or 4 pairs of broad acute lobes towards the apex, blue-green, glabrous, membranaceous; petioles 2 or 3 cm. (% li^ inches) long, glabrous; corymbs glabrous, many-flowered; flowers appear in May, about 2 cm. (5/6 inch) broad; stamens 10-20; anthers pink or sometimes yellow or white; styles and nutlets 4 or 5; calyx lobes lanceolate-acuminate, entire", slightly serrate at the base; fruit ripens in October, depressed-globose to short-ellipsoidal, strongly angled, waxy, apple green, becoming scarlet or purple, 1.2-1.5 c.m. (3/2-% inch), thick, firm, yellow, sweet; calyx tube prominent, the lobes spreading, persistent. Distribution. Rocky, open woods, western New England to Michigan and south to North Carolina and Missouri. Well distributed in Indiana. 207 PLATE 93. CRAT^GUS GATTINGERI Ashe. DR. GATTINGER'S THORN, (x 208 PLATE 94. CRAT^EGUS PRUINOSA (Wendland) K. Koch. WAXY-FRUITED THORN. A small shrubby tree sometimes 6 m. (20 feet) high, with irregular branches and crown. Specimens have been seen from the following counties: Allen (Deam); Clark (Deam); Decatur (Deam); Delaware (Deam); Gibson (Deam); Hamilton (Deam); Hancock (Mrs. Chas. C. Deam); Lagrange (Deam); Madison (Deam); Marion (Deam); Monroe (Deam); Porter (Deam); Putnam (Grimes); Randolph (Deam); Steuben (Deam); Sullivan (Deam); Tipton (Deam); Vermillion (Deam); Warren (Deam); Wayne (Deam); Wells (Deam). 19. Crataegus coccinioides Ashe. EGGERT'S THORN. (Crataegus Eggertii Britton). Plate 95. Bark grayish-brown, scaly; spines curved, 2-6 cm. (%-23/ inches) long; leaves broadly ovate, 4-9 cm. (1^-3^ inches) long 3.5-8 cm. (1^-3 inches) wide, acute at the apex, rounded or truncate at the base, doubly serrate with several pairs of broad, acute lobes, dark green above, paler and slightly tomentose along the veins beneath, membranaceous ; petioles 2 to 3 cm. (^-1^ inches) long, slightly pubescent ; corymbs glabrous, 5-12 flowered; flowers appear in May, about 2 cm. (5/6 inch) broad; stamens about 20; anthers pink; styles and nutlets usually 4 or 5; calyx lobes ovate, acute, glandular- serrate; fruit ripens in September, subglobose, obtusely angled, 1.5-2 cm. (%-l inch) thick, flesh reddish, subacid, edible; calyx tube promi- nent, the lobes spreading. Distribution. Montreal Island to Rhode Island and west to eastern Kansas and Missouri. A small tree sometimes 6 m. (20 feet) high, with ascending and spreading branches and a broad, round-topped crown. Specimens have been seen from: Floyd (Dr. Clapp, before 1840), (Deam); Gibson (Schneck); Marion (Deam); Martin (Deam); Vigo (Blatchley); Whitley (Deam). 20. Crataegus coccinea Linnaeus. SCARLET THORN. RED HAW. (Crataegus pedicillata Sargent). Plate 96. Bark light gray, spines stout, curved, 2-6 cm. (%-2 inches) long; leaves broadly ovate, 3-10 cm. (lJ^-4 inches) long, 3-9 cm. (1^-3^ inches) wide, acute or acuminate at the apex, broadly cuneate to truncate at the base, serrate, doubly serrate or lobed, slightly pubescent, becoming scabrous above, nearly glabrous beneath, membranaceous; corymbs glabrous or some- times slightly villous, many-flowered; flowers appear in May, 1.5-2 cm. (2^-5/6 inch) broad; stamens 10-20; anthers pink; styles and nutlets 3-5; fruit ripens in September, pyriform to short ellipsoidal, scarlet or red, glabrous or slightly pubescent, 1.5-2 cm. (^-5/6 inch) thick, flesh thick, dry and mealy ; calyx lobes lanceolate-acuminate, glandular- serrate, erect or spreading, rather persistent. 210 PLATE 95. CRAT^GUS COCCINOIDES Ashe. EGGERT'S THORN, (x 211 PLATE 96. CRAT^EGUS COCC1NEA Linnaeus. SCARLET THORN, (x 212 Distribution. Connecticut to Ontario, Illinois, Delaware and Pennsylvania. A small tree sometimes 8 m. (25 feet) high, with ascending and spreading branches and a broad, round-topped crown. Specimens have been seen from the following counties: Floyd (Beam) ; Knox (Deam); Noble (VanGorder); Steuben (Beam); White (Beam). Horticultural Uses. This fine tree has been in the gardener's hands several centuries. There are specimens in the Kew Gardens, England, more than two hundred years old. 20a. Crataegus coccinea var. Ellwangeriana, n. nom. (Cra- taegus pedicillata var. Ellwangeriana (Sargent) Eggleston). Corymbs densely villous ; fruit slightly villous. Distribution. Known in Indiana from Beam's specimen No. 27355 from Warren County. 21. Crataegus mollis (Torrey and Gray) Scheele. RED-FRUITED 01 BOWNY THORN. REDRAW. Plate 97. Bark grayish-brown, fissured and scaly; spines curved, 3-5 cm. (1-2 inches) long; leaves broadly ovate, acute at the apex, cordate to truncate at the base, serrate or twice serrate with narrow acute lobes, 4-13 cm. (1^-5 inches,) long, 4-10 cm. (1^-4 inches) wide, slightly rugose, densely tomentose beneath, to- mentose above, becoming scabrous, membranaceous ; petioles 2-4 cm. 04-1^ inches) long, tomentose; corymbs tomentose, many- flowered; flowers appear in May, about 2.5 cm. (1 inch) broad; stamens about 20; anthers light yellow; styles and nutlets 4 or 5; fruit ripens in September, short-ellipsoidal to subglobose, scarlet, 1.5-2.5 cm. (^-1 inch) thick, flesh thick, yellow, edible; calyx lobes glandular-serrate, swollen, erect or spreading, deciduous. Distribution. Southern Ontario to South Bakota, south to central Tennessee and Arkansas. This thorn is well distributed over Indiana. A small tree often 13 m. (40 feet) high, with ascending and spreading branches, forming a broad, round-topped crown. Specimens have been examined from the following counties: Allen (Beam) ; Cass (Mrs. Ida Jackson) ; Bearborn (Beam) ; Becatur (Beam) ; Belaware (Beam) ; Floyd (Beam) ; Gibson (Schneck), (Beam) ; Hancock (Beam); Hendricks (Beam); Henry (Beam); Jackson (Beam); Knox (Schneck), (Beam); Madison (Beam); Marion (Mrs. Chas. C. Beam); Montgomery (Grimes); Posey (Beam); Putnam (Grimes); Shelby (Beam); Sullivan (Beam); Vermillion (Beam); Wells (Beam); Whit- ley (Beam). 213 PLATE 97. CRAT^EGUS MOLLIS (Torrey and Gray) Scheele. RED-FRUITED THORN. 214 22. Crataegus Phaenopyrum (Linnaeus fils) Medicus. WASH- INGTON THORN. SCARLET HAW. (Crataegus cordata Alton). Plate 98. Bark grayish-brown, scaly; spines numerous, slightly curved, 2-5 cm. (3^-2 inches) long; leaves ovate-triangular, 2-8 cm. (^-3 inches) long and wide, simply or doubly serrate, often 3-5 lobed, acute at the apex, rounded to cordate at the base, bright green above, glabrous; petioles slender, 1.5-5 cm. Q^-2 inches) long, glabrous; corymbs glabrous, many- flowered; flowers appear in June, 8-12 mm. (^-^ inch) broad; stamens about 20; anthers pink; styles and nutlets usually 5; calyx lobes del- toid, entire, deciduous; fruit ripens in October or November, depressed- globose, scarlet, 4-6 mm. (%-% inch) thick, nutlets with a bare apex and smooth back, flesh thin, firm. Distribution. Virginia to Georgia, Indiana to Arkansas. Moist rich soil. Naturalized in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Possibly it may be naturalized at the Indiana station. More knowledge of dis- tribution in southern Indiana is needed to settle this question. A shrubby tree sometimes 9 m. (30 feet) high, with nearly erect branches and an oblong crown. Specimens have been seen from Wayne (Beam). It also occurs in the Wabash Valley. Horticultural Uses. This is one of the most desirable thorns for ornamental planting and hedges. Its scarlet autumn foliage and beautiful little scarlet fruit persist for a long time. It is also one of the American thorns long in cultivation, both in Europe and the United States. Crataegus albicans Linnaeus. This species was reported for Indiana by Heimlich. 1 The material at hand is not sufficient to make a satisfactory deter- mination, hence it is omitted in the text. According to the treatment of the genus Crataegus in Brit ton and Brown's Illustrated Flora, 2nd Edition, the range of the following species extend into Indiana. Throughout the State In the northern part of the State C. Boyntoni. C. Brainerdi. In the southern part of the State C. lucorum. C. roanensis. C. berberifolia . C - beata - C. denaria. C - villi P es - C. fecunda. C - C. ovata. 'Free. Ind. Acad. Sci. 1917:445:1918. CRAT^EGUS PILENOPYRUM (Linnaeus filius) Medieus. WASHINGTON THORN, (x^-) 216 AMYGDALACEAE. THE PLUM FAMILY. Trees or shrubs with alternate, simple, petioled and usually serrate leaves; flowers perfect, calyx and corolla 5 numerous, stamens 15-30; fruit a 1 -seeded drupe. The characters which separate the species are not at all constant, and the species often vary much in the extremes of their range. PRUNUS. THE PLUMS AND CHERRIES. Flowers in umbel like clusters, or somewhat corymbose, ap- pearing before or with the leaves on branchlets of the preceding year. Margins of leaves with sharp teeth. Petioles glabrous beneath 1 P. americana. Petioles more or less pubescent all around 2 P. americana var. lanata. Margins of leaves with blunt or crenate teeth. Teeth of center of leaves about 10 per cm. ; calyx lobes glandular; fruit more than 10 mm. in diameter. Principal leaves of fruiting branches generally more than 4 cm. broad; flowers white and generally more than 17 mm. wide 3 P. nigra. Principal leaves of fruiting branches generally less than 4 cm. broad; flowers white which on age show a tinge of pink and generally less than 17 mm. wide. 4 P. hortulana. Teeth of center of leaves about 20 per cm.; calyx lobes glandless; fruit less than 10 mm. in diameter 5 P. pennsylvanica. Flowers in racemes, appearing after the leaves on twigs of the present year 6 P. serotina. 1. Primus americana Marshall. WILD RED PLUM. Plate 99 Small trees with crooked branches; bark of old trees exfoliating in irregular plates; twigs smooth; leaves obovate or oval, 5-9 cm. long, 2.5-5 cm. wide, narrowed or sometimes rounded at the base, acuminate at apex, margins sharply serrate or doubly serrate, glabrous above and smooth below, or hairy on the veins and sometimes more or less pube- scent over the whole under surface, inner surface of petiole more or less hairy and sometimes bearing one or two glands; flowers appear in April or May before or with the leaves in clusters of 2-4 or sometimes singly, about 2 cm. in diameter, calyx smooth or with some hairs near the base of the lobes which are pubescent within and smooth or hairy without, lobes entire or cut-toothed above the middle, glandless or with incon- spicuous glands; fruit ripens in August or September, usually globose, about 2 cm. in diameter, red; stone doubly convex, oval to nearly orbicular, surface usually smooth. 217 PLATE 99. PRUNUS AMERICANA Marshall. WILD RED PLUM, (x 218 Distribution. Massachusetts to Florida, west to Manitoba and south to New Mexico. Found throughout Indiana. While it has a general distribution, it is not generally distributed through the forests, but is local in colonies in low grounds along streams or in low places in the forest. In the southern counties it is found on the ridges and com- monly about the basins of sink-holes. Large single trees may be found but they are usually surrounded by many smaller ones which are root shoots. From this habit of the tree to produce root shoots large colonies are formed which has given rise to the term "plum thickets." Remarks. The wood of this tree is of no economic importance, but the species from a horticultural standpoint is one of the most important of all of the plums. Many named varieties belong to this species. It should be noted that all species of plums are quite variable, and one must not be surprised to find specimens that will not come entirely within the descriptions. 2. Prunus americana var. lanataSudworth. WOOLLY-LEAF PLUM. Plate 100. Small trees with the characteristic wild plum tree bark, except on age it becomes more furrowed ; twigs generally puberulent or sometimes smooth; leaves obovate, oblong-obovate, or sometimes somewhat ovate, generally about 6-10 cm. long, and 4-6 cm. wide, rounded at the base, acute or short acuminate at the apex, margins sharply serrate, or doubly serrate, upper surface covered with short appressed hairs, lower surface permanently pubescent with longer hairs; petioles more or less pubescent and often bearing one or more glands; flowers appear in April or May in umbels of 2-4, upper part of calyx, and its lobes pube- scent both inside and out, the lobes more or less cut-toothed and bearing inconspicuous glands; fruit ripening in September, globose, reddish with a bluish bloom; stone nearly orbicular and turgid. Distribution. Indiana west to Indian Territory and south to the Gulf. The range of this variety has not been well understood, and it is believed that forms of this variety in the northern part of its range have been included in the preceding species. It is certain that in our area the two forms are separated with difficulty; especially is this true of certain individuals. Specimens at hand show it to occui in Floyd, Clark, Bartholomew, Martin, Warren, Vermillion, Gibson, Warrick, and Perry Counties. Remarks. This form intergrades with the preceding to such an extent that there is little difference between the extremes of the two forms. 3. Prunus nigra Aiton. CANADA PLUM. Plate 101. Small trees with the characteristic bark of the genus; twigs smooth; leaves obovate or oval, 5-11 cm. long and 3-6 cm. wide, rounded or somewhat 219 ,' PLA3TE 100. PRUNUS AMERICANA variety LA NAT A Sudworth. WOOLLY-LEAF PLUM. ( 220 PLATK 101. PRUNUS NIGRA Alton. CANADA PLUM, (x Y 2 .) 221 narrowed at the base, abruptly short acuminate toward the apex, smooth or sparsely covered above with a short appressed pubescence, more or less pubescent beneath especially along the veins, usually pubescent on the veins at maturity, margins crenate-serrate, the teeth ending in persistent glands, petioles more or less pubescent on the inner surface, and generally bearing a pair of glands, which number varies from 1 to 3, or sometimes absent; flowers appear in April or May in umbels of 2-3, about 2 cm. in diameter the largest of the genus in Indiana, calyx smooth, the lobes smooth without and within, except toward the base which is pubescent, the lobes reddish and the margins studded with numerous red glands; fruit ripens in July, globose, red; stone short oval and very flat. Distribution. New Brunswick to Massachusetts and west to Minnesota and south to central Indiana. In Indiana it is definitely known only from Wells, Blackford and Marion Counties. No doubt it ranges throughout the northern part of Indiana, but it has not been separated from Prunus americana. Higley and Raddin 1 in 1891, when our text books did not separate this species, in a flora which included a part of Lake County Indiana, remark: "There are two distinct forms of Prunus americana; one with slender branches and large flowers with glandular calyx, found in swamps and another found with stout branches and much smaller flowers with the calyx less glandular, grows in dry soil." This no doubt refers to the species under discussion. In 1898 the author found this species growing in a swamp in Wells County, and transplanted a specimen to high ground in his orchard. It has persisted ever since, growing vigorously and freely suckering from the roots, but it has been quite susceptible To the San Jose scale. 4. Prunus hortulana Bailey. WILD GOOSE PLUM. Plate 102. Small trees with bark exfoliating in plates or rolls on old trees; twigs smooth; leaves oblong-oval, oval, slightly ovate or obovate, generally 6-11 cm. long and 2.5-5.5 cm. wide, rounded and often slightly oblique at the base, acuminate at the apex, margins finely serrated with short rounded and glandular teeth, generally glossy and smooth above, more or less pubescent all over beneath with long hairs, the midrib and lateral veins usually prominent below, petioles pubescent on the inner face and usually bearing one or more glands; flowers appear with the leaves in April or May in umbels of 2-4; calyx glabrous, the lobes glabrous on the outer face, and more or less pubescent within, margins glandular; fruit ripens in August, generally globose, red; stone generally short oval, very turgid, face reticulated. iHigley and Raddin: Flora of Cook County Illinois and a part of Lake County Indiana. Bui. Chic. Acad. Sci. Vol. 2:33:1891. 222 PLATE 102. PRUNUS HORTULANA Bailey. WILD GOOSE PLTJM. (x 223 Distribution. Central Kentucky northwestward to central Iowa and southwestward to Kansas and east to northwest Tennessee. In Indiana the specimens at hand show it to be confined to the south- western part of the State, although Pepoon 1 reports a single tree found near Dune Park in Porter County. It is found on sandy roadside cuts, base of sandy wooded slopes, etc., and is a common tree in Sullivan County for miles on the wooded bank of the terrace of the Wabash River. 5. Prunus pennsylvanica Linnaeus films. WILD RED CHERRY. Plate 103. Small trees with smooth cherry-like bark, somewhat roughened near the base on old trees; twigs smooth, at least at maturity; leaves oval, oval-lanceolate, or ovate, sometimes slightly falcate, 4-10 cm. long, and 1.5-4 cm. wide, rounded or narrowed at the base, long acuminate at the apex, margins finely serrate with glandular incurved teeth, glossy and smooth above, generally smooth beneath, sometimes pubescent along the midrib and veins, petioles generally smooth, rarely pubescent; flowers appear with the leaves in May in umbels of 3-7, or sometimes raceme-like but the rachis shorter than the pedicels; calyx glabrous, the lobes glabrous within and without, entire and glandless; fruit ripens in August, globose, 6-7 mm. in diameter, red; stone roundish- oval, surface granular. Distribution. Newfoundland and New England to the Rocky Mountains, south to Colorado and eastward through northern Indiana to Pennsylvania and thence in the mountains to North Carolina. In Indiana it is definitely known to occur only in Lake, Porter, Laporte, St. Joseph and Lagrange Counties. It is frequently found on the black oak ridges about Lake Michigan. All other^reports of this species for Indiana should be looked upon with suspicion. The one by Chipman from Kosciusko County may be correct. The one by Ridgeway 2 for Posey County is undoubtedly an error. No doubt Phinney's 3 record for Central Eastern Indiana (Jay, Delaware, Randolph and Wayne Counties) is an error. The range of the species is to the north of our area, and like a few others it is found about the Great Lakes south of its general range. In Ohio it is reported only from Cuyahoga County which borders Lake Erie. 6. Prunus serotina Ehrhart. WILD CHERRY. CHERRY. WILD BLACK CHERRY. Plate 104. Medium to large sized trees; bark of young trees smooth, becoming on old trees irregularly fissured and i Trans. 111. Acad. Science, 1916:132. 2 Amer. Nat. 6:660:1872. sRept. Ind. Geol. Surv. 12:208:1883. 224 PLATE 103. PRUNUS PENNSYLVANIA Linnaeus flls. WILD RED CHEEKY, (x y 2 .) 225 PLATE 104. PRUNUS SEROTINA Ehrhart. WILD BLACK CHERRY, (x J) 226 separating in small scaly plates; twigs slender and smooth, sometimes pubescent while young; leaves oval, oblong-oval, ovate or narrowly ovate, generally 5-12 cm. long and 2-4 cm. wide, generally narrowed at the base, sometimes rounded, short or long acuminate at the apex, margin finely serrate with incurved sharp callous teeth, smooth above and below, sometimes slightly pubescent beneath while young; flowers appear in May when the leaves are almost grown, on the ends of the year's growth, in racemes generally 5-10 cm. long; fruit ripens in July and August, globose, about 6-10 mm. in diameter, dark red to almost black. Distribution. Nova Scotia to South Dakota, south to Florida and west to Texas. Found in all parts of Indiana. It prefers a moist loose soil and is usually found with beech, sugar maple, tulip, white ash and white oak. In the original forest it was a rare to a frequent tree, and only rarely and locally did it ever become common. It grew to be several feet in diameter and was as tall as the highest trees of the forest. The trunk of the tree, however, was inclined to be crooked. It has now become a frequent tree along fences. Remarks. The wood of wild cherry from pioneer times has been a favorite wood, and for this reason the tree soon disappeared and today large trees are very rare. The wood is strong, close-grained, reddish- brown, and very much resembles mahogany. In value it stands second in Indiana woods. It is used principally for furniture, office and store fixtures. The wild cherry grows readily from seed; is not difficult to transplant ; adapts itself to almost all kinds of soils and grows rapidly. In Spring it is one of the very first trees to put out its leaves. It is not shade enduring, which no doubt, in a great measure, accounts for its rarity in the primeval forests. When grown in the open the tree usually produces an abundance of fruit which is much relished by birds. This species has many good features, and might be used to advantage in forest planting. CAESALPINACEAE. THE SENNA FAMILY. Leaves simple; flowers pink; seed pod papery 1 Cercis. Leaves compound; flowers not pink; seed pod woody or leathery. Trees with thorns; stamens 3-5, longer than the corolla; pods flat and leathery; seeds about 1 cm. (^ inch) long. ... 2 Gleditsia. Trees without thorns; stamens 10, shorter than the corolla; pods swollen, woody; seeds about 2 cm. (1 inch) long ... 3 Gymnocladus. 227 1. CERCIS. THE REDBUD. Cercis canadensis Linnaeus. REDBUD. Plate 105. Small trees; bark of trunk of old trees fissured, reddish-brown; twigs glabrous, light brown, becoming a dark brown; leaves alternate, broadly ovate, average blades 6-14 cm. long, cordate at base, short-pointed, some- times short-acuminate or rarely rounded at the apex, margins entire, glabrous or pubescent on unfolding, at maturity usually glabrous on both sides, or with a few hairs in the axils of the veins or along the veins, sometimes more or less pubescent beneath, and with hairs on the veins above; petioles generally 2-6 cm. long; flowers appear in April or May before the leaves, in clusters of 4-8 on the branches of the preceding season, pink or rose color; pods 5-10 cm. long, thin, flat and glabrous; wood heavy, hard and weak. Distribution. In Canada along the shoresof Lake Erieand Ontario, New York west through Michigan to Iowa, south to the Gulf States and west to Texas. Found throughout Indiana except there are no records from the counties bordering Lake Michigan. In the northern part of the State it is rare or frequent in alluvial soil along streams or in rich woods. In the southern part of the State it is a frequent to a common tree in ravines and on slopes. It is never found in wet situa- tions, and consequently is absent in the "flats" of the southern counties. Remarks. The redbud is the common name for this tree through- out the State. In one locality it was known as the fish blossom because the larger fish spawn when this tree is in flower. In text books it is also called Judas tree. It is usually a tree 1-1.5 dm. in diameter and 5-10 m. high. It is of no economic importance and is classed as a weed tree in the woodlot and should be removed. It is frequently recommended for ornamental planting. It prefers a rich moist soil, and is shade enduring, although it succeeds best in the open or in a light shade. 2. GLEDITSIA. THE HONEY LOCUST. Pods more than 8 cm. long; seeds oval 1 G. triacanthos. Pods less than 8 cm. long; seeds orbicular 2 G. aquatica. 1. Gleditsia triacanthos Linnaeus. HONEY LOCUST. Plate 106. Medium to large sized trees; bark of old trunks fissured and peeling off in strips; spines on trunk large and often much branched, sometimes 4 dm. long; spines on branches not so large, generally more or less forked; twigs at first green, turning a light brown; leaves pinnate or bipinnate, 1-2 dm. long, rachis permanently pubescent; leaflets 9-14 pairs, fewer on the bipinnate forms, petiolules about 1 mm. long, form 228 PLATE 105. CERCIS CANADENSIS Linnaeus. REDBUD. (x 229 PLATE 106. GLEDITSIA TRIACANTHOS Linnaeus. HONEY LOCUST, (x Y 2 .) 230 variable from ovate to lanceolate, sometimes somewhat falcate, generally 2-3 cm. long, usually more or less pubescent beneath; flowers appear in May or June, inconspicuous, greenish-yellow, rich in honey, their ap- pearance being announced by the hum of the swarm of insects visit ing them; fruit a flat, linear twisted pod, 2-4 dm. long, glabrous and lus- trous or pubescent on the sides; seeds several, oval, about 6 mm. wide, and 10 mm. long, glabrous and chestnut brown; wood heavy, hard, strong, coarse-grained and takes a good polish. Distribution. Pennsylvania, southern Michigan to Iowa, and south to the Gulf States and west to Texas. Found infrequently throughout Indiana along streams, except that it is absent about Lake Michigan and that in the southwestern counties it becomes a frequent tree in the Wabash bottoms. In its native habitat it is rarely found except near a stream, pond, lake, etc. However, in the southeastern counties it has spread all over many of the hillsides which were once cleared and have been abandoned for agricultural purposes and left to natural forest regeneration. It was interesting to learn how this tree was able to propagate itself on the steep bare slopes. It was found that the seeds were scattered by cattle that greedily eat the fruit. It is a medium sized tree, except in the Wabash bottoms of the southwestern part of the State where it grows to be one of the largest trees of the forest, and is more luxuriant than in any other part of its range. Remarks. In making a study of the fruit of this species, it was found that the sides of all the pods of all the specimens at hand except one are glabrous, even those of young fruit. The margins of the pods are pubescent. However, a specimen collected on August 27th in Vermillion County has the entire pod covered with long hairs. In consulting the literature on the subject it is found that some authors describe the fruit as glabrous while others describe it as hairy. It would be interesting to study the significance of this character to learn if each form has a geographic range. The wood is used principally for interior finish, furniture, posts and crossties. The tree has a grace that recommends it for ornmental planting despite its thorns. However, a thornless variety is now of- fered by nurserymen. It adapts itself to all kinds of soils, although it prefers a moist rich soil; grows rapidly and is comparatively free from insect damage. 2. Gleditsia aquatica Marshall. WATER HONEY LOCUST. Plate 107. A medium sized tree with rather smooth bark, which becomes rough and flaky on large trees; twigs greenish, turning to a light brown by the end of the year; branchlets a greenish-gray brown; spines all usually more or less flattened, those of the branchlets and branches, 231 PLATE 107. GLEDITSIA AQUATICA Marshall. WATER HONEY LOCUST, (x 232 rather few and usually simple, 4-10 cm. long, those of the trunk branched, spines do not develop on the year's growth; leaves from old wood pin- nate, from the year's growth bipinnate; rachis grooved and pubescent or puberulent above and smooth below; leaflets generally 7-11 pairs, variable in shape and size, generally lanceolate and 1.5-2.5 cm. long, on petiolules about 1 mm. long, glabrous; flowers similar to the preceding species; fruit a glabrous, shining, oblique pod about 4-5 cm. long, con- taining 1 seed; seeds orbicular, flat, chestnut brown, about 1 cm. in diameter. Distribution. Atlantic Coast from North Carolina south to Florida, and the Mississippi Valley from southwestern Indiana south- ward to Texas. In Indiana this species is rare and limited to the banks of river sloughs, locally called ponds and to one cypress swamp. It is known to have occurred on the banks of Wabash and Dan's ponds and Little Cypress swamp in the southwest corner of Knox County, and in Gibson County on the bank of a slough near Skelton and about Bur- nett's pond. The reference to Posey County is without a verifying specimen, although it may be found in the county. The writer has visited about every place in the county where the species might occur, and has never found it. Gorby's 1 reference for Miami County is with- out doubt an error. In our area it is a low crooked tree and grows with its base submerged more or less during the year. The idea of the pro- portions of this tree can be obtained from the measurements taken from the largest tree now known in Indiana, which is located on the shore of Dan's pond in Knox County. It measures 158 cm. (66 inches) in cir- cumference at 1 m. above the ground, and is estimated to be 10 m. (30 feet) high. This species is too rare to be of economic importance. Gleditsia aquatica x triacanthos. Dr. Schneck 2 found two honey locust trees which he described as hybrids of the two species. The one was located on the bank of Dan's pond in Knox County, and the other in Gibson County. The original description is as follows: "In both instances the pods are the distinguishing feature. These are very much alike in both trees, being about 5 inches long, 1^ inches wide, smooth, shining, of a light brown color and entirely destitute of pulp. Otherwise the tree cannot be distinguished from the trees among which they stand. They are both about 50 feet high, with short stems and spreading branches, and stand about 5 miles apart." The writer has five fruiting specimens from these two trees, taken by Dr. Schneck. Two of the sheets have the round and branched spine^ of G. triacanthos. ilnd. Geol. Kept. 16:169:1889. 2 Plant World 7:252:1904. 233 3. GYMNOCLADUS. THE COFFEE TREE. Gymnocladus dioica (Linnaeus) Koch. COFFEENUT TREE. Plate 108. Medium sized trees; bark of trunks fissured, the ridges often curl- ing up along the sides, very hard; twigs at first hairy, becoming glabrous and mottled gray-brown by the end of the season, robust, usually about 1 cm. in diameter; leaves alternate, twice pinnate, 3-9 dm. long, leaflets usually 6-10 pairs, ovate, generally from 3-4 cm. long, generally oblique and rounded, wedge-shape or truncate at the base, acute or very sharp-pointed at the apex, petiolules about 1 mm. long, pubescent on both sides at first, becoming glabrous or nearly so at maturity; flowers of two kinds, the male and female on separate trees, appearing in May or June; fruit a pod generally about 1-2 dm. long, thick, curved; seeds generally 4-7, large, flattened about 2 cm. in diameter; wood heavy, not hard, coarse-grained and takes a high polish. Distribution. New York, southwestern Ontario to southern Minnesota south to Tennessee and Arkansas. This species has been reported or is known to exist in 33 counties in various parts of the State. It no doubt was native to every county of the State, except it be those bordering Lake Michigan from which we have no reports. It is a rare tree in all parts. Only exceptionally is it found even frequently. A few trees may be found in one place, and it will not be found again for many miles. No doubt there are many areas with a radius of 5 to 10 miles where this tree never occurred. It is usually found in alluvial soil along streams, or nearby terraces. Remarks. This species generally is not very tall, and is usually found in open places in the forest or cut-over lands. However, one specimen was seen in Posey County that was as tall as a specimen of pecan of equal size that grew nearby. This species was so rare in this vicinity that I was asked to drive three miles to identify this tree which no one could name. Coffeenut, which is sometimes called Kentucky coffeenut, has always been so rare as to be of little economic importance. It has no qualities to recommend it for ornamental planting. FABACEAE. THE PEA FAMILY. Trees, shrubs, vines or herbs with alternate leaves, mostly compound; flowers with five petals which are pea-like (papilionaceous); stamens generally 10; fruit a legume. 234 PLATE 108. GYMNOCLADUS DIOICA (Linnaeus) Koch. COFFEENUT TREE, (x 9/20). 235 ROBINIA. THE LOCUSTS. Robinia Pseudo-Acacia Linnaeus. LOCUST. BLACK LOCUST. Plate 109. Medium sized trees with deeply furrowed bark; twigs at first green and hairy, becoming at the end of the season glabrous and a light brown, the stipules developing in about a year into a pair of woody spines about 2 cm. long; leaves pinnate, 1.5-3 dm. long; leaflets 7-17 on short stalks, ovate to oblong, 2-6 cm. long, rounded at base, rounded or pointed and with a small indenture at apex, margin entire, pubescent on both sides at first, becoming at maturity glabrous above and re- maining more or less pubescent below, especially on the midrib; flowers in loose racemes, white, expanding in May or June ; fruit a flat and slight- ly curved pod about 5-10 cm. long, glabrous; seeds usually 4-8 in each pod, about 4 mm. long and 2.5 mm. wide; wood heavy, very hard, close- grained, takes a good polish, very durable in contact with the soil. Distribution. Appalachian Mountains from Pennsylvania south to northern Georgia, and in Arkansas. In Indiana it is found as an escape in all parts and was doubtless native along the Ohio River, at least in the southeastern part of the State. Thomas 1 says: "We had gazed at the majestic beech of this country (near Rising Sun) three feet in diameter; we had seen the honey locust, the black walnut, a buckeye of equal magnitude; and then we saw with surprise, the black locust almost a rival in stature." Drake 2 says: "The flowering locust is abundant in Kentucky. Along the Ohio River it is rarely found more than 30 miles north of the river." Remarks. This tree is generally known as the locust tree, but is sometimes called the yellow locust. Locust wood is somewhat lighter than white oak, but it is 34 percent stiff er and 45 per cent stronger. These remarkable qualities added to its durability in contact with the ground make it one of the most desirable trees for forest planting. The wood has been used principally for posts, ties, tree nails, etc. The locust when grown close together usually grows to 8-12 inches in diameter. There are, however, specimens that have grown in the open that are almost three feet in diameter. The pioneers used it extensively for ornamental planting, and it has escaped from such planting in all parts of the State. It propagates easily by root shoots which is the principal mode of spreading, except where the peed fall on exposed soil. The locust has of recent years been extensively planted for post timber. It is very easily propagated from seedlings and grows rapidly. It is adapted to all kinds of soil, except a wet one. It prefers a well iThomas' Western Travels, page 111:1819. 2 Drake in Picture of Cincinnati, page 83, 1815. 236 PLATE 109. ROBINIA PSEUDO-ACACIA Linnaeus. BLACK LOCUST, (x 237 drained soil and seems to grow as fast in a loose clay soil as in a black loam. When used for forest planting the spacing should be from 5x5 feet to 8x8 feet. The spacing should be governed by the quality of the soil, and the amount of pruning that can be done. The locust has the habit of having the terminal to end in a fork and having one or more very large side branches. The best management requires that the very large side branches be removed as soon as they are noted, and one part of the terminal forks be cut off. The locust until recently gave great promise of being an important tree for planting sterile, washed and eroded slopes, on which it usually thrives and in many cases grows thriftily. However, reports from all parts of the State show that locust groves wherever planted are being killed by the locust body borer. The locust has also been attacked by the twig borer, bag worm and the leaf miner. At present there are no known economic means of controlling these destructive pests, and until they can be controlled, the planting of locust for commercial purposes will not prove profitable. SIMARUBACEAE THE QUASSIA FAMILY. AILANTHUS. TREE OF HEAVEN. Ailanthus altissima (Miller) Swingle. TREE OF HEAVEN. STINK TREE. (Ailanthus glandulosa Desfontaines). Plate 110. Medium sized trees with dark gray bark, thin, rough or fissured on old trees; branchlets very robust; twigs smooth; leaves compound and very large, especially on coppice shoots, usually about 4-6 dm. long, odd-pinnate, arranged spirally on the branchlets; leaflets 13-41, ovate-oblong, acu- minate, oblique at base, entire or with a few blunt teeth toward the base, smooth or hairy when they unfold, becoming smooth at maturity, dark green above, lighter beneath; flowers appear in June in large terminal panicles, the staminate and pistillate on different trees; fruit maturing in autumn, consists of many light brown, twisted and broadly-winged samaras which are about 1 cm. wide and 4-5 cm. long. Distribution. A native of China. Introduced and spreading in cities, and into fields and woods in the southern part of the State. The most notable occurrence is in Jefferson County on the wooded bluffs of the Ohio River between Madison and Hanover. Remarks. Where the sugar and black maple can not be used for shade tree planting this tree should receive attention. It adapts itself to all kinds of soils, and to all kinds of growing conditions such as smoke, etc. The crown is of an oval or rounded type. It stands pruning and injury to trunk or branches quite well. It is practically free from 238 PLATE 110. AILANTHUS ALTISSIMA (Miller) Swingle. AILAXTHUS or TREE OF HEAVEN. 239 all diseases and insect injury. The leaves appear late but they do not fall until the first killing frost when they are killed, and frequently practically all of "the leaves will fall in one day. The staminate flowers exhale a fetid odor for a few days which is about the only objectionable feature in this tree. In order to obviate this objection, nurserymen are now offering for sale pistillate trees which have been grafted on com- mon stock. ACERACEAE. THE MAPLE FAMILY. ACER. THE MAPLES. Trees with terete branches; scaly buds; long petioled, opposite leaves; fruit consists of two long-winged samaras which are joined at their base, separating at maturity. The sap of some of the species, when concentrated, yields the maple sugar and sirup of commerce. Leaves trifoliate or pinnate 1 A. Negundo. Leaves simple. Winter buds blunt; flowers appear from lateral buds before the leaves; fruit maturing in the spring or early summer. Leaves entirely glabrous beneath at maturity, 5-lobed; the two sinuses between the three largest lobes generally somewhat closed, formed as it were by the arcs of two circles which meet to form the sinus, and which if they were extended outward would cross each other within a few dm. of the sinus; fruit more or less pubescent at maturity 2 A. saccharinum . Leaves are never all entirely glabrous at maturity, 3-5 lobed; the two largest sinuses are generally angular with straight sides which if extended outward would never cross; fruit smooth at maturity. Twigs smooth at maturity; leaves at maturity smooth beneath except a few hairs in the axils of the veins, or more rarely the entire lower surface covered more or less with a short pubescence; mature fruit generally 2-3.5 cm. long 3 A. rubrum. Twigs more or less pubescent at maturity; leaves beneath covered with a dense tomentum which remains until maturity or sometimes becoming scanty; fruit about 4-5 cm. long var. Drummondii. Winter buds acute, sometimes somewhat blunt; flowers appear from terminal buds after the leaves ; fruit matur- ing in the autumn. Leaves yellow green beneath; base of the petiole of the terminal leaves enlarged at the base, smooth or somewhat pubescent about the enlarged base 4 A. nigrum. 240 Leaves not yellow green beneath; base of the petiole of the terminal leaves not enlarged, petioles smooth, or if pubescent at the base the pubescence will be more or less evident the entire length of the petiole. Petioles smooth; leaves 3-5 lobed, blade as long or longer than wide, not densely pubescent beneath at maturity ; 5 A. saccharum. Petioles smooth; leaves 3-lobed, blades wider than long A. saccharum var. Rugelii. Petioles pubescent, rarely smooth; leaves 5-lobed, rarely 3-lobed, the under surface densely pubescent at maturity A. saccharum var. Schneckii. 1. Acer Negnndo Linnseus. Box ELDER. Plate 111. A medium- sized tree with a short trunk and round head; bark of young trees smooth and gray, becoming thick on old trees, light to dark brown and more or less furrowed or rarely somewhat flaky; twigs smooth and greenish; leaves of average size are 1.5-3 dm. long, generally with 3 leaflets on the flowering branches, sometimes 5 or rarely with 7, on sterile branches or on growing shoots 3-7, the petioles generally J^- % the length of the leaf and glabrous or nearly so at maturity; leaf- lets all on stalks more or less pubescent, the lateral stalks short, the terminal ones much longer, leaflets of varying size and shape, the margins usually varying from lobed to serrate or entire, pinnately veined, smooth above at maturity and remaining more or less pubescent be- neath, especially along the veins; flowers appear just before the leaves the last of April or the first of May, the staminate and pistillate on separate trees; fruit matures late in summer, the body of the samara green and more or less pubescent. Distribution. New England to Florida, west to Minnesota and south to eastern Texas. In Indiana, it is found throughout the State in moist or wet places along creeks and rivers, and infrequently on the highlands along roadsides and fences. Its original distribution in the State can only be conjectured. Judging from its tolerance to shade and its habitat, and from the earliest reports of its occurrence in the State, this species was quite rare in the northern part of the State, becoming infrequent to frequent in its habitat in the southern part of the State. Even today it is rather local in its distribution. I have never seen it on the low mucky border of a lake. Remarks. This species on account of its rapid growth was formerly much used in our area as a shade tree. It is believed that most of the trees now found along roadsides, fences, clearings and on the drier banks 'of streams are from seed distributed by the wind from planted 241 PLATE 111. ACER NEGUNDO Linnaeus. Box ELDER, (x 242 trees. This species is now little used as a shade tree and is never recom- mended because it sheds its leaves early, and is subject to injury from disease and insects. la. Acer Negundo variety violaceum Kirchner. (Rulac Nuttallii Nieuwland). This variety is distinguished by its glaucous twigs and by the body of the fruit being glabrous at maturity. In most instances when the bloom is rubbed from the twigs they show a purple tinge, hence the varietal name. Distribution. I have this variety in Indiana from the following counties: Brown, Cass, Elkhart, Franklin, Fulton, Hendricks, Henry, Jennings, Lagrange, Martin, Posey, St. Joseph, Vermillion and Wayne. 2. Acer saccharinum Linnaeus. SILVER MAPLE. SOFT MAPLE. WHITE MAPLE. Plate 112. Medium sized trees; bark of small trees smooth and gray, becoming on old trees reddish-brown, and freely splitting into thin scales ; branchlets light to reddish-brown and generally turning upward at their tips; leaves generally about 1 dm. long, generally somewhat cordate at the base, sometimes truncate, deeply 3-lobed, each of the lateral lobes with an additional lobe below, margins of all of the lobes more or less irregular or even lobed, the two principal sinuses generally show a tendency to close, leaves hairy beneath when young, glabrous above and below at maturity and very glaucous beneath; flowers appear in March or April in the axils of the leaves of the previous year, the staminate and pistillate in separate clusters on the same or different trees; fruit on pedicels 1.5-6 cm. long, maturing in the spring or early summer, green, densely hairy while young and remaining more or less hairy at maturity, 4-7 cm. long, wings 1-2 cm. wide. Distribution. New Brunswick to Florida, west to South Dakota and south to Texas. Locally frequent to very common in all parts of Indiana. This species is always found in wet or moist places, and in the lower Wabash bottoms in low overflow lands or in or about old sloughs it often forms the principal stand. It is more frequently associated with black willow, white elm, red birch, sycamore, etc. Remarks. The silver maple has been used extensively for shade tree planting. The branches are very brittle, and ice storms sometimes break off so many branches that the tree may be badly injured. The shade trees of this species are in many parts of the state being killed by scale insects, and for this reason it should not be used. On account of its rapid growth it has also been much used for windbreaks but this practice should be discouraged and better species used. 243 PLATE 112. ACER SACCHARINUM Linnams. SILVER MAPLE, (x Y 2 .) 244 3. Acer rubrum Linnseus. RED MAPLE. SOFT MAPLE. SWAMP MAPLE. Plate 113. Medium to large sized trees; bark of small trees smooth and gray, becoming dark brown on old trees, somewhat furrowed and scaly; branchlets smooth and reddish; twigs generally smooth but sometimes hairy, becoming glabrous by autumn; leaves 5-12 cm. long, 3-5 lobed, more or less cordate at the base, sometimes truncate or rounded, sinuses acute, those of 3-lobed leaves generally wider angled than those of 5-lobed ones, the lobes more or less irregu- larly serrate or dentate, hairy while young, glabrous above and more or less hairy beneath at maturity, glaucous beneath; flowering period March or April; flowers red or reddish, in the axils of the leaves of the previous year, the staminate and pistillate in separate clusters on the same or different trees; fruit maturing late in spring, on pedicels 3-8 cm. long, generally red, sometimes green, glabrous at maturity, rarely some- what pubescent, 1.5-3.5 cm. long. Distribution. Newfoundland to Florida, west to Minnesota and south to Texas. It is found in all parts of Indiana. Its preferred habitat is that of low ground about lakes, swamps, along streams and in the "flats" in the southeast part of the State. Throughout its range in Indiana where it is found in low ground, it is in places rich in organic matter, except in the "flats" of the southern part of the State where it grows in a hard clay soil with sweet gum, red birch, etc. In contrast the silver maple is generally found growing in wet places with little organic matter; especially is this true in the lower Wabash bottoms. The red maple grows also on high ground. In the northern part of the State it is only an occasional tree of gravelly ridges or on high ground about lakes or along streams. In the southern part of the State it is a local to a frequent tree in most parts of the "knob" area where it is associated with white oak, black oak, black gum, etc. It is also an occasional tree on the top of bluffs and cliffs. Remarks. The red maple is not abundant enough in Indiana to be of any economic importance. It grows rapidly and should replace the silver maple for shade tree planting since its branches are not broken off as easily by ice storms and it is more resistant to insect attack. 3a. Acer rubrum variety Drummondii (Hooker and Arnott) Torrey and Gray. This variety of the red maple is a form found in the dense swamps of the lower Wabash Valley. It is distinguished from the type by its twigs which generally remain more or less hairy until matur- ity; by the under surface of the leaves remaining more or less tomentose during the summer, and by its larger fruit. This variety is known with certainty only from Little Cypress Swamp in Knox County about 12 miles southwest of Decker. Here it is a frequent to a common tree 245 PLATE 113. ACER RUBRUM Linnaeus. RED MAPLE, (x Y 2 .) 246 associated with cypress, swell-butt ash, buttonbush, sweet gum, etc. All of the trees of this locality have 5-lobed leaves. A specimen collected in the "bottoms" about two miles east of Huntingburg in Dubois County has 3 -lobed leaves which are tomentose beneath at fruiting time and has fruit intermediate in size between the type and variety Drummondii which I doubtfully refer to variety tridens Wood. 4. Acer nigrum F. A. Michaux. BLACK MAPLE. BLACK SUGAR. Plate 114. Medium to large sized trees with dark furrowed bark on old trees; leaves a little wider than long, 6-15 cm. long, on petioles usually 3-15 cm. long which are more or less swollen at the base and by maturity develop a scale like appendage on each side of the petiole at the base- especially on each of the terminal pair of leaves, sometimes with foliar stipules which are 2-3 cm. long on stalks of equal length, leaves with three main lobes, the two lower lobes generally have a small lobe at their base, margins of lobes entire and undulating, sinuses between main lobes generally rounded at the base, wide and shallow, base with a narrow sinus, the lower lobes often overlapping, rarely somewhat den- tate, dark green above and a paler yellow green below, hairy on both surfaces when young, becoming at maturity glabrous above and re- maining more or less pubescent beneath; flowers appear in May when the leaves are about half grown on long hairy pedicels, the staminate and pistillate in separate clusters on the same or different trees; fruit matures in autumn, the samaras about 3 cm. long. Distribution. Quebec to Georgia, west to South Dakota and south to Louisiana. Found in all parts of Indiana and invariably associated with sugar maple, and often with beech in addition. Frequently almost pure stands of sugar maple may be found with the black maple absent. Where found it is usually a frequent to common tree, and when it occurs on a wooded slope it is more frequent near the base and appears to be able to advance farther into moist situations than its congener. Remarks. This tree cannot be distinguished from the sugar maple by its form, but at short range can be separated from it by its richer green foliage and by the drooping habit of the lower lobes of the leaves. It is commonly separated from the sugar maple by the darker color and by the narrower and shallower furrows of the bark, but these characters will not always separate the two species. Hence, when buying black maple trees from a nurseryman you may receive the sugar maple. Those who distinguish the two species agree that the black maple is the more desirable tree for shade tree planting. The black and sugar maple are the two most desirable trees for shade tree planting in Indiana. They are long lived, have a very desirable form, beautiful 247 PLATE 114. ACER NIGRUM. F. A. Miehaux. BLACK MAPLE, (x 248 foliage, a long leaf period, and are quite free from disease and insect injury. 5. Acer saccharum Marshall. SUGAR MAPLE. SUGAR TREE. HARD MAPLE. ROCK MAPLE. Plate 115. Usually large, tall trees. The bark of small trees is smooth or rough, becoming fissured on old trees, tight or on very old trees sometimes the ridges loosen on one edge and turn outward. The leaves are extremely variable on different trees, and frequently show a wide variation on the same tree, as to form and in the presence or absence of hairs on the petioles and on the under surface of the leaves. In our area all of the forms which have the ma- jority of the leaves longer than wide or about as wide as long, may be considered as falling within the type. The average sized leaves are 6-12 cm. long, 3-5 lobed, more or less cordate at the base, generally with a broad sinus, sometimes truncate or slightly wedge-shape, sinuses generally wide-angled and rounded at the base, sometimes acute, hairy beneath when young, becoming smooth at maturity except for a few hairs along the veins or in the main axils of the veins, or sometimes remaining more or less pubescent over the whole under surface, more or less glaucous beneath; flowers appear in April or May, on hairy pedicels 3-7 cm. long, the staminate and pistillate in clusters on the same or different trees; fruit ripening in autumn, samaras glabrous and usually 2-4 cm. long. Distribution. Newfoundland to Georgia, west to Manitoba and south to Texas. A frequent to a very common tree in all parts of Indi- ana. It is confined to rich uplands, or along streams in well drained alluvial soil. Throughout our area it is constantly associated with the beech. It is absent in the "flats" of the southeastern part of the State, and on the crest of the ridges of the "knob" area of Indiana, but it is a frequent or common tree on the lower slopes of the spurs of the "knobs." Remarks. The under surface of the leaves of the sugar maple in the northern part of its range are green, while those of the southern part of its range are quite glaucous beneath. To distinguish these two intergrading forms the southern form has been called Acer saccharum var. glaucum Sargent 1 . All of the trees seen in Indiana have leaves more or less glaucous beneath. This character, however, is not always evident in dried specimens. The writer prefers not to apply the varietal name to the forms of our area. The sugar maple always has been and will continue to be one of the most important trees of the State. In its mass distribution in Indiana it ranks not less than third. In the quality and uses of its wood it is equalled or exceeded only by iBot. Gaz. Vol. 67:233:1919. 249 PLATE 115. ACER SACCHARUM Marshall. SUGAR MAPLE, (x 250 the oak, ash and hickory. When compared with white oak it is a little lighter but thirty per cent stronger and fifty-three per cent stiffer. The greatest amount of the annual cut of maple is worked into flooring which is shipped to all parts of the world. It ]s much used in the manufacture of furniture and ranks third in use for veneer and hard wood distillation, and as a fuel wood is excelled only by hickory. Since, pioneer times the sap of this tree has been made into sirup and sugar and their manufacture now forms a valuable industry. On an average it takes 3 to 4 gallons of sap to make a pound of sugar, and an average sized tree will annually yield about 3 to 4 pounds of sugar. The sugar maple on account of its slow growth has not been used much in reforestation. It is very tolerant of shade, can adapt itself to almost all kinds of soils, thrives either in a pure or mixed stand, and is prac- tically free from injury of insects and diseases. It has, however, been extensively used as a shade tree. For this purpose it is scarcely ex- celled by any other tree. When grown in the open it almost invariably ass'umes a symmetrical oval form, and the autumnal coloration of its foliage is rarely surpassed by any of our trees. Where a large tree is desired for street or ornamental planting the sugar maple can safely be recommended. 5a. Acer saccharum variety Rugelii (Pax) Rehder. This variety of the sugar maple has leaves much wider than long, smaller and 3- lobed. The lobes are long acuminate and usually entire, sometimes the lower lobe has a small lobe near the base. This variety is included in our flora on the authority of C. S. Sargent who has given this name to specimens from Indiana in the writer's herbarium. The specimens so named are from the southern part of the State. While there is a wide range of difference in the shape of the leaves of the typical 5-lobed Acer saccharum and its variety Rugelii, all intermediate forms can be easily found. The leaves of a tree will vary most on those trees whose average shaped leaves are farthest from the typical form. 5b. Acer saccharum variety Schneckii Rehder. This variety in its extreme form is well marked by having the petioles and under surface of the leaves densely covered with hairs. The variety is characterized by having a "fulvous pubescence," but the 18 specimens at hand show the color of the pubescence on both young and mature specimens to range from white to fulvous. The leaves of all specimens at hand are 5-lobed and show a variation of leaves with petioles and under surface of leaves densely pubescent to those with petioles glabrous and with densely pubescent under surface. The habitat is that of a dry soil and asso- ciated with beech. It has been found in Gibson, Martin, Perry, Posey and Vanderburgh counties. 251 AESCULACEAE. THE BUCKEYE FAMILY. AESCULUS. THE BUCKEYES. Trees with dark or ashy-gray colored bark; twigs stout; buds large, leaves opposite, palmately divided into 5-9 ovate or oblong divisions, the divisions serrate; flowers in terminal panicles; fruit a 3-lobed capsule. The fruit is poisonous to stock, although it rarely proves fatal. Anthers protruding from the flower; fruit warty 1 A. glabra. Anthers included in the flower; fruit smooth 2 A. octandra. 1. Aesculus glabra Willdenow. BUCKEYE. Plate 116. Medium to large sized trees 1 ; bark of old trees fissured, not tight; branchlets robust ; twigs at first more or less pubescent, remaining more or less hairy until maturity; leaves large, 5-foliate, rarely 6 or 7 foliate, petioles more or less pubescent; leaflets sessile or on very short stalks, ovate-oblong, oval-oblong, or obovate, about 1 dm. long, acuminate, narrowed to a wedge-shaped base, more or less pubescent beneath until maturity, es- pecially along the principal veins, margins irregularly serrate except near the base; flowers generally appear in May when the leaves are almost full size, but in the southern part of the State the flowers sometimes appear the last of March, flower clusters 1-1.5 dm. long, the whole inflorescence usually densely covered with white hairs, flowers pale-greenish yellow; fruit a globular spiny capsule, generally 3-6 cm. in diameter, which usually contains 1-3 large glossy chocolate-colored nuts. The pubescence on the petioles, leaflets and inflorescence is generally white, but often with it are reddish and longer hairs which are scattered among the other hairs, except in the articulations of the flowers, pedicels and leaflets, where they appear in tufts. Distribution. Pennsylvania south to Alabama, west to Iowa and south to the Indian Territory. Found in all parts of Indiana. It is usually associated with beech, sugar maple and linn. On account of the poisonous character of its fruit, land owners have almost exterminated it. From the data at hand it appears that the buckeye was a rare tree in the northern tier of counties. However, as soon as the basin of the Wabash is reached it becomes a frequent to a common tree where beech, sugar maple, and linn are found. In all of our area it prefers a rich moist soil, except in the southern counties it may be found even on the 18. Coulter: Size of some trees of Jefferson County, Ind. Bot. Gaz. Vol. 1:10:1875 He says: "Fifty trees were measured at three feet above the ground with an average diameter of 2 ft. and 9 inches. An equal number of Aesculus octandra were measured at the same height from the ground with an average diameter of 2 ft. and 9 inches." 252 PLATE 116. AESCULUS GLABRA Willdenow. BUCKEYE, (x. ^.) 253 bluffs of streams with the species just named. In the lower Wabash Valley especially in Posey County it was a rare tree, or entirely absent. Remarks. In our area the buckeye is the very first tree to put out its leaves. On this account in early Spring it can be easily distinguished in the forest. This character together with its large clusters of flowers which appear early are features which recommend it for shade tree and ornamental planting. The tree has now become so rare in Indiana as to have no economic importance. 2. Aesculus octandra Marshall. BUCKEYE. SWEET BUCKEYE. Plate 117. Medium to large sized trees with smooth bark which on old trees becomes more or less scaly. This tree closely resembles the pre- ceding from which it can be easily distinguished- by the following charac- ters. Its smoother and lighter colored bark; by the entire under surface of the leaves remaining permanently pubescent; the hairs more or less fulvous; by the included anthers; and by its smooth capsule. Distribution. Western Pennsylvania, westward along the Ohio to Iowa, south to Georgia and west to Louisiana and Texas. In Indiana it is confined to a few counties along the Ohio River. The records of McCaslin for Jay and Phinney for Delaware counties are doubtless errors in determination. The writer has diligently tried to extend the range of this species in Indiana and has found it only in Dearborn, Jefferson, Clark and Crawford Counties, and in no place more than a mile from the Ohio River. No doubt under favorable situations it found its way to a greater distance from the River. On account of the poisonous character of its fruit, it has been almost exterminated, and only along the precipitous bluffs of the Ohio River are trees yet to be found. Doubtless its exact range in our area can never be determined. Dr. Drake 1 minutely described this species and remarks: "This species delights in rich hills, and is seldom seen far from the Ohio River. It frequently arrives at the height of 100 feet and the diameter of four feet." Remarks. The wood is soft, white and resembles the sap wood of the tulip tree for which wood it is commonly sold. Too rare in Indiana to be of economic importance. Young 2 reported a purple flowered form of buckeye from Jefferson County, but since no specimen was preserved and the size of the plant is not given, it will not be considered here. The form was reported as rare under the name of Aesculus flava var. pur- purascens. !Drake: Picture of Cincinnatus:79:1815. zYoung: Botany of Jefferson County, Ind. Geo. Surv. Ind. Kept. 2-255:1871. 254 PLATE 117. AESCULUS OCTANDRA Marshall. SWEET BUCKEYE, (x 255 TILIACEAE. THE LINDEN FAMILY. TILIA. THE BASSWOODS. Trees with medium sized twigs; leaves alternate, mostly taper- pointed, oblique cordate or truncate at the base, serrate; flowers in axillary or terminal cymes, white or yellow, fragrant, peduncles of the cymes with a leaf-like bract adhering to about half their length; fruit nut-like, woody, 1-celled. Leaves smooth or nearly so beneath 1 T. glabra. Leaves densely white or gray pubescent beneath 2 T. heterophylla. 1. Tilia glabra Ventenat (Tilia americana Linnaeus of authors) . LINN. BASSWOOD. Plate. 118. Medium to large sized trees with deeply furrowed bark, much resembling that of white ash or black wal- nut; twigs when chewed somewhat mucilaginous, usually somewhat zigzag; leaves on petioles 2-6 cm. long, blades ovate to nearly orbicular, 5-15 cm. long, short or long acuminate at the apex, margins more or less coarsely or finely serrate with teeth attenuate and ending in a gland, dark green and smooth above, a lighter green and generally smooth beneath at maturity except tufts of hairs in the axils of the prinicpal veins, or sometimes with a scanty pubescence of simple or stellate hairs beneath; flowers appear in June or July, when the leaves are al- most mature; bracts of the peduncles very variable, generally about 8-10 cm. long, rounded, or tapering at the base, obtuse or rounded at the apex, smooth both above and beneath at maturity; peduncles from very short up to 6 cm. in length; pedicels of flowers variable in length on the same and on different trees, generally about one cm. long; styles pubescent near the base on all of the specimens at hand; fruit woolly, globose or somewhat ellipsoidal, generally about 6 mm. in diameter. Distribution. New Brunswick to Manitoba, south to Georgia and west to Texas. More or less frequent to common in rich moist soil in all parts of Indiana. It is the most frequent and common in the lake area of the State but was almost as frequent and common throughout the central part of the State until the hilly area is reached where its habitat disappears for the greater part. In the hill area it is confined to the basins of streams, although sometimes found on the high rocky bluffs of streams. Rare or absent in the flats. In most of its area it is asso- ciated with white ash, slippery elm, beech, maple, shellbark hickory, etc. Remarks. Wood soft, light, straight and close-grained, white and seasons well. On account of its softness and lightness it has always been a favorite wood where these two factors were important considerations. 256 PLATE 118. TILIA GLABRA Ventenat. LINN OR BASSWOOD. (x 257 Is practically odorless, hence, is a desirable wood to contain food pro- ducts. Its principal uses are lumber, heading, excelsior and veneer. The supply of this species in Indiana is now practically exhausted. In Indiana this species is commonly called linn, and only in a few counties near the Michigan line is it known as basswood. The name basswood is a corruption of the name bastwood, meaning the inner tough and fibrous part of the bark, which was used by pioneers for tying shocks of corn, and other cordage purposes. However, Dr. Schneck gives the name whittle-wood as one of its common names; and in some localities it is called bee tree, because bees find its flowers rich in honey. Linn is adapted to a rich moist soil, transplants fairly well, and grows rapidly. It has been used to some extent as an ornamental and shade tree, but its use as a street shade tree is no longer recommended because it is not adapted to city conditions, and is killed by the scale. It could, however, be recommended as an integral part of a windbreak, or woodlot where the land owner has an apiary. 2. Tilia heterophylla Ventenat. LINN. WHITE BASSWOOD. Plate 119. Usually large trees; bark similar to the preceding but lighter in color; twigs similar to the preceding species; leaves on petioles 2-8 cm. long, blades ovate to nearly orbicular, generally 7-15 cm. long, generally oblique at the base, oblique-truncate or cordate at the base, abruptly short or long acuminate at the apex, margins serrate with teeth at- tenuate and ending in a gland, at maturity smooth and a dark yellow- green above, the under surface generally densely covered with a silvery or gray tomentum, however, on some specimens the pubescence is thin and appears as a stellate pubescence, the tufts of hairs in the principal axils of the veins are reddish brown, in addition to the pubescence red- dish glands are often found on the veins beneath; flowers appear in June or July when the leaves are almost mature; bracts very variable. 4-15 cm. long, generally on short peduncles, rounded or wedge-shape at the base, generally rounded at the apex, sometimes merely obtuse, glabrous both above and below, or more or less densely pubescent beneath and generally sparingly pubescent above; pedicels of flowers variable in length, usually about 1 cm. long; styles of flowers pubescent at the base; fruit globose or somewhat ellipsoidal generally 6-8 mm. in di- ameter. Distribution. This species as understood by Sargent ranges from West Virginia to Indiana and south to Florida and west to Alabama. In Indiana it is confined to counties near the Ohio River. Specimens are in the writer's herbarium from Dearborn, Ripley, Switzerland, Jefferson, Clark, Harrison, Crawford, Perry, southeastern Dubois and east Spencer Counties. Practically in all of its range in Indiana it is found on TILIA HETEROPHYLLA Ventenat. WHITE BASSWOOD. (x 259 the tops of high bluffs along streams or on the slopes of deep ravines. It is an infrequent to a common tree where found. In general in the counties just mentioned it supplants the other species of Tilia. It was reported from Wayne County by Phinney, and Schneck says a single tree was found near the mouth of White River. The last named tree may be Tilia neglecta which is said to be found just west in Illinois. Remarks. Wood and uses similar to that of the preceding species. In Indiana the species are not commercially separated. A satisfactory division of the species of Tilia of the United States has long been a puzzle. C. S. Sargent 1 has recently published his studies of the species and credits Indiana with two species and one variety. His range of Tilia neglecta might include a part of Indiana, and it may be that the pubescent forms of Tilia glabra in our area should be referred to that species. Specimens No. 28043 and 28047 in the writer's her- barium collected from trees on the high bluff of Graham Creek in Jen- nings County, Sargent refers to Tilia heterophylla variety Michauxii Sargent. While Sargent's key to Tilia quite distinctly separates the species and varieties, yet when specimens are collected from an area where the species overlap and seem to intergrade, the task of referring a specimen to the proper species or variety is not an easy one. In fact the writer acknowledges his inability to satisfactorily classify our forms of Tilia, and the present arrangement should be accepted as provisional. CORNACEAE. THE DOGWOOD FAMILY. Trees or shrubs; leaves simple, alternate, opposite or whorled; fruit mostly a drupe, 1 or 2 seeded. Leaves alternate; flowers of two kinds, the staminate in heads, 5-parted; stigmas lateral 1 Nyssa. Leaves opposite; flowers perfect, 4-parted; stigmas terminal. . 2 Cornus. 1. NYSSA. THE TUPELOS. Nyssa sylvatica Marshall. GUM. BLACK GUM. SOUR GUM. YELLOW GUM. PEPPERIDGE. Plate 120. Medium to large sized trees; bark on old trees deeply and irregularly furrowed, the ridges broken up into small lengths; twigs at first pubescent, becoming gla- brous; leaves oval-obovate or oblong, blades 5-12 cm. long on petioles 0.5-2 cm. long, rather abruptly acuminate at apex, narrowed at the base, sometimes rounded, margins entire, petioles and both surfaces pubescent when they unfold, becoming glabrous above and glabrous or iSargent: Notes on North American Trees. Bot. Gaz. Vol. 66:421-438 and 494-511 1918. 260 PLATE 120. NYSSA SYLVATICA Marshall. BLACK GUM. (x 261 nearly so beneath at maturity; flowers appear in May or June, the stammate in clusters, numerous, small greenish-white, the pistillate 2-8 or solitary; fruit ripens in autumn, a fleshy drupe, 1-3 of a cluster ripening on a pedicel 2-6 cm. long, ovoid, usually 10-12 mm. long, blue- black, sour and astringent; stone generally cylindric and tapering at each end and with 10-12 indistinct ribs. Distribution. Maine, southern Ontario, southern Michigan, south- eastern Wisconsin 1 to Missouri and south to the Gulf. Found through- out Indiana and no doubt was a native of practically every county. It is an infrequent to a very rare tree in the northern half of the State, be- coming a common tree in certain parts of the southern counties. In the northern part of the State it is usually found on dry ground asso- ciated with the oaks, although it is also found with sugar maple and beech. Remarks. Wood heavy, soft, very difficult to split. Woodsmen always speak of two kinds of black gum. There is one form which splits easily which is designated as "yellow gum." This distinction has not been substantiated. The uses of gum are many. The quality of not splitting makes many uses for it. The greater amount of gum is used as rough stuff. In the manufactures it is used for mine rollers, heading, boxes, hatter's blocks, water pipes, firearms, wooden ware, musical instruments, etc. The distinctive habit of growth of the black gum together with the gorgeous coloring of the autumnal foliage recommend this species for ornamental planting. It has an upright habit of growth, although the trunk is more or less crooked. The crown when grown in the open is usually pyramidal, composed of horizontal crooked branches. 2. CORNUS. DOGWOOD. Cornus florida Linnaeus. DOGWOOD. FLOWERING DOGWOOD. Plate 121. Usually a small tree 2 1-2 dm. in diameter; bark deeply fissured, the ridges divided into short oblong, pieces; branchlets slender, in winter condition turning up at the tips; twigs green and smooth or nearly so from the first; leaves oval or slightly obovate, blades generally 5-12 cm. long on petioles about 1 cm. long, generally abruptly taper- pointed at apex, gradually narrowed and generally oblique at the base, margins thickened and entire, or very slightly crenulate, appressed pubescent both above and beneath, light green above and a grayish-green beneath; flowering heads surrounded by an involucre of 1 Wadmond: Flora of Racine and Kenosha Counties. Trans. Wis. Acad. Sci. Vol.16: 857:1909. The author says: "Two trees near Berry ville, the only known trees of this species in the State." 2 In 1918 I measured a specimen near Yankeetown in Warrick County that had a clear hole of 3 meters (10 feet), and a circumference of 11 dm. (40 inches) b.h. 262 PLATE 121. CORNUS FLORIDA Linnaeus. DOGWOOD, (x Y 2 .} 263 4-large white or pinkish bracts; the mature bracts are obovate, 2-4 cm. long, notched at the apex, appear before the leaves in April or May; flowers are in a head, numerous, small and greenish, opening usually about the middle of May as the leaves appear or even when the leaves are one-third grown; fruit ripens in September or October, an ovoid red drupe about 1 cm. long, usually about 3-5 flowers of a head mature fruit; stone elliptic and pointed at each end. Distribution. Southern Maine, southern Ontario, southern Mich- igan, to Missouri and south to Florida and west to Texas. Found in all parts of Indiana. Frequent to very common in all beech-sugar maple woods of the State. It is very rare or absent in the prairie area of the northwest part of the State, although it has been found in upland woods in all of the counties bordering Lake Michigan. It is also a fre- quent or more common tree in most parts of the State associated with white oak, or in the southern part of the State with black and white oak. It prefers a dry habitat, and is rarely found in wet situations. Remarks. Wood hard, heavy, strong, close-grained and takes a high polish. The Indians made a scarlet dye from the roots. It was used much by the pioneers for wedges, mallets and handles for tools. The trees are so small that they do not produce much wood. The present supply is used principally for shuttles, golfheads, brush blocks, engraver's blocks, etc. The mature fruit is much relished by squirrels and birds. The tree is quite conspicuous in the flowering season, and when the fruit is maturing. These features recommend it for ornamental plant- ing, and it is used to some extent. The tree has a flat crown, and is quite shade enduring. It is very difficult ^o transplant, and when the tree is transplanted, if possible, some earth taken from under a live dog- wood tree, should be used to fill in the hole where it is planted. ERICACEAE. THE HEATH FAMILY. Oxydendrum arboreum (Linnaeus) DeCandolle. SOUR WOOD. SORREL TREE. Plate 122. Small trees with a gray and deeply fissured bark, much resembling that of a young sweet gum tree; twigs and branchlets greenish and smooth; leaves alternate, on petioles about a cm. long, oblong-oval, generally 10-15 cm. long, narrowed at the base, acute or acuminate at the apex, margins entire toward the base or sometimes all over, usually about three-fourths is irregularly serrate with very short incurved teeth, glabrous above and beneath except a puberulence on the midrib and sometimes on the petiole to which an occasional prickle is added beneath; flowers appear in June when the leaves are full grown, in large panicles at the end of the year's growth, 264 PLATE 122. OXYDENDRUM ARBOREUM (Linnaeus) DeCandolle. SOUR WOOD. SORREL TREE, (x H-) 265 white, the whole inflorescence covered with a short gray pubescence; fruit a capsule about 0.5 cm. long on an erect and recurved pedicel of about the same length, maturing in autumn. Distribution. A tree of the elevated regions of the area from southeastern Pennsylvania to Florida and west to southern Indiana and south to Louisiana. In Indiana it is definitely known to occur only in Perry County at the base of a beech spur of the VanBuren Ridge about 7 miles southeast of Cannelton. Here it is a common tree over an area of an acre or two. The largest tree measured was about 1.5 dm. in diameter and 12 meters high. Here it is associated with beech, sugar maple, dogwood, sassafras, etc. When coppiced it grows long slender shoots which the boys of the pioneers used for arrows. A pioneer who lived near this colony of trees is the author of this use of the wood and he called the tree "arrow wood." EBENACEAE. THE EBONY FAMILY. Diospyros virginiana Linnaeus. PERSIMMON. Plate 123. Small or medium sized trees with deeply and irregularly fissured bark, the ridges broken up into short lengths; twigs pubescent; leaves alternate, oval, oblong-oval or ovate, generally 8-15 cm. long and 3-7 cm. wide, narrowed, rounded or cordate at the base, short pointed at the apex, margin entire but ciliate, slightly pubescent above when young, be- coming glabrous on age, more or less pubescent beneath, sometimes glabrous except the midrib and margin; flowers appear in May or June on the year's growth when the leaves are about half grown, greenish yellow, the staminate on one tree and the pistillate on another; fruit ripens in August, September or October, depressed-globose or oblong in shape, 2-3 cm. in diameter, generally with 1-4 very hard flat seed. Distribution. Connecticut to Iowa and south to the Gulf. In Indiana it is confined to the south half of the State. We have no record of wild trees being found north of Indianapolis, except Prof. Stanley Coulter reports three trees growing in Tippecanoe County in situations such as to indicate that they are native. It is doubtful if it was ever more than a frequen t tree in the original forest. In some of the hill counties of the south central part of the State, it has become a common tree in clearings and abandoned fields. It grows long surface roots from which numerous suckers grow which form the "persimmon thickets." It seems to thrive in the poorest and hardest of soils. However, it reaches its greatest size in the alluvial bottoms of the Lower Wabash Valley. Here large and tall trees have been observed on the low border of sloughs, associated with such water-loving plants as 266 PLATE 123. DIOSPYROS VIRGINIANA Linnaeus. PERSIMMON, (x Y 2 .) 267 water-locust, button-bush, swell-butt ash, etc. It thrives equally well on the high sandy ridges of Knox and Sullivan Counties. Remarks. The fruit is edible and the horticultural possibilities of this tree have never received the attention they deserve. The opin- ion is current that the fruit does not ripen and is not edible until it is subjected to a frost. This is an error. The best and largest fruit I have ever eaten ripened without a frost. A large native tree on the Forest Reserve in Clark County ripens its fruit in August, which is of an excellent quality and usually has only one, and rarely more than three seeds. The fruit of this tree is of the oblong type. The fruit varies much in size, time of ripening and quality. Some is scarcely edible. Some of the native trees bear fruit when they are not over eight feet tall, some are usually prolific bearers while others bear sparingly. For this reason if one wishes to grow persimmon trees it is best to buy grafted trees from some reliable nurseryman. The tree is hardy throughout Indiana and while it is a very slow growing tree, it can nevertheless be recommended for ornamental and roadside tree planting. It is to be noted that cattle will not browse persimmon, and that hogs greedily eat the ripe fruit. The fruit of many trees does not fall until early winter, and such trees are a granary for several kind of animals of the forest. The wood is hard, heavy, strong and close-grained. Practically the whole output of persimmon lumber is used in making shuttles. In Indiana the tree is too rare to furnish much lumber. OLElCAE. THE OLIVE FAMILY. Leaves compound; fruit dry, a samara 1 Fraxinus. Leaves simple; fruit fleshy, a drupe 2 Adelia. 1. FRAXINUS. THE ASHES. Trees with opposite, odd-pinnate leaves; flower? appear in April or May in clusters from the axils of last year's leaves, the staminate and pistillate on different or sometimes on the same tree; fruit a 1- seeded samara. Bark of mature trees furrowed; fruit not winged to the base. Body of fruit robust, round and rather abruptly passing into the wing; the body rarely winged J^ its length. Shoots and axis of leaves smooth IF. americana. Shoots and axis of leaves velvety pubescent, at least when young 2 F. biltmoreana. Body of fruit flattened and gradually passing into the wing; the body usually winged more than % its length. 268 Shoots glabrous, or practically so 3 F. lanceolata. Shoots velvety pubescent, at least when young. Calyx of fruit less than 3 mm. long; body of samara just below the wing less than 3 mm. wide, rarely 4 mm. wide, usually 1.5-2.5 mm. wide; samaras 3-4.5 cm. long, 4 F. pennsylvanica. Calyx of fruit more than 3 mm. long, generally 4-5 mm. long; body of samara just below the wing more than 3 mm. wic.e, usually 4-5 mm. wide; samaras gen- erally 4-6 cm. long 5 F. profunda. Bark of mature trees scaly or flaky; fruit winged to the base. Twigs usually 4 angled; leaflets on very short stalks 6 F. quadraDgulata. Twigs round ; leaflets sessile 7 F. nigra. 1. Fraxinus americana Linnaeus. WHITE ASH. GRAY ASH. Plate 124. Large trees with deeply furrowed bark; twigs smooth, greenish gray and often covered with a bloom; leaves generally 2-3.5 dm. long, rachis smooth; leaflets 5-9, usually 7, generally 5-14 cm. long, on stalks generally 0.3-1 cm. long, the termi nalone on a stalk 2-4 times as long, leaflets ovate to narrow-oblong, narrowed, rounded or oblique at base, short or long acuminate at apex, sometimes merely acute, margins entire or irregularly serrate, usually not serrated to the base, teeth short, dark green and smooth above, glaucous beneath, sometimes al- most green beneath about Lake Michigan and in the northern tier of counties, usually pubescent beneath along the midrib and along the veins, sometimes glabrous; calyx persistent on the fruit, about 1 mm. long; fruit ripens in September and October, linear, 3-4.5 cm. long, variable in size and shape, body of samara cylindrical, somewhat narrower than the wing and usually %-% tne length of the samara, each face of the body usually striated longitudinally with about 8 faint lines; wing terminal, generally about 0.5 cm. wide, pointed or notched at apex. Distribution. Nova Scotia to Minnesota and south to the Gulf. Frequent to common in all parts of Indiana. It is the most abundant in the northern two-thirds of the State, where it is associated principally with beech, sugar maple, linn, slippery elm and red oak. In the hilly part of the State it is found principally near water courses and in ravines, and rarely on the white and black oak ridges. It is rarely found in the low "flats" of the southeast part of the State, or in the shingle oak bottoms along the Patoka River. Remarks. Tha foliage of the white ash is quite variable in the texture of the leaflets. Leaflets on some trees are quite thin while those of other trees are thick and leathery, and no doubt would be classed by Sargent as variety subcoriacea 1 . iBot. Gaz. Vol. 67:241-242:1919. 260 PLATE 124. FRAXINUS AMERICANA Linnseus. WHITE ASH. (x Y 2 .) 270 A form of white ash with reddish-purple fruit is found from Steuben to Clark County. This form is the prevailing type of white ash in Wayne County in the vicinity of Centerville. It has been described by Fernald as forma iodocarpa. 1 The wood is heavy, hard, strong, elastic, sap wood w r hite and the heart wood light brown. It is one of the most valuable of Indiana woods, and is used by almost all wood using industries. Its principal uses in- clude handles, butter tubs, car and vehicle stock, automobiles and implements. The white ash has been under cultivation at the Clark County State Forest, for fifteen years, and the present indications are that it is one of the very best species to use for forest planting. It is hardy; grows in nearly all kinds of soil, although it prefers a moist, rich soil; trans- plants successfully; grows rapidly; bears pruning well; erect in habit of growth, and so far in our area forest plantings have not been des- stroyed by injurious insects. However, in some parts of the State, where trees have grown in the cities, some have been killed by scale insects. Aside from this the white ash would be an excellent tree for roadside planting, because it comes into leaf late, and never produces a dense shade. At present seed collectors are not able to separate the species of ash, and as a consequence white ash seedlings bought from a nursery are not always true to name. For this reason it is suggested that to obtain seedlings true to name that seed be collected and planted from a tree true to name. The seed should be planted in a sandy soil in rows, about 25 seeds to the foot, and covered about an inch deep with earth. The trees should be planted 4x4 ft. to 8x8 ft. apart. 2. Fraxinus biltmoreana Beadle. BILTMORE ASH. Plate 125. Large forest trees, resembling the white ash. Young trees acquire the fur- rowed bark character earlier than the white ash, furrows of the bark of ma- ture trees are usually deeper, and the ridges correspondingly farther apart ; twigs are robust like the white ash and always velvety pubescent except in age when they may become smooth; leaves generally 2-3.5 dm. long, rachis pubescent; leaflets 5-11, usually 7-9, generally 5-14 cm. long, on stalks generally 0.3-1 cm. long, the terminal one on a stalk 2-4 times as long, leaflets broadly ovate to narrow ovate, or oblong to narrow oblong, narrowed, rounded, or oblique at the base, short or long acuminate at apex, sometimes merely acute, margins generally entire, sometimes with a few short teeth toward the apex, dark green and smooth above, glaucous and more or less pubescent beneath; fruit similar to the preceding species. l Rhodora Vol. 14:192:1912. FRAXINUS BILTMOREANA Beadle. BILTMORE ASH, (x 272 Distribution. This species has only recently been separated from the white ash and its range has not been ascertained. It is known to occur in the Appalachian Mountains from Pennsylvania to Georgia. In Indiana it is known to occur as far north as Wells County. It is commonly associated with the white ash, but much less frequent except in a few districts where it is the prevailing type. Such a district is in Gibson County north of Owensville. Here as well as in other parts of Gibson County very large trees have been observed. In the original forest the pioneers called the very large specimens of ash with deeply furrowed bark "the old fashion" ash. It is believed that most of these specimens were of this species. In the hilly parts of Indiana this species is found in situations too dry for the white ash, and for this reason should be given preference in hillside planting. On the wooded bluff of White River in Fairview Park north of Indianapolis is a specimen that measures 31 dm. in circumference, b.h. The deepest furrows on the north side of the tree are 6 cm. deep. Remarks. This species is not yet commonly separated from the white ash and is known to the trade as white ash. Mr. Beadle who first recognized the species, named it Biltmore ash in honor of the Biltmore Estate on which the first tree was discovered. Authors ever since have so called it, and the common name which this form should bear is Biltmore ash. On the Clark County State Forest is a planting of sixteen year old white ash in which are mixed quite a number of Biltmore ash. This species at a distance, can be distinguished from the white ash by the rougher bark of the trunks and the darker green color of its foliage, and in the autumn by its more colored foliage. A closer view shows that the leaflets of the Biltmore ash stand in a plane above the rachis higher than those of the white ash, The wood is not commercially distinguished from the white ash, but its mechanical properties rank it somewhat below that species. 1 3. Fraxinus lanceolata Borckhausen. WHITE ASH. GREEN ASH. SWAMP ASH. Plate 126. Medium to large sized trees with fissured bark, the ridges and furrows narrower than those of the white ash; twigs slender and glabrous at maturity; leaves generally 2-3 dm. long, rachis smooth, rarely slightly pubescent; leaflets 5-9, usually 7, gen- erally 5-15 cm. long, on stalks generally about 0.5 cm. or less in length, the terminal one on a stalk 2-4 times as long, leaflets generally narrow- oblong or ovate to narrow ovate-oblong, generally with a narrowed base, sometimes rounded and oblique, short or long acuminate at apex, margin entire near the base, the remainder of the margin generally iSterrett: Utilization of Ash. U. S. Dept. Agri. Bui. 523:1917. 273 PLATE 126. FRAXINUS LANCEOLATA Bcrkhausen. GREEN ASH. (x Y 2 .} 274 sparsely serrate with short teeth, dark green and smooth above, a lighter green beneath and more or less pubescent on the petiolules, midrib and veins; calyx persistent, about 1 mm. long; fruit ripens in September and October, linear or spatulate, 3-5 cm. long, variable in size and shape, body %-% the length of samara, compressed or flattened and gradu- ally narrowed to the base, usually less than half as wide as the wing, each face of the body usually striated with about 2-4 lines which are stronger than those near the edge of the body; wing generally 5-6 mm. wide, pointed or notched at apex, and decurrent on the sides of the body for about one-half of its length. Distribution. Lake Champlain to the Saskatchewan and south to the Gulf. Found in all parts of Indiana. It is usually found in low ground along streams, in swamps, and in low woods. It is usually associated with white elm, red maple, cottonwood, aspens, linn, bur oak, etc., in the south to this list should be added silver maple and cypress. It prefers a habitat wetter than that of the white ash, although the two are found together in wet woods. In swampy woods it is often a common tree. While it has a general distribution in the State, it is much more local than the white ash. Remarks. This form is not usually separated from the next species, and both are known in books and by nurserymen as green or red ash. The common name, green ash, should be applied to this species to separate it from the true white ash, and the next. In ash forest plantings on the Clark County State Forest, it is to be noted that this and the next species bear fruit while the trees are as small as 1.5 cm. in diameter, while the white and Biltmore ash which are much older and 6-8 cm. in diameter have never borne fruit. This species and the next bear fruit oftener and in greater abundance than the white or Biltmore ash. It is also to be noted that practically all of the volunteer ash trees found along fences and roadsides, except very large trees, are of the green ash species. The wood is similar to that of white ash, and the cut is usually sold as that species. However, it ranks below white ash in its mechanical qualities. 1 While the native green ash is found growing in swamps, it adapts itself to drier situations. It is planted more than any other species of ash in the cold and dry regions of the West and Northwest. 4. Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marshall. RED ASH. WHITE ASH. SWAMP ASH. Plate 127. Usually medium sized trees much like the preceding; twigs velvety pubescent at maturity; leaves generally 2-3 dm. long, rachis pubescent; leaflets 5-9, usually 7. generally iSterrett: Utilization of Ash. U. S. Dept. Agri. Bui. 523:1917. FRAXINUS PENNSYLVANICA Marshall. RED ASH. (x 276 5-15 cm. long, on stalks generally -about 0.5 cm. long, the terminal one on a stalk 2-4 times as long, leaflets general!}' ovate, ovate-oblong, or oblong to narrow-oblong, generally with a narrowed base, sometimes rounded and oblique, short or long acuminate at the apex, margins sometimes entire, generally entire near the base, the remainder more or less serrated with shallow teeth, dark green and smooth above, a lighter green beneath and more or less densely pubescent all over the lower surface, especially on the midrib and veins; calyx persistent, about 1 mm. long; fruit can not be distinguished from the preceding. Distribution. Quebec tc Manitoba, and south to Florida. Found sparingly in all parts of Indiana. It is usually found in low ground, but frequently on bluffs, and flood plain banks. Remarks. This species is not commonly separated from the white ash group, but in books it is known as the red ash. This is the common name that should be applied to this form. This species is not usually separated from the preceding, but it is easily distinguished from it by its pubescent twigs. It can be distin- guished from the next by its smaller twigs, smaller calyx and smaller fruit. The wood is similar to that of the white ash, and the cut is usually sold as that species. In mechanical qualities it is on a par with the green ash. 5. Fraxinus profunda Bush. SWELLTBUTT ASH. Plate 128. Medium or large trees with fissured bark similar to the white ash; twigs robust and velvety pubescent at least while young; leaves generally 2-4 dm. long, rachis densely pubescent, rarely almost smooth; leaflets 5-9, generally 7, on stalks 0.5-1 cm. long, the terminal one on a stalk 2-4 times as long, leaflets ovate, narrow-ovate to narrow-oblong, narrowed or rounded and oblique at the base, short or long taper- pointed at the apex, margins entire, rarely with a few short teeth, dark green and smooth above, a lighter green and densely pubescent beneath, rarely somewhat smooth; calyx persistent, generally 4-5 mm. long, rarely as short as 3 mm.; fruit ripening in September and October, linear, generally 4-6 cm. long, variable in size and shape, body about J^ the length of the samara, compressed or flattened and gradually narrowed to the base, the striations on the face of the body not prominent and usually not distinct the full length of the body, samara often unilateral or somewhat falcate; wings notched or merely rounded at the apex, decurrent on the body %-% its length, sometimes almost terminal. Distribution. Virginia, Indiana and Missouri, and south to Florida. In Indiana the distribution has not been determined. It is 277 PLATE FRAXINUS PROFUNDA Bush. SWELL-BUTT or PUMPKIN ASH. 278 a common to an infrequent tree of the river sloughs and cypress swamps of the southwestern counties. Authentic specimens are at hand from Knox, Gibson, Posey, Perry, Bartholomew, Jackson, Marion and Daviess Counties, and specimens from Hamilton, Tipton and Starke Counties, I doubtfully refer to this species. The preferred habitat of this species is inundated swamps, and when it grows in such situations it generally develops a base swollen to a point somewhat above the water level. In Bartholomew County it was found associated with the cow oak, and the trunk resembled the white ash. Remarks. This species is known by authors and commercially as pumpkin ash. The wood is similar to white ash but is inferior to that species. On account of its habitat this species was little cut until the past few years when ash became scarce. During the past few years most of the deep river and cypress swamps have been invaded and all of the ash cut. 6. Fraxinus quadrangulata Michaux. BLUE ASH. Plate 129. Medium to large sized trees with light gray bark, not regularly fissured, scaly at least above; twigs and branchlets more or less distinctly 4- angled, the angles of vigorous shoots develop corky wings about 2 mm. high; leaves generally 2-3 dm. long; leaflets- 7- 11, generally 7-15 cm. long, on short stalks, usually 1-5 mm. long, sometimes sessile, the terminal one on a stalk generally about 1-2 cm. long, leaflets ovate to lanceolate, narrowed or rounded at the base, generally long acuminate at the apex, margins rather regularly and coarsely serrated with short incurved teeth, yellow-green and smooth above, about the same color beneath and generally smooth except along the veins, midrib and pe- tiolules which are permanently pubescent; calyx very small, usually about 0.5 mm. long, and persisting more or less in fruit; fruit ripens last of June to August, samaras twisted, generally 3-4 cm. long and 8-10 mm. wide, rounded at the base, notched or rounded and apiculate at the apex, the apical end of all specimens at hand twisted to the right, the wing surrounds the body. Distribution. Southern Ontario to Iowa, and south to northern Alabama and Arkansas. Found sparingly in most parts of Indiana, except the northwest part. There are no records northwest of White and Noble Counties. In the northern two-thirds of the State it is 'a rare to very rare tree, generally found only along the bluffs of streams. In many areas it is so rare that even the pioneers do not know the tree. It was the most frequent in the southeastern part of the State. Here also it is found principally along the higher banks of streams. While the species is confined principally to high ground it also grew in lower ground. The largest tree seen is on level ground at a fork of the 279 PLATE 1 FRAXINUS QUADRANGULATA Michaux. BLUE ASH. (x 280 road between Charlestown and Jeffersonville about 3 miles northeast of Jeffersonville. In 1918 this tree measured 28.2 dm. (1043/ inches) in circumference breast high. This species has not been observed in the "knob" area of the State or anywhere in the flats of the Lower Wabash Valley. Schneck reports it as rare on the hills of this area. The tree is too rare to definitely determine its associates, although sugar maple is usually found with it. Remarks. This species is becoming too scarce to be of much economic importance. The cut is usually sold as white ash. The uses of the wood are practically the same as the white ash. The fruit and foliage of this species most closely resembles that of the black ash, from which it can be distinguished by its greenish- yellow foliage and the habitat in which it grows. 7. Fraxinus nigra Marshall. BLACK ASH. Plate 130. Medium sized, tall and straight trees with a light gray bark, broken up into small thin plates on old trunks; twigs round, robust and smooth at maturity; leaves 2.5-4 dm. long, leaflets generally 7-11 and 7-13 cm. long, sessile, the terminal one generally on a stalk 0.5-1 cm. long, oblong or oblong- lanceolate, narrowed or rounded at the base, and short or long acuminate at the apex, margins coarsely and rather irregularly serrate with short teeth which are usually somewhat incurved, dark green and glabrous above, not much lighter beneath and glabrous or pubescent along the midrib and larger veins; calyx and corolla none; fruit ripens the last of June to August, similar to the fruit of the blue ash, samaras generally 3-4 cm. long, and 7-10 mm. wide, body winged all around, the base of the samara rounded, the apex notched or rounded, the apical end of the samara twisted more or less to the right in all specimens at hand. Distribution. Nova Scotia to Manitoba, south to Virginia and northern Arkansas. Local in all parts of Indiana except in the "knob" area of the State. It is generally found in places that are inundated much of the winter season. Its habitat is in cold swampy woods or similar places about lakes. It has no special affinity for streams. It is local in its distribution. Where it is found it is generally a frequent to common tree. In the lake area of Indiana its habitat conditions are frequent, consequently colonies of it are frequent. South of the lake area of the State it becomes rare to extremely local. In the southwest part of the State it has been sparingly found in a few cypress swamps. It is usually associated with white elm, cottonwood, aspens, red maple, bur oak, and is one of the first species to invade extinct tamarack swamps. 281 PLATE 130. FRAXINUS NIGRA Marshall. BLACK ASH. (x 282 Remarks. The wood is tougher but in most qualities is inferior to white ash and cannot be used for handles. The layers of growth separate easily which enables the wood to be separated into thin strips. This fact was known to the Indians who used this wood for making baskets. This use was continued by the white man and in addition it was a favorite wood for making hoops, and in many sections it is known as the "hoop ash." The wood has many uses such as for baskets, splint boxes, butter tubs, vehicle stock, interior finish, fur- niture, etc. The black burls of the trunk are much sought for by veneer manufacturers. 2. ADfiLIA. Adelia acuminata Michaux. POND BRUSH. CROOKED BRUSH. Plate 131. Small trees, or shrub like, with gray smooth bark, becoming rough or fissured on large trees, the ridges short and broken; branch- lets numerous and somewhat spiny; twigs glabrous; leaves opposite on petioles about 1 cm. long, ovate to elliptic-ovate, 4-11 cm. long, with a long narrow base, long acuminate at the apex, margins entire near the base, the remainder more or less coarsely serrated with short rounded teeth, rarely entire, smooth above and beneath; flowers appear last of March to the first of May, the staminate in small sessile clusters along the branchlets, the pistillate in short panicles; fruit a dark purple drupe, oblong, about 15 mm. long; stone with many lon- gitudinal ribs. Distribution. Southwestern Indiana and southern Illinois south to northern Florida and Texas. In Indiana it has been found only in. Knox, Gibson, Posey and Perry Counties. It grows on the low borders of river sloughs, swamps and river banks. It is very tolerant of shade and may be found growing under larger trees. It usually forms dense thickets on the bank that surrounds standing water and is usually associated with button-bush. A straight specimen is rarely seen be- cause the area where it grows overflows each winter, and the small trees are usually covered more or less with debris, and then the following season the side branches assume a vertical growth. The top may be re- leased by the next inundation, and then other branches may assume leadership, and so on until the top is a mass of branches growing in several directions. The specimens found in Perry County grew on the low bank of the Ohio River about 6 miles east of Cannelton. The species is quite local in the area where it is found. It may border one river slough, and be entirely absent from another nearby. Remarks. Of no economic use. In books it is called "swamp privet" but in the area where it grows it is not known by that name. 283 PLATE 131. ADELIA ACUMINATA Michaux. POND BRUSH. CROOKED BRUSH, (x 284 BIGNONIACEAE. THE TEUMPET CREEPER FAMILY. CATALPA. THE CATALPAS. Leaves simple, opposite or whorled, with long petioles; flowers in terminal panicles or corymbs; fruit a long round pod which splits into halves; seed many, flat, papery with a tuft of long hairs at each end. A small genus of widely distributed trees. The species freely hy- bridize, and have been cultivated and planted so extensively that it is difficult to find typical specimens. Bark of old trees thin and scaly; odor of bruised leaves fetid; lower lobe of corolla entire 1 Catalpa bignonioides. Bark of old trees fissured and ridgy; odor of bruised leaves not fetid; lower lobe of corolla notched at the apex 2 Catalpa speciosa. 1. Catalpa bignonioides Walter. Catalpa. (Catalpa Catalpa (Linnaeus) Karsten). Plate 132. Medium to large sized trees, usually with a trunk 1-3 meters in length, and a wide crown; bark a grayish- brown, scaly and flaking off in small thin plates; leaves ovate, blades usually 1.5-2 dm. long, cordate at the base, taper-pointed at apex, margins entire, or with 1 or 2 lateral lobes, yellow-green and smooth above, and pubescent beneath; flowering period the last of May to the first of July, about two weeks later than the next species; inflorescence in a rather compact large panicle; flowers white, usually 2-3 cm. across at expanded end; marked on the lower inner surface by two rows of yellow blotches, the lower lobes marked with purplish spots, the lower lobe entire or nearly so; fruit a long pod, generally 4-10 develop in each panicle, usually 1.5-4 dm. long, about 1 cm. thick, somewhat flattened, the valves meeting at an angle which forms a ridge which is sensible to the fingers, the valves of the pod are thin, and become flat after they open; seed 2.5-4.5 cm. long, including the tufts of hairs at each end, and about 4-5 mm. wide, the tuft of hairs usually converging to a point. Distribution. Supposed to be native to parts of Florida, Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi. It has been introduced throughout the eastern part of the United States. In Indiana it has been used in all parts as an ornamental and shade tree. It has few qualities to recom- mend it, and since the difference between this and the next species has been known the next species is usually substituted for it. 2. Catalpa speciosa Warder. CATALPA. HARDY CATALPA. CATAL- FA. Plate 133. Medium to large sized trees with long and rather straight trunks when grown in the forest; bark dark grayish-brown, fissured and much resembling the bark of a linden or black walnut in appearance; leaves ovate, generally 1.5-3 dm. long, cordate or some- 285 PLATE 132 CATALPA BIGNONIOIDES Walter. CATALPA. (x i/ 2 .) 286 PLATE 133 CATALPA SPECIOSA Warder. CATALPA. HARDY CATALPA. (x y 2 .) 287 what rounded at the base, long taper-pointed at apex, margins entire, dark green and smooth above, pubescent beneath; flowering period May or June; flowers in large terminal panicles, white with yellow and purplish spots within, expanded part about 4 cm. across; fruit a long cylindrical pod which matures late in autumn or early winter, 2-5 dm. long, and about 1.5 cm. in diameter, usually 1 or 2 and rarely 3 pods develop in a panicle, the valves of the pod remaining semi-terete after separating; seed many, thin and papery, 2.5-5 cm. long, and 4-8 mm. wide, body of samara about equals in length the tuft of hairs at each end, the hairs remain separated and are little inclined to form a tuft at the end. Distribution. Known to have been a native of the southwestern part of Indiana, and to have followed the valley of the Ohio and Missis- sippi Rivers to the southeastern part of Missouri and the northeastern part of Arkansas. The tree has practically disappeared from the forests of Indiana, and the exact range in Indiana can never be known. Being such a conspicuous tree, it was thought that the memory of living pioneers might be relied upon to fix the limits of its range in Indiana. One pioneer living near Austin in Scott County said it was a native of the Muscatatuck bottoms, and another said it was a native in the flats of the southwestern part of Clark County. In its native habitat it was found only in very low ground, usually with such associates as pin oak, sweet gum, southern hackberry, big shell-bark hickory, pecan, etc. In its native habitat it was an infrequent to a frequent tree, never a common tree. A pioneer was interviewed who settled in the Knox County bot- toms about three miles west of Decker, when the whole area was a virgin forest. He said the catalpa was an occasional tree in the bottoms throughout the area; that he did not recall that it was ever found in as low situations as the cypress; that the tree was as tall as its associates, straight, and usually about 6 dm. in diameter, and that he never saw a tree a meter in diameter; that on account of the durable quality of the wood that it was cut for fence posts and rails. A pioneer who lived near the mouth of Deer Creek in Perry County said it was a native in his vicinity. The information at hand would fix the mass distribution of the species to the southwest of a line drawn from Terre Haute to a point about 6 miles east of Grandview in Spencer County. Remarks/ Attention was directed to this tree about 1880 by Dr. Jno. A. Warder and Dr. Geo. Engelmann, and it has had enthusiastic admirers ever since. In Indiana its most enthusiastic advocate was John P. Brown of Connersville. Its popularity was based upon the durability of its wood and its rapid growth. Nurserymen grew seedlings and through their agents plantations of all sizes were sold in many 288 States. The trees were planted to grow posts, telephone poles and crossties. In Indiana there is one plantation 42 years old, but the majority are only 10 to 15 years old. The tree has been planted long; enough in our area to definitely conclude that it should not be planted in any part of Indiana for economic purposes. The range of the catalpa sphinx which defoliates the tree is rapidly increasing, and now ranges as far north as Wells County. In the southern part of the State the trees are usually defoliated twice each year by the larvae of this insect, and as a consequence the trees make very little growth, and some owners of plantations have abandoned them on this account. A new insect is appearing which kills the young shoots, which will interfere with the upright habit of the tree. The catalpa is not recommended for forest planting in Indiana, and its use for this purpose has practically ceased. The catalpa prefers a moist, deep, rich soil, but will grow in almost all kinds of situations. In the northern part of the State, the young trees are frequently winter killed. The tree is quite tenacious of life and when cut off at the ground, usually sends up several coppice shoots. This species can be recommended for planting for shade for hog lots, and as a specimen tree in parks, etc. It is not a desirable street tree. CAPRIFOLlACEAE. THE HONEYSUCKLE FAMILY. VIBURNUM. THE VIBURNUMS. Viburnum prunifolium Linnaeus. BLACK HAW. Plate 134. Small trees or shrubs; bark of old trees reddish-brown, furrowed and the ridges broken into short lengths; leaves simple, opposite, on petioles 0.5-1.5 cm. long; the lower pairs of leaves are generally smaller and have their petioles more or less winged, red and more or less densely covered with a rusty tomentum which may extend along the midrib and veins beneath or may sometimes cover a considerable part of the lower surface of the leaf while young, sometimes the margined petioles are only rough on the margins; leaf blades very variable in size and shape, usually 4-10 cm. long, ovate to slightly obovate, or narrow-oval to nearly orbicular, narrowed or rounded at the base, pointed at the apex, or sometimes rounded, margins finely serrate, glabrous both above and beneath at maturity; flowers appear the last of April or in May in cymes which are sessile or nearly so, flowers white, numerous, and generally about 0.5 cm. in diameter, fruit ripens in September and October, oval, oblong or nearly globose, generally 10-14 mm. long, dark blue, covered with a bloom, edible, and if not eaten by birds they persist on the branches until late autumn; stone oval and very flat. 289 PLAT E 134. VIBURNUM PRUNIFOLIUM Linnaeus. BLACK HAW. 290 Distribution. Connecticut to Iowa and south to Georgia and west to Texas. It is more or less frequent in moist woods throughout Indiana, except in the hilly counties where it becomes more or less rare. In the hilly counties its place is taken, by the southern black haw, Viburnum rufidulum which only rarely attains tree size. Remarks. This species could be used to advantage in ornamental planting where small trees or shrubs are required for a screen or back ground. The fruit of the black and red haws attract several species of birds. This species is quite variable in the shape, and texture of its leaves, and in the size and shape of its fruit. In the southern part of the State specimens are found that have very thick leaves with margined and tomentose petioles which very much resemble the southern species. SPECIES EXCLUDED. The following species have been reported for Indiana but have been excluded for want of satisfactory evidence to warrant their inclusion: The reasons for exclusion are discussed under the name of the species. It is needless to say that critical examination has been given doubtful species, and doubtful records, and every effort possible has been made to validate them. Pinus echinata Miller. SHORT-LEAF PINE. This species does not occur in our area and all reference to it should be transferred to Pinus virginiana. References to this species are instances of wrong deter- mination. Pinus resinosa Aiton. NORWAY PINE. This species was reported as an escape in Wabash County by Coulter 1 for Jenkins. Pinus rigida Miller. PITCH PINE. Baird and Taylor 2 reported this species for Clark County. The range of this species is to the east of our area. They also reported Pinus Strobus, which has not been seen since they reported it, and they failed to report Pinus virginiana which is a common tree on the "knobs" of Clark County. A study of their flora of Clark County shows that they did little or no collecting in the "knobs." They also freely reported field crop, garden and flower escapes, and it is believed that their reference to Pinus rigida and Pinus Strobus should be regarded as to cultivated trees. Abies balsamea (Linnaeus.) Miller. BALSAM FIR. Heimlich 3 repoits this as occurring in Porter County about Dune Park. He !Proc. lad. Acad. Sci. 1900:141:1901. 2Manual Public Schools Clark County, Ind. 1878-9, page 62. aProc. Ind. Acad. Sci. 1917:403:1918. cites for his authority Bot. Gaz. Vol. 27: Apr. 1899. The article referred to is Cowles' article on the flora of the sand dunes of Lake Michigan, in which he discusses the flora from Glen Haven in northern Michigan to Dune Park, Indiana in Porter County, which has confused Heimlich in separating the trees reported at several stations. It has never been found in Indiana. Chamaecyparis thyoides (Linnseus) Britton, Sterns and Poggen- berg. WHITE CEDAR. The range of this species is east of the Alleghany mountains and no doubt was never native in our area. The first reference to it is by Dr. Drake in his Picture of Cincinnati, published in 1815, page 83, in which he says: "The White Cedar and Cypress are found on the banks of the Wabash." Schneck 1 in his Flora of the Lower Wabash Valley says: "Wet places near the mouth of the Wabash River." I am certain it is not on the Indiana side of the river. Gorby 2 reports it for Miami County. All of his botanical records are too un- reliable to receive serious consideration. Coulter 3 reports it as found in Allen County on the authority of Dr. C. R. Dryer. I saw Dr. Dryer recently and he says he has no recollections about it. Juniperus commiinis Linnaeus. JUNIPER. This species has been reported from all parts of the State. The distribution of the species is to the north of Indiana, and examining herbarium specimens it is found that subulate forms of Juniperus virginiana are frequently named Juniperus communis. In the older floras it was a custom to include cultivated forms, and not distinguish them as such. Since juniper has been for years a common ornamental shrub, especially in cemeteries, it is highly probable that many records have such a basis. It is proposed to drop this species from our flora. I refer Higley and Raddin's 4 record to the decumbent variety. VanGorder's and Bradner's records may also be the decumbent form. Heimlich's record I regard as an error, see remarks under Abies balsamea. Populus balsamifera Linnaeus. BALSAM POPLAR. This species was reported by Bradner for Steuben Counry. In a letter from the late Prof. Bradner, he said he had no specimen and had no recollection of the tree. J. M. Coulter reported it for Jefferson County, but Young who also wrote a flora of Jefferson County does not mention it. Baird and Taylor also reported it for Clark County. The last two records may have been from cultivated trees or mistaken for Populus grandidentata which was not reported and is in the area, and is a frequent tree in the "knobs" in Clark County. Heimlich reports it in Proc. Ind. Acad. iRept. Geol. Surv. Ind. 7:562:1876. 2 Rept. Geol. Surv. Ind. 16:168:1889. aRept. Geol. Surv. Ind. 24:617:1900. 4Sci. Bui. Chic. Acad. Vol. 2:148:1891. 292 Sci. 1917:404:1918 for Cowles. I regard this as an error. See discus- sion under Abies canadensis on page 290. Since the range of the species is to the north of Indiana, it is here proposed to drop it from our flora. It should be looked for on the "divide" in Steuben County and about Lake Michigan. Populus candicans Aiton. BALM OF GILEAD. This species has been included in a few local floras, but it is believed that it has not yet escaped from cultivation. Phinney 1 gives it as "an important timber tree of Delaware County," which is an error. Populus nigra var. italica Du Roi. LOMBARDY POPLAR. Reference is made to this tree by Blatchley 2 , Meyncke 3 and Nieuwland 4 but it is scarcely more than an accidental escape. Carya aquatica Nuttall. WATER HICKORY. This species is listed as one of the principal trees occuring along the Wabash in the Coblenz edition of Prince Maximilan's travels in North America. It is recorded as "Water Bitternut (Juglans aquatica}." If it occurs in our area it most likely would be found in the extreme southwestern counties. It has been reported from Gallatin County, Illinois, bordering Posey County on the west. There are two other records of its occurrence in the State, which are doubtful. Ryland T. Brown 5 reported it in a list of the principal trees of Fountain County in a report of the geology of Fountain County. Carya laciniosa, which is sometimes called swamp hickory and which is more or less frequent in the county, he failed to report. It is believed this reference to Carya aquatica should be referred to laciniosa. B. C. Hobbs also reported it as common in Parke County in a short list of the principal trees. He named only four of the five or more species of hickory that occur in the county, and it is believed since he was no botanist, that he confused the names. Elliott in his Trees of Indiana gives "Carya aquatica" as common, but no doubt this reference should be transferred to some other species. Carya myristicaeformis Nuttall. NUTMEG HICKORY. This tree also was reported by Prince Maximilian as occurring along the Wabash River. The known range of the species is from North Carolina to Arkansas, and for this reason the species is not included in this list. Betula lenta Linnseus. BLACK BIRCH. This species has been re- ported for Indiana as occurring in Fulton, Gibson, Miami, Noble, Posey, St. Joseph and Steuben Counties. Sargent 6 says: "This species x lnd. Geol. Rept. 11:148:1881. 2 Blatchley's, Mss. Flora of Monroe County, Ind. June 1887. 3 Bul. Brockville Nat. Hist. Soc. No. 1:38:1885. JAmer. Midland Nat. Vol. 3:222:1914. 5 It is said that this list and that of Hobb's list of trees of Parke county were prepared by obtaining from farmers a list of the common names of the trees to which they attached botanical names. 6 Sargent in a letter to the author. 293 has until recently been badly misunderstood. The range of the species is southern Maine to northwestern Vermont, eastern Kentucky, and south to Delaware and along the Appalachian Mountains to northern Georgia and Alabama." No doubt all of the Indiana records should be transferred to Betula lutea, except the Gibson and Posey County record which may be Betula nigra. Castanea pumila (Linnseus) Miller. CHINQUAPIN. This species was given a place in our flora in Coulter's catalogue upon the authority of Sargent, Ridgway and Schneck. Ridgway, in giving an additional list of the trees of the Lower Wabash Valley 1 says: "There is some doubt as to No. 16 Castanea pumila, which is given on Prof. Sargent's authority; but there is a possibility of an error having been made from the circumstances that the name 'chinquapin' is in that region almost universally applied to the fruit of Quercus Muhlenbergii." The Posey County record was based on a specimen in Dr. Schneck's herbarium, which proves to have been taken from a cultivated tree near Poseyville. Quercus ilicifolia Wangenheim. BEAR OAK. This species is credited to our flora by Will Scott in his ecological study of "The Leesburg Swamp" in Kosciusko County, published in the Indiana Academy of Science, 1905, page 225. In a reply to an inquiry addressed to him he says no herbarium material was preserved. This ecological work was done during the summer months while working at the biological station at Winona Lake. In a footnote in this paper we are informed that for the identification of the trees listed, Apgar's Trees of the Northern United States was used. In this key to the trees, Quercus velutina (Black Oak) is given only as a variety of Quercus coccinea (Scarlet Oak), and the distinction between Quercus velutina with its many formed leaves, andQuercus ilicifolia is not made apparent: In view of the fact that the natural habitat of Quercus ilicifolia is sandy barrens and rocky hillsides and its western range is eastern Ohio, it is believed what Mr. Scott had in hand was a variable form of Quercus velutina, which is frequent in that vicinity. The evidence is not encouraging enough to include it. Quercus nigra Linnseus. WATER OAK. This species has been reported by several authors for Indiana. It is believed that a majority of the records should be transferred to velutina and imbricaria or marylandica. Gorby and Schneck call Quercus nigra black jack oak, which is generally the common name for Quercus marilandica. Ridgway in his writings of the flora of the lower Wabash Valley, likewise speaks of Quercus nigra as jack oak and says it is found in poor soil. Coulter in his catalogue of Indiana plants regarded these references to nigra 'Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 17:415. 294 as errors and did not include it in his list. The report for Crawford County by Deam should be transferred to marilandica. Since the range of the species is not north of Kentucky, the reference to the species in the State should be dropped. The published records are as follows: Carroll (Thompson) ; Crawford (Deam); Delaware, Jay, Randolph and Wayne (Phinney); Jay (Mc- Caslin); Fountain (Brown); Miami (Gorby); Parke (Hobbs). Quercus Phellos Linnaeus. WILLOW OAK. This species has been reported from various counties of the State. The tree is said to grow in swamps and on sandy uplands, ranging from Staten Island, New York, south to Florida and west to Texas, and north to southern Kentucky. If it occurs within our area it no doubt would have been found by Dr. Schneck, who was an enthusiastic student of the oaks. He reported it as occurring in the lower Wabash in his early writings, but his herbarium contained no specimens. The writer while in search for this species in Posey County met three men in widely separated parts of the county who were acquainted with the species in the South and they said they had never seen it in Indiana. One of the men was an old man who had spent his boyhood in Arkansas and he was well ac- quainted with the willow oak before he came to Indiana. It is believed what has been reported for Q. Phellos has been narrow-leaved forms of Q. imbricaria (shingle oak), and that the records should be transferred to that species. The published records are as follows: Gibson, Knox and Posey (Schneck) ; Knox (Thomas) ; Miami (Gorby). Quercus prinoides Willdenow. SCRUB OR DWARF CHESNUT OAK. Reported for Marshall County by Nieuwland 1 on the authority of a specimen deposited in the National Museum collected by Clark. I had this reference checked by E. S. Steele and in a letter to me dated January 4, 1917, he says : "I find no specimen labeled Quercus prinoides, but there is one named Q. Prinus. There is no ground for calling it Q. prinoides." Since the specimen in question is a very immature one, I propose not to take it into consideration since the range of the species would be extended on a dubious specimen. Planera aquatica (Walter) J. F. Gmelin. PLANER-TREE. WATER ELM. This tree was included in Coulter's catalogue upon the authority of Sargent, who includes Indiana in the range of the species in his "Forest Trees of North America," Vol. 9, U.S. Census Report, 1880, page 124. Dr. Schneck spent a lifetime along the lower Wabash bot- toms and very carefully preserved specimens of all the flora of the region where this species is reported to occur. In his report of the flora of this 'American Midland Naturalist 3:320:1914. 295 region in 1875 he does not include this tree. An examination of his herbarium material showed no specimens of this tree either from Indiana or Illinois. It is fair to presume if he had been acquainted with the tree he would have had it represented in his herbarium. Since the white elm is frequently called water elm, as well as the planer-tree, it is easy to understand how confusion might arise in separating these trees by non-professional people. Morus nigra Linnaeus. BLACK MULBERRY. This species is reported by Phinney 1 as one of the "more important and common forest trees observed in Delaware County." He also enumerates Morus rubra. A splendid example of careless work. This species is reported by Brown 2 for Fountain County, and by McCaslin 3 for Jay County. These authors reported this species as a native forest tree. Since this species is not a native of the United States the citations no doubt should be re- ferred to our native mulberry, Morus rubra (red mulberry). Ilex opaca Alton. HOLLY. This species was included in Coulter's Catalogue of the Plants of Indiana on the authority of Robert Ridge- way. I find no reference to this species in the writings of Ridgway. In Shawnee Park on the west side of Louisville, Kentucky is a large tree of this species. I was told that it was a native. A timber buyer of Tell City told me that there was a native tree on his grandfather's farm in the southern part of Perry County. Since this species has been re- ported for Grayson County, Kentucky, which is less than forty miles to the south, it is quite probable that a Jew trees were found as far north as Indiana. Acer pennsylvanicum Linnaeus. MOOSBWOOD. The only record of this species occuring in Indiana is in a report of the Trees occuring along the Wabash River by Prince Maximilian. Since the report does not definitely state where the species was observed or how frequently it occured and since the greater part of Maximilian's time was spent on the Illinois side of the Wabash, it is more than likely that he observed it on the Illinois side of the Wabash. While Indiana is within the possible range of the species, it has not been discovered since. If not extinct in our area it is most likely to be found among the hills of the southern counties or in the vicinity of Lake Michigan. Robert Ridg- way says that he and Dr. Schneck saw it growing in a wooded cove near a cavern called Flory's Cave in Johnson County, Illinois. Nyssa aquatica Linnaeus. TUPELO GUM. Several early authors erroneusly reported Nyssa sylvatica as this species. This species in- habits deep swamps. Dr. Schneck and Robert Ridgway, recognized Ind. Geol. Rept. 11:148:1881. *Ind. Geol. Rept. 11:123:1882. Ind. Geol. Rept. 12:174:1883. 296 authorities and best acquainted with the swamp area of the south- western counties, at first thought it was a member of our flora, but later decided that it should be excluded. Michael Catt, 83 years old, who lived nearly 75 years about three miles west of Decker on the border of the cypress swamp in the south part of Knox County, told me that he is positive that the tupelo gum was an occasional tree in the cypress swamp west of Decker. Fraxinus caroliniana Miller. WATER ASH. This species was included in Coulter's Catalogue of Indiana Plants upon the authority of Dr. Schneck. It is asserted that specimens were sent to Missouri Botanical Gardens for verification. The writer has carefully examined all the specimens of Fraxinus in the Missouri Botanical Gardens, and all of Schneck's specimens in the herbarium are now correctly named Fraxinus profunda. Since this species is not in our range it should be dropped from our flora. 297 NDIANA g p u u o H << H en U u u ON 03 a S o c b O en u u e H en u O tf < - u ffi H - O en H Z u S - ^ P en << u S fe O - - - < H iOiOCOOOO'-HO-*iOOiM t>iO-*OOt^OC5iOO'-H'-HCOI>Ti TJ< lO O CO (N Ol 00 OS t> Tt< CO CO <* 10 I-H ^H CO iO r-< O iO C5 O CO 00 CO CO T-H O CO lO CO CO * -OO !> -t>O5 .2 Offl -COOI>COOOOO(NOO "H CO CO -(M(N(N(M(M (N 1-1 00 "-< O3 -OOCO -OCOi-fiO Circum r-( '-lCOCOC^-- &o G'a csoo=2 SS ft^ ' > .. PL, EH {Z PH PH 0< CM OQ O fe O O 1 O ) a > O'O 3 O ) O'O ) O O Autho 298 - fc HH 55 o H I iO O -tf O O 00 iO * CO CO iM CO CO O5 T}H O5 O l> CO CC iO CO O rH O O ^'-H COOOt- TH 00 '* 1 O5OCO O5 O CO O5 O3 COCO- 00 GO 5 CO -O5 -COCOOO -OO Circu O - 1> CO 00 r-i (N N t~ 00 O5 CO GO CO O O CD CM iH iH i 1 (M i-HCOrfl r-( i-Hi-Hi-H i-H at-Cr- l CO-*COCOt>- (NlOCOCO'COiOCOlO'-Hr-irH lll d I Autho 299 Specific Gravity of Indiana Woods. 1 The specific gravity was derived from wood dried at 100 centi- grade (212 Fah.) until it ceased to lose weight. Carya ovata (Shellbark Hickory) 0.8372 Quercus stellata (Post Oak) 0.8367 Viburnum prunifolium (Black Haw) 0.8332 Quercus lyrata (Overcup Oak) 0.8313 Ostrya virginiana (Ironwood) . 8264 Carya alba (White Hickory) 0.8218 Carya glabra (Black Hickory) 0.8217 Cornus florida (Flowering Dogwood) 0.8153 Carya laciniosa (Big Shellbark Hickory) 0.8108 Quercus Michauxii (Cow Oak) 0.8039 Diospyros virginiana (Persimmon) . 7908 Amelanchier canadensis (Juneberry) 0.7838 Maclura pomif era (Osage Orange) . 7736 Quercus bicolor (Swamp White Oak) 0.7662 Carya cordiformis (Pig Hickory) . 7552 Quercus imbricaria (Shingle Oak) . 7529 Quercus Prinus (Chestnut Oak) . 7499 Ulmus alata (Cork Elm) 0.7491 Quercus alba (White Oak) 0.7470 Quercus macrocarpa (Bur Oak) ' 0.7453 Quercus coccinea (Scarlet Oak) 0.7405 Gleditsia aquatica (Water Honey Locust) . 7342 Robinia Pseudo-Acacia (Black Locust) . 7333 Quercus marilandica (Black Jack Oak) 0.7324 Celtis occidentalis (Hackberry) . 7287 Carpinus caroliniana (Water Beech) . 7286 Ulmus Thomasi (Hickory Elm) 0. 7263 Prunus americana (Wild Plum) . 7215 Fraxinus quadrangulata (Blue Ash) 0. 7184 Carya illinoensis (Pecan) . 7180 Malus glaucescens (Crab Apple) 0. 7048 Quercus velutina (Bleck Oak) . 7045 Ulmus fulva (Slippery Elm) 0.6956 Quercus palustris (Pin Oak) . 6938 Gymnocladus dioica (Coffeenut) 0. 6934 Quercus falcata (Spanish Oak) 0.6928 Acer nigrum (Black Maple) . 6915 Acer saccharum (Sugar Maple) . 6912 Fagus grandifolia (Beech) 0.6883 Gleditsia triacanthos (Honey Locust) 0. 6740 Betula lutea (Yellow Birch) 0.6553 Fraxinus americana (White Ash) . 6543 Quercus rubra (Red Oak) 0.6540 1 Adapted from Sargent's "Trees of North America." 300 Ulmus americana (White Elm) : . . . . 6506 Cereis canadensis (Redbud) . 6363 Nyssa sylvatiea (Black Gum) . 6356 Adelia aeuminata (Swamp Privet) . 6345 Fraxinus nigra (Water Ash) 0.6318 Fraxinus pennsylvaniea (Red Ash) 0.6251 Larix laricina (Tamarack) . 6236 Acer rubrum (Red Maple) . 6178 Juglans nigra (Black Walnut) . 6115 Betula papyrifera (Paper Birch) . 5955 Liquidambar Styraciflua (Sweet Gum) . 5909 Morus rubra (Red Mulberry) . 5898 Prunus serotina (Wild Black Cherry) 0.5822 Betula nigra (River Birch) . 5762 Betula populifolia (White Birch) 0.5760 Platanus occidentalis (Sycamore) . 5678 Pinus virginiana (Jersey Pine) . 5309 Acer saccharinum (Silver Maple) . 5259 Sassafras officinale (Sassafras) . 5042 Prunus pennsylvaniea (Wild Red Cherry) . 5023 Juniperus virginiana (Red Cedar) . 4926 Pinus Banksiana (Gray Pine) . 4761 Magnolia aeuminata (Cucumber Tree) . 4690 Alnus rugosa (Alder) . 4666 Populus grandidentata (Quaking Aspen) . 4632 Alnus incana (Tag Alder) 0.4607 Taxodium distichum (Cypress) . 4543 /Esculus glabra (Buckeye) 0.4542 Tilia glabra (Linn) 0.4525 Castanea dentata (Chestnut) . 4504 Salix amygdaloides (Willow) 0.4502 Catalpa bignonioides (Catalpa) . 4474 Salix nigra (Black Willow) 0.4456 Acer Negundo (Box Elder) 0.4328 /Esculus octandra (Sweet Buckeye) . 4274 Tilia heterophylla (White Linn) 0.4253 Tsuga canadensis (Hemlock) . 4239 Liriodendron Tulipif era (Yellow Poplar) . 4230 Catalpa speciosa (Catalpa) 0.4165 Populus heterophylla (Downy Cottonwood) . 4089 Juglans cinerea (Butternut) . 4086 Populus tremuloides (Quaking Aspen) . 4032 Asimina triloba (Pawpaw) . 3069 Populus deltoides (Cottonwood) . 3889 Pinus Strobus (White Pine) 0.3854 Thuja occidentalis (Arbor- Vitse 0.3164 301 PLATE 135. -._._,. . , , , ! "^^ig^^S^i ^aSi^ * st. Joseph ! Einhart < l-agrange , steuben : ! Laporte L I ( I ' L, A_ _j- j j Lake j Porter | / J . Nob|e ; Oeka!b ; i / ! Marshall i ,' , Kosciusko r> r-t -I .s \ f- wiHinv I , Allen i . i Wabash i LJ White I Ca$s ! Miami 'i ^ - Benton _ j carroll[ j_ " "" t i jfl f ! i ! Wells i Adamsj ,_.! ------ _ "Howard" Crairt ' i s Ijordf jay Warr^.^Tippecanoej mm , ^ ] ^/ .. j. H | Delaware i i~!..-> ^ I i ! Madison , j Randolph : /Fountain! ^ Boone i Hamilton ! j , i g ( r 1-- 1 . J 1 Henry ; = \ L., 1-, ,-i rJ H - Wayne ! < i \ i Hancock i E\ i i ( Parke j .. ; Putnam I i iHendricksj Marion L,. r 1 L., ; Morgan i Johnson i Vlg GU* ! i Rush | Fayette j 1 ! Shelby i j. L-.! i Dwen i j l"0 atur ]. ^ v ! i i ! i | i i g rown i Bartholomew i \ , "i Monroe 1 \ Sullivan Greene i } 1 . Lawrence Knax \ 0aviess i Martini / j Jackson jennings / Ml* iraaimi; 1 | JJQ|J T-i i i Washington j L {^-i/vft/V^v-*- ^ Orange i y ^ / ' | i Clark _/ 4, Pike j ! r-~-^--- (T Gibson ir ] j Dubois ; Crawford < v Floyd- / i- -> ( - ^W*' """I H'~" J ~ l ~, / L ~! ^'Harrison .'- COUNTY MAP OF INDIANA. 302 PLATE 136. F The "flats." K- - The "knob" area. I- The lake area. The prairie area. L.W.V. rho i, mver \vahash Valley. COUNTY MAP OF INDIANA SHOWING CERTAIN AREAS OF FOREST DISTRIBUTION. 303 PLATE 137. to u : Oi O) 00 N> ^ a w 01 Oi to u Oi o 00 (8 o 13 u i Oi ENGLISH AND METRIC SCALES COMPARED. These can be cut out and pasted on wood. INDEX The accepted botanical names are in bold-face type. Synonyms are placed in italics. Where the subject receives the most extended notice the page num- ber is in bold-face type. Page Abies balsamea 290 Aceracea 239 Acer 239 Negundo 240, 241, 298, 300 Nugundo variety violaceum 242 nigrum 246, 247, 299 pennsylvanicum 295 rubrum 244, 245, 298, 300 rubrum variety Drummondii 244 rubrum variety tridens 246 saccharinum 242, 243, 300 saccharum 248, 249, 298 299 saccharum variety glaucum 248 saccharum variety Schneckii 250 saccharum variety Rugelii 250 Acknowledgments 16 Adelia 282 acuminata 282, 283, 300 ^Esculacea? 251 ^sculus 251 flava variety purpurascens 253 glabra 251, 252, 300 octandra 253, 254, 300 Ailanthus altissima 237, 238 glandulosa 237 Alder 90, 300 smooth 92, 93 speckled 90, 91 Alnus 90, 297 incana 13, 90, 91, 297, 300 rugosa 13, 90, 92, 93, 300 Altin iacic 166 Amelanchier canadensis 177, 178 laevis 177, 179, 298 299 Amygdalaceae 216 Anonaceae 161 Apple, American crab 172, 173, 299 Iowa crab 174 narrow-leaved crab 174, 175 western crab 174, 176 thorn . . 180 306 Page Arbor- Vita 32, 33, 300 Arrow wood 265 Ash 267 Biltmore 270, 271 black 280, 281 blue 278, 279, 299 gray 267 green 272, 273 hoop 148, 282 pumpkin 277 red 274, 275, 300 swamp 272, 274 swell-butt 276, 277 water 300 white ....;........;... 267, 272, 274, 299 Asimina triloba 161, 162, 298, 300 Aspen, large-toothed ...... 50, 51 quaking 52, 53, 300 Ball, Carleton R 16 Balm of Gilead 292 Banana, Hoosier 161 Basswood 255, 256 white . 257, 258 Beech 94, 95, 297, 299 blue 78, 79, 297 red 96 water 78, 79, 299 white 96 yellow 96 Betulacae 78 Betula 80 alleghenensis 84 lenta 84, 85, 292, 299 lutea 82, 83, 84, 85 nigra ' 84, 88, 89, 293, 300 papyrif era 85, 87, 297, 300 papyrifera x pumila glandulif era 85 populif olia 85, 86, 300 Sanbergi 85 Bignoniaceae 284 Birch 80, 82, 90 black 88, 89, 292 canoe 85, 87, 88 gray 85, 86 paper 85, 87, 88, 297, 300 red 88, 89, 90 river 90, 300 white 85, 86, 88, 300 yellow 82, 83, 299 307 Page Botanic descriptions, comments on 13 Box elder 240, 241 Britton and Brown 16 Buckeye 251, 252, 253, 300 sweet 253, 254, 300 Butternut 54, 55, 300 Caesalpinacese 226 Caprif oliaceae 288 Carpinus caroliniana 78, 79, 297, 299 Carya 56 alba 68, 69, 299 alba variety subcoriacea 70 aquatica 292 Buckleyi variety arkansana 76, 77 cordif ormis 61, 62, 72, 299 glabra 70, 71, 299 glabra variety megacarpa 72 illinoensis 59, 60, 299 laciniosa 66, 67, 292, 299 myristicaef ormis 292 ovalis 70, 72, 73, 74 ovalis variety obcordata 75 ovalis variety obcordata forma vestita 75 ovalis variety obovalis 75 ovalis variety odorata 75 ovata 63, 64, 299 ovata variety fraxinifolia 65 ovata variety Nuttallii 66 Castanea dentata 96, 97, 297, 300 pumila 293 Catalfa 284 Catalpa 284, 298, 300 hardy 284 Catalpa 284 Catalpa bigonnioides 13, 284, 285, 300 Catalpa Catalpa 284 speciosa 284, 286, 287, 298, 300 Cedar, red 32, 35, 300 white 291 Celtis 146 laevigata 151 mississipiensis 151, 152 occidentalis 147, 148, 298, 299 occidentalis variety crassif olia 148 pumila 148, 149 pumila variety Deamii 149, 150 Cercis canadensis 227, 228, 298, 300 Chamaecyparis thyoides . 291 308 Page Cherry, wild 223 wild black 223, 225, 300 wild red 223, 224, 298, 300 Chestnut 96, 97, 297, 300 Chinquapin 293 Coffeenut 233, 234, 299 Contents, table of 9 Conservation, The Department of 16 Cornacea 259 Cornus II or id a 261, 262, 299 Cottonwood 47, 49, 297, 300 downy 300 swamp 47, 48 Coulter, Stanley, Commissioner 16, 163, 251 Crataegus 180 albicans 214 alnorum 200 basilica 200, 201 beata 214 berberifolia 214 Boyntoni 214 Brainerdi 214 Calpodendron 191, 193 chrysocarpa 194, 195 coccinea 209, 211 coccinea variety Elwangeriana 212 coccinea variety oliga/ndra 206 coccinoides 209, 210 collina 188, 189 cordata 214 Crus-galli 182, 183 cuneif ormis 182, 184 deltoides 203 denaria 214 Dodgei 194 Edsoni 200 Eggertii 209 fecunda 214 filipes 203, 205 Gattingeri 206, 207 Jesupi 200, 202 lucorum 214 macrosperma 197, 199 macrosperma variety matura 200 Margaretta 185, 187 mollis 212, 213 neo-fluvialis 191, 192 nitida 197, 198 ovata . . 214 309 Crataegus Continued. Page pausiaca 182 pedicillata 209 pedicillata variety Elwangeriana 212 Phsenopyrum 214, 215 Pringlei 214 pruinosa 206, 208 punctata 185, 186 roanensis 214 rotundifolia 194 rugosa .203, 204 silvicola variety BeckwitJiae 203 succulenta 188, 190 villipes 214 viridis 196, 197 Crooked brush 282, 283 Cucumber tree 157, 158, 300 Cypress, bald 28, 31, 297, 300 Beam, Stella M 16 Dietz, Harry F 7, 15 Diospyros virginiana 265, 266, 298, 299 Distribution of trees, terms used to define 14 Dogwood 261, 262 flowering 261, 299 Ebenaceae 265 Eggleston, W. W 16, 171 Elder, box 240, 241, 298, 300 Elm 140 bitter 140 cork 299 gray 140 hickory 142, 143, 299 hub 140 red 138, 139, 140 rock 142, 143 slippery 138, 139, 299 sour 140 swamp 140 water 140, 294 white 140, 141, 300 winged 142, 144 English and metric scales compared 306 Ericacae 263 Fabaceae 233 Fagaceae 92 Fagus grandifolia 94, 95, 297, 299 Fir, balsam 290 310 Page Fraxinus 267 americana 268, 269, 299 americana forma iodocarpa 270 americana variety subcoriacea 268 biltmoreana 270, 271 caroliniana 296 lanceolata 272, 273 nigra : 280, 281, 300 Pennsylvania 274, 275, 300 profunda 276, 277, 296 quadrangulata 278, 279, 299 Frontispiece 5 Gleditsia aquatica 230, 231, 299 aquatica x triacanthos 232 triancanthos 227, 229, 299 Gum 259 black 259, 298, 300 sour 259 sweet 166, 167, 298, 300 tupelo 295 yellow 259 Gymnocladus dioica 233, 234, 299 Hackberry 146, 148, 151, 298, 299 dwarf 148, 149 Haw, black 288, 289, 299 dotted 185 pear 191, 193 red 180, 191, 209, 212 scarlet 214 southern black 289 Hedge 155 Hemlock 26, 29, 300 Hickory 56 big scaly-bark 68 big shellbark 65, 66, 67, 299 black 70, 71, 297, 299 hard-head 68 nutmeg 292 pignut 61, 62, 72, 299 shellbark 63, 64, 65, 299 small-fruited 72, 73, 76, 297 ladies 76 water 292 white 68, 69, 297, 299 yellow-bud 63 Holly 295, 298 Hop hornbeam 80 Hough, R. B 16 311 Page Ilex opaca 295 Illustrations, explanation of 15 list of 10 Introduction 13 Ironwood 80, 297, 299 Juglandaceae 52 Juglans 52 aquatica 292 cinerea 54, 55, 300 nigra 54, 57, 297, 300 Juneberry 177, 298, 299 smooth 177, 179 Juniper 291 Juniperus communis 291 virginiana 32, 35, 291, 300 Kalmia latifolia 84 Key to the families of Indiana trees 17 Larch 26 Larix laricina 26, 27, 300 Lauraceae 163 Laurel 84 Lieber, Richard 7 Linn 255, 256, 298, 300 Liquidambar Styraciflua 166, 167, 298, 300 Liriodendron Tulipif era 159, 160, 298, 300 Locust 235 black 235, 236, 299 honey 227, 229, 298, 299 water honey 230, 231, 298, 299 yellow 235 Maclura pomifera 155, 156, 299 Magnoliaceae 155 Magnolia acuminata 157, 158, 300 Malaccas 171 Malus 171 angustifolia 171 curonaria 174, 176 fragran-s 172 glaucescens . . . . 172, 173, 299 ioensis 174 ioensis x lancifolia 177 lancifolia 174, 175 Maple, black 246, 247, 299 black sugar 246 hard . 248 312 Maple, black Continued. Page red 244, 245, 298, 300 rock 248 silver 242, 243, 300 soft 242, 244 sugar 248, 249, 298, 299 swamp 244 white 242 Map of certain f orestal areas of Indiana 302 explanation of 15 Map of Indiana 301 Moosewood 295 Moracese 151 Morus 153 alba 155 alba variety tatarica 155 nigra 155, 295 rubra 153, 154, 298, 300 Mulberry, red '. 153, 154, 155, 298, 300 black 295 white 155 Nomenclature 14 Nyssa aquatica 295 sylvatica 259, 260, 295, 300 Oak 98 basket 107, 108 bear '. 294 black 119, 127, 129, 135, 298, 299 black jack 135, 136, 299 bur 104, 115, 116, 117, 297, 299 chestnut 104, 110, 111, 299 chinquapin 104, 106 cow 107, 108, 297, 299 dwarf chestnut 294 Hill's 127, 128 iron 114 jack 119 mossy cup '. 116 over cup 117, 118, 299 peach 119 pigeon 107 pin ; 123, 124, 297, 299 post 112, 113, 300 red 121, 122, 126, 135, 297, 299 sand bur 114 scarlet 131, 132, 299 Schneck's 123, 125 scrub ... . 294 313 Oak Continued. Page shingle 119, 120, 299 Spanish 131, 133, 134, 297, 299 swamp 123 swamp white 104, 105, 299 sweet 104 water 119, 123, 294 white 101, 102, 297, 299 willow 294 yellow 104, 131 Oleaceae 267 Osage Orange 155, 156, 299 Ostrya virginiana 80, 81, 299 virginiana variety glandulosa 80 Oxydendrum arboreum .' 263, 264 Pawpaw 161, 162, 298 white 161 yellow 161 Pecan 59, 60, 297, 299 McCallister 60 Pepperidge 259 Persimmon 265, 266, 298, 299 Pinaceae 19 Pine 19 gray 22, 23, 300 jack 22, 23, 297 Jersey 22, 24, 25, 300 Norway 290 pitch 290 scrub 22, 24, 25 short-leaf 290 white 20, 21, 25, 297, 300 Pinus 19 Banksiana 22, 23, 300 echinata 290 resinosa 290 rigida 290 Strobus 20, 21, 290, 300 virginiana 24, 25 Planera aquatica 294 Planer-tree 294 Plane tree 168 Platanaceae 168 Platanus occidentalis 168, 169, 298, 300 Plum, Canada '. 218, 220 wild goose 221, 222 wild red 216, 217, 299 woolly-leaf 218, 219 Pond brush 282, 283 314 Page Poplar 45, 159 balsam 291 blue 159 Carolina , 47, 49 hickory 159 Lombardy 292 silver-leaf 45, 46 swamp 47 white 159 yellow 159, 160, 298 Populus 45 alba 45, 46 balsamifera ..;...-. 291 balsamifera variety virginiana Jfl candicans 292 deltoides 47, 49, 297, 300 grandidentata 50, 51, 291, 297, 300 heterophylla 47, 48, 297, 300 nigra variety italica 292 tremuloides 52, 53, 297, 300 Preface 7 Privet swamp 300 Prunus 216 americana 216, 217, 299 americana variety Janata 218, 219 hortulana , 221, 222 nigra 218, 220 pennsylvanica 223, 224, 300 serotina 223, 225, 300 Quaking aspen 52, 300 Quercus 98 alba 101, 102, 297, 299 alba variety latiloba 103 alba x Michauxii 110 alba x Muhlenbergii 103 Beadlei 110 bicolor 104, 105, 299 coccinea 131, 132, 299 Deami 103 (ligitnta 135 ellipsoidalis 127, 128 falcata 133, 134, 297, 299 illicif olia 293 imbricaria 119, 120, 299 lyrata 117, 118, 299 macrocarpa 115, 116, 297, 299 macrocarpa variety olivaeformis 116 marilandica 135, 136, 294, 299 315 Quercus Continued. Page maxima 1^1 Michauxii '.'. 107, 108, 297, 299 montana '^ Muhlenbergii 104, 106, 109, 112, 293 nigra 293 pagoda 135 paffodaefolia 135 palustris 123, 124, 297, 299 Phellos 294 prinoides 294 Prinus 107, 109, 111, 294, 299 rubra .121, 122, 135, 297, 299 rubra variety triloba 135 Schneckii 123, 125, 127, 297 Shinnanln 126 Shumardii variety SchnecMi 126 stellata 112, 113, 300 triloba , 135 velutina . . . '. 127, 129, 131, 298, 299 Redbud 227, 228, 298, 300 Remarks, explanation of 15 Robinia Pseudo-Acacia 235, 236, 299 Rulac NuttaUU 2^2 Salicacese 34 Salix 34 alba 40, 41 alba variety vitellina 40 amygdaloides 38, 39, 300 discolor 43, 44 discolor variety eriocephala 43 f ragilis 40, 42 nigra 36, 37, 300 nigra variety falcata 38 Sassafras 163, 164, 298, 300 red 163 white 163 Sassafras albida variety alauca 166 officinale 163, 164 Sargent, C. S 16 Service berry 177 Simarubaceae 237 Sorrel tree 263, 264 Sour wood 263, 264 Specific gravity of some of the woods of Indiana 299 Stink tree 23.7 Sugar berry 151 316 Page Sugar, black . . . '. 246 Sugar tree 248 Sycamore 5, 168, 169, 298, 300 Tamarack 26, 27, 300 Taxodium distichum 28, 31, 297, 300 Thorn, Mrs. Ashe's 185, 187 Miss Beckwith's 203, 205 Judge Brown's 185, 187 Chapman's Hill 188, 189 Dr. Clapp's 206 cock-spur 182, 183 downy 212 Eggert's 209, 210 Fretz's 203, 204 Dr. Gattinger's 206, 207 Jesup's 200, 202 large-fruited 185, 186 long-spined 188, 190 Marshall's 182 Newcastle 182 New-river 191, 192 pear 191, 193 red-fruited 212, 213 round-leaved 194, 195 scarlet 209, 211 shining 197, 198 southern 196, 197 variable 197, 199 Washington 214, 215 waxy-fruited 206, 208 Thuja occidentalis 32, 33, 300 Tiliaceae 255 Tilia 255 am-ericana 255 glabra 255, 256, 298, 300 heterophylla 257, 258, 300 heterophylla variety Michauii 259 neglecta 259 Toxylon pomiferum 155 Tree of Heaven 237, 238 Trees, key to families occurring in Indiana 17 species excluded from Indiana flora 290 measurement of some of the largest found in Indiana 297 terms used to define distribution of 14 Tsuga canadensis 26, 29, 300 Tulip 159, 160 Tupelo 259 317 Page Ulmaceae 137 Ulman, Paul 15 Ulmus 137 alata 142, 144, 299 americana 140, 141, 298, 300 fulva 138, 139, 209 Thomasi 142, 143, 299 Viburnum prunifolium 288, 289, 299 rufldulum 289 Walnut 52, 54, 56 black 54, 57, 297, 300 white 54, 55 Williamson, L. A 103 Williamson, E. B 103 Willow 36, 38, 40, 300 black 36, 37, 297, 300 crack 40, 42 glaucous 43 peach-leaved 38, 39 pussy 43, 44 swamp 43 white 40, 41 Wood, specific gravity of some species that occur in Indiana 299 Wood, white 159 whittle . . 257 THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW RENEWED BOOKS ARE SUBJECT TO IMMEDIATE RECALL LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS Book Slip-507M-12,'64(F772s4)458 369883 Beam, C.C. Trees of Indiana. LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS