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" WORK" HANDBOOKS. DYNAMOS AND ELECTRIC MOTORS THE A.F. MEMORIAL LIBRARY DYNAMOS AND ELECTRIC MOTORS HOW TO MAKE AND RUN THEM WITH NUMEROUS ENGRAVINGS AND DIAGRAMS EDITED BY PAUL N. HASLUCK EDITOR OF "WORK" AND "BUILDING WORLD," AUTHOR OF " HAKDYBOOKS FOR HANDICRAFTS," ETC. ETC. PHILADELPHIA DAVID McKAY, PUBLISHER 1022, MARKET SJREET 1903 PREFACE. THIS Handbook contains, in a form convenient for everyday use, a comprehensive digest of the informa- tion on How to Make and Run Small Dynamos and Electric Motors, scattered over ten thousand columns of WORK, one of the weekly journals it is my fortune to K edit and supplies concise information on the general g= principles of the subjects on which it treats. In preparing for publication in book form the mass of relevant matter contained in the volumes of WORK, C much that was tautological in character had to be re- g jected. The remainder necessarily had to be arranged anew, altered and largely re-written. From these Z causes the contributions of many are so blended that the writings of individuals cannot be distinguished for acknowledgment. Readers who may desire additional information re- specting special details of the matters dealt with in this Handbook, or instruction on kindred subjects, should address a question to WORK, so that it may be answered in the columns of that journal. P. N. HASLUCK. I.'t Belle Saw>.ioe, London. 434360 CONTENTS. CHAP. PAGfi I. Introduction ...... 9 II. The Siemens Dynamo . . . .21 III. The Gramme Dynamo . . . .41 IV. The Manchester Dynamo .... 61 V. The Simplex Dynamo .... 66 VI. Calculating the Size and Amount of Wire for Small Dynamos ... 76 VII. Ailments of Small Dynamo-Electric Machines : their Causes and Cures . 89 VIII. Small Electric Motors without Castings . 98 IX. How to Determine the Direction of Rotation of a Motor . . . .112 X. How to Make a Shuttle- Armature Motor 119 XI. Fifty- Watt Undertype Dynamo . .129 XII. Four-Hundred-and-Forty Watt Manchester Type Dynamo . , 144 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. ria. PA 1. Undertype Field Maguet 2. Overtype Field Magnet . i-i via. PAGE 36. Commutator Bearing, showing Position of 3.-Single Coil Field Magnet n Brushes. M 4,-Manchester Field Mag- 37. Brush Clamp . 80 net ];> 38-40. Forms of Brushes ::i 5. Gramme Field Magnet . l.'I 41. Position of Brushes for 6. Plain Ring Armature . 7. Cogged Ring Armature . 15 is Shuttle Armature 42. Siemens Type Dynamo n 8. H-girder Armature. u complete 36 9. Double Shuttle Armature is 43. Magnetising Field Mag- 10. LaminatedShuttle Arma- nets .... 37 ture : Side Elevation . 16 44. Diagram of Series Con- 11. Centre Stampings for nections . . . 39 Laminated Armature . 17 45. Diagram of Shunt Con- 12. End Stampings for nections. . M Laminated Armature . 17 46. Gramme Dynamo com- IS. End View of Shuttle pleto .... 41 Armature 17 47. Iron Carcase of Gramme 14. Straight Pattern Binding- Dynamo. 42 Post .... is 48. Inner Face of Standard 15. Ball Pattern Binding- with Bridge for Brush- Post .... is Holders . 43 16, 17. Telegraph Pattern 49. Magnet Cores with Binding-Posts 19 Flanges. 44 18. Flat Base Terminal . 19 50. Laminated Iron Punch- 19. Wing Nut Terminal 20. Nut and Piu Terminal . 20 211 ing for Armature . 51. Spider for Laminated 45 21. Wire Connector . 20 Armature 46 22. Outline of Siemens 52. Portion of Ring Armature Dyuauio .... 21 ready for Winding 47 23, 24.-Forms of Field Mag- 53. Armature Spindle of nets for Undertyt-e Gramme Armature 48 Dynamos 22 54. Commutator for Ring 25.-Solid H-girder Armature, Armature complete . 49 CommeuciUf; to Wind . 23 55. How to divide Com- 26. Spimllo Holder : End mutator Ring . . 49 View .... 2-, 5f>. How to insulate Com- 27. -Section of Spindle Holder 2S.^Sectiou of Spindle Holder and Commutator . 25 19 mutator Segments 57. Copper Connector for Ends of Armature Coils 49 51 29. Laminated Iron Punch- 58.-Woo"den Shuttle for ing for Armature . M winding Armatures 52 30. Iron Laminations Strung 59. Connection of Armature on Spindle , . M Coils to Commutator . M 31. Bearings for Armature : 60.-Rockerfor Brush-Holder U End View . n 61 Brush-Holderaud Rocker 32. Bearings for Armature : complete 56 Section .... u 62. Clamp for Brushes . 56 33. Brass Ring for Com- 63. Winding Field Magnets mutator. . . 29 of Gramme Dynamo . 57 34. Split-tube Commutator . n 64. Connecting Fields in 35. Section of Complete Series and in Shunt 58 Armature 30 65. Manchester Dyuaino til LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. HO. PAGE 66. Section of Manchester Dynamo.showing wind- ing of Field Magnet Cores . . . 62 91. Magnet Core for Man- chester Dynamo . . 63 68. Magnet Core with Fillets to receive Flanges . 63 69. Magnet Core fitted with Iron Flanges . . 63 70. Former for making Sim- plex Armature Core . 67 71. Clamp for Armature Core 68 72. Method of winding Ring Armature ... 68 73. Wooden Plug for Arma- ture .... 69 74. Commutator of Simplex Dynamo ... 70 75. Armature of Simplex Dynamo complete . 71 76.-Pul Piece of ditto . . 72 77. Yoke for Magnet of ditto 72 78. Coil Flange ... 72 79. Bed-Plate of Simplex Dynamo ... 73 80. Bearings of Armature . 73 81. Brush-Holder ... 74 82. Simplex Dynamo com- plete .... 74 83. Section of Shuttle Armature ... 85 84. Side View of ditto . . 85 85. Section of Cog - ring Armature ... 86 86. Side View of ditto . . 87 87. Simple Electric Motor complete I . . .98 88. Side Elevation of Field Magnet and Block . 99 89. Plan of Field Magnet and Block ... 100 90. Front Elevation of ditto. 101 91. Armature, showing f-in. Limit .... 102 92. Shape of Brush . . 102 93. Face of Commutator . 102 94. Armature Shaft complete 103 95. End View of Brass Bear- ing for Armature Shaft 104 96. End View of Miniature Electric Motor with Iron Yoke ... 106 97._Side Elevation of ditto . 106 98. Side Elevation of Small Motor with Horse-shoe Magnet and Wooden Saddle .... 107, 99. End Elevation of ditto . 107 VOO. Plan of ditto . 108 FIO. PAflE 101. Bearing Brackets . . 108 102. Bobbin for Magnet Coils 109 103. Horse-shoe Magnet. . 110 104. Iron Armature . . . 110 105. Setting - out Contact Breaker. . . .110 106. Fly - wheel Armature and Contact Breaker . 110 107-110. Directions of Cur- rents and Resultant Magnetism in Bar Magnets . . .113 111, 112. Series Motors . .114 113, 114. Shunt Motors . . 116 115, 116. Motors driven with Two Batteries . . 117 117. Shuttle- Armature Motor complete . . .119 118. Field Magnet Casting for Shuttle - Armature Motor .... 120 119. Armature Casting for Shuttle-Armature Mo- tor 121 120. Gun-metal Casting for Armature Ends . . 121 121. Gun - metal Foot for Motor . . . .122 122. Rocker for Brush - Holders. . . .122 123. Castingfor Brush-Holder 123 124.-Casting for Milled Head Screw .... 123 125. Brush-Holder complete. 124 126. Brass Screw with Milled Head .... 124 127. Brush . . . .124 128. Commutator ... 125 129. Section of Motor, show- ing winding ... 129 130,-Brush -Holders, Rocker, and Brushes complete 128 131. Plan of Dynamo . . 132 132. Side View of ditto and Motor .... 133 133. End View of ditto . . 136 13K Side View of Armature . 138 135.-End View of Armature . 138 136. Field Magnets showing Method of Winding . 141 137. Position of Commutator. 142 138. Plan of Manchester Dy- namo . . . . 14i 139. End View of ditto . . 147 140. Longitudinal Section of ditto . . . .148 141. End View, showing me- thod of winding Arm- ature and Fields . . 151 142. Brush Gear . . 152 DYNAMOS & ELECTRIC MOTORS. CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION. SINCE the invention of the first dynamo in 1832, by Pixii, the machine has passed through many phases of evolution. It began under the name of a magneto- electric machine, and continued to bear this name whilst permanent steel magnets were employed in its con- struction. It was then as truly a dynamo as any one of its successors, because the permanent magnets only acted as required when moved. It is not intended in this Handbook to give a history of the machine, but to show how to make small examples of those which are now in general use for electric lighting purposes. These may be arranged in classes named according to the types of armatures, or of the field magnets used in their construction. Before describing either the dynamo or its action, it would be as well to consider when and why the dynamo- electric machine is used, instead of primary batteries, as a means of generating electricity for lighting lamps, etc. In the first place, the lighting of electric lamps by the agency of primary batteries is only practicable under somewhat restricted conditions. To get a sufficiently high electro motive force it is necessary to have a great number of cells connected in series, and big cells are required to provide the current, or the battery will soon run down. When a cell is required to give a current of three amperes or more, it polarises very rapidly ; hence to lower the resistance of the lamp circuit (as by io DYNAMOS AND ELECTRIC MOTORS. placing the lamps in. parallel) 4s costly and inconvenient, as a greater -demand ^fbr current is thus thrown on the battery. . Then the costly, .dirty, and laborious job of cleaning ] and tGcliarglhg the Tells- is enough to make one wish for some better method of generating the electric current. Small electric lights, such as night-lights and occa- sional lights of low candle power, may be fed with a small two-cell chromic acid battery, or even a Fuller bichromate battery. But when the area of lighting is extended, a dynamo-electric machine is generally used. This is a machine for converting mechanical energy into electric energy. There are many who believe that electricity actually runs, or flows, from one end of a wire or conductor to the other, in a certain direction, when the ends are connected to a battery or dynamo. For instance, in the case of a battery of primary cells, the current is always spoken of as coming from the carbon terminal, going through the external circuit, and returning to the zinc. This, in point of fact, is misleading ; for the expres- sion is quite conventional, and it might easily have been expressed the other way, and would have made no difference whatever to electrical formulae or laws. But when electricity came to be studied and advance was made in the science, it was mutually agreed to express the phenomenon in this way. In a similar manner it was agreed to call one end of a magnet the north pole, and the other the south ; but in this case we are brought face to face with a paradox. It is this : either we have all along been giving our magnet ends wrong names, or else Franklin, and many others after him, have diligently been searching the Arctic Seas for the North Pole when it is the south all the time ; for like poles repel each other, unlike poles attract Perhaps it has been noticed that many writers are careful in calling the two ends of a magnet the north-seeking and south-seeking poles respectively. But as regards an electric current, this conventional INTRODUCTION. 1 1 way of expressing it must not be taken literally. Electricity is not a liquid ; it does not flow through a certain wire as water through a pipe. Although water is a very useful substance to make use of as an example when studying some of the phenomena of electricity, yet electricity is unlike water in many ways it can be said to work uphill; it is not influenced by the force of gravity ; also, it can be said to act two ways at once. Whatever electricity may be, it is perfectly clear at the present time that sources of electrical energy have different effects upon different substances, copper, silver, and other metals being very susceptible to this influence. Hence, these metals are called the best conductors. But glass, vulcanite, paraffin wax, and most com- pound substances are considered, in one sense, bad conductors some say non-conductors. The actual time it takes a current of electricity to traverse a given length of wire is often stated and put down to be some fraction of a second ; but it must on no account be understood from this that the current flows from its source in one direction right round the circuit and back again to that source ; but that a "condition" is set up, when the circuit is closed, both ways along the conductor or wire. As far as we know, in an electric circuit nothing can actually be said to flow from one end to the other, but it is a "condition" set up throughout the entire length ; and this length must form a complete circuit or ring, the shape of which matters little. Also, somewhere within this circuit, and forming part of it, must be placed the means of setting up this "condition" say, a battery or a dynamo. The following outlines represent the field magnets of some dynamos in general use : Undertype, Fig. 1 : Two vertical cores of rectangular section joined to the pole-pieces, cast with armature tunnel in lower part Similar machines have cores of circular section. Over- type, Fig. 2 : Two vertical cores of suitable section cast DYNAMOS AND ELECTRIC MOTORS. with yoke at base, and the armature tunnel in upper part. Coils may be wound separately, then slipped over cores. Several modifications of this machine have been designed. Some of these have round cores. Single coil or simplex, Fig. 3 : One core of circular section joined to suitable pole-pieces with the armature tunnel at the side. In one form this machine has it? single core spanning horizontally the two vertical pole- pieces, with the armature tunnel in the upper part Manchester, Fig. 4 : Two cores of circular section bedded into two horizontal pole-pieces. Armature tunnel in the central part of the machine between the Fig. 1. Uudertype Field Magnet. Fig. 2. Overtype Field Magnet. two cores. Gramme , Fig. 5 : Four horizontal cores of circular section bedding into massive pole-pieces in the centre of the machine, and into vertical standards at the sides ; armature tunnel in centre of the machine. The field magnets of these machines are not made up of steel permanently magnetised, but are constructed of comparatively soft iron, containing residual mag- netism, which, by dynamic energy imparted to the armature, is induced to exert its influence on the arma- ture coils, and create in them an electric current. This current, or part of it, is then sent around the field magnet coils, with the result that a stronger magnetism is induced in the cores of the field magnets. Being thus strengthened, they induce a higher electro-motive force in the armature coils, and thus the full electric power of the machine is worked up INTRODUCTION. Now as to the way in which a current of electricity is measured. The unit of current generally accepted is the Ampbre. Some idea of its meaning may be learned by comparison with other units of measure- ment. For instance, in trades where the foot rule is used, the foot and inch are units of measurement of length. Where steam engines are used, we speak of Fig. ,3. Single Coil or Sim- plex Field Magnet. Fig. 4. Manchester Field Magnet. pounds per square inch in estimating the pressure of Bteam; and horse-power as a unit in estimating the power of a steam engine. Where water is used as a Fig. 5. Gramme Field Magnet. motive power, we speak of its volume by cubic inches, or gallons. In dealing with electrical measurements, neither the foot rule nor the spring-pressure gauge can be used, so electricians have had to invent a new set of instruments, and new names for the units or divisions marked on them. The Ampere is defined as that current which is obtained when an electro-motive force of one Volt acts on a resistance of one Ohm. A volt is the unit measure of electro-motive force roughly as given by the 14 DYNAMOS AND ELECTRIC MOTORS. current from one standard Daniell cell ; a better standard is the Hibbert one-volt cell recently intro- duced. An ohm is the unit of resistance. A 10-feet length of '01 inch copper wire of 95 per cent, con- ductivity has roughly one ohm resistance. If we divide the total electro-motive force in volts by the total resistance of the circuit in ohms, we obtain the value or strength of the current in amperes. For measuring amperes, an ampere-meter, or ammeter, is used, and voltmeters are used for measuring the voltage or potential difference between different points of a circuit. The Watt is the electrical unit of power or activity. Just as the rate at which an engine works is measured by horse-power, so the rate of output of a dynamo is measured in watts. Therefore to measure the output of a dynamo in this way multiply the electro-motive force at the terminals of the machine, in volts, by the current in the external circuit, in amperes. Thus, watts equal volts multiplied by amperes. Very nearly, 1 horse-power equals 746 watts. An Ampere hour is a term frequently met with, and means one ampere supplied or required for the space of one hour, or the equivalent. Thus amperes multi- plied by hours gives ampere hours. For instance, an accumulator that is said to have a capacity of eighty ampere hours, is one that might give a current of 1 ampere for eighty hours, 2 "amperes for forty hours, or 4 amperes for twenty hours and so on. Armature is a name given to the iron keeper of a permanent magnet. In dynamos it is applied to that part which is rotated within the influence of the field magnets. There are some exceptions, in which the magnets are caused to revolve arid the armature is stationary. Revolving armatures and fixed field magnets have the merit of adding stability to the machine and steadiness to its running and the output of the current. Each inventor of a new dynamo appears at first to have adopted a special form of armature; henco we have almost as many forms of armature as there I NT ROD UC TION. 1 5 are inventors of machines. The armatures are generally furnished with iron cores, around which insulated copper wires are wound. Machines have been constructed with- out iron cores, by Messrs. Siemens, Ferranti, Mordey and Thompson. In some of those machines a looped or zigzag band of copper has been attached to a brass Fig. 6. Plain Ring Armature. Fig. 7. Cogged Ring or Pacinotti Armature. spider, mounted on a spindle, and forms the arma- ture. By Lord Kelvin all armatures are divided into four types : Fig. 8. Shuttle or H-girder Armature. Fig. 9. Double Shuttle or Walker Armature. (1) Ring armatures, in which the coils are grouped upon a ring whose principal axis of symmetry is also its axis of rotation. (2) Drum armatures, in which the coils are wound longitudinally over the surface of a drum or cylinder. (3) Pole armatures, having coils wound on separate poles projecting radially from a disc or central hub. (4) Disc armatures, in which the coils are flattened against a disc. 16 DYNAMOS AND ELECTRIC MOTORS. Of these it is as well to say that early examples of the first type were furnished by the machines of Gramme, Schuckert, Giilcher, and Brush. Examples of the second type are to be found in the Siemens (Alteneck), Edison, Weston, and Elphinstone- Vincent machines. Examples of the third type were to be seen in the dynamos of Elmore and Lontin. There are but few useful examples of the fourth type, except the Desrosier. When solid iron is employed for an armature core, eddy currents are set up in the iron, and cause the ~S j m> - 1 t Fig. 10. Laminated Shuttle Armature. armature to become hot. Iron armatures should there- fore be built up of thin sheet-iron discs, or plates of hoop iron, each layer of iron being magnetically insulated from its neighbour by varnished paper or calico. The armature coils should be of pure copper wire, well insulated with silk or cotton, and the wires should be as short and thick as is consistent with obtaining the requisite electro-motive force without driving the machine at an excessive speed. Figs. 6 to 9 show the types of armatures in use for small dynamos and electric motors. Fig. 6 shows a plain ring armature. It is generally formed of rings or collars of very thin sheet iron. These may be strung together on gun -metal bolts, attached to the arms of brass spiders as shown by the dotted lines, the armature spindle going through the hole in the centre. The rings are \Tound with several coils of wire, passing through fXTRODUCTIOff, and over the rings. They can also be wound as a drum by winding the coils over the rings only. The drum armature may also be made of discs instead of rings. Fig. 7 shows a cogged ring or Pacinotti armature. This also is made of rings stamped from thin sheet iron, which may be strung on bolts attached to brass spiders. Small armatures are sometimes cast solid in soft malleable iron. The cogs and spaces may vary from Fig. 11. Centre Stamp- ings for Laminated Shuttle Armature, Fig. 12. End Stampings for Laminated Shuttle Arma- ture. Fig. 13. End View of Shuttle Armature. six to sixteen, and the number of coils is determined by the number of spaces between the cogs. Fig. 8 shows in section a shuttle or H-girder armature. In small machines this is cast solid. It is also built up of laminated stampings of sheet iron strung on a steel spindle. One coil only can be wound on a shuttle armature. Fig. 9 shows a double shuttle or Walker armature, also built of sheet iron stampings. A coil may be wound on each arm, making four coils in all, or two coils may be wound crosswise. It is not a good armature to wind, as the coils are apt to be of i8 DYNAMOS AND ELECTRIC MOTORS. uneven length and resistance. Fig. 10 shows a laminated shuttle armature of a somewhat improved form. The stampings for the centre portion are of the ordinary shuttle or H shape shown in Fig. 11, while the end stamp- ings take the shape shown in Fig. 12. These are strung on two bolts, and clamped together between two castings shown in side elevation by Fig. 10, and in end elevation by Fig. 13. The wire is wound over the central portion or web, and through the spaces at the end, the shaft Leing driven securely into the end castings. Fig. 14. Straight Pattern Binding-Post. Fig. 15. Ball Pattern Binding-Post. Binding-Screws, etc. These are small clamps made of brass, and cast or turned in various forms to suit requirements. They are sometimes called " connectors " and are used as convenient means of connecting one part of an electric circuit with the rest of the circuit. When made in the form of a pillar or post and fixed by being screwed to a base, they are named " binding- posts." When fixed to the two wires proceeding from a generator of electricity so as to form the two poles of the generator, they are named " terminals." The ac- companying illustrations will show at a glance several types of binding-screws. Fig. 14 shows a binding-post as used for the terminal poles of small dynamo machines. When used for this purpose the post should be massive, the threads on the INTRODUCTION. 19 screws well cut, and the hole for the wire left large. If these posts are nickel-plated, they enhance the ap- pearance of the machine, and require less care to keep them clean. Some makers taper the post from the base upward, whilst others round off the tops. This is merely Fig. 16. Fig. 17. Figs. 16 and 1 7. Telegraph Pattern Binding-Posts. a matter of taste. The wires from the machine are twined around the tang of the post and secured by a nut beneath the base of the machine. Fig. 15 shows a ball pattern binding-post used for a similar purpose. Fig. 18. Flat Base Terminal. Figs. 16 and 17 show two "telegraph pattern" binding- posts. These are used for the terminals of telegraph in- struments. When made large, they are useful terminals for ammeters and similar instruments. Fig. 18 shows a neat modification of the same terminal ; and Fig. 19 shows a similar terminal furnished with a wing nut. This form of nut may be easily screwed and unscrewed 20 DYNAMOS AND ELECTRIC MOTORS. without the aid of pliers. It finds favour with French workmen, and is used by them instead of the milled head so commonly met with in binding-screws of iff. 20. Nut and Pin Terminal. Fig. 21. Wire Connector. English makers. Fig. 20 shows a simple nut and pin terminal, as used to insert in the lead tops of carbons used in Leclanche" batteries. Fig. 21 shows one form of wire connector made from brass tube. Two holes are drilled and tapped in the side of the tube to receive two brass screws as shown in the sketch. These con- nectors are useful when we wish to join a broken wire or connect two wires together. Thick brass tube should be used, or else a lug should be soldered to or cast on the side to thicken it where the screw holes have to be made, otherwise these will not contain enough threads to allow of the screws being securely tightened on the wires. CHAPTER IL THE SIEMENS DYNAMO. IN 1857, Dr. Werner Siemens invented the simple fo\m of armature now known as the Siemens H girder, and so called because its cross-section resembles the section of an H iron girder. This is shown at Fig. 8, p. 15. As this form of armature, together with the field magnets, is easily made, wound, and set up, it has become a general favourite. An outline of the machine in Fig. 22. Outline of Siemens Dynamo. general use is shown at Fig. 22, whilst Figs. 23 to 37 show in detail the forms of its several parts. The diagram Fig. 22 shows the position of the parts com- posing the skeleton, or carcase, of the machine ; A being the armature ; M, M, the pole pieces ; c, c, the field magnet cores ; and Y, the yoke to which the field magnet cores are attached by bolts or screws. The field magnets are often made to the form shown at Fig. 23, or to that shown at Fig. 24, in various sizes, to suit the other parts of the required machine, as shown 22 DYNAMOS AND ELECTRIC MOTORS. in the table on p. 24. They are cast in soft iron, and are sent out annealed ready for use. A full set of castings for a Siemens pattern machine of small size can be obtained for about five shillings, and this will make up a 5-candle power machine. The castings for a machine of 120-candle power will cost about thirty-five shillings. All castings received from vendors of these things are in the rough as they come from the foundry, unless otherwise ordered, and an additional price has to be paid for the labour of shaping and fitting them ready Fig. 23. Fig. 24. Forms of Field Magnets for Undertype Dynamos. for winding on the wire. Supposing, however, that the castings are received in the rough, we will set about preparing the field magnet castings. These should be soft enough to file easily, or they are unsuited for our purpose. The first job will be to clean and true up the parts that is, remove any rough ridges or lumps of iron left on the edges of the armature tunnel. This may be done in a lathe or by means of a half-round coarse file. The two castings for the field magnets must be a pair, and when stood side by side on a level bench, the armature tunnel between them should be of regular THE SIEMENS DYNAMO. 23 form throughout, the cores of one height and size, and parallel with each other when upright. If slight irregu- larities appear on the sides of the tunnel, take them off with the rounded face of the file. The corners of the cores should also be filed round and smooth, to prevent abrasion of the covering on the wire whilst these are being wound. If the castings are shaped as shown at Fig. 23, holes must be drilled and tapped in the top at a, 6, to receive screwed studs to hold the yoke in its place on the field-magnet cores. Holes about \ in. diam. must also be drilled in the lugs at c, d, e, /, to receive screwed studs or small bolts securing the armature bearings to Fig. 25. Solid H-girder Armature commencing to wind. the lugs. Two larger holes must also be drilled in tho feet of the castings at g, h, to receive short coach screws used for bolting the castings to their wood base. The yoke to connect the field magnets, shown at Y Fig. 22, is a rectangular piece of iron plate, and must be bedded on the top of the field magnets' cores to hold them in the position In the small Siemens machines supplied by some makers this separate yoke is dis- pensed with, as the top of one of the castings projects sufficiently to bridge over the space between the two, and thus forms the yoke. In the castings supplied by others, also, the two projections have turned-up flanges, as shown at Fig. 24, and these are bolted together. The two field magnets must be connected in this or in a similar way by an iron bridge, so as to form a horse- shoe magnet, between the poles of which the armature will revolve. The armature of the solid H-girder form used in DYNAMOS AND ELECTRIC MOTORS. 71 1 1 | 8 |j :- 15 co~ co" of CM" f S *1 ^J "* 2 CO a* i^ c 3 ^ 1 1 C>1 3 s s M G 8. - CM CO - - oTf 5 1 03 q q c3 o d !* fj 8 165 Bare 4-05 Silk 4 Cotton'.Sllk 4 \ 5 CuU'. 5 00475 2564-1 40 10 134 6-14 6 5'8 7 6 0109 1666-6 28 12 109 9-28 9 8'8 9 8 0249 1098-9 18 14 083 16 157 15-5 11 10 0741 666-6 10 16 065 26 25'5 24 14 13 1971 400 6 18 049 47-9 47 45 19 16 6629 2127 3 20 035 85 83 80 25 23 2-095 120-4 2 22 028 131 129 120 29 27 4-976 77'5 1-5 24 022 1 176-4 173 162 34 30 9-009 57-8 1 CALCULATING WIRE FOR SMALL DYNAMOS. 70 Carrying capacity in amperes is calculated at about 2,000 amperes per square inch. The safe carrying capacity of the wire is the maximum current it will carry without heating to such an extent as to affect the insulation seriously. In a series shuttle dynamo, the current in the outer circuit passes- through armature coils and field-magnet coils ; therefore the wire on the latter should be of a diameter about equal to that on the former. The accompanying tables will serve as a guide to selecting suitable wire 'for the armature and field-magnet coils. The following table deals with wires on the Standard Wire Gauge. PROPERTIES OF S.W.Q. COPPER WIRES. WEIGHT RESISTANCE No. OF TURNS CURRENT IN IN LB. IN OHMS. PER INCH. AMPERES. tl 4 ^ ft 11 If It tt |l si | I 1 it |s {? i.i & I 1 CO $i 1 1 I A B C 51 51 ft 22 028 0006 7 12 4078 71-8 24 28 26 6 9 T2 20 036 ooio 12 21 24'11 43-4 20 2G 23 1 1*5 2 19 18 '040 '048 0012 0018 15 21 26 37 19-9835-2 13'88 24'4 18 16 23 20 20 17 1-2 1-8 1-8 27 2'4 3-6 17 056 0024 28 50 10-2 17'9 14 17 15 2'4 3'6 4'8 1G 064 0032 37 66 7'6 13-6 12-8 15 14 3'2 4'8 6'4 15 072 0040 47 83 6-11 10-7 11-5 13 12 4 6 8 14 '080 0050 57 102 5' 8'8 10-5 11 10 5 7'5 10 13 092 0066 76 135 378 6-6 9'5 10 9 6'6 9'9 13-2 12 104 0085 98 173 2-95 5-2 8-5 9 8 8'5 1275 17 11 116 0105 122 215 2-36 4'2 7-5 7 6 10-5 1575 21 10 128 0128 148 262 1'95 3'4 7 6 8 12-8 19-2 25'6 9 144 0162 188 332 1'55 27 6 5 5 16'2 24'3 32-4 8 160 0201 245 409 1-26 2'2 57 4 4 20'1 30'15 40-2 The resistances given above are for 100 per cent conductivity copper at a temperature of about 65 F. 8o DYNAMOS AND ELECTRIC MOTORS. Under the heading "No. of turns per inch" will be seen three divisions A, B, and c. Of these B and c refer to wires which, in the small sizes, have special thin coverings of silk and cotton respectively. Under A the insulation is reckoned at the rate of 12 mils = ^TQ ^ n - ^ double cotton in sizes below No. 16. Above this size the average covering is about 14 mils, varying from 10 to 20 mils, however. The output of a dynamo that is, its electrical power is generally calculated in watts. This is ob- tained by multiplying the total voltage by the amperes. But as this method of stating a dynamo's output admits of uncertain interpretation, it is best to specify the volts and amperes separately. In a series machine the field magnet coils are con- nected in series with the outer circuit. The magnetism in the fields, therefore, varies inversely as the resistance of the circuit, being less when the resistance is high than when it is low. In a shunt-wound machine the field magnet coils are connected in a shunt with the outer circuit. There are, therefore, two paths open to the armature current : one through the field magnet coils, and the other through the outer circuit. The resistance in the outer circuit being lower than that of the field magnet coils, more current goes by way of the outer circuit than goes round the coils, but when the resistance of the outer circuit is increased, more current goes by way of the coils, and this raises the magnetic intensity of the fields. The effect of this is to raise the voltage of the current, and enable it to over- come the extra resistance. In a compound-wound machine the field magnet coils are partly of thick wire connected in series with the armature and outer circuit, while a small wire of high resistance is connected in shunt. This form of machine may be made to give almost a constant potential difference at the ter- minals. Each style of winding has its own peculiar advan- tages, adapting it to the kind of work to be done by the CALCULATING WIRE FOR SMALL DYNAMOS. 81 machine. A shunt-wound dynamo becomes self-regu- lating to a certain extent ; for as the lamps are switched off the resistance in the outer or lamp circuit becomes greater, and more current is shunted through the field coils, thereby generating a higher voltage to overcome the increased resistance, while a compound-wound dynamo is self-regulating to a still greater extent. A rough rule for shunt-wound machines with about 90 per cent, efficiency is as follows : Let the resistance of the armature be represented by 1, that of the outer circuit by 20, then that of the field magnet circuit should be 400 that is to say, the outer circuit should have a resistance twenty times that of the armature, and the field magnet circuit should have a resistance four hundred times that of the armature. In a series machine, the field magnet coils should have a resistance about two- thirds that of the armature coil. In a compound machine, the resistance of the series coils should be the same as that of the armature. In small machines these propor- tions have to be considerably modified. In a 300-watt machine to give 6 amperes at 50 volts the field magnet resistance may be reduced to 200 instead of 400, and this proportionate resistance rapidly diminishes with each small reduction in the size of the machine, until the smallest workable dynamo will only admit of the resistance of the field magnet coils being some twelve or fifteen times that of the armature coil. It is almost impossible to determine exactly the output of such small machines ; for apart from the variations from theoretical rules, others are likely to crop up through differences in the qualities of iron employed, hardness of wire, irregular or loose winding, insulation, connec- tions, size, form and make of commutator, and quality, position, and pressure of brushes, etc. Properly designed castings for the carcase 'of the dynamo usually have ample space allowed for winding sufficient wire to suit the electrical output of the machine. If the carcase of the machine has to be forged or cast, and the rings or punchings for the armature 82 DYNAMOS AND ELECTRIC MOTORS. made to order, proper space must be allowed for the wire. By referring to the tables given on pages 78 and 79, the spa< e likely to be occupied by the wire will be found under the heading " No. of turns per inch " that is, so many turns of wire of a given gauge will lie side by side in 1 in. of space. The channel in a shuttle armature must be large enough to take the required wire without bulging beyond the cheeks. The space between the outer edge of the ring or drum armature and the sides of the tunnel in which it is to work should be sufficient to leave ^a i n - between the wire and the sides after three layers of the wire have been wound on. One layer is theoretically the best, but three layers are admissible. The length of the field magnet cores may be about three or three and a half times their diameter, and provision should be made to admit of enough wire to increase the diameter of the core from two and a half to three times. The space to be occupied by the wire may be ascertained by estimating its length and weight or length Tper pound, noting how many turns to the inch it will run. Estimate the probable diameter of the wound core, and find the mean between this and the bare core, then multiply this by the factor 3'14, and so ascertain the number of turns and the space likely to be occupied by the wire. Heavy yokes and pole pieces are always admissible, because dynamos work best when the iron in them is in excess of that needed to maintain magnetic saturation. It is also advisable to have a larger carcase than will be actually needed to furnish the required output, since machines may always be safely worked to light fewer lamps than they were designed for ; but it is not safe to work them at a higher speed to procure a larger output. Before the plan for winding the armature can be drawn up, the resistance of the outer circuit namely, the work to be done by the machine must first be ascertained. If this resistance is too low, a shunt machine will fail to supply the required current, and a series machine CALCULATING WIRE FOR SMALL DYNAMOS. 83 will burn its coils. If too high, no current will be obtained from a series machine, and that from a shunt machine will be diminished. In large machines, care- fully wound, an efficiency of 1 volt per foot of effective wire on the armature moving at a circumferential velocity of 1,250 feet per minute has been attained, but, as has been stated, 1 volt per yard is what may be expected from small machines. Although the voltage of a machine may be increased by increasing the speed of its armature, it is not always safe to do so, because an increased voltage will send more current round the field magnet coils, and this may dangerously heat them. In a series machine, all the current passing through the outer circuit also traverses the field magnet coils. In a com- pound machine, the bulk of all its current passes through the series coils and only a fraction of it through the shunt coils. In a shunt machine, only a fraction of the current passes through the field magnet coils. Con- sequently, the fields of the series machine are not magnetised when the outer circuit is open, and the fields of the shunt machine are then" most highly magnetised. When a machine is run at a higher speed, the brushes should be given a more forward lead, to compensate for increased distortion of the field. The wires for dynamos may be protected by using indiarubber or gutta-percha dissolved either in benzole or in naphtha. This solution will make an elastic insulating varnish, but it is liable to injury from oil, which renders the varnish soft and sticky. Shellac varnish is one of the best for the purpose. This is made by digesting shellac in methylated spirit, kept in a stoppered glass jar in a warm place for twelve hours. Green or red sealing-wax digested in warm methylated spirit is also used as an insulating varnish. Few persons can get the calculated amount of wire on an armature, although a full allowance has been made for slack winding. To take an armature in one hand and let the wire run through the fingers of the other, drawing it more or less tight, winding as one 84 DYNAMOS AND ELECTRIC MOTORS. would wind up a ball of string, sometimes working evenly, sometimes not, will not do. To wind an arma- ture properly, especially if of either the drum or ring type, is work for two people. Even a shuttle armature should not be attempted by one person unless he is an experienced winder ; and even then he will wish he had three hands. After the wire has been properly paraffin-waxed and drained, it should be wound on as tight as possible, without, of course, breaking it. Any wire that is not perfectly straight, or is in the least respect faulty should be driven well into place by means of a small wooden hammer or by a small wooden stick, neatly squared and smoothed at the end, and used as a punch. Every wire should be made to go as .near to its neighbour as possible. It will be seen that winding an armature properly is no light work. Cheap wire is very bad, for two reasons one is that the wire itself has a comparatively low percentage of copper, and wire should not be used that has less than 97 per cent, as it gives the armature a needlessly high resistance. The other is that cheap wire has bad, thick cotton for its covering, and consequently occupies space wastefully. Another source of trouble is thick, clumsy taping. There should be just enough to ensure perfect insulation, and no more. Bad taping takes up a lot of room, and space is precious to a winder of armatures. Remember this, and do not be .afraid of using the wooden hammer. In treating the subject of calculating the length of wire for armatures, two types only will be taken viz., the Siemens H-girder, or shuttle armature (Figs. 83 and 84) and the cog-ring armature (Figs. 85 and 86), as un- doubtedly they are the best types of armatures for small- sized dynamos ; the former for the very small sizes, and the latter for somewhat larger ones. They are also the easiest kinds to wind and correct, and are therefore very suitable for amateur workers. As an illustration, it would be best to take a sample CALCULATING WIRE FOR SMALL DYNAMOS. 85 armature, fix upon a certain gauge of wire, and follow up the working to get at the weight and length of wire required ; by this means the reader will have an example at hand to work from in cases of armatures of other sizes. The first example will be a laminated shuttle arma- ture, 2 in. long, l in. in diameter (Figs. 83 and 84), {.- ,*_. Fig. 83. Section of Shuttle Armature. having the web flush with the ends. An armature of this size would probably have wire spaces I in. wide, and by Fig. 84. Side View of Shuttle Armature. making the segment of the circular area form a rectangle of equal area, as shown by the dotted lines in Fig. 83, the wire space would be in. deep, leaving f in. for the thickness of the web. In calculating shuttle armatures the shaft need not be taken into consideration, as it does not affect the amount of wire that will go into the channels, though it makes the winding at the ends irregular, which cannot be helped ; the slight extra 86 DYNAMOS AND ELECTRIC MOTORS. length required through this irregularity can in practice be neglected. The next operation will be to make a sketch of the side of the armature, as in Fig. 84, where the full line will represent the last coils of wire ; then by setting in. off at each end, the longest coil is obtained as a rectangle. (See the dotted lines in Fig. 84.) The next thing to find is the mean length of all the turns. This will be the shortest turn, added to the longest turn, divided by 2. The shortest length is one of the turns in the first layer, and will be, of course, rather more than (2 X 2i) + (2 x I) = 52 ; the longest length will be the length of the sides of the rectangle in dotted lines Fig. 85. Section of Cog-ring Armature. (Fig. 84), which was shown to represent the longest coil ; then the longest turn will be (2 X 3J) + (2 X li) = 9 1 ; so the mean length of all the coils will be 5J + 9J -*-2 = 7f in. For this example, No. 20 S.W.G. cotton-covered wire will be taken to wind the armature. Upon looking in the tables (p. "78), it will be found that this wire can be coiled twenty- three coils to the^ linear inch. Should there be no tables at hand, take a spare piece of wire of the gauge to be used, and coil it round neatly on any- thing smooth, and count how many coils go to an inch. As the wire space is | in. wide, and in. deep, it can be assumed that twenty coils, eleven layers deep, can be got into the space ; this will make 220 coils in all. Now it has been found that the average, or mean coil of all the coils is 7| in. long ; therefore the total length of wire will be 220 X 7| = 1,705 in., or 47 yds., 1 ft, 1 in. say 47 yds. No. 20 S.W.G. cotton-covered CALCULATING WIRE FOR SMALL DYNAMOS. 87 wire goes 80 yds. to the pound, so the amount of wire for this armature would be 7 yds. over \ lb., or say J Ib. Of course, it will be observed that ehould the armature be solid, with the web set back from the ends, much less wire can be got on, also the winding would be neater and more compact if the shaft did not run through the web. For the other example a laminated cog-ring arma- ture will be taken, 5 in. in diameter, 3 in. deep, having twelve cogs ; wire spaces f in. wide and | in. deep, with ~VT Fig. 86. Side View of Cog-ring Armature. the core of the armature | in. thick at the wire spaces and in. thick at the cogs. (See Figs. 85 and 86.) This armature it is proposed to wind with No. 12 S.W.G. cotton- covered wire. The mode of operation is very similar to the example above, one whole coil being calculated first. A section of the armature core through a wire space must be drawn as in Fig. 85 ; then setting off the f in., the depth of the wire space all round, the longest mean coil is found as a rectangle, as shown by dotted lines. Proceeding as before, the mean length of all the coils is found ; thus the shortest (2 X 3) + (2 X f ) = 6 i in. ; and the longest (.2 X 3J) + (2 X U) = 9* ; then the mean coil will be 8| in. long. The wire 88 DYNAMOS AND ELECTRIC MOTORS. tables (p. 78) show that eight coils of No. 12 S.W.G. cotton-covered wire go to the linear inch ; so in the space f in. X f in. there will be room for five coils, three layers deep, which will make fifteen coils in all. As the mean coil is 8J in. long, the total length will be 15 X 8 = 123| i n - ; but as there are twelve separate coils on the armature the total length of wire for the whole armature will be 123f X 12 = say 41 yds. No. 12 S.W.G. cotton-covered wire runs 8'8 yds. to the pound ; so between 4J Ib. and 4J Ib. will be enough. A simple way to determine the mean length of the coil is to add together any two adjacent sides of the rectangles forming the longest and shortest coils. Taking the first example (p. 85), shortest coil = (2 X 2 in.) + (2 X f in.) j longest coil = (2 X 3 in.) + (2 X If in.) ; mean coil = half the sum of these. Now, the shortest coil may be written : 2 (2J in. + | in.). Similarly, the longest coil = 2 (3J in. + If in.) : and combining the two, and talking half the sum for the mean coil, we get ${(2j in. + f in.) + (3j in. + If in.)} * which is equal to mean coil ; and by cancelling the multiplier and divisor of fraction, we have left, 2J in. + | in. + 3J in. + If in. = mean = 6 in -f 1^ in = 7J in.; and in the second example, 3 in. + f in. -f- 3f in. + li in. = mean = 6| in. + 1J in. = 8| in. CHAPTER VII. AILMENTS OF SMALL DYNAMO-ELECTRIC MACHINES, THEIR CAUSES AND CUHES. To localise the faults common to dynamos, we [shall require a battery of three or four cells of a strong and constant type, a galvanometer or current detector, such as those used by electric-bell fitters, and a mag- netised needle or a pocket compass. To repair the faults we shall need a soldering-iron, some soft solder, and some resin to solder faulty joints ; a pair of stout pliers, a screwdriver, small spanners to fit the nuts on the machine, and some soft cotton or tape, or both, well soaked in melted paraffin wax. The best battery for the purpose is the single fluid bichromate battery that is, a battery composed of jars or wide-mouthed bottles of glass or stoneware, each holding a pint. Each jar contains a plate of amal- gamated zinc between two plates of carbon, and is charged with a liquid composed of 3 ozs. bichromate of potash dissolved in a pint of water, and 3 ozs. of sulphuric acid. This liquid must be allowed to cool before the zinc plate is placed in it. The zinc plate in one cell must be connected to the carbon plate in the next cell by a stout copper wire, say No. 16 s.w.a, and all the cells must be thus con- nected so as to leave one zinc plate free at one end of the row, and one carbon plate free at the other end of the row. About 2 ft. of No. 18 or No. 20 S.W.G. wire, attached to these end plates by suitable binding-screws, will serve to connect the battery with the galvanometer and the machine. A steel darning-needle, magnetised by rubbing it on a permanent magnet, and suspended by a piece of cotton to hang horizontally, witt- serve as a QO DYNAMOS AND ELECTRIC MOTORS. substitute for a pocket compass. With this apparatus the following faults may be localised. If the cores of the magnets are not magnetised, no current will be generated in the armature coil. If one of the field magnet coils of an overtype or undertype machine is wound in the wrong direction, both pole pieces may have a like magnetism, and the same negative result will be obtained. One pole piece must have an opposite polarity to the other. The compass needle being held near the pole pieces of an ordinary two-pole machine, one of them should attract the north pole of the needle, and the other repel it. The machine should be tested in this way whilst the armature is at rest, and also when it is running. If the coils are wrongly connected, there may be a similar result. If the compass needle does not indicate any magnetism, or only a feeble magnetism, it may be assumed that the pole pieces are not magnetised. The whole of the armature current in a series machine, and a portion of it in a shunt machine, will be em- ployed in maintaining the magnetism of the field ; we must be careful so to convey it through the field-magnet coils as to retain the polarity of the cores induced initially by the battery current. A series-wound dynamo employed in depositing metals from their solutions, or in charging accumu- lators, is liable to have its poles reversed by a back current from the plating-vat or the accumulator cells. For this reason series dynamos are not suitable for such work. The polarity of the core is also reversed when current is sent through its coils from a battery, or another dynamo, to run the machine as an electric motor. Compound-wound machines are also liable to a reversal of their magnetism from a similar cause, owing to a high reverse current passing through the series coils. A shunt-wound machine can only be reversed by such means when its field-magnet coils are wrongly con- nected to a battery ; therefore, a shunt-wound machine should always be used for charging accumulators and AILMENTS OF SMALL DYNAMO MACHINES, gi for electro-depositing work. This altered polarity of the field-magnets may be detected by the compass needle being held to them, and the original magnetism can be restored by the means adopted at first for magnetising the cores. Magnetism neutralised, which may also be named short-circuiting the magnetic poles, occurs when the poles are bridged by a mass of iron, as when an under- type field is bolted direct to an iron bed-plate, or an over- type field is bridged by an iron plate secured to the pole pieces. When an air space is left between the polar extremities of a horseshoe magnet, the magnetic lines of force may be supposed to stretch across from one pole piece to the other, and are then in a position to pass through the armature coils. But when a piece of iron bridges these polar extremities, the greater number of the magnetic lines pass by way of this bridge, and so are diverted through the armature from their useful path, and, as there are, therefore, few or no lines of force passing through the armature, there will be a very faint current from the machine, or none at all. The field-magnets have been short-circuited by placing a guard of thick iron over the armature gap The guard over the armature space of an overtype dynamo should be of zinc or gun-metal ; and if it is necessary to have a metal bed-plate for an undertype dynamo, brackets of gun-metal or of zinc should be interposed between the magnet poles and the iron of the bed-plate. If the machine does not give a current or the desired effect, though the magnetic properties of the field have been tested as directed and found perfect, leakage or short-circuiting of the coils may be suspected. To detect this we must employ a battery and galvanometer, as before explained. Leakage most frequently takes place between the wire of the coils and the iron of the field magnets or the armature. Perhaps ^the rough corners on the castings have not been made smooth. Perhaps 92 DYNAMOS AND ELECTRIC MOTORS. the iron has not been coated with a sufficiently thick layer of varnish, paraffined tape, or calico ; or the wire has been pulled tight over these rough or unprotected parts, and the insulation has been cut through, thus bringing bare copper into contact with bare iron. As a consequence, the current takes a short cut by way of the iron instead of going through all the coil of wire, and the result is seen in a diminished output from the machine. - The following is a rough-and-ready means fre- quently adopted for discovering this fault. Disconnect the ends of the field magnet coils from their terminals, and connect one end of the coils to one terminal of the battery. Then take a long exploring wire and connect to the opposite terminal of the battery, and with the free end of this] scrape the iron-work and metal- work of the machine at several points. If any bare part of the wire coil is touching the bare iron of the machine, a bright spark will be seen to flash from the part of the machine touched with the exploring wire. By discon- necting the two coils from each other and testing each separately, the faulty one may be discovered. The armature coils may be tested in a similar manner in fact, they must be tested for leakage as well as those of the fields. It is advisable, however, in both cases to place the galvanometer in circuit by connecting the bat- tery to it, and then to connect the exploring wire to the galvanometer. If the needle moves, it shows that there is a leakage, however small or large this may be, but the rough test will only reveal a bad leakage. Leakage of another form may occur between adjacent turns or layers of wire in the same coil, and is due to the stripping off of the insulation, from some such cause as hammering the coils to get them in their proper places, or from pulling them too tight. If a machine is over- driven, or if a series machine is short-circuited, the insulating covering may get burnt off, and thus the coils become short-circuited. This fault can only be discovered by means of the AILMENTS OF SMALT. DYNAMO MACHINES. 93 galvanometer in circuit with the battery. Each coil must be placed in circuit separately, the deflections of the galvanometer needle noted, and these compared. Equal lengths of wire should have equal resistances, and this should be indicated by equal deflections of the galvano- meter needle. If the needle swings over much farther when one coil is in circuit than when a similar coil of the same length is tested, we may expect that coil to be short-circuited somewhere, because it offers a less resist- ance than the perfect coil. Each coil of the armature should be unsoldered from the commutator bars and tested separately in comparison with the others. All faulty coils must be unwound and the fault repaired by winding paraffined cotton or tape over the bare spot. Leakage sometimes occurs between the commutator bars and the spindle, or between the sections of the com- mutator itself, or between the brush-holders and other parts of the machine. Any of these leakages may be detected by the galvanometer and one or more cells of the battery. The commutator bars may be accidentally placed in contact with the spindle by using long screws. To detect this fault, attach one battery wire to the spindle and the other to the galvanometer, then touch each bar with the free wire from the galvano- meter and watch the indications of the needle. If the needle moves when a bar is touched, that bar is in contact with the spindle. Any faulty screw must be withdrawn, and a shorter one used. If the bars are accidentally connected by metal dust, or by expansion of the sections whilst heated, this fault may be detected by placing one wire from the battery on one bar and the wire from the galvanometer on the next bar. The coils must be disconnected from the bars whilst this is being done. Sometimes the brush-holders are not insulated from the machine. This fault may be detected by testing each separately with the body of the machine in circuit, and then testing the two together. If all is right, no current should pass between them and the machine or between the two holders when the brushes 94 DYNAMOS AND ELECTRIC MOTORS. are off, and they are disconnected from the outer circuit. Perfect insulation at these points is of the greatest importance. A machine tested at all points indicated above and found all right, or the detected faults put right, and yet that will not give satisfaction, may have a fault in the brushes. All brushes, in any type of machine, should be held in suitable brush-holders fixed to an insulated rocker, or in insulated sleeves attached to such a rocker. Fixed brushes on standards, or on blocks attached to the machine, give much trouble, since they can only be ad- justed by the exercise of much time and patience, and even then cannot be trusted to remain right for any length of time. The most inexpensive and efficient material for brushes in small dynamos is copper gauze, cut into strips of suitable width and length, and formed into pads by soldering the strips together at the ends to go in the brush-holders. As these pads have very little elasticity in them, it is advisable to back them with a strip of spring steel, German silver, or brass, so as to ensure enough pressure to keep them in good contact with the commu- tator. Machines frequently fail because of having hard brass brushes, which press unevenly on the commutator, or get thrown out of contact when the machine is driven at a high speed. Pads of copper gauze bear and wear more evenly than springs of hard brass. When these pads are fixed to a rocker, they may be easily adjusted to any position. The theoretically right position for the brushes is for their ends to bear on the commutator bars opposite the centre of the open spaces between the field magnets. The position practically right is always in advance of this, because the armature current distorts the lines of force in the magnetic field. This forward position or lead of the brushes must be found by experiment, because it varies with the type and speed of every machine. As a rule, the highest speed demands the most forward lead. If the machine is con- nected to the thick coil of a suitable ammeter when driven at the required speed, and the brushes are AILMENTS OF SMALL DYNAMO MACHINES. 95 moved until the best effects are noted by the deflec- tion of the needle, this will be the best position for the brushes. Sparking at the Brushes. The machine may run all right, and give a fairly good current for a short time, but there may be much sparking at the brushes, burn- ing them away and burning pits in the commutator. This shows defective construction or bad adjustment of the brushes. The likely faults in construction are : Coils of a varying length and resistance on the armature, insufficient resistance in the field magnet coils, or leakage between the armature coils and the carcase of the machine. This last defect may be found by examining the armature coils. Perhaps these touch the iron occasionally, and rub off the insulating coating. This may be due to too much end-shake of the armature spindle, to a worn bearing, or to a loose bearing allowing the armature to wobble. A small washer on the spindle will correct too much end-play, tightening the nuts will remedy a loose bearing, but a worn bearing must be bushed with brass to cure side-shake. If leakage occurs, the worn spot should be coated with varnish worked in well between the folds of the wire. Sparking may indicate that too much work is being thrown on the machine. Sparking due to bad adjustment of the brushes can be cured by altering their lead, as described in the previous section (p. 94). Broken Armature Wire. Such a wire can be mended as follows : If it is outside the winding, bare and clean the' two ends, twist and solder them together, then paint the joint over with either Brunswick black or red sealing-wax varnish. If it is in the winding, bare and bevel the two ends, tin the bevels, and sweat the joint together ; then work up to as near the size of the wire itself as possible, relap the joint with silk, and dip it in melted paraffin wax, or paint it over with Brunswick black. Sunning Hot. Some of the best designed and 96 DYNAMOS AND ELECTRIC MOTORS. constructed machines will get too warm after a day's run on heavy work. The passage of an electric current through the wire coils will always warm them more or less, and much of this rise of temperature is unavoidable. When the temperature rises considerably, as when the field magnet coils feel quite hot if touched by the hand, there is always a serious loss in heating the wires, because hot wires offer more resistance to the current than cool wires. The main cause of this excessive heating is an employment of wires too small to carry the current properly ; or, in other words, the machine is required to do more work than it is properly capable of. The remedy here is clear enough. But sometimes the heating of a machine is due to defective construction, or it may be due to leakage. Solid iron armatures, and laminated armatures which are not insulated, may get unbearably hot in a short time, because of cross or eddy currents circulating in the mass of iron from end to end of the armature. When the laminations are separated from each other by an insulating substance (even a thin coat of varnish is sufficient), these currents are broken up, and cannot travel from end to end. Machines with solid iron armatures, or with badly-insulated laminations, will get hot enough to melt the soft solder connections at the commutator and distort the commutator sections. In series and compound machines leakage across the brushes will also heat the coils injuriously. Short- circuiting a series machine may seriously damage it, by charring the insulating covering of the wires. These are the most common ailments of small dynamos. Others there are, but it will often be found that these are due only to faulty workmanship or to wear and tear. It may be useful here to say a few words as to the possibility of receiving shocks from dynamos. There cannot be any serious shock to a person handling a dynamo giving a current of low voltage. Neither can a person receive a shock merely by touching the machine AILMENTS OF SMALL DYNAMO MACHINES. 97 with one hand, provided the machine as a whole is insulated from the ground, because the body does not then form a link in a closed electrical circuit. It is unsafe to meddle with large dynamos, or with any part of an electric light circuit in a large installation, even to touching it with one hand only, unless you are thoroughly acquainted with it, because of the uncer- tainty of knowing when the mere act of touching may complete a circuit. The general attention which a dynamo requires is similar to that needed by all high-speed machines. Keep all bearings and wearing parts clean and properly oiled. See that the driving-belt is wide enough to take a good grip on the pulley, and thus maintain a good speed with- out undue tightness. It must also be remembered that, in addition to the bearings, the commutator and brushes are the wearing parts of the machine. The brushes must be adjusted to the proper angle, as before explained. Sparking wears away brushes and commutator very fast, and thus will demand frequent adjustment of the brushes to keep them bearing on the best part of the commutator. When the brushes have cut grooves in the commutator it is necessary to re-true the furrowed part, and sometimes to put in a new segment. CHAPTER VIII. SMALL ELECTRIC MOTORS WITHOUT CASTINGS. THE little model shown at Fig. 87, if made according to the following instructions, requires no castings and no lathe for its successful construction. It is also Fig. 87. Simple Electric Motor complete. within the reach of the younger readers of this book who have an idea of using a few tools, and will exercise a little ingenuity and patience. The motor, when complete and judiciously painted with such simple colours as red sealing-wax varnish and Bruns- wick black, looks very presentable, to say nothing of its use in illustrating the laws of electro-magnetism. For the field magnet get a piece of f in. round wrought iron 4 in. long, as soft as possible, and bend it into the form of a horse-shoe, with the ends } in. apart on the inaide ; go over it with a file to take tha ELECTRIC MOTORS WITHOUT CASTINGS. 99 roughness off, and then file up the two ends true and square one with the other. Cut a long strip of paper i-in.-wide newspaper will do and paste it well, and wind it round the horse-shoe until there are about three thicknesses on all over, except within i in. from the ends ; paste the outside of the paper all over, and go over it with the fingers to get it even ; when this is dry give it a coat of Brunswick black. Thin magnet does not require any bobbins, so we Fig. 88. Side Elevation of Field Magnet and Block. can go straight on winding it with some No. 28 S.W.G. silk-covered copper wire. Begin just short of the edge of the paper cover, with a half hitch, leaving the end about 6 in. long ; wind the wire on close and even until reaching the other end, just within the edge of the paper; then, still winding the same way, go back over the first coils, but be careful that the wire does not slip, and that the second row does not sink between the first. After going back about \ in. or so, fix the end by giving two or three turns on the opposite leg of the magnet or by any other way that may be con- venient, and give the whole magnet another coat of ioo DYNAMOS AND ELECTRIC MOTORS. Brunswick black; let this get dry (it does not take long), and go ahead again, always applying a fresh coat of varnish when an end is reached. By taking care in turning, and repeating the coats of Brunswick black, all danger of slipping will be avoided. The wire coils will not lie close together on the out- side of the bent part of the iron core. Keep them close Fig. 89. Plan of Field Magnet and Block. on the inside, however, and make them radiate nicely for the sake of appearance ; winding round the bent part in this way will not interfere with the working. When the winding has been continued till the coils laid measure about | in. in diameter all over, finish off at the opposite end from which you began by tying a piece of thread close up to the finish, leaving another 6-in. length of wire. Wind the thread in different directions, and fasten it off with a knot. See that the ends of the iron core are flat and bright. (See Figs. 88, 89, and 90.) For the armature take a small piece of soft wrought iron, Ifi in. long, \ in. thick, or a little ELECTRIC MOTORS WITHOUT CASTINGS. 101 thicker, and f in. wide ; file it smooth all over, and take off all sharp edges. Get a short strip of paper, f in. wide, and paste it Touri,d the exact middle of the iron until there are thwfe'-'Ot four thicknesses on. Give the paper a coat of Brunswick Wack. and let it dry. Now begin to wind the armature, using No. 36 s.w.o silk-covered copper wire. Take great care in winding Fig. 90. Front Elevation of Field Magnet and Clock. the armature, turning backwards and forwards as with the field magnet, giving each layer a coat of Bruns- wick black, and wind on as much wire as the armature will accommodate. The more neatly the work is done the more wire will be got on, and the better will be the results ; finish off in the middle, and leave tags at each end about 2 in. long. See that the coils are not more than in. across in front, or the magnet will rub them. Fig. 91 (p. 102) will show what is meant. While winding the armature, it may be tried in different positions against the magnet, to see that the coils are quite clear of other parts, for if they do not touch while the armature is against the magnet, it may be assumed that they will be all right afterwards. loz DYNAMOS AND ELECTRIC MOTORS. The brushes are simply two thin copper strips, 3 in. long and ^ in. wide, bent to the required shape, with a piece' trf silk-covered, 'coppe? wire about 6 in. long soldered to each, and each' liaving a small hole drilled Fig. 91. Armature, showing |-in. Limit. at one end to take a small wood screw, as shown in Fig. 92. The commutator should be in two parts, arranged BO that the brushes work on one face, and not on Fig. 92. Shape of Brush. Fig. 93. Face of Commutator. the rim. This plan has been adopted ^ as the motor is designed to be made without using a lathe, and to true up a round surface is next to impossible without a lathe. For the body of the commutator take a cylindrical piece of hird wood not less than f in. diameter, and ELECTRIC MOTORS WITHOUT CASTINGS. 103 cut off in. of it quite square. A piece of an old round ruler does very well indeed ; true up both flat faces, and carefully drill a hole through the exact centre large enough to fit tightly on a thick knitting- needle, 2 in. of which will make a very good steel shaft. From sheet copper cut a disc of the same size as the wooden body, and fasten it on the wood with four small wood screws, and counter-sink them as Fig. 94. Armature Shaft complete. shown in Fig. 93. Cut the copper right through the centre with a file, and saw down through the wood for about \ in ; the thickness of a small saw-cut will be quite wide enough for the slits. Having gone so far, take off the two pieces of copper, mark them so that they can be put on again in the same positions, and cut a notch in the middle of each as in Fig. 93, to prevent any chance of contact with the shaft ; screw them on again, and glue into each side of the slot two little pieces of boxwood or bone, so that they stand just above the copper. Then file up the whole face, bone strips, and screw-heads to a true and even smooth face, square with the shaft-hole. Make the yoke for the armature from sheet brasa about ^ in. thick. Cut a piece about If in. long and J in. wide, and bend it as shown to the right in Fig. 94, so 104 DYNAMOS AND ELECTRIC MOTORS. that it will touch the ends of the armature and enclose the coils. It may perhaps be necessary to cut it a little longer than If in. ; all depends on how much wire has been wound on the armature. In the centre of this yoke drill a hole to fit the bit of knitting-needle which forms the shaft ; then carefully adjust the yoke on the armature so that the hole for the shaft comes exactly in the centre of the armature and coils ; fasten both together with twine to prevent any chance of shifting, and solder the two ends of the yoke to the two ends of the armature. Now place the steel shaft through the hole in the yoke, see that it is perfectly perpendicular to the Fig. 95. End View of Brass Bearing for Armature Shaft. face of the armature, and solder it in, taking care not to drop any hot solder upon the armature coils. As there will not be much chance of truing up afterwards, try to get everything square when fixing in the shaft. The shaft bearings are four pieces of brass cut from the same piece as the yoke, or from sheet brass a little thicker ; two measure about 1 in. by T \ in., and two about in. by -^ in. They are each drilled, as shown in Figs. 94 and 95, to take four small wood screws and the shaft. The best way to drill the shaft-hole, shown in the centre of Fig. 95, is to fix both pairs of brasses to any spare piece of wood side by side, just in the position they will occupy on the frame, only close to- gether, and carefully drill right through both at once, square and true. Before taking them off mark them all, to ensure getting them back in their places when they are to be fixed. The [stand and blocks can be made of any kind of hard wood preferred. Their form does not matter much, so long as the one at the top of the field magnet is made as shown in Figs. 88, 89, and 90. The block for the bearings and shaft can be a simple ELECTRIC MOTORS WITHOUT CASTINGS. 105 cube ; only both blocks must be of such a height as to bring the centre line of the shaft on a level with the centre line of the field magnet ends. The blocks can be glued on the stand after their positions have been determined, or fastened by screws through the bottom of the stand, or they may be fixed in both ways. Four little binding- screws will be wanted for the stand, as in Fig. 87 (p. 98), which is a sketch of the model in its simplest form complete, but not drawn to scale. When fixing, the commutator, with its copper face outwards, can be slipped on the shaft right up to the yoke, the slits being parallel with the length of the armature. A little strong glue dropped on each side, between the yoke and the wooden back of the com- mutator, will hold them together quite tight enough, especially if the shaft-hole is not large. Now bring out the ends of the coil, one to each side of the yoke ; cut them just long enough to reach the edge of the copper face of the commutator, but not to press against the yoke ; bare the ends, and solder one to each segment of the rim, taking care that no solder runs on up the copper face. Cut a small disc of stout lead A, solder this on the end of the shaft in such a place that it balances the armature, commutator, etc., and put it on true to prevent any wobbling. This little disc has two uses : it makes the model run easier by means of its balancing power, and it helps the armature over the two dead points. The magnet may now be screwed tight on its seat, silk ribbon having been previously wound round the coils to prevent the wood cutting them. The brass bearings can then be put on the other block in their proper places, the one farthest from the magnets being flush with the side of the block, so that a little brass washer can work against it. This washer must be soldered on the shaft as shown at B in Fig. 94, where A is a lead disc, c o the bearings, D the brush, E the commutator, v the yoke, and a the armature. io6 DYNAMOS AND ELECTRIC MOTORS. Put on the shaft, and fasten up the bearings. Slack the button of the field magnet, and adjust it so that the armature will run freely, as near as possible to the end of the magnet without any chance of touching. Fasten on the brushes, one on each side of the shaft, and between the bearings ; mind they touch nothing but the wood. Set the armature opposite the ends of the magnet, and bend the brushes so that they each press gently on the commutator. The dotted lines Fig. 96. End Elevation. Fig. 97. Side Elevation. Figs. 96 and 97. Miniature Electric Motor with Iron Yoke. in Figs. 93 and 94 (pp. 102 and 103), show a position for the brushes, but their best place will be found after the model has been set going. Now bring the ends of the wires from the brushes to the two first binding-screws, and the two ends of the field magnet coil to the other two. Let us number the four binding-screws from 1 to 4, Nos. 1 and 2 being con* nected to the two fore ends of the field magnets, and Nos. 3 and 4 to the two brushes. By connecting one pole of a battery to Nos. 1 and 3, and the other pole to Nos. 2 and 4, the armature and fields will be in parallel. In other words, if it were a dynamo, with a lamp where the battery is in the circuit, it would be said to be a shunt machine. If now, with a short length of spare wire, Nos. 2 and 3 be joined, and one pole of the battery con- nected to No. 1, and the other to No. 4, the armature and fields will be in series. Also by connecting Nos. 1 ELECTRIC MOTORS WITHOUT CASTINGS. 107 and 4 with a spare piece of wire, and the battery to Nos. 2 and 3, they will still be in series, but the current, not the motor, will be reversed that is, if you have not turned the battery round, or placed the pole that was in No. 1 into No. 2, and the same the other side. Another way is to connect one cell to Nos. 1 and 2, and another cell to Nos. 3 and 4, then reverse the current in either Nos. 1 and 2, or Nos. 3 and 4, and the motor will be reversed. Anyone who follows the foregoing instructions with a little care may have a small model electric motor at a U Fig. 98. Side Elevation. Fig. 99. End Elevation. Fijjs. 98 and 99. Small Motor, with Horse-shoe Magnet and Wooden Saddle. merely nominal cost, the only expense being the copper wire, four small binding-screws, and some small wood screws ; almost any kind of close-grained wood can be used for the stand. All the rest of the stuff, such as the iron, odd bits of copper, brass, etc., might be got from an old scrap-heap. Two other small motors are shown in Figs. 96 to 106. A fair-sized motor of this type, with a fly-wheel about lj in. in diameter, will be found very handy to revolve small Geissler tubes, or to work small models. In the motor here described, the balance-wheel of a small round American clock was used for a fly-wheel, which is about f in. in diameter. The drawings are all in proportion, so that a scale can be made, which will serve to work from. io8 DYNAMOS AND ELECTRIC MOTORS. Figs. 96 and 97 (p. 106), show an end and side eleva- tion of the motor, with a small angle iron for a yoke, into which the magnet cores are either screwed or bolted. This method, of course, is the neatest, and will look the best ; but as it necessitates the use of a few extra tools, nothing more will be mentioned about it, the drawings speaking for themselves. The simpler form, shown complete by Figs. 98, 99, and 100, will be followed ; here a piece cf round bent iron serves for a magnet, held in its place by a small wooden saddle and a button. In fact, the whole motor given in these three figures can be made from a few scraps of iron, brass, and wood. Fig. 100. Plan of Small Motor. Fig. 101. Bearing Brackets. A piece of soft iron wire, \ in. in diameter, will make the magnet, bent to the form and proportions given in Fig. 103 (p. 110). Two little brown-paper bobbins, with very thin wooden ends, will be required, as in Fig. 102 ; fill these with No. 26 s.w.o. or No. 28 S.W.G. silk- covered copper wire. It does not matter at which end of the bobbins the wire ends come out as long as they are connected one with the other. To connect the coils of the magnet, one end it matters not which will have to go direct to one of the binding-screws, and be clamped under it, while the other end has to be clamped under the foot of the back bearing bracket. The wire from the other binding-screw goes to the foot of the break spring (see Figs. 98 to 100). Having made a little stand of polished or varnished ELECTRIC MOTORS WITHOUT CASTINGS. 109 wood, fix a small block at one end and clamp in the magnet and bobbins by means of a wood screw and a wooden button. Figs. 98 and 100 show this part of the fitting. The bearing brackets (Fig. 101) are cut out of sheet brass. The back one, between the bobbins of the magnet, has a small hole drilled half through it; the other carries a small screw with a hole drilled at its end ; the two form point bearings for the fly-wheel spindle. These brackets should be fastened to the stand, so that the cross armature may revolve as close as possible to the poles of the electro- magnet without touching it (see Figs. 98 Fig. 102. Bobbin for Magnet Coila. to 100). Two small binding-screws are fixed to the side of the stand (see Figs. 98 to 100) ; one end of the coil on the bobbins is fixed under one binding-screw, and the other end of the coil is fixed under the back bracket bearing. The most delicate part of this model is the contact spring, and as the machine is so small the pressure of this spring must be very slight indeed, although making good contact when required. One of the best methods of making this spring is to take a length of No. 24 s.w.G. or No. 22 S.W.G. silk-covered copper wire and bare about i in. at one end ; beat this out with a hammer, almost as thin as copper foil, cut the tip square, coil up the rest of the wire to form a spiral, and slip it loosely over a small wooden peg in the stand (see Figs. 98 to 100), fixing the bottom of the spring to the stand by means of a small spot of glue. The little flattened tip must be bent with a pair of pliers, so that it will just touch the tips of the teeth on the contact breaker, leaving them free whenever the arms of the armature are exactly opposite the poles of the magnet. The other end of this contact spring goes under the other binding-screw. All no DYNAMOS AND ELECTRIC MOTORS. ends of wire are, of course, scraped clean and bright just before being clamped under binding-screws, etc. The small armature is made of soft wrought iron, about T \ in. thick, and must be cut to the shape shown in Fig. 104. File and trim it up true, and drill a hole Fig. 103. Horse-shoe Magnet. u Fig. 104. Iron Armature. through its centre to take the spindle or shaft. Tin the tips of the arms on one side ; then, with a small copper bit, solder the tips to the rim of the balance- wheel. The contact breaker for this size of motor should Fig. 105. Setting-out Contact Breaker. Fig. 10G. Fly-wheel Arma- ture and Contact Breaker. be about \ in. in diameter when finished. It is made from sheet brass, T* in. thick. Fig. 105 shoAvs the method of setting out the four teeth, which can be cut with a small file. A hole must be carefully drilled through the centre and the contact breaker soldered to the shaft of the fly-wheel, as shown in Fig. 106, on the side opposite to the armature. After trimming all up, this completes the fly-wheel. It is not necessary to describe how to make such small binding-screws as will be required; dealers sell them for about ld. each. ELECTRIC MOTORS WITHOUT CASTINGS, in The model works by the current entering at one binding-screw, going round the coils of wire and making the core a magnet, which then attracts its armature. At the moment the armature is opposite the poles, the current is broken by the spring leaving a tooth on the contact breaker ; the core immediately ceases to be magnetic, and allows the armature to proceed by the impetus given to the fly-wheel it is fastened to till the spring touches the next tooth, and so on. A small dry cell will be the most convenient for driving the little model. One pole of the cell must be connected to one binding-screw, and the other pole to the other binding-screw. A small switch can be added to cut ofl the current and stop the motor ; otherwise, one wire must be 1 disconnected from one of the binding- screws. A half -pint bichromate cell also will drive the little motor well, and for one charge from six to eight hours' work can be taken from it, either at odd times or at one run When the model is complete, for appearance sake it should be neatly painted with red sealing- wax varnish, black paint, or Brunswick black. Sealing-wax varnish is used so much for electrical models, etc., on account of its insulating properties, which are far above ordinary oil paints. The coils need not be painted ; and unless special wire is bought, the silk on it will be green. Keeping all brass bright and showing the coils of green silk-covered wire will give a very pretty appearance to the model, which when made very small, is a taking little novelty. XI2 CHAPTER IX. HOW TO DETERMINE THE DIRECTION OF ROTATION O? A MOTOR. IN dealing with some of the principles on which electric motors act, we will take as an example the Siemens H. girder type. This form of motor has been chosen partly because of its simplicity of construction, partly as it is such a favourite form for small motors. In this chapter an endeavour will be made to make the principles clear by illustrating some of the laws that govern this type of machine, without in any way going into the subject of construction. The principal law to understand is that governing what happens when a length of covered copper wire is wound round a bar of soft iron, and an electric current is passed through the wire. It is, of course, well known that the iron becomes a magnet, and remains a magnet as long as the current flows ; but there are other laws of great importance to be considered. Take a small bar of iron, as N s in Fig. 107 ; hold the end N in your left hand, and wind a length of covered copper wire upon the iron, beginning from your left hand and proceeding towards the other end, describing circles with your right hand in the same direction as the hands of a clock turn that is, away from you on top of the iron, and towards you underneath. If you now pass an electric current through the wire coil, from the left-hand end to the right-hand end, as shown by the arrows that is, if you connect the carbon plate of an active battery to the left hand, and the zinc plate to the right the left-hand end of the iron becomes the north pole of a magnet, and the end that is at your right hand becomes the south pole. DIRECTION OF ROTATION OF A MOTOR. 113 Now take the iron bar, but wind it in the reverse way that is, as you wind on the wire describe circles with your right hand in a direction contrary to that taken by the hands of a clock, as in Fig. 108 that is, pass the wire from you when going under the iron, aud bring it towards you when coming over the top. Then send the current, as before, in at the left-hand end and out at the right, as shown by the arrows, and the poles sr/y / / |H Fig. 109. \ Nl\\\\\k jj V V v V v ' Fig. 110. Figs. 107 to 110. Directions of Currents and Resultant Magnetism in Bar Magnets. will be reversed that is, the north pole will be towards the right hand, N, and the south pole to the left, s. Fig. 109 is wound in the same direction as Fig. 107, but the current flows, as shown by the arrows, from the right hand to the left ; this will cause the poles to be reversed. Fig. 110 is wound in the same direction as Fig. 108 ; but by reversing the direction of the current, as shown by the arrows, the poles again become reversed, as occurred in the other case. This is what happens in a shuttle armature when the brushes cross the insulating strips of the commutator : the direction of magnetism set up in the armature by the armature current is reversed by the current being reversed. A very good way to master this rule is to get a piece of wood, and mark one end "S" and the other end " N." Then get a piece of string; on one end tie a label, ft ii4 DYNAMOS AND ELECTRIC MOTORS. marked " +," or positive, on the other end tie another label marked " ," or negative. With the stick and the string practise the foregoing rule. The next law to be understood is (a) if poles of the same kind are brought near each other, they will repel one another ; (6) if two different poles are brought to- gether, they will attract one another that is, north to Fig. 111. Tl'l'l Fig. 112. Figs. Ill and 112. Series Motors. north, repulsion ; south to south, repulsion ; but north to south, attraction. In the diagrams of motors (Figs. Ill to 116), the commutators and brushes have been left out in order to simplify the drawings. It must be understood that at the moment the two poles of the armature are opposite the two poles of the field magnet, the two brushes are resting upon the insulating strips of the commutator ; immediately after that, as the armature rotates, the direction of the current is changed through the armature and its poles reversed. Though this is not the exact fact in practice, in this case we may assume it to be so. In a motor of the Siemens type driven in series, the current passes either first round the magnets, then DIRECTION OF ROTATION OF A MOTOR. 115 through the armature, and back to the batter y, as in Fig. Ill, or in the reverse direction, first through the armature, then the magnets, and back to the battery, as in Fig. 112. It may appear curious, but whichever way a current is sent through a series motor, as shown, it will rotate the same way. Let us follow the winding in Fig. Ill, starting from the battery. We will suppose that the direction of the current is as shown by the arrows. The first magnet core to be reached is the left-hand one ; this, it will be observed, is wound as the iron bar in Figs. 108 and 110, and if the foregoing law has been understood, it will be seen that a south pole is left behind the winder. Crossing over to the other core, the winding is done as shown in Fig. 108, and this produces a north pole at N. After this the current goes to one brush, then through the commutator (these are not shown), and into the armature, wound in the same way as the bar in Fig. 109, which produces a north pole to the right and a south pole to the left. After this, the current again goes through the commutator, through the other brush, and so returns to the battery. The position of the armature as shown in Fig. Ill is a little beyond the horizontal, so that the brushes are in contact with the commutator, and the current will flow through the whole machine. Now study what happens. The south pole of the armature is against or near the south pole of the magnet, and the north pole of the armature is near the north pole of the magnet. This means mutual repulsion, so the armature takes the motion indicated by the curved arrow above it, which, by the way, shows the direction of motion in all the diagrams. Influenced by repulsion, this motion continues until the south pole of the arma- ture nears the north pole of the magnet ; then, as they are of different poles, they will attract each other until the south pole of the armature has arrived exactly opposite the north pole of the magnet. At that moment the insulating strips cross the brushes and change the n6 DYNAMOS AND ELECTRIC MOTORS. poles of the armature, and what was formerly the south pole in the armature now becomes its north pole, and like poles are again together and mutual repulsion is set up, causing a repetition of the same series of motions as has just been described. If the battery current is now reversed, as shown in Fig. 112 (p. 114), and the winding is followed out, it will be found that every pole has been changed, so that again we have like poles to like, and the motion becomes the Fig. 113. Fig. 114. Fig. 113 and 114. Shunt Motors. same as in Fig. 111. This means that if a motor is driven in series, it will turn in the same direction, whichever way the current goes. When a motor is driven as a shunt machine, the current from the battery is divided part being shunted to the magnets and part to the armature. After the divided current has passed through the machine, it again unites in one wire and returns to the battery. By following the windings and the direction of the current in Fig. 113, it will be seen that the left-hand limb s is the same as s in Fig. Ill (p. 114), and that it is a south pole; the other must, of course, be a north pole, as the two DIRECTION OF ROTATION OF A MOTOR. 117 limbs of the magnet are always wound so as to give opposite poles. Now follow out that branch of the current which passes through the armature ; this will enter on the left-hand side and be wound with a coil going in the direction shown in Fig. 109 (p. 113); this will give a north pole to the left, and a south pole to the right. The current then goes through the commu- tator, etc., after which it joins the current round the magnet, and so returns to the battery. In this case it will be seen that we have unlike poles Fig. 115. Fig. 116. Figs. 115 and 116. Motors driven with Two Batteries. near each other ; these exert mutual attraction, and the armature rotates in the direction opposite to that shown in both Figs. Ill and 112 (p. 114). Now study what happens when the shunted part of the current is reversed through the armature, and the part of the current through the magnets is left as it was. Fig. 114 will show this. We have like poles together, exerting mutual repulsion, and the motion of the arma- ture is reversed, turning in the same direction as shown in Figs. Ill and 112. We should also get a reversal by reversing the current round the magnet whilst keeping nS DYNAMOS AND ELECTRIC MOTORS. the current in the armature in the same direction as in Fig. 113 (p. 114). For further study, suppose that the motor is driven with two batteries, one to excite the magnets and the other to excite the armature, as in Figs. 115 and 116. If now the windings and the direction of the current are followed out as in all the other cases, the direction in which the armature will move will be seen readily. Here, as was the case with the shunt motor, if the current is reversed in either the magnet or the armature, the direction in which the motor turns will be reversed. Note that all the diagrams, from Fig. Ill to Fig. 116, are wound the same way ; this has been done to show some of the different ways that one motor can be driven, by making different combinations with the current. But too much space would be required to show all com- binations of winding and all combinations of current possible. As there are many more combinations than those shown, the reader will find it useful to sketch out a few skeleton diagrams, and put the windings and the currents in various ways different from these, and work out the motions himself. As an example, supposing you have just bought the castings of a small model girder-motor, and that you wish to make it turn the reverse way to Figs. 1 11 and 112 (p. 114), when driven in series. Wind the magnet as in Figs. Ill and 112, but wind the armature as in Figs. 110 and 113 ; or, on the other hand, wind the armature as it is in Figs. Ill and 112, but reverse the twist in the magnet. Then you will have a motor that, when driven in series, will turn in the reverse direction to that shown in Figs. Ill and- 112. All this is very simple when once the law of winding a simple bar of iron has been mastered, and it is remembered that two like poles repel, and two unlike poles attract each other. Finally, it must be said that it is always best to drive a motor with the current it was intended to take, and if it is desired to try experiments of this sort, rig up a motor specially for the purpose. CHAPTER X. HOW TO MAKE A SHUTTLE-AKMATURE MOTOR. THE small electro-motor shown in the accompanying illustration (Fig. 117) is suited to the requirements of those who have access to a lathe for turning certain parts. It is a machine that will look very well indeed Fig. 117. Shuttle- Armature Motor Complete. if good workmanship is shown in the fitting and finishing of the various parts. But some careful fitting is required to make it run well. When properly made, it will drive a small polishing or dental lathe, or a small fretwork machine, or a small drilling-machine, or even a light sewing-machine, with a battery power of some three or four quart chromic acid cells, or the equivalent electrical energy from any other source. The set of castings required consists of two malleable iron field magnet cores and bridges, as shown at Fig. 118, each measuring 4 in. in length by 2J in. in width ; one malleable iron casting (Fig. 119) for the armature, 120 DYNAMOS AND ELECTRIC MOTORS. measuring Z\ in. in length by If in. in diameter ; two gun-metal castings, 1| in. in diameter (Fig. 120), for ends of the armature ; two brass castings of four-legged spiders for the bearings of the spindle ; one brass casting of a pulley, l\ in. diameter by T 9 ^ in. thick ; one brass casting of a collar, 1 in. diameter by in. thick ; two brass end-pieces, 2^ in. by f in. (Fig. 121), to form feet for the field magnets ; one brass casting for a brush rocker, 2 in. in length (Fig. 122) ; two brass castings Fig. 118. Field Magnet Casting for Shuttle-Armature Motor. of brush-holders (Fig. 123) ; two brass castings of set screws (Fig. 124) ; castings for the brass nuts, brass tube for commutator, and a strip of phosphor bronze for the brushes. These having been obtained, we will set about fitting and finishing the various parts and putting them together. The field magnet castings, if rough, will require to be filed to make them fit and have a presentable appearance. All lumps should first be filed down with a flat bastard file. The channel for the armature must next be smoothed with a half-round file, care being taken not to do more than smooth the casting. The corners of the cores should be rounded off, to prevent them from cutting into the insulating cover of the wire aa this is being wound o*n. The outsides may now be smoothed and the ends trued, to make the whole fit well A SHUTTLE- ARMATURE MOTOR. isi together. The top casting for the field magnet is usually a little thicker than the under one. The under field magnet casting will have the two brass feet or holding- down pieces, shown at Fig. 121, fitted under each end, and must therefore have two hoies drilled at each end. These receive two small screws, which pass through the Fig. 119. Armature Casting for Shuttle-Armature Motor. brass feet and the lower casting into the top casting, as shown in Fig. 129 (p. 126). Small holes for set screws, to hold the feet of the spiders, must also be drilled and tapped in the corners of the armature channel, as shown Fig. 120. Gun-Metal Casting for Armature Ends. at Fig. 129 ; these are fitted with round-headed brass screws. Thus prepared, the castings may have a coat of Japan black and be set aside to dry. The armature is of the Siemens H-girder type, in one casting of malleable soft iron. This must be filed smooth and true at the ends, and the channel must be made smooth with a file. The gun-metal end-pieces shown at 122 DYNAMOS AND ELECTRIC MOTORS. Fig. 120 will be fitted to the ends of the armature, to hold the steel spindles. These are made from two 2-in. lengths of -in. steel rod, turned true and smooth down to -j 8 ,,- in. diam. Turn the end-pieces smooth, drill a T \ in. hole through the boss of each, and drive one end of each spindle into each boss. The end-pieces will be secured to the ends of the Fig. 121. Gun-Metal Foot for Motor. armature, after being fitted true to it, by small brass screws ; holes must therefore be drilled through the end- pieces and into the armature, which is tapped to receive the screws. In one of the end-pieces drill two extra holes for the ends of the armature coil to come through, and bush these holes with small tubes of ivory or bone. When Fig. 122. Rocker for Brush-Holders. the ends are fitted on, mount the armature in a lathe, and true it by turning away just enough to take off the rough skin. This done, mark all the screws and screw- holes to correspond, so that they can be identified when the machine is being put together. Take off the ends, and dress the web and channel with shellac or good sealing-wax varnish, then set aside to dry, ready for winding. Brass castings as shown at Fig. 117 fulfil the double purpose of clamps to hold the field magnets A SHUTTLE- ARMATURE MOTOR. 123 together and of bearings for the armature spindles. These must now be drilled to fit the spindles, with holes in each foot to receive the holding studs, and with small oil holes for each bearing ; then they must be filed smooth and neatly polished. The projecting boss of one of these bearings must be turned to form a bearing for the brush rocker (Fig. 122), which will fit on Tig. 123. Casting for Brush-Holder. like a sleeve. The insides of the spider legs and bodies should also be turned smooth. The casting for the brush rocker is shown at Fig. 122. The hole in the centre must be bored to fit the boss on the bearing above-mentioned ; and a hole must be drilled and tapped in the edge of the rocker to receive a set screw for fixing the rocker in any required position. Fig. 124. Casting for Milled Head Screw. Two rough brass castings, as shown at Fig. 123, must be turned and filed to the form shown at Fig. 125 (p. 124), to form brush-holders, and these are held in holes, B B, drilled through the ends of the rocker (Fig 122). The holes in the ends of the rocker are drilled T \ in. in diameter, and bushed with vulcanite or asbestos board, with a collar of the same on each side, to insulate the brush- holder from the rocker. A fairly good bush can be cut from a piece of rubber tube, with two collars of thin cloth to come between the shoulder of the brush -holder and the rocker on one side, and the nut and the rocker 011 the other ; but indiarubber is liable to be destroyed 124 DYNAMOS AND ELECTRIC MOTORS. by oil. In Fig. 125 the part B is first turned to in. diameter, and a thread chased on it to receive a brass nut. The plain part to the left of the chased thread must be drilled transversely with a -j^-in. hole, c, to receive the conducting wire, and this hole is met with another, E, drilled from the end, and tapped to receive a binding-screw with a milled head, as shown at Fig. 126. Fig. 125. Brush -Holder Fig. 126. Screw with complete. Milled Head. The other end of the brush- holder, D, is turned parallel, a slot gV in. wide is cut up to the shoulder A, one side of the holder is filed flat, and a ^ in. hole is drilled through both jaws ; the hole in one jaw is tapped to receive a brass screw, which passes freely through the other jaw. The brushes are strips of phosphor bronze foil, 2 in. by ^ in., cut to the form shown at Fig. 127. Six Fig. 127. Brush. of these strips soldered together at one end form a pad. A slot, \ in. by i in., is cut through the middle to receive the adjusting and tightening screw. There is a brush-holder (Fig. 125) at each end of the rocker, and in the jaws of this the brush is held. A two-part commutator, made of a brass ferrule split into two equal parts, will be required. On this form of armature there is only one coil, the two ends of which are connected to the two parts of the commutator. The brass tube which will be suitable for the castings has an internal diameter of \\ in. This is fitted on a boxwood boss \ in. in width, bored with a hole which exactly A SHUTTLE- ARMATURE MOTOR. 125 fits the spindle at that end of the armature with the bushed holes in it. The ferrule is now to be scribed into two equal parts, and on each side of the dividing lines scribe two more lines, so as to have the three lines on each side i in. apart. Through the centre of each of the two side lines drill small holes into the boxwood to receive brass screws, as shown in Fig. 128. Countersink the mouths of these eight holes, and screw in the screws tight; then cut the ferrule into two equal parts with an oblique cut, as shown at Fig. 128. This is best done with a hack-saw, so as to make a clean cut through the brass and into the boxwood_beneath it. The boss, with its split ferrule, Fig. 128. Commutator. is now pressed on the spindle with the inner ends of the oblique cuts adjusted so as to coincide with the wire holes in the armature ends. Winding the armature is a simple matter. Measure off 60 ft. of No. 20 S.W.G. double cotton-covered copper wire, roll it into a hank, and soak it for a quarter of an hour in melted paraffin wax, then hang it up to drain and cool. When cool, take the armature in the left hand, and the wire in the right. Place the commencing end of the coil with 2 in. left projecting at the loft side of the channel, and hold it down with the left thumb whilst the wire is wound closely around the web of the armature in close regular turns, side by side, to the right side of the channel, then back again with the same care and regularity, until all the wire has been wound on in regular and even layers. Then twist the two ends to- gether to keep the coil from unwinding. Test each layer for insulation as it is wound on, and test the whole coil again when complete. 126 DYNAMOS AND ELECTRIC MOTORS. The end-pieces may now be put on, then the ends of the armature coil may be brought out through the bushed holes in the casting and connected to the commutator. Each end of the wire should be soldered to the inner edge of one of the commutator pieces, along which they may lie to a length of in. The coil may now be given a coat of sealing-wax varnish and then set aside to dry. The field magnets must be so wound as to cause the pole above the armature to assume a magnetism of opposite polarity to that of the pole below the armature. It matters but little whether a north pole is at the Fig. 129. Section of Motor showing Winding. top and a south pole at the bottom, or a south pole at the top and a north pole at the bottom, but they must not be both north poles or both south poles. The cores on the two sides of the arch must be wound in opposite directions. Thus, if we wind the left-hand core of the top magnet from left to right overhanded, we must wind the right-hand core from left to right underhanded. In commencing to wind the lower cores from the left- hand side, we must wind the left-hand core overhanded and the right-hand core underhanded. This ensures a south polarity to the lower pole, as shown in Fig. 129, if the current is sent through the wires in the direction shown by the arrows. Wind each core regularly with three layers of No. 20 A SHUTTLE-ARMATURE MOTOR. 127 S.W.G. double cotton- covered copper wire, and test each layer for insulation. When the last turn on each core has been reached, cut off the wire so as to leave 6 in. more than is needed to make the turn ; pass this in under the turn of wire so as to form a kind of half-hitch, and draw it tight to prevent the wire from unwinding ; then give the whole a dressing of sealing-wax varnish to secure each coil in its place, and to give the whole a finished appearance. When the machine is being put together, the coils must be connected as here described, and shown at Fig. 129. The finishing end of the first coil at A must be bared of the cotton covering and cleaned ; so also must the commencing end of the second coil on the next core at B. Dip both cleaned ends into some soldering fluid, tin them with a hot soldering-bit, twist the tinned ends together with a pair of pliers, then give them a final touch with the soldering-bit to fuse the solder and unite them. Each end must be thus treated and connected, namely, A to B, c to D, and E to F. The two ends c D may be passed down holes made in the base of the motor, and connected beneath. The two free ends above the upper pole will then go, one to one of the brushes, and the other to one of the terminal binding- screws on the base, if the coils are to be connected in series with the armature ; or both will be connected to the brushes if the coils are to be connected in parallel with the coil on the armature, so as to make a shunt motor. When fitting the parts together, the field magnets may be fitted first, the ends of the coils soldered and tucked in out of sight, the screws holding the two cores inserted and screwed tight, and the brass feet screwed on. Next, fit the already turned and polished spider- bearing to the end opposite to that on which the com- mutator is fixed. Then put in the armature, slip the other bearing on its spindle, and screw this bearing in its place. Now turn the armature round by hand, and see that it runs truly in the tunnel, not touching 128 DYNAMOS AND ELECTRIC MOTORS. anywhere, but equidistant from the sides at all parts. The back pulley (see Fig. 117, p. 119) should now be fitted on the spindle, and tightened on it by means of a small set screw passing through the boss on the outside. The rocker may next be fitted on, and se- cured to the outside of the bearing by a small set screw. One of the brushes will have its free end bearing on the top of the commutator, and the other brush will press lightly against the under-side of the commutator. The brushes B, brush-holders H, and rocker R. complete, are shown in Fig. 130. The exact position of the brushes Fig. 130. Brush-Holders, Rocker, and Brushes complete. will be determined by the direction of rotation of the arma- ture, the commutator running away from the brushes. The correct angle to set these must be found by experiment. The rocker can easily be moved until the best effect has been obtained, then fixed in this position by the set screw. The collar is now slipped on the spindle, the armature brought forward until it runs free in its proper position, and the collar tightened to prevent undue end shake of the spindle in its bearings. A little end play or shake is always admissible, but side shake, due to loose fitting in the bearings, must never be allowed. The motor may now be mounted on a base made of oak, teak, or mahogany, and furnished with brass terminals to the wire coils, as shown at Fig. 117 (p. 119). The insulation of the wires on the field and armature may be tested in the manner described in Chapter VII. I2 9 CHAPTER XI UKTY-WATT UNDEETYPE DYNAMO AND MOTOR. The following figures show a dynamo which will cither light three 10-volt 5-candle-power lamps, or work well as a motor when supplied with current from a battery. The illustrations are all to a scale of one-half full size, and dimensions may be measured from them. Assuming that the castings and other materials are leady, it will be convenient to consider the work of construction in three divisions first, mechanical con- struction ; second, insulation ; third, winding on the wire and connecting up. Commence with fitting up the brackets and armature ; the holes for the shaft must be drilled on the bearings A, A, Figs. 131 and 132 (pp. 132 and 133); at each end of the boss, punch a centre in the middle of the round part of the top of the bearing. The hole should be drilled rather less than in. diameter, a little way in from one end first, then reverse the bearing, and drill up a little from the other end, reverse again, and so on until the holes meet at about the middle. The oil cups B, B, Fig. 132, can be ditlled as shown, the hole at the bottom, about ^a in. diameter, being drilled through into the bearing- hole to allow oil to pass. Drilled thus, the holes for the bearing will be found to be somewhat rough and perhaps not exactly in line ; this will be remedied by a reamer or rose-bit passed carefully through. Use a little oil as lubricant, and work from one end only. If the drilling has been carefully done with a drill about s 1 ^ in. less than the finished size the hole will be reamed quite smooth. Care must be taken not to spoil the bearing surfaces when handling the castings for other operations. I 130 DYNAMOS AND ELECTRIC MOTORS. The bore of the field-magnet casting, Figs. 133 and 136, if well cast will be very nearly a true circle ; it should be cleaned out with a file to remove any lumps or irregularities. To take a cut through with a boring bar on the lathe makes the best job, but good results may be obtained without this if a good casting is secured. To get the bearings in alignment a dummy armature and shaft must now be made. Get a piece of iron or steel rod just the length of the armature shaft and of a convenient diameter, such as f in., and on this mount tightly a piece of hard wood, about If in. diameter, of the length the armature core will be, and in the same position. Turn the wood to fit tightly in the bore of field-magnet, and turn the rod also at each end to fit the bearings. Place the dummy tight in the bore, slip the bearing castings on the spindle, and fit the end lugs D, Fig. 132, to bed flat on the sides of the field-magnet ; if they are much out, the castings may be hammered until they are somewhere near right, and the final adjustment effected with the file. A little red ochre mixed with oil and smeared on the magnet will show where the lugs touch. It is important that these brackets should bed properly, or they will not be in line when screwed in place, and the shaft will run stiffly. The holes for the screws E, Figs. 132 and 133, may be drilled in the bearing castings ; then slip the bearings on the dummy shaft and mark the field-magnet by drawing the point of a scriber round the holes in the castings. Some chalk rubbed on the magnet where the bearings come will assist to show the line. Tapping holes for ^-in. screws may be drilled about | in. deep in the centres of the marked circles. Mark off holes in the field magnet feet for the holding-down screws, the posi- tions being taken from the drawing (see F, Fig. 131). The diameter of the holes may be about ^ in., chamfered to suit the wood screws intended to be used. The armature, Figs. 134 and 135, is now to be made ; its shaft is of steel 7f in. long ; if made from rod that is quite straight and true, the diameter can be / in., so UNDERTYPE DYNAMO AND MOTOR. 131 that the central portion need not be turned; but it is better to have the diameter f in., and take a lighl cut all along, reducing to & in. diameter. At th pulley end a length of \\ in. has to be turned down to form the bearing, and at the commutator end a length of 1\ in. These necks should be left a little large, so that they can be fitted in after the core discs H, Fig. 135 (p. 138), are tightened up in place, the screwing up of the clamping nuts J having a tendency to bend the shaft. The screwed portions for the clamping nuts are cut as shown, for about \ in. at each end ; a screw with about twenty threads to the inch is necessary, and is best cut on a screw-cutting lathe ; but if this is not available, the thread may be started with stock and dies and finished with a comb chaser. About 120 core discs, about ^ in. thick, must now be prepared. The central holes must pass over the shaft easily ; any burrs must be filed off, for if not flat the screwing-up of the nuts will cause uneven parts to bend the shaft. In the middle of the core is the circular groove K, Fig. 134, \ in. long, to take the binding cord. To make this, a few discs should be reduced in diameter and put on the shaft when half the other discs are on. It is a difficult job to turn out this groove on the lathe if left till the core is complete. Before threading the discs on the shaft one side of each should be painted with a thin coat of enamel or Brunswick black and left to dry. The clamping nuts J, Fig. 134 (p. 138), are circular pieces of brass f in. diameter, with a hole in the centre drilled and tapped T 5 ^ in. to fit the screwed shaft. The side of the nut which is to go next to the discs should be faced up true on a screw mandrel, and the outside corner rounded off as shown in the drawing. Two parallel flats are filed on the edge (see Fig. 135, p. 138) to take a spanner. Put the core discs on the shaft, the painted sides all facing one way; see that the core is in the right position lengthways on the shaft, and that the channel L, Fig. 135, for the insulated wire is straight; then 132 DYNAMOS AND ELECTRIC MOTORS. screw up the nuts as tight as possible, leaving the flats flush with the channel ; a little oil between the face of the nut and end disc assists. Test the shaft between centres, and, if required, straighten it ; then turn down the necks to fit the bearings. When a good fit is attained, place the armature in the field magnet and fix the brackets in place. The armature should be central in the bore and should spin freely with the fingers ; if stiff, ease the shaft bearings until it runs freely and yet UXDERTYPE DYNAMO AND MOTOR. 133 without shake. An end movement of about -^ in. is ad- visable. The armature core should coincide lengthways with the field magnet ; should it project from one side more than the other, the magnet will try to pull it into a central position. In doing this it pulls against a bear- ing, which will have a tendency to get hot. Any of the core plates that project can be levelled down with a file. The commutator consists of a piece of brass tube M, 134 DYXAUOS AXD ELECTRIC MOTORS. Fig. 134, fixed on a wooden bush and carried on the arma- ture shaft. The brass tube is divided into two equal segments by saw-cuts nearly parallel to the axis of the shaft, one portion being connected to one end of the armature wire and the other portion to the other. It is essential that the two portions must not be in metallic communication except through the armature wire, and the segments must not be in metallic communication with the shaft. The commutator may be a piece of seam- less drawn tube, and should be a little over 1 in. outside diameter and f in. long. The thickness may be about i in., so as to allow for truing the surface from time to time as it becomes worn by the brushes. The hardwood insulating bush o, Fig. 134, will be | in. long. Through its centre drill the hole for the armature shaft, using the same drill as for the bearings, and ream it out to fit tightly on the shaft. It is best to use a mandrel to turn the bush on, and when this has been done the tube should be fixed with cement and left to set. The bush must pro- ject I in . at the end nearest the bearing. Mark off centres for two holes in the tube at diametrically opposite points for the screws which are to hold the commutator segments to the bush. These holes may be J in. diam. countersunk into the tube, so that the screw-heads will come nearly flush, just leaving enough projecting to quite fill the hole up when the outside of the tube has been turned true. These screws should be of brass, and must fit tightly, or when turning up the commutator they will come loose. It is very important to have these screws short, so as not to touch the shaft, as there must be no metallic connection between the tube and the shaft. Mark on the tube two diametrically opposite lines running from one end to the other midway between the ecrews just put in. These lines are to locate the posi- tions for the cuts p, Fig. 132 (p. 133), which separate the tube into equal parts. These cuts are sawn about -^ in. wide, and aslant, as shown in Fig. 128 (p. 125) ; this causes the brushes to pass from one segment to the other UNDERTYPE DYNAMO AND MOTOR. 135 gradually, and lessens the sparking and wear. The amount of slant is not important ; a deviation of about iV in. each side of the centre line will do. Saw down to the bush and slightly into it, so as to separate the seg- ments completely ; see that the slot is perfectly clear of cuttings ; and to keep the segments apart and prevent dust from getting into the slot, insert a thin strip of wood or mica. A little cement or shellac varnish will keep it in place. In each brass segment, at the end next to the armature core, saw a nick just large enough to allow the ends of the armature wire to go in and fit tightly. The complete commutator may now be gently driven on the shaft, the slots being in line with the round part of the core, as shown by Fig. 137 (p. 142) that is, at right angles to the centre of channel L, Fig. 135 (p. 138). The oil-guard K, Fig. 133, can be of brass, and is driven tight on the shaft after the commutator is in place. The oil-guards for the pulley ends can be tapped to fit the screwed part of the shaft, or made to fit the plain part, and can be put in place after the armature is wound. To fit up the brush gear, Figs. 131, 132, and 133, com- mence with the rocker T, Fig. 132 (p. 132). This allows the brushes to be moved round the commutator in order to find the position which gives best results when working. Bore a hole about in. in diameter in the boss u to fit on to the boss on the bracket, so that the arm is straight and square with the hole. Put the rocker on a mandrel and face each side of the boss. Now put the bearing bracket on a mandrel, and turn down the projecting boss to fit the hole in the rocker. The small boss at the side of the rocker is to take a set-screw, as shown in Fig. 132 ; this screw should fit in the thread. A piece of hard wood is required for the crosspiece to carry the brush-pins (see v, Fig. 131). This should be filed up about \\ in. by in. by \ in. thick ; the angle to receive it must be filed out square to the hole in boss, so that when the crosspiece is fixed in, the pins will come parallel to the shaft. Mark the exact centre of 136 DYNAMOS AND ELECTRIC MOTORS the crosspiece, and drill a hole to clear a countersunk screw \ in. diameter. Now place the crosspiece in posi- tion in the angle of the rocker arm, so that it projects equally at each side, and with a scriber mark off on the Fig. 133. End View of Dynamo. brass the position of the hole ; drill and tap it to fit the screw. The crosspiece can now be fixed in place. At | in. on each side of the middle, mark centres for the brush-pins, on the centre line of the crosspiece, and drill and tap two holes & in diameter. The brush-holders w, Fig. 131 (p. 132), must be finished next. The castings should be filed all over, and the ends squared. Mark the centre at one end of the UNDERTYPR DYNAMO AND MOTOR. 137 circular part of the casting, and drill a -&-in. hole through it. The slots for the brushes can be cut from one end with a saw, as shown dotted in Fig. 131. They should be ^ in. long fully -^ in. wide, and parallel with the holes already drilled. Drill and tap the bosses for -in. diameter clamping screws, as shown. These bosses may be turned by putting a small mandrel in the screw-holes before they are tapped and holding the mandrel in a chuck. To make the pins, if straight ^~in. brass rods are chosen to fit the holes in the brush-holders they will only need to be polished. Screw one end of each pin for a length of ^ in., and at the other end drill a small hole through the diameter. In this hole place a pin tc, prevent the brush-holder from being forced off by the spring. The pins can now be screwed tightly in place in the cross-arm. Make two hexagonal nuts to screw on the threaded part which projects through the cross- arm ; these are to clamp the flexible wires x, Fig. 132, which carry current to the terminals. For adjusting the tension on the springs, two collars, as shown, are required. They may be made from |-in. brass rods, drilled to fit the pins, and each should be fitted with a set-screw to fix it in the required position. A small hole is drilled in the face at one side of each collar to take one end of the spring, and a similar hole should be drilled at the end in each brush-holder to take the other end of the spring. The spiral springs are made of hard brass wire, about No. 24 S.W.G. ; one is coiled left-handed, and the other right-handed. The terminal blocks Y, Fig. 133, are filed all over and polished, and holes are drilled and countersunk to take wood screws, which hold the blocks down on the terminal- board. A hole is drilled and tapped in each block at the end next the commutator to take J-in. cheese-head screws, which clamp the field-wires and brush-wires (see Fig. 131). Holes are drilled through the upright blocks to receive the outer-circuit wires which are held by set-screws put in from the top. The terminal-board z, Figs. 132 and 133, can be 138 DYNAMOS AND ELECTRIC MOTORS. made from a piece of mahogany about \\ in. by 2 in. by f in. thick, and polished or varnished according to taste. Holes are drilled in it to take two ^e-in. countersunk screws, which fix the board to the field magnet. The holes in the magnet should be drilled and Fig. 134. Armature (Side View). tapped last, and marked off for position from the terminal-board. The driving pulley (shown in Figs. 132 and 133) may be made suitable for either a flat or a round belt, and of dimensions to suit the manner of driving. If the dynamo is to be driven from a foot lathe or hand wheel, a pulley about 1 in. diameter over all is a convenient Fig. 135. Armature (End View). size, with a V groove to take round belt of ^ in. diameter. The width of the pulley should be about f in., and it can be bored with a tapering hole to fit a taper shaft, or hole and shaft can be made parallel, and a set-screw put in the boss will hold them together. The fit should be good ; and when the armature has been put between centres and the pulley finally turned true in its place, the mechanical construction is finished. To proceed with the insulation. Take the armature out and the bearings off. Examine the field magnet UNDER TYPE DYNAMO AND MOTOR. 139 where the wire is to be wound, and with a file smooth off all corners, any rough places, and all sharp edges and points likley to cut through the insulation. Wrap two layers of thick brown paper round each core, sticking them on with shellac varnish. Cut out four rectangular cardboard cheeks or flanges Q, Figs. 132 and 133, to fit the cores ; the wire will extend about f in. from the core, so the cheeks must be made to suit ; they can be sprung on the cores if a slanting cut is made across one side and a piece of paper is pasted over the cut to keep it together when the cheeks have been pushed to their places at the ends of the core. Carefully look over the insulation and see that it is sound everywhere, so that the wire cannot come into contact with the iron at any point. Then brush a thick coat of shellac over the paper wrapping and cheeks, and leave them until quite dry. The armature must be treated in a similar way. Smooth all projecting points, edges, and corners along the channel where the wire is to be wound ; then with a single layer of thick brown paper cover the channel, the ends of the core, and the shaft to the oil-guard at the pulley end and to the commutator at the other end. Leave the paper projecting a little beyond the edges of the channel, so as to be sure that the insulation comes up to the edges ; it can be trimmed down after the wire is wound on. The edges at the ends of the channel can have an extra thickness of paper put on over the first covering, as the covering on the wire is liable to be cut through at these points. Examine the insulation ; if all right, give it a thick coat of shellac and leave to dry. To wind the field-magnet requires about 2 Ibs. of No. 22 S.W.G. single cotton-covered copper wire, which may be wound, layer by layer, by hand, in the direction shown in Fig. 136, keeping it as even as possible with a moderate tension. The number of layers is not important, and the winding may be finished either at the top or bottom. It does net matter greatly 140 DYNAMOS AND ELECTRIC MOTORS. if the number of layers on each core is not quite the same ; try to put about 1 Ib. of wire on each core ; but it is essential for the winding to be in the direction shown in Fig. 136, and kept so throughout. As each layer is finished it should be brushed all over with sufficient shellac varnish to give the surface a good coat. The commencing ends of the wire B and A, Fig. 136, which reach from the core outwards, should be wrapped round with thin paper along the part which is buried in the end of the coil, and varnished with shellac to make sure that the current goes straight to the innermost layer and does not leak away to the other layers. The current must go through the wire from end to end without making a short cut across at any point. If a bare or frayed place is found while winding, cover it with some thin paper. The most convenient way to wind the coils is to fix a strip of wood to the top of the magnet by the terminal-board screws, and then to fasten the wood to a face-plate fixed on the lathe, bringing each core in turn to the centre. If the weight of the overhanging core is counterbalanced, the magnet will be rotated more conveniently ; turn the face-plate round with the left hand, guiding on the wire with the right hand, assisted by the left where the wire requires passing between the cores. The magnet may be made with a joint through the top to allow of winding the coils in the lathe, if the joint is made to be in close contact all over the surface. The extra trouble taken to wind the coils as described is nothing compared with extra work needful to construct the joint and magnet in one piece in the way mentioned. Completely wind one core first to the full depth of the cheeks, and then pro- ceed with the other, joining the ends to make the final connections. Cover the last layer with two or three coats of shellac varnish. To wind the armature requires about J Ib. of No. 20 S.W.G. double cotton- covered copper wire. Put the armature in the lathe between centres, with the com- UNDERTYPE DYNAMO AND MOTOR. 141 mutator to the right hand. Commence from the right- hand end and lay the wire from there, along the channel to the left-hand end, then across the end and under- neath along the channel to the right-hand end, across the channel for one layer, then back again for second layer. Get on as much wire as possible, and continue winding until the channel is quite full Fig. 136. Field Magnets, showing Method of Winding. Each layer" of wire should have a coat of shellac varnish. If found more convenient, the portion of the channel on one side of the shaft may be filled up first and then that on the other side. Having commenced to wind the wire round the core in a certain direction, this direction must be maintained right through, as is shown by Fig. 25 (p. 23). It is easy to reverse the direction of the winding when passing from one side of the shaft to the other, and care must be taken to avoid this mistake. 142 DYXAMOS AND ELECTRIC MOTORS. The wire being all wound, bind it tightly with strong thin cord wrapped round the centre groove of the core K, Fig. 134, prepared to receive it. This makes an even binding about \ in. long, and it prevents the wires swaying outwards owing to centrifugal force when the armature is rotating. The beginning and the finishing ends of the wire on the armature must now be connected to the commutator. One end goes to each segment, and both must be soldered into the nicks made for them ; it is well also to bind some cord round these wires to keep them in place. When all is finished, give the wire and binding cord a thick coat of shellac. The commutator can now be finally trued up in the lathe, taking a very light cut, to remove any surplus solder Fig. 137. Position of Commutator on Armature. and to make it run quite true. Put a disc of thin card between the pulley-end oil -guard and the armature wire, to prevent any chance of damaging the insulation. The dynamo can now be finally put together. The field- wires are connected up to the terminal blocks as shown in Figs. 132, 133, and 134, and also joined to- gether in the centre as shown in Fig. 136. This last joint should be twisted and soldered to make good contact. Connect the brush-holder pins by flexible copper wires to the terminal blocks, so that the rocker may be easily moved. These flexible wires are made by coiling some No. 20 S.W.G. insulated wire on a rod T \ in. diameter, just as spiral springs are made ; enough of the wire at each end is stripped of its covering to make contact with the clamping screws. UNDERTYPE DYNAMO AND MOTOR. 143 The brushes may be made of sheet copper or of copper wire ; they should be flexible, to make good contact with the commutator and brush-holders. A good brush may be made from copper wire, about No. 24 S.W.G. ; fix one end in a vice, take hold of the other end with a pair of pliers and give a fair pull, to stretch the wire a little and straighten it. Cut off sufficient pieces, each 2 in. long, to make two brushes each J in. wide, and at one end solder the wires together. It is a good plan to curve the brush where it touches the commutator, so that there is a surface of contact about J in. broad all along the brush. The dynamo is now complete, but, to commence with, its field magnet requires exciting ; afterwards it will always excite itself. The direction for running is that of the hands of a clock, when the observer looks at the side of the pulley as if looking at a clock face. Rotate the armature in this direction at a high speed ; if it sud- denly works stiffly and sparks appear at the brushes, it has started itself all right, and the field magnet will not require any further assistance ; but if this does not occur, and the dynamo fails to light a 10-volt lamp, an electric battery will be required to give the field magnet the necessary start. Put a piece of paper between one of the brushes and the commutator to prevent the current going through the armature. Now, looking from the commutator end, connect the positive wire of a strong battery to the right-hand terminal, and the nega- tive wire to the left-hand terminal. While the batteiy is thus connected, gently tap the iron of the field magnet with a hammer for half a minute ; disconnect the battery, remove the paper from under the brush, and on driving the armature again the machine should work all right. The output of this dynamo, with 3,000 revolutions per minute, is about 10 volts at 5 amperes ; but it will give higher electro-motive forces up to about 20 volts with less current if run at higher speeds. The dynamo can be painted to suit taste. 144 CHAPTER XH. 440- WATT MANCHESTER TYPE DYNAMO. THE dynamo described in this chapter is of the Man- chester type, shunt wound, and designed for an output of 440 watts viz. 8 amperes at 55 volts when run- ning at 1,800 revolutions per minute. Figs. 138 and 139 (pp. 145 and 147) show a plan and an end view of the machine complete. The field magnet castings can be bought with the armature tunnel bored out, 5^ in. diameter, and the field magnet cores fitted. The base of each pedestal is turned, making the centring of the armature in the tunnel much easier than when a flat-bottomed pedestal is used. The field magnet cores, 2f in. diameter and 5j in. long, are wound with 11 Ib. of No. 20 S.W.G. cotton-covered wire 5^ Ib. being wound on each core. The direction of the winding is shown in Fig. 141 (p. 151), producing a north pole at the top and a south pole at the bottom. The field-magnet bobbin ends may be fixed by turning a shoulder on each end and shrinking on these shoulders circular plates of iron ^ in. in thickness. But if unable to turn these shoulders, the bobbin end.s may be made of either sheet brass, sheet vulcanite ^ in. thick, or thin hard wood. To make wood ends, procure eight sheets, each in. thick, by 6 in. square, of any close-grained hard fretworking wood, such as pear, holly, walnut. Glue pairs of the sheets together face to face, with the grain of one running at right angles to the grain of the other, and cramp them in a flat press for twenty-four hours, thus making four sheets | in. thick. Then screw the four sheets together at their corners, mount them on the face-plate of a lathe, and in the centre bore a hole to fit the magnet MANCHESTER TYPE DYNAMO. 145 cores tightly. Turn the outside to make a disc 5 in. diameter, and thus make the bobbin ends. The cores of the field magnet are drilled at each end, and tapped in. A stud 3 in. long is screwed into one end, and in the other end place a hexagon-headed bolt 3 in. long. Centre the end of the stud and the bolt head, and place the core between the lathe centres to see that it runs fairly true. Then paint the core with Brunswick black, and, while wet, push the bobbin ends on and paint them on the inside and round the joint. The ends of the cores must be left clean and bright, Fig. 138. Plan of Manchester Dynamo. otherwise they will make a bad joint with the pole- pieces, and so lower the efficiency of the dynamo. Winding the wire direct on the core would tend to force off the bobbin ends. Pieces of wood i in. thick and 5 in. square, with holes in the centre to pass over both the stud and the bolt, and pressed against the ends of the cores by two i-in. nuts, will prevent this. The wire can be wound on evenly by hand in the lathe, using a very slow speed. It should previously be coiled, and placed so that it may run freely ; and can then be run through the hand without causing kinks. An empty 146 DYNAMOS AND ELECTRIC MOTORS. bobbin held in the palm of the hand, for the wire to run over, will avoid making the fingers sore. A coat of shellac varnish should be given each layer, and allowed to dry ; then wind back, and so continue until all the wire is wound on. When both cores are wound, put them in a warm place for a few hours to dry and harden. The armature is 5 in. diameter and 4 in. wide, and is built up of 150 soft iron cog-ring stampings, having ten channels 1 in. wide and in. deep. An easy method of insulating the laminations is to cut 150 sheets of tissue paper 6 in. square, and with shellac varnish paste a sheet on each stamping. Then thread the stampings together with five brass rods J in. diameter and 5 in. long, screwed each end for f in. Put washers on the brass rods to equal the thickness of the bosses on the spider arms, and screw up the end nuts until the armature is 4 in. wide, using the calipers to ascertain that the end faces are parallel. Fig. 140 (p. 149) shows a section through the spiders. The outside is comparatively flat, and the inside has a central boss and also smaller bosses near the end of each arm. A circle 4j in. diameter ought to bisect each boss on the end of the five arms. In the centre of each boss drill a J-in. hole to receive the ends of the brass rods. If the rods do not enter their respective holes, the spider arms may be bent by light blows with a hammer. When the spiders are bolted on the armature, run it between the lathe centres, and adjust centre dots placed in the spiders till the whole runs true. Having marked the position of the spiders, take them off and bore a |-in. hole in the central boss of each. Decide which one is going to be placed at Jthe commutator end, and in it file a keyway J in. wide and T % in. deep ; this should be under one of the arms, so as to weaken the spider least. The steel spindle is shown at Fig. 140 (p. 149) ; it ia 14| in. long, its collar being Ij in. by J in. The central portion is \ in. diameter by 7| in. long, the journals being MANCHESTER TYPE DYNAMO. 147 Q in. diameter by 2 in. long. The keyway must bo cut at the commutator end in. deep and J in. wide for a length of 3 in. A keyway -^ in. wide and deep must also be cut at the pulley end. The bearings are of cast iron, and their bases have the same radius as that of the armature tunnel, the bearing steps being turned and the tunnel bored at the same operation. The web of the bearing stands out- wards when in position. Bore each bearing to take the shaft, and, at the inner side of the bearing at the com- mutator end, turn a shoulder Ij in. diameter and in. nrn rim. Fig. 139. End View of Dynamo. wude to take the brush rocker. In the top of each bearing drill and tap an -in. gas-thread hole for a lubricator. Mount the bearings together on a mandrel, and turn up their bases. They are fixed with |-in. bolts. The height for the bearings may be found by trying the armature when it is mounted on the shaft, to see that the air space is equal above and below. The cast-iron driving pulley is 2 in. diameter by ij in. across the face. It should be bored to f in., and fastened to the shaft with a key ^ in. wide. The depth of the slot in the pulley should be J in. This key must have a head, so that it can be drawn when required. File or turn three grooves f in. wide and ' Volt, Meaning of, 13 Voltage, How Determined, 76, 78 Obtainable from Small Dyua mos, 77, 83 Watt, Meaning of, 14 Watts, How Determined, 80 Winding Armatures of Motors, 101, 125 Field Magnet, 139 50-watt Undertype Armature, 140 , Detecting Faults in, 34 Dynamo Armatures, 33, 31, 51. 52, 66, 84, 140, 148 Field Magnets of Motors, 126 , General Hints on, 33 Gramma Armature, 51, 52 INDEX. 159 Win-ling Gramme Field Maguets, 57 Manchester Armature, 148 Field Magnets, 144, 145 Siemens Armature, 33 Simple* Armature, 66 Of Sories Motors, 115 Wire, Armature, Broken, 95 for Armature, Calculating, 51 , Cheap, Disadvantages of, 81 , Circumferential Velocity of, 78 . Copper, Properties of. 78 Wire, Dead and Active, 77 , Joining, 67 for Laminated Cog-ring Arma- ture, Calculating Length of, 87 , Preparing, for Winding, 35,84, 148 , Protecting, 83 , Safe Carrying Capacity of, 79 for Shuttle Armature, Calcu- lating Length of, 85 for Small Dynamos, Calcu- lating, 76 Wooden Slab for Dynamo, 38 FEINTED BY CASSELL AND COMPANY, LIMITED, LA BELLE SADVAtt! LONDON, E.C. CONTAINING FACTS, FORMULA TABLES AND QUESTIONS ON POWER, ITS GENERATION, TRANSMISSION AND MEASUREMENT; HEAT, FUEL AND STEAM; THE STEAM-BOILER AKp ACCESSORIES; STEAM-ENGINES AND THEIR PARTS ; THE STEAM-ENGINE IN- DICATOR ; GAS AND GASOLINE ENGINES ; MATERIALS, THEIR PROPERTIES AND STRENGTH: TOGETHER WITH A DISCUSSION OF THE FUNDAMENTAL EXPERIMENTS IN ELECTRICITY, AND AN EXPLANATION OF >YNAMOS, MOTORS, BATTERIES, SWITCHBOARDS, TELE- PHONES, BELLS, ANNUNCIATORS, ALARMS, ETC., AND ALSO RULES FOR CALCULATING SIZES OF WIRES. BY STEPHEN ROPER, ENGINEER, AUTHOR OP ' Roper's Catechism of High-Pressure or Non-Condensing Steam-Engines," ''Roper's Hand- Book of the Locomotive," " Roper's Hand-Book of Land and Marine Engines," " Roper's Hand-Book of Modern Steam-Fire Engines," "Young Engineer's Own Book," "Use and Abuse of the Fleam-Boiler," "Ques- tions and Answers for F\gineers," etc. FIFTEENTH EDITION. REVISED AND GREATLY ENLARGED BY EDWIN B. KELLER, M. E., AND CLAYTON W. PIKE, B. S., Ex-President of ttte Electrical Section of the Franklin Institute, PHILADELPHIA : DAVID McKAY, 1022 MARKET STREET. 1903. MAR *H u* APR 2 0199 16 OCT 6 1 ft. L LOS ANGELES LFRRARV 0856 Books [remen. TK 9911 H27d EDITION. ENGINEERS IS. nd Elcctric- ..... $2.00 i Engineers ..... 2.00 Engines, . 3.50 im Boiler, 2.00 sr, .. 2.00 ..... 2.50 Engineers ..... 2.00 Roper's Hand-Book of Modern Steam Fire Engines, . DAVE) MCKAY, Publisher, 1022 Market Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Soi Li,