THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES GIFT THE HARVARD ORIENTAL SERIES VOLUME TWELVE HARVARD ORIENTAL SERIES EDITED WITH THE COOPERATION OF VARIOUS SCHOLARS BY CHARLES ROCKWELL LANMAN CORRESPOJfDrNO MEMBER OF THE INSTITUTE OF FRANCE (aCAD^MIE DES INSCRIPTIONS ET belles-lettres), ETC., PROFESSOR AT HARVARD UNIVERSITV IDoIume XTwelve CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS IPubliebeb b^ Ibarvarb 1Ilnlv)er0it^ 1912 THE PANCHATANTRA-TEXT OF PURNABHADRA CRITICAL INTRODUCTION AND LIST OF VARIANTS BY DR. JOHANNES HERTEL PROFESSOR AM KOENIGLICHEN REAL-GYMNASIUM, DOEBELN, SAXONY ^ CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS IPubliebeb b^ Ibarvarb IHntverslt^ 1912 The volumes of this Series may be had, in America, by addressing Messrs. GiNN AND Company, at New York or Chicago or San Francisco, or at the home-oifice, 29 Beacon Street, Boston, Mass. ; in England, by addressing Messrs, Ginn & Co., 9 St. Martin's Street, Leicester Square, London, W.C.; and in Continental Europe, by addressing Mr. Otto Harrassowitz, Leipzig.— For the titles and descriptions and prices, see the List at the end of this volume. PRINTED FROM TYPE AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS, OXFORD, ENGLAND BY HORACE HART, M.A. PRINTER TO THE UNIVERSITY First edition, 1912, One TJiousand Copies C:'lcge Library PK TO THE MEMORY OF RICHARD PISCHEL ICSSS^J.^ CONTENTS Iktroduction to the edition of Purnabhadra's Pancatantra Chapter I. Survey of the single recensions and of their MSS. Pedigree of the recensions of the Pancatantra, in tabular form . Key to the pedigree under 25 headings ..... 1-6. Kashmirian ......... 7. North- Western copy (N-W.), represented by 8. The Pahlavi recensions ....... 9. Pseudo-Gunadhya ; 10. Somadeva ; 11. Ksemendra . 12. North- Western epitome (n-w). From this flows 13. The source (n-w') of 14. The archetype of the Southern Pancatantra 15-19. Manuscripts of the last, grouped under 5 sub-recensions 20. A lost manuscript (n-w'^) agreeing with n-w' 21. Nepalese recension (v) 22. The Hitopade^a .... 23. Textus simplicior (Jaina) : H-class ; o-- 24. Purnabhadra's text (Jaina) 25. Later contaminated Jaina recensions 25'. Textus simplicior, interpolated from Purnabhadra's recension . 25^ Purnabhadra's text, interpolated from textus simplicior, &c. 25'. Single books of different recensions combined .... 25*. Other recensions (25* a to 25* g) contaminated with Jaina recensions 25^ Jaina recensions moulded into other forms .... 25*. Versions from which the frame-stories have been eliminated b class (Kielhorn-Biihler) PAGE ix ix ix Prefatory matter Preface Delayed appearance of the volume . The material intended for volume xii divided between volumes xii and xiii ix Designations of the manuscripts in the list of variants The list of variants refers directly to the manuscripts themselves The numbering of the single tales in volume xi Editor's non-acceptance of corrections of real errors Purnabhadra's attitude towards his sources Acknowledgement of obligations Key to Tables I and II of volume xi Aksara-forms in the manuscripts * and bh IX ix ix X xi xii 1 1 5 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 8 10 10 10 11 14 15 15 15 16 17 20 20 VIU Contents Chapter II. Purnabhadra, his time, his work, his language § 1. Previous statements ........ § 2, The date of PQrnabhadra's recension .... § 3. PQrnabhadra's work ........ § 4. PQrnabhadra's language Chapter III. Account of the manuscripts on which this edition is based ..... § 1. Description of the manuscripts . Manuscripts bh, N (first group) Manuscripts ♦, PL\ Pr, M, p (second group) Manuscripts A, Bh, $ . . . , § 2. Value and mutual relations of these manuscripts § 3. The manuscript N goes back indirectly to bh § 4. The manuscripts PL\ Pr, p, and M go back to * § 5. Critical discussion of the manuscript A Discussion illustrated by text of Tale III, viii, Self-sacrificing dove § 6. Critical discussion of the raanuscripts Bh and 4> Discussion illustrated by text of Tale V, v, Ass as singer § 7. Books I to III in manuscripts Bh and $ . Discussion illustrated by text of Tale I, xiii, Lion's retainers outwit camel PAGE 21 21 22 27 31 37 37 37 88 40 41 42 42 43 44 56 57 67 68 Chapter IV. Principles which guided the editor in constructing the text 73 § 1. Basis of the text of our edition ........ 73 Manuscripts bh, N, A ; 4', PLS p, Pr, M ; Bh, * 76 Manuscripts bh and * differ very little from PQrnabhadra's autograph text 77 § 2. Emendation of the text 77 List of Variants 83 The variants are given for each page of text, from page 1 to page 290 Index of Stanzas ........... 201 It covers all the stanzas of PQrnabhadra's text (HOS. 11) And also those of the textus simplicior (Kielhorn-BUhler) Additions and Corrections ......... 230 Additions and corrections to volume xi ...... . 230 Additions and corrections to volume xii 231 PKEFACE Delayed appearance of the volume. — This volume appears later than the editor of this Series and the author expected. The printer's copy was ready several years ago ; but circumstances for which nobody is to blame prevented its being issued earlier than now. Distribation of the material originally intended for this volume. — The general plan of this volume may easily be seen from the table of contents. As appears from page xvii of volume xi, it was my original intention to give with this volume parallel specimens of the text of the various recensions. Technical reasons, which have to do with the size and shape of the sheets on which these specimens are printed and with related problems of the bookbinder's art, made it seem more practical to issue the specimens in a little atlas, and to designate the atlas as volume xiii. Designations of the MSS. in the list of variants. — In the ' List of Variants ', the designations of all the manuscripts (sigla codicum) of which the variant readings are given in full have been printed at the bottom of each page, whereas the designations of manuscripts to which only occasional reference is made are there omitted. The list of variants refers directly to the manuscripts themselves. — The occasional quotations from the Berlin manuscript K (see below, p. 15, 25^) are given from the collations of Benfey and of Professor R. Schmidt. Unless the contrary is expressly stated, all the other references are to the respective manuscripts themselves and not to collations or to secondary copies. The numbering of the single tales in volume xi. — In volume xi the superscriptions ^i^ <^ and so on, at the head of the single tales, are given in the usual Occidental fashion. This is a deviation from the procedure of the manuscripts. Partly by way of justification, and partly for the sake of beginners, it is well to state here that, in the first place, Sanskrit manuscripts never have such story-numbers at the beginning of the single stories, but always (if they number the stories at all) at the end ; and, in the second place, that even the best manuscripts are inconsistent in this matter. By way of illustration, a few details may be given. Our MSS. of the bh-class have no story-numbers ; the numbering contained in the MSS. X Preface of the ^-class and in the fifth tantra of Bh are given in the ' variants '. See, for instance, variants on p. 6, 1. 27, p. 14, 1. 5, p. 21, 1. ii, &c. Since the interpolated stories are in most cases numbered before the frame-stories, the numbering of the MSS. disagrees of course with that of our printed text. The frame-story I, xv of our edition, e. g., is numbered as xxi in the MSS. of the ^-class, whereas the intercalated stories xvi to xx are thus numbered both in the print and in the MSS. In tantra v, the frame-story is numbered as i in the 4'-class, and all the following stories are numbered down to xii. In this case the frame-stories are throughout numbered in the MSS. before the intercalated stories, whereas in Bh, which in this tantra is a MS. of the textus simplicior, the frame-story is numbered as i, our first story as ii, our third story, in which all the following tales are contained, as xii (see variants on p. 289, ii), our stories iv to ix in like manner as iv to ix, and our x as xi ; whereas our xi, which is inserted in x, is numbered in Bh as x. Editor's non-acceptance of corrections of real errors. — At the end of this volume, some additional corrections to vol. xi are appended. Several learned friends of mine have sent me emendations which they will not find among these corrections. I need not say that — thankfully and carefully — I took all their proposals into consideration; but in the course of my critical work I have become extremely cautious in correcting the readings of good MSS. Nothing indeed could at first sight be more convincing than the emendation fc(U!!U|*fmifM, which one of these scholars proposed instead of f^WIXTrft, as my text reads p. 2, 1. 12. But as the best MSS. of both the recensions of the textus simplicior, from which Purnabhadra took this passage, confirm the reading of the MSS. of his own recension, this con- jecture is inadmissible ; see variants on p. 2, 12. The same scholar proposed to read with the editions of Kosegarten (V, 49), Biihler (V, 60), Jivananda Vidyasagara (V, 60), and Kasinath Pandurahg Parab (V, 58) f^T^tif instead of fif-^imi, as our text has in its stanza V, 46 b. But again our variants (on p. 273, l) show that Purna- bhadra took the wording of this stanza into his text exactly as he found it in his sources, and we have no right to alter what he approved. There can be no doubt that in this as in other cases the later printed editions simply follow that of Kosegarten ; cp. below, p. 53, and Indogermanische Forschungen xxix, 215 ff. I now regret that I followed Parab in correcting the chandobhanga in stanza II, 155 a. This stanza is absent from all the other recensions of the Pancatantra including the textus simplicior. I found it in a metrically correct form in Parab's Subhashita-ratna-bhandagara and in his edition of Preface xi Ballala's Bhojaprabandha, and as the correction seemed to be an unavoidable one, I adopted it. But later on, I found the same stanza with exactly the same chandobhanga in Jivananda Vidyasagara's edition of the Bhoja- prabandha and in the metrical version of the Campakasresthikathanaka ; see below, Variants on p. 163, 13. And when my ' Variants ' were already printed, I found again this stanza with its chandobhanga in the printed edition of Devavijaya Gani's Pandavacharitra (see Yashovijaya Jaina Granthamala, 26, p. 152), and in three old MSS., the one containing Dharmacandra's Malay asundarikatha, the other two Hemavijaya's Katha- ratnakara (story 211). Hence it is evident that this stanza was current in its faulty form, and that this form should be restored in our text. As here, Purnabhadra in several places took over into his text anomalies of his sources ; see below, p. 30 f. and p. 36. All these cases should be carefully observed, as they aflford us one of the best means for constructing a pedigree of the different recensions, and for finding out their most trustworthy MSS. In my emendations I always carefully examined the best MSS. of all the old recensions, including both classes of the textus simplicior, and I beg my critics not to venture conjectures of their own, without comparing the same sources and without taking into due consideration their genetic relations. The text of Kielhorn and Blihler cannot replace the MSS. of the textus simplicior, as will appear from our parallel specimens, from pages 58 ff. of this volume, and from the occasional quotations strewn over my notes. Furnabhadra's attitude towards his sources. — Purnabhadra no doubt knew Sanskrit well, and if he had not been renowned for his pdndityara, no minister would have entrusted him with the revision of so celebrated and widely-known a nUisdstra as the Pancatantra already was in Purna- bhadra's time. Moreover, his work would not have been so widely circulated and copied again and again to even recent times, by Jainas as well as by Brahmanas, if it had not been approved by the most cultivated people of his own time as well as of later times. Hence it seems to me now quite possible that he was well aware of such anomalies as he took over into his text, but that he intentionally refrained from altering them. In stanza 5 of his Prasasti he says : xii Preface This shows at all events that he had a great consideration for his sources, which, as appears from our parallel specimens, he followed pretty faithfully. Acknowledgement of obligations. — Once more I have the pleasant duty of making public acknowledgement of invaluable help and kindness received from very many scholars. First of all I must thank Geheimrat Professor Boysen, Director of the Leipziger Universitatsbibliothek, Professor Munzel, Director of the Hamburger Stadtbibliothek, and Mr. F. W. Thomas, Chief Librarian of the India Office Library, London. These gentlemen sent me the Paiicatantra MSS. preserved in their respective libraries and permitted me to use them under the most liberal conditions. To Mr. Thomas I owe the possibility of collating again the London MS. A, and the Poona MSS. bhPBh. Moreover, this scholar procured for me copies of the most valuable MS. h (see below, p. 12 f.), of the Ulwar MS., and of the MS. preserved in the Raghunath Temple Library (cp. p. 231 of this volume). Both these latter MSS. are inferior fragmentary copies of Purnabhadra's recension. But to know this is a great relief for an editor, for whom nothing can be more painful than the thought that there may still exist some MSS. of very great value which he is not allowed to use. To Professor A. A. Macdonell of Oxford I am deeply indebted for sending me the Pancatantra MSS. of the Max Miiller Memorial. Besides, he as well as Mr. Thomas collated for me a passage of the originals of Kosegarten's MSS. BCDEF which were not in my hands, when I needed them for this single passage ; see below, p. 44 f . To Mr. Premchand Keshavlal Mody, M.A., LL.B., of Ahmedabad, I owe the use of the MSS. pr (see p. 12) and Pr (see p. 14). Sastravisaradajainacarya Muniraj Shri Dharmavijaya Suri, the founder of Shri Yasovijayajainapathasala in Benares, and his head disciple. Muni Indravijaya, who unite in their persons the truly Indian pandityam with a keen sense for philological criticism and with a far-sighted benevolence to all the scholars interested in Jaina literature, have sent me many valuable Jaina MSS. and books necessary for my further work, and have given me many items of informa- tion of the utmost value which it would have been difficult or impossible to get in Europe. In 1910 the Munich Academy awarded from the income of the Edmund Hardy Foundation a prize of one thousand marks for my Contributions to the History and Criticism of the Pancatantra Literature (Arbeiten zur Geschichte und Kritik des Pancatantra). Since Theodor Benfey was a member of that distinguished corporation, and dedicated to it, over half a century ago, his celebrated pioneer work in Comparative Literature, entitled ' Pantschatantra ', and since so eminent an authority in that same Preface xiii field as Geheimrat Ernst Kuhn is closely and no doubt authoritatively concerned with the administration of the Hardy Fund, it is a matter of deep satisfaction to me that I am here able to record the Academy's approval of the way in which I am continuing the work of Benfey. If I am able to continue this work, I owe the happy privilege in largest measure to Professor Charles R. Lanman; for at his instance an inter- national memorial signed by seventy subscribers (more than a third of the signatures came from India), was addressed to the Koniglich Sdchsische Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften with a petition that this corporation request the Koniglich Sdchsisches Ministerium des Kultus und offentlichen Unter- richts to allow me the leisure necessary for bringing my work to a satisfactory conclusion. Rektor Professor Dr. Curt Schmidt of our Real- gymnasium in Doebeln most kindly supported this petition, and the Royal Ministry granted it. I may now hope to complete the literary-historical part of my undertaking, as with the present volumes (xii. and xiii. of this Series) I am completing the philological part thereof. I need scarcely add that for these volumes, as for volume xi, Professor Lanman has laid me under deep obligation by revising my Introduction and other preliminary matter in respect of its English style, and by arranging the contents of the volumes with his well-known editorial skill. Mr. J. C. Pembrey, Hon. M.A. (Oxon.), the Oriental Reader at the Clarendon Press, has not only done his work with his unfailing care and pains, but has also given me many valuable suggestions which I was glad to follow. To all the above-mentioned gentlemen and corporations, and to the Royal Ministry, I here record my heartfelt thanks. The great and sympathetic interest which they have shown in this large and laborious undertaking, gives me courage to address myself to its second and perhaps more difficult part; and this, when complete, will, very likely, and as I hope, turn out to be a History of the Indian Narrative Literature. Johannes Hertel. Grossbauchlitz hei Doebeln, Saxony, December 10, 1911. KEY TO TABLES I AND II OF VOLUME XI Specimens of the MSS. ^ and bh in facsimile. — In volume XI, between the end of the introductory matter (p. xlviii) and the first page of Purnabhadra's text, are inserted two Tables, containing collotype re- productions of fifteen specimen-parts of the MSS. 4' and bh. These facsimiles are designated as ' No. 1 ' and so on, and are thus referred to in this Key. They are especially useful as showing the old aksara-forms used in our MSS., and as making it very clear how some of them were easily liable to be misread by later copyists. Facsimile No. 1 shows a verso-page of 4', corresponding to the passage beginning svayutlidntikam (169, l of our text) and ending with hhadra (170, 12). Our reproduction is a trifle smaller in size than the original. The original has three red spots : one in the centre of the middle square beneath the (correct) leaf-number 60, and encircling the small hole ; one in the right margin^ covering the figure 5 of the (wrong) leaf-number 56, of which the figure 6 and part of figure 5 have been lost in the course of time with part of the margin ; and one just opposite to it in the left margin. Facsimile No. 2 shows a recto-page of ^, corresponding to the passage gatam vyddham to kHah inclusive, 173,2 to 174,23 of our text. The original has only one red spot, namely, in the middle of the blank square. Facsimile No. 7 shows a verso-page of MS. bh, corresponding to our text 125, 11 rthdni to 125, 29 samdptam ce inclusive. The original is a trifle larger than the facsimile, and has neither the blank square in the middle of the page nor the red spots in the middle and in the margins. The Jain diagram for the sacred word arTiam appears in 4', see No. 2, 7e. — Annsvara appears at the end of the line in *, see No. 2, 12 g. Cp. Variants 183, 11. The same character is used merely to fill out the blank space at the end of the line in *, No. 8, 6 g and 7 g. Variants thereof in *, No. 1, 1 z, 4 z, 9 z, 14 z ; No. 2, 7 g. — Red markings. In the originals of * and bh, the words uktavi ca, ajpi ca, the ends of the single padas, and other important places are coloured with red. Aksara-forms of the MSS. * and bh. — Under the headings of such forms as are for one reason or another of interest, are now given references to the facsimiles and to the places thereon where such forms may be found. References for 4' are on the left ; those for bh are on the right. Key to Tables I and II of Volume XI Aksara-forms. Initial i : Post-consonantal e \ Post-consonantal ai: Post-consonantal o : Post-consonantal ati ; Modern forms : glia, old form : gha and ppa : gha, modern form : gha and tha : jha: jjJia : tu and nu : In facsimiles of MS. \//. No. l,2ik; 7e; 8n; 14 r. No. 1, 2 b rf;j€ ; 2 m, 5 r i/e ; 2 u se; 3 y /e ; hdikle; 5 m stlie. No. 1, 4bg rai; 6u, 12 1 fZrti; 14 c tai ; 10 a smat ; 14 e thai. No. 1, 1 m ddho; 2g yo; 3f ^/•o ; 8 1 s 5,116. V, „ » 10,240. w, „ >» 10,241. Y, „ 55 10,242. Z, a copy of a not numbered MS. of the Palace Library, Tanjore. In this copy, the text of the SP is wrongly ascribed to Ksemendra. and of their Manuscripts 9 After my edition of the SP was printed, I got, through the kind help of Prof. E. Hultzsch and Govt. Epigraphist V. Venkayya, the MS. b, i. e. a copy of the beginning of the MS. Hultzsch, Reports on Sanskrit MSS. in Southern India, No. II, p. 45, 1219. This MS. goes with B. 16. SP p. F, a collation of the MS. of the Madras Govt. Or. MSS. Library, Alph. Index, p. 46, No. 3-2-20. H, a copy of the MS. of the Madras Govt. Or. MSS. Library, Alph. I fij-gt Index, p. 46, No. 6b-3-15. group. 0, a copy of the MS. of the Madras Govt. Or. MSS. Library, Alph. Index, p. 46, No. 3-4-19. E, a copy of the MS. of the Madras Govt. Or. MSS. Library, Alph.\ Index, p. 46, No. 7-1-5. I second 1, a copy of the MS. of the Madras Govt. Or. MSS. Library, Alph. [group. Index, p. 46, No. 7-1-10. J M, a copy of the MS. of the Madras Govt. Or. MSS. Library, Alph.) third Index, p. 46, No. 5-3-13. J group. The text of the MSS. F HO, EI, with the variants of the best MSS. of SP a has been published in the following edition : Das sudliche Paiicatantra. Sanskrittext der Rezension /3 mit den Lesarten der besten Hss. der Rezension a, herausg. von Johannes Hertel. Des xxiv. Bandes der Abhandlungen der phil.-hist. Kl. der Kgl. Sachs. Ges. d. Wissenschaften No. V. Leipzig bei B. G. Teubner 1906. 17. SPy. D = India Office, Biihler MSS. April 24, 1888, No. 320. G = India Office, Burnell 211. A useless attempt towards publishing these two MSS. has been made by Dr. Michael Haberlandt, Zur Geschichte des Pancatantra, Sitzungsber. d. phil.-hist. CI. der Wiener Ak. d. Wissensch. 1884, p. 397 ff. Cp. ZDMG. Iviii, p. 3 ff. 18. SP 8. T, a copy of the MS. of the Palace Library, Tanjore, Burnell's Class. Index, p. 165^ No. 5,112. Cp. Introduction to my ed. of SP, p. xxxiv f. 19. SP $. X, an old palm-leaf MS., presented to the author by the late Prof. v. Mankowski. An analysis of this southern ' textus amplior' has been given ZDMG. Ix. 769 ff. and Ixi. 18 ff. 10 Chap. I. Survey of the Single Recensions There are, furthermore, two Paris MSS. of the SP, and one MS. belonging to Prof. Teza, which were not available for me. Cp. ed. of the SP, Intr., pp. xxix and xxxiii. 20. n-w". A lost MS. agreeing on the whole with n-w^, but having numerous more original readings. The first and second tantras were transposed in this recension. 21. V. A Nepalese recension, containing only the verses and one prose sentence which the copyist evidently took for a stanza. First and second tantras transposed. MSS. : n\ a copy presented to the author by the Durbar of Nepal, and containing books I to III incl. Cp. ed. of SP, p. Ixxxviiiff. The complete variants of this MS. are given in the ed. of SP. n'^, a copy of the beginning and of the end, transcribed from the same original as n\ and procured for me by Prof. Sylvain L^vi. This MS. contains the stanzas of tantras iv and v, which are missing in n^. They are printed in the appendix to my Introduction to the edition of the Sanskrit text of the Tantrakhyayika, p. xxvii. 22. The EitopadeSa. This is based on n-w'^ and some other story book. Its author was a Saiva called Narayana, who wrote for some king Dhavalacandra, probably in Bengal. Books I and 11 transposed as in v. Editions with critical notes: 1. Hitopadesas id est Institutio salutaris. Textum codd. MSS. collatis recensuerunt interpretationem latinam et annotationes criticas adiecerunt Augustus Guilelmus a Schlegel et Christianus Lassen. Pars I. textum sanscritum tenens. Bonnae ad Rhenum mdcccxxix. . . . Pars II. commentarium criticum tenens. . . . MDCCCXXXI. (The translation promised on the title has not appeared). 2. Hitopadesa by Narayana. Ed. by Peter Peterson. Bombay, 1887 (= Bombay Sanskrit Series, No. xxxiii). As to these and other editions compare : tJber Text und Verfasser des Hitopadesa. Inaugural-Dissertation . . . bei der hohen philoso- phischen Facultat der Universitat Leipzig eingereicht von Johannes Hertel . . . Leipzig. Druck von Breitkopf & Hartel, 1897, A truly critical edition of this work is still a desideratum. The Nepalese MS. N, mentioned by Peterson in the preface of his edition, p. i, did not belong to the British Museum, as Prof. Peterson thought, but to and of their Manuscripts 11 the late Prof. Cecil Bendall, and now belongs to the Cambridge University Library. A MS. which Prof. Zachariae presented to the Library of the German Oriental Society has been described by him ZDMG. Ixi. 342. After the publication of SP and v it will now be an easy task to determine the best MSS. of the Hitopadesa and to give a truly critical edition of this work. 23. The teztns simplicior. Called in the MSS. Pamcakhyanaka. This text is the work of some Jaina author who seems to have lived after the middle of the ninth century a.d., since he quotes a stanza of Rudrata^, and before 1199 A. D., as Purnabhadra used this text as one of his main sources. The author added new tales and new stanzas, especially from Kamandaki ^, transposed the stories, especially in books III and IV, and greatly amplified the bulk of the Pancatantra, especially in the fifth book. As for the single stories, he not only altered their wording throughout, but also their purport. The stories of the textus simplicior have many features in common with Buddhistic forms of these tales, which deviate from the old Pancatantra texts. The MSS. of this recension disagree very considerably, and in most of them the text is in no good state. All of them are revised copies. MSS. of the textus simplicior : H, No. 281 of the Hamburger Stadtbibliothek. Not dated, but older than I. I, No. 280 of the Hamburger Stadtbibliothek, dated sam. 1701. As to H and I see my paper ' Kritische Bemerkungen zu Kosegartens Pancatantra', ZDMG. Ivi. 293 fil O, MS. of the Bodleian, Oxford, Aufrecht's Cat, p. 157*, No. 335, 'ex eodem codice atque Hamburgenses H. I. videtur transcripta esse.' Dated sam. 1709. This MS. I have not seen. Bh, fifth book, contains a text very closely agreeing with that of the Hamb. MSS., but without two interpolations of H I. See below, p. 56 ff"., and cp. No. 25, Later Mixed Recensions, o- = Decc. College, Peterson's Fifth Report, No. 356. Not dated. Copied by gani Caritrakirtti, disciple of gani Tejastilaka. Corrected by pandit Sukirtti and pandit Amarasimha. 8 = Decc. Coll. i. 17. First leaf replaced. Copied from an old original (many small gaps). Not dated. ^ See Pischel's edition of Rudrata (Rudrata's Qrng§,ratilaka and Ruyyaka's Sahrdaya- lila. Kiel, Haeseler 1886), p. 26. " ' " ' Benfey, Pantschatantra I, p. xv, note 2. 12 Chap. I. Survey of the Single Recensions S = Decc. Coll. XV. 147. First two leaves and last leaf missing. The conclusion of IV, vii (Mouse-maiden), with IV, viii (Saints' clothes) is an unintelligibly short abstract, after which the fourth tantra is concluded. Dated samv. 1534 caitramase suklapakse 5 pamcamyam tithau somavasare atreha Harsapure Sa(?)dyanagarajiiatiyar"5'a*ac!j/a/iewa sutanam pathanartham AIi maf/amr/a vastavyamevadaj rvhiiy duSOJiijaUdkasya sutena savakena pustika likhita punyasyarthe tena punyena bhagavan sri Mahar/.fw?^ pritostu, &c. a = Decc. Coll. xii. 252. A fragmentary MS. of the text contained in S. The conclusion of IV, vii (with the emboxed story IV, viii) is literally the same in both MSS. The following leaves are missing: 1-55 inch, 59-61, 63-74, 77, 80, 85, 86, 89, 93 to the end. At the end of tantra iv the copyist gives his name : likhitam idam pro(!)hita-Ramacamdrabhi- dhena nijapathanai-tham paropakrtaye castuh I pr = a MS. belonging to the Bhandar of Ahmedabad, and lent to me through the good offices of Mr. Keshavlal Premchand Mody of the same town. It bears the marks da° 7, pra° 25 mi, and da 13 pra 15. Colophon: samvat 1592 varse vai'sasasiditraravau lisitam. This MS. agrees very closely with the edition of Kielhorn and Biihler. Bu2 = India Office, Buhler MS. 86. Fragment, leaves 1-39 inch of 88 leaves missing. Dated Samvat 1804, sakem 1669 prabhavdhde paumtadya 2 dvlUydydm ludhe Bhimgupandmnd srl-Ndrdyanapamtaii. e. pamdita)sictena suhrdvarenMam pamcopdkhydndkliyam pustakam likhitam svdrtJiam pardrtham ca, &c. Mii* = Max Miiller Memorial e 11, Bodleian, Oxford, 50 leaves. Begins kd sotkamtlids tistati iva (corresp. to Purn. 230, 3). The text of this MS. belongs to the o--class. Dated sake 772 mrvarindmasamvatsare vaimkha- suddhanavan^ydm . h = a copy of the MS. mentioned in Sh. R. Bhandarkar's Report, Bombay, 1907, p. 55, § 46. The original lies in a dilapidated fort in Hanumangad or Bhatner (Bikaner). Bbandarkar says : ' The place in the fort where I saw the box of manuscripts is also dilapidated and deserted. The heir to the manuscripts is a young boy who, I believe, is studying at Patiala.' . . . Bhandarkar calls the original ' a copy of Panchatantra made in Samvat 1429, while Firuz Shah Tarrhlak was on the throne.' Mr. F. W. Thomas kindly procured me the copy, which was ordered by the Durbar of Bikaner. It has been made by two copyists, neither of whom knew Sanskrit, and both of whom, especially the second one, very often misread the old-fashioned characters of the original. The colophon does not mention the date given by Bhandarkar, as the copyist of this part of the MS. evidently altered it to give the date and of their Manuscripts 13 of his own copy. As the colophon gives an idea of the knowledge which this copyist — the better one of the two — has of the Sanskrit language, I give it here : sarapum [for samaptam !] vedam apariksita- karanam naraa pamcamam tamtramm iti i vrJiat/pamcatamtram samattamh (corr. to samaptamh)ii samvat 1965 ramitimigasaravadi 12 ne lisamtamm atmacatarabhuja Fz'/{:a«eranagaramadhye Saratare gacchai il yadrsam pustamka drstva tadrsam lisitam maya I yadi I suddhamm asuddham va mama doso na diyateh il srir astuh II srikalpamnam astuh ii srl subhara bhavayat hllh. This copy is very faulty. Moreover, very many corrections and glosses are entered in it in some places. In spite of all this the copy is valuable. But a future editor of the textus simplicior must try to get the original of our copy for his work. This original must contain a good old text of this work. The story I, V is concluded in it as in H I.^ In the Introduction to my transla- tion of the Tantrakhyayika, p. 158 (Kap. II, § 2, 1, S. 31), I have shown that the stanza which contains the argument of story II, iii of our text has been altered in all the descendants of K, and has been well pre- served only in .^ar. Our Specimen III, 1. 133, footnotes, gives the reading of h, which, though corrupt, proves in an evident manner that originally the textus simplicior also had the reading of Sar. c = Deccan Coll., Bhand. Cat., xvii. 637. Fragment. Leaves still extant : 2-10 inch, 14-21, 23-33, 37-41, 43-46. Goes down to acimtaya, Kielh. p. 89, 4. Rather faulty ; modern. The textus simplicior has not been handed down to us in its original form. All our MSS. show interpolations, ^ and the original wording has not been preserved in any one of the MSS. that I have seen. Our parallel Specimens and, above all, the text printed below, p. 58 ff., show that the MSS. of the textus simplicior may be roughly divided into two groups : (1) The H-class, to which belong HIO and book V of Bh ; see below, p. 58 fF. (2) The cr-class, to which belong in^ is the correct reading; but Simpl. Hlh with bhN^PPrMA f^V|T*(. In Bh the passage is altered. 220, 18 fcm+fHfnrt also SP and v. The original reading of the Pancatantra must be f^^^TTfTIfT: , and so Sar. reads. 220,25 tW5 also SP/3 and K (oldest MS. of SPa). v and &. correctly tWH:; SPNf^:. 235,2 f! for — perhaps a correction of the original wording preserved in Purnabhadra's text — and even more members of the compound are here in the nominative case. To the custom mentioned by Biihler we evidently must attribute the occasional use of f^Jit^c^^ for ^f^ (236, 21 f 4f^^ ^ 41 r^^, from the reading of HI f«i»f^dl*^*<; QP- 68,3 f^f^r^<^^- ^|fd*{^; 223,15 f^Rr*R). I now regret that I corrected f^fif^^^^m^j as the MSS. write in 90,17. Cp. also 3T^ ^IW^^^ for ^, 31, 20; ^f^cf^-RJ, 29,5; ^f««flmc(^, 70,25. ^'3TT«T and ^•4||^«T, 18, l, &c., occur along with ^TTR (so 20, 5 ; 22, 5), WT^ (20, 9), ^TT^To (20, 13), ^m^^ (20, 24). •T stands sometimes for Hf. On the other hand, we occasionally find anusvara for correct «t,; so ?! fHOy?!, 140,18 and 4' 163,10; cf fWRTT^T^, 142,5. ^ and ^, ^ and ^ are occasionally confounded ^ ; ^ is often employed for ^ , 3 often for "Z (nearly always ^ for ^). ^ is occasionally confounded with (^ ; cp. 15, 18 ; 40, 17.21 ; 41, 4 ; 165, 21 ; 186, 19 (see Variants) ; 229, 9 (Bh) ; 266, 10 (see Variants) ; 280, 8 (see Variants). This produces the variant 'd^^'l for ^SR^ETT^ (see Var. on 40, 17, &c.). Cp. Lanman on Orthographic Prakritisms in Album Kern, p. 302. ^ and ^ (<»i^T*<(g° for o^TTT^®, 53,5), ^ and nT (this written in the form given by Jacobi, Kalpas., p. 18, note) are occasionally confounded in the MSS. ; cp. e.g. 10, 10; 271, 15 (see Variants in both places). T5 and t(^ interchange in tjn^. I follow the Petersburg dictionaries, referring by an asterisk to the variants, where bh4' have ^. The MSS. write «ir«^'l,; I write «(f^'l. in my text. Sibilants, especially ^ and IJ, are sometimes confounded. In one case it is certain that this confusion goes back to Purnabhadra himself: ^ Most of these cases are also found in other north-western works. Cp. even ^T"^"^ for ^TT^^ 153, 24, in a stanza not composed by Purnabhadra himself. ^ ^^ and ■q^ are used promiscuously in the MSS., whether they mean ' group ' or 'piece, fragment'. Apparently Purnabhadra pronounced these two words alike, and hence I write in both cases ^§T!^. Cp. also the Petersburg dictionaries and Apia, 8.V. l)l{^ and 4^1!^. But etymologically the two words are not identical. 'Group' is ■qi^ (Purn. 5, 17 and ex conj. 122, 12), Pali and Prakrit sanda; 'piece', 'fragment' is 4^U^ (Purn. 112, 9.11), Pali and Prakrit khanda. F 34 Chap. II. Purnahhadra, his time^ work, and language in 56, 12 the wrong form ^B^Wicl, (for ^IlTfl,) is assured by the pun with ar^iKi; ' often '. ^ is confounded with TJ in -r^, 227, 20. Cp. forms like W^, 31^ (^), irr^T!j(q5), mvjfU!^ at the side of ITT^Wl^) ^^^ irrFfW^ in the Petersburg dictionaries. Consonants are often doubled after "5^ ; but in the great majority of cases the doubling is neglected. ^It is often written for *ftl- Sa7ndhi. As a rule, samdhi is not observed before the apodosis (often in connexion with danda !) ; it is neglected in cases where its observation possibly might cause confusion. Cp. Wackernagel, Altindische Grammatik, § 262, b, 8. It is evident that Pui-nabhadra himself very often neglected the samdhi. Cp. 138, 12 ^^ OT, and 149, I8 where our MSS. have ^ft^ji^efiT 3T°. In most cases our MSS. write ?fft, Hl<«(T. Before initial ^, samdhi is nearly always neglected in the MSS. An interesting case is 149, 2 f., where the archetype evidently had <*jfJctil^fe^<^qtsn*i|o. The archetype of bh4' wrongly resolved this group into *«lf|«t>Tfi^ 1^® (instead of elHfjehlft^ Y5®) ; and A Bh have a wrong correction of this inadequate reading : 5M"^<*lf^S®. Cp. Prof. Lanman's remarks, vol. XI, pp. xxxix to xlviii. As our MSS. are inconsistent, samdhi has everywhere been restored in the prose of our printed text except (1) in the case 138, 12, (2) before the apodosis, (3) before and after oratio recta. In the stanzas, in which the rhythm annihilates the pauses in the case of punctuation, we follow our MSS. In the body of the words, our MSS. are not consistent as to the samdhi in the following cases : "W*' or °W* is often written for ^',W*. ^'.W* and K^?, *>:^" are very often, if not in most cases, written for 0^0, otcjo, o^XJio. Punctuation. Our best MSS. are carefully punctuated. They employ danda after the complete sentences, and very often before the apodosis. Punctuation before T^ after oratio recta is not rare. Before V^', in the phrase ^W ^ ' ^^^ they always put danda, or even (^^) double danda. Por the sake of clearness, we employ in our printed text ardhadanda before the apodosis, before and after oratio recta, and before ^EHTI all this in the prose. In the metrical parts, we separate the first from the second and the third from the fourth pada of a stanza by ardhadanda, where these padas form one line, i. e. in slokas and aryas. But in these cases we do not destroy the samdhi, which is here maintained in the MSS. even when Chap. II. Parnabhadra, his time, work, and language 35 they follow our own method. ^ Our MS. bh employs the ardhadanda and the double danda, and these only ; our MS. 4^ employs the danda and the double danda, and these only. Cp. the two facsimile tables in vol. XI. Gender. ?n^ neuter 233, l (in a stanza taken from the textus simplieior). ^ masculine, or ri for TTc^^, 39, 23. Guna and Vrddhi. gfTrfT^® (also Hamb. MSS.) for #f?rn:^** (Whitney, § 1222j, Panini V, 1,133), 258,25. afrf^^* for ^fH^^o, 262,18; 263, 2 (in both cases with HI). Verb. Rjy^fTI (also HI), 23, 5. Imperative : ^\? ^^ for ^J^TR «i«^R, 117,18; 118,2. Infinitive: Wf is such that they require a separate and detailed discussion. The differences between the readings of bh and * are but slight ones. These two MSS. are excellent copies. The cases of the very mistakes taken over from either the textus simplicior or Sar. into Piirnabhadra's text and preserved in bh'I' show how conscientiously the text has been handed down in these two MSS. On the other hand, the fact that N can be proved to go back indirectly to bh, and that PL^PrMp can be proved to go back to * (P, the best and oldest of them, and L^ indirectly), evidently * Comprising our text, p. 244, 10 yadi (incl.) to 260, 2 dustajd (incl.). Q 42 Chap. III. Account of the Mamcscripts shows that even in ancient times bh* were considered very valuable MSS. I think, indeed, that their common archetype is the prathamddarU. See above, p. 28, note 2. At all events, their text cannot possibly deviate much from the mulaprati (i.e. miila-pratilipi) ; see our parallel Specimens. § 3. The mannscript N goes back indirectly to bh. For evidence in substantiation of this assertion, see Variants to 27, 10.12 ; 56,12; 57,22; 61,12; 74,2; 75,12; 77,22; 78,9; 80,14; 89,12.13; 101,11; 123,17; 125,18.19','^ 184,5; 186,9; 20S,2; 366,6.22; 270,22; 271,23; 274,17. The MS. N cannot have been immediateli/ copied from bh, for it is evident that a part of N, namely 284, 7 to the end of book V, has been copied from a text very closely agreeing with Bh. Cp. the Variants. § 4. The maunscripts F LS Fr, p, and M go back to ^. That p goes back to 4' may be seen from the Variants 72, 22 ; 88, 15. Since, however, p is a contaminated MS. (see above, p. 40), and is for this reason critically useless, I have not taken the trouble of collecting further materials in order to ascertain more fully its relation to 4'. For the other four, the following evidence may suffice. 1. P and 1} go back to *; cp. Variants 3, 10; 4,24; 5, 10; 5, 21; 7,26) 9, 10; 14,10; 17,14; 23,16; 25,22; 32,24; 33,4; 39, 20; 40,4; 42,20; 44, 12; 57,18; 76,15; 101, 10; 119, 10; 147, 20; 159,19; 164,33; 167, 21; 170, lo; 171, 7; 174, 9; 178, 18.23; 180,14.25; 181, 6; 183, 11.20; 184, 9; 185, 6 ; 198, 15; 199,9; 224,18; 229,20; 230,11; 231, i; 233,4.14; 247,9; 249,2; 252,7; 253,24; 255,9; 258,30; 271,23) 275,9; 284,9. Besides P and L^ have a considerable number of corruptions in common. Cp. 4, 25 ; 5, 22; 10, 1 ; 12,21 ; 19, 22 ; 20, 8 ; 22, 1 ; 23, 9 ; 25, 19 ; 29, 6 31,12; 38,24; 39,15.16.21; 41, 7.11 ; 43,1; 58, l ; 59,9; 60,9.14; 61,18 66,7; 78,5; 93,15; 96,28; 99,22; 102,19; 104,20; 106,2.4; 109,25 114,9; 115,2; 116,3; 128,4; 130,22.29; 131,21; 132,; 143,11.22 155,29; 157,3; 160,8; 167,19; 168,3; 169,2.8.10; 170,28; 172,4 174,19; 175,25; 178,9; 180,4.12; 181,6; 182,11; 183,13; 184,9 185,13.14; 186,5.19; 188,5; 189,20; 190,5; 191,20; 194,11; 195,20 196,3; 197,9; 200,1; 202,7.11; 203,13; 214,10.23; 216,1.10; 219,2. P cannot have flowed from L\ as P neither has L^'s gap (see above, p. 39), nor the very numerous mistakes of the second copyist of U. Cp. besides 12,24; 66,7; 105,6; 184,8; 191,15; 193,2; 194, 11 ; 197,14; 198,3. ^ The citations of passages reproduced in Tables I and II of vol. XI are set in italics. See Variants. Chap. III. Account of the Manuscripts 43 L' cannot have flowed from P. Cp. 12, 3i ; 14, 8 ; 15, 18 ; 19, 21 ; 27, ll ; 32, 23 ; 64,9; 111,8; 155, 28 ; 169, 7.17; 174, 10 ; 178,2; 179,29; 190,22; 203,3; 209,18; 217,16. Hence it is clear, that both P and U- go back to some third MS. which has flowed from 4'. Cp. also 24, 4 ; 190, lo. 2. Pr goes back to * ; cp.Variants 3, lo; 7, 26; 33,4; 101, lo; 119, lo; 121,13; 147,20; 159,16.19; 164,5.28.33; 167,21; 169,17; 170, io\ i7i, 7; 180,25 ; 184,9; 187, 18; 231, 4. 3. M goes back to * ; cp. Variants 3, lo ; 5, 20; 7, 25 ; 9, 10 ; 33, 4 ; 76, 15 ; 93,9; 101,10; 147,20; 152,3; 159,16; 174,9; 181,6; 185,6; 187,18; 231,4; 247,9; 268,3; 271,28; 284,9. § 5. Critical discussion of the mauxiseript A. A apparently belongs to the bh-class. With this class it has the author's prasasti at the end of the whole work, and it often agrees with this class in its readings. But very often also it has the readings of the ^/-class. As to the gaps, it agrees at 33, 21 with all our MSS. but Bh. It has 7iot the gaps of bh at 25,2; 82,11, nor those of 4' at 61,5; 107,25; 113,29; nor has it the gap of N and of the 4'-class at 265,8, where bh is complete. Again, at 210,15, in the place of the padas missing in bhN, it has a text quite difi'erent from that of both the 4'-class and Bh, a cir- cumstance which raises the suspicion that A derives from a revised copy. We shall subsequently see that this suspicion is confirmed by other facts. At 62, 1 A has a gap which the corrector of A fills in as he pleases. Other gaps of A are 163, 13 ; 164, 15. At any rate, A goes back to an archetype which was very closely akin to that of bh4'. This is clear from the numerous blunders which it has in common with these two MSS. Blunders common to Abh4'. 6,31.33; 9,3.26; 10,2; 11,14.23; 14,16; 18, 11; 22,13; 28, 10 ; 33,12.15 33,2i(!); 34,4; 35,18; 37,8; 42,8; 43,4.14; 44,6; 46,3; 48,19; 49,13; 51,6 53,1.6; 56,3.4; 58,8; 60, 30; 64,3; 65,8; 68,3.14; 69,3.4.6; 71,10.33; 74,8 76,12; 83,2.6; 87,16; 89,15; 90,17; 91,6.7; 92, 1 ; 93,7.9; 95, 11; 96, 10 97,13; 99,5.6.11; 102,10; 116,13.17; 119,21; 121,5.7; 123,12.15; 125,1.30 126,15; 130,4.23; 131,2; 132,16.27; 135,8; 136,4; 142,8; 144,19; 145,8 150,24; 152,10; 156,15; 158,16; 161,2.13; 164, 10; 168,27; 170, 15.20 ; 172,26 176,19; 179,1; 180,4; 182, 11; 183,6; 186,4; 196,13.14; 197,3; 198,9 211,6.21; 215,23; 216, 1; 218,2.12; 220,17; 223,3; 226,15; 235,16.24 240,21; 248,14; 253,15; 259,8; 260,24; 266, 20; 269,19; 271, 20; 277,13.19 278,9.10; 282,16; 289,3 (twice). For these and the following cases, cp. our Variants. 44 Chap. III. Account of the Manuscripts On the other hand, A has correct readings in many places where bh^ are faulty. Right readings of A, where those of bh^/ are wrong. 7,16; 8,15; 10,1; 18,6; 25,19; 26,5; 29,8; 32,23; 33, 14 (with Np); 36,20; 37,5; 40,17; 46,7.21; 50, 12.15. 16; 52,23; 58,15.17; 59, 25(withPPr); 6],u; 63,12; 65,29.30; 66,1; 69, i ; 71,18; 73,14.21; 76, 4 (with pPr) ; 79, 12 (here the copyist corrects the reading of bh*); 83, 15 ; 85, 18 ; 87, 12.14 ; 90,8; 91,19; 93,7; 96,14; 100,8; 101,23; 106, i; 107,11; 109,5.8; 114,4.25; 116,2.16; 118,14.16; 119, i; 121,6; 122, 11.12; 124,9.25; 125,26; 130,9; 131,2 (the copyist corrects here) ; 131, 19.26; 132, 28; 134, 1; 135, 21; 138, 6.12; 140,14.18.22; 141,9; 142,5.23; 143,24; 145,24; 147,2; 148,13; 150,20 (with Bhcl>); 152, 9 (with BhcJ)); 154, 2 (cp. 155, 8) ; 155,17; 157,13; 161,22; 162,18; 168, 18 (with MBhd)); 176,8; 180,7.13; 181,8; 191, 19.20; 192,9; 194, 19 (with Pr) ; 197, 10; 200,23; 203,6; 204,2.5; 206,5.7; 212,12; 216,8; 219,25.31; 220,7.26; 223,19; 224,16; 226,14; 227,4; 230,20; 231,25; 236,12.13 (see Hamb. MSS.); 236, 19(!); 244, 11 (I); 245,13; 247, 7. 18 (with Pr) ; 248, 22.30; 250, 22 ; 251, 20.26 ; 254, 16 ; 264, 12; 269, 11.20 ; 271, 11 ; 272, 3 ; 276, 7 ; 278, 6.10 ; 282, 1 ; 284, l ; 289, 10. If in these passages A is more correct than bh4', this is at least in many cases the result of conjectural emendation. For in other cases the corrections of A are decidedly wrong. Blunders of bh^ wrongly corrected, or even more corrupted, in A. 3, 7 ; 4, 30 ; 13, 16 ; 15, 18 ; 34, 13 ; 35, 5 ; 39, 6 ; 42, 11 ; 44, 3 ; 49, 16; 50, 16.22 ; 52,11; 55,9.10.17; 59,3.28; 64,21; 65, 30 ; 66,12; 70,2; 74,14.17; 80,5; 84,16; 85,19; 99,15; 101,12; 131,18; 132,12; 135, 10; 143,7; 149, 2 (with Bh ,^ 14^ o^ a I-H see -asfiy i=!S« :S ^ ^ >- lijjy -j^ '2 m cc Tl s fl «ij 5« ^ -*3 ^ fl be c & -4^ T3 n3 a> n § 5? P4 1 CO 0) H s « 00 §^5- c '}B[idoo Xq uoi'){pp« "SiBK o to c 0) T3 o CS U u o ft fl .a CO fl -M ■* *' Chap. III. Account of the Manuscripts 47 8- m ff c 5° « B c3 «*'►:_ j_ ' IE* III te IF F sir: « re 3 s^ tc Ri- ^ rC a . 2 «PL, -tj ii bo 60 S«« W -5 I— IE V tic/ a^2 '2 « _ e "5 §.2 F O J- Js o S "5 s a u e •IT •tr lo- ts' « ^ 5 u li cr IT' & ^10- I £ IT' lir Iw' tiro t IT I tc <*>- ^ H>>- IC ^ a> ^ £ -^_ ?= „ £ Q -5 K o " fii Chap. III. Account of the Manuscripts 51 From these parallel texts it is clear that both Kosegarten and Schmidt based their texts of this story mainly on A^. But in doing so they were not consistent. Kosegarten omits A'^'s stanzas 69 and 70, and both scholars omit A'^'s (first) stanza 65. It will be seen that no other MS. than A^ has A'^'s stanzas 65, 69, 70, 71, 72. In place of 71 and 72, all the other MSS. but K have two prose sentences. In K the first prose sentence is missing. All the MSS. agree completely in the number and in the order of the stanzas, and nearly completely in theii' wording. Only the contaminated MS. E follows the wording of the MBh. in our stanzas 161 and 162, interpolates as its stanza 5 (i.e. 205) a whole stanza from this text (= MBh. xii. 148, 12), and inserts seven more stanzas, four of which occur also in the Vikramacarita, and one of which (6, i, e. 206) is apparently an imitation of MBh. xii. 149, 13. But even this contaminated MS. has none of the additional stanzas of A^, and has the same two prose sentences as all the other MSS., though in E the wording of these sentences is slightly altered. Hence it is evident that Kosegaiien's text does not agree with any MS. of the Pancatantra, and that Vidyasagara and Parab, who exactly agi'ee in the choice and in the order of the stanzas with Kosegarten's text, simply reprint it with but slight alterations. Doubtless neither Kosegarten nor Schmidt would have based their texts of our story on A^ if they had been aware of the true nature of A'^ 's wording in our passage. First of all, it is clear that in our passage the MS. from which the scribe A^ copied^ contained a wording which agreed tvith that of otir other MSS. as given in our first column. For the scribe first copies his stanzas 64 to ^'i inclusive (corresponding to our stanzas IGl to 164), and, after doing so, corrects the fourth pada of 64, adds in the margin his stanza 65, and corrects the numbering of the already written stanzas 65, 66, and %1 . Some of the copyist's blunders, as '^J^\ for ^T^ct i^i 69 c, ^IcT* for ^f7I«> in 70 a, cRTjtrl^^: in 71 a, and the wording of the first pada of 73, prove that he did not himself alter the text which he was copying, but that he copied marginal corrections and additions of his original. This view is confirmed by the fact that in 73 b he writes t^'^fTri^lI^J within the line. The sign ^ is a hyphen, which in Nagari MSS. frequently occurs at the end of the lines, and which A^ copied without reflecting. More- over, we shall see that A^'s stanzas 69 and 70 are inserted in a wrong place. The author of A^'s spurious text was shocked by the purport of the genuine one. Whereas the interpolator of E inserts a number of stanzas intended to prove that widows mnst burn themselves, the interpolator of A^ is an adversary of men's and women's burning themselves alive. Hence he cor- rects in 64 d the true fire of the text to a metaphorical * fire of penance V ' Schmidt's ' Opferfeuer ' is an impossible rendering. 52 Chap. III. Account of the Manuscripts and substitutes in 73 a mortification for Purnabhadra's forest-conflagration. As he does not think his correction of 64 d to be sufficiently clear, he adds the stanza 65. He strongly opposes the custom of widows' burning themselves with the bodies of their deceased husbands. Therefore in 65 c he points out the vZ^Iiil^N^i, which, he says, is not so cruel as the prevailing custom, but which, on the contrary, is ^^TRRI. The conse- quence of the female dove's penance is that she beholds her husband in the f^^TR. The author of the alteration no doubt takes this word in the sense which it has in Jain mythology ('the highest heaven'), whereas in the genuine text it has the brahmanical meaning (' heavenly car '). After stanza 164 of our text, A^ adds his stanzas 69 and 70. No doubt the copyist A^ inserted them in a wrong place ; for the interpolator himself must have intended their insertion immediately after stanza 65, as they are destined to corroborate his view that a sail burning herself commits a sin. Schmidt has misunderstood these verses. The correct translation of 69 and 70 is : ' She who, being still alive, follows her beloved one by offering her own body in the fire, must no doubt go to a terrible hell. In the law books, in the Vedas, and in other sastras, the following correct rule has been handed down : " Those (wives) who commit suicide will be unhappy in aU their following existences." ' After these stanzas the interpolator replaces the prose lines of the original — which in short words gives the purport of Purnabhadra's source, viz. of the Mahabharata version^ — by his slokas 71 and 72. Stanza 71 has been misunderstood by Kosegarten as well as by Schmidt, who have destroyed its meaning instead of restoring it. Kosegarten's ^44?«j|- in a, and ^ T^ in c, and Schmidt's ^|% are nothing but wrong conjectures. Kosegarten's alterations have misled Benfey as well as the two pandits, who reprint Kosegarten, not without continuing his destructive work. There is neither a ' dove god ', nor a ' sun-setting ', nor a ' solar heaven of the cock pigeon ', nor a ' proximity of the sun ', nor a ' sun happiness ' in this passage. All these fine non-Indian things have sprung from the bad Sanskrit of the interpolator, from the conjectures of the editors, and from a clerical error of the copyist A^. For ^tft?!^^^ is nothing else than a clerical error for cfiq^ff^^, an expression formed after the analogy of the very frequent word xrfTf^TT , i. e. 'a wife who regards her husband as a god', 'a faithful wife'. ^[^^ is quite right (^T^ 3?T^), and so is ' In the edition of Protap Chundra Roy, the only one whicli is at my command, the story of which Purnabhadra gives an abbreviation stands at book xii. 143, 10-149,14 incl. To our first prose sentence corresponds xii. 148, 12, to the second one, xii. 149, 1-7 incl. The stanza 165 corresponds to 149, 8. 11. 12.13. In his note 1109 Benfey says: ' Diese Erzahlung stimmt fast wSrtlich zu Mahabharata, xii, Vers 5462-5592.' The mere number of stanzas of the two versions would show that this statement cannot be correct. Chap. III. Account of the Manuscripts 53 ^T^, which the interpolator construes with the genitive cRTftfT^- ^uT in our passage must not be derived from ^^, but from g^. The correct translation of stanza 71 therefore is : ' Having regarded the male dove as her god, she became a goddess, and day by day enjoyed god\y (i. e. divine) happiness with the male dove ; for such is the consequence of religious merit acquired in a former existence.' Her ^^tcT^TT^^ (Mfrl^qitq*!,) in this world causes her ^^^T^ after her death. Stanza 72 of A'^ is designed to replace the second prose sentence (204, 22) of the genuine text, and in stanza 73 ab, the interpolator alters the wording for the reason given above, p. 51 f. Why he altered also the last line of this stanza I cannot say. But it is certain that A's wording is an alteration ; for to ^^^f^f% ^^, as the other MSS. read, corresponds MBh. xii. 149, 13: cTcT: yl^^+llcilH^IMiHlfltlfnT^: I ^ST^^I^^fWRT ^ I have advisedly treated this passage at full length, because it is in several respects highly instructive. First of all, it shows how texts should not be edited. There was not the slightest reason why Kosegarten and Schmidt should leave out one or several verses of A's text, adopting the rest of it ; for all these verses go back to the same interpolator. As to Kosegarten, our passage shows what critical principles this editor was wont to follow during his work. Not to speak of the fact that books III and IV of his textus simplicior are only an adulterated edition of Purnahhadra's books III and IV respectively, i. e. of the textus ornatior, he follows in our passage in some places one single MS. (A), though all his other MSS. agree against A, and though the purport of the Mahabharata version agrees with all the other MSS. But instead of, at least, following A throughout, he chooses at random the stanzas which he rejects from his text or takes over into it. And this is not only the case in our passage, but throughout his textus simplicior as well as his textus ornatior. It is not only true that both of them are not worth the paper on which they are printed, but also that during more than sixty years they have misled all the scholars who used them, and have made worthless the work of all the translators of his textus simplicior, to begin with that of so eminent a scholar as Benfey.^ The editions of the two Hindu editors, Jivananda Vidyasagara and Kashinath Pandurang Parab, are even more worthless than Kosegarten's. The passages in which these editors deviate from Kosegarten must induce their critical readers to think that these pandits based their texts on materials independent of Kosegai'ten's edition. But the passage just examined shows that they mainly reprinted Kosegarten. For the text given by him does not agree with any MS. ^ Of course, Benfey'a introduction to his translation is even now very valuable. 54 Chap. 111. Account of the Manuscripts in the stanzas adopted or rejected, but it compltiely agrees in this respect with the text of the two Hindu editors. Parab's reading of Kosegarten's stanza 187 c, moreover, is a fair illustration of the way in which he endeavours to correct a meaningless passage. His ' correction ' seems to be based on Vidyasagara's quite impossible explanation. This much on the untrustworthiness of A^. But the text of A^ is not more trustworthy. At 211, 21, for instance, A^ shows foolish alterations. The point of the story Piirn. III. xii (Sar. III. viii, Old Syriac VI. vi, SP. III. viii, Simpl. IV. vi H I = IV. vii Biihler) lies in the circumstance, that the clever ^'xio, fallij reaches her aim, i.e. the cohabitation with her ^qqf^T. In the original version of our tale, the adulteress, answering a question of her paramour, tells in a loud voice that all women are unchaste hy nature., but that she truly loves her husband exclusively. Thereupon her husband is convinced that he has got the most faithful wife in the world. The author of the textus simplicior evidently thought that no husband would allow himself to be convinced by any such trick. Accordingly he alters the text.^ In his version, the faithless wife tells the adulterer that Candika has pointed out adultery to her as the only means of preventing her husband's death which hangs over him by Fate and which, by sexual union, goes over to him who plays the husband's rdle. The words of the goddess, according to the Hamburg MSS., run thus : ^ ^TH^'^W ^W T[^f%^ ^I^^% ^^TT^lTTf^l^ ^ftf^ rTfT^ *r^: ^rm(^nsfr?) ar?^^^ w^t^ \ httt g^T^^^iici wt^f?i i Buhier, p. 19. 12 has the same wording, except ^^%, *T^^WN^^^, ^^fTT? and 3T''?^^uifig^q. Purnabhadra's text 211,21 comes very near to the wording of the Hamburg MSS. Cp. also the wording of Bh in our variants. Instead of 341(^*1 •!, A^ has aT^f^rf^l^IT'T, which compound apparently was first intended to mean ' touching [by the limbs] except the male and female organs.' But as the copyist (or some previous glossator) feels that this word is not clear, he makes it an adjective by adding in the margin f'T^^. Now the passage means ' a cohabitation without touching of the male and female organs ' (Schmidt, p. 232 : ' Wenn du mit einem fremden Manne auf gemeinschaftlichem Lager ruhend den Beischlaf ausfiihrst, ohne dass sich dabei die Geschlechtstheile beriihren '). I am at a loss to say how the interpolator imagined an 3T^f^Tf^'[^^«i f'T^^'f to be possible. But his alteration, which is proved to be such an one by Purnabhadra's source, the textus simplicior, destroys at the same time the point of the story. In the same story, the genuine wording of Pxirnabhadra, as given in our text, p. 212,6, is nearly identical with the wording of the Hamburg ' Apparently in following some other source, whether literary or oral. Cp. Chauvin, Bibl. des ouvrages arabes, ix, p. 39, no. 34. Chap. III. Account of the Manuscripts 55 Mss. (filinf^i'i^ ?Tt I Tm^wi cu^nf^^ #^ ^i;^ tt^^ ^^^tt^t^; Buhler's text ins. ^ before W^, orn. ^m after THT^, and ins. 3TW^ after ^^^*i;). But A\ in consequence of his first alteration of the text (3?^!%® f^*»), alters again, continuing after OTf^T : ^ ^W^HWT'ft ^J^TT f^\!(\^ ri I^^tT^T^, &c., 1. s (Schmidt, p. 232 : ' "Du bist die Erste unter den Frauen, die ihrem Gatten anhangen, darum dass du selbst bei der Vereinigung mit einem Fremden die Keuschheit so bewahrt hast. Um meine Lebensdauer zu verlangern und den Tod abzuwenden hast du so gehandelt!" Nach diesen Worten umarmte er sie liebevoll, nahm sie auf die Schulter, tanzte mit ihr herum und sprach dann zu dem Herrn Warst- du-besser,' &c.). And again the conclusion of our tale is awkwardly amplified in A}, which for ^^1^ to ^^?T (212, 11) reads : f t^f U^T 1 1 WirWrTy?:TWt ^T^W I fTrr^Tir^'t ^% II ^R ^-^ ^^^^^rrrf^g ^ '^ ^^3IJ^ \ im n^ \ m dsiU!'^*iI«1*)^ ^"^fn I (Schmidt, p. 233 : ' und nachdem er darauf umher getaDzt war, sagte er : " Ja, du Vordermann unter denen, die Keuschheit iiben, auch du hast mir einen Dienst geleistet ! " und liess ihn von der Schulter nieder. Vor alien seinen Angehorigen pries er dieser Beider Tugenden. Wo er immer an die Hausthlir von Angehorigen u. s.w. kara, da pries er auch deren Tugenden').^ I need scarcely add, that here too the textus simplicior confirms the wording of our text 212, 11. The Hamburg MSS. read : cTfI^;^t^^|T ^(SI'^^^^^'I^^TH ^'^'T* (0 ; Buhler (19, 24) : cf H^ g^^f^^^^ ^^'tEC^^TJf ^frg ^^3(J^ I Cp. also A^'s interpolation 122, 5, and the transpositions in A^ 3, 18 and 201, I8. These cases show that the reviser, or the revisers, did not shrink from even serious alterations of the text which they copied. Moreover, our parallel Specimens show that all the variants of A^A^ can be proved, by the testimony of the sources, i. e. the textus simplicior and the Tantrakhj-ayika, to be alterations. Wherever A has the evidently right reading, it is not to be made out with certainty whether this correctness is due to conjectural criticism, to collating some other MS., to A's going back to some MS. older than bh, or even to mere chance. Though I very carefully collated the whole MS., I am not able to decide this question. The only thing quite sure is that A is the copy ^ Read ^tjo. The same mistake in AS p. 211,22 of our text. This shows that the alteration does not go back to the copyist himself, who did not understand the text which he was copying here. ^ Read »< and the ^arada MS. P, that I found out the worth, or rather the lack of worth, of Bh. Bh and $ belont/ to the class of the mixed MSS. The greater part of their fii'st three books has been copied from a fragmentary Purnabhadra MS., containing the text from 6, 2 dhdramatrdrthl down to the end of book III. The kathamukha and the beginning of book I contains in Bh the text of Purnabhadra from 1, 14 na vidvdn inclusive to p. 3, 25. The text between dhurvodhdrau and dhdramatrdrthl 6, 2 has been supplied from some MS. of the textus simplicior. In , the text to dhdramatrdrthl has even been twice supplied from MSS. of this recension. The text of Bh agrees very closely with that of * in its readings and in nearly all of its blunders, down to the end of book III. From the beginning of book IV to the end of the work, the two MSS. disagree in a most remarkable manner. Whereas, in book IV, Bh contains a faulty text of the bh-class, 4> in this book contains an equally or even more faulty text of the ^-class. In book V, both these MSS. contain a textus simplicior. But here again the difference is evident. For Bh contains Chap. III. Accowit of the Manuscripts 57 a very valuable old specimen of the H-class of this text, agreeing in many blunders, but not in the interpolations, with the Hamburg MSS. The MS. , on the contrary, contains a text of the o--class of the textus simplicior. Discussion illustrated by text of Tale V, v, Ass as singer. In order to prove what has just been said, I beg to refer the reader to the following specimen, Tale V, v, Ass as singer. In this specimen I give the textus simplicior according to the Hamburg MSS. H I. The notes contain the complete variants of the following texts : — Textus simplicior, H-class : XT \ [the Hamburg MSS. Textus simplicior, (r-class : 0- = Decc. Coll., Peterson's Fifth Report, No. 356. s = Decc. Coll. i. 17. B = Biihler's edition. pr = the MS. of the Ahmedabad Bhandar, lent to me through Mr. Premchand. h = a recent copy of the MS. Bhandarkar, Report Bombay 1907, p. 55, § 46. Purnabhadra's recension : bh^A, the MSS. just mentioned. Mixed recensions : BVi ^ Hhe MSS. just mentioned. n^ = Decc. Coll., Bhandarkar, Report 1894, No. 371. n2 = Decc. Coll., Peterson, Report V, No. 355. n3 = Decc. Coll., Bhandarkar, Report 1897, No. 418. The variants of the o--class MSS. of the textus simplicior, and those of 4> are given on the left-hand pages, the variants of all the other MSS. on the right-hand pages. It will be seen at once, that all the MSS. whose variants are given on the left-hand pages form one group, and that those whose variants are given on the right-hand pages form a second group. Nobody who compares the various readings will doubt that the text represented by H I is on the whole older than that represented by the cr-class. The cases in which Bh agrees with HI against bh4' are set in italics in the text ; the cases in which bh^ agree with the o--clas3 against HIBh are set in fat italics in the variants. I 58 Chap. III. Account of the Manuscripts Text of Hamburg MSS. HI corresponding to our text 270,17 to 272,21. 270, 17 'sadhu, matula, gitena!' varito na maya sthitah. 18 'apurvo 'yam manir baddhah: sampraptam gitalaksanam.' 19 cakradhara aha: ' katham etaf?' so 'bravit : 21 asti kasmimscid adhisthana Uddhato nama gardabhah. sa ca diva 22 rajakagrhe bharodvahanara krtva ratrau svecchaya paryatati. Variants of h(rsprBf». 270, 17 ^ gl, om. tena II ho-sprB maya proktopi na sthitah, maydty ukto na sthitaih II 18 pr hamdhah II <1> samprdpta II 19 cr suvarnnasiddhir abravlt W 21 piB om. as^i II ^ vddhamo ; a ioddhatanama\ gardabhah; $ m- sabhah for gardabJuih II After gardabhah ho-$prB ins. prativasati sma II hprB om. ca 11 o- om. diva ; s daiva, h$B sadatva, pr saradatva for diva, II 22 hcrs4>prB karma for bhdrodvahanam II After paryatati pr ins. tata, B tatah ; then ho-sprB ins. pra- tyuse {^ pratyilsani, ho-$ add. vamdhanabhaydt, pr bamdhanabhaydt,^ bandhandbha- ydt) svayam eva, then a barndhanasthdne samdsrayati, h s grham yd, h adds ti, $ raja- kagrhe ydti, prB rajakagrham dydti; then hcrs4>prB rajakopi tarn (hprB tatas tarn, s tatas tvam na for tarn) barndhane, a niyukte, s yunaktih, 4> na yumkte, h na yukti, pr °na niyuktih, B °na niyunakti II 271, 1 hcrs$prB atha for athdnyadd II o- om. tasya; s tasmin II hs$ om. ratrau II o- om. karkatikdksetresu praviiya; ho-sprB karkatikdksetre {pr ''ksotra for °ksetre; prB add. srgdlasahitah) praviiati ; then $ ins. karkkatikd- hJiaksyanam, karoti \ pratyiZse stJiagrham thdti I paiyat II atlvatirmmald rajanl, a pas'yeyam nirmmald rajanl, h paiya- yam nirmmalarajanl, cr paSyattdm nirmaldm rajanlm II Before karisydmtti II ho-s^prB ins. kathaya before katamena \\ s ^awc^iOTia, 4> ^ewa for katemena \\ a- ins. gltatn before karonii II hs karomiti II o- srgdia for sa II o- ins. &Ao after dha II o- mdmaka, s ^awa for mama II h alarti for mdma II s ^7 for Arm; ho- om. Arm II Chap. III. Account of the Manuscripts 59 271, 1 athanyada tasya ratrau ksetresu paryatatah kadacic chrgalena sardham maitri babhuva. 2 tau ca vrtibhangam krtva karkatikaksetresu pravisya tatphalabhaksanam 3 svecchaya krtva pratyuse ^^a^f^astbanam vrajatah, atha kadacit ksetrama4dhyasthitena teiia coddhatarasabhena srgalo 'bhihitah : ' bho bhaginisuta, 5 pasya ! ativanirmala rajanl. tad abam gitam karisyami. tat 6 katamena ragena karomi ? ' sa aha : ' mama, kim Variants of HIBh, bh^ffn^n^A. 270, 18 A baddha \\ 22 n^n-n^ rajakasya grhe II bh bhdrodvdhanam ii H radrau II 271, 1 n^n»n' tathdnyada II 2 Hlbh* vrttibhamgam, A vrtti\bhamgam, II'II^II' varttihhamgam || H Jcarlca [new line] kdksetresu, I karkketika^ II A tatphalam bhaksanam II 3 bh^n'n'n'A svastbanam II 11' n' ksetramadhje sthitena II 4 bh*n'n-n'A om. tena II bh* madoddbatardiabhena, A madoddbatardbhor bhena, IVU'^ mahoddhatardsabhena, II' mahodatardsabhena II A bho bhaginiautd I 2^o,^ydtlvamnirmalarajanl U 6 HI karisyami II HI kathamena II ^H'n'^Il'A praJia II 60 Chap. III. Account of the Manuscripts anenanarthapraca 7 lanena ■? yatas cauryakarmapravrtta vayam. cauraja- rair nibhrtair eva 8 sthatavyam', iti. uktam ca : 9 kasi vivarjayec cauryam, nidralus carmacaurikam, 10 jihvalaulyam ca rogadhyo, jivitum yo 'tra vanchati. 11 tatha ' tvadiyagitam sankhaA'air/anuvadi, na madhuram ', iti durad Variants of horsprB $. B nenAnarthapraldpitena, ins. tan, hs tarn after vayam, \\ hcrs^prB transp. : m° (h nihhrtam, pr nivrttaii; prB add ca) cau° ; $ caurai, h caurair jdraih II prB atra for eva II hcrs4> om. eva II 8 hcrs$ stheyam II prB om. iti II her ins. nayah, s nayd after iti II pr om. uktam caw hs ins. yatah after uktam ca II 9 o- kdsam, s prakdSam, hdsyam, pr A;oii, B ^^aii II s varjjayas \\ ^ caurya, as cauroW First pada in h : caurdndm varjjayet kdsdm \\ ^ nidrdluhdhai W s carmmacorakah, B sa ca caurikdm \\ 10 ^ jihvd- lolyam || o- rogdrto ; pr rujdkrdmto, B rujdkrdnto for ca rogddhyo II o-prB jmVam, s ^wamtom II 11 hcrsprB a/>aram, jjaram for om. gitam II prB om. iankhaiahddnuvddi ; ^ iamkhaiahddnukdri, s Samkhasabdd- nukdram, h iamsaiavddnukdram ; o- kathoram for iankha^abddnuvddi \\ ho-s om. 9ia madhuram; prB »ia madhurasvaram ; prB add samkhasahddnukdram II ho-sprB om. 2 batndbatn \ badbatp vd, s vamda vd, prB vadham ham- dham vd; then hcrs$ vidhdsyati, prB karisyamti II 13 prB wa ivam, s prBh bramsi \ uktam; then hsprB ca, $ caA; then s 2/«^«^ II 15 o- om. this and the following line || pr iaratyotsndhate II pr c?wra, c?«rc II 16 hs^prB jdyate for wia^t )| hs$pr karnne, B karne II prB gltajJiamkdrajd, h gitajharnkdrayd, s gltasamskdrajd, O gltddhyarnkd/rajd II Chap. III. Account of the Manuscripts 61 api 12 srutvotthaya ksetraraksa ' handlm ! bandh ! \dvam vidhdsyanti. tad bhaksaya 13 tavan nibhrtah ! ' tac chrutva rasabhah praha : ' bhoh 1 vana- srayatv«r^ 14 y^ta^asarn na vetsi ; tenaitad bkanasi. uktam ca : 15 sarajjyotsnahate duram tamasi, priyasamnidhau, 16 dhanyanam visati srotre gltasamskdrajd sudha.' Variants of HIBh, bh^n^n^n'A. Bh °pracdlenena ; 11^ anendrthapralapane, corr. to anena vyartha°, which is the reading of 11'^ ; 11* anena vyarthapralajdtena II 7 HI (not Bh) °pravrtyd, Ii?°pravrtto, bh "pravrddhd II II'II'^IP caurajdtair II HIbh nirbhrtair II 9 HI^AMsill Bh cauram for cauryam \\ n* II^II' °con^am ll 10 A rogddhye II ^ U^lV IP jwitam \\ 11 hh'^if tadd \\ bh tvadiyagatam, Ti^lP'n? tvadlyam gltamW A Samkhavddd- nuvddi, bhll'II'^II^ Samkhandddnuvddi, ^ Samkhandnuddnddi, corr. to iamkhand- nunddddi II HIBhll^nTl' nam for na \\ A ayi for a^;t || 12 A ksetrapurasd, n^n^II' ksetraraksakdh purusd, Bhbh^ ksetraraksd/purusd II bh^A bamdbam vadbarp ca vi°, II^II'^II' vadham vamdham ca vi° U 13 bh*A aha II 14 Bh gitam rasam II bh^A ins. tvam, Ti^W ta tvam, IP tat tvam before gltdP \\ bhn'n^n' ins. na between tvam and glta°, om. na before vetsi II IPIPIP jdndsi for vetsi II Bh na vedmi II bhll'n'^n' vravlsi, ^ bravtsi, A bavlsi II 15 HI iara- tjyotsndhate, Bh daratyotsndhate, ^ daratjjotsndhate, IP ^sa[corr. from ksdyaijelye deleted]j2/o[J?/o corr. from some other aksarsJjtsndhate, H^ ksdrajotsndhafe, 11^ drdrajiiayotsdhate II A puram, 11'^ dure II 11^ IT'* j'Jr^2/a7nsann^c?/tau II 16 bh Srote, corr. from drotre II bhAlI^n'^II^ gltajharnkdrajd; * gitajhdmkdrajd, jhdm being very similar to sam; hence P gitaiamkdrajd II 62 Chap. III. Account of the Manuscripts 17 srgala aha : ' mama, asty etat. param kathoram unnadasi. tat 18 kim tena svarthabhramsina ? ' rasabha aha: 'dhig mui-kha! kim 19 aham gitain na janami ? tac chruyatam, tasya bhedah : tad yatha : 20 sapta svaras, trayo gi'amah, murchanas tv ekavimsatih, 21 tanas tv ekonapancasat, tisro matra, lay as trayah II 22 sthanatrayam yatinam ca, sad bhedas ca, rasa nava, 23 varnah sat, trimsat bhasas, catvarimsat tatah smrtalj II Variants of ho-sprB4>. 17 h mdna, h svdrthabhramSena, prB svdrthabhramiakena ; a adds kim \\ h sovravlt W a gardabha ; rasabhah II $ om. aha II B dhig twice II ^ jdndsi II 19 ho-$prB om. gitarn after aharn, inserting it after janami II $ tarhi for tac II h bhedah \\ ho-s om. tad yathd; prB tad yathd tasya bheddn irnu (B °n chr°) II 20 o-prB mUrchands caika° II h °vimSati II 21 o-s tana ekona°, h tdndny ekonaparncdsa, pr tdnd tv ekona° II o- tisras told for tisro mdtrd II cr layas II In $ the fourth pada runs thus : ity eta Srutimarndalamm ; in prB ity etat svaramamdalam II 22 a yajlndm \\ 4> (transp.) ca jdiindrn \\ s om. ca II Second pada in cr: sat kdvydni rasdS ca sat, pr sadgasya, then one aksara left free, then sa rasa niva; B sad dsydni rasa nava-, hs satsasydni (s ins. ca) rasdni ca; $ satsvaidd rasa nava II 23 s varnna, 4> varsd, B (not pr) rdgdh for varndh II h(rs<^prB trimsatir II s bhdsd, cr bhdvdk, B (not pr) bhdvds II Fourth pada in cr : satca- tvdrimiatih smrtdh, hspr dvicatvdrimiati (pr adds A) smrtdh (h om. A), B catvdrimSat tatah smrtdh, $ dvicatvdraviiatis tathd I mdtrd II 272, 1 h pamcdsihyadhike ; $ parncasltyadhikam II o- cditad II Second pada in her prB: gUdmgdndm sat am smrtarn, s gitdrngam satatam smrtam, $ gitam II ndgdndm iatam II (om. smftam) II After line 1 o-^prB insert a half sloka; first pada crh^prB: svayam eva purd j^oktara (h ias^re for proktam) ; second pada : cr svayam eva sruteh priyam, ^ Bharatena irutam Sriyam, prB Bharatena iruteh (pr tsu° for iru°) param, h vedena ca iruteh param II 2 sB om. this line II h gitdmglh saha samvrtam || o-$pr vrtatp II 2a B om. this line II ho-s^pr karne II h saradi II 3 "I> ndnya- hdta2yriyam loke II s pararn for j^'^'iyc-^ II o^ dasyate, h durlabham, for drSyate II 4 o- Suskasnayurasdsvddas, hsB suskasndyusvardhldddt (h stt°, and °mca° for °sva°), pr iuskasndyuh svardhldddt, $ iuskasndcchurddbhdddt II Fourth pada in cr : tyakta dksena Rd°, pr tyaktas Tryaksena Bd°, B Tryaksam jagrdha Rd°, s ?/a(or yu)ktas Tryaksena Rd°, h 2^'^^^(''^ Tryaksena Bdvanah, 4> paktas Tyaksena Rdmanah II 5 $ tvdm; ho-s om. tvdm; prB bhaginisuta for ^ram II prB vadan for vadoM II $ manasdmti for ■ya" m° II (rprB om. ca II 6 cr mdmaka, $ mam II $ mady for 2/«<^2/ " o" om. ^ac? aAam II sprB ins. ^drac? after aAam II h dvaradeiasthah, CT vrttidvarasthitah, s vrttedvarideiasthah, pr vrtter, B vrier, prB dvarasthitah, ^ vddidvasthitah \\ ha ksetram, prB k§etra2)am for ^seiropaZajnll Chap. III. Account of the Manuscripts 63 272, 1 paficasityadhikam hy etad gitanam ca satam smrtam, 2 suvarnaracitain suddham gitangaih ^okaXaxr i/utam II 2 a dhanydndm jdyate karnaih vUemc charadl sthite II 3 nanyad gitat priyam loke devanam api drsyate ; 4 suskasnayurava/^/flf/a^ Tryaksam jagdda Rdvanah II 5 tat kathani tvam mam anabhijnam vadasi, nivarayasi ca 1 ' srgala 6 aha : ' mama, yady evam, tad aham vrtti^wrasthah ksetrapalam 7 avalokayami ; Variants of HIBh, bh^n'H^n^A. 17 n'n^n' tat for asty etat II 11^11^ 11^ kathorasvaram nadasi II 18 n^n^n^ tendrthabhram^ind li bhA dhig 2, * dhig dhig II 20 Hlbh^A ^vimsati \\ 21 bh*A tanaekoaa°, 11^ 11^ tdnds cekona°, 11'^ tdndi catkona° ; Bh tv enako° for tv ekono^ II 22 bh^An* sad dsydni for sad bhedds ca (cp. the reading of s), corr. in n^ to sadjasydna; 'U? sad jasya ca] 11^ sad gasydna II HI bliedd II Bh sad dkdrd rasa na I om. va |l 23 *n'n* tritnsatlr, bhAlI'^ vimsatir II bh bhdrydS, A bhdvds || 11' 11'' 11' (om. tatah) smrtd, 11' vudhaih, II? Jl^ budhai II 272, 1 HIbh °tyadhikdm, in bh corr. by cop. to our reading; A °tyadhekarn II HI spatpat for hy etad II 2 bh^n^n^n' vrtam, A drfam for yutam \\ 2a bh^Affn'^n' om. this line |l Bh karnne II 3 bh gitatvd/ram or ^ih pratadito \\ 11 o- bhumau, $ bhamau, h bhuprste, s bhUprstho II $ patatitih II prB tatai ca sacchidrolukhale baddvd (pr badhvd) gato miirso (B om. murso) bhuyo (pr adds l) pi (12) prasuptah; a- tato grivdydm udusalam baddhvd bhuyo 'pi (12) prasuptah; B tatah succhidrodukhala I vaddho gatdmarso bhuyopi (12) suptah; h tatah cchidro- dusalam vavdhd ksetrikah prasuptah ; tataS ca tacchirodhdtudusalam gale badhvd (12) ksetrikah prasuptah II 12 <^ om. 'pi after rasabho II s svajd- ti^abhdvdn gatavedandt ; cr svajdtisvabhdvdt ksanenutthitah, h svajdtiprabhdvdd gatavedana ksa°, prB svajdtisvabhdvdd (pr °prabha° for °svabhd°) gatavedanah (pr °tdva° for °tave°) ksa° ; <^ jdtisvabhdvdd gatavedandm ksariena utthitah || 13 o-s om. uktam ca || 14 $ sdrameyasvardivdndm, o-sB sdrameyasya cdivasya, pr sdrd- mayasya vdSvasya, h sdrameyasya ddsasya ll s viSesyatah II Bpr rdsabhasya viiesatah (pr °«a;^) II 15 h ^^a^?, s j^o-rajo II hs °janita II 16 cr ^a^ai ca rasabho 'pi tad evbdusalam adaya vrttitn curnayitva pa° d° ; s tatodevodusalam, $ tatahs ca deva udukhalamm, then s$ with cr (only s vrtirn); prB toias tarn evolukhalam (pr *'5a° for °kha°) adaya vrtim (pr vrttim) curnayitva (pr °rnna°) paldyitum a ° ; h to^Aa ca II ^atZ evodusalam adaya vrttim bhurnayitva pa° dravdhah II 17 hers 4> etasmina a°, prB atrdmtare II hcrsprB ins. '/^i after irgdlo II hcrs4>prB durad eva (pr adds m) tem drstva (s drstarn) sasmitam (h savismitam) (18) aAa I (19) sadbu matula, spr glten{21)eti, cr4>B giteaa mayd prokto ($ ^/w^^o for 2^'>'oklo) 'pi na stbitah, h gltena nivarito na maya stbitah, om. the second part of the sloka ; 20 o-B apurvo 'yam manlr baddbah \ (B om. i) sampraptam gltataksanam (B °nam) \\ Chap. III. Account of the Manuscripts 65 14 sarameyakharfl^i;a?m;«, gardabhasya visesatah, 15 muhurtat parato na syat praharajanita vyatha. 16 tatas ca ijtim hhankivd kanthastham ulukhalam ciddya palayitum 17 arab- dhah. asminn antare srgalo durdt tarn avaloky'l.'Qedam uvdca: 19 '' sddim, mdtula, ffW 21 eii. Variants of HIBh, bh^J^n^n^n^A. 8 bh ^ n* n^ n^ tathanustjte, A tathd (corr. by cop. from tetha) anustite il A hhuyd \\ li^lPlP sabdayitum II 9 bh^An^IT^n^ ksetrapala II Bh tatah ksetraraksakdrds tat iahdam II bh^A rdiahhasabditam || bh^n^H^n^ sama- karnnya, A Srutvd samakarnya \\ bh* damtair || '^A nipldayamto, bh nikpi- dayamto, II^II^II^ nisindayamto II 10 n^ lahutam II bh^Bh udyamya, A udyasya, 11^ EE'TI^ udgrhya for uddiSya II bh^An^n^ pradhavltah, W pradhdvitd II bh^An^n^n^ pratadito \\ 11 A ydva ruviprste ya {ya del. again) II 11^ 11^ bhilprste, corr. in 11^ to bhiipraste, which is the reading of n^ II JUsacchidrulilsalam; hh sacchidrodusalam; ^ sachidrodusalam ; A sacchidraudusaldm, corr. to °lam', n^n^n^ sacchidram udukhalam II 12 HI badhdh \\ HI ksetrdpdldh W 11' 11^ 11' prasuptdh W bh^ffll' sva- jdtisvabhdvagatavedanah, A svajdtisvabhdva/vagatavedanah, 11^ svajdtiyagatasvabhd- vavedanah II 13 n'n^n' ksamndpy utthitah \\ 14 Bh ^khardivdndm, corr. by cop. from °khakhdivdndm ', bh^A ''khardhasya II 11^ sdrameyasya cdsvasya, corr. from other aksaras, the last of which being svdndm; n' sdrameyasya cdhasyam, 11^ sdra- meyasya vdsvasya W 15 hh prajdrajanitd, A prahdrajanitavyethd W 16 HI vrttim II HI ulusalam II bh^AlI^II^n^ tataS ca tarn evodusalam (A eva udu- salamm); in 11^ corr. to evodukhalam (which is the reading of 11^ 11^) adaya vrttim {ir^U^ vrtiTn) curnnayitva pa° d° II 17 bh^AXI^n^II^ etasminn II Bh durattarat for durdt II Bh glteneti II bh^AlX^II^n^ ir° durad eva tarn (11' 11^ 11^ enam for eva etam) drstva sasmitam (A sasmidamtam) (18) idavi aba II (19) sadhu matula gltena varito na maya sthitah \ (20) apurvo 'yam manir baddbah (A baddlid) sampraptam gltalaksanam \\ 21 bh*A add Hi II * adds kathd 6 II 66 Chap. III. Account of the Manuscrijots From the specimen just given it appears that in not a few cases Bh comes nearer to the text of the Hamburg MSS. than bh^* n^n^ll'^A. But in some of these cases Bh and the Hamburg MSS. are decidedly wrong, viz. 271, 13.16.23 (a gross chandobkanga) ; 272, 2 a (an interpolated half sloka) ; 6 (the reading of Bh being a corruption of that of HI, and that of HI being an obvious corruption of that of bh^'An^n^n^). Besides, in 271, 11 BhHI read 7iam for na, as apparently some previous copyist, who did not understand the wording, thought mhddmitdd'mam to be the adjective neuter. But as n^ n^ n^ have the same blunder, this case is not conclusive. These are serious mistakes which Pui-nabhadra, who tells us that he has corrected the text ^^T^t;W (289, 20), is not likely to have overlooked. It is true that in some cases he has taken over blunders from his sources.^ But these cases are comparatively rare. And not only in the few lines of our specimen, but in the whole text of book V, Bh has many mistakes in common with both of the Hamburg MSS. or else with one of them. Cp. our variants at 264,6.14^.24., 266,10 (HI blunder: venivacchardjah, Bh wrong correction thereof : venuvaUardjal)^ 269, 22 {j)aldya7iavuayah BhH and jaldsrayam BhHI). 272, 22 (the number of the preceding tale being inserted in a wrong place). 275, 10 (same gap in BhH; corrected in I). 277,3.15.17 (wrongly corrected in I). 278,8 (BhHI vayam for vanam\ but vanam must be the original reading, as it forms the contrast to grham ; cp. also 278, is). 279,11 (original reading vyathd, as in our text; Bh corrupted to yathd-, H I — a correction of this corruption based on the end of the fourth pada : — tathd). 280, 20 {ko'pi for kam aj)i; h also has this blunder!). 281, 9 (our text : trmaikd tu ; corruption in Bh : frmtkd hi ; correction thereof in HI : trsnd [I innaii\ kdpi). 12 {(leva for yena^ which is necessitated by the con- struction). 14 (Bh H). 282, 4 (our text : Jiatah iatruh ; H corruption : hatah mtrum ; corruptions thereof in Bh and I ; Bh : hataSairum, I : Iiatah mtrn). 6 (same gap in BhHI). 283,13 {ahaynadliyadho, corrupted to madhyastho in the archetype of BhHI ; this is corrupted to madhydsthdmin H, and wrongly coiTected to madhyastlum in I). 284,12 (BhI °gath\ Hh °gaii^ for °maiir). 285,21 (BhHI arddhodite for aniuldhdnah ; but cp. 286, 5). If Piirnabhadra had not been aware of all these gross blunders, he must indeed have been a blind man or a ^^^^^TTtW* • Certainly no such man would have been entrusted with the revision of an old celebrated work by ^ See above, p. 30 f. ^ Simpl. MS. h has a compound: "mdhdmdtnsdvikrayasddhakavfitiprahhHmam, but it adds ekatamah \\ •* As to Vinavatsa, cp. Speyer, Studies about the Kathasaritsagara, Amsterdam, 1908, p. 5. Chap. III. Account of the Manuscripts 67 a minister.^ Hence we must conclude that, in the fifth book, not Bh, but the bh ^-class has preserved the genuine text of Purnabhadra, and that the text given in Bh is a copy of some old MS. belonging to the H-class of the textus simplicior. This view is corroborated by the fact that many — and always good — readings, in which bh^ deviate from the Hamburg MSS., are to be found in the o--class of the textus simplicior. Hence we may conclude that Purnabhadra used at the same time MSS. of both the H- and o--classes, preferring in most cases the H-class.^ The wording of the textus simplicior as contained in Bh's fifth book is of a high critical interest. In 1902, when I was not yet aware of the true nature of this part of Bh, though I saw that BhHI formed a clearly distinct group of MSS.,^ I thought it probable that the stories V, xv, xvi (Biihler and HI) did not originally belong to the textus simplicior, though they stand in all the MSS. of this recension I had, and have up to this day, examined.^ Now these two stories are missing in Bh. This shows that my view in this respect was correct. As in the fifth book Purnabhadra follows the textus simplicior much more closely than in the rest of his work, I give the complete variants from Bh for this book from 260, 2 onwards. The beginning of the fifth book unfortunately is lost in Bh. § 7. Books I to III in Manuscripts Bh and $. In order to show the relation between Bh and 4> in that part of the two MSS. which contains Purnabhadra's text, I give their readings, and nearly all of their even insignificant blunders, from the beginning of book II, p. 126, to p. 134,23 inclusive. It will be seen that * cannot go back, in this part of the text, to Bh. Both Bh and must go back to some previous MS. Cp. Variants 127, 11.14.26. 128,8 (here it is evident from (i>'s reading that, at the time when the source of * was copied, a small bit of the vowel under ^ was still visible in the original) ; 128, 7.12 (where the difference between the readings of Bh and 4> must go back to some marginal addition); 128,19.30; 129,1.9; 131,8.9.10 (the interesting interpolation of f^<3lIc(j'N's reading more correct than Bh's, the case being such that no copyist would have been aware of Bh's blunder). The fragment of Purnabhadra's text which forms the stock of books I to III in Bh4>, does not contain the genuine wording, but an adulterated one. In very numerous cases, words have been transposed, omitted, or replaced by synonyms, without any evident reason, and other texts, especially the textus simplicior, have been compared by the reviser to whom Bh's text goes back. This occasionally causes disorder. For instance, Discussion illustrated by text of Tale I, ziii. Lion's retainers outwit camel. In the following parallel texts, the words taken into the text of Bh from the textus simplicior are set in italics in the columns of Bh and HI. Our text p. 75, 18. 18 bahavah panditah ksudrah, sarve mayopajivinah \ 19 kuryuh krtyam akrtyam va, ustre kakadayo yatha II 20 Damanaka aha I katham caitat I so 'bravit I 22 asti kasmimscin nagare vanik Sagaradatto nama I sa ustrasatam 23 bahumulyacelakasya bhrtva kasyamscid disi prasthitah I atba tasya 24 Vikatanamostro 'tibharena nipldito visrasta- sarvaiigo niscestah 25 patitah I tato vanik ce- lakabbaram anyesflstresu vibbajya ksipt- Ta 26 ' aranyabhumir iyam visama, asmin Ethane na sakyate sthatum' 27 iti Vikatam vihaya prasthitah I tasmims ca sai'tbava- he gate Vikatah 28 sanaih sanaih samcaran saspam bhaksayitum arabdhah I evam asau 76, 1 katipayair evahobhir balavan sam- vrttah I tasmims ca vane Madotkato 2 nama simhah prativasati sma I tasyanucara dvl- pivayasagomayavah I 3 atba tais tad vanam bhramadbhir drstah sarthavahaparibbras- tah sa ustrah I 4 tam cavijiiatapurvarupam hasyajanakam drstva simhah prstavan I idam 5 apurvam sattvam iha vane prc- chyatam I kas tvam asi I tato 6 'vagatatattva- rtho vayaso 'bravit I ustro 'yam loke pra- khyatanama I 7 tatah simhena prstah I bhoh, kutas tvam iha 1 tena catmano yatha-8vrttavi- yogah sarthavahat samakhyatah I &c. I Bh (exactly as in the MS.). vahavah pamditah ksudra sarve mayopajivinah I kuryuh krtyam akrtyam va ustre kakadayo yatha II 806 Damanaka aha II katham etat II so 'vruvit II asti kasmimsci nagare vanik Sagaradatto nama I sa ustrasatam bahumulyasya celakasya bhrtva kasyamcid disi prasthitah I atha tasya Vikatanama ustro 'tibharena pidito visrasta- sarvamgo niscesta patitah I tato vanik ce- lakabharam anyesu ustresu vibhajya ksipt- va aranyabbumir iyarn visama 'smin sthane na sakyate sthatum iti Vikatam vihaya prasthitah I tasmin sarthava- be gate Vikatah sanaih sanaihr utthaya samcaran sispam bhaksayitum aradhvah I eva ca sau katipayair evahobhir vvalavan su- vrttah I tasmims ca vane kaddcit fair Has tatah paribhramamanaih sarthdd hhrastah Krathanako nama ustro drstah atha simhah aha H aho apurva,m idam satvam\ ta jndyatdm I him etad dranyakaxa grdmyhm vd tata, Srutvd vdyasah aha II bho svdmin grdmy6yam usfrandmo jlvavi^esah I tava bhojyals tad vydpddyatdm simhah II na grha,m dgatarn hanmi I uktam ca II grhe ^atrum api prdptam viivastam akutoyam | yo hanydt tasya pdpam sydc chatavrdhmaiiaghdtaJcam II &0. Chap. III. Account of the Manuscripts 69 in the following four parallel texts of our Tale I, xiii (Lion's retainers outwit camel), Purnabhadra follows Sar. /3, i. e. the secondary recension of the Tantrakhyayika, with an enlargement at the beginning of the story, in which our author, following the beginning of the frame-story of book I, narrates how the camel came to the forest. Bh has this selfsame be- ginning ; but from 7Q, 3 onward, this MS. copies a textus simplicior of our story. The consequence of this awkward contamination is a double one ; (1) the camel is twice introduced into the story, and (2) it bears two different names in the different parts of our tale. In the beginning it is called Vikata with Purnabhadra's text, whereas in the subsequent part of the fable its name is Krathandka as in the textus simplicior. Hamb. MSS. (Text exactly according to H ; in the footnotes readings of I). bahavah pamditah ksudra 1 ^ sarve mam^opajivinah I * kuryu' krtyam akrtyam va I * ustre kakadayo yathal Damanaka aha I katham etat so 'bravit I * asmi * kasmirnscid vanoddese '' Madotkato nama simhah prativasati sma I tasya canucarah anyepi dvl- pivayasagomayavah * samti I atha kaddcit fair itas tato bhramadbhih ' sdrthdd bhrasiah i" Krathanako '^ ndmdsfro drstah I ^^ atha simha aha I aho apurvoyam satvae tat jnayatdm I Ttim ayam dranyako ^^ va grdmyo vd I tat drutvd " vdyasa aha I svdmln ^^ grdmyoyam ustrah ndmd jlvavidesah tava ^^ hhojya^ ca vydpddyatdm I " simha aha I ^^ ndh&m grhdgatam hanmi I '* uktam ca I ^* grhe ^atrum api prdptam visvastam vihitagamajra " 1/0 hanydt tasya pdpam syd 1 1 satavrdhmarj.aghdtajarit, I '^^ STar. y8. babavah panditah ksudras sarve mayopajivinah I kuryur dosam adosam va ustre kakadayo yatha II Damanaka aha I katham caitat I so 'bravit I asti, kasmirnscid vanoddese Madotkato nama sirnhah prativasati sma I tasyanucaras trayah pisitasino dvi- pivayasagomayavah I atha tair bhramadbhir drstas sarthaviihaparibbras- ta ustrah I tam cajiiatapurvarupam hasyajananarn drstva sirnhah prstavan I idam apurvarn sattvam iha vane prc- chyatam I kas tvam iti I tato 'vagatatattva- rtho vayaso 'bravit I a- khyatanamostro 'yam iti I tatas tena sirnhasa- kasarn vi^vasyanitah I tenapi yathavrttam atmano viyogas sarthavahat samakhyatah I &c. ^ I ksudrah, om. danda II 'I mdvfisopajimnah II ^ I hnryuh II * I om. danda II 'I sdhravlt, om. danda l| ' « I asti ll " '' I vanodese II « I dvlpimvd° II " I °dbhi II "> I °dbhasioh 1! " I Krntha II *^ I double danda || " I ins. md II '* I tachrutvd 11 " I svdmin II '* I °sastava II " I om. danda II ^* I double danda II ** I vihitdgatam with following danda II *' I sydchatabrdhmana° II 70 Chap. III. Account of the Manuscripts In the Tale II, vi, the two genii Karmaji and Karfr are confused, p. 157, 21 and 24 ; but in the second place Bh reads Karfrn for Karman, and in the following part of the story the mistake is not maintained. In 49,14 the reviser shows his pandityam inasmuch as, after ^31j '^j he inserts ^Tf^^% in^% HI«A (see Variants). But his pandityam did not prevent him from believing that tortoises are covered with hair; for in 170,10 he makes fil?::^RB^^rnT^'i gT^f^lT^^ out of ^T^i^^UN+l^'t ^cftm^.^ And again, his pandityam abandons him in 218,12, where bh* write 3T^ f%^^ I BTft f%^^ 1^ Purnabhadra here observes with his source Silr. /3 the rule laid down by Panini in his sutra viii. 2, 84 : <|^f,i^ ^j i. e. ' (Pluti takes place) also in calling from afar.' This sutra was unknown to our reviser who, knowing that the figure ^ is frequently used in the MSS. to imply repetition (ex. »ft^ for ift Ht), and not seeing why this sentence was put twice in the text, writes it only once in this form : 3Tfr f%^ f^^ f^'^i ?75^n, &c.* Evidently this reviser used still other sources than the textus simplicior. For after the kathasamgraha ^-stanza 125,30 he adds : f^f*RT ifrtrT^l^'T f^^ftlcIT %f?I ?[TNf3|d*ri (1) ^^1 As to this stanza, see our 'Variants'. It is not the only one which has been interpolated in this revision. A comparison of the other MSS. of Purnabhadra's text with his main sources, viz. the textus simplicior and the Tantrakhyayika, shows that the numerous deviations of Bh* from our text go back not to the author, but to one of those awkward revisers who, in India, have so frequently destroyed the works of the poets. The text of Bh* is much more disfigured than that of A. Still the archetj/pe of Bh must have flowed from a MS. whose text came very near to that contained in bh^'A. For in books I to III Bh has numerous mistakes in common with these MSS., or wrong corrections of their blunders. Cp. 9, 26; 10,2; 11,2.23; 13, 16 ; 18, 11 ; 28, lo ; 35, 18 (wrong correction) ; 42, 8 ; 43, 4 ; 44, 6 ; 59, 3 ; 60,30; 62,1 (MS. A correct) ; 64,3; 69,3; 74,8.17; 83,6; 93,9; 96,10; 99,5.6.11; 101,12; 119,21; 121,7; 122,12; 123,12; 131,18; 132, 12 (wrong 1 So Bh*. ^ But cp. Variants. ' Our text spells f^t?|"|3 with Bohtlingk in his second edition of Panini. * MS. A reads3Tft f^^Tcl^l 3Tt(!) f^^fri;!, taking ^ for an old-fashioned form of goes back to some MS. older than the archetype of bh^t', or whether the right readings in Bh(I> in places where bh^' are wrong, are due to revision. At any rate the blunders which Bh4> have in common with bh^, show that such a MS. could not have been 77iuch older than the archet}^e of bh^^. Our parallel Specimens I to IV show that the text has undergone many alterations in Bh. It is true that in some cases Bh goes with either the Hamburg MSS. or the Tantrakhyayika against bh^^. But none of these cases is such that we must conclude that Bh(I> have flowed from some more original archetype than bh4'. In Specimen I, 1. 151, e.g., Bh has the same blunder as bh^'A, viz. 3jf?T for 5g;^. This blunder evidently goes back to a misreading of ^J^I^T at the end of the pada. The copyist of the archetype of bh^ABhti> took the second ae^-stroke for a danda, and misread r% as f^. In the same specimen Bh inserts T in 1. 45, makes '^^'^ out of ^\!qi<\ in 1. 60, and omits ^ in 1. 136 ; in all these three cases he destroys the metre. In this specimen the cases are especially frequent in which Bh goes with the Hamburg MSS. against bh^'A. But it is (pcite certain here that these coincidences are due to the collation of some copy of the textus simplicior. 72 Chap. III. Account of the Manuscripts In line lis ff. our parallel texts run as follows : HI athava so'tra raja, tad vi^vasasthane caturah ^a^akan atra dhrtva h athava yadi so'tra raja, tad visvasasthane caturah ^a^akan atra dhrtva Kielh. atha yadi so'tra raja, tato visvasasthane caturalji sa^akan atra dhrtva Purn. tatas Bh atha yady asau iha raja, tad visvasasthane catural^ sa^akan dhrtva tatas H I tarn ahuya drutataram agaccha ; yena yalj ka^eid dvayor madhye h tarn ahuy- agaccha ; yena yah ka^cid dvabhyam madhyad Eielh. tarn ahuya drutataram agaccha ; yena dvayor madhyad ya^ kascit Purn. tarn ahQya drutam agaccha ; yena yah kascid avayor madhyat Bh tarn ahuya drutam agaccha ; yena yal^ kascid avayor madhyat H I raja, sa sarvan etan bhaksayisyati. h raja bhavisyati, sa sarvvan etan bhaksayisyatiti. Kielh. parakramena raja bhavisyati, sa sarvan etan bhaksayisyatiti. Purn. parakramena raja bhavisyati, sa sarvan evaitan mrgan bhaksayisyati. Bh parakramena raja bhavisyati, sa sarvan ava(!) etan mrgan bhaksayisyati. The sentence tad, &c. (Hlh), or tato, &c. (Kielh.), is grammatically incorrect, inasmuch as the subject of dhrtva is the lion, and that of ahuya the hare. Purnabhadra, for this reason and for a reason which we shall consider hereafter, deletes the words athava, &c. But it is quite clear that his tatas corresponds to the tad (Hlh) or the tato (Kielh.) which in these sources begins the apodosis. The author of Bh's archetype must have had before him Purnabhadra's text as given in bh^'A; but besides he must have compared some MS. of the textus simplicior. For in his wording, the apodosis is ttcice introduced, first by tad, as in Hlh, and secondly by tatas, as in Piirnabhadra (and in Kielhorn's text). This faulty construction can only be explained by the supposition that the author of Bh's archetype was not aware of the fact that in Purnabhadra's text tatas con-esponded to tad of the textus simplicior, which he had before him, and that he only saw that in this text there were some more words {atha to dhrtva), which accordingly he inserted, without reflecting, hefore Piirnabhadra's tatas. As to the purport of our passage, I cannot believe that the text of the ff-class is here more original than that of HI. The wording of the Hamburg MSS. means : Bhasuraka is an usurper. Or else, if he is indeed the legitimate king, let him come, in order that that one of both of us who is the legitimate ruler may eat all the animals. This passage lacks wit; for evidently there is nobody to decide as to the lawfulness of the kingship of the two lions. The o--class as represented by Kielhorn's text improves the sense, saying that the usurper proposes a single combat * ^ But the single combat is not even mentioned in the old MS. h of the o--clas8 which only has the future tense bhavisyati with Kielhom. CJiap. III. Account of the Manuscripts 73 in order to decide who, in the future, shall be the king of the forest. Accordingly Purnabhadra deletes the words athavd, &c., which contain a conditional acknowledgement of the lawfulness of Mandamati's rdjatvam. Nobody will doubt that the reading of Bh is a contamination of Purnabhadra' 3 genuine text and of the textus simplicior. Here, as in the case treated above, p. 68 f., the interpolator was not clever enough to avoid the traces of his activity. In the first case, he preserved the camel's two differing names from both the sources which he contaminated ; in our passage, he preserved^ from these different sources, two different words — tad and tatas — which, though differing, correspond to one another. Although these cases, taken with many others which of course I cannot treat here, have firmly convinced me that Bh does not go back to an archetype independent of that of bh^'A, I give nevertheless the readings of this MS. throughout from the beginning of page 126 to 134, 23 inclusive, and for the passages marked with an asterisk in books I to III inclusive, and quote Bh occasionally in some other places. Of book IV, Bh has only the text from the beginning (p. 228) to tathd hi (inclusive), p. 244, 10. In order to show the difference between Bh and 4> in this book, I give the complete variants of these two MSS. from the beginning of IV to p. 229, 17. From 229, 17 to 244, lo the readings of Bh are given only in the passages marked with an asterisk. The readings of I have neglected altogether. Chapter IV. Principles which guided the editor in the construction of the text. § 1. Basis of the text of our edition. India is the ' classical ' country of interpolation and adulteration of texts. The more celebrated a work became, the more it was disfigured by copyists and revisers. Not even texts which, like the Mahabharata, are held to be sacred, have escaped this lot. A work so widely spread as the Pancatantra in its numerous recensions has undergone the most important changes in respect of its wording and of its contents, and that continuously, even to our own time. New editions quite different from the old work were prepared, and these new editions, after some time, were compared with older ones and melted together with them into new texts. In Purnabhadra's time there existed several redactions of this work, and Purnabhadra was well aware of the fact that none of them contained any L 74 Chap. IV. Principles ivliich guided the editor longer the text as written down by the ddyakavi. In revising what had grown in the course of time to be a ' whole sastra ', he collected the different recensions and contaminated them, as shown above, not without insertinsr new materials. This was the Hindu manner of philological work, which to our days prevails amongst the old style pandits. European scholarship has arrived at other methods. Whereas a Hindu wants before everything else a most readable text, we want a text that comes as near as possible to the wording of the author himself. But when Kosegarten gave the first edition of the Paficatantra, he followed not the European, but the Hindu manner of proceeding. Instead of separating the various recensions of the work which he was editing, he contaminated them; with what result has been shown above, p. 44 ff. On p. ix of his edition of the textus simplicior he says : * Utrum editio ornatior, an simplicior, sit habenda vetustior, vel primae Pantschatantri formae propinquior, de ea re sententiam ferre certam non audeo; magis perspectum hoc habebunt posteri. ... Si quid video, editio ornatior, quanquam in eam ipsam recentiora multa recepta esse crediderim, in universum ad antiquam libri formam propius accedit, proptereaque cum libro Kalilae magis quam altera convenit. In editionis meae volumine hoc primo scriptura potissimum (!) ad editionem simpliciorem accommodata est, quoniam codices H.I.L. qui mihi obtigerunt primi^ illam editionem exhibent, eoque factum est, ut ad eam primam ex illis codicibus eruendam me adplicarem. Qui codices ubi nimis vitiosi vel mutili esse mihi vide- bantur (!), ex ceteris meliora vel pleniora supplevi. (Hence he gives in books III and IV a disfigured 'textus ornatior', imagining the text of the Hamburg MSS. to be mutilated in them.) . . . Versiculos recepi nimis multos (!), ut lectores critici eorum, quos aut retinendos, aut eiiciendos esse censeant, ipsi instituere possint delectum.' An editor who renounces the critical examination of the text which he is editing to his readers instead of taking this duty upon himself, should abstain from editing altogether. Translators who followed Kosegarten propagated the error about the true form of the Pancatantra among all the philologists and folklorists who were forced to base their research on translations. The Hindu editors, in reprinting Kosegarten's text, not without new alterations and additions, settled the opinion amongst Indianists that on the whole Kosegarten's text corresponded to the MSS. of this work. The only edition of the textus simplicior which has been prepared in a critical spirit is that of Kielhorn and Biihler. Though of course this school-book is not a critical edition in the strict sense of the word, it offers to us in the construction of the text 75 the corrected text of one single MS., namely, of one which belongs to the o--class of the MSS. of the textus simplicior.^ Kosegarten's publication of a small portion of the textus ornatior, i. e. of Pui-nabhadra's recension, is as uncritical as his edition of the textus simplicior. I need not expatiate here on this topic, as any one can easily compare Kosegarten's text with our text and with our variants as well as with the other recensions of the Pancatantra. I point out only the fact that the characteristic passage 4,21 to 5,2 is missing in Kosegarten's text. That texts like these of Kosegarten are not only useless (this negatively), but also (this positively) a ffreai and effectual ohstniction to the progress of philological and historical research, is a fact that no one is now likely to deny. Hence my first aim was to clear up the following questions : — (1) How many different recensions of the Pancatantra are still existing? (2) In what genetic relations do these recensions stand to one another ? (3) "Which MSS. are the most faithful representatives of their respective recensions 1 The pedigree of the old Pancatantra recensions down to that of Purnabhadra has been established in the Introduction to my edition of the Southern Pancatantra. It is also given at the beginning of this volume, p. 5. The Southern Pancatantra and the Tantrakhyayika are critically edited. The genetic relations existing between the old Pancatantra texts are minutely studied in the Introduction to my translation of the Tantrakhyayika. Moreover, I have shown that Purnabhadra based his text mainly on the secondary recension of the Tantrakhyayika (Sar. /3), and on the textus simplicior which, as our parallel Specimens show, he used in MSS. of both the H- and the o--class. Now I have examined all the available MSS. of the Jaina recensions of the Pancatantra. All the MSS. of Piirnabhadra's recension had to be classed roughly under two heads, the original class, and the mixed class. To the former class I allot those MSS. which are most consistent at the same time with the Tantrakhyayika and with the textus simplicior, but do not share the provable interpolations of the latter. To the second class belong all the other MSS. The MSS. of the mixed class based on Piirnabhadra's text show with especial frequency interpolations from MSS. of the textus simplicior and contaminations with them. Other mixed MSS. are based on the textus simplicior and contaminated with Piirnabhadra's recension. But there are also MSS. which contain new recensions based ^ See above, p. 12 (pr), p. 58 ff., our parallel Specimens, and ZDMG. Ivi. 298 f. 76 Cliap. IV. Principles which guided the editor on the Jaina recensions and contaminated with Sar. /3, with the Southern Pancatantra, with the Hitopadesa, and with other sources. The main criteria for the classification of the several recensions are : (1) the number, choice, and arrangement of the single tales and stanzas, and (2) the wording of the texts. In the arrangement of the tales con- tained in book III, Purnabhadra follows the oldest texts (Sar., Som., Ksem., S.P., Semitic recensions). Mixed MSS. in most cases deviate from this arrangement. For the first book, moreover, there is a sure criterion in the story of the Weaver as Vishnu. Mixed MSS. based on the textus simplicior have this story as I, v, but follow Purnabhadra, throughout or partially, in the arrangement and in the number of the stories of books III and IV. Mixed MSS. based on Vurnahhadra! s text agree with him in the first and generally in the second book, but deviate from him in books III and IV. But there are even mixed MSS. which agree throughout with Purnabhadra's genuine text in the number and in the arrangement of the stories ; cp. above, p. 56, § 6. For the stanzas, also, I compared Purnabhadra's main sources, and this enabled me to find out easily the interpolations of single MSS. Basis of the edition : bh, N, A ; ^, FLS p, Fr, M ; Bh §. The comparison of the number and arrangement of the stories con- tained in the single MSS. showed that only the following MSS. came under consideration for an edition of Purnabhadra's recension : bh N A, 4'PL^pPrM, Bh(I>. As shown above, ABh^p contain revised and con- taminated texts, which are very likely to have flowed from the same archetype as the other MSS. mentioned. Of these MSS., N goes back to bh, PL^ p Pr M go back to 4'. Consequently the only possible basis for our text must be the two equally excellent MSS. bh and 4*, which agree very closely in their wording. I generally follow bh, unless its readings are clearly wi-ong. Wherever both bh and ^ have a wrong reading, the emendation of which was not evident, I compared SimpL, Sar., A and Bh. In most cases this comparison affords sufficient evidence. There are, however, some rare cases, in which the same difference which appears in the best MSS. of Piirnabhadra's text is to be found in the most trust- worthy MSS. of the textus simplicior ; ^ cp. 22, 25 ; 181, 2 ; 214, 19 f. ; 242, 11. In 68,11 a gloss in the margin of 4' gives the reading of Simpl. Hlh. If some copyist would have preferred this variant, copying besides exactly the wording of his MS., this variant could induce some editor to prefer it and to reject what is Purnabhadra's genuine text. All the passages ' In later MSS., owing to constant collations and contaminations, such cases are extremely frequent. in the construction of the text 77 in which our text deviates, even in trifles, from bh and * are marked with an asterisk. Though of course, except in passages where bh4' are incomplete to-day, the MSS. NPPrM cannot come under consideration for the constitution of the text, I not only give the complete variants, but even most of the blunders of all these MSS. For these blunders are of the highest im- portance for critical work, as nothing is more useful to prove the relations which exist between kindred MSS. than the mistakes which they contain. Only of M a great many of the blunders have been omitted in my variants, as this MS. is extremely faulty. It bristles with misreadings, small gaps, and dittographies. I got this MS. before I had seen 4'. Otherwise I should have jotted down still more of its mistakes, and the relation between M and * would appear even more clearly than now. To the contaminated MSS. pABh(|j and to L^ only occasional reference has been given, except in book V, where I give the complete readings of Bh, which, as stated above, p. 56 ff. and p. 67, in this book contains an old and very valuable textus shnplicior. From these variants it will be seen with how insig- nificant alterations Purnabhadra took over the textus simplicior of the fifth tantra into his own recension. Manuscripts bh and ^ differ very little from Purnabhadra's autograph text. The very fact that so many MSS. can be proved to go back to bh^ shows that in ancient times these two MSS., which I had the good fortune to use for my edition, were renowned for their value. As stated above, p. 37, the MS. bh goes back to a MS. which already was old when bh was copied from it. Our parallel Specimens also prove the excellence of the text of bh4'. Indeed, I am convinced that neither of these copies deviates to any considerable degree from the text as written down by Purnabhadra himself, and that consequently our printed text comes as near to the author's genuine wording as any one of our current editions of say Goethe's prose works does to Goethe's own autograph text thereof. § 2. Emendation of the text. Inferior MSS. sometimes have more correct readings than our oldest and most authentic ones. The question arises, whether in these cases we should conclude that these MSS. go back to some source independent of the archetype of our best MSS., and whether, if this be denied with good reasons, we should tolerate evident blunders in our texts. In order to settle these important questions, I beg to be allowed to consider some standard examples, the nature of which we are able to 78 Chap. IV. Principles tvhich guided the editor determine wif/i certainty. I take these instances from wiitings of eminent modem scholars, whose learning as well as whoso accuracy is far beyond any doubt; and only to avoid the possible charge of malignity, I add some instances from my own wiitings. Paul in his fundamental work ' Principien der Sprachgeschichte V P- 86, last line, gives liortibns as the dative case of the plural oihortus. Hillebrandt says on p. iv of his ' Vedachrestomathie ' :^ ' Der leidige Druckfehler, welcher S. 38 entstellt [viz. Atharaveda], ist meine Schuld und von mir trotz dreimaliger Correctur iiberselicn worden.' To the kindness of Miss Emma Benfey I owe the MS. of her celebrated father's translation of Christoforo Armeno's ' Peregrinaggio di tre giovani figliuoli del re di Serendippo ' the beginning of which translation he published in the third volume of his periodical ' Orient und Occident '.^ This MS. is very carefully written in its author's fine and sympathetic hand. In this most authentic arche- type I read, amongst other slips of Benfey's pen, this sentence on leaf xvi, fii'st page : ' Da aber der JUngling beschlossen hatte, sich auf jede Weise an dem treulosen Minister zu rachen, ging er . . . in das Schlafzimmer der jungen Blchter des Ministers und umarmte sie alle drei mehrere mal.' L.v. Schroeder's excellent works are remarkably free from misprints. Still he writes, on p. 514 of his celebrated book ' Indiens Literatur und Cultur in historischer Entwicklung ' : ^ 'Am Bedeutendsten und Selbstandigsten sind unter denselben zwei Dichtungen, welche dem Kalidasa zugeschrieben werden . . . : der Raghuvam^a . . . und der Kumarasambhava, d. i. die Geburt des Liebesgaii^^ . . .' In the pedigree of the different recensions of the Paiicatantra, p. Ixxix of my edition of the Southern Pancatantra, I wrote * 7'e/?<^?<-Fassungen ', and later on, as my attention was concentrated on inserting the newly discovered recension v, I repeated this blunder on p. xci. In my essay on the origin of the Hindu drama and epic, WZKM. xviii, p. 165, I wrote : ' Die dramatischen Beziehungen, die zwischen dem Epos und dem Drama bestehen, sind langst erkannt worden.' This, I am bound to confess, is unmitigated nonsense. What I wanted to write, was of course : ' Die Beziehungen, die . . . '. Likewise I wanted to write Tamil- for Telugu-. Paul intended to write hortis^ Hillebrandt Athanaveda^ V. Schroeder Kriegsgoii^^. Like Hillebrandt and no doubt the other scholars mentioned before, I had again and again revised the printer's copy and the proof-sheets without seeing my blunders. For there is not only a ' Druck- fehlerteufel ', who disfigures the words written by the author, but there ^ Halle, Max Niemeyer, 1886. * Berlin, Weidmannsche Buchhandlung, 1885. ^ See Chauvin, Bibliographie des ouvrages arabes, VII, p. 160. * Leipzig, Verlag von H. Haessel, 1887. in the construction of the text 79 is apimca much more malignant, the * Schreibfehlerteufel ', whose deviltries are infinitely more dangerous to the author who has his text, i. e. the wording he intended to write down, firmly impressed upon his mind, and who very often does not discover the fatal slips of his pen until, the work being printed off, these rdhmas stare at him from amongst the lines with devilish grimaces. Benfey, of course, would have removed from his MS. most of the slips which his hand had committed while his mind was intent on finding an adequate rendering of the text he was translating. But the blunder Bidder for Tochter is one of the very kind which would escape the scrutinizing eye of the author, when TocJder is impressed on his mitid. Thus even modern authors on philological topics, who in the course of their studies are trained to philological aKpL^ua, and whose metier it is to jot down, in preparing their editions, the very smallest clerical errors of their texts, are liable to overlook in their oion wording evident blunders which at least Lord Macaulay's school-boy would detect at the first glance of his eye. And yet these authors certainly will revise their works again and again, first in their printer's copy, and afterwards in the proof-sheets. The old Himlu writers, owing to the circumstance that their works were not printed, had no occasion of revising them as often as modern authors. Moreover, a clerical error would much more easily escape their attention, as there is not the least separating of words in Sanskrit MSS., a circumstance which certainly does not tend to render revising more easy. Hence the very thing which we should expect is that the Hindu archetypes (i. e. the authors' own autograph copies) should hardly ever have been free from mistakes, although these authors were men of un- doubted learning and thoroughly acquainted with the Sanskrit language in which they composed their works.^ But for the work of Messrs. Fischer and Bolte,^ I probably should have published Benfey's translation of Christoforo Ai*meno's ' Peregrinaggio '. In doing so, I should of course have corrected the slips of Benfey's pen wherever the words he intended to write could be settled with certainty. I should have caused to be printed ' der jungen Tochter \ and in order to give my edition of Benfey's work a diplomatic value, I should have mentioned his clerical error in my notes. The case is difi'erent wherever authors can he proved to have sinned against the rules of the language. So even Schiller, for instance, uses ^ Cp. also above, p. 28, note 2, and p. 30, note 2. 2 Die Reise der Sohne Giaffers aus dem Italienischen des Christoforo Armeno iibersetzt durch Jobann Wetzel 1583 berausgegeben von Hermann Fischer und Johannes Bolte. Tubingen, 1895 (= Bibl. des Litt. Vereins in Stuttgart, CCVIII, Tubingen, 1896). so Chap. IV. Principles tvhich guided the editor the decidedly wrong form umrmigen for umringt, as if this word derived from the verb ringen (' to wrestle '), and not from the substantive Ring. In his ' JuDgfrau von Orleans ', verses 947 f. (I, 9), he says : — Umningen sahn wir uns von beiden Heeren, Nicht Hoffnung war, zu siegen noch zu fliehn. The slip certainly originated in the idea of struggle {Heere?i) which was in the poet's mind. In a similar passage of the same tragedy, verses 2399 f. (111,8), Schiller uses the right form:— Umringt von Feinden kampft sie ganz allein, Und hilflos unterliegt sie jetzt der Menge.^ And this same right form occurs in verse 447 (I, i) : — Und find' ihn — hier ! umringt von Gaukelspielern . . . The same holds true in India. Even so scholarly a work as the classical author Dandin's Kavyadarsa is not quite free from anomalies; see Bohtlingk's edition,^ p. vi. In another sastra, whose aim was in part to teach standard language, viz. in the Tantrakhyayika (A 266), we find blunders against the rule laid down by Panini III, 3, 126 (Wackernagel, Altind. Gramm. II, § 82, a, y). In a very interesting paper read before the Twelfth International Congress of Orientalists,^ Prof. E. Lenmann proved from old palm-leaf MSS. that down to about the seventh centuiy a. d. the Sanskrit written by most authors was not the pedantic one which had been laid down by the grammarians. On the contrary, Brahmans as well as Buddhists and Jainas wi'ote a Sanskrit more or less incorrect and in- fluenced by the popular languages. It was not before the time of the commentators, amongst whom Samkara and Haribhadra hold a prominent position, that the usual standard of Sanskrit was raised to a higher level, and that many things which before that time used to be tolerated, began to be avoided by good authors. But even after this time we find grammatical mistakes in the works of excellent authors which are critically edited. Hemacandra s so-called shortcomings in grammatical and lexicographical and metrical things have been pointed out by Jacobi, p. 9 f. of his edition of the Parisistaparvan.^ As to occasional mistakes committed by another learned author, viz. Pradyumnasui-i, cp. Jacobi's edition, p. 3 f.^ Jacobi says that, ' as an epitomator and poet, he [Pradyumna] has done his ^ In the first passage (947 f.), the battle has not yet begun. This shows that Schiller cannot, by any means, have intentionally chosen the abnormal form umtningen. "^ Dandin's Poetik (Kavjadarga). Sanskrit und Deutsch herausg. von 0. Bohtlingk. Leipzig, Verlag von H. Haessel, 1890. Cp. also Buhler, WZKM. viii. 29 f. ' See Bezzenberger's Beitriige, 1900, p. 125 f. * Sthaviravali Charita or Parisishtaparvan . . . Calcutta, 1891 (B. I.). " Shri Pradyumnacharya, Samaraditya Samkshepa, Ahmedabad, 1906. in the construction of the text 81 task well. His language is concise in the narrative parts, pathetic in the moralising portions, and poetic in the descriptive passages which offer an opportunity of showing his proficiency in Alamkara. Still his work is not free from faults, even against grammar, the worst of which, a Prakritism, ^: instead of T[f*JJ, occurs VIII 520. And so he occasionally does not conform to the nicer metrical habits with regard to the Sloka as observed by the classical poets. But these shortcomings he has in common with most Jain writers during the period of their greatest literary activity and excellence (about 900-1300 a. d.).' As early as 1877, G. Buhler expressed his view about Jaina Sanskrit as follows : ' Die Kenntniss des Sanskrit ist bei den Jainas nicht weit her und hat auch wohl nie den Grad der Vollkommenheit erreicht, der sich bei den Brahmanen findet, obschon es nicht zu leugnen ist, dass sie in der Glanz- periode der Jaina- Wissenschaft vor etwa 700 Jahren hoher gestanden hat als sie jetzt steht. Selbst die grossten Jaina-Gelehrten wie Abhayadeva, Hemacandra und Malayagiri, welche unter den Caulukyas von Anhilvad- Pathan 943-1304 p. Chr. lebten, waren nicht im Stande, ein vollstandig richtiffes und idiomatisches Sanskrit zu schreiben. Auch bei ihnen kommen hie und da wirkliche grammatikalische Fehler vor, und von dem Prakrit beeinflusste Redeweisen sowie vom Prakrit ins Sanskrit zuruckiibersetzte Worter sind haufig ... Es giebt [viz. to-day] deshalb unter den Yatis sehr viele, die wohl etwas Sanskrit lesen, es aber nicht schreiben oder sprechen kbnnen. Andere sprechen es gelaufig genug, aber sehr fehlerhaft. Man hort gleich, dass sie nur aus ihrem Dialecte iibersetzen und die Sanskrit- Grammatik nicht ordentlich kennen. Nur sehr wenige aus- gezeichnete Manner sprechen und schreiben ein ertragliches Sanskrit. Ganz frei von Fehlern oder falschen Wendungen ist wohl kaum ein ELnziger.' ^ I am not inclined to think that the Jaina authors are the only ones in question who wrote and write a Sanskrit not quite congruous with the rules of Panini's Sanskrit grammar. The author of the recension ^ of the Southern Pancatantra certainly was not a Jaina ; still this recension contains the most faulty Sanskrit text I have ever seen. As to the Hitopadesa, I have given a certain instance of a chandobhanga adopted by its author Narayana ; see my edition of the Southern Pancatantra, p. Iviii. As to the Saurapurana, see Jahn, Das Saurapuranam (Strassburg, Verlag von Karl J. Triibner, 1908), p. xxii and f. Dandin and the author * This passage is quoted from the ' Zusiitze und Berichtigungen', appended by Weber, p. 102 f., to his edition and translation of the ' Paiicadandachattraprabandha. Ein Marchen von Konig Vikramaditya Aus den Abh. d. Kgl. Ak. d. Wissensch. zu Berlin 1877. Berlin . . . 1877. In Commission bei F. Dummler s Verlags-Buchhandlung (Harrwitz und Gossmann).' ai 82 Chap. IV. Principles which guided the editor, etc. of the Tantrakhyayika have already been mentioned, above, p. 80. I think truly critical editions will show that, like Dandin, nearly all classical authors occasionally committed so-called blunders ^ which were afterwards removed from their texts by commentators or learned copyists. Sanskrit has been a living language in the Hindu courts as well as amongst learned Brahmans and Jainas throughout many a century in mediaeval and even in modern India.- It is nearly impossible that even good authors should be quite uninfluenced by the vernaculars of the countries in which they lived. In the course of time Sanskrit style, as well as the Sanski-it vocabulary and the employment of grammatical forms, has undergone strong alterations. Like Greek mid Latin, Satiskrit has gone through an evolution such as no language can j^ossihly escape. No modern language perhaps is taught with more pedantry than French. Yet no school instruction, nor even the high authority of the French Academy itself, was able to prevent the written language — to say nothing about the spoken one — from continual evolution. Voltaire's language is considerably difierent from that of the best modern authors. Purnabhadra, no doubt, knew Sanskrit well. But according to what I have just said, I expected to find so-called anomalies in his text, and though not very many, I did find them in the oldest and best MSS. Part of those anomalies and even blunders he can be proved to have taken over from his sources.^ Wherever there was evidence that these anomalies were no mere slips of his pen, I tolerated them in his text. The decision was not easy in every case ; but as the reader will find in the text in all such cases an asterisk referring to my variants, he will be able to judge himself whether I was right or wrong in my decisions. ^ Cp. Wackernagel, Altind. Grammatik I, p. xliv fif., esp. p. xlvii ff. ^ See my translation of the Tantrakhyayika, Introduction, chap. I, § 4, 3 ff. We must not forget that in the middle ages Jaina scholars and poets have a most considerable share in the development of Sanskrit language and literature, and I fully consent to Dharma Vijaya Suri, who in a letter expresses his view as follows : ' I am of opinion that in the time of Hemachandra and other Acharyas . . . the Sanskrit, I mean the classical Sanskrit, was the language of the Sishtas ; and the learned amongst them, especially those whose aim it was to establish their reputation as savants, must have WiHtten in a style approved by the most cultivated class of people of the time. . . . Hemachandra' s utterances themselves must he regarded as grammar.' Most of the so-called anomalies in the works of later Sanskrit writers must be regarded as correct language prevailing in their own time. The history of every language bristles with examples showing that originally wrong forms and constructions became the generally approved ones in later times. The very frequent construction "U^ f?I^nT (a contamination of 7ps( fffgff and 3T^«rTf%¥«fT ) e.g. is not more faulty than Sie stehen (2nd person sing.) in German. ^ See above, p. 30 ff. LIST OF VARIANTS INTRODUCTION Page 1. 1 arham in 4'PPrM is written in the well-known Jain fashion; in A it is mutilated to a flourish resembling an g; N ora. the diagram il For om namak sn, A : insarvajndya namaJi, N ^ngane^dya namah II 4 A ddkmndtye II A ^^rawaddrojoi/am II 5 N pracara for prarara II After manci Pr ins. mamjarl II ^PrM mkalakaldpdragatah, P sakalaJcaldparagatah. After °manci°, N ins. °mamjan°, om. °carcita and adds yugala after carana, omitting the visarga ll A amaramktindmardjd ; over Mi A has a black spot of gamboge. It is clear that A originally had the reading of our other MSS. ll 7 N anamtarasaktU II 8 M /*« for hho, corr. from mil 9 A athedam ucyate for athavd sd° i u II 12 N A bJiavet for daket II 14 M ktimdn, corr. by a later hand to kiktimdn ll 15 A etemm ll N om. all between hhavati and caranam [so for ?y«/(-ara?ir/?«] 1. 16 ; cara- nam is corr. to tatkaranam; M /t^wa[new \vii%\mi8teyam 1 1 M tatraiko sacivah procuh. This reading, however, is the correction of a later hand. The original reading was tatratkai . . . [no more to be made out] . . . procuh ; A atraikeW 18 1^ jwitavyavisayah ll 19 A tad for kimcid ll 24 * tatrdsti, but fi?a add. by cop. over the line between ta and trd ll A om. «a»2a II Page 2. 1 "N prdk for f/m^ 1 1 3 A yojayisydmi II 4 A tathyam vacanam II 5 Pr "jndnan na II ^PPPrM svandmatydgam II 6 P [not 4'] only ^ym/^fl for simkanddah II A arvalipstih, corr. to avalipsnk II M brav'imi, corr. to ^/w" by later hand II N aktivana 1 1 7 ydrtha oivydvrtta worn ofFin P ll 8 M adyafamo II 9 A ^a darsayiUm il 11 M ^^a, N . pi after samciyamdno II 4' valmlkad varddhamdte, corr. to our reading il A valmlka- [2nd hand adds «i iva]varddkate ; N valmikam iva II 12 ^P lahdhd for labdhdh II 13 M /?a^n samnadaniydsviti II A varddhitdk for j3a^/-d II A sampraddnlydS II M lokamdrggendparaksamdno II N^'Pr raksamdno ; in Pr corr. to araksamdno II 14 Pr vinasytta II M 5a^i;!o II 15 P rahyana' II ^Pr ins. ca after kdryam, but * deletes it again II 17 A tatdkodara' \\ 18 A transp. stanzas 3 and 4 II Pr ar^'/^o for arthd, and nihadkyeta^ corr. from nibadhyete II 19 M ^a (?^ for 7«a /^y II A anarthavatdm II 23 Y gurundnu ; Pr anupravrajya- mdnah II 24 4'PM nirvartya^ Pr nirvaritya II N a;;e prasthitah II 26 N fl^re for fl^/^a II 27 M °ruru, corr. to °kkara II Page 4. 1 M °rdksa corr. to °rdksasa, for r^.;f« ; A °citrakdraksabhayotkatdm II M "yodbhavdm II M acalanirgatodaka II 2 ^ purdpdtta , corr. from °/?ai;i° II A °karddame ma II N °kofpdtita° II In 4*, a nearly imperceptible deletion mark over c oi cdiibkdrddW A mkatasydt'° ll 3 A dvayor iov tayor II 7 A pamcardtrakam II M om. w« II M yavasameidn, N vayasak sametdn II In 4' gloss by cop. on yavasa: mmhalaW 8 M om. a^fl?» II M j^^rZ ewawi or tademam ; P tadainam (p ?!flr/ ewam) II 10 M bkaydtare corr. by later hand to bhaydturaih for bhaydt tair II A om. ?;?rja II 11 A yatkdsau mrto [sandhi !] samjl° II A cdgnind; Pr cdgnyddisamskdrena II N satnskrfya II 12 A om. sdrtkavdhak II A dukkham II °kriydm all my MSS. ; Simpl. has the plural ll 14 M. svabkdgydnd vaSdt, con*, to svabhdgyavasdt II A^PPrM "karana for °kana ; °prakdrair is perhaps a mere clerical error for °prakarair ll 15 N om. all between avallrnah and kakudmdn II 16 Pr haravr%% iva ll N, A, ^PPrM Booh I 85 17 N °chadanair for ghattanair II After tuthati N ins. the stanza : arakntam iisfati daivaraksitam surak-ntam daivahatam vinanyati II jwaty andtho ^pi vane visajnitah (!) krtaprayatno 'pi grke najivati \ 1\\\ 1.9 Vr tac ca \\ 21 ^P °ldvasthdndndmdni II 22 M sarvesv eva na, corr. to sarvesu vana II M om. dravgapratyan, conj^iihuing with °tdgrdhdrajanasthdnesv ; Pr. °pratyamtddrdhdrcC' ^ *P °pratyatntdgr0idra ; in ^ gloss on agrahdra : dka, with some aksara lost at the edge of ohe right margin II A °janasflidne, om. sv II 23 Pr simhak sthdnlyo. This is probably right ; cp. Tantrakhyayika 6, 13. But L^ with the other MSS. il tatra cardh all our MSS. incl. L^. Cp. Introduction, p. 30 ii 24 N madhyavarggah II Pr vandmtahsthdnavdsinah II PL^ °nasinah for °vdsinah. This reading is due to the form of vd in 4', whose first spelling seems to have been va, corr. by copyist to vd. But the correction is not clear, and may easily be taken for na (see our Table I, no. 3, line .2 a) ii 25 A pimgalah ll ^PL^PrM sdmdnyah II A sdmdtyasasuddliajjanaTi II N sichrjjana, ^PrMp samlirjjana, PL^ sasiihrjjanayn, 4'PPr continuing cckatra ll A akrttima° ll A "sarasai" for °rasai° 1 1 A °ddhatan 1 1 26 A anahhijhdm iva- rajayiasevitdndm II 28 4'PL^Pr akdratvapu , A ekdmtaratvapurasdmrtham, corr. to ekamtaratva II A aniksiptd° ; L^ with our other MSS. ; Sar. 6, 17 anutksiptd° II A am. abhUam ll M ° kdrmmapdtham, N "karmopdya II 29 Pr °nornsd° for °paurusd° ll 30 Vj/ai/a also L^ ; cp. Introd., p. 30 II ^PL^PrM °purusdkdra°, N °puru8ah I ^ara°, A °pura8akdra ; L^ with us II Pr apibhutam for aparibhutam II M °*ai;r for "prati" II 31 Pr "prapdta for °pratdpa ll M ° samdhdranam II 32 M apraharanam for aprakarand° ll 33 A "grdha I sdrdkramda\m 1 1 A aghatita\siLu° 1 1 N 7a«z^° for °tdstra 1 1 Page 5. 1 4'PPrM "vidydti for °vighdfi \\ M °fa^fl° for °nivdsa II After "sauUtyam another hand than that of the copyist inserts in mg. of L^ : vahnsddriiyai- kdmtavihdrindm apdstakdmardgdJiusayarasdndtn vltardgdndm yathdvadupahhogyam apdnjgadhlrdvalokitavyavahdrdndm anupakdrindm ; K (according to Benfey's copy) L^ in the text: (5a [L'^ va for 3a]^M5afl;j° ; Bh dvimdvesaparo, corr. from dvimlve \ Hamb. MSS. dvmdvemjjaro ll bhNA^PrM °dvesapare. In * there is a hook over re, which probably is a deleted e-stroke; PL^ with us ll 4'PL^Pr niiyam sistdndrn^ hence M nityam u^tJidndm ll ^ vallabha add. in left margin by cop., but the greater part of va has disappeared with part of the margin ii 5 M om. the two aksaras na ku\\ 8 M om. sva ll 9 M °lopa- mdm II 10 A ddrd ll \>\i^'^ yathdkdrdh, but in ^ corr. by cop. to our read- ing; APL^M with us il 15 Pr om. api ca ll bh gloss on vipattim : kagtam (or kaiita) 1 1 20 M pragunas for sa gunas ll 21 Pr «a bruydd, na hru corr. from some other reading ii 22 M va for eva ii Pr satd ll 23 M om. uktarn ca II 24 P bhdginah ll M om. bhoginak ll M nruyah for krurdh ll 25 NA surerndrd, Pr saraudrd ll A mamtrasidhyds ca W 26 bhNA^PL^Pr nicdnxcajaldkaydh (NPr om. /?, in 4' ^ inserted subsequently by cop. before bhN, A, ^PPrM 88 Vai'iants Sra) ; in A corr. to °jaldsai/dh by smearing the r with gamboge ; M nicanlcajaldk iraydh, Bh nlcamcajandsraydh II 28 M sastrapdnindm II 31 A om. i/o II Page 10. 1 Over sartisi gloss in bh pusi (read pjimsi) II Pr natih", bhN nuii" for «a^i° II bhN rdvimdvemk, PrBh tadvmdvesa/i, 4' tadvisadvesah, PL^ tadvuat- dvesak, A with us II 2 bhN A^PL^PrMBh ddnam for <;?a7ia ii 3 N om. vd jndnddhikam II 4 M cdpi II 7 Pr ita^ya for tatra II 10 M ?f« for 7ia il Over ^^ra of bkrdjate gloss, of bh ^PPrM Book I 89 from to\rocand \t added by 2nd hand !] Il 25 W prdkdsya II Pr fe for kim II 26 N musikd II A nihamtavydpakdrhil II 31 In bh gloss on idn: pamditdn \\ M sd ru, corrected with other ink to samru ; A samrnnaddhi^ corr. from sammanadd/ii (i) II A °lek/id° for °sobM° II Page 12. 1 M pimgala II 3 A transp. : svd° pra II 4 bh pracchddann^ N pracltddann, '^YY?- pracchddayamnn II A transp.: na kimcit II Yx yady and- khyeyam tad ddUatu II 6 Over ddrem gloss in bh : Slokah ii A purusesu It 8 After bkavanti, A ins. : pdtJidmtaram, without giving another reading II 9 Pr sarve, corr. from sarvem II M om. na II 12 M srtye for bhrtye II 13 A dukkham II Over *w^/^ j gloss in bh : imrndn II 15 M pimgala II 16 Pr apurvasatvam II 17 M (i for a^ya II M savvena II 19 Pr tatrd for tei!/^a II 20 M vdgnir II PrM bhidyata II 21 Pr ?^awz for ^fa^i ll M svdmitah II PL^ kidakramdgatavanam II bh 2fd^, corrected by a later hand into era il 24 4* P(not L^) °prdkdrdh, M "prakardh II M mbdamdsamtrdny W M bhayamkd- ranah II 25 Pr wgj/a° II 29 Over darUtabhaye gloss in bh : ^a/'e II 30 M evohutah II 31 bhNPM (not L^) na for ca after rane II bhN bhirutvam Ii 32 bhN ^ara bhuvanatilakabhutam II M transp. : jananl janayati, with an unfinished jy?< between these two words ii Page 13. 1 M Santi° for sakti" ll 2 Pr mdnahlyasya II bh ;«a^2^. iov gatih 11 3 M ev« for evam ll Over svdmind gloss in bh : ^mya 1 1 M dkaiyavistambhah 1 1 4 Over medasd gloss in bh : mdmsena 1 1 5 Fourth pada in M : ydvac ca karmma ddvarunvd ll 6 M ^vruvU 1 1 bhN ins. atha before katham ii 11 M om. dha ca \\ 12 Pr vmisto 11 M °rdkdbMm 11 14 M joamm^dj, withjsra added by 2nd hand between ra and m over the line 1 1 15 Gloss in bh on at/ia: athavd II M sHyate II 16 M karotUi 1 1 Pr tasyd 'sdratdm\ bhN^'PL^M tasydh sdratdm. Gloss, in bh adds avagraha over the line before sdratdm, without deleting the visarga. A tasydsdratdm ; Bh tasydh 'sdratdm. Sar. 15, 4: tasyds sdrdsdratdm ; but in Sar. this word is followed not hy J ndtvd, but hyjfidium ll 17 Pr kottikdd ll 18 N vasdd for harsdd ll 19 M bho- janam dpita I van nunam II 21 1^ panisacarmdvasesam gnmthitam ll 22 M iva for api\ Pr kathami na ll Page 14. 1 M kutvaiva 1 1 Pr medasd II bh tiidkih, corr. to our reading, apparently by copyist ll 2 bhN vijhdtum ll 5 After kdryah, 4'P L^PrM ins. II flourish II kathd 2\\ A later hand ins. kathd 2 in bh II 6 In bh gloss on parigraho: *^n(!) 1 1 N dhairydvadhairydstambham 1 1 7 bh dosdk, M vosd 1 1 From 12,13, bhN,'*I"PPrM 90 Variants 8 P (not L^) om. ,^dstra?n li M om. vdnl ll 9 N ayogya yogydi ca il 10 bhN evaiva for airaiva II 4'PL^ etsvarUpam, in 4'L^ ia suppl. by cop. over the line after e^ this ia being very small and rather illegible in 4*11 12 M nrtyam for krtydkrtyam II 13 M snnrtyasya II 14 In * gloss on dkavya- rdhe by cop. : 'gnau II 4'PL^PrM cr/ for 7;? II Pr dnsvare 1 1 15 M nrtyah 1 1 bh f;W, corr. by gloss, to eva 11 16 bhNA4'PL^PrM sacivair ; Bh altered : many ate na samam dhdryo II 17 ^PL^ yadd iox yady 1 1 bhN om. tad before gaccha II M hhadra [corv. to hhavci) paddova tada gaccka II 18 Pr madanako II M °*ara for °*«n II 22 M om. iavimdnitdh 1 1 23 M om. hliavanti II 24 M yathdvad iox ydvad ll 25 In bh gloss on vydpddayitum : hamtum II Page 15. 2 M smdpadam, corr. to smapadam II 5 ^PL^PrM vicimtayan II M dydtam II 6 N yathd sarvam for yathdpurvam II 7 bhN satyam for sattvam II 8 M fl'^n for a/?i ll M kivydmi° for /i*m svdwi° ll N virupyate II 9 M nunu- Jdm II 10 M vindsanainh for vindmh II 11 N om. to^^a ca and stanza 92 1 1 13 Pr sarvadevamayaS cdsya ll 14 NPr ^^w II 17 Pr murddhani for mrduni W 18 bhN4'L^PrM samntsrtdn, P samiistritdn, A. savirtsrtdn -, Bh ■with us ; see above, p. 33 11 19 M frahatsv for mahatsv ll After stanza 94, N ins. this one : gamdasthalesu madavdrinibaddhardgamattabhramadbhramarapd- daialdhaiopi II kopam na gachati nitdmtabalopi ndgatulye(K) bale na ca lavdn pari kopam eti [1\\\ 21 M anaydmi II M prsta° for hrsta° II 22 M manasa stutim II N upagatah 1 1 23 M /3a<;?y for e^y II In bh gloss on dustavrsabha : he II 24 M nibhlko ll bh wa sldasi for nadasUi II 25 4'PL^Pr «!«(? ca srutvd savi° ll 28 PBh 'bruvU, coirected by the copyist of P to 'bravU ll M svdmarsam ll 27 Mjndnasyati II M mamdnlam vatdsydse ll 28 N pimgalakdnidhdto 1 1 M ^awm for ^ac chrutvd 1 1 29 M ins. a«a/i between visddam and agamat 1 1 M bhadra van for bhadra bhavdn, corr. to hhavdn by smearing ^/ra with gamboge ll M sddhusamdvyaro 1 1 30 M yac? for ^a<^ II 31 M sakd-^ad ddyitavyak ll M &-^o syatyam asihitam ll M «ii!i m II 32 N gratah for ^a(^a/^ ; the copyist of bh first began writing ga, but corrected it to ya before this aksara was finished 11 Page 16. 1 M bhumah II 2 Mcintdtak or cittdtaTi II PrM om. kvacit; in Pr a later hand adds jdt?i in margin to be inserted before kenacit ll 3 bhN tatas for tat II M 2!a for tatra ll 5 M bhavdn for bhagavato II M ?V7a smdha II 6 bh ^isyd°, N Sispd° for ^aspd° ; Pr iappdgrdhi bha° II ^'PL^Pr ins. ^a^, M ^e between '*wi and /?:i?ra, M om. the punctuation 11 M wa for ?;/a?/^a ll 7 In bh gloss over sabhayam: yathd, then an aksara which I cannot make out 11 M dtvataprasddam II 8 Pr sispabhojand II M namdavito II In bh gloss on bhN, '^I'PPrM Book I 91 Ihramanti: safvdh II 9 M camdrikdvdhana^ya II 11 M racddamanapMa for khd° II In bh gloss on khddana : bhojana, and/o by the same gloss, over khd II 12 ^PL^PrM "daksand II 13 In bh gloss on sumate: he II 14 4'PL^PrM °dakmnd II M .si/apathajmrassaram II 15 M vovedam for cedam II 16 bhN amtahsarair II 18 N ^a///a ca II M sdnnipdtcke II 20 prasd- dasamukho is a misprint for prasddasammukho ; Pr prasammnkho II Pr ^(J, M 7?a, corr. to wa for «a^ II 21 N om. yaiak II 22 ^PL^Pr mure II 25 M ,Jo for 'salt II 27 Pr rdjadhuram II 29 M viUidvdh II Pr armena II In bh gloss on vibhavdk : vitta II 30 P nrpajdt II 31 N yatkaucita W 32 M padauhm li 33 Pr samjiva aha II Page 17. 2 N transp. ^a^ra after ndma II 3 M mkalapunardyakah ii 4 M catur- vatd for ca kurvatd II 7 Pr dvisyatdm II 8 4'PL^PrM pjdrtkivena II 9 Pr mahate ll 12 N tatpuravd-sino II 14 In bh gloss on sdntakpuro : sahJidryah II 4' dnlyahhyarcitah, but corr. with a very small zigzag line to our reading. Hence PL^, misunderstanding ^'s correction : dn'irydbhyarcitak ll IS M (jrkya ll Pr gaurahha° II 17 In bh gloss on ardka" : galotho, and on niksdritah : kddkyo II Pr om. *o 7;^' 1 1 N akalusitdmtakkarano 1 1 19 bhN acimtayat, om. m ; but the copyist of bh adds ca, con-ecting ?5 to c before he has finished the aksara 11 22 N ujpakarltum ll M nilajak 11 23 M caranokak for canakak 11 M hkumktum II Page 18. 1 Pr katkdcit II 2 M dhustatvam ll 4 In bh an aksara has been deleted by the copyist after hko and replaced by -5; bhN hko once ll 5 Pr tilena for dantilena 1 1 bh °jdgarena, N "jdgarena II 6 bhN mdr^anakarma- stasydpi, sPPPrMp mdrjanakarma kurvato 'pi, L^ marjjanakarmma kurbato 'pi for °ratasydpi. Our text gives the reading of A Bh and Hamb. MSS., to which bh's reading evidently goes back ll 8 bh apratihatamatis, but ma corr. by cop. to our reading ll 11 bhN A^PL^PrMpBh ya6? eva for yad diva ll 12 bh vd, corr. by cop. to ca \\ 14 M yadi vdpdyam ll Second pdda in Pr: nrndm krdayasamsthitam II 15 M sagudham II 16 bhN om. visaye II 17 ^x jalpali ll 19 After tatkd ca, N inserts this stanza: duroddracaritracitravibkavam dhydyamti cdnyam dhiyd \ keneckam mdrthatotka- vadiva premdsti tdmabkruvdm \1\ \\ 21 bhNPr vdmalocand 1 1 22 M om. ksano ndsti ll ^x jprdrtkayatd ll 23 M upajfidyate II Page 19. 4 'M. prasddapadmuro 1 1 6 Pr deva for eva ll 13 bhBhK dyuiakdre ca for dyutakdresu. The MSS. I h of the textus simplicior with us ; H dyu- bhN,"^PPrM 92 Vamants takdresu II Pr om. safyam II 15 In bh gloss on madyape: nare, and on faUvacintd: jhdnam II 17 Pr cm. vd after anyasya II 19 M i for Hi II 20 In bh gloss on viskamhhitani'. dgatam{\) II 21 ^'L^ (not P) goramhhako II 22 M rajaprabhddadurllalito II bb damtalikah II PL^ {noi'i)svayam nigra- kakarttd ca II Page 20. 1 4'PL^PrM iti tatak tutvd II 2 4'(not L^) gorambhakasya, N gora- kasya II 5 Pr sa hi sarvatra pujyate II 7 Pr gardhhutim II In bh gloss on pardhhutim : pardbkavam II 8 M vilasya for vilapya II Pr vilahyamandh, PL^ vilaksamdnaJi^ both omitting sodvegah II Pr gaiiram for gorabham II 11 M vrs^o for r/r.v^o li 12 bhN om. gatvovdca, om. i5awi II 19 M ^a mdrjana II 20 M vibhitlbhahanam II 21 bh a^ra stutam for aprastutam II 22 bh yadasi, corr. by cop. (?) to vadasi ; N nadasi II bhN >?:ri(m for wz«^m II In bh gloss on vydpddaydmi : hanmi II 24 M dyutdkrtayd II Page 21. 1 M vm for t;ef/wj ll 2 M w«a for mama, p om. wzawza li 3 ^PL^Prp r^y/ia cimtifam, M rdjndr vUitam for ra^a II M y^a for karma kurvatd cirbhitikd ll 4 bhN yathdyam mamuyam II 6 bh ""sammdnena, N ' sanmdnena, Pr only sanmdn, with virama under the two « ll 7 M ^a for ;«a ll M rdjanrtydni ll 9 Pr nijdbharandni II 10 M svddhirdre nayojayam dsa II 11 M ne yuja- yati II After eY?, ^PL^PrMp ins. Mtyd katheti ll 14 Pr deva ll 15 M °lamkrtadaksina° \\ h\i^'?v daksana" 1 1 16 4'PL^PrMpBh aj/i for a/??; in "^ joi after ayi deleted with gamboge 1 1 17 4'PL^M (not Prp) nivasatUi, in ^ rather invisibly corr. to our reading 1 1 18 In bh and ^ over vayasya gloss: he \\ M tneduja° ior madbhnja° 1 1 19 Pr "vihdrino ajasram II In bh gloss on ajasram : niramtararn, 1 1 20 bh °rautva° for °raudra°, corr. by a later hand to our reading ll 21 Over djhdpayati gloss in bh : bhavdn ll 23 Pr svairam pravdram II 25 N °prdgalbhena 1 1 Over stokair in bh gloss: svalpaih II 26 Pr vijojya II 27 bhN yJr^m/a II bhN mamtrayet \, which a later hand in bh corrects to mamfrayetdm ll 28 M ^esasarvopi 1 1 bhN mrgojanoy M mrgaparijdnd 1 1 ^PL^Mp durlkrtas II Page 22. 1 In ^, "bddhitd has been corr. by a later hand to °bddhitau; PL^p hudhdvyddhitd II 2 PrM om. ^^a/a^ 1 1 3 M atha connatam 1 1 6 N yatah for ^a^/^a ca II bhN sarngrdmasatnyuktdk ll 7 4'PL^PrMp a»yac ca ll N kurvamti, in spite of j^o ll 8 Pr artsitd 1 1 9 Pr mdsddibhir II 10 N i^«;?a II In bh gloss on cikitsakdh : vaidyd, with a small visarga added over the line ll 11 bh sudrdndm, N iudrdndm for mUdhdndm ll Pr paniditah ll bhN,"^PPrM Book I 93 12 bh pramdthiditdm, thi del. by cop. II M gakameclhindm il 13 bhNA^ PL^PrMp ganikd] Bh with us II ^PL^ salpinah, M ^alpita II 14 M. jm- ksamte II 17 N aprasddhanatdm II 18 Pr savo parijanak Ii 22 In bh gloss on amhikdmtah : dhrtardstra II 24 M ins. n between ca and gacchatah il M unmdrggavdcyatd II M mahdmrdtrdh ; bhNA mahdmdiydli , Bh mahdmdti/a, MS. H of Simpl. malidmdiyd ; MSS. of Simpl. Ih and the ^-class with us II In bh gloss on samipagdh (instead of on mahd°) : ddJwrandh II After our stanza 121, N ins. : attum vdmchati sdmbhavoh ganapater dkhu k.^udhdrttah phanik tarn cai kraucaripoh sa eva girisufdsimhojn ndgdnanam, I iccham [misread for iUkam] yatra parigrahasya ghatandm samhhor apt sydt grhe tatrdnyasya katham na bkdvijjagato yasmdt svampo hi tat II 25 bh sasyabhojl II In bh gloss on karsitdh: dhrtdh II 26 Pr svdmin II Page 23. 2 N pradese for dese II In bh gloss on parivrdjako : samnydB II 3 In bh gloss on suksma : onim II 4 Pr mahatd II 5 In bh gloss on na .. . vihasati: na visvdsam karoti II In bh a mark over kakmntardt, but in the margin only auli i, without a gloss II 6 M atlia, om. m il M vedam Ii 9 M rivitfdpa° for paravittdpa° II 4'PrM Hra mdtrdm, PL^ Hra mdtram for 'rtkamdtrdm \\ 10 Pr vyacimtayatvdt I katham II 16 4* ndvihah, sta being added over the line by cop. over ha\ hence PL^ ndvisvahsta, M ndvihasa I, Pr p ndvihastah, this reading being corrected in p by another hand to our reading II 17 N karttnm for om II 18 Pr bravdnah II 22 Pr om. devasarmd II Page 24. 2 Pr om. this line II 3 prathame also A and Hamb. MSS. and h. Cp. 1. 1 ; Bh ddye for prathame II Pr matim II 4 ^PPrM Bh knyamdndsu, nd being corr. in ^ by cop. from ne\ L^ kfiyamdndmesu II 6 ^ samjdUe, corr. by cop. to our spelling II 7 Pr kdyai II N vetti for citte II 10 Pr ^a are very similar in the old MSS. ; Bh duhkhaparlto II 19 M rontd for eirontd li 21 ^PMp °culakena, Bh °calakena\ \2- jlvati thahlakena ll M ca for fa II 22 M ro-uta° for cirosi(a° II Page 36. 1 N asydparddham karuydsi II 2 bhNBh j^a^ iov yady ll 4 4' ^a^^a for yathd^ butyfl written by cop. over ^a ll 5 M sdmarthyam ll 8 M ^i for i?;VL}Vv'K^ praksipya W 4 \h. yathdlUla- khitam, ^PL^PrMp yathdbhilmtam II 4' gatdm, corr. to ^fl^«, which is the reading of PL^ ll 6 bh npdna for updyena ii N hitam for /^? ;Ja^ II After iti ^PL^PrMp ins. kathd, another hand adding 5 in p ; Bh sastl kathdk ii 10 Mydti II 11 bhNM tatra, Pr tat for ?!«« wa II 12 bh om. tasya II In M the first two padas run thus : yasya bu\ddha su kuto balam 1 1 13 Pr Safikeiia ii 14 N om. dha II 17 bhN mrgocchddanam, Pr mrgocchedanam, "if mrgocckedanam, APL^MBh mrgocJiedanam (in A corr. from mrgocchddanam by cop.). For our emendation see Sar. 25, 13 and Variants 41, 4; Introd.p.33 ii bhN^'PL^PrM dwitasya for dntasya ; Bh with us II 18 bhN gilitvd II 19 bh dlndmand^ bhN.^PPiM Book I 99 corrected by glossator to our reading ; N ??« (deleted by copyist) ^/w«a(wa del. by cop.)«a ll 20 4'PMp vynapayainm^ Pr vijndpayatum, L^ xijhayanum II bhN par am loka° 1 1 atinrsamsena glossed upon by glossator of bh with nimdi- tena ll 21 bhN nisphdranasarvasalvocchddanakarmand^ ^PPrM nihkdrana- sarvasatvocchedana° , L^ nikdranasarvasatvochedana° ^ A im\\\kdranasarvasaivo- ccheda7ia° ; Bh alatn, deva paralokaviroddhendtinrsamsena sarvasatvdndm nihkdra- chedeTia karmmand krtena. See Sar. 25, 16 and our 1. 17 ll 22 4'M ^rtha for 'rthe II 23 N wa/^i for tdni ll 24 N ^ai^/^a ca ; in bh corr. writes hco or «co over a of apavddo 1 1 4* y^m nipratyayo^ corr. by cop. to ^e«a cdpratyayo, which is the reading of PL^PrM ll 25 bhN tena for yewa ll Pr ladhah ll Page 41. 2 bhNM mndmnali II 4 bhN °locchddanam, A^PPrMBh %cc//6rt'a^^aw^, L^ °lochedana 1 1 M ^j^aw for yaikdranam vayam II 5 In bh gloss on svdmina : ^ara 11 bhN °sthitasyeva' 1 1 M cdrakena 1 1 6 Pr devasvaklya for devaklya 1 1 7 4'PrMp eraw2, PL^ gfa for m ll 9 M aV^fl ksydpah ll bh mustim, N wz?a/2 II 11 ^PL^_;«i7e, in ^ corr. to our reading by corr. ll ^P rtrpiir^ L^ rnrptir, M rkrti for ^r/j^ir II ^P (not L^)p katham ca nah 1 1 12 Pr nrpati II 4'PL^p pdlaye II 14 ^Pp ^a?^ durhyafe, in p corr. to duhyate\ L^ ^o durhyate II bhN >^^ for ca II N i^a^a for tathd ll bh^ra/a/i corr. by cop. to jprajd II 19 ^'PL^ tadva lokah, in 4' corr. by corr. to tadvat lokah, which is p's reading ll 20 M ydndni II 22 Pr lokdnuhakarttdrah II 23 M ^^a for ksayam ll 4'PL^(not M)pya^i ll ^P mmsayah, p samsayah^ L^ mmmya ll Page 42. 2 *PL^p sarvdnn II ^PL^ hhaksayiksdmili II 3 bhN^PL^Prp nivrtli, M niimldi°, ABh nivrti ; in A corr. by corr. to our reading ll ^PL^PrMp eX-fl/i svajdti II 5 M gatasyd° for t-a ^^a^yrr II 8 bhNAst'PL^PrMp djndta, Bh djndtah for djUdjnta II 9 Pr var/Z^o hJiavati II 11 For i/iodyama°^ bhN^'PPrp maliodyama' ^ L^ 7nadyodyama° , M mdhddyama°^ A.adyama°, corr. by corr. to iidyama° ; Bh with us II 14 In bh gloss on vidhdya: krtvd ll Pr vydkuyahr° W 16 Pr >a for °;i« II 18 Pr ac for awyac II '?v laghusaramW 19 bhNBh e/l-a»x for e>^a,s ll 20 ^ laghiir, with ifa added by cop. over the line between ghu and r ; hence PL^ laghutar ll 21 bhN apardmdhd dm for fl/)a° ^i-a;72 II Vx prdptah iov prdtah II 23 bh wa vdnya° II 24 Pr ^ar- varam ll In bh glossator adds ^i;a>/^ above nivedaya 1 1 Page 43. 1 * damstrd, but <7a^o added over the line (by cop.?); P damtrdma, L^ damstdma for damstrdgaio 1 1 M bhavisi 1 1 N saiakah, ova., dha II 4 bh N A 4' P Pr smaramtah, M smaratam; Bh anusmaramtah ; pHh smamta^ I smarat ll 5 Pr bhN.'^PPrM 100 Variants mamdamamdamafeh, but the second anusvara del. by cop. II 6 N talah svendbhihitam, P tatastlidndbhikitarn II ^P i/ad devam^ p yad ecam II 8 P varttim for vartitavyam II 12 N ivdmi II 13 ^P dyaddevam ior yad y evam II Over darhya gloss of bh adds tvam II 14 4'P m«m[^ new line] ca?t?i^aiw ll 12 Pr °parivdS ll 14 M °ra/ntam for Va- ksitam II 17 M hatdksd II <^Wv'^ pimdravarddJiana II 18 bhN ifaiffl^ for ^ac II bhNBhom. «ail 20 "i*^ (not Vr) pumdravarddkafia°,'M. pnmdra- varcana II 21 M ?ia7/i° for mantri° 1 1 o Page 54. 1 N ^a^o for ^a^ II 2 Pr suniksitdni ll 6 M vydpddayoti II 7 M vdcyam II 8 Pr vigrahasya ll ^PPrMpBh M^'yio II 9 M om. hi purvam II 4'PPrp °kasipio° for "kaSipu 1 1 12 N tyapotyisyati ; M rydpddayisyatUi II 14 bh pataho va ddpito, va being del. by cop. by two dots ; N pataho vam ddpito II 15 bh nikatah vi°, N nihitaTi vi° W N yojayat, corr. by the copyist from yaw, ioxyoyad 1 1 17 bh mahdmtvo, N mahdsasatvo 1 1 20 4' P PrMpBh /{ro/?/?ro II bhN miiktasukhdra7nbho ll 21 N parydlocitatvdt ll 24 bhN samhrtokhila II Page 55. 1 After the second »?e Pr ins. j92Ya ii 2 M ins. satvaram between wrawz and sattvam W 4 N z5ya II 19 bhN em»2 vdbhihite II 20 M surdsisam II 22 M. pratinasti 1 1 N kumjastra ll 23 Tr pral/odkate II Page 57. 1 Pr vraJimddi II 4 ^PPrpBh Mi/?:o, M kolikau II 5 ^PPr/a^fl- kautakdndm, in Pr the second ^a over the line by cop. ll Pr vicimtatdm ll 4'PPrM(not p)Bh kolikaS ll 8 N svasvavdkinehhyo ll Pr pranaydti, 4' praniydta°, corrected by a later hand to praniyati°, which is the reading of P ll 4'PPrBh °sirasas II 12 bhN et-asra vdcddini II 14 M only varmmd ll 17 N^PPrMpBh >(-o//^o li 18 N °mahdtmyo, 4'Pr °mdhdtmye, in ^ followed by danda; hence PL^, misreading the danda for fii-st o-stroke: °mdhdtmye rqja° ll 4'PPrM mkalatra" for sakala° ll 19 After eYi, ^Pr >ta^>4a ll 8, P bhN, ■^'PPrM Book I 105 wkathd II 8 II flourish II li, M \kathd\ 8\\ Pr dvarnnya ii M eva for evavi \\ 20 N cm. santu II 21 Pr °my6pavistasi/a, cm. m li 22 N o, then blank for one aksara, then yikam ii 24 Over samanamtara mark by later hand, referring to an addition by the same hand in the right margin : atah param, and to an addition by the same hand in the left margin : kdranam ii Page 58. 1 pBh abhiyuktd \\ Over amiyxiktd gloss in ^ by later hand : prijtd il M sdvivye, PL^ sdvidyo for sdcivye (but in "if the right reading quite distinct). In 4' gloss on sdcivye by later hand : sdhdyye li 4 N apiyasya li 5 In ^ by later hand gloss over sraddkeya : mdnya II 6 N matmnnue II 8 bhNAsPPPrp (not M) grimy dmi^ Bh grJmyd{^) II 9 4' y/Ia/^a [new line] jndjoayitum^ the first y«a/ja deleted by small dots over the line II 10 bh duhkhasahataram, but corr. to our reading, apparently by cop. li 11 Pr taddkd W "iV jndyd'bravU', Vv vijndyd'bravlt, Mp tijiidya'bravUw M. evam for eva w 12 4'PPr °pradkdnye II 13 M atyuttUte II p m- for vd- II 14 bh vastavya, corr. by cop. li In bh, the copyist writes da over va of pdddv a° ; hence '^ pdddd II -^ snh, P *;'n^ ll 15 bhN^PPrMp hhavasya, ABh with us, but in A corr. by later hand to narasya II 16 hh Jukdti ii 17 bhN te?id, ^PPrMp tatkd for tena ; ABh with us II 20 M sramayate for chrayate II In 4' gloss by later hand on nirvidyate : khidyate II 21 N om.. padam ll P om. kd svdtantryaspr II 22 Pr abkidrtimd, Bh a/>i druhyati. In the Hamb. MS. H, the stanza is omitted ; I reads svdfamtrydn nrpateh rdjyahrdaya prdndn api cydryate ll 23 Pr ravagrahaJi ll ^PPrMp svakdryem ll N deva for eva ; 4'PPrM tad eva devdtra (M ins. ka7n) yuktam, p fad eva yuktayn 1 1 24 N om. yad uktam II 25 M °marddenenurakto 1 1 26 bhPr ndpekmh, N ndksyepya W hYil^ vamcchitd \\ 27 M. praMumnam for prab/iundm \\ 28 bh Mttt;r, N *ai;i° II 32 4'PPrMp yf-a^-oifi II Page 59. 2 bhN pardm ll 3 ^PPrMp ciV/aw2 (M vittam) tasyopari ll bh^'p paridruhyati ; N duhyati, the copyist adding paridru over the line ; P ^an- dukyati^ M paridudyati, Bh paridrahyati, APr druhyati, om. ^a;'i. Cp. Sar. 21, 5. Hamb. MSS.: vikrtim na ydti ll 9 PL^ om. ^« adhund svayam svamitvam 1 1 H P satknUne 1 1 12 M a^^j/o II N w>t^a»2 for tyaktum ll 15 bh j^a for _^o II 16 N prathitdn na hu ll 17 * tena twice, but the second tena del. again by little dots over the line ll 22 M satdm matikramya \\ IlL ms. sa h^ioxQ v art ate \\ 24: M. pratimadyaie W 25 bhN^'p cyuta; Bh bkyiitak; APPr with us ll M samstkdtdt for sthdndt ll 26 N galanamatibhik ll 27 *P nayoktir, M ndyoktir ll 28 p om. api ca II bhN^PrMp j5ama»2a°, A.parindmo' ; PPrBh with us ll 30 bh om. ca\ N bhN.^PPrM 106 Variants tathdpi^ omitting stanza 236 II 31 In bh, a later band corrects 'mijlvibhih to *nujn'inah II Page 60. 1 M mulahhriyoparddkena, Bh mulahhrtydparddhena II 3 N simhar aha II M om. yatah II 5 M tad asya for tasya II In 4', nairgxinyam has been corrected to rairgunyam, apparently by the copyist ; PM vairgunyam, Prp va'^gnnyam\ ABh with bhN II 6 Yv purva hhaya II M ins. era &her pur- ram II M saranagato II 9 PL^ tmtdti II 13 M svedatobhyanijano° II ^PPrp srapiiccJiam II 14 N sphlid bhavamti ; PL^ gund splntlhhavamti twice II 15 M trnJundgireh II 16 NM fathd ca II 17 Oyqy patifdh a later hand writes in ^ kazya II 19 bh avetane II 20 Pr ^fl5.f/, N °mdtrdm ior °mdtrdt tdmW "Pv " krtamdn W \Q '^ pratyupajlvifdm W N om. ^a-yya II bh pvjdm ca gau ca, the first m deleted by copyist 1 1 N om. ca before krtvd ll 17 M anam for amnm II 19 M wi for sarvam 1 1 bhN aiJ/ifi (N \) gatdiihena ll 20 N mantritvena ll 21 bhN4'PPrp (not bhN, '^PPiM 108 Variants MBh) "sujajia" for °svaja)ia°, A sarvamjja)ia^anietena, corr. from sulir(i)tsaj- jana° ; Bh sukrtsvajanasametetm II A^PPrM hhogddi° ^ Bh bhogddind tus(end° II Page 65. 1 N °vdrana for °vdnara II After ifi, *PPrMp ins.P (l) katJid ; P adds Snh ; Bh naimnl kathd II flourish II II 2 ^P om. w II 4 4'P v'lnirvarttayi- tum II M j?a/f-ff/J for sakyah II 8 bhNA^PPrp nivdraniydh , M «a vdranlydk ; A sniirdah klekipathdn nirdranlydh ; Bh and Sar. with us II 11 N tathd ca II Pr om. yan II 13 4'P A'>■^ II N damanam for w« madam li 14 N ayamtrinam II Over ayamtranam, gloss in bh: «a phosaldve, and gloss on the last part of pada 4: dpaUalerave (or °<5e) drnapdme II 15 4'P bhvjamgah sra° ; M bhujamgasta^tari j)i vd \\ 16 M vasanonmukham II 18 N v'ljMpyamdnd II M om. the words between pravartante and bhr(ya°, writing wr/f^a° ll M dydte for dyatau II NPr duhkliapdte II 19 bh vdJiyah, N bdhyah ior grdhyah ll 24 N simhar aha II 26 bhN purusas carati II * tvariti, corr. to our reading ; p svariti ll M bkaydt purvam karttu vd II 28 N pimgalakar dha II 4' and perhaps bh *a.;?ya°; Pr °bIiak><\a iva ; M om. vrScikadasta iva II Page 68. 1 bhN ^fanVa?-a»? II '^''PVt prstademm,^ pntade§am\\ 2 Vr jjcirirttakam \ parivartakam also A (spelling °rUa°) ; Bh parivarttina ll 4'P ^?/.;f^o, N f/rj/o 1 1 3 Bh ^m «/?j svedajdfam 1 1 P >^mc2 I sthadajavacanam irutvd &c. II bhN^'Mp anvemyeti, Pr anvemyati, A anvemya iti, Bh anvepyat/ia, om. eVi ; cp. ^aeV, 1. 4. The reading of the other MSS. seems to go back to some copyist, who took parivartakam for the designation of a royal official ; but it is a gerund in am enlarged by ka ll Pr rdjavaca ll 4 N dnmduko ll 5 M dlkdm for dljnkdm ll 6 ^PPr mamtavisarpphii ll 4'PPrMp ins. ndma before vidhi II 8 After iti, ^PPrMp ins. 10 katkd ll 10 N tyaktd svdbhyamtard ; 4'P tyaktd for tyaktdS II N ^«//ya svdbJiyamtankrtdh II 11 In 4', a later hand notes in marg, the reading which the textus simplicior has in the fourth pada: ^j/ayjid rdjd khukhudra\yah'\ I itivd pdthah. The bracketed aksaras have now almost disappeared with part of the margin. Cp. WZKM. xvi. 269 1 1 12 N pimgalakar aha II M om. katJiam etat II 14 In bh gloss on asti: gate II Bh kasmimSci, p kastnirmcin II M "pari" for °parisara° ll bhNA^'PPrM Jam- buko (N jambuko) ndma camdarava iti, p jamhuka iti ndma camdaravali ; Bh and l^ar. with us II 15 Pr sa kaddhdram II bhN knpdm ll 17 In bh by a later hand over idrameyais in marg. kutardm ll 18 N bhayamkardtrava- rasta° ll 7v jjdldyamdudh , -^ pdlayamdnah II 19 4'PM (not Pr p) anupavistak II 20 In bh, a later hand corrects yathdgatam to yathd gate ll 21 N nllikd° II 22 4'PPr (not p) "samjitam for '^ranjitani ll bh samivarttinah ll bhN, ^PPrM 110 Vanants Page 69. 1 bh 'sydgamam. ; N sydgamanam, corr. by cop. to sydgamatam ; "^Y py dgamam, p pydgamanam\ Hamb. MSS., APrMBh with us; Simpl. h kutobhydgatam \\ 4*? vijhdUe II 3 bhNA^'Bh and Simpl. Hh vitjidydn; in h anusvara del. with gamboge ; Sirapl. I with us ; Pr vamlyd ; M vadydn II 4 bhN^'PPrMp and Simpl. h chreyam\ A and Simpl. H heyam\ Bh iriyam Simpl. I chriyamW 6 bhN^'PPr vrajata, A brajata^ Simpl. h vrajatah^ Simpl. H vrajathah ; Bh and Simpl. I with us II 8 Pp ° pamjardnttadhdh \\ 9 Pr °hirana II 12 N sthagitkdm II 13 bh ins. ca after °dhdratvam II N yena iov ye ll 15 4'PPrMBh rdjya for rdjye ; A om. rdjye. Read rdjyasriyam with the 4'-class ? il 16 Fr pura, om. tak (at the end of a line) ; 4'PMpBh purah; Simpl. Hlh tatjmratah ll 19 bh sidakita, corr. by a later hand; N4'jOM/iiiV«°, but in * corr. by cop. II ^0 "^VFx^ tdrasfoarena \\ 22 In bh gloss on vdhitd: vmncitd 1 1 24 Pr pdlayitum, corr. to palayitum II Page 70. 1 After Hi, Pr adds 11 kathd, 4' kathd, with a small 11 over the line by cop.; p kathd, P kathd ti 11 ii flourish II II, M kathd\ llw Pr pimgala dha^ 1^ 2yimgalakar aha II 2 bhN^PPrpBh smstdmgo, M sastdmgo, A. grastdmgo II 3 Pr adi for ar/j/a II N devapdddmk'itam II 5 N uktyotihdya II 8 bh arnivrtam, NPr anivrttam II 9 Pr om. 'j9y a II 10 p iJa^f/za ca II Pr janmdpi dukkhdya \\ 11 "N sevakdvrttir U 13 Over f/(r//a of w«Mr/i-^«^ cop. of 4^ wi'ites '?a ; P munah 1 1 14 bhN dhdrann 1 1 M svdstho 1 1 15 In bh gloss on vakti: kutaru 1 1 Before fa>?-^i in 4* v^^a, del. again by cop. II Pr va for na 1 1 Pr sacako for sevako II bh 'i>f/a, N /3|;'a for ';;i«/^a 1 1 17 In 4* carati corr. from carita by cop. II 20 4' P °j)arokms ca, corr. in * by later hand to our reading 1 1 hh^ parivittdnuvarttinah II 22 hh'N prafydmtyain, corr. by later hand in bh to pratydmktim \ in 4' gloss on pratydsatt'm: dsannatdm 1 1 23 In ^ gloss on avakitamands'. sdvadhdna II 24 P mdrsyam II 26 bh sumu4eud°, N sustend°, ^PPrMp snpn^\end° , 7;?^ being corrected in p from some other akgara ; Bh supi^\end° ; Hamb. MSS. and A with us. We should perhaps read sumutendpi, as the author uses the compound mi^fdnna p. 137, 13 II 28 bhN ko for kaii ll 29 bhN ci^iitya II M om. muhur II 30 om. damauakasya II 33 *PPrM °bhahandrin!, II Page 71. 1 bhN dgatam ; p dgamam, corrected to a° ; M dgama ll N tad ya namta- ram 1 1 3 4'PPrMp upagatah II N samjivakar II 4 bhN rdjhd 1 1 9 N4'PPrp apun-a° \ M apurvapratimdnam vikso II 10 bhNA4'PPrMp ya/5 for yah ; Bh (reading pratihhdvi^e^o) yah with us. Sar. also yah 1 1 15 4'PPr "vihkrtr II 16 "^ jvdyate II 18 bhNPPrMp sadiihsaham^ A sudiissaham, Bh bhN, ^PPrM Booh I 111 suduhsaham \\ 19 N drsan II 22 N kuhuka ii 23 M om. damanaka II N ninimittd° II 24 ^P pararamdhrdnvennds ca II M om. ^aw e^a^ II 26 N ^a^ra twice II 27 M gnnaydtinah, II M a^i for avigJindni II 32 N gukrtdn yathd II 33 bhNA^'PPrMp asambhinndrthamarifdddh ; Bh with us II Page 72. 1 M om. 2iJctam ca W 8 N kaiicid It 10 N knditah II bhN '^/??- varttate W 12 ^ gundd iox gunasravandd W 15 Pr ^rar/a/i'o II F tavdm- tikdm, corr. by cop. to our reading ; 4' tavdmkifdm, corr. by cop. to tavdmtikdm\ M tevdmtikdm^ om. ndydtas ta II 17 PMp (not "i'Fr) gamgd II -p ydmti II 19 N prthifo II M ^^{/m/;^ for '*/^% a/je II 20 bhN °bhdvah sam II 22 N ni^i/ase, corr. by cop. to usyate II ^'p asmin sarasi, but ^ w?a in margin, /^i having disappeared with the greater part of the margin li 23 Pr om. viharamdnayoh II 24 N ulukar II Page 73. 3 Pr am for a//flw^ li 4 4* ivd\hdvdse, vd being del. again by cop. II 7 P athu II ^PPrMp ra«^, om. padma II 10 V priyamdlhat teW ^ 'hamm II 14 bhN^'PPrp ran)jjdraka°, Bh vanijydraka° ; A with us H 15 bhN pra- tyu^;e kdle \\ \ki.l^ praydnakammkham \ A4'PMpBh with us II 17 ^PM anujMvisto II N durnimittam ca° II 19 Pr °j)ydkarnnam, om. purnam; N °purnabdnam II N ca rdukajildanikatavdsl II 21 bhN^'PPrM a° t/-j° ca go^^tUvdd Hi, p ^of/l iti; Bh akdlacaryd iti, A with us. Then 4'PPrMp ins. 12 kathd, P adding n flourish n ii II 22 P visamacittas II After sarvathd (Pr °i;/^«/5) ^/PPr the figure 12 II 24 N vimkumbhapa II Page 74. 2 N, misreading the old-fashioned jjh of bh, which is almost the same as in our specimen, vol. xi, Table II, no. 9, 1. sb : samprojjitd°, P samprejhitd° II 3 bhN °2)rahesto (N °sn for °67i°) svbmomttarah II 5 In bh gloss on siksito : hhanyo II 7 M ce^m" for vicitra° II 8 bhNA^PPrMpBh paimtiyd° II 4'PPrMp "vinaydbhimdna \ Pr °wa/^, om. w«»i II 12 N grdhiviUam for cittagrdlii W 14 bh^ hsya° ; A hssabhaksyah , Bh snyabhahyah II 4'P dmisahbha° II 15 P cittam II 16 Pr vivdham samkhyam ca II 17 bhN^'PPrMBh °fMaram, A °mkharam II 19 bh bkadamtah, corr. by cop. to ??ar7a° ; N pradamtah II 20 4' ""pnitah^ corr. over the line to our reading ; P °nrsitah, M 7m^ II 21 M i?/m»2 for pdnam tl 22 M pratisiirabhigam li N mdlatim II 24 Pr upahdyaivam II 26 bhN "rasdsvddiduhdhd II 27 bh tafkarnnyavyajanapava)ia°, N tatkarnyavyojapavana° II 4'PPr °premitaih, M "prentaiJi II 28 bhNM bhumiprdptdh, 4'Pr bliumiprdptd, P bhumim prdptd ; Sar. SPa and Bh with us II 29 bhN mw for 6?o.?a^ II bhN, '^PPrM 112 Variants Page 75. 1 bh °Sj/dmdbhaso'm, N °sya.manibhaso7n II 3 M plalanahatra for pha7iacakra 11 bhN °mamyor II 6 Pr W2«rw for loke II Mm murhhem II 9 N 7^m/{;- .5««;/«° for °pramldna II 10 M °putrair for °/;z<^a/r II 12 4'PPr kdla II bhNpBh °racitaih^ A^PPr °caritaih, M °varitaih. Our reading is that of Sar. II N pretri, then beginning of kho, then blank for one aksara, then cdlayan, cd of course being the misread second half of kho. In bh this passage has no defect whatsoever II 16 4* svdbhdvdt, corr. to our readino- il N vimrmteti, 4'PPrMp ganayati for vimrmtl II 19 M om. kuryiih II M ii^tro II 20 N damanakar II 22 M sdgara ndma vanivd {}) ; 4'PPrp om. vatiik', p ins. sdrthavdhah after ndma II 23 M mulya, om. ^a,^?< II N °cailakasya II 24 bh (not N) vitakandmd u II 25 Pr celakabham II 26 Pr visame 'smin for visamd, asmin II M «a '*/«e» for '«w?» II 4'PPrMp sthdnake ; the following wa is supplied under the line in ^ II 28 bh4' sa^yam, Bh sisyam, A sa^pdni II Page 76. 2 N om. slmJiah II 3 bhN ai5a* for a;5^a ; in Bh the passage is altered. Sar. and Simpl. Hh atha II 4 bhN^'P °mpyam ; APrp with us. In Bh this passage has been altered with the aid of the textus simplicior II 5 N ms for sattvam II 7 Pr taniah for tatah II M itl\ha for iha II 8 N °ciUa° for °vrtta II Pr sdrthavdhah for °>^ai{ II Over avagatd^ gloss in bh : jndta II N avagatohhynpapattind ; in ^ gloss in margin : jhdtasamdc [the rest -dra'^- torn off with part of marg.] II 10 Our MSS. except Pr with us pamca.sem, corrected by gloss, of bh to pamcamem, by cop. of p to pamcakesu, which is the reading of Pr II 11 bhN dtyayikdyadi \ gloss, of bh separates yadi from the preceding and the following aksaras by small vertical strokes over the line II 12 bhN A^PPrp sldamto ; in Bh this passage is altered II bhN ayam for aham II 15 ^ reads exactly as our text ; but a corr. adds a second kim over rthe oi pw^yartheneti. The r-hook of rlhe is in 4' prolonged to the middle of the horizontal stroke of ne (written R). Hence PL^ adopting the false correction and taking the prolongation of the r-hook as an ai-stroke, pustyarthe kim naiti ; M pustyd kim natti II N simhar II 17 In bh gloss on mamopdnayadhvam : yuyam II bhN temm for tato II 18 bhN uce\s for ucus II 19 N krldayd II Page 77. 1 Pr ins. pavatd after hhavatd II N om. param II 2 bh(not N) dste, M asmim for asti II N hmgdla II 3 4'P vmyapya II 4 4'P t'udatu II 4'PPrMp and Simpl. H om. grham ; BhA and Simpl. Ih with bhN II 5 Pr upadiSya for uddiiya II 6 Pr svdmina II 8 N dih for devddeSo II bhN, ^PPiM Book I 113 Xl Oyer pdpddhama, ^0^^ in hh.: he W l^x yaty iox yady \\ ^PPrMp v_ya;ja- dayisydmi; Hamb. MSS. with bhN II 15 ^p pradhdnam, corr. by the copyists io praddnam ; but the original reading is still well visible II 18 N ahhayapradhdnam II 19 Pr sva for sa II 20 Pr prayati II 21 bhN sva for svam II 22 In bh, nya of anyathd is partly worn off, but still to be made out with certainty ; gloss, however writes over it nya in order to ascertain the reading. The copyist of the MS. to which N goes back, misreads the original nya for tha and takes the second nya for a correction ; hence N reads atha anyathd asmdkam ll 24 M ya for ye II Page 78. 1 bhN tasmdd asmdbhih II 2 bhN m^.'pi before vahii° 1 1 6 PL^ yasmin for tasmin II 6 N ndhhigamdhe II 4'PPr(not p)M bhavatnti for vahamti ; but cop. of 4' adds in marg. : vahamti jidthah II 7 Pr rdcate II 8 M tam for tdn It 9 bh mahatl vesthd, corr. by gloss, to tnahati vecchd ; N mahatl vascchd ll 10 bhN hudrdt for ksudrogdt II 11 N paralokasya pra° II vf/pprp sanra°, M sanre for 8vasarira II 13 N bhrtyem for hhrtyasya 1 1 16 4'P(not PrMp) om. /i/'o^^aw II 19 Vv devasydpydydtand mama W 20 bh svarggasaktir^ N svargaSaktir II 21 N mrrtyo II 22 In 4^ padam corr. from madam by cop. II 23 4' P "bkakmidt^ in ^ corrected by copyist ; but the correction is not clear, as the caret, which is put as deletion mark under ?', looks like part of the ^-stroke with a dot to its right, the angle being not closed 1 1 Page 79. 5 N prdpta II 6 Over apasara, gloss in bh : tvam W Pr tathdmistitah ll 8 PPrp °dhdramm.\ "M. prdnam for prdnadhdrandm W ^PPrMp &didi. yatak after uktam caW 12 bhN svalpakdyas ca jd° 1 1 Between svajdtlyaS ca and nakhd°, bhPPr ins. kdca, N^ ^vdca, M hdva ; p scdravaca deleted by smear- ing with gamboge ; A ins. ca, deleted by smearing with gamboge ; Bh with us II N ins. ca after eva ll 13 N dvlpl ior j)rdnaih. This seems to have been, in some previous MS., a correction of the faulty dvipl, p. 79, 1. 19, written in the margin and put into the text in a wrong place by some thoughtless copyist ll 16 4'PPrM etadartham ll M samsagrani for samgra- ham II 17 M °vasdnemte for °vasdne-^u na te II 18 N aparasaratu II *PMp prabhum ; Pr om. svaprabhv.m II 19 N dvlpi (see remark on 79, 13) It 20 N sarggavdsah ll Page 80. 1 Pr sobhandny (om. vacandny) II 3 4'PPrMp vijmpaydmi II 4 Pr yuktam mnktam II 5 bhN4'PPrp nakhdyudhatvdt kat/iam, M nakhdyudhatvd katham, A nakhdyudhatvdt tat katham, Bh nakhdyudhas tat katham It 7 N bhN, "^PPiM 114 Variants manas^dpi II 9 In bh, vijiiapai/dmi has been corrected, perhaps by cop., to vijndpai/dmi, but the correction is not very clear. N with the other MSS. II 12 N mayohhaya II 13 bh pa^ N 'pa for yji II M om. nti tdm ga II 14 "^ projjifa,& misreading originating in the old-fashioned form, which jy'/? has in bh ; see remark on 74, i 11 M om. ydm gatim li 16 Pr om. all between °nayano and baliavo, 1. 21, inserting the missing text after rdjd, 1. 22, and repeating the words from hahavo to rdjd incl. H 17 N om. tak a, writing hhakntoham II 18 After iti, *PPrMp add kathd I IS II ; P adds a flourish II 20 bh grdhraparicdra and °2Mricdrdd li 22 N liny eta [pse in bh resembles nne); M lipsate II bhNPr (in both places, see above, 1. 16) °pravdritas, M °pravaritas, p °prasdritas ; A^P with us ; Bh °pratdrita^ ca W P vicdritaS' Uirdjdvicdrdhamo for vicdrdksamo W 24 P paricdro II 25 4'P a/^a^ II Page 81. 3 Pr pathyodanam II bh muhdmjanastambhdm, corr. by corr. to mahdjana- itambhd; N mahdjanastamhhdm II 6 4'Prp bhaydnakam^ P hhakdnakam \ M hhaydnaka II 8 In bh gloss over °dupasarpanam: sevd II ^Pp evd^reya, in p deleted again II N om. eYi n Gloss of bh in margin rathakdrenoktam II 10 M hhakntavyam II N^'PPrMp hhrdtrjdyopa II 11 N ^^a^'c// iov yatah II 13 bhN hhaha 11 4'PPrMp om. ^//r/'a, which in p is supplied in the margin II 14 A °mkhavarU'i ; Bh with us II N °khculya for °khddyaka II 15 Pr krfayd II 16 * pradatta, bhISI pradattd, corr. in bh by corr. to our reading ll 17 "if pratyaham dgamtavyam, but trd add. in marg. by cop. II 18 M om. ca after evam ll MprUipurvam II 19 In bh gloss on "vihitasauki- tyah : trptah II 20 Pr om. na W 21 bh gacchasi, N gacchdsi ll Page 82. 4 Pr °mdsena II 5 4'PPrp i'a^ sndvd ll Over karisydvah, gloss in bh : avam II 7 N bhavaiopi II M vi^esam, om. viSistam bhaksya 1 1 9 N transp.: a^>?a ra° simliam durdd eva ditsta° 1 1 11 bhN jump from the first drudhak to the second drudhak, 1. 12, om. one of them and all between them ll 12 Pr dydmtam II 15 After °ydSritdndm^ ^PPrMp add 14 kathd \ P adds a flourish II 17 M mrdu ndny, om. nd salilena khanyamd 1 1 18 In bh gloss on avapnsyanti : ndsam prdptumvamti (!), in ^ gloss by cop. hlndni bhavamti 11 19 In bh gloss on upajdpa° : bheda II 21 Pr om. yvddhdt II N yuddhate^ a misreading for the old fashion of writing e by a vertical stroke before an aksara 1 1 22 N ye iox ydn \\ Pr °samdhau ll 27 Pr gukhdvaddhau II Page 83. 2 bhA^PPrMpK un metrically dvipattcragasacdmardh, N dvipaturagasa- mdcardh ; Bh with us II 6 bh^'PPrMBh tathdpy, A tathdpi, N taydpy for bhN, SkpprM Book I 115 tad apy II bhN uktam for ayuktam II 9 M om. ca after aha II 12 N tididihhad for tittibkdd II 13 Between e?!a/ and damanakah, M ins.: dama- naka aha I katham etat II 15 bhNSPPPrMyw^a". Corr. of bh writes m overyw; ApBh with us. As to the origin of the corruption see the form which jjh has in our Table 11, no. 9, 1. 3 II 17 'N jjarivrid hi jjativratd II 18 N datukdmdhaddhaphald ; Pr °ldvaddha ; M "mid for °phald II 20 M prasave II 'I'Pp tattibho, in p coiTected II bhN 7iatv for 7ianv \\ 21 N prastisveti II 22 Pr abhyarthah II bhN^'PPr *c^ duram ; correct our text, which gives the reading of ABh ll 24 *PPrM (not p) eva for esa II Page 84. 2 N drstvaiva II M om. durdsadam kopayati II 3 N grl-mdtapas fu II 4 N maddmdhasya ndgasya II Over °ndgasya gloss in bh : ya/a II 6 Pr maru^ om. ^Hl M prabhdke for prdbhdtike II 8 M om. kumbha II 11 Over apahara gloss in bh: ^f^"a»^ II In bh gloss on malto: sakdsdt ll N om. padas d of arya 320 and ab of arya 321 ll 14 * om. sd, but cop. supplies it in marg. II 16 N hdnyd for hdsyo 1 1 bhN^PPrMp bhavisyaii, A bha- vissagi, Bh hhavnyan It 17 In bh gloss on hadate: karoti 1 1 18 ^ vdtma7iah II 4'PPrM om. svayam II Pr sdrdsdre, om. «Yi; *Pp (not M) «ara- sdreti II reZ'iij all our MSS. II 19 Pr dkhd for dlmd ll Page 85. 2 N kdstdbhrsto ll 3 N tiddibhar II 5 In 4' w^wza added over the line by cop. II 8 4'PPrMp transp. : sara idam II Pr a7iya ll 11 N viyogah du, 4'PPrM(not p) viyogdt duhkhdc ll bhNM om. ca, writing bhN duhkhdd, M duhkhdn ll 17 4'PPrMp sahdnetum ll 18 bhN asy, ^J'PPrM(not p) abhy for asty\ Bh with us; A asty apdyah ll 19 bh* damtasamdemkna, but in * the e-stroke deleted again by cop., N damtasamdesena ; A damtam I sadamsamdamiena, Pr with us U Page 86. 1 *P pyastf for "yasti ll 2 N bhavisyati 11 4 *PPrMp "nagarasyo- pari°; ABh with bhN ll 7 M h-utvdpaldd, om. sannamrfy7i.s cd; Pr ins. «»? after cdpaldd ll 8 bhP(not p) Sraraw ll 4' eva vdsraydt, corr. by cop. to evdsraydt; hence PPrMp evdsraydt ll 9 Pr nititah li 11 N om. Vm/M 11 Before itiy bhNA^PPrMp ins. api {hitakdmdndm api iti); Bh with us 11 After iti, ^'Mp ins. kalhd 16, PPr kathd n 16 ii P adds flourish 11 13 ^PPrMp °matis tathd II 14 bhN ete II P mukham ll In Pr gloss by a later hand on yadbhavisyo : daivaparo 11 15 M *a katha'iti li 17 bhN A "drahe for hrade\ in bh gloss over °drahe: hrade ; Sar. 45, 8 with *PMp 11 M Tnahdkdyo, om. yds tra 11 18 N ins. ca after \-idhdtd ll 20 Pr matsyabamdhdndm II bhN, '^PTrM 116 Var{a7its Page 87. 1 Vr paresvo li 2 Pr apicchinnam aSrotasar^i ; in 4*, avi" corr. from api" by cop. II 5 N tatsamayopacitd\Q,orT. by cop. to "/fa^J-^arwa^ti ll 7 N ifa for ri II M ora. m «a f(9/!i II bhN c^/!i for r//!^' ll S Fr parivaktum W 9 Pr om. ca II 11 Pr Biddhyati II 12 bhN^PPrMp eva for ««a ; ABh with us II 14 bh^PPrM °samete; ABh with us ll 16 bhNA^'PPrM jalasi/dmtar, cp. Sar. 46, 1 ; pBh with us 11 17 bhN jaldd II 18 N sihitak for sfhdpitak II bhN jaldirayam^ Bh jaldsraye \ A with us 1 1 N om. pravistak II 19 bhNBh samullasan; A with us II Pr °laguta ll bhN °jarjitasanrah II 20 Pr i^a^ for taih II 21 N bravlt II After ii^i, p adds kathd, ^PPPrM i7 /iai5//a II Page 88. 1 bhN tatra for fan na, in bh corr. to our reading by corr. ll 4 Pr devaA, bhNp iva for divah; in N, h has been added subsequently ll 8 bhN fdundm for sunyaw, II 9 bh transp. : yad d° me; N with the other MSS. II 11 ^PPrMp ms.yan before «^a for dsa II 12 N stviham for simham II 16 N kravyamukha prdha II 19 N caturagend° ll 21 N kendpi^ pi being deleted by cop., who con- tinues gram II bhN nstram for wffra II 22 N vydpddaya ity W Page 99. 2 N deSdtn gatah 1 1 3 M kimcimt ta srtya W 5 M ^vawz sminn for etasminn II bhNA^'PPrpBh ddserakandtho, M ddserakdndtho ; Simpl. MSS. H mahdddserakasdrtho, I mahdddserathakasdrtho, h mahdn ddserajaS^ja del. by corr.Jyf-a^arify^o II 6 * P Pr M grlvdbaddha" \ \ bh (not N) A * P Pr p "tanatkdra" for "ranalkdra" ^ M grl,vdhaddhavrhatd\(iovv. to ta\ghamghathariatkdrakdrl II N samdgati ll 7 ^PPrMp simhas caturakam for sim ja° II 10 bh^'PPrp gamyaidm 2 ; in N, ra is written for <2, the copyist foolishly misreading this figure II 11 bhNA4'PPrMpBh om. ?;?«?« ll 12 N caturaka prdha ll 15 bhN^'PPrp ^r^^° (in bh corr. by cop. from grahi°) for grahl° ^ M ^a^*° ; Bh grhlsydmi, A grahlsydmi II 16 M om. j5?7r II 17 N grupaiti for 'bhyupaiti II 20 After z?!^, * ins. i^a^^a <2i n, PPr /ta^-^a n <2i ii P adding bhN, "^PPrM 120 Variants flourish II II ; p iat/id 21, M katJtd i 21 II 21 N taddanyendpi li 22 N nirjanavanam II Pr svdmi II PL^ ca for Id II 23 N durastho smdti no haseC II 24 bhM dirghe, corr. in bh by corr. to dirghau II N bdhu II ^ F FrM prafnddi7idm II 25 Pr ivdnusardmi \\ N om. matvd II Page 100. 5 Pr ;i%a II APrM andyxkrtam II 8 bhPrMp °vikl,rttita, 4'P " cikirttita ^ N °viklrtita, in p corrected to our reading ; ABh °vikarttita II N svasrmgd- hhydm II 9 bhN kasmdd for tasmdd II Pr apitya II 10 Pr karakak II N paraspara II bh sdk^epam ; the cop. writes -5 over A;**?, i over ^;a/« ; N %dpeksam II 12 M i^a^^a for i^aT^a* II M om. wa nUitaUvam II 16 Over avidhind, cop. of ^ writes j'ti dhavitu, N ^yawi vidhind II M dadodyamau^ 4'PPr (not p) dmndodyamau II 19 4'Pr sdmaivd" in * corr. from sdmnatvd" by cop. ; P (not p) sdmevd"^ M sd)nnevd°i sdmnaV also Hamb. MSS. and ABh II 21 Pr W2^/^a for mwlha II bhN mamtrapadam II 23 N sdmddi W Pr damdamaryamto II 27 M om. siddhih sydt tatra II 31 Pr gatvahitd II Page 101. 2 In ^ gloss over balavatdm by cop : etemm II bhN updydh krdmti" II In ^, gloss by cop. upon "ydkrdyiti" : prasara II 3 4'PPr (not p) atihhumigato, with gloss in 4' by cop. : ahamkdra II M yti^o for gato II bhN «^»2a vi° W 5 Pr ya II bhPr (not *) PMpBh labdhem\ N ladbhem\ A /a^<;?i(?° II Pr °nigrahd 11 6 bhN dharmena yd W 7 M samjayate II 9 Cop. of ^ om. the words tad yathd &c. to 5C» excl. line 10, but supplies them in marg. II 10 P °vihhdgme, 1? "oihhdnma^ PrM °vihhdgena. The readings of PL^ are misreadings of the form which go has in ^, where a small stroke unites the second vertical stroke of g with the somewhat longer second o-stroke with the result that it looks like gma. The copyist of the archetype of PrM took it for ga na. The first o-stroke before the aksara was naturally taken by the copyist of P and that of the archetype of PrM as e-stroke, whereas the copyist of L^ took it for the initial stroke of 7i\\ After iti, *PPrMp ins. pamcdmgo mamtrah II 11 Over mahdtyayo, gloss by cop. of 4' : vindm II bh tamdava, the corr. writing 1 over va, 2 over da ; N tamvamda for tad atra ; ABh with 4' II 12 N vinijidtas for vinipdtapratlkdras, 4' °kdrah kdryasiddkis ceti pamcdmgo mamtrah, the words from soyatn inch to mamtrah incl. being bracketed by cop., who writes again soyam and the following text to °kdras II bhN^'PPr (not p) MBh hhlnnasamdhdnann, A hhinnasamdhydnam II 15 N pdtayitmakti for pd° a° mktir II 4/pPrMp eva for asti II Pr ndkho vrddhartum II Bh utrap/ti?n, M vtripiti, Pr uttipitim, bh tamkanikdin, N thamkanikdrn. for utripiti7n; cp. WZKM. xx. 402 ; A*P with us, Simpl. MSS. H utrapititn, I utrdpatim, h atrdndpatin II 18 N catuprahodhanarn, II *PPrMp bhN, ^PPrM Book I 121 ivdmdkakrt II 21 Pr ins. karam before karatakah II M agat for agamat li 23 bhN^p nicamandnu , in 4' corr. to nlcamanonu , which is the reading of PPrM ; in p first corrected to °wo°, then to °td'' ; in ^ gloss : bhavamti. Sar. SPc, ABh -with us. Cp. SPkj n(i') ndmcamatdimvrttlno ; Simpl. MSS. HI nlcajandnuvarttino, h ndmcajandnuvartrino II 26 P mpanna, NAPr aam- jtanna ; Bh with us II 27 N °par\jasya II 28 M °t?i^a 'smanmamtrind II 31 Pr vivikta rdjdnam II N icchdmi II N XvV/z wa if^i II Page 102. 1 ^/PPrM om. /t/mcfl II Mpjiruse; in ^ gloss by cop. on /(arw«« : kathore, r torn off with part of margin, e still visible II Pr adve-^yam 11 2 PPr sdvyam,^ aovyamW bhN m for Ai II 5 Vr Sdcyena [\ 7 hhl^ jjumsena W 9 M iaiM m II Pr hhrtyayatd II lObhNA^PPrMp vmodadkeh; Bh with us II 13 N gati II 15 Cop. of ^ gloss on viahdn : purusa, and on pranunno : prerita II Pr dhdratdm II 19 4'Pr svdmin 11 4'PrMp sddguno", W- sddbhuno' W 21 Pr °/{rar;;z«^e II 23 ^'PPrp aii%a;jaw; Mom. dkhydnakam II Pr ayazfe II 24 bh nagnah, corr. by con-, to nagna; N nagnasravanako II 26 N damanaka prdha II 28 N ayodhd, M ahodhyd II 30 ^ jaratijaannd ; in bh gloss on vipratipannd : garvitdh II Page 103. 1 M rdjdnatah II Pr om. m II M vimdhiko II 2 M om. ca after a-awi II 3 M badrasackam II 4 4'PPrMp °sramanakas II Pr om. ;?Mr»»i II 5 In N, prahia by cop. corr. to pra-rra° II 6 N °dreMdna°, bh °drekdna°, the corr. adding visarga after i^i II 9 Pr ikrtvd li 11 4'PPrM ati for i7/; ABh with bhN II N tva, bhN, ^PPrM 122 Variants then a dot indicating one missing aksara, then se ; over tvarase in bh gloss tvam by corr. II 14 Pr kimcimi ti W 15 Cop. of 4^ gloss over (leva : /leW N asfni for asmiu II 19 In bh gloss on prdtivesmakd" : pddoSi II 20 PL^ paSi/dsthdJiani, M pa^ydsvdhdm for pasya, amha, aham II In bh gloss above kendjjy adrstetia : dkdsavdnl W 22 Corr. of bh adds h after vrdhmatia; cop. of 4' gloss over vrdhmana : //e II M °gydnvita II 23 After jiarama Pr repeats the words vrdhmanas tasya vrdhmani &c. 1. 18 to Srutvd 1. 22 incl. II N °pramoda- purnatndna II Page 105. 2 N4'PPrp tyajatdm 11 3 M om. nddrtya II *Pp "vdcchalydd II M stanapayitvd for snapayitvd W 6 Pr °ve§mika II bhN vivdhotsavdm, in bh corr. by corr. 11 L^ om. all between avalokya and taduparodJidd, 1. il II 7 bhN tavdjnd, in bh corr. to our reading by corr. II 9 4'PPrMp om. jaaram II 10 M mudha, Pp mudho II N om. sarpasya W 11 N ins. #a before saviksam II 13 Pr kurkkuta, N kurkuta, M kukuta II M prdptam II 14 N ° samudhhdva for °sadbhdva II N "samsrayanV, om. °^a° II N °grahe II 17 N ?^>t(!fl/J '*au II ^PPrM svaputrayogydm II 19 *PPr (not p) M om. ^a^o II 20 M gndyatdm II 23 bhN "vistdrita II 24 Pr ahravan II Pr sadbhi drsam II N Idrslm II Page 106. 1 bhN satair, corr. from ^ava^V by cop., ^PPr savaira, M *av/m for mrvair ; ABh with us II 4'PPrM it;o° for ev^° II 2 M grahopavistambhita II PL^ ^a^^a for ^a_ya II 3 M om. vidambanayd II 4 PL^ om. the second pada II 5 bhNPr kanyd II M om. one sakrt II 6 M puryamrvdmrmmi- tam II 12 bhN ndmd II ^'PPrMp mdhemdra II 13 4'Pr samdydtam^ COiT. by both copyists from samdydmtam. A with us, Bh samdgatam II 15 N mka prdha II 18 N j^a»ia ;3mAa II Pr kdtrak for /ta/a^ II 19 ^P and first hand of p om. tarn after ca; in 4/ it is added over the line, perhaps by cop. II 20 Pr eva for etaj li 22 4'P evdkulUa -, p ^^'^/^^^^[Srd hand adds bhu]ta'\ M evdkuMrta 11 23 Pr i!o for iato II 24 N asyokte for a«^a I 2^}' 11 Page 107. 1 After iti, Pr adds 33 ii /^aiJ/^a ii, 4'Mp add ^5 /taiJ/?a, P kathd ii <25 ii II 2 M kanydkrta, bh kanydnrtavadavanlyatd, coit. by cop. to "nrtavaravinlyatd ; N kanydnrtayadavanlyatd II 3 M ^a rppena II 4 4'PPr drabdhdh II 6 Fr paramapnrum W 11 bhN aww5/^M2!a»i, ^PPrp a^iw^/mi^am ; ABh with us II 12 Vv purvo stJiitm II 14 '^ patnd II N vdrUd°, om. *w^^a II 15 After this line Pr adds y^a^/^« II, *Mp add : /t^ai (M adds i) <25; P M/^a ii ^5 n flourish 11 II 16 4'PPrp nagnasramanagarbhdm, M nagnasramanagarbhd II bhN, '^I'PPrM Book I 123 18 bhN nagnaSravanako 11 ^I'PPrMp Sramanako II bh^PPr dagdheti, A daggha Hi, Bh dagdha iti II After iti, 4' kathd 22 II, PPr : kathd n ^^ ii P flourish II II, p : 22 (om. kathd), M yJ-aiJ^a 5^(0 H Pr •^'^^^i for «!«!{ II 19 ^/PPrp kevalam mam' II ^PPrMp °Sopqjivind II In bh gloss on nltimdrggdna- bhijndh : tvadvidhdk II ^Pp "mdrggdnabhijnena, Pr °mdrggdnahhijneya, M °»ea- nanabhijhena II 20 Pr durtritvam II 22 bhN cetaki° ^ 4' PPr cimcini°, M vivini°j p vetasa", corrected from some other aksaras, the first of which was cm; A ve(aki°, Bh Sar. a, SP (most of the MSS.), v ketaka°. Sar. /3 with us. The stanza is absent from the Hamb. MSS. ll 23 Pr °ndgamya II 24 4'PPrp 59 (which is also the number of the preceding stanza in these MSS.) ioY yatah; M orca.. yatah II 25 ^PPrMp om. this stanza II Page 108. 1 bhN tavdpa^adasyo" II 2 ^'PMp ndnamyam, Pr nd^namyam II 3 bh Sucimukhyd ivdsisya, corr. to °sye by corr. ; N mcuukhyd ivdsisya II 4 N damanaka prdha II ^PPrMp katham caitat II 6 Pr tac cehamamtakdle II 7 Pr upasyat II 9 N °prademt II 11 bhN "dhaman II 14 N dharmanl for dhamati II 16 4'PPrMp udvijito, in p corr. to our reading II 17 ^PPrp om. wfifra, which in p has been supplied by 3rd hand; M om. ktranetra W 19 ^PPrp ndnamyam, M ndmamyam \\ After iti, ^PPrM: 24: kathd II P adds flourish ii ii, p: 25 kathd II 22 bhN upajdtas II 23 bhN apijdtas, corr. by corr. of bh to atijdtas II Pr 'jdta^ for 'nujdtas II 24 Pr "darSitah II 25 Pr tv anvjdta pittih, 4'PM (not p) unmetrically tv anu- jdtaS ca pituh II 26 bhN atijdto II Page 109. 4 ^PPr "satidaryam II 5 bhN^PPrM^awz y^r^ for 'lamkrto; in p /aw* corr. from some other aksara; ABh with us II 6 N idam for cedam ll 8 bhN^PPrM dhupena, p dhumena, me being corrected from another aksara; Sar. SP Hamb. MSS. ABh with us ; h dhumena ll 9 N damanaka prdha ll 11 bhN om. asti; but cp. Sar. and Simpl. II Pr demmtarau gatau II 13 bh cm. atha, leaving a blank in its place, in which atha has been supplied by a corr. ll 14 M om. kalamgatayn II ^PPrMp om. tu, which, in p, has been supplied by 3rd hand 1 1 15 Prom, gacchdvah-, N gacchdvahxiti; the other MSS. gacchdva iti. This use of the indicative is not rare 1 1 IS Tr °samaksajvalam \\ M. vyavaharisydtna W 20 '^VPvlsL^ avyavicchinnah, corr. in p to our reading ll 22 ^PPrp tndi°, M tnidi°, for hrdsa° II 23 Pr svabhdvdrthatayd II 25 4'PPrp ins. niksipya, M tiksipya before sugiiptam; niksipya evidently was a gloss of the archetype of these MSS. 1 1 PL^ asahdyavyasana" , M asadavyayamTia" II bhN, "^ PPr M 124 Variants Page 110. 2 N transp. : tad api tasya II 3 M rdhlnam for pari hi nam II 4 M caturbhi I sataih satair api kim II 5 M sastasatdny ivd° II 12 Over dharmmahiuWhe in 4/, and under dha in bh, gloss : he II 18 M vamhatau for vivadantau II 20 N transp. nydyah. dnto II 21 ^PPrMp ova. t/atah II 22 bhN kimvdde II 24 M vacanadevatd II Page 111. 4 N pnjyate for yvjyate II PrMp vanadevatd II 5 N mamdkam for mahat II M mahdkautnkam II 7 N sarjjitau II 8 P (not L^) mafpdnim gatds II 10 N purvotkhdtanidhdnasam[sam del. by cop.]/?r?[z del. by cop.]^/^*«*;^/m° ; ^PPrMp om. samnidhdna II M om. stham II 11 Pr om. ?!t;«w II 12 N punar iov putra II 18 M bakasandtho II 20 N ins. i^awi before bhaksayan II 21 'I'Pp Vwwr far II Vr yadhomukha^ II 23 ^PPrp rudyase, M only *e II N baka prdka II Page 112. 1 Pr //a for 'ham ; M om. 'ham II 2 M taduhkhitomham II 3 ^PPrMp om. ?«e II 5 Pr °mhavairi II 9 Pr dy iov yady II bhN4'PMp "samddni; APrBh with us II llbhN^'PMp °samdd° ; A has a gap here; Bh °khamdd° II 14 After iti, *Mp >(•«/?/?« 36, PrP /C-a;fy5a ii <5(; ii P adds flourish II 17 bhN dharmabuddhih pu° II N °kdrinikaih, 4'PMp "kara- naih, corr. in p to our reading by the copyist; Pr rvyddhikaranaih for dharmddhi° II 18 N saciip for sa^riim II N sametya II Page 113. 1 N ti'ansp. : te sarve W 2 \)\x^ viharanocitam W 4 Pr y^a^aif?, ^Pp jvaliti, in p corr. to our reading II 5 bh dkramdayan, coit. by cop. to dkramdan ; N dkramdat II 7 Pr om. ec?a?« II 10 M dharmmabuddhis cyeti II After tV/, P ins. kathd ii ^5 ii flourish ir, *Mp: 25 kathd, Pr 29 kathd \\ II 16 '^'L jijvimjvam ior dvijihvam W 17 bhN /^/^a/flA'ce/^^A' ca II 18 M om. kasmdt II 20 In margin of ^ gloss on °lopaclrno: pu7n{J)pa, the rest being torn off" with part of marg. II 21 N samdandd II 22 bh vasista°, N vasista" for vimta° II P (not p) om. khalah II 24 Pr °vicaksana, followed by danda II 26 N °damdinah, PrM devadamditah II 29 N^PPrM (not bhp) om. line 29 and page 114, 1. i il Page 114. 3 ^PPr (not p) M iava for tat II 4 M vidvdn r\jubhigamyo II bhN^PPr vdpramddind ; ApBh with us II 5 bhN rjur murkhas against the metre li N murkhah mthah II Pr fydjah ii 7 N afhendm for apy endm II Pr end, bhN, "^PPrM Book I 125 'vasthdm II M na cd\nyo for tavdnyo II M om. jano II N trnabhu va II 9 P kumjaradvat, L^ kumjaratadvat for kunjarahrt II 12 ^Pr (not P) ndduko (cp. 115, 12); p ndmduko (sic!) 11 NM vanikaputrah II 13 Pr °gamana cimtayat II 15 bhN z;aif5^^ II 23 N lahmana II N ndruka, *Pr ndduka, p ndmluka (sic!) II 24 N jumps from the first hhakntd to the second bhaksitdy om. one of them and all between them II 4'Pr nddukah, p ndmlu- kah II 25 4'PPrMp om. «a, which in p has been supplied by 3rd hand II bhN4'PPrp_^f/?! iox yata; Bh. yatak, A with us II 26 bhN ava for atra; BhA with *PM ii Page 115. 2 PL^ om. saka II 3 ^Pr nddukah^ p ndmdukah II 6 '^ preyam II 8 M om. tathd ca II 10 "ifVK pravarttavyd II N bhayddvahd 11 11 N laksmanah putrah II p ndmdukena, ^Pr nddukena II 12 4' here ndduko; Prp om. ndduko II 13 p prdksipat II 14 Pr ndduka, p ndmluka II 15 ^Pr nddnka, p ndmtuka (sic !) II N ndduka prdha II 16 N lakmana prdka II ^PPrMp om. the text between °jidpafirtah, 1. 16, and 5^o lakmana, 1. 18. In p it has been supplied in margin by 3rd hand II 17 N dtatkyavdti\ti del. by cop.]rt?/« II 19 N lohamayltuldm II 22 ^Pr nddukend° II 23 4'Pr nddukam II 24 4'Pr ndduko II Page 116. 1 4'Pr ndduka II Pr sabhyam for satyam II 2 bhN^PPr upahartum; ABh with us II *Pr ndduko II 3 PL^ *o for Mo^ II 6 'i'Pr ndduko II 9 After zVi, PPr ins. /i-a^/^a ii -27 II P flourish ii ii, *M kathd i <27 II 11 M om. kuldtwitam II Pr durhhaga II 13 bhNA^PM vairupyopahrtdi \ Pr Bh and Simpl. HI with us ; Simpl. h vidurypopahatds ca, corr. by corr. to viruypopa° II bh kdmtavapumm, N kdrntavapuspam II N duhkhitaJi for duhsthitd II 15 N ^fl^^a ca II 16 bh^'PPrM dnscdrinyah, N duScdrinydrji -, Bh duscdritrydh ; A with us; Simpl. HI kulafdndm, h amtlndm II 17 bhNA^PPrM c^^f//- i5a^; Bh with us. In Simpl. MSS. Hlh this stanza is missing II bh prattater ; N prakr, then blank for one aksara, then Ue; ABh with 4'PM il 18 4'PPr karisyate II 22 M murkhena sahaSrdni vdsopi II 24 ab in M only : varam jaladhipdtanam II N °jvandvarapdtanam, Pr jvalandvatava[va corr. by cop. from ta'\7iam II 27 N rava for ^m II N suhhdt for su ga W Page 117. 1 1^ ydtdpy for mdtdpy II 2 Vv gavdSinaih II 3 bhN t?a(?c, in bh corr. by cop. from vncah\ Yx girah for Z7flcfl^ II 9 Pr ekasmimsdt II 11 Pr apetam II Pr dvitiyah II 1^ pamjare II 12 N drahdhdh II 15 4'M ^flWff, PPr ^i*i7a gantum 1 1 Page 119. 1 bhN^PPrM ^a/Jj', A kvdpy ; Bh >ti;a 'pi ndbhi°, in spite of wa khalu ! II 2 Pr om. iti II 3 Pr "manorathdm amwuydmah II 7 N prasthitaikar for prasthitair II N bhatajoutro II 8 N tav yayd° for i^a/i mayd° II N cimtiti II 9 M svasvodataram II 10 In 4', cop. adds «« over the line, putting a small vertical stroke over the preceding yd to indicate the end of the word. Owing to the small interval between the lines, na is not very distinct and may easily be misread for ja or ni. PL^ indeed misread it for ja, and taking the preceding separation stroke for an e-stroke, both these MSS. write je for na ; Pr ni for na ll M bhojaveldydm II 18 M lagno 'bravlt, om. ca II 21 Pr om. samesydmi II bhNA^'PPrMBh sahdya" II 23 4'PPrM mdrggdmmid bhilla II 24 Pr ''grha II Page 120. 1 N vitandnd" II N ^jaX'^i for rrddha° II 2 N "rupayo" for "rutabhdsd" II 5 M om. ratndni II N grhita for ^r° ^r° II 6 Over dnayata, gloss in bh : yuyam-, NM dnayat II 7 bh^'PPrM ullamtitdndm^ N nsamtitdndm ; ABh with us (only A °/i° for °///i°) ll 8 In N, ^jcr/a" corr. by cop. to "para" ll 10 Pr j/a^o for sa?ito II 11 ^PPrM tdrasvaram 11 13 N drstahxpraiyayo II 15 N «^;?y ioT yady II bhN °pardpi II 17 N jumps from the first avasyam to the second avasyam, 1. 18, om. one of them and all between them 1 1 19 N vrdrd° for kdrd°, 4'PPr kdropavarake II 22 *PPrM om. tadd II Pr lobhdviKtdm 1 1 bhN.^PPrM Booh I 127 Page 121. 1 Pr avaSyam ga II 2 N siddhye II 3 N avaram II N viddrand II 4 N °yodaresu nijmnam II 5 bhNA^P vthyamdno, Pr vihyatndnah ; Bh with us II ^PPrM transp. : sa durdtmd (M durdtmd) II 6 *P dsddayiti, in * corr. by cop. from dsddayati, which is the reading of PrM II bhN cchinnaratnasatvdsamSrayah', ^P chinnaratnasaitdtsainhyah, M cchinnaraina- sattdsamsayah, Pr chinnaratnambhavattdhsammyah, A chinnaratnasattdAamSayah, Bh chinnarainasattdsamsaya II bhN a^^a for wai!a II 7 Pr °viddraviddrana II bhNA^PPrBh nistrimo, M nisrmso II 9 bh wa^;^^, N fl^«^ Ii 11 bhN a^i° for athdti° II 13 4^ wa m[knyomyasd)knomy amlsdm, the brackets by cop. Pr ^-^awi for amisdm, a reading clearly going back to the slip of the pen of 4^ l< NPr svabhrdtrndm II bh dntum, N drstuhm for drastum II Pr jumps from the first °viddranam to the second "viddranam, 1. u, om. one of them and all between them ll 17 ^P PrM °vicdranamdtro' II M wm^a- vaisasam II 18 bh vaisamm, N v«i sd/iasam for vaimsam II 20 Pr satvara prthivhnm \\ bhN hptdh ior j)rdj)tdh, in bh corr. by glossator to our reading II 24 ^PPrM w/^^a»i for muktam II N i/^«/a° ll Page 122. 1 N bhdmddgdritve \\ 2 M atah for «///« II 4'PPrM om. the text between melayitvd and rdjd, 1. 4 H 3 N samgramina ll 6 A om. here the words mitradvaye &c. to anuhabhuva inch, inserting them after avalokya, 1. 15, and adding anyadd\ BhK with us, but with variants. Bh: mitradvaydrppitasaroardjydmgabhdrah svacchamdavrttir vildsa^aukhydny anubha- vaii sma ; K mitradvaye samdropitasarvdmgardjyabhdracimtd svacchamdavrttir vildsasaukhyam anubhavati sma II S^PPrM "vrttmildsa II N " saukhydnubabhuva II 11 M om. all between rdjdpi and svakhadga° \\ bh^P (not Pr) vdnaram maiivi° ; N vdnaram ativi° ; ABh with us II 12 N anya for atka U M rdgrhdbhydse II bhN^P ndndtarnkharnditarn, M ndndtarusarndatam, ABh ndnd- tarumarnditarn ; Pr with us II 13 Ft pratkamavanam W 14 4'PPrM hahukusumamgarridhiparimalaramaniyam II 15 bhN grham for saha 1 1 bhN praviSyate II 17 ^PPrM om. ^rdntena ll 18 N5ra/jw;2zll 23 Pr nivdri- tum It 24 'P punak, FrM. pund, all these MSS. only once ll Page 123. 1 N bkramaraprakdram, om. wz a?^« ll 4 4'PPrM visrabdke for vihasie ll 7 N jumps from the first kdryam to the second kdryatn, om. one of them and all between them ii 10 bhN katas for mrtas ll After wrjoa^, vj/Pr add /ta^^a ^5 II, M I katkd i, P flourish ii katkd ii ^9 ii ii II N karataka prdha ll bhN, SkpprM 128 Variants 12 bhNA^PPrMBh ;jai*2^«ya° II 14 hh'N a ?nidw \\ bhN*PPrM waim kdryam ; in * a later hand adds gloss : niscayam na karoti ; A with us ; Bh naivdkdrye vinaSyati II 15 bhNA^PM sad hi ; Bh sddhus tu kii° ; Pr with us W N na for tat II 16 M om. tatAd II 17 SPP vj7iati {jha being written in 4' as in jjha^ Table II, no. 12, 2 a), Pr upsafi, N vjjatl. N's reading is a misreading of the old-fashioned °jjli of bh, which has the same form here as in 4* in our Table II, no. 9, 3 b II N °bhakta°^ M Sikhimtktayiuktopi II 18 First pad a in Pr : yad dkdryam eva tarn akdryan II 20 bhN prabodhi- tair II 21 Pr dJnyate, corr, from thlyate II 23 M om. na kartavyam II 26 ^PPrM om. fan 11 Pr krodhdmtadhyau II Page 124. 2 Pr om. IJirfyasya W N prandh II 3 Pr bruvdndm for nrpdndm II 4 N bhrtyd, M bJirtyah II 9 bhN^PPrM hrdhmana sarvabhakfi ; Bh vrdhmana garvabhaksl', Kvrdkmanah sarva°. Cp. on this stanza SP page Ivii II 10 bhN cdvaSyd, M vdvaU II *PPrM dustainatih II 11 * pveksyak, PPr preksyah, M praki^a ii ^5 II *PPrM ddyaSlo° II 30 bhN^PPr S7ieheti, ^ with a danda and 9 avagrahas before sneheli\ M tarddhamdno mahand, A #«(?^a 2^?', all these MSS. omitting the rest of this stanza. But cp. the end of the other books. After this stanza, Bh adds : na nlcajanasamsarggdn naro bJiadrdni pasyatl \ vnas'imhabhavd pritir jambukena vindSitd cell dvdtrimSatimi kathd ii flourish ii slokasakaSra 2000 iti bhN, ^PPrM Book II 129 II flourish II §ri II Cp. my remark on SPI, 1. I may add here, that the same stanza occurs in the MSS. Decc. Coll. II, 44, and XXIV (Bhand. Rep. 97), 417. Both these MSS. have this stanza in the beginning of the first book after our first stanza. Variants: all, 44 "aamparkdn; cd both MSS. dar^ayaty eva vikrtim svajanepi khalo yatkd (417 valo yatah) II After sneheti, 1. 30, bhN add iti prathamam dkhydnakam samdptam ; M pamca o [o indicating the abbreviation] prathamatamtram \ ^PPr with us II BOOK II. Page 126. 1 Owing to the loss of one leaf, there is a gap in the text of "if extending from the beginning of book II down to 128, 7 vasya gunaya excl. li N A om. arham II 2 A mitrasamprdptindma, corr. from our reading ; Bh mitraprdpti- ndma, mitraprdptir ndma II Bh ddislokah, 4> ddyaUokak, A ddimaslohah II 3 A buddhiklnd II 4 4> kdkesu mrgakurmavat II 6 M jana, om. °pade II Vv pramaddraupyam, 'M. pramaddrotham \\ 4) prathamaddropyandma il APPrMBh4> ins. ca after tasya ll M mahdcchrdyo II 7 'E>h.^ nyagrodhak (om. pddapah) ; M nyagrodhapdda saUhydsrayo II Pr *a cdsrayo for sarvd- hayo II A om. iiktam caW 8 N mkhdsuptamrgah II Bh dllnahna- chadah II 9 N ttata for krta II 10 A visrabdho II A nipltakuguma- sldghyah II 11 M °yamgha for °samgha° II A °sukhadair II M om. hhuhhdra, 1 2 _ writing hhrto ll 12 AMBh^ om. ca ll M vdsyaya [sicl] for vdyasah ll APPrM om.prdtak hefoie prdna° ; Bh inserts it hefoTe pracalitaA ll prdta- calitak II 13 Bh4> tadadhistdnanivdsinamW A dydiam, corr. fTom dydmtam \\ Bh dydmianugrarupafn, 4> dydrntanugurupam II 14 A sphutitakasvaranam ; Bh4> sphatita ; N sphutiputakata\ta deleted by the copyist]racamw«»2 ll bh udbaddhapimdakam II M udbaddhapimdipariisasariracchaviraktdvitanayaiiam 1 1 Bh ° chaviraktdyatanayanam II «7i purusaSaruachaviraktdyatanayanam^ A raktdmtarnayanam II 15 4> urdhavardha ll N om. all the text between u"a and sarvapdtakdndm (1. 16) II bh APPrM ^<7/a 1 1 16 A ?va adkarmopadestdram II Bh dgachamta^n ll Pr e^;«w^ for g>tMwz ll 18 Pr °mandcimtayat II PPrM jsajo* II Bh4> om. kim after cikirsati II Bh^ wa- maivdrthdya II bh rt^o «ci, N ahosci, Pr w^o ^i?/^, P ff/5«w 5CiV, A aho scit for a^o »vit \\ 19 bhN kitsad for kascid ; PrBh* om. >{<^ ll A anyo 'dAydvamya, MN awj/o 'sydvamya, ^ anyo ' sddhyavasdya II Bh koUikaparas II 4> kautukapamrastham eva II 20 MBh vitanya 1 1 A dhdnyakandvaMrya 1 1 From 126, 1 bhN, A, PPrM, Bh* 130 Variants Bh4> vilclrya II Bh drior for tato. Cp. Sar. 64, ii II Pr tidure for ndtidure II 21 PPrMBh(I> f/?!/^a for atra II Pr nij/anUds, M nii/amtntums II 22 Bh4> kandn for tanduldn II M ins. >5a^» before hdldhalam Ii 24 Bh4> kandn for tandiddn II Pr ^4 for '/?^ II Page 127. 1 A mahdjanam for mahdjdlam II PPrMBh^) «a nipdta for samtdpata" II 2 bhN ftvi for «;a»^ II Bh* wa >ta*^a ka^cid dosah II Pr awj^a for «*^a II 3 (I> vijhdyaie II 4 Bh4> va«e for katham II P ° harinasydmsamhhavo II 5 A anarthakam, corr. from anartha katham ; M prdptodyonartham, om. katham II 6 A vipattigudhximanasdm II M kfimatih for kfiyate II 7 Pr daivevista" II 9 Bh4> om. «/!//a II P udya^ya II 10 PPrM pdmbamdhanavya° (M °sand- nulas, Pr °sandkulam9) II N pratyutpannatayd II Bh4> «mm II 11 Bh om. the second ?«« bhetavyam II 12 Bh sarvesu vyaaanew era, ^ sarvem vyasaneppeva II M buddhi nihlyaie II 13 Bh4> abhyeti II 14 4> ekacitilbhuya, Bh ekacittiyabhuya II Bh jdlam iha krmtaniyam, jdlam iha krtamyam II 15 ABh asamhitacittdndm ; but cp. 1. 26 f. and sloka 7 a II 16 M prthavdgnvd^ 'Bh. prthugrivdh II NAPrBh (not bhPM) anyonya° II 17 Bh4> (not A!) ammhiid W 18 Bh om. katham etat II 20 Bh om. i^i II A bhdramdd, N 5M(?a II N om. all the text between 2^(^ksinah and svecchayd (1.22) II 21 Bh^ om. m II Bh4> ova. j^rthak prthag \\ 22 M madhydh II After paksinah, (not Bh) inserts prativasati sma II (not Bh) fy^c/yJ grlvdyd (/) »a dattam tadd^ &c., 1. 24 II N om. all between gnvayd and /to/ja^ (]. 24), the missing text being supplied in the margin il 23 A om. kvdpy II Bh om. atha II P arddha II 24 Pr om. yadd II PM dvitlyayd grlvayd, Pr dvitiyaydm gnvayd II 25 A wrtyur evdbhavat II 26 Bh (not 4>) vrvvlmi II Bh4> prthugrwd II After the first e^e P adds II 1 II kathd il, PrM 1 kathd, Bh4> prathamakathd II adds i II Bh4> ins. ca after waw? II Fage 128. 1 PrM vitdne bamdham II A mrbhayapra" II 2 N om. idam II Bh idam ity dkulacittah imam ( idam) Uokam II M eVi cimtayat, A 2Vy acimtayat II 3 Bh4> haramtl (!) ^e II 4 PU «m for ^?^ ; Bh yadd bhuvi patisyamti (!) 11 Bh4> vaSyamW 5 'Sh.^ anusartum W 6 A °bhuhhdgdmipari\\ M ramtum for gantum II N laghupatanakasya, om. m II 7 ABh^ om. m after laghupa- tanaka^ II 4* sets in again with z^flWf^a sunaya° w Bh (not 4>!) ins. ^m after Citragrlvasya II A smtacaritena, corr. from our reading, Bh navacaritena II "I* ins. *« before duradhya"^ but cop. deletes it again II Bh^ durabhi- prdyena ; but cp. 126, 19 II B ^ muhu (once) ; A om. muhur muhur II Bh utsa", 4> utsu for utsrjya II A kautukavams ; Pr kaxdukaparasya deva kapota° II 9 om. m II Bh ay am ca durdtmd II Bh om. iti II From 128, 7 bhN, A,^PPrM, Bh* Book II 131 M risamamdrgge vya° II A om. jhdtvd II A vihatdmh I abravU \ pratinivrttah il Bh pratinivrtte ii avravli II 12 Before the dr2/d^ (not Bh) inserts hhdvyam hhavan II 4> (not Bh) om. bhavati ca hhdvyam II 13 bhN hhavisyatd II 14 M pnnisd II Bh4> ca for ee^ II 16 A vihamgdmimldhhah^ con*, by a later hand to vihamgdndm em Idhhah II PrBh kutuwha° II 17 Bh4> pratydvrftam II 18 Bh4> taddsmdkam II M pramaddrobdke na gamanam II 19 Bh4> j/ato« fo^ra ca uttaradigvibhdge II A Jiarinyo, corr. from hirinyo II Bh (not 4>1) hiranyandmd W ^PPrM mama suhrd atimyena priyahx tatra (M priyas tatra^ om. the punctuation) vasati II 20 bhN A avalamhitam ii K pdhvimoksandya iti II 21 Bh4> tithaivd° II A hariny(imusaka° W M iJa^f dhi laghu dnrggamW "ifV aterukw 22 Pr ^^a for ca, but del. again without another correction II 23 N iatamukhabilam II 24 Bh paksipdm°, A paksapdtd° II A harinyo II 4> (not Bh) nijabaladurggam anusrlya II 26 A W2a»i e^awz avastkdm ; Pr memendm a° II 27 Bh kratvd, ?'t;a, for srutvd \\ A durgdmtara ; Bh durggdmmtakagatah (!), $ durggdmtaragatah II Pr bhana for bhadra^ but ??a corr. from some other aksara smeared with gamboge ii 28 ^P /t-^ ksamyatdm for kathyatdm II N citragnva prdha II 29 Bh(J> kapota-s for kapotapatis II Bh ins. ^a^ before satvaram II N ins. srutvd citram before ^a<:? dkarnya II 30 Bh4> parihrstdtmd II bh niskdmann, N niskdmannain I) Bh (not 4>) avruvlt II 31 N °kdrinak for °ddyinah II 32 Bh4> mahdtmamm for krtdtmandm II Page 129. 1 Pr fl^rfl for a^/5a II ^ pdsabamdka, Bh pdsaba^ham \\ Bh^ savisddatn, then Bh MranyovruvU, 4> hiranyo 'vravU II 2 Bh(|> kathayati ioxkathaya^ iti II Bh om. uktam caW 3 ^PM yasydn va W 4> (not Bh) yasmd cdnana ca yathd ca ya tvayd ca tva yatra ca m II 6 M om. ^ai^ac ca II 7 BhtlJ om. /tm call 'PPPrM kim locandndm W Bh vikacolpalamlvisdm \\ 9 Bh(J> yaddSu for yaddsya II M mrtyum II Bh (not ^j) puruto II Pr vijjamhite II 12 4> (not Bh) pdrhasthiti II A <;?a2m I «a;« ^wera, corr. in the margin by a later hand to daivd tad vanam II 13 Bh "karayo praha° II 15 PrBh* samikm II 16 (not Bh) a?!i for Hi II Pr otc/'« for me mat'ih II 17 M samghdthuvamty II 18 Bh$ vadhyamte II 19 Pr durrnlti kim II 20 A cm. /« ; a second hand supplies yatn in the margin II 21 nktd, Bh iiktvd II Bh J5a^a» {^ pdsan) na chettum drabdhah II 22 Bh* om. iiktam ca II M ma for w?a/;/a II Apdsam II Bh /;a*a^ chi'tdtii, * pdmsthiidm II 23 Bh* ^a ins. ^^aUtk after nMo7n ca II 26 Bh f/a^^^ II 27 Bh vittdhhdvo II A kdtardh ior karkicit II 30 M aparaip. va (read ca) wwwia II Bh kaddcin mama II ABh aMa, ora. vd II 31 Bh tad ava&yam, i'-ar^ avasyam, for ^a» nunam II A narakdpdtak II 4'PPrM om. nkiam ca II 32 M Ma«?^ ior prahhuh II 33 (not Bh) ca before *M?a^i II Page 130. 1 A harinyah II Bh hiranya dha, ^ hiranydha II Bh4> sarvam for imamW M svdmin na dharmmam II 4 bhNA^'PM (not PrBh) yaS ca for ya*ya il M nrtyesu II 5 Bh trailokyasthdpi II 7 Bh4> svdSrayajagdma II M vedam II Pr om. «a^^?< cedam ucyate II 8 bhN A 4) duhsddham, Bh dvhssddham, in A corr. by second hand to duhsddkyam, which is the reading of 4'PPrM. Read dtihsddham (cp. Pan. III. 3, 26). But cp. 131, 26 II M viyatah for fae ya^faA II 9 Bh4> samdtyeva, bhN samdnyatva, *PPr sammdnyaiva, M sammdnawa; A with us II 10 4'PPr ins. ca after sarvam II bhNA bamdhanamoksam ca, 4'PM hamdhanamoksam, Pr hamdhanamoksyam, 4'PPrM om. ca II Bh4> savismayo for vismitamand II Pr cimtayat, (not Bh) vdcimtayat II After vyacimtayat, two leaves are lost in *, which sets in again p. 134, 1. 18 II 11 Bh(I> luddhir alio II Pr hiranya^ A harinya, A with a 5ya and a mis-written ?iya before ^z^'a deleted by the copyist himself by smearing sya and the first wya with gamboge 11 12 A hirinyena II Bh prltikaranam II Bh camcala- prakrtir a(Bh e for / a)vuvdsaparas ca na ca kendpi vamcayitum ( vamcayatum) iakyah (4> *a/?:ya) II A visvdsam na W 13 N vamcitmakyas II bhN tatrdpi for tathdpi II Bh* zVi for era II 15 In bh a gloss on svdter : naksatrasya II PadadinBh*: svdtyudakam samlhate W 16 M /w/, om. /jar/a" II 17 Bh4> 2!afa^ cM/fi for Has tdvat, iti II 18 Bh4> om. /^a^c/^J II bhN sdviiesa" II 19 N vdyasa prdha II 20 Bh tad dkarnnya II A hirinyo II Bh om. ri^csa^^ II Bh ' ^ntall'mali , * 'mtalmah II 21 M om. *a, perhaps owing to the circumstance that in Pr sa looks exactly like se, as the visarga of n (in Ihavdn 1. 19) touches the right edge of the upper horizontal stroke of *a H Bh4> samagatah II 22 NM hiranya prdha \ N om. all the text between prdha and hho vairam 131, 2 II PL^ 'si for 'di ; Bh* om. 'sli II Bh* /ta/yawi for prayojanam. 11 A om. Hi W 23 Bh* om. me II Pr ^^■, Bh* prUih for pratltih II 24 Bh* om. bandhane samjdte II Bh bamdhamokso, * bamdha- moksarp, II NABh* om. ?7i ll 25 * (not Bh) om. all between the fii'st maitrl and nktam ca, 1. 26 II A hirinya dha, Bh hiranya dha II Bh bhoktdham II 26 bhAPPrM om. yo ; bhPPrM insert ya before dtmano II 27 AM ca/?j for vdpi II Bh* hdsyatdm ydti sa ksitau II 28 * rasyam, Bh rasyatdm for gamyatdm 11 29 * om. all between >^a;wi and w^^aw ca II PL^ karisydmUi^ M karisydmi 1 1 Bh ^ra_ya *a/m vairiiid II From 130, 11 bhx, A,PrrM, Bh* Book II 133 Page 131. 1 Bh(^ na hi for ndsti II 2 bhNAPM (not Pr) vivid harp,, in A corr. to our reading by cop. Cp. 1. 6 ll 3 A^aia/i, but ya written on some aksara deleted with gamboge 1 1 4 After vairam an aksara which seems to have been tta, is deleted in A by two strokes and gamboge II Bh(^ j)rd& for drd^ ll 6 N prdha for aha in both places II 7 4> kdrananippdditarp, II Bh nippd- ditarp.^ A nispannarji ll Y krmitrimam II P tat tad ahepikdrakarandd,hh.Yv tat tad dhepikdrandd, N tat ta ihepikdrandd, 4> tat tad ehopakaranddy Bh tat tad . . . opakdrandd II Bh om. punah ll 8 M ndma gacchati, P ?idpacchati, ABh«I> na gachati II A omits all between nakulasarpdndm and pativratdkidatdndm^ ^ omits all between °nakhdyudhdndm and panditamurkhdndm (writing pdrndi- tamursdndm)] then continues: pativratdkulatdndm dvija [cp. Bh !] \jaldnalayo devadetydndm sapdmyaS^"^. Bh \\vidrjdrdndm sapatnyo simhagajdtidm labdhaka- harindndrjt kdkolukdno I digarpbardndm [cp. Bh !] sajjanadurjandndrji^ &c. Here it is evident that the archetype of A and that of Bh had an omission, which, in the margin of the archetype of Bh, was supplied from another MS. Fortunately for us, the copyist of ^ inserted this addition into his text in a wrong place ll bhNBh4> Hsyabhnk° ll 9 Bh sdpdsayamdrjdrdndm W M om. hibdhakaharindndm II N ludhbake ha° II 10 Bh ins. dvijadigamhardndm before sajjana" ll A om. ca before nityavairarp, II Bh4> nityam vairam (4> vaira) ll 11 Bh kendpi kasyacit II Bh hatas for vydpdditah II In A the corr. deletes ya of prdndfptdya ; M prdndmta II Bh (|J varttate for yatante II 12 akdranetat{\) II 13 M om. the first pada ll Bh4> ydti for eti II 15 Bh om. mama 11 16 Bh arhati, 4> arhasi, for icchati II 17 In bh gloss on garbhdd : vesaragadhei^) ; Bh garbham II 18 bhNPBh pdnine, in bh corr. by corr. io pdniner ; k.pdninah II 19 Bh unmamotha, nnmotha, bhN unmamayya, the second ma being deleted in N by cop. II Bh ynunijaimunim, munijemunim, bhN APr munim jaimanirp, P munitpjaimunim, M munij'aimanim II 20 Pr dveldtate II 21 bh atirusdm, but apparently corr. to abhirusdm by corr. ; N anirusdm; PL^ "cetasdm mabhirusdm \ A °cetasdm matirusdm II Bh tiramydm, 4> thiramydm II 22 N /?ra^a for a^a II 24 Bh bhaydlobhdc, 4) bhaydlokd II 26 M dwbheyuh, A durbhedah. All our other MSS. with us. Cp. 130, 7 ll Bh 'mnkarasarpdhis ca^ * makaredrpdhis ca II 50 II II 27 BhO) z/tso ra^az! II bh the figure 2 for the second /jart'aw/, N neither this figure nor the second parvani ll 28 Bh* viparltdndm ca viparitdm II 29 A ora. aparaip II N prdha for dha II 30 Bh4> add yatah after m ll 31 Pr sarpditasydpi II N jumps from the first visvdsatp to the second vihdsarp (132, i), om. one of them and all between them ll Bh4> ripo II 32 Bh rrttah for rrz^m/^ II bhN,A,PPrM, Bh* 134 Variants Page 132. 1 PPrM om. fafkd ca W 2 A tridiSetiidrena II Bh dife, 4> dine ll P diter cdrhho, L^ diter vdrbho II A vindsitah II 3 Bh su^laksmendpi iatndrena II 4 P ndSayes ca W Bh mnau II Bhjjurvam, puna, Pr bkuvafp. {bhu being corr. by cop. from some other aksara smeared with gamboge) ; M hmavam, A kitlaip, iov plavam II 6 A artkabkdrena II Bh ^i/j«r, .ti/jar for n;jor II PMU vrajet, Pr brajet, for ^a?!^?^ II 6 PL^ taramtaTp, for tadariitam II 7 PL^ laghutapanako II N cimiavdn for ci° a^a II 8 Bh mativimye, 4> ^i'yi- «aj^e II bh athavd, N a^>5a 'm, om. ^a, but without sandhi with the following word II Bh etasyopari, eva tasyopari, bhN e^dsyopari II B om. me 11 9 N gdprapadmam II <|) (not Bh) om. bko II 11 After iddmrp,^ some aksara (ya?) has been covered with gamboge in A ll A pratipMayasva, corr. by corr. from prat'qyayasva II Bh anyathd iham atraiva, anyathd matham atraiva ll PPrM om. sthdne II 12 ^ harinyok II bhM ndyaTp, buddhir^ P ndyaig, buddhir, Pr ndyam buddhi (continuing vamcandd), ABh ndyam dustabuddhir, for ndyam abiiddhir ; cop. of bh deletes the anusvara, N neyarp, buddhir, Simpl. MS. I has : vidagdhavacanSyam drsyate laghupatanoh I satya- vdkyaS ca I H has a gap here ; h with I (blunders : drsyatto laghupattana) 1 1 A^ier jfidy ate '> yatak \\ 13 A °mriyak II 14 PL^ nasprho II 15 Pr tadvaiyam II PPrM vidheyd for pratipattavyd II 16 Read ^pratydyito for the misprint ^pratyayito. bhNAPPr pratydyato ; M pratydyito, Bh pratydyino II Bh apararp, for param II A tvadhuddhipanksandya, after which one aksara (^^a ?) covered with gamboge ; PM tv (M w^; for tv) ahuddhiparU ksandrthainm II 17 Bh4> tvadamkdgatam, A tvadamke muktatp, me II A4» (not Bh) «ara II 20 A ^a^o for tvatto II Pr bibheti II bh tvadiydmyamitra'' , corr. by corr. to our reading; N tvadlydryyamitrapdrsvdt, Bh.^ tvadlyd 'sya mitrapdrivdt II 21 N athdsd, then two aksaras covered with gamboge, then V aha ll 22 Bh4> gunavanmitrasamgena, PPrM gunavanmitravindSena \ then V yan mitravindsena yan mitram upa° II 23 Bh mlistarjibdbhihhavatam, ^fff[4> ve for i;a];5fl^ cdhdram II M a/4a;;i dnvesaydmy e ktva (om. hdram a and va»i w) II 26 A sakdklpakrdtntah^ corr. to our reading by coit. ll 4> (not Bh) annpavUya 1 1 27 bhAPPrM H- Twarw, N 7nam, corr. to »« by cop. Bh4> and ^ar./3 72, 10 with us II A °kusama° II Bh y^r/m svapusyakimSukattdydiji, 4> krtvdsupuspakimSukatulydrn 11 N mdmsaml- peslm II 28 bhNPPr hiranydmkam, in Pr corr. to our reading, perhaps by a later hand ; Bh harinydmtikam ; A and ^ar. 72, ll with us 1 1 M bhaksatdm II 29 Pr om. ca 11 * (not Bh) vahate for ca /tr^e II 4> (not Bh) iva for em II A bhN,A, PPrM, Bh* Book II 135 idmdka II 30 bhPrM °nlta\ N °nltam, corr. by cop. to °nlta II Bh svasd- marthyendpanitdn, 4> svammarthendpanltdn II P svasdrthyenopanitabhaksyam hhaksyatdm tamduld iti, Pr svasdmarthyejwpanltabkaksyam bkakmtdm tamduld iti, M »va»dmarthyonopanatahhaksyam hhaksyatd tamduld iti II A hhaksyatdm II Bh4> bkaksyaitdma tamduldm iti II 31 A tatas tau supntdv api I parasparam \ pnti" 11 Bh parasparasufrptdv, Pr paraspara^uptdv II Page 133. 1 A vakti ca for prcchati II 4 (not Bh) tuksati II 6 4> (not Bh) vachah II 7 Bh om. -tm bahund II om. 5fl II A tadupakdraramjitah (om. mands) II Bh4> tatpaksimadhye, AM tatpaksitimadhye II 4> (not Bh) «a ^a (not Bh) t;a*o (!) 'apurita- nayanah (!) II A amSrupuritanayanah II A samdga, then the space of an aksara covered with gamboge ; the ^-stroke covered with gamboge, and samdga corr. to aamamga. Then the space of 5 aksaras covered with gamboge by corr., who writes on it dgadam uvdca, the reading of the corrector being thus samam gadgadam nvdca W 12 'Pr vibhaktih W Bh.^ (ad ydsydma atrdkam W A aham anyatra II 14 Bh$ andvrstih II PPrM maJiatl 'rrstik II AJano for nagara° II Bh4> babhuksayd pndito ; bhN hibhtijdpl° II 15 PPr vihaga° II M vihambamdkandrtham II Bh4> a^a«2 a!!5'a*«[ adds t'z ]«(?*« ^c^ya II 16 M videiam calito II ABh(|> ^a^o '>^flW2 for tendham ll A karomi, om. iVi II Bh ydsydmUi II A Jiirinya II 17 Bh$ ^a^r?, but the e'-hook deleted in Bh ll "N prdka for a>^a II Bh ydsiti, PPrM ydsyatzti, 'N ydsyatilti (!) II 18 ABh4> daksandpatke, N ddksindpathe II 19 M °mdmsakaldni 1 1 20 Bh subhd- sitagostlm 1 1 Bh ins. bhucarah before sukhena 11 (|> (not Bh) °paksaksayam 1 1 22 Bh4> ^a, APr te ye for ^«7a 1 1 Pr om. na, which has been supplied by another hand in margin ll 23 ABh om. all between dha and bkoh line 25 ll A apy evdgacchdmi II k. ato \\ 25 A dukkham ll M om. *a II APr jump from the first dha to the second dha, om. one of them and all between them ll N prdha for dha II 26 M tavi for tatraha ll Bh gatds tarn sarvam ll Bh akoSagatir ll 27 A PPr tatrdgamisyati, Bh tatrdgamisyasi II 28 iiawai manai II Bh mdsudvahaheti, mdsadvayasceti II A mdnado for sdnando II 29 4j (not Bh) aM^o for dhanyo II A samasti^ corr. by corr. to samam asti ; Bh *awo '«^i II bhN dharas for dhanyatarah II 30 MBh om. / iidlyandni ll Bh /"ai^fl* for ^ai! II P sakhena 11 31 N prdha for a-^a in both places ll 33 Bh4> cakram II bhN, A, PPrM, Bh* 136 Variants Page 134. 1 Before Srutvd inserts api, in spite of 'pi after hiranyo II Bh4> hiranyopi II Bh prstopari, 4> drstopari II bhNPPrM om. tatprs^Jopari and the following words to mmpdioddayanena (excl.) ; our reading is that of A (only A °f^o°). Simpl. HI: tathdnustite hiranya\h add. over line in H]* [H om. s\ tatksandd eva tadupari samdrudhak I [I om. k l] sopi mnaih Sanaih [I om. ^] tam dddya prasthitah ; h : tatt srutvd kiranya tasyopari samdnudha sopi sapdt tenaiva pracchittah W Bh samdruhyaW N sampdtodurnayena \\ 2 only one sanaik li ^ om. tena sa II Bh saha for «a li ?!flwz hradam tarn II Bh pracalita for prdpiiah II 3 Bhfl> athdmtare II P musakddhitam^ M musakddhisritam [sic!] II 4 N tattistka°, 4> tannnastha° II 5 (not Bh) Sdkhdm druhya II Bh ^am5t'a[ ^t;fl]r(??ia provdca II mamtTiarakah dgaccJian II Bh hhavanmitram II 6 Over °tydlimga gloss in bh: ^mj^ II A our reading, corr. by corr. to dgatydlimgyatdm iti W Bh4> dgatya dlimgya II 7 A om. ya^a^ II Bh sakapuraih ; ^ /^m vamdanaih sakalapuraih sthapdrai II P kimmu, Bh^ /(-m ^e^ for /J;mz^ U 2nd pada in A: ^m suSUalaik, which corr. corrects to kim ca camdraih susltalaik w B M. ta for te W 9 Pr nipunatarai W 10 Bh parijndto 'di I 2Ye II Pr *»z4^t for '«* I i^/ II PPrM mamdparddham (PrM °dham) ksamasvam iti W 11 Bh* vrksoUirn- nakamW 12 N vihitdlimgitau, P vihitdlimginau ; Pr vihitaxi limgitau\ M vihitdlikitasarlrau, om. °linganau pula° 11 Bh pulakitasvaSanrau vrksdd (4> vrddhdd) adhasthod upavistau cdtmaciram(a?iam vrttdmtam II 14 A mamtharakam II P laghutapanakam II (not Bh) Mo 'yam ^o musakah II Bh* lliaksabhuto II M om. all between musakah and musako 'yam 1. 16 II 15 Bh* om. Mo II "N prdka for a^at li 16 PPr ins. musakah after musako 'yam II Pr ^ for z!a^; Bh* om. i5fli{ ii 17 M om. ya??/m mdthdpatyam, in bh corr. to mdgdpatyam II 6 4'P (not Pr) brutakarnnah II N butakarna aha II 7 M ^wa^ for ^2;fl^^o II Pr mamdnyak suJirt, M mamdnyah syahrt II 8 N bhikmmdtram II 9 In bh, gloss on ^•arwfl/tara : bhrtydh II "^ vrtticcheddsanmdrjanddi° II 11 N vekna for vamSena II M tadayati II 12 4'P kutuhalam me tasya, in 4' corr. by very small strokes to our reading, apparently by corr. ; M kauiuhalam vie tasya II 13 N vrhasphik^ A vrhatspig, 4'PPr vrhasphig II 14 ^PPrM om. all between bilam and nidhdnosmand, 1. 16 II 16 N kuddatesau II 17 N usmd II bhN vitvajo, govt, to our reading by corr. of bh II N viddhim II 20 That in our text sdndillmdtd is a compound, is evident from 140, 15 ll 22 ^P hmtakarnna II Page 137. 4 ^P devatdrccanaparaSf Pr devatdrcanaparas, M devatdrthanaparas II 5 hhl^ pratyuhaprabnddho II M only vrahma[n&Yf \\.nQ\nyok ll 6 N anamtara- phaladd II 7 M tadagraham for ?!«// a/zawz II 8 bhN mnrsoddesena 1 1 "if^ yatkd saktir W 9 "^ bhartsamdnd W IsL bhargvayamdndha \\ 10 Pr ^e daridra for daridrasya 1 1 M bhojaprdptis II 13 bhN ?ja svdditam II 14 M mamdam ra 2 II 20 Pr ^a^^a for ^ac ca II 21 Vx yacchannajalam ll 22 M nityapra W Page 138. 4 N vivekajnai sddanamtdya 1 1 6 bhN^P (not Pr) /r^Tza ; ABh with us 11 11 4'PPrM mahdnjaHasikhardkdrah II In bh gloss on krodak : vurdhah ll 12 N om. dr^tvd and the following words to drstvdpi, 1. 15 excl. 1 1 No MS. has the samdhi after drstvd ll bh4'PPrBh4> dkarnndmta^ 'M. a karnnamta ; A with us II 16 Vv tathd iov yathd w 17 M^ra/^Ye II 21 "^ tasmiiiniov etasminn ll Pr °mrtyu II 22 ^ kmgdla ll 4'PPrM ^awz ^e^awz II bhx, ^PPrM T 138 Va7nants Page 139. 1 N prdrusto for prahrsto II 7 N tatt for tat tad II 13 M vdpatati- takotim 11 4'PPr bhaksitum II 14 M tntUapdSe II Pr tdhpradese II 15 Pr mastamadhyena II 21 Pr athaiva II 22 M curnnayisydmnvd for curna- yitvd II 24 Pr «*c/ya^ ^ajotf II Page 140. 1 M grha for ^r>?e II 2 Pr om. w?a^a ^an II 4> si^/^je, bhNA^PPrMBh *wr/)/ig II 7 M grho for II IS N idmdaltmdtu^ with a visarga added over the line II 18 bhN^PPr tam for tan ; ABh with us II bh nidhd7iodya° , apparently corr. by cop. from "noglid', N nidhdnogha'' II 20 ^'PPr brutakarnna II 'Kjhdyato, om. te ya II 21 M. yuthyaparivrta II 4'PM vrhaspJiig\ Pr vmasphigoha II 22 bh^'PPrM khanatrikam, N khani- trikam ; ABh with us II 23 PrM om. wzaj'a II 24 Pr a II 14 N ins. dradhvah before pravrttak, writing pravrttah between two dandas II 16 M nam for mam II 19 M bhaktvd II M vdsurdm II 20 N °kapdlaja- tildn II 23 M durgge twice II 24 Pr °carcino pi bhu° II Page 142. 2 M ^a for khanatd II 4 Pr anydgata idam, M abliydgapta ivam II ^P brutakarnna, Pr vutakarnna 11 5 In 4' gloss on fljyj'a by glossator : nidhd- nasya II bhN^'P ^a»i; Bh<^ om. tan ; A with us II 7 *PM sthdnakam II 8 Pr vlksitum api twice II bhNA^'PPrM acimtayams ca II Bh advdcimtayam, *^ advdci?ntavyam, Bh om. ca tl 10 N 7na for ^we II 11 M sahastakirano ; 4'P nh-ucchdhah, Pr nisacchdhas II 12 N sapaticdrah II 13 *P (not Pr) ir«/a/(-arwwo II bhNM ^//^^o only once; 4'PPr bhuyopi 2. A with us. bhN,"*'PPrM Book II 139 Bh^ om. 'pi II N tdditum II 15 M bhamnn II 17 bhN j'fl^o ior gato II 18 Vy ova. i/atah II 19 Ft pardsavati II M om. i/ajjand?i II 23 bbN^/PPrM «a^re^, in bh corr. to our reading by corr. A with us ll 4'PPr hrutakarnnam II N kautuhalam II Page 143. 1 Pr om. s ca II 2 N mutakam II 4 Pr °virahita II '^ yathdrthena iox yathd gajah tathdrthena II 6 M ifa^a sruivdha II 7 bhN ^a^o, Yv yatro for yato W M wa kurddasektinarasti W Bh om. ^fl<^ ; A viddhi, ^PPrM tadvad for i^d«^ kdkaravdh, PL^ kdkasavdh II 13 M om. ^i II 14 M srlgnndndm II *PM prakdsanl II 16 M pravyam 11 18 M vidhdva" II 19 M tJd-^i^o, APrBh4> vj^a/t-iJe II M Wa/J ll 20 *PPrM iva for api II 21 bhN om. vilapya II Pr ^rt^ m^nnidhanam II 22 N vyarthah- samah II 23 ^PPrM om. ca before te, writing tatas II PL^ madhhutyd ll 24 bhN samartho, *PPrMBh 'samartho\ A with us II Page 144. 1 N tat km anena [new line] kim drddhitena II 4 M svdsvdmi II ^PPr chatrajlvibhih II S M om. ?^^^«/«, writing camw for vaco II bhN durga- pravisto II M yami5 nirddhata kvdpi II 10 *PPr mdnodbhdsam II N /^a5aw for hrdsam II 11 N vigunlhhavamti II 13 N °pamditdm II N f7r*fl»^ II 14 M krtdmtdpaliatah II M prdyadyate II 18 M manvitram for sanmitram II 19 M. sarvasma ; bhN^PPrM sarvamnyam (M "a'wwa) daridratd; cp. SP II, 32! A sarvasunyam daridratd, Bh sarvam, * ^arva, Bh4> sunyam daridrasya ll 24 N fl/3t° for fl^r II Page 145. 1 M ^fl'.'fya drsah phalavipdkah II 2 4' om. em, which is added over the line by cop. ll 6 After 83, A ins. this sloka: mdnam udvalatdyn purnsdrn, varam dpat pade pade \jivifam mdnamularn, hi mdne midne kufah sukham II That this did not originally belong to our text is evident from K, which has interpolated it in a wrong place. The order of the padas in this MS. is as follows : 83 ab, then cd, ab of our sloka, then 83 cd. It is clear, that our sloka originates in a marginal addition. It is missing in our other MSS. including Bh. Cp. also the right numbering of stanza 90 in Bh^. As Bh4> only seldom number their stanzas, it is evident that the copyists copied these numbers from their originals ll N "ccTmnna II 7 N acimiayat ii bhN.'^I'PPrM 140 Variants ^PPrM om. punar apy acintayam II M apart for api II 8 bhN^'PPrA ddva' nihkuthita, in A corr. by corr. to ddtra" or ddnna"; M ddvanhkuthitanvacah ; Bh ddvanikkuvitasya ca, 4> ddvanihkucitasya caW 9 Pr avagraha for na cd W 14 M om. artJiifvaTn hi via II N om. 7ia II 4'PPrM vastvamparam W 17 M om. paribliuyate II 18 M busvd for huddhyd II 22 ^ joaram for varam II M °7«'v bhavdn for vd^ iti II 21 bhN^PM manmyeti, PrBh manusya ify, A manusyo iti II Page 148. 3 Vx praiiddhandma II 4 4' PrM kanyd, om. raja which the cop. of "^ adds in the margin ll After carulramat\ M yd ekasmin divase, &c., 1. 5 II NP ndmdti" II 5 NPr nirlksyamdnd II 6 N manoratha^ II 7 Pr kusu- mabdndhatayd II 8 N om. tayd II Pr nirjarasakhi II 9 M *fl [new line] mha II 10 M dagvad iot yad ll ^j/pPrMBh* ivadarntike II 12 *PPrM bhx, "^PTrM Booh II 141 madamtike II 13 bhN samesyati, ^PPr samesyati; ABh with us II 14 Cop. of ^ supplies the words yculy avasyam to °bhihitam inch in marg. II Pr tatrdvagamtavyam II 16 M tayd for ivayd II 23 M cm. one yena II Page 149. 2 M kautukdn dntakahrdayas, ka being struck out ; bhN^^PPr kautukdt hrstahrdayas \ A.V>h^ kautukdvistahrdayas. Cp. our Introduction, p. 34 II Pr avalambyddhirufjkam II 5 Pr ins. tayd after dhitayd II M tadamgajamga- jamsajdtaharsaromdmvitagdtrayoktam II bhN °mdtraydnuraktayd II M °gdtrd° for ''mdtrd° II 6 N viamd dtmd II Pr a^/^ya for dtmd II 10 N stambkita- taram for 5fo° ?'ra° II 12 M vad ior ydvad, bhN A damdapdhkak\ M damdra- pdiikd, 4'PBh(|> with us ; cp. 151, 2, 9 II 13 bhN* ahitM^ in * corr. by cop. to our reading ll 16 bhN APr damlapdmkend" ^ M damdapdrmkendbhi- hita; *PBh with us II 17 Pr 8amiti° for sa mati° II 18 N tasydh rakmkasya, bh 'vinayavatl, N ^ av'mayavatl, 4' avinayavatl, P vinayavatl II 24 bhN bravlsi II Page 150. 2 M asaksam 1 1 3 ^'PPrM "phalam bhavati II 4 bh nirbhatsya, N nirhhaUa II 8 M °grhadvdraravimtamamdapa II M "mala' for "mamgala II 9 Pr dvatvd for /?ai!m II Pr pranamma jjannakd' II 11 Vr pranamya II M <:;?i.^o disam 1 1 '^ jammih 1 1 14 M makdsdhastikatayd II 15 bhN nirbha- tsitavdn II M apaydte II 16 Pr abkikrdmte II 17 ABh4> ^a^, Pr 7ic»/ for ^aw?. But ?'a^« is evidently a prakrtism ; cp. the Introduction to this volume, p. 32 II 18 bhN prasara, P svasura II *Pr tvaydnutistitam, P ?!faya 'nHtistitam, M ^m^a 'mutisvitam II 19 M. pradatve\satti for pradattd, iti II 20 bhN "paldyato^ *PPrM "paldyamdno] ABh(|> with us II 21 Pr edam for idarp, II 23 PPr prdnasammyd iksifd, a misreading easily to be explained by the form of ^m in * ll bhN om. wfl?«a ll 24 bhN A* PPr grklsyati, ^ grhlsyatUi^ Bh grahisyatUi II Pr vdrttdvyatirekena 11 Page 151. 1 bhN samjdtak I (N om. the ardhadanda) mahd° ll bhN om. ^fl)i?2 before vdrttd° II 2 *P karmma° for karna° II A damdapdmkaduhitd\api\ Bh4> damdapdsikasutupi ((i> °«m^« '^?) ll 4 *PPrM om. svayam II ^'PPrM tatrdgatah II 6 M mamijah II 8 A^PPrMBh daivopi II *P ^m^ for ?!fl»i ; cop. of * supplies lamghayitum in marg., P has it in the text 1 1 9 bhN °pdSika° ; 4'PPrM damJapdsika\V adds ^-]^//?!^ 'bravU ; Bh darp,dapdsika8v,td dha^ ^ damdapdsutd aha, A damdapdmkadukitdXabravlt II 11 N wa vis?na- yomiw M vanikadukitd W 13 NPrM jor^^a/i (only once) ll 14 4'PPrM bhN, "^PPrM 142 Variants ins. tdti before rrttdntdn II M sabahumdndin II 16 ^PPr upabhumjamdnah II M upabhmpjamdnamukk€nd° II 18 After iti/ddi, 'J'PPrM \\4 katkd II Page 152. 1 N tathd ca II 2 Pr mdnasyam II 3 bhN °pdnas7/a II ^P w/ja- nadvuta°, M updnarjudha", a reading easily to be explained by the form of the respective aksara in ^ II M carmmavrttaiMva II 5 N kare prdpte II bhN om. 'py. The copyist of bh writes a over the avagraha II 6 'J'PPrM put our sloka 99 after our 101. Their numbering 92 to 94 (92 twice for 91.92 corresponding to our 98.100) agrees with this transposition II 8 bhN ??/ for if(? II h\iW °kutumhini\\ 9 bhN^'PPrM flwaV/aj/aZ^e; ABh4> with us II M 1/a krsne II 10 All our MSS. inch ABh* asatydny II 11 bhN parigrha° II M krme II NPr nirvrttim II 13 In bh a gloss on kum : darbha 11 SppPrM vdpi II 14 M 7i%nam for dmam II 15 Pr sadbhydm yat tvayodhes ta° II 19 bh sravyam, corr. by corr. to Sravyam ; N srdvyam II Page 153. 2 P om. sahodardS fa, M om. hodardfi ca W 4 N hy arthe II N tr'iloke for Hra loke II 5 bhN svavacanam II N om. tdvad II 6 ^PPr laghutapanako II 10 N samagoraga° II bh ° mdgamtam II 11 Pr om. here lines 11 to 13 incL, inserting them after j(?a, 1. 15 II Pr dmadhydhiakr" II 13 *PPrM "sevikd for °setikd II 14 ^PPr ta-iyd II bhP 'nnkurydt, but in bh corrected to our reading by the copyist himself II 16 ^P samdsvdsayitum, Pr samd- svddayatum II N ^ for yat II bhN svadesahpan II 22 M sa vimyah II 23 M 4rayafo tarn e carute II 24 A om. all between vanam and dukdh (for mandukdh), 1. 27 II 25 artUndm all our MSS. but A (see on 1. 24) incl. Bh4>. The lion being represented in this stanza as the king of animals, the arthinah must be understood as his followers, euch as Karataka and Damanaka. The original reading of the Pancatantra is not arthindm, but dtmanak\ cp. Sar. 87, 21 II 26 N udyamyaparair II 27 M sarapurnna- thivdmdrajdh II 28 Pr bhodyogam II Page 154. 2 bhN^PPrM kaldvidhijtiam [N °vidhirjfiarp^, in bh coiTected to "va- dhajnam by corr. ABh4> with us. Cp. Sar. 88, 4 II bhN vyasanesv, corr. of bh vyasanesv, P vyasanepy, a misreading easily to be explained from the form of the aksara sva in 4*; bhNP arnktarp,, 4' asaktam, but m written by cop. over sa. M vyasanetliamktam II 5 ^P acavalam II N avi-wddinam II 6 M eva vita bkavati II 16 A with bhN^'PPrM. After 1. 16 Bh ins. sthdnabhrastdh (Bh om. h) hi hbharpte I (Bh om. l) sirphd (Bh adds h) satpuru§d gajdh II N bhN.^PPrM Book II 143 ^obJiyamte II 18 M samsthdnam for svam sthdnam W bhN parity ajyet, corr. by cop. of bh to our reading U 19 N om. iti li 20 M rupavatyds II 24 Pr vrhaspatik W 25 Pr silupardkrama II 30 M hhuvatihhate for labhate II Page 155. 1 Pr valmUrmga" II N °samga° for "sriiga" II 3 N nati?itca, Pr nUini^ cam II 5 4'P madahs te ; Pr ^i midas te II 7 Vv yauvand dkandni ca II 8 bh^PM navasakhydni, N navasamsfhd^ii, Pr navasamkhydni^ A navaSassdni ; Bh with us. Cp. Sar, 89, 18, and SP II, 65. — ^a^ya and *a^;?a are often con- founded in the MSS., and as s is often written as kh in North-western MSS., khya and 5ya, s/ja interchange very often II ^PM insert ca before yositah li 11 J^ prdnasyopi II 12 N cittasya II 14 hhJ^ gehe 11 15 M aV^aw II 17 bhN^'PPrM ^awo Vra for daivam evdtra, Bh(I> daivam eva, om. a^ra ; A with us. But see our note on 147, 2 II 21 N ndbhyam il 22 4'PPrM Idbhah paramah II 23 M krsnd 11 28 P (not L^) om. Idbho 'sii II 29 N vicam, PL^ cittam for vittam II bhNPr vindm for vmdsi, corr. by cop. of bh to our reading il Page 156. 1 N ins. hi after kdryatatvam 11 Pr kimcid W 4'PPr dhanabhogdbhdginah (P °na for °nalt) II ^ z^/c^c m, P kimcic ca II 3 °syopdrjanam all our MSS. ; but cp. 157, 15 II 5 4'P kathaUi II 7 NBh (not bh) somaliko W Pr vdyah (om. tantu) II N tamtuvdyasah II 8 N ca sastrdni for vastrdni II 9 ^PPrMBh* °»arfe^a II 10 A*PPrBh4) /^o//H*, M /^o^i/^a* II 12 N avadhdranakam for adhd° II 14 M mithydthajalpitam II 15 bhNA^'PPr (not MBh<|5) insert «a between dhanam and bhavati II 16 M om. bhavati ca hhdvyam II 19 4'PPr mdiuram II 22 NPr ckdydtapo U Page 157. 1 N tasmdd atraiva karma tista tista II 3 M samtkapadyate II PL^ sampra^ padyamaparityakiarn, (1. 4) II 5 A^'PPrMBh ya^/^^ ca II 6 bhN wa for ca II 9 ^P udyamenna II 12 4'PPrM ca na for cen na II 13 bhN^PPrM nopdlarnbhyah ; ABh with us II 14 M varttavyam; all the other MSS. incl. ABh with us II 15 °y6pdrjandm also ABh* II N suvarnnamtatrayopdr- janam vidhdya II 16 bhN prati sthitah II 20 Pr krodhasaraktau locanau II 21 M karttavyams for kartah II M dhd, om. bahu II NBh 4) somalikasya, 4'PPrM somilasya II 24 M om. vyavasdyindrn, II Page 158. 1 bhN tathdsya for ^a^ya II 4' azfj^a^, P ai^ for atas II 2 Pr om. ydvad asau II 3 bhN anvi^^yati, Pr anveyati II 5 N ca for ra II 6 N jumps bhN. ^PPrM 144 Variants from the lii'st bhut/o 'pi to the second hkui/o 'pi (1. 7), om. one of them and all between them II The words tatra to pracalitah incl. are om. in the text of 4', but suppl. by cop. in margin 11 Pr om. ca II 7 M antyarggenaiva^ *PPr anyamdrggenaiva II 10 ^PPr eclam, M iclam II 13 M varttah for kartah II 14 P bhojandd rie II 16 bhNA^PPrM karmma; but in A some aksara smeared with gamboge after karmma ; Bh$ karmman II 17 4'PPr upalambhai/asi II 18 N somaliko II 23 N somalika II Page 159. 3 N gomalika II N prdha II 4'PPrM om. tad II 5 M ndma sti for ndsti II N somalika \\ 7 In M pada 1 runs thus : virupiknhno 'pi II 10 bhN subud- dkau II M ova. pataiah II N paiano II 11 bhN ninksilo II 4'P rfa^a varsdni ca pamca ca II 12 M om. so 'bravU II 14 V pralabadvrmno II bh samdah^ corr. by cop. to savidah^ which is N's reading ; 4'P samd/iah, Pr samdha with following danda II 16 bhN waray^/a" II Yv iispd7iigrd,M.Saspdnigrdni. These readings evidently go back to that of 4', which has saspdnigrd, with 2 over wi and i over grd (these figures perhaps by a later hand) II 17 M thalo- bhiko \\ Pr om. sa^ owing to the fact, that 4* writes sa, then 7ia or va, then gaddtirekd, putting one single bracket before na (or va), and deleting by a horizontal stroke not only these aksaras, but by mistake also sa before the bracket. P with us 11 18 M sukhendjmvin 7iadipuline sukhenopavista W 19 "^ pralambavfsano samdo, the o-stroke before n being deleted by an almost invisible stroke at its inferior end, whereas on the second o-stroke after n the visarga has been written by cop. in the form of two circlets. Hence PL^ pralabavrsanohsavido, Pr, taking the circlets as deletion marks, pralam- bavrsanasamdho II bhN samdo II 20 M om. hgdlo II 21 ^ 'sihitahy corr. to 'bhihitak II hh. yaspdsya, 1^ pasydsya ioT pasydsya II 22 N prahd- rena II 23 bh^PrM arkasi, N arkatha. In *, °si seems to have been corr. to "ti'y but the correction is not clear 11 Page 160. 2 bhN niyojasi, corr. by corr. of bh to our reading II 4 Pr eid, M aitya for etya li 8 N 50 bravUi, PL^ so 'bravU II 9 NM karomi II 4'PPr sadawodyamavatd, M sadaivodyamaf-d II 11 "^V yatMlasya° ^ but in "^ trd under thd by cop. II 12 bhN hhaya° \ M tayavitrama° II 16 N bha for na II 21 M drsate II 22 N musakasthdnam II 23 M tasya pralambavrsanaprdam II Page 161. 1 M samakrlesu II 2 bhNA^PBh strivdkydmkumih^ Pr strivdkyamkuSaih, against the metre ; but in Bh corr. in marg. to our reading by cop. 4> with ua 11 bhN.'^'PPrM Booh II 145 4 W amasyam iox agamyam II 7 4'PPrMBh4>/;fl^?^ca^fl6'aw(^ II 12 M anusardva II M fl>?o for ato II 13 After 27i, 4'PPr kathd ii 6 ii, M n 6 ii II 16 Pr dhanaguktayuktadhandkhyau II 17 P budhvd ekasvarupam II 18 M om. the sentence between gatak and afka 1. 20 II N somaliko II 20 N pradistah W 21 Pr (5/^arya II 22 ^1 prdj)toj)ravutah W bhN^Pr *a/i^i° for hkakti° \ in ^ corr, in marg. by cop. to our reading, which is that of Hamb. MSS. and APBh* il Page 162. 1 N somilikasyd° II 2 Pr ins. apy after tad II 3 Pr om. na \\ 4 N karttarydh, M karttavya II M om. the sentence between kartavyd and aiJ^a II 5 ^PPr khedyamdnasya II 7 M om. tatak \\ N dhanagrham II 9 N sukhahhuktamyydydm ; Pr sukhasayydrtham II 11 Pr kurvalo II 12 M om. iJ'r^a^ II 13 bhA4'PBh(|> ryavaharaka°, M vyaharaka° \ NPr with us II M dnatam II 14 bhN ktayam for krtyam II 18 bhN^'PPr bhuktadhane ; ABh with us ll 22 bhN dhanaguptaya ; A dhanagupiayd^ but corr. by cop. to dhanagxcptdya. 4'PPrM dhanaguptavad; Bh with us II Page 163. 1 bh (not N) A^PPrM artkasyopdrjandm-^ cp. sloka 133 ii After iti^ *PPrM ins. kathd ii 5 ll 3 N viYitawz ii 4 Of this line, M has only : dpa samghdtakarkkasam 11 8 N om. na 11 10 ^PPr tam for z'a^i II M only tam for tan niscitam ll N laldtapate yat II M om. ^a^ ll 11 Yr Jala- nidhir W Vv viSo W 12 Pr n7 eVill "^Wv kathayatij'K om. ghatayati W A om. all between vidkir and anicchanto 1. 15 ll N akhmukhi° ll 13 All our MSS. incl. KBh4> (A has a gap here) against the metre aghatltaghatitdni in the first pada. The same faulty reading in MS. A of the metrical Campa- kasresthikatha, stanza 237 (MS. B, stanza 267 has but the beginning aghatitaghati with following °), and Ballala's Bhojaprabandha, ed. Jivananda Vidyasagara, p. 39, whereas K. P. Parab, Bhojaprabandha (Bombay, 1896), p. 28, stanza 144 and Subhashita-ratna-bhandagaram, Bombay, 1891, p. 133, stanza 36 go with us. As in Bhojaprabandha and Subhashita° the second pada has a different reading {durghatikurute — Camp. A with us), this stanza would not seem to have been directly taken from Purnabhadra, but from some other source. It is at least possible, that the faulty reading in our MSS. and in Jivananda's edition of Bhoja° is older than either of the two texts II M sughatitdni II 15 anicchanto is a misprint; read anicchatoW M dehindm; after this, M again: duhkhdni yathehdydmti dehindm ll 16 4'PM dnhkhdny II 17 N aparam ca twice II M dhiyddhicho II 18 bh svdml ca, ^PPrM svdmi yat; our reading is that of NA. In A two aksaras covered with gamboge between prd and kta. Wa^ om. this stanza ll Pr bhN,^PPrM U 146 Variants prdktana II 20 N vidhdyeti II 23 M krsvdkhur II 24 M yatah II 27 M varttavyah; N om. kartavyah II 28 Pr vratapavdsadharmmah II 30 bhN om. hi II 31 ^PPrM ins. w/^ifaw? m before stanza 161 li 32 NP samtosdtnr(ataptd7idm 11 33 Pr ''luptdndm II M om. cetas W Page 164. 3 N ivavairamadam iox svavehnedam \\ ^PPrM nirvrtenandnudvigne II 4 M ^hhicddyah for 'tivdiiyak II 4'PPr m natkamstrdnugatam, M cdnekaSdstrd- nugatam II M matnpraroktam II 5 4' mamtharaka r, sddhu being supplied in marg., and /5e being written over ka by cop.; hence Pr ins. he after bhadra II Pr sddhiSrayaniya II 7 ^PPr «ara, M #a for sdrah II 9 Pr siihrstau II 10 bhNA^PPr /jn^a iov prlydh] Bh with us II 13 N miy bh ^w for w dddyas\ A with bhN^'P. Query: avadhdryal II 3 bhN udakam dgata eva II bhN ^aktivdn II 6 Pr abravUi W M apadam for i^aw II 7 ^PPrM asvaadraih II M cetasah for ce/?a^ ra II 8 bhN sanniruddhamdno II ^PPrM ndakdrtham, in ^ followed by danda, in P by double danda II 9 N mamtharaka prdha II 13 PrM °bhavanesv npi II 14 N °ndbhihitam II 17 M om. wy aia/a II 19 N kathayati ior prcchati W 21 bhN^PPrM ^cc//aw7ia°. A ucchinna". Bh Janapadadevatdyatanddhistito bhumiprade^ah, om. utmnna. For our emendation cp. Kulluka's gloss on Sunyagehe^ Manu° iv. 57 : utsamiajanavdsagehe and Critical Introduction, p. 33 II 22 M °kakidra° for °cchidra'' II 24 M °pdndparam sau II 26 M drabdha II Page 166. 1 M sampavistavakranetra" II Pr om. /trM^ II 4 M om. a/?t ca ll 7 N vimtyopdyam II 8 M tatsare II 9 Pr abravan II 10 Vv putrapau- bhN.^PPrM Booh II 147 iraparayd II 13 bhN yad iox yady W M krpd, om. sti II 15 N om. kimcit II M om. tac ca hutvd yuthapati (not h) II 16 N musikds II 19 A^PPrM ins. sa before myutho II 4> om. sayutho, Bh #a for sayutko II 20 Pr samdsya II 23 N vihdyo ndnyo II 24 Pr musakdvasayd II AMBh4> "parivdraka, but in M va and ca are very often confounded II Page 167. 1 bhN "hamdha for °bandhana° II 3 NP 5a for sayutham W M j^a^^/za- sthdnapdsdrnA II 5 N om. a;*© 'ham and the following words to bhadra excl. II 6 Pr om. chrutvd II After ityddi, vJ/PPrM add ii 7 katkd II which in M is followed by a flourish II 9 N °dharmdrtkddihhudsfra II 11 4' kdvyagitamstravinodena^ with one mark of deletion (small vertical stroke) over gl, two ones over sd, one over stra ; A P glta for kdvya ; M Pr kdvyagita- vinodena. This shows that the reading of AP originates in a gloss of the archetypes of APM ! II 12 ^PPrM ca for hi ll 4'PMBh4> ca for vd II 15 N ciUdmgo II N tarn ca pa" II 17 M "^im^t, then the first part of the aksara yo (not yatt), then some aksaras worn off, then patanamkam II bhN mamdagatiydy M mamdaragatitayd II 19 hhl^ patiteti, Yl} patita iti ta iti II 20 Pr badhau, M budhau II 21 Pr bahvapdyah pra" , PL^ bahvapdyam pra° ', in * there is a small vertical stroke over ^a to mark the caesura II 22 Pr saihd for sarvafhd II 23 bhN palvasamlpe II 24 "ifV prdpnosi, M prdptoti II 26 Pr *»iaw tl 27 bhNyw^Vo, corr. by cop. of bh to our reading ll 28 "iVKyat kim api mayd, Pr yatram api mayd II N pranayaku- pite,Wr'M. pranayaprakupHenaW 29 'i>'2M madvandd W Page 168. 3 PL^ om. mifresu II 4 4'Pr uktvdyudvignahrdayo, M vktvdsvdvi- nahrdayo II 5 ^PPr om. nivedya II N gahitvd II 6 bhN om. tam II PN tadavadhdm II 10 M krsamtah II 12 In bh, vi oivirodhah has been corr. by the copyist from the beginning of some other aksara (perhaps dvi) ; N dvirodhah II 13 Pr abhijndsi II 15 M bhavdn vrSyaUdm (gap)...iJa kathanena II 16 bhNABh* api for a^i ; but cp. Sar. 99, l II *PPrM ins. tat before katham II M om. bandhanasya W N updgaiah II 17 M °bamdhand° II N anuhhuta, om. all to dhanavyasanam (excl.) 1. 18 11 18 bh^/PPr ^/5^?m for bhavatd; AMBh with us 11 N puts vistaratah after icchdmi II 21 N mnmdsasamjdtah II 22 A.W paripdlaydmi , Bh4> anupdlaydmi (cp. Sar. 100, 8) II 23 N gamail II 24 N vicarayan II M ins. «a after vlcaran II 25 Pr nirgatd for te gatdh II 26 4^ r/^*o II M apasyami II 27 hh pur2itah ll bhNA^PPrM vlksyamdtids, Bh* pratikmmdnd% II 28 M athordvam gater W bhN,"^PPrM 148 Variants Page 169. 1 N dkarsaydmi II 2 P tadro, L^ tadhho for naddho II 3 N nirMUayd II 4 *P iti twice II Pr "hrdayo ndliam II 6 '^ pdritosam II 7 L^ vilepanaf, P "vilepand", Pr °vilepena II 8 * hmdrikdndm, corr. to our reading; PL^ kumdrindm ; Pr kumdrd II 9 ^PPrM om. kauhikapardndm II N hastddvayam for hastdd dhastam II 10 PL^ om. all between rdjapidrasya and wrgayu- ihasya 1. 13 II 11 "^ prdvrtakdla II 12 bhN °hrdaye II 17 N «;a/^^ for ^(^0^7 II bhN autpddikam^ P(not L^ ) mdydtikam, Pr auvydtikam, both these readings originating in misreadings of the form which ^^a has in 4' II 18 N grhagrhlta ; M grJnta^ om. ^m^a II 22 M ff^^^j /^-r-yaw? for akrsdm II 23 4'Pr (not P) kdstedakdlalagudaprahdrair II 24 Pr vydpdtenetl II Page 170. 2 ^ 2)rdvrtakdla , N °samayotsuke II 3 For stanza 178, NBh only: 5'a/!/ia vdtavidhutasyeti II 5 M asambaddhajva II A^'PPrM ^ac ca srutvd II 7 ^ prahhulam prahkutam jalena W 9 bhN ^mZ/jr^^we/^a^ yt^i° II 10 N ^a/fa° for A-am" II 4' °jhumda (cp. vol. xi, Table I, no. 1, 15 c, and the form which ji;7/i has in Table II, no. 12, 2 a), PL^ °kumda, Pr °kvamda, bhN AM %aw«c?a°, which does not make good sense here. Cp. the reading of Bh4>. Sar. 103, \Q°ka7itaka. Perhaps °/i:a?i/a° is Purnabhadra's original reading. Bh4> Urah- kamlJiakesdnmarddanam II 12 bhN om. bhadra II N tvacd for tvayd II M apahdgatah,\ih.'^ apahd)ya gatah II 15 bhNA^'PPrM aw7^;)mv/^^_^aw2, Bh pravimmili, (J> pratimmiti II 16 Pr vora, om. v? ^fva^w II 17 M dayitajanavi- priyogaS ca kasya\ Pr jana, om. dayita II ^P cittaviyogas ca II 18 M "mahosadha W 19 "^ sistasamdgame W 20 bh^PPrM J5a/^^a^a«a°, NA pathyadina\ ^h.^ paSya dinasamnibhds te W 21 ^PPr joraMo6' ca II 27 M param for varum II 1^ prdnatydgo II 28 PL^ om. hliavanii II Page 171. 1 ^'PPrBh^J) hiranyapdhm II 2 Pr "vydhrfevi' II 3 Pr om. the first 'jjz II 4 ^PPr vdsambhdvyabkumim II 6 N om. drstvd II 7 ^ ^/Y/jc, then danda, then i^a^o. The inferior end of the vertical /a-stroke goes to the right and meets the first vertical o-stroke to the effect that this ta in connexion with the o-stroke resembles tya, though the superior horizontal stroke of ta does not meet the o-stroke (see vol. xi, Table II, no. 10, 1. 3 a). Hence PL^, taking the danda for an e-stroke, utpatyeto^ Pr ufpato ; Pr seems to have taken the small horizontal stroke to the right of ta for a deletion mark. 10 N ko for lubdhako II 16 In ^, hakall° seems to be corr. to bahuli° ; PM with us II 16 M paiatamti, A nipatamti, Bh una patamti. Simpl. bhN, '^'PPrM Book II 149 MSS. HI read ksate prahdrdni patamty abhlksnam, h ksate praJiard nipattaty abhiksnam; cp. Sar. 106, 4 II A. twram,Wa. tivrd W 17 M annaksame W 19 N hahullbhavamti II 22 A^'PPrM sugunam II Pr vdpi II 23 Pr om. ca II 25 N om. hi II 29 M kriyate II 30 bhNABhft> mamaivopary II Page 172. 1 bhN savyam II 2 N om. pjinar W 3 bhN^PPr etan na, M eian, ma, A etac ca, 'Bh.^ with us II 4 PL^ sujana II 7 N yamd for wzayi II 14 "if ins. sarvam after eV;?a»i ; but cop. deletes it again II M syntam II 18 Pr cchinnatti sahyo II 25 In this line the form hiranyake is supported by all our MSS. II 26 bhNA^PPrM tdvad for tdv ; Bh<|) with us II bhN atha for ydvad ayam W 27 N vyddhasyddarsyo II Pr °pradese for °bkupradese II 28 N^PPrM jump from the first darSaya to the second darmya (1. 29), om. one of them and all between them II bh citrdmgam srmga' ; A citrdmgaSrmga- pamjardmUaro II 29 N vyddhadharmo II Pr om. 'vasyam lo II 30 bhN tadgrahdrtham, A tadgraXJidrtham, ^PM tadgahandrtham, 4> tadgrhandrtham, Bh with us II 33 *PM athawd° II N ludhbake II Page 173. 2 N /(j iovjndtvd II N cittrdmgam II 3 M wr7«j/a^ for uddlya II In N, the words from kaccJiapo to updgatasya, p. 174, 1. 5, have been written by another hand II 4 Pr salildmyatiam II All our MSS. here hiranyako (N hirako) II 5 N om. '/Ji II 6 NBh *a^i for ;?a«^«/!ni 1^ "pramdne, 'i'FFr'M. (atrdmgulajjramunenaW 7 'i'l^Frgafamm ava° II 8 N ins. *a before #flm° II N disyo II Pr tighramavataram eva II 9 M adya for «i/^a II 12 N °6% then a deleted a-stroke, then I'mdm II bh flourish after the stanza 199 II 13 APrM mitrammprdpt'mdma II After tantram, *PPrM add n 2 kathd 7 n ; M adds srlh II *PPr ddyak Uokah II 15 bhN4'PPrM n 1 \\, A 99 for n 2 n, * adds 3 flourishes, P one flourish. bh adds between two flourishes: iti dvit'iyam dk/iydnakam samdptam II, with the figure n 2 w after the second flourish II BOOK III. Page 174. 1 bhN om. arham, M has it twice II 2 N om. athedam drabhyate W M om. samdkivigrahddi II 3 bhPr ddyah slokah II 4 "^ purvavirodhite- trasya II 5 4'PPr mtropi; M satror mitratvam updgasya II 6 N pa!?ay^ II "ifWrprdnampra, M prdne jjra II 6 ^PPrM (?v?:«/«o 11 In ^ gloss by cop. on bliutikdmo : dhaneccku II 29 M 'bhihllarn for '*«^i II Pr \r^^e II 30 Pr tasyopaddpraddnena II bh tvalpakse pdtinam, N ^ra- paksapdtinam II 32 4'PL^ ifam* ^iw/« ; Pr ^ara^ id II Page 198. 3 N tad atrddau II P^* kimm (not L^) II 5 *PPrM hviamtrur II 6 N "paiirumh. balah W 7 M updgatd II ^'M loke pravddah, in ^ corr. by cop. to our reading II 9 Vv surllabhah W bhNA4'PPrMK «/l-im7a/J, Bh c?i-«r- #a^a^, M cisdmkisild, corr. by the copyist to °kusitah. Cp. SP. III. 44 II 10 M om. ca II 11 ^PPr sphatdm II 15 In (-a/;/4a ii 5, M only /^a/'/5a II 13 Pr updgatah II 14 bhN dl2n- kdm II After cr/i, 4'PPrM add n 4 ^-ai^/^J n ii II 15 Yx asminn a/iate II Before tad, bhN ins. rakidksah jMnar abravlt II 16 N tve for /t'Oiw «!m II 18 4'PL^ dkhydtayn, in "^ corr. by cop. from our reading ; Pr dkhydta II 23 bh N kruddha°, 4'PM krura°, PrL^ XM/a° for ksudra°. The reading of bhN, apparently that of the archetype of both our MS. -classes, seems to be a corruption of the reading adopted in our text, and the reading of sPPPrM seems to be a conjectural emendation of the reading of bhN. Our reading is that of ABhK and of MBh. xii. 43, 9 ed, Protap Chundra Roy ii bh kdlasammmitah, N kdlasamamtatah II Page 201. 1 Pr va, om. nai II 4 Pr °7idSikdh II 5 N udvelamyd II 7 M °prdna for °prdnl° II 8 N vanasthasydhhavena ghanaik II 11 N dsasdra II 12 N muddhartlaikam II 14 bh susiro°, M hipiro°, BhNK kiciro" II 16 bhN ca gacchati II 19 4'PPrM hi for ca II 21 M adrsl II 23 bh (not N) sasamtustd II Page 202. 1 N dusyati W 2 N dnste II N dnstdk II 3 4' sapuppa° II 6 N kdmta, M kdmtd II 7 4'PL^ sarnraksak II ^ sarandgatah II 15 [new line] ^a ^a° ; e before ^a supplied in ^ in margin, without any mark in the text. PL' with 4' (P writing Ii for 15), but without the correction II 11 PL^ yathdsaktim II 12 N tathdsau II 14 Pr prdkrtai II 16 M ddridraro- diikhdni, Pr ddridryarogadjikhdni II 18 M w^,fr;'a II 19 Vv yathd vidkih II 20 Pr "yukta" II 21 N drstah II 22 In * gloss by glossator on bhadra'. luvdhakah II 23 M varttavya I for kartavyah II Page 203. 1 "^ vikamgamdh II 3 M gatvdmgdrakarmmatim II L^ om. naydm, P om. dnaydm II 6 M mi'i (or ra^i) II bhN^PMBhK ndmyet, N inserting wa ri before it; Pr ndyat; A nd^aye yena te II Bh kmdhd II 7 4'PL'Pr awye II bhx, "^PPrM Book in 161 8 N "sydtmd hi for "sydtmdpi II 13 »!' «?^, P him, \> hhv. for tu II 14 N tdm \\ 15 Pr dharmmdtvd II 18 '^ pdtam iov pdpam II 20 M om. the third pada H M dtmanauva II 22 Pr narah kendtra sammyah II 23 4'PPrM cm. stanza 154 II Page 204. 1 M atha pra II 2 bhN^PPr gmmo, a misreading which shows that the archetype of these MSS. had danda between the two padas ; ABh grlsme II 3 M °sahahsrah II 5 bh N * P L^ Pr M Bh yasti ; A with us 1 1 4^ P U Pr nld- kdm II 7 N muktvd II 10 ^PL^ patidmdydh II 19 Vv ydvana for ydni II Pr mdnuse II 20 ^PL^ tdvankdlam, in * corr. by cop. from tdvdn kdlam II 21 Bh this and the following line with us, only harsdvisntas for harsdvistas, and hhrtvd for krtvd. For this passage cp. Critical Introduction, p. 44 ff. II 22 'N paramdm nirvedam II Page 205. 1 After iti, P katM ii ii, 4'PrM kaikd 6 w W 4 bhN mamddydvaguliate \ cp. p. 206, 1. 7 II 6 *PPr corendpy, N mrendpy II 9 ^/PPrM arimardanah prdha prstavdms ra II M vaira for caurah ii 13 M kdciryena kdcin II M nivarddhanavanikasutd II "^ prabhutam dhanam II 14 ^PPrM vrddham va II 15 *PPrM w-^te ioT yiiktam II 20 4'PPrM om. i!fliJ/^a (?a II 21 Pr t;z7a- mitdw Pr hamtds for dantds-, M ins. ^am?!a before damids \\ 22 M Ihramti II ^'PPrM apahatam II 23 N vdkyam nddriyate ca bdmdhavajanair patnl na msruyate II 24 bhN °parusam\ in bh, °/;a° has been corr. subse- quently to i?i*° (by cop. ■?) II This line exactly with the same words in Bh and Hamb. MSS. ; A dhi{i\n^ on gamboge which covers another aksara)^ kastam jarayd 'bhibhutapurusam \ putro 'pya 'vajndyate II M om. 'py a II Page 206. 1 V'Kgrhe, Pr gahe, all these MSS. om. tad II taif//a n 9, Pr kathd ii <29 II 19 bhN samarpitavdn II N ^a^//a cdnudntdmtamlllnam II 20 Pr vindmnd- yam ll 21 M om. pujyd yatra pujyante II N vimdnatd II bhN.SkpPrM Booh III 163 Page 210. 3 4'PPrM om. ca II 6 Pr ins. ca before the first sydd II P om. sydd yadi II 7 M-jdndti vindm iovjd° cai° W 8 bh tad drstam, N iad daHam iov na drstam W Q Vt t ior i/at W 10 "Pr avocacat W ISbhNonly: durdivase ghanatimiretyddi, omitting the rest of the stanza. In A, the 2nd, 3rd and 4th padas run thus : varsabhi[mis\:. for °ti\jalade [corr. from °do\ mahd'taviprabhrtau I visamasthdne bharttas tvayd na garQ.tavyarn, tu sahhaye 'pi II Bh on the whole with us ; variants : b nihsamcdrdsu nagarav'itJnsu ; c patyau videsaydte\ di param sickham W 16 Vt virdese gamane W M-janacapaldydhW 19 M "vr for °vita ; in bh gloss on °vita : vyabhicdrl II 20 '^ prasnpta- jane II 21 Pr ativdkyahya II 22 Pr 'past dr em II Page 211. 1 Pr am for antare II 3 N anenam for enam II M hasmi for hanmi II 4 M tdv for tdvad II 5 N saha Idpdt II 4' W2[new \me]nMrfam ; hence Pr tJz[new \me]nibMam II 6 bhNA^PPrM vidhdya ; Simpl. Hlh the same blunder. Bh etasminn amtare id grkadvdrakapdtayiigam niscallkrtya ^ayanam drohati II 9 M tata for tat II vf'PPrM i^aiJa* for evam II 10 ^PL^ spasotsuko II 11 Over tvaydsparSanlyam in bh «a ; M ins. ef a after mriram. These are cor- rections by copyists who separated tvayd sparSanlyani instead of tvayd aspa II 13 M devatd2darmndrtham II Over tatrdkasmiki in bh gloss : vyabhicdrl II Pr r eva iov kke W 16 Pr apddayam II 17 N matik for patik II 19 4'PPrM transpose : tat irutvdbUhitam mayd II 20 Pr om. mama II 21 Pr ins. yad before yady II bhNA^I'PPrMBh anena; the Hamburg MSS. (t. simplicior) have parapurnsena ; Bh yady anena purusena samam, ekatra $ayamye dllmganam karosi I tat tava bharttur apamrtyur asya samcarati bharttd ca varsaSatam jivati II About A, see Introd., p. 54 f. II 22 M bkarttah II Page 212. 1 bhN ' mtarhdsuavikd" II 4 4'P iayyddhastdn, Pr Sayyddhastd, M Sayddhasvd II 5 Pr kuldnamdani, M kulanamdati II vf PPrM tvatparlksdr- tham II 6 M ^e^am /» ^Ml/Ja^ II 7 Pr tkamdhe II 12 bhN^'PPrM c?05/- ^j'atf^i; A with us II After ddi *PPrM 10 kathd ii ii II 16 ^PL^ °viro- dhindh, M °virodhitd, Pr °virodhina II 17 M mamtrena i II 21 bhN tasydtdarbkdvam, Pr tasydmgatah bhdvam ; cp. Sar. 133, 12 f, II *PPrM om. so 'bravit II 22 bhN^PPrM aham tdvadarthe\ ta and bha are very similar in our old MSS. ; A aham tadarthe, Bh a^aw tdva yusmadarthe, two unsuccessful attempts towards correcting the corrupt passage II NPr dpadam II bhN^'P °ydnandrtham ; ABh with us (Bh vairi°) II 23 Pr ins. mi after "kusalo II 25 N om. bahi II 26 Pr ukujya II bhN,^PPrM 164 Variants Page 213. 2 bhNABh "tala for "iata II M °khalitdm II 3 Pr om. "s'lta \\ Pr "taramgd II M om. yd gamgd II 'M.japaniyatapdsvddliT/dyo' II 4 NM "yo^a" for V'^^'^" " ^/PU °pdrdyanaih II 5 N kamda, m deleted by the copyist, who continues rthitmanraik, om. the preceding syllables II bh^'PL^PrM °sevdld\ KBh.°saivdld'' W 7 ^^Vl} ydjmlkyo W jdnhavydm W On fndtvopasprastum gloss in bh : dcainanam grhltum ; 4' P L^ M °srastum, Pr °srstum II 8 Pr drabdhesya II 15 M om. yathdsydh II 18 N om. tasmdd and the following words to tasmdn 1. 20 excl. II 19 P (not U) micam II 4'PPr gdmdharvdk II bh ^?>m II Page 214. 1 ^PPrM vyamjanais caW 2 M om. pratisthitah II 5 Pr om. purvam, param cat \\ 8 N kanydm for nagndm II 9 M _^a kanydjak ghanyd Vfsall smr pa^yaty asamstrtd II 10 M avivddyd II M om..jaghanyd II PL^ vrsald W 11 Vr svadrSlbhyaS ca W 'KjaghanydbhyoW 13 Pr^racc^amll 16 N tathdcaW 19 ^PPrM ^/-are (M only re) ^??:aMa n i, Pr yiai!^a ii i^ II 4 Pr °;;2a° for °vi° II bh sthirajlvUy acimtayat, N sthirajivity acimtayat II 8 N akansyad, bh^PPrM akarisyad, corrected in bh by corr. to our reading. A with us. Bh akarisyantaha tato. After akarisyad, M continues : etemm^ &c., 1. 9 II 10 Pr yathdmmdhitam II PL^ prayaccha II 11 Pt ete bdmdkavqpdyas II In bh ca after sa has been deleted again by cop. NM om. m II 13 Pr ins. sdd/iya before na W 15 M atraidmrasthah II 16 M ddyaram for dkdram II 17 "^ sthirajwinam II 18 bhN om. sa II 19 M mamtrijam II M om. ca II 20 In bh gloss on avagacchdmi: jdndmi II 25 'I'PL^PrM mahdn tf II bh tava, corr. by corr. to tatra II After ca, corr. of bh adds ta ; hence N catakopi for ca /?:o ';?i U 27 Pr tadagra eva II Page 217. 4 4'PPr visvastkacitto, M vihasacitto II 6 M nijdvdslm II 7 M >?;m anendham, om. wa sdjpdye II 4'PPr mpdyanendham II 8 M wa for »^awta 11 10 ^PPrM vicimfya for vicdrya II 11 bh vikasltanayanavada^ then begin- ning of »2a, then nakamalah. N with ^/PM ; Pr vikasitavadanakamala II ^PPrM ins. ca after ^ra>^a II N //o/w II 13 M pmyaccJiat II N a for atha II M °nd.drsraddheya II 14 *PPrM °vacanamdtrapratyayapari° (M "jpratynyapari), in ^ corr. by cop. from °vacanemd° II 15 4'PPrM bJiavati II Pr ins. /aw? after mucyatdm II 16 P om. '^a^; L^ mocitd sati II 17 Pr ^at;, om. ad II 19 After °a«??, *PPrM katkd w 12 \\ II 22 *P svavarggydm, Pr svavarggdn II M ci;a '*»?ac? bhu° II 23 M om. durgam II In bh gloss on 'bkidhatte: kathayati II ^PPrM anyaparvatadurggam (Pr °rgam) W Page 218. 2 bhNA^PL^Pr hey ate, M key ate (or °^ya°) ; Bh «a ^oca2^c for #a *o° II 4 In bh, «r?<^a has been corr. by corr, to srutdh, which is the reading of P ll 5 P (not L^) produh II 7 Pr kasti for asti 11 8 Pr parisraman II 11 M nivrto II 12 All our MSS. incl. A and Bh, but except Pr, putkartum ; Pt mutkartum II 13 bhN^'P twice bila 3 for bild 3; 1} aho v'lla 3 aho bila 3 ; M aho bila i 5 i aho bila i 5 ; Pr aho bila 3 (om. one aho bila 3) ; A aho bilat \ ahe bilat {t being a misreading for 5). Bh, misunderstanding the significance of the figure 5: aho bila bila bila ity uktvd. Cp. Critical Introduction, p. 70, and Panini VIII, 2, 84 ll N om. tusmmbhwya II *PPrM om. bhwya, writing Hmlmbhuyopi II 14 N kathd for tvayd II 16 Pr bhNj^'PPrM 166 Valiants dkaranlyah II vppPrM ndhvasi II 17 Mprascdn II 'N'i''P'Pr dAvdsyasi, M ahvdsi/asi II 18 N tdvat for tac II M muiian asya esd guhd II 22 ^ pravarttamie^ but the anusvara put rather high over the r-hook II 23 N om. aham II M cm. ^yam me II 24 bhNM iti for e^i II Pr akaroti II Page 219. 1 M. prafiSvapurnna dibhdgd anydn II 2 4'Pr durasthdne, corr. by cop. of ^ by means of an almost imperceptible vertical stroke to durasthdn ; PL^ om. du- rasthdn ; 4'PrM ins. a second api after durasthdn II 4'PL^ paldyamdno, the two o-strokes being deleted by cop. of "if by means of two dots over them II 3 After ddi, 4'PPr katJid w 13\\,'M. kathd 12, corr. by the copyist to 13 \\ 5 M tad evam ma vyacimtayat, &c., 1. 7 ; the missing text has been supplied by the copyist himself in the next line ll M parivd, om. rdnugato ; N "rdnurakto for "rdnugato II 7 Pr sthirajwiti krsta° II 8 M gatek II 4' mu(lhamu7iasas II 9 M om. ya^^fl^ II 10 Pr 6?z(new line)f/?/y/^a° II 11 M om. sya na cirdt II 15 bhN^'PPr ekaikam; A svakuldyaikaikdm, with a small e over ai\ Bh «a svakuldye pratyaham ekaikdm vana° II M vanaydstikdm II Yx guhddlndrtham II N om. one (fiVie II Pr om. na II Pr transp. : i5e ca II 16 bhN atha for athavd II 21 N ?«flya yfri^a II 22 In bh under praksipa gloss tvam II 24 M tava for iJa^fa ll 25 hh'^ "i^Vv joranadhir \ A with us; Bh iha for jiranidhir II 26 Pr amdho Hrdpa , M 'nyatra pasaranam II N tvaryatdm once only 1 1 29 ^ f^*e[new page]A%a^a^, Pr vivosatah II 30 ^PL^ tadrasamtphalam^ bhN tatphalam, PrM and Hamb. MSS. with us II 31 4'PPrM grhdgatas^ bhN guhdydtas, 'Sh yad guhdydtasya te\ the reading of bhN is excellent in itself; but Hamb. MSS. and A with us II *PL^ nirvdkulatayd II Page 220. 1 MJalamnl II 4 M "pddadurggam II 5 Pr samadhye II 6 4' P PrM tvayd katham II M om. yatah II 7 bhN^/PPrM su for ^z< ; cp. Sar. 136, 21. ABh with us ll Vr purnnya" ll 8 N na vdn° II 12 M karanibhau^ om. ^ari ; N karikarinibho II 13 N strlbaddhadvan karau II 16 In bh gloss on darvl°: kadachl II 17 M ins. sa before bhl° ll bhNA4'PPr mdtsya°, M "mdsya". Bh with us II "^ sudravat W 18 N om. all the text between ya oiyad, and p. 236, 1, 8 ll 19 Pr kdlopeksi ll 20 M °sphurugu II 21 M °vila [a later hand adds h'\ sa I vyasdci 1 1 In bh gloss on savyasdd : arjuna 1 1 22 Cop. of bh satd over ya^a of prdrthayatd II bh manena for janena II nigrhya in bh corr. to nagrhya II 25 In bh gloss on dharmdtmajah: yudhi- stlra (!) II 26 bh^PPr kaumtlputrau (with gloss in bh : sahadevanakula) , M kautiputrau) A kumtlputrau ; Bh mddrlputrau II 27 Vr gokarnasam ll In bh gloss on "preByatdm'. ddsa 1 1 28 Yt yauvanya ll 29 4* om. *a/)i, From 220, i8 bh^^I'PPrM Book III 167 but supplies mpi in marg. ; P mpi II Pr viclam II Ma for dgatd II 32 M yaddniid II 33 bh ins. tad before evam. Sar. 137, 21 deva in the place of tad II 4'PMPr transp. na after ^a^ry ii Page 221. 1 Pr aneJcaSdstrepy II Pr "buddhi II ^PPrM ins. ca before dhimdn \\ 5 bh apamrpa II M sadharmmdtvdn II 7 P drstdh drstd, M drstvdk drstvdk, Pr drstvd drstdh II 9 bh air^o II 10 M om. ucyate I durmantrinam kam II 22 All our MSS., and SP 1480 (except one revised MS.) mahatd ; cp. Sar. 139, 2 II 25 hh. paripretavayd, corr. by corr. to parigatavai/o \ ^PPr parinita° II 26 Pr (?^a»^ for a"a»i II In bh 7idma, of which dma is still to be made out, if the leaf is looked at against the light, is covered with ink II 27 ^P updgamyddhrtapantam, M updgatasyddhrtapantam, Pr v.pd- gamyathrtapantam II 28 Pr vdake prdmta' II Page 222. 5 ^PM amtaraprakrdmto II bh vrdhmanasya sunor II 6 bh^PPrM °jaldmtastho ; A kradatatastho ; Bh Iiradanatajaldmtadho II 7 ^PPr 'mguste II 8 Pr duhkhind" II bh lyrdptah for saptak II 12 M om. ca II 13 bh^'PPrM durdura, Kdarddura°, Bh dtcrdvara II 14 bh^'P 'fyudbhitam, corr. to our reading by corr. of bh II bh a/?i for iti II 15 Pr sasambhra dad W ^VM. jjkanademm, Yt phanadesasyamW 18 FM. dfmapuspdrtham W 20 M kariniydnam II 23 Pr sddMdyate ; M ^m madya ta syddudyate II 24 M davisayo 'bravlt II Page 223. 3 bhA^PPrM prasdpo for viprasdpo; Bh with us II 4 M bheksaya for bkaksayan II 7 ABh % ^^e ; but A continues cchala°, Bh sthala° (a mis- reading for cchala°) ; Sar. /3 140, 12 »2a° vividhdkdrds II 8 In bh gloss on khddato'. bhaksamdnasya W 9 Pr ^r^avaca^za" II 12 "^ yasmdkam iov yad asmdkam II M vdhyasi II 13 M om. mandaviso 'bravit II 14 M '*^i II bh^PPrMBh durd^iraih, A darddurah (!) II 15 In bh, kimcif seems to have been corr. to kamcif by cop. II 19 M om. pum^caJy II bhPr sakhamda, *PM sakhamdu, bh^PPrM ghrtapurnndn, but cp. 224, 11 f. ; A with us. Bh vividhaghrtapurdn. Gloss in bh: modikdn II 20 ^PPr kaddpi, M kaddpir \\ M ^r^/va w/i^a ca II 22 M *a?fya^ II Page 224. 1 4' jumps from the first devyd to the second devyd (1. 3), om. one of them and all between them. But the missing text supplied by cop. in marg. II 2 M balibhaksya W 4 bh nividi" II Pr asyate for mamsyate II bh, "^PPrM 168 Variants 7 M *clrso II 8 P om. agaiya smna II 9 *PPrM °kriyd° for "haliknyd" II 11 M yadi tasya tva dyti vrdhmanah kiin, &c., 1. 17 II bh^'Pr ghrtaghriapurddi, P ghrataghrtapurddi, M ghrtapurddi II 16 bh^'PPr tas>/a\ ABh with us II 4'PPr pnyavaUablio W 17 P inserts ra after mama II 18 ^ ahhydmm gafain, P aljodsamgatarn, a misreading of the form which Ihyd has in * II 22 After a^i, 4'PPrM add 15 kathd \\ \\ 24 bh svdddyati, corrected by corr. to dsvddayati^ 4'P svdddya iti II Page 225. 2 Pr viruddham vacah II 3 bh °2)raccIiedandrtJiam ; Pr °thaccliddanddandr- tham II 7 After iti, *PM add 14 >?:ai;/5a n, Pr 16 kathd w il 10 * vdryoyo, P fayo, MPr vdyur yo for vdryogho W 12 P navdlamkdra II 15 M om. a^«r ^a^rw° II 16 '^lyrdjiie II 17 4'PPr ^a^ra for ^fl« »a; M tatrdhavalam Soryam, &c. II 18 Pr vijnaydya II 25 P visnavam II 26 Pr spharati II 28 i5a7!//a in * added over the line before the stanza number 54 (for our 221) by cop. Hence P tathd w 54 naya" II 29 4'P samarggi", in * i deleted with a nearly invisible dot under the e-stroke II Page 226. 1 bh tvayd dnukrtyena for tvaydnukulye^ia, ^ tvayd dnulyena, corr. by cop. of 4^ to our reading ll 5 *PPr uttamgdgrah, M uktamgdgrah II 6 4'PPr iidnahhyarccyas chi° W 10 ^P mnaMe^ II 14 bh^PPrM ^//(-^im; ABh with us II 15 bh A4'PPr upeksyamdndh, M upeksyamdnd, Bh apeksya- mdnah II 16 Pr /tic^Y II 18 ^PPrMya^>^a^JW/-fa II bh nidrdlobho 11 4'PPrM bhavi^yasi II 23 Pr °iyasanim and ^ai^a^ II 24 Pr sdmarthe II *PPr 'vakdsavisayds II 4'P nivrtih W 25 4' avasitasya kd", sya being deleted by cop. II 29 Pr vyasanem nddaro II 30 Pr bhupate II 33 4'PPrM ^a^ra for ^ia m ii Page 227. 2 bh vipramlambhinl \ gloss in bh : parapurasdsaktd II 4 bh^P °«aw^- ^a^im, PrMBh °samgatir; A with us. Read "samgatir; cp. Sar. A 266 II ^P durapacdrd, M durapavdrd II V samdhydcalekheva, Pr samdJiydvalekheva II M "bvdvuddbhiva bhamgurd, svabhd being supplied by the copyist in the next line II 8 4' rdjydm, perhaps corr. to rdjhdm II 9 *PPr sahdmbhasair vdpadam W 12 Gloss in bh on rrsnlndm : yddava II 14 Pr param trdyate for pari" II 16 M badhd II 17 vainyak is the spelling of ourMSS. II 20 P nasah^ihe. other MSS. with us II 22 bh na tu for nanth II 23 M om. tdh pramadds II 24 Pr ndS ci for tan ca \\ 27 After tantram ^PPPrM insert : kathd w 15 W 29 M mtresu (sic !) II 31 For the figure 5, which stands also in A, bh has only a flourish, adding: iti iftlyam dkhdnakam samdptam n flourish n 5 n ; Pr 13 for bh,"*'PPrM Book IV 169 3 ; after 3, * two flourishes, Snk, and a third flourish ; Pr one flourish and 603 II After the stanza Bh : trtiyam tamtram samapta^n u flourish n srt ii samvat 1442 varse srl. Then two groups of aksaras completely smeared with ink by cop. II BOOK IV. Page 228. 1 bh om. the Jain diagram {arham)\ Bh ins. the Jain diagram and om namo vindyahdya before the beginning II 2 athadam ll M labclha- prand§andmaca \ 4> labdhaprdndmm W 3 Bh thrptam for prdptamW ^ sdmtimaik W 5 ^ pryacchamti W ^h. prdha ior kathayati W 6 ^ jamhu- Tidmapddapah II 7 Pr athastdt, 4> adhdstd ll Bh kardlartmkho II 8 Bh sakomala II Bh nyaviSat II 9 Bh sjihrt for tad 1 1 Pr tada for tad II Bh i^oya for hhaksaya II 11 sajjrdpte II P »m, Bh ^Jm for ^5;^ II 12 4> gotragecaranam 1 1 svddhyam II Pr svddhydya damm 1 1 Bh ca for va II 13 ^ ceivadevdmte W 14: dUrdydmtam W \>h. pathah srdmtam W ^ vaisvade- vdtanum dgatam W 15 jow;'«5'e II 16 Bh(J> om. a?zyac m II <^ athajitoW 4'PPrM4>ya5 ^^^ ior yasya II 17 Bh transp. : vimukhds tasya pi° w ^ sa for 5a^a II Pr* daivateh II 18 Bh eva^i muktvd ll 4> «^^^a ll 4> tasmaih II 4> taitam for ^^«a II Bh ciragostlsukham II 19 M airnhhuyopA, om. ^^i^j^a II 3^^^i for ^^^yo 'jo^ II Bh adhydsta 1 1 Bh* ^ta for efciw II f^ to for ^aa 1 1 20 * jamhuchdydm sruifau II 4> makare II 21 Pr sapatnydh ll Pr ^aya ' nyamasminn^ Bh ^tr^a anyasminn II Pr a»i for a/5a«i ll 22 ^PPrM* amrtaphaldni, 4> adding mrtaphaldni II ^ prdpnoti II 23 * paratnasukud 1 1 Bh pntipurtham 1 1 Mp/ialdni twice 1 1 24 Pr °vedrsydny ll Bh amrtamaya- phaldni II Page 229. 1 * bhdrydyd; Pr om. Ihdryayd II Pr om. ifa^ ll ^PM* om, wze ll 2 ^PPrM om. bhadre ll 3 Pr pratipannam bhrdtd ll Bh om. phaladdtd tatoW bh vydpdditum, Pr vydpddayartu II 4 * tyajdmmum ll 5 'Pr prasUte for the &rst pmmyate II 6 * satidarydd II P bdmdhavdn II 7 Bh .so 'vravlt ll 4> kaddci II 8 Bh tadamigatas, bh tadanurdgas II Bh sakaladinam, om. a/)* and ^a^ra II ^ marmyasi \\ 9 M. yayd for rmyd W ^ prdyau hutavahw W Bh protsvasasi. The Hamb. MSS. have the correct form procchvasin ll 10 Pr a/a»? I rar^so II ^ dgadaye iox hrdaye W W ^tnyd, kasmd II ksopena for kopane ; Pr kopane kopanevyasi ll 14 tadvacam ll 16 Pr j^yaw?, 4'P From 228, i bh^^pprM, Bh* 170 Variants 8aiva7n II M om. saiva stJiitd II krttlmabhdvaramyd II 17 4> asmdkamn II Bh tava for «a ca II Bh ihdvakdsam, ^ iJidvakdSa II 18 tasmd II <[> cammranapdta II 19 bh wcf ^e II 20 ^ !5a*y«, the «-stroke del. again by cop. putting a little stroke over it ; P misunderstanding this, replaces the rt-stroke by danda II Vv Iirdaye \\ 22 Vv nucii/a7n \\ "if^ViM. cirntd- kulac'ittah II 24 ^PPrM ekdgrahas, in Pr corr. by cop. from ekagrahas II 25 M vdnard yabham sodvegam II 27 M om. na ca sxihhdsitddi pathasi II 28 Pr ciraveldyd II 29 P svastikham, M sumukliatn II ^P tasya dvdra ^ svagrha being added in margin by corr. II Pr °darsandpi II 30 bh jtwa- tynpakd at the end of the page, om. the following words and continuing rdrtham, 1. 33 II M mrtyupakdram W 4'P karomi II 31 Pr core II Page 230. 3 M "vamdandmd" II 7 yicsmadlyam add. in ^ by corr. in marg. II bhPr om. m 11 9 M asti sara[^linapradetro ^ smadgrham W M om. n mama II 11 M ^« for tava W Pr ddhah II In 4', the dot at the beginning of the superior horizontal stroke of nu in tathdnusthite — every superior horizontal line has such a dot — see our Tables in vol. xi — has melted together with the second horizontal line to the effect that the whole word looks like ^dmustiie ; P misreading or correcting this : °dpustite II 13 bh mama prsta" \\ Yr °salitvdt W 17 Pr niakaraA prd/ia W 20 bh4'PPrM tathaiva for tatraiva ; ABh with us. In the Hamb. MSS., the two words are missing II M ma for mama II 4> susvdduhrdayena vind Mnyakrdayo 'trdnltak, &c,, 1. 21 II ^'PPrM samdnetavyam II 22 Vr yene sd II 23 aham ca tvdm ca also A ; Hamb. MSS.; aham tvdm svdsrayam [I adds am^ evajamhu° II 24 Pr nirvrfya II ^PPrM dgamat II bh ^prdtak for "Satah II 4'PPr dlrgka- dlrghataracamkramanena, M dirgharatacamkramandt II 28 Pr om. vihaste at the beginning of a new line ; P om. set of the second visvaset II 29 P om. vihd of visvdsdd II Pr nakrmtati II 31 ^PM nivarttate, Pr nivarttamte for uttisthati II 32 M y for dhig II 33 M om. n na II Page 231. 2 In bh gloss on ahatarl : gkesara W 3 ^PPrM kirn mudhena maydsya (M transp. the sva of svdbhiprayo with °sya of maydsya) II 4 4'PPr punar api katJiamcid^ M pu a cathamcid (or vathamvid)^ but in ^, there is a small hook before punar apt over the line, and a rather imperceptible 2 over punar api, with a small vertical stroke at the right-hand end oipi over the line together with two small vertical strokes over dvi of °cid vi°. This means, no doubt, a correction to the reading of bhN. This correction was not understood by the copyists of P and of the original of M — if the marks did not simply escape From 229, n bh,^PPrM Book IV 171 their attention — as the current method of indicating transpositions in MSS. is to put the figures 2 and 1 over the aksaras or words in question (see vol. xi, Table II, no. 8, 9 d) ll 5 For mitra I asyd, h\i<^Wv<^ mitrasya, AMBh mitra tasyd. In bh ardhadanda after mitrasya, evidently a misreading of mitrasyd of bh's original. Simpl. MSS. HI read : mitra hdsyena mayd tehlii- prdyo labdhah I iasyd na kimcid [H °i^ dhrdayena [H hf^ prayojanam asti ; h first sentence with HI (only with the blunder laccak) ; then : tad apy anavi tasydpi hrdayena prayojanam II M maydhhiprdya'pari° II 7 Pr imm for tvdm II ^PPrM ahimtkotJcamthd II Pr diistatd for dusta II 8 Pr mdkam II bh gamisydmi II After dgamisydmi^ ^PPrM ins. 1 kathd ii II 10 M kslnanardw 11 M dhiyadarmnasya II 16 Pr °gatd° for °gati° II 19 M yonopakrtam ; Simpl. H with us, \\i yendpakrtam II M sahitam for hasitam II 20 upakrtya also Simpl. Hlh II 21 PrM salile for sa bile II M om. all between krsnasarpavi and tatra, 1. 22 II 22 Pr evam for enam 1 1 25 bh^'PM vyathdkdram ; Pr A and Hamb. MSS. with us. In Bh the third pada runs thus : pddalagnarn, karasthena (fourth pada with us) II bh and Hamb. MS. I kamtakenaiva II 26 Pr gacchd II Pr dhuyatavdn II Page 232. 1 hh. priyadarhnehiti W 2 M 7idha for na (misread for na hi 1) II 3 Pr om. anyena at the beginning of a new line II M. ma for mama ii 4 M hhavisyasi II 8 P vsadhi° ll 11 Pr vatsakdmm II 16 Pr om. ganga- datta dha II 21 Pr dgade II M taddgdm, om. vd II 22 bh samdsrayah for mamd° II M om. sarpa dha ; Pr ins. sa after sarpa ll Page 233. 2 M citam or i;i^aw for hitarn, 1 1 Vv parimyet for pa yat II M hhrtim for Ihutim II 4 'Pv jaldrnpdrutye II M m^/? for ramyatararn, II P ramyatarako- taram. This is a misreading of *, which writes raw^^a^^ara i^ [new line] kotaram, see p. 1, 'Anusvara' II 6 M m/^ for vrddhah ll 9 M prdneh pari° II 10 Pr °sukhopdyam II Pr drahhyate II M hudhyahw 11 Pr ^a for ^aw ll Yx yady evam twice ll 13 *PPrM sukhopdyena tvdm II 14 ^ 'smarijajio, cop. adding ?5 j5a over the line between ^/?za and r?. But the ^-stroke is separated from pa and looks like a mere dot. Hence P : 'sma parijano ll 4'P varsaydmi, in ^ corr. with gamboge to our reading ll 15 After iti, 4' a small mark, om. sarpa dha ; P sarppa dha II 21 Pr sanaih rhhaksiptd, om. i'awai II 22 Pr visvd, om. sya II bh om. bhadra ; Hamb. MSS. have it ll Page 234. 1 M ghatimdrggena W 4 Pr svarggiyam 11 P praccha 11 5 M tulita- mand ll 7 M nesedhayitasydmi ll 11 sPPPrM z^aifa/^ for tat II 13 Pr bh,SkpprM 172 Variants vddardflavam II 16 M tuhmhah II 19 Pr ete deva for eiad- era II Pr »valpd II 23 4' P ra^trai II Yx yatra yatr6° II PPr "vuyati II 24 M om. * til xrtta II Page 235. 1 bh hhaksay'dd W bh mitaclatto ; Hamb. MSS. Yamnnadatto II 2 M om. to// 1 to?« drstvd gangada II fewz also Hamb. MSS. II 3 bh tata svapatnyd, ^'PPrM tatas tatpatnyd° II 6 paritrdm also Hamb. MSS. II 8 Vv priyadarnanoktam II 11 M om. na tva II M ins. 7ia before cimtd II 12 Pr taddnyesdm II 13 bh bhahyo, P abhakso II 14 M ekam for ^aw H M hhavati II 16 bhA^'PM (not Pr) Bh pratlksyamdnas \ Hamb. MSS. the same mistake (H iwatiksyamdnahs) II 17 Pr eva kotaravdsindm, om. kupe 'nya II 18 bh sdJidjyam II 19 M gamgadatta^mdkdhm II Vvjdldsaye noma II 20 <^Wv yad iox yady ; M yaddnye II In the upper margin of fol. 147 b, which contains the text from yad, 1. 20, to t simhasya, p. 236, 1. 18, the glossator of bh gives the following ^drdulavikrldifa-atsinza,, without any indication as to the place where it should be inserted : rdmo hemamrgam na vetti \ naghuso ydne yunakti dvijdn viprasyaiva savatsadJienuharane ydtd matis cdrJ2ine \ dyute bhrdfryaUisthayam ya maM^m dJiarmdtmajo dattavdn I prd~ yak satpurusopy anarthasamaye hudhyd parityajyate \ 1 W 21 bh om. atra ; M naham tvayd visfum Saknomi II 22 Pr tvd for tvdm II M bhaveti for torn, iti W 23 bh gamgadatta II 24 bhA^PPr samlksyamdnas, Bh iksamdnas II Page 236. 1 M Slghragamyatdm W 2 Pr samdgatyatdm iti II 8 With this line, N sets in again, misreading it as follows : pair am patitam visarjaydm dm li After dsa, *PPrM insert: kathd w 2 W 9 Pr bhadro for tad bho II N gamga iva datta II 10 bh dydsydmi, N dsydmi for dydsydmi II Pr naifa yudyate II N ins. va after me II 11 Vr prdyopravehfiam II 12 N grJiam for aliam II bhNSPPPrM* drstvd(^)pdyo ] Bh Hamb. MSS. and A with us. Simpl. h om. this word W 13 bhN^'PPrM and Simpl. HI (not h) drstvdpdyo ; A with us; Bh sa for drstdpdyo', P mutah for rnrtah II 17 4'P dhUsako, in ^ an almost imperceptible ra being added over the line above dhu (!) II N saddnupdryo W 18 M om. hastind saha II 19 bhN4'PPr4> ca acaldt, M ca acalatdt ; ABh tasya ca acalandt, but corr. by cop. of A to tasya ca abalandt ; Simpl. MSS. Hlh ta^dcalandt II 22 N turn for calitum II Pr huSrHsdm II 24 M tat Srugdlo II N 'nvesane II All our MSS. incl. ABh kiriicit ; Hamb. MSS. kimcidgrdmam. See above, p. 31 ii From 236, s bhN,^PPrM Booh IV 173 Page 237. 1 Pr samlpavarttanam II M bhaddgote praXrvdhurdni krchrdd II 2 4'P pravila W Pr tatas cdnena II 3 Pr °tvdbhilnta II N mdsa II 5 N bhaginisuta II M ins. m before ^/^ II 6 *PPrM atibharena II N vdsa for gJidsa II N om. ^za H 7 Pr bhaksato II N sanrapustam W 9 P makata, -^V ° sadrMappa, bhN*PM4> °prdgro\ Simpl. HI and Pr with us; ABh with us, but °sispa ; Simpl. h : mavakatahWsadrsamspaprdyo II 11 Pr hkavatdm II 13 M mdm ivam vadd II M madb/mjapararaksita II N tatrdsti for ^a« ^ios^i II 14 Yv pradesak II 15 Pr i5i for ^i>ro II N rdsabho W 17 Pr dnayali II 18 Pr hgdlavanam W 19 ^PPr lambakarnnam uvdca, om. i5a»2 ; M om. tarn and ca II 21 Pr ^?a»i for ekdm II N w^ifm 11 22 4'P samgafau, Pr samgatau II 23 bhN simhdmtakam II N updgatah II 24 M kramdtikaptdptam II N »Vi for ajoi 11 Page 238. 1 P mamyamdnah, M gamyamdnah II 2 M daivdkamapi W 5 4'PPrM cm. z«5i II 7 'if'PM. drstvds tavikramo W 9 Pr ^acc/^e^a II 10 ^ sajji- tavaikramena II Pr ewzam for e«aw II 12 N ins. a^a»i before atra 11 14 "N Jdgarut/iak tistati W 15 Pr mra/^a for mram II 17 Pr om. ??a^ M 18 bh vajropamafka[ t/ia corr. to ;)ra by corr.J^ara^ ; N vaJropamamdya[dya del. again by coip. ^prdrdd II hh.'N yiiktak for muktah II 19 Vx prdhasann II 20 N ecc/^«;5a for ?^i(i5/^2Y^ II 21 N om. tayd II 4'PPrM4> ins. '^if after nasyato W 'if'P hasta W 23 Fr prdyopravehna W 24 bhN4'P transp. : agnim vd Jalam, but cop. of 4' deletes vd by two very small strokes. M agnijalam vd ; A agnim vd jalam vd ; PrBh and Simpl. HI with us (H agni); Simpl. h : taddgnim jalam vd pravimmi II N pravisydmi II Page 239. 2 Pr transp. : te sfrlhatyd, adding ham II Pr om. manmathaS ca kopam karisyati II ^PM prakopam for kopam 11 4 hh'N jayamm II In N, sampd- danim has been corr. by cop. to sampddimm, which is the reading of bh^PPPr II 5 N endm ya pravidvdya II 6 Pr taddose II bh vinirhifya^ N vihatya II P nargrakrtd II 7 M raktapatlkrtvdS ca W M /^i*' for kdpdlikdsW 10 bhN f/azmf^ya/? /?;aro!5ni 11 N Ma II 13 'i>'P'PvM. prdgvafsajjita° W 17 'N prdka for a/5a 11 20 bhN esoyam for evdyam II Pr ins. i%a?^ya after G^a^ya II 21 N i(«'m for tvdm II 23 In N, the second pada runs thus : drstvd sd [corr. to sa by cop.] ivam bha II 24 bhN ca for yak W Page 240. 3 <^ ndkalamlakarnno\ PPrM ndliam, om. api W After 2^?, 4'PPrM ins. kathd 5 II 4 bhN yudhi§\Urena caW Pr om. satyava II N vinaAitah li bhN, ^PPrM 174 Variants 6 'Pt svartM \\ 10 '^ pramaUas'iksndgJiahh('m(Jakarpparasyo° W 'Pv dhdvatah pa II 11 M * for tatai II 4'P °pato, PrM °2)atto for °«!fl?o II 14 Pr rtr/o- koievakaih \\ 16 Vr ° Idkdrakarppara \\ 18 1^ paSi/dmiti\te W 21 bhNA^'PPrMBh and Simpl. Klh prakalpa II M ^fl;'(? il N samnayamdnem II M om. r4;/>j* li 22 Pr om. z^e II Page 241. 2 M w?a for saha II Pr has the sentence kim vd, &c. twice II 4 After uktam ca Pr ins. yatah II 5 Pr drstvd for prsttd (but y«/') II Pr prstavydn, N prstavdn for ptrastavydn II 6 bhN «fl for «a II ^PPr vighnam II 7 M v%e for vicintya II N ^aw fl;?t for ^a;;m II 12 '^yddrSye, om. ^'ar/r^e II 13 P (not 4') *^^^r//^ II ^PPr 7iigrki° II M sugrhlkrtd, om. nirgrhi II 16 Pr kasmimki ranye II "N prati- vasatl sma II 17 M a for a^^a II PrM °karaka II 18 N rrksam for vrksatnulayn W 20 bhN^'PPrM caffl>J-aya ; A with us. Of the Hamb. MSS. H has catikovdca, I catakovdca II 21 N drsyate II 23 N acimtayat II M c;'o for a^o H N dtmasampnsto II 24 Pr e^a, om. /?ni bhN^'PPrM and Hamb. MSS. ''catakd°\ A ksudracamdradikd dtmdnam II 26 M tittibhya II bhN^'PPr hhamgahhaydd iva, M ^^aw?" ^/t-a ; Simpl. HI Ihamgahhaydd bhavah, Simpl. h bhamgabhaydd bhuvah ; A with us II Page 252. 1 M cimtya, om. vi II 2 Pr hihclmukhi, ^PM sucimukhi II bhN durd- cdri II M ramditamdnini, om. «(/e /la II 3 M tiisnl II N bhutvd for ^^ava || In the Hamb. MSS., this line runs thus : asamartho grham [H graham] karttum samartho grhabhamjane. This is also the reading of A, which has only grhdrambhe for gf karttum II 4 bhN sd twice II N om. jmnar II N dsraya- karno" II 5 Pr vrksyam II 7 Pr ddtaiyam, M ffli^a for ddtarya II After iVi, Pr kathd ii i8 i II *P : kathd 15 w 15 \n "if corr. to 10 by two little strokes, but the correction is not clear and is liable to be mistaken for a 10 corr. to i5; M kathd \ 10\ W 8 Pr purvam iov purvasneJiam II 9 M sasamudre II 11 Pr Sru for chrutvd II bh c/^a II 16 Pr upakdresu II 4'PPr *afZ^M H 4' ^w for sddhutve, but mr/^w supplied by cop. in margin II 17 Pr icyate II 21 M navam for nicam II M sanamktipardkrami II 22 N /jra-^fl II 25 N samdditah II 26 Pr M viru- ddkyati, corr. by cop. to virudd/ieti; P, misunderstanding this correction, as the e-stroke looks like a virama belonging to the preceding line : viruddhati II 10 N makaraprdha II Pr vdnara dim II 13 NM cirakdlam du° II ^PrM anndblidvdt, P annabhavan, om. m II Pr nikulamtdm II 15 N ei^ya° for awya° II ^PPrM ^o^acz'c? II 16 M pra for pravi^y a W 17 Yx tadgrhd- rnnihkrdmann, om. ^a/^i II 18 N viyate for viddryate II 19 ^ vimtiiam, PPrM cimtitam II 22 Pr "rdydta II 23 Pr om. >^a dhdrah II 24 desasya tu all our MSS. inch A Simpl. H- and <7- class : demsya visaye II *PPrM subhaksdni II 25 After a<^i, 4'PPrM ins. >{-ai^/ia n i^ n II Page 256. 2 M svagrhavistena dtmatdyind II 3 Pr labdhd II 6 M -upanatafrnam II 7 M caiurthatram II ^PPr tasydyam II ^p ddyaslokah, but a small visarga put over ^■ II 12 M ta for i^a^ II 14 Pr kamcanainayd II 15 Pr prabhun d° II 16 Pr dina II N vyatikrdma II 18 Pr om. dattvd; bh ^r^^va, but corrected to dattvd by the copyist II M om. jd° a ga W N avanimW 21 N (not bh !) ^PPr °nopardyitam, M ^za^e ';io/?arai7'[or ci]i5a»i. It does not seem, that the stroke, which distinguishes pa from sa, has been added in bh by the corrector, since the ink used by the latter is not so dark as that used by the copyist II 23 M om. karau II 24 Pr ksititanihitajdnuvara7io, bhN kntinihita, om. tala (N °nihatd\Q,oxr:. by cop. to °ta'\jdnucaran6) It 25 N ° nigrahaladhhani for "bhigralialahdha II 26 4* jumps from the first bhagavan io the second hhagavan (1. 3o), om. one of bhN, ^PPrM Booh V *• 181 them and all between them ; but the copyist adds the missing text in the inferior margin II N viraharana II 30 N bkagavam na vedmi II M bhavata, corr. to °tak, whereas the copyist of 4* adds the visarga directly over °ta ; hence P bhavatarn II 31 h\i^ pragtinikrti/dni II 32 M.'pu ca lekkandm ca vi° II "^ praitam II P asti, M dga^te for dste II J^ Page 259. 2 N bha for ^pi II N kramenawa II N "lobMna II 6 Pr trsndydh, ^P trsndyd ; M trsndyd patrapa kotukam II 7 Pr om. '/?^ before ^ry^a° II Yt pravivehja II P om. '/ji td after ^e II 8 N updgatdh II bhA^PPr putkartum, N purvam karttum^ "^L purkkartum II 9 VL purakotakdtapdlapurMsair II ^PPrM «a^a- rasyamadJiye II 10 N om. gamyatdm II M om. sarveyd II 11 bhN ksipanakd II Pr drsfd.^ [ox prstds II 12 M om. 57/0^ II bhN om. ndpito ; Hamb. MSS. with ^'PM II N drdhabai^dhandbaddhoddJiatasesai ksipanakaik II 13 bh °ksipmiakaik, corr. to our reading by corr. II N bhttak for «7i^a^ II N om. kdranikaik II 14 Pr Had for the first etad II 16 M mdniya, om. °bhadrdkdrand° II M »2a»2 for m II M here mdnibhadrak II 17 bhN ksipa- nako II 4'PPr earvaksapanavrttdmfak II 18 N jumps from the first ahhihitam to the second abhihitam (1. 2o) i om. one of them and all between them II 19 M duMdtmd II 20 Pr r for tair II 21 M om. knsrutam; bhN kuhtam for kusrutam. For the readings, cp. 257, 4 II 22 P om. na II After krtam, 4'PPr ins. kathd \\ 1 w n II, M kathd' 1\\\ 26 Pr mddri^hadrak II 29 N om. m II P stusuve II Page 260. 2 Here Bh begins again with tkvdn for fitvdt II N dmfdimd jdtitvdt II Bh sunasya II 3 Bh nakulasya na W bhN vihasati II 4 N kupito, M kupise, Bh aputro II 6 Pr sisydydm II Bh dolanasthitani for sayyd° su II Bh kurp.bham dddya jaldrtkhii pa II 7 M utauca for ?^fffca II 8 N ^a^^a II 9 ^PPrM Siinyarp, muktvd for sunylkrtya II Bh j5« svayam 8mnm(^u corr. from ^ra, or vice versa)-^r;{ya grharp, kva° II 11 Bh om. ?^a^ya II 12 Bh vdlanakasya ; M om. bdlakasya II Bh agamat II 13 Bh bhrdtrvadJiamrjikito '•tlita" II 14 Bh ^r^m for vidhdya II Bh fZz^re for duratas II Pr caksepa II 15 PrBh "mndito for "pramudito II N vydpdra°, Bh svapdra° II 16 Bh ins. ^a^ after mdtdpi, omitting Z^c^wz before dgacchantam II Pr rtidhirdklinna° II Pr o/^r, Bh 5a° for a^i° II 18 Bh nihmtiikitacittd II M kopideviwrsya II In bh gloss on avimrsya : avicaryya II Bh jalapmrnnam kurp.bha7p, nmk^epa II 19 Bh kumbhdvapdta W MBh om. ^am II 20 'Bh.ydvad grhamadhyarp, pravi^ati II 21 MSS. w ^f^ja" II M. sd upakdrakah pu° W 22 'B\i°putrasiydvmrsyakrta' \\ From 260, 2bhN,^PPrM; Simpl.Bh, 182 Variants M om. "Irta" II Bh °sokena cluhkhitahrdayd d° II Bh "xaksasthalatdclanam II 23 Bh a^iitare for avasare II 24 bh A^'PPrMBh "nurdvakah ; N "nirvd- pakatii for "nisrdvakak (Hamb. MSS. nirvdpakah) II Bh transp. pa^yatiUdvat II Page 261. 2 Pr vamnas, Bh vacanam II 3 Bh ° mrtyupJialam II Bh hhavaty evdii" II 4'PPr atilobhdtmdndm (Pr °^»2a° for "tmd^) lobhdmdhdndm II 4 After °lobhdn- dhdndm^ Bh ins. dvitlyd kathd II ^PrMy«i!a^ iov yatkd II 6 Bh atilobhd- vibkutasya II 9 *PPrM ins. /«' after i/^a II M joarawi for parasparam 11 10 Bh cakruh II 11 N daridratdhhdvak II M adds yaz^ayj after ?^y(-i5aw ca II 12 Pr sadhodhavd II 14 Pr bhajati II Bh mitrdny api II 15 Bh °Z/7'^(Z- mdn II P nardnardn for ^mm/i II 18 M m^wi for vdgml II 20 M kaldem fov kaldkaldpam W 21 Yx prdpnotty amarUyo\ Bhjorajowo^i ?«r2Jyo (Bh con- tinuing 7m) II 22 N om. maranam II Page 262. 1 Bh ksam (om. wa) li bhNPr ddridra 11 2 N «oc^ for seve W Bh tvadUharp, II 3 N ya^y for % 11 bh ghanavarjitena II 4 Pr ddridrdn II Yx jndtva%va\ '^\ijhdtvd saw M. stMiam W 5 hh. sarvaf/idmrfkdj'ane, corr. to our reading by corr. ; N sarvathd jane II Pr ydnitavyam II 7 M prasd- dayet II 8 Pr sarvdrthah for «a cart hah II Bh updyaih »ydt II 9 Bh transp. : /?;m° wr/;a° II "N nrpasevasevayd \\ 'P'PT'M. nrpasevdydm W 4'PPr krsikarmmandm II M vidydrthdrjanena II 10 Bh om. madhye II 13 Pr ^_rn^° for ^Mr?^° II Bh °Uydtivisa, then blank for one aksara and a not finished sa (for wa) II 14 N usidam II V paragatd° II 15 Bh sulabham for m mbham II 16 N saptavidhd II Bh bhavati for ^ya^J II 17 N °W2a«a II Tt 7iipeksa'' ioT niksepa° W 18 FiBh. °bhdfndd° W 20 M. pilrnnd, om. purne II M om. all between °vahcanam and svabhd° next line II 21 Bh "siddham for °rupam II N kitdmm II 23 N *;5a«^i II 24 Bh priyatdniy "^Wv mriyate,^ mreyate\ Pr adds ^Ja II M4thpada: taddsydnupayd" W Pr tutyam II Page 263. 1 NBh iffl^/?a m II 2 bhN °niyuktdh II 4 N aparam caW Bh puts aparam (Bh Vaw«) and the following stanza after the prose, 1. 7 II 5 Pr gdmgdmdhikarp, II Bh gdmdhika II Bh °nddibhik II 6 M grhyati II N yadai- kena II 7 NM deSdmtaram bhd° II 4'PPrM ins. m after °nayanam II Bh desdmtarabhdmddnayanam arthavatdm eva w aparam, &c., stanza 24. Then: ^a^/^a ca and stanza 25 ll 9 N tudhnarnti^ M nibadheti II M jnahdgajd^'ilWT mahdgajdh II 10 M only krayakovidd, corr. by later hand to °ddh II 11 bhN,^PPrM; Simpl.Bh Book V 183 Bh udyatd II N lohai, ^PPrM lokd W M durademm gatd II 12 Bh om. kim caW 14 "Bh. prabhitdh II M kdh for kdkdh II N wr^a^ II 15 Bh om. the first m ll 16 Mj'ya, om. parity a \\ 17 N om. this and the following line II M j5?^wzm[or v(ii\ti II 19 Pr avista II 20 bhN ciUd° ioT viUd° \\ M. anyane n 21 Bhprdjmkw "M om. ca &fteT prdptdk W M siptdjale II 22 Bh sflmahdkdlam hhagavamtam pra II 23 Bh bhirivdnam- dandmd II M mayogulrah for ndma yogmdrah W 24 Bh ^e;za for tenaiva II N mathdyanayn^ IL pathdyatanam II Bh ^aM^ II Page 264. 1 Bh om. te \\ Bh a deleted ma for w II 2 N wa tasmair for ^a^a* ^a^V II M vayam siddkaydvikanunra ydsyamo tra dhanatrptir myutyar vd bhavi- syabhiti II Bh sikra° for siddha II 3 Bh om. iti II 4 Bh ins. ya^fa^ after ca ll 5 Pr nasasah W P pdlato II Pr jalam iti, N jajldni for jalam eti II 6 P acimtya II ^P dalavavdn for balavdn 11 bhNPM «a if?^, 4^ dis- tinctly wa»w ; BhHI a/3i for waw« (in spite of '^^ at the end of the pada !) 11 N "kdroti II 7 N tathd ca II 8 Bh ca for hi II P om. purusasya II 9 BhHI ajoz for iti II Pr sosyadddrstdkhyah II 11 Bh adatvdt II M klesasydmga datvd iukhdni neha la" W 12 bhN4'PPrM ^a^-^awaya w?a?r ; ABh with us II Pr bahubhir II 13 Bh transp. kascid asmdkam II Bh dravydrjanopdyo II M vivaraprad eSah II 14 4'P °mdmsam vi°, N malidmdsavikrayam II BhHI "prabhrtmdm for °^iV m (HI with the blunder °vikrayl°, and H °/ja«2'' for °mdm°) ii 15 bh vdddhuta", ^'PPr cdtyudbhuta° , M cdtyuduta°, A ca\atyudbJmta° \ Hamb. MSS. with us II N huyate II Pr vdnisd°, P vdtisd° II 4'PPrMBh om. yate^ after ca ll 16 4' P mahatdn 11 17 Bh ^m fa for r^e II N ya^ for a^^^^a/l 1 1 N >?r(;^i for ko II M. pibhartti 11 18 Bh ^Isyayogyatdm II ^/PPrM siddki- vartti" (but the reading of bhN is confirmed by Hamb. MSS. and all our MSS. below, p. 266, 1. 1, and p. 266, 1. ll), M "vatustam ii 19 N pratyeka- pratyeka paryaydm dsa 11 Bh °digvibhdge, M "calettaradikdmgblidge II 20 M ndsamdidhim for ^tm ^a^ || 4 bh sarvacakra° ; N sarvacakradharavrttdmtam, ^ sarvvam cametat so 'bravlt, del. and corr. by cop. to sarvvam cahravrttdmtam tarn ahathayat II Bh om. tarn II Bh sa for ^aw II 5 Bh om. tam II M om. prdha ; Bh uvdca for p-a^a II Bh ins. tvam after ^/^o II 6 After krtavdn, ^PPrM ins. katkd \\3 u II bhNPr atka for athavd II 7 M om. buddhlr uttamd II 8 N vinasyarnte II 11 bhN,^PPrM; SimpLBh Booh V 187 Page 271. 2 All our MSS,, except Bh, but including the Hamburg ones, here and in the following lines vrUi° (Pr vrtii i tau ca vrttihliamgam) II 3 Bh yathd- stkdnam II 4 Pr °sthite II Bh ins. tena after °sthitena II Bh coddhata II M "mhhana for "rdsabhena II 6 ^PPrM sa prdha II Bh °pracdlenena II 7 bhN °pravrddhd II 8 *P dhdtavyamm iti II 9 In bh gloss over kdsl: sdsa; N hdsa for y^aw U Bh cauram II 10 Pr hJiogodhyo, corr. by cop. to hlogddhyo W *PPrM jlvitam II 11 bhN^'PPrM tadd ; ABh with us. bhN "gatam for ^itom li BhHI "sabdd" for °nddd° II Pr SamkhandnuddndmU, 4^ mmkhandnuddnddi (corr. putting an almost impercep- tible i over the second m, and a nearly equally imperceptible 2 over 6?a), P iamkhandddnunddi', M mtnkhandnvraddnddi II BhHI ^am for wa II 12 M ksetraraksdh pnrusd II N bamdham bamdham ca, Bh vamdJiavamdhai 'vam ; M hamdha vadham ca W 13 M i^ava tribhrtatasrutvd II NBh prdha II M om. Mo II 14 Bh om. na II bh na ktarasam^ corr. by corr. to na gl° ; N with the other MSS. ll Bh gltam rasam na vedmi II Bh bhanasi II 15 Pr iarada{da del. again by co^. )dyotsndhato ; Bh saratyotsndhate II 16 Pr vimSati II bh hote, N srauteW ^ gltajhdmkdrajd ; as //m;^ looks very much like ^a»i, P writes gUammkdrajd, PrM gltasamkarajd -, N gltam jamkdrajd; Bh gltasamskdrajd II 17 M ? only once II 19 M ^^/a, om. Tto^ II All our MSS. incl. the Hamburg MSS. sniyatdm (only Bh : kuya [new \me]yafdm) II 20 bhNA^PPrM Hamb. MSS. (not Bh) ekavimmti II 21 Bh stvenakona° for ekona" ll 22 Pr sthdnamtrayam II Pr dsydbki, Bh a/(-ara for dsydni II Bh «a for wav« II 23 ^ varnnd sattrimsaiir ; the r-hook begins exactly on *a and ends on a. Over sa, the copyist adds the visarga, whose superior dot has almost melted together with the right-hand stroke at the end of a sa, •which stands in the foregoing line just above. As the superior dot of the visarga is not easy to be distinguished, its inferior dot looks like an anusvara. Hence P reads varnnd samdrrimmti ; trirnsatir also M ; cp. the O-class above, p. 63, and vol. xi, Table II, no. 11, 3 a-c. bh carnndk sadvhmatir, N varndh sadvimmii, A va° sadvimmtir II Bh sattrinisat for sattrmmtir II bhN blidryds, M hhdyds for bhdsds II The copyist of bh first writes smrtali with double danda after it ; then he writes the d stroke on the visarga, and puts the superior dot of the visarga over td, the inferior dot under it. The copyist of N, who first writes smrtah, corrects this to smrtdm 1 1 Page 272. 2 Bh yutam for vrtam W Between slokas 43 and 43, Bh inserts this half- sloka : dhanydndm jdyate karnne visesdt iaradi sthite II 3 bh ndtyad bhNj'^PPrM; Simpl.Bh 188 Variants gttatvdram (or gUadvdrarn), corr. by cop. to °gifakaram, N ndtyat gltakaram^ ^PPrM ndnyad gUadvdram, A with us; Bh Hamb. MSS. priyam for varam W N daivendj)i\^pi del. by cop.]?» II M om. ajn II 4 In Bh, this line runs thus : hiskasndyuravdlhdddt tryaksam jagdda rdvanah II 5 Bh om. tvam II Bh nivdrayisi II 6 Bh vrtipura for vrtidvdra II Pr jumps from the first ksetrapd to the second ksetrapd, 1. 9, om. one of them and all between them II 8 Bh tathd cdnustite II N utkamthadharo II Bh tatah ksetraraksakdrds taUabdam $rutvd krodkdt II 9 bhN nihpidayamto II Wa. pldayamto II 10 Bh dhdvitdh II Bh tddito II 11 Bh bkumljirstenaW M tatah, om. ca II bhN'J'PPr sacchi- drodusalam, M sachidrodusanam, Bh sacchidrolukhalam, A sacchidraudusaldrn^ Hamb. MSS. sacchidrolusalam II 12 Bh^a?;?"; M svahlidvagatavedanali for svajdtisva° II 14 Bh "kkardhdndm W 15 M om. ^o wa II bhNjora;am° II 16 bh^'PPr erodusalam, A era xidusalamm II Bh fo^a« ca tT^m bhamktvd kamthasamalusam dddya pald° ; Hamb. MSS. j^a^a*' m vrttim hhamktvd kamtJia- stham ulusalam dddya pald° II 17 Bh asmim nnatare II Pr d for durdd II Bh durdttardt tarn avalokya idam uvdca II 19 Bh only : sddhi mdtula gite- neti II tad bhavdn a pi, &c., 1. 22 II 21 After iti, ^PPr ins. kathd w 6 W M om. iti and kathd, but has the figure 6 II 22 Bh vicdryamdno for ?izm° II Bh om. mayd II After sthitah, Bh ins. i^i pamcaml kathd, HI i^i /^a^/^a 5 II 23 N cakradharak prdha ; Pr jumps from the first dha to the second aha, 273, 3, om. one of them and all between them II bh atha for athavd II Page 273. 1 mitrdndm na karoti yah all our MSS. incl. A, HIBhh. Hence this reading is beyond any doubt that of Pui'nabhadra as well as of both the H- and the o--class of the textus simplicior II 2 4'PMBh °kolikah II 3 Bh suvarnnasiddha W N svarnasiddha prdha W 5 bhN mamtharo W ^PPrBh kolikah, M kolivah II 6 Bh patrakarmmakdddtii II 7 Bh dddra for dddya II "Bhprdptah II Bh om. ca II bh Umsipdpddapam, N ^inpdpddapam, Pr sasapd- dapam, Bh simmpdtarum II 8 N om. drstvd II Bh drstvd 'cm[new page]- cimtayat II Pr drSyati tena ddnena karmrhhutyena pro" II M taddnena II 9 bhN4'P kartrbhutena, A karttihhutena, M kartrbhrtena for kartitena. Hamb. MSS. and Bh with us II M bhutdni ior pra° II M katakarmmopa° II 10 M kugaram W 11 bhN mamdsramo II 12 Bh samudrajalakallolasparsaSi- taldnildpydyitasarlrah II 13 Bh vasdmi for tisthdmi II 4'PPrMBh >(:o/?^a II N kaulika prdha II 14 M a?/? for a//a»i II 15 Bh om. ;;za»za II bhPr kutumbam II Bh om. t^i II Bh om. hghram II 16 Pr karttayisydmi, N karisydmi W Tr sustas W Bh transp. : tustoham tava W 17 Bhraksapdda- pam amumm itiw ^'PPrMBh /{:o/i,^a II 18 Bh tad for tarhi II Pr svamitra, M svdmitram, Bh mitrarri II Mprsfd, ^PPr drstvd II 19 M sayndgacchati II bhN.^PPrM; Simpl.Bh Book V 189 Bh transp. : vyamtarena tatketi II 4'PPrM pratipannam, Bh pratipranne II ^PPrBh kolikah II 21 M mama kascikham anubhavdvah, &c., p. 274, L 1. A stroke under kha refers to a later passage in the same line, where the missing aksaras have been supplied by the copyist II 22 Bh ghdrthaye II 23 Bh tat prdrthaya rdjyam II Bh ins. ca after aham II Pr mamtrd II Page 274. 2 4'PPrMBh kol'ika II Pr bhavaty for bhavatv II M eva for evam II Bh om. param II 3 Bh mitra for tki hi, inserting na before yujyate II Bh samam for 2« ca ka lambyam tasydmdkastdt II 4 Bh 'valamlitasyd" II Bh om. ^^^ya II Pr ^a*ya 'stdt II N kkatkdm, Bh sastrdtn for khatvdm II M *a I ^a^a ^^^r I 5/ya, Bh ins. ^am before e^a" II Pr ekadrstvd II Bh vilokayan II 6 Bh^wrwwo II 6 Bh hhavati II 7 Bh tatas tendham ajddvayam grhisvdmi II bhNSt'PPr grhlsye; A with us II 8 N om. one sanmdse II Bh sa^/e <2 »Ba«e II N athdyutham II M ^fl^o ggdbhir [misread for gobhir^, &c., 1. 9, omitting ^jdbhir, &c. II 10 Bh mahisyd ma II M mahirsarvadavd for mahisyo ma' va° II Bh tatprasavdt for vadavd° II 11 Bh prasutam II Pr om. all between bhavisyanti and tasydham, 1. 14 II 12 Bh karisydmi for sampatsyate II Bh ifaz!a^, om. m II Bh ^aA'c^'^J t'i/?ro «zfl^«a II 13 Bh ddsyati 11 Bh tasydm putro janayisyate II 14 Pr «a for 7ifl»«a II Bh >('an\'fj'e II 15 Bh jdte II Bh grhitvd ghotakacalatthdydm upavisyd° II 17 Bh samlpam dgamisyati W 18 Bh transp. : kopdt vrdhmamm II Pr vrdhmanam, with following danda II Bh samabhidkdsye for abhidhdsydmi II 19 Bh ya madvacanam II 20 NBh om. ^a»?; but in N, the copyist deletes an anusvara over td of tddayisydmi II M taddhydnydvastkite7ia, Bh dhydnd° II 21 P °prdhdras II M. yam for ya^/5a II N ghatdmtavarttibkih II 22 Bh saktubhik, om. ca II Page 277. 1 After iV?, 4'PPrM ins. kathd w 8 n, Bh saptami kathd ii flourish ii II 3 BhHI laulyam II ^P apeksyate, y being almost imperceptibly deleted in * by a small stroke Ii 4 ^PPr camdabhupatih ; but see 1. 7 II 7 Bh adhistdne for nagare II Bh nrpatih II ^ jumps from the first knddrtham to the second knddrtham, om. one of them and all between them ; but cop. supplies the om.text in marg. Il 8 Bh asti for tisthati II Bh °vdnekabhaksabhojanddibhih II 9 Bh krulandrihaiii II Bh tistati after asti, which has been deleted by cop. 11 10 In bh gloss on mahdnase\ rasodu II bhN ins, ca before j9rar%a II 11 Pr bhaksyayati II In bh gloss on supakdrd : supdra II Bh om. kdsthddikam agreW 12 Vr pasyati W Vv tddayati W 13 bhNA^'PPrM 2Ja?« for ^^ II After evam 4' ^a, then a blank to pa excl., filled in (by a later hand V) with titasarird II 4 N dpantdh (read dpanndh) for ^a^a^ II M ^crM tayitvd 'rddhadagdhasanrd II Bh >t(?/ji for yf-^c/c ca II Bh cotayitvd II 5 Bh om.janam II M vydkulam vaksah II 6 Bh savisddatn II In bh gloss on cikitsakdn : dhdraka II 7 Bh ^//o ncyatdm II ^P ahdndtnm etesdm II M kancidyaliopamstrdni II Bh om. etesdm kascid II N °samanopdyah, Bh vahniddho' II 8 Bh samcitya II M samcimtya pro kum apratisaye II 10 bh vamydnydndm II N ° samudbhavah, Bh ° samutthitd II 11 Bhya^^a for vyathd, HI a correction of this mistake: ^a^^a II M tindJem II Bh ayaiJi II 12 Bh ydvad ete prdk na hhavisyaviti II bh roye for rogena, N dgatena for rogena ie na W 13 Bh ^«f/ dkarnnya for ^ac chrutvd II Bh vdnardndm vadham II 14 Bh ^e ^arre II P yuthaparis^ l^Bh yut/iapas II Bh om. wt? II 15 Bh svayam nastavdn, with r/r add. over the line between wa and f/a, for sdksdd dadarm II N om. ^w ; Bh ca for ^m II Pr seha II 16 Bh om. yatah II 17 Bh dharsand II Pr matrayed, N dharsayed for marsayed II Bh _^a5 z5e^ for yo 7m II Bh parinirmitam II 18 bh satydd for bhaydd II N transp. : lobhdd vd II 19 Bh kvacit II 20 Here all our MSS. "khamla II Pr to for to^m II N yava/ lokayati (om. nipunataya) II 22 NBh nirgaccliati for wi° ^^^ II Pr cimtayd sa nu II 23 Pr om. ^ jofl II 24 Bh jalamadhye for tanmadhydd II N °ldlamkrto for " Idlainkrtakantho II Page 280. 1 N rdksasas^ om. niskramya II Bh provdca for torn «mca II N j^oi^ra II 2 N toJ for towz II Bh bhaksaydmi, om. ?Vi II NM torZ awyo II 4 Bh kiyatdm II N bhakmne mriras for bhaksanaktktis II 6 N badvyand, M brdhmatah II N Md^rlo for srgdlo II N wa II Bh vdnara aha II 7 bh sahdsiyamtam, Bh sakdsthyamtim, N sahdtyamta, PrM sahdtyamtam II Bh om. we II 8 1&. pracchasi II 4'P toe chaparivdram II M 0/?^' to»z [added over the line] vam [both aksaras struck out again] I kaprapamna lobhayitvd sarasi W Bh nrpatim II 9 Bh ^-ara/i II Pr rdksas II Bh rattiamdldbhusitakamthas tan nagaram dsddya trksa II 11 M °prasddesu II 13 N suryam a tiraskurute II 14 NBh vdnara dha II N kastnimkid for kutracid II M aranya II 15 Bh suguptanagaram^ corr. to snguptanaram II NM vdrena^ om. surya" II NBh ins. pravuya before nimajjati II M dhandprasdddd II M nihkrdmyati II 18 N yutham te for yuthapate II N om. (?.;?« ; Bh transp. e^a and pratyaksatayd II 19 M om. niatka°, but supplies it in the next line in this corrupt form : bhN,"^PPrM; Simpl.Bh Booh V 193 mdsahumtJiasthitaya II 20 BhHI ko 'pi for kam api II N ainam iox yena II 21 4'P etat Srutvd II N nrpatir aha II 'N yad iox yady II 22 N dgamisydmi for esydmi\ Bh samdgamisydmi for svayam esydmi II N jirabhutaratnamdldk II Pr sadyamte for sampadyamte II 23 Bh /(-a/^iV a^a II N ^ar/ for e^a^ II Page 281. 1 N ra;ya for ro//*^ II N sotsamgam II bhN atha for athavd II 3 P rMc?^a II After ajsi, N ins. between the second and the third pada of stanza 61 : trsne devi namas tubhyam yayd vittdnvitd api \1\ \\ 4 Bh akrtye 'pi for akrtyesu II N niyujyamte II bh^'PPrMBh hhramyamte^ AN bhrdmyate; Hamb. MSS. with us II N sugamisv api, A dugamesv api II 7 In the place of this line, 4'PPrM have 6 padas : laksddhipas tathd kotim [M koti'\ kotivdn rdjyam icchati II 48 rdjyayuktas tathd svarggam [P svargga^ svarggdd aimdratvam [M idratvam\ icchati II imdratvepi hi samprdpte yadrcchd na (P n for ««) nivarttate (Pr 7i for °«5(?) II 49 II 8 M oxa. jiryanti of pada 2 II 9 In 4/ «ro of srotre is somewhat illegible ; P netre for «ro^re II Bh trsmkd tu ; H trsm kdpi, 1 trsnau kdpi II N tarundyate for ^z< wa jlryati II Bh om. a^m after ^^va and inserts it after S'U)ye II 12 BhHI deva eka iox yenaika II 14 BhH ratnamdldm II M sarvalokd II Pr praksitds II 15 NBh om. ca before tena II Bh om. i^i II 16 N jumps from the first uvdca to the second uvdca (1. 18), om. one of them and all between them II 17 M om. kirn iti dray a II Bh yuthddhipate W Bh transp. : me erijanas {\) cirayatiw 18 ^h.°nrpate W N rdksasena aalile bha° II 19 M ° salivasthona II N sopitam II N " kdranotthena bha° W 20 NBh ins. mayd after sddhitam \\ 4'PPrM svdmiti matvd; Hamb. MSS. and Bh with us II 21 N «a for ndtra II 22 N simhate, PrBh himsate II Bh pratihimsatam II 23 Bh transp. : tatra dosam na II M vdt{a ?) for tatra II N om. yo II P om. duste II N samdcaret II 24 N ^fl^fl« for ^a^ II M sama, N samam for wa»«a II N bhavati for ^ava 1 2Vi II Page 282. 1 Pr iokdvista II N komdkistah, putting this after tvaritapadam II bhN^PPr yathdjdtam'y ABh with us II Pr pratinivrta, 4'P pratinivrtya II 2 ^'PM suvrtto, Pr suvrto, for sutrpto II 3 M tdnamdam for ^a" II 4 N hatasatruk, Bh hatakitrum, H ^a^a^ ^atrurn, I ^a^a^ .^a^rw II 5 Bh vihitam for bhavatd II N vdnarah 11 6 BhHI om. fi^o '^a»i bravlmi II Bh kdryam ityddi for karma, iti II Bh adds astami kathd, 4'PPrM /tflz^/^a ii 5 II 7 Bh ^>^o ^^0 II N ^a?ra for wzawz ; Bh om. mam II 8 N om. ydsyasi II 10 M tyaktvdpadam II 11 M om.pdpena II N narakam II 12 Bh suvarnm- tiddha dha II N saktimyas, Bh ^aktisaktas II 13 Bh etatva for e^ac ca II ♦P 7nanusydndmm a° W 14 Bh om. ^a after wa^i^i II N ^ac?/c? II 16 Bh bhN,"*'PPrM; Simpl.Bh C C 194 Variants om. fara II N °hhramena vedanayd W 16 bhNA^'PPrM yadi for yad\ BhHI^a/ II N ita svasihdnnm II Bh om. apy asmdkam apy II 17 N om. 'yfl;«, having a deleted yo before a?ia//5^o II NPMBh ai5^am for a^>^a II 19 N vdnarah II 20 M 'sfi for '#/ II N grhlto siddhikdlena II N paldti W 21 N^PPrM cakradharah jyrdha ; Hamb. MSS. and Bh with bh II Page 283. 2 Bh adhistdjie ioT j)ure II M bhadrasendma II 3 Bh ratndvall for ratna- vatl II N om. barium and the following words to hartim (excl.), 1. 5 II 5 Bh %nrata for tatsurata II 6 N avasthdnam pamkajvarddibhir W M °jvarddir W 7 N dtmanas II 8 N sakhi pakdd ikd° II 9 N grkakone for _yaw ; Bh om. '^'a?/? ; P om, all between rdksaso and vyacintayat, 1. 10 II N om. kimcid II 10 N "vid/idfum II 11 Pr ^ai5>^a Hhyah, N taydnyah II 12 M //«V«?« for hartum W M ?ia mktoti il N om, ^a^ 11 13 Bh asvarupam W N asvarupam krtvdsvarupamadhyastho W Bh /Tifi;^ madhyastho, H Zr^Jfa madhyd- sthdm, I ^r^ua madJiyasthdm W PrBh ninksye II M om. kimrupah W N kimprahhdsas II NBh om. «a^ II 15 Pr nislsamaye II N r aSvdgdre for ^r-^e II 16 N om, ^aw II N rdksasdhahabharataram W 17 NBh avalokya for drstvd II In bh gloss on khallnam : cokadu II 4'PPrM mnkhe^ om, 2!a«. Hamb. MSS. and Bh with bhN 11 N samdrustah ; then again the same sentence with the readings rdksasdsvam and samdrucfhak II 18 Bh om. nunam II N eva for esa W N tustam II 19 Pr /?"c», N kokhdn for ^ojoaw II M abhdgatah II 20 N vicimtayat II M cimtayan aso II ^PPrM 'svdpaha- rakena II N sdnvdtena for /?-a.m° II 21 Bh ins. ^awz after ^a^fi, omitting it before sthin° II Bh kkallndkarsandt II 22 N om. ^a<;? II N tat for ^a(T^a II Bh lokadvayavi° II Bh m« for /Jr^fa II N om. ^af/ II 19 N pataghosanam, dropaydm dsa\ Bh akdrayat for a;na° II 20 Bh yak ko 'pi for a^o II N4'P (not Pr) stristanlm II Pr rdjnd II bh rdjakanyakdm II Bh kanydm for ra/a° II Bh om. ya^ before pari° II 21 N ^aro^i II Bh demt pravdsayati II N evam ghosandydm II 22 Bh prabhutah kdldtitah II NBh om. ca II Bh vdvahate II 23 Bh guptastkdnasthitd, N guptasthdnam sthitd, St'PPrM gupta- sthdnam sam II bh yauvanam aihimukhi II M sdjdjne^ N ya/«e II M «^y^i for '*^i II N om. ca II Page 287. 1 N yasUgrdhikvjbas II M sastigrdkl II Bh hibjakah II N tistati sahdyah II NBh paiakasabdam, \\ N tarnprayete, Bh warntrayatah II M syasyate, Bh prchyate II Bh om. p)atahah II 2 Bh _yai5«A for ya : iti payncdkhydnam samdjitatn iti w flourish n ii samvat 1661 varse jyestamdse Suklapakse 2 dvitiydydm tithau guruvdre inV'tkramapuramadhye limtam idam II flourish II rdjdd/iirdJasnBdyasitkajwijayardJye ii flourish ii ii yddrsam putta- kam drstvd i tddrsam limtam mayd i yadi 4um aSuddham vd \ mama doso na dlyate II 1 II flourish II Suhharn bhavatuh ii ii kalydnam astu n ii flourish ii II bhN.A.PPrM; Simpl.Bh INDEX OF STANZAS In the following Index, complete references are given to the text, printed in HOS., vol. 11, and to the edition of the textiis simplicior (Simpl.) of the Pancatantra by Kielhorn and Biihler. Occasional references are given to the same text as contained in the Hamburg MSS. (HI). Kathdsamgraha-8ta.nza,s are marked with an asterisk, oMyan a-stanzas with a dagger. akdramviskriavairaddrundd I. 275. ^ahdlacaryd visamd ca gosthl I. 280. akullno 'j)i murMo 'j)i I. 111. Simpl. I. 148. akrtatydgamaliimnd Simpl. II. 69. akrte ^py udyame pumsdm II. 61. Simpl. II. 74. akrtyam naiva krlyani sydt IV. 36. Simpl. IV. 40. akrtyam manyate krtyam II. 148. Simpl. II. i44. akrtvd paurusam yd silh IV. 66. Simpl. III. 147;" IV. 118." akrpanam aSatham acapalam II. 114. aklesdd iva cintitam Simpl. HI I. 8. agamydn yah pumdn ydti Simpl. I. 370. agnihotraphald veddh II. 150. Simpl. II. 147. agkatitaghatitam ghatayati II. 155. ajd iva prajd mohdd I. 177. Simpl. I. 219. ajdtamrtamurkhebhyo Intr. 2. Simpl. Intr. 2. ajddhulir iva trastair Simpl. II. 100. ajdm iva prajdm mohdd ^ see ajd iva. ajndtavivadhdsdra° Simpl. III. 41. aj hdtdh purusd yasya Simpl. III. 159. ajndndj jhdnato vdpi II. 175. Simpl. II. 169. ata eva nipiyate 'dharo, see madhu tisthati vdci yositdm. ata eva hi vdnchanti IV. 38. Simpl. IV. 42. ^atifrsnd na kartavyd II. 59. Simpl. II. 73, 77. ^aiilohho na kartavyo V. 15. Simpl. V. 22. atisamcayahdjdhdndm II. 128. atUaldbhasya ca raksandrtham Simpl. II. 182. attum vdnchati mmbhavo Simpl. I. 159. afyacche^idviruddhena, see antahsthend" . atyddaro bhaved yafra I. 408. Simpl. I. 413. atyucchriie mantrini pdrthive vd° I. 221. atyutkate ca raudre ca, see apy utkate. '\atha krfnd disah sarvd III. 125. \atha tasya taroh skandhe III. 128. atha ye sanihatd vrksdh III. 46. Simpl. III. 59.' adesakdlajnam. andyatiksamam III. 100. Simpl. III. 112. \adyaprabhrti deham svam III. 155. adhano ddtukdmo 'pi Simpl. II. 102. adhrgataparamdrthdn parulltdn I. 73. adhite ya idam nityam Simpl. Intr. 6. see yo 'traitat pathati nityam. adhodrstir Ihavet krtvdySQekamp)amdnam adho 'vekfi. adhyardhdd yojanasatdd, see sapdddd. anantapdram kila nabdasdstram Intr. 4, Simpl. Intr. 5. anabhijiio gundndm yo I. 61. Simpl. I. 73. anarthitvdn manusydndm Simpl. I. 142. Dd 202 Index of Stanzas "f^andffafaffi yah kurute sa sobkate III. 194. S'impl. III. 164, 166. ^anagatam hhayam drstvd II. 10. ^andgatavat'im mitdm V. 53. Simpl. V. 71, 72.' ^andgatavidlidtd ca I. 326. Simpl. I. 318. anddisto 'pi bkupasya Simpl. I. 88. andrambho manvsydndm, see andrambho hi kdrydndm. andrambho hi kdrydndm III. 114. andvrstihate deh Simpl. II. 53. anicchato ^pi duhkhdni II. 156. anindyam api nindanti Simpl, II. 156. aniyuktd hi sdcivye, see anuyuktd hi sdcivye, anirvedah sriyo muiam I. 332. Simpl. I. 329. aniscitair adhyavasdyahhlrubhih III. 224. anistah kanyakdyd yo Simpl. IV. 73 (not in HI). amiyuktd hi sdcivye I. 219. anudhd mandire yasya Simpl. IV. &7. anrtam satyam ity dhuh Simpl. I. 186. anrtam sdhasam mdyd I. 143. Simpl. I. 195. anekadosadnsto 'pi I. 227. Simpl. I. 242. anekayuddhavijayl III. 8. Simpl. III. 11. anena sidhyati ky etan I. 324. antahpuracaraih sdrdham I. 40. Simpl. I. 55. antargudhabhujamgamam 1. 356. Simpl. I. 375. ajitarllnabhvjanigamam, see antargudha . antar visamayd hy etd I. 150. Simpl. 1. 196 ; simpl. (not HI) IV. 87. antahsdrair akiitilaih I. 96. antahsthendviru'ldhena IV. 63. Simpl. III. 140 ; IV. 112. anlyajo 'pi yadd sdksl I. 392. Simpl. I. 404. antydvasthdgato 'jA Simpl. IV. 110. antydvastho 'pi hudho I. 424. ^andhakah kubjakas catva V. 69. Simpl. V. 91, 100. ^andho vd badhiro vdtha V. 74. Simpl. V. 98. anyathd sdstragarbhinyd II. 157. avyapratdpam dsddya Simpl. I. 107. apakdrisu md pdpam I. 164. apamdnam pxiraskrtya Simpl. HI, III. 164. *aparxksitam na kartavyarn, V. 13. Simpl. V. 18. apavddo bhaved yena I. 174. apasdrasamdyuktam III. 110. Simpl. III. 120. apdyasantdarHanajdm vipattim I. 47. Simpl. I. 61. api kdpuruso hhxtah I. 112. Simpl. I. 149. api kdpuruso mdrge Simpl. V. 104, 106. api putrakalatrair vd Simpl. I. 357. api prdnasamdn istdn III. 111. Simpl. III. 121. api brahmavadharn, krtvd Simpl. I. 275. api mandatvam dpanno Simpl. II. 167. api vlryotkatah satrur Simpl. III. 136. api mstresu kmald Simpl. V. 40, 43. api samjmrnatdyuktah, see sampurnendpi kartavyarn. api sarnmdnasamyuktdh I. 115. Simpl. I. 153. api sthdnuvad dslnah Simpl. I. 49. api sydt pitrhd vairi Simpl. III. 143. api svalpataram kdryarn, Simpl. I. 98. api svalpam asafyam yah I. 91. Simpl. I. 119. aputrasya grharn, sunyam, see sunyam aputrasya grharn,. apujito Hit Mr yasya IV. 5. apujyd yatra pujyante III. 173. aprstas tasya tad bruydd I. 49. aprstendpi vaktavyam III. 3. Simpl. lii. 4. Index of Stanzas 203 aprsto Hrdpraclhdno yo Simpl. I. 32. apeksitah hfinabalo 'pi satruh I. 171. apydtmano vindmm ganayati Simpl. I. 395. apy %itkate ca raiidre ca I. 78. Simpl. I. 103. aprakatlkrtasaktih Simpl. I. 31. aprandyyo 'tithih sdyavi I. 130. Simpl. I. 170. apradhdnah pradhdnah sydt\. 17. Simpl. 1.34 apramddas ca kartavyas I. 58. aprdpfakdlam vacanavi I. 23. Simpl. I. 63. apriyasydpi vacasah I. 235. apriydny api kurvdno I. 228. apriydny api pathydni Simpl. II. 161. ahalah pronnatam, see yo 'balah pro°. abhinavasevakavinayaih III. 108. Simpl. III. 119. ahhimatasiddhir asesd V. 30. Simpl. V. 30. abhiyukto balavatd durge 111.39. Simpl. III. 47. abhyaktam rahasi gatam I. 24. ahhyucchrite mantrini, see atyucchriie. abhracchdyd khalapntih, see meghac- chdyd. amitram kurute mitramlll. 198. Simpl. IV. 24. Cp. yo 'mitram kurute mi . amrtam sisire vahnir I. 98. Simpl. I. 128. amrtasya pravdhaih kim Simpl. II. 57. ambhasd bhidyate setus I. 76. Simpl. I. 102. ayam dutdrthasamksepah III. 78. ayarn nijah paro veti Simpl. V. 38. ayasah prdpyate yena II. 95. Simpl. II. 108. araksitam tisthati daivaraksitam Simpl. I. 20,323 ; V. 44. araksitdram rdjdnam III. 65. Simpl. III. 75.* aranyarndHam krtam I. 245. arito 'bfiydgato hhrtyo III. 208. araih samdhdryate ndbhir Simpl. I. 81. ^arthasyojjdrjavarn krtvd II. 133. Simpl. II. 122, 148. arthdndm arjane duhkham I. 123. Simpl. I. 163 ; II. 118. arthdrthi jlvaloko 'yam Simpl. I. 9. arthdrthl ydni kastdni Simpl. II. 119. arthena tu vihinasya II. 71. Simpl. II. 85. arthena balavdn mrvo II. 69. Simpl. II. 83. artJiebhyo 'pi hi vrddhehhyah Simpl. 1. 6. arthair arthd nibadhyante I. 3. alaktako yathd rakto Simpl. I. 145. alpe ca gundh, see svalpe 'pi gundh. avadhyam vdthavdgawyam I. 354. Simpl. I. 369. avadhyo brdhmano bdlah I. 156. Simpl. I. 201. avaiyagaivaraih prdnair I. 420. avasyam p)itiir dcdram, see yo 'vasyani pitur. avaskandapraddnasya III. 32. Simpl. III. 39. avidagdhasya bhaktasya, see visadig- dhasya. aviditvdtmanah mktirri I. 193, 330. Simpl. I. 237, 325.* aviralam apy anubhutdh II. 180. aviruddham sukhastham yo Simpl. I. 362. avi^vdsam sadd tisthet III. 52. Simpl. III. 6*2. avyavasdyinam alasam II. 115. ^avydpdresu vydpdram I. 8. Simpl. 1.21. amktair balinah kitroh Simpl. I. 319. amndd indriydniva Simpl. I. 8. amddhaprakrtaii rdjfd Simpl. I. 301. asrnvann api boddhavyo I. 120. Simpl. i. 160. asocydniha bhuidni L 337. Simpl. I. 334. 204 Index of Stanzas ahah sastram ^dstram I. 69, 84. Simpl. I. 110. asamsayam kmtraparigrahaksamd 1. 211. asatdm saiigadosena Simpl. I. 251. asatl bhavaii salajjd Simpl. I. 418. asatyah satyasamkdmh I. 439. ammdadJidno mdndndkaklll. 11. Simpl. lii. 14. asamaik samlyamdnak I. 62. Simpl. I. 74. ' asampatfau paro labho Simpl. II. 176. asamprdptarajd gaurl III. 183. asahdyah samartho 'pi III. 48. Simpl. III. 56. asa/iydny api sodJidni II. 101. asddhand api jprajnd, see asddhand vit- tahmd. asddhand vittahlnd II. 1. Simpl. II. 1. asddhyam mtrum dlokya^\m\)\. III. 137. aham hi sammato rdjfio Simpl. I. 279. ahimsdpurvako dharmo III. 94. Simpl. III. 104. ahitahitavicdra^wiyabuddheh 1. 15. aho khalahhujangasya Simpl. I. 305. dkdrair ingitair gatyd I. 21. Simpl. 1.44. dktrnah sobhate rdjd I. 371. dkhetakam vrthdklesam Simpl. I. 388. dkhetakasya dharmena Simpl. I. 129. Cp. pdparddhivad adharmena. dgatam vigraham drstvd Simpl. III. 22. dgatas ca gataS caiva IV. 32. Simpl. IV. 31, 36. dture vyasane prdpte Simpl. V. 41. dtmanah saktim udvlksya 1. 192. Simpl. I. 236. dtmano mukhadosena IV. 42. Simpl. IV. 44. dtmavargam parityajya^ see tyaktds cd- bhyantard yena. dddv atyupacdracdtuvinayd° I. 286. ddityacandrdv anilo 'nalas ca I. 141, 395. Simpl. I. 182, 405. ddau citte tatah kdye I. 126. Simpl. I. 166. ddau na vdpramyindm Simpl. I. 246. ddau sdma prayoktavyam, see sdmnat- vddau. dpafkdle tu samprdpte Simpl. II. 112. dpadam prdpnuydt svdml I. 300. Simpl. I. 292. dpadarlhe dhanam raksed^vca-^. I. 356 ; III. 86. dpadi yendpakrtam^ faulty reading for dpadi yen6pa° ^ q.v. dpadi yenopakrtam, I. 339 ; IV. 15. Simpl. I. 336 ; ' IV. 16. dpanndmya vibudhaih Simpl. II. 171. dpdtamdtrasaundaryam I. 388. dydti skhalitaih pddair I. 152. Simpl. I. 198. dydsasatalabdhasya II. 126. dyuh karma ca vittam ca II. 64. drddhyamdno nrpatih prayatndd I. 273. dropyate 'smd mildgrarn, I. 19. dvartah samsaydndm I. 146. Simpl. I. i9i; dsandc chayandd ydndt Simpl. IV. 65. dsane myane ydne III. 209. dsannam eva nrpatir I. 28. Simpl. I. 35. dstdm tdvat kim anyena IV. 48. Simpl. IV. 90. dharann apt na svastho I. 265. iksor agrdt kramamh II. 31. icchati sail sahasram V. 62. Simpl. V. 82. itah sa daityah prdptasnr Simpl. I. 245. istam daddti grhndti, see daddti prati- grhndti. iha loke hi dhanind/n, Simpl. I. 5. uvard bhuriddnena 11.56. Simpl. II. 67. ukto bhavati yah purvaml. 23S, Simpl. I. 244, 422. Index of Stanzas 205 ucchedyam api vidvdmso III. 53. Simpl. III. 63, 145. utkupya tlttihhah. pddau I. 329. Simpl. I. 314. Cp. svacittakalpito garvah. *uUamam pranipdtena IV. 61. Simpl. IV. 109, 114. uUardcl uttaram vdkyam I. 46. Simpl. I. 60. uttistha kmnam ekam V. 18. tUtisthamdnas tu paro Simpl. I. 234. utpatato ^py antariksam II. 184. utpatanti yad dkdk Simpl. II. 123. nUdhasakt'iyidavikrama II. 122. utsd/iasaktisampanno III. 23. Simpl. III. 30. utsdhasampannam adirghasutram 11.113. udlrito 'rthah paiundpi grhyate I. 20. Simpl. I. 43. uddhrtesv api mstresu III. 79. udyatesv api sastresn, see uddhrtesv api. udyamena vind rdjan Simpl. II. 132. udyamena hi sidhyanti II. 139. Simpl. II. 131. udyoginam purusasimham upaiti laksmlr Simpl.' I. 361 ; IL 130. unnamyonnamya tairaiva II. 75. Simpl. II. 91. upakdrdd dhi lokdndm II. 29. Simpl. II. 34. upakdrim yah sddhuh IV. 60. Simpl. 1.247; IV. 108.' upadempraddtfmm IV. 59. Simpl. IV. 107. ^upadeso na ddtavyo IV. 55. Simpl. I. 390 ; IV. 97, 101. upadeso hi murkhdndm Simpl. I. 389. upanatabhayair yo yo III. 202. upavutah sabhdmadhye Simpl. III. 109. ^updyam cintayed vidvdn I. 393. Simpl. I. 406. updydndm ca sarvesdm Simpl. I. 12. updyena jayo yddrg Simpl. I. 209. *updyena hi tat kurydd I. 159. Simpl. I. 207. updrjitdndm arthdndm I. 2. Simpl. II. 150. upeksitah ksinahalo ^pi mtruh Simpl. I. 235. n^and vetti yac chdstram I. 142. Simpl. I. 185. usmd hi vittajo vrddhim II. 52. Simpl. II. 64. rnasesam agnisesam III. 219. Simpl. " ' Ili. 178. rtumatydm tu tisthantydm III. 187. ekam hanydn na vd hanydd Simpl. I. 2*06. eka eva hitdrthdya III. 70. Simpl. III. 80. ekam ndma jaddtmakasya I. 206. ekam ahdnrte hanti, see paiica pasvanrte hanti. ekam utkanthayd vydptam I. 199. ekam bhumipatih karoti I. 223. Simpl. I. 240. ekasthdne prasute vdg, see ekd prasuyate mdtd, ekasya karma samvlksya Simpl. I. 342. ekasya janmano Wthe I. 173. ^ekasya duhkhasya na ydvad II. 185. Simpl. li. 175. ^ekasydpy atither annam III. 147. ekah svddu na bhunjlta Simpl. V. 103. ekdkini vanavdsiny I. 5. ekdkl grhasamtyaktah V. 11. Simpl. V. 15. ekd prasuyate mdtd IV. 6. Simpl. IV. 5. ekena smitapdtalddhararuco Simpl. I. 136. ekendpi gunavatd Intr. Simpl. H 9, I 5. ekendpi sxtdhlrena IV. 37. Simpl. IV. 41. ekesdrn vdci Sukavad anyesdm Simpl. I. 62." 206 Index of Stanzas ^■ekodardh prthaggfivd II. 6. Simpl. V. 101, 102.' eko 'j)i ko 'pi sevyo yah III. 62. eko hhdvah soda Sasto III. 56. Simpl. III. 66. etadarthe kulmdndm I. 305. Simpl. I. 297. etdh svdrthapard ndryah V. 50. Simpl. V. 65. etd hasanti ca rudanti ca I. 148. Simpl. I. 192. e rand Mind drkanalaih Simpl. I. 96. fevafn vilapya hahuSah III. 161. evam ca bhdmte lokas Simpl. V. 20. evam jndtvd narendrena Simpl. I. 84. ■\evam vktvd sa dharmdtmd III. 150. evam manusyam apy ekam III. 47. Simpl. III. 55. ■\esa mhmikak sete III. 136. ehy dgaccha samdvimsanam II. 48. Simpl. I. 253 ; II. 60. aiharyavanto 'pi hi nirdhands te II. 164. auUiikyagarhhd hhramativa rfn^/t/^II. 182. ausadhdrthasumantrdndm Simpl. 1. 203. kah kdlah kdni mitrdni I. 271. kaccid astddamnyesu, see ripor astdda- mtidtii. kantakasya ca bhagnasya I. 222. kathdnvitam satkavi Prasasti 1. kanakabhUsanasamgrahanocito I. 63. Simpl. I. 75. kaplndm vasaydsvdndm V. 59. Simpl. V. 79. •\kapotadevd sury dsa, vol. xii, p. 49 if. kamalamadhunai tyaktvd I. 290. kanipamdnam adho 'veksll. 153. Simpl. I. 199. kampah svedas tathd Simpl. HI I. 187. karasddo ' mbaratydgas I. 137. Simpl. I. 178. karnavifjena ca bhagnah Simpl, I. 303. kartavyah pratidivasam prasannacittaih II. 160. kartavyam eva kartavyam I. 426. ^kartavydny eva mitrdni II. 169. kalahdntdni harmydni V. 57. Simpl. V. 76. kalpayati yena vrttim I. 48. '^kasdt ksudrasawdcdrah III. 121. kdkamdtnsarn, tatfiocchidam I. 302. Simpi. I. 294. kdke iaucarn, dyutakdresu safyain I. 110. Simpl. I. 147. kdce manir manau kdco Simpl. I. 77. kdmavydjam upetya^ reading of Simpl. HI for dhydnavydjam u. kdyah samnihitdpdyah II. 194. Simpl. II! 177. kdrandn mitratdm e^i 11.26. Simpl.II.31. kdrunyam samvibhdgas ca II. 20. Simpl. II. 24. kdrkasyam stanayor drsos I. 147. Simpl.' I. 190. kdrttike vdtha caitre ca III. 31. Simpl. III. 38. kdryasydpeksaydbhiiktarnB\m^\.\H.\7^. kdrydkdryam andryair I. 234. kdrydny arthdvamardena I. 224. kdrydny uttamadandasdhasaphaldny I. 357. Simpl. I. 376. kdlah samnihitdpdyah, see kdyah sam. kdldtikramanarn vrtter I. 116. Simpl. I. 154. kdlindydh pulinendramla" I. 293. kdle yathdvad adhigata° I. 27. kdlo hi sakrd abhyeti III. 117. kdvyamstravinodena II. 171. kdsl vivarjayec cauryam V. 38. Simpl. V. 52. kirn, Sakyam sumatimatdpi tatra II. 176. kim a^akyayn buddhimatdrn, I. 184. kirn karisyati pdndityam I. 384. Simpl. I. 394. kirn karoty eva pdndityam, see kirn karifjyati. Index of Stanzas 207 '\kim krandasi nirdkranda IV. 27. Simpl. IV. 29. kim gajena prahhirinena I. 231. kim candanaxh sakarpurais II. 45. Simpl. II. 55. kim cintitena bahund II. 153. kim tayd kriyate dhenvd Introd. 3. Simpl. Introd. 4. kim tayd kriyate laksmyd Simpl. II. 134 ; V. 37. kim tena jdtu jdtena Simpl. I. 26. kim paurusavi raksati yena II. 167. kim bhaktendsamarthena I. 72. Simpl. I. 97. kim bhdsitena gunind I. 322. kirltamanicitrem Simpl. III. 150. •\kukrtam kuparijridtam V. 12. Cp. kudrstam ku. ^kudrstam kuparijndtam V. 1. Simpl. V. 1, 17. Cp. kukrtam ku. kupiitro 'pi bhavet pumsdm V. 14. Simpl. V. 19. kubjasya kltakhdtasya II, 84. Simpl. 11.89. kurvanti tdvat prathamam Simpl. I. 193. kurvann api vyallkdni, see anekadom- dnsto 'pi. kurvati hi vaitaslm vrttim, see kramdt vaitam . kulam ca silam ca III. 191. Simpl. IV. 71. kulapatanamjanagarhdm 1. 135. Simpl. I. 176. kutalekhyair dhanotsargair Simpl. III. 138. kurmasamkocam dsddya III. 17. Simpl. III. 2*1. kftaniHcayino vandyds II. 146. Simpl. II. 142. krtasatam asatsu na^tam I. 243.' krtd7itapdsabaddhdndm II. 4. Simpl. ' II. 5, 172 ; III. 169. krtdntavihitam karma I. 380. krtd bhiksd rekair vitarati Simpl. I. 11 ' (om. HI). krtl kasya hudhah ko 'tra, see tasydk krte. krte p rati kr tarn kurydd V. 64. Simpl. V. 84. ^krte vi?iiscaye pumsdm I. 196. krtyam devadvijdtmdm III. 55. Simpl. III. 65. krtydkrtyam na manyeta Simpl. I. 277. krtrimam ndmm dydti II. 25. Simpl. ' II. 30. krtvd krtyavidas tlrthair Simpl. III. 71. krtvdparddharn, 7iastah sail I. 355. krtsndm api dhardm jitvd II. 108. krpano 'py akullno 'pi, see virupo 'pyaku. krmayo bhasma vistkd vd I. 351. ke ndma na vinaJyanti Simpl. IV. 86. kelik pradahati majjdm Simpl. I. 175. kevalarn vyasanasyoktam Simpl. II. 181. ko gatvd yamasadanam I. 320. ko grhndti phanamanim I. 316. ko 'tibkdrak samarthdndm I. 22. Simpl. II. 51, 121. kodhlrasyamanasvinahW. 111. Simpl. II. 120. kopaprasddavastHni I. 29. Simpl. I. 36. ko 'rthdn prdpya na garvito I. 109. Simpl. I. 146. ko vd tasya manasvino, see ko dhlrasya ma . kosaksayo na nidrd ca Simpl. III. 128. kauseyam krmijam suvarnam I. 70. Simpi. I. 94. kramdt vaitasavrttis tih III. 16. Simpl. III. 20. kriyddhikarn vd vacanddhikam vd I. 55. kriydsu yuktair nrpa cdracaksuso I. 236. kruro lubdho 'laso 'satyah III. 20. Simpl. III. 26. kllbe dhairyam, see kdke Saucam. klesasydngam adattvd V. 31. Simpl. V. 32. kva gato mrgo na jlvati I. 163. kva sa dasarathak svarge bhUtvdlU. 232. 208 Index of Stanzas hanikdh sarvasamskdrd I. 208. Jcsate prahdrdh prapatanti II. 186. * Simpl. II. 178; HI also IV. 88. ksdntitidyam tapo ndsti II. 162. kslnah sravati Simpl. HI V. 76. knyate nopahhogena II. 191. *ksudram arfkapatim prdpya III. 81. Simpl. III. 91, lio. ksewydm sasyapraddm nityam Simpl. ' III. 85. khanann dkhnlilam simhah III. 13. Simpl. III. 17. ' gaganam iva na-statdram Simpl, V. 6. gacclia duram api yaira nandasi I. 430. gajahhijamgamayor api, see raviniMka° . gajavihamgabhnjamga , see Sasidivdka- rayor. gandasthale madakalo, and gandastka- lesu, see gallasthalesu. gandopdnte suciranibhrtatn, see gallo- pdnte. gatavayasdm api pumsdm II. 105. Simpl. I. 10. gandhena gdvah pa^yanti III. 58. Simpl. III. 67. gargo hi pddasaucdl Simpl. IV. 47 (om. HI). gallasthalem madavdrim Simpl. I. 123. [gandasthalesu HI.) gallop)dnte snciranibhrtam I. 291. gavdm arthe brdhmandrthe Simpl. 1. 205. gardrthe brdhmandrthe ca Simpl. I. 420 ; II. 104. *gavd^andndm sa vacah Srnotl I. 417. gdtrarn, sarnkucitarn. gatir III. 169. Simpl. IV. 78. * gltasdstravinodena, see kdvya. gunavattarapdtrena Simpl. I. 287. gunavanmitrand.^ena II. 38. gunavdn apy asanmantrl I. 370. Simpl. I. 384. gundlayo 'py aganma7ifrl,8eegunavdn apy. "fgundh samkhydparityaktds II. 47. Simpl. II. 59. guniganaganandrambheSiimpl., H Intr. 7, I Intr. 3. gunem rdgo vyasanesv anddaro III. 229. gurur agnir dvijdtindm I. 257. gjirusakatadhurarndharas I. 16. gurundm ndmamdtre '^e'lll. 71. Simpl. III. 81. gxiror apy avaliptasya I. 169. Simpl. I. 306. giiroh sutdm mitrabhdrydrn II. 94. Simpl. II. 107. grdhrdkdro 'pi sevyah sydd Simpl. I. 302. '\grdhrendpahrtam mdrnmm IV. 51. Simpl. IV! 93. grham satrum api prdptarn, Simpl. 1.289. grhaksetravivddesu III. 84. grhamadhyanikhdtena Simpl. II. 149. grhl yatrdgatam drstvd, see ya^ cdgate prdghunake. gopdlena prajddhenor Simpl. II. 218. goidhikakarmaniyxiktah V. 23. Simpl. I. 15. grdsdd ardham api grdsam II. 55. Simpl. II. 66. grnmdtapatapio 'pi hi I. 317. *catikd kddhakutena I. 335. Simpl. 1.332. catuhkarno 'pi Simpl. HI I. 96. caturthopdyasddhye tu III. 21. Simpl. III. 27, 135. catvdriha sahasrdni Prasasti 7. candanatanmL bhvjarngd I. 277. candandd api sanibhulo I. 399. calaty ekena pddena I. 77. cdtataskaradurvrttais Simpl. I. 343. cdranair vandibhirnicairY. 51. Simpl. V. 66. ^citikdm dlpitdm paxya III. 118. citracdtukarair hhrfyair I. 377. Simpl. I. 385. Index of Stanzas 209 citrasvddukathair , see citracdtukarair, citrdsvddakathair, see citracdtukarair. ciram dugdho 'nadvdn I. 246. chdyds2iptamrgah mkunta° II. 2. Simpl. II. 2. cJiittvd pdmm apdsya kiita° II. 67. Simpl. II. 81. chidresv anarthd bahalihhavanti , p. 251,2. jananlmano karati j at avail I. 213. janitd copanetd ca Simpl. IV. 66. *^amhuko htidayuddhena I. 122, 155. Simpl. I. 162. jayanti tejindk^ see te jayanti. jalpanti sdrdkam anyena I. 105. Simpl. I. 135. jdtah putro 'nvjdtas ca I. 385. jdtarndtram na yah Satrum I. 191. Simpl. i. 233, 364 ; III. 3. jdtasya naditlre Simpl. I. 28. jdteti kanyd mahatiha cinfd I. 212. jdnann api naro daivdt IV. 31. Simpl. IV. 35. jdlam dddya gacchanti Simpl. II. 8. Cp. samhatd^ tu harautime. jihvd laulyapra Simpl. II. 3. jlryanti jlryatah kem V. 63. Simpl. V. 16, 83. jlvanto 'j}i mrtdh panca I. 264. Simpl. I. 266. jivan naro bhadrasatdnipasyati,^. 254,14. jlviti prahruvan proktak I. 37. Simpl. I. 53. jhdnarn caksur na tu drk II. 96. jndnarn madadarpaharam I. 368. jndnam madopammanam, see madddiksd- lanam sdstram. jvdldsataruddhdmharam I. 321. '\tatas tarn, luhdhako drstvd III. 151. ftafas tadvacanam hutvd III. 141. ^tatah samtrastahrdayah III. 126. ^tato divydmbaradhard III. 162. "ftatoyasiim mldkdni ca III. 157. '\tat tathd sddhaydmy etac III. 148. tat te yuktarn prabho kartum, see tatra yuktarn pra°. jftatra taptvd tapo ghorarn vol. xii, p. 50. ^tatra ddvdnalam drstvd III. 165. tatra yuktarn prabho kartuvi III. 34. Simpl. Ili. 42. fadartharn ca kultndndm, see etadarthe ku . tad daivam iti samcintya, see na daivam iti samcintya. tanavo 'py dyatd nityarn Simpl. II. 7. ^tapas tepe tato varsa vol. xii, p. 46. tayd gavd kirn, see kim tayd kriyate. talavad drSyate vyoma I. 438. ftasmdt tvam dvesam utsrjya III. 140. tasmdt sarvaprayatnena trivarga° III. 210. tasmdt sarvaprayatnena ndmdpi IV. 46. Simpl. IV. 85. tasmdt sydt kalaho yatra V. 56. Simpl. V. 75. fasmdd ekdntam dsddya Simpl. III. 7. tasnidd diirgarn, drdham krtvd III. 42. Simpl. III.* 51. tasmdd vivdhayet kanydm III. 185. \tasmdn na socdmi p. 151,10 andpada 3 of II. 93. Simpl. 11. 105, pada 3, and p. 25,17. tasmdn na sydt phalarn, yatra III. 14. Simpl. III. 18. tasya katliam na cald Simpl. V. 33. ■\tasya tadvacanam Snitvd III. 143. tasydh krte budhah ko nu II. 109. tdditd api dandena Simpl. IV. 89. tddito 'pi durukto 'pi Simpl. I. 89, tdntndriydny avikaldni II. 81. Simpl. V. 26. ' tdvaj janmdpi duhkhdya I. 263. Simpl. I. 265. tdvat prltir bhavel lake II. 41. Simpl. II. 47. E e 210 Index of Stanzas tdvat s^dt mrvakrtyem II. 147. Sirapl. II. 143. tdvat syat suprasanndsya%, see tdvad eva pradhdnam sydt. tdvad eva pradhdnam sydt V. 49. Simpl. V. 64. tdvad bhayasya bhetavyam I. 170. tdmm vdkydni krtydni Simpl. I. 140. •\tirascdm apt yatredrk II. 199. tiryancam ptirusam vdpi III. 106. Simpl. III. 116.' tisthan yo madkyago nityam III. 43. Simpl. III. 52. tistken madhyagato nityam and tisthed yo madhyago, see tMian yo madhyago nityam. •ftisrak kotyo 'rdhakotl ca III. 164. ttksnoptdyaprdptigamyo III. 223. *tuldm lohasahasrasya I. 404, 409. Simpl. I. 409, 414. tidydrtham tulyasdmartJiyam Simpl. I. 248. trndni nonmiUayati pra° I. 94. Simpl. " I. 122. trndni bhumir udakarn, I. 131. Simpl. I. 171. trsne devi namas tubhyam II. 99. Simpl. V. 81 (ep. lobhdd eva nard mndha). te jayanti jind yesdrn, V. 9. Simpl. V. 12. te dhanyds te vivekajhds Simpl. I. 262. tendpi ca varo datto I. 190. Simpl. I. 231. *tyaktds cdbhyantard yena I. 260. Simpl. I. 259. tyajanti mitrdni dkanena liinarn II. 106. tyajetkmdhdrtd, see bubhuksitah kim na, tyajed ekam kulasydrthe Simpl. I. 355 ; III. 84.' tydgini Sure vidusi ca III. 222. tydjya?/i na dkairyam Simpl. I. 316. trayah sthdnam na muncanti I. 160. "^tvayd saha maydvaSyarn, I. 282. datpstrdvirahitah sarpo II. 70. Simpl. i. 232; II. 12,84; III. 49. daksinddisamrddhasya Simpl. III. 156. dandam muktvd nrpo yo \ydn Simpl. III. 146. dattvd tdn eva ydeanti, see ddtdro 'py atra ydcante. dattvdpi kanyakdm vain Simpl. I, 276. dattvd ydeanti purwd, see ddtdro 'py atra ydcante. daddti pratigrhndti II. 39 ; IV. 11. Simpl. 11.45; IV. 12. dadydt sddhur yadi nijapade Simpl. I. 366. dantasya niskosanakena raj an I. 59. Simpl. I. Vl." " dayitajanaviprayogo II. 179. Simpl. II. 174. darSitabhaye 'pi dhdtari I. 79. Simpl. I. 104. ddtdro ^py atra ydcante II. 117. ddtd laghur api sevyo Simpl. II. 68. ddnam bliogo ndsas tisro Simpl. II. 151. ddnena tulyo nidkirasti ndmjali II. 131. Simpl. II. 158. ■\ddridryarogaduhkhdni III. 139. ddridryasya pard murtir^im^l. II. 159. ddridrydt purusasya bdndhava° II. 78. ddridrydd dhriyam eti, see nirdravyo hriyam eti. ddrem kirneit purusasya I. 74. Simpl. I.' 100.' ■\ddvdgnineva nirdagdhd III. 134. diksu bhumau tathdkdse I. 207. duhkham dtmd paricckettum I. 323. duradhigamah parabhdgo I. 333. Simpl. I. 330 ; V. 34. durdrddhydk sriyo rdjndrn, Simpl. I. 67. durdrddhyd hi rdjdnah Simpl. I. 64. durdroharn padant rdjndm Simpl. I. 66. durgam trikutah parikJid Simpl. V. 90. durgasthd api vadhyante Simpl. III. 144. durjanagamyd nary ah I. 272. Simpl. I. 278. Index of Stanzas 211 durjanah prakrthn ydti I. 240, durdivase gkanatimire III. 177. Simpl, IV. 53. (Cp. the following- stanza.) durdivase 'sitapakse I. 133. Simpl, I. 173. (Cp. the preceding stanza.) durmantrdn nrpatir vinasyati I. 129. Simpl. I. 169. dnrmantrinam ham upaydnti III. 211. Simpl. HI III. 160. durlahhd striva cittena Simpl. III. 149. dustabuddhir abuddhu ca and dusta- huddhir dharmabuddkir, see dharma- buddkir abuddkis ca. dusprdpydtii baliuni Simpl. V. 28. dutam vd lekham vd III. 75. duta era hi samdadhydd III. 76. duramdrgaHramoArdntam, see durdydtam. duradhdndm avidydndm Simpl. IV. 72. durasthdm api yena paxyasi I. 205. durdd ucchritapdnir drdra° I. 285. durdydtam patha^rdntam IV. 4. Simpl. IV. 4.' ^devo 'pi tarn langhayitum, p. 151,8 and pada 2 of 11. 93. Simpl. II. 106, pada 2, and p. 25,16. desam kdlam kdryam I. 258. desam utsrjyajwantiy see tray ah sthdnarn, na muhcanti. demndm upari ksmdpd I. 117, Simpl. I. 155. desdntaresu hahuvidhabhdm Simpl. I. 397. dainyasya pdtratdm eti Simpl. II. 97. daivavamd upapanne I, 4. dosam drito janah krtsnarn Simpl. III. 163. daurgatyarn dehindrn, duhkham Simpl. II. 96. ' daurbhdgydyatanam dhiyo II. 85. dyulam yo yamadutdhham I. 45. Simpl. I. 58. dravyaprakrtihlno 'pi 1. 33. Simpl. 1. 48. dvandvdldpasabhesaja° I. 25. dvdv iipdydv iha proktau Simpl. II. 163. dvigunam trignnam vittamY. 26. Simpl. I. 18.* dvijihvam udvegakararn I. 397. dvidhdkdram bhaved ydnarn, III. 30. Simpl. III. 37. dvipd$wisasirnhdgni° I. 364. dvisaddvesaparo nityam I. 42. Simpl. I. 57. " dvisdslvisasimhdgni° , see dvipdsivisa" . dxnpdd any asm dd api II. 154. dvesidvemparo nityam, see dvisaddvesa- paro nityam. ^dvaidhibhdvasamWitas tvam III. 57. dhanadasya tathatva vajrinah I. 433. dhanavdn duskulino 'pi II. 104. dhanavdn matimdn kim, see sadhana iti ko. dhanddikesn vidyante Simpl. HI II. 132. dhanyds tdta na pa-^yantill. 43 {seepara- hastagatdm bhdrydm). Simpl. V. 78. dhanyds te ye na, see dhanyds tdta na. *dharmabiiddhir abnddhi^ ca I. 389. Simpl. I. 396. dharmasatyavihlnena III. 19. Simpl. III. 25. dharmdrthatn yatatdm apiha Simpl, I. 371. dharmdrtham yagya vittehd Simpl. II. 157. dharsandrn marsayed yo Hra V. 60. Simpl. V. 80. dhavaldny dtapatrdni Simpl. I. 42. dkairyarn hi kdryarn satatam I. 216. dhydnavydjam upetya Simpl. V. 14. na kasyacit kascid iha I. 18. f «a kdryam adya me ndtha III. 159. ^^na kirn, dadydn na kirn kurydt IV. 41. na kurydn narandthasya I. 43. na kauhnydn na *az//^arf/a«Simpl.1. 116. nakrah svasthdnam dmdya III. 38. Simpl. III. 46. 212 Index of Stanzas na hudlul piilyale yas tu Simpl. I. 90. nakhimm ca nadlndtji ca I. 52. na gajdndm sahasrena I. 187. Simpl. I. 228;"ll. 13. na garvam kurute mane Simpl. HI 1.88. f«a grham grham ity dhur III. 130. Simpl. IV! 81, na gopraddnayii na mahipraddnam I. 298. Simpl. I. 290. ^nagnah sravanako dagdhah I. 378. na ca cchidram vind ^atrur Simpl. III. 124. na candrena na caumdhid Simpl. I. 380. na ca svalpakrte bhilri, see na sa sval- pakrfe bhuri. na jdtu mnmnam yasya, see praydfy upammam. na tac ckastrair na ndgendrair Simpl. I. 124. na tat svarge 'pi saukhyam sydd Simpl. V. 49. ^na tatJid karind ydnam III. 214. na tathd bddhyate loke II. 74. Simpl. II. 88. na tddrg jdyate saukhyam III. 82. Simpl. III. 92. na tan sutirthais tapasd, see ydn yajha- samgJiais tapasd ca lokdn. na te kimcid akartavyam II. 100. na tv avijhdtasilasya, see na hy avi- jndta°. na daddti yo na bliuhkte II. 127. na ddnatulyo vidhir ast'i, see ddnena tulyo. nadlndm ca kuldndm ca Simpl. IV. 49. na dlrghadarsino yasya III. 196. Simpl. III. 167. na durjano vairam itiprakupyati I. 239. na devd yastim dddya Simpl. III. 182. (See the following stanza.) na devdh mstram dddya Simpl. III. 183. (See the preceding stanza.) na daivam iti samcintya II. 145. Simpl. II. 140. *7ia pujayati yo garvdd I. 100. Simpl. I. 130. na prcched gotracaranam IV. 3. Simpl. IV. 3. na prajhayd visdrinyd, see prajhaydti- visdrinyd. na badhyanie hy avisvastd 1. 88. Simpl. I. 114; 11.40. na bhaktyd kasyacit ko 'pi I. 407. Simpl. I. 412. namati vidhivat pratyutthdnam I. 287. na manusyaprakrtind I. 431. \na mayd tava hastdgram II. 54. na mdtari na ddresu II. 190. ^na me dhanur ndpi ca II. 60. na yajhasamghair api, see na tdn sutir- thais tapasd. na yajvdno 'pi gacchanti I. 308. Simpl. I. 300. nayatra snkyate kartum IV. 62. Simpl. IV. 11. 7ia yatrdsti gatir vdyo V. 35. Simpl. V. 48. na yasya cestitamvidydn I. 261. Simpl. I. 261. na yasya sakyate kartiim, see na yatra sakyate kartiim. naydd apetam pravadanti yuddham I. 434. na yojanasatam duram II. 98. narakdya. matis te cet II. 51. Simpl. II. 63. narapatihitakartd dvesyatdm I. 101. Simpl. I. 131. nardndm ndpito dhurtah III. 66. Simpl. III. 76. narddhipd nlcamatdnuvartino I. 369. Simpl. I. 383. narendrd bhuyistham gunavati I. 294. na vadhyate hy avisvasto and na va- dhyante hy a°, see na badhyante hy a°. navanUasamdm vdnwi I. 394. Simpl. I. 407. Index of Stanzas 213 na vittam darmyet prdjhah Simpl. I. 400. na vind pdrthivo hhrtyair I. 68. Simpl. I. 79. iia vibhavyante laghavo V. 6. Simpl. V. 7. na vihaset purvavirodhitasya III. 1. Simpl. III. 1. na visvased avuvaste IV. 12. Simpl. II. 39 ; IV. 13. na visvdsam vind satriir II. 33. Simpl. I. 115;*II. 33. na milasrnge kamalam prarohati I. 278. nanyati mpulamater api, see vijmlamater api nasyati. nasyanti gund gunindm I. 242. nastam apdtre ddnam I. 244. nasfam mrtam atikrdntam 1. 336. Simpl. i. 333. 7ia sa svalpakrte bhuri IV. 25. Simpl. I. 19. 7ia sd vidyd na tad ddnam Simpl. I. 4. '\na sd strUy abhimantavyd III. 133. na suvarmm na ratndni Simpl. IV. 74. na so ^sti pnruso rdjftdm I. 226. Simpl. I. 241. na smaranty aparddhdndm I. 279. na svalpam apy adhyavasdyabhirok II. 116. na svalpasya krte bhurl, see na sa svalpa- krte bhuri. na hi tad vidyate khncid V. 19. Simpl. 1.2. tia hi bhavati yan na bhdvyam II. 8, 134. Simpl. II. 9, 124. na hi visvasanlyavi sydt III. 87. *na hy avijiidtasUdya I. 256. Simpl. I. 252. *\tidkasmdc chdndilimdtd II. 53. Simpl. II. 65, 78. ndgnis trpyati kdsthdndm 1. 106. Simpl. I. 137. ndcchddayati kaupltiam III. 89. Simpl. III. 97. ndjndtabalavtryesu I. 57. ndtiprasahgah pramaddsu kdryo I. 144. Simpl. I. 187. ndtyuccam inermikharam II. 123. ^ndndmyani ndmyate ddru 1. 383. Simpl. I. 386. " ndnyad giidd varam loke V. 43. Simpl. V. 57. ndprstas tasya tad briiydd, see aprstas tasya tad bruydd. ndbhaksyam bhaksayet prdjhah I. 304. Simpl. i. 296. ndbhiseko na samskdrah I. 6. ndbhyutthdnakriyd yatra II. 50. Simpl. II. 62. ndmrtayn na visam kimcid IV. 29. Simpl. IV. 32. ndvidagdhah priyam bruydt II. 37. Simpl. I. 164. (Cp. nihsprho nddhi- kdn sydn.) ndmyitum eva mcah I. 366. Simpl. I. 363, 382. ndmdti sevayautsukydd Simpl. I. 267. ndsdm kaScid agamyo 'sti Simpl. 1. 143. nasty drogyasamam mitram I. 161. niksepe grhapatite V. 22. Simpl. I. 14. nijasthdtiasthito 'py ekah III. 41. Simpl. III. 50. nityam narendrabhavane I. 26. nityodyatasya jmrnsasya bhaved I. 195. nipdnam iva mandukdh II. 112. nimittam uddisya hi yah prakupyati I. 274. Simpl. I. 283.* uiratisayarn, garimdnam Simpl. 1. 30. nirodhdc cetaso ^ksdni Simpl. II. 154. nirdosam api vittdcUyam Simpl. II. 117. nirdravyo hriyam eti II. 86. nirvisesam yadd svdmi I. 66. Simpl. I. 78. ' nirvisendpi sarpena Simpl. I. 204 ; III. 87. ^niscitya pjratliamdm vdcam Simpl. III.3. nistabdham hrdayam krtvd, see nistrim- sam hrdayam krtvd. 214 Index of Stanzas nistrimhm hrdayam krtvd 1. 352. Simpl. 1.367.' niksarpe haddhasarjpe vd III. 226. nihi<:prho nddhlkdrl sydn I. 124. (Cp. ndvidagdhah priyam bruydt.) ^mtiSdstrdrthatattvajfw III. 73. 7iuna?n. iasydsyapute I. 401. fnunam mama nrmmm,^ya III. 154. nrpah kdmdsakto ganayati na I. 253. nrpadipo dhanasneham I. 180. Simpl. ' I. 221. naitan mitram yasya kopdd I. 209. ^natva kascit siiJirt tasya III. 122. nonmayukhena ratnena I. 360. nopakdram vind pntih II. 40. Simpl. II. 46.' pahca pasvanrte hanti III. 98. Simpl. III. 108. ' pancdslfyadhikam hy etad V. 42. Simpl. V. 56. ■\pavjarasthd tatah srutvd III. 132. patur iJia purnsah pardkrame II. 120. '^pandito 'pi varam satmir I. 418, 421. Simpl. I. 417. panydndm gdndliikam panyam V. 24. Simpl. I. 13. patati kaddchi nabhasah V. 29. Simpl. V. 29. ■\pativratd patiprdnd III. 131. paradembhaydd bhUd Simpl. I. 321. paradosakathdvicaksanah I. 400. paraparivddah parisadi III. 102. *parasparasya marmdni III. 172. ^parasyapldanam kurvan 1.353. Simpl. 1.368. parahadagatdm bhdrydm V. 58. (See dkanyds tdta na pa.syanti.) pardkramapardmarsa Simpl. III. 152. pardhmukhe 'pi daive 'tra Simpl. I. 360. pardnmukhe vidhau pumsdm II. 9. Simpl. II. 10. paricifam dgacchantam Simpl. I. 16. parivarf'i?ii sommre Simpl. I. 27. parme hitam anvesyam I. 372. paresdm dtmanas caiva III. 80. parokse gunahantdram I. 284. ^parjanyasya yaihd dhdrd II. 46. Simpl. II. 58. parnambdam api srutvd Simpl. III. 132. paryankesv dstaranam I. 134. Simpl. I. 174. ^paryatan prthimm sarvdm I. 281. paryanto labhyate bhumeh I. 95. pasya karmavamt prdptam II. 138. Simpl. II. 129. pasya ddnasya mdhdtmyam Simpl. II. 48. pdddhato 'pi drdhadanda' Simpl. I. 304. pdparddkivad adharmena I. 99. Cp. dkhetaka-^ya dharmena. pitd vd yadi vd bhrdtd I. 428. Simpl. I. 423. pitur grhesu and pitur grJie tu, see fitr- vesmani yd kanyd. pitrpaitdmaham sthdnam Simpl. I. 365. pitrvesmani yd kanyd III. 188. pltam durgandki toyam II. 102. plyusam iva samtosam Simpl. II. 153. pumsdm asamarthdndm Simpl. I. 324. putrdd api priyataram Simpl. II. 49. punah pratyupakdrdya Simpl. I. 338. pxird guroh sa° I. 189. Simpl. I. 230. piddkd iva dhdnyesu III. 90. Simpl. III. 98. pujyate yad apujyo 'pi Simpl. I. 7. pujyo bandkur api priyo I. 230. purndpume V. 21 (HI V. 20). '^'^purvam tdvadahammurkhoTVl. 193. "^pUrvam eva mayd jiidtam 1. 82. Simpl. I. 108. purve vayasi yak sdntaJi, see prathamc vayasi. *prcchakena sadd bhdvyamY. 70. Simpl. V. 93, 94. prsfdprstd narendrena I. 437. paimnyamdtrakusalah I. 422. patdasfyah kalham anyadd° II. 3. Simpl. II. 4. Index of Stanzas 215 "^^joracchannam kila hhoktavyam I. 344. prajd na ranjayed yas tu III. 228. prajdndm dharmasadbhdgo Simpl.1. 344. prajdndm pdlanam msyam Simpl. I. 217. ' prajapldanasamtdpdt Simpl. I. 345. prajhaydtivudrinyd I. 387. pranamya vighnahantdram Simpl. H, Intr. 3 (om. I). ■\pratdpayasva vurabdkam III. 145. pratidinam upaiti vllayam V. 4. Simpl. V. 4. pratidivasam ydti layam, see pratidinam itpaiti vilayam. prafyaksam yasya yad hhuktam III. 85. Simpl. ill. 94. pratyak&aram pratipadam Prasasti 3. *pratyakse 'pi krte pdpe III. 174. Simpl. IV. 48, 54. pratyantaram na pimar Vrasasti 6. pratyddistah piiTMsas I. 254. pratydsattim vrajati puniso I. 269. prathame vayasi yah mtUak I. 125. Simpl. I. 165. prabknprasddajam vittam 1. 38. Simpl. I. 54. prabhoh prasddam anyasya Simpl. I. 286! pramdndd adkikasydpi Simpl. I. 327 ; III. 29. pramdTidbhyadhikasydpi, see pramdndd adkikasydpi. pramddindm taikdcaurdl. 118. Simpl, I. 156. ' praydty upasamarn, yasya III. 26. Simpl. III. 33. praviralam, see aviralam. prasannavadano hrstah I. 154. Simpl. I. 200. prasarati matih kdrydrambhe III. 221. Simpl. III. 180. prdjdpatye sakate bhinne Simpl. I. 212. prdjnaih snigdhair iipakrtam, see bkdva- snigdhair u. prdnavad raksayed bhrtydn, see raksed bhrtydn yathd prdndn. prdnavyaye samutpanneH. 174. Simpl. II. 168. prdndtyaye samufpanne, see prdnavyaye. ^prdptam artham tu yo mohdt IV. 1. prdptavidydrthasilpdndm Simpl. 1. 399. *]prdptavyam artham labhate II. 93 ; pada 1 also pp. 147,10. 21 ; 149,9. 15 ; 150,1; 151,6. Simpl. II. 105, 106, 109 ; pada 1 also pp. 23,6 ; 24,6. lo. 18; 25,15. prdptavyo niyatibald.srayem II. 152. prdpte bhaye paritrdnam, see sokdrati- bhayatrdnam. prdpto bandhanam apy ayarn, Simpl. II. 184. prdyendtra kuldnvitam kiikulajdh I. 410. Simpl. I. 415. prdrabhyate na khalu vighnabhayena Simpl. III. 177. prdleyalesamisre I. 318. prdhuh sdjitapadam maitram Simpl. IV. 106. priyam vdyadi vddvesyam,seepnyovd. priyd hitds ca ye rdjhdm I. 31. priyo vd yadi vd dvesyo IV. 2. Simpl. IV. 2 ; HI also I. 225. prltim nirantardm krtvd II. 42. Simpl. if. 50. prerayati parani andryah I. 255. proktah pratyuttaram ndha I. 39. phalahinam nrpam bhrtydh I. 114. Simpl. i. 152. ' phaldrthx nrpatir lokdn 1. 178. Simpl. I. 220, 347. phaldrthl pdrthivo lokdn, see phaldrthl nrpatir lokdn. halavantam ripurn drstvd III. 36. Simpl. I. 311 ; III. 44^ 127. halindpi na bddhyante III. 44. Simpl. III. 53. 216 Index of Stanzas halindsahayoddhavyam III. 18. Simpl. III. 23. hal'iyasd samdkrdnto III. 15. Simpl. III. 19. haliyasd Tilnahalo virodham III. 115. Simpl. III. 126. baliyasi pranamatdm III. 5. Simpl. III. 8. balotkatena dmtena III. 29. Simpl. III. 36. lalopapanno ^pi hi III. 101. Simpl. III. 113. *bahavah jianditdh ksiidrdh I. 297. Simpi. I. 288. *(jakavo na virodd/iavyd III. 109. hahavo ' halavantai ca, see bahubuddhi°. bahudhd bahnbhih sdrdham III. 67. Simpl. III. 77. *bahubnddhisamdyuktdhTn..\04i. Simpl. 111.114,118. bahundm ajay asdrdtidm I. 334. Simpl. I. 331. bdlasydpi raveh pdddh I. 331. Simpl. I. 328. buddhimdn anurakto 'yavi I. 64. bvddhir yasya balam tasya, see ycisya buddhir ba. buddhir yd sattvarahitd I. 363. buddher buddhimatdm loke Simpl. V. 47. buddhau kalusabhutdydm Simpl. III.184. ■\*bubhiksitak kim na karoti IV. 14, 28. Simpl. IV. 15^ 30. brkaspater api prdjhas, see mahdmatir api prdjno. brahmaghne ca surdpe ca I. 248 ; IV. 10. Simpl. III. 157; IV. 10. bhaktam mktam kulinam ca, see saktam bhaktam. bhaktdndm upakdrindm Simpl. I. 284. *bhaksayitvd bahun matsydii I. 165. Simpl. I. 210. bhaksyani bhaksayatdm Sreyo Simpl. IV. 59. bhagndsasya karandapinditatanor II. 159. bhajen mdnddhikam vdsam, eee srayen ma. '\bkadra susvdgatam te 'stu III. 142. bhayatrasto narah srdsajn, Simpl. II. 162. bhayam atulam gurulokdt Simpl. V. 31. bkayasamfrasfama7iasdmlI1.195. Simpl. III. i65. b/iaye vd yadi vd harse Simpl. I. 109. bhartm cintdnuvartitvam Simpl. I. 69. bhavane Hithayo yasya Simpl. II. 16. bhdvasnigdkair upakrtam api I. 225. Simpl. I. 285. bhinatti samyak prahito I. 349. bhinnasvaramukkavarnak 1.151. Simpl. I. 197. bhltabhUak purd mtrur Simpl. II. 44. *bhutdn yo ndnugrhndti III. 119. bhurniksaye, see bhumyekadesasya. hhumir mitram Iiiranyam I. 185 ; III. 12. Simpl. I. 226;* III. 16. bhumyekadesasya gundnvitasya I. 427. Simpl. HI I. 395. bhusayyd brahmacaryam ca 1. 267. Simpl . I. 269. bhrtydparddhajo dandah Simpl. I. 354. bhrtyair vind svayam rdjd Simpl. 1. 80. bhedanamdtrakumlas , see paihmyamdL- tra . bhedayec ca balam rdjd Simpl. III. 139. bhoginah kancukdsaktdh I. 50. Simpl. I. 65. bhojandcchddanam dadydd V. 47. Simpl. V. 62. manikanakavibhusand yuvatyo I. 313. \mandukd vividhd hy etacchala° III. 215. mattebhakumbhaparindhini I. 203. mattebhakumbhavidalaim' I. 319. matsyo matsyam upddatte Simpl. III. 154. madddiksdlanam 4dstram I. 367. madonmattasya hhupasya 1. 121. Simpl. I. 161. Index of Stanzas 217 madyam yathd dvijdtindm Simpl. IV. 58. * madhu tistkati vdci yositdm I. 145. Simpl. i. 188, 189. tnanave vdcaspataye Simpl. H, Intr. 2 (om. I). manampi svajdtydndm I. 307. Simpl. I. 299. manasd sarvalokdndm Simpl. III. 148. mantrindm hhinnasamdhdne I. 97. Simpl I. 127, 381." ma)itrirupd hi ripavaklW, 197. Simpl. III. 168. mantre tlrthe dvije Simpl. V. 105. \mayi tvalpddapatite IV. 7. Simpl. IV. 7. tnarsayed dharsandm yo 'tra, see dkarsa- ndm marsayed yo 'tra. malinamadlmnas fyaktvd, see kamala- viadhunas tyaktvd. mahatdm yo ''parddhyata Simpl. I. 307. makatdpy arthasdrena II. 35. Simpl. II. 42. mahatd spardhamdnasya Simpl. I. 373. mahato 'pi ksayam labdhvd Simpl. I. 374. mahattvam etan mahatdm III. 218. Simpl. III. 176. mahdjanasya samparkah III. 51. Simpl. III. 61. mahdn apy ekako vrksak III. 45. Simpl. III. 54, 60. mahdiita eva mahatdm V. 32. Simpl. V. 35. mahdn pranunno najahdfi I. 376. mahdmatir api prdjiio Simpl. I. 115; II. 37. (Cp. na vihdsam vind miner.) md gdh khalesu vihdsam I. 398. '\md cdsmai tvam krthd dvesam III. 138. mdtd caiva pitd caiva Simpl. IV. 70 (om. HI). wdtdpy ekd pitdpy eko I. 416. mdtd yasya grhe ndsti IV. 44. Simpl. IV. 83. mdtrtulyaguno jdtas I. 386. mdtrvat paraddrdni I. 390. Simpl. I. 402. md tv aviJndtaBldya, see na hy avi- jndta'. mdnam udvahatdrn, purnsdm II. 83. mdndd vd yadi vd lotjhdt III. 97. Simpl. III. 107. mdmisdndm ayam nydyo^ see mdnusdndrn pramdnam sydd. mdnwdndm pramdnam sydd III. 86. Simpl. ill. 95. '\md7io darpas tv ahamkdrah III. 160. mdno vd darpo vd V. 3. Simpl. V. 3. mdndhdtd kva gatas trilokavijayl III. 233. md bhavatu tasya pdpam I. 402. mdyayd satravah sddhyd III. 24. Simpl. III. 31. mitrani vyasanasamprdptam, seedhanyds tdta na jmsyanti. mitram kdpi na kasydpA Simpl. II. 113. '\mitrarn, cdmitratdm ydtam IV. 53. Simpl. IV. 95. mitradrohi krtaghnas ca Simpl. I. 421. mitrarupd hi ripavah III. 178. mitravdn sddhayet kdryam II. 21. Simpl. II. 25. ^mitrdndm yo hitam vdkyam^ see mitrd- nd/n hita°. *mitrdndm hitakdmdndml.B25. Simpl. I. 315.' mitrdrthe bdndhavdrthe ca Simpl. I. 317. *?nunca munca pataiy eko Simpl. IV. 62, 63. muhnr vighnitakarmdnam Simpl. I. 387. murkhdndm panditd dvesyd I. 411. Simpl. i. 416. murkhena saha vdso 'pi I. 413. murtam Idghavam evaifad Simpl. II. 99. mulabhrtyoparodhena I. 237. Ff 218 Index of Stanzas musiki grhajdtdpi I. 71. Simpl. I. 95. mrgd mrgaih saiigam anuvrajanti Simpl. ' I. 282. mrlah prdpsyati vd svargam I. 312. 'Simpl. I. 309. inrtdndm svdminali kdrye, see sthitdndm -o sva . mrtaih samprdpyate svargo, see virtah prdpsyati vd svargam. mrto daridrah jiurmo Simpl. II. 94. mrtyor atyugradamstrasya, see mrfyor ivogra. mrtyor ivogradandasya III. 25. Simpl. ' III. 32. mrtyor bibhesi kim hdla Simpl. I. 419. mrdmidtisxa-rttena^ see mrduimpi su~ gandliena, mrdundpi sugandhena I. 270. Simpl. ' I. 271. mrdund salilena khanyamdndny I. 310. mrdghata iva sukhabhedyo II. 30. meghacchdyd kkalaprltirW. 125. Simpl. II. 114. ■\mesena supakdrdndm V. 55. Simpl. V. 74. tnaulahhrtyoparodhena, see mulahhf . ya upekseta iatrum svam III. 2. Simpl. III. 2. "fyak karoti nara/i pdpam III. 152. yah krtvd sukrtam raj ho Simpl. I. 86. ' yac ca vedesu idstresu III. 176. Simpl. IV. 52. ' yac chakyam grasitum grdsam IV. 20. Simpl. IV. 22, 113. yacchahjalam apijalado II. 57. Simpl. II. 71. yaj jlvyate ksanam api Simpl. I. 24. yaio 'tra krfrimam mitram II. 189. yatndd api kah pjaSyec I. 382. Simpl. I. 408. yatra dek 'thavd sthdne I. 405. Simpl. I. 410. yatra na sydt phalani Ihuri I. 186. Simpl. I. 227. yatra stri yatra kitavo V. 48. Simpl. V. 63. yatra svdml nirviiesam, see nirviksam yadd svdmi. yatrdkrtis tatra gund vasantl I. 198. yatrdkamkdrayuktena I. 406. Simpl. I. 4ii. yatrotsdkasamdlambo II. 144. Simpl. II. 139. yatsakdmn na Idbhah sydt II. 77. Simpl. II. 93. yathd kdkayavdh proktd II. 72. Simpl. II. 86. yathd gaur duhyate kale 1. 179. Simpl. I. 222. yathd chdydtapau nityamll. 136. Simpl. II. 127. yathd dhenusahasresu II. 135. Simpl. II. 125. yathd necchati nirogah, see yathd vdii- chati. yathd bljdnkurah suksmah 1. 181. Simpl. I. 223, 348. yathdmisamjale matsyair Simpl. 1.401 ; II. 116.' yathd yathd prasddena I. 375. yathd vdhchati nirogah I. 90. Simpl. I. 118. \yathd vdtavidhutasya II. 177, 178. yathd hi malinair vastrair IV. 26. Simpl. IV. 28. yathatkena na hastena II. 137. Simpl. II. 128. yad akdryam akdryam eva tan I. 425. yad antas tail na jihvdydm IV. 47. Simpl. IV. 88. yad apasarati mesah III. 35. Simpl. III. 43. yadarthe bhrdtarah putrdY . 52. Simpl. V. 69. *\yadarthe svahdam tyaktam IV. 40. Index of Stanzas 219 Simpl. IV. 102, 103 (om. in HI in both places). yad asatyam vaden martyo Simpl. I. 256. '\yad asmadiyam na hi p. 151, 12, and pada 4 of II. 93. Simpl. II. 105, pada 4, and p. 25^ 18. yadd yadd prasddena, see yathd yathd pra. yadd hi bhdgyakmyaplditdm II. 79. yadi janmajardmaranam na bhaved II. 198. yadi na »yd7i narapatih Simpl. III. 73. yadi hhavati daivayogdt, see yady api na hhavati. yadi rohinydh mkatam Simpl. I. 211. yadi visafi toyardsim I. 215. yadi sarvasya lokasya I. 200. yadi sydc chitalo vahnis, see yadi sydt pdvakah ntah. yadi sydt pdvakah Mah III. 175. Simpl. IV. 51 ; V. 99. yad utsdhl sadd martyah II. 68. Simpl. II. 82. yadrcchaydpy npanatam Simpl. I. 151. yadaiva rdjye kriyate ^bhisekas III. 230. Simpl. V. 67. yad yat kimcit kvacid api Prasasti 4. yady api na hhavati daivdt I. 140. Simpl. I. 181. yad yasya vihitam bhojyam Simpl. IV. 57. yady eva na bhavel loke Simpl. I. 255. yad vdnchati diva martyo, see vdnchati yad di°. yad vd tad vd visamapatitam III. 204. ^yad vydkaranasamyuktam III. 77. yan namram sagunam cdpi II. 188. yan na vedem sdstresu, see yac ca ve. yah pardbhavasamprdptah Simpl. I. 313. yah pddayor nipatitam I. 259. yah prsto na rtam brute III. 4. Simpl. III. 5. yah prstvd kurute kdryam IV. 54. Simpl. IV. 96. yam dsritya na visramarn, Simpl. I. 51. yayor eva samam vittam I. 288 ; III. 190. Simpl.'l. 281; 11.27. yai cdgate prdghunake II. 49. Simpl. II. 61. yaS cattan manyate mudho I. 108. Simpl. I. 139. yas tlrthdni nije pakse III. 59. Simpl. III. 68. yas tyaktvd sdpadarn, mitram V. 66. Simpl. V. 87. yasmdc ca yena ca yathd ca II. 12. Simpl. II. 17. yasmin jlvati jlvanti I. 10. Simpl. 1.23. yasmin kule yah purmah pradhdnah I. 299. Simpl. I. 29*1.* yasmin krtyarn, samdvesya Simpl. I. 85. yasmhi dese ca kdle ca II. 62. Simpl. II. 75. yasminn apy adhikarn, caksur I. 229. Simpl. I. 243. yasminn evddhikarn caksur, see yasminn apy adhi°. yasya ksetram nadltlre I. 162. Simpl. I. 208. yasya tasya hi kdryasya III. 200. Simpl. III. 171. yasya dharmavihindni III. 88. Simpl. III. 96. yasya na jndyate vlryam, see yasya na jndyate sllatp. yasya na jndyate silarn IV. 17. Simpl. IV. 19 ; II. 56. yasya na vipadi visddah I. 80. Simpl. I. 105 ; II. 170. *yasya ndsti svayam prajnd V. 46. simpl. V. 60, 70. ' ^yasya hiddhir balarn, tasya I. 172. Simpl. I. 214. yasya yasya hi kdryasya, see yasya tasya hi kdryasya. 220 Index of Stanzas ya^^^yn yo-sya hi yo hhdvas I. 53. Simpl. I. 68. yasya sydt sahajam viryam Simpl. III. 160. yah miafaiti imrijyrcchati Simpl. V. 92 (om. in HI). yah sammdnam sadd dhatte II. 17. Simpl. II. 21. ^yah sdyam atithim prdptam III. 137. yah sfoketidpi samtomm Simpl. II. 141. yah sprsed rdsabham viartyas III. 107. Simpl. III. 117.' yasydrthds tasya mitrdni Simpl. I. 3. yasydsti sarvatra gatih Simpl. I. 322. ydm labdhvendriyan'igraho na I. 365. yam krtvendriya° , see ydm labdhve°. *\yddrsam mama pdndityam IV. 50, 52. Simpl.'lV. 92, 94. ^■fyddrSl vadanacchdyd V. 67, 68. Simpl. V. 88, 89. yddrsais saf/iuivasate, see yddrsaih sev- yate mariyo. yddrsaih sevyate mariyo Simpl. I. 249. ydn yajiiasarnghais tapasd ca lokdn I. 311. Simpl. I. 308. yd punas iristam kanyd V. 72. Simpl. V. 96. yd bhdryd dustacaritd IV. 45. Simpl. IV. 84. *]yd mamodvijate tiityam III. 166. Simpl. IV. 76, 79, 80. * yd laksmir ndnulipidngl III. 27. Simpl. III. 34. ydvad askhalitarn, tdvat II. 187. ^ydvad dste muhurlalkam III. 127. ydvan na lajjate kanyd Simpl. IV. 69 (om. in HI). ydsdm ndmndjn kdmah sydt Simpl. IV. 33. ydsyati sajjanahastani I. 214. yd huivdgnau svakarn kdyam, vol. xii, p. 48. ynklo bandhur api priyas, see pujyo bandhur api priyo. yuddhakdle' grago yah *5'a^I.36. Simpl. I. 59. yndhyate 'hanikrfim krtvd III. 37. Simpl. IIL 45. ye ca prdhcr durdtmdno Simpl. I. 39. ye jdtyddimahotsdhdn Simpl. I. 38. yena kendpy updycna Simpl. I. 358. *\yena te jambnkah pdrsve I. 309. yena yasya krto bhedah Simpl. I. 273. yena suklikrtd hamsdh II. 158. yena sydl laghutd loke I. 347. Simpl. I. 353. yendhamkdrayukfe7ia,?,Qeyatrdhamkdra°. '\ye nrmmsd durdtmdnah III. 123. ye bhavanti mahlpasya I. 87. Simpl. I. 113. yesdm sydd vipulant vittant V. 25. ye sdmaddnahhedds I. 362. yatva bhrtyagatd sampad I. 374. yogi yimjlta satatam Simpl. IV. p. 21,13 (om. in HI). yo ' f raitat pathati prdyo Intr. 5. Simpl. Intr. 6. yo dttrbalo hy anv api ydcyamdno Simpl. IV. 26. yo 'dhUya sdstram akhilarn, I. 350. yo dhruvdni parityajya II. 143. Simpl. II. 137. yo na daddti na bhunkte, see na daddfi yo na bhunkte. yo na nihsreyasam jhduam I. 233. yo napvjayategarvdd, see napujayatiyo. yo na prdo hitam brute, see yah prsto na Ham brute, yo na rakmti vitrastdn III. 63. Simpl. III. 72. yo na vetti gundn yasya I. 32. Simpl. I. 47, 350. yo ndtmane na gurave I. 11. yo 'ndhutah samabhyetl Simpl. I. 87. yo 'balah pronnatam ydti I. 194. Simpl. I. 238, 340. yo mantram svdmino bhindydt Simpl. I. 272. Index of Stanzas 221 yo mdydm kurute mudhah Simpl. I. 359. 1/0 'mitram kurute miiram IV. 22. Cp. amitram kurute viifram. yo mitrani kurute mudha dtmano II. 23. Simpl'. II. 28. yo mitrani karoty atra Simpl. II. 185. yo murkham laulyasampannam Simpl. III. 89. ' yo mohdn manyate mudfio, see yas cmtan ma . yo yatra ndma nivasati I. 201. yo yasyajdyate vadhyah IV. 18. Simpl. IV. 20 (om. in HI). yo ranarn iaranam yadvan I. 44. yo rijoor dgamam srutvd III. 40. Simpl. III. 48. ^yo laulydt kurute karma V. 54. Simpl. V. 73, 86. yo 'vasyam 'piiur dear ah I. 381. yo hi jirdnapariknnah IV. 21. Simpl. IV. 23. yo hy apakartum aiaktah 1. 102. Simpl. I. 132. rakto 'bhijdyate bhogyo Simpl. I. 144. raksed hhrtydn yathd prdndn III. 112. Simpl." III. 122. rankasya nrpater vdpi Simpl. I. 254. ravinisdkarayor^ see mfidivdkarayor. raho ndsti ksano ndsti I. 107. Simpl. I. 138. rdgl bimbddharo 'sau stana I. 202. rdjamdtari devydm ca 1.35. Simpl. 1. 52. raja ghrni hrdhnanah sarvabhaksl I. 429. Simpl. I. 424. rdjd tusto 'pi bhrtydndm, see svdmi tusto 'pi. rdjdnam eva sarnsritya Simpl. I. 41. rdjd bandhur abandhundm Simpl. I. 346. rdjd vyayaparo nityam Simpl. V. 61. rdmasya vrajanarn baler niyamanam III. 231. Simpl. V. 68. ripuraktena sarnsiktd III. 28. Simpl. III. 35. ripor astddasaitdni III. 60. Simpl. III. 69. ruksdydm snehamdbhdvarn, IV. 49, Simpi. IV. 91 (om. in H I). rupdbhijanasam'pannau III. 206. riipendpratimenayauvanagunairTll.207. Simpl. III. 175. rogl cirapravdsi II. 91. rohati sdyakaviddharn, III. 99. Simpl. III. 111. rohinuakatam arkanandana^ Simpl. I. 213. laghur ayam aha na lokah, see virasa iti hasati. lajjante bdndhavds tena Simpl. II. 98. lajjd snehah svaramadhuratd V. 73. Simpl. V." 97. labdham artham tuyo mohdt, seeprdptam artham. labhate purusas tdms tdn I. 415. labhyate bhumiparyantah Simpl. I. 125. lavanajaldntd nadyah I. 396. Idngulacdlanam adhas I. 13. tllodydnagate 'pi hi II. 173. Simpl. II. 166. ^hibdhakena tato mnktd III. 158. lubdhasya nasyati yaso, see stabdhasya na. lokdnugrahakartdrah 1. 183. Simpl. I. 225. loke 'thavd tanubhrtdrn Simpl. I. 372. lobhdd eva nard mudha V. 61. Simpl. V. 81. (Cp. irsne devi namas tubh- yam}^ lobhdvisto naro viftam Simpl. III. 141. lohitdksasya ca maneh I. 67. \vakrandsam snjihmdksam III. 68. Simpl. III. 78. vakratidsas ca karkdkso, see vakrandsarn su°. vacas tatra prayoktavyam I. 56. Simpl. I. 33. 222 Index of Stanzas rajralepasya viurk/iasya IV. 9. Simpl. 1.260; IV. 9[HIalso, I. 201]. vaclatsu dainyam Sarandgatesu Simpl. III. 155. vadanam dasanair hlnam Simpl. V. n, vadanena vadanti, see madJm tiMhati. vadhyatdm iti yenoktam, see hanyatdm iti ye°. va?idni dakato vahneh III. 49. Simpl. III. 57. vane prajvalito vahnir III. 217. vande sarasvaflm nifyam Simpl. H, Intr. 1 (om. I). varum yuktam maunam, see varam mau- nam nityam. varam vanam varum bhaiksyam Simpl. 1.280. varum vana?n vydghragajddisevitarn, Simpl. V. 23. varum varayate kanyd Simpl. IV. 68. varum vihTiavulilnena II. 88. varum vihdrah saha punnagaih krtah I. 168. varum kdryarn maunam^ see varam mau- nam nityam. varam garbkasrdvo Simpl. Introd. 3 (H 8, I 4). vuram grdhro humsuih, cp. grdhrdkdro 'pi sevyuk. vararn, j aladhipdtdla I. 414. varum narakavdso 'pi II. 168. varam agnau pradipte tu III. 201. varam uhimukhe krodhdviste II. 87. varum jaarvatudurgesu II. 89. vuram prdnajoaritydgo II. 183. *varum huddhir na sd vidyd V. 33. Simpl. V. 36, 39. varam mannum nityum na ca II. 90. varjayet kuulikdkdrum Simpl. IV. 11. vurnuyn siturn ftrusi, see svetam padani sirusi. *vurdhamdno mahdn snehah 1. 1. Simpl. I. 1. vuseti mdnddhikam Bthdnam^ see srayen md°. vasor vlryotpanndm ubhujuta Simpl. IV. 50 [om. in HI]. vdhvidtrendpyamtyenu'^xxnr^X. HI, 1.145. vdcyum sruddhasametusya Simpl. 1. 393. vdjivdranalohdndrn, I. 328. vdnchati yad divd martyo 1. 103. Simpl. I. 133. vdnchdvicchedanum prdhuk Simpl. II. 155. vdnchaiva sucayati purvuturum II. 66. Simpl. II. 80; III. 181. '\vdtuvarso muhdn dsln III. 129. vdtavrstividhutasyu and vdtuvrstyuva- dhutasyu, see yathd vdtuvidhutusya. vdplkujmtaddgdndm III. 83. Simpl. III. 93. vikalam ika purvasiikrtam Simpl. V. 9. vikdrum ydti no cittam Simpl. II. 110. vidagdhasyu cu, see visudigdhusya. vidyumdnd gutir yesdm Simpl. I. 320. vidydm vittum silpurn tdvan Simpl. I. 398. vidydvatdm muhecchdndrn Simpl. I. 37. vidvattvum ca nrpatvarn, cu Simpl. II. 52. vidvudbhih suhrddm atra Simpl. 11.111. vidvdn rjur abhigumyo I. 403. vidhdtrd rucitd yd sd Simpl. II. 173. vidhitid mantruyuktenu Simpl. I. 216. vinupy urthuir dhirah sprsuti II. 121. vipulumuter upi nasyati V. 5. Simpl. V. 5. virasa iti hasati nujunuh V. 7. Simpl. V. 10. virupo 'py ukullno 'pi II. 141. Simpl. II. 135. vilocandndm vikucotpulatvisdrn, II. 13. vivdde drsyate puttrurn, I. 391. Simpl. I. 403. vivdde 'nvisyate, see vivdde driyute. visesdt paripurnasyu Simpl. I. 326. visrumbhdd yasya yo mrtyum Simpl. I. 274. Index of Stanzas 223 vihasmiti na kagydpi Simpl. HI, IV. 73. vihdsak sampado millam II. 18. Simpl. II. 22. visadigdhasya h7iaksyasya,SQQ kantakasya ca hhagnasya. vi^amasthasvdduphala I. 138. Simpl. 1. 179. visamdh kaijundtmdno I. 51. vistirnavyavasdyamdhyamahatdm III. 227. tHravratasya vidydydk I. 419. vrkmmule 'pi dayitd Simpl. IV. 82. vrhdmA chitvd pasmi hatvd III. 96. * Simpl. III. 106. trttim apy d^ritah satrur Simpl. III. 125. vaikalyam dharampdtam I. 136. Simpl. I. 177. vaidyavidvajjandmdtyd and vaidyasdm- vatsardmdtyd, see vaidyasdmvatsard- cdrydh. vaidyasdmvatsardcdrydk III. 61. Simpl. III. 70. vairdgydharanam^ see daurblidgydya- tanam. vairind na hi samdadhydt, see satrund na hi. vyakto 'pi vdsare satyam II. 1^. Simpl. II. 92. vyahjanam Jianti vai purvam III. 186. vyanjanais Ui samutpannaih III. 184. vyatlmyanti param ceto Simpl. II. 95. "^vyapadeseyia mahatdm III. 72. Simpl. III. 82, 90. vyapadesena siddhih sydt and vyapadese 'pi w°, see vyapadesena mahatdm. vyasanam hi mahdrdjiio I. 157. vyasanam prdpya yo mohdt Simpl. II. 180. * vyasane-w api sarvesu II. 5. Simpl. II. 6*. vydkirnakesarakardlamukhd I. 149. *vydghravdnarasarpdnum I. 247. vyddhitena sasokena V. 8. Simpl. V. 11. -vyomaikdntavihdrino 'pi vihagdh II. 16. Simpl. II. 20. Saktam bhaktam kulinam ca I. 345. Simpl. I. 351. mktivaikalyanamrasya I. 81. Simpl. I. 106. sakiendpi sadd narendra vidusd III. 203. Simpl. III. 172. mksydmi kartum idam alpam III. 225. iankanlyd hi sarvatra Simpl. II. 90. satahuddhih krtonndmah^ see satabud- dhih sirahstho 'yam. ^^mtahiddhih sirahstho 'yam V. 34, 36. Simpl. V. 45, 50. satam eko 'pi sanidhatte I. 188. Simpl. I. 229 ; II. 14. *satravo 'pi hitdyaiva III. 170. satriim vdiichdvighdtdya Simpl. III. 142. satrund na hi samdadhydt II. 24. Simpl. III. 24 ; 11. 29. satrubhir yojayec chatrum Simpl. IV. 17. satnim utpdtayet prdjnas IV. 16. Simpl. IV. 18. satnim unmulayet prdjnas, see Satrum tdpdtayet prd°. satrumpdni mitrdni I. 167. satroh paldyane chidram III. 113. Simpl. III. 123. satroh pracalane, see satroh paldyane. satror dkrandam and iatror dkramam, see satror balam avijndya. satror ucchedandrthdya Simpl. III. 133. ^satror halam avijndya I. 315. Simpl. I. 312. Satror vikramam, see Satror balam avi- jndya. satroh sriyam sadotthdyi Simpl. III. 153. 224 Index of Stanzas mnaih sanair daddiy e^a Simpl. III. 134. hnaih sanaik prabhoktavyam II. 63. Simpl. II." 76. mnaih mnaiS ca yo rdstram I. 176. Simpl. I. 215. Sapathaih samhitasydpi II. 32. Simpl. II. 35 (HI, also I. 113). sapathaih samlhitasydjn, see Sa sam- hitasydpi. samopdydk sakopasya III. 22. Simpl. III. 28. samharasya ca yd mdyd Simpl. I. 183. sarajjyots7idhate duram V. 39. Simpl. V. 53. sarahdnataranivarse Prasasti 8. Sasidivdkarayor grahapujajiam II. 15. sastrair hatd na hi hatd III. 220. Simpl. III. 179. Sastrair hatds tu ripavo^ see Sastrair hatd na hi hatd. sdthyena mitram kapatena dharmam I. 373. Mstrdny adhltydpi hhavanti II. 110. \*siihilau ca subaddhau ca II. 142, 149. Simpl. II. 136, 145, 146. sibindpi svamdinsdni III. 171. Sirasd vidhrtd nityam Simpl. I. 82. iighrakrtye, see tighrakrlyesu. ^Ighrakrtyesu kdryesu III. 199. Simpl. 111.170. ■fHiavdtdtapasahah III. 156. Sitdtapddikastd7ii Simpl. I. 270. SUam mucam ksdntir V. 2. Simpl. V. 2. sucayo hitakdrino vinltdh I. 435. suddhaih snigdhair, see bhdvasnigdhair iipakrtam api. Subhani vd yadi vdpdpam 1. 104. Simpl. I. 134, 239. suskasya kitakhdtasya, see kiibjasya kita . Sudro vd yadi vdnyo 'pi I. 127. Simpl. I. 167. sunyam aputrasya grham II. 80. silras ca krtavidyaS ca, see sUro 'si krta- vidyo 'si. surah surUpah subhagas ca vdgml V. 17. simpl. V.25. Surds ca krf avid yds ca II. 119. *-\silro 'si krtavidyo 'si IV. 34, 39. Simpl. lY. 38, 43. fsrnotv avahitah kdnto III. 135. sete saha saydnena Simpl. II. 126. sokdralibhayatrdnam II. 195. Simpl. II. 179. saucdvasistaydpy asti Simpl. II. 101. srayen mdndd/iikam vdsam II. 82. *sravyam vdkyam hi vrddhdndm I. 343. Srlsomamantrivacanena Prasasti 2. Srutvd sdmgrdmiklrn, vdrttdm Simpl. I. 91. ' ^sriUvaivam bhairavam sabdam I. 83, Sruyatdm dharmasarvasvam Simpl. III. 103. ' *sruyate hi kapotena III. 120. sreyah puspaphalam vrksdd III. 91. Simpl. ill. 99. ' sresthebhyah sadrsehhyas ca III. 189. sldghyah sa eko bhuvi II. 166. slesmdsru bdndhavair mnktarn I. 338. Simpl. I. 335. hdnakurkutacdnddldh III. 105. Simpl. III. 115^ svetam padam Sirasi yat III. 168. Simpl. IV.' 77. satkarno bhidyate mantraS Simpl. I. 99. sadaksarena mantrena I. 128. Simpl. I. i68. sad imdn purusojahydd III. 64. Simpl. III. 74. sarnrohattsnnd viddham, see rohati sdya- kaviddham. ^samhatds tu haranttme II. 7. Cp. jdlam dddya gacchanti. sakaldrthasdstrasdram Introd. I. Simpl. Introd. 1 (H 4, om. I). Index of Stanzas 225 sakrj jalpanti rdjdnak I. 379. sakrt kandnkapdtam hi II. 132. Simpl. HI, 11. 140. sakrd api drstvd purumm II. 65. Simpl . 11.79. mkrd uktam na grhndti Simpl. II. 165. sakrd dustam ca yo mitram II. 27 ; IV. 13. Simpl. II. 32 ; IV. 14. mkrd dustam apistam yak, see sakrd dustam ca yo mitram. sakliyarn, sdptapjadmam bho II. 36. Simpl. II. 43. f *a gatvdngdrakarmdntam III. 144. samksepdt kathyate dharmo III. 93. Simpl. III. 102. samgatdni subaddhdni II. 197. sarngrdme praharanasamkate II. 129. samghdtavdn yathd venur, see sampd- tavdri ya°. sa ca nrpatis te sacivds III. 234. samcaraniiha pdpdni Simpl. IV. 64. satdm vacanam ddistam Simpl. IV. 104, 105. satdm matim atikramya I. 232. satkrtdS ca krldrthds ca Simpl. III. 158. satpatram mahatl sraddhd II. 58. Simpl'. II. 72. satyadharmavikinena, see dharmasafya° . satyam dhane na mama ndsagate II. 192. satyam parityajati V. 28. Simpl. V. 27. satyddhyo, see sannydyo dhdrmika^ cddhyo. satydnrtd ca parusd priyavddinl ca I. 432. Simpl. I. 425. satydryadhdrmikdn, see sannydyo dkdr- mikas cddhyo. sadasdd ycjanasatdt, see sapdddd yoja°. saddcdresu bhrfyesu II. 19. Simpl. II. 23. saddddyiah parikmiah Simpl. II. 70. sadd Ihrtydparddhena I. 348. saddmandamadasyandi° I. 7. sadrSam cestate svasydh I. 412. sadaudpadgalo rdjd I. 89. Simpl. I. 117. sadhhih samhodhyamdno 'pi Simpl. IV. 55. sadhana iti ko madas te II. 124. '\sa nininda kildtmdtiam III. 149. satita eva satdm nityam II. 165. samtaptdyasi samsthitasya payaso Simpl. i. 250. samtdpayanti kim^ see durmantrinam kam. santo 'pi hi na rdjante II. 73. Simpl. II. 87. santo 'py arthd vinasyanti III. 179. sarntosdmrtatrptdndm II, 161. Simpl. il. 152. samdigdhe paraloke I. 139. Simpl. I. 180. samdigdho vijayo I. 314 ; III. 10. 'Simpl. III. 13. samdhih kdryo 'py andryena III. 7. Simpl. III. 10. samdh im icch et sa mendpi 1 1 1 . 9 . S i mpl . ill. 12. sannydyo dhdrmikas cddhyo III. 6. Simpl. III. 9. '\sa J) an jar a kam dddya III. 124. sapdddd yqjayiasatdd II. 14. Simpl. II. 18. saptadvipddhipasydpi II. 130. sa2:)ta svards trayo grdmd V. 40. Simpl. V. 54. samam saktimatd yuddham Simpl. III. 15! samaydbhydgato Hithih, p. 254,9. samah satrau ca mitre ca Simpl. IV. 60. samutpannesu kdryesu Simpl. IV. 1. samndravlciva calasvabhdvdh Simpl. I. 194. samrgoragamdtangam II. 107. sampattayak pardyattdk 1.262. Simpl. i. 263. 226 Index of Stanzas sampatsu mahatdm cittam II. 151. sampadi ynsya na har^o, see yasj/a na vipadi vimdah. sampcUam ca vipdtam ca II. 44. Simpl. il. 54. sampdtavdn yatlid venur III. 50. Simpl. ill. 58. sampurnendpi kartavyam II. 22. Simpl. il. 26. samprdptoyo Hithih sdyam,sQeaprandyyo Hithih. samhhdvyam gom sampannam IV. 64. Simpl. iv. 115. mmmato 'ham vihhor nityam I. 41. Simpl. I. 56. sarahpadmam tyaktvd vikasitam I. 296. saralair opi cdksndraili Simpl. HI, III. 64. sarasi hahunas tdrdcJidydm I. 276. sariin naiisiutivacanam I. 54. Simpl. I. 70. sariifi nrpe, see saru-n naW. sarpdndm ca, see sarpdndm durja°. sarpidndm durjandndm ca 1.327. Simpl. I. 158 ; V. 46. sarpdti vydghrdn gajdn simhdn Simpl. 1.40. sarvadevamayasydsya I. 93. Simpl. I. 121. sarvadevamayo rdjd I. 92. Simpl. I. 120. sarvandSe samutpanne IV. 24. Simpl. IV. 27 ; V. 42. *sarvam etad vijdndmi III. 216. sarvasvandse samjdte IV. 19. Simpl. IV. 21. sarvasvaharane Saktarn IV. 23. Simpl. IV. 25. sarvdsiicinidhdnasya I. 175. sarvdh sampaitayas tasya II. 97. sarvesdm eva martydndm Simpl. II. 11. sarvopadhisamrddhasya^ see daksinddi- samrddhasya. savyadaksinayor yatra I. 65. Simpl. I. 76. sa suJird vyasane yah sydt sapitd I. 341. sa suhrd vyasane yah sydt sa putro Simpl. I. 337. sa suhrd vyasane yah sydd anyajdtyud- hhavo I. 340. sa snigdho vyasandn nivdrayati I. 251. sahate suhrd iva bhutvd prdjnas Simpl. HI, III. 159. -fsahasram hibharti kascic III. 146. sdkdro nihsprho vdgmi Simpl. III. 88. sdjihvd ydjinarn stauti V. 10. Simpl. V. 13. ^^sddhu mdtula gitena V. 37, 45. Simpl. V. 51, 59. sddhiisv api ca papesu Simpl. IV. 61. sdmavdddh sakopasya, see Samopdydh sa°. sdmasddhyesu kdryesu Simpl. III. 131. sdmasiddhdni kdrydni Simpl. III. 130. sdmddiddnabkedds te, see ye sdniaddna- hhedds. sdmddir dandaparyanto I. 359. Simpl. I. 377 ; ill. 129. sdmddisajj itaih , see sdmddyaih. sdmddyaih sajjitaih pdkaih I. 119. Simpl.' I. 157. sdmdnyajanmd jdtas tu, see mdtrtulya- gunojdtas. sdmnaiva yatra siddhih sydt I. 361. Simpl. I. 378. sdmnaivddau prayoktavyam I. 358. Simpl. I. 379. sdrameyakhardsvasya V. 44. Simpl. V. 58. sdrameyasya cdsvasya, see sdrameyakha . ■\sdrdham manoratJia^ataisYV .^. SimpL IV. 8. sd sd sampadyate huddhih Simpl. III. 162. sd sevd yd prabhuhitd Simpl. I. 46. sdhlddarn, vacanam prayacchasi Simpl. IV. 6. Index of Stanzas 227 simhaih paiijarayantranapari' I. 295. simho vydkaranasya kartur II. 28. Simpl. II. 33. siddJiim vdhchayatdjanena, see sV prdr- thayatd ja. siddkim vd yadi vdsiddJiim Simpl. II. 183*. siddhim prdrtkayatd janena III. 205. Simpl. III. 174. simd vrddhim samdydti Simpl. I. 92. slmd samkocam dydti Simpl. I. 93. sukulam hdalam svjanam Simpl. V. 8. sukrtyam vimugiijptasya Simpl. II. 41. sukkasya sdrak parihhujyate fair II. 163. *suguptam raksyamdno 'j)i IV. 43. Simpl.* IV. 45,46. sugnptasya hi damhJiasya, see supra- yuktasya dambkasya. sujano Hha suhrn nrpo^ see svajano HJia suhrd guriir. supurd vai kunadikd I. 14. Simpl. I. 25 ; II. 138. suptam vahnau Sir ah krtvd I. 252. ^suprayiiktasya dambkasya I. 197, 218. suhhak!