mm I« LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CLASSIFICATION LITERATURE SUBCLASSES PN, PR, PS, PZ PN: GENERAL LITERARY HISTORY AND COLLECTIONS PR: ENGLISH LITERATURE PS: AMERICAN LITERATURE PZ: FICTION AND JUVENILE LITERATURE ■' » ft > Library of Congress Classification Schedules Price Class A. General works. Polygraphy $0. 30 Class B. Partl,B-BJ. Philosophy 1.00 Class B. Part 2. BL-BX. Religion 2. 00 Class C. Auxiliary sciences of history 1. 00 Class D. Universal and old world history 3. 50 Class D. Universal and old world history, European War, D 501-725 . . .05 Class D. Supp. 2. Second World War 20 Class E-F. America 70 Class Ci. Geography, anthropology, folk-lore, manners and customs, sports and gam(>s In revision Class H. Social sciences 2. 75 Class J. Political science 2.75 Class L. Education 1.00 Class M. Music and books on music 1.00 Class N. Fine arts 1. 25 Class P. Philology: Subclass P-PA. Philology, linguistic, classical philology, classical literature 60 Subclass P-PA, supp. Byzantine and modern Greek literature, medieval and modern Latin Literature 10 Subclass PB-PH. Philology, modern European languages .... 1.50 Subclass PG (in part). Russian literature 1.00 Subclass PJ-PM. Languages and literature of Asia, Africa, Oceania, America, mixed languages, artificiallanguages 60 Supplement to above. Additions and changes to Jan. 1, 1936. . 10 Class P. Philology, index to languages and dialects in volumes P-PA, PB-PH, PJ-PM 15 Subclasses PN, PR, PS, PZ : PN, General literary history and collec- tions; PR, J^nglish literature; PS, American literature; PZ, Fiction and Juvenile literature 1. 75 Subclass PQ, pt. 1. French literature 35 Subclass PQ, pt. 2. Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese literatures . . .50 Subclass PT, pt. 1. German literature 65 Subclass Pr, pt. 2. Dutch and Scandinavian literatures 35 Class Q. Science 1.25 Class R. Medicine In press Class S. Agriculture, plant and animal industry, fish culture and fish- eries, hunting sports 45 Class T. Technology 1. 50 Class U. Military science In revision Class V. Naval science 35 Class Z. Bibliography and library science 1.00 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CLASSIFICATION LITERATURE SUBCLASSES PN, PR, PS, PZ PN: GENERAL LITERARY HISTORY AND COLLECTIONS PR: ENGLISH LITERATURE PS: AMERICAN LITERATURE PZ: FICTION AND JUVENILE LITERATURE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON : 1915 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office Washington 25, D. C. - Price $1.75 L. C. card, 14—30009 PREFATORY NOTE The schedules for PN, PR and PS were originally prepared by Dr. Edwin Wiley, under the supervision of Mr. Charles Martel, then Chief Classifier. They are now printed, with revisions to date, for admin- istrative purposes and for the convenience of libraries using the Library of Congre.^is classification. In the case of PR and PS, PR has been used for English writers in general, including those of the British colonies, PS being limited to the United States. It is to be noted that the main purpose of this work is to furnish an aid to classification and not to give a complete hst of authors represented in these classes of the Library's collection. The names of several weU-known writers of recent fiction are omitted for the reason that their works are classified in PZ 3. On the other hand, names are cited in certain cases as illustrative of the method of using the class numbers rather than showing the importance of the authors. The classification schedules for foreign literature are stiU In progress and wUl, it is expected, be issued in several sections, French, German, Italian, etc., as completed. Clarence W. Peblet, Chief Classifier Herbert Putnam Librarian of Congress Washington, August 15, 1914 720737 EXPLANATION OF REFERENCES TO TABLES When schemes for a special author or work are not written out in full, the tables of subdivisions given at the end are to be applied as indicated by the Roman numerals in curves. Thus, PR 2350-2368 Spenser (111) indicates that the works are to be arranged as shown in literature Table III; PR 2355-2360, a special adaptation of the table, is ^ven m full in the schedules. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CLASSIFICATION CLASS PN: LITERATURE (GENERAL) LITERATURE: GENERAL AND UNIVERSAL LITERARY HISTORY. COLLECTIONS PN Periodioals. Only periodicftla devoted excliuively to literary history and criticiBm to be clftasified here. General periodicala, magazines and reviews in AP; purely bibliographical periodical and re\aewB in Z (e. g. Revue critique); linguietic and literary periodicals, in P-PM 1 International (Polyglot). 2 American and Enghsh. 3 French. 4 German. 5 Italian. 6 Spanish. 9 Other. 11-19 yEAEBOOKS. (Arranged like PN 1-9.) 21-29 SOCJIETIES. (Arranged like PN 1-9; under each, .A2 Collective.) All literary societies of general nature classed here. Cf. PN 121, Authors' associatione; PR 5; PS 5. 30 Literary societies in public schools. CONORESSEB. 31 Permanent. By name. 33 Others. By date. Collections. Cf. PN 861-«63, Comparative literature— Collections. 35 Series. Monographs by different authors. 36 Studies in honor of a particular person or institution ("Festschriften"). Prefer P 26. 37 Collected works, papers, essays, by individual authors. PN LITERATURE PN 41 Encyclopedias. Dictionaries. e. g. Vapereau, Dictionnaire univereel dee litt^raturee. Cf. PN 451^81, Biography. 43 Minor. Including worke not in dictionary form: Notee and queries, Curiosities of literature, etc. Theory. Philosophy. Esthetics. Cf. BH; N 70-79; PN 80-99, 101+, 1031 + , 1631 + , etc. 45 General works. Ideals, form and content, etc. General special. Relation to and treatment of special elements, problems, and subjects. 46 Inspiration. 47 Life. 48 Nature. Cf. PQ 145.3, 473; PR 143, 508; etc. See alflo PN 56. F5, Fishing, piscatory literature; PN 56. G3, Gardens. 49 Philosophy, ethics, religion, etc. Cf. PN 1077, Poetry; PN 1647-1649, Drama; PN 3347- 3351, Prose. 50 Relation to history. 51 Relation to sociology, economics, political science, etc. (Social ideals, forces, etc., in literature.) 52 Relation to education. 53 Relation to art. 54 Relation to language. 55 Relation to science. 56 Other special, A-Z. e. g. .F5, Fishing, piscatory literature. .03. Gardens. .14, Idealism (including realism and idealism, and general esthetic di-scussiona of idealism, realism, naturalism, roman- ticism, etc.). For history of movements, see PN 599 605. Cf. PN 56.R3, PN 66.R7. .M7, Mountains. (.N2) Naturalism, see Realism. .R3, ReaUsm. Naturalism.' .R7, Romanticism.' .S8, Supernatural. .S9, ' Symbolism. (.W6) Women. *■ Cf. PN 481. Feminine influence in lit- erature. ' Prefer history, e. g. PN 769. R7, Romanticism in the 19th century. 10 PN LITERATURE PN Theory, Philosophy. Esthetics. General special— Continued. 57 Individual characters in literature, A-Z. e. g . A.1, Collective. Cf. PN 1103, Poetry; PN 1711 Drama; PN 3411, Fiction. .A2, Female charactere. .A6, Arthur and Arthurian legends. . .C2, Caesar. .D7, Don Juan. .F3, Fauflt. .G3, Galahad. .G7, Grail. .G8, Griaelda. .H4, Helen of Troy .J8, Judith. .P3, Pareifal. .S6, Sohrab and Ruetum. .T3, TannhauBer. .T8, Tristan and Isolde. 58 Essays. Cf. PN 88-94, Criticism; PN 500-519, CoUectionB. Books and reading, see Z 1003. Cf. PN 81-99, 510-519; Z 1055. Study and teaching. Cf. LB 1527, 1575, 1631, 2365; LC 1001-1021. 59 General. 61 General special. By period. 63 Ancient. 64 Middle ages. 65 Renaissance. 66 17th-18th century. 67 19th century. 68 20th century. By country. Prefer PQ-PV. 70 United States. 71 Other countries, A-Z. 72 By school, A-Z. Prefer PQ-PV. Criticism. 80 Periodicals. Theory. Canons. Cf. PN 1031-1036, Poetry. PN 3335, Fiction. 81 General works. 85 Minor works. Essays lectures, etc. 11 PN LITERATURE PN Griticiflm — Continued. 86 History. (Including collections of criticisms.) Cl. PN 500-519. 88 Medieval and Renaissance to 1600. 89 Seventeenth century. 90 Eighteenth century. 92 Nineteenth century. 94 Twentieth century. 98 Special topics, by subject, A-Z. 99 Special country, A-Z. Under each : (1) General. (2) By period. Early. Medieval. Modern. (3) Authors. (Reference only.) Anthorsliip. (General works only. Special coimtries, PQ-PV.) Periodicals. Cf. PN 1-9. 101 American and English. 109 Other. 111 Yearbooks. Cf. PN 11-19. 121 Associations, Cf. PN 21-29. Congresses. Cf. PN 31-33. 131 International. 133 National (and local). By country, A-Z. 137 Collections. Cf. PN 35-37, 91. 141 Dictionaries. Treatises. 145 General works (Theory and technique). 146 Research work. Historical and scientific author- ship. 147 Popular. Minor. "Writing for the press." Including handbookB, "desk books" (queetiona of punctuation, capitalization, spelling, etc.). Cf. PN 4775-4783, Journalism. 149 Addresses. Essays, etc. 12 PN LITERATURE PN Authorship — Continued. General special. Authorship as a profession. Ethics. Relations. Social conditions of autiiors, etc. 160 Early works. 151 General works. Treatises. 153 Popular works. Special, 155 "Authors and publishers." Cf. PN 173-241, Technique. Copyright, see Z 551-644. (156) Censorship, see Z 657-661. Cf. PN 2044-2051. 157 Dilettantism. 159 Amateur and juvenile writers. 160 Preparation of manuscripts, etc. 161 How to sell manuscripts. 163 Literary agents. 164 Literary landmarks. Homes and haunts of au- thors. Greneral only; for national, see PR 101-106 (Eng- lish), etc. 165 Miscellany: Anecdotes, quarrels and amenities of authors, etc. Plagiarism. 167 General. 168 Cases, A-Z. (Arranged under name of author accused.) 169 Satire. Humor. 171 Other special, by subject, A-Z. e. g. .D4, Dedications. .E3, Eccentric literature. Literary forgeries, imposturee. .F6, General works; .F7A-Z, CaaeB. By name, A-Z. .16 Insane authors. .17 Introductions. .03, Obsequies. .P4, Pensions. .P7, Prefaces. .P8, Prologues and epilogues. (.W6) Women writers, see PN 471. Technique. Literary composition. Rhetoric. Cf. P-PF (subdivision 41O-i60 under each language). For Rhetoric and compoeition prefer PE 1407-1443. 13 PN LITERATURE PN AuthorsMp. Technique. Literary composition, etc. Continued. Theory, philosophy. Of. PN 51-75. 173 Eaxly works. Later. 176 English. 176 French. 179 Other. 181 Study and teaching. History, see PN 81-93. Treatises. 185 Early. Later. 187 Enghsh. 189 Other. 191 Compends. 193 Elementary manuals. 195 Quizzes. 197 Exercises and specimens. 198 Lists of subjects, outlines. 199 Studies of particular authors, by author. A-Z. (Technique only.) General special. 203 Style. Cf. PE 1421 205 Exposition 207 Argumentation. 209 Analysis. 218 Other. Special elements of style. 221 Invention. 223 Imitation. 225 Amplification. Figures. 227 General. 228 Special, A-Z. 229 Use of adjectives, epithets, etc. .E9, Expletives. (230) Fiction. Novels. Stories. See PN 3355-3378 Special kinds of style. Cf. Special forr a of literature, PN 1010+. (231) Historical, see D 13. (233) Oratorical, see PN 4142. 234 Essays and essay writing. 14 PN LITERATURE PN Authorship. Technique. Literary composition. Rhetoric. Special kinds of style— Continued. 235 Epistolary. (237) Dialogue. (239) Other (Paneg3'Tic, Pathetic, Philosophic, etc., Romantic, Satiric, Grotesque, 0)mic). 241 Translating. Technique, art, etc. Cf. PN 881-(895), Literary bietory of translations. 245 Aids. Commonplace books, see PN 6245-6. 249 Indexes (Use, value, etc.). Technique of indexing, "How to make an index," see Z 695. Serial indexes, see AI. IITEEAEY HISTOEY. Biography. General collections. Under each : (1) Comprehensive. (2) Minor. (3) Collected memoirs, letters, etc. 451-453 English. 456-458 French. 461-463 German. 466 Other. Women authors. 471 English works. 472 French works. 473 German works. 479 Other. 481 Feminine influence in hterature. Authors' relations to women. Love, Marriage, etc. (General works only. Special countries, see PQ 147.5; PR 119, etc.) Literary history. Collections. Various authoi-s. 500 Early (to 1800). 501 American and English. 502 Dutch. 503 French. 504 German. 15 PN - LITERATURE PN Literary history. Collections. Various authors — Continued. 505 Italian. 506 Scandinavian. 507 Slavic. 508 Spanish, etc. 509 ^ther. 510-519 Collected essays of individual authors. Essays on ancient and modern Uterature. (Divided like 500-509.) Medieval and modern, see PN 710. For other periods or subjects, see PN 630, 6C0, 681, 863, 945, 1136, etc.; also PQ-PV. Comprehensive works. Universal histories, etc. Under each : Early works. (1) To 1800. (2) 1801-1860. Recent. (3) Treatises. (4) Compends, TexUbooks, OutHnes. 521-524 American and English. 531-534 Dutch. 541-544 French. 551-554 German. 561-564 Italian. 571-574 Scandinavian. 581-584 Slavic. 591-594 Spanish, Portuguese and Spanish American. 595 Other, A-Z. Special relations, movements, and currents of litera- ture (general only). For theory, esthetica, see PN 45-56. 597 Classical (Greek and Roman) hterature in relation to modem hterature, see PN 883. 599 Idealism. 601 Reahsm. Naturalism. 603 Romaticism. 605 Other. A-Z. e. g. .C2, Catholic church— influence on literature C{. PN 682. 16 PN LITERATURE PN 611 620-629 ^ 630 640-649 ' 650-659 » 660 665 667 669 670-679 » 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 Literary history — Continued. By period. Ancient. Origins. Comprehensive works. Minor works. Essajrs, lectures, etc. Alexandrian and early Christian. Oiiental. Comprehensive works. Minor works. Essays, lectures, etc. Medieval (to 1500). Collections of medieval literature. Minor. Selections. Dictionaries. Comprehensive works. Minor works. Essays, lectures, etc. General special. e. g. Catholic influence in literature. Cf. PN 605.C2. Special forms of medieval literature. Prefer PQ-PV. Legends. Juvenile literature, see PZ. Hero legends (Heldensage). Arthurian legends. Special, A-Z. e. g. Arthur. Galahad. Gawain. The Grail. Launcelot. Perceval (Parsifal, etc.). Tnstram. Note. For treatment in general literature s^e PN 67. A-Z. Other special subjects, e. g. Charlemagne. Cid. Eulenspiegel. Faust, see PN 57 and PT. Helen of Troy. Jewish Boy. Niebelungenlied, see PT. Robin Hood, see PR 2126-2129, PZ 8.1. Wandering Jew. Swan-Knight. Seven Sages. Seven Sleepers. 27595 O — 51 2 Divided like PN 600-509, 17 PN LITERATURE PN literary history. By period. Medieval (to 1500). Special forms — Continued. 688 Poetry. 689 Epic poetry. 690 Special subjects, A-Z. e. g. Tristram and Isolde. Cf. PN 57.T. 691 Lyric poetry. 692 Prose. Prose fiction. 693 Special tales, A-Z. e. g. Wife of Bath's Tale. 694 Other special forms, A-Z. e. g. Fabliaux, Fables. Prefer PQ-PV. Modern. (Including medieval and modem, also Works on special portions of Europe, e. g. Southern Europe.) 695 Collections. 700-709 ' Comprehensive works. 710 Minor works. Essays, lectures, etc. Renaissance (1500-1700). 715 Collections. (Sources with commentary, etc.) 720-729 » Comprehensive works. 730-739 > 16th century. (Including works specifically on Humanism and the Revival of learning.) 740-749 » 17th century. 750-759 > 18th (and early 19th) century. Romanticism. 760-769 ' 19th century. Early 19th century, romanticism, see PN 750-759. 771-779 ' 20th century. (821) Eomance literatures, see PQ. 831 Germanic literatures. Comparative literature. Prefer PA, PQ-PV for studies of the literary relar tions of special countries and special authors. Works on the literary relations of the United States and Great Britain, with other countries, in PR. For special periods, see PN 611-709. For special forms of literature, see the subject in general literary history. Added entries to be made for (881) and (884). 851 Periodicals. 855 Societies. • Divided Uke PN 500-509. 18 PN LITERATURE PN literary history. Comparative literature — Continued. Collections. Cf. PN 3&-37. 861 Series. Monograplis by different authors. 863 Collected works, essays, papers by different authors. Study and teaching of comparative htorature. Prefer PN 59-72. 867 General. 868 By country, A-Z. 869 By school, A-Z. 871-879 General works. (881) Special forms or kinds (genres), A-Z. (.P5) Picaresque romances, see PN 3428-3430. (.R7) Robinsonades. 883 Classical antiquity and literatuie in relation to modern literature. Prefer periods, e. g. PN 671; or countriea, e. g. PR 127 ; PQ 251 ("Querelle des anciens et modemes"). (884) By country, A-Z. Under each: (1) General works. (2) Special authors. Translations. (885) Tlie art of translating, see PN 241. 886 General works. 887 Minor. Special. Prefer PQ-PV. (888) English. (889) German. (890) Dutch. (891) Scandinavian. (893) French. (894) Italian. (895) Spanish and Portuguese. (896) Other Romanic. (898) Slavic. (899) Other. Folk literature. For P^olk literature of special countries, see PQ-PV. Prefer GR, Folk-lore. 905 Periodicals. » Divided Uke PN 500-509. 19 «N LITERATURE '« Literary history. Folk literatur©— Continued. 907 Societies. 911 Collections. 916 Dictionaries. ' 921 Theory, relations, etc. 930-939 ' Treatises. 945 Minor. F^ays. Addresses, etc. Special. 951 Origins. Medieval. 953 Comprehensive. 955 Early (to 1400). 957 TAier (to 1600). Modern. 959 Comprehensive. 961 To 1800. 963 19th-20th centuries. By class. 970 Chap-books and Chap-book literature. General workfl only. English, Bee PR 972-975. French, PQ 78S-806. German, PT 883-908. (975) Folk poetry, see PN 1341. Fables. Juvenile, see PZ8.2, 14.2, et«. 980 History. Origins. 981 Early works (to 1800). 982 American and English. 983 Dutch. 984 French. 985 German. 986 Italian. 987 Scandinavian. 988 Spanish. 989 Other countries, A-Z, e. g. India. 993 Plant fables. 999 Prose romances, ^tc. Cf. PN 670-691, Medieval lite^ture. PN 3451-3503, History oi p oee fiction. PQ, PR, etc., Special Iflnguages. e. g. Anglo-Nonnan, PR 2115-2116. 'Divided like PN 500-609. 20 PN LITERATURE FN Literary history. Folk literature. By class — Continued. 1001 Folk tales and legends. Prefer GR. (1003) Proverbs, see PN 6401-6525. (1005) Folk riddles, see GR 975. 1008 Other, A-Z. POETEY. 1010 Periodicals. 1012 Societies. 1014 Congresses. 1016 Collections (of monographs) . 1021 Dictionaries. Theory, philosophy, relations, etc. 1031 General. 1035 History of the theory of poetry. Poetics. General works. 1040 Ancient and medieval (to 1600). e. g. Aristotle, Scaliger, etc. For Greek texts of Aristotle's Poetics, see PA. Modem. 1041 English (to 1800). 1042 English, 1801- 1043 French. 1044 German. 1045 Italian. 1046 Scandinav:'-.n. 1047 Slavic. 1048 Spanish and Portuguese. 1049 Other languages, A-Z. 1055 Miscellaneous essays, etc. (1057) Technique of blank verse, see P311; PA; PE 1515; tc. 1059 Special topics, A-Z. e. g. .E7, Euphonic poetry. .P7, Poetic license. .S7, Song-writing. 1064 Poets on poetry. Anthologies in praise of poetry, etc See also PN 6084. P7, Praise of great men. Relations to, and treatment of, special subjects. 1065 Nature, landscape, etc. Gf. PN 48, PR 143, 508, etc. 21 PN POETRY PN Relations to special subjects — Continued. 1066 Relation to music. 1069 Relation to art. 1072 Relation to other forms of literature. 1075 Relation to life. 1076 Relation to love. 1077 Relation to philosophy, ethics, religion, myth, etc. Religion and theology of the poets. 1081 Relation to pohtics, social progress, etc. e. g. Gummere, Democracy and poetry. Prefer HN. 1082 Relation to economics. 1091 Women and poetry. Feminine influence. Cf. PN 471-481, Women authors; HQ 1386. Women in litera- ture . 1097 Uneducated poets. 1)01 Study and teaching. Prosody, metrics, rhythmics, see P-PM. 1103 Characters: heroes, heroines, etc. History and criticism. General. 1105 Early works. 1111-1119' Modern. 1126 General special. e. g. Origins. 1136 Essays. By period. 1140-1149 1 Ancient. Oriental, see PJ. Chinese, see PL. 1160-1169' Medieval and modern. Medieval, see PN 670-691. 1180-1189 ' Renaissance. 1200-1209 ' 16th century. 1220-1229' 17th century. 1240-1249 ' 18th century. 1260-1269 ' 19th century. 1270-1279 ' 20th century. Special kinds. Epic poetry. Comprehensive treatises. 1301 Early. 1303 Recent. 130:, Minor. ' Divided like PN 501-509. 22 PN POETRY PN POETRY Special kinds. Epic poetry — Continued. By period. 1307 Ancient. (1312) Medieval, sta PN 683. 1317 Modem (since 1500). Special topics. 1323 National heroic epics. 1326 Romantic epics. Romances of chivalry. Cf. PN 683. 1329 Allegorical epics. 1332 Descriptive epics. 1333 Other, A-Z. e. g. .A6, Animal epics. Folk poetry. 1341 General works. ;■ Lyric poetry. Cf. PN 687. Comprehensive treatises. 1351 Early. 1356 Recent. 1361 Minor. Special. 1371 O^es. 1376 Ballads. 1381 Songs. 1386 Hymns and sacred poems. 1389 Elegies. 1401 Didactic poetry. 1411 Descriptive poetry. 1421 Pastoral and bucolic poetry. 1431 Christmas poetry. Carols, etc. 1441 The poetic epigram. Epitaphs, etc. 1451 Vers de society. Minor forms of poetry. 1471 Ballade. 1475 Centos, pasticcios, etc. (including specimens) 1479 Chant royal. ^ 1485 K>Tielle. 1489 Macoronic verse (including specimens). 1493 Madrigal. 1497 Pantoum. 1501 Rondeau. 1504 Rondel. 1507 Roundelay. 23 PN DRAMA PN Minor forms of poetry — Continued. 1511 Sestina. 1514 Sonnet. 1517 Triolet. 1521 Villanelle. 1623 Virelai. 1525 Other (anagrams, echo verse, nonsense rhymes, etc.). The dialogue. 1561 Treatises. TEE DRAMA. 1600-1609* Periodicals. 1610 Yearbooks, by date. 1611-1619* Societies. Collections. 1621 Various authors. 1623 Collected essays of individual authors. 1625 Dictionaries. Philosophy, esthetics, scope, relations, etc. 1631 General. 1633 Special, A-Z. e. g. .13, IdoaUam. .N2, Nattualism. Relations to, and treatment of, special subjects. 1635 Relation to other forms of literature. 1637 Relation to pictorial art. 1639 Relation to music. 1641 Relation to life. 1643 Relation to sociology. 1647 Relation to philosophy, ethics, and religion. 1649 Relation to the church. 1650 Other special, A-Z. General works on the drama and the stage. 1654 Early works (to 1800). 1655 Treatises, 1801. 1657 Minor works. Technique of dramatic composition. 1660-1669 ' General treatises. 1670 Minor: Pamphlets, etc. Special. 1672 The unities. 1675 Tragic effect. Tragic fault, poetic justice, etc 1678 Comic effect. » Divided like PN 500-^9. 24 FN DRAMA PN 1683 1685 1687 1689 1690 1691 1701 1707 1711 1720-1729 ' 1731 1741 1751 1761 1766 1771 (1775) (1778) (1781) 1785 1791 1800 1801 1811 1821 1831 1841 1851 1861 Technique of dramatic composition. Special — Continued. Plot. Exposition. Development of the action Suspense. Character treatment. Treatment of masses (crowds, etc.). Cf. PN 2091. M2. Construction of the play: acts, scenes, etc. Study and teaching. Criticism. Characters, heroes, heroines, etc. History. Comprehensive. Minor. Compends. Outlines. By period. Ancient. Medieval. General. Special. Miracle plays. Mysteries. Moralities. By country. England, see PR 641-644. France, see PQ 513, (1217), 1343-1385 Other, A-Z, see PQ-PV. Renaissance. General. Special. By period. Early (to 1550). Later (1550-1650). Modern. General (including medieval, renaissance, and modern). Special. By period. 17 th centui-y. 18th century. 19th-20th centuries. 20th century. « Divided like PN 500-509. 25 PN DRAMA PN Special types. Under each: (0) Collections. 'Uj; History. (1) Early works (to 1800) (2) General works, 1801- (3) Origins, sources, etc. By period. (4) Ancient. ■ * (5) Medieval. (6) Renaissance. (7) Modem. (9) Special topics, by subject, A-Z. Opera, comic opera, etc., see ML 1800-1960. 1870-1879 Historical plays. 1880 Religious plays. Cf. PN 1647, 1761-1771, 3235-3241, 6120.R4. 1885 Other special types, by subject, A-Z. Prefer PN 1635-1650. 1890-1899 Tragedy. 1910-1919 Melodrama. Cf. ML 2050 Musical hiatory. 1920-1929 Comedy. 1934 Interludes, masques, etc. 1940-1949 Farces. Burlesques. Mimes. 1960-1969 Vaudeville. Varieties. Prefer ML. , 1969.M5 Minstrels. 1970-1979 Marionettes, Punch and Judy, etc. 1979.P9 Punch and Judy, Punchinello, Polichinelle, etc, 1979.S5 Shadow plays. Cf. PN 6120. Plays (texts). Collections and separate plays, 1980 English. 1981 Other. 1985 Pantomimes. Plays (texts), see PN 6120.P3. 1988 Special topics, by subject, A-Z. o. g. Harlequin. For amateur oiitertainmenta, see PN 4305. P2. Ballet. Prefer ML 3460. Cf. GV 1.580-1798, Dancing. 1989 General works. ^ 26 PN DRAMA PN Special types. Ballet — Continued. Special. 1990 By plac«, A-Z. 1991 By troupe, company, etc., A-Z. Biography, see GV 1785. Elssler, Vestris, etc., in ML 419. Moving-pictuje shows. 1993 Periodicals. 1994 General works. .Al-5, Documents. 1995 Greneral special. 1996 How to write "photo-plays." 1997 Plays, Scenarios, etc. 1998 Miscellaneous: Directories, Catalogs, etc. Dramatic representation. The theater. Periodicals. ; ,; v^.e. ' 2000 American. .A2, Early (to 1820). 2001 English. , , , 2002 Dutch. < 2003 French. :- :: 2004 German. ^l.?^: -c i. ,- : 2005 Itahan. . / ■ . '■ ■ 2006 Scandinavian. 2007 Slavic. . ^ 2008 Spanish. : : . ' ■ v ^^ 2009 Other. ' 2012 Yearbooks. (General only. Local in PN 2300 + .) Societies. 2015 International. 2016 United States. 2017 Other countries, A-Z. 2018 Congresses, Conventions By date. 2019 Expositions. By date. Collections. 2020 Various authors. 2021-2029 Collected essays by individual authoi-s. 2035 Dictionaries. Philosophy, relations, etc. 2037 General. Special. 2039 Esthetics, relations to hterature, music, etc. Divided like P.N 501-509. 27 PN DRAMA FN Dramatic representation. The theater. Philosophy, relations, etc. Special — Contioued. Belation to the state. Begulation and control. Censorship. 2042 General. 2044 By country, A-Z. Under each: (1) Documents, laws, etc. (2) Other works. 2045 Special topics, A-Z. e. g. Law of tickets. Influence of the drama. Belation to ethics, the chnrch, etc. General works (Controversial, etc.). English. 2047 Early (to 1800). 2049 Recent. 2051 Other. 2053 Management, organization, administration. Cf. PN 2085-2091, Stage management. 2054 Guides to the selection of plays. 2055 Acting as a profession. Art of acting. Cf. PN 4001+ (Oratory, elocution). 2061 Treatises. 2065 Popular works. Special topics. 2067 Costume. Cf. GT 1740-1745. 2068 Make-up. 2071 Other, A-Z. c. g. .G4, Gestures. Cf. PN4165. 2073 Contracts, blanks, forms, diaries, etc. Study and teaching. 2075 General. 2078 By country, A-Z. Subarranged: (1) General works. (2) Dramatic schools, A-Z (By place). The stage and accessories. Stage management, the building, mechanical de- vices, etc.). Prefer architecture, NA 6820-6840. 23 FN DRAMA PN Dramatic representation. The theater. The stage and accessories — Continued. 2085 Treatises. 2086 General special. 2087 By country, A-Z. 2091 Special topics, A-Z. e. g. .E4, Electrical devices. .P3, Panics. .S8, Stage aettingB, scenery, etr 2093 Miscellaneous. Minor. 2095 Satire, humor, etc. History. 2100-2109 » Comprehensive works. 2115 Minor works. Essays, etc. 2122 General dpecial. e. g. Firat performancee. By period. Ancient. Cf . PA. Glaasic literature. 2131 General. 2132 Greneral special. 2135 Special topics, A-Z. By country. 2137 Greece. 2141 Rome. 2145 Other. Medieval. 2152 General. 2154 Early to 1400. 2156 Fifteenth century. 2159 Special topics, A-Z. Renaissance. 2171 General. 2173 Sixteentlj century. 2174 Seventeenth century. 2179 Special topics, A-Z. Modern. 2181 GeneraL 2183 Eighteenth century. 2185 Nineteenth century. 2189 Twentieth century. 2193 Special topics, A-Z. > Divided like PN 500^509. 29 PN DRAMA PN Dramatic representation. The theater — Continued Biography. General. Special, see PN 2285-7, 2307-3030. 2205 Collections. 2208 Dictionaries. 2215 Homes and haunts of actors. 2217 Anecdotes. Wit. Humor, etc. 2219 Special topics, A-Z. e. g. .C2, Cabaretfl; .C3, Caf^a chantante. Special countries. United States. Periodicals, see 2000-2009. Societies, see 2015-2017. 2220 Collections. History. 2221 Comprehensive. 2226 General special. 2232 Minor. By period. 2237 Early, to 1800. 2239 Contemporary works. Nineteenth century. 2245 Comprehensive. 2248 To 1860. 2251 Contemporary works. 2256 1860-1900. 2259 Contemporary works. 2266 Twentieth century. Local. 2273 Regioas. (East, South, West, etc.), A-Z. 2275 States, A-Z. ,^ 2277 Cities, A-Z. Biography. 2285 Collected, including Portrait albums, etc. 2286 Negro actors, minstrels, etc. 2287 Individual, by name of actor, A-Z. (Stage name.) ir 2289 Directories. Guide books, etc. Cf;; General only. 58 i Local, see PN 2275-2277. Management, organization, administration, etc. (Syndicates, circuits, troups, etc.) 2291 General works. PN DRAMA PN 2293 2295 2297 2298 2300 2301 2302 2303 2304 2305 2306 2307 2308 2310-2318 2320 2325 2326 2327 2328 2329 2330 2331 2332 2333 2334 2340-2344 » 2350-2354 ' 2360-2364 » 2370-2374 * 2380-2384 » Dramatic representation. The theater— Continued. Special countries. United States. Management, organization, administration, etc. — Continued. Special topics, A-Z. e. g. .14, Independent theaters. .T8, Theatrical tmsts. Corporations and institut'.ons, A-Z. Theatrical troups. e. g. .D3, Daly's. Special plays, spectacles, etc., by name. Canada. Collections. History. General. Early (to 1800). 19th century. , .. 20th century. ; , , / Provinces, A-Z. ^ , ^ , [ . " Cities, A-Z. , Biography. Collected. Individual, A-Z. ' Mexico (Divided like 2300-2308). Central America. British Honduras. ^^^^^^^ ' ^udi Collections. History. Local, A-Z. 'r3,irr^ Biography. . :,- i Collected. ; : ; Individual, A-Z. Costa Rica. lwj. f'TcV s- Collections. History. Local, A-Z. ' Oas.:. Biography. Collected. ■ - - Individual, A-Z. i.H^^ Guatemala. Honduras. ^'^'^ Nicaragua. Panama. ' Salvador. ' Divided Uke 2330-2334. 81 FN DRAMA PN 2390 2395-2399 » 2400-2404 * 2410-2414 ^ 2415-2419 ' 2420-2424 » 2430-2434 ' 2440 2445 2450 2451 2452 2453 2454 2460-2464 ' 2470-2474 » 2480-2484 ' 2490-2494 » 2500-2504 ' 2510-2514 » 2515-2519 ' 2520-2524 ' 2525-2529 ' 2530-2534 ' 2540-2544 * 2650-2554 » 2570 2575 2580 2581 2582 2583 2585 2586 Dramatic representation. The theater. Special countries — Continued. West Indies. Bahamas. Cuba. Dominican Republic. Haiti. Jamaica. Porto Rico. Others, A-Z. South America. Argentine Republic. Collections. History. Local, A-Z. Biography. Collected. Individual, A-Z, Bolivia. Brazil. British Guiana. Chile. Colombia. Dutch Guiana. Surinam. Ecuador. French Guiana. Paraguay. Peru. Uruguay. Venezuela. Europe. Great Britain, England. Theatrical clubs, A-Z. e. g. .G2, Ganick club, Cambridge. .03, Ganick club, London. Collections. History. General. Special topics, A-Z. For ceneorehip, see PN 2044. Minor. Essays, etc. By period. Early (to 1800). Origins. > Divided like 2330-2334. ' Divided like 2450-2454. 82 PN DRAMA PN DRAMA 1 Dramatic representation. The theater. Special countries. Europe. Great Britain, England. Hiatory. By period — Continued. 2587 Medieval. 2588 Special topics, A-Z. 2589 Renaissance. 2590 Special topics, A-Z. (2591) Modem. 2592 17th century (17th-18th centuries) 2593 18th century. 2594 19th century. 2595 20th century. Recent. 2596 Special Enghsh cities, A-Z. e. g. .L6, London— General. .L7, London — Special theaters, A-Z. Biography. 2597 Collected. 2598 Individual, A-Z. Ireland. 2600 Collections. 2601 History, Biography, etc. 2602 Local, A-Z. Scotland. 2603 Collections. 2604 History, Biography, etc. 2605 Local, A-Z. Wales. 2606 Collections. 2607 History, Biography, etc. 2608 Local, A-Z. 2609 Other local A-Z. Austria-Hungary. 2610 Collections. History. 2611 General. 2612 Early (to 1800). 2613 19th century. 2614 20th century. Recent. 2615 Special states, provinces, etc. 2616 Special cities, A-Z. Biography. 2617 Collected. 2618 Individual, A-Z. !l27.'(!>r> () r.i :{ 33 PH DRAMA PN Dramatic representation. The theater. Special countries. Europe — Contiaued. France. 2620 Cbllections. History. 2621 General. 2622 Special topics, A-Z. 2623 Minor. Essays, etc. By period. 2625 Early (to 1800). 2626 Origins. 2627 Medieval. 2628 Special topics, A-Z. 2629 Renaissance. 2630 Special topics, A-Z. (2631) Modem. 2632 17th century (17th-18th centuries) 2633 18th century. 2634 19th century. 2635 20th century. 2636 Local, A-Z. Biography. 2637 0)llected. 2638 Individual, A-Z. Germany. 2640 Collections. History. 2641 General. 2642 Special topics, A-Z. 2643 Minor. EJssays, etc. By period. 2645 Early (to 1800). 2646 Origins. 2647 Medieval. 2648 Special topics, A-Z. 2649 Renaissance. 2650 Special topics, A-Z. (2651) Modem. 2652 17th-18th centuries. 2653 19th century. 2654 20th century. Recent. 2655 Special states, provinces, etc., A-Z. 2656 Special cities, A-Z. M PN DRAMA PN Dramatic representation. The theater. Special countries. Europe. Germany— Continued. Biography. 2657 Collected. 2658 Individual, A-Z. 2660-2668 ' Greece (Modern). 2670-2688 Italy (Divided like 2640-2658). 2690-2693 Netherlands (divided like 2060-2063). 2700-2708 • Belgium. 2710-2718' Holland. 2719 Luxemburg. 2720-2728 ' Russia. 2730-2738 ' Scandinavia. 2740-2748 » Denmark. 2750-2758 ' Iceland. 2760-2768 ' Norway. 2770-2778"** Sweden. Spain and Portugal. 2780-2788 » Spain. 2790-2798 ' Portugal. 2800-2808 » Switzerland. Turkey and Balkan States. 2810-2818 ' Turkey. 2820-2828 ' Bulgaria. 2830-2838 * Montenegro. 2840-2849 * Rumania. 2850-2858 ' Servia. 2860 Asia. 2870-2878 ' China. 2880-2888 ' India. 2890-2898 » Indo-China, Siam, Cochin-China, etc. Indonesia, Malay Archipelago. 2900-2908 » Dutch East Indies. 2910-2918 * Philippines. 2920-2928 ' Japan. 2930-2938 ' Persia. 2940-2948 ' Russia in Asia. 2950-2958 ' Turkey in Asia. 2960 Other Asiatic divisions. Divided like 2610-2618. 35 PN DRAMA PN Dramatic representation. The theater. Special countries — Continued. Africa. 2970-2978 ' Egypt. 2980 British possessions, A-Z. 2990 Other local, A-Z. 3010-3018 * Australia and New Zealand. 3030 Pacific Islands, A-Z. Amateor theatricals. Pageants (processionals, dances, and songs inter- woven with dramatic ej)isodes or miniature pkys), seePN 3201. For plays, see PN 6120.A4-5. General works. 3151 Treatises. 3155 Popular works. 3157 Juvenile drama; acting for children. By country. United States. 3161 General. 3166 Local, by place, A-Z. e. g. S3, Bohemian Club of San Francisco. 3169 Other countries. Under each: (1) General. (2) Local, by place, A-Z. 3171 The drama as a method of teaching. School-room plays, etc. College theatricals. 3175 General works. 3178 Special topics, A-Z. e. g. Greek plays. By country. United States. 3182 General Works. 3185 By institution, A-Z. 3191 Other countries, A-Z. Under each: (1) General. (2) By institution, A-Z. 3195 Negro nainstrels, etc. (Collections and separate plays in PN 4305.N6.) ' Divided like 2610-2618. 86 PN DRAMA PN Dramatic representation. The theater — Continued. Spectacles, tableaux, pageants, etc. Include here pageants with tableaux, songs, dances, dramatic episodes, etc., but prefer local history, I)-F, for all pageants of local historical interest. Cf. GT 393(M995, Festivals and holidays (Manners and customs). GV 1471, Games, entertainments, amusements (Gen- eral works). GV 1743, National dances, folk dances. LB 3525-3571, School exercises (Special days, etc.). PN 6120.T3, Tableaux. General works. 3203 Treatises. Production of (amateur) pageants, masques, plays, etc. e. g. Bates, Pageants and pageantry. Chubb, Festivals and plays. 3205 Texts, scenarios, etc. 3206 Special pageants, etc. By author or title. e.g. .S8, Stevens: Pageants of the Italian Renaissance. Special countries. United States. 3209 General. 3211 Local, A-Z. 3215 Other American, by country, A-Z. 3220 Europe. Under each country: (1) General. (2) I^cal, A-Z. 3221-3222 Austria. 3225-3226 France. Germany. 3233 General. Special, Oberammergau . 3235 General descriptive works. 3238 Minor works. 3241 Texts of the play. 3244 Other local, A-Z. 3251-3252 Great Britain. 3255-3256 Greece. 3261-3262 Italy. 3265-3266 Netherlands. 3271-3272 Spain and Portugal. 3281-3282 Switzerland. 3299 Other countries, A-Z. (3300) Lyceum courses, etc., see LC 6551-6560. 37 PN PROSE PN Prose. Prose fiction. The short story, etc. 3311 Periodicals. 3315 Yearbooks. 3318 Societies. Collections. 3321 Various authors. 3324 Collected essays by individual authors. (3325) Dictionaries, see PN 41-43. Philosophy, theory, etc. General. 3229 Early. 3331 Recent. 3335 Esthetics. Criticism, etc. 3338 Relation to and treatment of special subjects. 3340 ReaUsm and romanticism in prose fiction. 3341 Relation to life. 3344 Relation to sociology. 3347 Relation to ethics. 3351 Relation to reUgion, mythology, etc. 3353 General works. 3354 Minor works, essays, etc. Technique. Cf. PN 185-199; PE 1402-1477. 3355 General works (Fiction in general) . 3358 Minor works. 3365 Technique of the novel. 3367 Minor works. 3373 Technique of the short story. 3375 Minor works. Special topics. 3378 Plots. 3383 Other, A-Z. 33 S5 Study and teaching. (3391) Story telling. Reading of stories to children, etc See LB 1042, 1179. Special topics. 3401 Women writers. Femininism in fiction. 3411 Characters: heroes and heroines, etc. Special races, classes, types, etc., in fiction. 3418 Jew. 2423 Negro. Picaresque novels. Romances of roguery. 3428 General. 38 PN PROSE PN Prose. Prose fiction. The short story, etc. Special topics. Special races, classes, types, etc., in fiction. Picaresque novels, etc. — Continued. By country. (3429) Spain, see PQ. 3430 Other countries, A-Z. 3432 Robinsonades, "Avanturiers," etc. Added entries to be made in PQ G37, PR 830. 3435 Tales of wonder, terror, etc. Cf. PN 3500. Special classes of novels, etc. 3441 Historical novel. 3448 Other, A-Z. History. Comprehensive works. 3451 American and English. 3452 Dutch. 3453 French. 3454 German. 3455 Italian. 3456 Scandinavian. 3457 Slavic. 3458 Spanish and Portuguese. 3459 Other. 3463 Minor works. By period. 3466 Ancient. (3471) Medieval, see PN 692-3. 3481 Renaissance. Modern. 3491 General. 3495 18th century. 3499 19th century. 3500 Early 19th century. Romanticism. Cf. PN 3435. 3503 20th century. Oratory. Elocution, etc. Periodicals. 4001 English. 4003 Other. 4005 Yearbooks. 4009 Societies. 4012 Collections (of monographs, etc., on the art, history, etc., of oratory). 39 FN ORATORY PN Oratory. Elocution, etc. — Continued. CoUections of speeches, see PN 6121-6130. 4016 Dictionaries. History, etc. 4021 Comprehensive. 4023 General special. By period. (4027) Antiquity, see PA. 4031 Middle Ages. Modern. 4036 Comprehensive. By period. 4039 16th century 4042 17th century 4045 18th century 4048 19th century 4051 20th century. Biography of orators, lecturers, etc. 4057 Collected. Individual, A-Z. Orators, see D-F, also PQ, PR, PS, etc. 4058 Lecturers. Prefer PQ, PR, etc Cf. LC 6501-6560, Lyceums. 4059 Elocutionists. 4061 Philosophy. Theory. Relations. 4066 Satire. Humor. Cf. PN 4250-4259, PN 6231.S2. PN 6147-6231. Study and teaching. Elocution. Expression. 4071 Periodicals. 4073 Societies. 4075 Congresses. 4077 Collections (of papers on elocution) Exercises, recitations, etc., see PN 4199-4321 4082 Dictionaries. 4086 History. By country. Under each: (1) General works. (2) By place, A-Z. (3) Schools, A-Z (By city). -4093 United States. 4095 Other, A-Z. Treatises. Compends. Text-books. Eariy to 1800. 4103 Latin. 4105 Other. 40 PN ORATORY PN Oratory. Elocution, etc. Treatises. Compcnds. Text-books — Continued. 4111-4119 • 19th century. 4121-4129 ' 20tli century. 4130 Minor works. Pamphlets, etc. Special. 4140 Subjects. 4142 Composition, style, etc. 4145 Reading, Emphasis, etc. Expression. For general works on voice and gesture, see PN 4103- 4130. 4155 Theory. Philosophy. 4157 Delsarte system. 4162 The voice. Cf. QP 30G; MT 820-950. 4163 Special topics. e. g. Children's voices. Stimulants, Effect of. 4165 Gestures, etc. Cf. PN 2071. G4. 4168 Extemporaneous speaking. 4171 Forensic oratory. 4173 Pulpit oratory. Debating. Outlines and references on public questions, sec Z 71t)l. 7166. Outlines with arguments in extenso, with subject. e. g. Pearson, Interrollegiate debates. II 35. Treatises, see PN 43 87. Cf. PE 1431, Argumentation (and debate). 4181 Treatises. Including topics for debate. 4183 Special topics, A-Z. Local. United States. 4185 Associations, leagues, etc. 4189 Special colleges, schools, etc., A-Z. 4191 Other coui' tries, A-Z. 4193 Other special, A-Z. e. g. .A3, After-dinner speeches. .B6. Biographical sf>eechee. Exercises. 4197 Drill books. Voice culture. Prefer MT 821. Cf. QP 306, Physiology. ' Divided like PN 3451-3459. 41 PN ORATORY PN Oratory. Elocution, etc. — Continued. Becitations (in English). Cf. PE. 4199 Collections of recitations. Serials. 4200-4209 * General. 4200, Early works to 1830. Poetry, see PN 4199-4209. Prosed see PN 4199^209. Regional, sectional, etc. 4215 New Engla ,nd. 4217 South. 4219 West. 4221 Pacific. 4225 By state, A-Z. 4228 Foreign by nationality, A-Z. e. g. Canadian, Scotch, etc. Special. 4230-4239 ' Religious. Cf. PE 1123-1125. 4240-4249 * Patriotic. Cf. PE 1127. H4+. 4250-1259 * Humorous. 4270^279 ' Juvenile. 4290-4299 ' Dialogues. General and miscellaneous. Special with subject in PN 4230-4279, 4305. Plays in PN 6111-6120, PR 1241-1273, etc. 4305 Other special, by subject, A-Z. e. g. .C3, Catholic. .C6, Club and lodge-room. .C7. College, commencement parts, etc. .D6, Dialect. .H6, Hebrew. .H7, Holidays, etc. .15, Impersonationfl. .16, Indian. M:i, Martial, heroic, etc. .M6, Monologues. .M8, Musical recitations. .N3, Nature. . .N5, Negro. .N6, Negro minstrels. .04, Occasional addresses (after-dinner speeches, etc.). .P3, Pathetic, etc. .T3, Tableaux, drills, etc. (with recitations). Toasts, see PN 6340-«348. Divided like PN 500-509. 42 PN ORATORY PN Oratory. Elocution, etc. Eecitations (in English) — Continued. Selections from particular authors, classed with author's works, PR, PS, etc. 4309 Minor. Pamphlets, etc. 4o2i Dictionaries. Indexes. 4400 Letters (Literary history). 4500 Essays. (Literary history.) (4600) Wit and humor, see PN 6147-6231 Journalism. The periodical press, etc. Periodicals. 4700 American. 4701 English. 4702 French. 4703 German. 4705 Other 4709 Yearbooks. 4712 Societies. For local Rocietiea and associations, see P!^ 4841-5639. 4717 Congresses. Conferences. For local consjesses and conferences, see PN 4848-5639. 4720 Exhibitions. By place, A-Z. Collections. 4722 Series: monographs, etc. 4724 Collected works of two or more authors. 4725 Collected works, essays, papers, etc., by indi- vidual authors. 4728 Encyclopedias. Dictionaries. Theory. Scope. Relations. 4731 General. Special. Relation to the state. I^aw. Regulation and control. Cf. Z 657-G61, Lilierty of the prena. 4735 General. By country. United States. 4738 General. Special topics. 4741 Newspaper libel. Cf. K Law. 4745 Other special. 4748 Other countries, A-Z. 4751 Relation to politics. 4756 Relation to ethics, religion, etc. 43 Piy JOURNALISM PN Journalism. The periodical press, etc. Theory. Scope. Relations. Special — Continued. 4759 Relation to lit/erature. 4762 Relation to art. 4765 Relation to music, the stage, etc. 4771 Other. Technique. Practical journalism. 4775 General Special. 4778 The editor. Editorials. 4781 Reporting, Correspondence, etc. 4783 Newspaper style. 4784 Other, A-Z. e. g. .C6. Circulation .W7, Women in journalism. Study and teaching. 4785 General. By country. United States. 4788 General. 4791 By school, A-Z. 4793 Other countries, A-Z. Under each: (1) General. (2) By school, A-Z. History. 4801 Comprehensive. By period. 4805 Origins. 4808 18th century. 4811 19th century. 4815 20th century. Special countries, see PN 4841-5639. 4820 Biography (General). Special countries, see PN 4871-5639. 4823 War correspondents. (Individual with country). Amateur journalism. Cf. PN 147, 157-159; Z 6944. AG, 6951. A48+. Student publicationH. School and college magaziuee and papers, see LB 3621-3625; LH. 4825 General works. Histories. u PN JOURNALISM PN Journalism. The periodical press, etc. American journalism — Continued. By country. United States. 4826 Associations, societies, etc. 4827 General. 4828 By state. 4829 By city. 4830 Other countries, A-Z. Under each: (1) General. (2) Local. Magazines and other periodicals. Magazine writing, see PN 147. 4832 History and other general. Special. 4834 Illustrated magazines. 4836 Other. 4838 Minor works. Addresses, essays, lectures. 4839 Curiosities, oddities, etc., of newspapers. e. g. Clay, The agony column of the "Timee." By country. United States. :4840) Periodicals, see PN 4700. Societies. Amateur press associations, see PN 4826. 4841 National. e. g. Asdociated Press and einular organizations. 4844 State, by name of state, A-Z. Local, by place, see PN 4899. 4848 Conferences. Conventions. 4853 Collections. General works. History, etc. 4855 Comprehensi /e. 4857 Minor. Addresses, essays, lectures. By period. 4858 Early. 4861 18th century. 4864 19th century. 4867 20th century. Biography of editors, journalists, etc. Prefer E-F for liiatorica) characters. 4871 Collective. 4874 Individual, A-Z, 45 PN JOURNALISM PN Journalism. The periodical press, etc. By country. United States— Continued. Special topics. Periodicals. Magazines. 4877 General. Special. 4881 University magazines. Other special. 4885 The non-English press, A-Z. e. g. S2, Scandinavian. 4888 Miscellaneous, A-Z. e. g. (.A5), Amateur journaliam, see PN 4797-9. .C4, Cable dispatches. .06, Corruption of the press. Cf. HV 6773.L5, Libel; Z657, Liberty of the preaa. .C7, Country newspapers. .G6, German literature in American magazines. (.L5), Literary reviews. Prefer PQ-PV. .S8, Supplements (General). Christmas, see AY 21. Local, by region. 4891 New England. 4892 Middle States. 4893 South. 4894 West. 4895 Pacific. 4897 Local, by state, A-W. Under each: (1) Manuals. (2) Associations, see PN 4844. (3) History and other general works. (4) Special topics. 4899 Local, by place, A-Z. Under each: (1) Manuals. (2) Associations. (3) History and other general works. (4) Special topics. (5) Special papers, etc., A-Z. 4900 Particular magazines and other periodicals, by name, A-Z. (For newspapers, see PN 4899.) 46 PN JOURNALISM PN TABLE FOR ARRANGEMENT OF WORKS UNDER FOREIGN COUNTRIES 20 no8. 10 no8. Periodicals, see PN 4701-4705. 1 Societies, Conferences, CoUectioDB. 1 Societies. 2 Conferences. Congresses. 3 Collections. History and other general workc. 4 2 Comprehensive. 5 3 Early. 4 Recent. 6 18th century. , 7 19th century. 8 20th century. 6 Biography of editors, journalists, etc. 12 .Al-5 Collective. 13 .Afr-Z Individual, A-Z. 14 7 Special topics, A-Z. (.L5) Literary reviews. Prefer PQ-PV. Local. 16 By region, A-Z. 17 8 By state, province, etc., A-Z. Under each: (1) Collections. (2) History and other general. 19 9 By place, A-Z. Under each, using successive Cutter numbers: (1) Collections. (2) History and other general. (3) Special newspaper?, A-Z. 20 10 Special magazines and other periodicals, A-Z. (For newspapers, see 19' and 9.) 5 no8. 1 no. 1 .A2-5 Societies, Conferences, Collections. 2 .A6A-Z History and other general works. 3.A1-5 .A7A1 Biography— Collective. 3.A6-Z .A7A3-Z Biograph y— I ndi vidual . 4 .A&-Z5 Local, A-Z. 6 .Z6A-Z Special journals, A-Z. 47 ¥H JOURNALISM Jonrnalism. Tlie periodic&l press, etc, By country —Continued. 4901-4920 Canada (20). 4931-4940 C\iba (10). 4941-4950 Porto Rico (10). 4959 Other West Indies, A-Z. 4961-4980 Mexico (20). 4989 Central America, A-Z. South America. 5001-5010 Argentine Republic (10). 5011-5015 Bolivia (5). 5021-5030 BrazU (10). 5031-5035 British Guiana (5). 5041-5050 Chile (10). 5051-5055 Colombia (5). 5061-5065 Dutch Guiana. Surinam (5). 5066-5070 Ecuador (5). 5071-5075 French Guiana (6). 5076-5080 Faraway (5). 5081-5085 Peru (5). 5091-5095 Uruguay (5). 5101-5105 Venezuela (5). 5106 Other South American, A-Z. 5111-5130 Great Britain. England (20). 5L31-5140 Scotland (10). 5141-5150 Ireland (10). 5161-5170 Austria (10). 5171-5190 France (20). 5201-5220 Germany (20). 5231-5240 Greece (10). 5241-5250 Italy (10). Netherlands. 5251-5260 Holland (10). 5261-5270 Belgium (10). 5271-5280 Russia (10). Scandinavia. 5281-5290 Denmark (10). 5291-5300 Norway (10). 5301-5310 Sweden (10). 5311-5320 Spain (10). 5321-5320 Portugal (10). 6331-5340 Switzerland (10). 5355 Other EuropeaL, A-Z. PN 48 PN JOURNALISM PN 5371-6380 5401-5410 5421-6430 5451-6460 5461-6470 6471-5480 5481-5490 6499 5610 5521- 5531- 6541- 5551- 5561- 5671- 6581- 5591- 6630 ■6640 ■6660 ■6660 ■6670 ■6680 -6590 6600 5621-5630 6639 JoQm&lism. Tlie periodical press, etc. By country — Continued. Asia. India (10). Japan (10). Philippine Islands (10). Africa. South African Union. Cape of Grood Hope (10). Natal (10). Orange River Colony (10). Transvaal (10). Other African States, etc., A-Z. Australia and New Zealand. Australian Commonwealth. New South Wales (10). North Australia (10). Queensland (10). South Australia (10). Tasmania (10). Victoria (10). West Australia (10). New Zealand (10). Pacific Islands. Hawaii. Other, A-Z. COILECTIOirS OF OEHESAL LITE&ATUSE. Oeneral collections. English. Periodicals: Short-story magazinea, etc., see AP. Cf. PI^ 1-29. CollectioDfl of novels, stories, etc., see PZ 1. Early (to 1800). 6011 Serial. 6012 Minor: selections, anthologies, etc. Recent. 6013 Comprehensive. "Libraries of world's best literature." 6014 Minor: selections, anthologies, etc. Annuals, keepsakes, etc., see AY 11-19. (6015) To 1860. (6017) 1860- 49 PN LITERATURE— COLLECTIONS PN 6019 6020 6021-6027 » 6031-6037 > 6041-6047 > 6051-6057 » 6065 6071 6075 6080 General collections. English. Recent — Continued . Translations of foreign classics. By several translators. By editor or title, A-Z. By individual translators, A-Z. French. German. Italian. Spanish. Other, by language, A-Z. Prefer P-PM for the lees known languages. Collections, extracts, etc. By subject, A-Z. Note. Collections containing poetry are to be classified preferably in PN 6110. e. g. .B7, Books. .C5, Children. .C6, Christmas, .C7, Contentment. .H2, Happiness. .J5, Jewish legends. .L7, Love. .M8, Music. .N2, Nature. .05, Old age. .07, Optimistic thought. .W3, Walking. Selections for daily reading. Cf. PN 6084. B5, Birthdays. PN 6084.S7, The South. Selections from special authors classified with their works, in PR, PS, etc. Quotations. Polyglot, including Classical (Latin and Greek). Endish. 6081 General. 6082 Poetry. 6083 Prose. 6084 Special topics 1, A-Z. e.g. .A8, Art. .B3, Banquet quotatioiis. .B5, Birthdays. .C2, Catholic. .C5, Children. ' Divided like PN 6011-6017. 60 PN LITERATURE-COLLECTIONS PN Quotations. English. 84 Special topics, A-Z— Continued e. g- .G7, Great men. .16, Irish writers. .L2, Legal. .M4. Men. .M8, Music. .N2, Nature. .03, Occasions. .P3, Patience. .R3, ^ Religious. .S2, ' Sacred. .S7, The South. .S8, Sunshine. .V3, Valentines. .■W6, Women. Frencli. 6086 General. 6087 Poetry. 6088 Prose. 6089 Special topics, A-Z. German. 6090 General. 6091 Poetry. 6092 Prose. 6093 Special topics, A-Z. 6095 Other languages, A-Z. e, g. .C4, Chinese. .07, Oriental. .S5, Spanish. Poetry. Cf. PN 6080-5095, Quotations. General. 6100 Early (tc » 1800). 6101 American and English. 6102 Dutch. 6103 French. 6104 German. 6105 Italian. 6106 Scandinavian. 6107 Slavic. 6108 Spanish i and Portuguese. 6109 Other. 51 PN LITERATURE— COLLECTIONS PN Poetry —Continued. 6110 Special, by subject and form, A-Z. Collections, including proee Belectioufl, are to be clasai- fied here in preference to PN 6071. e. g. .A4, Album versea. . .A6, Angling. Cf. .S65. Battlesongs, see .113. .B3, Bella. .B4, Bicycling. .B6, Biide, Cf. .N2. .C3, Cat. .C4, 'Children. Cf. PZ 8.3, Verses for children. ,C5, Chrifltmaa. Cf. .H4. .C65, City life. .C7, College verse. .C8, Country life. Cf. .N2. .C85, Courage. .D4, Death and Immortality. Cf. R4. .D6, Dog. .D8, Dreams. .E2, Eaater. Cf. .H4. .E4, Eccentric poetry. Cf. .N6. .E6, Epics, Epistolary poetry, see .1/4, .Ey, Eyes. .V2, Fables in verse. .F3, Fairiea. .F4, "Favorite poems." .F6, Flowers. Cf. .N2 .F8, Friendship. .F9, Fugitive verse. .G2, Gardens. .G3, Gems. .Hi4, Happiness. Optimism. .H2, Heroism. .H3, Hiirtorical poems. .114, Holidays. Cf. .C5: .E2 .H6, Home. Mother. H8, Humor. Immortality, pee .D4 Jewel.s, see .G3. 52 PN LITERATURE— (X)LLECTIONS PN Poetry. Special, by subject and form, A-Z — Continued, e.g. .L2, Law. .L4, Letters. .L5, Life. See also .D4. LimerickB, see PN 6231. .L6, Love. Cf. .W7; PR 1184. Lullabies, see .04. .M2, Macaronis. .M3, Medicine. .M4, Memoriring, Selections for. Mother and Home, see .H6. .M65, Mountains. .M7, Music. .M8, Mythology. .N15, Names. • Poems on names of women, see .W7. .N2. Nature. Cf. .A6, .B6, .C8, .F6, .S4, .85, .865, .87, .N6, Nonsense. Cf. .E4. Optimiam, see .H14. .P3, Parodies. Places. .P6, General collections. .P7A-Z 1, By place (country, region, etc.). Precious stones, see .G3. .P8, Prisons and prisoners. .Q4, Quakers. .Q8, Quiet life. .R2, "Railways. .R4, Religion. a. .D4. Rural life, see .08. Sacred poems. Hymns, see .R4. .S3, School days, etc. .S4, Sea, and Sailors. Cf. .N2. .S6. Seasons. a. .N2. .S63, Slavery. .S55, Sleep. .S6, Sonnets. .S65, Sport. Of. .A6, .86, .08, .D6, .N2, .84, .85, .87, .S7. Spring. Cf. .N2, .S5. .88, Stenography. .89, Supernatural. 53 PN LITERATURE— COLLECTIONS PN Poetry. Special, by subject and form, A-Z — Continued. e.g.(.T6) Tobacco, see PN 6239. .T7, Traveling. .T8, Typography. .V3, Vagabond. •V4, Vera de 8oci6t6. .W4, Weddings. .W6, Woman. Cf . HQ 450-470. Drama. 6111 English, 6112 Minor collections. 6113 French. 6114 German. 6115 Italian. 6116 Scandinavian. 6117 Spanish and Portuguese, 61 1« Slavic. 6119 Other. 6120 Special forms, for amateurs A-Z (including individual plays ). e.g. Amateur drama, Juvenile pieces. .A4, Collections. .A5A-Z , Individual authora. . .A7, Animal plays. .B3, Ballets. .C5, Christmas plays. .C6, College plays. .D6, "District school," etc. .H7, Holidays. .H8, Humorous drama. .16, Indian drama. .M3, Masques. .M7, Mock trials. .N4, Negro drama. .PS, Pantomimes. .R4. Religious drama. School plays, see .A4--5. ,S5, Shadow pantomimes. .T3, Tableaux. Cf. PN 4305.T3, Recitationa. .W3, Wax works. .Z9, Miscellaneous entertainments. Fiction, see PN 6011-6065. Cf. PZ. 54 PN LITERATURE— COLLECTIONS PN Orations. 6121 English. 6122 Minor collections. Text-books, etc. 6123 French. 6124 German. 6125 Italian. 6126 Scandinavian. 6127 Spanish. 6128 Slavic. 6129 Other. Letters. 6131 English.' 6132 French. 6133 German. 6135 Other. 6140 Special, A-Z. .L7, Love letters. Essays. 6141 Enghsh. 6142 Minor collections. Text-books, etc. 6143 French. 6144 German. 6145 Other. 6146 Meditations. Collectionfl oiily. Individual authors in PQ-PV. Cf. PN 6330-6338; BJ 1548-1595; Religion. Wit and humor. Satire. Periodicals, see AP 101-115. 6147 History and other general. 6149 Special topics, by subject, A-Z. e. g. -BS, Burlesques. .P3, Parody. .P5, Philosophy; theory. .S2, Satire. 6151 GrenerM collections. 6153 Minor. 6154 Latin and Greek (Classical and medieval). By country. Prefer the national literature, PR, PS, etc., for his- tory and noteworthy individual writers. United States. (6155) History, see PS 431-438. 6157 Collections. 55 PN WIT AND HUMOR PN Wit and humor. Satire. By country. United States — Continued. Minor collections. Extracts. Works of in- dividual authors. For works of individual authors prefer PS. 6158 Early works (to 1850) 6161 1850- Great Britain. (6171) History, see PR 931-937. 6473 Early works (to 1850). 6175 Recent. 6178 Colonial, provincial, etc., A-Z. 6183-6185 * 6193-6195* 6203-6205 » 6213-6215 ' 6222 8231 e.g. .C3, Canadian. .16, Iriflh. .S4, Scotch. France. Germany. Italy. Spain. Other countries, A-Z. jllections on special topiss, A-Z. e. g. .A4. Aeronautics. .B8. Bulls and blunders. Iriflh bulls, PN6178.I6 .B85. Business. .C4, Circus. .C5, Clerical. .C6, College. .C66, Country life. Golf, ste GV 967. .H4, Hebrew. .K5, Kissint^. L4, Legal (Wit and humor of the law) .L5, Limericks. .M4, Medical. .M5, Military .M6, Minfltrelfl, Nt^ro. .N5, Negro. .P3, Parodies. Cf. PN 6110.P3, Poetry. .P6, Politics. .P7, Printing. .P8, Puns, .R3. llailway. .S2, Satires. » Divided like PN 6173-6175. 5(5 PN LITERATURE— COLLECTIONS PN Wit and hnmor. Satire. 6231 Collections on special topics, A-Z — Continued, e. g. ,S5, Schools, Profeaaore, etc. Cf. LB 1781, The teacher in literature, etc. LB 3060, Examination humor. .84, Science. .T4, Tel^rams. .T5, Telephone. .T7, Traveling. .T8, Typographical humor. .W6, Women. (.W7), Suffrage, see JF 855. Anacreontic literatnre. General works. Favor HQ 450-470. 6233 Early (to 1800). 6235 1801- (6236) Erotic literature, see HQ 450-470 6237 Praise of wine, drinking, etc. 6238 Pleasures of the table. Cf. GT 2880-2920. (6239) Nicotiana, see GT 3020. Literary extracts. Commonplace books, etc. Cf. PN 245, 6080-6095. 6245 English. 6246 Other. Miscellaneous minor. (Collections from various authors. For works of individual authors, see PQ-PV.) Ana. 6249 Polyglot. Greek and Latin. 6250 English. To 1800. 6251 English. 1801- 6252 French. 6253 German. 6254 ItaUan. 6255 Spanish. 6257 Other, A-Z. e.g. .D8, Dutch. .17, Iriflh. .07, Oriental (General). .S4, Scotch. 6258 Special topics, A-Z. o/ PN LITERATURE— COLLECTIONS PN 6259 6260-6267 ' 6268 6269 6270-6277 ' 6278 6279 6280-6287 ' 6288 Miscellaneous minor — Continued. Anecdotes. Table-talk. Polyglot. Greek and Latin. Other language divisions. Special topics, A-Z. e. g. .B3, Banks. .C5, Clerical. ,D8, Dwarfs. .E8, Englishmen. .H6, Home. .H8, Hotels, taverns, etc. .L4, Legal. .M4, Medical. .R4, Religious. .S4, Sea. .T7, Traveling. Aphorisms. Laconics. Polyglot. Greek and Latin. Other language divisions. Special topics, A-Z. Epigrams. Polyglot. Greek and Latin, Other lanj^uage divisions. Special topics, A-Z. e. g. .L6, Love. .M3, Marriage. .M4, Men. .W6, Women. Epitaphs. 6289 Polyglot. Greek and Latin. 6290-6297 > Other language divisions. 6298 Special topics, A-Z. e. g. .S4, Servants. Maxims, apothegms, etc. 6299 Polyglot. Greek and Latin. 0300-6307 > Other language divisions. 6308 Special topics, A-Z. e. g. .W6, Maxims for women. Mottoes. Cf. CR 67-79, Heraldry. 6309 Polyglot. Greek and Latin. 0310-6317 » Other language divisions. 6318 Special classes, A-Z. Divided like PN 6250-6257. ")8 PN LITERATUKE— COLLECTIONS PN Miscellaneous minor— Continued. Sayings, bons mots, etc. 6319 Polyglot. Greek and Latin. 6320-6327 • Other language divisions. 6328 Special classes, A-Z. e. g. .C5, Children's sayinga. .L3, Last words. Thonghts. 6329 Polygot. Greek and Latin. 6330-6337 ' Other language divisions. 6338 Special topics, A-Z. e. g. .C5, Children. .D6, Death. .F7, Friendship. .L6, Love. .06; Optiinism. .S4, Science. .W6, Women. See PN 6110 for other subjects which may be used here. Toasts. 6340 Enghsh. To 1800. 6341 English. 1801-. 6342 French. 6343 German. 6344 Italian. 6345 Spanish. 6347 Other divisions, A-Z. e. g. .17, Irish. .S4, Scotch. 6348 Special topics, A-Z. Emblems, devices. Cf. N 7740, Art. Collections illustrated with engravings preferably in NE Works of individual authors preferably in PQ-PV. 6349 16th century. 6350 Dutch. 6351 English. 6352 French. 6353 German. 6354 Itahan. 6355 Spanish. 6357 Other, A-Z. 6358 Special topics, by subject, A-Z. » Divided like PN 6260-6267. 59 FN LITERATURE— COLLECTIONS PN Miscellaneous minor — Continued. Biddies, acrostics, charades, conundrnins, etc. (Including works of individual authors.) 6369 Polyglot. Greek and Latin. 6370 English. To 1800. 6371 English. 1801- 6372 French. 6373 German. 6374 Italian. 6375 Spanish. 6377 Other languages, A-Z. e. g. .R7, Rumanian. 6381 Miscellanea. e. g. Cannel, Blottentota and how to make them. Proverbs. Cf. GR, Folk-lore. General works. History. Philosophy. 6400 Early works (to 1800). 6401 1801-. Collections. General. Proverbs of aU nations. 6403 Early works (to 1800). 1801-. 6404 Polyglot. 6405 Enghsh. 6406 French. 6407 German. 6408 It/alian. 6409 Other languages, A-Z. Ancient. 6410 General. 6413 Greek. Modern Greek, see 6506 .G7. 6416 Latin. 6418 Medieval and modem. Modem. Enghsh and American proverbs. General works. Collections. 6420 Early (to 1800). 6421 19th-20th centuries. 60 PN LITERATURE— COLLECTIONS PN Proverbs. Modem. English and American proverbs — Continued. Local divisions. Prefer &427 for special subjecta. 6425 Great Britain. .15, Ireland. .S4, Scotland. .W3, Wales. 6426 United States. 6427 Special subjects, A-Z. A Italian. Scandinavian. General works. Collections. 6480 Early works (to 1800). 6481 19th-20th centuries. Local divisions. Prefer 6487 for special subjects. 6484 Danish. .A2, General. .A3-Z, Local. 6485 Norwegian. (Divided like 6484.) 6486 Swedish. (Divided like 6484.) 6487 Special subjects, A-Z. Added entry to be made in 6484-6486 if local. 6489 Miscellaneous. Minor. 6490-6499 » Spanish and Portuguese. Swiss, see 6455, 6464, 6475. > Divided like PN 6430-6439. 61 FN LITERATURE— COLLECTIONS PN Proverbs. Modern — Continued . 6505 Other European, A-Z. 6511 6519 6525 e.g. Celtic. .C3, General. (.C33) Breton. (.C37) Cornish. .C4 Gaelic. (.C5) Irish. (.Co) Manx. (.C7) Welsh. .F5, Finnish. .G7, Greek, Modem. .H8, Hungarian. .L5, Lithuanian. Lettish. .R7, Rumanian. Slavic. .S2, General. .S3, Bohemian. .S33, Bulgarian. .S35, Croatian. .S4, Polish. .S5, Rufwian. .S55, Ruthenian. .S6, Servian. .S7, Slovakian. .S75, Slovenian. .S77, Wendic. .T8, Turkiah. Oriental (General). Other special, A-Z. e. g. .A7, Arabic. .C5, Chinese. .H5, Hebrew. .J3, Japanese. Prefer country division. Special subjects, A-Z. General collections only. Local in 6420- -6497, subdivision (7) 62 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CLASSIFICATION CLASS PR: ENGLISH LITERATURE 63 ENGLISH LITERATURE. PR Literary history and criticism. 1 Periodicals. 3 Yearbooks. 5 Societies. 7 Congresses. Collections of monographs, studies, etc., For texts, sources, anthologies, etc. see PR 1101-1508. For collected essays, studies, etc., of individual authors. see PR 99. 13 Serials. 14 Minor^collections. Festchrifts, etc. 19 Encyclopedias. Dictionaries. 21 Theory and principles of the study of English hterature. 25 Relation to Enghsh history. 27 History (of literary history). 29 Biography of historians of Enghsh hterature. Study and teaching. 31 Collections. 33 General works. Treatises, etc. 34 Outlines, syllabi, etc., see PR 87. 35 General special. By period. 41 Middle ages to 1600. 43 17th-18th centuries. 45 19th century. 47 20th century. 51 By country, A-Z. 53 By school, A-Z. 55 Biography (of teachers of English literature). Criticism. Favor PN 80-99. 57 Treatises. 59 Minor works. 61 Addresses, essays, lectures. 63 History. 65 Special topics. e. g. Book revie'wing. 65 PE ENGLISH LITERATURE PR Criticism Continued. 67 Collections of essays in criticism. Prefer PR 99. By period. Under each: (1) Treatises. Theory, History, etc. (2) Specimens. Selections. 69-70 Medieval to 1600 (including Elizabethan). 71-72 17th century. 73-74 18th century. 75-76 19th century. 77-78 20th century. History of English literature. General works. English. 81 Early works (to 1800). 1801- 83 Treatises. 85 Com})ends. 87 Outlines, Syllabi, Tables, Charts, Questions and answers, etc. 91 Children's books. Stories of English litera- ture. 92 History, componds, text-books, etc., of Catho- lic literature, or for Catholic readers. French . 93 Treatises. Compends. 94 Minor works. German. 95 Treatises. Compends. 96 ?'inor works. Other languages. 97 Treatises. Compends. 98 Minor works. 99 Collected essays, studies, etc., of individual authors. 101 Individual addresses, essays, lectures, etc. Cf. PR 13-14. Biography, memoirs, letters, etc. Collected biography. 103 Early (to 1800). 105 1801- 107 Collected memoirs, letters, etc. 108 Memoirs of individual authors. 109 Literary landmarks. Homes and haunts of authors. 110 By place. A-Z. 66 PR ENCiLlSH LITERATURE PR History of English literature — Continued. Women anthers. 1 1 1 General. 113 Before 1800. 115 1800- 119 Women and literature. Feminine influence. 120 Other classes of autliors, A-Z. .lA, Lawyers. .P6, Physician.s. 121 Anonymous literature. Relations to other literatures. Cf. PN 851-899. 125 General. 127 Ancient. 129 Modern. By language, A-Z. Under each: (1) General. (2) Special authors, A-Z. (For added entries only. Books tg be classed PQ-PV.) e. g. .F8, French. (.F9M7) MoUfere. .G3, German. (.G4G6) Goethe. .18, Italian. .N8, Norwegian, Norse. S7, Spanish. 130 Influence of other countries, A-Z. e. g. .S8, Switzerland. Prefer language divisions, PR 129. Translation of foreign literature into Englisli. Collections, see PN 6019. Cf. PN (1391-1395). 131 General works. 133 Ancient classics. 135 By country, A-Z. 137 Translations of English literature. .Al, General; A5-Z, by language. Collections, see PR 1112-1116 and PR 1179. Special topics (not limited to or identified with one period or form). Treatment of special subjects. Cf. PR 275, English literature (Medieval) PR 317, English literature (Poetry) PN 56-57, General literature. PN 683 693, General literature (Medieval) PN 1066 1082, General literature (Poetry) 67 PR ENGLISH LITERATURE PR History of English literature. Special topics (not limited to, or identified with, one period or form). Treatment of special subjects — Continued. (139) Classical antiquity, see PR 127. 143 Nature. 145 Relij^on. Mysticism. 149 Other, A-Z. e. g. .C5, Chivalry. .S4, Scierce. .S7, Social ideals. 161 Treatment of special classes, by subject, A-Z. e. g. .Jo, The Jew. .P8, The preacher. .V3, The vagabond. .W6, Women. By period. 161 Works covering more than one period. 163 Origins. Celtic period, Roman period, etc. 166 Early English (Beginnings to about 1500). Anglo-Saxon (beginnings to 1066). For special works, authors and coUectione of Anglo- Saxon literature, see PR 1501-1799. 171 Collections of monographs, studies, etc. General works. Treatises, Compends. 173 English. 175 Other. 176 Minor works, essays, lectures, etc. 177 Outlines, quizzes, tables, etc. 181 Collected essays of individual authors. 182 Relations to other literatures. e. g. Old Norae. Of. PR 125-129. Special regions. 183 Northumbrian. 185 West Saxon. 187 Mercian. 189 Kentish. By period. 191 Before Alfred. 195 10th and 11th centuries. Special forms. Poetry. 201 General. 203 (ieneral special. e. t;. AiulerHon, Th*- Ant^'lo-Saxon srop. 68 PR ENGLISH LITERATURE PR History of English literature. By period. Anglo-Saxon (beginnings to 1066) . Special forms. Poetry — Continued. 205 Epic. Historical. 210 Lyric. 216 Didactic. Gnomic. 217 Other. Prose. 221 General. 226 Religious. 231 History, Science, etc. 236 Translations (from the Latin, etc.). Medieval. Middle English. (1066-1500.) 251 Collections of monographs, studies, etc. General U'orks. 255 English. 257 Other. 265 Outlines, quizzes, tables, etc. 275 Special topics. e. g. The clergy of Medieval English literature. The Bible in Medieval English literature. Cf. PR 143-151. By period. Before Chaucer. Anglo-Norman (1066-1400) 281 Treatises. 283 Collected essays. 285 Minor works. 287 Special topics. Prefer PR 275. 15th century. 291 Treatises. 293 Collected essays. 295 Minor works. 297 Special topics. Prefer PR 275. By form. Poetry. General. 311 Treatises. 313 Collected essays, etc. 315 Minor works. 317 Special topics. Women and poets, Feminine influence, see PN 56.W7. ()9 PH ENGLISH LITERATURE History of English literature. By period. Medieval. Middle English. (1066-1600.) By forn). Poetry Continued. Special . Metrical romances. Epics 321 General. Special classes. 322 Classical romances 323 Troy. 324 Alexander 326 Other. 327 English. 328 Arthurian. 329 Other. 330 French. 331 Charlemagne. 333 Other. 335 Miscellaneous romances of chivalry 339 Northern (Scandinavian, German etc.). 345 Oriental. 347 Fables. Beast epics. (349) Religious. Christian, <<< PR :i6.') Lyric. 351 General works. 352 Memoirs, letters, et<'. 353 Collected essays. 354 Minor works. 355 Special, A-Z. e. g. .C5, Chanflonu d'aventure. 365 Didactic and religious. 369 Satirical and humorous. (371) Drama, see PR 641-644. (38 n Prose, see PR 251-301. Modern. General. 401 Treatises. Compends. 402 Memoirs, letters, etc. 403 Collected essays. 404 Minor works. 408 Special topics. A-Z. 409 Treatment of special subjects. A-Z. 70 PR ENGLISH LITERATURE PR History of English literature. By period. Modern— Continued. -419 Renaissance and Reformation. 16th century. (Divided like PR 401-409.) Elizabethan era (1550-1640). (Including Elizabethan and Jacobean periods combined.) General. 421 Treatises. Compends. 422 Memoirs, letters, etc. 423 Collected essays. 424 Minor works. 427 Euphuism. 428 Other special topics, A-Z, e. g. Authorship as a profession. 429 Treatment of special subjects. ti. g. .J4, Jews. 17th century. General. 431 Treatises. Compends. 432 Memoirs, letters, etc. 433 Collected essays. 434 Minor works. 435 Puritan era (1620-1660). 437 Restoration. 438 Special topics, A-Z. 439 Treatment of special subjects. A-Z. 18th century. General. 441 Treatises. Compends. 442 Collected essays. 443 Minor works. 445 aassicism (1700-1750/80). 447 Romaticism. Return to nature. (1750-1830.) 448 Special topics, A-Z. 449 Treatment of special subjects, A-Z. 19th century. General. 451 Treatises. Compends. 452 Memoirs, letters, etc. 453 Collected essays. 454 Minor works. PR ENGLISH LITERATURE PR History of English literature. By period. Modem. 19th century — Continued. 457 Early 19th century. Romanticism. Lake School. Victorian era. General. 461 Treatises. Compends. 462 Memoirs, letters, etc. 463 Collected essays. 464 Minor works. 466 Preraphaelitism. 468 Special topics, A-Z. 469 Treatment of special subjects, A-Z. 20th century. General. 471 Treatises. Compends. 472 Memoirs, letters, etc. 473 Collected essays. 474 Minor works. (477) The Irish Revival, see PR 8753. 478 Special topics, A-Z. 479 Treatment of special subjects, A-Z. Poetry. 500 Periodicals and societies. Treatises. 501 Early (to 1850). 502 Recent. 503 Collected essays, le^.tures, etc. 504 Minor works. Special topics. 505 Laureates. 507 Popular poetry. Ballads. 508 Other, A-Z. e. g. .C7, Color. .D8, Dreams. .15, Introductions. .M8, Mysticiam. .N3, Nature. .P8, Platonism. •Q3, Quaker poet«. .S4, The Sea. .U6. Uneducated poets. 72 PR ENGLISH LITERATURE PR History of English literature. Poetry — Continued. 509 Special forms, A-Z. e. g. .A6, Allegories. .E7, Epics. .L8, Lyrics. .P3, Pastorals. By period. Under each: (1) Treatises. (2) Documents. Contemporary records. Historical sources. (3) Collected' essays. (4) Minor works. Addresses, essays, etc. (5) Special topics (movements, currents, schools, relations, etc.). (8) Minor topics, A-Z. (9) Special forms, A-Z. e. g. .F2, Fables; .L8, Lyrics; .S7, Sonnets. Anglo-Saxon, see PR 171-236. (511-519) Medieval, see PR 311-369. 521-529 16th century (1485-1550). 531-539 Elizabethan era (1550-1640). (Including Elizabethan and Jacobean periods combined.) 541-549 17th century. 545, The Jacobean poets. 18th century. 551-559 u General. 561-569 Restoration and Augustan era (1660-1750). 571-579 Romanticism. Return to nature. (1750-1830). 575, The French revolution and the British poets. I9th century. 581-589 General. 590 Early 19th century. (Romanticism. Lake School. Age of Wordsworth.) 591-599 Victorian era. 601-609 20th century. Dialogue. 618 Treatises. 73 PR ENGLISH LITERATURE PR History of Eaglish literature —Continued. Drama. 621 Periodicals. Societies. Collections 623 Dictionaries. 625 Treatises. 627 Collected essays, lectures, etc. 628 Minor works. Special topics. 631 Comedy. 633 Tragedy. 635 Other, A-Z. e. g. .15, Interludes. .M4, Maequefl. .P3, Paatoral drama. .P5, Plots. .T7. Tragi-comedy. By period. Medieval. 641 General. 643 Special forms, A-Z. e. g. .C7, Corpus Christi pageants. .M5, Miracle plays. .M7, Moralities. .M8, Mysteries. 644 Local, A-Z. e. g. .C4, Chester. .C7, Coventry. .Y6, York. 16th century. (Including Tudor period in general.) 646 Treat Isas. 647 Collected essays. 648 Minor works. 649 Special topics, A-Z, Elizabethan era (1550-1640). (Including Elizabethan and Jacobean riods combined.) 651 Treatises. 652 Documents, contemporary records, etc. 653 Collected essays. 654 Mijior works. Addresses, essays, etc. 655 Sources, Relations, Foreign influences. pe- 74 PR ENGLISH LITERATURE PR History of English literatxire. Drama. By period. Elizabethan era (1550-1640) Continued. . 658 Special topics, A-Z. e. g. .D5, Dialect. .J8, The Jurist .P8, Puds. .S6, Stage quarrel of Ben Johnaon an others. .S7, Style. .T4, Textual criticism. .T5, Time, Presentation of 659 Special forma, A-Z. 17th century. 671-679 ' General. 680 Puritan era (1620/40-1660). 6fe 1-699 ' Restoration (1660-1700). 18th century. 701-709 ' General. Augustan era. Classicism (1700-1750/80). 711 Treatises. 712 Collected essays. 713 Minor works. 714 Special topics, A-Z Romanticism. Return to nauire (1750/80- J 830 V 716 Treatises. 717 Collected essays. 718 Minor works. 719 Special topics. A-Z. 19th century. 721-729 ' General. Victorian era. 731 Treatises. 732 Collected essays. 733 Minor works. 734 Special topics. .\-Z 20th century 736 Treatises 737 Collected essayt* 738 Minor works. 739 Special topics, A-Z Diviflpd like Pl^ 601 059 75 PR ENGLISH LITERATURE PR History of English literature — Continued. Prose. 751 Treatises. 753 Collected essays, lectures, etc. 754 Minor works. 756 Special topics, A-Z. 0. g. .R'), Rhythm. By period. (763) Anglo-Saxon, see PR 221-236. (765) Medieval, see PR 251-301. 767 Origins to 1600. 769 17th and 18th centuries. 771 -779' 19th century (1780-1900). 781 -789' Victorian era. 801 -809 » 20th century. By fonn. Prose fiction. The novel. 821 Treatises. 823 Collected essays, lectures, etc. 824 Minor works. Special topics. 826 Theory, philosophy, esthetics. Technique, e. g. Laiiier, The English novel. Favor PN 3355-338.3. 829 The short story. 830 Other special, A-Z. e. g. (.P5) Picaresque romances, see PN 3428- 3430. (.R7) Robinsonades, see PN 3432. .T3, Tales of terror. By period. 833 16th century (1485-1550). P^lizahethnn era (1550-1640). (Including Elizahetlian and Jacobean combined.) 836 Treatises. 837 Collected essays. 838 Minor works. 839 Special' topics, A-Z. e. g. .(jr7, Greek romances. 17th century. 841 Treatises. S42 Collected essays. 8 13 Minor works. 844 Special topics, A-Z. ' Divided like PR 651-<;59. 76 PR ENGLISH LITERATURE PR History of English literature. Prose. By form. Prose fiction. The novel. By period — Continued. 851-859 ' 18th century. 861-869 ' 19th century. 871-879 • Victorian era. 881-889 ' 20th century. Oratory. 901 General works. 902 Minor works. By period. 903 To 1600. 904 17th century. 905 18th century. 906 19th century. 907 20th century. 911-917 Letters. (Divided like PR 901-907.) 921-927 Essays. (Divided like PR 901-907.) 931-937 Wit and humor. Satire. (Divided like PR 901-907.) For Collecliond, see P.\ 6173-6178. 941-947 Miscellany. Curiosa. Eccentric literature. (Divided like PR 901-907.) Cf. PN 624&-6525. Folk literature. Prefer PN 905-1008; GR. 951 General works. Histories. Treatises. 953 Collected essays. 955 Minor works. 957 Addresses, essays, lectures. By period. Prefer PR 161^79. 961 To 1600. 963 17th century. 965 18th century. 967 19th century. 968 20th century. 971 Special topics, A-Z. e. g. .E7, Euleuspiegel. ' Divided like PR 651-659. 77 PB ENGLISH LITERATURE PR History of English literature. Folk literature— Continued. Special forms. Prefer PR 501-947 Chap-books. 972 Histor}'. (leneral works. Collections. 973 Reprints. By editor. e. g. Hindley, Old book colloctors' misceUany 974 Originals. 975 Separate issues. 976 Poetry. Cf. PR 507. Proverbs, see PN 6400-H525. ENGLISH LITERATURE— COLLECTIONS. General. (Including collections not comprehensive, but covering greater periods than PR 1 1 1 9 + .) 1101 Collections published before 1801. 1 1 05 Collections published 1 801 -. 1109 Minor. Selections, Anthologies, etc. Cf. PN 6075, Sections for daily reading. 1110 Special classes of authors. e. g. College verse and stories. 1111 Special topics (Prose and verse), A-Z. e. g. H5, Historical and patriotic. Translations from foreign literatures (inclurling translations with texts), see PN 6019-6020. Translations of English literature into foreign languages. Cf. PR 1179. 1112 Polyglot collections. 1113 French. 1114 German. 1115 Italian. 1116 Other, A-Z. By period. (1118) Anglo-Saxon, see PR 1501-1 508. 1119 Early English Text society .A2, Original series. .Eo, Extra series. 1120 Medieval (to 1600). General collections. Special, see PR 2064, Metrical romances PR 2115, Prosp, romancpia. 78 PR ENGLISH LITERATURE PR English literature — Collections. By period — Continued. 1121 Renaissance. 15th-l 6th centuries. 1125 Elizabethan era. 1127 Seventeenth century. 1129 Puritan era. 1131 Restoration. 1 1 34 Eighteenth century. 1136 Augustan era. Classicism. 1139 Romanticism. Return to nature. 1143 Nineteenth century. 1 1 45 Victorian era. 1 1 49 Twentieth century. Poetry. 1171 Collections published before 1801. 1173 Collections published 1801-. 1175 Minor. Selections. Anthologies, etc. 1 176 Selections for the days or months of the year. N. B. Selections from a single author with the author's works, e. g. PR 4203, Browning yearbooks. For literary almanacs and calendars prefer AY 68, 756, 836, etc. 1177 Selections from women poets. 1 178 Special classes of authors. College verse, see PN 6110.C7. 1179 Translations of English poetry. .A2, Polyglot collections. .A5-Z, By language, subarranged by title, or editor, etc. 1 1 80 Adaptations, prose versions, etc. Special forms and subjects. Favor PN 6110; cla^fy here only collections strictly limited to English authors. 1181 Ballads. For collections including Scottish ballads make added entry under PR 8660. 1184 liOve poems. Love and marriage. Cf. PN 6110. L6. 1187 . Lyrics. Songs. 1188 Song-books (Popular, mmor). 1191 Religious poetry. Hymns, see Class B, Religion. (1 1 93) Sea and Sailors, see PN 61 1 0.S4. 1194 Minor forms: ballade, rondeau, chant royal, sestina. etc 79 PE ENGLISH LITERATURE PR English literature — Collections. Poetry. Special forms and subjects — Continued. 1 195 Other special, by subject or class, A-Z. e. g. (.B6) Books and reading, see Z 992.5. .B7, Boys, Poetry for. .C2, Carols. .C4, Catholic poetry. (.05) Children, sea PN 6110.C4. .D6, Didactic poetry. .E5, Elegies. Epilogues, see .P7. .E6, Epithalamies. .F7, Freedom. .F8, Fugitive verse. .G3, Gipsy poetry. .05, Girls, Poetry for. .H3, Hebrew poetry. .H4, Highlands of Scotland .H5, History. .H8, Humorous poetry. Cf. .S3, Satire. .L4 Law and lawyers. .M2, Madrigals. .N2, Narrative poetry. .03, Odes. .P2, Painter poets. .P3, Pastorals. Patriotic, see .H5. (.P6) Places, soe PN 61I0.P6. Political, see .H5. .P7, Prologues and epilogues. .S3, Satire. Prefer .H8, Humorous poetry. .S5, Sonnets. .V2, Vagabond verse. .V3, Vers de soci^t6. By period. (1201) Anglo-Saxon, see PR 1501-1799. 1203 Medieval. Cf. PR 1120, General medieval literature. PR 2064, Metrical romances (Collected). 1205 16th (-17th) century. 1207 EHzabethan era. 1209 17th century. , 1211 Puritan era. 1213 Restoration. 1215 18th century. 1217 Augustan era. Classicism. 1219 Romanticism. Return to nature. 80 PR ENGLISH LITERATURE PR English literature — Collections. Poetry. By period — Continued. 1221 19 th century. 1223 Victorian era. 1225 20th century. Drama. Comprehensive . 1241 Early (before 1800). 1243 Recent. 1245 Minor. Selected plays. Anthologies, etc. Special. 1248 Comedies. 1251 Farces. 1253 Fairy plays. Masques. 1255 Historical plays. Chronicle plays. 1257 Tragedies. 1259 Other, A-Z. (.A5) Amateur plaj-fl, see PN 6120.A5. Cf. PN 3151-3191. (.J8) Juvenile dramas, see PN 4270-4299; 6120.A5. Prologues and epilogues, see PR 1195. P7. (.P8) Punch and Judy, see PN 1970-1981. By period. 1260 Medieval: Mysteries, Miracle plays. Moralities. Cf. PR 641-644. Individual plays, see PR 2411. 1261 16th century (Pre-Shakespearian drama). 1263 EUzabethan era (1550-1640). (Including EUzabethan and Jacobean periods combined.) 1266 l7th century (Restoration drama). 1269 18th century. 1270 Anonymous plays. By title, A-Z. 1271 19th century. 1272 20th century. 1273. Z9 Minor material of individual authors (mostly unbound and uncatalogued). .Z9A-Z, Copyright deposit and other pam- phlet plays, 19th-20th centuries, in part uncatalogued. (A col- lection to be later reclassified and catalogued.) .Z99A-Z, Plays in typewritten foi-m. 81 PR ENGLISH LITERATURE PR English literatnre — Collections. • Prose (in general) . Prose fiction, eee PZ 1. General collections. 1281 Early (to 1800). 1283 1801-. 1285 Minor works. Selections, Anthologies, etc. By period. (1288) Anglo-Saxon, see PR 1501-1508. (1291) Medieval, see PR 1120. 1293 IGtii century (Elizabethan). 1295 17th century (Puritan age). 1297 18th century. 1301 19th century. 1304 Victorian era. 1307 20th century. Oratory. General collections. 1321 Early (to 1800). 1322 1801-. 1323 Minor. Selections, etc. By period. , 1324 To 1600 (1640). 1325 17th-18th centuries. 1326 19th century. 1327 20th century. 1329 Special, A-Z. 1341-1349 Letters. (Divided hke PR 1321-1329.) e. g. 1349. L8, Love-lettere. Cf. HQ 801.3, How to write love-lettere. 1361-1369 Essays. (Divided like PR 1321-1329.) e. g. .E5, The Engliflhman. .G8, The Guardian. .R3, The Rambler. .87, The Spectator. .T2, TheTatler. Wit and humor, see PN 6147-6231. Folk Uterature, see PR 951-976. Cf. PN 905-1008, Folk-literature (General). PN 6400-6525, Proverbs. Other miacellaneous collections, see PN 6233-6525 82 PB ENGLISH LITERATURE PR English literature —Collections. Translations from foreign literature. (For shelflist reference only.) (1391) General collections, see PN 6019. (1393) Ancient classics, see PA. (1395) Modern literature. By language, subarranged by author. See PQ-PV. Anglo-Saxon literature. Collections. (Including also collections of Anglo-Saxon and Early English.) Contemporary. 1490 Exeter book (Codex Exoniensis). Cf. PR 1760-1764, Riddles. 1495 Vercelli book (Codex Vercellensis) . 1500 Other contemporary collections, A-Z. 1502 Modern. 1505 Selections. Anthologies. Favor PE 137, Readers. 1508 Modern English translations. Individual authors and works. 1609 A-Ad. Address of the soul to the body, see PR 1774. 1519 Ad-Ael. e, g. .A5, Aelfheah (St. Alphege). Aelfric. Collected works. 1520 By date. 1521 By editor. 1522 Selections. Separate parts, see PR 1525-1530. Translations. 1523 Modem English. By translator. 1524 Other, by language, subarranged by translator. Separate works. Under each : Texts. .Al By date. .All-2 B> editor. Translations. .A21-39 Modern English vermons. .A4-49 French. .A5-59 German. ,A6-69 Other languages. By language. .A7-Z Critirimn. 1525 Homilies. 1527 Pannions of the saints. 1628 Sigewulf 's Interrogations on Genesis. 1629 Virelai. 1630 Other special, A-Z. 83 PE ENGLISH LITERATURE PR Anglo-Saxon literature. Individnal authors and works. Aelfric — Continued 1531 Dictionariea, Indexes, etc. 1533 General works: biography, times, relations, etc. Criticism. 1534 General. 1535 Textual. Manuscripts, etc. Special. 1536 Sources. 1537 Other, A-Z. 1538 Language, Grammar, Style. 1539 Aelfr-Alf. e. g. .A5, Alexander's letter to Aristotle. Alfred, the Great. (Including works connected with bis name.) Collected works 1540 By date. 1541 By editor. 1542 Selections. Separate parts, see PR 1545-1557. Translations. 1543 Modern English. By translator. 1644 Other, by language, subarranged by translator. Separate works. Under each: Texts. .Al By date. .All-2 By editor. Translations. .A2I-39 Modern English versions. .A4-49 P'rench. .A5-59 German. .A6-69 Other languages. By language. .A7-Z Criticism. 1545 (Translation of) St. Augustine's Soliloquies. 1547 (Translation of) Bede's Ecclesiastical history. 1549 (Translation of) Boethius's Consolatio philosophiae. 1551 (Translation of) Gregory's Cura pastoralLa. 1552 (Translation of) Gregory's Dialogues. 1553 Laws of the Anglo-Saxons. 1555 (Translation of) Orosius. 1556 (Translation of) Proverbs. 1557 (Translation of) Psalms. 1560 Periodicals. Societies. Collections. 1561 Dictionaries, Indexes, etc. (1563) Biography, see DA 153. Criticism. 1564 General. 1565 Textual. Manuscripts, etc. Special. 1566 Sources. 1567 Other, A-Z. 1568 Language, Grammar, Style. 84 PR ENGLISH LITERATURE PE Anglo-Saxon literature. Individual authors and works — Continued. 1569 Alf-Ang. Alfred aetheling'e death. Alphege, St., see PR 1519. A5, Aelfheah. Andreas, see PR 1644. Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, see DA 150. Cf. PR (1636) Chronicle. 1672 Ang-Az. Apollonius of Tyre. Apoetlee' Fates, see PR 1703. Apuleius. Herbarium, see PR 1726. 1575 Azariaa (VIII). Cf. PR 1670, Daniel; PR 1601, Caedmon. 1576 Az-Be Battle at Brunanburh, see PR 1592. Battle of Maldon, see PR 1594. Be domes dsege (De die judicii). 1578 Beda Venerabilis (VIII). Cf. PR 1547, Alfred's Tranalation of Bede. -1588 Beowulf (V). Bestiary, see PR 1752. 1590 Blickling homilies (X). 1592 Bnmanbnrh. Athelstan's victory (X). 1594 Byrhtnoth's death. The battle of Maldon (X) 1597 By-Ca. Caedmon. Collected works. 1600 By date. 1601 By editor. 1602 Selections. Translation. 1603 Modem English. By translator. 1604 Other, by language, »mbarranged by translator. Separate works. Under each: Texts. .Al By date. .A3A-Z By editor. Translations. .A5A-Z Modem Engliah versions. By translator .A6A-Z Other languages, A-Z. By translator. .A7-Z Criticism. (1605) Chriprt and Satan, see PR 1630-1634. Fall of the Angeb. Christ's Harrowing of Hell. Christ's Temptation. 1607 Daniel. Dream of the Road; Ruthwell croeB, nee PR 1680. 1609 Exodus (including Exodus and Djuoiel). 1611 Genesis. 1613 Hynrn. (1615) Judith, see PR 1730. 85 PR ENGLISH LITER At URE PR Anglo-Saxon literature. Individual authors and works. Caedmon — Continued. Wio Periodicals. Societies. Collectione. 1622 Dictionariea, Indexes, etc. 1623 General works: biography, times, relations, etc. Criticism. 1624 General. 1625 Textual. Manuecripta, etc. Special. 1626 Sources. 1627 Other, A-Z. 1628 Language, Grammar, Style. 1630-1634 Christ (Crist) and Satan (VI). Fall of the Angels. Christ's Harrowing of Hell. Christ's Temptation. (1636) The Chronicle, see DA 1-50. Cf. PR 1519 Aelfheah. 1569 Alfred aetheling's death (1036). 1592 Brunanburh (957). 1594 Byrhtnoth ^991). 1686 Eadgar's coronation (973) 1687 Eadgar's death (975). 1689 Eadmund (942) 1691 Edward the Martyr's death (978). 1693 Edward the Confessor's death (1066). 1637 Ctir--Cy. Creation, Wonders of, see PR 1792. Cross of Ruthwell, see PR 1680. Cynewulf. Collected works. 1639 By date. 1640 By editor. 1641 Selections. Separate parts, see PR 1644-1659. Translations. 1642 Modern English. By translator. 1643 Other languages, A-Z. By tranalator. Separate works. Under each: Texts. ,Al By date. .A3A-Z By editor. Translations. .A4A-Z Modern English versions. By translator .A6A-Z Other languages, A-Z. By translator. .A7-Z Criticism. 1644 Aadreas. 1645 Christ. (1646) Dream of the rood. See PR 1680-1684. 1647 Elene. 86 PR ENGLISH LITERATURE PR Anglo-Saxon literature. Individual authors and works. Cynewnlf. Separate works — Continued. (1648) Fates of the apostles, see PR 1703. (J 649) Gifta of men (Bi manna craeftum), see PR 1746, (1650) Guthlac, see PR 1722. (1651) Judith, see PR 1730. 1652 Juliana. (1653) Phoenix, see PR 1750. (1657) Physiologus, see PR 1752. (1659) Riddles, see PR 1760. 1660 Periodicals. Societies. Collections. 1662 Dictionaries, Indexes, etc. 1663 General works: biography, times, relations, etc. CriticiBm. . 1664 General. 1665 Textual. Manuscripts, etc. Special. 1666 Sources. 1667 Other, A-Z. 1668 Language, Grammar, Style. (1670) Daniel, see PR 1807. 1672-1676 Deor's lament (VI). 1678 De-Dr. 1680-1684 Dream of the rood (VI). 1686 Edgar's coronation (X). 1687 Edgar's death (X). 1689 Edmund. Liberation of the five boroughs (X). 1691 Edward the Martyr's death (979) (X). 1693 Edward the Confessor's death (1066) (X). Exeter book, see PR 1490. :i695-1699) Exodus (VI), see PR 1609. 1700 Ex-Fa. Falsehood of men, see PR 1742 Bi liianna lease. 1703 Fates of the apostles (X). 1705 Fates-Father. Fates of men, see PR 1744 Bi manna wyrdum. 1707 Father's instruction (X). 1709 Father-Finn. 1710-1714 Finnsburh (VI). Cf. PR 1580, Beowulf. (1716) Genesis, see PR 1611. . 1718 Gen-Gno. Gifts of men, see PR 1746, Bi manna craeftum. 1720 Gnomic verses (X). 1722 Guthlac (X). 1724 Guth-Herb. Harrowing of Hell, see PR 1630-1634. 1726 Herbarium of Apuleius (X). Cf. QK. 87 PB ENGLISH LITERATURE PR Ang^lo-Saxon literature. Individual authors and works — Continued. 1728 Husbandg meaaage (X). Cf. PR 1790, The Wife's complaint. 1730-1734 Judith (X). 1736 Leechbook (Laece boc) (X). 1738 I.eech-Men. Maldon, Battle of, see PR 1594 Byrhtnoth. 1740 Menologium. Calendar of aainta (X). 1742 Mnn'8 falsehood (Bi manna lease) (X). 1744 Man's fate (Bi manna •wyrdum) (X). 1746 Man's gifts (Bi manna craeftum) (X). 1748 Man's mind (Bi manna mode) (X) 1750 Phoenix (X). 1752-1757 Phyeiologus (VI). 1758 Ph-Pz. 1759 Q-Rid. 1760-1764 Riddles (VI). Cf. PR 1490, Exeter book. 1766 The ruin (X). 1768 Ru-Sa. Ruth well crosd, see PR 1680-1684. 1770 Salomon and Saturn (X). 1772 * Seafarer (X). 1774 Soul's address to the body (X). 1775 Soul-Sz. 1776 T. 1777 U. 1778 V. 1779 W-Wal. 1780-1784 Waldere (VI). 1786 Wanderer (X). 1788 Widsith (X). 1790 Wife's complaint (X). Cf. PR 1728, Husband's message. 1792 Wonders of creation (X). 1793 Won-Wul 179& 1799 Wulfatan (VI) Latin literature of the Anglo-Saxon period, see PA Anglo-Norman period. Early English. Middle English. Individual authors and works. 1804 Alexander of Hales. 1805 Al-An. 1807-1810 AjQcren riwle (VI). 1812 Andrew of Wyntoun. (1814) Aquinas, St. Thomas, see B. 1815 Aq-Afl. 1817 Aflsumptio Mariae. 1818 As-Au. 1820-1828 Aungerville, Richard (Richard of Bury) (IV). 88 PR ENGLISH LITERATURE PR Anglo-Wonnan period. Early English. Individual authors and works — Continued. 1829 Au-Ay. Ayenbite of inwyt, see Michel of Northgate. 1831 Bacon, John. 1833 Barbour, Jchn (VIIl). 1834 Barb-Bea. 1836 Bestiary (X). 1837 Bes-BIz. Blind Harry, see Henry, the minetrel. 1840.B5 Bokenham, Osbern. 1841 Bradwardine, Thomas. 1843 Canute song (X). 1845 Capgrave, John. 1847-1848 Caxton, WilUam (XII). 1849.C4 Chandos, the herald. .C6 Charles, count of Angoul§me, duke of Orleans. Cf. PQ 1553.C5. DC 102. 8. 07. Chaucer, Geoffrey. Collected works. 1850 Original editions and reprinta, by date. 1851 Editions with commentary, by editor, A-Z. 1852 Selections. Anthologies. 1853 Minor poems. Collected fragments. 1854 Translationp, by language, eubarranged by traiirilator. ISof Adaptations, modernization, etc. For the Canterbury tales, see PR 1872. Separate works. 1856-1857 Anelida and Arciie. 1859-1860 Boethiup's I)e consolatione philosophiae. 1862-1863 Book of the Dutchess. ■ Canterbiury tales. Texts. 1865 By date. 1866 By editor. 1867 Selections. 1868 Special parts, A-Z. Under each: Text. (1) By date. (2) By editor. (3) Criticism. 1870 Translations, by language, A-Z. 1872 Miscellaneous: Adaptationsj.VerBions for children, etc (1873) Indexes, see PR 1903. Criticism. 1874 General. 1875 Special, by subject, A-Z. 89 PJI ENGLISH LITERATURE PR Anglo-Norman period. Early English. Individual authors and works. Chaucer, Geoffrey. Separate works— Continued. Other works. Under each: (1) Text .A2, By date. .A3-Z, By editor. (2) Criticism. 1877-1878 House of fame. 1881-1882 Legend of good women. 1885-1886 Parlament of foules. 1888-1889 Romaunt of the rose. 1891-1892 Treatise on the astrolabe. 1895-1896 Troilue and Criseyde. 1898 Doubtful and spurious works, A-Z. 1901 Periodicals. Societies. Collections. 1903 Dictionaries. Indexes, etc. 1905 Biography. 1906 Relations to contemporaries. 1907 Homes and haunts, Landmarks, etc. 1908 Anniversaries. Celebrations. 1909 Portraits, monuments, etc. 1910 Miscellaneous. Relics, etc. 1911 Authorship. 1912 Sources. .A2, Collections. .A3A-Z, General works. .A5-Z, Indebtedness to special works or authors. 1913 Influence on other writers, A-Z. 1914 Influence on English literature. 1915 Influence on other literatures, by country, A-Z. 1921 Chronology of works. Criticism and interpretation. 1924 General works. Characters 1927 General. 1928 Individual, A-Z. 1931 Plots. Scenes. Time, etc. 1933 Treatment and knowledge of special subjects, A-Z 1939 Textual criticism, commentaries. Language. Style, etc. 1940 General works. 1941 Dictionaries. Concordances. Grammar. 1943 General. Special. 1945 Pronunciation. 1946 Use of words. 1948 Syntax 1951 Versification 1954 Dialect, etc. 90 PR ENGLISH LITERATURE PR Anglo-Normal period. Early English. Individual authors and works — Continued. 1955 Chaucer-Chro. (1961) Chroniclee. Bok, Thomas, see DA. Benedict of Peterborough, eee DA 209. Eadmar, see DA 190. Florence of Worcester, see DA 150. Geoffrey of Monmouth, see DA 140; DA 150. Gervase of Canterbury, see DA. Gesta regum Britannise, see DA 140. Geata Stephani, see DA. Giraldufl Cambrenais, see DA 725; 930; 933. Henry of Huntingdon, see DA 190. Jocelin of Brakelond, see DA. Ordericus Vitalia, see DA. Paris, Matthew, see DA 220. Peter of Blois. Peter of Longtoft. Ralph of Coggeshall, see DA. Ralph of Diceto, see DA. Richard of Devizes, see DA 151. Robert de Monte, see DA. Robert of Gloucester. Roger of Hoveden, see DA 200. Roger of Wendover, see DA 220. Simeon of Durham, see DA. William of Malmeebury, see DA 190. William of Newburgh, see DA 200. 1962 .C5 Chestre, Thomas. 1964 Cleanness (X). 1966-1967 Cursor mundi (Xlla). 1968.D2 Dame Siriz. .D4 Davy, Adam (IX). .D5 Debate of the carpenter's tools (IX). .D6 Debate of the body and soul (IX). (.D8) Duns Scotus, John, see B. .E5 Erthe upon erthe (IX). 1969 Fabyan, Robert. 1971 Fortescue, Sir John . 1972.G2 "Gamelyn." .G5 Geoffrey of Vinsauf. 1974 Gildas. (1976) GiralduB Cambrensis, see DA 725, 930, 933. 1978 Godric. 1980-1988 Gower, John (IV). 1989. G2 Gregorius (Legend). 1989.G4 Grey, WilUam. .G6 Groaaeteate, Robert. .G8 Guilforde, Sir Richard. .H2 "HaliMeidenhad" (IX). .H6 Henry, the minstrel ("Blind Harry"). Henry of Bracton, aee J, K. \) PR ENGLISH LITERATUKE PR Anglo-Norman period. Early English. Individual authors and works— Continued. 1990.H4 Henry son, Robert. .H8 Kigden, Ranulf. 1992 ffig-Huc. 1994 Huchowne of the Awle Ryale. See also PR 1964, Cleanneas. PR 2065. G2, Six Gawayne, PR 2110, Patience. PR 2111, Pearl. 1995 Hu-Hw. 1998 "Hwon holy chireche is under uote" (X). 1999. H8 Hylton, Walter. 2000-2004 James I of Scotland (VII). 2006 John of Saliflbury. 2007. J7 Juliana (Middle English) (IX). 2008 "The land of Cokayne." 2010-2018 Langland, William (Piers Plowman) (V). 2020-2028 Layamon (IV). 2029(.L2) Libell of Engliahe policy-). .L3 "Lives of the saints." .L5 Lofsong of Ure Lefdi. .L6 Lonelich, Henry. .L7 Lutel soth eermun. 2030-2038 Lydgate, John (IV). Malory, Sir Thomas (le Morte d'Arthur). Texts. 2040 By date. 2041 By editor. 2042 Selections. Translations. 2043 Modem English, including adaptations, abridgments, etc 2044 Other. By language. Criticiam. 2045 General. 2046 Sources. 2047 Characters and other special. 2048 Language. 2050-2064 Mandeville, John (VII). 2056 Mannyng, Robert. 2068 Map, Walter. (2060) Marsh, Adam (Ada, de Mariaco), see DA, PA. 2062 Merlin. Metrical romances. 2064 Collectiona. e. g. Ritson, Weber, etc. Cf. PR 1203. 2066 Special, A-Z. e. g. .A15, Alexander. .A2, Amis and Amilouji. .A4, Arthur and Merlin. .A6, Avowing of Arthur. .A8, Awntyrs of Arthur at the Teme Wathelyne. 92 PR ENGLISH LITERATURE PR AnglO'Nonnan period. Early English. Individual anthors and works. Metrical romances. 2065 Spocial A-Z — Continued. e. g. .B2, Barlaam and Josaphat. .B4, Beves of Hamtoun. .04, Chevy chaae. .06, C leges. .D3, The destruction of Troy. .E3, Eglamour. .E5, Emare. .F4, Ferumbras. .F6, Floire and Blancheflor. .G3, Gawaiii and the grene knight. .G4, Generides. .G5, Golagroe and Gawain. .G6, Guy of Warwick. .H3, Havelok the Dane. Ifi, Ipomedon, Lyfe of. .18, Isumbras. .K5, King AliBaunder. .K6, King Horn. .L2. Landeval. Launfal, see PR 1962. C5. .L5, Libeaus Deeconua. .M3, Morte Arthure (Alliterative j)oem). .M5, Morte Arthure (Rhymed poem). For Malory's work, see PR 2040-2048. .03, Octavian. .06, Orfeo. 08, Otuel. P2, Partonopc of Blois. .P4, Perceval of Galles. .R4, Richard Coeur de Lion. .R6, Robert of Sicily. .R8, Roland and Vemagu. .S3, The seven sages of Rome. S6, The siege of Troy. Sir Clegea, Sir Eglamour, etc. See Cleges, Eglamour, etc. .87, Sowdone of Baby lone. Speculum Gy de Warewyke, see PR 2143.S6. .S8, The squire of low degree. .T4, Titus and Vespasian. .T6, Torrent of Portugal. .T7, Triamour. .W3, Wars of Alexander. .W5, Wedding of Sir Gawain, .W7, W^illiam of Paleme. .Y7, Ywain and Gawain. [y.i fK ENGLISH LITERATURE PR Anglo-Norman period. Early English. Individual authors and works- Continuod 2070 Metr-Micli. 2085. M3 Michel, Dan, of Northgate. .Md Minot, Laurence. .M6 "Mirror of man'e salvation." .N4 Nicholas of Guildford. N7 Northern Faaaion. 2087 No-Oc. 2090-2098 Occleve, Thomafl (IVi. Orleans, Charles, duke of, see PR 1849.('(i 2100-2108 Orm. Tho Ormulum. (IV). 2109.07 The owl and the nightingale. .P2 Paris and Viennc. .P3 The parliament of three ages. .P5 The passion of Out Lord. Paaton letters, see DA . 2110 Patience (X). 2111 Pearl (X). 2113 Pecock, Reginald. 2114.P4 Pilgrimage of the lyf of the manhode (X). 2115 Proee romances (Collections). 2117 Proverbsof Alfred (X). 2118 Proverbs — Pz. Pryam, Denis, see PR 2065. P2 2119 Q- 2120 R-Richard, 2121-2122 Richard de Holand (XII). 2123 Rich-Robin. Richard of Bury, see Aungerville. 2125 Bobin Hood. (Ballads, chap-books, etc., in verse.) 2127 Proee versions, adaptations, imitations. Juvenile literature, see PZ 8.1 2129 History and criticism. 2135-2136 RoUe, Richard (XII). 2137.R6 Russell, John, fl. 1450. The boke of nurture 2138 Rus-Rz. 2139.S2 Saint Cecilia. .S3 Sawles warde. .85 Scot, Michel. .S6 Sinners beware. 2141-2142 SirThopaa(XIIa). 2143.S4 The song against the king of Almaigne. .S6 Speculum Gy d^ Warewyke. 2145 Spec-Thom. 2148.T3 Thomas de Hales. .T5 Thomas, of Erceldouae, called the Rhymer Cf. PR2065.T8. .T7 Trevisa, John. .T9 The turnament of Totenham. .V2 Tho vengeaiince of Godde.a deth 94 PR ENGLISH LITERATURE PR Anglo-Norman period. Early English. Individual authors and works — Continueci 2148. V3 Virgilius. .V5 Viaio Pauli. Wace, see PQ 1545 .W2 Walton, John. .W3 William of Ockbara. .W4 William of Slioreham. .W6 William of Wadington. .W8 Wirecker, Nigel. .W9 The woman of Samaria. 2149 Wom-Wyc . 2150-2158 Wycliffe, John. (IV). Prefer B, Religion. ' 2159 Wyc-Wyn. 2163 Wynnere and wastere. 2165 Yonge, James English renaissance (1500-1640). Prose and poetry. 2199 Anonymous works, A-Z. Individual authors. 2200 A-As. Ascham, Roger. Collected editions. 2201 Al By date. .A2 By editor. .A5-Z Single works. 2202 Criticism. 2203.A5 Aylmer, John. .A7 Ayton, Sir Robert. Bacon, Francis. Works, see B 1151-1196. 2206 Essays. .A3, By date. .A6-Z, By editor. 2207 Selections, etc. 2208 Criticism. Cf. B 1197-1199. 2209.B15 Baldwin, William. B2 Bale, John. .B26 Bancroft, Thomas. .B28 Bannatyne, George. .B3 Barclay, Alexander. B4 Barclay, William. .B6 Barnes, Barnabe. Dramatic works, see PR 2419. B3. .B8 Barnfield, Richard. 2211.B2 Baase, William. .B3 Beaumont, Sir John. .B5 Bellenden, John. •BS Bodenham, John. 2212-2213 Bouchier, Sir John (Lord Berner«) (XITV 95 PR ENGLISH LITERATURE PR English renaissance (1500-1640). Prose and poetry. Individual autiiors — Continued. 2214. B2 Bradshaw, Henry. .B3 Brathwaite, Richard. .B4 Breton, Nicholas. .B6 Broke, Arthur. 2215-2216 Brooke, Fulke Greville, Lord (XII). 2217.85 Browne, William. 2218-2219 Buchanan, George (XII). 223-22224 Burton, Robert (XII). (2226) Camden, William,' see DA. 2228-2229 Campion, Thomas (XI 1). 2231-2232 Carew, Richard (Xil). 2233.C2 Cartwright, Thomas. .C4 Cheke, Sir John. .06 Cheater, Robffert. .C8 Chettle, Henry. 2234 Churchyard, Thomas (VIII). 2235. C5 Constable, Henry. .C8 Copley, Anthonie. 2237 Coryate, Thomas. Cf. DA. 2239 Covenlale, Miles. Prefer B, Religion. 2240.C5 Craig, Alexander. 2241 Cranmer, Thomas. Prefer B, Religion. 2242.D15 Daborn, Robert. .D2 Davies, Sir John. 2243 Dekker, Thomas. Dramatic works, see PR 248(^2498. 2244. D2 Delouey, Thomas. .U4 Derricke, John. 224^2248 Donne, John (VII). 2250-2253 Douglas, Gavin (VII). 2255-2258 Drayton, Michael (VII). 2260-2263 Drumiiiond, William (of Hawthornden) (VII) 2265-2269 Dunbar, William (VII). 2270. E2 Edwards, Thomas. .E5 Elyot, Sir Thomas. (.F5) Fisher, John, see B. 2271-2272 Fletcher, Giles (XII). 2273. F5 Fletcher, Joseph. 2274-2275 Fletcher, Phineas (XII). 2276. F5 Florio, John. .F6 Forrest, William. .F7 Foxe, John. .G3 Garden, Alexander. 2277-2278 Gascoigne, George. Dramatic works, see PR 2535-2536. 2279.G4 Googe, Bamabe. .G6 Goason, Stephen. 96 PR ENGLISH LITERATURE PR English renaissance (1600-1640). Prose and poetry. Individual authors — Continued. 2279.G8 Grafton, Richard. Cf. DA. 2280.G5 Greeham, James. 2283(.G5) Grimald or Grimoald, Nicholaa, eee PR. .H2 Hake, Edward. (.H3) Haklilyt, Richard. Cf. G. (.H6) Hall, Edward, see DA. .H7 Hall, Joseph. .H8 Hannay, Patrick. 2284-2285 Harrington, Sir John (XII). Cf. DA, HX. 2287-2288 Harvey, Gabriel (XII). 2290-2291 Hawea. Stephen (XII). 2293 Henry VIII. 2294.H2 Herbert of Cherbury, Edward Herbert, lot baron. Cf. B 1201.H3. .H3 Heywood, Jaaper. (.H4) Holinflhed, Raphael, see DA. .H5 Holland, Sir Richard. .H6 Howell, Jamee. .H7 Howell, Thomas. .H8 Hume, Alexander. 2295 Jamee I of England. 2296.J2 James, Richard. .J4 Jewell, John. .J7 Johnwon, Robert. .KB Kendall, Timothy. (.K5) Knox, John, see BN. (.L2) Latimer, Hugh, see BN. .L6 Lindsay, Sir David. Dramas, interludes, etc., see PR 2669. L5. .L7 Lindsay, Robert. 2297-2298 Lodge, Thomas (XII). Wounds of civil war (Marius and Scilla), see PR 2669. L6, 2300-2303 Lyly, John (VII). 2304.L4 Lyly, William. .M3 Markham, Cervaese. .M5 Major, or Mair, John. Martin Marprelate pamphleta, see PR 2199. 2308 Mennis, Sir John. 2311-2312 Meres, Francis (XII). 2315.M Me-Mo. Mirror for magistrates, see PR 2199. 2321-2322 More, Sir Thomas (XII). 2324-2325 Munday, Anthony (XII). Cf. PR 2719.M6. 2326.N2 Napier, John (IX). .N4 Niccols, Richard. 97 PE ENGLISH LITERATURE PR 2326.N6 .N8 .05 .07 2327-2328 2329. P2 .P4 .P6 2331-2332 2334-2335 2336. R3 .R4 .R6 .US 2337. R2 .R6 .R7 .R75 .R8 .R9 2338 2339.82 .S3 .85 2340-2343 2345-2348 2349.85 .S7 2350-2368 2369. S5 2369 .S7 2370-2373 2375-2378 2380-2383 2384.T5 English renaissance (1600-1640). Prose and poetry. Individual authors — Continued. North, Sir Thomaa. Norton, Thomas. Overbury, Sir Thomas. Owen, John. Painter, William (XII). Pembroke, Mary (Sidney) Herbert, Counteas of. Phaer, Thomaa. Pole, Reginald, cardinal. Cf. DA, Histpry; B, Religion. Puttenham, Richard (XII). Raleigh, Sir Walter (XII). Cf. D, DA, E. Randolph, Thomaa. Rastell, John. Reynoldfl, John. Rich, Bamaby (IXa). Ripley, George. Robinson, Clement. Robinaon, Thomaa. RoUand, John. Roiia, Francis. Rowlands, Samuel. Sandys, George. Scot, Thomas. Selden, John. See alao J, K. Sempill, Sir James, and Robert. Sidney, Mary, Counteas of Pembroke, see PR 2329. P2. Sidney, Sir Philip (VII). Editions of Defence of Poesy alao in PN 10. Skelton, John (VII). Southwell, Robert. Speed, John, i^^o.nser, Edmiind (m). Separate works: 2355 Astrophel. 2356 Colin Clouts come home again. 2357 Complainta. 2358 Faerie Queene. 2359 Shepheardes calender. 2360 Other, A-Z (X). Stirling, William Alexander, Ist earl of. Cf. PR 3157.S75, Drama. Stubbs, Philip. Surrey, Henry Howard, Earl of (VII). (Including works of Surrey and Wyatt combined.) Sylvester, Joshua (VII). Taylor, John (the water-poet) (VII). Turberville, George (IX). i 98 PR ENGLISH LITERATURE PR English renaissance (1600-1640). Prose and poetry. Individual authors — Continued. 2384.T7 Tuaeer, Thomae. .T9 Tyndale, William. Prefer B, Religion. .U4 UdaU, John. .W3 Warner, William. .W5 Watson, Thomas . .W7 Webbe, WiUiam. 2386-2387 WhetBtone, George (XII). 2388.W6 Wilson, Thomas. 2390-2393 Wither, Geoige (VII). 2394 Wi-Wo. 239&-2398 Wotton, Sir Henry (VII). 2399 Wo-Wy. 2400-2404 Wyatt, Sir Thomas (VII). 2405.W-Z Wyatt to Z. The drama. 2411 Anonymous plays. Collections, see PR 1261. Mysteries, Moralities, Masques, Interludes, etc., are to be claflfli£ed here. For list cf . Schelling, Elizabethan drama, v. 2, p. 538- 624; and Cambridge hiatory, v. 5-6. Under each: (1) Texts: By date. (2) Translations: .A1-A29. (3) Criticiflm: .A3-Z. Individual authors. 2417 Armin, Robert. 2419.B2 Bale, John. .A6, God's promifles. .B3 Barnes, Bamabe. Biography, etc., see PR 2209.B6. .B7 Bower, Richard. .A6, Appius and Virginia. 2420-2438 Beanioont, Francis, and Fletcher, John (HI).* Collected and separate plays by John Fletcher (and by him and others in collaboration, Beaumont excepted) are to be clanaified under PR 2500-2518 or under dra- matist to whom the play is mainly credited. 2439.B4 Brandon, Samuel. .B6 Brome, Richard. .B7 Buchanan, George. (.02) Campion, Thomas, see PR 2228. .04 Carliell, Ludowick. .06 Calfhill, James. .08 Cartwright, William, * For arrangement of separate works see Additions, p. 273. 99 PR ENGLISH LITERATURE PR 2440-2458 2459.C4 2460-2468 2470-2478 2479.D3 .D5 2480-2498 English renaissance (1600-1640). The drama. Individual anthers — Continued. Chapman, George (III). Separate works: 2446.A3 All foolfl. .A6 Andromeda liberata. 2447.B2 Ball, The. .B4 Blinde beggar of Alexandria. .B7 BuBsy d'Amboifl. .C2 Caesar and Pompey. .C6 Conspiracie of Charles, Duke of Byron. .E2 Eastward hoe. 2448. G5 Gentleman usher. .H7 numerous dayes myrth. .M2 May day. .M5 Memorable maske of the two honourable Inns of Court. .M7 Monsieur d'Olive. .R3 Revenge for honour. 2449. R4 Revenge of Bussy d'Ambois. .S3 Second maiden's tragedy. .T3 Tragedie of Alphonsus, Emperor of Germany. .T5 Tragedie of Chabot, Admirall of France. .T7 Two wise men and all the rest fools. .W5 Widowes teares. 2450 Other works, poems, proee, etc., A-Z. Translations: Hesiod, see PA. Homer's Iliad and Odyssey, see PA, Juvenal's Satire on Nero, see PA. MusBBUs, see PA. Chettle, Henry. Daniel, Samuel (IV). D'Avenant, Sir William (IV). Davenport, Robert. Day, John. Dekker. Thomas (III). Proee works and poetry, see PR 2243. Separate plays. 2485 A-H. 2486 Honest whore. 2487 H-0. 2488 Old FortunatuB. 2489 0-S. 2490 Shoemaker's holiday. 2491 S-Z. 2499. D7 .E4-^ .F4 Drayton, Michael. Edwards, Richard. Field, Nathaniel. 100 PR ENGLISH LITERATURE PR English renaissance (1500-1640). The drama. Individual anthors — Continued. 2500-2518 Fletcher, John (in). Cf. Beaumont and Fletcher, PR 2420-2438. Separate works. Under each : (1) Texts. (2) Adaptations. , (3) Criticism, 2505.B5-7 Bonduca. .C4-« Chances. .D3-5 Demetrius and Enanthe, being The humor ous lieutenant. 2506 Faithful shepherdeas. 2507. ^7-9 Island princeas. .L6-8 Loyal subject. .M3-6 Mad lover. .M&-8 Monsieur Thomas. .P4-6 Pilgrim. 2508. R7-9 Rule a wife and have a wife. .86-8 Spanish curate. .T3-5 Thierry and Theodoret. 2509. V3-4 Valentinian. .W3-6 Wild-goose chase. .W6-8 Wit without money. 2510. W3-5 Woman's prize. .W6-8 Women pleased. 2520-2528 Pord, John (IV). 2529. F7 Fulwell, Ulpian. A7, Like will to like. 2529. G3 Gager, William. "Gammer Gurton's needle," see PR 2411.G2. 2535-2536 Gascoigne, George (XII). Biography, etc., see PR 2277-2278 2539.G5 Glapthorne, Henry. .G7 Golding, Arthur. 2540-2548 Greene, Robert (IV). 2549. G5 Grimald, Nicholas. .n3 Hackett, John. .H5 Halliwell, Edward. .H6 Haughton, William. .H8 Heming, William. 2560-2568 Heywood, John (IV). 2570-2578 Heywood, Thomas (IV). 2585 H4 Hughea, Thomas. 2585 n7 Hunnis, William. 2591.14 Ingleland, Thomas. .A7, Disobedient child. 10 : PB ENGLISH LITERATURE PR 2600 2601 2602 2603 2604 2605 2606 2607 2608 2609 2610 2611 2612 2613 2614 2615 2616 2617 2618 2619 2620 2621 2622 2624 2625 2626 2627 2628 2629 2630-2648 2649 2650-2658 2659 K4 U .1^ By editor, A-Z, Inedited works, f rag- English renaissance (1600-1640). The drama. Individual authors — Continued. Jonson, Ben. Collected works. By date. Editions with commentary, etc Selected works. Minor works. ments, etc. Selections. Anthologies. Extracts. Translations. By language, subarranged by traoslator .F5, French. .G5, German. .15, Italian. .S5, Spanish. .Z5, Other. Separate works. (Under each divided as in Table X.) Alchemist. Bartholomew fair. The case is altered. Catiline. Cynthia's revels. The devil is an ass. Eastward ho. Epiccene. Every man in his humor. Every man out of his humor. The magnetic lady. The new inn. Poetaster. Sad shepherd. Sejanus. Staple of news. Tale of a tub. Volpone. Masques. Entertainments. .A2, Collected. .A5-Z, Separate. Poetical works. .A2, Collected. .A5-Z, Special. Other works. Doubtful, spurious works. Imitations, etc. Illustrations to the works. Divided like 30-48 in Table II. Kirchmeyer, T. Kyd, Thomas (IV). Legge, Thomas. Lindsay or Lyndsay, Sir David. Cf. PR 2296. L6. 102 PR ENGLISH LITERATURE PR English renaissance (1600-1640). The drama. Individual anthers — Continued. 2659. L6 Lodge, Thoma.s. Cf. PR 2297-2298. .L8 Lupton, Thomas. .A6, All for money. .L9 Lyly, John. Cf. PR 2300. 2660-2678 Marlowe, Christopher (III). Separate works. Dido, see PR 2670.D6. 2664 Doctor Fauatue. 2665 Edward II. Hero and Leander, see PR 2670. U6, 2666 Jew of Malta. Lust's dominion, see PR 2411. L8. 2668 Maflfiacre of Paris. 2669 Tamburlaine the Great. 2670 Other, A-Z. 2690-2698 Marston, John (IV). 2699.M5 Mason, John. 2700-2708 Maasinger, Philip (IV). 2709.M3 May, Thomas. Mayne, Jasper, see PR 3548.M4. .M8 Medwall, Henry. .A7, Nature. 2710-2718 Middleton, Thomas (IV). 2719.M6 Munday, Anthony. Cf. PR 2324. .N3 Nabbes, Thomas. 2720-2728 Nash, Thomas (IV). "Nero," see PR 2411. N. 2729.N7 Norton, Thomas. .A7, Gorboduc, or Ferret and Porrex. Pedler's prophecy, see PR 2411. 2730-2738 Peele, Geoi^e (IV). 2739.P4 Pikering, John. .A7, History of Horestes. .P7 Preston, Thomas. .A6, Cambyses. 2739.R3 Randolph, Thomas. "Return from Parnassus," see PR 241 l.K. .R7 Rickets, J. .R8 Rowley, Samuel. 2740-2744 Rowley, William (VII). 2747. S2 Sackville, Sir Thomas. (.S2A7) Gorboduc, see PR 2729.N7A7. 2748.S2 Sampson, William. 2749 Se-Sh. 103 PE ENGLISH LITERATURE PR English renaissance (1500-1640). The drama. Individual authors — Continued. Shakespeare, William. 2760 Original quartoa and facsimiles and reprints. .A1-A73, Original editions. (Arranged and numbered like 2801-2873.). .B1-B73, Facsimiles and reprints. (Arranged like .A1-A73.) .C1-C9, Collected reprints. (Arranged chronologically.) Collected works. 2751.A1 First folio edition (1623J. .A15 Facsimiles, by date of reprint. .A2 Second folio edition (1632). .A25 Facsimiles. .A3 Third folio edition (1664). .A35 Facsimiles. .A4 Fourth folio edition (1685). .A45 Facsimilea, (.A6-Z) Collations, notes, descriptions, etc., of the folio editions, see Z8811-8813. Editions, with commentary, etc. 2752 18th century, by editor, A-Z. 2753 19th century, by editor, A-Z. 2754 20th century, by editor, A-Z. i.e., editions first edited in 20th century. Partial editions. Selected works, etc. General. 2757 Early, to 1800. 2759 Recent. By form, 2761 Comedies. 2762 Histories. 2763 Tragedies. (2764) Poems, see PR 2841-2849. Selections. Anthologies, etc. Dictionaries of quotations, see 2892. 2767 To 1800. 2769 1801-. Minor collections: Almanacs, Birthday books. Thoughts, etc. 2770 To 1800. 2771 1801-. (2773) Wit and humour, see PR 2994. Translations. (Subarranged by translator, A-Z.) Under the subdivision "Separate works" the poems are to be arranged as .X1-.X9 like PR 2841-2849. Translations of pseudo-Shakespearian plays in PR 2851- 2873 subarranged by Table X. 104 PR ENGLISH LITERATURE PR English renaissance (1500-1640). The drama. Individual authors. Shakespeare, William. Translationa — Continued. 2775 Dutch. 2776 Separate works, A-Z, subarranged by translator. French. 2777 Early (to 1800). 2778 Recent. 2779 Separate works, A-Z, subarranged by translator. German . 2780 Early (to 1800). 2781 Recent. 2782 Separate works, A-Z, subarranged by translator. 2783 Italian. 2784 Separate works, A-Z, subarranged by translator. 2785 Russian. 2786 Separate works, A-Z, subarranged by translator. Other Slavic languages, see 2795.A3-S77. Scandinavian. 2787 Danish. Norwegian. 2788 Separate works, A-Z, subarranged by translator. 2789 Icelandic. 2790 Separate works, A-Z, subarranged by translator. 2791 Swedish. 2792 Separate works, A-Z, subarranged by translator. 2793 Spanish and Portuguese. 2794 Separate works, A-Z, subarranged by translator. 2795 Other European. By language, A-Z. Under each (successive Cutter number): (1) Collected works. By translator. (2) Separate works, A-Z; subarranged by translator. 2795.S3-S77, Slavic (arranged like PN 6505. S3+). (2795.Y5), Yiddish, see PR 2800.Y5. Other languages. To be subarranged under each language like 2795. 2796 Asia. .H4, Hebrew. See also PR 2800.Y5, Yiddish. 2797 Polynesia. Oceanica. 2798 Africa. 2799 American Indian. 2800 Artificial languages. e. g. .E7, Esperanto. .12, Ido. .V8, VolapUk. .Y5, Yiddish, etc. 105 PB ENGLISH LITERATUKE PR English renaissance (1600-1640). The drama. Individnal authors. Shakespeare, William— Continued. Separate works. Subarranged: Texts. .Al, By date. N. B. Original quartos and facsimiles or reprints, see PR 2750. .A2A-Z, By editor (or actor). .A25, Adaptations for school performance. .A3A-Z, Selections. By editor. TranBlatloDs. (.A4A-Z) French, see PR 2779. (.A5A-Z) German, see PR 2782. (.A6A-Z) Other. By language, see PR 2776-2795. .A8-Z, Criticism. 2801 All's well that ends well. 2862 Antony and Cleopatra. 2803 As you like it. 2804 Comedy of errors. 2805 Coriolanus. 2806 Cymbeline. 2807 Hamlet. 2807. A7 Corpus Hamleticum. 2808 Julius Caesar. 2809 King Henry IV, parts 1 and 2. 2810 King Henry IV, part 1. 2811 King Henry IV, part 2. 2812 King Henry V. 2813 King Henry VI, parta 1, 2, and 3. 2814 Eang Henry VI, part 1. 2815 King Henry VI, part 2. 2816 Kinc Henry VI, part 3. 2817 King Henry VIII. 2818 King John. 2819 King Lear. 2820 King Richard II. 2821 King Richard III. 2822 Love's labour's lost. 2823 Macbeth. 2824 Measure for measure. 2825 Merchant of Venice. 2826 Merry wives of Windsor. 2827 Midsummer night's dream 2828 Much ado about nothing. 2829 Othello. 2830 Pericles. 2831 Romeo and Juliet. 2832 Taming of the shrew. 2833 Tempest. 106 PR ENGLISH LITERATURE PR English renaissance (1500-1640). The drama. Individual authors. Shakespeare, William. Separate worka — Continued. 2834 Timon of Athena. 2835 Titus Andronicufl. 2836 TroiluB and Oeseida. 2837 Twelfth night. 2838 Two gentlemen of Verona. 2839 Winter's tale. 2840 Lost play: Love's labour's won. Poems. 2841 Collected poems. 2842 Selections. Anthologies. 2843 Special poems. 2845 Venus and Adonis. 2846 Rape of Lucrece. 2847 Passionate pilgrim. 2848 Sonnets. 2849 Other. Doubtful, spurious works. " Shakespeare apocrypha. " 2851 Collected works. 2852 Selections, extracts. Special works. Original quartos, facsimiles or reprints, see PR 2750, 2854 Arden of Feversham. 2855 Arraignment of Paris. 2856 Birth of Merlin. 2857 Bottom the weaver. 2858 Double falsehood. 2859 Edward III. 2860 Fair Em. 2861 Fifth of November. 2862 Locrine. 2863 London prodigal. 2864 Merry devil of Edmonton. 2865 Mucedorus. 2866 Puritan . 2867 Sir John Oldcastle. 2868 Sir Thomas More. 2869 Thomas, Lord Cromwell. 2870 Two noble kinsmen. 2871 Vortigern. 2872 Yorkshire tragedy. 2873 Others, by title, A-Z. 2875 Criticism, etc. Imitations, paraphrases, adaptations. 2877 Collected (e. g. , Lamb's Tales from Shakespeare). 2878 Special works (including parodies), by title, A-Z. 2879 Other. 2881 Translations (Comparative studies, etc.). 107 PE ENGLISH LITERATURE PR English renaissance (1500-1640). The drama. Individual authors. Shakespeare, William — Continued. 2883 Illustrations. For illustrated editions, see texts, PR 2752-2849. For Shakespeare portraita, etc., see PR 2928-2930. (2884) Shakespeare and music. Music composed on Shakespearean subjects (including librettos), see Class M, Music. Shakespeare's knowledge and treatment of musical subjects, see PR 3034. Criticism, biography, etc. ^Bibliography, see Z 8811-8813. 2885 Periodicals. Societies. 2887 American. 2888 English. 2889 Other. 2890 Collected papers, essays, etc. 2892 Concordances, dictionaries, indexes, quotations. General treatises, essays, etc. (Literary biography, popular accounts, "Life and works.") Comprehensive. 2894 English. 2895 Outlines, primers, etc. Prefer PR 2987. 2896 French. 2897 German. 2898 Other, A-Z. 2899 Lectures, addresses, and other general minor works. 2900 Minor works; miscellaneous details, etc. 2901 Family. Ancestry. Name. 2903 Youth. Education. 2905 Love and marriage. Relation to women. 2906 Anne Hathaway. 2907 London: Creative period. 2908 Return to Stratford. Death. Will. 2909 Autobiographical and biographical allusions. "Keys" to personal references in the works, etc. Cf. PR 2848, Sonnets. PR 2959, Allusions (in works of contemporaries). 2910 The age of Shakespeare. Elizabethan England. Cf. PR 3000. 2911 Relations to contemporaries, etc. For literary relationships, see PR 2952-2965. 2912 English, by name, A-Z. 2913 Other. 2915 Homes and haunts. 2916 Stratford and Warwickshire. 2918 London. 2920 Theaters. 108 PB ENGLISH LITERATURE PR English renaissance (1600-1640). The drama. Individual authors. Shakespeare, William. CriticiBin, biography, etc. — Continued. 2923 Anniveraaries. Celebrations. 2926 Memorials. Teetimonialfl to hia genius 2926 Poetry. 2927 Prose. Iconography. 2928 ' General works, history, etc. For illustrations to Shakespeare, see PR 2883 2929 Portraits. 2930 Monuments. 2931 Museums. Relics. 2932 Stratford. 2933 Other, by place, A-Z. 2935 Fiction, drama, etc., based upon Shakespeare's life. (2936) Shakespeare in France, Germany, and other countriee. By country, A-Z. See PR 2971, Shakespeare studies, criticisms, etc. By country. Authorship. 2937 ^ General. Bacon -Shakespeare controversy. 2939 Pro-Shakespeare (including histories of the contro- versy and judicial eetimatee). Baconian theory. 2941 , Collections: Periodicals, societies, etc. Controversial literature. 2943 Early (to 1880). Recent. 2944 English. 2945 Other. 2946 Pamphlets, and other minor. 2947 Other hypotheses, A-Z. 2948 Satire, humor, etc. 2949 Manuscripts. Writing. Signatures. 2950 Ireland forgeries. By author. 2951 Collier controversy. Prefer PR 3071. Sources. 2952 General works. 2953 Special. By subject, A-Z. ' ' e.g. .W5, Wit and humor. "Shakespeare jest books." 2954 Literatures of other countries, A-Z. e. g. .17, Italian. .67, Spanish. 2965 Special authors or works, A-Z. e. g. Ml, Holinehed's Chronicles. .L8, Lyly. .M8, Montaigne. .P6, Plutarch. Of. PR 2957-2968. 109 PR ENGLISH LITERATURE PE English renaissance (1600-1640). The drama. Individual authors. Shakespeare, William. Aut horehip — Continued . 2956 Forerunners. Prefer PR 651-659. Relatione to hie contemporaries. 2957 General. 2968 Special, A-Z. e.g. .B4, Beaumont and Fletcher. .J6, Jonson. .M3. Marlowe. 2959 Allusions. 2961 Chronology of works. Criticism and interpretation. History of Shakespearian criticism. 2965 General. By period. 2967 17th century. 18th century. 19th century and later. 2971 By country, A-Z. e. g. Shakespeare in France, Germany, etc. Cf. PR 3105-3109. 2972 ' • Bi(^raphy of Shakespearian scholars, A-Z, e. g-,.F7, Horace Howard Furneas. .MS, Edmond Malone. (2973) Influence on special authors, A-Z. (For croes reference only.) See the special author, as de Mussel in PQ; Heine in PT, etc. See also PR 2957-2958, Shakespeare's associates, etc. and PR 2971, Special countries. Treatises. Cf. PR 2894-2899. English. 2975 Early, to 1800. 2976 Recent. 2977 French. 2978 German. 2979 Other. Special forms: (Criticism of particular works with the text ) 2981 Comedies. 2962 Hiiitoriee (English and Roman plays, etc.). 2983 Tragedies. 2984 Poems. 2986 Philosophy, Esthetics, etc. e. g. Idealism, Naturalism. Prefer PR 2894-9; 2975-9. 2987 Study and teaching: Outlin,e8, syllabi, synopses, ques- tions, etc. Cf . PR 2895, 2877. 110 PR ENGLISH LITERATURE PR English renaissance (1600-1640). The drama. Individnal anthers. Shakespeare, William. Criticiflm and interpretation — Continued Characters. Treatment of life. Workfl dealing with characters from eeveral plays only. Works on the characters of a particular drama, see PR 2801-2839. Prefer PR 2894-9, 2975-9, 3071; Cf. PR 2997. 2989 General. Special. Groups. Claaaes. 2991 Women. 2992 Other, A-Z. 2993 Individual. e. g. F2, Falstaff. Prefer 2801-2839. 2994 Wit and humor. Technique. Dramatic art. Prefer PR 2894 + , 2975+, 3071. 2995 General works. 2997 Special, by subject, A-Z. e.g. .P6, Plots. Cf. PR 2877, 2987. .P8, Puns. ,87, Soliloquies. .S8, Suspense. .T5, Time relatione. .U5, Unities. Treatment and knowledge of special subjects. 3000 General works. Cf. PR 2910. 3001 Philosophy. Psychology. 3004 The supernatural. Folk-lore, etc. 3007 Ethics. 3009 Mythology. 3011 Religion. 3012 The Bible. 3014 Hifltory Geography. 3017 Politics. 3021 Economics. Tjaboring clasBes, etc. 3024 Sociology. 3026 Crime and criminals. 3028 Law. Legal knowledge. 3031 Education. 3034 Art: Music, painting, etc. 3036 Crafts. Technical arts. e, g. Printing. 3037 Literature. The classics. 3039 Nature. 9041 Botany. 3044 Zoology. HI PB ENGLISH LITERATURE PB English renaissance (1500-1640). The drama. Individual authors. Shakespeare, William. Criticiam and interpretation. Treatment of special subjects — Continued. S047 Science. 3049 Mathematics. 3053 Afltronomy. Astrology. 3056 Physica. 8059 Chemietry. 3062 Medicine. 3065 Insanity. 3067 Sports. 3069 Other special subjects, A-Z. d. g. .A6. Archery. .H4, Heraldry. .L6, Love. Textual criticism, commentariee, emendations, etc. Prefer PR 2894-9, 2975-9. 3070 Early works. 8071 Recent. Language, style, etc. (3078) Dictionaries, see PR 2892. Grammar. 8075 General. Special. 3077 Use of words. 8078 Syntax. 3081 Other, A-Z. e. g. Pronunciation. 3085 Versification. 3087 Prose. 3088 Dialect, etc. Dramatic representation of Shakespeare's plays. General. 8091 English. 3092 Other. By period. 8095 Elizabethan. 3097 17th-18th centuries. 3099 19th-20th centuries. Separate plays, with text. By country. Cf . PR 2971. 3105 America. 3106 Great Britain. 3107 France. 3108 Germany. 3109 Other. 3112 Famous actors of Shakespearian parts Cf. PN. 12 PR ENGLISH LITERATURE PR English renaissance (1500-1640). The drama. Individual authors — Continued. 3135.S3 Sharpe, Lewis. .S5 Sharp ham, Edward. 3137. S7 Shirley, Henry. 3140-3148 Shirley, James (IV). 3163. S3 Smith, Wentworth. 3155.S5 Sparrow, Thomas. 3157.S7 Stevenson, William. .S75 Stirling, William Alexander, let Earl of. .S8 Strode, William. .S9 Stub, Edmund. Suckling, Sir John, see PR 3718. 3167.T3 Tailor, Robert. .T7 Tomkifl, Thomas. 3170-3174 Tourneur, Cyril (VII). 3175. T5 Townshend, Aurelian. 3176.U3 Udall, Nicholas. 3178.V4 Verney, Francis. .W2 Wager, Lewis. .A7, Mary Magdalene. .W21 Wager, William. .A7, The longer thou livest. .W25 Wapull, George. .A7, The tide tarrieth no man. W3 Watson, Robert. .A7, Three ladies of London. 3180-3188 Webster, John (IV). 3190.W3 Wever, Richard. .A7, Luaty juventus. .W,4 Wlietstone, George. .A7, PromuB and Cassandra. .W5 Wilde, George. .W6 Wilkins, George. .W63 Wilmot, Robert. .W64 Wilson, Arthur. .W7 Wilson, Robert. .W8 Wingfield, Anthony. 3193.W5 Woodea, Nathaniel. 3194.Y3 Yarington, Robert. 3195.Z7 Zouche, Richard. Translations from foreign literatures. Cf. PR 125-135. (3197) Oliections, see PN 6011-6012, (3198) Individual authors and works, see PQ-PV. 17th and 18th centuries, 1640-1770. The list of minor autbora with less than one whole number aflfligned to each is to be considered as illustrative rather than as complete. 3291 Anonymous works (XIII). 113 PB ENGLISH LITERATURE PR 17th and 18th centuries (1640-1770) — Continued. Individual authors. 3300-3308 Addison, Joseph (IV"). 3310-3314 Akenaide, Mark (VII). 3315.A3 AlUbond, John. .A35 Alsop, Anthony. .A4 Amhurst, Nicholas. .A46 Amory, Thomas. .A5 Andr^, (Major) John. Ansbach, Elizabeth, margravine of, see Craven, Elizabeth (Berkeley). 3316.A3 Anstey, Christopher. .A4 Arblay, Mme. Frances (Burney) d'. .A5 Arbuthnot, John. .A6 Armstrong, John. .A65 Artrubus, Benjamin. .A7 Aylet, Robert. .B17 Baker, Daniel. .B2 Bampfylde, John. .B3 Baron, Robert. .B36 Baxter, Richard. .B4 Beattie, James. .B5 Beaumont, Joseph. Becklord, William, see PR 4091-4092. .B7 Beckiugham, Charles. 3317 Behn, Aphra. 3318.B2 Belon, Peter. .B3 Bentley, Richard. Collected works, see PA 27. .B4 Bickerstaffe, Isaac. .B5 Blackmore, Sir Richard. .B7 Blair, Robert. Blake, William, see PR 4140-4148. 3324. B4 Boaden, James. 3325 Boawell, James. 3326. B2 Bourne, Vincent. .B25 Bowdler, Hannah. Boyle, Charles, see Orrery, Earl of. .B3 Brewer, Anthony. .B35 Bristol, George Digby, 2d earl of. , .B4 Brooke, Ilenry. .B6 Broome, William. .B9 Brown, James. .B93 Brown, Thomas, 1G63-1704. 3327 Browne, Sir Thomas (VTII). 3328. B3 Bruce, Michael. .B5 Buckin^'liam, George Villiers, 2d duke of. .B6 Buckingham, John Sheffield, Lst duke of. 14 PR ENGLISH LITERATURE PR 17th and 18th centuries (1640-1770). Individual autLors — Continued. Banyan, John. Collected works, see Religion. Special works. 3329. Gl-9 Grace abounding. .Gl, English texta, by date. Translations. .G4. Dutch. .05, French. .06, German. .07, Scandinavian. .071-89 , Other languages (alphabetically). .G9, Criticism. .Hl-9 Holy war. Divided Uke .Gl-9. .Ll-9 Life and death of Mr. Badman. Divided like .01-9. 3330 Pilgrim's progress. English editionb. .Al, By date. .A2, By editor or illufltrator. .A22, Selections. .A25, Juvenile versiona. .A3, Metrical versions. .A33, Dxamatizationa, etc. Translations (by date). .A35, Dutch. .A4, French. .A5, German. .A65, Greek. .A6, Italian. .A65, Scandinavian. .A7, Spanish and Portuguese. .A71-89 , Other languages (alphabetically), e. g. .A72, American Indian. .A75, Hawaiian. .A77, Hungarian. .A79, India and Burmah. .A83, Poliah. .A85, Russian. .A86, Ruthenian. .A9, Criticism. .A95, Miscellaneous. Outlinee, etc. Other works, in Religion. 3331 Biography and criticism. 3332 Criticiam. 3333.B7 Bnrgoyne, General John. 3334. B4 Burke, Edmund. Prefer DA 506. 3334. B7 Burke, Walter, Bumey, Frances, see Arblay, Mme. Frances (Bumey) d' 3337.B5 Buahe, Amyas. PR ENGLISH LITERATURE PE 17th and 18th centuries (1640-1770). Individual authors Continued. 3338 Butler, Samuel. 3339.B5 Byrom, Joha. .C15 OanniQg, George. .C2 Oarew, Thomas. .03 Oarpenter, Richard. .04 Oarter, Mrs. Elizabeth. .06 Oentlivre, Mra. Susannah. .08 Ohamberlayne, William. 3340-3344 Chatterton, Thomas (VII). 3346(C2) Ohesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope, earl of, see BJ 1C71. .03 Ohetwood, William. .08 Ohurchill, Oharles. 3347 Oibber, OoUey. 3348.C2 Clark, Ewau. .03 Olark, John. 3348(05) Olarke, Samuel, see B, Religion. .07 Oleveland, John. 3349 Ooa-Ool. 03 Ookayne, Sir Aston. 3350-3354 OolUns, William (VII). 3356.05 Collop, John. 3353 Colman, George. 3359.05 Oorabe William. 3360-3368 Con^eve, William (iV»). 3369.015 Oooke, Thomas. 02 Corbet, Richard. .03 Cotton, Charles. 3370-3374 Cowley, Abraham (Vll). 3379.05 Cowper, Ashley ("Tim. Scribble"). .07 Cowper, Frances Maria. 3380-3384 Cowper, William (VII). 3385.05 Cradock, Joseph. 3386 Crashaw, Richard. 3388.015 Craven, Elizabeth (Berkeley), baroneae Craven Margravine of Ansbach. afterwarda .02 CrowTie, John. 3390-3394 Cumberland, Richard (VII). 3395. D4 Dalrymple, Hugh. 3396 Darwin, Erasmus (VIII). D'Arblay, see Arblay. 3397. D5 Davies, William. 3398.D3 Day, Thomaa. lie PB ENGLISH LITERATURE PB 3400-3408 17tli and 18th centTiries (1640-1770). Individual authors — Continued. DeFoe, Daniel (IV). 3400 Works. By date. Selections. Translations. Separate worka. Robineon Crueoe. 3401 3402 3403 3404 .Al, Texts. By date. .A3, Adaptations, etc. By author. .A5-Z3, Translations. By language. Under each: (1) Translation. (2) Adaptation. e.g. .G5, German traDslation. By translator. .G6, Adaptation. By author. .Z5A-Z, Criticism. Studies of the " Robinflonade " in general or in particular countries. if not dealing largely with Defoe's ■work, are to be claaaified in PN 3432. Other worka, A-Z. 3409. D2 Denham, Sir John. .D3 Dennis, John. .D4 Dermody, Thomaa. .D5 Digby, Sir Kenelm. .D6 Dodd, William. .D7 Dodsley, Robert. 3410-3428 Dryden, John (IIP). Separate works 3415 A-D. 3416 Dramas, subarranged A-Z. 3417 Essays. 3418 E-P. 3419 Palamon and Arcite, subarranged by editor. 3420 P-Z. 3429.D5 Duffett, Thomas. 3430. D3 Dunkin, William. . .D7 Dunton, John. 3431.D3 D'Urfey, Thomaw. .D5 Dyer, John. .E2 Elliot, Jane. .E5 EUwood, Thomas. .E7 Erskine, Ralph. 3432 Ethcrege, Sir George. 3433. E5 Evelyn, John. .r3 Falconer, William. .F5 Falkland, Henry Gary, 4th viscount. 3434 Fare-Farq. .F2 Farewell, Jam'^a. 3435-3439 Farquhar, George (VII). 117 PR ENGLISH LITERATURE PE 3446 3448. F3 3450-3468 3459. F3 3460 3461. F2 .F3 .F4 .F6 .F8 .F9 3463. G4 .G5 346&-3469 3471.03 3473-3474 3476 3477. G4 S478.G3 .G5 3480 3481 3482 3484 3485 3486 3487 3488 3489 3490 3491 3492 3493 3494 3498 3499.G5 .G7 .G77 .G8 17th and 18th centuries (1640-1770). Individual authors — Continued. Faulkland, Henry Gary, 4th viscount, see Falkland. Fenton, Elijah. Fergusson, Robert. Fielding, Henry (IT*). (PR 3451 not used.) , Fielding, Sarah. Fin-FJB. Fisher, James. Flatman, Thomas. Flecknoe, Richard. Foote, Samuel. Fuller, Thomas. Fyfe, Alexander. Galloway, Robert. Grambold, John. Garrick, David (Vlf). Garth, Sir Samuel. Gay, John (XII). Gibbon, Edward. Gibson, John. Gildon, Charles. Glover, Richard. Goldsmith, Oliver. Collected works. By date. By editor. Selections. Minor collections. (Including collected essays and poems.) Translations, by language, A-Z. Separate works. A-D. .B4, The Bee. .C5, Citizen of the world. Deserted village. D-S. .E8, Essays (Collected). .H4, The Hermit. She stoops to conquer. S-V. .T7, The Traveller. Vicar of Wakefield. V-Z. Dictionaries, indexes, etc. General works on Goldsmith's life and writings. Criticism. General. Language, grammar, style. Grahame, James. Grainger, James. Graves, Richard. Gray, Robert. 118 PR ENGLISH LITERATURE PR 17th and I8th centuries (1640-1770). Individual authors — Continued. 3500-3504 Gray, Thomas (VII). 3505.G4 Griffin, Benjamin. .H3 Habington, William. .H5 Hales, John. 8506.H2 Halifax, Charles Montagu, Earl of. .H3 Hall, John. .H6 Harvey, Chrbtopher. .H8 Harvey, John. .H87 Hawkins, William. .H9 Hayley, William. .H94 Haywood, Mrs. Eliza. 3507-3508 Herbert, George (XII). 3510-3514 Herrick, Eobert (VII). 3515.H16 Hill, Aaron. .HI? Hoadly, Benjamin. .H2 Holcroft, Thomas. .H5 Hole, Richard. 3516 Home, John. 3517.H3 Howard, Sir Robert. .H5 Howell, James. .H65 Huddesford, George. .H7 Hughes, John. .H8 Hurdis, James. 3518 Inchbald, Mrs. Elizabeth. Ireland, William Henry, see PR 4821-.I5; PR 2950. 3519.J5 Jeminghara, Edward. .J6 Jodrell, Richard Paul. 3520-3538 Johnson, Samuel (IIP). 3520 Collected works (prose and poetry, and collected prose). 3521 Collected poems, plays, etc. Separate works. Diary of a journey into North Wales, see DA 727. (3525) Idler, see PR 1365. 3526 Irene. Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland, see DA 880. Lives of poets, see PR 553. 3527 London. Political tracts, see DA 507. (3528) Rambler, see PR 1365. 3529 Raaselaa. Taxation no tyranny, see E 211. 3530 Vanity of human wishes. Visit to the Hebrides, see DA. Voyage to Abyssinia, see D. 3531 Other, A-Z. 3539. K15 Keate, George. .K2 Kelly, Hugh. .K3 Killigrcw, .\nne. .K5 Killigrew, Thomas. .K7 King, William. 119 PB ENGLISH LITERATURE PR 17tli and 18th centuries (1640-1770). Individual authors— Continued. 3539. K8 Knight, Richard Payne. .L2 Lacy, John. .L3 Langhome, John. .L4 Lansdowne, George Granville, Earl of. .IJ> Learmont, John. 3540 Lee, Nathaniel. 3541 Lee, Sophia, see PR 4879. L5. .L3 L' Estrange, Sir Roger. .L5 Lillo, George. .L55 Lloyd, David. .L6 Lofft, Capel. .L7 Logan, John. 3542.L2 Lovelace, Richard. .L3 Loveling, William. .L5 Luck, Robert. .L8 Lytt«lton, George Lyttelton, Ist baron. 3543.M15 Macdonald, Andrew. .M2 Mackenzie, Henry. .M3 Macklin, Charles. ■.. .M5 Macneill, Hector. 3544 Macpherson, James (Oasian). 3545. M4 Mallet, David. .M6 Mandeville, Bernard. .M8 Manley, Mary. . ' • .M9 Marmion, Shackerley. ' 3546 Marv-ell, Andrew. 3648.M2 Mason, William. • .. .M4 Mayne, Jasper. .MS Meston, William. 3549.M3 Mickle, William Julius. 3550-3598 Milton, John (II). 3552 Selected works. Minor poems, etc. 3553 Selections. Anthologies. 3554 Translations. By language. Separate (poetical) works. 3555 L'Allegro (and H Penseroeo). 3556 11 Penseroso (separate). 3557 Gomus. 3558 Lycidaa. 3559 Ode on the Morning of Christ's nativity 3560 Paradise lost (and Paradise regained). 3561 Translations (by language), A-Z. 3562 Criticism. 3563 Paradise regained. 3564 Translations. 3565 Criticism. 3566 Samson Agonistes. 3567 Sonnets. 3568 Other, A-Z. 3569 Prose works. 3570 Separate works, A-Z. 120 PR ENGLISH LITERATURE PR 17th and 18th centnries (1640-1770). Individual authors — Continued. 3600 Mi n -Mis. 3601 Mit-Miz. 3602 Mo-Mom. 3603.M2 Montagu, Elizabeth. 3604 Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley. 3605.M3 Moore, Edward. .M5 Moore, John. .M6 More, Hannah. .M7 More, Henry. .M8 Morieon, David. .M83 Mountfort, William. .M9 Murphy, Arthur. .N2 Newcastle, Margaret (Lucaa) Cavendish, Duchess of .N4 Newcastle, William Cavendish, Duke of. .N7 Newcomb, Rev. Thomas. .015 Ogilvie, John. .02 O'Keeffe, James. .03 O'Keeffe, John. .04 Oldham, John. .05 Oldmixon, John. .06 Oldys, William. 3607.03 Orrery, Charles Boyle, 4th Earl of. .04 Orrery, Roger Boyle, 1st Earl of. 3610-3614 Otway, Thomas (VII). 3616 Pamell, Thomas. 3617. P2 Parr, Samuel. .P7 Peck, Francis. .P8 Penny, Mrs. Anne Christian. 3618.P2 Pepys, Samuel. .P5 Percy, Thomas, Bishop of Dromore. 3619. P2 Philips, Ambrose. .P3 Philips, John. .P4 Philips, Mrs. Katherine. .P43 PhilUps, Edward. .P5 Piozzi, Mrs. Hester (Thrale). .P7 Pomfret, John. 3620-3638 Pope, Alexander (III*). 3639. P4 Porson, Richard. .P7 Preston, William. 3640-3644 Prior, Matthew (VII). 3648 Pye, Henry James. 3650-3654 Quarles, Francis (VII). 3655.Q3 Quarles, John. 3656.R15 Radcliffe, Alexander. Radcliffe, Mrs. Anne, se§ PR 5200-5204. 3657 Ramsay, Allan. 3658J12 Rawlins, Thomas. .R5 Reeve, Clara. Reynolds, Frederick, see PR 6221.B. .R7 Richards, Nathaniel 121 PB ENGLISH LITERATURE PR 17th and 18th centuries (1640-1770). Individual authors — Continued. 3660-3667 Eichardson, Samuel (IV*). 3G67 Criticism (general and special). 3668 Richardson-Robertson. .R3 Ridley, James. .R5 Roberta, William Hayward. 3669. R18 Robertson, Alexander. .R2 Rochester, John Wilmot, Earl of. .R7 Rolt, Richard. 3670. R5 Roscommon, Wentworth Dillon, Earl of. 3671.R3 Ross, Alexander. Rd Rowe, Nicholas. .R55 Rugeley, Rowland. .R6 Russell, Thomas. .E7 Rymer, Thomas. .S2 8avage, Richard. .S3 8cott, John. .84 Sedley, Sir Charles. .86 8ettle, Elkanah. .87 Seward, Anna. .875 Shadwell, Charles. .88 Shadwell, Thomas. (3674) Shaftsbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, Earl of, see B 1383-1388. 3677 Shenstone, William. 3679.85 Sheridan, Mri.. Francis. 3680-3684 Sheridan, Richard Brinsley (VII). 3687.85 Stene, George. .86 Skinner, John. 3688 Smith, A-Smith, I. 3689 Smith, J-Sraollet. 3690-3698 Smollett, Tobias (IV). 3699.82 Somerville, William. .83 Southerne, Thomas. .84 Spence, Joseph. .87 Sprat, Thomas, Bishop of Rochester. .88 Stanley, Thomas. 3700-3708 Steele, Sir Eichard (IV*). 3710-3716 Sterne, Laurence (IV*). 3716 Biography and criticism. 3717 St-Su. 3718 Suckling, Sir John. 3719 Su-Sw. 3720-3728 Swift, Jonathan (IV*). 3729.84 Syrapson, Joseph. .T12 Tatliam, John. .T13 Taylor, Jeremy (IX). Cf. B, Religion. .T15 Temple, Anne, countess. .T2 Temple, Sir William. .T4 Thelwall, John. .T6 Theobald, Lewis. !22 PR ENGLISH LITERATURE PR 17th and IStli centuries (1640-1770). Individual authors — Continued. 3729. T7 Thifltlethwaite, James. 3730-3734 Thomson, James (VII). 3735.T3 Thornton, Bonnel. .T4 TickeU, Richard, .T5 Tickell, ThomfiH. 3736.T2 Tobin, John. .T5 Tooke, George. .T6 Topham, Edward. .T7 Traherne, Thomafl. .T715 Trapp, Joseph. .T73 Tresham, Henry. .T8 Twining, Thomaa. .U6 Urquhart, Sir Thomas (IX). .U8 Uved?ile, Thomas. 3737-3738 Vanbrugh, Sir John (XII). 3740-3744 Vatighan, Henry (VII). 3745.V2 Vaughan, Sir William. 3746. V2 Victor, Benjamin. 3747.W5 Wagstaffe, William. 3748.W2 Wakefield, Gilbert. .W5 Waldron, Francis G. 3750-3754 Waller, Edmund (VII). 3757 .W2 Walpole, Horace. .W4 Walsh, William. .W6 Walton, Isaac. .W8 Ward, Edward. 3759. \V3 Warton, Joseph. 3761 Warton, Thomaa. 3762. W3 Washbourne, Thomas. 3763. W2 Watts, Isaac. .W25 Webster, Benjamin. .W4 Wesley, Charles. .W5 Wesley, John. .W6 Wesley, Samuel. .W9 Whaley, John. .W95 WTiincop, Thomas. 3765 (W2) White, Gilbert. Natural history of Selbome, see QH 138.84 Biography, see QH 31.W58. .W3 Whitehead, Paul. .W4 Whitehead, William. .W5 Whitelocke, Bulstrode. .W53 Whyte, Samuel. .W535 Williams, Edward. .W54 Williams, Helen Maria. .W55 Wilson, Alexander. .W56 Wilson, John. .W57 Winchilsea, Anne, Couutees of. .W6 Wodhull, Michael. .W7 Wolcot, John ("Peter Pindar"). 123 PR ENGLISH LITERATURE PR 3767 3768 .W4 3769.W6 .W7 3770-3778 3779. Y4 3780-3784 3991 4000.A5 4001.A2 .A3 .A4 .A45 .A48 J15 .A7 .A9 4002-4003 40O4.A12 .A15 .A2 .A5 4005 4007.A5 .A63 .A65 4010-4014 4015.A4 4020-4024 4028(.A5) .A6 .A73 .A8 4029.A4 .A5 4030-4038 4040-4044 4046.A5 .A7 4047-4048 4049.B2 .B7 4050-4054 4056 4057.B13 17th and 18th centuries (1640-1770). Individual authors — Continued. Wood, Anthony k. Wood-War. Wolnough, Henry. Wotton, Sir Henry, see PR 2395. Wotton. William. Woty, William. Wycherley, William (IV^). Yearelcy, Ann. Young, Edward (VII). 19th centnry, 1770/1800-1890/1900. Anonymous works (XIII). Individual authors. Abrahall, Chandos Hoskyns. Adams, Sarah Fuller Flower. Adams, William. Agg, John. Aguilar, Grace. Aid6, Hamilton. Aikin, John. Aikin, Lucy. Ainger, Alfred. Ainsworth, William Harrison (XII). Alexander, William, Bishop of Armagh. Alford, Henry. Allen, Grant. AUingham, William. Ama-Amz. Anderson, Robert. Anstey, F., see Guthrie. Archer, William. Argyll, John, 9th dukeof. Arnold, Sir Edwin (VII). Arnold, Frederick. Arnold, Matthew (VII). Arnold, Thomas, see LF Arnold, Thomas, jr. Ashby-Sterry, Joseph. Atherstone, Edwin. Atkinson, Sarah. Atkinson, Thomas. Austen, Jane (IV*). Austin, Alfred (VII). Axon, William. Ayton, Richard. Aytoun, William Edmondstoune (XII). Bagehot, Walter. Bailey, Peter. Bailey, Philip James (VII). Bail lie, Joanna. Balrd, Henry. 124 PB ENGLISH LITERATURE PB 19th century, 1770/1800-1890/1900. Individual authors — Continued. 4057.B135 Balfour, Arthur James. .B14 Ballantine, James. .B2 Banim, John. .B3 Banim, Michael. .B7 Barbauld, Anna Letitia. 4058-^059 Barham, Richard Harris (XII). 4061-4062 Baring-Gould, Sabine (XII). 4063.B3 Barlow, Jane. 4064-4065 Barnes, William (XII). 4069.B4 Barre, William. .B5 Barrett, Eaton Stannard. 4070^078 Barrie, Sir James Matthew (IV*). 4079.B2 Barton, Bernard. .B5 Bayly, Ada Ellen ("Edna Lyall"). .B6 Bayly, Thomas Haynes. 4080^088 Beaconsfield, Benjamin Diflraeli, Iflt earl of (IV*). 4089. B7 Beck, Thomas. .B8 Becket, Andrew. 4091^092 Beckford, William (XII). 4095. B+ Beck-Bedd. 4097-4098 Beddoes, Thomas Lovell (VII). 4099.B15 Bell, Florence E. E. (Olliffe), Lady. (Earlier known as Mrs. Hugh Bell.) Bennett, Arnold, see PR C003.E6. .B4 Bennett, William Cox. .B5 Benson, Arthur Christopher. .B6 Benson, Edward Frederic. .B7 Benson, Robert Hugh. .B8 Beresford, James. 4100-4108 Besant, Sir Walter, and Rice, James (IV*). 4109.B2 Bethune, Alexander. .B6 Blckersteth, Edward Henry. 4112.B3 Bigg, John Stanyan., Binyon, Laurence, see PR 6003.175. .B7 Bird, James. 4115 Birrell, Augustine. 4120-4128 Black, William (IV*). 4129.B5 Blackie, John Stuart. 4130-4134 Blackmore, Richard Doddridge (VII). 4135.B8 Blackwell, Anna. 414(M148 Blake, William (IV*). 4149.B4 Bland, Edith (Nesbit). .B5 Blessington, Lady. Biography, see DA 536.B68. .B55 Blind, Mathilde. .B6 Bloomfield, Robert. .B8 Blunt, Wilfrid Scawen. Boldrewood, Rolf, see Browne, Thomas Alexander. 4150-4158 Borrow, George (IV*). 4160.B5 Bosanquec, George William. 125 PR ENGLISH LITERATURE PE 19th centTiry, 1770/1800-1890/1900. Individual authors — Continued. 4161.B2 Boucicault, Dion. .B3 Bourdillon, Francis William. .B4 Bowles, William Lisle. .B42 Bowring, Sir John. 345 Boyd, Andrew Kennedy Hutchison. Braddon, Mary E., see Maxwell, Mrs. Mary Elizabeth (Brad- don). Bradlej ', Katherine Harris, see Field, Michael, pseud. .B57 Bray, Anna Eliza (Kempe). .B6 Bridges , Robert. .B7 Bristed, , Charles Astor. 4162^163 Bronte, AnneCXII). 4165-4169 Bronte , Charlotte (VII). (Including works on the Bronte family.) 4172-4173 Bronte, EmUy (XII). 4174.B4 Brooks, Charled Shirley. .B55 Broughton, John Cam Hobhouse, Ist baron. .B6 Brown, George Douglas. 4175.B2 Brown, Dr. John. .B5 Brown, Thomas Edward. .B7 Browne , Thomas Alexander ("Rolf Boldrewood "). 4180-4198 Browning, Elizabeth Barrett (IIP). Separate works. 4185 Aurora Leigh. 4186 Casa Guidi windows. 4187 Lady Geraldine's courtship. 4188 Poems before Congress. 4189 Sonnets from the Portuguese. 4190 Other, A-Z. 4205-4248 Browning, Robert (II). Separate works. 4205 The blot on the 'scutcheon. 4206 Dramatic idyls. 4207 Dramatic lyrics. 4208 Dramatic romances. 4209 Dramatic personae. 4210 In a balcony. 4211 Jocoseria, 4212 King Victor and Prince Charles. 4213 Luria. 4214 Men and women. 4215 Paracelsus. 4216 Parleyings. 4217 Pauline. 4218 Pippa pasaea. 4219 Ring and the book. 4220 Sordello. 4221 Strafford. 4222 Other, A-Z. 425035 Browning, Samuel. 126 PR ENGLISH LITERATURE P& 4252.B7 .B75 .B8 4260-4264 42G5.B6 4266 4267 4268 4269 .B7 4270 4271. B3 .B7 4275.B7 4279.B5 4280.B6 4300-4348 19th ceiitTir7, 1770/1800-1890/1900. Individual authors — Continued. Brydges, Sir Samuel Egerton. Buchan, John. Buchanan, Andrew. Buchanan, Robert (VII). Bucketone, John Baldwin. Bud-. Bui-. Bulwer-Lytton, Edward, see Lytton, Edward-Bulwer, PR 4900^948. Bun-. Bur-Burc. Burbidge, Thomas. Burdon, William. Burge3, Sir James Bland. Burk, Edward. Bum, David. Burnand, Sir Francis Cowley. Buma, John. Burns, Robert (II). 4300 Collected works (Collected poems, and poems and prose). By date, eubarrauged by place, A-Z. 4301 Prose works (Letters, etc.). 4302 Selected works. Minor works. In edited edi- tions. Fragments, etc. By editor. 4303 Selections. Anthologies. Extracta. By edi- tor. 4304 Translations. By language, subarranged by translator. Separate works. 4306 A-B. 4307 C-Coe. Commonplace books. 4308 Cotter's Saturday night. 4309 Cot^G. 4310 H-Jok. 4311 Jolly beggars. 4312 Jol-Q. 4313 R-T. • 4314 Tam O'Shanter. 4321 Doubtful, spurious works. 4322 Works edited or annotated by Buma (Collections of songs, etc.). Including hifl "Notee on Scottish song." 4323 Imitations, adaptations. 4324 Songs written to music (and songs, etc., to which music has been composed). Text with or without music; music without text, see M. 4332 Bums aa poet laureate of the Lodge Canongate. 127 FB ENGLISH LITERATUKE PR 19th century, 1770/1800-1890/1900. Individual authors — Continued. 4349.B3 Bums, Robert, of Ilamilton. .B5 Bxirrell, Lady Sophia. .B53 Burtt, Jolm. .B6 Buller, Edward. .B7 Butler, Samuel, 1835-1902. 4360-4398 Byron, George Gordon, Lord (II). Separate works. 4355 Bride of Abydoe. 4356 Gain. 4357 Childe Harold's pilgrimage. 4358 Corsair. 4359 Don Juan. 43G0 English bards and Scotch reviewets. 4361 Giaour. 4362 Hebrew melodies. 4363 Hours of idleness. 4364 Lara. 4365 Manfred. 4366 Marino Faliero. 4367 Prisoner of Chillon. 4368 Sardanapalus. 4369 Two Foscari. 4370 Vision of Judgment. 4371 Werner. 4372 Other, A-Z. 4399.B3 Byron, Henry James, 4400-1408 Caino, Hall (IV»). 4405 Plays, A-Z. 4409.C2 Calverley, Charles Stuart. Cambridge, Ada, see Cross, Ada (Cambridge). 4410-4414 Campbell, Thomas (VII). 4415.C2 Canton, William. 4416-4417 Carleton, William (XII). 4419.C5 Carlyle, Jane Welsh. 4:420-4438 Carlyle, Thomas (UI*). Separate works. Chartism, see DA. Choice of books, see Z 1003. Cromwell's letters and speeches, see DA. Early kings of Norway (etc.), see DL 460. 4425 Essays. .A2, Collected. By date. .A3, Minor coUectiona. By date. •A5-Z, Separate essays and minor collectionfl. By title. Frederick the Great, see DD. French revolution, see DC. 4426 Heroes and hero worship. Inaugural address, University of Edinburgh, 1866; Choice of books, see Z 1003. 128 PR ENGLISH LITERATURE PR 19th century, 1770/1800-1890/1900. Individual authors. Carlyle, Thomas (III*). Separate works — Continued . 4427 Latter day pamphlets. 4428 Past and present. 4429 Sartor ro^rtus. Schiller, Friedrich, see PT. Sterling, John, Life of, see PR 5473.88, Tranalationa from the German, see PT. 4430 Other works, A-Z, 4439 Carl-Carm. 4441^442 Carman, Bliss (XII). 4443. C6 Camavon, Henry, 3d earl of. 4451 Carpenter, Edward. 4452. C5 Carr, Joseph WUliTim Comyns. .07 Casey, John K. .08 Cayley, George John. 4453.017 Chad wick, Sheldon. .018 Chambers, James. .02 Chambers, Robert. .021 Chambers, William. .03 Chesson, Nora (Hopper). .04 Chesterton, GUbert Keith (IX*). .05 Cholmondeley-Pennell, Henry. .053 Chorley, Henry FothergUl. Of. ML. 06 Clare, John. .07 Clarke, Charles Cowden. .075 Clarke, Marcus. .08 Clarke, Mary Victoria (Novello). (Mrs. Mary Cowden Clarke). .085 Clarke, Stephen. 4454.02 Clifford, Mrs. Lucy (Lone). .03 Clifford, William Kingdon. Of. B and Q. 4455-4459 Clough, Arthur Hugh (VII). 4461.03 Cobbe, Frances Power. .035 Cobbold, Richard. .05 Cochrane, James. 4464 Col-Coleridge. 4467-4468 Coleridge, HarUey (XII). 447(M488 Coleridge, Samuel Taylor (in»). Separate works. 4476 Biographia literaria. 4477 Biographia epistolaria. 4478 Poems. 4479 Rime of the ancient mariner. 4480 Other, A-Z. 4489.02 Coleridge, Mrs. Sara (Coleridge). .03 Collins, John Churton. .05 Collins, Mortimer. 4490-4498 Collins, Wilkie (IV»). 4501.03 Colman, George, jr. (IX"). !t:.'7.')ii.'i ( » .-] ,1 -. 129 PE ENGLISH UTERATURE PE 4501. C4 4502 4603.02 4504-4505 4507.07 4508.015 .02 .03 .04 4510-4514 4515.07 4516-4517 4518.03 .05 .07 4519.02 4520-4524 4525.02 .C3 .05 .D15 .D2 .D5 4527-i528 4529. D3 4530 -4538 4540 4541. D9 4542^543 4545 4549. D3 D35 .D4 .D5 4550-4598 19th century, 1770/1800-1890/1900. Individual authors — Continued. Colton, Oharles Oaleb. Oombe, William, see PR 3359.05. Conrad, Joseph, see PR 6005.04. Cook, Eliza. Cooper, Edith, see Field, Michael, pseud. Cooper, Thomas. Corelli, Marie Cornwall, Barry (pseud.), see Proctor, Bryan Waller. Cottle, Joseph. Couper, Robert. Coutts, PYaucis Burdette Thomas Money. Couvreur, Mrs. Jessie (Eraser). "Tasma." Cox, George William. Orabbe, George fVII). Craigie, Mrs. Pearl Mary Teresa ("John Oliver Hobbes") Craik, Dinah Maria (Mulock) (XII). Crockett, Samuel Rutherford. Crokei, Crofton. Cross, Ada ((>am bridge). Crow, William. Cunningham, Allan (VII). Cunningham, Peter. Currie, Mary M. L. S. ("Violet Fane"). Oust, Robert Needham. Daniel, George. Darley, George. Davidson, Johu. De la Ram^e, Louise (Ouida) (XII). Dempster, Charlotte Louisa Hawkins. De Quincey, Thomas (IV*). De Tabley, John Byrne Leicester, 3d baron. De Vere, Sir Aubrey, 2d bart. De Vere, Aubrey (XII). De ^ <>re-Dibdin. DibJin, Charles, 1745-1814. Dibdiu, Charles, 1768-1833. Dibdin, Thomas Frognall, 1776-1817. Dibdin, Thoma.8 John, 1771-1841. Dickens, Charles (II). Separate works. 4565 Barnaby Rudge. 4556 Bleak House. 4557 Christmas books and Christmas atorics. 4558 David Oopperfield. 4559 Dombey and eon . 4500 Great expectations. 4561 Hard times. 4562 Little Dorrit 4563 Martin Chuzzlewit 4564 Mystery of Edwin I.^road, 130 PR ENGLISH LITERATURE PR lath century, 1770/1800-1890/1900. Individual authors. Dickens, Charles (II). Separate works — (Dontinued. 4565 Nicholas Nickleby. 4566 Old curiosity shop. 4567 Oliver Twist. 4568 Our mutual friend. 4569 Pickwick papers. 4570 Sketches by Boz. 4571 Tale of two cities. 4572 Other, A-Z. 4575 Relation to the drama and the stage. 4599. D2 Dickinson, Goldsworthy Lowes. .D4 Digby, Kenelm Henry. Disraeli, Benjamin, see Beaconefield, Earl uf. .D6 Disraeli, Isaac. .D8 Dixon, William Hepworth. 4603-4604 Dobell, Sydney (XII). 4606^607 Dobson, Austin (XII). 4G10.D5 Dodd, James William. 4611^612 Dodgson, Charles Lutwidge (Lewis Carroll) (X) 1) 4613. D3 Domett, Alfred. .D36 Doran, John. .D4 Douglas, Lord Alfred Bruce. .D5 Dowson, Ernest. 4620-4624 Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan (VII). 4626. D5 Doyle, Sir Francis Hastings. 4627 Dr-Drum. .D4 Drake, Daniel. 4628. D2 Drummond, William Hamilton. .D3 Druminond. William Henry. 4629. D18 Duclaiix, Agnes Mary Frances (Robinson) (Formerly Mme. James Darmesteter) . .D2 Dudley, John. 4630-4638 Du Maurier, George (IV*). 4639. D2 Dunbar, Robert Nugent. .D3 Dunphie, Charles James. .E3 Edgar, James David. 4640-4648 Edgeworth, Maria (IV). 4649. E5 Egerton-Warburton, R. E. 465(M688 Eliot, George (II). Separate works. 4656 Adam Bede. 4657 A-D. 4658 Daniel Deronda. 4659 D-F. 4660 Felix Holt. 4661 F-M. 4662 Middlemarch. 4663 Mid-Mil. 4664 Mill on the Floss. 4665 M-P. 131 PR ENGLISH LITERATURE PR 19th centTiry, 1770/1800-1890/1900. Individual authors. Eliot, George (II). Separate works — Continued. 4666 Poems. .Al, collected; .A6-Z4, separate. 4667 P-R. 4668 Romola. 4669 Rr-S. 4670 Silas Marner. 4672 S-Z. 4699. E5 Elliott, Ebenezer. ,E8 Esmond, Henry V. .E8o Ewing, Mrs. Juliana Horatia. .Fll Faber, Frederick William. .F15 Fane, Julian. .F17 Farjeon, Benjamin Leopold. .F2 Fei^^son, Sir Samuel. .F4 Ferrier, Susan. .F5 Field, Michael. (Pseud, of Katherine Bradley and Edith Cooper.) .F9 Fitzball, Edward. 4700-4704 Fitzgerald, Edward (VII). -I70J.F3 Fitzgerald, Percy. .F35 Forbes, Archibald. .F4 Forster, John. .FG Foster, John. .F66 Frandllon, Robert Edward. .F8 Frere, John Hookham. .F9 Friawell, James Hain. 4706-4707 Froude, James Anthony (XII). 4708. F7 Fullerton, Lady Georgiana. 4708.G2 Gait, John. .05 Gamett, Richard. 4710-4711 Gaskell, Mrs. Elizabeth (XII). 4712.G3 Gifford, William. 4713-4714 Gilbert, Sir WilUam S. (XII). 4712.G6 Gilbert, Ann (Taylor). (Including works by Ann and Jane Taylor. 47I5.G5 Gilchrist, Mrs. Anne. .G53 Gilfillan, George. .G55 Gilfillan, Robert. 4716-4717 Gisaing, George (Xll). 4718.G4 Gladstone, William Ewart. 4719.G5 Godwin, Mary (WoUstonecraft). 4720-4724 Godwin, William (XII). 4725.G3 Gordon, Adam Lindsay. .G5 Gore, Catherine. .G7 Gosse, Edmund. .G8 Gower, George Levesou. 4720-4727 Grahame, Kenneth (XII). 4728.G18 Graves, Charles L. .02 Gray, David. 132 PR ENGLISH UTERATURE PR 19th century, 1770/1800-1890/1900. Individual authors — Continued. 4728.G3 Greenwell, Dura. .G4 Greg, W. R. .05 Gregory, Isabella Augusta, Lady. .G7 Grierson, Francis. .08 Griffin, Gerald. 4729.G3 Grundy, Sydney. .G5 Guthrie, TMiomas Anstey ("F. Anetey"). 47:31-4732 Haggard, Sir Henry Rider (XII). 4735.H2 Hake, Thomas Gordon. .H4 Hallam, Arthur Henry. .H7 Halliday, Andrew. 4737-4738 Hamerton, PhiUp Gilbert (XII). Hamilton, Sir William, see B. 4739.H5 Hannay, James Owen. 4740-4758 Hardy, Thomas (in*). 4741 Collected poems. Separate works. 4745 Far from the madding crowd. 4746 Jude the obscure. 4747 Return of the native. 4748 Tess of the dTrbervillee. 4749 Weasex tales. 4750 Other, A-Z. 4759. H2 Hare, Augustus John Cuthbert. .H3 Harraden, Beatrice. .H4 Harrison, Frederic. .H78 Hatton, Joseph. .H8 Havergal, Frances Ridley. .H9 Hawker, Robert Stephen. 4760-4764 Hawkins, Anthony Hope (VII). 4765.H5 Hawtrey, Charles. 4769. H3 Haynes, James. 4770-4773 Hazlitt,^VilUam(VII). 4777-4778 Hazlitt, William Carew (XII). 4779.H15 Heavysege, Charles. .H2 Heber, Reginald. .H7 Heinemann, William. .H9 Helps, Sir Arthur. 4f8(M781 Hemana, Mrs. Felicia Dorothea (XII). Henley, William Emeat. 4783.A1 Works. By date. .A2 Selected works. By date. .A3 Poetical works. By date. .A4 Plays (with R. L. Stevenson). By date. For other editions, see alfo PR 5490. .A5-Z4 Separate works. .E5, Essays. .S6, Song of the sword (and other verses^ (.V5) Views and reviews. Literature, see PN 710. Art, see ND 27. 4784 Biography and criticigm. \:v.i PR ENGLISH LITERATURE PR lath century, 1770/1800-1890/1900. ludividual authors — Continued. 4785. H5 Henry, James. .U55 Henty, George Alfred. .EI7 Herbert, William, dean of Manchester. 4786. H3 Hersee, Willi-m. Hewlett, Maurice. Collected works. 4787.A1 By date. .A2 By editor. .A23 Selected works. .A25- 28 Translations. .A3-Z Separate works, A-Z. 4788 Biography and criticism. Hichens, Robert, see PR G015.I4. 4790. H2 nickey, Emily Henrietta. .ns Hinkson, Katherine (Tynan). Ilobhouse, John Cam, see Broughton. .H8 Hofland, Barbara. 4791-4792 Hogg, James (XII). Holcroft, Thomas, Pee PR 351 5. H2. 4794. H5 Hone, William. 4795-4799 Hood, Thomas (VII). 4803.n2 Hook, Theodore Edward. .n4 Hope, Thomas. .H6 Home, Richard Henry. 4807^808 Houghton, Richard Monckton-Milnes, 1st baron (XII) 4809.H15 Housman, Alfred Edward. .ni7 Uousman, Clemence. .H18 Housman, Laurence. .H2 Howitt, Mary. .H3 Howitt, William. .ns Hughes, Thomas .H87 Hume, Fergus. 4810-4814 Hunt, Leigh (VII). 4817.n5 Hyde, Douglas. 4818 I-Im. 4819 Ingelow, Jean. 4821.15 Ireland, William Henry. Shakespearian forgeries, see PR 2950. .16 Irving, Laurence. .J2 Jacobs, William Wymark. .J25 Jacox, Francis. .J4 James, George Payne Rainaford. .J6 Jameson, Mrs. Anna. .J8 Jeaffreson, John Cordy. 4822-4823 Jefferies, Richard (XII). 4825.J2 Jeffrey, Francis. .J25 Jerdan, William. .J3 Jerome, Jerome K. .J4 Jcrrold, Doiiglas. .J7 Jewsbury, Geraldine E. 4826.J5 Johnflon, Lionel Pigot. ]M PR p:nglish literature PR 19th century, 1770/1800-1890/1900. frbiividuiil authors — Continued. 4826.J7 .Jones, EbeiU'ZPr. 4827-4828 Jones, Henry Arthur (XII). 4829. J5 .lones, .Tuhn. 4830-1838 Keats, John (IV"*). 4839. KIT) Keble, .Jolin. .K2 Kemble, Frances .\nue. .K28 Kenealy, Edward Vaughan. .K3 Kenyou, John. .K5 Kinglake, Alexander William. 4840-4844 Kinpsley, Charles (VII). 4845. K5 Kingsley, Henry. 4849. K5 Kipling, Alice (McDonald). 4850-4858 Kipling, Rudyard (IV). 4851 Collected poema. 4859. K5 Knowles, Jamea Sheridan. Lamb, Charles. (Including works of Charles and Mary Lamb.) 4860 Works. .A2, Poetical and proae. By date. .A25, Poetical. By date. .A3, Prose. By date. .A4, Selections. .A6-Z, Translations. 4861 Essays of Elia. 4862 Other works, A-Z. 4863 Biography. 4864 Criticism. 4865. L2 Lamb, Mary. .L4 Larapmau, Archibald. .L5 Landon, T^etitia Elizabeth {"L. E. L.") .LS Landor, Robert Eyres. 1870-4874 Landor, Walter Savage (VII). 4875. L3 Lane, Anna (Eichberg) (Mrs. John Lane). 487G-4877 l.ang, Andrew (XII). 4878. L15 Lang, Leonora Blanche (Mrs. Andrew Lang). .L2 La Touche, Maria (Price). .1.6 LaAvless, Hon. Emily. .L7 Lawrence, George Alfred. 4879. L2 Lear, Edward. .1.3 Lecky, William Edward Hartpolc. .L5 Lee, Harriet and Sophia. .L7 Le Fanu, Joseph Sheridan. 4881-4S82 Le Gallienne, Richard (XII). 4SS3.L3 Leightfm, William. .LG Leraon, Mark. 18H1-4S85 Lever, Charles (XII). Leveson-Gower, George, see Gower, George Leveeon 1S86 L3 Le'^ds, Leopold. 4KK7 1888 Lewis, Matthew Gregory (XII). 4889. L5 Linton, Elizabeth (Lynn). 135 PR ENGLISH LITERATURE PE : I9th centnry, 1770/1800-1890/1900. Individual authors — Continued. 4889.L6 T.inton, William James. 4890.L6 Livingston, Peter. .L8 Lloyd, Charles. 4891.L2 Locker-Lampeon, Frederick. .L4 Lockhart, John Gibson. 4892-4893 Lover, Samuel (XII). Lyall, Edna, see Bayly, Ada Ellen. Lynn-Linton, Mrs. Elizabeth, see PR 4889. L5. 4900-4980 Lytton, Edward George Bulwer-lytton, 1st baron (II) . Separate works. 4902 Poems and plays. Collected. 4905 Caxtons. 4907 Ernest Maltravers. 4908 Eugene Aram. 4909 Godolphin. 4910 Harold. 4911 Kenelm Chillingly. 4912 Last days of Pompeii. 4913 Last of the barons. 4914 Lady of Lyons. 4916 My novel. 4916 Night and morning. 4917 Poems. 4918 Richelieu. 4919 Rienzi. 4920 Strange story. 4921 Zanoni, 4922 Other, A-Z. 4950-4958 Lytton, Edward Robert Bulwer-Lytton, Ist earl of (Owen Meredith) (IV). 4959.L5 Lytton, Rosina Bulwer-Lytton, baroness. 4963 Macanlay, Thomas Babington, Lord. Collected works, and special literary works. 4964. M5 McCarthy, Justin Huntley. 4965-4969 Macdonald, George (VII). 4970.M2 Macfarlane, James. 4971.M2 Mackay, Charles (IX'). 4971.M3 Mackay, Eric. .M6 Mackintosh, Sir Jamee. .M7 Macniah, Robert. .M8 M'Taggart, Mrs. Ann (IX»). 4972.M3 Maginn, William. .M33 Mahony, Francis Sylvester ("Father Prout"). .M5 Mallock, William Hurrell. 4973 Mangan, James Clarence (VIII'). 4974. M15 Manners, J. Hartley, .112 Manning, Henry Edward, Cardinal. Prefer B. Religion. 13b PR ENGLISH LITERATURE PR 19th century, 1770/1800-1890/1900. Individual authors — Continued . 4975-4979 Marryat, Frederick (VII). 4980. M4 Marshall, Emma. .M5 Marshall, George. .M8 Marston, John Weatland. 4981-4982 Marston, Philip Bourke (XII). 4984.M3 Martin, Sir Theodore. .M5 Marti neau, Harriet (IX»). .M6 Mason, James. .M7 Massey, Gerald. 4987.M2 Mathiaa, Thomas James (IX*). .M7 Maturin, Charles Robert. 4988.M3 Maurice, Frederick Denison. 4989.M2 Maxwell, Sir Herbert Eustace. .M4 Maxwell, Mrs. Mary Elizabeth (Braddon). .M5 M^yhew, Horace. .M7 Mayo, Isabella (Fyvie) "Edward Garrett." 5000-5018 Meredith, George (III*). Fiction. 5006 Collected. 5006 Separate works, A-Z. Poems. 6007 Collected. 6008 Separate, A-Z. 5010 Other works, by title, A-Z. 5019.M8 Merivale, Herman Charles. 5020 Merivale, John Herman. Merriman, Henry Seton, see Scott, Hugh Stdwell 5021 .M2 Metcalf, C. J. .M3 MeyneU, Mrs. Alice. .M4 Meynell, Wilfrid. .M45 Miller, Hugh. .M47 Mills, Charles. .M5 Milman, Henry Hart. .M6 Milner, George. 5022-5023 Mitford, Mary Russell (XII). 5029.M5 Moir, David Macbeth. .M7 Moncrieff, WilUam Thomas. .M8 Montgomery, Alexander. 5030-5034 Montgomery, James (VII). 5036.M5 Montgomery, Robert. 5039.M5 Moore, Dugald. 504(^5044 Moore, George (VII). 5050-5068 Moore, Thomas (IV*). 5059.M3 Morgan, Sydney (Owenson), Lady. .M45 Morley, John Morley, viscount. .M5 Morris, Charles. 5060-5064 Morrlp, fciir Lewie (VII) 137 PR ENGLISH LITERATURE PR 19th century, 1770/1800-1890/1900. Individual authors — Continued. 5070-5088 Morris. William (III"). Poems. 6074 Collected. 5075 Earthly paradise. 5076 Life and death of Jaaon . 5077 Sigurd the Volsung. 5078 Other, A-Z. Prose. 5079 Tales, A-Z. 5080 Easaya and miscellaneous, A-Z 5081 Translations. 5089. M2 Morritt, John B. S. 5094.M5 Mortimer, John. 5097. M 3 Morton, John Maddison. .M5 Morton, Thomaa. 5101. M3 Motherwell, William. .M34 Moultrie, John. .M4 Munro, Neil. .M45 Murray, David Christie. .M5 Murray, Robert Fuller. .M-6 MyerB, Frederic William Henry. 5102.N3 Naime, Carolina (Oliphant), Baroness. .N6 Nares, Edward. 5103. N2 Neale, John Mason. .N4 Newbolt, Henr>' John. 5105-5109 Newman, John Henry, Cardinal (Vil). Cf. B, Religion. 5110. N24 Nichol, John. .m Nicoll, Robert. .N4 Nicoll, Sir William Pohertson. .N7 Noble, Thomaa. 5111 Noel, Roden. 5112. N5 Norton, Hon. Mrs. Caroline (Sheridan j. .05 O'Flahcrty, Charles. .08 Oliphant, Laurence. 5113-5114 Oliphant, Margaret Oliphant (Wilson). 5115.03 Opie, Mrs. Amelia. .04 O'Shaiighnessy, Arthur. .06 Outram, George. .P2 Paget, Violet (" Vemou Lee"). .P5 Palgrave, Francis Turner. 5119. P5 Parker, George Williams. 5120-5124 Parker, Sir Gilbert (VII). 5126.P5 Parker, Louis N. 5127.P2 Parsons, William. 5130-6138 Pater, Walter [Horatio] (W-). 5140-5144 Patmore, Coventry (VII). 5146-5147 Paton, Sir Joseph Noel(Xn). 5149. P2 Pattiaon, Mark. 6150-6158 Payn, James (IV»). 5159. P5 Payne, John. 138 PR ENGLISH LITERATURE PR 19th century, 1770/1800-1890/1900. ludividual authors — Continued. 5160-5164 Peacock, Thomas Love (VJI). 5167. P4 Penn, John. Pennell, 11. Choliuondeley, see Cholmondelev-P' 'niif 11 .P8 Pennie, John F. 5168. P3 Pfeiffer, Mrs. Emily. 5169. P7 Phillips, Charles. 5170-5174 Phillips, Stephen (VH). 5175.P3 Phillips, Watts. 5177 Phillpotts, Eden. 5178 Ph-Pi. 5180-5184 Pinero, Sir Arthur Wing (VII). 5187. P2 Planch^, James Robison. .P3 Plumptre, Edward Hayes. .P5 Polidori, Dr. Jolin William. 5189. Pl5 Pollock, Sir Frederick. .P2 Fcllok, Robert. .P4 Porter, Anna Maria. .P5 Porter, Jane. .P6 Praed, Rosa Caroline (Mrs. Campbell Praed). .P7 Praed, Winthxop Mackworth. .P8 Pratt, Samuel Jackson. 5190. P2 Prichard, Thomas Jeffer>' Llewelyn. .P3 Pringle, Thomas. .P7 Probyn, May. 5191 Procter, Adelaide Anne (XII). 5192 Procter, Bryan Waller ("Barry Cornwall"). Prout, Father, sec Mahony, Francis Sylvester. •5194-5195 Quiller-Couch, Sir Arthur Thomas (Xl 1 ). 5197.Q3 Quillinan, Edward. 5200-5204 Radcliffe, Mrs. Ann (VII). 5205. R3 Radecliffe, Noell. 5209. R2 Ran da, William Brighty. 5210-5218 Reade, Charles (IV). 5219. R2 Reee, J. Rogers. .R26 Reid, Mayne. .R3 Reid, Robert. 5220 Rep-Rey. 5221.R3 Reynolds, Frederick. .R5 Reynolds, J. H. 5223-5224 Rice, James (XII). Cf. Besant, W. 5225.R5 Richards, Alfred Bate. 5227. R3 Rickman, Thomas Clio. .R7 Ritchie, Anne (Thackeray), Lady. 5231 Roberts, Charles G. D. 5232. R5 Robertson, Thomas William. .R7 Robertson, William B. Prefer B, Religion. 5233.R2 Robinson, Henry Crabb. .R27 Robinson, Mrs. Mary. .R3 Robinson, Robert. 139 PR ENGLISH LITERATURE 19th centary, 1770/1800-1890/1900. Individual authors — Continued . 5233. R38 Robinson, Thomaa R. .R4 Robinaon, William. .R5 Rodd, Sir James Rennell. 5234-5235 Rogers, Samuel (XII). 5236. R3 Rolleeton, Thomaa W. H. .R6 Koscoe, William Caldwell. 5237^238 Eossetti, Christina (XII). 5240-5248 Eossetti, Dante Gabriel (IV^'). 5249(.R15) RoBsetti, Gabriele, see PQ. .R2 Roasetti, William Michael. .R9 Ruffini, Giovanni. 5260-5268 Rnskin, John (HP). Separate works. 5254 Arrows of the chace. 5255 Crown of wild olive. 5256 King of the Golden River. 5257 On the old road. 5258 Poema. 5259 Queen of the air. 5260 Seaame and lilies. 5261 Others, A-Z. The following will be found generally in the claases assigned but special copies for literary study may be classed in PR 5261 : Aratra Pentelici, aee NB 1140. Ariadne florentina, see NE 860. Art of England, aee N 6^67. Eagle's nest, see N 7445. Elements of dra%ving, see NC 710. Elements of English prosody, see PE — . Elements of perspective, see NC 750. Elements of sculpture, see N — . Ethics of the dust, see BJ 1681. Fora clavigera, see HD 8390. Frondes agrestes, see Modern painters. Giotto and his works, aee ND 623. G6. Hortus inclusus, aee PR 5263. Lectures on architecture and j)ainting, aee N 7445. Lectures on art, aee N 7445. Lettera and advice to young girls, see HQ 1229. Love's meinie, see QL 676. Modern painters, see ND 1135. Mornings in Florence, see N 6921 Munera pulveris, see HB IGl. Nature of Gothic, see NA 440. Notes on Prout and Hunt, see N — . Notes on the construction of sheepfolds, see B — ; Religion. Notes on the Royal Academy, see N 5054. 140 PR ENGLISH LITERATURE PH 19th century, 1770/1800-1890/1900. Individual authors. Enskin, Jolrn (IIP). Separate works. Others, A-Z — Continued . The following will be found generally in the classes assigned but special copies for literary study may be classed in PR 5261. Notes on Turner, see NC 242.T9. Poetry of architecture, see NA 2550. Political economy of art, see N 7445 Praeterita, see PR 5263. Pre-Raphaelitism, see ND 467. Proserpina, see QK 81. Seven lamps of architecture, see NA 2.S.S0 Stones of Venice, see NA 1121. Study of architecture, see NA — Time and tide, see HD 8390. Two paths, see N 7445. Unity of art, see N — . Unto this last, see HB 161. Val d' Arno, see N 6919. Verona and other lectures, see N 7445. 5271.R5 Russell, George W. E. 5280-5283 Russell, William Clark (VII). 5285. R5 Rutland, Janetta, Ducheaa of. 5291.S2 St. Aubyn, Mary. 5299.S2 Sala, George Augustus. .S4 Schreiner, Olive. .35 Scott, Hugh Stowell ("Henry Seton Merriman"). .86 Scott, Michael. Scott, Sir Walter. 5300 Collected works (poetry and prose). By date. (Use date letters as in Table I.) Novels, see 5317-. Poetical and dramatic works, see 5305. 5301 (Miscellaneous) Prose works. 5302 Selected works. 5303 Selections and anthologies. Cf. 5331. 5304 Translations. 5305 Poetical (and dramatic) works. By date. 5306 Minor collections. Ballads. Lyrics. Select poetical works. 5307 Selections. Extracts. Anthologies. Cf . 5303, 5331 . Separate works. 5308 Lady of the lake. 5309 Lay of the last minstrel. 5310 Lord of the ihtes. 5311 Marmion. 5312 Rokeby. 5313 Other, A-Z. 141 PR ENGLISH LITERATURE PR 19th centnry, 1770/1800-1890/1900. Individual authors. Scott, Sir Walter — Continued. Novels, tales, romances. "Waverley novels." 5315 Collections. 5316 Selected novels (Collections of three or more). Selections, extracts, see 5303, Separate works. 5317 A-I. 5318 Ivanhoe. 5319 Kenilworth. 5320 . K-Q. 5321 Quentin Durward. 5322 Q-Z. 5324 Spurious, supposititious works. (5325) Works edited by Scott (e.g. Minstrelsy of the Scottish border) . Reference entry only. 5326 Adaptations, imitation.s, paraphrases. .A2, Collections. 5327 Dramatizations, etc. (Plays founded on Scott's works.) 5328 Songs and other musical compositions founded on or taken from Scott's works. Texts only. Music in M. 5329 Illustrations (without text). Illustrated editions, see 5305-5329. Biography and criticism. 5330 Periodicals. Societies. Collections of studies, papers, essays, etc. 5331 Concordances, dictionaries, indexes, quotations. Cf. 5303, 5307. 5332 General works. Literary biography. "Life and works." 5333 Addresses, essays, lectures. Biography. General works, see 5338. 5334 Autobiography; Journals; Letters. 5335 General minor, miscellaneous details. 5336 Love and marriage. Relation to women. 5337 Later life. Imprisonment, etc. 5338 Relation to contemporaries. Homes and haunts. Laud marks. Local associations. 5339 Anniversaries, celebrations. Exhibitions. Relics. Iconography (portraits, monuments, etc.). 5340 Authorship. Criticism. 5341 General works. 5342 Characters. .A2, General works. .A3-49, Groups, classes. p. g. Women. .A5-Z. Special. 142 PR ENGLISH LITERATURE PR 19th century, 1770/1800-1890/1900. Individual authors. Scott, Sir Walter. Criticism — Continued . 5343 Special subjects, A-Z. 5343. C7, Criticism. (Sir WalUtr Scott us a cniir i 5344 Textual criticism, t. omnioutiiries. 5345 Language. Style. 534tJ Grammar. 5347 Versification. 5348 Dialect. 5349. S2 Scott, William Bell. .825 Seabridge, Charles. .S4 Selby, Charles. .85 Sewell, EUzabeth M. .855 Sewell, Mrs. Mary (of Chertsey). .86 Sewell, Mrs. Mary (Wright). .88 Shairp, John Campbell. 5350-5358 Sharp, William (Fiona McLeod) (IV»). 5360-5368 Shaw, George Bernard (IV»). 5360 Complete works (also collected dramas i 5361 Selections. 5362 Translations. 5363 Separate dramas, A-Z. .A2, The doctor's dilemma, eU.'. .A25, Misalliance, the dark lady of the sonnets, and Fanny's first play. .A3, Plays pleasant and unpleasant. .A5, Three plays for Puritans. .A8-Z, Separate dramas, A-Z. Other works. 5364 Collected. 5365 Separate, A-Z. 5376 Shee, Sir Martin Archer. 5377. S5 SheehaE t, Patrick Augustine. 5379. S2 Shell, Richard Lalor. 5397-5398 Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft. 5400-6448 Shelley, Percy Bysshe (II). Collected works. 54O0 Original editions, and reprints. By date. 5401 Editions with commentary, by editor, A-Z. 5402 Poems. 5403 Selections. Anthobgies. 5404 Translations. By language, subarranged by trans- lator. 5405 Prose works. Separate works. Table X. 5406 Adonaia. 5407 Alastor. 5408 Cenci. 5409 Epipsychidiou. 14:i PR ENGLISH LITERATURE PR lath century, 1770/180Q-1890/1900. Individual authors. Shelley, Percy Bysshe (11). Separate works. Table X — Continued 5410 HeUas. 5411 Julian and Maddalo. 5412 Maflk of anarchy. 5414 Oedipufl tyrannuB. 5415 Peter Bell the third . 5416 Prometheus unbound . 5417 Queen Mab. 5418 Revolt of Islam. 5419 Rosalind and Helen. 5420 To a skylark. 5421 Witch of Atlaa. 5422 Other, A-Z. 5449.S4 Sherwood, Mary Martha (Butt). 5450. S5 Shore, Margaret Emily. .S7 Shorter, Dora (Sigerson). 5451 Shorthouse, Joseph Henry (VIII*). 5452.S25 Sidgwick, Henry. .S3 Simpson, John Palgrave. .S4 Sims, George R. .36 Skelton, Sir John. .37 Skene, Felicia Mary Frances. 5453. S14 Sladen, Douglas B. W. .815 Smedley, Edward. .32 Smedley, Francis Edward. .323 Smedley, Menella Bute. .33 Smetham, James. .34 Smith, Albert Richard. .35 Smith, Alexander. .36 Smith, Charlotte. .37 Smith, Horatio. .88 Smith, Jsunes (and Horatio (IX). 5454 Smith, M. -Smith, 8. 5455-5458 Smith, Sydney (VII). 5459.83 Smithers, Henry. .85 Solomon, Simeon. .36 Sotheby, William. .37 Southey, Caroline Anne (Bowles). 5460-6468 Southey, Robert (TV*). 5469 So- 5470.83 Spedding, James. .84 Spencer, William Robert. .87 Stagg, John. 5471-5472 Stanley, Arthur Penrhyn (XI I^. 5473.82 Stephen, Sir James Fitzjamea. .34 Stephen, James Kenneth. .36 Stephen, Sir Leslie. .885 Stephens, George. .87 Stephens, James Brunton. £» Sterling, John. 144 n ENGLISH LITERATURE PR 19th century, 1770/1800-1890/1900. Individual authore — Continued. 5480-549& Stevenson, Bobert Lonis. 5480 Complete works. Novelfl and atoriee, collected . (Uee date letters aa in Table I.) MiscellaneouB proee, EsBaya, etc., collected, see 5488. Poems and plays, collected, see 6490. 6481 Selected works. 6482 Selections. Anthologies. 6483 Translations. Separate novels and stories. 5484 A-S. .B3 The Black arrow. .B6 The Body-snatcher. .B7 The Bottle imp. Catriona, see David Balfour. .D3 David Balfour ( = Catriona in English edi- tions). .D9 The Dynamiter. .E3 The Ebb tide (Stevenson and Osboume). .F3 Fables. .17 Island night's entertainments. .K5 Kidnapped. .L7 A Lodging for the night. ,M2 The Master of Ballantrae. ,M4 The Merry men, and other tales and fables. .M6 The Misadventures of John Nicholson. .N5 New Arabian nights. .N6 More new Arabian nights (Stevenson and Mrs. Stevenson). .P7 Prince Otto. .S2 St. Ives. .85 The Sire de Mal^troit's door. .87 The Story of a lie. 6486 Strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. 5486 Treaaure Island. 5487 T-Z. .W3 Weir of Hermiston, an unfinished romance. .W6 Will o' the mill. .W7 The Wrecker (Stevenson and Osboume). ,W8 The Wrong box. 5488 Other prose works, A-Z. (Including collected essays, etc.). By title. 5489 Poems (and plays). Ji2 Collected. .B2 Ballads. ,05 Child's garden of verse. .UT Underwoods. 5490 Plays (with W. E. Henley). .A2 Collected. J^ Admiral Guinea. .35 Beau Austin. '.>27."i!i."'. (I r>i 1(1 145 PB ENGLISH LITERATURE PB 19th century, 1770/1800-1890/1900. Individual authors. Stevenson, Eobert Louis. Plays (with W. E. Henley)— Continued. 5490.D5 Dean Brodie. .M3 Macaire. Other editions in PR 4783, worka of W. E. Henley. 5491 Illuetration, etc. 6492.A1-3 Societies, etc. .A&-Z Dictionaries. 6493 General works. Biography. .A3 Letters. By date. .A35 Vailima letters. .A4 Letters to Mrs. Stevenson. By date. .A&-Z General works. 5494 Early years. Education. Home and early haunts. Edinburgh days. 5495 Later life. Marriage. Travels. Island home. 5496 Criticism. 5497 Special. 5498 Language. Style. 5499.S15 .818 .82 .825 (.84) .85 .852 5500-^518 5519.85 .89 5520-5523 5625-5528 5630-6534 5646-6547 5548 .T5 .T8 5549.T2 Stewart, John. Stoddart, Thomas Tod. Strickland, Agnee. Sulivan, Robert. Surteee, Robert Smith, see GV 191.89. Swain, Charles. Swanwick, Anna. Swinburne, Algernon Charles (IIP). Poems. 6505 Collected. 6606 Separate, A-Z. Dramas. 5507 Collected. 5508 Separate, A-Z. Prose works, etc. 5509 Collected. 5510 Separate, A-Z. Symmons, Caroline and Charles. Symonds, John Addington, 1807-1871. Symonds, John Addington, 1840-1893 (VII). Symons, Arthur (VII). Synge, John Millington (VII). Tabley, Lord de, see DeTabley. Talfourd, Sir Thomas Noon (XII). Tannahill, Robert. "Tasma," see Couvreur. Taylor, Ann, see Gilbert, Arm (Taylor). Taylor, Sir Henry, Taylor, Jane. See PR 4712.G6 for works by Mrs. Ann (Taylor) Gilbert and Jane Taylor. 140 PR ENGLISH LITERATURE PR ISth century, 1770/1800-1890/1900. Individual authors — Continued. 5549. T3 Taylor, John (author of "Monaieur TonBon"). .T36 Taylor, Meadows. .T4 Taylor, Tom. .T5 Taylor, William. .T6 Temple, Frederick, archbishop. 5550-5598 Tennyson, Alfred, Lord (II). Cf. Wise, T.J. Bibliography of Tennyaon: Z8866.W57. 5550 Collected worke. Poetical works. By date. (Use date letters as in Table I.) 5551 Selected works. By date. .A3, School editions For reference only. 5552 Suppressed poems. 5553 Selections. Anthologies. 5554 Translations. Separate works, and individual poemj. (Table X, or XI, as the case may be.) 5555 A-E. .D5, Dramatic works (collected). 6556 Enoch Arden. 6557 E-I. 5558 Idylls of the King. The true and the false. .Al Editions. By date. .A2 Selections. By editor. .A3 School editions. By editor. Prefer school editions. 5559 Separate parts, alphabetically. Under each (successive Cutter numbers): (1) Texts. By date. (2) School texts. By editor. (3) Translations. (4) Criticism. By author. .B2-B5, Balin and Balan. Birth of Arthur, see Coming of Arthur. .C5-C8, Coming of Arthur. Death of Arthur, see Passing of Arthur. .E2-E8, Elaine, Lancelot and Elaine. .E6-E9, Enid. Marriage of Geraint. Geraint and Enid. .G2-G5, Gareth and Lynette (Linette, Lineth). Geraint and Enid, see Enid. .G6-G9, Guinevere. .H5-H8, Holy Grail (and other poems). Lancelot and Elaine, see Elaine. Marriage of Geraint, see Enid. .M3-M6, Merlin and Vivien. Nimufi, see Merlin and Vivien. .P2-P5, Passing of Arthur. .P6^P9, Pelleas and Ettare. Vivien, see Merlin and Vivien. 5560 Criticism. 147 PR ENGLISH LITERATURE PR 6599.T2 6600-5648 6d49.T4 .T6 665(V-5651 5662.T5 5666-5659 6670.T5 .T6 .T8 19th century, 1770/1800-1890/1900. Individual authors. Tennyson, Alfred, Lord (U). Separate works, and individiud poems — Oontd. 5562 In memoriam. 5563 I-L. 5564 Lockaley hall (and otlier poems). 5566 Locksley hall sixty years after. 5566 Loe-Ma. 6567 Maud. 5568 M-P. 6569 Poems by two brothers- Poemfl 1830, 1833, 1842, see PR 6550. 5670 Po-Pr. 6671 Princess. 5572 P-Z. .5574 Adaptations. Imitations, etc. 5575 Dramatizations. Plays founded on works of Tenny- son, e. g. Enoch Arden. 5576 Songs and other works to which music has been composed. 6577 Illustrations (without text of works). Illustrated editions, see PR 5550-5571 657^-5598 Divided like Table II, 79-98. TennyBon , Frederick. Thackeray, William Makepeace (II). Separate works. 5606 A-. 6606 Adventures of Philip. 5607 A-B. 6608 Barry Lyndon. 6609 B-. 6610 Book of snobe. 5611 B-H. 5612 History of Henry Esmond 6613 H-N. 6614 Newcomes. 6616 N-P. 5616 Pendennis. 5617 P-V. 5618 Vanity Fair. 5619 V-. 6620 Virginians. 5621 V-Z. Thorn, William. ThomaA, Fredericks. TbompBon, Francia (XII). Thompeon, W. PhiUipa. Thomson , James (VII). Thornbury, George W. Thomhil] 1, Frederick. Thurlow, Edward Hovell Thurlow. 2d baron. 148 PR ENGLISH LITERATURE PR 19th century, 1770/1800-1890/1900. Individual authors — Continued. 5671.T2 Tighe, Mary (Bkchford). .T4 Traill, Henry Duff. .T5 Trelawny, Edward John. .T8 Trench, Herbert. .T8 Trench, Richard Chenevix, archbiahop. 6674. T5 Trevelyan, Sir George Otto. 5680-5688 Trollope, Anthony (IV*). 5699.T3 Trollope, Mrs. Frances, 1780-1863. .T32 Trollope, Mrs. Frances Eleanor. .T4 Trollope, Thomas Adolphus. .T45 Trotman, John Temple. .T46 Tucker, Charlotte Maria. ("A. L. 0. E.") .T5 Tupper, Martin Farquhar. .T7 Turner, Charles Tennyson. .T8 Turner, Sharon. 5700 T-. 5701 U-. 5703 V-. Vere, Aubrey de, see DeVere, Aubrey, PR 4542-4643. 5705 W-. 5706. W2 Wade, Thomas. .W4 Waldstein, Charles. 5708. W5 Walker, William Sidney. 5710-6718 Ward, Mrs. Mary Augusta (Arnold) ("Mrs. Humphrey Ward") (IV). 5724 Ward -Warren. 5730-6734 Warren, Samuel (VII). 5738. W5 Wat«5n, Henry Brereton Marriott. 5740-6744 Wataon, John (Ian Maclpren) (VII). 5748. W5 Wataon, RoRamund Marriott. 5760-5754 Watson, WilUam (VII). 5759. W4 Watts, Alaric Alexander. 5760-5764 Watts-Dunton, Theodore (VII). 6765. W3 Waugh, Edwiu. 5766. W2 Webster, Mrs. Augusta. .W5 Wells, Charles. 6770-6778 Wells, Herbert George (IV*). 5779.W3 Weaton, Stephen. 5780-5784 Weyman, Stanley John (VII). 5788.W4 Wheelwright, Charles Apthorp. 5789.W4 White, Arnold Henry. 5790-6794 White, Henry Kirke (VII). 5795 White, H.-Whitez. .W7 White, William Hale ("Mark Rutherford"). .W8 Whitehead, Charles. 5797 Whitf-. 5799 Why-. 5800-5804 Whyte-Melville, Georpfe John (VII). 5807. W6 Wicksteed, Gustavus William. .W8 Wightwick, George. 6808.W3 Wilberforce, Samuel, Bishop. 14A.4 Pan ton, Mrs. Jane Ellen. .A75 Patereon, Andrew Barton. 6033 Q. .U7 Quinton, John Purcell. 6035 R. .A35 Raile, Arthur Lyon. .055 RobinBon, Lennox. 6037 S. .09 Scott, Duncan Campbell. .E12 Seaman, Sir Owen. .E72 Service, Robert William. .T25 Stead, William Force. .T8 Street, George Slythe. .U95 Sutro, Alfred. 6039 T. .H9 Thurston, Ernest Temple. .H96 Thurston, Mrs. Katherine Cecil. .R47 Trevelyan, George Macaulay. .R48 Trevelyan, Robert Calverley. 6041 U. 6043 V. 6045 W. .A2 Waddell, Samuel. .065 Woods, Mrs. Margaret L. 6047 X. 6048 Y. 6049 Z. EHGLISE LITEBATTJSE : PBOVIHCIAL, COLOinAL, ETC. Here are claasified literary history, collected biography, and collections of the litera- ture of the following: (1) English, counties, regions, islands. (2) Scotland, Ireland, Wales. (3) Canada, Australia, India, Africa, and other colonial literature in Engliwh. The works and biography and criticism of individual authors are to be claasified in PR 1800-6049, but are to be represented by added entries in the card shelfiist in PR 8300+ . For American literature (United States), see PS. For English provincial and other local dialect literature. Bee PE 1701-3729. For Celtic literature of Scotland, Ireland, Wales, Isle of Man, Cornwall, etc. (Gaelic, Irish, Welsh, Manx, Comish), see PB. For French Canadiaa literature, see PQ. 53 PR ENGLISH LITERATURE PR England. Counties, regions, islands, etc. Under each, Table F, except as otherwise specified. 8309 A-C. 8310-8328 CornwaU (Table D). 8329 C-D. 8330-8348 Devonshire (Table D). 8349 D-K. 8350-8368 Kent (Table D). 8369 K-L. 8370-8388 Lancashire (Table D). 8389 I^Y. 8400-8418 Yorkshire (Table D). 8430-8448 Channel islands (Table D). 8450-8468 Man (Table D). 8469 Other, A-Z. Places. 8470-8488 London (Table D). 8489 Other, A-Z. 8500-8697 Scotland (Table A). Folk hterature. 8621 General works. 8622 Collections. 8623 Special topics, A-Z. 8624 Chap-books. Poetry. Special. By form or subject, A-Z. (8660) Ballads, see PR 1181. 8661 Other, A-Z. e. g. .D4, Descriptive. .E5, Elegiac. .J3, Jacobite. .L6, Love Bongs. .L8, Lyrics. 8700-8897 Ireland (Table A). 8807.17, Ireland, Irish hfe in fiction. Cf. PR 477. 8900-8997 Wales (Table B). Colonies. 9080-9089 General (Table E). 9100-9297 Canada (Table A). 9300-9318 Bermudas (Table D). Tiibles A to F will he found on pages 156-160. 154 PR ENGLISH LITERATURE PR Colonies — Continued . West Indies. 9320-9329 General (Table E). 9330-9339 Barbadoes (Table E). 9340-9349 Jamaica (Table E). 9360 Other, A-Z (Table F). 9370-9379 ' Guiana (Table E). 93S0 Otlier American possessions, A-Z (Table F). 9400-9597 Australia (Table A). 9600-9697 New Zealand (Tabic B). 9700-9797 India (Table B). Africa. 9S00-9S97 General and states now forming Union of South Africa (Table B). 9S9S Other, A-Z (Table F). 9S99 Other, A-Z (Table F). Tablea A to F will be found on pages 156-160. TABT.RS A-F. E NGLI SH LITERATURE: PROVINCIAL, COLONTATi, ETC. C B A History and criticism. Periodicals, Societies, Collections, etc. Periodicals. 1 Yearbooks. 2 Societies. 3 Congresses. Collections. 4 Series. Monographs by different authors. 1 5 Collected works, studies, essays of individual authors. 1 2 6 Encyclopedias. Dictionaries. 2 Study and teaching. 3 8 General. 4 9 Schools. Authorship, see P.N. History. 4 General. 5 10 Early works. 6 11 Modern treatises. 12 Compends. Text-books. 7 13 Outhnes, Syllabi, Quizzes, etc. 8 14 Collected essays. 5 9 16 Lectures, addresses, pamphlets. General special. 6 10 18 Relations to history, civilization, culture, etc. 7 U 19 Relations to other literatures. 8 12 20 Translations. Treatment of special subjects, classes, etc. 9 13 22 Subjects, A-Z. e. g. Nature, Religion. 10 14 23 Classes, A-Z. e. g. Jews, Priests. 156 PE ENGLISH LITERATURE— TABLES PR History and criticism — Continued. C B A Biography. 12 16 27 Collected. By period, see special period below. Individual, see PR 1509-6049. 17 29 Memoirs, letters, etc. 18 31 Literary landmarks. Homes and haunts of authors. ,19 33 Women authors. Literary relations of women. By period. 14 20 35 Origins. 38 Medieval. 15 21 41 Modem. General. 44 Renaissance. 47 16th-18th century. 22 50 19th century. 23 53 20th century. Poetry. History. 16 26 61 General. (63) Medieval, see 38. 65 Modem. General. 17 27 67 16th-l 8th century. 28 69 (18th and) 19th century. 18 29 71 20th century. 19 32 Special. 77 Epic. 79 Lyric. 80 Popular poetry. Ballads, etc. 81 Other, A-Z. Drama. History. 20 33 83 General. 85 Early. 87 19th century. 89 20th century. 93 Special forms, A-Z. 34 96 Special subjects, A-Z. 157 PE ENGLISH LITERATURE— TABLES PR History and criticism — Continued. Prose. Fiction. C B A History. 22 35 97 General. 36 99 Early. 101 19 th century. 37 103 20tb century. 39 107 Special topics, A-Z. 24 40 Other forms. 109 Oratory. Ill Letters. 41 113 Essays. 26 42 115 Wit and humor. 27 43 117 Miscellaneous. 28 44 121 Folk literature. Collections. 30 General. 46 131 Early. 47 133 Modern. 31 48 135 Minor. Selections. Anthologies. By period. 49 140 Medieval. 60 141 16th-18th centuries. 51 143 19th century. 52 144 20th century. (32) (54) (147) Local, see 46, 94-95, 191-192. Poetry. 33 General collections. 65 149 Early (to 1800). 56 150 Modern. 67 151 Minor. Selections. Antholo- gies. 58 153 Women poets. By period. 61 155 Medieval. 62 156 15th-18th century. 63 157 19th century. 64 158 20th century. 34 Special. By form or subject, A-Z. Prefer PR 1181-1195. 66 160 Ballads. 67 161 Other, A-Z. 35 69 163 Translations. 158 PR ENGLISH LITERATURE PR Collections — Continued. c B A Drama. 36 70 164 General. 37 71 165 Minor. By period. 72 166 To 1800. 73 167 19th century. 74 168 20th century. 76 170 Special (Tragedies, Comedies, etc.), A-Z. Prose. 38 General. 78 172 Early. 79 173 Modern. 39 Fiction. 80 175 General. 81 176 Minor. 40 83 179 Oratory. 41 85 181 Letters. 42 87 183 Essays. 43 89 185 Wit and Humor. 44 91 187 Miscellany. 45 92 189 Folk hterature. Prefer PR 951-979. 46 Local. 94 191 By region, province, county, etc., A-Z. 95 192 By place, A-Z. 96 193 Foreign countries, A-Z. e. g. Scotch authors in America, PR 8693. A3. (47) Individual authors, see PR 1800-. (97) (196) To 1600. (98) (197) 17th-18th centuries. (99) 19th-20th centuries. (198) 19th century. (199) 20th century. TABT-K D. History and criticism. Periodicals. Societies. Collections. 1 General works. Compends. 2 General special. Minor. 3 Collected essays. 159 PB ENGLISH LITERATURE— TABLES. PR TABLE D. History and criticism — Continued, ■ 4 Biography. Collected. History. 5 Origins. 6 To 1800. 7 19th century. 8 20th century. (9) Local, see 17. 10 Poetry. 11 Drama. 12 Other. Collections. Under each: .A2, Early works. 13 General collections. 14 Poetry. 14.Z5+ Translations. 15 Folk literature. 16 Other. 17 Cocal, A-Z. Under. each: (1) History, (2) Collections. (18) Individual authors, see PR 1509-6049. TABLES E-F. Table E. Table F. x=Cutter no. History. OAl-5 .xAl-5 Periodicals. Societies. Collections. 0A6-Z .xA6-Z General works. 0.5 .x05 General special. Minor. 1 .xl Biography. 2 .x2 Poetry. 3 .x3 Drama. 4 .x4 Other. Collections. 5 .x5 General collections. 6 .x6 Poetry. 6.Z5 .x65 Translations. 7 .x7 Drama. 7.6 .x76 Other. 8 .x8 Local, A-Z. Under each: (1) History; (2) Col- lections. (9) (.x9) Individual authors, see PR 1509-6049. 160 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CLASSIFICATION CLASS PS: AMERICAN LITERATURE !»:J75»r) ()—.-) 1 11 161 AMERICAN LITERATURE PS 1 Periodicals. 3 Yearbooks. 5 Societies. Cf. PN 21. 7 Congresses. Collections. 15 Monographs. Studies. For Texts, Sources, Anthologies, etc., see PS 501-689. For collected essays, studies, etc., of individual authors, see PS 121. 21 Encyclopedias. Dictionaries. 25 Theory and principles of the study of American literature. 27 History of American literary history. 29 Biography of historians of American literature. 31 Philosophy, Relations, etc. Study and teaching. 41 General. 44 By period. f 47 By place, A-Z. 49 By school, A-Z. ^ Criticism. 55 Treatises. 58 Minor. 62 History. 65 Special topics. By period. Under each: (1) Treatises. Theory. History. (2) Specimens. Selections. 71-72 Colonial period. 74-75 19th century. 78-79 20th century. 163 PS AMERICAN LITERATURE PS History of American literature. General works. English. 85 Early (to 1860). Recent. 88 Treatises. 92 Compends. 94 Outlines, Syllabi, Tables, Charts, etc. 96 Children's books. Stories of American liter- ature. 98 Catholic works. French. 102 Treatises. Compends. 103 Minor works. German. 106 Treatises. Compends. 107 Minor works. Ill Other languages. e. g. .15, Italian. 121 Collected essays, studies, etc. 124 Addresses, etc. Biograpliies, memoirs, letters, etc. Collected biography. 126 Early (to 1800). 128 1801-. 135 Collected memoirs, letters, etc. 136 Memoirs of individual authors. 138 Miscellany: Satire, humor, etc. literary landmarks. Homes and haunts of authors, etc. 141 General. 144 By place, A-Z. Prefer PS 247, 255, 267, 285. Women authors. 147 General. 149 Before 1860. 151 Recent. 155 Anonymous literature. Belations to other literatures. 157 General. 159 Special, by country, A-Z. 161 Translations of American literature. .Al, General; A5-Z, by language. Collections, see PS 514-525 and PS 619. 164 PS AMERICAN LITERATURE PS History of American literature — Continued. Treatment of special subjects. 163 Nature. 166 Religion. 169 Other, A-Z. 173 Treatment of special classes, by subject, A-Z. e. g. .P7, Provincial types. By period. 17th- 18th centuries. 185 General works. 186 General special. e. g. "Heralds of American literature." 187 Minor works. Special periods. 191 17th century. 193 18th century. 195 Special topics, A-Z. 19th century. 201 General works. . 203 Minor works. Special periods. 208 1801-1850. 211 1850-1870. 214 ^ 1870-1900. 221 '20 th century. 228 Special topics, A-Z. Special regions, states, etc. 241 North. 243 New England. 251 Middle States. 253 Special states, A-W. .C8, Connecticut. .D3, Delaware. .D6, District of Columbiu .M2, Maine. .M4, Massachusetts. .N4, New Hampshire. .N5, New Jersey. .N7, New York. .P4, Pennsylvania. .R4, Rhode Island. .V4, Vermont. 255 Special cities, A-Z. e. g. .B6, Boston. .N5, New York. .P5, Philadelphia. 165 PS AMERICAN LITERATURE PS History of American literature. Special regions, states, etc. — Continued, South. 261 General works. 263 South Atlantic. 264 Gult states. 266 Special states, A-W. .A5, Alabama. 267 271 273 275 277 279 281 283 .AS, Arkansas. .F6, Florida. .G4, Geoi^a. .K4, Kentucky. .L8, Louisiana. .M3, Maryland. .M7, Mississippi. .N8, North Carolina. .S6, South Carolina. .T2, Tennessee. •T4, Texas. .V5, Virginia. .W4, West Virginia. Special cities, A-Z. West and Central. General. Middle West. Mississippi Valley. Southwest. Rocky Mountain states. Pacific states. Special states, A-W. .A4, Alaska. .A6, Arizona. .C2, California. .C6, Colorado, .12, Idaho. .13, Illinois. .16, Indiana. .18, Iowa. .K2, Kansas. .M5, Michigan. .M6, Minnesota. .M8, Missouri. .M9, Montana, .N2, Nebraska. 166 PS AMERICAN LITERATURE PS History of American literature. Special regions, states, etc. West and Central. 283 Special states — Continued. .N3, Nevada. .N6, New Mexico. .N9, North Dakota. .03, Ohio. .05, Oklahoma. .07, Oregon, .88, South Dakota. .U8, Utah. .W2, Washington. ,W6, Wisconsin. .W8, Wyoming. 285 Special cities, A-Z. Special forms. Poetry. 303 Treatises. 305 Minor works, essays, etc. 309 Special forms of poetry, A-Z. e. g. .L8, Lyrics. 310 Special topics, A-Z. e. g. .L3, Landscape. .P3, Patriotism. .R4, Religion. By period. 312 17th-18th centuries. Colonial period. 314 Revolutionary period. 316 19th century. 319 Early, to 1860. 321 Later. 324 20th century. Drama. 330 Dictionaries. 332 Treatises. 334 Minor works, essays, etc. 336 Special forms, A-Z. 338 Special topics, A-Z. By period. 341 17th-18th centuries. Colonial period. 19th century. 343 Early, to 1860. 345 Later. 351 20th century. 167 PS AMERICAN LITERATORE PS History of American literature — Continued. Special forms. Prose. 362 Treatises. 364 Minor works, essays, etc. 366 Special topics, A-Z. Prose fiction. 371 General works. 373 Minor works. 374 Special topics, A-Z. e. g. .H5, Histon'-J fiction. .R6, Rorr i-cism. - .S6, Sh^ /i;ory. By period. 375 Early. 377 19th century. 379 20th century. Oratory. 400 General works. 403 Minor works. By period. 406 Early. 407 1 9th century. 408 20th century. 410-418 Letters. (Divided like 400-408.) 420-428 Essays. (Divided like 400-408.) 430-438 Wit and humor. Satire. (Divided like 400-408.) For collectione, see PN 6157-6161. 441 Miscellany. Curiosa. Eccentric literature. 451 Folk literature. Collections. 504 General. Collections before 1800, see PS 530. 507 Minor. Selections. Anthologies, etc. Cf . PN «075, Selections for dailv reading. 508 Special classes of authors, A-Z. e. g. .C6, College verse and stories. .N4, Newspaper prose and verse. .W7, Women authors. 509 Special topics (Prose and verse). e. g. .H5, Historical and patriotic. 168 ?S AMERICAN LITERATURE PS Collections. General — Continued . ,511) Translations from foreign languages (including translations with texts), see PN 6019-6020. Translations of American literature into foreign languages. 514 Polyglot. 516 French. 517 German. 519 Itahan. 525 Other, A-Z. By period. 1 7 th-1 8th centuries. Colonial. 530 Contemporary works. 531 Works since 1800. 533 Revolutionary period. 535 19th century. 536 20th century. By region. (Including collections of poetry or prose or both.) 538 North. 541 New England. 545 Middle States. 548 By state, A-Z. (Divided Uke PS 253.) 549 By city, A-Z. e. g. .B6, Boston. .N5, New York. .P5, PhUadelphia. 551 South. 553 South Atlantic states. 555 Gulf states. 558 By state, A-Z. (Divided Uke PS 266.) 559 By city, A-Z. 561 West and Central. 563 Middle West. 565 Mississippi Valley. 567 Rocky Mountain states. 569 Pacific states. 571 By state, A-Z. (Divided like PS 283.) 572 By city, A-Z. 1 69 ro AMIi.ttlUAiN JLirHiKAiUKh; FS Collections — Continued . Poetry. 581 Collections published before 1801. 583 Collections published 1801-. 586 Minor. Selections, anthologies, " birthday books," etc. Selprtioiifl from a single author, with the author. 0. g. PS 1603, Emerson. Ci. PR 1176, Engliflh literature. Special. 589 Women poets. 591 Special groups of authors, A-Z. C3, Catholic authors. College verse, see PN 6110.C7. 593 By form. e. g. .F7, Fugitive verse. Newspaper poetry. .L8, Lyrics. Songs. .85, Songbooks (Popular, minor). .S6, Sounete. .V4, Vers de soci^t^. 595 By subject. e. g. (.C5) Children, see PN 6110. C4. .C6, Cowboy verse. .H5, HiBtorical. Patriotic. For special wars, see E. JB.8, Humorous verse. .17, Irish-American. .P8, Puritans. Pilgrim. .R4, Religious poetry. .87, Slavery. .W4, White Mountains. By period. 601 17th-18th centuries. Colonial period. (604) Revolutionary, see E. 19th century. 607 General. 609 Early, to 1860. (610) Civil war poetry, see F. Cf. PS 595.H5, 551. 611 Later. 614 20th century. 619 Translations of American poetry. .A2, Polyglot. .A5-Z, By language. 170 PS AMERICAN LITERATURE PS Collections — Continued. Drama. 623 General. 625 Minor: Selections, anthologies, etc. 627 Special, by subject, A-Z. e. g. .P3, Patriotic playe, spectacles, etc. By period. 631 Early (to 1800). 632 19th century. 634 20th century. 635.Z9 Minor material of individual authors (mostly unbound and uncatalogued). .Z9A-Z, Copyright deposit (a collection to be later in part separately classi- fied and catalogued). .Z99A-Z, Plays in typewritten form. Prose (in general). Prose fiction, see PZ 1. 643 General. 645 Minor. Selections, anthologies, etc. 647 Special, A-Z. e. g. .S4, School compositions, et'-. .W6, Women writers. By period. 651 Early (to 1800). 19th century. 653 General. 655 Early (to 1860). 658 Recent. 659 20th century. Oratory. 660 Early (to 1800). 661 1801-. 662 Minor collections. .Z9 Minor individual, A-Z. 663 Special, A-Z. e. g. .C7, Collegiate. .N4, Negro. .S6, Southern. By period. 666 17th-18th centuries. 667 19th century. 668 20th century. 171 PS AMERICAN LITERATURE PS Collections — Continued. Letters. 670 Early (to 1800). 671 1801-. 672 Minor collections. 673 Special, A-Z. e. g. .L6, Love letters— Collectiona. .L7, Love letters — Individual authors, Prefer PS 700-3549 for well-known authors. By period. 676 17th-18th centuries. 677 19th century. 678 20th century. Essays. 680 Early (to 1800). 681 1801-. 682 Minor collections. 683 Special, A-Z. By period. 686 17th-18th centuries. 687 19th century. 688 20th century. (690) Wit and humor, see PN 6157-6161. INDIVIDUAL AUTHOES. Colonial period (17th and IStli centuries). 700 Anonymoufl works (XIII). 701. A3 Adams, John. 1704-1740. .A4 Adams, John (President). AS Adams, Samuel. 702 Allston, Washington. 703. A2 Alaop, George. .A5 Alsop, Richard. .A6 Ames, Nathaniel. .A7 Arnold, Josias Lyndon. .B3 Bacon, James. 704-705 Barlow, Joel. 706. B5 Bartlett, Joseph. 707. B2 Barton, Andrew. .B5 Beverly, Robert. .B7 Blair, James. 708. B3 Bleecker, Ann Eliza. .B5 Brackenridge, Hugh Henr>'. .B7 Bradford, William. 711-712 BradBtreet,,Anne. Brown, Charles Brockden, see PS ] 130-1138. 719 Bruce, David. PS AMERICAN LITERATURE PS Colonial period (17th and 18th centuries)— Continued. 721. B3 Bulkeley, Peter. .B5 Byies, Mather. 723-724 Byrd, William. 726. C2 Calef, Robert. .C4 Callender, John. 727. C3 Carey, Mathew. .C6 Chalkley, Thomaa. .C8 Chapin, Peletiah. 728. C3 Chauncy, Charles. .C5 Clap, Roger. .C7 Cliffton, William. 731-732 Cook, Ebenezer. 733.C4 Coombe, Thomaa. 734-735 Cotton, John. 736.C6 Cox, John. 737. C5 Cr^ecoeur, St. John de. .D3 Denton, Daniel. .D4 Dinsmoor, Robert. .D5 Douglass, William. .D7 Duramer, Jeremiah. 739 Dwight, Timothy. 741-742 Edwards, Jonathan. Cf. B 870-874. 744. E3 Eliot, John. .E6 Evans, Nathaniel. .F5 Folger, Peter. .F7 Foster, Hannah (Webster). 745-752 Franklin, Benjamin. Cf. -B 880-884; E. Collected works, see E 302. Literary works ("Works consisting of his life written by him- self, together with Essays, htimorous, moral, and liter- ary," and similar selections). 745. A2 By date. .A3A -Z By editor. .A6-Z Translations. By language. 746 Anthologies. Sayings. Thoughts, etc. Separate works. (747) Autobiography (without the "Essays"), see E 302. 6. F8. 748 "Essays" (without the "Life written by himself"). .A2, By date, .A5-Z, By editor. 749 Poor Richard's almanac. .A2, Collection ai original issues. .A3, Facsimiles Collections. .A4, Separate issues. .A5, Reprints. By date. .AG, Selections. .A7, Adaptations, imitations, spurious issues, etc. Cf. AY 287. P5. 173 PS AMERICAN LITERATURE PS Colonial period (17th and ISth centuries). Franklin, Benjamin — Continued. 750 Other workfl, A-Z. Prefer classification by subject. e. g. Dissertation on liberty and necessity: B. Experimenta and observations on electricity: QC 516. Hiatorical review of Pennsylvania: F 152.F82-t-. Interest of Great Britain considered: E 199. F81. Observations on the causes and cure of smoky chimneys: TH 2284. F8+. Physical and meteorological observations: QC 859. Way to wealth: HF 5386. F8+. 751 Liter&ry biography. Franklin as a man of letters. General biography, see E302.6.F7-8. 752 Criticiflm. 755-759 Freneau, Philip. 761 Godfrey, Thomas. 763.G5 Gookin, Daniel. .G7 Green, Joseph. 766 Hamilton, Alexander. Cf. E. 767.H2 Hammond, John. 768.H5 Higginson, Francis. 769.H3 Honeywood, St. John. 771-772 Hooker, Thomas. 773. H7 Hopkins, Lemuel. 775-776 Hopkinson, Francis. 778.H4 Hubbard, William. .H5 Humphreys, David. .H7 Hutchinson, Thomaa. 781-782 Jay, John. 785-789 Jefferson, Thomaa. Cf. B 880-884; E. 791.J3 Johnflon, Edward. .J5 Jones, Hugh. .37 Joaselyn, John. .K5 Knight, Sarah Kemble. .L2 Lawson, John. .L4 LiviBgston, William. .LG Logan, James. Lucas, Eliza, see Pinckney, Eliza (Lucas). 793.M3 Mack, Alexander. 795-799 Madison, James. 801.M7 Markoe, Peter. 802 Maaon, John. 804 Mason -Mather. 805 Mather, Cotton. Cf. B; E. 806.M6 Mather, Increase. Cf. B; E. .M8 Maylem, John. 808.M3 Morrell, William. 174 PS AMERICAN LITERATURE PS Colonial period (17th and 18th centnries)— Continued 808. M5 Morton, Nathaniel. .M7 Morton, Sarah Wentworth (Apthorp). 811.N3 Niles, Nathaniel. .N5 Norton, John, 1606-1663. .N6 Norton, John, 1651-1716. .N8 Noyes, Nicholas. 813.02 Oakea, Urian. .04 Odell, Jonathan. .06 Otifl, James. 81&-819 Paine, Thomaa. Cf. JC. 821 Penn, William. 823 Percy, George. 824. P7 Pinckney, Eliza (Lucas). Cf. F272.P+. 825 Pory, John. 827 Prince, Thomafl. 828.Q5 Quincy, Joeiah, 1744-1775. 829. R2 Ralph, James. .R4 Rich, R. .R6 Rogers, Robert. .R8 Rose, Aquila. .R9 Rumford, Sir Benjamin Thompson, count. Cf. Q 143.R8. (830-834) Sandys, George, see PR 2338. 836.S3 Scull, Nicholas. .S5 Seccomb, John. .87 Sewall, Jonathan. 837-838 Sewall, Samuel. 839. S5 Smith, Elihu Hubbard. .87 Smith, John. Cf. E. 841.82 Smith, WilUam, 1727-1803. .S3 Smith, William, 1728-1793. 843.85 Stansbury, Joseph. 845-846 Stith, William. 847.85 Story, Isaac. 848-849 Strachcy, William. 850.T3 Thomaa, Gabriel. Thompson, Benjamin, see Rumford. 852-853 Trumbull, John. 855. T2 Tucker, St. George. .T7 Tyler, Royall. 857.W3 Wadsworth, Benjamin. 858.W2 Ward, Nathaniel. .W8 Warren, Mercy (Otw) 860-864 Washington, Georgf. Cf. E. 866.W5 Wheatley, Phillis. 867-868 Whitaker, Alexander. Cf. B. 869 Whi taker-Wigglesworth . 175 PS AMERICAN LITERATURE PS Colonial period (17th and 18th centnries) — Continued. 871-872 Wigglesworth, Michael. Cf. B. 874 Williams, Roger. Cf. B. 875.(W5) Wilaon, Alexander, see PR 3765.W6. 877-878 Winthrop, John. 881. W5 Wise, John. 88^-886 Witherspoon, John. 888.W7 Wolcott, Roger. 889. W5 Wood, William. 891-892 Woolman, John. Prefer B. 19th century. 991 Anonymous works (XIII). .A3 Abbey, Henry. 1000.A5 Abbott, Charles Conrad. .A8 Abbott, Jacob. 1001-1002 Abbott, John Stevens Cabot. 1003.A2 Acton, John. .A3 Adams, A. P. .A35 Adams, Abigail (Smith). .A4 Adams, Catharine A. Van Buren. .A45 Adams, Charles Follen ("Yawcob Strauss"). .A5 Adams, Charles Francis. .A6 Adams, E. F. 1004.A3 Adams, G. Z. .A35 Adams, George. .A37 Adams, Hannah. .A4 Adams, Henry. .A45 Adams, Henry W. .A5 Adamfl, Herbert. .A6 Adams, John Jay. 1005 Adams, John Quincy. 1006.A3 Adams, Miss L. B. .A33 Adams, Mary (Mathews), .A4 Adair s, Oscar Fay. .A6 Ade, George. 1007. A5 Albee, John. 1010-1013 Alcott, Amos Bronson (VII). Including works on the Alcott family. Prefer B 908.A6 tor Alcott's philosophy. 1015-1018 Alcott, Louisa May (VII). 1019.A7 Aldrich, Anne Reeve. 1020-1028 Aldrich, Thomas Bailey (IV»). 1020 Collected works (Prose and poetry; collected poeme) 1021 Collected prose works. 1024 Poems. .B2, Ballad of Babie Bell. .B4, Bells. .C5, Cloth of gold. .C6, Course of true love. .F5, Flower and thorn. 176 PS AMERICAN LITERATURE PS 19th century. Aldrich, Thomas Bailey (IV*). 1024 Poems— Continued. .F7, Friar Jerome's beautiful book. .J8, Judith and Holofemes. .M3, Mercedes and later lyrics. .P2, Pampinea. .S4, Sister's tragedy. .U6, Unguarded gates. .W7, Wyndham Towers. 1025 Prose works. (.F7) From Ponkapog to Pesth, see D. .M2, Marjorie Daw and other stories. .04, An old town by the sea. .P6, Ponkapog papers. .P7, Prudence Palfrey. .Q8, Queen of Sheba. .S6, Stillwater tragedy. .88, Story of a bad boy. .T8, Two bites at a cherry, with other tales. 1029.A3 Alger, Horatio. .A5 Allen, Benjamin. .A7 Allen, Elizabeth Akers. .A76 Allen, Fred Raphael. .A8 AJlen, J. Mord. 1030-1038 Allen, James Lane (IV). 1039.A25 Allen, William (President of Bowdoin college"). .A265 AUibone, Samuel Austin. .A32 Ames, Mary (Clemmer). .A33 Ames, Nathan. .A34 Amory, Thomafl C!ofl5ii. .A36 Amf^bary, Wallace Bruce. .A365 Anagnos, JuUa Rom&na (Howe). .A39 Andrews, Jane. .A5 Appleton, Thomas Gold. .A7 Arnold, George. 1040-1043 Atherton, Gertrude (Horn) (VII). 1044 Ath-Atz. 1049 Au-. .A5 Auringer, Obadiah Cyrus. 1050-1053 Austin, Jane (Goodwin) (VII). 1054. A17 Austin, WnUam. .B3 Bacheller, Irving. .B57 Bacon, Delia. .B6 Bacon, Ezekiel. .B62 Bacon, Josephine Dodge (Daakam). .B64 Bacon, William Thompson. 1056 Bad-Bag. 1057 Bagby, George William. 1059 Bah-Bam. .B2 Baker, Geoige Augustus. .B4 Baker, William Mumford. .B6 Baleatier, Wolcott. 177 FS AMERICAN LITERATURE PS 1 9th century — Continued. 1060 Ban-. 1061 Bancroft, George. 1063.B2 Bancroft, Hubert Howe. 1064. B3 Bangs, John Kendrick. .B5 Banks, Charles Eugene. 1065.B4 Barbe, Waitman. .B9 Barlow, Warren S. 1066.B3 Barnard, Charles. .B8 Barnes, Almont. 1067. B15 Barnes, G. H. 1068.B2 Barnitz, Albert T. S. .B6 Bamum, Frances Courtenay (Baylor). 1070-1073 Barr, Amelia Edith (Huddleston) (VID 1074.B3 Barron, Elwyn Alfred. .B7 Bartley, James Avis. .B75 Bartol, Cyrus Augustus. .B8 Barton, Ardelia Maria (Cotton). .B88 Barton, William Eleazar. 1075 Ba&-Bat. 1076 Bates, Arlo. Bates, Charlotte Fiske, see Rog6, Mme. Charlotte Fiske (Bates) 1077.B4 Bates, Katharine Lee. .B6 Bates, Margaret Holmes (Ernsperger). 1078 Bau-Baw. 1079 Bax-Bayl. Baylor, Frances Co'jrtenay, see Bamum, Frances Courtenay (Baylor). 1081 Baym-Baz. 1082 Bea-Beb. 1083 Bec-Beecher, G. 1084. B2 Beecher, Henry Ward. Cf. B. .B3 Beecher, Lyman. a. B. .B6 Beers, Henry Augustin. 1085 Bela-BeU. .B63 Bell, Lillian L. (Mrs. A. H. Bogue). 1086-1087 Bellamy, Edward (XII). 1088.B3 Bellamy, Elizabeth Whitfield. .B6 Benedict, Frank Lee. 1090-1093 Benjamin, Park (VII). 1094.B2 Benjamin, Samuel Green Wheeler. .B9 Bensel, James Berry. 1095. B4 Benton, Thomas Hart Cf. E. 1096. B3 Bethune, George Washington. 1097 Bierce, Ambrose. 1098 Bi^-Bim. 1099. B6 Bird, Robert Montgomery. 1100 Bisliop, William Henry. 1101 Bis-Bk. 178 PS AMERICAN LITERATURE PS 19th century — Continued. 1102.B6 Blaine, James Gillespie. Cf. E. .B8 Blake, James Vila. .B9 Blake, Mary Elizabeth (McGrath). 1103.B46 Blanden, Charles Granger. .B8 Bloede, Gertrude ("Stuart Sterne"). .B85 Blood, Henry Ames. 1104 Boa-Bok. Bogue, Lillian (Bell), see Bell, Lillian L. (Mrs. AH. HoKue) 1105-1106 Boker, George Henry (XII). 1107.B2 BoUeP, Frank. .B7 Bolton, Charles Knowles, .B8 Bolton, Sarah (Knowles). 1108 Bom-Bond. 1109. B3 .Boner, John Henry. 1110 Bo8-Bot. nil Botta, Anna Charlotte (Lynch). 1112 Bott>-Bcu. 1113.36 Bovee, Christian Nestell. .B8 Bo wen, Herbert Wolcott. 1114 Bower-Boyeson. 1115-1118 Boyeson, Hjalmar Hjorth (VII). 1119 Boyeson-Bq. 1120.B45 Bradlee, Caleb Davis. .B47 Bradley, Mary Emily (Neely). .B5 Brady, Cyrus Townsend. .B8 Brainard, John Gardiner Calkins. 1121 Bram-Braz. 1122 Bre-Brh 1123.B2 Bridges, Robert ("Droch"). .B25 Bridgman, MarcuB FayetT3. .B44 Brine, Mary D. .B83 Brooks, Charles Timothy. .B835 Brooks, Elbridge S. .B86 Brooks, Maria (Gowen). .B89 Brooks, Noah. .B9 Brooks, Phillips. .B93 Brooks, Sarah Warner. 1124.B3 Brotherton, Alice William. .B6 Brougham, John. 1125-1128 Brown, Alice (VII). 1129.B6 Brown, Carrie. 1130-1138 Brown, Charles Brockden (IV»). 1139.B5 Brown, Joseph Brownlee. 1140-1143 Browne, Charles Farrar ("Artemus Ward") (VII). Cf. PN 6161, Wit and humor. 1144. B3 Browne, Frances Elizabeth. 1145.B3 Browne, John Ross. .B5 Brownell, Henry Howard. .B6 Brownell, William Crarj-. .B7 Brownson, Orestes Augustus. 1146.65 Bruce, Wallace. 179 PS AMERICAN LITERATURE PS 1147.B2 1148.B5 .B8 1149.B5 1150-1198 1199.B5 1200-1203 1200 laoi 1202 1203 1204.B5 1205 1206.B6 1207.B4 1210-1218 1219. B4 .B7 1220-1228 19th century — Continued, Bruner, Albert Milton. Bryan, Daniel. Bryan, William Jennings. Bryant. John D. Bryant, William Cnllen (II). Poetical worka. 1155 Among the trees. 1156 Death of the flowers. 1158 Flood of years. 1159 Forest hymn. 1160 Fringed gentian. 1161 Little people of the snow. 1163 SeUa. 1164 Song of the sower. 1166 Story of the fountain. 1166 Thanatopsis. 1167 To a waterfowl. 1169 Other, A-Z. 1170 Tranalations. Prose works. 1171 Collected. 1172 Separate, A-Z. 1180 Adaptations, prose versions, etc. Bunce, Oliver Bell. Bunner, Henry Cuyler (VII). Works. .A2, Collected. By date. .A3A-Z, By editor. .A4A-Z, Selected works. By editor. .A5-Z, Translations. By language. .Z5, Selections. Anthologies. Poetry and Drama. .A3, .A5, .A6-Z, Prose. .A3. .A5-Z, Collected poems. Collected dramas. Separate works. Collected. By date. Special works. Prefer PZ. First editions here. Biography and criticism. Burch, Adelle. Burdette, Robert Jones. Cf. PN 6161, Wit and humor. Burgess, Adelaide Maria. Burleigh, William Henry. Burnett, Frances (Hodgson) (IV). Bumham, Clara Louise. Bunitt, Elihu. Burroughs, John (IV). (Collections and literary criticism mainly in Q.) only. Separate worka 180 PS AMERICAN LITERATURE PS 19th century — Continued. 1229.B6 Burton, Richard. 1234 BUB-BUBZ. 1235.B5 Butler, WUUam Allen. .B7 Butterworth, Hezekiah. 1236 By-. 1237 Bynuer, Edwin Laaaeter. 1239 Oa-Cab. 1240-1248 Oable, George Washington (IV«). 1249 Oable-Oak. .C2 Cabot, James ElUot. 1250 Oala-Oalk. 125] Call-Camp. .C7 CalvGTt, George Henry. 1252 Campa-Caq. .C25 Campbell, Bartley T. .C33 Campbell, Helen (Stuart). .C4 Campbell, John Preston. 1253 Car-Card. 1254 Care-Carl, 1255-1258 Oarleton, Will (VII). 1259 Oarleton-Oarq. .06 Carpenter, Henry Bernard. 1260 Oarr-. .07 Carryl, Guy Wetmore. 1261 Cars-Carter, R. 1262 Carter, S-Oerx. .06 OaruB, Paul. 1263-1266 Oary, AUce (VII). (Including works by Alice and Phoebe Gary and biographies of the two.) 1267 Oary, Phoebe. 1268 Oary-Oaar. .02 Oary, Richard L. 1269 Caas-Cath. 1270-1273 Oatherwood, Mary (Hartwell) (VII). 1274.07 Caverly, Robert B. 1275-1278 Oawein, Madison Julius (VII). 1279.03 Chadwick, John White. 1280-1288 Chambers, Robert William (IV*). 1289 Oham-Ohan . 1290-1291 Channing, William EUery (XII). 1292.03 Chapman, John Jay. .05 Cheney, John Vance. 1293 Child, Lydia Maria (Francis) (VIII). 1294.04 Chivers, Thomas Hollev. .06 Ohoate, Rufus. Of. E,J. 1295-1298 Churchill, Winston (VII). 1299.03 Clark, Willis Gaylord. .05 Clarke, James Freeman. Of. B. 181 AMERICAN LITERATURE PS 19th century — Continued, 1299. C7 Olay, Henry. Of. E, J. 1300-1348 Clemens, Samuel Langhorne ("Mark Twain") (II) Separate works. 1305 Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. 1306 Adventures of Tom Sawyer. 1307 American claimant. 1308 Oonnecticut yankee in King Arthur's court. 1309 Extracts from Adam's diary. 1310 Following the equator. 1311 Gilded age. 1312 Innocents abroad. 1313 Joan of Arc. 1314 Life on the Missisaippi. 1315 Million pound bank-note. 1316 Prince and the pauper. 1317 Pudd'nhead Wilson. 1318 Roughing it. 1319 Sketches old and new. 1320 Tom Sawyer abroad. 1321 Tramp abroad. 1322 Other, A-Z. 1351.C2 Oleveland, Grover. Of. E, J. .04 Oleveland, Rose Elizabeth. .06 Olinton, DeWitt. Of. E, J. 1365 Olymer, Ella(Dietz). 1356 Oly-Ooe. 1357 Oof-Ook. .035 CoflBn, Oharles Oarleton. C4« Oofl5n, Robert Stevenson. 1358 Ool-Ooler. 1359 Ooles-Conv. .02 Ooles, Abraham. .05 OoUier, Thomas Stephens. .06 Colly er, Robert. .07 Cone, Helen Gray. 1361 Conw. .03 Conway, Katherine Eleanor. 1366-1367 Conway, Moncure Daniel (XII). 1368 Conw-Oonz. 1378 Coo-Oooke, J. 1380-1383 Cv^oke, John Esten (VII). 1385-1388 Cooke, Philip Pendleton (VII). 1390-1393 Cooke, Rose (Terry) (VII). 1397 Oooke-Ooold . .05 Ooolbrith, In a Donna. 1398 Coole-Ooolz. Coolidge, Susan, see Woolsey. Sarah Chauncey. " 1399 Coom-Coop. 182 PS AMERICAN LITERATURE PS 19th century — Continued. 1400-1448 Cooper, James Fenimore (II). Leather t stocking tales, collected, in PS 1402. Separate works. 1405.A4 Afloat and ashore. .A8 Autobiography of a pocket handkerchief. Borderers, see Wept of the Wish-ton-wiah, .B7 Bravo. .04 Chain bearer. .C7 CTater, or Vulcan's peak. 1406 Deerslayer. 1407.E4 Elinor Myllys. Eve Effingham, see Home aa found. .H2 Headsman. .H4 Heidenmauer. .H7 Home as found. .H8 Homeward bound. .J3 Jack Tier. 1408 Last of the Mohicans. 1409.L4 Lionel Lincoln. .M3 Mercedes of Castile. .M5 Miles Wallingford. .M7 Monikina. .N3 Ned Myers. .02 Oak -openings. 1410 Pathfinder. 1412 Pilot. 1414 Pioneers. 1416 Prairie. 1417.P6 Precaution. .R3 Red Rover. .R5 Redskins. .S3 SatAnstoe. .S5 Sea Uons. .87 Spy. 1418.T5 Two admirals. .W3 Water witch. .W6 Ways of the hour. .W7 Wept of the Wiah-ton-wish. 14I9.W3 Wing-and-wing. .W7 Wyandotte. 1421 Other, A-Z. 1449.C5 Cowan, Frank. .C6 Coxe, Arthur Cleveland. .C65 Cozzem, Frederic S. .C8 Cranch, Christopher Pearse. .C85 Crane, Stephen. 1450-1468 Crawford, Francia Marion (III'). 1469.C3 Crawford, Jo hn Wallace ("Capt. Jack Crawford"). 1470 Cri-Cro. 1471-1472 Croly, Jane (Cunningham) ("Jennie June") (XII). 1473.C3 Crosby, Frederick K. 183 PS AMERICAN LITERATURE PS 19th century — Continued. 1473.C6 CroasweU, WilliAm. Cf. B. Crothera, Samuel McChord, see PS 3505.R9. 1474 Cul-Cur. .C5 Cumminfl, Maria S. 1475-1476 Curtis, George Ticknor (XII). 1480-1498 Curtis, George William (III'). Separate works. 1485 From the easy chair. The howadji in Syria, see DS 94. Literary and social essays, see PR ] 2 Lotus-eating,_ see E 166. Nile notes of a Howadji, see DT 64. 1486 Potiphar papers. 1487 Prue and I. 1488 Speeches, addresses, etc. 1489 Trumps. The wanderer in Syria, see DS 107 1490 Other, A-Z. 1499.C45 Cutler, Elbridge Jefferson. .D4 Dabney, Richard. .D85 Daly, Augustin. 1501-1502 Dana, Richard Henry (XII). 1505-1506 Dana, Richard Henry, jr. (XH). 1508-1609 Dandridge, Danake (Bedinger) (XII). 1510 Dand-Dar. 1511-1512 Dargan, OUve Tilford (XII). Daskam, Josephine Dodge, see Bacon. 1513.D8 Davidson, Lucretia Maria. .D9 Davidson, Margaret Miller. 1514 Davie-Davis, M. .D95 Davis, Mary Elizabeth (Moragne). 1515 Davis, Mary Evelyn (Moore). 1516. D2 Davis, Miles Avery. 1517 Davis, Rebecca (Harding). 1519. D5 Davis, Richard Bingh.aTn. 1520-1523 Davis, Richard Harding (VII). 1624 Da-vis, R-Dai. 1526.D3 Day, Richard Edwin. .D5 DeForeat, John William. .D7 DeKay, Charles. .D8 DeKroyft, Sarah Helen (Aldrich), 1530-1633 Deland, Margaret Wade (Campbell) (VIl ) 1534. D2 DoMille, Henry C. .D3 DeMille, James. .D4 Doming, Philander. .D6 Dennie, Joseph. 1535 Derby, George Horatio ("John Phoenix"). 1536 D5 DeVere, Mary Ainge ("Madeline Bridges"). 1537 DeWint-Dickinson. .D6 Diaz, Abby (Morton). 1538 Dickinson, Anna Elizabeth. 1639. D5 Dickinson, Charles M. 184 PS AMERICAN LITERATURE PS 19th century — Continued. 1541 Dickinflon, Emily. 1542.D3 Dickinson, Mary (Lowe). 1543 Din-Dodge. .D5 Dodd, Anna Bowman (Blake). 1544 Dodge, Mary Abigail ("Gail Hamilton"). 1545.D15 Dodge, Mary Barker. .D2 Dodge, Mary (Mapee). .D25 Doggett, John Marshall. .D27 Doggett, Solon. .D3 Dole, Nathan Haskell. .D4 Donahoe, Daniel Joseph. .D45 Donaldson, Samuel. .D5 Donnelly, Eleanor Cecilia. 1546 Dop-Dorr. .D5 Dorgan, John Aylmer. 1547-1548 Dorr, Julia Caroline (Ripley) (XII). 1549 Dorr-Drake, J. 1550-1553 Drake, Joseph Rodman (VII). 1554 Drake, J.-Dt. 1555 Du-Dunbar. .D4 Duganne, Augustine Joseph Hickey. .D6 Duhring, Julia. 1556-1557 Dunbar, Paul Laurence (XII). 1558 Dunbar, P.-Dunlap. 1560-1561 Dunlap, Waiiam (XII). 1562 Dunlap-Dv. .D3 Dupuy, Eliza Ann. .D5 Durivage, Francis Alexander. .D7 Duyckinck, Evert Augustus. 1564 Dw-. 1566 Dy-. 1567 E-Edf. .E22 Eastman, Charles Gamage. Eastman, Elaine (Goodale), see Goodale, Elaine. .E7 Eddy, Mary Morse (Baker) Glover. 1568 Edg-Edv. 1569.E6 Edwards, George Wharton. 1570 Edwards, Harry StillweU. 1574 Edwards-Egan. 1575-1576 Egan, Maurice Francis (XII). 1577 Egan-Eggleston . 1580-1583 Eggleston, Edward (VII). 1584. E2 Eggleston, George Cary. 1585 Eliot, Charles William. Cf. L. 1586 EliotHEUott. 1587-1588 Elliott, Maud (Howe) (XII). 1589 Elliott-Ellr. 1591 Ells-Ellz. 1593 Elm-Elz. 1598 Em-Emd. 1599.E5 Emerson, Edward Waldo. E7 Emerson, Edwin. 185 PS AMERICAN LITERATURE PS 19th century — Continued. 1600-1648 Emersc in, Kalph Waldo (II). Prose works. 1605 Collected. Separate. 1606 Conduct of life. 1607 English traits. 1608 Essays, first and second series. Separate. 1609 Character. 1610 Friendship. 1611 History. 1612 Love. 1613 Nature. 1614 Self-reliance. 1615 Others, A-Z. e. g. .06, Compensation. .E7, Experience. .H4, Heroism. .16, Intellect. .M2, Manners. .P6, Prudence. .S6, Spiritual laws. Other prose works. 1616 Lectures and biographical sketches. 1617 Letters and social aims. 1618 Miscellanies. 1619 Natural history of the intellect. 1620 Nature, addresses, and lectures. 1621 Representative men. 1622 Society and solitude. 1623 Others, A-Z. (Including separate parts of works in PS 1616- 1622.) e. g. .07 1837, Oration, Phi Betta Kappa so- ciety. 1624 Poems. .Al, Collected (by date). .A5-Z, Separate, A-Z. 1649 Emerson-Eml. 1650 Emm-Emz. .E7 Emmons, Richard. 1651 En-Engliah. 1652-1653 English, Thomas Dunn (XII). 1654.E55 Everett, David. .E6 Everett, Edward. .F3 Fairchild, Sumner L. 1655-1658 Fawcett . Edgar (VII). 1659.F3 Fay, Theodore Sedgw-ick. .F5 Fenner, Cornelius George. .F6 Feuollosa, Ernest Francisco. 1661-1662 Fenollosa, Mary (McNeil) ("Sidney McCall") (XII). 186 PS AMERICAN LITERATURE PS 19th century — Continued. 1664 Fessendea, Thomas Green. 1C6&-1668 Field, Eugene (VII). 1669. F2 Field, Kate. .F3 Field, Roswell. .F5 Fields, Annie (Adams) (Mrs. James T. Fields). 1670-1671 Fields, James T. (XII). 1672. F3 Finch, Francis Miles. 1673 Fiflke, John. Cf. E, B. 1674 Fiske-Fitch. 1675-1678 Fitch, Clyde (VII). 1679. F4 Flash, Henry Lynden. .F6 Fletcher, Julia Constance ("George Fleming") .F7 Flint, Timothy. 1681 Flo-. .F4 Flower, Benjamin Orange. 1683 Ffv-. 1685-1688 Foote, Mary (Hallock) (VII). 1689 Foote-Ford. 1690-1693 Ford, Paul Leicester (VII). 1694 Ford-Fox. .F2 Foss, Sam Walter. .F5 Foster, Stephen Collins. .F8 Foulke, William Dudley. 1700-1703 Fox, John, jr. (VII). 1704. F Fox-Frederic. 1705-1708 Frederic, Harold (VII). 1709. F Frederic-Freeman. 1710-1713 Freeman, Mary E. (Wilkine). 1714. F Freeman- French. 1715-1718 French, Alice ("Octave Thanet") (VII). 1719 French-. .F6 French, L. Virginia (Smith) 1720 Frea-. 1721 Fri-. 1722 Fro-. .F5 Frothingham, Nathaniel Langdon .F8 Frothingham, Octavius Brooks. Cf. B, Religion. 1723 Fry-. 1724 Fu-. 1725-1728 Fuller, Henry Blake (VII). 1729.G5 Gallagher, William Davis. .G8 Gardner, Celia E., 1730-1733 Garland, Hamlin (VII). 1734. G2 Garrison, Wendell Phillips. .03 Gates, Ellen Maria (Huntington). 1735-1738 Gayarr6, Charles fitienne Arthur (VII). 1739.09 Gilder, Jeannette Leonard. 1740-1743 Gilder, Richard Watson (VII). 1744.02 Gillette, William. 18i PS AMERICAN LITERATURE PS 19th centnry — Continued. 1744.G5 Gilmftn, Caroline (Howard). .G57 Oilman, Charlotte (Perkins) Stetson. .G6 Oilman, Samuel. .068 Oilmore, James Roberta. .077 Oladden, Washington. 174&-1748 Glasgow, Ellen (VII). 1749.05 Ooddard, Martha LeBaron. 1750-1751 Godkin, Edwin Lawrence (XII). Cf. PN 4874. 1752.05 Godwin, Parke. 1753.03 Ooodale, Dora Reed. .04 Ooodale, Elaine (Mrs. Charles A. Eastman). (Including works by Elaine and Dora Goodale.) 1754-1765 Goodrich, Samuel Griflwold ("Peter Parley") (XII). 1757 GoodB-Got. .04 Gordon, Hanford Lennox. 1758 Gou-. .025 Gould, Edward Sherman. .G4 Gould, Hannah Flagg. .683 Ooulding, Francis Robert. 1759 Gow-. 1760-1763 Grant, Robert (VII). Green, Anna Katharine, see Rohlfs, Anna Katharine (Green) 1764.027 Greene, Aella. .029 Greene, Sarah Pratt (McLean). .08 Oriswold, Hattie (Tyng). .082 Griswold, Rufus Wilmot. .095 Guild, Curtis. 1765-1768 Guiney, Louise Imogene (VII). 1769.025 Gunsaulus, Frank Wakely. Cf. B. .04 Guthrie, William Norman. .H5 Habberton, John. .H7 Hageman, Samuel Miller. .H73 Hagen, John Cole. .H76 Hager, Levi Lewis. 1770-1773 Hale, Edward Everett (VII). 1774.H13 Hale, Lucretia Peabody. .H2 Hale, Sarah Joeepha (Buell). .H25 Hale, Susan. 1775-1778 Hall, Gertrude (VII). 1779.H33 Hall, Louiea Jane (Park). .H4 Hall, Thomas Winthrop ("Tom Hall"). 1780-1783 Halleck, Fitz-Greene (VII). 1784.H2 Halpine, Charles Graham. .H25 Halstead, Murat. .H3 Halsted, Leonora B. .H6 Harbaugh, Thomaa Chalmers. 1785-1788 Harben, William Nathaniel (VII). 1790-1793 Hardy, Arthur Sherburne (VII). 1795-1798 Harland, Henry ("Sidney LuRki^") (VII). 188 PS AMERICAN LITERATURE PS 19th century — Continued. 1800-1818 Harris, Joel Chandler (III'). Separate works. 1805 A-N. Georgia from the invaaion of DeSoto, F 286. Life of Henry W. Grady, E C64. 1806 Nighta with Uncle Remua. 1807 N-U. Stories of Georgia, F 286. 1808 Uncle Remus and his friends. 1809 Uncle Remus, hia songs and sayings. 1810 U-Z. 1819.H5 Harris, Miriam Colea. .H6 Harris, Thomas Lake. .H7 Harrison, Constance (Gary) (Mrs. Burton Harrison). 1820-1838 Harte, Bret (in*). Prose (including dramatic works). 1824 CoUected. Separate. 1825 Col. Starbottle's client. 1826 First family of Tasajara. 1827 Luck of Roaring Camp. 1828 Tales of the Argonauts. 1829 Other, A-Z. Poems. 1830 Collected. 1831 Separate, A-Z. 1839 Harte-Haru. 1840 Harv-Harz. 1841 Has-. 1842 Hat-. 1843 Hav-. 1844 Haw-. 1845-1848 Hawthorne, Julian (VII). 1850-1898 Hawthorne, Nathaniel (II). Separate works. 1855 Blithedale romance. 1856 Dr. Grimshawe's secret. 1858 Grandfather's chair. 1861 House of seven gables. 1862 Marble faun. 1863 Mosses from an old manse. 1864 Our old home. 1865 Passages from the American note-books. 1866 Passages fi ctq the English note-books. 1867 Passages from the French and Italian note-books. 1868 Scarlet letter. 1869 Tanglewood tales. 1870 Twice-told tales. 1871 Wonder-book. 1872 Other, A-Z. 1900-1903 Hay, John (VII). 189 PS AMERICAN LITERATURE PS 1904. H5 190^1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1915-1918 1919.H4 .H6 1920-1923 1924. n64 1925-1928 1929.H2 .H6 .H69 .H83 1930-1938 1939. HG 1940-1948 1949.H5 .H6 .H7 .H8 1950-1998 19th century — Continued. Hayes, John Russell. Hayne, Paul Hamilton (VII) Haynft-Hayv . Hayw-. Haza-. Haze-Hazz. Hea-. Hearn, Lafcadio (VII). Henry, 0., see Porter, William Sydney. Hentz, Caroline Lee (Whiting). Herbert, Henry W^illiam ("Frank Forester"). Herrick, Robert (VII). Hey wood, Joseph Converse. Higginson, Thoiuaa Wentworth (VI 1). Hildreth, Charlis Lotin. Hill, George. Hillis, Newell Dwight. Hitchcock, David. Hoffman, Charles Fenno (IV). Holden, Warren. Holland, Josiah Gilbert (IV). 1940 Complete works. Collected prose works. 1941 Collected poems. Holley, Marietta. Holmes, Alice A. Holmes, Georgiana (Klingle) ("George Klingle"). Holmes, Mary Jane (Hawes). Holmes, Oliver Wendell (II). Poems. 1955 Collected. 1956 Early poems. Separate. 1957 Last leaf. 1958 One horse shay. 1959 Other, A-Z. Prose. Fiction. Collected. Separate. 1960 Elsie Venner. 1961 Guardian angel. 1962 A mortal antipathy. Other works. 1964 Autocrat of the breakfast-table. (1965) Currents and coimter-currents, see R. (1966) Medical essays, see R. (1967) Our hundred days in Europe, see D 1968 Over the tea-cups. 1969 Pages from an old vohimo of life. 1970 Poet at the breakfafittable. 1971 Professor at the breakfast-table. 1972 Other, A-Z. 190 PS AMERICAN LITERATURE PS 19th century — Continued. 1999. HI Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 1841-. .H25 Hooper, Johnson Jones. .H3 Hooper, Lucy Hamilton (Jones). .H4 Hope, James Barron. .H43 Hopper, Edward. .H52 Hosmer, Frederick L. .H53 Hosmer, James Kendall. .H54 .Hosmer, William Henry Cuyler. .H6 Houghton, George Washington Wright. 2005-2008 Hovey, Richard (VII). 2010 Hovey-Howard. Howard, Blanche Willis, see Teuffel. 2014.H12 Howard, Bronson, .H2 Howarth, Ellen Clementine (Doran). .H5 Howe, Edgar Watson. 2015-2018 Howe, Julia (Ward) (VII), 2019.H7 Howell, John Edward. 2020-2038 Howells, William Dean (IIP). Novels. 2021 Collected. 2025 Separate, by title, A-Z. Plays. 2026 Collected. 2027 Separate, A-Z. Other prose works. 2028 Collected. 2029 Separate, A-Z. Poems. 2030 Collected. 2031 Separate, A-Z. 2039.H6 Hoyt, Ralph. 2040-2043 Hubbard, Elbert (VII). Hudson, Mary (Clemmer), see Ames, Mary (Clemmer). 2044. H4 Huneker, James Gibbons. .H5 Hutton, Laurence. .H8 Hylton, John Dunbar. .12 Iliowizi, Henry. .13 Ingalls, John Jam^s. Cf. E. .15 IngersoU, Charles Jared. 2045-2046 Ingersoll, Robert Green (XII). Cf. B. 2048.152 Ingraham, Joseph Holt. 2049 Ir-Irving. 2050-2098 Irving, Washington (II). Separate works. Abbotsford and Newetead Abbey, see DA 890. Adventures of Captain Bonneville, see F 692. Alhambra, see DP 402. Astoria, see F 880. Biography and poetical remains of Margaret Davidson flpePSl513D9. 191 PS AMERICAN LITERATURE PS 19th centnry. Irviiig, Washington (II). Separate works— Continued. 2057 Braceb ridge Hall. Chronicle of the conquest of Granada, see DP 122. 2060 Crayon miscellany. 2062 Legends of the conquest of Spain. History of New York by Diedrich Knickerbocker, see F 122. Life and voyages of Columbus, see E 111. Life of Oliver Goldsmith, see PR 3493. Life of Washington. Mahomet and his succeaeorB, 2063 Reviews and miscellanies. 2064 Salmagundi (Irving and Paulding). 2066 Sketch-book. 2067 Legend of Sleepy Hollow. 2068 Rip Van Winkle. 2069 Other, A-Z. e. g. .04, ChriBtiiiaa papers: "Christmas in Eng- land," "Old Christmas." 2070 Tales of a traveller. Tour on the prairies, see F 697. Voyages of the companions of Columbus, see E 123. 2071 Wolfert's roost. 2072 Other, A-Z. 2099.15 Irving, William. 2101 I8-Iu. 2102 Iv-. 2103 Iw-Iz. 2104 J-Jftckson. 2105-2108 Jackaon , Helen Hunt (VII). 2109.J4 James, < Charles. 2110-2128 James, Henry (in»). Novels. Collected in PS 2110. 2116 Separate, by title, A-Z, 2120 Other works (essays, etc ), by title, A-Z. 2129.J2 Janvier, Francis de Haes. .J3 Janvier, , Margaret Thomson ("Margaret Vand^rift"). .J6 Janvier, , Thomas AUibone. J7 Jeffrey, Rosa Vertner (Griffith). .J8 Jenniflo: n, Lucy White. 2130-2133 Jewett, Sarah Orne (VII). 2134 Jewett-Johnflon, L. J2 Jewett, Sophie. 2135 Johnson, M. -Johnson, R. .J4 Johnson, Robert Underwood. .J7 Johnson, Rossiter. 2136 Johnson S.-Johnson, Z. .J5 Johnson, Virginia Wales. 2137 Johnston, A. -Johnston, M. 2140-2143 Johnston, Mary (VII). 2146-2148 Johnston, Richard Malcolm (VII). 192 PS AMERICAN LITERATURE PS 19th centTiry — Continued. 2149.J8 Johnston, William Preaton. 2150.J3 Jones, Amanda Theodoaia. 2161 Jonee, J.-Jonea, Z. 2162 Jordan-Joyce. .J4 Jordan, David Starr. 2153.J4 Joyce, John Alexander. 2155 Judd, Sylvester. 2156.J3 Judflon, Emily (Chubbock). 2157-2158 Keenan, Henry Francis (XII). 2159.K2 Kelley, William Valentine. .K3 Kellogg, EUjah. 2160-2163 Kennedy, John Pendleton (VII). 2164. K3 Kenyon, James Benjamin. .K6 Ketchum, Annie Chambers. 2165-2168 Key, Frands Scott (VII). 2169.K4 Kimball, Harriet McEwen. .K6 Kimball, Richard Burleigh. .K8 King, Benjamin Franklin, jr. ("Ben King"). 2170-2173 King, Charles (VII). 2174.K5 King, Edward. 2175-2178 King, Grace Elizabeth (VII). 2179. K5 Kinney, Coates. 2182-2183 Kinney, Elizabeth Clementine (Dodge) (XII). 2186.K5 Kip, Leonard. 2187-2188 Kirk, EUen Warner (Olney) (XII). 2189 Kirk-Kirkland. 2191-2192 Kirkland, Caroline Matilda (Stansbury) (XII). 2194-2195 Kirkland, Joseph (XII). 2196 Kirkland-Knn. Klingle, George, see Holmes, Georgiana (KHngle) 2197. K2 Knowles, Frederic Lawrence. .K4 Knox, Thomas Wallace. .K6 Koopman, Harry Lyman. 2198 Lai-Lal. 2199. L3 Laman, Mirabeau Bonaparte. .L5 Landon, Melville D. ("Eli Perkins"). Cf. PN 6161, Wit and humor. .L8 Lanier, Clifford. 2200-2218 Lanier, Sidney (III*). Poems. Collected. Separate, by title, A-Z. Prose works. Collected. Separate. Bob, see QL 676. The English novel, see PR 826. Florida, see F 316. Music and poetry, see ML 60. Retrospects and prospecta. Science of English verse, see PE 1505 Shakspere and his forerunners, see PR 2956. 2210 Tiger-lilies (in PZ 3 for the prsaent). 2205 2206 2207 (2208) 2209 !»27r.!tr) <> .-.I 193 PS AMERICAN LITERATURE PS 19tli century — Continued. 2219. L4 Lanigan, George Thomas. 2220-2223 Larcom, Lucy (VII). 2225-2226 Lathrop^ Georire Parsons (XII). 2227 Lathrop, G.-Lathrop, R. 2230-2231 Lathrop, Rose (Hawthorne) (XII). 2232. L3 Latimer, Henry Randolph. 2233-2234 Lazarus, Emma (XII). 2235. L5 Learned, Walter. .L7 Leavitt, John McDowell. 2236 Lee-Legar6. 2237-2238 Legar^. Hugh Swiaton (VII). 2239. L3 Leggett, William. .L5 Leighton, William. 2240-2243 Leland, Charles Godfrey ("Hans Breitman") (Vll). 2244 Leland-Iveu. .L5 Leslie, Eliza. 2245 Lev-. 2246.L2 Lewis, Alonzo. .L3 Lewis, Charles Bertrand ("M. Quad"). .U5 Lewis, Estelle Anna Blanche (Robinson) (.L5) Lincoln, Abraham, see E 457.2. .L7 Linn, John Blair. .L8 Lippard, George. 2247 Lippincott, Sarah Jane (Clarke) ("Grace Greenwood' •) 2248. L2 Lippmann, Julie Mathilde. .L3 Litchfield, Grace Denio. .L6 Lloyd, David Demarest. .L7 Lloyd, John Uri (XII). .L8 Locke, Davis Ross ("Petroleum V. Nasby"). Cf. PN 6161. Wit and humor. .L85 Lockhart, Arthiir John ('"Pastor Felix"). .L9 Lockwood, Ralph Ingersoll. 2249. L4 Lodge, Henry Cabot. Cf.E. .L5 Lofland, John. .L6 Loga'i, Algernon Svdney. 22.'>0-2298 Longfellow, Henry Wads worth (II). 2255 Ballads and other poems. 2256 Belfry of Bruges and other poems. 2257 Birds of passage. 2258 Christus. 2259 The divine tragedy. 2260 The golden legend. 2261 The New England tragedies. 2262 Courtship of Miles Standiah, etc. 2263 Evangeline, etc. 2261 Hanging of the crano, etc. 2265 Poems on slavery. 2266 The seaside and the fireside. 2267 The song of Hiawatha, etc. 2268 The Spanish student. 2269 Tales of a wayside inn 194 PS AMERICAN LITERATURE PS 19th century. Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth (II) — Continued. 2270 Voices of the night. 2271 Other poetical works, A-^. Prose. 2272 Collections. 2273 Separate, A-Z. 2299.L2 Longfellow, Samuel. .L4 Longstreet, Augustus Baldwin. .L6 Lord, William Wilberforce. .L8 Loring, F'rederick Wadsworth. .L98 Lowe, Martha Ann (Perry). 2300-2348 Lowell, James Russell (II) . Poems. 2305 Collected. Separate. 2306 Biglow papers. 2307 Thecourtin'. 2308 Early poems. 2309 Fable for critics. 2310 Last poems. 2311 Under the old elm. 2312 Vision of Sir Launfal. 2314 Other, A-Z. Prose. 2315 Collected. Separate. 2316 Among my books. 2317 Early prose works. . 2318 Fireside travels. 2319 Latest literary essays. 2320 My study windows. 2322 Other, A-Z. 2349. L2 Lowell, Maria (White). .L4 Lowell, Robert Traill Spence. .L6 Lucas, Daniel Bedinger. 2350 Lud-. .L5 Ludlow, Fitz Hugh. 2351. L2 Luders, Charles Ilenry. .L4 Lunt, George. .1.6 Lytle, William Haines. 2353-2354 Mabie, Uemilton Wright (XII). 2355.M2 McClelland, Margaret Greenway. .M6 McCord, Louisa Susannah (Cheves). 2356 McCubbin -McDowell. .M5 McDermott, George Lawrence. 2357-2358 McDowell, Katherine Sherwood (Bonner) ("Sherwood Hoiiner") 2359.M14 McGaffey, Ernest. .M48 McKellar, Thomas. .M635 Macy, Artliur. .M648 Major, Charles. .M66 Maione, Walter. .M69 Mann, Horare. .M7 Mansfield, Lewis W 195 m AMERICAN LITERATURE PS 19th century — Continued. 2360-2363 Markham, Edwin (VII). 2364.M8 Martin, Edward Sandford. 2365 Marvin, Frederic Rowland. 2366 Marvin-Marz. 2367 Mas-. .M3 Mason, Caroline Atherton (Briggs). .M6 Maaeon, Thomas Lansing. 2368 Mat-. .M3 Mathers, Albert ("Paul Siogvolk"). .M4 MathewB, Cornelius. .MS Mathews, William. 2369 Matt-. 2370-2373 Matthews, James Brander v^H). 2374 Matthews-Maw. .M9 Maturln, Edward. 2375 Max-, 2376 May-Maz. .M7 Mayo, WiUiam Starbuck. 2377 Mea-. 2378 Meb-Mek. 2379.M2 Mellen, Grenville. 2380-2388 Melville, Herman (IV). 2389 Messenger, Lillian Rozell. 2390 Mi-Mi fflin. 2391-2392 Mifflin, Lloyd (XII). 2393 Mifflin-Millard. .M6 Milee, George Henry. 2394 Miller, A.-MiUer, J. 2395-2398 MiUer, Joaquin (VII). 2399.M5 Miller, Harriet (Mann) ("Olive Thome Miller") 2400-2408 Mitchell, Donald Grant ("Ik Marvel") (IV). 2409.M2 Mitchell, John Ames. .M4 Mitchell, Langdon Elwyn. 2410-2418 MitcheU, SUas Weir (IV). 2411 Collected poems . 2419.M3 Mitchell, Walter. 2420-2423 Monroe, Harriet (VII). 2424 Monroe-Moody . 2425-2428 Moody, William Vaughn (VII). 2429.M4 Moore, Charles Leonard. .M5 Moore, Clement Clarke. .M8 Moore, John Trotwood. 2430 Moore, Julia-More. 2431-2432 More, Paul Elmer (XII). 2433 More-Morris. .M5 Morris, George Pope. 2434. M4 Morse, James Herbert. 2435-2436 Motley, John Lothrop (XII). 2437 Motley-Moulton. 2440-2443 Moultfjn, Louise (Chandler) (VII). 2444 Moulton-Moz. 2447 Mu-Muk. .M5 Muir, John. 190 PS AMERICAN LITERATURE PS 19th century — Continued. 2448 Mul-Mum. 2449 Mun-Mur. .M4 Hunger, Theodore Thornton. 2450-2458 3Iurfree, Mary Noailles ("Charles Egbert Craddock") (IV*). 2459.N2 Nadal, Ehrman Syme. .N28 Neal, John. .N3 Nesmith, James E. .N4 Newell, Robert Henry ("Orpheus C. Kerr"). Cf. PN 6161. .N49 Newman, Eugene William ("Savoyard"). .N6 Nichols, Starr Hoyt. 2464 Nicholson-Nid. 2466 Nie-Nik. 2467 Nil-Niw. 2468 Nix-Niz. 2469 Noar-Norris. 2470-2473 Norris, Frank (VII). 2474 Norris-Norton. 2475-2478 Norton, Charles Eliot (VII). 2479 Norton-Nt. 2480 Nu-Nye. 2481-2482 Nye, Edgar Wilson ("Bill Nye") (XII). Cf. PN 6161, Wit and humor. 2483 Nye-Nz. 2484 0-0'Brien, F. .04 Oberholtzer, Sara Louisa (Vickers). 2485 O'Brien, Fitz-James. 2486 O'Brien, F.-O'Hara, T. .05 O'Counor, William Douglaa. 2487-2488 O'Hara, Theodore (XII). 2489 O'Hara, T.-0'Reilly, J. 2490-2493 O'Reilly, John Boyle (VII). 2494 O'Reilly-Osboume. ^ ,04 Osbom, Laughton. 2495 Osboume, Lloyd. 2496 Osboume-Osgood, F. 2497 Osgood, Frances Sargent (Locke). 2498 Osgood, F.-Osgz 2499 Osh-Oss. 2500-2508 Ossoli, Sarah Margaret (Fuller) (IV). 2509 Osaoli-Page. .08 Owen, Robert Dale. 2510-2518 Page, Thomas Nelson (IV'). 2519.P2 Paine, Robert Treat. .P4 Palmer, John WilliamBon. .P6 Palmer, Ray. 2520 Pam-Parkman. .P4 Parker, Benjamin Strattan. Parkea, Elizabeth (Robins), see Robins, Elizabeth. 2521-2522 Parkman, Francis (XII). Cf. E. 2523.P8 Parsons, Thomas William. 197 PS AMERICAN LITERATURE PS 2523. P9 2524 2525-2528 2530-2533 2534 .P5 2539.P14 .P28 .P3 .P4 .P5 .P7 2540-2543 2544 2545. P4 .P5 .P7 2550-2553 2554. P4 2555 2556 2557 2558 2559 2565 2566-2567 2576. P4 2578-2579 2581-2582 2583 2584. P2 2585-2586 2587.P5 2588 .P5 2589 2590 2591-2592 2593 2600-2648 2605 2606 2607 2608 2609 2610 2611 19th century — Continued. Parton, Sarah Payaon (Willis) (."Fanny Fern"). Pat-Paulding. Paulding, James Kirke (^11). Payne, John Howard (Vll). Payne-Peab. Payne, Will. Peacock, Thomas Brower. Peck, George Wilbur. Cf. PN 6161, Wit and luimor. Peck, Harry Thurston. Peck, Samuel Minturn. Peck, William Henry. Pellew, George. Percival, James Gates (VII). Percival-Perq. Perry, Bliss. Perr>', George. Perry, Lilla Cabot. Perry, Nora (VII). Peterson, Henry. Pett-Pettb. Petti-Phelps, D. Phelps, E.-Phelps, R. Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart, see Ward, Elizabeth Stuart (Phelps). Phelps, S.-Phh. Phi-Phillips, I. PhUlips, David Graham, see PS 3531. H5. Phillips, J.-Phillii).s. \V. Phillips, Wendell (XII). Piatt, Donn. Piatt, John James (XII). Piatt, Sarah Morgan (Bryan) (XII). Piatt-Pic. Pidgin, Charles Felton. Pike, Albert (XII). Pike, Mary Hayden (Green) ("Mary Langdon"). Pil-Pim. Pilgrim, James. Pin-Pind. Pine-Pinkney. Pinkney, Edward Coate (XII). Pinkney-Poe. Poe, Edgar Allan (II). Poems. Collected. Separate. Annabel Lee. Bells. Lenore. Raven. Ulalumo. Other, A-Z. 198 PS AMERICAN LITERATURE PS 19tli century. Poe, Edgar Allen (II)- -Continued. Prose workd. Fiction. 2GJ2 Collected. Separate. 2613 Black cat. 2614 Fall of the house of Usher. 2615 Gold bug. 261G Ligeia. 2617 Murders in the Rue Morgue. 2618 Other, A-Z. (Critical and miscellaneous. 2619 Collections. Separate. 2620 Eureka. 2622 Other, A-Z. 2649 Poe-roz. .PI Pool, Maria Louise. .P5 Porter, William Sydney (''0. Henry";. .P82 Powers, Horatio Nelson. 2651 Pra-. 2653-2651 Prentice, George Denison (XII). 2655. P5 Prentiss, Elizabeth (Payson). 2656-2657 Prescott, William liickling (XII). 2659. P5 Preston, Harriet Waters. 2660-2663 Preston, Margaret (Junkin) (XII). 2664. P3 Prime, Samuel Irenujus. .P4 Prime, William Cowper. 2665-2668 Proctor, Edna Dean (VII). 2669. P3 Proudflt, David Law. .P6 Putnam, Mary Traill Spence (Lowell). 2670-2671 Pyle, Howard (XII). 2672. Q5 Quincy, Edmund. .Q7 Quincy, Josiah, 1772-1864. .Q8 Quincy, Josiah Phillips, 1829-. 2673 Ra-Randall 2674 Randall, Janiea Ryder. 2675. R2 Randall, John Witt. .R4 Randolph, Anson Davies Fitz. .R6 Rankin, Jeremiah Eames. 2676 Rap-Raymond, G. .R8 Ray, William. 2677-2678 Raymond, George Lansing (XII). 2679. R3 Rayner, Isidor. .R6 Read, Opie Percival. 2680-2688 Read, Thomas Buchanan (IV). 2690-2691 Realf, Richard (XII). 2693-2694 Reese, Lizette Woodworth (XII). 2696-2697 Repplier, Agnes (XII). 269&.R2 Requier, Augustus Julian. .R3 Rcxford, Eben Eugene. .R5 Rice, Harvey. .R8 Richards, Laura Elizabeth (Howe). 199 fB AMERICAN LITERATURE PS 19th century — Continued. 2699. R2 Richardson, Albert Deane. .R54 RicketsoD, Daniel. .R6 Riddle. Albert Gallatin. .R7 Rideing, WilLisun Henry. 2700-2708 Riley, Jamea Whitcomb (IV). 2710-2713 Ripley, George (VII). 2714 Ripley-Ritchie. 2716-2717 Ritchie, Anna Cora (Ogden) Mowatt (XII). 2718 Ritchie-Robd. 2719 Robe-Roche. .R4 Robins, Elizabeth ("C. E. Raimond") (Mrs. G. R. Parkefi), .R5 Robinson, Annie Douglas (Green). .R7 Robinson, Tracy. 2721-2722 Roche, James Jeffrey (XII). 2723 Roche-Rocz. 2724 Rod-Roe. 2725-2728 Roe, Edward Payson (VII). 2729.R4 Rog6, Charlotte Fieke (Bates). 2730-2733 Rohlfs, Anna Katharine (Green) (VII). 2734. R3 Rollinfl, Alice Marland (Wellington). .R6 Roosevelt, Theodore. Cf. E 660. R, Collected works. .E7 Roeenfeld, Sydney. .R8 Ross, Clinton. 2735 Roes, E.-Rowk. 2736 Rowl-Runm. .RS RowBon, Susannah (Haswell). .R32 Royle, Edwin Milton. 2737 Runn-Russel. 2738 Russell, A.-Rufisell, I. .R3 Riissell, Addison Peale. 2740-2743 Russell, Irwin (VII). 2746-2748 Ryan, Abram Joseph (VII). 2749 Ryan-Sal tus. 2750-2753 Saltus, Edgar Evertson (VII). 2755-2756 Saltus, Francis Saltus (XII). 2758-2759 Sanborn, Franklin Benjamin (XII). 2760 Sanborn, F.-Sanborn, K. 2761 Sanborn, Katherine Abbott (" Kate Sanborn"). 2762 Sanborn, K.-Sanbt. 2763 Sanbu-Sandi . 2764 Sands-Sangster, M. .S4 Sands, Robert Charles. 2765-2768 Sangster, Margaret Elizabeth (Munson) (VII). 2770-2773 Santayana, George E. (VII). 2775-2778 Sargent, Epes (VII). 2779.815 Sargent, Lucius Manlius. .S2 Saunders, Frederick, .S25 Savage, John. .S3 Savage, Minot Judson. .S4 Savage, Philip Henry. .S5 Savage, Richard Henry. 2780-2788 Saxe, John Godfrey (IV*). 200 PS AMERICAN LITERATURE PS 19th century — Continued. 2790-2793 ScoUard, Clinton (VII). 2794.S5 Scudder, EUza. 2796-2796 Scudder, Horace Eliflha (XII). 2797.S3 Searing, Laura Catharine (Redden). .S5 Sears, Edmund Hamilton. .S7 Seawell, MoUy ElUot. 2798 Sedgwick, Catharine Maria. 2799 Sedgwick, C.-Sel. 2800 Sem-Seton. 2801-2802 Seton, Ernest Thompson (XII). 2803 Seton-Sev. 2804.S2 Sewall, Harriet (Winslow). .S4 Shaler, Nathaniel Southgate. .S6 Shanly, Charles Dawson. 2805-2808 Shaw, Henry Wheeler ("Josh BUlings") (VII). Cf. PN 6161, Wit and humor. 2810-2813 Sherman, Frank Dempster (VII). 28 14. S3 Sherwood, Mary Elizabeth (Wilson). 2815-2818 Shillaber, Benjamin Penhallow ("Mrs. Partington") (VII) 2819 Shillaber, B.-Shim. 2820 Shin-»Shinn, C. 2821-2822 Shinn, Charles Howard (XII). 2824-2825 Shinn, Milicent Washburn (XII). 2826 Shinn, M.-Shn. 2827 Sho-Shors. 2828 Short-Shr. 2829 Shu-Sig. .S3 Shurtleff, Ernest Warburton. 2830-2833 Sigoumey, Lydia Howard (Huntley) (VII). 2836-2838 Sill, Edward Rowland (VII). .A2, Collected poems (by date). .A4, Collected proee (by dat^). Simms, William Oilmore. Collected works. 2840 Complete works. (By date.) 2841 Collected poems. (Complete collections.) 2842 Collected dramas. 2843 Selections. 2844 Translations, by language, A-Z. Separate works. 2845 Poems, A-Z. e. g. .A7, Areytoe. .A8, Atalantis. .C3, Cafiflique of Accabee. .C6, City of the silent. ,D6, Donna Florida. .G6, Grouped thoughts. .L7, Lyrical and other poems. .P6, Poems: descriptive, dramatic, etc. .S3, Sabbath lyrics. .S6, Southern paflsages and pictures. .V5, Vision of Cortes, etc. 201 PS AMERICAN LITERATURE PS 19th century. Simms, William Gilmore. Separate works — Continued. 2846 Dramaa, A-Z. e. g. .M5, Michael Borihara. .N6, Norman Maurice. Romances, etc. 2847 Border romances. 2848 Special, A-Z. e.g. .A7, As good as a comedy. .B2, Beauchampe. .B4, Book of my lady. .B6, Border beagles. .C2, Carl Werner. .C3, Cassique of Kiawah. .C5, Castle Dismal. .06, Oharlemont. .07, Confession. .08, Count Julian. .D2, Damsel of Darien. .E8, Eutaw. .F6, Forayers. .G4, Golden Christmas. .G8, Guy Rivers. .H3, Helen Halsey. .K2, Katherine Walton. .K5, Elinsmen (afterwards The Scout). .L4, Lily and the totem. .M2, Marie de Bemiere. Maroon, see .M2. .M6, Martin Faber. .M7, Mellichampe. .P2, Partisan. .P4, Pelayo . .R5, Richard Hurdis. Scout, see The Kinsmen. .S7, Southward ho. .S8, Sword and the distaff. -V2, Vasconselos. .W4, Wigwam and the cabin. Woodcraft, see The Sword and the distaff. .Y5, Yemassee. 2850 Other works. e. g. .E3, Egeria. Works of American history, see E and F. 2852 Dictionaries, Indexes, etc. 2853 General works on Simms' life and writings. Criticism. 2854 General. 2858 Language. G rammar. Style. 2859. S2 Slosson, Annie (Trumbull). .S5 Smith, Charles He nry ("Bill Arp"). Cf. PN 6161, Wit and humor. .S8 Smith, Elizabeth Oakes (Prince). 202 PS AMERICAN LITERATURE PS 19th century — Continued. 2860-2868 Smith, Francis Hopkinson (IV*). 2869. S3 Smith, May Riley. .S7 Smith, Richard Penn. 2870-2873 Smith, Samuel Francis (VII). 2974 Smith, Samuel-f^mith, Saq. 2875 Smith, Sar-Smith, Seb. 2876-2877 Smith, Seba ("Major Jack Downing") (XII). 2878 Smith, S.-Smz. 2879 Sna-Snider. 2880-2883 Snider, Denton Jacques (VII). 2884 Snider-Snow. 2885 Snow-Snz. 2886 So-Soq. 2887 Sor-Sot. 2888 Sou-Soutg. 2889 South- . 2890-2893 Southworth, Emma D. E. (Nevitte) (VII). 2895-2898 Spofford, Harriet Prescott (VII). 2900 Sprague, A.-Sprague, Z. 2902 Sta-Stand. 2903 Standiflh, A.-Standish, Z. 2905-2906 Stanton, Frank Lebby (XII). 2907 Stanton, F.-Staq. 2908 Star-Staz. 2909 Ste-Stedman, E. 2910-2918 Stedman, Edmund Clarence (IV'). 2919.S3 Stephens, Anna Sophia (Winterbotham). .S5 Stephens, Robert Neilson. .S8 Stillman, William James. 2920-2923 Stimson, Frederic Jesup ("J. S. of Dale") (VII 2924. S4 Stimflon, John Ward. 2925-2928 Stockton, Frank Richard (VII). 2930-2931 Stoddard, Charles Warren (XII). 2934 Stoddard, C.-Stoddard, R. .S3 Stoddard, Elizabeth Drew (Baretow). .S5 Stoddard, John Lawson. 2935-2939 Stoddard, Richard Henry (VII). 2941-2942 Stoddard, William Osborn (XII). 2943 Stoddard, W.-Stone. .S2 Stokes, Ellwood H. .S3 Stone, Cara Elizabeth (Hanecom) Whitou-. 2944 Stoner-Story. .S5 Storrs, Richard Salter. .S7 Story, Joseph. 2945-2948 Story, William Wetmore (VII). Biography, etc., see NB 237. 2950-2958 Stowe, Harriet Elizabeth (Beecher) (IV). 2959. S5 Street, Alfred Billings. 2960-2961 Stuart, Ruth (McEneiy) (XII). 2962.87 Sturgis, Julian. 2963 Sullivan. Thomas Russell. 2964.S79 Swift, Lindsay. 20;^ PS AMERICAN LITERATURE PS 19th century — Continued. 2964. S8 Swing, David. .S87 Sylvester, Herbert Milton. .S9 Symonds, William Law. 2965-2968 Tabb, John Banister (VII). 2969. T5 Tahnage, Thoioaa DeWitt. .T6 Tappan, William Bingham. 2970-2973 Tarkington, Booth (VII). 2978 Tarkington-Taylor. 2980-2998 Taylor, Bayard (III*). Poems. 2985 Collected. 2986 Separate, A-Z. Prose fiction. 2987 Collected. 2988 Separate, A-Z. Other works (Dramas, etc.). 2989 Collected. 2990 Separate, A-Z. (Collections of travels classed in PS 2989; separa works in D.) 2999 Taylor-Tel.. .T2 Taylor, Benjamin FranJclin. 3000 Tem-Terhune. 3005-3008 Terhune, Mary Virginia (Ilawes) ("Marion Harland") (VII). 3009. T7 Teuffel, Blanche Willis (Howard) von. 3010-3013 Thaxter, Celia (Laighton) (VII). 3015-3016 Thayer, William Roscoe (XII). 3019 Thayer-Thomas. 3020-3023 Thomas, Augustus (VII). 3025-3028 Thomas, Edith Matilda (VII). 3029 Thomas, E.-Thomas, K. .T3 Thomas, Frederick William. 3030.T5 Thomas, Lewis Foulke. 3031 Thompson, A. -Thompson, F. .T7 Thompson, Daniel Pierce. 3032 Thompson, G. -Thompson, H. 3033 Thompson, I.-Thompeon, K. .T4 Thompson, John Reuben: 3034 Thompson, L. -Thompson, M. 3035-3038 Thompson, Maurice (VII). 3039. T4 Thompson, William Tappan. .T9 Thorbum, Grant. Thoreau, Henry David. 3040 Collected works, by date (using date-letters). 3041 Collected poems. 3042 Selections, by editor. e. g. "Autumn," "Summer," "Winter." "Early Spring in Maasachufetts." 3013 Translations, by language, A- Z. 204 AMERICAN LITERATURE PS 19th century. Thoreau, Henry David — Contiaued. Separate works. 3044 Cape Cod. 3045 Excursiona. "Journal," aee PS 3053.A2. Letters, see PS 3053.A3. The Maine wooda, see F 27. Miacellaniea, see PS 3053.A5. 3048 Walden. 3049 A week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers. A Yankee in Canada, aee F 1052. 3051 Other, A-Z. e. g. .C5, On the duty of civil disobedience. .L5, Life without principle. S052 Indexes, etc. 3053 General works on Thoreau's life and writings. Criticism. 3054 General. Special. 3056 Sources. 3057 Other, A-Z. e. g. .P4, Thoreau's philosophy. 3068 Language. Grammar. Style. 3059 Thoreau-Thome. 3060 Thomton-ThoTO. 3061 Thorp-Thr. .T5 Thorpe, Rose (Hartwick). 3062 Thu-Ticknor. .T8 Ticknor, Francis Orray. 3063-3064 Ticknor, George (XII). 3065 Ticknor-Tieman. 3066 Tieman, Frances Christine (Fisher) ("Christian Reid"). 3067.T5 Tiffany, Francis. 3068 Tig-Till. 3069.T5 Tilton, Theodore. 3070-3073 Timrod, Henry (VII). 3079 Timrod-Torrey. .T15 Tincker, Mary Agnes. 3082-3083 Torrey, Bradford (XII). 3085-3088 Tourg^e, Albion W. (VII). 3089.T2 Towle, George Makepeace. .T38 Townsend, Frederic. .T4 Townsend, George Alfred ("Gath"). .T6 Townsend, Mary Ashley (Van Voorhia). .T65 Trask, Kate (Nichols). .T7 Traubel, Horace. .T8 Trent, William Peterfield. 3090-3093 Troubetzkoy, Am^lie (Rives) Chanler (VII). 3095-3098 Trowbridge, John Townsend (VII). 3099 Trowbridge-Trul. 3101-3102 Tucker, Nathaniel Beverley (XII). 3104 Tucker-Tuckerman, H, 205 PS AMERICAN LITERATURE PS 19th century — Continued. 3.105-3108 Tuckerman, Henry Theodore (VII). 3109 Tuckerman. H.-Tumbnli. 3110 Turner, A. -Turner, Z. 3111 Tumey-Tyl. 3112 Tyler-Tz. 3113 U-Uz. .U7 Upham, Thomas Cogswell. 3115-3118 Van Dyke, Henry (VII). 3119. V7 Venable, William Henry. 3120-3123 Verplanck, Gulian Crommelin (VII). 3125-3128 Very, Jones (VII). 3129. W9 Wallace, Horace Binney. 3130-3138 Wallace, Lewis ("Lew Wallace") (IVN. 3139. W4 Wallace, William Ross. .W6 Walsh, William Shepard. .W8 Walworth, Jeanette Richie (Hadermann). 3140-3143 Ward, Elizabeth Stuart (Phelps) (VII). 3144. W3 Ward, Samuel. 3145 Ware, A. -Ware, W. .W5 Ware, Eugene Fitch ("Ironquill"). 3146-3147 Ware, William (VII). 3149 Ware, W. -Warner, C. .W3 Warfield, Catherine Ann (Ware). .W6 Warner, Anna Bartlett ("Amy Lathrop"). 3150-3153 Warner, Charles Dudley (VII). 3155-3156 Warner, Susan ("Elizabeth Wetherell") (XIl). 3157.W2 Wasson, David Atwood. .W4 Watteraon, Henry. .W6 Watterston, George. .W6 Webb, Charles Henry ("John Paul"). .W8 Weeks, Robert Kelley. .W9 Weiss, Susan Archer. 3158. W2 Wei bum, Drummond. .W3 Welby, Amelia. .W5 Welch, Philip Henry. .W7 Wendell, Barrett. .W95 West, James Harcourt. 3159. W12 Westcott, Edward Noycs. W;> VVetmore, Elizabeth (Bisland). .-^IfiO 3163 Wharton, Edith (VII). 3164 Wharton, E.-Whaz. 3165 Whe-Wheeler, C. 3166 Wheeler, D.-Wheeler, R. 3167 Wheeler, S.-WQiipple, E. 3170-3173 Whipple, Edwin Percy (VII). 3175-3178 White, Richard Grant (VII). 3179 Wliite, R.-Whitez. 3180 Whitf-Wiiiting, L. 3181 -3182 Whiting, Lilian (XII). 3184 Whiting, L.-Whitl. 3187 Whitm-Whitman, R. 3189 Whitman, S -Whitman, W. .W4 Whitman, Sarah Helen (Power). 206 PS AMERICAN LITERATURE PS 19tli century — Continued. 3200-3248 Whitman, Walt (II). 3200 Collected works (Poetry and proee) . 3201 Collected poems, iacluding editioua of Leaves of grass, by date. 3202 Prose. 3203 Selected works. Minor works, etc. 3204 Selections. Anthologies. Extracts. Fragments, etc . 3205 Tranalationa. Separate works. 3207 As a strong bird on pinions free. 3209 Calamus. 3210 Collect. 3211 Drum taps. 3213 Democratic vistas. 3214 Good-bye, my fancy. Leaves of grass, see PS 3201. 3216 Memoranda of the war. 3217 November boughs. 3218 Passage to India. 3219 Song of the exposition (' 'After all not to create only "). 3220 Specimen days. 3221 Wound dresser. 3222 Other, A-Z. 3249. W3 Whitney, Adeline Button (Train). .W4 Whitney, Anne. 3250-3298 Whittier, John Greenleaf (II). Poems. 3255 .A4 Among the hills, and other poems. .A7 At sundown. .B2 Ballads of New England, etc. 3256 Barbara Fritehie. 3257. B2 Bay of Seven Islands, and otlier poems. .C2 Captain's well. .0-4 Chapel of the hermits, and other poems. .D3 Demon lady. .F6 Frost spirit. .H2 Hazel-blossoms. 3258 Home ballads and poems. 3259.15 In war time. .J2 Jack in the pulpit. .K4 King's missive, and other poems. .L2 Lays of my home. .L4 Legends of New-England. 3260 Mabel Martm, and other poems. 3262 Maud Muller. 3263. M3 Miriam, and other poems. .M6 Mogg Megone. .M8 Moll Pitcher. 3264 National lyrics. 3265. P2 Panorama, and other poems. .P4 Pennsylvania pilgrim, and other poems. .PC Poems of nature. 207 AMERICAN LITERATURE PS lath century. WMttier, John Greenleaf (11). Poems — Continued. 3265 .F8 Prayer of Agassi e. .R4 River path. .83 Baint Gregory's guest, and recent poems 3266 Snow-bound. 3267.83 8ong8 of labor. .85 Stranger in L owel 1 . .87 Sycamores. 3268 Tent on the beach, and other poems. 3269.V4 Vision of Echard. .V6 Voices of freedom. .W6 Worship of nature. Prose works. 8271 Collected. 3272 Separate, A-Z. 3300-3303 Wiggin, Kate Douglas (Mrs. G. C. Riggs) (VII). 3304 Wiggin, K.-Wiggz. 3305 Wigh-Wij. S308.W5 Wikoff, Henry. 3309 Wil-Wilcox, E. 3310-3313 Wilcox, EUa Wheeler (VII). 831&-3318 Wilde, Richard Henry (VII). 3319.W2 Wilder, Marshall Pinckney. .W3 Wiley, Calvin Henderson. Wilkins, Mary E., see Freeman, Mary E. (Wilkins). .W44 Wilkinson, William Cleaver. .W6 Willard, Emma (Hart). Cf. L. .W7 Williamson, Alice Muriel (Livingstone). 3320-3328 WiUis, Nathaniel Parker (IV»). 3329.W5 Willflon, Forceythe. .W7 Wilmer, Lambert A. .W8 Wilmshurst, Zavarr. 3330-3333 Wilson, Augusta Jane (Evans) (VII). 3334.W5 Wilson, John Byers. 3335-3338 Wilson, Robert Bums. 3339.W3 Wilson, Woodrow. Cf. E, J, etc. 3340 Winn-Winter, W. 3341-3342 Winter, WiUiam (XII). 3343 .W2 Winthrop, Theodore. 3344 Wire-Wister. .W3 Wirt, William. .W6 Wise, Henry Augustus ("Harry Gringo"). 3345-3346 Wister, Owen (XII). 3348 Wolcott-Wooc. 3349 Wood, A.-Wood, L. .W6 Wood, George. 3350 Wood, M.-Woodberry, G. 3351-3352 Woodberry, George Edward (XII). 3353 Woodberry, G.-Woodq. 208 PS AMERICAN LITERATURE PS 19tli centnry — Continued. 3354 Woodr-Woodworth. .W5 Woods, Kate (Tannatt). 3355-3356 Woodworth, Samuel (XII). 3357 Woodworth-Woolf. .W8 Woolf, Benjamin Edward. 3358 Woolg-Woolr. .W4 Woolley, Celia Parker. .W6 Wooleey, Sarah Chauncey ("Suean Coolidge"). 3360-3363 Woolaon , Constance Fen imore (VII). 3364 Woolson-Young. 3365-3368 Young, WUIiam.(VII). 3369 Young-Z. 3390 Miscellaneous minor; uncatalogued works. 20th century. In this group are usually to be claseifiec} authors born after 1869, beginning to pubUsh about 1890, and flourishing after 1900. Names of writers of fiction are, as a rule, omitted, as their works are classified in PZ 3. Under the classification numbers 3501-3549 the author number is to be taken from the second letter of the name. 3500 Anonymous works (XIII). Authors. 3501 A .D24 Adams, Franklin Pierce. .R575 Armstrong, Paul. .U8 Austin, Mary (Hunter). 3503 B .J6 BjOrkman, Edwin. .R2 Bradford, Gamaliel. .R63 Broadhurst, George H. .R78 Brown, Abbie Farwell. .U6 Burgess, Gelett. 3505 C .013 Ckjates, Florence (Earle). .014 Cobb, Irvin S. .056 Cooke, Edmund Vance. .R9 Crothers, Samuel McChord. 3507 D .A87 Day, Holman Francis. .19 Dix, Beulah Marie. .193 Dixon, Thomas. 3509 E .A85 Eaton, Walter Prichard. .V363 Evans, Florence (WiHdnson) 3511 F .E56 Femald, Chester Bailey. .L16 Flagg, James Montgomery. .L8 3513 G .028 Cf. NC 1429, etc. Flower, Elliott. Cloing, Charles Buxton. 209 PS AMERICAN LITERATURE PS 20th century. Authors — Continued. 3515 H .A23 Hagedorn, Hermann. Hall, Holworthy, see Porter, Harold Kverctt. .A54 Hapgood, Norman. .A797 Hartman, Sadakichi. .A81 Harvey, George. .A9 Hawthorne, Hildegarde. .A973 Hazard, CaroUne. .E62 Herford, Oliver. .0826 Howard, George B»onaon. 3517 I .R8 Irvine, Alexander. .R87 Irwin, Wallace. 3519 J .02 Johnson, Burges. .03 Johnston, Annie (Fellows). .034 Joline, Adrian Hoffman. .06 Jordan, Elizabeth Garver. 3521 R .A73 Kaufman. Herbert. .E39 Keller, Helen Adams. .£53 Kennedy, Charles Rann. .E8 Kester, Paul. .1355 KUdare, Owen Frawley. .15 King, Basil. .176 Kiser, Samuel Ellsworth. 3523 L .146 Tiincoln, Joseph Crosby. .027 Lodge, George Cabot. .046 London, Jack. .047 Long, John Luther. .0545 Loom is, Charles Battell. .064 Loruner, f " €orge Horace. .085 Loveman, H-obsrt. 3525 M .A187 McCutcheon, George Barr. .A25 McKaye, Percy Wallace. .A823 Mason, Walt. .E62 Merington, Marguerite. .E9 Meyer, Annie (Nathan). Moody, William Vaughn, see PS 2425-2428. 3527 N .135 Nicholson, Meredith. 3529 .P4 Opdycke, John Baker. 3531 P .A27 Paine, Albert Bigelow. .A275 Paine, Ralph Delahayc. .E13 Peabody, Josephine Preston .H5 Phillips, David Graham. .L2 Plummer, Mary Wrighl. 0735 Porter, Harold Everett ("Holworthy Hall"). 082 Pound, Ezra Loomis. 210 PS AMERICAN LITERATURE PS 20th century. Authors — Continued . 3533 Q 3535 K .E3 Reed, Myrtle. .122 Rice, Cale Young. .015 Robbina, Reginald Chauncey .U47 Runkle, Bertha. .U67 RtiBBell, Charles Edward. 3537 S .E23 Sedgwick, Henry Dwight. .H62 Sheldon, Ekiward Brewster. .147 Sill, Louise Morgan (Smith). .186 Sinclair, Upton Beall. .T483 Stewart, Charlee David. .T485 Striuger, Arthur. .U9 Sutherland, Howard Vigne. 3539 T .063 Torrence, Frederic Ridgely. 3541 U .N72 Untermeyer, Louia. .P7 Upson, Arthur Wheelock. 3543 V .132 Viereck, George Sylvester. 3545 w .A61 Walter, Eugene. .A8 Waterman, Nixon. .E533 Wells, Carolyn. .H53 White, Hervey. .H6 White, Stewart Edward. .H83 Whitney, Helen (Hay). .136 Wiley, Sara King. .R45 Wright, Harold BeU. 3546 X 3547 Y 3549 Z Oriental authors resident in United States 9990 Armenian 211 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CLASSIFICATION CLASS PZ: FICTION AND JUVENILE LITERATURE 213 FICTION AND JUVENILE LITERATURE FICTIOir IN ENGLISH A special collection of standard and ourent fiction including English trunglationa of foreign authore. PZ 1 Collections of novels, short stories, etc. e. g. Tales from Blackwood's. 3 Individual authors Under each, special works, A-Z. JirVENILE IITEEATXJEE Americaii and English. 5 Collections. 6 Early works (to 1860/70). 7 General juvenile literature, 1870-. 8 Fairy tales. Arabian nights, in Oriental literature. 8.1 Folk-lore, legends, romance. e. g. Lang, Book of romance. Kingsley, Hero tales. The Sampo. The Jatakas. Arthurian romance. Greek myths and legends. Wagnerian legends. Niebelungenlied . Cf. Folk-literature in PN-PV. 8.2 Fables. Including ^sop in English versions for children. 8.3 Verses for children. For collections of poetry for and about children, prefer PN 6110.C5; PR 1195.C5; PS 595.C5. 8.7 Humorous works. Prefer 7. 8.9 Miscellaneous stories. (Of dolls, toys, etc.) 9 Historical and geographical tales. Biography, see CT 107. (9.5) Individual biography, with subjects, class A-Z, with cross reference here. 10 Science and industry. Prefer Q-V. 10,3 Animal stories. Prefer PZ 8.3 for verse. Cf. PZ 8.2, P^ables. 215 PZ JUVENILE LITERATURE PZ American and English — Continued. Juvenile drama. (10.6) American and English, see PN 6120.A4-5. Foreign. 10.7 Miscellaneous. Minor, e. g. Chats with children. Dntch. Collections. 11 General. 11.1 For Boys. 11.2 For Girls. 12 Early works (to 1860/70). 13 General juvenile literature, 1870-. 14 Fairy tales. Arabian nights in Oriental literature. 14.1 Folk-lore, legends, romance. Cf . Folk-literature in PN-PV. 14.2 Fables. 14.3 Verses for children. For collectionB of poetry for and about children, prefer PN 6110.C5; PR 1195.C5; PS 595.C5. 14.7 Humorous works. Prefer PZ 13. 14.9 Miscellaneous stories. (Of dolls, toys, etc.) 15 Historical and geographical talcs. Biography, see CT 107. Individual biography, with eubjecta, class A-Z, with cross reference here. 16 Science, and Industry. Prefer Q-V. 16,3 Animal stories. Prefer PZ 14.3 for verse. Cf. PZ 14.2, Fables. 17 Juvenile drama. 21-27 French. Divided like PZ 11-17. 31-37 German. Divided like PZ 11-17. 41-47 Italian. Divided like PZ 11-17. 51-57 Scandinavian. Divided like PZ 11-17. 61-67 Slavic. Divirlodlike PZ 11-17. 71-77 Spanish and Portngnese. Divided like PZ 11-17. 90 Other languages, A-Z. 216 TABLES OF SUBDIVISIONS UNDER INDIVIDUAL AUTHORS 217 TABLE OF SUBDIVISIONS UNDER INDIVIDUAL AUTHORS. May be modified in application to specific cases whenever it Beems desirable. I (98 uos.) II (48 noe.) or 50 5-40 61 52 53 54 5-22 55-72 Authors with forty-eight or ninety-eight numbers. Collected works. Original editiona, and reprinte. By date. To 1500: A00-A99. 1500-1599: B0O-B99. 1600-1699: C00-C99. 1700-1799: D0a-D99. 1800-1899: E0a-E99. 1900-1999: F0a-F99. Editions with commentary etc. By editor, A-Z. Selected works. Minor works. Inedited works, fragments, etc. Selections. Ajithologiee. Extracts. Translaiions. By language; subarranged by translator. .F6, French. .G5, German. .15, Italian. .S5, Spanish. .Z5, Other. Separate works, alphabetically by title. (Only the more important have a special num- ber or numbers assigned to them, the lesser works are to have Cutter numbers.) For subdivisions where one number is assigned to a work use Table X. For Cutter num- bers, use Table XI. Under each: Texts. By date. 1 1 By editor. 2 2 Selections. 219 SUBDIVISIONS UNDER INDIVIDUAL AUTHORS I II Authors with forty-eight or ninety-eight (98 noa.) (48 ao3.) numbers. Separate works, alphabetically by title — Contd. - ■ Under each— Continued. &-40 5-22 55-72 3 3 Translations (and Adap- tations: Dramatizations, etc.j Imitations). N. B. Adaptations, drama- tizations, etc., by the author of the original work him- self to precede translations in for- eign languages. 4 4 1 Criticism. 5-9 Special, A-Z. 23 73 Doubtful, Bpurious works. Cf. 70 (Table I); 36, 86 (Table II). 42 .A2+ .A2+ Collections. 43 .A5-Z .A5-Z Special, A-Z. ! 44 Works edited by the author under consideration. 45 24 74 Imitations. Adaptations. 46 Parodies. 47 25 75 Relation to the drama and the stage. Dramati- zation. 48 26 76 Translations (Comparative studies, etc.). (49) (27) (77) Illustrations (Portfolios, etc., without text, illus- trationa with quotations). Prefer N 8215, or the special artists in NC-NE as the case may be. Classification of illustrations in P may be pre- ferred in the case of a few authors of the first rank whose works have inspired many artists. Illustrated editions with other editions. Portraits, etc., of the author with his Biogra- phy. Biography, Criticism, etc. (50) (28) (78) Bibliography, see Z 8001-9000. 51 29 79 Period ical B, Societies, Collections. 220 SUBDIVISIONS UNDER INDIVIDUAL AUTHORS (98 noe.) 62 53 54 65 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 II (48 noe.) 30 31. A2 .A3 .A5-Z 32 33 34 35 36 80 81.A2 .A3 .A5-Z 82I 83 84 85 86 Authors with forty-eight or ninety-eight nnmben. Biography, Critdciflm, etc. — Continued. Dictionaries, Indexes, etc. General encyclopedic dictionaries only. Special dictionaries with subject e.g. Characters, see 78 (Table I); 39, 89 (Table II). Concordances and dictionaries, see 91-92 (Table I); 45, 95 (Table II). General works. Autobiography. Journals; Letters; Memoirs. General works. Early life. Education. Love and marriage. Relation to women. Later life. Relations to contemporaries. Times, etc. Cf. 73 (Table I); 36, 86 (Table II). Homes and haunts. Local associations. Landmarks. Cf. DA. Anniversaries. Celebrations. Memorial addresses. Treatment in litera- ture. Poetry. Fiction. Iconography. Portraits. Monuments. Relics. Authorship. Manuscripts. Authorship. For textual criticism, see 89 (Table I); 43, 93 (Table IJ). Forgeries, etc. Cf. 42, 43, 45 (Table I); 23-4, 73-4 (Table II). Sources. Forerunners. Associates. Followers. Circle. School. Cf. 59 (Table 1); 33, 83 (Table II). 221 SUBDIVISIONS UNDER INDIVIDUAL AUTHORS I (98 no8.) (48 II noB.) Authors with forty-eight or ninety-eight numbers. Authorship — Continued. 74 Aliueiona. 75 37 87 Chronology of works. Criticism and interpretation. 76 38 88 General works. Genius, etc. Prefer 55 (Table I); 31, 81 (Table II;. 77 Philosophy. Prefer 76 or 82 (Table I), and corresponding numbers of Table II. Characters. 78 39 89 General. 79 Special. Groups, Classes, e. g. Women. 80 40 90 Individual. 81 41 91 Plots, Scenes, Time, etc. 42.A-Z 92.A-Z Treatment and knowledge of special subjects. 82 83 Philosophy. Religion. Ethics. Law, Politics, etc. 84 History. 85 Art. 86 Nature. 87 Science. 88 Other, A-Z. 89 43 93 Textual criticism, commentaries, etc. To include discussion of manuscripts of classi- cal or medieval authors and works. 90 44 94 Language, Style, etc. Prefer 76 (Table I); 38, 88 (Table II). 91 45 95 Dictionaries. Concordances. 92 Dictionaries. Concordances. 46 96 Grammar. 93 General. 94 Special. Use of words. 95 Syntax. 96 47 97 Versification, meter, rhythm, etc. 97 48 98 Dialect, etc. 222 SUBDIVISIONS UNDER INDIVIDUAL AUTHORS III IV Authors with eight or eighteen numbers. Collected works. 1 2 1 2 By date. By editor. Selectiona . 3 Separate parts, see Separate works. TranslationB. 3 4 5-10 .A2A-Z .A3-Z 4.A-Z Modem English. By translator. Other, by language, subarranged by translator. Separate works. Under each ; III, see Table X, or XI. IV, see Table XI. 11 12.A1-5 5 6.A1-19 Apocryphal, spurious works, etc. Periodicals. Societies. Collections. .A6-Z .A2-3 Dictionaries, indexes, etc. 13 .A5-Z Biography and criticism. Criticism. 14 7 General. 15 16 Textual. Manuscripts, etc. Special. Sources. 17 8 Other, A-Z. 18 e. g. Langxiage, grammar, style, etc. Language. Grammar. Style. III» IV» Same as III and IV, using the following date letters: To 1500: A0O-A99. 1500-1599 B0O-B99. 1600-1699 C0O-C99. 1700-1799 D00-D99 1800-1899 E00-E99. 1900-1999 F00-F99. V (8 no8.) VI (5 noe.) Single works with five or eight numbers. or 5 Texts (including texts with commentaries ) .Al, To 1800. .A2, 1801-1900, by date, when no editor ie given. .A5-Z, 1801 + , by editor. 223 SUBDIVISIONS UNDER INDIVIDUAL AUTHORS V (8 nos.) VI (5 nos.) Single works with five or eight numbers. Tables V and VI— Continued. 1 1 or 6 Selections, subarranged like 0. 2 Separate parts, by number or name. TranslationB. 3 2 or 7 English (or In the case of medieval works, modern ver- sions or adaptations in the vernacular). 4.A-Z3 3. or 8 Other, by language, A-Z. .Z5 Imitations, stories, etc., founded upon the text. (Prefer classification with other works of the author of the imitation, with reference here only.) 4 or 9 Criticism. 5 General (including authorship). 6 Textual. 7 Special, by subject, A-Z. 8 Language, grammar, etc. VII (5 nos.) Authors with four or five numbers. 01 ■ 5 Collected works. .Al To 1800. 1800-. Under modem authors, 19th century and later. Collected works are to be classified under .A2 by date, and only in special cases under .A5A-Z by editor. .A2 By date. .A5A-Z By editor. .A6-Z3 Translations. By language, subarranged by trans- lator. 1 6 Selections^ anthologies, etc., A-Z. 2 7 Separate works, by title, A-Z. (Use Table XI.) 3 8 Biography and criticism. .Al-29, Periodicals. Societies. .A3, Dictionaries. Indexes. .A4, Autobiography. Journals. Memoirs. .A5-Z, General works. 4 9 Criticism. Where only four numbers arp provided, class Criticism with Biography. 224 SUBDIVISIONS UNDER INDIVIDUAL AUTHORS VIII IX Authors with one number or Cutter number * (1 no.) (Cutter no.) Tables V11I» aucl IX" when poasible. Collected works. .Al .X By date. .All-19 .xAll-19 By editor (alphabetically). Translations. .A2-29 .XA2-29 English. By translator. .A3-39 .XA3-39 French. By translator. .At-49 ,xA4-49 German. By translator. .A5-59 .XA5-59 Other, By language. .A6-69 .XA6-69 Separate works. By title. .A8-Z .XA&-Z Biography and criticism. Collected works. * In Table IX and modificationa, x= Cutter number. VIII" (1 no.) IX" (Cutter no.) Authors with one number or Cutter number. Collected works. .Al .X By date. .All-14 .xAIl-M By editor. .A15 .xAlo Collected novels. .A16 .xAl6 Essays, Miscellanies, etc. .A17 .xA17 Collected poems. .A19 .xA19 Collected plays. Translations. .A2-29 .XA2-29 English. By translator. .A3-39 .xA3-39 French. By translator. .A4-49 .XA4-49 German. By translator. .A5-59 .XA6-59 Other. By language. .A6-Z4 .XA6-Z4 Separate works. .Z5A-Z .XZ5-99 Biography and criticism. !»27.')!»r) (> .j1 l.T 225 SUBDIVISIONS UNDER INDIVIDUAL AUTHORS VHP (1 no.) IX" (Cutter no.) Authors with one number or Cutter number. Collected works. .Al .X By date. .All-14 .xAll-14 By editor. .A15 .xA15 Collected novels. .Aie .xAl6 Essays, miscellanies, etc. .A17 .xA17 Collected poems. .A19 .xAl9 Collected plays. A3 Z29 .IA3-Z29 Separate works. Translations. Z-! -39 .xZ3-3& English. ./S+-4y r64-A9 P>ench. .ZC-63 .xZO-69 Other. By language. .Z7-79 .XZ7--79 Adaptations, Lmitations, dramatizations, etc. (By title). .Z8-9 .xZ8-9 Biography and criticism. X (iDO.) X» (1 DO.) Separate works with one number. ' "^ Use Table X* for works after 1600. Texts. .Al .Al By date. .All-2 .A2A-Z By editor. .A3 School texts. Translations. .A21-39 Modern versions of medieval works. .A4--J9 .A4-^9 French. .A5~69 .A5-59 German. .A 6-69 .A6-C9 [ Other languages. By language .A7-Z .A7-Z Criticism. r/ C 226 SUBDIVISIONS UNDER INDIVIDUAL AUTHORS XI (Cutter no.) (l).z date •xA-Z (2) (3).xA-Z Separate works with Cutter numbers. riui. t,^s> crK. Texts. Translations, by language. .A3-39, Modem versions in same language. .A4-Z, Other languages. Adaptations, dramatizations, etc. Criticism. NoTB. In Table XI, (1), (2), and (3), .x repreeenla Buccoesive Cutter numbers, as, for example: .F6, .F7, .F8 or .F66, .F67, .F68. In the case of works where division (2) is inappli- cable the numbers may be modified by using two Cutter numbers only, as .F4, .F5 or .F4, .F41, t^\->f C XII (2 nos.) Anthora with two numbers. Collected editions. (l).Al By date. .A2-^9 By editor. (If there are many different oditions, .A2A-Z may be used instead of .A2-49.) .A5-Z Separate works. By title. (2).A-Z Biography and criticism. Siii|;le works with two numbers. Texts. By date. By editor. Parts, by title. Criticism. SUBDIVISIONS UNDER INDIVIDUAL AUTHORS XIII Anonymous works in fiction, poetry, drama, etc. Special num- No special Works by unidentified authors are to be classified ber for number for under the period to which they belong and are to anonymous anonymous precede the works of individuals author known by works. works. name, except as otherwise provided for in the schedules. They are to be arranged according to the following table. Where a special number is not provided for anony- mous works the numbers in the second column are to be used with such modifications a" may be nec- essary. If two or more works are identified aA being by the same author, they are to be kept together, using for this purpose the numbers .AlOl-199, etc. .Al .Al Works without any indication of author, either by symbol or initial. By title, A-Z. .A2 .All Works by *, **, ***, etc. (asterisk or asterisks). By title, A-Z. Note When special number is assigned .AlOl-199 may be used in cases where two or more works are known to be by the same author, arranged by word or phrase pre- ceding the symbol, e. g. PQ 2149 Works by "L' abb6 •*•." .A121 Le j&uite. .A123 Le mauduit. .A124 Les mystiquee. .A127 I^ religieuse. .A3 .A13 Works by — , , etc. (dash or dashes). By title, A-Z. .A201-299 may be used like .AlOl-199. .A4 .A15 Works by . , .. , ... , etc. (dot or dots). By title, A-Z. .A301-399 may be used like .AlOl-199. .A5 .A17 Works by authors indicated by other symbols (I, ?, t, etc.). .A401-499 may be used like .AlOl-199. .A6 .A19 Works by authors indicated by a descriptive phrase, e. g. .A6A5 or .A19A5 Amator patriae. .A6I5 (Un) Ingdnieurenchefhon- oraire des mines. .A6P2 Patriae amator. 228 SUBDIVISIONS UNDER INDIVIDUAL AUTHORS XIII Anonymous works in fiction, poetry, drama, etc. .A7 .A2 Workfl "By the author of" arranged by the title named, e. g. .A7E7+, By the author of "Erite aicut Deua." .A7R8+, By the author of "Ruinen aus den eagen dea nor- dena." A9 .A21 Works by A, A*^, A— Capt. A, etc. Subarranged in one alphabet by title disregard- ing symbols and other initials that may be added. (As in the case of .AlOl-199 exceptions may be made for two or more works known to be by the same author which may be arranged .A801-899; .A201-.2099) .B3 .A22 Works by B. (.B201-299, .C201-299, etc., may be used as in the case of .A801-899.) .03 .A23 Works by C. .D3 .A24 Works by D. .E3 .A25 Works by E. .F3 .A26 Works by F. .G3 .A27 Works by G. .H3 .A28 Works by H. .13 .A29 Works by I. .J3 .A3 Works by J. .K3 .A31 Works by K. .L3 .A32 Works by L. .M3 .A33 Works by M. .N3 .A34 Works by N. .03 .A35 Works by 0. .P3 .A36 Works by P. .Q3 .A37 Works by Q. .R3 .A38 Works by R. .S3 .A39 Works by S. .T3 .A4 Works by T. . .U3 .A41 Works by U. .V3 .A42 Works by V. .W .A43 Works by W. .X .A44 Works by X. .Y .A45 Works by Y. .Z .A46 Works by Z. 229 INDEX 231 INDEX Abbey, Henry: PS 1000. A3. Abbott, Charles Conrad: PS 1000.A5. Abbott, Jacob: PS 1000. A8. Abbott, John Stevens Cabot: PS 1001-1002. Abercrombie, Lascelles: PR 6001 .B38. Abrahall, Chandoe Hosky na : PR 4000.A5. Acting: PN 2055-78. Acton, John: PS 1003.A2. Acrostics: PN 6369-G377. Actors and actresses Biography: PN 2205-17. Special countries: PN 2286-3030. U.S.: PN 2285-7. Gt. Brit.: PN 2597-8. Austria: PN 2617-8. France: PN 2637-8. Germany: PN 2657-8. Italy: PN 2687-8. etc.: Adams, A. P.: PS 1003.A3. Adams, Abigail (Smith): PS 1003. A35. Adams, Catharine A. Van Buren: PS 1003. A4. Adams, Charles Follen: ("Yawcob Strauss"): PS 10p3.A45. Adams, Charles Francis: PS 1003. A5. Adams, E. F.: PS 1003.A6. Adams, Franklin P.: PS 3501.D24. Adams, G. Z.: PS 1004.A3. Adams, George; PS 1004. A35. Adams, Hannah: PS 1004.A37. Adams, Henry: PS 1004. A4. Adams, Henry W.: PS 1004. A45. Adams, Herbert: PS 1004. A5. Adams, John (1704-1740): PS 701. A3. Adams, John (President): PS 701. A4. Adams, John Jay: PS 1004.A6. Adams, John Quincey: PS 1006. Adams, }fiss L. B.: PS 1006.A3. Adams, Mary (Mathews): PS 1006. A33. Adams, Oscar Fay: PS 1006. A4. Adams, Samuel: PS 701. A5. Adams, Sarah Fuller Flower: PR4001.A2, Adams, William: PR 4001. A3. Addison, Joseph: PR 3300-8. Ade, George: PS 1006. A6. Aelfric: PR 1520-38. After-dinner speeches: PN 4205.04. Agg, John: PR 4001. A4. Aguilar, Grace: PR4001.A45. Aid6, Hamilton: PR40fll.A48. Aikin, John: PR 4001 .A5. Aikin, Lucy: PR 4001. A7. Aingcr, Alfred: PR 4001. A9. Ainsworth, William Harrison: PR 4002-3. Akenside, Mark: PR 3310-4. Albee, John: PS 1007.A5. Alcott, AmosBronson: PS 1010-1013. Alcott, Louise May: PS 1015-1018. Aldrich, Anne Reeve: PS 1019.A7. Aldrich, Thomas Bailey: PS 1020-1028. Alexander of Hales: PR 1804. Alexander, William, Bishop of Armagh: PR 4004. A12. Alford, Henry: PR 4004.A15. Alfred the Great: PR 1540-68. Alger, Horatio: PS 1029. A3. Allegorical epics: PN 1329. Allen, Benjamin: PS 1029. A5. Allen, Elizabeth Akers: PS 1029.A7. Allen, Fred Raphael: PS 1029.A75. Allen, Grant: PR 4004. A2. Allen, J. Mord: PS 1029.A8. Allen, James Lane: PS 1030-1038. Allen,' William (President of Bowdoin college): PS 1039. A26. Allibond, John: PR 3315. A3. Allibone, Samuel Austin: PS 1039. A265. Allingham, William: PR 4004.A5. Allston, Washington: PS 702. Alsop, Anthony: PR 33I5.A35. Alsop, George: PS 703. A2. ; Alsop, Richard: PS 703.A5. ! Amateur authors: PN 159. 2.^:^ INDEX Amateur drama: PN 6120.A4-6. Amateur journalism: PN 4795-4800. Amateur theatricals r PN 3151-«9. Plays: PN 6120.A. American literature Anonymous works: 17-18th centuries: PS 700. 19th century: PS 991. 20th century: PS 3500. Biography: PS 12e-151. C!oUected monographs: PS 11-18. Collections: PS 501-689. Colonial: PS 70O-«92. Collections: PS 531. Poetry: PS 601. History and criticism: PS 185-195. Drama: PS 341. Poetry: PS 312. Prose: PS 375-426. Congresses: PS 7. Criticism: PS 56-79. Dictionaries: PS 21. Drama Collections: PS 621-635. History and criticism: PS 332-351. Encyclopedias: PS 21. History (General): PS 85-124. History and criticism Collections: PS 11-18. Drama: PS 330-351. Eccentric literature: PS 441-8. Essays: PS 420-8. Letters: PS 670-9. Oratory: PS 400-8. Poetry: PS 303-324. Prose: PS 362-151. Satire: PS 431-8. Wit and humor: PS 431-8. Middle States Collections: PS 563-5. History and criticism: PS 251-255. New England Collections: PS 541. History and criticism: PS 243-7. Nineteenth century Collections: PS 535. Drama: PS 632, Poetry: PS 607-611. Proee: PS 653-€87. American literature — Continued. Nineteenth century — Continued. History and criticism: PS 201^14. Drama: PS 343-345. Poetry: PS 316-321. Prose: PS 377-427. Periodicals: PS 1. Philosophy, relations, etc.: PS 31. Poetry Collections: PS 581-619. History and criticism: PS 303-324. Translations: PS 619. Prose Collections: PS 641-689. History and criticism: PS 362-451. Relations to other literature: PS 157-9. Revolutionary period Collections: PS 533. Poetry: PS 604. History and criticism: PS 191. Poetry: PS 314. Seventeenth-reighteenth centuries, See American literature: Colonial. Societies: PS 5. South Collections: PS 551-559. History and criticism: PS 261-267. Study and teaching: PS 25-49. Translations: PS 514-625. Poetry: PS 619. Twentieth century Drama: PS 635. Poetry: PS 614. Prose: PS 658-689. History and criticism: PS 221-228. Drama: PS 351. Poetry: PS 324. Proee: PS 37^-428. West Collections: PS 561-572. History and criticism: PS 271-285. Wit and humor Collections: PN 6157-6161. History: PS 430-438. 234 INDEX American literature — Continued. Women authors: PS 147:161. Year-books: PS 3. Ames, Mary (Clemmcr): PS 1039. A32. Ames, Nathaniel: PS 703. A6. Amhurst, Nicholas: PR 3315.A4. Amory, Thomas: PR 3315.A45. Amory, Thomas Coffin: PS 1039. A34. Amsbary, Wallace Bruce: PS 1039. A36. Ana: PN 6250-8 Anacreontic literati; re: PN 6233-8. Anagnos, Julia Romana (Howe): PS 1039. A365. Anagrams: PN 6369-6377. Literary history: PN 1525. "Ancren riwle" : PR 1807-10. Anderson, Robert: PR 4007. A5. Andr6, Major John: PR 3315.A5. Andrew of Wyntoun: PR 1812. Andrews, Jane: PS 1039.A39. Anecdotes: PN 6260-8. Anecdotes of actors: PN 2217. Anglo-Norman literat\ire: PR 1807-2165. History and criticism: PR 281-7. Anglo-Saxon literature: PR 1509-1799. Collections: PR 1501-1508. History and criticism: PR 171-236. Poetry: PR 201-217. Prose: PR 221-236. Animal epics: PN 1333.A6. Anonymous literature History and criticism: American; PS 155. English: PR 121. Anonymous plays (English Renaissance): PR 2411. Anonymous works American literature 17th-18th centuries: PS 700. 19th century: PS 991. 20th century: PS 3500. English literature Medieval: PR 1509-2164. Renaissance: PR 2199. 17th-18th centuries: PR 3291. 19th century: PR 3991. 20th century: PR 6000. Anstcy, Christopher: PR 3316. A3. Anstey, F., pseud.: PR 4729.G5. Aphorisms: PN 6369-6377. Apothegms: PN 6300-8. Appleton, Thomas Gold: PS 1039.A5. Arblay, Mnu. Frances (Bumey) d': PR 3316.A4. Arbuthnot, John: PR 3318 A5. Archer, William: PR 4007. A63. Argyll, John, 9th duke of: PR 4007. A65. Armin, Robert: PR 2417. Armstrong, John: PR 3316' A6 Armstrong, Paul: PS3501.R575 Amim, Mary Annette, gr&fin von. {Author of" Elizabeth and her German garden''): PR6001.R60. Arnold, Sir Edwin: PR 4010-4 Arnold, Frederick: PR 4015. A4. Arnold, George: PS 1039. A7. Arnold, Josias Lyndon: PS 703 A7. Arnold, Matthew: PR 4020-4. Arnold, Thomas, jr.; PR 4028. A6. Arp, Bill pseud.: PS 2859.S5. Art Quotations: PN 6084. A8. Relation of journalism to: PN 4762. Relation of literature to: PN 53. Relation of poetry- to: PN 1069. Art, Pictorial Relation of drama to: PN 1637. Arthurian legends Medieval literature: PN 685-6. English: PR 328. Artrobus, Benjamin: PR 3316. A66. Ascham, Roger: PR 2201-2. Ashby-Sterry, Joseph: PR 4028. A73. "Assumptio Mariae" (Middle English): PR 1817. "Athelstan's victory" (Anglo-Saxon); PR 1592. Atherstone, Edwin: PR 4028. A8. Atherton, Gertrjde (Horn): PS 1040-1043. Atkinson, Sarah: PR 4029. A4. Atkinson, Thomas: PR 4029. A5. Aungerville, Richard (Richard of Bury): PR 1820-8. Auringer, Obadiah C>tu8: PS 1049. A5. Austen, Jane: PR 4030-8. Austin, Alfred: PR 4040-4. Austm, Jane (Goodwin): PS 1050-1053. Austin, Mary (Hunter): PS 3501. U8. Austin, William: PS 1054.A17. Authors' biographies (Collective): PN 451-481. American: PS 126-151. English: PR 103-120. Authors' relation to women: PN 481. Authorship: PN 101-249. \xon, William: PR 4046. A5. "Ayenbite of inwyt": PR 2085. M3. Aylet, Robert: PR 3316.A7. 2;^^ INDEX Aylmer, John: PR 2203. A5. Ayton, Richard: PR 4046. A7. Ayton, Sir Robert: PR 2203. A7. Aytoun, William Edmondstoune : PR 4047-8. Azariaa: PR 1575. Bacheller, Irving: PR 1054. B3. Bacon, Delia: PS 1054. B57. Bacon, Ezekiel: PS 1054. B6. Bacon, Francis: P 1151-1183. Bacon, Francis: PR 2206-8. Bacon, James: PS 703. B3. Bacon, John: PR 1831. . Bacon, Josephine Dodge (Daskam): PS 1054. B62. Bacon, William Thompson: PS 1054. B64. Bagby, George William: PS 1057. Bagehot, Walter: PR 4049.B2. Bailey, Peter: PR 4049. B7. Bailey, Philip James: PR 405(M. Baillie, Joanna: PR 4056. Bain, Francis William: PR 6003. A4. Baird, Henry: PR 4057.B13. Baker, Daniel: PR 3316.B15. Baker, George Augustus: PS 1059. B2. Baker, William Mumford: PS 1059.B4. Baldwin, William: PR 2209.B15. Bale, John: PR 2209. B2. Dramatic works: PR 2419. B2. Balestier, Wolcott: PS 1059. B6. Balfour, Arthur James: PR 4057.B135. Ball, Edward; PR 4699.F9. Ballade: PN 1471. English literature: PR 1194. Ballade Literary history: PN 1376. Ballads (English literature) Collections: PR 1181. History and criticism: PR 507. Ballantine, James; PR 4057. B14. Ballet Drama; PN 6120. B3. Dramatic history: PN 1989-1991. Musical history: ML 3460. Bampfylde, John: PR 3316. B165. Bancroft, George: PS 1061. Bancroft, Hubert Howe: PS 10G3.B2. Bancroft, Thomas: PR 2209 B2G. Bangs, John Kcudrick: PS 1064. B3. Banim, John: PR 1057 B2. Banim, Michael; PR 4057. B3. Banks, Charles Eugene; PS 1064. B5. Baimatyue, George: PR 2209. B28. Barbauld, Anna Letitia: PR 4057. B7. Barbe, Waitman: PS 1065. B4. Barber, Margaret Fairlesa ('* Michael Fair- leas"): PR6003.A65. Barbour, John: PR 1833. Barclay, Alexander: PR 2209. B3. Barclay, William: PR 2209. B4. Barham, Richard Harris: PR 4058-9. Baring, Maurice: PR 6003. A67. Baring-Gould, Sabine: PR 4061-2. Barlow, Jane: PR 4063. B3. Barlow, Joel: PS 704-705. Barlow, Warren S.: PS 1065.B9. Barnard, Charies: PS 1066. B3. Barnes, Almont: PS 1066. B8. Barnes, Barnabe: PR 2209. B6. Dramatic works: PR 2419. B3 Barnes, G. H.: PS 1067.B15. Barnes, William: PR 4064-5. Bamfield, Richard: PR 2209. B8. Barnitz, Albert T. S.: PS 1068.B2. Barnum, Frances Courtenay (Baylor): PS 1068.B6. Baron, Robert: PR 3316. B18. Barr, Amelia Edith (Huddleston): PS 1070-1073. Barre, William: PR 4069. B4. Barrett, Eaton Stannard: PR 4069. B5. Barrie, Sir James Mathew; PR 4070-8. Barron, Elwyn Alfred: PS 1074. B3. Bartlett, Joseph: PS 700. B5. Bartley, James Avis: PS 1074. B7. Bartol, Cyrus Augustus: PS 1074. B75. Barton, Andrew: PS 707. B2. Barton, Ardelia Maria (Cotton): PS 1074. B8. Barton, Bernard: PR 4079. B2. Barton, William Eleazar; PS 1074. B88. Basse, William; PR 2211. B2. Bates, Ario: PS 1076. Bates, Chariotte Fiske: PS 2729. R4. Bates, Katharine Lee; PS 1077. B4. Bates, Margaret Holmes (F.nisperger): PS 1077. BO. Baxter, Richard; PR 3316.B19. Baylor, Frances Courtenay; PS 1068. B6. Bayly, Ada FUen ("Fdna Lyall"): PR 4079. B5. Bayly, Thomas Hayues; PR 4079. B6. "Be domes dsege" (Last Judgment); PR 1576. Beaconsfield, Benjamin Disraeli, lord: PR 4080-8. 2:^() INDEX Beattie, James: PR 3316. B2. Beaumont, Francis, and Fletcher, J.: PR 2420-38. Beaumont, Sir John: PR 2211. B3. Beaumont, Joseph: PR 3316. B5. Beck, Thomas: PR 4089. B7. Becket, Andrew: PR 4089. B8. Beckford, William: PR 4091-2. Beckingham, Charles: PR 331 6. B7. Beda Venerabilie: PR 1578. Beddoes, Thomas Lovell: PR 4097-8. Beecher, Henry Ward: PS 1084.B2. Beecher, Lyman: PS 1084. B3. Beerbohm, Max: PR 6003. E4. Beers, Henry Augustin: PS 1084. B6. Behn, Mrs. Aphra: PR 3317. Bell, Florence E. E. (OUiffe), Lady {Earlier known as Mrs. Hugh Bell.): PR4099.B15. Bell, Lillian L. (Mrs. A. H. Bogue): PS 1085.B63. Bellamy, Edward: PS 1086-1087. Bellamy, Elizabeth Whitfield: PS 1088.B3. Bellenden, John: PR 2211. B5. Belloc, Hilaire: PR 6003.E45. Belon, Peter: PR 3318.B2. Benedict, Frank Lee: PS 1088.B6. Benjamin, Park: PS 1090-1093. Benjamin, Samuel Green Wheeler: PS 1094. B2. Bennett, Arnold: PR 6003. E6. Bennett, William Cox: PR 4099. B4. Bensel, James Berry: PS 1094. B9. Benson, Arthur Christopher: PR4099.B5. Benson, Edward Frederic: PR 4099. B6. Benson, Robert Hugh: PR 4099. B7. Bentley, Richard: PR 3318.B3. Benton, Thomas Hart: PS 1095. B4. Beowulf: PR 1580-8.. Beresford, James: PR 4099. B8. Besant, Sir Walter, and Rice, James: PR 4100-8. "Bestiary" (Middle English): PR 1836. Bethune, Alexander: PR 4109. B2. Bethune, George Washington: PS 1096. B3. Beverly, Robert: PS 707. B6. Bible in literature: PN 49. Poetry: PN 1077. American literature: PS 166. Poetry: PS 310. R4. Bible in literature — Continued. English literature: PR 145. Medieval literature: PR 275. Poetry: PR508.R4 Bickersteth, Edward Henry: PR 4109. B6. Bierce, Ambrose: PS 1097. Billings, Jcsh, psrud: PS 2805-2808. Binns, Henry Bryan: PR 6003.173. Binyon, Laurence: PR 6003.175. Biography, Literary: PN 451^81. Se^ Actors; Authors; Elocutionists; Journalists; Lecturers; Orators. Bird, James: PR 4112.B7. Bird, Robert Montgomery: PS 1099. B5. Birrell, Augustine: PR 4115. Birthday books: PN6084.B5; PS 586. Bishop, Samuel: PR 3318. B47. Bishop, William Henry: PS 1100. Bjorkman, Edwin: PS 3503.J6. Black, William: PR 4120-8. Blackie, John Stuart: PR 4129. B5. Blackmore, Sir Richard: PR 3318. B5. Blackmore, Richard D.: PR 4130-4. Blackwell, Anna: PR 4135. B8. Blaine, Jaihes Gillespie: PS 1102. B6. Blair, James. PS 707. B7. Blair, Robert: PR 3318. B7. Blake, James Vila: PS 1102. B8. Blake, Mary Elizabeth (McGrath): PS 1102.B9. Blake, William: PR 4140-8. Bland, Edith: PR 4149. B4. Blanden, Charles Granger: PS 1103. B46. Bleecker, Mrs. Ann Eliza: PS 708. B3. Blessington, Lady: PR 4149. B5. Blickling homilies; PR 1590. Blind, Mathilde: PR 4149.B55. Blcede, Gertrude ("Stuart Sterne"): PS 1103. B8. Blood, Henry Ames: PS 1103. B85. Bloomfield, Robert: PR 4149. B6. Blunt, Wilfrid Scawen: PR 4149.B8. Boaden, James: PR 3324. B4. Bodenham, John: PR 2211. B8. Bogue, Lillian (Bell): PS 1085.B63. Bokenham, Osbern: PR 1840.B5. Boker, George Henry: PS 1105-1106. Boldrewood, Rolf, pseud.: PR 4175. B7. Bolles, Frank: PS 1107.B2. Bolton, Charles Knowlcs: PS 1107. B7. Bolton, Sarah (Knowl<«3): PS 1107. B8. Boner, John Henry: PS 1109.B3. 237 INDEX Bonmots: PN 6319-6328. Bonner, Sherwood: PS 2357-2358. Booka, Collections of extracte about: PN 6071.B7. Books and reading: Z 1003. Borrow, George: PR 4150-8. Bosanquet, George William: PR 4160.B5. Boflwell, James: PR 3325. Botta, Anna Charlotte (Lynch): PS 1111. Bottomley, Gordon: PR 6003.067. Bouchier, Sir John (Lord Bemers): PR 2212-3. Boucicault, Dion: PR 4161.B2. Boxirdillon, Francis William: PR 4161.B3. Boiime, Vincent: PR 3326.B2. Bovee, Christian Neetell: PS 1113.B6. Bowdler, Hannah: PR 3326.B25. Bowen, Herbert Wolcott: PS 1113.B8. Bower, Richard: PR 2439.B3. Bowles, WiUiam Lisle: PR 4161.B4. Bowring, Sir John: PR 4161.B42. Boyd, Andrew Kennedy Hutchison: PR 4161.B45. Boyeson, Hjahnar Hjorth: PS 1115-1118. Boys, Poetry for: English: PR 1195.B7. Brackenridge, Hugh Henry: PS 708.B5. Braddon, Mary E.: PR 4989 .M4. Bradford, Gamaliel: PS 3503.R2. Bradford, WUliam: PS 708.B7. Bradlee, Caleb Davis: PS 1120.B45. Bradley, Katherine, and Cooper, Edith, (Michael Field, pseud.): PR 4699. F5. Bradley, Mary Emily (Neely): PS 1120.B47. Bradshaw, Henry: PR 2214.B2. Bradstrett, Anne: PS 711-712. Bradwardine: PR 1841. Brady, Cyrus Townsend: PS 1120.B5. Brainard, John Gardiner Calkins: PS 1120.B8. Brandon, Samuel: PR 2439.B4. Brathwaite, Richard: PR 2214.B3. Bray, Anna Eliza (Kempe): PR4161.B57. Breitman, Hans, pteud.: PS 2240-2243. Breton, Nicholas: PR 2214.B4. Brewer, Anthony: PR 3326.B3. Bridges, Madeline, paeud.: PS 1536.D5. Bridgee, Robert: PR 4161.B6. Bridges, Robert ("Droch"): PS 1123.B2. Bridgman, Marcus Fayette: PS 1123.B25. Brimley, George: PR 4161.B8. Brine, Mary D.: PS 1123.B44. Bristed, Charles Aetor: PR 4161.B7. Bristol, George Digby, id earl of: PR 3326.B35. Broadhurst, George H.: PS 3503. R63. Broke, Arthur: PR 2214.B6. Brome, Richard: PR 2439. B5. Bronte, Anna: PR 4162-3. Bronte, Charlotte (including works on the Bronte family): PR 4165-9. Bronte, Emily: PR 4172-3. Brooke, Fulke Greville, lat baron: PR 2215-6. Brooke, Henry: PR 3326.B4. Brooks, Charles Shirley: PR 4174.B4. Brooks, Charles Timothy: PS 1123.B83. Brooks, Elbridge S.: PS 1123.B835. Brooks, Maria (Gowen): PS 1123.B86. Brooks, Noah: "PS 1123.B89. Brooks, Phillips: PS 1123. B9. Brooks, Sarah Warner: PS 1123. B93. Broome, William: PR 3326.B6. Brotherton, AUce William: PS 1124.B3. Brougham, John: PS 1124.B6. Broughton, John Cam Hobhouse, Ut. baron: PR 4174.B55. Brown, Abbic Farwell: PS 3503.R78. Brown, AUce: PS 1125-1128. Brown, Carrie: PS 1129. B6. Brown, Charles Brockden: PS 1130-1138. Brown, George Douglas: PR 4174.B6. Brown, James: PR 3326.B9. Brown, Dr. John: PR 4175.B2. Brown, Joseph Brdwnlee: PS 1139. B5. Brown, Thomas, 1663-1704: PR3326.B93. Brown, Thomas Edward: PR 4175.B5. Browne, Charles Farrar ("Artemua Ward"): PS 1140-1143. Browne, Frances Elizabeth: PS 1144.B3. Browne, John Ross: PS 1145.B3. Browne, Sir Thomas: PR 3327. Browne, Thomas Alexander (Rolf Boldre- wood): PR4175.B7. Browne, WUliam: PR 2217. B5. Brownell, Henry Howard: PS 1145.B5. Brownell, William Crary: PS 1145.B6. Browning, E. B.; PR 4180-98. Browning, Robert: PR 4200-49. Browning, Samuel: PR 4250.B5. Brownson, Orestes Augustus: PS 1145.B7. Bruce, David: PS 719. Bruce, Michael: PR 3328.B3. Bruce, Wallace: PS 1146.B5. 238 INDEX "BrunanbTirh" (Anglo-Saxon): PR 1592. Bruner, Albert Milton: PS 1147.B2. Bryan, Daniel: PS 1148. B5. Bryan, William JenningB: PS 1448. B8. Bryant, John D.: PS 1149.B5. Bryant, William CuUen: PS 1150-1198. Brydgea, Sir Samuel Egerton: PR4252.B7. Buchan, John: PR4252.B75. Buchanan, Andrew: PR 4252. B8. Buchanan, George: PR 2218-9. Dramatic works: PR2439.B7. Buchanan, Robert: PR 4260-4. Buckingham, George Villiers, td duke of: PR 3328.B5. Buckingham, John Sheffield, 1st. duke of: PR3328.Bb. Buckstone, John Baldwin: PR 4265.B6. Bulkeley, Peter: PS 721. B3: Bullen, Frank Thomae: PR 6003. U23. Bulwer Lytton, see Lytton. Bunce, Oliver Bell: PS 1199.B5. Bunner, Henry Cuyler: PS 1200-1203. Bunyan, John: PR 3329-3332. Burbidge, Thomaa: PR 4269.B7. Burch, Adelle: PS 1204.B5. Burdette, Robert Jones: PS 1205; PN 6161. Burdon, William: PR 4270.B3. Burdy, Samuel: PR 3332.B3. Burges, -Sir James Bland: PR 4271.B3. Burgess, Adelaide Maria: PS 1206.B6. Burgess, Gelett: PS 3503. U6. Burgoyne, Gen. John: PR 3333.B7. Burk, Edward: PR4271.B7. Burke, Edmund: PR 3334.B4. Burke, Walter: PR 3334. B7. Burleigh, William Henry: PS 1207.B4. Bum, David: PR4275.B7. Bumand, Sir Francis Cowley: PR4279.B5. Burnett, Frances (Hodgson): PS 1210-1218. Burnham, Clara Louise: PS 1219.B4. Bums, John: PR 4280. B6. Burns, Rol rt: PR 4300-48. Bums, Robert, of Hamilton: PR 4349. B3. Burrell, Lady Sophia: PR 4349.B5. Burritt, Elihu: PS 1219. B7. Burroughs, John: PS 1220-1228. Burton, Richard: PS 1229. B6. Burton, Robert: PR 2223-4. Burtt, John: PR4349.B53. Buahe, Amyas: PR 3337.B5. Butler, Edward: PR 4349 B6. Butler, Samuel, (1612-1680): PR 3338. Butler, Samuel (1835-1902): PR4349.B7. Butler, William Allen: PS 1236. B5. Butterworth, Hezekiah: PS 1235. B7. Byles, Mather: PS 721.B5. Bynner, Edwin Laaseter: PS 1237. Byrd, William: PS 723-724. "Byrhtnoth's death": PR 1594. Byrom, John: PR 3339. B6. Byron, George Gordon, lord: PR 4350-98. Byron, Henry Jamee: PR 4399. B6. CabaretB (Amueementa): PN 2219. Cable, George Washington: PS 1240-1248 Cabot, James Elliot: PS 1249. C2. Caedmon: PR 1600-28. Caesar in literature: PN 57. C2. Caf6 chantant: PN 2219. Caine, Hall: PR 4400-8. Calef, Robert: PS 726.C2. Callender, John: PS 726.C4. Calverley, Charles Stuart: PR 4409. C2. Calvert, George Henry: PS 1251. C7. Campbell, Bartley T.: PS 1252.C25. Campbell, Helen (Stuart): PS 1252. C33. Campbell, John Preston: PS 1252. C4. Campbell, Thomas: PR 4410-1. Campbell, William Wilfred: PR 6005. A42. Campion, Thomas: PR 2228-9. Canning, George: PR 3339. Cl5. Canton, William: PR 4415. C2. "Canute song": PR 1843. Capes, Bernard: PR 6005. A53. Capgrave, John: PR 1845. Carew, Richard: PR 2231-2. Carew, Thomas: PR 3339.C2. Carey, Mathew: PS 727. C3. Carlell, Ludowick: PR 2439.C4. Carleton, WiU: PS 1255-1258. Carleton, William: PR 4416-7. Carlyle, Jane (Welsh): PR 4419. C5. Carlyle, Thomaa: PR 4420-38. Carman, Bliss: PR 4441-2. Carnavon, Henry, 3d earl of: PR 4443. C6. Carols Engliah literature: PR 1195.C2. Carpenter, Edward: PR 4451. Carpenter, Henry Bernard: PS 1259. C«. Carpenter, Richard: PR 3339 C3. Carr, Joseph William Com>TiB: PR 4452. C5. 2:u) INDEX Carroll, Lewis, paeud.: PR 4611-2. Carryl, Guy Wetmore: PS 1260. C7. Carter, Mrs. Elizabeth: PR 3339. C4. Carton, R. C, pseud.: PR 6005. R67. Cartwright, Thomas: PR 2233. C2. Cartwright, William: PR 2439.C8. Cams, Paul: PS 1262.06. Gary, Alice: PS 1263-1266. Cary, Phoebe: PS 1267. Gary, Richard L.: PS 1268.C2. Casey, John K.: PR 4452. C7. Catherwood, Mary (Hartwell): PS 1270-1273. Catholic influence in literature: PN 605. C2. Medieval: PN 682. Catholic recitations: PN 4305. C3. Caverly, Robert B.: PS 1274.C7. Cawein, Madison Julius: PS 1275-1278. Caxton, William: PR 1847-8. Cayley, George John: PR 4452.08. Cayzer, Charles William : PR 6005. A9. Censorship, Dramatic: PN 2042-4. Censorship, Literary: Z 657-661. Centlivre, Afrs. Susannah: PR 3339. C6. Centos, Pasticcios: PN 1475. Chad wick, John WTiite: PS 1279.C3. Chadwick, Sheldon: PR 4453.C17. Chalkley, Thomas: PS 727. C6. Chamberlayne, William: PR 3339.C8. Chambers, Charles Haddon: PR 6005. H25. Chambers, James: PR 4453.C18. Chambers, Robert: PR 4453. C2. Chambers, Robert William: PS 1280-1288. Chambers, William: PR 4453.C21. Chandos, tht herald: PR 1849.04, Channing, William EUery: PS 1290-1291. Chant royal: PN 1479. English literature: PR 1194. Chap-books General: PN 970. Special countries: PQ, PR, etc. English: PR 972-975. French: PQ 781-797. German: PT 1341. Chapin, Peletiah: PS 727.C8 Chapmati, George: PR 2440-58. Chapman, John Jay: PS 1292. C3. Charades: PN 6369-6377. Charles, count of Angoultme, duke of Or- Uana: PR 1849.C6. Chatterton, Thomas: PR 3340-4. Chaucer: PR 1850-1954. Chauncy, Charles: PS 728.C3. Cheer: PN 6338.06. Cheke, Sir John: PR 2233.C4. Cheney, John Vance: PS 1292.C5. Chesson, Nora (Hopper): PR 4453.03. Chester, Robert: PR 2233.06. Chesterton, Gilbert Keith: PR 4453.04. Chestre. Thomas: PR 1962.05. Chettle, Henry: PR 2233.08. Dramatic works: PR 2459.04. Chetwood, William: PR 3346.03. Child, Lydia Maria (Francis): PS 1293. Children in literature: PN 56.05. Collections (prose and verse): PN 6071.05. Poetry: PN 6110.04. Thoughts: PN 6338.05. Children's poetry: PZ 8.3. Poems for and about children: PN 6110.04. Children's sayings: PN 6328.05. Chinese maxims: PN 6307.05. Chivalry English literature: PR 149.05. Chivers, Thomas Holley: PS 1294.04. Choate, Rufus: PS 1294.06. Cholmondeley-Pennell, Henry : PR 4453.05. Ohorley, Henry Fothergill: PR 4453.053. "Christ (Crist) and Satan": PR 1630-4. Christmas carols Literary history: PN 1431. Christmas plays: PN 6120.05. Christmas poems Collections: PN 6110.05. History: PN 1431. Christmas stories and poems: PN 6071.06. Church, Relation of drama to the: PN 1649. Church, Relation of the theatre to the: PN 2047-51. Churchill. Charles: PR 3346.08. Churchill, Winston: PS 1295-1298. Churchyard, Thomas: PR 2234. Oibber, Colley: PR 3347. Clap, Roger: PS 728.05. Clare, John: PR 4453.06. Clark, Ewan: PR 3348.02. Clark, John: PR .3348.03. Clark, Willis Gaylord: PS 1299.03. Clarke, Charles Cowdea: PR 4453.07. 240 INDEX Clarke, James Freeman: PS 1299. C5. Clarke, Marcus: PR 4453. C75. Clarke, Mary Victoria (Novello) (Mrs. Mary Cowden Clarke): PR 4453.C8. Clarke, Samuel: (PR 3348. C5). Clarke, Stephen: PR 4453. C85. Classical antiquity Modem literature: PN 883. English literature: PR 127. Classicism English literature: PR 445. Collections: PR 1136. Clay, Henry: PS 1299. C7. "Cleanness" (Middle p:nglish): PR 1964. Clemens, Samuel Langhorne ("Mark Twain"): PS 1300-1348. Clemmer, Mary: PS 1039. A32. Cleveland, Grover: PS 1351. C2. Cleveland, John: PR 3348.C7. Cleveland, Rose Elizabeth: PS 1351.C4. Clifford, Lucy (Lane): PR 4454. C2. Clifford, William Kingdom: PR 4454.C3. Cliffton, William: PS 728.C7. Clinton, DeWitt: PS 1351. C6. Clough, Arthur Hugh: PR 4455-9. Clyraer, Ella (Dietz): PS 1355. Coates, Florence (Earle): PS 3505.013. Cobb, Irvin S.: PS 3505.014. Cobbe, Frances Power: PR 4461. C3. Cobbold, Richard: PR4461.C35. Cochrane, James: PR 4461. C5. CofRn, Charles Carlet>on: PS 1357.C35. Coffin, Robert Stevenson: PS 1357.C48. Cokayne.iSir Aston: PR 3349. C3. Coleridge, Hartley: PR 4467-3. Coleridge, Mary Elizabeth: PR 6005.03. Coleridge, Samuel Taylor: PR 4470-88. Coleridge, Sara (Coleridge): PR 4489.C2. Coles, Abraham: PS 1359. C2 Collections General literature: PN 6011-6525. College stories and verse. American collections: PS 508. C6. English collections: PR 1178.C6. College theatricals College plays: PN 6120.C6. History: PN 3175-3191. College verse: PN 6110.C7. Collier, Thomas Stephens: PS 1359.C5. Collins, John Churton: PR 4489.C3. Collins, Mortimer: PR 4489. C5. Collins, Wilkie: PR 4490-8. Collins, William: PR 3350-4. CoDop, John: PR 335G.C5. CoUyer, Robert: PS 1359.C6. Colman, George: PR 3353. Colmaa, George, jr.: PR 4601. C3. Colton, Charles Caleb: PR 4501. C4. Combe, William: PR 3359. CS. Comedy Literary hisstory: PN 1920-9. Ci>mic effect (Drama): PN 1678. Comic opera: ML. Commonplace-books: PN 6245-6. Comparative literature: PN 851-884. Compositions, School: PS 647.S4. Cone, Helen Gray: PS 1359.C7. Congresses, etc.. Literary: PN 31-33. Authorship: PN 131-133. Journalism: PN 4717. Oratory & elocution: PN 4075. Poetry: PN 1014. Theater: PN 2018-19. Congreve, William: PR 3360-8. Conrad, Joseph: PR 6005.04. Constable, Henry: PR 2235. C5. Contentment Selections: PN 6071. C7. Conundrums: PN 6270-8. Conway, Katherine Eleanor: PS 1361. C3. Conway, Moncure Daniel: PS 1366-1367. Cook, Ebenezer: PS 731-732. Cook, ICiiza: PR 4502. Cooke, Edmund Vance: PS 3505.056. Cooke, John Esten: PS 1380-1383. Cooke, Philip Pendleton: PS 1385-1388. Cooke, R<;se (Terry): PS 1390-1393. Cooke, Thomas: PR 3369. C15. Coolbrith, Ina Donna: PS 1397. C5. Coolidge, Susan, pseud: PS 3359. W6. Coombe, Thomas: PS 733. C4. Cooper, Edith Emma: PR 4699. F5. Cooper, James Fenimore: PS 1400-1448. Cooper, Thomas: PR 4503.C2. Copley, Anthonie: PR 2235.C8. Copyright: Z 651-644. Corbet, Aichard: PR 3369.C2. Cornwall, Harry, pseud.: PR 5192. Corrclli. Marie: PR 4504-5. Coryaie, Thomas: PR 2237. CotUe, Joseph: PR 4607.C7. Cotton, Charles: PR 33G9.C3. Cotton, John: PS 734-735. Cotton, William Beneley: PR 6006.07. !i_'7.". •.!."> () .")i Hi 241 INDEX Couper, Robert: PR 4508. C15. Coutta, Francis Burdette Thomas Money: PR 4508. C2. Couvreur, Jessie (Fraser) "Tasma": PR 4508. C3. Coverdale, MUes: PR 2239. Cowan, Frank: PS 1449. C5. Cowley, Abraham: PR 3370--1. Cowper, Ashley ("Tim. Scribble"): PR 3379.C5. Cowper, Frances Maria: PR 3379. C7. Cowper, WUliam: PR 3380-4. Cox, George William: PR 4508.C4. Cox, John: PS 736. C6. Coxe, Arthur Cleveland: PS 1449. CG. Cozzens, Frederic S.: PS 1449.C65. Crabbe, George: PR 4510-4. Craddock, Charles Egbert, pseud.: PS 2450-2458. Cradock, Joseph: PR 3385.C5. Craig, Alexander: PR 2240.C5. Craigie, Pearl Mary Teresa ("John Oliver Hobbes"): PR 4515.C7. Craik, Dinah Maria (Mulock): PR 4516-7. Cranch, Christopher Pearse: PS 1449. C8. Crane, Stephen: PS 1449. C85. Cranmer, Thomas: PR 2241. Crashaw, Richard: PR 3386. Craven, Elizabeth (Berkeley) baroness, afterwards Margravine of Ausbach: PR 3388. C15. Crawford, Francis Marion: PS 1450-1468. Crawford, John Wallace ("Capt. Jack Crawford"): PS 1469. C3. Crfevecoeur, St. John de: PS 737. C5. Critchett, R. C. ("R. C. Carten"): PR 6005. R67. Criticism, Dramatic: PN 1707. Criticism, Literary: PN 80-99. American literature: PS 55-79. English literature: PR 57-78. Crockett, Samuel Rutherford: PR 4518. C3. Croker, Crafton: PR 4518.C5. Croly, Jane (Cunningham) ("Jennie June"): PS 1471-1472. Crosby, Frederick K.: PS 1473. C3. Cross, Ada (Cambridge): PR 4518. C7. Croswell, William: PS 1473. C6. Crothers, Samuel McChord: PS 3505. R9. Crow, William: PR 4519.C2. Crowne, John: PR 3388.C2. Cumberland, Richard: PR 3390-4. Cummins, Maria S.: PS 1474. C5. Cunningham, Allen: PR 4520-4. Cunningham, Peter: PR 4525. C2. Curiosa (Literary History) American literature: PS 441. English literature: PR 941-7. Curiosities of literature: PN 43, PN 165. Curiosities of newspapers: PN 4839. Currie, Mary M. L. S. ("Violet Fane"): PR 4525. C3. "Cursor mundi": PR 1966-7. Curtis, George Ticknor: PS 1475-1476. Curtis, George William: PS 1480-1498. Gust, Robert Needham: PR 4525.C5. Cutler, Elbridge Jefferson: PS 1499.C45. Cynewulf: PR 1639-68. Cynical epigrams: PN 6281. Dabney, Richard: PS 1499.D4. Daborn, Robert: PR 2242.Di5. Dale, J. S. of, pseud.: PS 2920-2923. Dalrymple, Hugh: PR 3395. D4. Daly, Augustin: PS 1499. D85. "DameSiriz": PR 1968. D2. Dana, Richard Henry: PS 1501-1502. Dana, Richard Henry, jr.: PS 1505-1506. Dandridge, Danske (Bedinger): PS 1508-1509. Daniel, George: PR 4525.D15. Daniel, Samuel: PR 2460-8. Dargan, Olive Tilford: PS 1511-1512. Darley, George: PR 4525. D2. Darwin, Erasmus: PR 3396. Daakam, Josephine Dodge: PS 10,54. B62. D'Avenant, .S'tr William: PR 2470-8. Davenport, Robert: PR 2479. D3. Davidson, John: PR 4525. D5. Davidson, Lucretia Maria: PS 1513. D8. Davidson, Margaret Miller: PS 1513. D9. Davies, Hubert Henry: PR 6007. A7. Davies, ^ir John: PR 2242.D2. Davies, William: PR 3397. D5. Davis, Mary Elizabeth (Moragne): PS 1514. D95. Davis, Mary Eveln (Moore): PS 1515. Davis, Miles Avery: PS 1516. D2. Davis, Rebecca (Harding): PS 1517. Dav^.s, Richard Bingham: PS 1519. D5. Davis, Richard Harding: PS 1520-1523. Davy, Adam: PR 1968. D4. Day, Holman Francis: PS 3507.A87. Day, John: PR 2479. D5. Day, Richard Edwin: PS 1525.D3. 242 INDEX Day, Thomaa; PR 3398. D3. Death: Thoughts: PN 6338. D5. "Debate of the body and soul": PR 1968. D6. "Debate of the carpenter's tools": PR 1968. D5. Debating: PN 4181-91. Outlines, references, etc.: Z 7161-6. Dedications: PN 171.D4. Defoe, Daniel: PR 3400-8. De Forest, John William: PS 1525. D5. DeKay, Charles: PS 1525, D7. Dekker, Thomas: PR 2243. Dramatic works: PR 2480-2498. De Kroyft, Sarah Helen (Aldrich): PS 1525. D8. Deland, Margaret Wade (Campbell): PS 1530-1533. De la Ram6e, Louise ("Ouida"): PR 4527-8. Deloney, Thomas: PR 2244. D2. Delsarte system (Elocution): PN 4157. De Mille, Henry C: PS 1534. D2. De Mille, James: PS 1534. D3. Deming, Philander: PS 1534. D4. De Morgan, WUliam: PR 6007. E5. Dempster, Charlotte Louisa Hawkins: PR 4529. D3. Denham, Sir John: PR 3409. D2. Dennie, Joseph: PR 1534. D6. Dennis, John: PR 3409. D3. Denton, Daniel: PS 737. D3. "Deor's Lament": PR 1672-6. De Quinrey, Thomas: PR 4530-8. Derby, George Horatio: PS 1535. Dermody, Thomas: PR 3409. D4. Derricke, John: PR 2244. D4. Descriptive poetry: PN 1411. De Tabley, John Byrne Leicester, Sd, harem: PR 4540. De Vere, Aubrey: PR 4542-3. De Vere, Sir Aubrey, 2d hart.: PR.4541.D9. De Vere, Mary Ainge, ("Madeline Bridges"): PS 1536. D5. Devices, Library: PN 6349-58. Dewart, Edward Hartley: PR4545.D3+. Dialect recitations: PN 4305. D6. Dialogue Literary history: PN 1551. English literature: PR 618. Dialogues: PN 4290-99. Diaz, Abby (Morton): PS 1537. D6. Dibdin, Charles (1745-1814): PR 4549. D3. Dibdin, Charles (1768-1833): PR 4549. D35. Dibdin, Thomas Frognall a77&-1847): PR 4549. D4. Dibdin, Thomas John (1771-1841): PR 4549. D5. Dickens, Charles: PR 4550-98. Dickinson, Anna F^lizabeth: PS 1538. Dickinson, Charles M.: PS 1539. D5. Dickinson, Emily: PS 1541. Dickinson, Goldsworthy Lowes: PR 4599. D2. Dickinson, Mary (Lowe): PS 1542. D3. Dictionaries, encyclopedias General hterature: PN 41. Authorship: PN 141. Drama: PN 1625. Folk literature: PN 916. Journalism: PN 4728. Medieval literature: PN 669. Oratory, elocution: PN 4016, 4082. Prose: PN 3325. Recitations: PN 4321. Theater: PN 2035. Didactic poetry Literary history: PN 1401. Digby, Sir Kenelm: PR 3409. D5. Digby, Kenelm Henry: PR 4599. D4. Dilletantism: PN 157. Dinsmoor, Robert: PS 737. D4. Disraeli, Isaac: PR 4599. D6. "District school," etc.: PN 6120. D6. Dix, Beulah Marie: PS 3507.19. Dixon, Thomas: PS 3507.193. Dixon, William Hepworth: PR 4599. D8. Dobell, Sydney: PR 4603-^. Dobson, Austin: PR 4606-7. Dodd, Anna Bowman (Blake): PS 1543. D5. Dodd, James William: PR 4610.D5. Dodd, William: PR 3409. DO. Dodge, Mary Abigail ("Gail Hamilton"): PS 1544. Dodge, Mary Barker: PS 1545. D15. Dodge, Mary (Mapee): PS 1545. D2. Dodgson, Charles Lutwidg© (Lewie Car- roll): PR 4611-2. Dodsley, Robert: PR 3409. D7. Doggott, John Marshall: PS 1545. D26. 243 INDEX Doggctt, Solon: PS 1545.D27. Dole, NaLhan Haskell: PS 1545.D3. Domett, Alfred: PR 4613. D3. Don Juan (as character in literature): PN57.D7. Donahoe, DanielJoeeph: PS 1545. D4. Donaldson, Samuel: PS 1545.D45. Donne, John: PR 2245-8. Donnelly, Eleanor Cecilia: PS 1545 D5. Dooley, Mr., pseud.: PN 6161; PS'3507.U67. Doran, John: PR 4613.D36. Dorgan, John Aylmer: PS 1546.D5. Dorr, Julia Caroline (Ripley): PS 1547-1548. Douglaa, Lore/ Alfred Bruce: PR 4613. D4. Douglaa, Gavin: PR 2250-3. Douglass, William: PS 737.D5. Downing, Major Jack, psewd.: PS 2876-2877. Dowson, Ernest: PR 4613. D5. Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan: PR 4620-4. Doyle, Sir Francis Hastings: PR 4626. D5. Drake, Daniel: PR 4627.D4. Drake, Joseph Rodman: PS 1550-1553. Drama Collections: PN 6111-6120. Influence: PN 2047-2051. Literary history: PN 1600-3299. Drama, American Collections; PS 621-635. History and criticism: PS 332-351. Drama, English Collections: PR 1241-1273. History and criticism: PR 621-739. Medieval: PR 641-4. Renaissance period: PR 2411-3195. (Other special periods not separated from General literature.) Drama as method of teaching: PN 3171. Dramatic censorship: PN 2042-4. Dramatic composition: PN 1660-1691. Dramatic representation: PN 2000-3299. Biography: PN 2205-2217. Special countries: PN 2285. Drayton, Michael: PR 2255-8. Dramatic works: PR 2499. D7. "Dream of the rood ": PR 1680-4. Drills (with recitations): PN 4305.T3. Drinking songs and poems: PN 6237. Droch, pseud.: PS 1123.B2. Drummond, William (of Hawthomden): PR 2260-3. Drummond, William Hamilton: PR 4628. D2. Drummond, William Henry: PR 4628. D3. Dryden, John: PR 3410-28. Duclaux, Agnes Mary Frances (Robin- son), formerly Mme. James Darmesle- ter: PR 4629.D18. Dudley, John: PR 4629. D2. Duffet, Thomas: PR 3429. D5. Duganne, Augustine Joseph Hickey: PS 1555.D4. Duhring, Julia: PS 1555. D6. Du Maurier, George: PR 4630-8. Du Maurier, Guy: PR 6007. U5. Dummer, Jeremiah: PS 737. D7. Dunbar, Paul Lawrence: PS 1556-1557. Dunbar, Robert Nugent: PR 4639. D2. Dunbar, William: PR 22G5-9. Dunkin, William: PR 3430. D3. Dunlap, William: PS 1560-1561. Dimne, Finley Petor: PS3507.U67; PN 6161: Dunphie, Charles James: PR 4639.D3. Dunton, John: PR 3430.D7. Dupuy, Eliza Ann: PS 1562.D3. D'Urfey, Thomas: PR 3431. D3. Durivage, Francis Alexander: PS 1562.D5. Duyckinck, Evert Augustus: PS 1562. D7. Dwarfs (Anecdotes): PN 6268. D8. Dwight, Timothy: PS 739. Dyer, John: PR3431.D5. Easter poems: PN 6110.E2. {See also Holidays.) Eastman, Charles Gamage: PS 1567. E22. Eastman, Elaine (Goodale): PS 1753.G4. Eaton. Walter Prichard: PS 3509. A85. Eccentrics in literature: PN 171. E3. Eccentric literature Literary history American literature: PS 441. English literature: PR 941-947. Economics in literature: PN 51. Poetry: PN 1082. Eddy, Mary Morse (Baker) Glover: PS 1567. E7. Editors: PN 4778. Local: PN 4871-5639. Edgar, James David: PR 4639. E3. "Edgar's coronation": PR 1686. 244 INDEX "Edgar's death": PR 1687. Edgeworth, Maria: PR 4640-8. "Edmund: Liberation of the five bor- oughs" (Anglo-Saxon): PR 1689. Education, Relation of literature to: PN 52. "Edward the Confeesor'i* death" (Anglo- Saxon): PR 1693. "Edward the Martyr's death" (Anglo- Saxon): PR 1691. Edwards, George Wharton: PS 1569. E6. Edwards, Harry Stillwell: PS 1570. Edwards, Jonathan: PS 741-742. Edwards, Richard: PR 2499. E4~5. Edwards, Thomas: PR 2270. E2. Egan, Maurice Francis: PS 1575-1576. Egerton-Warburton, R. E.: PR 4649. E5. Eggleston, Edward: PS 1580-1583. Eggleston, George Gary: PS 1584. E2. Electrical devices in the theater; PN 2091. E4. Elegies Literary history: PN 1389. Eliot, Charles William: PS 1585. Eliot, George: PR 4650-98. Eliot, John: PS 744.E3. Elliot, Jean: PR 3431. E2. Elliot, Ebenezer: PR 4699. E5. Elliot, Maud (Howe): PS 1587-1588. Ellis. Havelock: PR 6009. L8. Ellis, Jvseph: PR 4699. E7. Ellwood, Thomas: PR 3431. E5. Elocution: PN 4001-4321. Elocutionista (Biography): PN 4059. Elyot, Sir Thomas: PR 2270.E5. Emblems, Literary: PN 6349-58. Emerson, Edward Waldo: PS 1599.E5. Emerson, Edwin: PS 1599.E7. Emerson, Ralph Waldo: PS 1600-1648. Emmons, Richard: PS 1650.E7. English, Thomas Dunn: PS 1652-1653. English literature Anonymous works Anglo-Saxon (in gcn'l alphabet) Anglo-Norman (in gen'l alpha- bet) English renaissance General: PR 2200. Drama: PR 2411. 17th-18th centuries: PR 3291. 19th century: PR 3991. 20th century: PR 6000. Biography (Collective): PR 103-120. E nglish 1 i te nature — Co nti n ued . Collected monographs: PR 13-15. Collections: PR 1101-1395. Colonial: PR 9080-9899. Congreaaes: PR 7. Criticiam: PR 57-78. I Dictionaries, encyclopediafl: PR 19. Drama See Drama— English literature : Early English (history): PR 166. Collectiuns: PR 1119. Eighteenth century See English literature seven- teenth-eighteenth centu- ries: History (General): PR 81-101. History and criticism Collections: PR 13-15. Drama: PR 621-739. Eccentric literature: PR 941-7. Essays: PR 921-7. Letters: PR 911-7. Oratory: PR 901-7. Poetry: PR 501-609. Prose: PR 751-889. Satire: PR 931- Wit and humor: PR 931-7. Medieval: PR 251-389. Collectiona: PR 1121. Metrical romances: PR 2064 . Poetry: PR 1203. Memoirs, collected: PR 107. Nineteenth century; PR 3991-5924. Collections: PR 1143-1145. Drama: PR 1271. Poetry: PR 1221-1223. Prose: PR 1301-1304. History and criticism: PR 451^66. Drama: PR 721-734. Poetr>': PR 581-699. Prose: PR 861-879. Origins: PR 163. Periodicals; PR 1. Poetry Collections: PR 1171-1225. History and criticism: PR 501-609. Prose Collectiona: PR 1281-1395. History and criticism: PR 431-449 Provincial: PR 8309-«997. 245 INDEX English literature — Continued. Relations to other literature: PR 125-135. Renaissance period : PR 219^3195. Collections: PR 1123-1125. Poetry: PR 1215-1217. Dramatic literature: PR 2411-319^. History and criticism: PR 2411-3195. Poetry: PR 521-539. Seventeenth and eighteenth centu- ries: PR 3291-3784. Collections: PR 1127-1139. Drama: PR 1266-1269. Poetry: PR 1209-1219. Prose: PR 1295-1297. History and criticism: PR 431-449. Drama: PR 671-719. Poetry: PR 541-579. Prose: PR 841-859. Societies: PR 5. Study and teaching: PR 33-55. Translations: PR 1112-6. Poetry: PR 1179. Translations from other languages: PR 131-5. Twentieth century: PR 6000-6049. Collections: PR 1149. Drama: PR 1273. Poetry: PR 1225. Prose: PR 1307. History and criticism: PR 471-499. Drama: PR 736-739. Poetry: PR 601-609. Prose: PR 881-889. Wit and humor. Collections: PN 6173-6175. History: PR 931-937. "Englishman, The": PR 1365. E5. Enigmas: PN 6369-6377. Epic poetry History: PN 1301-1333. Medieval: PN 689-690. Collections: PN 6110.E6. Epics English literature: Medieval: PR 321-349. Epigrams Collections: PN 6280-8. Poetry: PN 1441. Epilogues and prologues Authorship: PN 171. P8. English poetry: PR 1195.P7. Epitaphs: PN 6289-6298. Literary history: PN 1441. "Erthe upon erthe": PR 1968. E5. Esmond, Henry V.: PR 4699. E8. Essays Collections: PN 6141-5. American literature: PS 680-9. English literature: PR 1361-9. Literary history: PN 4500. American literature: PS 420-428. English literature: PR 921-827. N. B. General essays except litera- ture in AC. Esthetics, Literary: PN 45-57. Ethics, Relations of literature to: PN 49. Drama: PN 1647. Journalism: PN 4756. Poetry: PN 1077. Theater: PN 2047-51. Etheredge, Sir George: PR 3432. Eulenspiegel English folk literature: PR 971. E7. Euphonic poetry: PN 1059. E7. Euphuism: PR 427. Evans, Augusta Jane. PS 3330-3333. Evans, Florence (Wilkinson): PS 3509. V363. Evans, Nathaniel: PS 744. E6. Evelyn, John: PR 3433. E5. Everett, David: PS 1654.E55. Everett, Edward: PS 1654.E6. "Everyman:" PR 2411. E8. Ewing, Mrs. Juliana Horatia: PR 4699.E85. Exeter book (Anglo-Saxon): PR 1490. Expression (Oratory): PN 4155-65. Extemporaneous speaking: PN 4168. Faber, Frederick William: PR4699.F11. Fablaux: PN 694. Fables: PN 980-993. Medieval: PN 694. Fabyan, Robert: PR 1969. Fairchild, Sumner L.: PS 1654.F3. Fairless, Michael, pseud.: PR 6003.A65 Falconer, William: PR 3433. F3. Falkland, Henry Gary, 4th viscount: PR 3433.F5. Fane, JuUan: PR4699.F15. Fane, Violet, pseud.: PR 4525.C3. 246 INDEX Farces Literary history: PN 1940-9. Special: PQ, PR, etc. Farewell, James: PR 3434. F2. Farjeon, BeDjamin Leopold: PR 4699.F17. Farquhar, George: PR 3435-9. "Fates of the apostles," (Anglo-Saxon): PR 1703. "Father's instruction," (Anglo-Saxon): PR 1707. Fawcett, Edgar: PS 1G55-1658. Fay, Theodore Sedgwick: PS 1659.F3. Feminine influence in literature: PN 481. English literature: PR 119. Feminine influence in poetry: PN 1091. Feminism in fiction: PN 3401. Fenner, Cornelius George: PS 1659. F5. FenoUosa, Ernest Francisco: PS 1659. FG. Fenollosa, Mary (McNiel) ("Sidney McCall"): PS 1661-1662. Fenton, Elijah: PR 3446. Ferguson, Sir Samuel: PR 4699. F2. Fergusson, David: PR 3448. F2. Fergusson, Robert: PR 3448. F3. Fern, Fanny, pseud.: PS 2523. P9. Femald, Chester Bailey: PS 3511.E56. Ferrier, Susanr PR 4699.F4. Fessenden, Thomas Green: PS 1664. Fiction Literary history: PN 3311-3500. Works: PR, PS, PZ 1-3. Field, Eugene: PS 1665-1668. Field, Kate: PS 1669.F2. Field, Michael, psmd.: PR 4699. F5. Field, Nathaniel: PR 2499. F4. Field, Roswell: PS 1669. F3. Fields, Annie (Adams) (Mrs. James T. Fields): PS 1669. F5. Fields, James T.: PS 1670-1671. Fields, 3frs. James T.: PS 1669. F5. Fielding, Henry: PR 3450-8. Fielding, Sarah: PR 3459.F3. Finch, Francis MUes: PS 1672.F3. Finnsburh: PR 1710-14. Fisher, Jame": PR 3461. F2. Fishing in literature: PN 56. F5. Fiske, John: PS 1673. Fitch, Clyde: PS 1675-1678. Fitzball, Edward: PR 4699. F9. Fitzgerald, Edward: PR 4700-4. Fitzgerald, Percy; PR 4705. F3. Flagg, James Montgomery: PS 3511. L15. Flash, Henry Lynden: PS 1679. F4. Flatman, Thomas: PR 3461. F3. Flecknoe, Richard: PR 3461. F4. Fleming, George, pseud.: PS 1679. F6. Fletcher, Giles: PR 2271-2. Fletcher, John: PR 2500-18. Fletcher, Joseph : PR 2273. F5. Fletcher, Julia Constance (" George Flem- ing"): PS 1679. F6. Fletcher, Phineas: PR 2274-5. Flint, Timothy: PS 1679. F7. Florio, John: PR 2276. F5. Flower, Benjamin Orange: PS 1681. F4. Flower, Elliot: PS 3511. L8. Folger, Peter: PS 744. F5. Folk literature: PN 905-1008 Folk tales (Collections): PN 1001. Special countries: PQ-PT. American: PS 451. English: PR 951-979. Folk poetry: PN 1341. Foote. Mary (Uallock): PS 1685-1688. Foote, Samuel: PR 3461. F6. Forbes, Archibald: PR 4705. F35. Ford, John: PR 2520-8. Ford, Paul Leicester: PS 1690-1693. Forensic oratory: PN 4171. Forester, Frank, pseud.: PS 1919. H6. Forgeries, Literary: PN 171.F6-7. Forrest, William: PR 2276. F6. Forster, John: PR 4705. F4. Fortescue, iSir John: PR 1971. Fo88, Sara Walter: PS 1694. F2. Foster, Hannah (Webster): PS 744. F7. Foster, John: PR 4705. F6. Foster, Stephens Collins: PS 1694. F5. Foulke, William Dudley: PS 1694. F8. Fowler, Ellen Thorneycroft: PR 6011.074. Fox, John,;r.; PS 1700-1703. Foxe, John: PR 2276.F7. Francillon, Robert Edward: PR 4705.F65. Franklin, Benjamin: PS 745-752. Frederic, Harold: PS 1705-1708. Freeman, Mary E. (Wilkins): PS 1710-1713. French, Alice ("Octave Thanet"): PS 1715-1718. French, L. Virginia (Smith): PS 1719. F6. Freneau, Philip: PS 755-759. Frere, John Hookham: PR 4705.F8. 247 INDEX Friendship Thoughts: PN 6338. F7. Friswell, James Hain: PR 4705. F9. Frothingham, Nathaniel Langdon: PS 1722. F5. Frothingham, Octavius Brooks: PS 1722. F8. Froude, James Anthony: PR 4706-7. Fry, Caroline: PR 5834. W9. Fugitive verse: American: PS 593.F7. English: PR 1195. F8. Fuller, Henry Blake: PS 1725-1728. Fuller, Margaret: PS 2500-2508. Fuller, Thomas: PR 3461. F8. FuUerton, Lady Georgiana: PR 4708. F7. Fulwell, Ulpian: PR 2529. F7. Furneas, Iforace Howard: PR 2972. F7. Fyfe, Alexander: PR 3461. F9. Gager, WiUiam: PR 2529. G3. Gale, Norman Rowland: PR 6013. A28. Gallagher, William Davis: PS 1729.G5. Galloway, Robert: PR 3463.G4. Gal.sworl.hy, John: PR G013.A5. Gait, John: PR 4780.G2. Gambold, John: PR 3463. G5. "Gamelyn,;': PR 1972.G2. " Gammer Gnrton's needle": PR 2411. G2. Garden, Alexander: PR2276.G3. Gardens in literature: PN 56. G3. Gardner, Celia E.: PS 1729.G8. Garland, Hamlin: PS 1730-1733. Garnett, Richard: PR 4708.G5. Garrett, Edward, pseud.: PR. 4989.M7. Garrick. Pavid: PR 3465-9. Garrison, Wendell Phillips: PS 1734.G2. Garth, Sir Samuel: PR 3471. G3. Gascoigvio, Geoi^e: PR 2277-8. Dramatic works: PR 2535-6. Gaskell, Mrs. EUzabelh: PR 4710-1. Gastronomiana: PN 6258. G3. Gates, Ellen Maria (Huntington): PS 1734.G3. Gath, pseud.: PS 3089. T4. Gay, John: PR 3473-4. Gayarr6, Charles Ijitiennc Arthur: PS 1735-1738. Geoffrey of Vinsauf; PR 1972.G5. German literature in American ratiga- zines: PN 4888A'6. Germanic literature: PN 831. Gc-'tures (Oratory;: PN 4165. (iibbon, Edward: PR 3476. Gibson, John: PR 3477. G4. Gibson, Wilfrid Wilson: PR 6013.129. Gifford, WilUam: PR 4712.G3. Gilbert, Ann (Taylor): PR 4712.G6. Gilbert, Sir William S.: PR 4713-4. Gilchrist, J/rs. Anne: PR 4715.G5. Gildas: PR 1974. Gilden, Charles: PR 3478.G3. Gilder, Jeannette Leonard: PS 1739.G9. Gilder, Richard Watson: PS 1740-1743. GilfiUan, George: PR 4715.G53. Gilfillan, Robert; PR 4715.G55. Gillette, William: PS 1744. G2. Gilman, Caroline (Howard): PS 1744.G5. Gilman, Charlotte (Perkins) Stetson: PS 1744.G57. Gilman, Samuel: PS 1744.G6. Gilmore, James Roberts: PS 1744.G68. Gipsy life English poetry: PR 1195.G3. Girls, Poetry for English: PR 1195. G5. Gisaing, George: PR471&-7. Gladden, Washington: PS 1744.G77. Gladstone, William Ewart: PR 4718.G4. Glapthorne, Henry: PR 2539.G5. Glasgow, Ellen: PS 1745-1748. Glover, Richard: PR 3478.G5. "Gnomic verses": PR 1720. Goddard, Martha Le Baron: PS 1749.G5. Godfrey, Thomas: PS 761. Godkin, Edward LawTence: PS 1750-1751. Godric: PR 1978. Godwin, Mary (WoUstonecraft): PR4719.G5. Godwin, Parke: PS 1752.G5. Godwin, William: PR 4720-4. Going, Charles Buxton: PS 3513.028. Golding, Arthur: PR 2539.G7. Goldsmith, Oliver: PR 3480-98. Goodale, Dora Reed: PS 1753.G3. Goodale, Elaine {Mrs. Charles A. East- man): PS 1753.G4. Goodrich, Samuel Griswold ("Peter Par- ley"): PS 1754-1755. Googe, Barnabe: PR 2279.G4. Gookin, Daniel: PS 763.G5. Gordon, Adam Lindsay: PR 4725. G3. Gordon, Hanford Lennox: PS 1757.G4. Gore, Catherine: PR 4725.G5. Gosse, Edmund: PR 4725.G7. Gossou, Stephen: PR 2279. G6. Gould, Edward Sherman: PS 1758. G25. 248 INDEX Gould, Helen Flagg; PS 1758. G4. Goulding, Francis Robert: PS 1758. G83. Gower, George Leveson: PR 4725. G8. Gower, John: PR 1980-8. Grafton, Richard: PR 2279. G8. Graham, Harry: PR 6013. R13. Grahame, James: PR 3499. G5. Graharae, Kenneth: PR 4726-7. Grainger, James; PR 3499. G7. Grant, Robert: PS 1760-1763. Graves, Charles L.- PR 4728. G18. Graves, Richard: PR3499. G77. Gray, David: PR 4728. G2. Gray, Robert: PR 3499. G8. Gray, Thomas: PR 350(M. Green, Anna Katharine: PS 2730-2733. Green, Joseph: PS 763. G7. Greene, Aella: PS 1764. G27, Greene, Robert: PR 2540-8. Greene, Sarah Pratt (McLean). PS1764.G29. Greenwell, Dora: PR 4728. G3. Greenwood, Grace, psexid.: PS 2247. Greg, W. R.: PR 4728. G4. "Gregorius" (Middle English): PR 1989. G2. Gregorj', leabella Augusta, Lady: PR 4728. G5. Gresham, James: PR 2280. G5. Grey, William: PR 1989. G4. Grierson, Francis: PR 4728. G7. Grifhn, Benjamin: PR 3505. G4. Griffin, Gerald: PR 4728. G8. Grimald, Nicholas: PR 2549. G5. Gringo, Harry, psend.: PS 3344. W6. GrLswold, Hattie (Tyng): PS 1764. G8. Griswold, Rufus Wilmot: PS 1764. G82. Grossetesto, Robert: PR 1989. G6. Grundy. Sydney: PR 4729. G3. "Guardian, The,": PR 1365. G8. Guild, Curtis: PS 1704. G95. GuUfordc, Sir Richard: PR 1989. G8. Guiney, l.ouisc Imogene: PS 1765-1768. Gunsaulus, Frank Wakely: PS 1769 G25. Guthlac: PR 1722. Guthrie, Thomas Auetey ("F. Auatey"): PR 4729. G5. Guthrie, William Norman: PS 1769. G4. Gwynn, Stephen Lucius: PR 6013. W8. Habberton, John: PS 1769. H5. Habington, William: PR 3505. H3. Hackett, John: PR 2549. H3. Hagedorn, Hermann: PS 3515. A23. Hageman, Samuel Miller: PS 1769. H7. Hagen, John Cole: PS 1769. H73. Hager, Levi Lewis: PS 1769. H76. Plaggard, Sir Henry Rider: PR 4', 31-2. Hake, Edward: PR 2283. H2. Hake, Thomas Gordon: PR 4735. n2. Hale. Edward Everett: PS 1770-1773. Hale. Luoretia Pcabody: PS 1774. H13. Hale, Sarah Josepha /;Buell): PS 1774. n2. Hale. Susan: PS 1774. H25. Hales, John: PR 3505. H5. "HaliMeidenhad": PR 1989. H2. Halifax, Charles Montague, earl of: PR 3506. H2. Hall, Edward- -See DA. Hall, Gertrude: PS 1775-1778. Hall, Holworthy, -pseud.: PS 3531. 0735. Hall, John: PR 3506. H3 Hall, Joseph: PR 2283. H7. Hall, Louise Jane (Park): PS 1779. H33. Hall. Thomas Winthrop ("Tom Hall"): PS 1779. H4. Hallara, Arthur Henry: PR 4735. H4. Halleck, Fitz-Greene: PS 1780-1783. Halliday, Ai.drew: PR 4735. H7. Halliwell, Edward: PR 2549. H5. Halpine, Charles Graham: PS 1784. H2. Ilalsham.John: PR 6015.A38. Halstead, Murat: PS 1784.H25. Halsted, Leonora B.: PS 1784. H3. Ilamertoii, Philip Gilbert: PR 4737-8. Hamilton, Alexander: PS 766. Hamilton, Cicely Mary: PR 6015. A44. Hamilton, Cosmo: PR 6015. A46. Hamilton, Gail, pseud.: PS 1544. Hammond, John: PS 767.H2. Hankin, St. John: PR 6015.A47. Hannay, James Owen: PR 4739. H5. Hannay, Patrick: PR 2283. H8. Hapgood, Norman: PS 3515. A54. Happiness: Selections: PN 6071. H2. Harbaugh, Thomas Chalmers: PS 1784. H6. Harben, William Nathaniel: PS 1785-1788. Hardy, Arthur Sherburne: PS 179a-1793. Hardy, Thomas: PR 4740-58. Hare, Auguetue John Cuthhcrt: PR 4759. H2. Harland, Henry ("Sidney Luska"): PS 1795-1798. 249 INDEX Harland, Marion, pseud.: PS 3005-3008. Harraden, Beatrice: PR 4759. H3. Harrington, Sir John: PR 2284-5. Harrifl, Joel Chandler: PS 1800-1818. Harris, Miriam Coles: PS 1819.H5. Harris, Thomas Lake: PS 1819.H6. Harrison, Constance (Cary) (Mrs. Burton Harrison): PS 1819. H7. Harrison, Frederic: PR 4759.H4. Harte, Bret: PS 1820-1838. Hartman,SadakIchi: PS 3515.A797. Harvey, Christopher: PR 3506. H6. Harvey, Gabriel: PR 2287-8. Harvey, George: PS 3515. A81. Harvey, John: PR 3506. H8. Hastings, Basil M.: PR 6015.A77. Hatton, Joseph: PR 4759.H78. Haughton, William: PR 2549.H6. Havergal, Frances Ridley: PR 4759.H8. Hawes, Stephen: PR 2290-1. Hawker, Robert Stephen: PR 4759. H9. Hawkins, Anthony Hope: PR 4760-4. Hawkins, William: PR 3506.H87. Hawthorne, Hildegarde: PS 3515. A9. Hawthorne, Julian: PS 1845-1848. Hawthorne, Nathaniel: PS 1850-1898. Hawtrey, Charles: PR 4765. H5. Hay, John: PS 1900-1903. Hayes, John Russell: PS 1904. H5. Hayley, William: PR 3506. H9. Hayne, Paul Hamilton: PS 1905-1908. Haynes, James: PR 4769.H3. Haywood, Mrt. Eliza: PR 3506. H94. Hazard, Caroline: PS 3515. A973. Hazlitt, William: PR 4770-3. Hazlitt, William Carew: PR 4777-8. Heam,Lafcadio: PS 1915-1918. Heavysege, Charles: PR 4779. H15. Heber, Reginald: PR 4779.H2. Hebrew poetry: English literature: PR 1195. H3. Heiuemann, William: PR 4779. H7. Helen of Troy in literature: PN 57. H4. Medieval legends: PN 687. H. Helps, Sir Arthur: PR 4779. H9. Helston,John: PR 6015.E36. Hemans, Mrs. Felicia Dorothea: PR 4780-1. Heming, William: PR 2549.H8. Henley, William Ernest: PR 4783-4. Henry VIII: PR 2293. Henry, the minstrel ("Blind Harry"): PR 1989. H6. Henry, James: PR 4785.H5. Henry, 0. pseud.: PS 2649.P5. Henryson, Robert: PR 1990.H4. Henty, George Alfred: PR 4785.H55. Hentz, Caroline Lee (Whiting): PS 1919.H4. "Herbarium of Apuleius": PR 1726. Herbert of Cherbury, baron: PR 2294.H2. Herbert, George: PR 3507-8. Herbert, Henry William ("Frank Fores- ter"): PS 1919. H6. Herbert, William, dean of Manchester: PR 4785.H7. Herford, Oliver: PS 3515.E62. Heroes and heroines of literature: PN 57. Drama: PN 1711. Fiction: PN 3411. Poetry: PN 1103. Herrick, Robert: PR 3510-4. Herrick, Robert (1868-): PS 1920-1923. Hersee, WUliam: PR 4786.H3. Hewlett, Maurice: PR 4787-8. Heywood, Jasper: PR 2294.H3. Hey wood, John: PR 2560-8. Heywood, Joseph Converse: PS 1924.H64. Heywood, Thomas: PR 2570-8. Hichens, Robert: PR 6015.14. Hickey, Emily Henrietta: PR 4790.H2. Higden, Ranulf: PR 1990.H8. HIgginson, Francis: PS 768.H5. Hlgglnson, Thomas Wentworth: PS 1925-1928. Highlands of Scotland English poetry: PR 1195.H4. Hildreth, Charles Lotin: PS 1929.H2. HIH, Aaron: PR 3515.H16. HUl, George: PS 1929. H6. Hiller, Thomas Oliver Prescott: PS 1929.H67+. Hillhouse, James Abraham: PS 1929.HC8+. HUlis, Newell Dwight: PS 1929.H69. HInkson, Katherlne (Tyman): PR 4790.H3. Historical novels Literary history: PN 3441. Historical plays: PN 1870-79. Historical poems American: PS 595.H5. English: PR 1195. H5. Hitchcock, David: PS 1929.H83. 250 INDEX Hoadly, Benjamin: PR 3515.H17. Hobbes, John Oliver, pseud.: PR 4515.C7. Hodgaon, Joseph, ;>.; PS 1929. H85 + . Hoffman, Charles Fenno: PS 1930-1938. Hofland, Barbara: PR 4790. H8. Hogg, James: PR 4791-2. Holcroft, Thomas: PR 3515. n2. Holden, Warren: PS 1939. H6. Hole, Richard: PR 3515. H5. Holiday plays: PN 6120.U7. Holidays Poetry: PN 6110.H4. Recitations: PN 4305.117. Holinshed, Raphael: See DA. Holland, Josiah Gilbert: PS 1940-1948. Holland, Sir Richard: PR 2294. H5. Holley, Marietta: PS 1949. H5. Holmes, Alice A.: PS 1949. He. Holmes, Gcorf^iaiia (Klinglo): PS 1949. U7. Holmes, Mury Jane (Hawes): PS 1949. H8. Holmes, Oliver Wendell PS 1950-1998. Holiues, Oliver Wendell (1841-): PS 1999.111. Home, John: PR 3516. Hone, William: PR 4794. H5. Honeywood, St. John: PS 769. n3. Hood, Thomas: PR 4795-9. Hook, Theodore Edward: PR 4803. U2. Hooker, Thomas: PS 771-772. Hooper, Johnson Jones: PS 1999. H25. Hooper, Lucy Hamilton (Jones): PS 1999.03. Hope, Anthony, pseud.: PR 4760-4. Hope, James Barron: PS 1999. H4. Hope, Laurence ("Violet Nicolaon"): PR 6015.02. Hope, Thomas: PR 4803. n4. Hopkins, Lemuel: PS 773. U7. Hopkinson, Francis: PS 775-776. Hopper, Edward: PS 1999.n43. Home, Richard Henry: PR 4803. U6. Hosmer, Frederick L.: PS 1999. n52. Hosmer, James Kendall: PS 1999. H53. Hoemer, William Henry Cuyler: PS 1999. n54. Houghton, George Washington Wright: PS 1999. ne. Houghton, Richard Monckton-Milnes, 1st. baron: PR 4807-8. Houghton, SUnley: PR 6015.078. Housman, Alfred Edward: PR 4809 H 15 Houeman, Clemence: PR4S09.H17. Housman, Laurence: PR4809.H18. Hovey, Richard: PS 2005-2008. How to sell manuscripta: PN 161. Howard, Blanche Willis: PS 3009 T7 Howard, Bronson: PS2014.ni2. Howard, George Bronson: PS 3515.0826. Howard, 5ir Robert: PR.3517.H3. Howarth, Ellen Clementine (Doran): PS 2014. H2. Howe, Edgar Watson: PS 2014. Ho. Howe, Julia (Ward): PS 2015-2018. Howe, Maud: PS 1587-1588. Howell, James: PR 3517. n5. Howell, John Edward: PS 2019. H7. Howell, Thomas: PR 2294. H7. Howells, William Dean: PS 2020-2038. Howitt, Mary: PR 4809 n2. Howitt, William: PR 4809. U3. Hoyt, Ralph: PS 2039. He. Hubbard, Elbert: PS 2040-2043. Hubbard, William: PS 778. H4. Iluchowne of the Awle Ryale: PR 1994. Iluddesford, George:. PR 3517. H65. Hudson, Mary (Clemmer): PS 1039. A32. Hueffer, Oliver Madox: PR 6015.U25. Hughes, John: PR 3517. H7. Hughes, Thomas (fl. 1587): PR 2585. H4. Hughes, Thomas (1822-1896): PR 4809. H8. Hume, Alexander: PR 2294. H8. Hume, Fergus: PR4809.H87. Humor and satire concerning authors: PN 169. Humor. See Wit and humor. Humorous plays (Amateur): PN 6120 n8 Humorous poetry: American: PS 593.H8. English: PR 1195. H8. Humorous recitatipns: PN 4250-9. Humphreys, David: PS 778.H5. Huneker, James Gibbons: PS 2044. U4. Hunnis, William: PR 2585. H7. Hunt, I>eigh: PR 4810-4. Hurdis, James: PR 3517. n8. "Husbands message" : PR 1728. Hutchinson, Thomafl: PS 778. H7. Hutton, Laurence: PS 20-14. H5. "Hwon holy chireche is under uotc"' PR 1998. Hyde, Doughvs: PR 4817. H5 Hylton, John Dunbar: PS 2044. H8. Hylton, Walter: PR 1999. H8. 251 INDEX Hymns Literary history: PN 1386. Hymns, in Religion. See also Sacred poetry. Idealism Esthetics: PN 56.14. Literary history: PN 599. Ideals, Literary: PN 45. Iliowizi, Henry: PS 2044.12. Impersonation: PN 4305.15. Imposture, Literary: PN 171.F6. Inchbald, Mrs. Elizabeth: PR 3518. Indexes (Use, value, etc.): PN 249. —How to make: Z 695. — Serials: A 1. Indexes to recitations: PN 4321. Indian plays (Amateur): PN 6120.16. Ingalls, John James: PS 2044.13. Ingeland, Thomas: PR 2591.14. Ingelow, Jean: PR 4819. Ingersoll, Charles Jared : PS 2044.15. Ingersoll, Robert Green: PS 2045-2046. Ingraham, Joseph Holt: PS 2048.152. Insane authors: PN 171.16. Inspiration (Literature): PN 46. Interludes Literary history: PN 1934. Inventors Anecdotes; PN 6268.15. Ireland, William Henry: PR 4821.15. Irish bulls: PN 6178.16. Irish revival (Literature): PR 8796. Ironquill, pseud.: PS 3145.W5. Irvine, Alexander: PS 3517. R8. Irving, Laurence: PR 4821.16. Irving, Washington: PS 2050-2098. Irving, William: PS 2099.15. Irwin, Wallace: PS 3517. R87. Jackson, Mrs. Helen Hunt: PS 2105-2108. Jacobs, William Wymark: PR 4821. J2. Jacox, Francis: PR 4821.J25. James I of England: PR 2295. James I of Scotland: PR 2000-4. James, Charles: PS 2109.J4. James, George Payne Raitsford: PR 4821.J4. James, Henry: PS 2110-2128. James, Richard: PR 2296.J2. Jameson, Mrs. Anna: PR4821.J6. Janvier, Francis de Haes: PS 2129. J2. Janvier, Margaret Thomson: PS 2129.J3. Janvier, Thomas Allibone: PS 2129. J5. Jay, John: PS 781-782. Jeaffreson, John Cordy: PR 4821.J8. Jefferies. Richard: PR 4822-3. Jefferson, Thomas: PS 785-789. Jeffrey, Francis: PR 4825. J2. Jeffrey, Rosa Vertner (Griffith): PS 2129. J7. Jennison, Lucy \\Tiite: PS 2129.J8. Jerdan, William: PR 4825.J25. Jerningham, Edward: PR 3519. J5. Jerome, Jerome K.: PR 4825. J3. Jerrold, Douglas: rR4825.J4. Jewell, John: PR 2296.J4. Jewett, Sarah Orne: PS 2130-2133. Jewett, Sophie: PS 2134. J2. Jewish legends: PN 6071 .J5. Jews in English literature: PR 151. Jews in fiction: PN 3418. Jewsbury, Geraldine E.: PR 4825. J7. Jodrell, Richard Paul: PR 3519.JG. John of Salisbury: PR 2006. Johnson, Burgee: PS 3519.02. Johnson, Edward: PS 791 .J3. Johnson, Lionel Pigot: PR 4826. J5. Johnson, Robert: PR 2296.J7. Johnson, Robert Underwood: PS 2135. J4. Johnson, Rossiter:, PS 2135. J7. Johnson, Samuel: PR 3520-38. Johnson, Virginia Wales: PS2136.J5. Johnston, Annie (Fellows): PS 3519.03. Johnston, Mary: PS 2140-2143. Johnston, Richard Malcolm: PS 2145-2148. Johnston, William Preston: PS 2149. J8. Joline, Adrian Hoffman: PS 3519.034. Jones, Amanda Theodosia: PS 2150. J3. Jones. Ebenezer: PR 4826. J7. Jones, Henry Arthur: PR 4827-8. Jones, Hugh: PS 791.J5. Jones, John: PR 4829 .J5. Jonson, Ben: PR 2600-48. Jordan, David Starr: PS 2152. J4. Jordan, Elizabeth Garver: PS 3519.06. Josselyn, John: PS 791.J7. Journalism: PN 4700^639. Biography: PN 4825. (Local, in: PN 4871-5639) History: PN 4801-15. (Local, in: PN 4855-5639) Periodicals: PN 4700-09. Societies: PN 4712 (Local, in: 4841^63" Special countries: PN 4841-6639. 252 INDEX Joyce, John Alexander: PS 2153 .J4. Judd, Sylvester: PS 2155. "Judith": PR 1730-4. Judeon, Emily (Chubbock): PS 2156.J3. "Juliana" (Middle English): PR 2007 .J7. June, Jennie, pseud.: PS 1471-1472. Juvenile authorship: PN 159. Juvenile drama Acting for children': PN 3157. Plays: PN 6120. A4-5. Recitations: PN 4270-9 Juvenile literature: PZ 5-90. American and English: PZ 5-10. Dutch: PZ 11-16. French: PZ 21-26. German: PZ 31-36. Italian: PZ 41-46 Scandinavian: PZ 51-56. Slavic: PZ 61-66. Spanish and Portuguese: PZ 71-76 Other: PZ gO.A-Z. Kaufman, Herbert: PS 3521.A73. Keate, George: PR3539.K15. Keata, John: PR 4830-8. Keble, John: PR 4839.K15. Keeuan, Henry Francis: PS 2157-2158. Keller, Helen Adams: PS 3521. E39. Kelley, William Valentine: PS 2159. K2. Kellog, Elijah: PS 2159. K3. Kelly, Hugh: PR 3539. K2. Kemble, Frances Anne: PR 4839. K2. Kendall, Timothy: PR 2296. K3. Kenealy, Edward Vaughan: PR4839.K28. Kennedy, Charles Rann: PS 3521. E53. Kennedy, John Pendleton: PS 2160-2163. Kenyon, James Benjamin: PS 2164. K3. Kenyon, John: PR 4839. K3. Kerr, Orpheus C, pseud.: PS 2459. N4. Kester, Paul: PS 3521. E8. Ketchum, Annie Chambers: PS 2164. K6. Key, Francis Scott: PS 2165-2168. Kildare, Owen Frawley: PS 3521.1355 Killigrew, Anne: PR 3539. K3. Killigrew, Thomaa: PR 3539. K5. Kimball, Harriet McEwen: PS 2169 K4. Kimball, Richard Burleigh: PS 2169 K6. King, Basil: PS 3521.15. King, Benjamin Franklin, jr.: PS 2169 K8. Ring, Charles: PS 2170-2173. King, Edward: PS 2174. K5. King, Grace Elizabeth: PS 2175-2178. King, William: PR 3539. K7. Kinglake, Alexander William: PR 4839 K5. Kingsley, Charles; PR 4840-4. Kingsley, Henry: PR 4845. K5. Kinney, Coates: PS 2179 K5. Kinney, Elizabeth Clementine (Dodge): PS 2182-2183. Kip, Leonard: PS 2186. K5. Kipling, Ahce (McDonald;; PR 4849. K5 Kipling, Rudyard: PR 4850-8. Kirchmeyer, T.: PR 2649. K4. Kirk, Ellen Warner (Olney): PS 2187-2188. Kirldand, Caroline Matilda (Stansbury): PS 2191-2192. Kirkland, Joseph: PS 2194-2195. Kiaer, Samuel Ellsworth: PS 3521.176. Klingle, George, pseud.: PS 1949. H7. Knight, Richard Payne: PR 3539. K8. Knight, Sarah (Kemble): PS 791. K5. Knowles, Frederic Lawrence: PS 2197. K2. Knowles, James Sheridan: PR 4859. K5. Knox, Thomaa Wallace: PS 2197. K4. Koopman, Uarry Lyman: PS 2197.K6. Kyd, Thomaa: PR 2650-8. Lacomcs: PN 6270-8, Lacy, John: PR 3539. L2. Lamar, Miiabeau Bonaparte: PS 2199.L3. Lamb, Charles: PR 4860-4. Lamb, Mary: PR 4865. L2. Lampman, Archibald: PR 4865. L4. "The land of Cokayne": PR 2008. Landon, Letitia Elizabeth: PR 4865. L5. Landon, Melville D.: PS 2199.L5. Landor, Robert Eyres: PR 4865. L8. Landor, Walter Savage: PR 4870-4. Landscape in American poetry: PS310.L3. Lane, Anna (Eichberg) Mrs. John Lane): PR 4875. L3. Lang, Andrew: PR 4876-7. Lang, Leouora Blanche ( .Vra. Andrew Lang): PR4878.L15. Langdon, Mary, pseud.: PS 2587. P5. Langhornc, John: PR 3539. L3. Langland, W LLliam (Piers Plowman): PR 2010-8. 253 INDEX Language, Relation of literature: PN 54, Lanier, Clifford: PS 2199. L8. Lanier, Sidney: PS 2200-2218. Lanigan, George Thomaa: PS 2219.L4. Lansdowne, George Granville, earl of: PR 3539. L4. Larcom, Lucy: PS 2220-2223. Laat words: PN 6328.L3. Lathrop, Amy, pseud.: PS 3149. Wfi. Lathrop, George Pai-sona: PS 2225-2226. Lathrop, Rose (Hawthorne): PS 2230-2231 . Latimer, Henry Randolph: PS 2232. L3. La Touche, Maria (Price): PR 4878, L2. Laureates (English literature) PR 505. Law and lawyers Anecdotee: PN 6268. L4. English poetry: PR 1195.L4. Wit and humor: PN 6231.L4. Lawyers as authors: PR 120. EngUsh literature: Lawless, Hon. Emily: PR 4878.L6. Lawrence, George Alfred: PR 4878. L7. Lawson, John: PS 791. L2. Layamon: PR 2020-8. Lazarufl, Emma: PS 2233-2234. Leacock, Stephen: PR 6023.E15.. Lear, Edward: PR 4879.L2. Learmont, John: PR 3539. L5. Learned, Walter: PS 2235.L5. Leavitt, John McDowell: PS 2235.L7. Lecky, William Edward Hartpole: PR 4879.L3. Lecturers (Biography): PN 4058. Lee, Harriet and Sophia: PR 4879. L5. Lee, Nathaniel: PR 3540. Lee, Vernon, psevd.: PR 5115. P2, "Leechbook" (Anglo-Saxon): PR 1736. Le Fanu, Joseph Sheridan: PR 4879.L7. Le GalUenne, Richard: PR 4881-2. Legar^, Hugh Swinton: PS 2237-2238. Legends, Jewish: PN 6071. J5. Legends, Medieval: PN 683-7. Legge, Thomas: PR 2659. L3. Leggett, William: PS 2239. L3. Leighton, William (1833-): PS 2239. L5. Leighton, William (1841-1869): PR 4883. L3. Leland, Charles Godfrey ("Hans Breit- man"): PS 2240-2243. Lemon, Mark: PR 4883. L6. Leslie, Eliza: PS 2244. L5. L'Eatrange, Sir Roger: PR 3541.L3. Letters Collections: PN 6131-6140. American literature: PS 670-679. English literature: PR 1341-9. Literary history: PN 4400. American literature: PS 410-^18. English literature: PR 911-917. Lever, Charles: PR 4884-5. Lewis, Alonzo: PS 2246. L2. Lewis, Charles Bertrand ("M. Quad"): PS 2246. L3. Lewis, Estelle Anna Blanche (Robinson) PS 2246. L35. Lewis, Leopold: PR 4886. L3. Lewis, Matthew Gregory: PR 4887-8. " Liberation of the five boroughs" (Anglo- Saxon): PR 1689. Lillo, George: PR 3541. L5. Limericks: PN 6231. L5. Lincoln, Abraham, see E 457.2. Lincoln, Joseph Crosby: PS 3523.146. Lindsay, Sir David: PR 2296. L6. Dramatic works: PR 2659. L5. Lindsay, Robert: PR 2296.L7. Linn, John Blair: PS 2246.L7. Linton, Elizabeth (Lynn): PR 4889. L5. Linton, William James: PR 4889. L6. Lippard, George': PS 2246. L8. Lippincott, Sarah Jane (Clarke) ("Grace Greenwood"): PS 2247. Lippmann, Julie Mathilde: PS 2248. L2. Litchfield, Grace Denio: PS 2248. L3. Literary agents: PN 163. Literary criticism: PN 80-99. Literary exchanges: Z 690. Literary extracts: PN 6245-6. Literary history Collected essays: PN 500-519. Collected monographs: PN 35-7. Comparative literature: PN 851-884. Congresses: PN 31-3. Dictionaries: PN 41-3. Encyclopaedias: PN 41-3. Essays: PN 500-519. General works: PN 521-595. Medieval: PN 670-691. Periodicals: PN 1-9. Societies: PN 21-30. Special periods: PN 611-779. Special topics: PN 597-605. Study and teachings: PN 59-72. Theory, Philosophy: PN 45-57. TreaUses: PN 521-595. Year-book: PN 11-19. 254 INDEX Literary landmarks: PN 164. American literature: PS 141^. English literature: PR 109-110. Literary societies: PN 21-30. Literature Collections: PN 6011-6595. Poetry: PN 6100-6110. Quotations: PN 6080-^095. See also Literary history. Literature, Relation of journalism to: PN 4759. Literature and economics: PN 51. Literature and education: PN 52. Literature and ethics: PN 49. Literature and hist/jry: PN 50. Literature and language: PN 54. Literature and life: PN 47. Literature and nature: PN 48. Literature and phiioaophy: PN 49. Literature and political science: PN 51. Literature and religion: PN 49. Literature and sociology: PN 51. Literature and science: PN 55. Love in literature Collections: PN 6071. L7. Epigrams: PN 6288. L6. Letters: PN 6140.L7. American: PS 673. L6. English: PR 1349.L8. Poems: PN 6110.L6. American: PS 595. L6. English: PR 11S4. Thoughts: PN,6338.L6. "Lives of the saints" (Middle EngUah): PR 2029. L3. Livingston, William: PS 791.1^. Livingstone, Alice Muriel: PS 3319.W7. Lloyd, Charles: PR 4890.L8. Lloyd, David: PR3541.L55. Lloyd, David Demarest: PS 2248.L6. Lloyd, John Uri: PS 2248. L7. Locke, David Ross ("Petroleum V. Nasby"): PS 2248.L8. Locke, William John: PR 6023.02. Locker-Lampson, Frederick: PR 4891.L2. liOckhart, Arthur John ("Pastor Fehx"): PS 2248. L85. Lockhart, John Gibson: PR 4891. L4. Lockwood, Ralph Ingersoll: PS 2248.L9. Lodge, George Cabot: PS 3523.027. Lodge, Henry Cabot: PS2249.L4. Lodge, Thomas: PR 2297-^. Dramatic works: PR 2669. L6. Lofland, John: PS 2249. L5. "Lofsong of Ure Lefdi": PR 2029. L6. Lofft, Capel: PR 3541X6. Logan, Algernon Sidney: PS 2249. L6. Logan, James: PS 791.L6. Logan, John: PR 3541. L7. London, Jack: PS 3523.046. Lonelich, Henry: PR 2029. L6. Long, John Luther: PS 3523.047. Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth: PS 2250-2298. Longfellow, Samuel: PS 2299. L2. Ixingstreet, Augustus Baldwin: PS 2299.L4. Loomis, Charles Battell: PS 3523.0545. Lord, William Wilberforce: PS 2299. L6. Lorimer, George Horace: PS 3523.064. Loring, Frederick Wadsworth:' PS 2299.L8. Lovelace, Richard: PR 3542. L2. Ix)veling, Wdliam: PR 3542. L3. Loveman, Robert: PS 3523.085. Lover, Samuel: PR 4892-3. Lowe, Martha Ann (Perry): PS 2299. L98. Lowell, James Russell: PS 2300-2348. Lowell, Maria (Wl)ite): PS 2349. L2. Lowell, Robert Traill Spence: PS 2349.L4. Lucas, Daniel Bediuger: PS 2349. L6. Lucas, Edward V.: PR 6023. U24. Luck, Robert: PR 3542. U. Ludlow, FitzHugh: PS 2350.L5. Luders, Charles Henry: PS 2351. L2. Lullabies: PN 6110.C4. Lunt, George: PS 2351. L4. Lupton, Thomas: PR 2659. L8. Luska, Sidney, p$eud.: PS 1795-1798. "Lutel Both sermun": PR 2029. L7. Lyall, Edna, -pseud.: PR 4079.B5. Lyceum courses: LC 6551-6560. Lydgatc, John: PR 2030-8. Lyly, John: PR 2300-3. Dramatic works: PR 2659.L9. Lyly, WUliam: PR 2304. L4. Lyric poetry Literary hi8tor>': PN 1351-13^19. Medieval: PN 691. Lyric poetry of special countrie» American: PS 593. L8. History and criticism: PS309.L8. English: PR 1187. History and criticiam: PR 609. 255 INDEX Lytle, William Haines: PS 2351. L6. Lyttelton, Edith: PR 6023.Y6. Lyttelton, George Lyttelton, 1st. baron: PR 3542.L8. Lytton, E. G. Bulwer-Lytton, Ist. baron: PR 490(M8. Lytton, Edward Robert Bulwer-Lytton, 1st. earl o/(Owen Meredith): PR 4950-8. Lytton, Roeina Bulwer-Lytton, baroness: PR 4959.L5. Mabie, Hamilton Wright: PS 2353-2354. Macaronic verse: PN 1489. Macaulay, Thomas Babington, Lord: PR 4963. McCall, Sidney, pseud.: PS 1661-1662. McCarthy, Justin Huntley: PR 4964.M5. McClelland, Margaret Greenway: PS 2355.M2. McCord, Louisa Susannah (Cheves): PS 2355.M6. McCuUough, Myrtle (Reed): PS 3535.E3. McCutcheon, George Barr: PS 3525.A187. McDermott, George Lawrence: PS 2356.M5. McDonagh, Thomas: PR 6025. A22. Macdonald, Andrew: PR 3543.M15. Macdonald, George: PR 4965-9. McDowell, Katherine Sherwood (Bon- ner): PS 2357-2358. Macfarlane, James: PR 4970. M2. McGaffey, Ernest: PS 2359.M14. Mack, Alexander: PS 793.M3. Mackay, Charles: PR 4971. M2. Mackay, Eric: PR 4971. M3. McKaye, Percy Wallace: PS 3525.A25. McKellar, Thomas: PS 2359.M48. Mackenzie, Henry: PR 3543. M2. Mackintosh, Sir James: PR 4971. M6. Mackliu, Charles: PR 3543.M3. Maclaren, Ian, pseud.: PR 5740-4. McLean, Sarah Pratt: PS 1764. G29. McLeod, Fiona, pseud.: PR 5350-8. Macneill, Hector: PR 3543. M5. Macnish, Robert: PR 4971. M7. MacphecBon, James ("Osaian"): PR 354J M'Taggart, Mrs. Ann: PR 4971. MB. Macy, Arthur: PS 2359.M635. Madison, James: PS 795-799. Magazines Authorship: PN 147. Literary history: PN 4832. Maginn, William: PR 4972. M3. Mahony, Francis Sylvester ("Father Prout"): PR4972.M33. Major, Charles: PS 2359. M648. Major, or Mair, John: PR 2304. M5. Make-up: PN 2068. Mallet, David: PR 3545.M4. Mallock, William Hurrell: PR 4972. M5. Malone, Edmond: PR 2972.M3. Malone, Walter: PS 2359.M66. Malory, Sir Thomas: PR 2040-8. Mandeville, Bernard: PR 3545. M6. Mandeville, John: PR 2050-4. Mangan, James Clarence: PR 4973. Manly, Mary: PR 3545.M8. Mann, Horace: PS 2359. M69. Manners, J. HarUey: PR 4974.M15. Manning, Henry Edward, cardinal: PR 4974.M2. Mannyng, Robert: PR 2056. "Man's falsehood": PR 1742. "Man's fate": PR 1744. "Man's gifts": PR 1746. "Man's mind": PR 1748. Mansfield, Lewis W.: PS 2359.M7. Manuscripta Preparation: PN 160. Sale: PN 161. Map, Walter: PR 2058. Marionettes: PN 1970-1981. Markham, Cervasse: PR 2304. M3. Markham, Edwin: PS 2360-2363. Markoe, Peter: PS 801.M7. Marlowe, Christopher: PR 2660-78. Marmion, Shackerley: PR 3545. M9. Marriage in epigram: PN 6288. M3. Marry&t, Frederick: PR 4975-9. Marshall, Emma: PR 4980.M4. Marshall, George: PR 4980.M5. Maratou, John: PR 2690-8. Marston, John Westland: PR 4980.M8. Marston, Philip Bourke: PR 4981-2. Martin, Edward Sandford: PS 2364. M8. Martin, Sir Theodore: PR 4984. M3. -Martiueau, Harriet: PR 4984. M5. Marvell, Andrew: PR 3546. Marvel, Ik, pseud.: PS 2400-2408. Marvin, Frederic Rowland: PS 2365. Maeefield, John: PR 6025. A77. Maaon, Alfred E. W.: PR 6025. A79. 256 INDEX Mason, Caroline Atherton (Briggs): P8 2367.M3. Maaon, Jamee: PR 4984.M6. Maaon, John (fl. 1610): PR 2699.M5. Maaon, John (1706-1763): PS 802. Mason, Walt: PS 3525. A823. Maaon, William: PR 3548. M2. Maaquee: PN 3201-5. American drama: PN 6120.M3. Literary history: PN 1934. Maaaey, Gerald: PR 4984. M7. Maaeinger, Philip: PR 2700-8. Maaeon, Thomas Lansing: PS 2367. M6. Mather, Ck)tton: PS 805. Mather, Increase: PS 806.M6. Mathews, Albert (Paul Siogvolk): PS 2368.M3. Mathewa, Cornelius: PS 2368.M4 Mathews, William: PS 2368.M8. Mathiaa, Thomaa James: PR 4987. M2. Matthews, James Brander: PS 2370-2373. Maturin, Charles Robert: PR 4987. M7. Maturin, Edward: PS 2374. M9. Maurice, Frederick Denison: PR 4988.M3. Maxims: PN 6300-8. Maxwell, Sir Herbert Eustace: PR 4989.M2. Maxwell, Mary Elizabeth (Braddou): PR 4989.M4. May, Thomas: PR 2709.M3. Mayhew, Horace: PR 4989.M5. Maylem, John: PS 806.M8. Mayne, Jasper: PR 3548.M4. Mayo, Isabelle (Fyvie) ("Edward Gar- rett"): PR4989.M7. Mayo, William Starbuck: PS 2376. M7. Medical anecdotes: PN 6288.M4. Medieval literature: PN 66&-€94. Legends: PN 68^7. Poetry: PN 688-691. Prose: PN 692-3. Meditations: PN 6146. Special authore in PQ-PV. Medwall, Henry: PR 2709.M8. Mellen, Grenville: PS 2379.M2. Melodrama Literary history: PN 1910-9. Melville, Herman: PS 2380-2388. Men in epigram: PN 6288.M4. Monnia, Sir John: PR 2308. "Menologium" (Calendar of saints): PR 1740. Meredith, George: PR 5000-18. Meres, PYancis: PR 2311-2. Merington, Marguerite: PS 3525. E62. Merivale, Herman Charles: PR 5019. M8. Merivale, John Herman: PR 5020. "Merlin" (Middle English): PR 2062. Merriman, Henry Seton, pteud.: PR 5299.S5. Messenger, Lillian Rozell: PS 2389. Meston, William: PR 3548.M8. Metcalf, C. J.: PR 5021. M2. Metrical romances English literature: PR 2064-5. Meyer, Annie (Nathan): PS 3525. E9. Meynell, Mrs. Alice: PR 5021. MS. Meynell, Wilfrid: PR 5021. M4. Michel, Dan, of Northgate: PR 2085.M3. Mickle, William Julius: PR 3549. M3. Middle English literature Collections: PR 1119-20; 1804-2165. History: PR 251-369. Middleton, Thomaa: PR 2710-8. Mifflin, Lloyd: PS 2391-2392. Miles, George Henry: PS 2393.M6. Miller, Harriet (Mann) ("Olive Thome MUler"): PS 2399.M5. MUler, Hugh: PR 5021.M45. Miller, Joaquin: PS 2395-2398. Miller, Olive Thorne: PS 2399. M5. Mills, Charles: PR 5021. M47. Mihnan, Henry Hart: PR 5021.M5. Milner, George: PR 5021. M6. Milton, John: PR 3650-98. Mimes Literary history: PN 1940-9. Minot, Laurence: PR 2085.M5. Minstrels (Drama): PN 1969.M5. Minstrels, Negro: PN 3195, PN 4305.N6. Miracle plays English literature: PR 643. "Mirror of man's salvation": PR 2086.M6. Mitchell, Donald Grant ("Ik Marvel")- PS 2400-2408. Mitchell, John Ames: PS 2409. M2. Mitchell, Langdon Elwyn: PS 2409. M4. MitcheU, Silas Weir: PS 2410-2418. Mitchell, Walter: PS 2419.M3. Mitford, Mary Russell: PR 5022-3. Mock trials: PN 6120.M7. Moir, David Macbeth: PR 5029. M5. Moncrieff, William Thomas: Pil 5029. M7. Monologueu: PN 4305.M6. 257 INDEX Monroe, Harriet: PS 2420-2423. Montagu, Elizabeth: PR 3603.M2. Montague, Lady Mary Wortley: PR 3604. Montgomery, Alexander: PR 5029.M8. Montgomery, James: PR 5030-4. Montgomery, Robert: PR 5036.M5. Moody, William Vaughn: PS 2425-2428. Moore, Charles Leonard: PS 2429. M4. Moore, Clement Clarke: PS 2429.M5. Moore, Dugald: PR 5039.M5. Moore, Edward: PR 3605. M3. Moore, George: PR 5040-4. Moore, John: PR 3605.M5. Moore, John Trotwood: PS 2429.M8. Moore, Thomas: PR 505O-«. Morality plays English literature: PR 643. More, Hannah: PR 3605.M6. More, Henry: PR 3605.M7. More, Paul Elmer: PS 2431-2432. More, Sir Thomas: PR 2321-2. Morgan, Sydney (Owenson), lady: PR 5059. M3. Morison, David: PR 3605.M8. Morley, John Morley, viacount: PR 5059. M45. MorreU, William: PS 808.M3. Morris, Charles: PR 5059.M5. Morris, George Pope: PS 2433.M5. Morris, Sir Lewis: PR 5060-4. Morris, William: PR 5070-88. Morritt, John B. S.: PR 5089.M2. Morse, James Herbert: PS 2434.M4. "Morte d' Arthur" (Malory): PR 2040^. Mortimer, John: PR 5094.M5. Morton, John Maddison: PR 5097.M3. Morton, Nathaniel: PS 80S.M5. Morton, Sarah Wentworth (Apthorp): PS 808.M7. Morton, Thomas: PR 5097.M5. Motherwell, William: PR 5101.M3. Motley, John Lothrop: PS 2435-2436. Mottoes: PN 6309-6318. Moulton, Louise (Chandler): PS 2440-2443. Moultrie, John: PR5101.M34. Mountfort, William: PR 3605.M83. Moving-picture shows: PN 1993-8. Muir, John: PS 2447.M5. Munday, Anthony: PR 2324-5. Dramatic works: PR 2719.M6. Munger, Theodore Thornton: PS 2449.M4. Munro, Neil: PR 5101. M4. Murfree, Mary Noailles ("Charles Egbert Craddock"): PS 2450-2458. Murphy, Arthur: PR 3605 .M9. Murray, David Christie: PR 5101. M45. Murray, Robert Fuller: PR 5101. M5. Music Relation of drama to: PN 1C39. Relation of joiirnalism to: PN 4765. Relation of literature to: PN 56. M. Relation of poetry to: PN 1066. Myers, Frederic William Henry: PR 5101. M6. Mysteries (Drama): PR 643. Nabbes, Thomas: PR 2719.N3. Nadal, Ehrman Syme: PS 2459.N2. Nairne, Caroline (Oliphant), baroness: PR 5102.N3. Napier, John: PR 2326.N2. Nares, Edward: PR 5102.N6. Narrative Poems: English: PR 1195.N2. Naaby, Petroleum V., pseud.: PS 2248.L8. Nash, Thomaa: PR 2720-8. Naturalism History: PN 601. Philosophy: PN 56.R3. Nature in literature: PN 48. American literature: PS 163. English literature: PR 143. General collections: PN 6071.N2. Quotations: PN 6084. N2. Nature in poetry CoUections: PN 6110.N2. History and criticism: PN 1065. American literature: PS 310. N. English literature: PR 508.N3. (See also landscape.) Neal, John: PS 2459.N28. Neale, John Mason: PR 5103.N2. Negro drama: PN 6120.N4. Negro minstrels: PN 3195. Plays: PN 4305.N6. Negro in fiction: PN 3423. Nesmith, James E.: PS 2459. N3. Nevinson, Henry W.: PR 6027.E78. Newbolt, Henry John: PR 5103.N4. Newcastle, Margaret (Lucas) Cavendish, duchess of: PR 3605. N2. Newcastle, William Cavendish, duke of: PR 3605.N4. Newcomb, Rev. Thomas: PR 3605.N7. 258 INDEX Newell, Robert Henry ("Orpheus Kerr"): PS 2459.N4. Newman, Eugene William ("Savoyard ' PS 2459.N49. Newman, John Henry, cardinal:' PR 5105-9. NiccolB, Richard: PR 2326»N4. Nichol, John: PR 5110.N24. Nicholaa of Guildford: PR 2085. N4. Nichols, Starr Hoyt: PS 2459.N6. Nicholson, Meredith: PS 3527.135. Nicoll, Robert: PR 5110. N3. Nicoll, Sir William Robertson: PR 5110.N4. "Nicolaon, Violet": PR 6015.02. Nicotiana: GT 3020. Niles, Nathaniel: PS 811.N3. Noble, Thomaa: PR 5110.N7. Noel, Roden: PR 5111. Nonsenae rhymes: PN 1525. Collectionfl: PN 6110.N6. Norris, Frank: PS 2470-2473. North, Christopher, pseud.: PR 5835-8, North, Sir Thomas: PR 2326. N6. Norton, Charles EUot: PS 2475-247[.. Norton, Hon. Mrs. Caroline (Sheridan) PR5112.N5. Norton, John (1606-16(>3): PS 811.N5 Norton, John (1651-1716): PS 811. N6. Norton, Thomas: PR 2326. N8. Dramatic works: PR 2729,N7. Novels: PN 3311-3503. Historical: PN 3441. Noyea, Alfred: PR 6027.08. Noyes, Nicholas: PS 811.N8. Nursery rhymes: PN 6110.C4; PZ 8.3. Nye, Edgar Wilson ("Bill Nye"): PS 2481-2482. Oakes, Urian: PS 813.02. Oberammergau: PN 3235-41. Oberholtzer, Sara Louisa (Vickera): PS 2484.04. O'Brien, Fitz-James: PS 2485. Obsequies of authors: PN 171.03. Occasional addresses: PN 4205.04. Occleve, Thomas: PR 2090-8. O'Connor, William Douglas: PS 248i.05. Odell, Jonathan: PS 813.04. Odes Collections: PN 6110.02. English: PR 1195.02. Literary history: PN 1371. O'Flaherty, Charles: PR 5112.05. O'Hara, Theodore: PS 2487-2488. O'Keeffe, James: PR 3605.02. O'Keeffe, John: PR 3605.03. O'Kelly, Seumas: PR 6029. K4. Old age: PN 6071.06. Oldham, John: PR 3605.04. Oldmixon, John: PR 3605.05. Oldys, William: PR 3605.06. Oliphant, Laurence: PR 5112.08. Oliphant, Mrs. Margaret 0. W.: PR 5113-1. Opdycke, John Baker: PS 3529. P4. Opera, see ML 1800-1950. Opie, Mrs. Amelia: PR 5115.03. Optimism Collections: PN 6071.07. Thoughts: PN 8338.06. Orators (Biography) Collected: PN 4057. Individual: D-F, PR, PS. Oratory Collections: PN 6121-6129. History and criticism: PN 4001^321. Biography: PN 4057-4058. Collected monographs, etc.: PN 4012. Debating: PN 4181-4191. Dictionaries: PN 4016. Periodicals: PN 4001-4003. Recitations: PN 4199-4321. Societies: PN 4009. Studr PN 4071^095. Treatises: PN 4103-4129. Oratory, American: Collections; PS 660-669. Historj' and criticism: PS 400-408. Oratory, English: Collections: PR 1321-1329. History and criticism: PR 901-907. Orczy, Emmuska, baroness: PR 6029. R25. O'Reilly, John Boyle: PS 2490-2493. Oriental authors in U. S.: Armenian: PS 9990. Oriental literature Epigrama: PN 6288.07. Maxima: PN 6307.07. Proverbs: PN 651 L Thought*,: PN 6338.07. O'Riordan. Conal O'Connpll: PR 0029. R4 5. Orleans, Charles, duke of: PR 1349. C6. Orm(andtheOrmulum): PR 2100-8. 259 INDEX Orrery, Charles Boyle, 4th earl of: PR 3607.03. Orrery, Roger Boyle, Isi earl of: PR 3607.04. Osbom, Laughtou: PS 2494.04. Oaboume. Lloyd: PS 2495. Osgood, Frances Satgent (Locke): PS 2497. O'Sliaughaessy, Arthur: PR 5115.04. Osflian, see Macpherson. Ossoli, Sarah Margaret (Fuller): PS 2500-2508. Otis,Jame8: PS 813.06. Otway, Thomas: PR 3610-4. Onidvi, pseud.: PR 4527-8. Outram. George: PR 5115.06. Overbury, Sir Thomas: PR 2326.05. Owen, John: PR 2326.07. Owen, JRobcrt Dale: PS 2509.08. "The owl and the nightingale": (Middle English): PR 2109.07. Oxenham,John: PR 6029. X4. Page, Thomas Nelson: PS 2510-2518. Pageants: PN 3203-99. Paget, Violet ("Vernon Lee"): PR5115.P2. Pain, Barry: PR 6031.A25. Paine, Albert Bigelow: PS 3531. A27. Paine, Ralph Delahaye: PS 3531. A275. Paine, Robert Treat: PS 2519. P2. Paine, Thomas: PS 815-819. Painter, William: PR 2327-8. Palgrave, Francis Turner: PR 5115.P5. Palmer, John Williamson: PS 2519. P4. Palmer, Ray: PS 2519.P6. ' Panics in theaters: PN 2091.P3. Pantomimes History: PN 1985. Playbooks: PN 6120. P3. Panton, Mrs. Jane Ellen: PR 6031 .A4. "Paris and Vienni" (Middle English): PR 2109.P2. Parker, Benjamin Strattan: PS 2520.P4. Parker, George Williams: PR 5119.P5. Parker, Sir Gilbert PR 5120-4. Parker, Louis N.: PR 5126.P5. Parkes, Elizabeth (Robire): PS 2719. R4. Parkman, Francis: PS 2521-2522. Parley, Peter, pseud.: PS 1754-1755. "The parliament of three ages": PR 2109.P3. Parnell, Thomas: PR 3616. Parodies (Poetry): PN 6110.P3. S{>ecial poems with original: PQ-PT. Parody (wit and humor): PN 6149.PS. Parr, Samuel: PR 3617. P2. Parsons, Thomas William: PS 252S.P8. Parsons, William: PR 5127. P2. Partington, Mrs., pseud.: PS 2815-2818. Parton, Sarah Pa>8on (Willis) ("Fanny Fern"): PS 2523. P9. "The passion of Our Lord:" PR 2109.P5. Passion play, Oberammergau: PN 3235-41. Pftsticcios, centos, etc.: PN 1476. Pastorals: CoHections: PN 6110.P+. English: PR 1195.P3. History and criticism: PN 1421. Pater, Walter Horatio: PR 5130-8. Paterson, Andrew Barton: PR 6031. A75. "Patience" (Middle English): PR 2110. Patmore, Coventry: PR 5140-4. Paton, iStr Joseph Noel: PR 614fr-7. Patriotic poetry: American: PS 595.H6. English: PR 1195.H6. Patriotic recitations: PN 4240-49. Pattison, Mark: PR 5149.P2. Paul, John, pseud.: PS 3157. W6. Paulding, James Kirke: PS 2525-2528. Payn, James: PR 5150-8. Payne, John: PR 5159. P5. Payne, John Howard: PS 2530-2633. Payne, Will: PS 2534.P5. Peabody, Josephine Preston: PS3531.E13. Peacock, Thomas Ix)ve: PR 5160-4. "Pearl" (Middle EngUah): PR 2111. Peck, Francis: PR 3617.P7. Peck, George WUbur: PS 2539.P28; PN 6161. Peck, Harry Thurston: PS 2539. P3. Peck, Samuel Mintum: PS 2539.P4. Peck, WUliam Henry: PS 2539. P5. Pccock, Reginald: PR 2113. Pccle, George: PR 2730-8. Pellew, George: PS 2539.P7. Pembroke, Mary (Sidney) Herbert, count- ess of : PR 2329. P2. Penn, John: PR 5167.P4. Penn, William: PS 821. Pennie, John F.: PR 5167.P8. Penny, Mrs. Anne Christian: PR 3617. P8. Pensions for authors: PN 171.P4. Pepys, Samuel: PR 3618. P2. 260 INDEX Percival, Jamee Gates: PS 2540-2543. j Percy, George: PS 823. Percy, Thomas, bishop of Dromore. PR 3618. P5. Periodicals Literature (General): PN 1-9. Authorship: PN 101-9. Comparative literature: PN 861. Criticlem: PN 80. Dramatic literature: PN 1600-9. Folk literature: FN 905. Journalism: PN 4700-5. Oratory, Elocution : PN 4001-3, 4071. Poetry: PN 1010. Prose; PN 3311. Theater: PN 2000-9. Perry, Blisa: P^ 2545. P4. Perry, George: PS 2545. P5. Perry, Lilla Cabot: PS 2545. P7. Perry, Nora: PS 2550 2553. Peterson, Henry: PS 2554. P4. Pfeiffer, Emily Jane (Davie): PR 5168.P3. Phaer, Thomas: PR 2329. P4. Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart: PS 3140-3H3. Philips, Ambrose: PR 3619. P2. Philips, John: PR 3619. P3. Philips, Mrs. Katherine: PR 3619. P4. Phillips, Charles: PR 5169. P7. Phillips, David Graham: PS 3531.115. Phillips, Edward: PR3G19.P43. Phillips, Stephen: PR 5170-4. Phillips, Watts: PR 5175. P3. Phillips, Wendell: PS 2566 2-567. Phillipeon, CamlineG.: PR5175.P5. Phillpotts, Eden: PR 5177. Philosophy in literature: PN 49. Drama: PN 1647. Poetry: PN 1077. "Phoenix": PR 1750. Phoenix, John, pseud.: PS 1535. Physicians aa authors: English literature: I*R 120. "PhysioK)gns"(Anglo-Soxi>ii): PR 1752-7 Piatt, Donni PS 2576. P4. Piatt, John James: PS 2578 2579. Piatt, Sarah Morgan (Bryan): PS 2581-2582. Pi< aresque tales: PN 3428-30. Pidgin, Charles FelU>n: PS 2584. P2. "Piers Plowman": PR 2010-8. Pike, Albert: PS 2585-2586. Pike, Mary Ilayden (Green) ("Mary Langdon"): PS 2587. P5. Pikering, Juhn: PR 2739. P4. Pilgrim, James: PS 2588. P5. "Pilgrimage of the lyf ;>( the manhode": PR 2114. P4. Pinckncy, Eliza (Lucan): PS 824. P7. Pindar, P^tcr, pseiul.: PR 3765. W7. Pincro, Sir Arthur Wing: PR 5180-^. Pinkney, Edward Coate: P*S 2591-2592. Piozzi, HeBter (Thrale): PR 3619.P5. Plagiarism: PN 167-8. Planch6, James Robinson: PR 5187. P2. Plant fables: PN 993. Plea.sure8 of the tabic: PN 6238 of. GT 2880, 2910. Plummer, Mary Wright: PS 3531.1.2. Pluraptre, Edward Hayes: PR 5187. P3. Poe, Edgar Allen: PS 2600-2648. Poetic license: PN 1059. P7. Poetics: PN 1040-9. Poetry 1 Collections: PN 6100-6110. Folk literatiire: PN 1341. Literary history: PN 1010-1525. Medieval: PN 688-691. See also American literature — Poetry. English literature — Poetry. Poetry, Praise of: PN 1064. Pole, Reginald, cardinal: PR 2329.P6. Polidori, Dr. John William: PR 5187.P5. Political science in literatiire: PN 51. Poetry: PN 1081. Politics, Relation of joiirnaliHm to: PN 4751. Pollock, Sir Frederick: PR 5189. P15. PoUok, Robert: PR 5189. P2. Pomfret, John: PR 3619.P7. Pool, Maria Louise: PS 2649.P4. Pope, Alexander: PR 3620-38. Person, Richard: PR 3639.P4. Porter, Anna Maria: PR 5189.P4. Porter, Harold Everett: PS 3531.0735. Porter, Jano: PR 5189.P5. Porter, William Sydney ("O. Henry"): PS 2649.P5. Pory, John: PS 825. Post-prandiftl addresses: PN 4305.04. Pound, Ezra Ixwrnis: PS 3531.082. Powers, Horatio NeWm: PS 2G49.1'82. Praed, Rosa Caroline (Mr$. ("luuptnll Praed): PR5189.P6. 261 INDEX Praed, Winthrop Mackworth: PR 5189.P7. Pratt, Samuel Jackeon: PR 5189. P8. Prefaces: PN 171. P7. Prentice, George Denison: PS 2653-2654. PrentisB, Elizabeth (Payeon): PS 2655.P5. Preraphaelitism English literature: PR 466. Prescott, William Hickling: PS 265G-2657. Preston, Harriet Waters: PS 2659.P5. Preston, Margaret (Junkin): PS 2660-2663. Preston, Thomafl: PR 2739. P7. Preston, William: PR 3639.P7. Prichard, Thomas J effery Llewelyn: PR 5190.P2. Prime, Samuel Irenseus: PS 2664.P3. Prime^ William Cowper: PS 2604. P4. Prince, Thomas: PS 827. Pringle, Thomas: PR 5190.P3. Prior, Matthew: PR 3640-4. Probyn, May: PR 5190.P7. Procter, Adelaide Anne: PR 5191. Procter, Bryan Waller ("Barry Corn- wall"): PR 5192. Proctor, Edna Dean: PS 2665-2668. Prologues and epilogues Authorship: PN 171. P8. EngUeh poetry: PR 1195.P7. Proee Literary history: PN 3311-3503. Medieval: PN 692-3. See also American literature. English literature. Folk literature. Proee romances (Collections): PR 2115. Proudfit, David Law: PS 2669.P3. Prout, Father, pseud,: PR 4972.M33. Proverbs: PN 6400-6525. "Proverbs of Alfred:" PR 2117. Publiflhers and authors: PN 155. Pulpit oratory: PN 4173. Punch and Judy: PN 1970-9. Puns: PN 6231. P8. Putnam, Mary Traill Spence (Lowell): PS 2069. P6. Puttenham, Richard: PR 2331-2. Pye, Henry James: PR 3048. Pyle, Howard: PS 2G7O-2071. Quad, M., pseud.: PS 2246. L3. Qaarles, Francis: PR 3650-4. Quarles, John: PR 3655.Q3. Quiller-Couch, Sir Arthur Thomaa: PR 5194-5. Quillinam, Edward: PR 5197. Q3. Quincy, Edmund: PS 2672.Q5. Quincy, Joeiah, (1744-1775): PS 828. Q5. Quincy, Joeiah, (1772-1864): PS 2672.Q7. Quincy, Joeiah Phillips: PS 2672. Q8. Quinton, John Purcell: PR 6033. U7. Quotations: PN 6080-6095. Radcliffe, Alexander: PR 3656.R15. Radcliffe, Mrs. Ann: PR 5200-1. Radeoliffe, Noell: PR 5205. R3. Raile, Arthur Lyon: PR 6035. A35. Raimond, C. E., pseud.: PS 2719. R4. Raleigh, Sir Walter: PR 2334-5. Ralph, James: PS 829.R2. "Rambler, The:" PR 1365.R3. Ramsay, Allen: PR 3657. Randall, James Ryder: PS 2674. Randall, John Witt: PS 2675.R2. Randolf, Thomas: PR 2336.R3. Randolph, Anson Davies Fitz: PS 2675.R4. Randolph, Thomas: PR 2739. R3. Rands, William Brighty: PR 5209.R2. Rankin, Jeremiah Fames: PS 2675.R6. Rastell, John: PR 233G.R4. "Rauf Coil year:" PR 2120.R3. Rawlins, Thomas: PR 3658. R2. Ray, William: PS 2676. R8. Raymond, George Lansing: PS 2677-2678. Rayner, Isador: PS 2679. R3. Read, Opie Percival: PS 2679.R6. Read, Thomas Buchanan: PS 2680-2688. Reade, Charles: PR 5210-8. Realf, Richard: PS 2690-2691. Realism and idealism Esthetics: PN 56.14. Realism: PN 56. R3. Literary history: PN 601. 18th ceiitury: PN 750-9. 19th century: PN 760-9. Realism and romanticism in prose fiction: PN 3340. Rebuses: PN 63C9-6377. Recitations: PN 4199-4321. Reed, Myrtle: PS 3535 E3. Rccd, J. Rogers: PR 5219.R2. 262 INDEX Reese, Lizette Wood worth: PS 2693-2694. Reeve, Clara: PR 3658. R5. Reid, Chrifltian, pseud.: PS 3066. Reid, Mayne: PR 5219. R26. Reid, Robert: PR 521 9. R3. Religion in literature: American: PS 166. Poetry: PS 310.R4. English: PR 145. Poetry: PR 508. R4. Religion in literature: PN 49. Drama: PN 1647. Journalism: PN 4756. Poetry: PN 1077. Prose fiction: PN 3351. Religious anecdotes: PN 6268.R4. Religious plays: PN 1880. Amateur: PN 6120. R4. Religious poetry: PN 6110. R4. American: PS 595.R4. English: PR 1191. Religious recitations: PN 4230-39. Reporting: PN 4781. Repplier, Agnes: PS 2696-2697. Requier, Augustus Julian: PS 2698. R2. Restoration English literature History: PR 437. Collections: PR 1131. Drama: PR 1266. Poetry: PR 1213. Rexford, Eben Eugene: PS 2698. R3. Reynolds, Frederick: PR 5221.R3. Reynolds, J. H.: PR 5221. R5. Reynolds, John: PR 2336. R6. Rhetoric (Technique of authorship): PN 173-218; PE 1407-1443. Rice, Cale Young: PS 3535.122. Rice, Harvey: PS 2698.R5. Rice, James: PR 5223-4. Rich, Barnaby: PR 2336. R8. Rich, R.: PS 829.R4. Richard de Holand: PR 2121-2. Richards, Alfred Bate: PR 5225.R5. Richards, Laura Elizabeth (Howe): PS 2698. R8. Richards, Nathaniel: PR 3658.R7. Richardson, Albert Deane: PS 2699 R2. Richardson, Samuel: PR 3660-7. Rickets, J.: PR 2739.R7. Ricketson, Daniel: PS 2699. R54. Rickman, Thomas Clio: PR 6227. R3. Riddle, Albert Gallatin: PS 2699.R6. Riddles: PN 6369-6377. Folk literature: PN 1005. Riddles, Anglo-Saxon (Exeter book); PR 1760-4. Rideing, William Henr> : PS 2699. R7. Ridley, James: PR 3668.R-t. Rigga^ Mrs. G.C.: PS 3300-3303. Riley, James Whitcorab: PS 2700-2708. Ripley, George, (d. 1490): PR 2124.R3. Ripley, George, (1802-1880): PS 2710-2713. Ritchie, Anna Cora (Ogdon) Mowatt: PS 2716-2717. Ritchie, Anne (Thackeray), lady: PR 5227. R7. Rives, Amelie: PS 3090-3093. Robbins, Reginald Chauncey: PS 3535.015. "Roberte, thedevyll": PR 2124. R7. Roberts, Charles G. D.: PR 5231. Roberts, William Hayward : PR 3668. R5. Robertson, Alexander: PR 3669. R18. Robertson, Thomas William: PR 5232.R5. Robertfeon, WiUiam B.: PR 5232.R7. Robin Hood ballads: PR 2125-9. Robins, Elizabeth: PS 2719.R4. Robinson, Annie Douglas (Green): PS 2719.R5. Robinson, Clement: PR 2337. R6. Robinson, Henry Crabb: PR 5233. R2 Robinson, Lennox: PR 6035.055. Robinson, Mrs. Mary: PR 5233.R27. Robinson, Robert: PR 5233. R3. Robinson, Thomas: PR 2337. R7. Robinson, Thomas R.: PR 5233. R38. Robinson, Tracy: PS 2719. R7. Robinson, William: PR 5233. R4. Robinsonades: PN 3432. EnglLsh PR 3403. Z5. Roche, James Jeffrey: PS 2721-2722. Rochester, John Wilmot, Earl of: PR 36G9.R2. Rodd, Sir James Reuuell: PR 5233. R5. Rog^, Charlotte Fiske (Bates): PS 2729. R4. Rogers, Robert: PS 829. R6. Ro-ers, Samuel: PR 5234-6. Roguery, Romances of: PN 3428-30. Rohlfs, Anna Katharine (Green): PS 2730-2733. Rollard.Jobn: PR2337.H75. Rolle. Richard: PR 2136-6. 26:i INDEX Rolleetou, Thomae W. H : PR 5236.R3. Rollins, Alice Marland (Wellington): PS 2734. R3. Rolt, Richard: PR3669.R7. Romancee, Medieval Poetry: PN 688-690. English: PR 2064-6. Prose: PN 692-3. Romanic literature: PN 821. Romsjiticism Esthetics: PN 56.R7. History: PN 603. 18th century: PN 750-9. 19th century: PN 760-9. Fiction: PN 3340, 3500. Romanticism ( English literature): PR 447. Collections: PR 1139. Poetry: PR 1219. Romanticism in prose fiction: PN 3340. Roosevelt, Theodore: PS 2734. R5. Roscoe, William Caldwell: PR 5236. R6. Roscommon, Wentworth Dillon, Earl of: PR 3670. R5. Rose, Aquila: PS 829. R8. Rosenield, Sydney: PS 2734. R7 Roes, Alexander: PR 3671.R3. Roes. Clinton: PS 2734. R8. Roseetti, Christina: PR 5237-8. Roosetti, Dante Gabriel: PR 5240-8. Roesetti, William Michael: PR 5249.R2. Rous, Francis: PR 2337. R8. Rowe, Nicholas: PR 3671. R5. Rowland, Helen: PS 3535.0965. Rowlands, Samuel: PR 2337.R9. Rowley, Samuel: PR 2739.R8. Rowley, William: PR 2740-4. RowBon, Susannah (Hassr'?'?): PS 2736. R3. Royle, p:dwin Milton: PS 2736.R32. Ruffini, Giovanni: PR 5249. R9. Rugeley, Rowland: PR 3671.R55. "The ruin" (Anglo-Saxon): PR 1766. Rumford, Sir Benjamin Thompson, count: PS829.R9. Runklt*, Bertba: PS 3535.1147. Ruskin, John: PR 5250-68. Russell, Addison Peale: PS 2738.R3. Ruaaell, Charles Edward: PS 3535.U67. Russell, George W. E.: PR 5271.R5. Russell, Invin: PS 2740-2743. Ruffiell, John, fl. 1450: PR 2137.R6. Russell, Thomas: PR 3671. R6. Russell, WUliam Clark: PR 5280-3. Rutland, Janetta, duchess of: PR 5285. R5. Ryan, Abram Joseph: PS 2745-2748. Rymer, Thomas: PR 3671. R7. Sackville, Sir Thomas: PR 2747. S2. Sacred poetry: PN 6110. R4. St. Aubyn, Mary: PR 5291. S2. "Saint Cecilia" (Middle English)- PR 2139.S2. Sala, George Augustus: PR 5299. S2. "Salomon and Saturn" (Anglo-Saxon): PR 1770. Saltus, Edgar Evertson: PS 2750-^7-53. SaltUB, Francis Saltus: PS 2755-2756. Sampson, William: PR 2748. S2. Sanborn, Franklin Benjamin: PS275&-2759. Sanborn, Katherine Abbott (" Kate San- bom"); PS 2761. Sands, Robert Charles: PS 2764. S4. Sandys, George: PR 2338. Songster, Margaret Elizabeth (Munson): PS 2765-2768. Santayana. George E.: PS 2770-2773. Sargent, Epes: PS 2775-2778. Sargent, Lucius Manlius: PS 2779.S15. Satire (Literary History): PN 6149.S2. PN 6147-6222. American literature: PS 431-8. English literature: PR 931-7. Satire (Collections): PN 6231. S2. English poetry: PR 1195.S3. Satires on authors: PN 169. Satires on oratory, elocution, etc.: PN4066. Saunders, Frederick: PS 2779.S2. Savage, John: PS 2779.S25. Savage, Minot Judson: PS 2779.S3. Savage, Philip Henry: PS 2779. S4. Savage, Richard: PR 3671. S2. Savage, Richard Henry; PS2779.S5. Savoyard, psnul.: PS 2459. N49. "Sawles warde" (Middle English): PR 2139. S3. Saxe, John Godfrey: PS 2780-2788. Sayings: PN 6319-6328. Scenarios: PN 2054. Moving- pictures: PN 1997. School compositions: PS 647. S4. School-room plays: PN 3171. Schreiner, Olive: PR 5299.S4, Science Relation of literature to; PN 55. Thoughts: PN 6S38.S4. 264 INDEX Scollard. Clinton: PS 2790-2793. Scot, Michel: PR 2139. S5. Scot, Thomas: PR 2339. S2. Scott, Duncan Campbell: I'R 6037. C9. Scott, Hugh Stowell ("Henry Seton Mer- riman"): PR 5299. S5. Scott, John: PR 3671. S3. Scott, Michael: PR 5299.86. Scott, Sir Walter: PR 5300-48. Scott, William Bell: PR 5349:S2. Scribble, Timothy, pseud.: PR 3379.C-5. Scudder, Eliza: PS 2794.S5. Scudder, Horace Elieha: PS 2795-2796. Scull, Nicholas: PS 836.S3. Sea, Anecdotes of: PN 6268.S4. Sea poetry CollectionB: PN 6I10.S4. History of English literature; PR 508. S4. Seabridge, Charles: PR 5349.S25. "Seafarer" (AngloSaxon): PR 1772. Seaman, .Sir Owen: PR 6037. E12. Searing, Laura Catharine (Redden): PS 2797. R3. Sears, Edmund Hamilton: PS 2797. S5. Seawell, Molly Elliot: PS 2797. S7. Seccomh, John: PS S36.S5. Sedgwick, Catharine Maria: PS 2798. Sedgwick, Henry Dwight: PS3637.E23. Sedley, Sir Charles: PR 3671. S4. Selby, Charles: PR 5349.84. Selden, John: PR 2339.S3. Sempill, Sir James, and Robert: PR 2339.85. Service, Robert William: PR 6037.E72. Sestina: PN 1511. English: PR 1194. Seton, Ernest Thompson: PS 2801-2802. Settle, Elkanah: PR 3671. S6. Sewall, Harriet (\\inslow): PS 2804.82. Sewall, Jonathan: PS 836.87. Sewall, Samuel: PS 837-838. Seward, Anna: PR 3671.87. Sewell, Elizabeth M.: PR 5349.S5. Sewell, Mrs. Mary (of Chertsey): PR 5349.855. Sewell, Mrs. Mary (Wright): PR 5349.86. Shadow pantomimes; PN 6120. S5. Shadow plays (History): PN 1&79.S5. Shadwell, Charles: PR 3671.875. Shadwell, Thomas: PR 3671. S8. Shairp, John Campbell: PR 5349.88. Shakespeare: PR 2750-3112. Authorship: PR 2937-2961. Biography: PR 2900-2936. Criticism: PR 2885-3088. Works: PR 2750-2875. Shaler, Nathaniel Southgate: PS 2804. S4. Shanly, Charles Dawson: PS 2804.86. Sharp. William (Fiona McLeod): PR 5350-8. Sharpe, Lewis: PR 3135.S3. Sharpham, Edward: PR 3135.S5. Shaw, George Bernard: PR 5360 8. Shaw, Henry Wheeler ("Josh Billings"): PS 2805-2808; PN 6161. Shee, Sir Martin Archer: PR 5376. Sheehan, Patrick Augustine: PR5377.S5. Shell, Richard Lalor: PR 5379.S2. Sheldon, Edward Brewster; PS 3537. H62. Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft: PR 5397-8. Shelley, Percy Bysshe: PR 5400-18. Sheustone,. William: PR 3677. Sheridan, Mrs. Frances: PR 3679. S5. Sheridan, Richard Brinsley: PR 3680-1. Sherman, Frank Dempster; PS 2810-2813. Sherwood, Mary Elizabeth (Wilson) : PS 2814. S3. Sherwood, Mary Martha (Butt): PR 5449.S4. Shillaber, Benjamin Penhallow (".Mrs. Partington"): PS 2815-2818. Shinn, Charles Howard: PS 2821-2822. Shinn, Milicent Washburn: PS 2824-2825. Shirley, Henry: PR 3137.87. Shirley, James: PR 3140-8. Shore, Margaret Emily: PR 5450-55. Short stories (Collections): PZ 1. Short story, The General: PN 3373-^. American: PS 374.85. English: PR 829. Shorter, Dora (Sigerson): PR 5450.S7. Shorthouse, Joseph Henry; PR 5451. Shurtlelf, Ernest Worburton: PS2829.S3. Sidgwick, Henr>': PR 5462.S25. Sidney, Sir Phiivp; PR 2340-3. Sigoumey, Lydia Howard (Huntley): PS 2830-2833. Sill, Edward Rowland: PS 2835-2838. Sill, Louise Morgan (Smith): PS 3537.147. Simms, William Gilraor«: PS 2840-2858. Simpson, John Pal^rave; PR 5452.S3. 2(i5 INDEX Sime, Geoige R.: PR 5452.S4. Sinclair, Upton Beall: PS 3537.185. "Sinners beware" (Middle English): PR 2139.S6. Siogvolk, Paul, pseud.: PS 2368.M3. "Sir Thopaa" (Middle English): PR 2141-2. Skelton, John: PR 2345-8. Skelton, 5tr John: PR 5452.S6. Skene, Felicia Mary Frances: PR 5452.S7. Skene, George: PR 3687.85. Skinner, John: PR 3687.S6. Sladen, Douglaa B. W.: PR 5453.S14. Slosson. Annie (TrumbuU): PS 2859.S2. Smedley, Edward: PR 5453.S15. Smedley, Francis Edward: PR 5453. S2. Smedley, Menella Bute: PR 5453.S23. Smetham, James: PR 5453. S3. Smith, Albert Richard: PR 5453.S4. Smith, Alexander: PR 5453.S5. Smith, Charles Henry ("Bill Arp"):- PS 2859.S5. Smith, Charlotte: PR 5453.S6. Smith, Elihu Hubbard: PS 839.S5. Smith, Elizabeth Oakes (Prince): PS 2859.S8. Smith, Francis Hopkinson: PS 2860-2868. Smith, Horatio: PR 5453.S7. Smith, James (and Horatio): PR 5453. S8. Smith, John (1580-1631): PS 839.S7. Smith, May Riley: PS 2869.S3. Smith, Richard Penn: PS 2869. S7. Smith, Samuel Francis: PS 2870-2873. Smith, Seba ("Major Jack Downing"): PS 2876-2877. Smith, Sydney: PR 5455-8. Smith, Wentworth: PR 3153.83. Smith, William (1727-1803): PS 841. S2. Smith, William (1728-1793): PS 841.83. Smithers, Henry: PR 5459. S3. Smollett, Tobias: PR 3690-«. Snider, Denton Jacques: PS 2880-288:V Social ideals, forces, etc.: PN 51. Drama: PN 1643. Poetry: PN 1077. American literature: PS 169.87. English literature: PR 149. S7. Societies General literature: PN 21-9. Authorship: PN 121. Drama: PN lGll-9. Societies — Continued . Folk literature: PN 907. Journalism: PN 4712. Local: PN 4841-5639. Oratory, Elocution: PN 4009,4073. Poetry: PN 1012. Prose: PN 3318. Theater: PN 2015-7. Society verse Collections: PN 6110. V4. American: PS 593. V4. English: PR 1195.V3. History and criticism: PN 1451. Sociology, Relations of literature to: PN51. Drama: PN 1643. Poetry: PN 1077. Prose: PN 3344. Solomon, Simeon: PR 5459.85. Somerville, William: PR 3699.S2. ' ' The song against the king of Almaigne " : PR 2143. S4. Song-books (Popular, minor). American: PS 593. L9. English: PR 1188. Song-writing: PN 1059.87. Songs. See Lyric poetry. Sonnets Collections: PN 6110.S6. American: PS 593.86. English: PR 1195.85. History and criticism: PN 1514. Sotheby, William: PR 5459.86. "Soul's address to the body": PR 1774. South, The: Quotations: PN 6084. S7. Southeme, Thomas: PR 3699.83. Southey, Caroline Anne (Bowles): PR 5459.87. Southey, Robert: PR 5460-8. Southwell, Robert: PR 2349.85. Southworth, Emma D. E. (Nevitte): PS 2890-2893. Sparrow, Thomas: PR 3155. S5. Special topics in literature Collections, Abstracts, etc.: PN 6071 Poetry: PN 6110. Quotations: PN 6084-6095. Special forms: Ana: PN 6258. Anecdotes: PN 6268. Aphorisms: PN 6278. Emblems: PN 6288. 2G() INDEX Special topics in literature — Continued. Special forms — Continued. Epitaphs: PN 6298. Letters: PN 6140. Maxims: PN 6308. Mottoes: PN 6318. Recitations: PN 4230-4305. Sayings: PN 6328. Thoughts: PN 6338. Toasts: PN 6348. Wit and humor: PN 6231. Spectacles: PN 3201-99. "Spectator, The": PR 1365. S7. "Speculum Gy de Warewyke": PR 2143. S6. Spedding, James: PR 5470.83. Speed, John: PR 2349. S7. Spence, Joseph: PR 3099. S4. Spencer, William Robert: PR 5470.S4. Spenser, Edmund: PR 2350-68. Spofford , Harriet (Prescott) : PS 2895-2898. Sports, Poetry of: PN 6110.S65. Sprat, Thomas, Bishop of Rochester. PR 3699.S7. Stage, The: PN 2085-91. Stagg, John: PR 5470.S7. Stanley, Arthur Penrhyn: PR 5471-2. Stanley, Thomas: PR 3699. S8. Stansbury, Joseph: PS 843.S5. Stanton, Frank Lobby: PS 290&-290G. Stedman, Edmund Clarence: PS 2910-2918. Steele, Sir Richard: PR 3700-8. Stephen, iSir James Fitzjamea: PR 5473. S2. Stephen, James Kenneth: PR 5473. S4. Stephen, Sir Leslie: PR 5473. S6. Stephens, Anna Sophia (Winterbotham): PS 2919.S3. Stephens, George: PR 5473. S65. Stephens, James: PR 6037.T4. Stephens, James Brunton: PR 5473. S7. Stephens, Robert Ncilson: PS 29i9.S5. Sterling, John: PR 5473.S8. Sterne, Laurence: PR 3710-6. Sterne, Stuart, pseud.: PS 1103.B8. Stetson, Charlotte (Perkins): PS 1744.G57. Stevenson, Rob(>rt Louis: PR 5480-98. Stevenson, William: PR 3157.S7. Stewart. Charles David: PS 3537.T483. Stewart, John: PR 5499.S15. StiUman. William James; PS 2919.S8. Stimson, Frederic Jeeup ("J. 8. of Dale"): PS 2920-2923. Stimson, John Ward: PS 2924. S4. Stirling, William Alexander, Itt. earl of: Drama: PR 3157.S75. Po€tr>': PR 2369.85. Stith, William: PS 84&-*46. Stockton, Frank Richard: PS 2925-2928. Stoddard, Charles Warren: P8 2930-2931. Stoddard, Elizabeth Drew (Barbtow): PS 2934.83. Stoddard, John Lawson: PS 2934. S5. Stoddard, Richard Henr>': PS 2935-2939. Stoddard, William Osborn:PS 2941-2942. Stoddart, Thomas Tod: PR 5499.818. Stokes, Ellwood H.: PS 2943.82. Stone, Cara Elizabeth (Hanscom) Whiton: PS 2943.83. Storrs, Richard Salter: PS 2944. S5. Stor>', Isaac PS 847.85. Story, Joseph: PS 2944. S7. Story, William Wctmore: PS 2945-2948. Biography, etc., aee NB 237. Storytelling: LB 1942, 1179. Stowe, Harriet Elizabeth (Beecher): PS 2950-2958. Strachey, William: PS 848-849. Street, Alfred Billings: P8 2959.S5. Street, George Slythe: PR 6037.T8. Street, Julian Leonard: PS 3537.T829. Strickland, Agnes: PR 5499.S2. Stringer, Arthur: PS 3537. T845. Strode. William: PR 3157.88. Stuart, Ruth (McEnery): PS 2960-2961. Stub, Edmund: PR 3157.89. Stubbs, Philip: PR 2369.S7. Sturgie, Julian: PS 2962.87. Suckling. Sir John: PR 3718. Sulivan, Robert: PR 5499. S25. Sullivan, Thomas Russell: PS 2963. Supernatural in literature: PN 50. S8. Surrey. Henry Howard, earl of: PR 2370-3. Sutherland. Howard Vigne: PS 3537. L'O. Sutro. Alfred: PR 6037. U95. Swain, Charles: PR 5499. S5. Swanwick, Anna: PR 5499. S52. Switt, Jonathan; PR 3720-8. Swift. Lindsay: PS 2964.879. Swinburne, Algernon Cliarlee: PR 5500-18. Swing, David: PS 2964. S8. Sylv<>«ter, Herbert Milton: PS 2964.S87 267 INDEX Sylvester, Joshua: PR 2375-8. Symboliem: PN 56. S9. Symmons, Caroline and Char lee: PR 5519.S5. Symonds, John Addington (1807-1871): "PR6519.S9. Symonds, John Addington (1840-1893): PR 5520-3. Symonds, William Law: PS 2964. S9. Symons, Arthur: PR 5525-8. Sympeon, Joaeph: PR 3729. S4. Synge, John Millington: PR 5530-4. Tabb, John Banister: PS 2965-2968. Table-talk: PN 6260-8. Tableaux: PN 6120.T3. with recitations: PN 4305.T3. Tableaux, pageants, etc.: PN 3203-99. Tailor, Robert: PR 3167 .T3. "Tale of Gamelyn": PR 1972.G2. Tales of wonder: PN 3435. Talfourd, Sir Thomas Noon: PR 5546-7. Talmage, Thomas De Witt: PS 2969.T5. Tannahill, Robert: PR 5548.T5. Tappan, William Bingham: PS 2969.T6. Tarkington, Booth: PS 2970-2973. Tasma, pseud.: PR 4508.C3. Tatham, John: PR 3729.T12. "Taller, The": PR 1365.T2. Tavern aaecdotes: PN 6268.T3. Taylor, Bayard: PS 2980-2998. Taylor, Benjamin Franklin: PS 2999 .T2. Taylor, Sir Henry: PR 5548.T8. Taylor, Jane: PR 5549.T2. Taylor, Jeremy: PR 3729.T13. Taylor, John (1580-1653): PR 2380-3. Taylor, John (1757-1832): PR 5549.T3. Taylor, Meadows: PR 5549.T36. Taylor, Tom: PR 5549.T4. Taylor, William: PR 5549 .T5. Temple, Anne, counteu: PR 3729.T15. Temple, Frederick, archbishop: PR 5549. T6. Temple, Sir William: PR 3729 .T2. Tennyson, Alh^d, lord: PR 5550-98. Tennyson, Frederick: PR 5699 .T2. Terhune, Mary Virginia (Hawee)(" Ma- rion Har land"): PS 3005-3008. Terror, Tales of: PN S4S5. Teuffel, Blanche Willis (Howard) von: PS 3009 .T7. Thackery, William Makepeace: PR 6600-18. Thanet, Oct&ve, putud.: PS 17ii^i718. Thaxter, Celia (Laighton): PS 3010-3013. Thayer, William Roscoe: PS 3015-3016. Theater; PN 2000-3299. Biography: PN 2205-2217. Special countries: PN 2285. Thelwall, John: PR 3729. T4. j Theobold, Lewis: PR 3729.T5. Thistlethwaite, James: PR 3729.T7. Thom, WiUiam: PR 5649.T4. ! Thomas de Hales: PR 2148.T3. Thomas, of Erceldoune, called the Rhymer: I PR 2148.T5. • Thomas, Augustus: PS 3020-3023. ! Thomas, Edith MatUda: PS 3025-3028. j Thomas, Frederick S.: PR 5649.T6. Thomas, Frederick William: PS 3029 .T3. I Thomas, Gabriel: PS 850.T3. I Thomas, Lewis Foulke: PS 3030.T5. I Thompson. Benjamin {couT^t Rumford): I PS 829.R9. j Thompson, Daniel Pierce: PS 3031. T7. I Thompson, Francis: PR 5650-1. i Thoinpion, John Reuben: PS 3033.T4. i Thompson, Maurice: PS 3035-3038. I Thompson, W. PhilUpj: PR 5652.T5. i Thompson, William Tappan: PS 3039.T4. i Thomson, James (1700-1748): PR 3730-4. j Thomson, James (1834-1882): PR 5655-9. i Thorbum, Grant: PS 3039.T9. i Thoreau, Henry David: PS 3040-3058. i Thombury, George W.: PR 5670.T5. [ ThomhUl, Frederick: PR 5670.T6. Thornton, Bonnel: PR 3735.T3. ! Thorpe, Rose (Hartwick): PS 3061.T5. Thoughts: PN 632^-6338. About children: PN 6338.C5. Thurlow, Edward Hovell Thurlow, 2d baroTK PR 5670.T8. Thurston, Ernest Temple: PR 6039. H9. Thurston, Mrt. Katherine Cecil: PR 6039. H95. Tickell, Richard: PR 3735.T4. Tickell, Thomas: PR 3735.T5. Tichnor, Francis Orray: PS 3062.T8. Ticknor, George: PS 3063-3064. Tieman, Frances Christine (Fisher) ("Chrifltian Reid"): PS 3066. Tiffany, Francis: PS 3067.T5. Tighe, Mary (Blachford): PR 6671. T2. Tilton, Theodore: PS 3069.T5. Timrod, Henry: PS 3070-^073. Tincker, Mary Agnes: PS 3079.T15. Toasts: PN 6340-8. 268 INDEX Tobin, John: PR 3736.T2. Tomkifl, Thomafl: PR 3167.T7. Tooke, George: PR 3736.T5. Topham, Edward: PR 3736.T6. Torrence Frederic Ridgely: PS 3539.063. Torrey, Bradford: PS 3082-3083. Tourge^, Albion W.: PS 308&-3088. Toumeur, Cyril: PR 3170-4. Towle, George Makepeace: PS 3089. T2. Townsend, Frederic: PS 3089.T38. TowTiflend, George Alfred ("Gath"): PS 3089.T4. Townsend, Mary Ashley (Van Voorhifl): PS 3089.T6. Townahend, Aurelian: PR 3175.T5. Tragedy Literary hifltory: PN 1890-9. Technique: PN 1675. Traherne, Thomaa: PR 3736.T7. Traill, Henry Duff: PR 5671.T4. Translating: PN 241. Translationfl: PN 886-7. Translations into English (Literature): PR 131-5. Tranfllations of American literature Collections: PS 514-625. Poetry: PS 619. History and criticism: PS 161. Translations of English literature Collections: PR 1112-1116. Poetry: PR 1179. History and criticism: PR 137. Trapp, Joseph: PR 3736.T715. Trask, Kate (Nichols): PS 3089.T65. Traubel, Horace: PS 3089.T7. Travel anecdotes: PN 6268.T7. Trelawny, Edward John: PR 5671. T5. Trench, Herbert: PR 5671.T6. Trench, Richard Chenevix, arehbithop: PR 5671.T8. Trent, William Peterfield: PS 3089.T&. Tresham, Henry: PR 3736.T73. Trevelyan, George Macaul&y: PR 6039.R47. Trevelyan, Sir George Otto: PR 5674.T6, Trevelyan, Robert Calverley: PR 6039.R48. Trevisa, John: PR 2148.T7. Tristram and Isolde in literature: PN 57.T8. Medieval legends: PN 686. Medieval epics: PN 690. Special epica: PQ-PT. j Trollope, Anthony: PR 5680-8. Trollope, Mrs. France«: PR 6699.T3. Trollope, Mrs. Frances Eleanor: i PR 5699. T32. j Trollope, Thomas Adolphus: PR5699.T4. , Trotman, John Temple: PR 5699.T45 Troubetzkoy, Amelie (Rives) Chanler: PS 309O-3093. Trowbridge, John Townsend: PS 3095-3098. Trumbull, John: PS 852-853. Tucker, Nathaniel Beverley: PS 3101-3102. Tucker, St. George: PS 855.T2. Tuckerman, Henry Theodore: PS 3105-3108. Twain, Mark, paeud.: PS 1300-1348. Twining, Thomaa: PR 3736. T8. Tyler, Royall: PS 855.T7. Tyndale, WUliam: PR 2384.1^9. Tupper, Martin Farquhar: PR 5699.T5. TurberviJle, George: PR 2384. T5. "The turnameut of Totenham": PR 2148.T9. Turner, Charles Tennyson: PR 5699.T7. Txirner, Sharon: PR 5699.T8. Tusser, Thomas: PR 2384. T7. Udall, John: PR 2384. U4. Udall. Nicholas: PR 3176.U3. Untermeyer, Louia: PS 3541. N72. Upham, Thomaa Cogswell: PS 3113. U7. Upeon, Arthur Wheelock: PS 3541. P7. Urquhart, Sir Thomaa: PR 3738.U6. Uvedalc, Thomas: PR 3736. IJ8. Vagabonds English literature: PR 151. English poetry: PR 1195. V2. Vanbrugh, .Sir John: PR 3737-8. Vandegrift, Margaret., pacud.: PS 2129.J3. Van Dyke, Henry: PS 3115-3118. Varieties (Drama): PN 1960-9. Vaudeville History: PN 1960-9. Vaughan, Henry: PR 3740-4. Vaughan, Sir William: PR 3745. V2. Venable, William Heury: I'S 3119.V7. "The vengeaunce of Goddoa dc'th": PR 2148.V2. Vercelli book (Anglo-Saxon): PR 1495. Verney, I-Yancio: PR 3178. V4 Verplanck, Guli&n Crommclin: PS 8120-3)23. 269 INDEX Vers de Boci6t6 CoUections: PN 6110.V4. American literature: PS 593.V3. English literature: PR 1195. V3. History and criticism: PN 1451. Verses for children English: PZ 8.3. Very, Jones: PS 3125-3128. Victor, Benjamin: PR 3746.V2. Victorian era (Literature): PR 461-9. Collections: PR 1145. Poetry: PR 1223. Viereck, George Sylvester: PS 3543.132. "Virgilius". (Middle English): PR 2148.V3. "Vifido Pauli" (Middle English): PR 2148.V5. Waddell, Samuel: PR 6045. A2. Wade, Thomas: PR 5706.W2. Wadaworth, Benjamin: PS 857.W3. Wager, Lewis: PR 3178.W2. Wager, William: PR3178.W21. Wagstaffe, William: PR 3747.W5. Wakefield, Gilbert: PR 3748.W2. "Waldere" (Anglo-Saxon): PR 178(M. Waldron, Francis G.: PR 3748.W5. Waldstein, Charles: PR 5706. W4. Walker, William Sidney: PR 5708.W5. Wallace, Horace Binney: PS 3129.W9. Wallace, Lewis ("Lew Wallace"): PS 3130-3138. Wallace, William Ross: PS 3139.W4. Waller, Edmund: PR 3750-4, Walpole, Horace: PR 3757.W2. Walsh, William: PR 3757.W4. Walsh, William Shepard: PS 3139. W6. Walter, Eugene: PS 3545. A61. Walton, Isaac: PR 3757. W6. Walton, John: PR 2148. W2. Walworth, Jeannette Richie (Hader- mann): PS 3139.W8. "Wanderer" (Anglo-Saxon): PR 1786. WapuU, George: PR3178.W25. War correspondents: PN 4823. Ward, Artemus, pseud.: PS 1140-1143. Ward, Edward: PR 3757.W8. Ward, Elizabeth Stuart (Phelps): PS 3140-3143. Ward, Marv Augusta (Arnold) ("Mrs. Humphrey Ward"): PR 5710-8. Ward, Nathaniel: PS 858.W2. Ward, Samuel: PS 3144 .W3. Ware, Eugene Fitch ("Ironquill"): PS 3145 W5. Ware, William: PS 3146-3147, Warfield, Catherine Ann (Ware): PS 3149.W3. Warner, Anna Bartlett("Amy Lathrop"): PS 3149.W6. Warner, Charles Dudley: PS 3150-3153. Warner, Susan ("Elizabeth Wetherell"): PS 3155-3156. Warner, William: PR 2384 .W3. Warren, Mercy (Otis): PS 858.W3. Warren, Samuel: PR 5730-4. Warton, Joseph: PR 3759.W3. Warton, Thomas: PR 3761. Waahboume, Thomas: PR 3762.W3. Washington, George: PS 860-864. Waason, David Atwood: PS 3157.W2. Waterman, Nixon: PS 3545. AS. Watson, Henry Brereton Marriott: PR 5738.W5. Watson, John ("Ian Maclaren"): PR 5740-4. Watson, Robert: PR 3178.W3. Watson, Rosamund Marriott: PR 5748.W5. Watson, Thomas: PR 2384. W5. Watson, William: PR 575(M. Watterson, Henry: PS 3157. W4. Watterston, George: PS 3157.W5. Watts, Alaric Alexander: PR 5759. W4. Watts, Isaac: PR 3763. W2. Watts-Dunton, Theodore: PR 5760-4. Waugh, Edwin: PR5765.W3. Webb, Charles Henry ("John Paul"): PS 3157. W6. Webbe, WilUam: PR 2384. W7. Webster, ifra. Augusta: PR5766.W2. Webster, Benjamin: PR 3763.W25. Webster, John: PR 3180-«. Weeks, Robert Kelley: PS 3157.W8. Weiss, Susan Archer: PS 3157.W9. Welbum, Brummond: PS 3158.W2. Welby.AmeUa: PS 3158.W3. Welch, PhiUp Henry: PS 3158.W5. Wells, Carolyn: PS 3545. E533. Wells, Charles: PR 5766.W5. Wells, Herbert George: PR 5770-8. Wendell, Barrett: PS 3158.W7. Wesley, Charles: PR 3763.W4. Wesley, John: PR 3763. W5. Wesley, Samuel: PR 3763.W6. West, James Harcourt: PS 3158.W95 Westcott, Edward Noyes: PS 3159 W12 Wfeston, Stephen: PR 5779.W3. "Wetherell, Elizabeth"; PS 3155-3156 270 INDEX Wetmore, Elizabeth (Bisland): PS 3159.W3. Wever, Richard: PR 3190. W3. Weyman, Stanley John: PR 5780-4. Whaley, John: PR 3763. W9. Wharton, Edith: PS 3160-3163. Wheatley, Phillis: PS866.W5. Wheelwright, Charles Apthorp : PR 5788.W4. Whetstone, George: PR 2386-7. Dramatic works: PR 3190. W4. Whincop, Thomas: PR 3763.W95. Whipple, Edwin Percy: PS 3170-3173. Whitaker, Alexander: PS 867-868. White, Arnold Henry: PR 5789.W4. White, Henry Kirke: PR 5790-i. White, Hervey: PS 3545. H53. White, Richard Grant: PS 3175-3178. White, Stewart Edward: PS 3545. H6. Whitehead, Charles: PR 5795.W8. Whitehead, Paul: PR 3765. W3. Whitehead, WilUam: PR 3765 .W4. Whitelocke, Bulstrode: PR 3765.W5. Whiteman, John: PR 5795.W5. Whiting, Lilian: PS 3181-3182. Whitman, Sarah Helen (Power): PS 3189.W4. Whitman, Walt: PS 3200-3248. Whitney, Adeline Button (Train): PS 3249.W3. Whitney, Anne: PS 3249.W4. Whitney, Helen (Hay): PS 3545. H83. Whiton-Stone,Cara Elizabeth (Hanscom): PS 2943.S3. Whittier, John Greenleaf: PS 3250-3298. Whyte, Samuel: PR 3765.W53. Whyte-MelvUle, George John: PR 5800-4. Wickateed, Gustavus William: PR 5807. W5. "Widsith" (Anglo-Saxon): PR 1788. "Wife's complaint" (Anglo-Saxon): PR 1790. Wiggin, Kate Douglas: PS 3300-3303. Wigglesworth, Michael: PS 871-872. Wightwick, George: PR 5807.W8. Wikoff, Henry: PS 3308.W5. Wilberforce, Samuel, bishop: PR 5808.W3. Wilcox, Ella Wheeler: PS 3310-3313. Wilde, George: PR 3190.W5. Wilde, Jane Francesca (Elgee), lady: PR 5809. Wilde, Oscar: PR 5810-28. Wilde, Richard Henry: PS 3315-3318. Wilder, Marshall Pinckney: PS . :9.W2. Wiley, Calvin Henderson: PS 33]9.W3. Wiley, Sarah King: PS 3545.136. Wilkins, George: PR 3190.W6. WUkins, Mflj-yE.: PS 1710-1713. Wilkinson, Florence: PS 3509. V3G3. Wilkinson, William Cleaver: PS 3319. W44. Willard, Emma (Hart): PS 3319. W5. William of Ockham: PR2148.W3. William of Shoreham: PR 2148.W4. William of Wad ington: PR 2148.W6. Williams, Edward: PR 3765.W535. Williams, Helen Maria: PR3765.W54. Williams, Roger: PS 874. Williams, Rowland: PR 5834. W5. Williamson, Alice Muriel (Livingstone): PS 3319.W7. Williamson, Charles Norris: PR 5834. W6. Willis, Nathaniel Parker: PS 3320-3328. WUlson, Forceythe: PS 3329. W5. Wilmer, Lambert A.: PS 3329.W7. Wilmot, Robert: PR 3190.W63. Wilmshurst, Zavarr: PS 3329. W8. Wilson, Alexander: PR 3765.W55. Wilson, Arthur: PR 3190.W64. Wilson, Augusta Jane (Evans): PS 3330-3333. Wilson, Caroline (Fry): PR 5834. W9. Wilson, John (1627-1696): PR 3765.W56. Wilson, John ("Christopher North"): PR 5835-8. Wilson, John Burns: PS 3335-3338. Wilson, John Byers: PS 3334.W5. WUson, Robert: PR3190.W7. Wilson, Thomas: PR 2388. W6. Wilson, Woodrow: PS 3339.W3. Winchilsea, Anne, countess of: PR 3765.W57. Winchilsea and Nottingham, George James, earl of: PR 5839. W4. Wine, Praise of: PN 6237. Wing6eld, Anthony: PR 3190. W8. Winkworth, Catherine: PR 5840. W2. Winter, WillLim: PS 3341-3342. Win throp, John: PS 877-878. Winthrop, Theodore: PS 3343. W2. Wirecker, Nigel: PR2148.W8. Wirt, William: PS 3344. W3, Wise, Henry Augustus (" Harry Gringo"): PS 3344. W6. Wiae, John: PS 881.W5. 271 INDEX Wisemau, Nicholp^ Patrick Stephen, cardinal: PR 5841. W7. Wister, Owen: PS 3345-3346. Wit and humor Collections: PN 6151-6231. History and criticism: PN 6147-9. American literature: PS 430-8. English literature: PR 931-7. AcU,T8: PN 2217. Literary life: PN 169. Theatrical life: PN 2095. Wither, George: PR 2390-3. Witherepoon, John: PS 885-886. Wodhull, Michael: PR 3765.W6. Wolcot, John: PR 3765. W7. Wolcott, Roger: PS 888.W7. Woman in literature: PN 56. W6. Epigrams: PN 6288.W6. Maxims: PN 6308. W6. Poetry: PN 6110. W7. Quotations: English: PN 6084. W6. French: PN 6089. W6. Thoughts : PN 6338. W6. Wit and humor: PN 6231. W6. '*;Woman of Samaria" (Middle English): PR 2148. W9. Women, Authors relating to: PN 481. Women and literature English literature: PR 119. Women authors: PN 471-479. American: PS 147-151. English: PR 111-115. Poetry: PN 1091. Prose: PN 3401. Women in journalism: PN 4784.W7. Women poeta Collections of poetry (English) : PR 1177. Wonder tales: PN 3436. "Wonders of creation " (Anglo-Saxon) : PR 1792. Wood, Anthony Ji-. PR 3767. Wood, Ellen (Price) (Mrs. Henry Wood): PR 5842. W8. Wood. George: PS 3349.W6. Wood, WUUara: PS 889. W5. Woodberry, George Edward: PS 3361-3352. Woodee, Nathaniel: PR 3193.W6. Woods, Kate (Tannatt): PS 3354.W5. Woods, Margaret L.: PR 6045.065. Woodworth, Samuel: PS 3356-3366. Woolf, Benjamin Edward: PS 3359.W2. WooUey, CeUa (Parker): PS 3357.W8. Woolman, John: PS 891-892. Woolner, ThoriM: PR 5843.W5. Woolnough, Henry: PR 3768.W4. Woolaey, Sarah Chauncey ("Susan Cool- idge"): PS 3369. W6. Woolson, Constance Fenimore: PS 3360-3363. Wordsworth, William: PR 5850-98. Worgan, John Dawea: PR 5899.W5. Wotton, Sir Henry: PR 2395-8. Wotton, William: PR 3769.W5. Woty, William: PR 3769 .W7. Wraxall, Sir Frederic Charles Lascelles: PR5899.W7. Wright, Harold Bell: PS 3645.R45. WulfBtan: PR 1795-9. Wyatt, Charles Percy: PR 5899. W8. Wyatt, Sir Thomas: PR 2400-4. Wycherley, William: PR 3770-8. WycUffe, John: PR 2150-8. "Wynnere and wastere": PR 2163. Wynter, Andrew: PR 5899.W9. Yarington, Robert: PR 3194.Y3. Yates, Edmund: PR 5899. Y3. Yawcob Strauas, pseud.: PS 1003.A45. Year-books Authorship: PN 111. Dramatic literature: PN 1610. Journalism: PN 4709. Literary hiatory: PN 11-19. Oratory, elocution: PN 4006, Theater: PN 2012. Yearsley, Ann: PR 3779. Y4. Yeata, WilUam Butler: PR 5900-8. Yonge, Charlotte Mary: PR 5910-4. Youge, James: PR 2165. Young, Edward: PR 3780-4. Young, William: PS 3365-3308 Zangwill, Israel: PR 5920-4. Zouche, Richard: PR 3195.Z7. (PN— PR— PS— PZ) ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS TO JUNE 30, 1915. PR 2294. Hfi Howell, James. See PR 3617. H6. {Cancel PR 2294. 36.) Beaomont and Fletcher. Separate works. PR 2425 A-G. e. g. .C6 Coxcomb. .08 Cupid's revenge. 2426 H-K. o. g. .K5 A king and no king. 2427 KnigLt of the burning peatle. 2428 K-P. e. g. .M3 Maid's tragedy. 2429 Philaater. 2430 P-Z. e. g. .S3 Scornful lady. .T7 Triumph of honor. .W6 Woman-hater. PR 4725. G8 Gower, George Leveson. See PR 4886. L£. {Cancel PR 4725. GS.) PR 4886. L2 Leveson-Gower, George. Cancel reference to Gower. PS 593. L9 Song books (Popular, minor) not PS 593. 85. PS 2056 Alhambra. Cancel reference to DP 402. PS 2156. J3 Chubbuck, not Chubbock. Index Gilden, Charles: PR 3478. G3. Caned: Index Gildon, Charles: PR 3478. G3. Index Gower, George Leveson: PR 4886. L2, not PR 4725. G8. Index Judson, Emily (Chubbuck), not Chubbock. Index Leveson-Gower, George : PR 4886. L2. Index Lewis, Leopold: PR 4886. L8, not .L3. 273 -if U S GOVERNMENr PRINFING OFFICE : O— 1951 yo^ ^-OKIXIA LIHKAKY 3 1158 00433 4578 SOUTHERN RFGIONAI LIBRARY FACILITY