WICKS^ ^ AD'S 1 ATTORNEY A \D AGENT'S TABLE OF lOSTS, [N THE COURT IF K NG'S TjiENCH AND C aMMON PLEAS, At. ird'ng to the present Uowance. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES SCHOOL OF LAW LIBRARY ATTORNEY AND AGENTS BILL OF COSTS. PRINTliU UY RUGERSONANU CO. 19, OLD B03WELL COUllT, TKMFLE DAB. THE ATTORNEY AND AGENT'S NEW AND COIMPLETE TABLE OF COSTS, IN THE COURTS OF itms'^ 93encl) antr ©ommon ^itn^, ACCORDIXG TO THE PRESENT ALLOWANCE. By J. WICKSTEAD, Gent. LONDON: HENRY BUTTERWORTH, LAW BOOKSELLER AND PUBLISHER, 7, FLEET STREET, NEAR TEMPLE BAR. 1829. PREFACE. The Author of this work, having for many years been engaged in making out Bills of Costs for offices of the first respectability, had selected the following pages more with a view to his own con- venience than for publication ; but some of his pri- vate friends, having seen minutes of the work, have requested him to publish it for the use of the profession, which, he trusts, will not be unac- ceptable. From the nature of the subject, a work of this sort must necessarily require some few alterations, but it has been the Author's study to bring it as near the standard of the day as possible; and he Mil] venture to assure the profession, that the i^reatest care and attention has been bestowed to render it as complete as possible. Al- though the Author has bestowed nmeh time in 91191 VI PREFACE. collecting and arranging his materials, so as to make his work of utility, yet he is not so confident as to assert that no errors or inaccuracies may not he found ; hut whatever they are, he trusts the profession will he indulgent enough to excuse. TABLE THE CONTENTS. FOR PROSECUTING ACTIONS IN THE KING'S BENCH. Page Bill of Costs for Plaintiff on a Service of a Latitat, Proceedings to Trial and Verdict for Plaiiitiff 1 On Consilium and Argument on Demurrer with Reference to Master to Compute Principal and Interest on a Bill of Exchange 8 On a Plea of Judgment Recovered . ...... 12 In Ejectment and Judgment bi/ Default 16 For not Confessing Lease, Entry and Ouster.. 17 Common Ejectment 19 Costs of a View 20 Of a Supersedeas 21 Costs On a Motion for Judgment as in case of a Nonsuit 22 Vlll Pagp J3/7/ of Costs on a Motion to have Moneij deposited on an Arrest Paid over to Plaintiff 23 On a Summons taken out for an Attornei/ to Deliver his Bill of Costs Signed 25 If Proceedings bij Original 27 If Common Process 28 If Special Bail il>. Entry of Recognizance 30 Declaration with General Directions of Re- ference ib. Particulars of Plaintiff's Demand 32 If General Issue Pleaded or if Special Pleas . . 33 If Plea filed ib. Replication ib. Rule to Rejoin 34 Paper- Book 35 Special Juri/ 36 Record 38 If Cause Tried in Town 39 If in the Country 40 Final Judgment on Postea 41 SUPPLEMENT No. 1. Special Original 42 2. Rule to Return Writ, &jC., if in Town or Coutitry 43 3. If Bail Bond Assigned 45 4. Interlocutory Judgment, Inquiry, and fnal Judgment on Inquisition 46 5. Reference to Compute in Town 48 6. If General Issue Pleaded 50 7. Judgment of Xul Tiel Record 52 8. Demurrer 54 IX SUPPLEMENT Continued. Page 9. Judgment in Debt 56 10. Cognovit 67 11. Judgment on Cog;novit 58 12. Opposing Motion for Netv Trial 60 13. Proceedings against Bail 62 14. On a Mot ion for Judgment, as in case of a Nonsuit, and Stet. Processus ordered 67 15. Judgment on Cognovit after Issue joined and Record passed 69 General Allowances 71 FOR DEFENDING ACTIONS IN THE KING'S BENCH. Bill for Defendant where Rule to Discontinue taken out 74 On an Action for Breach of Covenants' Cause at Hertford 75 Reference 80 On a Rule to Discontinue 82 On an Attachment against the Sheriff of Mid- dlesex 83 Against the Sheriffs of London 85 Against the Sheriff of Oxford 86 On Putting in Bail, Render, and afterwards Bailing out 88 In Fjjectment 90 Where the Landlord is admitted to Defend . . ib. For not Proceeding to Trial 91 On a Habeas Corpus to remove a Cause from the Palace Court to the Kimfs Botch 93 X Dill for Dejenduiit On a Rule for Time to Declare .. 95 On a Country/ Arrest ^7 If Proceedings by Common Process 99 If by Original (1) ib. If Bailable in the Country 100 If by Orignal (2) 101 Declaration 103 Plea of General Issue ib. Special Plea 104 Rule to Reply 106 Rejoinder ib. If' Special Junj Moved by Plaintiff 107 If Verdict for Plaintiff 109 If Rule to be present at Taxing taken out .... ib. SUPPLEMENT No. 1. Judgment of ISon Pros. Jor not De- claring 110 2. Plea of General Issue and Notice of Set-Off Particulars Ill 3. Plea of Judgment Recovered 112 4. Demurrer 113 5 For not Proceeding to Trial 116 6. Judgment as in case of a ISonsuit . . 117 7. Special Case 120 8. Motion for a New Trial 122 9. Motion to Arrest Judgment 125 10. Surrender in Discharge of Bail. . . . 128 1 1 . Motion to set aside Proceedings .... 1 29 XI FOR PROSECUTING ACTIONS IN THE COMIMON PLEAS. Page Bill of Costs for Plaintiff' in a Toivn Cause with Judgment of the Term . , 132 On an Arrest 137 On an Inquiry, Serviceable Process 138 Judgment on a Cognovit given after Declara- tionjiled 141 On a Clausum Fregit where the Defendant was not personally served 142 On an Issue of Nul Tiel Record 145 Oji a Rule to Compute where an Appearance entered sec. Stat 149 FOR DEFENDANT. On putting in Bail and Justifying 151 Judgment as in Case of a Nonsuit 153 For Bail Justified by Consent in Judge's Chambers 154 In Ejectment and Judgment by Default 155 hi Fjjectment ib. On putting in Bail to Discharge a Defendant from the Fleet in Vacation 157 On putting in and Justifying in Vacation pur- suant to the late Statute 1 59 xu SUPPLEMENT iVo. 1- -'Siiperseduig out of the Fleet for /lol proceeding to Trial in an Action in the King's Bench 161 2. Plea of General Issue and Notice of Set-Of 162 3. Plea of Judgment Recovered ib. 4. Motion to change the Venue 163 On a Country Arrest ib. On a Motion to change the Venue .... 165 5. Motion for Special Jury 166 6. Motion in Arrest of J udgment 167 7. On Discontinuance 171 8. Judgment of Non Pros, for not De- claring 172 9. No)i Pros, for not Entering Issue .... 173 10. Ow a Habeas to Remove from the King's Bench to the Fleet 174 1 1. Render in Discharge of Bail 175 12. Superseding a Prisoner out of the Fleet for want of Declaration 176 IN THE KING'S BENCH £ s. d. 6 8 12 5 3 4 6 8 5 1 1 COSTS FOR PLAINTIFF. Michaelmas Term, 1828. Instructions to Sue Latitat _ - _ Copy and Service vSearching for Common Bail Instructions for Declaration Drawing same, fo. 5, a Is. per fo. Fee to Counsel to Settle and Advise 1 Attending him thereon and after- wards for same - - 3 4 Ingrossing Bill, Parchment, and Filing - - - 3 6 Copy to file - - - 1 8 Notice of Declaration, Copy, and Service - - -040 Rule to Plead - - - 1 6 Searching for, and Demanding Plea - - - 8 8 Drawing Issue, fo. 9? ^ 4r/. per fo. 3 Copy to deliver - - 3 B 2 £• .V. d Notice of Trial for Adjourned Sit- ting - - - 3 Term Fee, Letters, and Messen- gers - - - 13 Michaelmas Vacation . £ ,9. d. Drawing Placita and Jurata - 3 4 Ingrossing Record, fo. 13, a 6d. per fo. - - -066 Paid for Parchment - - 2 6" Entering Issue on the Roll, and Paid - - - 8 2 Warrants and Docket - - 4 Attending to Carry in the Roll - 3 4 Venire - - -066 Distrino;as - - -076 *Paid Returning (in London) - 4 6' Attending for Return - - 3 4 Paid passing Record (what you pay) Fee on Passing - - 6 8 Paid Setting down Cause - Oil 8 Attending - - - 3 4 *N.B. Paid Returning in INIid- dlesex - - - 14 Instructions for Brief - 13 4 i^ s. d. Drawing Brief, 8 sheets, a. 6s. ^d. per sheet - - - 2 13 4 Two fair Copies, with Abbreviated Copy of Pleadings for Counsel, in all 17 Brief Sheets - 2 16 8 Two fair Copies of Notices to Produce, to annex to Briefs - 8 Subpoena ad testificandum - 7 Copies and Services on Two Wit- nesses - - - 10 Hilarij Term, 1829- £ s. d Attending Court when Cause made a Remanet to Sittings in Hilary Term - - - 6 8 Attending Marshal for Record - 3 4 Paid making Cause a Remanet to the First Sitting - - 6 Altering Venire and Distringas, and paid Re- Sealing and At- tending - - - 5 4 Attending to get Distringas Re- turned . - _ Paid Return ini> Altering Record, and Attending to iiet it Re-Sealed and Re- Passed 3 4 4 6 3 4 li 2 4 £ .V. d. Paid He- Passing and Ke-Scaling 2 6 Attending Court, Cause made a Remanet to Second vSitting, Paid IMarshall 4s. Altering Re- cord, Sic. ' ^ - 17 8 Attending Mr. with Brief 6 8 Fee to Mini and Clerk - 5 10 Attending Mr. Richards with Brief 6 8 Fee to Him and Clerk -356 Attending to Search how Cause Stood - - - 3 4 Attending to Re-Seal Subpa?na, and Paid - - - 3 11 Copy and Service on Three Wit- nesses - - - 15 Attending Court all day, Cause not called on - - 13 4 Defendant having Served another Notice to Produce Two Fair Copies to Annex to Briefs - 3 Attending Re-Sealing, Subpoena, and Paid - - - 3 11 Copy and Service on Three Wit- nesses - - - 15 Drawing Notice to Produce Copy and Service - - 10 Attending to Search how Cause stood - - - 3 4 13 4 13 4 13 4 26"th Februaiy ; Attending Cause in the Paper, but not called on 27th, The like 28th, The like - 29th, The like, and Cause tried, Verdict for Plaintiff, 20/. Da- mages, with Libert}^ to move to enter a Nonsuit - - 1 1 Paid Court Fees - - 3 17 Paid Witnesses as follow : — Paid Mr. Davis Four Days At- tendance - - - 12 Paid Mr. Caleb Four Days At- tendance - - 16 Term for Letters and Messengers 13 Easter Term. £ *. d. Rule for Judgment - - 1 (i Defendant having served a Rule to shew Cause why the Verdict should not be set aside ; Draw- ing Observations for Counsel to shew Cause against the Rule, Two Brief Sheets - - 13 4 Two Fair Copies for Counsel - 13 4 Attending Mr. , with Pri<'r on Motion - - 3 4 6 £ .V. d. Paid Fee to him and Clerk - ^^ 5 iS Attending Mr. Richards with ]kief 3 4 Paid Pee to him - - 2 4 6 Term Pee, Letters and Messengers 13 Trinity Term. £ s. d. Refresher Pee to Mr. , and Clerk - - - 1 3 6 Attending him - - 3 4 Refresher Pee to Mr. Richards and Clerk - - - 1 3 6 Attending him - - 3 4 Attending to Search how Motion stood - - - 3 4 4th, Attending Court, Motion likely to come on - - 6 8 Term Pee, Letters and Messengers 13 Triniti/ Vacation. £ s. d. 29th October, Attending Court this day, but Motion did not come on - - - 6 8 Michaelmas Term. £ s. d. Refresher Pee to Mr. , and Clerk - - - 1 3 6 £ s. d. 3 4 1 3 6 3 4 Attending him Refresher fee to Mr. Richards and Clerk Attending him November 8, 9, 10, 12, and 13, Attending Court these days, Motion did not come on - 1 13 4 14th, Attending Court this day, when Motion made, and Judges took time to consider - 13 4 Attending to Search if any Rule made _ _ _ Paid for Rule _ _ - Copy and Service Drawing;; and Inorossin"" Postea Paid Marking Notice of Taxing Bill and Copy Copy for Defendant's Attorney - Drawino- and Ingrossino; Affidavit of Increase Paid Swearing Copy for Defendant's Attorney Attending Taxing Paid Drawing and Entering Pinal Judg- ment - - -050 6 8 2 4 5 6 3 6 3 6 8 1 1 8 6 10 8 8 1* S. (f. Attending at Westminster for that Purpose - . - _ 3 4 Term Fee, Letters, and Messengers 13 Hilari/ Term, 1828. Instructions to sue Bill of Middlesex Defendant having gone into Surrey, Latitat - - _ Copy and service, and Stage-hire Searching for Common Bail Instructions for Declaration Drawino; same fo. 21 Ingrossing to file and Warrant Ingrossing Bill, parchment and filing Notice of Declaration, Copy and Service - _ _ Term fee. Letters and Messengers £ .?. d. 6 8 9 12 () 7 6" 3 4 6 8 1 1 7 4 8 4 4 13 Easter Term. £ s. d. Rule to Plead - - - 1 5 Searching for and demanding Plea 8 8 9 £ *. d Defendant having filed Demurrer and Plea, Instructions for Join- der in Demurrer Drawing Joinder in Demurrer fo. 8 Fee to Counsel - - - Attending him - - _ Ingrossing to file Attending to bespeak, and for Paper- Book, and examining it Paid for Paper-Book, fo. 35. Making Copy previous to delivery Demurrer - Book being returned, entering the whole proceedings on Roll, and Paid Warrants and Docket Attending to enter Joinder in De- murrer - - _ Term Fee, Letters, &c. 6 8 8 7 6 3 4 2 8 6 8 1 9 11 8 1 3 4 4 3 4 13 Trinitij Term. d. Instructions to Counsel to move for Consilium _ _ _ Fee to him - - - Attending him and Court Paid Bag-Bearer 3 4 10 6 3 4 ()■ 10 Paid Clerk of the Papers marking ''read." - - -020" Paid for Rule for Consilium, Copy and Service - - 4 6 Paid settino; down Cause for Arsu- ment - - - _ Attending to set it down Two Copies Demurrer-Book for the Judges, the Lord Chief and Mr. Justice Bayley Attendins; to Deliver same Paid their Clerks Copy Paper-Book for Counsel Fee to him, (Clerk not allowed) - Attendino- him - - _ 13th June, Attending Court, De- murrer did not come on 17th, The like - 20th, The like, when Demurrer argued, and Judgment for Plain- tiff, unless something said to the contrary on or before Wednes- day next - _ _ Paid Criers _ _ _ Paid for Rule, Copy and Service 25th, xittending Court, did not come on - - - Term Fee, Letters, Sec. - 1 ()• 3 4 1 3 4 6 8 4 11 8 1 1 3 4 6 8 6 8 6 8 4 6 4 6 6 8 13 11 Triniti/ Vacation. Having ascertained that the Court would take Demurrers on the 27th October, and that this De- murrer remained in the Paper, attending Court accordingly 28th, The like - 29th, The like - 30th, The like. Judgment for Plaintiff Paid Criers . _ _ Rule for Judgment, Copy and Service . _ _ Drawing Interlocutory Judgment Ingrossing on Paper Paid signing Judgment Attending 6 8 6 8 6 8 6 8 4 6' 4 6 3 4 11 8 6 3 4 Hilary Term, 1829. £ Feb. 12th. Summons to refer to the Master, Copy and Service Attending thereon - - Second Summons, Copy and Service Attending thereon - - 3 3 4 5 3 4 12 € X. (L Third Summons, Copy and Service 5 Attending thereon 3 4 Affidavit of Service and paid Oath 6 Paid for Order - - - o Instructions to Counsel to move to compute - - - 2 6 Fee to him _ _ _ 10 6 Attending him - - - 3 4 Paid for Rule - 3 6 Attending for Appointment to tax 3 4 Copy and Service of Rule and Appointment 4 Drawing final Judgment 3 4 Ingrossing proceedings 15 Entering Final Judgment on the Roll, and attending thereon 8 4 Drawing Bill and 2 Copies C) 10 Attending taxing () 8 Paid the Master Term Fee, Letters, &c. - 13 Oti a riea of Judgment llecovcrcd. Trinitij Term, 1828. £ s. d. Instructions to Counsel to move that Defendant abide by his Plea - 2 ()' Fee to him - - - K) 6 1- •V. ii. 3 4 6 6 Attending him Paid for Rule, Copy and Service Attending Summons to inspect Bill of Exchange - - 3 4 Copy Bill of Exchange for ]3e- fendant's iVttorney - - 2 Term Fee, Letters, &c. - - 13 Michaelmas Term. Defendant having Pleaded Judg- ment Recovered, Copy Declara- tion for Clerk of the Papers Instructions for Replication Drawing same and Copy to file - Attending to bespeak, and for Paper-Book, and to examine it Paid for same . - - Copy to keep - - _ Attending; to deliver same Defendant having returned Paper- Book, and struck out Rejoinder, and filed Demurrer, Searching for Demurrer - - 3 4 Instructions for Joinder in De- murrer - - - 6 8 6 6 8 5 6 8 1 8 13 3 4 14 i; .y. d. Drawing J oinder in Demurre] r, and Ingrossing to file - 5 Paid for Demurrer-Book - 5 2 Attendino; for and examinino- j >ame, and to deliver to Defendant's Attorney - 6 8 Copy to keep - 3 4 Entering on the Roll and paid entries - 1 4 2 Attending thereon - 3 4 Warrants and Docket - 4 Instructions for Consilium - 3 4 Fee to Counsel to move - - 10 6 Attending him - 3 4 Paid Bag-Bearer - 6 Paid Clerk of the Papers setting down Demurrer for Argument 1 Attending to set down Demurrer for Argument - 3 4 Paid for Rule for Consilium - 1 6 Copy and Service - 4 Four Copies of Demurrer-Book for Judges - 2 1 4 Attending them therewith, and searchino- if Defendant's Attor- ney had delivered his Copii es - 13 4 Paid their Clerks ~ 8 Copy Demurrer book for Counsel 10 4 15 Fee to him _ _ _ Attendins; him and Court Affidavit of Service of Rule for Consilium _ - _ Paid Criers _ _ _ Paid carrying Roll into Court Rule for Judgment Copy and Service Drawing Interlocutory Judgment Ingrossing proceedings fo. 36 Attending to sign Judgment, and paid _ - _ Paid enterino Demurrer-Book Drawino- and Inorossino; Affidavit to compute _ - - Instructions to Counsel to move for Rule Nisi to compute Paid for Rule _ - - Copy and Service Affidavit of Service Fee to Counsel and Clerk to move for Rule Absolute Instructions to Counsel to move - Attending him - - - Paid for Rule Absolute - Attending for Appointment to tax Copy and Service of Rule with the Appointment - - - £ ■V. d. 1 3 6 6 8 6 6 4 6 1 6 1 6 4 3 4 12 3 10 10 6 3 6 3 6 4 6 1 3 6 3 6 3 4 3 6 3 4 4 10 Dniwinii, linal J uda;ment - Entering Proceedings fo. 40. Paid sionincr final Jud2;nient, enter- ing on the Roll, and attending - Attending to tax - - - Paid the Master - - - Term Fee, Letters, &c. - £ *. d 8 4 13 ()■ 8 4 6 8 7 13 hi Eject moit and Judgment by Default. Michaelmas Term^ 1828. Instructions to sue Perusing deeds, and abstracting Parcels _ _ _ Drawing declaration, fo. 8. Ingrossing to serve Service on tenant Affidavit of Service and Oath Copy declaration to annex thereto Term Fee Letters, &c. - £ *. d. 6 8 6 8 8 2 8 5 6 6 2 8 13 Hilary Term, 1829- Instructions to move for Judgment Fee to Counsel - - - Attending him - - - £ s. 2 10 3 d. 6 6 4 £ s. d. 2 3 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 10 4 4 2 o 4 9 6 3 6 IT Paid for the Rule Filino; x4ffidavit Searcliino; if Tenant had entered into Consent Rule Drawino' Judo-ment Ingrossing Proceedings on paper, fo. 10. . . - Entering on the Roll Warrants and Docket Paid IMaster sionino; Judoment Attending to sign Judgment Habere facias Possessionem Warrant and Messenger - Attending Sheriff to take possess- sion, (according to distance) Paid Sheriff, (according to value and distance) - - - Term Fee, Letters, &c. - - 13 No costs are allowed to Plaintiff when the Tenant does not appear. For not confessing Lease, Entry and Ouster. Hilary Term, 1829- £ *. d. Searcliino; if Tenant had entered into Consent Rule, and giving Receipt for same - - 3 4 c \y. £ Paid liling \vith Clerk orthe Rules, and for Rule - - - 10 Fee on signing Consent Rule - 5 4 Copy and service of Rule - o ^ ^^ Drawing Issue, fo. 10. - - 3 4 Entering on the Roll, and paid - 7 (^ Notice of Trial - - - 3 The rest (is in common cases. Attending trial, Plaintift'nonsuited, for want of Defendant's confes- sing Lease, t^c. - - 13 4 Term Fee, &c. - - - 13 Easter Term. Drawino; Judoment Ingrossing on paper Paid for Office Copy Rule Paid sio;nino; Judo-ment - Attending _ _ _ Drawing bill, and Copy - Attending to tax - - - Paid taxing (what is charged) Copy of the Rule, with Master's Allocatur to serve on Defendant Affidavit of Service, and Oath Instructions to Counsel to move for Attachment - - - 3 4 £ s. d. 3 4 3 4 3 6 4 2 3 4 4 3 4 3 6 () 19 £ *. d. Fee to him and Clerk - - 1 3 (i Attending him and Court - 3 4 Paid for the Rule - - 6 6 * Attachment and Fee - - 18 2 Warrant and Messenoer - - 3 6 *Paid filing Affidavit (this charge is according to circumstances) Instructing Officer - - 3 4 Attending at the Sheriffs Office to get same returned non eat inven- tus^ and paid - - - 4 4 Attending at the Crown Office to file same - - - 3 4 Alias Attachment and Fee - 16 Warrant and Messenoer - - 3 6 Instructino- Officer - - 3 4 Paid Caption Fee - - 1 1 Bill of subsequent costs - - 2 Attending to settle and give dis- charge - - - 6 8 Term Fee, Letters, &c. - - 13 Common Ejectment. Instructions to sue Instructions for Declaration Drawing same, fo. 6. Ingrossing to serve £ .v. d. 6 8 6 8 6 2 20 £ ,v, d. Service thereof - b Affidavit of Service, fo. () 6 Fair Copy Declaration to annex to Affidavit - _ - 2 Instructions for Counsel to move for Judgment against the casual Ejector _ . _ 3 4 Fee to him . _ _ 10 6 Attending him - - - 3 4 Paid for llule 2 Paid filino; Affidavit of service of Declaration 3 Attendino; thereon 3 4 Searching for Appearance 3 4 Searching for Plea and Consent Rule - - - - 6 8 Attendino^ sionino; Consent Rule O O O 3 4 Paid for Consent Rule and Filino- 10 Attendino; thereon 3 4 Drawing Issue, fo. 10, 3 4 The rest of charges as in other cases • Costs of a View. £. s. d. Instructions for Counsel to move for a view - - - 3 4 Fee to him - - - 10 6 21 £ s. d. Attendino- him - - - 3 4 Attendino- Defendant's Ag-ent for name of a Shewer - - 3 4 Paid for Rule - - -070 Copy and Service on Defendant's Agent - - -040 The like on UndersherifF - 5 Paid UndersherifF for summoning special Jurors to view - 2 2 Paid him his fee for attending the view - - -110 Paid his travelling expences to the place in question - - 1 Paid four Jurors attending - 4 4 Half the expences of taking the view, as paid according to the Rule - - - 2 15 Paid Mr. , for attending as Shewer on the part of Plaintiff 110 Co^U of a Supersedeas. £. s. d. Instructions to Supersede - 3 4 Attending at Judge's Chambers for Summons - - - 3 4 Paid for Summons, Copy and Service - - - .5 oo £• s. (I. Attending thereon - - 3 4 Paid Plaintift's Attorney for his consent on first Summons - 6 8 Paid for Judoe's Order and attend- ing to draw it up - - 7 4 Filing Common Bail and Fee - 6 6 Paid for Certificate of Common Bail, filed and for seal -026 Attending to leave Order for Dis- charge, and Certificate of Bail filed at the Prison - - 3 4 Letters, &c. - - -020 On a Motion for Judgment as in the case of a Nonsuit. £. s. d. Defendant having served a Rule for Judgment as in case of a Nonsuit, attendino- to search if rule given - - - 3 4 ^Instructions for Afifidavit to Op- pose - - - - 6 8 DraAving and ingrossing Afifidavit fo. 6, and paid Oath - - 10 * An office copy, of the Affidavit on which the I\Iotion is grounded should he obtained, if icqui?itc. 23 £ d. Brief of Affidavit for Counsel to op- pose Rule being made absolute Copy Rule to annex Fee to Counsel to oppose and pray that the Court may Order a Stet Processus, and Clerk - Attending him and Court Paid for Rule, discharging the former, and order a Stet Pro- cessus to be entered Copy and Service 6 8 1 1 3 6 6 8 3 6 4 On a Motion to hate Money deposited on an Arrest paid over to Plaintiff, £ s. d. £ s. d. Instructions to sue Affidavit of Debt Bill of Middlesex Warrant and Messenger Instructing Officer Paid for Arrest (inTown) Out of Town Defendant having been arrested and paid into the hands of the She- riff 70/., the debt, and 10/. toanswertheCosts under 41th (iro. :kl., 3 4 6 8 6 9 2 6 3 4 10 6 1 1 24 chap. 46,andnothav- ino- dulv^ perfected Bail — Drawing and inoTossino- Affidavit of facts to ground Motion Instructions to Counsel to move that the ]\lo- ney may be paid out ofCourt to Plaintiff - Paid CounseFs Fee Attending him & Court - Paid for Rule Nisi Copy and Service Affidavit of Service Instructions to Counsel to make l\ule absolute Paid his Fee, (Clerk not allowed) Attending: him & Court Paid for Rule absolute Copy and Service Attending to receive Money Paid Poundage Bill of Costs Attendino; to tax Paid the Master Letters, &c. £ 1 8 1 1 3 4 3 6 2 3 4 1 6 18 3 2 6 6 1 8 3 4 10 6 10 6 3 4 6 8 3 6 3 6 2 4 6 3 4 110 6 8 3 6 4 6 8 3 3 4 3 3 5 3 4 5 25 On a SutJimons taken out for an Attorney to deliver his Bill of Costs signed. £. s. d Summons to deliver Bill signed, Copy and Service Attending thereon Paid for Order, Copy and Service Attending Mr. several times to request he would furnish me with a Bill of Costs as directed by Judge's Order - - 3 4 Mr. havino- furnished me with Bill of Costs very mate- rially varying from his former bill, perusing same and attend- ing you theron - - 3 4 Attendino; Mr. several times to get his signature to Bill, and also to o;et him to oive credit for all Monies received, which I at length obtained - - 3 4 Summons to refer Bill of Costs to the Master, Copy and Service - 5 Attendino' thereon, order made - 3 4 Attendino- to o;ive Undertakino; and sign Judge's Book, and paid - 5 4 26 £ A". d. Paid for Order - - - 2 Copy and Service 3 Attending for appointment to tax, Copy and Service 5 Attending to tax, Mr. did not attend 3 4 Second appointment, Copy and Service _ _ _ 5 Attending taxing 3 4 Paid the Master 3 Easter Term. £ s. d. Copy Order, with Master^s Allo- catur - - -030 A great number of ^Vttendances at be served - _ _ 13 4 Drawino; and Ino;rossin2; Affidavit of Service in order to Move for Attachment 6 6 Instructions to Counsel to ]\Iove to make Order and Allocatur a Rule of Court 2 6 Fee to him _ . _ 10 6 Attending- him 3 4 Paid for Rule Absolute 9 6 27 Copy and Service Drawing and Ingrossing Affidavit of Service _ _ _ Paid Oath Copy Rule to Annex Attachment and Fee (Crown Office) Warrant and Messenger Attending to Instruct Officer Attending at Sheriff's Office to get same returned 7 ion est, and paid Attendino; at Crown Office to file same . _ _ Alias Attachment and Fee Warrant and Messenoer Paid Caption Fee Bill of Subsequent Costs Attending^ to Settle and give Dis- charge _ _ _ Letters, 8cc. . _ _ £ *. d. 3 6 6 1 1 3 6 3 4 4 4 3 4 3 6 1 1 3 6 8 3 If hi/ Special Original. — (See Supplejncnt 1.) £ s. d. Messenoer for Warrant (besides what paid) - 1 6 Attending to Instruct Officer 1 8 £ s. d. 026 3 4 28 If in the Countr}^ — At- tending for Recom- mendation to an Agent in the Country, and writing Letter to him, with Instruc- tions to get Defendant Arrested £ .V. JL* .V. 6 8 If Common Process. £ s. d. £ s. d. Copy & Service in Town 2 6 5 If in the Country, ac- cordino; to Distance Affidavit of Sendee of Latitat - - 6 6 Searching for Common Bail - - - 1 8 3 4 Filing Common Bail, see Stat. - -040060 If Special Bail. £ s. d. £ Searching for Special Bail - - 1 8 To 3 4 If Sheriff Ruled f>See Supplement 2.) If Bail Bond Assigned (Supplement 3 J '29 Copy Notice of Bail, and of Affidavit of Justification Attending enquiring in-' to their Responsibility Attending to enter Ap- pearance Notice of Exception, Copy and Service Copy, Notice of Justifi- cation Drawing Special Affi- davit of Facts to op- pose Justification of Bail, per fo. - Ingrossing, per fo. Brief of Affidavit for Counsel to oppose Justification of Bail & Copy for Counsel Copy, Notice of Justi- fication to annex Fee to Counsel & Clerk Attending him - Attending Court, Bail justified Rule for allowance Copy and Service Copy Rule for Allowance £ .9. d. 1 6 6 8 1 8 1 6 6 8 2 3 4 6 1 3 6 1 8 3 4 2 2 ()• £ .«. (I. 3 13 4 3 4 3 10 10 4 6 8 1 1 3 6 3 4 6 8 o 4 1 '30 Entry of Recognizance. — (Supplement 13.) Declaration. Instructions for Decla- ration Drawing same, per fo. Paid Special Pleader or Pee to Counsel to pe- ruse and settle, and Clerk Attending him several times thereon Except the Fee to the Pleader is under IQs. 6(]., then charge Attending him several times thereon Close Copy Declaration, per fo. Ingrossing Bill & filing, per fo. Paid for Parchment, (what is paid) Ino-rossino- Declaration o o to file or deliver Warrants Filino; Bill 3 4 6 3 4 1 2 2 6 1 6 8 3 4 4 4 2 4 4 4 4 4 31 Notice of Declaration filed Copy for the Country - Service in the Country according to distance Rule to Plead - If Judgment in Debt, (supplement Q) If Interlocutory Judg- ment, Inquiry & final Judgment, on Inqui- sition (supplement 4) If Reference to compute (supplement 5) Searching for and de- manding Plea If General Issue pleaded (sjipplement 6) If Judgment recovered Pleaded, and Paper book (supplement 7) And Demurrer, (supple- 7nent 8) - If Cognovit & Judgment thereon (supplement 10 and 11) £ d. \ £, 6 6 d. 1 6 1 6 4 4 8 8 32 Particulars of Flaintijf'.s Demand. £ s. d. Attending Summons for Particulars of Plain- tiff's demand - 1 8 Copy Order - - 6 Instructions for Particu- lars - - - 1 8 Drawing and fair Copy to deliver - - 1 6 Or if long and special, per fo. - - 6 Attendino; to deliver Particulars - - 1 8 Attendino- Summons for time to plead, (not before a Judge) - 1 8 Copy Order - - 6 Attendino; summons be- fore a Judo;e - - 3 4 Searching for Plea after Order for time expired 18 € s. d. 3 4 10 3 4 3 1 3 4 3 4 1 6 8 3 4 33 If General Issue pleaded. — (Supplement 6.) If Special Pleas. £ s. d. Copy Rule to Plead several matters - 1 Orif very long, at per fo. 2 £ s. d. 2 4 If Flea Filed then charge £ *. d. £ s. d. Attending to bespeak and examine same - 1 8 Paid for Office Copy (what paid) Close Copy Pleas, per fo. 2 3 4 4 Replication. £ s. d. £ *. d. Searching for Rule to Reply - - 1 8 3 4 Instructions for Repli- cation - - 3 4 6 8 Drawing same, per fo. 6 1 D 34 £ £ Paid Pleader to peruse and settle Attending him with and for same 1 8 3 4 Fair Copj^ Replication for Comisel to peruse and sign, (if veiy spe- cial, per fo.) Fee to Counsel to peruse and sign, and Clerk 1 3 2 6 1 3 4 6 Attending him 3 4 6 8 Close Copy Replica- tion, per fo. 2 4 Ingrossing to file, per fo. 3 4 Hide to Rejoin. £ s. d. Attending the IVIaster for Rule to Rejoin - 1 8 Paid for Rule - 1 6 Copy and Service - 1 6 Searchino- for and de- manding Rejoinder 4 4 Close Copy, Rejoinder, perfo. - - 2 £ s. d. 3 4 1 6 3 8 8 4 35 Paper-Book. £ s. d. £ s. d. Attending to bespeak & afterwards for and to examine Paper-Book 3 4 6 8 Close Copy for the Country, per fo. - 2 4 Copy to keep previous to Deliveiy, per fo. 2 4 Attending; to deliver Paper-Book - 1 8 3 4 Notice of Trial, Copy and Service - 1 6 3 Entering issue on the Roll, per fo., exclu- sive of what paid - 3 4 Warrants and Docket - 3 4 Venire - - 6 6 Paid Returning, (if in London) - - 4 6 4 6 If in Middlesex, &c. - 14 14 Attendino; for return - 1 8 3 4 Distringas - - 7 6' D 2 36 Special Jtrvi/. d. Instructions for Counsel to move for Rule for Special Jury 1 8 3 4 Paid fee to him 10 6 10 6 Attending him & Court 3 4 6 8 s. d. If in Vacation. Attending to draw up Judge's Order for Clerk of the llules to be at liberty to draw up Rule on producing Counsel's hand Paid for Order Paid for Rule for Spe- cial Jury Attending to draw up Rule Attending for Appoint- ment to Nominate - Copy & Service of Rule and Appointment - £ s. d. 1 8 4 2 2 3 3 1 8 3 4 1 8 3 4 2 4 37 The like on Under- sheriflf's Agent - 2 Attending;; to Nominate List of 48 - - 3 4 Paid the Master - 2 2 Paid the Undersheriff 2 2 Paid for Copy List of 48 - -050 Copy for the Country - 2 6 Instructions to Reduce 18 Copy Reduced List for the Country - 1 6 The like for Under- sheriff - - 1 6 Writino; Letter to Under- sheriff with same, and for him to Summon Jury - - 2 6 Special Distringas and Fee - - 7 6 Attending: for Return thereto - - 1 8 Paid Undersheriff re- turning same and Summoning Jury - If in an extensive County more in proportion. £ s. d. 4 6 8 2 2 2 2 5 5 3 4 3 3 5 OHO 3 4 Record. Drawing Placita and Jurata Ingrossing Record per fo. Paid for Parchment Paid passing Record and Sealer Attending thereon If Co2;novit oiven after Record passed to save Expences of Trial, {supplement 10) Subpoena ad test. Subpoena duces tecum, (common length) Copy and Service (in Town) In the Country accord- ing to distance Making up Parcel en- closing Record, Por- terage to the Inn and paid booking £ s. 2 4 3 4 3 £ 3 4 6 6" 8 7 (^ 10 12 S9 Term Fee, Letters and Messengers, (Town Cause) Country cause according to distance and rate of Postao'e 13 £ s. If Cause tried in Town. £ s. d. Instructions for Brief - 6 8 Drawing same per Sheet 3 4 Fair Copy for Counsel, with Pleadino's ab- breviated, per Sheet 18 Fair Copy Particulars to annex to Brief, perfo. - - 2 Attending each Counsel with Brief - - 3 4 Attending to set down Cause - - 3 4 Paid settino; down Cause 11 8 Attending Sittings (each day,) Cause in the paper, but not called on - - 6 8 Attending Court on the day of Trial - 13 4 £ s. d. 13 4 6 8 3 4 4 6 8 6 8 11 8 13 4 1 1 40 If Cause tried in the Count ri/. Attending to enter the Record Attorney attending the trial of Cause as At- torney or Witness, per day (Besides Coach-Jme and Travelling EapencesJ Agent's attendance as a Witness in the Country per day Attending Associate for Postea (When the Postea is Special, charge draw- ing it, ^c, same as pleading sj Drawino; and Ino;rossino; Postea Paid Carriage and Por- terage of Briefs Town to £ 3 4 18 3 4 6 5 41 Final Judgment on Postea. £ s. d. £ *. (/. Rule for Judgment 1 6 1 6 Opposing Motion for a new Trial, {see sup- plement 11.) Attending Associate for 4 Postea 1 8 3 4 Attending to file Affi- davit of Increase, and afterwards for Otlice Copy 1 8 3 4 Paid for Office Copy, (according to length) Drawing Bill of Costs and Copy, per fo. 6 1 Notice of Taxing, Copy and Service 1 6 3 Attending to Tax 3 4 6 8 Paid the Master, (the sum paid) Drawing and Entering final Judgment on the Roll 2 6 5 Attending thereon 1 8 3 4 Term Fee, Letters and Messengers, (as be- fore.) 42 Fi. fa., C(f. sa. £ ri. fa. in Case Non OmittasFi. Fa. Case Non Omittas Testatum Fi. Fa. Case If Proceedings by Sci. i'a. against bail, (.see supplement 12.) c\'.e. £ .V. d. 15 16 16 6 SUPPLEMENT, -No. 1. Special Original. £ s. d. £ s. d. Instructions to sue 3 4 6 8 Instructions for Pr^iecipe for Special Original 3 4 6 8 Drawing Pnx?cipe per fo. Copy for the Cursitor 6' 1 per fo. Paid for Original 4 Fee thereon 3 4 6 8 Paid King's Fine Attending to Pay same 1 8 4 Paid for Special Capias Fee thereon 3 4 6 8 Returning and filing Special Capias Paid for Testatum Capias 43 £ .V. d. £ .S-. d. Fee thereon 3 4 () 8 Ingrossing same per fo. 4 C) 6 Paid for Parchment Sealing 1 2 1 2 Warrant and Messen- ger, (as in other Cases.) SUPPLEMENT, No. 2. Hide to return Writ^ bring in the hoclij, rj-c. £ s. d. Motion at Side Bar for Rule to return Writ - 1 8 Paid for Rule - 1 6 Copy and Service - 1 6 £ s. d. 3 4 1 6" 3 If in the Country. Attendino; makins; In- quiry for name of, and writino; Letter to an Attorney to serve Rule on LndersherifF, and attendino- his Aoent afterwards to pay his Charges 4 £ *. d. G 8 44 Searchino- for Return of Writ and paid Motion at Side Bar for Rule to bring in the Body Paid for the Rule Copy and Service, (in Town) Affidavit of Service If in the Country — Writing letter to At- torney in the Country with Rule to be served on the UndersherifF, and Agents Charges attending to pay his his Drawino; and Ing;ros- sins Affidavit of Facts that no Bail put in - Brief to Counsel to Move for Rule for an Attachment against the Sheriff - Fee to Counsel and Clerk Attendino; him Attending granted Court, Rule £ 2 2 1 8 1 1 4 6 4 1 8 6 8 1 8 1 10 3 4 3 6 6 6 8 6 6 3 4 6 4 o 45 £• s. d. £ *. d. Paid for Rule, anc [ filing Affidavits - 4 6 4 6 Paid for Writ of At- tachment - 11 11 Fee thereon - 3 4 6 8 Drawing Bill of Costs, and Copy - 1 6 3 Attending the C( Droner therewith, and after- wards to receive Debt and Costs - 3 4 6 8 Paid him - Letters, &;c. 1 6 3 SUPPLEMENT, No. 3. If Bail Bond Assigned. £ s. ' d. Attendino; at the She- riff's Office to obtain the Names of the Bail to the Sheriff, and Attending to enquire after them - 3 4 Attending at the She- rifi^'s Office, to get £ s. d. 6 8 46" d. Assignment of Bail Bond (besides what paid) - - 1 8 € .y 4 SUPPLEMENT, No. 4. Interlocutor I) Judgment. Drawing Interlocutory Judgment (5 folios more than Declara- tion) per fo. Ingrossing Proceedings on paper, per fo. Entering on the Roll, per fo. (besides what paid) Or per folio, including what paid Attending Warrants and Docket £ s. d. 1 8 2 o 7 1 8 3 £ .9. d. 3 4 4 4 8 3 4 4 47 Inquiry. Instructions for Writ of Inquiry Drawing Inquiry (5 fo. more than delaration) Ingrossing, per fo. Parchment (what paid) and Sealing Notice of executino- In- quiry, Copy and Ser- vice, in Town (In the Countrij ac- cording to Distance.) Attending to leave same at the Sheriff's Office Making up Parcel, en- closing Inquiry, Pos- terage to the Inn, and paid Booking Writing Letter to the Undersheriff, inform- ing him of the Time and Place of execut- ing Inquiry, and re- questing him to Sum- mon a Jury £ 1 d. 3 4 8 4 7 2 1 8 18 6 8 3 4 6 7 4 3 4 18 2 6" 5 48 Final Judgment on Inqtimtion. Attending at the She- riff's Office, for Inqui- sition Paid Carriage and Por- terage to Town (For the Affidavit of Increase^ Office Copy thei'eof, and entering up final Judgment^ see Final Judgment on Postea, p.) d. 1 8 2 8 £ .9. ll. 3 4 2 8 SUPPLEMENT, No. 5. Keference to Compute in Term. £ Drawing and Ingrossing Affidavit that Action brought, and Judg- ment Signed for Want of Plea, on a Note or Bill 6 6 49 1 Instructions for Counsel to move for a Rule Nisi to Compute Fee to him Attendins; liim and Court Paid for Rule Nisi Copy and Service Affidavit of Service, and Oath Brief to Counsel to move to make Rule Nisi to Compute ab- solute Copy Rule Nisi to Annex Fee to Counsel, with Brief and Clerk - 1 Attending him and Court Paid for Rule Absolute Attending for Appoint- ment to Tax Copy and Service of Rule, with Appoint- ment Drawing final Judgment 1 Ingrossing Proceedings on Judgment Paper, 8 6 6 4 18 2 £ *. d. 1 8 3 4 10 6 10 6 3 4 6 8 3 6 3 6 2 4 6 6 3 4 1 1 3 6 6 8 3 3 4 4 3 4 £ 50 i; *. (I. £ *• (^- 8 folios more than Declaration, per fo. 3 4 Entering on the l\oll, besides what paid - 2 6 5 Notice of Taxins; 1 6 3 Attending for Appoint- ment 1 8 3 4 Drawing ]^)ill and Copy 2 4 Attending; Taxing; 3 4 (i 8 Paid the Master (what paid.) lerm fee, Letters and Messengers (in Town) 13 SUPPLEMENT, No. (J. If General Issue Fleaded. £. s. d. Copy Plea of General Issue - - 6 Copy Rule to pay Mo- ney into Court - 6 Attending to Bespeak, and afterwards for Office Copy Rule 1 8 Paid for it - £ s. d. 1 10 3 4 51 Attending to Appoint a Time to take Money out of Court, and af- terwards to take it out 18 Paid Poundage (what paid) (i/" the Monei/ paid into Court is not Accepted in Full, with Costs, then as follozi)s : — ) Drawing Issue, per fo. Close Copy, per fo. Ingrossing to Deliver, perfo. And entering Plea Notice of Trial, Copy, and Service - 1 6 Copy for the Country - 6 Entering Issue on the Roll 3 Or per folio, Including what paid - 7 Warrants and Docket - 3 For Record, &c. ante. s. d. 2 2 2 3 4 4 4 4 2 3 10 4 8 4 E 2 52 SUPPLEMENT, No. 7. Judgment of Nul tiel Record. £ s. d. € .9. d. Copy Plea of Judgment Recovered, per fo. - 2 4 Instructions to Counsel to move that Defend- ant Abide by his Plea 1 8 3 4 Fee to Counsel 10 6 () 10 G Attending hhn and Court 1 8 3 4 Paid for the Rule Copy and Service 1 6 3 Searching if Defendant had abided by his Plea 1 8 3 4 Instructions for Replica- tion 3 4 6 8 Drawing same, fo. 3 - 1 6 3 Copy to file 9 1 Attending to Bespeak, and afterwards for and examining Paper Book 3 4 G 8 Paid for Paper Book (according to length of pleadings) » Copy for the Country, per fo. 2 4 53 £. s. Copy to keep previous to Delivery, per fo. - 2 Attendino; to Deliver Paper Book - 1 8 (If Replication Demur- red to, see No. S.J Attending at the Master's Office for Rule to pro- duce Record - 1 8 Paid for Rule Copy and Service - 1 6 Entering Proceedings on the Roll, War- rants and Docket, (charge as before, Supplement 6.) Attending ,to bespeak Roll to be in Court - 1 8 Paid Clerk of the Trea- sury Attending^ Court when Defendant called to produce the Record - 3 4 Paid Crier calling De- fendant - -026 Paid Master marking Roll "read" -020 For Interlocutory Judg- ment, aute. £ s. d. 4 3 4 3 4 3 3 4 6 8 2 6 2 54 SUPPLEMENT, No. 8. Demun'cr. The Paper Book being Returned, with the Rejoinder Struck out, and Notice of a De- murrer filed, Attend- ins: to Search for De- murrer Paid for Office Copy Demurrer Copy for the Country, per fo. Instructions for Joinder in Demurrer 1 8 2 4 6 Drawing same, fo. 2 - 1 Ingrossino; - - Attending to bespeak, and afterwards for and examining De- murrer Book - 3 4 Paid for Demurrer Book Copy to Keep, per fo. 2 Attending to Deliver Demurrer Book 18 £. -v. d. 3 4 4 6 8 2 10 6 8 4 OD Entering on the Roll, per fo. (besides what you pay) Warrants and Docket (If a Real Demurrer, the Charges are similar to those in the Common Demurrer, then as fol- low : — ) Four Copies Demurrer- Book to deliver to the Judges, per fo. Attending to deliver same to the four Judges Paid their Clerks Fair Copy of Demurrer- Book for Counsel, per fo. Fee to Counsel there- with Attendim2; him Instructions to Counsel to move for rule for Consilium - Fee to him Attending him and Court £ .9. d. 4 4 3 4 6 8 13 4 8 8 3 4 1 1 1 1 1 8 3 4 1 8 3 4 10 6 10 1 8 <-> 4 66 £ s. d. 6 1 6 Paid Bag-bearer Paid Clerk of the Papers Paid for the Rule, Copy and Service - 3 Attending to set down Cause for Argument 18 Paid - - 1 6 Attending Court, De- murrer in the paper but not called on 3 4 Attending Court, and Judo'ment o;iven for Plaintiff - - 3 4 (If argued) Paid the Criers - 4 Rule for Judgment, Copy and Service - 3 6 Interlocutor}^ Judgment as in other Cases. 1 3 1 d. 6 6 4 6 4 6 6 8 6 8 4 6 SUPPLEMENT, No. 9- Judgment in Debt. £ s. d. Searching for Plea - 3 4 Drawing Judgment, perfo. - - 2 £. *. d. 6 8 4 57 d. N.B. 5 fo. more than Declaration Insrossing; Proceedinsis on Judgment Paper, perfo. - - 2 Entering on the Roll - 3 Warrants and Docket 3 Drawing Bill of Costs and Copy - - 1 6 Attending taxing - 3 4 £ (l. 4 4 4 3 6 8 SUPPLEMENT, No. 10. Cognovit. Attending Defendant on his proposing Co2;novit to save ex- pences, and writing into the Country for directions thereon - 3 4 Writing, or attending. Defendant, informing him that proposal acceded to, and drawing Cognovit and fair Copy to sign - 5 6 8 10 58 Attending to get same siii'ned and attestino; it - - Paid stamping Cognovit Attendino- Copy to Register or file Affidavit of the due execution, paid filing and attending (If Cause set dozen and Record 2)assed) Attendino; to withdraw Record Paid withdrawing Attendino; to o;et Retraxit marked Paid marking Retraxit 1 8 3 4 1 1 1 8 3 4 8 £ s. d. VI 8 3 4 4 3 4 2 SUPPLEMENT, No. 11. Judgment on Cognovit. Drawing Plea of Con- fession - - 2 *Drawing Judgment - 1 Inorossino Proceedings on Judgment Paper 4 3 d. 4 59 8 fo. more than de- claration, per fo. - 2 Enterino' on the Roll per fo. Attending Warrants and Docket Attendino; to pet Re- traxit marked Paid Drawing Bill of Costs and Copy, per fo. Attending taxing Paid the Master Term Fee, Letters and Messengers (accord- ing to distance.) *(If Defendant had not filed Common Bail then charge : — ) Paid filino; Common Bail - -040 Attorney's Fee, Confes- sino; Judo;ment for Defendant - 1 8 (I. 4 3 4 1 8 3 4 3 4 1 8 3 4 2 4 6 1 3 4 6 8 5 5 60 3 4 60 SUPPLEMENT, No. 13. Opposing Motion for new Trial. Copy Notice of Motion for a new Trial Attending Court on INIo- tion when Rule Nisi granted Copy Rule Attendino' to search for and bespeak, and af- terwards for and ex- aming Office Copy of Rule Nisi, and Office Copies of x\ffidavits on which Rule grant- ed - Paid for same - Close Copies of Affida- vits to oppose Mo- tion Instructions for Affida- vit to oppose Drawing Affidavit, per fo. - £ s. d. 6 3 4 6 £ *. d. 10 6 8 10 1 8 3 4 3 3 2 4 3 4 6 8 6 1 61 Ino-rossino; Drawino; Brief of Affi- davits to oppose Rule Nisi beino; made ab- solute, per fo. Drawino- Observations per Brief Sheet Fair Copy for Counsel per ditto Copy Rule Nisi to An- nex - - - Fee to Counsel with Brief and Clerk Attendino; him Attending to bespeak Judo;es' Notes to be in Court (besides what paid) - Attending Court, Mo- tion in the Paper but not called on, — each day - Term Fee, Letters and Messengers (accord- ing to Distance) £ 1 (1. 2 2 3 4 2 4 6 6 8 18 3 4 £. 1 4 4 6 8 3 4 10 6 4 3 4 6 8 6U llilarij Term, 1828. *. d. Refresher Fee to Coun- sel and Clerk 1 s () 1 ()■ Attending him 1 8 3 4 Attending Court, Mo- tion called on and argued, and Rule Nisi discharged - 6 8 13 4 Paid filing Affidavits - Paid for Rule dischar<2[- ing Rule Nisi 3 3 Copy and Service of Rule 2 4 (Final Judgment on Postea,) ante. £ s. d. SUPPLEMENT, No. 13. Froceedings against Bail. Instructions to proceed against the Bail - 3 4 Ca. sa. to fix Bail d. 6 8 4 7 6 6l d. I £ Attendino; to leave same for return of 7io?i est inventus - - Paid - - - Attending afterwards for Writ and Return - 1 Paid filing and attend- ing - - - 2 Drawing; and inoross- ing Entry of Decla- ration and Recogni- zance of Bail on the Roll, fo. 24, p. fo. - Paid entering - - 1 1 Attending - - 1 Paid for No. Roll - 4 1 8 2 Warrants and Docket - 3 Drawing and ingross- ing, Sci. Fa. fo. 8, signing and sealing - 8 8 Attending to leave same at Sheriff's Office for Return of Nihil - 1 8 Paid - 2 4 () 3 4 10 6 11 8 3 4 4 4 4 14 8 3 4 2 2 64 Ililarij Term, 1828. Attendino; at Sheriff's Office for Scieri Fa- cias and Return Returnino' and filino; same, and paid Alias Sci. Fa. - Attending to leave same at Sheriffs Office for Return of Nihil Paid - Attending afterwards for Sci. Fa. & Return - Returnins; and filins; sam.e, and paid Rule on Sci. Fa. Searching for Appear- ance Instructions for Decla- ration on Sci. Fa. Drawing Declaration, fo. 24, per fo. Paid Pleader perusing and settling - Attending him (I. 18 2 2 3 10 9 2 15 8 1 8 3 4 2 2 18 £ .9. ail, &c., (beyond what is paid for Oath) All other Affidavits per fo. draw- ing - If Special for Instructions Attendance to sign Judgment to complete same to deliver Particulars of Demand to enter Issue to instruct Officer on Arrest with a Client to swear Affidavit to file Affidavit to procure Office Copy to set down Cause on Associate for Postea (in a Country Cause) to search for Rule to plead - or if Plea abided by for Master's Rules for Appointment to tax on Counsel generally 5 8 yO 3 4 72 But where the Fees are heavy, then there is allowed attending each Counsel Attending for Paper-Book, and examinino- same to oppose or to Justify Bail to pay ^loney in or take Money out of Court Attending Court on the day Cause tried _ _ - on Argument on all other Days - Attending to tax Costs on In- quisitions and all Common Things - on Posteas aud all Special Things . - - Instructions on Common Motions on Rules Absolute - on Declarations and all Pleadino's and Demurrers on Affidavits (where Special) on Briefs _ - - Notice of Trial - - - of Taxino- _ - _ Copy and Service of Summons, Orders, &c. - - - £ .V. //. G 8 ^0 6 8 110 110 6 8 3 4 6 8 3 4 3 4 6 8 6 8 13 4 3 73 £ s. d. Writing Letter - - - 3 6 Term Fee in Town Causes 13 in Country Causes according to the distance and rate of Postage up to - 18 Bill of Middlesex 9 Latitat - - - - 12 Alias - _ - - 9 Venire - - - - 6 6 Distrino-as _ > _ T 6 Subpoena _ . - 7 Copy and Service 5 And if at a Distance 10 Subpoena duces tecum 10 N.B. The foUozdng Charges are often made, hut not allozced, viz.: — • Accommodation Fee Returnino; and filino; Ori- ginal Attending for Delibe- ratur of Record IN THE KING'S BENCH COSTS FOR DEFENDANT. Hilarij Term, 1828. £ s. d. Instructions to Defend - - 6' 8 Common Bail, and Fee - - 6 6" Searching for Declaration - 3 4 Notice of Appearance, Copy and Service - - -030 Summons for Particulars of Plain- tiff's Demand, Copy, and Ser- vice . . _ Attendino: thereon Order, Copy, and Service The Plaintiff having demanded Plea, searching if Rule given - Instructions for Plea Drawing Plea of General Issue, with Notice of Set-off, two Copies thereof, one to Deliver, and the other to Keep - 10 5 3 4 5 3 4 6' 8 75 £ i: d Attendino' Summons for Particu- lars of Set-off - - 3 4 Drawing Particulars, and Fair Copy - - -030 Attending to Deliver Same - 3 4 Attending; at the Master's for Rule to Reply - - - 3 4 Paid Entering, at the Clerk of the Rules, Copy and Service - 4 6 Term Fee, Letters, &c. - - 13 Hilary Vacation. £ s. d. The Plaintiif having taken out a Rule to Discontinue Bill, and two Copies thereof - - 4 Attending; Taxing; - - 3 4 Letters, &c. - - - 2 Hilary Term, 1829- £ s. d. Instructions and Warrant - 6 8 Filing Common Bail, and Fee - 6 Searching for Declaration - 3 4 £ 6: (L 18 4 3 4 76 Paid for same out of Office Searcliinii; if' Rule to Plead piven Plaintiti's Attorney having De- manded Plea, Summons for Time, Copy and Service - 4 Attendinii' Same, Order made for a Fortnight - - - 3 4 Paid for Order, Copy and Service 5 Summons for Particulars of Breaches of Covenant, Copy and Service - - - 4 Attending thereon, when Particu- lars Ordered to be Delivered - 3 4 Paid for Order, Copy, and Service 5 Drawing Case, and Fair Copy to lay before Counsel - - 10 Summons for further Time to Plead, Copy and Service - - 4 Attending thereon, when Order made _ _ _ Paid for Order, Copy and Service Instructions for Plea Drawing same, fo. 45 Fee to ]\Ir. Chitty, to Peruse, Set- tle, and Sign, and Clerk Attending him Avith and for Same InuTossin"; Same, fo. 45 - 3 4 5 6 8 2 5 2 4 6 6 8 15 77 Motion ut Side Bar for Rule to Plead Several Matters Fee to Mr. Chitty and Clerk Attending to Draw up Rule Paid for Special Rule Fair Copy thereof to Annex to Plea Attendino; Plaintiff's Summons to Amend Declaration, before Mr. Justice Bailey, when Order made to Amend, but Plaintiff's Attorney declined drawing up the Order, being determined to try Cause at the Spring Assizes Attending Plaintiff's Attorney, when he Ao;reed on havins; Li- berty to Amend the Declaration, Cause should stand for the next Assizes, and Drawing Under- taking and Copy Attending at the Clerk of the Pa- pers, to Bespeak Office Copy of Replication, and Paid for Same Instructions for Rejoinder Drawing Same, fo. 10 - Fee to Mr. Tidd and Clerk Attendino- him Ing^rossiniii; thereof to file Term Fee, Letters, &c. - 3 4 1 3 6 3 4 1 3 6 7 3 4 3 4 7 4 6 8 10 1 3 6 3 4 3 4 13 78 Trinitij Term. £ s. (I The PlaintiiT's Attorney having Amended Dechiration, Summons for Time to Re-plead, Copy, and Service - - 4 Attending thereon, Order made - 3 4 Paid for Order, Copy and Service 5 Copy and Service on Clerk of the Papers - - -030 Instructions to lay before Counsel, to Advise if necessary to Re- plead Fee to him and Clerk Attending him Having received Rule to Rejoin, Searching if same Entered - 3 4 Plaintiff's Attorney having taken out a Summons to Amend Re- plication ; attending thereon, when Amendment Ordered - 3 4 Having received Paper Book, with Notice of Trial, Close Copy thereof to keep, fo. 151 - 1 13 Attending to Return Paper Book 3 4 Term Fee, Letters, &c. - 13 3 4 1 3 6 3 4 79 Trinity Vacation. £ *. d. Instructions for Brief 13 4 Drawing same, 10 Brief sheets - 3 6 8 Attending Mr. Chitty with Draft Case, and Observations, to Peruse, Settle, and Advise on Evidence - - 3 4 Paid Fee to him and Clerk - 2 4 6 Two Fair Copies Brief for Coun- sel, 18 Sheets each - - 6 Two Fair Copies of Particulars of Breaches of Covenants, to ac- company Briefs, 5 J Sheets each Instructions to retain Mr. Chitty Retainer to Mr. Chitty and Clerk Attending to retain him - Three Subpoenas, 7^'. each Twelve Copies to Serve Plaintiff's Attorney having Moved for a Special Jury, Attending Appointment to Strike Paid Master for List Attending Appointment to Reduce Fair Copy List of Jurors to Try Fee to Mr. Adolphus, with Brief and Clerk - - - 10 l.> 1 13 4 3 6 1 3 6 3 4 1 1 12 (i 8 5 6 8 2 6 80 £ s. d. Attending him with same - ()' 8 Fee to Mr. Chitty, with Brief, and Clerk - - - 7 12 Attending him - - (i 8 Copy Lease for Counsel - 10 Attending, with Clerk, to the As- sizes at Hertford, out Two Days, when Cause referred to the Arbi- tration of D. Pollock, Esq. - 3 3 Paid Marshall and Crier - 1 14 Associate - - - 17 6 Attendins: him for Order of Re- ferrence - - - 3 4 Letters, Messengers, &c. - 5 Reference. £ s. d. Drawino-' Memorandum for 18 Witnesses to give Evidence be- fore Arbitrator - - 5 Attending to get them Sworn, at Judge's Apartments - - 6 8 Paid Swearing, 26'. each - 1 l6 Customaiy Fee to the Judge's Ser- vant - - - 2 6 81 Drawing out Three /Vccounts of your Set- Off of the Quantity of Dung, cScc. and of the Hay, Straw, &c. brought on the Farm, and fair Copies there- of - - - - 10 Fair Copy Order of Reference - 3 Attendinti^ with Clerk at Saw- bridge worth Two Days upon the Reference - - 4 4 September 3d and 4th. Attending again these Two Days, at the same Place, upon the Reference 4 4 21st. Attending at the Arbitra- tor's Chambers this Day upon the Referrence - - - 13 4 Fair Copy Minutes of Evidence for Use - - - 1 6 8 Letters, &c. - - -050 Several Attendances on the Plain- tiff's Attorney respecting Ap- pointment to proceed on Refer- ence - - - - 6 8 A great many Attendances respect- ing Admissions before the Arbi- trator - - - - 6 8 Drawing Bill of Costs for Master to Tax by and Copy - - 7 6 82 € Motion at Side Bar for Rule to be present at 'J 'axing - - 3 4 laid for the llule Copy and Service Drawing and Ingrossing Affidavit of Increase, and Oath - Attending Taxing Paid Taxing _ - _ Attending Defendant with Parti- culars and arranging the Amount to be paid, and afterwards to pay the Amount and take up Arbitration Bonds - - 6 8 Letters, &c. - - - 3 1 6 3 C) 13 6 8 4 ON A RULE TO DISCONTINUE. Easter Term, 1828. £ *. d. Instructions to Defend - - 6" 8 Filing Common Bail - - 6 Letters, &c. Plaintiff obtained Time to Declare - - 2 83 Trinity Term. £ *. d. Searchino- if Rule entered for fur- & ther Time to declare - - 3 4 Michaelmas Term. £ s. d. Rule to discontinue being served, Bill and Copy. - - 2 Attending Taxing - - 3 4 Paid Taxing and Discontinuance - 4 Letters - - - -010 Attachment against the Sheriff of Middlesex. £ s. d. Instructions to Counsel to Move for Attachment - - - 2 6 Affidavit to ground Attachment and Oath - - - 7 6 Fee to Counsel on Motion for Attachment - - - 10 6' Attending him and Court - 6 8 G 2 £' &'. (/. 6 6 17 8 3 4 2 4 6 4 4 3 6 8 5 5 4 84 Paid for Rule and filing Affidavit - Attachment and Fee Attending Coroner with Attach- ment - - - - Paid Caption Fee Searching for Return of Attach- ment and paid - - - Bill and Copy - - - IVIotion at Side Bar for Rule to return Attachment, Clerk and Solicitor _ _ - Paid for Rule, Copy and Service - Searching for Return and paid Term Fee, Clerk in Court, and So- licitor - - - 10 A Rule having been obtained to set aside Proceedino;s against the Sheriff attendino; to search and bespeak Office Copy - - 3 4 Paid for Offices' Copies and Office Copies of Rule - - - 8 2 Instructions for special Affidavits of Plaintiff and another - 3 4 Drawing special Affidavit, fo. 15 - 10 Engrossing and paid Tw^o Oaths - 8 Abbreviating the several Affidavits, Four Brief Sheets, and Copy for Counsel - - - 16 8 85 £ *. d. Copy Rule to Annex 1 Paid him and Clerk 1 3 6 Further Bill of Costs 2 Attending Taxing Clerk in Court, and Solicitor - - - 10 N. B. Defendant gave Notice of Two other Bail to Jus- tify^ whom we opposed, but were allowed hy the Court to Justify on Payment of all Costs - - - Attachment against the Sheriffs of London. £ s. d. Drawing and Ingrossing Affidavit to ground Attachments & Oath - 6 Instructions to Counsel to move for Attachment - - - Fee to him . _ _ Attending him and Court Paid for Rule and tiling Affidavit - Attending to file Affidavit and draw up Rule - - - Attachment and Fee Attending Coroner with Attach- ment and for Warrant - - 6 8 2 6 10 6 6 8 3 6 3 4 13 4* i\ rf. 2 4 6 4 4 4 13 4 4 96 Paid him Caption Fees - Paid for Warrants Searching for Return and paid Term Fee, Clerk in Court and So- licitor . . _ Bill and Copy - - _ Attending Taxing Clerk in Court and Solicitor - - - 6 8 The Money not being paid, Motion at Side Bar for Rule to return Attachment - - - 6 8 Paid for Rule - - - 2 6 Copy and Service - - 4 Fee Clerk in Court and Solicitor - 6 8 Searching for Return and paid - 4 4 Further Bill and Copy - -030 Attending to receive Debt and Costs and give Receipt - () 8 Term Fee, Clerk in Court and So- licitor - - - 13 4 Attachment against the Sheriff of Orford. Hilar] I Term^ 1828. £ s. d. Searching for Special Bail or Render - - - 3 4 £ *. d. 1 6 3 4 1 6 87 Rule to Plead - - - Motion at Side Bar for Body Rule Paid for same _ _ - Letter to Agent at Henley to serve Copy and Service - - 3 6 Paid his Charoes of Affidavit and Service of Rule - - 16 8 Searching if Defendant Rendered before Attachment moved for, and for Return at Westminster for Body Rule and Paid - 6 10 Drawing and Ingrossing Affidavit that no Bail had been put in to couple with Affidavit of Service of Rule - - -060 Instructions to Counsel to move for an Attachment Fee to him and Clerk Attending him and Court Attending to draw up Rule and file Affidavits - - - Paid for Rule and filing^ Affidavits Attending to bespeak Attachment Paid for Attachment Fee thereon _ . - Writing ]\Ir. with same Paid Coroner and for Letters, &c. Term fee (Country Cause) 3 4 1 3 6 6 8 3 4 4 6 o O 4 11 6 8 3 6 2 12 14 88 £ *. d. Bill and Copy - - - 2 Attending Taxing - - 6 8 Letters, &c. - - -030 Easter Term, 1828. d. Attending you in Custody, taking Instructions to put in and Jus- tify Bail - - - 6 8 Notice of putting in and Justifying Bail, Copy and Service Affidavit of Service and Oath Attending Bail to appoint them - Special Bail Piece and fee Paid putting in Bail Attending thereon Attending for Bail Piece to Justify and Paid - - - 5 10 N.B. The Bail named to Jus- tify could not attend, and the Defendant Kendered, (Easter Vacation following) Instructions for Render - - 6 8 Praecipe for Render for Judges' Clerk - - - 2 6 4 6 6 3 4 5 5 3 4 £ *. d. 6 8 8 6 10 6 4 89 Attendino on Render Paid Judge's Clerk on Render Tipstaff Notice of Render Instructions to Justify Defendant out of Custody - - 6 8 Attendino; for Names of Bail to Justify out - - - 3 4 Notice of Bail, Copy and Service 4 Attending to appoint Bail to at- tend - - - - 3 4 Attending at Judge's Chambers on Justification _ - - Paid fees on Justification Paid for Judge's Order - Attending to draw up Rule for Allowance _ - - Paid for same _ _ _ Attending for Copy of Causes and Paid - - - - 6 10 Paid filing Bail Piece and for Certificate _ _ _ Attending to file same Attending Defendant with Dis- charge _ _ _ Letters and Messengers - 6 8 4 4 3 4 3 6 2 8 3 4 3 4 2 90 In Ejectment. Hilarij Term, 1829- £ s. d. Instructions to Defend 6 8 Copy Declarntion, fo. 8 - 2 8 Searching if Judgment moved for, and Paid _ - - 4 4 *Entering Appearance (if by Original) _ _ _ 5 10 Dra^ving Consent Rule and Fair Copy to sign - - - 4 Attending to sign Consent Rule - 3 4 Instructions for Plea 6 8 Drawing Plea of General Issue - 2 4 Paid filing _ _ . 2 Attending thereon S 4 Paid for Issue, entering Plea and Half Rule 8 8 Term fee, Letters, &c. 13 ^If by Bill charge filing Common Bail. Where the Landlord is admitted to . Defend. € s. d. Instructions to Defend 6 8 Copy Declaration, fo. 8 - o 8 m Searching if Judgment moved for and Paid - - - 4 4 Instructions for Counsel to Move that the Landlord mig;ht be made Defendant with the Tenant -026 Paid Fee to him - - - 10 6 Attending him and Court - 3 4 Paid for the Rule Copy to Annex to consent Rule - 2 Entering Appearance for Landlord and Tenant - - - 11 8 The rest of the Charges as in the former Rule to be present at Taxing as in other Cases For not proceeding to Trial. £ s d. Plaintiff having given Notice of Trial for sittings after Term, and having withdrawn his Re- cord before Cause come on, Affi- davit of Facts to ground Motion for Costs of the Day - -066 Instructions to Counsel to move - .'3 4 Fee to him - - - 10 6 92 £ *'. d. Attending him - - - 3 4 Refresher fee to Mr. and Clerk 246 Attending him - - - 3 4 Refresher Fee to Mr. Chitty and Clerk - - - - 1 3 6 Attending him - - - 3 4 Resealing two Subpoena's and at- tending - - - 3 6 Service on three Witnesses - 15 Attending Court, Cause called on 6 8 The like when Plaintiff withdrew Record - - - 6 8 Paid Expences with Witnesses Paid for Rule for Costs of the Day Attending for Appointment to Tax Copy and Service of Rule with Appointment - - - Drawing Bill of Costs and Copy Attending to Tax Paid the Master Letters, Sec, - - - 3 3 3 4 4 3 3 4 93 PALACE COURT. Trinltij Vacation, 1828. £ s. d. Instructions for Appearance in the Palace Court - - 3 4 * Attending to put in Bail, and paid (Tliis may be Done in Versoii) - - . * Instiiictions to Remove Habeas, Signing, Sealing, and Fee - - - - Attending to get Habeas Allowed Paid for Allowance or Return Special Bail Piece on Habeas, and fee - - - - Attending for Names of Bail Attending Bail to Appoint them, and afterwards at Serjeant's Inn, to put in Bail - - 6' 8 Paid on Putting in Special Bail on Habeas _ _ _ Paid the Bail {hired) Notice of Bail, Copy, and Service 7 6 8 18 3 4 5 7 3 4 6 6 5 4 3 4 4 () 6 1 3 4 4 6 3 4 94 Plnintilt having given a Rule for better J >iiil, attending for Names of Bail to be Added, who would Justify _ - _ Notice of Adding and Justifying Affidavit of Service of Notice Copy Notice to Annex Attendintr at Judoe's Chambers for Bail Piece to Add and Justify - _ _ Paid Adding _ _ _ Attending to Add Attending to Appoint Bail to At- tend to Justify - - 6 8 Instructions to Counsel to Move to Justify Fee to him Attending Court, Bail Justified Paid Court Fees Rule for Allowance, Copy and Service - - -056 Attending for Bail Piece, and to file same - - - 3 4 Paid for Bail Piece, and filing - 3 4 Searching for Declaration, &c. as in other Cases. N.B. — You give in the Names of the Parties in Bail Bond. 6 10 6 6 8 9 95 £ Hilary Term, 1828. o *. * Paid filing Bail Piece, and enter- tering Appearance in Palace Court - - -070 £ s. d. Plaintiff having Served a Rule for Time to Declare, Searching if Rule o-iven - - - 3 4 Easte?- Term. £ s. (1. Plaintiff having Served a Rule for further Time, Searching if Rule given - - - 3 4 Attending to Bespeak, and after- wards for Ofhce Copy of the Rule for further Time to De- clare - - - - 3 4 Paid for Office Copy - -010 Instructions to Counsel to Move for Peremptory Rule to De- clare - - - - 2 6 96 Fee to him _ _ - Attendiii" him - - - Paid for Rule - - - Copy and Service Summons for Particulars of Plain- tiff's Demand, Copy and Ser- vice - - - - Attending thereon Paid for Order, Copy and Service Plaintiff having Declared, Search- iniriflxule to Plead <2:iven Instructions for Plea Drawing and Ingrossing Plea of General Issue - -030 Motion at Side Bar for Rule to Reply - - - 3 4 Paid for Rule, Copy, and Service 4 6 Term Fee, Letters, and Messengers 13 £ .T. d^ 10 6 3 4 2 6 3 3 4 5 3 4 6 8 Trinity Term. £ 9. d. Motion at Side Bar for Rule to enter Issue - - - 3 4 Paid for Rule, Copy, and Service 4 6 91 £ Searching if Roll carried in and Paid - - - - 3 10 Term Fee, Letters, and Messengers 13 Rest of Charges According to Circumstances. On a Coiintrji Arrest. Instructions to Defend Searching for Prviecipe of Writ, and Paid _ _ _ Special Bail Piece Attending Commissioner with the Bail Paid him _ _ _ Affidavit of the Caption The like of Justification Paid filing Bail Piece, and AflSda- vit of Justification Attending to file Notice of Bail, Copy and Service Copy Bails, Affidavit of Justifica- tion for Plaintift's Agent, to prevent his Excepting to Bail - 2 11 £ s. (L 6 8 4 4 4 8 6 8 2 6' 6 5 3 4 3 98 Copy Notice of Exception, and Copy sent - - - 1 Attending Searching if Exception Entered - - - 3 4 Notice of Justification, Copy, and Service _ _ _ Affidavit of Service, and Oath Brief to Counsel to Move to Jus- tify - - - Fee to Counsel to Move to Justify Attendino; him and Court Paid Judge's Clerk, with Bail Piece - _ - Paid Court Fees Attending to draw up Rule for Allowance _ _ - Paid for Rule for Allowance Copy and Service Attendinii at the ]\1 aster's for Bail Piece, and to file Paid Clerk Is., and for filing M. Searching for Declaration The like for Rule to Plead Drawins: and Inorossingi; Plea of General Issue Instructions for Plea Copy sent of General Issue Close Copy Issue, per fo. 4cL 3 6 3 4 10 6 6 8 2 6 9 3 4 2 4 3 4 1 4 3 4 3 4 3 6 8 1 99 Copy Notice of Trial sent Instructions for Brief, Sec. as in other Cases - _ _ Attendins: Associate for Postea Rule for Judgment ■t'. s. (t. 1 3 4 1 6 If Common Process. Instructions to Defend Searching for Praecipe of Writ, and Paid Filing Common Bail £ s. d. £ s. d. 3 4 6 8 2 2 3 10 4 6 If by Original. Entering Appearance 4 2 5 10 Notice thereof. Copy and Service - 1 6 3 II 2 100 If Bailahic (in the Country.) £ d. Attending to Procure Bail, and Making Appointment for their Attendance before a Commissioner Special Bail Piece and Fee Attending Commis- sioner, with Bail, when Acknowledg- ment taken Paid Commissioner's Fee* Drawing and Ingross- ins Affidavit of the due Acknowledgment and Oath The like of Affidavit of Justification Carriao;e of Bail Piece and Affidavits to Town Copy thereof to Keep 16 *. d. 6 8 4 8 6 8 10 6 6 8 3 * The Commissioner by 4th and 5th William and Mary, c. 4, is restrained from taking more than 2,9. 101 '-.-,.^-^r.^ V If by OriginaL Attending to leave Bail Piece for Allowance, and Afterwards for Same Paid for Allowance Paid filing Bail Piece Attending Notice thereof, Copy and Service Copy Affidavit for Plaintiff's Agent to Prevent his Except- ing to Bail Attendino; him there- with Notice of Exception being served, Attend- ing to search if Ex- ception entered Notice of Justification, Copy and Service - Affidavit of Service, and Oath £ s. d. 1 8 1 4 1 8 2 1 1 8 1 8 2 4 1 1 £ s. d. 3 4 14 3 4 4 2 3 ' 4 3 4 4 6" 102 Attendino at Juds:e's Chambers, Searching for, and Directing Bail Piece to be in Court Paid Brief to Counsel to Move to Justify Copy Notice of Justifi- cation to Annex Pee to Counsel Attending him and Court, Bail Justi- fied Paid Court Fees Paid for Rule for Al- lowance of Bail Attending to file Affida- vits, and Draw up Rule Copy and Service of Rule If Judgment of Non Pros, signed for want of Declaration (-See Supplement 1) £ d. £ 1 2 18 6 10 6 3 4 9 2 1 2 3 4 2 6 3 4 1 10 6 6 8 9 2 3 4 4 103 Declaration. £ s. d. £ s. d. Searching for Declara- tion - - 1 8 3 4 Paid for same Copy for the Country, perfo. - - 2 4 Searching for Rule to Plead - - 1 8 3 4 Summons for Time to Piead, Copy and Ser- vice - - 2 4 Attending thereon -01^034 If before a Judge - 3 4 6 8 Order, Copy and Ser- vice, and Copy sent 2 6 5 Plea of General Issue. s. d. 3 4 Instructions for Plea - Drawing and Ingross- ing Plea of General Issue - - 2 £ s. d. 6 8 3 104 £ d. Close Copy for the Country - - 6 £• 1 Special Plea. .9. d. Instructions to Counsel to move for Rule for leave to Plead several Matters Fee to Counsel Attendinof him and Court in Vacation - Attending at Judges' Chambers to obtain Order for Clerk of the Rules to be at Liberty to draw up Rule on producing Counsel's Hand Paid for same Attending to draw up Rule to Plead several Matters Paid for Rule (depends on length) - 1 10 £ A-. d. 3 4 10 6 6 8 1 8 3 4 2 2 1 8 3 4 7 7' 105 £ *. d. £ *. cL Copy and Service 2 4 Instructions for Plea - 3 4 6 8 Drawing same, per fo. 6 1 Paid Pleader perusing and settling same 10 10 Attending him 1 8 3 4 {If Fee to Pleader, \0s. 6d. or upwards:) — Attending him several Times 3 4 6 8 (If Pleas very Special, then charge) Fair Copy Pleas for Counsel to peruse, settle, and sign, per fo. 2 4 Fee to Counsel 10 6 10 6 Attending him 1 8 3 4 Copy for the Country, per fo. 2 4 * If Plea of General Issue and Notice of Set-OfF, {see Supple- ment 2.) If Judgment Recovered {see Supplement 3.) 106 Txiik to llcphj • £ s. d. £ s. d. Attending Master for Rule to Reply 1 8 3 4 Paid for Rule and En- tering at Clerk of Rules 1 6 1 6 Copy and Service 1 6 3 Searchino; for and De- manding Replication 4 4 8 8 Copy Replication for the Country, per fo. - 2 4 If Replication Demur- red to, (see No. 4 Supplement.) Rule to enter the Issue will be the same Charges ; only add, Searching if Issue en- tered and paid 2 2 3 10 Rejoinder. £ s. d. £ s. d. Searching for Rule to Rejoin - - 1 8 3 4 107 Instructions for Rejoin- der Drawing same, per fo. Paid Special Pleader to peruse and settle Attending him Fee to Counsel to sign Attending him Copy for the Country, per fo. Ino-rossins; to file The Paper Book being Delivered, Examin- ing same, with Plead- ings to see if Correct Copy Paper Book for the Country, per fo. Copy Notice of Trial - Copy Paper Book to keep Attending to Return Paper Book £ s. d. I £ s. d. 6 8 10 7 6 3 4 10 6 3 4 4 4 3 4 6 7 6 1 8 10 6 1 8 2 3 3 4 2 6 2 1 8 6 8 4 10 4 3 4 If Special Jury moved by Plaintiff. £ .9. d. Copy Rule for Special Jury^ - - 6 £ s. d. 1 108 Distringas and Instructions to Nomi- mate Attendino- to Nominate Special Juiy Paid for Copy List of 48 - Copy for the Country - Instructions to Reduce Attending to Reduce - Copy Reduced List for the Country - Special Fee Writino' therewith to the Undersheriff, with Directions to Sum- mons Jury If Cause not Tried Pur- suant to Notice (See No. 5 Supplement) - If Judg;ment, as in Case of Nonsuit {No. 6) - If Special Case reserved (No. 7) If Motion made in Ar- rest of Judgment, {No. 8) £ 3 4 5 2 3 3 6 4 4 1 6 7 1 9 £. 6 8 68 5 5 6 6 8 8 3 11 6 109 If Verdict for Plaintiff. Searching; for Rule for Judoment - Attending Plaintiff's Agent and requesting notice of Taxing to save the expence of a Rule to be present £ 1 8 1 3 4 4 Rule to be pi^esejit taken out. Motion at Side Bar for Rule to be present - 1 8 Copy and Service - 2 Paid for Copy Bill of Costs and Affidavit of Increase, (according to length) Copy for the Country, per fo. - - 2 Perusing Affidavit, and making Minutes and observations thereon previous to the Tax- ation - - 1 8 £ s. d. 3 4 4 4 110 £ ff. it. f .V. d. Attendino- Taxing - 3 4 6 8 Term Fee, Letters, &c. according to distance If Defendant Sur- rendered in Dis- charo;e of his Bail (See Supplement, No. 9) SUPPLEMENT, No. 1. Judgment of Noji Pros, for not Declaring. Drawing Judgment of d. 18 Non Pros. - Ingrossing on Judgment Paper, per fo. - 2 Entering on the Roll, (besides what paid) - 3 Attending - - 1 8 Warrants and Docket 3 Bill of Costs and Copy 1 6 Attending Taxing - 1 8 Paid the Master Term Fee, Letters, (ac- cording to distance) £* s. d. 3 4 4 4 3 4 4 3 3 4 Ill SUPPLEMENT, No. 2. Plea of Gena^al Issue and Notice of Set-Ojf. £ s. d. \ Instructions for Plea - 3 4 Drawing Plea of General Issue and Notice of Set-Off, per fo. - 6 Copy for the Country - 2 Ingrossing two Copies, one to deliver and the other to prove the Service by per fo. 2 Attending Counsel's Clerk, examining same with him and instructing him to serve - - 1 8 Paid his Fee - - 5 Attending Summons for Particulars of Defen- dant's Set-Off, and Copy Order - 2 2 Attendino before a Judge - - 3 4 £ .V. d. 6 8 10 4 4 3 5 4 4 4 6 8 ll'i Particular. Drawinni; Particulars and Copy to Deliver, if short Drawing Particulars and Copy to Deliver, if long, per fo. Attending to Deliver Particulars - £ .V. 1 (i 2 1 8 £ s. d. 3 4 3 4 SUPPLEMENT, No. 3. Flea of Judgment Recovered. £. ■s. d. £ s. d Instructions for Plea - 3 4 6 8 Drawing same, per fo. 6 1 Fee to Counsel to sign 10 6 10 6 Attending him 1 8 3 4 Copy for the Country per fo. 2 4 Ingrossing to file 2 4 Copy Rule to abide by Plea () 1 113 The Paper-Book being Delivered, Examining same, with Pleadings to see if correct Copy for the Country per fo. Copy Rule to produce Record Attending to return Paper-Book £ s. d. 1 8 2 6 1 8 £ s. d. 3 4 4 10 3 4 SUPPLEMENT, No. 4. Demurrer. £ s. d. Instructions for De- murrer - - 3 4 Drawing same per fo. - 6 Fair Copy for Counsel perfo. - - 2 Fee to Counsel to Peruse, Settle and Sign, and Clerk - - 1 3 6 Attending him - 1 8 Copy for the Country, perfo. - - 2 £ s. d. 6 8 1 4 1 3 6 3 4 4 I 114 £ s. d. Ingrossing to file, per fo. - - 2 Demurrer-Book having been delivered, Ex- examing same, with Pleadings and attend- ing to return it - 3 4 Copy for the Country, perfo. - - 2 Copy to keep, per fo. - - 2 Attending searching when cause set down for Argument - 1 8 Copy Rule for Con- silium - - 6 Abbreviating Pleadings, perfo. - - 2 Three Copies, two for the Judge's and one for Counsel, per brief sheet - -020 Attending Plaintiff's Agent several times to procure Copy of the Notes to be marked on Demur- rer-Book - - 3 4 £ s. d. 4 6 8 4 4 3 4 1 4 3 4 6 8 llo Attending Defendant's Counsel for Perusal and Approbation Making Copies of Notes on each of the De- murrer-Books, (ac- cording to length) Attending to Deliver Demurrer-Books to the Judges Fee to Counsel with Demurrer-Book to Argue, and Clerk - Attending him Attending Court, De- murrer in the Paper, but not called on, (each day) Attending Court, De- murrer Argued, and Judgment for the Plaintiff ordered Copy Rule for Judg- ment £• s. 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 6 o 6 8 6 8 6 6 8 6 13 4 1 I 2 116' SUPPLEMENT, No. 5. For not Proceeding to Trial. s. d. Drawing and Ingrossing Affidavit of Plaintirs not proceeding to Trial pursuant to Notice - Instructions to Counsel to move for Rule for Costs Fee to Counsel Attending him and Court Attending to file Affi- davit and draw up Rule Paid for the Rule Copy and Service For Affidavit of Increase, &c. (See the latter end of Supplement No. 6.) 4 6 1 10 18 £ s. 7 3 4 10 6 3 4 1 8 3 4 3 3 2 4 117 SUPPLEMENT, No. 6. Judgment as in case of a Nonsuit. £ *. d. £ *. d. Searching if Issue en- tered and Paid 2 2 3 10 Attending Master for Rule to enter Issue - 1 8 3 4 Paid for the Rule 2 2 Copy and Service 1 6 3 Searching at the ex- piration of Rule if Issue entered and Paid Drawing and Ingrossing Affidavit of Facts to to Move for Judg- ment, and Oath Instructions for Coun- sel to Move for Rule Nisi for Judgment as in Case, Sec. Fee to him Attending him Attending at Treasury Chamber to search for 2 2 4 6 3 10 6 6' 1 8 3 4 10 6 10 6' 1 8 3 4 118 £ s. d Roll and directing it to be in Court on Motion - - 1 8 Attending Court, Rule Nisi granted - 3 4 Attending to file Affida- vit and draw up Rule 18 3 1 6 6 Paid for the Rule Copy and Service Copy for the Country - Affidavit of Service and Oath Brief to Counsel to move to make Rule absolute Copy Rule Nisi to An- nex Fee to Counsel and Clerk Attending him Attending Court, Rule granted Attendins; to file Affi- davit and draw up Rule Paid for Rule Copy and Service Copy for the Country 4 1 4 6 3 4 £• s. d. 3 4 6 8 3 4 3 3 10 6 6 6 8 10 1 3 6 3 4 6 8 1 8 3 4 3 3 1 6 3 6 1 119 £ s. d. Drawing Judgment, per fo. - - 2 Ingrossing - - 2 Attending to sign Judg- ment - - 1 8 Entering on the Roll, per fo. (besides what paid) - - 3 Attending - - 1 8 Warrant and Docket - 3 Attending to bespeak Roll to be at the Master's 18 Paid Officer's Fees - 11 8 Affidavit of Increase, per fo. - - 6 Attending to file same and afterwards for Office Copy - 1 8 Paid for Office Copy - Notice of Taxing - 1 6 Attending - - 3 4 Paid the Master Term-fee, &c. (ac- cording to distance) £ s. d 4 4 3 4 4 3 4 4 3 4 11 8 10 3 4 3 6 8 120 SUPPLEMENT, No. 7- Special Case. Close Copy Special Case as Prepared by the Plaintiff's Coun- sel, for the Country, perfo. - - 2 Perusing and Com- paring Special Case, with the Notes of Evidence on Briefs, &c., and Drawing Observations thereon for Counsel to Settle it, on Behalf of De- fendant Fair Copy for Counsel, at per Brief Sheet - Attendino'Counsel there- with and thereon Eee to Counsel to Settle Special Case, and Clerk - - 1 3 6 3 4 1 8 4 4 6 8 G 8 6 131 Attendino; several times afterwards, for Spe- cial Case Attending Plaintiff's At- torney therewith Plaintiff's Attorney, having returned the Special Case Signed by his Counsel, At- tendino; Defendant's Counsel therewith, for his Perusal and Signature, and after- wards for Same Attending Associate to Bespeak, and after- wards for Copy Spe- cial Case Paid for Same Paid for Rule for Con- silium Copy Rule for Consilium Searching if Cause set Down Two Copies of Special Case for the two Ju- nior Judges, per Brief Sheet d. 3 4 18 3 4 18 6 6 18 6 8 3 4 6 8 3 4 6 3 4 1 8 122 £ Attending them there- with 3 4 6 8 Paid their Clerks 4 4 Two Copies for Counsel, per Brief Sheet - 1 8 Fee to Counsel to Argue Demurrer, and Clerk Attending him - 3 4 Fee to Counsel, to take Notes, and Clerk Attending him - 3 4 Attending Court, Case in the Paper, but not called on (per day) 3 4 Attending Court, Case argued and Verdict for Plaintiff ordered to Stand - - 6 8 £ s. d. 3 4 6 8 6 8 6 8 13 4 SUPPLEMENT, No. 8. Motion for a New Trial. £ s. d. £ s. d. Notice of Motion for a New Trial -016030 123 £ *. d. \ £ s. d Perusing Papers, and Looking into Cases, as Instructions for Brief - - 6 8 13 4 Drawing Brief for Counsel to Move for New Trial, per Brief Sheet - - 3 4 6 8 Fair Copy thereof, per Brief-Sheet - 1 8 3 4 Copy Notice of Motion to Annex - 6 1 Fee to Counsel, with Brief, and Clerk Attending; him - 3 4 6 8 Attending Court, Rule Nisi granted - 3 4 6 8 Paid for Rule Nisi Copy and Service - 1 6 3 Affidavit of Service, Duty, and Oath - 4 6 6 Attending to Bespeak Judge's Notes to be in Court - 1 8 3 4 Paid - - 10 6 10 6 Brief to Counsel to Move to make Rule Absolute - - 3 4 6 8 124 Copy Rule Nisi to An- nex Fee to Counsel, with Brief and Clerk Attending him Fair Copy of Brief for Counsel to take Notes on Argument, per Sheet Copy Rule Nisi to An- nex Fee to Counsel, with Brief to take Notes, and Clerk - Attending him Attending Court, Mo- tion in the Paper, but not called on, (each day) Attending Court when Motion called on and Argued by Counsel on both sides, and Rule Absolute Paid for the Rule Copy and Service £ s. d. £ s. d. (i 1 1 8 3 4 1 6 3 4 3 4 3 1 4 G 8 6 8 6 13 4 3 125 SUPPLEMENT, No. 9. Motion to Arrest Judgment. Perusinor Proceedings as Instructions to move for Arrest of Judgment - - 3 4 Drawing Brief for Mo- tion, per Brief Sheet 3 4 Fair Copy thereof for Counsel, per Brief Sheet - - 1 8 Fee to Counsel, with Brief to Move in Ar- rest of Judgment, and Clerk Attendino; him - 3 4 Fee to Counsel, with Brief to support Mo- tion Attending him - 3 4 Making Four fair Co- pies of the Counts of the Declaration on £ *. d. 6 8 6 8 3 4 6 8 6 8 1'2() £ s. d. which the Verdict was found, for the Judges, per Brief Sheet - 18 Attending to deliver same to Judges - G 8 Paid their Clerks -080 Attending Associate, re- questing him to at- tend Court with Re- cord - - 1 8 Paid him for his Atten- dance Attending Court on Motion - - 3 4 Paid for Rule Copy and Service -020 Brief for Leading Coun- sel to Move to make Rule Absolute - 3 4 Fee to him and Clerk Attending him - 3 4 Brief to Counsel to sup- port Motion - 3 4 Pee to him and Clerk Attending him - 3 4 Attending Court, but Motion not Argued, (each day) - - 3 4 £ s. d. 3 4 13 4 8 3 4 6 8 4 6 8 6 8 6 8 6 8 6 8 127 d. Attending to draw up Rule, Adjourning the Motion - - 1 8 3 4 Paid for the Rule Copy and Service - 1 6 3 Copy for the Country - 6 10 Hilary Term, 1828. Refresher to leading Counsel and Clerk - Attending him - 1 8 Refresher to Counsel to support Motion - 1 3 6 Attending him - 1 8 Attending Court, Mo- tion Argued, and the Chief Justice deliver- ed the Opinion of Court, and Judgment on the Verdict was entered to be Stayed 6 8 Paid for Rule - Copy and Service - 1 6 Term Fee, &c. {accord- ing to distance) s. 3 4 1 3 3 6 4 13 4 3 128 SUPPLEMENT, No. 10. Surrender in Discharge of Bail. £ s. d. 3 4 18 Instructions to Render Defendant - Attending to appoint Tipstaff to receive Defendant - Attending Defendant to Judge's Chambers, when he was Ren- dered in Discharge of Bail Paid Judge's Clerk on Render Paid the Tipstaff Attending at the Mar- shall of the King's Bench Prison to be- speak Certificate of Render, and after- wards for same ^034 Paid for Certificate - 4 6 Notice of Render, Copy and Service -020 3 4 8 6 10 6 £ s. d. 6 8 3 4 6 8 8 6 10 6 6 8 4 6 4 IW £ s. d. £ s. d. Copy for the Country - 6 1 Affidavit of Service and Oath 4 6 6 Attending to file Same & to take Bail Piece off the File - 1 8 3 4 Paid - 2 6 2 6 xlttending Master for Exoneration on Bail Piece 1 8 3 4 Enterino- Committitur in Marshall's Book, and Paid 2 2 3 10 Paid filing Bail Piece and Exoneration 1 8 1 8 Attending 1 8 3 4 Letters, &c. - 1 6 3 SUPPLEMENT, No. n. Motion to ^et aside Proceedings. £ s. d. £ s. d Instructions for Special Affidavit - - 3 4 6 8 Drawing Special Affi- davit, per fo. - 6 1 K 130 £• *. d. Ingrossing thereof, per fo. - - - 2 Attending Reading over 1' 6'. d. 4 6 8 and to get Sworn - 3 4 Drawing Notice of Mo- tion to set aside Pro- ceedings, Copy, and Service - - 2 Affidavit of Service and Oath - - 4 Abbreviating Affidavits, perfo. - - 2 Fair Copy for Counsel, per Brief Sheets - 1 8 Copy Notice of Motion to Annex - . q 6 Fee to Counsel to Move to set aside Proceed- ings, and Clerk -13 6 Attending him - 1 8 Attending; Court, Mo- tion made, and Rule Nisi granted - 3 4 Attending to file Affida- vits & Draw up Rule Nisi - - 1 8 Paid for the Rule Copy and Service - 1 6 I 3 4 6 6 4 3 4 1 1 3 6 3 4 6 8 3 4 131 Affidavit of Service and £ A\ d. £ *. ii. Oath Brief to Counsel to make Rule Nisi Ab- 4 6 6 solute 3 4 6 8 Copy Rule Nisi to An- nex Fee to Counsel and 6 1 Clerk 1 3 6 1 3 6 Attending him 1 8 3 4 Attending Court, Rule made Absolute Attending to file Affi- davit and Draw up Rule Paid for the Rule 3 1 4 8 6 3 8 4 Copy and Service {Bill of Costs, ^^c. as in other Cases,) 1 6 3 K 2! COMMON PLEAS. COSTS FOR PLAINTIFF. Town Cause, Venue in London, with Judgment of the Term, the Cause having been in the Paper of Easter Term.. Hilary Vacation, 1828. £ s. d. Instructions to Sue - - 6 8 Capias and Fee - - 12 6 Copy and Service - - 5 Letters, &c. - - - 2 Easter Term. £. *. d Searching for Appearance - 3 4 Instructions for Declaration - 6 8 Drawing Same, fo. 12 - - 12 133 InoTossino to Deliver, and War- rants - - - - Enterino; on the Roll and Paid Rule to Plead _ - - £ s. d. Searchino; for and Demanding Plea - - - - Attendino- Summons for Time Searchino- for Plea after Summons for Time had Expired - Drawing Issue, fo. 16 Ingrossing to Deliver, and Enter- ing Plea _ - - Notice of Trial, Copy and Service for the Third Sitting Warrants of Attorney and Docket - - - Drawino; Placita and Jurata Ingrossing Record, fo. 20 Paid for Parchment Paid Prothonotary Marking Re- cord - - - - Paid Passing _ _ - Fee on Passing - - - Venire _ . - Habeas Corpora Juratorum Returning and Attending 4 8 12 1 6 8 8 3 4 3 4 5 4 7 4 3 4 4 3 4 10 4 1 15 8 6 8 7 7 8 7 10 £ a. d. 13 9 3 4 134 Paid Setting down Cause Attending for that Purpose Subpa^na, Signing, Sealing, and Fee - - - - 7 Notice of Continuance to Ad- journed Sitting, Copy, and Service Instructions for Brief Drawing Brief, six Sheets Two fair Copies thereof for Coun- sel, with Abbreviated Pleadings, seven Brief-Sheets each - 2 6 8 Attending to Search how Cause Stood - - - 3 4 Attending Court, Cause made a Remanet to first Sittins; in next 3 13 4 2 Term TeiTQ Fee, Letters, and Messen- gers _ . _ 6 13 8 Trinity Term. Attending Mr. Serjeant Wilde with Brief - _ _ Paid Fee to him and Clerk Attending Mr. Chitty with Brief Paid Fee to him £ 3 2 6 5 3 4 d. 8 6 4 6 135 £ s. d. Paid Marshall makin" Cause a Remanet to first Sitting in this Term - - - 7 8 Attending him thereon - 3 4 Attending to Re-Seal Jury Process, and Paid - - - 4 6 Attending Re-Sealing Record, and Paid, and afterwards with Same to Marshall's - - 4 4 The like Charo;es makins; Cause a Remanet to 2nd Sitting, and Paid - - - 19 10 The like to Sittings after Term 19 10 Paid for a Fresh Panel - 4 6 Attending for Return - - 3 4 Attending to Search how Cause stood - - - 3 4 Attending to Re-vSeal Subpoena, and Paid Copy and Service on 5 Witnesses Paid Conduct Money Copy Particulars Plaintiff's De- mand for Judge - - 2 27th June, Attending Court, Cause in the Paper, but not called on, and stood over to Adjournment Day - - 13 4 3 11 1 5 5 £ 136 Copy and Service of Subpoena on 5 Witnesses, to xittend 5th July Paid Conduct Money 5tli July. Attending Court, Cause Tried, with Judgment of the Term _ _ » Paid Court Fees Paid Mr. Stevens, a Broker, for his Attendance Tlie like Mr. Robarts, a Printer The like Mr. Gould, Attorney's Clerk The like Thomas Lloyd, a Porter Paid Expences, with Witnesses, two Days _ . _ Attending Associate for Postea Bill and Copy Drawing and Ingrossing Affidavit of Increase, and paid Oath Attending; to Tax Drawing and Entering final Judg- ment on the Roll Attendino; - - _ Paid Prothonotary Term Fee, Letters, and Messen- gers - - - 13 Testatum ca. sa. from London into Middlesex - - - 15 1 5 5 1 4 5 1 10 1 1 1 10 1 3 4 5 8 6 8 3 4 3 4 8 4 137 On an Arrest. Common Pleas. — Trinitij Vacation^ 1828. £ s. d. Instructions to Sue - - 6 8 Affidavit of Debt - - 6 Capias and Fee - - 12 6 Warrant and Messenger, or At- tendance - - - 4 4 Instructions to Officer - 3 4 Letters and IMessengers - 2 Michaelmas Term. s. d. 6th November. Capias per Con- tinuance - - - 11 6 Warrant, and Attending - 4 4 14th. 2d Capias per Continuance, Warrant, &c. - - 15 10 28th. 3d Do. Warrant and At- tending - - - 15 10 Paid Officer Caption Fee - 1 1 Bill and Copy - - 2 Letters - - -020 Attending Taxing - - 3 4 Paid Taxing - - -020 138 On nn Tnquirij Serviceable Process. Hilary Vacation^ 1828. £ s. d. Letter for Payment (admitted) - 3 6 Capias and Fee - - 12 6 Copy and Service - - 4 Attending Defendant's Attorney for Undertaking - - 6 8 Letters, &;c. - - - 2 Easter Term. £ s. d. Searching for Appearance - 3 4 Instructions for Declaration - 6 8 Drawing same, fo. 24, a. Is. per folio - - - 1 4 InoTossins; to Deliver, and War- rants - - - 8 8 Rule to Plead - - 1 6 Searching for and Demanding Plea - - - 8 8 Drawing Memorandum of Judg- ment for Want of Plea - 4 Entering Proceeding on Paper, fo. 29, a. M. - - 9 8 £ s. d. 9 8 12 2 3 8 3 4 139 Enter in o; on the Roll Paid for Entries Paid Signing Judgment - Warrants and Docket Attendino; Siffnino; Judoment ~ ~ CD O Drawing; and Ino-rossins; Writ of Inquiry, fo. 33, Parchment, Sio-nino;, Sealino and Fee - 1 11 2 Notice of Executing, Copy and Service - - -040 Two Subpoena's - - - 14 Copy and Service on Mr. Hood, a Surveyor at Islington - - 5 Conduct Money - - - 1 1 Copy and Service on Mr. Carter, at Fulham - - - 5 Conduct Money - - 1 1 Copy and Service on Evan Jones 5 The like on Thomas French - 5 The like on James Ward - 5 The like on John Bray - - 5 Paid them Conduct Money - 4 Copy and Service Subpoena on William Harvey - - 5 Conduct Money - -010 Instmctions for Brief - - 13 4 Drawing Brief with Observations, six Sheets - - - 2 140 Notice to the two Surveyors to produce their Books Fair Copy Brief, with Pleadings for Counsel, 11 Brief-Sheets Fee to Mr. Donovan, with Brief, and Clerk _ _ _ Attending him - - - 13th May, Attending Execution from 11 o'clock till 3 when Verdict for Plaintiff Paid Mr. Carter for his loss of time - - - - The like Mr. Hood The like Evan Jones The like Thomas French The like James Ward The like John Bray The like William Harvey Paid Sheriff and Jury Expences with the Witnesses Attending for Inquisition Rule thereon _ _ _ Drawing Bill of Costs and two Copies - _ _ Drawing and Ingrossing Affidavit of Increase - - . Paid Oath £ ,s. d. 5 1 16 8 S 5 6 () 8 1 1 10 10 5 5 5 5 5 2 7. 6 5 3 4 1 6 16 8 10 141 £" &'. U. Notice of Taxing, Copy and Service - - - 3 Attending Taxing - - 6 8 Paid Prothonotary signing final Judgment - - - 5 4 Attending - - - 3 4 Attending Summons before Mr. Justice Burrows to Stay Pro- ceedings on Payment, but Order refused, Inquiry having been ex- ecuted and Plaintiff being en- titled to Judgment - - 3 4 Signing Final Judgment and Paid Taxing - - -084 Copy Affidavit of Increase for Defendant's Attorney - - 3 6 Term Fee, Letters and Messengers 13 Judgment on a Cognovit given after Declaration filed. Hilary Term, 1829- £ *. d. Entering Appearance for Defen- dant and Paid - - 5 6 Drawing Memorandum of Judg- ment - - - - 3 4 142 £ s. d. Ingrossing Proceedings on Paper, Declaration, fo. 21, Judgment, 4, fo. 25 - - - 8 8 Paid Prothonotary for fresh Entries of this Term, Declaration filed of Michaelmas - - 16 Warrants and Docket \s. 4d. - 4 4 Bill and Copy - - - 3 Drawing and Ingrossing Final Judgment, and Paid Signing Judgment - -^ - 8 4 Attending to Sign Judgment and Tax - - - - 3 4 Term Fee, Letters and Messengers 13 Ofi a Clausum Fregit where the Defendant was not Personally Served. Michaelmas Vacation, 1828. £ s d. Instructions to Sue - - 6 8 Praecipe for Clausum Fregit, and Copy for the Cursitor - - 3 6 Clausum Fregit and Fee - 8 6 Warrant and Messenger - - 3 6 143 Instructing OtRcer Paid him Summoning Defendant Letters, &c. Hilary Term, 1829. £ s. d. 3 4 5 2 £ ■s. d. Searching for Appearance - 3 4 Instructions for Declaration - 6 8 Drawing same, fo. 12 - 12 Inorossino' to file and Warrant - 4 8 Entering on the Roll and Paid Prothonotary - - - 12 Attending at Sheriffs Office for Return - - - 3 4 Paid for Return - - - 2 Drawing Affidavit of the Officer, and another of Service and Acknowledgement of the Receipt of Summons, and Paid two Oaths 7 G Attending tofile Affidavit at Judge's Chambers and obtain Order for Distringas to Issue Paid filing Affidavit Paid for Judge's Order - Attending to file Sheriffs Return with Gustos Brevium, and for Certificate - - - 3 4 3 4 2 4 2 10 6 3 6 3 4 10 6 2 144 £' *. d. Paid tiling and for Certificate - 1 6 Attendino; to file Judge's Order and Certificate with Filazer - 3 4 Paid filing Judge's Order and Certificate Distrino-as and Fee Warrant and Messenger - Attendino' to Instruct Ofl^icer Paid him Levying Letters, &c. Easter Term. £ .9. d. Searching for Appearance - 3 4 Motion at Side Bar for Rule to Return Distringas - - 3 4 Paid for Rule Copy and Service - 5 Searchino; for Return and Paid - 4 4 Paid for Certificate of Sheriff's Return of no Goods - - 1 6 Paid filing Certificate - - 1 Alias Distringas and Fee - 10 6 Warrant and Messenger - - 3 6 Attending Instructing Oflficer - 3 4 Paid Levying - - - 10 6* The Defendant entered Appear- ance, give Rule to Plead and Proceed as in other Cases 145 £ 6\ d. Term Fee, liCtters, and Messen- oers - - - - 13 On an Issue of Nul Tiel Hccord. Michaelmas Vacation^ 1828. £ *. (I. Instructions to Sue - - 6 8 Affidavit of Debt and Oath - 6 6 Capias and Fee - - - 12 6 Warrant and Messenger - - 3 6 Attendino; to Instruct Officer - 3 4 Paid him for Arrest - - 10 6 Letters, &c. - - - 2 Hilary Term, 1829- £ s. d. Searching for Special Bail - 3 4 Motion at Side Bar for Rule to Return Writ - - - 3 4 Paid for Rule, Copy and Service - 4 6 Searching if Writ Returned, and Paid Custos Brevium for Cer- tificate - - - 4 10 Attcndinii. to Obtain Filazcr*s Rule 3 4 146 £ .V. d. Paid for Filazer's Rule - - 1 (j Notice of Bail being given, at- tending to Inquire into their SufHciency - - - 6 8 Entering Exception, Copy and Service - - - 4 Motion for Rule to brins; in the Body - - - 3 4 Rule, Copy and Service, 2s. 6d. 5 6 Notice of Added Bail being given. Attending to Inquire after their Sufficiency - - - 6" 8 Drawing and Ingrossing Affidavit to Oppose Bail, and Paid Oath, fo. 6 - - - - 10 Instructions to Counsel to Oppose Justification - - - 6 8 Copy Notice of Justification to Annex - _ _ Fee to Counsel therewith Attending him and Court when the Bail were Allowed Instructions for Declaration Drawing thereof, fo. 40 Ingrossing to Deliver Rule to Plead - - _ Searching for and JJemanding Plea - - - - 8 8 1 10 6 6 8 6 8 2 13 4 1 6 147 The Defendcint having Pleaded Judgment Recovered, Instruc- tions for Replication - - 6 8 Drawing Replication, fo. 2 - 2 Drawing Issue of Nul Tiel Re- cord, fo. 51 - - - 17 Ingrossing to Deliver - - 17 Entering on the Roll - - 17 Paid Prothonotary - - 1 8 Warrants and Docket - - 4 Attending Clerk of the Judgments to get him to take Roll to West- minster - - - 3 4 Paid him - - -040 Paid Crier callins; Defendant to Produce Record - - 3 4 Attendino- Court when Judoment given for Plaintiff Paid for the Rule Copy and Service thereof Drawing Judgment and Entry of Proceedings, and Ingrossing on Paper - - - 18 Paid Prothonotary Signing Judg- ment - - - -040 Drawing Incipitur of Judgment 6 8 6 8 5 5 and Attending to Sign Judg- ment - L 2 148 Attending for Summons to Com- pute Principal and Interest, and Paid for Summons Cop3^ and Service Attending on Return Second Summons, Copy and Service _ _ _ Attending thereon Third Summons, Copy and Service Attending thereon Drawing and Ingrossing Affidavit of Services and Attendances, and Paid Oath Paid for Judge's Order thereon - Instructions to Counsel to Move to Compute - _ _ Fee to Mr. Serjeant Wilde Attending him therewith for Sig- nature - - - 3 4 Paid for Rule to Compute and filing the Affidavit Copy and Service of Rule Attending to draw up Rule Attending to Procure Appoint- ment to Tax - - - Copy and Service of Appointment Drawing final Judgment Making Incipitur, fo. 54 5 4 3 3 4 5 3 4 5 3 4 6 6 4 3 4 10 6 6 6 4 3 4 3 4 3 2 4 18 d. 18 3 4 6 6 8 13 149 Entering final Judgment thereon and Paid _ _ - Attending for that purpose Drawing Bill of Costs and Copy to Tax by - Attending Taxing Term Fee, Letters and Messengers On a Rule to Compute where an Appearance. Entered^ sec. Stat. Serviceable Process. Hilary Term, 1829- Searching for Appearance Instructions for Declaration Drawing same, fo. 27 - Ingrossing to file and Warrants - Entering on the Roll and Paid Rule to Plead Notice of Declaration, Copy and Service _ _ . Searching for Plea Drawing and Ingrossing Affidavit of Service of Process, and Paid Oath Entering Appearance, sec. Stat. £ s. d. 3 4 6 8 1 7 9 8 1 7 1 6 5 6 8 6 6 5 6 150 d. Drawino^ Memorandum of Judo-- ment for want of Pica - 3 4 Ingrossing Proceedings on Paper, fo. 35 - - - 11 8 Entering on the Roll, {Declaration Entered and Paid for before) - 1 4 Warrants and Docket - - 4 Attending to Sign Judgment - 3 4 Drawing and Ingrossing Affidavit that this Action was brought on a Bill of Exchange, and Judg- ment signed for want of a Plea 6 6 Instructions to Counsel to Move 3 4 Fee to Mr. Serjeant Wilde - 10 6 Attending him - - 3 4 Paid for Rule Nisi, and filing Af- fidavit - - - 6 6 Copy and Service - - 5 Affidavit of Service of Rule Nisi 6 6 Instructions to Counsel to move to make Rule Absolute - 6 8 Fee to Mr. Serjeant Wilde and Clerk - - - 1 3 6 Attending him and Court - 3 4 Paid for Rule Absolute, and filing Affidavit - - - 6 6 Attending for Appointment to Tax 3 4 151 £ *. d. Copy and Service of Rule and Appointment Drawing final Judgment Ingrossing Proceedings on Paper, fo. 40 ... Entering final Judgment, and At- tending - - - 18 6 Bill of Costs and Copy to Tax by 5 Attending to Tax - - 6 8 Term Fee, Letters and Messengers 13 6 6 3 4 13 FOR DEFENDANT. Hilarij Term, 1829. £ *. d. Instructions to Defend 6 8 Searching at Filacer's for Praecipe of Writ, and paid 3 10 Attending Defendant for Names of Bail 6 8 Praecipe for Filazer 2 6 Attending Bail to Appoint them to Attend - - - 6 8 Attending them to Serjeant's Inn 6 8 Paid putting in I>ail 10 Notice thereof, Copy, and Service 4 152 £ -f. (I. Searching for Exception - 3 4 Attending for Names of Bail to Justify - . - 6 8 Searching for Declaration -034 Notice of Adding and Justifying 4 Affidavit of Service, and Oath - (i G Copy Notice to Annex - 1 Instructions to Counsel to Move to Justify - - - 3 4 Paid Fee to him - - 10 6 Paid Adding Bail - - 12 6 Attending Court, Bail Justified 6 8 Paid Court Fees - - II Rule for Allowance, Copy and Service - - - 7 Searching for Rule to Plead - 3 4 Instructions for Plea - _ q 5- g Drawing and Ingrossing Plea of General Issue - _ q 3 Copy Notice of Trial - - 1 Searching if Cause set down - 3 4 Instructions for Brief - 13 4 CRauahukr of Costs as in other Cases.) 153 Judgment as in Case of a Nonsuit. d. Instructions to Move for Judoment, as in Case of a Nonsuit - 6 8 Drawing Special Affidavit to move, fo. 8. - - -080 Ingrossing, and paid Oath - 4 8 Briefing Affidavit for Counsel - 3 4 Fee to him to Move - - 10 6 Attending him and Court, Rule Nisi granted - - 6 8 Attending Searching if Roll carried in, and paid - - 3 8 Paid Prothonotary Attending with Roll Paid Treasurer's Fee Paid Recordino; Paid for Rule Nisi for Judo-- ment, filing Affidavit, Exhibit, and Reading Roll Copy and Service of Rule Nisi Affidavit of Service, and Oath Instructions to Counsel to Move to make Rule absolute - 6 8 Fee to Mr. Sergeant Wilde, and Clerk - .- - 1 Q A- 3 4 1 2 8 4 G 6 154 £* -V. d. Attending him and Court, Rule made absolute - - 6 8 Paid for Kule - -050 Copy and Service - - 4 Signing Judgment - - 6" 4 Notice of Taxing, Cop}^ and Ser- vice - - -030 Bill and Copy - - 3 Attending Taxing, and paid 2s. 5 4 Term Fee, &c. - - 13 Bail Justified by Consent at Judges Chambers. £ s. d. Attending Plaintiff's Attorney for consent to Justify at Chambers 6" 8 Paid Consent Fee - - 10 6 Attending Bail to Appoint them to Attend - - - 6 8 Paid Adding and Justifying, by Consent - - - 16 Paid Expences, with Bail - 2 6 Attending before the Judge, when Bail Justified - - 6 8 Attending to draw up Judge's Order for Allowance of Bail, and Certificate - - 3 4 £• s. d. 1 4 1 2 3 o O 4 Paid for Order Paid for Certificate Paid for Rule for Allowance Paid filing Order Summons for Particulars of the Plaintiff's Demand Copy and Service Attending; thereon, Order made Paid for Order, Copy and Service 5 (The rest of the Chars^es According to Circumstances.) In EjecttJient, and Judgment by Default. Easter Term, 1828. Instructions to Sue Perusing Deeds, and Abstracting Parcels _ _ _ Drawing Declaration, fo. 8 Ingrossing to serve Service on Tenant in Possession Affidavit of Service Copy Declination to Annex to Affidavit - - - Term Fee, Letters, &c. £ *. d 6 8 13 4 8 2 8 5 6 6 2 8 13 156' Trinity Term. d. Instructions to Move for Judo;- ment - - - 2 G To Sergeant Wilde therewith - 10 (i Attendino- him and Court - 3 4 Paid for the Rule, and filing Af- fidavit - - - 8 8 Searching for Appearance - 3 4 Drawing Judgment - - 3 4 Ingrossing the Proceedings, fo. 10 3 4 Entering on the Roll - - 3 4 Warrants and Docket - 4 Paid Prothonotary signing final Judgment - - - 12 8 Attending to sign Judgment - 3 4 Habere Facias Possessionem - 14 Warrant and ]\Iessenger - 3 6 Attending the Officer to take Pos- session [according to Distance) Paid Sheriff and Officer's Fees Term Fee, Letters, &c. - ]3 157 In Ejectment. Hilary Term, 1828. Instructions to Defend Appearance . _ - Searching if Ejectment Moved for, and paid _ _ _ Common Consent Rule Drawino; and InoTossino: Plea of the General Issue Paid filino; _ _ _ Paid for Issue, fo. 10, and Enter- ing Plea _ _ - Plalf Consent Rule Term Fee, Letters, «Scc. (Tlie rest of the Charges for Trial, ^-c. are the same as in Com- mon Cases.) On putting in Bail to Discharge a Defendant from the Fleet. Easter Vacation, 1828. £ s. d. Instructions to put in Special Bail 6' 8 Attending for Short Copy of Writ 3 10 £ s. d. 6 8 6 10 3 10 3 4 2 8 2 5 3 4 13 € A\ >/. 2 6 6 8 4 158 Drawing Praecipe for Filazer Attending for Names of ]3ail Notice of Bail, Copy, and Service Affidavit of Service of Notice of Justification, and Paid Oath %s. ()" 6 Attending to Appoint Bail to At- tend - - - - 3 4 In Consequence of there being no Opposition, Drawing and In- o-rossino- Affidavit of Attendance for One Hour, and Oath -066 Paid Hall-keeper at Serjeant's- Inn - - - - 6 Attending to put in Bail - 3 4 Paid putting in Bail and Acknow- ledgment before Filazer - 10 8 Paid Filazer's Costs of Justifica- tion - - - - 1 6" Attending for Filazer's Certificate, and Paid 2s. - - - 5 4 Attending to Draw up Order at the Judge's Chambers upon the Certificate _ _ _ Paid for Judge's Order Paid for Secondary's Rule on Al- lowance of Bail Attending for same 3 4 5 5 3 4 159 Paid filing Secondary's Rule at the Judge's Chambers - - 2 Paid for Judsfe's Order for Defen- dant's Discharge - -05 Attending to Lodge same at the Fleet - - - - 3 4 Letters, &c. - - - 2 On putting in Bail and Justifying in Vacation^ Pursuant to the late Statute. Trinity Vacation^ 1828. £ s. (1. Instructions to Defend - - (J 8 Searching if Affidavit of Delivery of Declaration filed - - 3 4 Searching for Rule to Plead - 3 4 Attending Defendant for Names of Bail - - - - 3 4 Notice of Bail, Copy, and Service 4 Affidavit of Service - - 6 6' Drawing Praecipe for Filazer - 2 6" Attending Bail to Appoint them to Attend - - - 6 8 Attending to Appoint Prothono- tary - - - - 3 4 Attending at Serjeant's Inn to put in Bail - - - 6 8 160 £ s. d. Paid Prothonotary's Fees on put- ting in and Justifying - - 10 8 Attending him for Certificate thereof - - - 3 4 Paid for Certificate - -020 Copy to Keep - - - 1 Judge's Clerk's Fee on putting in and Justifying Bail - - 14 Paid filing Prothonotary's Certifi- cate - - -010 Paid for Judge's Order thereon - 5 Copy to Keep - - - 1 Attendino- to file Order with Se- condary - - - 3 4 Motion at Side Bar for Rule for Allowance - - - 3 4 Paid for Rule - - -050 Paid filing Judge's Order - 1 Copy to Keep - - 10 Attendino' at Judge's Chambers to file Rule and obtain Order to Discharge Defendant - 3 4 Paid filing Rule - -020 Paid for Order to Discharge De- fendant, and Copy - - 6 Attending to lodge Order at Fleet 3 4 Term Fee, Letters, &c. - 13 161 SUPPLEMENT, No. 1. Superseding out of the Fleet for not Proceeding to Trial in an Action in the King's Boich. £ s. d. Instructions - - - 6 8 Attending for Certificate of Causes 3 4 Paid - . - . Summons to Supersede, Copy and Service - - -050 Attending Plaintiff's Attorney to Consent - - - 6 8 Paid his Fee - - - 6 8 (Li case Plaintiff^s Attorney does not Consent after Summons) Attending summons - - 3 4 Affidavit of Service - - 6 6 Paid for Order and filing; Affidavit Filing Common Bail - - 5 4 Supersedeas and Fee - - 14 Attending at the Fleet to lodge Supersedeas - - - 3 4 Letters, &c. - - -020 ai 162 SUPPLEMENT, No. 2. Plea of General Issue and Notice Set-Off. £ s. d. Instructions for Plea - - 6 8 Drawino; Plea of General Issue and Notice of Set-Off, per fo. 6d. and Is. _ - _ Close Copy for the Country, at 2f/. and 4d. - - - Copy to Deliver, at 2d. and 4d. - Attendins; to Deliver same - 3 4 SUPPLEMENT, No. 3. £ s. d. Plea of Judo^ment Recovered as before, with the Addition of Fee to Serjeant to Sign - 10 6 Attending him - - - 3 4 Ingrossing, at 2d. and Ad. Searching if Replication filed - 3 4 Copy Issue of Nul Tiel Record, at 2d. and 4(/. Attending Court, when Judgment was given for Plaintift' - 13 4 163 SUPPLEMENT, No. 4. Motion to Change the Venue. £ ». d. Instructions to Move 3 4 Affidavit to Support Motion 7 6 Instructions for Serjeant to Move 2 6 Fee to him _ _ _ 10 6 Attending him and Court 3 4 Rule Nisi 7 6 Paid filing Affidavit 2 6 Copy and Service of Rule 4 Affidavit of Service 6 6 Instructions to Move to make Rule Absolute 2 6 Oopy Rule to Annex 1 Paid Fee to him and Clerk 1 3 6 Attending him and Court 6 8 Paid for Rule Absolute 7 Copy and Service 4 On a Country Arrest, £ s. d. Instructions to Defend - - G 8 Letter to UndersheritF for Abstract of Writ and Paid Postage - 4 6 Special Bail Piece - - 3 6 M 2 164 't?' Easter Term, 1828. £ d. Attending Commissioner with Bail, (according to distance) Horse hire and Expences, (ditto) Paid Commissioner - - 6 Affidavit of the Acknowledo;ement The like of Justification, two De- ponents _ _ . Letter therewith to Agent Postage _ _ - Copy of Affidavit and Bail Piece Paid Allowing by Judge - 12 In Term only, 55. Attending thereon Paid filing Bail Piece with Filazer Paid filing Affidavit of Justification Attending^ thereon Notice thereof, Copy and Service Copy Affidavits of Acknowledge- ment and Justification for Plain- tiff"s Agent, with Notice Letters and Messengers 3 4 5 2 3 4 3 3 3 The Bail being Excepted against • Notice of Justification in Court by Affidavit - - - 4 Affidavit of Service - - 6 6 165 Instructions for Counsel to Move to Justify _ - - Paid Fee to him Paid Filazer Attending with Bail Piece _ _ . Paid Court Fees Attending Court Rule for Allowance, Copy and Service _ _ - Searching for Declaration Paid for Declaration, fo. 20 Searching for Rule to Plead Summons for Time to Plead, Copy and Service _ - - Attending thereon Paid for Order, Copy and Service Term Fee, Letters and Messengers, (according to distance) (N. B. In Country Causes, Copy of all Proceedings should be sent to the Attorney, they being allowed on Taxation of Costs.) On a Motion to change Venue. Instructions to Move Affidavit to Support Motion £ s. d. 3 4 10 6 3 4 11 6 8 7 3 4 7 3 4 5 3 4 5 £ s. d. 3 4 7 6 166 Fee to Serjeant Wilde to Move - Instructions for Serjeant Wilde - Attendino- him and Court Paid for Rule Nisi Paid filing Affidavit Copy and Service of Rule Affidavit of Service Instructions to Move to make Rule Absolute - - - Copy Rule to Annex Paid Fee to Serjeant Wilde and Clerk Attending him and Court Paid for Rule Absolute Copy and Service Plea ^'C, as in other cases. SUPPLEMENT, No. 5. Motion for Special Jury. £ *. d. The Plaintiff having moved for a Special Jury, Attending Protho- notary's Appointment to Name 48 - - - 6 8 Paid for List of 48 - - 5 £ a. d. 10 6 2 6 3 4 7 6 2 6 4 6 2 6 1 1 3 6 6 8 7 4 167 £ s. d. Two Copies thereof for Defendant 5 Instructions to Strike out 12 - 6 8 Paid for List of 24 Three Copies thereof for Defend- ant and Counsel - - 7 6 SUPPLEMENT, No. 6. Motion in Arrest of Judgment. £ s. d. Attendino' Short-Hand Writer to Bespeak a Transcript of the Evidence on the Trial - 6 8 Paid for Same - _ - Making Two Copies of the Counts in the Declaration on which Verdict found, and also of the Evidence for Counsel, 10 Brief- Sheets - - - 3 6 8 Drawing Remarks thereon, and Two Pair Copies to accompany Briefs - - - 1 6 8 Pee to Mr. Sergeant , with Brief and Clerk Attending him - - 6' 8 168 Fee to Mr. Sergeant , with Brief and Clerk Attending him - - - 6 8 Attendino- both the Sero-eants to fix a Time for Consultation to De- termine whether to IMove for a new Trial or in Arrest of Judg- ment - - - 6 8 Attending Consultation, when it was Resolved to Move in Arrest of Jud2;ment - - - 13 4 Fee to Mr. Sergeant 's Clerk on Consultation - - 7 6 Perusing Proceedings and Draw- ing Brief for IMotion in Arrest of Judgment, 6 Sheets Two Fair Copies for Counsel Fee to Mr. Sergeant , with Brief to Move, and Clerk Attendinoj him - - _ Fee to Mr. Sergeant , with Brief to Support Motion, and Clerk - Attending him Making four Copies of the Counts for the Judges on which Verdict found, fo. 20 each - - 1 6 8 Attending to leave same at Judge's Chambers - - - 13 4 2 2 2 4 6 6 8 2 4 6 6 8 £. s. d. 8 4 13 4 6 8 6 6 4 16'9 Paid their Clerks DrawincT Notice to Mr. to attend Court with Postea, Copy and Service - - - Paid him for his Attendance Attendino- Court on Motion Paid for Rule - - - Copy and Service Plaintiff's Attorney having given Notice of Motion to Discharge Rule, two Copies thereof for Counsel - - - 2 Fee to Mr. Sergeant to Sup- port Rule, and Clerk - 2 4 6 Attending him - - - 6 8 Fee to Mr. Sergeant and Clerk 13 6 Attending him - - - 3 4 Attending Court on Argument when the Cause ordered to stand over till next Term for Judgment - - - 13 4 Paid Crier, on Record and Postea being read - - - 6 Paid for Rule - - -066 Copy and Service - - 4 Term Fee, Letters and Messengers 13 170 Easter Term. 8. May 7th. Attending Court tins Day, Argument did not come on 6 8 May 8th. Attending Court this Day, when Mr. Sergeant , and Mr. Sergeant argued, and the Cause was Ordered to Stand over till To-morrow Paid for Rule Copy and Service 9th. Attending Court, when the Counsel for both Parties finished their Arguments, and the Cause was Ordered to Stand over until 2d Day of next Term for Judg- ment - - - 13 4 Paid for Rule, Copy and Service 10 4 Term Fee, Letters, and Messengers 13 13 4 6 6 4 Trinity Term, £ June. — Attending Court, when Chief Justice delivered the Opi- nion of the Court, and the Entry of Judgment on the Ver- dict was Ordered to be Stayed 13 4 171 £ s d. Paid for the Rule, Copy and Service - - - 10 6 Term Fee, Letters and Messengers 13 SUPPLEMENT, No. 7. On Discontinuance. Hilary Term, 1828. £ s. d. Searchino; for Declaration - 3 4 Copy Rule for Time to Declare 10 Letters, &c. - - - 1 Easter Term. £ s. d. Rule for Plaintiff to Declare Searchino; for and Demandino- Declaration - - 8 8 Attending Summons for further Time to Declare - - 3 4 Letters, &c. - - - 1 Trinity Term. £ InstiTictions for Counsel to Move that Plaintiff might be peremp- torily Ordered to Declare - 2 6 172 d. Attending to Bespeak Office Copy - of last Rule for Time to De- clare - - - 3 4 Paid for Office Copy Rule Fee to Counsel to Move - 10 6 Attending him and Court --034 Paid for Rule Copy and Service - - 4 Copy Rule to Discontinue, on Payment of the Cost - 1 Fee on Discontinuance - 3 4 Bill and Copy - - 3 Attending Taxing - - 3 4 Paid Prothonotary Letters, &c. - - - 2 SUPPLEMENT, No. 8. Judgment of Non Pros, for not Declaring. £ *. d. Rule to Declare Searching for and Demanding Declaration - - 8 8 Drawing and Ingrossing Judgment of Non Pros. - - 3 173 Entering on the Roll Warrants of Attorney Paid Prothonotary signing Judg- ment - > _ Attending to sign Judgment Bill and Copy Letters, &c. Note. — The Costs are generally Allowed at £S 6s. Sd. £ *. d. 2 1 8 7 4 3 4 2 2 SUPPLEMENT, No. 9- Non Pros, for not Entermg Issue. £ s. d. Searching if Issue entered - 3 4 Motion at Side Bar for Rule to enter the Issue - - 3 4 Paid for Rule Copy and Service - - 4 Searching if Issue entered in Pur- suance of Rule - - 3 4 Drawing Judgment of Non Pros., fo. 5, a. Sd. per fo. Ingrossing on Paper, a. 4f/. per fo. Entering on the Roll, a. M. per fo. 174 Paid Prothoriotary Warrants and Docket - 4 Attendins; to Tax Costs and sion Judgment - - 3 4 Bill of Costs and Copy - 4 Term Fee, Sec. - ' - 13 SUPPLEMENT, No. 10. On a Habeas to llemove from the King's Bench to the Fleet. £ s. d. Instructions to Sue - - 6 8 Affidavit of Debt - - 6 6 Capias and Fee - - 12 6 Attending to Lodge same at the Sheriff's Office - - 3 4 Habeas and Fee - - 1 1 Attending for Return - 3 4 Paid for Return - - 9 4 Attending to Appoint Sheriff's Officer and Tipstaft' to take Defendant to the Fleet - 6 8 Attending Defendant before the Judge, on Commitment - 6 8 Paid Officer on bringing up - 10 6 175 d. Paid for Commitment 9 6 PaidTipstatF 10 6 Letters, &c. 3 (If one Action, 9s. 4d. and 2s. 4d. fo7^ every other.) SUPPLEMENT, No. 11. Render in Discharge of Bail. Instructions to Render Attending to Appoint Filazer, Tipstaft', and Bail Paid on Render Judge's Clerk for exonerating Bail Attending on Render Tipstaff Fees at the Fleet Notice of Render, Copy and Service - - -040 £ s. d. 6 8 6 8 13 10 6 8 10 6 1 8 4 176 SUPPLEMENT, No. 12. Superseding a Prisoner out of the Fleet for Want of Declaration. £ s. d. Instructions _ _ . 6 8 Attending for Certificate of Causes 3 4 Paid . - - - 3 6 Summons to Supersede, Copy and Service _ _ _ 5 Attending Plaintiff's Attorney to Consent to Order 3 4 Paid him for Consent 6 8 Order and filing Consent 4 6 Entering Appearance and Fee 6 10 Supersedeas and Fee 14 Attending to Lodge same at the Fleet 3 4 Letters, &c. 2 LATELY PUBLISHED. BY HENRY BUTTERWORTH, 7, FLEET STREET. A GENERAL CATALOGUE of the best Editions of Law Books, as a Guide to Purchasers. By Henry Butterworth. The Fourth Edition, corrected throughout, and including the latest Publications of the day- *,^* Of whom may be had any Book connected with the Law and Jurisprudence of the United Kingdom on the Day of Publi- cation, by leaviny an order with H. 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