r I u^^^c. GIFT OF 1 r: ^■. X. y^ JM > .1 ^Ry all U N I V t Rules, Requirements and Universal Safety Standards OF THE DEPARTMENT OF ACCIDENT PREVENTION INSPECTION AND MERIT CLASSIFICATION Workmen's Compensation Service Bureau, j ay/ / GENERAL STANDARDS Recommended by the Committee of Safety Engineers Approved by the Rating and Classification Committee Edition, February, 1914 i ' Rules, Requirements and Universal Safety Standards OF THE DEPARTMENT OF ACCIDENT PREVENTION INSPECTION AND MERIT CLASSIFICATION Workmen's Compensation Service Bureau 80 Maiden Lane New York GENERAL STANDARDS Recommended by the Committee of Safety Engineers Approved by the Rating and Classification Committee Compiled by Carl M. Hansen Secretary Price $1.00 Edition, February, 1914 ^f^ .1'^ <^^" Copyright, 1913, 1914 by C. M. Hansen All rights reserved INDEX Pag'e Index to Plates 4 Introduction 5 Buildings 9 Skylights 9 Tanks on Roofs 10 Floors 10 Floor openings (not Hoistways) 10 Hoistways 10 Stairs 11 Elevated Runways and Platforms 11 Boilers 12-13 Steam Engines 13 Gas Engines 14 Electrical Equipment 14 Power Transmission Equipment 14-15-16 Maintenance and Inspection 16-17 Safety and Welfare 17 Protection Against Fire Hazard 17-18 Explosives and Dangerous Gases, Vapors and Fumes 18-19-20 General Order, Light and Sanitation 20-21 Ladders 21 Yards 21 Grinding Wheels 21-22 Elevators 22-23-24 342670 INDEX TO PJLATES Plate Height of Buildings 1 Skylights 2 Tanks on Roofs 3-4 Floor Openings 5-6-7-8 Hoistways 5-6-9 Stairs 10-11-12-13 Elevated Runways and Platforms ... 14-15-16 Boiler House (Detached) 17 Boiler House (Adjoining) 18 Valve Lock 19 Expansion Joints 20 Governor Mechanisms 21-22-23 Complete Engines 24a-24b Flywheels 25-26-27 Motors 28-29 Switch Board 30 Pole Transformer 31 Gears 32-33-34-35-36 Overhead Pulleys near bearings 37-38 Belts 39-40-41-42-43-44-45 Shafts 46-47 Collars 48-49-50-54 Couplings 51-52-53 Fire Escapes 55-56a-56b Fire Towers 57 Fire Wall 58a 58b Ladder Ends , 59 Flanges for Grinding Wheels 60-61 Grinding Wheel Guards 62-63-64 Exhaust System 65 Goggles and Face Masks 66a-66b-66c Elevator Sheaves 67 Locking Devices for Hand Rope for Elevators 68 Elevator with Sides Encased 69 Elevator with Hatch Covers 70 Universal Danger Sign 71 Safety Eclipsing Danger 72 WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION SERVICE BUREAU DEPARTMENT OF ACCIDENT PREVENTION, INSPECTION AND MERIT CLASSIFICATION Introduction THIS Department is not conducted for profit. Its financial support is received from its subscribing members, which are the leading workmen's compensation and hability insurance companies doing business on this continent, and its activities are carried on under the direction of Committees composed of officers, managers and safety engineers of these companies. Its purpose is as outlined in the Constitution. ( a) To provide for the inspection by skilled inspectors of Workmen's Compensation and Liability risks and their classifica- tion according to merit as regards the use and efficiency of safety appliances, the care exercised in the conduct and management of the business or work, the history of the risk in respect to casualties, and other conditions, physical or otherwise, under which the business or work of the given establishment is conducted. (b) To secure to employers of labor equi- table rates of insurance as a reward for efforts made to reduce the number of accidents and eliminate the danger of personal injuries to workmen. 6 Introduction (c) To inaugurate and conduct a general campaign of education on the subject of accident prevention by means of illustrated lectures, exhibitions and the distribution of suitable literature or any other means designed to stimulate a greater interest among employers, em- ployees, and the public generally in the development of safe and sanitary meth- ods in the conduct of every industry and business enterprise. The following rules, requirements and safety stand- ards covering essential features of general equipment in most manufacturing establishments have been agreed upon in joint conference with accredited representatives of safety departments of the leading workmen's com- pensation and liability insurance companies, have been reviewed and approved by the Rating and Classification Committee of the Workmen's Compensation Service Bureau and are to be known as ''Universal Safety Standards." Any forms of construction or safeguarding which do not comply with the standards herein laid down, but which are thought to have equal merit, should be sub- mitted for approval to the Workmen's Compensation Service Bureau. If they are found to be efficient, they will be recognized accordingly. These rules or standards constitute simply a partial outline of essential safety requirements, and compliance with them does not necessarily mean that, in the absence of other essential safety features which cannot well be Introduction 7 specified herein, the equipment in question will be approved as standard. The word ''approved" wherever used in these standards shall be understood to mean approval by the Workmen's Compensation Service Bureau. These standards have been agreed upon with special reference to the possibility of making existing buildings and equipment conform to them. Where new^ construc- tion and installation of new equipment is under consider- ation, many safety features could and should be included which are not referred to in these standards. In such cases, manufacturers, managers, superintendents, master mechanics, millwrights, construction engineers and architects are respectfully requested to communicate with the Department of Accident Prevention, Inspection and Merit Classification of the Workmen's Compensation Service Bureau, which will be glad to furnish free expert advice on the particular problem presented. CARL M. HANSEN, Secretary. GENERAL STANDARDS WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION SERVICE BUREAU Buildings Height (a) Height not to exceed four (4) stories. (b) A basement five (5) feet or more above ground level on any side to be counted as a story. (See Plate No. 1.) Construction (a) To be fireproof or slow burning. Fireproof construction — building with fireproof, non- combustible walls, roofs and floors. Slow-burning or mill construction — building with stone, concrete or brick walls, and floors of not less than two (2) inch planks, with hard wood top floors on beams (without joists) on posts. Equipment (a) An automatic sprinkler system to be an approved system as regards both equipment and installation. Skylights Any opening (horizontal or on any incline up to fifteen (15) degrees to the vertical) in a roof for the purpose of admitting light or air. (a) To be guarded with wire mesh or constructed of wire glass, except in the case of a skylight located in a well with one or more fioors above, which is to be protected with a wire netting of not less than twelve (12) gauge wire and of not more than one and one-half (1/^) inch mesh, and also constructed of wire glass. (See Plate No. 2.) 10 General Standards Tanks on Roofs (a) Proper ladders and platforms to be provided around each tank and its supports to permit thorough inspection of all parts. (See Plates Nos. 3-4.) Floors (a) To be free from protruding nails, splinters, holes, slipperiness, unevenness, loose boards, etc. Floor Openings (Not Hoistways) Any opening in a floor made for a specific purpose, and necessary for the conduct of the work. (a) To be guarded with a railing not less than three and one-half (3>^) feet high, a toe board not less than six (6) inches high and an additional railing midway between the two. Railings to be constructed in a per- manent and substantial manner, of either pipe, metal work or wood. One or more sides may be hinged. (See Plates Nos. 5-6.) (b) A chute or stairway opening, which cannot practically be guarded as required above, to be provided with a hinged cover. (See Plates Nos. 7-8.) Hoistways Any opening in a floor, platform outside of a building, or opening giving access to a yard arm, used for the purpose of hoisting material by tackle or other means from one level to another (not including platform elevator). (a) To be guarded according to standards for floor openings. (See Plates Nos. 5-6-9.) Workmen's Compensation Service Bureau 1 I Stairs Any flight of steps having more than three (3) risers. (a) To have treads in good condition, firmly secured and with no protruding bolts, screws or nails. (b) To be equipped with permanent and substantial hand rails, thirty-six (36) inches in height from center of tread and constructed of pipe, iron work or wood, as follows : 1. On all open sides. (See Plate No. 10.) 2. On one side of enclosed stairway four (4) feet or less in width. (See Plate No. 11.) 3. On both sides of enclosed stairway over four (4) feet in width. (See Plate No. 12. ) 4. On both sides and in center of stairway over eight (8) feet in width. (See Plate No. 13.) (c) Wood hand rails to be smooth and free from splinters. Elevated Runways and Platforms Any runway or platform suspended from above or sup- ported from underneath. (a) If four (4) feet or more from floor level, to be provided with substantial standard handrail. (See Plate No. 14.) (b) If six (6) feet or more from floor level, to be provided also with toe board (for specifications see ''Floor Openings. ' ' ) (See Plates Nos. 15-16. ) 12 General Standards Boilers (a) To be located in detached or adjoining boiler house. A detached boiler house is one located ten (10) feet or more from any part of the main building. (See Plate No. 17. ) An adjoining boiler house is one connected with or in close proximity to the main building, but with a brick wall intervening, i See Plate No. 18. ) (b) Each boiler to be provided with an efficient safety valve, with no stop valve between it and boiler, and with efficient steam gauge and water gauge. (c) If blow-off pipe is connected to a closed tank, the tank to be constructed to withstand boiler pressure. (d) If blow-off pipe is open to the atmosphere, outlet to be so located that no one passing will be scalded. (e) Outlets for drains from water columns, gauges and other fittings to be so located and arranged that no one passing will be scalded. (f) When a person is working in any boiler of a bat- tery, legible danger signs to be provided and attached to all steam valves, feed valves and blow-off valves of the boiler, and the handles of the valves to be locked. (See Plate No. 19.) (g) Steam piping to be substantially supported, and suitable provision made for expansion and contraction. (See Plate No. 20.) (h) Pits in boiler rooms to be substantially guarded or covered, according to standards for "Floor Openings." (See Plates Nos. 5, 6, 7, 8.) (i) Safe means of access to all valves to be provided. (j) If floor in boiler house is of wood, steel receptacles to be provided for hot ashes. Workmen's Compensation Service Bureau 13 (k) Boilers to be regularly inspected by a licensed Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company or by approved City, County or State Boiler Inspection Departments . (1) Stacks to be either brick or concrete. Steam Engines (a) Each engine to be equipped with an efficient governor. (A device which will at all times automati- cally control the speed of the engine under varied load). (b) Valve gear to be so arranged, or other provisions made, that in event of load being removed, engine will stop if governor fails to act. (A broken belt stop to be considered sufficient for slide or four valve engines). (See Plates Nos. 21, 22, 23.) (c) All dangerously located moving parts, such as flywheels, cranks, eccentrics, cross-heads, tail-rods, fly- balls of governor, etc., to be guarded in approved man- ner. (See Plates Nos. 24a-24b.) (d) Flywheels to be protected as follows : 1. If guard can be fifteen (15) inches or more from wheel, with a fencing at least three and one-half (3>2) feet high and if in pit with a toe board six (6) inches high. (See Plates Nos. 25-26.) 2. Where guard must be less than fifteen (15) inches from wheel, with a fencing at least five (5) feet high, the fencing to be either solid or of raihng filled in with wire mesh. (See Plate No. 27.) (e) To be equipped with an independent automatic speed limit engine stop, with stop stations conveniently located throughout the plant. Stops to be periodically tested and record kept of such tests. NOTE— The above standards to be considered applicable also to pump engines and air compressors when the construction is such as to bring them within these requirements. 14 General Standards Gas Engines (a) If engine has a gas bag regulator, the regulator to be enclosed in metal case vented to outside atmosphere. NOTE. — Fly wheel and other dangerously moving parts to be guarded according to standards for steam engines. (See Plates 25-26-27.) Electrical Equipment (a) Feed wires to be run in approved conduits, or otherwise properly insulated, and all joints to be care- fully made, soldered and taped. (b) Dynamos and motors to be fully guarded by railing or wire netting. (See Plates Nos. 28-29. ) (c) Rear of all switchboards to be enclosed. (See Plate No. 30.) (d) Switch for rendering switchboard dead to be provided on main feeders. (e) Transformers to be so located that employees cannot come in contact with them: 1. If within buildings, to be located in separate locked rooms. 2. If located on poles outside of building, a substantial platform to be provided for work- men. (See Plate No. 31.) (f) Properly insulated platforms or rubber mats to be placed around all electrical apparatus. (See Plates Nos. 28-30.) Power Transmission Equipment (Not Including Direct Transmission of Power to Working Machines) (a) All gears, wherever located, to be completely encased, or where that is impracticable, to have a band guard provided with side flanges extending inward be- yond the root of the teeth. (See Plates Nos. 32-33-34- 35-36-46.) Workmen's Compensation Service Bureau 15 (b) Any part of a friction clutch within seven (7) feet of the floor, to be completely and substantially housed. (c) Belt pulleys and friction clutch pulleys located twenty-four (24) inches or less from a bearing, to be completely encased on side nearest bearing. (See Plates Nos. 37-38. ) (d) Vertical and inclined belts to be substantially guarded as follows : 1. If guard must be less than fifteen (15) inches from belt, with a complete enclosure to a height of six (6) feet. (See Plates Nos. 38-39.) 2. If guard can be placed with at least fifteen (15) inches clearance from the belt, with a railing at least three and one-half (3>^) feet high. (See Plates Nos. 40-41.) (e) Horizontal belts to be substantially guarded as follows: 1. If upper part is less than six (6) feet from floor level or platform, to be completely en- cased on top and sides or a standard railing at least flfteen (15) inches from belt to be provided. (See Plates Nos. 42-43.) 2. Where pulleys are of such dimension and so located as to permit passage between upper and lower part of belt, standard railing to be provided and a substantial passageway guarded on sides and top to be constructed, or space traversed by belt to be completely barred against passage. (See Plates Nos. 43-44.) 3. Overhead belts with lower part seven (7) feet or less from floor level or platform, to be guarded on sides and bottom. (See Plate No. 45.) 16 General Standards 4. Overhead belts six (6) inches or more in width and more than seven (7) feet from floor level or platform, to be guarded underneath. (See Plate No. 45.) (f ) Vertical shafts to be encased to a height of six (6) feet from floor or platform. (See Plate No. 46.) (g) Horizontal shafting less than six (6) feet from floor or platform level, to be encased or protected by railing. (See Plates Nos. 42-43-47. ) (h) Dead ends of shafts less than six (6) feet from floor or platform level, or near platforms, to be guarded. (See Plate No. 26.) (i) AU parts of pulleys within seven (7) feet of floor or platform, to be enclosed or protected by railing. (See Plates Nos. 42-43-44-45.) (j) Set screws to be of safety type. (See Plates Nos. 48-49-50.) (k) Couphngs and collars to be of safety type. (See Plates Nos. 51-52-53-54.) ( 1 ) Proper belt shifter to be provided for tight and loose pulleys on shafting. (m) Efficient means to be provided in each room or department for stopping all machinery in that room or department. NOTE — The above standards in regard to shafts and equipment of shafts apply to all main shafting, jack shafting, drive shafting and counter shafting up to but not including belts actually driving machines. Maintenance and Inspection (a) Bearings on shafting to be of self-oiling type or other means to be provided to obviate the necessity of oiling while shafting is in motion. (b) Chains, hooks, slings and ropes to be regularly inspected, and chains and hooks to be regularly annealed and records kept of such inspection and anneahng. Workmen's Compensation Service Bureau 17 (c) Machinery and safety appliances to be regularly inspected and record kept of the inspections. Safety and Welfare (a) Accident prevention activities and education to be regularly carried on among employees through safety committees composed of employees, and literature on accident prevention embodying specific rules and regu- lations relating to safety in their work to be distributed among employees in language (or languages) understood by them. (b) Efficient means for first aid to the injured to be provided on premises. Protection Against Fire Hazard (a) All buildings to be equipped with efficient and ample fire fighting appliances, such as fire hose and/or fire pails, and/or chemical extinguishers, and/or sprink- ler systems. (b) All buildings to have sufficient exits and fire escapes as follows : 1. At least two (2) exits completely separated and each enclosed in fire walls (stairs and elevator in the same shaft or near together to be considered one exit unless separated by fire-wall). (See Plate No. 55.) 2. All exit doors to open outward. (A sliding door may be used if door runs in boxing.) 3. Exits to fire escapes to be kept unlocked at all times when employees are in building, and aisles leading to exits to be kept clear at all times. 18 General Standards 4. Exits to be plainly marked. (See Plates Nos. 55-56A-56B. ) 5. Landings on fire escapes to be level with floor, and sill of exit not to exceed two (2) inches in height. (See Plates Nos. 56a-56b-57.) 6. Where fire escapes border windows, glass must be wire glass in metal frames. (See Plates Nos. 56a-56b-57. ) 7. Where a building is divided into two (2) or more separate departments or sections by fire walls running vertically from cellar floor to roof, sliding flreproof doors to be provided in such wall or walls on each floor, and doors to be kept unlocked at all times when any employees are in building. Windows border- ing flre wall on both sides, to be wire glass set in metal frames. Fire escapes to be pro- vided direct from each such department or section. (See Plates No. 58a and 58b. ) (c) Every building more than one (1) story in height, to be equipped with efficient means of giving alarm of fire to employees. (d) Where building is more than one (1) story in height, fire drills to be practiced. Explosives and Dangerous Gases, Vapors and Fumes (a) Where any explosive or otherwise dangerous materials (liquids, solids, gases, vapors or fumes) are generated, used, kept or stored, the following require- ments to be observed: Workmen's Compensation Service Bureau 19 1. Rooms where explosive or dangerous gases, vapors, or fumes, are used or generated, to be tightly enclosed and provided with a proper system of ventilation. NOTE— If the gas or vapor is lighter than air, hoods and vents without suction fans maybe sufficient, but if it is heavier than air, a suction fan must be used. 2. Joints in tanks, pipes, conveyors, valves, etc., used for storage or conveyance of explosive liquids, gases or vapors, to be kept tight. 3. Before work is done on vessels, pipes, etc., suffi- cient time to be given to allow gas to escape. NOTE — Special care to be exercised before work requiring the use of heat or a flame is done. Apparatus which has contained acetylene to be first filled with water to force out the gas. 4. No open light or flame, nor any machine or equip- ment capable of producing a spark, to be allowed in rooms where explosives are present. Only incandescent lights to be used, and these to be of the double-globe, vapor-proof keyless type. NOTE— Shafting and machinery likely to cause a static electric spark, to be well grounded. All switches, fuses, etc., to be placed outside of the room. 5. Danger signs to be posted on all doors leading into the room, w^arning against carrying open lights into the room and stating in language (or languages) under- stood by all employees the hazard of so doing. 6. Where large amounts of explosive liquids are used, the main supply to be stored in a tank located at lea&t thirty (30) feet from the building and at least two (2) feet underground, a working supply to be pumped into building as needed. Supply system to be so ar- ranged that when the pump is stopped all the liquid in the pipe will flow back into the supply tank. Where supply is thus pumped into building, safety cans of not over ten (10) gallons capacity to be used for distribution in the building itself. 20 General Standards 7. Where it is impracticable to use a buried tank and a pump, the main supply to be stored outside of and well away from other buildings and to be kept under, lock and key. Working supply in such cases to be taken into building in closed safety cans of not over ten (10) gallons capacity. 8. Signs, in language (or languages) understood by all employees, prohibiting the burning of an open flame near place of storage or pump, or other apparatus con- taining or conveying explosives, and giving specific in- structions as to safe methods of handling, to be promi- nently displayed. 9. Empty barrels which have contained highly explo- sive liquids to be stored, bung holes down, in safe places in the open air. (b) Coal, lamp black, tow, wood dust, cork, sulphur, malt, flour, celluloid, sugar, dextrin, resin and other substances likely to be exploded by an open flame or a spark, to be safeguarded, when present in a finely divided state, by the same ventilation standards pre- scribed for explosive gases and vapors. NOTE — Bins used for the collection of dust from such substances to be tightly enclosed and vented to the outside air. General Order, Light and Sanitation (a) Aisles and passageways to be kept clear of obstructions. (b) Material to be piled in an orderly and substantial manner. (c) Pipes, rods, etc., when piled vertically, to be secured at bottom to prevent sliding and to have suffi- cient slant to prevent falling. Workmen's Compensation Service Bureau 21 (d) Places frequented by employees to be provided with sufficient light, natural or artificial. (e) Ample volume of air to circulate throughout rooms, either naturally or by artificial means. (Supply to be sufficient to carry off dust and injurious vapors or gases. ) (f) Metal receptacles to be provided for oily waste and refuse. (g) Ample and proper sanitary facilities, such as clothes lockers, washrooms, lunchrooms, lavatories, etc., to be provided for employees. Ladders (a) Movable ladders (except substantial step-ladders) to be provided with safety shoes. (See Plates Nos. 37-59.) NOTE — Where ladders are to be used on wooden floors only, spike points to be accepted ; otherwise ladders to have shoes which will automatically adjust themselves and provide a firm hold on floors, irrespective of angle at which the ladders may be placed. Yards (a) Where railroad tracks or sidings enter yards, proper danger signs warning employees to be displayed, and where necessary, flagmen to be provided. (b) Material to be piled in an orderly and substantial manner. Grinding Wheels (a) Wheels over eight (8) inches in diameter, whether used wet or dry, to be mounted with safety flanges. (See Plates Nos. 60-61.) (b) Wheels to be provided with substantial retaining hoods, covering as much of the wheel as possible. (See Plates Nos. 62-63-64.) 22 General Standards (c) Driven pulleys and belts to be properly guarded, in conformity with standards for belts and pulleys. (See Plates Nos. 62-63-64.) (d) Efficient belt shifter or other disengaging device to be provided for cutting out each wheel or pair of w^heels not individually driven. (e) Arbor ends to be protected. (See Plate No. 64.) (f) Proper exhaust system to be provided for grind- ing and polishing wheels and belts. (See Plate No. 65.) (g) Spectacles, goggles, masks or shields to be pro- vided for protecting the eyes of grinders. (See Plates Nos. 63-66A-66B-66C.) (h) One specific man (or, where the number of wheels used necessitates it, several such men) to be designated to attend to adjusting, mounting, truing and balancing wheels. (i) Speed of wheels not to exceed speed guar- anteed bv manufacturer. Elevators (a) General 1. To be equipped with speed governor arranged to actuate safety catches on car. (See Plate No. 67.) 2. To be provided with approved signal system (either speaking tube, or electrically or mechanically actuated device). 3. Elevators operated by hand rope to be provided with locking device at each landing. (See Plate No. 68.) 4. Machine to be provided with automatic limit stops. Workmen's Compensation Service Bureau 23 5. Proper protection to be placed underneath over- head sheaves. (See Plate No. 67.) 6. Ample light to be provided at each landing. 7. Where car is to be used for freight only, a sign to that effect to be prominently displayed on car and at each landing. 8. A sign stating maximum lifting capacity as fixed by builders to be posted conspicuously in elevator and at each landing. (b) Hatchway and Hatchway Entrances 1. Sides of elevator shafts to be smooth and free from protruding objects. Beams, floors, etc., forming a shear with floor of passing elevator to be bevelled and sheeted. 2. Sides of hatchways not used for entrance to be substantially enclosed to a height of six (6) feet. (Where drop automatic trap doors are used, only a railing is re- quired, except in the case of counterweight runways, which must be enclosed to ceiling.) (See Plates Nos. 69-70.) 3. Gates at entrance to shafts to be of self-closing type and substantially constructed. (If open construc- tion is used, space between members to be not more than two (2) inches.) (See Plate No. 69.) 4. Gates to be not less than flve (5) feet, six (6) inches in height (unless placed at a distance of at least twelve (12) inches from inside edge of hoistway— in which case height to be three (3) feet, six (6) inches). 5. Counterweights for gates to be enclosed and bottom of enclosure sealed. 54 Workmen's Compensation Service Bureau (c) Cars 1. Car to be provided with approved safety catches. 2. Car to be provided with automatic hmit stops. 3. Car to be provided with ample hght. 4. Sides of car not used for entrance, to be substan- tially encased, the enclosure to be not less than six (6) feet high. (If open construction is used, the space be- tween members to be not more than two (2) inches, and w^here enclosure borders on counterweight runways, not more than one-half (/O inch). (See Plates Nos. 69-70.) 5. Proper protection to be provided for top of car. (See Plate No. 69.) Working Machine Hazard 1. All power working machines to have gears, sprockets, chains, bands, belts, pulleys, clutches, wheels, shafting, spindles, couplings, counterweights, revolving and reciprocating parts and all other dangerous points, parts or projections guarded in approved manner. 2. All roller-fed machines on which operator's hands come within danger zone to be guarded at point of operation in approved manner. 3. All machines, on w^hich operator's hands come withindanger zone, having a shearing, pressing, squeez- ing or cutting action to be guarded at point of operation in approved manner. PI ate 1 Sciffity Cng/nee-^inq Dp pi ■service BUREFIU 80 Maidef-< Lcne, Plate Z QRRPfOVEO STRNORRO Scjftstw £rYjins'efinq Oepf l/l/0RKM£N3 COMPENSFITION SERVICE BUREFIU 80 Maiae>nLame,, /v, y Chfcied o^*ee>'inq De>pf 1^0 RK MENS COMPENSRTION SEFf^lCE BURERU 60 Maide'-'Lane. N. Y. Checked Rpp'f'Oi'sdi. Oafe P/afe 6 RPPROVEO S Tf=INDRRO Safety Cnqinesyinq Depf 1^0 RK MENS COMPENSRTION SERVICE BURERU 80 Maiden Lane, N. Y: ^^ <. ._._. _ . ^, \y'/ 1: / / ! •1/ A\\ ^ \l ^^\\ / ^ ii///iii / ! ^ ir "7 / ^ ii P/a/^ 7 RPPK'OVEO S TRNDFIRO Safisti Cnqineeyinq Depf l/l/ORKMENS COMPENSRTION SERVICE BUREPU SO Ma I a en Lone, N. Y. P/afe 8 RPPROVEO S TRNORRO Safety l^nqinee-ymq Dcp-f t^ORKMENS C0MPEN5RTI0M SER\/IC€ BURERU 80 Maiden Lane, N. Y. Orai^n Chfoked . Rpp>-oi'edC '.; ■; ;,■ P/afe 9 f^PPROVEO S TRNORRO Safety [nqineefinq Oe>pf tfO/fKMSNS COMPENSRTION SERVICE BURERU 60 Maiden Lane, N. Y. f^pp>-oyedC _^^^__ P/are 10 PIPPROVEO S TRNDRRO Safeti Enqineefinf Depi I^ORKMBNS COMPENiRTION SERVICE BURERU eo Maiden Lane, N. Y. Orat^n _ RppfOfedi . F/afe II RPPROVSO S TFJNORRO Safety Cnqinee-Hinq Oe>pi IVORKMENS COMPENSATION SEFfVICE BUR£fU 80 Maiefefi Lane. N. Y. Chfcked Rppi'oyedc Date Ci£ j: < y/S>/J x P/afe /2 RPPROVEO S TRNDRRO Safety Enqinee'f-inq Dfpf iVORKMENS COMPENSATION SERVICE BUREAU 80 Maiden Lane, N. Drat Plate L RPPROVEO S TRNORRO Safsty Enqineefinq Ofpf tVORKMSNS COMPENSATION SERVICE BURERU 80 Maidefn Lane, A/. Orai/\in Chfohed Rppt-oyedC _ Date (D^ J^C^/ S/J i Plate M RPPROVED S TRNOFIRO Safety Cnqineeyinq Dcpi H/0RKMSN6 COMPENtRTION SEff^lCS: BUREPfU 60 Mi^i^enLi^np, /V. Y. P/afe 15 RPPROVEO S TRNORRO Safety Erxjir>eeyinq Depf I4^0RKM£NS COMPENSATION SERVICE BUREFIU SO Maiialen Lane, N. Y. Drai^n ^ Check epi kl'ORKMEN.S COMPENSRTIOM SERVICE BUREAU 80 Maiafe^n Lane, N. Y. Checked , Plate 28 dPPROVEO S TF/NORRO Safsty Cntjirieefinq Ocpf ^VORKMEN^ COMPENSRTION SERVICE BUREFIU eO Maiden Lane, N. Y. Oral^n v^T^y Checked ^^ ■„■ .. Plate 29 RPPROVEO S TFINORRO Safety Cr>qir>ee>-inq Dep-f 14^0 RK MENS COMPENSRTIOM SERVICE BUREPU 80 Maideri Lane, N. Y. Chcokey Rpp-yoi'edC Plate 50 RPPROVBO S TFINORRO Safsty Enej/neey/nq Depf ^vorkmet^s compen5rtion s£r\/ice: burcfiu 80 Maic^en Lane, A/. Y. Dcte <2ic ^ . C^ J>/J. PlaU 51 RPPROVEO S TFINDRRO 3afsty Enqihee-yinq Ocpf I^ORKMENS COMPENiRTION SERVICE BUREhJU eO Maiic^en Lane, N. Y. Drai^n Checked Flpp-yoyedC- P/afe d2 RPPROVEO S TFJNORRO Safety fnginee^-zng Oepf 1^0 RK MENS Compensation SERVICE BURERU 80 Maicter-i^Lane', N. Y. Chfol,eqinee>-inq Depf l/I^ORKMENS COMPENSFITION %€R\/ICE BURERU 80 Maiale'-t Lane, N. P/afe 5S aPPROVEO STFINDRRO Safsti Enqinee-yinq Ocpf tVORKMENS C0MPEN5RTION SERVICE BUREPU 80 Maidef^^Loine, N. Y. Checked RppyoyedC-- ._ /"/are dS QPPffOVEO S TRNOFIRO Safety f^ntjineef/nq Oepf i4^0RKM£N3 COMPENSflTION SERVICE BURERU 80 Maidery Lane, N. Y. Chfcked RppfpyedC- P/afe 37 RPPROVEO S TRNORRO Safety £nqineeyinq Depf tVORKMENS COMPENSRTION SERVICE BURERU 80 Ma/aenLane, N. Y. P/afe 58 RPPR0V£O S TRNORRO Safety Enqinee-t-inq Of>pf t^ORKMENS COMPENSRTION SERVICE BURERU 80 Ma let en Lane, N. Y. Orai^n Chfoked Rppi-oyedL Date €lc J: -inq Dfpf iVORKMEHS COMPENSRTIOM SCR\/ICi: BUR£RU 80 Maic/en Leine, N. y. Doff, .C>^J^O^?^,l(^ P/afe 45 RPPROVEO S TRNDRRO Safeti Cnqines-f-inq Ocpf iVORKMENS COMPEh/SRTION SERVICE BURERU eo Maimer, Lane. N. Y. Chfched i flppt-oyedL M ^^^^^—} /?^7/^ // RPPROVEO S TRNORRO Safety Enqineef/na Qppf H^0RKM£N3 COMPENSATION ■SERVICE BUREPU 80 Ma ic^ en Lane, N. Y. Orai^n Chcohed Rppfot^edl. , /%?/r>e>, M. r. Chfcked Rpp-yoyf^C P/a/e 47. RPPROVEO S TFINDRRO Safety €ntjinee>-ina De>pf IVORKMENS COMfENSRTtON SEF!>\/ICE BURERU 80 Maiale'-i Lane, N, Y. Chfoked Rppi-ot'edC' F/afee>-inq Dt>pf l/l/ORKMCNS COMPENSRTION SER\/IC£ BUR£PIU 80 Maidef^ Lane, N. Y. Ora. ... Chcohed C^ Rppi-oi^edi F/afe 49 QPPf^OVEO S TRNOFIRO Safety E:nqineeyinq Dppf l^O/fKMeNS CGMPENSRTION SERVICE BURCPU 80 Maicter^ Lar^e, ^. r. Drai^n ijy Chfokec/ , r. P/afe ^0 ctpppOVEO S TFINDRRO ^^feti £:nqineeyinq Dcpf la/orkmfns compensrtion ■service: burefiu SO Maideri Larie. A', r. fipp^i-oyedC. 1 r, /I 1 1 .i ___ i i^ ^4^1 ! ■■ 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , ^ 1 1 1 ' 1 Plafe^l eiPPROVEO S TRNORRO Sofeti Enqir>ee-yin'. Checked 1 rr^ 1 1 1 1 1 1 n-n ! I n' ~ n i 1 1 1 1 J i F/afe62 RPPROVEO S THNOFIRO Saf^ti Cnqfneer-inq Ofpf l/I^ORKM£NS CQMPENtfJTION SERVICE BUREPU 80 Mciidery Lane. A/, r. ^5*—^ # '1 © i ^ /%7/6' ^J RPPROVEO S TFINORRO Safety Enqinee-yinq Depf tVORKMENS COMPENSATION SERVICE BURERU 80 Maiden Lane, N. Y. Drai^n Rpp-yoyedi /^/^fe 64 RPPROVeO S TF^NOFIRD Safeti Enqinee>-ina Depf Pi/OffKMFNS COMPENiRTION SERVICE BUREFIU 80 Maie/er)^Loine, N. Y. RppfoyedC « \ • ,♦ P/afe 35 eiPPROVSO S TRNORRO Safsty Enqineeyinq Dppi 14^0 RK MENS COMPENSflTION SERVICE BURERU 80 Maicfe^ Lane, A^. Y. Orci>^n _J^ ChfchecJ f^ppi-pysdu .. ,. ^ . , - P/cf^s 56 fl RPPROVEO S TRNORRO Safety Enqineefinq Depf 1^0 rk mens compensation service: bureau 80 Hansen Lane. N r. Chccl,ed P/afff 56 B RPPROVeO S TRNDFIRO Siif^ty Enaineei'ina Qppf iVORKMSNS COMPENiRTION SeRV^ICE BUR£FIU 80 Ma I el en Lane, N. Y. Orai^n __ ..ijy Checked Rppi-oi^edL. P/afe 57 RPPROVEO S TRNORRO Safety Cnqinee-^-inq D&pf I^ORKMEN-5 CQMPEN5RTI0N SERVICE BURERU 80 Maiaez-i Lar^e, -V Chcc k e^ Lartp, A/ r. Rp/o^oi'e'^L. /'/a/d- 60 i^PpROVEO S TFINO>=IRO t^ORKMENS COMPENSFITION SEFfVICE BURCRU 80 Maiaer-< Lar^e, N. r. Oral. P/afe 61 RPPROVEO S THNORRO Safety Enqineei'inq Dcpf l^ORKMeNS COMPENSATION service: burepu BO Maider^Li^ne, N. Y. Check eoi'edC F/are 63 PIPPROVEO S TRNOFIRO 5af(Sty Enqineefini Depi t^ORKMENS COMPENSRTION SERVICE BURCPU 80 Maidefi Laric, ^. t. Chcc k ed Rpp-ypyedC Date F/aU 6¥ RPPPOVEO S TRNORRO Safety Enqin^e^inq Oppf i^ORKr^ENS CCMPENSRTION service: bureru 80 Maicter^ Lane, N. r. Chfoked P/afe 65 PIPPROVED STRNORRO SaUty E:nqir>ee-yinq Depf l//ORKM£NS COMPENSRTION SERVICE BUREFIU eo Ma id enplane. N. Y. Check e^J Rppi-Oi'edC^ P/afe 66 H eiPPROVEO S Tf=INDRRO Safaty Enqineeyinq De>pf H'OffKMSNS COMPENSATION SERVICE BURERU 80 Maiden Lane, N. Y. Doff i2c^ ^^^ Plafe 66B RPPROVEO S TRNDRRO Safety Cnqinef-yinq Depi 1^0 rk mens compensrtion service: burefiu 80 Maiaem Lane-. A/. Y. Orai^fi C^^^ Plate 66C RPPROVED S TRNORRO Safaty Cnqineefinq Dfpf I^ORKMSN^ COMPENSFITION SERVICE BUREPIU 60 Ma let er^ Lane, N. Y. Chfcked /%7/d' 67 RPP^OVEO S TRNOFIRO Safety Enqineer-ina Depf IVORKMENS C0MPEN5RTI0N SERVICE BUREFlU 80 Maic^enLoine. N. Y. Chc<^l, A/, r For Economic and Humanitarian Reasons the Prevention of Industrial Accidents is Our First Duty THE UNIVERSAL DANGER SIGN^ ^Adopted by the Committee of Safely of the United States Steel Corporation, and in use throughout the Subsidiarj' Companies of the Corporation. It is placed on all warning signs to indicate danger, and for the especial benefit of the foreigner who cannot read. It is hoped this will become as significant as the Red Cross : and, to that end, its general use by other emplojers, both in this country and abroad, is being suggested and invited. t 1 9 > a « *» 'I SAFETY ECLIPSING DANGER P/afe 7^ *Reproduced by permission of " Safety Engineering. 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