<\rd:''ivjc mm THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES ■f ^. •>:' tf -—^ I A Collection of Tern lie Traditions, FaWes and Proverbs, with an English Translation; as also some Specimens of tlie Autlior's own Teuiiie Compositious and Translations; to which is appended A Temne - English Vocabulary. By The Rev. C. F Schhnher, Missionary of tlifi Chiucli Missionary Society. Printed for the Churcli iiissidiiary Sooioty. Salisbury Square. LuiiJuii. 1801. Printer: J. V. Steiukopf in ftiittgart. PL 8736 S341e Preface. § 1. ibe Collection of Temne Traditions, Fables etc., as contained in tbe I. Part of the following pages, was received by the author from one of the oldest Temne men living at Port-Loko about twelve years ago, who has since died. These Traditions etc. were of course delivered orally not in writing. As regards tbe Traditions about the creation of the world, and about the tiist people ; we may discover some traces of hov,' sin and death came into this world; though of course much de- viating from the truth, as represented to us by the Mosaic accounts. It seems, however, that some Mohammedan traditions have been mixed up with tbe original Temne ones. The translation of these Traditions, etc. in Part I. was made somewhat free; which the author thought himi-clf justified to do; as there is a full Vocabulary appended foi' tliis Collection of Temne literature, by which the literal translation may be made out by the reader himself, if required. § 2. The signification of the term: Temne seems to be „an old man himself." They derive it, as the author was told, from: o-tem, „an old man, an old gentleman," to which is affixed the reflexive suffix -ne, „self"; because they believe that the Temne nation will ever exist. The word ought, therefore, to be written „Temno", and not „Timne", as is often done, or even ,,Timmanee". :.* IV Preface. § 3. The Temne country, as to its extension, reaches about from 11° 15' to 13" 10' of western longitude, and from 8" 15' to 9" 6' northern latitude. As regards the number of its inhabitants, it is difficult to state a sum which comes near the iruth. The author is, how- ever, of opinion that they will amount to from 90,000 — 100,000. But the Temne is understood in the Bolom country, and in those districts, which border immediately on the Temne country. The Temnes have by no means those strong characteristic negro features, which the tribes farther down to the south have. Their features come nearer to those of the Susus and Mandingoes, who live to the north of the Temne country. § 4. a) The principal Temne tribes are the following: 1. An-Temne a-tdroh, „the eastern Temnes." 2. An-Temne a-pil, „the western Temnes." 3. Am-Mabanta, „the Mabanta Temnes." 4. An-Kwea, „the Quea Temnes." The two latter tribes are on the right bank of the Rokel river; the Mabantas are higher up the river, and the Queas lower down close to the Colony of Sierra-Leone.*) b) The Port-Loko territory belongs to the western part of the Temne country, bordering on the Bolom country on the west. c) The town Port-Loko is in Temne called Bake Ldko, which signities literally „Wharf of the Lokos." This town is situated at the top, or end of the Port-Loko creek, about 60 miles north-east from Freetown. The Lokos are a people of their own, having their own language or dialect. They were formerly inhabiting Port-Loko, from whence they were driven by the Temnes more to the interior north-east, where they are *) A tract of the Quoa-Cdiuitry has been lately ceded to the English Goverument at Sierra Leone. Preface. V now living, between the Temne and the Limba country. From this nation the town Port-Loko derives its name. d) Also the Baka people were living at Port-Loko in former times; from whence they were driven by Bey Farraa the Con- queror. They then went down to Sierra Leone, and from thence up to the Isles de Loss, where they settled again, and where their descendants are still living. (Cf. Traditions pag. 3.) § 5. Bey Foki, they say, preceded the first Alikali Kindo, also called Alikali Morba. The Gbara family gave the country into the hands of Morba, and named him Alikali; because they had the government of the Port-Loko territory. They did so, be- cause the country was in a bad state that time. Kindo, or Morba lived before .\lik;ili Fatima's time. Fatima Brema was the predecessor of Namina MOdu, who was Alikali of the Port- Loko territory at the time, when the author was residing at Port-Loko. As to the derivation and signification of the term „Alikali'' see the word in the Vocabulary. — It ought properly to be written Alikali, not Ali Kali. § 6. The Temnes affirm that this present world is the second w^hich God made, and the people inhabiting it the second race of men, and that when the ])resent world comes to an end, and all its inhabitants arc in Hades; God will make another world, and other people in the same way as he had done for the first and second world. (Cf. Traditions pag. 15.) As they affirm that the present world is the second, which God made; may we not here have a trace of the flood in Noah's time, by which the first world was destroyed? They also affirm that the first people, which God made, were neither white nor black; but of a Mulatto complexion, or of a brown or tawny colour. VI Preface. § 7. The traditions about the conduct of the first people, whom God made, are very descriptive of the character of the Temnes; thus they are at this day. Eating and drinking, and the lusts of the flesh, arc still the objects for which they care most. Their God is their belly. These Traditions also serve to show what notions they have of God, or of the Supreme Being, and how contrary these notions are to the attributes of God, as re- vealed to us in the Bible. While the author resided at Port'Loko, he was frequently asked by the natives for what they called „child medicine,'' i. e. a medicine to procure children with for persons who were barren. They would have given any thing for it , if he could have pro- cured it for them. Of course he told them that he was not in the possession of such a medicine, and that it was God alone who could give us children, as they where his gift. (Cf. Tra- ditions pag. 17. 19.) § 8. If one commits adultery with the woman of another man, they consider it a very serious offence, and the offender is se- verely punished for it. If a man marries a woman, and finds her defloured, or not a virgin, he may send her back to her family; but if he finds her a virgin, he will, a few days after the marriage, send a present to her parents in token of her vir- ginity, which present is called : a-bola, and generally consists of a gun, or of an iron pot, or of tobacco, which is sent along with a white cloth, which latter article is always necessary for this purpose. (Cf. Deut. 22, 13. etc.) § 9. The Temnes use to kill deformed children after their birth. The persons, who perform this cruel act, are not the parents themselves; but particular persons called r'a ra-sam, pi. y'etr e-sam, lit. „a holy" or „sacred thing," or „a thing set apart from common use for some particular object;" and then as ap- Preface. VII plied to persons: „pcople set apart from common use for a par- ticular object." Thus the name of the work, which these people do, is api)lied also to the persons who do it, and we have here an Abstractum pro Concreto, as is sometimes the case in Tenme. (For r'a ra-s§m is generally not used of animate objects; though they may say r'a ra-iiPsmn, „a living creature;" but here it is the adjective, which makes the word to signify an animate being.) These persons are said to perform this cruel act at night, when no other person is allowed to be present, while engaged in it. They either burn these unhappy creatures, or strangle them by stopping their breath. . This accounts for the circumstance, that we see no deformed, or crippled children or persons among the Temnes, or but very very seldom. The reason wliy they act in this manner is no doubt because they attach some superstitious fear to such a deformed offspring, thinking that such a child would not only become an unlucky being itself; but also bring evil or misfortune upon the family. § 10. a) Of a proper insurrection of the dead on the last day, the Temnes have no idtni; though they believe in some kind of judgment or retribution after death, or that their state after death will depend on tlicir conduct here in this world. They believe that all men. who live in this world will go to the Hades (i.e. ro-kriti,*) ,, place" or „abode of departed spirits"), when they die, and will remain there for ever without a body; some in a happy , some in an unliapjiy state , according to their be- haviour here. They also believe, that they will get their slaves again in Hades; provided they tie a rope round their neck when they die, and let the rope reach out of the grave, fastening it to a stick pinned on the grave for this purpose. (Cf. Traditions pag. 39.) b) But the Temnes believe that a person may hy a sort of *) See the term: krifi, ro-, in llic Vocab. behind. VIII Preface. transmigration escape from the grave, which they express by the word „falan". They afiirm that some persons having been put to death innocently, have come to life again, and that they were then living in a far country in great w^ealth. E. g. Alikali o dif o-wontr ka Dalu Modu; ktjre falaii, o yi ri ro ka an-tgf fia aii-Sulima; o ba a-trar a-lai, de a-kala a-gbati, o yi o-yola o- bana. „ Alikali put to death a brother of Dalu Modu; but he transmigrated, he is there in the country of the Sulimas: he has many slaves, and much property, and is a great gentleman." It deserves to be remarked, that the country, in which these persons are said to live again, is always a very distant one. c) They also assert that a child, which has died and been buried, may be born again in a natural way, which they express by the verb kal kom, „bring forth again, bear again." They l)rove this assertion from certain marks on the body of the new- born child agreeing exactly with those which the child had that died. d) The place of torment or hell is in Temue called: an'antr, „the tire," or also: an'antr ua-tabana, „the everlasting lire." They also call it: Yahannama; but this is of Arabic origin, and introduced by the Mohammedans. e) The place of happiness they call: od'er o-ma-boue, „the place of joy," in opposition to which they call the place of tor- ment also : od'er o-las, „the bad place." Otherwise they call the place of happiness also: rianna, „heaven", and: firdans, „para- dise", which two terms are, however, also of foreign origin, and derived from the Arabic, and have also been introduced by the Mohammedans, (Cf. Temne Gramm. § 6.) f) The state or condition of the happy they express by: ma-trama ma-fino, „a prosperous" or „happy condition," and that of the unhappy by: ma-trama ma-las, „a bad" or ,, unhappy con- dition," or also by: rn'one ma-bana, „great misery." (Cf. Tra- ditions pag. 37. 39.) g) But the Temnes seem to believe that both places, i. e. the place of happiness and the place of torment, are contained Preface. IX in the Hades itself, and not existing somewhere else, or sepa- rately. (Cf. the word kriti, ro-, in the Vocabulary behind.) § 11- a) As regards the object of their worshij), it may be said that they believe in the existence of a Supreme Being, which they call: K'liruraasaba, which is the most solemn name of the Deity; otherwise they call this Being also: K'uru,*) which, how- ever, signifies also „sky, heaven; deity." What the sense of the „niasaba" is, which is joined to K'dru, we have not been able to find out. Perhaps it is for: ma sa ba, = sa ma ba, whicli signifies „we have," when the full sense of the word would be „the God we have;" but this is only a conjecture. They do, however, not believe that this Being exercises any providence over men. They think that, after having created the world, he does not farther care about it, nor about the concerns of men; and, therefore, they also do not worship him. b) The objects of their worship are rather what they call: a-krifi,**) „krifis, tutelary spirits." For these they care much more than for the Supreme Being, and pay them much greater attention; because they believe that these Kritis exercise a much greater influence upon their condition than God, and that their happy or unhappy condition in this world depends on the good- will, or upon the ill-will of these Krifis. Hence the many sacri- fices which they make to tliein, by which they endeavour to keep them well disposed towards them, in order that they might do them no harm. For any evil, which befalls a person, is attri- buted to the ill-will of the Kriti, who, as they say, has been offended by the person, on whom he sent the evil, either by not having made sacrifices to him, or by not having cared for him properly, and the Kriti must tlien be reconciled by sacrifices;- while on the other hand every good, with which one may meet, *) Cf. the word k'uru in the Vocabulary. **) See the word: krifi, both the noun and the adjective in the Voca- bulary behind. X Preface. is attributed to the good-Avill of the Krifi, for which they then bring him a sacrifice of thanksgiving. c) There are good and evil Krifis, as also male and female ones. Thej' believe that thev not only take care of men, but also of towns, houses, and farms etc., as long as they are well disposed. Hence we frequently meet with a small hut before a town, or at its entrance, which is dedicated to the Krifi, or tute- lary si)irit of the town; before whom they set food from time to time, or at cei^tain periods. But the concrete noun o-krifi is also used for the abstract, and they use g-krifi for „luck", as: g ba o-krifi o-fino, „he has good luck," lit. „he has a good krifi;" — o ba o-krifi o-las, „he has bad luck," lit. ,,he has a bad krifi." A male Krifi they call: o-krifi o-runi, and a female one: o-krifi o-bera. The sacrifices which they bring to these Krifis, and which are called: s'adka*) (which is a word of Arabic origin, and in- troduced by the Mohammedans; cf. Temne Gram. § 6), generally consist of food, as of cooked rice, or of cakes, etc. ^ !-'• . a) The Krifis themselves, they say, cannot be seen by any body, except by those who have four eyes, as they call it, that is by the: an-soki, „the wizards, the augurers," or by „those possessed of second sight." But they have representatives of these Krifis in their houses, which consist of stones taken from the graves of relatives, never from those of strangers. These stones they call: am-baki, lit. „the dead ones, the manes," or „the shades of the departed." To these stones they bring their sacrifices; and we may often hear them saying: 'a ko trond am- baki, „they go to cook for the dead," or „for the manes;" or: trond o-krifi, „he cooks for the Krifi." b) The immortal part of man they call: an'ump.il, pi. am'um- pal, sometimes also: ey'iimpal. It jn-operly signifies „the shadow *) See this word in the Vocab. behind. Preface. XI of a person," or „of a tree, as caused by standing in tlie sun." As applied to a person it is said to walk sometimes, hence „departed spirit, soul," = the Gr. to nv^vf.icc. It is also used of the shade of an animal slaughtered for sacrifice, which is said to appear in the Hades in behalf of him, for whom the sacrifice was made. They even apply it to the Deity. In the whole they rather dread than revere these Kritis, and try by sacrifices to keep them favourably disposed towards them, so as not to be harmed by them. Note. They do not apply the term Kriti to the spirit of man. But from the cii'cumstance that the stones taken from the graves of relatives are the representatives of the Krifis ; one might be induced to believe that these Ki'ifis are their de- ceased ancestors, deified, as it were, after their death, as is the case with the Bassutos in South-Africa. a) The Krifis are said to reside in the wood or bush, and sometimes to make a noise before sun-rise, as if one were striking a tin-pan. Some, they say, look like White men, some like the Mori-men (Mohammedans), i. e. of a Mulatto complexion. They assert that God made the Krifis, and that they are invisible; only certain persons (as stated in the preceding section) can see them. Sometimes, they say, a shine may be seen like the glimmer of a lamp early in the moniing, which, they say, is the Krifi when passing round the town. b} „The diamond snake," or ..tlie devil snake," or ,.the magic snake" called: an -yarn in Temne, they believe to be a Krifi. They affirm that it is able to part the water in two, so that a canoe cannot i)ass on. If a black man sees it, and is able to give something to the snake, the man can get rich, for this Krifi will give him plenty of rice, etc. This yaro is said to come to people in the form of another person, to talk to them, and to tell them: „How do you do?" If he comes to a house at night to sleep with a person, no other person can come to that house; the house, they say, is then very hot. There is a XII Preface. little island on the other side of Port Loko, close to that part of the town Port-Loko, which they call: Old Port Loko, where the Krifis are said to beat drums, and to dance in the day-time ; but no man can see them. Many more such superstitious things might be stated of these Krifis by the author; but those given above will suffice. Note. As regards the sacrifices of those Temnes, who have become Mori-men, or Mohammedans, and their belief that the shadows of the victims go to the Hades, see „ Church Missionary Record for June 1851, pag. 129." § 14. The Temnes firmly believe that by witchcraft a person may turn himself into a leopard, or into an alligator in order to hurt others in a secret manner. Yea, they affirm that such persons may come at night to the house of another, rub against the door, and imitate the voice of some person, and pretend to have some- thing to say to the person in the house. But when the person opens, it is a leopard, who then kills him. In the year 1854 they burned a man at Port-Loko, because he was charged with having done such a thing. They tied his hands and feet together, thrust a stick through them, and then suspended him over a fire, and burned him to death. In April 1850 one was burned at night quite secretly, about which see „ Church Miss. Record fur June 1851, pag. 131." § 15. Charms or Amulets are also extensively used among the Temnes, which, they say, are to protect them from evil. Some are to protect the owner against rain; others against the ball of a gun; again others against the stroke of a cutlass, etc. The wearing of such charms seems to prevail much amoug the African tribes. § 16. As the Temnes ascribe events, as they happen, generally to chance or fortune; we cannot be surprised at meeting with Preface. XIII many words in their language referring to this , such words as convey the sense of „luck, fortune; good luck, bad luck; a good krifi, or a bad krifi." Still we may now and then hear one say at the death of a person: „God has called him away.-' Another thing in the Temne language worthy of remark is that many words occur referring to the cultivation of rice, which shows that this is one of their principal articles of food among them, and so it is. § 17. The Bondo-Institution among the Teranes called: am-bondo, is a secret institution, where they practise female circumcision; the oldest woman of the king is generally the headwoman of it, whom they call „bom rigba." Every female before getting mar- ried is to be initiated into it. The Temnes have received this custom from the Kossos. A member of this institution is called O-ko-bondo, pi. a-ko-bondo. *) § 18. a) The Porro Association is a secret society called: am- p(5ro, and a member of it is called: o-ko-poro, pi. a-ko-poro.*) It is for men only, and exists chiefly on the Rokel. AH the members of it are tattooed on their nape. It is chiefly of a political nature, and they assume a great deal of power, and are very violent, especially when oiiended by one not initiated into their society, upon whom they look as unclean, calling him : o-gborka, which signifies „any one not initiated into the great institutions of the country," or „one ceremoniously unclean." Thus a woman not initiated into the Bondo institution is called by that name. The Pgrros will demand satisfaction for all what they may call an offence done to them. b) They frequently excommunicate persons by tixing a Gree- gree called: a-poro at their yard, or at their farms, consisting of a stick, at the toj) of which they tie some leaves or grass, *) For an analysis of these forms see the Temne Crammar § 23. XIV Preface. and by which they prevent the respective person from leaving his yard, or from touching any thing in his farm, and tlms cut him off from all communication with others. Thus they may say: 'a raf ri a-poro, „they fixed there a porro," or „they fixed a pgrro greegree," or „the sign of excommunication there;" — 'a rafar-ko am-poro, „they excommunicated him," lit. ,.they fixed the porrg greegree for him." Note. The author was once an eyewitness of the violent cha- racter of these people. Already their look indicates their character. "When the author went once down the Rokel to Sierra Leone, he was obliged to stay at some little town on shore to wait for the tide. One of his boat-crew hap- pened to spit on the foot of such a porro man, not inten- tioially but accidentally. The porro man immediately asked for a satisfaction on account of this offence; and as the Liberated African had nothing to give him, he took away the iron pot in which they cooked their food on shore. To regain the pot the author gave his man some heads of tobacco to redeem the pot with it. It would have been of no use for the author to speak to this saucy person, and the simplest way of settling the matter was to give the desired satisfaction; especially under the circumstances in which he and his crew were then placed. § 19. a) With regard to the Traditions there are sometimes various readings, which have been given at the bottom of the page. This is also the case with some of the Fables. b) As regards the Fables some of them seem to be intended to convey a moral precept ; others to state the occasion, on which an animal assumed its present form, and again others the reason why some animal lives at such and such a place. (Cf. also what has been stated under a, with regard to various readings.) § 20. Though Proverbs collected from the Natives are in some respects of great use for the acquisition of the language; yet Preface. XV they will not always enable the student to form general rules for the construction of the language; because with Proverbs the con- struction is often very peculiar, and the expressions so concise; as would not be tolerated in common language or conversation; and as regards the collection of materials for a Grammar, Fables and Stories are far more preferable for this purjiose. This observation applies at least to nio-t of the Temne Proverbs, and may probably applj' also to those of other African languages. § 21. With regard to the Temne Addresses in P. IT. Chapt. II. the;\' are expressed in plaiii Temne, the same truth being some- times imparted in dift'orent ways; as ma\ be expected, and ;is was necessary with such an audience as that one was to which they were delivered. § 22. a) The Vocabulary has been adapted to the Contents of this book only, and those words only (with a few exceptions) have been inserted, w'hicli occur in this publication. The original sense of each word has been given; but not all the other senses de- rived from it. It may be observed here, that what we have called relative verbs, whose suffix is -na, or -a, generally govern two, and sometimes even three Accusatives; one uf which some- times expresses the object in whose behalf, or in whose favour or disfavour the energy of the verb is exercised; and sometimes the instrument bv which the action, indicated bv the verb, is performed; and sometimes the material of which a thing is made. Another class of rel. verbs have the suff. -ar, or -r, which ex- presses various prepositions. As regards verbal nouns witli tlie prefix ka-, see the observation under this prefix in tlie Voca- bulary. b) In order to m;ike the Vocabulary more intelligible to the reader, it may be well to notice here in short, what has been stated in the Gronunar mor(^ fully, that the Prefix, which is XVI Preface. prefixed to nouns, might also be called the Article; that it as- sumes various forms, and that it has an indef. as well as a dof. form in both numbers. Most of them are made def. by the vowel prefix a-, and a few by e-, and some by o-, which vowels see in the Vocab in their respective places. But the emph. vowel prefix is sometimes dropped, especially at the beginning of a proposi- tion, or when the connection sufficiently shows that the def. state is intended. It must also be borne in mind, that the prefix, at least as regards the one used with inanimate or neuter nouns, always influences the form of the poss. preposition, and that of all the various pronouns, as of the rel., — dem., — poss., — etc. With animate nouns this is less the case. Note 1. The various Forms or Conjugations of the Temne verb are but sparingly represented in the Traditions, Fables and Proverbs; though there is a great variety of them. Note 2. As the Author's Temne Grammar has not yet been published, he has thought himself justified in giving a more copious explanation of certain words in the Vocabulary than he would have done otherwise, in order to make it more useful and intelligible to the reader. Note 3. The author does not think that any word, occurring in the Traditions, Fables etc., has been omitted in the Vo- cabulary; nor is he aware that any word, occurring in the examples of the V^ocabulary itself has been left out; though it is possible that a few may have escaped his notice.*,) May the following pages serve, in some measure at least, to promote the spread of Christ's Kingdom in benighted Africa; so that the dark places of this great Continent also may soon become enlightened with the glorious Gospel of Truth! C. F. Schlenker. Kirchhoim n. Teck, Wurtteniberg , October 15. 1861. *) A feAV words omitted in the Yoralmlary will he found under the »A(ldpnda« behind. XVII Pronomiciation of Letters. As not every reader of the following pages may have at hand the Standard Aljjhabet of Professor Lepsius of Berlin, ac- cording to which the Traditions, etc., contained in the following pages, as also the Grammar, are written; we subjoin here, for the convenience of the reader, a table representing the sounds used in the Temne language 1. Vowels. a Primary and intermediate vowels a sounds like a in — father. 5 51 55 the ger. a in — Mann. e 55 55 the ger. e in — legen. e >5 55 the ger. e in — wenu. e 51 55 the ger. A in — Biir. e 55 55 a in — happv, fat. I »5 55 ee in — see. T 5» 55 i in — sin. o 55 55 in — no, home. o 55 55 the ger. o in — von, woUen. 55 55 a in — all, water. Q 55 55 in — hot, not. u 55 5) u in — rule. u 55 55 00 iu — '■ foot. I); Imperfei't voAvel sounds. a This is the only one used in Temne, and is a short deep pectoral sound. As to its power it comes nearest to the u iu — but, or in — tub. See Tem. Gram. § IG, l.b. b XVIII Pronounciation of Letters. c) Diphthongs. ai sounds like the ger. ai in — Kaiser, or like the engl. i in — mine, au „ „ ou in — house, or like the ger. au in — Haus. ei „ „ the ger. ei in — leiden, or like the engl. cv in — eye. oi „ „ the gr. oi in — xoivog, as pronounced on the Con- tinent, oi „ „ oi in — oil, join. ui „ „ the lat. ui in — fui, as pronounced on the Conti- nent; or somewhat like the engl. ui in congruity, if it would he pronounced like a diphthong, ai Both vowels have tlieir proper sound; but are so contracted in pronouncing them as to form a short diphthong. 2. Consonants. a) Simple. The letters b, d, f, k, I, m, n, p, r, s, t, have the usual english sounds. g like g in — gold. h „ h in — horse. n „ ng in — king, or like the ger. ng in — Gesang. s „ sh in — sh(5w, >v „ w in — we, waft. y „ y in ~ year. b) Compound. Of these there are only two, viz — gb and is. The latter sounds like ch in — church. Note 1. Whenever the forms mm, fin, and rr are met with at the end of a word, which is the case with some adverbs, the voice dwells upon them , not on the vowel preceding them, on which account these consonants have been doubled. E. g. t;imm, „very". Note 2. Long vowels are marked as usually by ("), as: a, e, etc. Though the short vowels have been marked in the Pronounciatic^n of Letters. XIX preceding table bv the usual sign (") to show their cor- responding sound in other languages; vet for brevity's sake this mark will be left awav in the following pages. It is, therefore, to be borne in mind, that evorv vowel not having the mark of a long one, is short. Note 3. Long diphthongs have the usual sign of length placed on the second vowel, thus : ai. When the;^ receive the accent, it is alwavs placed on the last of the two vowels, e. g. atrei. Note 4. Extreme length of vow^els has been marked by doub- ling them with the usual mark of length, and when receiving an accent, it is placed on the first of them; e, g. tralil. Diphthongs pronounced very long have been marked in the same way, that is by doubling them, as: lauafi. Note 5. If two vowels standing together are to be sounded distinctly or separately, the usual mark of diaeresis has been employed, as: a-rei, „a day." * Note 6. If r follows t, and is to be pronounced together with t, as is often the case both at the beginning and at the end of a word; the r is pronounced rather faint, much like tr in „true" or in „truth". Note 7. The accented syllable is indicated by the accute accent; e. g. falir. If a word has two accents the stronger one is marked by a double accent; e g. K'urumasaba. b* XX Contents. Part I. p,g,. Collection of Teiune Traditions, Fables and Proverbs. Chapter I. Traditions about the ancient Heroes of the Temnes 1 — 13 Chapter II. Traditions respecting the Creation of the "World and of the first Men . . . 13—35 Chapter III. Traditions concerning the State of Man after Death 1. and 2 . . . . 35—41 Chapter IV. Fables. Fable I. The Iguana and the Dog . . . 41 — 45 > II. The Spider, and the Ant- Eater and Mr. Tamba 45—57 » III. The Child and the Bird .... 57—61 » IV. The Elephant and the Goat . . . 61—67 » V. The Spider, and the Bushgoat, and the Deer, and the Antelope, and the Bush- cow, and the Fillentamba . . . 67 — 73 » VI. The Spider, and the Bushgoat, and the Ant-Eater, and the Leopard . . 73—87 » VII. The King, and his Daughter, and Mr. Tamba 87— 97 Chapter V. Proverbs 98—101 Part II. Specimens of the Author's own Temne Compositions and Translations. Chapter I. Colloquial Phrases. 1. Salutations 105—110 2. OfAVorsbip . . 110-112 Couteuts. XXI Temnes. 3. Of the School 4. Of the House . . 5. Of Eating sncl Drinkiug Chapter II. Addresses delivered to the 1. On John 14, (J. . . . 2- On 2 Cor. 5, 10. 20. . 3. Ou Jude V. 14. 15. 4. On Luke 10. 10-lG. . Chapter III. The ten Comniandmcnts Chapter IV. Translation of some Psalms Psahn I , XXIII p CXXVI. .... Chapter V. Hymns , . . . Chapter YI. The Lord's Prayer Part III. Temiie English Vocabulary rage. 112-113 113—114 114—115 115—119 119-123 123—127 127—131 132—133 133 134 134-135 136-138 138 139—298 XXII Corrigenda et Addenda. 1. Corrig en da. Page. Line For Read 15, 9 from top, ake take. 24, 11 It 11 me e-siima mo e-suma. 37, 4 from bottom, returnes returns. 105, 10 5i „ Nothing but trouble! Nothing at all ! 107, 1 55 11 yefa-i? yefa-e ? 107, 5 and 8 11 T) sen sen'. 108, 5 from top, sen-e sene. 110, 4. 5 and 8 from bottom, sen n;»n sen' nan. 146, 11 11 „ a rope and rope a rope. 247, 13 15 11 2. Adde so, V. n. n d a. so, V. a. Page. 105. Line 2 frr )m bottom, after: „Thou, how ar t thou?" add: or ,,Thou, Avhat news?" 107. Line 1 from bottom road: re ma yefa-e? or ) ro ma yefa-e? ' 168. Fil, V. a. „turn round" (as a sling '; „move" or „turn to and fro; swing to and fro" (as a hammock); e.g. tse fil ow'ahtjt, „do not turn the child to and fro." 179. I, pr. subj. „I"; e. g. I pon ama-pant, „I have done with the work." „ I-, pref. indef. „a, an;" its pi. form is always ma-, never e-- E. g. i-ydri, „a cat." 228. P'in, adj. num. „one kind, one sort;" e.g. pa-la p'in, „one sort of rice." Part I. A Collection of Temne Traditions Fables and Proverbs. Temue - Sageu. — 2 — Ara-bomp T. Ma-Kane ma-kur traka an-Kelfa a-baki na an-Temne. Be Farma o yefa ro-toron, o won ri, o }'i o-kelfa o-b^na. Pa t^si tra-komra tr'eme tra-sas mo o \i tapan. o o -~o --I/O* An-Io na-tsi an-Temne') na ba he a-pinkar, na bahe a-gbato; ria ba sbo tr'antr, de e-sor, de e-bantra, de ma-seno, de e-boka, de e-lis traka Isim. dim an-tof be. yoka ra-kelfa ro- tdrgn, o tsim an-tof a-torgn, o poii-ni. Kgno mot solo a-kala, de e-pinkar, de p'olpala, de e-gbato, de v'etr e-tsima be. won ro-toron, o tor he lemp ro-Bake Loko. ^; dif a-Limba, de tila-na; o won ri; o dif a-Loko, ko o dim ri tamm. ^) O der ka an-tgf na an-Temne, g yira ro-Belia.*) Kg g tsim Be Yare, gwg gbiike, kg g wgn ro-m'antr de afi-wut-n'gn be, de an-kala-iVgn be, de apa-la-p'gn be, de e-sem- y'gn e-trgl be; kg Be Farma g tsia g yira ri; kg g wur, g tsim an-tgf na an-Temne be, g pon-ni. Kg g bal am-Baka, ana yi ro-Bake Lgkg tapan, ha lor ro-bil, ha kgne ro-pil; de am-Marun, de ah-fam be ha ebuke; ko o bal am-B6Iam de ah-Kwea, ha yefa ro-Bake Lgkg; g poh bal ro-Kel be, ka ha be ha gbiike. 1) See the Preface § 2. 2) See about the name of this town Preface § 4. c. 3) Lit. „he destroyed there entirely", i. e. he dispeopled the country so much that it became almost a desert. 4) A river in the Lgkg country. A town lying near it was called „Yare". 3 — Chapter I. Traditions about the aiicieut Heroes of the Temnes. Bev Fanna came from the East, \\here he was for a long time; he was a great warrior. iMore than three hundred genera- tions have passed away since he Hved. At that time the Temnes had no gun, and no cutlass; they had only sticks, and spears, and bows, and arrows, and bill- hooks, and knives to fight with. He destroyed the whole country. He took upon him the office of a captain of the array in the East, and waged war against the East-country, and went all over it. He was the first who got money, and guns, and gunpowder, and cutlasses, and all sorts of arms. He stayed a long time in the East, and did not siraightways come down to Port-Loko. He killed Limbas, and sold (some of) them; he was long there;') he killed Lokos, and he destroyed it (country) entirely. He came into the Temne country, and lived at Bella, Then he fought against Bey Yare, who ran,^) and went into the water with all his children, and with all his property, with all his rice, and with all his cattle; and Bey Farma remained and lived there; then he went forth, and waged war against all the Temne country, and went all over it. He expelled the Bakas, who where formerly at Port-Loko, and who went down the river in canoes toward the \Yest;^) and the Maruns,*) and all the people fled; he also expelled the Boloms and the Queas, and they came away from Port-Loko; he entirely expelled (the people) on the whole of the Rokel, and thev all fled. 1) That is in the Limba country, 2) Or „fled". 3) See what is stated about this people in the Preface § 4. d. 4) By this name the Settlers were called, who first settled at Sierra Leoue. 1* — 4 — Ko yira ka an-lof na Kwea, o t.sim he so; o fi, ko pa tsia ton, I'la tsiin fo so. Kon' o trori a-fam ka-tsim; ka-tsim ka yi ho Ulpaii. Be Farma o tora am-bantra. ') Farma Tami sek o-p6lo,^j ko fal; o sek o-bal,^) o ko fal, mo o lasi-ko. Tr'ei tra yi he .=o, ko pa won 'a tMin fe so (or: ko pa won ka 'a mota l^im). Ko pa won ka ka-l.sim ka ma der, ha Pa Korombo o yokane o-kelfa; o dim an-tof a-temne be, o tsini ha bek no-Bake Loko. tsim he no-Bake Loko, o tila gbo ka am-p6to. Mo o pal ka-der no-Bake Loko, ka-petr*) aka o dira, yif a-fet a-runi;. o yoka-fia, o kara-na, o re tila. Mo o bap o-komra, o kori o-komra, o wura tr'ola de ma-ber, o son o- komra, o pa ho: „Be ow'an-ka-mu o beka am'olo, I tsi tila- ko." wura a-pinkar, o sQii-ni ka o-runi. Na gbali he dif-ko; 'a trap-ko, an-gbato na won fe; 'a siitara-ko a-pinkar, ama-pilor ma wop he ko; o gbali faHr. Be o der ra-pelr, o lonkla ari- fam, tit-iia, o tila-na. An-gbato-n'on iia yi k'ong. Korombo o natr, o dim Ira-petr tramal ro kin, ko o pa ho: „I tsim fe so." 0-keifa ka Korombo, Ya Fura, o Irama kadi, ko trap aka-tsim; ko o gbip a-fam, o dif a-fam tankan. An- tof a-tdron na tonkla r'ilfa ra-bana, 'a re gban-ko ka as'on be, ka ar'afa ra trap ka-tsim ro-toron. Korombo Fiinti kono yi o-kelfa o-baki, ka 'a tsim an- 1) Lit. „B. F. brought down the bow", which phrase is equivalent to: „B. F. b. d. the war." They assert that there was no rainbow before his time, and that none was seen till he came; for which reason they call the rain-bow to this very day: am-bautra na Farma, „Farma's bow;" or also: am-b. na k'uru, O III „the bow of heaven." 2) The Singular for the Plural. — 5 — Then he sellled in (he Qiiea country, and did no! wage war again; he died, and it remained so then, thcv did not fight again. He taught people the art of war; there was no war be- fore. Bey Farma was the first who waged war. Farina the Conquerer tied white men (Europeans), and went and cut their throat; he tied kings, and went and cut their throat; because he was superior to them. There was no matter again, and for a long time they did not fight again, (or: and it was long be- fore they warred again). It was long before war was coming, till Mr. Korombo rose up as a warrior; he destroyed the whole Temne country, he fought till he reached here to Port-Loko. ') Here at Port Loko he did not fight, he only traded with the Europeans. When he was ready to come here to Port Loko, at the towns, where he slept, he asked for boys; he took them and brought them, and went Jind sold them. When he met with a woman in childbed, he saluted (or: went to see) the woman in childbed; he took on! cloths and palmwine (or: liquor), and gave (them) to the woman, and said: „When thy child is worth the amount, 1 shall sell it." He took out a gun, and gave it to the husband. They were not able to kill him; they chopped him, (but) the cutlas did not enter (his bod_^); they shot at him with a gun, (but) the balls did not hit him; and he was able to fly. When he came to a town, he assembled the people, selected (a number of) them, and sold them. His sword was a turkish sabre. Korombo went up the country, and destroyed six towns; then he said: „I do not fight agnin." An officer of Korombo, Ya Fura, he placed himself at the head, he went and began the war; he caught people, and killed many of Ib.em. The East- country collected a large army, they went and prevented') him in all the roads, and the army began war in the F]ast. Korombo Funti was an old captain, and ti ev invaded the 1) It is to be borne in mind that the speaker lived at Port Loko, and that it was written there. 2) Or: „ way-laid him etc." _ 6 ~ tof a-temne bo; ka 'a ko tsim an-lof a-loko be, ka 'a pon iii dim, ha w'riiii k'in o tsia be ri. Ka 'a kone ka an-tof a-limba, 'a tsim ri so, ka 'a poii-'i; ka 'a pon dim Ira-lof tramat ro iVaiile. An-tof ana beka trofatr-c, Ya Fura o pa ho: „I kone, ar'afa- ra-mi ra lasar." Korombo o pa ronon: „Tse ko;" kere o kone, tsia Korombo o-k'olfa o-baki; ko o ko tsim an-tgf ana beka trofAtr, dim-ni. Ana beka trofatr iVin-e o ko tsim ri, o bek ratrdn. Ka afi-fam, ana o pon bal ka tra-tof tramat ro kin, na kal, lia der na mjinkne Ya Fiira; kere kdno Ir'a he tsi. R'afa ' - 7----- o ra-bana ra der tsim-ko, na bal-ko; o der yira ratrdn; na der tsim-ko ri, kere na gbali he. Ko o som o-kelfa o-lom ka Ko- rombo traka kane-ko ho: ,,'A tsim-mi, der mar-mi." Kere o- kelfa, owd som, o bap ro-r'on aii-fam, ana mankne Ya Fiira, ka 'a tsim-ko ma-rei tramat ro kin. Kg o-kelfa o-baki o kalane ka Ya Fiira; kere ari-fam-n'oii na kdne ka Korombo, na k^ne- ko ho: ,,'A pon-su ro-r'oii." De o-kelfa o-baki o kg kane so Ya Fiira ho: „Na poii-su ro-r'oii." Ma Ya Fiira g tral atse, g yokane de ar'afa-r'oii be, lia der tsim ro-r'oii y'of ye-ran, kg g fgl-he-tas. Kg Korombo g yefa ro-pil, g der gbaii's Ya Fiira ro-r'on traka mar-ko tra tsim. Ya Fiira ar'afa-r'gii ra yi k'eme k'in; lia bek sg ka-pelr ka-lgm, ka aii-fam na ka-petr na dim-iia. Ka ar'afa, ara yi roraran-e, ra laT, na re las be, ka na sek aii-fam be, na fgl e-set-'e-naii; kere ana 'a gbip, na dif he na. Ka lia der bap sg ka-petr ka-lgm; ana ma trama rodi, lia pon iiadif — 7 — whole Temne country; Ihcn ihey went and invaded the whole Loko country, and destroyed it entirely, so that not one person was left there. Then they went into the Limba country, and invaded it also, and destroyed it; and they destroyed nine coun- tries entirely. Respecting the tenth country, Ya Fura said: „I go, my army is complete." Korombo said to him: „Uo not go;" but he went, and left to Korombo an old captain; then he went and invaded the tenth country, and destroyed it. With regard to the eleventh he went and invaded it, and reached the middle (of it). And the people, whom he had expelled from six coun- tries, returned, they came and way-laid Ya Fura; but he did not know it. A large army came to fight against him, they drove him away; he came and sal down between (them); they came to fight wiih him there, but did not succeed. And he sent some officer to Korombo lo tell him: „They fight against me, come and help me." But the officer, whom he sent, met in the road with the people, who way-laid Ya Fura, and for six days they fought with him. Then the old officer returned to Ya Fura; but his people went to Korombo. and said to him: „They have destroyed*) us in the road." And the old officer went and told also Ya Fura: „They have destroyed us in the road." When Ya Fura heard this. lie rose up and all his army, they came and fought in the road two months, and it was not easy to pass. And Korombo departed from the West, and came to meet Ya Fura in the road, and to help him lo fight. As to Ya Fura's army it amounted to one hundred (men); they arrived again at another town, and the people of the town destroyed Ihem. And the army, which formed the rear,^) was numerous, they came and passed all along, and they tied all the people, and burned their houses; but they whom Ihey look prisoners, they did not kill them. And Ihey came and met again another town; as to those who were in advance,^) they entirely killed them 1) Or: ^routed." 2) Lit. „ which was behind". 3) The avant-guard. — 8 — be; kere a-Iai na bek so, na Isim, ka ha dif an-fam, ria tas. Na der so bap ka-petr ka-loin, ka aha traina rodi, ha yi tr'eme tra-rah, ha dim-ha so be; kere ar'afa ra-lal ronirah oo' ' ~ " o o ra bek, ha tsim ah-fam, ha dif-ha, ka ha tas. Ma ha ko bap so ka-petr ka-lom, Ya Fura o pa ho: „Mah gbah'sane ka- petr." Ka ha gbah'sane ka-petr ka-tsi, 'a tsim ri ma-rei tramat ro kin; ka 'a pen dif ar'afa ra Ya Fura, ha tsia gbo a-tan. Ma ha der kane ar'afa, aha mahkne Ya Fura ho: „Kor6mbo o bek!" ha gbuke; ka Ya Fura o toT ri be, o tas, o ko bap Korombo. Korombo o kane-ko ho: „Mah kalane; I kane-mu tapah: tse ko. Ma nahk ma ha poh dif ah-wut ha ah-fam-i?" Ka ha kalane so. Aha poh ko kahka Ya Fura, ha tra poh ko na wop, mg Korombo o bek, o der bal ah-fam. Ya Fura, mo o kal-e, o der gbo yira ha o fi; w'uni o dif he ko. Kere atra-petr-tr'gh be w'an duni o yi he ri so, a-fet gbo de a-bom; a-lahba ha yi he ri, ha poh ha dif ro-toroh. Kg Korombo g kal botr a-hihba ri be ka Ira-petr tra-tsi be, kg g tsia sg o-kelfa g-bana son; g tam ah-fam ka 'ra-ra be, am-p6to 6 am-bi 6 be. Ka ka-lapsg ha dif ko. Korombo, mg g tam a-fam be, tsiah ha botra-kg yahfa traka memar ko dif. Ka ha soh-ko a-bera a-ebati; 'a kane am- bera ha-tsi, ma ha ma ru-kg ah-fon-e, kama ha kara ah-fon- h'gh. Am-butu, ro g mg botr ara-bomp-r'gh, mg g fanta, ah-lg ha ma kg yak-e, am'anir ama 'a wek, ha botr am'antr ma-tsi ka — 9 ~ all; but many arrived again, and they fought, and killed the people, and passed on. They came and met again another town, and those who were in advance,') amounted to two hundred (men), and they destroyed the whole of them also; but the gross of the army (which was) behind^) arrived, they fought against the people, and killed them, and then passed on. When they went anfl met again another town, Ya Fura said: „Let us sur- round the town." And they surrounded that town, and fought there six days, and they entirely killed the army of Ya Fura, only few were left. When they came and told the army, which way-laid Ya Fura; „Korombo has arrived!" tiiey fled; then Ya Fura burned the whole place, and passed on, and went to meet Korombo. Korombo said to him: „Let us return; I told thee before: do not go. Doest thou see how they have killed the children of the people?" And they returned again. As to those, who had gone and enclosed Ya Fura on all sides, they would have apprehended him, if Korombo had not arrived, who came and drove away the people. As to Ya Fura, when he returned, he just came and settled in a place till he died; nobody killed him. But as regards all his towns there was no youth again, (but) only children and women; young men were not there, they had killed them all in the Fast. And Korombo located again young men every where in all those towns, and he was left the only great warrior again; he vanquished the people in the whole world, both all the white and the black men. At last they kil- led him. As to Korombo, because he conquered all people, therefore they acted deceitfully against him in order to try to kill him. They gave him many women, and told those women (that) when they were plaiting his hair, they might bring his hair. As for the pillow, whereon he was putting his head, wlien he lay down (they told them), that when they were going to wash (it), the water which they wring out, they should put that water into 1) The avant-guard. 2) That is, the rear! — 10 — a-bilra, iia kero-iia ka am -Mori. Mo o gbak e-sanlrak, o pa ka am-bcra: „Ko fita-mi-yi." Ka na yoka iia kere-yi ka an-fam, ana ten-ko ara-bomp-e. Ma iia kane-ko ho: „Man kone gban- ne;" iia ko gbo ka aii-gbanne lia-l.si. Ko Korombo o ba r'afa ra-Lana; koro ar'afa-r'oii o ba, na poii kg woii yaiifa. Na tonlo Korombo, k;ima o tier Iraka dif-ko; kore kono tr'a he Lsi Ka am-bal iia ten r'afa ra-bana; iia poii kone tralrak ro ka Korombo. Mo der gbanne-iia, ar'afa ra gbalrg ro-kant be; a-bal tramat ro kin iia der yira ka k'antr k'in. 0-baT, owg yi gw'uni-k'gfi gben, g yira ka ak'antr. Mg Korombo g bek, iia kiilg, iia liii- kg, g yfra ka ka-troii ka a-bal na-raii, iia tra kiilo: Korombo g tra kiilg. Na yif-kg hg: „\V'an-ka-sn, ko Ir'eT ira ma poii- su-e?" Kg gwg liii-kg, g botr-kg ka e-laiik-y'gii, g tra kiilg. 0-baT g-lgm o noT-ko, o bolr-ko ka e-huik-v'oii. Korombo o lakte, g fanta ka e-laiik ya g-bal, gwg ba a-balma. Kg g-baT ka-tsi g wiira am-balma, g rgk-kg ka ka-lim, g fal-kg; am-bai a-lgm be iia glnike, iia wgii ro-kan!. Korombo g yokane, g pa hg: „Man tsim nmi!-' Kg g dif a-kelfa Irgfatr. Mg g kal botr aii-gbatg-n'gn ka am-bom-iia-lsi, o fiimpg, kg g fi. Ar'elr ra gbepar gbeii, kg g fiimpg; ka ma as'etr ra mgtra, iia naiik fe ri so, ha pa beka ma-rei' tramat ro kin. Ana beka ma-rei Iramat de ran, ma ar'etr ra gbepar 'ra-bomp ratrgii, ka ha mgt ri naiik. Kere Korombo, iia poii kg dif; kere g tra gbalap; ha na maiik-kg g tra gbalap. Ka aii-gbatg-ii'gh, w'lini 6 w'dni g gbali he hi wiira ka am-bom; ta gw'an-k'gh, kgng der — 11 — a bottle, ') and carr;/ it lo Ihe iMori-men. When he cul Ihe nails, he said to the women: ,.Go and throw them^) away for me." And they took (them), and carried them to the people, who sought his life.^) When they said to him: „Let us go and meet together;" they just went to fh:it meeting. And Korombo had a large army; but his army which he had, had entered into a conspiracy against him They coaxed Korombo, that he might come in order to kill him; but he did not know it. And the kings raised a large army; they had gone to Korombo's place at night. When lie came lo meet them, the army was all around the wood (where they met); six kings came and sat upon one log of limber. A king, who was of his own family, sat upon the log. When Korombo came, they cried, they drew him close, and he r-at between two kings, they were crying; Korombo was crying. They asked him: „Friend,*) why hast thou destroyed us?" And he who had drawn him close, put him upon his lap, and was crying. Another king took him, and put him upon his lap. Korombo looked up, he lay in the lap of a king, who had a dagger. Then tha! king took out the dagger, cut him into the neck, and cut his throat; all the other kings fled, and went into the wood. Korombo got up and said: „Let us fight togother!" And he killed ten captains. When he had put the cutlass again into its sheath, he fell down and died. The sun had just reached the Meridian, when he fell down; and when the sun set, they did not see it again, for the space of six days. On the seventh day, when the sun reached the Meridian, then only they saw it. But as regards Knrombo, they had killed him; but he was (still) twinkling with the eyes; till they buried him he was twinkling with the eyes. As to his sword, nobody was able to unsheath it; except his son, became 1) That is: ,thcy should put the water, which they wrinj out, into a bottle etc.' 2) That is ,the cuttings of them'. 3) Lit.: „wlio sought his head." 4) Lit. „Our friend etc." — 12 — wura-iii. Mo o pon fi, w'lini 6 w'Qiii o yoka ra-kelfa, ka na tsim. Ka-lsim ka pon tabjina, pa tdf'la ka an-lof a-temne be;*) 'a tsela am-p6lo, 'a der gbanne. Ka am-bal 6, am-p6to 6, na fnf d'im r'in, na pa ho: „Tr' 'a tse yo so r'afa ra-bana, tambe r'afa Ira-gba tra-ran, do Ira-gba Ira-sas gbo; pa pen. Be w'lini yo r'afa tra-gba Ir'anle, o fumpg k'asi, tr' o ram; pakasifo o jema lasar an-tof. Yo Koronibo o ;>o tapaji, o lasar an-lof. Ara-I)oinp 11. Ma-Kane ma au-Terane ma-kur traka ka-Trapi ara-Ru de an-Fani a-trdtroko. An-kas-'a-su na kane he su o-lai tnika ka-bempa 'ra-ru, na kane-su gbo fo^) mo K'liru o bempa ara-rfl-e, o ren'-ri ka 'ra- bomp ra w'tini bana,^) owg vi rorata. Ow'uni owe kong sara ara-ru. Na kane-sn fg e^'intr be, de ak'erch be, de ey'etr be, eye Igkg ka 'ra-rCi, e yi an-fon iia 'ra-bomp ra gw'uni gwe; de ey'etr e-nesam be e yi atr'ar Ira 'ra-bomp-r'gh.*) Qwg 'a ren tapan ara-ru ka 'ra-bomp-e, g pon fi, w'uni Igm kgng 1) Or: „tbe whole Temne country became quiet (pacified)." 2) Or: fg ara-ru are ra reusa ka 'ra-bomp ra w'uni bana, etc., „that this world was on the top of the bead of a giant, etc." 3) According to some: -ra a-.sem a- bana, „of a large ani- mal, etc." 4) Or: R'aka 6 rVika ka 'ra-ru be, ak'ereii, de ey'intr be, e yi an-fon-n'gh. E-lop 6 r'a ra-nesam be, ana yi ro-tgf de ro-m"antr iia yi atr'ar-tr'gn. „Every thing in this world, the grass and all the trees are his hair. The fish and every living creature, which is on the earth or in the water, are his lice." — 13 — and nnshealhed it. When he was dead, every one took upon him the office of a captain of the army, and they fought together. War was now al an end for ever, ') and there was peace in all the Temne country; they called the white people; they came and met together. And the kings and the white people made an agreement, they said:^j Let none raise a large army again, except an army of forty, or of sixty (mem only; it is sufficient. If any one raises an army of eighty (men), he be- comes liable to a fine, he must pay (for it); because he wants to spoil the country. Thus Korombo did before, and spoiled the country. Chapter 11. Traditions of the Temne s respecting the Creation of the World and of the first Men, Si Our fathers did not tell us much about the creation of the world, they only told us that when God made the world, he put it on the head of a giant, who was below (it).*) This person carries the world on the head. They told us that all the trees, and all the grass, and all things, which grow on this earth,"') are the hair of the head of this giant; and all living creatures are the lice of his head. He, on whose head the world was put before, has died, and another man 1) Little quarrels excepted as mentioned before. 2) Sense: „And the Chiefs and the Europeans made an agreement to this effect that none should raise an army exceed- ing, etc." 3) We may head this Chapter also as follows: An Account of the Creation of the World and of man as received by the Temnes according to the Traditions delivered to them by their Ancestors. 4) The Temnes believe the earth to be a round flat body. In the same way the sacred books of tlic Hindus ro]»resent the earth as resting on the back of a turtle of an immense size, and that earthquakes arise in consequence of a movement of this turtle. 5) Lit. „iu this world, etc." — 14 — kal sara ara-rfi are. Ma 'a reii-ko 'ra-ru, o yira, o sake ro-toroh. Na kane-su fo bw'uni owe o sake; kere o sake soT, ha a-fain iia gbali he tsi Irara; tcimbe an-lo na mo sake ro-pil, a-fam na Irara-tsi; pakasife an-lo ria-tsi an-lof na bone/) ha e-sel de y'intr e fumpg. An-lo nan ow'uni owe o mo fumpo, o fi-e, ara-ru be ra pon, de r'aka 6 r'dka ka 'ra-ru are ra tra dinne. Pa won gbo-e K'iiru o yoka ara-ru are, kama o kal bolr ra-ru ra-fu. K'dru o bempa he ra-ru ra-bak tabana; pa won o kal botr ra-ru ra-fu. Atra an-fam a-bi, de am-p6to na tra pa traka ara-ril, fo ara-ru are ra tra pen loko lom, tra yi tra-tsen. Ka ka-trap, mo K'uru o bempa ara-ru, o bempa a-fam na- ran ka an-tof , ^) o-runi re o-bera. Aii-lo nan K'iiru o bempa 'ra-ru, w'uni 6 w'uni o yi he ri ha ka an-rei mo K'iiru o bempa o-runi de o-bera. Mo K'uru o pon bempa-na, na yira gbo, o soil fe na r'a ra-di. Na tralne d'or, ka iia pa ka K'uru: „Ma poll bempa-su; kere ko r'aka sa ma di-e?" Ka an-lo na-tsi ha tr'a he r'aka 6 r'aka. Tsian K'Qru o kane-iia fo o tra son-na r'a ra-di. K'uru o son-na pa-la pa-fera, kama na ;yo-pi a-gbera; nia ma riinkatr re m'anlr, ha yo-hi ka-bo, ha di. ^) Na ta nam fe so 1) Or: mo o sake gbo ro-pil-e, ara-ru be ra bone, etc., „as soon as he turns towards the West, there arises an earth- quake, etc." 2) Or: Mo K'iiru o trapi ara-ru be, wiira a-fam ha-rah, etc. „When God created the whole world, he took out two per- sons, etc." 3) Or: Na tralne d'or, 'a pa ka am-boT (owd mo yo ma- paut ka-troh-ka-hah de ka-troh ka K'uru): „Mo K'iiru o wiira- su and, ko sa ma re di-e?" Am-boi o kdne, o ko kane K'iiru. K'iiru wiira pa-la pa-fera, o son ka am-boI, o kere-pi. wiira tra-romp de tra-dir, o soh ka am-boT, o kara-tsi. Apa-la pia ma ko gbam, 'a ruhkatr-hi re m'antr; hla ha ma di. „They felt hungry, and they said to the servant (who was transacting matters between them and between God): „As God has taken us out here, what shall we go eat?" The servant departed, and — 15 — carries this \vorld again on the head. When thev put the \vorld on him, he was in a silling posture, and turned towards the East. They told us that this person turns himself, but that he turns softly, so that people cannot know it;*) except that time when he turns towards the West, then men know it;^) because at that lime there arises an earthquake,^) so thai houses and trees fall down. At that time when this person falls down, and dies, the whole world is at an end, and every thing in this world will perish. After a long time God will ake this world away, that he may put again a new world. God did not make a world Listing forever; after a long time he will put a new world again. What the black and the white people say respecting the world, that this world will be at an end some day, is truth. In the beginning, when God made the world, he made two persons on the earlh, a male and a female. At thai time when God made the world, there was no man in it till the day when God made the male and the female. When God had made them, they just sat down, he did not give them any thing to eat. They fell hungry, and they said to God: ,.Thou hast made us; but what thing shall we eat;" At that time they did not know any thing. Therefore God told them that he will give them something to eat. God gave them clean rice, that they might make flour of it ; this they were to mix with water, and to make a cake of it , and to eat it. They had not yet seen went and told (it) to God. ■ God took out clean rice (i. e. de- prived of the liusks), and gave (it) to the servant, and he carried it. lie took out jjestles and mortars, and gave (them) to the servant, who brought them. As for the rice, tliey were to go and beat it to i)owder, and to mix it (i. e. the flour of it) with water; and this they were tu eat." 1) Or: „are not aware of it." 2) Or: „are aware of it." 3) Lit. „the earth moves, etc. — 16 — r'a ra-di ra-lom. K'ura o son fe I'la n'anlr an-lo na-tsi. Ar'a ra-di are iia di k;i-ren k'in. Ka-niran-ka-tsi na \if K'uru so: „Are ria sa ma di gbo loko 6 Igko-i?" ') Tsian K'uru o kane-na: „Tra ba he Ir'el, I tsi son-nu so r'a ra-di ra-lom traka di. Ka ka-ren aka beka tra-ran-e K'uru o son-iia v'etr e-di be,^) de e-sem ana f\ o-16mpi Iraka di; o somra ka am-boT. kama kere-j'i, >'ia na ma kg di. Ka ah-lo na-tsi o trori-na so e-sem, ana ma Ise di-e. E-lgm 'a ma tse di-e, kara-yi be rokin, o gbaski-yi; o botr eye 'a ma di-e toko; eye 'a ma tse di-e, o botr-yi tOko; o trori-na eye 'a ma di, de eye 'a ma tse di. An-lo na-tsi na tr'a he tr'el 6 tr'el, tambe traka ka-di gbo. Ka-raran-ka-tsi K'uru o Irori-iia e-trgl be, de ey'etr be traka yo ma-pant ka an-tof, ka-trala, de a-sapar, de ka-bap, de a-boka; o son-na so n'antr. Na trama a-tsin, na ba he y'etr e-16pra. Ma 'a natik na ba y'etr e-di e-lai, na som am-bol, kama kg kane K'uru ho: „Tete sa ba y'etr e-di e-lal; kere sa yi ebo na-ran: tro sa ma vo-e sa vi a-lal-e'i'" K'uru o pa: „Tra ba he tr'el; kar-mi." K'uru o kg ban a-trgi, tra-bot tramat re sas, g sgfi ka am-bgl, kama g kere-tsi, de kama na di-tsi. ^) 1) Or: Na ta nam fe so r'a ra-di ra-lom. Tsian na kane o ~ so ara-bgi, kama g kg kane K'uru fg ye: „Eye yia sa ma di gbo Idkg 6 Igkg-i?" „They had not seen as yet any other food. Therefore they told the servant again, that he might go and tell God thus: „These things them we shall eat only always?" 2i Or: K'uru g kal wiira y'etr e-di be, „God took out again ail sorts of victuals." 3) Or: Ma na yif K'uru yan-e, K'uru g kalane; kg tete o som am-bgi-n'gn. Am-hgT g kara-na e-trgl e-lgm, kama na di-yi, kama na yi a-lal. „Wheu they asked God thus, God returned; and presently he sent his servant. The servant brought them some medicines, that they might eat them, (and) that they might increase." Or also: Ma ha yif K'liru yah-e, K'uru g pa: „Tra ba he tr'el, kar-mi." Kg K'dru g kg bah a-trgl, tra-bot tramat re sas; atra-rah tra-fera o son ka am-bol, kama g kere-tsi. Am-bgi g kere an-trgl, g kg sgh-ha. 0-bera g pa fg, etc. „Wheu they asked God thus, God said: „It is of no consequence, wait — 17 — any other food. God did not givp them fire at that time. This food they ale for one year. Afterwards they asked God again: „This only we shall eat always?" Therefore God told them: „It does not matter, I shall give you also some other thing to eat." in the second year God gave them all sorts of victuals, and animals which were proper to be eaten; he sent (them) by the servant, that he might carry them, and these they were to go to eat. At that time he showed them also the animals, which they were not to eat. Some they were not to eat. He brought them all together, and separated them; he put those which they were to eat by themselves; those which they were not to eat, he put by themselves; he showed them those which they were to eat, and those which they were not to eat. At that time they did not know any thing but to eat only. After- wards God showed them all kind of medicines, and all sorts of tools to do work with in the ground,') as a hoe, and a digger, and an axe, and a bill-hook; he also gave them fire. They were naked, and had no clothes. When they saw that they had plenty of victuals, they sent the servant, that he might go and tell God: „Now me have plenty of food; but we are only two: what (how) must we do to increase?" God said: „It is of no consequence; wait me." God went and fetched medicine, eight pills, and gave (them) to the servant, that he might carry them, and that they might eat them. me." Then God went to fetch medicine, eight pills; the two white ones he gave to the servant, that he might carry tlioni. The servant carried the medicine, and gave (it) to them. The woman said that, etc." 1) I. e. ,agricultm'al implements.' Tcmue - Sageu, 2 — 18 — Fo K'uru bempa-na na-rafi ria IrSra-tsi; kere iia Ir'a he, ma 'a ma yo ria yi a-lal. Ma am-bol o kara e-trol-e, o-byra o pa fo kono mo mot di an-lrol; kere am-boT o selo he traka tsi, o pa: „Kar-mi, kama 1 kg trdri-tsi ka Pa." Tsian o kalane traka kane K'uru, atra o-bera o pon pa-e. K'uru o pa ka am-boI: „Kq soii-ko atra-bana tra-ran, kama o mot tsi di." Ka am-boI kdne, o son-ko-tsi; kg g-bera g di atra-ran. Tsian g-bera g tas traka a-fela; tsian a-bera be na ma trQ k'or, ma an'of na las, taigm ma an'of na fi. *) Am-bgi g wiira an-tramat ro kin, atra tsia, o son o-runi tra-sas re o-bera tra-sas. 0-runi g di an-trgl-iVgn , g mun so m'antr. ^) Ma na pon di e-trgl-e , iia ba fgsa traka sgtg a-wut; kere atr'el atse tra gbaU he yi, tambe 'a lekane. K'uru g yif am-bgl fg: „Na di an-trgl-i?" Am-bgl g wosa. Kg K'uru g sgn-kg a-trgl a-lgm, g pa: „Kg botr ma-lap ka gw'uni bom, kg botr ka-bak ra-fgr ka gw'an duni. Tsian a-fam a-runi be na yi a-baki ra-fgr; tsian so a-fam a-bom na ba ma-Iap. An-fela na bak-iia na-ran tra lekane; kere g-bera g gbali he trap. 1) Or: Am-boI g kdne, g kg bek ka K'uru, g pa: ,,0-bera pa ho kgng mg mgt di an-trgl." K'uru g kdne-kg fg kama yg mg g-bera g yema, kama g mgt di an-trol. E-trol e yi tra-bot tramat re sas: o-bera o yoka atra ta yi tra-bana, g di- tsi. Tsian a-bera be iia yenk he sg ma-der ka an'of a-fi, de ka an'of a-las." The servant departed, and went and came to God, and said: „The woman said that she must first eat the medicine." God told him that he might do as the woman want- ed, and that she might first eat the medicine. The medicines consisted of eight pills : the woman took the two larges ones, and ate them. This is the reason that all women are not well again at new moon, and at full moon." 2) Or: Ma na na-ran 'a pon di e-trgl-'e-nan, na yerane e- trgl tramat ro kin, eye tsia; g-bera o sdto e-sas, g-runi g sgtg e-sas. Ma ha pon di, etc. „When they both had eaten their medicine, they divided the six medicines, which were left among each other ; the woman got three, and the man got three. When they had eaten, etc." — 19 — That God made them two thev knew it; but they did not know, how (what) they must do to increase. When the servant brought the medicine, the woman said that she must first eat the medicine; but the servant was not willing for it, he said: „\yait me, that I may go and inform the Master of it." Therefore he returned in order to tell God, what the woman had said. God said to the servant: „Go and give her the two large ones, that she may eat them first." And the servant went, and gave them to her; and the woman ate the two. This is the reason that the woman has a stronger (sexual) desire; this is the reason that all women have the menses when the moon is full, or when the moon is new. *j The servant took out the six (pillsj, which were left, and gave three to the man and three to the woman. The man ate his medicine, and drank also water. When they had eaten the medicine, they had power ^) to get children; but this thing could not happen, unless they had a sexual commerce with each other. God asked the servant: „Did they eat the medicine?" The servant answered in the affirmative. And God gave him another medicine, and said: „Go and put modesty on the woman, and boldness on the man." This is the reason that all men are bold; this is also the reason that women are modest. The desire to have a sexual commerce with each other was strong with both of them; however the woman could not begin, 1) Lit. „is dead", = „is done". 2) Or „ ability"- 2* — 20 — lap traka yg-tsi; kere o-runi kgno la baki ra-for, kdng kg trap tra yg-tsi. *) Ma 'a fanta, g-bera o yoke k'or. Ma am-bol g der, o-bera g trgri-kg ak'or; am-bgl g kg trgri K'uru, fg g-bera ak'or- k'gn ka bana. K'lirii g sgn-kg y'etr e-l6pra tra kg sgfi-na, ka g-bora to g-runi. kara-yi, g re sgn-na. Ma ak'or-k'gn ka pofi bak, g kom w'ahet runi o-bi. kal joka k'or, kg g kom w'ahet bera g-fera, O-bera g kal sg yoka k'or, g kom tra-bari, w'ahet runi re w'ahel bera; g-runi g ji g-fera, kg g-bera g ji o-bi. Ma am-bgi g der, 'a kane- ko, kdma o ko kane K'uru fo: „Sa sdto a-fam iVanle." Am-boI g kgne, g kg kane K'uru, fg an-fam, ana g bempa, iia pou sgtg a-wut; ana-runi ha rah, de aha-bera ha ran. ^ ) Mo o ko kane K'uru, K'uru g yif fg: „Tro ha yi-e?" Kg g pa hg: „ O-runi g bi, g-bera g fera, kg g-runi g-lgm g fera, de g-bera g-lgm g bi; tsiah 'a pa, kama I re yif-mu fg tro 'a ma yg-ha-e." K'uru pa: „Kgne, kg gbaski-ha; kere aha-fera ro-m'antr rayer; aha- bi botr-ha ro-gbah." Am-bgl g der, g gbaski-ua, g yg mg K'uru g som-kg; g kg trgri K'uru fg: „I poh yg ma ma poh pa." K'uru g wura y'etr be, g sgh sg ka am-bgl, g pa „Kgne". Aha ro-gbah g sgh, kdma g kere-ha y'etr e-ydna ma-pant be ro-tgf; 1) Or — — kdng yg-tsi. Ka-rarah-ka-tsi g bera o yoka k'or, kg g kom w'ahet runi g-bi. O-bera g yoka sg k'or, kg g re kom w'ahet bera g-fera. Aka beka ma-sas-e g kdm tra- bari, g-runi g fera, g-bera g bi. Am-bgl g der, 'a kane, etc. „ he did it. After this the woman conceived, and she brought forth a black boy. The woman conceived again, and she brought forth a white girl. At the third time [lit. (at the parturition; which amounted to three (times)] she brought forth twins, the boy was white, and the girl was black. The servant came, they told, etc". 2) Or: Ma am-bgl g der, g nahk-ha, g kgne, o kg kane K'uru, fg ah-fam ha rah. Tsiah K'uru g som-kg sg, kama g gbaski ah-wut. Kg g der, g gbaski ah-wut a-fera ka ah-wut a-bi." When the servant came, and saw them, he left, and went and told God, that the people were two. Therefore God sent him again, that he might separate the chil- dren. And he came, and separated the white children from the black children." — 21 — she was ashamed to do it; but the man he was more bold, he began to do it. When they lay do\\n, the woman conceived. When the servant came, the woman showed him (her) pregnan- cy ; *) (and) the servant went and informed God, that as for the woman she was pregnant.^) God gave him clothes to go and give them to them, to the woman') and to the man. He brought them, (and) came and gave them to th(>m. When her pregnancy had come to the full time, she brought forth a black boy. She conceived again, and brought forth a white girl. The woman conceived once more, and brought forth twins, a boy and a girl; the boy was white, and the girl was black. When the servant came, they told him, that he might go and tell God: „We have got four persons." The servant left, and went and told God, that the people, whom he had made, had got children; the boys were two, and the girls were two. When he went to tell God, God asked him: „0f what kind are they?" And he said: „A boy is black, and a girl is white, and another boy is white, and another girl is black; therefore they said, that I might come and ask thee what (how) they must do with them." God said: „Go and separate them;') carry the white ones to the water side; as to the black ones locate them in the country." The servant came, and separated them, he did as God sent^) him (to do); and went and told God: „I have done as thou hast said." God took out all sorts of implements, and gave them to the servant, and said: „Go." For those in the country lie gave (to the servant), that he might carry to them all sorts of agricultural implements;*^) 1) lAt. „the woman showed him the belly." 2) Lit. „that the woman her holly was great" or „big". 3> To this day, when a girl gets betrothed to her future husband, the latter gives her clothes, as she wears none before that time. 4) Lit. „Depart, go and separate etc." 5) Or: „caused him etc." 6) Lit. „things to do all sort of work with in the ground." — 22 — aha ro-m'antr, o ko yer-ha y'elr e-yona ma -pant be ro- m'antr. Ka ah-fera o son a-fam a-lrol, de ana sot-an, de aha gbal. Aha ro-gbah, o soh-ha a-kabi. Ah-fam a-trol ha benipa p-spt tnlka ah-fam a-fera, de Ira-bil fra-p6to Iraka kol ro-bah, kama ha solo a-kala, ko kama ha yi a-yola; ko o botr-ha ro- m'antr rayer. Ah-wut a-bi o botr ro-gbah, de ka tra-tseh, de ka Ira-gbghko; o fak'sa-ha traka bempa e-set e-nepal, de e-set e-sor, de traka baf k'or, ko o yo-ha tra yo ma-panl ma-baki be; kere a-fam a-fera ha ba he ka-yo 'ma-panl ame, ha ba he ka- yo e-trol, ha tupas he; ama-trei ame be 'a botr-ha ka ah-fam a-bi gbo. Tsiah ah-fam a-fera, K'liru o reh-ha rokom ka ah- fam a-bi Irak' a-fdsa 6, trak' a-kala 6, traka ka-lsemp 6; tsiah w'uni fera, hali o yi gbo w'ahel runi, a-fam a-bi ha yi-kg ro- rata, ha minta he ko. Atra-bona be ka ra-ru are ha yefa ka ah-wut ahe a-fera, de ka ah-wul ahe a-bi. Am-boT ko kane K'uru fo: „I poh yer-ha." Mo o poh gbaski-ha, aha-fera ha ko kom a-wiil tramat ro kin, aha-bi ha kom tramat ro kin; aha-fera a-bera a-sas de a-runi a-sas ; aha- bi a-runi a-sas de a-bera a-sas. Ma ah-\Yut ha-tsi ha poh bak, ha kal so kom, ahe tramat ro kin, ahe tramat ro kin. Aha-bi ya ha kom so, aha-fera ya ha kom sq. Am-boi o ko kane K'uru fo: „Ah-fam ha ma la-ah." K'uru o pa ka am-boi: — 23 — as to those close the water side, he went and gave them all sorts of shipping implements. *) To the white people he gave artisans, and tavlors, and clerks. As to those in the country he gave them blacksmiths. The artisans made houses for the white people, and ships ^) for to walk on the sea; that they might get money, and that they might be gentlemen; and he put them close the water side. The black children he put in t!ie country, and on hills, and in forests; he taught them to make grass-houses and mud-houses, and to make farms, and he made them to do all laborious work; but white people have not to do this work, they have not to make country-medicines,^) they do not practise divination;*) as regards all these things, he put them only on the black people. Therefore, as regards the white people, God made them superior to the black people in power, and in pro- perty, and in intelligence; therefore, as regards a white person, although he be but a boy, black people are inferior to him, they dare not vie with him. All nations in this world descend from these white children, and from these black children. The servant went and said to God: „I have shared out to them."^) When he had separated them, the while (people) went and brought forth six children, the black (people) went and brought forth six children; the white ones three females and three males; the black ones three males and three females. When those children had grown up, they also brought forth children again, these six, (and) these six. The black ones brought forth black children again, '^) the while ones brought forth white children again. ^) The servant went and told God: „The people are increasing." God said to the servant : 1) Lit. „ things to do all sort of work with at sea." 2) Lit. „ white man's canoes," or „european canoes." 3) Or „ charms, amulets." 4) Or „ fortune telling." 5) That is ,the various objects, as artisans, blacksmiths etc' 6 1 Lit. „the black (or white) ones in the same way they brought forth again. ^ 24 — „Ko yer-na (ra-bona," kdne, o ko yer tra-bona senk. Ana- fera ria ba tra-bona-tra-nan, o-bt'ra re o-runi o-k'in, o-bera re Q- rflni o-k'in. Ana-bi, o ko yer-na tra-bona, mo o pon yer aiia- fera be; kere ana-fera iia yi ra ka-petr k'in, de ana-bi iia yi ra ka-petr k'in. Ma na ma b(^ka a-lai-e, am bol o ko kane K'uni fo: „An-fam-'a-mu 'a gbali ton-e." K'riru o pa: „Tr' 'a ko son-na an-tof na tra-bona-tra-nan." Mo o dcr-e, o yer am- pule tra-tof Ira-ebante be; o kal ver an-fam a-bi tra-tof tra- gbantg, ma tra-bona tra yi tra-lal. Ka ka-trap, mo K'uru o bempa w'uni, a-fam na yi fe traka fi, me e-suma ye ka ra-tril, de ka ka-bansa ma-der. An-lo na- tsi ra-tru ra yi he, ra-fi ra yi he. Ari-lo ha-Isi an-fam, ana K'uru mot kara ka ra-rfi-e, na tra kali ka-bak ka-bana; a-lom - - ^ ooo o'- na kali na beka tra ren tr'eme tramat ro kin,M a-lom tr'eme tramat re sas, a-lom na tasa yi;^J na fi he, K'uru o som gbo, 'a re ban-na. K'urumasaba o botr tapaii m'etr ma-boli ka w'uni 6 w'uni, re ban he kg lemp. Be K'uru o yema yoka w'lini, mot som am-boi-n'on ronon, owg mo re kane-ko, fo K'uru som-ko Ira re kori-ko, de traka kane-ko, fo an-lgkg-n'on ria pon, kc4ma g benene. Ow'uni, ma am-bgi g pon kane-kg yah-e, g beneno traka aka-trel an-nan; g som ka an-fam-h'gn be, de an-mane-ii'gn, g lemne-na. Mg g pon yg yan-e, ma an-lgkg ria-tsi na bek-e; am-bgl na K'uru g der so, ow'uni g yokane, g kgne gbo re am-bgl, g nank fe ra-fi. Ye pa yi traka w'lini 6 w'uni afi-lo na-tsi. 1) Or: a-lgm na bak tra-refi tr'eme tramat ro kin, „some got six hundred years old," etc. 2) Or: a-lgm na tasi; „some exceeded (this age)." — 25 — „Go and divide fhem into nations." He left, and wcnl and di\id- ed all Ihe nations. The white (people) had their nations, always a woman and one man at a time.') As to ihe hlaek (people), he went and divided them into nations, as he had divided all the white ones; bnt the white ones were in one town, and the black ones were in another town. \Vh*^n they were amounting to many, the servant went and said to God: „Thy people are numerous now." God said: ,.Lel them go and give them the country of their nations." When he came, he gave to the white people all (their) various countries; (then) he returned and gave to the black people (their) various countries, because the nations were numerous. In the beginning, when God made man, men had not to die, as at this time by sickness ;ind by bodily pain. At that time there was no sickness, there was no death. At that time the people, whom God brought first into the world, were living to a great age; some were living (till) they reached six hundred years, some eight hundred, some more than that; they did not die, God only sent, (and) they came to fetch them. God fixed formerly a long time for every person, he did not come to fetch them quickly. ^) When Cod wanted to take away a per- son, (then) he first sent his servant to him, who was coming to tell him, that God had sent him to come and see him, and to tell him, that his time was up, that he might make himself ready. The man, when (after) the servant had told liim thus, made himself ready (or the departure from his family; he sent to all his people, and to his friends, and bad farewell to them. W^hen he had done thus, (and) when that time (spoken of) arrived; the servant of God came again, the man got up, and just went with the servant, he did not see death. Thus it was with every person at that time. 1) Lit. „a woman and one man, a wnman and an. Wahet yi ri tapaii, o gbatr ma-teli ka a-tan' data, ko o sapas a-bamp. Amba, mo o pon ko som, g kal so Idmpar ama- leli, kg g kal s^pas a-bamp; kg g gbiike g kdisi ambamp, kg kere-kg ro-baiika; kcre g-kara-k'gri g bal-kg ro-gbanfrani tra kg bal e-bamp. Kg gw'ahet g pa hg: „Ya, tgfsa-mi'j am-bamp." O-kara-k'gii g pa hg: „Iv6d." Amba, mg gw'ahet g kdne, g-kara- k'gn g dif am-bamp, kg g liisi-kg, g kg tgls-kg, g sgm-kg larap. Mg gw'ahet g der-e, kg g yif g-kara-k'gn tra am-bamp, o-kara-k'gii g pa hg: „I pon kg sgm." Kg gw'ahet g bok, g pa hg: „Bom, sgn-mi am-bamp-'a-mi! Bom, sgn mi am-bamp-'a-mi, gwd I dif ro- lan'dala, lania, lan'data!"^) Amba, o-bom o soii-ko tra-mahk, ko 1) Or: „broil." 2) The preposition ro- before the tirst tan' data belongs here also to the following tanta and tan' data. — 57 — may inquire of her." When they had called her, thev inqinred of her. She, said: „Mr. Taba did not sleep here; the sun was slill high yesterday when he went out of the house, and went away." The king said: „It is the Spider; when he said that he and Mr. Taba killed the cow, he only told a lie against him." Mr. Taba said: „Look me here; he told a lie against me; if it had been 1, ').ye would have met me in the belly of the cow." They then said: „L('l them flog the Spider, he killed the cow." They led him to a young jialm-tree, and cii! a branch from the young palm-tree, they flogged him with the palm-leaf.^) This is the reason that he got many legs. The king said: „Let him go."') When they left liin). he departed, and went and was sick; he recovered,*) he had many legs; he ran, and went away into the bush. Fal)le III. The Child and the Bird. There was once a child \\ho set a trap under a root, and he cauglit a bird. Well, when he had eaten il, lie returned and set the trap again, and he again caught a bird; and he ran and loosed the bird; and carried it into the hul ; but his mother drove him to the outskirts of the farm to go and drive birds away. And the child said; „Mother, roast me the bird." And his mother said: „Yes." Well, when the child was gone, his mother killed the bird, and plucked it, and went and roasted it, and ate it entirely. When the child came, and asked his mother for the bird, his mother said: „I have eateu it." And the child cried, and said: „Mother, give me my bird! Mother, give me my bird, which 1 killed under the root, at the water- fall, under the root!" Well, the molher gave him maize, and 1) Lit. „if it were wc," but the Plural is here used for the Singular. 2) Or: „palm-branch." 3) Lit. „Let them leave him." 4) Or: ,,he got up." — 58 — ren-lsi ro-lakat rokom; ke me e-morka na pon Isi som, ow'ahet pa ka e-morka: „Morka, son-mi Ira-mank-tra-mi! Morka, son- mi tra-mank-lra-mi, alra o-bom o son-mi! 0-bom o som am- bamp-'a-mi, owol dif ro-fan' data, lanta, Ian' data." Amba, e-moika ha sala-ko e-bol; ko o kere-yi ro-bat ka ka-lanta traka kut. Ka ma ka-lanta ka ma vvotr e-bol eyan, o pa ho: „Tanta, soh-mi e-bol- 'e-mi ! Tanta, son -mi e-bol-'e-mi, eye e-mdrka na soh-mi! E-morka ha som Ira-mahk-tra-mi, atra o-bom o soh-mi; o-bom som am-bamp-'a-mi, owg 1 dif ro-tan' data, tanta, tan' data." Ka-lanta ka soh-ko a-fak; ka ma a-bar o mo yoka-ko, o pa ho: „Bar, soh-mi ah-fak-'a-mi! Bar, soh-mi ah-fak-'a-mi, owo Tanta 0^) soh-mi! Tanta o ') wotr e-bol-'e-mi, eve e-morka ha sala- mi; e-morka ha som tra-mahk-tra-mi, atra o-bom o soh-mi; o- bom som am-bamp-'a-mi, owo 1 dif ro-tan' data, tanta, tan' data." Amba am-bar o faka-ko k'hpo k'in. Amba, ma ah-fef ha ma kere-ki, o pa ho: „Fef, soh-mi ak'upo-ka-mi! Fef, soh- mi ak'upo-ka-mi, aka aih-bar o soh-mi! Am-bar o som ah-fak- 'a-mi, owo tanta o soh-mi; tanta o wotr e-bol-'e-mi, eye e- morka ha sala-mi; e-morka ha som tra-mahk-tra-mi, atra o-bom soh-mi; o-bom o som am-bamp-'a-mi, owo 1 dif ro-tan' data, tanta, tan' data." Amba, ah-fef ha koha-ko ma-lel ma-lal. Amba, ma tra-wolo ha poh di ama-lel-e, o pa ho : „W6lo, sgh- mi ama-lel-ma-mi, ama ah-fef ha kona-mi! Ah-fef ha kere ak'upo-ka-mi, aka am-bar o soh-mi; am-bar o som ah-fak-'a-mi, owo tanta o soh-mi; tanta o wotr e-bgl-'e-mi, eye e-mdrka ha sala- mi; e-mdrka ha som tra-mahk-tra-mi, atra o-bom o soh-mi; o-bom som am-bamp-'a-mi, owd 1 dif ro-tan' data, tanta, tan' data." 1) The Cataract ish^re personified, hence the pronoun o, „he". — 59 — he put it on the lop of the stump ol a tree; and when the termites had eaten it, the chikJ said to the termites: „Ter- mites, give me my maize! Termites, give me my maize, which the mother gave me! The mother ate my bird, which I kiUed under the root, at the water-fall, under the root." Well, the termites made') him earthen pots; he carried Ihem to the brook at the water -fall to scoop water with. And when the cataract was breaking those earthen pots, he said: „Calaract, give me my earthen pots! Cataract, give me my earthen pots, which the termites gave me! The termites ate my maize, which the mother gave me; the mother ate my bird, which I killed under the roof, at the water-fall, under the root." The cataract gave him a skate (fish); and when a hawk was taking it away, he said: „Hawk, give me my skate! Hawk, give me my skate, which the cataract gave me ! The cataract broke my earthen pots, which the termites made') for me; the termites ate my maize, which the mother gave me; the mother ate my bird, which I killed unler the root, at the water-fall, under the root." Well, the hawk dropped a feather for him. Well, when the wind was earring it away, he said: „Wind, give me my feather! Wind, give me my feather, which the hawk gave me! The hawk ate my skate, which the catanict gave me; the cataract broke my earthen pots, which the termites made for me; the termites ate my maize, which the mother gave me; the mother ate my bird, which 1 killed under the root, at the water-fall, under the root.*' Well, the wind made many country -beans to fall down for him. Well, when baboons had eaten the beans, he said: „ Baboon, give me my country -beans, which the wind made to fall down for me ! The w ind carried away my feather, which the hawk gave me; the hawk ale my skate, which the cataract gave me; the cataract broke my earthen pots, which the termites made for me; the termites ate my maize, which the mother gave me; the mother ate my bird, which I killed under the root, at the water-fall, under the root." 1) Lit. ,.formed". — 60 — Amba, ra-w6to o pa ho: „I ba ho r'aka traka son." Ko o sek ara-M6lo; ko mo o pon ko sek, o kere-ko ro-petr. A n ' 11 111 p IV. Pa Rank re Pa W'ir-aii. Pa Rank de Pa W'ir na yi ri tapan ; ka na gbakane ka- wont ro-lal. Pa Rank, kono pa ho: ,.Mina tas-mu traka ka- wont." Pa W'ir-an o pa ho: „De, ma yema; niina (as-mu." Pa Rank o pa ho: „Tro ma tas-mi-e?" Pa W'ir-an o pa ho: „Ma soko wont, sa piara wont." Pa Rank o pa ho: „Man kg ka Pa Sonala, kama sa tonka." Amba, na kdne ka Pa Sonala. Pa Souala o pa ho: „Pa Rank, ko ne-e, m\ der-e?" Pa Rank pa ho: „Pa W'ir o farki-mi; Pa W'ir o lol, mina bana; o pa fo tas-mi ka-wont." Pa Sonala o pa ho: „1 ta rok he am- pa; man kone nan ro-lal." Pa W'ir o pa ho: „Be sa tra ko ro-lal-e, man trap nan ano-kant ka-wont." Pa Rank g pa ho: „1 selo." Pa Sonala o pa ho: „A\va!" Pa Rank o yi ka ka- tra ka-dio ro-r'on; Pa W'ir o \i ka ka-tra ka-mero; Pa Sonala trcima ro-r'on. Pa Rank o kere ka-tra rokom, o sim ey'i'ntr, tra som e-bgpar-ya-tsi, ko o pa hg: „Pa W'ir g kolone ka-tsifi, 1 tas-kg." Pa W'ir g pa hg: „Man kg gbo, be pa yi hg ma tas-mi." Pa Sonala g pa hg: „Man kg nan gbo, nyafi I me kali-an." Ka ar'etr ra ka-tro Pa Sonala o pa ho: ,,Ma wnr nan ro-lal." Ma na bek ro-lal-e, Pa W''ir-an gpahg: „Ma wgnt nan, man gbakane nan." — 61 — Well Ihe baboon said: „1 have nolhing to give." And he tied the baboon, and when he had tied him, he carried him into the town. Fable IV. The Elephant and the Goat. There was once an Elephant and a Goat; and Ihe.y eon- tended with each other in grazing on the grass-field. As to the Elephant, he said: „I surpass thee in grazing." The Goat said: „No, thou doest tell a lie; I surpass thee." The Elephant said: „How doest thou surpass me?" The Goat said: „Let us graze all night and all day."') The Elephant said: „Let us go to the Lion, that we may debate the case together." Well, they went to the Lion. The Lion said: „Mr. Elephant, what is the matter that ye come?" The Elephant said; „The Goat despises me; the Goat is little, I am big; he said that he surpasses me in grazing." The Lion said. ,.I do not yet decide the matter; let us go to Ihe grass-field." The Goat said: „If we are going to the grass-field, let us begin grazing here in the bush." The Elephant said; „I am willing." The Lion said: „Yery well!" The Elephant was to the right hand of the road; the Goal was to the left hand; the Lion stood in the road. The Elephant put up the trunk,*) he broke the trees, and was eating the leaves of them, and said: „The Goat boasts in vain, I surpass him." The Goat said: „Let us but go, whether it be so that thou surpass me." The Lion said: „Let us just go, it is you I am looking at." About 4 o' clock ^) the Lion said: „Let us go out to the grass-field." When they arrived at the grass- field, the Goat said: „Let us graze, let us vie with each other."*) 1^ Lit. „Let us graze all iii.nlit, we graze all day", or rather: „let us spend all night in grazing, wc spend all day in grazing." 2) Lit. „tlio hand," but here „the proboscis of the Elephant." 3) Lit. „At the sun of beating rice (fur supper)," that is about two hours before sun-set, when they begin to beat rice for supper. 4) That is: „Iet us contend with each other in grazing." — 62 — Ar'^tr ra woii, ka Pa Wir o pa ho: „Mina, I tn n^m'ra he." Pa Rank o pa ho: „Sa ma fanta he o-tan-i?" Pa Wir o pa: „Ma wgnl nan ha ka-ren' datron ka bek." Ka-ren' dalron ka bek-e, ka Pa Sonala o pa ho: „Man kone ton ro-gbalan." An-gbalan 'a bana, e-buma e yi he ri traka wgnl. Na wur ka an-gbalan ralron gbeu. An -Sonala o pa ho: „Ma folane nan, man dira nan o-tan." Na fan!a ro-gbalan. Pa Rank o ko fanta ka an-gbalan, ro na \i a-fino; Pa Wir o kg fanta, ro an- gbalaii na gbope, dl-ah ') g botr ara-bomp-r'gn. Pa Rank g dira; Pa Sonala g dira; Pa Wir g dira; kere g tra trgm. Pa Sonala g tame, g tral Pa Wir g tra trgm marat-marat. Pa Sonala g pa hg, „Pa Wir, ko man sgm-e?" Pa Wir g pa ho: „I ta nam'ra he." Pa Sonala g pa hg: „Pa Rank, ma tral ma Pa Wir g mg sgm-i?" Pa Rank g pa: „Ko g mg sgm-e?" Pa Sonala g pa hg: „I tr'a he ar'a ran g mg sgm-e, yif-kg." Pa Rank-a g pa hg: „Ma sa fanta ka an-gbalah ratrgn, e-buma e yi fe ri. Pa \N"ir, ko ma ma sgm-e?" Pa Wir g pa hg: „I tsi sgm ah-gbalah, i nam fe e-buma." Pa Rank g pa hg: „Be ma pon an-gbalah-e, ko ma ma sgm-e?" pa hg: „I tsi sgm r'a ra-bgti-sgm." Pa Rank g jokane, g kg rodi, g kg fanta. Pa Sonala g pa hg: „Ma fatrane nan, mi'na yi tra rgk an-tdnka, I ta rgk he ni." Na kgne ka Pa Rank, na kg fatr- kg; halisa Pa Wir g Xra trgm gbo marat-marat. Pa Rank g pa hg: „Man kgne nan ka wgnt-an!" Pa Sonala g pa hg: „Awa, ma rap nan an-gb^an ka wgnl-an." Ma na pon wgnt be, 1) Or: di-a. — 63 — The sun set. and Ihe Goat said: „As for me, 1 have not vet enough." The Elephant said: „Shall nip not lie down a little?** The Goat said: .,Lel us graze till midnight comes." Midnight came, and the Lion said: ,.Let us now go on the rock." The rock was large, there was no green for grazing. They went out to the very middle of the rock. The Lion said: „Let us now rest, (and) let us sleep a little." They lay down on the rock. The Elephant went and lay down on the rock where it was good;') the Goat went and lay down, where the rock was rugged, there he put down his head. The Elephant slept; the Lion slept; the Goat slept; but he was chewing the cud. The Lion awoke, he heard that the Goat was chewing the cud mak- ing m.arat-marat.^) The Lion said: „Mr. Goat, what art thou eating?" The Goat said: „I am not yet satisfied." The Lion said: „Mr. Elephant, doest thou hear how the Goat is eating?" The Elephant said: „What is he eating?" The Lion said: „1 d'ont know that thing which he is eating, ask him." The Ele- phant said : „\Vhen we lay down on the middle of the rock, there was no green there. Mr. Goat, what art thou eating?" The Goal said: „I am eating the rock, 1 do not see green." The Elephant said: „When thou hast done with the rock, what wilt thou eat?" He said: „I shall eat something sweet to eat."^) The Elephant rose up, and went forwards, and lay down. The Lion said: „Let us come close together, I have to settle the matter, 1 did not yet settle it." They went to the Elephant, they went near him; the Goat was but still chewing the cud making maral-marat. The Elephant said: „Let us go grazing!" The Lion said: „Well, let us go round the rock while*) grazing." When they had grazed all about, 1) That is „even'* or „smooth, not rugged". 2 1 This is an onomatopoetic adverb. See it in the Vocab- ulary. 3) Or: „ something delicious to eat." 4) Or: „in grazing." — 64 — na wur ro-gbalan, na trama. Pa W'ir o sfiiine, o pantne, o tra trgm. Pa Rank o pa ho: „A, w'an owe mo nam'ra he!" Tsia ba Pa Sonala o pa ho: „An-ldko iia ka-rok an-tonka nia bek-aii. Pa W'ir-an, tse wiira-ko ro-petr ka a-fam; mo g tse nam'ra, kama a-fam na mar-ko tra son-ko y'etr e-di." Pa Son- ala bolr Pa Rank ro-kant. Pa Rank o nesa Pa W'ir-an, o gbuke-ko. Pa Sonala o pa ho: „Ko ne-e?" Pa Rank o pa ho: „I minta ho Pa W'ir-an ka-wont-k'ofi; o Ir'a he ar'a ran o mg sgm-e; g tra clira, g tra wont." Pa Sonala g pa ka Pa Rank: „Ma ebali he yi rokin re a-fam, ma tra lasar e-set ya a-fam, "oDo — !, ma tra fiimpo ri. Pa Nes o tra pofi mu sQm." An' limp VI. Pa Nes-a, na Pa Bo-an, na Pa Trank-an, na Pa Sip-an. Pa Nes kono mo ko ka lasar Ir'ei-an; Isian 'a ma ;yo-ko o- baki, 'a bun ko dif; tsian o tra kane Pa Bo loko 6 loko: ,,'A bun mi dif!" Pa Bo o yif-ko: „Ko yi ka-bun fi-e?" Pa Nes o pa: „Ma tr'a he ka-bun fi-i?" A-ldko lom Pa Nes o kone, ko kela ka g-bal; 'a wop-kg ri, 'a pa: „Tr' 'a dif-kg." O-bai g pa: „Tr' 'a tser-kg, tie kg dif." Pa Nes g kalane, g kg bap Pa Bo rgn'gn. Pa Bo g pa hg: „0 gbo. Pa Nes! Ko yg-mu yah-e?" Pa Nes g pa: „I bun fi." Pa Bo g pa sg: „Ko yi ba ka-bun fi-e?" Kgn' g pa hg: „Kar-mi, I tsi trgri-mu anina ka-bun fi." Na dira. Ka ka-bal Pa Nes o pa ka Pa Bo: „Man o o *■ kgne, 1 kg Irgri-mu ka-bun fi; man kgne ba ro-lal ka ah-wul- a." Pa Bo g Ir'a he Isi, fg Pa Nes g kere^) an-wut-n'gi on 1) For: ma ma pa fe hg etc. 2) The Aorist for the Pluperfect. — 73 — The Fillnitamba said: „TIiere is nothing the matter." The Spider said: „How shall I say?" Therefore the Fillentamba said: „How shall 1 say?" The Spider said: „Say: The stone grew a beard." "When the Spider had spoken thus, he fell down there; but the Fillentamba did not say so again; he left, and went and told (the matter) lo all his people, he said: „Any one (of you), if the Spider has thee at the hunting, he will entirely devour thee. If thou doest go into the bush, and thou seesl a stone, which has a beard, thou must not say; ,A stone grew a beard!' If thou doest say so, thou wilt fall down there, and the Spider will devour thee altogether." Fahle VI. The Spider, and the Bushgoat, and the Ant-Eater, and the Leopard. The Spider he was going about spoiling a thing; therefore they dealt hardly with him, and almost killed him; therefore he was always telling the Busiigoat: „They almost killed me!" The Bushgoat asked him: „Wha! does ahnnst dying mean?"*) The Spider said: „Doest thou not know (what) almost dying (means)?" Once the Spider departed, and went to steal at the king's place; they took hold of him there, and said: ,.Lel them kill him." The king said: „Let them set him at liberty, do not kill him." The Spider returned, and went and met the Bushgoat at his place. ^) The Bushgoat said: „0h dear, Mr, Spider! What did hurt thee thus?" The Spider said: „I almost died." The Bush- goat said again: „W'hat is now (the meaning of) almost dying?" He he said: „Wait me, 1 will show thee to morrow (what) al- most dying is." They slept. In the morning the Spider said to the Bushgoat: „Let us go, I go lo show thee (what) almost dying is; let us now go to the grass-field to the trap." ^) The Bushgoat did not know, that the Spider had carried his children 1) Lit. „What is almost dying?" 2) That is at the Bushgoat's place. 3) Or „ noose". — 74 — ro-lal, ko wona-na ro-bi, na ba e-tis. An-wut na Pa Nes, o- baki, aiVes-n'on: „Gbanne-Yon-a;" ') an'es iia o-lgm: „Nant-eFuk- an;"*) de ah'es na o-fet: „Gbapne Nant ro-Kos."^) Na kdne, na Pa Bo; na bap ton ka-lgme ka o-bai o yi ro-bi, o wiira gbo ara-bomp-r'on; an-fel na Pa Nes na wop-ko roraia; ri-an o kere Pa Bo-an. Pa Nes o bek gbo, o pa: „Maii kone irama rodi." pa: „0 gbo, Pa Bo! Kali, ma ka-lome ka o-baT o mo won ro-bi-a!" Ka Pa Bo o wop ara-bomp, ka Pa Nes o pa: „Kar- mi, I tsi ko ebak k'anlr." Pa Bo o tr'a he, fo an-wul na Pa Nes na vi ro-bi Ma Pa Nes o mo gbnk k'anfr van-e, an-wut- ii'on na lin aka-ldme ro-bi. Pa Bo o wop ara-bomp, an-wut ria Pa Nes na gbak aka-lim ka ka-lomo. Pa Bo o lin, o wura 'ra- bomp ra ka-lome fas. An-fet na kone ka gbiike, lia kg wur ka am-bi; a-lom*) na kone rgnan ro-k'gr. Pa Bo g tra ts61a: „Pa Nes-e! Pa Nes-e, der-o!" Pa Nes g bek, g pa: „Ko ne-e?"' pa hg: „I gbgli ara-bomp ra ka-lgme!" Pa Nes g pa: „A w'an! I kane-mu nan hg: kar-mi!" Pa Nes g som gw'ahet-k'gh g-lgm ro-petr, g kg kane g-bal, fg Pa Bo g gbgti ka-lgme-k'gn 'ra-bomp. O-bal g der de afi-fam-iVgn, g pa hg: „Ko ne-e?" Pa Nes g pa: „Pa Bo g gbgti aka-lgme 'ra-bomp." Pa Nes g kal kane Pa Bo sgi: ,,'A trama traka wop-mu; be na yema wop-rnu, gbuke, ma won ka am-bi na Pa Trank." O-bal g pa: .,Tr' 'a wop-kg." Pa Bo g gbiike, g kone; "a bal-bal-kg, o 1) Or: Gbanne ka-Ygn, lit. „Carry a Ygn." See Ygh, ka- in the Vocabulary behind. 2) Lit. „ Remove Chaff." 3^ Lit. „Apply oneself Snot to the Cheeks." The prefix is dropped with the nouns. 4) Or: na-raii na kone etc., „two went to etc." — 75 — to the grass-field, and [uit Ihcin into the hole, having knives."') As to the children of the Spider, the oldest, his name (was): „Gbanne Yoh-a;" the name of the second (was): „Nant-e Fuk- ah;" and the name of the youngest (was): „Gbapne Nanl ro- Kos." They went, he and the Bushgoat; Ihey then met one of the king's sheep in the hole, it only stretched out its head; the children of the Spider took hold of i( below; thilher he led the Bushgoat. As soon as the Spider came, he said: „Lpt us go and stand before."') He said: „0h dear, Mr. Bushgoat! Look, how one of the sheep of the king was going') into the hole!" Then the Bushgoat took hold of the head, and the Spider said: „Wait me, I shall go and cut a stick." The Bushgoat did not know, that the children of the Spider were in the hole. While the Spider was thus cutting a stick, his children pulled the sheep into the hole, tlie Bushgoat held the head, tise children of the Spider cut the throat of the sheep. The Bushgoat pulled, and all at once pulled out the head of the sheep. The children went away running, they came out from the hole, some went to their own place in the farm The Bushgoat was calling: „Mr, Spider! Mr. Spider, pray come!"*) The Spider came and said: „What is the matter?" He said: „I plucked off the head of the sheep!" The Spider said: „Ah frien'l! I told thee: wait me!" The Spider sent his other child into the town, he went and told the king, thai the Bushgoat had plucked off the head of one of his sheep. The king came with his people, and said: „What is the matter?" The Spider said: ,.The Bushgoat plucked oil the sheep's head." The Spider returned and told the Bushgoat softly: „They are about apprehending thee; if they want to apprehend thee, run,^) and go into the hole of the Anl-Eater." The king said: „Let them apprehend him." The Bushgoat fled, and went away; they pursued after him, and he 1) Lit. „they had knives." 2) Or: „Let us go before." 3) Or: „\vas getting into etc.!" 4) Like the Germ. „komm doch!" 5) Or: „flee." — 70 — won ka am-bi. 'A ko tra tens-ko; kere aii-fam iia tr'a he fo won ro-bi. Pa Nes o kone, o ko s^nne ro-bi, o pa ho: „Pa Bo, ma yi re-i?" Pa Bo o wosa: „I yi re and." Pa Nes o wura a-fok iia m'rr, o son Pa Bo, o kane-kg fo: „Be ha yema mu gbip tenon-e, ana ma der wop-mu-e, feh-ha am'ijr ro-fgr." Mg g poh pa yan-e, g pa ka an-fam: „Kali-kg ang!" kal sanne, g kano Pa Bo ho: „Be ma fen') am'er ro-fgr-e, be 'a bal-bal ow'uni ka-tsi; wur, ma kdne romi ro-k'or." Aii-fam be na pen bek ro-bi, w'lini 6 w'lini g tr'a he ma 'a ma yg-e, ha tr'a he bes Ira wura Pa Bo-ah. A pa: „Pa Nes, tro sa ma yg-e?" pa hg: „Ma sa yi be, sa tr'a he bes; tr' 'a ko tsela Pa Trahk-a." Na som g-lahba, g kg tsela Pa Trahk, kg g bek. 0-bal pa hg: „W'an-ka-mi, Pa Trahk, besa-ini ang, ma wiira- mi Pa Bo!" Pa Trahk g selg; kg g trap aka-bes. Ma Pa Trahk-ah g mg bes-e, Pa Nes g som an-wul-h'gh, ha wura aka- lome, ha kere-kg ro-k'gr; g-baT g Ir'a he tsi. Pa Trahk g bes hah g kg byp Pa Bo. Pa Bo g yoka m'er ma-lal, g bolr ka ka-sah-k'gh, g feh Pa Trahk am'er ka e-fgr-y'gh. Pa Trahk-a g pa: „E-tgf e wgh-mi ro-fgr." 0-bai g pa hg: „Feh-kg nan, na wura-kg e-lgf ro-fgr " 0-hinba g feh e-fgr-y'gh; e-kant e wur, e wgh g-lahba ro-sah. 0-lahba g pa: „A, Pa Trahk g ba e-kant e-bgti gba!" Ka Pa Nes g pa hg: „Traka e-kant tslah 1) The Aorist for the Perfect tense. — 77 — went into the hole. They went to look for him; but the people did not know that he had gone into the hole. The Spider left, and went and bowed himself down at the hole, and said: „Mr. Bushgoal, art thou here?" The Bushgoat answered: „l am here." The Spider took out a parcel of sail, and gave (it) to the Bushgoal, and said to him: „W'hpn they want to caUh thee to day, as to those who come to apprehend thee, blow Ihem the salt into the eyes." When he had spoken thus, he said lo the people: „Look him here!" He bowed himself down again, and said to the Bushgoal: „When thou hast blown the salt into the eyes, (and) when they pursue after that person;') come out, and go to my place in the farm." All the people had arrived at the hole, (but) none knew how they must do, they did not understand to dig to bring out the Bushgoat. They said: „Mr. Spider, how must we do?" He said: „As for us all,^) we do not know to dig; let them call the Ant-Eater." They sent a young man, he went and called the Ant-Kater, and he arrived. The king said: „My friend, Mr. Ant-Eater, dig me here, and take me out the Bushgoat!" The Ant-Eater was willing; and he began with the digging. While the Ant-Eater was digging, the Spider sent his children, and they took out the sheep, and carried it into the farm; the king did not know it. The Ant-E^ater digged till he came and met the Bushgoat. The Bushgoat took much salt, and pul (it) into his mouth, and blew the salt into the eyes of the Ant-Eater. The Ant-Eater said: „Earth got into my eyes." The king said: „Blow ye on him, and lake out the earth from his eyes." The young man blew into his eyes, some gum of the eye came out, and got into the young man's mouth. The young man said: „Ah, the Ani-Ealer has a very sweet") gum of the eye!" And the Spider said: „ About the gum of the eye, about this (only) 1) That is the Ant-Eater, the owner of the hole. 2) Or: „As for us individually, we etc." Lit. „As we are all, we etc." 3i Or: „ delicious." — 78 — ma Irara-i?" O-bal o pa: „Mam pa yan-a?" Pa Nes o pa so: „Ma na nank e-kant e-bdti, Pa Trahk kdno konone kdno ta bot." O-bal pa: „Pa Trank, der ba, 1 memar-a!" Pa Trank o pensa, o der he. O-bal o ko ri, o ko fen-ko ro-for, e-kant e won o-bal ro-san, o pa: „A w'an, mun' boti gba!" Pa Trank wur ka ka-bes, o ko trama ro. 0-bai o pa: „W'an, derba!" Pa Trank o pa: „1 der he so; ma ma pa min' boti." 0-baT ko ri; Pa Trahk o gbuke, ha bal-bal-ko de ka-bor-k'oh be, na pen aii-lal, na batr Pa Trahk. Pa Nes o pa: „Tr' 'a dif- ko, kama na trara, mo o yi ka-bot-e." Na dif Pa Trahk, Ma ha ma tsen-ko-e, Pa Nes g pa: „1 kgne, I kg bah ka-mgte-ka- mi." kgne, g kg bap Pa Bo, g yi ro-bi (ro Pa Trahk g la nah bes-e); g kane-kg: „Wur, ma kgne ro-k'gr." Pa Bo g kgne. Pa Nes g kalane, o kg bap 'a poh tsen Pa Trahk-a. O-bai g pa: „Pa Nes, de yer g-sem, miing som-a sa sgtg g- sem gwe." Pa Nes g pa: „A, g-bal g mg yira he, g-!ahba yer g-sem!" 0-baT g pa: „I selg." 'A wura a-lahk, ha sgh Pa Nes, de a-fi, de aka-leha, ha sgn-kg. Na poh yer g-sem sehk. O-bal g pa: „Mah kal nan trah ro, kama sa kg wiira Pa Bo." Pa Nes g pa: „Awa, mah kgne nah!" Na kg bek ri. 0-baI g kg kali ro-bi, g pa hg: „Pa Nes, derba, kali-a! Kali ba, mg w'uni g kgt ang-bi-a!" Pa Nes g pa: „0 gbo! Pa Bo kongh; — 79 — thou knowest fsomelhing to say)?" The king said: „Why doost thou say so?" The Spider said again: „As ye find the gum of the eye to be sweet, the Ant-Eater himself he is (still) sweeter." The king said: „Mr. Ant-Eater, come here, that I may try!" The Ant- Eater refused, he did not come. The king went there, he went and blew into his eyes, some gum of the eye got into the king's mouth, and he said: „Ah friend, thou art very sweet!" The Anl-Eater came out from the digging, ') and went and stood at some distance. The king said: „Friend, come here!" The Ant-Eater said: „I do not come again; because thou saidsl that I was sweet." The king went there; the Ant-Ealer fled, they pursued after him with all his people,^) they went all over the grass-field, and seized the Ant-Eater. The Spider said: „Let them kill him, that ye may know how sweet he is." ^) They killed the Ant-Eater. When they were cutting him up, the Spider said: „l go away, 1 go to fetch my basket." He left, and went and met the Bushgoat, he was in the hole (where the Ant-Eater used to dig); he said to him: „Come out, and go to the farm." Tlie Bushgoat went. The Spider returned, he went and found that they had done with cutting up the Anl-Eater. The king said: „Mr. Spider, come share the meat, thou wast the cause that we got this meal." The Spider said: „Ah, the king is not sitting down, and a young man shares the meal!" The king said: „I am willing." They took out a leg, and gave (it) to the Spider, and one of the loins, and the tail, they gave (them) to him. They had done with sharing the whole of the meat. The king said: „Let us (now again) fol- low yonder, that we may go and take out the Bushgoat." The Spider said: „Well, let us go!" They went and reached there. The king went and looked into tl)e hole, and said: „Mr. Spider, come now, look! Look now, how somebody walked here in the hole!" The Spider said: „0h dear! It is the Bushgoat; 1) That is from the place where he dug. 2) That is with all the kings people; lit. „all his domestics etc" 3) Lit. „how he is sweetaees." — 80 — kone'." O-bal o tr'a he tsi, fo kono o ko kano Pa Bo ho: ,.Kdne romi ro-k'or." O-bal o pa: „Man kal n;in ro- petr." Na ko bek ro-petr. Pa Nes o kone ro-k'or, o ko ban Pa Bo, kara-ko, o re mank-ko ka an-kant roraran. 0-bal o kal tsela Pa Nes-aii, o pa ronoii: „Man tensa-mi Pa Bo, muno trara ma-sol!" Pa Bo, konoii 'a ma len ') be, 'a nam fe kg. Pa Bo tral mo o-bal o mo bansa ro-petr, o minta he so wiir ro-pelr. Pa Nes o ko pa ka Pa Bo: „Tro pe-e? Tro pe-e?" Pa Bo pa: „A, 1 bun fi ro-bi, Pa Nes!" Kono pa: „Ma Irara lenoh ka-bun fi-i?" Ko o pa: „Afi, I trara." Pa Nes o pa so: „Ma ta tr'a he ka-bun fi." Pa Bo o minta he so wnr ro- pelr. Pa Nes o pa: „Kar-mi, I tsi trgri-mu ka-bun fi, kargbo!" Pa Nes kone ro-kant, o kg nank an-wut na Pa Sip-a. kalane, g bek ka Pa Bo, g pa ho: „Ra-bomp-ra-mi ra ban; Pa Bo, mam paia-mi, I kg wont a-trgl " Na kg bap aii-wut na Pa Sip-a, ha na-rah, na fanta. Pa Nes-a g kane Pa Bo: „Kg fgkia-mi an'antr anan, (ro tra-sip na-raii iia fanta)." Pa Bo g kg narik-na, g tsela Pa Nes-a. Pa Nes g bek, g pa: „0 gbo! Ko e-.sem na iie-eY" Pa Bo g pa: „Mam ba-na." Pa Nes g pa sg: „Mam ba-ha." Na yoka-ha. Ma ha kone g-tan-e, Pa Nes g pa: „Man dif-ua." Na dif-ha. Pa Nes g kal kane Pa Bo, g pa ho: „Kgne rgmii ro-k'gr, 1 l.si bap-mu tele." Pa Bo 1) Or: kgn' 'a ina ton. etc, „liim they were seeking etc." ^ 81 ^ he is gone!" The king did not know, that he had gone and told the Bushgoal: ,,Go to mv place in the farm." The king said: „Lf"l us return to town." They went and came into the town. The Spider went into the farm, he went and fetched the Bushgoat, he brought him, and came and hid him in the wood behind. The king called the Spider again, and said to him: „Come now, seek the Bushgoat for me, thou art acquainted with artifices!" As lo the Bushgoat, him they were seeking all about; (but) they did not see him. The Bushgoat heard how angry the king was in town, and dared not lo come out again into (he towji. The Spider went and said lo the Bushgoat: „How doest thou do? How doest thou do?"*) The Bushgoal said: „Ah, 1 almost died in the hole, Mr. Spider!" He said: „Doest thou understand now (what) almost dying (is)?"^) And he said: ,.Yes, 1 under- stand (it)." The Spider said: „Thou doest not yet know (what) almost dying (is)." The Bushgoat did not venture again to come out into town. The Spider said: „\Vait me, I will show thee (what) almost dying (is), only wait!" The Spider went away into the wood, and went aiid saw the children of the Leopard. He returned, and came to the Bushgoat and said: „My head aches; Mr. Bushgoat, come, go with me,^) 1 go to look for medicine." They went and met the children of the Leopard, they were two, they lay down. The Spider said to the Bush- goat: „Go bark me thai tree.*) (where the two leopards lay)." The Bushgoat went and saw them, (and) he called the Spider. The Spider came and said: „0h dear! What beasts are these?" The Bushgoat said: „Lel us have them." The Spider said also: „Let us have them." They look Ihem. When they had gone a little (way), the Spider said: „Let us kill them." They killed them. The Spider told the Bushgoat again, saying:^) „Go to thy place in the farm, 1 shall meet Ihee presently." The Bushgoat 1) Lit. „now is it? II(jw is itV" 2) Lit. „Doest thou know to day almost dying?" 3) Lit. „he said etc." 4) Tuiniii: - Fabchi. g — 82 — kone ro-k'or. Pa Sip-a o bek ro o bolr an-wut-iVon, o nank fe ria so; ko mo o tranane am-bontr ro 'a kere-na, o ko bek ro-k'or ka Pa Bo; o bap Pa Bo o tra lap an'anlr. Pa Nes o der, mankne, o tra kali Pa Bo; mo o pon Irara, fg Pa Sip tra der tra ten an-wut-n'oii. Pa Sip o der ten an-wut-n'gn, pa ho: „Pa Bo, kane kara an-wut-'a-mi ang-eV" kg ;)'6ka- na, 'a pon fi tgfi. pa sg: „Pa Bo, miing dif an-wut-'a-mi-i?" Pa Bo g gbi'ike. Pa Sip g pi;ira kg bal-bal pali. Pa Bo o kg mcihkne ka g-bal ra-fgl. Pa Sip g bek, g pa ka g-bai: „Pa Bo g bek ang-i?" O-bal g pa: „0 yi re." yif sg Pa Sip: „Ko ne-e?" Pa Sip g pa sg: „0 pon dif aii-wut-'a-mi." 0- bal pa ho: „Kali-ko roniran; o dif lo non ka-ldme-ka-mi." Pa Sip g kg ri roraran. Pa Bo g gbuke, g tran-kg tra ka- bal-bal-kg, haii g kg mankne ka Pa Nes; Pa Sip g nank fe kg sg. Pa Sip g kal kgne ka g-bal, g yif- kg sg hg : „Pa Bo g bek ang-i?" pa: „I nank fe kg." Pa Nes g kgne, g kg yoka an-wut na Pa Sip, g kg kal-na, g patr-iia; g treT an-fatr ro-k'aran, g kgne ro-petr, g bap Pa Sip-a, na Ira pa re g-bai-an traka an-wut. Pa Nes g pa rgnan : „Ko tr'el Ira na ma pa ang-e?" Pa Sip g pa sg : „Pa Bo g poii dif afi-wut-'a-mi." Pa Nes g pa: „A, Pa Bo! Yg g yi gbo t^nkan; g dif Ig ngn an-wut-'a-mi!" 0-bai g pa ka Pa Sip: — 83 — weni to the farm. The Leopard came to the place uhere he') had put his chiklren, (and) he did not see them again; and as he followed up the scent (in the wav), where Ihey carried them, he went and arrived at the farm of the Bushgoat, he met the Bushgoat stirring up the fire. The Spider came, he hid himself, and was looking at the Bushgoat; as he had learned, that the Leopard was coming to look for ^j his children. The Leopard came in order to seek his children, and said: „Mr. Bush- goat, who carried my children to this place?" He went and took them up, they were dead then. ^) He said again: „Mr. Bushgoat, didst thou kill mv children?" The Bushgoat fled. The Leopard spent the whole day in pursuing after him. The Bushgoat went and hid himself with the king*) in the evening. The Leopard ciime, and said to ihe king: „Did the Bushgoat arrive here?" The king said: „He is here." He asked the Leopard again: „\Vhal Is the matter?" The Leopard said: „He has killed my children." The king said: „See him behind (the yard); he killed the other day a sheep of mine." The Leopard went there behind. The Bushgoat fled, he followed him in order to pursue after him, till he went and hid himself at the Spider's place; (and) the Leopard did not see him again. The Leopard went back again tu the king, and asked him again: „Did the Bushgoat come here?" He said: „I did not see him." The Spider left, and went and look the cliddren of Ihe Leopard, and went and broiled then), and cooked them; he left liie iron pot on the fire-place, and went into the town, and met the Leopard, they were talking v, illi the king about thi' children. The Spider said to them: „\Vhat mailer are ye talking about here?" The Leopard said again: „The Bushgoat has killed my children." The Spider said: „Ah, the Bushgoat, thus he is but always; he killed mv children the other day!" The king said to the Leopard: 1) Lit. „Thc Leopard arrived where he etc." 2) Or „to seek etc." 3) Or „ already." 4) Or „at the king's pkice etc." 6* — 84 — „Tens-ko." Pa Sip o wiir, o kdne traka ka-ten Pa Bo; o ko gb^nne-ko ro-r'on; o bal-bal-kg. Pa Bo o ko mankne so ro- karit, Pa Sip o nafik fe ko so; kere Pa Bo o ko mankne ro- raran ka Pa Nes. Pa Nes o trala-ko ri, o ko nan'-ko ri, o pa; „Man kone di, I pon patr." Pa Bo o pa: „1 minta he, o-bai pon mi wauki." Pa Nes o pa so: „I kcira-mu e-nak ano-i?" Pa Bo pa: „Yao, kara and." Pa Nes o kere-ko e-nak; na yira gbo, ria di. Pa Nes o pa so: „Tro pe-mu-e, Pa Bo?" Pa Bo pa: „l Liin fi; na bini mi dlf " Pa Nes o pa so; „Ma trara tenon ka-btm fi-i?" pa: „I trara-ki tenon." Pa Nes pa ho: „Ma ma pa nan fo ma tr'a he ki nan-a." Pa Bo pa so: „Kere I trara-ki tenon." Pa Nes o pa so: „Man di lemj) lemp, kiima ma gbuke. Be Pa Sip o trala am-bontr- 'a-mu-e, ro ma ko be, o tra tran-mu; kdne o-bdli." Pa Bo gbuke so (ma na pon di), o kdne o-bdli. Pa Sip o tens- ko, han o lamrg; o kdne so ka o-bal. Pa Nes so, mo o trara, fo Pa Sip kdne ka o-bal, o ko ri so. bap Pa Sip, o tra pa-lsi so traka Pa Bo. 0-bal o pa ka Pa Sip: „Ro ma n§iV- ko be, batr-ko, ma kara-ko romi." Pa Nes o pa so: „Ro ma nan'-ko be, gbip-ko, ma kara." Kon' so o kdne, o ko ban Pa Bo; o k^ne-ko, fo ka-trak ka pon. Ma na bek ro-petr-e, Pa Nes k^ne Pa Bo: „Tran and, hima ma kg wur rorarah ka g-bal." Kgn' q kal kdne ka Pa Sip-an, o pa ho: „Kdne ro- raran ka g-bal, ma ko mankne ro-r'on; Pa Bo, I pon kara-ko." — 85 — „Seek him/' The Leopard went out, ;ind went away in order to seek the Bushgoat; he went and met him in the road; he pursued after him. The Bushgoat went and hid himself again in the bush, (and) the Leopard did not see him again ; but the Bushgoat went and hid himself at the back-part of the Spiders place. The Spider heard him there, and went to see him there, and said: „Let us go to eat, I have cooked." The Bushgoat said: „l do not dare, tlie king has outlawed me." The Spider said again: „Shall 1 bring thee the rice here?" The Bushgoat said: „Yes, bring (it) here." The Spider carried the rice to him; they just sat down, and ate. The Spider said again: „How art thou, Mr. Bushgoat?" The Bushgoat said: „I almost died; the_>' almost killed me." The Spider said again: „Doest thou know now (what) almost dying (is)?" He said: „1 know it now." The Spider said: „Because thou saidst before that thou didst not know it." The Bushgoat said again: „But I know it now." The Spider said again: „Lel us eat very quickly, that thou mayest flee. If the Leopard gets the scent of thee, wherever Ihou goest, he will follow thee; go far away." The Bushgoat fled again (when they had eatenj, and went far away. The Leopard sought him, till he was tired;') and he went again to the king's place. The Spider also, when he knew, that the Leopard had gone to the king's place, went there too. He met the Leopard, he was talking over again the matter about the Bushgoat.^) The King said to the Leopard: „Wherever thou seest him, seize him, and bring him to me." The Spider also said: „Wherever thou seest him, catch him, and bring (him)." He also left, and went to fetch the Bushgoat; he told him, that the palaver was done." When they came to the town, the Spider said to the Bushgoat: „Follow here, that thou mayest come out behind the king's place." He went again to the Leo- pard, and said: „Go behind the king's place, and go and hide thyself in the road; as to the Bushgoat, I have brought him." 1) Lit. „till he was overcome." 2) Lit. „he was talking it over again about etc." — 86 — Pa Sip o ko iriaiikne ri; Pa Bo o bek; Pa Sip o wop-ko. Pa Bo ki'ilo. 0-bal o pa ho: „Ko ne-e? Kane mo kulo roraran- e?" Pa Sip pa: „I solo Pa Bo." O-bai o pa: „Kara-ko." Pa Sip kara-ko, 'a dif-ko. Ma na pon dif Pa Bo-e, Pa Nes bek. 0-bai o pa: „Tro sa ina yo-ko-e?" Pa Sip o pa: „Tr' 'a tsen-ko; mg o pon som an-wut-'a-mi, mina, I tsi som- ko." Na pon-ko tsen senk. Pa Sip g pa ho: „Tr' 'a yer Pa >es-a o-laT, kgng som I sgtg-kg." 0-bal o pa ka Pa Sip so: „Ro ma nank a-bo be, gbip-kg." Tsiah Pa Sip g Ira gbip tra-bo, na ma nankane he so lankan ; ro o nan'-ko, g gbip-kg. Tsian so an-wul na Pa Bo, iia trgri Pa Yari fg: „Be ma nank Pa Nes-afi, gbip-ko, w'rini las won." Tsian sg g-sip g nank gbo a-bo-e, g gbip-kg, g pon kg som; de a-yari, be g nank gbo a-nes-e g sgm-kg. An' limp VII. 0-BaT re O'wan-k'gn g-bera, de Pa Tamba. 0-baI g-lgm g kom lapan w'ahet bera, kg o yi o-fino tanka be, kg g ruasm-kg, ban g pon bak; ka a-fam a-rtini na yema- kg. Kg g-yola g re ten-kg, g pa: „0-rani-ka-mi won." Kg g sgn a-kala a-gbati ka g-bai, g-kas ka 6-bera; kg g-kas-k'gn o pa hg: „Botr an-kala-'a-mu; be ma bonlr ar'aka, ara yi ka ari- sebe rok'6r-e, g-bera ma nanlra-kg." Kere g tr'a he ar'aka. — 87 — The Leopard went and hid himself there; the Bushgoat came, (and) the Leopard took hold of him. The Bushgoat cried. The king said: „Whal is the roatler? Who is crving behind?" The Leopard said: „I have got the Bushgoat." The king said: „Bring him." The Leopard brought him, (and) Ihe/y killed him. When Ihey had killed the Bushgoat, the Spider arrived. The king said: „>Vhat shall we do with him?" The Leopard said: „Let Ihem cut him up; as he has devoured mj children, 1 shall devour him." The/y had cut up the whole. The Leopard said: „Lel them give much lo the Spider, he caused me to get him." The king said to the Leopard again: „Wherever thou seesl a bushgoat, catch him." This is the reason I hat the Leopard is catching bushgoals, thev never meet each other again face to face; where he sees him, he catches him. This is also the reason that the children of the Bushgoat told') the Cat: „When thou doest see the Spider, catch him, he is a bad person."^) This is also the reason that as soon as a leopard sees a bushgoat, he catches it, and enlirel;y devours it; and a cat, as soon as it sees a spider, it devours it. Fable VIL The King and his Daughter, and Mr. Tamba. A certain king begat once a girl, and she was exceedingly fair, and he brought her up, till she was grown up; and men wanted her. And a gentleman came and tried to get her,^) he said: „She is my wife."*) And he offered much money to the king, the father of the woman; and her father said: „Put down thy money; if thou doest name the thing, which is within the amulet, thou shalt marry the woman." ^) But he did not know the thing. \) Lit. „informed." 2) Lit. „a bad person that." 3* Lit. „carae to seek" or „canie to obtain her." 4) Lit. „My wife that one." 5) „(,as for) the woman, tlinu marriest her." — 88 — ara \i ka an-sebe rok'6r-e; ko o-kas ka o-bera o pa: „Ma lamro, kalane." Ko o-^ola o-lom o der so, o re fen o-borko, ko o son so a-kala a-gbati. O-kas ka o-bera o pa so: „Botr an- kala-'a-mu; be ma bonlr ar'aka, ara ^yi ka an-sebe rok'6r-e, ma nanlra o-bora." Kore o-l^nba g tamro, o tr'a he ar'aka, ara ^-i ka an-sebe rok'or, ko o-kas o pa: „Kalane." Ka afi-fam be ka an-tof na der memar, ka na tamro; na tr'a he ar'aka, ara yi ka an-sebe rok'or. Ko Tamba o yefa ro-toron o-boli, g re ten g-bgrkg, g pa hg: „I Isi sgtg-kg, g-nini-ka-mi wgn." Ka afi- fam na pa hg: „Tamba, ma yema, ma tana he kg sgtg, ma a ;y6la be na pon tamrg." Ko mg g kgne, g ba e-trgkg, g ba pa-la pa-fera, de pa-la pa woma; kg g ba w'ir, g ba ma-vante, de m'aro, de e-liik ya pa-la. Kg mg o kgne, g bap Pa Ra- bem-an, ') d'or ra baki-na; g yif-na: „Ko rie-e?" Napa: „D'or ra baki-su." Kg g sgii-na e-tuk. Ma na pon di-yi, g tas, o kg bap Pa Kwl-aii, g pa: ,.Ko ne-e?" Kgn' g pa: „D'or ra baki-mi." wiira gw'ir, kg g sgn-kg. tas, g kg bap Pa R'gf-an, g pa: „Ko ne-e ma fanla ang-e?" Pa R'gf g pa: „D'or ra baki-mi." Tamba g wiira e-trgkg na-ran, g sgn-kg. Ma Pa R'gf-an g pon di e-trgkg, g wiira a-trgl, g sgh Pa Tamba. An-trgl, an'es-na-tsi hla yi: ka-w6so. pa hg: „Be a-bok g nan w'uni, an-trgl arie riia ma yo, nia w'uni mg mun; 1) The Singular is here used for the Plural, or for the whole species; hence the plur. form of the pron. in the follow- ing sentences. — 89 — which was within the amiilel; and the father of the woman said: „Thou art disappointed, return." Then another gentleman came again, he came and tried to get") the damsel, and he offered also much money. The father of the woman said again: „Put down thy money; if thou doest name the thing, which is within the amulet, thou doest marry the woman." But the young man was disappointed, he did not know the thing, which was within the amulet; and the father said; „ Return." And all the people in the country came to try, and they were disappointed; they did not know the thing, which was within the amulet. And Tamba came from the east a far way off, he came and tried to get') the damsel, and said: ,.I shall get her, she is my wife."^) And the people said: „Tamba, thou doest tell a lie, thou art not able to get her; when ^) all gentlemen have been disappointed." And as he went along, he had fowls, he had clean rice, and rice in the husk; and he had a goat, he had penne seed,*) and palm-oil, and rice-straw. And as he went, he met the Hedge- hog,'') hunger was heavy upon them; he asked them: ,,\Vhat is the matter?" They said. „Hunger is heavy upon us." And he gave them straw. When they had eaten it, he passed on, and went and met the Alligator, and said (to him): „\Vhat is the matter?" He said: „Hunger is heavy upon me." He took out the goat, and gave (it) to him. He passed on, and went and met the Cerastes, and said (to him). „What is the matter that thou doest lie here?" The Cerastes said: „Hunger is heavy upon me." Tamba took out two fowls, and gave (them) to him. When tfie Cerastes had eaten the fowls, he took out a medicine, and gave (it) to Mr. Tamba. As to the medicine, the name of it is: ka-w6so. He said: „lf a snake biles a per- son, this medicine they must make, this one must drink; 1) Or: „to obtain." 2) Lit. „my wife that one." 3) Or: „ because all etc." 4) A kind of millet. 5) ()i : „ Grass-cutter." Sec the word in the Vocabulary. — 90 — ksma pa lof'lo-ko." Pa R'of-ah o pa so: ,.Tr' 'a ko len ma- fit^) ma w'uni \anfa, tr' 'a botr-na ka an-trol." Tamba o tas, kg bap Pa Tr'ak-na, o pa ronon:^) „Ko fie-e?" pa:^) „D'or ra ban-su.'' vvura ma-yante, de m'aro, o son ka Pa Tr'ak-na, na di. tas, o kone, o ko bek ro ka o-bai, o-kas ka ow'ahet bera, o pa ronoii fo: „I der ten ovv'ahL'l bera traka nantra-ko. 0-santki ka o-bai o pa ho: „A Tamba, miino yai owe ma der ten o-bera owe-i?" Tamba o pa: ,,I tsi nantra- ko, o-rani-ka-mi won." D'or ra baki ka a-boT na o-bai, kg Tamba g wiira pa-la, g sgn-kg. Ma am-bgl g pon di-e, ,g kgne ro ka Pa Tamba, g kg bonlra-ko ey'etr, eye yi ka an-sebe ro- k'6r-e; na kg dira. Ka-bat 'a kg yira traka pa tra ka-nantra. O-kas ka g-bera g yif Tamba ho: „Ma yema g-bgrkg-i? Bontr ar'aka, ara yi ka an-sebo rok'or." Tamba g pa: „I trara-tsi; kere I minta he." O-kas g pa so: „Bontr-yi, Ira ba he Ir'el." pa: „1 selg." Tamba g pa ho: „An-fon na Pa, mg g yi g- fet-e lapah, de aka-bonl-k'on, de e-santrak-y'gii, yiah yi rok'or ka an-sebe." Ma Tamba g pa yafi-e, g-saniki g pa: „Ma yema." Kg g yoka-kg, kg g trand-kg. Kg g-bai g pa: „Yao, ka-sQ-ka-mi ka dinne tapan ro-lal; be ma wiira-ki, ma nanira 1) Tlie indefinite form for the definite one, as it cannot be misunderstood. 2) Or: rgnan, „to them." See the word k'ak, which is the Sing, of tr'ak in the Vocabulary behind. 3) Or: Na pa: „t.hey said:" — 91 — thai if may gel belter with him.') The Cerastes said again: „Let them go look for the brains of a deceilful person, (and) k't Ihem pul them into the medicine." Tamba passed on, and went and met the Ants,*) and said to him:^) „\Vhal is tlie matter?" He said:^) „Hunger troubles us." He took out penne seed, and palm- oil, and gave (them) to the Ants, (and) they ale. He passed on, and left, and went and came to the king, the father of the girl, and said to him: „1 come to look for*) the girl in order to marry her." A minister of the king said: „Ah Tamba! Thou, such a worthless fellow, 5) thou doest come to look for this woman?" Tamba said: „I shall marry her, she is my wife." '^) Hunger was heavy upon a servant of the king, and Tamba look out rice, and gave (it) to him. When the servant had eaten, he went to Mr. Tamba, and \\enl and named to liim the things, which were within the amulet; (and) they went to sleep. In the morning they went and sat down to talk about the marriage. The father of the woman asked Tamba: „Doest thou want the damsel?^) Name the thing, which is within the anudet." Tamba said: „1 know it; but 1 do not dare (to name it)." The father said again: „Naine them, il is of no consequence." He said: „I will." Tamba said: „The hair of the Master, when he was a young child formerly, and his navel-string, and his nails,®) these (things) are within the amulet." As Tamba spoke thus, the minister said: „Thou doest tell a lie." And he took him, and chained him. And the king said: „\Vell, my pipe was once lost on the grass-field; if thou doest find it out, thou shalt marry 1) Lit. „tliat it may get easy with him," — „tliat he may become easy," or „get out of danger." 2) Lit „implying the whole species." 3) The Singular for the Plural. 4) Or: „to obtain." 5) Lit. „Thou, this worthless one, thou etc." 6) Lit. „my wife that." 7) Here is an ellipsis of a few words, as: „Doest thou want the damsel? If so, name the thing etc." 8,1 That is ,cuttiugs of them'. — 92 — o-bera." Tainba opa: „Yao, I tsi wura-ki." Ko mo o kone ro- lal, ko bap Pa Ra-bem-an, o yif-ko: „Re man ko-e, Tamba?" pa: „1 ko ten aka-sQ ka o-bal, ka dinne tapafi-e." Pa Ra- bem-a o pa ho: „Kar-mi, 1 ko bana-mu-ki." ko ban-ki, o son Tamba. Tamba o kere ka-sil ka o-bal. Kere o-santki o pa ho: „Ma jema, ki lahg." Kg o wop-ko, o vo-na 'a sap- ko. Kg g-bal g pa: „Tser-kg nan.-' Na Iser-kg. Kg g-bal g pa sg: „Ak'gnle-ka-mi ka Jinne lapah ro-ban; be ma wura-ki, 1 tsi sgii-mu g-bera." Tamba g pa: „I tsi wura-ki." Tamba g kgne, g kg bap Pa KwT-an; kgn' g pa ho: „Tamba, ko iie- e?" pa: „I kg wiira ak'gnte ka g-bal, aka dinne tapan ro- ban." Pa Kwl-a g kgne tete, g kg wura-ki, g sgn Tamba. Tamba g kara-ki ka g-bal, g re sgn-kg. O-santki g pa hg: „A, w'uni las! Tr' 'a bal-kg!" 0-bal g pa: „De, I bal he kg." 0-baI g pa sg: „Tamba, apa-la-pa-mi an-fel na pon pantrane-pi de ma-}'ante; be ma pori wiira ama-yanle ka pa -la, ma tra nantra g-bgrkg." Tamba g pa: „l selg, I tsi wiira-na." Tamba g pa: „Tr' 'a kara apa-la." Na kara-pi. yira ro-set, g tra wiira apa-la ka ama-^anle. Mg g mg yo ama-panl ame, Pa Tr'ak *) g bek, na gbati, na yif Tainba: „Ko ma yg ang-e?" Tamba g pa hg: ,,0-bal g sgh-mi ama-panl ame, kama I wiira 1) Here Pa is in the Sing., and Tr'ak in the Plur. ; the following pron. is governed by Pa, and therefore in the Singular. See the word k"ak in the Vocab. behind. — 93 -^ the woman."') Tamba said: „Yes, I shall find it out." And as he went to the grass-field, he happened^) to meet the Grass- cutter, who^j asked him: „ Where art thou going to, Tamba?" He said: „1 go to look for*) the pipe of the king, it was once lost." The Grass-cutter said. „\Vait me, I shall fetch it for thee." He went and fetched it, and gave (it) to Tamba. Tamba carried the pipe to the king. But the minister said: „Thou doesl tell a lie, it is not this." And he seized him, and caused them to beat him. The king said: „Let him go." Thev let him go. And the king said again: „My cymbal •') was once lost in the sea;^j if thou doesl find it out, I shall give thee the woman." Tamba said: „I shall find it out." Tamba left, and happened to meet the Alligator; he said: „Tamba, what is the matter?" He said: „1 go to find out the cymbal of the king, which was formerly lost in the sea."*^) The Alligator departed directly, and went and found it out, ") and gave (it) to Tamba. Tamba brought it to the king, and came and gave (it) to him. The minister said: „Ah, a bad person! Let them drive him away!" The king said: „No, I do not drive him away." The king said again : „Tamba, as regards my rice the children have mixed it with penne-seed; when thou hast taken out the penne- seed from the rice, thou shalt marrv the damsel." Tamba said: „1 will, I shall take it out." Tamba said. „Let them bring the rice." They brought it. He sat down in the house, and was taking out the rice from the penne-seed. As he was doing this work, the Ants^) came, they were numerous, (and) they asked Tamba: „What doesl thou do here?" Tamba said: „The king gave me this work, that 1 might take out 1) Lit. „thou marriest the woman." 2) Lit. „he went (and) met etc." 3) Lit. „he asked etc." 4) Or: „to seek." 5) See the word k'onte in the Vocabulary. 6) Or: „in the water." 7) Or: „took it out." 8) The wole species is implied. — 94 — apa-la ka ama-yfinte ame." Pa Tr'ak o pa: „Yira, kar-su." T6te iia pon wiira apa-la ka ma-yante be; apa-la pa-fera ra ka- balai k'in, ama-vanle ra ka-balai ka-lom. Tamba o yoka aira- balai tra-ran atse, o ko tramar-tsi ka o-bal, o pa: „I poh." 0-santki o pa ho: „Tamba o yi w'uni las, tr' 'a fai-ko." Na yoka-ko, iia sap-ko, 'a trand-kg. 0-baI o kane an-riHii-iVoii iVcinle, pa: „Kone, na ko kuta-mi m'anir, 1 yeina biiko." Na kone, de w'ahyt bt-ra g-lgm, g beka trainat. Ma na kg-e, Pa R'gf g gbatr-na') be, lambe gw'ahol bora g gbalr'j he ko. Ow'ahet g gbiike, g de kane g-bal hg: „Pa R'gf g gbatr ') am- bgrkg be ro-bal." 'A kgne, 'a kg bah-ha, 'a kara.^) W'uni 6 w'uni g Ir'a he an-trgl traka yenkas-na ma-der; na pon pika be, na fanta. 0-bai g pa: ,.Tr' 'a tsela Tamba, kgng Irara tr'el." Na tsela Tamba; g der, g-bal g pa rgfigh : „Tamba, kali afi- rani-'a-mi, na tra fi; Pa R'gf g gbalr-na;') ma trara an-lrgl na- tsi-i?" Tamba g pa hg: „I trara." 0-bal g pa so: „Ygna-mi an-trgl-e." Tamba g pa: „Tr' 'a kg ten ma-fit^) ma w'uni yanfa; miah me ygna-hi; tete ha tra yokane." 0-baI g pa: „I malane." yoka a-bar, g siit-hi g-sj'uilki ra-bomp, ma-fil^) ma wur; ha yoka-ha, ha-sgh Tamba; kgn' g yoka-ha, g ruhkatr-ha ka an- trgl. sgh-hi ka g-bera g-kin, g yokane. 0-baT g pa: „Ba- sara-mi, w'an-ka-mi!" Tamba g pa sg: „Tena-n i ma-fit^) ma w'iini y^hfa, ame ma poh." 0-biil g yg 'a sut g-santki g-lgm ka 'ra-bomp sg; ma-flt ^) ma wur, ha soh-ha ka Tthnba; g yoka, g botr ka an-trgl traka g-bera g-lgm; g sokane sg. O-bai g pa sg: „>V'an-ka-mi, ramara-mi Ig lemp ah-rani-'a-mi ha-rah, 1) Or: hah, „bit." 2) The Ulycct is dropped here. 3) The iiidehnite form for the definite one, as it cannot be misunderstood. — 95 — the rice from this penne-seed." The Ants said: „Sit down, (and) wail us." Present!)' thev had talien out the rice from all the penne- seed; the clean rice in one basket, (and) the penne-seed into another basinet. Tamba took these two baskets, and went and put Ihem bef(ire the king,') and said: „I have done." The minister said: „Tamba is a bad man, lei Iheni cut his throat." The;>' took him, and beat him, and chained him. The king lold his four wives, and said : „Depart ye, and go and scoop water for me, I want to bathe." They went, and another girl, making five. When they went, the Cerastes knocked (stung) all of them, except the girl he did not knock (sling) her. The girl ran, and came and told the king (saying): „The Cerastes has knocked (stung) all the young women at the brook." They left, and went to fetch them, and brought (them). No one knew the medicine to cure them; they had all fainted, and lay down. The king said: „Let them call Tamba, he is clever."^) They called Tamba; he came, (and) the king said to him: „Tamba, look at my wives, they are dying; the Cerastes knocked (stung) them; doesl thou know the medicine for it?" Tamba said: „1 know." The king said again: „Make me the medicine." Tamba said: „Lel them go and look for the brains of a deceitful person; with them 1 must make il; (and) directly they ^vill get up again." The king said: „1 agree (to it)." He took an iron bar, and knocked a minister on the head with it; the brains came out, they took them, and gave (them) to Tamba; he took them, and mixed them with the medicine. He gave il to one woman, (and) she gol up. The king said: „Go on for me, my friend!" Tamba said again: „Gel me the brains of a deceitful person, these are finished." The king made them knock again another minister on his head; the brains came out, they gave them to Tamba; he look (them), and put (Ihem) into the med- icine for another woman ; (and) she gol up also. The king said again: „IVly friend, heal me now quickly my two wives, 1) Lit. „placed them before etc. 2) Lit. „he knows something." — 96 — an^ tsia." Tamba o pa so: „Tr' 'a kara ma-fit ma w'uni vanfa." kal sut o-santki o-lom, 'a wiira ma-fit-m'on, 'a son Tamba; kon' yoka-na, o bolr ka an-trgl, o son am-bera na-rah, ana tsia; ria jenk tele ma-der, iia yokane. Kere an-santki a-lom na o-bal, ana tsia, na gbiike, iia kone. Ma an-santki, ana tsia, na gbiiko, na pon kone; o-bal o wiira y'etr e-l6pra, o son T^mba; g son-ko so g-borko, gwg o der tijpan tra re len-e. 0-baI g \M'ira sg kii-Ienken ka-lgm ka ka-pelr-k'gii, g sgn-ki ka Tamba. wiira so tra-petr tra a-trar tra-ran, de an-trar be, - -or u o ' ~ ~' g sgh-tsi Tamba; kgn' g sake sg g-y6la g-bana. Kg g-bal g bak; mg g pon bak yan-e, g sgn Tamba an-tgf-h'gn, g pa hg: „Be I fi-e, Tamba, kgng na ma pglg g-bal." Mo g-bal g re fi-e, na wiira 'ra-bal, na son Tamba; kgn' g kal sg sotg a-fgsa, de a-kala, g tas g-bal tapan. — 97 — who are left."') Tainba said again: „Lel them bring the brains of a deceitful person." He knocked again another minister, they look out his brains, they gave (them) to Tamba; (and) he took them, and put them into the medicine, and gave (it) to the two women, who were left;') they got well directh, and got up. But the other ministers of the king, who were left,') fled, and went away. When the ministers, who were left.') had fled, and gone away; the king took out ^j clothing, and gave (it; to Tamba; he gave him also the damsel, for whom he came formerly to obtain her. Tlie king also took oul^) some neigbouring yard in his town, and gave it to Tamba. He also took oul^) two slave-towns, with all the slaves, and gave them to Tamba; (and) he also became a great gentleman. And the king got old; when lie had grown old thus, he gave Tamba his country, and said (to his people): „W'hen I am dead, Tambi, him ye must make king." When the king came to die, they took the kingdom, and gave (it) to Tamba; (and) he also got again power, and property, more than the former kiiig.^) 1) Or: „who remained." 2) Or: „tool<," or „pioked out." 3) Lit. „he surpassed the king before." Temne-Fabeln. — 98 — Chapter V. Proverbs. The following ones were met with by the author: — 1. As'ani Ira wop ko, lit. „The state of having set the teeth on edge holds hini," = „One's teeth are set on edge." Sense: „A burned child dreads the fire." Or somewhat like: ,, Bought wit is best." Or: „One learned wit." Or like the Germ, proverb: „Durch Schaden wird man klug." Thus if for instance one goes to a place, of which he was told before that some evil will befall him there; but still goes, and the evil, which he before scorned at, comes upon him, on his return he may say: as'ani tra m op-mi; and if asked to go to such a place again, he will refuse to do so by saying: I ko he ri, as'ani tra wop-mi, „1 do not go there, I learned wit." 2. Mer, pa ronkat, pa wosi; lit. „Swallovv, it is bitter, it is dry." Sense: Take a thing patiently, however trying it may be." Or like the Germ, proverb: „Was ich nicht andern kann, nehm' ich geduldig an." Note. The pronominal form pa, as used with the verb wosi, which is the long form of wos, „get dry, be dry," and which, therefore, according to analogy ought to be o; can only be accounted for on the ground that it is used with a proverb; where greater liberty is allowed with regard to the form of words, than in other common language. Another reason for which this form seems to be used, is to make it agree with the form of the preceding pronoun. The short form of wosi could not have been used here, because it is a positive proposition ; but wos has the sense of „get dry" ; only in negative propositions it has also the sense of „be dry". See the Note after wos, v. n. in the Vocabulary. For the better understanding of this proverb it may be observed, that ronkat has reference to the acerb taste, which unripe fruit has las unripe limes), which makes it very un- pleasant to swallow; and wosi refers to dry food (as dry rice), which will not go down the throat so easily, as when — 99 — moistened with palaver-sauce, as this is made lubricous by a vegetable called ocra by the Liberated Africans in Sierra- Leone, which forms one of its ingredients. 3. Sene Tsempi o las am-bal ka-l.scmp; lit. „8enge the Wise exceeded kings in wisdom." Sense: „Thou art wiser than I, 1 will not contend with thee." Note. Senge is a fabulous person, said to have lived in the first world, and to have been greatly renowned on account of his wisdom, i Cf. the word tftempi, adj. in the Yocab.). 4. Ak'or ka-fot ka tana he an-kapatr; lit. „The empty belly (stomach) is no match for the chest." Sense; „A man cannot work well without eating." 5. Telma ModuV) o bentr a-tsik ka-tas; lit. „A loquacions person (a babbler) hinders strangers from going on;" i. e. „he must talk to Ihem before they go on." 6. Far-far o yi he kot.sine; lit. „Making far-far does not loose itself," or: „One making far-far does not loose himself," or: ,,does not make himself free." Or; „The far-far does not loose himself." " o o Note 1. This proverb is taken from the catching of a bird in a trap. It often hai)pens that a bird is caught by one of its feet only; if so, it will struggle hard to get loose; but the more it struggles, the more it will be entangled. "While thus struggling it makes a noise by the flapping of its wings resembling the sound of fiU'-far, whence this word is taken; the sense of which is that a man will not free himself from a difficulty by much struggling. Thus if one has a palaver at the court, and then wants to talk again and again without being called upon to do so, thinking that by so doing he will extricate himself from his difficulty; one of the old men at the court, or the king, may say to him: „Far-far o yi he kotsine." Note 2. As to the form of this word, it is either an adjec- tive, when w'uni, „a person" is to be understood; or it might be a name for an individual of that class of persons, who behave in this way as stated abone. If it is taken as 1) See the word M(3du in the Vocabulary, as also Telma. 7* — 100 — an abstr. noun in o-, we must suppose the prefix to be dropped; but it may be observed here, that the term fgr-far was otherwise only met with as an adverb in connection with the verb yo, „make," used in reference to a bird caught in a trap, which struggles to get loose. (Cf. the Note at the 8"'. the proverb below.) 7. Ma bar gbo Isiimne, ma tra bar sap; lit. „T!.e more thou struggles!, the more thou \\ilt be caught." The sense of this is much the same with the preceding one. The more a person struggles to extricate himself from a palaver at the Bare, or Court-house, by talking much and passionately ; the more he will get entangled in it, by his incautions and unguarded expressions. 8. Trama kadi o gbip he bom-an; lit. „To stand ahead does not catch a \\onian;" or: „The being first does not etc.;" or: „One being first does not catch a woman;" or: „A being first does not citch a wiman," that is the one who asks first for a woman to marry her, does not always get her. Sense: ,.He w ho hurries for a thing will miss ii ; but he who tnkes time, will get it." Or something like: „Nolhing good is done in a hurry." Or like: „Hasten slowly fair and softly goes far in a d:)y." Or like the Germ, proverb. „EiU' mil >Veile." Note. As regards the form trama kadi, the greater part of what has been stated about the form far-far in the 6*^^. pro- verb above, applies also to this: Trama kadi is either to be taken as an abstr. noun with the prefix o-, which, in that case, we must suppose to be dropped here ; or it is to be looked upon as a verbal adjective, when w'uni may be understood. The latter sujjposition seems to be the correct one. The form trama kadi might possibly be an Infinitive absolute, in which case the pronoun o would be the ii-rela- tivc or impersonal one. See the Preface § 20. 9. Aii-kil bentr a-mera gbcUitane; or: Pii Kil o bentr a- mera^) gbantane;^) lit. „The ground-pig prevents a mind spread- ing itself," that is „hinders an agreement, or „a harmony of mind." 1) Or: „plan, design." 2) Or: „making itself known," or: „diffusing itself." ~ 101 -^ Sense: „He who \^orks in seiret (as (he groiiiid-[)iy does under the ground), prevents unity, being inlent upon, bv secret machi- nations, to sow the seed of disunity among those, wlio were likely to become of one mind about a thing or mailer." 10. Irand o-poto; o rak-rak, kere o bakar; lit. „He is like a European; he is of a delicate constitution, yet he is strong." This may be spoken in reference to a person, who is of a delicate health, but nevertheless able to do a great deal; because they say that Europeans in Africa are in general of delicate health, but ye! able to accomplish a great deal in war and also otherwise. i Pait IL Some Specimens the Anthor's own Temne ( : Translations. Chapter I. Colloquial Phrases. 1. Salutations. a) On first meeting a jjerson in the forenoon, or about noon, the usual salutations are as follows: A. Kori-'u, Pa! (Va! Wan!) A. „I salute thee. Sir! (Madam! Child!)'' B. Amba! K6ri-'u, Pa! (Ya! B. „Vcry well!') 1 salute thee, Wan!) Sir! (Madam! Child!)" A. Tro pe-e? A. „Hovv is it?" or „Whal or: ( news?-' or: Tro pa \i-e? ) „How art thou?" or: or: Tro pe-mu-e? „How art thou?" B. Ail ail! Miino, tro pe-e? B. „So so! Thou, how art thou?" or: „Tolerablv well! Thou, how etc.?" or: or: Tr'el 6 Ir'ei! Miino, tro „NothJng but trouble! Thou. pe-e? how art thou?" or: or: baki ybo! Miino, tro „li is but hard! Thou, how pe-e?" art thou?" or: „Onl_v trouble! Thou, how art thou?" or: or: Tr'el 6 tr'el tra ;)i he! Mii- „Ver;y well!'j Thou, how no, tro pe-e? art thou?" 1) Or: „Thank you! I etc.!" 2) Lit. „ There is nothing the matter!" — 106 — A. Jin dira-i? or: Ma dira-i? „Hast Ihou slept well?" B. Yao, 1 dira. iMung, ma „Yes, 1 did sleep well. dira-i? Thou, didst thou sleep well?" b) If a person is not well he may say: B. De, I dira he; ra-tril ra B. „No, I did nol sleep; 1 am baki-mi tenon. ver^y ill to day." A. Ko bansa-mu-e? A. „>Vhat hurts thee?" or: „W'hat pains thee?" B Ra-bomp-ra-mi ra ban. or: B. „My head aches." or; Ra-boinp ra baii-mi. or: „The head pains me." or: Ma-der-ma-mi ma ban be. „My skin hurs me all over." or: or: 1 soko wonane. ,J had fever all night." A. Ma ba tra ten e-trol. A. „Thou must look for medi- cine." B. Yao, I ko len-yi. B. „Yes, I go to look for it." A. Re man ko-e? A. „Where art thou going to?" B. 1 ko ro-k'or. or: B. „l go to the farm." or: I ko ro-pelr. „1 go to town." c) On parting they may say : A. Mam piar'-6, Pa! (Ya!) A. „Lel us live (be) well all day. Sir! (Madam!)" or: „Goodbye,Sir! (Madam!)" B. Amba! Mam piar'-6, Pa! B. ..Very well!') Let us live (Ya!) (be) well all day, Sir! (Madam !)"' or: „ Very well! Goodbve, Sir! (Madam!)" 1) Or: „ Thank you! Let us etc.!" or „ Thank you! Good bye etc.!" — 107 — d) If it is toward evening, one does not say: Mam piar'-6, etc.! but: A. Man d1ra-6, Pa! (Ya!) A. „Let us sleep well, Sir! (Madam !j" or: „Good night, Sir! (Madam!)" B. Amba! Man dira-6. Pa! B. „Very well!') Good nighl, (Ya!) Sir! (Madam!)" or: „Verv well!^) Let us sleep well, Sir! (Madam!)" e) If one has met a person already in the earlier part of the day, and happens to meet him again, he does not use the same salutation: K6ri-'u, etc.! but: A. Piine-mu, Pa! (Ya!) or: A. „I have met thee, Sir! Pane-mu-6, Pa! (Ya!) (Madam!)" B. Amba! Pane-mu, Pa! (Ya!) B. ,.Very well! 1 have met thee, Sir! (xMadam!)" A. Am piar'-i? or: A. „Hasl thou been well?" or: Ma pic4r'-i? „Hast thou lived well?" B. Yao, I piar' o-lan! B. „Yes, 1 have been pretty well!" f) To one who just returned from a journey, or to a stranger just arrived, the salutation is : A. Sen-o, Pa! (Ya!) or; . , , „ \ A. „>\elcome, Sir! Madam!/' Sene-6, Pa! (Ya!) S or: or: Sen-o! Sen-6, Pa! (Ya!) or:. ^Welcome! Welcome, Sir! Sene! Sene-o, Pa! (Ya!) i (Madam!)" 0-tem, sen-o! „Sire, welcome!" B. Amba! K6ri-'u, Pa! (Ya!) B.. „Very well!') I salute thee. Sir! (Madam!)" A Ro ma vefa-i? A. „ Where doest thou come from?" 1) Or: „ Thank you! etc !" — i08 — B. I yefa ro-Bake-Lgko. B. „1 came from Porl-Loko." or; or: I yefa ro-Kamp. „1 came from Freetown " gi If one sneezes, they say: A. Sen-e! A. „God bless thee!" Germ. „Zur Genesnng!" B. Amba! B. „Ver;>' well!" or: „Thank you!" h) If one visits a sick person, he addresses him thus: Seke-o! or: ^ „l am sorry!" or: ^ Seke 6! i „I pity thee!" i or: or: Seke-o! Seke!^ „1 am very sorry!" or: . Seke-o! Seke!J „1 pity thee very much!" J or: or: Woi! Trankgbo,') Pa! (Ya!) „Alas! Be but quiet, Sir! or: (Madam!)" or: Wol! Woi! M;> tru ra-tru, Pa! „Alas! Alas! Thou art ill in- (Ya!) or: deed, Sir! (iMadam!)" or: Woi! Wot, Pa! (Ya!) Ma Iril „Alas! Alas, Sir! (Madam!) ra-tru!^) Tliou art ill indeed!" i) If they want to show their sympathy with one, or to condole with one on the death of a near relative, they say: Trank gbo,*) Pa! (Ya!) „Be but quiet, Sir! (Madam!) or: or: Trank gbo!') Trank gbo. Pa! „Be but quiet! Be but quiet, (Ya!) or: Sir! (Madam!)" or; Woi! Woi! Trank gbo. Pa! „Alas! Alas! Be but quiet. Sir! (Ya!) (Madam!)" 1) Lit. „Be but silent. Sir! (Madam!)" 2) Or: Ma tru tra-tsen ! „Thou art ill truly!" or: „in fnith!" — 109 — j) If one goes on a journey, he niny have to tell compliments from others; as one would say to one going to Port-Loko: Namina Modu 6, (1) kori-kg; „Tell Namina Modu and Ali Ali Bondo 6, (Ij kori-ko. Bondo how do you do for me." 'j Lit. „As to Namina Modu, sa- lute him; as to Ali Bondo, salute him." k) One coming from Port-Loko might say to one: A. Namina Modu o kori-mu. A. ..Namina Modu salutes thee." B. Ambd! Amba! B. „Very well! Very well!"') o o , 1) Or on meeting the messenger one would ask him: A. Namina Modu o yi ri-i? A. .,Is Namina Modu there?" B. yi ri; o kori-mu. B, „Heisthere; hesalutesthee." •A. Ambii! A. „Very well!" Or: ,.Thank you!" m) If an aged person, or one of superior rank is addressed, the salutation is: A. 0-tem, kori-'u! or: K6ri-'u. A. .,Sir. I salute thee!" o-tem! or: or: 0-tem haki, k6ri-"u! „Sire, I salute thee!" K6ri-'u, bom!^) or: „I salute thee, Madum!" or: Bom, kori-'u!*) „Madam, I salute thee!" n) If an aged person, or a superior, speaks to one. and tlie person addressed does not distinctly hear, what he said, he says: Tro ma pa-e? or. „How doesi thou s;iy?" or: Ko r'aka-e? or: „\Vhal is it?-' or: 1) Or: „Salute N. M. and A. B." 2 1 Or: „Thank you! Thank you!" 3) Or: K6ri-'u, o-hom! 4) Or. 0-bom, kori-'u! — 110 — Pa? or Pa-i? „Sir?" Ya? or Ya-i? or Na? „Mam?" or „Madain?" o) In sending one's compliments to a gentleman by his domestics, one may say to them: K6ri Pa-n! or: . „Saliite the Master!" or: ^ Kori Pa-aii! ) „Remember me to thy Master!") Kori Ya-'n! or: » „Salule the Mistress!" or: Kori Ya-an! . „Salule the Mistress!" or: \ J „Reniember me to thv Mistress!") p) If the Plural is to be expressed, the forms are as follows: K6'i-nu, Pa-iia! „1 salute you, Sirs!" K6'i-nu, Ya-iia! • „1 salute you, Madams!" K6'i-nu, a-fel! „1 salute yoii, children!" Mam piar' nan-6, Pa-na! „Good bye. Sirs!" Mam piar' nan-6, Ya-na! „Good bye, Madams!" Man dira naii-6,') Pa-na! „Good night, Sirs!" Man dira nan-6, Ya-na! „Good night, Madams!" Tro pe nan-e? „How are ye?" or „How do ye do?" Pane-nu, Pa-na! „1 have met you, Sirs!" P^ne-nu, Ya-na! „1 have met you, Madams!" Sen nan-6! „Welcome ye!" or „Welcome to you!" Seke-nan-o! or: . „I am sorry for you!" or: | Seke nan-6! J „1 pity you!" > Sen nan! „God bless you!" Germ. „Zu eurer Genesung!" Sen nan-o! Sen nan-6 ! „Ye are very welcome!" Lit. „Welcome ye! Welcome ye!" 2. Of Worship. A. Man der nan r.4mne K'uru- A. „Lel us pray to God." or: masaba. „Let us worship God." 1) Lit. „Let us sleep ye, etc.!" Ill or: Ma leiVsir nan K i'lrumasaba. B. Man kg ro-niisidi. A. Kar-mi, 1 tsi karane aii-reka- 'a-mi. B. Tsimone ton lemp. A. Miino, ma Irara karan-i? B. I Irara k'in k'in. or: Aiiko, i trara o-tan. A. Ma Ir^ra karan Ira-lenme-i? o o B. An, 1 Iraia o-tan. o ' A. Matnira ama-leii nia-t6mnp- A, ,.Do('st thou know the Temne i? hymns?" B. An, 1 Irara-na gbaiaii. B „Y('s, 1 know llicni well." A. Ma tral atra-ramno iok'6r-i? A. „Doest Ihoii understand the o o meaning^) of the prayers ?" B. I tral k'in k'in; kere 1 Iral B. „I understand a word now ■ or. „Lel us praise God by sing- ing." B. „Let us go to Church." A. „Wait me, I will bring my book with me." B. „Make great haste then." A. „Thou, canst thou read?" B. „I know single (words)." ') or: „Yes, 1 know a little." A. ,. Canst thou readTemne?" ^j B. „Yes, 1 can a little." aka-ramne ka g-Rc^bu gbar- an. A. An-reka na K'uru, ma bdtar- ni-i? B. An, 1 bdtar-ni taiika be; an- reka ane na las e-reka e- lom be, A. O-poto gbalr-su ka-wandi ka-fino tenon. B. An, trori-su ar'im ra K'liru B. „Ye.s, he shows us the word tra-tseh. of God in truth." and then;*) but 1 under- stand the Lord's prayer perfectly." ^) A. „As to the book of God, doesl thou like it?" B. ,:Yes, I like it very much; this book exceeds all othf-r books." A. „The white man gave us a good address to day." I 1) Lit. „I know one one." 2) Lit. „Doest thou know to read Temne?" 3 1 Lit. „Doest thou understand the pr. in the inside (within?" 4) Lit. „I understand one one, etc." 5) Or: kere ka-ramne ka o-Rabu, I tnd-ki gbarari; ,,but as to the Lord's prayer, I perfectly understand it." 112 A. Tenon kia o lapso gbaia-su ka-wandi; o kalane so ton ka an-tofj ana 'a komar- ko, traka kal bakasne ma- der. B. K^nko K'uru o mar-su tra wop ar'im, nra o pon trori-su e-'dko e-lal; kdma sa tse yi ebo a-tral; kere kama sa yi so a-vo na atra sa pon tral! or o A. „To day he preached the last time to us; he returns now again to his native country, ') to recruit his health again." B. „May God help us to hold the word, Mhich he has shown us many times; that we may not be hearers only; but that we may also be doers of what we have heard!" 3. Of the School. A. Re man ko-e, w'ahet? B. 1 kone ka g-karamgko Ira takas ka-karan a-reka. o o o A. Trdri-mi an-reka ana ma o takas-e, o o B. Kali-ni; an-reka ane an-reka na K'liru nan. A. Trdri-mi od'er, ro ma k^- — — — y Q ran-e. B Kar-mi, I tsi lafti a-bdpar; kali od'er ov\d I karaii. o _ — _ - A. Ma takas ka-gbal-i? o o o o a B. De, I ta takas he ki o-fino. A. „ Where art Ihou going to, child?" B. „I go to the schoolmaster to learn to read a book." A. .,Show me the book which thou art learning." B. „See it; this book is God's book."^) A. „Show me the place, where thou doest read." B. „Wait me, 1 will turn over the leaf; see the place where 1 read." A. „Hasllhou learned to write?" B. „No, 1 did not learn it well yet." A. Pa trui he, be ma memar- A. „It will not be hard, if thou ki o-fino. doest try it well." B. I l^ne-tsi; kere I trap gbo B. „1 believe it; but I only just ras. began." 1^ Lit. „to the country where they bare him. 2) Lit. „this book the book of God that." 113 — A. Ma ba k'airi, de d'liba, de k'upo-i? B. All, 1 ba ey'etr eve, A. Ma takas ka-len ma-len ma- o o o o temne-i? B. An, I trara ka-len-na. A. Ma trara ka-Ioin-i? o o - B. De, 1 trap gbo ras Ira takas ka-lom. o A. Basar o-fiiio, kama ma trara- ki lemp. A. „Hasl (hou paper, and ink, and a pen?" B. „Yes, I have these things." A. „Hast thou learned to sing Temne hymns?" B. „Yes, I can sing them." A. „Doest thou know arith- metic?"') B. „No, I onl^y just began with learning arithmetic." A. „Continue (persevere) with well, that thou mayest learn it soon." 4. Of tlie House. A. K6ri-'u, Pa! B. Amba! K6ri-'u! Ma yema woii-i ? A. An, I I si won. B. De vira, kali ka-wan ka yi ri. A. M'amo, o-tem; I tsi yira ano ka am-mesa raver. B. Tse yira ro-rare rayer, a- fef a-baki na yi ri. A. Tra ba he mi tr'el, o-traiik gbali he mi wop. B. Ma yema fanta ro-tenta, ta- lom ka an-gbata-i? A. „1 salute thee, Sir!" B. „Thank you! I salute thee! Will thou come in?" A. „Yos, I shall come in." B. „Come sit down, look there is a chair." A. „Thank you, Sir;^) I shall sit down here near the table." B. „Do not sit near the door, there is a strong draught there." A. „!t is no matter to me, 1 shall not catch cold." B. „Doest thou wish to lie down in the hammock, or on the mat?" 1) Lit. „Doest thou know counting?" 2) Or: „Much obliged to you, Sir; etc, Teiuue - Phrasuu. 114 — A. De, pa ta lela he mi. B. Kali a-bilin , be ma vema fanta o-tan. o A. De, I vema gbo vira ro- gbantan. B. Be ma yema r'aka, tsela ow'ahet. A. M'amo, Pa! 1 tsi jo-tsi. A. „No, I do not yet feel tired." B. „Look a sofa,') if thou doesl wish to He down a little." A. „No, 1 only wish to sit down in the piazza." B. „lf thou doest want any thing, call the child." A „Thank you, Sir! 1 shall do it." 5. Of Eatin? and Drinking. A. De yira ro-mesa. or A. „Come sit down to the table." Mail gbelgbetne ka ka-di. B. Ma ramne K'uru tra ruba B. ey'etr-'e-su e-di. A. Kali r'a ra-bdti-di, a-nak-6, A. a-saka-6. o B. 1 botar he a-saka, yer mi B. o-sem o-tols. A. Ma yema o-sem o-nakat-i? A. B. De, I tsi di an-troko a- B. patr. ') A. Ma bdtar he ka-di ka-lop- A. o — o o * •i? B. De, 1 di he ka-lop. B. A. Mina, d'or ra ba-mi, 1 tsi A. di o-sem o-salkar, de ma- lei. or: or: „Let us recline to the eating." „Lel us pray God to bless our food." „See there is something de- licious to eat, rice, and palaver sauce." „1 do not like palaver-sauce, give me roast beef." „ Doesl thou want fried beef?" „No, I shall eat of the stew- ed fowl."*) „Doest thou not like to eat of the fish?" „No, 1 do not eat fish." „As for me, 1 am hungry,*) I shall eat salt meat and beans." or: 1) That is a sofa made of mud. 2) Or: „boiled fowl." 3) Or: owQ 'a patr, „which they stewed." 4) Lit. „hunger has me." 115 — Mi'na, 1 tsi di o-sem o-kal, de ka-lop ka-kul. B. Yentra-mi am'er, de tra- gbei'ibe. A. Am bolar e-yoka, de e-ku- B. An, I bdtar-yi tanka be. A. KiUi a-lis a-lom; ma yema ka-bep-i? B. De, I yema he ka-bep. A. Ma vema mun ma-ber-i? B. De, I Isi mun m'anlr. „As for me, I shall eat broiled beef, and smoked fish." ') B. „Hand me the sail and the pepper." A. „Doest thou like cassada, and Mandingo \ams?" B. „Yes, 1 like them very much." A. „ See there is another knife ; doesl thou want a spoon?" B. „No, I do not want a spoon." A. „Doest thou wish to drink liquor?" B. „No, I shall drink water." Chapter n. Addresses delivered to the Temnes. 1. On John 14, 6. „Yisua pa ronon: Mine yi ar'oii, de atra-tseii, de aii-hesam; w'uni 6 w'uni o tana he der ka o-kas, lambe ka ka tra-ka-mi." Yon U. 6. 1 poii der and tra Irori-nu ar'on' da-fiitia r'in, ara K'uru o kane-su ka ar'im-r'on; pakasife K'iiru o yema kama a-fam be d'er 6 d'er iia Irara ar'oii are, ria tral ar'im-r'oh. T>sa K'iiru o botr w'luii ka 'ra-ru are, kama o leiiki-ko, kama o yikis owd bempa-kg. Traka Isi K'lirumasaba mo o bempa w'lmi, o bempa- ko o-fino de o-tot; Ir'ei 6 tr'ei Ira-las tra yi he roiidh. Kere w'uni lasar an-toii iia K'urumasaba, t.sia ba-lsi iia kanta ar'dn' - o o - ' da ro-rianna, ka ra-fi ra won ka 'ra-iu be; pakasife a-lam be iia yi a-las, fia be na poii sake a-gbeiia iia K'iiru ro-mera. Kere 1) Or: „dried fish." 2) Or: ma-uei-i? „couutry-yams ?" »* — 116 — hali w'lini o lasar an-ton iia K'uru, K'uru o bdtar-ko halisa, o botar he ka-nan'-ko ka aii-fosa iia ra-fi, de ka aii-fdsa iia Set^ni; b^na-ko i-nel, kg o kanti r'on' da-lorn ro-rianna. Ka ari-ton na Musa K'uru o pa ho: Be ma yo at'rei atse ma Ira kali. Kere ka-raraii ka mo w'iini o pen lasariie, o ba ooo -- o - -* oo-'" he so a-fgsa Ira }o ma-trei ma K'lirumasaba, kama pa tesane-ko; am-mera na w'uni na vi a-las hali: w'uni 6 w'iini o yi he owo gbali wop an-ton ha K'uru o-ffno. Traka Isi w'uni 6 w'iini g gbali he kisi, g gbali he kg ro-rianna traka ra-bomp ra ma-ygs- moh ma-fino. Ma-vos-ma-su nia-fino ma ebali he kanti ri^nna tra trassu; K'uru g trara-tsi g-fino. son-su an-tgh-hgn kama sa nahk elaraii ra-yai-ra-su, de ma-his-ma-su; kama sa trara sa ba he a-fgsa tra wop an-tgn-iigh g-fino, ma pa bgne-kg, de kama sa nank sa ebali he won ro-rianna traka 'ma-yos-ma-su; tsa a-fam be ha poh lasar an-tgh ha K'liru e-lgkg e-lal. Tsiah g kanti r'on' da-lgm Ira trassu ka ka-sgmpane de ka 'ra-fi ra Yisua gw'an-k'gh gbeh. Ar'dh are ra yi ar'dn' da i-nel. Sya be sa yi a-fiim a-las rodi ka K'lirumasaba, w'iini 6 w'uni g yi he g-fino de g-tratseh rodi ka K'uru; kere sya be sa gbali kisi ka ar'oh are, ara K'liru o poh Irgri-su ka ar'im-r'gh tsia yi mo ho ye ka ka-lane Yisua. W'Qiii 6 w'uni gwg yema der ka K'uru ka r'on' da-lgm, tsia yi lig traka ama-ygs-mgh ma-fino gbeh, o tana ho der rghgh tabana, g tra dinne gbo. W'iini Igm g \i he, g- nabi g-lgm g yi he, gwg liina mar-nu tra kg ro-rianna, tambe Yisua gwVm ka K'lirumasaba. Kong yi atra-tseh, kgng yefa ka k'uru tra trgri-su ama-seig ma K'liru g-kas-k'gh, de traka fi tra trassu. W'iini 6 w'iini, g-nabi 6 nabi, gwg mg Ise trgri-nu atie, atra 1 poh trgri-nu, g trgri-nu ra-yem, kg g pa he tra.tseh. W'uni 6 w'iini gwg tse lane gw'an ka K'rirumasaba, g beka K'lirumasaba ra-yem, pakasife lane he at'amasere, atra K'uru g poh sgh-su traka gw'an-k'gh. K'iiru o kane-su kaar'i'm-r'ghfggtrasgh-sua-hesama- tabana traka ra-bomp ra Yisua gw'an-k'gh gbo son. W'iini 6 w'iini gwd lane gw'aii ka K'firumasaba, o tra sgtg a-hesam a-tabana; kere w'iini 6 w'uni o^vg tse lane gw'an ka K'lirumasaba, g gbali he soto a-hesum a-tabana. K'iiru, g-kas, g som gw'an-k'gh, kama — 117 — bdni ara-rfi; pakasife o-malpfka o maleika o tdiia he su mar, o-nabi 6 nabi o tana he su mar: w'dni 6 wTini o tana he wop an-ton na K'dru o-fino. Mahamadu kon' so o lasar an-toi'i iia K'uru, ma a-fam a-lom na pon yo; Visua kon' son o ba he Irel 6 tr'el tra-las. Afi-nabi be, aha K'uru o poh som ka a-fam tapaii ha-hane so lia ba ka-kisi traka ra-bomp ra Ylsua, ha ba ka-sdto ka-Icipar ka ma trel-ma-hah ina-Ias ka ma-tsir ma Ylr^ua; o - - r o o pakasife w'uni u w'dni o ba ma-trel ma-Ias rodi ka K'dru Mahamadu o ba ka-kisi traka ra-bomp ra Ylsua gbo son. Yisua kon' son o ba he tr'el 6 Ir'ei tra-las , pakasife o vi ow'an ka K'drumasaba. Mo K'dru kono-kgnone o poh botr ar'dh are tra trassu. sq ba ka-lane fo ar'dh are ra beki-su, sn ba ka-wop ar'dn' da-tsi, ka sa gbali trara tra-tseh, fo K'dru o pensa he w'dni 6 w'dni, owQ der rohdh ka ar'dh aie. paka.sife K'dru o tana he venia. W'dni 6 w'dni owd lane fo Ylsua o vi ow'an ka K'dru, K iiru tra bdtar-ko; kere w'dni 6 w'dni gwd pensa, fo Yisua o vi ow'an ka K'drumasaba, owd pensa, fo Yisua n poh der ka ra- ni tra bani-su, gw'dni owe o gbeha K'liiu, ko K'uru o bahsar- ko, tra sdm'ra-ko ro-vahannama. Kere w'dni d w'lini owd lane Yisua, o ba ka-wop rso an-toh-huh, aha o poh trdri-su ka ar'im-r'oh, kia vi ho ka am-beibal; pakaMfe ak'afa ake gbo son kia yi gbo ak'afa ka Kiiru. Yisua kane-su fo sa ba ka-bdlar K'dru ka am-mf-ra-'a sn be, de ka ah-fdsa-'a-su be; fo sa ba Ira memar, kama sa verane atr'ei tra-fino, aira Yisua o sdtpna-su ka ra-fi-r'oh. W'dni d w'dni owd vema K'dru Ira ba-ko i-nei. o gbali hi sdto traka ra- bomp ra Yisua gbo son. K'dru o tra malane aka-raitme-ka-nu ka ah'es ha Yisua gbo; be na ramne he K'dru ka ahes ha Yisua, K'dru selo he tra Irala-nu. na lanme gl)o ka-tsih Iral. - - - o - o A-fam ha poh wdra s'on' tra-lal traka det ka K'uru. A-lom ha tens w'dni, taldm o-nabi Iraka kasa-ha ratrdh ; a-lom so ha nane ha gbali der ka K'dru Ira 'ma-yos-ma hah ma-fino. de tra ka-wop-ka-hah a-sum. Kere ar'dn' d'in ra yi ri gbo; Yisua kdno vi ar'dn' da-tratseh, ara ma gbali kere a-fam ro-riiinna. Kdno-kdngne pa hg: W'dni 6 w'dni o gbali lie der ka Kinu, — 118 - o-kas, tambe ka ka-tra ka-mi. Sya be sa ba tra nasi ama-trei- ma-su ma-las ka ma-tsir ma Yisiia; sa ba tra lane-ko traka ka- lapar ama-trel-ma-su ma-las be. 0-ruhu^) ka Kiiru o ba tra saki e-mera-'e-su. W'uni lorn o yi he owo tana yona-su ama- trei ame tambe Yisua. Traka tsi n'es a-lom ha yi he, a-fosa a-lom na yi he, aha gbali fdlia-su, tambe Yisua son. R'aka 6 r'aka ra tana he kere-nu ro-rianna ka-rarah ka ra-fi, tambe Q — — o ama-lsir ma Yisua , ama o poh loh traka 'ma-trel-ma-su ma-las. Sya be sa ba ma-trei ma-las ma-lal; kere K'uru o selo tra lapar- su traka ra-bomp ra Yisua, be sa nemtene-ko traka tsi. Be sa yema he K'uru tra lapar-su traka ra-bomp ra Yisua, o gbali he tsera-su ama-trei-ma-su ma-las koko, sa gbali he woh ro-rianna tahkah. A-mane-'a-mi! I nemtene-nu, tse na lane ama-yos-ma-nu traka ka-fritia-nu; tse na lane o-nabi traka ka-fiitia-nu, ha gbali he futia-nu kl 6 ki! Kere lane nan Yisua son traka ka-fiitia-nu. I trara fo na ta lane he Yisua traka ka-futia-nu; kere trap nah tenon tra yo-tsi; trohkiir nah rohoh lemp, tani ah-lokg a-fino^) ha tas tra trannu, tani na fi ka 'ma-trei-ma-nu ma-las, na dinne tabana. Be Yisua o nasi ama-trel-ma-nu ma-hjs ka ma-tsir-m'oh, na tra ba ma-tdfal ka e-mera-'e-nu, pa tra fgl-nu tr'ei, na Ira yi ma a-fam, aha poh wur n'imisa na-bana, na gbali he so nesa ra-fi. Hiili na trara nah na tra fi aninah, na gbali he nesa, pakcisife na trara. na tra ba ma-bdne ma-bana^) ro-rianna ka- rarah ka ra-fi. Kere be na lane he Yisua, be n;i lane Maha- madu, be na ramne-ko, na gbaU he fiiti . na tra nesa ra-fi; pakasife K'uru o poh trori-su fo r'on' d'in dia yi ri gbo traka a-fam be. 0-p6to 6. w'uni bi 6, o-yola 6, o-mdne 6, ha be ha ba ka-fiiii traka Yisua ow'an ka K'Urumasaba son; ko w'uni 6 \\'{m'\ owd tse lane Yisua gbo son traka fulia-ko, o gbali he fuli tabana, o ba gbo tra kg ro-yahannama. 1) Or: Ah'umpal ha K'Qru ha ba etc. 2) Or: a-foT-tr'el, „ convenient, seasonable." 3) Or: ba ma-trama ma-fiuo, „be in a happy state" =- „be well off." — 119 — Me I vefa no ka-lapso , I iiAne he fo I t.si dor so ka an-1of afie, pakasife ra-tru ra-baki ra wop-ini. Kere pa tcsano R'l'iru tra kara-mi so ano, de Ira Irdri-nu so ariin ra K'liiu! I vi and tra-ren tra-lal, I trgri-nu ar'on' da K'uru e-loko e-Iai; kere na wop he rj, pakasife na bolrar he e-niera-'e-nn ka ma-trel ma K'uru na botrar e-mera-'e-nu Ira e;y'etr ya no-ru. Tsla ba-tsi pa ban'sane aii-fam, ana pon som-su and tra Irdri-nu ar'ini ra K'uiu, ka ha selo he kama o-poto g vira so re; kere ha \enia he nu no! dv'im ra K'uru be, ha Ira (re! r;ts w'uni k'in and tra gbair-nu ka-wandi, be pa yi ho nyah tseinpi Ira tral ar'hn ra K'uru, de Ira wop-ri so. Ke mine so 1 tsi der win win tra gbaia-nu ka-wandi. Kere 1 tsi vira d'er 6-lom Ira k;11i, be pa yi ah-fam, aha vi ri, ha selo Ira nialan*^ ar'hn ra K'urii, ara me ko irdri-ha; Isa K'uru o yema kama a-f: in be d'er 6 d'er ha tral ar'im-r'oh. o A-mane-'a-mi! 1 ntjmtene-nu, be na bdtar am'>unpal-n)a-nu, lane niih Yisua, w6pne-ko nan tnjka futia-nu! Kahko K'uru o mar-nu tra yo alr'el atse I kane-nu lemp; tani na fi ka ina-trei- ma-nu ma-las, na poh fe tsi yd, tani na dinne labana. Ka-fi ra ma der-ah tra trassu be, ko be na poh lie solo ka-h\par ka 'ma-trel-ma-nu ma-las ka ka-tra ka Visua. hah ma na vi ano-rfi, na gbali he futi, na ba ka-dinne labana! Kere be Yisua o i.oh Isera-n'j ama-lrel-ma-nu ma-las, na ebali he n("»sa ra-fi, na gbali he nesa ka-rok an-!dhka ka ah-rtVi a-lapso, n,i tra fi nio ho na ko dira, ka na trara fo na Ira wur so ka tra-bdma-lra-nu ka an- re'i a-lapso, na tra ko rd-riiinna tra yfra ri ka ma-bone ma-bana, ama gbali he poh tahkah 6 lahkah. On 2 Cor. 5, 19. 20. E-mera-'e-su de ar'hn ra K'uru ra Irdri-su fo K'urumasaba kdno mg sgh-su ey'etr e-fino be. Ka ka-trap K'uru g benipana w'uni e-tof, kg kdng mg sgh-ras w'uni d w'uni a-iK'sam. K'uru bolr ah-lg ha ka-kom-ka-su, de od'er to 'a kdmar-su; kdng mg sgh-su r'dka 6 r'aka ara sa ba. Kdng mg bene-su ra-tr'ei 6 Ir'ei. — 120 — Ka-bani-ka-su ka 'ra-lrar ra setani ka vi ama-panl ma K'lirii. Kong wura asadka tra bani-su. soni ow'an-k'oh, o ren-ko ama-lrei-ma-su ma-las be; kg K'flru g malane as'adka, atra Yisua kara tra trassu. Yisua g kane e-letu-y'on tra tramas arim ra-tgt are ka a-fam be. An Ig na-tsi R'Qru g bempa w'uni, w'uni g yi g-mane ka K'drumasaba; kere w'uni g lasar an-tgn na K'iiru, t^a ba-tsi R'Qru g ban's§r-kg, kg w'Qni g nesa R'Qru. Ama-las ma w'Qni ma l|sar ama-mane ka-lrgh ka R'liru de ka- trgn ka w'Qni. E-mera-'e-su e la ma-gbeiia tr§ka R'uru, kg R'liru g bafi'sar-su traka 'ma-trel-ma-su ma-las. A-fam be 'a gbena R'liru ka e-mera-'e-nan, na yo ma-trel ma-las ma-lai. Rere R'Qru g wiira s'adka. kama kgn' de syan s§ mane so. Sya sa gbali he yg kama R'firu de syan sa kal m^ne ; kere R'dra kono ?bali vo-tsi. O ba-su i-nel, o som Yisua ow'an- k'gn gwg yrikane ma-der, gwg kasa-su ralrgn. de gwg wop an- tgn na R'Qru o-fino tra trassu, ka ka-belan-ka-su; pakasife sya sa lasar-ni Igkg 6 Igkg. R'Qru g som gw "an-k'on kama g sgmpane, kama g fi; kama R'Qru g gbali su tsera 'ma-trei-ma-su ma-las. Yisua kgn' g ba he tr'ei 6 Irel tra-l§s. kgn' g sompane gbo ka ka-belan-ka-su. Yan R'Qru g kala ma-mane ka-lrgn ka a-fam de ka-trgh-k'gn. yema he su sg ren ama-trel-ma-su ma-las, be sa w6pne-kg, be sa wop ar'im-r'gn. R'Qru g selg tra lapar ama-trei -ma-su ma-las traka ra-bomp ra Yisua, be sa lane Yisua, be sa wopne gw'an ka R'uru. R'Qru g yema kama kgn' de syan sa kal mane; g tsela a- fam be ka ka-san ka e-telu-v'on. o nemtene-su ka ka-sah-ka-hah kama sa malane ama-mane-m'on. kama sa lane Yisua. Yisua kgng gbali fdtia-su kgn' son. I pen der rgnu, R'liru g som-mi rgnd, kama I trgri-nu ar'im- r'gn. Na gbali he katr k'ere. be na wop he ri , pakasife na trara-ri: na gbali he kane R'dru ka aii-rei a-lapsg: ,.1 Ir'a he nail ar'im-ra-mu-e." R'dru g tra tghkas-nu ka ar'im, ara I trgri- nu loko d Idko; J trdri-nu atra na ba ka-yo, kama na kisi; be na kisi he, nvan nva ba-tsi. Sva be sa yi a-fam a-las rodi ka Rdrumasaba; w'dni 6 w'dni ka-trgri-ka-nu g pon lasar an-tgn — 121 — iia K'Qru e-lokg e-lai; w'Qni 6 v'uni ka-tron-ka-nu o vo ma- trei ma-las ma-lai, A-mane-'a-mi ! Botrar nan am-mera, na ba ra-bei ra-bana ka K'uru, na gbali he ram-ko-e raka 6 raka! Kere Yisua kono •wop ara-bel-ra-nu , kono gbali ram-ri, be u§ laue-ko. Rdni o selo Ira lapar ama-trel-ma-nu raa-las tr^ka ra-bomp ra Yisua. I der ronii ka an'es na Yisua de ka ka-belan-k'on, I nemtene nu kama na malane ama-mane-m'on. Be na lane Yisua. be na malane ka-fQli-k'gn mo ho a-bova. be na vema futi ka ma-tsir ma Yisua gbo, ama o Ion tra trannu be: K'Qru o selo tra lapar- nu. K'Qru o gbali he malane wiini 6 w'Qni. tambe owo mo der ronon ka an'es na Yisua ow'an k"on. K"Qru o pa ho : „Kone nail ka 'ra-ru be, tramns nan ari'ra ra-tot ka a-fam be. W'Qni 6 w'Qni o>vd lane, 'a matas-ko, V) o Ira fiili: kere w'lini 6 w'uni owo tse lane, o tra dinne." Be na basar ka-t.se-vop ar'im ra K'Qru. na lane be Yisua: K'Qru o Ira sompa-nu ka- sompa ka-bana ; be na malane he ka-s6m-ka-mi, na farki ka-som ka K'lirumasaba, kg K'Qru g tra som-nu ro-yahannama tra sgmpane ri tabana taiikaii. Na ba tra wop ar'im ra K'uru ano-rfi: pnka>ife be na pon fi. na gbali he wop-ri so. K'Qru g sgn-su a-lgkg ang-ru gbg traka benene tra rianna. Be g-bal g-lgm g yeraa me^r w'Qni mgne: kere gw'Qni ka- tsi g pensa, g malane fe ar'i'm ra g-bal. g farki ama-lgt ma o- bai: g-bal ka-tsi mg baii'sar he kg-i? Kere K'lirumasaba g yema sgn-nu ara tas r'aka 6 r'aka ara g-bai g gbali sgn-nu. >YQni 6 w'fini g gbali he lapar ama-trei-ma-nu ma-las; kere K'Qru g selg tra lapar-nu. be na lane Yisua; kere g gbali he lapar-nu tambe na lane Yisua gw'an ka K'lirumasaba. Pakasife K'liru g pa: .,Kgne nan ka 'ra-ru be. tramas nan ar'im ra-tgt ka a-fam be;" I pon der rgnii. 1 pon trei g-kas- ka-mi. de an-mane-'a-mi, de an-tgf ana a k6mar-mi, I pon der ka an-tgf-'a-nu, ro tra-tru-tra-Iai tra wop-mi. ro a-poto a-gbati na fi ka der-ka-fian gbo ka an-tgf ane; kere Irei 6 tr'ei tra gb§li li Or: patar-kg m'antr , ^.baptize him (with water by sprinkling;" m§tas is: „ baptize by immersion.'* — 122 — he mi bentr; pakasife 1 \ema trori-nu ar'on' da K'iini, kama na trara-ri, kama na wop-ri, kama na solo ma-bone ma-bana ro- rianna. Be na wop ar'i'm ra K'liru, ara 1 trori-nu, pa bone-mi hali, 1 tsi miilsi K'uru mamo traka tsi. Kere be na wop he ar'im ra K'firumasaba, ara 1 Irori-nii loko 6 loko, nvan nya ba-lsi, nyaii nya ba ka-wosa-tsi, K'uru o Ira sompa-nu traka tsi, R'on' d'in ra yi ri gbo traka fufi; r'on' d'in ra yi gbo, ara kg ro-rianna; a-fam be na ba tra kot ka ar'on are, am-p6to de aii-fam a-bi. K'uru o trori-su ar'on are ka ar'im-r'on, ara I Iramas-nu, K'uru o son fe vv'uni tr'afa Ira-ran, kere k'afa k'in gbo ; ka a-fam be 'a ba tra wop ak'afa ake ; w'Qni 6 w'uni owo mo tse wop ak'afa ake, o gb^li he kg ro-rianna, o Ird di'nne gbo, K'liru tra som-ko ro-yah;innama tra sgmpane ri tankan tabana, A-laT ka-trgn-ka-nu na ma pa hg: „An-reka, ana sa ba, nia yi hg alukrana. iia vi a-fino tra trassu, lia beki aii-fam a-bi; ka ak'afa ka-p6to kia yi ka-fino tra am-poto, ka beki am-p6to." Pa yi he van. An-reka-'a-nu nia yi hg alukrana, de an-reka a-poto e-yi fe win ; kere e peskiane. Alukrana iia trgri-nu ar'im ra w'uni gbo; kere an-reka ana 1 kara-nu, ha trgri-nu ar'im ra K'liru tra-tseh. K'uru o gbali he son a-fam e-reka ye-rari e- peskiane, ar'im ra K'uru ra yi tra-tseh tahkah tabana. W'lini 6 w'lini gwg karah ah-reka a-p6to de ah-reka ha Mahamadu a-mera fino, g gbali trara fo ah-reka a-p6to ha lasi alukrana; ah-reka a-p6lo hia yi gbo ar'im ra K'liru. A-mane-'a-mi! Botrar nah am-mera! Yfsua kdno mo tonkas- nil ka ah-rei a-lapsg, be na wop ar'im-r'gh 6, be na wop he ri 6, g tra tghkas-nu! Hali na wop he ar'im-r'gh ang-rfl, na ba tra trama rodi ka Yfsua, kama g tghkas w'iini 6 w'uni ka-trgh- ka-nu. Ak'afa-ka-nu ka trgri he nu alr'eT atse; kere ak'afa ka K'uru ka kane-su-tsi, ka kane-su fg Visua gw'an ka K'rirumasaba g tra tghkas-nu ka') ah-reka-hgh, hia yi hg ka') am-beibal; pa yi he ka ah-reka-'a-nu, hia yika') alukrana. Alukrana ha kane he nu fg Yisua g yi gw'an ka K'lirumasaba. Mahamadu g pa fg kgn' 1) Or: mg etc. -^ 123 — bana o tas Yisua; kere kolone gbo ka-tsin, o vema gbo; K'uru som he ko koko, N'es a-lom ria vi he ri, ana gbali fiitia-su, tambe an'es na Yisua; ko wiini 6 w'Qni owo mo pensa-ko, o tra dinne gbo. - Mahamadu o tihkar a-fam Iraka wop ar'im-r'on, o dif-ria be, aha tse selo tra wop-ri. Kere K'uru o gbena atr'el atse, o >ema he sa tihkar a-fmn tra wop ar'hTi-r'oh ; o kane-su gbo: Be na wop ar'im-ra-mi, be na lane Yisua, na tra soto ma-bone ma- bana ro-rianna ; kere be na wop he ar'im-ra-mi, be na lane he Yisua; na Ira dinne gbo. na tra sompane ka an'antr tahkah tabana. Yo o pa, kere o tihkar he w'uni 6 w'uni, mo Mahama- du poh vo tapah. Kahko K'uru o mar-nu, kama na tse gbo tral ar'im-r'oh ka- tsih, ara I Irori-nu; kere kama na \o-ri so; kama na won ro- rianna, de kama na soto ri ma-trama ma-fino tahkah 6 tahkah. 3. On Jude v. 14. 15. Fo a Igko ha tra der mo K'uru o tra tohkas a-(am be mo ama-yos-ma-hah, K'Qru o poh gbal-t.si ka am-mera ha a-fam be. Sa nahk a-fam a-lai aha ma vo ma-trei ma-las ma-lal, taldm ma- trei ma-fino, ha soto he ;.-ram traka tsi ano-ru; k»jre ha tra - - — Q O soto-hi ka 'ra-ru ara ma der-e. 0-nabi Enok, owo kali pa \\on he k=i-rarah ka 'ra-fi ra Adam, de ah-fam aha vi ka 'ma-rei ma-tsi, ha trara, fo K'uru o t;a rok e-tohka va a-fam ka ah-rei a-lap'so. Enok kono tramas-tsi, o pa hg : „Kali, o Rabu o mo der-e re e-wul e-lai \a am-maleika-hoh tra rok e-tohka ya a- fam a-las be traka 'ma-lrel-ma-hah ma-las, ama ha \o;" kg o man ah-fam, aha vi ka 'ma-rei ma-tsi, kama ha tubi, Enok o kane-su ig Yisua o Ira der so ka ah-rei a-lap'sg. O trgri-su fo Visua tra tsela a-fam be Iraka tnima rohdh rodi, fo o tra ram a-fam a-las be mo am'dlo ma ama-yos-ma-hah. E-telu va Yisua be ha pa r'im r'in, ha kane-su fg sya be sa ba tra Irama ka Yisua rodi, kama g rgka-su e-tghka. Na kane-su fg \ isua kgng mo rgk an-tghka ha ah-kali de ah-fi. K"Oru g yrnir ka- — 124 - rok an-tonka ka afi-rei a-lap'so ka Yisua; pakasife o y'\ ow'an ka w'uni. Kdno fi (raka a-fam be, ko o tra der so mo ow'an — — O C' o ~ ka vi'uni ka e-biinl ya k'liru. Enok o kane-su fo o Ira der re am-maleika-non, ana ina paia-ko ka e-bunl ya k'lini. E-wul e- lal na tra tor ka k'uru de kon' tra bundas an-yiki ha ah-rei na- tsi, de tra yikis-ko owo trapi-ha. Ka-der ka Yisua ah-lo ha-tsi ka tra tas ka-der-k'oii ka-trdtroko, mo o der Ira sake ma-der, de tra sompane tra trassu. Sa ba tra bolrar am-mera, kama sa benene traka an-rei ha- tsi , kama sa ban-ko o fino. Yisua o tra der tra tonkas a-fam be, \M\ yi he tra trori aii-yiki-non gben; kere tra rok an-tgnka ha a-fam ka an-tof be. Ah-fam be aha poh kali ka 'ra-ru are, de w'iini 6 w'uni owo 'a tse ta kom ka 'ra-ru are, Yisua o tra tsela-ha rohoh rodi. Am-baki de ah-fet, ah-yola de ani-mdne, ha be ha tra wur ka tra-boma-tra-hah, de aha yi a-kali ah-lo ha-tsi ka an-tof, ha be ha ba tra trama ka Yisua rodi. Q tra gbehgbeh w'Oni 6 w'iini , o tra tunt ama-yos-m'oh, o tra haibi e-nane e-mankne ya am-mera-h'oh be. Ah-ldko ha-tsi aha Yisua mo fetar am-mera,') ha Ira kg ro-rianna ; kere aha Yisua g mg hap,*) ha tra bal-ha, kama ha yefa ro-d'er-k'gh kadi. Yisua tra halra ah-fam-hoh ro-rianna; kere aha tse l^ne-ko, o tra fita-ha ka an'antr na-tabana. Yisua g tra tdhkas a-fam Ira-lseh. Be sa fdfar a-fam traka 'ma-trei-ma-hah ma-las ha katrne tr'ere, O " O U o 'J Kere Yisua kdno-konone o tra v\6pa-ha I'amasere, o tra trdri- — — ------ o* '■J ha ara-yal ra atr'ere-tra-hah . g tra haibi ama-ygs ma-las, ama ha yg-e, as'im tra-las atra ha fgf-e, de e-nane e-las eye yi ka e-mera-'e-hah ka t'amasere tra tra-tseh, ha ha gb§.l! he pensa. E-letu ya Yisua so, aha tramar-ha ar'im ra K'liru, ha tra wura t'amasere traka trahhah. Yisua owd mo tdhkas-su, g trara gd'er ro a-fam ha yo ama-trei-ma-hah ma-las ma-mahkne be, kg g Ira tihkar-ha tra wosa atra-tseh tra ka-rok-k'oh an-tdhka, aka som- o ha ka an'antr na-labana. Ka ah-rei ha ka-rgk e-tdnka ya a-fam Yisua g tra botr ama- 1) Or: g mg sgh ma-mari, ha etc. 2) Or: g mo sgh ma-teri, ha etc. — 125 — trdma ma-taMna ma w'uni 6 w'iini. A-tan na yi '"' Rbo, an^ o ma nane atrVi atse. A-fam a-lal na kjjli mo ho lia ba tra kali tabana ano-rO. Be w'uni o fi ra-fi ra-simtar, na nane ho atse Ira gbali he yone ronan. Na mar tra benene traka 'ra-fi loko 6 loko; kama be ara-fi ra der, na Ise ri nesa, kama ra Ise der ronii, ma na tse ri nane. Kere be na v\6pne he Yisua, be na _>ema he fuli ka 'ma-tsir-m'on gbo, na pon he benene traka ra- fi; pakasife K'liru g ta pon he lap^ir ama-trei-ma-nu ma-hjs; kg be K'diu g pon fe Isera-nu ama-trel-ma-nu ma-las, ra-fi ra tra yentr-nu ka an'anir na-tabana ro-yahannama. Ya sa ba tra kali, de tra bolrne Igkg 6 Igkg, mg hg sa kar ka-der ka Yisua a-rei 6 a-rei, kama sa ebali ba ma-bdr.e ka ka-der-k'on. Ya sa ba tra kali a-rei 6 a-rei, mg hg ma sa ma yema tra pen kaH, ma ra-fi ra fatrar. o A-mjine-'a-mi! Pa mar-nu tra Iran ka-benene traka an-rei na-tsi lemp. Tra-reri e-wul tramat tra pon tas, mg Enok g fgf as'im tra-tsi traka ka-der ka Yisua, ke e-tetu ya Yisua be iia pa rim r'in; iia kane-su fg Yisua, gwg yi tra tgnkas-su, g fatrar lemp. tra der tsentsene, be ah-lgkg, aiia K'uru g poii botr, iia bek. Kere Yisua g fair w'lini 6 w'uni, pakasife ma ra-fi ra bap-su, vail ka-rok an-tdiika ka ma bap-su so. Be na kali ka- tubi-ka-nu, a-paiik iiaii; pakasife na tra he a-lgkg reke ra-fi ra ma der tra trannu ; be pji yi ka ka-reii ka-lgm, talgm ka aii-rei a-lgm, talgm ka aii-gbelen a-lgm, na tr'a he tsi. Traka tsi benene nan traka ra-fi, fale naii ka ar'6n'-da-nu ra-las; kdne naii ka Yisua ka e-mera-'e-nu be, kaina na gbali ba ma-bgne rongii rodi, be g der-e. Riimne naii K'Uru, kama g saki e-mgra-'e-nu, de kama na sake a-wul iia K'l'iru. o o - Sya be sa poii lasar an-tgii iia K'liru ka e-nane-'e-su, ka as'im-tra-su, de ka 'ma-ygs-ma-su. Kane gbali lapar ama-trei-ma- su ma-las-e? Kane gbali nasi ama-trei-ma-su ma-las ka aii-reka, aiia K'liru o gbal Iraka tr'ei 6 tr'ei sa yo-e? Am'anlrar-ma-su ma gbali he yg-tsi, r'aka 6 r'aka la gbali he yO-lsi, tambe ama-tsir ma Yisua; kdno gbali vak-su ka 'ma-trel-ma-su ma-las be, kdno gbali lapar ama-ygs-ma-su ma-las be; be kgn' g yak fe su, sa — 126 — tra fi ka 'ma-trel-ma-su ma-las, ka sa ba tra sompane ara-ban' da K'uru ro-vahannama tankan 6 taiikan. Ten's nan a-ni na ka-fiiti, aka Yisua o pofi waia-su ka 'ma- tsir-m'on ; tse na ineinar tra botr ama-vos-ma-nu ma-fino ka ka- - ' o ~ o *-■ belah ka 'ma-tsir ma Yisua, K'uru o gbali he malane-na. Kere ana ma lane Yisua, na gbali kar an-rei ha ka-der ka Yisua re ma-bone; pakasife kon', gwo mo tohkas-ha, o waia-na 'ma-lsir- m'oii gben; pa yi kon' owo ha lane, Qwg ha wopne, owo poh nasia ma-lrel-ma-hah ma-las ama-tsir-m'oh, Yisua kono-kgnone, gwg mg tghkas-ha, g tra trama-ha rarah, g Ira pa rghah : „Der nah, aha g-kas-ka-mi g poh ruba, sgtg nan ak'e ka 'ra-baT, ara ha poh benene traka trannu!" Aha lane Yisua ha tra trama rghgh rodi re ma-bgne; kere aha tse lane-kg, aha tse trala-kg, ha gbali he trama rghgh rodi, g-ninis g-bana g tra wop-ha, pakasife Yisua g tra som-ha ka an'antr na-tabana. Wuni gwg tse benene traka ra-fi, g ba tra nesa ra-fi, pa- kasife ra-fi ra tra yentr-kg ka ka-sgmpane ka-bana ro-yahannama. Kere w'uni gwg poh benene traka ra-fi, kgng yi g-fgi-tr'ei ; pakasife be g fi, g tra futi ka-sgmpane ka ra-ru are be tahkah tab^na, kg g tra yira ka K'uru rokgm tahkah 6 tahkah, Tete ma na ba a-hesam, trap nah kci-benene traka ra-fi; be na poh he benene, be ra-fi ra bek-e, na ba he so a-lgkg traka benene ka-rarah ka ra-fi; na gbali he sg yg ma-pant, na ebali he so tiibi ka-nirah ka ra-fi. Sa sak e-santr ka 'ra-ril O o ~ ~ o o o are, kere ka ra-ru ara ma der-e sa tra rgk eye sa poh sak. A-mane-'a-mi! Bolrar nah am-mera, kama na sak e-santr e-fino traka 'ra-ril ara ma der-e, kama na gbaU sg rgk a-yiki a-tabana ro-rianna rokgm, kama na gbali ba ma-bgne, be Yisua g der sg ka ah-rei a-lap'sg tra tghkas a-fam be. Be na bgtar am'umpal-ma-nu, benene nah traka ra-fi; ah-hesam-'a-nu ang-ru ha yi a-burap; k«jre ah-hesam aha sa ba ka ra-ru ara ma der-e, ha ba he g-lilane, ha tra wgn tahkah tabana; kg w'uni 6 w'uni gwg tse poh lane Yisua, g Ira kg ro-yahannama tra sompane ri tabana; kere ^^'uni 6 w'uni, gwg poh wopne Yisua traka ka- futi, tra ko ro-rianna tra sdto ri nia-bdne ma-tabana. Be ra-fi — 127 — ra bap-nu, na pon he benene. nji tra tiibi traka t.si ka-rdran ka ra-fi; kere an-lo fia-t.si na tra tiibi gbo ka-tsin. An-fam ana pon bt-nene lete traka ra-fi, a-fam a-tsempi de a-inari-tr'el nan; pakasife be ra-fi ra bek, ain-maleika na K'uru na Ira kere am'un)pal-ma-nan ro rijinna tra yir^i ri tankan 6 — 1 o tankan; kere an-fam ana lie pon benene, a-fam a-pnnk nan; pakahife be na fi, setani o tra kere am'umpal-ma-nan ro- yahannama tra soinpane ri ka-sompane ka-bana tankan tabana. K'anko K'liru kama na fi ar'on' tla-fino, de kiima sya be sa gbanne-so ka ka-tra ka-dio ka K'lirumasaba rokom ka an-rei a-l^p'so traka yira ronon ro-rianna tankan 6 tankan! 4 On Luke 10, 10—16. Yisua pa ka an-karandi-hoh, mo o som-ria Ira gbal ka- wandi: „Be na won ra ka-petr, ka na malane he nu; wur nan ka as'oii Ira ka-petr ka-tsi, ka pa nan: Hali ka-bof ka ka-petr- ka-nu so, aka gbap'sa-su, sa konkon-ki roni'i; kere trara nan alse fo ara-bai*) ra K'uru ra pon fatrar-nu. Ke I kane-nu, fo alr'ei tra an-fam na ro-S6dom tra tra yi fisa ka ah-rei ha ka- o o «/ rok aii-tohka, pa tas atr'ei tra ka-petr ka-tsi. Owo mo Inila- nu trala-mi; ko owd Irala-mi, o Irala owd som-mi; ko owd farki-nu, o farki owo som-mi." Kota mo Yisua o yo ma-yos ma-kab^ne ma-lai ka-troh ka an-fam na an-Yehudi, kota mo o lak'sa-na ka-lsemp ka-bana, de a-fosa a-bana; aha Icihe-ko mo ho ow'an ka K'lirumasaba, ha yi ebo a-tan. Yisua o Irara-tsi o mdia trap ka-tak'sa-ha. Traka tsi kane ah-karandi-hnh, fo a-fam ha tra yo-ha, ma ha yo- ko; kg kane-ha atra ha ba ka-yo traka ka-petr, aka Ise ha malane; o kane-ha fo ha ba tra (rori ah-fam ha ka-petr ka-tsi fo ara-ban' da K'liru ra rensa-ha; paka,sife ha nii'dane fe ar'im ra K'uru. Ko Yisua kono-kgnone g trgri-su ka-sgmpa, aka ma der-e ka tra-petr be, aira tse wop ar'im-r'gh. Yisua g kane- 1) Or: ka-gbaka ka K-, „the reign of etc." — 128 — su \v'uni 6 w'uni owo t.se wop ar'im-r'on, o tra sompane ro- vahannama tabana. Sodom ka y\ ka-peir ka-bana tapan; kg pakasife an-fam iia ro- Sodom na yo ma-trei ma -las ma-lal, K'liru dim-na ka an anlr, ana tor ka k'uru. K'uru o som fe ar'im-r'on ka an-fam na ro- Sodom, o man fe na tra fale ka ar'6n'-da-nan ra-las; kere pakasife ila yo ma-lrel ma-las ma-lai, dim-iia. Kere ronii K'uru o poii som ar'im-r'oii ka ka-saii- ka-mi; I poii der ronii, ko K'uru o niaii-nu ka ka-saii-ka-mi, kania na wop ar'im-r'oii; o trori-nu atra o poii _>ona-nu, o Irori- nu fo poii som Ylsua ow'an-k'oii tra futia-nu ka ka sompane- k'oii, de ka 'ra-fi-r'oii. Ak'afa ka K'uru, kia \i ho am-beibal ka kane-su fo: „Ya K'liru o bdlar ara-ru, ha o sond ow'an-k'oii kom ro-k'or son; kania w'uni 6 w'uni gwd lane-ko, o tse dinne, kere kama o soto a-nesam a-tabana. " Yisua o fi tra trannu mo ho s'adka traka ra-bomp ra ama-tref-ma-nu ma-las. Ama- - - o 1 o IreT ame be an-fam ha ro-Sodom na Ir'a he na tapaii; traka tsi " o ~ o r ' o be nyaii na wop fe ar'im ra K'liru, ara o som romi ka ka-tra- ka-mi, o tra sompa-nu, pa tas aii-fcim iia ro-S6dom. Yisua o kane aii-karandi-iioh tra koiikoii ka-bof ka Ir'atrak-tra-iian ka ~ - o an-fam, aria tse wop ka-som-k'oii; o kane-iia tra trgri-iia, fg K'uru g ban'sar-iia hall. Yisua, mg g iiatr ro-rianna, g kane aii-karandi-ri'gii, kama na kg ka 'ra-ru be, tra tramas ar'im-r'on ra-tot ka a-fam be, tra saki a-fani be a-karandi-ii'on. kane- iia, fg w'iini 6 w'uni gwg lane-kg, g tra fiiti; kere w'uni 6 w'uni gwg tse lane-kg mg gw'an ka K'urumasaba, de gwg tse wop-kg mg g-futia ka a-fam, g tra dinne gbg. Be K'uru g sgmpa ari-fam ria ro-S6dom g-baii, pakasife na yd ma-trel ma- las, hrili ma na tse ba ar'im-r'gii; g tra sgmpa-nu pa tas-na, be na farki ka-som ka Yisua, ow'an ka K'urumasaba, de be na kasi o ' ~ ' o tra vvop-ki. Be g-bal g-lgm g sOm a-telu ka aii-fam-n'gn tra kere r'im ronan, an-fam iia-tsi na ba tra wop ar'im ra an-tetu mg ar'im ra g-bai; kg be iia farki ar'im ra an-lelu, iia farki ar'im ra g-bal, gwg som-kg. Ye pa yi sg, be a-fam na wop he ar'im ara e-lelu ya Yisua iia Iramar-na ka an'es iia Yisua, iia farki Visua kgng-kyngne, gwg som e-tetu tra tramas ar'iiii- r'gii; kg gwg farki ar'im ra Yisua, g farki ar'im ra K'urumasaba, — 129 — pakasife kdno som Yisua gw'an-k'on Ira futia-su ka ka-sompane- k'on, de ka 'ra-fi-r'on. Be a-fam na faiki an-telu na o-baT, o- bal owon o Ira sompa an-fam na-tsi Iraka 1m. Ye pa \i so, K'urii Ira sompa w'iini o Nv'uni, owo t.se wop ar'i'm ra Yisua, ow'an-k'on, owg l.se ko lane, de Qwg farki ar'im-r'oh ; o tra sdmpa-ko, pa las an-fam na ro- Sodom, ana K'lini o dim ka an'anlr, ana tor ka k'uru. Hiili ma a-fam a-laT na t.se lane Yisua, tra Idsar ar'im-r'on. ara o pa: ,.\V'imi o w't'ini osvo mo lane, q tra kisi; ktjro w'lini 6 \v'iini owg rug Ise lane, o tra dinne." Ar'i'm ra K'uiu ra vi Ira-t.sen, hiUi ma a-fam be na tse ri lane. Pa be' he tra tral ar'im ra Yisua gbo, tra nane- ri ra-fino de ra-trat.sen, na ba tra vo-ri so. Be w'lini, gwg ba ra-tru, g sgtg e-trgl, g ba tra di-_\i. be g vema sgto ka-yeiik ma-der. Ye pa yi sg, be sa yema sgtg ma-trei ma-ffno ka ar'im ra K'uru, sa ba tra \o atra o trdri-su ka ar'im-r'on. Be na gbali na nank ama-vi ma an-fam, ana vi ro-S6doin tapan, be na gbali na naiik ka-kulo-ka-naii, de ka-nak-iiak-e-.sek-kt- nan, na tra nanka naii an-fam iia-tsi i-nei. Kere kota ka- «gmpane-ka-nan ka yi ka-baii; ka-sgmpane ka ana ma farki, ana ma tse wop ar'im ra Yisua, ara I poii tramar-nu e-lgkg e-lal tapan, ka tra tas g-bana. Be na wop ar'im, ara 1 tramar-nu, na wop he ar'im-ra-mi gbeii; kere na wop ar'im ra K'uru, gwg som-mi rgnii; ka be na wop he ar'im, ara 1 trgri-nu. na nop he ar'im ra K'uru; ka trara naii, be na yg yaii-e, na tra ba k'asi ka-bana rodi ka K'liru. K-lgkg e-lal I poii der rgm'i tapaii, I pon der ka aiVes iia Yisua tra tramar-nu arim ra-tgl. tra mah-nu, kama na malane ka-fiiti-k'gn. aka o poii's Ira trannu sg, de kama na torane rodi ka K'liru traka 'ma-trei-ma-nu ma- las; kama Yisua o ebali Lsera-nu-iia. Mine vi a-letu iia Yisua, kgng s6m-mi rgnu tra t.sela-nu ka ka-belan-k'gh; kama na lane- ko, kama na wop ar'im -r'oii ka tra-tsen. Be na Irala fe mi, na trala he Yisua, ov\d sdm-mi ronu, na farki owg tana kisia- nu son; na farki owd mo re tdiikas-nu ka aii-rei a-lap'sg; na farki gwg mg re gbak ama-trei-ma-nu ka-rjiraii ka ra-fi. W'uni 6 w'Uni owd tse tral ar'im ra Yisua, Yisua o tra tramar-kg ka ka-tra-k'on ka-mgrg ka an-rei a-lap'sg; ka aiia ma Irama ka ka- Temne - Ansprachen. 9 — 130 — mero-k'on be, tra som-na ro-}ahannama, ka an'^ntr na-tab6na. Be a-fam na farki an-tetu na o-baT, na farki o-bal; pakasife an- tetu vi ka-san ka o-baT. Ye pa ;yi so, be a-telu na Yisua Iramar-nu ar'im ra K'uni, Yisua kono konone kono fofar-nu ka ka-san-k'on. Traka tsi be a-tetu ha Yisua o Irori-nu ka-som ka Yisua, pa yi mo ho Yisua kono-kgngne g tor ka k'Qru tra trori-nu-ki. Tra yi tr'cT tra-bana Ira-fino tra tral ar'im ra K'uru- masaba, E-vvul e-l^'T va a-fain ha gbali he tral-ri, pakasife e- tetu ya Yisua ha der he rghah. A-lai ha tra selo nan tra wop- ri lemp de ma-bgne, be pa \i ha gbali Iral-ri gbo. Be ah-fam ha ro-S6dom 'a pon' nan tnil tapah, atra nyah na poh tral, ha tra pon' na tubi tsenlsene. Traka tsi alr'ei tra ah-fam ha ro- o I^ - - - o o Sodom tra tra vi fisa ka au-rei a-lap'so, pa tas atr'ei tra aha ma tral ar'im ra R'uru; kere ha yo fe atra ha poh tral. Nyah na poh tral ar'im ra K'Qru; kore n.j yg fe atra na poh tral. E-wul e-lal ya a-fam, aha yi ro-krifi, ha tubi hali; pakasife ha poh farki ar'im ra K'uru ang-ru; ke be pa gbali na yi ha tra kal so ang-ru, ha tra wop nah ar'im are lemp de ma-bgne; kere ha gbali he so kal. A-mane-'a-mi! Botrar nah am-mera ka 'ma-trei ame! Tete - o o na ba a-ldko a-fol-tr'el tra tubi, de tra ko ka Yisua traka sgtg ka-lapar ka 'ma-lrel-ma-nu ma-las, Lansa na ba he so a-lgkg traka l.si ni'nah. Wiini 6 w'iini owd fMi an-tgh ha Mdsa, na dif-kg, ha ba he kg i-ne!. Kere ka-sgmpane ka aha ma farki Yisua, gw'an ka K'llrumasaba, de aha ma farki ama-tsir ma Yisuii, ama g loh traka trahhah, ama gbali felar-ha son; — ka- sdmpane ka ah-fam ha-tsi ka tra las o-bana. Pa yi he tr'ei Ira-lol tra farki ama-!. sir ma Yisua, owd \ira tete ka ka-dig ka K'lirumasaija rokgm, gwd mg kal der tra tdhkas a-fam be, de owd ba ata-gbaka tete ro-rianna de ka an-lgf, ha g botr aha gbeha-kg be ka ma-nl-m'gh rata. A-fam a-mari-tr'ei hah, aha ma tral ar'im ra K'uru, de aha ma wop-ri sg! A-fam a-mari-tr'el hah, aha ma sdna Yisua Ira-wu ang-ru re ma-bgne; kama ha tse ba tra sdna-kg tra-wu ka ah-rei a-lap'sg de g-ninis ro-yahannama! Tengh kia 1 lap'sg gbaia-nu ka-w^ndi, pakasife I tsi k^lane — 131 — ka an-tof a-p6to, ke 1 tsi lemne-nu tenon. Tra-ren Irofatr Ira- ran tra pon tas, me I mo'a der ka an-tof 'a-nu tra Iramai-nii ar'i'm ra K'liru, ko I pen gbair-nu ka-wandi o-loko o-lai. Kere hali I poll gbaia-nu ka-wandi e-lgko e-lal, w'Qni k'in o \i he ka ka-tron-ka-nu, qv.6 wop as'ini-tra-nii traka tescjs am-mera-mi. Na pon Iral ar'i'm ra K'urii e-loko e-lai; kere na tral-ri gbo, na pon fe ^^op-ri. Nyan na ba atr'ei atse, n.yan na ba tra \\6sa ka K'urumasaba tnika ka-tse-wop ar'im-r'on, ko o tra sompa-nsi traka tsi. Na ebali he katr k'ere, na ebali he pa ka K'liru ka an-rei a-lap'so fo ye: „Sa tral lie nan ar'im-ra-mu, sa tr'a he nan ama-selo-ma-inu;" paka.sife na pon tral ar'im-r'on, na poii trara ama-selo-m'on; e-tetii ya Yisua na pon Irori-iui ar'im-r'oii de ama-selo-m'on; kere na yema he ri wop. I kane nn fg K'uru pon som ovv'an-k'on gben ka 'ra-ru are tra (i uAka a- fam, kama na tse ba ka-dinno; kere kama na gbali soto ka- lapar ka 'ma-trei-ma-nan ma-las, de kama na gbali ko ro-rianna. Be na lane Yisua, be na seline-ko, be na wop ar'i'ni-i'on. be na Irei ka-yo ma-lrel ma-las; K'uru o tra tsera-nu ama-trel-ma- nu ma-las, o tra soii-nu a-nesam a-tabana ro-riiinna. A-nicine-'a-mi ! Botrar nan am-mera, trap nan tenon tra wop ar'i'm ra K'uru, ara i pon trori-iui; kama na t.^e dinne tab^na; kere kama na fiiti ka 'ra-ban' da Kriiumasaba. Nem- tene nan K'uru, kama o mar-nu tra lane-ko, Ira wep ar'im- r'on, de tra y(l tr'el o tr'el, atra o pon kane-nu ka ar im r'gn. Nemlene-ko nan tra fiilia am'umpal-ma-nu, de tra ba-nu i-nel, de tra tanas-nu, kama na gbali sake roiidn; tsa pa \i he ka an-fgsa na nyari na gbali sake ka K'iiru; kono ba tra mar-iui traka vo-tsi. Kanko K'uru na sake ka Yisua Ira-tsen, kama o sake ronii, de kama na sdto ma-trama ma-fino ro-rianna. Rianna o vi - o - - o od'er g-ma-bone; ka-sgmpime 6 ka-sompane ka yi he ri, ra-tru 6 ra-tru ra yi he ri, m'gne 6 m'gne ma yi he ri: kere ina- bdne gbo tankan 6 tankan. 9* — 132 — Chapter III. The ten Commandments. (E-toh trofatr.) K'urumasaba o fof as'im aire be, o pa ho: 1. Mine yi Yehofa Ok'uru-ka-mu, owo Miira-mu ka an-lgf iia Misra, ka an-set na ra-tiar. Tse ba tr'riru tra-lom tdmbe ininan. ') 2. Tse bempane a-ron 6 a-ron a-fo8, taloin ra-b^lane 6 la- b^lane ra r'aka 6 r'clka ara yi ka ak'uru rokom, talom ara y\ ka an-tof rt/kom, talgm ara )i ro-m'antr ka an-lof rorata. Tse sona-^i Ira-wii, de tse lehki-j^i: t.sa n)ine Yehofa Ok'uru-ka- niu I \i K'urii owd ba ka-tnitr, owd ram ama-trei ma-las ma an-kas ka tra-bomp tra an-wul ha ka 'ra-komra, ara beka Ira- sas de ara beka tr'anle ka ana gbena-mi; de owd ba i-nel Iraka e-wul ya ana botar-mi, de ana wop e-loii-'e-mi. 3 Tse bonlr an'es na Yehofa Ok'Qru-ka-mu ka-tsin; Isa Yeliofa 0" gbali he nank w'iini, owd bontr an'es-iion ka-tsiii, mo w'lini pani-tr'el. 4. Nane an-rei na an-Sabat tra wop-ni a-sam. Ma-rei Iratnat ro kin ma 'vi tra yo ma-pani, de ma yi tra yo ama-pant- ma-mu be; krre an-rei, aha beka Iramat de ran, na vi an-Sabat ha Yehofa Ok'uru-ka-mu : ka ah-rei ahft ma gbali he yo ma- pant 6 ma-pant, pa vi he miino, pa yi he ow'an-ka-mu o-runi, pa yi he ow'an-ka-mu o-beia, pa yi be am-bol-'a-mu a-riini, pa yi he am-boT-'a-mu a-bera, pa yi he tra-sem-tra-mu tra ka-petr, pa yi he o-lsik, owd yira ka Ira-pelr-tra-mu: Isa ka ma-rei Iramal ro kin Yehofa o bempa atr'dru de an-tgf, de ka-bah, de r'aka 6 r'aka ara yi ri rok'or, ko g fdtane ka ah-rei aha beka tramal de rah: tsiah Yehofa g ruba ah-rei ha ah-Sabat, kg g samas-hi.') 1) Or: tr uru Ira-tsel rayt'i-ka-jui; „ strange gods beside me. 2) Or: yg-hi a-sam; „he made it sacred." — 133 — 5. N6sa o-kas-ka mu de o-kara-ka-mu; kamn ma bol an- h^sam-'a-mu ka an-tof, aha Yehofa Ok'uru-ka-mu o sgh-mu. o 6. Tse dif. 7. Tse yo ka-rap. 8. Tie keia. 9. Tse son I'amasere tra ra-ycm Iraka o-fatrane-ka-mu. 10. Tse ba a-fela traka an-set ha o-fafrane-ka-niu; Ise ba a-fela tr^ka o-rani ka o-fatranp-ka-mu. pa vi he traka am-boT- n'oh a-runi, pa yi he tnika am-bol-h'oh a-bera, pa yi he traka o-na-k'oh, pa vi he tr^ka ah-sofali-h'oh, pa vi he Inika r'aka 6 r'aka, ara o-falrane-ka-inu g ba. Chapter IV. Translation of some Psalms. Ah-iSitlma 1. 1. >\'*uni m^ri-lr'el won, ovvg tse kgl ka ka-mah ka ah- fam a-las, de owd tse Irama ka ar'on' da ah-fam aha yo o-las, de owg tse yira ka ka-wah ka ah-fam a-sel-tr'el. 2. Kere gwd lesa traka an-lgh ha Yehofa. de owo trani- tramne an-tgh-h'oh ra-yah de tratrjik-ah. 3. balane mo h'antr ana 'a tsep ka tia-bat tra m'anir rayer, aha son ama-komi-ma-tsi ka ah-lokg-ha-tsi; de e-bopar- ya-lsi e gbali he yimra, de Ir'ei 6 tr'ei atra g yg o nafas-tsi. 4. Pa yi he yah traka ah-fam a-las; kere (ha yi) mg e- fuk, eye ah-fef ha falira. 5. Tsiah ah-fam a-las ha gbali he trama ka ka-rgk an- tghka, pa yi he ah-fam aha yg g-las ka ah-gbanne ha ah-fam a-tratseh. ') o -' 6. Tsa Yehofa g trc\ra ar'on' da ah-fam a-tratseh;^) kere ar'on' da ah-fam a-las ra dinne. 1) Or: ha an-tratseh; „of the righteous." 2) Or: da an-tratseh; „of the righteous." — 134 — An-8alnia 28. 1. Yehofa o yi o-lrol-ka-mi; I gbali he pan r'aka. 2. \o-mi I fanta ra tra-lal tra k'eren ka-fino; o k^re- mi') ka am'antr ma o-fotane raver. 3. kal bakas aiVumpal-'a-mi;') o kere-ini ka as'on' tra ma-16mpi tiaka ra-bomp ra aiVes-ii'on. 4. Ankg, kota mo I kot^) ka ka-gbohkal ka aii-foTr iia ra- fi, I gbali he nesa tr'ei 6 Ir'el tra-h]s: pakasife*) muno ma yi romi; ka-sote-ka-mu^) de ka-trak-ka-mu tra befat-mi. 5. Ma beneua-mi a-mesa traka ka-di rod'er ka an-gbena- 'a-mi kadi-/) am-poti-'a-rai na la pai.^) 6. ]^la-tol de ma-boiia ma tra tram-mi gbo ama-rei ma an- liesam-'a-mi be; ke 1 tsi yira ka an-sel na Yehofa tabatia. An-8alma 12(i. A-leii na tra-t>ik. 1. Mo Y'ehufa o kala e-fiinti ya Slou, sa yi mo ho ana ma worap. 2. An-lo iia-lsi tra-saii-lra-su tra lasane ma-sel, de tra-mer- tra-su (Ira hisane) nta-len : ah-lo na-tsi na pa ka-lron ka ari- kafri: Yehofa o pon yona-na ma-trei ma-bana. 3. Yehofa o pen ygna-su ma-trel ma-bana; pa bone-su.^) 1) Ur: botrar-mi aui-mera ka etc., „he takes care of me at etc.'' 2) Or: an-nesara-'a-mi. 3) Or better: Ye pa yi so, me I kot etc.; „thus it is also when I walk etc." 4) Or: tsa etc. 5) Or: ak'autr-ka-mu. 6) Or: rod"er ka ana gbena-mi kadi. 7) Or; na la ha ha loha. 8) Or: sa ba ma-bone. Or: tsTa som pa bone-su. — 135 — 4. Kala so, o Yehofa, e-funti-'e-sn, mo*) atra-baf Ira an- tgf na ka-dio! 5. Ana s^ka e-santr m'tintror, na Ira re roka ma-bone. 6. Na wur na tas ka bok-an, na banane e-santr, na kalane so na der re ma-bone, na karane ama-gbon-ma-nan. Note. The first verse, if translated literally is as follows: „When the Lord brought back the captives of Zion etc,;" according to the sense of the common Engl, version. But according to a learned Commentator the Hebr. 211^' in Kal is always to be taken intr. in the sense of „return", or „return to", when the place to which one returns follows also often in the Ace. This assertion he founds on the principal passage of Deut. 30, 2. 3. where this expression first occurs, and in the first six verses of which 2W occurs several times, and only once it is given tr. by „turn, bring back"; but even there it will give a better sense in rendering it by „ return to", as V. 2. : „And shalt return unto the Lord thy God, and shalt etc." v. 3.: „Then the Lord thy God will return to thy captivity etc." This observation applies also to the other passages where Iliti' is given tr. in the common ver- sion; but where it will give a very good sense when ren- dered by „returnto"; viz. in Ps. 14, 7. 85,4. and Jes. 52, 8. When taken intr. the Engl, version of the P'. verse of the preceding Psalm would be as follows: „When the Lord turned himself to the returning li. e. conversion) of Zion, etc.;" and in Temne : Mo Yehofa o sake ka ka-sake ka Sion, etc., or more fully: ka ka sake ka am-mera ka Sion etc. As SItS' has also the sense of „be converted", n2'']i/ may be given by conversion, hence mZ!"'!^*' 2^\lf = „return to the returning," or „return (turn oneself) to the conversion;" and ni2ti' 2Wi „return to the captivity," or fig. „to the misery of etc." 1) Or: Kalane so, o Yehofah, ka ra-funti-ra-su, mo etc.; „ return again, o Jehova, to our captivity, as etc." — 136 — Chapter Y. Hymns. 1. Ain-Bosne traka Rianna. (2 Cor. 5, 1.) (C. M.) 1. Sa ba a-set na yi rokom. Na fas e-set no-ru; Ke be sa fi sa kdne ri, — o o ~ Tra yira ri rokom. 2. Na ji a-set a-bakar gban, Na yi he ka an-tof; Na tel he me e-sel e-lom, Na vi ri ro rokom, ') 3. Yehofa kono bempa-ni, A-fam na sal he iii; o An-sel ane iia yese he, A-fam na sim he ni. o 4. Ah'umpal-'a-mi na bosne gba, Tra bek an-sel na-tsi; Na yema trei an-set ng-rfl, Tra ba ana rokgrn. 5. Sa kar ra-fi, pa bdne-su; Tsa ria yo sa trel An-set-'a-su a-yal ane, Tra won an-set a-fu. ') 1) Or: Na won na tas 'ra-ru. 2) Or: Tra won an-set rokom. — 137 — 2. Ama-B^tar de ama-Tot ma K'Qrumasaba. (P. M. Or like : Though troubles assail etc. *) 1. Yehofa rokom, O yO-mi o-tot; dis-nii, o muns-mi, o losir-mi so, botrar-mi 'mera. o nanka-mi 'nel; Ha r'aka ra ghuli he jo-mi o-baii. 2. Yehofa rokdin, b^'mpa-mi gbeir; bani-mi so ka 'ra-1rar ra o-las; vn-mi ow'an ka o-kas-k'on rokom; .0 tser-ini 1 uatr ro-riaiina b' I ft. 3. Yehofa rokom, Aii-fosa-n'on sun. Na beiic-ini tot ania-rri-ma-ini be. yo-iiii 1 fan' a, I dira so gbes, \o-nii I tame, 1 yokane ras. 4. Yehofa rokom, kali-mi lot ; yona-mi alr'ei Ira-kabane tra-fsi, Ow'an-k'on o fi ka ka-belah-ka-mi; 1 trara ton krtno mo bolar-mi gba. •) 5. Mo kono mi ba. I nesa he so; Tsa r'iika ra-sompa ra gbali he fair; bumar-mi Idko 6 loko Ira-lk'n. — o Ka r'aka ra-fino I gbali he pah. 1) Or according to the Germ, tune: „0b Triibsal uns krankt, etc." 2) Or: I trara ton kono ino tena-mi gba. — 138 — 6. Yehofa rokom Ka-lapso ka-lsi, som a-maleika tra k^re-mi ro, Ro Ylsua vira rokdm ka ka-wan, Ro m'dne 6 m'gne ma gbali he won. 3. Doxology. (L M.) (Praise God from whom etc.) 1. K'llru son e-rfiba be, Man lehsir-ko, — tse tsi p^'ne, Tok-ko a-farn be ka 'ra-ru, Nva a-maleika na k'uru. 2. K'uru o-Kas, m:in leiisir-ko; Lensir Ow'cin-k'on kom gbo son; K'uru o-Riihu lensir nan, Ra-Sas ra-sam man lensir nan. Chapter YL The Lord's Prayer. (Ka-ramne ka o-Rabu.) Pa-ka-su, owo vi ro ka rianna, kanko *) an'es-'a-mu na vi a-sam; kanko ') ara-bal-ra-mu ra bek; kanko*) ama-selg-ma-mu ma ygne ka an-tof, ma ma ,\Qno ro ka rianna. Yer-su lenon ar'a-ra-su ra-di, ara bekl. Tsera-su ama-trel-ma-su ma-las, ma svan sa tser so ana ma vo-su o-las. Tse su wona ka r a ra- gbosa; kere wura-su ka ma-treT ma-las. Tsa muno ba 'ra-baT, de an-fosa, de an-yiki lankan 6 t^iikan. Amma. 1) Or: tra, „let". Part m. Temne - English Vocabulary. Note. See the Preface § 22. Abbreviations explained. a. active. log. logical. abbr. abbreviated. u. neuter. abr. abruptive. n. noun. abs. absolute. obj. objective. abstr. abstract. obs. obsolete. adj. adjective. onom. onomatopoetic adv. adverb. part. particle. aux. auxiliary. pass. passive. caus. causative pers. personal. cf. confer. pi. plural. comp compound. poss. possessive. concr. concrete. postp. postposition. conj. conjunction. pr. pronoun. contr. contracted. pref. prefix. def. definite. prep. preposition. dem. demonstrative. prob. probably. dim. diminutive. prop. proper. doubl. doubly. prox. proximate. emph. emphatic. rad. radix. eiiph. euphonic. recipr. reciprocal. expl. expletive. IX'ti. reflexive. fig- figuratively. reL relative. freq. froiiuentative. rem. remote. inch. inchoative. revert. revertive. indef. indefinite. sing. singular. impers. impersonal. spec. specific. insep. inseparable. spunt. spoutive. int. interjection. subj. subjective. intens. intensive. sufl". suffix. inter. interrogative. V. verb. irrel. irrelative. verb. verbal. lit. literally. vow. vowel. loc. local. A-, pref. indef. „a, an"; e. g. a-sef, „a hoiisf". A-, pref. einph. vow. to make compound indef. prefixes, as: ka-, ma-, na-, etc. or k', tr', etc. definite; e. g. ama-bdne, „the joy", from ma-bone, ,.jo.Y"; ak'antr, „the slick", from k'antr, „a slick". See Pref. § 22. b. -A, suff., being a weaker form of -an, used relalively only. It may be affixed to nouns, pronouns and lo some local adverbs; e. g. kia. „il", from ki, „it". -A, suff., often added at the end of a proposition for the pur- pose to make ihi' last vowel sound agree with a preceding vowel sound a, or to cause a sort of quibble. Sometimes it is used after exclamatory sentences, as: der ba lemp-a! „comc here (iuickly!" -A? inter, suff., depending on euphony, and used with ma? me? and mo? when having the sense of „why?" e. g. mam bes and-a? „why doesl thou dig here?" — For its other uses see the Grammar. -A? inter, loe. sulT. „wherc?" implying the subsantive verb „be"; it is affixed lo nouns and pronouns like the Hebr. \n:- — E. g. an-tis-a? „where is the knife?" or: an-lis I'li-a? lit. „lhe knife where is it?" ==: ni-a an-lis-a? lit. „ where is it the knife;" mun'-a? „where art thou?" = the Hebr. nS^X Gen. 3, 9.; Iri-a? or t.si-a? „ where are they (spoons, slicks etc.)?" for tria-a? or tsl'a-a? More particulars about the use of Ihis sulT. will be found in the Temne Grammar. A! int. ,,ah! oh! now! well!" It is expressive of wonder, dis- like, censure, and approval, also of joy or grief, pain and compassion; e. g. a w'an! „oh boy!" 'A, abbrev. form of iia, pr. subj. „lhey, it;" e. g. 'a sap-ko, „lhey flogged him." 'A-mi, pr. poss. abbr. „my", for: na-mi, lit, „of me;" e. g. an-set-'a-mi, „my house." — 144 — 'A-mu, pr. poss. abbr. „thy", for: na-mu, lit. „of thee;" e. g. an-sel-'a-mu, „th}' house." ,^ 'A-nan, pr. poss. abbr. „their", for; iia-han, lit. „of them;" e. g. an-set-'a-nan, ..their house." 'A-nu, pr. poss. abbr. „\our-', for: na-nu, lit. „of you;" e. g. an-sel-'a-nu, „yonr house." 'A-su, pr. poss. abbr. ^oui", for: na-SM. lit. „of us;" e. g. an- sel-'a-su, „our house." Aka-, def. pref. -- ka-, „lhp"; c. g. aka-bep, ka-bep, „ihe spoon;" but ka-bep, „a spoon." Aka, pr. rcl. „which"; e. g. ka-bep aka I wal, „the spoon which I bought." Ake, pr. dem. prox. „this"; e. g. ak'an!r ake, „this slick." Alikali, n. title of the kings of the Port-Loko territory. Lit. „lhe chief judge." It seems in the first place to be derived from the Mandingo Alkali, „a!caid", or „alcalde", and ulti- mately from the Ar. ^J6ls, ^^-t Judex, and with the article: summus judex. In Temne the i is inserted after the Arab, article al- for the sake of euphony. The Chiefs of the Sikhs in India are called: akali, which no doubt comes from the same root. Alukrana, n. „the Koran." From the Ar. ^jlyJf, coranus. Am, euph. form of ma, „lhou", used before b, m and p with interrogative propositions; e. g. am pon di-i? „hast thou eaten?" — See ma in loco. o Am-, pref. def. „the", used before the letters b, m and p; e. g. am-bitra, „the bollle." Ama-, pref. def. „the"; e. g. ama-ber, „th6 liquor." Ama, „pr, rel. „which"; e. g. ma-lemre ama I ba, „the limes which 1 have." Amba! int. and adv. „well! thank you!" Cf, for examples Col- loquial Phrases, pag. 105 etc. Ame; pr. dem. prox. sing, and pi. „this, these;" e. g. ama-lrel ame, „these things," — 145 — Amina, j adv. „amen", „so be it." From the Ar. ^a^,^ amen. Amini, \ ita sit. The Temnes say amini, the Mori-men amina. An-, pref. def. „the", used before the letters d, n and t; e. g. an-tis, „the knife." An, euph. form of ma, „thou", used before d, n and t with interrogative propositions; e. g. an dira-i? „hast thou slept?" An, pref. def. „the", used before all consonants excepting b. m and p, as also d, n and t; e. g. an-gbata, „the mat." -An, suff. , indicating with verbs a continuance of the energy of the verb, with which it is used, while one speaks of it, as: na ma dr-an, „they are eating." It is generally used with participial propositions. If a verb, having more than one syllable, terminates in a, then the vowel of the sufl. is cut off, as: kono me tila-'n, „hhn I am selling." -An, suff., used with pronouns, when it makes them emphatic, or rather absolute. This form moy, however, be also used relatively; but the weaker form -a, which see above, is never used absolutely. It is also used with a few local adverbs. When used with nouns or names, it seems to be used as a sort of expletive or euph. particle, or as a sort of insep- arable dem. pr. , at least it contains the element of it. An is sometimes yet followed by the snffix -e, and thus, be- comes a compound one, and may be thus used with verbs and nouns; e. g. nlah, „it", from ni; as: an-lis-'a-mi nian, „lhis is my knife," lit. ,,my knife it." An, euph. form of ma, „thou", used before g and k with inter- rogative propositions; e. g. an ko ro-petr-i? „art thou going to town?" An, adv. „yes", used with a nod of the head. It is an almost inarticulate sound; e. g. o-kas-ka-mu o yi ri-i? An, Q yi ri; „is thy father there?" „Yes, he is there." An an! int. or adv. „so so! tolerably well! nothing particular! pretty well!" It is an almost inarticulate .^ound. See Colloq. Phras. p. 105. Teiiine - VVorterbuch. tO — 146 — An^, pr. rel. „ which"; e. g. na-bena ana I kdra, „ ropes which I brought." Ana-, pref. def. „the"; e. g. ana-set, „the house." Ana, pr. rel. sing, and pi. „who, the;^' who; which." When referring to a noun of place, it may be given by „where"; e. g. afi-set ana o sal, „the house which he built." Aiiai-, pref. def comp. „the"; as anai-yari, „lhe cat," = an-yari. Ane, pr. dem. prox. „this"; e. g. an'antr ane, „this fire." Arie, pr. dem. prox. sing, and pi. „this, these";" e. g. an-fam ane, „this people." Anan, pr. dem. rem. sing, and pi. „that, those." Sometimes merely liah, which see; e. g. „an-fam aiian, „those persons." Anina, ^ = nina, or ninan, adv. „fo morrow"; e. g. aninan loko Aninan,) wunon I tsi kone, ,,to morrow about this time I shall go." The longer form may be used absolutely. Aiiko, adv. „yes"; e. g. ma kone ro-k'or-i? Anko; „doest thou go to the farm?" „Yes." And, adv. emph. „here"; e. g. o yi fe and, „he is not here." And, prep. prox. „here at, here in, here from, here to." It implies the adv. „here"; e. g. ano-petr, „here in this town." Apa-, pref. def. „the"; e.g. kara pa-la apa-fino, „ bring the rice the good one," Apa, pr. rel. „which", e. g. pa-la apa I wal, „rice which I bought." Ara-, pref. def. „the"; e. g. ara-beha, „the rope." Ara, pr. rel. „which"; e. g. ra-bena ara I gbak, „a rope and rope which I cut." Are, pr. dem. prox. „this"; e. g. ara-bena are. „this rope." Aira-, pref. def. = tra, „the"; e. g. atra-bep, „the spoons," = tra-bep. Atra, pr. rel. „ which"; e. g. tra-bep atra dinne, „the spoons which are lost." Atse, = atre, pr. dem. prox. sing, and pi. „this, these;" e. g. atr'ei atse, „this matter." See the Note after kotsi. Awa! int. „well! well now! very well!" Germ. „wohlan!" Lat. age! e. g. awa, sa kdne! „well, we go!" 147 — B. B', abbr. of be, which see; e. g. b' 1 fi, „when 1 die." Ba, adv. „now, here;" e. g. k^li ba! „look here!" Ba, V. a. „have, possess;" also „have-for-, have-on-" (as pity on one, see the next word); e. g. o ba he a-kala, „he has no money." As an aux. v., ba with the long form of the Infini- tive of another verb, or also with a verbal noun, expresses duty or obHgation to do what is indicated by the Infinitive of the principal verb, as: ma ba tra gbal, „lhou must write," lit. „thou hast to write." Ba w'uni i-nel, „have mercy" or „pity upon one;" e. g. g ba- mi i-nel, „he had pity on me." Ba w'uni tr'el, „be a matter to one, concern one;" e. g. miino tra ba tr'el-i? Yao, mine tra ba tr'el; „does it concern o ' thee?" „Yes, it concerns me." Baf, V. a. „make" (as a farm), „cultivate, clear" (as land for a farm); e. g. o ko baf a-tgf, „he goes to clear land for a farm." Bal, 0-, pi. a-, n. „king": e. g. o-bal ka an-tof, „the king of the country." BaT, ra-, pi. tra-, n. ,.kingdom, government, office of a king;" e. g. ra-bal-r'on, „his kingdom." Bak, v. impers. „be hard, be trying;" e. g. pa bak he, be ma memar o-fino, „it will not be hard, if thou doest try well." It also serves to express the adv. „hardly", as: pa bak ri mo futia an-nesam-n'on, „he hardly saved his life there," lit. „it was hard there when he saved his life." It is the short form of b^ki. Bak, V. inch, and n. „get" or „be strong; get old, grow up, grow; come to the full time" (as applied to pregnancy); e. g. I bak ton, „I got old now;" — o ka.si bak, „he will not grow" (as a child). Bak, ka-, n. ..strength, hardness, firmness; age;" c. g. ka-bak- ka-tsi, ..its hardness" (as of wood); ka-bak-k'on, „his age." Bak ra-for, ka-, n. comp. ..boldness, audacity, impudence, want 10* — 148 — of modest)';" lit. „strength (as regards, or of) the eye;" 6. g. ba ka-bak ra-for, „he is bold," lit. „he has boldness." Bak, adj. „lasling"; e. g. ra-ru ra-bak tabana, „a world lasting for ever." Bak, ) V. rel. „be strong for-on-with-, be heavy on-" (as a sick- Baki, J ness on a person); „be older than-;" e. g. o baki-mi o-tan, he is a little older than I." Short form also: „get strong for-, get heavy upon-, be trying for-." B^ka, 0-, pi. a-, n. „one of the Baka nation." See Pref. § 4. d. Bakar, adj. „strong, firm, fast;" (rad. bak.) E. g. o fofa r'im ra- bakfir, „he spoke with a strong voice." Bakar, o-, adj. but used adverbially, „fa6t, firm, firmly, tight." See an ex. under lin, v. a. Bakar, v. rel. n. (rad. bak) „be strong, be firm, be fast" (as a post etc.); „be hard" (as wood); e. g. ak'antr ka bakar, „the post is firm." The suffix is rather redundant. Bakas, v. caus. (rad. bak), „make strong, strengthen" (as the heart, or body); „make heavy;" e. g. o bakas ka-but-ka-mi, = bakas-mi ka-but, „he strengthened, my heart," = „he encouraged me." Bakas aiVumpal na- ('a-), „ strengthen the soul of-, refresh one's soul;" e. g. bakas aiVumpal-'a-mi, „he refreshes my soul." Bakasne, v. caus. and refl. (rad. bak), „strengthen oneself, refresh oneself" (as by food etc.); also „ encourage oneself" (with or without ka-but, „heart"); e. g. o bakasne, „he encouraged himself." Bakasne ma-der, „refresh one's own body, recruit one's own health;" e. g. o bakasne ma-der, „he refreshed his body." B^ke, ka-, pi. tra-, n. „wharf, landing-place, port." From bake, „go on shore, land." Bake Loko, n. prop. „The town Port Loko." See Pref. § 4. c. B^ki, V. rel. long form of bak, which see above, B^ki, adj. „strong, hard; heavy, serious" (as a palaver); e. g. Ir'el tra-baki, „ a serious matter;" „grievons" (as an illness); „great" (as a battle); ..laborious" (as work); e. g. ma-pant ma-baki, „hard work;" „old" (of rational objects). — 149 — Baki, 0-, adj. but used adverbially, „strongi>"; e. g. aii-fef ria fen o-baki, „the wind blows strongly." Baki, V. impers. „be hard, be trying;" e. g. o b^ki, „it is hard." Baki, V. impers. a. „be hard for-, be trying for-;" e. g. o baki- ko tra yg-tsi, „it was hard for him to do it." Baki, V. n. „be strong" (as wood, or tide); „be heavy" (as a load, or palaver); „be hard" or „stale" (as bread); „be old" (of anim. objects only); „be sad, be distressing" (as news); e. g. am'antr ma baki tengn, „the tide is strong to day." Baki ra-for, adj. conip. „bold, impudent, wanting modesty;" e.g. w'uni baki ra-for, „an impudent person," Baki, am-, n. „thc old (people);" also „the dead", or „lhe manes, the shades;" lit. „the old ones." See Pref. § 12, a. and cf. the Hebr. D^ly Dy Hez. 26, 20. Bal, v. a. „drive away, expel, drive;" e. g. 'a bal-kn, .,thoy drove him away." Bal-bal, v. freq. a. (rad. bal), „pursue after, chase, drive all about, drive far away; persecute;" e. g. 'a bal-bal-ko o-ban, „they pursued hotly after him." Bal-bal, ka-, n. verb. „acl of pursuing after, chasing; persecu- tion;" e. g. ka-bal-bal-k'on o-sem, „his chasing the animal." Bala. V. inch. (rad. bal), „get married, marry" (of females); e. g. o-bera o pon ba!a. „the woman has got married." Balai, ka-, pi. tra-, n. „basket"; e. g. ka-balai ka-bana, „ a large basket." Balane, v. prob. cans, and refl., or spont. (rad, bal), ,.be like." Often followed by: mo- „as"; e. g. ra balane mo a-bok. „it is like a snake." Balane mo (ho), ,,be like as, resemble;" e. g. ra balane mo ho a-bok, „it resembles a snake." Balane, ra-, pi. e-, n. „likeness, representation, picture;" e. g. ra-balane-r'on, „hls likeness." Balma, a-, pi. e-, n. „country-knif(', dagger;" e. g. Q ba a-balma, „he has a dagger." Bamp, a-, pi. c-, n. „bird"; e. g. a-bamp a-ffno, „a fine bird " — 150 — Bail, V. a. „pain, cause pain to-, hurl;" e. g. ka-sam ka ban- mi, „the sore pains me.'' Ban, V. n. „be angry, be cross" (habitually so); „ache, ail;" also „be hot" (as the sun); e. g. ra-bomp-ra-mi ra ban, „my head aches;" ~ ow'uni owe o ban, „this person is cross." Ban, adj. ,.angry, cross; painful, severe;" e. g. w'uni ban, „an angry person." Ban, 0-, adj. but used as an adv. „severely, hotly, sharply, pain- fully." Cf. yo-w'uni o-bah, under Y. Ban, V. a. „fetch"; e. g. ban a-tis, „fetch a knife." Ban, ra-, n. „anger, indignation, wrath;" e. g. ra-ban'-d'on, „his wrath." Ban, ka-, n. „the sea, as opposed to dry land;" ro-ban, „at sea." Bana, v. n. „be large, be big, be great;" e. g. mine bana, „I am great." Bana, adj. ,.large, big, great; heavy" (as a tornado); e. g. o-na o-b^na, „a large cow." Bana, o-, adj. but used adverbially, „greatly, much;" applied to sewing „with large stitches," e. g. o sot o-bana, „he sews with large stitches." Bana, V. rel. (rad. ba), „have-for-, carry-for-;" e. g. o bana-ko k'ota, „he has cloth for him." Baiia, v. rel. (rad. ban), „fetch for-;" e.g. b^ua-mi a-tis, „fetch me a knife." Banane, v, rel. and refl. „have with oneself, carry with oneself;" e. g. banane an kala, „he carried the money with himself." Bani, v. a. „redeem, ransom;" e. g. o bani-mi ka 'ra-trar, „he redeemed me from slavery." Bani, ka-, n. verb. „act of redeeming, redemption;" e. g. ka- bani-k'on, „his redemption." Banka, ka-, pi. tra-, n. „temporary hut in a farm of a conical form, the roof reaching down to the ground." It is used to cook under, and superior to, and higher than the one called a-gbom. Also „any rude round hut in a farm;" and also „the form of an annular eclipse," about which see the Temne Diet. — 151 — Ban'sa, for banasa, v. caus. and inch. (rad. ban), „get angry, be angry" (occasionally so), lit. „get angered," or „gel made angry;" e.g. o-bal o ban'sa, „the king got angry." Applied to the sea „roar, rage." Ban'sa, v. freq. and caus. (rad. ban), „pain, hurt, cause pain to; ail;" e. g. an'antr na bahsa he ko, „the fire did not hurl him." Ban'sa, ka-, n. „anger" (occasional); „pain" ; e. g. ka-ban'sa- k'ou, „his anger." Applied to the sea: „ roaring, raging," = the Hebr. f]V.i Jon. 1, 15. Bah'sane, v. impers. freq. or intens. caus. and refl. (rad. bah), „grieve, displease to, pain, make angry," Hi. „cause pain to oneself;" e. g. pa bah'sane-na, „it grieved them." Bah'sar, v. caus. inch, and rel. (rad. bah), „get angered at-," or „about-," or „with-. be angry Avith-, be displeased," or „ vexed with-," or „about-;" c. g. Pa Sori o bah'sar-mi, I tsi fofar-ko, „Mr. Sori is angry with me; I shall speak to him." Bant, ka-, pi. tra-, n. „bone"; e. g. ka-banl ka-lol, „a small bone." Bantra, a-, pi. e-, n. „bow; arch;" also „spring" (of a guiilock); fig. „war". See Tradit. pag. 4. Bap, ka-, pi. Ira-, n. „country axe, hatchet." Bap, V. a. „meet, meet with, find;" e. g. I bap-kg ro-r'oh, „I met him on the road." Bap o-fino, „fare well, meet with a happy lot, be well off;" e. g. bap o-fino ro-krifi, „he met with a good lot in Hades." Bapar, v. rel. (rail, bap), „be present;" e, g. o bapar he tenon, „he was not present to day." Bar, a-, pi. e-, n. „species of hawk white and black living of fish." Bar, V. a. „add, put more, increase" (as wages); e. g. I tsi bar ah-ram-'a-mu, „1 shall increase thy wages," Bar, V. n. and aux. „go on, continue." As an aux. it ex- presses continuance of the exercise of the energy indicated by the principal verb, or a progress of the same, as: o bar ko sap, „he went on to flog him," = „he flogged him more." — 152 — It also expresses the adv. „more;" or also „more and more"; in the latter case it is general!}' followed by gbo, „but". When it is repealed and followed by gbo, it serves to ex- press the words: „the more — , the more — ." It is gener- ally construed wilh the short form of the Infinitive, some- times also with the verb. noun. See Proverb 7, p. 100. Bar, » a-, pi. e-, n. „bar, iron bar; country bar worth about B^ra, ) 2s." Derived from the Span. bara. Bari, ka-, pi. tra-, n. „twin"; e.g. o kom tra-bari, „she brought forth twins." Basar, v.rel. a. „conlinue, continue with-, go on with-, persevere in-, with-;" prob. rel. form of an obs. bas; e. g. basar aka- kciran, „go on with the reading." Bcisar, v. rel. n. „continue, persevere;" e. g. o basar he, „he does not continue." Basara, v. rel. (properly doubly rel.), „continue for-, go on with- for-, persevere for-; persevere with-" or „in- for-," i. e. „go on with" (a thing) „for" (another, or) „in behalf of" (another); e. g. basara-mi ama-pant ame, „go on with this work for me." Bat, ka-, pi. tra-, n. „ water-brook , brook," e. g. ro-bat, „al the brook." Bat, adj. „ear]y"; e. g. ka ar'etr ra-bat o der, „at an early sun he came," i. e. soon, when the sun was not up long get. Bat, adv. „in the morning, early;" also spec, in the sense of „ fully" when used with the verb sok, „dawn"; e. g. o der bat, „Iie came early." Bat, ka-, or ra-, pi. tra-, n. „morning". The pi. is seldom used. E. g. ra-bat ra-fino, „a fine morning." Batr, V. a. „seize, take hold of, apprehend;" e. g. batr-ko, „S('ize him." Batr, a-, pi. e-, n. „a small young palm-tree." Be, adv. „when"; e. g. be I fi-e, „when I die." Be, conj. „if"; e. g. be o der he etc., „if he does not come etc." Be, n. „bey, king" or „chief". Be, adv. in form, but often used in the sense of an adj. „all, — 153 — whole, every; all kind, all sort, all sorts;" as applied to place „all over, every where;" e. g. an-fam be, „ari the people;" — ey'elr be, „all sorts of things." Be', abbr. of bek,') v. impers. „be sufficient, be enough, suffice;" e. g. pa be' he, „il is not enough." Be', abbr. of bek,') v. n. „arrive, reach, be sufficient, be enough, suffice;" e. g. o ta be' he, „he has not yet arrived." Befat, v. a. „ comfort, soothe, make quiet" (as a child); e. g. befat-ko, „he comforted him." Bei, ra-, pi. tra-, n. „debl" (receivable and payable) ; e. g. o ba he ra-beT, „he has no debt" (to pay). Beibal, a-, pi. e-, n. „Bible'. From the English. Bek, v. a. „arrive at, come lo, reach;" e. g. ar'afa ra bek aka- petr, „lhe army reached the town." Bek, v. n. „reach, arrive, come, come near;" e. g. o pon bek, „he has arrived." B6ka, V. a. „amounl to, make, be worth;" also „call, hold as;" e. g. an-gbata aha beka e-sas, „the 3"^ mat," lit. „lhe mat which makes three." See next word. Beka w'lmi ra-yem, „call one a liar, give the lie to one;" e. g. beka-mi ra-yem, ,,he called me a liar." Beki, v. a. (rad. bek), „be fit for-, be proper for-, be suitable for-, suit;" e. g. am'glo ame ma beki ama-panl, „lhis amount suits the work." Beki, V. n. (rad. bek), „be fit, be sufficient, be enough, suffice; e. g. am'olo ame ma beki, „this price is sufficient. Long form of bek. Beki, adj. „fit, proper, suitable" (hs a person, or as lime); suf- ficient, enough; worthy; due;" e. g. w'lini beki, „a worthy person;" — a-ram a-beki, „a suitable reward;" — ey'elr e-beki, „sufficient materials." Bela,-a-, pi. e, n. „sail" (as of a canoe or ship); e. g. am-bela 1) These abbr. forms arc used before the negative adv. he „not." — 154 — a-bana, „lhe main sail," lit. „the large sail;" — w'an, yisa ri am-bela, „boy, hoist the sail there." Belan, ka-, pi. tra-, n. „side, part, region" (as of a house, or country); also „place, stead;" e.g. ka ka-belan-k'on, „in his stead." Bern, ra-, pi. tra-, n. „ hedge-hog, grass-cutter," so called because this animal cuts grass. It is a kind of urchin, resembling the porcupine; but has only strong hairs instead of quills. It lives of rice and groundnuts. Bempa, v. a. „make, repair, put in order; perform the usual" or „necessary ceremonies for (a thing);" e. g. o bempa aka-fantr, „he made the bed." Bempa, ka-, n. verb, „act of making, etc.;" e. g. ka-bempa 'ra- ru, „the making of the world." Bempana, v. rel. (rad. bempa), „make-for-; make-with-, make- of-" (as a table of wood); e. g. o bempana-mi a-mesa, „he made a table for me." Bempane, v. rel. and refl. „make for" or „to oneself;" e. g. o bempane a-mesa, „he made a table for himself." Ben, a-, pi. e-, n. „board"; e. g. a-ben a-boh, „a long board." Bena, ra-, pi. na-, n. „rope" (especially the wooden country one), „any rope, string;" e. g. ra-bena ra-boli, „a long rope." Bena ra ka-but, ra-, pi. na-bena na tra-bul, „heart-slring." Bene, v. a. „keep, preserve;" e. g. o bene o-sem, „he preserves the meat;" also ,bury"; e. g. 'a bene-ko, „they buried him." Bene w'uni o-tot, i „keep one well;" e. g. o bene-ko o-tot, „he Bene w'uni lot, ' keeps him well." Bene w'uni ra-tr'el, „keep one from harm;" e. g. o bene-mi ra- tr'ei, „he keeps me from harm." Bene w'uni ra-tr'el 6 tr'el, „keep one from every harm;" e. g. K'uru bene-mi ra-trel 6 treT, „God keeps me from every harm." Benena, v. rel. (rad. bene), „prepare-for-, make-ready for-" (as food for one); e. g. o benena-mi r'a ra-di, „he prepared some food for me." Benene, v. refl. a. „prepare, make ready," lit. „prepare-for one- self" (as things for a journey); e. g. I benene ey'etr-'e-mi. — 155 — „I made m}' things ready." Also „prepare oneself for-, make oneself ready for-" (as for a journey); e. g. o benene ra- tsik, „he makes himself ready for a journey." Benene, v. refl. n. „ prepare oneself, make oneself ready;" e. g. I pon benene, „I have made myself ready." Benene, ka-, n. verb. „act of making oneself ready, act of pre- paring oneself, preparation;" e. g. ka-benene-k'on, „his pre- paration." Bentr, v. a. „prevent, hinder;" e. g. o bentr-mi tra kg ro-kamp, „he prevented me from going to Freetown;" also „wilhhold- from-" (as money from one); e.g. o bentr-mi aii-k'ala-'a-mi, „he withholds my money from me." Bep, ka-, pi. Ira-, n. „spoon"; e. g. ka-bep ka-bana, „a large spoon." Ber, ma-, n. „infoxicating liquor of any kind;' also „palmwine"; e. g. ma-ber ma-fino, „good palmvvine." Bera, adj. „female"; e. g. w'an bera, „a girl," lit. „female child." Bera, o-, pi. a-, n. „ woman, female;" e. g. o-bera o-fino, „a fine womau." Bera o-bi, o-. pi. a-bera a-bi, n. „ black female." Bera o-fera, o-, pi. a-bera a-fera, n. „ white female." Bes, V. a. „dig"; e. g. bes a-bi, „dig a pit." Bes, V. n. „dig, make a hole," or „grave"; e. g. Ise ri bes, „do not dig there." Bes, ka-, n. verb. „act of digging, etc.;" c. g. ka-bes-k'on, „his digging." Besa, V. rel. (rad. bes), „dig for-, dig-for-; dig with-, dig-with-;" e. g. besa-mi a-bi, „dig a hole for me," Besa, adj. „belonging to digging," as; y'etr e-besa, „digging tools."' Bi, adj. „black, dark;" e. g. kota ka-bi, „black cloth." Bi, a-, pi. e-, or tra-, n. „pil, hole;" e. g. a-bi a-bolon, „a deep pit." Bia, V. inch. (rad. bi), ,.get dark, gel black;" e. g. ka-rinir ka bia, „the sky gels dark." Bia, V. impers. inch. „get dark"; e. g. pa bia, „it gets dark." — 156 ~ Bil, a-, pi. e-, or Ira-, n. ,.canoe"; a-bil a-poto, „a ship," lit. „a white man's canoe." Bilin, a-, pi, e-, n. „mud-sofa, joined to a wall at the inside of a house, any sofa;" e.g. a-bilin a-bana, „a large mud-sofa." Bitin, a-, pi. e-, n. „drum"; e. g. o fer am-bitin, „he beats the drum." Bitra, a-, pi. e-, n. „bottle"; e. g. a-bitra a-tsin, „an empty bottle." Bo, ka-, pi. tra-, n. „cake, country bread" (as made of rice flour and honey; e. g. ka-bo ka-fino, „fine country-bread." Bo, a-, pi. C-, or tra-, or also o- in the sing, and Ira- in the pi., n. „a species of antelope of the size of a goat, black, and having long retroverted horns," also called: „bushgoat." Between its horns it has long red hairs. Bof, ka-, n. „dust" (as in the street); e. g. ka-bof ka-lai, „much dust." BoT, a-, pi. e-, n. „servant" ; e. g. a-bol a-bera, „a maid-servant." Bols, adj. „faitened"; e. g. o-na o-fet o-boTs, „a fattened calf." Bok, V. n. „weep, cry, lament;" e. g. ow'ahet o tra bok, „the child is cr;ying." Bok, V, a. „weep for-, bemoan, bewail, lament;" e. g. tra ha ko bok-ko, „let them go and bewail him." Bok, a-, pi. e-, n. „snake, serpent;" e. g. a-bok a-las, „a bad snake." Boka, a-, pi. e-, n. „bill-hook"; e. g. a-boka a-bana, „a large bill-hook." Bol, a-, pi. e-, n. „country made pot, earthen pot" (for cooking); e. g. a-bol a-fino, „a fine earthen pot." Bol, V. a. „prolong" (as hfe). See the next word. Bol ah-nesam, „prolong life, have long life;" e. g. kaiiko ma bol afi-nesam! „mayesl thou have long life!" Bolam, 0-, pi. a-, n. „one of the Bolom nation, Bolom." Boli, adj. „long"; e.g. ra-beha ra-boli, „a long rope." Boli, 0-, adj. but used adverbially, „long, a long time; a long way, a far way off, far away;" e. g. o kone o-bgli, ,,he went far away." — 157 — Bolo, a-, pi. e-, n. „throal"; e. g. g ^^op-ko ro-bolo, „he held him by the throat." Bom, adj. „female"; e. g. aii-fam a-bom, „the women, the females." Bom, 0-, pi. a-, n. ,. woman, female;" also „ mother, madam. ^' For the pi. form a-bom Ihey also use: bom-na, placing the prefix behind the noun, which is sometimes done with a few nouns. Bom, a-, pi. e-, n. „shealh, scabbard;" e. g. am-bom iia au- gbalo, „the sheath of the cutlass." Bom, V. n. „ease nature, ease oneself; dung;" e, g. o ko bom, „he went to ease nature." Boma, ka-, pi. tra-, n. „grave"; e. g. 'a bes ka-boma, „they dig a grave." Bomp, ra-, pi. tra-, n. „head"; also „chapter"; e. g. ra-bomp- r'gn, „his head." Bon, ra-, pi. tra-, n. „river"; e. g. ra-bon' da-bana, „a great river;" for ra-bon ra-bana. Bona, a-, pi. e-, or tra-, n. „nation;" e. g. a-bona a-bana, „a great nation." Bondo, am-, n. „the Bondo institution;" also „the ceremonies connected with it." See Pref. § 17. Bona, a-, pi. ma-, n. „kindness, favour" (shown and received); „benevolence, grace, mercy;" e. g. o solo ma-bona, „he received kindness." Bone, V. impers. a. ,.gladden, rejoice, cheer;" as: pa bone-ko, „he is glad," lit. „it gladdens him." Bone, V. n. „move"; e. g. ara-ril be ra bone, „the whole world moves." Bone; ma-, n. „joy, gladness, happiness;" e. g. ma-bone-m'on, „his gladness." Bone-tr'eT, ka-, n. comp. „haughtiness, presumption;" e. g. ka- bone-tr'el-k'on, „his haughtiness." Bont, k;i-, pi. tra-, n. „navel, navel-string." Bontr, V. a. „call, name, mention;" e. g. bonir am'olo-ma-t.si, „mention the price of it." — 158 — Bontr arVes na-, v. comp. „guess", lit. „call the name of-;" e. g. be ma bontr an'es na ar'aka ara yi etc. „if thou doest guess the thing, which is etc." Bontr w'uni an'es, „call one by name, call one's name;" e, g. bontr-ko an'es, „he called him by his name." Bontr, a-, or i-. pi. ma-, n, „smell, scent, odour" (good or bad); e. g. i-bontr i-fino, „a good scent." Bonlra, v. rel. (rad. bontr), „call-for-, mention-," or „name-to-, name-for-" (as Ihe name of an object to one); e. g. bontra- mi an'es-n'on, „ mention me his name." Bontras, v. freq. a. (rad. bontr), „call over" (as names), „name; praise;" e. g. na bontras am'es-ma-nan, „they called over their names." Bopar, a-, pi. e-, n. „leaf"; e. g. e-bopar eye, „these leaves." Bor, ka-, pi. tra-, n. „ domestics, people who live under one's control; company;" also „crew" (as of a boat); e. g. ka-bor ka am-bil, „the crew of the canoe." The pi. is used of the domestics of a plurality of masters. Borko, 0-, pi. a-, n. „damsel; a young woman" (married or not); e. g. o-borko o-fino, „a fair damsel." Bosne, v. n. „long, have a great desire." Prob. a refl. form of an obs. bos; e. g. o bosne traka ow'an-k'on, „he longs for his son." Bosne, a-, pi. e, n. „Ionging, anxious desire;" e. g. am-bosne- n'on, „his longing," Bot, V, n. „get sweet, be sweet, be delicious, be savoury." Short form of boti. E. g. an-s^ka ahe ha hot he, „this palaver sauce is not savoury." See the Note after wos, v. n. Bgt, ka-, n. „sweetness, deliciousness;" e. g, ka-bgl ka e-nak, „lhe deliciousness of the rice." Bot, ka-, pi. tra-, n. „ball, lump" (as of soap); „pill" (as of medicine); e, g. tra-bot tra-sas, „three pills." Botar, V. rel. (rad. hot), „love, like," lit. „be sweet toward-;" e.g. botar-ko, „he loves him." Botar, ma-, n. „love"; e. g ma-bgtar ma K'iiru, „the love of God." — 159 — Boli, V. n. (rad. bot), „be sweet, be savoury, be delicious" (as food); e. g. an-saka ane iia boti, „this palaver sauce is de- licious." Boti-di, adj. comp. „delicious to eat;" e. g. v'etr e-boti-di, „de- licious food." Boti-som, adj. comp. „delicious to devour;" e. g. r'a ra-bdti-som, „something delicious to devour." Boti-tral, o-, adj. but used adverbially, „sweetly", lit. „s\veet to hear" (applied to singing or music); e. g. an-fet ane iia leii 0- boti-tral, „ these children sing sweetly." See rami below. Bolr, V. a. „put, put down, place, set; fix" (as time); e. g. bolr- ni rayer, „pul it aside." Botra, V. rel. (rad. botr), „put-for-, place-for-;" e. g. botra-mi-ri ro-k'Qma, „pul it in the box for me." Botra w'uni a-tonlo, „put an allurement" or „enticement for one, put a snare for one;" e. g. "a botra-ko a-tonto, „lhey put a snare for him." Botra w'uni yanfa, „act deceitfully against one," lit. „put deceit- fulness" or „a trick for one;" e. g. o botra-mi yanfa", „he acted deceitfully against me." Botrar, v. rel. (rad. botr), „put-lo-, put-at-, set-to-" (as the mind to a person or thing); e. g. botrar-iii am-mera, „set the mind to it," = „take care of it." Botrar am-mera ka—,» „set the mind to-, take care of-, mind, Botrar' am-mera ro-, ' set the heart to-;" e. g. o botrar am- mera ronon, „he lakes care of him." Bolrar w'uni am-mera, „pul the mind to one, take care of one;" e. g. bolrar-mi am-mera; „he lakes care of me." Boya, v. a. „make a present to-\\ith- or of-, present - with -, make a present with- or of-," as: I boya-mu-tsi, „I make thee a present of it;" — o boya-mi owir, „he made me a present with the goal;" — o boya-ko ka Pa Sip, „he made the Leopard a present of him." Boya, a-, pi. e-, n. .,presenl, gift;" e. g. a-boya a-fino, „a fine present." — 160 — Biiko, V. n, „bathe, wash oneself;" e. g. I ko biiko, „I go to balhe." Biima, a-, pi. e-, n. „young tender shoots," or „leaves" (as from roots left in the ground), „verdure, herb, green;" e.g. e-biima e-lal e yi ri, „there is much green there." Bumar. v. rel. (rad. bum), „watch over, mind, guard, take care of;" e. g. biimjir ak'dr, „he watches over the farm." Bun, V. n. and aux. „miss, make a mistake." As an aux. it serves to express the adv. „almost, nearlv," as: o bun ko dif, „he almost killed him." Bun, ka-, n. verb. „act of missing, mistake;" ka-bun fi, „almost dying." Buudas, V. cans. (rad. biinda), „make large, enlarge, make great;" fig. „magnify, glorify;" e. g o bundas an-set-iVofi, „he en- larged his house." Bunt, a-, pi. e-, n. „cloud"; e. g. a-bunt a-bi, „a dark cloud." Burap, adj. „short" ; e. g k'antr ka-burap, „a short stick." But, ka-, pi. tra-, n. „hean" (as the organ; also used figura- tively as the seat of courage, etc.); e. g. ka-but-k'on, „his heart." Butu, a-, pi. e-, n. „bag" ; also „pillow"; e. g. a-butu a-yofat, „a soft pillow." D. D', prcf. insep. and indef. „a, an;" c. g. d'im, „a word," for da-im. Da, prep. poss. „of"; it is a euph. form of: ra; e. g. ar'on'-da- su, „our road;" -ar'on' da K'uru, „the way of God." See the Note at the end of this letter. Da, pref. indef., euph. form of ra, „a an;" e. g. r'on' da-fino, „a good road." Da-tsi, pr. dem. log. „that", being a euph. form of: ra-tsi; e.g. ar'on' da-tsi, „that road." Data, postp. „below, beneath," being a euph. form of. rata; e. g. ro-tan" diita, „under the root," for ro-tank rata. This form is used after nouns terminating in n, or iik, when the g or gk is cut off. — 161 — Dalron, postp., euph. form of ratron, „in the middle, amongst." It is used after nouns terminating in ii, Avhen the g is cut off. E. g. trama ka ar'on' datron, „Iie stood in the middle of the road;" — ka tra-t.sen' datron, „amongst the hills." Dayer, postp., euph. form of rayer, „near, close to, at" or „by the side;" e. g. o tas ka 'ra-bon' daver, ^ o tas ro-bon' dayer, „he passed close to the river;" — o tas ro-r'on' dayer, „he passed by the side of the road." It is used after nouns terminating in n, when the g is cut off. See the Note at the end of this letter. De, or re, = der, v. n. and aux. „come"; e. g. o de he nan, „he did not come." As an aux. it is construed with the long and with the short form of the Infinitive. De is a euph. form of: re, which see; e. g. o de tra gbal, „he comes in order to write." See more under the form re; what has been stated there, applies also here. De, adv. „no". It is pronounced with a strong impetus. E. g. de, I nahk fe ko, „no, I did not see him." De, conj. „and"; e.g. pa-la de e-y6ka, „rice and cassadas." Der, V. n. and aux. = de, or: re, „come"; e. g. o der romi, „he came to me." It is construed in the same way as: de, which see. Der, ka-, n. verb. ,.act of coming, coming;" e, g. ka-der-k'on, „his coming." D'er, pi. s'er, n. „face"; ro-d'er, „at the face." Der, a-, or i-, pi. ma-, n. „body, skin." The sing, is seldom used, the pi. being used for it; e. g. ma-der-m'on, „his body." D'er, n. „place"; def. form: od'cr, „the place;" e. g. d'er o- ffno, „a good place." D'er 6 d'er, „everywhere, anywhere;" e. g. K'uru o yi d'er 6 d'er, „God is everywhere." Di, v. a. „eat", also „take" (as medicine); „wear away, wear off" (as a cutlass a grinding-stone); e. g. o di e-trol, „he took medicine." Di, v. n. „eal"; e.g. di ri, „eat of il," lit. „eal there;" di ka-, „eat out of-." Teimie - Wcirterliuch. 11 — 162 — Di, adj. „eating"; e. g. r'a ra-di, „something to eat," Di, ka-, 11. verb. „acl of eating, an eating, meal;" e. g. ka-di ka-bal, „a breakfast." Di, pr. obj. = ri, of which it is a euph. form, „it"; e. g. tse gbon'-di, „do not touch it." See the Note at the end of this letter. Di, adv. loc. „there". It is a euph. form of ri, used before n and before n, when the g is dropped. E. g o won di, „he was long there." Dia, pr, emph. „it, this," being a euph. form of: ria; e. g. ar'on' da ro-Ma-lal dia-re, „this is the road to Malal." Di-a, adv. loc. emph. „there"; e. g. ro ah-gbalan na gbope, di-a botr ara-bomp-r'on, „ where the rock was rugged, there he put his head;" — di-a o soto-iii, „there he got it.-' Di-an, adv. loc. abs, „there, at that place," it is a euph. form of: ri-an; e. g. di-ah I soto-hi, „ there 1 got it." (Cf, -h under N.) Dif, v. n. „kill, commit murder;" also „kill beef; be fatal" (as an illness); e. g. o poii dif-i? „has he killed beef?" Dif, V. a. „kill, execute, murder;" also „prove fatal to" (as a sickness); e. g, 'a dif-ko, „they killed him." Difa, V. rel. „kiIl-to-, kill-for-; kill-with-;" e. g. o difa-mi an- troko, „he killed the fowl to me," = „he killed me the fowl." Dim, V. a, „destroy, ruin;" e. g. 'a dim aka-petr, „they destro;yed the town." D'im, pi. s'im, n. „word, voice;" e, g. ad'im-r'oh, „his word;" D'im is a euph. form of: r'im, Dimse, v. n, „go out" (as fire); e. g. an'antr na di'mse, „thf fire went out." D'in, adj. num. „one", being a euph. form of r'in; e. g. r'on' d'in, „one way." Dinne, v. refl. (rad. dim) „ perish, get lost," lit. ,,destroy one- self;" e. g ka-lome dinne, „the sheep got lost." Dinne, ka-, n. verb. „act of perishing, perishing; destruction, ruin, perdition;" e. g, ka-dinne-k'on, „his perdition." — ]m — Dio, adj. „right" (in opposition to left); e.g. ka-tra ka-dlg, „lhe right hand." Dio, ka-, n. „the right" (hand); also „the South." Dir, ka-, pi. tra-, n. „moifar" (as to beat rice in); e. g. ka-dir ka-bana, „a large mortar." Dira, v. n. „sleep, go asleep;" e. g. iia ko dira, „ihey went to sleep," Dis, adv. „yesterday"; e. g. o der dis, „he came yesterday." Dis, V. cans. (rad. di), „give-Io eat, feed;" e. g. e-bamp na dis an-fet-'a-naii, „the birds feed their young ones." Dis ra-foi, „yesterday evening, last evening;" e. g. o bek dis ra-foT, „he arrived last evening." Dis tratrak, „yesterday night," e. g. na der dis tratrak, „they came yesterday night." Do-, prep. „into, in, at, to, from;" e. g. o Avon' do-set, „he went into the house." it is a euph. form of ro-, which see. Dokom, postp., euph. form of rokom, „on the top, upon;" e. g, yi ro-tsen' dokom, „he is on the top of the hill;" — yira ka an-ron' dokom, „he lives on the top of the moun- tain." See the Note at the end of this letter. D'on, pr. poss. „his, her." It is a euph. form of r'on; e. g. ra-ban'-d'on, „his anger." D'or, n. „hunger"; def. form ad'or, „lhe hunger." It is a noun in ra-; e.g. d'or ra ba-mi, „I am hungry;" lit. „hunger has me." D'uba, n. „ink", = r'uba; e. g. d'liba ra-lal, „much ink;" def. form: ad'uba, „the ink " Duni, adj. „male", it is a euph. form of: r'lmi; e. g. w'an duni, „a boy," lit. „a male child." Note. The euph. forms with d under the preceding letter are used after words terminating in n, when the g is dropped, as: r'on' da-fino, „a good road," for: r'oh ra-fino; — ar'ou' da-tsi, „that road," for: ar'on ra-tsi. E. E-, pref. def. and iudef. „the"; e. g. e-tis, ,,knives", or „the knives." 11* — 164 — E, pr. subj. „it; thev;" e. g. ey'elr-'e-mi e di'nne, my things are lost." E-, pref. emph. vow. to make nouns with the inseparable pref. y' definite, as: ey'elr, „the things," from: y'etr, „things". Cf. Pref. § •22. b. -E? suff. indirect inter, used at the end of a proposition, if already an inter, adverb precedes; e. g. re man kg-e? „where art thou going to?" -E, part. expl. often used at the end of conditional propositions, It is of a mere expl. nature, used with sentences depending on the conj. be, „if", and on the adv. ma, me, mo, „when", and on: be, „when"; e. g. be o-bera o nesa he o-wos- k'ga-e etc., „if the woman does not respect her husband etc." But it is also used with nouns not only in the Voc. case, but also otherwise. Sometimes it is added to the suffix-an in addition. (Cf. the suff. -au in loco.) It is also some- times affixed to adverbs, or at the end of exclamatory pro positions depending on: Iro! „how!" orko! „what!" or after the calling of names, when it serves to indicate the Vocative. They also often use it with obligative and participial propo- sitions. -E, this form is sometimes used for the preceding one in the capacity of an expletive particle. 'E, prep. poss. „of"; e. g. ey'etr-'e-mi, „my things," lit. „the things of me." 'E-mi, pr. poss. „my", lit. „of me." See the preceding word. 'E-nan, pr. poss. „their", lit. „of them;" e.g. ey'etr-'e-naii, „their things." Eyan, pr. dem. rem. „those"; e. g. ey'elr eyan, „thosc things." Eye, pr. rel. „which"; e. g. ey'etr eye I sotg, „the things which I got." Eye, pr. dem. prox. „these"; e.g. ey'elr eye, „these things." F, Fai, V. n. „be hot, have a burn, be burned;" e. g. 1 fai ro-tra, „I have a burn on the hand." — 165 — Fai, adj. „hot" (as water); „biirnt" (as a farm); e. g. m'anir ma-fai, ,,hot water." Fal, V. a. „ciit one's throat, kill, slaughter, butcher;" e. g. 'a fal- ko, „they cut his throat." Fak, a-, pi. e-, n. „skate" (fish). Fak, V. a. „throw down; fell" (as a tree); also „set up" (as a krifi for worship); e. g. o fak an-tis-'a-mi, ,.he threw down mv knife." Faka, v. rel. „throw-to-, throw -unio-, Ihrow-for-, let drop-" or „falI-for-" (as a child, or a thing to one); e. g. faka-mi ka-bo, „throw the bread to me." Falan, v. n. „escape from the grave by a sort of transmigration," (see Pref. § 10. b.). Also „apostatize" (from a religion), „err from the right way" (in the Mohammedan sense of the word); fig. „be utterly disappointed in obtaining one's object;" e. g. f^lan ka 'ra-mori, „he apostatized from Islamism." Fale, V. n. (rad. fal), „turn, turn away; be turned away;" e. g. fale ronon, „he turned away from him." Fali, V. a. „turn, move away, turn aside, remove, shove aside;" e. g. fiili ak'an'r, „lurn the stick aside." Falir, v. n. „fly"; e. g. am-bamp o falir o-boli rokom, „lhe bird soars high up." Falira, v. cans. „make to fly about, waft about, drive about" (as the wind chaff); e. g. an-fef na falira e-fuk, „the wind wafts the chaff about." Fam, a-, n. the [)1. of w'l'mi, ,.person", which see. The sing. form o-fam, is not much used; e. g. an-fam ano, „these persons," = „this people." Fam a-riini, a-, n. pi. „males, men;" lit. „male persons." Fam a-bom, a-, n. pi. „females, women," lit. „female persons." Fdnta, V. n. „lie down;" e. g. o ko fania, „he went to lie down." Fant'r (for fantar), ka-, pi. tra-, n. „bed"; e. g. ka-fanl'r-k'oii, „his bed." Far- far, prob. adj. onom. „making far -far." See Proverb. 0, pag. 99 about this word. — 166 — Farki, v. a. „despise, slight, set at nought; degrade;" e. g. o farki-ko, „he shghted him." Fas, adv. spec. „on a sudden, suddonI;y, all at once, at once" (as if a thing, on which one pulls, gives way at once, or is torn off). It indicates quickness or suddennes of separation, and is used with wiira, „take" or „pull out," and with gbgti, „tear off;" e. g. o \MJra-ki ka ka-tra-k'on fas, „he pulled it (cloth) out of his hand on a sudden." Fatr, a-, pi. e-, n, „iron"; also „an iron cooking pot." Fatr, V. n. „be near, be close; come near, go near;" e. g. tse ri fatr. „do not go near there." Fatr, V. a. .,go near to, come near to, approach, be close" or „near to;" e. g. o fatr-mi, „he is close to me." Fatrane, v. recipr. „come near together, come close to each other, approach each other;" e. g. ma fatrane nan, „let us come near together." Fatrane, o-, pi. a-, n. „neighbour, one living close to another," e. g. o-fatrane-ka-mi, „m}' neighbour." Fatrar, v. rel. n. „draw near;" e. g. ra-fi ra fafrar, „death draws near." The suff. is rather redundant here, Fatrar, v. rel. a. „draw near to, approach, be near to;" e. g. fatriir-mi, „draw near to me." Fe, — - he, adv. „not"; e. g. w'dni 6 w'uni o nam fe tsi, r»o one saw it." This form is generally used after or before the letter m. Fe is to be considered as a euph. form of: he, which see below. Fef, a-, pi. e-, n. „wind, breeze;" e. g. an-fef ha fen o-baki tPnoh, „the wind blows strongly to day." Fela, a-, pi. e-, n. „desire, longing, lust;" also „sexual desire" or „desire for sexual commerce;" e. g. a-fela na e-lop na wop-mi, „1 have a desire for fish," lit. „a desire of fish holds me." Fen, V- a. „blow, play" (as a wind-instrument); blow-on-, blow- inlo-;" e. g. o fen aka-sQ, „he blew the trumpet;" — 'a feh-ko e-kul, „they blew into his nostrils." Fefi, V. n. „blow" (as the wind, or into some thing); e.g. o fen — 167 — ka e-kiil-v'on, „he blew into his nostrils. Cf. also the ex. under a-fef above. Fer, V. n. „pla} on a stringed instrument, make music;" e. g. o-lanba o tra fer, „(he young man is playing on a stringed instrument." Fer, V. a. „p!ay, strike" (as a stringed instrument); „beat" (as the drum); e. g. g-yeli owe o fer am-pankiil o-fino, „this minstrel plays the cithern well;" — o-lanba o fer am-bitin, „lhe young man beats the drum." Fera, adj. „white, clean;" as applied to rice „deprived of the husks;" e. g. pa-la pa-fera, ,.clean rice." Fet, V. n. „be young; be tender" (as roots); „be fresh" (as palm- wine); „be new" (as the moon); e. g. o fet ras, „he is still young." Fet, adj. ,.young; lender" (as plants); e.g. e-yoka e-fet, „tender" or „young cassadas." Fet, a-, pi. of w'ah(H, which see. The sing, o-fet, is some- times used. Fetar, v. rel. (rad. fet), „make white, make clean" (as rice, or clothes); „clear up, make plain" (as a palaver); „cleanse, whitewash" (as a wall); „make to blush." (The natives being of a dark colour get a whitisli appearance when made to blush. Thus if one is convinced of his guilt, after having denied it, by clear facts, and if those present scold him for it, he will blush). With am-mera, „clear one of a charge, justify." (Cf. next word). E. g. o fetar am-pa, „he cleared up the matter;" — 'a fetar-kg tenon, „lhey made him blush to day." Fetar am-mera na w'uni, ^ „clear one of a charge, declare one's Fetar w'uni am-mera, J innocence, acquit one. justify one," lit. „make clean one's heart;" e. g. 'a f6tar-ko am-mera tenon, „they cleared him of the charge to day." Fi, V. n. „die, be dead;" as applied to the phases of the moon, „be done" or „over, die away, be in the last quarter"; hence also „be new"; e. g. o fi ar'on" da-fino, „he died happily," lit. „he died the good road;" — be aiVof na fi. „when the moon is over." — 168 — Fi o-tot, „clie happily, „lil. „die "well." Fi. adj. „dead", as applied to the moon „dying away, being in the last quarter, new;" e. g ^v'uni fi, „a dead person." Fi, ka-, n. verb. „act of dving"; also „mortality"; e. g. ka-fi ka w'uni, „the mortalitv of man." Fi, ra-, pi. tra-, n. „death"; rometimes the abstract stands for the concrete „a dead (one)"; e. g. ra-fi-r'on, „his death." Fi, a-, pi. e-, n. „loin, hip" (also used of the meat of an ani- mal slaughtered); e. g. 'a son-ko a-fi, „they gave him one of the loins." Fino, V. n. „be good" (morally and physically); „be fair, be beautiful, be lovely, be fine" (as a child); „be kind, be pious; be even, be smooth" (as a rock); e. g. afi-yal afie na fino, „this boat is fine," Fino, adj. „good" (morally and physically); „fair, beautiful, fine; pious; smooth" (as a rock or stone); applied to condition „liappy"; also „kind" (as a word, or a person); e. g. a-fam a-fino, „good people;" — r'im ra-fino, „a kind word." Fino, 0-, adj. but used adverbially „well, kindly;" e. g. o yo- mi o-fino, „he treated me well." Firdaus, n „paradise". From the Ar. J«j4>li, beatorum sedes, paradisus. Fisa. adj. „better". See an e.x. pag. 127. Fit, ma-, n. „brains, brain;" also „marrow" (of bones), Fita, V. a. „casl away, throw away, throw, fling;" e. g. w'an, tse ri fi'ta, „boy, do not throw it away." Fita, V. rel. „throw-away for-;" e. g. fila-mi am-bitra aiie, „lhrow this boltle away for me," = „throw me this bottle away." Fo, eonj. „thal", = ho; often used before direct and indirect speech, and frequently answering lo the Gr. on. It may often be given by „saying" in direct speech, and by „that" with indirect speech. It is probably the verb, adjective from fo, „sav". E. c. ma vema fo I tak'sa-mu-i? „doesl thou want me to leach thee?" lit. „doesl thou want that I teach thee?" — 169 — Fo, V. n. „say," = ho. It is generally followed by ye, -which seems to be the dcin. pr, for eye, „these" (words); in the l«t- person sing, the pers. verbal pronoun is often, or gene- rally dropped. When followed by ye, it is generally used as an introductory phrase to arrest (he attention of the one, to whom one wants to say something. E. g, fo ye, mail kone ro-Kamp aninaii, „I say, let us go to Sierra-Leone to morrow," for: I fo ye etc., lit. „I say these (words) etc.;" — I fo ye, w'an etc., „I say, boy etc.;" — o fo ye, o gbali he der, „he says he cannot come." Fo alone, or also: fo ye may be used with direct and indirect speech, as: o fo: Man kone nina bat, „he said: Let us go to morrow morning," or: fo ye: Man kone etc., „he said: Let us go etc.," lit. „he said these (words): etc." Fo, adj. verb. —- ho, „saying". See fo, conj. Fq ye, == ho ye, see fo, v. n. Fof, V. n. „speak, talk;" e. g. 1 ko fof ronaii, „I go speak to them;" — o gbali he fof, „he caimot speak." Fof, ka-, pi. tra-, n. „speech, word;" in the sing. „act of speak- ing;" e. g. ka-fof-k'on, „his speaking." Fof d'im r'in, ,.inake an agreement" or „treaty," lit. „speak one word;" e. g. na fof d'im r'in traka tsi, „they made an agree- ment about it." Fofar, V. rel. (rad. fof), ,.speak to, address, speak wi'h, reason with, warn;" e. g. I tsi fofar-ko, „I shall speak to him." Fofar, ka-, pi. tra-, n. verb. „act of addressing (one); address;" e. g. ka-fofar-k'on an-fam, „his addressing the people." FoT, ra-, pi. tra-, n. „evening"; e.g. ra-foT ra poh bek. „evening has arrived." : . " FoT-kara, v. n. comp. „be easy to bring" or „to bring away;" e.g. ow'iini owe o foi-he-kfira . „this person is not easy to bring away." Fol-tas, V. impers. comp. „be easy to i)ass;" e. g. pa foi ri tas, „it will \)y easy to pass there;" — o fol ri tas, „it is (was) easy to pass there." Fol-tr'eT, V. n. comp. „be of such a character as to be easy to — 170 — deal with, be of a sociable character, be good-natured; be well off;" also ,,make joke" or „jpst of a thing, jest," or „joke about a thing;" as: ma fol he tr'el, „thou doest not joke about a thing;" also „be convenient" (as time). Fol-tr'el, adj. „sociable, good-natured; convenient, seasonable" (as time); ,.easy, happv;" e. g. a-loko a-fol-tr'el, „a conve- nient time;" — w'uni fol-tr'el, „a person well off." Fol w'dni tr'el, v impers. a. „be easy for-, be well with-" = „be comfortable, be happy, be well off;" e. g. pa fol-ko-tr'el, „it is getting better with him," = ,,he is getting well off;" — foT-ko-tr'el, „he is comfortable," lit. „it is well with him." Folr, a-, pi. e-, or tra-, n. „shadow, shade, shelter" (as of a tree); e. g. aiVantr iia yer-su a -folr, „the tree gives us shelter." Fok, a-, pi. e-, n. „parcel, any thing wrapped up in the form of a parcel;" e. g. a-fok na m'er, „a parcel of salt." Fokia, v. revert, and rel. (rad. fok), „unwrap-for-; bark-for-, take off-for-" (as the cover of a parcel for another); e. g. fokia- mi aiVantr ane, „bark this tree for me." Fon, ra-, pi. a-, n. „hair"; e. g. an-fon-n'on, „his hair." For, ra-, pi. e-, n. „eye"; e. g. e-for 'e-su, „our eyes." Fosa, a-, n. „ power, influence, might, ability;" e. g. o ba he ri a-fosa, „he has no influence ihere," = „he is not able to do any thing there." Fot, adj. „addle, barren" (as an egg); ..empty" (as a box, or as the stomach); e. g. ra-mes ra-fot, „an addle egg." Fotane, V. refl. „rest oneself, rest, repose;" e g. 1 ko fotane o-tan, „1 go to rest a little." Prob. from an obs. fota. Fotane, 0-, n. loc. „resting place, place of repose;" e. g. o-fotane- 'o-mi, „my resting-place." Fu, adj. „new" ; 8. g. k'ota ka-fu, „new cloth." Fuk, e-, n. „chaff" (as of rough rice when beaten in a mortar). That which comes off in threshing or flogging rice (as they say) is called: e-gbafta. Fiimpo, V. n. „fall down, fall;" e. g. o fumpo ri, „he fell down there." — 171 — Fiimpo kasi, „bt'come liable lo a fine or penallv, become guilty of a breach of Ihe country law." Funk, a-, pi. e-, or tra-, n. „store-house" (for grain or for agricultural productions), „barn"; e. g. a-funk a-bana, „ a large store-house." « Fiinti, a-, pi. e-, n. „prisoner of war, captive." Funti, ra-, n. „caplivit}'- ; e.g. ra-funti-ra-nan, „lheir captivity." Fdti, V. n. „escape, be saved;" e.g. o fiiti ri, „he was saved there." Ffiti, ka-, n. verb. „acl of escaping, escape, deliverance, salva- tion;" e. g. ka-fdti-ka-su, „our salvation." Fiitia, V. caus. „make to escape, save;" e. g. kono futia-mi. „he saved me." Futia, adj. „saving"; e. g. ar'on' da-fiitia, „the saving way," i. e, „the wav by which one is saved." Futia, 0-, pi. a-, n. ,,saviour"; e.g. o-fiitia-ka-mi, „my Saviour." Futia, ka-, n. verb. „aot of saving, a saving;" e. g. ka-fiilia-ko, „the act of saving him," = „his deliverance." G. Gba, adv. „very, indeed, much, well;" e. g. pa bone-mi tenon gba, „I am very glad to day;" — a, K'liru o botar-su gba! „oh, God loves us much!" Gba, ka-, pi. tra-, n. ..score, twenty;" e. g. Ira-gba tra-ran, „lwo scores," = „forly"; — tra-gba tra-sas, „three scores," = „ sixty." GbaT, v. a. „splil" (as wood); „burs!, open" (as a nut); „tear" (as cloth); fig. „impart" (as instruction); „interpret" (as dreams); e. g. gbai ak'ota, „he tore the cloth." Gbafa, v.rel. „splil-for-; lear-to- or for-; open-for-;" fig. „impart- to-;" gbaia-mi ak'ota, „he tore the cloth to me," = „he fore me the clolh." , Gbalr, v. rcl. (rad. gbal), „impart-to-, give-to-" (as instruction), lit. as it were „tear off-lowards-." See the next word. Gbaia w'uni ka-wandi, i ,, impart instruction to one, preach lo Gbalr w'lini ka-wandi, ' one;" e. g. o gbalr-ko ka-wandi, „he gave him instruction." — 172 — Gbak, ma-, n, „rust"; e. g. an-fatr na ba ma-gbak, ,,the iron is ruslv," lit. .,lho iron has rusl." Gbak, V. a. „cul" (as wood); cut ofl', decide, settle" (as a matter), ,, determine"; e. g. o gbak ak'antr, ,.he cut the stick." Gbak, v.»^n. „cut; judge, give an opinion." Gbaka, v. a. „cut; decide, judge" (as a matter); „rule over, govern;" e. g. kane mo gbaka an-tof afie-e? „who is govern- ing this country?" Gbaka, ka-, n. verb. ,,act of governing" or ,,of ruling, reign, government;" e. g. kane ba ka-gbaka ka an-tof-e? „who has the governmen' of the country?" Gbaka, ra-, n. „office of governing (a country); government;" e, g. kane ba 'ra-gbaka ra an-tof-e? ,,who has the govern- ment of the country now?" Gbakane, v. recipr. „vie" or „conlend with each other;" e. g. 'a gbakane ka ka-lam ma-sar, „they vied with each other in throwing stones;" — 'a gbakane ka gbiike, ,,they vie with each other in running," =: „tliey ran a race." Gbal, V. a. ,, write; make a sketch of, sketch;" e. g. o gbal a- reka, „he wrote a letter." Gbal, V. n, „write; make a sketch; e. g. o gbal o-fino, „he writes well." Gbal, ka-, n. verb. „acl of writing, writing;" e. g. I naiik ka- gbal-k'on an-reka. ,,I saw his writing the letter," = „I saw hiin writing the letter." Gbal, a-, or i-, pi. ma-, n. „line, letter, character" fas of a book); pi. also „writing"; e. g. ma -gbal ma-fino, „good writing." Also „sketch; mark." Gbala, adj. rel. „belonging to writing;" e. g. k'upo ka-gbala, „a pen," lit. ,.a feather lo write with." Gbalafi, a-, pi. e-, n. ,,tock, rocky place;" e. g. a-gbalah a-bana, „a large rock." Gbalap, v. n. „twiiikle wiih the eyes, twinkle;" e. g. o trii gbalap, „he is twinkling with the eyes." Gbfjii, V. n. „be able, can." Often used as an aux. to express an ability for the exercise of the energy, indicated by the — 173 — , principal verb, as: o gbali he yO-tsi, = o gbali he tsi jo, „he cannot do it." It is generally construed \vith the short form of the Infinitive, sometimes also with the long one. Gbali, V. a. ,,be able for-;" e. g. o gbali-tsi, „he is able for it." Gbam, v. a. „beat, pound, bruise to powder" (as in a mortarj; e. g. gbam apa-la, ,, pound the rice." Gban, a-, pi. tra-, n. „dry land" (as opposed to the sea); „coun!r\;" e. g. ro-gban, „iii the country" (in opposition to the city). Gbah, adv. spec. „very, well, closely;" it is used with bakar, „firm, strong, fast," and with wopane, ,,ho]d together, be united together;" e. g. ak'antr ka Irania bakar gbaii, „the post stands very fast." Gban, v. a. ,,lay across" (as a bridge); „meet; oppose, prevent, obstruct" (as a road); ,, waylay"; e. g. 'a gban-ko ro-r'on, „lhey waylaid him in the road." Gbfinane, v. recipr. „meet each other;" e. g. I tr"a he ro sa ma gbanane, „I d'ont know where me may meet each other." Gbanne, v. refl. a. (rad. gban), ,,meet with, meel ;" also ,,lay across oneself," hence „carry on the shoulder;" e. g. o gbanne ak'antr, ,,he carried the stick on the shoulder;" — gbanne-ko ro-r'on, „he met with him in the road." Gbanne, v. refl. n. „meet, meet together, assemble;" e.g. 'a gbanne ro-r'oh, „they meet in the road." Gbanne, a-, pi. e-, n. ,, meeting, assembly;" e. g. an-gbanne iia afi-fcim, „the meeting of the peoj)le." Gban's, v. cans. „go to meet;" e. g, o gbah's Pa Sori, „he went lo meet Mr. Sori." Gban'sane, v. caus. rel. and recipr., ,, surround, enclose, besiege" (as a town, or army), lit. .,make to meet each other around-." or „for-", or „against-"; c. g. man gban'sane-ko nan, „let us surround him." Gbanta, v. a. „slap, strike, knock; flog, whip; toss" (as waves a canoe); e. g. o gbiinta-mi ka a-kos-'a-mi, ,,he slapped me on one of my cheeks." Gbantan, a-, pi. e-, n. , , porch, piazza;" e.g. o trama ro-gbantan, „he stood in the piazza." — 174 — Gbantane, adj. refl. „spreading itself, making itself known, diffus- ing itself;" also ,, making known, advertising;" e. g. w'uni gbantane tr'el, „a person advertising a matter," or ,,a person making known a matter." Prob. from an obs. gbant. Gbante, adj. „different, various, diverse;" e, g. e-bamp e-gbante, „various birds." Gbanlrani, a-, pi. e-, n. ,, outskirts" or „boundar} of a farm where it borders on the bush" or „forest"; e. g. o vo ma-mant ro-gbanlrani, ,,he does work at the outskirts of the farm." Gbapne, v. refl. (rad. gbap), „fasten itself, fix itself, adhere;" e. g. ma-kima ma gbapne ka e-kos-y'gn, „soot adheres to his cheeks." Gb^p'sa, v. freq. and inch. a. ,,gel fastened to, adhere to, stick to; keep close to, attend to;" e. g. w'an, gbap'sa-mi rayer, „boy, keep close to my side." Gbaran, adv. „clearly, plainly, well, fully;" e. g. o kane-ko-tsi gbaran, „he told it plainly to him." Gbaski, v. a. „separate, part, divorce; divide; distinguish;" e. g. gbaski atra-lome ka ats'ir, „separate the sheep from the goats." Gbata, a-, pi. e, n. „mat"; e. g. a-gbata a-lol, ,,a small mat." Gbati, V. n. „be numerous, be many, be plentiful; e. g. p§-la pa gbati ri, „rice is plentiful there." Gbdti, adj. „many, numerus, much; ' e.g. e-lop e-gbati, „manyfish." Gbato, a-, pi. e-, n. „cutlass, sword;" e. g. an-gbato-iVon, „his cutlass." Gbatr, v. a. „set" (as a trap); „waylay, lie in ambush for-, set a trap for-;" e. g. o gbatr o-sem, ,,he set a trap for the animal;" — o gbatr-mi ro-r'oii, „he lay in ambush for me in the road." Gbatr, v. a. „knock, tap sharply" (as on a door, or on one's head); „strike" (as a bell); „sting" (used of the cerastes); e. g. gbalr-mi, „he knocked me;" — o gbatr aka-rare, „he knocked on the door." Gbatro, v. n. „be round about;" e. g. na gbatro ro-petr be, „they were all round the town." Gbelen, a-, pi. e, n. „bell; hour;" e. g. pa yi gbo an-gb6len na an-rei ana beka e-sas, „il is but the 3d. hour of the day." — 175 — Gben, adv. „indeed, very, verily, just, exactly." It has often the sense of the adj. „own" without a prefix. E. g. o lopra to gben, „he is now dressed indeed;" — an-lo na-tsi gben, „that very time;" — gw'an-ka-mi gben, „my own child." Gbena, v. a. „hate"; e. g. o gbena-mi, „he hates me." Gbena, ka-, n. verb. „acl of hating, hatred;" e.g. o gbeha-ko ka-gbena ka-bana, „he hates him very much," lit, „he hales him (with) a great hatred." Gbeiia, ma-, n. „hatred;" e g. ma-gbena ama o gbena-mi, ma etc., „the hatred with which he hales me, it etc.'' Gbonbe, ka-, pi. tra-, n. „pepper of any kind;" e. g. ka-gbonbe ka-yim, „red pepper, cayenne." Gbengben, v. a. „qutstiou, examine by questioning, inquire into by questioning, examine," e. g. I tsi gbengben-ko Iraka tsi, „I shall question him about it." Gbepar, v. rel. n. (rad. gbep), „rise, go up on the top, reach the top" or „zenith, reach the highest point, reach the meridian-, (as the sun) ; e. g. ar'etr ra pon gbepar, „the sun has reached the meridian;" — ra-yola-r'on ra gbepar, ,.his gentleman- ship has reached the highest point (its zenith);" — ka-bone- tr'el-k'on ka pon' to gbepar, „his presumption had now reached the highest degree." It is sometimes followed by rokom, „on top,"' as: o pon gbepar rokom, „he has reached the top." Gbepar, v. rel. a. (rad. gbep), go on the top of-;" fig. „reach" or „rise to the rank of-;" e. g. o gbepar ra-yola, „he rose to the rank of a gentleman;" — o gbepar an-set, „he went on the top of the house." Gbepar 'ra-bomp ratroii, „rise to" or „roach the zenith" or „meridian" (as the sun at noon), lit. „rise to the very middle of the head;" e, g. ma ar'etr ra gbepar 'ra-bomp ratron etc., „when the sun reached the meridian etc." Gbep'trane, v. recipr. (rad. gbep), ,.join together, be close to- gether, be near to each other;" e. g. ma yira sa gbep'trane, „let us sit close together," lit. „let us sit we are close to- gether." — 176 — Gbeia, a-, n. „floiir" (as made of rice); e. g. a-gbera a-lal, ,,much rice-flour." Gbes, adv. „all night, the whole night;" e, g nanan gbes, „all last night." Gbetgbetne, v. refl. „recline" or ,,sit down with the legs close together" (as the Tcmnes do at their meals), „sit down with legs put on each other," = the Gr. dvaxXhoiwi or drdxei- fiai; or = the Lat. accumbere; hence ,,sit down" or , , recline to a meal." This form is used of old people and of women. Gbatgbatne, or gbaligbi'itine is „'o recline" or „sit down in an improper" or „indecent manner, with the legs stretched out far from each other" or ,,aslride, so as to offend cha- stity." Those who do so are said not to like others to eat with them. This latter form is used of men only. E. g. o-bai won traka kali ana poh gbrtgbetne ka an-fanta iia ka-nantra, ,,the king went in to see those who had sat down to the marriage feast;" — but: vv'an, tse gbatgbatne, .,boy, do not sit down astride." Gbetr, adv. „middlingly, just right, just, good, well; quite, fully; accurately, minulely;" e. g. o wan gbo gbetr tenon, „it is but partially clear to day;" — 1 yif-ko-tsi gbetr, „1 asked him minutely about it." Gbetr, adj. „middling, right, just right, good, accurate; e.g. ma- panl ma-gbetr, „accurate work;" r'a ra-gbetr, „a thing just right." Gbip, V. a. „catch, capture, make-prisoner;" e. g. o gbip an- Iroko, „he caught the fowl." Gbipa, V. rel. „catch-for-, capture-for-;" e.g. gbipa-mi an-trokg, „catch the fowl for me," = „catch me the fowl." Gbo, adv. „only, but, just; quite; tiien." With a verb it often expresses the words „as soon as." E. g. I naiV-ko gbo win, .,1 saw him but once;" — be I poii gbo-e, I tsi der, „as soon as I have done, I shall come," lit. „when I have but done etc."; — mo o yefa gbo ro-petr, na kone, „as soon as he came from town, they went away." Cf. also the aux. v. bar in loco. — 177 — Gbo gbotr, Just exactlv, but just;" c. g. ar'etr ra putr gbo gboir, mo kone, „the sun was but just risen above the horizon, when he left." Gbo ras, „but just, only just," lit. „only yet," Ger. „eben erst;" e. g. trap gbo ras tra yo ma-pant, „he only just began to do work." Gbo ton, „then now, now;" e. g. man kone gbo ton, sa soto ey'etr-'e-su, „let us then go now, we have got our things." Gbori, a-, or i-, pi. ma-, n. „bunclle" (as of riee cut), .,a hand- ful, a sheave;" e. g. a-gboh na pa-la, „a sheave of rice." Gbonkal, ka-, pi. tra-, n. „dale, vallev." Ghonko, a-, pi. e-, or Ira-, n. „okl forest, forest" (where the timber trees have not yet been cut out); e. g. o yi ro- gbonko, „he is in the forest." Gbonkto, a-, pi. e-, n. „kilchen"; e.g. o yi ro-gbonkto, „he is in the kitchen." Gbope, V. n. „be rugged, be uneven, be rough" (as ground or a stone); e. g. an-tof na gbope ri, „the ground is rugged there." Gbope-gbope, v. freq. or intens. n. „be very rugged, be very uneven, be very rough;" e. g. an-tof na gl)6pe-gb6pe ri, „lhe ground is very uneven there." Gborka, o-, pi. a-, n. „one not initiated into the secret society of the Bondos" or „of the Porros; one ceremoniously un- clean." Cf. Pref. § 18, a. Gbosa, adj. „belonging to tempting" or „alluring" or „seducing, tempting;" e. g. r'a ra-gbosa ra yi ri, „there is a temptation there," lit. „a tempting thing is there;" from the v. rel. gbosa, „tempt-with-," (rad. gbos, „lempt.") Gboti, V. a. „pluck-oll, tear-off, pull-olf. pluck" (as fruit from a tree, or a rope); e. g. o gboti ma-lenne, „he plucked limes." Gbiike, V. n. „run, run away, flee;" e. g. an-fam be na gbuko, „all the people ran away." Gbuke, V. a. „run away from, flee from;" e. g. o gbuke-mi, „he Temne - Worterbuch. 1 2 — 178 — ran away from me;" — o gbuke am-bok, „he fled from the snake." Gbutr, V. n. „be short;" e. g. ak'antr ka gbuir, „lhe stick is short." Gbiitrcis, V. cans. „short(M), make short;" passively „be shorten- ed;" e. g. gbutras-ki, „shorlen it;" — ak'antr ka re gbiitras, „the stick will be shortened." H. Ha, conj. ■■= han „so that, in somnch that;" e. g. iia kane-su fo ow'iini owe o sake; kere o sake soT, ha a-fam na gbali he \s\ trara, „fhey told us that this person turns himself; but he turns himself softly, so that people are not aware of it." Ha, adv. = han „till, until;" e. g. I kar-ko, ha pa lela-mi, „1 waited for him, till I was tired," lit. „till it lired me." Hali, conj. „though, although;" e. g. be na nane gbo traka kefa, hali na keia he etc., „if ye only think of stealing, although ye do not steal etc." Hali, adv. „very, much;" e. g. ak'ota ake I gbali he ki sgnd, 1 yema-ki hali, „as for this clolh I cannot part with it, i am much in need of it." Halisa, adv. „moreover, yet, still, still yet, yet still;" e, g. na yo ma-pant halisa," = halisa na yo ma-pant, „they still do work;" — kono mo son-su ras ey'etr be, „he is yet giving us all things still." Han, coiij. -~ ha, which see. Han, adv. = ha, which see. He, adv. „nol", = fe which see; e g. o ta der he, „he did not yet come." It is only used with verbs like fe, and both forms might be considered as negative suffixes to form ne- gative verbs. Ho, conj. = fo, which see. Ho, V. n. „say", = fo, which see. Ho, adj. participial „saying", = fo, which see. Ho ye, = fo \e, which see. — 179 — I. -I? direct inter, sulf. placed at the end of the proposition; e. g. I der royan-i? „shall 1 come vender?" — 1 trel toh-i? „8hall I leave off now?" 'I, abbr. form of ni, pr. obj. „it", used after the letter n. See an ex. in Temn. Trad. p. 6. lyoo, adv. „yes"; e.g. ko ow'ahet o pa ho: Ya, toisa-mi am- ""bamp. 0-kara-k'on o pa ho: l.yuo; „and Ihe child said; Mother, broil me the bird. His mother said: Yes." K. K', pref. indef. and insep. .,a. an;" e. g. k'antr. „a stick." for ka-antr. o o Ka, prep. „in, into; to; al; from; for; with; according; Avhile;" e. g. wur ka aii-sel, „he came out from the house." The sense is indicated bv the verb with which it is used. Ka-, pref. def. = aka-, „the"; as ka-bcp, „the spoon." It is the def. form of ka-. Ka, prep. poss. „of". It is the def. form of ka; e. g. o-kas ka o-baT, „the father of the king." Ka, conj. „and", =- ko and ko; this form is used before words with or before the vowel a; e. g. ka na pa ho: etc., „and they said: etc." Ka, adv. „then; when," -^- ke and ko; this form is used before words with or before the vowel a; and in the minor pro- position. If any time is indicated in the antecedent, or il the adv. ma in the sense of „when" precedes; then ka has the sense of „then"; otherwise it has the sense of „when"; e. g. poll gbo der-e, ka na mota kone, „as soon as he had come, then only they left," = „he had just come, be- fore they went away;" — o yi ka der, ka an-lsik na bek, „he was just coming, when the strangers arrived." Sec the Note after ke, adv. Ka, pr. subj.def. „it"; e. g. ka-bep ka dinne, „lhe spoon is lost." Ka-, pref. indef. „a, an;" e.g. ka-bep, „a spoon." With verb. 12* — 180 _ nouns it may often be given by „to" with a following Infi- nitive, for whuh the verb, noun often stands. Verb, nouns derived from transitive verbs may still take an object in the Ace. Ka, prep. poss. „of". It is the indef. form of ka; e. g. ka-bep ka Sori, „a spoon of Sori." Ka, pr. subj. indef. ,.i!"; as: k;)-bep-ka-mi ka dinne, „a spoon of mine is lost." Ka a-loko lom, „at a certain time, once;" = loko lom Ka-mi, pr. poss. def. „my", lit. „of me;" e. g. ka-bep-ka-mi, „my spoon." Ka-mi, pr. poss. indef. „my", lit. „of me;" e. g. ka-bep-ka-mi, lit. „a spoon of me," = „a spoon of mine" or „my spoon." Ka-mu, pr. poss. def. „thy", lit. „of thee"; e.g. ka-bep-ka-mu, „thy spoon." Ka-mu, pr. poss. indef. „tliy", lit. „of thee;" e.g. ka-bep-ka-mu, lit. „a spoon of thee" = „a spoon of thine" or „thy spoon." Ka-nan, pr. poss. def. ,.their", lit. „of them"; e.g. ka-bep-ka-nan, „their spoon." Ka-nan, pr. poss. indef. „their," lit. „of them;" e.g. ka-bep-ka-nah, „a spoon of them," = „a spoon of theirs" or ,,their spoon." Ka-nu, pr. poss. def. „your", lit. „of you;" e. g. ka-bep-ka-nu, „your spoon." Ka-nu, pr. poss. indef. „your", lit. „of you;" e. g. ka-bep-ka-nn, „a spoon of you," = „a spoon of yours" or „your spoon;" — ka-be|>ka-nu kian, „this (is) a spoon of yours," lit. „a spoon of yours this (it)." Ka ka lap'so, i „at last," lit. „at the end;" e. g. o der ka ka- Ka ka-lap'sa, ^ lap'so, „at last became," or „he came at last." Ka-lap'so, i n. but used adverbially, „the last time," lit. ,.the Ka-lap'sa, ^ end;" for which they more generally use the aux. v. lapsg, „be last." E. g. me I ko ri ka-lapso, „when 1 went there the last time." Ka-lap'so-ka-tsi, ^ .,at last, afterwards," lit. „al the end of it;" Ka-lap'sa-ka-tsi, ^ e. g. ka-lap'so-ka-tsi o son-mi ey'etr-'e-mi, „al last he gave me my tilings." — 181 — Ka ka-raran-ka-tsi, \ „afterwards, after this," lit. „at its back" Ka-raran-ka-tsi, ^ or „at the back of it;" e. g. ka ka-raran- o ka-tsi I tsi der, „aflerwards 1 shall come." Ka ka-raran ake, | „after this/' lit. „at the back (of) this;" e. g. Ka-raran ake, ' ka ka-raran ake o tse tsi so yo, (or: o tse so yo tsi), „aftcr this he did not do it again." Ka-raran, n. hut used as a prep. „afler", lit. „thc back;" e. g. ka-raran ka ka-tsiin, „after the ^\ar." The preposition ka, o „at" is dropped before the noun. Ka-su, pr. poss. def. „our", lit. „ofus;" e.g. ka-bep-ka-su, „our spoon." Ka-su, pr. poss. indef. „our", lit. „of us;" e. g. ka-bep-ka-su, „a spoon of us," = „a spoon of ours," — „our spoon." Ka-tron, n. but used as a prep. ,.bet\veen, amongst, among," lit. „the middle;" e. g. ka-lron ka an-fam, „amongst the people." See the observation at the n. ka-raran above. Ka-Isi, pr.dem.log. „that"; e. g. ak'antr ka-tsi, ,,'hat log of timber" (spoken of) Ka-lsi, pr. poss. neul. „ils", lit. ,,of it;" e. g. ka-ra-ka-t,si, „its branch," lit. „the brancli of it." Kabane, adj. „^vonderful, astonishing, extraordinary;" e.g. Ir'ei tra-kabano, „a -wonderful thing," Kabi, 0-, pi. a-, n. ..blacksmith". Kadi, adv. „before, ahead, forwards, onward;" e. g. o ko kadi, „he went forwards;" — trama kadi, „s1and ahead." K'afa, pi. tr'afa, n. „bonk". This word is used by the Morimen, and by those who speak deep Temne, as they call it; the common word for it is a-'reka, which see. Kafri, o-, pi. a-, n. ., infidel, unbeliever, hea'hen." From the Ar. Isli^ infidclis; Mand. kafir. K'afdi, ( pi. tr'airi, n. ., paper". From the Ar. selo he kasa, „Mr. Sori \NiIl not intercede." Kasa, V. a. „intercede for-, interpose between-, interfere between-, interpose in behalf of-; be" or ., stand between-;" also ,. make peace between-, effect a reconciliation between-." Il is al- ways followed by ratron, ,.between"; e. g. kono kasa-su ra- tron, ,,he intercedes for us;" — a-kunk na kasa-su ratron, ,, there is a fence between us." K'asi, pi tr'a.si, n. „breach of the law which subjects the offender to penalty, guilt, trespass;" also „i)enally itself." Cf. fiimpn kasi, under F. Kasi, V. n. „refuse, be not willing, will not; be saucy, be un- relenting;" 1 kane-ko tra yo ma-pant, ko o kasi, ,.I told him to do work, and he refused." Also used as an aux., when it is construed with the short form of the Infinitive. See bak, V. inch. Kasra, adj. „violent"; e.g. w'lini kasra, „a violent person." From the Ar. ^-wJ, violentia. Kalr, V. a. ,,put" (as a word, or excuse); ,, fasten; make" (as a heap). See the next word. Katr k'ere, ,,make an excuse, make an apology;" e. g. o kalr k'ere, „he made an excuse." — 186 — K'atrak, pi. Ir'atrak, n. ,,foot"; e. g. ak'alrak-k'oii, „his foot." Katrne, v. refl. n. ('ad. kalr), lit. „iuit oneself, fasten oneself;" hence „mix oneself in a matter, interfere, meddle;" e.g. tse katrne ka ko ri, „do not meddle by going there." Katrne, v. refl. a. „put-oneself, inake-oneself" (as an excuse). See next >vord. Katrne k'ere , „excuse oneself, make an excuse for oneself;" e. g. katrne k'ere, „he excused himself." Ke, conj. „and", =^ ka and kg; this form is used before words with or before the vowels e, e and i; e. g. ke me I nan'- ko, etc., „and when I saw him, etc." Ke, adv. „then; when," = ka and kg; this form is used before words with or before the vowels e, e and i, and in the minor proposition. If any time is indicated in the antecedent, or if the adv. me ,,when" precedes; then ke has the sense of ,,then"; otherwise it has the sense of „when"; e. g. g yi gbo ka kg ro-Kamp, ke 1 der, ,,he was just about going to Freetown, when 1 came;" -- me 1 bg na bes ro-kunk-e, ke 1 fir ah-kala ane, „when I was engaged in digging in the jard, then I found this money." Note. When ma, or me, or mg, „wheii" occurs in the ante- cedent; then the ka, or ke, or kg is generally left untrans- lated in English. The form ma corresponds with ka, me with ke, and mg with kg. The forms ka, ke and kg in the sense of „then, when" are only used in tlio minor pro- position; but ka ma, ke me, and kg mg, may be used in the antecedent in the sense of „and when", and in the minor in the sense of „then when", or „then" or „when" simply. Sometimes ka, ke and kg may be given by „before". See kg, adv. below. K'e, pi. Ir'e, = k'eh, pi. tsen, n. „property inherited," hence „inheritance, property;" e. g. ak'e-k'gn, „his inheritance;" — g-kas-ka-mi g tsia-mi k'e ka-bana, „my father left me a large inheritance." Ke-6-ke, = ki-o-kl, or =; ko-ko, adv. „at all, by all means, at all events, however;" with a negation „not at all," or „by no means;" e. g. yg-tsi ke-6-ke, „do it by all means;" — — 187 ~ pa back ke-6-ke, tse pal in'antr, „ however hard it may be, do not forget water." Kel, ra, pi. tra-, n. „lheft, thiever;y;" e. g. ra-kei-r'oii, .,liis theft." Keia, v. n. „steal, practise theft;" e. g. o kela ro-petr, „he stole in the town." Keia, v. a. „sleal;" e. g. o keia e-}'6ka ro-k'or, „he stole cas- sadas in the farm." Keia, ka-, n. verb. „act of stealing, theft;" e. g. ka-keia-k'on, „his theft." K'ek, pi. ts'ek, or Ir'ek, n. „beard"; also fig. „a spider's web;" e.g. ba k'ek ka-boli, „he has a long beard." See the Note after kotsi. Kel, ro-, thus they call an arm of the Sierra Leone river, and that part of the Temne country which is contiguous to it. Kelfa, 0-, pi. a-, n. „captain of iui army, war-officer, hero, war- rior;" e. g. o-kelfa o-bana, „a great hero." Kelfa, ra-, n. ,,office" or „rank of a captain of an army; bra- very, heroism;" e. g. ra-keifu-ron, „his bravery." K'eme, pi. tr'eme, n. „hundred"; e. g. tr'eme tra-ran, „two hundred." K'enke, pi. tr'enke, n. „a sort of cymbal worn on Ihe thumb, and struck by a thimble on the middle fiisger," or „by se- veral fingers, to accompany the drum." It is made of iron or brass, and resembling a large thimble. Kere, conj. „but", e. g. o yema der, kero tr'ei tra benlr-ko, „he wished to come, but something prevented him." Kere, adv. „even, yea." See an ex. in Tradit. p. 28. Kere, v. a. „carry, lead, carry away;" e. g. w'an, kere ey'elr eye, „boy, carry these things away;" also „carry-to-, carry- for-," as: kere-mi ey'etr eye, „carry these things away for me. " K'ere, pi, tr'ere, n. „excuse, apology." Sec the word katr, above, K'eren, pi. tseren, or Ir'eren, n. „grass"; e. g. k'eren ka-lai. ,,much grass." See the Note after kolsi. — 188 — Kt'ta, V. a. „ puzzle, perplex, embarrass;" e. g. alr'ei atse tra kela-ini, „this thing puzzles me." Keta, V. n. „be puzzling, be perplexing;" e. g. alr'ei atse tra kola, „this thing is perplexing." K'etr, pi. tr'elr, or Is'elr, n. „a whip". See the Note after kolsi. Ki, pr. ol)j. „it"; e. g. o >vaT-ki ro-petr, „he bought it in town." Kr, pr. emph. abbr. „it, this" for kia; e. g. ka-lapso-ka-lsi ki' taho ake, „this is not the end of it," lit. ,.the end of it (its end) it not this." Kl-6-kT, adv. — ke-6-ke, or ko-ko. See ke-6-ke. Kia, j.r. emph. „il, this." Sometimes it refers to the noun k'a, „time", when it ma^- be given by „this lime," in which case it is sometimes preceded by tenoii, „lo day." E. g. ka-bep- ka-mi kia ^i tsi, „this is my spoon," Kia-ke, pr. dem. prox. comp. „lhis" or „i! (isj this" or „this it (is)," lit. ,.it this;" e. g. ka-bep-ka-mi kia-ke, „this is my spoon," lit. „my spoon it (is) this.' Kia yi, j „namely, Ihal is, that is to say," lit. „il is;" e. g. Kia yi !io, 3 ak'afa ka K'nru, kia \i iho) am-beibal, „lhe book of God, that is the Bible." Kil, a-, pi. e, or tra; or o-, pi. tra-, n. „ground-pig." K'lma, pi. ts'ima, » n. „smoke"; e. g. k'l'ma ka-bana, „a great K'imo, pi. ts'iriio, ' smoke." Kima, ma-, n. „soor'; e.g. ma-kima nia-lal, „much soot." K'in, adj. num. ,.one"; e.g. ka-bep k'in, „one spoon." Kiha, V. rel. r= koha, which see. Ki'ra, V. a. „agitale, disturb, trouble" (as people, or water); e.g. w'an, tse kira am'anir, „boy, do not disturb the water." Kisi, V. n. „ escape, be saved;" e. g. o kisi ri, „he was saved there." Kisi, ka-, n. verb. „act of being saved" or „of escaping, sal- vation." Kisia, V. cans. „cause to escape, save;" e. g. kono kisia-mi ri, „he saved me there." Ko, V. n. „go". When used as an aux. it may sometimes be given by „come, happen." E. g. sa ko rgk pa-la, „wc go — 189 — to reap (tut) rice;" — na kg ro-Kamp, „lhey go to Free- town." Ko, eonj. „and", = ka and ke; this form is used before words with or before the vowels o, o nnd u; e. g. k;i ma na der etc., „and when they came etc." Ko, adv. „then, when," = ka and ko; this form is used before words with or before the vowels o, o and u in the minor proposition. If an}' time is indicated in the antecedent, or if the adv. mo, „when" j. recedes; then ko h.^s the sense of „then"; otherwise it has the sense of „when"; e. g. o \i ka ko ro-Kamp, ko o-tsik o der, „he was about to go lo Freetown, when the stranger came;" — mo o yi ka ko ro- Kamp, tsik der, „when (as) he was about to go to Free- town, (then) the stranger came;" — 1 pon gbo gbal an-reka, ko der, „1 had just written the letter, when (then) he came," = „1 had ju>.l written the letter before he came." See the Note after ke, adv. Kg, pr. obj. „him, her;" e. g. 1 n;uV-kg, „I saw him." Ko? pr. inter. „what'?" e. g. ko ma ma \g-e? „what art thou doing?,, K"g, abbr. of k'gn, „his, her;" this form is used if it comes to stand between the two constituent parts of a comp. noun; as: ka-mar-k'g-tr'el, for ka-mar-lr'el-k'gh, „his luckiness." Ko-ko, adv. = ki-6-kT, or = ke 6 ke, which see. Ko iie-e? „what is the matter? why?" for: ko na \i e? lit. „what is it?" Ko ne ~ e? „what is the mailer that — ? why — ?" K. g. ko iie ma fanta ano-e? „whY doest thou lie down here?" Ko no ba-e? „what is the matter now?" lit. ,,what is it now?" for: ko ha yi ba-e? Ko tr'el-e? „how is this?" „how comes this?" lit. „what thing?" Ko tr'ei tra — e? „why — ?" „what is the matter that—?" E. g. ko tr'el tra ma der-e? „wliy does! thou come?" Ko'i, for kori, v. a. „salute; visit." This form is used in salu- tations before the obj. pr. of the 2d. pws. plur., as: ko'i-nn, pa-iia! „I salute you. Sirs!" — 190 — K'olo, pi. tr'olo, n. „holIow" fas in a tree); „cavit,v" (as of a bowl); e. g. k'dlo kn-bana, „a large hollow." Kolone, v. refl. (rad. kolo), „comrnend oneself, boast;" e. g. o kolone gbo ka-tsin, „he boasts but in vain." Rom, V. a. „bring forth, bear, produce" (as a woman a child, or a free fruit); e. g. o-kara owo kom-mi, „the mother who bare me." Kom, V. n. „bring forth, bear, be fruitful, bear fruit; bring forth children, be delivered of a child;" e. g. an'antr afie na kom he, „this tree does not bear;" — o-rani-ka-mi o kom he, „m}' wife does not bring forth children" = „is barren." Kom, adj. „bringing forth; born, brought forth;" e. g. an'antr a-kom ma-komi ma-fino, „a tree bringing forth good fruit." Kom, kcj-, n. verb. ,,act of bringing forth, birth, parturition, de- livery; act of being born;" e. g. ka-kom-k'on, „her parturi- tion," or also „his being born;" — an-Io na ka-kom-ka-mi, I tr'a he ni, „as !o the time of my delivery, I do not know it;" — ka-kom-ko, „the act of bringing him forth," = „his birth." Komane, v. rel. and refl. „bear with-" (as a child with a natural spot, or with four fingers on one hnnd), lit. „bring forth with" or „on oneself;" e.g. am-mera-n'oii ana 'a komane-ko na tofal, „he is of a natural mild temper," or „his temper is naturally mild," lit. „his temper with which they bare him is mild." Also simply „bear"; e. g. ya 'a komane-ko gbo, „thus he was born," lit. ,,'hus they just bare him." Komane, adj. „innate, inborn, natural, hereditary;" e. g. am- niera iVon a-komano, „his natural temper;" r'a ra-komane ran, „that is a hereditary thing." Komar, v. rel. „bear, bring forth," lit. „bear-at-," but the suff. is here redundant; e. g. ro 'a komar-ko, „where he was born," lit. „where they brought him forth." Komi, n-, or i-, pi. ma-, n. „fruit"; e. g. ma-komi ma-ffno, „good fruit." Kom'ra, o-, pi. a-, n. „a woman in childbed," for komara. Kom'ra. ra-, pi. tra-, n. „generation, offspring, descendants, ^' — 101 ~ posterily;" also „one's domeslics, those under one's con- trol," or „under the head of a family." 'I'hc phir. is used of a plurality of families, the sing, being already a collective noun; e. g. 'ra-komra-ra-mi, „my posterity." Kon', pr. emph. abbr. for kono, „he, she; him, her;" e. g. kgn' taho yo tsi, „it is not he who did it," or ,.not he did it;" — kon' son, „he alone." K'on, pr. poss. „his, her," for ka ko „of him, of her," with the euph. n added; e. g. ka-bep-k'on, „his spoon." K'on, pr. obj. „him, her." This form is used if it follows a comp. loc. prep., which is followed by the prep, ka, k'on being a contraction of ka kg like the preceding pr. pnss. ; e.g. ka-troii ka Sori de ka-troh-k'on, ,.between Sori and between him." Kon'a? for kono-a? pr. inter. „where is he?" = Ihe Hcbr. 1ij<- e.g. kon'a Sori? „\vhere is Sori?" The subst. verb „be" is always implied. Cf. the sufl. -A? above. Kona, = ki'na, v. rel. (rad. kin, or kon), „]nake-to fall down" or „drop off for-" (as the wind, or a person, fruit from a tree for one); e.g. an-fef na kotia-mi ma-lemre, „lhe wind made limes to fall down for me." Kgne, v. refl. (rad. ko), „go away, go, depart, leave, slarl," lit. „go oneself;" as applied to the water „f]ow"; e.g. g kgne dis ra-fgl, „he left yesterday evening " Konkon, v. a. „shake, shake off" (as dust fron) cloth), ,.shake out, knock out" (as dirt from the inside of a box by knocking on it), „knock on;" e. g. konkon ak'uma, kama e-di e wur, „knock on the box thai Ihe dirt may come out." Kgno, pr. emph. „he, she; him, her;" e. g. kong yg-l.si, „he did it." K'gng, pi. tr'gng, n. „lurkish sabre, scimitar, curvaled cutlass." Kgng-kgngne, pr. refl. „he himself, she lierself; himself, her- self;" e. g. kgng-kgngne g yO-t.si, „he himself did il." Kgngn, pr. abs. „he, she; him, her;" e.g. w'lini las kgngn, „he is a bad person," lit. „a bad (wicked) person he," K'gnle, pi. Ir'gnle, ^ n. „an instrument resembling a bell witii some rings on il to hold it wilii the n. yiiie, pi. 11 ynie, \ K'gnten, pi. tr'gnlen, ^ — 192 — fingers, while it is struck with some fingers of the other hand." It is made of iron or brass, and used by Chiefs, when they wish to pause, or stop a little in speaking or in their address to the court, and to give a sign to their women to applaud him by clapping their hands. K'or, pi. Ir'or, n. „belly, abdomen; bowels;" also sometimes ap- plied to the „womb", though they have the word, ka-fanir ka am-poru for it, which signifies „the bed of the foetus;" hence it is also used of the „menses", or the „menstruation" of women (cf. tril k'or), and of „pregnancy"; fig. „the inside" (of a thing); e.g. ak'or-k'on ka siile, „his bowels are loose," — „he has diarrhoea," = o ha k'or ka-sule; — ak'6r-ka- mi ka ban, „my belly aches," = „I have griping pains;" — ak'or ka am-poti, „the inside of the cup." With ro- it is also used as a preposition and postposition; see rok'or. K'or, pi. tr'or, n. „farin"; e. g. o yi ro-k'or, „he is in the farm." Kori, V. a. ,,go to see, visit; salute;" e. g. o ko kori owontr- k'on, „he went to see his brother;" — kori 'u, Pa! „I sa- lute thee. Sir!" Kos, a-, pi, e-, n-. „cheek"; e. g. e-kos-y'oh, „liis cheeks." Kgt, V. n. „walk, go about;" e. g. k(di-ko o tra kot ri, „look him, he is walking there;" - an-yal ane na kot o-fino, „this boat walks well." K'ota, pi. tr'ota, n. „cloth"; e. g. k'ola ka-fino, „fine cloth." Kota, conj. = hdli, „lhough, although, even if;" e. g. kota w'uni k'in ka an-fi-e o Ira der na ronah etc., „ although one of the dead would come to them etc." Kotar, V. rel. (rad. kot), „tie on, tie" (as a cow); e. g. kotar o-na ka ak'antr, „tie on the cow to the post;" — kotar am- bil ro-kantr, „tie the canoe to the post." Kotsi, = kot'ri, for kofari, v. rel. and revert. „untie, loose, let loose" (as a cow, or a bird from a trap); e. g. kotsi am- bamp, „let the bird loose;" — kotsi afi-soT, „loose the horse." From kot, „tie." Note. The r is frequently changed into s, and vice versa after t, as tse, fortre, adv. „donot,not;" or as a i)r. dem. „this, these." — 193 — Kotsine, v. rel. revert, and refl. for kotarine, „loose oneself, make oneself free, untie oneself" (as a cow, or horse, or a bird from a trap, or a person from some difficulty) ; e. g. afi-soT kotsine, „the horse made himself loose." See the preced- ing Note. Krifi, 0-, pi. a-, n. „krifi, spirit," 1, e. „demon, tutelary spirit, genius, a being of an intermediate order between God and men, a sort of demigod, and in the opinion of the Temnes an object worthy of adoration," It answers to the Gr. Sccifxoviov or dai'ficor. See Pref. §§. 11 — 13 and 6c the last day;" — ana yi a-h]p'so, „they who are last." Lap'so, ^ ka-, n. verb. „state of being last, end; e. g. I yema Lap'sa, > nahk ka-lap'so ka ka-trak, „I want to see the end of the palaver." The def. form is sometimes used to express the adv. ,,the last hime," for which see ka-lap'so under k; as also for: ka ka-lap'so in the sense of „al last." Lap'so ka-, ka-, see ka-lapso ka- under k. Las, V. cat»s. pass. (rad. la), „be filled," hence also „be full" (as bottles, or as the moon) ; e. g. an'of na yema las, „the moon wants to get full," = „is about to be full." — 198 Las, adj. „filled, full;" e. g. ari'of a-las, „the full-moon." Las, V. n. ,,be bad" (morall}' and physically); „be wicked, be evil; be ugly" (as a person); e. g. ow'uni owe o las gba, ,,lhis person is very wicked." Las, adj. „bad; wicked, evil; ugly;" e. g. o-bera o-las, „an ugly woman." Las, 0-, adj. but used adverbially „badly, amiss, wrong;" e. g. 'a rusam-ko o-las, „they brought him up badly;" — o yo- mi o-las; „he treated me badly;" — o yg-tsi o-las, „he did it amiss." Cf. also yo o-las, under Y. Las, a-, or i-, pi. ma-, n. „badness, wickedness, iniquity, bad character, evil; e. g. o ba ma-las, „he is of a bad character," lit. „he has a bad ch." or „badnpss" ; — anai-las-ngn, = ma-las-m'oh, „his wickedness." The sing, is but seldom used. o Lasa, v. inch. (rad. las), „get bad, get spoiled" or „corrupted" (as rice) ; „get ugly" (as one's face by age or sickness) ; as applied to the womb, or to the embryo „abort"; e. g. apa-la pa lasa, „the rice got spoiled;" — ak'or-k'on ka lasa, „she aborted," = „she had an abortion," lit. „her womb got spoiled." See also poru. Lcisane, v. cans. rel. and refl. (rad. la), „fill for oneself" (as a vessel) ; also „be filled with-, be full with-" (as a sail with wind) ; \\\. „fill itself with-;" e, g. am-bela na lasane a-fef, „the sail is full with wind;" — o lasane ak'aro, „he filled the bowl for himself." Lasar, V. caus. and rel. (rad. la), „fill up, fill, make full" (as a vessel, or as wind a sail) ; „fulfil" (as one's word or promise) ; e. g. an-fcf na Idsar am-bela, „the wind fills the sail;" — am'antr ma lasar ak'aro, „the water fills the bowl;" — Q hisar ar'im ara q tran-iia, „he fulfilled the word, which he promised to them." Lasar, caus. rel. and pass. „be filled up, be full" (as a vessel, or sail); „be fulfilled" (as a promise); fig. „be complete" (as a number) ; e. g. ak'aro ka lasar, „the bowl is filled up" = „is full;" — am-bela lia lascir, „the sail is full;" — am'antr ma Ira lasar, „the tide is getting full." — 199 — Lasar, v.caus. (rad.las), „make bad, spoil, corrupt;" also,, transgress, violate" (as a law); lit. „act badly towards;" — o lasar apa-hi, „he spoiled the rice;" also „profane" (as a sacred place). Lasarne, v. caus. and refl. „spoil" or ,, corrupt oneself, make oneself offensive; offend, sin;" e. g. o lasarne ka K'uru, ,,he sinned against God;" — lit. ,,act badl_y towards oneself" =^ „make oneself bad." Lekane, v. recipr. (rad. lek), „lie with each other, have sexual commerce with each other" (as man and wife; but also used of an unlawful sexual commerce); hence „commit impurity with each other;" e. g. 'a ta lekane he, „they had no sexual commerce with each other as yet." Lei, a-, or i-, pi. ma-; or sing, a-, pi. e-, n. „country-bean;" e.g. na di gbo ma-lel, „they ate only country-beans." Lela, V. impers. caus. (rad. lelj, „make tired, lire;" e.g. pa ta lela he mi, „I have not yet got tired," lit. „it did not yet tire me," (the inch, sense is implied in the form of the verb. pr. ; — lela-mi, „I am tired," lit. „it tired me." The object be- comes the subject with such impers. verbs in an Eng. trans- lation. Lemp, adv. „quickly, straightways; fast; abruptly;" e. g. der ba lemp-a, „come here quickly;" — o gbiike lemp, „he ran fast." Lemp -lemp, adv. intens. or emph. „very quickly; very fast;" e.g. an'ei na lolas apa-la lemp-lemp, „the sun ripens the rice very fast." Lemne, v. a. „bid farewell to;" e. g. o lemne-mi tenon, „he bid farewell to me to day." Lemre, a-, or i-, pi. ma-, n. „lime, species of lemon;" e. g. ma-Iemre ma-lal, „many limes." Len, V. n. „sing"; an-fet ane ha len o-fino, „these children sing well." Also „blossom, get blossoms." Len, V. a. „sing"; e. g. ha leh i-leh, „they sung a hymn." Leh, ka-, n. verb. „act of singing, singing;" e. g. ka-leh-k'oh, „his singing." Leh, a-, or i-, pi. ma-, n. „song, hymn, poem;" also „air, tune;" e. g. ah-leh ahe ha rami o-boti-tral, „this song sounds — 200 — sweetly," lit. „this song sounds sweet to hear;" — i-leh i-tofal, „a soft tune." Lena, ka-, pi. tra-, n. „tail"; e. g. wop o-na ka ka-lena, „hold the cow hy the tail;" — ka-lena ka-boli, „a long tail." Lehi, a-, or i-, pi. ma-, n. „flower; Llossom;" e. g. ma-lehi ma- fino, „fine flowers." Ltihken, ka-, pi. tra-, n. „neighbouring yard." AVith ro- it be- comes a prep, or a postp., as also an adv. See rolenken. Lefiki, V. a. „serve" (as God); „wait upon, attend to, attend" (as a servant his master); also „treat well;" e. g. o lenki-mi o-fino, „he serves me well;" — o leriki o-tsik, „he treated the stranger well." Len'sir, i v. freq. or intens. and rel. (rad. len), ,,praise" or „cele- Len'sir, ' brate by singing," ht. „sing about-;" e.g. 'a leiVsir- ko tenon, „they celebrated him by singing to day;" also „mock by a satirical song." Lim, ka-, pi. tra-, n. „neck" (as of a person, or of a bottle); e. g. ka-lim ka am-bitra, „the neck of the bottle." Limba, o-, pi. a-, n. „one of the Limba nation, a Limba." See Pref. § 4. c. Limba, adj. „belonging to the Limba nation" or „country, limba;" e. g. an-tof a-limba, „the Limba country." Lin, v. a. „draw close" (as a person); „draw, pull, haul; draw- up" (as an anchor); e. g. lih ara-beha o-bakar, „draw the rope tight;" — lin an-fatr, „draw up the anchor," Lin, V. n. „draw, pull;" e. g. w'an, lin o-fino! „boy, pull well!" Lo, a-, n. „time"; also „turn"; e. g, me I kane-mu afi-lo fia- tsi, „as I told thee that time;" — ah-lg na-tsi gbeii, „that very time;" — an-lo-'a-mi nia-he, „this is my turn." Lo na-tsi, an-, „at that time, then;" e. g. ah-lo ha-tsi ra-fi ra yi he, „at that time there Avas no death." Lo non, » „the other day, lately, a short time ago;" e. g. 'a Lo nan, ^ yema dif-ko lo hoh, „they wanted to kill him the other day." Lokg, v. n. ,,germinate, grow, sprout, come" or „shoot forth" (as seed sown); e. g. pa-la pa Idko, „rice shoots forth." — 201 — Loko, V. a. „gro\v, bring forth, produce;" e. g. an-tgf ane na loko pa-la pa-fino, „this ground produces good rice." Loiig, a-, or i-, pi. e-, or ma-, n. „time"; also „da}'"; e. g. aii- loko aiie, „lhis time;" — ma-ldko ma-sas, „three times;" — a-loko a-foT-tr'eT, „a convenient time;" — 1 ko he ri, hali a-loko h'ih, „I did not go there even once;" — aii- loko iia-tsi laho tenon, „thal time (is) not to day;" — a- loko a-beki tra kone nia-ne, „this is a fit lime 1o go," lit. „a fit time to go it this." Cf. the pref, i- under the „Addenda" beliind. Loko, 0-, pi. a-, n. „one of the Loko nation, a Loko." See Pref. § 4. c. Loko, adj. „belonging to the Loko country" or „nation"; e.g. aii-tof a-loko, „the Loko country." Loko lorn, \ = ka a-loko lorn, „at a certain time, some time, Loko lom, a- ' once, one day, some day, by and by;" e.g. 1 In der kori-mu loko lom, ,.1 shall come to see thee some dav." Loko lom, a-, „another time, another day, some other day;" e. g. I tsi ko ro-Kamp a-loko lom, „I shall go to Freetown some other dav." Loko 6 loko, „always; from time to time, now and then," lit. „time and time;" e. g. ye I me yo loko 6 loko, „1hus I always do;" — o der romi loko 6 loko, „he comes to me now and then." Lol, V. n. „get ripe" (as fruit), „be ripe;" e.g. ma-lemre ma tra lol, „limes are getting ripe." Also „get red hot, gel fit for the hammer" (as iron). It is the short form of Igli, „be ripe." See the Note after wos, v. n. below. Lol, V. n. „be small, be httle," e. g. o-na owe o lol, ,,this cow is small." Lol, adj. „small, little;" e. g. w'uni lol, „a little person." Lom, V. n. „count, reckon;" e. g, o gbali lom o-fhio, „he can count well." Lom, V. a. „counl, reckon;" also „tell, relate;" e.g. lom ah- kala ahe a-fera, „count this cash;" — mo o lom am-pa, „when he related the matter," — 202 — Lgm, ka-, n. verb, „act of counting" or „of reckoning;" e. g. ka-lom-na, „the act of counting them;" — a-fam a-lai ria yi ri, na tasi ka-lom, „manY persons are there, they are not to count," lit. ,, — — they exceed counting." Lorn, adj. „other, another, some, certain; such and such; next;" e. g. w'uni lorn, „a certain person;" — a-fam a-lom na der romi tenon, „some persons came to me to day." Lome, ka-, pi. Ira-, n. „sheep"; e. g. ka-lome ka-bana, „a large sheep." Lomp, V. impers. „be right, be proper, be fit;" e. g, o lomp he nan-i? ,,'was it not right?" — pa lomp fe tra yo atr'ei atse, „it will not be right 1o do this thing." It is the short form of the impers. v. lompi, which see below. Lompar, v. cans. (rad. lomp), „load" (as a gun); „set" (as a trap); lit. prob. „make fit at;" e. g. tse so lompar am-pinkar, „do not load the gun again." Lompi, V. impers. „be right, be proper;" e. g. o-16mpi, ,,il is right." Lompi, atlj. „proper, right; righteous; fit, exact;" e. g. ma-pant ma-16mpi, „exacl work;" — w'uni lompi, „a righteous person." Lompi, ma-, n. „righteousness, justice, propriety; fitness, exact- ness;" ma-16mpi-m'ou, „his righteousness;" — o ba ma- lompi, „he is righteous;" — ma-16mpi-ma-tsi, „the propriety of it." Lon, V. a. „pour out, shed, spill" (as liquids); „ upset" (as a vessel with liquid, or as a storm a canoe) ; e. g. Ion am'antr, „pour out the water." Lofia, » V. inch. „get spilled; run over, overflow" (as water); Lono, ^ „capsize, upset, sink, perish" (as a canoe, or people at sea); e. g. am'antr ma lona, „the water ran over;" — am- bil na loiia ro-ban, „the canoe upset at sea;" — an-farn na lono ro-m'antr, „the people perished in the water." Lop, ka-, pi. e-, n. „fish"; e. g. kali, ktj-lop ka-bana! „look, a large fish!" Lopra, adj. „belonging to dressing" or „clothing"; also „dres- sed;" e. g. y'etr e-16pra, „clothes" or „wearing apparel." — 203 — Losir, V. a. „clothe, dress, give clothes to;" e. g. o 16sir-mi, „he clothed me." Also „wrap in" (as a corpse in cloth). M. M', pref. indef. and insep. „a, an;" e. g. m'antr, „w'ater; tide," ; for ma-antr. Ma-, pref, indef. ,,a, an;" e, g. ma-bone ma-bana, „a great joy." Ma, adv. „how, as," = me and mo; this form is used before words with, or before the vowel a; e g. ar'iin ra K'uru ra trori-su, ma sa ba tra ramne K'Qru, ,,the word of God tells us, how we are to worship God." Ma, adv. „when, after; while, as," = me and mo; this form is used before words with, or before the vowel a; e. g. ka nia na nan--ko, na tsela-ko, ,,and when they saw him, they called him;" — ma na dira, „while they slept;" — ma iia ma gbal-e, ,, while they were writing." Ma, prep. poss. „of"; e. g. ma-tol ma K'Qru, „the goodness of God." Ma, conj. „as, because," = me and mo; this form is used be- fore words with, or before the vowel a; e. g. ma an-fam afie na keia e-trdko, tsfa som o-bal o soinpa-na, „because these people stole fowls, therefore the king punish(^d them." Ma — ? adv. ,,why?" = me and mo; this form is used before words with, or before the vowel a, and this sense the forms ma, me and mo have, if they are followed by the in'er. suff -a? at the end of the proposition. The verb, pronouns of the 2d. pers. sing, and pi. are sometimes contracted with this adv., the vowel of the pr. being cut off; and in the 3d. pers. plur. they may use 'a after ma? instead of na. The form ma? is used with the 2d. pers. sing, and with all three per- sons in the pi.; the 2d. pers. sing takes the form man, be- fore g and k, which is for: ma an, or also mam, before b, m and p, which is for: ma ma, or for ma am; and in the 2d. pers. pi. they may use the form man, for ma na. E. g. ma ma trank-a? „why art thou silent?" — man yo yan-a? or: ma ma yo yaii-a? „why doest thou do so?" — mam — 204 — bes ang-a? „wh}' doest thou dig here?" — ma main bes ano-a? „wh_y arl thou digging here?" — man bes ano-a? „why do ye dig here?" — ma na ma bes ano-a? „whv are ye digging here?" — ma 'a bes ano-a? „Avhy do they dig here?" for ma na bes ano-a? Ma, part. = me and ma, used for various purposes: 1) for to express the Participle, and the Present, and some- times also the Future lenses, in the 2d. pers. sing., and in all three pers. of the pi.; if the form mina „I" is used for the l***- pers. sing., they may also employ it for this person; otherwise they use the form me, which see be- low. E. g. be ma pon an-gbalah, ko ma ma som-e? „if thou hast done with the rock, what wilt thou eat?" — ma na ma gbal-e, „ while they were writing;" — re man ko-e? „where art thou going to?" — See more examples in the Traditions. The 2d. pers. sing, may also take the forms man, and mam. What has been stated about these two contracted or euph. forms under the preceding word ma? applies also here. Cf. also the part, tra under T, as used to form the Future. 2) for the Obligative Mood in the sense of „must, were, had." Sometimes ma alone stands for na ma- or for 'a ma-, „they must, they were, they had," in this Mood. For the 2d. pers. sing, they may also here use the contr. or euph. forms man and mam, about which see under ma? above, and sometimes ma alone. E. g. ma ma pa he ho I kone, =t mam pa he ho I kone, „thou must not say that I am gone;" — ha ma pa he ho o kone, „they must not say that he is gone away." The form ma is used with this Mood for the 2d. pers. sing., and for all three pers. in the pi., as also for the 1st. pers. sing., if the pr. mina is used. It may be observed here with regard to the contr. forms, that the part, and the verb. pr. are some- times transposed without affecting the sense. 3) for the Hortative Mood in the sense of „let", and ,Jet us". a) If ma is used in the sense of „let", the verb. pr. follows, — 206 — as: ma ma pa he ho I kone, „let Ihee not say that I am gone." But also here, instead of ma ma, they may use the contr. or euph, forms man or mam, according as euphony may require it. (Cf. about these forms the adv. ma? above.) b) If ma is used in the sense of „U't us," it is not followed by the verb, pr.; except if more than two persons are spoken of, in which case the pr. nan „ye" follows the verb. When ma has this sense, it takes the euph. forms mam, man and man; viz. mam before b, m and p; man before d, n and t ; and man before g and k. E. g. man dl nan, „let us eat," lit. „let us eat ye;" — ma fanta, „lel us lie down;" — man kyne, „let us go." When used in the sense of „let" ma is used for the 2d. pers. sing., and for all three persons in the plural. Note. When the particles ma, mam, man and man are fol- lowed by a verb wiib a pers. object, they may be given by „come now!" as: mam paia-mi! „come now accompany me!" = „come now with me!" More particulars about the particles ma, me and mo will be found in the Grammar. Ma, pr. subj. „thou"; e. g. ma gbali he yo-tsi, „thou canst nol do it." Ma-mi, pr. poss. „my", lit. „ofme;" e.g. ma-lemre-ma-mi, „my lemons." Ma mu, pr. poss. „thy", Ht, „ofthee;" e.g. am"aro-ma-mu, „thy palmoil." Ma-han, pr. poss. „their" , lit. „of them;" e.g. ma-lemre-ma- nan, „their lemons." Ma-nu, pr. poss. „your", lit. „ofyou;" e.g. ma-yi-ma-nu, „your state." Ma-lsi, pr. poss. neut. „ils, their ;-^ e. g. ma-komi-ma-Isi, „ils fruit." Ma-tsi, pr. dem. log. „lhat, those;" c. g. ma-yos ma-tsi, „those deeds." Malane, v. refl. n. „agree, consent to, agree to, assent;" e. g. malane he, „he did not agree to." — 206 — Malane, v. refl. a. „accept, receive, agree to" (as to an opinion, etc.); „approve of, consent to; embrace, welcome, receive with pleasure" (as a stranger); e.g. sa malane-tsi, „we agree to it;" — malane o-tsik, „he received the stranger with pleasure." Maleika, o-, pi. a-, n. „angel"; Mand. maleika. From the Ar. i^Lo, angelus. Mam—? „why doest thou — ?" for: ma ma, or for: ma am. See the adv. ma? above. Mam, for: ma ma, or for: ma ma; see the part, ma, 1. 2. and 3. a above. Mam, euph. form of ma, for which see the part, ma, 3. b. above. M'amo, n. „thanks". It is often used as an int. in the sense of ,.thank you!" or „have thanks!" lit. „thanks!" E, g. m'amo, pa! „thank thee, Sir!" In order to express emphasis it is repeated, as m'amo! m'amo! „thank you! thank you!" It is also used as a sign of approbation by a master to his people, when working well; and as a sign of congratulation to parents at the birth of a child; in both these cases it is generally repeated, as: m'amo nan 6! m'amo nan o! „thank you! thank you!" or „that's right! that's right!" or like the Ger. „bravo! bravo!" — m'amo nan 6, nyan a-baf! „that is right, ye farmers!" Cf. also: mutsi w'uni m'amo below. Man, euph. form of ma, for which see the part, ma, 3. b. above. Man — ? „why doest thou — ?" for: ma an. See the adv. ma? Man, for: ma an, or for: ma ma, or ma ma; see the part, ma, t. 2. and 3. a. Man, euph. form of ma, for which see the part ma, 3. b. Man, V. a. „admonish, exhort, advise; bid; warn, chastise;" e.g. man-ko Ira yo-tsi, „he exhorted him to do it;" — o-kas- k'ofi tra man-ko, „his father will chastise him." Before m the n is also changed into m for the sake of euphony. Man, ka-, or a-, pi. e-, n. „ exhortation, admonition; counsel, advice; warning, chastisement;" e. g. a-man a-ninis, „an aw ful warning;" — ka-man ka-fino, „a good counsel." — 207 — M^ne, 0-, pi. a-, n. „friend"; e. g. o-mane-ka-mi, „my friend." Mane, ma-, n. „ friendship, agreement, concord;" e. g. ma-mano ma-naii, „their friendship." Mank, ka-, pi. tra-, n. „maize, Indian corn." Mank, v.a. „hide, conceal; disguise;" also „bury" ; e.g. o mank an-tis, „he hid the knife;" — o mank e-nane-y'on, „he disguised his thoughts;" — 'a bene-ko ro-fof, „lhey buried him in the ground." Also „keep-from-, hide -before-" or „from-", as tse mi tsi mank, „do not hide it from me." Mank, adj. „hiding, concealing;" pass. „hidden, concealed;" e.g. r'a ra-mank, „a hidden thing." Maiikne, v. refl. a. „hide oneself for-, waylay, lie in ambush for-;" also „hide oneself from-" or „before — ; hide-with" or „on oneself;" e. g. 'a mankne-mi ro-r'on, „they lay in ambush for me in the road;" — o mankne-na, „he hid him- self from them;" — o maiikne a-balma, „he concealed a dagger on his person (body)." Mankne, v. refl. n, „hide" or „conceal oneself;" e.g. na mahkno ro-set, „lhey hid themselves in the house." Mankne, adj. „hidden, concealed, secret;" e.g. tr'e! tra mankne, „a hidden thing" or „matter". ' ) adj. num. „four"; e, g. ma-lemre m'iinle, „four limes." M'cinle, ' M'antr, n. „\vat,er"; also „soup" or „beef-tea; tide;" e. g. m'antr ma-bdti, „good water," lit. „sweet water," i. e. not salt, but fit to drink; — m'antr ma-baki, „a strong tide." M'anlrar, pi. of n'antrar, which see. i Mar, V. a. „help, assist;" e. g. o mar-mi, „he assisted me." Mar, V. impers. a. „be right" or „proper for, befit, behove, be- come;" e. g. pa mar-ko tra yo-tsi, „it behoves him" or „it will become him to do it." Mar, V. aux. indicating duty and propriety, and expressing the Engl. „ought". It is conslr. with the long and with the short form of the Infinitive. E. g. ma mar tra yo-tsi, „thou oughtcst to do it;" — o mar tsi yo, „he ought to do it." — 208 — Mar-tr'el, k§-, n. „luckiness, happiness;" e. g. ka-mar-tr'el-k'on or ka-mar-k'o-tr'el, „his luckiness." Mara, v. n. „burn, flame" (as fire). See n'anfr, „fire". Marat-marat, adv. onom. „ making maral-marat." This word can- not be given otherwise; it is always used with trgm, „ rumi- nate", indicating the sound which ruminating or chewing the cud causes. See Fables p. 62. Mari, ma-, n. „right, propriety, justice;" e. g. kono ba ma-mari, „he is in the right;" it is the contrary of ma-teri, „wrong". Mari-tr'ef, v. n. „be lucky, be fortunate, have good luck, be happy;" e. g. kon' mari-tr'el, „he is lucky." Mari-tr'ei, adj. „lucky, fortunate, happy;" e. g. w'uni mari-tr'el, „a lucky person." M'aro, n. „fat; palmoil;" e.g. m'aro ma-las, „bad palmoil." Matas, V. a. freq. (rad. mat), „immerse repeatedly, dip repeatedly, baptize;" e.g. 'a matas-ko ro-m'antr, „they dipped him into the water repeatedly." Me, adv. „how, as," = ma and mo; this form is used before words with, or before the vowels e and i; e. g. o trori-mi, me I ba tra yo-tsi, „he showed me how I am to do it;" — mcj me la yo, „as I use to do." Me, adv. „when, after; while, as," = ma and mo; this form is used before words with, or before the vowels e and i; e. g. me me gbal-e, „while I was writing;" — ke me I nan'-ko, I tsela-ko, ,,and when I saw him, I called him." Me, pr. dcm. prox. for ame, used for the comp. dem. pr. mia- mo, which see. Me, conj. „because, as," = ma and mo; this form is used be- fore words with, or before the vowels e and i; e. g. mine, me I tse yg ma-pant, I soto he a-ram, „I, because 1 did no work, (I) got no pay." Me — ? adv. „why?" = ma and mo; this form is used before words with, or before the vowels e and i, and this sense me has, if it is followed by the inter, suff. -a? at the end of the proposition, with which it is used. This form is only used for the 1st. pers. sing., and the verb. pr. I is generally dropped — 209 — after me, if another me as the sign of the participle follows. E. g. me I bes ano-a? „\vhy do 1 dig here?-' — me me bes ano-a? „\\hy am I digging here?" for: me 1 me bes etc.? Me, part. = ma and mo, used for various purposes: \) for to express the Participle, and the Present, and some- times also the Future lenses. This form is onlv used in the 1st. pers. sing.; the verb. pr. 1 is then generally drop- ped, so that me stands for: 1 me; e. g. kong me tila-'n, „him I am selling;" — mina me der-an, „I am coming'." — ye me la yo, „lhus 1 am always doing," for: ye I me la yo. Cf. also the part, t.si under T, as used to form the Future. 2) for the Obligative Mood in the sense of „must, was, had;" but me alone often stands for: 1 me, „l nnist, I am, I was, I had," as is also the case when used for the participle etc., as staled under 1. above. The form me expresses the Oblig. Mood in the Isl. pers. sing. only. E. g. me pa he ho kone, = I me pa he ho o kone, „1 must not say that he is gone." 3) for the Hortative Mood in the sense of „]cl", and „let me". Also with this Mood me is only used for the Isl. pers. sing. a) If me is used in the sense of „let-', the verb. pr. 1 may follow; but it is also often, or generally, dropped, so that me stands for: me I, „lel me."- lit. „let i;" e. g. me I pa he ho o kone, or: me pa he ho o kone, .,lel me not say that he is gone,' b) If me is used in Ihe sense of „let me," the verb. pr. 1 is of course dropped, as: me pa he ho o kone, „let me not say that he is gone,'' and thus may coincide with the form under a, above. Memar, v. rel. (rad. memj, „1ry, altcmpi, endeavour; prove, put to the lest," lit. „make an allempl at-;" e. g. o memar ka- gbal, „he tried to write," lit. „he attempted writing." Mer, V. a. „swallow;" e. g. t.se trom-ni, mer-ni gbo, „do not chew it, swallow it only," Temne - WOrterbucli. .> .' ' .' 14 . . >•: — 210 — Mer, ra-, pi. tra-, sometimes na-, n. „tongue"; e. g. ra-mer-r'oh, ,,his tongue." M'er, n. „salt", e. g. m'er ma-lai, „much salt." Mera, a-, pi. e-, n. ,,mind, heart (as the seat of understanding, not the organ), understanding, sense; conscience; temper; it is properly the intellectual part of man;" e. g. o ba he a-mera, „he has no sense;" — am-mera-n'on na kira-ko, ,,his mind (conscience) troubles him;" — am-mera ana 'a komane-ko, ,,his natural temper," lit. „the mind they bear him with." Mero, adj. ,,Ieft" (in opposition to ,, right"); e. g. ka-tra ka-mero, „the right hand." Mero, ka-, n. ,,the right hand" (where ka-tra, „hand" is to be understood). Mesa, a-, pi. e-, n. „table". From the Span, mesa; e. g. a-mgsa a-lgl, ,,a small table." M'etr, pi. of iVetr, n. ,,a fixed time, time, period; festival." The sing, is hardly iver used. E. g. m'etr ma-boli, „a long pe- riod;" — na \o m'etr ma-bana, „they hold a great festival." Ml, pr. obj. ,,me'; e. g. o sap-mi, „he flogged me." Mia, pr. emph. „it, this; they, them, these;" e. g. am'aro-ma-mi mia y\ tsi, „lhis is my palm-oil." Mia-me, pr. dem. comp. ,,lhis, these," lit. „it (is) this, they (are) these." See an ex. under ri'es, ,,name" below. Mian, pr. abs. ,,it, this; they, them, these;" e. g. am'es-ma-naii mian, „these are their names," lit. „their names (are) these." (Cf. - n under N.) M'im, n. „liver"; e. g. mini ma-bana, „a large liver." Min', pr. emph. abbr. „1; me;" e. g. min' taho yo-tsi, ,,it is not 1 who did it." Mina, » pr. emph. „l; me;" e. g. mina yo atr'ei atse, „I did Mine, J this thing." Minan, pr. abs. ,,1; me;" e. g. minan-i? ,,is it 1?" Min I a, v. n. ,,be bold, venture, dare;" e. g. o mi'nta tra fof, „he ventures to speak." Mi'nta, V. a „dare, venture, face, dare to face, dare to go near — 211 — lo-, dare to vie with-, dare to compete with-, be a match for-;" e. g. o minta he ko, „he does not dare to face him" or also ,,he is no match for him." Misidi, j a-, pi. e-, n, „mosqi]e, church;" Mand. misero. From Misidi, the Ar, (X^suj^jo, oralorium, lemplum Muhammedis as- Misiri, ) seclarum. Misra, n, „Egypl". From the Ar. w.*ax), Egvptns. Mo, adv. „how, as," = ma and me; this form is used before words with, or before the vowels o and u; e. g. ma trara mo yo-tsi-i? „doesl thou know how he did it?" — mo mo la yo, „as he uses to do." Mo, adv. „when, after; while, as," =: ma and mo; this form is used before words with, or before the vowels o and u; e. g. mo lapso mu naiik, „when he last saw thee;" — mo o poll kone, iia jira Iraka di, „after he had left, they sat down to eat;" — mo mo dira-e, „wliile he was sleeping." Mo, conj. „because, as," = ma and m»j; this form is used be- fore words with, or before the vowels o and u; e. g. kono, mo tse yo ma-pant, o solo he a-ram, „lie, because he did no work, got no pay." Mo — ? adv. „why?" := ma and mo; this form is used before words with, or before the vowels o and u; and this sense mo has. if it is followed by the inter, sulf. -a? at the end of the proposition, with which it is used. This form is only used for^lhe 3d. pers, sing., and the verb. pr. o is generally drop- ped after mo, if another mo, as the sign of (he participle follows. E. g. mo g bes ang-a? „why doC' he dig here?" — mo mg bes ang-a? „why is he digging here?" for; mg mg bes ang-a? Mg, prep. „according to;" e. g. o yg mg ai'iin ra g-kas-k'gii, „he did according to the command of his faiher.'- This form does not change its vowel for tiie sake of euphony. Mg, part. = ma and me, used for various purposes: 1) for lo express the Participle, and the Present, and some- times also the Future tenses. This form is only used in 14* — 212 — the 3d. peis. sing.; the verb. pr. is then generally' dropped, so that mo stands for: o mo; e. g, yo mo la yo, „thus he is always doing," for: yo o mo la yo; — mo mo gbal-e, „while he was writing;" — kgno mo der-an, „he is coming." Cf. also the part. Ira under T, as used to form the Future. 2) for the Obligative Mood in the sense of „must, was, had;" but mo alone often stands for o mo, „he must, he is, he was, he had;" as is also the case when it is used for the participle etc., as stated under 1. above. The form mo is only used for the 3d. pers. sing. — E. g. mo pa he ho I kgne, = o mo pa he ho 1 kone, „he must not say that I am gone." 3) for the Hortative Mood in the sense of „let, let him," lit. „let he." Also with this Mood mo is only used for the 3d. pers. sing. — a) if mo is used in the sense of „let", the verb. pr. o may follow; but it is also often, or generally, dropped, so that mo stands for: mo o, „let him;" e. g. mg o pa he hg 1 kgne, = mg pa he hg I kgne, „lel him not say that I am gone." b) If mg is used in the sense of „lel him," the verb. pr. is of course dropped, as: mg pa he hg I kgne, „let him not say that I am gone;" and thus the form may be the same with the one under a, above. Mo am'glg ma-, „according to," lit. „according to the value of— ", = mg; e. g. I yg mg am'glg ma ad'im-ra-mu, „I did aiicord- ing to thy word." Mo hg, „as, like;" also „as if;" e. g. w'uni 6 w'iini mo yg he ma-pant mg hg K'liru, „no man works like God;" — yo mg hg ma 'a mam-mu; kere tie yg o-las, „do as they bid thee; but do not do wrong." Mg hg ma, . „according as, as;" e. g. mg hg mo mg yema tra Mg hg me. [ poii yg, „as he will wish to have done." The Mo hg mg, ' use of the different forms depends on euphony; the first being used for the 2d. pers. sing., and for all three — 213 pers. in the pi., the second for the 1st. pers. sing., and the third for the 3d. pers. sing. Mddu, n. This word is derived from the Susu. The proper sense of the term is „son (of), possessor (of)," like the Hebr '7^'2; for it is also used with common names, not only I with proper ones, as Trima Mydu, „a prater, a loqnacious person," lit. ,<^ son of piating." Telma is here, no donb!, the abstr. noun ka-telm;i, „prating, loquaciousness," the prefix being dropped. In the Susu (and sometimes in the Temne also), this word is frequently joined with the name of the mother to form patronymics of males, or the names of sons. Thus Namina Modu, as used in Temne, was Ihe proper name of the Alikali of the Port-Loko territory in Ihe author's lime. Namina was the name of one of his father's wives. As polygamy is common among the Temnes, it is rather a con- venient mode of distinguishing the names of the various children of the different wives, who had one common hus- band. Namina Modu is therefore lit. „the son of Namina." The word Modu is, however, not so frecjucntly used among the Temnes as among the Susus; because the Temnes may express the same thing also in their own way. See Pro- verb 5, p. 99. (Cf. also Tem. Grammar §. 37, 1. Note 2.) M'olo, n. „ amount, value, price;" e. g. am'olo ma ak'ota, „the price of Ihe cloth;" — ak'ota ka ba m'olg ma-baki, „the cloth is valuable," lit. „the cloth has a high price." M'on, pr. poss. „his, her," lit. „of him;" e. g. ma-bone-m'on, „his joy." M'one, n. „poverty; trouble, misery, distress;" e.g. o ba m'one, „he is in trouble," lit. „he has trouble;" = m'one ma wop- ko, lit. „trouble holds him." Mone, adj. „poor, miserable;" e. g. w'nni mone, „a miserable person." Mori, 0-, pi. a-, n. „a Mohammedan, a mori-man;" derived from mori, „teach, show" (as a road, and in the Mohammedan sense of the word „show the right way," as they pretend to do; for they often set themselves up as teachers). Vei — 214 — more; Mand. morolu „religious people," The Hebr, rn)^ „teacher" presents ilself. Mori, adj. „belonging to a mori-man" or „to a Mohammedan;" e. g. w'uni mori, „a Mohammedan" or „mori-man." Mori, ra-,n. „the Mohammedan rehgion, Islamism, Mohammedan- ism;" e. g. won' da-mori, „he embraced Islamism," =: o ■wofi ka ra-mori, lit. „he entered Islamism." Morka, a-, pi. e-, n. „whife ant, termite;" Lat. termes fatale; e. g. e-morka e-lal, „many termites." Mot, i V. aux. „be first; be before, anticipate." As an aux. it Mo'a. ' serves to express the adverbs „first, before;" e. g. kono mot bek, „he arrived first;" — mot nan ko ro;yan, „go ve first yonder;" — der romi I niota di, „come to me before I eat;" -- o mota mi won, „he entered before me." In the two last senses it is used transitively. Mgta, adj. „first" ; e. g. ah-rei a-mota,* „the first day." Mote, ka-, pi. tra-, n. „bag, basket (to hang on one's shoulder, made of a kind of cane), e. g. ka-mote ka-bana, ,,a large bag." Motra, V. n. „sink, go do\\n !o the bottom, sink down, go down" (as a stone in the water, or the sun below the horizon); also „dive" (as a duck); „be drowned;" e. g. an-fatr na moira ro-m'antr, „the iron sank in the water;" — ar'etr ra motra, „the sun weul down." Cf. the Lat. mergi, and the Gr. (fi'iw. Mu, pr. obj. „thee"; e. g. o tra dif-mu, „he will kill thee." Mun', pr. emph. abbr. „thou; thee;" e. g. mun' tahg, „it is not thou." Mun. v. a. „drink; lap" (as a dog); e. g. o mun m'antr, „he drank water." Mnn, v. n. „drink"; e. g. o mun he, „he did not drink;" — mun ri, „he drank of it," lit. ,.he drank there." Mrino, pr. emph. „lhou; thee;" e.g. mrino mti lasar an-lis, „thou didst spoil the knife," = „it was thou who spoiled etc." Mitnoh, pr. abs. „thou, (it is) thou; thee;" e.g. w'dni las munon! „lhou art a bad person!" lit. „a bad person thou!" — 215 — Mun's. V. caus. (rad. mun), „give-to drink, make-to drink," Gcr. „tranken", = the Gr. noriXoy; e. g. I mun's-ko, „l gave him to drink." Also „cooI-in water-' (as redhot iron). Mut, ka-, pi. tra-, n. ,.back; outside;" e. g. ka ka-mut-k'oii, „on his back;" — ka-mul ka am-poti, „the outside of the cup;" — kala ka-mut, „he returned the back," = „he returned." With the prep, ro-it becomes also a prep, or postp., for which see romiil. Mulsi, V. a. „call, call to, bid, express" (as thanks to one, sec the two next words); „invite"; e. g. 1 nui!,si-ko, „1 called him." Miitsi m'amo, „give thanks, be thankful," lit. „call thanks." Mutsi w'uni m'amo, „give thanks to one, be thankful to one;" also „congratulate one;" as: 1 mutsi-niu m'amo, „l thank thee;" — o mutsi-ko m'amo traka o-komra, „he congratulated him on the birth of a child," lit. „ on account of the woman in child-bed." Mutsi w'uni seke, „sympa!hize with one, express one's sympathy to one;" e. g. i mulsi-ko seke, „I sympathized with him." Lit. „I called pity to him." Miitsi w'lini sen'-6, „bid one welcome, welcome one;" e. g. o mutsi-mi sen'-6, „he bid me welcome." Lit. „he called wel- come to me." N. N', pref. indef, and insep. „a, an;" e. g. n'antr, „a fire," for: na-anlr. 'N-, abbr. of an-. See an ex. under sva. -'N, suff abbr. form of -an. See the sufT. -an under \. N'-, pref. indef. and insep. „a, an;" e. g. iVantr, „a tree." for: na-anlr. c -N, a euph. letter added to some Adverbs and Pronouns termi- nating in a vowel, as ton, „now, for: In; yah, „thus", for: ya; konoh, „he", for: kono; etc. This letter corresponds with the Gr. v itfalxvaTixov, These forms are always used at the end of a proposition, though not exclusively; but the — 21G — short forms are never used at the end. See more about this in the Grammar. Na-, pref. indef. „a, an," but generally used for the pi. ; e.g. n'antr na-bana, „a large fire;" — na-bena na-bdli, „long ropes." Na, pr. subj. „it, they;" e. g. an'anlr na di'mse, „the fire is gone out." Na, g-, pi. trn-, n. „ox"; also „cow"; e. g. o-na o-bana, „a large cow." Na, part. = nan, which see. Na-, pref. indef. „a, an" (sing, and pi.); e. g. a-fam iia-ran, „two persons;" — na-set, =: a-set, „a house." Na, pr. subj. „il; they;" e.g. a-bil na yi he ri, „there is no canoe there," lit. „a canoe it is not there;" — an-fam iia kone, „the people have lefl." Na, pr. obj. „it; them" (also used for nouns in ma-); e, g. o bal-na, „he drove them away;" — am'antr loii-ha, „as for the water pour it out." Na, prep. poss. „of"; e. g. afi-set na Sori, „Sori's house," lit. „the house of Sori." Na, 0-, pi. a-, n. „companion, man, one of a company;" e. g. o-ha-mu, „thy companion," lit. ,.one of thee (thine)," = 0-nan, which see below. Na, pr. emph. ,,they; them;" but often used for the sing. „he" when joined with other emph. pronouns, or with proper names, implying the copula „and"; e.g. na Pa Kamu-e, „he and the Iguana." Nfj, pr. subj. „ye, you;" e. g. na difa-mi o-na, „ye did kill me the cow," = „ye killed me the cow." Na-tsi, pr. dem. log. „that, those;" e. g. ah-fam na-tsi, „those persons" (spoken of before). Na-t.si, pr. poss. neut. „its, their," lit. „of it; e. g. an-fon-na-tsi, „its hair," lit. „the hair (hairs) of it." Nabi, 0-, pi. a-, n. „prophet". From the Ar. "xj, propheta. Nafas, V caus. (rad. nafa), „make to thrive, make to be well off; e.xecute" or „carry out luckily; make prosperous, help for- — 217 — ward; be of use to-;" e. g. o nafas ka-tsim, „he carried on the war luckily;" — o nafas atr'ei atse, „he carried this thing out luckilv;" — ar'a are ra nafas-mi, „1his thing helps me forward" or „is of advantage to me." Naibi, V, a. „reveal, make known" (as a secret); „prove, make clear" (as one's guilt); e. g. naibi ka-keia-k'on, „prove his theft." Nak, a-, pi. e-, n. „rice boiled" or „cooked"; e. g. e-nak e-boti- di, „delicious rice." Nak-nak, ka-, n. verb. „act of gnashing" or „of striking together" (as the teeth); „act of making a chattering noise with- (the teeth). See the next word." Nak-nak e-sek, ka-, n. „act of gnashing the teeth;" e. g. ka- iiak-nak-k'on e-sek, „his guashing of teeth." Nakat, adj. „fried" (as moat in a pot); e. g. o-sem o-nakat, „fried beef," = u-sem u-nakal. Nal, V. a. „abuse, use abusive language against; challenge;" e.g. nal-mi, „he abused me." Nam, V. a. „see"; it is a euph. form of nank, used before b, f, m and p; e. g. mo o nain-mi etc., „when he saw me etc." Nam'ra, v. rel. and inch. „gcl satisfied" or „saliated with food;" e. g. o-na o nam'ra lie, „the cow does not get satisfied." Probably from an obs nam. Nan', V. a. euph. form of nank, used before g and k; e. g. „I nan'-kg ro-petr, „! saw him in town." Nan, part, and adv. = na, used to express the Cotijunctive, and a recently past time, or the Imperfect tense, in which latter case it may be given by the adverbs „to day, before" or „already", or by the aux. verb „did"; e. g. be sya yi naii-e, na bap-mi ka ro-k'or ka o-na, „if it had been I, ye would have met me in the inside of the cow;" — I poh gbal nan, = I pon' na gbal, „1 have written to day;" — 1 kane-mu nail ho: tse ko, „I told thee before: do not go." — I yg-tsi nan, „I did it already;" — kiiU an-soi, gwg I wai nan, „see the horse, which I bouglit to day;" — iia-der na ro-i? „did they come yonder?" The form naii is used more absolutely — 218 — than na; but the latter is often connected with, or prefixed to nouns indicating lime, to make that time more definite, when it may be given by „last" or by „this", according to the nature of the noun, with which it is used; e. g. o der na ra-yan, „he came to day at noon;" — na tratrak, „last night;" — na-bat, „lhis morning." This particle or adv. is always used of a recently past time, or of events having taken place the same day they are spoken of. Cf. also the longer forms nana and nanan below. Nan, pr. subj. „ye", a euph. and stronger form of na, generally used behind the verb with the Imperative; e. g. dif-ko nan, „kill ye him;" — der nan and, „come ye here." Nan, V. a „bite"; e. g. an-tran o nan-mi, „the dog bit me." Nan, = anan, pr. dem rem. „tha!. those;" used if it is the sub- ject of a proposition without the noun; e. g. a-gbata nan, „that is a mat," lit. „a mat that;" but: an-gb^ta anan, „that mat." Nan, pr. obj. „them", generally used for to express the poss. pr. of the 3d. pers, pi. in connection with the poss. prep., as: am'aro-ma-nan, „their palm-oil," lit. „the palm-oil of them," Nan, pr. abs. „they; them;" e. g. iiaii na yo-tsi, „they did it," = „it is they who did it." Nan, 0, pi. a-, n. = o-na, „one of one's family" or „kindred" or ^household, companion, one of one's company;" e. g. o- nah konon, „this (he) is one of their company," lit. „one of their company he;" — owo ka a-naii, „he who is of their company;" — kali o-nan, „iook one of their company." The form o-nan is used more absolutely than o-na, which latter form is used with poss. pronouns. Nana, i adv. „to day." They are stronger forms than na and Nanah, ' nan, and as to the form nanan it may be used quite absolutely; v\hile nana may be used with nouns indicating time like na, to make this time more definite, as. nana bat, „this morning;" — o-der nana ra-yan, „he came to day at noon;" ■ — o der nanan, „he came to day;" — a-lo reke ma der-e? Nanah, or: I der nanah; „what time didsl thou — 219 — come?" „To day," or „I came to day;" nana ra-foT, „lasl evening;" — na fer a-bitin nana gbes, „thpy beat drum all last night." Also these forms like na and nan are always used of a recently past time. Cf. na and nan above. Nane, v. n. „think, suppose;" e. g. tro ma nane-e? „ho\v" or „what doest thou think?" — 1 nane ho Sori konon, „I think it is Sori," lit, „I think that Sori he." iS^ne, V. a. „think of, remember, consider, account;" e.g. I nano- tsi, „I remember it;" — I nane-ko ho w'uni fino, „I account him as a good person; — tra sa nane-tsi loko 6 loko, „let us always remember it." Nane, a-, or i-, pi. e-, or ma-, n. „lhought; meaning, sense;" e.g. K'liru Inira e-nane-'e-su, „God knows our thoughts." Cf. the pref. i- under 1 above. Nank, v. n. „see"; fig. „understand;" e. g. ma nank-i ? „doest thou understand?" or „doest thou see?" Naiik, v. a. „see, find; look upon, account;" e. g. sa gbali he nank K'uru, kere K'dru o gbali nank tr'el 6 tr'el atra sa yo, „we cannot see God, but God can see every thing which we do." Fig. ,.perceive, understand." Nafika, v. rel. „look with-on-." See the next word. Nanka w'uni i-nei, ,,look \\ith pity" or „compassion on one;" e. g. nanka-mi i-nel, „he looks with pity on me." Nankane, v. recipr. „see each other face to face, meet each other face to face;" hence also „hold a council, consult to- gether;" e.g. na nankane tenon, „1hey held a council to day." ^, , "' I adj. num. „four"; e.g. a-fam iVanle, „four persons." Nant, ka-, pi. tra-, n. „mucus of the nose, snot, snivel." Nant, V. a. „remove, carry away;" e. g. nant ey'etr-'e-mi, „carry my things away;" — sa nant ey'etr eye a-lo iVin, „we carry these things away at one time." N'antr, n. „fire"; def. an'antr, „the fire," = „hell"; e. g. an'antr na mara par-par, „lhe fire burns briskly;" — an'antr na yo he kg o-bah. „the fire did not hurt him." — 220 — N'anfr, pi. \'lntr, n „tree"; e. g. li'nntr a-bana, „a large tree;" — ji'intr e-lai, „many trees." Nantra, V. a. „marry" (of the male); e.g. o-lanba o nanlra ow'an bera ka Pa Sori, „the man married the daughter of Mr. Sori." N'anfrar, pi. m'antrar, n. ,,tear"; e. g. m'anlrar ma gbaro-ko, „he sheds tears," lit. ,.tears flow down from him," or more fully: m'antrar ma gbarg-ko e-for, lit. „tears flow down from his eyes;" or: am'^nlrar ma gbaro, „the tears flow;" or: e-for-y'oii e gbaro m'antrar, lit. „his eyes flow with tears," = „he sheds tears." The sing, is hardly ever used. Nap, V. a, „knock, strik«\ beat; knock-wilh-;" an-fam na yema ko nap, „the people wanted to beat bim;" — o nap-kg i-sar, „he knocked him with a stone." Nap, Y. a. „condemn, find guilty, convince one of his guilt;" e. g. 'a nap-ko traka ra-kel, „they condemned him for theft." Nasi, V. a. „wipe off, wipe out, blot out" (as the writing on a slate); e. g. K'uru, nasi ama-trel-ma-mi ma-Ias! ,,0 God, blot out my sins!" Na.sia, v. rel. „wipe off-for-; wipe ofl-wit!i-; e. g. na.sia-mi ama- gbal, „wipe out the letters forme;" — na.sia ama-gbal k'ota, „wipe off the letters with a cloth." Natr, V. n. ascend, go up, rise, rise up;" also „go up the coun- try;" e. g. ak'i'ma ka natr, „the smoke rises up;" — o natr ro-gban, or also simply: o natr, „he went up the country." Natr, V. a. „go up at-, go up along- or on-; ascend" (as a tree); e. g. natr aka-bat, „he went up at the brook." Natra, v. caus. „make-to rise up, raise, make to ascend, take up, lift up" (as an oar); e. g. natra ka-tra-ka-mu, „lift up thy hand." Ne, pr. dem. prox. „this, these," for: anf". This form is used for the comp. dem. pr., as nia-iie, „1his", lit. „it this;" e.g. an-gbata-n'on nia-ne, „this is his mat," lit. „his mat it this." Ne, contr. form for: na yi, as; ko ne-e? „whal is the matter?" lit. „what is it?" Nel, i-, n. „pity, compassion, mercy;" also „pitiable stale"; e.g. ba-ko i-nei, „he had pity on him." — 221 — Nel, a-, or i-, pi. ma-, n. „ country yam, common yam" (very white); e. g. ma-nol ma-lai, „many yams." N'el, n. „sun" (as the source of heat); e. g. anei na ban tenon, „lhe sun i* hot to day;" as the source of light the sun is called ar'etr which see. jV'emi, n. „kind of hammock said to liave been sent by God." See Tradit. p. 32. Nemlene, prob. a refl. form of an obs. nemte, „beseech, beg, intreal, implore, beg for pardon, beg pardon from;" e. g. nemleue-mi, „he begged my paidon." Nepal, a-, pi. e-, n. „!he long grass used for tliatching;" e. g. e-nepal e-fino, ,.fine grass." Nepal, adj. „made of grass, thaiched \vilh grass;" e. g. a-set a-nepal, „a grass-house," or „a house thatched with grass." Nes, ra-, n. „fear, dread;" e. g. ra-ues-r'gh, „his dread." Nes, a-, pi. e-, n. „spider"; e. g. a-nes a-bana, „a large spider." N'es, pi. m'es, n. „name"; also „characfer; fame;" e. g. am'es- ma-naii mfa-me, „these are their names," Ht. „their names they these." Nesa, V. n. „fear, be afraid;" e. g. o nesa, „he is afraid;" — tse nesa, „do not be afraid." Nesa, V. a. „fear, dread, be afraid of-; respect, honour;" e. g. nesa-mu, „iie is afraid of thee." Nesam, a-, pi. e-, n. „breath, life, animal life," = tj ipvxrj; e.g. ba he so a-nescim, „he is dead," lit. „he has no life again." Nesam, adj. „living, alive;" e.g. ra ra-nesam, „a living creature." Ni, pr. obj. „it; them;" e.g. ana-bena, kara-ni, „as to the ropes, bring them." Ni, a-, pi. e-, n. „portion, share; e. g. kara an-ni-'a-nii, „brii)g my share." Ni, a-, pi. e-; or a-, or i-, pi. ma-, n. „sole of the foot, foot; footstep;" e. g. kol ka "ma-ni-ma-mi, „walk in my footsteps." Ni, pr. obj. „il; them;" e. g. an-gbata, o tila-ni, „as to the mat, he sold il." Nia, pr. emph. „il, this; they, ihem, these;" e. g. an-tis, nia — 222 — yi-tsi, „lhis is the knife," lit. „the knife it is it," or „ as for the knife, this is it." Nia-iie, pr. dem. comp. „this, these," lit. „it (is) this, they (are) these;" e. g an-set-'a-mi, nia-iie, „lhis is m;y house," lit. „my house it (is) this." Nia yi, j „namely, that is, that is to say," lit „it is-;" Nia yi ho, ^ e. g. 1 ko ban an-reka-'a-mi, lila yi ho am-beibal, „I go to fetch my book, that is the Bible." N'imisa, n. ,, trouble of any kind, distress;" e. g. o won n'iniisa, „he got into trouble." Nin, e-, n. „dung, excrements" (of men and beasts; that of in- fants they call e-soro); e. g. e-nin ya tra-na, „cow-dung." N'in, adj. num. ,,one"; e. g. a-set n'in, „one house." Nina, \ adv. „to morrow;" the longer form may be used abso- Ninah, ' lutely; and the shorter may be joined with nouns of time, to make this time more definite; e. g. I tsi yo-tsi ninaii, „I shall do it to morrow;" — o tra kal so nina ra- fgl, ,,he will return again to n)orrow evening;" — nina bat, „to morrow morning;" — m'na tratrak, ,,to morrow night." Cf. also anina, and aniiiaii, under A. Ninis, 0-, n. „lerror; fierceness; awfulness, frightfuhiess;" e. g. o-ninis o wop-ko, ,.he feels terrified," lit. „terror holds him" or „took hold of him." Ninis, adj. „terrible; fierce; awful, frightful;" e. g. o-sem o-ninis, „a fierce animal;" — r'a ra-ninis, „a terrible thing." No, adv. „here, hither;" e. g. o yira no, „he lives here." Cf. also and under A. No, prep. „here in, here at, here to;" the adv. „here" is implied; e. g. o yi no-petr, „he is here in this town." Cf. and, prep, under A. N'of, pi. y'of, n. ,,moon; month; e.g. y'of e-sas, „three months." Not, v. a. ,,take, take away-from-, dismiss-from, take away;" „tse noi ey'etr-'e-mi, „do not lake away my things;" — 'a nol-ko a-kala, ,,they took money away from him." Non, pr. dem. rem for: liaii, used with lo, „time"; see: lo non under L. — 223 — N'on, pr. poss. „i)is, her," lit. „of him, of her," being a con- traction of iia ko, with the euph. n affixed; e. g. an-trar- n'on, „his slaves;" — an-set-fion, ,.his house." Nosi-nel, o-, n. „pitiable condition;" also „pitv, compassion;" e. g. o-ngsi-nel o wop-ko, ,,he is in a pitiable condition," lit. ,.a p. c. holds him;" — K'llru o nahka-su o-nosi-nei, „God looked with pity on us." Nu, pr. obj. ,,you"; e. g. sa tra bap-nu rn-petr, „Me shall meet you in town." N'ump, pi. m'ump, n. „fable, tale, story;" e. g, man tram m'ump, „let us lell stories." N'limpal, pi. m'umpal, sometimes also y'limpal, n. „ shadow of a person" (when standing in the sun); ,.shade, soul" or „spirit (of man)," = the Lat. umbra. It is also used of the spirit of God. The animal life is called a-nesam, which see. Cf. Pref. § 12, b. where more particulars will be found about h'umpal. Nya, pr. emph. „ye; you;" but also used for the sing. „thou" when joined with other emph. pronouns, or with proper names, implying the copula „and"; e. g. nya yg atr'ei atse, „ye did this thing," — nya kane der Ira dif o-sem-e? „thou and who came to kill the beast?" Nyan, pr. abs. „ye; you;" e.g. nyah, nya lascjr am-bil ane, „ye, ye spoiled this canoe." o. 0-, pref. def. and indef. „a, an; the;" e. g. o-baT, „the king" or „a king." 0-, pref. emph. vow. to make nouns with the inseparable pref. w', and one with d' definite; as: ow'iini, „the person," from w'uni, ^a person;" — ow'an, „the child," from w'an, „child"; etc.; od'er, ,.the place," from d'er, „a place." 0! int. „oh! o!" denoting wonder, surprise, also grief and com- passion. E g. g, o-puto! „0h, a while man!" — g Pa, I trara atra I pa! „oh Sir, I know what 1 say!" 0! int. or expl. pari. It is placed at the end of saluting or — 224 — of exclamalory propositions, when like -e it serves to indi- cate the Vocative. It is always used with such words, which are addressed directly to another. If it has any sense with such propositions, it is that of „now" or of the Ger. „doch". Also the Liberated Africans at Sierra-Leone are fond of af- fixing the vowel sound o at the end of a proposition, or of a word, especially ^^hen calling to another; they may often be heard to say — „come-o!-' =-- „come now!" or „come then!" E. g. sen'-o, Pa! „ welcome. Sir!" See more ex. in the Colloq. Phras. p. lOG —110. Cf. also the Grammar about this particle. 0, pr. subj. „he, she;" e. g. o fi dis, „he died yesterday." 0, pr. impers. or irrel. „it"; e. g. o lompi, „it is right." 0, for: pa; or: o pa ho, „he said." See Tradit. p. 68. 0, conj. or copulative part. „and"; when it is used to join several nouns or names, then the 6 behind the last is to be given by „also", or it may be left untranslated; and when it occurs twice, or behind two nouns, it may be given by" — as well as — ", or by „both — , and — ." E. g. d'er- 6-d'er, „every place," lit. „place and place;" — Basi 6 Sori 6, „Basi as well as Sori;" — k'ota 6, e-;^6ka 6, a- taba 6, „cloth and cassadas and tobacco also." -'0-mi, pr. poss. „my", lit, „of me;" e.g. od'er-'o-mi, „my place;" — o-sem-'o-mi, „my meat." '0-mu, pr. poss. „thy", lit. „of thee;" e.g. o-sem-'o-mu, „thy meat." '0, prep. poss. „of" for: wo. See the two preceding words. O gbo! „oh dear! what is that! oh strange!" e. g. g gbo, i-sar na loko k'ek-e! „oh strange, a stone brought forth a beard!" Owe, pr. dem. prox. „1his"; e. g. o-trar owe, „this slave." Owo, pr. rel. „who, he who; which;" e. g. o-bal owo fi, „tlie king who died." Owon, pr. dem. rem. „lhal, that one;" e. g. o-16nba owgii, „thal young man." 225 P', pref. indef. and insep pi.; eg. p'ii:, „one"; — p'anle, „four"; — pa-la p'in, „one sort of rice." Pa, V. n. „say, speak, lalk about a matler;" e. g. o pa gbo ro- san, „he speaks only at the mouth" (not according to ulial is in his heart); — 'a pa rokin, „thev cmverse together." Pa, V. a. „say; state, talk over" (as a ma ter); „tell; pronounce;" e. g. pa-tsi ronon, „tell it to him;" o pa am-pa, „he stated the matter." Pa, a-, pi. e-, or ma-, n. „saying, word; niatter, palaver; state- ment, subject of inquiry, affair about which one speaks; story;" e. g. o tra pa am-pa ninan, „he will talk over the mailer to morrow;" — mine ba 'ma-iia ma-t.si, „1 have to talk those matters." Pa, 0-, pi. a-pa, or pa-na, n. „Sir, Master, Mr.;" also „father" (when addressing one, otherwise o-kas is u'^ed). When applied to irrational beings il may be given by the del", article „the" in Knglisli, as: Pa Nes, „the Spider," ht. ,.Mr. Spider;" — kori 'u, Pa! „I salute thee. Sir!" Cf. the word k'ak in this Vocab. about the form Pa-na. Pa-, pref. def. = apa-, „lhe"; e. g. pa-la, ^ apa-la, „the rice;" — pa-yaka, „the krifi rice." Cf. krifi, adj. in this Vocab. Pa-, pref. indef. pi. e. g. pa-la pa-ffno, „good rice." Pa, pr. impers. or irrel. „it"; e. g. pa bone-ko, „he is glad." Pa, pr. sub. indef. „it": e.g. pa-la pa bak lemp, „rice grows fast." Pa, pr.subj.def. „it"; e.g. apa-la pa liisa, „the rice got spoiled." Pa-mi, pr. poss. def. „my". lit. „of me;" e. g. pa-la-pa-mi, ,.my rice." Pa-mi, pr. pohs. indef. „my", lit „of me;" e. g. pa-la-pa-mi, „rice of mine," = „my rice." Pai, v. n. ,.jump, leap;" e.g. p pal ro tof, ,.he jumped down on the ground;" — o pal ka ka-bat, „he leaped over the brook." Pal, V. n. „be ready" (as for a journey); e. g. ma p.ii-i? „arl Temne ■ Worterbuch. 1 3 — 226 — thou read}'?- — I pal, man kdne, „I am ready, let us go;" — I ta pal he, „I am not yel ready." Pal, adv. spec. „very, quite, up to the brim; altogether," used ■with la, „be full, be numerous;" with lasar, „fill, make full;" and with k^si, „refuse, will not." E. g. atr'ak na la ri pai, „lhe ants are very numerous there;" — lasar am-poti pal, „fill the cup up to the brim," or „make the cup quite full;" — kasi bak pai, „he will not grow at all." Paia, V. a. „accompany"; e.g. Sori o tra paia-mu ri, „Sori will accompany thee there." Pakasife, conj. „because"; e. g. o gbali he tsi pen yo, pakdsife yi he ri, „he cannot have done it, because he was not there." Pali, adv. „the whole day, all day;" e. g. na tomo pali, „they danced all day." Pali gbes, „all day and all night;" e. g. sa tomo pali gbes, „we danced all day and all night." Pal, v. a. „forget"; -e.g. o pal an-ldpra-n'on, „he forgot his cap." Paine, v. refl. a. „forget oneself, forget; e. g. o palne-tsi, „he forgot it." Pan, v. a. „lack, want, need;" e. g. o pan he r'aka 6 r'aka, „he is not in want of any thing." Pan, ka-, n. verb. ,,act of lacking (a thing); slate of being in want, want, distress, lack;" e. g. ka-paii-k'on, „his want." P^ne, V. a. „carry in" or „on the arms" (as a child, or as wood); „embrace, press to one's bosom." Also used as a compliment on meeting with one a second time the same day, in the sense of „meet",- when the subj. pronoun is dropped. E. g. o ptine e-lok, o kere-yi ro-set, „he look the wood in his aims, and carried it into the house." See also Colloq. Phras. p. 107 and 1 10. Pani-tr'el, adj. comp. „harmless, innocent, being without fault;" e. g. w'iini pani-tr'eT, „a harmless person." Pank, a-, n. „ folly, foolishness;" e. g. an-pank-n'on, „his folly." Pank, adj. „f(>olish"; e.g. w'uni pank, „a foolish person." Pankal, a-, pi. e-, n. „cilhern" or „harp", also called „Kroo- harp." It has seven grass strings, is of a triangular form, — 227 — and fixed in one half of a split calabash, and is played with the fingers. E. g. o fer am-pankal, „he plays the harp." Pahkal, a-, pi. e-, or Ira- ; or also o-, pi. Ira-, n. „a large ante- lope exceeding in size the common native ox," with white spots, and long horns, commonly called „biish-cow". The female has no horns. It is said to put down its horns back- wards when running through the bush; but when it is in a fury, it raises them upright for selfdefence. Pant, a-, or i-. pi. ma-, n. „work, business; e. g. ma-pant ma- baki. „hard work." 'I'he sing, is hardly ever used. Pantne, v. n. .,raise oneself, rise up" (as one stooping or kneel- ing down); e. g. o pantne, „he rose up." Pantrane, v. recipr. a. (rad. pantr), „mix" or „mingle together, put" or „lay together" (as people money for a common stock); „mix together promiscuously, confound;" e. g. "a pantrane an-kala-'a-nan, „they put their money together." Par-par, adv. onom. „briskly, smartly," used v\ith mara, „flame, burn;" e.g. an'antr na mara par-par, „the fire burns smartlv ' or „the fire burns making par-par." Pair, V. n. „cook; boil; be boiled, be stewed;" e. g. I pon pair, mail kone di, „I have cooked, let us go to eat;" — amanir ma patr, „the water boils." Pair, V. a. „cook, seethe; stew;" e. g. o patr o-sem, „he stewed the meat." Patr, adj. „cooked; boiled; stewed;" e.g. o-^em o-patr. „boiled beef." Pe, contraction of pa yi, „it is; c. g. tro pe-e?" how is it?" See Colloq. Phras. p. 105. Pensa, = pesa, v. n. answer in the negative, contradict, refuse, not concede, deny;" c. g. o pensa ho g trara-mi, „he dis- owned me," lit. „he denied that he knows me;" — tse pensa, w'an! „do not deny, boy!" Pensa, \ v. a. „deny, refuse, reject, object to; give a negative Pesa, ' answer to-, contradict;" e. g. o pensa-t.si, „he denied it;" — tse pesa-tsi, w'an! „do not deny it, boy!" — o pesa O-trar, „he objected to the slave" (having a fault). 15* — 228 — P6s\iaiie, V. recipr. (rad. peski), „open in various directions, diverge from each other" (as roads); „lie in different posi- tions" {as bundles); fig. „disagree, be at variance with each other; differ" (as words); e. g. e-pa-'e-mii e peskiane, „thy statements do not agree;" — as'on lia peskiane ri, „the roads diverge from each other there." Peskiane, adj. „diverging from each other, diverging off in various directions; being at variance with each other; different;" e.g. s'oh tra-peskiane, „roads diverging from each other;" — sim tra-peskiane, „words being at variance with each other. Petr, ka-, pi. tra-, n. „town"; e. g. ka-petr ka-b^na ka ;)i ri, „there is a large town there." Pi, pr, obj. „il'; e. g. 1 wal-pi, „1 bought it" (i.e. rice). Pia, pr. emph. „it, this;" e. g. apa-la-pa-mi, pia yi tsi, „as to my rice, this is it," = „this is my rice." Piar', abbr. of piara, generally used before the int. o. See the next word, and cf. Colloq. Phras. p. 106—107 for examples with this form. Piara, v. n. „be all day, spend all day, be well all day, Hve, spend, be." It is often used as an aux. to express the adv. „all day." E. g. o piara yo ma-pant, „he did work all day;" — ha piara tomo, „they danced all day;" — o piara ro Ma-lal, „he was all day at Malal." Pika, V. n. „faint, swoon; get senseless" (as by a stroke on the head); o pika, „he swooned away." Pil, ka-, n. .,the west;" e. g. o yefa ro-pil, „he came from the west." With the prep, ro- it becomes also a prep, or a post- position. Pilor, a-, or i-, pi. ma-, n. „ball" (for a gun), „bullet"; e.g. a-pilor a-bana, „a large ball." Pim, V. a. „pick, pluck, pluck off- (as flowers, fruit, or ears of rice), hence also „reap" ; e. g. sa ko pim ma-lemre, „we go to pluck lemons." Pima, V. inch. „break, gel broken" (as rope); „tear, get torn" (as cloth); „get loose" (as a horse); e. g. ah-sol o pima, „the horse got loose;" — ak'oia ka pima, „the cloth got torn." — 229 — Pinkar, a-, pi. e-, n. „gun, musket;" e. g. a-pinkar a-ffno, „a fine gun." P^lo, V. a. „crown"; also „cro\vn-as-" ; e.g. 'a polo o-bal, „they crowned the king;" - 'a pdlo-ko Q-bal, „they crowned him (as) king" P'(5lpala, = p'olpara, n. , gunpowder;" e. g. p'6lpala pa-lai, „much gunpowder." P'of), pr.poss. „his, her," lit. „of him, of her," being a contraction of: pa ko with the enph. li; e. g. apa-la-p'on, „his rice." Pon, V. n. „have an end, take an end, be over; be finished, be done, be exhausted; be at an end; be expired, be up" (as a fixed time); e. g. apa-la pa poh, „the rice is exhausted;" — ma-pant-ma-mi ma pon, „my work is finished." Pon, V. a. „finish, make an end to-; go all over" (as a country); „exhaust" (as provisions); ..wear out" (asclolhes); „destroy" (as a town); „rout" (as an army). As an aux. verb it serves to express the past tense in the sense of „have", or „have done;" and sometimes it expresses the adverb „entirely, completely, altogether." E. g. Q vema pon ama-pant, „he wants to finish the work;" — Q pon e-16pra-y'on, „he has worn out his clothes;" — 'a dim aka-petr, „lhey destroyed the town;" — o poh gbal, „he has written;" — o poh di am-bamp, „he ate the bird altogether," or: o pon ko di, „he ale it altogether." Poh, V. impers. „be enough, suffice; be done;" e. g. pa pon, „it is" or ,,will be enough." Pon', euph. form of poh, „finish", used before d, n and t; as pon' na gbal, „he has written to day. ' Poha, V. rel. „finish-for-, destroy-to-, destroy-for-;" e. g. 'a poha- ko ah-fam-iVoh, „they destroyed him (all) his people." Poh's, V. freq. a. (for ponas), „nnish, complete, accomplish; fulfil" (as a promise); „exhaust, spend" (as money); e.g. 1 tsi poh's ama-pant-ma-mi tenon, „1 shall finish my work to day;" — poh's ar'im ara o trah, „he fulfilled his promise," lit. „he accomplished the word which he pledged (said)." Poro, am-, n. „the Poro association." See Pref. § 18. a. — 230 — Poro, a-, pi. e-, n. „porro greegree." See Pref. § 18. b. Poru, a-, pi. e-, n. ,, sperm, seed" (for generation) ; also „foetus, embr;yo" (as the result of sexual commerce). Both sexes, they say, have such a poru, and if one has no child, or if a woman does not bear children, they say: o ba he a-poru, „she (he) has no seed," — she is barren;" — am-poru- n'ofi na lasa, „shf had an abbortion," lit. „her embryo got spoiled." Pdti, a-, pi. e-, n. „cup, drinking vessel" (with a handle); e. g. kara a-poti, ,, bring a cup." Poto, 0-, pi. a-, n. „a white man. a European;" e. g. o-p6to o yi he ka ka petr akP, „there is no white man in this town." Polo, adj. „european, belonging to a white man" or „to the white man's country;" e. g. a-bil a-p6to, ,,a ship." lit. „a european canoe." Pure, a-, pi. e-, n. „lover, sweetheart, concubine" (used of both sexes); e. g. o ba a-piire, ,,he has a concubine," or also „she has a lover." Putr, V. n. „rise' (as the sun, or moon above the horizon); e.g. ah'of iia putr, .,lhe moon rises." Putr, V. a. „burst, open fas the leaves which enclose the ear of rice);" pierce, lance" (as a boil); „make known, divulge" (as the death of one), e. g putr am-boya, „open the boil;" — 'a putr ara-fi, ,,lhey made known the death" (as by drum- ming). Also „bruise" (as a reed); „clean" (as fish by taking out the intestines and scraping off the scales). Putu, a-, pi. e-, n. ,. rectum", Ger. .,Mastdarm"; also „tripe". R. R', pref. indef. and insep. „a. an;" e g. r'of, „a cerastes", for ra-of. Ra, pref. indef. ,,a, an;" e. g. ra-bena, ,,a rope." Ra, pr. subj. „it"; e. g. ara-beiia ra boli, ,,the rope is long." Ra, pr. poss. „of"; e. g. ra-beha ra Sori, „Sori's rope," lit. ,,a rope of Sori." R'a, = r'aka. which see. — 231 — Ra, prep, indef. „to, in, from, at." It is an indef. form of ra and ro. E. g. o yefa ra-petr, „he came from a town;** ra ka-petr, „in a town." Ra-mi, pr. poss. „my", lit. „of me;" e. g. ara-bena-ra-mi, „my rope." Ra-nan, pr. poss. „lheir", lit. „of them;" e. g. ara-bena-ra-fian, „their rope." R'a ra-boti-som, „something delicious to devour" or „to eat;" e. g. 1 tsi som r'a ra-boti-sgrn, „1 shall eat something deli- cious to devour." R'a ra-di, pi. y'etr e-di, „somcthing to eat, food, victual;" e.g. son-mi r'a ra-di, „he gave me something to eat." Ra-lr'el 6 tr'el, „from every harm." See: bene w'Qni ra-tr'el 6 tr'el under B. Rabu, 0-, n. „Lord". Adopted from the Ar. (J^J, dominus. It is used of God only. E. g. o-Rabu-ka-su, „our Lord." Raf, V. a. „establish, make, enact" (as a law); „fi.\" (as a spear in the ground); also „stab-vvith- ;" e. g. o-bal o raf a-tori, ,,the king made a law;" — g raf an-sor ro-tgf, „he fixed the spear in the ground;" — o raf-ko a-lis, „he stabbed him with a knife," = o rafa-ko a-tis. Rafa, V. rel. „fix" or „put-for-; stab-with;" e. g. rafa-mi ah-sor ro-tof, „fix the spear in the ground for me." See also the next word. Rafa w'uni a-balma, „stab one with a dagger;" e. g. o rafa-mi a-balma, „he stabbed me with etc." R'afa, pi. s'afa, n. „army of war-people, army;" e.g. r'afa ra- bana, „a large army-"' Rafar, v. rel. „fix" or „put-for-, put up-against-" (as the porro greegree against one). See Pref. § 18. b. Rak-rak, v. n. „shake, be loose" (as a tooth, or a blade in a handle); fig. „be of a delicate health" or „constitution"; e.g. e-sek-y'oii e rak-rak, „his teeth are loose." R'aka, = r'a, pi. y'etr, n. „something, a thing, an article, a vessel; tool, instrument," pi. also „furniture"; e, g. I ba he r'aka tra som-mu, 1 have nothing to give thee." — 232 — Raka, a-, pi. e-, n. „camp, place enclosed with a war-fence;" e. g. yi ro-r^ka, „he is in the camp." R'aka-6-r'aka, „every thing, any thing;" with a negative „nol any thing, not! ing at all;" e. g. o ba he r'aka-6-r'aka, „he has nothing at all." Ram, V. n. „pay, pay a fine;" e. g. o ba tra ram, „he has to pay a fine." Ram, V. a. „pay, pay for, reward; requite;" e.g. 1 gb§h he soto ak'ota, l^mbe I ram-ki, „1 cannot get the cloth, except I pay for it." Ram, a-, pi. e-, n. „pay, reward, recompence, wages, premium;" e. g soto an-ram-iVon, „he got his pay." Ram tr'el ka 'ra-bomp ra w'uni, „visit a thing upon one" (in scriptu'al language); „recompense" (in the way of punishing); lit. „pay (requite) a thing upon the head of a person," = „send evil upon one judicially." Ramara, v. doubl. rel. (rad. ram), „heaI-for-, eure-for-;" also: „cure-with-;" e. g. ramara-mi ow'ahet, „cure me the child," or „cure the child for me." Ramne, v. reil. n. „pray"; e. g. o kg ramne, „he goes to pray," lit. „pay oneself off," then probably „perform one's duty" (as towards God, or to\>ards a krifi), being derived from ram, vpay". Ramne, v. refl. a. ,,pray to, worship; pray, beg, beseech;" lit. probably „pay one's duty towards" or ,,to-". It is used of the worship of God and of krifis. E. g. sa ba tra ramne K'liru, ,,we must pray to God;" - o ramne o-krifi, „he worships a krifi." Cf. the preceding word. Ramne, ka-, pi. tra-, n. „prayer, worship;" e.g. ka-ramne-ka-su, „our prayer." Ramne a-krifi, ka-, n. ,, krifi worship," lit. „a worshipping krifis." Rami, v. n. long form of ram, ..sound, tinkle;" fig. „be famous, be renowned;" e. g. am-bitii'i na rami o-fino, ,,the drum sounds well." See the next word. Rami o-boti-tral, „sound sweetly, sound pleasant to the ear" (as a song). See len, a-, „song". — 233 — Rail, pr. dein. rem. = araii, „that'', used when it is the subject of a proposition wilhout Ihe noun; e. g. ra-bena ra-ffno ran, ,,that is a good rope," lit. ,,a good rope that." Rail, adj. num. „two"; e. g. a-fam iia-njii, „two persons." Rana, v. a. „carry on the back;" e. g. o rana ow'ahet, „he car- ried the child on the back." Rdni, 0-, pi. a-, n. „wife"; e. g. o-r^ni-ka-mi, „my wife." Raiik, a-, pi. e-, or tra-; or also o-, pi. tra-, n. .,an elephant"; e. g. a-raiik a-bana, „a large elephant." Rap, V. a. ,,snrround, go round, go around; e. g. iia r;ip aii- kuiik, „they surrounded the yifd." Rap, ka-, n. adultery, fornication" (used of both sexes); e.g. ka-rap-k'on, „his adultery;" — a-fam 'a ka-rap, „adulterous people," lit. „people of adultery " Rdran, k.3-, n. „backpart, backside, hinder part" (of a thing); fig. „support, backing;" e. ^- ka-raran ka aii-sot, „the back part of the house;" — o-bal ba ka-raraii ka-bana, „the king has great support." With the prep, ro- it becomes a prep, or a postp. , for which see rorArah. Raraii, postp. „behind"; e. g. yi-mi raraii, „he is behind me;" ^= ro raraii. Raraii-ka-tsi, ka-, see: ka-raran-ka-tsi, and: ka ka-raraii-ka-tsi. Rare, ka-, pi. tra-, n. „door; shutter;" e.g. krinta ka-rare, „shut the door." Ras, adv. „yet, still, first;" e. g. kar-mi ri ri ro, „they are (here vender.' Also „where, whereon, wherein;" e. g. ka-fynfr ro o fanta, „lhe bed whereon he lay down;" — o som a-reka, ro o gbai-e ho etc., ,,he sent a letter, wherein he wrote that etc." Ro, prep. loc. „at, in, to, from, upon, on;" e. g. o yi ro-set, „he is in the he use;" — o yefa ro-petr, „he came from town;" — Q kg ro-Kamp, „he went to Sierra-Leone." The sense of this prep, is indicated b\ the verb with which it is used. There is a euph. form do-, which see. Ro-be, „wherever"; e.g. ro ma ko be i l.si iram-mu, „wherever thou goesi, 1 shall follow thee." Roder,"prep. and postp. „at the face;-' e.g. roder-ka-mi kadi, „before my face;" — o _yi-mi roder kadi, „he is before my face." Rod), adv. loc. „ahead, before; on, onwards, forwards;" e.g. sa ko he rodi, „we do not go ahead;" — ko rodi, „go forwards" or „go on" or „go before;" — trania rodi, „stand ahead. '- Cf. also kadi. o Rodi, pr(>p. and postp. „before, in front, beyond;" e.g. o yi-mi rodi, „he is before me," = o vi rodi-ka-mi; — kara-mi a ra- beha ara fanta rodi ka aran, „ bring me the rope which lies beyond that one;" — o trama rodi ka an-set, „he stands before the house." R'of, pi. s'of, n. „a horned viper, cerastes;" e. g. r'of ra-bana, „a large horned viper." Rok, v. a. „cut, reap" (as rice); fig. „decide, settle, judge" (as a matter); e. g. a ko rok pa-la, „lhe\ go to reap rice," — Q-bal tra rok am-pa, „the king will settle the matter." Rok, ka-, n. verb. „act of cutting" or „reaping, harvest; act of deciding" or „seltling" or „judging;" e. g. ka-rok-k'oh pa- la, „his reaping rice;" — ka-rok ka-fino, „a good harvest." — 238 — Rok an-tduka, ka-, n „1he judgment" fas of the last dav). Roka, V. rel. „cut-for-; cut-with-; reap-for-, reap-with-; reap with-" (as with jov); fig. „decide-for-;" e. g. o roka-ko a-tis, „he cut him with a knife;" — o roka-mi pa-la, „he reaps (cuts) rice for me;" — o-bal o tra roka-mi am-pa, „the king will settle tlie matter for me." Rokaiu adv. loc. „\Aithout, out, out of doors;" e. g. wur rokan, „come out;" - ylra rokan, „sit without;" — o trama rokaii, „he stood without;" — - 'a kere-ko rokan, „the>' led him out." Rokan, prep, and postp. „al the outside, without;" e. g. o vi rokaji ka ah-set, „he is at the outside of the house." Rokin, adv. „together, to one place, at one place, at the same place;" e. g. lia tonklane rgkin, „they assembled together;" — botr-na rokin, „put ihem together." Rokom, adv. loc. „up, on high, upwards, above, from above;" e. g. yi ri rokom, „he is there above;" — an-gbal ana beka ma-ran rokom, „the second line from above." Cf. also rorata. Rokom, = dokom, prep, and post(i. „above, on the top, at the top;" e. g. 0' vi rokom ka aii-set, = o yi ka aii-set rokom. „he is on the top of the house." Dokom is a euph. form. Rokor, adv. loc. „at the inside, within;" e. g. na yi ri rokor, „it is there within." Rokor, prep, and postp. „wilhin. into, at" or „in the inside;" e. g. ria yi-mi rokor, „it is within me;" — botr-ni rokor ka am-poli, = botr-ni ka am-poti rokor, „put it into the cup." Rolenken, adv. loc. „ yonder, to the neighbouring yard, to some distance, to the other side;" e.g. „sa kone rolenken, „we go to the neighbouring yard." Rolenken, prep, and postp. „on the other side, beyond;" e. g. ka-petr ka yi rolenken ka ka-tseh, = ka-pttr ka yi ka ka- tsen rolenken, „the town lies on the other side of the hill." Rom, a-, pi. e-, n. „leprosy"; e. g. o ba a-rom, „he is a leper," lit. „he has leprosy;" = a-rom na wop-ko. Romi, pr. comp. „to me, from thee, with me; towards me; against me; at" or „to my place, there" or „yonder at" or „to my — 239 — place;" e. g. o der romi, „he came to me;" — o di romi, „he ate at my place." Romori, adv. loc. „to Ihe other side" (as of a brook); e. g. o kone romori, „he went over to the other side" (of the water). Romdri, prep, and postp. „to the other side, beyond, to the op- posite side" or „shore"; e. g. o tas romori ka 'ra-boii. .,he passed over to the other side of the river." Romp, ka-, pi. tra-, n. „pestle" (for a mortar); e. g. ka-romp ka-lol, „a small pestle." Romu, pr. comp. „to thee, with thee, from thee, at" or „to thy place, there" or „yonder to" or „at thy place; against thee; towards thee;" e.g. o yi romu. „he is there with thee;" — tra der romu, „he will come to thee." R'oh, or r'on', pi. s'on, n. „way, road;" e. g. o trori-mi ar'on, „he showed me the way." The euph. form r'on' is used before words beginning with d, as: trori-mi ar'on' da ro Ma-Ial, „shovv me the wny to Malal;" — r'on' da-fino, ,,a good road." R'on, pr. poss. „his, her," lit. „of him, of her;" e. g. ar'iima- r'on, „his shirt." Ron, a-, pi. e-, n. „image, figure, idol, mask" (usually made of wood and painted); e, g. o won a-ron, „he put on a mask." Ron, a-, or i-, pi. ma-; or also sometimes a-, in tiie sing, and e-, in the pi. n. ..mountain"; the pi. ma-ron is used of a ,,chain of mountains," hence they call the Colony of Sierra- Leone: ro Ma-ron, lit. „al the mountains." E. g. a-ron a- boli rokom, „a lofty mountain." Ronan, pr. comp. „to them, with lliem, from them; towards them; against them; at" or „to their place, there" or „yonder at" or „to their place;" e. g. o di ronan, „he ate at their place;" — 'a kalano ronan, „they returned home," lit. „they returned to their place." Ronkat, v. n. „be bitter; be harsh, be acerb" (as unripe limes); e. g. ma-ber ma ronkai, „the palmwine is bitter." Ronko, ka-, pi. tra-, n. „branch of a palm-tree with" or „wilh- out the side-leaves, palm-branch;" e.g. o gbak ka-ronko, „he cut a palm-branch." — 240 — Rgndii, pr. comp. „to him, with him; towards him; against him; at" or „to his place, there" or „^onder at" or „to his place;" e. g. der roiioii, „he came to him;" - o pa rohoii, „he said to him;" — 'a yefa roiion, „the\ came away from him;" — k^Iano roiion, „he returned to his place (home)." Rqiiu, pr. comp. „to you. with you, from you; against you; to- wards you; ai" or „to your place, there" or „yonder at" or „to your place;" e. g. o kone ronii, „he went yonder to your place;" — o der ronii, „he came to you." Ro-pil, see Pil, ka-, n. Roraran, ndv. loc. „i)ehind, at the place behind, behind" (ihe house); „abaft, aback;" e. g. o yi ri rorjirtui, „he is there behind;" — trama roraran, „stand behind," or „sland abaft." Roiaran, prep, and postp. „behind, at the back part;" e. g. o Ir^ma mi roraran, = o Irama rcrdrari-ka-mi, „he stands be- hind me," or also „he backs me;" — o yi roraran ka an- kunk, „he is behind the fence." Rorata, adv. loc. „below, beneath;" e. g, ra yi ang roraia, „il is here below;" — ka rokom ha rorata, „from the top down to the bottom." Rorata, prep, and postp. „lielow, beneath, under, at the bottom;" e. g. re ma botr an-tis-e? 1 botr-ni rorata ka am-mesa, „where didst thou put the knife?" „l put it under the table;" — owo yi rorata -k'ori, „who is under him" (i. e. under his power); — ka an-lof rorata, or: rorata ka an-fof, „ under the earth " Ros, V, n. „serve up food" (especially rice by taking it out from the pot, in which it was cooked, with a spoon into a dish, with or without c-nak, „rice"); e. g. o bap-na 'a tra ros, „he met them serving up rice " Ros, V. a. „dish up, serve ui>" (as food); e. g. a ros e-nak, „they served up rice." Ro-torofi, see Tgrgn, ki-, n. Ru, v. a. „plail, weave;" e. g. g Ira ru kota ka-fino, „he is weaving fine cloth." Ru, ra-. pi. tra-, n. „lbe world, the universe;" e. g. ka 'ra- ru — 241 — arA ma der-e, sa Ira rgk ey'elr, eye sa poh sak ano-rQ, „in the world to come we shall reap the things, which we have sown in this world." Ruba, V. a. „bless"; e. g. o riiba-na, ,.he blessed them." Ruba, a-, pi. e-, n. „a blessing"; e. g. aii-ruba-iVoiK „his blessing;" — a-ruba nan, „that is a blessing," lit. „a blessing that." s ' Ruhu, 0-, n. „Spiril" (of God). From the Ar. ^., anhelitus, spiriliis. E. g. o-ruhu ka K'llru, „the Spirit of God." R uma, pi. s'uma, n. „a shirt, robe, the long garment worn by the Mandingos;" e. g. ar'uma are ra iino, ,,this robe is good." Also „ afterbirth." Runi, Q-, pi. a-, n. „a man, male;" e. g. a-riini a-sas, „lhree men;" — an-rimi, „lhe males." Runi, adj. „male"; e. g. a-fam a-runi, „men", lit. „male per- sons;" — w'ahet runi, .,a boy," lit. „a male child." Riini o-bi, Q-, pi. a-riini a- bi, n. „a black male, black man, negro." Rtini o-fera, Q-, pi. a-riini a-fera, n. „a white male, a white man, a European." R'unia, pi. s'dnia, n. „multitude, crowd;" e. g, r'linia ra a-fam ra-bana ra yi ri, „there was a great crowd of people there." Runkatr, v. a, „mix" (as solids with liquids); „knead" (as dough); e. g. runkatr e-lof re m'antr, „mix the earth with water." Rusam, v. a. „ bring up, raise up, nurse; nourish;" e.g. mlna riisam-ko, „1 brought him up;" — e-nak e rusam-sii, „rice nourishes us." s. S', pref. indef. insep. „a, an;" e.g. s'adka, „ sacrifice;" as'^dka- lr'on,"„his sacrifice." It is a form of tr', or ts' for: Ira-. Cf. the form I' below. Sa, pr. subj. „we;" e. g. sa naii-ko dis, „ we saw him yesterday." S^bat, a-, pi. e-, n. „sabbath." From the English. S'adka, n. „sacrifice." Fr. the Ar. «j as to set the teeth on edge;" — as'ani tra wop- mi „my teeth are set on edge," lit. „the state of having set the teeth on edge holds me;" — o ba s'ani trdka trgn, „he has pity on ac- count of him." See Proverb 1, p. 08. Sanne, v. refl. for: saime (rad. san), „bow oneself down, bend one- self down, stoop; make a compliment", (of males only); „bend itself" (as the blade of a knife); „submit to one's authority, submit;" e. g. o sanne roiidh, „he bowed down to him," or „he mode a compliment to him," or ,.he submit' ed to him;" — an-lis na saime, „the knife bends itself;" — o sanne, „he stooped down." 16* — 244 — S^ntki, 0-, pi. a-, n. „a minister (of a king);" e. g. Q-s5ntki o- las, „a bad minister." Santr, e-, n, „seed/* (especiall;>' of rice), e. g. o ba e-santr traka kuta, „he has (rice) seed to plant (sow)." S^ntrak, a-, or i-, pi. ma-; or also sometimes a-, pi. e-, n. „nail," (of the fingers or toes); „talon, claw," (of beasts); e. g. ba e-s^ntrak e-boli, „he has long nails." Sap, V. a. „strike, flog, beat," (as a person, or as waves a canoe); also „thresh" (as rice); „ catch " (as a bird); „get," (as trouble); „scoop, lad out," (as water from a bowl, or food from a dish); e. g. 'a sap-ko, „lhey flogged him;" — o sap a-rom, „he got leprosy;" — 'a sap e-nak, „they took out the rice;" — q sap-mi ka-tsiii, „he flogged me for nothing;" — sap m'one, ,M got trouble," lit. „he catch trouble," (as the Liberat. Africans sav). Sap, V. n. or pass. „be flogged; be caught:" e. g. o sap ro- bolo. „he was caught by the throat." Sap, ka-, n. verb. „act of flogging" or „of threshing, etc.;" e.g. ka-sap-k'on, „his flogging," (actively or passively); „also: a flogging; a threshing." S^pa, V. rel. „flog-with-; thresh-with-; flog-for-; thresh-for- ; lade out-for-;" e. g. 'a sapa-ko k'etr, „they flogged him with a whip;" — s^pa-mi apa-la, „thresh the rice for me." S^par, a-, pi. e-, n. „digger," (being a sort of hoe, but running paraUel with the handle, and not forming an angle; it is used to dig holes with for the sinking of posts for houses); e. g. a-s^par a-b^na, „a large digger." Also „an iron bar" (used to dig holes with). Sapas, V. freq. a. (rad- sap), „catch in a trap, catch, ensnare, entrap;" e. g. ow'^n owe o sapas e-bamp na-ran, „this boy caught two birds in a trap." Sar, a-, or i-, pi. ma-, n. „a stone;" e, g. ma-sar ma-lal, „many stones." Sara, v. a. „carry on the head, carry, put on the head, be load- ed with on the head; put on" (as a cap); „take upon oneself" (as a palaver); „have upon oneself; suffer, have," (as trouble); e.g. I sAra-ko, or: 1 siira-ko ro-bomp, „1 car- — 245 — ried him on the head;" — o sara a-lapra, ,,he put on a cap;" — mina sara air' el Ira-tsi, ,.I take that matter upon me;" — o sara m'one, ,,he suffers trouble." Sas, adj. num. ,,three;" e. g. a-fama-sas, or: a-fam ria-sas, „three persons;'' — ma-rei ma-sas/' three days." Sas, ra-, n. „state of being three, trinity." Sebe, a-, pl.e-, n. „an amulet, a charm" (as hung round the arm, or neck, etc., and enclosed in leather or cloth; e. g. o ba e-sebe e-lai, „he has many charms". Sek, V. a. „fie, tie on," (as a person, or a charm); „gi^d-^vilh-;" e. g. na sek ama-tra-m'on, „theY tied his hands;" — sek o-na ka ak'antr, ,.tie the co^v to the post;" — 1 sek-ko a- gbato, „I girded him with a cutlass," or ,,I lied him on a cutlass;" — sek an-trol, „tie on the charm." Also ., fasten," as: ko sek am-bela, „go fasten the sail." Sek, ra-, pi. e-, n. „a tooth;" e. g. e-sek-^'on , ,.his teeth." Sekeli inl. „I pity thee!" It is always followed by; 6, and is pro- Seke! ' perly a noun signifying ,,pity.'" See Colloq. Phras. p. 108. 110., and cf also mutsi w'uni seke. Sekne, v. refl. a. (rad. sek), ,, lie-on oneself, tic-round oneself, gird oneself with-;" e. g. o sekne a-gbato. ,,he tied a cullass round himself;" — o sekne a-trol, „he tied a charm on liimself." Sel, ma-, n. „laughter; scorn, scornfulness, mockery;" e. g. ma- sel-m'on, „his laughter." Also , .object of mockery," as: 'a saki-ko ma-sel, ,,they made him an object of mockery." Sel-tr'el, adj. „inclined to ridicule" or ,,mock at a thing, scorn- ful;" e. g. w'lini sel-tr'el, ,,a scornful person." Sgline, V. refl. n. (rad. soli), „lean oneself on backwards, recline oneself, recline;" e, g. g seline ka aiVantr, „he leaned him- self against the tree." Seline, V. refl. a. ,.lean oneself upon-backwards, lean oneself back against-; rely on-, repose on-, trust on-;" e.g. o seline an-set, ,,he leaned himself back against the house;" — o seHne K'iiru, „he relies on God." Selo, V. n. „will, be willing, consent;" e.g. o pA ho: 1 spIq, „he said: I will." — 240 — Selo, ma-, n. „AviIl, pleasure; readiness;" e. g. ma-s6lo-m'on, „his will." Sem, 0-, n. ,,beef, meat," e. g. o-.sem o-fino, „good beef." Sem, a , pi. e-, or tra-; or also sing, o-, pi. tra-, n. „a wild animal, venison, a beast of the chase, animal, quadruped;" e.g. o-sem o-ninis, „a fierce animal" See the two next words. Sem e-trol, e-, n. ,, cattle of the larger kind," lit. „beasts reared up." The small cattle are called: y'etr e-lrol, lit. „things reared up." Sem ka ka-petr, o- , pi. tra-sem tra ka-petr, n. „a tame beast," lit. „a beast of the town." The sing, mav also take the form: a-sem 'a ka-petr, and the pi. e-sem ya ka-petr. The pi. may be given by: „cattle."*) Sem ka ro-kant, o-, pi. tra-sem tra ro-kant, n. „a wild animal," lit. „a beast of in the wood." The sing, may also take the form a-sem 'a ro-kant , and the pi. e-sem ya ro-kant. See the Note for the preceding word. Sen'! 1 int. „welcome!" It is always followed by : 6, and is pro- Senel'bably a noun signifying „welcome." See Colloq. Phras. p. 107. 110. Sene ! int. answering to the English ,,God bless thee!" It is used after sneezing. See Colloq. Phras. p. 108. S^na, a pi. e-, n. „a greegree, charm," (used to detect thieves with). It generally consists of a goat's horn, to which some of its hair, strips of cloth, and some beads, etc. are tied. When it is made use of, fearful curses are pronounced ag- ainst the offender, which the greegree is to execute upon the hidden criminal. Sehe, n. prop. See Proverb. 3, p. 99. Sene! int. see sen'! above. Sefik, adv. „all, whole; fully, entirely." It has often the sense of an adj. =: be ; t\ g. tam ha sehk, ,,he conquered them *) Note. There are still some other forms for the smg. and pi., as will be seen in the Grammar. — 247 — all," or „lhe whole of them ;" — mo o pori kane sehk, etc, ,,when he had said all, etc." S6no; a-, or i-. pi. ma-, n. „arrow."' (made of a kind of cane with an iron beard); e. g. o ba ma-seno ma-lal, „he has many arrows."' Set, a-, pi. P-, n. ,,a house, abode, dwelling, building; nest," (as of birds) ; e. g. o sal a-set, „he buill a house ; — o _yi ro- set, „he is in the house.'" X • Setani, n. „Satan. the devil." Fr. the Ar. (j|ia>ui, satanas, dia- bolus. . Sele, ka-, pi. tra-, n. a rod. slick," (as to flog with, or to drive cows away with); e. g. ka-sete ka-boli, .,a long rod." V Sim, V. a. „break, break off, break in two," (as a stick); ..break down, pull down" (as a house); o sim ak'antr, ..he broke the stick in two." Si'mtar, atlj. (rad. sim) , „sudden. unexpected;" e. g. ra Ti ra- simtar, „a sudden death." Sip, 0-, pi, tra- n. ,,a leopard;" e, g. o-sip o-bana, „a large leopard." Site, V. n. „break the wind" So, adv. ,, again, also;" e. g. tse so yo-t.si, „do not do it again." So, V, n „bend , bow" (as the knee); also „sting. pierce, stab; pierce-with-, stab-with-;" e. g. o so-mi a-lis, „he stabbed me with a knife." See next word. So tra-wu, „kQeel down," lit. ,,bend the knees;" e. g. o so tra-wu-tr'on, „he kneeled down." S6fali, a-, pi. e-, or tra; or also sing, o-, pi. tra-, n. ..an ass;" e. g. ren'sa a-s6fali, „he rides upon an ass." Sol, a-, pi. e-, or tra-; or also sing, o-, i)l. Ira-, n. ..a horse;" e, g. wal a-soT, ,,he bought a horse." SoT, adv. , , softly, quietly, calmly, easily,; slowly; secretly;" e g. o yo-tsi SOI, „he did it softly ;•" — o kot soi, „he walked slowly; — I gbiili yo-tsi soi, ,.lie can do it easily." Sok, V, impers. ,,dawn;"e. g. yokane, p§ sok! „get up, it dawns!" — 248 — Sdkane, V. refl. „hnnt;" e. g. o ko s6kane, „he goes (went) a hunting." Sdkane, ka-, n. „act of hunting, hunting;" e. g. ka-sdkane-k'on, „his hunting." Sdki, 0-, pi. a-, n. „a seer, one having four eyes" (as they call it), „one having to do with familiar spirits, one possessed of second sight, augur, wizard," e. g. ow'uni owe o yi o- sdki, „this person is a wizard." Sdko, V. n. „be awake, be sleepless, be up during the night, spend the night." As an aux. it expresses the adv. „all night." E. g. 'a sdko tdmo, „they danced all night;" — sdko gbes, „he was awake all night," or „he was up all night; — o sdko romi „he spent the night with me." Som, V. a. „send;" also „cause;" e. g. Pa Sdri o sQm-kg romi, „Mr. Sori sent him to me;" — tsta som-kg o yO-tsi, „this caused him to do it." Also „send-to-," as: o som-ko a-reka, „he sent a letter to him." S5m, V. n. „send"; also „be the cause;" e. g. rf sOm traka tsela- ko, „he sent to call him;" — tsfa som o dinne, „this caused him to perish," lit. ,,this is the cause he perished." Som, ka-, pi. tra-; or a-, pi. e-, n. ..message;" e. g. o k^re-ko a-som, ,,he carried a message to him." Som, V. a. „devour, eat;" e. g. o som am-bamp t^rap, „he de- voured the bird entirely." Also „nibble" (as a rat a wooden bowl.) Som, euph. form of son, ,, give", used before m; see: soil, below. Sdmpa, adj. „troubling"; also passively „punished, troubled;" e.g. tr'el tra-sdmpa, „somi4hing troubling," or ,, something which causes trouble." Sdmpa, ka- pi. tra-, n. „act of punishing, punishment" (in- flicted); e. g. ka-sdmpa-k'on, „his punishment." Sdmpane, v. refl. „sufl'er," lit. „trouble" or „punish oneself; be afflicted;" e. g. ow'uni owe o sdmpane o-lai, „this per- son suffers much." Sdmpane, ka-, pi. tra-, n. „suflering, punishment" (endured); — 249 — ^affliction;" e. g, ka-sompane ka-biina ka Avop-ko, „he is greatly afflicted," lit. „great affliction liokis him," Som'ra, (for: somara), v. doubl. rel. (rad. som) „scnd-to-, send- for-;" also simply „send;" e. g. Pa Sori o s6m'ra-mu-ni, „Mr. Sori sent it to thee;" — o som'ra-ko ro-k'or, he sent him to the farm." Son, adv. ^alone, only;" e. g. min' sOn , ,,l alone;" — kon' son, „he alone;" — kon' son taho, „not he alone." Sgn, V. a. give, deliver;" e g. o som-mi ka-bo, „he gave me country-bread;" — o son an-kala ka o-kas-k'on, „he gave the money to his father," =; o sgii o-kas-k'on an-kala, Sona, V. rel. (rad. so), „bend-for-, bow-lo-," (as the knees to one. See next word. Sona w'uni lra-\vu," bow the knees lo" or „for one, kneel down before one;" e. g. 'a sona-ko tra-wn, ,.they bowed the knees before him," = „they kneeled down before liim." Sonala, a-, pi. e-, or Ira-, or sing, o-, pi. Ira , n. „a lion;" e, g. a-s6iiala a-bana, „a large lion." Sond, V. a. abr. (rad. son), „deiiver up, give up, give away; resign" (as an office); „part with; e, g. gbal o send an-tof, „the king gave the country away;" — 'a sond-kg ronan, ,,they deliver- ed him up to them;" — 1 gbali he ni sond, „1 cannot part with it." Sor, adj. „daubed over with mud, mudded, made of mud; e.g. a-sel a-sor, „a mud-house." Sor, a-, pi. e-, n. ,.a Fula javelin, spear; a stick with an iron fork used for throwing;" also „a long stall tipped with brass" or „silver, borne by old men as a sort of badgf of honour." Sdro, e-, n. „excrements of infants; e. g. e-soro ya ow'ah^l, „the excrements of the infant." Sot, V. n. „sew;" e. g. o sot o-bann, „he sews with large stitches;" — o sot o-fino, „he sews well." Sot, a-, or i-, pi, ma-; or also a-, pi. e-. n. ,,a trick, an artifice; cunning, stratagem;" e. g. o-trar owe o ba a-sot a las. „this slave has a bad trick." The pi. form ma-sol , is also used in the sense of „craftiness, cunningness," — 250 — Sole, V. 11. „piss, urine, make water." Soto, V. a. „receive, get, acquire, obtain;" also „gel into" (as into some state); e. g. sa pon solo ah-ram-'a-su, „we have got our pay;" — o soto i-nel, „he obtained mercy," or also „he is in a pitiable stale so as to deserve pity." Soto, kti-, n. verb. „act of getting" or „obtaining." Solo a-mera, v. n. „gel sense, come to the years of discretion;" e. g. o pon' to solo a-mera, he has now come to the years of discretion." Solona, v. rel. „oblaiu-for-, get-for-;" e. g. som-mi an-kala ana ma sdlona-mi, „give me Ihe money, which thou didst get for me." Su, pr, obj. „us;" e. g. o sap-su, „he flogged us." Sil, ka-, pi. tra-, n. „pipe" (as made of corkwood); „trun)pet;" e. g. fen aka-sQ, „blow the trumpet." Sule, V. n. „have diarrhoea, have loose bowels; be loose" (as Ihe bowels); e. g. ak'or-ka-mi ka sule, my bowels are loose." Sule, adj. „loose" (as bowels); e. g. o ba k'or ka-sule, „hc has loose bowels." Siilima, o-, pi. a-, n. „one of the Sulima nation, a Suliina." Sum, a-, n. „a fast;" e. g. 'a wop ah-sQm, „they hold the fast," or „the Ramadan." Fr. the Ar. -5-0, abstinentia a cibo, potu etc., ab aurora usque ad solis occasum, jejunium. Suma, e-, n. „ times." The sing, is not used; it always oc- curs in the phrase: e-siima ye, ,,now-a-days, now at this time;" e. g. reke Yisua o yi e-suma ye-e? „where is Jesus now?" fe'ul, V. a. „rub" (as in washing or otherwise); „strike; stroke;" also „shoot with-, fire off-, discharge," (as a gun); „shoot;" e.g. I sut-ko, „1 rubbed him;" — sut ka-tra-k'on, „he rubbed his hand;" — sut am-pihkar, „he discharged the gun." Sutne, V. refl. „rub oneself" (as in washing); „strike" or „knock oneself;" e. g. sutne 0-lOt, „rub thyself well." Sutar, V. rel. „shoot at-, fire a'-, shoot," (with or without pihkar); — 251 — e. g. o siitar-ki}, or: o siUar-ko a-pinkar, „ht' shot him," lit. „he shot at him," or „he shot at him with a gun;" — sutar am-bamp, „he shot the bird." Sutara, v. doubl. rel. „shoot at-with-, fire at-'vvitli-," e. g. 'a sutara-ko a-piiikar, „lhe.y shot at him \vi!h a gun." Also „shool at-for-,'- as „sulaia-mi-ko, „shoot at him fur me," = ,, shoot him for me." Sja, pr. emph. ,,we;" but al^o used for the sing. .,1" when joined with other empb. pronouns, or with proper names, implying the copula „and;" e. g. sva Pa Sori sa kone, „I and Mr. Sori we go;" — sya an-Temne sa t'ra he ama- Irei ame, or; sva 'n-Temne etc., „we Temnes do not kno\\ these things." T. T', pref. indef. insep. „a, an;" e.g. t'amasere, „an evidence;" it is an abbr. form of trii, which is evident from Ihe fact that the adjective takes the pref. tra-, as t'amast'ic tra- gbaraii. „a clear evidence." Ta, adv. „yel; more;" e, g. o ta der he, „he did not yet come." It sometimes serves to express the comparative degree, as: rian pa-la pa ta la, „there rice is more plentiful " Ta, prep. „except, unless;" e. g. ma gbali he soto raka, ta ma ko ri, „thou wilt not gel any thing, unless thou doest go there." Tabana, adv. „for ever, ever;" with a negative „never." E. g. an'antr na ro-yahannama na gbali he dimse labana, „lhe fire in hell will never go out. " Tabana, adj. ,,everlasting, eternal;" e.g. an'antr nu-tabana, „the everlasting fire." Tabana tankan, adv. emph. „for ever ;ind ever, ever, at any tmie, to all eternity," = tankan tabana, with a negative „never at any time, not at anv time." E. c. sa tra vi ro-rianna ta- bana tankan, „we shall be in heaven for ever and ever;" — labana tankan 1 bun be an-loh'-a-mu , „I never at any lime transgressed thy commandment." — 252 — Taho, adv. „not; e. g. ye taho, „not so;" — kgn taho yO-lsi, „il is not he >vho did it," or „not he did it;" — niin' taho, „it (is) not I;" — ey'etr-'e-mi yia taho, „these are not my things." This negative may be nsed more absolutely without a verb, which is not the case with he, or fe, and tse. It generally implies the substantive verb „be" like the Hebr, T^kas, v. n., „learn;" e. g. w'an, ma takas o-fino! „boy, thou doest learn well!" Takas, v. a. „learn;" e.g. ma lakas ka-gbal-i? „didst thou learn to write?" T^k'sa, V. cans. „ make-to learn, teach, instruct;" e. g. ma yema ho I tak'sa-mu-i? „ doest thou wish me to teach thee?" Tak'sa, v. rel. (for: takasa), „ I each- for-;" e. g. tak'sa-mi-ko. „instruct him for me;" — o tak'sa ii-fym ka-tsemp ka-bana, „he taught people with great wisdom." Tak'sa, ka-, n. verb, „act of teaching, teaching, instruction;" e. g. ka-tak'sa-k'on, ,.his instruction." Talane, Q-, n. „boundary, termination, end;" e. g. o-t^lane wa an-tof, „the end of the eartli;" — an-nesam-'a-su ano- rfi na ba o-tAlane, „our life in this world takes an end," lit. „ — — has an end." Talom, adv. „or;" e. g. ma gbali tran' do-gban \A6m ro-ban, „lhou canst go by land or by water." Tam, V. n. ..get the victory, conquer, be victorious;" e. g. am-bona ane na tam ka ka-tsim loko 6 Igko, „this nation gets always the victory in war." Tam, V. a. „conquer overcome, subdue, defeat;" e.g. an-Temne na tam am-B61am, „the Temnes conquered the Boloms." T'amasere, n. „evidence, witness, testimony; e. g. at'amasere- tr'on tr^ka ovv'uni owe, „his evidence about this person." Tambe, prep. „except, unless;" e. g. 1 tsi kalane nfnan, tambe k'ankal ka benlr-mi, „I shall return to morrow, unless a tor- nado prevent me. Tambe, conj. ,,unless, except;" e. g. I gbali he soto ak'ota, tam- be I ram-ki, „1 cannot get the cloth, except I pay for it." — 253 — T^me, V. n. „awake. , be awake;" e. g. Qw'ah.jl y tdme tgn, „the child is awake now." T^mi, V. a., „awake, rouse from sleep;" e. g. t^e .ami-ko," do not awake him." T^mi, adj. „conquering, victorious." It may follow a proper name without a prefix, when il is emphatic and may he given by „the Conqueror," as: Farma Tami, „Farma the Conqueror." Tamm, adv. spec. „quile, entirely, in profound silence, altoge- Iher, completely," used with trank „be silent;" dim „de- stroy;" and yira, „sil;" e. g. o-tem o yira tamm, „the old man sat in profound silence;" ~ o trank tamm, „he is quite still." T^m'ro, V. rel. inch, and pass. n. (for: tamaro or tamara), (rad. tam), „get overcome, get routed, get defeated;" fig. „get tired, get beaten, not succeed, fail to obtain one's object, get baffled in one's attempts, be" or „get disappointed;" e.g. an-Ldko fia tam'ro, „the Lokos were defeated;" — 1 tap tra soto pa-la; kere I tam'ro, „I endeavoured to gel rice: but I failed to obtain my object." Tam'ro, V. rel. inch and pass. a. lit. „get conquered by-, get overcome by-," or „in-," (as an army in war); hence: „nol obtain-, fail to obtain, not get, miss; lose;" e. g. 'a tam'ro o-na, „they missed the cow" (which they sought to catch); — o tam'ro am-bok, „he did not get the snake;" ~ 1 tam'ro-ko, „I missed him" (as in pursuing after one). Tam'ro, ka-, n. „defeat, overthrow; discomfiture; disappointment;" e. g. ka-tam'ro ka ar'afa-r'oh, „the defeat of his army." Tan, 0-, adj. but used adverbially „(a) little;" e. g. 1 dlra gbo Q-tan, „I slept but little." Tan, adj. „litlle, few;" e. g. m'anir ma-tan, „a little water;" — ma-rei ma-tan, „a few days." Tan', for: tank, which see. This form is used before d. See o ' o ' Fables p. 56. 58. T^na, V. n. „be able, prevail." As an aux. il serves to express the Engl. aux. „can", and indicates ability to accomphish — 254 — what is denoted by Ihe principal verb, which follows in the short form of the Infinitve. E.g. o tana he, „he is not able;" — ah-fam ane na Xiuva he J'O ma-pant, „these persons are not able to do work." Tdna, v. n. „be able for-, prevail over, be a match for-, be equal to-, be able to keep up" or „to compete with-;" e. g. g-lanba owe o tana he Qwon, „this young man is no match for that one;" — I tana-ko, I am able to compete with him;" — ow'an tana-tsi, „lhe boy is able for it." Taniis, V. caus. „ enable, make able;" e. g. I lanas-ko tra yo-tsi, „I enabled him to do it." Tani. conj. „lest, that not;" e. g. i.se ko ri, tani na sek-mu, „do not go there, lest they tie thee." Tani, adv. „soon, shortly, by and by;" e. g. 1 tsi der tani, or: tani I tsi der, „I shall come soon;" — o tra sap-mu t^ni „he will flog thee shortly." It may be joined with nouns indicating time, to make that time more definite, as: tani Iratrak, „to night," or „this night," lit. „soon to night," Tank, a-, pi. e-, n. „root," (of a tree or shrub); e. g. a-tank a bana, „a large root." Cf. Fables p. 56. 58. Taiika, ^ adv. „ever, for ever, always, at all times; some day, T^nkan, J one day, any time; much, very." With a negative „never," It is also sometimes used in the sense of an adj. denoting „much, many." E, g. ma nafi'-ko tankafi-i? „didst thou ever see him?" — sii tra yi ri tahkan, „we shall be be there for ever;" — I tsi tsela-mu so tankafi, „I will call thee again some day;" — o tra tru tankan, „he is very sick;" — tse tsi so tanka yo, „never do it again," lit „do not do it ever again;" — o dif a-fam tankan, „he killed much people." The form tankan is used more absolutely, or at the end of a proposition. (Cf. -n under N.) Tanka be, „very much, exceedingly; e.g. o lasar ak'ota tanka be, „he spoiled the cloth very much." Tankan 6 tankan, „for ever and ever, to all eternity, eternally." With a negative „never, not at any time;" e.g. an'antr na ro yahannama na gbali he dimse tankan 6 tankan, „the fire in hell will not go out for ever and ever." — 255 — T^nkan tab.'ma, — tabana tankan, which see. Tanta, ka-, pi. tra-, n. waterfall, cascade, cataract;" e, g. o vi ro-tania, „he is at the waterfall." Tapan , adv. „formelv, once, in former (old) times, long ago, before-time;" e. g. w'i'ini o vi ri ro-Ma-lal tapan, „lhere was . once a person at Malal;" — an-fam ana yi ka ka-petr ake tapaii, „the people who were in ihis town in former tim.es." Tarap, adv. ,,enlirel.y, altogether; completely, quiic; well;" e.g. afi-kala-i'i'on iia dinne tarap, „his money is lost altogether ;" — I trara-ko tarap, „I know him well." Tas, V. impers. a ..surpass, exceed." It may he used to express the Comparative and Superlative degrees, as: sa poii he botar K'uru pa t.is r aka 6 raka, „we have not loved God above every thing," lit. „ — — it surpasses every thing. Tas, V. a. „siirpass, pass, excel;" e. g, kono las an-nabi be, „he is superior to all the prophets," lit. „he surpasses all the prophets;" — ma tas-mi traka a-fosa, „thou art stronger than I," lit, „lhou excellest me as regards strength." These examples will show that also this form is used to express the Comparative and Superlative. This is also the case with the next word, which see. Tas, v. n. „go on, pass, pass on, pass along: pass away" (as smoke); also „exceed excel;" e.g. o tas ka an-set-'a-mi, „he passed at my house;" — ak'ima ka tas. „the smoke passes away;" — I ba a-kala a-gbati, kere kgno tas, „I have much money, but he has more," = „he has more money than I." Tas, ka-, n. verb. „act of passing" or „of passing along" or „by;" e. g. ka-las-k'on an-set-'a-mi, „his passing at my house." Tasa, V. caus. and pass. „ exceed, pass, surpass;" e. g. I tasa yi, „I am more than that," or „I exceed thus," lit. „I was made to exceed thus." Also this form may be used to express the Comparative and Superlative. Tasale, a-, pi. e-, n. „a brass pan used for ablutions by the Mo- hammedans at their prayers, pray-kettle." — 256 — T^si, V. a. „surpass, exceed, be superior to, excel; e. g. an-sel- n'on na tasi an-set-'a-mi , „his house is superior to my house." Also „be too much for-," (as food for a number of persons); e. g. ey'etr e-di eye e tassi-na, „this food is too much for Ihcm." Like tas above this form is also much used to express the Comparative and Superlative; for which purpose tasi is also used intransitively. Tasi is the long form of tas. Tel, V. n. „rot, get rotten, decay, be rotten;" e. g. e-tok e tel, „the fire-wood gets rotten." T61i, a-, or i-, pi. ma-, n. „ a trap, snare" (for birds, or other animals, made of bamboo leaves, or of wooden rope); e. g. gbatr ma-leli, „he set a trap." Telma, adj. „chatting, prating, loquacious;" e. g. w'Qni telma, „a loquacious person," = „a prater." Telma, ka-, n. verb. „chatting, prating, loquaciousness;" e, g. ow'uni owe ba ka-telma, „this person is fond of chatting;" — w'iini ka-telma, „a loquacious person," lit. „a person (of) loquaciousness." T^lma Modu, „a prater, a chatting person, babbler;" e.g. kane Telma Modu kc4ma o trank, „tell the prater to be silent." Cf. the word Modu under M, and Proverb 5, p. 99. Tem, 0-, pi. a-, n. „old man. Sir." It is a title of respect to old men; e.g. o-tem, kori 'u! „I salute thee, Sir!" The indef. pref. na- may be 'put also behind the noun, as is the case with a few nouns of this class, as: lem-na, or: iia-tem, „old men;" but: a-lem-na, „the old men." T^mne, o-, pi. a-, n. „one of the Temne nation, a Temne." About its derivation see Pref. §. 2. Temne, adj. „belonging to the Temne country" or „people, of Temne origin, temne;" e. g. an-lof a-temne, „the Temne country." Ten, V. a. „seek, look for-, try to obtain"; e. g. ko r'aka ma ten-e? „whatdoest thou look for?" Ten, ka-, n. verb. „act of looking for;" e. g. ka-ten-k'on o-na, „his looking for the cow." — 257 — Tena, v. rel. „se.ek-for-, get -for-, provide -for-; procure -for-; supply-with what is necessary;" e.g. w'an, ko tena-mi o-na, „boy, go look me for the cow;" — o-lem o tena-ini y'etr e-di, „lhe old man supplies me with food;" — K'uru o lena-mi o-fino, „God provides well for me." Tenon, adv. „to day, this day;" e. g. o yo-tsi tenon, „he did it to day." Tenon ra-fol, „this evening;" e. g. o tra der tenon ra-fgl, „he will come this evening." Tenon ra-yaii, „to day at noon;" e. g I tsi kone tenon ra-yan, „I shall leave to day at noon." Tenon tratrak, „to night, this night;" e. g. o kas-ka-mi o tra der tenon tratrak, „my father will come to night." Tens, V. freq. or intens. a. (rad, ten), „search for-, look for- carefully, seek;" e. g. ko na tens ri-c? „what do ye search for there?" Tensa, v. freq. or intens. and rel. „search for- in behalf of-; look for- diligently in behalf of-, seek carefully for-;" e.g. tensa- mi nan aii-lapra-'a-mi, „seek ye my cap for me." Also „seek an occasion for-" (as for war, or palaver); e. g. o tensa ka- tsim, „he seeks much for an occasion of war" or „of a fight." Tenta, a-, pi. e-, n. „a hammock"; e. g. o fanta ro-tenta, „he lies in the hammock." Teri, ma-, n. „wrong" (the contrary of: right), „injustice; im- propriety, wrongness" (as of an action); „fault, blame;" e.g. ba ma-teri, „he is in the wrong;" — 'a son-ko ma-leri, „they gave him wrong;" — ma-teri ma atr'ei atra o yo, „the impropriety of the thing which he did." Tesa, V. n. „be pleased, be gratified; please, give pleasure, be acceptable, be agreeable;" e. g. K'liru o tesa traka jis'jidka- tr'on, „God was pleased with his sacrifice;" — as'adka-tr'on tra tesa ka K'iiru, „his sacrifice was acceptable to God;" — an-fef ane na tesa he, „this wind is not agreeable." Tesane, v. impers. refl. „please to-, give pleasure to-, delight," lit. „give pleasure to oneself;" e. g. pa tesane-mi traka tron, „I am pleased" or „delighted with him," lit. „it gives plea- Temne - Worterbuch. 1 7 — 258 — sure to me on account of him;" — pa lesane-ko, „he is delighted," lit. „it delights him." Tesas, v. caus. „make to be pleased, gratify, delight, cheer; make acceptable, ingratiate oneself with-; e. g. sa ba tra lesas o- bal, „we must make the king pleased;" — atr'ei atse tra lesas-mi, „lhis thing delights me." Tete, adv. ,,presently, now, just now, immediately;" e. g. tro sa ma yo tete-e? „how shall we do now?" — kane yo tete atr'ei atse-e? „who did now this thing?" — o-lanba o bek tete, „the young man came just now;" — yO-tsi tete, „do it immediately." Tetu, a-, pi, e-, n. „a messenger, an apostle;" e, g. o som'ra a-telu ka o-bal, „he sent a messenger to the king." Some use the pref. o- in the sing, and a-, in the pi., as: o-tetu-ka- mi, „my messenger," but this form is not much used. Ti, ma-, n. „pus, matter" (as of a sore); e. g. ma-ti ma-lai ma wur ka ka-sam, „much pus came out from the sore." Tila, V. a. „sell"; e. g. o tila ak'ota, „he sold the cloth." Tila, V. n. „trade"; e. g. o der tra tila, „he came to trade." Tihkar, v. rel. „press down upon-, press upon-," (as upon a debtor); „force" (as one to do a thing); „bear upon-" (as on a sail); e. g. w'an, tiiikar am-ben, „boy, press upon the board;" — o tihkar-mi tra ram-ko afi-kala, „he pressed upon me to pay him the money;" — o tinkar-ha tra ko ri, „he forced them to go there;" — tinkar am-bela, w'an! „bear upon the sail, boy!" Tis, a-, pi. e-, n. „a knife, a country knife;" e.g. kdra ba a-tis,! „ bring a knife here!" Tit, V. a. „choose, select, make a choice of-, pick out;" e. g. kali, e-lop e-gbati, ma gbali tit e-lom, „look, there are many fish, thou canst pick out some." To, adv. = tQii, „now, then, already;" e. g. kali to ak'ota ake, „look now at this cloth;" — na pon' to dis wal ey'etr, „they had bought the things already yesterday." See also ton below. — 259 — Tof, a-, pi. Ira-, n. ..country, land;" e. g. an-lof a-lemne, „lhe Temne country." Tof, a-, n. „soil, ground;" e. g. a-tof a-fino, „good soil." The def. form is also used for the terraqueous globe, as: an-tof, „the earth" or „lhe world;" e.g. an-tof be, „the whole earth." Tof, e-, n. „ground, earth" (as dug out to make mud with for to build houses); hence also „dirt, mud" (i. e. earth mixed with water); e. g. ttie sakar-mi e-tof, „do not bespatter me with dirt." Tofal, adj. „peaceful, quiet, meek, soft, gentle" (of animate and inanimate objects); „tame" (as a horse); „mild" (as liquors); „cool" (as food); „safe, out of danger; etc.;" e. g. w'iini tofal, „a quiet person;" — an-tof a-temne na yi a-tofal, „the Temne country is quiet;" — ma-rei ma-tofal, „peace- ful days;" — a-sol a-tofal, „a tame horse;" — ow'uni owe ba a-mera tofal, „lhis person is of a soft temper." Tofal, 0-, adj. but used adverbially „gently, softly, easily; peace- fully, in peace;" e. g. o yo-lsi o-tofal, „he did it softly';" — 'a ban-ko o-tdfal, „they fetched him gently;" — kone o- tofal! „go in peace!" Tdfal, ma-, n. „peace; gentleness, meekness; jtameness; mild- ness;" e. g. ba ma-tofal ro-mera, „he has peace in his heart;" — ma-tofal ma an-sol, „the lameness of the horse." Toflo, \ V. inch, (for: tofalg), „get quiet, get easy, become paci- Tof'la, f fied" or „quiet; get cool" (as the sun, or food, or anger); „abate" (as pain); e.g. am-mera-'a-mi na tdf'lo he, be 1 nam fe ow'an-ka-mi, „my mind does not get easy, if 1 do not see my child;" — an'ei na toflo Ion, „the sun gets cool now." Tofla, i V. impers. and rel. „get" or „become easy with-, get Toflo, ' better with-, gel comfortable with-, get out of danger with-" (as with a sick person). It is difficult to give the literal sense of this verb in English, where the object becomes Ihe subject; e.g. pa toflo-ko, „he gels better" (as a sick person), or more lit. „it gets better with him;" — pa toflg- 17* — 260 — mi tenon ro-mera, „I feel easy to day in my mind," lit. „it got easy with me to day in the mind." Tgl, V, a. „burn, set on fire" (as a house, or person); „scald" (as hot water one's hand); e. g. 'a to! an-set, „they burned the house;" — am'antr ma-fai ma to! ka-tra-ka-mi, „the hot water scalded my hand." Tols, V. freq. or intens. a. „sel on fire" (as many houses) ; „broil, roast on the fire" (not in a pot); „bake" (as bread); e. g. ar'afa ra tols e-set be, „lhe war -people burned all the houses;" — tols g-sem, „roast the beef." Toisa, V. freq. or intens. andrel. „set-on fire for- ; broil-for-, roast- on the fire for- ; bake-for- ; e. g. toisa-mi o-sem, „roast the beef for me." Tok, ka-, pi, e-, n. „ fire-wood;" e. g. ma yema wal e-tok-i? „doest thou want to buy firewood?" Tok, V. a. „ extol, praise;" e. g. 'a tok o-bal, „they extolled the king." Tokas, ka-, n. verb. „act of praising, praising, praise;" e.g. ka-tokas K'uru, „the act of of praising God." Toko, adv. „ apart, by itself, separately;" e. g, o yira toko, „he lives by himself;" — botr atr'^ntr atse toko, „put these slicks separately." Toko, » adv. „now, then," = to, and ton; e.g. kone tokon, Tdkon, ' „go now;" — an-loko na poii toko tas, „the lime is now passed" or „is now up." The form lokoh is used more absolutely, or at the end of a proposition. Tomo, V. n. „dance"; e. g. an-fam na tra iomo ro-petr, „the people are dancing in town." Ton, adv. = to, „now, then, already;" e.g. der ton, „come now;" — ka ka-kal-ka-mi I bap ton na pon tila an-wul-'a-mi, „at my return I found then (that) they had sold my children." It is also sometimes used to express the adv. „too, too much," as: ra-bena ra bdli ton, „the rope is too long," lit. „the rope is long now." Ton is a more abs. form, and also al- ways used at the end of a proposition, which is not the case with to. Cf. the form to above, and the letter n under N. — 261 — Ton, a-, pi. e-, n. „a law, commandment;" e. g. e-tofi ya K'uru, „the commandments of God;" — o-bal o raf a-ton a-fu, „the king made a new law." Tonka, v. n. „debate a matter, talk a palaver; expostulate, plead at the bar, litigate, judge;" e. g. Pa Sori, mQno tdiika, „Mr. Son, do thou talk the matter." Tonka, v. recipr. ,,implead each other" (at law); „plead with each other, have a law-suit," or „go to law with each other, debate a case with each other;" e.g. na ko tonka ro ka o- bal, „they go to have a law-suit with each other at the king's place." Tonka, a-, pi. e-, n. „a legal case, a law-suit, a matter" or „case to be settled, a case about which thev plead at the bar;" e.g. Pa Sori de minan sa ba a-tohka, „Mr. Sori and I have a law-suit;" — o-bal o tra rok an-tonka, „the king will settle the case." Tonkas, v. cans. lit. „make to plead," hence „carry to law, im- plead, prosecute by law, give palaver to, sue, litigate with, expostulate with-; judge" (as a person, not matters), „try, enter into judgment wilh-;" e. g. o tonkas-mi ka-l.sin, „he sued me for nothing;" — tse mi tdnkas! „do not enter into judgment with me!" Tonkla, v. a. „collect, assemble, gather together;" e.g. 'a tonkla ey'etr-'e-iian be, „they collected all their things;" — o tonkla an-fam na ka ka-petr be, „he assembled the people of the whole town." Tonklane, v. recipr. or refl. „assemble, gather themselves, troop together, meet together;" also „accumulate itself" (as sand); e. g. na tonklane tenon, „they met together to day;" — afi- fam be na ro-petr lia tonklane rokin, „all the people of the town assembled together." Tonto, V. a. „coax, flatter, persuade, entice" (hy sweet words); „beguile; allure, tempt;" also „soothe, appease" (as a child crying); e. g. na tonto-ko kama kon' so o ko ri, „they coaxed him, that he also might go there;" — o tonto gbo a-fam, „he only beguiles people;" — tonto ow'ahet, „soothe the child." — 262 — Tonto, a-, pi. e-. n. „a trap" or „snare put hy sweet and enticing words, allurement; any thing given to another for the pur- pose to procure his friendship again which was lost by having offended him, or in order to induce him to do a thing, or to comply with one's wish;" e. g. o botra-mi a-tdnto, „he put a snare for me." Tor, V. n, „comp down, go down, descend; set" (as the sun); „come away" (as the afterbirth); e. g. w'an, tor! „boy, come down!" — tor ro-gban, „he came down the country;" — ar'etr ra tor, „the sunset." With ro-bil, „embark", lit. „go down into the canoe." Cf. the Hebr. Ti^ Jon, 1, 3. Tora, V. cans. „make to come down, bring down; let down, send down;" e. g. K'uru kono tora k'om, „it is God who sends down rain" or „who causes to rain;" — w'an, ko tora am- bela, „boy, go let down the sail." Also fig. „ humble, de- grade, abase, bring down low;" as: kono tora-ko, „he humbled him." Torane, v. cans, and refl. orspont. „bring oneself down" or „come down of one's own accord;" fig. „humble oneself; come down in one's circumstances" or „affairs; be in a low state" (as one's body, or as regards outward circumstances). E. g. torane ro-set, w'lini tora he ko, „he came down from the house himself, no one brought him down;" — o torane hali, „he has come down much in his circumstances." Tdrori, ka-, n. „the east, sun-rise;" e. g. o yefa ro-tdron, „he came from the East." With the prep, ro- it becomes also a prep, or a postp. Tdrofi, adj. „eastern"; e. g. a-tof a-tdrofi, „an eastern country." Tot, adj. „good, kind, good-natured, gracious;" e. g. w'uni tot, „a kind person." Tot, 0-, adj. but used adverbially, „kindly, well, good;" as ap- plied to dying „happily"; e. g. o yo-mi o-tgt, „he treated me kindly;" — siitne o-tot, „rub thyself well;" — o fi o- tot, „he died happily." Tot, ma-, n. „kindness, goodness, good nature, graciousness;" e. g. o-tem owe o ba ma-tot ma-bana, this old man is very — 263 — kind" or „very good-natured," lit. „this old man has great kindness." Tr', pref. indef. andinsep. (for: tra-), „a, an;" e.g. tr'antr, ,.sticks", for: tra-antr. o o Tr', part, (for tra), „let", which see. Tr' 'o — ! (for: tre ho — !) or for: tse ho — ! „mind that — not — !" do not—!" lit. „not that — !" See Fables p. 52. Tra-, pref. indef. „a, an;" e. g. Ira-bep, „spoons". It is sing, and pi. Tra, prep. poss. indef. „of"; e.g. tra-bep-tra-mi, „spoons of mine," lit. „spoons of me," =: „my spoons." Tra, prep, indef. „for, as to, as regards; on account of; etc.," e. g. tasi-mi tra ka-yenk ma-der, lit. „he surpasses me in health," = „he is more healthy than I;" — pa yi he tra ra-tru o tse bapar, „it is not on account of sickness that he was not present." It is the indef. form of tra, which see below, Tra, pr. subj. indef. „it; they;" e.g. tra-bep-lra-mi tra dinne, „spoons of mine are lost." Tra, part, to form the Present tense and the Participle with all persons in both numbers, excepting the I***- pers. sing.; for which they use the form tsi, or tri. E. g. o tra der, „he is coming;" — o tra sap-mu, „he will flog thee," This part, is used if the Future is to be expressed positively, i. e. if there is no doubt about the event, which is to take place; otherwise they use the forms: ma, me and mo. Cf. the examples under the part, ma, 1. Tra-, pref. def. „the", = atra-; e, g. tra-bep, or atra-bep, „the spoons." Tra, prep. poss. def. „of"; e. g. tra-bep-lra-mi, „my spoons," lit. „the spoons of me;" — tra-bep tra Sori, „the spoons of Sori," Tra, prep. = traka, „for, to, in order to; about, concerning, as regards, as to; with; on account of, by." It is also used as the sign of the Infinitive. E. g. a-fcim na gbali he fiiti tra ma-yos-ma-han ma-fino, „men cannot be saved on ac- — 264 — count of their good works;" — sa ba tra kal so ninan, „we have to return again to morrow;" — Yisua o fi tra afi-fam be, de Ira trannu so, „ Jesus died for all people, and for you also." The form traka, which is used, definitely and in- definitely is more frequently employed. Tra is the def. form of tra which compare, as also traka. See more about this prep, in the Grammar. Tra, pr. subj. def. „it; they;" e. g. tra-bep tra dinne, „the spoons are lost." Tra, conj. = tsa, which see. Tra, part. „let", used to form the Hortative Mood. When used with the pr. o, „he, she" or 'a „they", which is for fia, they generally drop the vowel of the part,, and contract its consonants with the following pr., as tr' o ko di, .,let him go eat," or „let him go to eat," lit. „lel he go eal," for; tra ko etc.; — tr' 'a dif-ko, „let them kill him," lit. „Iet they kill him," for: tra ha dif-ko; — tra sa kg ro-Kanip, „let us go to Freetown." Tra, ka-, pi. ma-, n. „a hand; handle;" e, g. ma-tra-m'on, „his hands;" — ka-tra ka am-poti, „the handle of the cup." Tr'a (for: trara), „know", which see. This form is used before the negative adverbs fe and he, „not", as: I tr'a he tsi, „I do not know it." Tra-mi, pr. poss. indef. „my", lit. „of me;" e. g. tra-trala-tra- mi, „hoes of mine" or „my hoes." Tra-mi, pr. poss. def. „my", lit. „of me;" e. g. tra-trala-tra-mi, „my hoes," lit. „the hoes of me." Tra-mu, pr, poss. indef. „thy", lit. „of thee;" e. g. tra-trala-tra- mu, „hoes of thine," = „thy hoes." Tra-mu, pr. poss. def. „thy", lit. „of thee;" e. g. tra-trala-tra- mu, „thy hoes," lit. „the hoes of thee." Tra-iian, pr. poss. indef. „their", lit. „of them;" e.g. tra-bep- tra-hah, „spoons of theirs," = „their spoons." Tra-nah, pr. poss. def, „their", lit. „of them;" e. g. tra-bep- Ira-han, „their spoons," lit. „the spoons of them." — 265 — Tra-nu, pr. poss. indef. „yonr", lit. „of you;" e.g. tra trala- Ira-nu, „hoes of yours," = „vour hoes." Tra-nu, pr. poss def. „\our", lit. „of you;" e.g. Ira-lrala-tra-nu, „your hoes," lit. „the hoes of you." Tra-tsi, pr. dcm. log. „thal, those;" e. g. tra-bep tra-lsi, „tho5e spoons" (spoken of before). Irak' (for: traka), prep, which see. Irak, a-, pi. e- or trn-; or sing, o-, pi. tra-, n. „a harnessed ante- lope," commonly called ,.deer". Irak, ka-, pi. tra-, n. „a staff of authority, a walking staff, a staff;" also „palaver, matter;" e.g. ka-trak ka-bana, „a great matter." Tr'ak, pi. of k'ak, which see. Traka, prep. = tra, and tra, which see; „for, for to, to, m order to; about, concerning, as to, as regards; on account of; with; etc." It is a def. and an indef. form, and may be %sed either for: tra or for: tra; but traka is more frequently used than either tra or tra, and like tra it is also used as a sign of the Infinitive. E. g. Q fai o-na o-fet g-bois traka .iron, „he killed the fattened calf for him;" - traka kane ma yo ma-paiit-e? „for whom doest thou do work?" — am- mira-n'on na kira-kg traka alra o poii yo, „his conscience troubles him about what he has done" or „on account of what he has done;" — ye pa yi traka w'uni 6 w'uni afi-lo lia-tsi, „thus it was wiih every man that time." Note. Before the prefix a- the vowel of the prep, is often dropped, as: o pa fo o tas-mi trak' a-fosa, „lie says that he is stronger than I," lit. „lie says that lie surpasses me as regards strength." Traka 'ra-bomp ra — , „for the sake of- , on account of—," lit. „for the head of—;" e. g. ma yema dim aka-petr be traka 'ra-bomp ra kar-pah ka a-fam tramat-i? „wilt thou destroy the whole town on account of the lake of five per- sons?" Traka tsi, „therefore, wherefore, for this reason," lit. „for it" or „on account of it;" e. g. ma ta poh he ram ak'ota; traka tsi 1 gbijH he mu ki son, or 1 gbali he sgm-mu-ki, „thou — 266 — hasl not yet paid for the cloth; therefore I cannot give it to thee." Tral, V, n. „hear; undersland; obey;" e. g, ma tral mg ow'6r o som ak'aro-i? „doest thou hear how the rat nibbles the bowl?" — I tral o-fino, „I understand well;" — ow'an owe o tral he ko-ko, „this boy does not obey at all." Tral, V. a. „hear; understand; obey; listen to, hearken to;" e. g. ow'an owe o tral he ar'im-ra-mi, „this child does not hear" or „listen to my word;" — o tral he mi, „he does not obey me;" — an-fet aue na tral ar'im ra o-kas-ka-nan loko 6 loko, „these children always hear (obey) the word of their father." This form is not used with a personal object, except in ne- gative propositions; if there is a personal object in positive propositions the form trala is useJ, which see. Tral, 0-, pi. a-, n. „a hearer, one hearing;" e. g. kere tse na gbo yi a-tral; kere yi na so a-yo na atra na tral, „but be ye not hearers only; but be ye also doers of what ye hear." Tral, adv. spec. „quite, altogether;" it is used with tsin, „be naked," and with the noun ka-tsin, as used adverbially in the sense of „for nothing, in vain, without cause;" e. g. o-bera owe o tsiii tral, „lhis woman is quite naked;" — na ramne gbo ka-tsin tral, ,.ye pray but in vain altogether," Trala, ka-, pi. trii-, n. „a country hoe, a hoe;" e. g. ka-trala ka-boli, „a long hoe." Trala, v. a. „hear, hearken to, listen to, obey;" e. g. ma trala am-bamp-i? „doest thou hear the bird?" — gWan-ka-mi o trala ar'im-ra-mi, „my child listens to my word;" — o trala he ko, „he does not obey him." Also „feel" (as a smell, or scent); see next word, Cf. also tral, v. a. above. Trala am-bontr na-, „get the scent of-, come upon the track of-" (as a dog upon the track of something lost, or of a person), lit. „feel the scent of-;" e. g. be an-tran o trala am-bonlr-n'on, ro o ko be, tra Irafi-ko, „if the dog gets the scent of him, wherever he goes to, he will follow him," Trala i-bontr, „feel a smell" or „scent"; e. g. I trala i-bontr i-f[no, I feel a good smell.", — 267 — Trala w'uni i-bontr, „feel a smell on one;" e. g. na trala he ko i-bontr na an'antr, „thej' did not feel a smell of the fire on him." Tralne, v. refl. a. „feel" (as pain etc.); e. g- I tralne r'a ra-las ka ka-tra-ka-mi, „I feel something bad on my hand;" lit. „hear"' or „feel oneself." Tralne dor, „feel hungry;" e. g. o trjjlne d'or, „he felt hungrv;" lit. „feel hunger." Tralpe, v. n. „jump down, light down, come down; step, go, jump;" e. g. am-bamp o tralpe ro-tof, „the bird lighted down on the ground;" — o-lanba o tralpe ro-manir, „the young man jumped (down) into the water." It is also applied io the lightning, or rather to the thunder, when striking into a house; because the Temnes believe that it is the thunder which comes down. Tram, euph. form of Iran, „follow", used before m, as: o tram- mi, „he follows me." See tran. Tram, v. a. „publish, give public notice of-, inform of-, make known, proclaim" (as a law); „tell" (as tales); e.g. ko trani- tsi ro-petr be, ,,go publish it in the whole town;" — o Iram-tsi ka an-fam be, „he gave notice of it to all the people;" — tram-ko, „he made him known;" — man der n;}n tram m'ump, „come let us tell tales." Trama, v. n. „stand; be." As an au.x. it serves to express the English „be about, be on the point," to exercise the energy, denoted by the principal verb, which follows in the long form of the Infinitive. E. g. o-tem o trama ri ro-set, „the old man stands there in the house;" — o trama tsin, „he is naked;" — o-bera o trama traka fi, „the woman is on the point of death," lit. „- stands to die" or „is about to die;" — trama o-fino, ,.he is well off." — Also „stop" (as one walking); „stay, live" (as at a place); e. g. r'im ra Isela-ko: Trama! „a voice called to him: Stop!" — o trama ras ro- Bake Loko, „he still stays at Port Loko." Triima, a-, or i-, pi. ma-, n. „attitude, posture; state, condition; situation, place, lot; independence; estate, dwelling; etc.;" — 268 — e.g. ma-trama-m'on ma tesa he, „his atlilude does not please" or „is not agreeable;" — o ba ma-tr§.ma ma-fino, „he is well off," lit. „he has a good condition;" — ma-trama-m'on ma \i ro-tsen' dokom, „his estate is on the top of the hill." The sing, is seldom used; as: anai-trama-n'on fia tesa he, = ma-trama-m'oii ma tesa he. o - Tr§ma kadi, = Irama rodi, „stand before" or „beyond, go be- fore, walk before, be ahead, be first, precede" (as to space or time), „lead the way, place oneself at the head;" also „be contrary" or „unfavourable" (as windj: e. g. k'in ka tra- lome, Qv/Q trama kadi, etc., „one of the sheep which led the way, etc.;" — an-fef na trama k§di, „the wind is contrary." Trama rayer, „ stand near, stand close by, stand aside;" e. g. g-wontr-k'on o trama rayer, „his brother stood close by." Trama rodi, = trama kadi, which see; e. g. o trama rodi ka ka-rare, ,,he stood before the door." Trama rokan, stand without;" e. g. o-tem o trama rokan, „the old man stands without." Trama w'uni kadi, --- trama w'dni rodi, „ stand before one" or „beyond one, go" or „walk before one, be at the head of one, be in front of one, precede one" (in distance or time); also „be in one's way, oppose one;" as applied to wind „be contrary to one, be against one." E. g. kong trama- na kadi, „he goes before them;" — Be Foki o trama Ali- kali Mdrba kadi, „Bey Foki preceded Alikali Morba;" — o-lahba owe o trama-mi kadi, I ebali he sdto r'aka, ..this young man is in my way, I cannot get any thing;" — an- fef ha trama-su kadi tenon, „the wind is against us to day." Trama w'uni rayer, „sland close to one, stand near (to) one;" e. g. o-tem o trama-mi rayer, „the old man stands close to me." Trama w'iini rodi, = trama w'dni kadi, which see. Trama w'Uni roraran, „stand behind one," hence „defend, take one's part, plead one's cause, back;" e. g. o-bal o trama-kg roraran, „the king takes his part." Tramar, v. caus. „make to stand, set up, raise" (as a house of — 269 ~ limber); „place, put, put up; make;" e.g. Inimar ak'antr, „set up the post;" tramar ka-tuli ro-bil , „put up the mast in the canoe;" — ko tramar am-pdti ka- am-mesa, „go put the cup on the table;" — o tran^gi" Qw'ahet tsin, „he made the child naked." TrSmar, v. rel. (rad.tram), „proclaim-to-, make-known to-, publish- to-; acquaint-with-, in form- about-; e. g. an-tetu o tramar an - fam ara-kel, „the messenger made known the theft to the people." Tramas, v. freq. or intens. a. „proclaim, make known, publish- all about; „e. g. o-bai q tramas an-tgn ka an-fam-n'on be, „the king proclaimed the law to all his subjects," lit. „to all his people." Tramat, adj. num. „five;" e. g. a-fam tramat, „five persons." Tramat de ran „seven," lit. „five and two;" e. g. a-fam tramat de rail, „ seven persons." Tramat re sas, „eight," lit. „five and (with) three;" e. g. tra-bep tramat re sas, „ eight spoons." Tramat ro kin, „six," lit. „five to one;" e. g. e-gbala tramat ro kin, „six mats." Tramat ro ii'anle, » „nine," lit. „five to four;" e. g. e-tis tramat Tramat ro iVahle, ' ro n'anle, „nine knives." Tramtramne, v. refl. a. „medidate upon-, think about-, reflect upon-, muse upon-, consider of-;" e. g. o tramtramne atr'ei tra-tsi, tro au-udne-na-lsi na yi-e, „he thought about that thing, what I he meaning of it might be." Tran, a-, pi. e-, n. „a dog;" e. g. a-tran a-bana, „a large dog." Tran', euph. form of tran, v. n. „follow," which see. It is used before d and ii; e. g. I tsi tran'-nu, „I shall follow you," See another example under talom. Tran v. n. „follow; pass, go;" e.g. o tran roraran, ,,he followed from behind;" — o tran fe ro-r'on, „he did not pass in the road." Trail, v. a. „follow, go after-, follow after-," also „pass, go upon-; follow up-, trace;" e. g. I tran-ko ro-r'on, „I followed him in the road;" — o Iran-na ro-Bake-Loko, „he followed them — 270 — to Port Loko;" — o trari ar'oh are, „he passed this road;" — I tsi trafi atr'ei tra-tsi, „I shall follow up that matter." It has the euph. or abbr. forms tram and Iran', which see in loco. Trail, V. a. „lock," (as a door); „fasten-with a nail, nail" (as a board);" drive in," (as a nail); „make costive," (as medicine the bowels); „tell, pledge," (as a word); „pledge-to-," (as a word to one); see the two next words. E. g. trafi aka-rare, „lock the door;" — o poh trail am-bil, „he has nailed the canoe." Trail r'im, „make a promise," lit „pledge a word;" e. g. o tral fo o-bal poh Iran r'im, fo w'iini 6 w'dni owo mo dif o- laiiba, o tra nantra ow'an-k"oh o-bera, „he heard that the king had made a promise, that whosoever kills the man, shall have his daughter to wife." Trail w'dni r'im, „make a promise to one;" e.g. o traii-mi r'im traka aii-kala, „he made me a promise about the money." Traiiane, v. caus. and refl. lit. „make oneself to follow after," hence „folIow up-, go after-," (as after the scent of a thing); „trace, track;" also „hold to-, keep to-," (as to one's word, or to a road), hence „fulfil; follow after-, follow, do according-; imitate, follow the habits of-;" e. g. o traiiane ar'im-r'oh, „he held to his promise;" — o tranane 'ma-ni ma o-kas- k'on, „he followed the footsteps of his father;" — tse traiiane o-kas-ka-mu, „do not imitate thy father." See also next word. Traiiane am-bontr iia-, „follow the scent of-, follow the track of-;" e. g. an-tran o traiiane am-bontr ha ow'or, „the dog followed the track of the fillentamba," Trand, v. abr. a. (rad. trah), „chain, fetter, put-in chains;" e. g. o-bal g trand-ko, „the king chained him." Trand, v. abr. a. (rad. trail) „follow, follow after-; resemble, be like to" (as one to another in character, or otherwise) ; e. g. trand-ko, „he followed after him." Trando, adj. „succeeding, following, second;" e. g. ka an-rei a- trando, „on the following day." — 271 — Trank, a-, pi. e-, n. „a species of anteater" or „anlbear," living principally on the termites. It is of the size of a goat, with a long small mouth, long claws, and lives in holes under the earth. It has no teeth. Trank, 0-, n. „a cold, coldness" (as of water); „freshness, green- ness," (as of a tree or leaf); also „an ague;" e.g. g-trank wa am'antr, „the coldness of the water;" — o-trank o wop- mi, „I got an ague fit;" — o-trank o wop-ko na tratrak, „he got a cold last night." Also „rawness" (as of meat). Trank, v. n. „be silent;" e. g. trank naii ! „be ye silent!" Tr'anle, | adj. num. „four;" e. g, tra-trala tr'iinle, „four hoes;" Tr'anle, — tr'antr tranle, „four sticks;" — tra-gba tranle, „four scores" = 80. Trarin, adv. spec. „steadily, attentively, indeed." It indicates continuance, and is used with kali, „look at-, look; be alive;" e. g. kali-mi trahii, „he looked steadily at me;" — sa nah'-ko o-kali trann, „we saw him alive indeed." Trahnan, pr. comp. „for them; about them; against them; etc.;" It is always preceded by: tra, or traka. E. g. o fa! o-na traka trannan, „he killed a cow fot them." Trannu, pr. comp. ,.for you; about you; against you; etc." It is always preceded by: tra or traka; e. g. tra trannu faho o dif o-na, „it is not for you" or „on account of you (that) he killed the cow." Tr'antr. pi. of k'antr, which see. or o ' Trap, V. n. „begin, commence;" e. g. 'a ta trap he tra rok, „they did not yet begin to reap;" — o ta trap he, „he did not yet begin." — It is often used as an aux. to indicate the commencement of an action, or of the exercise of the energy, denoted by the principal verb, which follows in the long form of the Infinitive; or the aux. may also he construed with the verbal noun; as: o trap ka-gbal an-reka, = o trap tra gbal an-reka , „he began to write the letter," lit. „he b. writing the letter;" — o trap ka-pan r'aka, „he began to be in want," lit „he began to lack a thing." Trap, v. a. „begin, commence;" also „invent;" e. g. o trap ka- — 272 — )'o ma-pant, lit. „he began the doing (of) work," = „he began with the work;" — kono trap ka-sal e-bol , „he invented the making of earthen pots." When trap v. n., as an aux., is construed with the verb, noun, it might also he considered as a transitive form, and as belonging here. Trap, ka-, pi. tra-, n. „l!eginning, commencement;" also „fashion, manner; sort, kind, species;" e. g. „ka ka-trap ka 'ra-ru are, „at the beginning of this world;" — o kiita pa-la mo ka- trap ka-fu, „he plants rice according to a new fashion;" — ba e-bamp ka tra-trap tra-gbante, „he has birds of various species." Trap, V. a. „chop, wound;" also „fell," (as a tree); „chop" or wound-with-;" e. g. o trap-mi, „he chopped me;" — 'a trap- ko a-gbcito, „lhey wounded him with a cutlass; — o trap li'antr, „he fell a tree." Trapa, v. rel. „chop" or „wound- for-; chop" or „wound-with-; fell-for-; fell-with- ;" e.g. o trapa-mi a-gbcito, „he cut me wilh a cutlass;" - trapa-mi aiVantr aiie, „fell this tree for me;" — trapa-mi-ko, „chop him for me." Also used with one Ace. in the sense Ojf „chop" or „cut with-," as: 'a trapa ka-bap ka tra-sak, „they cut the ribs with a hatchet," lit. „they cut with a hatchet at the ribs." Trapi v. a. „create, begin; be the author of-, make -from the first; also „invent, contrive, beget," (of the male); e. g. K'liru kono tnipi at'ruru de an-tof, „it is God who created the heavens and the earth;" — Pa Sori kono trapi-mi, „Mr. Sori he begat me." It is the long form of trap. Trapi ka-fi, „be the author of death," lit. „begin dying;" e. g. kono trapi ka-fi, „he became the author of death." Trapi, ka-, n. „act of creating (a thing, or person), creation;" e. g. ka-lrapi ara-ru are, „the creation of this world," lit. „the creating this world." Trapia, v. rel. „create-for-; create-with-;" e.g. ara-rfi are K'uru trapia-ri ar'im-r'on, „as for this world God created it by his word." — 273 r- Trar, o-, pi. a-, n. „a slave;" e. g. o wal a-lrar ria-ran, „he bought two slaves;" — o-lrar o-rQni, „a male slave." Trar, ra- n. „slaveTy, bondage;" e.g. o won ra-trar, „he got into slavery. Trar o-bera, o-, pi. a-trar a-bera, „a female slave." Tr'ar, pi. of k'ar, which see. Trara, v. n. „know, understand; be acquainted;" e. g. o trara o-fino, „he understands well;" — o trara ro-petr, „he is ac- quainted in town." It is often used as an aux. to indicate skill in the exercise of the energy, denoted by the principal verb, which follows in the short form of the Infinitive, as: o-bera o trara yak, „the woman understands washing," or „ knows to wash clothes;" — o-lanba owe o trara tak'sa, „this young man can teach well," lit. „— — understands teaching," or „to teach." With negative propositions the conlr. form tr'a is used, as: o tr'a he taksa, „he does not understand to leach." Cf. also tr'a above. Trara, v. a. „know , understand, be acquainted with; be aware of-; e.g. „1 trara-ko o-fino, „1 am well acquainted with him;" — o Irara-tsi, „he knows it;" — ma trara am'olo ma ak'6ta-i? „doest thou know the price of the cloth?" — tr'a he tr'el 6 tr'el, „he knows nothing at all;" — I trara ka-ramne o-fino, „I understand the prayer well." — Cf. the preceding word about the contr. form tr'a. Trara, ka-, n. verb. „ faculty of knowing, knowledge;" ka-lnira- k'on, „his knowledge." Trara-tr'ei, v. comp. u. .,be learned, he ;i« complished, be clever;" e. g. ow'uni owe o trara-tr'ei, „ti)is person is learned." Trara w'dni r'aka, „care for one, rei^ard one. treat one accor- ding to rank" or „circumstances," lit. „know something for one;" e.g. o-lahba owe o tr'a he w'rini r'aka. „this young man does not care for a person.' Trasam, v. onom. n. „sneeze;" e. g. o tra trasam, „he is sneezing." Trasam-trasam, v. onom. freq. or intens. n. „sneeze much, sneeze repeatedly;" e. g. o-tem o tra trasam-tnjsam, „lhe old man was snetzing repeatedly." Temnc - W'orterbucli. 18 — 274 — Trassu, pr. comp. „for us, about us; on account of us; against us; etc." It is always followed by Ira, or traka. E. g. Yisua fi tra trAssu be, „ Jesus died for all of us," or „for us all." Tratrak, n. „ night;" adverbially „at night, in the night;" e. g. ts61a-mi tratrak, „he called me at night;" — I dira he na tratrak, „1 did nol sleep last night." Its prefix is ka-, but it is seldom used. See more about this form in the Grammar. Tr'atrak, pi. of k'atrak, which see. Tralsen, adj. „true; righteous, just ;" e.g. an-tratsen, „the righ- teous." It is properly the noun tra-tsen, „truth," but used as an adj., the pref. (rf the noun being taken as a radical pari of the word, (when used adjectively), which is sometimes the case. Tre, = tse, adv. „not, do not." See tse; and of. the Note after kotsi. Tr'eT, pi. ma-trel, n. „a thing, matter, palaver, case; trouble, harm;" e. g. atr'ei atle, „lhis matter;" — tr'el Ira \i he „there is no palaver;" — tra ba he trei, „it does not matter," = „it is of no consequence;" — ma-trel ma no-ru, „the things of this world." — See also: won' do-treT. It is sometimes also used in the sense of „characler," especially in the pi. This word has an insep. pref. in the sing., and a separable one in the pi. , the insep. pref. of the sing, being taken as radical in the plural. Trel, V. a. „leave, abandon, forsake; leave off, desist from;" e. g. ar'afa ra trel ah-raka tenon tra ko tsim, „the war-people left the camp to day to go to war;" — ow'uni owe o pon trel o- rani-k'on, „this man has left his wife; — o trel ka-sap ow'ahet, „he desisted from flogging the child." Also „leave behind," (as property); „cede; etc.;" as: tse trel am-pinkar- 'a-rnu, „do not leave thy gun behind." Tr'el 6 tr'el, „any thing, every thing; any matter; only trouble, nothing but trouble;" with a negative „not any thing, not any matter;" e.g. o-lanba owe o trara tr'el 6 tr'el, „this young man knows every thing;" — tra ba he tr'el 6 tr'ei, „it — 27o — does not matter at all." — See also: bene w'uni ra-tr'el 6 tr'ei. Tr'ei tra-las, „sin;" also „danger;" lit. „a bad thing," or „soine- thing bad" ; e. g. trei tra-las tra yi he ri, „there is no danger there;" — o yo tr'ei tra-las, „he committed sin." Tr'eme, pi. of k'eme, which see. Tr'eme tramat re sas, „ eight hundred;" e. g. tra-ren tr'eme tramat re sas, „ eight hundred years." Treme tramat ro kin, „six hundred." Tr'ere, pi. of k'ere, which see. Tri, pr. obj. for: tsi, which see. Cf. the Note after kotsi. Tri', pr. emph. abbr. „it, this; these," for: trfa; e. g. tra-bep atra ma yema tsia-tse-i? De, tri' taho; „are these the spoons which thou doest want?" „No, not these." Tro? adv. inter. „how? of what kind? how much? how many?" e. g. tro sa ma yO-e? „how are we to do?" ~ tro na yi-e? „how many are ye?" Tro? pr. inter. „what?" e. g. tro som o pa yafi-e? „what is the cause (that) he says so?" or „what is the cause (that) he speaks thus?" — tro ma nane? „what doest thou think?" Tro, ka-, pi. tra-, n. verb. „act of beating rice (in a mortar);" e.g. an-loko ka-tro, ,,the time of beating rice (for supper)," (which is done from 4 — 6 o'clock P. M.. hence also „the time from 4—6 o'clock." The pi. form of ka-tro is used of a plurality of places, where rice is beaten. Tro pe-e? for: tro pa yi-e? „how is it?" or ,.what news?" or also „how art thou?" = tro pe nni-e? Cf. Colloq. Phras. p. 105. See next word. Tro pe mu-e? for: tro pa yi-mu-e? ,.how art thou?" or „how is it with thee?" Cf. Colloq. Phras. p. 105. Trgfatr, adj. num. „ten;" e. g. a-fam trofatr. „ten persons." Trofatr n'in, „ eleven;" e. g. ma-sar trofatr n'in, „ eleven stones." Troko, a-, pi. e-, n. „afowl;" e.g. a-troko a-bana, „a large fowl." Trol, V. a. „rear," (as cattle); „tend, mind, attend to, take care 18* — 276 — of," (as of cattle, or also of men) ; e. g. o trgl e-troko, „he rears up fowls;" — o-bal o trol tra-na-tr'on o-fino, „the king minds his cows well;" — K'firu o trol-mi, „God lakes care of me." Trol, adj. „ reared, reared up." (as cattle); „tended, minded, taken care of;" e. g. y'etr e-trol, „things reared up," — „ small cattle." Trol, 0-, pi. a-, n. „one lending cattle, herd's man, shepherd;" e. g. o-trol ka o-bal, „lhe herd's man of the king." Trol adj. „ clever, skilful;" e. g. w'uni trol, „a clever person," — „an artisan." Trol a-, pi. e-, n. „medicine;" also „ charm, amulet, countrv- medicine;" — e. g. o di e-trol, „he took medicine;" — sekne a-trgl, „he lied a charm round himself." Trom, V. n. ruminate, chew the cud;" e.g. ow'ir o ira Irgm, „the goat is ruminating." Tr'on, pr. poss.. „his, her," lit. .,of him. of her;" e. g. tra-bep- Ir'on, „his spoons." Tron, ka-, pi. tra , n. „middle, midst, centre; trunk of the body, waist;" e. g. ka-tron ka ka-petr, „the middle of the town;" — ka-troh-k'on, „his waist." With the prep, ra-, it be- comes a prep, or a postp. — See ratron, prep. Tron, pr. „him, her," this form is used after tra or Ir^ka, as: fai Q-na traka tron, „he slaughtered a cow for him." Tron ka --, ka-, used as a prep., see ka-tron ka — . undef K. Trond, v. abr. a. „cook for-," (as for a krifi, or for the dead, being considered as a sacritice); e. g. 'a kg trond Q-krifi, „lhey goto cook for the krifi." Troiikcir, v. rel. (rad. tronk), „abscond with-, run awa\ to-, flee to-, take refuge with-;" e. g. o-trar o trohkar Pa Sori, „the slave absconded with Mr. Sori." Tronkar, v. rel n. „abscond, run away;" e.g. o-trar o tronkar kao-bai, „the slave run away to the king." With this form the suff. is rather redundant. Trori, v. a. „show, inform; show-to- inform- of-;" e. g. 1 ko trori-mu ar'on, „1 go to show thee the road;" — an-tetu — 277 — Irdri-mi atra o-bai o k^ne-ko, „lhe messenger informed me of what the king told him;" — w'Qni lorn o trnri-mi, fo o-bal pon fi, „some person informed me, that the king has died." Trdtroko, adj. „first," e. g. an-rei a-trotroko, „the first day;" - an-fam a-trotroko, „the first people." Tru, V. n. „be sick, be ill;" e. g. Pa Sori o tru, „Mr. Sori is sick." Tru, ra- pi. tra, n. „sickness, illness;" e. g. ra-trCi ra-baki ra wop-ko, „°he is very ill," lit. „a heavy sickness holds him." Tru k'or, „have the menses;" e. g. o-bera o tru k'or, „the wo- man has the menses." TruT, v. impers. „be hard, be diffieult;" e. g. pa trul he tra yO atr'ei atse, „it will not be hard to do this thing." Trutrka-, pi. Ira-, n. „envy, jealousy;" e. g o ba ka-trntr traka o-rani-k'on , .,he is jealous on account of his wife," lit. „he has jealousy on account of his wife." Ts', pref. indef. and insep. for: tr'; see the Note after kotsi. It is an insep. form of: tra-; e.g. ts'ek. „beards," = tr'ek, for: tra-ek. Tsa, conj °= tra, „for, because;" e. g. K'liru o gbali su nank, tsa \i d'er 6 d'er, „God can see us; for he is everywhere." — I nesa, \sa min' tsih, ,.I was afraid, f«ir I am naked." See the Note after kotsi. tse, adv. = tre, „not, do not." Often used with the Imperative; as: tse tsi yo, „do not do it;" — tse fair ri, or: Ise ri fatr, „do not approach there;" — tse falr-na. „do not go near to them;" — tr' 'a tse kg bene ro-petr, „let them not bury him in the town." Tse-wop ar'im ra-, ka-, ,.the not holding (obeying) the word of-;" e. g K'uru o Ira sompa-nu traka ka-tse-wop ar'im- r'on, „God will punish you for not obeying his word." Tsel, adj. „not related, strange, foreign, other;" e. g. a-fam a-tsel de an-fam-n'on gben na bolar he ko, „slrange people and — 278 — his own people do not like him;" — k'antr ka-tsel, „a foreign language." Tsela, V. a. „call, invite;" e. g. kg Isela am-boi-'a-mu, „go call thy servant." Also „hail," as: an-fam anan iia tra tsela-su, „those people are hailing us;" also „name," e. g. 'a tsela- ko Sori, „thev called him Sori." Tsemp, V. n. „gct wise, get inleUigent, get sense, get prudent; get sober; be wise, be intelligent, etc.;" e. g. o-laiiba owe o ta tsemp he, „this young man has not yet got wise;" — mono ma tsemp he, „thou hast no sense." It is the short form of tsempi. Cf. the Note after -wos, v. n. Tsemp, ka-, n. „ wisdom, intelligence, prudence, sense; discretion; soberness;" e. g. Yisua o tak'sa a-fam ka-tsemp ka-bana, „Jesus taught people with great wisdom;" — ow'uni owe ba ka-tsemp, „this person has intelligence." Tsempi, v. n. „be wise, be prudent, be intelligent, be discreet, have sense; be sober;" e. g. o-tem owe o tsempi, „this old man is wise;" — o-lanba owe o tsempi so, „this young man is sober again." Tsempi, adj. „wise, prudent, intelligent; sober;" e. g.w'uni tsempi, „a wise person." It may follow a proper name without a prefix, in which case it is emphatic, and may be given by „the Wise," as: Be Foki Tsempi, „Bey Foki the Wise." Cf. Proverb 3, p. 99. Tsen, V. a. „cut up" (as an animal slaughtered), „cut, carve" (as a fowl), lit. „separate the joints of-," (as butchers do with cattle slaughtered);" e. g. 'a pon tsen o-na, „they have cut up the cow." Tsen, tra-, n. „truth, veracity; justice." Also used adverbially in the sense of „iiidepd, truly, in truth." E. g. atra-tseii tra am-pa-n'oh, „the truth of his statement;" — ow'uni owe ba ka-tsemp tra-lseri! „this person has sense indeed!" Tsen', ka-, pi. tra-, n. for: tsen; this form is used before d. See next word. Tsen, ka-, pi. tra-, n. „a hill;" e. g. o yi ro-tsen' dokom, „he is on the top of the hill;" — ka-tsen ka-lgl, „a Httle hill." — 279 — Tsenfsene, adv. „indeed, truly, surely;" e. g. „o tra dcr (entsene, „he will surely come." Tsep, V. a. „plant;" e. g. 1 tsi Istp ri y'intr," „I shall plant trees there," Ts'er, pi. of w'er, which see. Tser, V. a. „let go, let, dismiss, let loose; forgive; allow, per- mit;" e. g. Iser-kg, „let him go;" — o-bal o tser an-fam, „the king dismissed the people;" — I tser-mu a-inera fino, „I forgive thee with all my heart," lit. „— — with a good heart;" — tser an-tis, w'an! „let go the knife, boy!" Tsera, v. rel, „let go- for-; remit- to-" fas a debt to one); „for- give- to-;" e. g. tsera-mi an-tis, wan! „let go the knife for me, boy!" — o-tem o tsera-mi atr'ei tra-las, atra 1 yO-ko, „the old man forgave me the evil thing, which I did to him;" — I tsera-ko ara-bel-r'on, „I remitted him his debt." Tsi, part. = tri, to form the Participle, and the Future tense in the !«'• pers, sing, — E. g. 1 tsi der romu ninan, „I shall come to thee to morrow." Cf. the Note after kolsi, as also what has been stated under the pari, tra; because what has been said there, applies also to this form. Tsi, pr. sub. and obj. = tri, „it; these; they, them;" e. g. atr'antr kara-tsi and, „as for the sticks bring them here." Tsia, V. n. „remain, stay; be left;" e. g. o t.sia ro-Ma-Ial, „he remained at Malal;" — o-tem o tsia ri son, „the old man was left there ulone;" — ma-rei ma-sas ma tsia gbo, „oi)ly three days remained;" — na tra tsia naii ka-raran-ka-tsi mo ho ma na yi tapan, „they would remain afterwards as they were before," Tsia, V. a. „leave, let remain, spare;" e. g. pa-la apa an-fam na poii tsia, „lhe rice which the people have left;" — an-fam na tsia a-kala a-gbati ro-sel, „the people have left much money in the house" (for themselves), Tsia, V. rel. „leave, leave-to-, bequealh-to-;" e. g. ma-tofal mia I tsia-nu, „i)eace I leave to you;" — o-kas-ka-mi q tsia- mi gbo a-kala a-tan, „my father left me but little monev;" — 280 — — o-tem fsfa-mi k'e ka-bana, „the old man left me a large properly." Tsia, pr. emph. „i1, this; they, them, Ihese;" tra-bep-tra-mi tsia yi tsi, „these are my spoons," lit. = the Germ. „Meine Loffel diese sind es." Tmb ba, „therefore, for this reason, this is the reason," lit. „it has," or „this has;" e. g. ra-bomp-ra-mi ra ban -mi; tsia ba ma narik fe mi tenon, „my head pained me; this is the reason (that) thou didst not see me to day." Tsia ba tsi, „therefore, this is the reason," lit. „it (this) has it;" e. g. ow'ahet-k'on o lasar apa-U; tsia ba-tsi o ban'sa, „his child spoiled the rice; this is the reason (that) he got angry." Tsian, copj. ^therefore, for this reason, this is the reason," lit. „it, „or"lhis." It is properly the aiis. form of the pr. Isi, „it." E. g. ow'an o pon yo tr'el tra-las; tsiau o mafikne, „the hoy has done something bad; therefore he hides himself." Tsik. 0-, pi. a-, n. „a male stranger, pilgrim, guest;" e.g. o-tsik der romi tenon, „a stranger came to me to day." Tsik. ra-, pi. tra-. n. „state of being a stranger, strangership , sojourn, pilgrimage;" e. g. ra fsik-r'on ro-Kamp, „his sojourn at Freetown." Tsim, V. n. „war, fight, strive, struggle;" e.g. o ko tsim, „he went to war;" - o tra t.sim ri, „he is fighting there." It is, however, more frequently used in a recipr. sense, „ fight together, war against each other, wage war against each other, strive together;" c. g. tsia som iia tsim, „this is the reason they carry on war with each other;" — iia tsim- ri ma-rei ma-raii, „they fought there for two days." Tsim, V. a. „fight with-; war against-, wage war against-, invade;" e. g. I ko tsim-ko, ,,I go to fight with him;" — an-fam na tsim-ko, „the people fought against him;" — Alikali Fatima Brema o tsim an-tof a-ldko, „Alikali Fatima Brema waged war against the Loko country." Tsim, ka-, pi. Ira-, n. „war, fight, battle, combat;" e. g. 'a tsim ri ka-t.sim ka-baki, „they fought a great battle there;" — — 281 — fi ka ka-tsim, „he died in the battle," — a tam'ro ka- tsim, „they lost the battle." Tsima, adj. „belonging to fighting" or „to war;" e. g. y'etr e- Isi'ma, „arms," or „war-implcments," lit. „things belonging to war." Tsimne, v. refl. lit. „fight with oneself," hence: „struggle, ago- nize," (as a dying person); fig. „exen oneself much, try hard;" e. g. o tsimne tra sdto pa la, „he exerted himself much to get rice." Also used in a recipr. sense „compete" or „contcnd with each other, "as: 'a tsimne traka o-bera, „they contend with each other about the woman." Tsimone, v. rel. and refl., or v. spont. lit. „fight for oneself," or „fight of one's own accord," hence „make haste, hasten, be quick;" e. g. tsimone, kama ma kone, „make haste that thou ma} est go;" — o t.simone traka kalaiie, „he hastened to return." Tsin, V. n. „be naked," (as the bodvj; „be bare," (as the head); „be empty," (as a bottle); e. g. ra-bomp-r'on ra tsiri , „his head is bare;" am-bitra na t.sin, „the bottle is empty." Tsin, adj. „naked; bare; empty;" e.g. ra-bomp ra-tsin, „a bare head; - a-bilra a-tsin, „an empty bottle." Tsin, ka-, n. „emptiness." It is often used adverbially in the sense of „for nothing, without cause, in vain; gratis." E. g. ka-tsih ka am-bitra, „the emptiness of the bottle;" o yo- tsi gbo ka-tsin, „he did it just for nothing;" — I gbali he som-mu-ni ka-tsin, „I cannot give it to thee gratis." Tsir, ma-, n. „blood;" e. g. ma-tsir ma wur-ko, „he bleeds," lit, „blood comes out from him." Tsis, V. n. „be drunken, be intoxicated;" e. g. ow'Qni owe o tsis, „this person is drunken." Tsis, adj. „drunken, intoxicated;" e. g. w'uni t.sis, „an intoxi- cated person." Tubi, V, n. „repent;" Mand. tubi. Fr. the Ar. CjLj, conversus fuit a peccalis; poenilenliam ob delictum ostendit. E.g. sa — 282 — ba tra tubi tnjka ra-bonip ra ma-trel-ma-su ma-las, „we have to repent on account of our sins." Tiibi, ka-, n. verb. „repen!ance;" e.g. ka-lubi-ka-nan, „their re- pentance." Tuk, a-, pi. e-, n „rice straw, stalk of rice after the ears are plucked off," which is generally left standing in the ground, sometimes also cut off, and taken home; and from the roots of which the rice called. e-pas§r (second crop) comes out, which IS of an inferior quality. Tiili, ka-, pi. tra-, n. „a mast," (as of a canoe or ship); also „the turret" or „spire on the top of the conical roof of a country house," which is properly the post supporting the conical roof in the middle, reaching down to the ground, and pro- jecting at the ou'side of the roof on the top, forming, as it were, a little spire. E. g. ka-tuli ka-bana, „the main mast," lit. „the great mast;" — tramar ka-tuli ro-bil, „pul up the mast in the canoe." Tunt, V. a. „measure, weigh;" e.g. tunt ak'ota, „m(asure the cloth." Tup, V. n, „endeavour, try, try hard, exert oneself," (as to get something); e.g. I tup tra soto pa-Ki; kere I tam'ro, „I endeavoured to gel rice; but I was disappointed." Tiipas, V. n. prob. a freq. form from an obs. tup, „praclise divination, divine, make country fashion," (as they call it), „tell fortune," (by means of sand, or small stones of different colours) ; e. g. tra tiipas traka Pa Sori, „he is making country fashion for Mr. Sori." Tiisi, V. a. „pull out," (as roots, or ihe feathers of a fowl); „unroot," (as plants); „pluck," (as a fowl); „ex(ract," (as a tooth); e.g. „tusi e-yoka , „pull out the cassadas;" — o- bera o tri.si am-bamp, „the woman plucked the fowl." Cf. the Ar. yiJu, and the Hebr. li'ni extraxit. U-, pref. indef. „a, an;" used by some as an indef. form of o-; but it is not generally used, o- being used definitely and in- -^ 283 — definitely ; it seems to have crept in from the Boloin. E. g. u-sem, „meat;" but o-sem, „the meat" 'U, abbr, form of: mu, „thee," used with kori, „salute," as: kori 'u, Pa! „I salute thee, Sir!" W. W, pref, indef and insep. „a, an;" as: w'ir, „a goat," for: wo-ir. Wa, pr. poss. „of;" e. g. o-trank wa am'antr, „lhe coldness of the water." ■VV'ahet, pi. a-fet, n. „a little child;" e. g. a-fet a-riini, „boys;" — w'ahet riini, „a boy;" — ah-fet na tra wol, „the children are placing together." Sometimes they use for the sing, the form o-fet; w'ahet is probably a contraction of: w'an fet, „a young child." Wai, V. a. „buy, purchase;" e. g. „I wal kota, „I bought cloth." Waia, V. rel. „purchase- for-, purchase" or ,,buy-wilh-;" e. g. waia-mi k'ota, „buy me cloth;" — I waia-hi k'ota, „I bought it with cloth," (as a mat). "VV'an, pi. a-wut, n. „a child," (larger than w'ahet). It is also used, without any adjunct, in the sense of „son; boy; young man, youth; friend"; —the Gr. iraig and i^aigog. E. g. ow'an- ka-mi o-runi , „my son;" — w'an, yentia-mi an-tis, „boy, hand me the knife." It is sometimes even applied to an old person in the sense of „friend;" and the pi. is also used of the „yonng ones" of beasts. Wan, ka-, pi. ira-, n, „a chair, a seat;" also „throne;" e. g. o bempa ka-wan, „he made a chair." Wan diini, pi. a-wut a-runi, ,,a male child, boy;" also „a man." "VV'an bera, pi. a-vvul a-bera, „a female child, a girl." "Wandi, ka-, tra-, n. „instruclion, speech, preaching; lesson;" e. g. fof ka-wandi ka-las tenon, '„he delivered a bad speech to day;" — o gbalr an-fam ka-wandi, „he preached to the people," lit. „he imparted instruction to the people." Wahki, V. revert, a. ,.take away the protecting charm from-, de- prive- of the protecting charm," (as a farm or fruit-tree); — 284 — fig. ..deprive of proteclion, outlaw, proscribe;-' e.g. o w^nki an'anlr, „he look away the protecting charm from the tree;" — o-bal wanki-mi, „the king outlawed me." Warafi, v. n. „be bright, be clear," (as the sky or atmosphere); e. g ak'tiru ka waraii, „the sky is clear." Wek, V. a. „draw," (as milk from a cow); „wring out, squeeze out," (as wet cloth, or a sore); e. g. wek ak'ola," wring out the cloth;" — ma ba tra wek aka-sam, „thou must squeeze out the sore." W'er, pi. ts'er, n. „arat;" e.g. ow er owe, „this rat." Win, adv. „once, one time; one, one and the same, alike, the same;" e. g. I nan'-ko gbo win, „I saw him but once;" — an-tori- n'on ye ma-selo-m'on ma yi gbo win, „his law and his will are just the same." With a negative „never," as: I tr'a he mu win, „I never knew thee." Win win, „now and then;" Ger. „hie und da," lit. „once once;" e. g. yO-isi gbo win win, „he did it only now and then." W'ir, pi ts'ir, n. „a goat;" e. g. ts'ir tra-bana, „large goals." Wot! int. „alas!" It is expressive of pain, grief, lamentation or pity. E. g. woi minah! „alas for me!" See Colloq. Phras. p. 108. Wol! WoT! int emph. „alas! alas!" See Colloq. Phras. p. 108. Wol, V. n. „play, play together;" e. g. an-fel na tra wol, „the children are playing together." As to its sense it is rather recipr., but iiol as to its form. Woma, adj. „in the husk" (applied to grain); e. g. pa-la pa- woma, „rough rice," or „rice in the husk." Won, V. a. „shake out, shake" (as cloth, or the law-broom); ..shake ofl" (as something from one's cloth); ..flap, clap" (as the wings); „ply" (as a whip); e.g. won ak'ola, „shake the cloth;" — o won am-bok , „he shook off the snake." Won, V. n. „be long, stay long; last long, last;" e. g. na won di, „they stayed long Ihere;" — an-sel aiie na tra won, „ihis house will last long;" — o won he, „he will not be long." It is the short form of woni. — 285 — Won', euph. form of won, „go in," used before the prep, do-, as: won' do-set, „he went into the house; — won' di, „go in there." See next word. Won, V. n. „go in, come in, enter;" of the sun „sel, go down," = the Hebr. N12. E. g, g won ka aii-sct, „he went into the house," = o won' do-set; — o won gbo, „he went just in;" — ar'etr ra won, „the sun set." Won, V. a. „get into, enter into, gel into" (as into some stale, or something into one's body); „enter" (as a house); ,,join" (as a compan;\'); „embrcice" (as a rehgion); „put on, wear" (as clothes); also „get" (as a sore pus); e. g. o won ra-trar, ,.he became a slave" or „he got into slavery;" — o won' da-nes, for: o won ra-nes, „he got afraid." lit. „he entered into fear;" — na won an-set, „the} entered the house;" — woii a-wonane, „he joined a company;" — o won' da-mori, „he embraced Islamism;" — ka-sam ka won ma-ti, „the sore suppurates" or „gels pus;" — o won ar'uma-r'oA loko 6 Idko, „he puts on (wears) his shirt always;" — e-tof e won-mi ro-for, „some earth got into my eyes," lit. „earth got into me at the eyes." With the last ex. the obj. pronoun of the veib serves to express the poss. pronoun. Note. It may be observed here, that this verb is very fre- quently used in connection with an abstract noun, to form comp. inch, verbs; when won may often be given by „ be- come, get, get into." Also wur in the sense of „ bring forth, produce, get", is often used in a similar way, as will be seen from the Temne Grammar and Dictionary. Of. also wona below. Won, = owoh, pr.dem. rem. „thal, that one;" this form is used if the pr. without the noun is the subject of a proposition, as: w'uni las woii, „that is a bad person," lit. „a bad per- son that." Won ka a-fam, „beoome fashion among people," lit. „enter into people." Won' do-tr'ei, „get into trouble;" e. g. o-lanba o won" do-tr'eT^ „lhe young man got into trouble." — 286 — Won w'lini yanfa, for: won w'uni a-Vcinfa, „form a conspiracy against one, conspire against one;" e. g. 'a won-ko yahfa, „the.y conspired against him." Wdna, V. cans. „make to go in, cause to enter, bring in, lead in;" e.g. o w6na-mi ro-sel, „he brought me info the house;" — o woiia-ko ra-trar, .,he enslaved him," lit. „he led him into slavery:" — o wona-ko ma-lap. „ho made him ashamed" or „he brought shame (disgrace) upon him." Note. By this caus. form the comp. inch, form with won may be made transitive or causative. Wonane, a-,n. „a company, a society," (especiall\ one whose mem- bers have engaged to assist each other in farm-work); e. g. won afi-wdnane, „he joined the farming company." Wonane, v. spont. (rad. won), „gel fever, gel warm" or „hol, have fever;" e. g. ow'ahet o wonane, „the child got fever." WoiVs, V. caus. (rad. won) „make to go in" or „to enter, put-on-, clothe-with-;" e. g. won's-ko ar'uma, „pnt him on the shirt," = „clothe him with the shirt;" — 1 woii's-ko e-16pra, „I put him on the clothes;" — o won*s-mi y'elr, „he clothed me," lit. „he made me to enter things," (wohs showing here that wearing apparel is intended by y'etr; for this caus. form of won is to he kept distinct from the other caus. form woria above; because w oil's is always used of putting on clothes, or wearing apparel, or war implements.) Wont, V. n. „graze, feed;" e. g. tra-na na Ira wont ro-lal, „the cows are grazing on the grass-field." Wont, V. a. „graze, feed on; look for-," (as for medicine); e.g. 1 ko wont e-trol ro-kant, „I go to look for medicine in the bush;" — Ira-na iia pofi wont od'er be, „the cows have grazed the whole place." Wont, ka-, n. verb. „acl of grazing, act of feeding, a grazing;" e. g. ka-wont ka tra-na, „the grazing of the cows." Wonlr, 0-, pi. a-, n. „a brother" or„sister"; also „brother" (with- out any adjunct), „one born of the same parents;" Germ. „Geschwisler". — 287 — Wontr o-bera, o-, pi. a-, n. „a sister"; e. g. o-\vonfr-ka-mi o-bera, „my sister." Wontr o-rfini, o-, pi. a-, n. „a brother"; e. g. o-wontr-ka-mi o- runi, „my brother." Wop, V. a. „take hold of-, hold, seize, apprehend; hit" (as the ball of a gun); „keep. obev" (as a law); e. g. a wop-ko, „they seized him;" — an-rom na wop-ko, ,.lepros\' has seized him;" — o wop an-toh na K'uru, „he keeps the law of God." Also „catch" (as fish), as: ma wop e-lop-i ? „didst thou catch fish?" Wop, ka-, n. verb. „act of taking hold of-." or „of seizing, cap- ture; a holding, a keeping;" e. g. ka-wop-k'oii an-ton ^na K'liru, „his keeping the law of God." Wop a-sum, „hold a fast, fast;" e.g. 'a wop a-sum, „they hold a fast." Wopa, V. rel. „take hold of-by-, hold-wilh-, hokl-for-, seize- for-;" e. g. w6pa-mi-ko, „seize him for me;" — o w6pa-ko ka-tra, „he held him with the hand." Wopa wuni t'amasere, „bear evidence against one," lit. „hold one with an evidence;" e. g. o wopa-kg t'amasere, „he bore evidence against him." Wopne, v. rcfl. a. „hold oneself to-, take hold of-, hold oneself on-, trust in-, cleave to-; take refuge with-;" e, g. 1 bun fumpo; kere I wopne ak'antr, „l almost fell; but I held myself on the slick;" — o wopne-mi tra nemteDe-mu, kama ma tse ko sap, „he took refuge with me to beg thee, that thou mightest not flog him." W'or, pi. tr'or, n. „a species of deer generallv called fiUen- tamba" (being a beautiful animal with long slender legs, and a white and brown spotted skin); e. g. i nank w'or, „1 saw a fiUentamba." Worap, V. n. „dream"; e. g. 1 woriip na Iralrak, „1 dreamed last night." Wos, V. n. „get dry; be dry; get hard, be hard" (as bread); „gel parched, be parched" (as soil); e.g. ad'uba ra wos, „the ink gets dry." — 288 — Note. This is the short form of wosi, and expresses the inch, form also, as is the case with all the short forms of this class of verbs ; while the long form is used more positively, and never in negative propositions. Wos, 0-, pi. a-, n. „a husband"; e, g. o-wos-k'on, „her husband." Wosa, v. a. „answer to-, answer for-, answer; answer to- in the affirmative," Ger. „bejahpn". Also „acknowledge, confess; be willing for-;" e. g. o wosa he kg, „ht' did not answer him;" — tse w6sa-ko, „do not answer him;" — a wosa-tsi, „thev confessed it;" or also „the\ were willing for it;" — g wosa atr'ei-tr'gn tra-las, „he acknowledged his sin." Also „be accountable for-." Wosa, V. n. „ans\ver, answer in the affirmative; confess; be willing, consent;" with traka „account for-;" e. g. g wosa he, „he did not answer;" — mung ba tra wosa traka atr'ei tra- Isi, „thou hast to account for that matter." Wosa, ka-, n. verb. „act of answering" or „of answering for-, etc.;" e. g. miing ba ka-w6sa atr'ei ira-tsi, „thou hasl to account for that matter," lit. „lhou hast the accounting for that matter." Wosi, v. impers. „be drv;" e. g. pa-w6si, „il is dr)-," This form was only met with in a Proverb. See Proverb 2, p. 98. Wosi, V. n. „be dry, be hard;" e. g. ka-bo ake ka wosi, „lhis bread is dry," See: wos above, of which this is the long form. Woso, ka-, pi. lri\-, n. „a yellowish" or „whilish clay, with which the Bondo girls rub their body, while under the charge of the Bondo head-woman, and of which they make chalk." Woto, ka-, or ra-, pi. Ira-, n. „a baboon, the African orang-outang, chimpansee," (simia salyrus, or simia troglodytes). The,, grey baboon" is called: ka-diimbu, or: ka-nimbu (eynocephalus hamadryas). Wgtr, V. a. „brpak to pieces, break, smash" or „dash to pieces;" e. g. tse wgtr am-bgl, „do not break the earthen pot to pieces." Wu, ka-, pi. tra-, n. „knee"; see: so, v. a. „bow, bend." Wul, a-,pl. e-. n. „a thousand"; e.g. e-wul e-sas, „threc thousand." — 289 — Wul, a-, pi. e-, n. „a loop, noose, trap" (to catch venison and birds in); e. g. o sap a-bamp ka an- wul, „he caught a bird in the trap." W'lini, pl.a-fam, n. „a person; man, one, someone;" e.g. w'lini k'in, „one person;" — w'Qni lorn o trori-mi-tsi, „some per- son informed me of it." Wuni, ra-, n. „manhood, human nature;" e. g. ra-wdni-r'oh, „his human nature." Wuni bana, pi a-fam a-bana, n. „a gianl," lit. ,.a big person." W'uni bom, pi. a-fam a-bom, or: bom-na, n. „a woman," lit. „a female person." Cf, bom, o-, under B. Wuni lorn, „some person, some one, a certain person." Cf. w'Qni above. W'uni 6 w'iini, „every one, any one;" with a negative „not any person, no man, none, no one;" e. g. w'lini 6 w'uni o gbaii he yo alr'ei atse, „no man can do this thing;" — w'uni 6 w'uni gwo tse ko lane, „every one who does not believe in him." Wur, V. n. „go out, come out, go forth, come forth;" also „jut out" (as a stone from a wall); „project" (as a point of land into the sea); ,,rise" (as the sun, = the Hebr. i<^\)■, etc. With the prep, ro- this verb may have the sense „go out to-" or „from-" or „in-" or „into-," or „come out to-" or „from-" or „in-" or „inlo-"; thus: o wur ro-petr, may signify „comc" or „go out from the town," or also „come out (from some place) into the town." E. g. o wur ro-set, „he came out from the house," = o wur ka an-sef; — na wur he tenon, „they did not come out to day;" — ar'etr ra wur, „the sun rises." Wur, V. a. „pul forth, send forth, produce, emit, gel;" also „come out from-;" e. g. ma-leni ma wur i-bontr i-fi'no, „the flowers smell sweetly," lit. „the flowers put forth a good smell;" — an-sal-iVoh iia wur ma-tsir, „his finger bleeds," lit. „his finger emits blood;" — aii-fatr ha wur ma-gbak, „the iron gets rusty;" — an'anir ha wur e-bopar, „the tree gets leaves;" — ah'aiilr ha wur ma-lehi, „the tree gels blos- Temne - Worteibuch. 1 9 — 290 — soms;" — aii-nes o wur tr'atrak tra-lal, „the spider got many legs" (i. e. when it came into existence, of. Fable II. p. 56); — ma-t^ir ma wur-ko, „lie bleeds," lit, „blood comes out from him." See also the Note after won, v. a. Wur i-bontr, „emit a smell, smell." See ex. under the preceding word. Wura, V. cans. „make to come out, pull out, draw out, take out; put forth, stretch forth" or „out; find out, invent;" e. g. wiira a-tis, „he took out a knife;" — kono wura an-gbatg ka am-bom-ria-tsi, „he drew out the cutlass from its sheath;" — wura gbo ara-bomp-r'en, „it only stretched forth its head." Wut, a-, pi. of w'an, y\hkh see. Y. y, pref. indef. andinsep. „a, an," as y'etr, „things", for: ye-etr. \a, 0-, pi. a-, n. „mistress, lady, madam;" also „mother" (when addressing her, otherwise o-kara is generally used); e.g. kali 0-ya-ka-mi, „see my mistress;" — kori 'u, Ya! „I salute thee, Madam!" This form corresponds \\ilh pa, „masler, etc," Ya, prep. poss. „of"; e.g. ey'etr ya Sori, „Sori's things," lit. „the things of Sori." Y'a, adv. = ye and yo, „thus, so, in this way, in the same manner, the same kind." This form is used before words with the vowel a, as: ya na yo-e, „thus they did;" — ya na pa, „thus they said;" — ya a-fam na ma la yo, „so people are always doing." Ya-tsi, pr, poss, neut. ,.ils; their," lit. „of it;" e. g. e-bgpar- ya-tsi, ,,its leaves" (as of a tree), Ya-tsi, pr. dem. loc. „that; those;" e. g. ey'etr ya-tsi, „lhose things" (spoken of). Yahannama, n. „hell, place of torment;" Mand. yahaniba; Ful. G ^ -- -- tsahannima. From the Ar. *.A.^^5 gehenna, infenii ignis, infernus. E. g. ro-yahannama, „in hell." YaT, adj. ..worthless, of no value, trifling, vain, vile, mean;" e.g. w'dni yal, „a mean person;" — r'a ra-yal, „a worthless thing." — 291 ~ YaT, ra-, n. „\voilhlPSsness, vanity, vilencss, meannes;" e. g. ra- vaT-r'on, „his meanness." Yak, V. n. „wash clothes;" e. g. 'a ko yak ro-bat, „they go to \vash clothes at the brook;" — o-bera gwe o Ir^ra yak, „this woman can wash well," lil. „kno\vs to wash." Yak, V. a. „wash" (as clothes); „cleanse" (as a sore); e. g. yak aka-sam-ka-mu, „ cleanse thy sore;" — 1 ko yak ey'ytr-'e-mi e-16pra, „1 go to wash my clothes." Y^ka, ka-, pi. pa-, n. „rice of a superior quality," also called: pa-la pa-krifi, „krifi rice." Cf. the word krifi, adj. Yal, a-, pi. P-, or tra , n. „a boat"; e. g. a-yal a-fino, „a fine boat." Y'an, ra-, pi. tra-, n. ,, middle pari of the day, noon, midday;" also „lhe clear pari of the day from sun-rise to sun-sel;" e. g. der na ra-yan, ,,he came to day at noon." The pi. is hardly ever used. Yari, adv. = ya, „thus, in this way;" e. g. 1 yema he ki van, „I do not want it in this way," (as a wooden bowl). Yan is the abs. form of ya. fCf, h under N.) Yanfa, a-, pi. e-, n. „a trick; deceitfulness, deceitful character, deceit, treaciiery;" e. g. owuni owe o ba yanfa, „this per- son is deceitful," lil. ,.this p. has deceitfulness;" — o yg-mi yanfa, „he played me a trick," lit. „he did me a trick" or „deceilfuincss". Yanfa, adj. „deceitful, treacherous; e. g. w'uni yanfa, „a deceit- ful person." Y'afikra, n. „long Irowsers, as worn by theMandingos and Susus;" e. g. y'ankra y'in, „one pair of Irowsers;" — ey'ankra-y'gn, „his trowsers." •tT,s , i <^d). num. „i()ur"; e.g. e-lis yanle, ,.lour knives." Yanle, ' Yc'inle, ma-, n. „a kind of millet," also called: k'ene, pi. p'^ne. Yao, adv. „yes; well;" e. g. ma yefa ro-Bake Ldkg-i? Yao. „doesl thou come from I'ort-Loko?" „Yes." Yari, a-, or i-, pi. ma-, n. ,.a cat"; e. g. a-yari a-fel, „a kitten." Yarg, a-, pl.e-; or a-, or i-, pi. ma-, n. „a diamond snake," also 19* — 292 — called „ devil" or „ magic snake" (much dreaded by the Na- tives). See Pref. § 13. b. Yawe! int. „oh dear! alas! ah! oh!" indicating disappointment or regret. E. g. vawe, pa-ka-mi! „alas, my father!" This expression is used by wonten when crying after the death of their husband. Ye, pref. indef. used with the num. adj. ran, „two", and with other adjectives in the def. state; e. g. e-gbala ye-ran, „two mats." Ye, adv. = ya, yo, „tl)us, so, in this way, in the same manner, the same kind;" e. g. ye taho-i? „is it not so?" — ye pa yi, „lhus it is;" — ye 1 me la yo, „thus 1 am always doing." It is generally used before words with the vowels e, i and a. Ye, pr. dem. prox. (for: eye), „this; these;" used with the comp. dem. pronoun yia-ye, „it (is) this; they (are) these;" and in the phrase: e-suma ye, „at this time." Cf. suma, e-. — It is also often used after: fo, or: ho, „say"; about which see: fo ye. Yefa, V. n. „come away, go away" (from); „depart; descend, originate;" e. g. o yefa ro-petr, „he came away from the town;" — yefa rondii, „he went away from him," or „he turned away from him." Yehudi, o-, pi. a-, n. „a Jew"; e.g. a-yehudi a-laT, „many Jews." Yeli, 0-, pi. a-, n. „a public singer" (who extols or degrades one by singing); also „minstrel, courtjester, merry Andrew" (as kept by chiefs for their amusement); „a public beggar." Yem, ra-, pi. tra-, n. „a lie, a falsehood;" e. g. o ba ra-yem, ^he is a liar," lit. „he has falsehood." Yema, v. n. „lell a lie" or „falsehood, lie;" e. g. o yema gbo, „he told but a lie." Yema, v. n. „want, wish." As an aux. it has often the sense of „be about, be upon the point." E. g. I yema mun, „I want to drink;" — ka-sam ka yema yenk, „the sore wants to heal" or „is about to get heal;" — pa yema sok, „it is about to dawn" or „it wants to dawn;" — ma-lemre ma yema lol-afi, „the limes are about to get ripe." When used } adv. „no\v"; e.g. pa yenen tdkon! „speak then now!" — 293 — as an aux. , it is construed with the short form of the In- finitive. Yema, v. impers. „\vant, be about." See the preceding form. Yema, v. a. „want, need, be in need of;" e. g. I vema-ni hali, „1 want it much." Yem'sa, v. freq. and rel. (rad. vema), „tell a lie about-" or „againsl-" or „of-"; e. g. o ^em'sa-mi gbo, „he only told a lie about me." Yeneii, Yenen, Yenk, v. n. „gel well, get heal" (as a sore); with negative pro- positions also „be well, be heal;" e. g. ka-sam ka pon yehk, „the sore has got well." It is the short form of yenki, „be well, be heal." See the Note after wos, v. n. above. Yenk ma-der, ..get well in body, get restored to health." Yehk ma-der, ka-, n. „ state of being well, health;" e. g. ka- yenk-k'on ma-der, or: ka~yenk ma-der-k'on, „his health." Yenkas, v. cans. „heal, cure, make well," (often used with ma- der, „body"); e. g. o sgm-mi e-trol tra yenkas-mi, „he gave me medicine to cure me." See next word. Yenkas wuni ma-der, „cure a person's body, make one well, restore one's health;" as: o yenkas-mi ma-der, „he restored me to health," lit. ,Jie cured me (as to the) body." The obj. pr. serves here, as it were, for a poss. pronoun. Yenlr, v. a. „deliver, hand over, give, give up, deliver up;" e. g. yentr an-reka, „he delivered the letter;" — 'a yentr-ko, „they delivered him up." Also „deliver up-with-" or „by-", as: 'a yentr-ko a-sot, „they betrayed him," lit. „they deliv- ered him up by a stratagem," Yentra , V. rel. „deliver-to-, hand-to-, hand-for-;" e.g. w'an, yentra-mi a-lis, „boy, hand me a knife." Yer, v. a. „share, give; divide, share out to-, distribute, appor- tion;" also „share-with-;" e. g. yer-mi mun, „give me to drink;" — o yer o-sem, „he shared the meal;" — Q yer- mi ka-bo, „he gave me of the bread," or „he shared the bread with me," ~ 294 — Y^rane, v. a. recipr. „share among each other;" e. g. iia jerane ak'ota, „lhe}' shared the cloth among each other." Yerane, v. rel. and refl, „share in-, have a part" or „share in-, partake of-oneself;" e. g. o yerane o-sem, „he has a share in the meat." Yese, V. n. „get loose" (as rope); ,.get" or „be in disorder, get" or „be scattered" (as a bundle of sticks); „go to ruins, decay, dilapidate, fall to pieces," (as a house); e. g. an-set na yese, „the house goes to ruins;" — ka-fant'r ka ye^e, „lhe bed is not made." « Y'etr, pi. of r'a, or r'aka, which see. Y'etr e-di, pi. of r'a ra-di, which see. Y'etr e-16pra, n. „wearing apparel, clothes;" e. g. o ba y'etr e-16pra e-fmo, „he has fine clothes." Yi, adv. „thus, so;" it may be sometimes given by „this"; e.g. kanko K'uru pa tse mu yi yi! „God grant that it may not be thus with thee!" Yi, v. impers. „be"; e. g. ye pa yi, „thus it is." Yi, v. n. „be, exist;" e. g. Pa Sori o yi he ri, „Mr. Sori is not there;" — o kas-ka-mi o yi ro-petr, „my father is in the town." Yi, V. a. „be to-, be-for-, be with-; consist of-; happen to-, befall;" e. g. tr'ei tra yi-mi ro-niera, „I have something at heart," lit. „something is with me in the mind;" — tra yi- mi traka kg ro-kamp, „I intend to go to Freetown;" — o kane ria atra ma yi-iia, „he told them what would befall them." Yi, ma-, n. „state, condition;" e. g. ma-yi-m'on ro-krifi, „his condition in Hades." Yi, pr. obj. „it; them;" e. g, ey'efr-'e-mi kere-yi ro-set, „as to my things carry them into the house." Yia, pr. emph. „if, this; they, them, these;" e. g. e-gb^ta-'e-mi yia-ye, „these are my mats," lit. „my mats they these;" — ey'etr eye yia I yema, „these things them I want." Yian, pr. abs. „it, this; they, them, these;" e. g. ey'etr-'e-mi yian, „these are my things," lit. „my things they" or — 2D5 — „these". These abs. forms iinpl^ the copula „be". (Cf, -n under N.) Yif, V. a. „ask; ask-fur-, beg-for-;" e. g. o yif-mi traka an-reka loko 6 loko, „he always asks me for the letter;" — o jif- ria r'aka, „he begged them for something;" — na yif-ko ho ye: Tra sa ko-i? „they asked him: Shall we go?" Yiki, a-, n. „ glory, majesty; d'gnity, state, honour;" e. g. an- \iki-iVon, „his glory;" — o-bal owe o ba a-yiki a-b^na, „this king has a great state." Yikis, V. caus. „ glorify, dignify, honour;" e. g. an-fam fia yikis- ko, „the people glorified him." Yi'm'ra, v. dim. and inch, (rad yim), „^^ither, fade" (as leaves), lit. „get reddish;" e.g. e-bdpar ya an'antr e tra yim'ra, „the leaves of the tree are withering." Y'in, adj.num. „one"; e.g. y'ahkra y'in, „one pair of troAvsers." Y'intr, pi, of iVaulr, which see. Yira, V. n. „sit down, sit; live, dwell; also „settle" (asdreggs); e. g. yira and, „he sits here," or „he lives here;" — ko yira ri, „go sil down there." It is probably a rel. and caus. form of: yi. Yisa, V. a. „hoisl" (as a sail); „cock" (as a gun); e, g. w'an, yisa ri am-bela, „boy, hoist the sail there." YO, V. n. „act, do;" e. g. yo o yo, „Ihus he did." Yo, V. a. „do; make," (as a table); „Taise," (as an army); „do- with-, do-to-, treat;" e. g. o yo ma-pani, „he does work;" — 1 yo-ko mo a-boT, „I treated him as a servant;" — tse so yQ.-tbi, w'an! „do not do it again, boy!" As an aux. it indicates causation of the energy, denoted by the principal verb, and is construed with the def. verb, as: kdng yo-ko kela, „he caused him to steal." lit. „he made him he steal;" ~ mrino yo-ko o fi, „thou wast the occasion of his death." Yo, ka-, n. verb. „act of doing" or „making, a treating, a doing;" also „habit, fashion;" e. g. ka-yo-k'on a!r'ei atse, „his doing this thing;" — ka-yo-k'on kia-ke, „lhis is his fashion." — 296 — Yo, 0-, pl.a-, n. „a doer"; e.g. an-yo I'la ar'i'm ra K'Qru, „the doers of the word of God." Yo, adv. „lhiis, so, in this way, in the same way" or „manner, the same kind;" e. g. yo o pa, „thus he said;" — yg o yo, „thus he did." This form is used before words with the vowels o and u. Yo o-las, „act wrong, do wrong;" e. g. o yo o-las, „he acted wrong." Yo w'uni ka-tsiii, „treat one in a mean" or „vile manner;" e.g. lanba o yo-mi ka-tsin, „the man treated me in a vile manner," Yo w'lini o-baki, „deal hardly with one, treat one severely;" e. g. 'a yo-ko o-baki, „they treated him severely." Yo w'uni o-bah, „hurt one, harm one, injure one," lit. „treat one painfully;" e. g. aii-fam na yo-na o-baii, „lhe people hurt them." Yo w'lini o-las, „do wrong to one, treat one badly;" e. g. o- w'uni owe o yo na o-las, „this person treated them badly." Yo w'uni o-tot, „do good to one, treat one kindly" or „well"; e. g. ah-fam ahe ha yo-mi o-tol, „these people treated me well." Yo w'lini Ir'ei tra-fino, „lreat one well," lit. „do one a good thing;" e. g. o-tem o yo-mi tr'el Ira-fino, „the old man treated me well." Y'of, pi. of h'of, which see. Yofat, adj. „soft" (as a pillow); e. g, ka-fanl'r ka-yofat, „a soft bed." Yoka, V. a. „take, take up, take away; lake on oneself, assume" (as an office); e. g. o yoka ak'antr, „he took up the stick;" — yoka an-troko, „he took away the fowl;" — o yoka ra-yola, „he made himself a gentleman," lit. „he took (as- sumed) the rank of a gentleman;" — o yoka ma-der ma w'lini, or simply: o yoka ma-der, „he look on himself a human body," = „he became man." Yoka, a-, pi. e-, n. „a cassada root;" e.g. e-yoka e-fino, „good cassadas." — 297 — Yuka k'or, „conceive, become pregnant," lit. „take a bell^y;" e. g. o-bera o yoka k'or, „lhe woman conceived." Yokane, v. refl. n. „lake oneself up," hence „rise, get up; rise up as—;" e.g. w'an, j'okane, pa sok! „boy, gel up, it dawns!" — an-fam be na jokane, „all the people got up;" — yokane o-kelfa, „he rose up as a war-officer;" — o yokane ka ra-fi, .,he rose from death." Also fig. „recovcr, get well again" (rise up, as it were, from a sickness), as: o-lem poll yokane so, „the old man got well again." Yokane, v. rel. and refl. „take to oneself, lake on" or „upon oneself, assume;" e. g. o yokane ra-kelfa, „he look on bim- self the office of a captain of the army," = ,.he made him- self a captain of the army;" — o yokane ma-der ma w'lini, „he took on himself a human body," = „he became man" or „he became incarnale," for which they may also say simply: o yokane ma-der. Yola, 0-, pi. a-, n. „a gentleman, a rich man;" e.g. o yi o-y6!a o-bana, „he is a great gentleman." Yola, ra-, n. „slale" or „rank of a gentleman, genllemanship;" e. g. ba ra-yola, „he is a gentleman." Y'on, pr. poss. „his, her/' lit. „of him, of her;" e. g. ey'elr- y'on, „his Ihings." Yon, adv. = yah which see. This form is not much used; they rather use yah for it. Yoii, ka-, pi. tra-, n. „a bamboo stick hollowed out to about the middle of its length;" it is used to catch fish with. On one of its ends it is widely opened, and then gels more and more narrow; at the other end it is lied togethfr. If the fish goes in at Ihe o[)en end, and reaches the middle of it; it cannot come out again. The slick is left in the water for this purpose sometimes a whole day. Yona, V. rel. (rad.yo), „do-for-, make-for-; do-with-, make-wilh-; do work with-;" e.g. o-lahba o yona-mi ma-pant, „the young man does work for me;" — o yona-mi a-mesa, „he made a table for me;" — o yona ka-bap, „he does work with the axe;" — yona ka-bap ake ma-pant, „do work with this axe." — 298 — Yona, adj. „belonging to doing work with, doing with, using for;" e, g. y'etr e-yona ma-pant ro-tof, „tools lo do work with in the ground," = „agricultural implements." Ydne, V. refl. (rad.yo), „happen, come to pass, take place;" also „be fulfilled" (as a jirophecy); lit. „do itself;" e.g. atr'ei atse tra ydne tenon, „this thing happened to day;" — atra K'Qru pa tapah-e, tra yone tenon aii-lo an6, „what God spoke long ago, has come to pass at this day," or „whal God foretold, has been fulfilled at this time." Yos, a-, or i-, pi. ma-, n. „a deed, work, achievement, action; custom, habit, manners;" e. g. ma-yos-mon, „his deeds;" — ma-YOS ma am-bona ane, „the customs of this nation;" — ma-yos-m'on ma-kabane, „his wonderful deeds;" — an-ygs ane an^ o yo ria tesa he, „this deed which he did does not please." UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. iiL ^^mn 1973 •Lpie 1973 iiy^^i^lAR S 1 1375 IV' Iw. ' <-^'' "^ I ■ • > ^ FEB 4;\3&'^- Form L9-Series 44 4 «tC'D LO-URl MftR 181985 I NOV 0619^^ iH/i/ia B9F lUK^ ^U6V5 l# OlJL i " ii %Wli^ DEC^ ¥: 3 1158 00 90 4829 PL 8735 S3^1c UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILIT ||!H I'll III 111 111 I' l|!|'l"iliil ill III] III ill ill i> iiii AA 000 668 877 4