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CHICAGO : a C. GRIGGS ft 00.
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TJie most Complete, most Practical, and most Scientific Series of
Mathematical Text-Books ever issued in this country,
►» ♦ ■» — ■
Robinson's Progressive Table Book, - - - . .
Kobinson's Progressive Primary Arithmetic, -
Robinson's Progressive Intellectual AritLmetic, -
Robinson's Rudiments of Written Arithmetic, -
Robinson's Progressive Practical Arithmetic, - - -
Robinson's Key to Practical Arithmetic,
Robinson's Progressive Higher Arithmetic, - - -
Robinson's Key to Higher Arithmetic,
Robinson's Arithmetical Examples,
Robinson's New JElementary Algebra, - - - . ^
Robinson's Key to Elementary Algebra,
Robinson's University Algebra,
Robinson's Key to University Algebra,
Robinson's Wew University Algebra,
Robinson's JS.ey to New University Algebra, • . - -
Robinson's New Geometry and Trigonometry, -
Robinson's Surveying and Navigation,
Robinson's Analyt. Geometry and Conic Sections,
Robinson's DifFeren. and Int. Calculus, (in preparations-
Robinson's Elementary Astronomy, -
Robinson's University Astronomy,
Robinson's Mathematical Operations,
Robinson's Key to Geometry and Trigonometry, Conic
Sections and Analytical Geometry,
Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1S60, by
and again in the year 1S63, by
In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Nortlicrn
District of the New York.
This work is intended to complete a well graded and
progressive series of Arithmetics, and to furnish to ad-
vanced students a more full and comprehensive text-book
on the Science of Numbers than has before been published ;
a work that shall embrace those subjects necessary to give
the pupil a thoroughly practical and scientific arithmetical
education, either for the farm, the workshop, or a profes-
sion, or for the more difiicult operations of the counting-
room and of mercantile and commercial life.
There are two general methods of presenting the ele-
ments of arithmetical science, the Sijnthetio and the Ana-
lytic. Comparison enters into every operation, from the
simplest combination of numbers to the most complicated
problems in the Higher Mathematics. Analysis first
generalizes a subject and then develops the particulars of
i;vhich it consists; Synthesis first presents particulars,
from which, by easy and progressive steps, the pupil is led
to a general and comprehensive view of the subject.
Analysis separates truths and properties into their ele-
ments or first " principles ; Synthesis constructs general
principles from particular cases. Analysis appeals more
to the reason, and cultivates the desire to search for first
principles, and to understarid the reason for every process
rather than to know the rule. Hence, the leading method in
an elementary course of instruction should be the Synthetic,
while in an advanced course ]t should be the Analytic.
The following characteristics of a first class text-book
will be obvious to all who examine this work: the typogra-
pliy and mechanical execxttion ; the philosophical and
scieyitific arrangement of the subjects ; clear and concise
definitions ; full and rigid analyses ; exact and compre-
hensive rules; brief and accurate methods of operation:
the zuide range of subjects and the large number and prac-
ticcd character of the examples — in a word, scientific ac-
CUEACY combined with peactical utility, throughout the
entire ivork.
Much labor and attention have been devoted to obtain-
ing correct and adequate information pertaining to mer-
cantile and commercial transactions, and the Government
Standard units of measures, weights, and money. The
counting-room, the bank, the insurance and broker's office,
.the navy and ship-yard, the manufactory, the wharves, the
custom-house, and the mint, have all been visited, and the
most reliable statistics and the latest statutes have been
consulted, for the purpose of securing entire accuracy in
those parts of this work which relate to these subjects
and departments. As the result of this thorough investi-
gation, many statements found in most other arithmetics
of a similar grade will not agree with the facts presented in
this work, and simply because the statements in these
other books have been copied from older works, while laws
and customs have undergone great changes since the older
works were written.
New material and new methods will be found in the seve-
ral subjects throughout the entire work. Considerable pro-
minence has been given to Percentage and its numerous ap-
plications, especially to Stocks, Insurance, Interest, Aver-
aging Accounts, Domestic and Foreign Exchange, and seve-
ral other subjects necessary to qualify students to become
good accountants or commercial business men. And while
this work may embrace many subjects not necessary to the
course usually prescribed in Mercantile and Commercial
Colleges, yet those subjects requisite to make good account-
ants, and which have been taught orally in that class of
institutions from want of a suitable text-book, are fully dis-
cussed and practically applied in this work ; and it is there-
fore believed to be better adapted to the wants of Mercan-
tile Colleges than any similar w^ork yet published. And
while it is due, it is also proper here to state that J. C.
Porter, A. M., an experienced and successful teacher of
Mathematics in this State, and formerly professor of Com-
mercial Arithmetic, in Iron City Commercial College, Pitts-
burgh, Penn., has rendered valuable aid in the preparation
of the above-named subjects, and of other portions of the
work. He is likewise the author of the Factor Table on
pages 72 and 73, and of the new and valuable improvement
in the method of Cube Eoot.
Teachers entertain various views relative to having the
answers to problems and examples inserted in a text-book.
Some desire the answers placed immediately after the ex-
amples ; others wish them placed together in the back part
of the book; and still others desire them omitted alto-
gether. All these methods have their advantages and their
If all the answers are given, there is danger that the
pupil will become careless, and not depend enough upon the
accuracy of his own computations. Hence he is liable to
neglect the cultivation of those habits of patient investiga-
tion and self-reliance which would result from his being
obliged to test the truth and accuracy of his own processes
by proof, — the only test he will have to depend upon in all
the computations in real business transactions in after life.
Besides, the work of proving the correctness of a result is
often of quite as much value to the pupil as the work of
performing the operation ; as the proof may render simple
and clear some part or the whole of an operation that was
before complicated and obscure.
If answers ara placed in the back part of the book, the
pupil will at once refer to them whenever he is in any doubt
or difficulty in performing an operation. Hence the object
aimed at is not accomplished by placing the answers to-
gether in this manner.
Again, if all the answers are omitted, the pupil may be-
come involved in doubt and uncertainty, and acquire a
distaste for the study ; and from this discouragement, sub-
sequently make but limited advancement in Mathematical
In order, therefore, that pupils may receive the advan-
tages of both methods, the answers to nearly one half
of the examples in this book are omitted. They will be
found, together with full and clear solutions of all the
examples, in a Key to this work, which has been prepared
for the use of teachers and private learners.
Many valuable hints and suggestions which have been
received from teachers and friends of education, have
been incorporated into this work. The author desires to
make especial acknowledgment of the valuable services
rendered in the preparation of this work by D. W. Fish, A.M.,
of Rochester, N. Y., a gentleman who has had long and
successful experience as a teacher, and an intimate ac-
quaintance with the plans and operations of some of the
best schools in the country.
Augii-st 1, 1860.
• PAG>
Definitions 11
Signs 13
Axioms , 14
Notation and Numeration ,. , 15
Addition 23
Adding two or more celumns at one operation 27
Subtraction 30
Two or more subtrahends , 33
Multiplication 33
Powers of Numbers 89
Continued Multiplication.. , 40
Contractions in Multiplication 41
Division 47
Abbreviated Long Division 60
Successive Division 55
Contractions in Division 55
General Problems in Simple Numbers , 61
Exact Divisors 65
Prime Numbers 6S
Table of Prime Numbers 70
Factoring 70
Factor Table 72
Greatest Common Divisor 76
Least Common Multiple 82
Cancellation 86
Definitions, Notation and Numeration 89
Reduction 92
Addition 99
Subtraction 101
Theory of Multiplication and Division 103
Multiplication 104
Division 107
Greatest Common Divisor Ill
Least Common Multiple 112
Notation and Numeration 117
Reduction , 121
Addition 124
Subtraction 126
Multiplication 127
Contracted Multiplication 128
Division 132
Contracted Division 134
Circulating Decimals 136
Reduction of Circulating Decimals 139
Addition and Subtraction of Circulating Decimals 142
Multiplication and Division of Circulating Decimals 144
Notation and Numeration 145
Reduction 147
Operations 147
Problems 150
Ledger Accounts 153
Accounts and Bills 153
Continued Fractions 161
Measures of Extension 164
Measures of Capacity 170
Measures of Weight 171
Measure of Time 175
Measure of Angles 177
Miscellaneous Tables 178
Government Standards of Measures and Weights 179
English Measures and Weights 182
French Measures and Weights 184
Money and Currencies 187
Reduction 192
Reduction Descending 192
Reduction Ascending , 199
Addition 206
Subtraction 209
Multiplication 214
Division ,. 216
Longitude and Time 218
Addition and Subtraction 22'?'
Multiplication 223
Division 230
For Subtraction 232
For Multiplication 233
For Division 241
RATIO. ' 243
Cause and Effect 249
Simple Proportion 249
Compound Proportion 253
Notation 259
General Problems 260
Applications 268
Commission 2G8
Stocks 272
Stock-jobbing 273
Instalments, Assessments, and Dividends 276
Stock Investments 279
Gold Investments 2S5
Profit and Loss 287
Insurance 291
Life Insurance 293
Life Table 295
Endowment Assurance Table 206
Taxes 29S
General Average 801
Custom House Business 803
Simple Interest 807
Partial Payments or Indorsements 314
Savings Banks Accounts 319
Compound Interest 321
Compound Interest Table «... 823
Problems in Interest 324
Discount 328
Banking 330
ExchuKge « -•.. S37
Direct Exchange. 339
Table of Foreign Corns and Money ,..^ 342
Arbitrated Exchange , 348
Equation of Payments : 352
Simple Equations 352
Compound Equations 857
Account Sales 861
Settlement of Accounts Current 363
Partnership. c , 864
Square Root 882
Contracted Method 386
Cube Root 887
Contracted Method , 892
Applications of the Square and Cube Roots 898
Arithmetical Progression 408
Geometrical Progression 411
Compound Interest by Geometrical Progression 415
Annuities 416
Annuities at Simple Interest. 417
Annuities at Compound Interest 421
Miscellaneous Examples 422
Metric System 429
I, Quantity is any thing that can be increased, diminished, or
measured ; as distance, space, weight, motion, time.
3, A Unit is one, a single thing, or a definite quantity.
3. A Number is a unit, or a collection of units.
-4. The Unit of a Number is one of the collection constituting
the number. Thus, the unit of 34 is 1 ; of 34 days is 1 day.
5. An Abstract Number is a number used without reference
to any particular thing or quantity; as 3, 24, 756.
©• A Concrete Number is a number used with reference to
some particular thing or quantity; as 21 hours, 4 cents, 230 miles.
7. Unity is the unit of an abstract number.
8. The Denomination is the name of the unit of a concrete
O. A Simple Number is either an abstract number, or a con-
crete number of but one denomination; as 48, 52 pounds, 36 days.
10. A Compound Number is a concrete number expressed in
two or more denominations ; as, 4 bushels 3 pecks, 8 rods 4 yards
2 feet 3 inches.
II. An Integral Number, or Integer, is a number which ex-
presses whole things; as 5, 12 dollars, 17 men.
12. A Fractional Number, or Fraction, is a number which
expresses equal parts of a whole thing or quantity; as J, f of a
pound, ~^^ of a bushel.
13. Like Numbers have the same kind of unit, or express the
same kind of quantity. Thus, 74 and 16 are like numbers; so
are 74 pounds, 16 pounds, and 12 pounds; also, 4 weeks 3 days, and
16 minutes 20 seconds, both being used to express units of time.
14. Unlike Numbers have different kinds of units, or are used
to express different kinds of quantity. Thus, 36 miles, and 15
days ; 5 hours 36 minutes, and 7 bushels 3 pecks.
lo. A Power is the product arising from multiplying a number
by itself, or repeating it any number of times as a factor.
10. A Boot is a factor repeated to produce a power.
17. A Scale is the order of progression on which any system
of notation is founded. Scales are uniform and varyino-.
18. A Uniform Scale is one in which the order of progression
is the same throughout the entire succession of units.
19. A Varying Scale is one in which the order of progression
is not the same throughout the entire succession of units. °
20. A Decimal Scale is one in which the order of progression
is uniformly ten.
21. Mathematics ia the science of quantity.
The two fundamental branches of Mathematics are Geometry
and Arithmetic. Geometry considers quantity with reference to
positions, form, and extension. Arithmetic considers quantity as
an assemblage of definite portions, and treats only of those condi-
tions and attributes which may be investigated and expressed by
numbers. Hence,
22. Arithmetic is the Science of numbers, and the Art of
KoTE yi, Arithmetic treats of operations on abstract numbers it is a sci-
ence, and is then called Pure Arithmetic. When it treats of operations on con-
Crete numbers it ,s an art, «nd ig then cnWed Applied ArithLtic. Pure and
Applied Arithmetic are also called Theoretical and Practical Arithmetic.
23. A Demonstration is a process of reasoning by which a
truth or principle is established.
24. An Operation is a process in which figures are employed
to make a computation, or obtain some arithmetical result.
25. A Problem is a question requiring an operation.
20. A Rule is a prescribed method of performing an operation.
27. Analysis, in arithmetic, is the process of investigating
principles, and solving problems, independently of set rules.
^ 28. The Five Fundamental Operations of Arithmetic are,
Notation and Numeration, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication,
and Division.
29. A Sign is a character indicating the relation of numbers,
or an operation to be performed.
30. The Sign of Numeration is the comma (,). It indicates
that the figures set off by it express units of the same general name,
and are to be read together, as thousands^ millionsy hillions, etc.
31. The Decimal Sign is the period (.). It indicates that
the number after it is a decimal.
33. The Sign of Addition is the perpendicular cross, +, called
plus. It indicates that the numbers connected by it are to be
added ) as 3 + 5 + 7, read 3 plus 5 plus 7.
33. The Sign of Subtraction is a short horizontal line, — ,
called minus. It indicates that the number after it is to be sub-
tracted from the number before it; as 12 — 7, read 12' minus 7.
34. The Sign of Multiplication is the oblique cross, x . It
indicates that the numbers connected by it are to be multiplied
together; as 5 X 3 x 9, read 5 multiplied by 3 multiplied by 9.
33. The Sign of Division is a short horizontal line, with a
point above and one below, -^-, It indicates that the number
before it is to be divided by the number after it; as 18 -f- 6, read
18 divided by 6.
Division is also expressed by writing the dividend ahove, and
the divisor helow, a short horizontal line. Thus, ^g®, read 18
divided by 6.
36. The Sign of Eq[uality is two short, parallel, horizontal
lines, =. It indicates that the numbers, or combinations of
numbers, connected by it are equal; as 4 + 8 = 15 — 3, read 4
plus 8 is equal to 15 minus 3. Expressions connected by the
sign of equality are called equations.
37. The Sign of Aggregation is a parenthesis, ( ). It indi-
cates that the numbers included within it are to be considered
together, and subjected to the same operation. Thus, (8 + 4) x 5
indicates that both 8 and 4, or their sum, is to be multiplied by 5.
A vinc ulum or bar, , has the same signification. Thus,
7x9-T-3 = 21.
38. The Sign of Ratio is two points, : . Thus, 7 : 4 is read,
the ratio of 7 to 4.
39. The Sign of Proportion is four points, : : . Thus,
3 : G : : 4 : 8, is read, 3 is to 6 as 4 is to 8.
40. The Sign of Involution is a number written above, and a
little to the right, of another number. It indicates the power to
which the latter is to be raised. Thus, 12^ indicates that 12 is
to be taken 3 times as a factor; the expression is equivalent to
12 X 12 X 12. The number expressing the sign of involution is
called the Index or Exponent.
41. The Sign of Evolution, v/, is a modification of the letter r.
It indicates that some root of the number after it is to be extracted.
Thus, v/25 indicates that the square root of 25 is to be extracted;
-^64 indicates that the cube root of 64 is to be extracted.
42. An Axiom is a self-evident truth. The principal axioms
required in arithmetical investigations are the following :
1. If the same quantity or equal quantities be added to equal
quantities, the sums will be equal.
2. If the same quantity or equal quantities be subtracted from
equal quantities, the remainders will be equal.
8. If equal quantities be multiplied by the same number, the
products will be equal.
4. If equal quantities be divided by the same number, the quo-
tients will be equal.
5. If the same number be added to a quantity and subtracted
from the sum, the remainder will be that quantity.
6. If a quantity be multiplied by a number and the product
divided by the same number, the quotient will be that quantity.
7. Quantities which are respectively equal to any other quantity
are equal to each other.
8. Like powers or like roots of equal quantities are equal.
9 The whole of any quantity is greater than any of its parts.
10. The whole of any quantity is equal to the sum of all its
43. Notation is p. system of writing or expressing numbers by
characters ; and,
4:4, Numeration is a method of reading numbers expressed
by characters.
45. Two systems of notation are in general use — the Roman
and the Arabic,
Note. — The Romnn Notntion is supposed to have been first used hy the
Roirifins ; hence its name. The Arabic Notation was first introduced into Europe
by the Moors or Arabs, who conquered and held possession of Spain during tlio
llih century. It received the attention of scientific men in Italy at the bepin-
nit)g of the l.'^th century, and was soon afterward adopted in most European
countries. Formerly it was supposed to be an invention of the Arabs; but
investicrations have shown that the Arabs adopted it from the Hindoos, among
whom it has been in use more than 2000 years. From this undoubted origin it
is eometimes called the Indian Notation.
4:6. Employs seven capital letters to express numbers. Thus,
Letters, I Y X L C D M
Values, one, five, ten, fifty, ,^Xd, hunrred, thornd.
417. The Roman notation is founded upon five principles, as
follows :
1st. Eepeatino^ a letter repeats its value. Thus, II represents
two, XX twenty, CCC three hundred.
2d. If a letter of any value be placed a/fer one of greater value,
its value is to be united to that of the greater. Thus, XI repre-
sents eleven, LX sixty, DC six hundred.
3d. If a letter of any value be placed he/ore one of greater value,
its value is to be taJcen from that of the greater. Thus, IX repre-
sents nine, XL forty, CD four hundred.
4th. If a letter of any value be placed between two letters, each
of greater value, its value is to be taken from the united value of
the other two. Thus, XI Y represents fourteen, XXIX twenty-
nine, XCIY ninety-four.
5th. A bar or dash placed over a letter increases its value one
thousand fold. Thus, Y signifies five, and Y five thousand; L
fifty, and L fifty thousand.
I is
XX is
i Twenty.
II ''
' Twenty-one.
= Thirty.
IV "
XL *
* Forty.
V -
L *
' Fifty.
VI "
LX '
* Sixty.
* Seventy.
=* Eighty.
IX. ^'
" Ninety.
X -
" One hundred.
XI -
" Two hundred.
" Five hundred.
" Six hundred.
" One thousand. [dred.
XV ''
" One thousand one hun-
XVI ''
• Sixteen.
** Two thousand.
• Seventeen.
" Ten thousand.
s:viii '
' Eighteen.
" One hundred thousand.
XIX ''
" One million.
KoTRS. — 1. Though the letters used in the above table have been employed
as the Roman numerals for man^' centuries, the marks or characters used origi-
nally in this notation are as follows :
Modern numerals, I V X L C D M
Primitive characters, | V X L C N M
2. The system of Roman Notation is not well adapted to the purposes of nu-
merical calculation; it is principally confined to the numbering of chapters and
sections of books, public documents, etc.
Express the following numbers by the Roman notation:
1. Fourteen. 6. Fifty-one.
2. Nineteen. 7. Eighty-eight.
8. Twenty-four. 8. Seventy-three.
4. Thirty-nine. 9. Ninety-five.
6. Forty-six. 10. One hundred one.
11. Five hundred fifty-five.
12. Seven hundred ninety-eight.
13. One thousand three.
14. Twenty thousand eight hundred forty-five.
48. Employs ten characters or figures to express numbers.
Figures, 123456789
, ^ naught one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine,
values. \ ^^^^^^
49. The cipher, or fir^t character, is called naught, because it
has no value of its own. It is otherwise termed nothing, and zero.
The other nine characters are called significant figures, because
each has a value of its own. They are also called digits, a word
derived from the Latin term digitus, which signifies finger.
50. The ten Arabic characters are the Alphabet of Arithmetic.
Used independently, they can express only the nine numbers that
correspond to the names of the nine digits. But when combined
according to certain principles, they serve to express all numbers.
51. The notation of all numbers by the ten figures is accom-
plished by the formation of a series of units of different values, to
which the digits may be successively applied. First ten simple
units are considered together, and treated as a single superior
unit; then, a collection often of these new units is taken as a still
higher unit; and so on, indefinitely. A regular series of units, in
ascending orders, is thus formed, as shown in the following
Primary units are called units of the- first order.
Ten units of the first order make 1 unit " " second **
Ten " " " second '' *' 1 '' " " third "
Ten " " " third " " 1 " " " fourth "
etc., etc. etc., etc.
59. The various orders of units, when expressed by figures,
are distinguished from each other by their location, or the place
they occupy in a horizontal row of figures. Units of the first order
are written at the right hand ; units of the second order occupy
the second place; units of the third order the third place; and so
on, counting from right to left, as shown on the following page :
•i^ -o ^ "B
S S ^
53. In this notation we observe —
1st. That a figure written in the place of any order, expresses
as many units of that order as is denoted by the name of the figure
used. Thus, 436 expresses 4 units of the 3d order, 3 units of the
2d order, and 6 units of the 1st order.
2d. The cipher, having no value of its own, is used to fill the
places of vacant orders, and thus preserve the relative positions of
the significant figures. Thus, in 50, the cipher shows the absence
of simple units, and at the same time gives to the figure 5 the
local value of the second order of units.
54, Since the number expressed by any figure depends upon
the place it occupies, it follows that figures have two values,
Simple and Local.
55. The Simple Value of a figure is its value when taken
alone ; thus, 4, 7, 2.
56, The Local Value of a figure is its value when used with
another figure or figures in the same number. Thus, in 325, the
local value of the 3 is 300, of the 2 is 20, and of the 5 is 5 units.
Note. — When a figure occupies units' place, its simple and local values are
the same.
57* The leading principles upon which the Arabic notation
is founded are embraced in the following
I. All numbers are expressed hy applying the ten figures to dif-
ferent orders of units.
II. The different orders of units increase from right to left, and
decrease from left to right, in a tenfold ratio.
III. Every removal of a figure one 2)lace to the left, increases its
local value tenfold; and every removal of a figure one place to the
right, diminishes its local value tenfold.
08. In numerating, or expressing numbers verbally, the various
orders of units have the following names :
1st order is called Units,
2d order " " Tens.
3d order " " Hundreds.'
4th order " ** Thousands.^
5th order " " Tens of thousands.
6th order " " Hundreds of thousands.
7th order " " Millions.^
8th order " " Tens of millions.
9th order " ** Hundreds of millions,
etc., etc. etc., etc.
59. This method of numerating, or naming, groups the suc-
cessive orders into^eriWs of three figures each, there being three
orders of thousands, three orders of millions, and so on in all
higher orders. These periods are commonly separated by commas,
as in the following table, which gives the names of the orders
and periods to the twenty-seventh place.
d "^ '^ .2 ;5
cr" icr" -J5 pO a :3
98, 7 65, 4 32, 109, 876, 556, 789, 012, 3 45
ninth eighth seventh sixth fifth fourth third pecond first
period, period, period, period, period, period, period, period. period.
NoTR. — This is the French method of numerating, and is the one in pfeneral
use in this country. The English numerate by periods of six figures each.
60. The names of the periods are derived from the Latin
numerals. The twenty-two given on the following page extend
tlie numeration table to the sixty-sixth place or order, inclusive.
61. From this analysis of the principles of Notation and Nume-
ration, we derive the following rules :
I. Beginning at the left hand, write the figures belonging to the
highest period.
II. Write the hundreds^ tenSy and units of each successive period
in their order, placing a cipher wherever an order of units is
I. Separate the number into periods of three figures each, com^
mencing at the right hand.
II. Beginning at the left hand, read each period sej)aratelj/, and
give the name to each period, except the last, or period of units.
Note. — Omit and in reading the orders of units and periods of a number.
Write and read the following numbers : —
1 One unit of the 3d order, two of the 2d, five of the 1st.
Ans. 125; read, one hundred twenty five.
2. Two units of the 5th order, four of the 4th, five of the 2d,
six of the 1st. Ans. 24056 ; read, twenty-four thousand fiffy-six.
3. Seven units of the 4th order, five of the 3d, three of the 2d,
eight of the 1st.
4. Nine units of the 4th order, two of the 3d, four of the 1st.
6. Five units of the 4th order, eight of the 2d.
6. Five units of the 5th order, one of the 3d, eight of the 1st.
7. Three units of the 5th order, six of the 4th, four of the 3d,
seven of the 1st.
8. Two units of the 6th order, four of the 5th, nine of the 4th,
three of the 3d, five of the 1st.
9. Three units of the 8th order, five of the 7th, four of the 6th,
three of the 5th, eight of the 4th, five of the 3d, eight of the 2d,
seven of the 1st.
10. Three units of the 9th order, eight of the 7th, four of the
6th, six of the 5th, nine of the 1st.
11. Five units of the 12th order, three of the 11th, six of the
12. Four units of the 12th order, five of the 10th, eight of the
5th, nine of the 4th, four of the 3d.
13. Three units of the 15th order, six of the 14th, five of the
13th, three of the 9th, six of the 8th, five of the 7th, three of the
3d, six of the 2d, five of the 1st.
14. Five units of the 18th order, three of the 17th, six of the
16th, four of the 15th, seven of the 14th, eight of the 13th, four
of the 12th, five of the 11th, six of the 10th, seven of the 9th,
eight of the 8th, nine of the 7th, five ot the 6th, six of the 5th,
three of the 4th, two of the 3d, four of the 2d, eight of the 1st.
15. Two units of the 20th order, seven of the 19th, four of the
18th, eight of the 13th, five of the 6th, five of the 5th, five of the
4th, nine of the 1st.
Write the following numbers in figures:
16. Forty-eight.
17. One hundred sixty-four.
18. Forty-eight thousand seven hundred eighty-nine.
19. Five hundred thirty-six million three hundred forty-seven
thousand nine hundred seventy-two.
20. Ninety-nine billion thirty-seven thousand four.
21. Eight hundred sixty-four billion five hundred thirty-eight
million two hundred seventeen thousand nine hundred fifty-three.
22. One hundred seventeen quadrillion two hundred thirty-fivo
trillion one hundred four billion seven hundred fifty million sixty-
six thousand ten.
23. Ninety-nine quintillion seven hundred forty-one trillion
fifty-four billion one hundred eleven million one hundred one.
24. One hundred octillion one hundred septillion one hundred
quintillion one hundred quadrillion one hundred trillion one hundred
billion one hundred million one hundred thousand one hundred.
25. Four decillion seventy-five nonillion three octillion fifty-
two septillion one sextillion four hundred seventeen quintillion
ten quadrillion twelve trillion fourteen billion three hundred sixty
million tw^enty-two thousand five hundred nineteen.
Write the following numbers in figures, and read them :
26. Twenty-five units in the 2d period, four hundred ninety-six
in the 1st. Ans. 25,496.
27. Three hundred sixty-four units in the 8d period, seven
hundred fifteen in the 2d, eight hundred thirty-two^in the 1st.
28. Four hundred thirty-six units in the 4th period, twelve in
the 3d, one hundred in the 2d, three hundred one in the 1st.
29. Eighty-one units in the 5th period, two hundred nineteen
in the 4th, fifty-six in the 2d.
30. Nine hundred forty-five units in the 7th period, eighteen in
the 5th, one hundred three in the 3d.
31. One unit in the 10th period, five hundred thirty-six in the
9th, two hundred forty-seven in the 8th, nine hundred twenty-four
in the 7th.
Point off and read the followino- numbers :
42. 247364582327896438542721.
43. 379403270506038
44. 20005700032004673000430512500000567304705030040.
69« Addition is the process of uniting several numbers of the
same kind into one equivalent number.
- 63. The Sum or Amount is the result obtained by the process
of addition.
64. When the given numbers contain several orders of units,
the method of addition is based upon the following principles :
I. If the like orders of units be added separately, the sum of
all the results must be equal to the entire sum of the given num-
bers. (Ax. 10).
II. If the sum of the units of any order contain units of a
higher order, these higher units must be combined with units of
like order. Hence,
III. The work must commence with the lowest unit, in ordei
to combine the partial sums in a single expression, at one ope-
I. Find the sum of 897, 476, and 873.
OPERATION Analysis. We arrange the numbers so that
897 units of like order shall stand in the same column.
476 We then add the first, or right hand column, and
o73 find the sum to be 16 units, or 1 ten and 6 units ;
1746 writing "fhe 6 units under the column of units, we
add ^e 1 ten to the column of tens, and find the
6um to be 24 tens, or 2 hundreds and 4 tens ; writing the 4 tens under
the column of tens, we add the 2 hundreds to the column of hundreds,
and find the sum to be 17 hundreds, or 1 thousand and 7 hundreds ;
writing the 7 hundreds under the column of hundreds, and the 1 in
thousands* place, we have the entire sum, 1746.
65. From these principles we deduce the following
HuLE. I. Write the numbers to he added so that all the units
of the same order shall stand in the same column) that is, units
under units , tens under tenSy etc,
II. Commencing at units ^ add each column separately y and write
the sum underneath^ if it he less than ten.
III. If the sum of any column he ten or more than ten, write the
unit figure only, and add the ten or tens to the next column.
IV. Write the entire sum of the last column.
Notes. — 1. In adding, learn to pronounce the partial results without naming
the Jifjitres separately. Thus, in the operation given for illustration, say 3, 9,
16; 8, 15, 24,- 10, 14, 17.
2. When the sum of any column is greater than 9, the process Of adding the
tens to the next column is called currying.
OG. Proof. There are two principal methods of proving
1st. By varying the combinations.
Begin with the right hand or unit column, and add the figures
in each column in an opposite direction from that in which they
were first added ; if the two results agree, the work is supposed
to be right.
2d. By excess of 9's.
07. This method depends upon the following properties of the
number 9 : *
I. If a number be divided by 9, the remainder will be the same
as when the sum of its digits is divided by 9. Therefore,
II. If several numbers be added, the excess of 9's in the sum
must be equal to the excess of 9's in the sum of all the digits in
the numbers.
1. Add 34852, 24784, and 72456, and prove the work by the
excess of 9's.
72456 ... 8, excess of 9's in all the digits of the numbers.
132092 ... 8, " " " " sum «^ "
Analysis. Commencing with the first number, at the left hand, we
say 3 and 4 are 7, and 8 are 15 ; dropping 9, the excess is 6, which
added to 5, the next digit, makes 11; dropping 9, the excess is 2;
then 2 and 2 are 4, and 2 (the left hand digit of the second number)
* For a demonstration of these properties, see 186, IX.
are 6, and 4 are 10 ; dropping 9, the excess is 1. Proceeding in like
manner through all the digits, the final excess is 8 ; and as 8 is also
the excess of 9^s in the sum, the work of addition is correct. It is
evident that the same result will be obtained by adding the digits in
columns as in rows. Hence, to prove Addition by excess of 9*s: —
CommenciDg at any figure, add the digits of the given numbers
in any order, dropping 9 as often as the amount exceeds 9. If
the final excess be equal to the excess of 9^s in the sum, the work
is right.
Note. — This method of proving addition by the excess of 9's, fails in tKtf- fol-
lowing cases : Ist, when the figures of the answer are misplaced; 2d, when the
value of one figure is as much too great as that of another is too small.
• 68653
26754 2038677
5. 123+456+785+12+345+901 + 567=how many?
6. r2345+67890+8763+347 + 1037 + 198760=how many?
7. 172+4005 + 37Gl + 20472+367012 + 19762=how many?
8. What is ^he sum of thirty-seven thousand six, four hundred
twenty-nine thousand nine, and two millions thirty-six ?
Ans. 2,466,051.
9. Add eight hundred fifty-six thousand nine hundred thirty-
three, one million nine hundred seventy-six thousand eight hun-
dred fifty-nine, two hundred three millions eight hundred ninety-
five thousand seven hundred fifty-two. Ans. 206,729,544.
10. What is the sum of one hundred sixty-seven thousand,
three hundred sixty-seven thoasand, nine hundred six thousand,
two hundred forty-seven thousand, seventeen thousand, one hun-
dred six thousand three hundred, forty thousand forty-nine, ten
thousand four hundred one ? Ans. 1,860,750.
11. What number of square miles in New England, there'
being in Maine 31766, in New Hampshire 9280, in Vermont
10212, in Massachusetts 7800, in Ehode Island 1306, and in
Connecticut 4674? Ans. 65,038.
12. The estimated population of the above States, in 1855, was
as follows; Maine 653000, New Hampshire 338000, Vermont
327000, Massachusetts 1133123, Ehode Island 166500, and Con^
necticut 384000. What was the entire population ?
13 At the commencement of the year 1858 there were in ope-
ration in the New England States, 3751 miles of railroad; in
New York, 2590 miles; in Pennsylvania, 2546; in Ohio, 2946;
in Virginia, 1233 ; in Illinois, 2678 ; and in Georgia, 1233. V>^hat
was the aggregate number of miles in operation in all these States?
14. The Grand Trunk Railway is 962 miles long, and cost
$60000000 ; the Great Western Eailway is 229 miles long, and
cost S14000000; the Ontario, Simcoe and Huron, is 95 miles
long, and cost §3300000 ; the Toronto and Hamilton is 38 miles
long, and cost §2000000. What is the aggregate length, and
what the cost, of these four roads ?
Ans. Length, 1,324 miles; cost, $79,300,000.
15. A man bequeathed his estate as follows; to each of his
two sons, $12450; to each of his three daughters, $6500; to
his wife, $650 more than to both the sons, and the remainder,
which was $1000 more than he had left to all his family, he gave
to benevolent institutions. What was the whole amount of hig
property? A71S, $140,900.
16. How many miles from the southern extremity of Lake
Michigan to the Gulf of St. Lawrence, passing through Lake
Michigan, 330 miles ; Lake Huron, 260 miles ; Eiver St. Clair, 24
miles; Lake St. Clair, 20 miles; Detroit River, 23 miles; Lake
Erie, 260 miles; Niagara River, 34 miles; Lake Ontario, 180
miles; and the River St. Lawrence, 750 miles?
17. The United States exported molasses, in the year 1856, to
the value of $154630; in 1857, $108003; in 1858, $115893;
and tobacco, during the same years respectively, to the value of
$1829207, $1458553, and $2410224. What was the entire valua
of the molasses and tobacco exported in these three years ?
18. The population of Boston, in 1855, was 162629; Provi-
dence, 50000; New York, 629810; Philadelphia, 408815; Brook-
lyn, 127618 ; Cleveland, 43740 ; and New Haven, 25000. What
•was the entire population of these cities ? Ans. 1,447,612.
19. Iron was discovered in Greece by the burning of Mount
Ida, B. C. 1406; and the electro-magnetic telegraph w^as invented
by Morse, A. D. 1832. What period of time elapsed between the
two events ? Ans. 3,238 years.
20. The number of pieces of silver coin made at the United
States Mint at Philadelphia, in the year 1858, were as follows :
4628000 half dollars, 10600000 quarter dollars, 690000 dimes,
4000000 half dimes, and 1266000 three-cent pieces. What was
the total number of pieces coined ?
21. The cigars imported by the United States, in the year 1856,
were valued at 63741460; in 1857, at $4221096; and in 1858, at
$4123208. What was the total value of the importations for the
three years ? Ans. $12,085,764.
22. In the appropriations made by Congress for the year ending
June 30, 1860, were the following; for salary and mileage of
members of Congress, $1557861; to officers and clerks of both
Houses, $157639 ; for paper and printing of both Houses, $170000 ;
to the President of the United States, $31450 ; and to the Yice
President, $8000. What is the total of these items ?
68, 1. What is the sum of 4632, 2553, 4735, and 2863 ?
OPERATION. Analysis. Beginning with the units and tens of
4632 the number last written, we add first the tens above,
2553 then the units, thus ; 63 and 30 are 93, and 5 are 98,
4735 and 50 are 148, and 3 are 151, and 30 are 181, and
__.__ ^ ^^^ ^^^' ^^ *^^^ sum, we write the 83 under the
14783 columns added, and carry the 1 to the next columns,
thus ; 28 and 1 are 29, and 40 are G9, and 7 are 76,
and 20 are 96, and 5 are 101, and 40 are 141, and 6 are 147, which
we write in its place, and we have the whole amount, 14783.
5. What is the total number of churches, the number of persons
accommodated, and the value of church property in the United
States, as shown by the following statistics ?
No. of No. of persons Value of
churches. accommodated. church property
Methodist 12484 4220293 $14636671
Baptist 8798 3134438 10931382
Presbyterian 4591 2045516 14469889
Congregational 1675 795677 7973962
Episcopal 1430 631613 11261970
Koman Catholic 1269 705983 8973838
Lutheran 1205 532100 2867886
Christians 812 296050 845810
Friends 715 283023 1709867
Union 619 213552 690065
Universalist 494 205462 1767015
Free Church 361 108605 252255
Moravian :... 331 112185 443347
German Reformed 327 156932 965880
Dutch Reformed 324 181986 4096730
Unitarian 244 137867 8268122
Mennonite 110 29900 94245
Tunkers 52 35075 46025
Jewish... 31 16575 371600
Swedenborgian 15 5070 108100
I^H 6. Give the amounts of the productions of the United States and
Territories for the year 1850, as expressed in the following columns :
Pounds of
Alabama 4,008,811
Arkansas 1,854,239
California 705
Columb.,Dist. 14,872
Connecticut... 6,498,119
Delaware 1,055,308
Florida 371,498
Georcria 4,640,559
Illinois 12,526,543
Indiana 12,881,535
Iowa 2,171,188
Kentucky.... 9,947,523
Louisiana...'.. 683,069
Maine 9,243,811
Maryland 3,086,160
Massachusetts 8,071,370
Michigan 7,065,878
Mississippi... 4,346,234
Missouri 7,834,359
N.Hampshire 6,977,056
New Jersey... 9,487,210
New York.... 79,766,094
N.Carolina... 4,146,290
Ohio 34,449,379
Pennsylvania 39,878,418
llhode Island 995,670
S. Carolina... 2,981,850
Tennessee.... 8,139,585
Texas 2,344,900
Vermont 12,137,980
Virginia 11,089,359
Wisconsin.... 3,633,750
Territories... 295,984
Pounds of
Pounds of
Bushels of
60. Subtraction is the process of determining the difference,
between two numbers of the same unit value.
•J'O, The Minuend is the number to be subtracted from.
yi. The Subtrahend is the number to be subtracted.
7^. The Difference or Eemainder is the result obtained by
the process of subtraction.
73. When the given numbers contain more than one figure
each, the method of subtraction depends upon the following prin-
ciples :
I. If the units of each order in the subtrahend be taken sepa-
rately from the units of like order in the minuend, the sum of the
differences must be equal to the entire difference of the given
numbers. (Ax. 10 .)
II. If both minuend and subtrahend be equally increased^ the
remainder will not be changed.
1. From 928 take 275.
OPERATION. Analysis. We first subtract 5 units from
Minuend, 928 8 units, and obtain 3 units for a partial re-
Subtraheud, 275 mainder. As we cannot take 7 tens from 2
Remainder 653 tens, we add 10 tens to the 2 tens, making
12 tens ; then 7 tens from 12 tens leave 5
tens, the second partial remainder. Now, since we added 10 tens,
or 1 hundred, to the minuend, we will add 1 hundred to the subtra-
hend, and the true remainder will not be changed (II) ; thus, 1
hundred added to 2 hundreds makes 3 hundreds, and this sum sub-
tracted from 9 hundreds leaves 6 hundreds ; and we have for the total
remainder, 653.
NoTTi;. — The process of adding 10 to the minuend is sometimes called hor-
rowwrj 10, and that of adding 1 to the next figure of the subtrahend, carrying 1.
I' J:. From these principles and illustrations we deduce the
HuLE. I. Write the less number under the greater.^ 'placing units
of the same order under each other.
II. Begin at the right Tiandj and taJce each figure of the suhtra-
hend from the figure above it, and ■write the remit underneath.
III. If any figure in the subtrahend, he greater than the corres-
pond ing figure above it^ add 10 to that upper figure before sub-
tractingj and then add 1 to the next left hand figure of the subtra-
7^* Proof. It is evident that the subtrahend and remainder
must together contain as many units as the minuend ; hence, to
prove subtraction, we have three methods :
1st. Add the remainder to the subtrahend; the sum will be
equal to the minuend. Or,
2d. Subtract the remainder from the minuend ; the difference
will be equal to the subtrahend. Or,
3d. Find the excess of 9's in the remainder and subtrahend
together, and it will be equal to the excess of 9's in the minuend.
(1.) (2.) (3.) (4.)
From 47965 103767 57610218 '89764321
Take 26714 98731 8306429 83720595
Eem. 21251 5036 49303789 6043726
5. From 180037561 take 5703746.
6. From 2460371219 take 98720342.
7. 89037426175 — 2435036749 = how many?
8. 10000033421 — 999044110 = how many?
9. A certain city contains 146758 inhabitants, which is 3976
more than it contained last year; how many did it contain last
year? Ans. 142,782.
10. The first newspaper published in America was issued at
Boston in 1704; how long was that before the death of Benjamin
Franklin, which occurred in 1790 ?
11. A merchant sold a quantity of goods for $42017, which
was $1675 more than they cost him; how much aid they cost
him? Ans. $40,342.
12. In 1858 the exports of the United States amounted to
$324644421, and the imports to $282613150; how much did the
exports exceed the imports ? Ans. $42,031,271.
13. In 1858 the gold coinage of the United States amounted to
$52889800, and the silver to $8233287; how much did the gold
exceed the silver coinage ?
14. The South in 1850 produced 978311690 pounds of cotton,
valued at $101834616, and 237133000 pounds of sugar valued at
$16599310; how much did the cotton exceed the sugar in quan-
tity and in value ? Ans. 741,178,690 pounds; $85,235,306.
15. The area of the Chinese Empire is 5110000 square miles,
and that of the United States 2988892 square miles ; the esti-
mated population of the former is 340000000, and that of the
latter in 1850 was 23363714. What is the difference in area and
in population ?
16. The population of London in 1850 was 2362000, and that
of New York city 515547; how many more inhabitants had London
than New York ? A7is. 1,846,453.
17. The total length of railroads in operation in the United
States, January 1, 1859, was 27857 miles, and the total length of
the canals 5131 miles; how many miles more of railroad than of
canal? Ans. 22,726.
18. The entire deposit of domestic gold at the United States
Mint and its branches, to June, 1859, was $470341478, of which
$451310840 was from California; how much was received from
other sources ? Ans. $19,030,638.
19. During the year ending September 30, 1858, the number
of letters exchanged between the United States and Great Britain
were 1765015 received, and 1603609 sent; between the United
States and France, 624795 received, and 639906 sent. How many
letters did the exchange with Great Britain exceed those with
France? Ans. 2,103,923.
20. The Southern States in 1850 had a population of 6696061,
the Middle States 6624988, and the Eastern States 2728116;
how many more inhabitants had the Middle and Eastern States
than the Southern States ?
21. Having $20000, I wish to know how much more I must
accumulate to be able to purchase a piece of property worth $23470,
and have $5400 left? Ans. ^8,870.
22. A has §3540 more than B, and §1200 less than C, who has
S20600 ; D has as much as A and B together. How much has D ?
Ans. §35,260.
•yO. Two or more numbers may be taken from another at a
single operation, as shown by the following example :
I. A man having 1278 barrels of flour, sold 236 barrels to A,
362 to B, and 387 to C; how many had he left?
OPERATION. Analysis. Since the remainder sought,
1278 added to the subtrahends, must be equal to
the minuend, we add the columns of the
subtrahends, and supply such figures in the
remainder as, combined with these sums,
will produce the minuend. Thus, 7 and 2
are 9, and 6 are 15, and 3 (supplied in the
remainder sought) are 18 ; then, carrying
the tens^ figure of the 18, 1 and 8 are 9, and 6 are 15, and 3 are 18,
and 9 (supplied in the remainder) are 27; lastly, 2 to carry to 3 are
5, and 3 are 8, and 2 are 10, and 2 (supplied in the remainder) are
12 ; and the whole remainder is 293. Hence, the following
BuLE. T. Hamng written the several subtrahends under tJi^- min-
uend j add the first coIu7nn of the subtrahends, and supply such a
figure in the remainder sought^ as, added, to this partial sum, will
give an amount having for its unit figure the figure above in the
II, Carry the tens^ figure of this amount to the next column of
the subtrahends J and proceed as before till the entire re.main 19 _i_ Q j^ ( Dividing both dividend and divisor by
1 2 does not alter the quotient.
11^. These six cases constitute three general principles,
which may now be stated as follows :
Prin. I. Multiplying the dividend multiplies the quotient) and
dividing the dividend divides the quotient.
Prin. II. Multiplying the divisor divides the quotient; and
dividing the divisor midtiplies the quotient.
-- 6
. Quotient.
= 4
. 48
-- 6
= 'r
. 12
-H 6
= .{:
:. 24
= .{:
. 24
-- 3
= s{:
Prin. III. Multiplying or dividing both dividend and divisor
hy the same numher, does not alter the quotient.
118» These three principles may be embraced in one
A change in the dividend produces a like change in the quo-
tient ; hut a change in the divisor produces an OPPOSITE change
in the quotient.
119. Successive Division is the process of dividing one
number by another, and the resulting quotient by a second divisor,
and so on.
Successive division is the reverse of continued multiplication.
I. If a given number be divided by several numbers in succes-
sive division, the result will be the same as if the given number
were divided by the product of the several divisors, (9S, I).
II. The result of successive division is the same, in whatever
order the divisors are taken, (9^, II).
120. When the divisor is a composite number.
1. Divide 1242 by 54.
Analysis. The component factors of 54 are
6 and 9. We divide 1242 by 6, and the rc-
^ ^ suiting quotient by 9, and obtain for the final
9)207 result, 23, which must be the same as the
23 Ans. quotient of 1242 divided by times 9, or 54,
(119, I). We might have obtained the same
result by dividing first by 9, and then by G, (119, II). Hence the
KuLE. Divide the dividend hy one of the factors^ and the quos
tient thus obtained hy another , and so on if there he more than two
factors, until every factor has been made a divisor. The last quo-
tient will be the quotient required,^
131. If remainders occur in successive division, it is evident
that the true remainder must be the least number, which, sub-
tracted from the given dividend, will render all the divisions
I. Divide 5855 by 168, using the factors 3, 7, and 8, and find
the true remainder,
OPERATION. Analysis. Dividing the
S) 5855 given dividend by 3, we have
7 "i 1951 2 "^^^ ^^^ ^ quotient, and a
remainder of 2. Hence, 2
^)^ 5x3= 15 subtracted from 5855 would
34 ...6x 7x 3=1 26 render the first division exact,
True remainder 143 and we therefore write 2 for
a part of the true remainder.
Dividing 1951 by 7, we have 278 for a quotient, and a remainder of 5.
Hence, 5 subtracted from 1951 would render the second division exact.
But to diminish 1951*by 5 would require us to diminish 1951 X 3, the
divide*id of the first exact division, by 5 X 3 — 15, (93, III) ; and
we therefore write 15 for the second part of the true remainder.
Dividing 278 by 8, we have 34 for a quotient, and a remainder of 6.
Hence, 6 subtracted from 278 would render the third division exact.
But to diminish 278 by 6 would require us to diminish 278 X 7, the
dividend of the second exact division, by 6 X 7 ; or 278 X 7 X 3, the
dividend of the first exact division, by 6x7x3 = 126 ; and we
therefore write 126 for the third part of the true remainder. Adding
the three parts, we have 143 for the entire remainder.
Hence the following
Rule. L Multiph/ each j)artial remainder hy all the preceding
II. Add the several products; the sum will he the true re^
1. D
2. D
3. D
4. D
5. D
6. D
7. D
8. D
9. D
10. D
11. D
12. D
13. D
14. D
15. D
16. D
17. B
18. Di
19. D
ide 435 by 15 = 3 X 5. Ans. 29.
de 425G by 56 = 7 X 8.
de 17856 by 72 = 9 x 8.
[de 15288 by 42 :== 2 x 3 x 7. Ans. 364.
[de 972552 by 168 = 8 x 7 X 3. Ans, 5789.
[de 526050 by 126 = 9 X 7 X 2.
[de 612360 by 105 = 7 x 5 x 3. Ans. 5832.
ide 553 by 15 = 3 X 5. Rem. 13.
de 10183 by 105 = 3 X 5 X 7. 103.
de 10197 by 120 = 2 X 3 X 4 X 5. 117.
de 29792 by 144 = 3 x 8 x 6. 128.
de 73522 by 168 = 4 x 6 x 7. 106.
de 63814 by 135 = 3 X 5 X 9. ^ 124.
[de 386639 by 720 = 2 x 3 x 4 x 5 x 6.' 719.
de 734514 by 168 = 4 x 6 x 7. 18.
[de 636388 by 729 = 9^. 700.
de 4619 by 125 = 5^ 119.
de 116423 by 10584 = 3 x 7^ x 8 x 9. 10583.
de 79500 by 6125 = 5^ x T. 6000.
1$53. "When the divisor is a unit of any order.
If we cut off or remove the right hand figure of a number, each
of the other figures is removed one place toward the right, and,
consequently, the value of each is diminished tenfold, or divided
by 10, (37^ III). For a similar reason, by cutting off two figures
we divide by 100 ; by cutting off threcj we divide by 1000, and
BO on ; and the figures cut off will constitute the remainder.
Hence the ^mj^
Rule. Ftotyi the right hand of the dividend cut off as many
figures as there are ciphers in the divisor. Under the figures so
cut off, place the divisor, and the whole will form the quotienL
1. Divide 79 by 10. Ans. 7-i%.
2. Divide 7982 by 100.
3. Divide 4003 by 1000. Ans. 4y^3^^.
4. Divide 2301050 by 10000.
6. Divide 3600036 by 1000. Ans. 3600tMtj-
133. When there are ciphers on the right hand of
the divisor.
I. Divide 25548 by 700.
Analysis. "We resolve 700
OPERATION. . , ^ -.^^ -, ^
into the factors 100 and 7.
7|00) 255148 Dividing first by 100, the quo-
36 Quotient. 3 2d rem. tient is 255, and the remainder
3 X 100 + 48 = 348 true rem. 48. Dividing 255 by 7, the
final quotient is 36, and the
second remainder 3. Multiplying the last remainder, 3, by the
preceding divisor, 100, and adding the preceding remainder, we have
300 -f 48 = 348, the true remainder, (121). In practice, the true
remainder may be obtained by prefixing the second remainder to
the first. Hence the
HuLE. I. Cut off the ciphers from the right of the divisor , and
as many figures from the right of the dividend.
II. Divide the remaining figures of the dividend hy the remain-
ing figures of the divisor j for the final quotient.
III. Prefix the remainder to the figures cut off^ and the result
will he the true remainder.
1. Divide 7856 by 900. Ans. 8f §f
2. Divide 13872 by 500.
3. Divide 8||W:8 by 2600. Ans. ^2^^^^,
4. Divide 1548036 by 4300. Ans. ^^^^lU-
5. Divide 436000 by 300. Ans. 1453|g§.
6. Divide 66472000 by 8100.
r. Divide 10S18000 by 3600.
1. How many barrels of flour at S8 a barrel, will pay for 25 tons
of coal at $4 a ton, and 3G cords of wood at §3 a cord ?
Ans. 26.
2. A grocer bought 12 barrels of sugar at §16 per barrel, and
17 barrels at $13 per barrel ; how much would he gain by selling
the whole at $18 per barrel ?
3. x\ farmer sold 300 bushels of wheat at $2 a bushel, corn and
oats to the amount of $750 ; with the proceeds he bought 120
head of sheep at $3 a head, one pair of oxen for $90, and 25 acres
of land for the remainder How much did the land cost him per
acre? Ans. $36.
4. Divide 450+ (24 — 12) x 5 by (90 -f- 6) + (3 x llJ^irU..
Ans. 17.
5. D ivide 648 x (3^ x '2') — 9 — (2910 ~- 15) by 2863 -^
(4375 -nj5) X 4^+ 3^ Ans. 712f .
6. The product of three numbers is 107100; one of the
numbers is 42, and another 34. What is the third number ?
Ans. 7d.
7. What number is that which being divided by 45, the quo-
tient increased by 7^ + 1, the sum diminished by the difference
between 28 and 16, the remainder multiplied by 6, and the pro-
duct divided by 24, the quotient will be 12 ? Ans. 450.
8. A mechanic earns $60 a month, but his necessary expenses
are $42 a month. How long will it take him to pay for a farm
of 50 acres worth $36 an acre ?
9. What number besides 472 will divide 251104 without a re~
mainder? Ans. 532.
10. Of what number is 3042 both divisor and quotient ?
Ans. 9253764.
11. What must the number be which, divided by 453, will give
the quotient 307, and the remainder 109 ? Ans. 139180.
12. A farmer bought a lot of sheep and hogs, of each an equal
number, for $1276. He gave $4 a head for the sheep, and $7 a
head for the hogs ; what was the whole number purchased, and
how much was the difference in the total cost of each ?
Ans. 232 purchased ; $348 difference in cost.
13. According to the census of 1850 the total value of the
tobacco raised in the United States was $13,982,686. How many
school-houses at a cost of $950, and churches at a cost of $7500,
of each an equal number, could be built with the proceeds of the
tobacco crop of 1850 ? Ans. 1654, and a remainder of $6386.
14. The entire cotton crop in the United States in 1859 was
4,300,000 bales, valued at $54 per bale. If the entire proceeds
were exchanged for English iron, at $60 per ton, how many tons
would be received ?
15. The population of the United States in 1850 was 23,191,876.
It was estimated that 1 person in every 400 died of intemperance.
How many deaths may be attributed to this cause in the United
States, during that year ?
16. In 1850-, there were in the State ot New York, 10,593
public schools, which were attended during the winter by 508464
pupils ; what was the average number to each school ?
Ans. 48.
17. A drover bought a certain number of cattle for $9800, and
sold a certain number of them for $7680, at $64 a head, and
gained on those he sold $960. How much did he gain a head,
and how many did he buy at first ?
Ans. Gained $8 per head; bought 175.
18. A house and lot valued at $1200, and 6 horses at $95 each,
were exchanged for 30 acres of land. At how much was the land
valued per acre ?
19. If 16 men can perform a job of work in 36 days, in how
many days can they perform the same job with the assistance of
8 more men ? Ans. 24.
. 20. Bought 275 barrels of flour for $1650, and sold 186 bar-
rels of it at $9 a barrel, and the remainder for what it cost. How
much was gained by the bargain ? Ans. $558.
2U A grocer wishes to put 840 pounds of tea into three kinds
of boxes, containing respectively 5, 10, and 15 pounds, using the
same number of boxes of each kind. How many boxes can be
fill? Ans. 84.
22. A coal dealer paid $965 for some coal. He sold 160 tons
for $5 a ton, when the remainder stood him in but $3 a ton. How
many tons did he buy? Ans. 215.
23. A dealer in horses gave $7560 for a certain number, and
sold a part of them for $3825, at $85 each, and by so doing, lost
$5 a head ; for how much a head must he sell the remainder, to
gain $945 on the whole ? Ans. $120.
24. Bought a Western farm for $22,360, and after expending
$1742 in improvements upon it, I sold one half of it for $15480,
at $18 per acre. How many acres of land did I purchase, and at
what price per acre ?
134« The four operations that have now been considered, viz..
Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division, are all the
operations that can be performed upon numbers, and hence they
are called the Fundamental Eules.
l^O. In all cases, the numbers operated upon and the results
obtained, sustain to each other the relation of a whole to its parts.
I. In Addition^ the numbers added are the parts, and the sum
or amount is the whole.
II. In Sifhtraction, the subtrahend and remainder are the
parts, and the minuend is the whole.
III. In Multiplicationy the multiplicand denotes the value of one
part, the multiplier the number of parts, and the pro-
duct the total value of the whole number of parts.
lY. In Division, the dividend denotes the total value of the
whole number of parts, the divisor the value of one
part, and the quotient the number of parts ; or the
divisor the number of parts, and the quotient the
value of one part.
1S6. Every example that can possibly occur in Arithmetic,
and every business computation requiring an arithmetical opera-
tion, can be classed under one or more of the four Fundamental
Rules, as follows :
I. Cases requiring Addition.
There may he given To find
1. The parts, the whole, or the sum total.
2 The less of two numbers and ^
^, . ,.«. ^1 1 I the g-reater number or the
their dmerence, or the sub- > P
^ , 1 T . T minuend.
trahend and remainder, J
II. Cases requiring Subtraction.
There may he (jiven To find
1. The sum of two numbers and )
one of them, j *^^ °t^e'^-
2. The greater and the less of ^
two numbers, or the minuend I the difference or remainder
and subtrahend, J
III. Cases requiring Multiplication.
There may he given To find
1. Two numbers, their product.
"2. Any number of factors, their continued product.
3. The divisor and quotient, the dividend.
IV. Cases requiring Division.
There may he given To find
1. The dividend and divisor, the quotient.
2. The dividend and quotient, the divisor.
3. The product and one of two '
4. The continued product of ^
several factors, and the pro- > that one factor.
duct of all but one factor, J
I2T. Let the pupil be required to illustrate the following pro-
blems by orio^inal examples.
Problem 1. Given, several numbers, to find their sum.
Prob. 2. Given, the sum of several numbers and all of them
but one, to find that one.
V the other factor.
Prob. 3. Given, the parts, to find the whole.
Prob. 4. Given, the whole and all the parts but one, to find
that one.
Prob. 5. Given, two numbers, to find their difierence.
Prob. 6. Given, the greater of two numbers and their difierence,
to find the less number.
Prob. 7. Given, the less of two numbers and their difference, to
find the greater number.
Prob. 8. Given, the minuend and subtrahend, to find the
Prob. 9. Given, the minuend and remainder, to find the sub-
Prob. 10. Given, the subtrahend and remainder, to find the
Prob. 11. Given, two or more numbers, to find their product.
Prob. 12. Given, the product and one of two factors, to find the
other factor.
Prob. 13. Given, the continued product of several factors and
all the factors but one, to find that factor.
Prob. 14. Given, the factors, to find their product.
Prob. 15 Given, the multiplicand and multiplier, to find the
Prob. 16. Given, the product and multiplicand, to find the
Prob. 17. Given, the product and multiplier, to find the mul-
Prob. 18. Given, two numbers, to find their quotients.
Prob. 19. Given, the divisor and dividend, to find the quotient.
Prob. 20. Given, the divisor and quotient, to find the dividend.
Prob. 21. Given, the dividend and quotient, to find the divisor.
Prob. 22. Given, the divisor, quotient, and remainder, to find
the dividend.
Prob. 23. Given, the dividend, quotient, and remainder, to find
the divisor.
Prob. 24. Given, the final quotient of a continued division and
the several divisors, to find the dividend.
Prob 25. Given, the final quotient of a continued division, the
first dividend, a,nd all the divisors but one, to find that divisor.
Prob. 26. Given, the dividend and several divisors of a con-
tinued division, to find the quotient.
Prob. 27. Given, two or more sets of numbers, to find the
difierence of their sums.
Prob. 28. Given, two or more sets of factors, to find the sum of
their products.
Prob. 29. Given, one or more sets of factors and one or more
numbers, to find the sum of the products and the given numbers.
Prob. 30. Given, two or more sets of factors, to find the ditler-
ence of thoir products.
Prob. 31. Given^ one or more sets of factors and one or more
numbers, to find the sum of the products and the given number
or numbers.
Prob. 32. Given, two or more sets of factors and two or more
other sets of factors, to find the difference of the sums of the
products of the former and latter.
Prob. 33. Given, the sum and the difference of two numbers, to
find the numbers.
Analysis. If the difference of two unequal numbers be added to
the less number, the sum wdll be equal to the greater ; and if this
sum be added to the greater number, the result will be twice the
greater number. But this result is the sum of the two numbers plus
their difference.
Again, if the difference of two numbers be subtracted from the
greater number, the remainder will be equal to the less number ; and
if this remainder be added to the less number, the result will be twice
the less number. But this result is the sum of the two numbers
minus their difference. Hence,
I. The sum of two numbers plus their difference is equal to
twice the greater number.
II. The sum of two numbers minus their difference is equal to
twice the less number.
1SS8. An Exact Divisor of a number is one that gives an
integral number for a quotient. And since division is the reverse
of multiplication, it follows that all the exact divisors of a number
are factors of that number, and that all its factors are exact
Notes. — 1. Every number is divisible by itself and unity ; but the number
itself and unity are not generally considered as factors, or exact divisors of the
number. '^
2. An exact divisor of a number is sometimes called the measure of the
ISO , An Even Number is a number of which 2 is an exact
divisor; as 2, 4, 6, or 8.
130* An Odd Number is a number of which 2 is not an exact
divisor; as 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9.
131. A Perfect Number is one that is equal to the sum of
all its factors plus 1; as 6 = 3 + 2 + 1, or 28 = 14 + 7 + 4 +
2 + 1.
Note —The only perfect numbers known are 6, 28, 496,8128, 33550336,
8589869056, 137438691328, 2305843008139952128, 2417851639228158837784576,
990352031428297183044881 6128.
133. An Imperfect Number is one that is not equal to the
sum of yi its factors plus 1 , as 12, which is not equal to 6 + 4
+ 3 + 2 + 1.
133. An Abundant Number is one which is less than the
sum of all its factors phis 1 ; as 18, which is less than 9 + 6 +
3 + 2 + 1.
134. A Defective Number is one which is greater than the
sum of all its factors plus 1 ; as 27^ which is greater than 9 + 3 + 1.
13o. To show che nature of exact division, and furnish tests
of divisibility, observe that if we begin with any number, as 4,
and take once 4, two times 4, three times 4, four times 4, and so
on indefinitely, forming the series 4, 8, 12, 16, etc., we shall have
6* B
all the numbers that are divisible by 4 ; and from the manner of
forming this series, it is evident,
1st. That the product of any one number of the series by any
integral number whatever, will contain 4 an exact number of
times ;
2d. The sum of any two numbers of the series will contain 4
an exact number of times ; and
8d. The difference of any two will contain 4 an exact number
of times. Hence,
I Any number which will exactly divide one of two numbers
will divide their product.
II. Any number which will exactly divide each of two numbers
will divide their sum.
III. Any number which will exactly divide each of two num-
bers will divide their difference.
136. From these principles we derive the following properties :
I. Any number terminating with 0, 00, 000, etc., is divisible
by 10, 100, 1000, etc., or by any factor of 10, 100, or 1000.
For by cutting off the cipher or ciphers, the number will be divided
by 10, 100. or 1000, etc., without a remainder, (122) ; and a number
of which 10, 100, or 1000, etc., is a factor, will contain any factor of
10, 100, or 1000, etc., (I).
II. A number is divisible by 2 if its right hand figure is even
or divisible by 2.
For, the part at the left of the units' placed taken alone, with its
local value, is a number which terminates with a cipher, and is divi-
sible by 2, because 2 is a factor of 10, (I) ; and if both parts, taken
separately, with their local values, are divisible by 2, their sum, which
is the entire number, is divisible by 2, (135, II).
Note. — Hence, all numbers terminating with 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8, are even, and all
numbers terminating with 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9, are odd.
III. A number is divisible by 4 if the number expressed by its
two right hand figures is divisible by 4.
For, the part at the left of the tens^ place, taken alone, with its
local value, is a number which terminates with two ciphers, and is
divisible by 4, because 4 is a factor of 100, (I) ; and if both parts,
taken separately, with their local values, are divisible by 4, their sum
which is the entire number, is divisible by 4, (135, II)
TV. A number is divisible by 8 if the number expressed by its
three right hand figures is divisible by 8.
For, the part at the left of the hundreds' place, taken alone, with
its local value, is a number which terminates with three ciphers, and
IS divisible by 8, because 8 is a factor of 1000, (I) ; and if both
parts, taken separately, with theiv local values, are divisible by 8,
their sum, or the entire number, .s divisible by 8, (135, II).
Y. A number is divisible by any power of 2, if as many right
hand figures of the number as are equal to the index of the given
power^ are divisible by the given power.
For, as 2 is a factor of 10, any power of 2 is a factor of the corres-
ponding power of 10, or of a unit of an order one higher than is
indicated by the index of the given power of 2 ; and if both parts
of a number, taken separately, with their local values, are divisible
by a power of 2, their sum, or the entire number, is divisible by the
same power of 2, (135, II).
YI. A number is divisible by 5 if its right hand figure is 0,
or 5.
For, if a number terminates with a cipher, it is divisible by 5,
because 5 is a factor of 10, (I) ; and if it terminates with 5, both
parts, the units and the figures at the left of units, taken separately,
with their local values, are divisible by 5, and consequently their
sum, or the entire number, is divisible by 5, (135, II).
YII. A number is divisible by 25 if the number expressed by
its two right hand figures is divisible by 25.
For, the part at the left of the tens' figure, taken with its local
value, is a number terminating with two ciphers, and is divisible by
25, because 25 Is a factor of 100, (I) ; and if both parts, taken
separately, with their local values, are divisible by 25, their sum, or
the entire number, is divisible by 25, (135, II).
YIII. A number is divisible by any power of 5, if as many
right hand figures of the number as are equal to the index of the
given power are divisible by the given power.
For, as 5 is a factor of 10, any power of 5 is a factor of the corres-
ponding power of 10, or of a unit of an order one higher than is indi-
cated by the index of the given power of 5 ; and if both parts of a
number, taken separately, with their local values, are divisible by a
power of 5, their sum, or the entire number, is divisible^by the same
power of 5, (135, II).
IX. A number is divisible by 9 if the sum of its digits is divis-
ible by 9.
For, if any number, as 7245, be separated into its parts, 7000 -f
200 +40+5, and each part be divided by 9, the several remainders
will be the digits 7, 2, 4, and 5, respectively ; hence, if the sum of
these digits, or remainders, be 9 or; an exact number of 9^s, the entire
number must contain an exact number of 9's, and will therefore be
divisible by 9.
Note. — Whence it follows that if a number be divided by 9, the remainder
will be the same as the excess of 9's in the sum of the digits of the number.
Upon this property depends one of the methods of proving the operations in
the four Fundamental Rules.
X. A number is divisible by a composite number, when it is
divisible, successively, by all the component factors of the com-
posite number.
For, dividing any number successively by several factors, is the
same as dividing by the product of these factors, (119, I).
XI. An odd number is not divisible by an even number.
For, the product of any even number by any odd number is even ,
and, consequently, any composite odd number can contain only odd
XII. An even number that is divisible by an odd number, is
also divisible by twice that odd number.
For, if any even number be divided by an odd number, the quo-
tient must be even, and divisible by 2 ; hence, the given even num-
ber, being divisible successively by the odd number and 2, will be
divisible by their product, or twice the odd number, (119, I).
1S7. A Prime Number is one that can not be resolved or
separated into two or more integral factors.
Note. — Every number must be either prime or composite.
138* To find all the prime numbers within any given limit,
we observe that all even numbers except 2 are composite ; hence,
the prime numbers must be sought among the odd numbers.
130.. If the odd numbers be written in their order, thus; 1,
3, 5, 1, 9, 11, 13, 15 17, etc., we observe,
1st. Taking every third number after 3, we have 3 times 3, 5
times 3, 7 times 3, and so on ; which are the only odd numbers
divisible by 3.
2d. Taking every fifth number after 5, we have 3 times 6, 5
times 5, 7 cimes 5, and so on; which are the only odd numbers
divisible by 5. And the same will be true of every other number
in the series. Hence,
3d. If we cancel every third number, counting from 3, no
number divisible by 3 will be left; and since 3 times 5 will be
canceled, 5 times 5. or 25, will be the least composite number left
in the series. Hence^
4th. If we cancel every fifth number, counting from 25, no
number divisible by 5 will be left; and since 3 times 7, and 5
times 7, will be canceled, 7 times 7, or 49, will be the least com-
posite number left in the series. And thus with all the prime
numbers. Hence,
140. To find all the prime numbers within any given limit,
we have the following
Rule. I. Write all the odd riumhers in their natural order.
II. Cancel, or cross out, 3 times 3^ or 9, and every third number
after it; 5 times 5, or 25, and every fifth number after it; 7 times
7, or 49, and every seventh number after it ; and so on, beginning
with the second power of each prime number in succession, till the
given limit is reached. The numbers remaining, together tvith the
number 2, will be the prime numbers required.
Notes. — 1. It is unnecessary to count for every ninth number after 9 times 9,
for being divisible by 3, they will be found already canceled; the same may be
said of any other canceled, or composite number.
2. This method of obtaining a list of the prime numbers was employed by
Eratosthenes (born b. c, 275), and is called Eratoathenea' Sieve,
number into its
141, To resolve any composite
prime factors.
The Prime Factors of a number are those prime numbers
which multiplied together will produce the given number.
14:2, The process of factoring numbers depends upon the fol-
lowing principles :
I. Every prime factor of a number is an exact divisor of that
II. The only exact divisors of a number are its prime factors, or
some combination of its prime factors.
1. What are the prime factors of 798 ?
Analysis. Since the given number is even, we
divide by 2, and obtain an odd number, 399, for a
quotient We then divide by the prime numbers
3, 7, and 19, successively, and the last quotient is
1. The divisors, 2, 3, 7, and 19, are the prime
factors required, (II). Hence, the
Rule. Divide the given number hy any prime factor ; divide
the quotient in the same manner , and so continue the division until
the quotient is a prime number. The several divisors and the last
quotient will be the prime factors required.
Proof. The product of all the prime factors wiP be the given
1. What arc the prime factors of 2150 'Z
2. What are the prime factors of 2445?
3. What are the prime factors of 6300 ?
4. What are the prime factors of 21504?
5. What are the prime factors of 2366 ?
6. What are the prime factors of 1000 ?
7. What are the prime factors of 390625?
8. What are the prime factors of 999999 ?
143. If the prime factors of a number are small; as 2, 3, 5;
7, or 11, they may be easily found by the tests of divisibility,
(136), or by trial. But numbers may be proposed requiring many
trials to find their prime factors. This difficulty is obviated,
within a certain limit, by the Factor Table given on pages 72, 73.
By prefixing each number in bold-face type in the column
of Numbers, to the several numbers following it in the same divis-
ion of the column, we shall form all the composite numbers less
than 10,000, and not divisible by 2, 3, 5, 7, or 11; the numbers
in the columns of Factors are the least prime factors of the num-
bers thus formed respectively. Thus, in one of the columns of
Numbers we find 39, in bold-face type, and below 39, in the same
column, is 77, which annexed to 39, forms 3977, a composite num-
ber. The least prime factor of this number is 41, which we find
at the right of 77, in the column of Factors.
144. Hence, for the use of this table, we have the following
BULE. I. Cancel from the given number all factors less than
13, and then find the remaining factors by the table.
II. If any number less than 10,000 is not found, in the tabU,
and is not divisible by 2, 3, 5, 7, or 11, it is prime.
1 1
i ^
1 i
1 1
99 29
11 17
43 29
79 37
41 17
83 17
41 23
09 31
17 53
77 31
69 13
17 13
57 19
83 13
51 13
97 43
59 17
13 19
27 29
83 71
01 17
57 31
61 37
89 19
77 13
69 53
21 29
47 47
91 29
21 13
23 13
69 13
63 13
91 47
83 19
01 19
87 13
31 61
67 67
47 13
43 23
87 29
03 41
93 17
69 19
07 41
89 17
49 13
01 19
21 43
01 41
93 41
19 13
51 19
71 13
13 13
99 13
61 31
13 17
33 19
07 23
27 23
01 47
69 17
77 17
19 17
89 23
17 37
41 13
09 13
07 31
31 47
37 31
79 29
21 23
23 17
37 29
47 23
33 17
13 23
39 19
53 59
81 13
11 17
39 13
61 19
03 17
41 23
59 29
37 43
29 13
73 23
59 37
87 41
19 61
49 29
77 13
07 19
77 19
71 19
61 13
43 17
81 59
61 17
93 23
41 47
51 59
91 17
27 13
91 37
77 31
67 17
53 43
97 13
73 29
99 53
43 29
63 19
37 17
73 31
71 37
77 41
47 37
67 23
03 13
73 29
33 23
17 29
81 29
77 17
03 31
79 23
27 19
49 13
87 17
37 19
79 13
43 31
19 13
87 13
97 19
23 13
91 13
53 23
93 67
81 13
81 23
49 17
47 19
99 23
51 53
39 23
93 17
51 13
59 17
03 29
69 43
09 19
53 61
67 31
11 47
21 19
79 23
71 13
03 19
07 13
87 17
31 29
69 41
83 19
17 13
27 17
39 17
81 41
27 53
89 37
33 37
71 17
91 67
21 17
29 23
47 31
91 19
83 37
27 37
31 31
99 59
43 13
89 67
97 59
33 13
57 13
97 13
41 19
33 13
61 31
39 19
51 19
59 19
03 13
69 17
39 43
01 13
63 17
11 13
01 13
53 53
59 13
89 29
11 29
01 31
11 23
69 13
31 23
13 17
59 23
89 19
17 17
09 47
01 37
51 23
29 19
87 61
37 13
27 13
63 31
07 17
39 37
27 17
61 29
97 17
41 19
79 13
71 41
11 13
19 23
51 17
31 23
47 41
73 19
53 13
53 29
81 17
77 19
29 17
41 17
63 41
49 13
59 31
93 31
67 19
17 23
97 19
89 17
67 13
47 29
69 29
57 37
71 17
97 23
79 13
21 13
73 17
89 13
61 13
81 i;
63 31
83 29
41 41
77 23
17 29
29 61
97 17
71 31
11 13
63 23
79 19
47 13
73 19
07 13
91 29
09 53
33 53
71 43
89 13
41 71
59 53
03 19
17 23
13 29
21 61
81 37
53 31
13 23
13 13
19 17
23 23
31 19
47 17
87 37
83 47
01 43
57 13
73 13
31 17
33 31
29 31
27 13
39 17
63 13
43 19
87 53
07 17
63 61
91 17
67 13
39 13
43 19
29 17
67 47
77 29
49 23
89 59
19 31
69 37
97 23
79 19
43 17
53 13
69 19
81 17
57 13
99 13
33 41
83 13
93 13
49 19
53 17
63 17
73 13
87 19
63 53
61 59
13 37
99 17
57 23
91 31
69 23
81 43
93 37
81 19
67 13
11 19
39 29
63 29
99 13
91 17
37 19
81 31
43 23
17 19
69 37
09 23
07 29
17 31
99 29
47 31
87 43
29 23
49 31
41 29
87 19
19 19
13 19
11 41
37 47
38 •
67 17
93 13
41 53
61 67
61 23
91 13
21 17
19 41
21 23
41 13
09 13
99 37
43 37
67 19
71 ij
27 41
49 31
23 37
49 17
11 37
03 13
49 19
87 37
93 19
03 23
37 13
61 23
29 29
79 31
27 43
07 59
09 17
61 13
»7 29
FACTOR TABLE — Continued.
1 s
a y
» fx
2 „•
1 (2
2 „•
1 1
1 3 c<
1 1
;2; C
55 ;S
1 d
51 13
61 53
57 13
23 71
51 53
53 19
59 13
03 13
01 17
43 17
59 19
67 13
61 47
27 23
17 19
57 17
59 47
71 19
OD 71
19 13
63 23
77 13
77 19
63 79
33 29
41 23
73 19
63 59
73 17
11 31
23 19
67 29
87 71
79 29
97 43
47' 13
53 79
79 13
69 13
83 23
17 41
31 37
87 13
89 83
89 37
51 83
71 43
81 83
71 73
27 17
49 23
93 43
93 61
91 23
09 13
77 41
73 37
91 17
87 37
01 89
29 13
59 7J
97 73
29 59
83 59
79 61
99 17
03 31
71 13
99 67
01 67
03 67
39 71
83 17
03 29
07 17
71 53
77 59
13 31
13 71
47 61
19 23
80 13
09 59
01 71
27 71
81 13
09 23
29 13
19 13
51 23
31 47
97 29
17 37
07 41
31 37
99 41
03 17
11 17
31 29
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69 17
37 79
27 79
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27 61
43 53
39 41
71 19
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07 47
47 23
22 19
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07 13
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53 17
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49 29
09 67
57 13
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97 97
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57 79
73 73
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79 83
59 13
61 61
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03 47
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01 29
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57 43
89 89
89 41
09 17
67 7J
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93 19
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07 37
67 13
93 17
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71 29
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31 79
91 19
11 73
01 59
79 23
07 23
41 13
73 23
87 23
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33 13
97 13
13 13
03 13
87 ii
17 71
09 97
77 5J
91 41
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31 41
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53 59
23 37
61 23
09 31
37 17
47 83
69 17
69 71
09 37
27 13
31 19
67 37
21 41
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27 19
11 79
61 13
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33 19
33 23
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81 73
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21 37
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87 53
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51 37
33 89
99 19
91 4J
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49 61
93 41
39 43
91 13
57 23
39 53
77 29
03 13
93 71
53 13
67 59
97 47
53 29
97 53
79 17
51 41
83 31
09 37
13 23
99 17
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83 41
99 31
63 17
99 43
53 17
89 61
17 31
80 19
97 37
71 31
13 41
71 13
23 89
37 19
09 19
11 13
93 59
21 89
03 19
83 19
01 19
29 13
43 61
11 23
13 59
07 19
23 17
8J 17
21 53
13 13
53 41
53 37
17 61
19 71
31 53
41 37
01 13
43 13
33 13
11 31
31 23
57 19
59 23
21 31
31 13
39 23 ■
53 23
19 73
57 73
39 31
17 23
39 13
63 73
71 13
33 17
41 17
49 17
57 17
31 17
61 19
41 19
49 13
71 17
79 17
41 13
71 23
51 43
63 13
43 19
67 31
47 17
59 19
67 89
77 61
83 67
47 19
S3 13
57 29
69 67
71 67
69 13
57 61
73 31
69 53
S9 43
91 97
59 59
67 67
71 71
97 71
79 79
59 13
77 67
79 67
93 53
97 13
63 67
01 37
73 13
81 43
81 23
81 17
91 59
93 29
99 29
69 47
03 19
99 13
99 23
13 23
91 61
83 83
97 19
97 17
07 4?
19 19
99 19
99 37
07 13
83 31
09 13
17 17
01 19
27 29
01 13
11 61
17 59
89 53
31 59
21 19
23 31
31 13
03 53
01 31
09 23
17 13
37 23
93 13
37 41
47 41
41 13
33 17
21 13
11 41
43 37
23 23
41 31
1. Eesolve 1961 into its prime factors.
OPERATION. Analysis. Cutting off the two
1961 -— 37 = 53 right hand figures of the given
1961 = 37 X 53. Ans. number, and referring to the table,
column No., we find the other part,
19, in bold-face type ; and under it, in the same division of the column,
we find 61, the figures cut off; at the right of 61, in column Fac, we
find 37, the least prime factor of the given number. Dividing by 37,
we obtain 53, the other factor.
2. Resolve 188139 into its prime factors.
OPERATION. Analysis. We find by trial
that the given number is divisible
by 3 and 7 ; dividing by these fac-
tors, we have for a quotient 8959.
By referring to the factor table,
we find the least prime factor of
this number to be 17 ; dividing by
17, we have 527 for a quotient,
3x7x17x17x31^ Ans. Preferring again to the table, we
find 17 to be the least factor of
527, and the other factor, 31, is prime.
1. Resolve 18902 into its prime factors. Ans. 2, 13, 727.
2. Resolve 352002 into its prime factors.
3. Resolve 6851 into its prime factors.
4. Resolve 9367 into its prime factors.
5. Resolve 203566 into its prime factors.
6. Resolve 59843 into its prime factors.
7. Resolve 9991 into its prime factors.
8. Resolve 123015 into its prime factors.
9. Resolve 893235 into its prime factors.
10. Resolve 390976 into its prime factors.
11. Resolve 225071 into its prime factors.
12. Resolve 81770 into its prime factors.
13. Resolve 6409 into its prime factors.
14. Resolve 178296 into its prime factors.
15. Resolve 714210 into its prime factors.
145. To find all the exact divisors of a number.
It is evident that all the prime factors of a number, together
with all the possible combinations of those prime factors, will con-
stitute all the exact divisors of that number, (142, II).
1 . What are all the exact divisors of 360 ?
360 = 1x2x2x2x3x3x5.
1 ,
2 ,
4 , 8
Combinations of 1 and 2.
3 ,
9 ,
6 ,
18 ,
12 , 24 1
36 , 72 1
" 1 and 2 and 3.
5 ,
10 ,
20 , 40
" land 2 and 5.
15 ,
45 ,
30 ,
90 ,
60 , 120 1
180 , 360 f
« land 2 and 3
id 5.
Analysis. Bj Case I we find the prime factors of 360 to be 1, 2,
2, 2, 3, 3, and 5. As 2 occurs three times as a factor, the different
combinations of 1 and 2 by which 360 is divisible will be 1, 1x2 = 2,
1 X 2 X 2 = 4, and 1 X 2 X 2 X 2 = 8; these we write in the first line.
Multiplying the first line by 3 and writmg the products in the second
line, and the second line by 3, writing the products in the third line,
we have in the first, second and third lines all the different combina-
tions of 1, 2, and 3, by which 360 is divisible. Multiplying the first,
second and third lines by 5, and writing the products in the fourth,
fifth and sixth lines, respectively, we have in the six lines together,
every combination of the prime factors by which the given number,
360, is divisible.
Hence the following
Rule. I. Resolve the given mimher into its prime /actors,
II Form a series having \ for the firsts term, that prime factor
which occurs the greatest number of times in the given numher for
the second term, the square of this factor for the third term, and so
on, till a term is reached containing this factor as many times as it
occurs in the given number.
III. Multiply the numbers in this line by another factor, and
these residts by the same factor, and so on, as many times as this
factor occurs in the given number.
TV. Multiply all the comhinations now obtained hy another
factor in continued multiplication ^ and thus proceed till all the dif-
ferent factors have been used. All the combinations obtained will
be the exact divisors scni72 ?
. 6. What is the greatest common divisor of 2041 and 8476 ?
^ Ans. 13.
7. What is the greatest common divisor of 3281 and 10778?
8. Find the greatest common divisor of 22579, and 116939.
9. What is the greatest common divisor of 49373 and 147731 ?
Ans. 97.
10. What is the greatest common divisor of 1005973 and
11. Find the greatest common divisor of 292^ 1022, and 1095.
Ans. 73.
12. What is the greatest common divisor of 4718, 6951, and
8876? Ans. 7.
13. Find the greatest common divisor of 141, 799, and 940.
14. What is the greatest common divisor of 484391 and 684877 ?
Ans. 701.
15. A farmer wishes to put 364 bushels of corn and 455 bushels
of oats into the least number of bins possible, that shall contain
the same number of bushels without mixing the two kinds of
grain ; what number of bushels must each bin hold ?
A71S. 91.
16. A gentleman having a triangular piece of land, the sides of
which are 165 feet, 231 feet, and 385 feet, wishes to inclose it
with a fence having pannels of the greatest possible uniform
length; what will be the length of each pannel?
17. B has $620, C $1116, and D $1488, with which they agree
to purchase horses, at the highest price per head that will allow
each man to invest all his money; how many horses can each man
purchase? Ans. B 5, C 9, and D 12.
18. How many rails will inclose a field 14599 feet long by
10361 feet wide, provided the fence is straight, and 7 rails high,
and the rails of equal length, and the longest that can be used ?
Ans. 26880.
t^l. A Multiple is a number exactly divisible by a given
number; thus, 20 is a multiple of 4.
Notes. — 1. A multiple is necessarily composite; a divisor may be either
prime or composite.
2. A number is a divisor of all its multiples and a multiple of all its divisors.
152. A Common Multiple is a number exactly divisible by
two or more given numbers ; thus, 20 is a common multiple of 2,
4, 5, and 10.
lo3. The Least Common Multiple of two or more numbers
is the least number exactly divisible by those numbers ; thus, 24
is the least common multiple of 3, 4, 6, and 8.
154:. From the definition it is evident that the product of two
or more numbers, or any number of times their product, must be
a common multiple of the numbers. Hence, A common multiple
of two or more numhers may he found hy multiplying the given
numbers together.
155. To find the least common multiple.
From the relations of multiple and divisor we have the following
properties :
I. A multiple of a number must contain all the prime factors
of that number.
II. A common multiple of two or more numbers must contain
all the prime factors of each of those numbers.
III. The least common multiple of two or more numbers must
contain all the prime factors of each of those numbers, and no.
other factors.
1. Find the least common multiple of 63, 66, and 78.
OPERATION". Analysis. The
63 = 3 X 3 X 7 number cannot be less
66 = 2 X 3 X 11 than 78, because it
/ 8 = ^ X ^ X lo must contain 78 ; and
2x3x13x11x3x7 = 18018 Ans. if it contains 78, it
must contain all its
prime factors, viz. ; 2 X 3 X 13.
We here have all the prime factors, and also all the factors of 66
except 11. Annexing 11 to the series of factors,
2 X 3 X 13 X 11,
and we have all the prime factors of 78 and 66, and also all the fac-
tors of 63 except one 3, and 7. Annexing 3 and 7 to the series of
2 X 3 X 13 X 11 X 3 X 7,
and we have all the prime factors of each of the given numbers, and
no others; hence the product of this series of factors is the least
common multiple of the given numbers, (III).
From this example and analysis we deduce the following
Rule. I. Resolve the given numbers into their prinie factors.
II. Multiple/ together all the prime factors of the largest numher^
and such prime factors of the other numbers as are not found in
the largest number j and their product will be the least common
NoTR. — When a prime factor is repented in any of the given numbers, it
must be taken as many times in the multiple, as the greatest number of times it
appears in any of the given numbers.
1. Find the least common multiple of 60^ 84, and 132.
Alls. 4620.
2. Find the least common multiple of 21, 80, 44, and 126.
Ans. 13,860.
3. Find the least common multiple of 8, 12, 20, and 30.
4. Find the least common multiple of 16, 60, 140, and 210.
Ans. 1,680.
5. Find the least common multiple of 7, 15, 21, 25, and 35.
6. Find the least common multiple of 14, 19, 38, 42, and 57.
Ans. 798.
7. Find the least common multiple of 144, 240, 480, 960.
1^6. 1. What is the least common multiple of 4, 9, 12, 18,
and 36 ?
. 9 . . 12 . . 18 .
. 36
2 .
. 9 . . 6 . . 9
. 18
9. . 3 . . 9
. 9
3 3
2 X 2 X 3 X 3 =
Analysis. We first write
the given numbers in a se-
ries with a vertical line at
the left. Since 2 is a fac-
tor of some of the given
numbers, it must be a factor
of the least common mul-
tiple sought, (155,111). Di-
viding as many of the numbers as are divisible by 2, we write the
quotients, and the undivided number, 9, in a line underneath. Now,
since some of the numbers in the second line contain the factor 2, the
least common multiple must contain another 2, and we again divide
by 2, omitting to write any quotient when it is 1. We next divide
by 3 for a like reason, and still again by 3. By this process we have
transferred all the factors of each of the numbers to the left of tho
vertical ; and their product, 3G, must be the least common multiple
sought, (155, III).
2. What is the least common multiple of 20, 12, 15, and 75 ?
OPERATION. Analysis. We readily
see that 2 and 5 are among
the factors of the given num-
bers, and must be factors of
the least common multiple ;
2x5x2x3x5 = 300, Ans. hence, writing 2 and 5 at the
left, we divide every number
that is divisible by either of these factors or by their product ; thus,
we divide 20 by both 2 and 5 ; 12 by 2 ; 15 by 5 ; and 75 by 5. We
next divide the second line in like manner by 2 and 3 ; and afterward
the third line by 5. By this process we collect the factors of the
given numbers into groups ; and the product of the factors at the
left of the vertical is the least common multiple sought.
3. What is the least common multiple of 7, 10, 15, 42, and 70?
OPERATION. Analysis. In this operation
2 .
. 6.
. 3 .
. 15
15 4*^ 70 ^'® omit the 7 and 10, because
they are exactly contained in
some of the other given numbers ;
3x7x2x5 = 210, Arts. thus, 7 is contained in 42, and 10
in 70 ; and whatever will contain
42 and 70 must contain 7 and 10. Hence we have only to find the
least common multiple of the remaining numbers, 15, 42, and 70.
From these examples we derive the following
Rule. I. Write the numbers in a Itnej omitting such of the
smaller numbers as ai^e factors of the larger ^ and draw a vertical
line at the left.
% II. Divide by any prime factor or factors that may be contained
in one or more of the given numbers j and write the quotients and
undivided numbers in a line underneath, omitting the Vs.
III. In like manner divide the quotients and undivided numberSy
and continue the process till all the factors of the given numbers
have been transferred to the left of the vertical. Then multiply
these factors together ^ and their product will be the l^ast common
multiple required.
Note. — We may use a composite number for a divisor, when it is contained
in all the given numbers.
1. What is the least common multiple of 15, 18, 21, 24, 35,
36, 42, 50, and 60 ? Ans. 12600.
2. What is the least common multiple of 6, 8, 10, 15, 18, 20,
and 24 ? Ans. 360.
3. What is the least common multiple of 9, 15, 25, 35, 45, and
100? Ans. 6300.
4. What is the least common multiple of 18, 27, 36, and 40 ?
5. What is the least common multiple of 12, 26, and 52 ?
6. What is the least common multiple of 32, 34, and 36 ?
Ans. 4896.
7. What is the least common multiple of 8, 12, 18, 24, 27, and
8.* What is the least common multiple of 22, 33, 44, 55, and
9. What is the least common multiple of <34, 84, 96, and 210 ?
10. If A can build 14 rods of fence in a day, B 25 rods, C 8
rods, and D 20 rods, what is the least number of rods that will
furnish a number of whole days' work to either one of the four
men? Aiis. 1400.
11. "What is the smallest sum of money for which I can pur-
chase either sheep at $4 per head, or cows at $21^ or oxen at $49,
or horses at 872? Ans. $3528.
12. A can dig 4 rods of ditch in a day, B can dig 8 rods, and
C can dig 6 rods ; what must be the length of the shortest ditch,
that will furnish exact days' labor either for each working alone
or for all working together ? Ans. 72 rods.
13. The foi-ward wheel of a carriage was 11 feet in circumfer-
ence, and the hind wheel 15 feet; a rivet in the tire of each was
up when the carriage started, and when it stopped the same rivets
were up together for the 575th time; how many miles had the
carriage traveled, allowing 5280 feet to the mile ?
Ans. 17 miles 5115 feet.
157* Cancellation is the process of rejecting equal factors
from numbers sustaining to each other the relation of dividend
and divisor.
158. It is evident that factors common to the dividend and
divisor may be rejected without changing the quotient, (117,
1. Divide 1365 by 105.
^T,^r>.rT,T^>. Analysis. We first in-
-lo/-.- ^ L ^ -ir. dicate the division by wri-
= - . = 13 tii^g the dividend above a
105 ?i X fi Xt horizontal line and the di-
visor below. Then factor-
ing each term, we find that 3, 5, and 7 are common factors ; and
crossing, or canceling these factors, we have 13, the remaining factor
of the dividend, for a quotient.
151^. If the product of several numbers is to be divided by
the product of several other numbers, the common factors should
be canceled before the multiplications are performed, for two
reasons :
1st. The operations in multiplication and division will thus be
2d. The factors of small numbers are generally more readily
detected than those of large numbers.
2. Divide 20 times 66 by 7 times 15.
OPERATION. Analysis. Having first indi-
4 g cated all the operations required
^0 X ^i 32 hy the question, we cancel 7
~T 77 ^^ o~ ^^^^ from 7 and 5G, and 5 from 15
'^q and 20, leaving the factors 3 in
the divisor, and 8 and 4 in the
dividend. Then 8 X 4 = 32, which divided by 3, gives 10|, the quo-
tient required. Hence the following
Rule I. Write the numbers composing the dividend above a
horizontal line^ and the numbers composing the divisor below it.
II. Cancel all the factors common to both dividend and divisor.
III. Divide the product of the remaining factors of the dividend
by the product of the remaining factors of the divisor^ and the
result xvill be the quotient.
NoTKS. — 1. When a factor is canceled, the unit, 1, is supposed to take its
2. By many it is thought more convenient to write the factors of the dividend
on the right of a vertical line, and the factors of the divisor on the left.
1. What is the quotient of 18 X 6 x 4 X 42 divided by 4 x 9
X 3 X 7x 6?
' ^^ X X 4 X M' =4 i
^x^x^x^x^ ^
4, Ans.
2. Divide the product of 21 x 8 x 60 x 8 x 6 by 7 X 12 X 3
X 8 X 3. Ans. 80.
3. The product of the numbers 16, 5, 14, 40, 16, 60, and 50,
fs to be divided by the product of the numbers 40, 24, 50, 20, 7,
and 10; what is the quotient? ^^s- ^--
4. Divide the continued product of 12, 5, 183, 18, and 70 by
the continued product of 3, 14, 9, 5, 20, and 6.
5. If 213 X 84 X 190 X 264 be divided by 30 X 56 x 3G,
what will be the quotient ?
6. Multiply 64 by 7 times 31 and divide the product by 8
times 56, multiply this quotient by 15 times 88 and divide the
product by 55, multiply this quotient by 13 and divide the pro-
duct by 4 times 6. Ans. 403.
7. How many cords of wood at $4 a cord, must be given for 3
tons of hay at $12 a ton ?
8. How many firkins of butter, each containing 56 pounds, at
15 cents a pound, must be given for 8 barrels of sugar, each con-
taining 195 pounds, at 7 cents a pound ? Ans. 13.
9 A grocer sold 16 boxes of soap, each containing 66 pounds
at 9 cents a pound, and received as pay 99 barrels of potatoes,
each containing 3 bushels ; how much were the potatoes worth a
bushel ?
10. A farmer exchanged 480 bushels of corn worth 70 cents a
bushel, for an equal number of bushels of barley worth 84 cents a
bushel, and oats worth 56 cents a bushel; how many bushels of
each did he receive ? Ans. 240.
11. A merchant sold to a farmer two kinds of cloth, one kind at
75 cents a yard, and the other at 90 cents, selling him twice as
many yards of the first kind as of the second. He received as pay
132 pounds of butter at 20 cents a pound ; how many yards of
each kind of cloth did he sell ?
Ans. 22 yards of the first, and 11 yards of the second.
12. A man took six loads of potatoes to market, each load con-
taining 20 bags, and each bag 2 bushels. He sold them at 44
cents a bushel, and received in payment 8 chests of tea, each con-
taining 22 pounds ; how much was the tea worth a pound ?
Ans. 60 cents.
160* When it is necessary to express a quantity less than a
unit, we may regard the unit as divided into some number of equal
parts, and use one of these parts as a new unit of less value than
the unit divided. Thus, if a yard, considered as an integral unit,
be divided into 4 equal parts, then one, two, or three of these
parts will constitute a number less than a unit. The parts of a
unit thus used are called fractional units ; and the numbers formed
from t\iQm^ fractional numbers. Hence
161, A Fractional unit is one of the equal parts of an inte-
gral unit.
16 ^« A Fraction is a fractional unit, or a collection of frac-
tional units.
1@3. Fractional units take their name, and their value, from
the number of parts into which the integral unit is divided. Thus,
If a unit be divided into 2 equal parts, one of the parts is
called one half If a unit be divided into 3 equal parts, one of the
parts is called one third. If a unit be divided into 4 equal parts,
one of the parts is called one fourth.
And it is evident that one third is less in value than one half
one fourth less than one third, and so on.
IG^i:* To express a fraction by figures, two integers are re
quired j one to denote the number of parts into which the inte-
gral unit is divided, the other to denote the number of parts taken,
or the number of fractional units in the collection. The farmer
is written below a horizontal line, the latter above. Thus,
One fifth is written |
One half is written ^
One third " \
Two thirds " |
One fourth ^^ |
Two fourths " f
Three fourths " |
Two fifths " I
One seventh " ^
Three eighths " |
Five ninths ^^ f
Eight tenths " i%
16^. The Denominator of a fraction is tlie mimber below tlie
It denominates or names the fractional unit, and it shows how
many fractional units are equal to an integral unit.
'I@@. The Numerator is the number above the line.
It numerates or numbers the fractional units ; and it shows
how many are taken.
167. The Terms of a fraction are the numerator and deno-
minator, taken together.
168. Since the denominator of a fraction shows how many
fractional units in the numerator are equal to 1 integral unit, it
I. That the value of a fraction in integral units, is the quo-
tient of the numerator divided by the denominator.
■ II. That fractions indicate division, the numerator being a
dividend and the denominator a divisor.
mo. To analyze a fraction is to designate and describe its
numerator and denominator. Thus ^ is analyzed as follows : —
7 is the denominator^ and shows that the units expressed by the
numerator are seventlis.
5 is the numerator, and shows that 5 sevenths are taken.
5 and 7 are the terms of the fraction considered as an expres-
sion of division, 5 being the dividend and 7 the divisor.
Express the following fractions by figures : —
1. Four ninths. Ans.
2. Seven Ji/fiy-sixths. Aris. -^^,
3 . Sixteen forty-eigliths.
4. Ninety-five one hundred seventy-ninths.
5. Five hundred thirty-six /oitr hundredths.
. 6. One thousand eight hundred fifty-seven 7iine thousand Jive
hundred twenty-firsts.
7. Twenty-five thousand eighty-sevenths.
8. Thirty ten thousand eighty-seconds.
9. One hundred one ten millionths.
Read and analyze the following fractions: —
10 4 . 7.17. 45_ . J72_ . _48_ . _ 8 1_ . 456
■*-^' 9^ lH ^ 38^ J 00^ 37 5^ 1009^ 7HG3^ 537*
11 2 0. 87. 95 . 48. 75 . 175. 4_3 6 . _7 6 6
J--*-' 4 ^ 30 > J 00 ^ '12 ^ 4 37 ^ ^ > 60 ^ 4 57"5*
19 4 6 7. 5 3^. 10000. 7 5__. 5007
^•^' ^3(1^ ;^4§^ 75 ; l^OOO; 30 01"
iq 150. 4 36. 137 85. 15 0072. I_0000i
^*^' 53 7^ 972^ 4 7 95(J^ 4 7500 0^ 2000(52*
Fractions are distinguished as Proj)er and Improper,
170. A Proper Fraction is one whose numerator is less than
its denominator; its value is less than the unit 1.
1*^1. An Improper Fraction is one whose numerator equals
or exceeds its denominator; its value is never less than the unit 1.
Notes. — 1. The value of a proper fraction, always being less than a unit, can
only bo expressed in a fractional form , hence, its name.
2. The value of an improper fraction, always being equal to, or greater than
a unit, can always be expressed in some other form; hence its name.
ly^. A Mixed E'umber is a number expressed by an integer
and a fraction.
ITS. Since fractions indicate division, (ISS, II), all changes
in the iermH of a fraction will affect the value of that fraction ac-
cording to the laws of division; and we have only to modify the
language of the General Principles of Division, by substituting
the words rmmerator^ denominator^ and fraction^ or value of the
fraction, for the words dividend, divisor^ and quotient, respectively,
and we shall have the followins;
174. Prin. I. MidAiphjing tlie numerator multiplies the
fraction^ and dioiding the numerator divides the fraction.
Prin. II. Midtiplijing the denominator divides the fraction,
and dividing the denominator TRultiplies the fraction.
Prin. III. Multiplying or dividing Loth terms of the fraction
hy the same number, does not alter the value of the fraction.
175. These three principles may be embraced in one
general LAW.
A change in the numerator produces a like change in the
value of the fraction ; hut a change in the denominator j)ro(i?^cej
an OPPOSITE change in the value of the fraction.
12 __
2 1
5)tVo =
"B 70. The Reduction of a fraction is the process of changing
its terms, or its form, without altering its value.
177. To reduce fractions to their lowest terms.
A fraction is in its loivest terms when its numerator and denomi-
nator are prime to each other ; that is, when both terms have no
common divisor.
I. Eeduce the fraction y^^^ to its lowest terms.
Analysis. Dividing both terms of
the fraction by the same number does
not alter the value of the fraction,
(174, III); hence, we divide both
terms of yg^ by 5, and both terms of
the result, ^f , by 3, and obtain 4 for the final result. As 4 and 7 are
prime to each other, the lowest terms of j^^ are ^.
Instead of dividing by the factors 5 and 3 successively, we may
divide by the greatest common divisor of the given terms, and reduce
the fraction to its lowest terms at a single operation. Hence, the
Rule. Cancel or reject all factors common to hofh numerator
and denominator. Or,
Divide both terms hy their greatest common divisor,
1. Reduce j'^^^^j to its lowest terms. Ans. |
2. Reduce f| to its lowest terms. Ans. |.
8. Reduce H| to its lowest terms. Ans. |.
4. Reduce -^^^ to its lowest terms. Ans. |.
5. Reduce ^if ^^ i^s lowest terms. Ans. |.
6. Reduce ||f to its lowest terms.
7. Reduce ||| to its lowest terms.
8. Reduce j^^.^^ to its lowest terms.
9. Reduce f §|| to its lowest terms.
10. Reduce |^| to its lowest terms. Ans. -||.
Note. — Consult the factor table.
II. Reduce j^Y? *^ ^^^ lowest terms. Ans. ||.
12. Reduce f^fl to its lowest terms. Ans. |f.
13. Reduce |||f to its lowest terms.
14. Reduce || J^ to its lowest terms. Ans.
15. Reduce |i|||, and ^||f g to their lowest terms.
4 1
17§. To reduce an improper fraction to a whole or
mixed number.
1. Reduce ^-f^ to a whole or mixed number.
2_9J7 = 297 -^ 12 = 24-^-c = 24^
Analysis. Since the value of a fraction in integral units is equal
to the quotient of the numerator divided by the denominator, (168, 1,)
we divide the given numerator, 297, by the given denominator, 12,
and obtain for the value of the fraction, the mixed number 24y'2 = 24f .
Hence the
Rule. Divide the numerator hy the denominator.
Notes. 1. When the denominator is an exact divisor of the numerator, the
result will be a whole number.
2. In all answers containing fractions, reduce tbo fractions to their lowest
1. Reduce ^^ to an equivalent integer. Ans. 16.
2. Reduce ^-^ to an equivalent integer.
3. Reduce ^g"* to a mixed number. Ans. 17^.
4. Reduce ^^^^ to a mixed number. Ans. 26||,
5. Reduce ^^^ to a mixed number, Ans. 24|.
6. Reduce ^g® to a mixed number. Ans. 17^|.
7. Reduce ^||* to a mixed number.
8. Reduce ^ j^|^ to a mixed number, Ans. 156|.
9. Reduce 3|02 ^q ^ mixed number.
10. Reduce g^/g® to a mixed number. Ans. 4|J.
11. Reduce ^fff^ to a mixed number. Ans. 100|.
12. Reduce j^l^f to a mixed number.
13. In '^^^^ of a day how many (Jays? Ans. 982| days.
14. In ^f^ of a dollar how many dollars? Ans. %^\^^.
15. If 1000 dollars be distributed equally among 36 men, what
part of a dollar must each man receive in change ? Ans. J.
179. To reduce a whole number to a fraction having
a given denominator.
1. lleduce 37 to an equivalent fraction whose denominator shall
be 5.
OPERATION. Analysis. Since in each unit there are
S7 X ^ = 1S5 ^ fifths, in 37 units there must be 37 times
37 ^ 185^ j^^. 5 fifths, or 185 fifths = n^ . The nume-
rator, 185, is obtained in the operation by
multiplying the whole number, 37, by the given denominator, 5.
Hence the
HuLE. 3fultipli/ the whole number hy the given denominator ;
talce the product for a number atorj under which write the given de-
Note. — A whole number may be rerluced to a fractional form by writing 1
under it for a denominator; thus, 9 = ^-.
1. Reduce 17 to an equivalent fraction whose denominator
shall be 6. Ans, ^g^.
2. Change 375 to a fraction whose denominator shall be 8.
3. Change 478 to a fraction whose denominator shall be 24.
4. Reduce 36 pounds to ninths of. a pound.
5. Reduce 359 days to sevenths of a day. Ans^. ^y ^
6. Reduce 763 feet to fourteenths of a foot. Ans. ^^y\®^.
7. Reduce 937 to a fractional form. Ans. ^^^ .
180. To reduce a mixed number to an improper frac-
1. In 12| how many sevenths?
OPERATION. Analysis. In the whole number 12, there are
1-7 12 X 7 sevenths = 84 sevenths, (Case III), and
' 84 sevenths -f 5 sevenths =: 89 sevenths, or \^.
89 Hence the following
Rule. Multiply the whole number hy the denominator of the
fraction ; to the product add the numerator, and under the sum
write the denominator.
1. Reduce 154 to fifths. Ans. ^f.
2. Reduce 24| to an improper fraction. Ans. ^■^.
3. Reduce 57 f to an improper fraction.
4. Reduce 356i| to an improper fraction. Ans. ^^|^.
5. Reduce 872^^3^ to an improper fraction.
G. Reduce 800 ^^^ to an improper fraction. ^ Ans. ^|^§^.
7. Reduce 434^| to an improper fraction. Ans. ^%^3^^.
8. In 15| how many eighths?
9. In 135^% how many twentieths? Ans. ^-J^^.
10. In 43| bushels how many fourths of a bushel ?
11. In 760 j^^ days how many tenths of a day?
181. To reduce a fraction to a given denominator.
We have seen that fractions may be reduced to lower terms by
division. Conversely,
I. Fractions may be reduced to higher terms by multiplication.
II. All higher terms of a fraction must be multiples of its
lowest terms.
1. Reduce -| to a fraction whose denominator is 40.
OPERATION. Analysis. We first divide 40, the re-
40 -f- 8 = 5 quired denominator, by 8, the denomi-
3^5 nator of the given fraction, to ascertain
8 X 5 "^ ^^' ^^^ ^^ ^* ^^ ^ multiple of this term, 8. The
division shows that it is a multiple, and
that 5 is the factor which must be employed to produce it. We there-
fore multiply both terms of | by 5, (174, III), and obtain {§, the re-
quired result. Hence the
Rule. Divide the required denominator hy the denominator
of the given fraction^ and multiply both terms of the fraction hy
the quotient.
96 rrtACTioNS.
1. Eeduce | to a fraction having 24 for a denominator.
Alls. ^|.
2. Reduce -^^ to a fraction whose denominator is 96.
Ans. f|.
3. Reduce |f to a fraction whose denominator is 51.
4. Reduce y^g to a fraction whose denominator is 78.
6. Reduce gW to a fraction whose denominator is 3000.
A'ijv 4 9 6
6. Change 7| to a fraction whose denominator is 8.
7. Change IOt/^ to a fraction whose denominator is 176.
8. Change bj\ to a fraction whose denominator is 363.
9. Change 36f to a fraction whose denominator is 42.
Ans. If 42.
18S8. To reduce two or more fractions to a common
A Common Denominator is a denominator common to two or
more fractions.
1. Reduce | and | to a common denominator.
Analysis. We multiply the terms of the
OPERATION. £j,g^ fraction by the denominator of the second,
^ ^ "—=27 and the terms of the second fraction by the
5x9 ^^ denominator of the first, (174, III). This
Y v> 5 must reduce each fraction to the same deno-
o" w 5 ^^ 4 o rainator, for each new denominator will be the
product of the given denominators. Hence the
Rule. Multiply/ the terms of each fraction hy the denominators
of all the other fractions.
Note. — Mixed numbers must first be reduced to improper fractions.
1. Reduce | and | to a common denominator. Ans. H, -j-^.
2. Reduce ^ and | to a common denominator.
3. Reduce |, -f^ and i to a common denominator.
JtJS "72 50 60
ji.ns. -j5^, j^^y ^2^.
4. Reduce ^, 5| and 1| to equivalent fractions having a com-
mon denominator. Ans. -1|, y^j^, ||.
5. Reduce y^^ and j^^ to a common denominator.
Ay-,^ 6 8 3 9
^^^5- 22T, -z^j-
6. Reduce ^, ^ and Jj to a common denominator.
7. Reduce |, |, j'^2 ^"^ /s ^^ ^ common denominator.
/j„jf 768 115 2 896 864
•^"^- To 3 5? 153 5? 75 3 5? T5^S*
183. To reduce fractions to their least •common de-
The Least Common Denominator of two or more fractions is
the least denominator to which they can all be reduced.
184, We have seen that all higher terms of a fraction must
be multiples of its lowest terms, (181, II)- Hence,
I. If two or more fractions be reduced to a common denomi-
nator, this common denominator will be a common multiple of the
several denominators.
II. The least common denominator must therefore be the least
common multiple of the several denominators.
1. Reduce |, ^^ and f^ to their least common denominator.
OPERATION. Analysis. We first find the least
12 . . 15 common multiple of the given deno-
. minators, which is 60. This must
be the least common denominator to
3 , 5
2 , 2
3x5x2x2 = 60 which the given fractions can be re-
duced, (II). Reducing each frac-
tion to the denominator 60, by Case
V, we obtain f J, || and /„ ^^r the
answer. Hence the following
Rule. I. Find the least common multiple of the given denoTti"
inators, for the least common denominator.
9 G
II. Divide this common denominator hy each of the given d&-
nominators^ and multipli/ each numerator hi/ the corresponding
quotient. The products loill be the neic numerators.
Notes. — 1. If the several fractions are not in their lowest terms, they should
be reduced to their lowest terms before applying the rule.
2. When two or more fractions are reduced to their least common denominator,
their numerators and the cummon denominator will be prime to each other.
1 1. Reduce | and f^ to their least common denominator.
/< ^ Q 2 5 12
2. Reduce |, | and | to their least common denominator.
8. Reduce* |, -^^ and |^ to their least common denominator.
4. Reduce |, | and | to their least common denominator.
5. Reduce j^^, i| and || to their least common denominator.
Jjjd 3 6 3 5 2 6
6. Reduce |, 7*3? || and -^-^ to their least common denominator.
J.JO 5 2 2 4 7 5 8
7. Reduce 2|, ^-^^ ^^ and |g to their least common denomi-
v.qfnr Aii^i 312 5 6 25 74
l^^^OX. imS. y2^, J33^, y2^, JTTQ.
8. Reduce |^, g^g and |J to their least common denominator.
9. Reduce |g, ^-^j^ and ^| to their least common denominator-
14. Reduce -|, {A, f., ^s^, /^ and |g to their least common
flpnmninntnr An400 6 930 1008 2240 1944 32i_3
aenominaior. jins. ^^qq, ^ggo' 7ogo' 7 5G0' 7 56T5? 7560
15. Reduce ^, A, rp^j ^^ and j'g^^ to their least common de-
16. Reduce j\, t^\, || and 4^ to their least common denomi-
r^o+r»T. Aiif: 2 8 7 6 45 5
IiatOr. .^?IS. y^^, y^5, JXJ-, y^jj.
185. The denominator of a fraction determines the value of
the fractional unit, (16o) ; hence,
I. If two or more fractions have the same denominator, their
numerators express fractional units of the same value.
II. If two or more fractions have different denominators, their
numerators express fractional units of different values.
And since units of the same value only can be united into one
sum, it follows,
III. That fractions can be added only when they have a com-
mon denominator.
1. What is the sum of 4, j% and ^ ?
O^ 1 ^ JO
« + « + 2 _ 12 + 2 5 + 8 _ ,,, _ 3 .
5 ' T3Z ' 1 5 — 0Q — gU — ?•
Analysis. We first reduce the given fractions to a common deno-
minator, (III). And as the resulting fractions, J§, |^, and /j have the
same fractional unit, (I), we add them by uniting their numerators
into one sum, making || — J, the answer.
2. Add 5|, 3| and 4/3.
Analysis. The sum of the
OPERATION. integers, 5, 3, and 4, is 12; the
^ + 5 + i^ = 1^ sum of the fractions, J, J, and
34_7_| 7 95 '4'K'
^ ^ H J^ ]2 — ^2i -7- is 24. Hence, the sum of
14^''^, Ans. both fractions and integers is
12 + 2^^ = 14^^.
180, From these principles and illustrations we derive the
following general
Rule. I. To add fractions. — When necessary, reduce tlie.frac'
tioiis to their least common cJenominator ; then add the numerators
and place the sum over the common denominator.
II. To add mixed numbers. — Add the integers and fractions
separately^ and then add their sums.
Note. — All fractional results should be reduced to their lowest termS; and if
improper fractions, to whole or mixed numbers.
1. What is the sum of Z^, y^^, /^ and ^ ? Ans. 2\,
2. What is the sum of ||, j\y f^ and f^ ? Ans. 1|.
3. What is the sum of /j, r^-^y ^f and ^f ?
4. What is the sum of 1^, Sfl, 2||, 5^§ and 4|| ?
^rw. 28|.
5. What is the sum of S7^%, 12|5, 13|| and f | ?
6. Add I, I and |.
7. Add I, I, If and j-\. J.n«. 2
8. Add 1, I and J3.
9. Add ,% II and /^. ^n^. l|g.
10. Add 1, f 1^ and f |. jiws. 2||.
11. Add I, 1^,11,11 and if ^n.4/,V
12. Add 3^, 4| and 2/3.
13. Add 16^2 and 24 Jg. Ans. 40/^.
14. Add 1^, 2f , 3|, 4| and 5|.
15. Add 4/3, 82^ and 2/^. Ans. 14if
16. Add I, |, jKj ^°^ T7- -^^- It-
17. Add ^, f , j2^ and -\.
18. Add 1, I, y\, 3\ and ^|. Ans. Iff.
19. Add-i, j^V/gandf.
20. Add 41i, 105|, 300|, 241| and 472f Ans. 1161|g.
21. Add 4^, 2|, 1 J^, 2/^, 5/5, 7|, 4» and 6|.
22. Four cheeses weighed respectively 36|, 42|, 30/g and 51|
pounds; what was their entire weight? Anfs. 169|| pounds.
23. What number is that from which if 4| be taken, the re-
mainder will be 3||? Ans. 8|.
24. What fraction is that which exceeds /g by ^-f ?
25. A beggar obtained | of a dollar from one person, J from
another, ^ from another, and f^ from another; how much did he
get from all ?
26. A merchant sold 46| yards of cloth for ^127/5, 64-^4 yards
for $226|, and 76| yards for 831 2§ ; how many yards of cloth did
he sell, and how much did he receive for the whole ?
Ans. 187|J yards, for ?666j|.
187. The process of subtracting one fraction from another is
based upon the following principles :
I. One number can be subtracted from another only when the
two numbers hare the same unit value. Hence,
II, In subtraction of fractions, the minuend and subtrahend
must have a common denominator^ (ISSj I).
1. From I subtract §.
OPERATION'. Analysis. Reducing the
4 2 __ 1 2_r^i __ _2_ given fractions to a common
denominator, the resulting
fractions jf and {§ express fractional units of the same value, (185,
I). Then 12 fifteenths less 10 fifteenths equals 2 fifteenths = j%, the
2. From 238^ take 24|.
OPERATION. Analysis. We first reduce the frac-
23 §1 3:; 238-^. tional parts, j and |, to the common
9_j^5 --_ ^410 denominator, 12. Since we cannot
-1^/2 -'^^•-^- making ;|. Then, || subtracted from
f f leaves f\ ; and carrying 1 to 24, the integral part of the subtrahend,
(73, II), and subtracting, we have 213y\ for the entire remainder.
ISS. From these principles and illustrations we derive the
following general
EuLE. I. To subtract fractions. — WJien necessar^y reduce the
frai'tions to tJietr kast cojiunon deno7nwafor. Subtract (he nume-
rator of the subtrahend from the numerator of the minuendy and
phice the difference of the new numerators over the cominon de^wm-
II. To subtract mixed numbers. — Reduce the /raetional parts
to a co7n7non denoininatory and then subtract the fractional and
1. Multiply I by 8. Ans. 2|
2. Multiply I by 27, f^ by 4, and 3^^ by 9.
3. Multiply ^\ by 15. Ans. |.
4. Multiply 8 by |. Ans. 6.
5. Multiply 75 by f-., 7 by ^fj, 756 by |, and 572 by ^\,
6. Multiply I by |.
7. Multiply 11 by II, and jf by f ^.
8. Multiply /3,- by 11, and/, by i^.
9. Multiply 24 by 3f.
10. Multiply If by 1]|.
11. Multiply 3% by 21 1.
12. Find the value of | X | X y\ X |.
13. Find the value of | X | X -Jf X ^\ X 4|.
14. Find the value of || X ^'^3 X fff.
15. Find the value of 2| x 24 X fj X y-gg X 1/^ X 26}.
Ans. 2.
16. Find the value of y\ x -ij X 4| x 15 X /g.
17. Find the value of ^^^^ x ^izj X V/- ^'^^' lU-
18. Find the value of (4-^^ X |) + If X (H — j%)-
19. Find the value of 28^+ (7| — 2|) X § X (f + 4).
KoTE 3. — The word of between fractions is equivalent to the sign of multi-
plication; and such an expression is sometimes culled ncotnpouud fraction.
Find the values of the following indicated products : —
20. 4 of I of |. Ans. f .
21. f of I of 3,3_. Ans. ^\.
22. f of j\ of f .
23. 1^ of ^% of Jf of f|. Alls. Z^.
24. i of I of I of I of I of 4 of J of I of j%.
In the following examples, cancellation may be employed by the
aid of the Factor Table.
25. What is the value of |f | x i||| X |||| ? Ans. j%\.
26. AVhat is the value of ||o i x ||f i X iUi ? Ans. ^.
27. What is the value of |||f x ||f| X f f |f ?
J ^ a 13 3 1
28. AYhat will 7 cords of wood cost at S3| per cord ?
^ns. $25|.
29. What is the value of (|y X ^f X (if? Ans. ^tjI^^.
30. If 1 horse eat | of a bushel of oats in a day, how many
bushels will 10 horses eat in 6 days ? Ans. 25-|.
31. What is the cube of 12| ?
32. At S9| per ton, what will be the cost of -| of | of a ton of
hay? Ans. $4.
33. At $'^Q a bushel, what will be the cost of 1| bushels of
corn ?
34. When peaches are worth $| per basket, what is ^ of a
basket worth ?
35. A man owning | of 156| acres of land, sold -^ of | of his
share; how many acres did he sell? Ans. 47.
36. What is the product of (f)' x Q)' X (/^)' X (3|y ?
Ans. aT4.
37. If a family consume 1| barrels of flour a month, how many
barrels will 6 families consume in 8j^^ months?
38. What is the product of 150^— (y QfT21|4-j of 48|j-— 75,
multiplied by 3 x C| of li x 4) — 2?? Ans. 342/^^.
89. A man at liis death left liis wife §12,500, wliicli was i of
'I of his estate; she at her death left | of her share to her
daughter; what part of the father's estate did the daughter re-
ceive :
Jin., g^.
40. A owned | of a cotton factory, and sold | of his share to
B, who sold i of v/hat he bought to C, who sold | of what he
bought to D ; what part of the whole factory did each then own ?
^ns. A, i, ; B, J^, ; C, ^ _^ A^
41. What is the value of 2i x Hf ^^ H X (|)'+(^3?— ('^3)' •
-'54 0'
194. 1. Divide f^ by 3.
8 = 21
*^^ — 75
2. Dinde 15 by |.
Analysis. In the first ope-
ration we divide the fraction by
3 by dividing its numerator by
3, and in the second operation
we divide the fraction by 3 by
multiplying its denominator by
3, (190, II or III).
Analysis. To divide by ?, we
must divide by 3 and multiply
by 7, (191, II or III).
In the first operation, we first
divide 15 by 3, and then mul-
tiply the quotient bj 7.
In the second operation we first multiply 15 by 7, and then divide
the product by 3.
3. Divide X by h
1 o J o
15 -^ f = 5 X 7=^35
15 -f- 1 = 105 -f- 3 = 35
1st step,
2d step, -^
A -^ 3 = -4,
4 y 5 — 2 4
_4 v5 20 4
^ — 4b — y
Analysis. To divide by
f , we must divide by 3 and
multiply by 5, (191, ' II or
III). In the first operation
we first divide j- by 3 by
multiplying the denomina-
tor by 3. We then multi-
THIRD OPERATION. plj t^G result, $^3, bj 5, by
4 k multiplying the numerator
£^ X 3 = I by 5, giving |« = | for the
Q required quotient. By in-
specting this operation, we
observe that the result, |§, is obtained by multiplying the denomi-
nator of the given dividend by the numerator of the divisor, and the
numerator of the dividend by the denominator of the divisor. Hence,
in the second operation, we invert the terms of the divisor, |, and
then multiply the upper terms together for a numerator, and the
lower terms together for a denominator, and obtain the same result as
in the first operation. In the third operation, we shorten the pro-
cess by cancellation.
We have learned (107) that the reciprocal of a number is 1
divided by the number. If wg divide 1 by |, we shall have 1 —
I == 1 X I = |. Hence
195. The Reciprocal of a Fraction is the fraction inverted.
From these principles and illustrations we derive the following
KuLE. I. Reduce integers and mixed numbers to improper
II. Midtiply the dividend hy the reciprocal of the divisor.
Notes. — 1. If the vertical line be U8ed, the numerators of the dividend and
the denominators of the divisor must be written on the right of the vertical.
2. Since a compound fraction is an indicated product of several fractions, its
reciprocal may be obtained by inverting each factor of the compound fraction.
1. Divide if by 4. f I X ^ = 3^^, Ans.
2. Divide jf by 5, and iff by 80.
3. Divide 10 by f . Ans, 35.
4. Divide 28 by |, and 3 by /^.
5. Divide 56 by If. Ans. 36.
6. Divide ^| by |.
7. Divide if by f , 4| by ^^,, and 3| by 5f
8. Divide 1| by 1|. Ans. If.
9. Divide l^f by |f . Ans. If.
10. Divide f of f by ? of /^.
OPERATION. Analysis. The dividend,
3^5-3! reduced to a simple fraction,
7 V 5 5 is ^ ; the divisor, reduced
-g X 1^ — 75 . f . '
1 X '^ = ^=11 Ans. ^^ ^^^ manner, is j\ ; and
^ divided by j% is 14, the
quotient required. Or, we
^ X - X ^ X ^^ = 11
5 y "^ ^ ^ may apply the general rule
directly by inverting both factors of the divisor.
Note 3. — The second method of solution given above has two advantilgea.
1st, It gives the answer by a single operation; 2d, It afifords greater facility for
11. Divide 4 of /^ by j\ of /g. Ans. 1.
12. Divide /^ of f^ by | of .\. Ans. Igi
13. Divide 2^ x 7i by 8i x 8-^%.
14. Divide 11 by | X 5| x 7.
15. Divide 31 x 19 by 1 X 7| x If. -Ans. 25.
16. Divide y'V X If by i X I X 3% X |f X f 1-
An,^. 3|f.
17. Divide 11^ by f^^^. Ans. 1^.
18. Divide 3,\Wr by U X || X g|. Ans, ^|.
19. Divide i X I X I X -I by I X -? X i X I X T%.
20. What is the value of -f ?
^ _!. U V JL 5 11
Analysis. The fractional form indicates division, the numerator
being the dividend and the denominator the divisor, (168, II) ; hence,
we reduce the mixed numbers to improper fractions, and then treat
the denominator, 2/, as a divisor, and obtain the result, IJ, by the
general rule for division of fractions.
51 y
Note 4. — Expressions like — and — are sometimes cnWed complex fractiona.
5. In the reduction of complex fractions to simple fractions, if either the
numerator or denominator consists of one or more parts connected by -f or — ,
the operations indicated by these signs must first be performed, and afterward
the division.
21. What is the value of f ? Ans. ^.
22. What is the value of -f ^ l\? Ans. 2.
28. What is the value of -^-^t_M ? Ans. 7^.
3 .
1 5
24. Eeduce ^ ^ to its simplest form.
'- +
25. Reduce ^ ^| to its simplest form.
3 >^ 7
,5 Qf 3
26. Eeduce 7^,^ — p-- to its simplest form. Ans. ||.
27. If 7 pounds of coffee cost $|, how much will 1 pound cost?
28. If a boy earn $| a day, how many days will it take him to
earn $(jl ? Ans. 17f
29. If I of an acre of land sell for $30, what will an acre sell
for at the same rate ? Ans. $67^.
30. At ^ of I of a dollar a pint, how much wine can be bought
for $^% ? ^ Ans. 2| pints.
31. If -^2^ of a barrel of flour be worth $21, how much is 1
barrel worth ? Ans. $7|.
32. Bought I of q cords of wood, for | of ^ of $30; what
was 1 cord worth at the same rate? Ans. $4y^.
33. If 235^ acres of land cost $1725|, how much will 125^
acres cost? Ans. $918|lf.
34. Of what number is 26^ the | part? Ans. 31^.
35. The product of two numbers is 27, and one of them is 2| ;
what is the other ?
36. By what number must you multiply 16}^ to produce 148| ?
37. What number is that which, if multiplied by | of g of 2,
will produce I ? Ans. l|i.
88. Divide 720 - (§ X 28^^71) by 40| + (/, - f ) x Q)*.
39. What is the value of (b^ X (ff + | of jV ^ (l7^ — |
+ FKf)'x5)?
40 Divide i°^( t)'x3j |of5|^ ,,,„,
196. The Greatest Common Divisor of two or more fractions
is the greatest number which will exactly divide each of them,
giving a whole number for a quotient.
NoTK. — The definition of .in exact divisor, (128), is general, and applies to
fractions as well as to integers.
lOT. In the division of one fraction by another the quotient
will be a whole number, if, when the divisor is inverted, the two
lower terms may both be canceled. This will be the case w^hen
the numerator of the divisor is exactly contained in the numerator
of the dividend, and the denominator of the divisor exactly
contains, or is a multiple ofy the denominator of the dividend.
I. A fraction is an exact divisor of a given fraction w^hen its
numerator is a divisor of the given numerator , and its denominator
is a viultiple of the given denominator. And,
II. A fraction is a common divisor of two or more given frac-
tions when its numerator is a common divisor of the given nume-
rators^ and its denominator is a common midtij^le of the given
denominators. Therefore,
III. The greatest common divisor of two or more given frac-
tions is a fraction whose numerator is the greatest common divisor
of the given numerators^ and whose denominator is the least com-
mon multiple of the given denominators.
1. What is the greatest common divisor of |, -^r^, and j|?
Analysis. The greatest common divisor of 5, 5, and 15, the given
numerators, is 5. The least common multiple of 6, 12, and 16, the
given denominators, is 48. Therefore the greatest common divisor
of the given fractions is 5=^, Ans. (III).
■jAj -^- ^^^ = 4 > Prime to each other.
T? • 45 — "' -^
1^8. From these principles and illustrations, we derive the
Rule. Find the greatest common divisor of the given nume-
rators for a new numerator, and the least common midtiple of the
given denominators for a neiv denominator. This fraction will he
the greatest common divisor sought.
Note. — Whole and mixed numbers must first be reduced to improper fractions,
and all fractions to their lowest terms.
1. What is the greatest common divisor of ^, i|, and ^f ?
Ans. -^1^.
2. What is the greatest common divisor of 31, 1^, and |^?
3. What is the greatest common divisor of 4^ 2|, 2|, and -^j^ ?
Ans. ,2_.
4. What is the greatest common divisor of 1091 and 122| ?
5. What is the length of the longest measure that can be
exactly contained in each of the two distances, 18| feet and 57^
feet? Ans. 2-^^ feet.
6. A merchant has three kinds of wine, of the first 134f gal-
lons, of the second 128| gallons, of the third 1151 gallons; he
wishes to ship the same in full casks of equal size; what is
the least number he can use without mixing the different kinds
of wine ? How many kegs will be required ? Ans. 59.
199. The Least Common Multiple of two or more fractions is
the least number which can be exactly divided by each of them,
giving a whole number for a quotient.
900. Since in performing operations in division of fractions
the divisor is inverted, it is evident that one fraction will exactly
contain another when the numerator of the dividend exactly con-
tains the numerator of the divisor, and the denominator of the
dividend is exactly contained in the denominator of the divisor
I. A fraction is a multiple of a given fraction when its nume-
rator is a multiple of the given numerator, and its denominator is
a divisor of the given denominator. And
II. A fraction is a common multiple of two or more given frac-
tions when its numerator is a common multiple of the given nume-
ratorSy and its denominator is a common divisor of the given
denominators. Therefore,
III. The least common multiple of two or more given fractions
is a fraction whose numerator is the least common multiple of the
given numerators j and whose denominator is the greatest common
divisor of the given denominators.
NoTK. — The least whole number that will exactly contain two or more given
fractions in their lowest terms, is the least common multiple of their numera-
tors, (193, Note 2).
1. What is the least common multiple of |, -f^j and ||?
Analysis. The least common multiple of 3, 5, and 15, the given
numerators, is 15 ; the greatest common divisor of 4, 12, and 16, the
given denominators, is 4. Hence, the least common multiple of the
given fractions is '/ = 3 J, Ans. (III).
301. From these principles and illustrations we derive the
KuLE. Find the least common multiple of the given numerators
for a new numerator y and the greatest common divisor of the given
denominators for a new denominator. This fraction will he the
least commo7i midtiple sought.
Note. — Mixed numbers and integers should be reduced to improper fractions,
and all fractions to their lowest terms, before applying the rule.
1. What is the least common multiple of |, y^^, ||, and 3^^^ .
Ans. 11^.
2. What is the least common multiple of ^^, ||, and || ?
3. What is the least common multiple of 2||, 1|X, and y^^^^ ?
% 4. What is the least common multiple of 1, |, |, i, |, |, |, |,
and -^% ? ^ Ans. 2520.
5. The driving wheels of a locomotive are ISy^^j feet in circum-
ference, and the trucks 9| feet in circumference. What distance
must the train move, in order to bring the wheel and truck in the
same relative positions as at starting ? Ans. 459| feet.
10 '^ H
1. Change J of | to an equivalent fraction having 135 for its
denominator. Ans. ■^^■^.
2. Ptcduue |, 1, 1^ and j-l to equivalent fractions^ whose denom-
inators shall be 48.
3. Find the least common denominator of 1^, |, 2, ^-q, | of |,
4 nf 1
g 01 4.
p of ^ §- of ^ .
4. The sum of ^— -^ and .;' ,. ,^. is equal to how many times
their difference ? Ans. 2.
543 |5
5. The less of two numbers is - — tPk-^j and their difference -~ ;
5 o^ H Tg
what is the greater number ? Ans. 34y^g3^
6. "What number multiplied by | of | X 3|j w^il produce || ?
^/iS. |.
7. Find the value of ^-^ x ^' + (l^ + A) -f- (3 + 4)
8. AVhat number diminished by the diiiercnce between ^ and ^
of itself, leaves a remainder of 144 ? ^7^5. 283 1.
9. A person spending -J, |, and ^ of his money, had §119 left;
how much had he at first?
10. What will 1 of 10| cords of wood cost, at ^^^ of $42 per
cord? ^ ^Ans. §31^.
11. There are two numbers whose difference is 25j'C, and one
Ans. 63| and 89f^.
12. Divide $2000 between two persons, so that one shall have
^ as much as the other. Ans. §1125 and §875.
13. If a man travel 4 miles in | of an hour, how far would he
travel in 1^ hours at the same rate ? Ans. 10 miles.
14. At §5 a yard, how many yards of silk can be bought for
15. How many bushels of oats worth $| a bushel, will pay for
I of a barrel of flour at §7| a barrel ?
16. If f of a bushel of barley be worth | of a bushel of corn,
and corn be worth $'j per bushel, how many bushels of barley will
$15 buy? ' Ans. 18.
17. If 48 is I of some number, what is | of the same number?
18. If cloth 1| yards in breadth require 20i yards in length to
make a certain number of garments, how many yards in length
will cloth I of a yard wide require to make the same ?
19. A gentleman owning | of an iron foundery, sold i of his
share for ?2570| ; how much was the whole foundery worth ?
A?u. $51411.
20. Suppose the cargo of a vessel to be worth $10,000, and |
of I of -j^0 of the vessel be worth i of | of If of the cargo; what
is the whole value of the ship and cargo ? Ans. $22000,
21. A gentleman divided his estate among his three sons as fol-
lows : to the first he gave | of it; to the second | of the remain-
der. The difference between the portions of first and second was
$500. What was the whole estate, and how much was the third
son's share ? . f Whole estate, $12000.
I Third son's share, $2500.
22. If 7^ tons of hay cost $60, how many tons can be bought
for $78, at the same rate ?
23. If a person agree to do a job of work in 30 days, what part
of it ought he to do in 16^ days? Ans. ^^.
24. A father divided a piece of land among his three sons ; to
the first he gave 12 J; acres, to the second | of the whole, and to
the third as much as to the other two; how many acres did the
third have ? Ans. 49 acres.
25. If I of 6 bushels of wheat cost $4^, how much will f of 1
bushel cost ?
^ 26. A man engaging in trade lost | of his money invested, after
which he gained $740, when he had $3500; hovf much did he
lose? ' Ans. $1840.
27. A cistern being full of water sprung a leak, and before it
could be stopped, | of the water ran out, but | as much ran in at
the same time ; what part of the cistern was emptied ?
Ans. |.
28. A can do a certain piece of work in 8 days, and B can do
the same in 6 days ; in what time can both together do it ?
Ans. 8| days.
29. A merchant sold 5 barrels of flour for $32 J, which was |
as much as he received for all he had left, at §4 a barrel • how
many barrels in all did he sell ? ji^s. 18.
30. What is the least number of gallons of wine, expressed by
a whole number, that will exactly fill, without waste, bottles con-
taining either |, |, |, or | gallons ? Ans. 60.
31. A, B, and C start at the same point in the circumference
of a circular island, and travel round it in the same direction. A
makes | of a revolution in a day, B j\, and C /j. In how many
days will they all be together at the point of starting ?
Ans. 178} days.
82. Two men are 64| miles apart, and travel toward each other;
when they meet one has traveled 5} miles more than the other;
how far has each traveled ?
A72S. One 29 f miles, the other 35 J miles.
33. There are two numbers whose sum is ly^^, and whose dif-
ference is I; what are the numbers? Ajis. | and r^-^,
34. A, B, and C own a ferry boat; A owns ^y^ of the boat,
and B owns -^^^ of the boat more than C. What shares do B and
C own respectively? Ans. B, -f^; C, ^^.
35. A schoolboy being asked how many dollars he had, replied,
that if his money be multiplied by ||, and ^ of a dollar be added
to the product, and | of a dollar taken from the sum, this remainder
divided by 3^^^ would be equal to the reciprocal of | of a dollar.
How much money had he ?
36. If a certain number be increased by If, this sum diminished
by |, this remainder multiplied by 5|, and this product divided b|k
1 1, the quotient will be 7} ; what is the number? Ans. ^^.
37. If I of 4 of 3} times any number be multiplied by |, the
product divided by |, the quotient increased by 4 J, and the sum
diminished by | of itself, the remainder will be how many times
the number ? Ans, 6 j\^^ times.
303. A Decimal Fraction is one or more of the decimal
divisions of a unit.
NoTRS. — 1. The word decimal is derived from the Latin decern, which signi-
fies fen.
2. Decimal fractions are commonly called decimals,
^03. In the formation of decimals, a simple unit is divided
into ten equal parts, forming decimal units of the first order, or
tenths, each tenth is divided into ten equal parts, forming decimal
units of the second order, or hundredths; and so on, according to
the following
1 single unit equals 10 tenths ;
1 tenth *' 10 hundredths ;
1 hundredth " 10 thousandths;
1 thousandth " 10 ten thousandths^
etc. etc.
304. In the notation of decimals it is not necessary to employ
denominators as in common fractions; for, since the dificrent
orders of units are formed upon the decimal scale, the same law
of local value as governs the notation of simple integral numbers,
(o"^), enables us to indicate the relations of decimals by place
or position.
S05j The Decimal Sign (.) is always placed before decimal
^gures to distinguish them frcfm integers. It is commonly called
^1^ decimal point. When placed between integers and decimals
in the same number, is sometimes called the separatrix.
SOO. The law of local value, extended to decimal units, as-
signs the first place at the right of the decimal sign to tenths ;
the second, to hundredths; the third^ to thousandths; and so on,
as shown in the followinsc
^ ^ ^ g
c § 2 i § ^
. ". . '~, q^pJ-HiJ". "-i^,^,^ O^,-^ C^ -^ 13
ooooggS Sggooo
2©7« The denominator of a decimal fraction, when expressed,
is necessarily 10, 100, 1000, or some power of 10. By examining
the table it will be seen, that the number of places in a decimal is
equal to the number of ciphers required to express its denomi-
nator. Thus, tenths occupy the first place at the right of units,
and the denominator of j'^ has one cipher; hundredths in the
table extend two places from units, and the denominator of j^-q
has two ciphers ; and so on.
S08. A decimal is usually read as expressing a certain number
of decimal units of the lowest order contained in the decimal.
Thus, 5 tenths and 4 hundredths, or .54, may be read, fifty-four
hundredths. For, j\ + j^^ = -f-^%.
20^. From the foregoing explanations and illustrations we
derive the following ^^
I. Decimals are governed by the same law of local value that
governs the notation of integers.
II. The different orders of decimal units decrease from left to
right, and increase from right to left, in a tenfold ratio.
III. The value of any decimal figure depends upon the place
it occupies at the right of the decimal sign.
, TV. Prefixing a cipher to a decimal diminishes its value ten-
fold, since it removes every decimal figure one place to the right.
y. Annexing a cipher to a decimal does not alter its value,
since it does not change the place of any figure in the decimal.
YI. The denominator of a decimal, when expressed, is the
unit, 1, with as many ciphers annexed as there are places in the
YII. To read a decimal requires two numerations ; first, from
units, to find the name of the denominator; second, towards units,
to find the value of the numerator.
SIO. Having analyzed all the principles upon which the
writing and reading of decimals depend, we will now present these
principles in the form of rules.
I. Write the decimal the same as a whole number ^ placing
cipher's in the place of vacant orders^ to give each significant figure
its true local value.
II. Place the decimal point he/ore the first figure.
T. Numerate from the decimal pointy to determine the denomi-
II. Numerate towards the decimal point, to determine the nu-
III. Read the decimal as a whole number, giving it the name
of its lowest decimal unit, or right hand figure.
Express the following decimals by figuiHes, according to the
decimal notation.
1. Five tenths. Ans. .5.
2. Thirty-six hundredths. Ans. .36,
3. Seventy-five ten-thousandths. Ans. .0075.
4. Four hundred ninety-six thousandths.
5. Three hundred twenty-five ten-thousandths.
6. One millionth.
7. Seventy-four ten-million ths.
8. Four hundred thirty-seven thousand five hundred forty-
nine millionths.
9. Three million forty thousand ten ten-million ths.
10. Twenty-four hundred-millionths.
11. Eight thousand six hundred forty-five hundred-thousandths.
12. Four hundred ninety-five million seven hundred five thou-
sand forty-eight billionths.
13. Ninety-nine thousand nine ten-billionths.
14. Four million seven hundred thirty-five thousand nine hun-
dred one hundred-millionths.
15. One trillionth.
16. One trillion one billion one million one thousand one ten-
17. Eight hundred forty-one million five hundred sixty-three
thousand four hundred thirty-six trillion ths.
18. Nine quintillionths.
Express the following fractions and mixed numbers decimally :
19. j%. Ans. .3.
46/^. Ans. 4
20. I'AV
99 85
^-'- TCJOOUI)-
9Q 100004
Read the following numbers :
31. .24.
32. .075.
33. .503. ^
34. .00725.
35. .40000004.
36. .0000256.
37. .0010075,
311. To reduce decimals to a common denominator.
1. Reduce .5, .24, .7836 and .375 to a common denominator.
OPER\Tiox Analysis. A common denominator must contain
F.()r\f) as many decimal places as are equal to the' greatest
oiQQ number of decimal figures in any of the given deci-
.7836 mals. We find that the third number contains four
.3750 decimal places, and hence 10000 must be a common
denominator. As annexing ciphers to decimals does
not alter their value, we give to each number four decimal places, by
annexing ciphers, and thus reduce the given decimals to a common
denominator. Hence,
Rule. Give to each number the same number of decimal
placeSj by annexing ciphers.
Notes. — 1. If the numbers be reduced to the denominator of that one of the
given numbers having the greatest number of decimal places, they will have
their least common decimal denominator.
2. An integer m;iy readily be reduced to decimals by placing the decimal
point after units, and annexing ciphers ; one cipher reducing it to tenths, two
ciphers to hundredths, three ciphers to thousandths, and so on.
1. Reduce .18,' .456, .0075, .000001, .05, .3789, .5943786, and
.001 to their least common denominator.
2. Reduce 12 thousandths, 185 millionths, 936 billionths, and
7 trillionths to their least common denominator.
3. Reduce 57.3, 900, 4.7555, and 100.000001 to their least
common denominator.
313. To reduce a decimal to a common fraction.
1. Reduce .375 to an equivalent common^^ction.
^ „,^^, Analysis. Writinsr the decimal
r>^^- .^^ « fiojures, .375, over the common de-
•^ < ^ — 1 OUU — #• nominator, 1000, we have yVA = f .
HuLE. Omit the decimal point, and supply the proper denomi-
1. Reduce .75 to a common fraction. Ans. |.
2. Reduce .625 to a common fraction. Ans. |.
3. Reduce .12 to a common fraction.
4. Reduce .68 to a common fraction.
5. Reduce .5625 to a common fraction.
6. Reduce .024 to a common fraction. Ans. y|^.
7. Reduce .00032 to a common fraction. Ans. ^j^-^*
8. Reduce .002624 to a common fraction. Ans- y/glj^-
9. Reduce .13| to a common fraction.
131 — ll^ — 4 ^ 2
.xc»3 ^^^ -g^^ — jj^.
Note. — The decimal .13^ may properly be called a complex decimal.
10. Reduce .57^ to a common fraction. Ans. ^.
11. Reduce .66| to a common fraction. Ans. |.
12. Reduce .444^ to a common fraction.
13. Reduce .024| to a common fraction. Ans. yfj^.
14. Reduce .984| to a common fraction.
15. Express 7.4 by an integer and a common fraction.
Ans. 7|.
16. Express 24.74 by an integer and a cojnmon fraction.
17. Reduce 2.1875 to an improper fraction. Ans. ||.
18. Reduce 1.64 to an improper fraction.
19. Reduce 7.496 to an improper fraction. Ans. f|
213. To reduce a common fraction to a decimal, ip
1. Reduce | to tIs equivalent decimal.
5 5 000 62 5 C9^ ^^^ same number of ciphers to
H — H 0^^ — TTJ^U = -^-^ i^oth terms of the fraction ; this
does not alter its value, (174,
SECOND OPERATION. Ill) ; we then divide both re-
8 ^ 5.000 suiting terms by 8, the siji;nifi-
—~~ cant figure of the denominator,
* "^ and obtain the decimal denom-
inator, 1000. Omitting the denominator, and prefixing the sign, we
have the equivalent decimal, .025.
In the second operation, we omit the intermediate steps, and obtain
the result, practically, by annexing the three ciphers to the nume-
,rator, 5, and dividing the result by the denominator, 8.
2. Reduce j|- to a decimal.
OPERATION. Analysis. Dividing as in the former ex-
125 ) 8.000 ample, we obtain a quotient of 2 figures, 24.
024 But since 3 ciphers have been annexed to the
numerator, 3, there must be three places in the
required decimal ; hence we prefix 1 cipher to the quotient figures,
24. The reason of this is shown also in the following operation.
3 3000 24 __ 02-t
8141. From these illustrations we derive the following
E-ULE. I. Aimex ciphers to the numerator^ and divide hy the
II. Point off as many decimal places in the result as arc equal
to the number of ciphers annexed.
Note.- If the division is not exact when a sufficient number of decimal
figures have been obtained, the sign, +, may bo annexed to the decimal to indi-
cate that there is still a remainder. When this remainder is such that the next
decimal figure would be 5 or greater than 5, the last figure of the terminated
decimal may be increased by 1, and the sign, — , annexed. And in general, +
denotes that the written decimal is too small, and — denotes that the written
decimal is too large ; the error always being less than one half of a unit in the
last place of the decimal.
1. Reduce | to a decimal. Ans. .75.
2. Reduce /^ to a decimal. ^ Ans. .3125.
3. Reduce Z to a decimal.
4. Reduce ^i to a decimal.
5. Reduce || to a decimal.
6. Reduce ^^ to a decimal. Ans. .04.
7. Reduce ^Jj^ to a decimal. Ans, .068.
8. Reduce ^^ to a decimal. Ans, .59375
9. Reduce y^g^^^ ^^ ^ decimal. i
10. Reduce ^^ to a decimal. Arts, .29167 — .
11. Reduce -^^j^ to a decimal.
12. Reduce || to a decimal. -4ns. .767857+.
13. Reduce 7^ to the decimal form. Ans. 7.125.
14. Reduce 56/5 to the decimal form. Ans, 56.078125.
15. Reduce 32| to the decimal form.
16. Reduce .24^ to a simple decimal.
17. Reduce 5.78 1§ to a simple decimal.
18. Reduce .3y-^4^ to a simple decimal. Ans. .30088.
19. Reduce ^-^^^ to a simple decimal. Ans. 4.008.
20. Reduce •30y||§^^ to a simple decimal. ' '
313. Since the same law of local value extends both to the
rio'ht and left of units' place ; that is, since decimals and simple
integers increase and decrease uniformly by the scale of ten, it is
evident that decimals may be added, subtracted, multiplied and
divided in the same manner as integers.
216. 1. What is'the sum of 4.75, .246, 37.56 and 12.248 ?
OPERATION. Analysis. We write the numbers so that units of
4.75 like orders, whether integral or decimal, shall stand
.246 in the same columns ; that is, units under units, tenths
37.56 under tenths, etc. This brings the decimal points
12.248 directly under each other. Commencing at the right
54 804 hand, we add each column separately, carrying 1 for
every ten, according to the decimal scale ; and in the
result we place the decimal point between units and tenths, or directly
under the decimal points in the numbers added. Hence the fol-
lowing 0^
Rule. I. Write the numbers so that the decimal points shall
stand directly under each other,
II. Add as in whole numhersj and place the decimal pointy in
the result J directly under the points in the numbers added.
1. Add .375, .24, .536, .78567, .4637, and .57439.
Ans. 2.97476.
2. Add 5.3756, 85.473, 9.2, 46.37859, and 45.248377.
Ans. 191.675567.
3. Add .5, .37, .489, .6372, .47856, and .02524.
4. Add .46|, .325|, .16^%, and .275/^. Ans. 1.2296625.
5. Add 4.6^, 7.32 3L, 5.3784^, and 2.64878|.
6. Add 4.3785, 2|/5f, and 12.4872. Ans. 24.9609 + .
7. What is the sum of 137 thousandths, 435 thousandths, 836
thousandths, 937 thousandths, and 496 thousandths ?
Ans. 2.841.
8. What is the sum of one hundred two ten-thousandths, thir-
teen thousand four hundred twenty-six hundred thousandths, five
hundred sixty-seven millionths, three millionths, and twenty-four
thousand seven hundred-thousandths ?
9. A farm has five corners; from the first to the second is 34.72
rods; from the second to the third, 48.44 rods; from the third to
the fourth, 152.17 rods; from the fourth to the fifth, 95.36 rods;
and from the fifth to the first, 56.18 rods. What is the whole
distance around the farm ?
10. Find the sum of ||, -^.fjr, 3^/^, and yiy^H i^ decimals, correct
to the fourth place. Ans. .6GC9 + .
Note. — In the reduction of each fraction, carry the decimal to at least the
fifth place^ in order to insure accuracy in the fourth place.
11. A man owns 4 city lots, containing 16-,^^ rods, 15^^ rods,
18^1 rods, and ll^''^ rods of land, respectively; how many rods
in all ?
12. What is the sum of 4^^ decimal units of the first order, 2|
of the second order, 9^ of the third order, and 3^V of the fourth
order? aIs. .486929.
13. What is the approximate sum of 1 decimal unit of the first
order, J- of a unit of the second order, | of a unit of the third
order, I of a unit of the fourth order, i of a unit of the fifth order,
J of a unit of the sixth order, and 7^ of a unit of the seventh order ?
Ans. .1053605143—.
1. From 4.156 take .5783.
Analysis. We write the given numbers as in addi-
tion, reduce the decimals to a common denominator,
and subtract as in integers. Or, we may, in practice,
omit the ciphers necessary to reduce the decimals to a
common denominator, and merely conceive them to be
annexed, subtracting as otherwise. Hence the fol-
lluLE. I. Write (he 'numbers so that the decimal points shall
stand directly/ iinder each other,
II. Subtract as in tchole numbers, and place, the decimal point
in the result directly under the points in the given numbers.
Remainder, .6278 24.3876
From 37.456 take 24.367.
From 1.0066 take .15.
From 1000 take .001.
From 36| take 22^1.
4 2 o
From 7
56| take .55j||.
take 5/5.
.4ns. 13.089.
Ans. 999.999.
Ans. 14.27.
Ans. 1.7708 + .
From |§4 take ^J f.
From one take one trillionth. Ans. .999999999999.
A speculator having 57436 acres of land, sold at different
times 536.74 acres, 1756.19 acres, 3678.47 acres, 9572.15 acres,
7536.59 acres, and 4785.94 acres; how much land has he
remaining ?
13. Find the difference between f ||f i and ;Jf||f, correct to
the fifth decimal place. , Ans. 4.17298+.
918. In multiplication of decimals, the location of the decimal
point in the product depends upon the following principles :
I. The number of ciphers in the denominator of a decimal is
equal to the number of decimal places, (200, YI).
II. If two decimals, in the fractional form, be multiplied to-
gether, the denominator of the product must contain as many
ciphers as there are decimal places in both factors. Therefore,
III. The product of two decimals, expressed in the decimal
form, must contain as many decimal places as there are decimals
in both factors.
1. Multiply .45 by .7.
OPERATION. Analysis. We first multiply
^c as in w^hole numbers ; then,
^T" since the multiplicand has 2
0-, r decimal places and the multi-
plier 1, we point ofi* 2 + 1 = 3
PROOF. decimal places in the product,
^4^5^ X 7^5 = -rV/(J = -315 (HI). The reason of this is
further illustrated in the proof,
a method applicable to all similar cases.
910. Hence the following
Rule. Mxdtiply as in whole nvmhers, and from the right hand
of the product point off as many figures for decimals as there are
decimal places in both factors.
Notes. — 1. If there be not as many figures in the product as there are deci-
mals in both factors, supply the deficiency by prefixing ciphers.
2. To multiply a decimal by 10, 100, 1000, etc., remove the point as many
places to the right as there are ciphers on the right of the multiplier.
1. Multiply .75 by .41. Ans. .3075.
2. Multiply .436 by .24.
3. Multiply 5.75 by .35. Ans. 2.0125. ,
4. Multiply .756 by .025. Ans. .0189.
5. Multiply 3. 784 by 2.475.
6. Multiply 7.23 by .0156. An^. .112788.
7. Multiply .0075 by .005. Ans. .0000375.
8. Multiply 324 by .324.
9. Multiply 75.64 by .225.
10. Multiply 5.728 by 100. Ans, 572.8.
11. Multiply .36 by 1000.
12. Multiply .000001 by 1000000.
13. Multiply .576 by 100000.
14. Multiply 7| by 5^. Ans. 42.625.
15. Multiply .63^ by 24.
16. Multiply 4/^ by 7^%. Ans. 31.74.
17. Find the value of 3.425 x 1.265 x 64. Ans. 277.288.
18. Find the value of 32 x .57825 x .25.
19. Find the value of 18.375 x 5.7 X 1.001.
Ans. 104.8422375.
20. If a cubic foot of granite weigh 168.48 pounds, what
will be the weight of a granite block that contains 271 cubic
21. When a bushel of corn is worth 2.8 bushels of oats, how
many bushels of oats must be given in exchange for 36 bushels
of corn and 48 bushels of oats ? Ans. 148.8.
SSO. To obtain a given number of decimal places in
the product.
It is frequently the case in multiplication, that a greater number
of decimal figures is obtained in the product, than is necessary
for practical accuracy. This may be avoided by contracting each
partial product to the required number of decimal places.
To investigate the principles of this method, let us take the two
decimals .12345 and .54321, and having reversed the order of tho
digits in the latter, and written it under the former, multiply each
figure of the direct number by the figure below in the reversed num-
ber, placing the products with like orders of units in the same column,
thus :
.12345 direct =
,54321 reversed =
: 12345.
.00UU25 = .00005 X .5
.000016 = .0004 X .04
.000009 = .003 X .003
.000004 = .02 X .0002
.000001 = .1 X .00001.
In this operation we perceive that all the products are of the same
order ; and this must always be, whether the numbers used be frac-
tional, integral, or mixed. For, as we proceed from right to left in
the multiplication, we pass regularly from lower to higher orders in
the direct number, and from higher to lower in the reversed number.
2SI. If one number be written under another with the order
of its digits reversed, and each figure of the reversed number be
multiplied by the figure above it in the direct number, the prod-
ucts will all be of the same order of units.
1. Multiply 4.78567 by 3.25765, retaining only 3 decimal
places in the product.
OPERATION. Analysis. Since the product
. ^c-n'T of any figure by units is of the
4./8o67 "^ ^ .•! ^ -.
^fiy'r^ ^ same order as the figure multi-
plied, (82, II,) we write 3, the
units of the multiplier, under
5, the third decimal figure of
the multiplicand, and the lowest
order to be retained in the pro-
duct ; and the other figures of
the multiplier we write in the
Inverted order, extending to the left. Then, since the product of 3
and 5 is of the third order, or thousandths, the products of the other
corresponding figures at the left, 2 and 8, 5 and 7, 7 and 4, etc., will
be thousandths ; and we therefore multiply each figure of the
multiplier by the figures above and to the left of it in the multipli-
cand, carrying from the rejected figures of the multiplicand, as fol-
lows : 3 times G are 18, and as this is nearer 2 units than one of the
next higher order, we must carry 2 to the first contracted product ; 3
times 5 are 15, and 2 to be carried are 17 ; writing the 7 under the
3, and multiplying the other figures at the left in the usual manner,
14357 =
3 + 2
957 =
2 + 1
239 =
5 + 4
33 =
3 =
15.589=1=, Ans.
we obtain 14357 for the first partial product. Then, beginning with
the next figure of the multiplier, 2 times 5 are 10, which gives 1 to
be carried to the second partial product ; 2 times 8 are 16, and 1 to be
carried are 17 ; writing the 7 under the first figure of the former pro-
duct, and multiplying the remaining left-hand figures of the mul-
tiplicand, we obtain 957 for the second partial product. Then, 5
times 8 are 40, which gives 4 to be carried to the third partial pro-
duct ; 5 times J are 35 and 4 are 39 ; writing the 9 in the first column
of the products, and proceeding as in the former steps, we obtain 239
for the third partial product. Next, multiplying by 7 in the same
manner, we obtain 33 for the fourth partial product. Lastly, begin-
ning 2 places to the right in the multiplicand, 6 times 7 are 42 ; 6
times 4 are 24, and 4 are 28, which gives 3 to be carried to the fifth
partial product; 6 times is 0, and 3 to be carried are 3, which we
write for the last partial product. Adding the several partial pro-
ducts, and pointing ofi" 3 decimal places, we have 15.589, the required
22S. From these principles and illustrations we derive the
Rule. I. Write the mnltij)lier with the order of its figures
reversed, and xcifh the units' place under that figure of the midti-
plicand which is the lowest decimal to he retained in the product.
II. Find the product of each figure of the multiplier hy the
figures ahove and to the left of it in the midtiplicandj increasing
each partial 2^roduct hy as many units as would have heen carried
from the rejected part of the mul^ff^icandy and one more when the
highest figure in the rejected jiart of any product is b or greater
than 5 ; and write these partial p)roducts with the lowest figure of
each in the same column.
III. Add the partial products J and from the right hand of the
resxdt j^oint off the required numher of decimal figures.
NoTKS. — 1. In ol-taining the number to he carried to each contrncted partial
product, it is jrcnerally necessary to multiply (mentally) only one figure at the
riirht of the figure above the multiplyino^ fl<;^ure; but when the figures are large,
the mtiltiplication should comnienae at least two places to the right.
2. Observe, that when the number of units in the highest order of the rejected
part of the product is between 5 and 15, carry 1; if between 15 and 25 carry
2; if between 25 and 35 carry 3; and so on.
3. There is always a liability to an error of one or two units in the last place:
and as the answer may be either too great or too small by the amount of thig
error, the uncertainty may be indicated by the double sign, ±, read, plus, or
vnnus, and placed after the product.
4. When the number of decimal places in the multiplicand is less than the
number to be retained in the product, supply the deficiency by annexing ciphers.
1. Multiply 230.45 by 32.46357, retaining 2 decimal places,
and 2.563789 by .0347263, retaining decimal places in the
236.450 2.563789
75364.23 362 7430.
709350 76914
47290 10255
9458 1795
1419 51
71 15
12 1
2 .089031
7676.02 ±
2. Multiply 36.275 by 4.S678, retaining 1 decimal place in the
product. Ans. 158.4 zh.
3. Multiply .24367 by 36.75, retaining 2 decimal places in the
4. Multiply 4256.785 by .00564, rejecting all beyond the third
decimal place in the product.^ Ans. 24.008 =i=.
5. Multiply 357.84327 by 1.007806, retaining 4 decimal places
in the product.
6. Multiply 400.756 by 1.367583, retaining 2 decimal places in
the product. ^4/^^. 548.07 =i=.
7. Multiply 432.5672 by 1.0666666, retaining 3 decimal places
in the product.
8. Multiply 48.4367 by 2^^^, extending the product to three
decimal places. Ans. 103.418 ±.
9. Multiply 7jf3 by 3|J§, extending the product to three
decimal places.
10. The first satellite of Uranus moves in its orbit 142.8373 +
degrees in 1 day; find how many degrees it will move in 2.52035
days, carrying the answer to two decimal places.
A71S, 860.00 degrees.
11. A gallon of distilled water weighs 8.33888 pounds ; how
many pounds in 35.8756 gallons? Ans. 299.16 db pounds.
12. One French metre is equal to 1.09356959 English yards;
how many yards in 478.7862 metres. Ans. 523.58 db yards.
13. The polar radius of the earth is 6356078.96 metres, and the
equatorial radius, 6377397.6 metres; find the two radii, and their
difference, to the nearest hundredth of a mile, 1 metre being equal
to 0.000621346 of a mile.
SS3. In division of decimals the location of the decimal
point in the quotient depends upon the following principles :
I. If one decimal number in the fractional form be divided by
another also in the fractional form, the denominator of the quotient
must contain as many ciphers as the number of ciphers in the de-
nominator of the dividend exceeds the number in the denominator
of the divisor. Therefore,
II. The quotient of one number divided by another in the deci-
mal form must contain as many decimal places as the number of
decimal places in the dividend exceed the number in the divisor.
1. Divide 34.368 by 5.37.
Analysis. We first divide as
f\^7 ^ ^A QAQ r a 1 ^^ whole numbers ; then, since the
09*99 ^ * dividend has 3 decimal places and
the divisor 2, we point off 3 — 2
'^ ^"*^ 3= 1 decimal place in the quotient,
_Z—-S. (II). The correctness of the work
is shown in the proof, where the
„„^^„ dividend and divisor are written as
common fractions. For, when we
S_4 3,S 8 y 1 __. 6 4 A 4 - , , ,
i^oO ^ o3T 10 ^-^ have canceled the denominator of
the divisor from the denominator
of the dividend, the denominator of the quotient must contain as
many ciphers as the number in the dividend exceeds those in the
234:. Hence the following
Rule. Divide as in ichole numherSy and from the right hand
of the quotient point off as mani/ places for decimals as the decimal
places in the dividend exceed those in the divisor.
Notes. — 1. If the number of figures in the quotient be less than the excess of
the decimal places in the dividend over those in the divisor, the deficiency must
be supplied by prefixin«j ciphers.
2. If there be a remainder after dividing the dividend, annex ciphers, and
continue the division ; the ciphers annexed are decimals of the dividend.
3. The dividend should always contain at least as many decimal phices as tho
divisor, before commencing the division : the quotient figures will then be inte-
gers till all the decimals of the dividend have been used in the partial dividends.
4. To divide a decimal by 10, 100, 1000, etc., remove the point as many places
to the left as there are ciphers on the right of the divisor.
1. Divide 9.61^8 by 3.46. Ans. 2.78.
2. Divide 46.1975 by 54.35. Ans. .85.
3. Divide .014274 by .061. Aiis. .234.
4. Divide .95£ by 4.76.
5. Divide 345.15 by .075. Ans. 4602.
6. Divide .8 by 476.3. Ans, .001679+.
7. Divide .0026 by .003.
8. Divide 3.6 by .00006. Ans. 60000.
9. Divide 3 by 450.
10. Divide 75 by 10000.
11. Divide 4.36 by 100000.
12. Divide .1 by .12.
13. Divide 645.5 by 1000.
14. If 25 men build 154.125 rods offence in a day, how much
does each man build ?
15. How many coats can be made from 16.2 yards of cloth,
allowing 2.7 yards for each coat?
16. If a man travel 36.34 miles a day, how long will it take
him to travel 674 miles ? Ans. 18.547+days.
17. How many revolutions will a wheel 14.25 feet in cir«um-
ference make in going a distance of 1 mile or 5280 feet ?
S^o. To obtain a given number of decimal places in
tlie quotient.
In division, the products of the divisor by the several quotient
figures maybe contracted, as in multiplication, by rejecting at each
step the unnecessary figures of the divisor, (220).
1. Divide 790.755197 by 32.4687, extending the quotient to
two decimal places.
S2.4687) 790.755197 (
649 4
32.4687 ) 790.7 55198 ( 24.35
649 3 74
141 3 811
129 9
129 8 748
32.4687 ) 790.755197
Analysis. In the first method
of contraction, we first compare the
3 tens of the divisor with the 79
tens of the dividend, and ascertain
that there will be 2 integral places
in the quotient ; and as 2 decimal
places are required, the quotient
must contain 4 places in all. Then
assu:7iing the four left hand figures of the divisor, we say 324G is con-
tained in 7907, 2 times ; multiplying the assumed part of the divisor
by 2, and carrying 2 units from the rejected part, as in Contracted
Multiplication of Decimals, we have 6494 for the product, which sub-
tracted from the dividend, leaves 1413 for a new dividend. Now,
since the next quotient figure will be of an order next below the
former, we reject one more place in the divisor, and divide by 324,
obtaining 4 for a quotient, 1299 for a product, and 114 for a new divi-
dend. Continuing this process till all the figures of the divisor are
rejected, we have, after pointing off 2 decimals as required, 24.35 for
a quotient. Comparing the contracted with the common method, we
see the extent of the abbreviation, and the agreement of the corres-
ponding intermediate results.
In the second method of contraction, the quotient is written with
its first figure under the lowest order of the assumed divisor, and the
other figures at the left in the reverse order. By this arrangement,
the several products are conveniently formed, by multiplying each
quotient figure by the figures above and to the left of it in the divisor,
by the rule for contracted multiplication, (222), and the remainders
only are written as in (112).
3SG. From these illustrations we derive the following
Rule. I. Compare the highest or left hand figure of the divisor
with the units of like order in the dividend, and determine hoiv
Tnany figures will he required in the quotient.
II. For the first contracted divisor, take as many significant
figures from the left of the given divisor as there are places re-
quired in the quotient; and at each subsequent division reject one
place from, the right of the last preceding divisor.
III. In multijplying hy the several quotient figures, carry from
the rejected figures of the divisor as in contracted multiplication.
Notes. — 1. Supply ciphers, at the right of either divisor or dividend, when
necessary, before commencing the work.
2. If the first figure of the quotient is written under tne lowest assumed figure
of the divisor, and the other figures at the left in the inverted order, the several
products will be formed with the greatest convenience, by simply multiplying
each quotient figure by the figures above and to the left of it in the divisor.
1. Divide 27.3782 by 4.3267, extending the quotient to 3 deci-
mal places. Ans. 6.328 =1=.
2. Divide 487.24 by 1.003675, extending the quotient to 2
decimal places.
3. Divide 8.47326 by 75.43, extending the quotient to 5 deci-
mal places.
4. Divide .8487564 hy .075637, extending the quotient to 3
decimal places. Ans. 11.221 zh.
5. Divide 478.325 by 1.43|, extending the quotient to 3 deci-
mal places. Ans.SS2M2±:.
6. Divide 8972.436 by 756.3452, extending the quotient to 4
decimal places.
7. Divide 1 by 1.007638, extending tlie quotient to 6 decimal
places. Ans. .992425 =h.
8. Find the quotient of .95372843 divided by 4 t. 736546, true
to 8 decimal places.
9. Reduce |f ^f to a decimal of 4 places. Ans. .7448 =fc.
327. Common fractions can not always be exactly expressed in
the decimal form; for in some instances the division will not be
exact if continued indefinitely.
328. A Finite Decimal is a decimal which extends a limited
number of places from the decimal point.
239. An Infinite Decimal is a decimal which extends an
unlimited number of places from the decimal point.
230. A Circulating Decimal is an infinite decimal in which
a figure or set of figures is continually repeated in the same order;
as .3333 + , or .437437437 + .
231. A Eepetend is the figure or set of figures continually
repeated. When a repetend consists of a single figure, it is in-
dicated by a point placed over it; when it consists of more than
one fi«;ure, a point is placed over the first, and one over the last
figure. Thus, the circulating decimals .55555+ and .324324324 + ,
are written, 5 and .324.
232. A repetend is said to be expanded when its figures are
continued in their proper order any number of places toward the
right; thus, .24, expanded is .2424 + , or .242424242 + .
233. Similar Repetends are those which begin at the same
decimal place or order; as .37 and .5, .24 and .375, 1.56 and 24.3.
234. Conterminous Repetends are those which end at the
same decimal place or order; as .75 and 1.53, .567, and 3.245.
Note. — Two or more repetends are Similar and Cofiterniiiious when they begin
and end at the same deeimal places or orders.
3«tS. A Pure Circulating Decimal is one which contains no
figures but the repetend; as .7, or .704.
^30. A Mixed Circulating Decimal is one which contains
other figureS; called finite places, before the repetend; as .54, or
.013245, in which .5 and .01 are the finite places.
337. The operations in circulating decimals depend upon the
following properties.
NoTK. — ]. The common fractions referred to are understood to \>q proper frac-
tions, in their lowest terms.
I. Every fraction whose denominator contains no other prime
factor than 2 or 5 will give rise to a finite decimal ; and the num-
ber of decimal places will be equal to the greatest number of equal
factors, 2 or 5, in the denominator.
For, in the reduction, every cipher annexed to the numerator mul-
tiplies it by 10, or introduces the two prime factors, 2 and 5, and also
gives 1 decimal place in the result. Hence the division will be exact
when the number of ciphers annexed, or the number of decimal
places obtained, shall be equal to the greatest number of equal factors,
2 or 5, to be canceled from the denominater.
II. Every fraction whose denominator contains any other prime
factor than 2 or 5, will give rise to an infinite decimal.
For, annexing ciphers to the numerator introduces no other prime
factors than 2 and 5 ; hence the numerator will never contain aU the
prime factors of the denominator.
III. Every infinite decimal derived from a common fraction is
also a circulating decimal; and the number of places in the
repetend must be less than the number of units in the denominator
of the common fraction.
For, in every division, the number of possible remainders is limited
to the number of units in the divisor, less 1 ; thus, in dividing by 7,
the only possible remainders are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. Hence, in the
reduction of a common fraction to a decimal, some of the remainders
must repeat before the number of decimal places obtained equals the
number of units in the denominator ; and this will cause the inter-
mediate quotient figures to repeat.
KoTES. — 2. It will be found that the number of places in the repetend is always
equal to the denominator less 1, or to some factor of this number. Thus, the
repetend arising from ^ has 7 — 1 = 6 places ; the repetend arising from §j has
^-^ = 5 places.
3. A perfect rcpeteud is one which consists of as many places, less 1, as there
are units in the denominator of the equivalent fraction.
4. If the denominator of a fraction contains neither of the factors 2 and 5, it
will irive rise to a pure repetend. But if a circulating decimal is derived from a
fraction whose denominator contains either of the factors 2 or 5, it will contain
as many finite places as the greatest number of equal factors 2 or 5 in the de-
lY. If to any number we annex as many ciphers as there are
places in the number, or more, and divide the result by as many
9's as the number of ciphers annexed, both the quotient and re-
mainder will be the same as the given number.
For, if we take any number of two places, as 74, and annex two
ciphers, the result divided by 100 will be equal to 74 ; thus,
7400 -^ 100 = 74.
Now subtracting 1 from the divisor, 100, will add as many units
to the quotient, 74, as the new divisor, 99, is contained times in 74,
(115, II) ; thus,
7400 -^ 99 = 74 + J j, or 74^* ;
that is, if two ciphers be annexed to 74, and the result be divided by
99, both quotient and remainder will be 74. In like manner, annex-
ing three ciphers to 74, and dividing by 999, we have
74000 ^ 999 = 74/^V ;
and the same is true of any number whatever.
Y. Every pure circulating decimal is equal to a common frac-
tion whose numerator is the repeating figure or figures, and whose
denominator is as many 9's as there are places in the repetend.
For, if we take any fraction whose denominator is expressed by
some number of 9's, as ||, then according to the last property, annex-
ing two ciphers to the numerator, and reducing to a decimal, we have
U = 24jJ4« I^ lil^G manner, carrying the decimal two places farther,
.24JJ = .2424^'^ j hence, || — 24. By the same principle, we have
I- =.2 ; ^V =- -01 ; i:'^ = -02 ; ^h = -001 ; f ^| = .324 ; and so on. And
it is evident that all possible repetends can thus be derived from frac-
tions whose numerators are the repeating figures, and whose denomi-
nators are as many 9's as there are repeating figures.
KoTE 5. — It follows from the last property, that any fraction from which a pure
repetend can be derived is reducible to a form in which the denominator is some
number of 9's ; thus -f % =* IuoSjjI 5 3f = JM- '-^his is true of every fraction
whose denominator terminates with 1, 3, 7, or 9.
YI. Any repetend may be reduced to another equivalent repe-
tend, by expanding it, and moving either the second point, or
both points, to the right; provided that in the result they be so
placed as to include the same number of places as are contained
in the given repetend, or some multiple of this number.
For, in every such reduction, the new repetend and the given repe-
tend, when expanded indefinitely, will give results which are identical.
Thus, .536 =- .53G536, or .53G53G53G, or .5365, or .53653, or .5365365,
or .53653653653 ; because each of these new repetends, when ex-
panded, gives .53653653653653653653+.
Note 6. — If in any reduction, the new repetend should not contain the sam
number of places, or some multiple of the same number, as the given repetend
we should not have, in the expansions, the same fgnrea repeated in the sam
2S8. To reduce a pure circulating decimal to a
common fraction.
1. Eeduce .675 to a common fraction.
OPERATION. Analysis. Since the repetend has 3
^•7^ fi75 _ 2 5 places, we take for the denominator of
the required fraction the number ex-
pressed by three 9's, (237, '^). Hence,
KuLE. Omit the j)oints and the decimal sign^ and write the
Jigures of the repetend for the numerator of a common fraction ^
and as many 9's as there are places in the repetend for the de-
1. Reduce .45 to a common fraction. Ans, -^j.
2. E.educe .66 to a common fraction.
3. Reduce .279 to a common fraction. Arts. y\'j.
• T3*
• If-
Ans. 15^^^.
4. Reduce .423 to a common fraction.
5. Reduce .923076 to a common fraction.
6. Reduce .95121 to a common fraction.
7. Reduce 4.72 to a mixed number.
8. Reduce 2.297 to an improper fraction.
9. Reduce 2.97 to an improper fraction.
Note. — According to 237, VF, 2.97 = 2.972.
10. Reduce 15.0 to a mixed number.
S39. To reduce a mixed circulating decimal to a
common fraction.
1. Reduce .0756 to a common fraction.
OPERATION. Analysts. Since .756 is equal
.0756 = ^^Vo = tV^ **^ ^i^' -^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^ A of Uh
2. Reduce .647 to a common fraction.
OPERATION. Analyws. Reducing the finite
(*A*j 6 4 1 7 pai't and tke repetend separately
(34Q g4 ^ to fractions, we have yVj + ^h-
= — - — f-- — . To reduce these fractions to a
900 900 1 • .
common clenommator, we must
^^ 040 — d 4 + ^ multiply the terms of the first by
900 9 ; but the numerator, G4, may
647 64 be multiplied by 9 by annexing
^^ 900 ^ cipher and subtracting 04 from
583 . the result, ffivina; — , for
the first fraction reduced. The
^^} numerator of the sum of the two
.647 given decimal. fractions will therefore be 640
64 finite figures. — 64 + 7 = 583, and supplying
'Too the common denominator, we have
IJJ. In the second operation,
Ans. the intermediate steps are omitted.
Hence the followinf):
Rule. I. From the given circulathuj decimal subtract the finite
party and the remainder will he the required numerator.
^B II. Write as many 9's as there are figures in the repetend, with
^^ as many ciphers annexed as there are finite decimal figures^ for
the required denominator.
i 1. Reduce .57 to a common fraction. Ans, ||.
2, Reduce .048 to a common fraction. Ans. ^y^.
3. Reduce .6472 to a common fraction.
I 4. Reduce .6590 to a common fraction. Ans. ||.
5. Reduce .04648 to a common fraction. Ans. -^^^.
6. Reduce .1004 to a common fraction.
7. Reduce .9285714 to a common fraction. Ans. ||.
18. Reduce 5.27 to a common fraction. Ans. ||.
9. Reduce 7.0126 to a mixed number. Ans. 7^1^.
10. Reduce 1.58231707 to an improper fraction. Ans. |^|.
11. Reduce 2.029268 to an improper fraction.
S40. To make two or more repetends similar and
1. Make .47, .53675, and .37234 similar and conterminous.
OPERATION. Analysis. The first of
the given repetends begins
.47 = .47474747474747 ^ ^^ the place of tenths, the
.53675 = .53675675675675 v Ans. second at the place of thou-
.37234 = .37234723472347 ) sandths, and the third at
the place of hundredths;
and as the points in any repetend cannot be moved to the left over
the finite places, we can make the given repetends similar, only by
moving the points of at least two of them to the right.
Again, the first repetend has 2 places, the second 3 places, and the
third 4 places ; and the number of places in the new repetends must
be at least 12, which is the least common multiple of 2, 3, and 4.
AVe therefore expand the given repetends, and place the first point in
eadi new repetend over the third place in the decimal, and the second
point over the fourteenth, and thus render them similar and conter-
minous. Hence the following
KuLE. I. Expand the repetendsj and place the first point in
each over the same order in the decimal,
II. Place the second point so that each new repetend shall con-
tain as mavy places as there are units in the least common mul-
tiple of tJie number of places in the severed given repetends.
Note. — Since none of the points can be carried to the left, some of them must
be carried to the right, so that each repetend shall have at least as many finite
places as the greatest number in any of the given repetends.
1. Make .43, .57, .4567, and .5037 similar and conterminous.
2. Make .578, .37, .2485, and 04 similar and conterminous.
3. Make 1.34,4.56, and .341 similar and conterminous.
4. Make .5674, .34, .247, and -67 similar and conterminous.
5. Make 1.24, .0578, .4, and .4732147 similar and conter-
6. Make .7, .4567, .24, and .346789 similar and conterminous.
7. Make .8, .*36, .4857, .34567, and .2784678943 similar and
241. The processes of adding and subtracting circulating deci-
Dials depend upon the following properties of repetends :
I. If two or more repetends are similar and conterminous, their
denominators will consist of the same number of 9's, with the
game number of ciphers annexed. Hence,
II. Similar and conterminous repetends have the same denomi-
nators and consequently the same fractional unit.
1. Add .54, 3.24 and, 2.785.
oPERATiox. Analysis. Since fractions can be
54 = 54444 added only when they have the same
c) h: o c}'A'^\h fractional unit, we first make the repe-
. "^ *^ . ^ • tends of the given decimals similar and
2.785 = = 2.78527 conterminous. We then add as in finite
6.57214 decimals, observing, how^ever, that the
1 W'hich we carry from the left hand
column of the repetends, must also be added to the right hand column ;
for this w^ould be required if the repetends were further expanded
before adding.
2. From 7.4 take 2. 7852.
OPERATION. Analysis. Since one fraction can be subtracted
7 J-iii ^J^om another only when they have the same frac-
'^ . ^ . tional unit, we first make the repetends of the given
•^' * "'^-' decimals similar and conterminous. We then sub-
4.6581 tract as in finite decimals; observing that if both
repetends were expanded, the next figure in the
subtrahend would be 8, and the next in the minuend 4 ; and the sub-
traction in this form would require 1 to be carried to the 2, giving 1
for the right hand figure in the remainder.
^4^. From these principles and illustrations we derive the
Rule. I. Whe7i necessari/^ make the repetends similar and con-
II. To add ] — Proceed as in Jinite decimals^ observing to increase
the sum of the right hand column hy as many units as are carried
from the left hand column of the repetends.
III. To subtract ; — Proceed as in finite decimals, ohserving to
diminish the right hand figure of the remainder hy 1, when the
repetend in the subtrahend is greater than the repetend of the
lY. Place the points in the residt directly under the points above.
Note. — When the sum or difference is required in the form of a common frac-
tion, proceed according to the rule, and reduce the result.
1. What is the sum of 2.4, .32, .56t, 7.0o6, and 4.37 ?
Ans. 14.7695877.
2. What is the sum of .478, .321, .78564, .32, .5, and .4326 ?
Ans. 2.8961788070698.
3. From .7854 subtract .59. Ans. .1895258.
4. From 57.0587 subtract 27.31. Ans. 29.745o.
5. What is the sum of .5, .32, and .12 ? Ans. 1.
6. What is the sum of .4387, .863, .21, and .3554 ?
7. What is the sum of 3.6537, 3.135, 2.564, and .53 ?
8. From .432 subtract .25. Ans. .18243.
9. From 7.24574 subtract 2.634, Ans. 4.3i.
10. From .99 subtract .433. Ans, .55656.
11. What is the sum of 4.638, 8.318, .016, .54, and .45?
Ans. 13|f.
12. From .4 subtract .23.
343. 1. Multiply 2.428571 by .063.
2.428571 = \^
1'7 V
7 17
TTU — UJi —
.154 Atis,
Analysis. We first re-
duce the multiplicand and
multiplier to their equiva-
lent fractions, and obtain
V"^ and T?ff ; then V X
2. Divide .475 by .3753.
Analysis. The dividend re-
duced to its equivalent common
fraction is 4J4, and the divisor
^?|X HIS = 1.26 Ans.
reduced to its equivalent com-
mon fraction is f ^|J ; and ^J|
_i. s " /> ') 10 1 oi
~ -S^^G — TT — ^'^^'
944:. From these illustrations we have the following
Rule. Reduce the given numbers to common fractions ; then
multiply or divide^ and reduce the result to a decimal.
1. Multiply 3.4 by .72.
2. Multiply .0432 by 18.
3. Divide .154 by .2.
4. Divide 4.5724 by .7.
5. Multiply 4.37 by .27:
6. Divide 56.6 by 137.
7. Divide .428571 by .54.
8. Multiply .714285 by .27.
9. Multiply 3.456 by .425.
10. Divide 9.17045 by 3.36.
Ans. 2A72,
Ans. .7783.
Ans. .693.
An^. 5.8793.
Ans. 1.182.
Ans. .41362530.
Ans. .7857142.
Ans. .194805.
Ans. 1.4710037.
Alls. 2.72637.
11. Multiply .24 by .57. Ans. .1395775941230486685032.
S4«S. By Act of Congress of August 8, 1786, the dollar was
declared to be the unit of Federal or United States Money; and
the subdivisions and multiples of this unit and their denomina-
tions, as then established, are as shown in the
10 mills make 1 cent.
10 cents " 1 dime.
10 dimes " 1 dollar.
10 dollars " 1 eagle.
34:0. By examining this table we find
1st. That the denominations increase and decrease in a tenfold
2d. That the dollar being the unit, dimes, cents and mills are
respectively tenths, hundredths and thousandths of a dollar.
3d. That the denominations of United States money increase
and decrease the same as simple numbers and decimals.
Hence we conclude that
I. United States money may he expressed according to the. deci-
mal system of notation.
II. United States money may he added, suhtracted, multiplied
and divided in the same manner as decimals,
247. The character $ before any number indicates that it
expresses United States money. Thus ?75 expresses 75 dollars.
948. Since the dollar is the unit, and dimes, cents and mills
are tenths, hundredths and thousandths of a dollar, the decimal
point or separatrix must always be placed before dimes. Hence,
in any number expressing United States money, the first figure at
the right of the decimal point is dimes, the second figure is cents,
the third figure is mills, and it there are others, they are ten-
thousandths, hundred-thousandths, etc., of a dollar. Thus, $8.3125
13 K
expresses 8 dollars 3 dimes 1 cent 2 mills and 5 tenths of a mill
or 5 ten-thousandths of a dollar.
S40. The denominations, eagles and dimes, are not regarded
in business operations, eagles being called tens of dollars and
dimes tens of cents. Thus $24.19 instead of being read 2 eagles
4 dollars 1 dime 9 cents, is read 24 dollars 19 cents. Hence,
practically, the table of United States money is as follows :
10 mills make 1 cent.
100 cents " 1 dollar.
@oO. Since the cents in an expression of United States money
may be any number from 1 to 99, the first two places at the right
of the decimal point are always assigned to cents. Hence, when
the number of cents to be expressed is less than 10, a cipher
must be written in the place of tenths or dimes. Thus, 7 cents is
expressed $.07.
Notes. — 1. The half cent is frequently written as 5 mills and vice versd.
Thus, $.37i = $.375.
2. Business men frequently write cents as common fractions of a dollar.
Thus, $5.19 is also written $5-J^9^, read 5 and ^1^9^ dollars.
3. In business transactions, when the Jinal result of a computation contains 5
mills or more, they are called one cent, and when less than 5 they are rejected.
Thus, $2,198 would be called $2.20, and $1,623 would be called $1.62.
1. Write twenty-eight dollars thirty-six cents.
A71S. $28.36.
2. Write four dollars seven cents.
3. Write ten dollars four cents.
4. Write sixteen dollars four mills.
5. Write thirty-one and one-half cents.
6. Write 48 dollars If cents. Ans. $48.01 1.
7. Write 1000 dollars 1 cent 1 mill.
8. Write 3 eagles 2 dollars 5 dimes 8 cents 4 mills.
9. Write 6} cents.
10. Eead the following numbers :
$21.18 $10.01 $ .8125
$164.05 $201,201 $15.08J
$7.90 $5.37i $96,005
QCil. Since $1 = 100 cents = 1000 mills, it is evident,
1st, That dollars may be changed or reduced to cents by an-
nexing two ciphers; and to mills by annexing three ciphers.
2d. That cents may be reduced to dollars by pointing oiF two
figures from the right; and mills to dollars by pointing off three
fii>ures from the ri^ht.
3d. That cents may be reduced to mills by annexing one cipher.
4th. That mills may be reduced to cents by pointing off one
figure from the right.
2o9. Since United States Money may be added, subtracted,
multiplied and divided in the same manner as decimals, (346,
II), it is evident that no separate rules for these operations are
1. Paid $3475.50 for building a house, $310.20 for painting,
$1287.371 for furniture, and $207.12 J for carpets; how much
was the cost of the house and furniture ? Ans, $5280.20.
2. Bought a pair of boots for $4.62J, an umbrella for $1.75, a
pair of gloves for $.87 J, a cravat for $1, and some collars for
$.62 J; how much was the cost of all my purchases?
3. Gave $150 for a horse, $175.84 for a carriage, and $62J for
a harness, and sold the whole for $390.37}; how much did I
gain? Am. $2,035.
4. A man bought a farm for $3800, which was $190. 87J less
than he sold it for; how much did he sell it for?
5. A lady bought a dress for $10f, a bonnet for $5}, a veil for
$2f, a pair of gloves for $.87}, and a fan for $|. She gave the
shopkeeper a fifty dollar bill; how much money should he return
to her? Ans. $29,875.
6. A farmer sold 150 bushels of oats at $.37} a bushel, and 4
cords of wood at $3| a cord. He received in payment 84 pounds of
sugar at 6i cents a pound, 25 pounds of tea at $| a pound, 2
barrels of flour at $5.87 J, and the remainder in cash; how much
cash did he receive? Ans. §39.125.
7. A speculator bought 264.5 acres of land for $6726. He
afterward sold 126.25 acres for $31} an acre, and the remainder
for $33.75 an acre; how much did he g^in by the transaction?
8. A merchant going to New York to purchase goods, had
$11000. He bought 40 pieces of silk, each piece containing 28 J
yards, at $.80 a yard; 300 pieces of calicoes, with an average
length of 29 yards, at 11} cents a yard; 20 pieces of broadcloths,
each containing 36.25 yards, at $3,875 a yard; 112 pieces of
sheeting, each containing 30.5 yards, at $.06} a yard. How
much had he left with which to finish purchasing his stock ?
A71S, $6064.62|.
9. If 139 barrels of beef cost $2189.25, how much will 1
barrel cost? Ans. $15.75.
10. If 396 pounds of hops cost $44,748, how much are they
worth per pound ? Ans. $.113.
11. Bought lOf cords of wood at $4 J a cord, and received for
it 7.74 barrels of flour; how much was the flour worth per barrel ?
12. If a hogshead of wine cost $287.4, how many hogsheads
can be bought for $4885.80 ? Ans. 17.
13. A butcher bought an equal number of calves and sheep for
$265 ; for the calves he paid $3f a head, and for the sheep $2|-
a head; how many did he buy of each kind ? Ans. 40.
14. If 128 tons of iron cost $9632, how many tons can be
bought for $1730.75 ? Ans, 23.
15. If 125 bushels of potatoes cost $41.25, how many barrels,
each containing 2 J bushels, can be bought for $112.20 ?
16. A grocer on balancing his books at the end of a month,
found that his purchases amounted to $2475.36, and his sales to
i?1936.40 ; and that the money he now had was but | of what he
had at the beginning of the month; how much money had he at
the beginning of the month ? Ans. $1347.40.
17. A person has an income of $3200 a year, and his expenses
are $138 a month ; how much can he save in 8 years ?
18. Sold 120 pieces of cloth at §45 J a piece, and gained thereby
$1026 ; how much did it cost by the piece ? Ans. $37.20.
19^ A flour merchant paid $3088.25 for some flour. He sold
425 barrels at $Gi a barrel, and the remainder stood him in $4.50
a barrel; how many barrels did he purchase ? Ans. 521.
20. If 36 engineers receive $6315.12 for one month's work,
how many engineers will $21927.50 pay for one month at the same
rate? Ans. 125.
21. A person having $1378.56, wishes to purchase a house
worth $2538, and still have $750 left with which to purchase fur-
niture; how much more money must he have? A71S. $1909.44.
22. A mechanic earns on an average $1.87i a day, and works 22
days per month. If his necessary expenses are $2 5 J a month,
how many years will it take him to save $1116, there being 12
months in a year? Ans. 6 years
23. Bought 27.5 barrels of sugar for $453.75^ and sold it at a
profit of $3.62 J a barrel; at what price per barrel was it sold ?
24. A man expended $70.15 in the purchase of rye at $.95 a
bushel, wheat at $1.37 a bushel, and corn at $.73 a bushel, buying
the same quantity of each kind ; how many bushels in all did he
purchase ? Am 69 bushels.
25. A farmer bought a piece of land containing 375 J acres, at
$22i per acre, and sold i of it at a profit of $1032|; at what
price per acre was the land sold ? Ans. $27.75.
26 If 3i cords of wood cost $11 37i, how much will 204 cords
cost? Ans. $65.40f.
27. If I of a hundred pounds of sugar cost $6|, how much
can be bought for $46.75, at the same rate ?
Ans. 5.5 hundred pounds.
28. A man sold a wagon for $62.50, and received in pa^^ment
12i yards of broadcloth at $3i per yard, and the balance in cofl'ee
at 12 J cents per pound; how many pounds of coffee did he re-
ceive? Ans. 175 pounds.
29. Bought 320 bushels of barley at the rate of 16 bushels for
$10.04, and sold it at the rate of 20 bushels for $17 J; how much
was my profit on the transaction ? Ans. $79.20.
3o3. Given, tlie price and the quantity, to find the cost.
Analysis. The cost of 3 units must be 3 times the price of 1 unit ;
of 8 units, 8 times the price of 1 unit ; of f of a unit, | times the price
of 1 unit, etc. Hence,
EuLE. Multiply the price of one hi/ the quantift/.
254. G iven, the cost and the quantity, to find the price.
Analysis. By Problem I, the cost is the product of the price mul-
tiplied by the quantity. Now, having the cost, which is a product,
and the quantity, Avhich is one of two factors, we have the product
and one of two factors given, to find the other factor. Hence,
lluLE. Divide the cost hy the quantify.
2*15. Given, the price and the cost, to find the quantity.
Analysis. Pteasoning as in Problem II, we find that the cost is
the product of two factors, and the price is one of the factors, Hence,
PtULE. Divide the cost hy the price.
256. Given, the quantity, and the price of 100 or
1000, to find the cost.
Analysis. If the price of 100 units be multiplied by the number
of units in a given quantity, the product will be 100 times the required
result, because the multiplier used is 100 times the true multiplier.
For a similar reason, if the price of 1000 units be multiplied by the
number of units in a given quantity, the product will be 1000 times
the required result. These errors can be corrected in two ways,
1st. By dividing the product by 100 or 1000, as the case may be; or,
2d. By reducing the given quantity to hundreds and decimals of a
hundred, or to thousands and decimals of a thousand. Hence,
Rule. Multiply the price hy the quantity reduced to hundreds
and decimals of a hundred , or to thousands and decimals of a
Note. — In business transactions the Roman numerals C and M are com-
monly used to indicate hundreds and thousands, where the price is by the 100
or lO'OO.
2o7. To find tlie cost of articles sold by the ton of
2000 pounds.
Analysis. If the price of 1 ton or 2000 pounds be divided by 2,
the quotient will be the price of J ton or 1000 pounds. We then have
the quantity and the price of 1000 to find the cost. Hence,
E-ULE. Divide the price of 1 to7i hy 2, and multiply the quo-
tient hy the numher of pounds expressed as thousandths.
1. What cost 187 barrels of salt, at §1.32 a barrel?
Ans. $246.84.
2. What cost 5 firkins of butter, each containing 70^ pounds,
at $-^-^g a pound ? Ans. $66.09|.
3. If the board of a family be §501.87-^ for 1 year, how much
is it per day ? Ans. §1.37^.
4. At $.10J- a dozen, how many dozen of eggs can be bought
for $18.48 ? Ans. 176.
5. ^Vliat is the value of 140 sacks of guano, each sack contain-
ing 162 1 pounds, at S17| a ton ? Ans, $201.906.|.
6. Wliat will be the cost oi 3240 peach trees at $161 per hun-
dred? Ans. $534.60.
7. At $66.44 a ton, what \A\\ be the cost of 842| tons of rail-
road iron? Ans. $55992.31.
8. A gentleman purchased a farm of 325.5 acres for $10660^ ;
how much did it cost per acre? Ans. $32.75.
9. What will be the cost of 840 feet of plank at $1.94 per C;
and 1262 pickets at $12^ per M ? Ans. $32,071.
10. At $11 a bushel, how many bushels of wheat can be bought
for $37.68| ? Ans. 25^ bushels.
11. What will be tlie cost of 2172 pounds of plaster, at $3,875
a ton? Ans. $4.208f
12. What cost I of 456 bushels of potatoes at $.37^ a bushel?
13. If 32^ barrels of apples cost $81.25, what is the price per
barrel? Ans. $2.50.
14. What must be paid for 24240 feet of timber worth $9.37i
per M.? Ans. $227}.
15. At $5| an acre, how many acres of land can be bought for
$4234.37i? Ans. 752^.
16. How much must be paid for 972 feet of boards at $20.25
per M, 1575 feet of scantling at $2.87} per C, and 8756 feet of
lath at $7} per M ? Ans. $130,634}.
17. What is the value of 1046 pounds of beef at $4| per hun-
dred pounds? Ans. $48.37f.
18. What is the value of 5840 pounds of anthracite coai at
$4.7 a ton, and 4376 pounds of shamokin coal at $5.25 a ton ?
19. At $2.50 a yard, how much cloth can be purchased for $2 ?
20. What is the value of 3700 cedar rails at $5| per C ?
21. How much is the freight on 3840 pounds from New York
to Baltimore, at $.96 per 100 pounds ? Ans. $36,864.
22. What is the value of 9 pieces of broadcloth, each piece
containing 271 yards, worth $2 J a yard ? ^^js. $715.87}.
23. At $.42 a pound, how many pounds of wool may be bought
for $80,745? Ans. 192}.
24. What will be the cost of 327 feet of boards at $15} per
M; 672 feet of siding at $1.62} per C, and 1108 bricks at $4}
per M? Ans. $20.69|.
25 At $ J per yard, how many yards of silk may be bought for
$151? Ans. 18.
26. How much must be paid for the transportation of 18962
pounds of pork from Cincinnati to New York, at $10 a ton?
27. If 15} yards of silk cost $27.9, what is the price per yard ?
28. What cost 27860 railroad ties at $125.38 per thousand ?
29. If .7 of a ton of hay cost $134, what is the price of 1 ton ?
SO. What is the value of 720 pounds of hay at $12.75 a ton,
and 912 pounds of mill feed at $15} a ton ? Ans. $11,658.
S58. A Ledger is the principal book of accounts kept by mer-
chants and accountants. Into it are brought in sununary ibrui
the accounts from the journal or day-book. The items often form
long columns, and accountants in adding sometimes add more than
one column at a single operation, (@§j.
? 42.17
$ 506.76
§2371. 67
194 32
3114 60
36180 45
4230 61
S^O. A Debtor, in business transactions, is a purchaser, or a
person who receives money, goods, or services from another; and
^00. A Creditor is a seller, or a person who parts with
money, goods, or services to another.
36fl, An Account is a registry of debts and credits.
Notes. — 1. An ciccount should always contain the names of both the parties to
the transaction, the price or value of each item or article, and the date of the
2. Accounts may have only one side, which may be either debt or credit; or it
may have two sides, debt and credit.
369. The Balance of an Account is the difference between
the amount of the debit and credit sides. If the account have
only one side^ the balance is the amount of that side.
303. An Account Current is a full copy of an account,
giving each item of both debit and credit sides to date.
3154. A Bill, in business transactions, is an account of money
paid, of goods sold or delivered, or of services rendered, with the
price or value annexed to each item.
36^0 The Footing of a Bill is the total amount or cost of all
the items.
Note. — A bill of goods bought or sold, or of services received or rendered at
a single transaction, and containing only one date, is often called a Bill of Par-
cels ; and an account current having only one side is sometimes called sl Bill
of Items.
3©@, In accounts and bills the following abbreviations are in
general use :
Dr. for debit or debtor ;
Cr. for credit or creditor ;
\. or acc^t for account;
@ for at or by ; when this abbreviation is used it is always
followed by the price of a unit. Thus, 3 yd. cloth @ $1.25, sig-
nifies 3 yards of cloth at $1.25' per yard; J lb. tea @ $.75, signi-
fies } pound of tea at $.75 per'pound.
2S7. When an account current or a bill is settled or paid,
the fact should be entered on the same and signed by the creditor,
or by the person acting for him. The ^\^. or bill is then said to
be receipted. Accounts and bills may be settled, balanced and
receipted by the parties to the same, or by agents, clerks or attor-
neys authorized to transact business for the parties.
Required; the footings and balances of the following bills and
Bill : receipted hy clcrh or agent.
New York, July 10, 1860.
Mr. John C. Smith,
Bo't of Hill, Groves & Co.,
10 yd.
16 "
BIk. Silk,
72 "
42 ^'
Bid. Shirting,
12 "
Pressed Flannel,
24J «
Scotch Plaid Prints,
Rec^d Payment,
Hill, Groves & Co.,
By J. W. Hopkins.
Bill : receipted hy the selling party.
Chicago, Sept. 20, 1861.
Chase & Kennard,
Bo't of McDouGAL, Fenton & Co.,
125 pr. Boys' Thick Boots, @ $1.25
275 ^^ ^^ Calf ^' '' 1.75
180 ^' " Kip " '' 1.12J
210 " '' Brogans, ' '' .87J
80 " Women's Fox'd Ggiiters, '' .84
95 '' '' Opera Boots, " .90
175 " " Enameled " " 1.06
8 cases Men's Calf Boots, " 30.50
8 '' Congress Pump Boots, ^^ 35.75
1 '' Drill, 958 yd., " .lOJ
40 gross Silk Buttons, '' .37 i
Rec^d Payment y
McDouGAL, Fenton & Co.
Smith & Perkins,
BUI : settled hy note.
New York, May 4, 1860.
Bo't of Kent, Lowber & Co.,
40 chests Green Tea, @ $27.60
25 " Black « ''
16 " Imperial « "
12 sacks Java Coffee, "
20 bbl. Coffee Sugar, (A) "
15 " Crushed " "
36 boxes Lemons, "
42 " Oranges, "
25 <^ Raisins, "
ec^d Payment^ hy note at 6 mo.
Kent, Lowber & Co.
Bill : paid hy draft, and receipted hy Cleric.
New Orleans, April 28, 1861.
James Carlton & Co.
BoH of WiLLARD & Hale.
150 bbl. Canada Flour, @ $6.25
275 "
Genesee "
" 7.16
170 "
Philada. «
" 5.87J
326 bu.
" 1.62i
214 "
« .82
300 "
" .91
500 "
" 1.06
Rec^d Payment, hy Draft on N. T.
R. S. Clarke,
For Willard & Hale.
Account Current ; not balanced or settled.
Philadelphia, Nov. 1, 1860.
Mr. James Cornwall,
To Dodge & Son, Dr.
April 15, To 24 tons Swedes Iron, @ $64.30 $
a a
" 15 cwt. Eng. Blister Steel, "
June 21,
" 7 doz. Hoes, (Trowel Steel) '^
Aug. 10,
" 25 " Buckeye Plows, "
Oct. 3,
" 14 Cross-cut Saws,
a a
" 27 cwt. Bar Lead,
u u
" 1840 lbs. Chain,
May 25,
By 20 M. Boards, @
July 14,
" 50 M. Shingles, "
a u
" 42 M. Plank, "
Sept. 5,
'' Draft on New York,
" 12,
" 75 C. Timber, @
a a
'' 36 C. Scantling, "
Bal. Due Dodge & Son, §356.61
Account Current J another form ; balanced by note.
Wm. Richmond •/
.40 :
iiy CI barrels apples, $2.25
'• 70 bushels turnips, .22
" 56 *' dried apples, .87 V^
" 31 drums figs, .68;^
■ Note at 3 mo. to Bal.
Wood & Powell.
Boston, Jan. 1, 1861.
'promiscuous examples.
1. AYliat cost 121 cords of wood @ $4.87i ? Ans, $61.54+.
2. At $.37} per bushel, how many barrels of potatoes, each
containing 2} bushels, can be purchased for $33.75? Ans. 36.
3. If 36 boxes of raisins, each containing 36 pounds, can be
bought for $97.20, what is the price per pound ? Ans. $.075.
4. If .625 of a barrel of flour be worth $5.35, what is a barrel
worth ? Ans. $8.56.
5. What is the difference between | of a hundredth, and | of
a tenth ? Ans. .025.
6. What is the product of 814^^^ X 26|| correct to 2 decimal
places ?
7. A drover bought 5 head of cattle @ $75, and 12 head @
$68 ; at what price per head must he sell them to gain $118 on
the whole? Ans. $77.
8. If 1 pound of tea be worth $.62}, what is .8 of a pound
worth ? Ans. $.5.
9. A person having $27.96, was desirous of purchasing an
equal number of pounds of tea, coffee, and sugar; the tea @
$.87}, the coffee @ $.18f, and the sugar @ $.10}. How many
pounds of each could he buy? Ans. 24.
10. If a man travel 13543.47 miles in 365} days, how far does
he travel in i of a day ? A71S. 32.445 .miles.
11. Bought 100 barrels of flour @ $5.12}, and 250 bushels of
wheat @ $1.06}. Having sold 75 barrels of the flour @ $6},
and all the wheat @ $lf, at what price per barrel must the re-
mainder of the flour be sold, to gain $221.87} on the whole invest-
ment? ^?is. $6.75.
12. If 114.45 acres of land produce 4580.289 bushels of pota-
toes, how many acres will be required to produce 120.06 bushels ?
Ans. 3.
13. Divide .0172J| by .03j^g, and obtain a quotient true to 4
decimal places. Ans. .5625=1=.
14. Divide 13.5 by 2} hundredths. Ans. 600.
15. A man agreed to build 59.5 rods of wall; having built 8.5
Js in 5 days, how many days will be required to finisli tlie wall
at the same rate? A)is. 30 days.
16. A farmer exchanged 28} bushels of oats worth ^.37 J per
bushel, and 453 pounds of mill feed worth §.75 per hundred, for
12520 pounds of plaster; how mucb was the plaster worth per
ton? . Ans. $2.25.
17. A farmer sold to a merchant 3 loads of hay weighing re-
spectively 1826, 1478, and 1921 pounds, at $8.80 per ton, and
281 pounds of pork at $5.25 per hundred. He received in exchange
31 yards of sheeting @ $.09, 6} yards of cloth @ $4.50, and the
balance in money; how much money did he receive?
18. If 35 yards of cloth cost $122.50, what will be the cost of
29 yards? Ans. $101.50.
19. A speculator bought 1200 bushels of corn @ $.56}. He
sold 375. J bushels @ $.60. At what price must he sell the re-
mainder, to gain $168,675 on the whole ?
20. If a load of plaster weighing 1680 pounds cost $2,856, how
much will a ton of 2000 pounds cost? Ans. $3.40.
21. If .125 of an acre of land is worth $15|, how much are
25.42 acres worth ?
22. A farmer had 150 acres of land, which he could have sold
at one time for $100 an acre, and thereby have gained $3900; but
. after keeping it for some time he was obliged to sell it at a loss
of $2250. How much an acre did the land cost him, and how
much an acre did he sell it for ?
23. A lumber dealer bought 212500 feet of lumber at $14,375
per M, and retailed it out at $1.75 per C; how much was his
whole gain ?
24. If 10 acres of land can be bought for $545, how many
acres can be bought for $17712.50 ? Ans. 325.
25. How much is the half of the fourth part of 7 times 224.56 ?
Ans. 196.49.
26. Sold 10450 feet of timber for $169.8125, and gained
thereby $39.1 8| ; how much did it cost per C ? Ans. $1.25.
27. If $6,975 be paid for .93 of a hundred pounds of pork,
how much will 1 hundred pounds cost ?
28. Three hundred seventy-five thousandths of a lot of dry
goods, valued at $4000, was destroyed by fire ; how much would
a firm lose who owned .12 of the entire lot r Ans. ^180.
29. Reduce (tt-^-tt) X 4 of l to a decimal. Ans. .15.
\4^ 2|/ ^ ^
30. If 7.5 tons of hay are worth 375 bushels of potatoes, and
1 bushel of potatoes is worth 8.33|, how much is 1 ton of hay
worth? Ans. ?16.GG§.
31. A person invested a certain sum of money in trade; at the
end of 5 years he had gained a sum equal to 84 hundredths of it,
and in 5 years more he had doubled this entire amount. How
many times the sum first invested had he at the end of the 10
years? Ans. 3.68 times.
32. A miller paid $54 for grain, y^^ of it being barley at $.62 J
per bushel, and | of it wheat at $1.87} per bushel; the balance
of the money, he expended for oats at $.37} per bushel. How
many bushels of grain did he purchase ? Ans. 40.
33. A merchant tailor bought 27 pieces of broadcloth, each
piece containing 19i yards, at $4.31} a yard; and sold it so as to
gain $381.87}, after deducting $9.62} for freight. How much
was the cloth sold for per yard ? Ans. $5.06}.
34. Bought 1356 bushels of wheat @ $1.18}, and 736 bushels
of oats @ $.41 ; I had 870 bushels of the wheat floured, and dis-
posed of it at a profit of $235.87}, and I sold 528 bushels of the
oats at a loss of $13.62}. I afterward sold the'remainder of the
wheat at $1.12} per bushel, and the remainder of the oats at $.31
per bushel; did I gain or lose, and how much?
Ans. I gained $171.07}.
35. The sum of two fractions is i||, and their difierence is
J^l ; what are the fractions ?
36. A manufacturer carried on business for 3 years. The first
year he gained a sum equal to | of his original capital; the second
year he lost J of what he had at the end of the first year ; the
third year he gained | of what he had at the end of the second
year, and he then had $28585.70. How much had he gained in
the 3 years? Ans. $10594.70.
368. If we take any fraction in its lowest terms, as ||, and
divide botli terms by the numerator, we shall obtain a complex
fraction, thus :
54 ""4 + 2^
Reducing ^^3, the fractional part of the denominator, in the same
manner, we have,
54 ~ 4 + 1
6 + l_
Expressions in this form are called continued fractions. Hence,
S69. A Continned Fraction is a fraction whose numerator is
1, and whose denominator is a whole number plus a fraction
whose numerator is also 1, ^nd whose denominator is a similar
fraction, and so on.
270. The Terms of a continued fraction are the several sim-
ple fractions which form the parts of the continued fraction.
Thus, the terms of the continued fraction given above are, J, i,
and J.
371. To reduce any fraction to a continued fraction.
1. Reduce ^|| to a continued fraction.
OPERATION. Analysis. We divide the denominator,
109 1 339, by the numerator, 109, and obtain 3
339 3+1 for the denominator of the first term of
91]^ the continued fraction. Then in the same
-r^ manner we divide the last divisor, 109, by
the remainder, 12, and obtain 9 for the de-
nominator of the second term of the continued fraction. In like man-
ner we obtain 12 for the denominator of the final term. Hence the
HuLE. I. Divide the greater term, hy the less, and the last
divisor hy the last remainder , and so on, till there is no remainder.
14* L
II. Write 1 yb?' the numerator of each temn of the continued
fraction, and the quotients in their order for the respective denom-
1. Reduce jT^f^ to a continued fraction.
4 + 1
2 + 1
3 + 1_^
2. Reduce i|-U to a continued fraction.
8. Reduce |f|f Jf ^^ ^ continued fraction.
4. Reduce -f^j to a continued fraction.
^72. To find the several approximate values of a
continued fraction.
An Approximate Value of a continued fraction is the simple
fraction obtained by reducing one^ t\YO^ tlireC; or more terms of the
continued fraction.
S73. 1. Reduce ^^^^3 to a continued fraction^ and find its
approximate values.
08 1
r-r ~ ^ , , , the continued fraction.
1G3 4 -f- r
2 + 1
— _, 1st approx. value.
1 •» 3
=: tt;, 2d "
r+T 4x3 + 1
1 _1 3 x2 + l _ 3X2 + l _7.3d u
4 + 1 4 + 2 (4X3 + l)X^ + 4 13X2 + 4 30
3+1 3X2+1
1 7X5+3
= — -, 4th «
4+1 SO X 5 +13 163'
3T T
2 + 1
Analysis. We take |, the first term of the continued fraction,
for the first approximate value. Reducing the complex fraction
formed by the first two terms of the continued fraction, we have ^^
for the second approximate value. In like manner, reducing the first
three terms, we have ^^ for the third approximate value. By exam^
ining this last process, we perceive that the third approximate value,
■^Q, is obtained by multiplying the terms of the preceding approxima-
tion, j%^, by the denominator of the third term of the continued frac-
tion, 2, and adding the corresponding terms of the first approximate
value. Taking advantage of this principle, we multiply the terms of
^ff by the 4th denominator, 5, in the continued fraction, and adding
the corresponding terms of -j-\, obtain j^^, the 4th approximate value,
which is the same as the original fraction. Hence the following
lluLE. I. For the first ajyproxiinate valuCj talze the first term
of the continued fraction.
II. For the second approximate valuer reduce the complex frac-
tion formed hy the first two terms of the continued fraction.
III. For each succeeding approximate value , mulflpltj both nu-
mrrator and denominator of the last preceding aj)p>roxlmation hy
the next denominator in the continued fraction ^ and add to the cor-
responding products respectively the numerator and derioininator of
the preceding approximation.
Notes. — 1. When the given fraction is improper, invert it, and reduce this
result to a continued fraction; then invert the approximate values obtained
2. In a series of approximate values, the 1st, 3d, 5th, etc., are greater than
the given fraction; and the 2d, -Ith, OLh, etc., are less thim the given fraction.
1. Find the approximate values of j%\.
jLns. jj, 77, 375^, J55.
2. Find the approximate values of -^W.
Alii "i 4 5 3 9 8_3
3. What arc the first three approximate values of ^tqW? ^
4. What are the first five approximate values of f f J ?
A 14 9 4 <^ _4_9_
JinS. -3, j-3, ^-g, j'27j? 158-
5. Reduce p to the form of a continued fraction, and find the
value of each approximating fraction.
^74. A Compound Number is a concrete number expressed
in two or more denominations, (lO).
gy^. A Denominate Fraction is a concrete fraction whose
integral unit is one of a denomination of some compound number.
Thus, I of a day is a denominate fraction, the integral unit being
one day; so are | of a bushel, | of a mile, etc., denominate irac-
ST6. In simple numbers and decimals the scale is uniform,
and the law of increase and decrease is by 10. But in compound
numbers the scale of increase and decrease from one denomination
to another is varying, as will be seen in the Tables.
^^y. Measure is that by which extent, dimension, capacity
or amount is ascertained, determined according to eome fixed
Note. — The process by which the extent, dimension, cnpacity, or amount is
ascertained, is called Measurincj ; and consists in comparing the thing to be
measured with some conventionul standard.
Measures are of seven kinds :
1. Length. 4. Weight, or Force of Gravity.
2. Surface or Area. 5. Time.
3. Solidity or Capacity. 6. Angles.
7. Money or Value.
The first three kinds may be properly divided into two classes —
Measures of Extension, and Measures of Capacity.
278. Extension has three dimensions — length, breadth, and
A Line has only one dimension — length.
A Surface or Area has two dimensions — length and breadth.
A Solid or Body has three dimensions — length, breadth, and
I. Linear Measure.
S79. Linear Measure, also called Long Measure, is ueed in
measuring lines or distances.
The unit of linear measure is the yard, and the table is made
up of the divisors, (feet and inches,) and the multiples, (rods,
furlongs, and miles,) of this unit.
12 inches (in.) make 1 foot, ft.
3 feet *' 1 yard, yd.
5 J yards, or 16J feet, ** 1 rod, rd.
40 rods *' 1 furlong, fur.
8 furlongs, or 320 rods, '* 1 statute mile, ..mi.
ft. in.
yd. 1 = 12
rd. 1 rrr 3 = 36
fur. 1 = 5J := 16J = 198
mi 1 = 40 =r 220 --= 660 = 7920
1 =r 8 == 320 = 1760 = 5280 = 63360
Scale — ascending, 12, 3, 5 J, 40, 8; descending, 8, 40, 5 J^ 3, 12. i
The following denominations are also in use : —
3 barleycorns make 1 inch, {Z\ei;^Tt^^^^^^^
4 inches " 1 hand, I j^'"^ in measuring the height of
' ( horses directly over the fore feet.
9 " "1 span.
21.888 '' " 1 sacred cubit.
3 feet " 1 pace.
6 *' "1 fathom, used in measuring depths at sea.
1.15 statute miles " 1 geographic mile, | "«^'' '" measuring dis-
* ° ^ ' ( tances at sea.
3 geographic *' " 1 league.
60 " * ^^ 1 1 deo-ree I ^^ latitude on a meridian or of
GO. 16 statute << " j o | longitude on the equator.
3GQ degrees " the circumference of the earth.
NoTKs. — 1. For the purpose of measuring cloth and other goods sold by the
yard, the yard is divided into halves, fourths, eighths, and sixteenths. The old
tnble of cloth measure is practically obsolete.
2. A span is the distance that can be reached, spanned, or measured between
the end of the middle finger and the end of the thumb. Among sailors 8 spans
are equal to 1 fathom.
3. The geographic mile is ^^ of -g-Jjy or ^ tVt^tj ^^ ^^^ distance round the center
of the earth. It is a small fraction more than 1.15 .statute miles.
4. The length of a degree of latitude varies, being 68.72 miles at the equator,
68.9 to 69.05 miles in middle latitudes, and 69.30 to 69.34 miles in the polar
regions. The mean or average length, as stated in the table, is the standard
recently adopted by the U. S, Coast Survey. A degree of longitude is greatest
at the equator, where it is 09.16 miles, and it gradually decreases toward the
poles, where it is 0.
surveyors' linear measure.
380. A Gunter's Chain, used by land surveyors^ is 4 rods
or 66 feet long, and consists of 100 links.
The unit is the chain, and the table is made up of divisors and
multiples of this unit.
7.92 inches (in.) make 1 link, 1.
''1 rod, rd.
** 1 chain, . . . ch.
** 1 mile,. . . . mi.
rods, or
66 feet,
Scale — ascending, 7.92, 25, 4, 80; descending, 80, 4, 25, 7.92.
NoTK. — The denomination, rods, is seldom used in chain measure, distances
being taken in chains and links.
II. Square Measure.
S81. A Square is a figure having four equal sides and four
equal corners or right angles.
*I8^. Area or Superficies is the space or surface included
within any given lines : as^ the area of a square, of a field, of a
board, etc.
1 square yard is a figure having four
sides of 1 yard or 3 feet each, as shown
in the diagram. Its contents are 3x3
= 9 square feet. Hence,
Tlie contents or area of a square, or
of any other figure having a uniform
length and a uniform breadth , is found
1 yd. = 3 ft. ^y m^ultiplying the length hy the hreadth.
1 yd. = 3 ft.
Thus, a square foot is 12 inches long and 12 inches wide, and the
contents are 12 X 12 = 144 square inches. A board 20 feet long and
10 feet wide, is a rectangle, containing 20 x 10 = 200 square feet.
The measurements for computing area or surface are always
taken in the denominations of linear measure.
28S. Square Measure is used in computing areas or sur-
faces J as of land, boards, painting, plastering, paving, etc.
The unit is the area of a square whose side is the unit of
length. Thus, the unit of square feet is 1 foot square; of square
yards, 1 yard square, etc.
144 square inches (sq. in.) make 1 square foot,. . . .sq. ft.
1 " yard,., .sq. yd.
1 ** rod,. . . .sq. rd.
1 rood, R.
1 acre, . A.
1 square mile,. . . sq. mi.
sq. yd.
1 =
1210 =
4840 ==
1 = 640 = 2560 = 102400 = 3097600 = 27878400 = 4014489600
Scale— ascending, 144, 9, 30}, 40, 4, 640; descending, 640, 4, 40,
30}, 9, 144.
Artificers estimate their work as follows :
By the square foot: glazing and stone-cutting.
By the square yard : painting, plastering, paving, ceiling, and
By the square of 100 square feet : flooring, partitioning, roofing,
slating, and tiling.
Bricklaying is estimated by the thousand bricks, by the square
yard, and by the square of 100 square feet.
;N'otes. — 1. Tn estimiiting the painting of moldings, cornices, etc., the mea-
suring-line is carried into all the moldings and cornices.
2. in estimating brick-laying by either the square yard or the square of 100
feet, the work is understood to be 12 inches or 1^ bricks thick.
.3. A thousand shingles are estimated to cover 1 square, being laid 5 inches to
the weather.
sq. rd.
1 =
1 =
40 =
1 =
4 =
160 =
sq. ft.
sq. in.
1 =
9 =
10890 =
43560 =
surveyors' square measure.
S§ 4. This measure is used by surveyors in computing the
area or contents of land.
625 square links (sq. 1.) make 1 pole,
.... P.
16 poles '* 1 square chain,
. sq. ch.
10 square chains " 1 acre,
.... A.
640 acres " 1 square mile,
sq. mi.
36 square miles (6 miles square) " 1 township, . . .
gq. ch. 1 =
A. 1 == 16 =
sq.mi. 1 = 10 == 160 =
Tp. 1 = 640 = 6400 = 102400 =
1 = 36 = 23040 = 230400 = 3686400 = 2304000000
Scale — ascending, 625, 16, 10, 640, 36 ; descending, 36, 640, 10,
16, 625.
Notes. — 1. A square mile of land is also called a section,
2. Canal and railroad engineers commonly use an engineers' chain, which con-
sists of 100 links, each 1 foot long.
3. The contents of land are commonly estimated in square miles, acres, and
hundredths; the denomination, rood, is rapidly going into disuse.
III. Cubic Measure.
S8^. A Cube is a solid, or body, having six equal square
sides or faces.
S80, Solidity is the matter or space contained within the
bounding surfaces of a solid.
The measurements for computing solidity are always taken in
the denominations of linear measure.
If each side of a cube be 1 yard, or 3
feet, 1 foot in thickness of this cube will
^ X .iittM contain 3x3x1=9 cubic feet ; and the
whole cube will contain 3 X 3 X 3 = 27
cubic feet.
II ' ' IHHI A solid, or body, may have the three
<^ \ lilW dimensions all alike or all different. A
body 4 ft. long, 3 ft. wide, and 2 ft. thick
it, _ I ya, contains 4 X 3 X 2 = 24 cubic or solid
feet. Hence we see that
.728 cubic inches (cu. in.)
27 cubic feet
40 cubic feet of round timber,
50 '^ *' hewn
IG cubic feet
8 cord feet, or
128 cubic feet
241- cubic feet
The cuhic or solid contents of a hody are found hy multiplymg
the length, bread th, and thickness together,
QS7. Cubic Measure, also called Solid Measure, is used in
computing the contents of solids, or bodies; as timber, wood
stone, etc.
The unit is the solidity of a cube whose side is the unit of
length. Thus, the unit of cubic feet is a cube which measures 1
.foot on each side ; the unit of cubic yards is 1 cubic yard, etc.
make 1 cubic foot cu. ft.
" 1 cubic yard cu. yd.
" 1 ton or load T.
" 1 cord foot cd. ft.
" 1 cord of wood Cd.
ii -j I perch of stone ] p i^
I or masonry, J
Scale — ascending, 1728, 27. The other numbers are not in a
regular scale, but are merely so many times 1 foot. The unit equiva-
lents, being fractional, are consequently omitted.
Notes. — 1. A cubic yard of earth is called a load.
2. Railroad and transportation companies estimate light freight by the space
it occupies in cubic feet, and heavy freight by weight.
3. A pile of wood 8 feet long, 4 feet wide, and 4 feet high, contains 1 cord;
and a cord foot is I foot in length of such a pile.
4. A perch of stone or of masonry is 16^ feet long, IJ feet wide, and 1 foot
5. Joiners, bricklayers, and masons, make an allowance for windows, doors,
etc., of one half the openings or vacant spaces. Bricklayers and masons, in es-
timating their work by cubic measure, make no allowance for the corners of the
walls of houses, cellars, etc., but estimate their work by the girtj that is, the
entire length of the wall on the outside.
6. Engineers, in making estimates for excavations and embankments, take the
dimensions with a line or measure divided into feet and decimals of a foot. The
computations are made in feet and decimals, and the results are reduced to cubic
yards. In civil engineering, the cubic yard is the unit to which estimates for
excavations and embankments are finally reduced.
7. In scaling or measuring timber for shipping or freighting, -j^ of the solid
contents of round timber is deducted for waste in hewing or sawing. Thus, a
log that will make 40 feet of hewn or sawed timber, actually contains 50 cubic
feet by measurement; but its market value is only equal to 40 cubic feet of
hewn or sawed timber. Hence, the cubic contents of 40 feet of round and 5^
feet of hewn timber, as estimated for market, are identical.
288. Capacity signifies extent of room or space.'
S89. Measures of capacity are all cubic measures, solidity and
capacity being referred to different units, as will be seen by com-
paring the tables.
Measures of capacity may be properly subdivided into two
classes, Measures of Liquids and Measures of Dry Substances.
I. Liquid Measure.
290. Liquid Measure, also called Wine Measure, is used in
measuring liquids ; as liquors, molasses, water, etc.
The unit is the gallon, and the table is made up of its divisors
and multiples. *
4 gills (gi.) make 1 pint, pt.
2 pints *' 1 quart, qt.
4 quarts " 1 gallon, gal.
31 J gallons " 1 barrel, bbl.
2 barrels, or 63 gal. " 1 hogshead, .. hhd.
pt. gi.
qt. 1=4
1=2= 8
bM. 1 =
= 4 = 8 = 32
hhd. 1 = 31J =
= 126 = 252 = 1008
1 = 2 = 63 =
= 252 = 504 = 2016
Scale — ascending, 4, 2, 4, 31 J, 2; descending, 2, 31J, 4, 2, 4.
The following denominations are also in use :
42 gallons make 1 tierce.
2 hogsheads, or 126 gallons, '' 1 pipe or butt.
2 pipes or 4 hogsheads, " 1 tun.
Notes. — 1. The denominations, barrel and hogshead, are used in estimating
the capacity of cisterns, reservoirs, vats, etc. In Massachusetts the barrel is
estimated at 32 gallons.
2. The tierce, hogshead, pipe, butt, and tun are the names of casks, and do
not express any fixed or definite measures. They are usually gauged, and hnve
their capacities in gallons mnrked on them. Several of these denominations are
8till in use in England, (327—330).
t201. Beer Measure is a species of liquid measure used in
measuring beer, ale, and milk.
The unit is the gallon.
2 pints (pt.) make 1 quart, qt.
4 quarts " 1 gallon, gal.
313 gallons '* 1 barrel, bbl.
IJ barrels, or 54 gallons, ** 1 hogshead, .. hhd.
qt. pt.
gal. 1=2
bbl. 1 = 4 = 8
hhd. 1 = 36 == 144 = 288
1 = IJ = 54 = 216 = 432
Scale — ascending, 2, 4, 36, 1}; descending, IJ, 36, 4, 2.
This measure is not a standard ; it is rapidly falling into disuse.
II. Dry Measure.
SO^. Dry Measure is used in measuring articles not liquid ;
as grain, fruit, salt, roots, ashes, etc.
The unit is the bushel, of which all the other denominations in
the table are divisors.
2 pints (pt.) make 1 quart, qt.
8 quarts " 1 peck, pk.
4 pecks *' 1 bushel, .. bu. or bush,
qt. pt.
pfe. 1=2
bu. 1 = 8 = 16
1 = 4 = 32 = 64
Scale — ascending, 2, 8, 4 ; descending, 4, 8, 2.
303. Weight is the measure of the quantity of matter a body
contains, determined by the force of gravity.
Note. — The process by which the quantity of matter or the force of gravity
is obtained is called Weighing; and consists in comparing the thing to be
weighed with some conventional standard.
Three scales of weight are used in the United States ; namely,
Troy, Avoirdupois, and Apothecaries'.
I. Troy Weight.
994. Troy Weight is used in weighing gold, silver, and
jewels; in philosophical experiments, and generally where great
accuracy is required.
The unit is the pound, and of this all the other denominations
in the table are divisors.
24 grains (gr.) make 1 pennyweight, .. pwt. or dwt.
20 pennyweights " 1 ounce, oz.
12 ounces " 1 pound, ...lb.
pwt. gr.
oz. 1 = 24
lb. 1 = 20 = 480
1 = 12 -= 240 = 5760
Scale — ascending, 24, 20, 12; descending, 12, 20, 24.
Note. — Troy weight is sometimes called Goldsmiths' Weight,
II. Avoirdupois Weight.
39«>. Avoirdupois Weight is used for all the ordinary pur-
poses of weighing.
The unit is the pound, and the table is made up of its divisors
and multiples.
16 drams (dr.) make 1 ounce, oz.
16 ounces *' 1 pound, lb.
100 lb. " 1 hundred weight, .. cwt.
20 cwt., or 2000 lbs., " 1 ton, T.
lb. 1
cwt. 1 = 16
1 = 100 = 1600
1 =
= 20 = 2000 = 32000
Scale — ascending, 16, 16, 100, 20; descending, 20, 100, 16, 15.
Note. — The long or gross ton, hundred weight, and quarter were formerly in
common use; but they are now seldom used except in estimating English goods
at the U. S. custom-houses, in freighting and wholesaling coal from the Peuu-
gylvania mines, and ia the wholesale iron and plaster trade.
28 lb. make 1 quarter, marked qr.
4 qr. = 112 lb. " 1 hundred weight, '' cwt.
20 cwt. = 2240 lb. " 1 ton, ^ '* T.
Scale — ascending, 28, 4, 20; descending, 20, 4, 28.
!S90« The weight of the bushel of certain grains and roots
has been fixed by statute in many of the States ; and these statute
weights must govern in buying and selling, unless specific agree-
ments to the contrary be made.
As prescribed by statute in the several States named.
Blue Grass Seed
Castor Beans
Clover Seed
Dried Apples
Dried Peaches...
Flax Seed
Hemp Seed.......
Indian Corn
Ind. Corn in ear
Ind. Corn Meal.
Mineral Coal*...
l^ve M.3al
Timothy Seed...
Wlieat Bran
48 48
50 52
46 '46
25 1 24
56 56
44 1 44
60 60
54 56
333^ ;
60 '60
20 '20
) 60
• 60
* In Kentucky, 80 Ibs.of Intuminous coal or 70 lbs. of cannul coal make 1 bushel.
* In IVnnsylvania. 80 lbs. coar(«e, 70 lb.«. frround, or 02 Ib.s. fine ealL make I bushel; and
in Tliinoi?, 50 Ib.s. common or 56 lb.«!. fine .'^alt make 1 buslu'l.
* In Maine, 64 lbs. of rata bajja turnips or beets make 1 bushel.
Notes. — 1. The weight of a barrel of flour is 7 quarters of old, or long ton
2. The weight of a bushel of Indian corn and rye, as adopted by most of the
States, and of a bushel of salt is 2 quarters ; and of a barrel of salt 10 quarters,
or i of a long ton.
The following denominations are also in use :
5G pounds make 1 firkin of butter.
1 quintal of dried salt fish.
1 cask of raisins.
1 barrel of flour.
1 " " beef, pork, or fish.
1 '' " salt at the N. Y. State salt works.
III. Apothecaries' Weight.
^^7. Apothecaries' Weight is used by apothecaries and phy-
sicians in compounding medicines ; but medicines are bought and
sold by avoirdupois weight.
The unit is the pound, of wdiich all the other denominations in
the table are divisors.
20 grains (gr.) make 1 scruple, so. or 9.
3 scruples " 1 dram, dr. or 3;.
8 drams " 1 ounce, oz. or J.
12 ounces " 1 pound, lb. or lb.
PC. gr.
dr. 1 = 20
oz. 1 = 3 = GO
u,. 1 = 8 = 24 = 480
1 = 12 = 9G = 288 = 57G0
Scale — ascending, 20, 3, 8, 12;' descending, 12, 8, 3, 20.
apothecaries' fluid measure.
^@§, The measures for fluids, as adopted by apothecaries and
physicians in the United States, to be used in compounding medi-
cines, and putting them up for market, are given in the following
GO minims, {'^) make 1 fluidrachm, f^.
8 fluidrachms, " 1 fluidounce, f^.
IG fluidounces, '* 1 pint, 0.
8 pints, ** 1 gallon, Cong.
f^ 1 = 60
0. 1 = 8 = 480
Cong. 1 = 16 = 128 = 7680
1 = 8 = 128 = 2048 = 61440
Scale — ascending, 60, 8, 16, 8 ; descending, 8, 16, 8, 60.
2®0. Time is tlie measure of duration. The unit is the day,
and tlie table is made up of its divisors and multiples.
60 seconds (sec.) make 1 minute, min.
60 minutes, " 1 lioiir, h.
24 hours, " 1 day, da.
7 days, " 1 week, wk.
365 days, *' 1 common year, yr.
366 days, " 1 leap 3^ear, • • . yr.
12 calendar months, '' 1 year, . yr.
100 years, *' 1 century, C.
min. («ec.
h. 1 -= 60
da. 1 == 60 = 3600
^k. 1 = 24 = 1440 = 86400
1 = 7 :_ 1G8 _ 10080 = 604800
yr. nio. (365 = 8760 = 525600 = 31536000
1 = 12 = |366 = 8784 = 527040 = 31622400
Scale — ascending, 60, 60, 24, 7 ; descending, 7, 24, 60, 60.
The calendar year is divided as follows : —
No. of month. Season. Names of months. Abbreviations. No of days.
^ w* f 1 January, Jan. 31
2 winter, | pgi^^uary, Feb. 28 or 29
3 [March, Mar. 31
4 Spring, < April, Apr. 30
5 I May, 31
6 [June, Jun. 30
7 Summer, < July, 31
8 I August, ^^S' 31
9 [September, Sept. 30
10 Autumn, ■< October, Oct. 31
11 (November, Nov. 30
12 Winter, December, Dec. 31
Notes. — 1. In most business transactions 30 days are called 1 month.
2. The civil day begins and ends at 12 o'clock, midnight. The astronomi-
cal day, used by astronomers in dating events, begins and ends at 12 o'clock,
noon. The civil year is composed of civil days.
300. The period of time required by the sun to pass from
one vernal equinox to another, called the vernal or tropical year,
is exactly 365 da. 5 h. 48 min. 49.7 sec. This is the true year,
and it exceeds the common year by 5 h. 48 min. 49.7 sec.
If 365 days be reckoned as 1 year, the time lost in the calendar
will be
In 1 yr., 5 h. 48 min. 49.7 sec.
*' 4 *' 23 '' 15 '' 18.8 **
The time thus lost in 4 years will lack only 44 min. 41.2 sec. of
1 entire day. Hence,
If every fourth year be reckoned as leap year, the time gained in
the calendar will be,
In 4 yr., 44 min. 41.2 sec.
-100- (==25X4 yr.) 18 h. 37 " 10 "
The time thus gained in 100 years will lack only 5 h. 22 min. 50
see. of 1 day. Hence
If every fourth year be reckoned as leap year, the centennial years
excepted, the time lost in the calendar will be,
In 100 yr., 5 h. 22 min. 50 sec.
- 400 " 21 - 31 - 20 -
The time thus lost in 400 years lacks only 2 h. 28 min. 40 sec. of 1
day. Hence
If every fourth year be reckoned as leap year, 3 of every 4 cen-
tennial years excepted, the time gained in the calendar will be,
In 400 yr., 2 h. 28 min. 40 sec.
" 4000 - 24 h. 46 min. 40 sec.
The following rule for leap year will therefore render the calendar
correct to within 1 day, for a period of 4000 years.
I. Every year that is exactly divisible by 4 is a leap year,
the centennial years excepted ; the other years are common years.
IT. Every centennial year that is exactly divisible by 400 is a
leap year ] the other centennial years are common years.
Notes. — 1. Julius Caesar, the Roman Emperor, decreed that the year should
consist of 365 days 6 hours; that the 6 hours should be disregarded for 3 suc-
cessive years, and an entire daj' he added to every fourth year. This day was
inserted in the calendar between the 24th and 25th days of February, and is
called the iutercalary day. As the Romans counted the days backward from the
first day of the following month, the 24th of February was called by them scjcto
cnleudaa Jfortit, the sixth before the calends of March. The intercalary day
which followed this was called biHsejcto culeiidoH Martii; hence the name
2. In 1582 the error in the calendar as established by Julius CcEsar had in-
creased to 10 days; that is, too much time had been reckoned as a year, until
the civil year was 10 «lays behind the solar year. To correct this error, Pope
Gregory decreed that 10 entire days should be stricken from the calendar, and
that the day following the 3d day of October, 1582, should be the 14th. This
brought the vernal equinox at March 21 — the date on which it occurred in the
year H25, at the time of the Council (»f Nice.
3. The year as established by Julius Caesar is sometimes called the Jnlinn
year; and the period of time in which it was in force, namely from 46 years
B. C. to 1582, is called the //»/m»* Period.
4. The year as established by Pope Gregory is called the Gregorian year, and
the calendar now used is the Gregorian Calendar.
5. Most Catholic countries adopted the Gregorian Calendar soon after it was
established. Great Britain, however, continued to use the Julian Calendar until
1752. At this time the civil year was 11 days behind the solar year. To cor-
rect this error, the British Government decreed that 11 days should be stricken
from the calendar, and that the day follovring the 2d day of September, 1752,
should be the 14th.
6. Time before the adoption of the Gregorian Calendar is called Old Style
(0. S), and since, New Style, (N. S.) In Old Style the year commenced March
25, and in New Style it cominences January 1.
7. Russia still reckons time by Old Style, or the Julian Calendar; hence their
dates are now 12 days behind ours.
8. The centuries are numbered from the commencement of the Christian era;
the months from the commencement of the year; the days from the commence-
ment of the month, and the hours from the commencement of the day, (12
o'clock, midnight.) Thus, May 2:!, 1860, 9 o'clock A. M., is the 9th hour of the
23d day of the 5th month of the 60th year of the 19th century.
301. Circular Measure, or Circular Motion, is used princi-
pally in surveying, navigation, astronomy, and geography, for
reckoning latitude and longitude, determining locations of places
and vessels, and computing difference of time.
Every circle, great or small, is divisible into the same number
of equal parts : as quarters, called quadrants; twelfths, called signs;
360ths, called degrees, etc. Consequently the parts of different
circles, although having the same names, are of different lengths.
The unit is the degree, which is ^ J^ part of the space about a
point in any plane. The table is made up of divisors and multiples
of this unit.
60 seconds (^^) make 1 minute,....^.
60 minutes " 1 degree, . . . . °.
30 degrees *' 1 sign, S.
12 signs, or 360°, " 1 circle, C.
1 = 60
S 1 = 60 = 3600
1 = 30 = 1800 = 108000
1 =
12 = 360 = 21600 = 1296000
Scale — ascending, 60, 60, 30, 12; descending, 12, 30, 60, 60.
Notes. — 1. Minutes of the earth's circumference are called geographic or
nautical miles.
2. The denomination, sic/ua, is confined exclusively to Astronomy.
3. A degree has no fixed linear extent. When applied to any circle it is always
j^-jy part of the circumference. But, strictly speaking, it is not any part of a
4. 90° make a quadrant or right-angle;
60° " ** sextant " J of a circle.
12 units or things make 1 dozen.
12 dozen '' 1 gross.
12 gross '' 1 great gross.
20 units " 1 score.
3®3. PAPER.
24 sheets make 1 quire.
20 quires '* 1 ream.
2 reams " 1 bundle.
5 bundles " 1 bale,
304. BOOKS.
The terms folio, quarto, octavo, duodecimo, etc., indicate the
number of leaves into which a sheet of paper is folded.
A sheet folded in 2 leaves
is called
a folio.
A sheet folded in 4 leaves
a quarto.
or 4to.
A sheet folded in 8 leaves
an octavo,
or 8vo.
A sheet folded in 12 leaves
a 12mo.
A sheet folded in 16 leaves
' ((
a 16mo.
A sheet folded in 18 leaves
an 18mo.
A sheet folded in 24 leaves
a 24mo.
A sheet folded in 32 leaves
a 32mo.
72 words make 1 folio or sheet of common law.
90 '* "■ 1 '* "■ '' "■ chancery.
S0&. In early times, almost every province and chief city had
its own measures and weights; but these were neither definite nor
uniform. This variety in the weights and measures of different
countries has always proved a serious embarrassment to commerce ;
hence the many attempts that have been made in modern times to
establish uniformity.
The English, American, and French Governments, in establish-
ing their standards of measures and weights, founded them upon
unalterable principles or laws of nature, as will be seen by ex-
amining the several standards.
3I^T. In the year 1834 the U. S. Government adopted a uni-
form standard of weights and measures, for the use of the custom
houses, and the other branches of business connected with the
General Government. Most of the States which have adopted
any standards have taken those of the General Government.
308. The invariahh standard unit from which the standard
units of measure and weight are derived is the day.
Astronomers have proved that the diurnal revolution of the
earth is entirely uniform^ always performing equal parts of a revo-
lution on its axis in equal periods of duration.
Having decided upon the invariable standard unit, a measure
of this unit was sought that should in some manner be connected
with extension as well as with this unit. A clock pendulum
whose rod is of any given length, is found always to vibrate the
same number of times in the same period of duration. Having
now the day and the pendulum, the different standards hereafter
given have been determined and adopted.
300. The JJ. S. standard unit of measiires of extension jV{\ict\\.QV
linear, superficial, or solid, is the yard of 3 feet, or 36 inches,
and is the same as the Imperial standard yard of Great Britain.
It is determined as follows : The rod of a pendulum vibrating
seconds of mean time, in the latitude of London, in a vacuum, at
the level of the sea, is divided into 391393 equal parts, and 360000
of these parts are 36 inches, or 1 standard yard. Hence, such a
pendulum rod is 39.1393 inches long, and the standard yard is
lliiBi of the length of the pendulum rod.
310* The U, S. standard unit of liquid measure is the old
English wine gallon, of 231 cubic inches, which is equal to
8.33888 pounds avoirdupois of distilled water at its maximum
density; that is, at the temperature of 39.83° Fahrenheit, the ba-
rometer at 30 inches.
311. The TJ, S. standard unit of dry measure is the British
Winchester bushel, which is 18 J inches in diameter and 8 inches
deep, and contains 2150.42 cubic inches, equal to 77.6274 pounds
avoirdupois of distilled water, at its maximum density. A gallon,
dry measure, contains 268.8 cubic inches.
Notes. — 1. Grain «and some other commodities are sold by strinhen measure,
and in such cases the " measure is to be stricken with a round stick or roller,
straight, and of the same diameter from end to end."
2. Coal, ashes, marl, manure, corn in the ear, fruit and roots are sold by heap
measure. The bushel, heap measure, is the Winchester bushel heaped in the
form of a cone, which cone must be 19^ inches in diameter (= to the outside
diameter of the standard bushel measure,) and at least 6 inches high. A bushel,
heap measure, contains 2747.7167 cubic inches, or 597.2067 cubic inches more
than a bushel stricken measure. Since 1 peck contains ii5^'* = 637.605 cubic
inches, the bushel, heap measure, contains 59.6917 cubic inches more than 5
pecks. As this is about 1 bu. 1 pk. If pt., it is sufficiently accurate in practice,
to call 5 pecks stricken measure a heap bushel.
.3. A standard bushel, stricken measure, is commonly estimated at 2150.4
cubic inches. The old English standard bushel from which the United States
Etand:ird bushel was derived, was kept at Winchester, England; hence the name.
4. The wine and drj' measures of the same denomination are of difFerentcapac-
ities. The exact and the relative size of each may be readily seen by the fol'
Cubic in. in Cubic in. in Cubic in. in Cubic in. ia
one frallon. one quart. one pint. ouejrill.
Wine measure, 231 57| 28 J 7 ^\
Dry measure (Jpk.,).. 2G8J 67i ^^ Sf
Note. — The beer gallon of 282 inches is retained in use onl.v by custom.
313. It has been found that a given volume or quantity of
distilled rain water at a given temperature always weighs the same.
Hence, a cubic inch of distilled rain water has been adopted as
the standard of weight.
314. The U. S. standard unit of weiglit is the Troy pound of
Ihe Mint, which is the same as the Imperial standard pound of
Great Britain, and is determined as follows : A cubic inch of dis-
tilled water in a vacuum, weighed by brass weights, also in a
vacuum, at a temperature of 62° Fahrenheit's thermometer, is
equal to 252.458 grains, of which the standard Troy pound con-
tains 5760.
31«l* The U. S. Avoirdupois pound is determined from the
standard Troy pound, and contains 7000 Troy grains. Hence,
the Troy pound is f ^g§ = j4| of an avoirdupois pound. But
the Troy ounce contains ^^^^ = 480 grains, and the avoirdupois
ounce '''-Jg^ = 437.5 grains; and an ounce Troy is 480 — 437.5
= 42.5 grains greater than an ounce avoirdupois. The pound,
ounce, and grain. Apothecaries' weight, are the same as the like
denominations in Troy weight, ihoi only difference in the two
tables being in the divisions of the ounce.
Troy. Avoirdupois. Apothecaries'.
1 pound = 5760 grains, = 7000 grains. = 5760 grains,
1 ounce = 480 '' = 437.5 " = 480 "
175 pounds, = 144 pounds. = 175 pounds,
ly. A uniform set of weights and measures for all the States
was approved by Congress, June 14, 1836, and furnished to the
States in 1842. The set furnished consisted of
A yard.
A set of Troy weights.
A set of Avoirdupois weights.
A wine gallon^ and its subdivisions.
A half bushel, and its subdivisions.
«li8« State Sealers of AVeights and Measures furnish standard
sets of weights and measures to counties and towns.
A Count}/ Standard consists of
1. A large balance, comprising a brass beam and scale dishes,
with stand and lever.
2. A small balance, with a drawer stand for small weights.
3. A set of large brass weights, namely, 50, 20, 10, and 5 lb.
4. A set of small brass weights, avoirdupois, namely, 4, 2, and
I lb., 8, 4, 2, 1, J, and i oz.
5. A brass yard measure, graduated to feet and inches, and the
first foot graduated to eighths of an inch, and also decimally; with
a graduation to cloth measure on the opposite side ; in a case.
6. A set of liquid measures, made of copper, namely, 1 gal., J
gal., 1 C[t., 1 pt., J pt., 1 gi.; in a case.
7. A set of dry measures, of copper, namely, J bu., 1 pk., } pk.
(or 1 gal.), 2 qt. (or J gal.), 1 qt.; in a case.
310. The English act establishing standard measures and
weights, called '" The Act of Uniformity," took effect Jan. 1, 1826,
and the standards then adopted, form what is called the Imperial
3^0. The Ivvarialle Standard Unit of this system is the
same as that of the United States, and is described in the Act of
Uniformity as follows : " Take a pendulum which will vibrate
seconds in London, on a level of the sea, in a vacuum; divide all
that part thereof which lies between the axis of suspension and
the center of oscillation, into oOlSOo equal parts; then will 10000
of those parts be an imperial inch, 12 whereof make a foot, and
36 whereof make a yard."
«|^I, The English Standard Unit of Measures of Extension,
whether linear, superficial, or solid, is identical vrith that of the
United States, (SI®®).
392. Tlie imjoerial Standard Gallon, for liquids and all dry
substances, is a measure that will contain 10 pounds avoirdupois
weight of distilled water, weighed in air, at G2° Fahrenheit, the
barometer at 30 inches. It contains 277.274 cubic inches.
393. The Imperial Standard Bmlicl is equal to 8 gallons or
80 pounds of distilled water, weighed in the manner above de-
scribed. It contains 2218.192 cubic inches.
324. The Imperial Standard. Pound is the pound Troy,
w^hich is identical with that of the United States Standard Troy
pound of the Mint, (314.)
329S. The Imperial At:oirdupois Pound contains 7000 Troy
grains, and the Troy pound 5760. It also is identical with the
United States avoirduj^ois pound.
326. The denominations in the standard tables of measures
of extension, capacity, and weights, are the same in Great Britain
and the United States. But some denominations in several of the
tables are in use in various parts of Great Britain that are not
known in the United States.
These denominations are retained in use by common consent,
and are recognized by the English common law. They are as fol-
lows :
18 inches make 1 cubit.
45 inches or 1 '< 1 11
5 quarters of the standard yard J
NoTR. — The cubit wns originally the length of a mnn's forearm and hand; or
the distance from the elbow to the end of the middle finger.
9 old ale gallons make 1 firkin.
4 firkins " 1 barrel of beer.
7J Imperial " " 1 firkin.
52| Imperial gallons or | .. ^ hogshead.
G3 wine j
70 Imperial gallons or I ** 1 puncheon or
84 wine " j '* J of a tun.
2 hogsheads, that is |
105 Imperial gallons or v " 1 pipe.
126 wine " )
2 pipes *' 1 tun.
Pipes of wine are of diiferent capacities, as follows :
110 wine gallons make 1 pipe of Madeira.
( Barcelona,
120 '' " ^ " 1 Vidonia, or
[ Teneriffe.
130 " " 1 " Sherry.
138 " '' 1 " Port.
I4Q u u 1 <' I Bucellas, or
I Lisbon.
8 bushels of 70 pounds each make 1 quarter of wheat.
36 " heaped measure, " 1 chaldron of coal.
Note. — The quarter of wheat is 5C0 pounds, or i of a ton of 2240 pounds.
8 pounds of butchers' meat make 1 stone.
14 " '' other commodities " 1 " or |^ of a cwt.
2 stone, or 28 pounds *' 1 todd of wool.
70 pounds of salt " 1 bushel.
Note. — The English quarter is 28 pounds, the hundred weight is 112 pounds,
and the ton is 20 hundred weight, or 2210 pounds.
331. The tables of standard measures and weights adopted
by the French Government are all formed upon a decimal scale,
and constitute what is called the French Metrical S^»fem,
33^. Invariable Standard Unit. The French metrical sys-
tem has, for its unit of all measures, whether of length, area,
solidity, capacity, or weight, a uniform invariable standard, adopted
from nature and called the mitre. It was determined and estab-
lished as follows : a very accurate survey of that portion of the
terrestrial meridian, or north and south circle, between Dunkirk
and Barcelona, France, was made, under the direction of Govern-
ment, and from this measurement the exact length of a quadrant
of the entire meridian, or the distance from the equator to the
north pole, was computed. The ten millionth part of this arc was
denominated a mitre, and from this all the standard units of
measure and weight are derived and determined.
333. The French Standard Linear Unit is the m^tre.
33z|^ The French Standard Unit of Area is the Are, which
is a unit 10 metres square, and contains 100 square metres.
33o* The French Standard Unit of Solidity and Capaciti/
is ohe Litre, which is the cube of the tenth part of the metre.
33G The French Standard Unit of Weight is the Gramme,
which is determined as follows : the weight in a vacuum of a
cubic decimetre or litre of distilled water, at its maximum density,
was called a IcUogramme, and the thousandth part of this was
called a Gramme, and was declared to be the unit of weight.
337* It has already been remarked, (331 ), that the tables are
all formed upon a decimal sea e. The names of the multiples and
divisors of the Government standard units in the tables are formed,
by combining the names of the standard units with prefixes ; the
names of the niultiples being formed by employing the prefixes
deca, (ten), hecto, (hundred), Icilo, (thousand), and myria, (ten
thousand), taken from the Greek numerals ; and the names of the
divisors by employing the prefixes deci, (tenth), centi, (hundredth),
mili, (thousandth), from the Latin numerals. Hence the name
of any denomination indicates whether a unit of that denomination
is greater or less than the standard unit of the table.
338. I. French Linear Measure.
10 millimetres make 1 centimetre.
10 centimetres " 1 decimetre.
10 decimetres " 1 metre.
10 metres " 1 decametre.
10 decametres " 1 hectometre.
10 hectometres " 1 kilometre.
10 kilometres " 1 myriametre.
Notes. — 1. The metre is equal to 39.3685 inches, the standard rod of brass
on which the former is measured being at the temperature of 32° Fahrenheit,
and the English standard brass yard or ** Scale of Troughton" at 62°. Hence, a
metre is equal to 3.2807 feet English measure.
2. The length of a metre being 39.3685 inches, and of a clock pendulum
vibrating seconds at the level of the sea in the latitude of London 39.1393
inches, the two standards differ only .2292, or less than i of an inch.
339. II. French Square Measure.
100 square metres, or centiares (10 metres square) make 1 are.
100 ares (10 ares square) *' 1 hectoare.
Note. — A square metre or centiare is equal to 1.19589444 square yards, and
an are to 119.589444 square yards.
349. III. French Liquid and Dry Measure.
10 decilitres make 1 litre.
10 litres " 1 decalitre.
10 decalitres " 1 hectolitre.
10 hectolitres " 1 kilolitre.
Notes. — 1. A litre is equal to 61.53294 cubic inches, or 1.06552 quarts of a U.
S. liquid gallon.
2. A table of Solid or Cubic Measure is also in use in some parts of France,
although it is not established or regulated by government enactments or decrees.
The unit of this table is a cubic metre, which is equal to 61532.94238 cubio
inches, or 35.60934 cubic feet. This unit is called a Stere.
10 decisteres make 1 stere.
10 steres ** 1 decastere.
•I41, lY. French Weight.
10 milligrammes make 1 centigramme.
10 centigrammes " 1 decigramme.
10 decigrammes " 1 gramme.
10 grammes " 1 decagramme.
10 decagrammes " 1 hectogramme.
10 hectogrammes " 1 kilogramme.
100 kilogrammes " 1 quintal.
ir\ • i. 1 n f 1 millier, or
10 quintals 1 i x ^ a
^ [1 ton 01 sea water.
Notes. — 1. A gramme is equal to 15.483159 Troy grains.
2. A kilogramme is equal to 2 lb. 8 oz. 3 pwt. 1.159 gr. Troy, or 2 lb. 3 oz.
4.1549 dr. Avoirdupois.
342. Comparative Table of the United States, English,
AND French Standard Units of Measures and Weights.
United States. English. French.
Extonsion, Yd. of 3 ft., or 3(5 in. Same as U. S. Metre. 39.3685 in.
r.,n.,n\tv I ^^'"t^ fJ'd., 231 cu. in. Imp'l gal., 277.274 cu. in. Litre, 61.53294 cu. in.
^.ip.icuy, I winch'r bu., 2150.42 cu. in. Irap'l bu., 2218.192 cu. in.
Weight, Troy lb., 57 GO gr. Imperial lb., 5760 gr. Gramme, 15.433159 T. gr.
NoTKS. — 1. An Imperial gallon is equal to 1.2 wine gallons.
2. An old ale or beer gallon is very nearly 1.221 wine gallons, or 1.017 Im-
perial gallons.
3. In ordinary computations 2150.4 on. in. may be taken as a Winchester
bushel, and 2218.2 cu. in. as an Imperial busheL
34:3. Money is the commodity adopted to serve as the uni-
versal equivalent or measure of value of all other commodities,
and for which individuals readily exchange their surplus products
or their services.
34:4:, Coin is metal struck, stamped, or pressed with a die, to
give it a legal, fixed value, for the purpose of circulating as
Note. — The coins of civilized nations consist of gold, silver, copper, and
34ft5. A Mint is a place in which the coin of a country or
government is manufactured.
NoTR. — In all civilized countries mints and coinage are under the exclusive
direction and control of government.
S43. An Alloy is a metal compounded with another of
greater vahie. In coinage, the less vahiable or baser metal is not
reckoned of any value.
NoTK.— Gold and silver, in their pure state, are too soft and flexible for coin-
age; hence they are hardened by compounding them with an alloy of baser
metal, while their color and other valuable qualities are not materially impaired.
34: T* An Assayer is a person who determines the composi-
tion and consequent value of alloyed gold and silver.
The fineness of gold is estimated by carats, as follows :— *
Any mass or quantity of gold, either pure or alloyed, is divided
into 24 equal parts, and each part is called a carat.
Fine gold is pure, and is 24 carats fine.
Alloyed gold is as many carats fine as it contains parts in 24 of
fine or pure gold. Thus, gold 20 carats fine contains 20 parts or
carats of fine gold, and 4 parts or carats of alloy.
348. An Ingot is a small mass or bar of gold or silver, in-
tended either for coinage or exportation. Ingots for exportation
usually have the assayer's or mint value stamped upon them.
349. Bullion is uncoined gold or silver.
3«10. Bank Bills or Bank Notes are bills or notes issued by
a banking company, and are payable to the bearer in gold or silver,
at the bank, on demand. They are substitutes for coin, but are
not legal tender in payment of debts or other obligations.
3ol« Treasury Notes are notes issued by the General Govern-
ment, and are payable to the bearer in gold or silver, at the gene-
ral treasury, at a specified time.
3^S. Currency is coin, bank bills, treasury notes, and other
substitutes for money, employed in trade and commerce.
3«>3. A Circulating Medium is the currency or money of a
country or government.
3o4« A Decimal Currency is a currency whose denpmina-
tions increase and decrease according to the decimal scale.
I. United States Money.
3*]^tS« The currency of the United States is decimal currency,
and is sometimes called Federal Money,
The unit is the dollar, and all the other denominations are either
divisors or multiples of this unit.
10 mills (m.) make 1 cent, ct.
10 cents " 1 dime, d.
10 dimes " 1 dollar, $.
10 dollars " 1 eagle, E.
ct. m.
d. 1 = 10
$ 1 = 10 = 100
E. 1 = 10 = 100 = 1000
1 == 10 = 100 = 1000 = 10000
Scale —«? uniformly 10.
NoTKS. — 1. Federal Money was adopted by Congress in 1786.
2. The character $ is supposed to be a contraction of U. S., (United States,)
the U being placed upon the S.
Coins. The gold coins are the double eagle, eagle, half eagle,
quarter eagle, three dollar piece and dollar.
The silcer coins are the half and quarter dollar, dime and half
dime, and three-cent piece.
The nickel coin is the cent.
NoTF.s. — 1. The foUowinj^ pieces of gold are in circulation, but.are not legal
coin, viz. : the fifty dollar piece, and the half and quarter dollar pieces.
2. The silver dolhir, and the copper cent and half cent, are no longer coined
for general circulation.
3. The mill is a denomination used only in computations; it is not a coin.
3«IG* Government Standard. By Act of Congress, January
18, 1837, all gold and silver coins must consist of 9 parts (.900)
pure metal, and 1 part (.100) alloy. The alloy for gold must con-
sist of equal parts of silver and copper, and the alloy for silver of
pure copper.
The three-cent piece is 3 parts (f) silver, and 1 part (}) copper.
The nickel cent is 88 parts copper and 12 parts nickel.
3«>7« United States money is reckoned in dollars, dimes, cents,
(ind mills, one dollar being uniformly valued in all the States at
100 cents ; but in many of the States money is sometimes reckoned
in dollars, shillings, and pence. ^
Note. — At the time of the adoption of our decimal currency by Congress, in
1786, the colonial eurrtnci/, or billn of credit, issued by the coh)nies, had depre-
ciated in value, and this depreciation, being unequal in the different colonies,
gave rise to the different values of the State currencies; this variation continues
wherever the denominations of shillings and pence are in use.
Georgia Currency.
Georgia, South Carolina, $1 = 4s. 8d. = 5Gd.
Canada Currency,
Canada, Nova Scotia, %1 = 5s. = 60d.
New England Currency,
New England States, Indiana, Illinois, ]
Missouri, Virginia, Kentucky, Tennes- V §1 = 6s. == 72d.
see, Mississippi, Texas, J
Pennsylvania Currency.
New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, | (&i __ ^g /^^i __ oa^i
Maryland, | . . . . s?
Neio York Currency.
New York, Ohio, Michigan, | $1 = 8s. = 9Gd.
North Carolina, j
II. Canada Money.
338. The currency of the Canadian provinces is decimal, and
the table and denominations are the same as those of the United
States money.
Note. — The decimal currency was adopted by the Canadian Parliament in
1S58, and the Act took effect in 1859. Previous to the latter year the money
of Canada was reckoned in pounds, shillings, and pence, the same as in Eng-
Coins. The new Canadian coins are of silver and copper.
The silver coins are the shilling or 20-cent piece, the dime, and
half dime. •
The copper coin is the cent.
Note. — The 20-cent piece represents the value of the shilling of tho old
Canada Currency.
339. Government Standard. The silver coins consist of 925
parts (.925) pure silver and 75 parts (.075) copper. That is, they
are .925 fine.
NoTR. — The value of the 20-cent piece in United States money is 18§ cents,
of the dime 9J cents, and of the half dime 4^ cents.
360. English or Sterling Money is the currency of Great
Britain. i^
The unit is the pound sterling, and all the other denominations
are divisors of this unit.
4 farthings (far. or qr.) make 1 penny, d.
12 pence " 1 shilling, s.
20 shillings ** 1 pound or sovereign ,, £ or sov.
d. far.
«• 1=4
£, or sov. 1 = 12 =^ 48
1 =r 20 = 240 = 960
Scale — ascending, 4, 12, 20 ; descending, 20, 12, 4.
Notes. — 1. Farthings are generally expressed as fractions of a'penny; thus,
1 far., sometimes called 1 quarter, (qr.)=--id.; 3 fnr. =|d.
2. The old/, the original abbreviation fur shillings, was formerly written be-
tween shillings and pence, and d, the abbreviation for pence, was omitted. Thus
2s. 6d. was written 2/6. A straight line is now used in place of the/, and shil-
lings are written on the left of it and pence on the right. Thus, 2/6, 10/3,
Coins. The gold coins are the sovereign (= £1) and the half
sovereign, (= 10s.)
The silvei' coins are the crown (= 5s.), the half crown (= 2s.
6d.), the shilling, and the 6 penny piece.
The copper coins are the penny, half penny, and farthing.
Note. — The guinea (= 21s.) and the half guinea (= 10s. 6d. sterling) are old
gold coins, that are still in circulation, but are no longer coined.
301* Government Standard. The standard fineness of Eng-
lish gold coin is 11 parts pure gold and 1 part alloy; that is, it is
22 carats fine. The standard fineness of silver coin is 11 oz.
2 pwt. (= 11.1 oz.) pure silver to 18 pwt. (= .9 oz.) alloy. Hence
the silver coins are 11 oz. 2 pwt. fine; that is, 11 oz. 2 pwt. pure
silver in 1 lb. standard silver.
This standard is 37 parts (|J = .925) pure silver and 3 parts
(?% = .075) copper.
Note. — A pound of English standard gold is equal in value to 14.2878 lb. =»
14 lb. 3 oz. 9 pwt. 1.727 gr. of silver.
TV. French Money.
30^. The currency of France is decimal currency.
The unit is the franc, of which the other denominations are
10 millimes make 1 centime.
100 centimes " 1 franc.
Scale — ascending, 10, 100; descending, 100,10.
Coins. The gold coin is the 20-franc piece, or Louis.
The silver coins are the franc and the demi franc.
Note. — In France accounts are kept in francs and decimes. A franc is equal
to 18.6 cents U. S. money.
English. U. S.
Iqr. = $ .004 1 J
Id. = -02;^
Is. = .242
4s. Id. 2xVrqr. = LOO
£1 = 4.84
1 millime =
1 centime =
1 franc =
$ .000186
364. Reduction is the process of changing a number from
one denomination to another without altering its value.
Reduction is of two kinds, Descending and Ascending.
363. Reduction Descending is changing a number of one
denomination to another denomination of less unit value; thus,
$1 = 10 dimes = 100 cents = 1000 mills.
306. Reduction Ascending is changing a number of one
denomination to another denomination of greater unit value ; thus,
1000 mills = 100 cents = 10 dimes = $1.
367. To reduce a compound number to lower de-
1. Reduce 3 mi. 1 fur. 17 rd. 2 yd. 1 ft. 8. in. to inches.
3 mi. 1 fur. 17 rd. 2 yd. 1 ft. 8 in.
1017 rd.
5595} yd.
16787} ft.
201458 in.
Analysis. Since in
1 mi. there are 8 fur.,
in 3 miles there are
3X8 fur. == 24 fur.,
and the 1 fur. in the
given number, added,
makes 25 fur. in 3 mi.
1 fur. Since in 1 fur.
there are 40 rd., in 25
fur. there are 25 X 40
rd. = 1000 rd., and
the 17 rd. in the given
number added, makes
1017 rd. in 3 mi. 1 fur.
17 rd. Since in 1 rd.
there are 5} yd., in
1017 rd. there are
1017 X 5} yd. = 5503} yd., which plus the 2 yd. in the given number
= 5595} yd. in 3 mi. 1 fur. 17 rd. 2 yd. Since in 1 yd. there are
3 ft., in 5595} yd. there are 5595} X 3 ft. = 16786} ft., which plus
the 1 ft. in the given number = 16787} ft. in 3 mi. 1 fur. 17 rd. 2 yd.
1 ft. And since in 1 ft. there are 12 in., in 16787} ft. there are
16787} X 12 in. == 201450 in., which plus the 8 in. in the given num-
ber = 201458 in. in the given compound number. On examining the
operation, we find tbj.t we have successively multiplied by the numbers
in the descending scale of linear measure from miles to inches, inclu-
sive. But, as either factor may be used as a multiplicand, (82, 1), we
may consider the numbers in the descending scale as multipliers.
Hence the following
Rule. I. Multiply the JiigJiest denomination of tJie given
compound number hy that number of the scale which will reduce it
to the next lower denomination, and add to the product the given
numbery if any, of that lower denomination,
II. Proceed in the same manner with the results obtained in each
lower denominationj until the reduction is brought to the denomina-
tion required.
1. In 16 lb. 10 oz. 18 pwt. 5 gr., how many grains?
2. In £133 6 s. 8d., how many farthings? Ans. 128,000.
3. Change 100 mi. to inches. Ans. 6336000 in.
4. How many rods of fence will inclose a farm IJ miles
square ? Ans. 1920 rd.
5. The grey limestone of Central New York weighs 175 lbs.
to the cubic foot; what is the weight of a block 8 ft. long and
1 yd. square ? Ans. 6 T. 6 cwt.
6. What will be the cost of 1 hhd. of molasses at $.28 per gal. ?
7. A man wishes to ship 1548 bu. 1 pk. of potatoes in barrels
containing 2 bu. 3 pk. each ; how many barrels must he obtain ?
8. A grocer bought 10 bu. of chestnuts at $3.75 a bushel, and
retailed them at §.06i a pint; how much was his whole gain ?
9. Eeduce 90^ 17' 40'' to seconds. Ans. 325060".
10. In the 18th century how many days ? Ans. 36524 da.
11. At 6} cts. each, what will be the cost of a great-gross of
writing books ? Ans. $108.
12. How large an edition of an octavo book can be printed
from 4 bales 4 bundles 1 ream 10 quires of paper, allowing 8
sheets to the volume ? A)is. 2970 vol.
13. Suppose your age to be 18 yr. 24 da. ; how many minutes
old are you, allowing 4 leap years to have occurred in that time ?
14. How many pence in 481 sovereigns? Am. 115,440 d.
15. Reduce $7J to mills. Ani. 7375 mills.
16. In 3 P. of Sherry wine, how many qt. ? Ans. 1560 qt.
17. Reduce 37 Eng. ells 1 qr. to yd. Ans. 46 yd. 2 qr.
18. In £6 10s. lOd. how many dollars U. S. currency ?
19. Reduce 6,0. 14fg Sf^ 45iri ^^ minims.
20. Reduce 1 T. 1 P. 1 hhd. to Imperial gallons.
Ans. 367 J Imperial gal.
21. How many dollars Canada currency are equal to £126 12s.
6d.? Ans. $506i.
22. How many pint, quart, and two-quart bottles, of each an
equal number, may be filled from a hogshead of wine ?
Ans. 72.
23. IIow many steps of 2 ft. 9 in. each, will a man take, in
walking from Erie to Cleveland, the distance being 95 mi.?
24. A grocer bought 12 bbl. of cider at $11 a barrel, and after
converting it into vinegar, he retailed it at 6 cents a quart ] how
much was his whole gain ? Ans. $69.72.
25. In 75 A. 4 sq. ch. 18 P. 118 sq. 1. how many square links?
26. How many inches high is a horse that measures 16 hands ?
27. If a vessel sail 150 leagues in a day, how many statute
miles does she sail ? Ans. 517.5.
28. If 14 A. be sold from a field containing 50 A., how many
gquare rods will the remainder contain ? Ans. 5,760 sq. rd.
29. A man returning from Pike's Peak has 36 lb. 8 oz. of
ure gold ; what is its value at $1.04i per pwt. ? Ans. ^9169.60.
30. A person having 8 hhd. of tobacco, each weighing 9 cwt.
42 lb., wishes to put it into boxes containing 48 lb. each ; how
many boxes must he obtain ? Ans. 157.
31. A merchant bought 12 bbl. of salt at $li a barrel, and re-
tailed it at f of a cent a pound; how much was his whole gain?
32. A physician bought lib lOg of quinine at §2.25 an ounce,
and dealt it out in doses of 10 gr. at $.12 J each; how much more
than cost did he receive? Ans. $82.50.
368. To reduce a denominate fraction from a greater
to a less unit.
1. Reduce -^^ of a gallon to the fraction of a gill.
4i gal. X I X f X I
= TT gl-
To re-
duce gallons to gills,
we multiply succes-
sively by 4, 2, and 4,
the numbers in the de-
scending scale. And
since the given num-
ber is a fraction, we
indicate the process,
as in multiplication of
fractions, after which we perform the indicated operations, and ob-
tain j\, the answer. Hence,
8 = TT g^-^ ^■^«-
KuLE. Multiply the fraction of the higher denomination hy the
•^. numhei's in the desc ending scale successively ^ between the given and
the required denomination.
Note. — Cancellation may be applied wherever practicable.
1. Eeduce ^^^ of a lb. Troy to the fraction of a pennyweight.
Ans. I pwt.
2. Eeduce ^^^ of a hhd. to the fraction of a pint.
3. Reduce ^ jy^ of a mile to the fraction of a yard. .
Ans. I yd.
4. Eeduce -g|^ of a gallon to the fraction of a gill.
5. What part of a dram is -^^^-q of | of | of -^j of S| pounds
avoirdupois weight ? Ans, :^2T5 ^^*
6. Eeduce yg^^^j of a dollar to the fraction of a cent.
7. Eeduce ^K of a rod to the fraction of a link. Ans, | 1.
8. Eeduce -^K of a scruple to the fraction of a grain.
9. What fraction of a yard is ^ of ■j\ of a rod ?
10. ^^g of -a week is | of how many days? Ans. 8| da.
11. What fraction of a square rod is j^^g^ of 4| times y^^ of an
acre ? Ans, j\ sq. rd.
369. To reduce a denominate fraction to integers
of lower denominations. ,,
1. What is the value of | of a bushel?
OPERATION. Analysis. | bu. = | of
I bu. X 4 = f pk. = If pk. 4 pk., or 1§ pk.; } pk. = ^
I pk. X 8 = \4 qt. == 4| qt. of 8 qt. = 4| qt. ; and J qt.
I qt. X 2 = i pt. = If pt. = I of 2 pt. = 15 pt. The
1 pk. 4 qt. If pt, Ans. "^^*^' 1 P^-' ^ ^*" 1 P*"
with the last denominato
fraction, | pt., form the answer. Hence,
EuLE. I. Multiply the fraction hy that number in the scale
which will reduce it to the next lower denomination^ and if the
result be an improper fraction^ reduce it to a whole or mixed
II. Proceed with the fractional i-)artj if any^ as before, until
reduced to the denominations required. ^
III. The units of the several denominations j arranged in their
ordery ivill he the required residt.
1. Keduce -^j^ of a yard to integers of lower denominations.
Ans. 2 ft. 8^ in.
2. Reduce | of a month to lower denominations.
3. Reduce g^J of a short ton to lower denominations.
4. What is the value of | of a long ton ?
Ans. 11 cwt. 12 lb. 7^ oz.
5. What is the value of | of 2^ pounds apothecaries' weight ?
6. What is the value of -^^ of an acre ?
Ans. 2 R. 6 P. 4 sq. yd. 5 sq. ft. 127/^ sq. in.
7. Reduce | of a mile to integers of lower denominations.
8. What is the value of 4 of a great gross ?
Ans. 6 gross 10 doz. 8|.
9. What is the value in geographic miles of -^^ of a great
circle? Ans. 12150 mi.
10. What is the value of | of 3| cords of wood ?
Ans. 2 Cd. 5 cd. ft. 9| cu. ft.
11. The distance from Buffalo to Cincinnati is 438 miles; hav-
ing traveled | of this distance, how far have I yet to travel ?
Ans, 262 mi. G fur. 16 rd.
12. What is the value of || f § ? Ans. 8 f^ 35 rt^.
13. What is the value of -| of a sign ?
Ans. 12° 5r 25^".
14. A man having a hogshead of wine, sold -^^ of it; how
much remained ? Ans. S3 gal. 3 qt. 1 pt. l-j^^ gi.
S7®. To reduce a denominate decimal to integers
of lower denominations.
1. Reduce .125 of a barrel to integers of lower denominations.
OPERATION. Analysis. We first multiply
I 125 the given decimal, .125 of a barrel,
31.5 by 31.5 (= 31J) to reduce it to
o r%.-,-- 1 callons, and obtain 3.9375 g-allons.
8.93/0 gal. ° .^,. ^1 Q 11 1
1 ^ Omitting the o gallons, we mul-
tiply the decimal, .9375 gal., by
3.7500 qt. 4 ^o reduce it to quarts, and obtain
_f 3.75 quarts. We next multiply
1.50 pt. the decimal part of this result by
4 2, to reduce it to pints, and obtain
2 0-1 1-^ pints. And the decimal part
3 gal. 3 qt. iVt. 2 gi., Ans. ''^ ^^'^ "-f^"'* ^^^^ '""'*'P'y ^'^.^ ^^
reduce it to gills, and obtain 2
gills. The integers of the several denominations, arranged in their
order, form the answer. Hence,
E-ULE. I. 3Iultip7// the given denominate decimal hy that num-
her in the descending scale ichich will reduce it to the next loiver
denominatiouy and point off the result as in midtipUcation of
II. Proceed icifh the decimal part of the product in the same
manner until reduced to the required denominations. The integers
at the left will he the answer required.
1. What is the value of .645 of a day?
Ans. 15 h. 28 min. 48 sec.
2. What is the value of .765 of a pound Troy ?
3. What is the value of .6625 of a mile?
4. What is the value of .8469 of a degree ?
Ans. 50' 48.84''.
5. What is the value of .875 of a hhd. ?
6. What is the value of £.85251 ?
Ans. 17 s. 2.4 + far.
7. What is the value of .715° ? Ans. 42' 54".
8. What is the value of 7.88125 acres?
Ans. 7 A. 3 E. 21 P.
9. What is the value of .625 of a f^ithom? Ans. 3| ft.
10. What is the value of .375625 of a barrel of pork?
11. What is the value of .1150390625 Cong. ? ^
Ans. Ufg 5f3 48 T?i. ^'
12. What is the value of .61 of a tun of wine ?
A71S. 1 P. 27 gal. 2 qt. 1 pt. 3.04 gi.
371. To reduce a denominate number to a com-
pound number of higher denominations.
1. Reduce 157540 minutes to weeks.
Analysis. Dividing
the given number of
minutes by 60, because
there are ^'j as many
hours as minutes, and wo
obtain 2645 h. plus a re-
mainder of 40 min. AYe
next divide the 2645 h.
by 24, because there are
-^\ as many days as hours, and we find that 2645 h. = 109 da. plus a
remainder of 9 h. Lastly we divide the 109 da. by 7, because there
are \ as many weeks as days, and we find that 109 da. = 15 wk. plus
a remainder of 4 da. The last quotient and the several remainders
annexed in the order of the succeeding denominations, form the
2. Eeduce 201458 inches to miles.
12 ) 201458 in.
60)157540 min.
24 ) 2625 h. + 40 min.
7)109 da. -f 9 h.
15 wk. 4- 4 da.
15 wk. 4 da. 9 h. 40 min., Ans.
3)16788 ft. 2 in.
5i or 5.5)5596 yd.
40 ) 1017 rd. 2 yd. 1 ft. 6 in.
8) 25 fur. 17 rd.
3 mi. 1 fur.
3 mi. 1 fur. 17 rd. 2 yd. 1 ft. 8 in., Ans.
Analysis. We
divide successively
by the numbers in
the ascending scale
of linear measure,
in the same manner
as in the last pre-
ceding operation.
But, in dividing the
5596 yd. by 5J or
5.5, we have a ro-
mainder of 2J yd., and this reduced to its equivalent compound num-
ber, (369) = 2 yd. 1 ft. G in. In forming our final result, the 6 in.
of this number are added to the first remainder, 2 in., making the 8 in.
as given in the answer. From these examples and analyses we deduce
the following
Rule. I. Divide the given concrete or denominate number hy
that number of the ascending scale which will reduce it to the next
higher denomination.
II. Divide the quotient hy the next higher number in the scale ;
and so proceed to the highest denomination required. The last
quotienty with the several remainders annexed in a reversed order ^
will be the answer.
Note. — The several corresponding cases in reduction descending and reduo-
tion ascending, being opposites, mutually prove each other.
1. Reduce 1913551 drams to tons.
2. In 97920 gr. of medicine how many lb. ? Ans. 17 lb.
8. Reduce 1000000 in. to mi.
4. How many acres in a field 120 rd. long and 56 rd. wide ?
6. In a pile of wood 60 ft. long, 15 ft. wide, and 10 ft. high,
how many cords ? Ans. 70 Cd. 2 cd. ft. 8 cu. ft
6. How many fathoms deep is a pond that measures 28 ft. 6
in. ? Ans. 4f fath.
7. In 30876 gi. how many hhd. ?
8. How many bushels of corn in 27072 qt. ? Ans. 846 bu.
9. At 2 cts. a gill, how much alcohol may be bought for $2.54?
10. In 1234567 far. how many £? Ans. £1286 IJ d.
11. Reduce 2468 pence to half crowns.
12. In $88.35 how many francs? Ans. 475.
13. In 622080 cu. in. how many tons of round timber ?
14. In 84621 Tli how many Cong. ?
15. If 135 million Gillott steel pens are manufactured yearly^
how many great-gross will they make ? A7is. 78125.
16. Reduce 1020300'' to S. Ans. 9 S. 13° 25'
17. In 411405 sec. how many da. ?
18. During a storm at sea, a ship changed her latitude 412
geographic miles ; how many degrees and minutes did she change ?
Ans. G^ 52'.
10. If a man travel at the rate of a minute of distance in 20
minutes of time, how much time would he require to trtivel round
the earth ? Ans. SCO days.
20. In 120 gross how many score ? Ans. 864.
21. How many miles in the semi-circumference of the earth ?
22. How much time will a person gain in 86 yr. by rising 45
min. earlier, and retiring 25 min. later, every day, allowing for 9
leap years? Ans. 689 da. 4 h. 30 min.
28. A grocer bought 20 gal. of milk by beer measure, and sold
it by wine measure ; how many quarts did he gain ? Ans. 17f 4.
24. How many bushels of oats in Connecticut are equivalent to
1500 bushels in Iowa? Ans. 1875 bu.
25. Reduce 120 leagues to statute miles. Ans. 414 mi.
26. In 1 bbl. 1 gal. 2 qt. wine measure, how many beer gal-
lons ? Ans. 27-5^.
27. Reduce 150 U. S. bushels to Imperial bushels.
Ans. 145.415 + Imp'l. bu.
28. How many squares in a floor 68 ft. 8 in. long, and 88 ft.
wide? Ans. 22^.
29. How many cubic inches in a solid 4 ft. long 8 ft. wide, and
1 ft. 6 in. thick ?
30. How many acres in a field 120 rd. long and 56 rd. wide ?
31. Change 856 dr. apothecaries weight, to Troy weight.
82. A coal dealer bought 175 tons of coal at S8.75 by the long
ton, and sold it at §4.50 by the short ton ; how much was his
whole gain ? Aiis. $225.75.
38. How many acres of land can be purchased in the city of
New York for $78750, at $1.25 a square foot?
Ans. 1 A. 56 P. 104 sq. ft.
84. An Ohio farmer sold a load of corn weighing 2402 lb., and a
load of wheat weighing 2175 lb. ; for the corn he received S.60 a
bushel, and for the wheat $1.20 a bushel; how much did he re*
ceive for both loads ? Ans. $70.20.
The following examples are given to illustrate a short and prac-
tical method of reducing currencies.
85. What will be the cost of 54 bu. of corn at 5s. a bushel,
New England currency ?
54 X 5 = 270s.
270s. -V- 6 = $45
Or, i
100 ^
Or, 9 Analysis. Since 1 bu. costs
^^ 5s., 54 bu. cost 54x 5s. = 270s.;
-- and since 6s. make $1 N. E.
r-p currency, 270 —- G = $45, Ans.
36. What will 270 bu. of wheat cost, @ 8s. 4d. Penn. currency ?
Analysis. Multiply the
quantity by the price in Penn.
currency, and divide the cost
by the value of $1 in the same
currency; or reduce the shil-
lings and pence to a fraction
of a shilling, before multiply-
ing and dividing.
37. Bought 5 hhd. of rum at the rate of 2s. 4d. a quart, Geor-
gia currency ; how much was the whole cost ?
Or, 2
i t
88. Sold 120 barrels of apples, each containing 2 bu. 2 pk., at
4s. 7d. a bushel, and received pay in cloth at 10s. 5d. a yard ; how
many yards of cloth did I receive ?
Analysis. The operation in this example is
similar to the preceding examples, except that we
divide the cost of the apples by the ^rice of a unit
of the article received in payment, reduced to units
of the same denomination as the price of a unit of
the article sold. The result will be the same in
$lo2 whatever currency.
Analysis. In this ex-
ample we first reduce 5
hhd. to quarts by multiply-
ing by 63 and 4, and then
proceed as in the preceding
39. What cost 75 yards of fianncl at 3s. Cd. per yard, New
England currency ? Ajis. 813.75.
40. A man in Philadelphia worked 5 weeks at Gs. 4d. a day;
how much did his wages amount to ? Ans. $25.33}.
41. A farmer exchanged 2 bushels of beans worth 10s. 6d. per
bushel, for two kinds of sugar, the one at lOd. and the other at
lid. per pound, taking the same quantity of each kind; how
many pounds of sugar did he receive ? Ans. 24 lb.
42. If corn be rated at 6s. lOd. per bushel in Vermont, at what
price in the currency of New Jersey must it be sold, in order to
gain §7.50 on 54 bushels?
37@. To reduce a denominate fraction from a less to
a greater unit.
1. Reduce -fj of a gill to the fraction of a gallon.
OPERATION. Analysis. To re-
t\ gi- X I X ^ X i = 4^ gal. ^^c«, g'^lls to gallons,
we divide successively
^^> by 4, 2, and 4, the
11 ^ numbers in the as-
4 cending scale. And
since the given num-
ber is a fraction, we
44 1 = -^^j Ans. indicate the process,
as in division of frac-
tions, after which we perform the indicated operations, and obtain
^^, the answer. Hence,
Rule. Divide the fraction of the lower denomination hi/ the
numbers in the ascending scale successively/ , between the given and
the required denomination.
Note. — The operation may frequently be shortened by cancellation.
1. Reduce f of a shilling to the fraction of a pound.
Ans. £
2. Keduce ^ of a pennyweight to the fraction of a pound
Troy. Ans. ^J^ lb.
3. What part of a ton is | of a pound avoirdupois weight ?
4. What fraction of an hour is | of 20 seconds ?
6. What is the fractional difference between g|^ of a hhd.
and I of a pt. ? Ans. 35^77^ hhd.
6. ^1^ of I of f of a pint is what fraction of 2 pecks ?
Ans. I
7. Reduce | of ^ of /$ of a cord foot to the fraction of a
cord. Ans. -^g Cd.
8. What part of an acre is ^^^ of jly of 9^ square rods ?
9. I of 5^ furlongs is ^ of J^ of how many miles?
Ans. 12| mi.
10. A block of granite containing | of | of 20^ cubic feet, is
what fraction of a perch ? Ans. ^| Pch.
11. What part of a cord of wood is a pile 7^ ft. long, 2 ft. high,
and 3| feet wide ? Ans. Iff Cd.
12. Reduce | of an inch to the fraction of an Ell English.
S73. To reduce a compound number to a fraction of
a higher denomination.
1. Reduce 2 oz. 12 pwt. 12 gr. to the fraction of a pound Troy.
OPERATION. Analysis. To find
2 oz. 12 pwt. 12 gr. = 1260 gr. what part one compound
1 lb. Troy = 5760 gr. number is of another,
Jf §g lb. = ^5 lb., Ans. they must be like num-
bers and reduced to the
same denomination. In 2 oz. 12 pwt. 12 gr. there are 1260 gr., and
in 1 lb. there are 5760 gr. Therefore 1 gr. is 3^'g^^ lb., and 1260 gr.
are f^|^ lb. == 3^ lb-> the answer. Hence,
Rule. Reduce the given number to its lowest denoniination for
the numerator J and a unit of the required denomination to the same
denomination for the denominator of the required fraction.
Note. — If the given number contain a fraction, the denominator of this frac-
tion must be regarded as the lowest denomination.
1. Reduce 2 R. 20 P. to the fraction of an acre.
Ans. I A.
2. What part of a mile is 6 fur. 26 rd. 3 yd. 2 ft. ?
3. What part of a £ is 18s. 5d. 2/^ far. ? Ans. £if .
4. What part of 21 lb. Apothecaries' weight is 7g 73 29 14
5. What part of 3 weeks is 4* da. 16 h. 30 min. ?
6. Reduce 1| pecks to the fraction of a bushel.
7. From a hogshead of molasses 28 gal. 2 qt. were drawn ;
what part of the whole remained in the hogshead? Ans. ||.
8. Reduce 4 bundles 6 quires 16 sheets of paper to the frac-
tion of a bale. Ans. | of a bale.
9. What part of 54 cords of wood is 4800 cubic feet ?
10. What is the value of (^ of a dollar ? Ans, 86.30.
11. Reduce 30. of 3 If 3 80 nj, to the fraction of a Cong.
12. What part of a ton of hewn timber is 06 cu ft. 864 cu. in. ?
874. To reduce a compound number to a decimal of
a higher denomination.
1. Reduce 3 cd. ft. 8 cu. ft. to the decimal of a cord.
OPERATION. Analysis. Were-
16 8.0 cu. ft. duce the 8 cu. ft. to
the decimal of a cd.
3.5000 cd. ft.
ft., by annexing a ci-
.4375 Cd., Ans, pher, and dividing
Or, by 16, the number of
3 cd. ft. 8 cu. ft. = 56 cu. ft. cu. ft. in 1 cd. ft., an-
1 Cd. = 128 cu. ft. nexing the decimal
^s_fig Cd. = ^5 Cd. = .4375 Cd., Ans. quotient to the 3 cd.
ft. We now reduce
the 3. 5 cd. ft. to Cd. or a decimal of a Cd., by dividing by 8, the
number of cd. ft. in 1 Cd., and we have .4375 Cd., the answer.
Or, we may reduce the 3 cd. ft. 8 cu. ft., to the fraction of a Cd.,
(as in 373), and we shall have j^^g Cd. = -i^g- Cd., which, reduced to
its equivalent decimal, equals .4375 Cd., the same as before. Hence,
KuLE. Divide the lowest denomination given hy that number
in the scale which will reduce it to the next higher denominationy
and annex the quotient as a decimal to that higher. Proceed in
the same manner witil the whole is reduced to the denomination
required.^ Or,
Reduce the given numher to aj'raction of the required denomi-
natioUy and reduce this fraction to a decimal,
1. Eeduce 5 da. 9 h. 46 min. 48 sec. to the decimal of a week.
Ans. .7725 wk.
2. Reduce 3° 27' 46.44" to the decimal of a sign.
3. Reduce 1 R. 11.52 P. to the decimal of an acre.
4. What part of 4 oz. is 2 oz. 16 pwt. 19.2 gr ? Ans. .71.
6. What part of a furlong is 28 rd. 2 yd. 1 ft. 11.04 in. ?
6. Reduce 3|g to the decimal of a pound.
7. Reduce 126 A. 4 sq. ch. 12 P. to the decimal of a town-
ship. Ans. .0054893 + Tp.
8. What part of a fathom is 3| ft. ? Ans. .625 fath.
9. What part of 1\ bushels is .45 of a peck ? Ans. .09.
10. What part of 3 A. 2 R. is 1 R. 11.52 P.? Ans. .092.
11. Reduce | of ^ of 22| lb. to the decimal of a short ton.
12. What part of a f§ is 5 fj 36 T]]^ ? Ans. .7 fg.
13. Reduce 50 gal. 3 qt. 1 pt. to the decimal of a tun.
Ans. .20188 + T.
S7«5« Compound numbers are added, subtracted, multiplied,
and divided by the same general methods as are employed in
simple numbers. The corresponding processes are based upon the
same principles ; and the only modification of the operations and
rules is that required for borrowing, carrying, and reducing by a
varying, instead of a uniform scale.
376, 1. What is the sum of 50 hhd. 32 gal. 3 qt. 1 pt., 2
hhd. 19 gal. 1 pt., 15 hhd. 46| gal, and 9 hhd. 39 gal. 2^ qt. ?
OPERATION. ^lnalysis. Writing the numbers so that
hhd. gal. qt. pt. units of the same denomination shall stand
50 32 3 1 in the same column, we add the numbers
2 19 1 of the right hand or lowest denomination,
15 46 1 and find the amount to be 3 pints, which is
_^| ^^ ^ ^ equal to 1 qt. 1 pt. We write the 1 pt. under
78 11 3 1 the column of pints, and add the 1 qt. to
the column of quarts. The amount of the
numbers of the next higher denomination is 7 qt., which is equal to
1 gal. 3 qt. We write the 3 qt. under the column of quarts, and add
Tlie 1 gal. to the column of gallons. Adding the gallons, we find the
amount to be 137 gal., equal to 2 hhd. 11 gal. Writing the 11 gal.
under the gallons in the given numbers, we add the 2 hhd. to the
column of hogsheads. Adding the hogsheads, we find the amount to
be 78 hhd., which we write under the left hand denomination, as in
simple numbers.
2. What is the sum of ^^^ wk., | da., and | h.
oPERATiox. Analysis. We
-5^^ wk. =r 4 da. 21 h. 36 min. first find the value
3 da. = 14 " 24 min. ^^ ®^^^ fraction in
I h. * == 22 " 30 sec. integers^ of less de-
nominations, (369),
^ 1'^ 22 30 and then add the
Or, resulting or equiva-
I da. X 4 = /5wk; lent compound num-
I h. X 3j\ X 4 = -5^ wk ; bers.
/^ wk. + ^K wk. + ^^^ wk. = j J wk ; ^ Or, we may^ re-
1 J wk. = 5 da. 12 h. 22 min. 30 sec. ^.^^^ *^^ S^'^^^ ^^^^■
tions to fractions of
the same denomination, (368 or 372), then add them, and find the
value of their sum in lower denominations.
377. From these examples and illustrations we derive the
Rule. I. If any of the numbers arc denominate fractions^ or
if any of the denominations are mixed numhei-Sy reduce the frac-
tions to integers of lower denominations.
II. Vr^rite the numbers so that those of the same unit value will
stand in the same column.
III. Beginning at the right hand, add each denomination as in
simple numbers, carrying to each succeeding denomination one for
as many units as it takes of the denomination added, to make one
of the next higher denomination.
Note. — The pupil cannot fail to see that the principles involved in nddinoj
compound numbers are the same as those in addition of simple numbers; and
that the only difference consists in the different carrying unites.
(1-) (2-)
lb. oz. pvrt. gr. lb. 5 5 9 gf-
10 8 5 1 8
7 7 6 2 13
6 11 7
21 10 16 .
12 1 2 2 3
7 1 19
6 12
5 3
7 15
2 1
1 5
11 9
rd. ft.
26 11
16 7
86 14
9 2
2 5
15 13
4 5
R. P.
sq. yd.
3 17
1 SO
2 15
1 36
2 9
5. Add 1 T. 17 cwt. 8 lb., 5 cwt. 29 lb. 8 oz., 1 cwt. 42 lb.
6 oz., and 17 lb. 8 oz. Ans. 2 T. 3 cwt. 97 lb. 6 oz.
6. Add 6 yd. 2 ft., 3 yd. 1 ft. 8 in., 1 ft. 10 J in., 2 yd. 2 ft.
6i in., 2 ft. 7 in., and 2 yd. 5 in. Ans. 16 yd. 2 ft. 1 in.
7. Add 4 Cd. 7 cd. ft., 2 Cd. 2 cd. ft. 12 cu. ft., 6 cd. ft. 15
cu. ft., 5 Cd. 3 cd. ft. 8 cu. ft., and 2 Cd. 1 cu. ft.
8. What is the sum of If hhd. 42 gal. 3 qt. 1} pt., i gal.
2 qt. f pt., and 1.75 pt. ? Ans. 2 hhd. 23 gal. 2 qt. 3 gi.
9. What is the sum of 145 J A., 7 A. 2 R. 29 J P., 1 A. 3 R.
16.5 P., and | A. ? Ans. 156 A. 39i P.
10. Required the sum of 31 bu. 2 pk., 10| bu., 5 bu. ^ qt.,
14 bu. 2.75 pk., and | pk. Ans. 62 bu. 1 pk. 5 qt. IJ pt.
11. Required the value of 42 yr. 7-J mo. + 10 yr. 3 wk. 5 da.
+ 9| mo. + 1 wk. 16 h. 40 min. + | mo. + 3| da.
Ans. 53 yr. 7 mo. 9 da. 23 h. 52 min.
12. Add 3 S. 22° 50', 24° 36' 25.7", 17' 18.2", 1 S. 3° 12'
15.5", 12° 36' 17.8", and 57.3". Ans. 6 S. 3° 33' 14.5".
13. How many units in li gross 7^ doz., 3 gross 1| doz., | of
a great gross, 6| doz., and 4 doz. 7 units ? Ans. 2183.
14. What is the sum of 240 A. 6 sq. ch., 212.1875 sq. eh.,
and 5 sq. ch. 10| P.? Ans. 262 A. 3 sq. ch. 13.8 P.
15. Add 3| Pch. 18 cu. ft., 84.6 cu. ft., | Pch., and |« cu. ft.
16. Add ?3|, $25^, $12|, S2|, and $2.54|. Ans. $47.0725.
17. What is the sum of 3 lb 5 g 4 5 2 9 17 gr., 2 lb 5 5 12
gr., 4 § 2 3 1 9 16 gr. ? Ans. 5 lb 10 g 4 3 2 9 5 gr.
18. AN. Y. farmer received $.60 a bushel for 4 loads of corn ;
the first contained 42.4 bu., the second 2866 lb., the third 36i
bu., and the fourth 39 bu. 29 lb. How much did he receive for
the whole? Ans. §100.84-.
19. Bought three loads of hay at §8 per ton. The first weighed
1.125 T., the second 1| T., and the third 2500 pounds; how much
did the whole cost? Aiis. $30.20.
20. A man in digging a cellar removed 140| cu. yd. of earth,
in digging a cistern 24.875 cu. yd., and in digging a drain 46 cu.
yd. 20| cu. ft. What was the amount of earth removed, and how
much the cost at 18 cts. a cu. yd. ?
Ans. 212.425 cu. yd. removed; $38.24 — cost.
378. 1- From 18 lb. 5 oz. 4 pwt. 14 gr. take 10 lb. 6 oz. 10
pwt. 8 gr.
Analysis. Writing the subtra-
hend under the minuend, placing
units of the same denomination under
each other, we subtract 8 gr. from
~Jq Yi 6 ^^ S^' ^^^ write the remainder, 6
gr., underneath. Since we cannot
18* o
subtract 10 pwt. from 4 pwt., we add 1 oz. or 20 pwt. to the 4 pwt.,
subtract 10 pwt. from the sum, and write the remainder, 14 pwt.,
underneath. Having added 20 pwt. or 1 oz. to the 6 oz. in the sub-
trahend, we find that we cannot subtract the sum, 7 oz., from the 5
oz. in the minuend ; we therefore add 1 lb. or 12 oz. to the 5 oz., sub-
tract 7 oz. from the sum, and write the remainder, 10 oz., underneath.
Adding 12 oz. or 1 lb. to the 10 lb. in the subtrahend, we subtract
the sum, 11 lb., from the 18 lb. in the minuend, as in simple numbers,
and write the remainder, 7 lb., underneath.
2. From 12 bar. 15 gal. 3 qt. take 7 bar. 18 gal. 1 qt.
OPERATION. Analysis. Proceeding as in the last
bar. gal. qt operation, we obtain a remainder of 4 bar.
^^ 1^ ^ 28J gal. 2 qt. But, J gal. = 2 qt., which
added to the 2 qt. in the remainder makes
^ !:_i__^ 1 gal., and this added to the 28 gal. makes
4 29 29 gal. ; and the angwer is 4 bar. 29 gal.
8. From | of a rod subtract f of a yard.
Analysis. "We first
find the value of each
I rd. = 4 yd. ft. 4 ' .... , . . .
3 1 9 a o u fraction in integers ot
^ lower denominations,
'^ 1 ^ (369), and then sub-
Or, tract the less value
I yd. X~=l yd. X A = ^\ rd. ; ^^^^ ^^' S^^f ^^- ^J'
0^ ^ *" ^1 ^^ ^ we may reduce the
I rd. — 2^^ rd. = f| rd. ; given fractions to frac-
II rd. = 3 yd. 1 ft. li in. tions of the same de-
nomination, subtract
the less value from the greater, and find the value of the remainder
in integers of lower denominations.
379. From these illustrations we deduce the following
KuLE. I. If any of the numbers are denominate fractions, or
if any of the denominations are mixed number s, reduce the frac-
tions to integers of lower denominations.
II. Write the subtrahend under the Tninuend, so that units of the
same denomination shall stand under each other.
III. Beginning at the right hand, subtract each denomination
separately, as in simple numbers. .
TV. If the numher of any denomination in the siiltrahcnd ex-
ceed that of the same denomination in the minuend j add to the
mimhcr in the minuend as many units as make one of the next
higher denomination^ and then subtract ; in this case add 1 to the
next higher denomination of the subtrahend before subtracting.
Proceed in the same manner with each denomination.
(1.) (2.)
mi. fur. rd. ft. in. A. R. P.
From 175 3 27 11 4 820 S 26.4
Take 59 6 10 12 9 150 2 31.86
Rem. 115 5 16 15 1 170 84.54
(3.) (4.)
hhd. gal. qt. yr. mo. wk. da. . h.
5 86 3i 45 1 8 17J
2 45 Ij 10 9 1 22 6^
5. Subtract 15 rd. 10 ft. Si in. from 26 rd. 11 ft. 8 in.
Ans. 11 rd. 11 f in.
6. From^l T. 11 cwt. 30 lbs. 6 oz. take 18 cwt. 45 lb.
7. Subtract .659 wk. from 2 wk. 8| da.
Ans. 1 wk. 6 da. 5 h. 17 min. 16| sec.
8. From i^-| hhd. take .90625 gal. Ans. 32 gal.
9. From f of 3f A. take 8 R. 12.56 P.
10. Subtract ^% lb. Troy, from 10 lb. 8 oz. 8 pwt.
11. From a pile of wood containing SQ Cd. 4 cd. ft., there was
sold 10 Cd. 6 cd. ft. 12 cu. ft. ; how much remained ?
12. From 5 J barrels take ^ of a hogshead.
Ans. 4 bbl. 11 gal. 1 qt.
13. Subtract |gj of a day from f of a week.
Ans. 4 da. 49 min. 30 sec.
14. From. I of a gross subtract | of a dozen. A^is. 6| dcz.
15. From J of a mile take |.^ of a rod.
16. Subtract 2 A. 8 R. 5.76 P. from 5 A. 1 R. 24.24 P.
Ans. 2 A. 2 R. 18.48 P.
17. Subtract .0625 bu. from | pk. Ans. 4 qt.
18. From the sum of f of 365| da. and | of 5| wk. take 49^
min. Ans. 33 wk. 1 da. 1 h. lOf min.
19. From the sum of § of 3| mi. and 174 ^^-y ^^^^ ^i ^^^•
20. From 15 bbl. 3.25 gal. take 14 bbl. 24 gal. 3.54 qt.
21. A farmer in Ohio having 200 bu. of barley, sold 3 loads,
the first weighing 1457 lb., the second 1578 lb., and the third
1420 lb. ; how many bushels had he left? Ans. 107 bu. 9 lb.
22. Of a farm containing 200 acres two lots were reserved, one
containing 50 A. 136.4 P. and the other 48 A. 123.3 P.; the re-
mainder was sold at §35 per acre. How much did it bring ?
Ans. $3513.19+.
23. An excavation 58 ft. long, 37 ft. wide, and 6 ft. deep is to
be made for a cellar; after 471 cu. yd. 16 cu. ft. 972 cu. in. of
earth have been removed, how much more still remains to be
taken out ? Ans. 5 cu. yd. 7 cu. ft. 756 cu. in.
24. From the sum of | lb., 4| oz., and 31^ pwt., take the difi*er-
ence between | oz. and | pwt. Ans. 1 lb. 3 oz. 8 pwt. 21 gr.
25. From the sum of 5j% A., | of 6| A., -1 E., and ^\ of
2j\ P., take 4 A. 25 P. 12 sq. yd.
Ans. 5 A. 3 E. 5 P. 6 sq. yd.
88©. To find the difference in dates.
1. How many years, months, days and hours from 3 o'clock p.
M. of June 15, 1852, to 10 o'clock A. M. of Feb. 22, 1860?
OPERATION. Analysis. Since the later of two dates
yr. mo. da. h. always expresses the greater period of
1860 -J ^2 10 time, we w^rite the later date for a minu-
IR 5*^ 6 1.5 15
end and the earlier date for a subtrahend,
7 8 6 19 placing the denominations in the order of
the descending scale from left to right,
(300, Note 8). We then subtract by the rule for subtraction of
compound numbers.
When the exact numher of clays is required for any period not
exceeding one ordinary year, it may be readily found by the fol-
Slioioing tlie number of days from any day of one month to the same
day of any other month within one year.
Jan, Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aui,'. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.
If the days of the different months are not the same, the num-
ber of days of difference should be added when the earlier day
belongs to the month /rom which we reckon, and subtracted when
it belongs to the month to which we find the time. If the 29th
of February is to be included in the time computed, one day
must be added to the result.
1. "War between England and America was commenced April
19, 1775, and peace was restored January 20, 1783 ] how long did
the war continue ? Ans. 7 yr. 9 mo. 1 da.
2. The Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Dec. 22, 1620, and Gen.
Washington was born Feb. 22, 1732 ; what was the difference in
time between these events ?
3. The first settlement made in the U. S. was at Jamestown, Ya.,
May 23, 1607; how many years from that time to July 4, 1860 ?
4. How long has a note to run, dated Jan. 30, 1859, and made
payable Juno 3, 1861 ? Ans. 2 yr. 4 mo. 3 da.
5. How many years, months, and days from your birthday to
this date ?
6. What length of time elapsed from 16 minutes past 10 o'clock,
A. M., July 4, 1855, to 22 minutes before 8 o'clock, p. m., Dec.
12, 1860 ? Alts, 1988 da. 9 h. 22 min.
7. What length of time will elapse from 40 minutes 25 seconds
past 12 o'clock, noon, April 21, 1860, to 4 minutes 36 seconds
before 5 o'clock, A. M., Jan. 1, 1862 ?
8. How many days from the 4th September, to the 27th of
May following ? Ans. 265 da.
381. 1. Multiply 5 mi. 4 fur. 18 rd. 15 ft. by 6.
OPERATION. Analysis. Writinji: the multi-
5 mi. 4 fur. 18 rd. 15 ft.
plier under the lowest denomi-
nation of the multiplicand, we
multiply each denomination in
33 2 33 7i the multiplicand separately in
order from lowest to highest, as
in simple numbers, and carry from lower denominations to higher,
according to the ascending scale of the multiplicand, as in addition
of compound numbers. Hence,
Rule. I. Write the multiplier under the lowest denomination
of the midtipUcand.
II. Multiply as in simple numherSj and carry as in addition of
compound Jiumhers.
Notes. — 1. "When the multiplier is large, and is a composite number, we may
ehorten the work by multiplying by the component factors.
2. The multiplier must be an abstract number.
3. If any of the denominations are mixed numbers, they may either be re-
duced to integers of lower denominations before multiplying, or they may be
multiplied as directed in 193.
4. The multiplication of a denominate fraction is the most readily performed
by 193, after vyhich the product may be reduced to integers of lower denomina-
tions by 369.
J5§2, As the work of multiplying by large prime numbers is
somewhat tedious, the following method may often be so modified
and adapted as to greatly shorten the operation.
1. How many bushels of grain in 47 bags, eacb containing 2 bu.
1 pk. 4 qt. ?
47 = (5 X 9) + 2
2 bu. 1 pk. 4 qt. X 2
11 bu. 3 pk. 4 qt. in 5 bags.
106 bu. 3 pk. 4 qt. in 45 bags.
4 " 3 '< ^^2 "
111 bu. 2 pk. 4 qt. '' 47 "
47=(6x 8) — 1
2 bu. 1 pk. 4 qt. X 1
14 bu. 1 pk. in 6 bags.
114 bu. in 48 bags.
2 ^^ 1 p k. 4 qt. '' 1 bag.
Ill bu. 2 pk. 4 qt. " 47 bags.
Analysis. Multiplying
the contents of 1 bag by 5,
and the resulting product by
9, we have the contents of
45 bags, which is the com-
posite number next less than
the given prime number, 47.
Next, multiplying the con-
tents of 1 bag by 2, we have
the contents of 2 bags, which,
added to the contents of 45
bags, gives us the contents
of 45 + 2 = 47 bags.
Or, we may multiply the
contents of 1 bag by the fac-
tors of the composite num-
ber next greater than the
given prime number, 47, and
from the last product sub-
tract the multiplicand.
cwt. lb.
fur. rd.
15 27
6 36
6 11
2 20
R. P.
sq. yd. sq. ft.
Cd. cd. ft.
cu ft.
1 33
21 7
10 7
5. Multiply 34 bu. 3 pk. 6 qt. 1 pt. by 14.
6. Multiply 4 lb. 10 oz. 18.7 pwt. by 27.
Ans. 132 lb. 7 oz. 4.9. pwt
7. Multiply 9 I 3 5 2 9 13 gr. by 35.
8. Multiply 5 gal. 2 qt. 1 pt. 3.25 gi. by 96.
9. Multiply 78 A. 3 R. 15 P. 15 sq. yd. by 15f.
Ans. 1235 A. 1 E. 2 P. 23} sq. yd.
10. What is 73 times 9 cu. yd. 10 cu. ft. 1424 cu. in.?
11. Multiply 2 lb.. 8 oz. 13 pwt. 18 gr. by 59.
12. Multiply 4 yd. 1 ft. 4.7 in. by 125.
13. If 1 qt. 2 gi. of wine fill 1 bottle, how much will be re-
quired to fill a gross of bottles of the same capacity ?
14. Multiply 7 0. 10 f g 4 f 3 25 Tfl by 24.
Ans. 22 Cong. 7 0. 13 f g 2 f^.
15. Multiply 3 hhd. 43 gal. 2.6 gi. by 17.
16. Multiply 9 T. 13 cwt. 1 qr. 10.5 lb. by 1.7.
Note. — "NVhen the multiplier contains a decimal, the multiplicand may be re-
duced to the lowest denomination mentioned, or the lower denominations to a
decimal of the higher, before multiplying. The result can be reduced to the
compound number required. t^
Ans. 16 T. 8 cwt. 2 qr. 20.15 lb.
17. If a pipe discharge 2 hhd. 23 gal. 2 qt. 1 pt. of w^ter in 1
hour, how much will it discharge in 4.8 hours, if the water flow
with the same velocity? Ans. 11 hhd. 25 gal. 1 pt. 2.4 gi.
18. What will be the value of 1 dozen gold cups, each cup
weighing 9 oz. 13 pwt. 8 gr., at $212.38 a pound ?
19. What cost 5 casks of wine, each containing 27 gal. 3 qt. 1
pt., at. $1.37} a gallon? Ans. $191.64 + .
20. A farmer sold 5 loads of oats, averaging 37 bu. 3 pk. 5 qt.
each, at $.65 per bushel 3 how much money did he receive for the
grain? Ans. $123.20—.
383. 1. Divide 37 A. 1 R. 16 P. by 8.
OPERATION. Analysis. Writing the divisor on
the left of the dividend, we divide
^ ; the highest denomination, and obtain
4 2 27 a quotient of 4 A. and a remainder
of 5 A. Writing the quotient under
the deriomination divided, we reduce the remainder to roods, making
20 R., vdiich added to the 1 R. of the dividend, equals 21 R. Dividing
this, we have a quotient of 2 R. and a remainder of 5 R. Writing
the 2 K. under the denomination divided, we reduce the remainder to
rods, making 200 P., which added to the 16 P. of the dividend, equals
216 P. Dividing this, we have a quotient of 27 P. and no remainder.
2. Divide 111 bu. 2 pk. 4 qt. by 47.
47)lllbu.2pk.4qt.(2bu.lpk.4qt. a^,,^,,. The
divisor being large,
17 bu. rem. and a prime num-
_4 ber, we divide by
70 pk. in 17 bu. 2 pk. long division, set-
47 *i^g down the
Z^ , whole work of sub-
23 pk. rem. x x- i i
o ^ tracting and reduc-
188 qt. in 23 pk. 4 qt.
From these examples and illustrations we derive the following
Rule. I. Divide the highest denomination as in simple num-
hersj and each succeeding denomination in the same manner, if
there he no remainder,
II. If there he a remainder after dividing any denomination,
reduce it to the next loicer denomination, adding in the given num-
her of that denomination, if any, and divide as hefore.
III. The several partial quotients will he the quotient required.
KoTES. — 1. "When the divisor is large and is b. composite number, we may
shorten the work by dividing by the factors.
2. When the divisor and dividend are both compound numbers, they must
both be reduced to the same denomination before dividing, and then the process
is the snme as in simple numbers.
3. The division of a denominate fraction is most readily performed by 195,
after which the quotient may be reduced to its equivalent compound number,
by 369. H ^ 4 F
(1-) (2.)
£ p. d. far. lb. oz. pwt. gr.
5)62 7 9 3 9)56 6 17 6
Quotient, 12 9 6 3 61b. 3oz. 8pw.l4gr.
49 2 1' 19 13 2 16
6. Divide 858 A. 1 R. 17 P. 6 sq. yd. 2 sq. ft. by 7.
Ans. 51 A. 31 P. 8 sq. ft.
6. Divide 192 bu. 3 pk. 1 qt. 1 pt. by 9.
7. Divide 336 yd. 4 ft. 3^ in. by 21. Aiis. 16 yd. 2^ in.
8. Divide 77 sq. yd. 5 sq. ft. 82 sq. in. by 13.
Ans. 5 sq. yd. 8 sq. ft. 106 sq. in.
9. Divide 678 cu. yd. 1 cu. ft. 1038.05 cu. in. by 67.
10. Divide 1986 mi. 3 fur. 20 rd. 1 yd. by 108.
11. Divide 12 sq. mi. 1 R. 30 P. by 22^.
Ans. 341 A. 1 E. 16| P.
Note 4. — Observe that 22^ = ^ ; hence, multiply by 2, and divide the result
toy 45.
12. Divide 365 da. 6 h. by 240.
13. Divide 3794 cu. yd. 20 cu. ft. 7091 cu. in. by 331.
14. Divide 121 lb. 3g 2^ 19 4 gr. by 13|.
15. Divide 28° 51' 27.76*5'' by 2.754. Ans. 10° 28' 42^.
16. Divide 202 yd. 1 ft. 6| in. by f .
Ans. 337 yd. 1 ft. 7i in.
17. Divide 1950 da. 15 h. 15| min. by 100.
18. If a town 4 miles square be divided equally into 124 farms,
how much will each farm contain ? Ans. 82 A. 2 R. 12|| P.
19. A cellar 48 ft. 6 in. long, 24 ft. wide, and 65 ft. deep, was
excavated by 6 men in 8 days; how many cubic yards did each
man excavate daily? Ans. 5 cu. yd. 22 cu. ft. 1080 cu. in.
20. How many casks, each containing 2 bu. 3 pk. 6 qt., can be
filled from 356 bu. 3 pk. 5 qt. of cherries? Ans. 121 J.
384. Since the earth performs one complete revolution on its
axis in a day or 24 hours, the sun apj^ears to j^ciss from east to
west round the earth, or through 360° of longitude once in every
24 hours of time. Hence the relation of time to the real motion
of the earth or the a2'>parcnt motion of the sun^ is as follows:
Time. , Longitude.
24 h. = 360°
1 h. or 60 min. = ^^T = 15° = 900^
1 min. or 60 sec. == ^^° = Vn ^ = 15^ = QOO''^
Isec. = ir = 'i'r' - 15^"
Hence, 1 h. of time = 15° of longitude.
1 min. " = 15^ ''
^ 1 sec. '* = 15^/ ** "
385. To find the difference of longitude between twc
places or meridians, when the difi:erence of time is
Analysis. A difference of 1 h. of time corresponds' to a difference
of 15° of longitude, of 1 min. of time to a difference of 15^ min. of
longitude, and of 1 sec. of time to a difference of 15^^ of longitude,
(384). Hence, the
Rule. Multiply the difference of time, expressed in lirntrs^
minutes^ and seconds, hy 15, according to the rule for midtipUca-
tion of compound numbers ; the product will he the difference of
longitude in degrees, minuteSj and seconds.
Notes. — 1. If one place be in enst, and the other in west lonoritude, the dif-
ference of longitude is found by udding them, and if the sum be greater than
180°, it must be subtracted from 360°.
2. Since the sun appears to move from east to west, when it is exactly 12
o'clock at one place, it will he pn^t 12 o'clock at all places east, and hefore 12 at
all places west. Hence, if the difference of time between two places, be HuhirHvird
from the time at the easterly place, the result will be the time at the westerly
place ; and if the difference be added to the time at the westerly place the result
will be the time at the easterly place.
1. When it is 9 o'clock at Washington, it is 8 h. 7 min. 4 sec.
at St. Louis; the longitude of Washington heing 77° 1', west,
what is the longitude of St. Louis ? Ans. 90° 15' west.
2. The sun rises at Boston 1 h. 11 min. 56 sec. sooner than
at New Orleans; the longitude of New Orleans being 80° 2' west,
what is the longitude of Boston? Ans. 71° 3' west.
3. When it is half past 2 o'clock in the morning at Havana, it
is 9 h. 13 min. 20 sec. a. m. at the Cape of Good Hope; the
longitude of the latter place being 18° 28' east, what is the
longitude of Havana ? Ans. 82° 22' west.
4. The difference of time between Valparaiso and Rome is 6 h.
8 min. 28 sec. ; what is the difference in longitude ?
6. A gentleman traveling East from Fort Leavenworth, which
is in 94° 44' west longitude, found, on arriving at Philadelphia, that
his watch, an accurate time keeper, was 1 h. 18 min. 16 sec. slower
than the time at Philadelphia ; what is the longitude of Philadel-
phia ? Ans, 75° 10' west.
6. When it is 12 o'clock M. at San Francisco it is 3 h. 58 min.
23 J sec. p. M. at Rochester, N. Y; the longitude of the latter
place being 77° 51' W., what is the longitude of San Francisco?
7. A gentleman traveling West from Quebec, which is in, 71°
12' 15" W. longitude, finds, on his arrival at St. Joseph, that his
watch is 2 h. 33 min. 53j| sec. faster than true time at the latter
place. If his watch has kept accurate time, what is the longitude
of St. Joseph ? Ans. 109° 40' 44" V.
8. A ship's chronometer, set at Greenwich, points to 5 h. 40
min. 20 sec. p. M., when the sun is on the meridian ; what is the
ship's longitude ? Ans. 85° 5' west.
Note .3. — Greenwich, Eng., is on the meridian of 0°, and from this meridian
longitude is reckoned.
9. The longitude of Stockholm being 18° 3' 30" E., when it is
midnight there, it is 5 h. 51 min. 41 1 sec. A. M. at New York; what
is the longitude of New York from Greenwich ?
Ans, 74° 1' 6" W.
10. A vessel set sail from New York, and proceeded in a south-
easterly direction for 24 days. The captain then took an obser-
vation on the sun, and found the local time at the ship's meridian
to be 10 h. 4 min. 36.8 sec. A. M. ; at the moment of the observa-
tion, his chronometer, which had been set for New York time,
showed 8 h. 53 min. 47 sec. a. m. Allowing that the chronometer
had gained 3.56 sec. per day, how much had the ship changed her
lon«;itude since she set sail? Ans. 18° 3' 48.6".
38G. To find the difference of time between two
places or meridians, when the difference of longitude
is known.
Analysis. A difference of 15° of longitude produces a difference
of 1 h. of time, 15^ of longitude a difference of 1 min. of time, and
15^^ of longitude a difference of 1 sec. of time, (384). Hence the
Rule. Divide the difference of longitude^ expressed in degrees,
minutes, and seconds, hi/ 15, according to the rule for division: of
compound numbers; the quotient will he the difference of time in
hours, minutes, and seconds,
1. Washington is 77° 1' and Cincinnati is 84°*24' west longi-
tude; what is the difference of time? Ans. 29 min. 32 see.
2. Paris is 2° 20' and Canton 113° 14' east longitude; what is
the difference in time ?
3. Buffalo is 78° 55' west, and the city of Rome 20° 30' east
longitude ; what is the difference in time ?
Ans. 6 h. 37 min. 40 sec.
^ 4. A steamer arrives at Halifax, C3° 36' west, at 4 h. 30 min.
p. M.; the fact is telegraphed to New York, 74° 1' west, without
loss of time ; what is the time of its receipt at New York ?
5. The longitude of Cambridge, Mass., is 71° 7' west, and of
Cambridge, England, is 5' 2" east; what time is it at the former
place when it is 12 M. at the latter ?
i . Ans. 7 h. 15 min. 11|| sec. A. M.
6. The longitude of Pekin is 118° east, and of Sacramento
City 120° west; what is the difference in time?
f 7. The longitude of Jerusalem is 35° 32' east, and that of
Baltimore 76° 37' west; when it is 40 minutes past 6 o'clock
, A. M. at Baltimore, what is the time at Jerusalem?
I 8. What time is it in Baltimore when it is 6 o'cfeck p. M. at
Jerusalem? Ans. 10 h. 31 min. 2#;Bec. A.M.
19 *
9. The longitude of Springfield, Mass., is 72° 85' 45" W., and
of Galveston, Texas, 94° 46' 34" W.; when it is 20 min. past 6
o'clock A. M. at Springfield, what time is it at Galveston ?
10. The longitude of Constantinople is 28° 49' east, and of St.
Paul 93° 5' Vv^est; when it is 3 o'clock p. M. at the latter place,
what time is it at the former ?
11. What time is it at St. Paul when it is midnight at Constan-
tinople? Ans. 3 h. 52 min. 24 sec. p. M.
12. The longitude of Cambridge, Eng., is 5' 2" E., and of
Mobile, Ala., 88° 1' 29" W.; when it is 12 o'clock M. at Mobile,
what is the time at Cambridge ?
1. In 9 lb. S^ 1^ 29 19 gr. how many grains?
2. IIow much will 3 cwt. 12 lb. of hay cost, at §15^ a ton?
3. In 27 yd. 2 qr. how many Eng. ells? Aas. 22.
4. Heduce §18.945 to sterling money. Ans. £3 18s. 3yyjd.
5. In 4 yr. 48 da. 10 h, 45 sec. how many seconds ?
6. How many printed pages, 2 pages to each leaf, will there be
in an octavo book having 24 fully printed sheets? Aus. 384.
7. At 1/6 sterling per yard, how many yards of cloth may be
bought for £5 Gs. Gd. ? Ans. 71 yd.
8. In 4 mi. 51 ch. 73 1. how many links?
9. In 22 A. 3 II. 33 sq. rd. 2| sq. yd. how many square yards ?
10. IIow many demijohns, each containing 3 gal. 1 qt. 1 pt.,
can be filled from 3 hhd. of currant wine ? Ans. 56.
11. Paid §375.75 for 2^ tons of cheese, and retailed it at 9|
cts. a pound ; how much was my whole gain ?
12. A gentleman sent a silver tray and pitcher, weighing 3 lb.
9 oz., to a jeweler, and ordered them made into tea spoons, each
weighing 1 oz. 5 pwt. ; how many spoons ought he to receive?
Ans. 3 doz.
13. What part of 4 gal. 3 qt. is 2 qt. 1 pt. 2 gi. ? Ans. 4|.
14. lleduce | of j\ of a rod to the fraction of yard.
15. How many yards of carpeting 1 yd. wide, will be required
to cover a floor 26 J ft. long, and 20 ft. wide ? Ans. 58|.
16. If I purchase 15 T. 3 cwt. 3 qr. 24 lb. of English iron, by
long ton weight, at 6 cents a pound, and sell the same at ^140 per
short ton, how much will I gain by the transaction ?
17. What will be the expense of plastering a room 40 ft. long,
36 J ft. wide, and 22i ft. high, at 18 cents a sq. yd., allowing 1375
sq. ft. for doors, windows, and base board? Ans. $69.78 J.
18. How much tea in 23 chests, each weighing 78 lb. oz. ?
19. Valparaiso is in latitude 33° 2' south, and Mobile 30° 41'
north ; what is their difference of latitude ? Ans. 63° 43'.
20. If a druggist sell 1 gross 4 dozen bottles of Congress water
a day, how many will he sell during the month of July ?
21. Eighteen buildings arc erected on an acre of ground, each
occupying, on an average, 4 sq. rd. 120 sq. ft. 84 sq. in. ; how
much ground remains unoccupied ?
22. At $13 per ton, how much hay may be bought for $12.02 J ?
23. If 1 pk. 4 qt. of wheat cost $.72, how much will a bushel
cost? Ans. $1.92.
24. IIow many bushels, Indiana standard, in 36244 lbs. of
wheat ?
25. At 20 cents a cubic yard, how much will it cost to dig a
cellar 32 ft. long, 24 ft. wide, and 6 ft. deep? Ans. $34.13 + .
26. If the wall of the same cellar be laid IJ feet thick, what
will it cost at $1.25 a perch ? Ans, $50.90 jf.
27. The forward wheels of a wagon are 10 ft. 4 in. in circum-
ference, and the hind wheels 15 J ft.; how many more times will
the forward wheels revolve than the hind wheels in running from
Boston to N. Y., the distance being 248 miles? Aois. 42240.
28. Bought 15 cwt. 22 lb. of rice at $3.75 a cwt, and 7 cwt.
36 lb. of pearl barley at $4.25 a cwt. How much would be gained
by selling the whole at 4} cents a pound ? Ans. $13,255.
29. From f of 3 T. 10 cwt. subtract -^^ of 7 T. 3 cwt. 26 lb.
30. What is the value in avoirdupois weight of 16 lb. 5 oz. 10
pwt. 13 gr. Troy? Ans. 13 lb. 8 oz. 11.4+dr.
31. What decimal of a rod is 1 ft. 7.8 in. ?
32. If a piece of timber be 9 in. wide and 6 in. thick, what
length of it will be required to make 3 cu. ft. ? Ans 8 ft.
33. If a board be 16 in. broad, what length of it will make 7
sq. ft. ? Ans. 5i ft.
34. If a hogshead contain 10 cubic feet, how many more gal-
lons of dry measure will it contain than of beer measure ?
35. How many tons in a stick of hewn timber 60 ft. long, and 1
ft. 9 in. by 1 ft. 1 in. ? Ans. 2.275 tons.
36. Subtract -| bu. + | of f f of 3i qt. from 5 bu. 3|^ qt.
Ans. 161 pk.
37. What is the difference between f of 5 sq. mi. 250 A. 3 R.,
and 3i times 456 A. 3 R. 14 P. 25 sq. yd. ?
Ans. 2 sq. mi. 254 A. 2 R. 26 P. 24| sq. yd.
38. How many pounds of silver, Troy weight, are equivalent
in value to 5.6 lb. of gold by the English government standard ?
Ans. 80 lb. 2 pwt. 19.2768 gr.
39. If a piece of gold is | pure, how many carats fine is it ?
40. In gold 16 carats fine what part is pure, and what part is
alloy ?
41. A man having a piece of land containing 384| A., divided
it between his two sons, giving to the elder 22 A. 1 R. 20 P. more
than to the younger ; how many acres did he give to each ?
Ans. 203 A. 2 R. 14 P., elder ; 181 A. R. 34 P., younger.
42. 4000 bushels of corn in Illinois is equal to how many bushels
in New York ? Ans. 3586^^ bu.
43. The market value being the same in both States, a farmer
in New Jersey exchanged 110 bu. of cloverseed, worth $4 a
bushel, with a farmer in New York for corn, worth M a bushel,
which he sold in his own State for cash. The exchange being
made by weight, in whose favor was the difference, and how much
in cash value ?
Ans. The N. J. farmer gained 694 ^^- corn, worth S46/y.
44. The great pyramid of Cheops measures 763.4 feet on each
side of its base, which is square. How many acres does it cover ?
45. The roof of a house is 42 ft. long, and each side 20 ft. 6
in. wide; what will the roofing cost at $4. 62 J a square ?
46. If 17 T. 15 cwt. 62} lb. of iron cost $1833.593, how much
will 1 ton cost?
47. How many wine gallons will a tank hold, that is 4 ft. long
by iij it. wido, and If i't. deep? A)ts. 1871^^^ gal.
48. What will be the cost of 300 bushels of wheat at 9s. 4d.
per bushel, 31ichigan currency ? Ans. $350.
49. What will be the cost in Missouri currency?
50. W^hat will be the cost in Delaware currency ? '
51. What will be the cost in Georgia currency? Ans. $600.
52. What will be the cost in Canada currency? A.ns, $560.
^ 53. Bought the following bill of goods in Boston :
/"" 6 J yd. Iriph linen @ 5/4
12 " flannel '' 3/9
8} " calico '' 1/7
9 '' ribbon '' /9 ,
4} lb. coffee ^- 1/5
6 1 gal. molasses " 3/8
W^hat was the amount of the bill ? Ans. $21.76 +.
54. How many pipes of Madeira are equal to 22 pipes of
sherry ?
55. A cubic foot of distilled water weighs 1000 ounces avoirdu-
pois; what is the weight of a wine gallon ? Ans. 8 lb. 5-^| oz.
56. There is a house 45 feet long, and each of the two sides
of the roof is 22 feet wide. Allowing each shingle to be 4 inches
wide and 15 inches long, and to lie one third to the weather, how
many half-thousand bunches will be required to cover the roof?
Ans. 28^^/3.
57. A cistern measures 4 ft. 6 in. square, and 6 ft. deep; how
many hogsheads of water will it hold ?
58. If the driving wheels of a locomotive be 18 ft. 9 in. in cir-
cumference, and make 3 revolutions in a second, how long will the
locomotive be in running 150 miles ?
Ans. 3 h. 54 min. 40 sec.
9^ 59 In traveling, when I arrived at Louisville my watch, which
was exactly right at the beginning of my journey, and a correct
timekeeper, was 1 h. 6 min. 52 sec. fast; from what direction
had I come, and how far? A)ts. From the east, 16° 43'.
60. How many U. S. bushels will a bin contain that is 8.5 ft.
long, 4.25 ft. wide, and 3 J ft. deep?
61. Eeduce 3 hhd. 9 gal. 3 qt. wine measure to Imperial gal-
lons. Ans, 165.5807+ Imp'l gal.
62. A man owns a piece of land which is 105 ch. 85 1. long,
and 40 ch. 15 1. wide; how many acres does it contain ?
63. A and B own a farm together; A owns -^^ of it and B the
remainder, and the difference between their shares is 15 A. 1 R.
28} P. How much is B^s share? Ans. 38 A. 2 R. 11| P.
64. At 83.40 per square, what will be the cost of tinning both
sides of a roof 40 ft. in length, and whose rafters are 20 ft. 6 in.
long? Ans. $55.76.
65. What is the value of a farm 189.5 rd. long and 150 rd.
wide, at S3 If per acre? / /,, .
GQ. Eeduce 9.75 tons of liewn timber to feet, board measure,
that is, 1 inch thick. Ans. 5850 ft.
67. How many wine gallons will a tank contain that is 4 ft.
long, 3-J ft. wide, and 2f ft. deep? ^/?.^. 299i| gal.
68. If a load of wood be 12 ft. long, and 3 ft. 6 in. wide, how
high must it be to make a cord ? ^^ . , , -"; 'rv ^ * L. >7^ /
69. In a school room 32 ft. long, 18 ft. wide, and 12 ft. 6 in.
high, are 60 pupils, each breathing 10 cu. ft. of air in a minute.
In how long a time will they breathe as much air as the room
contains ? ) /
70. A man has a piece of land 201| rods long and 4H rods
w^ide, which he wishes to lay out into square lots of the greatest
possible size. How many lots will there be ? Ans. 396.
71. A man has 4 pieces of land containing 4 A. 3 B. 20 P., 6
A, 3 II. 12 P., 9 A. 3 B., and 11 A. 2 B. 32 P. respectively.
It is required to divide each piece into the largest sized building
lots possible, each lot containing the same area, and an exact num-
ber of square rods. How much land will each lot contain ?
A71S, 156 P
•18 T. Duodecimals are the parts of a unit resulting from con-
tinually dividing by 12; as 1, -^^^ -j\^, T72H' ^^^- ^^ practice,
duodecimals are applied to the measurement of extension, the foot
being taken as the unit.
In the duodecimal divisions of a foot, the different orders of
units are related as follows :
1^ (inch or prime) is J^ of afoot, or 1 in. linear measure.
y^ (second)or y'2 of ^2? " y^^^- of a foot, or 1 '' square '*
r^^(third)ory'2of j'aof 3^2-,.. *' jJ^^ofafoot, orl '' cubic
12 fourths, [''''), make 1 third V^
12 thirds '' 1 second, ....... V
12 seconds " Iprime, ... V
12 primes, " 1 foot, ft.
Scale — uniformly 12.
The marks ^, ^^, ^^^, ^^^^, are called indices.
Notes. — 1. Duodecimals are really common fractions, and can always be
treated as such ; but usually their denominators are not expressed, and they are
treated as compound numbers.
2. The word duodecimnl is derived from the Latin term duodecim, signifying
388. Duodecimals are added and subtracted in the same
manner as compound numbers.
1. Add 12 ft. r 8", 15 ft. 3' 5", 17 ft. 9' 7".
Ans. 45 ft. 8' 8''.
2. Add 136 ft. 11' 6" 8''', 145 ft. 10' 8" 5'", 160 ft. 9' 5" 5'".
Ans, 443 ft. 7' 8" 6'".
3. From 36 ft. 7' 11" take 12 ft. 9' 5". Ans. 23 ft. 10' 6".
4. A certain room required 300 sq. yd. 2 sq. ft. 5' of plastering.
The walls required 50 sq. yd. 1 sq. ft. 7' 4", 62 sq. yd. 5' 3", 48
sq. yd. 2 sq. ft., and 42 sq. yd. 2 sq. ft. 3' 4", respectively. Re-
quired the area of the ceiling. Ans. 97 sq. yd. 5 sq. ft. 1' 1".
9 ft. 8'
4 ft. 7'
5 ft.
38 ft.
3§0« In the multiplication of duodecimals, the product of two
dimensions is area, and the product of three dimensions is
solidity (282, 286).
We observe that
V X Ift.^:^^^ of 1ft. =K
V X 1 ft. ^ jl:f of 1 ft. = V^.
y XV = -iV X ,L of 1 ft. = v.
1// X 1^ = jh X A of 1 ft. = y. Hence,
The product of any two orders is of the order denoted by the
sum of their indices.
390. 1. Multiply 9 ft. 8' by 4 ft. T,
Analysis. Beginning at the right,
8^ X 7^ = 56^^ = 4^ 8^^ ; writing
the 8^^ one place to the right, we re-
serve the 4^ to be added to the next
product. Then, 9 ft. X 7^ + 4^ =
07^ = 5 ft. 7^, which we write in the
44 ft. 3' 8", Ayis, places of feet and primes. Next mul-
tiplying by 4 ft., we have 8^ X 4 ft.
= 32^ = 2 ft. 8^ ; writing the 8^ in the place of primes, we reserve the
2 ft. to be added to the next product. Then, 9 ft. X 4 ft. + 2 ft. =
38 ft., w^hich we write in the place of feet. Adding the partial pro-
ducts, we have 44 ft. y 8^^ for the product required. Hence the
Rule. I. Write the several terms of the muliijplier under the
corresponding terms of the multiplicand,
II. Multiply each term of the multiplicand hy each term of the
multiplier y heginning icith the loicest term in each, and call the pro-
duct of any two orders, the order denoted hy the sum of their in-
dices, carrying 1 for every 12.
III. Add the partial products ; their sum will he the required
1. How many square feet in a floor 16 ft. 8' wide, and 18 ft. 5'
2. How much wood in a pile 4 ft. wide, 3 ft. 8' high, and 23 ft
|8. ir a floor be 79 11. 8' by 88 ft. 11', how many square yards
Joes it contain ? Aus. 344 yd. 4 ft. 4' 4".
4. If a block of marble be 7 ft. 6' long, 3 ft. 3' wide, and 1 ft.
10' thick, what are the solid contents? Ans. 44 ft. 8' 3",
5. How many solid feet in 7 sticks of timber, each 56 ft. long,
11 inches wide, and 10 inches thick? Ans. 299 ft. 5' 4".
6. How many feet of boards will it require to inclose a building
60 ft. 6' long, 40 ft. 8' wide, 22 ft. high, and each side of the
roof 24 ft. 2', allowing 523 ft. 3' for the gables, and making no
deduction for doors and windows ? Ans, 7880 ft. 5'.
391. The method of contracting the multiplication of deci-
mals may be applied to duodecimals, the only modification being
in carrying according to the duodecimal, instead of the decimal,
1. Multiply 7 ft. 3' 5" 8'" by 2 ft. 4' 7" 9'", rejecting all de-
i nominations below seconds in the product.
OPERATION. Analysis. ^Ye write 2 ft., the
7 ft. 3' b" 8'" units of the multiplier, under the
9''^ 7'' 4' 2 ft lowest order to be reserved in the
14 ft. 6' IV product, and the other terms at the
K 2 ft. 5' 2" l^ft, with their order reversed. Then
B 4' 3" it is obvious that the product of
K 5" each term by the one above it is
B 17 ft 4' 9"dtz Ans. seconds. Hence we multiply each
term of the multiplier into the terms
above and to the left of it in the multiplicand, carrying from the
rejected terms, thus ; in multiplying by 2 ft., we have 8^^^ X 2 ft. =
IG^^^ = 1^^ 4^^^, which being nearer 1^^ than 2^^, gives 1^^ to be car-
ried to the first contracted product. In multiplying by 4^, we have
15// X 4^ = 20^^^^ = V S'^^, which being nearer 2'' than V, gives
2^^ to be carried to the second contracted product, and so on.
1. Multiply 7 ft. 3' 4'' 5'" by 5 ft. 8' 6'', extending the pro-
duct only to primes. Ans, 41 ft. 7'it
4 ft.
4 ft.
2. IIow many yards of carpeting will cover a floor 86 ft. 9' 4"
long, and 26 ft. 6' 9'' wide ?
3. How many cu. ft. in a block of marble measuring 6 ft. 2' 7"
in length, 3 ft. 3' 4'' wide, and 2 ft. 8' 6'' thick?
4. Find the product of 7 ft. 6' 8'', 3 ft. 2' IF, and 3 ft. 8' 4",
correct to within 1'. Ans. 90 ft. &db.
S9f^. I. Divide 41 ft. 8' 7" 6'" by 7 ft. 5'.
OPERATION. Analysis. Divid-
7 ft. 5')41 ft. 8' 7'' 6'''(5 ft. 7' 6'' ing the units of the
37 ft. 1' dividend by the units
of the divisor, we ob-
tain 5 ft. for the first
term of the quotient,
and 4 ft. 7^ fcr a re-
mainder. Bringing
down the next term of the dividend, we have 4 ft. 7^ 7^^ for a new
dividend. Reducing the first two terms to primes, we have 55^ 7^^,
whence by trial division we obtain 7^ for the second term of the quo-
tient, and y 8^^ for a remainder. Completing the division in like
manner, we have 5 ft. 7^ 6^^ for the entire quotient Hence the fol-
Rule. I. Write the divisor on the left hand of the dividend^
as in simple numbers,
II. Find the first term of the quotient either hy dividing the
first term of the dividend hy the first term of the divisor , or hy
dividing the first two terms of the dividend hy the first two terms
of the divisor ; multiply the divisor hy this term of the quotient,
subtract the product from the corresponding terms of the dividend y
and to the remainder hring down another term of the dividend.
III. Proceed in like manner till there is no remainder, or till a
quotient has been obtained snfiiciently exact.
1 Divide 287 ft. T by 17 ft. Ans. 16 ft. 11'.
2. Divide 29 ft. b' V by 6 ft. 8'. Ayis. 4 ft. 5'.
3. A floor whose length is 48 ft. 6' has an area of 1176 ft. 1'
6''; what is its width? Ans. 24 ft. 3'.
4. From a cellar 38 ft. 10' long and 9 ft. 4' deep, were exca-
vated 275 cu. yd. 5 cu. ft. 1' 4^' of earth; how wide was the
cellar ? . Ans. 20 ft. 6'.
3f^3. Division of Duodecimals may be abbreviated after the
manner of contracted division of decimals.
1. Divide 35 ft. 11' 11" by 4 ft. 3' 7" 3'", and find a quotient
correct to seconds.
4 ft. 3' 7" 3'" ) 35 ft. ir 11" ( 8 ft. 4' 5"
34 ft. 4' 10"
2", rem.
Analysis. Having obtained by trial, 8 ft. for the first term of the
quotient, we multiply three terms of the divisor, 4 ft. y 7^^, carrying
from the rejected term, 3^^^ X 8 == 24^^^ =- 2^^ making 34 ft. 4' W,
which subtracted from the dividend leaves 1 ft. 7^ 1^^ for a new divi-
dend. In the next division, we reject 2 terms from the right of the
divisor, and at the last division, 3 terms, and obtain for the required
quotient, 8 ft. 4^ 5^^.
1. Divide 7 ft. 7' 3" by 2 ft. 10' 7"; extending the quotient to
seconds. Ans. 2 ft. 7' 8"=±=.
2.. Separate G4 ft. 9' 8" into three factors, the first and second
of which shall be 7 ft. 2' 4" and 4 ft. 7' 0" 8'" respectively, and
obtain the ihird factor correct to within 1 second.
Ans. 1 ft. 11' 3"d=.
3. What is the width of a room whose area is 3G ft. 4' 8" and
whose lenj^th 7 ft. 2' 11"?
394. Under the heads of Contractions in Multiplication and
Contractions in Division, are presented only such short nietliods
as are of the most extensive application. The short methods
which follow, although limited in their application, are of much
value in computations.
393. When the minuend consists of one or more
digits of any order higher than the highest order in the
The difference between any number and a unit of the next
higher order is called as Arithmetical Complement. Thus, 4 is the
arithmetical complement of 6, 31 of G9, 2792 of 7208, etc.
1. Subtract 29876 from 400000.
OPERATION. Analysis. To subtract 29876 from 400000 is the
400000 same as to subtract a/number one less than 29876, or
29876 29875, from 399999., (Ax. 2). We therefore diminish
3701'^ 4 *^^ ^ of the minuend by 1, and then take each figure
of the subtrahend from 9, except the last or right-
hand digit, which we subtract from 10. Ilence the
HuLE. I. Subtract \ from the njnificint part of the minuend
and write the remainder^ if any ^ as a pctrt of the result,
IT. Proceeding to the right^ subtract each figure in the subtra-
hend from 9, except the last significant figure^ which- subtract
from 10.
1. Subtract 756 from 1000. Ans, 244.
2. Subtract 8576 from 4000000. Ans. 3991424.
3. Subtract .5768 from 10.
4. Subtract 13057 from 1700000.
5. Subtract 90.59876 from 64000.
6. Subtract 599948 from 1000000.
7. What is the arithmetical complement of 271 ? Of 18365 1
Of 3401250?
•I96. When the multiplier is 9, 99, or any number
of 9^s.
Annexing 1 cipher to a number multiplies it by 10, two ciphers by
100, three ciphers by 1000, etc. Since 9 is 10 — 1, any number may
be multiplied by 9 by annexing 1 cipher to it and subtracting the
number from the result. For similar reasons, 100 times a number — •
1 time tiie number = 99 times the number, etc. Hence,
Rule. Annex to the multiplicand as many ciphers as the multi^
plier contains d^s, and subtract the multiplicand from the result,
1. Multiply 784 by 99. Ans. 77616.
2. Multiply 5873 by .999.
3. Multiply 4783 by 99999. Ans. 478295217.
4. Multiply 75 by 999.999.
397. When the multiplier is a number a few units
less than the next higher unit.
Were we required to multiply by 97, which is 100 — 3, we could
C3vidently annex 2 ciphers to the multiplicand, and subtract 3 times
the multiplicand from the result. Were our multiplier 991, which is
1000 — 9, we could subtract 9 times the multiplicand from 1000 times
the multiplicand. Hence,
RuLSl. I. Mnltipli/ hy the next higher unit hy annexing
II. From this result siihtract as many times the multiplicand
as there are units in the difference between the multiplier and the
next higher unit,
1. Multiply 786 by 98. Ans. 77028.
2. Multiply 4327 by 96. Ans. 415392.
3. Multiply 7328 by 997.
4. Multiply 7873.586 by 9.95. Ans. 78342.18070.
5. Multiply 43789 by 9994.
6. Multiply 7077364 by .999993.
398. "Wlieii the left hand figure of the miiltiplier is
the unit, 1, the right hand figure is any digit whatever,
and the intervening figures, if any, are ciphers.
I. Multiply 3684 by 17.
oPERATiox. Analysis. If we multiply by the usual
3684 X 17 method, we obtain, separately, 7 times and
nl)^^ 10 times the multiplicand, and add them.
We may therefore multiply by the 7 units,
and to the product add the multiplicand regarded as tens, thus : 7 times
4 is 28, and we write the 8 as the unit figure of the product. Then,
7 times 8 is 56, and the 2 reserved being added is 58, and the 4 in
the multiplicand, added, is G2, and we write 2 in the product. Next,
7 times 6, plus the 6 reserved, plus the 8 in the multiplicand, is 56,
and we write 6 in the product. Next, 7 times 3, plus the 5 reserved,
plus the 36 in the multiplicand, is 62, which we write in the product,
and the work is done.
Had the multiplier been 107, we should have multiplied two figures
of the multiplicand by 7, before we commenced adding the digits of
the multiplicand to the partial products ; 3 figures had the multiplier
been 1007, etc. Hence the
Rule. I. Write the multiplier at the right of the multiplicand,
with the sign of multiplication between them.
II. Multiply the multiplicand hi/ the unit fijure of the midti-
plier^ cnid to the product add the midtiplicandy regarding its local
value as a product hy the left hand figure of the multiplier,
1. Multiply 567 by 13. Ans. 7371.
2. Multiply 439603 by 10.5. Ans. 4615831.5.
3. Multiply 7859 by 107.
4. Multiply 18075 by 1008. Ans. 18219600.
5. Multiply 3907 by 10.002.
tl99. "When the left hand figure of the multiplier is
any digit, the right hand figure is the unit, 1, and the
intermediate figures, if any, are ciphers.
I. Multiply 834267 by 301.
OPERATION. Analysis. Regarding the multipli-
83-l<267 X 301 cand as a product by the unit, 1, of the
—7- multiplier, we multiply the multipli-
2511143G7 ^^^^ i^y 3 hundreds, and add the digits
of the multiplicand to the several products as we proceed. Since the
3 is hundreds, the two right hand figures of the multiplicand will
be the two right hand figures of the product ; and the product of 3x7
will be increased by 2, the hun:Ireds of the multiplicand.
Had the multiplier been 31, the teiis of the multiplicand would
have been added to 3 X 7 ; had the multiplier been 3001 the thousands
of the multiplicand would have been added to 3. X 7 ; and so on.
Hence the
Rule. I. Write the multijpUer at the right of the multiplicand,
with the sign of multiplication hctwecn them,
II. Multiply the multiplicand hy the left hand figure of the mid-
tlpller^ and to the product add the multiplicand, regarding its local
value as a product hy the unit figure of the multiplier.
1. Multiply 56783 by 71.
2. Multiply 47.89 by 60.1. Ans. 2878.189.
3. Multiply 3724.5 by .901
4. Multiply 103078 by 40001. Ans. 4123223078.
40@. "When the digits of the multiplier are all the
same figure.
1. Multiply 81362 by 333.
OPERATION. Analysis. AYe first multiply by 999, by
81362000 (396). Then, since 333 is \ of 999, we take
81362 \ of the product.
^ ^ o i9Qppoo Had our multiplier been 444, we would
have taken | of 999 times the multiplicand.
27093546 Had it been GG, we would have taken J = f
of 99 times the multiplicand, etc. Ilenco
Rule I. Multiply hy as many 9's as the multiplier contains
diijlts, hy (396).
II, Take siich a part of the product as 1 digit of the multiplier
is part of 9.
1. Multiply 432711 by 222. Ans. 9606184.2.
2. Multiply 578 by 1111.
3. Multiply .6732 by 88.888. Ans. 59.8394016.
4. Multiply 8675 by 77.7.
5. Multiply 44444 by 88888.
401. To square a number consisting of only two
I. What is the square of 18 ?
Analysis. According to (86), we have
182 =, 18 X 18
Now if one of these factors be diminished by 2, the product will be
less than the square of 18 by 2 times the other factor, (93, I) ; that is,
182= (16 X 18) 4- (2 X 18).
Next, if we increase the other factor, 18, in this result, by 2, the
whole result will exceed the square of 18, by 2 times the other factor,
16, (93, III); that is,
18-^ = (16 X 20) + (2 X 18) — (2 X IG).
But as 2 times 18 minus 2 times 16 is equal to 2x2, or 2^, we
182 = 16 X 20 + 22. Hence the
Rule. I. Take two numbers, one of ichich is as many units
less than the number to be squared as the other is units greater j and
one of the numbers talcen an exact number of tens.
II. Multiply these two numbers together j and to the product add
the square of the difference between the given and one of the as-
sumed numbers.
Note. — A little practice will enable the pupil to readily square any number
less than 100 mentally by this rule.
1. ^^hat is the square of 27 ? Ans. 729.
2. What is the square of 49 ? Ajis. 2401.
3. Square 28, 26, 39, 38, 37, 36, and 35.
4. Square 77, 88, 8.6, 99, 98, 69, 68, 6.7, and 62.
40^. When the multiplier is an aliquot part of some
higher unit.
An Aliquot or Even Part of a number is such a part as will
exactly divide that number. Thus, 5, 8 J, and 12 J are aliquot
parts of 25 and of 100, etc.
Note. — An aliquot part may be either a whole or a mixed number, while a
com poutnt factor must be a whole number.
403, The aliquot parts of 10 are 5, 3|, 2^, 2, If, If, 1{, l\.
The aliquot parts of 100, 1000, or of any other number, may
be found by dividing the number by 2, 3, 4, etc., until it has
been divided by all the integral numbers between 1 and itself.
I. Multiply 78 by 3i, and by 25 sepa^-ately.
OPERATION. Analysis. Since 3J is J of 10,
3 ) 780 4 ) 7800 the next higher unit, we multiply
~260 ^ 1950 "^^ ^y ^^ ^^^ ^^^® ^ ^^ ^^^ product.
Again, since 25 is } of 100, we
multiply 78 by 100 and take J of the product. Hence the
Rule. I. MultipJi/ the given multiplicand hij the unit next
higher thfin the multiplier^ hy annexing ciphers.
II. T'ake such a part of this product as the given multiplier is
part of the next higher unit.
1. Multiply 437 by 25. Ans. 10925.
2. Multiply 6872 by 2-|. Ans. 17180.
3. Multiply 5734154 by 333^. Ans. 1911384666|.
4. Multiply 758642 by 12-^.
5. Multiply 78563 by 125. Ans. 9820375.
6. Multiply 57687 by 142f
CASE viir.
404. AYlien the right hand figure or figures of the
multiplier are aliquot parts of 10, 100, 1000, etc.
1. Multiply 2183 by 1233i.
Analysis. 1233J = 12J X 100. We there-
fore multiply by 100, and by 12J, in continued
multiplication. Hence the
Rule. I. Reject from the right hand of the multiplier such
fgnre or fgures as are an aliquot j^cirt of some higher uuit, and
to the remaining figures of the m^ultiplier annex a fraction v:hich
expresses the aliquot part thus rejected ^ for a reserved multiplier.
II. Annex to the multiplicand as mani/ ciphers as are equal to
the number of figures rejected from the right hand of the multi-
plicTy and multiple/ the result hy the reserved multiplier.
1. Multiply 43789 by 825.
2. Multiply 58730 by 7125.
3. Multiply 7854 by 34.2}.
4. Multiply 30724 by 73333i
5. Multiply 47836 by 712}.
6. Multiply 53727 by 2416f .
Ans. 36125925.
Ans. 268999.5.
Ans. 34083150.
4©^. To find the cost of a quantity when the price
is an aliquot part of a dollar.
1. What cost a case of muslins containing 1627 yds., at ^.12}
per yard ?
OPERATION. Analysts. At $1 per yard the case would
8 ) $1627 cost as many dollars as it contained yards ;
g.9Qo 0^1 ai^d at $.12} = $4 per yard, it would cost }
as many dollars as it contained yards. Wo
therefore regard the yards as dollars, which we divide by 8. Hence,
KuLE. Tahe such a part of the given quantitij as the price is
part of one dollar.
NoTK. — Since the shilling in most of the different currencies is some aliquot
part of the dollar, this rule is of much practical use in making out bills and
accounts where the prices of the items are given in State Currency, and the
amounts are required in United States Money.
1. What cost 5G8 pounds of butter at 25 cents a pound ?
Am, S142.
2. A merchant sold 51 yards of prints at 16f cents per yard, 8
pieces of sheeting, each piece containing 83 yards, at 6} cents per
yard, and received in payment 18 bushels of oats at 33i cents per
bushel, and the balance in money ; how much money did he re-
ceive ? Ans. $19.
3. Required the cost of 28 dozen candles, at 1 shilling pei
dozen. New York currency. Ans. $3.50.
4. What cost 576 lbs. of beef at lOd. per pound, Pennsylvania
currency? Ans. §64.
5. If a grocer in New York gain §7.875 on a hogshead of mo^
lasses containing 63 gallons, how much will he gain on 576 gallons
at the same rate ? Ans. §72.
406. To find the cost of a quantity, when the quan-
tity is a compound number, some part or all of which is
an aliquot part of the unit of price.
1. What cost 5 bu. 3 pk. 4 qt. of cloversced, at §3.50 per bu. ?
OPERATION. Analysis. Mnltiplj-
2„ 4,, 8 ) §3.50 price. ing the price by 5, ^vo
5 have the cost of 5 bu.
SrTsO cost of 5 bu. Dividing the price by 2,
1 75 " " 2 nk ^^ have the cost of \ bu.
.875 u a -^ u =2 pk. Dividing the
.4375 ^' ^^ 4 qt. price by 4, or the cost of
ooTrkTw" A 2 pk. by 2, Ave have the
$20.06.: 5, ^/? 5. \ / ' .
^ cost of 1 pk. Dividing
the price by 8, or the cost of 2 pk. by 4, or the cost of 1 pk. by 2, we
have the cost of J pk. === 4 qt. And the sum of these several values
is the entire cost required.
2. At £6 7s. 5 id. Sterling per hhd., how much will 4 hhd. 9
gal. 3 qt. of West India Molasses cost ?
OPERATION. Analysis. Mul-
7) £6 7s. 5 Jd. price. tiplying the price
4 by 4, we have the
" 25 9 '' 10 " cost of 4 hhd. ^^^t of 4 hhd. Di-
12) '' 18 " 2 " 2 qf. '' " 9 gal. viding the price by
1 " 6 ^^ I ^^ " ^^ 3 qt. 7, we have the cost
" 26 9 *^ 6 '' 2|, " Ans, ^{ \ ^^^- =" ^ S^^-
Dividing the cost of
9 gal. by 12, we have the cost of j^2 of 36 qt. = 3 qt. And the sum
of these several results is the entire cost required.
From these illustrations we deduce the following
Rule. I. Mullipli/ the price hy the number of units of the de-
nomination corresponding to the price.
II. For the lower denominations^ take aliquot parts of the price;
the sum of the several results will he the entire cost.
Note. — This method is applicable in certain cases of multiplication, where one
compound number is taken as many times as there are units and parts of a
unit of a certain kind, in another compound number. This will be $een in the
first example below.
1. A chemist filtered 18 gal. 3 qt. 1 pt. of rain-water in 1 day;
at the same rate how much could he filter in 4 da. 6 h. 30 min. ?
OPERATION. Analysis. Multi-
18 gal. 3 qt. 1 pt. in 1 da. VV^^ the quantity
4 filtered in 1 day by 4,
,^ . ^^ we have the quantity
^i /> 1 filtered in 4 days. Di-
^" " 30 min. viding the quantity fil-
- tered in 1 day by 4,
80 " 2 " " 3 Jj " Ans. ^e have the quantity
filtered in } da. = 6
h. Dividing the quantity filtered in 6 hours by 12, we have the quan-
tity filtered in J h. = 30 min. And the sum of these several results
is the entire result required.
2 '^
2 '^
1 " 3
1 ^^
la 7
2. What will be the cost of 3 lb. 10 oz. 8 pwt. 5} gr. of gold
at $15.46 per oz. ? Aiis. $717.52.
3. A man bought 5 cwt. 90 lb. of hay at $.56 per cwt. ; what
was the cost? Ans. $3,304.
4. What must be given for 3 bu. 1 pk. 3 qt. of cloverseed, at
$4.48 per bushel? Jns. $14.98.
5. A gallon of distilled water weighs 8 lb. 5 oz. 6.74 dr. ; re-
quired the weight of 5 gal. 3 qt. 1 pt. 3 gi.
Ans. 49 lb. 12 oz. 5.73— dr.
6. At $17.50 an acre, what will 3 A. 1 R. 35.4 P. of land cost?
7. If an ounce of English standard gold be worth £3 17s. lOH-j
what will be the value of an ingot weighing 7 oz. 16 pwt. 18 gr. ?
Ans. £30 10s. 4.14375d.
8. If a comet move through an arc of 4° 36' 40" in 1 day, how
far will it move in 5 da. 15 h. 32 min. 55 sec. ?
9. What will be the cost of 7 gal. 1 qt. 1 pt. 3 gi. of burning
fluid, at 4s. 8d. per gallon, N. Y. currency? Am. $4.35 + .
10. What must be paid for 12 J days' labor^ at 5s. 3d. per day,
New England currency ?
407. "When tlie divisor is an aliquot part of some
higher unit.
1. Divide 260 by 3 J, and 1950 by 25.
OPERATION. Analysis. Since 3J is J of 10, the next
26|0 19|50 higher unit, we divide 260 by 10 ; and hav-
3 and 4 ing used 3 times our true divisor, we obtain
no Wo only i of our true quotient. Multiplying
the result, 26, by 3, we have 78, the true
quotient. Again, since 25 is } of 100, the next higher unit, we divide
1950 by 100 ; and having used 4 times our true divisor, the result,
19.5, is only } of our true quotient. Multiplying 19.5 by 4, we have
78, the true quotient. Hence the
Rule. I. Divide the given dividend hy a unit of the order
next higher than the divisor y hy cutting off ^qures from the right.
21 Q
II. Talce as manr/ times this quotient as the divisor is contained
times in the next higher unit.
1. Divide 63475 by 25.
2. Divide 7856 by 1.25.
3. Divide 516 by 33.3|.
4. Divide 16.7324 by 12J.
5. Divide 1748 by .14f.
6. Divide 576.34 by 1.6f.
Ans. 2539.
Alls. 6284,S.
Ans. 12236
408. When the right hand figure or figures of the
divisor are an aliquot part of 10, 100, 1000, etc.
1. Divide 26923661 by 1233J.
Analysis. Since 33J is
J of 100, we multiply both
dividend and divisor by 3,
(117, HI), and we obtain a
divisor the component fac-
tors of which are 100 and 37.
"VYe then divide after the
manner of contracted divi-
sion, (112).
1233J) 26923661
3_ 3^
37|00) 80771100 (2183,^715.
. Divide 601387 by 1875.
Analysis. Multiplying both
dividend and divisor by 4, we ob-
tain a new divisor, 7500, having 2
ciphers on the right of it. Multi-
plying again by 4, we obtain a new
divisor, 30000, having 4 ciphers on
the right. Then dividing the new
dividend by the new divisor, we ob-
tain 320 for a quotient, and 22192
for a remainder. As this remainder is a part of the new dividend,
it must be 4 X 4 = 16 times the true remainder ; we therefore divide
it by 16, and write the result over the given divisor, 1875, and annex
the fraction thus formed to the integers of the quotient.
1875) 601387
4 4
7500 ) 2405548
4 4
310000) 96212192
320i|||, Ans,
RATIO. 243
Erom these illustrations we derive the following:
E-ULE. I. Multiply both dividend and divisor hj a number or
numbers that will produce for a new divisor a number ending in a
cip)her or ciphers.
II. Divide the new dividend by the new divisor.
Note. — If the divisor be a whole number, or a finite decimnl, the multiplier
will be 2, 4, 5, or 8, or some multiple of one of these numbers.
1. Divide 64375 by 2575.
2. Divide 76394 by 3625. Ans. 2^%%%.
8. Divide 7325 by 433J.
4. Divide 5736 by 431.25. Ans. l^^.
5. Divide 42.75 by 566f.
6. Divide 24409375 by .21875.
7. Divide 785 by 3.14f. . Ans. 249^|.
4L09. Ratio is the relation of two like numbers with respect
to comparative value.
Note. — There are two methods of comparing numbers with respect to value;
1st, by subtracting one from the other; 2d, by dividing one by the other. The
relation expressed by the difference is sometimes called An'thnu'tical Jiati'o, and
the relation expressed by the quotient, Geometrical Itutio.
410. When one number is compared with another, as 4 with
12, by means of division, thus, 12 -^4 = 3, the quotient, 3, shows
the relative value of the dividend when the divisor is considered
as a unit or standard. The ratio in this case shows that 12 is 3
times 4 ; that is, if 4 be regarded as a unit, 12 will be 3 units, or
the relation of 4 to 12 is that of 1 to 3.
4:11. Ratio is indicated in two ways :
1st. By placing two points between the two numbers compared,
writing the divisor before and the dividend after the points.
Thus, the ratio of 8 to 24 is written 8 : 24; the ratio of 7 to 5 is
written 7 : 5.
244 RATIO.
2d. In the form of a fraction. Thus, the ratio of 8 to 24 is
written \^ -, the ratio of 7 to 5 is ^.
4: IS. The Terms of a ratio are the two numbers compared.
The Antecedent is the first term; and
The Consequent is the second term.
The two terms of a ratio taken together are called a couplet,
48 S, A Simple Ratio consists of a single couplet; as 5 : 15.
414. A Compound Eatio is the product of two or more sim-
ple ratios. Thus, from the two simple ratios, 5 : 16 and 8 : 2, we
5 : 16
may form the compound ratio 5x8 : 16x 2, or ^^^ X § = |§ = |.
41«5. The Reciprocal of a ratio is 1 divided by the ratio ; or,
which is the same thing, it is the antecedent divided by the con-
ficquent. Thus, the ratio- of 7 to 9 is 7 : 9 or |, and its reciprocal
is |.
Note. — The quotient of the second term divided by the first is sometimes
called n Direct liatio, and the quotient of the first term divided by the second,
jin Inverse or Reciprocal Ilatio.
4115. One quantity is said to vary directly as another, when
the two increase or decrease together in the same ratio ; and one
quantity is said to vary inversely as another, when one increases
in the same ratio as the other decreases. Thus time varies directly
as wages ; that is, the greater the time the greater the wages, and
the less the time the less the wages. Again, velocity varies in-
versely as the time, the distance being fixed; that is, in traveling
a given distance, the greater the velocity the less the time, and the
less the velocity the greater the time.
41*?. Ratio can exist only between like nunabers, or between
two quantities of the same kind. But of two unlike numbers or
quantities, one may vary either directly or inversely as the other.
Thus, cost varies directly as quantity, in the purchase of goods;
time varies inversely as velocity, in the descent of falling bodies.
In all cases of this kind, the quantities, though unlike in kind,
have a mutual dependence, or sustain to each other the relation
of cause and effect.
RATIO. 245
4:18. In the comparison of like numbers we observe,
I. If the numbers are simple^ whether abstract or concrete,
their ratio may be found directly by division.
II. If the numbers are componndj they must first be reduced
to the same unit or denomination.
III. If the numbers are fractional, and have a common de-
nominator, the fractions will be to each other as their numerators;
if they have not a common denominator, their ratio may be found
either directly by division, or by reducing them to a common
denominator and comparing their numerators.
4H9. Since the antecedent is a divisor and the consequent a
dividend, any change in either or both terms will be governed by
the general principles of division, (117). AVe have only to sub-
stitute the terms antecedent^ consequent^ and rat'iOy for dluuor,
dividend^ and quotient^ and these principles become
Prin. I. Multiplying the consequent multiplies the ratio ; divi-
ding the consequent divides the ratio.
Prix. II. Multiplying the antecedent divides the ratio ; dividing
the antecedent multiplies the ratio.
Prin. III. Multiplying or dividing hoth antecedent and conse^
quent hy the same numhcr does not alter the ratio.
4^0. These three princij)les may be embraced in one
A change in the consequent hy multiplication or division produr
ces a LIKE change in the ratio ; hut a change in the antecedent
produces an OPPOSITE change in the ratio.
421. Since the ratifO of two numbers is equal to the conse-
quent divided by the antecedent, it follows, that
I. The antecedent is equal to the consequent divided by the
ratio; and that,
II. The consequent is equal to the antecedent multiplied by the
246 RATIO.
1. What part of 28 is 7 '/
jTg — 1 ; or, £8 : 7 as 1 : i ; that is, 28 has the same ratio to 7 that
1 has to }. Ans. J.
2. What part of 42 is 6?
3. What is the ratio of 120 to 80 ? Ans, |.
4. What is the ratio of 8^ to 60 ? Ans, 7.
5. What is the ratio of ^^3 to 26 ?
6. What is the ratio of 7^ to 2^? Ans. f?.
7. What is the ratio of J to -j^^ ? A71S. 44.
8. What is the ratio of 1 mi. to 3 fur. ? Ans. |.
9. What is the ratio of 1 wk. 3 da. 12 h. to 9 wk. ? Ans. 6.
10. What is the ratio of 10 A. 1 E. 20 P. to 6 A. 2 11. 30 P. ?
11. What is the ratio of 25 bu. 2 pk. 6 qt. to 40 bu. 4.5 pk. ?
12. What is the ratio of 181° to 45' 30'' ?
l^^i 2 of 3
13. What part of -^ is ^—^ ? ^ Ans. ^f 3.
113 93
14. What is the ratio of — / to | of A of -^ ? Ans. q%%%.
■ b^ i'6
15. Find the reciprocal of the ratio of 42 to 28. Ans. 1^.
IG. Find the reciprocal of the ratio of 3 qt. to 43 gal.
17. If the antecedent be 15 and the ratio |, what is the conse-
quent? Ans. 12.
18. If the consequent be 3| and the ratio 7, what is the ante-
cedent? A71S. 1|.
19. If the antecedent be ^ of | and the consequent .75^ what
is the ratio ?
20. If the consequent be ^G.12J and the ratio 25, what is the
antecedent? Ans. $.245.
21. If the ratio be J and the antecedent |, what is the conse-
quent ?
22. If the antecedent be 13 A. 3 11. 25 P. and the ratio ||,
what is the consequent ? Aiis. 6 A. 2 R. 10 P.
4:22. Proportion is an equality of ratios. Thus, the ratios
5 : 10 arid 6 : 12, each being equal to 2, form a proportion.
Note. — When four numbers form a proportion, they are said to be propor-
4:23. Proportion is indicated in three ways :
1st. By a double colon placed between the two ratios; thus,
3 : 4 : : 9 : 12 expresses the proportion between the numbers 3, 4,
9, and 12, and is read, 3 is to 4 as 9 is to 12.
2d. By the sign of equality placed between two ratios; thus,
3 : 4 = 9 : 12 expresses proportion, and may be read as above, or,
the ratio of 3 to 4 equals the ratio of 9 to 12.
3d. By employing the second method of indicating ratio; thus,
I = ^-^ indicates proportion, and may be read as either of the
above forms.
424. Since each ratio consists of two terms, every proportion
must consist of at least four terms. Of these
The Extremes are the first and fourth terms ; and
The Means are the second and third terms.
42«5. Three numbers are proportional when the first is to the
second as the second is to the third. Thus, the numbers 4, G,
and 9 are proportional, since 4:6 = 6:9, the ratio of each couplet
being |, or IJ.
420. When three numbers are proportional, the second term
is called the Mean Proportional between the other two.
^*'^lf. if v,'o Iiavc any proportion, as
3 : 15 =r 4 : 20,
Then, indicating this ratio by the second method, we have
V = ?•
Reducing these fractions to a common denominator,
15 X 4 _ 20 X 3
~12 12 •
And since these two equal fractions have the same denominator,
the numerator of the first, which is the product of the means, must
be equal to the numerator of the second, which is the product of the
extremes ; or, 15 X 4 ^ 20 X 3. Hence,
I. In every proportion the product of the means equals the
product of the extremes.
4.gain, take any three terms in proportion, as
4 : 6=6 : 9
Then, since the product of the means equals the product of the ex-
62 = 4 X 9. Hence,
II. The square of a mean proportional is equal to the product
of the other two terms.
428. Since in every proportion the product of the means
equals the product of the extremes, (^rSy, I), it follows that, any
three terms of a proportion being given, the fourth may be found
by the following
Rule. I. Divide the product of the extremes hy one of the
meanSj and the quotient will be the other mean. Or,
II. Divide the product of the means hy one of the extremes^ and
the quotient will he the otlier extreme.
The required term in an operation will be denoted by (?),
which may be read " how many," or " how much."
Find the term not given in each of the following proportions :
1. 4 : 26 = 10 : ( ? ). Ans. 65.
2. $8865 : ?720 = (?) : 16 A. Ans, 197 A.
3. 4| yd. : ( ? ) : : ?9.75 : 829.25. Ans. 13^ yd.
4. (?) : 21 A. 3 R. 20 P. : : $1260 : $750.
Ans. 36 A. 3 R.
6. 7.50:18 = (?):7yVoz.
6. 7 oz :(?):: £30 : £407 2s. lOf d. Ans. 7 lb. 11 oz.
7. ( ? ) : .15 hhd. : : $2.39 : $.3585. Ans. 1 hhd.
8. 1 T. 7 cwt. 3 qr. 20 lb. : 13 T. 5 cwt. 2 qr. = $9.50 : ( ? ).
9. $175.35 : (?) = I : f Ans. $601.20.
10. (?) : $12^ = 2404 • 149VAV Ans. $20|.
11. I yd. :(?):: $1 : $59.0625. Ans. 40^ yd.
^QQ» Every question in proportion may be considered as a
comparison of two cau;es and two cfftrti^. Thus, if 3 dollars as
V came will buy 12 pounds as an rffecty G dollars as a can^e wi'.l
Duy 24 pounds as an rffect. Or, if 5 horses as a cause consume
10 tons as an effect, 15 horses as a cause will consume oO tons as
an ("ffect.
Causes and effects in proportion are of two kinds — simple and
4*1^. A Simple Cause or Effect contains but one clement;
as price, quantity, cost, time^ distance, or any single factor used
as a term in proportion.
431. A Compound Cause or Effect is the product of two or
more elements; as the number of workmen taken in connection
with the time employed, length taken in connection with breadth
and depth, capital considered with reference to the time em-
ployed, etc.
43 ^« Since liJce causes will always be connected with like
effects^ every question in proportion must give one of the following
statements :
1st Cause : 2d Cause = 1st Effect : 2d Effect.
1st Effect : 2d Effect -^ 1st Cause : 2d Cause,
in which the two causes or the two effects forming one couplet,
must be like numbers and of the same denomination.
Considering all the terms of a proportion as abstract numbers,
we may say that
1st Cause : 1st Effect = 2d Cause : 2d Effect.
But as ratio is the result of comparing two numbers or things
of the same hbid^ (4t'7); the first form is regarded as the more
natural and philosophical.
433. Simple Proportion is an equality of two simple ratios,
and consists of four terms.
Questions in simple proportion involve only simple causes and
simple effects.
$ $ yds.
8 : 12 = 86 ;
1st cause. 2d cause. 1st effect.
8 X
(?)= 12 X 36
^4^ X -i^p
2d effect.
= 54 yd.
1. If S8 will buy 86 yards of velvet, how many yards may be
bought for §12? ,
Analysis. The re-
quh*ed term in this ex-
ample is an effect ; and
the statement is, $8 is
to $12 as 3G yards is
to ( ? ), or how many
yards. Dividing 12 X
3G, the product of the
means, by 8, the given
extreme, we have ( ? )
= 54 yards, the re-
quired term, (428, II).
2. If 6 horses will draw 10 tons, how many horses will draw
15 tons ?
Analysis. In this ex-
ample a cause is required ;
and the statement is, 6
horses is to ( ? ), or how
many horses, as 10 tons is
to 15 tons. Dividing 15 X
6, the product of the ex-
tremes, by 10, the given
mean, we have 9, the re-
quired term, (428, I).
6 :
1st cause.
horses. tons.
(?) = 10
2d cause. 1st effect.
2d effect.
9 horses.
4:S4. Hence the following
IluLE. I. Arrange, the terms in the statement so that the causes
shall compose one covp)let, and the effects the other, putting (?) in
the place of the required term.
II. If the required term he an extreme, divide tlie product of the
means hy the given extreme; if tlie required term, he a mean,
divide the product of the extremes hy the given mean.
NoTRS. — 1. If the terms of nny eotiplet be of different denoriiinations, they
mu8t he reduced to the same unit value.
2. If the odd term be a compound number, it must be reduced either to its
lowe.«t unit, or to a fraction or a decimal of its highest unit.
?>. If the divisor and dividend contain one or more factors common to both,
they should be canceled. If any of the terms of a proportion contain mixed
number?, they should first be changed to improper fractions, or the fractional
part to a decimal.
4. When the vertical line is used, the divisor and (?) are written on the left,
and the fiictors of the dividend on the right.
^3^. The following method of solving examples in simple
proportion without making the statement in form^ may be used
by those who prefer it.
Every question in simple proportion gives tlirce terms to find a
fourth. Of the three given terms, two will always be like numbers,
forming the complete ratio, and the third will be of the same name or
kind as the required term, and may be regarded as the antecedent of
the incomplete ratio ; hence the required term may be found by mul-
tiplving this third term, or antecedent, by the ratio of the other two,
From the conditions of the question we can. readily determine
whether the answer, or required term, will be greater or less than the
third term ; if greater, then the ratio will be greater than 1, and the
two like numbers must be arranged in the form of an improper frac-
tion, as a multiplier ; if less, then the ratio will be lesS than 1, and
the two like numbers must be arranged in the form of a proper frac-
tion, as a multiplier.
1. If 4 tons of hay cost $3G^ what will 5 tons cost?
OPERATION. Analysis. In this example, 4
$36 X - = §45 Ans. "tons and 5 tons are the like terms,
and $36 is the third term, and of
the same kind as the answer sought. Now if 4 tons cost $36, will 5
tons cost more, or less, than $36 ? Evidently more : and the required
term will be greater than the third term, $36, and the ratio greater
than 1. AVe therefore arrange the like terms in the form of an im-
proper fraction, |, for a multiplier, and obtain $45, the answer.
2. If 7 men build 21 rods of wall in a day, how many rods will
4 men build in the same time ?
OPERATION. Analysis. In this example, 7
2X X - = 12 rods Ans. ^^^ ^^^ ^ ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ terms,
and 21 rods is the third term, and
of the same kind as the answer sought. Since 4 men will perform less
work than 7 men in the same time, the required term will be less than
21, and the ratio less than 1. We therefore arrange the like terms
in the form of a proper fraction, 4, and obtain by multiplication, 12
rods, the answer.
4:36. Hence the following
Rule. I. With the two given numbers ^ icMch are of the same
name or Mnd^ form a ratio greater or less than 1, according as the
answer is to he greater or less than the third given number.
{ II. Multiple/ the third number by this ratio ; the product will be
, the required number or answer.
Notes. — 1. Mixed numbers should first be reduced to improper fractions, and
the ratio of the fractions found according to 418.
2. Reductions and cancellation may be applied as in the first method.
The following examples may be solved by either of the fore-
going methods.
1. If 12 gallons of wine cost $80, what will 68 gallons cost? /e) /
2. If 9 bushels of wheat make 2 barrels of flour, how many
barrels of flour will 100 bushels make ? Aiis. 22|.
8. If 18 bushels of wheat be bought for $22.25, and sold for
$26.75, how much will be gained on 240 bushels, at the same rate
of profit ? Ans. $60.
4. If 6 J bushels of oats cost $8, what will 9i bushels cost? 'i-^
5. What will 87.5 yards of cloth cost, if 1| yards cost $.42 ? 9.),
6. If by selling $1500 worth of dry goods I gain $275.40, what
amount must I sell to gain $1000 ?^//
7. If 20 men can perform a piece of work in 15 days, how
many men must be added to the number, that the work may be
accomplished in | of the time ? Ans. 5.
8. If 100 yd. of broadcloth cost $473.07^3, how much will
3.25 yd. cost? f /<:^7 ( V O'O y^ fV
9. If 1 lb. 4 oz. 10 pwt. of gold may be bought for $260.70,
how much may be bought for $39.50 ? Ans. 2 oz. 10 pwt.
10. In what time can a man pump 54 barrels of water, if he
pump 24 barrels in 1 h. 14 min. ? Ans. 2 h. 46 min. 30 sec.
11. If I of a bushel of peaches cost $^|, what part of a bushel
can be bought for $3/^ ? " A ns. ^^ bu.'
12. If the annual rent of 46 A. 3 E, 14 P. of land be $374.70,
how much will be the rent of 35 A. 2 E. 10 P. ? ^ -
13. If a man gain §1870.65 by his business in 1 yr. 3 mo., how
much would he gain in 2 yr. 8 mo., at the same rate ?J y f(^ w^j
14. Two numbers are to each other as 5 to 7}, and the less is
164.5, what is the greater? Ans. 246.75.
15. If 16 head of cattle require 12 A. 3 E. 36 P. of pasture
during the season, how many acres will 132 head of cattle require ?
Ans. 107 A. 7 P.
16. If a speculator in grain gain $26.32 by investing $325, how
much would he gain by investing $2275?/ ^"^^ ,, .
17. What will be the cost of paving an open court 60.5 ft. long
and 44 ft. wide, if 14.25 sq. yd. cost $34^? ;_
18. At 6i cents per dozen, w^hat will be the cost of 10 J gross
of steel pens? V^^ /^ , S-fh
19. If when wheat is 7s. 6d. per bushel, the bakers' loaf will
weigh 9 oz., what ought it to weigh when wheat is 6s. per bushel?
Ans. Hi oz.
437. Compound Proportion is an expression of equality be-
tween a compound and a simple ratio, or between two compound
It embraces the class of questions in which the causes, or the
effects, or both, are compound. The required term must^e either
a simple cause or effect, or a single element of a compound cause
or effect.
1. If 8 men mow 40 acres of grass in 3 days, how many acres
will 9 men mow in 4 days ?
1st cause. 2d cause. 1st efifect. 2d effect.
(3= 14 = 40
: (?)
Or, 8 X 3 : 9 X 4 = 40
■ (?)
Analysis. In this ex-
ample the required term
is the second effect ; and the
statement is, 8 men 3 days
is to 9 men 4 days, as 40 acres is to ( ? ), or how many acres. Dividing
the continued product of all the elements of the means by the ele-
ments of the given extreme, we obtain ( ? ) =r 60 acres.
2. If 6 compositors in 14 hours can set 36 pages of 56 lines
each, how many compositors^ in 12 hours^ can set 48 pages of 54
lines each ?
1st cause. 2d cause. 1st effect. 2d effect.
f 6 . I (?) ..f 36 . I
1 14 • 1 12 ••! 56 • X
Analysis. In this example, an element of
the second cause is required ; and the state-
ment is, 6 compositors 14 hours is to ( ?) com-
positors 12 hours as 36 pages of 56 lines each
is to 48 pages of 54 lines each. Now, since the
( ) = 9 Ans. required term is an element of one of the means,
we divide the continued product of all the ele-
ments of the extremes by the continued product of all the given ele-
ments of the means. Placing the dividend on the right of the verti-
cal line and the divisors on the left, and canceling equal factors we
obtain ( ? ) == 9.
4:3§. From these illustrations we deduce the following
Hule.^ I. Of the given tcrmSy select those which constitute the
causes, and those which constitute the effects, and arrange them in
couplets, putting (? ^ in place of the required term.
II. Then, if the hlank term (?) occur in either of the extremeSj
divide the j)'^oduct of the means hy the product of the extremes;
hut if the hlanh term occur in either mean, divide the product of
the extremes hy the product of the means.
I^OTKS. — 1. The causes must "he exactly alike in the »innj6erand hhxd of their
terms : the same is true of the effects.
2. The same preparation of the terms by reduction is to be observed as in
simple proportion.
■I the
4l«l^. The second method given in Simple Proportion^ is also
applicable in Compound Proportion.
In every example in compound proportion all the terms appear in
couplets, except one, called the odd term, which is always of the same
kind as the answer sought. Hence the required term in a compound
proportion may be found, by multiplying the odd term by the com-
pound ratio composed of all the simple ratios formed by these couplets,
each couplet being arranged in the form of a fraction.
The fraction formed by any couplet will be improper when the re-
quired term, considered as depending on this couplet alone, should
be greater than the odd term ; and proper, when the required term
should be less than the odd term.
1. If it cost 84320 to supply a garrison of 32 men with pro-
visions for 18 days, when the rations are 15 ounces per day, what
will it cost to supply a garrison of 24 men 34 days, when the
rations are 12 ounces per day ?
men. days. ounces.
§4320 X M X II X If = $4896
BY CANCELLATION. ANALYSIS. In this example there are
4320 three pairs of terms, or couplets, viz., 32
24 men and 24 men, 18 days and 34 days, 15
34 ounces and 12 ounces ; and there is an odd
12 term, $4320, which is of the same kind as
( ) = $4896 Arts, the required term. We arrange each coup-
let as a multiplier of this term, thus;
First, if it cost $4320 to supply 32 men, will it cost more, or less, to
supply 24 men ? Less ; we therefore arrange the couplet in the form of
a proper fraction as a multiplier, and we have $4320 X ^4. Next, if it
cost $4320 to supply a garrison 18 days, will it cost more, or less, to
supply it 34 days? More ; hence the multiplier is the improper frac-
tion ^5, and we have $4320 X Jf X f^ Next, if it cost $4320 to
supply a garrison with rations of 15 ounces, will it cost more, or less,
Avhen the rations are 12 ounces? Less; consequently, the multiplier
is the proper fraction \Z, and we have $4320 X Jl X ?^ X j^ =$4896,
the required term. Hence the following
Rule. I. Of the terms com2?osing each couplet form a ratio
greater or less than 1, in the same manner as if the aiisicer de-
pended on those two and the third or odd term.
II. Multiply together the third or odd tei^i and these ralios ;
the product will he the ansiver sought.
1. If 12 horses plow 11 acres in 5 days, how many horses
would plow 33 acres in 18 days? Ans. 10.
2. If 480 bushels of oats will last 24 horses 40 days, how long
will 300 bushels last 48 horses,^ at the same rate ?
Ans. 12-2 days.
3. If 7 reaping machines can cut 1260 acres in 12 days, in
how many days can 16 machines reap 4728 acres ?
Ans. 19.7 days.
4. If 144 men in 6 days of 12 hours each, build a wall 200 ft.
long, 3 ft. high, and 2 ft. thick, in how many days of 7 hours
each can 30 men build a wall 350 ft. long, 6 ft. high, and 3 ft.
thick? Ans. 259.2 da.
5. In how many days will 6 persons consume 5 bu. of potatoes,
if 3 bu. 3 pk. last 9 persons 22 days ?
6. How many planks lOf ft. long and IJ in. thick, are equiva-
lent to 3000 planks 12 ft. 8 in. long and 2$ in. thick?
Aus. 6531}.
7. If 300 bushels of wheat @ §1.25 will discharge a certain
debt, how many bushels @ §.90 will discharge a debt 3 -times as
great? Ans. 1256 bu.
8. If 468 bricks, 8 inches long and 4 inches wide, are required
for a walk 26 ft. long and 4 ft. wide, how many bricks will be
required for a walk 120 ft. long and 6 ft. wide ?
9. If a cistern 17J ft. long, lOJ ft. wide, and 13 ft. deep, hold
546 barrels, how many barrels will a cistern hold that is 16 ft.
long, 7 ft. wide, and 15 ft. deep? Ans. 384 bbK
10. If 11 men can cut 147 cords of wood in 7 days, when they
work 14 hours per day, how many days will it take 5 men to cut
150 cords, working 10 hours each day?
1. If a staff 4 ft. long cast a shadow 7 ft. in length, what is
the hight of a tower that casts a shadow of 198 ft. at the same
time? Ans. 113^ ft.
2. A person failing in business owes $972, and his entire prop-
erty is 'Worth but $607.50; how much will a creditor receive on a
debt of $11.33J? Ans. $7.08+.
3. If 3 cwt. can be carried 660 mi. for $4, how many cwt. can
be carried 60 mi. fur $12 ? Ans. 99.
4. A man can perform a certain piece of work in 18 days by
working 8 hours a day; in how many days can he do the same
work by working 10 hours a day? Arts. 14|.
5. How much land worth $16.50 an acre, should be giv n in
exchange for 140 acres, worth $24.75 an acre?
6. If I gain $155.52 on $1728 in 1 yr. 6 mo., how much will
I gain on $750 in 4 yr. 6 mo.? Ans. $202.50.
7. If 1 lb. 12 oz. of wool make 2 J yd. of cloth 6 qr. wide, how
many lb. of wool will it take for 150 yd. of cloth 4 qr. wide ?
8. What number of men must be employed to finish a piece of
work in 5 days, which 15 men could do in 20 days ? Ans. 60.
9. At 12s. 7d. per oz., N. Y. currency, what will be the cost
of a service of silver plate weighing 15 lb. 11 oz. 13 pwt. 17 gr. ?
10. If a cistern 16 ft. long, 7 ft. wide, and 15 ft. deep, cost
$36.72, how much, at the same rate per cubic foot, would another
cistern cost that is 17i ft. long, 10} ft. wide, and 16 ft. deep?
11. A borrows $1200 and keeps it 2 yr. 5 mo. 5 da.; what
sum should he lend for 1 yr. 8 mo. to balance the favor ?
12. A farmer has hay worth $9 a ton, and a merchant has flour
worth $5 per barrel. If in trading the former asks $10.50 for
his hay, how much should the merchant ask for his flour ?
13. If 12 men, working 9 hours a day for 15| days, were able
to execute § of a job, how many men may be withdrawn and the
job be finished in 15 days more, if the laborers are employed
only 7 hours a day ? Ai2s. 4.
14. If the use of $300 for 1 yr. 8 mo. is worth $30, how much
is the use of $210.25 for 3 yr. 4 mo. 24 da. worth?
22* B
15. What quantity of lining f yd. wide, will it require to line
91 yd. of cloth, 1} yd. wide ? , Ans. 15| yd.
IG. If it cost $95.60 to carpet a room 24 ft. by 18 ft., how
much will it cost to carpet a room 38 ft. by 22 ft. with the same
material? Ans. $185.00+.
17. If IGj'^g cords of wood last as long as Il^^g tons of coal,
how many cords of wood will last as long as I5/3 tons of coal?
18. A miller has a bin 8 ft. long, 44 ft. wide, and 2i ft. deep,
and its capacity is 75 bu. ; how deep must he make another bin
which is to be 18 ft. long and 3| feet wide, that its capacity may
be 450 bu. ? Ans. 7/3 ft.
19. If 4 men in 2 J da3^s, mow 6 J acres of grass, by working
81 hours a day, how many acres will 15 men mow in 3| days, by
working 9 hours a day? Ans. 40}^ acres.
20. If an army of 600 men have provisions for 5 weeks, allowing
each man 12 oz. a day, how many men may be maintained 10
weeks with the same provisions, allowing each man 8 oz. a day ?
21. A cistern holding 20 barrels has two pipes, by one of which
it receives 120 gallons in an hour, and by the other discharges
80 gallons in th% same time ; in how many hours will it be filled ?
22. A merchant in selling groceries sells \^j% oz. for a pound;
how much does he cheat a customer who buys' of him to the amount
of $38.40 ? Ans. $3.45.
23. If 5 lb. of sugar costs $.62 J, and 8 lb. of sugar are worth
5 lb. of coffee, how much will 75 lb. of cofiee cost?
24. B and C have each a farm; B's farm is worth $32.50 an
acre, and C's $28.75 ; but in trading B values his at $40 an acre.
What value should C put upon his ?
25. If it require 859| reams of paper to print 12000 copies of
an 8vo. book containing 550 pages, how many reams will be required
to print 3000 copies of a 12mo. book containing 320 pages?
26. If 248 men, in 5 J days of 12 hours each, dig a ditch of 7
degrees of hardness, 232i yd. long, 3f yd. wide, and 2 J yd. deep;
in how many days of 9 hours each, will 24 men dig a ditch of 4
degrees of hardness, 387i yd. long, 5^ yd. wide, and 3 J yd deep?
Ans. 155
4:4:0. Per Cent, is a contraction of the Latin phrase per
centum, and signifies hy the hundred ; that is, a certain part of
every hundred, of any denomination whatever. Thus, 4 per cent
means 4 of every hundred, and may signify 4 cents of every 100
cents, 4 dollars of every 100 dollars, 4 pounds of every 100
pounds, etc.
44^. The character, %, is generally employed in business
transactions to represent the words per cent. ; thus G % signifies
G per cent.
44^. Since any per cent, is some number of hundredths, it is
properly expressed by a decimal fraction; thus 5 per cent.
=z b (fo =■ -05. Per cent, may always be expressed, however,
either by a decimal or a common fraction , as shown in the following
1 per cent. =
2 per cent. =
4 per cent. =
6 per cent. =»
6 per cent. =
7 per cent. =
8 per cent. =
10 per cent. =
20 per cent. =
25 per cent. =
50 per cent. =
100 per cent. =
125 per cent. =
i per cent. =
£ per cent. =
12^ per cent. =
1 %
2 %
4 /.
5 %
6 %
7 %
8 %
10 %
20 %
25 %
50 %
100 %
125 %
1 t/ —
12^ fc
Common trac
1 00
1. Express de
1. Express decimally 3 per cent. ; 9 per cent. ; 12 per cent. ;
xu per cent.; 23 per cent.; 37 per cent.; 75 per cent.; 125 per
cent. ; 184 per cent. ; 205 per cent.
2. Express decimally 15 % ; H % ; 4i % ; 5i % ; 8J % ;
20i % ; 251 % ; 35| % ; 24f % ; 130J %.
3. Express decimally i per cent. ; f per cent. ; i per cent. ;
I per cent. ; | per cent. ; /^ per cent. ; j3_6^ per cent. ; If^ per
cent. ; 10-1- per cent.
4. Express by common fractions, in their lowest terms, 4 % ;
87J % ; 16| % ; ll^ % ; 42| % ; 45/^ % ; 43/, %.
5. What per cent, is .0725 ?
Analysis. .0725 = .071 = 7i ^, Ans.
6. What per cent, is .065? Ans. 6 J %.
7. What per cent, is .14375? Ans, 14i %.
8. What per cent, is .0975 ?
9. What per cent, is .014 ?
10. What per cent, is .1025 ?
11. What per cent, is .004?
12. What per cent, is .028 ?
13. What % is .1324?
14. What % is .084f ?
15. What % is .004-j\? Ans. /-j- %
16. What % is .003 J^ ?
4:43. In the operations of Percentage there are five parts or
elements, namely : Rate per cent., Percentage, Base, Amount, and
4:44« Hate per Cent., or Rate, is the decimal which denotes
how many hundredths of a number are to be taken.
Notes. — 1. Such expressions as 6 per cent., and 5 "^.are essentinlly dechnah,
the words ^icr cent., or the character % , indicating the decimal denominator.
2. If the decimal bo reduced to a common fraction in its loioent terms, this
fraction will still be the equivalent ratef though not the rate^«r cent.
44d, Percentage is that part of any number wliicli is indi-
cated by the rate.
446. The Base is the number on which the percentage is
447. The Amount is the sum obtained by adding the per-
centage to the base.
448. The Difference is the remainder obtained by subtract-
ing the percentage from the base.
449. Given, the base and rate, to find the per-
1. What is 5 % of 360 ?
Note 1.-
f actor 8.
Analysis. Since 5 ^ of any
number is .05 of that number,
(442), we multiply the base, 360,
by the rate, .05, and obtain the
percentage, 18. Or, since the rate
is j^iy = oV* ^^^ h.^^^ 3G0 X 2V ==
18, the percentage. Hence the fol-
Multiply the hase hy the rate.
Percentage is always a product, of which the base and rate ar© the
18.00, Ans,
860 X 2^5 = 18, Ans,
1. What
2 What
3. What
4. What
5. What
6. What
7. What
8. What
9. What
10. What
s 4 per cent, of 250 ?
s 7 per cent, of 3500 ?
s 16 per cent, of 324 ?
s 12^ per cent, of $5600 ?
s 9 % of 785 lbs. ?
s 25 % of 960 mi.?
s 75 % of 487 bu. ?
s38i % of 2757 men?
125 % of 756 ?
I % of $2864 ?
Ans. 10.
Ans. 245.
Ans. 51.84.
A71S. §700.
Ans. 865.25 bu.
Ans. $5.91.
1 tiU*
11. What is 3| % of $856? Ans. §31.39
12. What is I % of I ? Ans.
13. What is 14f % of di ?
1-1. If the base is §375, and the rate .05, what is the percent-
age ? Ans. $18.75.
15. A man owed §536 to A, $450 to B, and $784 to C; how
much money will be required to pay 54 % of his debts ?
16. My salary is $1500 a year; if I pay 15 % for board, 5 %
for clothing, 6 % for books, and 8 % for incidentals, what are
my yearly expenses ? Ans. $510.
NoTK 2. — 15 ^ + 5 % + (> % +8 % =Zi %. In all cases where several
rates refer to the same base, they may be added or subtracted, according to the
conditions of the question.
17. A man having a yearly income of $3500, spends 10 per
cent of it the first year, 12 per cent, the second year, and 18 per
cent, the third year; how much does he save in the 3 years?
18. A had $6000 in a bank. He drew out 25 % of it, then
SO % of the remainder, and afterward deposited 10 % of what
he had drawn ; how much had he then in bank ? Ans. $3435.
19. A merchant commenced business, Jan. 1, with a capital of
$5400, and at the end of 1 year his ledger showed the condition
of his business as follows : For Jan., 2 % gain ; Feb., 3} % gain ;
March, } % loss; Apr., 2 % gain; May, 2} % gain; June, If
% loss; July, 1} % gain; Aug., 1 % loss; Sept., 2| % gain;
Oct., 4 % gain; Nov., J % loss; Dec, 3 ^ gain. What were
the net profits of his business for the year? Ans. §918.
ruoBLE:\i II.,
450. Given, the percentage and baso^ to find the
1. What per cent of 360 is 18 ?
opERATiox. Analysis. Since the pcrcent-
18 -i- 360 = .05 = 5 % age is always the product of the
Qj. base and rate, (449), we divide
= .05 = 5 % *' *
required ratQ, .05 =? 5 fo. Hence the
,8 1 f).^ P. c/ the given percentage, 18, b}^ the
■3 0^ — -iU — • — /o g.^^j^ i^^g^^ 3QQ^ and. obtain the
Rule. Divide the percentage hy the base.
1. What per cent, of $720 is $21.60 ? Ans. 3.
2. What per cent, of 1500 lb. is 234 lb. ?
3. What per cent, of 980 rd. is 40 rd. ?
4. What per cent, of £320 10s. is £25 12.8s. ? Ans. 8.
5. What per cent, of 46 gal. is 5 gal. 3 qt.? Ans. 12 J.
6. What per cent, of 7.85 mi. is 5.495 mi.? * Ans. 70.
7. What per cent, of j% is | ? Ans. 75.
8. What per cent, of ^ is t>^^ ?
9. What per cent, of 560 is 80 ?
10. The base is $578, and the percentage is $26.01 ; what is the
rate? Ans. 4i %.
11. The base is $972.24, and the percentage is §145.836; what
is the rate ?
12. An editor having 5600 subscribers, lost 448; what was his
loss per cent? Ans. 8.
13. A merchant owes $7560, and his assets are $4914; what
per cent, of his debts can he pay ? Ans, 65.
14. A man shipped 2600 bushels of grain from Chicago, and
455 bushels were thrown overboard during a gale ; what was the
rate per cent, of his loss ?
15. A miller having 720 barrels of flour, sold 288 barrels; what
per cent, of his stock remained unsold ? Ans. 60.
16. AVhat per cent, of a number is 30 % of | of it ?
17. The total expenditures, of the General Government, for the
year ending June 30, 1858, were $83,751,511.57; the expenses
of the War Department were $23,243,822.38, and of the Navy
Department, $14,7 12, 610.21. What per cent, of the whole cx-
^jense of government went for armed protection ?
^^B Ans. 45J-, nearly.
18. In the examination of a class, 165 questions were sub-
mitted to each of the 5 members; A answered 130 of them, B
125, C 96, D 110, and E 160. What was the standing of the
class? Ans. 75.27 %.
431. Given, the percentage and rate, to find the
1. 18 is 5 % of what number?
.^x,,T,.mr^^r Analysis. SmcG tliG pGrceiit-
age is always the product of the
18 -^ .Oo = 360, Arts. ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^ ^j^j^^
Or, the given percentage, 18, by the
18 -7- 3j^0 = 360, Ans. given rate, .05, or J^, and obtain
the base, 360. Hence the
Rule. Divide the percentage hy the rate.
1. ] 8 is 25 % of what number ? Ans. 72.
2. 54 is 15 % of what number?
3. 17.5 is 2J cjo of what number? Ans. 750.
4. 2.28 is 5 % of what number?
5. 414 is 120 % of what number ?
6 6119 is 105} cjo of what number? Ans, 5800.
7. .43 is 71f ^0 of what number? Am. .6.
8. The percentage is $18.75, and the rate is 2} % ; what is the
base ? Ans, $750.
9. The percentage is 31}, and the rate 31} % ; what is the
base ?
10. I sold my house for $4578, which was 84 % of its cost;
what was the cost ? Ans, $5450.
11. A wool grower sold 3150 head of sheep, and had 30 % of
his original flock left ) how many sheep had he at first ?
12. A man drew 40 % of his bank deposits, and expended 13 J
% of the money thus drawn in the purchase of a carriage worth
$116; how much money had he in bank? Ans. $2175.
13. If $147.56 is 13| % of A's money, and 4f % of A's
money is 8 % of B's, how much more money has A than B ?
Ans. $461.12}.
4. In a battle 4 % of the army were slain upon the field :|itid 5
% of the remainder died of wounds, in the hospital. The difier-
ence between the killed and the mortally wounded was 168 ; how
many men were there in the army ? Ans. 21000.
Note.— 100 % — 4 ^ = 96 %, left after the battle; and 5 % of 96 "2^ =-
4 J %, the part of the army that died of wounds.
15. A owns f of a prize and B the remainder; after A has
taken 40 % of his share, and B 20 % of his share, the remainder
is equitably divided between them by giving A $1950 more than
B ; what is the value of the prize ? Ans. $7800.
433. Given, the amount and rate, to find tlie base.
1. What number increased by 5 % of itself is equal to 378 ?
OPERATION. Analysis. If any number
1 4- 05 = 1 05 ^® increased by 5 ^ of itself
378 _^ 1.05 = 360, Ans, *be amount will be 1.05 times
the number. We therefore di-
Or, vide the given amount, 378, by
1 J. 1 *— 2 1 1.05, or |jl, and obtain the base.
37g -^ 2 1 — _ 350 ^^5. 360, which is the number re-
quired. Hence the
BuLE. Divide the amount hy 1 jplns the rate.
Note 1. — The amount is always a product, of which the base is one factor,
and 1 plus the rate the other factor.
1. What number increased by 15 % of itself is equal to 644 ?
Ans. 560.
2. A has ^815.36, which is 4 % more than B has; how much
money has B ? Ans. $784.
3. Having increased my stock in trade by 12 % of itself, I
find that I have $3800 ; how much had I at first ?
4. In 1860 tiie population of a certain city was 39600, which
was an increase of 10 % during the 10 years preceding; what
was the population in 1850 ?
5. Mj crop of wheat this year is 8 ^^ greater than my crop of
last year, and I have raised during the two years 5200 bushels;
what- was my last year's crop? Ans. 2500 bu.
KoTE 2. — 1.00+ 1.08 = 2.08. Hence, 5200 bu. = 2.08 % of last year's crop.
6. The net profits of a nursery in two years were $6970, and
the profits the second year were 5 % greater than the profits the
first year ; what were the profits each year ?
Ans. 1st year, $3400 ; 2d year, $3570.
7. If a number be increased 8 %, and the amount be increased
7 foy the result will be 86.67 ; required the number.
KoTE 3. — The whole amount will be 1.08 X 1.07 = 1.1556 times the original
8. A produce dealer bought grain by measure, and sold it by
weight, thereby gaining 1} % in the number of bushels. He
sold at a price 5 % above his buying price, and received $4910.976
for the grain ; required the cost. Ans. $4608.
9. B has 6 %, and C 4 % more money than A, and they all
have $11160 ; how much money has A ? Ans. $3600.
' 10. In the erection of a house I paid twice as much for mate-
rial as for labor. Had I paid 6 % more for material, and 9 % more
lor labor, my house would have cost $1284 ; what was its cost ?
Ans. $1200.
453. Given, tlie difference and rate, to find the base.
1. What number diminished by 5 % of itself, is equal to 342 ?
OPERATION. Analysis. If any number be di-
-[ .05 = .95 minished by 5 % of itself, the dif-
342 -f- .95 = 360, Ans. fcrence will be .95 of the number.
Qr We therefore divide the given diiFer-
1 ^1^ 1= 19 ence, 342, by .95, or ^^, and obtain
342 -I- ' 5 = 360, Ans. the base, 3G0, which is the, requited
number. Hence the ';
Hule. Divide the difference r^ 1 minus the rate.
XoTF. — The difference is always k product, of which the base is one factor,
and 1 minus the rate the other.
1. "VYhat number diminished by 10 % of itself fs equal to 504?
Atis. 5G0.
2. The rate is 8 ^, and the • difference $4.37; what is the
3. After taking a^yay 15 % of a heap of grain, there remained
40 bu. S^ pk. ; how many bushels were there at first ?
An.9. 48 bu.
4. Having sold SG % of my land, I have 224 acres left; how
much land had I at first ?
5. After paying 65 % of my debts, I find that 62590 will dis-
charge the remainder ; how much did I owe in all ?
Ans. $7400.
6. A young man having received a fortune, deposited 80 ^^ of
it in a bank. He afterward drew 20 % of his deposit, and then
had §5760 in bank; what was his entire fortune?
Ans. ?9000.
7. A man owning | of a ship, sold 12 % of his share to A, and
the remainder to B, at the same rate, for $20020; what was the
estimated value of the whole ship ? Ans, $26000.
8. An army which has been twice decimated in battle, now
contains only 6480 men ; what was the original number in the
army? Avs. 8000.
^ 9. Each of two men, A and B, desired to sell his horse to C.
A asked a certain price, and B asked 50 % more. A then re-
duced his price 20 %, and B his price 30 %, at which prices C
took both horses, paying for them $148 ; what was each man's
asking B^? 4^^^ (A, $^0.
"^ ^ ' (B, $120.
^ " 10. A buyer expended equal sums of money in the purchase of
wheat, corn, and oats. In the sales, he cleared 6 % on the wheat,
and 3 % on the corn, but lost 17 % on the oats; the whole
amount received was $2336. What sum did he lay out in each
kind of grain ? Ans, $800.
4.54, The principal applications of Percentage, where time is
not considered, are Commission, Stocks, Profit and Loss, Insurance,
Taxes, and Duties. And since the five problems in Percentage
involve all the essential relations of the parts or elements, we have
for the above applications the following
General Rule. Note what elements of Percentage are given
in the example^ and what elemerd is required ; then apply the spe-
cial rule for the corresponding case.
455« An Agent, Factor, or Broker, is a person who trans-
acts business for another.
456. A Commission Merchant is an agent .who buys and
sells goods for another.
45 y. Commission is the f&e or compensation of an agent,
factor, or commission merchant.
458. A Consignment is a qu«intity of goods sent to one person
to be sold on commission for another person.
459. A Consignee is a pei^ptn who receives goods to sell for
another; and
46®. A Consignor is a person who sends goods to another to
be sold.
461* The Net Proceeds of a sale or collection is the sum
left, ?ifter deducting the commission and other charges.
NoTB. — A person who is employed in establishino^ mercantile relations between
other.s living nt a distance from each other, is called the Correspoudenf of the
party in whose behalf he acts. A correspondent is the an the property. The OohcIh ist^ued lor
c;ipit;ii or elaiuis upon corporate I'odies.
4. 'J'he members of an incorporated company are individually liable for the
debts and obligations of the coin[»any, to the amount ^ompany was able to declare a dividend of 8 % ; how much scrip
had the company issued? Ans. $7086676.
13. Having received a stock dividend of 5 %, I find that I
own 504 shares ; how many shares had I at first ? Ans. 480.
14. I received a 6 % dividend on Philadelphia City railroad
stock, ajid invested the money in the same stock at 75 %. Mj
stock had then increased to $16200; what was the amount of my
dividend ?--'\ ]-- 1 ^' ' ; vA ^ f 5 ^ ' ^ ' Ans. $900.
.15. A ferry company, whose stock is $28000, pays 5 % divi-
dends semi-annually.. The annual expenses of the ferry are
$2050 ; what are the gross earnings ? Ans. $5750.
4:SS. The net earnings of a corporation are usually divided
among the stockholders, in semi-annual dividends. The income of
capital stock is therefore fluctuating, being dependent upon the con-
dition of business ; while the income arising from bonds, whether of
government or corporations, is fixed, being a certain rate per cent.,
annually, of the par value, or face of tlie bonds.
489. Federal or United States Securities are of two kinds :
viz.. Bonds and Notes.
Bonds are of two kinds.
First, Those which are payable at a fixed date, and are known
and quoted in commercial transactions by the rate of interest they
bear, thus, : U. S. 6's, that is, United States Bonds bearing 6 %
Second, Those which are payable at a fixed date, but which may
be paid at an earlier specified time, as the Government may elect.
These are known and quoted in commercial transactions by a cond)i-
nation of the two dates, thus : U. S. 5-20's, or a combination of the
rate of interest and the two dates, thus : U. S. 6's 5-20 ; that is,
bonds bearing G % interest, which are payable in twenty years, bub
may be paid in five years, if the Government so elect.
When it is necessary, in any transaction, to distinguish from each
other different issues which bear the same rate of interest, this is
done by adding the year in which they become due, thus : U. S. 5's
of 71 ; U. S. 5's of 74 ; U. S. 6's 5-20 of '84 ; U. S. 6's 5-20
of '85.
Notes are of two kinds.
First, Those payable on demand, without interest, known as United
States Legal-tender Notes, or, in common language, "Green Backs."
* TJie following eight pages contain/owr pages of new matter, on U.S. Secniitics,
Bonds, Treasury Notes, Gold Investments, &c., to meet a necessity which did not
exist ut tlie time this book was written.
The pupil will find the Cases, Rules, and Operations of the previous editions
essentially the same in this, with additional examples, and other matter, which may
be used or omitted; so that the present may be used with the preyious editions
fuith little or no inconvenience.
Second^ Notes payable at a specified time, with interest, known
as Treasury Notes. Of these, there are two kinds, — Six-per-cent.
Compound-interest Notes, and Notes bearing 7i\ % interest, tlie
latter known and quoted in commercial transactions as T.CO's.
The nomenclature here explained is the one used in commercial
transactions, which involve similar securities of States or corporations.
The interest on all bonds is payable in gold.
The interest on notes is payable in Legal-tender Notes.
When Bonds or Stocks are sold, a revenue stamp must be used
equal in value to one cent on each $100, or fraction of $100, of their
currency value. If sold by a broker, this is charged to the person
for w^hom they are sold.
The following are the principal United States Securities : —
U. S. G's of 1867.
U. S. G's of 18G8.
U. S. G's of 1880.
U. S. G's of 1881.
U. S. 5's of 1871.
U. S. 5's of 1874.
U. S. 6-20's, due in 1882, interest 5 %.
U. S. 5-20's, due in 1884, interest G %.
U. S. 5-20's, due in 1885, interest G %.
U. S. 10-40's, due in 1004, interest 5 %.
Pacific Railroad G's of 1895.
Pacific Ptailroad G's of 1896.
Compound-interest Notes of 18G7.
Compound-interest Notes of 1868.
7.30 Notes of '1867.
7.30 Notes of 1868.
490. To find what income any investment will pro-
1. What income will be obtained by investing $G840 in stock
bearing 6 % , and purchased at 95 % ?
OPERATION. Analysis. We di-
$8840 - .95 = $7200, stock purchased, l'^^'^? i-^^^^^"^;
$7200 X .06 = $432, annual income. ^^^^^' \^^^ ^^^* ^^
Si, and obtain $7200,
the stock which the investment will purchase, (452). And since the
stock bears 6 % interest, we have $7200 X -OG == $432, the annual
income obtained by the investment. Hence,
Rule. — Fmd how much stock the investment will purchase, and
then compute the income at the given rate upon the par value,
1. The trustees of a school invested $35374.80 in the U. S.
5 % bonds as a teachers' fund, purchasing the stock at 102J^
if the salary of the Principal be $1000, what sum will be left to pay
assistants? Ans. $725. CO.
2. A young man, receiving a legacy of $48000, invested one half
in 5 % stock at 95 J %, and the other half in G % stock at 112 %,
paying brokerage at J % ; what annual income did he secure from
his legacy? Ans. $2530.
3. I have S2300 to invest, and can buy New York Central 6's
at 85 %, or N^w York Central 7 's at 95 % ; how much more prof
itable will tlj9 latter be than the former, per year ?
4. A owns a farm which rents for $411.45 per annum. If he
sell the same for $8229, and invest the proceeds in U. S. 5-20 's of
'84, at 105 %, paying \ % brokerage, will his yearly income be
increased or duninished, and how much ! Ans. Increased $56.55.
5. A sold $8700 of U. S. 5-20's of '84 at 104 %, paying for
necessary revenue stamps, and invested the proceeds in U. S. 10-4 O's
at 94 % , brokerage \ % both for selling and buying. Did he gain
or lose by the exchange, and how much annually?
Ans. $45.62—.
491. To find what sum must be invested to obtain a
given income.
I. What sum must be invested in Virginia 5 per cent, bonds,
purchasable at 80 % , to obtain an income of $600 ?
OPERATION. Analysis. Since
$600 -~ .05 = $12000, stock required. ^^ ^^' ^^^ stock will
$1200 X .80 =z $9600, cost or investment, obtain S.05 income,
to obtain SGOO will
require $G00 -^.05 = $12000, (Case 1). Multiplying the par value
of the stocks by the market price of $1, we have $12000 X -80 =
S9600, the cost of the required stock, or tho sum to be invested.
Hence the
IluLE. I. Divide the given income hy the % which the stock
pays ; the quotient will he the par value of the stock required.
II. Multiply the par value of the stock hy the market value of
one dollar of the stock / the product will he the required investment,
1. If Missouri State O's are 16 % below par, what sum must bo
invested in this stock to obtain an income of $960 ?
2. What sum must I invest in U. S. 5-20's of '82 at 962 %»
brokerage ^- %, to secure an annual income of $1500.
Ans. $29100.
3. How much must I invest in U. S. 7-30's, at 106 %, that my
annual income may be $1752? Ans. $25440.
4. If I sell $15600 U. S. 10-40's at 97 %, and invest a suf-
ficient amount of the proceeds in U. S. 5-20's of '85 at 107 % to
yield an annual income of $540, and buy a house with the re-
mainder, how much will the house cost me ? Ans. $5502.
5. Charles C. Thomson, through his broker, invested a certain
sum of money in U. S. 6's 5-20 at 107 %, and twice as much in
U. S. 10-40's at 98 J %, brokerage in each case I %. His in-
come from both investments was $1674. How much did ho invest
in each kind of stock ?
Ans. First kind, $10692. Second kind, $21384.
492. To find what per cent, the income is of the in-
vestment, when stock is purchased at a given price.
1. What per cent, of mj investment shall I secure by purchasing
the New York 7 per cents, at 105 % ?
Analysis. Since Si of the stock .
OPERATION. will cost $1.05, and pay S.07, the in-
.07 -r- 1.05 = Gf %. come is ^l^ = 6f % of the invest-
ment. Hence the
PtULE. Divide the annual rate of mcovfie which the stock hears
hy the price of the stock ; the quotient will he the rate vpon the in-
1. What per cent, of his money will a man obtain by investing
in G per cent, stock at 108 % ? Ans. 5f %.
2. What is the rate of income upon money invested in G per cent,
bonds, purchased at a discount of IG % ? Ans. 7-J- %.
3. Panama railroad stock is at a premium of 34|^ %, and the
charge for brokerage is IJ % ; what will be the rate of income on
an investment in these funds if the stock pays a dividend of %\ %
annually? Ans. 6 J %.
4. Which is the better investment, to buy 5's at 70 %, or G's
at 80 % ?
5. Which is the more profitable, to buy 8's at 120 %, or 5's a.t
G. What is the rate of income upon money invested in U. S.
7-30's at lOG % ? Ans. GfJ %.
7. Which is the better investment, U. S. 5-20's of '8-1 at
108^ %, or U. S. 10-40's at 98 %, and how much per cent, per
annum? ' Ans. U. S. 5-20's, -i%VV %•
8. If a man invest $10000. in U. S. 10-40's at 08 %, and ex-
changes them at par for U. S. 7-30's at 102 %, what is his rate of
income? ^
9. What per cent of his money will a man gam by investing in
Pacific Ptailroad G's at 105 % ?
493. To find the price at which stock must be pur-
chased to obtain a given rate upon the investment.
1. At -wbat price must 6 per cent, stocks he purchased in order
to obtain 8 % income on the investment ?
OPERATION. Analysis. Since $.06, the in-
itio Ar> AQ c>^^ <^ome of SI of the stock, is 8 ^ of
5).UO -r- .UO = Jt?iO. . • 1 /> -^ 1 ^AAn\
the sum paid lor it, we have, (449),
$.06 -i- .08 = $75, the purchase price. Hence,
HuLE. Divide the annual rate of income which the stock hears
hy the rate required on the investment ; the quotient will he the
price of the stock,
1. What must I pay for Government 5 per cents., that my in-
vestment may yield 8 % ? Ans. C2i- %.
2. At what rate of discount must the Vermont G per cent, bonds
he purchased that the person investing may secure C^ % upon his
money? Ans, 4 %.
3. What rate of premium does 7 per cent, stock bear in the mar-
ket when an investment pays G % ?
4. A speculator invested in a Life Insurance Company, and re-
ceived a dividend of G %, which was 8J^ % on his investment; at
wbat price did he purchase? Ans, 72 %.
5. What must I pay for U. S. 10-40's, that my investment may
yield 6 %? Ans, 83^ %.
G. What rate of premium docs U. S. G's 5-20 bear in market
when an investment pays 5 % ?
7. At wbat rate of discount must U S. 7-30's be purchased,
that the investment sball yield 10 % ?
8. What must I pay for government G's of '81, that my invest-
ment may yield 7 % ?
493 a* Currency is a term used in commercial language, First,
To denote the aggregate of Specie and Bills of Exchange, Bank
Bills, Treasury Notes, and other substitutes for money employed in
buying, selling, and carrying on exchange of commodities between
various nations. Second, To denote whatever circulating medium is
used in any country as a substitute for the government standard. In
this latter sense, the paper circulating medium, when below par, is
called Currency, to distinguish it from gold and silver. If, from any
cause, the paper medium depreciates in value, as it has done in the
United States, gold becomes an object of investment, the same as
stocks. In commercial language, gold is represented as rising and
falling ; but gold being the standard of value, it cannot vary. The
variation is in the medium of circulation substituted for gold ; hence,
when gold is said to be at a premium, the currency, or circulating
medium, is made the standard, while it is virtually bolow par.
To change gold into currency.
1. How much currency can be bought for $150 in gold when
gold is at 170 % ?
OPERATION. Analysis. Since a dollar of gold is
nd, $208.
* 16. GafTney, Burke & Co. bought a quantity of dry goods for
$6840; they sold } of them at 15 per cent, profit, i at 18i per
cent., i at 20 per cent., and the remainder at 33 J per cent, profit;
how much was- the average gain per cent., and how much the whole
gain? Ans. 21| % gain; $1482, entire gain.
•17. If I buy a piece of, land, and it increases in value each
year at the rate of 50 per cent, on the value of the previous year,
for 4 years, and then is worth $12000, how much did it cost ?
. 18. A Western merchant bought wheat as follows : 600 bushels
of red Southern @ $1.80, 1200 bushels of white Michigan @
$1.62^, and 200 bushels of Chicago spring, @ $1.25. lie
shipped the whole to his correspondent in Buffalo, who sold the
first two kinds at an advance of 20 % in the price, and the bal-
ance at $1.20 per bushel, and deducting from the gross avails his
commission at 5 %, and $254.60 for expenses, returned to the
consignor the net proceeds. What was the rate of the merchant's
gain ? Ans. ^\ ^c
19. A broker buys stock when it is 20 *y^ below par, and sells
it when it is 16 % below par; w^hat is his rate of gain ?
20. A man has 5 per cent, stock the market value of which is
78 % ; if he sells it, and takes in exchange 6 % stock at 4 ^
premium, what per cent, of his annual income does he lose?
^ • 21. A machinist sold 24 grain-drills for $125 each. On one
half of them he gained 25 per cent., and on the remainder he
lost 25 per cent.; did he gain or lose on the whole, and how
much? ^ns. Lost $200.
B 22. Bought land at $30 an acre ; how much must 1 ask an acre,
that I may abate 25 per cent, from my asking price, and still make
20 per cent, on the purchase money ? Am. $48.
H^ 23. A salesman asked an advance of 20 per cent, on the cost
of some goods, but was obliged to sell at 20 per cent, less than
his asking price; did he gain or lose, and how much per cent.?
\^ 24. A Southern merchant ships to his agent in IJdston, a quan-
tity of sugar consisting of 200 bbl. of New Orleans, each containing
216 lb., purchased at 5 cents per pound, and 560 bbl. of West
India, each containing 200 lb., purchased at 5 J cents per pound.-
25 T
The agent's account of sales shows a loss of 1 % on the New Or-
leans, and a profit of |§ % on the West India sugar ; does the
merchant gain or lose on the whole consignment, and what per
cent.? Ans. Gains | %.
25. ^A grocer sold a hogshead of molasses for $31.50, which
was a reduction of 30 % from the prime cost ; what was the pur-
chase price paid per gallon ?
26. A speculator sold stock at a discount of 7| %, and made
a profit of 5 % ; at what rate of discount had he purchased the
stock? Ans, 12 %.
27. A dry-goods merchant sells delaines for 2^ cents per yard
more than they cost, and realizes a profit of 8 % ; what was the
cost per yard? Ans. $.31|.
28. If I make a profit of 18| % by selling broadcloth for $.75
per yard above cost, how much must I advance on this price to
realize a profit of 31| % ?
29. A speculator gained SO % on | of his investment, and lost
6 % on the remainder, and his net profits were $720. What
would have been his profits, had he gained 30 ^ on | and lost
6 % on the remainder? Ans. $405.
30. A man wishing to sell his real estate asked 36 per cent,
more than it cost him, but he finally sold it for 16 per cent, less
than his asking price. He gained by the transaction $740.48.
How much did the estate cost him, what was his asking price, and
for how much did he sell it ?
Ans, Cost, $5200 ; asking price, $7072; sold for $5940.48.
31. Sold I of a barrel of beef for what the whole barrel cost;
what per cent, did I gain on the part sold ?
32. Bought 4 hogsheads of molasses, each containing 84 gal-
lons, at $.37 J a gallon, and paid $7.50 for freight and cartage.
Allowing 5 per cent, for leakage and waste, 4 per cent, of the sales
for bad debts, and 1 per cent, of the remainder for collecting, for
how much per gallon must I sell it to make a net gain of 25 per
cent, on the whole cost? Ans. $.55 + .
4©C5. Insurance is security guaranteed by one party to ano-
ther, against loss, damage, or risk. It is of two kinds; insurance
on property, and insurance on life.
40?^. The Insurer or Underwriter is the party taking the
498. The Insured or Assured is the party protected.
400. The Policy is the written contract between the parties.
^00. Premium is the sum paid for insurance. It is always a
certain per cent, of the sum insured, varying according to the
degree or nature of risk assumed, and payable annually or at stated
NoTKS. — 1. Insurance business is generally conducted by joint stock compa-
nies, though Siunetimes by individuals.
2. A 3/ntnal luHurauce company is one in which each person insured is enti-
tled to a share in the profits of the concern.
3. The act of insuring is sometimes called taking a risk.
^01. Insurance on property is of two kinds; Fire Insurance
and Marine Insurance.
Fire Insurance is security against loss of property by fire.
Marine Insurance is security against the loss of vessel or cavgo
by the casualties of navigation.
^O^. The Sum Covered by insurance is the difference be-
tween the sum insured and the premium paid.
Notes. — 1. As security against fraud, most insurance companies take risks at
not more than two- thirds of the full value of the property insured.
2. When insured property suffers damage less than the amount of the policy,
the insurers are required to pay only the estimated loss.
^03, The calculations in insurance are based upon tho fol-
lowing relations :
I. Premium is perrenta//e (44:3).
II. The sum insured is the base of premium.
III. The sum covered by insurance is difference.
1 . What premium must be paid for insuring mj stock of goods
to the amount of ?5760 at li % ?
OPERATION. Analysis. According to
$5760 X .0125 == $72, Ans. Prob. I, (449), we multiply
$5760, the base of premium,
by .0125, the rate, and obtain $72, the premium.
2. For what sum must a granary be insured* at 2 % in order to
cover the loss of the wheat, valued at $1617 ?
OPERATION. Analysis. According to
1.00 .02 = .98 P^^ob. V, (453), we divide the
$1617 ~- .98 = $1650, Ans, sum to be covered, $1617,
which is difference, by 1
minus the rate of premium, and obtain $1650, the base of premium,
or the sum to be insured.
Proof. $1650 X .02 = $33, premium ; $1650 — $33 = $1617, the
sum covered.
3. What must be paid for an insurance of $5860 at 1 J % ?
4. What is the premium of $860 at } % ? Am. $4.30.
5. What is the premium for an insurance of $3500 on my house
and barn, at IJ % ? Ans. $43.75.
6. A fishing craft, insured for $10000 at 2J %, was totally
wrecked ; how much of the loss was covered ? A^is. $9775.
7. A hotel valued at $10000 has been insured for $6000 at
li %, $5.50 being charged for the policy and the survey of the
premises ; if it should be destroyed by fire, what loss would the
owner suffer? Ans. $4080.50.
8. A merchant whose stock in trade is worth $12000, gets the
goods insured for | of their value, at J % ; if in a conflagration
he saves only $2000 of the stock, what actual loss will he sustain ?
9. If I take a risk of $36000 at 2J %, and re-insure J of it
at 3 %, what is my balance of the premium? Ans. $360.
10. I pay $12 for an insurance of $800 ; what is the rate of
premium? A71S. \\ ^q.
11. A trader got a shipment of 500 barrels of flour insured for
80 ^c of its cost, at 3} %, paying $107.25 premium; at what
price per barrel did he purchase the flour? Ans. $8.25.
12. The Astor Insurance Company took a risk of $16000, for
a premium of $280 ; what was the rate of insurance ?
13. A whaling merchant gets his vessel insured for $20000 in
the Gallatin Company, at f %, and for $30000 in the Howard
Company, at J % ; what rate of premium does he pay on the whole
insurance? Ans. | %.
14. If it cost $46.75 to insure a store for J of its value, at 1|
^, what is the store worth? Ans. $6800.
15. For what sum must I get my library insured at H %, to
cover a loss of $7910 ? Ans. $8000.
16. What will be the premium for insuring at 2| %, to cover
$27320? Ans. $680.
17. A shipment of pork was insured at 4f %, to cover | of its
value. The premium paid was $122.50; what was the pork
worth? Ans. $4480.
18. A gentleman obtained an insurance on his house for f of
its value, at li % annually. After paying 5 instalments of pre-
mium, the house was destroyed by fire, in congcqueiice of which
he suffered a loss of $2940 ; what was the value of the lum^e ?
Ans. $960.0.
19. A man's property is insured at 2 J % payable annually; in
how many years will the premium equal the policy ?
20. A company took a risk at 2} %, and re-insured | of it in
another company at 2 J %. The premium received exceeded the
premium paid by $72. What was the amount of the risk?
21. The Commercial Insurance Company issued a policy of
insurance on an East India merchantman for f of the estimated
value of ship and cargo, at 4} % , and immediately re-insured J
of the risk in the Manhattan Company, at 3 %. During the out-
ward voyage the ship was wrecked, and the Manhattan Company
lost $1350 more than the Commercial Company; what did the
owners lose? ' Ans. $40590.
^©-4. Life Insurance is a contract in which a company agrees
to pay a certain sum of money on the death of an individual, in
consideration of an immediate payment, or of an annual premium
paid for a term of years^ or during the life of the insured. The
policy may be made payable to the heirs of the insured, or assured,
person, or to any one whom he may designate.
^^e>. The policies issued by life insurance companies are of
various kinds, the principal of which are as follows :
1st. Term policies, payable on the death of the insured, if the
death occurs during a specified term of years ; these require the
payment of an annual premium till the policy matures or expires.
2d. Life policies, payable on the death of the insured, the annual
premium to continue during life.
8d. Life policies, payable on the death of the insured, the annual
premium to cease at a given age.
4th. Endowment assurance policies, payable to the assured
person on his attaining a given age, or to his heirs if his death
occurs before that age, annual premium being required till the
policy matures.
NoTK. — The premium on tlie firpt nrd peconri cln?ses of policies innj he dis-
cliar it will be seen that the legal rate
of interest in -^2 States is 6 per cent. This is a sufficient reason
for introducing the following brief method into this work :
Analysis. At 6 J/^ per annum the interest on $1
For 12 months is $.06.
*' 2monihs(i% = Jofl2mo.) " .01.
'* 1 month, or 30 days (y^ of 12 mo.) " .0OJ = $.005 (^j of $.06).
" 6 days (I of 30 da.) *' .001.
** 1 " (i of 6 da. = jV of 30 da.) " .OOOJ.
Hence we conclude that,
1st. The interest on $1 is $.005 per month, or §.01 for every
2 months;
2d. The interest on §1 is g.OOOi per day, or ?.001 for every 6
From these principles we deduce the
lluLE. I. To find the rate: — Call ever?/ year §.06, every 2
montlu $.01, every 6 days $.001, and any less number of days
sixths of 1 niill.
II. To find the interest : — Multiply the jprincijyal by the rate.
Notes. — 1. To find the interest at any other rate ^ by this method, first find
it at 6 ^ot and then increase or c'lmin'sh the result by as many sixths of itself as
the given rate is units greater or lc*i«s than G ^. Thus, for 7 J^ add ^, fur 4 ^
subtract J, etc.
2. The interest of $10 for 6 days, or of $1 for 60 days, is $.01. Therefore, if tho
principal be less than^ $10 and the time less than 6 days, or the principal less
than $1 and the time less than 60 days, the interest will be less than $.01, and
may be disregarded.
3. Since the interest of $1 for 60 days is $.01, the interest of $1 for any num-
* This method of finding the interest on $1 by inspection was first published
in The Scholar's Arithmetic, by Daniel Adams, M. D., in ISOl, and from its
simplicity it has come into very general use.
ber of days is as many cents as 60 is contained times in the number of days.
Therefore, if any principal be multiplied by the number of days in any given
number of months and dnys, and the product divided by 60, the result will be
the interest in cents. That is, Mnltiplji the pritio'jxrl bij the uiinihvr of dnj/H,
divide the pntdiict by 60, aiid point off two decimal. pfficen in the quotient. The
result will be the interest iu the name denominulion as the principal,
What is the interest on the following sums for the times given,
at 6 per cent. ?
1. $325 ror 3 years. Ans. $58.50,
2. $1600 tor 1 yr. 3 mo. Ans. $120.
3. $36.84 for 5 mo.
4. $35.14 for 2 yr. 9 mo. 15 da.
5. $217.15 for 3 yr. 10 mo. 1 da. Ans, $49.98 + .
6. $721.53 for 4 yr. 1 mo. 18 da.
7. $15,125 for 15 mo, 17 da. Ans, $1.17+.
On the following at 7 per cent. ?
8. ^2000 for 5 yr. 6 mo.
9. $1436.59 for 2 yr. 5 mo. 18 da. Ans. $248,051 + .
10. $224.14 for 8 mo. 13 da. Ans. $11,026.
11. $100.25 for 63 da. Ans. S1.228+.
12. $600 for 24. da.
13. $520 for 5 yr. 11 mo. 29 da. Ans. $218,298.
14. $710.01 for 3 yr. 11 mo. 8 da.
On the following at 5 per cent. ?
15. $48,255 for 5 yr.
16. $750 for l*yr. 3 mo.
17. $647,654 for 4 yr. 10 mo. 20 da. Ans, $158,315 + .
18. $12850 for 90 da.
19. $2500 for ^ mo. 20 da. Ans. $79.86.
20. $850.25 for 8 mo.
I 21. $48.25 for 1 yr. 2 mo. 17 da. Ans. $2,928 + .
On the following at 8 per cent. ?
22. $2964.12 for 11 mo. Ans. $217,368 +
23. $725.50 for 150 da.
24. $360 for 2 yr 6 mo. 12 da.
25. $j600 for 3 yr. 2 mo. 17 da. Ans, $154.266f.
26. $1700 for 28 da. Ans. $10-58-.
On the following at 10 per cent.?
27. §3045.20 for 7 mo. 15 da. ' ' Ans, §190.32-f .
28. $1247.375 for 2 yr. 26 da. Ans. $258.48+.
29. $2450 for 60 da.
30. $375,875 for 3 mo. 22 da.
31. $5000 for 10 da.
32. $127.65 for 1 yr. 11 mo. 3 da. Ans. $24,572.
33. What is the interest of $155.49 for 3 mo., at 6} per cent. ?
34. What is the interest of $970.99 for 6 mo., at 5i per cent. ?
35. What is the amount of $350.50 for 2 yr. 10 mo., at 7 per
cent.? Ans. $120.01+.
36. What is the interest of $95,008 for 3 mo. 24 da., at 4i per
cent.? Ans. $1,353+.
37. What is the amount of $145.20 for 1 yr. 9 mo. 27 da., at
12i per cent.? ^«s. $178.32375.
38. What is the amount of $215.34 for 4 yr. 6 mo., at 3 J per
cent.? Ans. $U9.256+.
39. What is the amount of $5000 for 20 da., at 7 per cent. ?
40. What is the amount of $16941.20 for 1 yr. 7 mo. 28 da.,
at 4i per cent. ? Ans. $18277.91—.
41 If $1756.75 be placed at interest June 29, 1860, what
amount will be due Feb. 12, 1863, at 7 % ?
42. If a loan of $3155.49 be made Aug. 15, 18§8, at 6 per
cent., what amount will be due May 1, 1866, no interest having
been paid?
43. How mucb is the interest on a note for $257.81, dated
March 1, 1859, and payable July 16, 1861, at 7 % ?
44. A person borrows $3754.45, being the property of a minor
who is 15 yr. 3 mo. 20 da. old. He retains it until the owner is
21 years old. How much money will then be due at 6 % simple
interest? Ans. $5037.22+.
45. If a person borrow $7500 in Boston and lend it in Wis-
consin, how much does he gain in a year ?
46. A man sold a piece of property for $11320; the terms were
$3200 in cash on delivery, $3500 in 6 mo., $2500 in 10 mo., and
the remainder in 1 yr. 3 mo., with 7 % interest; what was the
whole amount paid ? Ans. $11773.83 J.
47. May 10, 1859, I borrowed $3840, with which I purchased
Sour at $5.70 a barrel. June 21, 1860, 1 sold the flour for $6.62}
a barrel, cash. How much did I gain by the transaction, interest
being reckoned at 6 % ?
48. If a man borrow $15000 in New York, and lend it in
Ohio, how much will he lose in 146 days, reckoning 360 days to
the year in the former transaction, and 365 days in the latter ?
49. Hubbard & Northrop bought bills of dry goods of Bowen,
McNamee & Co., New York, as follows, viz. : July 15, 1860,
81250; Oct. 4, 1860, $3540.84; Dec. 1, 1860, $575; and Jan.
24, 1861, $816.90. They bought on time, paying legal interest;
how much was the whole amount of their indebtedness, March 1,
50. A broker allows 6 per cent, per annum on all moneys de-
posited with him. If on an average he lend out every $100 re-
ceived on deposit 11 times during the year, for 33 days each
time at 2 % a month, how much does he gain by interest on
$1000? A71S. $182.
51. A man, engaged in business with a capital of $21840, is
making 12} per cent, per annum on his capital; but on account of
ill health he quits hi« business, and loans his money at 7i %.
How much does he lose in 2 yr. 5 mo. 10 da. by the change ?
Ans. S2535.86f.
52. A speculator wishing to purchase a tract of land containing
450 acres at $27.50 an acre, borrows th3 money at 5} per cent.
At the end of 4 yr. il mo. 20 da. he sells | of the land at $34
an acre, and the remainder at $32.55 an acre. How much does
he lose by the transaction ?
53. Bought 4500 bushels of wheat at $1.12} a bushel, payable
in 6 months; I immediately realized for it $1.06 a bushel, cash,
and put the money at interest at 10 per cent. At the end of the
6 months I paid for the wheat ; did I gain or lose by the transac-
tion, And how much ?
1' 27
«541:9. A Partial Payment is payment in part of a note, bond,
or oilier obligation.
41 4S. An Indorsement is an acknowledgment written on the
back of an obligation, stating the time and amount of a partial
payment made on the obligation.
^•J.3. To secure uniformity in the method of computing in-
terest where partial payments have been made, the Supreme Court
of the United States has decided that,
I. ^' The rule for casting interest when partial payments have
been made, is to apply the payment, in the first place, to the dis-
charge ot the interest then due.
II. " If the payment exceeds the interest the surplus goes to-
wards discharging the principal, and the subsequent interest is to
be computed on the balance of the principal remaining due.
III. '^ If the payment be less than the interest the surplus of
interest miist not be taken to augment the principal, but the inte-
rest continues on the former principal until the period when the
payments, taken together, exceed the interest due, and then the
surplus is to be applied towards discharging the principal, and the
interest is to be computed on the balance as aforesaid.'^ — Decision
of Chancellor Kent.
This decision has been adopted by nearly all the States of the
Union, the only prominent exceptions being Connecticut, Ver-
mont* and New Hampshire. We therefore present the method
prescribed by this decision as the
United States Kule.
I. Find the amount of the given principal to tlie tirm of Hie
first iiaymentj and if this payment exceed the interest then diie^
TMhiract it from the amount obtained, and treat the remainder as a
new j)ri'nrj'pal.
II. But if the interest he greater than any payment ^ compute the
interest on the same principal to a time when the sum of the jjcy-
ments shall equal or exceed the interest due, and subtract the sum
oj the 'payments from the amount of the principal ; the remainder
will form a new principal ^ with which proceed as he/ore,
flOOO. Buffalo, N Y., May 15 1856.
1. Two years after date I promise to pay to David Hudson, or
order, one thousand dollars, with interest, for value received.
Henry Burr.
On this note were indorsed the following payments :
Sept. 20, 1857, received, $150.60
Oct. 25,1859, '' 200.90
July 11, 1861, " 75.20
Sept. 20, 1862, " 112.10
Dec. 5, 1863, " 105.
What remained due May 20, 1864 ?
Principal on interest from May 15, 1856, $1000
Interest to Sept. 20, 1857, 1 yr. 4 mo 5 da., 94.31
Amount, $1094.31
1st Payment, Sept 20, 1857, 150.60
Remainder for a new principal, $943.71
Interest from 1st paym't to Oct. 25, 1859, 2 yr. 1 mo. 5 da., 138.54
Amount, $1082.25
2d Payment, Oct. 25, 1859, 200.90
Remainder for a new principal, $881.35
Interest from 2d paym't to Dec. 5, 1863, 4 yr. 1 mo. 10 da., 253.63
Amount, $1134.98
3d Payment, less than interest due, $75.20
4th " 112.11
Sura of 3d and 4th payments, less than interest due, $187.31
5th payment, 105.00
Sums of 3d, 4th, and 5th payments, 292.31
Remainder for new principal,. $842.67
Interest to May 20, 1864, 5 mo. 15 da., 27.04
Balance due May 20, 1864, $869.71
$^^0^- Richmond, Va., Oct. 15, 1859.
2. One year after date we promise to pay Jatnes Peterson, or
order, twelve hundred dollars, for value received, with interest.
Wilder k Son.
Indorsed as follows: Oct. 15, 1860, $1000; April 15, 1861,
§200. How much remained due Oct. 15, 1861 ? Ans, ?82.56.
^^50//^. Boston, June 10, 1855.
3. Eighteen months after date I promise to pay Crosby, Nich-
ols & Co., or order, eight hundred fifty and j'y^ dollars, with
interest, for value received. 0. L. Sanborn.
Indorsed as follows: March 4, 1856, $210.93; July 9, 1857,
$140; Feb. 20, 1858, $178; May 5, 1859, $154.30; Jan. 17,
1860, $259,45. How much was due Oct. 24, 1861 ?
$2^j¥Tr Savannah, Ga., Sept. 4, 1860.
4. Six months after date I promise to pay John Rogers, or
order, three hundred eighty-four and -j^^^^ dollars, for value re-
ceived, with interest. \Vm. Jenkins.
This note was settled Jan. 1, 1862, one payment of $126.50
having been made Oct. 20, 1861 ; Ibow much was due at the time
of Settlement ?
^^^"'^- New Orleans, March 6, 1857.
5 On demand we promise to pay Evans & Hart, or order, three
thousand four hundred seventy-five dollafrs, for value received, with
interest. Davis & Brother.
Indorsed as follows- June 1, 1857, $1247.60; Sept 10, 1857,
$1400. How much was due Jan. 31, 1858 ?
6. A gentleman gave a mortgage on his estate for $9750, dated
April 1, 1860, to be paid in 5 years, with annual interest after 9
months on all unpaid balances, at 10 per cent. Six months from
date he paid $846.50; Oct. 20, 1862, $2500; July 3, 1863, $1500;
Jan. 1, 1864, $500; how much was due at the expiration of the
given time?
g5^Q» Philadelphia, Feb. 1, 1861.
7. For value received, I promise to pay J. B. Lippincott & Co.,
or order, five hundred dollars three months after date, with interest.
James Monroe.
Indorsed as follows: May 1, 1861, $10; Nov. 14, 1861, $8;
April 1, 1862, $12; May 1, 1862, $30. How much was due
Sept. 16, 1862? Ans. $455.57+.
544. Connecticut Rule.
I. Payments made one year or more from the time the interest ■
commenced J or from another payment ^ and 'payments, less lluin the
interest due, are treated according to the United Sfates rule.
II. Payments exceeding the interest due and made within one
year from the time interest commenced , or from a former paymc7it,
shall draw interest for the balance of the year^ p)rovidf'd the interval
does not extend hey and the settlment^ and the amount mwt be sub-
tracted from the amount of the principal for otie year; the re-
maijider will be the new principal.
III. If the year extend beyond the settlemrnt^ then find the
amount of the payment to the day of settlement, and subtract it
from the amount of the principal to that day ; the remainder will
be the sum due.
•145. A note containing «- promise to pay interest annually
is not considered in law a contract for any thing more than simple
interest on the principal. Fir partial payments on such notes
the following is the
Vermont Rule.
I. Find the amount of the principal from the time interest com-
menced to the time of settlement.
II. Fiiid the amount of each payment from the time it icas made
to the time of settlement.
III. Subtract the sum of the amounts of the payments from the
amount of the pi'incipal ; the rc-niainder will be the sum due.
_NoTE. — This rule is in quite extensive use among merchants and others.
S4rG« In New Hampshire interest is allowed on the annual
interest if not paid when due, in the nature of damages for its
detention; and if payments are made he/ore one year's interest
has accrued, interest must be allowed on such payments for the
balance of the year. Hence the following
New Hampshire Rule.
I. Find the amount of the principal for one year^ and deduct
from it the amount of each payment of that year, from the time
it was made up to the end of the year ; the remainder will he a
new principal, with which proceed as before.
II. If the settlement occur less than a year from the last annual
term of interest, make the last term^f interest a part of a year,
^IQQQ - New Haven, Conn, Feb. 1, 185G.
1. Two years after date, for value received, I promise to pay to
Peck & Bliss, or order, one thousand dollars with interest.
John Cornwall.
Indorsed as follows: April 1, 1857, ^80; Aug. 1, 1857, $30;
Oct. 1, 1858, $10 ; Dec. 1, 1858, $600 ; May 1, 1859, $200. How
much was due Oct. 1, 1859 ? Ans, $266.38.
Burlington, Yt., May 10, 1858.
2. For value received, I promise to pay David Camp, or order,
two thousand dollars, on demand, with interest annually.
Richard Thomas.
On this note were indorsed the following payments : March 10,
1859, $800; May 10, 1860, $400; Sept. 10, 1861, $300. How
much was due Jan. 10, 1863 ?
3. How much would be due on the above note, computing by
the Connecticut rule ? Ans. $831.58.
4. How much, computing by the New Hampshire rule? By
the United States rule ?
. f N. H. rule, $833.21;
""'' 1 U. S. " $831.90.
547. Saving's Banks are institutions intended to receive in
trust or on deposit, small sums of money, generally the surplus
earnings of laborers, and to return the same with a moderate interest
at a future time.
548. It is the custom of all savings hanks to add to each
depositor's account, at the end of a certain fixed term, the interest
due on his deposits according to some general regulation for allow-
ing interest. The interest term with some savings banks is 6
months, with some 3 months, and with some 1 month.
540. A savings bank furnishes each depositor with r. book,
in which is recorded from time to time the sums deposited and
the sums drawn out. The Dr. side of such an account shews the
deposits, and the Cr. side the depositor's checks or drafts. In the
settlement, interest is never allowed on any sum, which has not
been on deposit for a full interest term. Hence, to find the
amount due on any depositor's account, we have the following
Rule. At the end of each term^ add to the hcdance of the
account one term^s interest on the smallest balance on deposit at any
one time durincj that term j the final balance thus obtained loill be
the sum due.
Notes. — 1. It will be seen that by this rule no interest is allowod for
money on deposit during a partial term, whether the period be the first or tlio
last part of the term.
2. An exception to this general rule occurs in the practice of some of tlio
savings banks of New York city. In these, the interest term is G moiitlis, and
the depositor is allowed not only the full term's interest on the smallest. Inlanco,
but a half term's interest on any deposit, or portion of a deposit made during
the first 3 months of the term, and not dratcn out duriuij ant/ subsequent 2)art of
the term.
1. What will be due April 20, 1860, on the" following account,
interest being allowed quarterly at 6 per cent, per annum, tho
terms commencing Jan. 1, April 1, July 1, and Oct. 1 ?
Dr. Savings Bank in account with James Taylor. Cr.
1858, Jan. 12,... S75 1858, March 5, ^-30
" May 10, 150 " Aug. 16, 50
. '^ Sept 1, 20 " Dec. 1, 48
1859, Feb. 16, 130
Deposit, Jan. 12, 1858, $75
Draft, March 5, " _30
Balance, Apr. 1, 1860, $45
Deposit, May 10, 1858, 150
Int. on $45, for 3 mo 68
Balance, July 1, 1860, $1-95.68
Draft, Aug. 16, 1858, 50
Least balance during the current term, $145.68
Deposit, Sept. 1, 1858, 20.00
Int. on $145.68, for 3 mo 2.19
Balance, Oct. 1, 1858, $167.87
Draft, Dec. 1, 1858, 48
Least balance during the current term, 119 87
Int. on $119.87, for 3 mo 1.80
Balance, Jan. 1, 1860, $121.67
Deposit, Feb. 16,1860, ^ 130.00
Int. on $121.67, for 3 mo 1.83
Jan. 1.
Bal. due after Apr. 1, 1860, $253.50 ^n^.
-In the following examples the terms commence with the year, or on
2. Allowing interest monthly at 6 % per annum, what sum
will be due Sept. 1, 1860, on the book of a savings bank having
the following entries ?
Bay State Savings Institution, in account with Jane Ladd.
To cash,
" check,
" cash,
" check,
" cash,
" draft,
H ii
" cash,
" check,
*' cash,
By check,
" draft,
" check,
Ans. $116.87.
3. Interest at 7 %, allowed quarterly, how much was due April
4, 1860, on the following savings bank account ?
Detroit Savings Institution, in account tvith E. L. SeJclen,
J n.
To cash,
1 l»ec.
12 J By check,
50 ! 36
25 i 78
36 j 48
12 50
Ans. S423.22.
4. How mnch was due Jan. 1, 1860, on the following account,
allowing interest semi-annually, at 6 % per annum ?
Irvings Savings Institution, in account with James Taylor,
To cash,
u a
'' draft.
« check,
By check,
' Ans. $337.02.
5. Interest at 5 %, allowed according to Note 2, how much was
due, Jan. 1, 1860, on the book of a savings bank in the city of
New York, having the following entries ?
Sixpenny Savings Bank, in account with William Gallup,
1 1858.
To check,
By check.
a .i
1 1859.
" cash,
1 Jan.
« (t
« ((
" draft,
" cubh,
Ans, §179.10.
•>«^0« Compound Interest is interest on both principal and
interest, when the interest is not paid when due.
NoTK. — The ."imple interest m ly be addled to the principal nnnnally, Rp»ni-
jniiiually, or quarterly, as the partiea may agree -, but the taking of compui nd
interest in not legal.
1 What is the compound interest of $640 for 4 years, ^i 5
per cent. ?
$610 Principal for 1st year,
$340 X 1.05 = $372 '' " 2d ''
$872 X 1.05 = $705.60 " " 3d "
$705.60 X 1.05 = $740.88__ " " 4th ''
§740.88 X 1.05 ==: S777.924 Amount « 4 years,
640. Given principal,
$137,924 Compound interest.
This illustration is sufficient to establish the folloAving
KuLE. I. Find the amount of the given 'principal at the given
rate for one year^ and make it the principal for the second year,
II. Find the amount of this new principal, and mahe it the
principal for the third year, and so continue to do for the given
number of yrars,
III. Subtract the given principal from the last amount ; the re-
mainder will be the compound interest.
Notes. — 1. When the interest is payable femi-annually or quarterly, find the
amount of the given principal for the first interval, and make it the principal
for the second interval, proceeding in all respects as when the interest is payable
2. When the time contains years, months, and days, find the amount for the
years, upon which compute the interest for the months and days, and add it to
the last amount, before subtracting.
1. What is the compound interest of $750 for 4 years at 6 per
cent.? Ans. $196.86-
2. What will $250 amount to in 3 years at 7 per cent, compound
interest? Ans. $306.26.
3. At 7 per cent, interest, compounded semi-annually, what
debt will $1475.50 discharge in 2i years? Ans. $1752.43.
4. Find the compound interest of $376 for 3 yr. 8 mo. 15 da.;,
at 6 per cent, per annum. J^ns. $90.84.
^«il« A more expeditious method of computing compound
interest than the preceding is by the use of the compound interest
table on the following page.
Showing the amount of $1, or <£!, at 2J, 3, 3J, 4, 5, G, 7, and 8 '^.er
cent., compound interest, for any number of years from 1 to 40.
3 percent.
4 per cent.
5 per cent.
6 per cent.
7 per cent.
8 per cent.
1 071225
3 220860
1 8.625276
2 685064
1. What is the amount of $300 for 4 years at 6 per cent, com-
pound interest,payable semi-annually ?
OPERATION. Analysis. The amount of $1 at 6 per cent.,
^1 26677 compound interest payable semi-annually, is
300 the same as the amount of $1 at 3 per cent.,
£^^0 OtToO compound interest payable annually. We
^ ' therefore take, from the table, the amount of
$1 for 8 years at 3 per cent., and multiply this amount by the given
2. What is the amount of $536.75 for 12 yr. at 8 per cent, com-
pound interest ? ^ws. $1351.63.
3. What sum placed at simple interest for 2 yr. 9 mo. 12 da.,
at 7 per cent., will amount to the same as $1275, placed at com-
pound interest for the same time and at the same rate, payable
semi-annually? Ans. $1292.51 — .
4. At 8 per cent, interest compounded quarterly, how much
will $1840 amount to in 1 yr. 10 mo. 20 da. ? Ans. $2137.06.
5. A father at his death left $15000 for the benefit of his only
son, who was 12 yr. 7 mo. 12 da. old when the money was de-
posited; the same was to be paid to him when he should be 21
years of age, together with 7 per cent, interest compou'uded semi-
annually. How much was the amount paid him ?
6. What sum of money will amount to $2902.263 in 20 years,
at 7 % compound interest ? Ans. $750.
SS3. Given, the time, rate per cent., and interest, to
find the principal.
1. T7hat sum of money will gainr $87.42 in 4 years, at 6 per
cent. ?
OPERATION. Analysis. Since $.24
$.24, interest of $1 for 4 years. ^« *^^ interest of $1 for 4
$87.42 — - .24 = $364.25, Ans, years at 6 per cent., $87.42
must be the interest of as
many dollars, for the same time and at the same rate, as $.24 is con-*
tained times in $87.42. Dividing, we obtain $364.25, the required
principal. Hence the
Rule. Divide the given interest hy the interest of %\ for the
given time at the given rate,
1. What sum of money, invested at 6 J per cent., will produce
$279,825 in 1 yr. 6 mo.? Ans. $2870.
2. What sum will produce $63.75 interest in 6 mo. 24 da. at
7 J per cent. ?
3. What sum will produce $12 J interest in 10 days at 10 per
cent.? Alls. $4500.
4. What sum must be invested in real estate paying 12 i per
cent, profit in rents, to give an income of $3125 ?
5. What is the value of a house and lot that pays a profit of 9i
per cent, by renting it at $30 per month ?
6. What sum of money, put at interest 6 yr. 5 mo. 11 da.^ at
7 per cent., will gain $3159.14 ? Ans. $7000.
7. What sum of money will produce $69.67 in 2 yr. 9 mo. at
6 ^0 compound interest ? Ans. $400.
8. What principal at 6 % compound interest will produce
$124.1624 in 1 yr. 6 mo. 15 da. ? Ans. $1314.583.
^o3. Given, the time, rate per cent., and amount, to
find the principaL
1. What sum of money in 2 years 6 months, at 7 per cent.,
will araount.te $136,535?
OPERATION. Analysis. Since
$1,175, amount of $1 for 2 yr. 6 mo. ^1-175 istheamount
$136,535 - 1.175 = $116.20, Ans. ^^ ^ V"' ^ ^f' ^
months, at 7 per
cent., $136,535 must be the amount of as many dollars, for the same
time and at the same rate, as $1,175 is contained times in $136,535.
Dividing, w© obtain $116.20, the required principal. Hence the
Rxjle. Divide flic given amoitnt hy the amount q/* §1 for the
given time at the given rate.
1. \Yhat principal in 2 yr. 3 mo. 10 da.^ at 5 per cent., will
amount to $1893 61^ ? Ans, $1700.
2. A note which had run 3 yr. 5 mo. 12 da. amounted to
$081,448, at 6 per cent. ; how much was the face of the note ?
3. What sum put at interest at 3 J per cent., for 10 yr. 2 mo.,
will amount to $15660?
4. "What is the interest of that sum for 2 yr. 8 mo. 29 da., at 7
per cent., which at the same time and rate, will amount to
$1568.97? Ans. $253,057+.
5. What is the interest of that sum for 243 days at 8 per cent.,
which at the same time and rate, will amount to $11119.70 ?
6. What principal in 4 years at 6 per cent, compound interest,
will amount to $8644.62 ? Ans. $6847.34.
7. What sum put at compound interest will amount to $26772.96,
in 10 yr. 5 mo., at 6 per cent. ?
Ans. $14585.24.
554. Given, the principal, time, and interest, to find
the rate per cent.
1. I received $315 for 3 years* interest on a mortgage of
$1500; what was the rate per cent. ?
OPERATION. Analysis. Since
^15^00 $^^ ^s the interest on
3 the mortgage for 3
TTTT77 . » r. ^ ^ years at 1 per cent.,
$45.00, int. for 3 yr. at 1 %. Ig^g ^„^, {^ ^^^^ .^_
$315 ~ $45 = 7 %, A)is. terest on the mortgage
for the same time, at
as many times 1 per cent, as $45 is contained times in $315. Divid-
ing, and we obtain 7, the required rate per cent. Hence the
Rule. Divide the given interest hy the interest on the principal
for the given time at 1 per cent.
1. If I loan $750 at simple interest, and at the end of 1 yr. 3
mo. receive $796,874, what is the rate per cent. ? Ans. 5.
2 If I pay $10.58 for the use of $1700, 28 days, what is the
rate of interest? Ans. 8-hper cent.
3. Borrowed $600, and at the end of 9 yr. 6 mo. returned
$356.50 ; what was the rate per cent. ?
4. A man invests $7266.28, which gives him an annual income
of $744.7937; what rate of interest does he receive ?
5. If C buys stock at 30 per cent, discount, and every "^6 months
receives a dividend of 4 per cent., what annual rate of interest
does he receive ? Ans. 11| per cent.
6. At what rate per annum of simple interest will any sum of
money double itself in 4, 6, 8, and 10 years, respectively ?
7. At what rate per annum of simple interest will any sum
triple itself in 2, 5, 7, 12, and 20 years, respectively ?
8. A house that rents for $760.50 per annum, cost $7800 : what
% does it pay on the investment? Ans. 9| per cent.
9. I invest $35680 in a business that pays me a profit of $223 a
month ; what annual rate of interest do I receive ? Ans. 7i 5^.
535. Given, the principal, interest, and rate, to find
the time.
1. In what time will $924 gain $151,536, at 6 per cent.?
OPERATION. ^ Analysis. Since
4924 $55.44 is the interest
.06 of $924 for 1 year at
$5144, int. of $924 for 1 yr. at 6 X. ^ ^7 ^^'^^ ^^^^^^^^
' J /«> jjmst \yQ the interest
$151,536 ^ $55.44 = 2.73 ^f the same sum, at
2.73 yr. = 2 yr. 8 mo. 24 da., Ans. the same rate per
I cent., for as many
irs as $55.44 is contained times in $151,536, which is 2.73 times,
ducing the mixed decimal to its equivalent compound number,
have 2 years 8 months 24 days, the required time. Hence the
Rule. Divide the given interest hi/ the intereft on the jirincijial
for 1 year ; the quotient will he the required time in years and
1. In what time will $273.51 amount to §312.864, at 7 per
cent. ? Ans, 2 yr. 20 da.
2. How long must $650.82 be on interest to amount to $761.44,
at 5 per cent. ? Ans. 3 yr. 4 mo. 24 da.
3. How long will it take any sum of money to double itself by
simple interest at 3, 4}, 6, 7, and 10 per cent. ? How long to
quadruple itself? ^^^ J To double itself at 3 %, 33J yr
^^* ( To quadruple itself at 3 %. 100 yr.
4. In what time will $9750 produce $780 interest, at 2 per
cent, a month ?
5. In what time will $1000 draw $1171.353 at 6 per cent, com-
pound interest'/
Analysis. $1171.353-t-1000^$1.171353, the amount of $1 for the
required time. From the table, $1, in 2 years, will amount to $1.123G ;
hence $1.171353— $1.1236=$.047753, the interest which must accrue
on $1.1230 for the fraction of a year; and $1.1230 X .00 = :i^.0G741G ;
$.047753 ~ $.007410 = .7083 yr. = 8 mo. 15 da.
Ans, 2 yr. 8 mo. 15 da.
6. In what time will $333 amount to $376.76 at 5 per cent
compound interest, payable semi-annually ?
7. In what time will any sum double itself at 6 % compound
interest? At 7 % ? Ans, to last, 10 yr. 2 mo. 26 da.
556, Discount is an abatement or aliowance made for the
payment of a debt before it is due
^^7. The Present Worth of a debt, payable at a future time
without interest, is such a sum as, being put at legal interest, will
amount to the given debt when it becomes due.
1. What is the present worth and what the discount of $642.12
to be paid 4 yr. 9 mo. 27 da. hence, money being worth 7 per
cent. ?
OPERATION. Analysis. Since $1 is the.
$1.33775, Amount of Si. * present worth of $1.33775
$642.12 ^ 1.33775 =« §180 for the given time at the
$642.12, given sum. given rate of interest, the
480. present worth. present worth of $G42.12
$162~12^ discount. ^"^^^ ^^ ^^ many dollars as
$1.33775 is contained times
in $642.12. Dividing, and we obtain $480 for the present worth, and
subtracting this sum from the given sum, we have $162.12, the dis-
count. Hence the following
Rule. I Divide the given sum or debt hy the amount of $1
for the given rate and time; the quotient will he the present worth
of the debt.
II. Subtract the present worth from the given sum or debt; the
remainder will be the discount.
Notes. — 1. The terms present worthy discount, and debt, are equivalent to
principal^ interest, and amount. Hence, when the time, rate per cent., and
amount are given, the principal may be found by Prob. II, (663); and the
interest by subtracting the principal from the amount.
2. When payments are to be made at different times without interest, find the
present worth of eaoh payment {separately. Their sum will be the presewt worth
of the several payments, and this sura subtracted from the sum of the several
payments will leave the total discount.
1. What is the present worth of a debt of $385.31^, to be paid
in 5 mo. 15 da., at 6 % ? Ans, $375.
2. How much should be discounted for the present payment of
a note for $429*f 86, due in 1 yr. 6 mo. 1 da., money being worth
5i % ? Ans, $32,826.
3. Bought a farm for $2964.12 ready money, and sold it again
for $3665.20, payable in 1 yr. 6 mo. How much would be gained
in ready mon^y, discounting at the rate of 8 % ?
4. A man bought a flouring mill for $25000 cash, or for $12000
payable in 6 mo. and $15000 payable in 1 yr. 3 mo. He accepted
the latter offer; did he gain or lose, and how much, money being
worth to him 10 per cent. ? Ans. Gained $238.10.
5. B bought a house and lot April 1, 1860, for which he waa
to pay $1470 m the fourth day of the following September, and
$2816.80 Jan 1, 1861. If he could get a discount of 10 per
cent, for present payment, How much would he gain by borrowing
the sum at 7 per cent., and how much must he borrow?
6. What is the difference between the interest and the discount
of $576, due 1 yr. 4 mo. hence, at 6 per cent. ?
7. A merchant holds two notes against a customer, one for
$243.16, due May 6, 1861, and the other for $178.64, due Sept.
25, 1861 ; how much ready money would cancel both the notes
Oct. 11, 1860, discounting at the rate of 7 % ? Ans. $401.29 — .
8. A speculator bought 120 bales of cotton, each bale containing
488 pounds, at 9 cents a pound, on a credit of 9 months for the
amount. He immediately sold the cotton for $6441.60 cash, and
paid the debt at 8 % discount ; how much did he gain ?
9. Which is the more advantageous, to buy flour at $6.25 a
barrel on 6 months, or at $6.50 a barrel on 9 months, money being
worth 8 % ?
10. How much may be gained by hiring money at 5 % to pay
a debt of $6400, due 8 months hence, allowing the present worth
of this debt to be reckoned by deducting 5 ^o per annum dis-
count? Ans. $7.11^.
S58. A Bank is a corporation chartered by law for the pur-
pose of receiving and loaning money, and furnishing a paper
^^9. A Promissory Note is a written or printed engagement
to pay a certain sum either on demand or at a specified time.
S60. Bank Notes, or Bank Bills, are the notes made and
issued by banks to circulate as money. They are payable in specie
at the banks. ,
Note. — A bank which issues notes to circulate as money is called a hanJc of
issue ; one which lends money, a bank of discount ; and one which takes chart^e
of money belonging^ to other parties, a hank of deposit. Some banks perform
two and some all of these duties.
^61. The Maker or Drawer of a note is the person by whom
the note is signed ;
562. The Payee is the person to whose order the note is made
payable; and
S63. The Holder is the owner.
^04: A Negotiable Note is one which may be bought and
sold, or negotiated. It is made payable to the hearer or to the
order of the payee.
«i6o« Indorsing a note by a payee or holder is the act of
writing his name on its back.
Notes. — 1. If a note is payable to the bearer, it may be negotiated without
2. An indorsement makes the indorser liable for the payment of a note, if the
maker fails to pay it when it is due.
3. A note should contain the words " value received," and the sum for which
it is ^iven should be written out in words.
^06. The Face of a note is the sum made payable by the
•5G7. Days of Grace are the three days usually allowed by
law for the payment of a note after the expiration of the time
specified in the note.
568. The Maturity of a note is the expiration of the days
of grace ] a note is due at maturity.
Note. — No grace is allowed on notes payable "on demand," without grace.
In some States no grace is allowed on notes, and their maturity is the wxpira-
tion of the time mentioned in them.
5@9* Notes may contain a promise of interest, which will
be reckoned from the date of the note, unless some other time be
NoTK. — A note is on interest from the day it is due, even though no mention
be mude of interest in the note.
570. A Notary, or Notary-Public, is an officer authorized
by law to attest documents or writings of any kind to make them
571. A Protest is a formal declaration in writing, made by a
Notary-Public, at the request of the holder of a note, notifying
the maker and the mdorsers of its non-payment.
Notes. — 1. The fulhire to protest a note on the tliird day of grace releases the iu-
dorsers from all obligation to pay it.
2. If the third day of grace or the maturity of a note occurs on Sunday or a legal
holiday, it must be paid on the day previous.
«>73« Bank Discount is an allowance made to a bank for the
payment of a note before it becomes due.
^73. The Proceeds of a note is the sum received for it when
discounted, and is equal to the face of the note less the discount.
^74:, The transaction of borrowing money at banks is con-
ducted in accordance with the following custom : The borrower
presents a note, either made or indorsed by himself, payable at a
specified time, and receives for it a sum equal to the face ; less
the interest for the time the note has to run. The amount thus
withheld by the bank is in consideration of advancing money on
the note prior to its maturity.
Notes. — 1. A note for discount at bank must be made payable to the order
of some person, by whom it must be indorsed.
2. The business of buying or discounting notes is chiefly carried on by banks
and brokers.
^73. The law of custom at banks makes the bank discount
of a note equal to the simple interest at the legal rate, for the
time specified in the note. As the bank always takes the interest
at the time of discounting a note, bank discount is equal to simple
interest paid in advance. Thus, the true discount of a note for
$153, which matures in 4 months at 6 %, is $153 — 'fsoo ^
$3.00, and the bank discount is $153 x .02 = $3.06. Since the
interest of $3, the true discount, for 4 months is $3 x .02 = $.06,
we observe that the bank discount of any sum for a given time is
greater than true discount, by the interest on the true discount
for the same time.
NoTB. — Many banks take only true discount.
S7&. Given, the face of a note, to find the discount
and the proceeds.
KuLE. I. Compute the interest on tlie face of the note for three
dey^ more than the specified time ; the residt will be the discmint,
II. Subtract the discount from the face of the note; the re-
mainder will be the proceeds.
NoTKS. — 1. When a note is on interest, payable nt a future specified time, the
omomit is the face of the note, or the sura made payable, and must be made the
b;i.«jis 01 discount.
2. To indicate the maturity of a note or draft, a vertical line ( | ) is used, with
the day at which the note is nominally due on the left, and the date of maturity
(Ml tk« wght; thug, Jan. "^ | jq.
1. What is the bank discount, and what are the proceeds of a
note for §1487 due in 30 days at 6 per cent. ?
Ans. Discount, ^8.18; Proceeds, $1478.82.
2. What are the proceeds of a note for $884.50 at 90 days, if
discounted at the New York Bank?
3. Wishing to borrow $1000 of a Southern bank that is dis-
counting paper at 8 per cent., I give my note for $975, payable
in 60 days ; how much more will make up the required amount ?
4. A man sold his farm containing 195 A. 2 K. 25 P. for $27.59
an acre, and took a note payable in 4 mo. 15 da. at 7 % interest.
^ Wishing the money for immediate use, he got the note discounted
I at a bank; how much did he receive? Ans. $5236.169.
5. Find the day of maturity, the term of discount, and the pro-
ceeds of the following notes :
$1962^. Detroit, July 26, 1860.
Four months after date I promise to pay to the order of James
Gillis one thousand nine hundred sixty-two and j^j^^^ dollars at the
Exchange Bank, for value received. John Demar^st.
Discounted Aug. 26, at 7%.
Ans. Due Nov. ^^ | 09; term of discount 95 days; preoec^,
$1066yY^ . Baltimore, April 19, 1859.
6. Ninety days after date we promise to pay to the order of
King & Dodge one thousand sixty-six and -^j^j^ dollars at the Citi*
zens' Bank, for value received. Case & Sons.
Discounted May 8, at 6 %.
Ans. Due July » » | , , ; term of discount, 74 da. ; proceeds,
$784^. . Mobile, June 20, 1861.
7. Two months after date for value received I promise to pay
George Thatcher or order seven hundred eighty-four and -^^^^ dol*
lars at the Traders' Bank. Wm. Hamilton.
Discounted July 5, at 8 ^.
Sl845^<\j. Chicago, Jan. 31, 1862.
8. One inontli after date we jointly and severally agree to pay
to W. H. Willis, or order, one thousand eight hundred forty-five
and -f^Q dollars at the Marine Bank.
Payson & Williams.
Discounted Jan. 31, at 2 % a month.
Ans. Due Feb. 28 | March 3; term of discount, 31 da.; pro-,
ceeds, $1807.36.
9. What is the difierence between the true and the bank dis-
count of $950, for 3 months at 7 per cent. ? Ans. $.29.
10. What is the difference between the true and the bank dis-
count of $1375.50, for 60 days at 6 per cent. ?
577. Given, the proceeds of a note, to find the face.
*1. For what sum must I draw my note at 4 months, interest
6 %, that the proceeds when discounted in bank shall be $750 ?
OPERATION. Analysis. We
$1.0000 first obtain the pro-
.0205, disc't on $1 for 4 mo. 3 da. ceeds of $1 by the
$~^795, proceeds of $1. ^^^* ^^^^' *^^^' '^"^^
$750 -- .9795 = $765,696, Ans. ^-^^^^ is *h^ P^^
ceeds of $1, $750 is
the proceeds of as many dollars as $.9795 is contained times in $750.
Dividing, we obtain the required result. Hence the
Rule. Divide the proceeds hy the proceeds of $iybr the time
and rate mentioned ', the quotient will he the face of the note,
1. What is the face of a note at 60 days, the proceeds of which,
when discounted at bank at 6 %, are $1275? Ans, $1288.53.
2. If a merchant wishes to draw $5000 at bank, for what sum
must he give his note at 90 days, discounting at 6 per cent. ?
Ans. $5078.72.
3. The avails of a note having 3 months to run, discounted at
a bank at 7 %, were $276.84; what was the face of the note?
4. James T. Fisher buys a bill of merchandise in New York at
cash price, to the amount of $1486.90, and gives in payment his
note at 4 months at 7A % ; what must be the face of the note ?
5. Find the face of a 6 mo. note, the proceeds of which, dis-
counted at 2 % a month, are $496. Ana. $564.92.
6. For what sum must a note be drawn at 30 days, to net
$1200 when discounted at 5 % ?
7. Owing a man $575, I give him a 60 day note ; what should
be the face of the note, to pay him the exact debt, if discounted
at 1| % a jmonth? Ans. $593.70.
8. What must be the face of a note which, when discounted at
a broker's for 110 days at 1 5^ a month, shall give as its proceeds
578. Given, the rate of bank discount, to find the
corresponding rate of interest.
I. A broker discounts 30 day notes at 1^ ^ a month; what
rate of interest does his money earn him ?
OPERATION. Analysis. If we assume
30 day notes »= 33 days' time. $100 as the face of the
$100, base. note, the discount for 33
1.65, discount for 33 days. days at IJ^ a month will
$98.35, proceeds. ^^ ^^'^^ ^"^ ^^^ proceeds
$1.65 -f-. 090154 J =18AV^%,^7is. $98.35. We then have
$98.35 principal, $1.65 in-
terest, and 33 days time, to find the rate per cent, per annum, which
we do by (554). Hence the
Rule. I. Find the discount and the proceeds of $1 or $100
for the time the note has to run.
II. Divide the discount hy the interest of the proceeds at 1 per
cent, for the same time.
1. "What rate of interest is paid, when a note payable in 30
days is discounted at 6 per cent.? Ans. ^H^ %•
2. A note payable in 2 months is discounted at 2 % a month;
"what rate of interest is paid? Ans. 2b-^^^^ %.
3. When a note ^payable in 90 days is discounted at IJ % a
month, what rate of interest is paid? Ans, 18yf Jf %•
4. What rate of interest corresponds to 5, 6, 7, 10, 12 % dis-
count on a note running 10 months without grace ?
5. What rate of interest does a man pay who has a 60 day
note discounted at |, 1, 2, 2^, 3 % a month ?
579. Given, tke rate of interest, to find the corres-
ponding rate of bank discount.
1 A broker buys 60 day notes at such a discount that his
money earns him 2 ^ a month; what is his rate ^ of discount?
OPERATION. Analysis. If we assume
60 da. -f 3 da. = 63 da. ^1^^ a,s the proceeds of a
$100 base. note, the interest for 63 days
4.20, interest for 63 da. at 24 per cent, will be $4.20,
il0r20, amount " ^^ ^"^ *^^ ^"'^""^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^
$4.20 -f- .18235 = 23^^^- %, Ans. the note will be $104.20. We
then have $104.20 the prin-
cipal, $4.20 the interest, and 63 days the time, to find the rate per
cent., which we do by (549) as in the last case. He^oe the
Rule. I. Find the interest and the amount o/%\ or §100 /or
the time the note has to run,
II. Divide the interest hy the interest on the amount at 1 per
cent, for the same time.
1. W^hat rates of bank discount on 30 day notes correspond to
5, 6, 7, 10 per cent, interest?
2. At what rate should a 3 months^ note be diseounted to pro-
duce 8 % interest? Ans. Vjlf ? %.
3. At what rates should 60 day notes be discounted to pay to a
•broker 1, li, 2, 2} % a month?
4. At what rate must a note payable 18 months hence, without
grace, be discounted to produce 7 % interest? Ans. 6/^*^ %•
580. Exchange is a method of remitting money from one
place to another, or of making payments by written orders.
581. A Bill of Exchange is a written request or order upon
one person to pay a certain sum to amother person, or to his order,
at a specified time.
58S. A Sight Draft or Bill is one requiring payment to be
made " at sight,'' which means, at the time of its presentation to
the person ordered to pay. In other bills, the time specified is
usually a certain number of days '' after sight/'
There are always three partiQ3 to a transaction in exchange, and
usually four :
I58S. The Drawer or Maker Is the person who signs the
order or bill ;
584. The Drawee is the person to whom ,the order is ad-
dressed ;
585. The Payee is the person to whom the money is ordered
to be paid ] and
586. The Buyer or Remitter is the person who purchases
the bill. He may be himself the payee, or the bill may be drawn
in favor of any other person.
587. The Indorsement of a bill is the writing upon its back,
by which the payee relinquishes his title, and transfers the pay-
ment to another. The payee may indorse in blank by writing his
name only, which makes the bill payable to the hearer , and con-
sequently transferable like a bank note ; or he may accompany his
signature by a special order to pay to another person, who in his
turn may transfer the title in like manner. Indorscrs become sep-
arately responsible for the amount of the bill, in case the drawee
fails to make payment. A bill made payable to the hearer is
transferable without indorsement.
588. The Acceptance of a bill is the promise which the
drawee makes when the bill is presented to him to pay it at ma-
turity; this obligation is usually acknowledged by writing* thp
word " Accepted," with his signature, across the face of the bill*
29 w
Notes. — I. In this country, and in Great Britain, three days of grace are al-
lowed for the payment of a bill of exchange, after the time specitied has expired.
In regard to grace on siglit hills, however, custom is variable ; in New York.
Penn^ivlvania, Virginia, and some other States, no grace is allowed on sight bills,
2. ^V'hen a bill is protested for non-acceptance, the drawer is obligated to pay
it immediately, even though the specified time has not expired.
Exchange is of two kinds — Domestic and Foreign.
58l>. Domestic or Inland Exchange relates to remittances
made between different places of the same country.
Note. — An Inland Bill of Exchange is commonly called a Draft.
•5@0o Foreign Exchange relates to remittances made between
different countries.
*5IJ1. A Set of Exchange consists of three copies of the same
bill, made in foreign exchanges, and sent by different conveyances
to provide against miscarriage; when one has been paid, the others
are void.
^1^^. The Face of a bill of exchange is the sum ordered to
be paid ; it is usually expressed in the currency of the place on
which the draft is made.
593. The Par of Exchange is the estimated value of the
coins of one country as compared with those of another, and is
either intrindc or commercial.
t594. The Intrinsic Par of Exchange is the comparative
value of the coins of different countries, as determined by their
weight and purity.
Q^^» The Commercial Par of Exchange is the comparative
value of the coins of different countries, as determined by their
nominal or market price.
Note. — The intrinsic par is always the same while the coins remain un-
• changed; but the commercial par, being determined by commercial usage, is
^9G. The Conrse of Exchange is the current price paid in
one place for bills of exchange on another place. This price
varies, according to the relative conditions of trade and commercial
credit at the two places between which exchange is made. Thus,
if Boston is largely indebted to Paris, bills of exchange on Paris
will bear a high price in Boston.
When the course of exchange between two places is unfavor-
able to drawing or rcinitting, the disadvantage is sometimes
avoided, by means of a circuitous exchange on intermediate places
between which the course is favorable.
^97. Direct Exchange is confined to the two places between
which the money is to be remitted.
j 598. There are always two methods of transmitting money
' between two places. Thus, if A is to receive money from B,
1st. A may draw on B, and sell the draft;
2d. B may remit a draft, made in favor of A.
Note. — One person is said to draw on another person, when he is the maker
of a draft addressed to that person.
599. To compute domestic exchange.
The course of exchange for inland bills, or drafts, is always ex-
pressed by the rate of premium or discount. Drafts on time,
however, are subject to hank discount , like notes of hand, for the
term of credit given. Hence, their cost is affected by both the
course of exchange and the discount /or time.
1, What will be the cost of the following draft, exchange on
Boston being in Pittsburgh at 2} ^ premium ?
$600. Pittsburgh, June 12, 18G0.
Sixty days after sight, pay to William Barnard, or order, six
hundred dollars, value received, and charge the same to our
To the Suffolk Bank, Boston. Thomas Bauer & Co.
$1 4- $.0225 == $1.0225, course of exchange.
.0105 , bank discount of $1, (63 da.)
$1,012, cost of exchange for $1.
S600 X 1.012 = $607.20,^728.
NALTSis. From $1.0225, the course of exchange, we subtract
$.0105, the bank discount of $1 for the specified time, and obtain
$1,012, the cost of exchange for $1 ; then $G00 X 1.012 = $G07.20, the
eost of exchange for $600.
2. A commission merchant in Detroit wishes to remit to his
employer in St. Louis, $512.36 by draft at 60 days ; what is the
face of the draft which he can purchase with this sum, exchange
being at 2 i % discount ?
$1 — S.025 = ?.975, course of exchange.
.01225, discount of §1.
$.96275, cost of exchange for $1.
?512.36 ~ .96275 = §532.18+, Ans.
Analysis. From $.975, the course of exchange, we subtract
$.01225, the bank discount of $1 for the specified time, at the legal
rate in Detroit, and obtain $.96275, the cost of exchange for $1 ; and
the face of the draft that will cost $512.36, will be as many dollars as
$.90275 is contained times in 512.36, which is 532.18+, times.
Hence we have the following
Rule. I. To find the cost of a draft, the face being given
Multiply the face cf the draft hy the cost of exchange for $1.
II. To find the face of a draft, the cost Doing given. — Divide
the given cost hy the cost of exchange for $1.
Note. — The cost of exchange for $i may always be found, by subtracting
from the course of exchange the bank discount (at the legal rate where the draft
is made), for the specified time. Foi sight drafts, the course of exchange is tho
cost of $1.
1. What must be paid in New York for a draft on Boston, at
80 days, for §5400, exchange being at J % premium ?
Ans. $5392.35.
2. What is the cost of sight exchange on New Orleans, for
$3000, at 3} % discount?
3. What must be paid in Philadelphia for a draft on St. Paul
drawn at 90 days, for $4800, the course of exchange being
lOlf % ? Ans. $4791.60.
4.. A sight draft was purchased for $550.62, exchange being at
a premium of 3^ ^ ; what was the face ?
5. An agent in Syracuse, N. Y., having $1324.74 due his em-
ployer, is instructed to. remit the same by a draft drawn at 30
days; what will be the face of the draft, exchange being at If %
premium? Ans. $1310.22—.
6. My agent in Charleston, S. C, sells a house and lot for
$7500, on commission of IJ %, and remits to me the proceeds in
a draft purchased at J % premium ; what sum do I receive from
the sale of my property ?
7. A man in Hartford, Conn., has $4800 due him in Baltimore;
how much more will he realize by making a draft for this sum on
Baltimore and selling it at J % discount, than by having a draft
on Hartford remitted to him, purchased in Baltimore for this sum
at I % premium? Ans, $11.73 + .
8. The Merchants^ Bank of New York having declared a divid-
end of 6} %, a stockholder in Cincinnati drew on the bank for the
sum due him, and sold the draft at a premium of If %, thus real-
izing $508.75 from his dividend; how many shares did he own ?
9. Sight exchange on New Orleans for $5000 cost $5075;
what was the course of exchange ? Ans. IJ % premium.
10. A man in Buffalo purchased a draft on St. Paul, Minn.,
for $5320, drawn at 60 days, paying $5141.78; what was the
course of exchange ? -4»s. 2i % discount.
®00. To compute foreign exchange.
001. The following standards of the decimal currency of the
United States were established April 2, 1792.
Coins. Weight. Fineness.
Gold eagle, 270 grains, 91Gf thousandths.
Silver dollar, 416 ''
Copper cent, 264 "
In 1834, the eagle was reduced in weight to 258 grains, and in 1837
its fineness was fixed at 900 thousandths pure, which is likewise the
present standard of purity for all the U. S. gold and silver coins. In
1837, also, the silver dollar was reduced in weight to 412.5 grains.
In 1853, the silver half dollar was reduced in weight to 192 grains,
and the smaller silver coins proportionally.
NoTn. — The object of the change in the silver coinage of the United States,
made in 1853, was to prevent its exportation bj raiding the nominal value of
silver above its foreign market value.
®0^» The intrinsic par of exchange between the United
States and different countries, is given in the following
Crown, Baden
" Bavaria
" England
" France
" Geneva
" Portugal
" Tuscany
" Wurtemberg
• " Zurich
Dollar, Argentine Republic
" Bolivia
" Chili
" Columbia
" Mexico
" Norway
" Peru
'' Spain
" Sweden
Doubloon, Bolivia
" Columbia (Bogota)...
" " (Popayau).
« Chili (since 1835)
" " (before 1835).. ..
•* La Plata
'* Mexico (average)
« Peru (Cuzco)
" " (Lima)
« Spain
Drachma, Greece
Ducat, Austria
" Bavaria.....
" Cologne
*' Hamburg
'• Hungary
" Netherlands.,
" Saxony
" Sweden
" Wurtemberg
Florin, Austria
" Bavaria
" Hanover
" Italy
8 reals.
8 "
100 cents.
8 reals.
8 "
6 marks.
8 reals.
10 " (old).
6 marks.
4 gilders
12 marks.
6C kreutzers.
60 «
60 groshen.
12 soldi.
15 570
Florin, Mecklenburg
" Prussia and Poland.
" Tuscany
Franc, Belgium
'• France
Frederick d'or, Denmark
Gilder, Baden
" Darmstadt
" Demerara
" Frankfort
" Netherlands
" Wurtemberg
Ghersh, Tripoli
Guinea, England
Lira, Lombardy
" Leghorn
« Milan
" Yenice
Livre, Genoa
" Leghorn
" Switzerland
Mark banco, Hamburg
" current, "
Milree, Azores
" Brazil...'
" Madeira
« Portugal
Mohur, Ilindostan
Ounce, Naples
Pagoda, Madras ,
Piaster, Tunis
" Turkey
Pi.«tareen, Spain
Pistole, Spain
Pound, British ProTinces....
Ileal, plate, Spain
" vellon, "
" Egypt
Rix dollar, Austria
" '• Batavia ,
« « Denmark
30 groshen.
12 soldi.
100 centimes.
100 "
60 kreutzers.
60 "
' 20 stivers.
60 kreutzers.
20 stivers.
60 kreutzers.
100 paras.
21 shillings.
20 soldi.
20 «
20 "
100 centimes.
20 soldi.
20 "
100 centessini.
16 skilliugs
10 »
loco reis.
1000 "
1000 "
1000 "
16 rupees.
3 ducats,
42 fan am s.
16 carobas.
100 aspers.
4 reals vellon.
20 shillings.
34 marvedis.
34 "
20 piasters.
120 kreutzers.
4S stivers.
9u ^killings.
Rigsbank dollar
Rix dollar, Norway
Rouble, Russia
Rupee, India
Ruspone, Tuscany
Sequin, Tuscany
Scudo, Milan
" Naples
" Rome
« Sicily :
Sovereign, Great Britain.
Thaler, Brunswick
" Hanover
" Hesse-Cassel
" Prussia
" Saxony
" Bremen
Tale, China
" Japan ,
Tomaun, Persia
Utchlik, Tripoli
Yirmilik, Turkey ,
« ~ bo
48 skillings.
96 «
100 copecks.
16 annas.
117 soldi.
12 carlini.
12 tari.
20 Bhillings.
30 groschen.
30 «
30 «
SO «
30 «
72 grotes.
10 mace, 100 -»
candarines. S
10 mace, 100 \
candarines. i
100 mamvodis.
120 paras.
20 piasters.
Notes. — 1. The standard value of gold a.s compared with silver in the United
States, is as 15.407 to 1 in the coinage of 1792, as 15.988 to 1 in the coinage of
. 1837, nnd as 14.922 to 1 in the coinage of 1853.
2. The relative values of gold and silver differ in the coinage of different coun-
tries. In England the ratio is 14.288 to 1 j in France it is 15.5 to 1 ; in Ham-
burg it is 15 to 1.
3. In the present gold coinage of the United States, a Troy ounce of pure gold
is equal to $20,672, and of standard gold to $18,605. In the present silver
coinage of the United States, a Troy ounce of pure silver is equal to $1,388, and
of standard silver to $1.25.
603. It will be seen by the table that the par of exchange
between the United States and Great Britain is £1 = §4.861.
Previous to the changes in the U. S. coinage^ made in 1834 and
in 1837, the par of exchange was £1 = S4.44|, or £9 = §40,
which is called the old par of excfiange. By the new par of ex-
change, sterling money is worth about 9| % more than by the
old par.
@04:. The course of exchange on England is usually given
with reference to the old par of exchange. Hence, when sterling
money is really at par ^ according to present standards, it is quoted
in the market at 9| % premium.
60S. The course of exchange between different countries may
be expressed either by the rate per cent, above or below par, or
by giving the sum of money in one country which is equal to a
certain sum in another country. In the latter case, the exchange
requires simply a reduction of currencies ; in the former, it requires
both a reduction of currencies and a computation of percentage.
1. What will be the cost in Boston of the following bill of ex'
change on Liverpool, at 9 J % premium?
^^^2- Boston, June 16, 1860.
At sight of this First of Exchange (Second and Third of
same tenor and date unpaid) pay to the order of J. Simmons,
Boston, Four Hundred Thirty-two Pounds, value received, and
charge the same to account of
James Lowell & Co.
To Richard Evans k Son, )
Liverpool y England. j
Analysis. Since
OPERATION. exchange on Liver-
£9 = §40 X 1 .095, course of exchange, pool is at 9 J % pre-
$40 X 1.095 mium, £9 will co-^t
^^ = 9 ' '''' '^ ^^' $40 X 1.095, (603) :
Aoo $40x1.095 ^oino 4A A and £1 will therefore
432 X ^^ =§2102.40,^.... ^^^ ^ ^,,5
cost — g .
Multiplying the face of the bill, £432, by the cost of exchange of £1,
we obtain $2102.40, the required cost of the bill.
2. What is the face of a bill on London, that may be purchased
in New York for $2768.70, exchange being at 10 % premium in
favor of London ?
£9 = $40 X 1.10, course of exchange,
£1 = — '- — J cost of £1,
$2768.70 -^ \ ' =£bQQ 6s. 6d., Ans.
40 X 1.10
Analysis. We divide $2768.70, the given cost, by g— ^ — , the
cost of exchange for £1, and obtain £566 6s. 6d., the face.
3. What cost, in Hamburg, a bill on New Orleans for $4500, the
course bf exchange being 1 mark = $.365 ?
OPERATION. Analysis. Since
^l=-\%%^ of a maik, cost of a unit. exchange for §1 will
$4500 xVg00^12328 marks 12 skillin^s. ^^«* ^^ Hamburg
iJ^V of a mark, a bill
for $4500 will cost 4500 X'||3«= 12328 marks 12 skillings.
G06. From these illustrations we derive the following
Rule. I. To find the cost of a bill, the face being given. —
Multi2)h/ the face hy the co$t of a unit of the currency in which the
hill is expressed.
II. To find the face of a bill, the cost being given. — Divide the
given cost by the cost of a unit of the currency in which the hill is
to he expressed,
1. What is the cost in Portland of a bill on Manchester, Ene:.,
f^ £325 3s. 9d., at Of % premium? Ans, $1586.19 + .
2. What must be paid in Charleston for a bill of exchange on
Paris for 6000 francs, at 18f cents per franc?
3. What cost in Bostc^^ bill on St. Petersburg for 3000 roubles
at IJ % premium, the |^ar of exchtinge being $.754 for 1 rouble?
4. What will be the cost in Naples of a bill of exchange on
New York fdi- $831.12, at the rate of $.96 for 1 scudo?
Ans. 865 scudi 9 carlini.
5. A draft on Philadelphia cost £125 in Birmingham, Eng.,
exchange being at 8 % premium for sterling; required the face
of the draft.
6. An agent in Boston, having $7530.30 due liis emploj^er in
England, is directed to remit by a bill on Liverpool ) what is the
face of the bill which he can purchase for this money, exchange
being at 11 % premium? An^^ £1527 12s. Gj^d.
7. A merchant in Cincinnati has 9087 gilders 10 stivers due
him in Amsterdam^ and requests the remittance by draft; what
sum will he receive, exchange on U. S. being in Amsterdam at 2 J
gilders for ?1 ?
8. A trader in London wishes to invest £2500 in merchandise
in Lisbon ; if he remits to his correspondent at Lisbon a bill pur-
chased for this sum, at the rate of 64. 5d. sterling per milree, what
sum in the currency of Portugal will the agent receive ?
Am. 9302 milreeo 325 Jf reis.
9. A draft on Dublin for £360 cost $1736; what was the
course of exchange? A'lu. 8 J % premium.
10.* A merchant in Baltimore, having receiv(?d an importation
of Madeira wine invoiced at 1500 milrees, allows his correspondent
in Madeira to draw on him for the sum necessary to cover the
cost, exchange on the United States being in Madeira 930 rcis =
§1 : how much would the merchant have saved, by remitting a
draft on Madeira, purchased at $1,065 per 1 milree ?
Am. $15.40.
11. An importer received a quantity of Leghorn hats, invoiced
at 25256 lire 16 soldi which was paid in U. S. gold coin, ex-
ported at a cost of 3 % for transportation and insurance, the price
of fine gold in Leghorn being 131 lire per ounce Troy. How
much less would the goods have cost in store, had payment been
made by draft on Leghorn, purchased at the rate of 16 cents per
lira? Am. §64.0 1.
NoTK. — In U.S. gold coiqage, $10 contains 258 X .9 = 232.2 grains of//ie
gold, (601).
12. When silver is worth in England 67d. per oz. fine, what
sum of money in the U. S. silver coinage of 1853 is equal to 20
shillings, or £1 sterling? Am. $1,975.
13. At what rate of premium is Prussian coin, when S88.23 in
U S. silver coinage of 1837 is paid for 125 thalers ? Am. 2 %.
607, Arbitration of Exchange is the process of computing
exchange between two places by means of one or more interme-
diate exchanges.
Notes. — 1. When there is only one interraediate exchange, the process is
called Simple Arbitration ; when there are two or more interaiediato exchanges,
the process is called Comjoound Arbitration.
2. The arbitrated price is generally either greater or less than the price of
direct exchanges; and the object of arbitration is to ascertain the best route for
making drafts or remittances.
608. There are always three methods of receiving money
from a place, or of transmitting money to a place, by means of
indirect exchange through one intervening place. Thus,
If A is to receive money from C through B,
1st. A may draw on B, and B draw on C ;
2d. A may draw on B, and C remit to B ;
3d. B may draw on C, and remit to A.
If A is to transmit money to C through B,
1st. A may remit to B, and B remit to C ;
2d. A may remit to B, and C draw on B ;
8d. B may draw on A, and remit to C.
1. A man in Albany, N. Y., paid a demand in Paris of 5400
francs, by remitting to Amsterdam at the rate of 21 cents for 10
stivers, and thence to Paris at the rate of 28 stivers for 3 francs ;
how much Federal money was required ?
OPERATION. Analysis. We are to deter-
$ f ? ^ = 5400 francs. mine how much Federal money
3 francs = 28 stivers. is equal to 5400 francs, and the
10 stivers = 821. question may bo represented
( ?) = ?51058.40, Arts. "^"« = ^ ( - 5400 francs. Now
since 3 francs = 28 stivers, and
10 stivers = $.21, we know that
if the required sum be multi-
^^ plied successively by 3 francs
LLl! and 10 stivers, the result will be
'. () = §1058.40, Ans. equal to the product of 5400
francs by 28 stivers and $.21
successively, (Ax. 3). Canceling the units of currency, 1 franc, 1
stiver, and $1, and also the equal numerical factors, we have (?)
= $1058.40, the sum required.
Or, since the course of exchange betTveen Amsterdam and Paris
gives 1 franc = ^j stivers, and the course between Albany and Am-
sterdam gives 1 stiver = f J cents, vre multiply the 5400 francs by ^^
and f J- successively, using the vertical line and cancellation, and obtain
$1058.40, as before.
Note. — In the first statement the rates of exchange are so arranged that the
same unit of currency shall stand on opposite sides in each two consecutive
equations, in order that these factors may all be canceled.
2. A resident of Naples having a bequest of $8720 made him
in Boston, orders the remittance to be made to his agent in Lon-
don, who remits the proceeds to Naples, reserving his commission
of ^ % on the draft sent. If exchange on London is 9 % in
Boston, and the rate between London and Naples is £1 for 5
scudi, how much does the man realize from his bequest ?
oPERATioi Analysis. AVe make
(?) scudi = $8720 the statement as in the
$40 X 1.09 = £9 first example, according
£1 = 5 scudi. to the given rates of ex-
1.005 change. Then, since the
(?) = 8955 scudi 3 carlini. ^g^^* '\ *^ ^^^^«* i /^
commission on the face
of the draft before the purchase, vre place 1.005 on the left as a
divisor, (159), and obtain by cancellation 8955 scudi 3 carlini as the
proceeds of the exchange.
Note. — Since the par of exchange on Ennrland is £9 = $40, the course of ex-
change will always be £9 = $40 X 1 plus the rate of exchange.
3. A merchant in Chicago directs his agent in Albany to draw
upon Baltimore at 1 % discount, for $1200 due from the sales
of produce ; he then draws upon the Albany agent at 2 % pre-
mium, for the proceeds, after allowing the agent to reserve J %
for his commission. What sum does the merchant realize from
his produce ?
OPERATION". Analysis. According to the
(?) C. = 1200 B. given rates of exchange, 100 dol-
100 B. = 99 A. lars in Baltimore is equal to 99
100 A. = 102 a dollars in Albany; and 100 dol-
.995 lars in Albany is equal to 102
/'?\__ §1205.70 Ans. dollars in Chicago ; and since the
unit of currency is the same in
<3ach place, being $1, we represent its exchange value in each town
"by the initial letter, and make the statement as in the other exam-
ples. Then, since the agent is to reserve J % commission from the
avails of his draft, we place 1 — .005 = .995 on the right as a mul-
tiplier, and obtain by cancellation { ? ) = $1205.70, the answer.
From these principles and illustrations we have the following
Rule. I. Represent the required sum hy ( 'i ), with the proper
unit of currency affixed, and place it equal to the given sum on the
II. Arrange the given rates of exchange so that in any two con-
secutive equations the same unit of currency shall stand on op^posite
III. When there is commission for drawing, place 1 minus the
rate on the left if the cost of exchange is required, and on the right
if proceeds are required ; and when there is commission for remit-
ting, place 1 plus the rate on the right if cost is required, and on
the left if proceeds are required.
lY. Divide the product of the numbers on the right hy the j^^'od-
uct of the numhers on the left, cancelling equal factors ', the result
will he the answer.
Notes. — 1. Commission for drawing is commission on the sale of a draft;
commission for remitting is commission on the purchase price of a draft.
2. The above method is sometimes called the Chain liulef or Conjoined Pro-
1. A gentleman in Philadelphia wishes to deposit $5000 in a
bank at Stockholm, by remitting to Liverpool and thence to Stock-
holm ; if exchange on Liverpool is at 10 % premium in Phila-
delphia, and the course between Liverpool and Stockholm is 6
roubles 48 copecks per £1, how much money will the man have
in bank at Stockholm, allowing the agent at Liverpool J % for
remitting? A7is^ 6610 roubles 74 copecks.
2. When exchange at New York on Paris is 5 francs 16 cen-
times per $1, and at Paris on Hamburg 2i francs per marc banco,
what will be the arbitrated price in New York of 7680 marc
bancos of Hamburg? Ans. $3162.79.
3. A man in Cleveland wishes to draw on New Orleans for a
bank stock dividend of $750, and exchange direct on New Or-
leans is li % discount; how much will he save by drawing on
his agent in New York at 1^ % premium, allowing his agent ta
draw on New Orleans at 1 % discount, brokerage at ^ % '/
4. A gentleman in Boston drew on Wurtemberg for GO 00 gild-
ers at $.415 per gilder; how much more would he have received
if he had ordered remittance to London, and thence to New York,
exchange at AYurtemberg on London being 11 J gilders per £1,
and at London on New York 9 J %, in favor of sterling, broker-
age at IJ % in London for remitting? Ans. $67.66.
5. If at Philadelphia exchange on Liverpool is at 9| % pre-
mium, and at Liverpool on Paris 26 francs 8'6 centimes per £1 ;
what is the arbitrated course of exchange between Philadelphia
and Paris, through Liverpool ? Ans, 1 franc = $.181.
6. An American resident of Amsterdam wishing to obtain
funds from the U. S. to the amount of $6400, directs his agent
in London to draw on the U. S. and remit the proceeds to him in
a draft on Amsterdam, exchange on the U. S. be'ing at 8 % in
favor of London, and the course between London and Amsterdam
being 18d. per gilder. If the agent charges commission at J %
both for drawing and remitting, how much better is this arbitra-
tion than to draw directly on the U. S. at 40 cents per gilder ?
7. A speculator in Pittsburgh, having purchased* 58 shares of
railroad stock in New Orleans, at 95 %, remits to his agent in
New York a draft purchased at 2 % premium, with orders for the
agent to remit the sum due in N. 0. Now, if exchange on N. 0.
is at i (fo discount in N. Y., and the agent's commission for re-
mitting is i %, how much does the stock cost in Pittsburgh?
Ans. $5606.08.
8. A banker in New York remits $3000 to Liverpool, by arbi-
tration, as follows : first to Paris at 5 francs 40 centimes per $1 ;
thence to Hamburg at 185 francs per 100 marcs; thence to Am-
sterdam at 85 stivers per 2 marcs; thence to Liverpool at 220
stivers per £1 sterling. How much sterling money will he have
in bank at Liverpool, and what will be his gain over direct ex-
change at 10 % premium ?
. ( Proceeds in Liverpool, £696 lis. 2d.
I Gain by arbitration^ £82 18s. 5d.
609. Equation of Payments is the process of finding the
mean or equitable time of payment of several sums, due at dif-
ferent times without interest.
610. The Term of Credit is the time to elapse before a debt
becomes due.
611. The Average Term of Credit is the time to elapse before
several debts, due at different times, may all be paid at once, with-
out loss to debtor or creditor.
615. The Equated Time is the date at which the several
debts may be canceled by one payment.
613. To Average an Account is to find the mean or equit-
able time of payment of the balance.
614:. A Focal Date is a date with which all the others are com-
pared in averaging an account.
Note. — Each item of a book account draws interest from the time it is due,
which may be either at the date of the transaction, or after a specified term of
In averaging, there are two kinds of equations, Simple and
Compound. '
61^. A Simple Equation is the process of finding the aver-
age time when the payments or account contains only one side,
which may be either a debit or credit.
616. A Compound Equation is the process of averaging
when both debts and credits are to be considered.
617. When all the terms of credit begin at the same
1. In settling with a creditor On the first day of April, I find
that I owe him $12 due in 5 months, 815 due in 2 months, and
$18 due in 10 months ; at what time may T pay the whole amount?
OPERATION. Analysis. The
$12 X 5 = GO whole amount to be
I 15 X 2 = 30 paid, as seen in the ope-
18x10 = 180 ration, is $45 ; and we
L^K ©T^ 270 ^^® *^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^S ^*
B 270 --45 = 6 mo., average credit, shall be withheld, or
IB Apr. 1, + 6 mo. = Oct. 1, Ans. what term of credit it
I^P shall have, as an equiv-
alent for the various terms of credit on the different items. Now
the value of credit on any sum is measured by the product of the
money and time. Therefore, the credit on $12 for 5 mo. = the credit
on $60 for 1 mo., because 12 X 5 = GO X 1. In like manner, we have
the credit on $15 for 2 mo. = the credit on $30 for 1 mo. ; and the
credit on $18 for 10 mo. = the credit on $180 for 1 mo. Hence, by
addition, the value of the several terms of credit on their respective
sums equals a credit of 1 month on $270 ; and this equals a credit of
G months on $45, because 45 X 6 = 270 x 1. Hence the following
Rule. I. Multiply each payment hy its term of creditj and
divide the sum of the products hy the sum of the payments ; the
quotient loill he the average term of credit,
II. Add the average term of credit to the date at which all
the credits begin ; the result will he the equated time of payment.
Notes. — 1. The periods of time used as raultipliers must all be of the same
deuomination, and the quotient will be of the same denomination as the terms
of credit; if these be months, and there be a remainder after the division, con-
tinue the division to days by reduction, always taking the nearest unit in the last
2. The several rules in equation of payments are based upon the principle of
bank discount; for they imply that the discount of a sum paid before it is duo
equals the interest of the same amount paid after it is due.
1. On the first day of January, 1860, a man gave 3 notes, the
first for §500 payable in 30 days ; the second for $400 payable in
60 days; the third for $600 payable in 90 days. What was the
average term of credit, and what the equated time of payment ?
Ans Term of credit, 62 da. ; time of payment, Mar. 3, 1860.
2. A man purchased real estate, and agreed to pay i of the price
in 3 mo., } in 8 mo., and the remainder in 1 year. Wishing to
cancel the whole obligation at a single payment, how long shall
this payment be deferred ? ^
30* X
3. I owe $480 payable in 90 days, and $320 payable in 60 days.
My creditor consents to an extension of time to 1 year, and oficrs
to take my note for the whole amount on interest at 6 per cent,
from the equated time, or a note for the true present worth of
both debts, on interest from date. How much will I gain if I
choose the latter condition? Ans, $1.14.
4. Bought merchandise April 1, as follows: $280 on 3 mo.,
$300 on 4 mo., $200 on 5 mo., $560 on 6 mo. ; what is the
equated time of payment? Ans. Aug. 24.
618* "WTien the terms of credit begin at different
1. When does the amount of the following bill become due,
per average ?
Charles Crosby,
1860. To Bronson & Co., Dr.
Jan. 12. To Mdse., $400
" 16. ^' Mdse. on 2 mo., 600
Apr.20. " Cash, 375
Due Da,
Jan. 12 i
Mar. 16 1 64
Apr. 20 99
Jan. 12
Mar. 16
Apr. 20
75525 -^ 1375 == 55 da.
55 da. after Jan. 12,
or Mar. 7.
Ansig <
60600 -f 1375 = 44 da.
44 da, before Apr. 20,
or Mar. 7.
Analysis. The three items of the bill are due Jan. 12, Mar. 16,
and Apr. 20, respectively. In the first operation we use the earliest
maturity, Jan. 12, for a focal date, and find the difi'erence in days
between this date and each of the others ; thus, from Jan. 12 to Mar,
16 is 64 da. ; from Jan. 12 to Apr. 20 is 99 da. Hence, from Jan. 12
the first item has no credit, the second lias 64 days' credit, and the
third 99 days' credit, as appears in the column marked da. We now
proceed to find the products as in Case I, whence we obtain the ave-
rage credit, 55 da., and the equated time, Mar. 7.
In the second operation, the latest maturity. Apr. 20, is taken for a
focal date, and the work may be explained thus : Suppose the account
to be settled Apr. 20. At that time the first item has been due 99
days, and must therefore dj^-aw interest for this time. But interest
on'$400 for 99 days = the interest on $39600 for 1 day. The second
item must draw interest 35 days ; but interest on $600 foi 35 days ^=
interest on $21000 for 1 day. Taking the sum of the products, we find
that the whole amount of interest due Apr. 20 equals the interest on
$60600 for 1 day ; and this is found, by division, equal to the interest
on $1375 for 44 da., which is the average term of interest. Hence
the account would be settled Apr. 20, by paying §1375, with interest
on the same for 44 days. This shows that the $1375 has been used
44 days, that is, it falls due Mar 7, without interest. Hence we have
the following
Rule. I. Find the time at which each item Lecomes due, hy
adding to the date of each transaction the term of credit y if any he
specifiedj and write these dates in a column.
II. Assume either the earliest or the latest date for a focal date^
and find the difference in days between the focal date and each of
the other dates, and write the results in a second column.
III. Write the items of the account in a third column, and mul-
tiply each hy the corresponding number of days in the preceding
columii, writing the products in a fourth column.
IV. Divide the sum of the products hy the sum of the items.
TJie quotient will he the average term of credit or interest, and
must be reckoned from the focal date TOWARD the other dates, to
find the equated time of payment.
Notes. — 1. When dollars and cents are given, it is generally suflficient to take
only dollars in the multiplicand, rejecting the cents when less than 50, and car-
ryinj^ 1 to the dollars, if the cents are more than 50.
2. Months in any terms of credit are understood to be calendar months; the
time must therefore be carried forward to the same day of the month in which
the term of credit expires.
356 percentage.
examples ror practice.
1. James Gordon,
1860. To Henry Lancey, Dr.
Mar. 4. To 100 yd. Cassimere, @ $2 50, S250
" 25. " 300C " French Prints," .12, 360
Apr. 16. " 1200 " Sheeting, " .08, 96
" 30. " 400 " Oilcloth, « .50, 200
May 17. " Sundries, 350
When is the above bill due, per average ?
Arts. Apr. 12, 1860.
2. I sell goods to A at different times, and for different terms
of credit, as follows :
Sept. 12, 1859, a bill on 30 days^ credit, for $180
Oct. 7, " " 30 " " 300
Nov. 16, " " 60 " " 150
Dec. 20, '' " 90 " " 350
Jan. 25, 1860, " 30 " " 130
Feb. 24, " '' 30 " " 140
Tf I take his note in settlement, at what time shall interest
commence ?
3. What is the average of the following account?
1860, Oct. 1. Mdse., on 60 da.,.. ..,....„ $240
" Nov.12. " " '' 500
" Dec. 25. " " " 436
1861, Jan. 16. " " " 325
" Feb. 24. " " " 436
'' Mar.I7. " " " 537
Ans. Mar. 10, 1861.
4. I have 4 notes, as follows : the first for $350, due Aug. 16,
1859 • the second for $250, due Oct. 15, 1859 ; the third for $300,
due Dec. 14, 1859; the fourth for $248, due Feb. 12, 1860.
When shall a note for which I may exchange the four, be made
payable ?
C19. 1. Average the following account.
John Lyman.
June 12
To Mdse.
June 24
By draft at 30 da.
Sept. 12
li u
Aug. 20
" cat?h,
pet. 28
" Sundries,
Oct. 8
a ii
June 12
Sept. 12
Oct. 28
July 27
Aug. 20
Oct. 8
29518 -T- 548 = 54 da., average term of interest.
Oct. 28 — 54 da. = Sept. 4, balance due.
Analysis. — In this operation we have written the dates of maturity
on either side, allowing 3 days' grace to the draft. The latest date,
Oct. 28, is assumed as the focal date for botJi sides, and the two columns
marked da. show the difference in days between the focal date and
each of the other dates. The products are obtained as in simple
equations, and the balance found between the items on the two sides,
and also between the products. These balances, being both on the
Dr. side, show that there is due on the day of the focal date, $548,
with interest on $29518 for 1 day. By division, this interest is found
to be equal to the interest on $548 for 54 days. Hence this balance,
$548, has been due 54 days ; and reckoning back from the focal date,
we obtain the equated time of payment, Sept. 4.
Had we taken the earliest maturity, June 12, for the focal date, we
should have obtained 84 days for the interval of time ; and since in
this case the products would represent the credit to which the several
items are entitled after June 12, we should add 84 days to the focal
date, which would give Sept. 4, as before.
2. When is the balance of the following account due, per
average ?
Cliarles Derby.
Jan. 21
To Mdse.
Jan. 1
By cash,
Mar. 5
" u
Feb. 4
" 22
" "
Mar. .30
" "
Jan. 21
Mar. 5
« 22
Jan. 1
Feb. 4
Mar. 30
Balance of account,
Balance of products,
2199 -T- 235 = 9 da. ; Mar. 30+9 da. = Apr. 8, Ans.
Analysis. We take the latest maturity, Mar. 30, for the focal date,
and consequently the products represent the interest due upon the
several items, at that date. We find the balance of the items upon
the Dr. side, and the balance of the products upon the Cr. side. The
-debtor therefore owes, on Mar. 30, $235, but is entitled to such a term
of interest on the same as will be equivalent to the interest on $2199
for 1 day, which by division, is found to be 9 da. Hence the balance
is due Mar. 30+9 da. = Apr. 8. Thus we see that when the balances
are on opposite sides, the interval of time is counted from the other
dates. If we take, in this example, the earliest date for the focal date,
the balances will both be upon the Dr. side, and the interval of time
will be 97 da., which reckoned forward from the focal date, will give
the equated time as before.
6S0* From these examples we derive the following
lluLE. I. Find the time when each item of the account is due,
and write the dates, in two columns, on the sides of the account to
which they respectively belong.
II. Use either the earliest or the latest of these dates as the focal
date for both sides, ana find the products as in the last case.
III. Divide the balance of the products by the balance of the
account ; the quotient will be the interval of time, which must be
reckoned from the focal doie TOWARD the other dates when both
^^ktes when the balances are on opposite sides of the account,
^^^J^'oTES. — 1. Instead of the products, we may obtain the interest, at any per
cent., on the several items for the corresponding intervals of time, and divide
the balance of interest by the interest on the balance of the account for 1 day ;
the quotient will be the interval of time to be added to, or subtracted from the
focal date, according to the rule. The time obtained will be the same, at what-
ever rate the interest be computed.
2. There may be such a combination of debits and credits, that the equated
time will be earlier or later than any date of the account. ^
1. Required, the average maturity of the following account.
A. Z. Armour,
Feb. 12
To Mdse.
March 15
By bal. old acc't.
(( u
April 17
" cash,
April 16
(( «
May 25
a u
Mav 20
« «
June 8
" sundri'es,
Feb. 12
" 25
April 16
Ma^ 20
.62 1
March 15
April 17
May 25
June 8
Int on $118.62 for 1 da. = $.0198.
2.20---.0198=lll da.; June 8—111 da.=:.Feb. 17,1859, Ans.
Analysis. Taking the latest maturity, June 8, for the focal date,
we find the interest of each item, at 6 ^, from its maturity to the
focal date ; then, taking the balance, we find the interest due on the
account to be $2.20. Dividing this interest by the interest on the
balance of the items for 1 day, we obtain 111 da., the time required
for the interest, $2.20, to accrue. The average maturity, therefore,
is June 8 — 111 da. = Feb. l7, 1859.
It is evident that when the balances occur on opposite sides, the
interval of time will be reckoned as in the method by products.
2. What is the balance of the following account, ^.and when is
it due ? ■■ ^
Thomas Lardner,
Dr. Cr.
March 1
To Sundries,
March 25
By draft, at 60 da.
April 12
" Mdse.
April 6
" « 30 '•
July 16
it u
June 20
" cash.
Sept. 14
" "
Aug. 3
" "
Ans. Balance, $498; due June 22, 1860.
3. When shall a draft for the settlement of the following ac-
count be made payable ?
David Sanford.
Jan. 1
To Mdse. on 3 mo.
April 1
By cash,
Feb. 12
" " '^ 2 "
May 16
" draft, at 30 da.
March 16
" Sundries,
June 12
ii a
June 25
" Mdse.
" 20
" cash,
Ans. Aug. 28, 1859.
Oliver Waimcright.
Jan. 1
To Mdse.
Jan. 10
By fcash,
Feb. 1
U ii
" 21
it a '
March 17
(( ii
March 23
" sundries,
April 1
ii il
April 6
a a '
If the above account were settled April 6, 1858, by draft on
time, how many days' credit should be given ? Ans. 20 Qa.
6. I owe $1000 due Apr. 25. If I pay $560 Apr. 1, and §324
Apr. 21, when, in equity, should I pay the balance ?
Ans. Aug. 30.
Note. — Make the $1000 the Dr. side of an account, and the payments the Cr.
Bide, and then average.
6. A man owes $684, payable Aug. 12, and $4:68, payable Oct.
15. If he pay $839; Aug. 1, what will be the equated time for
the payment of the balance ? Ans. Dec. 15.
7o A man holds 3 notes, the first for $500, due March 1, the
second for $800, due June 1, and the third for $600, due^^ug. 1.
He wishes to exchange them for two others, one of which shall
be for $1000, payable Apr. 1 ; what shall -be the face and when
the maturity of the other ?
Ans. Face, $900 ; maturity, July 28.
8. A owes $500, due Apr. 12, and $1000, due Sept. 20, and
wishes to discharge the obligation by two equal payments, made
at an interval of 60 days; when must the two payments be made ?
Ans. 1st, June 28; 2d, Aug. 27.
9. When shall a note be made payable, to balance the followino-
account ?
James Tyler,
June 12
To Mdflo. on 3 mo.
Sept. 14
By caFh,
*' 20
" " f' "
'• 25
i. u
« 30
a a « «
Oct. 3
(( il
July 6
« a u a
" n
li u
" 16
" <; a «
Nov. 16
a «
" 29
u u a it
*• 24
©SI. An Account Sales is an account rendered by a commis-
sion merchant of goods sold on account of a consignor, and con-
tains a statement of the sales, the attendant charges, and the net
proceeds due the owner.
03S. Guaranty is a charge made in addition to commission,
for securing the owner against the risk of non-payment, in case of
goods sold on credit.
6S3. Storage is a charge made for keeping the goods, and
may be reckoned by the week or month, on each article or piece.
G24. Primage is an allowance paid by a shipper or consignor
of goods to the master and sailors of a vessel, for loading it.
OS«i. A commission merchant having sold a shipment of
goods by parts at different times, and on various terms, makes a
final settlement by deducting all charges, and accrediting the owner
with the net proceeds. It is evident, therefore,
I. That commission and guaranty should be accredited to the
agent at the average maturity of the sales,
II. That the net proceeds should be accredited to the con-
signor at the average maturity of the entire account.
Hence the following
Rule. I. To compute the storage. — Multiple/ each article or
parcel hy the time it is in store j and multiply the sum, of the pro-
ducts hy the rate per unit ; the result will he the storage.
II. To find when the net proceeds are due. — Average the sales
alone ^ and the result will he the date to he given to the com,mission
and guaranty ; then make the sales the Cr. sidcj and the charges
the Dr. side, and average the entire account hy a compound equation,
Note. — In averaging, either the product method or the interest method may
be used.
1. Account sales of 100 pipes of gin, received per ship Hispan-
iola, from Havana, on a|c. of Tyler, Jones & Co.
18 GO
Sold 32 Pipes, 4160 gal. @ $1.05, on 30 days,.
" 40 '' 6240 " @ 1.02, cash,
«• 28 « 3650 " @ LOO, ♦'
To Freight and Primage, $136.76
" Wharfage and Cartage 48.54
" huty Bonds, at CO days 3207.07
" Storage from April 1, viz. :
On 32 Pipes, 2 wk.s 64 wks.
" 40 " 5 " ... 200 " -
" 28 « 13 « ... 364 «
100 « equal to 628 «@6c 37.68
« Commission on S13362.80. at 23^ % 334.07
" Guaranty on $i368, at 21^ % 109.20
What are the net proceeds of the ahove account, and when due ?
Ans. Net proceeds, $9489.48 ) due. May 20, 1860.
Note. — The time for which storage is charged on each part of the shipment
is the interval, reduced to weeks, hetween Apr. 1, when the pipes were received
into store, and the date of sale. Every fraction of a wecli is reckoned a full week.
2. A commission merchant in Boston received into his store on
May 1, 1859, 1000 bbl. of flour, paying as charges on the same
day, freight $175.48, cartage $56.25, and cooperage $8.87. He
sold out the shipment as follows: June 3, 200 bbl. @ $6.25;
June 30, 850 bbl. @ $6.50; July 29, 400 bbl. @ $3.12 J; Aug.
6, 50 bbl. @ $6.00. Required the net proceeds, and the date
when they shall be accredited to the owner, allowing commission
at 3 J %, and storage at 2 cents per week per bbl.
Ans. Net proceeds, $5614.28 ; due, July 10.
©26. To find the cash balance of an account current,
at any given date.
/. Burns in account current with Tyler dh Co,
Feb. 25
To Mdse. on 3 mo.
March 1
By cash on acct.
March 20
«4 U it 3 i<
April 20
" accept, at 30 da.
April 26
« a « 3 «
June 12
" Sundries,
June 24
(( (( (( 2 «
« 27
" cash on acct.
Required the cash value of the above account, July 1, 1860,
interest at 6 %.
Items. Int.
Cash val
Items. Int.
Cash val.
May 25
June 20
July 26
Aug. 24
360.75 + 2.22
240.56 -f- .44
875.24 — 3.65
March 1
May 20
June 12
" 27
250.00 + 5.08
300.00 + 2-10
375.00 + 1.19
400.00+ .27
$1708.69— $1333.64 = $375.05. Ans.
Analysis. For either side of the account we write the dates at
which the several items are due, and the days intervening between
these dates and the day of settlement, July 1. We then compute the
interest on each item for the corresponding interval of time, and add
it to the item if the maturity is before July 1, and subtract it from
the item if the maturity is after July 1 ; the results must be the cash
values of the several items on July 1. Adding the two columns of
cash values, and subtracting the less sum from the greater, we have
$375.05. the cash balance required. Hence the
E-ULE. I. Find the number of days intervening between each
maturity and the day of settlement.
II. Compute the interest on each item for the corresponding
interval of time ; add the interest to the item if the maturity is
before the day of settlement, and subtract it from the item if the
maturity is after the day of settlement ; the results will be the cash
values of the several items.
III. Add each column of cash values, and the difference of the
amounts will be the cash balance required.
1. Find the cash balance of the following account for June 1,
1858, interest at 6 per cent. ?
Alvan Parke.
Jan. 12
To check,
Jan. 1
By bal. from old acct.
" 26
a u
Feb. 3
" cash,
Feb. 13
« u
March 26
U ((
March 16
(( »
April 20
(( U
April 25
" "
May 12
a it
Ans. ^1196.67.
2. What is the cash balance of the following account on Dec.
31, at 7 per cent. ?
James Hanson.
8«pt. 3
To Sandriea,
Sepk. 17
By Sundries,
Oct. 2
" Mdse. on 3 mo.
« 20
" cash on acct.
" 21
" " " 3 "
. 26
f oa
Oct. S
(i a u
Nov. 12
« « « 3 «
Nov. 17
« (( ((
Dec. 15
" Sundries,
1 it
Dec. 27
« « «
037* Partnership is a relation established between two or
more persons in trade, by which they agree to share the profits
and losses of business according to the amount of capital furnished
by each, and the time it is employed.
6^8. The Partners are the individuals thus associated.
Note. — The terms Capital or Stock, Dividendj and Assessment, have the same
?ignificafcion in Partnership as in Stocks.
6S9. To find each partner's share of the profit or
loss, when their capital is employed for equal periods
of time.
1. A and B engage in trade; A furnishes $500, and B $700 as
capital; they gain $96; what is each man's share ?
OPERATION. Analysis. The whole
$ 500 amount of capital em-
$ 700 ployed is $500 + $700
$1200, whole stock. =$1200 ; hence, A fur-
^5 ^ 5^^ A^s part of the stock. ^^«^?^« t¥A =t2^{ the
\^Q0_ 7* JVa ic u u u capital, and B furnishes
|96 X A = $40 A's share of the gain. t^Vo = h of t^e capi-
$90 X Ss = $56, B's '^ '' " '' *^^- ^""^ '^^'^ ^^'^
man's share of the pro-
fit or loss will have the same ratio to the whole profit or loss as his
part of the capital has to the whole capital, A will have /g of the
$9G, and B y\ of the $96, for their respective shares of the profits.
We may also regard the whole capital as the first cause^ and each
man's share of the capital as the second cause, the whole profit or loss
as the first effect, and each man's share of the profit or loss as the
second effect, and solve by proportion thus :
1st cause. 2d cause. 1st efifect. 2d effect.
$1200 : : $500 = $96 : ( ? ) = $40, A's gain,
$1200 : $700 = $96 : (?) = $56, B's "
Hence we have the following
BuLE. Multiple/ the whole projli or loss hy the ratio of the
whole capital to each man's share of the capital. Or,
The whole capital is to each man^s share of the capital as the
whole profit or loss is to each man's share of the profit or loss»
1. Three men engage in trade; A puts in $6470, B $3780, and
C $9860, and they gain $7890. What is each partner's share of the
profit? Ans. A% $2538.453 ; B's, $1483.053; C's, $3868^.493.
2. B and C buy pork to the amount of $1847.50, of which B
pays $739, and C the remainder. They gain $375 ; what is each"
one's share of the gain ? '
3. A, B, and C form a company for the manufacture of woolen
cloths. A puts in $10000, B $12800, and C $3200. C is allowed
$1500 a year for personal attention to the business; their ex-
penses for labor, clerk hire, and other incidentals for 1 year are
$3400, and their receipts auring the same time are $9400. What
is A^s, B's, and C's income respectively from the business ?
4. Four persons rent a farm of 115 A. 32 P. at $3.75 an acre.
A puts on 144, B 160, C 192, and D 324 sheep; how much rent
ought each to pay ?
5. Three persons gain $2640, of which B is to have $6 as often
as C $4, and as often as D $2 ; how much is each one's share ?
6. Six persons are to share among them $6300 ; A is to have
^ of it, B i, C |, D is to have as much as A and C together, and
the remainder is to be divided between E and F in the ratio of
3 to 5. How much does each receive ?
Arts. A, $900; B, $1260; C, $1400;
D, $2300; E, $165; F, $275.
7. Two persons find a watch worth $90, and agree to divide the
value of it in the ratio of | to | ; how much is each one's share ?
Note. — If the fractions be reduced to a common denominator, they will be to
each other as their numerators, (418, III).
8. A father divides his estate worth $5463.80 between his two
sons giving the elder J more than the younger ; how much is each
son's share J* Ans. Elder, $2892.60; younger, $2571.20.
9. Three men trade in company. A furnishes $8000, and B
$12000 Their gam is $1680, of which C's share is $840; required,
C's stock, and A's and B's gain. Ans, C's stock, $20,000.
10. Four persons engage in the lumber trade, and invest jointly
$22500; at the expiration of a certain time, A's share of the
gain is $2000, B's $2800.75, C's $1685.25, and D's $1014; how
much capital did each put in ? Ans. I> put in $3042.
11. A legacy of $30,000 was left to four heirs in the propor-
tion of ^, I, I, and 5, respectively; how much was the share of
12. Three men purchase a piece of land for $1200, of which
sum C pays $500. They seli it so as to gain a certain sum^ of
which A takes $71.27, and B $142.54; how much do A and B
pay, and what is C's share of the gain ? Ans, C's gain, $152.72 1.
13. Three persons enter into partnership for the manufacture
of coal oil, with a joint capital of $18840. A puts in $3 as often
as B puts in $5, and as often as C puts in $7. Their annual gain
is equal to C's stock; how much is each partner's gain?
14. Ay B, and C are employed to do a piece of work for $26.45.
A and B together are supposed to do | of the work, A and C -j^^,
and B and C ^^, and are paid proportionally; how much must
each receive? Ans, A, $11.50; B, $575; C, $9.20.
CASE ir.
030. To find each partner's share of the profit or loss
when their capital is employed for unequal periods of
It is evident that the respective shares of profit and loss will
depend equally upon two conditions, viz.: the amount of capital
invested by each, and the time it is employed. Hence they will
be proportional to the products of these two elements.
1. Two men form a partnership ; A puts in $320 for 5 months,
and B $400 for 6 months. They lose $140 ; what is each man's
share of the loss ?
$320 X 5 = $1600, A^s capital for 1 mo.
$400 X 6 = $2400, B's '' '' "
$4000, entire '^ '^ '^
$lg-Q-0 = |, A's share in the partnership
$140 X I = $56, A^« loss-
$140 X I = $84, B's loss.
Analysis The use of $320 for 5 months is the same as the use of
5 times $320, or $1G00, for 1 month ; and the use of $400 for 6 months
is the same as the use of 6 times $400, or $2400, for 1 month ; hence
the use ot the entire capital is the same as the use of $1000 + $2400
==r $4000 for 1 month. A^s interest in the partnership is therefore
\l\\ = §, and he will suffer § of the loss, or $140 X f — $56 .• and
B's interest in the partnership is f ^ J§ = |, and he will suffer | of the
loss, or $140 X §-=$84.
We may also solve by proportion, the causes being compounded of
the two elements, capital and time • thus :
84000 : 81600 = $140 : (?) = $56, A^s loss,
$4000 : $2400 = $140 : (?) = $84, B's loss.
Hence the following
Rule. 3/wZ^/jjZ^ each maiis cajntal hy tlie time it is employed
in tradey and add tlie products. Then multiply the entire profit or
loss hy the ratio of eacji product to the sum of the products ; the
results will he the respective shares of profit or loss of each part-
ner. Or,
Midtiply each man^s capital hy the time it is emptloycd in trade,
and regard each product as his capital, and the sum of the p7'o^
ducts as the entire cap>ital, and solve ly proportion, as in Case I.
1. A, 11, and C enter into partnership. A puts in $357 for 5
months, B $371 for 7 months, and C $154 for 11 months, and they
gain $347.20; how much is each one's share?
Ans. A^s $102; B's $148.40; C's $96.80.
2. Three men hire a pasture for $55.50. A put in 5 cows, 12
weeks; B, 4 cows, 10 weeks; and C, 6 cows, 8 weeks; how much
ought eacii to pay? Ans. A $22.50; B $15; C $18.
3. B commenced business with a capital of $15000. Three
months afterward C entered into partnership with, him, and .put
in 125 acres of land. At the close of the year their profits were
$4500, of which C was entitled to $1800 ; what was the value of
the land per acre ?
4. A and B engaged in trade. A put in $4200 at first, and 9
months afterward $200 more. B put in at first $1500, and at the
end of 6 months took out $500. At the end of 16 months their
gain was $772.20 ; how much is the share of each ?
5. Four companies of men worked on a railroad. In the first
company there were 30 men who worked 12 days, 9 hours a day;
in the second, there were 32 men who worked 15 days, 10 hours
a day; in the Ihird, there were 28 men who worked 18 days, 11
hours a day; and in the fourth, there were 20 men who worked
15 days, 12 hours a day. The entire amount paid to all the com-
panies was $1500; how much were the wages of each company?
6. A and B are partners. A's capital is to B's as 5 to 8 ; at
the end of 4 months A withdraws J of his capital, and B | of his ;
at the end of the year their whole gain is $4000 ; how much be-
longs to each ? Ans. A, $17141 ; B, $2285^;
7. B, C, and D form a manufacturing company, with capitals
of $15800, $25000, and $30000 respectively. After 4 months B
draws out $1200, and in 2 months more he draws out $1500 more,
and 4 months afterward puts in $1000. C draws out $2000 at
the end of 6 months, and $1500 more 4 months afterward, and a
month later puts in $800. D puts in $1800 at the end of 7
months, and 3 months after draws out $5000. If their gain at
the end of 18 months be $15000, how much should each receive?
Ans. B, $3228.07; C, $5258.15; D, $6513.78.
8. The joint stock of a company was $5400, which was doubled
at the end of the year. A put i for J of a year, B | for J a year,
and C the remainder for one year. How much is each one^s share
of the entire stock at the end of the year ?
9. Three men engage in merchandising. A^s money was in
10 months, for which he received $456 of the profits ; B's was in
8 months, for whioh he received $343.20 of the profits; and C's
was in 12 months, for which he received $750 of the profits. Their
whole capital invested was $14345 ; how much was the capital of
each? An$, A's, $4332; B's, $4075.50; C's,' $5937.50.
10. Three men take an interest in a coal mine. B invests his
capital for 4 months, and claims -j'^ of the profits; C's capital is in
8 months ; and D invests $6000 for 6 months, and claims | of the
profits ; how much did B and C put in ?
11. A, B, and C engage in manufacturing shoes. A puts in
$1920 for 6 months; B, a sum not specified for 12 months; and
C, $1280 for a time not specified. A received $2400 for his stock
and profits, B $4800 for his, and C $2080 for his. Required,
B's stock, and C's time ?
631. Alligation treats of mixing or compounding two or
more ingredients of different values or qualities.
63S. The Mean Price or ftnality is the average price or
quality of the ingredients, or the price or quality of a unit of the
633. To find the mean price or quality of a mixture,
when the quantity and price of the several ingredients
are given.
Note. — The process of finding the mean or average price of several ingredi-
ents is called AUxyation Medial.
1. A produce dealer mixed together 84 bushels of oats worth
$.30 a bushel, 60 bushels of oats worth $.38 a bushel, and 56
bushels of oats worth $ 40 a bushel ; required, the mean price.
OPERATION. Analysis. The worth of 84
$.30 X 84 = $25.20 bushels @ $.30 is $25.20, of
.38 X 60 = 22.80 60 bushels @ $.38 is $22.80,
.40 X 56 = 22.40 and of 56 bushels @ $.40 is
200 ^ ^70 40 $22.40 ; and we have in the
;; whole compound 84 + 60 + 56
$.3520, Ans, —200 bushels, worth $25.20+
$22.80 + $22.40 = $70.40. One bushel of the mixture is therefore
worth $70.40 -h 200 = $.352. Hence the following
Rule. Find the entire cost or value of the xngredientSy and
divide it hy the sum of the simples.
1. A grocer mixed 4 lb. of tea at $.60 with 3 lb. at $.70, 1 lb.
at $1.10, and 2 lb. at $1.20; how much is 1 lb. of the mixture
worth? -^/is. $.80.
2. A dealer in liquors would mix 14 gal. of water with 12 gal.
of wine at $.75, 24 gal. at $.90, and 16 gal. at $1.10; how muck
is a gallon of the mixture worth ? Ans. $.73^^-5.
3. If 3 lb. 6 oz. of gold 23 carats fine be compounded with
^4 lb. 8 oz. 21 carats, 3 lb. 9 oz. 20 carats, and 2 lb. 2 oz. of alloy,
what is the fineness of the composition ? Ans, 18 carats.
4. A grain dealer mixes 15 bu. of wheat, at $1.20 with 5 bu.
at $1.10, 5 bu. at S.90, and 10 bu. at $.70 ; what will be his gain
per bushel if he sell the compound at $1.25.
5. A merchant sold 17 lb. of sugar at 5 cts. a pound, 51 lb. at
8 cts., 68 lb. at 10 cts., 17 lb. at 12 cts., and thereby gained on
the whole 33 J per cent; how much was the average cost per
pound ?
6. A drover bought 42 sheep at $2.70 per head, 48 at $2.85,
and 65 at $3.24 ; at what average price per head must he sell
them to gain 20 per cent.? Ans, $3.567^ f.
7. A surveyor took 10 sets of observations with an instrument,
for the measurement of an angle, with the following results : 1st,
36° 17' 25.4"; 2d, 36° 17' 24.5"; 3d, 36° 17' 27.8"; 4th, 36° 17'
26.9"; 5th, 36° 17' 25.4"; 6th, 36° 17' 24.7"; 7th, 36° 17' 24.2";
8th, 36° 17' 26.3"; 9th, 36° 17' 25.8"; 10th, 36° 17' 26.7". What
is the average of these measurements ? Ans, 36° 17' 25.77''.
8. Three trials were made with chronometers to determine the
difi'erence of time between two places; the first trial gave 37 min.
54.16 sec, the second 37 min. 55.56 sec, and the third 37 min.
54.82 sec Owing to the favorable conditions of the third trjal,
it is entitled to twice the degree of reliance to be placed upon
either of the others ; what should be taken as the difference of
longitude between the two places, according to these observations?
Ans, 9° 28' 42.6".
634. To find the proportional quantity to be used of
each ingredient, when the mean price and the prices of
the several simples are given.
Note. — The process of finding the quantities to be used in any required mix-
ture is commonly called Alliyation Alternate.
1. A farmer would mix oats worth 3 shillings a bushel with
peas worth 8 shillings a bushel, to make a compound worth 5 shil-
lings a bushel ; what quantities of each may he take ?
oPERiTiON. Analysis. If a mixture, in any pro-
^ o I , I Q \ portions, of oats worth 3 shillings a
5 -< o ? 9 [■ Ans. bushel and peas worth 8 shillings, be
^ ^ ^ priced at 5 shillings, there will be a
gain on the oats, the ingredient worth less than the mean price, and
a loss on the peas, the ingredient worth moi^e than the mean price ;
and if we take such quantities of each that the gain and loss shall
each be 1 shilling, the unit of value, the result will be the required
mixture. By selling 1 bushel of oats worth 3 shillings for 5 shil-
lings, there will be a gain of 5 — 3 = 2 shillings, and to gain 1 shil-
ling would require J of a bushel ; hence we place i opposite the 3. By
selling 1 bushel of peas worth 8 shillings for 5 shillings, there will
be a loss of 8 — 5 = 3 shillings, and to lose 1 shilling will require J
of a bushel ; hence we write J opposite the 8. Therefore, } bushel of
oats to :J of a bushel of peas are the propoy^tional quantities for the
required mixture. It is evident that the gain and loss will be equal,
if we take any number of times these proportional terms for the mix-
ture. We may therefore multiply the fractions J and J by 6, the least
common multiple of their denominators, and obtain the integers 3
and 2 for the proportional terms (418,111); that is, we may take, for the
mixture, 3 bushels of oats to 2 bushels of peas.
2. What relative quantities of sugar at 7 cents, 8 cents, 11 cents,
and 14 cents per pound, will produce a mixture worth 10 cents
per pound ?
OPERATION. Analysis. To preserve the
equality of gains and losses, we
must compare two prices or sim-
ples, one greater and one less than
10 ^ -n -, o r» the mean rate, and treat each pair
or couplet as a separate example.
Thus, comparing the simples whose
prices are 7 cents and 14 cents, we
find that, to gain 1 cent, J of a
pound at 7 cents must be taken,
and, to lose 1 cent, J of a pound at
14 cents must be taken ; and com-
paring the simples the prices of
which are 8 cents and 11 cents, we
find that J pound at 8 cents must be taken to gain 1 cent, and 1 pound
At 11 cents must be taken to lose 1 cent. These proportional terms are
"written in columns 1 and 2 We now reduce these couplets separately
to integers, as in the last example, writing the results in columns 3
and 4 ; and arranging all the terms in column 5, we have 4, 1, 2, and
3 for the proportional quantities required. If we compare the prices
7 and 11 fcr the first couplet, and the prices 8 and 14 for the second
couplet, as in the second operation, we shall obtain 1, 4, 3.,. and 2 fo^
the proportional terms.
It will be seen that in comparing the simples of any couplet, one
of which is greater and the other less than the mean rate, the pro-
portional number finally obtained for either term is the difi'erence
between the mean rate and the other term. Thus, in comparing 7
and 14, the proportional number corresponding to the former simple
is 4, which is the difi'erence between 14 and the mean rate 10 ; and
the proportional number corresponding to the latter simple is 3,
which is the difi'erence between 7 and the mean rate. The same is
true of every other couplet. Hence, when the simples and the mean
rate are integers, the intermediate steps taken to obtain the final pro-
portional numbers as in columns 1, 2, 3, and 4, may be omitted, and
the same results readily found by taking the difi'erence between each
simple and the mean rate, and placing it opposite the one with which
it is compared.
From these examples and analyses we derive the following
EuLE. I. Write the prices or qualities of the several ingre-
dients in a column^ and the mean price or quality at the left.
II. Consider any two prices^ one of which is less and the other
greater than the mean ratCy as forming a couplet ; find the differ-
ence between each of these prices and the mean rate, and write the
reciprocal of each difference opposite the given price m the couplet^
as one of the proportional terms. In like manner form the couplets ^
till all the prices have been employed, writing each pair of propor-
tional terms in a separate column.
III. If the proportional terms thus obtained are fractional, mul-
tijyly each pair by the least common multiple of their denominators,
and carry these integral products to a single column^ observing to
add any two or more that stand in the same horizontal line; the
final results will be the proportional quantities required.
NoTKS. — 1. If the numbers in any couplet or column have a common factor,
it may be rejected.
32 \
2. We may also multiply the numbers in any couplet or column' by any mul-
tiplier we choose, without affecting the equality of the gains and losses, and
thus obtain an indefinite number of results, any one of which being taken will
give a correct final result,
1. What quantities of flour worth $5i, $6, and $71 per barrel,
must be sold, to realize an average price of $6i per barrel?
OPERATION. Analysis. Comparing the
r ^1 4 14 A first price with the third, we ob-
0J. J g 4 j 12 12 ^^^^ *^® couplet J to t; and com-
(74ffj2 2 4 paring the second price with the
third, we obtain the couplet 4 to
•J. Reducing these proportional terms to integers, we find that we
may take 4 barrels of the first kind with 2 of the third, and 12 of the
second kjnd with 2 of the third ; and these two combinations taken
together give 4 of the first kind, 12 of the second, and 4 of the third.
2. How much sugar worth 5 cts., 7 cts., 12 cts., and 13 cts. per
pound, will form a mixture worth 10 cts. per pound?
3 lb. of each of the first and third kinds, 2 lb.
of the second, and 5 lb. of the fourth.
8. How can wine worth $.60 $.90 and $1.15 per gallon be mixed
with water so as to form a mixture worth $.75 a gallon ?
J (By taking 3 gal. of each of the first two kinds of
1 wine, 15 gal. of the third, and 8 gal. of water.
4. A farmer has 3 pieces of land worth $40, $60, and $80 an
acre respectively. How many acres must he sell from the dif-
ferent tracts, to realize an average price of $62.50 an acre?
5. How much wine worth $.60, $.50, $.42, $.38, and $.30 per
pint, will make a mixture worth $.45 a pint ?
6. What relative quantities of silver | pure, | pure, and ^^^
pure, will make a mixture | pure ?
Ans. 3 lb. J pure, 3 lb. | pure, and 20 lb. j% pura.
63«>. "When two or more of the quantities are es-
quired to be in a certain proportion.
1- A farmer having oats worth $.30, corn worth $.60, and wheat
ins. <
r 30
50 ) 60
worth $1.10 per bushel, desires to form a mixture worth §.50 per
bushel, which shall contain equal parts of corn and wheat ; in
what proportion shall the ingredients be taken ?
OPERATION. Analysis. We first obtain
the proportional terms in col-
umns 3 and 4, by Case II.
Now, it is evident that the loss
and gain will be equal if we
take each couplet, or any mul-
tiple of each, alone ; or both
couplets, or any multiples of both, together. Multiplying the terms
in column 4 by 2, we obtain the terms in column 5 ; and adding the
terms in columns 3 and 5, we obtain the terms in column 6 ; that is,
the farmer takes 7 bushels of oats to 2 of corn and 2 of wheat, which
is the required proportion. Hence the following
IlULE. I. Compare the given prices, and obtain the proportional
terms by couplets, as in Case IL
II. Reduce the couplets to higher or lower terms, as may be re-
quired ; then select the columns at pleasure, and combine them by
adding the terms in the same horizontal Ihve, till a set of pro-
portional terms is obtained, answeri7ig the required conditions.
1. A grocer has four kinds of molasses, worth $.25, $.50, $.62,
and $.70 per gallon, respectively ; in what proportions may he mix
the four kinds, to obtain a compound worth $.58 per gallon, using
equal parts of the first two kinds ? Ans. 4, 4, 8 and 11.
2. In what proportions may we take sugars at 7 cts., 8 cts., 13
cts., and 15 cts., to form a compound worth 10 cts. per pound, using
equal parts of the first three kinds ? Ans. 5, 5, 5 and 2.
3 A miller has oats at 30 cts., corn at 50 cts., and wheat at
100 cts. per bushel. He desires to form two mixtures, each worth
70 cts. per bushel. In the first he would have equal parts of oats
and corn, and in the second, equal parts of corn and wheat; what
must be the proportional terms for each mixture ?
J, ( For the first mixture, 1, 1 and 2.
1 For the second mixture, 1, 4 and 4.
r28 1
58 ] 441 '
6 2
636. Wlien the quantity of one of the simples is
1. A miller has oats worth ^.28, corn worth 8.44, and barley
worth $.90 per bushel. He wishes to form a mixture worth $.58
per bushel, and containing 100 bushels of corn. How many
bushels of oats and barley may he take ?
Analysis. By Case
II, we find the pro-
portional quantities
to be 7 bushels of
oats to 5 of corn and
8 of barley. But, as 100 bushels of corn, instead of 5, are required,
we must take ' J*^ =20 times each of the other ingredients, in order
that the gain and loss may be equal ; and we shall therefore have
7 X 20 = 140 bushels o. oats, and 8 X 20 = 160 bushels of barley.
Hence the following
HuLE. Find the proportional quantities by Case II or Case
III. Divide ihe^ given quantity hy the proportional quantity of
this ingredient J and multiply each of the other proportional quan-
tities hy the quotient thus obtained,
1. A dairyman bought 10 cows at $20 a head ; how many must
he buy at $16, $18, and $24 a head, so that the whole may cost
him an average price of $22 a head ?
Ans, 10 at $16, 10 at $18, and 60 at $24.
2. Bought 12 yards of cloth for $15 • how many yards must I
buy at $lf , and $i a yard, that the average price of the whole
may be $1^? Ans, 12 yards at $1J and 16 yards at $|.
3. How much water will dilute 9 gal. 2 qt. 1 pt. of alcohol 96
per cent, strong to 84 per cent. ? - Ans. 1 gal. 1 qt. 1 pt.
4. A grocer mixed teas worth $.30, $.55, and $.70 per pound
respectively, forming a mixture worth $.45 per pound, having equal
parts of the first two kinds, and 12 lbs. of the third kind; hoT?
many pounds of each of the first two kinds did he take ?
$.48 X 18 = § 8.64
.52 X 8 = 4.16
.85 X J = 3.40
30 ) SI 6.20
Mean price of the ) ^ ^j_
given simples J
<■ 54
2 6 30
^■4 5
5 25
1 1 5
637. When the quantities of two or more of the in-
gredients are limited.
1. How many bushels of rye at $1.08, and of wheat at $1.44,
must be mixed with 18 bushels of oats at $.48, 8 bushels of corn
at $52, and 4 bushels of barley at $.85, that the mixture may be
worth $.84 per bushel ?
Analysis. Of the given
quantities there are 18 -{-
8 + 4 = 30 bushels, whose
mean or average price we
find by Case I to be $.54.
We are therefore required to
mix 30 bushels of grain
worth $.54 per bushel, with
rye at $1.08, and wheat at
$1.44, to make a compound
worth $.84 per bushel. Pro-
ceeding as in Case IV, we
find there will be required 25 bushels of rye, and 5 bushels of wheat.
Hence the following
Rule. Consider those ingredients whose quantities and prices
are given as forming a mixture y and find their mean price hy Case
I; then consider this mixture as a single ingredient whose quantify
and price are known, andfitid the quantities of the other ingredients
hy Case IV,
1. A gentleman bought 7 yards of cloth @ $2.20, and 7 yards
@ $2 j how much must he buy @ $1.60, and @ $1.75 that the
average price of the whole may be $1.80 ?
2. How much wine, at $1.75 a gallon, must be added to 60 gal-
lons at $1.14, and 30 gallons at $1.26 a gallon, so that the mixture
may be worth $1.57 a gallon ? Ans. 195 gallons.
3. A farmer has 40 bushels of wheat worth $2 a bushel, and
70 bushels of corn worth $J a bushel. How many oats worth $}
a bushel must he mix with the wheat and corn, to make the mix-
ture worth $1 a bushel ? Ans. 6| bushels.
32 *
638. When the quantity of the whole compound is
1. A tradesman has three kinds of tea rated at $.30, $.45, and
$.60 per pound, respectively; what quantities of each should he
take to form a mixture of 72 pounds, worth $.40 per pound?
OPERATION. Analysis. By Case II,
1 o o ^ r r» we find the proportional
1 2 3 4 5 6 ^ / XI.
quantities to lorm tne
(SO TU tV 2 13 36 mixture to be 3 lb. at
40 } 45 I 2 2 24 $.30, 2 lb. at $.45, and
(OO ^jj 1 1 12 1 lb. at $.00. Adding
~' ~ these proportional quanti-
^ '^ ties, we find that they
would form a mixture of 6 pounds. And since the required mixture
Is y ^ 12 times 6 pounds, we multiply each of the proportional terms
by 12, and obtain for the required quantities, 36 lb. at $.30, 24 lb. at
$.45, and 1 2 lb. at $.60. Hence the following
Rule. Fi7id the proportional numbers as in Case IT or Case
III, Divide the given quantify hy the sum of the proportional
quantities, and multiply each of the proportional quantities hy the
quotient thus obtained.
1. A grocer has coffee worth 8 cts., 16 cts., and 24 cts. per
pound respectively ; how much of each kind must he use, to fill a
cask holding 240 lb, that shall be worth 20 cts. a pound ?
Ans. 40 lb. at 8 cts., 40 lb. at 16 cts., and 160 lb. at 24 cts.
2. A man bought calves, sheep, and lambs, 154 in all, for $154.
He paid $3 J for each calf, $li for each sheep, and $J for each
lamb ; how many did he buy of each kind ?
Ans. 14 calves, 42 sheep, and 98 lambs.
3. A man paid $165 to 55 laborers, consisting of men, women,
and boys ; to the men he paid $5 a week, to the women $1 a week,
and to the boys $} a week ; how many were there of each ?
Ans, 30 men, 5 women, and 20 boys.
OSf^* A Power is the product arising from multiplying a
number by itself, or repeating it any number of times as a factor.
^ G4L0^ Involution is the process of raising a number to a given
649. The Square of a number is its second power.
643. The Cube of a number is its third power.
643* In the process of involution, we observe,
I. That the exponent of any power is equal to the number of
times the root has been taken as a factor in continued multiplica-
tion. Hence
II. The product of any two or mora powers of the same num-
ber is the power denoted by the sum of their exponents, and
III. If any power of a number be raised to any given power,
the result will be that power of the number denoted by the pro-
duct of the exponents.
1. What is the 5th power of 6 ?
Analysis. We
multiply 6 by it-
self, and this pro-
duct by 6, and so
on, until 6 has
been taken 5 times
in continued mul-
tiplication ; the final product, 7776, is the power required, (I). Or,
we may first form the 2d and 3d powers • then the product of these
two powers will be the 5th power required, (11).
2. What is the 6th power of 12 ?
Analysis. Wg find the cube of
^-^ = i^"^^ the second power, which must be
144» = 2985984, Ans. .^e 6th power, (III).
644. Hence for the involution of numbers we have the fol*
X 6 X
6 =
7776, Ana.
= 6^ =
= 6' =
X 6'
= 216 X 36
= 7776, Ans.
KuLE, I. Multiply the given number hi/ itself in continued
mulHplicution, till it has been taken as tnany times as a factor as
there are v.vits in the exponent of the required power. Or,
IL Multipl}/ together two or more powers of the given number,
the sum of whose exponents is equal to the exponent of the required
power. Or,
III Raise some power of the given number to such a power
that the product of the two exponents shall be equal to the exponent
of the required power,
NoTKS. — 1. A fraction is involved to any power by involving each of its
terms separately to the required power.
2. Mixed numbers should be reduced to improper fractions before involution.
3. When the number to be involved is a decimal, contracted multiplication
may be applied with great advantage.
1. What is the square of 79 ? Ans. 6241.
2. What is the cube of 25.4? Ans. 16387.064.
3. What is the square of 1450 ?
4. Eaise 16| to the 4th power. Ans. 79659|f I.'
5. Eaise 2 to the 20th power. Ans. 1048576,
6. Kaise .4378565 to the 8th power, reserving 5 decimals. \
Ans. .00135 -t:
7. Raise 1.052578 to the 6th power, reserving 4 decimals.
Ans. 1.3600 db.
8. Involve .029 to the 5th power ?
Ans. .000000020511149.
Find the value of each of the following expressions :
9. 4.367*. Ans. 363.691178934721.
10 (1)3.
11. (;2|/.
12 4.G» X 25'
13. (6|y — 7.25*.
15. I of (1)3 of (^^y,
Note.— Cancel like powers of the same factor.
16. 7«-f-3.08.
17 (4^ X 5« X 12«) -^ (4^ X 10* X 32).
Ans. If 3.
Ans. mfil.
Ans. 1520875.
14. (8J/ X 2.5^
Ans. 5|.
Am, 1200
64:«>. A Root is a factor repeated to produce a power; thus,
in the expression 7x7x7 = 34.3, 7 is the root from which the
power, 343, is produced.
64®. Evolution is the process of extracting the root of a
number considered as a power; it is the reverse of Involution.
Any number whatever may be considered a power whose root
is to be extracted.
04T. A Rational Root is a root that can be exactly obtained.
648. A Surd is an indicated root that can not be exactly ob-
649. The Radical Sign is the character, ^, which, placed
before a number, indicates that its root is to be extracted.
6«S0. The Index of the root is the figure placed above the
radical sign, to denote what root is to be taken. When no index
is written, the index, 2, is always understood.
6«dl* The names of roots are derived from the corresponding
powers, and are denoted by the indices of the radical sign. Thus,
•s/lOO denotes the square root of 100; \^1U0 denotes the cube
roo^of 100; v^ 1 00 denotes the /oi^r^/i root of 100; etc.
6^S« Evolution is sometimes denoted by a fractional exponent,
the name of the root to be extracted being indicated by the deno-
minator. Thus, the square root of 10 may be written 10 ; the
cube root of 10, 10 , etc.
6«S3« Fractional exponents are also used to denote both invo-
lution and evolution in the same expression, the numerator indi-
cating the power to which the given number is to be raised, and
the denominator the root of the power which is to be taken ; thus,
7 denotes the cube root of the second power of 7, and is the
same as >/V) so also 7^ = \/7^
6«>4. In extracting any root of a number, any figure or figures
may be regarded as tens of the next inferior order. Thus, in
2546, the 2 may be considered as tens of the 3d order, the 25 as
tens of the second oyder, or the 254 as tens of the first order.
653. The Square Root of a number is one of the two equal
factors that produce the number. Thus, the square root of 64 is
8, for 8 X 8 = 64.
To derive the method of extracting the square root of a num-
ber, it is necessary to determine
1st. The relative number of places in a number and its square root.
2d. The relations of the figures of the root to the periods of
the number.
3d. The law by which the parts of a number are combined in
the formation of its square ; and
4th. The factors of the combinations.
6«56« The relative number of places in a given number and
its square root is shrwn in the following illustrations.
Roots. Squares.
i 1
9 81
99 98,01
999 99,80,01
From these examples we perceive
1st. That a root consisting of 1 place may have 1 or 2 places in the
2d. That in all cases the addition of 1 place to the root adds 2
places to the square. Hence,
I. If we point off a numher into two-figure 'periods^ commencwg
at the right hand, the number of fall periods avd the left hand
full or partial period loill indicate the numher of places in the
square roof.
To ascertain the relations of the several figures of the root to the
periods of the number, observe that if any number, as 2345, be de-
composed at pleasure, the squares of the left hand parts will be ro
lated in local value as follows :
20002 ^ 4 00 00 00
23002 = 5 29 00 00
23402 == ^ 47 56 00
23452 ^ 5 49 90 25 : Hence,
II. The square of the first figure of the root is contained xchoUy
in the first period of the power ; the square of the first two figures
of the root is contained wholly in the first two periods of the power ;
and so on.
Note. —The periods and figures of the root are counted from the left hand.
The combinations in the formation of a square may be shown as
follows :
If we take any number consisting of two figures, as 43, and decom-
pose it into two parts, 40 + 3, then the square of the number may
be formed by multiplying both parts by each part separately : thus,
40 + 3
40 4- 3
120 + 9
1600 + 120
43« = 1600 + 240 + 9 = 1849.
Of these combinations, we observe that the first, 1600, is the square
of 40 , the second, 240, is twice 40 multiplied by 3 ; and the third, 9,
is the square of 3. Hence,
III. The square of a number composed of tens and units is
equal to the square of the tens, plus twice the tens multiplied hy the
units J plus the square of the units.
By observing the manner in which the square is formed, we per-
ceive that the unit figure must always be contained as a factor in
both the second and third parts ; these parts taken together, may
therefore be factored, thus, 240 + 9 == (80 + 3) X 3. Hence,
lY. If the square of the tens he subtracted from the entire
square, the remainder will he equal to tiolce the tens plus the units
multiplied hy the units.
1. What is the square root of 5405778576 ?
OPERA noN. Analysis. Pointing ofi" the
5405778576 ( 73524 gi^^n number into periods of
49 two figures each, the 5 periods
show that there will be 5 fig-
ures in the root, (I). Since
the square of . the first figure
of the root is always contained
wholly in the first period of
the power, (II), we seek for the
iT^^yTTi cooi-t^ greatest square in the first pe"
14/044 588176 ^. . m w i, fi a \.
588176 nod, 54, which we find by
trial to be 49, and we place
its root, 7, as the first figure of the required root, and regard it aS
tens of the next inferior order, (II). We now subtract 49, the
square of the first figure of the root, from the first period, 54, and
bringing down the next period, obtain 505 for a remainder. And
since the square of the first two figures of the root is contained wholly
in the first two periods of the power, (II), the remainder, 505, must
contain at least twice the first figure (tens) j)^us the second fiigt. re
(units), multiplied hy the second figure, (IV). Now if we could divide
this remainder by tioice the first figure plus the second, which is one
of the factors, the quotient would be the second figure, or the other
factor. But since we have not yet obtained the second figure, the
complete divisor can not now be employed ; and w^e therefore write
twice the first figure, or 14, at the left of 505 for a tried divisor, re-
garding it as tens. Dividing the dividend, exclusive of the right
hand figure, by 14, we obtain 3 for the second, or trial figure of the
root, which we annex to the trial divisor, 14, making 143, the com-
plete divisor. Multiplying the complete divisor by the trial figure
3, and subtracting the product from the dividend, we have '^6 for a
remainder. We have now taken the square of the first two figures of
the root from the first two periods ; and since the square of the first
three figures of the root is contained wholly in the first three periods,
(II) we bring down the third period, 77. to the remainder, 7G, and
obtain for a new dividend 7677, which must contain at least ticice ihe
two figures already found plus the third, mxdtiplied hy the third, (lY).
Therefore to obtain the third figure, we must take for a new trial
divisor twice the two figures, 73, considered as tens of the next infe-
rior order, which we obtain in the operation by doubling the last fig-
ure of the last complete divisor, 143, making 146. Dividing, we ob-
tain 5 for the next figure of the root ; then regarding 735 as tens of
the next inferior order, we proceed as in the former steps, and thus
continue till the entire root, 73524, is obtained.
6«5T. From these principles and illustrations we derive the
Rule. 1. Point off the given numher into periods of two figures
each, counting from units place toicard the left and right,
II. Find ihe greatest square numher in the left hand p)criod, and
write its root for the first figure in the root ; subtract the square
numher from the left hand period, and to the remainder hring
dawn the next period for a dividend.
III. At the left of the dividend write twice the fir^t figure of the
root, for a trial divisor ; divide the dividend, exclusive of its right
hand figure, hy the trial divisor, and write the quotient for a trial
figure in the root,
Y\ . Annex the trial figure of the root to the trial divisor for a
complete divisor ; midtipli/ the complete divisor hy the trial figure
in the root, subtract the product from the dividend, and to the
remainder bring down the next period for a new dividend.
V. Multiply the last figure of the last complete divisor by 2 and
add the product ^o 10 times the previous divisor, for a new trial
divisor, with which proceed as before.
Notes. — 1. If at any time the product be greater than the dividend, diminish
the trial figure of the root, and correct the erroneous work.
2. If a cipher occur in the root, annex a cipher to the trial divisor, and another
period to the dividend, and proceed as before.
3. If there is a remainder after all the periods have been brought down,
annex periods oi ciphers, and continue the root to as many decimal places as
are required.
4. The decimal points in the work may be omitted, care being taken to point
off in the root according to- the number of decimal periods used.
5. The square root of a common fraction may be obtained by extracting the
souare roots of the numerator and denominator separately, provided the terms
are perfect squares; otherwise, the fraction may first be reduced to a decimal.
6. Mixed numbers may be reduced to the decimal form before extracting the
root ; or, if the denominator of the fraction is a perfect square, to an improper
7. The popil will acquire greater facility, and secure greater accuracy, by
keeping units of like order under each other, and each divisor opposite the
correspoading dividend, as shown in the operation.
1. What is the square root of 315844 ? Ans. 562.
2. What is the square root of 152399025 ? Ans. 12345.
3. What is the square root of 56280004 ? Of 597 ? '
4. What is the square root of 10795.21 ? Ans. 103.9.
5. What is the square root of 58.14061 ? Ans. 7.62i.
Find the values of the following expressions :
6. v/. 01)00316969. A7is. .00563.
7. v/3858.07694409"64. Ans. 62.11342.
8. n/|. Ans. .745355+.
9. \/9^225 — 63504. 10. \/. 126736— \/.045369.
11. ^\n X ^im^ Ans. {3.
12. v/8P~x 625^ x~2^ Ans. 202500.
33 z
6*18. 1. Find the square root of 8; correct to 6 decimal
OPERATION. Analysis. Extracting the square
12.8284274-, Ans, root in the usual way until we have
8 000006 obtained the 4 places, 2.828, the
4 corresponding remainder is 2416, and
the next trial divisor, with the cipher
omitted, is 5656. We now omit to
bring down a period of ciphers to
the remainder, thus contracting the
dividend 2 places ; and we contract
the divisor an equal number of places
by omitting to annex the trial figure
of the root, and regarding the right
hand figure, 6, as a rejected or re-
dundant figure. We now divide as
__ ,-- in contracted division of decimals,
^Q (226), bringing down each divisor in
its place, with one redundant figure
increased by 1 when the rejected figure is 5 or more, and carrying the
tens from the redundant figure in multiplication. We observe that
the entire root, 2.828427+, contains as manT/ places as there are places
in the periods used. Hence the following
KuLE. I. If necessary^ annex periods of ciphers to the given
number J and assume as many figures as tJiere are places requirecl
in the root ; then proceed in the usual manner until all the assumed
figures have been employ ed, omitting the remaining figures^ if any,
II. Form the next trial divisor as usualy but omit to annex to it
the trial figure of the root j reject one figure from the right to form
each subsequent divisor ^ and in multiplying regard the right hand
fi.gvre of each contracted divisor as redundant
NoTKR. — 1. If the rejected figure is 5 or more, increase the next left hand
fj^'uie by 1.
2. Alwii3''s take full periods, both of decimals and integers.
1. Find the square root of 82 correct to the seventh decimal
place. Ans. 5.6568542 + .
2. Find the square root of 12 correct to the Beventh decimal
place. Ans. 3.4G41016+.
8. Find the square root of 3286.9835 correct to the fourth
decimal place. Ans. 57.3322 -f-.
4. Find the square root of .5 correct to the sixth decimal
place. Ans. .745355+.
5. Find the square root of 6^ correct to the sixth decimal
place. Ans. 2.563479 + .
6. Find the square root of 1.06^ correct to the sixth decimal
place. Ans, 1.156817+ .
7. Find the value of 1.0125^ correct to the fourth decimal
place. Ans. 1.0188+.
8. Find the value of 1.023375^ correct to the sixth decimal
place. Ans, 1.011620 + .
6«S9« The Cube Root of a number is one of the three equal
factors that produce the number. Thus, the cube root of 343 is
7, since 7x7x7 = 343.
To derive the method of extracting the cube root of a number,
it is necessary to determine
1st. The relative number of places in a given number and its
cube root.
2d. The relations of the figures of the root to the periods of
the number.
3d. The law by which the parts of a number are combined in
the formation of a cube ; and
4th. The factors of these combinations.
600* The relative number of places in a given number and
its cube, is shown in the following illustrations :
From these examples, we perceive,
1st. That a root consisting of 1 place may have from 1 to 3 places
in the cube.
2d. That in all cases the addition of 1 place to the root adds 3
places to the cube. Hence,
I. If we point off a number into three-figure periods, com-
mencing at the right hand, the number of full periods and the left
hand full or partial period will indicate the number of places in
the cube root.
To ascertain the relations of the several figures of the root to the
periods oi the number, observe that if any number, as 5423, be de-
composed, the cubes of the parts will be related in local value, as
follows :
6000» = 125 000 000 000
6400» = 157 4G4 000 000
5420* =159 220 088 000
5423» = 159 484 621 967. Hence,
II: The cube of the first figure of the root is contained wholly in
the first period of the power ; the cube of the first two figures of
the root is contained wholly in the first two periods of the power;
and so on
To learn the combinations of tens and units in the formation of a
cube, take any number consisting of two figures, as 54, and decom-
pose it into two parts, 50+4 ; then having formed the square by 656,
III, multiply each part of this square by the units and tens of 54
separately, thus,
542 == 502 -f- 2 X 50 X 4 + 42
50 + 4
502 X 4 + 2 X 50 X 42 + 43
508+2x50^x4+ 50X4^
543= 503+3 X 50^x4+3 X 50 X 42 + 43 = 156924
Of these combinations, the first is the cube of 50, the second is 3
times the square of 50 multiplied by 4, the third is 3 times 50 multi-
plied by the square of 4, and the fourth is the cube of 4. Hence,
III. The cube of a number composed of ten^ and units is equal
to the cube of the tern, plus three times the square of the tens multi-
plied by the units, plus three times the tens multiplied by the square
of the units, plus the cube of the units.
By observing the manner in which the cube is formed, we perceive
that each of the last three parts contains the units as a factor ; these
parts, considered as one number, may therefore be separated into two
factors, thus,
(3 X 502 + 3 X 50 X 4 + 42) X 4 Hence,
TV. If the cube of the tens he subtracted from the entire cube^
the remainder will be composed of two factors^ one of which will be
three times the square of the tens plus three times the tens multipUed
by the units plus the square of the units ; and the other j the units,
1. What is the cube root of 145780726447 ?
145780726447 ( 5263, Ans.
I II 125
152 304
1566 9396
7500 20780
7804 15608
811200 5172726
820596 4923576
83002800 249150447
15783 47349 83050149 249150447
Analysis. Pointing off the given number into periods of 3 figures
each, the four periods show that there will be four figures in the root,
(I). Since the cube of the first figure of the root is contained wholly
in the first period of the power, (II), we seek the greatest cube in the
first period, 145, which we find by trial to be 125, and we place its
root, 5, for the first figure of the required root, and regard it as tens
of the next inferior order, (654). We now subtract 125, the cube
of this figure, from the first period, 145, and bringing down the next
period, obtain 20780 for a dividend. And since the cube of the first
two figures of the root is contained wholly in the first two periods
of the powor, (II), the dividend, 20780, must contain at least the
product of the two factors, one of which is three times the square of
the first figure (tens), plus three times the first figure multiplied by
the second (units), ^Zz/5 the square of the second ; and the other, tho
second figure (IV). Now if we could divide this dividend by the first
of these factors, the quotient would be the other fuctor, or the second
figure of the root. But as the first factor is composed in part of the
second figure, which we have not yet found, we can not now obtain the
complete divisor ; and we therefore write three times tho square of
the first figure, regarded as tens, or 50^ X 3 = 7500, at the left of the
dividend, for a trial divisor. Dividing the dividend by the trial
divisor, we obtain 2 for the second, or trial figure of the root. To
complete the divisor, we must add to the trial divisor, as a correction,
three times the tens of the root already found multiplied by the units,
plus the square of the units, (lY). But as 50 X 3 X 2 -f 2^ r= (50 X
3 -f- 2) X 2, we annex the second figure, 2, to three times the first
figure, 5, and thus obtain 50 X 3 -f 2 = 152, the first factor of the
correction, which we write in the column marked I. Multiplying
this result by the 2, we have 304, the correction, which we write in
the column marked II. Adding the correction to the trial divisor, we
obtain 7804, the complete divisor. Multiplying the complete divisor
by the trial figure of the root, subtracting the product from the
dividend, and bringing down the next period, we have 5172726 for
a dividend.
We have now taken the cube of the first two figures of the root
considered as tens of the next inferior order, from the first three
periods of the number ; and since the cube of the first three figures
of the root is contained wholly in the first three periods of the power,
(II), the dividend, 5172726 must contain at least the product of the
two factors, one of which is tliret times the square of the first two
figures of the root (regarded as tens of the next order) plus three
times the first two figures multiplied hy the third, plus the square of the
third; and the other, the third figure, (IV). Therefore, to obtain the
third figure, we must use for a trial divisor three times the square of
the first two figures, 52, considered as tens. And we observe that the
significant part of this new trial divisor may be obtained by adding
the last complete divisor, the last correction, and the square of the
last figure of the root, thus :
7804 = (502 X 3) + (50 X 3 X 2) + 22
304 = 50 X 3 X 2 + 22
4= 22
8n2^ (502 + lOO'x 2 +22) X 3 = 522 X 3
This number is obtained in the operation without re-writing the
parts, by adding the square of the second root figure mentally, and
combining units of like order, thus : 4, 4, and 4 are 12, and we write
the unit figure, 2, in the new trial divisor ; then 1 to carry and
is 1 ; then 3 and 8 are 11, etc. Annexing two ciphers to the 8112,
because 52 is regarded as tens of the next order, and dividing by this
new trial divisor, 811200, we obtain 6, the third figure in the root.
To complete the second trial divisor, after the manner of completing
the first, we should annex the third figure of the root, 6, to three
times the former figures, 52, for the first factor of the correction.
CUBE ROOT. « 391
But as we have in column I three times 5 with the 2 annexed, or 152,
we need only multiply the last figure, 2, by 3, and annex the third
figure of the root, 6, which gives 1566, the first factor of the correc-
tion sought, or the second term in column I. Multiplying this number
by the 6, we obtain 9396, the correction sought ; adding the correction
to the trial divisor, we have 820596, the complete divisor ; multiplying
the complete divisor by the 6, subtracting the product from the divi-
dend, and bringing down the next period, we have 249150447 for a
new dividend We may now regard the first three figures of the root,
526, as tens of the next inferior order, and proceed as before till the
entire root, 5263, is extracted.
6G1* From these principles and illustrations we deduce the
Rule. I. Point off the given number info periods of three
figures each, counting from units" place toward the left and right.
II. Find the greatest cube that does not exceed the left hand
period J and icrite its root for the first figure in the required root;
subtract the cube from the left hand period^ and to the remainder
bring down the next period for a dividend.
III. At the left of the dividend write three times the square of
the first figure of the root, and annex two ciphers, for a trial di-
visor ; divide the dividend by the trial divisor, and write the quo-
tient for a trial figure in the root.
lY. Annex the trial figure to three times the former figure, and
write the result in a column marhed I, one line below the trial
divisor , multiply this term, by the trial figure, and write the
product on the same line in a column marked II; add this term
as a correction to the trial divisor, and the result will be the com-
plete divisor.
V. Multiply the complete divisor by the trial figure ; sidttract
the product from the dividend, and to the remainder bring dozen
the next period for a new dividend.
YI. Add the square of the last figure of the root, the last term
in column II, and the complete divisor together, and annex two
ciphers^ for a new trial divisor j with which obtain another trial
figure in the root.
YII. Multiply the unit figure of the last term in column I hy
3, and annex the trial figure of the root for the next term of
column I; multiply this result hy the trial figure of the root for
the next term of column II ; add this term do the trial divisor for
a complete divisor, icith which proceed as hefore.
Notes. — 1. If at any time the product be greater than the dividend, diminish
the trial figure of the root, and correct the erroneous work.
2. If a cipher occur in the root, annex two more ciphers to the trial divisor,
nnd another period to the dividend; then proceed as before with column I, an*
nexlng both cipher and trial figure.
1. What is the cube root of 389017 ? Ans, 73.
2. What is the cube root of 44361864 ? Ans. 354.
3. What is the cube root of 10460353203 ? Ans. 2187.
4. What is the cube root of 98867482624 ? Ans. 4624»
5. What is the cube root of 30.625 ? Ans. 3.12866 +.
6. What is the cube root of 111 J ? Ans 4.8076 f .
7. What is the cube root of .000148877? A7is. .053.
Find the ^'alues of the following expressions.
8. ^12'2615327232y Ans. 4968.
9. ^n7i34^W^ Ans. 8.
10. Va¥30¥'? Ans. 1156.
• ^^I)D5 ^ ^ 3TT9 * ^'^^' B5'
12. How much does the sum of the cube roots of 50 and 31
exceed the cube root of their sum? Ans, 2.4986 +.
G63. In applying contracted decimal division to the e -tac-
tion of the cube root of numbers, we observe,
1st. For each new figure in the root, the terms in the operati' a
extend to the right 3 places in the column of dividends, 2 placv.s
in the column of divisors, and 1 place in column I. Hence,
2d. If at any point in the operation we omit to bring down new
periods in the dividend, we must shorten each succeeding divisor
1 place, and each succeeding term in column I, 2 places.
1. What is the cube root of 189, correct to 8 decimal places ?
|5.73 879355dz, Ans.
Analysis. We
proceed by the usual
method to extract
the cube root of the
given number until
we have obtained
the three figures,
5.73 : the corres-
ponding remainder
is 867483, and the
next trial divisor
with the ciphers
omitted is 984987.
We now omit to
bring down a period
of ciphers, thus con-
tracting the divid-
end 3 places ; and
we contract the di-
visor an equal num-
ber of places by
emitting to annex the two ciphers, and regarding the right hand
figure, 7, as a redundant figure. Then dividing, we obtain 8 fcH* the
next figure of the root. To complete the divisor, we obtain a correc-
tion, 1375, contracted 2 places by omitting to annex the trial figure
of the root, 8, to the first factor, 1719, and regarding the right hand
figure, 9, as redundant in multiplying. Adding the contraction to
the contracted divisor, we have the complete divisor, 986362, the right
hand figure being redundant. Multiplying by 8 and subtracting the
product from the dividend, we have 78393 for a new dividend. Then
to form the new trial divisor, we disregard the square of the root
figure, 8, because this square consists of the same orders of units as
the two rejected places in the divisor; and we simply add the cor-
rection, 1375, and the complete divisor, 986362, and rejecting 1 figure,
thus obtain 98774, of which the right hand figure, 4, is redundant.
Dividing, we obtain 7 for the next root figure. Rejecting 2 places
from the last term in column I, we have 17 for the next contracted
term in this column. We then obtain, by the manner shown in the
former step, the correction 12, the complete divisor, 98786, the prod-
uct, 69150, and the new dividend, 9243. We then obtain the new trial
64 000
3 807000
2 939517
divisor, 9880; and as column I is terminated by rejecting the two
places, 17, we continue the contracted division as in square root, and
thus obtain the entire root, 5.73879355 db, which is correct to the last
decimal place, and contains as many places as there are places in the
periods used. Hence the following
Rule. I. If necessary , amiex ciphers to the given number j and
assume as many figures as there are places required in the root ;
then proceed by the usual method until all the assumed figures have
been employed.
II. Form the next trial divisor as usual, but omit to annex the
two ciphers^ and reject one place in forming each subsequent tinal
III In completing the contracted divisor Sy omit at first to annex
the trial figure of the root to the term in column I, and reject 2
2ilaces in forming each succeeding term in this column.
lY. In multiply'mg, regard the right hand figure of each con-
tracted term, in column I and in the column of divisors, as redund-
Notes. — 1. After the contraction commences, the square of the last root figure
is disrej2;arded in forming the new trial divisors.
2. Employ oxAy full periods in the number.
1. Find the cube root of 24, correct to 7 decimal places.
Ans. 2.8844992 ±.
2. Find the cube root of 12000.812161, correct to 9 decimal
places. Ans. 22.894801334 db.
8. Find the cube root of .171467, correct to 9 decimal places.
Ans. .555554730 ±.
4. Find the cube root of 2. 42999 correct to 5 decimal places.
Ans. 1.34442±.
5. Find the cube root of 19.44, correct to 4 decimal places.
Ans. 2.6888 ±.
6. Find the value of v^l" to 6 places. Ans. .941035 ±.
7. Find the value of ^.571428 to 9 places.
Ans. .829826686 ±.
8. Find the value of VlU8G74325^ to 7 places.
Ans, 1.057023 zfc.
9. Eind the value of 1.053 to 7 places.
Ans. 1.084715 ±.
063. Any root whatever may be extracted by means of the
square and cube roots, as will be seen in the two cases which follow.
6G4. When the index of the required root contains
no other factor than 2 or 3.
We have seen that if we raise any power of a given number to
any required power, the result will be that power of the given
number denoted by the product of the two indices, (64:3, III).
Conversely, if we extract successively two or more roots of a given
number, the result must be that root of the given number denoted
by the product of the indices.
1. What is the 6th root of 2176782336 ?
OPERATION. Analysis. The index of the
6 = 2x3 required root is 6 = 2x3; we
\/ 2176782336 = 46657 therefore extract the square root
v^ 46656 = 36 Ans, ^^ *he given number, and the
cube root of this result, and ob-
Or .
' tain 36, which must be the 6tli
%^2176782336 = 1296 root required. Or, we first find
\/l296 = 36, Ans. the cube root of the given num-
ber, and then the square root of
the result, as in the operation. Hence the following
KuLE. Separate the index of the required root iiito its prime
factors, and extract successively the roots indicated hy the several
factors obtained ; the final result will he the required root,
1. What is the 6th root of 6321363049 ? Ans. 43.
2. What is the 4th root of 5636405776 ? Am, 274.
3. What is the 8th root of 1099511627776 ? Ans, 82.
4. What is the 6th root of 25632972850442049 ? Ans. 543.
5. What is the 9th root of 1.577635 ? Ans. 1.051963 +.
Note. — Extract the cube root of the cube root by the contracted method,
carrying the root iu each operation to 6 decimal places only.
6. What is the 12th root of 16.3939 ? Ans. 1.2624 + .
7. What is the 18th root of 104.9617 ? Am. 1.2950+.
G&S. When the index of the required root is prime,
or contains any other factor than 2 or 3.
To extract any root of a number is to separate the number into
as many equal factors as there are units in the index of the re-
quired root ; and it will be found that if by any means we can
separate a number into factors nearly equal to each other, the
average of these factors, or their sum divided the number of fac-
tors, will be nearly equal to the root indicated by the number of
1. What is the 7th root of 308 ?
OPERATION. Analysis. We first
^oQg ^ 2.59-f fi^^ ^y ^^s® I' tl^e 6t^^
^3Qg __ 2.044- ^^^*» ^^^ ^^^^ *^^® ^'^'^
2.59-f- 2.04 = 4.63 root of 308 ; and since
4.63 ^ 2 = 2.31, assumed root. the 7th root must be
2.316 =151.93 less than the former
308 ~ 151.93 = 2.0272+ and greater than the
?;.'L79'-+7'-'?9ATr''l^^^' • ^- latter, we take the ave-
15.8872 -r- 7 = 2.2596, 1st approximation. ^ ^^ ,
^-^ rage of the two, or one
fo^f 1^''r7°if '% 9^^ir,, half of theirsums,2.31,
308 — 13b.b748 = 2.253452-f- , ,, ., ,, \
2.2696 X 6 + 2.253452 = 15.871052 ^^^ ^^^^ ^* *^® assumed
15.871052 -^ 7 = 2.267293, 2d approx. '^oot. We next raise
the assumed root, 2.31,
to the 6th power, and divide the given number, 308, by the result,
and obtain 2.0272+ for a quotient ; we thus separate 308 into 7 fac-
tors, 6 of which are equal to 2.31, and the other is 2.0272. As these
7 factors are nearly equal to each other, the average of them all must
be a near approximation to the 7th root. Multiplying the 2.31 by 6,
adding the 2.0272 to the product, and dividing this result by 7, we
find the average to be 2.2696, which is the first approximation to the
required root. We next divide 308 by the 6th power of 2.2G06, and
obtain 2.253452-f- for a quotient ; and we thus separate the given
number into 7 factors, 6 of which are each equal to 2.2696, and the
other is 2.253452. Finding the average of these factors, as in the
former steps, we have 2.267293, which is the 7th root of the given
number, correct to 5 decimal places. Hence the following
. Rule. I. Find hy trial wine number nearJy equal to the re-
quired rootj and call this the assumed root.
II. Divide the given number by that power of the assumed root
denoted by the index of the required root less 1 ; to this quotient
odd as many times the assumed root as there (ire units in the
index of the required root less 1, and, divide the amount by the
index of the required root. The result will be the first approxi-
mate root required.
III. Take the last approximation for the assumed root, with
which proceed as with the former, and thus continue till the re-
quired root is obtained to a sufficient degree of exactness.
Notes. — 1. The involution and division in all cases will be much abridged by
decimal contraction.
2. If the index of the required root contains the factors, 2 or 3, we may first
extract the square or cube root as many times, successively, as these factors are
found in the index, after which we must extract that root of the result which is
denoted by the remaining factor of the index. Thus, if the 15th root were re-
quired, we should first find the cube root, then the 5tii root of this result.
1. What is the 20ih root of 617 ?
20 = 2 X 2 X 5.
v/617 = 24.839485+.
v^^ ^4.839485 = 4.983923+.
s/IWd^rS = L378206 + . ^ws.
2. What is the 5th root of 120 ?
3. What is the 7th root of 1.95678 ?
4. What is the 10th root of 743044?
5. What is the 15th root of 15 ?
6 What is the 25th root of 100 ?
.7. What is the 5th root of 5 ?
666. An Angle is the opening between two lines ^
that meet each other.
667. A Right Angle is an angle formed by two
lines perpendicular to each other. Thus, B A C is a right angle.
6685 If an angle is less than a
right angle, it is acute ; if greater
than a right angle, it is obtuse.
Thus, the angle .on the right of the ^
line C B is acute, and the angle on
the left of C B is obtuse. ^
669. Parallel Lines are lines hav- a
ing the same direction, as A and B. b
670. A Triangle is a figure having three sides
and three angles, as A B C.
671. A Right- Angled Triangle is a triangle
having one right angle, as at C.
672. The Hypotenuse Is the side opposite the ^
right angle, as A B.
673. The Base of a triangle is the side on which it is sup-
posed to stand, as A C.
674:. The Altitude of a triangle is the perpendicular distance
from the base, or the base produced, to the angle opposite, as C B.
Note. — The altitude of a right-angled triangle is the side called the perpen-
67o. A Sq[ijare is a figure having four equal sides and four
right angles
676. A Rectangle or Parallelogram
is a figure having four right angles, and its
opposite sides equal.
677. A Diagonal is a line drawn
through a figure, joining two opposite
angles, as A C.
G78. A Circle is a figure bounded by
one uniform curved line.
679. The Circumference of a circle is
the curved line bounding it.
080. The Diameter of a circle is a
straight line passing through the center, and
terminating in the circumference.
681, A Semi-Circle is one half of a circle.
685. A Prism is a solid whose bases or ends
are any similar, equal, and parallel plane figures;
and whose sides are parallelograms.
683. A Parallelepiped is a solid bounded by
six parallelograms, the opposite ones of which are
parallel and equal to each other. Or, it is a prism
whose base is a parallelogram.
684:, A Cube is a solid bounded by six
equal squares. The cube is sometimes called a
Right PruTYi,
083. A Sphere or Globe is a solid
bounded by a single curved surface, which in
every part is equally distant from a point
within called its center.
686. The Diameter of a sphere is a
straight line passing through its center, and
terminating at its surface.
687. A Hemisphere is one half of a globe or sphere.
688. Similar Figures and Similar Solids are such as have
their like dimensions proportional.
689. To find eitlier side of a right-angled triangle,
the other two sides being given.
Let us take any right-angled triangle, as ABC, and form the
equare, A E D C, on the hypotenuse. Now take a portion, ABC, of
this square, and move it as on a hinge at A, until the points B and C
F \
\ ^
are brought to the positions of H
and E, respectively. Take also
another portion, D F C, and move
it as on a hinge at D, until the
points F and C are brought to the
positions of G and E, respectively.
Then the figure formed by the
parts thus moved and the remain-
ing part will be composed of two
new squares, one on A B, the
base of the triangle, and one on _
D F, which is equal to the per-
pendicular of the triangle. Hence,
The square of the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle is equal
to the sum of the squares of the other two sides.
From this property we derive the following
Rule. I. To find the hypotenuse ; — Add the squares of the
two sides J and extract the square root of the sum.
II. To find either of the shorter sides ; — Subtract the square
of the given side from the square of the hypotenuse j and extract the
square root of the remainder.
1. The top of a tower standing 22 feet from the shore of a river,
is 75 feet above the water, and 256 feet in a straight line from
the opposite shore 3 required the width of the river.
Ans. 222.76 ft.
2. Two ships set sail from the same port, and one sails due east
50 leagues, the other due north 84 leagues ; how far are they
apart ?
3. A ladder 50 ft. long will reach a window 30 ft. from the
ground on one side of the street, and without moving the foot, will
reach a window 40 ft. high on the other side ] what is the breadth
of the street?
4. What is the distance through a cubical block, measured from
one corner to the opposite diagonal corner, the side of the cube
being 6 feet? ' Ans. 10.39 ft
690. To find the side of a square equal in area to a
''given rectangle.
Note. — This case, arithmetically considered, requires us to find a mean pro-
portional between two given numbers.
The product of the sides of the rectangle will be the area which
the square is to contain ; hence
EuLE. 3Iultiply the sides of the rectangle together, and extract
the square root of the product.
1. There is a field whose length is 208 rods, and whose breadth
is 13 rods ; what is the length of the side of a square lot contain-
ing an equal area ? Ans. 52 rods.
2. If it cost $312 to inclose a farm 216 rods long and 24 rods
wide, how much less will it cost to inclose a square farm of equal
area with the same kind of fence ?
3. What is the mean proportional between 12 and 588 ?
Ans, 84.
4. A and B traded together. A put in $540 for 480 days, and
received J of the gain ; and the number of dollars which B put
in was equal to the number of days it was employed in trade.
What was B's capital ? Ans. $720.
691. To find the two sides of a rectangle, the area
and the ratio of the sides being given.
Note. — This case, arithmetically considered, requires us to find two numbers
whose product and ratio are given
If we multiply together the terms of the given
ratio, the product will be the area of a rectangle
similar in form to the rectangle whose sides are
required. Now we perceive, by the accompanying
figures, that multiplying both sides of any rect-
angle by 2, 3, 4, eta, multiplies the area by the
34* 2a
I j I
squares of these numbers, or 4, 9, 16,
etc. If, therefore, we divide the given
area by the rectangle of the terms pro-
portional to the required sides, the quo-
tient will be the square of that number
which must be multiplied into these pro-
portional terms to produce the required
Hence the following
E.ULE. I. Divide the given area hy the product of the terms
proportional to the sideSy and extract the square root of the quotient.
II. Multiply the root thus obtained hy each proportional term ;
the products will he the corresponding sides.
1. The sides of a rectangle containing 432 square feet are as 4
to 3 ; required the length and breadth.
Ans. Length, 24 feet; breadth, 18 feet.
2. Separate 23 into two factors which shall be to each other as
2 to 3. Ans. 3.91578 + ; 5.87367 +•
3. It is required to lay out 283 A. 2 E. 27 P. of land in the
form of a rectangle whose length shall be 3 times the width;
what will be the dimensions ?
Note. — The proportional terms are 3 : 1.
Ans. 369 rods; 123 rods.
69^. To find the radius, diameter, or circumference
of a circle, the ratio of its area to a known circle being
All examples of this class relating to circles, may be solved by
means of the following property : —
The areas of two circles are to each other as the squares of their
radiij diameters^ or circumferences.
Note. — This property of the circle is only a particular cnse of a more general
principle, viz. : That the areas of similar figures are to each other as the squares
of their like dimensions. This principle is rigidly demonstrated in Geometry,
but cannot be easily proved here.
iffpLICATIONS- 403
1. The radius of a circle containing 28.2744 sq. ft., is 6 ft. ;
what is the radius of a circle containing 175.7150 sq. ft. ?
28.2744 : 175.7150 = 6=^ : () = 225, square of radius re-
quired. Hence, v^225 = 15, Ans.
2. If it cost $75 to inclose a circular pond containing a cer-
tain area, how much will it cost at the same rate to inclose an-
other, containing 5 times the area of the first? Ans, $167.70.
3. If a cistern 6 feet in diameter hold 80 barrels of water, what
must be the diameter of a cistern of the same depth to hold 1200
barrels ?
4. If a pipe 1.5 in. in diameter will fill a cistern in 5 h., what
must be the diameter of a pipe that will fill the same cistern in
55 min. 6 sec. ? Am. 3.5 in.
693. To find the side of a cube, the solid contents
being given.
Note. — This case, arithmetically considered, requires us to separate a number
into three equal factors.
The solid contents of a cube are found by cubing the length of
one side; hence.
Rule. Extract the aihe root of the given contents.
1. What must be the length of the side of a cubical bin that
shall contain the same quantity as one that is 24 ft. long, 18 ft.
wide, and 4 ft. deep ? Ans. 12 ft.
2. What must be the length of the side of a cubical bin that
will contain 150 bushels ?
3. What must be the depth of a cubical cistern that will hold
200 bbl. of water ?
4. How many sq. ft. in the surface of a cube whose solidity is
79507 cu. ft. ? Ans. 11094.
694. To find the three dimensions of a parallelo-
piped, the solid contents and the ratio of the dimen-
sions being given.
Note 1. ^ This case, arithmetically considered, requires us to separate a num-
ber into three factors, proportional to three given numbers.
The three dimensions will be like multiples of the proportional
terms, (691) ; the product of the three dimensions, or the solid
contents, will therefore contain the product of the three propor-
tional terms, and the cube of the common ratio which the pro-
portional terms respectively bear to the corresponding dimensions,
and no other factor. Hence the
EuLE. I. Divide the given contents hy the product of the terms
proportional to the three dimensions^ and extract the cube root of
the quotient.
II. Multiply the root thus obtained hy each proportional term;
the products will he the corresponding sides.
Note 2. — The dimensions are supposed to be taken in a direction perpen-
dicular to the faces of a solid, and to each other.
1. A pile of bricks in the form of a parallelepiped contains
8000 cu. ft , and the length, breadth, and thickness, are to ^ach
other as 4, 8, and 2, respectively; what are. the dimensions of the
pile? Ans. 10, 15, and 20 ft.
2. Three numbers are to each other as 2, 5, and 7, and their
continued product is 4480 ; required the numbers.
Ans. 8, 20, and 28.
8. Separate 100 into three factors which shall be to each other
as 2, 2 J, and 8. Ans. 3.76414 + ; 4.70518 + ; 5.64622—.
4. A person wishes to construct a bin that shall be of equal
width and depth, and the length three times the width, and that
shall contain 450 bushels of grain ? what must be its dimensions ?
1. There is a park containing an area of 10 A. 2 R. 20 P., and
the breadth is equal to f of the length. If two men start from
one corner and travel at the rate of 3 miles per hour, one going
by the walk around the park, and the other taking the diagonal
path through the park, how much sooner will the latter reach
the opposite corner than the former? Ans. 1 min. 29.3 sec.
2. What is the length of one side of a square piece of land con-
taining 40 acres? A7is. 80 rd.
3. The ground situated between two parallel streets is laid out
into equal rectangular lots whose front measure is 44 per cent,
greater than the depth. Now, if the streets were 20 feet further
apart, the ground could be laid out into square lots of the same
area as the rectangular. What is the distance between the streets ?
Ans. 100 feet.
4. How much less will it cost to fence 40 acres of land in the
form of a square, than in the form of a rectangle of which the
breadth is i the length, the price per rod being $1.40 ?
Ans. $112.
5. If a cistern 6 feet in diameter holds 80 barrels of water, how
much water will be contained in a cistern of the same depth and
1 8 feet in diameter ?
6. What is the length of the side of a square which contains
the same area as a rectangle 5i by 7 feet ? Ans. 6 ft. 2.4 + in.
7. What is the length of the side of a square which can just
be inclosed within a circle 42 inches in diameter ?
Ans. 29.7 — in.
8. If it costs $75 to inclose a circular fish pond containing 3 A.
86 P., how much will it cost to inclose another containing 17 A.
HOP.? Ans. $167.70.
Note. — It is proved in Geometry that all similar solids are to each other as
the cubes of their like dimensions. Hence, any dimension may be found by
proportion^ when its ratio to the corresponding dimension of a known similar
solid is given.
9. What is the length of the side of a cubical vessel that con-
tains J as much as one whose side is 6 ft. ? Ans. 3 ft.
10. How many globes 4 in. in diameter are equal in volume to
one. 12 in. in diameter?
11. If an ox that weighs 900 lb. girt 6.5 ft., what is the weight
of an ox that girts 8 ft. ? Ans. 1677 lb. 14 -f oz.
12. If a cable 3 in. in circumference supports a weight of 2500
lb., what must be the circumference of a cable that will support
4960 1b.?
13. If a stack of hay 4 feet high contain 4 tons, how high
must a similar stack be to contain 20 tons ?
G93. A Series is a succession of numbers so related to each
other, that each number in the succession may be formed in the
same manner, from one or more preceding numbers. Thus, any
number in the succession, 2, 5, 8, 11, 14, is formed by adding 3
to the preceding number. Hence, 2, 5, 8, 11, 14, is a series.
G90« The Law of a Series is the constant relation existing
between two or more terms of the series. Thus, in the series, 3,
7, 11, 15, we observe that each term after the first is greater than
the preceding term by 4; this constant relation between the terms
is the law of this series.
The law of a series, and the term or terms on which it de-
pends being given, any number of terms of the series can be
formed. Thus, let 64 be a term of a series whose law is, that each
term is four times the preceding term. The term following 64 is
64 X 4, the next term 64 x 4^, etc.; the term preceding 64 is
64 -^-4. Hence the series, as far as formed, is 16, 64, 256, 1024.
G97. A series is either Ascending, or Descending^ according
as each term is greater or less than the preceding term. Thus, 2, 6,
10, 14, is an ascending series; 32, 16, 8, 4, is a descending series.
698. An Extreme is either the first or last term of a series.
Thus, in the series, 4, 7, 10, 13, the first extreme is 4, the last, 13.
090. A Mean is any term between the two extremes. Thus,
in the series, 5, 10, 20, 40, 80, the means are 10, 20, and 40.
700. An Arithmetical or Eqnidifferent Progression is a
series whose law of formation is a common difference. Thus, in
the arithmetical progression, 3, 7, 11, 15, 19, each term is formed
from the preceding by adding the common difference, 4.
701. An arithmetical progression is an ascending or descend-
ing series, according as each term is formed from the preceding
term by adding or subtracting the common difference. Thus, the
ascending series, 7, 10, 13, 16, etc., is an arithmetical progression
in which the common difference, 3, is constantly added to form
each succeeding term ; and the descending series, 20, 17, 14, 11,
8, 5, 2, is an arithmetical progression in which the common dif-
ference is constantly subtracted, to form each succeeding term.
702. A Geometrical Progression is a series whose law of
formation is a common multiplier. . Thus, in the geometrical pro-
gression, 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, each term is formed by multiplying the
preceding term by the common multiplier, 2.
703* A geometrical progression is an ascending or descending
series, according as the common multiplier is a whole number or
a fraction. Thus, the ascending series, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, etc., is a
geometrical progression in which the common multiplier is 2-
and the descending series, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1, i, J, etc., is a geo-
metrical progression in which the common multiplier is J.
704:. The Ratio in a geometrical progression is the common
705. In the solution of problems in Arithmetical or Geomet-
rical progression, five parts or elements are concerned, viz :
In Arithmetical Progression — In Geometrical Progression —
1. The first term ; 1. The first term ;
2. " last term; 2. " last term ;
3. " number of terms ; 3. ** number of terms ;
4. " common difference ; 4. " ratio ;
5. *' sum of the series. 5. " sum of the series.
The conditions of a problem in progression may be such as to
require any one of the five parts from any three of the four re-
maining parts ; hence, in either Arithmetical or Geometrical Pro-
gression, there are 5 x 4 = 20 cases, or classes of problems, and
no more, requiring each a different solution.
706. Given, one of the extremes, the common dif-
ference, and the number of terms, to find the other
Let 2 be the first term of an arithmetical progression, and 3 the
common difference ; then,
2 ==2 =2, 1st term.
2+3 =- 2 + (3 X 1) = 5, 2d "
2 + 3 + 3 --2+(3 X 2)= 8, 3d "
2 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 2+ (3 X 3) = 11, 4th "
From this illustration we perceive that, in an arithmetical pro-
gression, when the series is ascending, the second term is equal to the
first term plus the common difference ; the third term is equal to the
first term plus 2 times the common difference ; the fourth term is
equal to the first term plus 3 times the common difference ; and so on.
In a descending series, the second term is equal to the first term
minus the common difference ; the third term is equal to the first
minus 2 times the common difference ; and so on. In all cases the
difference between the two extremes is equal to the product of the
common difference by the number of terms less 1. Hence the
Rule. Multiply the common difference hy the number of terms
less 1 / add the product to the given term if it he the less extreme^
and subtract the product from the given term if it be the greater
1. The. first term of an arithmetical progression is 5, the com-
mon difference 4, and the number of terms 8 ; what is the last
term? Ans. 33.
2. If the first term of an ascending series be 2, and the com-
mon difference 3, what is the 50th term ?
3. The first term of a descending series is 100, the common
difference 7, and the number of terms 13 ; what is the last term ?
4. If the first term of an ascending series be |, the common
difference f , and the number of terms 20, what is the last term ?
Ans. 1^1,
7®7. Given, the extremes and number of terms, to
find the common difference.
Since the difference of the extremes is always equal to the common,
difference multiplied by the number of terms less 1, (706), we have
the following ^
Rule. Divide the difference of (he extremes h^tJie number of
terms less 1.
1. If the extremes of an arithmetical series are 3 and 15, and
the number of terms 7, what is the common difference ?
Ans. 2.
2. The extremes are 1 and 51, and the number of terms is 76;
what is the common difference ?
3. The extremes are .05 and .1, and tlie number of terms is 8 ;
what is the common difference? Ans, .00714285.
4. If the extremes are and 2 J, and the number of terms is
18, what is the common difference ?
708. Given, the extremes and common difference,
to find the number of terms.
Since the difference of the extremes is equal to the common differ-
ence multiplied by the number of terms less 1, (706), we have tho
Rule. Divide the difference of the extremes hy the common
difference, and add 1 to the quotient.
1. The extremes of an arithmetical series are 5 and 75, and the
common difference is 5 ; what is the number of terms ?
Ana. 15.
2. The extremes are J and 20, and the common difference is
G} ; find the number of terms.
3. The extremes are 2.5 and .25, and the common difference is
.125; what is the number of terms?
4. Insert 5 arithmetical means between 2 and 37.
PROBLEM IV. ^ / ,/- ^ ,
/ 709w Given, Ijie extremes and nuniber of terms, to
iind the sum ol the series. #
Let VIS take any series, as 2, 5, 8, 11, 14, and writing under it the
same series in an inverse order, add each term of the inverted series
to the term above it in the direct series, thus :
2+5+ 8+11 + 14 = 40, once the sum,
14 -^11 -J- 8+ 5+ 2 = 40 , " '' *'
IG + IG + IG + 16 + 16 = 80, twice the sum.
From this we perceive that 16, the sum of the extremes of the given
series, multiplied by 5, the number of terms, equals 80, w^hich is tivice
the sum of the series ; and 80 -7- 2 = 40, the sum of the series. Hence
EuLE. Mulliphj the sum of the extremes hy the number of
terms, and divide the product hi/ 2. a/yi,.'>-^ ANNUITIES. ^ —
fi*- -+-
719* An Annuity is literally a sum of money which is pay-
able annually. The term is, however, applied to a sum which is
payable at any equal intervals, as monthly, quarterly, semi-annu-
ally, etc.
Note. — The term, interval, will be used to denote the time between payments.
Annuities are of three kinds : Certain, Contingent, and Per-
yS©. A Certain Annuity is one whose period of continu-
ance is definite or fixed.
ySfl. A Contingent Annuity is one whose time of commence-
ment, or ending, or both, is uncertain ; and hence the period of
its continuance is uncertain.
722. A Perpetual Annuity or Perpetuity is one which con-
tinues forever.
723. Each of these kinds is subject, in reference to its com-
mencement, to the three following conditions :
1st. It may he deferred^ i. e., it is not to be entered upon until
after a certain period of time.
2d. It may he reversionary^ i. e., it is not to be entered upon
until after the death of a certain person, or the occurrence of some
certain event.
Sd. It may he in possession^ i. e., it is to be entered upon at
724. An Annuity in Arrears or Forborne is one on which
the payments were not made when due. Interest is to be reck-
oned on each payment of an annuity in arrears, from its maturity,
the same as on any other debt.
725. In reference to an annuity at simple interest, we observe :
I. The first payment becomes due at the end of the first inter-
val, and hence will bear interest until the annuity is settled.
II. The second payment becomes due at the end of the second
interval, and hence will bear interest for one interval less than the
first payment.
III. The third payment will bear interest for one interval less
than the second; and so on to any number of terms. Hence,
TV. All the payments being settled at one time, each will be
less than the preceding, by the interest on the annuity for one
interval. Therefore, they will constitute a descending arithmetical
progression, whose first term is the annuity plus its interest for as
many intervals less one as intervene between the commencement
and settlement of the annuity; the common difference is the in-
terest on the annuity for one interval ; the number of terms is the
number of intervals between the commencement and settlement^
of the annuity; and the last term is the annuity itself.
726. The rules in Arithmetical Progression will solve all
problems in annuities at simple interest.
1. A man works for a farmer one year and six months, at $20
per month, payable monthly; and these wages remain unpaid
until the expiration of the whole term of service. How much is
due to the workman, allowing simple interest at 6 per cent, per
annum ?
OPERATION. ' - Analysis. Here the
S20 + UO X 17 = $21.70, first term, l^^^ month's wages,
^20 + $21.70 ^^^' ^^ *^^ ^^^^ term;
^ X 18 = 375.30, sum. the number of months,
18, is the number of
terms ; and the interest on 1 month^s wages, $.10, is the common dif-
ference ; and since the first month's wages has been on interest 17
months, the progression is a descending series. Then, by 706 we find
the first term, which is the amount of the first month's wages for 17
months ; and by 709 we find the sum of the series, which is the sum
of all the wages and interest.
2. A father deposits annually for the benefit of his son, com-
mencing with his tenth birthday, such a sum that on his 21st
birthday the first deposit at simple interest amounts to $210, and
the sum due his son to $1860. How much is the deposit, and at
what rate per cent, is it deposited ?
OPERATION. Analysis. Here the
$1860x2— $210x12 ^-.^^ J ., $210, the amount of
Y^ = ^1^0, deposit. the first deposit, is
21Q IQO t^6 fi^st term ; 12,
-jj" = 10 %, rate. the number of depo-
sits, is the number of
terms ; and $1860, the amount of all the deposits and interests, is the
sum of the series. By 709 we find the last term to be $100, which
is the annual deposit ; and by 707 we find the common difi'erence to
be $10, which is the annual rate % .
3. What is the amount of an annuity of $150 for o J years, pay-
able quarterly, at IJ per cent, per quarter? Aiis. $3819.75.
4. In what time will an annual pension of $500 amount to
$3450, at 6 per cent, simple interest ? Ans. 6 years.
5. Find the rate per cent at which an annuity of $6000 will
amount to $59760 in 8 years, at simple interest.
Ans. 7 per cent.
727. An Annuity at compound interest constitutes a geomet-
rical progression whose first term is the annuity itself; the common
multiplier is one plus the rate per cent, for one interval expressed
decimally 5 the number of terms is the number of intervals for which
the annuity is taken; and the last term is the first term multiplied
by one plus the rate per cent, for one interval raised to a power
one less than the number of terms.
73S. The Present Value of an Annuity is sucli a sum as
would produce, at compound interest, at a given rate, the same
amount as the sum of all the payments of the annuity at com-
pound interest. Hence, to find the present value; — First find the
amount of the annuity at the given rate and for the given time hy
K^5\ the/ii find the present value of this amount h[^ 5*^^^
talcing out the anioimt o/Sl, or divisor^ from ^•51,
Notes. — 1. The present value of a rcverpionary annuity is that principal which
will amount, at the time the reverb-ion expiree, to what will theu be the prOi>ei)t
value of the annuity.
2. The present value of a perpetuity is a sum whose interest equals the an-
"^SO. Questions in Annuities at compound interest can be
solved by the rules of Geometrical Progression.
1. Allowing G per cent, compound interest on an annuity of
$200 which is in arrears 20 years^ what is its present amount ?
Ans. $7857.11.
2. Find the annuity whose amount for 25 years is 81G459.85,
allowing compound interest at 6 per cent. Ans. $300.
3. What is the present worth of an annuity of $500 for 7 years,
at 6 per cent, compound interest? Ans. 82791.18.
4. What is the present value of a reversionary lease of $100,
commencing 14 years hence, and to continue 20 years, coujpound
interest at 5 per cent.? Ans. §629.420.
5. Find the sum of 21 terms of the series, 5, 4|, 4 J, etc.
6. A man traveled 13 days; his last day's journey was 80 miles,
and each day he traveled 5 miles more than on the preceding day.
How far did he travel, and what was his first day's journey?
Ans. He traveled 650 miles.
7. Find the 12th term of the scries, 30, 15, 7 J, etc.
8. The first term of a geometrical progression is 2, the last term
512, and common multiplier 4; find the sum of the scries.
Ans. 682.
420 SEllIES.
9. The distance between two places is 360 miles. In liow many
days can it be traveled, by a man who travels the first day 27
miles, and the last day 45, each day's journey being greater than
the preceding by the same number of miles ? Ans. 10.
10. The first term of a geometrical progression is 1, the last
term 15625, and the number of terms 7; find the common ratio.
Ans. 5.
11. An annual pension of S500 is in arrears 10 years. What
is the amount now due, allowing 6 per cent, compound interest ?
Ans, $6590.40.
/ 12. Find the first and last terms of an arithmetical progression
whose sum is 408, common difi*erence 6, and number of terms 8. -
Ans. First term, 30 ; last term, 72.
13. A farmer pays $1196, in 13 quarterly payments, in such a
way that each payment is greater than the preceding by $12.
What are his first and last payments ? Ans. $20, and $164.
14. A man wishes to discharge a debt in yeany payments, mak-
ing the first payment $2, the hist $512, and each payment four
times the preceding payment. How long will it take him to dis-
charge the debt, and what is the amount of his indebtedness ?
15. A man dying, left 5 sons, to whom he gave his property as
follows : to the youngest he gave §4800, and to each of the others
1 J times the next younger son's share. What was the eldest son's
fortune, and what the amount of property left ?
Ans. Eldest son's share, $24300; property, $63300.
16. Find the annuity whose amount for 5 years, at 6 per cent,
compound interest, is $2818.546. Ans. $500.
17. A merchant pays a debt in yearly payments in such a way
that each payment is 3 times the preceding; his first payment is
$10, and his last $7290. What is the amount of the debt, and in
how many payments is it discharged ?
Ans. Debt, $10930; 7 payments.
18. A man traveling along a road, stopped at a numl)er of
stations, but at each station he found it necessary, before proceed-
ing to the next, to return to the place from which he first started ;
the distance from the starting place to the first station was 5 miles,
and to the last 25 miles; he traveled in all 180 miles. How
many stations were there on the road, and what was the distance
from station to station ? Ans. 6 stations ; 4 miles apart.
19. An annuity of $200 for 12 years is in reversion 6 years
"What is its present worth, compound interest at 6 % ?
Ans,UlS2M + .
20. A man pays $6 yearly for tobacco, from the age of 16 until
he is 60, when he dies, leaving to his heirs $500. What might
he have left them, if he had dispensed with this useless habit and
loaned the money at the end of each year at 6 % compound
interest? Ans, $1698.548+.
21. What is the present worth of a reversionary perpetuity of
$100, commencing 30 years h(^nce, allowing 5 per cent, compound
interest? Ans. $462.75+.
22. Two boys, each 12 years old, have certain sums of money
left to them ; the sum left to one is put out at 7 % simple inte-
rest, and the sum left the other at 6 % compound interest, paya-
ble semi-annually, and the amount of each boy's money will be
$2000 when he is 21 years old. What is the sum left Jo each
23. A merchant purchased 8 pieces of cloth, for which he paid
$136; the difference in the length of any two pieces was 2 yds.
and the difference in the price $4. He paid $31 for the longest
piece, and $1 a yard for the shortest. Find the whole number of
yards, and the price per yard of each piece.
24. A farmer has 600 bushels of different kinds of grain, mixed
in such a way that the number of bushels of the several kinds con-
stitute a geometrical progression, whose common multiplier is 2 ;
the greatest number of bushels of one kind is 320. Find the
number of kinds of grain in the mixture, and the number of
bushels of each kind. Ans. 4 kinds.
1. How many thousand shingles will cover both sides of a roof 36
ft. long, and wiiose rafters are 18 ft. in length ?
2. From f of -^ of i of 70 miles, subtract .73 of 1 mi. 3 fur.
3. What number is that from which if 7J be subtracted, f of the
remainder is 91^? Ans. 144 J.
4. What part of 4 is | of 6? Ans. |.
5 It is required to mix together brandy at $.80 a gallon, wine at
$.70, cider at $.10, and water, in such proportions that the mixture
may be worth $.50 a gallon; what quantity of each must be used?
Ans, 3 gal. of water, 2 of cider, 4 of wine, and 5 of brandy.
6. What number increased by J, i, and J of itself equals 125 ?
7. What is the hour, when the time past uoon is equal to f of the
time to midnight? Ans. 4 h. 48 min. p. m.
8. A grocer mixed 12 cwt. of sugar @ $10, with 3 cwt. @ $8f , and
8 cwt. @ $7i; how much was 1 cwt. of the mixture worth?
9. If $240 gain $5.84 in 4 mo. 2G da., what is the rate fo ? J^ns. 6.
10. If 24 men, in 189 da., working 10 h. a day, dig a trench 33 J yd,
long, 2| yd. deep, and 5j- yd. wide; how many hours a day must 217
men work, to dig a trench 23 i yd. long, 2 J yd. deep, and 3| yd. wide,
in 5} days? Ans. 10 h.
11. What is the difference between the interest and the discount of
$450 at 5 per cent., for 6 jr. 10 mo.?
12. A younger brother received $G300, which was i as much as his
elder brother received; how much did both receive?
13. Reduce .7, .88, .727, .91325 to their equivalent common fractions.
14. A person by selling a lot of goods for $438, loses 10 ^c ; how
much should the goods have been sold for, to gain 12J ^?
15. For what sum must a note be drawn at 4 mo., that the proceeds ^
of it, when discounted at bank at 7 per cent., shall be $875.50? ^9 ^^/
16. Three persons engaged in trade with a joint capital of $2128;
A's capital was in trade 5 mo., B's 8 mo., and C's 12 mo.; A's share
of the 2;ain was $228, B's $266.40, and C's $330. What was the capital
of each? Ans. A's, $912 ; B's, $666; C's, ^^555.
Sep.. ., — ^__, ^.. _ , ^ J,. , ^ ..
@ $.40. When was the a|c due per average? Ans. iNov. 8.
18. A B and C can do a job of work in 12 da., C can do it in 24 da.,
and A in 34 da. ; in what time can B do it alone? Ans. 81^ da.
19. If a man travel 7 mi. the first day, and 51 mi. the last, increas-
ing his journey 4 mi. each day, how many days will he travel, and
how far? Ans. 12 da., and 348 mi.
20. What is the difference between the true and bank discount of
$2500, payable in 90 days at 7 per cent. ? Ans. 5;>2.21.
21. Which is the more advantageous, to buy flour at $5 a bbl. on 6
mo., or $4.87 J cash, money being worth 7 ^ ? Ans. At $5 on G mo.
22. Sold J of a lot of lumber for what | of it cost ; what fc was
gained on the part sold? Ans. 25 4,.
23. If $500 gain $50 in 1 yr., in what time will $900 gain $60?
^ 24. Received an invoice of crockery, 12 per cent, of which was
» broken ; at what per cent, above cost must the remainder be sold, to
clear 25 per cent, on the invoice? Ans. 42-^^-.
25. The sum of two numbers is 365, and their difference is .0675 ;
what are the numbers ?
26. If the interest of $445,621 be $128.99 for 7 yr., what will be the
interest of $650 for 3 yr. 10 mo. 15 da. ?
27. Received from Savannah 150 bales of cotton, each weighing
540 lb., and invoiced at 7d. a pound Georgia currency. Sold it at an
advance of 26 ^, commission IJ ^, and remitted the proceeds by
draft. What was the face of the draft, exchange being ^ fc discount?
Ans. $12629.28+.
^ 28. A man in Chicago haa 5000 francs due him on'account in Paris.
He can draw on Paris for this amount, and negotiate the bill at 19|
cents per franc; or he can advise his correspondent in Paris to remit
a draft on the United States, purchased with the sum due him, ex-
change on U. S. being at the rate of 5 francs 20 centimes per $1.
What sum will the man receive by each method?
Ans. By draft on Paris, $970 ; by remittance from Paris, $961.53.
'\/ 29. What sum must be invested in stocks bearing 6J ^, at 105^, to
'^^^roduce an income of $1000?/^^ jl ... . ., -^ns. «?16153.84.
30. A person exchanges 250 shares of 6 per cent, stock, at 70 fo,
for stock bearing 8 per cent., at 120 ^ ; what is the difference in his
income? Ans. $333. 33J.
31. If f of A^s money equals f of B's, and f of B's equals 'j of O's,
and the interest of all their money for 4 yr. 8 mo. at 6 ^ is $15190,
how much money has each ?
Ans. A has $18859.44+ ; B, $16763.95+ ; C, $18626.61.
32. A boy 14 years old is left an annuity of $250, which is de-
posited in a savings bank at 6 ^, interest payable semi-annually;
how much will he be worth when of age? Ans, $2104.227.
33. If a boy buys peaches at the rate of 5 for 2 cents, and sells
them at the rate of 4 for 3 cents, how many must he buy and sell to
mal^e a profit of $4.20 ? / J^ ^^
34. What fo in advance of the cost must a mercnant mark his
goods, so that, after allowing 5 j^ of his sales for bad debts, an ave-
rage credit of 6 months, and 7 ^ of the cost of the goods for his ex-
penses, he may make a clear gain of 12^] ^ on the first cost of the
goods, money bein^ worth 6 ^ ? Ans. 29.56 •{- ^ .
35. Four men contracted to do a certain job of work for $8600; the
first employed 28 laborers 20 da., 10 h. a day; the second, 25 Laborers
15 da., 12 h. a day; the third, 18 hiborers 25 da., 11 h. a day; and
the fourth, 15 laborers 24 da., 8 h. a day. How much should each
contractor receive ?
Ans. Ist, $2686; 2d, $2158.39; 3d, $2374.24; 4th, $1381.37.
36. If I exchange 75 railroad bonds of $500 each, at 36 % below
f/^JCpar, for bank ^ck at 5 % premium, how many shares of $100 each
will I receive? Ans. 2281^. .
37. A trader has bought merchandise as follows : July 3, $35.26 ;
July 4, $48.65, on 30 da. ; Aug. 17, $6.48 ; Sept. 12, $50. What is
due on the account Oct. 12, interest at 9 % ? Ans. 142.60.
38. A farmer sold 34 bu. of corn, and 56 bu. of barley for $63.10,
receiving 35 cents a bushel more for the barley than for the corn ;
what was the price of each per bushel?
39. A speculator purchased a quantity of flour, Sept. 1 ; Oct. 1 its
value had increased 25 % ; Nov. 1 its value was 30 % more than Oct.
1; Deo. 1 he sold it for 15 % less than its value Nov. 1, receiving in
payment a 6 months' note, which he got discounted at a bank, at 7
%, receiving $12950 on it. How much was his profit on the flour?
Ans. $3228.51.
40. A flour merchant bought 120 bbl. of flour for $660, paying
$5.75 for first quality and $5 for second quality ; how many barrels
were first quality? ')/ Ans. 80.
41. Two mechanics work together ; for 15 days' work of the first
and 8 days' work of the second they receive $61, and for 6 days'
work of the first and 10 days' work of the second they receive
$38 ; how much does each man earn ? Ans. 1st, $63 ; 2d, $36.
42. The duty, at 15 %, on Rio cofl'ee, in bags weighing 180 lbs.
gross, and invoiced at $.12J per pound, was $961. 87J, tare having been
allowed at 5 % ; how many bags were imported ? A7is. 300.
43. A dairyman took some butter to market, for which he received
$49, receiving as many cents a pound as there were pounds ; how
many pounds were there ? Ans. 70 lb.
44. A mechanic received $2 a day for his labor, and paid $4 a week
for his board ; at the expiration of 10 weeks he had saved $72 ; how
many days did he work, and how many was he idle ?
45. To what would $250, deposited in a savings bank, amount in
10 yr., interest being allowed sem^-|innually at 6 % per annum ?
46. How much water is there in^a mixture of 100 gal. of wine and
water, worth $1 per gal., if 100 gal. of the wine cost $i^^?
^^ 47. If a pipe 3 in. in diameter will discharge a cermm quantity of
water in 2 h., in what time will 3 two-inch pipes discharge 3 times
the quantity ? Ans. 4 h. 30 min.
48. Wm. Jones & Co. become insolvent and owe $8100. Their
assets amount to $4981.50. What per cent, of their indebtedness can
they pay, allowing the assignees 2J ^ on the amount distributed
for their services ? Ans, GO per cent.
49. Shipped a car load of fat cattle to Boston, and offered them for
sale at 25 per cent. adAance on the cost ; but the market being dull I
^ sold for 14 per cent, less than my asking price, and gained thereby
/^^ $170. How much did the cattle cost ; for how much did they sell ;
and what was my asking price?
Ans. Cost $22G6.6Gf ; sold for $2436.66f ; asking price, $2833.33 J.
/V^ 50. What must be the dimensions of a cubical cistern to hold 2000
\ 51. A man died leaving $5000 to be divided between his three sons,
aged 13, 15, and IG yr. G mo., respectively, in such a proportion that
the share of each being put at simple interest at 6 %, should amount
to the same sum when they should arrive at the age of 21. How
much was each one's share? <^.
>^^ Ans. Youngest, $1536.76+ ; second, $1672.36+ ; oldest, $1790.88 + .
52. A vessel having sailed due south and due east on alternate days,
was found, after a certain time, to be 118.794 miles south-east of the
place of starting ; what distance had she sailed ? Ans. 1G8 miles.
53. Imported 4 pipes of Madeira wine, at $2.15, a gallon, and paid
\- $57.60 freight, and a duty of 24 per cent. I sold the whole for $1980 ;
i' what was my gain ^ ?
54. If 34J bu. of corn are equal in value to 1 7 bu. wheat, 9 bu. of
wheat to 59 J bu. of oats, and 6 bu. of oats to 42 lb. of flour, how many
bushels of corn will purchase 5 bbl. of flour ? y^ Aiis. 42|J|.
/y 55. If stock bought at 8 % discount will pay 7 ^ on tbo it.^-. ct„
P^ ment, at what rate should it be bought to pay 10 fo 2 '^^
5G. A merchant in New York gave $2000 for a bill of cxciiaii-f .a
X400 to remit to Liverpool ; what was the rate in favor of Engfand?
57. A, B, and C start from the same point, to travel around a lake
84 miles in circumference. A travels 7 miles, and B 21 miles a day
in the same direction, and C 14 miles in an opposite direction. In
how many days will they all meet? Ans. 12.
58. The exact solar year is greater than 365 days by i^i^^ of a
day ; find approximately how often leap year should come, or one day
be added to the common year, in order to keep the calendar right ?
Ans. Once in every 4 yr. ; 7 times in every 28 yr. ; 8 times in every
S3 yr. ; 31 times in every 128 yr. ; or 163 times in every 673 3^r.
, 59. A gentleman purchases a farm for $10000, which he sells after
a certain number of years for $14071, making on the investment 5 fo
compound interest. He now invests his money in a perpetuity, which
is in reversion 11 years from the date of purchasing the farm. Al-
lowing 6 fo compound interest for the use of money, find the annuity
and the length of time he owns the farm.
y Ans. Annuity, $1065.85 : owned the farm 7 yr.
. What will I gain % by purchasing goods on 6 mo., and selling
immediately for cash at cost, money being worth 7 % ? 4/«^.
Gl. What sum must a man save annually, commencing at 21 years
of age, to be worth $30000 when he is 50 years old, his savings being
invested at 5 % compound interest? -f. Ans. $481.37.
62. Three persons are to share $10000 'in the ratio of 3, 4, and 5,
but the first dyin^: it is required to divide the whole sum equitably be-
tween the other two. What are the shares of the other two ?
Ans. $4444f, and $5555f.
G3. If 50 bbl. of flour in Chicago are worth 125 yd. of cloth in New
York, and 80 yd. of cloth in New York are worth G bales of cotton in
Charleston, and 13 bales of cotton in Charleston are worth 3 J hhd.
of sugar in New Orleans, how many hhd. of sugar in New Orleans
are vrorth 1500 bbl. of flour in Chicago? Ans. 75 ,^4^.
G4. Seven men all start together to travel the same way round an
island 120 miles in circumference, and continue to travel until they
all come together again. They travel 5, G}, 7J, S^, 9J, 10} and 11}
miles a day respectively. In how many days will they all be together
again ? Aiis. 1440 da.
G5. There are two clocks which keep perfect time when their pen-
dulums beat seconds. The first loses 20 seconds a da}^ and the second
gains 15 seconds a day. If the two pendulums beat together when
both dials indicate precisely 12 o'clock, what time does each clock
show when the pendulums next beat in concert?
Ans. The first shows 41 min. 8 sec. past 12 ; and the second 41
min. 9 sec. past 12.
G6. If a body put in motion move J of an inch the first second of
time, 1 in. the second sec, 3 in. the third, and so continue to increase
in geometrical ratio, how far would it move in 30 seconds ?
A71S. 541o9u730fMi mi.
G7. If stock bought at 5 fo premium will pay 6 ^ on the invest-
ment, what fo will it pay if bought at 15 fo discount ? Ans. Ty^ %*
G8. If G apples and 7 peaches cost 33 cts., and 10 apples and 8
peaches cost 44 cts., what is the price of one of each ?
A71S, Apples, 2 cts. ; peaches, 3 cts.
GO. A gentleman in dividing his estate among his sons gave A $9
as often as B $5, and C $3 as often as B $7. . C's share was 5538G2.50 ;
what was the value of the whole estate? '}( Ans. $£1,097.50.
70. A farmer sold IG bu. of corn and 20'bu. of rye for $30, and 24
bu. of corn and 10 bu. of rye for $27. How much per bushel did he
receive* for each ? ^/ Ans. Corn, $.75 ; rye, $.90.
71. A drover sold some oxen at $28, cows at $17, and sheep at
$7.50 per head, and received $749 for the lot. There were twice as
many cows as oxen, and three times as many sheep as cows. How
many were there of each kind ? /Jy ^'^f .\.' i
72. For what sum must a vessel, valued at $25000, be insured, so
that in case of its loss, the owners may recover both the value of the
vessel and the premium of 24 f.W2^9p^V?g. .^v^, /%>m^^i
73. A boy hired to a mechani^for 20 weeKs,oav condition that he
should receive $20 and a coat. At the end of 12 weeks the boy quit
work, when it was found that he was entitled to $9 and the coat ;
what' was the value of the coat? y! Ans. ^l.bO.
74. An irreo-ular piece of land, containing 540 A. 36 P., is ex-
chan'o-ed for a "square piece containing the same area; what is the
length of one of its sides ? If divided into 42 equal squares, what
wiUbe the length of the side of each? -/
75 What will be the difference in the expense of fencing two fields
of 25 acres each, one square, and the other in the form of a rectangle,
whose length is'lwice its breadth, the fence costing $.62i a rod?
/^ Ans. $9.59+.
76. At what time between 5 and 6 o'clock are the hour and minute
hands of a watch exactly together ? ^ v
77. A general, forming his army into a square, had 284 men re-
maining ; but increasing each side by one man, he wanted 25 men to
complete the square. How many men had he? / Ans. 24000.
78. Divide $3618 among 3 persons, so that the share of the first to
^that of the second shall be as 7 to 9, and of the first to the third as 3
to 4. ♦ Ans. $1008, $1296, $1344.
^ 79. If a lot of land, in the form of an oblong or rectangle, contains
6 A. 3 E. 12 P., and its length is to its width as 21 to 13, what are
its dimensions ; and how many rods of fence will be required to in-
close it? Ans. to last, 136 rd. of fence.
f\6/ \ 80. Five persons are employed to build a house. A, B, C, and D
/^can build it in 13 days ; A, B, C, and E in 15 days ; A, B, D, and E
in 12 days; A, C, D, and E in 19 days; and B, C, D, and E in 14
days. In how many days can all together build it ; and which cna
could do the work alone in the shortest time ?
Ans. llf*oVj\ da. ; B in shortest time.
81. Divide $500 among 3 persons, in such a manner that the share
of the second may be J greater than that of the first, and the share
of the third J greater than that of the second.
Ans. 1st, $105/g; 2d, $157 jj; 3d, $236] J.
v^ 82. A and B engage in trade ; A puts in $5000, and at the end ofj
4 mo. takes out a certain sum. B puts in $2500, and at the end of 5
mo. puts in $3000 more. At the end of the year A's gain is $1066 §,
and B's is $1333^. What sum did A take out at the end of 4 mo. ?
Ans. $2400.
83. What sum of money, with its semi-annual dividends of 5 ^
invested with it, will amount to $12750 in 2 yr. ? Ans. ^10489.450-.
84. If a speculator invests $1500 in flour, and pays 5 fo for freights,
2 fo for commission, and the flour sells at 20 fc advance on cost price,
on a credit of 90 days, and he gets this paper discounted at bank at
7 %, and repeats the operation every 15 days, investing all the pro-
ceeds each time, how much will be his whole gain in two months ?
85. If a piece of silk cost $.80 per yard, at what price shall it be
marked, that the merchant may sell it at 10 % less tiian the marked
price, ahd still make 20 % prorit? Aas. $LOGf.
86. A merchant bought 20 pieces of cloth, each piece containing
25 yd. at %\% per yard on a credit of 9 mo. ; he sold the goods at
$4| per yard on a credit of 4 mo. What was his net cash gain,
money being worth G ^^ ? Ans, $173.85.
-* 87. A owes B $1200, to be paid in equal annual payments of $200
each ; but not being able to meet these payments at their maturities,
and having an estate 10 years in reversion, he arranges with B to
wait until he enters upon his estate, when he is to pay B the whole
amount, with 8 % compound interest. What sum will B then re-
ceive? Ans, $1996.074+.
88. A gentleman who was entitled to a perpetuity of $3000 a year,
provided in his will that, after his decease, his oldest son shoiild receive
It for 10 yr., then his second son for the next 10 yr., and a literary
institution for ever afterward. What was the value of each bequest
at the time of his decease, allowing compound interest at 6 ^ ?
Ans, To oldest son, $22080.28 ; to second son, $1^329.51 ;., to insti-
tution, $15590.23.
89. B has 3 teams engaged in transportation ; his horse team can
perform the trip in 5 days, the mule team in 7 days, and the ox team
in 11 days. Provided they start together, and each team rests a day
after each trip, how many days will elapse before they all rest the
same day? Ans. 23 days.
90. A man bought a farm for $4500, and agreed to pay principal
and interest in 4 equal annual installments; how much was the annual
payment, interest being 6 ^ ? Ans, $1298.67 + .
^ 91. A bought a piece of property of B, and gave him his bond for
$6300, dated Jan. 1, 1860, payable in 6 equal annual instalments of
$1050, the first to be paid Jan. 1, 1861. A took up his bond Jan.
1, 1864, semi-annual discount at the rate of 6 % per annum on the
two paynrients which fell due after Jan. 1, 1864, being deducted;
what sum canceled the bond? J.ns. $2972.54+.
92. A gentleman desires to set out a rectangular orchard of 864 trees,
so placed that the number of rows shall be to the number of trees in a
row, as 3 to 2. If the trees are 7 yards apart, how much ground will
tlie orchard occupy ? Ans, 39445 sq. yd,
V 93. S. C. Wilder bought 25 shares of bank stock at an advance of
6 % on the par value of $100. From the time of purchase until
the end of 3 yr. 3 mo. he received a semi-annual dividend of 4 ^o,
when he sold the stock at a premium of 11 ^. Money being worth
7 ^0 compound interest, how much did he gain? Ans, $137.31.
Tlie metric system of weights and measures — so called, because
the metre is the unit from which the other units of the system are
derived — had its origin in France during the Eevolution, a time when
all regard for institutions of the past was repudiated. In the year
1790, the French government resolved to introduce a new Fystem ;
and, in order that it might be received with general favor, other
countries were invited to join with it in the choice of new units.
In response to this invitation, a large number of scientific men, com-
missioned by various countries, met in Paris, in consultation with the
principal men of France. In the year 1791, a commission, nomi-
nated by the Academy of Sciences, was appointed by the Government
to prepare the new system. The first work of the commission was to
select a standard of lengths from which the system of units adopted
might at any time be restored if from any cause the original unit
should be lost. A quadrant of the earth's meridian was chosen as
the standard, and the ten-millionth part of it taken as iha unit cf
lengths, which was called a metre. In 1795, this standard and a
provisional metre whose length was determined from measurements
* 31. McYiCAR, A.M., Principal of the State Normal and Training School at
Brockport, N.Y., a most thorough and critical scholar as well as teacher, prepared
this article, which contains many practical improvements in Notation, Nomencla-
ture, and Applications, not before presented to the public. .
Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1867, by D. W. Fisn, A. M., in the Clerk'tt
Office of the District Ck>urt of the United States for the Southern District of New York.
of the earth's meridian, "which had already been made, was adopted
by the government.
In the meantune, two eminent astronomers, Mechain and Delambre,
were engaged in determining the exact length of the arc of the meri-
dian between Dunkirk in the north of France, and Barcelona in
Spain. At a later period, Liot and Arago measured the prolonga-
tion of the same meridian as far as the island of Formentara. From
these measurements, together with one formerly made in Peru, they
deduced, as they supposed, the exact distance from the equator to
the pole, which differed slightly from the standard assumed in 1795.
In 1790, a law was passed changing the length of the metre adopted
in 1795 so as to conform with this diSerence. The metre thus de-
termined was marked by two very fine parallel lines drawn on a pla-
tinum bar, and deposited for preservation in the national archives.
While a part of the commission were engaged in establishing the
exact length of the metre, other members pursued a course of inves-
tigation for the purpose of determining a unit of weights, which would
sustain an invariable relation to the unit of lengths. As the result
of their investigations, the weight of a cube of pure water whose edge
was one-hundredth part of a metre was the unit chosen. The water
was weighed in a vacuum, at a temperature of 4° C, or 39.2° F.,
which was supposed to be the temperature of greatest density. This
weight was called a gramme ^ and a piece of platinum weighing one
thousand grammes was deposited as the standard of weights in th^
national archives.
Had the work of the commission ended in determining these
standards of lengths and weights, their labor would have been futile.
For, while the conception of basing their system upon an absolute
standard in nature was good, the execution proved a failure. Later
in vesti stations have shown that the metre is less than the ten-millionth
part of the earth's meridian ; consequently the metric system of
weights and measures is referable not to an invariable standard in
nature, but to the platinum metre deposited in the national archives
of France. The great benefits which result from the labors of tlie
commission arise from the adoption of the decimal scale cf units, and
a simple yet general and expressive nomenclature. The amount of
time and money nsed in carrying on exchanges between different coun-
tries, Yrliich would be saved by the universal adoption of this system,
is incalculable. The system was declared obligatory throughout the
whole of France after Xov. 2, 1801 ; but, owing to the prejudices
of the people in favor of established customs, and the confusion con-
eequent upon the use cf the new measures, the Government, in 1812,
adopted a compromise, in the systeme usuile, whose principal units
were the new ones, while the divisions and names were nearly those
formerly in use, ascending commonly in the ratios of two, three, four,
eight, or twelve. In 1837, the government abolished this system,
and enacted a law attaching a penalty to the use of any other than
the metric system after Jan. 1, 1841. Since that time, the system
has been adopted by Spain, Belgium, and Portugal, to the exclusion
of other weights and measures. In Holland, other weights are used
only in compounding medicines. In 18G4, the system was legalized
in Great Britain ; and its use, either as a whole or in some of its parts,
has been authorized in Greece, Italy, Norway, Sweden, Mexico,
Guatemala, Venezuela, Ecuador, United States of Columbia, Brazil
Chili, San Salvador, and Argentine Republic. In 1866, Congress
authorized the metric system in the United States by passing the fol-
lowing; bills and resolution ; — ■
An Act to atttiiorize the tjse of tiie Metric System of Weights
AND Measures.
Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Stauts
of America in Congress assembled, That, from and after the passage of this
Act, it shall be lawful throughout the United States of America to employ
the Weights and Measures of the Metric System ; and no contract or dealing,
or pleading in any court, shall be deemed invalid, or liable to objection, be-
cause the weights or measures expressed or referred to therein arc weights or
measures of the Metric System.
Section 2. And he it farther enacted, That the tables in the schedule
hereto annexed shall be recognized in the construction of contracts, and in
all legal proceedings, as establishmg, in terms of the weights and measures
now in use in the United States, the equivalents of the weights and measures
expressed therein in terms of the Metric System ; and said tables may be
lawfully used for computing, determining, and expressing in customary
weights and measures, the weights and measures of the Metric System.
A Bill to authorize the Use in Post Offices of the Weights
OF THE Denomination of Grammes.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States
of America in Congress assembled^ That the Postmaster General be, and he is
hereby, authorized and directed to furnish to the post-offices exchanging
mails with foreign countries, and to such other offices as he shall think expe-
dient, postal balances denominated in grammes of the metric system ; and,
until otherwise provided by law, one-half ounce avoirdupois shall be deemed
and taken for postal purposes as the equivalent of fifteen grammes of the
metric weights, and so adopted in progression; and the rates of postage shall
be applied accordingly.
Joint Resolution to enable the Secretary of the Treasury
TO furnish to each State one set of the Standard Weights
Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States
of America in Congress ossejnbled, That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and
he is hereby, authorized and directed to furnish to each State, to be delivered
to the governor thereof, one set of the standard weights and measures of the
metric system, for the use of the States respectively.
Metric Denominations and Values.
Equivalents in Denominations in use.
Myriametre, . . .
10,000 metres,
6.2137 miles.
Kilometre, ....
1,000 metres,
0.62 137 miles, or 3280 feet, 10 inches.
Hectometre , . . .
100 metres,
328 feet and 1 inch.
Decametre, . . .
10 metres, ..
393.7 inches.
1 metre,
39.37 inches.
Decimetre, ....
^Q- of a metre, . .
3.937 inches.
Centimetre, . . .
■ji^ of a metre, . .
0.3937 inch.
T (tW ^^ ^ ^^^^^' • •
0.0394 inch.
Metric Denominations and Values.
Equivalents in Denominations in use.
10,000 square metres,
100 square metres,
1 square metre,
2.471 acres.
119.6 square yards.
1550 square inches.
Metric Denominations and Values.
Equivalents in Denominations in use.
No. of
Cubic Measure.
Dry Measure.
Liquid or wine
Kilolitre, or stere.
lOOOjl cubic metre,
100| jl^ of a cubic metre, . . .
10 10 cubic decimetres,. . .
1 1 cubic decimetre
1.308 cubic yd.
2 bu. 3.35 pk...
9.08 quarts,....
0.908 quart, . . .
6.1022 cubic in.
0.6102 cubic in.
0.061 cubic in. .
264.17 gallon.
26.417 gallon.
2.6417 gallon.
1.0567 quart.
0.845 gill.
0.338 fluid oz.
0.27 fluid dr.
-j\j- of a cubic decimetre,
10 cubic centimetres, . .
1 cubic centimetre,
Metric Denominations and Values.
Equivalents in De-
nominations in use.
Number of
Weight of what quantity of water
at maximum density.
Avoirdupois weight.
Millier, or toimeau, .
1 cubic metre,
2204.6 pounds.
220.46 pounds.
22.046 pounds.
2.2046 pounds.
8.5274 ounces.
0.3527 ounce.
15.432 grains.
0.5432 gi-ain.
0.1543 grain.
0.0154 gi-ain.
1 hectolitre,
Kilogramme, or kilo.
10 litres,
1 litre,
1 decilitre,
10 cubic centimetres,
1 cubic centimetre,
1-10 of a cubic centimetre,
10 cubic millimetres,
1 cubic millimetre,
Note. — The spelling in the above tables is not the same as in
the tables in the schedule annexed to the report of the committee of
the House of llepresentatives on weights and measures. The change
is not made to indicate any preference for any standard upon this
subject ; but to carry out what the author believes to be an essential
condition to the utility and success of the system.
As remarked by a distinguished senator when the tables were
adopted by Congress, '"'-The names are cosmopolitan ;^'' and to re-
tain this character fully, the spelling must also he cosmopolitan.
The French introduced the nomenclature and spelling ; and, so
long as the names remain unchanged, the spelling should be retained.
t| Tbcre are eight kinds of quantities for wbich tables are usnally
constructed; viz., Lengths, Surfaces, Volumes or Solids, Capacities,
Weights, Values, Times, and Angles or Arcs. The table for Times
is the same in the metric as in the ordinary system. The table for
Angles is constructed upon a centesimal scale. The tables for the
other six kinds of quantities are constructed upon a decimal scale.
In each of the tables for Lengths, Surfaces, Volumes, Capacities, and
Weights, there are eight denominations of units, — one principal and
seven derivative. The principal units are the metre, which is the
base of the system, and those derived directly from it. The two
following tabular views present the facts regarding the principal and
derivative units, which should be fixed in the memory.
" 1. Principal unit of Lengths.
2. The- base of the metric system, and nearly
one ten-millionth part of a quadrant of
the earth's meridian.
3. Equivalent, 39.3708 inches.
1. Principal unit of surfaces.
2. A square whose side is ten metres.
3. Equivalent, 119.6 square yards.
1. Principal unit of volumes or solids.
2. A cube whose edge is one metre.
3. Equivalent, 1.308 cubic yards.
1. Principal unit of capacities.
2. A vessel whose volume is equal to a cube
whose edge is one-tenth of a metre.
3. Equivalent, .908 quart dry measure, or
1.0567 quarts wine measure.
f 1. Principal unit of weights.
2. The weight of a cube of pure water whose
edge is .01 of a metre.
3. The water must be weighed in a vacuum
4° C, or 39.2° F.
^ 4. Equivalent, 15.432 grains.
I. Metre, .
II. Are,
in. Stere,
IV. Litre, . . ^
L V. Gramme,
fa >5
c *^
as ^^
O g I
M o
2 o.
1. Three orders of smaller units, or submultiples of each
kind, are formed by dividing each of the principal units
into tenths, hundredths, and thousandths.
2. Four orders of larger units, or multiples of each kind,
are formed by considering as a unit ten times, one
hundred times, one thousand times, and ten thousand
times, each of the principal units.
" The names of derivative units are formed by
attaching a prefix to the name of the princi-
pal unit from which they are derived, which
indicates their relation to the principal unit.
1. Millesimus, one thousandth, contracted
Milli. Example, Millilitre = j^ViJ ^^ ^ ^i^^^ '?
8 millilitres = j^%jj of a litre.
2. Centesimus, one hundredth, contracted
centi. Ux., Sentiare = jo (j ^^ ^^ ^^^i ^
centiares = yj^j of an are.
3. Decimus, tenth, contracted deci. jSJx., De-
cimetre = ^ metre ; 3 decimetres = j\
1. Deca, ten. Example, Decametre = 10
metres ; 5 decametres = 50 metres.
2. Hecaton, one hundred, contracted hecto.
Ex,, Hectolitre = 100 litres ; 7 hectolitres
= 700 litres.
3. Kilioi, one thousand, contracted kilo. Ex.
Kilogramme = 1000 grammes.
4. Myria, ten thousand. Ex., Myriastere =
10,000 steres; 3 myriasteres =30,000 stores.
5. The a in deca and myra, and the o in hecto
and kilo, are dropped when prefixed to are.
^ The tables being constructed upon a decimal scale, ten
units of a lower order make one of the next higher,
thus: 10 millimetres = 1 centimetre; 10 centimetres
= 1 decimetre ; 10 decimetres = 1 metre ; 10 me-
tres == 1 decametre, &c.
to CO
S 9
•9 S
o fl
U 03
3. O 2 -(
g s
The facts in tbe preceding views being mastered, tlie tables can be
constructed bj the pupil at sight. For example : The names of the
derivative units are formed by attaching the seven prefixes, in their
order, to the principal units of the tables. The order of progression
being ten, the table of capacities will be written thus : — •
10 Millilitres = 1 Centilitre. 10 Litres = 1 Decalitre.
10 Centilitres = 1 Decilitre. 10 Decalitres = 1 Hectolitre.
10 Decilitres = 1 Litre. 10 Hectolitres = 1 Kilolitre.
10 Kilolitres = 1 Myrialitre.
All the tables peculiar to the Metric System are presented together
in a convenient form in the two following tables : —
Names of Units.
JL £h\J^^ \J XI Vy JL^V X X\^^^ f
p Metre
10 Milli-
1 Centi-
. Gramme
r Metre
10 Centi-
1 Deci-
. Gramme
- Metre
le Deci-
1 Principal Unit.
- Gramme
- Metre
10 Principal Units
1 Deca-
- Gramme
Namks of Units.
X XW^i O ■'■I v/X^x X ±\J^ .
r Metre
10 Deca-
Equal -<
1 Hecto-
. Gramme
- Metre
10 Hecto.
Equal -
I Kilo-
* Gramme
r Metre
10 Kilo-
Equal -
■ 's
1 Myria-
. Gramme
- Metre
Myria- -
^ Gramme
To secure the fullest advantage to business men by the universal
adoption of the new system of weights and measures, it is necessary
that the names used should be short and easy to write and pronounce,
that they should express clearly the relation of the different denomi-
nations of the same table to each other, and that they should be
identical in all languages.
The last two of these requirements would be secured by the uni-
versal use of the nomenclature adopted by the French. It is cosmo-
politan in its character : it belongs to their language no more than to
any other.*- The former, however, is not secured. It is evident to
all, that, for business purposes, the long names of the metric system
are inconvenient, and that to shorten them would prove a great
advantage. Efforts have been made to introduce short names;
but these efforts have invariably sacrificed their universal and expres-
sive character, which is of more importance to the business world
than their shortness.
The only true course which seems to be open, is to abbreviate the
names already introduced, in such a way as to retain their peculiar
To secure this, the following plan of abbreviation is suggested : —
First. Let the prefixes be abbreviated thus : Myr, kil, hect, dec,
des, cent, mil.
Second. Let the initial letter of the names of the five principal
units be used, instead of the names themselves, thus : For metre, use
a capital M ; for are, use a capital A ; for store, a capital S ; for
litre, a capital L ; and, for gramme, a capital Gr.
Third. For the names of multiples and sub-multiples, attach to
these initial capital letters the abbreviated prefixes, thus ; Kil M, pro-
nounced kill-em'^ ; Kil S, pronounced kill-ess', &c.
By this method of abbreviation, the elements of the original terms
are retained in such a form that each part is clearly indicated. The
capital letter used after the prefix will always point to the base-word
of which it is the initial, although the pronunciation is changed.
10 Mil M,
1 Cent M.
10 Cent M,
1 Des M.
10 Des M,
1 M.
10 M,
1 Dec M.
10 Dee M,
1 Hect M.
10 Hect M,
1 Kil M.
10 Kil M,
1 Myr M.*
Jlyr M,
10 Mil A,
Mill-ii', make 1 Cent A
10 Cent A,
1 Des A.
10 Des A,
1 A.
10 A,
10 Dec A,
1 Hect A
10 Hect A,
1 Kil A.
10 Kil A,
1 Myr A.
Myr A,
10 Mil S,
Mill-ess', make 1 Cent S.
10 Cent S,
1 Des S.
10 Des S,
10 S,
1 Dec S.
10 Dec S,
1 Hect S.
10 Hect S,
1 Kil S.
10 Kil S,
1 Myr S.
Myr S,
10 Mil L,
Mill-eir, make 1 Cent L.
10 Cent L,
1 Des L.
10 Des L,
10 L,
1 Dec L.
10 Dec L,
1 Hect L.
10 Hect L,
1 Kil L.
10 Kil L,
1 Myr L.
Myr L,
10 Mil G,
1 Cent G.
10 Cent G,
1 Des G.
10 Des G,
10 G,
1 Dec G.
10 Dec G,
1 Hect G.
10 Hect G,
1 Kil G.
1 Myr G.
In the practical application of the metric system, it is not always
convenient to use the principal units as the unit of number. For
example : Should the gramme, the principal unit of weight, be used
as the unit of number, in the grocery or any similar business, small
quantities would be expressed by inconveniently large numbers.
Example : 386 lbs. are expressed by 175,000 grammes. To avoid
this inconvenience, the higher denominations aie used as the unit of
number when large quantities are measured.
No general system of notation is yet agreed upon. The same
quantity is written in various ways by different authors. Example ;
42 metres, 8 decimetres, and 5 centimetres, are written
m cm
42.85 M. 42? 85. 42.85. M 42 85. &c.
Inasmuch as the principal units of measure are not always used as
the unit of number, it is important that a system of notation be adopt-
ed, which will apply equally well to both principal and derivative
It is believed that the system given below, while simple and con-
venient, expresses clearly the relation of the unit of number to the
principal unit of measure ; and, hence, has an advantage over any
contractions of the names of the derivative units or arbitrary signs
which might be adopted.
I. The scale in the metric system being decimal, the consecutive
denominations are expressed by the consecutive orders of units in a
number. Thus, 78G42.358 metres is an expression for 7 myria-
metres, 8 kilometres, 6 hectometres, 4 decametres, 2 metres, 3 deci-
metres, 5 centimetres, 8 millimetres.
II. Whichever one of the eight denominations of units of measure
is used as the unit of a number, the higher denominations are ex-
pressed as tens, hundreds, and so on ; and the lower as tenths, hun-
dredths, and so on. Example : 784.56 decametres. Here the unit
of the number is a decametre ; consequently the tens and hundreds
are, respectively, hectometres and kilometres, and the tenths and
hundredths are metres and decimetres.
From these principles and illustrations, we derive the following rule
for notation : —
Rule. Write the consecutive denominations in their order, com-
mencing with the higher, and placing a cipher wherever a denomi-
nation is omitted, and the decimal point after the denomination
which is the unit of the number.
KuLE I. When a principal unit of measure is the unit of Clum-
ber, place the initial letter of the unit used before the number, thus :
M 342.5. Read, three hundred and forty-two and five-tenths
metres ; or^ 3 hectometres, 4 decametres, 2 metres, 5 decimetres,
Write the numbers which represent the following quantities, con-
sidering the principal unit of measure the unit of number.
1. Seven myriametres, 4 hectometres, three decametres, and eight
centimetres. Ans. M 70430.08.
2. Thirty-four kilometres and forty-three millimetres.
Ans, M 34000.043.
3. Eighty-seven hectogrammes and fifty-nine centigrammes.
Ans: G 8700.59.
4. Thirty-two myriagrammes, forty-eigbt decagrammes, five milli-
grammes. Ans. a 320480.005.
5. Three hundred and two kilares, eight hundred and seven cen-
tiares. Ans. G 302008.07.
6. Four myrialitres, sixty-two decalitres, live millilitres.
Ans, L 40620,005.
7. Four hundred and thirty-three kilosteres, nine hundred and
eighty four hectosteres, seven thousand two hundred and three centi-
steres. A?is. S 53147203.
EuLE II. When a multiple of a principal unit of measure is the
unit of number ; — First, Place before the number the initial letter
of the principal unit from ivhich the multiple is derived. Second,
Indicate the order of multiple used by a small figure placed to the
left and above the letter prefixed to the number. (See symbols in
table of multiples.)
Example. 42.5 kilometres, is written ^M42.5.
The M before the number indicates that the metre is the unit of
measure from which the unit of the number is derived. The small
3 indicates that the third order of multiple, or kilometre, is the unit
of number.
Write the numbers which represent the following quantities, con-
sidering the denomination named as the unit of number : —
Unit of Number, Kilogramme,
1. 43 myriagrammes, 7 decagrammes, 5 grammes.
Ans. ^G 430.075.
2. 8 kilogrammes and 3 centigrammes. Ans. ^G 8.00003.
3. 736 hectogrammes, 243 centigrammes, and 4 milligrammes.
Ans. ^G 73.602434.
4. 2009 hectogrammes and 3 centigrammes.
Ans. ^G 200.90003.
Ufiit of Number , Decalitre.
5. 254 litres and 43 milUlitres. Ans. ^L 25.4043.
6. 364 mjrialitres, 47 litres, 384 millilitres.
^;is. 1L3G4004.7384.
7. 243 decalitres, 47 centilitres. Ans, ^L 243.047.
Unit of Number, Second Order of 3Iultiples.
8. 23 myriametres, 72 millimetres. Ans. ^31 2300.00072.
9. -4000007 steres and 2 millisteres. Ans, ^S 40000.07002.
10. 3 kilares and 43 centiares. Ans, ^A 30.0042.
Unit of Numher, Myriametre.
11. 3 hectometres and 2 centimetres. Ans. "^M .030002.
12. 5 millimetres. Ans. ^xM .0000005.
13. 3 decametres and 2 centimetres. Ans. ^M .003002.
Rule III. When a submultiple of a principal unit of measure
is the unit of number ; — First, Place before the number the initial
letter of the principal unit from which the submultiple is derived.
Second, Indicate the order of submultiple used by a small figure
placed to the left and below the letter prefixed to the number. (See
symbols in table of submultiples.)
Write the numbers which represent the following quantities, con-
sidering the denomination named as the unit of number.
Unit of Number, Millimetre.
1. 32 decametres and 2 decimetres. Ans. gM 320200.
2. 7002 hectometres. Ans. .M 700200000.
3. 7 myriametres and 5 metres. Ans. gM 70005000.
4. 3 kilometres and 2 decametres. Ans. 3M 3020000.
Unit of Number, Second Order of Submultiples.
5. 5 kilogrammes and 9 grammes. Ans. gCr 500900.
6. 302 myriasteres, 5 decasteres, and 3 centisteres.
Ans. 2S 302005003.
7. 4009 kilolitres and 5 litres. Ans. 2L 400900500.
8. 2 hectares and 2 centiares. Ans. 2 A 20002.
Unit of Number f Decilitre.
9. 3002 hectolitres and 4 millilitres. Ans, iL 3002000.04.
10. 6 mjrialitres and 1 decalitre. Ans. iL 600.100.
11. .404 millilitres. Ans. iL .00004.
Rule for Reduction Descending. Multiply the given quantity
by the number of the required denomination which makes a unit of
the given denomination.
Since the multiplier is always 10, 100, 1000, &c., the operation
is performed by removing the decimal point as many places to the
right as there are ci23hers in the multiplier, annexing ciphers when
examples for PRACTICE.
1. RcMluce ^M 32.58 to milHmetres.
2. Reduce ^M 5 to decimetres.
3. Reduce G402 to milhgrammes.
4. Reduce ^ A 42.3 to centiares.
5. Reduce "L 93.2 to decilitres.
6. Reduce *S 895 to decasteres.
7. Reduce ^A 903.2 to mllliares.
8. Reduce ^G 539 to centii!:rammes.
Rule for Reduction Ascending. Divide the given quantity
by the number of its own denomination which makes a unit of the
required denomination.
Since the divisor is always 10, 100, 1000, &c., the operation is
performed by removing the decimal point as many places to the left
as there are ciphers in the divisor, prefixing ciphers when necessary.
1. Reduce gA 5 to myrlares.
2. Reduce 3M 403 to kilometres.
3. Reduce iS 42.3 to hectosteres.
4. Reduce 3 A 7.2 to decares.
examples for practice.
5. Reduce 3G 3 to kilogrammes.
6. Reduce 2L5.7 to hectoUtres.
7. Reduce 3M 9 to myriametres.
8. Reduce 2S47.3 to decasteres.
Decimilliare == One square decimetre = 100 square centimetres.
_ f -^^ square decimetres, or a plane figure whose
~ 1 length is one metre and breadth one decimetre.
Centiaro = One square miCtre = 100 square decimetres.
. _ f 10 square metres, or a plane figure wbose length is one
• ^ ~ ^ decametre and breadth one metre.
Are = One square decametre = 100 square metres.
j^ ^ ^ _ ( 10 square decametres, or a plane figure whose length
(is one hectometre and breadth one decametre.
Hectare = One square hectometre = 100 square decametres.
y^., (10 square hectometres, or a plane figure whose length
1 is one kilometre and breadth one hectometre.
Myriare = One square kilometre = 100 square hectometres.
The contents of a plane figure is expressed numerically by giving
the number of times it contains some given area, which is assumed as
the unit of surface.
The following illustrations will show how the. various denomina-
tions of the table are used in numerical expressions of surface : —
Length 6 metres.
It will be seen, by examining this figure, that the lines drawn
parallel to the sides, at the supposed distance of a metre from each
other, divide the surface into square metres, and that there are as
many rows of square metres as there are metres in the breadth, each
row containing as many square metres as there are metres in the
length. Hence the number of square metres in the area of the figure
is equal to the product of the two numbers which indicate the length
and breadth ; and A 0.18 is a numerical expression for its contents.
•S o
5 u
''^ a
In this figure, the lines drawn parallel to the sides divide the
figure into 36 milliares, or oblongs, whose length is one metre and
breadth one decimetre. It is evident that ten of these oblongs put
together will constitute a centiare, or square metre. Hence the ex-
pression, 36 milliares, may be written 3.6 centiares; and read, three
and six tenths centiares, or three centiares and six milliares.
By reducing the length to decimetres, the numerical expression of
the contents will be, by Illustration First, 60 x 6, or 360 decimiliiares
or square decimetres.
Length 1 decametre, 2 metres, and 1 decimetre.
1 —
Milliares. Decimilliare.
In this figure, we have illustrated the relations of different denomi-
nations of units in expressing the contents of a given surface^
In the following analysis, each part of the contents is presented
separately, as it would be obtained by multiplying the length by the
breadth. The learner should carefully note each part, and analyze a
sufficient number of examples to fix the principles in the mind.
Jj ( One decimetre = 1 decimilliare = A 0.0001
One decimetre x \ Two metres = 2 miliiares = A 0.002
( One decametre = 10 miliiares = 1 ceatiare = A 0.01
( One decimetre =r 2 miliiares = A 0.002
Two metres x \ Two metres = 4 centiares = A 0.04
( One decametre = 2 declares = A 0.2
{One decimetre = 10 milliare = 1 ccntiare = A 0.01
Two metres = 2 declares == A 0.2
One decametre = 1 are or square metre = A 1.
X =
^M 1.21 X 'M 1.21 = A 1.4641
From these illustrations, we derive the following rule for finding a
numerical expression for a given surface of utiiform length and
breadth : —
Rule. Reduce the length and breadth to the same denomination ;
find the product of the two dimensions after reduction, and point
off as many decimal places in this product as there are decimal
places in the two dimensions.
The unit of the numerical expression thus found will be a decimil-
liare when the unit of length is a decimetre, a ccntiare when the
unit of length is a metre, an are when the unit of length is a deca-
metre, a hectare when the unit of length is a hectometre, and a
myriare when the unit of length is a kilometre.
1. How many ares in a floor M 1.25 long, and M 8.7 wide ?
Ans. A. 10875.
2. How many centiares, how many kilares, and how many hec-
tares in the same floor? Ans. gA 10.875.
3. How many ares in a board M 5.32 by 2M 47. ?
Ans. A. 025004.
4. How many miliiares, how many myriares, and hectares in the
same board ?
5. How many metres of a carpet nine decimetres wide will cover
a floor six metres long and five and four-tenths metres wide ? and
what would be the cost of the carpet, at $2.50 a centiare ?
Ans. M 36. $93.
6. In a farm consisting of four fields of the following dimensions,
how many hectares ? First field, length M 342, breadth M 273 ;
second field, length M 634, breadth M 350 ; third field, length
M 450, breadth M 329 ; fourth field, length 31 730, breadth M 632.7.
Ans. 2A 92.5187.
7. A pile of lumber was found to contain 150 boards M 4 long
and iM4. wide, 225 boards M 6.2 long and gM 52. wide, and 642
boards M 5.2 long and 2M 43 wide. How much was it worth, at $42.
per are, face measure. Ans. $1008.38 -f-
8. How many bricks iM2.2 X iM 1.1 would pave a side- walk
M 842.6 long and M 2.2 wide? and what would be the whole cost
at 82 cents per centiare. Ans. 76600 bricks. $1520.05 -\-.
Millistere = A cubic decimetre = 1000 cubic centimetres.
r 10 cubic decimetres, or a volume, or solid, whose
Centistere = ■< length is one metre, and breadth and thickness one
r 10 centisteres = 100 cubic decimetres, or a volume
Decistere = -< whose length and breadth is one metre, and thick-
C ness one decimetre.
^^ _ f ^ ^^^^ metre =10 decisteres = 100 centisteres =
\ 1000 millisteres or cubic decimetres.
_ (10 cubic metres, or a volume whose leno;th is one
Decastere ^^^ ■% * .
(. decametre, and breadth and thickness one metre.
( 10 decasteres = 100 cubic metres, or a volume whose
Hectostere = -< length and breath is one decametre, and thickness
( one metre.
Kilostere = A cubic decametre = 1000 cubic metres.
C 10 kilosteres, or a volume whose length is one hecto-
Myriastere = ■< metre, and breadth and thickness each one doca-
( metre.
The solidity, or contents, of a volume is expressed numerically by
giving the number of times it contains some given solid as the unit
of volume.
The following illustrations will show how the various denominations
of the table are used in numerical expressions of volume.
Millistere, or Cubic Decimetre,
10 millisteres, placed side by side, make a volume whose length
is one metre, and breadth and thickness each one decimetre, thus, —
10 centistere, placed side by side, make a volume whose length
and breadth is each one metre, and thickness one decimetre, thus, —
Decistre = 10 Centisteres = 100 Millisteres,
10 decisteres, placed face to face, make a cube whose edge is one
metre, thus, —
Stere =10 Decisterea = 100 Centisteres = 1000 Millisteres,
From these illustrations, it is evident that the contents of a cubic
metre may be expressed numerically, as S 1, iS 10, 2S 100, ^S 1000.
The following figures illustrate the use of
the same four denominations in expressing
the contents of a cubic volume whose edge
is one metre and one decimetre. The sur-
face of one face of the volume contains
one centiare, two milliares, and one deci-
milliare, thus, —
Taking a slab of the face one decimetre thick, thus, —
and we have one decistere, two
centisteres, and one millistere.
But the volume is eleven deci-
metres thick ; therefore we have
eleven such slabs, or eleven times one decistere, two centisteres, and
one millistere.
r 11 millisteres = 1 centistere and 1 millistere = S 0.011
= < 22 centisteres = 2 decisteres and 2 centisteres = S 0.22
(11 decisteres = 1 stere and 1 decistere = S 1.1
Ml.l X Ml.l X Ml.l = S1.331
From these illustrations, we derive the following rule for finding a
numerical expression for a given volume of uniform length, breadth,
and thickness : —
Rule, deduce the length, breadth, and thickness to the same
denomination ; find the product of the three dimensions, after re-
duction, and point off as many decimal places in this product as
there are decimal places in the three dimensions.
The unit of the numerical expression thus found will be a millistere
when the unit of length is a decimetre, a stere when the unit of length
is a metre, a kilostere^ when the unit of length is a decametre.
1. How many steres in a wall twenty-four metres long, eight and
five-tenth metres high, and fifty-two centimetres thick ? And what
would be the cost of building it, at $4.25 a stere ?
Ans, S 106.08. Cost, $450.84.
2. What would be the cost of a pile of wood fifteen and seven-
tenths metres long, three metres high, and seven and fifty- two hun-
dredths metres wide, at $1.50 a store? Ans. §531.29.
3. What would be the cost of excavating a cellar eighteen and
three-tenths metres long, ten and seventy-three hundredths metres
wide^ and three and four-tenths metres deep, at 15 cents per store ?
A71S, $100.14+.
4. How deep must a box be, whose surface is thirty-two milliares,
to contain seven and thirty-six hundredths stores? Ans. iM 23.
5. How many stores in five sticks of timber of the following di-
mensions : First, jM 5.2 by jM 7.3, and M 13 long; second, 2M 43.
by 2M 65, and M 17.5 long; third, iM 5.3 by iM 3.7, and M 15.42
long; fourth, 2M 39 by gM 56, and M 14 long; fifth, iM 4.52 by
iM 3.78, and M 15 long. Ans. S 18.470352.
6. What must be the height of a load of wood, M 3.2 long and
M 1.1 wide, to contain S 4.0128. A^is. M 1.14.
In the ordinary or sexagesimal system, a right-angle, which is used
as the measure of all plane angles, is divided into 90 equal parts,
called degrees; a degree is divided into 60 equal parts, called
minutes ; and a minute into 60 equal parts, called seconds.
In the centesimal or French system, a right-angle is divided into
100 equal parts, called grades ; a grade into 100 equal parts, called
minutes ; and a minute into 100 equal parts, called seconds.
The former is called the sexagesimal system, on account of the
occurrence of the number sixty in forming the subdivisions of a de-
gree ; and the latter centesimal, on account of the occurrence of the
number one hundred.
Grades, minutes, and seconds are usually written thus : 35^ 42^
24^^ ; read, thirty-five grades, forty-two minutes, twenty-four seconds.
Since the scale is centesimal, minutes may be expressed as hun-
dredths, and seconds as ten-thousandths ; hence any number of grades,
minutes, and seconds may be expressed decimally thus : 73^ 4569 ;
read, seventy-three grades, forty-five minutes, sixty-nine seconds.
In a rlght-angie, there are 100 grades, or 90 degrees ; hence, for
every 10 grades there are 9 degrees. Dividing the 10 grades into
9 equal parts or degrees, each part will contain 1-J- grades; therefore
a degree s equal to 1 J grades. Hence, in any number of grades
there are as many degrees as 1^ is contained times in the given
number of grades ; and, conversely, in any number of degrees there
are 1^ times as many grades as there are degrees. Hence the fol-
lowing rules : —
Rule. Express the mmutes and seconds as a decimal of a
grade/ divide hyl^x the quotient will express the number of de-
grees and decimals of a degree in the given number of grades, min-
utes, and seconds,
Change the following quantities from the centesimal measure to
the sexagesimal.
1. 25» 34^ 42^\ Ans. 22° 48' 35.208'^
2. 57'93\ Ans, 3ri6.932^
3. 83" 13^ 87^\ Ans, 74° 49' 29.388''.
4. 3G^ 98^ 15^^ Ans. 33° 17' .06".
5. 14^15^60^ Am, 12° 44' 25.44".
6. 90^ 90^ 90^\ Ans. 81° 49' 5.16".
7. 18^ 50^ 25^\ Ans, 16° 39' 8.1".
Rule. Reduce the minutes and seconds to a decimal of a de-
gree / multiply the degrees and decimal of a degree by 1^: the pro-
duct is the number of grades, minutes, and seconds in the given
number of degrees, minutes, and seconds,
Change the following quantities from the sexagesimal measure to
the centesimal.
1. 3G° 18' 27". Ans. 40^ 31^ 16 J^\
2. 56' 54". Ans. 1« 5^ 37^y^
27° 36' 45".
189° 15' 20".
C3° 14' 58".
147° 24' 48".
117° 36' 54'.
Ans. 30« G8^ 5f .
Ans. 210^ 28^ 39| V\
Ans. 70^ 27' 71|f\
Ans. 168^ 79' 25|f'\
Ans. 130« 68' 33^''.
Rule. Reduce the given quantity to the denomination of the
principal unit of the table ; multiply hy the equivalent , and reduce
the product to the required denomination,
1. ^M 3.6, how many feet?
OPERATION. Analysis. — The metre is
^M 3.6 X 1000 = M 3600 *^e principal unit of the table ;
39.37 in. X 3600 == 141732 in. ^^"^^ we- reduce the kilome-
141732 in. -- 12 in. = 11811 ft. *^^' ^ "^J^'^^' . ^^""'^ ^^^l^
are 39.37 inches in a metre, in
3600 metres there are 3600 times 39.37 inches; and since there are
1 2 inches in a foot, there are as many feet as 1 2 inches is contained
times in 141732 inches. Therefore ^M 3.6 is equal to 11811 feet.
2. How many feet in 472 centimetres ? Ans, 15.4855 J ft.
3. How many cubic feet in 2 kilosteres? Ans. 70632 cu. ft.
4. How many gallons, wine measure, in 32^5 decilitres?
Ans. 8 gals. 2.343— qts.
5. How many gallons in 108.24 litres ? Ans. 28.594 -|- gals.
6. How many bushels in 3262 kilolitres ?
Ans, 92559.25 bush.
7. How many square yards in 436 ares ?
Ans. 52145.6 sq. yds.
8. In 942325 centilitres, how many bushels ?
Ans. 267.3847 + bush.
9. In 436 myriagrammes, how many pounds ?
Ans, 9611.9314 lbs.
Rule. Reduce the given quantity to the denomination in which
the equivalent of the principal unit of the metric table is expressed;
divide by this equivalent, and reduce the quotient to the required
1. In 10 lbs. 4 oz. liow many myriagrammes ?
OPERATION. Analysis. —
10 lbs. 4 oz. = 10.25 lbs. The gramme,
10.25 lbs. X 7000 z= 71750 gr. *^^ principal
71750 gr. -^15.432 gr. = G 4649.43— ""^^ ^^ *^®
G4649.43 — --10000 = ^G. 464943— Ans, *''^^^' '' ^^"
pressed in
grains; hence we reduce the pounds and ounces to grains. 15.432
grains make one gramme; hence there are as many grammes in 71750
grains as 15.432 grains is contained times in 71750 grains. And since
there are 10000 grammes in a myriagramme, dividing G 4649.43 — by
10000 will give the myriagrammes in 10 pounds 4 ounces. Therefore,
10 lbs. 4 oz. is equal to ^G 464943 —
examples for practice.
2. In 6172.8 pounds, how many decagrammes?
Ans, ^G 280000.
3. How many hectares in 2392 square yards? Ans. ^A .2.
4. How many ares in a square mile ?
Ans. A 25899.665552—.
5. How many millisteres in 18924 cubic yards?
Ans. sS 14467889.9082 +.
6. In 892 grains, how many hectogrammes ?
^715. 2G. 578019.
7. In 2 miles, 6 furlongs, 39 rods, and 5 yards, how many
kilometres? Ans. ^M 4.626416 +.
8. Bought 454 bush, wheat at $3, and sold the same at $8.75
per hectolitre ; how many hectolitres did I sell ? Did I gain or lose,
and how much ?
Ans. 2L 160. Gain, $38.
Required the footings of the following bills : —
New York, April 23, 1867.
W. J. Milne,
M 122 Broadclotli,
" 320 Bid. Shirting,
. " 230 White Flannel,
'* 206.5 Ticking,
•' 107.9 Blk. Silk,
Rec'd Payment,
BoH of L. CooLEY & Son.
@ $6.00
*' 2^
Ans, $1235.975
L. CooLEY & Son.
Chas. D. McLean,
Buffalo, May 1, 1867.
Bo't of Wm. Benedict.
each «G 30.5 @ $ 2.50
Wm. Benedict.
40 chests Tea,
12 sacks Java Coffee,
25 bbls. Coffee Sugar, each ^G 110
10 ** Crushed '* '' ^G 95
30 boxes Raisins, " ^G 12
JRec^d Payment,
3. A man bought a lot of land ^M 40 long and ^M 20 wide, and
sold one-third of it. How many ares had he left, and what was the
cost of the lot, at $100 per acre?
Ans. to first, A 53333.33J. Ans. to second, $197685.95.
4. A farmer sold ^L 540 of wheat at $6, and invested the pro-
ceeds in coal at $8 per ton. How many myriagrammes of coal did
he purchase? Ans. ^G 36741.835147 +.
5. What will be the cost of a pile of wood M 42.5 long, M 2. high,
M 1.9 wide, at $2 per stere ? Ans. $323.
6. How many metres of shirting, at $.25 per metre, must be
given in exchange for ^L 300 oats, at $1.20 per hectolitre?
Ans. M 1440.
7. A grocer buys butter at $.28 per lb., and sells it at $.G0 per
kilogramme. Does he gain or lose, and what per cent. ?
Ans. Lost 2{4|- %.
8. A bin of wheat measures M 5 square, and M 2.5 deep. How
many hectolitres will it contain, and what will be the cost of the
wheat, at $2 per bushel? A?is. ^L 625. $3546.875.
9. What price per pound is equivalent to $2.50 per ^G?
Ans. $11.34.
10. A merchant bought M 240 of silk at $2, and sold it at $1.95
per yard. Did he gain or lose, and how much ?
Ans. Gain $31.81.
11. Find the measure of 1^ 5^^ in decimals of a degree.
Ans. .00945. -
12. A merchant shipped to France 50 bbls. of coffee sugar, each
containing 250 lbs., paying $2 per hundred for transportation. Ho
sold the sugar at $.34 per kilogramme, and invested the proceeds in
broadcloth at $4 per metre How many yards of broadcloth did he
purchase? ^ws. 458.71 -f- yds.
13. The difference between two angles is 10 grades, and their
sum is 45'** Find each angle. Ans. 18° and 27°.
14. Determine the number of degrees in the unit of angular
measure when an angle of 66 § grades is represented by 20.
Alls. 3^.
15. How many centiares of plastering in a house containing six
rooms of the following dimensions, deducting one-twelfth for doors,
windows, and base ? and what would be the cost of the work at 38
cents per centiare? First room, M 6.2 X M 4.7; second room,
M 4.52 X M4 ; third room, M 6 X M 5.2 ; fourth room, M 382 X
M3.82; fifth room, M7 X M6.2; sixth room, M4.5 X M 4.25r
Height of each room, M 3.8. Ans. gA 562.039 +. $213.57 +.
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