mi Y" THE ROBERT E. COWAN.. COLLEC"! i'Ki;si:>;ti-:i) to nih UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA r.v C, P, HUWTINGTON dUNE, 18Qf. Accession ^o.XS'y^O^ Class Nc ^5^-:k-J ti^^U^ University of California • Berkeley ; :■••%. -^^-■^■■^ 'M^rf-- •.M » . _*^v-^ v>.. j^^3>> . ^. . T#-V STORMS: The various -phenomena hy which their approach can be ascer- tained with certainty, and prac- tical directions to mariners for the avoidance of their fu/ry. COMPILED FROM VARIOUS SOURCES BY CAPT. JOHN RO SS, " OFTMB ; TTNIVERSITlf ^^^^^ A. ROMAN k COMPANY, ^ BookselijErs, Publishers and Importers, 11 15 3 1 6 8 6 5 1 Hi • 5 4 16 9 2 2 d d 9 96 2 5 5 80 1 1 8 18 O 69 1 12 12 14 17 4 7 9 12 Q No. Atlantic and W. I. . South'n Indian Ocean & Mauritius 10 4 2 2 42 1 4 12 7 Nortli'n Indian Ocean; Bay of Bengal — N. E. Monsoon S. TV Monsoon 6 Arabian Sea & Bomb'y — N. E. Monsoon S. W. Monsoon 1 1 1 5 China Sea and No. Pa- cific — (western part). . Java Sea and Northwest Coast of Australia. . . 3 1 5 1 1 2 From this table it appears that the hurricane seasons in the several localities are as follows: 1. In the North Atlantic, from June to November, the greater number occurring in July, August, Septem- ber, and October. 2. In the Bay of Bengal they are most prevalent in October, November and December, when the N. E. Monsoon is strongest ; they occur also during the S. W. Monsoon, especially in April, May or June. 3. In the Arabian Sea they have been experienced durin«j both Monsoons. 16 THE LAW OF STORMS. 4. In the China Sea they are prevalent on the coast between June and October ; but in the central part of that sea during September, October and No- vember. 5. In the Southern Indian Ocean they may be ex- pected between November and April, but they are most prevalent during January, February and March. 6. In the Java Sea, and on the N. W. Coast of Australia they have been recorded during December, January and February. RULES FOR TRIMMING THE SHIP IN A HURRICANE. Piddington long ago said : " That all positive rules tend to mislead." Every ship must have its own pecu- liar management depending on the four great elements of the problem, which are — 1. The ship and her sea room. 2. The track of the cyclone. 3. Its rate of traveling. 4. The ship's run and drift. While, on the part of the commander, caution and watchfulness are essentially requisite, still all the cir- cumstances being favorable, rules may be given in a very brief compass for trimming a vessel to the hurri- cane winds. These are embodied in the following tables. Where the directions of the wind vane, as set set down in the first column are tangents to the whirl- wind in its course, these indicate the quarter from wdiich the storm sets in. The points of the compass in the second column show the position of the storm's cen- THE LAW OP STORMS. 17 ter as regards the vessel. The fourth column gives the direction in which to steer when the wind shifts as in- dicated in the third column ; but if it shifts as indicated in the fifth column, then bear away as told in the sixth column. I. — FOR THE NORTHERN HEMISPHERE. ^ o K f> E? td ag.g- t^ 03 » 1 &a III m . P ts 3. CD : B . Pi d is If North. East. NtoW South. NtoE hj NbyE EbyS N by E to N Sby W N by E to E a NNE ESE NNE to N SSW NNE to E B- NEbyN SEby E NE bv N to N SW by S NE by N to E CD NE S E NEt6 N SW NEtoE 1 NEbyE SEbyS NE by E to N SWbyW NE by E to E *B ENE SSE ENE to N WSW ENE to E g EbyN SbyE E by N to N WbyS E by N to E East. South. EtoN West. EtoS CD Eby S Sby W E by S to E Why N E by S to S zo ESE SSW ESE to E WNW ESE to S g SEby E SWby S SE by E to E N^VbyW SE by E to S ^ SE S W SEtoE NW SEto S § SE by S SWbyW SE by S to E NW by N SE by S to S a SSE WSW SSE to E NNW SSE to S H SbyE Why S S by E to E Nby W S by E to S £0 South. West. StoE North. Sto W ^T* Sby W WbyN S by W to S NbyE S by W to W ss w WNW SSW to S NNE SSW to W S W by S NWbyW SW by S to S NEby N SWbyStoW SW NW SWtoS NE 1 SW to W 18 THE LAW OF STORMS. II — FOR THE SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE. o g O . ro o South. SbyE SSE SEby S SE SE byE ESE Eby S East. EbyN ENE NEbyE NE NEbyN NNE NbyE North. Nby W NNW NWbyNj NW 3-S East. EbyN ENE NEbyE NE N E by N NNE NbyE North. Nby W NNW NWbyN NW NW^byW WNW WbyN West. Wby S WS W SW by W SW Sto W S by E to S SSE to S SE by S to S SEto S SE by E to S ESE to S E by S to S E to S E by N to E ENE to E NE by E to E NEtoE NE by N to E NNE to E N by E to E NtoE N by W to N NNW to N NWbyNtoN NW toN 1 7i : ^ ■I North. StoE hi Nby W S by E to E ^ NN^V SSE to E F^ NW by N SE by S to E (D NW SEtoE h- NWbyWSE by E to E »5* WNW ESE to E O WbyN E by S to E !=i West. EtoN F? Wby S E by N to N CD WSW ENE to N ^ SW by W NE by E to N ^ SW NEtoN H p SW by S NE by N to N ssw NNE to N i^ SbyW N by E to N South. NtoW SbyE N by W to W SSE NNW to W SEby S NWbyNtoW SE NWtoW ADMIRAL FITZROY's INSTRUCTIONS ON THE USE OF THE BAROMETER IN NORTH LATITUDE. The Barometer Rises: For northerly wind (including from N. W. by the north to the eastward), for dry, or less wet weather, for less wind, or for more than one of these changes — ex- cept on a few occasions when rain (or snow} comes from the northward, with strong wind. THE LAW OF STORMS. 19 A Thermometer Falls: For change of wind towards any of the above direc- tions. The Barometer Falls: For southerly wind (including from S. E. by the south to the westward) for wet weather, for stronger wind, or for more than one of these changes — except on a few occasions when moderate wind with rain (or snow) comes from the northward. A Thermometer Rises: For change of wind towards the upper directions only. Moisture or dampness in the air (shown by a hygrometer) increases before or with rain, fog or dew. On Barometer Scales tlie followiii_ contractions may be useful in North Latitudes. KiSE FOR NEby N W-N-E Dry or less wind — except wet from N E Fall for S W by S E-S-W Wet or more wind — except wet from N E And the following Summary may be useful generally throughout the world. ElSE FOR Cold, dry or less wind — ex- cept wet from cold side. Fall for Warm, wet or more wind — except wet from cold side. In south latitudes substitute south or southward for north, northward, etc. ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT. THOMAS TENNENT, mmiui Emmm maker, BATTERY STREET, OPPOSITE THE CUSTOM HOUSE, SAN FRANCISCO. est^a^bijIsheid iisr isso. DEPOT OFOK U. S. (xovernment Chronometers. XT. S. A.Gi:]VCY FOR GoverMeiit Ckrts of Pacific Coast aal Mors. CHBONOMETEKS carefuUy rated by TRANSIT OBSERVATIONS. Repairs or Cleaning of Cheonometees, Watches or Nauti- cal Insteuments executed in the best manner, under his per- sonal supervision, and perfect satisfaction guaranteed. A full supply constantly kept of CHARTS of all parts of the world, NAUTICAL BOOKS, NAUTICAL INSTRU- MENTS, etc., etc. No JEttunners Employed. 8^^ Orders left at the store promptly attended to. ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT. JAMES CURTIS & CO., WHOLPJSAIiE AND BETAIL '9 Corner Stewart and Market Streets, SAX FRJLNCISCO. Particular attention paid to replenishing SHIPS' MEDI- CINE CHESTS with PURE MEDICINE. A good assort- ment of Medicine Chests always on hand and for sale at reasonable prices. Also, I^XJRE WIISTEJ^ A1VI> LIQUORS^, Of our own importation, for sale in large or small quantities. JAMES CUETIS & CO. OF H^rsr FXi^rsioi^co. Obganized Apkil 8, 1863. CAPiTAii, Paid up $500,000. 0flace--406 California Street, San Francisco. NO FIRi: RISKS Disconnected with Marine Insured by this Company. LOSSES PAID PROMPTLY IN U, S. GOLD COIN, Board of Dieectoes. — C. L. Taylor, F. Eoeding, Isaac E. Davis, J. B. Scotchler, A. M. Simson, James Irvine, Jabez Howes, A. L. Tubbs, C. Adolphe Low, W. J. Adams, R. E. Eaimond, James P. Flint, H. B. Williams. J. B. SCOTCHLER, President, JABEZ HOWES, Vice-President. E. W. BouENE, Secretary, This Company is Engaged Exclusively in Marine Insurance. ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT. FIRE J^l^lD IsOlJi^TlXlsriEl. ALL LOSSES PAID IN UNITED STATES GOLD COIN. THE (JLIFORNIl INSBMIB tOMPlNY, Office, 318 California Street, Three doors east from Sansome San Francisco, Capital paid up, ... $300,000. Asisets, ...... $309,000. C. T. HOPKINS, Pres. H. B. TICHENOR, Vice-Pres. Z. CROWELL, Secretary. BLAKISTON & BERWICK, Sail IVIakers, No. O Olay js^treet, near X^last, SAN FKANCISCO. Sails^ Tents, A.A;v^niiigs, etc., Made to order. SAILS REPAIRED, BOUQHT AND SOLD. Materials furnished at the Lowest Market Prices. Work done with dispatch — neatly, substantially, and on the most reasonable terms. Orders Respectfully Solicited and Promptly Attended to. ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT. W. S. FHELFS & CO. ©liip ©ixiiths^ 13 and 15 Drumm street, (Bet. Sacramento and California) S .A. OST F I^ -A. 3Sr O I S O O . ALL KINDS OF Ship and Steamboat Blacksmitliing Executed at the shortest notice, ^ud on. the most K-easoiial>le Tei^ms. SAN FRANCISCO PHELPS BROTHERS, Propr's, Manufacturers of all kinds of MACHINE BOLTS, BRIDGE BOLTS, SHIP OR BAND BOLTS, Sets of Car Bolts, Set Screws or Tap Bolts, Lag Screws, "Wrought or Cold Punched Nuts, Turn buckles, Bolt Ends, Etc., Etc. 13 and 1^ DRUMIfl STRDDT, ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT. J. OHADBOURNE'S AND CRACKER BAKERY, Manufactory, Oregon street, between Front and Davis, Office, OTTners, A.g:©iats, Consign- ees, ancl IMasters THE COMPANY'S DRY DOCKS, Situate at HUNTER'S POINT, San Francisco, are now com- pleted and in successful operation, and afford every facility for the Docking and Eepair of all classes of STEAM and SAILING VESSELS. THE GRAVING DOCK, Excavated in the solid rock, and finished in the most sub- stantial manner, is of the following dimensions : Extreme length, 450 feet , length on blocks, 416 feet ; width at the top, 120 feet ; depth, 30 feet ; width at entrance, 90 feet. At mean high tide will take in a ship drawing 22 feet without lightening. This Dock is fitted with a Caisson Gate, and is supplied with two powerful Centrifugal Steam Pumps, capable of pumping out the dock in two hours. THE FLOATING DRY DOCK, Will receive vessels of 1500 tons measurement and under. The Dock is 82 feet in width, and 210 feet in length ; is built of the soundest Oregon Pine, thoroughly braced and bolted, and is furnished with all the requisites for Docking a Ship successfully. Vessels taken up at all stages of the tide. The Comi3any feel warranted in stating that " Repairs on Vessels can be made as advantageously in San Francisco in respect to cost of materials and labor as in any other part of the world. For particulars, address JAMES POL.I.OCK, Supt., San Francisco, California, U. S. ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT. JUSD & tirHEiLAN, SHIPWRIGHTS, CAULKERS, — AND — Spar Makers. *♦♦ ItEF-JEI^ TO Shedd & Fan*an ; Major James T. Hoyt. Quartermaster's Department; Lester & Co., Shipping Office ; Simmons, Rowe & Co. Y^ardL—on "Vallejo street. Between Front and Davis, San Feancisco. C. MOSS. D. BEADLE. ooMMieeioM MEnoHANTet 3Se ID.A.'VIS ST]REET, Corner of Washington, San Feancisco. JACKSON'S Pacific St., l>et. IFront and Davis, s-A.3sr m.-A.nsroisco. ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT. No Cure. TO THE PUBLIC. No Pay. Medical and Surgical institute, Established in 1850, by ID IR. J-, C- "^X" O XJ IsT C3-3 (Formerly Professor of the University, Penn.) No. 618 Sacramento st, bet. Montgomery and Kearny, SAX FKAJX CISCO, CA^Tu, Consultation by letter or otherwise, free. Tlie Doctor can be consulted privately, and with the utmost confidence, by the afflicted, at all hours, daily, from 9 a.m. until 8 p.m. 2^^ Cures always guaranteed, or no pay required. iSeirLlna/l "Wealcness. I am aware that by dwelling^upon so uninviting a subject as the decay of manly vigor 'through the loss of the vital principle of life, the ignorant may asperse my motive ; but the desire to point out to those who suffer, languish and de- cay, the true cause of their afflictions is too great an incentive to be forced into abeyance. How extended the terrible disease of Seminal Weakness is, no one but the practical specialist, who devotes his time to its treatment can tell ; but its pres- ence can be detected by the most inexperienced by noting the following symptoms : Weakness of the hack and limbs ; lan- guishing feelings ; loss of muscular power ; nervousness ; irritability ; cold feet and hands, accompanied by hot head ; symptoms of con- sumption ; short breath ; flushings of the face ; aversion in society ; confusion of the mind ; loss of memory; nightly emissions ; colorless^ slight discharges'upon the least excitement ; palpitation of the heart ; irregular appetite; variable temper, etc., etc. To the J^filicted there is hope and certainty of relief and cure. Thousands are annually cured, without hindrance from business or change of diet. The directions are readily followed. Even a man's most intimate companion cannot suspect of his being treated ^^ Persons afflicted living in the interior, can, by stating fully in a letter their symptoms, receive advice and remedies at home. Important to Person* A^fflicted with Venereal. There are no maladies, either in a medical or moral point of view, worse than those arising from the contamination of Veneeeal Poison. None are more terrible in their effects, or more disastrous in their results. MERCUEY will not cure VENEREAL, but dbies on the subface, to allow it to POISON AND DESTEOY THE BLOOD, TO EE-APPEAK IN HIDEOUS MAEKS UPON THE BODY, and in the throat, mouth and nose. Having treated a great number of nautical men, the Doctor fully understands their peculiar requirements, and the medi- cines prescribed do not interfere with their occupation. All letters should be addressed, Dr. BENJ. F. JOSSE- LYN, M. D. 618 Sacramento street, between Montgomery and Kearny, San Francisco. Box 735. I Milling and Scientific Press. PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY. At No. 414 Olay Street, San Prancisco. If you are an Inventor, Patentee, Miner, Farmer, Manufacturer, Mechanic, or a progress- ive Student or Artisan in any Industrial or Pro- ' fessional Calling in the Pacific States or Ter- ritories, you are doing yourself irreparable in- justice, if not already a subscriber and reader of the Mining and Scientific Pkess. It contains hints and information enough to repay the subscription price many times in a single month. Its columns are filled with instructive read- ing in plain, comprehensible and attractive form to minds of ordinary intelligence. It contains 16 pages and 64 columns of the size of Harpers's Weekly, and is the best printed and most valuable paper on the western half of the continent. All claims of patents issued to inventors on this coast are reported. Illustra- tions of new machinery are given each week. Descriptions of new inventions and discoveries throughout the world, are given, with fresh and comprehensive information of scientific devel- opments and mechanical and industrial prog- ress, which cannot be obtained from books, oi readily found gathered in so convenient a form elsewhere. Subscribe now, and you will not regret it. Pllllf A§1I€1. Messrs. Dkwey &Co., Publishers of the MINING AND SCI- ENTIFIC PRESS, the only well established successful Patent Agents west of the Rocky Mountains, give Inventors and Pa- tentees honest and reliable advice, free The Patent Busi- ness in all its legitimate branches is transacted by us intel- ligently and skillfully, in an able and straightforward manner. Patents secured in EVERY COUNTRY IN THE WORLD where Patent Laws exi.st. Being long established, and transactins a large business, our appointments are thorough throughout, safe, prompt and responsible. Con- sultations by letter or otherwise, are kept inviolately se- cret. Circulars containing Illustrated Mechanical Move- ments, and HIMTS AND INFORMATION FOR INVENTORS AND PATENTEES, Sent free. . DEWEY & CO., Patent Agents, Publishers and Engravers, 414 Clay street, below Sansome, San Francisco. u (Mining ana sclemuc Press Office,) ■^ street San ^