O LIBRARY EFFICIENCY TEST ARRANGED BY JULIA A. ROBINSON SFXMETARr IOWA LIBRARY COMMISSION AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION CHICAGO 19 2 c^- LIBRARY EFFICIENCY TEST INTRODUCTION vj^ The test here offered is not intended as a questionnaire for reply and return to the State Library Commissfon, but is suggested as a method by which a library board may be able to examine its library and reach some conclusion as to whether it is paying sufficient dividends upon the investment made 'by the donors of the building and the taxpayers who are supporting it. The value of this test will depend upon the amount of information possessed by the library board on library buildings, library administration and library matters in general, and can be used to best advantage in conferenjce with a librarian conversant with these subjects. Where figures are not called for, it is suggested that a check mark (V) be used for an affirmative answer, a cross ( + ) for a negative and a ( — ) for a question which does not apply, leaving blank those which arc not understood and can perhaps be filled later. The measure of the efficiency of any library must be the measure of its usefulness, all else being plant and machinery and operators contributing to that end. Much of the usefulness of a library cannot be measured in figures but circulation is generally taken as the best method of showing the use of a library. By it the increase or decrease in the books leaving the library can be shown as woll as the per capita of books read by the population of the town. The latter furnishes a means of comparison between libraries, but this comparison is only useful for towns of the same size, as the per capita increases with a decrease in the size of a town. The same is true of the per capita income and the volumes per capita in the book collection. At the end is printed a "Summary" which has been found useful when there was not time for the full test. JULIA A. ROBINSON. LIBRARY EFFICIENCY TEST EFFICIENCY Community Population Nature of Population- Circulation of library: 19 , , 19 Increase Decrease Per capita of population.'. Per book Fiction per cent Comparison with towns in state of same size _ Borrowers : 19 , _ , 19 , Increase When was last re-registration of borrowers made „ Any classes of population not using library Any part of town not covered Reference work: Women's clubs Schools Men — .. General- Increase ~ Decrease ■Children's work: Circulation: 19 , , 19 , Increase Decrease.. Borrowers: 19 , , 19 , Increase Decrease.. Per cent of school children using library School work: Co-operation with teachers School work _ Recreational reading „ School credits for reading from library ;.._^ Instruction in use of library School library _ Owned and operated by school _ _ By library board In co-operation Teachers' privileges in use of library , Story Hour: Timc_ By whom Attendance In library _ - -In schools Miscellaneous subjects Connected _ ....Correlated with school work.. Use of library as a community social center: Use of rooms in library building: Meetings by organizations^ How many Meetings arranged by library ~~.:Tt^"rv%" — Ijjctures _ Musical entertainments „ _ Club meetings „ „ Reading aloud in library Reception to teachers J^or foreigners Exhibits — _ .^ •;-;•; ■~—t: ";— — t Community activities .._ _., •- •— r- Knowledge and standing of the library in the community 4•>ry.;^^^ PLANT, MACHINERY, AND OPERATORS BUILDING No library building: Rented rooms Rooms in city or county building Adequate Satisfactory Prospects for a building Efforts being made to secure When ; Gift of whom Tax Combination with community house Has it been suggested or considered.. Separate building: Date of erection „ Source of building fund : :.... Carnegie Corporation Other donor Tax Planning: Did secretary of the State Library Commission see plans before erection? _ Main floor: Reading room Children's room Undivided Stacks Partitions Librarian's room — Partitions Shelving None Allowing supervision of library Shelving for 'books Closet for supplies Lavatory Clothes hooks Door and lock Vestibule: Size Use „ Stairways to basement: Well placed How maniy Basement: How many entrances Auditorium Furnished By whom Use Store room for books and magazines For janitor .»... Furnace and boiler room r Toilets Open Locked Other rooms Use ^ Ventilation and heat Satisfactory Desirable improvements ^ Furniture : Loan desk Give entire supervision , Card drawers Proper shape and dimensions , Money drawer Lock Work shelf Book space Seat Space for its comfortable use. Defects Can they be remedied Tables and chairs Low table and chairs Enough Too many , Floors: Covered entirely Partially Cork carpet Well laid Well cared for Shelving: Adequate Over 7 feet high Room for expansion _ Too deep Shelves adjustable Wall....„ : Floor stacks Windows: High Low Lock Shades Screens.. How open Storm windows Roof: Leak Repaired Satisfactory Lighting Adequate Indirect Semi-indirect Switches „ „ _ „ Where ,„,:,:::„.,.■,...„,.„„„ One at door f Ventilation: Any provision for - Satisfactory Heat: Kind Satisfactory ^„ Not sufijcient Cause _ Can it be remedied.. Windows admit drafts - Storm windows Equipment : Magazine rack — Make Satisfactory Catalog cabinet: Sufficient for needs _ Provision for expansion Dictionary rack — „, ». _ _ Book display case Bulletin board adult Children.. Newspaper rack Shelf labels, directions, etc Walls: Decoration Fresh Harmonious Needed. Reflect or absorb light- „ - „ '. Miscellaneous : Pictures Source Too many Artistic. Plants and flowers Cared for_ „ Fund for purchase Clock _ _ Telephone: Donated Paid for Use Where located Condition of building and furnishings: Good repair. „ Needing repair Orderly Neat.. Floor clean „ .' How often cleaned By whom Shelyes, tables and chairs dusted By whom Books even and upright on shelves Book supports used Books and magazines in order Windows clean Curtains even Librarian's desk orderly on top and underneath Vestibule and steps swept and clean Glass in doors clean Signs: On building Elsewhere Outside: In summer: Lawn well kept Grass cut _ .^ No weeds Shade trees Shrubbery Vines Flowers.. All well cared for By whom All the year: Walks and steps clean _ _ BOOK COLLECTION Size: Number of volumes Volumes per capita of population Vols, added in 19 , Vols, withdrawn in 19 , Missing „ _ Lost_ _ _ Where ....: „ Worn Vols, rebound 19. , _ _ _ Vols, repaired in library Inventory: When last tdken How often taken Suitability: All useful _ _ _ Large amount of dead wood In beginning: New books.- _ Donations Old or poor editions-- „ „ Out of date Useless titles.. Any classes weak Any classes overbalanced Fiction : Well selected ....Standards in good editioiis „.... Recent fiction- - Better class Large per cent of light weight Non-fiction: Well selected Attractive editions Popular presentations„ Scholarly presentations Authoritative: Accurate All phases _ , Fill needs of community- Public documents: Too many Taking needed space Enough- Reference books: Up-to-date .'. Filling needs Juvenile: Reference Picture Easy Table Restricted What is done about such books Foreign books Called for Condition : Generally good Many badly worn How many should be withdrawn Repaired ' Rebound Replaced _ Continued in circulation Selection: By whom: — Librarian Book committee , Librarian and Book Committee ^ ; Sources: Lists used Is Booklist used Are wants of community consulted How known _ Mistakes often made How remedied- Does library own U. S. Catalogue _._ Subscribe for Cumulative Book I ndex Selections made to suit bookish trustees ^ How is list made up _ ;. Popular copyrights used Care in selection of editions Proportion of fiction Recent fiction Non-fiction Adult books Children's books Use made of the Library Commission: In borrowing books For book lists Advice in book selection Purchase : How often From whom : local dealer Large dealer Other sources Ageat ." Rent collection: No. of volumes Source of fund Does it duplicate general collection — Use Time Periodicals: No. subscribed for No. donated No. bound Binding more than needed for reference work Subscribe for too many women's magazines Men's _ Story Current events Literary , Educational.. Technical Children's Do they circulate Library periodical taken .A.Xf-T-i*-- Read by librarian By trustees Publication of State Library Commission read by librariar, By trustees Preserved Bound Referred to _ Reader's Guide subscribed for Donated Used Newspapers: No. town papers kept How Pamphlets: How cared for How much used LOCAL HISTORY MATERIAL Any collection being made Co-operation with County Historical Society , FINANCES Income: Amount from city tax — Levy Per capita pop Amount from Rural Extension No. oi townships - Levy each. From other sources — Total income _ Increase in 19 „ __ Decrease Why.„ _ „ Has income increased with growth of library work With increase for other city departments _ Does the making of the levy receive the attention of board Are Carnegie conditions met (if Carnegie building) Petty cash- How handled How used Is any fund at librarian's disposal ~ ~ Expenditures: Total for 19 , Balance Large enough to be a menace Budget used Heat: Amount $ ^ Per cent of total Hot water Steam Hot air Stoves- Plant adequate Well run - Costing too much Could it be reduced by change in furnace Could it be reduced by change in building Could it be reduced by change in janitor Light: Amount $ per cent of total Costing too much Could it be reduced by change in fixtures.. Do walls and window shades reflect light or absorb Repairs and improvements: Amount $ -Per cent of total Needed Being made Printing : Amount $ Per cent of total What ..Pay too much „ „.... Supplies : Amount $ _ Per cent of total Enough purchased for needs of library „ _ Insurance: Being kept up - Does ii take into account increase in values Books : Amount $ Per cent of total Using best dealer Getting best prices Does amount expended for books replace loss from wear of circulation Arc rcenforced bindings bought ^. Binding: Amount % Per cent of total Rcbinding books Periodicals By whom done Well done.. Doing enough Too much Periodicals: List too large Use agents Salaries : Total $ Per cent of income How do salaries compare with other libraries of same size .. How do they compare with teachers' salaries in your town Librarian: $ Assistants:. H;^''i(^"^'"^''^" ''' Children's Librarian $ Cataloger $ Reference Librarian $ Branch Librarian $ Assistant $ Assistant $ Assistant $ Assistant $ Janitor $ EXTENSION Outside agencies: Branches Stations School deposits Co-operation on part of school In charge of school people Of library assistants Jl. Rural extension No. of townships Could more be secured.. Has any attempt been made to secure them Would they not add to income of library Would they not extend its usefulness No. of country borrowers Charge Encouraged Use of library by country pupils in town schools Factory work _ ORGANIZATION Loan system : Pockets Book cards lieaders' cards Application cards , Guarantor required :.Why Borrowers' record Form Re-registration: How often Method Dating slips used Blank..., Printed No. of volumes loaned on one card: Fiction * Non-fiction 4... Fines per day Notices sent _ How often Penalty How is fund used Seven-day books Renewed Reserve books: Fiction Non-fiction Telephone Post Card.. Records: Ascession book By whom begun Withdrawal book By whom begun Shelf list By whom begun Kept up Catalog , By whom begun Kept up Library classified according to D. C By whom Ownership stamp: Kind Book labels: Fiction Non-fiction White ink Denison Correspondence receive attention How filed Too much red tape Too little Records kept up.. Has annual report for 19 been sent: To City Council „ _ To Library Commission .„™....L.; Filed in library _. If not, why not Daily report kept by classes Why _ Are Commission report blanks used - Has library had assistance of a Commission organizer Who When Are her services needed again Does library own a typewriter _ Make _ New.. HOURS OF OPENING What week days Hours: Mornings Afternoons Evenings.. Librarian always in charge _ Assistant Could hours be shortened without loss to the community...* Could they be lengthened and increase usefulness of library Sunday Who in charge Holidays Is there any difficulty with discipline PUBLICITY Use of newspapers „ Other printed matter Bulletin boards: Outside.- Inside Display in stores „ Store windows Exhibits Other methods „ Lantern slides, "movies" Signs: Where _ Well placed More needed.. Cards in hotels, etc - _ _ TRUSTEES Number- Interested Informed on library work Visit library frequently „ _ Use library Visit other libraries -Read library literature Attend library meetings: State- District „ Expenses paid to meetings - .i. Organized under By-laws suggested for public libraries Work done by all „ By few By Committees Board meetings held regularly - _ Attendance Attended by librarian Is she expected Librarian secretary of board Reports called for from Committees From librarian Elections held annually Committees appointed annually Part of board in management of library Part of librarian STAFF Librarian: Experience Length of service Preparation : General education High School College Other- Library School training: Regular Library School „ - What _ - Summer School course What „..._;... _ General Information Knowledge of books ; i Reading: Professional Personal _ .*. Comparison with teachers „ _ _ Other previous occupation or preparation- _ _ _ Personality: *~ Pleasing _ Good mixer Meet people well Dignified Desire to serve Cordial High ideals Industrious Energetic Alert Original Forceful Tactful- Disciplinarian Conscientious Progressive Neat Publicity instinct Interested- Systematic Businesslike Health :: Weak points ,. Strong points - Attitude: Toward board - Toward public Toward work Toward assistants Relations to janitor: Harmonious Friction Cause Relations with staff: Harmonious Friction Cause Attention to building: Orderly Disorderly Neat Fart in community life Outside interests Young Middle-aged Married Physical handicaps Employed for ability Because cheap Because available Because needy • Hours of employment Compared with teachers Hours of work outside library hours Other employment ■_ Assistant or substitute available when needed By whom paid Vacation: Length With pay Library meetings: Expenses paid to District , To State Thru whom secured: Library Commission Otherwise Salary Increase since employment Could her equal be secured for the same salary Could she get more elsewhere Assistants: How many.: -. Apprentices- Children's Librarian: Experience Length of service- Preparation General education Library School training Previous occupation or preparation -• Personality • • ; Weak points Strong points Cataloger: Experience Length of service Preparation General education - Library School training _ Previous occupation or preparation Personality ■'• ■•- Weak points Strong points Reference Librarian: Experience Length of service- Preparation _ General education — Library School training Previous occupation or preparation - Personality — - Weak points Strong points Branch Librarian: Experience Length of service- Preparation — General education. - Library School training Previous occupation or preparation - - Personality - Weak points _ Strong points General Assistants: How many _ Experience Length of service- Preparation Book background- Competent Promising Janitor: Competent Officious ~ Willing- Interested Employed for ability Because cheap .. ._. Because needy „ « Paid by library board .LuL—jL.......... By librarian - Duties: Fires Walks ,Sweeping Cleaning- Dusting books Miscellaneous EFFICIENCY OF A LIBRARY Summary Measured by Circulation — generally used as basis, but not conclusive.. Borrowers — all classes and all parts of town covered Reference work ..General.. With schools -Women's Clubs Use of reading room .-. _. _ Children's work : Circulation Borrowers _ School work Story hour- Use of library as community center Community activities „ 1 Affected by 1. Plant — building and equipment Suitability Attractiveness Equipment Location Condition Care 2. Organization and administration Records Charging system Hours of opening Rules and regulations Red tape — too much — too little 3. Book collection Size Selection Suitability Condition Arrangement and display Periodicals and newspaper.? Pamphlets 4. Operators Librarian Efficiency Interest Intelligence and education Standards and ideals Personality Assistants Number Efficiency Interest Personality Salaries sufficient to secure and keep competent p| Managers — Trustees Interest in, and attention to library Information on library matters Conservatism Standards and ideals Attitude toward librarian Financial support Adequate Wisely expended Extension Rural Branches— stations — direct City Branches — stations — school collections Publicity Sign on building Use of newspapers Displays in library and elsewhere Other use of print » Librarian's standing in community