Q QQU) FJIEL© m ^J H OW TO^ REACH - - THERE is but one short, sure, and comfortable way to get into the Cripple Creek district, and that is by the Colorado Midland Rail- way, from Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo, Leadville, Aspen, Salt Lake City, Ogden, Pacific Coast, and any intermediate point east or west The Colorado Midland runs to Florissant, at which point it connects direct with Hundley's Stage Line for Fremont, the center of the mining dis- trict. (A new toll road will be completed in a very short time from Hay den Station, on tho Colorado Midland Railway, ten miles east of Florissant, and stages \/ill start from there when the line is ready.) There are two daily passenger trains each way, with connections at Ogden, from California and North Pacific Coast points, and at Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo, with all lines from the east. In addition, local trains will soon be put on to take care of the intermediate traffic. . The stage ride is but two and one-half hours from the railway, over as good a mountain road as can be found in any part of the country. Coupon tickets, either one way or round trip, are on sale at all ticket offices in Colorado and Utah, direct to the camp. All further information, relative to the district, can be obtained on application to any agent of the Colorado Midland Railway Company, or S. N. NYE, CHAS. S. LEE, Passenger Agent, General Passenger Agent, COLORADO SPRINGS. DENVER, COLO. RIPPLE Creek A <^ At the foot of Pike Descrjptioi^ of i\)c flew Qold District. TI?e I^icl;)cst a9d /ytost Exterjsive ii;) tlpe Wcst> CRIPPLE CREEK, like many tinother spot known to fame and his- tory, received its name from an event of importance. Some years ago :, man attempted to cross the creek; his horse stumbled under him, he was thrown and had his leg broken, and from that time the before nameless stream has been known as "Cripple Creek." The name is neither euphoueous nor beautiful, but it is, at least, distinctive, and has at length secured prominent mention in the world's history, and a promi- nent place on the map of the United States. Whatever the name lacks in grace and beauty, the surroundings make ample compensation for. Beautiful, grand, and impressive, as many of the parks of the Rocky Mountains are, none excel that which holds in its wide embrace the marvelous gold mining district which has been opened to the world within the past few months. It is but a few short years that the fierce Ute Indians roamed the park at will and hunted the buffalo, deer, bear, and birds, then profuse in their abundance. Day after day these painted savages devoured the half-raw fl(*h of the game they slaughtered, and stripped the pine trees for the primitive "bark soup," little dreaming that beneath their feet lay untold millions of native gold. The sun shone as brightly as it does to-day, and looked down with as kindly a glance upon the towering hills and undulating valleys of the beautiful park. The vast solitude was unbroken, save by the Indian and the na- tive beasts and birds, until the more adventurous of the white men dis- covered the rich and bountiful ranges, and began herding cattle in the sheltered valleys. From the arrival of the first white man began the search for the hidden gold, but it is only within a year that the pres- ence of the yellow metal, in large quantities, has been positively d'emon- strated. Repeated trials have been made, during the last twenty years, to find gold in this particular district, but so cunningly had the store- house been concealed that even the most expert miners were deceived. There are thousands \\^o remember the mad rush to Mount Pisgah, in "bound fob the mines — the first coach." April, 1885. It is true, that the supposed rich deposit of gold was deposited there by human hands for speculative purposes; that the great mine in the new El Dorado was *' salted," but there was gold within so short a distance of the place where this piece of knavery was practiced, that it seems almost miraculous the mining district was not located at the time. Many an old prospector has examined the outcroppings, and one was even confident enough to run a tunnel into the hill directly under the spot where one of the richest deposits has since been located, but none succeeded in finding the gold. This may seem strange; but if we take into consideration the fact that the most expert miners have since been " fooled " by the ore of this particular district, the wonder is accounted for. The gold ore was un- like any other, and was deposited in so unusual a manner that no one dreamed of looking at it for gold. In opening one of the mines, ore that ran thousands of dollars to the ton was thrown upon the dump as worthless. In order to explain how difficult it was to convince people that gold really existed in large quantities in the Cripple Creek district, and to give a brief history of its discovery, we append an article from the Rocky Mountain News,ot February 28th: " Away back in the sixties, when Hayden's party i>assed through this region, it came pretty close to discovering this camp. A man named Wood thought he saw promising indications on what is now Requa Creek, and in 1874, he, with Messrs. Requa, McGee, Brown, Coburn and Root, came over and dug a shaft fifteen feet deejf, from which a tunnel was run. Wood was the man with the money, and conceived an idea that the others were not treating him fairly. The property was abandoned. Good mines are now opened on Squaw gulch and Wilson creek, which are on each side of Requa, and the men of 1874 might have done well had they continued operations. After that, prospectors poked around the hills from time to time, and it was a well known fact that colors of gold could be found in almost any stream, but the right man and the right place never came together. " In 1879, one Calkins, working for W. W. Montelius, the Denver music man, went to work on Poverty gulch and ran a tunnel in for some dis- tance. It is there, caved in and dilapidated, and forms an object lesson of fate, because it missed the mineral by about a hair's breadth. The Gold King is so short a distance above it, and to the right, that a stone may be thrown down from one to the other. If Calkins had the favor of fortune, Cripple Creek would have been opened thirteen years ago, and he would have reaped great profit, because he had the place to himself. " The Pisgah excitement was another effort in the right direction, though it missed the mark. Cripple Creek lies east of Mount Pisgah, while the fields that came to nothing were west of it. Many of the dis- appointed men who went out of that country on foot, cursing their luck and the lack of Pullmans, wquld have done better had they turned to the east and investigated. "Robert Womack was the first man to find gold at Cripple Creek, and, unlike the discoverer of Creede, is said to be out of the good things that others found in his footsteps. Near the end of 1890, he found some good-looking stuflf which he carried to Colorado Springs to interest capi- tal. The men with money had the Pisgah boom in mind, and took little Btock in his assertions. He finally induced F. F. Friesbee, Dr. Grannis, and E. De La Vergne to have the ore assayed, and it ran over 200 ounces. They came out to the camp January 24, 1891, and under the guidance of George W. Kerr, an old timer, who still resides at Cripple Creek, prosper- ous and happy, they took samples out of old prospect holes and from the hillsides, which assayed from $6 to $250 They returned and took up the El Dorado, after riding past the hill where the Blue Bell is located, refusing to touch it. The El Dorado is northeast oi the town, close to THE FIRST HOUSE. Cripple Creek and not very far from the Gold King. In partnership with De La Vergne and Frisbee, were J. F. Seldomridge and Judge E. A. Colburn. About the same time, Martin brothers took up claims on Globe Hill, which lies north of Gold Hill. "Just one year ago, yesterday, the Blue Bell was located by M. C. Lankford, W. L. Spell, J. E. Handbury, George W. Carr and J. S. Lentz. The first assay showed $43. Then the f a(5t that there was something in the Cripple Creek district began to be told over the State and prospec- tors began to make their way in rapidly. Colorado Springs, being first on the ground, lost no time in getting on the inside, and the prominent men of that city have large holdings. The belief is abroad in the camp that they would have considerably more were it not for the reports 8 made by Professor Lamb, who was not favorably impressed by the prospects. " During the past summer and fall, ground was taken up rapidly, the value of the placer deposits attracted attention, and nothing but the absence of shipments prevented the great rush which commenced in the early part of December — less than three months ago^when it was learned that ore was coming out and that there was at least some solid backing for all the talk. " The real history of the camp is thus but a matter of days. The next six months will add volumes to it. "Cripple Creek has many odd features besides those under the ground. Snow doesn't lie deep. The last week past the gulches and hills around the town were practically bare. On the east side of the ridge, there was probably three times as much, though only a couple of miles away. Even there it was not deep. At night, fires may be seen flaring up in the distance. There is no occasion to become alarmed. They are merely the bonfires of industrious prospectors, who wush to keep the ground thawed out so they can work next day. "A couple of saloons boast of drawing cards in the form of pictures, which would cause Anthony Comstock to expire on the spot. Of another class, was the artist who constructed a water color effort which is much admired in the headquarters of one of the. assayers. It has the virtuous appearance of a study in whitewash, but it is labeled 'Michael Angels, price $8,000.' . At «the same place, is a queer gnarled rootr mounted with ten-penny nails, which the tenderfoot is solemnl y told is a petrified chicken." The Cripple Creek mining district is practically in the Pike's Peak district, lying in the basin and range of parks between Pike's Peak and Mount Pisgah, ten miles southwest of the former, and three miles south by east from the latter. As the crow would fly (provided there were any), the district is distant from Denver seventy miles; from Colorado Springs twenty miles, and from Pueblo forty-four miles, but so difficult is it to cross the mountains, that the actual distances to be traversed be- tween these places and the district are much greater. The only feasible route is by rail from Denver, Colorado Springs, and Pueblo, via the Colorado Midland Railway to Florissant, and thence by stage to Fremont, the wonderful town of this most wonderful gold district. The mineral belt included in the district is about eight by twelve miles in extent, including township fifteen south, in ranges sixty-nine and seventy west; sections one to six to township sixteen south, and iaii{,'e sixty-nine west, and the same sections in township sixteen south, and range seventy west. This gives a territory of nearly one hundred square miles; and when the snow is off the ground in the out-lying dis- tricts, the boundaries will be extended considerably. The district con- sists of a series of beautiful natural parks, with a mean altitude of 9,500 feet above sea level, sheltered on the east by the Pike's Peak range, and on the west by the Sangro de Christo. So well is it guarded against the cold winds and heavy snows, that it is warmer by fifteen degrees than the Hayden Divide, a thousand feet lower down. The snow does not remain on the ground any length of time, for the warm air of the basin -.r-' -^ — - ^y^'^ijn PIONEER KTOBE. and the bright sunshine soon cause it to disappear. The cattle graze all winter without difficulty, and even in midwinter there are glimpses of green valleys and wooded hillsides.^ The mountains are smooth, rounded and softly outlined, wooded to the top, and springing up from rich, grassy valleys. Mount Pisgah, ten thousand four hundred feet above sea level, stands sentry over the district and looks directly upon the snow -crowned head of Pike's Peak, thirteen miles distant. It would be difficult to conceive of a lovelier and grander spot. The Rocky Mountains, usually rugged and stern looking, are here smoothed over with grassy plains and gently rolling hillsides and valleys. The bare and jagged rocks, so common in the mountain districts, have be- come covered with soil, and trees and grass spring gently over their rugged forms. For untold ages, the wind and water have worn the hills 10 down until they roll with a prairie-like evenness. No landscape gardener could design a more beautiful park than nature has here completed. Notwithstanding its proximity to the larger cities of the State, Cripple Creek's first settlers had no easy time of it. There was scarcely the semblance of a road into the district, and it required two days to haul into the camp a wagon load of supplies, where now double the quantity can be brought in in a few hours. To Mr. Peter Hettic be- longs the distinction of having established the first store in Cripple Creek. The now prosperous and comfortably-situated merchant still " does business at the old stand," and laughs as he tells of his first expe- riences. In May, 1891, he put up a tent and stocked it with goods, and by the 7th of July he had erected and moved into the log store-house he still occupies. At first, there was no money in the camp, and the good old custom of trading supplies for gold was in vogue. Many an ounce of " dust " has gone into the pioneer merchant's hands in exchange for the necessaries of life. The first stock of goods consisted of a barrel of bottled beer, five gallons of unclassified whiskey, five or six pounds of tobacco, crackers, cheese," bacon, and some dried beans. The first order sent to Denver, after the business had been established, amounted to the munificent sum of $25, and was considered a long invoice at that. These pioneers were not so comfortably housed and fed as people might imagine, and their "grub stakes" often consisted of very short commons. Space forbids the detailing of many humorous and pathetic occurrences inci- dent to a mining camp. The first comers had many difficulties to over- come and many privations to contend with; but they " made their stake," and are correspondingly happy. Those coming in now have the comforts and conveniences of the larger places, and the town of Fremont is quite metropolitan in its character. Fremont has had a wonderful growth and bids fair to become a most important town, aside from its distinc- tion as the central point of the greatest gold-mining district of the age. The town has two newspapers, the Crusher^ the pioneer sheet, and the Prospector, established a short time after. A very few weeks more and one of the above papers will appear as a daily. THE BANK OF CRIPPLE CREEK. This is the only bank in the camp. It is a private institution, and has a number of first-class men connected with it. It is in charge of J. M. Parker, a gentleman well fitted to run the business. The bank has ample capital to handle the business of the camp. 11 FREMONT. UPON a series of easy-rolling mounds, shut in and sheltered by min- oral-beariug mountains on the north and east, lies the thriving settlement of Fremont. It is principally located upon the Hayden Placer, taken up in the spring of 1891, which has been extensively worked as a placer claim, yielding rich returns, until, on account of its favorable situation, the encroachments of settlers compelled the locators to plat and dispose of a portion of the ground for town purposes. As new discoveries of mineral were made in the vicinity, miners' cabins were hastily erected, stores were opened, a postoffice established, churches built, until now a city stands marking the enterprise of man, inspired by the prospect of acquiring a share of nature's hidden wealth. The present structures are now becoming quite pretentious, and in spite of the obstacles to bo overcome in getting material into the camp, buildings, for trade and residence, that would be a credit to any city are being erected, overshadowing in their massive proportions the primitive huts that were the homes of the early prospectors. Here is the postoffice; opposite is the Bank of Cripple Creek, the telegraph and express offices. On all sides are stores, carrying immense 12 stocks of merchandise, freely interspersed with hotels, restaurants, and lodging-houses, affording every accommodation for residents and so- journers. Upon this tract, a magnificent hotel, of one hundred and twenty-five rooms, is under way, from whose broad verandas may be seen the sun-kindled peaks of the Sangre de Christo range to the south- west, while within may be found luxuriously-furnished apartments, with such urban features as electric bells, electric lights, open fire-places, and every facility for comfort. From the north, leading into Bison street, comes the new road from Hayden Divide, along which runs the telegraph and telephone wires. Here, too, will be the terminus of the extension of the Bear Creek toll Toad, which will give direct and easy communication with Colorado Springs. Water will be furnished by a pipe-line, carrying the pure water of Beaver Creek through the streets of the Hayden Placer, thus meeting what has heretofore been the great want of the camp. The Hayden Placer Company still have lots for sale, at reasonable rates, in their rich and beautiful tract, where all these improvements are located; out of which, in the intervals of other occupations, the thrifty purchaser may wash out the glittering, golden nuggets that abound in the soil. The Company have reserved a large portion of the tract, not yet en- croached upon by buildings, for placer work, which they propose to conduct on a large scale. For further particulars and prices, address J. M. Parker, at Fremont, or the oflBcers of the Company, at Colorado Springs, as follows: F. W. Howbert, President; H. C. McCreery, Vice President; S. H. Kinsley, Secretary; and J. C. Plumb, Treasurer. Report of Prof. Geo. H. Stone upon The Hayden Placer. THE geological structure of the region in question is as follows: This placer is situated in the midst of a volcanic region, containing numerous cones, ridges, and dikes of volcanic origin. The central mass of the cones consists of lava, but the flanks of the cones and ridges are covered with a considerable thickness of volcanic conglomerate, or tufa, composed of the mixed blocks, stones, cinders and dust blown out of the crarters, and which, falling on the lower slopes of the mountains, were subsequently more or less cemented or consolidated into rock. The 13 tufa has often weathered into a loose mass of no longer cemented gravel, and thus erodes easily. The result is, that the valleys and gulches of the region contain deep sheets of volcanic gravel — i. e., fragments of disintegrated tufa, mixed with more or less wash from the higher lava masses, or the bodies of granite which here and there protrude through the volcanic rock. Beneath the drifted or washed gravel is usually found, at a depth of ten to forty feet, remains of the original sheet of volcanic tufa. This forms a more or less continuous sheet, and, technically, may be considered as fragmental rock in place. It is rather easily du^;:. and practically forms the bed-rock of the placer mines, since the gold settled down through the more porous surface wash, and is most abundant on the top, or in the upper layers of the tufa. The tract in question is thus cleatly shown to have the proper structure of placers. Several trenches and shafts have been dug on the property. I have panned gravel in all of these workings, and always found colors and black sand, and the richer layera gave thirty to seventy -five colors of granular gold per pan. The ground is undoubtedly placer. The elevation of the place is about 9,300 feet, which is above the elevation of general agriculture. The land comprised in this location is too uneven, and the gulches too narrow, to enable the land to be easily 14 or profitably irrigated. The local supply of water is inadequate for irrigation, and the land is not worth bringing in irrigation water for from abroad. Practically, the land is valuable only for grazing and for placers. It is highly probable the pannings at the various workings fairly represent the ground. If this be so, the land is much more useful for its mineral than as grazing land. In my opinion it is so. (Signed) George H. Stone. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 19th day of February, 1892. [seal] Ira Harris, N. P. The Cripple Creek Consolidated Mining Co. Of Colorado Springs, was among the first companies to organize for the purpose of assisting in the development of the new and promising gold fields of Cripple Creek. The Company is made up of some of the most careful and conservative business men of Colorado Springs, who can command sufficient capital to carry out any legitimate enterprise they may engage in. This Company now owns and controls a large number of the most desirable mining properties in the district, on which thorough development work is being pushed. This Company is capitalized for $2,000,000. Two million shares, par value $1. Stock not assessable. A limited number of the shares of the stock of this Company, just placed on sale at ten cents per share, is being rapidly absorbed. The Directors of the Company are: Jos. P. Humphrey, President, John G. Shields, Vice President; F. W. Howbert, Second Vice President; H. S. Ervay, Treasurer; George Macklin, Secretary; Louis R. Ehrich, J. L. Marston, D. I. Christopher, H.C. McCreery. Principal office of the Company is at 112 Pike's Peak avenue, Colorado Springs, Colo. L. E. DWINELL & CO. The above firm are real estate, loan, and insurance agents, and notary public; also, agents for real estate, consisting of choice improved and unimproved property, vacant lots, selected acreage, garden tracts, cultivated farms, and fine irrigated ranches; also, loan money on good Becurity, and write insurance in reliable companies, at low rates. Min- ing stocks bought and sold. Address, Room 11, Bank Building, Colo- o-ado Springs. HUNDLEY'S STAGE LINE. HUNDLEY'S STAGE LINE of mountain climbers and original Con- cord coaches carries the passenger from Florissant, on his arrival there, to the mining camp, twenty miles away. This is the official line of the Midland, and owned by one of the Company, who originated and planned the beautiful carriage drive, now so famous, to the summit of old colossal Pike's Peak. The drive to the camp passes through some of the most pleasant valleys, skirting mountains that rise to far-reaching heights, and down gentle slopes, along which the coaches swiftly roll behind a team of •ix well-trained horses, urged by drivers of rare cour- age and experience. April first will see this popular stage line on the new toll road, which leaves the Midland at Hayden's Divide, thus mak- ing the shortest line to Fremont by fifteen miles, and reducing the time about one hour and thirty minutes, which will then seem to the traveler as a pleasant trip, capped by a beautiful mountain drive, most of the way in full view of famous "Pike's Peak." In purchasing tickets, ask for through tickets by the Midland Railroad and Hundlej^ Stage Line, thus securing a seat and avoiding the rush on the arrival of the train. Genuine Mine Interests, Cheap. T. B. Pyles, editor of the Beacon, at Florissant, Colorado, one of the first prospectors in the camp, has extensive interests; and instead of stocking his mines, offers half, quarter, or smaller interests, for sale at a small advance over first cost. The Beacon lode, a 150-foot vein of $25 ore, is one of his. All will be developed to pay-dirt. Mr. Pyles offers a good opportunity to all who wish to obtain real interests at low figures. THE ^E^Y CLARENDON HOTEL. THE present proprietors of the Continental Hotel have in the course of construction, and will soon occupy, the big, new hotel, which will be known as the Clarendon. Mr. Wolfe, the genial host of the Con- tinental, will be in charge, and will make his guests more comfortable than ever. The new building will be three steries, fronting 100 feet west by 125 feet south, and 125 feet deep. The location is the most beautiful and advantageous in Fremont, and will contain 125 rooms, with parlors, bar and billiard rooms, large reception rooms, three private offices, bath rooms, barber shop, telegraph office, express office, and stage line offices — all stages arriving and departing from the Clarendon. The building will be furnished throughout with Brussels and Moquette carpets, and the furniture will be elegantly finished and of latest de- signs. The ladies' parlor will contain a grand piano, of the latest make. The entire building will be supplied with hand fire-grenades, electric onunciators, bells, and everything that can lend to comfort, convenience and safety. The furniture will be supplied by the De La Vergno Fur- niture Company, and will be of the latest and most elegant design. The dining room will seat one hundred guests. There will be three stores in the building, to be used by the mining men for ore and milling offices and ore sample rooms. Everything will be as complete as money can make or brains suggest, the location will be convenient for those who wish to inspect the mines, the scenery is grand and picturesque, the air very invigorating, and Mr. Wolfe's guests will receive the best of everything, including the very best care this well-known and univer- sally admired host can bestow. The Clarendon will be open for business about April 20, and in the meantime the Continental is at the old place. 18 Cripple Creek Toll Road, Land and Improvement Company. THE new toll road, running between Hayden's Divide and Fremont, which will be completed April first, will be known as the Cripple Creek Toll Road, constructed by the above-named Company, of which the Directors are well known, and the most substantial business men in this section of this country. They are: John A. Himebaugh, J. E. Davidson, William Lennox, R. Clough, and W. Rowell, of whom R. Clough is President; John A. Himebaugh, Vice President and Treasurer; W. Rowell, Secretary, and J. E. Davidson, General Manager. The road, as completed, leaves Hayden's Divide, the nearest railroad station on the Colorado Midland, to the now -famous gold mines of Cripple Creek, as it is popularly known, at an altitude of 9,000 feet, and, skirting the foot- hills of Pike's Peak, it passes along an easy grade, over a fine road-bed, of an estimated cost of $10,000, through scenery not surpassed by any other in America; winding along under overhanging mountains, crossing Four Mile Creek some seven miles from Hayden, probably one of the most beautiful points along the drive. When completed, the stages, in connection with the Colorado Midland Railroad suburban trains from Denver, Pueblo, Colorado Springs, and intermediate points, will carry the passenger the round trip to the camp in one day, giving the visitor four hours among the many mines, reducing the distance fifteen miles, and lessening the time two hours each way. KISSEL & OTIS. One of the leading real estate firms of Colorado is Messrs. Kissel & Otis, office 104 Pike's Peak avenue, Colorado Springs. They are heavy dealers in real estate, representing a number of eastern capitalists; also, do a large business in placing loans and investments for their numerous correspondents. In addition, they are general agents for the purchase and sale of all the best mining stocks of the Cripple Creek mining companies. .-.._-,^ The De La Yergne Furniture Co. The De La Vergne Furniture Company are the only furniture deal- ers in Cripple Creek. They carry a large and well selected stock, being a branch of their large wholesale and retail establishment in Colorado Springs. The store is under the management of J. F. Hardy. 20 The Virginia M. Consolidated Mining Co. IT is now nearly forty years since "To Pike's Peak or Bust" was dis- played on the wagon covers of the hardy pioneers en route to the Colorado gold fields, and yet, remarkable as it may seem, the actual dis- covery of gold, in large quantities, in the gulches and foot-hills of Pike's Peak is now for the first time being realized. Mining, at its best, is more or less chance and opportunity. The elements of chance and opportunity are the preponderating features in the newly-discovered gold fields of Cpipple Creek, and the Virginia M. Consolidated Mining Company was incorporated with a view to reaping a golden harvest from both. The Company now owns, controls, and are actively engaged in developing several of the most promising properties in the new field. Among these, are the Virginia M. lode, the Midland lode, the Lincoln lode, the Road placer, of twenty acres. On these claims, but little work has yet been done; but enough is "in sight" to justify the highest hopes of the directory. In an illustrated article on the Cripple Creek gold camp, the Denver Rocky Mountain Neivs,ot Sunday, February 28, 1892, contains the fol- lowing: " The Virginia M. Consolidated Mining Company became incorpo- rated by the filing of articles with the Secretary of State, February 20, 1892, by Messrs. E. W. Sells, D. M. Sells, and H. A. Dunn. The Board of Directors, for the first year, consists of the following gentlemen: B. H. Bryant, President; S. N. Nye, Vice President; E. W. Sells, Treasurer; 21 D. M. Sells, Secretary; William A. Welch, Manager;- H. Collbran, H. A. Dunn. The first act of the corporation was to purchase the Vir- ginia M. lode, located on the south slope of Mineral Hill, and the Road placer, located along and across the gulch between Mineral and Tender- foot Hills. "The purchase of the Lincoln lode, located in Squaw Gulch, was consummated immediately afterwards, at what is understood to be one of the highest prices paid outright for any one claim in the district. " The Company also holds a bond for six months on the Midland, located on the south slope of Rhyolite Mountain. "It is probable that more development work will be required on the Virginia M. and Midland lodes to reach the contact of the granite and porphyry, on account of a greater depth of wash than was the case on the Lincoln lode, on account of nature having left thereon but a short distance between the surface and the granite-porphyry contact. "However, before purchasing the Virginia M. and Midland lodes, the Company secured an opinion, from one of the most noted geologists of the country, upon these two claims, and he pronounced them as among the best in the Cripple Creek district, and as certain of carrying the granite-porphyry contact, between which the true veins of this district are to be found. Mention should also be made of the fact that on both of these claims the Company's expert found chimneys, or blow-outs, of vein matter." On the same date, in the same paper, in an article giving a general description of the active Cripple Creek camp, the following paragraph appears: "In the little gulch between the Blue Bell Hill and Gold Hill there are several prospects, among which is the Lincoln, owned by the Virginia M. Company. It has shown assays of $28 to S40 gold.'' The President o! the Virginia M. Company is Mr. Bryant, the Chief Engineer of the Colorado Midland Railway. The directory includes Mr. Collbran, the General Manager, and Mr. Sells, Auditor of the Midland Railway Company. The fact that the Virginia M. Company is under the control of these careful, competent, and successful railway officials, is a sufficient guarantee that the affairs of the Company will be conserva- tively and economically managed. A limited number of shares of stock will be placed upon the market for further development work and the purchase of machinery. For full information concerning our prospects, address D. M. Sells, Secretary, No. Ill Hagerman Block, Colorado Springs, Colo. 22 The Buena Vista Mining Company. THE Buena Vista mine is situated on Bull Mountain, west of Grassy Gulch. It was discovered in July, 1891, by Mr. Dougherty, pros- pector, who had recently started in the new camp. He found a small vein two or three inches in the porphyry. Sinking on this, it opened up, until at twelve or fifteen feet he had a vein of from four to five inches in width. The value of the vein matter was sufficient to warrant further development. Dougherty, not having sufficient funds to develop the property, took in as partners Steven Blair and William Steele, giving them a half interest for sinking the shaft to a depth of thirty-five feet. When the shaft had been sunk to this depth, Messrs. Pourtales and Parrish, who were looking over the camp for investment, arrived at the Buena Vista, and were particularly pleased with the appearance of things. Mr. Parrish had had a large experience in mining, and thought the chances for a good mine were here. However, to make assurance doubly sure, the services of Mr. Newberry, of Aspen, were engaged, and, in company with Messrs. Pourtales and Parrish, he made a trip to the camp, and examined the Buena Vista. His opinion coincided so thor- oughly with Mr. Parrish's as to the value of the property that a bond and lease were at once made, and a contract let to sink the shaft to a depth of seventy-five feet. The result of this forty feet of sinking was the shipment of a car-load, of eigteen tons, of ore to the Omaha and 23 Grant Smelting and Refining Company, in Denver. The first real mill run from the property gave a net return of over $120 per ton. A few more feet were sunk on the shaft, when levels were started north and south, developing a large vein of ore, averaging over $100 per ton. The levels are about fifty feet in length. The shaft is being sunk, and at this time has reached a depth of 130 feet. At the bottom of the shaft the vein is three feet wide, and gives an average assay of about $100 per ton. Assorted samples from the vein have given as high as $500, The net result of this dead work, including the sinking of the first forty feet of the shaft in the bond and lease, has been a surplus of about $2,000 over and above the expenses of development. The fissure is filled with quartz, and is from two to three feet in width. It has been steadily increasing in size, since the shaft was thirty-five feet deep. The country rock is porphyry, which is impreg- nated with value chiefly in the seams. The country rock from the shaft and levels has an average value of over $25 per ton, while assorted sam- ples have run as high as $800 to the ton. The value in the vein consists of about sixty per cent, of free gold, the balance being divided between telluride of gold and iron pyrites. The Company is stocked for $70,000, and most of the stock is owned by Messrs. Pourtales and Parrish. The work is being carried on under the general management of Mr. Parrish, with Mr. T. P. McDonald as local Superintendent. The First National Bank of Colorado Springs. There is no more exact measure of the solid prosperity and advance of any city than that which is furnished by the growth and stability of its banking institutions. The First National Bank of Colorado Springs^ occuping spacious and handsome quarters in the new Bank Block, has fully kept pace with the city's rapid and substantial growth, and may now be justly classed among the foremost financial institutions of the State. We quote the following suggestive figures from its statement of March 1st, 1892: Capital, $100,000; surplus, and undivided profits, $125,152.64; deposits, $912,481.56; total resources, $1,162,316.37. The oflBcers of the First National Bank are: J. J. Hagerman, President; J. A. Hayes, Cashier; A. Sutton, Assistant Cashier. The Board of Directors is composed of the following: J. J. Hagerman, Louis R. Ehrich, Irving Howbert, B. F. Crowell, E. J. Eaton, and J. A. Hayes. The Calumet Mining and Milling Co, THE " Morning Star " and " Burns " lodes were located in August, 1891, by Patrick Burns, an old and well-known prospector. Later on, Mr. John J. Mullin, the present manager, bought a half interest in the mines, and they were then worked by the firm of Mullin & Bro. In January, 1892, the Calumet Mining and Milling Company was organized, and pur- chased the properties from the firm. The officers of the Company are: President, Major John Hulbert, a well-known mining man, and Presi- dent of the Pike's Peak Cog Road; Vice President, Mr. W. Putnam Page, a well-known business man of Boston, Massachusetts; Secretary and Treasurer, Mr. Robt. D. Weir, senior member of Weir & Rupp, Mani- tou; and Manager, Mr. John. J. Mullin, one of the earliest to come into the camp, and a man of well-known business capacity, energy, and fit- ness. The capital stock of the Company is 8700,000, fully paid, and the shares are non -assessable. Of this amount, 8300,000 constitute the treasury stock. The object of this Company is to operate the mines of the Calumet Mining and Milling Company, in the Cripple Creek mining district. Their property consists of the Morning Star and the Burns lodes, situate and described as follows: The Morning Star is on the east slope of Bull Mountain, and is the extension of the famous Buena Vista mine, which was surveyed along the vein which runs through the Morn- ing Star. Depth of fifty feet, and ore will soon be shipped. The Burns lode is nearer the top of Bull Mountain, and lies joining the Pharmacist lode on the east. For full information, address RoBT. D. Weir, Secretary^ Manitou, Colo. Graham & Spraguc, Mining Stock Brokers. One of the leading firms in the mining business is Graham & Sprague. They only commenced business on March 1st, l?ut in the first two weeks sold over 150,000 shares of stock. They are both reliable business men, and are thoroughly acquainted in Colorado Springs and Cripple Creek. Mr. R. H. Graham, the senior member of the firm, was for some time advertising manager of the Daily Gazette and was formerly connected with Chicago and Denver dailies. Mr. J. A. Sprague was for a good many years cashier of the Gazette Printing Company of this city. They are the official brokers for the following companies: Big Pocket, Myrtle, Star of the West, Equitable, Jeff Davis, and Mount Rosa. They also buy and sell all other stocks on commission. Persons desiring any information in regard to mines or stocks would do well to correspond with them. They have stocks of all the principal companies of Cripple Creek and Aspen, and also, several valuable interests in mining proper- ties for sale. Their office is located at 112 Pike's Peak Avenue, Colorado Springs, Colo. CRIPPLE CREEK PROSPECTS. EDITORIAL FROM COLORADO SPRINGS GAZETTE OF MARCH 20, 1802. THERE can be no doubt whatever, that at the present time there are thousands of people in the Eastern States who are watching with eager eyes the developments in the Colorado mines, and as soon as the warm weather comes these capitalists and laborers will go in throngs to the mining camps which offer the best prospects for wealth. The fact that some of the camps have been overdone is both an advantage and a detriment to Cripple Creek. It is a detriment because it shows how possible it is to make a great deal of smoke from little flame, to get a reputation on the product of a single noiine, and to draw immense crowds 26 on very slender foundation. It is an advantage, because it has removed from Cripple Creek some of its strongest rivals to public attention and popular favor. For the next few weeks Cripple Creek will be the center of attraction. It will receive more attention than any other new camp, more than most old ones. It will be most carefully scrutinized, it will be criticised, it will be extravagantly praised, and bitterly blamed. At the end of two or three months the leaders of public opinion will have made up their -==- :_^ — minds about the new mines, and as that opinion is bound to be distinctly favorable, there will follow the greatest rush to the mines that has ever been known in the history of the State, the early days of Leadville not excepted. The next few weeks will be the period of examination, after that will come the marvelous growth. For this period of scrutiny, Cripple Creek is now in good condition. The thing that makes a mining district is the mines. It does not make any difference how many people there are at Fremont, or what town lots are worth there or at Lawrence, or even what mining stocks are worth in Colorado Springs. The thing that counts is the mines and the ore that is being taken out of them. 27 During the paf5t week a repreBentative of the Gazette was in the district. His report consists not of his own opinions, but of facts, things which he saw, and the opinions of some of the best mining experts in the country. He visited every accessible mine in the district. Nearly every one of them is working two or three shifts of men. That is the best fact that has been recorded about Cripple Creek. Another fact is, that every man who wishes to work can find employment. Wages have risen, and there are no idle men in Fremont, except those who are idle from choice. FANNING tiQluli. A most significant fact is that the tunnels and shafts are being perma- nently timbered. There is evidence that the owners of the mines are nt)t only satisfied that they have ore, and are willing to put up the money to prove it, but they also expect to keep on taking out ore for a long time to come, and are making arrangements for it now. In short, at the time when it can most readily draw the attention of the State and of the whole country, Cripple Creek finds itself not at the end of a wave of prosperity, but at its beginning; not with an over- infiated real estate boom dragging it down, but with the mining inter- est far in the ascendant; with more people going in than are coming out; with a winter well past, and a summer well begun; with a propor- tion between honest, hard work and speculation that is remarkable for a new camp, and would not discredit any of any age. 28 THE PIKE'S PEAK ROUTE. TO THE traveler within the State, or the tourist en route from ocean to ocean, there is no trip so delightful and satisfactory as that from (Colorado Springs to Grand Junction or Salt Lake City, over the Pike's Peak Route. Not only does the Pike's Peak Route disclose the wonder- ful beauties of the mountain ranges en masse, but by its bold course into the very heart of the giant ranges, it discloses, in details of marvelous beauty, boldness and grandeur, the whole tremendous fabric of "the great back-bone of the earth." The Pike's Peak Route crosses the three great ranges of the Rocky Mountains in Colorado, climbs as many lofty passes, tra- verses three canons, which are peculiarly typical of the wild and rugged, the mild and beau- tiful, and the awful and sublime, in the mountain scenery, follows the beautiful valleys of two of the greatest rivers of Colorado, crosses one of the three greatest parks lying within the Rocky Mountain chain, passes through the leading summer resorts of the State, touches the two great- est mining camps of the world, and all the way over a solid and magnificent road-bed, on a line which for railway engineering is the wonder of the world. The Colorado Midland Railway is the standard-gauge road crossing the Rocky Mountains in Colorado. From Denver it runs directly west through Colorado Springs, an all-the-year-round health resort; a clean, pleasant, beautiful town, with all the conveniences and luxuries of a metropolitan city; to Manitou, the famous, the romantic, the beautiful, with its innumerable novelties and attractions, and its world-famous min- eral waters — one of the finest summer and winter resorts in the world. 20 Then come Cascade Canon, nestling in a picturesque spot at the base of Pike's Peak; Ute Park, in the center of the famous Ute Pass, over- looking a lovely valley, hemmed in by lofty mountains; Green Mountain Falls, a cosmopolitan resort, which became famous in a season, and whose fame is rapidly spreading from day to day; Woodland Park, at the head of the Ute Pass, with a view of Pike's Peak, which once seen is never forgotten; and then Manitou Park, to complete the list of re- sorts in Ute Pass, one of the most beautiful parks in all Colorado. A coach and four convey the traveler from the station to the park, seven miles distant. From Ute Pass the road extends west over the Hayden Divide, down to and through Granite Canon, across South Park, over Trout Creek Pass, and down to Buena Vista, in the Arkansas Valley, and thence to Leadville. The route from Leadville west is over the Saguache Range, or Continental Divide, passing through the Hagerman Tunnel at an alti- tude of 11,528 feet — the highest operating railroad in the United States. From the summit of the Snowy Range the road passes down the Pacific Slope, circling Hell Gate, passing through the Red Rock Canon to the Roaring Fork of the Grand River and Glenwood Springs. 30 COLORADO SPRINGS. THE discovery and development of the Cripple Creek gold nelds must, of necessity, have an important bearing on the growth and pros- perity of Colorado Springs, the principal city of the Pike's Peak region, and distant but fifteen miles, in an air line, from the new El Dorado. This city, founded about twenty years ago, is situated seventy -five miles south of Denver, at the foot of Pike's Peak, and at the entrance to Ute Pass, and in the midst of the most famous scenery of the Rocky Mountain region. It has grown to a city of 13,000 inhabitants, chiefly through its increasing fame as a health resort and charming residence city; though of late years, and principally since the building of the Colorado Midland Railway, in 1886, it has attained considerable import- ance as a commercial center. Its unrivalled climate and magnificent scenery — which may be said, without exaggeration, to have become world-famous — annually bring to Colorado Springs thousands of health and pleasure seekers. Because of its altitude of 6.000 feet above the sea, and its far inland location, Colorado Springs possesses a climate which, the year round, has no superior upon the globe. This climate is characterized by a light, dry and tonic atmosphere, warm winters and cool summers, and by an abundance of sunshine and a preponderance of clear weather. For many forms of chronic disease it has been found to be a specific. Asthmatics are almost invariably relieved; consumption, in its earlier stages, is arrested and cured, and amelioration afforded at all stages; the weak and debilitated are built up, and the long train of evils brought on by over- work is banished. Tens of thousands owe their lives to the fact that they availed themselves in season of the wonderful curative prop- erties of the Colorado climate. No less wonderful than its climate are the scenic surroundings of Colorado Springs. Within a radius of five or six miles, are such world- famous scenic features as the Garden of the Gods, Manitou Springs, the Cheyenne Canons, Glen Eyrie, Monument Park, Blair Athol, and a dozen others, all within easy riding or driving distance, over the finest of natural roads — Manitou and the Cheyenne Canons being likewise accessible by electric railway. The ascent of Pike's Peak, however, which towers over 8,000 feet above the plain on which Colorado Springs stands, has for many visitors the supreme interest. This ascent may be accomplished by pony or burro over one of the several trails; or behind a four-in-hand, over the Cascade wagon road; or in one of the handsome 31 observation cars of the newly-completed cog railway. But however the ascent is accomplished, it is sure to be crowded with experiences never to be forgotten. Not only is Colorado Springs thus highly favored in location and environment, but is itself a most beautiful and attractive city, with a notably intelligent and progressive population, who enjoy all the com- forts and conveniences, and a large share of the pleasures and advan- tages which attach to modern city life. Its broad avenues, bordered with trees, are lined with beautiful and costly residences. It is amply provided with hotels of the several classes, and with large numbers of boarding houses and rentable cottages and villas. It has twenty-five miles of finely equipped electric railway, is lighted by electricity, is sup- plied with the purest of water from the base of Pike's Peak, and has a complete sewerage system. It is the seat of the State Mute and Blind Institute, of the Childs-Drexel Home for Union Printers, and of Colo- rado College, which is taking high rank among the educational institu- tions of the land. It has three banks; numerous church edifices; its public schools are excelled by none; it has a beautiful opera house, seating 850; flourishing clubs, and the Broadmoor Casino, which ranks with similar establishments found at the French, German and Italian spas. Six lines of railway center in Colorado Springs, giving it a posi- tion upon two of the most popular of the great transcontinental lines, and connecting it directly with all points north, south and east, and with all the mining camps and great scenic features of the westward- lying mountains. Visitors to the Cripple Creek gold fields are advised to stop over at Colorado Springs, where the family can be delightfully domiciled at one of the numerous hotels or boarding houses, and enjoy the pleasures of this famous resort while the rougher trip to the mines is being under- taken. For combining business with pleasure during this summer's outing, we can suggest no more delightful and attractive arrangement. From Colorado Springs to the mines is but a few hours' journey, via the Colorado Midland Railway, enabling one to go in the morning and re- turn, if desired, the same evening, after spending several hours at the camp. The Gazette Printing Co., Colorado Sprin,--. Colo,