UC-NRLF THE LAW AND REGULATIONS 9 OF CANADA RESPECTING IMMIGRATION AND IMMIGRANTS R3ITV J Issued by the Superintendent of Imrnigration, Otta\va, from whom further copies may be had free on application 18, 1911. EXCHANGE THE LAW AND REGULATIONS OE CANADA RESPECTING IMMIGRATION AND IMMIGRANTS Issued by the Superintendent of Immigration, Otta\v, from whom farther copies may be had free on application April 18, 1911. INDEX. PAGE. "Alien" defined 8 Act, Immigration, what it includes 10 Actors 9 " Adult " defined 31 Appointment of officers 12 Asiatics 45 Appeal 14, 36, 39 Assistance, temporary, in emergency 12 Beggars 11 Bills of health 16 Boards of Inquiry 13, 1 5 Appeals from 14, 1 5 Powers of exercised by officer in charge 15 Boarding houses 33, 46 Boundary inspection 17 " Canadian Citizen " defined 8 Charity immigrants 11 Chinese 36 Commissioners of Immigration, how appointed 12 Complaints -. . . . 21 Constables, duties of under the Act 13 Continuous journey 21, 45 Contract with passenger, breach of 29 Convictions not to be quashed 35 Courts, jurisdiction of restricted 15 Crew, not to be discharged without examination 28 Deserters from to be reported 28 Criminals 11 Customs officers, immigration officers, ex-officio .' 12 Deceased passengers, property of 26 Defectives, mental and physical 11 Definitions : 7 Deportation 10, 18, 21, 22, 23, 24, 38, 40, 41 Form of evidence for 46, 47 Detention buildings 17 Diplomatic and consular officers 8 Diseased persons 11 Treatment of 43 " Domicile " defined 7 Domicile, how acquired 7 Domicile, how lost 8 Doubtful cases 17, 18 Duties of officers 12 Eluding examination 18 Employees, temporary, in emergency 12 3 343011 PAGE. Employment agencies 32 Escapes to be reported 25 Examination of passengers 17, 42 Expenses of administration 36 False reports, publication of 29 "Family" denned 9 Family, head of 9 Female immigrants, intercourse of crew with, prohibited 30 Forcible entry 18 Foreign laws 29 Forms 34 Free landing of passengers 31 "Head of family, " deportation of 23 "Immigrant" denned Immigrant station 10 Immigration Act, what it includes 10 Immigration officers, how appointed 12 Interference 18 Intoxicating liquors, sale of to steerage passengers 31 "Land," "landed," "landing" 10, 20 Land, passengers by 16 Land, permission to 17 Landing places 15, 31 Landing of passengers 17, 31 Liability of companies carrying 24 Manifests, provisions regarding 26, 27 "Master" '. 10 Medical treatment 19, 20 Mentally defective 11 Military Misrepresentation, entry by Monetary requirements 20, 43 Non-compliers with regulations 21 "Non-immigrant classes, " defined 8 Notices 34 "Officer" denned "Officer in charge" defined Officers, duties and powers of 12 Officers in and out ef Canada 12 Orders in Council- Money qualifications 43 Passports and penal certificates 44 Asiatics 45 " Continuous journey" 45 Examination buildings 48 Orders to leave Canada 23, 39 "Owner" denned ; 10 "Passenger" defined 9 Passengers, proportion of to size of ship 30 Penal certificates.. 44 PAGE, Penalty, general 36 Permits, holders of 9,11 Pilots, obligations of 26, 28 Pimps 11 Police, duties of under this Act 13 Police, right of to enter immigrant station: 13 Port of entry 10 Prefatory Note 6 Prisoners 23 Procurers 11 Professional persons 9 Prohibited classes 10 Penalty for landing 18 Prosecutions 34 Prostitutes 11 Questions to be answered 17 "Rejected. " ;; ; ! 9 Duties of companies with regard to rejected immigrants 24, 25 Rejected or deported immigrant re-entering 23 Regulations, general 36 Release under bond 19 Repeal 36 Right to remain on board 31 Rules 34 "Runners" 32 Schedule 37 Shelter for immigrants 31 Ship 9 Short title ' 7 Sick, admission of, for treatment 19 Stealth, entry by 18 Stowaways 9, 28 Students 8 Superintendent of Immigration, how appointed 12 Temporary assistance may be employed 12 Tourists 8 Penalty 19 Trains, detention of 17 Transportation Company denned 10 Transportation companies 24 Obligations of in cases of rejection T.nd deportation. . . 21, 24, 25, 26 Uniforms 34 Vagrants 11 Vessels, obligations of masters of 26 Wrongful entry 18 PREFATORY NOTE. This pamphlet is issued in order that magistrates, clerks of municipal- ities and the public generally may be informed of the Provisions of the Im- migration Act. The Orders in Council and Instructions issued under the Act will be found towards the end, as well as directions for bringing about the deportation of " undesirables." Further copies of this pamphlet may be had free of charge on appli- cation to the Superintendent of Immigration, Ottawa. An Act respecting Immigration. [Assented to 4th May, 1910.] AND An Act to amend the Act respecting Immigration. [Assented to April 4th, 1911.] (Consolidated.) HIS Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows : SHORT TITLE. 1. This Act may be cited as The Immigration Act. short title. INTERPRETATION. 2. In this Act, and in all orders in council, proclamations Definitions, and regulations made thereunder, unless the context other- wise requires, (a) "Minister" means the Minister of the Interior; "Mister." (6) "officer " means any person appointed under this Act, "Officer." for any of the purposes of this Act, and any officer of cus- toms; and includes the Superintendent of Immigration, immigration commissioners and inspectors and every person recognized by the Minister as an immigration agent or officer with reference to anything done or to be done under this Act, whether within or outside of Canada, and whether with or without formal appointment; (c) "immigration officer in charge" or "officer in charge" "Officer in means the immigration officer, or medical officer, or other charge - ' person in immediate charge or control at a port of entry for the purposes of this Act; (d) "domicile " means the place in which a person has his "Domicile" present home, or hi which he resides, or to which he returns d( as his place of present permanent abode and not for a mere special or temporary purpose. (i) Canadian domicile can only be acquired, for the ^^ n purposes of this Act, by a person having his domicile for hCw lcl e> at least three years in Canada after having been landed ac q uircd - therein within the meaning of this Act, except in the case of a person who entered Canada before the passing of this Act, and in such case Canadian domicile can 8 Jow lost Alien." "Canadian citizen." Proviso. "Immi- grant." "Non-immi- grant classes." Canadian citizens. Domiciled residents. Diplomatic representa- tives. Military. Tourists. Students. only be acquired by such person having his domicile in Canada for at least two years immediately following such entry into Canada: Provided that the time spent by a person in any penitentiary, gaol, reformatory, prison or asylum for the insane in Canada shall not be counted in the period of residence in Canada which is necessary in order to acquire Canadian domicile, (ii) Canadian domicile is lost, for the purposes of this Act, by a person voluntarily residing out of Canada not for a mere special or temporary purpose but with the pre- sent intention of making his permanent home out of Canada unless and until something which is unexpected, or the happening of which is uncertain, shall occur to induce him to return to Canada. (e) " alien " means a person who is not a British subject ; (/) " Canadian citizen" means i. a person born in Canada who has not become an alien ; ii. a British subject who has Canadian domicile; or, iii. a person naturalized under the laws of Canada who has not subsequently become an alien or lost Canadian domicile. Provided that for the purpose of this Act a woman who has not been landed in Canada shall not be held to have acquired Canadian citizenship by virtue of her husband being a Canadian citizen; neither shall a child who has not been landed in Canada be held to have acquired Canadian citizen- ship through its father or mother being a Canadian citizen ; (g) "immigrant" means a person who enters Canada with the intention of acquiring Canadian domicile, and for the purposes of this Act every person entering Canada shall be presumed to be an immigrant unless belonging to one of the following classes of persons, hereinafter called "non-im- migrant classes": i. Canadian citizens; and persons who have Canadian domicile. ii. Diplomatic and consular officers, and all accredited representatives and officials of British or foreign govern- ments, their suites, families and guests, coming to Canada to reside or to discharge any official duty or to pass through in transit. iii. Officers and men, with their wives and families, belong- ing to or connected with His Majesty's regular naval and military forces. iv. Tourists and travellers merely passing through Canada to another country. v. Students entering Canada for the purpose of attend- ance, arid while in actual attendance, at any university cr college authorized by statute or charter to confer degrees; or at any high school or collegiate institute recognized as such for the purpose of this Act by the Minister. 9 vi. Members of dramatic, musical, artistic, athletic or Professional, spectacular organizations entering Canada temporarily for the purpose of giving public performances or exhibitions of an entertaining or instructive nature; and actors, artists, lecturers, musicians, priests and ministers of religion, pro- fessors of colleges or other educational institutions, and commercial travellers, entering Canada for the temporary exercise of their respective callings. vii. Holders of a permit to enter Canada, in force for the Holders of time being, in form A of schedule one to this Act, signed by footer the Minister or by some person duly authorized: Provided Canada. that whenever in the opinion of the Minister or Superin- Proviso. tendent of Immigration or Board of Inquiry or officer acting as such, any person has been improperly included in any of the non-immigrant classes, or has ceased to belong to any of such classes, such person shall thereupon be considered an immigrant within the meaning of this Act and subject to all the provisions of this Act respecting immigrants seeking to enter Canada; (h) "family" includes father and mother, and children "Fam-iy." under eighteen years of age; (i) "head of family" means the father, mother, son, "Head of daughter, brother or sister upon whom the other members family -' of the family are mainly dependent for support; (j) "passenger" means a person lawfully on board any "Passenger." ship, vessel, railway train, vehicle or other contrivance for travel, or transport, and also includes any person riding, walking or otherwise travelling across any international bridge or highway; but shall not be held to include the master or other person in control or command of such vessel, ship, railway train, vehicle, bridge, highway or other con- trivance for travel or transport, or any member of the crew or staff thereof ; or military or naval forces and their families who are carried at the expense of the Government of the United Kingdom, or the Government of any British Domin- ion or Colony : Provided that any member of the crew of Proviso, a ship or of the staff of a railway train or other contrivance . for travel or transport who deserts or is discharged in Canada from his ship or railway train or other contrivance for travel cr transport shall thereupon be considered a passenger within the meaning of this Act; (k) "stowaway" means a person who goes to sea secreted "Stowaway." in a ship without the consent of the master or other person in charge of the ship, or of a person entitled to give such consent; or a person who travels on any railway train or other vehicle without the consent of the conductor or other person authorized to give such consent; (I) "ship" or "vessel" includes every boat and craft of " Shi P" any kind whatsoever for travel or transport other than by land ; . 45332 10 "Master." "Owner." " Port of entry." 'Landed." "Rejected. " Deporta- tion." "Immigrant station." "Transporta- tion company." 'Act." (m) "master" means any person in command of a ship or vessel; (n) "owner" as applied to a ship or vessel includes the charterers of such ship or vessel and the agent of the owner or charterer thereof; (o) "port of entry" means any port, railway station or place in Canada at which there is an officer and where in- spection of immigrants may be carried on ; (p) "land," "landed" or "landing," as applied to passen- gers or immigrants, means their lawful admission into Canada by an officer under this Act, otherwise than for inspection or treatment or other temporary purpose pro- vided for by this Act ; (q) "rejected," as applied to an immigrant or other person seeking to enter Canada, means that such immigrant or other person has been examined by a Board of Inquiry or officer acting as such and has been refused permission to land in Canada; (r) "deportation" means the removal under authority of this Act of any rejected immigrant or other person, or of any immigrant or other person who has already been landed in Canada, or who has entered or who remains in Canada contrary to any provision of this Act, from any place in Canada at which such immigrant or other person is rejected or detained to the place whence he came to Canada, or to the country of his birth or citizenship ; (s) "immigrant station" means any place at which im- migrants or passengers are examined, inspected, treated or detained by an officer for any purpose under this Act, and includes hospitals maintained for the purposes of this Act; (t) "transportation company" means arid includes any corporate body or organized firm or person carrying or pro- viding for the transit of passengers, whether by ship, rail- way, bridge, highway or otherwise, and any two or more such transportation companies co-operating in the business of carrying passengers; (u) "Immigration Act" or "Act" shall be held to in- clude all orders in council, proclamations, and regulations made hereunder. PROHIBITED CLASSES. Prohibited classes of immigrants. B. No immigrant, passenger, or other person, unless he is a Canadian citizen, or has Canadian domicile, shall be permitted to land in Canada, or in case of having landed in or entered Canada shall be permitted to remain therein, who belongs to any of the following classes, hereinafter called "prohibited classes' 7 : 11 (a) Idiots, imbeciles, feeble-minded persons, epileptics, Persons insane persons, and persons who have been insane within five years previous. (6) Persons afflicted with any loathsome disease, or with a Diseased disease which is contagious or infectious, or which may be- per come dangerous to the public health, whether such persons intend to settle in Canada or only to pass through Canada in transit to some other country : Provided that if such Proviso, disease is one which is curable within a reasonably short time, such persons may, subject to the regulations in that behalf, if any, be permitted to remain on board ship if hos- pital facilities do not exist on shore, or to leave ship for medical treatment. (c) Immigrants who are dumb, blind, or otherwise phy- P j r l n3 n sically defective, unless in the opinion of a Board of Inquiry defective 7 or officer acting as such they have sufficient money, or have such profession, occupation, trade, employment or other legitimate mode of earning a living that they are not liable to become a public charge or unless they belong to a family accompanying them or already in Canada and which gives security satisfactory to the Minister against such immi- grants becoming a public charge. (d) Persons who have been convicted of any crime in- Criminals. volving moral turpitude. (e) Prostitutes and women and girls coming to Canada Pwititatw, for any immoral purpose and pimps or persons living on the a ' avails of prostitution. (/) Persons who procure or attempt to bring into Canada Procurers, prostitutes or women or girls for the purpose of prostitution or other immoral purpose. (g) Professional beggars or vagrants, or persons likely to Beggars and i i. i J vagrants. become a public charge. (h) Immigrants to whom money has been given or loaned charity by any charitable organization for the purpose of enabling 1T1 them to qualify for landing in Canada under this Act, or whose passage to Canada has been paid wholly or in part by any charitable organization, or out of public moneys, unless it is shown that the authority in writing of the Super- intendent of Immigration, or in case of persons coming from Europe, the authority in writing of the assistant Super- intendent of Immigration for Canada, in London, has been obtained for the landing in Canada of such persons, and that such authority has been acted upon within a period of sixty days thereafter. (i) Persons who do not fulfil, meet or comply with the Persons not conditions and requirements of any regulations which for ^h plymg the time being are in force and applicable to such persons regulations. under sections 37 or 38 of this Act. 4. The Minister may issue a written permit authorizing Permit to any person to enter Canada without being subject to the enter Canada - 453321 12 provisions of this Act. Such permit shall be in the form A of the schedule to this Act, and shall be expressed to be in force for a specified period only, but it may at any time be extended or cancelled by the Minister in writing. Such 1 extension or cancellation shall be in the form AA of the schedule to this Act. APPOINTMENT, POWERS AND DUTIES OF OFFICERS. Officers appointed by Governor in Council. Immigration offices. 5. The Governor in Council may appoint a superin- tendent of immigration, commissioners of immigration, and such other officers as are deemed necessary for carrying out the provisions of this Act. 2. The Governor in Council may establish and maintain immigration offices at such places within and outside of Canada as from time to time seems proper. appointed by **' Subject to any regulations in that behalf, the Minister Minister. may appoint or employ, either permanently or temporarily, any subordinate officers, not otherwise provided for, re- quired in furtherance of the provisions and objects of this Act, including medical officers, inspectors, guards, matrons and nurses at immigrant stations, and may confer upon them, and charge them with, such power and duties as he considers necessary or expedient. c\ 3 sefof nce in "* Subject to an y regulation in that behalf, all officers emergency, appointed or having authority under this Act may, in emer- gency, employ such temporary assistance as is required for carrying out any duty devolving upon them under this Act, but no such employment shall continue for a period of more than forty-eight hours without the sanction of the Minister. Immigration agent ex-officio. Duties of officers. 8. When at a port of entry there is no immigration officer available for duty under this Act, the chief customs officer at that port or any subordinate customs officer designated by him shall be, ex-officio, an immigration officer. 9. Every officer appointed under this Act shall perform all duties prescribed for him by this Act, or by any order in council, proclamation or regulation made thereunder, and shall also perform such duties as are required of him by the Minister, either directly or through any other officer; and no action taken by any such officer under or for any purpose of this Act shall be deemed to be invalid or unauthorized merely because it was not taken by the officer specially appointed or detailed for the purpose. Authority as io. Every officer appointed under this Act shall have the constable. authority and power of a special constable to enforce any 13 of the provisions of this Act relating to the arrest, detention or deportation of immigrants, aliens or other persons. 11. All constables and other peace officers in Canada, Duties of whether appointed under Dominion, provincial, or rmmici- execute pal authority, shall, when so directed by the Minister or by orders of any officer under this Act, receive and execute according to the tenor thereof ny written order of the Minister, or of the Minister of Justice, or of a Board of Inquiry or officer acting as such, and any warrant of the Superintendent of Immigration, for the arrest, detention or deportation of any immigrant, alien or other person in accordance with the provisions of this Act. For the preservation of the peace, and in order that Right of local arrests may be made for offences against the laws of Canada, j^j? to or of any province or municipality thereof, wherein the immigrant various immigrant stations are located, the officers in charge st of such immigrant stations, as occasion may require, shall admit therein any constables or other peace officers charged with the enforcement of such laws; and for the purposes of this section the authority of such officers and the juris- diction of the local courts shall extend over such immigrant stations. APPOINTMENT, POWERS AND PROCEDURE OF BOARDS OF INQUIRY. 13. The Minister may appoint three or more officers, of Appointment whom the immigration officer in charge shall be one, at any port of entry, to act as a permanent Board of Inquiry for the summary determination of all cases of immigrants or passengers seeking to enter Canada or detained for any cause under this Act. 1 4 . Such Boards of Inquiry shall have authority to Authority of determine whether an immigrant, passenger or other person boards - seeking to enter Canada or detained for any cause under this Act, shall be allowed to enter or remain in Canada, or shall be rejected and deported. 15. The hearing of all cases brought before such Board Hearing of of Inquiry shall be separate and apart from the public, but in the presence of the immigrant, passenger or other person concerned whenever practicable, and such immigrant, passenger or other person shall have the right to be repre- sented by counsel whenever any evidence or testimony touching the case is received by the Board, and a summary record of proceedings and of evidence and testimony taken shall be kept by the Board. 14 Taking of 2. The Board, and any member thereof, may, at discretion administer oaths and take evidence under oath or by affirmation in any form which they deem binding upon the person being examined. AH evidence 1O. In all such cases, such Board of Inquiry may at the received. hearing, receive and base its decision upon any evidence, considered credible or trustworthy by such Board in the circumstances of each case; and in all cases where the question of the right to enter Canada under this Act is raised the burden of proof shall rest upon the immigrant, passenger or other person claiming such right. Decision of 17. The Board of Inquiry shall appoint its own chairman majority to , ,1 i / , T i prevail. and secretary to keep the record of its proceedings, and in all cases and questions before it the decision, which decision shall be in writing, of a majority of the Board shall prevail. where i. There shall be no appeal from the decision of such Board of Inquiry as to the rejection and deportation of immigrants, passengers or other persons seeking to land in Canada, when such decision is based upon a certificate of the examining medical officer to the effect that such immi- grants, passengers or other persons are afflicted with any loathsome disease, or with a disease which may become dangerous to the public health, or that they come within any of the following prohibited classes, namely, idiots, imbeciles, feeble-minded persons, epileptics and insane Proviso as to persons: Provided always that Canadian citizens and per- sons who have Canadian domicile shall be permitted to land Canadian citizens. in Canada as a matter of right. board. Notice of appeal. Cases^where 19. In all cases other than provided for in the next pre- from ceding section an appeal may be taken to the Minister against the decision of any such Board of Inquiry or officer in charge by the immigrant, passenger or other person concern- ed in the case, if the appellant forthwith serves written notice of such appeal, (which notice may be in form C in the schedule to this Act), upon the officer in charge, or the officer in whose custody the appellant may be, and shall at the same time deposit with such officer the sum of twenty dollars for himself and ten dollars for each child or other person dependent upon such appellant and detained with him, such sum to be used for the purpose of defraying the cost of maintaining the appellant and those dependent upon him, pending the decision of the Minister on such appeal. In case of the appeal being allowed by the Minister or by the Board of Inquiry on a re-hearing, then the said sum shall be Security for returned to the appellant ; and in case of the appeal being maintenance disallowed by the Minister or by the Board of Inquiry on a If) re-hearing, then the balance of such sum, if any, after pending deduction of regular detention charges for board, shall be appeal - returned to the appellant; and the appellant shall forthwith be deported. 20. Notice of appeal and deposit of the said sum shall act ^ otic j of as a stay of all proceedings until a final decision is rendered ai by the Minister, and within forty-eight hours after the filing of the said notice and deposit of the said sum a summary record of the case shall be forwarded by the immigration officer in charge to the Superintendent of Immigration, stay of accompanied by his views thereon in writing. 21. Pending the decision of the Minister, the appellant Appellant in and those dependent upon him shall be kept in custody at an endin? immigrant station, unless released under bond as provided decision of for in section 33 of this Act. 22. When there is no Board of Inquiry at a port of entry, W1 ? en powers 11 i. i i i ' j i of board to or at a neighbouring port to which a person detained under be exercised this Act could conveniently be conveyed, or to which a case for decision could conveniently be referred, then the officer in charge shall exercise the powers and discharge the duties of a Board of Inquiry and shall follow as nearly as may be the procedure of such Board as regards hearing and appeal and all other matters over which it has jurisdiction. 23. No court, and no judge or officer thereof, shall have Jurisdiction jurisdiction to review, quash, reverse, restrain or otherwise cLes^ 8 m interfere with any proceeding, decision or order of the rejection and Minister or of any Board of Inquiry, or officer in charge, had, resected 011 made or given under the authority and in accordance with the provisions of this Act relating to the detention or deportation of any rejected immigrant, passenger or other person, upon any ground whatsoever, unless such person is a Canadian citizen or has Canadian domicile. 24. The Governor in Council may make such further Further regulations governing the procedure of Boards of Inquiry and appeal therefrom as are deemed necessary./ boards. SPECIAL PROVISION AS TO PASSENGERS BY VESSEL. 25. It shall be the duty of every transportation company Passengers bringing passengers or other persons to Canada by vessel to oniy e a n prevent such passengers or other persons leaving such vessel Jj 1 ^? 63 in Canada at any time or place other than as designated by by S . The immigration officer in charge, after satisfying himself that the requirements of this Act, and of any order in council, proclamation or regulation made thereunder, have been carried out, shall grant written permission to the master of the vessel to allow the passengers to leave the vessel. SPECIAL PROVISION AS TO PASSENGERS BY LAND. Liabil-y of companies co-operating. 3O. Every transportation company carrying passengers in Canada by land shall, for the purposes of this Act, be considered as one with any transportation company with which it co-operates or makes or affords connection whether in Canada or not and whether under the same manage- ment or not, and shall be liable for any offence against this Act by any company with which it so co-operates or makes or affords connection. of b tr!ns i0 or 31. Regulations made by the Governor in Council tation nsi under this Act may provide that the obligations of trans- portation companies bringing immigrants and passengers 17 into Canada by land shall be similar to those imposed by bringing this Act on masters and owners of vessels bringing immi- grants and passengers to Canada, including the furnishing of names and descriptions of such immigrants and passen- gers. 2. Such regulations may also provide that officers under Detention this Act shall have the power to hold and detain railway of trams ' trains, cars and other vehicles entering Canada until exam- ination of immigrants and passengers has been made as required by this Act; and may provide penalties for non- compliance with such regulations by transportation com- panies, or any official or employee thereof. 3. Such regulations may also impose a duty upon trans- Obligations portation companies to provide, equip and maintain suit- ation ansp rt ~ able buildings for the examination and detention of passen- companies gers for any purpose under this Act at such ports of entry detention 6 or border stations as may be designated by the Minister; buildings - and may provide penalties for non-compliance by trans- portation companies with such regulations : Provided that Proviso. no transportation company shall be made liable for the safe-keeping of any person who is in custody of an officer for any cause under this Act, unless such person is on a vessel, railway train or other vehicle belonging to or oper- ated or controlled by such company. 32. Subject to any regulations made under the preced- Regulations ing section, the Superintendent of Immigration, under the examination direction or with the approval of the Minister, shall pre- of passengers scribe regulations for the entry, inspection and medical border. e examination of immigrants and passengers along the border of Canada so as not to unnecessarily delay, impede or annoy passengers in ordinary travel. LANDING OF PASSENGERS. 33. Every passenger or other person seeking to land in Landing of Canada shall first appear before an immigration officer, p and shall be forthwith examined as required under this Act, either on shipboard or on train or at some other place designated for that purpose. 2. Every passenger or other person seeking to land in Answers to Canada shall answer truly all questions put to him by any que officer when examined under the authority of this Act. 3. Every passenger or other person so examined shall be Doubtful immediately landed unless the examining officer has reason C to believe that the landing of such passenger or other person would be contrary to any provision of this Act. 4. Every passenger or other person, as to whose right to Examination land the examining officer has any doubt, shall be detained ln for further examination by the officer in charge, or by the 45333 18 Deportation. Duty to report entry. Avoiding port of entry Forcible entry. Misrepresen- tation. Penalty for landing prohibited immigrant. Interference with officer in perfor- mance of duty. Board of Inquiry, and such examination shall be forthwith conducted separate and apart from the public, and upon the conclusion thereof such passenger or other person shall be either immediately landed or shall be rejected and kept in custody pending his deportation. 5. An order for deportation by a Board of Inquiry or officer in charge may be made in the form B in the schedule to this Act, and a copy of the said order shall forthwith be delivered to such passenger or other person, and a copy of the said order shall at the same time be served upon the master or owner of the ship or upon the local agent or other official of the transportation company by which such per- son was brought to Canada; and such person shall there- upon be deported by such company subject to any appeal which may have been entered on his behalf under section 19 of this Act. 6. Every person who enters Canada except at a port of entry shall forthwith report such entry to the nearest im- migration officer and present himself for examination as provided by this section. 7. Any person who enters Canada except at a port of entry, or who at a port of entry eludes examination by an officer, or Board of Inquiry, or who enters Canada by force or misrepresentation or stealth or otherwise contrary to any provision of this Act, or who escapes from the custody of an officer or from an immigrant station when detained for any cause under this Act, shall be guilty of an offence under this Act, and liable on conviction to a fine of not more than one hundred dollars, and may be arrested and detained without a warrant by any officer for examination as provided under this section; and if found not to be a Canadian citizen, or not to have Canadian domicile, such entry shall in itself be sufficient cause for deportation whenever so ordered by a Board of Inquiry or officer in charge subject to any appeal which may have been entered under section 19 of this Act. 8. Any transportation company or person knowingly and wilfully landing, or assisting to land or attempting to land in Canada, any prohibited immigrant or person whose entry into Canada has been forbidden under this Act, shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction, to a fine of not more than five hundred dollars and not less than fifty dollars for each prohibited immigrant or other person so landed in Canada, or whose landing in Canada was so attempted. 9. Any transportation company or person interfering with or resisting an immigration officer in the performance of his duty under this Act, or knowingly and wilfully assist- ing in the escape of any person detained by an officer, or at an immigrant station, for any purpose under this Act, 19 or giving false information to an officer, whereby such officer is induced to land or permit the landing of any person in Canada who otherwise would be refused landing for any cause under this Act or would be detained for examination, shall be guilty of an offence, and shall be liable to a fine of not more than five hundred dollars and not less than twenty dollars for each such offence. 10. Every person who enters Canada as a tourist or Penalty for traveller or other non-immigrant, but who ceases to be cease? tSe such and remains in Canada, shall forthwith report such such failing facts to the nearest immigration officer and shall present tc himself before an officer for examination under this Act, and in default of so doing he shall be liable to a fine of not more than one hundred dollars, and shall also be liable to deportation by order of a Board of Inquiry or officer acting as such. 1 1 . Pending the final disposition of the case of any person J n 3 ^ s | ond detained or taken into custody for any cause under this Act o? approved he may be released under a bond, which bond may be in de P sit - the form F in the schedule to this Act, with security ap- proved by the officer in charge, or may be released upon deposit of money with the officer in charge in lieu of a bond, raid to an amount approved by such officer; upon condition that such person shall appear before a Board of Inquiry or officer acting as such at any port of entry named by the officer in charge, and at such time as shall be named, for examination in regard to the cause or complaint on account of which he has been detained or taken into custody. 12. If such person fail to appear for examination at such Failure to time and place named, or shall fail to keep and observe e?m!naSon. every other condition under which he is so released, then .such bond shall be enforced and collected, and the proceeds thereof, or the money deposited in lieu of a bond, as the case may have been, shall be paid into the hands of the Minister of Finance, and shall form part of the Consolidated Revenue Fund of Canada; and such person may be taken into custody forthwith and deported by order of a Board of Inquiry or officer acting as such. MEDICAL TREATMENT OF SICK AND DISABLED PASSEN- GERS. 34. A passenger or other person seeking to enter Canada Medical or who has been rejected or is detained for any purpose under this Act, who is suffering from sickness or physical or mental disability, may whenever it is so directed by the Superintendent of Immigration or officer in charge be afforded medical treatment on board ship or in an immigrant station, or may be removed to a suitable hospital for treatment, according as the officer in charge decides is 4533 3V 20 When trans- portation companies required by existing circumstances and the condition of the person's health as reported upon by the examining medical officer. 2. If, in the opinion of the Superintendent of Immigration, or of the officer in charge, the transportation company which of medieai c st brought sucn person to Canada failed to exercise proper treatment, vigilance or care in so doing, then the cost of his hospital treatment and medical attention and maintenance shall be paid by such transportation company, and otherwise the cost thereof shall be collected from such person, and if that be not possible then the cost thereof shall be paid by the Department of the Interior. Cost of - 3. The Superintendent of Immigration, or officer in dependent. 01 charge, may, whenever it is considered necessary or advisable for the proper care of such persons, direct that a suitable attendant, or some one upon whom such person is dependent, or some one who is dependent upon such person, as the case may be, shall be kept with such person during his medical treatment on board ship or at an immigrant station or hospital, or in case of deportation from any place within Canada shall accompany such person to his port of embarkation from Canada; and the cost- thereof shall be paid by the said transportation company whenever in the opinion of the Superintendent cf Immigration it has failed to exercise proper vigilance or care as aforesaid, and other- wise the cost thereof shall be collected from such person, and if that be not possible then the cost thereof shall be paid by the Department of the Interior. treatment . 35. A passenger or other person permitted to enter not to COB- Canada for medical treatment under this Act shall not be finding. regarded as landed within the meaning of this Act. Regulations 36. The Superintendent of Immigration, under the direc- tion or with the approval of the Minister, shall prescribe re g u l a ^ ons whereby sick and diseased persons may enter Canada for treatment and care at any health resort, hospital, sanitariums, sanitarium, asylum or other place or institution for the cure or care of such persons. treaTment r at Canadian & REGULATIONS AS TO MONETARY AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS FROM SPECIFIED CLASSES OF IMMIGRANTS. Immigrants may be required to possess prescribed amount of money. 37. Regulations made by the Governor in Council under this Act may provide as a condition to permission to land in Canada that immigrants and tourists shall possess in their own right money to a prescribed minimum amount, which amount may vary according to the race, occupation or destination of such immigrant or tourist, and otherwise according to the circumstances; and may also provide that 21 all persons coming to Canada directly or indirectly from countries which issue passports or penal certificates to persons leaving such countries, shall produce such passports or penal certificates on demand of the immigration officer in charge before being allowed to land in Canada. 38. The Governor in Council may, by proclamation or Prohibition order whenever he deems it necessary or expedient, l^antsnot (a) prohibit the landing in Canada or at any specified port coming to of entry in Canada of any immigrant who has come to ^itinuous Canada otherwise than by continuous journey from the journey, .country of which he is a native or naturalized citizen, and Prohibition upon a through ticket purchased in that country, or prepaid f jf^"? in Canada; gers brought (b) prohibit the landing in Canada of passengers brought SegjSg'to to Canada by any transportation company which refuses comply \vith or neglects to comply with the provisions of this Act; SSrAct? 9 (c) prohibit for a stated period, or permanently, the land- Prohibition ing in Canada, or the landing at any specified port of entry l in Canada, of immigrants belonging to any rac^ deemed un- i suited to the climate or requirements of Canada, or of im- Sp migrants of any specified class, occupation or character. ports. 39. When any immigrant or other person is rejected or Duty of ordered to be deported from Canada, and such person has re-Ton vey S to not come to Canada by continuous journey from the coun- rejected try of which he is a native or naturalized citizen, but has {"country^- come indirectly through another country, which refuses to b . ir . th or . allow such person to return or be returned to it, then the C1 transportation company bringing such person to such other country shall deport such person from Canada to the coun-. try of which he is a native or naturalized citizen whenever so directed by the Minister or Superintendent of Immigration and at the cost of such transportation company, and in case of neglect or refusal so to do, such transportation company shall be guilty of an offence against this Act, and shall be liable to a fine of not more than five hundred dollars and not Peiialt .v- less than twenty dollars for each such offence. DEPORTATION OF PROHIBITED AND UNDESIRABLE CLASSES. 40. Whenever any person, other than a Canadian citizen, Duty of within three years after landing in or entering Canada has ^ er to been convicted of a criminal offence in Canada, or has be- complaint to come a prostitute or an inmate of a house of ill-fame, or by reiardSg common repute has become a procurer or pimp or person undesirable living on the avails of prostitution, or has become a profes- 1E sional beggar or a public charge, or an inmate of a peni- tentiary, gaol, reformatory, prison, hospital, insane asylum or public charitable institution, or enters or remains in Ca- 22 Duty of officers to send complaint to Minister concerning certain, acts of undesirable classes. Investigation of com- plaints concerning undesirable classes. Deportation in such nada contrary to any provision of this Act, it shall be the duty of any officer cognizant therof, and the duty of the clerk, secretary or other official of any municipality in Ca- nada wherein such person may be, to forthwith send a writ- ten complaint thereof to the Minister or Superintendent of Immigration, giving full particulars. 41. Whenever any person other than a Canadian citi- zen advocates in Canada the overthrow by force or vio- lence of the government of Great Britain or Canada, or other British dominion, colony, possession or dependency, or the overthrow by force or violence of constituted law and author-, ity, or the assassination of any official of the Government of Great Britain or Canada or other British dominion, colony, possession or dependency, or of any foreign govern- ment, or shall by word or act create or attempt to create riot or public disorder in Canada, or shall by common repute be- long to or be suspected of belonging to any secret society or organization which extorts money from, or in any way at- tempts to con.trol, any resident of Canada by force or threat of bodily harm, or by blackmail ; such person for the pur- poses of this Act shall be considered and classed as an unde- sirable immigrant, and it shall be the duty of any officer be- coming cognizant thereof, and the duty of the clerk, sec- retary or other official of any municipality in Canada wherein such person may be, to forthwith send a written complaint thereof to the Minister or Superintendent of Immigration, giving full particulars. 42. Upon receiving a complaint from any officer, or from any clerk or secretary or other official of a municipality, - whether directly or through the Superintendent of Immigra- tion, against any person alleged to belong to any prohibited or undesirable class, the Minister may order such person to be taken into custody and detained at an immigrant station for examination and an investigation of the facts alleged in the said complaint to be made by a Board of Inquiry or by an officer acting as such. Such Board of Inquiry or officer shall have the same powers and privileges, and shall follow the same procedure, as if the person against whom complaint is made were being examined before landing as provided in section 33 of this Act; and similarly the person against whom complaint is made shall have the same rights and privileges as he would have if seeking to land in Canada. 2. If upon investigation of the facts such Board of Inquiry or examining officer is satisfied that such person belongs to any of the prohibited or undesirable classes mentioned in sections 40 and 41 of this Act, such person shall be deported forthwith, as provided for in section 33 of this Act, subject, however, to such right of appeal as he may have to the Minister. 23 3. The Governor in Council may, at any time, order any Order to such person found by a Board of Inquiry or examining officer Canada, to belong to any of the undesirable classes referred to in sec- tion 41 of this Act to leave Canada within a specified period. Such order may be in the form D in the schedule to this Act, and shall be in force as soon as it is served upon such person, or is left for him by any officer at the last known place of abode or address of such person. 4. Any person rejected or deported under this Act who Penalty for enters or remains in or returns to Canada after such rejection Jeporte* or deportation without a permit under this Act or other person lawful excuse, or who refuses or neglects to leave Canada when ordered so to do by the Governor in Council as provid- ed for in this section, shall be guilty of an offence against this Act, and may forthwith be arrested by any officer and be de- ported on an order from the Minister or the Superintendent of Immigration, or may be prosecuted for such offence, and shall be liable on summary conviction, to a term of im- prisonment not exceeding one year, and immediately after expiry of any sentence imposed for such offence, may be again deported or ordered to leave Canada under this section. 5. In any case where deportation of the head of a family is Deportation ordered, all dependent members of the family may be de- ?amn y d f ported at the same time. And in any case where deporta- tion of a dependent member of a family is ordered on account of having become a public charge, and in the opinion of the Minister such circumstance is due to wilful neglect or non- support by the head or other members of the family morally bound to support such dependent members, then all members of the family may be deported at the same time. Such de- portation shall be at the cost of the persons so deported; and membr of if that be not possible then the cost of such deportation shall famij y- be paid by the Department of the Interior. 43. When any person has, within three years of landing Detention of in Canada, become an inmate of a penitentiary, gaol, reform- Jrfsonera f or atory or prison, the Minister of Justice may, upon the request deportation, of the Minister of the Interior, issue an order to the warden or governor of such penitentiary, gaol, reformatory or prison, which order may be in the form E in the schedule to this Act, commanding him after the sentence or term of imprisonment of such person has expired to detain such person for, and deliver him to, the officer named in the warrant issued by the Superintendent of Immigration, which warrant may be in the form EE in the schedule to this Act, with a view to the deportation of such person. 2. Such order of the Minister of Justice shall be sufficient Order O f authority to the warden or governor of the penitentiary, gaol, jistic^and reformatory or prison, as the case may be, to detain and warrant of 24 superintend- ent of immigration. deliver such person to the officer named in the warrant of the Superintendent of Immigration as aforesaid, and such war- den or governor shall obey such order, and such warrant of the Superintendent of Immigration shall be sufficient auth- ority to the officer named therein to detain such person in his custody, or in custody at any immigrant station, until such person is delivered to the authorized agent of the transpor- tation company which brought such person into Canada, with a view to deportation as herein provided. - OBLIGATIONS OF TRANSPORTATION COMPANIES IN CASES OF REJECTION AND DEPORTATION. Return of rejected immigrants. Refusal to receive on board. Failure to detain. Failure to return. Failure to pay cost maintenance , Charging deported person for maintenance Penalty: Deportation by vessel of persons who have been landed in Canada. 44. Every immigrant, passenger, stowaway or other per- son brought to Canada by a transportation company and rejected by the Board of Inquiry or officer in charge, shall, if practicable, be sent back to the place whence he came, on the vessel, railway train or other vehicle by which he was brought to Canada. The cost of his maintenance, while being de- tained at any immigrant station after having been rejected, as well as the cost of his return, shall be paid by such trans- portation company. 2. If any such transportation company (a) refuses to receive any such person back on board of such vessel, railway train or other vehicle or on board of any other vessel, railway train or other vehicle owned or operated by the same transportation company, when so directed by the officer in charge; or, (6) fails to detain any such person thereon; or, (c) refuses or fails to return him to the place whence he came to Canada; or, (d) refuses or fails to pay the cost of his maintenance while on land awaiting deportation ; or, (e) makes any charge against any such person for his maintenance while on land, or for his return to the port of embarkation, or takes any security from any such person for the payment of such charge; such master, agent, owner or transportation company con- cerned shall be guilty of an offence against this Act, and shall be liable to a fine of not more than five hundred dollars and not less than fifty dollars for each offence; and no such vessel shall have clearance from any port of Canada until such fine is paid. 45. Every person ordered to be deported under this Act who has been brought to Canada by ship, shall be reconveyed free of charge, by the railway company or companies which brought him to the place in Canada where he is being de- tained for deportation, to the ocean port where he was landed, or the nearest available winter ocean port, as may 25 be directed by the Board of Inquiry, and thence he shall be conveyed free of charge by the transportation company which brought him to Canada to the place in the country whence he was brought or to the country of his birth or citizenship, and in such manner as to passage accommoda- tion as may be directed by the officer in charge; and simi- larly every such person brought to Canada by a railway train or other vehicle shall, subject to the regulations under Deportation sections 31 and 32 of this Act, be reconveyed free of charge by train< by the transportation company which carried him to the place in Canada where he is rejected or where he is being detained for deportation to the place in the country whence he was brought or to the country of his birth or citizenship, as may be directed by the officer in charge. 46. Every transportation company which refuses or Penalty on neglects to comply with the order of the Minister or Superin- * sporta ~ tendent of Immigration or Board of Inquiry, or officer company acting as such Board to take on board, guard safely, and retu?n s to return to the place in the country whence he came, or to person the country of his birth or citizenship, as may be directed by such order, any passenger or other person brought to Canada by such transportation company, and ordered to be deported under the provisions of this Act, shall be liable to a fine of not more than five hundred dollars and not less than fifty dollars, in each case. 47. The Superintendent of Immigration, under the Regulations direction or with the consent of the Minister, shall prescribe [^atmeS; regulations for the proper detention and treatment on board of persons ship or railway train or other vehicle of all persons who have depor been ordered to be deported under this Act, both while awaiting and during deportation. 48. Every transportation company which, through the Penalty on connivance or negligence of any of its officials or employees, [[on^m^an permits the escape of any person delivered into the custody permitting of such transportation company by any officer for deporta- p S e c r ^ of tion under this Act .shall, on conviction, be punished by a ?^ red to , fine of not more than five hundred dollars and not less than fifty dollars for each offence. 2. In the event of such person escaping from the custody Duty to of a transportation company, it shall be the duty of the immigration master of the vessel, conductor of the train, dock-master, ffi ? er when special constable or other official or employee of the trans- escapes. 180 portation company in whose custody such person then was, to immediately report such escape to the nearest available immigration officer; and it shall also be the duty of the said company forthwith to report such escape to the Superin- tendent of Immigration, and such report shall state when, 26 Penalty. and from whom, such person was received, and the time and . mode of escape. Failure on the part of such master, con- ductor, or other official to so report to the nearest available immigration officer shall render him liable to a penalty of not more than twenty dollars and not less than ten dollars for each offence, and failure on the part of the transporta- tion company to so report to the Superintendent of Immi- gration shall render such company liable to a fine of not more than one hundred dollars and not less than twenty dollars for each offence. OBLIGATIONS OF MASTERS OF VESSELS AND PILOTS. Manifest to be delivered by master to immigration officer. Entry as to passengers who have been born or have died during voyage. Disposal of property of deceased passengers. Receipt for property by immigration officer. Failure to deliver, or making 49. The master of every vessel arriving at any port of entry in Canada shall forthwith after such arrival, and before any entry of 'such vessel is allowed, deliver to the immigration officer in charge a manifest in the form pre- scribed by the Superintendent of Immigration, of all the passengers and stowaways on board such vessel at the time of her departure from the port or place whence she last cleared or sailed for Canada, or who were on board such vessel at the time of her arrival in Canada, or at any time during her voyage; and such manifest shall also state the name and apparent age of all passengers on board of such vessel on such voyage who are insane, idiotic, epileptic,, 'dumb, blind or infirm, or suffering from any disease or injury or physical defect which may be cause for rejection under this Act, and whether or not they are accompanied by relatives able to support them. 2. Such manifest shall further state if any birth has taken place during the voyage, and shall state the name, age and last place of residence of any person who has died during the voyage, and shall specify the cause of death and whether such person was accompanied by relatives or other persons who are entitled to take charge of the moneys and effects left by such person and the disposition made thereof. 3. If there were no such relatives or other persons so en- titled, the manifest shall fully designate the quantity and description of the property, whether money or otherwise, left by such person; and the master of the vessel shall pay over to the immigration officer in charge at the port at which the vessel is entered, and fully account for, all moneys and effects belonging to any person who has died on the voyage. The officer in charge shall thereupon give to the master a receipt for all moneys or effects so placed in his hands by the master, which receipt shall contain a full description of the nature or amount thereof. 4. If the master of such vessel fails (a) to deliver such manifest required by this section ; or, 27 (6) wilfully or negligently fails to state therein all the par- partial or ticulars of information required by this section ; or, nSSfott (c) wilfully or negligently makes any false statement in such manifest, he shall be guilty of an offence against this Act, and shall be Penalty, liable to a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars and not less than twenty dollars for every person with regard to whom any such omission occurs or any such false statement is made. 50. The master of any vessel sailing from a port outside Entry in of Canada who embarks passengers after the vessel has been SdTtion^ cleared and examined by the proper officer at the port of de- passengers. parture, and who does not report such additional passengers in the manifest required to be delivered under this Act to the immigration officer in charge at the port of entry, shall be liable to a fine of not more than one hundred dollars and not less than twenty dollars for each passenger so embarked as Penalty, aforesaid and not included in one of the said manifests. 51. The master of every vessel embarking outbound pas- Manifest of sengers from any seaport of Canada shall, on the return passers, voyage of such vessel to Canada, deliver to the immigration officer in charge a manifest in form prescribed by the regula- tions in that behalf giving the names of all such passengers on board such vessel, or booked to sail by such vessel, and stating in every case whether they are British subjects or aliens, and their sex, nationality and port of destination. 2. If the master of any vessel refuses or omits to deliver Penalty, such manifest of outbound passengers he shall incur a pen- alty not exceeding one hundred dollars and not less than twenty dollars for every passenger with regard to whom he has refused or wilfully neglected to give the required infor- mation, and clearance of such vessel may be refused until such manifest has been delivered to the immigration officer in charge : Provided, however, that the master of any vessel Proviso, plying between seaports of Canada and adjacent or neigh- bouring seaports in Newfoundland or the United States may, by written permission of the Minister or Super- intendent of Immigration given to such master or to the transportation company of which he is an employee, be ex- empted from the requirements of this section. 52. If the master of any vessel arriving at any port of Master entry in Canada permits any passenger to leave the vessel permitting before he has delivered to the immigration officer in charge FanTblf^re a correct manifest in the form prescribed by the regulations jjf^feit 8 in that behalf, and received permission from the officer in m charge to allow the passengers to land, he shall be liable to a fine of not more than one hundred dollars and not less than Penalty> twenty dollars for every passenger so leaving the vessel. 28 Master failing 2. If the master of any vessel arriving at any port of entry r?as a s c en g^s. f0r m Canada fails to produce or satisfactorily account for every passenger whose name appears on the manifest, when re- quired so to do by the immigration officer in charge of the port of entry to which such passenger is manifested, such Penalty. master shall be liable to a fine of not more than one hundred dollars and not less than twenty dollars in the case of each such passenger. Master 3. If the master of any vessel arriving at any port of entry in Canada permits any stowaway to leave the vessel without land without permission of the immigration officer in charge, or through permission of v ., -, . ., officer v in negligence permits such stowaway to escape from the vessel charge" before the immigration officer in charge has given permission for such stowaway to be landed, or after such stowaway has been ordered to be deported, or in the event of such escape fails to report it forthwith to the immigration officer in charge, he shall be liable to a fine of not more than one hun- Penaity. j re( j d o n ars an d no t less than twenty dollars for every stow- away so leaving or escaping from the vessel. Master 4, If the master of any vessel arriving at any port of entry cre^wfSt m Canada shall pay off or discharge any member of the crew examination, .pf such vessel without such member having first been exam- ined by an immigration officer, 'as required under, section 33 of this Act, he shall be liable to a fine of not more than one Penalty. hundred dollars and not less than twenty dollars for every member of the crew so paid off or discharged. to^e te ort ailing ^* ^ ^ e mas ^ er - an y vessel arriving at any port of entry cases P of r in Canada fail to report to the immigration officer in charge desertion. every case of desertion from the crew of such vessel occur- ring at such port so soon as such desertion is discovered, or shall refuse or neglect to describe the deserter for purposes of identification whenever required by such officer, he shall Penalty. j^ \iafo\Q fa a fine of not more than one hundred dollars and not less than twenty dollars in the case of each such deserter. ma SSe ieave ****' Nothing in this Act shall prevent the master of any vessel before vessel from permitting any passenger to leave the vessel part v <5f at outside of Canada at the request of such passenger before destination, the arrival of the vessel at her final port of destination ; but in every such case the name of the passenger so leaving shall be entered in the manifest of passengers made out at the time of the clearing of the vessel from the port of departure or at the port at which such passenger was embarked. neglecting to ** / *' Every pilot who has had charge of any vessel having inform passengers on board, and knows that any passenger or Eefof tlon stowaway has been permitted to leave the vessel contrary u^Jawfui^ to the provisions of this Act, and who does not immediately pTssengers. upon the arrival of such vessel in the port to which he en- gaged to pilot her, and before the immigration officer in 29 charge has given permission to the passengers to leave the vessel, inform the said officer that such passenger or stow- away has been so permitted to leave the vessel, shall be liable to a fine of not more than one hundred dollars and not less Penalty. than ten dollars for every passenger with regard to whom he has wilfully neglected to give such information. PROTECTION OF IMMIGRANTS. 55. Every person who causes or procures the publica- ^tatio tion or circulation, by advertisement or otherwise, in a deter or' country outside of Canada, of false representations as to the opportunities for employment in Canada, or as to the state of the labour market in Canada, intended or adapted to en- courage or induce, or to deter or prevent, the immigration into Canada of persons resident in such outsido country, or who does anything in Canada for the purpose c causing or procuring the communication to any resident ol >uch coun- try of any such representations which are thereafter so published, circulated or communicated, shall be guilty of an offence against this Act, and liable on summary convic- tion before two justices of the peace, to a fine of not more than five hundred dollars, or to imprisonment for a term Penalty. not exceeding six months, or to both fine and imprisonment. 56. If, during the voyage of any vessel carrying immi- violation of grants from any port outside of Canada t a ly port in Canada, regardir!* W3 the master or any of the crew is guilty of any violation duties of of any law in force in the country in which such foreign port crew. er is situate, regarding the duties of such master or crew to- wards the immigrants in such vessel, or if the master of any such vessel during such voyage commits any breach what- soever of the contract for the passage made with any immigrant by such master, or by the owners of such Breach of vessel, such master or such one of the crew shall, for every Jj2^ ct r with such violation or breach of contract, be liable to a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars and not less than twenty Penalty. dollars, independently of any remedy which such immi- grants complaining may otherwise have. 57. No officer, seaman or other person on board of a intercourse vessel bringing immigrants to Canada shall, while such ves- onSTand sel is in Canadian waters, entice or admit any female immi- female grant into his apartment, or, except by the direction or per- ln mission of the master of such vessel, first given for such pur- pose, visit or frequent any part of such vessel assigned to female passengers. 2. Every officer, seaman or other man employed on board Penalty for of a vessel bringing immigrants to Canada, who, while such vessel is in Canadian waters, entices or admits any female crew and female immigrants. 30 Penalty for assigned to itmnfgrants. regarding immigrant into his apartment or, except by the direction or permission of the master of such vessel first given, visits or frequents any part of such vessel assigned to female pas- sengers, shall be guilty of an offence against this Act and shall be liable to a fine not exceeding twenty-five dollars for every such offence. 3. Every master of a vessel who, while such vessel is in Canadian waters, directs or permits any officer or seaman, or other man employed on board of such vessel to visit or frequent any part of such vessel assigned to female immi- grants, except for the purpose of doing or performing some necessary act or duty, shall be guilty of an offence against this Act and shall be liable to a fine not exceeding twenty- five dollars for every such offence. 5^. The master of every vessel bringing immigrants to Canada from Europe shall, at all times while the vessel is in Canadian waters, keep posted, in a conspicuous place on the immigrants forecastle and in the parts of the steerage of the said vessel and the crew. ass jg nec [ to steerage passengers, a written or printed notice in the English, French, Swedish, Danish, German, Russian and Yiddish languages, and such other languages as are or- dered from time to time by the Superintendent of Immigra- tion^ containing the provisions of this Act regarding the prevention of intercourse between the crew and the immi- grants and the penalties for the contravention thereof, and shall keep such notice so posted during the remainder of the voyage. 2. Every master of a vessel bringing immigrants to Ca- nada from Europe who neglects to post, and keep posted, the notice required by this Act to be posted regarding the prevention of intercourse between the crew and the immi- grants and the penalties for contravention thereof, as re- quired by this Act, shall be guilty of an offence against this Act and shall be liable to a fine not exceeding one hun- dred dollars for every such offence. 3 ^he immigration officer in charge shall inspect every such vessel upon arrival for evidence of compliance with tn j g sec ti O n, and shall institute proceedings for any penalty incurred for violation thereof. Penalty. inspection of o 1 fficer s in y charge. fr m anv P or ^ r pl ace Outside of Ca- at? number oV passengers nada comes within the limits of Canada having on board, f or having had on board, at any time, during her voyage (a) any greater number of passengers than one adult passenger for every fifteen clear superficial feet on each deck of such vessel appropriated to the use of such pas- sengers and unoccupied by stores or other goods, not being the personal luggage of such passengers, or, (b) a greater number of persons, including the master and crew and the cabin passengers, if any, than one for 31 every two tons of the tonnage of such vessel, calculated in the manner used for ascertaining the tonnage of British 'ships, the master of such vessel shall be liable to a fine not exceeding Penalty. twenty dollars, and not less than ten dollars for each pas- senger or person constituting such excess. 2. For the purpose of this section, each person of or "Adult" above the age of fourteen years shall be deemed an adult, defined - and two persons above the age of one year and under the age of fourteen years shall be reckoned and taken as one adult. 3. If there shall be a bar or other place for the sale of intoxicating liquors on any such vessel in the quarters assigned to third-class or steerage passengers, or to which to third-class or steerage passengers are permitted to have P * access at any time during the voyage of such vessel to Canada, the master of such vessel shall be guilty of an offence against this Act and shall be liable to a fine net exceeding five hundred dollars and not less than fifty dollars ; and any officer 01 member of the crew of such vessel who sells or gives intoxicating liquor to any third-class or Penalty. steerage passenger, during the voyage of such vessel to Canada, without the consent of the master or ship surgeon or other qualified medical practitioner on board thereof, shall be guilty of an offence against this Act and shaJL^e liable to a fine not exceeding fifty dollars and not less'tlian ten dollars for every such offence. GO. Every immigrant on any vessel arriving at a port of j entry to which the owner or master of such vessel engaged to t^ convey him, if facilities for housing or inland carriage for such immigrant are not immediately available, shall be or carriage entitled to remain and keep his luggage on board such available - vessel for a period of twenty-four hours or until such facilities are available, whichever shall first occur, and the master of such vessel shall not, until such time, remove any berths or accommodation used by such immigrant. Ol . Passengers and their luggage shall be landed from Passengers , . *=y ' P . , . , to be landed any ship by the master thereof free of expense to the said free of passengers, and such landing shall be either at a usual public ex P ensc - landing place at the port of entry or at such other place as is designated by the officer in charge. 62. The Minister or the Superintendent of Immigration Appointment may, from time to time, by instructions to the immigration pl officer in charge, appoint the places at which passengers arriving at such port shall be landed. 63. At the places so appointed the Minister or Super- intendent of immigration may cause proper shelter and 32 Disposal of property of deceased immigrant parents. Inquiry in case of complaints respecting violation of Act. Procedure. Regulations respecting employment agencies. accommodation to be provided for immigrants until they can be forwarded to their place of destination. 64. If both the immigrant parents, or the last surviving immigrant parent of any child brought with them in any vessel bound for Canada, die on the voyage, or at any im- migrant station or elsewhere in Canada while still under the care of any immigrant agent, or other officer under this Act, the Minister, or such officer as he deputes for the purpose, may cause the effects of such parents to be disposed of for the benefit of such child to the best advantage in his power, or in his discretion to be delivered over to any institution or person assuming the care and charge of such child. 65. If complaint be made to the Minister or the Super- intendent of Immigration against any company or person for any violation of this Act, in any matter relating to immigrants or immigration, the Minister may cause such inquiry as he thinks proper to be made into the facts of the case, or may bring the matter before the Governor in Council in order that such inquiry may be made under The Inquiries Act. 2. If upon such inquiry it appears to the satisfaction of the Minister that such company or person has been guilty of such violation, the Minister may require such company or person to make such compensation to the person aggriev- ed, or to do such other thing, as is just and reasonable; or may adopt measures for causing such proceeding to be insti- tuted against such company or person as the case requires. 66. The Governor in Council may make such regulations and impose such penalties as are deemed expedient to safeguard the interests of immigrants seeking employment from any companies, firms, or persons carrying on the busi- ness of intelligence offices or employment or labour agencies at any place in Canada. IMMIGRANT RUNNERS. Licenses for immigrant runners. 67. The Superintendent of Immigration may issue to agents of transportation companies, forwarding and transfer companies, hotels and boarding houses, a license authorizing such persons to exercise the vocation of immigrant runners, or of soliciting the patronage of immigrants for their respec- tive companies, hotels or boarding houses, or of booking passengers. Such license shall be in the form prescribed by the Superintendent of Immigration, and may at any time be cancelled by him under the direction or with the consent of the Minister. 33 68. No person shall, at any port or place in Canada, for immigrants hire, reward or gain, or the expectation thereof, conduct, solicited solicit or recommend, either orally or by handbill or placard except by . . i T 1r . licensed or in any other manner, any immigrant to or on behalf persons, of any owner of a vessel, or to. or on behalf of any inn-keeper or boarding house keeper, or any other person, for any purposes connected with the preparations or arrange- ments of such immigrant for his passage to his final place of destination in Canada, or elsewhere, or give or pretend to give to such immigrant any information oral, printed or otherwise, or assist him to his said place of destination, or in any way exercise the vocation of booking passengers, or of taking money for their inland fare, or for the transportation of their luggage, unless such person has first obtained a license from the Superintendent of Immigration authorizing him to act in such capacity. 69. Every person licensed under this Act as an immi- Selling grant runner, or person acting on behalf of any transporta- imJSS-auta tion company, or forwarding or transfer company, or hotel at excessive or boarding house, and every person in his employ, who ra sells to any immigrant a ticket or order for the passage of such immigrant, or for the conveyance of his luggage, at a higher rate than that for which it could be purchased directly from the company or person undertaking such conveyance, and every person who purchases any such ticket from an immigrant for less than its value, or gives in exchange for it one of less value, shall be guilty of an offence against this Act, and the license of such person shall be cancelled. TO. No licensed immigrant runner, or agent or person Persons not acting on behalf of any transportation company, or other vesseffor person, shall go on board any vessel after such vessel has enter arrived in Canadian waters until all passengers thereon have station? * been landed, or shall go into any immigrant station, unless he without is authorized so to do by the Superintendent of Immigration m or officer in charge. DUTIES OF INN-KEEPERS. 71. Every inn-keeper or boarding house keeper in any Ligtof city, town, village or place in Canada designated by any prices to be order in council, who receives into his house as a boarder or hotef^and lodger any immigrant within three months after his arrival bqaiding- in Canada, shall cause to be kept conspicuously posted in the i public rooms and passages of his house and printed upon his business cards, a list of the prices which will be charged to immigrants per day and per week for board or lodging, or both, and also the prices for separate meals, which cards shall also contain the name of the keeper of such house, to- gether with the name of the street in which it is situate, and its number in such street. 34 Inn-keeper's lien limited. 2. No such inn-keeper or boarding house keeper shall have any lien on the effects of such immigrant for any amount claimed for such boarding or lodging for any sum exceeding five dollars. hm n kee' e? ^^' E very such inn-keeper or boarding house keeper who for deTa^ning detains the effects of any immigrant by reason of any claim effectf afte'r ^ or board or lodging after he has been tendered the sum of tender. five dollars or such less sum as is actually due for the board or lodging of such immigrant, shall incur a penalty not exceeding twenty-five dollars and not less than five dollars, over and above the value of the effects so detained, and he shall also be liable to restore such effects. effects f r ^' ^ n ^ ne even ^ f suc ^ unlawful detention, the effects so detained may be searched for and recovered under search warrant as in the case of stolen goods. Superintend- ent of forms. RULES, FORMS AND NOTICES. 73. In addition to. the forms set out in the schedule to immigration this Act the Superintendent of Immigration, under direction to prescribe or with the consent of the Minister, shall prescribe, formula- late and issue such rules, notices, forms of reports and mani- fests, and other forms as are deemed necessary from time to time in connection with regulations made under this Act or for the use and guidance of officers under this Act, or of transportation companies and agents thereof, and masters of vessels and immigrants. UNIFORMS. Uniforms for 74. The Superintendent of Immigration shall, under the direction or with the consent of the Minister, prescribe and contract for suitable uniforms and insignia for the various officers on duty at ports of entry, and the same shall be sup- plied to such officers, and one-third of the cost thereof shall be chargeable to such officers, or in the case of officers having their uniforms made to order a proportionate sum shall be paid to them on account thereof. Officers to wear uniform when on duty. 75. All officers while on duty at ports of entry, or on duty elsewhere inspecting immigrants or passengers, or acting on a Board of Inquiry, or on duty in connection with the deportation of any person under this Act, shall wear the uniform prescribed for them, unless otherwise directed by the Superintendent of Immigration. PROSECUTIONS AND PROCEDURE. Prosecutions. 76. Any officer may institute summary proceedings be- fore any police or stipendiary magistrate, recorder, or any 35 two justices of the peace, against any transportation com- pany, or director, official or employee thereof, or against any other person charged with an offence against this Act, at the place where such offence was committed in Canada, or at the place where such company has an office or place of business in Canada, or where such person then is. 2. Such magistrate, recorder, or justices of the peace Costs, may, in addition to any fine or penalty imposed, award costs against any such company or person as in ordinary cases of summary proceedings, and in default of payment thereof may award imprisonment for a term not exceeding three months, to terminate on payment of the fine or penalty imprison- and costs incurred, and may, in his discretion, award any ment ' part of such fine or penalty, when recovered, to any one Award of aggrieved by or through the act or neglect of such company P enalt y- or person. 3. Subject to such award to any one aggrieved, all fines Application and penalties recovered under this Act shall be paid to the plnaities. nd Minister of Finance, and shall form part of the Consolidated Revenue Fund of Canada. 4. Every duty and every fine or penalty imposed under Lien on J e .1 . J ,v property of authority of this Act upon a transportation company, or transporta- upon any director, official or employee thereof, or upon any other person, shall, until payment thereof, be a lien upon any and all property of such company or person in Canada, and may be enforced and collected by the seizure and sale of all or any such property under the warrant or process of the magistrate or court before whom it has been sued for, and shall be preferred to all other liens or hypothecations except wages. 5. Every duty imposed under authority of this Act upon Liability of a transportation company shall be a duty devolving upon officials * every director, official or employee thereof, and every duty imposed upon the master of a vessel shall be a duty devolv- ing upon the owner thereof. 6. Imprisonment of a master or owner of any vessel, or of ^ \ , p ,. J f ment not a any official or employee of any transportation company, for discharge of any offence against this Act, shall not discharge the ship or lien - other property of such company from the lien attached thereto by this Act. 77. No conviction or proceeding under this Act shall be Convictions quashed for want of form, nor, unless the penalty imposed is quashed e for one hundred dollars or over, be removed by appeal or cer- want of tiorari or otherwise into any superior court. 2. No warrant of commitment shall be held void by reason of any defect therein, if it is therein alleged that the person has been convicted, and there is a good and valid conviction to sustain such warrant. 38 Security in case of appeal. General penalty. 3. In case of removal by appeal or certiorari or otherwise of any conviction or proceeding under this Act into any superior court, security shall be given to the extent of one hundred dollars for the costs of such removal proceedings to such superior court. 78. Every person who violates any provision of this Act, or of any order in council, proclamation or regulation there- under in respect of which violation no other penalty is provided by this Act, shall incur a penalty not exceeding one hundred dollars. APPLICATION TO CHINESE. Application 79. All provisions of this Act not repugnant to the pro- Chinese visions of The Chinese Immigration Act shall apply as well to persons of Chinese origin as to other persons. EXPENSES OF ADMINISTRATION. Payment of cost of ad- ministering Act. 8O. All expenses incurred in administering this Act and carrying out the provisions thereof, and of affording help and advice to immigrants, and aiding, visiting and relieving destitute immigrants, procuring medical assistance and otherwise attending to the objects of immigration, shall be paid out of any moneys granted by Parliament for any such purpose and under such regulations or under such orders in council, if any, as are made for the distribution and appli- cation of such moneys. GENERAL REGULATIONS. Power to 81. The Governor in Council may, on the recommenda- tion of the Minister, make such orders and regulations, not inconsistent with this Act, as are considered necessary or expedient for enforcing the provisions of this Act according to the true intent and meaning thereof. REPEAL. Acts repealed. 82. The following Acts are repealed : Chapter 93 of the Revised Statutes, 1906; chapter 19 of the statutes of 1907, and chapter 33 of the statutes of 1908. 37 SCHEDULE. FORM A. PERMIT TO ENTER CANADA." Canada. The Immigration Act, section 4. To ail Immigration Officers: This is to certify that (name in full) of . (last place of residence) (occupation or other description) is hereby permitted to enter and remain in Canada for a period of from the date hereof free from examination or other restrictions under The Immigration Act. Dated at uttawa this day of 19 . Minister of the Interior. f Seal of the } I Department of [ the Interior. j FORM AA. CANCELLATION (OR EXTENSION) OF PERMIT. Canada. The Immigration Act, section 4. To all Immigration Officers: This is to certify, that the Permit to Enter Canada issued to of (name in full) (last place of residence) on the day of 19 .... is hereby can- celled (or is hereby extended for a further period of ........ from the date hereof.) Minister of the Interior. ( Seal of the ] | Department of the Interior. 38 FORM B. ORDER FOR DEPORTATION. Canada. The Immigration Act, section 33. To (transportation company) and to (person rejected) Port of entry . . . Province of. . This is to certify that (name in full) of (last place of residence) a person seeking to enter Canada at this port, ex (ship or train) from which arrived at this port on .... at o'clock has this day been examined by the Board of Inquiry (or officer in charge) at this port, and has been rejected for the following reasons: (here state reasons in full) And the said is hereby ordered to be deported to the place from whence he came to Canada. Such con- veyance shall be by the first available ship or train of the transportation company which brought the said to Canada. Dated at -. this day of . .19.. Chairman of the board of Inquiry (or Immigration Officer in Charge). NOTICE TO PERSON ORDERED TO BE DEPORTED. If you claim to be a Canadian citizen or to have acquired Canadian domicile, you have the right to consult counsel and appeal to tjie courts against deportation. In all other cases you may appeal to the Minister of the In- terior against any decision of the Board of Inquiry or officer 39 in charge whereby you are ordered to be deported unless such decision is based upon a certificate of the examining medical officer that you are affected with a loathsome disease or a disease which may become dangerous to the public health. The formal notice of appeal will be supplied to you by the immigration officer in charge upon request and upon deposit of the sum of twenty dollars for the cost of your maintenance, and the sum of ten dollars for the maintenance of each person dependent upon you, until the Minister has decided upon your case. FORM C. NOTICE OF APPEAL. Canada. The Immigration Act, section 19. To the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa, Canada. I, of (name in full) (last place of residence) hereby appeal from the decision of the Board of Inquiry (or officer in charge) at this port whereby my application to land in Canada has been rejected, and I have been ordered to be deported to And I deposit herewith the sum of twenty dollars for cost of my maintenance, and ten dollars for the maintenance of each person dependent upon me pending your decision. Dated at the day of.. .19.. Appellant. FORM D. ORDER TO LEAVE CANADA. Canada. The Immigration Act, section 42. To of Whereas it has been shown by evidence satisfactory to His Excellency the Governor in Council that you advocated 40 in Canada the overthrow of the Government of Canada by force or violence (or as the case may be). You are hereby ordered under and by virtue of the auth- ority conferred upon His Excellency by section 42 of the Immigration Act within days after the service of this order upon you, or after its being left for you at your last known address or place of abode, to leave and depart from Canada, and not to return. Dated at Ottawa this day of 19 .. Clerk of the Council. .Seal of the .Privy Council. . FORM E. ORDER OF THE MINISTER OF JUSTICE. Canada. The Immigration Act, section 43. To (Governor or Warden of gaol, prison, reformatory or peni- tentiary) Whereas of has within three years of landing in Canada become an in- mate of , having been con- victed of the crime of And whereas, under the provisions of The Immigration Act, I have been requested by the Minister of the Interior to issue an order to you, the said (warden or governor, as the case may be) to detain the said after expiry of his sentence, or term of imprisonment, and to de- liver him to the officer named in the warrant of the Super- intendent of Immigration with a view to the deportation of the said , Now know you that I, the Minister of Justice of Canada, do hereby, under the provisions of the said Act, order you, the said , to detain and deliver the said (warden or governor) to the officer authorized by warrant of the Superintendent of Immigration, to receive the said from you with a view to his deportation under the provisions of the said Act. 41 For which this shall be your sufficient warrant. Dated at Ottawa this day of .19.. Minister of Justice. Seal of the Department of Justice.. FORM EE. WARRANT OF THE SUPERINTENDENT OF IMMIGRATION. Canada. The Immigration Act, section 43. By the Superintendent of Immigration : To of Whereas of has within three years of his landing in Canada become an inmate of (gaol, prison, reformatory or penitentiary) And whereas, under the provisions of the Immigration Act, the Minister of the Interior has ordered the deportation of the said and has applied to the Minister of Justice for an order addressed to the (governor or warden) of the said (gaol, prison, reformatory or penitentiary) commanding him to detain and deliver the said into your custody after expiry of his sentence or term of imprisonment in the said (gaol, prison, reformatory or penitentiary) with a view to his deportation under the provisions of the said Act. Now know you that I, , Superintendent of Immigration, do hereby order you to receive the said and him safely to keep and (name of prisoner) to convey through any part of Canada, and him to deliver to the transportation company which brought him to Canada, with a view to his deportation to the port from which he came to Canada. For which this shall be your sufficient warrant. Dated at Ottawa this day of .19.. Superintendent of Immigration. f Seal of the \ Department of I the Interior. 42 FORM F. BOND TO APPEAR FOR EXAMINATION. Canada. The Immigration Act, section 33. CANADA : \ In the matter of The Immigration Province of / Act 'and of A.B. Be it remembered that on the day of , in the year nineteen hundred and , A.B., formerly of [state place of domicile before coming to Canada], [occupation], a person seeking to enter or remain in Canada; and L.M. of [name of place], in the said province [occupation], and N.O. of the same place [occupation], personally came before me and acknowledged themselves to owe to our Sovereign Lord the King, his heirs and successors, the several sums following, that is to say: The said A.B. the sum of dollars, and the said L.M. and N.O. the sum of dollars each, of good and lawful current money of Canada, to be made and levied of their several goods and chattels, lands and tenements respectively, to the use of our said Sovereign Lord the King, his heirs and successors, if he, the said A.B. fails in the condition hereunder written. Taken and acknowledged the day and year first above mentioned at in the province afore- said before me [Justice of Peace, or, Notary Public]. The condition of the above written obligation is such, that whereas the said A.B. is held in custody under authority of The Immigration Act for examination touching the right of the said A.B. to enter or remain in Canada; if, therefore, the said A.B. appears before the Board of Inquiry or officer acting as such at the Immigrant Station at on the day of next at the hour of in the noon, and there surrenders himself into custody of an Immigration Officer and submits to examination under the said Act, and dees not attempt to escape from such custody, then this obliga- tion shall be void, otherwise to stand in full force and effect. 43 The following Regulation was promulgated by the Superintendent of Immigration, May 6, 1910: No immigrant shall be treated for any of the diseases specified or re- ferred to in subsection (6) of Section Three of the Immigration Act unless it appears to the satisfaction of the Canadian Immigration Medical Inspec- tor conducting the medical examination that such immigrant was free from disease when leaving his or her home to commence the journey to Canada, and that any disease which the immigrant has at time of arrival in Canada has been contracted or developed during the journey, and that it can be completely and permanently cured within a reasonably short space of time; and further, that no cost shall be incurred by the Department for such treatment. P. C. AT THE GOVERNMENT HOUSE AT OTTAWA, MONDAY, the 9th day of May, 1910. Present: His EXCELLENCY IN COUNCIL. His Excellency in Council is pleased, in virtue of the provisions of Section 37 of the Immigration Act of 9 and 10 Edward VII, to make and doth hereby make the following Regulations: 1. No immigrant, male or female, other than a member of a family provided for under the following regulations shall be permitted to enter Canada between the first day of March and the thirty-first day of October both days inclusive, unless he or she have in actual and personal possession at the time of arrival, money, belonging absolutely to such immigrant, to the amount of at least $25.00 in addition to a ticket or such sum of money as will purchase a ticket or transport for such immigrant to his or her des- tination in Canada. /- 2. If an immigrant so intending to enter Canada is the head of a family rind is accompanied by his or her family or any members thereof, the foregoing regulations shall not apply to such family or the members thereof but the said immigrant head of family shall have in his or her possession, in addition to the said sum of money and means of transport hereinbefore required, a further sum of money, belonging absolutely to such immigrant, equivalent to $25 for each member of the said family of the age of eighteen years or upwards, and $12.50 for each member of said family of the age of five years or upwards and under the age of eighteen years, and in addition tickets or a sum of money equivalent to the cost of transport for all the said members of the family to their place of destination in Canada. 3. Every such immigrant, seeking to enter Canada, between the first day of November and the last day of February both inclusive, shall be subject to the foregoing regulations, with the substitution of $50.00 for $25.00 and $25.00 for $12.50, wherever the said sums of $25.00 and *12.50 are mentioned in the said regulations. 44 4. It shall be the duty of the immigration officers at the various places or ports of entry or landing in Canada to see that the foregoing regulations are complied with. Provided, however, that the immigration agent may, notwithstanding anything hereinbefore contained, exempt any immigrant from the operation of the foregoing regulations if it is shown to his satis- faction that : (a) The immigrant, if a male, is going to assured employment at farm work, and has the means of reaching the place of such employment ; or (6) That the immigrant, if a female, is going to assured employment at domestic service, and has the means of reaching the place of such employ- ment ; or (c) That the immigrant, whether male or female, is of one of the following descriptions, and is going to reside with a relative of one of the following descriptions, who is able and willing to support such immigrant and has the means of reaching the place of residence of such relative (1) Wife going to husband. (2) Child going to parent. (3) Brother or sister going to brother. (4) Minor going to married or independent sister. (5) Parent going to son or daughter.* These regulations shall not apply to immigrants belonging to any Asiatic race. (Sgd). RODOLPHE BOUDREAU, Clerk of the Privy Council. *Note. Persons in Canada desiring the admission of relatives as thus provided should apply to the Superintendent of Immigration, Ottawa, for a blank form of application. P. C. 918. AT THE GOVERNMENT HOUSE AT OTTAWA. MONDAY, the 9th day of May, 1910. Present. HIS EXCELLENCY IN COUNCIL. His Excellency, in virtue of the provisions of section 37 of the immi- gration Act, Statutes of Canada, 9 and 10 Edward VII, and by and with the advice of the King's Privy Council for Canada, is pleased to make and doth hereby make the following regulation: No immigrant shall be permitted to enter Canada if he or she, being a subject or citizen of any country which issues a passport or penal cer- tificate or both to persons emigrating therefrom, fails to produce such passport or penal certificate or both upon demand by the immigration officer in charge, and whether coming to Canada directly or indirectly from any such country. (Sgd.) RODOLPHE BOUDEEAU, Clerk of the Privy Council. 45 P.C. 926. AT THE GOVERNMENT HOUSE AT OTTAWA, MONDAY, the 9th day of May, 1910. Present: HIS EXCELLENCY IN COUNCIL. His Excellency in Council is pleased, under the authority of section 37 of the Immigration Act of 9 and 10 Edward VII, to make and doth hereby make the following regulation : No immigrant of Asiatic origin shall be permitted to enter Canada un- less in actual and personal possession in his or her own right of two hundred dollars, unless such person is a native or subject of an Asiatic country in regard to which special statutory regulations are in force or with which the Government of Canada has made a special treaty, agreement or convention. (Sgd.) RODOLPHE BOUDREAU, Clerk of the Privy Council. P.C. 920. AT THE GOVERNMENT HOUSE AT OTTAWA, MONDAY, the 9th day of May, 1910. Present: HIS EXCELLENCY IN COUNCIL. His Excellency in Council is pleased, under the authority of subsection 1 of section 38 of the Immigration Act of 9 and 10 Edward VII, to make and doth hereby make the following regulation : From and after the date hereof the landing in Canada shall be and the same is hereby prohibited of any immigrants who have come to Canada otherwise than by continuous journey from the country of which they are natives or citizens, and upon through tickets purchased in that country or purchased cr prepaid in Canada. (Sgd.) RODOLPHE BOUDREAU, Clerk of the Privy Council. 46 P.C. 919. AT THE GOVERNMENT HOUSE AT OTTAWA, MONDAY, the 9th day of May, 1910. Present: HIS EXCELLENCY IN COUNCIL. Whereas by section 71 of the Immigration Act, 9 and 10 Edward VII, it is provided as follows : 71. Every inn-keeper or boarding house keeper in any city, town, vil- lage or place in Canada designated by any Order in Council, who receives into his house as a boarder or lodger any immigrant within three months after his arrival in Canada, shall cause to be kept conspicuously posted in the public rooms and passages of his house, and printed upon his business cards, a list of the prices which will be charged to immigrants per day and per week for board and lodging, or both, and also the prices for separate meals, which cards shall also contain the name of the keeper of such house, together with the name of the street in which it is situate, and its number in such street. 2. No such inn-keeper or boarding house keeper shall have any lien on the effects of such immigrant for any amount claimed for such boarding or lodging for any sum exceeding five dollars. And whereas it is considered expedient to bring this section into force in certain places, Therefore His Excellency in Council is pleased to desig- nate and doth hereby designate, for the purpose of the said section 71, the cities of Ottawa and Toronto, in the province of Ontario; the cities of Quebec and Montreal, in the province of Quebec ; the city of Halifax, in the province of Nova Scotia; the city of St. John, in the province of New Brunswick; the city of Winnipeg in the province of Manitoba; and the cities of Vancouver, Victoria and Prince Rupert, in the province of British Columbia, as cities in which every keeper of a tavern, hotel or boarding house therein who receives into his house as a boarder or lodger any immi- grant within three months after his arrival in Canada, shall be subject to the requirements and the provisions of the said section. (Sgd.) RODOLPHE BOUDREAU, Clerk of the Privy Council. The following form ("67 Imm.") shows the evidence that is required tc bring about the deportation of an undesirable immigrant. Copies of this form may be obtained by writing to the Superintendent of Immigration, Ottawa. Letters so addressed are carried post free. The recommendation to deport should be signed by a Mayor, Reeve or other public officer having cognizance of the facts. The space for Doctor's certificate may be left blank in cases other than those in which the cause of deportation is disease, or mental or physical disability. 47 FOR THE INFORMATION OF THE SUPERINTENDENT OF IMMIGRATION, OTTAWA. 10.. btatemeni in re (undesirable immigrant) Age Nationality Arrived at the Port of by S.S Date of landing Travelled inland on Railway Present whereabouts Why Deportation is suggested (The grounds should be stated as nearly as possible in the terms of the Immigration Act) History in Canada Whether able to pay the whole or any part of the cost of transportation Name and address of friends in the Old Country Relationship . . . Doctor's Certificate . , M.D. (address) Deportation recommended by (address) Form 67, Imm. NOTE. Four copies of above .are required, and if the undesirable is thought to be an American Citizen,-by birth or naturalization, another form, 4 '67 A," is also required to be completed in quadruplicate. 48 The following is a copy of a notice issued by the Superintendent of Immigration, on the 20th February, 1911. NOTICE. The undersigned has the honour to draw the attention of all parties concerned to the following Order in Council: "P.C. 269 AT THE GOVERNMENT HOUSE AT OTTAWA, Wednesday, the 15th day of February, 1911. PRESENT: HIS EXCELLENCY IN COUNCIL: His Excellency in Council, in virtue of the provisions of Section 31, of the Immigration Act, is pleased to Order and it is hereby Ordered as follows: 1. It shall be the duty of transportation companies to provide, equip and maintain suitable buildings for the examination and detention of p'assengers for any purpose under the Immigration Act at every port of entry and border station designated by the Minister of the Interior of Canada at which they carry on any business. 2. Any transportation Company failing to comply with the foregoing Regulation shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding One Thousand Dollars. RODOLPHE BOUDREAU, Clerk of the Privy Council." The Honourable the Minister of the Interior has designated the following ports of entry and border stations as places to- which the above Order in Council shall apply :-- IN THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO- Bridgeburg, Prescott, Cornwall, Sarnia, Fort Erie, Sault Ste. Marie, Fort Frances, Toronto, Niagara Fails, Windsor. Port Arthur, 49 IN THE PROVINCE OF QUEBEC Athelstan, Megantic, Beebe Junction, St. John's, Coaticook, Paquetteville. Highwater, IN THE PROVINCE OF NEW BRUNSWICK Debec Junction, Paquetville, McAdam Junction, St. Stephen. IN THE PROVINCE OF MANITOBA Bannerman, Gretna, Emerson, Sprague. IN THE PROVINCE OF SASKATCHEWAN North Portal. IN THE PROVINCE OF ALBERTA Coutts. IN THE PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA Grand Forks, Paterson, Huntingdon, Waneta, Kingsgate, White Rock. W. D. SCOTT, Superintendent of Immigration. Department of the Interior, Ottawa, February 20th, 1911. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. 25AG'5CED RECD APR 1 6 1962 IN STACKS FEB 21 1956 JANS LD 21-100m-ll,'49(B7146sl6)476 N6 197f m JAN 04 1993 CCiRC YC 0983! IL 6 !^ 1 -^ LIBRARIES 543C UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY